lotte_passages / technology /dev /
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Upload folder using huggingface_hub
0 Strikethrough with GitHub Markdown
1 How do I add new styles to Google docs?
2 How do I strikethrough text in Gmail?
3 How can I get code syntax highlighting in Google Docs?
4 How do I change my default account with Google multiple sign-in?
5 Is there a way I can see a list of all my YouTube comments over time?
6 Turning off Google search results indirection
7 How can Google Docs and markdown play nice?
8 How do I link a cell in Google Spreadsheets to a cell in another document?
9 GitHub - Whats this Pro tag on my profile?
10 Where can I see all my comments on issues on GitHub?
11 Alternatives for Google Reader (with Android synchronizing)
12 How to specify OR conditions for Gmail filter
13 How to stop Googles people also search for
14 How do I delete my Facebook account?
15 How does one add a new line in a cell in a Google Spreadsheet?
16 How do I retrieve a message I accidentally archived in Gmail?
17 How to group data in a Google Spreadsheet?
18 How to modify a URL to get a Google cached version of page?
19 Hidden features of Google Search
20 Make a single page landscape in Google Documents
21 Is it possible to use strikethrough (, , ) in Trello?
22 Is it possible to create a Gmail filter that works on headers other than From, To, Subject?
23 How to view the parent folder of a Google Document?
24 How do I escape formatting characters in Slack?
25 What does shva=1#inbox mean when Gmail loads?
26 How can I create a fixed column header in Google Spreadsheet like the first sheet?
27 How to view the folder size in Google Drive?
28 Google Sheets formula for if contains
29 How to convert rows into columns in Google Spreadsheets?
30 How to paste a comma separated string over multiple cells in Google Sheets?
31 Add new alias to Gmail without SMTP (forwarding-only address)
32 Is there a way to insert today’s date into a Google Docs?
33 What does starring a repository on GitHub do?
34 How to share a YouTube video with a specific start and end time?
35 How do I calculate a time delta in my Google Spreadsheets?
36 How can I search for a keyword with special characters in Google Search?
37 How can I filter my Gmail messages that arent labeled?
38 A faster way to access Strikethrough on Google Docs
39 Gmail & Google Docs: Paste just the text, not the formatting (Firefox, Safari)
40 What is the easiest way to format code when pasting to Gmail?
41 How to use boolean AND and NOT operators in Gmail search
42 How do I download a YouTube video?
43 Disable videos in YouTube, listen to the audio only
44 How do I add a caption to an image in Google Documents?
45 How to search the internet for terms with special characters
46 Wildcard search in Gmail
47 How to use GPG with Gmail?
48 How do I check my promotional credit with Amazon?
49 Is there any way to give more (or less) weight to words in a Google search?
50 How to paste raw HTML into an email in Gmail?
51 Export Gmail messages to text or HTML files
52 Embed Google Spreadsheet in Google Document
53 Can I merge two conversation threads in Gmail?
54 How exactly does MEGAs download work?
55 What is the cURL command-line syntax to do a POST request?
56 Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?
57 How do I scroll in tmux?
58 How do I make a machine blank screen for a period of time (as a penalty) if certain noise levels are reached?
59 How can I sort the output of ls by last modified date?
60 Getting curl to output HTTP status code?
61 How to clear/flush the DNS cache in Google Chrome?
62 Find out which process is locking a file or folder in Windows
63 What are the Windows A: and B: drives used for?
64 How to tell git which private key to use?
65 Transatlantic ping faster than sending a pixel to the screen?
66 Is there a built-in checksum utility on Windows 7?
67 Why does this PNG image display differently in Chrome & Firefox than in Safari and IE?
68 What does source do?
69 How to recursively chmod all directories except files?
70 How are pseudorandom and truly random numbers different and why does it matter?
71 macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase since I updated to Sierra
72 How to *disable* automatic reboots in Windows 10?
73 How can I get the same SSID for multiple access points?
74 How can I display the contents of an environment variable from the command prompt in Windows 7?
75 From a quality perspective, what is better: turning volume up in the software, in the OS, or on the speakers?
76 How do you reload your .vimrc file without restarting vim?
77 Windows 7 SP1 Windows Update stuck checking for updates
78 How to execute a command whenever a file changes?
79 View list of files in ZIP archive on Linux
80 How do I reorder tmux windows?
81 How to copy with cp to include hidden files and hidden directories and their contents?
82 How to stop an automatic redirect from “http://” to “https://” in Chrome
83 Using ffmpeg to cut up video
84 How to find a directory on linux?
85 Permissions on private key in .ssh folder?
86 What is the You have new mail message in Linux/UNIX?
87 Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile
88 Create/rename a file/folder that begins with a dot in Windows?
89 How to turn off word-wrap in less
90 Did I just get hacked?
91 How does a computer restart itself?
92 How do I convert a video to GIF using ffmpeg, with reasonable quality?
93 directory junction vs directory symbolic link?
