stringlengths 18
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3A168396733X.jsonld | ['Wider die Utopie einer umfassenden Kontrolle : kritische Überlegungen zum Transhumanismus'] | ['Kritik des transhumanistischen Denkens -- Kontrolle des Menschen -- Übersimplifizierung -- Kontrolle des Transhumanen - Passivierung -- Kontrolle des Posthumanen - Kategorienfehler'] | ['gnd:1045257915', 'gnd:4033447-8', 'gnd:4045791-6', 'gnd:4068097-6', 'gnd:4123065-6', 'gnd:4126976-7', ''] | ['Loh, Janina', 'Künstliche Intelligenz', 'Philosophie', 'Zukunft', 'Digitalisierung', 'Technikphilosophie'] | Document
### Title: ['Wider die Utopie einer umfassenden Kontrolle : kritische Überlegungen zum Transhumanismus']
### Abstract:
['Kritik des transhumanistischen Denkens -- Kontrolle des Menschen -- Übersimplifizierung -- Kontrolle des Transhumanen - Passivierung -- Kontrolle des Posthumanen - Kategorienfehler']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1045257915', 'gnd:4033447-8', 'gnd:4045791-6', 'gnd:4068097-6', 'gnd:4123065-6', 'gnd:4126976-7', '']
### GND class:
['Loh, Janina', 'Künstliche Intelligenz', 'Philosophie', 'Zukunft', 'Digitalisierung', 'Technikphilosophie']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1700066242.jsonld | ['Energie- und Lademanagement für eine CO2-neutralen Beladung von batterieelektrisch betriebenen Service-Fahrzeugen auf dem Flughafenvorfeld'] | ['Im Projekt: ALEC (Alternation * Light * Electric * Constructions) ist eine der Zielstellungen die Realisierung einer CO2-neutralen elektrischen Nachladung von batterieelektrisch betriebenen Service-Fahrzeugen auf dem Flughafenvorfeld zu ermöglichen. Für die Umsetzung der obenstehenden Zielsetzung stellen die Autoren ihr Konzept und den Umsetzungstand zum Zusammenspiel zwischen lokalem Lademanagementsystem (LMS) und überlagertem Energiemanagementsystem (üEMS) vor. Das LMS übernimmt hierbei die Funktion der Datenaufbereitung und -aggregation verschiedener Informationen der einzelnen Elektrofahrzeuge. Unter Verwendung der aggregierten Informationen aus den LMS und der erwarteten Energiebereitstellung aus lokalen, erneuerbaren Quellen ermittelt das üEMS die optimale, CO2-minimale elektrische Nachladung der Elektrofahrzeugflotte auf dem Flughafenvorfeld. Der auf diesem Weg generierte Flottenladefahrplan wird abschließend im LMS disaggregiert und fahrzeugspezifische Ladefahrpläne generiert.'] | ['gnd:1028974965', 'gnd:4014736-8', 'gnd:4068598-6', ''] | ['Bretschneider, Peter', 'Energieversorgung', 'Erneuerbare Energien'] | Document
### Title: ['Energie- und Lademanagement für eine CO2-neutralen Beladung von batterieelektrisch betriebenen Service-Fahrzeugen auf dem Flughafenvorfeld']
### Abstract:
['Im Projekt: ALEC (Alternation * Light * Electric * Constructions) ist eine der Zielstellungen die Realisierung einer CO2-neutralen elektrischen Nachladung von batterieelektrisch betriebenen Service-Fahrzeugen auf dem Flughafenvorfeld zu ermöglichen. Für die Umsetzung der obenstehenden Zielsetzung stellen die Autoren ihr Konzept und den Umsetzungstand zum Zusammenspiel zwischen lokalem Lademanagementsystem (LMS) und überlagertem Energiemanagementsystem (üEMS) vor. Das LMS übernimmt hierbei die Funktion der Datenaufbereitung und -aggregation verschiedener Informationen der einzelnen Elektrofahrzeuge. Unter Verwendung der aggregierten Informationen aus den LMS und der erwarteten Energiebereitstellung aus lokalen, erneuerbaren Quellen ermittelt das üEMS die optimale, CO2-minimale elektrische Nachladung der Elektrofahrzeugflotte auf dem Flughafenvorfeld. Der auf diesem Weg generierte Flottenladefahrplan wird abschließend im LMS disaggregiert und fahrzeugspezifische Ladefahrpläne generiert.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1028974965', 'gnd:4014736-8', 'gnd:4068598-6', '']
### GND class:
['Bretschneider, Peter', 'Energieversorgung', 'Erneuerbare Energien']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1745340726.jsonld | ['Analyse von schmelz- und pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten geschlossenporigen Metallschäumen auf Aluminium-Basis'] | ['Zellulare Materialien zeigen aufgrund ihrer porösen Struktur Eigenschaften, mit denen neue Anwendungsgebiete erschlossen werden können. Neben Polymer- und Keramikschäumen rücken besonders metallische zellulare Materialien, vor allem die Metallschäume, in den Mittelpunkt der Forschung. Aufgrund des zellularen Aufbaus dieser Materialien können vergleichsweise geringe spezifische Dichten erreicht werden. Dadurch eignen sich Metallschäume besonders für Leichtbauanwendungen mit gutem Energieabsorptionsvermögen. Die Herstellung zellularer Metalle erfolgt prinzipiell über einen schmelz- oder pulvermetallurgischen Prozess. Mit diesen verschiedenen Verfahren ist es möglich, sowohl geschlossenporige als auch offenporige Metallschäume zu erzeugen. In der Praxis finden zurzeit hauptsächlich Schäume auf Aluminiumbasis in Kleinserien ihre Anwendung. - Für reproduzierbare mechanische aber auch funktionale Eigenschaften ist eine homogene Verteilung der Poren von besonderer Bedeutung. Offenporige Metallschäume besitzen bedingt durch ihren Herstellungsprozess einen homogenen Aufbau im Vergleich zum geschlossenporigen Metallschaum. Durch die Herstellung auf pulvermetallurgischem Weg ergibt sich eine Vielzahl von Parametern, die Einfluss auf die Porenverteilung während des Schäumprozesses nehmen. Neben der Temperaturführung spielen vor allem Legierungsbestandteile und Additive eine wichtige Rolle. Dabei ist vor allem die Struktur-Gefüge-Eigenschaftsbeziehung der zellularen Werkstoffe bedeutend. In diesem Beitrag werden erste Mikro- und Makro-Strukturen von geschlossenporigen Aluminiumschäumen analysiert und verglichen. Dazu werden Additive (beispielsweise Titan aus dem Treibmittel TiH2) auf ihre Verteilung im Material hin untersucht. - Ziel ist es, die Verteilung als auch die Abhängigkeit der Legierungsbestandteile in Bezug auf den Aufschäumprozesses zu analysieren, um eine systematische Optimierung des Herstellungsprozesses in Bezug auf Pulverzusammensetzung, Pulvergrößen, Kompaktierungsgrad, Vorbehandlungen und Temperaturregime zu ermöglichen.'] | ['gnd:132368498', 'gnd:4169614-1', ''] | ['Lange, Günther', 'Metallographie'] | Document
### Title: ['Analyse von schmelz- und pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten geschlossenporigen Metallschäumen auf Aluminium-Basis']
### Abstract:
['Zellulare Materialien zeigen aufgrund ihrer porösen Struktur Eigenschaften, mit denen neue Anwendungsgebiete erschlossen werden können. Neben Polymer- und Keramikschäumen rücken besonders metallische zellulare Materialien, vor allem die Metallschäume, in den Mittelpunkt der Forschung. Aufgrund des zellularen Aufbaus dieser Materialien können vergleichsweise geringe spezifische Dichten erreicht werden. Dadurch eignen sich Metallschäume besonders für Leichtbauanwendungen mit gutem Energieabsorptionsvermögen. Die Herstellung zellularer Metalle erfolgt prinzipiell über einen schmelz- oder pulvermetallurgischen Prozess. Mit diesen verschiedenen Verfahren ist es möglich, sowohl geschlossenporige als auch offenporige Metallschäume zu erzeugen. In der Praxis finden zurzeit hauptsächlich Schäume auf Aluminiumbasis in Kleinserien ihre Anwendung. - Für reproduzierbare mechanische aber auch funktionale Eigenschaften ist eine homogene Verteilung der Poren von besonderer Bedeutung. Offenporige Metallschäume besitzen bedingt durch ihren Herstellungsprozess einen homogenen Aufbau im Vergleich zum geschlossenporigen Metallschaum. Durch die Herstellung auf pulvermetallurgischem Weg ergibt sich eine Vielzahl von Parametern, die Einfluss auf die Porenverteilung während des Schäumprozesses nehmen. Neben der Temperaturführung spielen vor allem Legierungsbestandteile und Additive eine wichtige Rolle. Dabei ist vor allem die Struktur-Gefüge-Eigenschaftsbeziehung der zellularen Werkstoffe bedeutend. In diesem Beitrag werden erste Mikro- und Makro-Strukturen von geschlossenporigen Aluminiumschäumen analysiert und verglichen. Dazu werden Additive (beispielsweise Titan aus dem Treibmittel TiH2) auf ihre Verteilung im Material hin untersucht. - Ziel ist es, die Verteilung als auch die Abhängigkeit der Legierungsbestandteile in Bezug auf den Aufschäumprozesses zu analysieren, um eine systematische Optimierung des Herstellungsprozesses in Bezug auf Pulverzusammensetzung, Pulvergrößen, Kompaktierungsgrad, Vorbehandlungen und Temperaturregime zu ermöglichen.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:132368498', 'gnd:4169614-1', '']
### GND class:
['Lange, Günther', 'Metallographie']
<|eot_id|> |
3A175995943X.jsonld | ['Investigation of the seismic behaviour of structural and nonstructural components in industrial facilities by means of shaking table tests'] | ['Achtung: Die Tagung fand Online 2021 statt; Der Band war aber schon 2020 vom Verlag erstellt worden ( Info vom Veranstalter 10/2023; 705)'] | ['gnd:143861115', 'gnd:4026801-9', 'gnd:4113456-4', ''] | ['Gündel, Max', 'Industrieanlage', 'Erdbebensicherheit'] | Document
### Title: ['Investigation of the seismic behaviour of structural and nonstructural components in industrial facilities by means of shaking table tests']
### Abstract:
['Achtung: Die Tagung fand Online 2021 statt; Der Band war aber schon 2020 vom Verlag erstellt worden ( Info vom Veranstalter 10/2023; 705)']
### GND ID:
['gnd:143861115', 'gnd:4026801-9', 'gnd:4113456-4', '']
### GND class:
['Gündel, Max', 'Industrieanlage', 'Erdbebensicherheit']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1762285525.jsonld | ['Optimierung eines parametrischen Fundamentalmodells zur Kraftwerkseinsatzplanung'] | ['Die Strompreisprognose stellt eine wichtige sehr Eingangsgröße für die Optimierung der eigenen Position am Strommarkt dar. Mit ihrer Hilfe lassen sich Handelserlöse vergrößern und Risiken minimieren. Für die Prognose kommen dabei verschiedene Verfahren zum Einsatz. Eine Modellierungsmethode sind die sogenannten Fundamentalmodelle (FM). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz vorgeschlagen und untersucht, der einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Prognosegüte von datensparsamen FM leistet. Diese Verbesserung betrifft insbesondere die Güte des zu prognostizierenden Kraftwerkseinsatzes, welcher eine signifikante Zwischengröße bei der Strompreisprognose mit FM darstellt. Die Arbeit ist folgendermaßen aufgebaut: Abschnitt 1 liefert eine kurze Einführung und Übersicht zum Thema der Strompreisprognose. Der Abschnitt 2 erläutert das Funktionsprinzip eines FM, bevor im Abschnitt 3 das weiterentwickelte Modell beschrieben wird. Im Abschnitt 4 werden die Ergebnisse einer exemplarischen Untersuchung vorgestellt und in Abschnitt 5 evaluiert.'] | ['gnd:1028974965', 'gnd:4068598-6', ''] | ['Bretschneider, Peter', 'Erneuerbare Energien'] | Document
### Title: ['Optimierung eines parametrischen Fundamentalmodells zur Kraftwerkseinsatzplanung']
### Abstract:
['Die Strompreisprognose stellt eine wichtige sehr Eingangsgröße für die Optimierung der eigenen Position am Strommarkt dar. Mit ihrer Hilfe lassen sich Handelserlöse vergrößern und Risiken minimieren. Für die Prognose kommen dabei verschiedene Verfahren zum Einsatz. Eine Modellierungsmethode sind die sogenannten Fundamentalmodelle (FM). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz vorgeschlagen und untersucht, der einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Prognosegüte von datensparsamen FM leistet. Diese Verbesserung betrifft insbesondere die Güte des zu prognostizierenden Kraftwerkseinsatzes, welcher eine signifikante Zwischengröße bei der Strompreisprognose mit FM darstellt. Die Arbeit ist folgendermaßen aufgebaut: Abschnitt 1 liefert eine kurze Einführung und Übersicht zum Thema der Strompreisprognose. Der Abschnitt 2 erläutert das Funktionsprinzip eines FM, bevor im Abschnitt 3 das weiterentwickelte Modell beschrieben wird. Im Abschnitt 4 werden die Ergebnisse einer exemplarischen Untersuchung vorgestellt und in Abschnitt 5 evaluiert.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1028974965', 'gnd:4068598-6', '']
### GND class:
['Bretschneider, Peter', 'Erneuerbare Energien']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1785279394.jsonld | ['Der Löhrerhof in Hürth : Denkmalgerechte Planung und Sanierung'] | ['"Der Löhrerhof ist eine bäuerliche Hofanlage aus dem 19. Jh. im Stadtteil Alt-Hürth, die zuletzt hauptsächlich als Kunst- und Kulturzentrum genutzt wurde."'] | ['gnd:1193592402', 'gnd:4004770-2', 'gnd:4004927-9', 'gnd:4011455-7', 'gnd:4026083-5', 'gnd:4027151-1', 'gnd:4042840-0', 'gnd:4049600-4', 'gnd:4071095-6', 'gnd:4136811-3', ''] | ['Jepsen, Eric P.', 'Bauernhof', 'Bauschaden', 'Denkmalpflege', 'Hürth', 'Instandsetzung', 'Nutzungsänderung', 'Restaurierung', 'Fachwerkbau', 'Kulturzentrum'] | Document
### Title: ['Der Löhrerhof in Hürth : Denkmalgerechte Planung und Sanierung']
### Abstract:
['"Der Löhrerhof ist eine bäuerliche Hofanlage aus dem 19. Jh. im Stadtteil Alt-Hürth, die zuletzt hauptsächlich als Kunst- und Kulturzentrum genutzt wurde."']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1193592402', 'gnd:4004770-2', 'gnd:4004927-9', 'gnd:4011455-7', 'gnd:4026083-5', 'gnd:4027151-1', 'gnd:4042840-0', 'gnd:4049600-4', 'gnd:4071095-6', 'gnd:4136811-3', '']
### GND class:
['Jepsen, Eric P.', 'Bauernhof', 'Bauschaden', 'Denkmalpflege', 'Hürth', 'Instandsetzung', 'Nutzungsänderung', 'Restaurierung', 'Fachwerkbau', 'Kulturzentrum']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1499846525.jsonld | ['Technologie und Kommunikation : Innovationsschübe vor dem Hintergrund der Außenbeziehungen Altägyptens'] | ['What effect do spatial mobility and migrations have on the diffusion of knowledge? In this volume, papers dealing with the topic have been collected from various culture-historical and theoretical disciplines. Chronologically they range from non-literate cultures to an insight into contemporary research on economic innovation. The interdisciplinary contributions reveal in different ways the relationships between spatial mobility and the transfer of knowledge, thus allowing the phenomenon to be structured in both historical and non-literate ages.'] | ['gnd:1018724389', 'gnd:4001480-0', 'gnd:4027089-0', 'gnd:4033596-3', 'gnd:4066559-8', 'gnd:4076600-7', 'gnd:4165992-2', ''] | ['Wilde, Heike', 'Altertum', 'Innovation', 'Kulturwandel', 'Wissen', 'Regionale Mobilität', 'Kulturvermittlung'] | Document
### Title: ['Technologie und Kommunikation : Innovationsschübe vor dem Hintergrund der Außenbeziehungen Altägyptens']
### Abstract:
['What effect do spatial mobility and migrations have on the diffusion of knowledge? In this volume, papers dealing with the topic have been collected from various culture-historical and theoretical disciplines. Chronologically they range from non-literate cultures to an insight into contemporary research on economic innovation. The interdisciplinary contributions reveal in different ways the relationships between spatial mobility and the transfer of knowledge, thus allowing the phenomenon to be structured in both historical and non-literate ages.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1018724389', 'gnd:4001480-0', 'gnd:4027089-0', 'gnd:4033596-3', 'gnd:4066559-8', 'gnd:4076600-7', 'gnd:4165992-2', '']
### GND class:
['Wilde, Heike', 'Altertum', 'Innovation', 'Kulturwandel', 'Wissen', 'Regionale Mobilität', 'Kulturvermittlung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1698439806.jsonld | ['Nano-structured diffraction gratings as polarizing beam splitters under vertical incidence'] | ['Polarizing beam splitters have numerous applications in optical systems, e.g. for the measurement of freeform surfaces. We present a design and manufacturing process for a nanostructured diffraction grating with optimized diffraction efficiencies for TE- and TM-polarization, which acts as a beam splitter over a long range of incidence angles. First measurements confirm a strong difference in diffraction efficiencies.'] | ['gnd:1232186570', 'gnd:1232187119', 'gnd:13000930X', 'gnd:4603135-2', ''] | ['Wüster, Julian', 'Feßer, Patrick', 'Sinzinger, Stefan', 'Diffraktives optisches Element'] | Document
### Title: ['Nano-structured diffraction gratings as polarizing beam splitters under vertical incidence']
### Abstract:
['Polarizing beam splitters have numerous applications in optical systems, e.g. for the measurement of freeform surfaces. We present a design and manufacturing process for a nanostructured diffraction grating with optimized diffraction efficiencies for TE- and TM-polarization, which acts as a beam splitter over a long range of incidence angles. First measurements confirm a strong difference in diffraction efficiencies.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1232186570', 'gnd:1232187119', 'gnd:13000930X', 'gnd:4603135-2', '']
### GND class:
['Wüster, Julian', 'Feßer, Patrick', 'Sinzinger, Stefan', 'Diffraktives optisches Element']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1734285648.jsonld | ['Employees’ Vulnerability — The Challenge When Introducing New Technologies in Local Authorities'] | ['While it is well-known that the implementation of new technologies requires appropriate technical capabilities, research has for a long time almost neglected the behavioural capabilities of organisation’s employees to adopt innovative technologies. Employees have to trust new technologies and thus, to be willing to become vulnerable when they adopting it as they have to cope with something they are not familiar with. This paper highlights the challenge for local authorities to cope with employees’ unwillingness to become vulnerable when it comes to implementing new technologies in local authorities. Based on semi-structured interviews that have been conducted under the umbrella of the European project SUITS, we were able to identify two indicators for the unwillingness of employees to adopt new technologies - attribution of negative motives and incongruence of values. Furthermore, we show best practise examples how to overcome the negative consequences of the unwillingness to become vulnerable and to be able to implement new technologies successfully in the long-run. Our practical implications in the end are derived by the experiences when introducing new technologies in the partner cities of the SUITS project.'] | ['gnd:1013075447', 'gnd:1252478704', 'gnd:4039785-3', ''] | ['Nienaber, Ann-Marie', 'Spundflasch, Sebastian', 'Mobilität'] | Document
### Title: ['Employees’ Vulnerability — The Challenge When Introducing New Technologies in Local Authorities']
### Abstract:
['While it is well-known that the implementation of new technologies requires appropriate technical capabilities, research has for a long time almost neglected the behavioural capabilities of organisation’s employees to adopt innovative technologies. Employees have to trust new technologies and thus, to be willing to become vulnerable when they adopting it as they have to cope with something they are not familiar with. This paper highlights the challenge for local authorities to cope with employees’ unwillingness to become vulnerable when it comes to implementing new technologies in local authorities. Based on semi-structured interviews that have been conducted under the umbrella of the European project SUITS, we were able to identify two indicators for the unwillingness of employees to adopt new technologies - attribution of negative motives and incongruence of values. Furthermore, we show best practise examples how to overcome the negative consequences of the unwillingness to become vulnerable and to be able to implement new technologies successfully in the long-run. Our practical implications in the end are derived by the experiences when introducing new technologies in the partner cities of the SUITS project.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1013075447', 'gnd:1252478704', 'gnd:4039785-3', '']
### GND class:
['Nienaber, Ann-Marie', 'Spundflasch, Sebastian', 'Mobilität']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1734286210.jsonld | ['Design Guidelines for the Simulation of the Usage Context "Station" in VR Environment.'] | ['Virtual environments are best suited for developing new information concepts for public transport. The paper deals with this possibility and examines immersion and presence for the two end devices CAVE and HMD. As an example a virtual system with dynamic and interactive elements is examined. The paper shows the relevant guidelines that a virtual environment has to fulfill in order to perform a meaningful test. For a realistic virtual environment, the travel chain and the individual elements in stations were examined in advance. Thus, a virtual model was created which contained real elements such as sound, avatars, information points, trains and ticket machines. The test persons were thus able to fully immerse themselves in the station.'] | ['gnd:1231744200', 'gnd:4039785-3', ''] | ['Koreng, Regina', 'Mobilität'] | Document
