stringlengths 7
| sequence
sequencelengths 1
| description
stringlengths 3
A000301 | [
] | a(n) = a(n-1)*a(n-2) with a(0) = 1, a(1) = 2; also a(n) = 2^Fibonacci(n). |
A000302 | [
] | Powers of 4: a(n) = 4^n. |
A000303 | [
] | Number of permutations of [n] in which the longest increasing run has length 2. |
A000304 | [
] | a(n) = a(n-1)*a(n-2). |
A000305 | [
] | Number of certain rooted planar maps. |
A000306 | [
] | Number of trees of diameter 8. |
A000307 | [
] | Number of 4-level labeled rooted trees with n leaves. |
A000308 | [
] | a(n) = a(n-1)*a(n-2)*a(n-3) with a(1)=1, a(2)=2 and a(3)=3. |
A000309 | [
] | Number of rooted planar bridgeless cubic maps with 2n nodes. |
A000310 | [
] | Coefficients of iterated exponentials. |
A000311 | [
] | Schroeder's fourth problem; also series-reduced rooted trees with n labeled leaves; also number of total partitions of n. |
A000312 | [
] | a(n) = n^n; number of labeled mappings from n points to themselves (endofunctions). |
A000313 | [
] | Number of permutations of length n with 3 consecutive ascending pairs. |
A000314 | [
] | Number of mixed Husimi trees with n nodes; or labeled polygonal cacti with bridges. |
A000315 | [
] | Number of reduced Latin squares of order n; also number of labeled loops (quasigroups with an identity element) with a fixed identity element. |
A000316 | [
] | Two decks each have n kinds of cards, 2 of each kind. The first deck is laid out in order. The second deck is shuffled and laid out next to the first. A match occurs if a card from the second deck is next to a card of the same kind from the first deck. a(n) is the number of ways of achieving no matches. |
A000317 | [
] | a(n+1) = a(n)^2 - a(n) a(n-1) + a(n-1)^2. |
A000318 | [
] | Generalized tangent numbers d(4,n). |
A000319 | [
] | a(n) = floor(b(n)), where b(n) = tan(b(n-1)), b(0)=1. |
A000320 | [
] | Generalized tangent numbers d(5,n). |
A000321 | [
] | H_n(-1/2), where H_n(x) is Hermite polynomial of degree n. |
A000322 | [
] | Pentanacci numbers: a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-2) + a(n-3) + a(n-4) + a(n-5) with a(0) = a(1) = a(2) = a(3) = a(4) = 1. |
A000323 | [
] | Let A(n) = #{(i,j): i^2 + j^2 <= n}, V(n) = Pi*n, P(n) = A(n) - V(n); A000099 gives values of n where |P(n)| sets a new record; sequence gives A(A000099(n)). |
A000324 | [
] | A nonlinear recurrence: a(0) = 1, a(1) = 5, a(n) = a(n-1)^2 - 4*a(n-1) + 4 for n>1. |
A000325 | [
] | a(n) = 2^n - n. |
A000326 | [
] | Pentagonal numbers: a(n) = n*(3*n-1)/2. |
A000327 | [
] | Number of partitions into non-integral powers. |
A000328 | [
] | Number of points of norm <= n^2 in square lattice. |
A000329 | [
] | Nearest integer to b(n), where b(n) = tan(b(n-1)), b(0) = 1. |
A000330 | [
] | Square pyramidal numbers: a(n) = 0^2 + 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + n^2 = n*(n+1)*(2*n+1)/6. |
A000331 | [
] | Related to zeros of Bessel function. |
A000332 | [
] | Binomial coefficient binomial(n,4) = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)/24. |
A000333 | [
] | Number of partitions into non-integral powers. |
A000334 | [
] | Number of 4-dimensional partitions of n. |
A000335 | [
] | Euler transform of A000292. |
A000336 | [
] | a(n) = a(n-1)*a(n-2)*a(n-3)*a(n-4); for n < 5, a(n) = n. |
A000337 | [
] | a(n) = (n-1)*2^n + 1. |
A000338 | [
] | Expansion of x^3*(5-2*x)*(1-x^3)/(1-x)^4. |
A000339 | [
] | Number of partitions into non-integral powers. |
A000340 | [
] | a(0)=1, a(n) = 3*a(n-1) + n + 1. |
A000341 | [
] | Number of ways to pair up {1..2n} so sum of each pair is prime. |
A000342 | [
] | Number of n-node rooted trees of height 5. |
A000343 | [
] | 5th power of rooted tree enumerator; number of linear forests of 5 rooted trees. |
A000344 | [
] | a(n) = 5*binomial(2n, n-2)/(n+3). |
A000345 | [
] | Number of partitions into non-integral powers. |
A000346 | [
] | a(n) = 2^(2*n+1) - binomial(2*n+1, n+1). |
A000347 | [
] | Number of partitions into non-integral powers. |
A000348 | [
] | Number of ways to pair up {1^2, 2^2, ..., (2n)^2 } so sum of each pair is prime. |
A000349 | [
] | One-half the number of permutations of length n with exactly 2 rising or falling successions. |
A000350 | [
] | Numbers m such that Fibonacci(m) ends with m. |
A000351 | [
] | Powers of 5: a(n) = 5^n. |
A000352 | [
] | One half of the number of permutations of [n] such that the differences have three runs with the same signs. |
A000353 | [