94 Is there any sudo command for Windows?
95 When reading a file with `less` or `more`, how can I get the content in colors?
96 Automatically answer Yes when using apt-get install
97 Does e-mail address obfuscation actually work?
98 Reload a Linux users group assignments without logging out
99 How can I make Chrome stop caching redirects?
100 Can I delete the folder C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\?
101 How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC?
102 How to decompress a .bz2 file
103 How to remove one or all auto-complete text entries in Chrome?
104 How to open files in vertically/horizontal split windows in Vim from the command line
105 Why dont websites immediately display their text these days?
106 How can I free up drive space from the Windows installer folder without killing Windows?
107 How do I make rm not give an error if a file doesnt exist?
108 How to download files from command line in Windows like wget or curl
109 Test if a port on a remote system is reachable (without telnet)
110 How do I run multiple commands on one line in PowerShell?
111 How to check if a binary is 32 or 64 bit on Windows?
112 An SSH tunnel via multiple hops
113 How to delete directories with path/names too long for normal delete
114 How do I rename a session in tmux?
115 What is randomart produced by ssh-keygen?
116 How can I download an entire website?
117 How to check which apache modules are enabled/installed?
118 How to remove an entry from Chromes Remembered URLs from the url bar?
119 How to disable the Get Windows 10 icon shown in the notification area (tray)?
120 How can I resume a stopped job in Linux?
121 Is there a way to auto login in PuTTY with a password?
122 How to enable execution of PowerShell scripts?
123 How to save a remote server SSL certificate locally as a file
124 Why are we still using CPUs instead of GPUs?
125 How to rename the User folder in Windows 10?
126 How do I exit telnet?
127 Can I make cURL fail with an exitCode different than 0 if the HTTP status code is not 200?
128 How to fix warning about ECDSA host key
129 What are PATH and other environment variables, and how can I set or use them?
130 What is the difference between executing a Bash script vs sourcing it?
131 Ping faster than light
132 Clear cache for specific domain name in chrome
133 Why does pinging 192.168.072 (only 2 dots) return a response from
134 Remove audio from video file with FFmpeg
135 How to clear the contents of a file from the command line?
136 If 32-bit machines can only handle numbers up to 2^32, why can I write 1000000000000 (trillion) without my machine crashing?