### Title: ['Design Guidelines for the Simulation of the Usage Context "Station" in VR Environment.']
### Abstract:
['Virtual environments are best suited for developing new information concepts for public transport. The paper deals with this possibility and examines immersion and presence for the two end devices CAVE and HMD. As an example a virtual system with dynamic and interactive elements is examined. The paper shows the relevant guidelines that a virtual environment has to fulfill in order to perform a meaningful test. For a realistic virtual environment, the travel chain and the individual elements in stations were examined in advance. Thus, a virtual model was created which contained real elements such as sound, avatars, information points, trains and ticket machines. The test persons were thus able to fully immerse themselves in the station.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1231744200', 'gnd:4039785-3', '']
### GND class:
['Koreng, Regina', 'Mobilität']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1735134163.jsonld | ['Adapted Process Model for Manufacturing Within Production Networks'] | ['The paper concentrates on the external elimination of bottlenecks by using congruent shared capacities within a non-hierarchical organized network. The study assumes that the capacity of assembly can be adapted by increasing the resources of the company. Conversely, the capacity of production is restricted by technological requirements and regulated by machine resources.To relieve capacity by external measures within a non-hierarchical organized network, an adapted process model is required. For this purpose, critical issues for the process flow within a network are identified and necessary regulations suggested.The paper presents the possibility of integrating the adapted approach into the operations management process as well as into systems of production planning and control and deduces the necessary information that is required to ensure the economic viability of bottleneck removal.'] | ['gnd:137074212', 'gnd:4329079-6', ''] | ['Bergmann, Jean Pierre', 'Fertigungstechnik'] | Document
### Title: ['Adapted Process Model for Manufacturing Within Production Networks']
### Abstract:
['The paper concentrates on the external elimination of bottlenecks by using congruent shared capacities within a non-hierarchical organized network. The study assumes that the capacity of assembly can be adapted by increasing the resources of the company. Conversely, the capacity of production is restricted by technological requirements and regulated by machine resources.To relieve capacity by external measures within a non-hierarchical organized network, an adapted process model is required. For this purpose, critical issues for the process flow within a network are identified and necessary regulations suggested.The paper presents the possibility of integrating the adapted approach into the operations management process as well as into systems of production planning and control and deduces the necessary information that is required to ensure the economic viability of bottleneck removal.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:137074212', 'gnd:4329079-6', '']
### GND class:
['Bergmann, Jean Pierre', 'Fertigungstechnik']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1755559356.jsonld | ['Development of a test environment for the evaluation of human-technology interaction in cockpits of highly-automated vehicles'] | ['This paper presents a technologically independent framework to describe test environments suitable for the examination of the driver take-over task present in highly-automated vehicles. As part of a structural analysis, typical influencing factors and parameters defining the driver take-over task are discussed. According to literature, existing studies examining the driver take-over task make use of various test environments. However, the comparability of their results is not given without a detailed understanding of these. Hence, based on established literature, a technologically independent framework has been developed which can be used to describe the distinct test environments. It turned out, that the referenced models had to be partially restructured in order to be suitable for the description of such test environments. The focus of the present paper lies on their technical implementation characterized by stimulus materials, which have been holistically examined for the driver take-over task. Since stimulus materials provide the foundation of a specification of test environments, this work presents an initial step towards a test specification aiming on making results obtained from examinations of the driver take-over task comparable.'] | ['gnd:1278445129', 'gnd:4125909-9', ''] | ['Schnöll, Patrick', 'Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation'] | Document
### Title: ['Development of a test environment for the evaluation of human-technology interaction in cockpits of highly-automated vehicles']
### Abstract:
['This paper presents a technologically independent framework to describe test environments suitable for the examination of the driver take-over task present in highly-automated vehicles. As part of a structural analysis, typical influencing factors and parameters defining the driver take-over task are discussed. According to literature, existing studies examining the driver take-over task make use of various test environments. However, the comparability of their results is not given without a detailed understanding of these. Hence, based on established literature, a technologically independent framework has been developed which can be used to describe the distinct test environments. It turned out, that the referenced models had to be partially restructured in order to be suitable for the description of such test environments. The focus of the present paper lies on their technical implementation characterized by stimulus materials, which have been holistically examined for the driver take-over task. Since stimulus materials provide the foundation of a specification of test environments, this work presents an initial step towards a test specification aiming on making results obtained from examinations of the driver take-over task comparable.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1278445129', 'gnd:4125909-9', '']
### GND class:
['Schnöll, Patrick', 'Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1759391212.jsonld | ['Ensemble size classification in Colombian Andean string music recordings'] | ['Reliable methods for automatic retrieval of semantic information from large digital music archives can play a critical role in musicological research and musical heritage preservation. With the advancement of machine learning techniques, new possibilities for information retrieval in scenarios where ground-truth data is scarce are now available. This work investigates the problem of ensemble size classification in music recordings. For this purpose, a new dataset of Colombian Andean string music was compiled and annotated by musicological experts. Different neural network architectures, as well as pre-processing steps and data augmentation techniques were systematically evaluated and optimized. The best deep neural network architecture achieved 81.5% file-wise mean class accuracy using only feed forward layers with linear magnitude spectrograms as input representation. This model will serve as a baseline for future research on ensemble size classification.'] | ['gnd:1062730054', 'gnd:1067162437', 'gnd:4031630-0', 'gnd:4040802-4', 'gnd:4135339-0', ''] | ['Cano, Estefanía', 'Grollmisch, Sascha', 'Kognition', 'Musik', 'Notenschrift'] | Document
### Title: ['Ensemble size classification in Colombian Andean string music recordings']
### Abstract:
['Reliable methods for automatic retrieval of semantic information from large digital music archives can play a critical role in musicological research and musical heritage preservation. With the advancement of machine learning techniques, new possibilities for information retrieval in scenarios where ground-truth data is scarce are now available. This work investigates the problem of ensemble size classification in music recordings. For this purpose, a new dataset of Colombian Andean string music was compiled and annotated by musicological experts. Different neural network architectures, as well as pre-processing steps and data augmentation techniques were systematically evaluated and optimized. The best deep neural network architecture achieved 81.5% file-wise mean class accuracy using only feed forward layers with linear magnitude spectrograms as input representation. This model will serve as a baseline for future research on ensemble size classification.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1062730054', 'gnd:1067162437', 'gnd:4031630-0', 'gnd:4040802-4', 'gnd:4135339-0', '']
### GND class:
['Cano, Estefanía', 'Grollmisch, Sascha', 'Kognition', 'Musik', 'Notenschrift']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1759792217.jsonld | ['Performance of similitude methods for structural vibration analyses of rectangular plates'] | ['Engineers often use similitude analyses to design small scale models for experimental tests or to design size ranges of mechanical structures such as drive technology systems. This paper is concerned with similitude analysis methods for vibration analyses of rectangular plates. If their geometry is scaled by different factors (distorted similitude), the scaling laws approximate the actual vibration responses with a certain accuracy only. This paper introduces a performance measure that reliably assesses how well the scaling laws approximate the actual vibration responses of rectangular plates. This measure, the so-called Mahalanobis distance, applies in a-posteriori analyses, where the vibration responses obtained from the scaling laws are compared to the actual ones. Numerical and experimental investigations on vibrating rectangular plates validate that the Mahalanobis distance is suitable to assess the performance of similitude analyses. The Mahalanobis distance can be linked to the geometrical properties of the rectangular plates in order to define a maximum permissible distortion of the geometry. Scaling laws approximate the vibration responses of the rectangular plates sufficiently well up to this maximum permissible distortion. Furthermore, the performance of two different state-of-the-art similitude analysis methods is compared. Both similitude analysis methods are found to perform well up to the maximum permissible amount of geometrical distortion.'] | ['gnd:1188073729', 'gnd:123753635', 'gnd:129244279', 'gnd:4032317-1', 'gnd:4038168-7', 'gnd:4054947-1', 'gnd:4058812-9', 'gnd:4067488-5', 'gnd:4132811-5', 'gnd:4511937-5', ''] | ['Adams, Christian', 'Melz, Tobias', 'Bös, Joachim', 'Kontrolltheorie', 'Mechanik', 'Signalverarbeitung', 'Systemtheorie', 'Zeitschrift', 'Mechanisches System', 'Online-Ressource'] | Document
### Title: ['Performance of similitude methods for structural vibration analyses of rectangular plates']
### Abstract:
['Engineers often use similitude analyses to design small scale models for experimental tests or to design size ranges of mechanical structures such as drive technology systems. This paper is concerned with similitude analysis methods for vibration analyses of rectangular plates. If their geometry is scaled by different factors (distorted similitude), the scaling laws approximate the actual vibration responses with a certain accuracy only. This paper introduces a performance measure that reliably assesses how well the scaling laws approximate the actual vibration responses of rectangular plates. This measure, the so-called Mahalanobis distance, applies in a-posteriori analyses, where the vibration responses obtained from the scaling laws are compared to the actual ones. Numerical and experimental investigations on vibrating rectangular plates validate that the Mahalanobis distance is suitable to assess the performance of similitude analyses. The Mahalanobis distance can be linked to the geometrical properties of the rectangular plates in order to define a maximum permissible distortion of the geometry. Scaling laws approximate the vibration responses of the rectangular plates sufficiently well up to this maximum permissible distortion. Furthermore, the performance of two different state-of-the-art similitude analysis methods is compared. Both similitude analysis methods are found to perform well up to the maximum permissible amount of geometrical distortion.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1188073729', 'gnd:123753635', 'gnd:129244279', 'gnd:4032317-1', 'gnd:4038168-7', 'gnd:4054947-1', 'gnd:4058812-9', 'gnd:4067488-5', 'gnd:4132811-5', 'gnd:4511937-5', '']
### GND class:
['Adams, Christian', 'Melz, Tobias', 'Bös, Joachim', 'Kontrolltheorie', 'Mechanik', 'Signalverarbeitung', 'Systemtheorie', 'Zeitschrift', 'Mechanisches System', 'Online-Ressource']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1769453547.jsonld | ['Increasing side-channel resistance by netlist randomization and FPGA-based reconfiguration'] | ['Modern FPGAs are equipped with the possibility of Partial Reconfiguration (PR) which along with other benefits can be used to enhance the security of cryptographic implementations. This feature requires development of alternative designs to be exchanged during run-time. In this work, we propose dynamically alterable circuits by exploring netlist randomization which can be utilized with PR as a countermeasure against physical attacks, in particular side-channel attacks. The proposed approach involves modification of an AES implementation at the netlist level in order to create circuit variants which are functionally identical but structurally different. In preliminary experiments, power traces of these variants have been shuffled to replicate the effect of partial reconfiguration. With these dynamic circuits, our experimental results show an increase in the resistance against power side-channel attacks by a factor of [Tilde] 12.6 on a Xilinx ZYNQ UltraScale+ device.'] | ['gnd:1135808198', 'gnd:123615732X', 'gnd:142977179', 'gnd:4075860-6', 'gnd:4238872-7', 'gnd:4347749-5', 'gnd:4396978-1', ''] | ['Reconfigurable Computing', 'Hettwer, Benjamin', 'Ziener, Daniel', 'Parallelverarbeitung', 'Verteiltes System', 'Field programmable gate array', 'Eingebettetes System'] | Document
### Title: ['Increasing side-channel resistance by netlist randomization and FPGA-based reconfiguration']
### Abstract:
['Modern FPGAs are equipped with the possibility of Partial Reconfiguration (PR) which along with other benefits can be used to enhance the security of cryptographic implementations. This feature requires development of alternative designs to be exchanged during run-time. In this work, we propose dynamically alterable circuits by exploring netlist randomization which can be utilized with PR as a countermeasure against physical attacks, in particular side-channel attacks. The proposed approach involves modification of an AES implementation at the netlist level in order to create circuit variants which are functionally identical but structurally different. In preliminary experiments, power traces of these variants have been shuffled to replicate the effect of partial reconfiguration. With these dynamic circuits, our experimental results show an increase in the resistance against power side-channel attacks by a factor of [Tilde] 12.6 on a Xilinx ZYNQ UltraScale+ device.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1135808198', 'gnd:123615732X', 'gnd:142977179', 'gnd:4075860-6', 'gnd:4238872-7', 'gnd:4347749-5', 'gnd:4396978-1', '']
### GND class:
['Reconfigurable Computing', 'Hettwer, Benjamin', 'Ziener, Daniel', 'Parallelverarbeitung', 'Verteiltes System', 'Field programmable gate array', 'Eingebettetes System']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1770703179.jsonld | ['Methods of usability testing for users with cognitive impairments'] | ['One challenge of the user-centered development of accessible information systems is the conduction of cognitively impaired persons in usability tests. The paper gathers existing guidelines for the application of usability testing with cognitively impaired people and shows empirical values for modified usability tests based on a case study. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of on site and remote usability testing are presented in a comparative study. Especially in the context of COVID-19, remote testing has gained in relevance in the present time.'] | ['gnd:133013545', 'gnd:4005541-3', 'gnd:4125909-9', ''] | ['Krömker, Heidi', 'Benutzerfreundlichkeit', 'Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation'] | Document
### Title: ['Methods of usability testing for users with cognitive impairments']
### Abstract:
['One challenge of the user-centered development of accessible information systems is the conduction of cognitively impaired persons in usability tests. The paper gathers existing guidelines for the application of usability testing with cognitively impaired people and shows empirical values for modified usability tests based on a case study. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of on site and remote usability testing are presented in a comparative study. Especially in the context of COVID-19, remote testing has gained in relevance in the present time.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:133013545', 'gnd:4005541-3', 'gnd:4125909-9', '']
### GND class:
['Krömker, Heidi', 'Benutzerfreundlichkeit', 'Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1771591188.jsonld | ['Conceptual design of a microscale balance based on force compensation'] | ['Macroscopic electromagnetic force compensation (EMFC) balances are well established but were not yet demonstrated within microsystems. Hence, in this paper, the concept and the design of a micro fabricated force compensation balance is presented. The implemented concentrated compliance mechanism in form of flexure hinges enables motion with high precision, which is combined with a force compensation mechanism. The concept of force compensation promises a high measurement range, which is expected to be up to 0.5 mN, while still enabling a high resolution of less than 8 nN. The developed dynamic model of the miniaturized balance is used for the design of a PID-controller strategy. Here, continuous and time-discrete controller approaches are compared. The time-discrete controller with realistic delay times, leads to an accuracy of the controller, which is better than the expected accuracy of the integrated capacitive position sensor.'] | ['gnd:1191790126', 'gnd:130244899', 'gnd:132881322', 'gnd:4017233-8', 'gnd:4198914-4', 'gnd:4205811-9', 'gnd:4774350-5', ''] | ['Darnieder, Maximilian', 'Theska, René', 'Strehle, Steffen', 'Finite-Elemente-Methode', 'Aktor', 'Mikromechanik', 'Mikrometerbereich'] | Document
### Title: ['Conceptual design of a microscale balance based on force compensation']
### Abstract:
['Macroscopic electromagnetic force compensation (EMFC) balances are well established but were not yet demonstrated within microsystems. Hence, in this paper, the concept and the design of a micro fabricated force compensation balance is presented. The implemented concentrated compliance mechanism in form of flexure hinges enables motion with high precision, which is combined with a force compensation mechanism. The concept of force compensation promises a high measurement range, which is expected to be up to 0.5 mN, while still enabling a high resolution of less than 8 nN. The developed dynamic model of the miniaturized balance is used for the design of a PID-controller strategy. Here, continuous and time-discrete controller approaches are compared. The time-discrete controller with realistic delay times, leads to an accuracy of the controller, which is better than the expected accuracy of the integrated capacitive position sensor.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1191790126', 'gnd:130244899', 'gnd:132881322', 'gnd:4017233-8', 'gnd:4198914-4', 'gnd:4205811-9', 'gnd:4774350-5', '']
### GND class:
['Darnieder, Maximilian', 'Theska, René', 'Strehle, Steffen', 'Finite-Elemente-Methode', 'Aktor', 'Mikromechanik', 'Mikrometerbereich']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1771591218.jsonld | ['Modeling, design and prototyping of a pantograph-based compliant mechanism'] | ['The main task of the compliant mechanism synthesis is to generate a pre-defined motion path as accurately as possible. A general approach to the compliant mechanism synthesis is to develop a compliant mechanism based on the rigid-body model by replacing conventional joints with compliant joints, i.e. flexure hinges. Using the example of a mechanism producing a scissors-like motion, in this paper a more specific and iterative synthesis process is implemented for the design of a compliant path-generating mechanism. Based on two symmetric pantograph mechanisms, a kinematic analysis of the multi-link rigid-body model is performed. The final dimensions and link lengths of the rigid-body model are used to implement a compliant mechanism with different flexure hinges. Therefore, several designs are iteratively investigated by means of FEM simulations in order to improve the path accuracy and the opening angle of the scissors-like motion.'] | ['gnd:1076379370', 'gnd:1164446878', 'gnd:12463334X', 'gnd:4017233-8', 'gnd:4198914-4', 'gnd:4205811-9', 'gnd:4774350-5', ''] | ['Linß, Sebastian', 'Uhlig, René', 'Zentner, Lena', 'Finite-Elemente-Methode', 'Aktor', 'Mikromechanik', 'Mikrometerbereich'] | Document
### Title: ['Modeling, design and prototyping of a pantograph-based compliant mechanism']
### Abstract:
['The main task of the compliant mechanism synthesis is to generate a pre-defined motion path as accurately as possible. A general approach to the compliant mechanism synthesis is to develop a compliant mechanism based on the rigid-body model by replacing conventional joints with compliant joints, i.e. flexure hinges. Using the example of a mechanism producing a scissors-like motion, in this paper a more specific and iterative synthesis process is implemented for the design of a compliant path-generating mechanism. Based on two symmetric pantograph mechanisms, a kinematic analysis of the multi-link rigid-body model is performed. The final dimensions and link lengths of the rigid-body model are used to implement a compliant mechanism with different flexure hinges. Therefore, several designs are iteratively investigated by means of FEM simulations in order to improve the path accuracy and the opening angle of the scissors-like motion.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1076379370', 'gnd:1164446878', 'gnd:12463334X', 'gnd:4017233-8', 'gnd:4198914-4', 'gnd:4205811-9', 'gnd:4774350-5', '']
### GND class:
['Linß, Sebastian', 'Uhlig, René', 'Zentner, Lena', 'Finite-Elemente-Methode', 'Aktor', 'Mikromechanik', 'Mikrometerbereich']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1771591366.jsonld | ['A novel planar two-axis leaf-type notch flexure hinge with coincident rotation axes and its application to micropositioning stages'] | ['Compliant mechanisms with flexure hinges are well-suited for high-precision applications due to their smooth and repeatable motion. However, the synthesis of planar compliant mechanisms based on notch flexure hinges is mostly limited to the use of single-axis hinges due to the lack of certain multiple-axis flexure hinges. This contribution introduces a novel planar leaf-type notch flexure hinge with two coincident rotation axes based on circular pre-curved leaf springs. A generally suitable hinge geometry is determined through a parametric study using the finite element method (FEM). Finally, the two-axis flexure hinge is applied and investigated for the use in two planar micropositioning stages for the rectilinear guidance of an output link with a large centimeter stroke. The presented two-axis flexure hinge turns out to be a suitable approach to monolithically connect three links of a compliant mechanism in a planar and precise way.'] | ['gnd:1076379370', 'gnd:1210877953', 'gnd:12463334X', 'gnd:130244899', 'gnd:4017233-8', 'gnd:4198914-4', 'gnd:4205811-9', 'gnd:4774350-5', ''] | ['Linß, Sebastian', 'Gräser, Philipp', 'Zentner, Lena', 'Theska, René', 'Finite-Elemente-Methode', 'Aktor', 'Mikromechanik', 'Mikrometerbereich'] | Document
### Title: ['A novel planar two-axis leaf-type notch flexure hinge with coincident rotation axes and its application to micropositioning stages']
### Abstract:
['Compliant mechanisms with flexure hinges are well-suited for high-precision applications due to their smooth and repeatable motion. However, the synthesis of planar compliant mechanisms based on notch flexure hinges is mostly limited to the use of single-axis hinges due to the lack of certain multiple-axis flexure hinges. This contribution introduces a novel planar leaf-type notch flexure hinge with two coincident rotation axes based on circular pre-curved leaf springs. A generally suitable hinge geometry is determined through a parametric study using the finite element method (FEM). Finally, the two-axis flexure hinge is applied and investigated for the use in two planar micropositioning stages for the rectilinear guidance of an output link with a large centimeter stroke. The presented two-axis flexure hinge turns out to be a suitable approach to monolithically connect three links of a compliant mechanism in a planar and precise way.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1076379370', 'gnd:1210877953', 'gnd:12463334X', 'gnd:130244899', 'gnd:4017233-8', 'gnd:4198914-4', 'gnd:4205811-9', 'gnd:4774350-5', '']
### GND class:
['Linß, Sebastian', 'Gräser, Philipp', 'Zentner, Lena', 'Theska, René', 'Finite-Elemente-Methode', 'Aktor', 'Mikromechanik', 'Mikrometerbereich']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1819426475.jsonld | ['Bourdieu on Religion: Imposing Faith and Legitimacy'] | ["Until recently Pierre Bourdieu has been known in the United States as a sociologist of culture, education, stratification, and social theory—not a sociologist of religion. But, as Erwan Dianteil and others have pointed out, Bourdieu drew extensively on the sociological classics of religion (particularly Weber, Durkheim, and Mauss) to develop his sociological framework. Though Bourdieu himself devoted little of his tremendous sociological output to religion, Terry Rey, in this important book on Bourdieu and religion, shows not only how Bourdieu drew on the classics to frame his sociology, including his thinking about religion, but also the growing influence of Bourdieu's work on the contemporary sociology of religion."] | ['gnd:4049420-2', 'gnd:4067488-5', ''] | ['Religionssoziologie', 'Zeitschrift'] | Document
### Title: ['Bourdieu on Religion: Imposing Faith and Legitimacy']
### Abstract:
["Until recently Pierre Bourdieu has been known in the United States as a sociologist of culture, education, stratification, and social theory—not a sociologist of religion. But, as Erwan Dianteil and others have pointed out, Bourdieu drew extensively on the sociological classics of religion (particularly Weber, Durkheim, and Mauss) to develop his sociological framework. Though Bourdieu himself devoted little of his tremendous sociological output to religion, Terry Rey, in this important book on Bourdieu and religion, shows not only how Bourdieu drew on the classics to frame his sociology, including his thinking about religion, but also the growing influence of Bourdieu's work on the contemporary sociology of religion."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4049420-2', 'gnd:4067488-5', '']
### GND class:
['Religionssoziologie', 'Zeitschrift']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1819427153.jsonld | ['To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World'] | ['The structure of this book is quite simple. Hunter creates a three-part typology of ways in which Christians have attempted to change the world; he then systematically argues for the inadequacy of each strategy; and, finally, he proposes a fourth alternative that he says fits his theory of power and cultural change. To give away the ending of this review, I found his three-fold typology to be useful at a descriptive level, but I was dissatisfied with the solution that he proposes., The first type he labels “defensive against” and includes fundamentalists, many mainstream evangelicals, and some conservative Catholics. They have a mythical ideal of a rightly ordered society and believe that American culture is morally bankrupt, moving toward disorder.'] | ['gnd:4049420-2', 'gnd:4067488-5', ''] | ['Religionssoziologie', 'Zeitschrift'] | Document