] | Primes == 7, 19, 23 (mod 40) such that (p-1)/2 is also prime. |
A000354 | [
] | Expansion of e.g.f. exp(-x)/(1-2*x). |
A000355 | [
] | Primes = 3, 9, 11 (mod 20) such that 2p+1 is also prime. |
A000356 | [
] | Number of rooted cubic maps with 2n nodes and a distinguished Hamiltonian cycle: (2n)!(2n+1)! / (n!^2*(n+1)!(n+2)!). |
A000357 | [
] | Number of 5-level labeled rooted trees with n leaves. |
A000358 | [
] | Number of binary necklaces of length n with no subsequence 00, excluding the necklace "0". |
A000359 | [
] | Coefficients of iterated exponentials. |
A000360 | [
] | Distribution of nonempty triangles inside a fractal rep-4-tile. |
A000361 | [
] | From a fractal set of positive Lebesgue measure, a self-replicating tiling with holes, the 4-reptile following the 2-reptile of Paul Levy. |
A000362 | [
] | Generalized class numbers c_(n,2). |
A000363 | [
] | Number of permutations of [n] with exactly 2 increasing runs of length at least 2. |
A000364 | [
] | Euler (or secant or "Zig") numbers: e.g.f. (even powers only) sec(x) = 1/cos(x). |
A000365 | [
] | Number of genus 0 rooted planar maps with 4 faces and n vertices. |
A000366 | [
] | Genocchi numbers of second kind (A005439) divided by 2^(n-1). |
A000367 | [
] | Numerators of Bernoulli numbers B_2n. |
A000368 | [
] | Number of connected graphs with one cycle of length 4. |
A000369 | [
] | Triangle of numbers related to triangle A049213; generalization of Stirling numbers of second kind A008277, Bessel triangle A001497. |
A000370 | [
] | Number of NPN-equivalence classes of Boolean functions of n or fewer variables. |
A000371 | [
] | a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} (-1)^(n-k)*binomial(n,k)*2^(2^k). |
A000372 | [
] | Dedekind numbers or Dedekind's problem: number of monotone Boolean functions of n variables, number of antichains of subsets of an n-set, number of elements in a free distributive lattice on n generators, number of Sperner families. |
A000373 | [
] | Conjectured dimension of a module associated with the free commutative Moufang loop with n generators. |
A000374 | [
] | Number of cycles (mod n) under doubling map. |
A000375 | [
] | Topswops (1): start by shuffling n cards labeled 1..n. If top card is m, reverse order of top m cards, then repeat. a(n) is the maximal number of steps before top card is 1. |
A000376 | [
] | Topswops (2): start by shuffling n cards labeled 1..n. If top card is m, reverse order of top m cards. Repeat until 1 gets to top, then stop. Suppose the whole deck is now sorted (if not, discard this case). a(n) is the maximal number of steps before 1 got to the top. |
A000377 | [
] | Expansion of f(-q^3) * f(-q^8) * chi(-q^12) / chi(-q) in powers of q where chi(), f() are Ramanujan theta functions. |
A000378 | [
] | Sums of three squares: numbers of the form x^2 + y^2 + z^2. |
A000379 | [
] | Numbers n where total number of 1-bits in the exponents of their prime factorization is even; a 2-way classification of integers: complement of A000028. |
A000380 | [
] | Number of permutations of an n-sequence discordant with three given permutations (see reference) in n-3 places. |
A000381 | [
] | Essentially the same as A001611. |
A000382 | [
] | Restricted permutations. |
A000383 | [
] | Hexanacci numbers with a(0) = ... = a(5) = 1. |
A000384 | [
] | Hexagonal numbers: a(n) = n*(2*n-1). |
A000385 | [
] | Convolution of A000203 with itself. |
A000386 | [
] | Coefficients of ménage hit polynomials. |
A000387 | [
] | Rencontres numbers: number of permutations of [n] with exactly two fixed points. |
A000388 | [
] | Number of permutations of an n-sequence discordant with three given permutations (see reference) in n-2 places. |
A000389 | [
] | Binomial coefficients C(n,5). |
A000390 | [
] | Number of 5-dimensional partitions of n. |
A000391 | [
] | Euler transform of A000332. |
A000392 | [
] | Stirling numbers of second kind S(n,3). |
A000393 | [
] | Number of n-node rooted trees of height 6. |
A000394 | [
] | Numbers of form x^2 + y^2 + 7z^2. |
A000395 | [
] | 6th power of rooted tree enumerator; number of linear forests of 6 rooted trees. |
A000396 | [
] | Perfect numbers k: k is equal to the sum of the proper divisors of k. |
A000397 | [
] | Number of partitions into non-integral powers. |
A000398 | [
] | Numbers of form x^2 + 2y^2 + 2yz + 4z^2. |
A000399 | [
] | Unsigned Stirling numbers of first kind s(n,3). |
A000400 | [
] | Powers of 6: a(n) = 6^n. |
Subsets and Splits