137 How do I compare binary files in Linux?
138 How do I add text to the beginning of a file in Bash?
139 How can I delete a symbolic link?
140 Mac OS X equivalent of the Ubuntu tree command
141 How can I give my wife emergency access to logins, passwords, etc.?
142 What disk image should I use with VirtualBox, VDI, VMDK, VHD or HDD?
143 How can I make chown work recursively?
144 Who provides the Internet service to Internet Service Providers (ISPs)?
145 In Mac OS, what is the keyboard shortcut to switch between windows of the same application?
146 How can I view two files side by side in Notepad++?
147 How can I do a Cache Refresh in Google Chrome?
148 How do I exit an SSH connection?
149 How to get the summarized sizes of directories and their subdirectories?
150 How do I detach a process from Terminal, entirely?
151 chown is not changing symbolic link
152 Find what package a file belongs to in Ubuntu/Debian?
153 How can I search the bash history and rerun a command?
154 Selecting columns in Visual Studio Code
155 How to compact VirtualBoxs VDI file size?
156 How to remove systemd services
157 How to prevent Gnome-shells Alt+Tab from grouping windows from similar apps?
158 Why does virtualbox only have 32-bit option, no 64-bit option on Windows 7?
159 Move an off-screen window back on-screen on Mac OS X
160 How do you list all processes on the command line in Windows?
161 How can I send a Ctrl+Alt+Delete through Remote Desktop in Windows 8?
162 Go back to previous directory in shell
163 Restore tmux session after reboot
164 Native alternative to wget in Windows PowerShell?
165 tmux vs. screen
166 How to force refresh without cache in Google Chrome?
167 less command with multiple files: How to navigate to next/previous
168 How to encode base64 via command line?
169 How do I get the distinct/unique values in a column in Excel?
170 If I know the PID number of a process, how can I get its name?
171 How to list files of a Debian package without install
172 Menu select item stuck on screen after context or command menu has closed
173 Keyboard language keeps changing in Windows 10
174 How to recursively delete directory from command line in windows?
175 How do I list the SSL/TLS cipher suites a particular website offers?
176 What does the Fi in Wi-Fi mean?
177 Scroll shell output with mouse in tmux
178 How can I clear a single site from the cache in Firefox?
179 Show desktop keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X
180 How do you prevent the dock from switching monitors in macOS Catalina or Big Sur?
181 How do I view, add or edit Cookies in Google Chrome?
182 Can I completely disable Cortana on Windows 10?
183 What is the Windows equivalent of the Unix command cat?
184 Determine which tab in Firefox is using CPU resources?
185 Why is there such a big difference between Size and Size on disk?
186 Bash: Iterating over lines in a variable
187 How to append to a file as sudo?
188 Whats the difference between and
189 Assigning custom extensions to a languages syntax highlighting in Notepad++
190 How can I visualize the file system usage on Windows?
191 How to mess up a PC running Windows 7?
192 Inverting direction of mouse scroll wheel
193 How to read ext4 partitions on Windows?
194 How to merge audio and video file in ffmpeg
195 How does one swap two panes in Tmux?
196 How to pin either a Shortcut or a Batch file to the new Windows 7, 8 and 10 Taskbar and start menu?
197 How to get information about an image (picture) from the Linux command-line?
198 What is the home directory on Windows Subsystem for Linux?
199 How to move windows that open up offscreen?
200 Remove or prevent sidebar from opening by default on Adobe Reader
201 Switching back to last *used* tab on Chrome
202 Conclusively stop wake timers from waking Windows 10 desktop
203 How to reliably keep an SSH tunnel open?
204 Whats the recommended way to move a VirtualBox VM to another computer?
205 How do I make Windows 10s File Explorer open This PC by default?
206 Too many authentication failures for *username*
207 How can I find files that are bigger/smaller than x bytes?
208 Maximizing a pane in tmux
209 How to match whitespace in sed?
210 Setting and getting Windows environment variables from the command prompt?
211 Using cd command in Windows command line, cant navigate to D:\
212 Grep equivalent for Windows 7?
213 Windows SSH: Permissions for private-key are too open
214 How do I find the location of an executable in Windows?
215 Sorting lines in Notepad++ without the TextFX plugin
216 Why does my microwave kill the Wi-Fi?
217 Getting colored results when using a pipe from grep to less