### Title: ['To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World']
### Abstract:
['The structure of this book is quite simple. Hunter creates a three-part typology of ways in which Christians have attempted to change the world; he then systematically argues for the inadequacy of each strategy; and, finally, he proposes a fourth alternative that he says fits his theory of power and cultural change. To give away the ending of this review, I found his three-fold typology to be useful at a descriptive level, but I was dissatisfied with the solution that he proposes., The first type he labels “defensive against” and includes fundamentalists, many mainstream evangelicals, and some conservative Catholics. They have a mythical ideal of a rightly ordered society and believe that American culture is morally bankrupt, moving toward disorder.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4049420-2', 'gnd:4067488-5', '']
### GND class:
['Religionssoziologie', 'Zeitschrift']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1819427765.jsonld | ['The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists'] | ["Rarely does a topic of controversial concern such as “Muslim terrorism” receive the attention of a seasoned specialist with decades of expertise. Such is the greatest strength of Charles Kurzman's latest monograph, The Missing Martyrs. Here, Kurzman interrogates common presumptions that permeate both academic and popular conceptions about Muslim terrorists and their relationship to the Islamic tradition. With a balanced and accessible tone, he polemically—yet empirically—answers a widely held false presumption best, captured in the question “[I]f there are more than a billion Muslims in the world, many of whom supposedly hate the West and desire martyrdom, why don't we see terrorist attacks everywhere, every day?” (7)."] | ['gnd:4049420-2', 'gnd:4067488-5', ''] | ['Religionssoziologie', 'Zeitschrift'] | Document
### Title: ['The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists']
### Abstract:
["Rarely does a topic of controversial concern such as “Muslim terrorism” receive the attention of a seasoned specialist with decades of expertise. Such is the greatest strength of Charles Kurzman's latest monograph, The Missing Martyrs. Here, Kurzman interrogates common presumptions that permeate both academic and popular conceptions about Muslim terrorists and their relationship to the Islamic tradition. With a balanced and accessible tone, he polemically—yet empirically—answers a widely held false presumption best, captured in the question “[I]f there are more than a billion Muslims in the world, many of whom supposedly hate the West and desire martyrdom, why don't we see terrorist attacks everywhere, every day?” (7)."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4049420-2', 'gnd:4067488-5', '']
### GND class:
['Religionssoziologie', 'Zeitschrift']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1824424299.jsonld | ['One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network for Detection and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks in SDN'] | ['In Software-Defined Networking (SDN), the controller plane is an essential component in managing network traffic because of its global knowledge of the network and its management applications. However, an attacker might attempt to direct malicious traffic towards the controller, paralyzing the entire network. In this work, a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN) is used to protect the controller evaluating entropy information. Therefore, the CICDDoS2019 dataset is used to investigate the proposed approach to train and evaluate the performance of the model and then examine the effectiveness of the proposal in the SDN environment. The experimental results manifest that the proposed approach achieves very high enhancements in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) for the detection of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks compared to one of the benchmarking state of the art approaches.'] | ['gnd:1251017452', 'gnd:13002077X', 'gnd:4010452-7', 'gnd:4011144-1', 'gnd:4193754-5', 'gnd:4216132-0', ''] | ["Alshra'a, Abdullah Soliman", 'Seitz, Jochen', 'Computerkriminalität', 'Datensicherung', 'Maschinelles Lernen', 'Datenfunknetz'] | Document
### Title: ['One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network for Detection and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks in SDN']
### Abstract:
['In Software-Defined Networking (SDN), the controller plane is an essential component in managing network traffic because of its global knowledge of the network and its management applications. However, an attacker might attempt to direct malicious traffic towards the controller, paralyzing the entire network. In this work, a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN) is used to protect the controller evaluating entropy information. Therefore, the CICDDoS2019 dataset is used to investigate the proposed approach to train and evaluate the performance of the model and then examine the effectiveness of the proposal in the SDN environment. The experimental results manifest that the proposed approach achieves very high enhancements in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) for the detection of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks compared to one of the benchmarking state of the art approaches.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:1251017452', 'gnd:13002077X', 'gnd:4010452-7', 'gnd:4011144-1', 'gnd:4193754-5', 'gnd:4216132-0', '']
### GND class:
["Alshra'a, Abdullah Soliman", 'Seitz, Jochen', 'Computerkriminalität', 'Datensicherung', 'Maschinelles Lernen', 'Datenfunknetz']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630516.jsonld | ['Chapter 8. Selling and sales management'] | ['About 10% of the US labor force is employed in selling related occupations and the expenditures on selling activities total close to 5% of the US GDP. Without question, selling occupies a prominent role in our economy. This chapter offers a discussion on the construct of selling, its role in economic models, and the various aspects of firm decisions that relate to it.'] | ['gnd:4037589-4', ''] | ['Marketing'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 8. Selling and sales management']
### Abstract:
['About 10% of the US labor force is employed in selling related occupations and the expenditures on selling activities total close to 5% of the US GDP. Without question, selling occupies a prominent role in our economy. This chapter offers a discussion on the construct of selling, its role in economic models, and the various aspects of firm decisions that relate to it.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4037589-4', '']
### GND class:
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630524.jsonld | ['Chapter 4. Empirical search and consideration sets'] | ['This chapter provides an overview of the recent and growing econometric literature studying how consumers search for products. We begin with a brief review of theoretical models of search that have been influential in guiding empirical work. We then discuss the marketing literature on consideration sets and early econometric literature on consumer search, leading up to more recent work that combines the two approaches by formulating search as the process through which consumers form consideration sets. The recent literature also offers econometric tests between search methods. We conclude with a discussion of current and potential future directions for work in this area, which we expect to be greatly enriched by the availability of large data sets containing granular information on consumer search behavior across a variety of online and offline contexts.'] | ['gnd:4037589-4', ''] | ['Marketing'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 4. Empirical search and consideration sets']
### Abstract:
['This chapter provides an overview of the recent and growing econometric literature studying how consumers search for products. We begin with a brief review of theoretical models of search that have been influential in guiding empirical work. We then discuss the marketing literature on consideration sets and early econometric literature on consumer search, leading up to more recent work that combines the two approaches by formulating search as the process through which consumers form consideration sets. The recent literature also offers econometric tests between search methods. We conclude with a discussion of current and potential future directions for work in this area, which we expect to be greatly enriched by the availability of large data sets containing granular information on consumer search behavior across a variety of online and offline contexts.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4037589-4', '']
### GND class:
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630532.jsonld | ['Chapter 7. Diffusion and pricing over the product life cycle'] | ['This chapter presents a selective review of a literature in marketing that analyzes diffusion and pricing over the product life-cycle. I primarily focus on empirical work, and on papers that deal with the dynamics of pricing over time. I discuss how recent empirical work has linked outcomes to micro-foundations and accommodated a role for forward-looking consumers and firms. I emphasize a more nuanced perspective of the product life-cycle that has emerged in the literature, as an endogenous outcome arising from the interaction of preferences, expectations, costs, and competition in the market, rather than as an exogenously specified process against which marketing strategies should be optimized.'] | ['gnd:4037589-4', ''] | ['Marketing'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 7. Diffusion and pricing over the product life cycle']
### Abstract:
['This chapter presents a selective review of a literature in marketing that analyzes diffusion and pricing over the product life-cycle. I primarily focus on empirical work, and on papers that deal with the dynamics of pricing over time. I discuss how recent empirical work has linked outcomes to micro-foundations and accommodated a role for forward-looking consumers and firms. I emphasize a more nuanced perspective of the product life-cycle that has emerged in the literature, as an endogenous outcome arising from the interaction of preferences, expectations, costs, and competition in the market, rather than as an exogenously specified process against which marketing strategies should be optimized.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4037589-4', '']
### GND class:
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630575.jsonld | ['Chapter 10. Marketing and public policy'] | ['Historically, quantitative marketers have largely left public policy and social consideration to economists. This has started to change, and there is considerable potential for marketing to impact policy debates in important ways. We focus on two policy areas – competition policy and nutrition policy – and discuss how quantitative market has and can continue to impact policy decision making. In competition policy economists have been using the models and methods of quant marketing and IO to influence actual policy. The effect, at least up to now, has been smaller in nutrition policy. However, in both areas there is scope for great impact from recent research. Marketers should need to pay more attention to the policy debates because: (i) a proper discussion of firm and consumer interaction, which is at the heart of marketing, cannot be complete without accounting for the regulatory, legal, and policy environment, and (ii) a greater involvement with policy will help marketers shape their research in relevant and interesting directions.'] | ['gnd:4037589-4', ''] | ['Marketing'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 10. Marketing and public policy']
### Abstract:
['Historically, quantitative marketers have largely left public policy and social consideration to economists. This has started to change, and there is considerable potential for marketing to impact policy debates in important ways. We focus on two policy areas – competition policy and nutrition policy – and discuss how quantitative market has and can continue to impact policy decision making. In competition policy economists have been using the models and methods of quant marketing and IO to influence actual policy. The effect, at least up to now, has been smaller in nutrition policy. However, in both areas there is scope for great impact from recent research. Marketers should need to pay more attention to the policy debates because: (i) a proper discussion of firm and consumer interaction, which is at the heart of marketing, cannot be complete without accounting for the regulatory, legal, and policy environment, and (ii) a greater involvement with policy will help marketers shape their research in relevant and interesting directions.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4037589-4', '']
### GND class:
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630591.jsonld | ['Chapter 6. The economics of brands and branding'] | ['Consumer goods industries tend to be dominated by a small number of nationally-branded goods. In many cases, brands are one of the few sources of differentiation between otherwise physically undifferentiated products. In this chapter we survey the literature on the role of consumer branding and brand preferences in driving consumer demand. We also discuss the incentives for firms to invest in and build brands on the supply side. Finally, we discuss the measurement of the economic value of brands as intangible assets.'] | ['gnd:4037589-4', ''] | ['Marketing'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 6. The economics of brands and branding']
### Abstract:
['Consumer goods industries tend to be dominated by a small number of nationally-branded goods. In many cases, brands are one of the few sources of differentiation between otherwise physically undifferentiated products. In this chapter we survey the literature on the role of consumer branding and brand preferences in driving consumer demand. We also discuss the incentives for firms to invest in and build brands on the supply side. Finally, we discuss the measurement of the economic value of brands as intangible assets.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4037589-4', '']
### GND class:
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630605.jsonld | ['Chapter 3. Economic foundations of conjoint analysis'] | ['Observational data on either individual or aggregate demand is often not sufficient to identify consumer preferences due to lack of variation in prices or product features, or the desire to study product features not currently available. Choice-based conjoint analysis offers a solution to this problem by creating hypothetical product choices via experimental design and collecting demand data using survey methods. Choice-based conjoint designs can apply to a pure discrete choice model of demand in which consumers only purchase one unit from a set of products or to more general settings (termed “volumetric” conjoint analysis) in which consumers have the opportunity to purchase more than one product and to consume continuously variable quantities. This chapter provides the economic foundations for choice-based conjoint analysis along with efficient statistical methods for estimation and prediction of demand. We review the requirements that formal economic and statistical analyses impose on the design of conjoint surveys as well as the analysis of the conjoint survey data. A number of variations on conjoint analysis which appear in the literature do not conform to these requirements and, therefore, may provide erroneous inferences and predictions. We provide an example where both demand data and conjoint survey data are available for the same consumers and provide some conclusions regarding what aspects of preference estimation are consistent between actual marketplace data and conjoint survey data. All models and procedures in this chapter are available as R packages.'] | ['gnd:4037589-4', ''] | ['Marketing'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 3. Economic foundations of conjoint analysis']
### Abstract:
['Observational data on either individual or aggregate demand is often not sufficient to identify consumer preferences due to lack of variation in prices or product features, or the desire to study product features not currently available. Choice-based conjoint analysis offers a solution to this problem by creating hypothetical product choices via experimental design and collecting demand data using survey methods. Choice-based conjoint designs can apply to a pure discrete choice model of demand in which consumers only purchase one unit from a set of products or to more general settings (termed “volumetric” conjoint analysis) in which consumers have the opportunity to purchase more than one product and to consume continuously variable quantities. This chapter provides the economic foundations for choice-based conjoint analysis along with efficient statistical methods for estimation and prediction of demand. We review the requirements that formal economic and statistical analyses impose on the design of conjoint surveys as well as the analysis of the conjoint survey data. A number of variations on conjoint analysis which appear in the literature do not conform to these requirements and, therefore, may provide erroneous inferences and predictions. We provide an example where both demand data and conjoint survey data are available for the same consumers and provide some conclusions regarding what aspects of preference estimation are consistent between actual marketplace data and conjoint survey data. All models and procedures in this chapter are available as R packages.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4037589-4', '']
### GND class:
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630680.jsonld | ['Chapter 4. Law and Corporate Governance'] | ['Pragmatic and effective research on corporate governance often turns critically on appreciating the legal institutions surrounding corporate entities—yet such nuances are often unfamiliar or poorly specified to economists and other social scientists without legal training. This chapter organizes and discusses key legal concepts of corporate governance, including statutes, regulations, and jurisprudential doctrines that “govern governance” in private and public companies, with concentration on the for-profit corporation. We review the literature concerning the nature and purpose of the corporation, the objects of fiduciary obligations, the means for decision making within the firm, as well as the overlay of state and federal law pertaining to how that decision-making authority is exercised within publicly traded companies. A core feature of this analysis is that while the basic structures pertinent to corporate law and governance are familiar and in some ways predictable, they are also in a constant state of flux, shaping and being shaped by institutional adaptations of firms, regulators and courts. This chapter is most appropriate for social science researchers and/or students who are new to the legal dimensions of firm governance.'] | ['gnd:4419850-4', ''] | ['Corporate Governance'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 4. Law and Corporate Governance']
### Abstract:
['Pragmatic and effective research on corporate governance often turns critically on appreciating the legal institutions surrounding corporate entities—yet such nuances are often unfamiliar or poorly specified to economists and other social scientists without legal training. This chapter organizes and discusses key legal concepts of corporate governance, including statutes, regulations, and jurisprudential doctrines that “govern governance” in private and public companies, with concentration on the for-profit corporation. We review the literature concerning the nature and purpose of the corporation, the objects of fiduciary obligations, the means for decision making within the firm, as well as the overlay of state and federal law pertaining to how that decision-making authority is exercised within publicly traded companies. A core feature of this analysis is that while the basic structures pertinent to corporate law and governance are familiar and in some ways predictable, they are also in a constant state of flux, shaping and being shaped by institutional adaptations of firms, regulators and courts. This chapter is most appropriate for social science researchers and/or students who are new to the legal dimensions of firm governance.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4419850-4', '']
### GND class:
['Corporate Governance']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630729.jsonld | ['Chapter 10. Evolution of Ownership and Control Around the World: The Changing Face of Capitalism'] | ['This chapter documents the evolution of ownership and control of firms around the world over a hundred year period from the beginning of the 20th century to today. It records the substantial changes that have taken place in the nature of stock markets and contrasts these with the persistent patterns of ownership that are observed in many countries around the world. In particular, it documents the growth in dispersion in ownership that took place in many countries from the early part of the 20th century. It reports that this took place in the absence of formal systems of investor protection but in the presence of institutional developments that facilitated the building of trust between investors and firms. Contrary to the view that concentrations of ownership necessarily undermine the operation of equity markets by exploiting minority interests, the chapter argues that in some countries they played a central role not just in exercising control but also in promoting relations between investors and firms that were central to the development of their stock markets. In particular, concentrations of ownership in the hands of families may have been a source of public as well as private benefits. The chapter concludes by looking at recent changes and argues that these reinforce the long-run patterns of the relative decline of the UK and US stock markets, the continued decline of family firms in the UK, the growth of private equity and the emergence of new forms of concentrated shareholdings.'] | ['gnd:4419850-4', ''] | ['Corporate Governance'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 10. Evolution of Ownership and Control Around the World: The Changing Face of Capitalism']
### Abstract:
['This chapter documents the evolution of ownership and control of firms around the world over a hundred year period from the beginning of the 20th century to today. It records the substantial changes that have taken place in the nature of stock markets and contrasts these with the persistent patterns of ownership that are observed in many countries around the world. In particular, it documents the growth in dispersion in ownership that took place in many countries from the early part of the 20th century. It reports that this took place in the absence of formal systems of investor protection but in the presence of institutional developments that facilitated the building of trust between investors and firms. Contrary to the view that concentrations of ownership necessarily undermine the operation of equity markets by exploiting minority interests, the chapter argues that in some countries they played a central role not just in exercising control but also in promoting relations between investors and firms that were central to the development of their stock markets. In particular, concentrations of ownership in the hands of families may have been a source of public as well as private benefits. The chapter concludes by looking at recent changes and argues that these reinforce the long-run patterns of the relative decline of the UK and US stock markets, the continued decline of family firms in the UK, the growth of private equity and the emergence of new forms of concentrated shareholdings.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4419850-4', '']
### GND class:
['Corporate Governance']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630745.jsonld | ['Chapter 2. Aspects of the Economics of Organization with Application to Corporate Governance'] | ['This chapter provides a critical review and survey of aspects of formal and informal contracting particularly relevant to the study of corporate governance. Two types of modeling, hidden-information agency and informal (relational) contracting that are perhaps under-utilized in governance research are covered, as well as the more commonly used hidden-action agency model. The strengths and weaknesses of these models, their sometimes contradictory predictions, and their relation to empirical work are all touched upon.'] | ['gnd:4419850-4', ''] | ['Corporate Governance'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 2. Aspects of the Economics of Organization with Application to Corporate Governance']
### Abstract:
['This chapter provides a critical review and survey of aspects of formal and informal contracting particularly relevant to the study of corporate governance. Two types of modeling, hidden-information agency and informal (relational) contracting that are perhaps under-utilized in governance research are covered, as well as the more commonly used hidden-action agency model. The strengths and weaknesses of these models, their sometimes contradictory predictions, and their relation to empirical work are all touched upon.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4419850-4', '']
### GND class:
['Corporate Governance']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831630753.jsonld | ['Chapter 8. Blockholders: A Survey of Theory and Evidence'] | ["This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the role of blockholders (large shareholders) in corporate governance. We start with the underlying property rights of public corporations; we discuss how blockholders are critical in addressing free-rider problems and why, like owners of private property in general, blockholders are likely to be active in firm governance. We then examine what distinguishes a blockholder from an ordinary shareholder and advocate additional definitions from the typical threshold of 5% ownership. We next present new evidence on the frequency and characteristics of blockholders in United States corporations. Then we develop a simple unifying model to present theories of blockholder governance through both voice (direct intervention) and exit (selling one's shares). We survey the empirical evidence on blockholder governance, emphasizing the empirical challenges in identifying causal effects involving blockholders. We highlight the lack of credible instruments for blockholders and argue that exogenous variation should not be a prerequisite for research—a narrow focus on identification may lead to a focus on identifying narrow questions. We emphasize the value of descriptive research with blockholders and how endogeneity concerns can be addressed with economic logic and by directly testing alternative explanations. We close with suggestions for future research."] | ['gnd:4419850-4', ''] | ['Corporate Governance'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 8. Blockholders: A Survey of Theory and Evidence']
### Abstract:
["This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the role of blockholders (large shareholders) in corporate governance. We start with the underlying property rights of public corporations; we discuss how blockholders are critical in addressing free-rider problems and why, like owners of private property in general, blockholders are likely to be active in firm governance. We then examine what distinguishes a blockholder from an ordinary shareholder and advocate additional definitions from the typical threshold of 5% ownership. We next present new evidence on the frequency and characteristics of blockholders in United States corporations. Then we develop a simple unifying model to present theories of blockholder governance through both voice (direct intervention) and exit (selling one's shares). We survey the empirical evidence on blockholder governance, emphasizing the empirical challenges in identifying causal effects involving blockholders. We highlight the lack of credible instruments for blockholders and argue that exogenous variation should not be a prerequisite for research—a narrow focus on identification may lead to a focus on identifying narrow questions. We emphasize the value of descriptive research with blockholders and how endogeneity concerns can be addressed with economic logic and by directly testing alternative explanations. We close with suggestions for future research."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4419850-4', '']