218 How do I reset master to origin/master?
219 My windows keyboard is being clever with the quote keys - how can I stop it?
220 How to convert 2 horizontal panes to vertical panes in tmux?
221 Rebooting Ubuntu on Windows without rebooting Windows?
222 Which Unicode characters do smilies like ٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶ consist of?
223 How can I list all IPs in the connected network, through Terminal preferably?
224 How can I clear cookies for a single site?
225 How do I get different background images on my dual monitors?
226 ps aux output meaning
227 What can I do to stop the Play / Pause button from opening iTunes?
228 Whats the equivalent of Linuxs updatedb command for the Mac?
229 Linux unzip command: Option to force overwrite?
230 How to automatically reload modified files in Notepad++
231 Clear 301-redirect cache in Firefox
232 Why is Google so much faster than a hard-drive search?
233 How to get SVG thumbnails in Windows Explorer?
234 How do you gunzip a file and keep the .gz file?
235 Why should I use Vagrant instead of just VirtualBox?
236 How to search inside files on Windows 7?
237 How can I search within the output buffer of a tmux shell?
238 My cat sat on my laptop, now the right side of my keyboard types the wrong characters
239 Delete all lines in Notepad++ except lines containing a word I need?
240 Way to avoid ssh connection timeout & freezing of GNOME Terminal
241 How to show the current column in the statusbar in vim?
242 How to fix the wrong number of unread emails flag in Outlook?
243 Is there a list of Windows special directories/shortcuts (like %TEMP%)?
244 Combine one image + one audio file to make one video using FFmpeg
245 How do I get an entire directory in sftp?
246 Looking for HTTP debugging proxy for Mac similar to Fiddler on Windows
247 How can I check the temperature of my CPU in Windows?
248 How do you add a certificate authority (CA) to Ubuntu?
249 Why are tar.xz files 15x smaller when using Pythons tar library compared to macOS tar?
250 How can I extract .rar files on the Mac?
251 Is there a fix for the Too many open files in system error on OS X 10.7.1?
252 Equivalent of Linux `touch` to create an empty file with PowerShell
253 Recursively count all the files in a directory
254 What do the parentheses and number after a Unix command or C function mean?
255 Connect to the host machine from a VirtualBox guest OS?
256 How do you redirect wget response to standard out?
257 Should laptops remain plugged in when their battery is 100% charged?
258 Get a list of Open Ports in Linux
259 Mac OS X: Best Way to Make an ISO from a CD or DVD
260 Choosing between .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, etc
261 Stop MS Word from selecting more than I want
262 How do I select all text in Vi/Vim?
263 Notepad++ find and replace string with a new-line
264 What is port forwarding and what is it used for?
265 How can I install 7zip so I can run it from Terminal on OS X
266 How to reinstall a package using apt-get?
267 Is it possible to ping an address:port?
268 Difference between OTF (Open Type) or TTF (True Type) font formats?
269 How to quickly move current window to another Task View / desktop in Windows 10?
270 How to control Windows 7 snap feature with two monitors?
271 How can I prevent Toolbar from being installed every time Java is updated?
272 Purpose of a mystery key on an IBM PC 3270 keyboard
273 Zsh not hitting ~/.profile
274 Rename screen session
275 How can one turn off spell checking in Notepad++?
276 How can I remove outdated installed versions of Homebrew packages?
277 32-bit vs. 64-bit systems
278 How to have Linux ls command show second in time stamp
279 How do I set system environment variables in Windows 10?
280 How to convert .ppk key to OpenSSH key under Linux?
281 Command-line application for converting SVG to PNG on Mac OS X
282 Mouse pointer moving on arrow keys pressed
283 Is there a modern browser that runs on Windows 3.1?
284 Is it possible to run a motherboard in distilled water?
285 Does it make sense to keep different SSIDs for 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless networks?
286 How to compare the differences between two PDF files on Windows?
287 Windows 8 Hyper-V - how to give VM internet access?
288 How to make an SSH tunnel publicly accessible?
289 How can I give write-access of a folder to all users in linux?
290 How can I execute a Windows command line in background?
291 How can I produce high CPU load on a Linux server?
292 Change Outlook Mark As Read Behavior
293 How can I avoid SSHs host verification for known hosts?
294 What is the difference between shell, console, and terminal?