### GND class:
['Corporate Governance']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631695.jsonld | ['Chapter 9. Investing and Portfolio Allocation for Retirement'] | ['The demographic situation in the majority of industrialized countries calls for the increasing participation in funded retirement programs, should the prospective retirees desire to maintain their habitual standard of living in retirement. This poses new challenges for both prospective retirees and policymakers and reveals the need for easily accessible information on the subject. The goal of this chapter is to supply such essential knowledge by summarizing various important facts and research findings about investing and portfolio allocation for retirement. This chapter describes the main risks, assets, and investment products that are relevant for retirement saving, and the main research related to portfolio choice over the lifecycle and annuities. The composition of the retirement portfolio during the working life and use of funds in retirement are examined in light of the lifecycle research. This chapter provides an overview of the literature and exemplifies the research results.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 9. Investing and Portfolio Allocation for Retirement']
### Abstract:
['The demographic situation in the majority of industrialized countries calls for the increasing participation in funded retirement programs, should the prospective retirees desire to maintain their habitual standard of living in retirement. This poses new challenges for both prospective retirees and policymakers and reveals the need for easily accessible information on the subject. The goal of this chapter is to supply such essential knowledge by summarizing various important facts and research findings about investing and portfolio allocation for retirement. This chapter describes the main risks, assets, and investment products that are relevant for retirement saving, and the main research related to portfolio choice over the lifecycle and annuities. The composition of the retirement portfolio during the working life and use of funds in retirement are examined in light of the lifecycle research. This chapter provides an overview of the literature and exemplifies the research results.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631717.jsonld | ['Chapter 12. Taxation, Pensions, and Demographic Change'] | ['This chapter provides a review of some implications of demographic shift arising from population aging for fiscal policy, taxation policy, and social security settings. The key implications of population aging that have been forthcoming from the many national and international macroeconomic modeling studies are presented. These implications are that population aging will put significant stress on governments’ fiscal situations under current policy settings. Consideration of policy options to accommodate population aging leads to examination of age-dependent taxation, the means testing of social security benefits, general taxation and pension design, and the analysis of taxation policy over time. The chapter concludes with some comments on the nature of the literature reviewed and on possible directions for future research.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 12. Taxation, Pensions, and Demographic Change']
### Abstract:
['This chapter provides a review of some implications of demographic shift arising from population aging for fiscal policy, taxation policy, and social security settings. The key implications of population aging that have been forthcoming from the many national and international macroeconomic modeling studies are presented. These implications are that population aging will put significant stress on governments’ fiscal situations under current policy settings. Consideration of policy options to accommodate population aging leads to examination of age-dependent taxation, the means testing of social security benefits, general taxation and pension design, and the analysis of taxation policy over time. The chapter concludes with some comments on the nature of the literature reviewed and on possible directions for future research.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631725.jsonld | ['Chapter 15. Poverty and Aging'] | ['This chapter explores the relationship between poverty and aging, in terms of its measurement and trends, as well as its alleviation, with particular attention to the most vulnerable individuals at each end of the age distribution. The measurement addresses both the definition of poverty and its aggregation over various age groups. The trends highlight a significant reduction in poverty among the elderly and a gradual increase in poverty among children and working age individuals, both in the United from dependence as a child to independence as a young adult, from being 50 years. Two important secular changes are also detected: a college spike and a retirement dip in poverty across the age distribution. The alleviation of poverty is then attributed to working in the labor market and to social expenditure and its associated policies, which have been especially effective for the elderly. A summary and a discussion follow that set forth an agenda for further research and policy.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 15. Poverty and Aging']
### Abstract:
['This chapter explores the relationship between poverty and aging, in terms of its measurement and trends, as well as its alleviation, with particular attention to the most vulnerable individuals at each end of the age distribution. The measurement addresses both the definition of poverty and its aggregation over various age groups. The trends highlight a significant reduction in poverty among the elderly and a gradual increase in poverty among children and working age individuals, both in the United from dependence as a child to independence as a young adult, from being 50 years. Two important secular changes are also detected: a college spike and a retirement dip in poverty across the age distribution. The alleviation of poverty is then attributed to working in the labor market and to social expenditure and its associated policies, which have been especially effective for the elderly. A summary and a discussion follow that set forth an agenda for further research and policy.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631741.jsonld | ['Chapter 13. Social Security and Public Insurance'] | ['When the challenges of population aging are being debated, the uncertain future of pension systems is a topic of high priority and large controversy. The aim of this chapter is not to provide a “consensus view” on social security and public insurance in aging populations but to put structure on these debates. We formulate a large set of models which we use for simulation exercises to make the challenges and controversies more transparent. The chapter begins with an institutional view of pension systems and population aging which defines the fundamental accounting restrictions which population aging imposes on individual behavior and policy actions. We also provide a brief survey of pension systems in the real world. We then take a behavioral view and study saving and labor supply decisions in an aging population. The third viewpoint is from macroeconomics and focuses on the feedback effects that occur in general equilibrium. We demonstrate that market reactions to population aging significantly reduce the burden of parametric or systemic pension reform. The chapter ends with a short summary of the main lessons and an outlook where further research is most urgently needed.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 13. Social Security and Public Insurance']
### Abstract:
['When the challenges of population aging are being debated, the uncertain future of pension systems is a topic of high priority and large controversy. The aim of this chapter is not to provide a “consensus view” on social security and public insurance in aging populations but to put structure on these debates. We formulate a large set of models which we use for simulation exercises to make the challenges and controversies more transparent. The chapter begins with an institutional view of pension systems and population aging which defines the fundamental accounting restrictions which population aging imposes on individual behavior and policy actions. We also provide a brief survey of pension systems in the real world. We then take a behavioral view and study saving and labor supply decisions in an aging population. The third viewpoint is from macroeconomics and focuses on the feedback effects that occur in general equilibrium. We demonstrate that market reactions to population aging significantly reduce the burden of parametric or systemic pension reform. The chapter ends with a short summary of the main lessons and an outlook where further research is most urgently needed.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A183163175X.jsonld | ['Chapter 11. Complex Decision Making : The Roles of Cognitive Limitations, Cognitive Decline, and Aging'] | ['We review the evidence on decision making in complex choice situations—i.e., situations where there are many alternatives and/or where attributes of alternatives are difficult to understand. We focus on choices about health insurance, health care, and retirement planning, all of which are very important for the well-being of the elderly. Our review suggests that consumers in general, and the elderly in particular, have great difficulty making optimal choices in these areas. They often behave in ways that imply a high degree of “confusion,” such as (i) failure to understand key attributes of alternatives or (ii) inadequate cognitive capacity to process payoff relevant information. We go on to discuss extensions to standard rational choice models that account for consumer confusion. These include allowing perceived attributes to depart from true attributes, the use of heuristics, and inattention or procrastination. Such departures from rationality can be moderated by cognitive ability, age, etc. We hope that these new models may be useful in designing paternalistic interventions.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 11. Complex Decision Making : The Roles of Cognitive Limitations, Cognitive Decline, and Aging']
### Abstract:
['We review the evidence on decision making in complex choice situations—i.e., situations where there are many alternatives and/or where attributes of alternatives are difficult to understand. We focus on choices about health insurance, health care, and retirement planning, all of which are very important for the well-being of the elderly. Our review suggests that consumers in general, and the elderly in particular, have great difficulty making optimal choices in these areas. They often behave in ways that imply a high degree of “confusion,” such as (i) failure to understand key attributes of alternatives or (ii) inadequate cognitive capacity to process payoff relevant information. We go on to discuss extensions to standard rational choice models that account for consumer confusion. These include allowing perceived attributes to depart from true attributes, the use of heuristics, and inattention or procrastination. Such departures from rationality can be moderated by cognitive ability, age, etc. We hope that these new models may be useful in designing paternalistic interventions.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631792.jsonld | ['Chapter 1. The Global Demography of Aging : Facts, Explanations, Future'] | ["Population aging is the 21st century's dominant demographic phenomenon. Declining fertility, increasing longevity, and the progression of large-sized cohorts to the older ages are causing elder shares to rise throughout the world. The phenomenon of population aging, which is unprecedented in human history, brings with it sweeping changes in population needs and capacities, with potentially significant implications for employment, savings, consumption, economic growth, asset values, and fiscal balance. This chapter provides a broad overview of the global demography of aging. It reviews patterns, trends, and projections involving various indicators of population aging and their demographic antecedents and sequelae. The chapter also reviews theories economists use to explain the behavioral changes driving the most prominent demographic shifts. Finally, it discusses the changing nature of aging, the future of longevity, and associated policy implications, highlighting some key research issues that require further examination."] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 1. The Global Demography of Aging : Facts, Explanations, Future']
### Abstract:
["Population aging is the 21st century's dominant demographic phenomenon. Declining fertility, increasing longevity, and the progression of large-sized cohorts to the older ages are causing elder shares to rise throughout the world. The phenomenon of population aging, which is unprecedented in human history, brings with it sweeping changes in population needs and capacities, with potentially significant implications for employment, savings, consumption, economic growth, asset values, and fiscal balance. This chapter provides a broad overview of the global demography of aging. It reviews patterns, trends, and projections involving various indicators of population aging and their demographic antecedents and sequelae. The chapter also reviews theories economists use to explain the behavioral changes driving the most prominent demographic shifts. Finally, it discusses the changing nature of aging, the future of longevity, and associated policy implications, highlighting some key research issues that require further examination."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631806.jsonld | ['Chapter 16. Health and Long-Term Care'] | ['This chapter summarizes the recent economic literature on health and long-term care as it relates to population aging. The profound demographic changes taking place in developed countries will require changes in how societies provide and pay for long-term care. Both the supply side and the demand side of the health care markets are undergoing change. This chapter provides a review of the main economic theories and empirical findings about the supply of and demand for long-term care, primarily among the elderly. It also reviews the main features and problems with insurance markets and quality of care. There is a short section that explains new promising data sets available for researchers. This chapter concludes with questions for future research.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 16. Health and Long-Term Care']
### Abstract:
['This chapter summarizes the recent economic literature on health and long-term care as it relates to population aging. The profound demographic changes taking place in developed countries will require changes in how societies provide and pay for long-term care. Both the supply side and the demand side of the health care markets are undergoing change. This chapter provides a review of the main economic theories and empirical findings about the supply of and demand for long-term care, primarily among the elderly. It also reviews the main features and problems with insurance markets and quality of care. There is a short section that explains new promising data sets available for researchers. This chapter concludes with questions for future research.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631822.jsonld | ['Chapter 5. Insurance Markets for the Elderly'] | ['We describe the risks faced by the aging population and survey the corresponding insurance markets for these risks. We focus on income risk, health expenditure risk, long-term care expenditure risk, and mortality risk. We also discuss the interactions between social insurance and private insurance markets.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 5. Insurance Markets for the Elderly']
### Abstract:
['We describe the risks faced by the aging population and survey the corresponding insurance markets for these risks. We focus on income risk, health expenditure risk, long-term care expenditure risk, and mortality risk. We also discuss the interactions between social insurance and private insurance markets.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631830.jsonld | ['Chapter 2. Macroeconomics, Aging, and Growth'] | ['Inevitable population aging and slower population growth will affect the economies of all nations in ways influenced by cultural values, institutional arrangements, and economic incentives. One outcome will be a tendency toward increased capital intensity, higher wages, and lower returns on capital, a tendency partially offset when the elderly are supported by public or private transfers rather than assets, and when economies are open, in which case aging will lead to increased flows of capital and labor. Rising human capital investment per child accompanies the falling fertility that drives population aging, and partially offsets slower labor force growth. Research to date finds little effect on technological progress or labor productivity. National differences in labor supply at older ages, per capita consumption of the elderly relative to younger ages, strength of public pension and health care systems, and health and vitality of the elderly all condition the impact of population aging on the economy. Policy responses include increasing the size of the labor force, mainly by raising the retirement age; reducing benefits and/or raising taxes for public transfer programs for the elderly, with concern for deadweight loss and the fair distribution of costs across socioeconomic classes; investing more in children to increase the quality and productivity of the future labor force; and public programs that promote fertility by facilitating market work for women with children.'] | ['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', ''] | ['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 2. Macroeconomics, Aging, and Growth']
### Abstract:
['Inevitable population aging and slower population growth will affect the economies of all nations in ways influenced by cultural values, institutional arrangements, and economic incentives. One outcome will be a tendency toward increased capital intensity, higher wages, and lower returns on capital, a tendency partially offset when the elderly are supported by public or private transfers rather than assets, and when economies are open, in which case aging will lead to increased flows of capital and labor. Rising human capital investment per child accompanies the falling fertility that drives population aging, and partially offsets slower labor force growth. Research to date finds little effect on technological progress or labor productivity. National differences in labor supply at older ages, per capita consumption of the elderly relative to younger ages, strength of public pension and health care systems, and health and vitality of the elderly all condition the impact of population aging on the economy. Policy responses include increasing the size of the labor force, mainly by raising the retirement age; reducing benefits and/or raising taxes for public transfer programs for the elderly, with concern for deadweight loss and the fair distribution of costs across socioeconomic classes; investing more in children to increase the quality and productivity of the future labor force; and public programs that promote fertility by facilitating market work for women with children.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4006294-6', 'gnd:4334479-3', '']
### GND class:
['Bevölkerungsökonomie', 'Alternde Bevölkerung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631873.jsonld | ['Author Index of Volume 2'] | ['This chapter lists the names of the people who have contributed to the book Handbook of Law and Economics Volume 2 , such as Aberbach, J., Aboody, D., Andenas, M., and others. For the ease of the reader, their names have been mentioned along with the page number in which their names appear in the book.'] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Author Index of Volume 2']
### Abstract:
['This chapter lists the names of the people who have contributed to the book Handbook of Law and Economics Volume 2 , such as Aberbach, J., Aboody, D., Andenas, M., and others. For the ease of the reader, their names have been mentioned along with the page number in which their names appear in the book.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831631903.jsonld | ['Introduction to the Series'] | ['The series Handbooks in Economics produce books for various branches of economics, each of which is a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for use by professional researchers and advanced graduate students. Each book provides self-contained surveys of the current state of a branch of economics in the form of chapters prepared by leading specialists on various aspects of this branch of economics. These surveys summarize not only received results but also newer developments, from recent journal articles and discussion papers. Some original material is also included, but the main goal is to provide comprehensive and accessible surveys.'] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Introduction to the Series']
### Abstract:
['The series Handbooks in Economics produce books for various branches of economics, each of which is a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for use by professional researchers and advanced graduate students. Each book provides self-contained surveys of the current state of a branch of economics in the form of chapters prepared by leading specialists on various aspects of this branch of economics. These surveys summarize not only received results but also newer developments, from recent journal articles and discussion papers. Some original material is also included, but the main goal is to provide comprehensive and accessible surveys.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632004.jsonld | ['Chapter 13 Empirical Studies of Corporate Law'] | ["This chapter reviews the empirical literature, especially the event study literature, as it relates to corporate and securities law. Event studies are among the most successful uses of econometrics in policy analysis. By providing an anchor for measuring the impact of events on investor wealth, the methodology offers a fruitful means for evaluating the welfare implications of private and government actions. This chapter begins by briefly reviewing the event study methodology and its strengths and limitations for policy analysis. It then discusses one of the limitations of more conventional empirical work (cross-sectional analysis), the problem presented by the fact that the characteristics of firms that are studied in relation to each other (such as ownership and mechanisms of corporate governance) or to firm performance are not exogeneous but self-selected by firms. Thereafter it reviews in detail how event studies have been used to evaluate the wealth effects of corporate litigation. Subsequently, we focus on the methodology's application to corporate law and corporate governance issues, supplemented with discussion of other relevant empirical work as well. Event studies are emphasized because they have played an important role in the making of corporate law and in applied corporate finance and corporate law scholarship. The reason for this input is twofold. First, there is a match between the methodology and subject matter: the goal of corporate law is to increase shareholder wealth and event studies provide a metric for measurement of the impact upon stock prices of policy decisions. Second, because the participants in corporate law debates share the objective of corporate law, to adopt policies that enhance shareholder wealth, their disagreements are over the means to achieve that end. A further reason for emphasizing event study data is that they avoid the endogeneity concerns that can limit the results of other modes of empirical research in this area."] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 13 Empirical Studies of Corporate Law']
### Abstract:
["This chapter reviews the empirical literature, especially the event study literature, as it relates to corporate and securities law. Event studies are among the most successful uses of econometrics in policy analysis. By providing an anchor for measuring the impact of events on investor wealth, the methodology offers a fruitful means for evaluating the welfare implications of private and government actions. This chapter begins by briefly reviewing the event study methodology and its strengths and limitations for policy analysis. It then discusses one of the limitations of more conventional empirical work (cross-sectional analysis), the problem presented by the fact that the characteristics of firms that are studied in relation to each other (such as ownership and mechanisms of corporate governance) or to firm performance are not exogeneous but self-selected by firms. Thereafter it reviews in detail how event studies have been used to evaluate the wealth effects of corporate litigation. Subsequently, we focus on the methodology's application to corporate law and corporate governance issues, supplemented with discussion of other relevant empirical work as well. Event studies are emphasized because they have played an important role in the making of corporate law and in applied corporate finance and corporate law scholarship. The reason for this input is twofold. First, there is a match between the methodology and subject matter: the goal of corporate law is to increase shareholder wealth and event studies provide a metric for measurement of the impact upon stock prices of policy decisions. Second, because the participants in corporate law debates share the objective of corporate law, to adopt policies that enhance shareholder wealth, their disagreements are over the means to achieve that end. A further reason for emphasizing event study data is that they avoid the endogeneity concerns that can limit the results of other modes of empirical research in this area."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632047.jsonld | ['Author Index of Volume 1'] | ['This chapter lists the names of the people who have contributed to the book Handbook of Law and Economics, Volume 1 , such as Aaron, H.J., Abraham, K.L., Alston, L.J., and others. For the ease of the reader, their names have been mentioned along with the page number in which their names appear in the book.'] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Author Index of Volume 1']
### Abstract:
['This chapter lists the names of the people who have contributed to the book Handbook of Law and Economics, Volume 1 , such as Aaron, H.J., Abraham, K.L., Alston, L.J., and others. For the ease of the reader, their names have been mentioned along with the page number in which their names appear in the book.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632098.jsonld | ['Chapter 10 Taxation'] | ['This Handbook entry presents a conceptual, normative overview of the subject of taxation. It emphasizes the relationships among the main functions of taxation—notably, raising revenue, redistributing income, and correcting externalities—and the mapping between these functions and various forms of taxation. Different types of taxation as well as expenditures on transfers and public goods are each integrated into a common optimal tax framework with the income tax and commodity taxes at the core. Additional topics addressed include a range of dynamic issues, the unit of taxation, tax administration and enforcement, and tax equity.'] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 10 Taxation']