295 Is there still a reason to choose a 10,000 RPM hard drive over an SSD?
296 How can this website reidentify me even after deleting all of my browsers history and using a VPN?
297 Easiest way to open CSV with commas in Excel
298 Windows 10 - disable reopening programs after restart/startup
299 How to delete a file with a path too long to be deleted
300 How can I change to the previous directory instead of going up?
301 What are differences between VBoxVGA, VMSVGA and VBoxSVGA in VirtualBox?
302 Copy JSON from console.log in developer tool to clipboard?
303 What is a SSH key fingerprint and how is it generated?
304 In bash, how do I escape an exclamation mark?
305 How to add user to a group from Mac OS X command line?
306 What is the advantage of using tar today?
307 How do I reset the time on my computer without turning it on?
308 Kill a process which says Access denied
309 Get Last Modified Date of File in Linux
310 How do I find out what version of Linux Im running?
311 Refresh Icon Cache Without Rebooting
312 How to find files with certain text in the Terminal
313 Why are pixels square?
314 What is the difference between a certificate and a key with respect to SSL?
315 How do I disable the warning Chrome gives if a security certificate is not trusted?
316 How to copy symbolic links?
317 In vim, how can I quickly switch between tabs?
318 Using watch with pipes
319 How do I change the language of all Powerpoint slides at once?
320 Windows equivalent of the Linux command touch?
321 How to copy text from Console2?
322 What is the purpose of the holes marked Do Not Cover on hard drives?
323 How do I know what proxy server Im using?
324 How do I extract files from an MSI package?
325 Whats different between Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+C in Unix command line?
326 Combine multiple images using ImageMagick
327 Turn on the link hover statusbar in Google Chrome
328 Why does Ctrl + V not paste in Bash (Linux shell)?
329 Is there a way to display a countdown or stopwatch timer in a terminal?
330 How to delete a file in Windows with a too long filename?
331 Cut part from video file from start position to end position with FFmpeg
332 How to make SUBST mapping persistent across reboots?
333 Is there any program or way to make Mac OS Xs ⌘-Tab behave like Windows Alt-Tab?
334 How can I direct a query to specific DNS server?
335 Read the contents of a zipped file without extraction?
336 How to use Markdown in Notepad++
337 How Can I Convert Github-Flavored Markdown To A PDF
338 Preventing applications from stealing focus
339 I am a victim of the Petya ransomware. Is there a solution to decrypt my disk?
340 Where can I download Windows 7 (legally from Microsoft)?
341 Remove key from known_hosts
342 What to do when Ctrl + C cant kill a process?
343 Unix/Linux find and sort by date modified
344 What does the asterisk mean after a filename when you type `ls -l`?
345 When should I use /dev/shm/ and when should I use /tmp/?
346 Windows equivalent of whereis?
347 How far will you get with an rm -rf / command?
348 How to connect to a website that has only IPv6 addresses without a domain name?
349 What does the rc in `.bashrc`, etc. mean?
350 How to resize a video to make it smaller with FFmpeg
351 How do I start Chrome using a specified user profile?
352 Batch converting PNG to JPG in linux
353 How do I find a file by filename in Mac OSX terminal?
354 Windows 10 Search cant find ANY applications. Even calculator
355 How to stop Microsoft from gathering telemetry data from Windows 7, 8, and 8.1
356 How can I make ffmpeg be quieter/less verbose?
357 Why do file URLs start with 3 slashes?
358 I accidentally typed password into bash command line
359 On my Windows machine, I had a folder with a name of four dots that acted like some kind of rabbit hole - how did that happen?
360 What are CLOSE_WAIT and TIME_WAIT states?
361 Why does emptying disk space speed up computers?
362 How can I find only the executable files under a certain directory in Linux?
363 How do I enable the shared clipboard in VirtualBox?
364 With Bash + iTerm2, how to name tabs?
365 Move pane to a new window in tmux
366 PowerShell equivalent of curl
367 How to disable internet search results in start menu post Creators Update?
368 Typing “python” on Windows 10 (version 1903) command prompt opens Microsoft store
369 Change the default sorting order in Thunderbird
370 Disable These files might be harmful to your computer warning?
371 How to reload /etc/environment without rebooting?
372 This file came from another computer... - how can I unblock all the files in a folder without having to unblock them individually?