### Abstract:
['This Handbook entry presents a conceptual, normative overview of the subject of taxation. It emphasizes the relationships among the main functions of taxation—notably, raising revenue, redistributing income, and correcting externalities—and the mapping between these functions and various forms of taxation. Different types of taxation as well as expenditures on transfers and public goods are each integrated into a common optimal tax framework with the income tax and commodity taxes at the core. Additional topics addressed include a range of dynamic issues, the unit of taxation, tax administration and enforcement, and tax equity.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632101.jsonld | ['Chapter 9 Regulation of Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks'] | ['This paper provides a systematic review of the economic analysis of health, safety, and environmental regulations. Although the market failures that give rise to a rationale for intervention are well known, not all market failures imply that market risk levels are too great. Hazard warnings policies often can address informational failures. Some market failures may be exacerbated by government policies, particularly those embodying conservative risk assessment practices. Labor market estimates of the value of statistical life provide a useful reference point for the efficient risk tradeoffs for government regulation. Guided by restrictive legislative mandates, regulatory policies often strike a quite different balance with an inordinately high cost per life saved. The risk-risk analysis methodology enables analysts to assess the net safety implications of policy efforts. Inadequate regulatory enforcement and behavioral responses to regulation may limit their effectiveness, while rising societal wealth will continue to generate greater levels of health and safety.'] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 9 Regulation of Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks']
### Abstract:
['This paper provides a systematic review of the economic analysis of health, safety, and environmental regulations. Although the market failures that give rise to a rationale for intervention are well known, not all market failures imply that market risk levels are too great. Hazard warnings policies often can address informational failures. Some market failures may be exacerbated by government policies, particularly those embodying conservative risk assessment practices. Labor market estimates of the value of statistical life provide a useful reference point for the efficient risk tradeoffs for government regulation. Guided by restrictive legislative mandates, regulatory policies often strike a quite different balance with an inordinately high cost per life saved. The risk-risk analysis methodology enables analysts to assess the net safety implications of policy efforts. Inadequate regulatory enforcement and behavioral responses to regulation may limit their effectiveness, while rising societal wealth will continue to generate greater levels of health and safety.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632128.jsonld | ['Chapter 7 Empirical Study of Criminal Punishment'] | ["This chapter reviews empirical studies of criminal punishment and the criminal justice system by economists. Since the modern exposition of the economic model of criminal behavior, empirical economists have tested its predictions using variation in expected criminal punishments. In the past decade, empirical economists have made substantial progress in identifying the effects of punishment on crime by finding new ways to break the simultaneity of crime rates and punishments. The new empirical evidence generally supports the deterrence model but shows that incapacitation influences crime rates, too. Evidence of the crime-reducing effect of the scale of policing and incarceration is consistent across different methodological approaches. Estimates of the deterrent effect of other penalties, such as capital punishment, are less robust and suggest that claims of large effects from these policies may be spurious. More work is needed to assess the relative importance of deterrence and incapacitation. Empirical economists have made less progress in studying the criminal justice system itself. Data availability constrains the economists' ability to resolve the simultaneity of criminal justice institutions and crime rates, and this limitation hampers rigorous empirical investigation of the incentive effects of numerous criminal justice institutions and procedures. This area remains an important avenue for future empirical research."] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 7 Empirical Study of Criminal Punishment']
### Abstract:
["This chapter reviews empirical studies of criminal punishment and the criminal justice system by economists. Since the modern exposition of the economic model of criminal behavior, empirical economists have tested its predictions using variation in expected criminal punishments. In the past decade, empirical economists have made substantial progress in identifying the effects of punishment on crime by finding new ways to break the simultaneity of crime rates and punishments. The new empirical evidence generally supports the deterrence model but shows that incapacitation influences crime rates, too. Evidence of the crime-reducing effect of the scale of policing and incarceration is consistent across different methodological approaches. Estimates of the deterrent effect of other penalties, such as capital punishment, are less robust and suggest that claims of large effects from these policies may be spurious. More work is needed to assess the relative importance of deterrence and incapacitation. Empirical economists have made less progress in studying the criminal justice system itself. Data availability constrains the economists' ability to resolve the simultaneity of criminal justice institutions and crime rates, and this limitation hampers rigorous empirical investigation of the incentive effects of numerous criminal justice institutions and procedures. This area remains an important avenue for future empirical research."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632152.jsonld | ['Chapter 4 Litigation'] | ['The purpose of this chapter is to survey the academic literature on the economics of litigation and to synthesize its main themes. The chapter begins by introducing the basic economic framework for studying litigation and out-of-court settlement. One set of issues addressed is positive (or descriptive) in nature. Under what conditions will someone decide to file suit? What determines how much is spent on a lawsuit? When do cases settle out of court? Important normative issues are also addressed. Are the litigation decisions made by private parties in the interest of society as a whole? Next, the chapter surveys some of the more active areas in the litigation literature. Topics include rules of evidence, loser-pays rules, appeals, contingent fees for attorneys, alternative dispute resolution, class actions, and plea bargaining.'] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 4 Litigation']
### Abstract:
['The purpose of this chapter is to survey the academic literature on the economics of litigation and to synthesize its main themes. The chapter begins by introducing the basic economic framework for studying litigation and out-of-court settlement. One set of issues addressed is positive (or descriptive) in nature. Under what conditions will someone decide to file suit? What determines how much is spent on a lawsuit? When do cases settle out of court? Important normative issues are also addressed. Are the litigation decisions made by private parties in the interest of society as a whole? Next, the chapter surveys some of the more active areas in the litigation literature. Topics include rules of evidence, loser-pays rules, appeals, contingent fees for attorneys, alternative dispute resolution, class actions, and plea bargaining.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632187.jsonld | ['Chapter 1 Contract Law'] | ['This chapter surveys major issues arising in the economic analysis of contract law. It begins with an introductory discussion of scope and methodology, and then addresses four main topics that correspond to the major doctrinal divisions of the law of contracts. These divisions include freedom of contract (the extent of private power to create binding obligations), formation of contracts (the procedural mechanics of exchange, and the rules that govern pre-contractual behavior), contract interpretation (the consequences that follow when agreements are ambiguous or incomplete), and enforcement of contractual obligations (the choice between private and public enforcement, and the legal remedies that follow from breach of contract). In each of these sections, we provide an economic analysis of relevant legal rules and institutions, and of the connections between legal arrangements and corresponding topics in microeconomic theory, such as welfare economics and the theory of contracts.'] | ['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', ''] | ['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 1 Contract Law']
### Abstract:
['This chapter surveys major issues arising in the economic analysis of contract law. It begins with an introductory discussion of scope and methodology, and then addresses four main topics that correspond to the major doctrinal divisions of the law of contracts. These divisions include freedom of contract (the extent of private power to create binding obligations), formation of contracts (the procedural mechanics of exchange, and the rules that govern pre-contractual behavior), contract interpretation (the consequences that follow when agreements are ambiguous or incomplete), and enforcement of contractual obligations (the choice between private and public enforcement, and the legal remedies that follow from breach of contract). In each of these sections, we provide an economic analysis of relevant legal rules and institutions, and of the connections between legal arrangements and corresponding topics in microeconomic theory, such as welfare economics and the theory of contracts.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4048737-4', 'gnd:4066399-1', 'gnd:4066510-0', 'gnd:4117663-7', 'gnd:4135492-8', '']
### GND class:
['Recht', 'Wirtschaft', 'Wirtschaftsrecht', 'Wirtschaftssystem', 'Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632233.jsonld | ['Subject Index of Volume 1'] | ['This chapter lists the important subjects that are discussed in the volume I of the book, Handbook Of Experimental Economics Results , such as abundant information, adaptive behavior, adaptive dynamics, and others. The terms are mentioned along with the page numbers in which they are discussed in the bookfor the ease of the reader.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Subject Index of Volume 1']
### Abstract:
['This chapter lists the important subjects that are discussed in the volume I of the book, Handbook Of Experimental Economics Results , such as abundant information, adaptive behavior, adaptive dynamics, and others. The terms are mentioned along with the page numbers in which they are discussed in the bookfor the ease of the reader.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632268.jsonld | ['7. Individual Choice, Beliefs and Behavior'] | ['In many experimental studies it has been found that increasing the level of rewards, while not always significantly improving average support for the predictive hypothesis, nevertheless reduces the variance of the observations around the predicted outcome. Smith and Walker model the decision as maximizing the expected utility of the reward where the subjective cognitive cost of effort is increasing in the accuracy of the decision. Consequently, increasing payoffs induces more costly effort, and reduces the error variance relative to the prediction. In a second entry, they apply this model to the first price auction decision format to examine the effect of payoff levels and experience on bidding behavior. The payoffs vary from zero to 20 times the normal amounts paid to subjects in first price auction experiments. Both payoff level and experience reduce the volatility of bids relative to assigned value: the standard error around the fitted bid function decreases with these two treatment control variables.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['7. Individual Choice, Beliefs and Behavior']
### Abstract:
['In many experimental studies it has been found that increasing the level of rewards, while not always significantly improving average support for the predictive hypothesis, nevertheless reduces the variance of the observations around the predicted outcome. Smith and Walker model the decision as maximizing the expected utility of the reward where the subjective cognitive cost of effort is increasing in the accuracy of the decision. Consequently, increasing payoffs induces more costly effort, and reduces the error variance relative to the prediction. In a second entry, they apply this model to the first price auction decision format to examine the effect of payoff levels and experience on bidding behavior. The payoffs vary from zero to 20 times the normal amounts paid to subjects in first price auction experiments. Both payoff level and experience reduce the volatility of bids relative to assigned value: the standard error around the fitted bid function decreases with these two treatment control variables.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632284.jsonld | ['5. Mechanism Design and Policy Applications'] | ['Early in the development of experimental economics interest emerged in using the lab as a test bed for mechanism design and the examination of public policy questions.The contingent valuation method (CVM) is a hypothetical survey instrument that has been widely used and promoted in the assessment of environmental resource damages. Harrison and Rutstrm discuss the crucial issue of whether there is bias in CVM instruments arising from the fact that both the policy being evaluated and its damage prevention value are hypothetical with weak and distorted private incentives for respondents to accurately reveal their preferences. In these settings the question is whether people overstate their true evaluations. They provide a comprehensive review of a wide range of experiments allowing the existence of hypothetical bias to be determined, concluding that the existence of such bias, while highly variable, is persistent and cannot be ignored in the use of CVM instruments.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['5. Mechanism Design and Policy Applications']
### Abstract:
['Early in the development of experimental economics interest emerged in using the lab as a test bed for mechanism design and the examination of public policy questions.The contingent valuation method (CVM) is a hypothetical survey instrument that has been widely used and promoted in the assessment of environmental resource damages. Harrison and Rutstrm discuss the crucial issue of whether there is bias in CVM instruments arising from the fact that both the policy being evaluated and its damage prevention value are hypothetical with weak and distorted private incentives for respondents to accurately reveal their preferences. In these settings the question is whether people overstate their true evaluations. They provide a comprehensive review of a wide range of experiments allowing the existence of hypothetical bias to be determined, concluding that the existence of such bias, while highly variable, is persistent and cannot be ignored in the use of CVM instruments.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632292.jsonld | ['4. Games'] | ['This chapter reflects attempts to improve upon it and advance our understanding of why it works. The question becomes whether or not the principles of Nash equilibrium can be viewed in the behavior as modification of the attitudes or whether the attitudes themselves induce fundamentally different principles of behavior that can replace the strategic behavior of game theory. The substance of the papers is that strategic behavior is a deep and reliable property of human behavior in conflict environments. A sophisticated experienced weighted learning model is compared to reinforcement learning and weighted fictitious play across a variety of games. The structure of these models is discussed together with interpretations of the measured parameters and areas of potential improvement.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['4. Games']
### Abstract:
['This chapter reflects attempts to improve upon it and advance our understanding of why it works. The question becomes whether or not the principles of Nash equilibrium can be viewed in the behavior as modification of the attitudes or whether the attitudes themselves induce fundamentally different principles of behavior that can replace the strategic behavior of game theory. The substance of the papers is that strategic behavior is a deep and reliable property of human behavior in conflict environments. A sophisticated experienced weighted learning model is compared to reinforcement learning and weighted fictitious play across a variety of games. The structure of these models is discussed together with interpretations of the measured parameters and areas of potential improvement.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632314.jsonld | ['2. Market Economics of Uncertainty and Information'] | ['The principles based on purposeful behavior, which have always been at the foundations of economics, began to expand to explain the acquisition of information and its use, including both the information that might be carried in the actions of others and in the behavior of markets. This evolution was accompanied by the development of more precise principles of behavior as well as modifications of those of classical origin. This chapter reports on the expectations development of individuals and in particular the capacity of individuals to condition their expectations of some events on the observation of multiple other events. That is, they measure the implicit conditional subjective probabilities of events that have a stochastic dependence on other observable events.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['2. Market Economics of Uncertainty and Information']
### Abstract:
['The principles based on purposeful behavior, which have always been at the foundations of economics, began to expand to explain the acquisition of information and its use, including both the information that might be carried in the actions of others and in the behavior of markets. This evolution was accompanied by the development of more precise principles of behavior as well as modifications of those of classical origin. This chapter reports on the expectations development of individuals and in particular the capacity of individuals to condition their expectations of some events on the observation of multiple other events. That is, they measure the implicit conditional subjective probabilities of events that have a stochastic dependence on other observable events.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632322.jsonld | ['1. Markets'] | ['More than anything else in the history of the development of economic thought, experimental economics is about the extended order of markets whose outcomes are not part of the intentions of the participants. It is accurate to say that markets emerged out of the dim past of social and economic exchange as an inscrutable human social propensity to truck, barter and exchange, rather than to describe them as having been invented. Even today, as in the experimental subfield of economic system design and testing, although invention appears to be prominent initially, all designs are subject to continuous change and adaptation in the light of experience and feedback; first in lab testing, then ongoing in the field. For example, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange has a book of rules, consisting of a three ring loose-leaf notebook, symbolizing the persistence of change based on experience that characterizes institutions.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['1. Markets']
### Abstract:
['More than anything else in the history of the development of economic thought, experimental economics is about the extended order of markets whose outcomes are not part of the intentions of the participants. It is accurate to say that markets emerged out of the dim past of social and economic exchange as an inscrutable human social propensity to truck, barter and exchange, rather than to describe them as having been invented. Even today, as in the experimental subfield of economic system design and testing, although invention appears to be prominent initially, all designs are subject to continuous change and adaptation in the light of experience and feedback; first in lab testing, then ongoing in the field. For example, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange has a book of rules, consisting of a three ring loose-leaf notebook, symbolizing the persistence of change based on experience that characterizes institutions.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632349.jsonld | ['Introduction to the Series'] | ['This chapter is an introduction to the series of the book Handbook Of Experimental Economics Results. Each Handbook provides self-contained surveys of the current state of a branch of economics in the form of chapters prepared by leading specialists on various aspects of this branch of economics. These surveys summarize not only received results but also newer developments, from recent journal articles and discussion papers. Some original material is also included, but the main goal is to provide comprehensive and accessible surveys.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Introduction to the Series']
### Abstract:
['This chapter is an introduction to the series of the book Handbook Of Experimental Economics Results. Each Handbook provides self-contained surveys of the current state of a branch of economics in the form of chapters prepared by leading specialists on various aspects of this branch of economics. These surveys summarize not only received results but also newer developments, from recent journal articles and discussion papers. Some original material is also included, but the main goal is to provide comprehensive and accessible surveys.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632357.jsonld | ['Chapter 115 On the Performance of the Lottery Procedure for Controlling Risk Preferences'] | ["This chapter describes the lottery procedure for inducing preferences over units of experimental exchange and show how it is supported by several experiments on behavior in simple contexts. This chapter reviews various evidence from a set of paired choice and pricing tasks designed to determine whether subjects' revealed preferences over gambles are consistent with attempted risk preference induction. There is strong support for the performance of inducing when subjects choose between paired gambles. Subjects induced to be risk seeking nearly always choose the riskier gamble, while those induced to be risk averse choose the less risky one. There is similar support for pricing gambles, but the strength of the effect is a function of the variance of the gambles. This is consistent with other experimental evidence about the importance of saliency. Risk preferences matter little when there is little risk As risk increases, risk preferences should become more important in the experiments. Subjects appear to price gambles more consistently with their induced risk preferences as variance increases."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 115 On the Performance of the Lottery Procedure for Controlling Risk Preferences']
### Abstract:
["This chapter describes the lottery procedure for inducing preferences over units of experimental exchange and show how it is supported by several experiments on behavior in simple contexts. This chapter reviews various evidence from a set of paired choice and pricing tasks designed to determine whether subjects' revealed preferences over gambles are consistent with attempted risk preference induction. There is strong support for the performance of inducing when subjects choose between paired gambles. Subjects induced to be risk seeking nearly always choose the riskier gamble, while those induced to be risk averse choose the less risky one. There is similar support for pricing gambles, but the strength of the effect is a function of the variance of the gambles. This is consistent with other experimental evidence about the importance of saliency. Risk preferences matter little when there is little risk As risk increases, risk preferences should become more important in the experiments. Subjects appear to price gambles more consistently with their induced risk preferences as variance increases."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632381.jsonld | ['Chapter 112 Rewards and Behavior in First Price Auctions'] | ["The trading rules for the first price auction can be summarized as follows. A single object is offered in perfectly inelastic supply to N > 2 bidders. Each bidder submits a single bid for the commodity with the understanding that the commodity will be awarded to the highest bidder at a price equal to the highest bid. This chapter examines the impact on subjects' behavior of substantial increases in the size of expected laboratory payoffs and experience in the context of a first price auction. Bidding behavior in this institution has been investigated by experimental economists for over 20 years. Virtually all studies reveal behavior in which: (1) bidding behavior across subjects is heterogeneous; and (2) subjects consistently bid above the level predicted for risk-neutral agents, behavior which is consistent with as if risk averse."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 112 Rewards and Behavior in First Price Auctions']
### Abstract:
["The trading rules for the first price auction can be summarized as follows. A single object is offered in perfectly inelastic supply to N > 2 bidders. Each bidder submits a single bid for the commodity with the understanding that the commodity will be awarded to the highest bidder at a price equal to the highest bid. This chapter examines the impact on subjects' behavior of substantial increases in the size of expected laboratory payoffs and experience in the context of a first price auction. Bidding behavior in this institution has been investigated by experimental economists for over 20 years. Virtually all studies reveal behavior in which: (1) bidding behavior across subjects is heterogeneous; and (2) subjects consistently bid above the level predicted for risk-neutral agents, behavior which is consistent with as if risk averse."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A183163239X.jsonld | ['Chapter 111 Payoff Scale Effects and Risk Preference Under Real and Hypothetical Conditions'] | ['The use of monetary incentives may not affect behavior much in some contexts, or it may simply reduce the dispersion of data around some theoretical prediction. But the experiments indicate that incentive effects may be large and systematic in other contexts. In the absence of a widely accepted theory of when incentives matter, it is probably not advisable to derive scientific conclusions from laboratory studies that do not provide clear, salient motivation. The evidence surveyed here shows that relying on hypothetical payments can yield misleading results in some circumstances. Moreover, social scientists do not have a good feel for when to believe hypothetical choice patterns. Given this, they believe that performance-based incentives should be used in economics experiments, and results motivated by hypothetical incentives should be interpreted with caution.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 111 Payoff Scale Effects and Risk Preference Under Real and Hypothetical Conditions']
### Abstract:
['The use of monetary incentives may not affect behavior much in some contexts, or it may simply reduce the dispersion of data around some theoretical prediction. But the experiments indicate that incentive effects may be large and systematic in other contexts. In the absence of a widely accepted theory of when incentives matter, it is probably not advisable to derive scientific conclusions from laboratory studies that do not provide clear, salient motivation. The evidence surveyed here shows that relying on hypothetical payments can yield misleading results in some circumstances. Moreover, social scientists do not have a good feel for when to believe hypothetical choice patterns. Given this, they believe that performance-based incentives should be used in economics experiments, and results motivated by hypothetical incentives should be interpreted with caution.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A183163242X.jsonld | ['Chapter 108 One-Reason Decision Making'] | ['One-reason decision making is a label for a class of fast and frugal heuristics that base decisions on only one reason. These heuristics do not attempt to optimally fit parameters to a given environment; rather, they have simple structural features and bet that the environment will fit them. By not attempting to optimize, these heuristics can save time and computations, and demand only little knowledge concerning a situation. Models of one-reason decision making have been designed for various tasks, including choice, numerical estimation, and classification. This chapter focuses on two of these heuristics, Take The Best and Minimalist, and compare their performance with that of standard statistical strategies that weigh and combine many reasons, such as multiple regression. Contrary to common intuition, more reasons are not always better.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 108 One-Reason Decision Making']