373 Where should the .vimrc file be located on Windows 7?
374 View RAW message source of an email in Outlook 2013
375 How can I make tmux use my default shell?
376 What are some options for transferring large files without using the Internet?
377 How do you reuse a visual mode selection?
378 Cant delete folder and I am admin. You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from...
379 How to mount a HFS partition in Ubuntu as Read/Write?
380 Browse an UNC path using Windows CMD without mapping it to a network drive
381 How to supress Terminate batch job (Y/N) confirmation?
382 How to install new packages on Cygwin?
383 Why does putting a dot after the URL remove login information?
384 How do I place a bootable ISO on a USB drive?
385 What is __MACOSX folder?
386 How to list Chocolatey packages already installed and newer version available from the command line
387 How can I group by and sum a column in excel?
388 Is there a way for one SSH config file to include another one?
389 How do I disable links in Notepad++?
390 scp between two remote hosts from my (third) pc
391 Is the performance of a CPU affected as it ages?
392 Show keys pressed in Linux
393 How to specify level of compression when using tar -zcvf?
394 How to tell from what Ubuntu or Debian repository a package comes?
395 How can I provoke Windows to hang (freeze)?
396 How do I ensure Git doesnt ask me for my GitHub username and password?
397 Git - List all files currently under source control?
398 Why does 64-bit Windows need a separate Program Files (x86) folder?
399 Linux Bash Script, Single Command But Multiple Lines?
400 How to access Windows folders from Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
401 How to move VirtualBox files?
402 Disable Microsoft Office Upload Center
403 How to delete all lines that do NOT contain a certain word in Vim?
404 How does Windows know if a program is not responding?
405 What utility can move my Windows boot partition over to another hard drive?
406 Customize Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts?
407 How to prevent Windows 10 from automatically adding keyboard layouts (i.e. US keyboard)
408 How do you run a SSH server on Mac OS X?
409 Why does the /winsxs folder grow so large, and can it be made smaller?
410 What is the purpose/function of .ßßß files?
411 How do I figure out which /dev is a USB flash drive?
412 Whats the difference between SCP and SFTP?
413 Change name of Virtual Desktop in Windows 10
414 How can a file size be zero?
415 Two blue arrows at top right of icons
416 Change default code page of Windows console to UTF-8
417 How can I make the Windows VPN route selective traffic (by destination network)?
418 Remove auto-complete field entries in Google Chrome
419 How to detach a tmux session that itself already in a tmux?
420 How to ignore certain filenames using find?
421 How can I find out what motherboard is in my computer?
422 What can I do if I forgot my Windows password?
423 List the current folder folders sizes with the terminal?
424 How to disable the screen orientation hotkeys in Windows (XP)?
425 How can I create a non-login user?
426 Is it possible to `tail -f` the output of `dmesg`?
427 How to find a router at an unknown location in a house?
428 Troubleshoot High CPU usage by the System process
429 How to rename user folder in Windows 8?
430 Remote Desktop intermittently freezing
431 Is there a convenient way to edit PATH in Windows 7?
432 How to install local .deb packages with apt-get
433 What is the Windows hotkey to minimise a single, currently active window?
434 How can I convert MP4 video to MP3 audio with FFmpeg?
435 How do I remove Candy Crush Saga from Windows 10?
436 Why did dialup modems make noise?
437 How do you display POST data with cURL?
438 Run a batch file in a completely hidden way
439 ls-command: how to display the file size in megabytes?
440 sudo with password in one command line?
441 Unix zip directory but excluded specific subdirectories (and everything within them)
442 Notepad++ is unable to load langs.xml, why?
443 What is the difference between an Intel i7 and a Xeon quad core processor?
444 Why is ping unable to resolve a name when nslookup works fine?
445 Allow non-root process to bind to port 80 and 443?
446 How can I normalize audio using ffmpeg?
447 Execute a command from another directory in bash
448 Why should I use exFAT over NTFS on removable media?
449 How to uninstall Homebrew?
450 How can I determine file type without an extension on Windows?
451 Remove a certain line from Bash history file
452 How do I get Notepad++ to associate a file type with a language?
453 How can I put the computer to sleep from Command Prompt/Run menu?
454 List Samba users?
455 How do I set up SSH so I dont have to type my password?
456 How does the tmux color palette work?
457 VT-x is not available, but is enabled in BIOS
458 Why does terminal say: You have mail?
459 How is PNG lossless given that it has a compression parameter?
460 All of my Firefox add-ons have been disabled suddenly, how can I re-enable them?
461 How to easily reorder rows in excel with drag and drop or move-up or move-down?
462 Pull for another Git branch without switching
463 Can you GPG sign old commits?
464 How to wipe free disk space in Linux?
465 Is there a way to see any tar progress per file?
466 How to find out Mac OS X version from Terminal?
467 Will it damage my MacBook if I put it in the fridge to cool it down?
468 Why are there no odd Windows process IDs?
469 How do I synchronise two folders in real-time in Windows 7?
470 How can I read my hard drive’s SMART status in Windows 7?
471 How to download only subtitles of videos using youtube-dl
472 Why are there directories called Local, LocalLow, and Roaming under \Users\\AppData?
473 Whats like OSXs pbcopy for Linux
474 On OS X, why does `sudo ls` show hidden (dot) files?
475 Clear windows command prompt screen using keyboard shortcuts
476 Windows Disk I/O 100% at boot for 20 Minutes
477 Chrome: remove URL from autocomplete which doesnt show up in history?
478 Is it better to use a laptop on battery or on AC power?
479 Is it really possible for most enthusiasts to crack peoples Wi-Fi networks?
480 Pseudo English looking characters used in Windows 10 Insider Preview
481 How to prevent VLC from automatically resizing its window according to viewed content resolution?
482 How can the font size be changed in Notepad++?
483 Disable Java Plugin in Google Chrome?
484 Keyboard shortcut to unhide or unminimize a window in OS X
485 How to syntax highlight via Less
486 Is it safe to delete AppData\Local\Temp?
487 How can I stop windows re-positioning after waking from sleep?
488 Convert a column into a comma separated list
489 How do I delete a folder thats in use?
490 How to check which timezone in Linux?
491 whats the difference between `docker stop` and `docker kill`?
492 How do I create a GIF screencast in Windows?
493 What is a Magic Packet for waking a computer?
494 How to prove the authenticity of a screenshot?
495 Why do modern computer cases still have USB 2.0 ports?
496 How to force Internet Explorer (IE) to REALLY reload the page?
497 How can I check the integrity of a video file (avi, mpeg, mp4...)?
498 How to password protect gzip files on the command line?
499 How do I view the contents of a PFX file on Windows?
500 What are the differences between the rsync delete options?
501 Why cant I find a USB-C hub with multiple USB-C ports?
502 Why does 1366x768 resolution exist?
503 Is there a way to scroll, by pixel, instead of by cell, in either Excel or OpenOffice Calc?
504 How to view SSL Certificate details on Chrome?
505 Combine/merge PDF files in Windows?
506 Is there a Google Authenticator desktop client?
507 How to measure disk-performance under Windows?
508 How do I disable Aero Shake in Windows 7?
509 Case insensitive tab completion in Bash
510 How do I configure SSH so it doesnt try all the identity files automatically?
511 How to disable Chrome extensions without disabling them across multiple synced devices
512 Invoking vi through find | xargs breaks my terminal. Why?
513 Why are laptop screens sized the way they are?
514 My keyboard has no media keys; can I control media without them?
515 How to use Mac OS X Keychain with SSH keys?
516 How do I fix a cannot open display error when opening an X program after sshing with X11 forwarding enabled?
517 How to disable Ctrl+Shift keyboard layout switch (for the same input language) in Windows?
518 How do I convert an SVG to a PDF on Linux
519 How to download favicon from website?
520 Bash scripting: test for empty directory
521 Google Chrome - Clear Cache for Specific Website
522 Mac: 3 monitor setup: My desktop set keep switching places between monitors
523 What is the D-shaped icon next to my USB-C port?
524 How to run a batch file without launching a command window?
525 How do I paste the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session, using only the keyboard?
526 Mass deleting files in Windows
527 What Tiling Window Manager for Windows do you recommend?
528 Why is there a percent sign % in the IPv6 address?
529 Add directory to $PATH if its not already there
530 Why are websites suddenly asking me about cookies?
531 How do I get a static IP address for my teapot?
532 Uppercase M at the right of window name in tmux
533 How do I select all text from a file with nano?
534 Obtain kernel config from currently running Linux system?
535 Permanently remove/disable Touch Keyboard in Windows 8 taskbar?
536 Disable Alt + Arrow display flip keyboard shortcut
537 Why does the base64 of a string contain \n?
538 Why is “/dev/rdisk” about 20 times faster than “/dev/disk” in Mac OS X
539 What are the holes on the sides of a computer case frame for?
540 mysql how to fix Access denied for user root@localhost
541 How do I trim a video using Handbrake?
542 Find outdated/updatable pip packages
543 How to avoid exposing my MAC address when using IPv6?
544 Windows 10 Search not loading, showing blank window
545 Why do CDs and DVDs fill up from the centre outwards?
546 How can I prevent a policy-enforced screen lock in Windows?
547 Linux: find out what process is using all the RAM?
548 Apostrophes and double quotes dont show up until I type the next letter
549 What do green folders mean in Windows 7 Explorer?
550 How to access linux/Ubuntu files from Windows 10 WSL?
551 How to tab between buttons on an Mac OS X dialog box
552 How does Linux know that the new password is similar to the previous one?
553 What keyboard shortcuts move, resize, and maximize windows under Mac OS X?
554 How to install a specific package version in Alpine?
555 Hyper-V VM wont boot from Cd, error: unsigned images hash is not allowed
556 Running upstart jobs as unprivileged users
557 How and why is this string of text a fork bomb?
558 How do I securely store and manage 180 passwords?
559 How can I roll back 1 commit?
560 Is there a way to edit a commit message on GitHub?
561 Where does $PATH get set in OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard?
562 Is it possible to paste CSV formatted data into Excel 2007?
563 Pros and cons of bzip vs gzip?
564 How to use spaces in a bash alias name?
565 Impossible to put a zero after an aleph?
566 How do I edit text files in the Windows command prompt?
567 Possible to snap top/bottom instead of just left/right in Windows 7?
568 Finding the process that is using a certain port in Linux
569 How can I launch the GNOME image viewer from the terminal?