### Abstract:
['One-reason decision making is a label for a class of fast and frugal heuristics that base decisions on only one reason. These heuristics do not attempt to optimally fit parameters to a given environment; rather, they have simple structural features and bet that the environment will fit them. By not attempting to optimize, these heuristics can save time and computations, and demand only little knowledge concerning a situation. Models of one-reason decision making have been designed for various tasks, including choice, numerical estimation, and classification. This chapter focuses on two of these heuristics, Take The Best and Minimalist, and compare their performance with that of standard statistical strategies that weigh and combine many reasons, such as multiple regression. Contrary to common intuition, more reasons are not always better.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632489.jsonld | ['Chapter 103 Utility Maximization'] | ["A testable form of the utility hypothesis results from identifying necessary condition(s) for the existence of a utility function that rationalizes the price and quantity data, meaning a utility function that correctly predicts choices that do not violate an agent's budget constraint. Possible inconsistencies with utility-maximizing choices are of no clear economic interest unless the objects of choice are scarce. In order for the chosen commodities to be scarce, the agent's budget constraint must be binding. Hence, a specific testable form of the utility hypothesis must incorporate scarcity. There are various ways to incorporate scarcity in the model of the utility-maximizing agent. The model of the utility-maximizing agent is central to theoretical and applied economics and to economics education. But how can one test for the presence of utility maximization? More specifically, how can one test the utility hypothesis, defined as the hypothesis that real economic agents behave as if they maximize utility functions subject to binding budget constraints?"] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 103 Utility Maximization']
### Abstract:
["A testable form of the utility hypothesis results from identifying necessary condition(s) for the existence of a utility function that rationalizes the price and quantity data, meaning a utility function that correctly predicts choices that do not violate an agent's budget constraint. Possible inconsistencies with utility-maximizing choices are of no clear economic interest unless the objects of choice are scarce. In order for the chosen commodities to be scarce, the agent's budget constraint must be binding. Hence, a specific testable form of the utility hypothesis must incorporate scarcity. There are various ways to incorporate scarcity in the model of the utility-maximizing agent. The model of the utility-maximizing agent is central to theoretical and applied economics and to economics education. But how can one test for the presence of utility maximization? More specifically, how can one test the utility hypothesis, defined as the hypothesis that real economic agents behave as if they maximize utility functions subject to binding budget constraints?"]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632497.jsonld | ['Chapter 102 The Becker–DeGroot–Marschak Mechanism is not Generally Incentive-Compatible in Practice'] | ["Experimentalists have been so sure of the incentive compatibility of this mechanism in practice that they often explicitly inform their subjects that it is in the respondents' interest to report their true reservation prices, or words to that effect. However, as is reported here, it turns out that behavior is not fully determined by these incentives alone and that, contrary to the incentives provided, the choice of upper bound of the buyout price range tends to influence the seller prices that subjects state. Thus, studies which have used upper bounds clearly exceeding what real buyers could consider paying may have produced biased estimates of seller reservation prices."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 102 The Becker–DeGroot–Marschak Mechanism is not Generally Incentive-Compatible in Practice']
### Abstract:
["Experimentalists have been so sure of the incentive compatibility of this mechanism in practice that they often explicitly inform their subjects that it is in the respondents' interest to report their true reservation prices, or words to that effect. However, as is reported here, it turns out that behavior is not fully determined by these incentives alone and that, contrary to the incentives provided, the choice of upper bound of the buyout price range tends to influence the seller prices that subjects state. Thus, studies which have used upper bounds clearly exceeding what real buyers could consider paying may have produced biased estimates of seller reservation prices."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632500.jsonld | ['Chapter 101 The Endowment Effect'] | ["The emergence of empirical evidence suggesting divergence between the willingness- to-accept (WTA), for the sale of an object, and the willingness-to-pay (WTP), for the purchase of an object, has resulted in two explanations. Further they argue that the endowment effect will not apply when the goods are purchased for resale and not for use; there is no endowment effect for the retail firm, only for the consumer purchasing the firm's good. Similarly, they argue that the endowment effect does not apply to the exchange of tokens (or rights) to which private redemption values, or induced values have been assigned by the experimenter. Given the explanations for the divergence between the average WTA and WTP the experimental literature focused on direct choice tests of these (theoretical) explanations, and there examination in market contexts."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 101 The Endowment Effect']
### Abstract:
["The emergence of empirical evidence suggesting divergence between the willingness- to-accept (WTA), for the sale of an object, and the willingness-to-pay (WTP), for the purchase of an object, has resulted in two explanations. Further they argue that the endowment effect will not apply when the goods are purchased for resale and not for use; there is no endowment effect for the retail firm, only for the consumer purchasing the firm's good. Similarly, they argue that the endowment effect does not apply to the exchange of tokens (or rights) to which private redemption values, or induced values have been assigned by the experimenter. Given the explanations for the divergence between the average WTA and WTP the experimental literature focused on direct choice tests of these (theoretical) explanations, and there examination in market contexts."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632519.jsonld | ['Chapter 100 The Endowment Effect: Evidence of Losses Valued More than Gains'] | ["The early empirical evidence of a wide disparity between people's valuations of gains and losses appeared in results of contingent valuation studies in which respondents were asked both how much they would be willing to pay to prevent a loss of an environmental or other amenity, and what sum they would demand to accept its loss. The results of experiments testing people's valuations of gains and losses have been consistent in showing that individuals value losses far more than otherwise fully commensurate gains. This leads to smaller gains from trade and fewer voluntary market transactions than would be the case with valuation equivalence. The valuation disparity also suggests greater caution in assessing welfare losses, predicting market outcomes, and may well imply different policy designs."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 100 The Endowment Effect: Evidence of Losses Valued More than Gains']
### Abstract:
["The early empirical evidence of a wide disparity between people's valuations of gains and losses appeared in results of contingent valuation studies in which respondents were asked both how much they would be willing to pay to prevent a loss of an environmental or other amenity, and what sum they would demand to accept its loss. The results of experiments testing people's valuations of gains and losses have been consistent in showing that individuals value losses far more than otherwise fully commensurate gains. This leads to smaller gains from trade and fewer voluntary market transactions than would be the case with valuation equivalence. The valuation disparity also suggests greater caution in assessing welfare losses, predicting market outcomes, and may well imply different policy designs."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632535.jsonld | ['Chapter 98 Intertemporal Choice under Habit Formation'] | ['The fundamental question addressed in this research is the degree to which models of optimal intertemporal choice are good descriptions of non-interactive individual intertemporal behavior in the presence of habit formation. The existence of loss avoidance does, however, not explain why subjects consume too much in the first few periods. This chapter conjecture that overconsumption during the first periods is driven by cognitive limitations. If subjects are unable to compute the aggregate present value of future costs which is associated with each level of consumption, they face a form of subjective uncertainty. Hence, psychologically relevant features of the decision problem play an important role. This chapter also presents the fact that the present benefits of consumption are relatively large, immediately available, and thus unambiguously given is likely to be of psychological relevance because it renders present benefits highly salient.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 98 Intertemporal Choice under Habit Formation']
### Abstract:
['The fundamental question addressed in this research is the degree to which models of optimal intertemporal choice are good descriptions of non-interactive individual intertemporal behavior in the presence of habit formation. The existence of loss avoidance does, however, not explain why subjects consume too much in the first few periods. This chapter conjecture that overconsumption during the first periods is driven by cognitive limitations. If subjects are unable to compute the aggregate present value of future costs which is associated with each level of consumption, they face a form of subjective uncertainty. Hence, psychologically relevant features of the decision problem play an important role. This chapter also presents the fact that the present benefits of consumption are relatively large, immediately available, and thus unambiguously given is likely to be of psychological relevance because it renders present benefits highly salient.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632543.jsonld | ['Chapter 97 Motivation Theory and Experimental Behavior under the Decision Cost Hypothesis'] | ["This chapter compare hypothetical with actual bids of a Treasury bill dealer, and find that the dealer's measure of constant relative risk aversion using actual bid data is four times larger than under hypothetical assessment. This chapter also reports individual decision making experiments in which the incidence of confused behavior is reduced with monetary rewards, but subjects who appear not to be confused behave about the same with or without monetary rewards. This chapter finds that results in the dictator game are affected significantly by monetary incentives and that under no-pay conditions the results in ultimatum games are inconclusive because they fail to be replicable."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 97 Motivation Theory and Experimental Behavior under the Decision Cost Hypothesis']
### Abstract:
["This chapter compare hypothetical with actual bids of a Treasury bill dealer, and find that the dealer's measure of constant relative risk aversion using actual bid data is four times larger than under hypothetical assessment. This chapter also reports individual decision making experiments in which the incidence of confused behavior is reduced with monetary rewards, but subjects who appear not to be confused behave about the same with or without monetary rewards. This chapter finds that results in the dictator game are affected significantly by monetary incentives and that under no-pay conditions the results in ultimatum games are inconclusive because they fail to be replicable."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632586.jsonld | ["Chapter 94 Three-way Experimental Election Results: Strategic Voting, Coordinated Outcomes and Duverger's Law"] | ['This chapter discusses here all used plurality voting. Thus, subjects could cast the vote vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0, 0) for the candidates O, G and B, respectively. After each election, the candidate with the most votes was declared the winner and subjects were paid accordingly. If a tie occurred between two or more candidates, the winner was selected randomly with the tied candidates having equal probabilities of being selected. After each election, subjects were informed of the number of votes received by each candidate, the election winner and their payoffs. The equilibria are based on expectations about (1) which candidates will be in contention in a close race (conditional tie probabilities) and (2) the values voters place on breaking ties in their favor. For these payoffs, only the relative strengths of candidates O and G matter in selecting the equilibrium. When O is perceived strong while G is weak, all majority voters vote for O.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ["Chapter 94 Three-way Experimental Election Results: Strategic Voting, Coordinated Outcomes and Duverger's Law"]
### Abstract:
['This chapter discusses here all used plurality voting. Thus, subjects could cast the vote vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0, 0) for the candidates O, G and B, respectively. After each election, the candidate with the most votes was declared the winner and subjects were paid accordingly. If a tie occurred between two or more candidates, the winner was selected randomly with the tied candidates having equal probabilities of being selected. After each election, subjects were informed of the number of votes received by each candidate, the election winner and their payoffs. The equilibria are based on expectations about (1) which candidates will be in contention in a close race (conditional tie probabilities) and (2) the values voters place on breaking ties in their favor. For these payoffs, only the relative strengths of candidates O and G matter in selecting the equilibrium. When O is perceived strong while G is weak, all majority voters vote for O.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632594.jsonld | ['Chapter 93 Structure Induced Equilibrium in Spatial Committee Games'] | ['Markets, auction mechanisms and political institutions all affect outcomes. For students of collective choice, minimal decision making institutions provide a baseline by which we expect outcomes that best can be characterized as chaotic. Such outcomes are rarely predictable and the processes by which they are selected are marked by voting cycles and drifting through the alternative space. More interesting for collective choice theorists are those mechanisms introduced into a minimal institutional setting that in turn brings predictability to outcomes. Almost all institutions charged with making collective choices are richly layered with rules. The United States House of Representatives is one of the more rule-bound institutions that has been studied extensively and empirical scholars take for granted that its outcomes will be predictable and patterned. However, disentangling which structural features matter and when they matter remains a task for theorists. Experimentalists continue to offer examples as to when institutions matter.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 93 Structure Induced Equilibrium in Spatial Committee Games']
### Abstract:
['Markets, auction mechanisms and political institutions all affect outcomes. For students of collective choice, minimal decision making institutions provide a baseline by which we expect outcomes that best can be characterized as chaotic. Such outcomes are rarely predictable and the processes by which they are selected are marked by voting cycles and drifting through the alternative space. More interesting for collective choice theorists are those mechanisms introduced into a minimal institutional setting that in turn brings predictability to outcomes. Almost all institutions charged with making collective choices are richly layered with rules. The United States House of Representatives is one of the more rule-bound institutions that has been studied extensively and empirical scholars take for granted that its outcomes will be predictable and patterned. However, disentangling which structural features matter and when they matter remains a task for theorists. Experimentalists continue to offer examples as to when institutions matter.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632608.jsonld | ['Chapter 92 Endogenous Properties of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Spatial Committee Games'] | ['This chapter discusses that experiments demonstrate the extent to which outcomes are responsive to the structure of preferences. Where a preference-induced equilibrium exists, outcomes converge toward that equilibrium. Where a natural majority coalition exists, outcomes cluster around it. Where preferences are widely distributed, so too are outcomes. By and large, the fact that outcomes are sensitive to endogenous preferences comes as some relief. These results indicate that there is a clear patterning to outcomes and they are dependent on the preferences of actors. Rather than throwing up our hands in frustration over the impossibility of understanding basic collective choice processes, these results point to the possibility of predicting outcomes. Those theoretical constructs aim at capturing the complex relationships between preference and choices.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 92 Endogenous Properties of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Spatial Committee Games']
### Abstract:
['This chapter discusses that experiments demonstrate the extent to which outcomes are responsive to the structure of preferences. Where a preference-induced equilibrium exists, outcomes converge toward that equilibrium. Where a natural majority coalition exists, outcomes cluster around it. Where preferences are widely distributed, so too are outcomes. By and large, the fact that outcomes are sensitive to endogenous preferences comes as some relief. These results indicate that there is a clear patterning to outcomes and they are dependent on the preferences of actors. Rather than throwing up our hands in frustration over the impossibility of understanding basic collective choice processes, these results point to the possibility of predicting outcomes. Those theoretical constructs aim at capturing the complex relationships between preference and choices.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632616.jsonld | ['Chapter 91 Institutional Modifications of Majority Rule'] | ['This chapter states that institutions and preferences are hopelessly confounded with the world of politics. Starting with data about institutional variation and variation in policy outcomes, it is impossible to make any hard and fast inferences about the impact of institutional features on policy outcomes. Do the states with a line-item veto spend less on certain budget categories because of the line-item veto, or because those states have electorates that prefer both the line-item veto and those expenditure patterns? Disentangling cause, effect, and spurious correlation can be virtually impossible with natural data. Experiments are uniquely suited for examining institutional effects. The experimenter can hold preferences constant and randomly assign subjects to treatments distinguished only by variations in institutional rules; resulting differences in behavior may be ascribed to the institutional differences with a degree of confidence that would be impossible in natural political settings.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 91 Institutional Modifications of Majority Rule']
### Abstract:
['This chapter states that institutions and preferences are hopelessly confounded with the world of politics. Starting with data about institutional variation and variation in policy outcomes, it is impossible to make any hard and fast inferences about the impact of institutional features on policy outcomes. Do the states with a line-item veto spend less on certain budget categories because of the line-item veto, or because those states have electorates that prefer both the line-item veto and those expenditure patterns? Disentangling cause, effect, and spurious correlation can be virtually impossible with natural data. Experiments are uniquely suited for examining institutional effects. The experimenter can hold preferences constant and randomly assign subjects to treatments distinguished only by variations in institutional rules; resulting differences in behavior may be ascribed to the institutional differences with a degree of confidence that would be impossible in natural political settings.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632640.jsonld | ['Chapter 88 Voluntary Provision of Public Goods'] | ['This chapter discusses that redistributing resource endowments from people who contribute to public goods to other people who contribute to public goods will have no effect on the aggregate contributions to public goods. However, redistribution from non-contributors to contributors will result in an increase in the provision of public goods. A model which incorporates equity theory is used to generate alternative hypotheses for the behavior of individual contributors. Aggregate contribution data from three-person public goods environments support the neutrality theorem originally when endowments were redistributed among contributors. The individual contribution data, however, did not support the predictions of the conventional model. Individuals with relatively high endowments tended to under-contribute, relative to the conventional predictions, while individuals with relatively low endowments over-contributed.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 88 Voluntary Provision of Public Goods']
### Abstract:
['This chapter discusses that redistributing resource endowments from people who contribute to public goods to other people who contribute to public goods will have no effect on the aggregate contributions to public goods. However, redistribution from non-contributors to contributors will result in an increase in the provision of public goods. A model which incorporates equity theory is used to generate alternative hypotheses for the behavior of individual contributors. Aggregate contribution data from three-person public goods environments support the neutrality theorem originally when endowments were redistributed among contributors. The individual contribution data, however, did not support the predictions of the conventional model. Individuals with relatively high endowments tended to under-contribute, relative to the conventional predictions, while individuals with relatively low endowments over-contributed.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632705.jsonld | ['Chapter 82 Partners versus Strangers: Random Rematching in Public Goods Experiments'] | ['Simply repeating the game with the same set of subjects may change the nature of equilibrium, since incomplete information about types can lead to reputation effects of the sort described in this chapter. A common way to deal with this has been to rematch subjects randomly into groups for each iteration of the game, hence forming a repeated single-shot design and avoiding the repeated-game effects. This chapter tested this question by comparing a set of subjects who played infinitely repeated games with another set who played in a repeated single-shot. Players in the repeated game were called Partners, while those in the repeated single-shot game were called Strangers. The discussion of Partners versus Strangers thus far has been predicated on the assumption that the incentives of individuals are consistent with money-maximization in the experiment.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 82 Partners versus Strangers: Random Rematching in Public Goods Experiments']
### Abstract:
['Simply repeating the game with the same set of subjects may change the nature of equilibrium, since incomplete information about types can lead to reputation effects of the sort described in this chapter. A common way to deal with this has been to rematch subjects randomly into groups for each iteration of the game, hence forming a repeated single-shot design and avoiding the repeated-game effects. This chapter tested this question by comparing a set of subjects who played infinitely repeated games with another set who played in a repeated single-shot. Players in the repeated game were called Partners, while those in the repeated single-shot game were called Strangers. The discussion of Partners versus Strangers thus far has been predicated on the assumption that the incentives of individuals are consistent with money-maximization in the experiment.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632799.jsonld | ['Chapter 73 Energy, Reserve and Adjustment Market Behavior With Industry Network, Demand and Generator Parameters'] | ['This chapter summarizes results from various experiments that uses a complex 9-node network market with parameters supplied by the electric utility industry. In the experiments conducted, the chapter uses a DC model with quadratic line losses to compute the real power flows in the aggregated network. The chapter concludes that with intensive training and screening, subjects can handle very complex and demanding environments when assisted by local expert system algorithms similar to the support needed by practitioners in the field. Moreover, they engage in extensive, successful manipulation attempts to take advantage of the regulatory must-serve restrictions on the ability of the local distribution monopoly to interrupt demand to discipline seller withholding of supply. Sellers, however, are much more consistently successful in this respect under the CDA trading rule condition. These findings contrast sharply with those of other experimental studies in which modest proportions of peak consumer demand could be interrupted by wholesale buyers, enabling the latter to discipline seller attempts to raise clearing prices.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 73 Energy, Reserve and Adjustment Market Behavior With Industry Network, Demand and Generator Parameters']
### Abstract:
['This chapter summarizes results from various experiments that uses a complex 9-node network market with parameters supplied by the electric utility industry. In the experiments conducted, the chapter uses a DC model with quadratic line losses to compute the real power flows in the aggregated network. The chapter concludes that with intensive training and screening, subjects can handle very complex and demanding environments when assisted by local expert system algorithms similar to the support needed by practitioners in the field. Moreover, they engage in extensive, successful manipulation attempts to take advantage of the regulatory must-serve restrictions on the ability of the local distribution monopoly to interrupt demand to discipline seller withholding of supply. Sellers, however, are much more consistently successful in this respect under the CDA trading rule condition. These findings contrast sharply with those of other experimental studies in which modest proportions of peak consumer demand could be interrupted by wholesale buyers, enabling the latter to discipline seller attempts to raise clearing prices.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632802.jsonld | ['Chapter 72 Electric Power Market Design Issues and Laboratory Experiments'] | ['The incentive failure of government ownership of public utility industries has helped to motivate the worldwide privatization of these industries. Similar shortcomings of rate-of-return regulation in the United States has led to major changes in the way in which the gas, telephone and cable TV industries are regulated, as public policy has leaned toward, if not fully embraced, the substitution of markets for direct regulation of these industries. Radical technological changes in long distance communication and transmission have also contributed to this accelerating trend. But such analysis does not deal with the question of how bidding behavior may be affected by line constraints; nor does it ask if optimization is supported by an equilibrium model. This chapter also inquires as to how market efficiency and the income shares of producers, wholesale buyers, and transmission line owners are altered with a variation on the auction market bidding rules. The effects of a line constraint and of changing the auction market rules are both examined under different levels of experience on the part of the subjects.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 72 Electric Power Market Design Issues and Laboratory Experiments']
### Abstract:
['The incentive failure of government ownership of public utility industries has helped to motivate the worldwide privatization of these industries. Similar shortcomings of rate-of-return regulation in the United States has led to major changes in the way in which the gas, telephone and cable TV industries are regulated, as public policy has leaned toward, if not fully embraced, the substitution of markets for direct regulation of these industries. Radical technological changes in long distance communication and transmission have also contributed to this accelerating trend. But such analysis does not deal with the question of how bidding behavior may be affected by line constraints; nor does it ask if optimization is supported by an equilibrium model. This chapter also inquires as to how market efficiency and the income shares of producers, wholesale buyers, and transmission line owners are altered with a variation on the auction market bidding rules. The effects of a line constraint and of changing the auction market rules are both examined under different levels of experience on the part of the subjects.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632829.jsonld | ['Chapter 70 Trading Institutions and Emission Allowances'] | ["In the frictionless world of theory without transaction costs, allowance trading offers the potential of billions of dollars in savings when compared to traditional command and control regulation. It is therefore not surprising that regulators have embraced this approach in recent years to reduce the pain of achieving specific environmental objectives. This short review highlights the fact that policy-makers must recognize that the devil is in the details, and that several intermediate steps are necessary when translating these plans and schemes from the theorist's blackboard to the field. For example, regulators need to carefully consider the design of any new trading institutions and allowance characteristics. Failure to consider these details can lead to poorly designed trading institutions such as the EPA auction which can slow the development of the market and require redesign after only several years of operation. By contrast, sufficient consideration of incentives and sponsoring laboratory experiments when appropriate can lead to a better design of allowance characteristics such as in the RECLAIM program."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 70 Trading Institutions and Emission Allowances']
### Abstract:
["In the frictionless world of theory without transaction costs, allowance trading offers the potential of billions of dollars in savings when compared to traditional command and control regulation. It is therefore not surprising that regulators have embraced this approach in recent years to reduce the pain of achieving specific environmental objectives. This short review highlights the fact that policy-makers must recognize that the devil is in the details, and that several intermediate steps are necessary when translating these plans and schemes from the theorist's blackboard to the field. For example, regulators need to carefully consider the design of any new trading institutions and allowance characteristics. Failure to consider these details can lead to poorly designed trading institutions such as the EPA auction which can slow the development of the market and require redesign after only several years of operation. By contrast, sufficient consideration of incentives and sponsoring laboratory experiments when appropriate can lead to a better design of allowance characteristics such as in the RECLAIM program."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632861.jsonld | ['Chapter 66 Learning and Equilibrium in Games'] | ["This chapter describes a very general approach to learning in games: experience-weighted attraction (EWA) learning. This approach strives to explain, for every choice in an experiment, how that choice arose from players' previous behavior and experience, using a general model which can be applied to most games with minimal customization and which predicts well out of sample. Sophisticated EWA includes important equilibrium concepts and many other learning models as special cases. The model therefore allows one- stop shopping for learning about the latest statistical comparisons of many different learning and equilibrium models . The model can also be adapted to field applications in which strategies and payoffs are often poorly-specified. The EWA model presented is a simplification (as are all the other adaptive models) because it does not permit players to anticipate learning by others. Omitting anticipation logically implies that players do not use information about the payoffs of other players, and that whether players are matched together repeatedly or randomly re-matched should not matter."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 66 Learning and Equilibrium in Games']
### Abstract:
["This chapter describes a very general approach to learning in games: experience-weighted attraction (EWA) learning. This approach strives to explain, for every choice in an experiment, how that choice arose from players' previous behavior and experience, using a general model which can be applied to most games with minimal customization and which predicts well out of sample. Sophisticated EWA includes important equilibrium concepts and many other learning models as special cases. The model therefore allows one- stop shopping for learning about the latest statistical comparisons of many different learning and equilibrium models . The model can also be adapted to field applications in which strategies and payoffs are often poorly-specified. The EWA model presented is a simplification (as are all the other adaptive models) because it does not permit players to anticipate learning by others. Omitting anticipation logically implies that players do not use information about the payoffs of other players, and that whether players are matched together repeatedly or randomly re-matched should not matter."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A183163287X.jsonld | ["Chapter 65 Payoff Uncertainty and Cooperation in Finitely-repeated Prisoner's Dilemma Games"] | ["Several of the results reported here broadly support theories of sequential equilibria. In particular, at least four pieces of data indicate that game theory's structurally-oriented models predict some of the reasons for individuals' play in the prisoner's dilemma game: (1) more cooperation resulted when a cooperative equilibrium existed; (2) players cooperated more overall and more in the first round in SW than in SS; (3) Column was more cooperative than Row on the first trial; and (4) the SW Column Uncertain condition produced the most end game cooperation. Unfortunately, these effects only explain part of the picture. In essence, even after considering the effects of uncertainty, the original issue still remains: considerable cooperation resulted when no cooperative equilibria exist."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ["Chapter 65 Payoff Uncertainty and Cooperation in Finitely-repeated Prisoner's Dilemma Games"]
### Abstract:
["Several of the results reported here broadly support theories of sequential equilibria. In particular, at least four pieces of data indicate that game theory's structurally-oriented models predict some of the reasons for individuals' play in the prisoner's dilemma game: (1) more cooperation resulted when a cooperative equilibrium existed; (2) players cooperated more overall and more in the first round in SW than in SS; (3) Column was more cooperative than Row on the first trial; and (4) the SW Column Uncertain condition produced the most end game cooperation. Unfortunately, these effects only explain part of the picture. In essence, even after considering the effects of uncertainty, the original issue still remains: considerable cooperation resulted when no cooperative equilibria exist."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632888.jsonld | ['Chapter 64 Learning in Entry Limit Pricing Games'] | ['This chapter examines whether refinements based on forward induction or simple adaptive learning models are better able to capture behavior in signaling game experiments. This chapter also finds that observed behavior is inconsistent with either the equilibrium refinements literature or pure belief-based adaptive learning models. An augmented adaptive learning model in which some players recognize the existence of dominated strategies and their consequences successfully captures the major qualitative features of the data.Equilibrium refinements do quite poorly in capturing our results. The refinements say nothing about the observed dynamics of play and cannot predict observed differences between Treatments I and IB and between Treatments II, III, and IV. The results of Treatment V are completely inconsistent with any refinement to sequential equilibrium. All of these results can be characterized by a simple belief-based learning model augmented to allow for some limited reasoning ability by players.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 64 Learning in Entry Limit Pricing Games']
### Abstract:
['This chapter examines whether refinements based on forward induction or simple adaptive learning models are better able to capture behavior in signaling game experiments. This chapter also finds that observed behavior is inconsistent with either the equilibrium refinements literature or pure belief-based adaptive learning models. An augmented adaptive learning model in which some players recognize the existence of dominated strategies and their consequences successfully captures the major qualitative features of the data.Equilibrium refinements do quite poorly in capturing our results. The refinements say nothing about the observed dynamics of play and cannot predict observed differences between Treatments I and IB and between Treatments II, III, and IV. The results of Treatment V are completely inconsistent with any refinement to sequential equilibrium. All of these results can be characterized by a simple belief-based learning model augmented to allow for some limited reasoning ability by players.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A183163290X.jsonld | ['Chapter 62 Asymmetric Two-person Bargaining Under Incomplete Information: Strategic Play and Adaptive Learning'] | ["This chapter focuses on a series of experiments investigating decision behavior in single-stage, two-person bargaining over the exchange of a single commodity, where neither trader knows with precision the reservation value that the other places on the good or service being bought or sold. Uncertainty about the other trader's reservation value is represented by a commonly known probability distribution. This chapter also summarizes the major behavioral regularities that have been observed in two computer-controlled bargaining experiments using the sealed-bid double auction mechanism. Under this mechanism, the buyer submits a bid anonymously over a computer network, and the seller submits an offer for the good she possesses. Bids and offers are submitted simultaneously. Considerable theoretical progress has been made in analyzing these bilateral bargaining situations with two-sided incomplete information within the general framework of the BayesianNash equilibrium."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 62 Asymmetric Two-person Bargaining Under Incomplete Information: Strategic Play and Adaptive Learning']
### Abstract:
["This chapter focuses on a series of experiments investigating decision behavior in single-stage, two-person bargaining over the exchange of a single commodity, where neither trader knows with precision the reservation value that the other places on the good or service being bought or sold. Uncertainty about the other trader's reservation value is represented by a commonly known probability distribution. This chapter also summarizes the major behavioral regularities that have been observed in two computer-controlled bargaining experiments using the sealed-bid double auction mechanism. Under this mechanism, the buyer submits a bid anonymously over a computer network, and the seller submits an offer for the good she possesses. Bids and offers are submitted simultaneously. Considerable theoretical progress has been made in analyzing these bilateral bargaining situations with two-sided incomplete information within the general framework of the BayesianNash equilibrium."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632969.jsonld | ['Chapter 56 Focal Points and Bargaining'] | ['This chapter focuses on the focal points and bargaining. The idea of a focal point is of great practical importance. However, no consensus exists concerning the manner in which focal points become established or survive after their establishment. At one extreme, some authors emphasize rationality considerations above all else. At the other extreme are authors who argue that social norms are so important that strategic issues can be neglected entirely. Even those who emphasize the importance of social norms are left with unresolved questions. Subjects can be conditioned to begin bargaining against real opponents close to any of the four focal points discussed in the chapter. The equal increments and utilitarian focal points are not stable. The explanation that groups of subjects converge on an exact Nash equilibrium of the discrete game that they actually played fits the data very well. One potential criticism of the above experiments is that the graphical display might have made the process of myopic optimization focal.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 56 Focal Points and Bargaining']
### Abstract:
['This chapter focuses on the focal points and bargaining. The idea of a focal point is of great practical importance. However, no consensus exists concerning the manner in which focal points become established or survive after their establishment. At one extreme, some authors emphasize rationality considerations above all else. At the other extreme are authors who argue that social norms are so important that strategic issues can be neglected entirely. Even those who emphasize the importance of social norms are left with unresolved questions. Subjects can be conditioned to begin bargaining against real opponents close to any of the four focal points discussed in the chapter. The equal increments and utilitarian focal points are not stable. The explanation that groups of subjects converge on an exact Nash equilibrium of the discrete game that they actually played fits the data very well. One potential criticism of the above experiments is that the graphical display might have made the process of myopic optimization focal.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831632977.jsonld | ['Chapter 55 Testing Theories of Other-regarding Behavior: A Sequence of Four Laboratory Studies'] | ['This chapter describes a sequence of four experiments. The hypotheses tested are all informed by one or more of the aforementioned types of models. Each experiment builds on the findings of the previous experiment in the sequence. At the same time, each experiment involves a different game, thereby allowing us to study the phenomenon from a variety of perspectives. While some of the models that this chapter examines get important features of the data correct, none is completely satisfactory. What emerges from this sequence of experiments is a set of empirical regularities that should provide some useful guidance to the construction of more accurate models. This chapter found that preferences for distribution, independent of considerations of intentions, are sufficient to explain contributions in a simple dilemma game. The solidarity game and a linear public goods game proved sensitive to East German/West German cultural differences, but not so much so that it changes the qualitative features of giving.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 55 Testing Theories of Other-regarding Behavior: A Sequence of Four Laboratory Studies']
### Abstract:
['This chapter describes a sequence of four experiments. The hypotheses tested are all informed by one or more of the aforementioned types of models. Each experiment builds on the findings of the previous experiment in the sequence. At the same time, each experiment involves a different game, thereby allowing us to study the phenomenon from a variety of perspectives. While some of the models that this chapter examines get important features of the data correct, none is completely satisfactory. What emerges from this sequence of experiments is a set of empirical regularities that should provide some useful guidance to the construction of more accurate models. This chapter found that preferences for distribution, independent of considerations of intentions, are sufficient to explain contributions in a simple dilemma game. The solidarity game and a linear public goods game proved sensitive to East German/West German cultural differences, but not so much so that it changes the qualitative features of giving.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633000.jsonld | ['Chapter 52 The Problem of Common Choice in Symmetric N -person Coordination Games'] | ['Coordination problems are easily solved when there are clear and unambiguous signals. Institutional mechanisms that enhance the clarity of signals enables even cheap talk to work as a coordinating mechanism. On the other hand, learning about signals, especially if there is path-dependent noise in the environment, complicates the ability of subjects to settle on a common coordinating device. Coordination problems, such as the one facing our Cornhusker motorists, can be simply and easily solved provided an appropriate institutional remedy is at hand. Markets, for example, with frictionless transaction costs and complete information, constitute one way of quickly coordinating supply and demand. The evolution of social norms constitutes another way of coordinating human action. Central to both of these solutions is the presence of a clear, unambiguous signal about what actions individuals should take. Where such a signal is present, the problem of coordination is easily solved; where absent, the problem of coordination can be extraordinarily difficult.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 52 The Problem of Common Choice in Symmetric N -person Coordination Games']
### Abstract:
['Coordination problems are easily solved when there are clear and unambiguous signals. Institutional mechanisms that enhance the clarity of signals enables even cheap talk to work as a coordinating mechanism. On the other hand, learning about signals, especially if there is path-dependent noise in the environment, complicates the ability of subjects to settle on a common coordinating device. Coordination problems, such as the one facing our Cornhusker motorists, can be simply and easily solved provided an appropriate institutional remedy is at hand. Markets, for example, with frictionless transaction costs and complete information, constitute one way of quickly coordinating supply and demand. The evolution of social norms constitutes another way of coordinating human action. Central to both of these solutions is the presence of a clear, unambiguous signal about what actions individuals should take. Where such a signal is present, the problem of coordination is easily solved; where absent, the problem of coordination can be extraordinarily difficult.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633019.jsonld | ['Chapter 51 Coordination Failure in Market Statistic Games'] | ['A central question in economics is how do markets coordinate the behavior of anonymous decision makers in a many person decentralized economy. Economic theory has traditionally addressed the question using the equilibrium method, which abstracts away from an important aspect of the general coordination problem, because it assumes an equilibrium. For abstract games, an equilibrium is defined as an assignment to each player of a strategy that is best for him when the others use the strategies assigned to them. The relevance of this abstract mutual consistency requirement for economic modeling is an open question. The requirement has two related problems: disequilibrium and coordination failure. First, the mutual consistency requirement of an equilibrium assignment is not an implication of individual rationality, but an additional strong assumption. Second, there is often more than one equilibrium assignment. For example, multiple Pareto ranked equilibria arise in both macroeconomic models with production, search, or trading externalities and microeconomic models of monopolistic competition, technology adoption and diffusion, and manufacturing with non-convexities.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 51 Coordination Failure in Market Statistic Games']
### Abstract:
['A central question in economics is how do markets coordinate the behavior of anonymous decision makers in a many person decentralized economy. Economic theory has traditionally addressed the question using the equilibrium method, which abstracts away from an important aspect of the general coordination problem, because it assumes an equilibrium. For abstract games, an equilibrium is defined as an assignment to each player of a strategy that is best for him when the others use the strategies assigned to them. The relevance of this abstract mutual consistency requirement for economic modeling is an open question. The requirement has two related problems: disequilibrium and coordination failure. First, the mutual consistency requirement of an equilibrium assignment is not an implication of individual rationality, but an additional strong assumption. Second, there is often more than one equilibrium assignment. For example, multiple Pareto ranked equilibria arise in both macroeconomic models with production, search, or trading externalities and microeconomic models of monopolistic competition, technology adoption and diffusion, and manufacturing with non-convexities.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633035.jsonld | ['Chapter 49 Social Distance and Reciprocity in Dictator Games'] | ['This chapter defines various social distances as the degree of reciprocity that people believe is inherent within a social interaction. The greater the social distance, or isolation, between a person and others, the weaker is the scope for reciprocal relations. This chapter conjecture that the FHSS-V treatment defines a minimal increase in the social distance between proposer and recipient, as compared with the FHSS-R treatment. At the other pole, which we use to define the maximal social distance, the experiment is operated double blind, meaning that the procedures make it evident to all subjects that the experimenter, who makes and retains no record of the data by subject name, and any person who subsequently sees the data, can never know who made what decision. The objective of this procedure is to remove all social context in a manner that is transparent to the subjects.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 49 Social Distance and Reciprocity in Dictator Games']
### Abstract:
['This chapter defines various social distances as the degree of reciprocity that people believe is inherent within a social interaction. The greater the social distance, or isolation, between a person and others, the weaker is the scope for reciprocal relations. This chapter conjecture that the FHSS-V treatment defines a minimal increase in the social distance between proposer and recipient, as compared with the FHSS-R treatment. At the other pole, which we use to define the maximal social distance, the experiment is operated double blind, meaning that the procedures make it evident to all subjects that the experimenter, who makes and retains no record of the data by subject name, and any person who subsequently sees the data, can never know who made what decision. The objective of this procedure is to remove all social context in a manner that is transparent to the subjects.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633043.jsonld | ['Chapter 48 Prompting Strategic Reasoning Increases Other-regarding Behavior'] | ['The current cultural norms with regard to sharing, cooperation, trust, and punishment are the result of 23 million years of evolution and adaptation. During most of those 23 million years, humans lived in small interactive groups and developed behaviors and strategies to promote cooperation and social exchange within the group. Within such groups, humans were expected to share with one another and to cooperate to advance the group. This is clear in contemporary studies of extant huntergatherer societies. Today, experimental subjects bring many of the same behaviors and strategies to the laboratories. This results in far more cooperative and sharing behavior in first-time decisions than standard game theory would predict. Prompting not only does not help; it makes the results once again like what are observe in the random/divide treatment, the treatment that started so many psychologists and economists wondering about the standard economics rationality assumption.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 48 Prompting Strategic Reasoning Increases Other-regarding Behavior']
### Abstract:
['The current cultural norms with regard to sharing, cooperation, trust, and punishment are the result of 23 million years of evolution and adaptation. During most of those 23 million years, humans lived in small interactive groups and developed behaviors and strategies to promote cooperation and social exchange within the group. Within such groups, humans were expected to share with one another and to cooperate to advance the group. This is clear in contemporary studies of extant huntergatherer societies. Today, experimental subjects bring many of the same behaviors and strategies to the laboratories. This results in far more cooperative and sharing behavior in first-time decisions than standard game theory would predict. Prompting not only does not help; it makes the results once again like what are observe in the random/divide treatment, the treatment that started so many psychologists and economists wondering about the standard economics rationality assumption.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A183163306X.jsonld | ['Chapter 46 Reciprocity in Ultimatum and Dictator Games: An Introduction'] | ["This chapter presents data based on treatment manipulations intended to affect subjects' expectations about others' behavior, and degree of social isolation (anonymity) from the experimenter and others who might see the results, holding constant subject anonymity with respect to each other .The standard economic/game theoretic model predicts that the (conscious) reasoning process that applies to social exchange optimization in the self interest against other presumed self-interested protagonists applies also to coalitional relations, games against nature and other content-specific decision problems. Of course, this paradigm makes provision for cooperative behavior in repeat play interaction, but such outcomes emerge out of reward and threat possibilities, that channel the self-interest into longer term betterment over time. According to game theory, such behavior is strictly ruled out in any one-shot game, unless one postulates a taste (utility) for fairness, a topic to which we shall return after introducing our experimental design and results."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 46 Reciprocity in Ultimatum and Dictator Games: An Introduction']
### Abstract:
["This chapter presents data based on treatment manipulations intended to affect subjects' expectations about others' behavior, and degree of social isolation (anonymity) from the experimenter and others who might see the results, holding constant subject anonymity with respect to each other .The standard economic/game theoretic model predicts that the (conscious) reasoning process that applies to social exchange optimization in the self interest against other presumed self-interested protagonists applies also to coalitional relations, games against nature and other content-specific decision problems. Of course, this paradigm makes provision for cooperative behavior in repeat play interaction, but such outcomes emerge out of reward and threat possibilities, that channel the self-interest into longer term betterment over time. According to game theory, such behavior is strictly ruled out in any one-shot game, unless one postulates a taste (utility) for fairness, a topic to which we shall return after introducing our experimental design and results."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633078.jsonld | ['Chapter 45 Experimental Beauty Contest Games: Levels of Reasoning and Convergence to Equilibrium'] | ["This chapter presents data from a series of experiments with human subjects to test how individuals form expectations of others' expectations. The experiment has much in common with Keynes' insight regarding the behavior of investors in financial markets, and therefore the game is called beauty contest game in honor of Keynes. This chapter introduces new asymmetric guessing games in which subjects of the same group may have different parameters p or intervals to choose from in order to separate leading decision rules. The main difference was the high number of frequencies at or near the equilibrium. The choices closest to the winning number were typically those which came from subjects who did their own pre-experiments with students, friends or even with a newsgroup experiment."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 45 Experimental Beauty Contest Games: Levels of Reasoning and Convergence to Equilibrium']
### Abstract:
["This chapter presents data from a series of experiments with human subjects to test how individuals form expectations of others' expectations. The experiment has much in common with Keynes' insight regarding the behavior of investors in financial markets, and therefore the game is called beauty contest game in honor of Keynes. This chapter introduces new asymmetric guessing games in which subjects of the same group may have different parameters p or intervals to choose from in order to separate leading decision rules. The main difference was the high number of frequencies at or near the equilibrium. The choices closest to the winning number were typically those which came from subjects who did their own pre-experiments with students, friends or even with a newsgroup experiment."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633094.jsonld | ['Chapter 43 Price Discovery and Allocation in Chains and Networks of Markets'] | ['The experiments reported in this chapter explore the interaction of networks of markets. The issue is whether, and how long, chains of markets separated in time, space and participants might behave. The setting can be interpreted in two different ways. One is a system of vertical markets in which tiers of intermediate goods are produced as inputs for the next, higher level on the way to a final consumption good. Another, and perhaps more graphic, interpretation is geographic, in which suppliers are located at one location and consumers are at a different location. They are connected by a series of short transportation hauls that must be undertaken by different transporters. No transporter can undertake a long haul from seller to consumer. Markets exist at the beginning and end of each short haul. That is, the first transporters/middlemen buy from sellers and transport to the first drop-off for sale there.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 43 Price Discovery and Allocation in Chains and Networks of Markets']
### Abstract:
['The experiments reported in this chapter explore the interaction of networks of markets. The issue is whether, and how long, chains of markets separated in time, space and participants might behave. The setting can be interpreted in two different ways. One is a system of vertical markets in which tiers of intermediate goods are produced as inputs for the next, higher level on the way to a final consumption good. Another, and perhaps more graphic, interpretation is geographic, in which suppliers are located at one location and consumers are at a different location. They are connected by a series of short transportation hauls that must be undertaken by different transporters. No transporter can undertake a long haul from seller to consumer. Markets exist at the beginning and end of each short haul. That is, the first transporters/middlemen buy from sellers and transport to the first drop-off for sale there.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633132.jsonld | ['Chapter 39 Information Cascade Experiments'] | ["This chapter focuses on the information cascade experiments. The concept of an information cascade can be explained in the context of a specific numerical example that was used in initial laboratory experiments. The predictions are publicly announced as they are made, but individuals are not able to observe others' private signals. The first person in the sequence must predict only on the basis of private information. All of the analysis is based on the assumption that others do not make mistakes, and we conjecture that the anomalous behavior patterns may be explained by incorporating the possibility of decision error. When others may make errors, the option of following one's own information becomes more attractive. Even though these applications are motivated by naturally occurring institutions, the usefulness of field data is limited by the fact that the private information of traders and/or betters typically cannot be observed. Laboratory experiments are particularly useful in examining herding behavior because private information is observed by the experimenter and the flow is information can be precisely controlled."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 39 Information Cascade Experiments']
### Abstract:
["This chapter focuses on the information cascade experiments. The concept of an information cascade can be explained in the context of a specific numerical example that was used in initial laboratory experiments. The predictions are publicly announced as they are made, but individuals are not able to observe others' private signals. The first person in the sequence must predict only on the basis of private information. All of the analysis is based on the assumption that others do not make mistakes, and we conjecture that the anomalous behavior patterns may be explained by incorporating the possibility of decision error. When others may make errors, the option of following one's own information becomes more attractive. Even though these applications are motivated by naturally occurring institutions, the usefulness of field data is limited by the fact that the private information of traders and/or betters typically cannot be observed. Laboratory experiments are particularly useful in examining herding behavior because private information is observed by the experimenter and the flow is information can be precisely controlled."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633159.jsonld | ['Chapter 37 Reciprocity and Contract Enforcement'] | ['This chapter reports the results of experiments that were designed to test the effectiveness of reciprocity as a contract enforcement device. It turns out that reciprocity generates a significant increase in effort levels relative to the prediction based on selfish preferences. Moreover, it gives rise to a considerable mitigation of the contract enforcement problem. The impact of reciprocity is particularly strong if both parties have possibilities to reciprocate. Hence, reciprocity can lead to considerable efficiency gains for the contracting parties. These results indicate that models that neglect reciprocity are likely to make wrong predictions and are, thus, seriously incomplete as a basis for normative advice.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 37 Reciprocity and Contract Enforcement']
### Abstract:
['This chapter reports the results of experiments that were designed to test the effectiveness of reciprocity as a contract enforcement device. It turns out that reciprocity generates a significant increase in effort levels relative to the prediction based on selfish preferences. Moreover, it gives rise to a considerable mitigation of the contract enforcement problem. The impact of reciprocity is particularly strong if both parties have possibilities to reciprocate. Hence, reciprocity can lead to considerable efficiency gains for the contracting parties. These results indicate that models that neglect reciprocity are likely to make wrong predictions and are, thus, seriously incomplete as a basis for normative advice.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633167.jsonld | ['Chapter 36 Laboratory Tests of Job Search Models'] | ["This chapter is concerned with laboratory tests of job search models. Formal models of job search specify certain common elements, i.e., the length of the search horizon, the searcher's discounting rate of interest, the net costs (subsidies) to search in each period of the search horizon, and the searcher's knowledge about the wage offer distribution he or she faces. Because these factors are difficult, if not impossible, to observe in the naturally-occurring economy, controlled laboratory tests of the search model offer the only practical means for formally testing search models. A basic job search model of interest to economists specifies a finite search horizon. Searchers know the (discrete) wage offer distribution and must accept or decline an offer when it is received. The search model has sharp predictions for a utility maximizing, risk neutral agent. In this case the agent seeks to maximize the expected present value of the income from search. This can be accomplished by choosing an appropriate (minimally acceptable) reservation wage each period."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 36 Laboratory Tests of Job Search Models']
### Abstract:
["This chapter is concerned with laboratory tests of job search models. Formal models of job search specify certain common elements, i.e., the length of the search horizon, the searcher's discounting rate of interest, the net costs (subsidies) to search in each period of the search horizon, and the searcher's knowledge about the wage offer distribution he or she faces. Because these factors are difficult, if not impossible, to observe in the naturally-occurring economy, controlled laboratory tests of the search model offer the only practical means for formally testing search models. A basic job search model of interest to economists specifies a finite search horizon. Searchers know the (discrete) wage offer distribution and must accept or decline an offer when it is received. The search model has sharp predictions for a utility maximizing, risk neutral agent. In this case the agent seeks to maximize the expected present value of the income from search. This can be accomplished by choosing an appropriate (minimally acceptable) reservation wage each period."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633175.jsonld | ['Chapter 35 Learning to Forecast Rationally'] | ["This chapter reports several robustness checks. OJ specifications designed to capture prior beliefs and non-linear responses to news detected some transient effects in many subjects, but for the most part the final regression is indistinguishable from the basic specification presented in this chapter . Eight parameter MD specifications that allow separate learning for each level of each symptom also converged roughly to the basic specification presented above, but we detect a general bias towards overresponding to the more informative symptom levels and underresponding to the less informative symptom levels. This chapter draws three conclusions from the data analysis. First, the rationality assumption is a good first approximation to subjects' forecasts at the end of 480 learning trials. Second, systematic biases towards under or overresponse can be detected in specific circumstances, e.g., overresponse in the noisier OJ environment. Third, more experiments are needed in a wider variety of tasks and environments in order to understand more fully when people can learn to forecast rationally."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 35 Learning to Forecast Rationally']
### Abstract:
["This chapter reports several robustness checks. OJ specifications designed to capture prior beliefs and non-linear responses to news detected some transient effects in many subjects, but for the most part the final regression is indistinguishable from the basic specification presented in this chapter . Eight parameter MD specifications that allow separate learning for each level of each symptom also converged roughly to the basic specification presented above, but we detect a general bias towards overresponding to the more informative symptom levels and underresponding to the less informative symptom levels. This chapter draws three conclusions from the data analysis. First, the rationality assumption is a good first approximation to subjects' forecasts at the end of 480 learning trials. Second, systematic biases towards under or overresponse can be detected in specific circumstances, e.g., overresponse in the noisier OJ environment. Third, more experiments are needed in a wider variety of tasks and environments in order to understand more fully when people can learn to forecast rationally."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633183.jsonld | ['Chapter 34 Coordination Success in Non-cooperative Large Group Market Entry Games'] | ['Subsequent experimental studies of the market entry game and his associates, which systematically manipulated the information structure of the game, compared behavior in the domains of gains and losses, or introduced private information and asymmetry between players, have shown that this magic is robust. Under a wide variety of experimental conditions, interacting players in large groups playing the market entry game with no communication among them rapidly achieve coordination success that is accounted for on the aggregate level by a Pareto deficient equilibrium solution. When the entry fee is private information, and only the distribution of entry fees in the population is known, the effects of asymmetry between players can be studied. Whether players are symmetric or not, each player is faced on each period with a binary choice between earning a fixed payoff, regardless of the actions taken by the other players, or an uncertain payoff which is a linear function of the difference cm.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 34 Coordination Success in Non-cooperative Large Group Market Entry Games']
### Abstract:
['Subsequent experimental studies of the market entry game and his associates, which systematically manipulated the information structure of the game, compared behavior in the domains of gains and losses, or introduced private information and asymmetry between players, have shown that this magic is robust. Under a wide variety of experimental conditions, interacting players in large groups playing the market entry game with no communication among them rapidly achieve coordination success that is accounted for on the aggregate level by a Pareto deficient equilibrium solution. When the entry fee is private information, and only the distribution of entry fees in the population is known, the effects of asymmetry between players can be studied. Whether players are symmetric or not, each player is faced on each period with a binary choice between earning a fixed payoff, regardless of the actions taken by the other players, or an uncertain payoff which is a linear function of the difference cm.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633213.jsonld | ['Chapter 31 Experiments with Arbitrage Across Assets'] | ['Theoretical finance is essentially the study of inter-temporal arbitrage, but it is often interesting also to analyze relationships between asset prices. Cross-sectional analysis makes it possible to purge both field and laboratory data of unobservable changes in time-varying fundamentals. Also, although backward induction is at the heart of asset- pricing theory, subjects may find its logic dauntingly complex. They may be able to perceive cross-asset arbitrage opportunities much more readily. Foreign exchange markets are also environments where arbitrage across assets is salient. Indeed, purchasing power parity, uncovered interest parity, and covered interest parity are all descriptions of arbitrage across currencies, goods, and interest-bearing assets. Thus a simple theory of cross-asset arbitrage predicts the bluered exchange rate well, while the dollar price of each asset is quite different from its fundamental. Triangular arbitrage, a fundamental aspect of exchange rate theory, holds in these data, while a simple notion of inter-temporal arbitrage is soundly refuted.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 31 Experiments with Arbitrage Across Assets']
### Abstract:
['Theoretical finance is essentially the study of inter-temporal arbitrage, but it is often interesting also to analyze relationships between asset prices. Cross-sectional analysis makes it possible to purge both field and laboratory data of unobservable changes in time-varying fundamentals. Also, although backward induction is at the heart of asset- pricing theory, subjects may find its logic dauntingly complex. They may be able to perceive cross-asset arbitrage opportunities much more readily. Foreign exchange markets are also environments where arbitrage across assets is salient. Indeed, purchasing power parity, uncovered interest parity, and covered interest parity are all descriptions of arbitrage across currencies, goods, and interest-bearing assets. Thus a simple theory of cross-asset arbitrage predicts the bluered exchange rate well, while the dollar price of each asset is quite different from its fundamental. Triangular arbitrage, a fundamental aspect of exchange rate theory, holds in these data, while a simple notion of inter-temporal arbitrage is soundly refuted.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633221.jsonld | ['Chapter 30 Price Bubbles'] | ['This chapter reports the results of laboratory asset markets in which each trader receives an initial portfolio of cash and shares of a security with an earnings life of 15 trading periods. Each trader is free to trade shares of the security using double auction trading rules. At the end of the experiment, a sum equal to all dividends received on shares, plus initial cash plus capital gains minus capital losses is paid in U.S. currency to the trader. The baseline experiments have individual traders endowed with different initial portfolios. A common characteristic of first-period trading is that buyers tend to be those with low share endowments, while sellers are those with relatively high share endowments. This suggests that risk-averse traders might be using the market to acquire more balanced portfolios. If liquidity preference accounts for the low initial prices, which in turn lead to expectations of price increases, then making the initial trader endowments equal across subjects would tend to dampen bubbles.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 30 Price Bubbles']
### Abstract:
['This chapter reports the results of laboratory asset markets in which each trader receives an initial portfolio of cash and shares of a security with an earnings life of 15 trading periods. Each trader is free to trade shares of the security using double auction trading rules. At the end of the experiment, a sum equal to all dividends received on shares, plus initial cash plus capital gains minus capital losses is paid in U.S. currency to the trader. The baseline experiments have individual traders endowed with different initial portfolios. A common characteristic of first-period trading is that buyers tend to be those with low share endowments, while sellers are those with relatively high share endowments. This suggests that risk-averse traders might be using the market to acquire more balanced portfolios. If liquidity preference accounts for the low initial prices, which in turn lead to expectations of price increases, then making the initial trader endowments equal across subjects would tend to dampen bubbles.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633256.jsonld | ['Chapter 27 Off-floor Trading, Market Disintegration and Price Volatility in Bid/Ask Markets'] | ["This study was commissioned by a futures market Exchange firm plagued by members' trading off-floor in strict violation of the Exchange's rules requiring transactions to be made on the Exchange floor during trading hours in the assigned trading areas. Any violation of these rules is a major offense, and penalties have been and are levied on violators. Although violators are often discovered and penalized, the prohibition itself assures that there exists no systematic field data from the Exchange that can help inform the circumstances that produce off-floor trading. Hence, experimental evidence is the only feasible source of relevant observations. Exchange officials conjectured that the bid/ask spread in pit trading was sufficiently wide to provide an incentive for both parties to trade inside the spread at savings to each that justified this risk. This would be especially applicable to traders who knew each other well, and each was comfortable with the trustworthiness of their trading partner."] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 27 Off-floor Trading, Market Disintegration and Price Volatility in Bid/Ask Markets']
### Abstract:
["This study was commissioned by a futures market Exchange firm plagued by members' trading off-floor in strict violation of the Exchange's rules requiring transactions to be made on the Exchange floor during trading hours in the assigned trading areas. Any violation of these rules is a major offense, and penalties have been and are levied on violators. Although violators are often discovered and penalized, the prohibition itself assures that there exists no systematic field data from the Exchange that can help inform the circumstances that produce off-floor trading. Hence, experimental evidence is the only feasible source of relevant observations. Exchange officials conjectured that the bid/ask spread in pit trading was sufficiently wide to provide an incentive for both parties to trade inside the spread at savings to each that justified this risk. This would be especially applicable to traders who knew each other well, and each was comfortable with the trustworthiness of their trading partner."]
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633264.jsonld | ['Chapter 26 Principles of Market Adjustment and Stability'] | ['First, market prices can exhibit the type of instability predicted by classical dynamic models. Second, the conditions under which instability is observed are not captured by the cobweb model but such conditions are captured by models of the form developed by Marshall and Walras in which the market has perversely shaped curves, such as an upward-sloped demand or downward-sloped supply. Third, the appropriate model, Marshall or Walras, depends on properties of the underlying demand and supply. If the special shape is due to the existence of an externality such as a fad or a Marshallian external economy, then experiments have demonstrated that the Marshallian model is the appropriate model. If the special shape is due to income effects, then the appropriate model is the Walrasian model and not the Marshallian model. That is, if the special shape is due to income effects such as Giffen goods or a backward-bending supply of labor, then the Walrasian model reflects the appropriate principles. In summary, the mystery of the price discovery process is solved, in part, by classical models of adjustment.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 26 Principles of Market Adjustment and Stability']
### Abstract:
['First, market prices can exhibit the type of instability predicted by classical dynamic models. Second, the conditions under which instability is observed are not captured by the cobweb model but such conditions are captured by models of the form developed by Marshall and Walras in which the market has perversely shaped curves, such as an upward-sloped demand or downward-sloped supply. Third, the appropriate model, Marshall or Walras, depends on properties of the underlying demand and supply. If the special shape is due to the existence of an externality such as a fad or a Marshallian external economy, then experiments have demonstrated that the Marshallian model is the appropriate model. If the special shape is due to income effects, then the appropriate model is the Walrasian model and not the Marshallian model. That is, if the special shape is due to income effects such as Giffen goods or a backward-bending supply of labor, then the Walrasian model reflects the appropriate principles. In summary, the mystery of the price discovery process is solved, in part, by classical models of adjustment.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
<|eot_id|> |
3A1831633280.jsonld | ['Chapter 24 Non-Convexities, Economies of Scale, Natural Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition'] | ['The classical discussion of the consequences of non-convexities took a new form as principles of game theory became joined with the structural features of large economies of scale. New models suggest that the threat of competition, as opposed to the existence of an actual competitor, serve to control monopolistic practices. The issues found in the literature explore and debate both the basic behavioral principles that might be at work as well as the application of those principles in particular situations. Sellers made private decisions about which of the two markets to enter. If the market with scale economies was chosen, then the seller chose three variables: the scale of plant that would be operated, the price to be posted and the maximum quantity to be offered. All decisions were made public simultaneously. After decisions were made public, sellers had the option of reducing their maximum quantity sold to zero.'] | ['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', ''] | ['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung'] | Document
### Title: ['Chapter 24 Non-Convexities, Economies of Scale, Natural Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition']
### Abstract:
['The classical discussion of the consequences of non-convexities took a new form as principles of game theory became joined with the structural features of large economies of scale. New models suggest that the threat of competition, as opposed to the existence of an actual competitor, serve to control monopolistic practices. The issues found in the literature explore and debate both the basic behavioral principles that might be at work as well as the application of those principles in particular situations. Sellers made private decisions about which of the two markets to enter. If the market with scale economies was chosen, then the seller chose three variables: the scale of plant that would be operated, the price to be posted and the maximum quantity to be offered. All decisions were made public simultaneously. After decisions were made public, sellers had the option of reducing their maximum quantity sold to zero.']
### GND ID:
['gnd:4015999-1', 'gnd:4066528-8', 'gnd:4124477-1', 'gnd:4139716-2', 'gnd:4252654-1', '']
### GND class:
['Experiment', 'Wirtschaftswissenschaften', 'Wirtschaftsforschung', 'Methodologie', 'Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung']
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Subsets and Splits