570 Why arrow keys are not recommended in Vim
571 How to check the health of a hard drive
572 How do I view my clipboard history on OS X?
573 Hex editors for Windows?
574 How do I use the Selection tool to move things in GIMP?
575 How to delete a partition on a USB drive?
576 What is the difference between yum, apt-get, rpm, ./configure && make install?
577 How can I intentionally break/corrupt a sector on an SD card?
578 Force a program to run *without* administrator privileges or UAC?
579 Where is the list of pinned start menu and taskbar items stored in Windows 7
580 How to configure PuTTY so that Home/End/PgUp/PgDn work properly in bash?
581 How to add a custom search engine to Firefox?
582 Equivalent of cmds where in powershell
583 Google Chrome automatically adding websites to my list of search engines?
584 Why does Excel treat long numeric strings as scientific notation even after changing cell format to text
585 How do I change the character encoding for a webpage in Chrome?
586 Getting ROBOCOPY to return a proper exit code?
587 Why does my PC crash only when my cat is nearby?
588 How can I find out when Windows was last restarted?
589 How can I monitor the CPU temperature under linux?
590 How can I determine what process has a file open in Linux?
591 Can I disable the Alt+Shift shortcut to change language in windows 8.1 (or Windows 10)?
592 How to disable sticky corners in Windows 10
593 Why does Chrome sometimes download a PDF instead of opening it?
594 SSID with very similar name, is this an attempt of hacking?
595 How do I view a specific date in my Google Chrome history?
596 How can I scan the local network for connected devices? (Mac OS)
597 How to execute a command in screen and detach?
598 Can Windows tell me what is using my USB drive?
599 How can I tunnel all of my network traffic through SSH?
600 How to move all files from current directory to upper directory?
601 Is it safe to delete from C:\Windows\Installer?
602 Change environment variables as standard user
603 How do I get out my embedded Windows 8+ key from a Linux environment?
604 Why is serial data transmission faster than parallel?
605 How can I get control+left arrow to go back one word in iTerm2?
606 7Zip - Command Line : Exclude folder(s) by wildcard pattern?
607 Dont add hostkey to known_hosts for SSH
608 If RAM is cheap, why dont we load everything to RAM and run it from there?
609 Why does my browser think that is secure?
610 How to download video with blob url?
611 How do you shutdown or restart a Windows computer over a Remote Desktop connection?
612 How to wget a file with correct name when redirected?
613 How does Windows know whether it has internet access or if a Wi-Fi connection requires in-browser authentication?
614 See available drives from Windows CLI?
615 How can I mass rename files?
616 How can I create a symbolic link on Windows 10?
617 Is there a shortcut command in Windows command prompt to get to the current users home directory like there is in Linux?
618 Disable Narrator shortcut key in Windows
619 Whats the difference between KeePass / KeePassX / KeePassXC?
620 Is there a way to move the current window to another desktop without using a mouse in OS X?
621 How do I turn off Modern UI and get the old Start Menu back in Windows 8?
622 My PC is not a phone - how do I remove the swipey pre-log in screen from Gnome 3?
623 Is it possible to download using the Windows command line?
624 Can I delete the folder C:\WINDOWS\Installer\$PatchCache$?
625 What is the difference between 4K, UHD and QHD? Do we agree on one official resolution?
626 Using Windows 7, how can you use multiple mice (to get multiple cursors)?
627 Windows 10 Enable NTFS long paths policy option missing
628 How to synchronize the home folder between multiple computers?
629 Items unpinned from taskbar are back after restart/sign out on Windows 10
630 Display the taskbar clock on multiple screens in Windows?
631 Linux utility for finding the largest files/directories
632 Which linux filesystem works best with SSD
633 How can I stop Excel from eating my delicious CSV files and excreting useless data?
634 SHA256 ssh fingerprint given by the client but only md5 fingerprint known for server
635 How to run Unix commands from within Vim?
636 Why is X11 forwarding so inefficient?
637 Why do damaged hard drives freeze the entire system?
638 which/whereis differences
639 What is the power output of a USB port?
640 How do I remove linebreaks in Notepad++?
641 How do I join two worksheets in Excel as I would in SQL?
642 What does /dev/sda in Linux mean?
643 Why is CBS.log file size 20 GB
644 How do I unzip a tar gz archive to a specific destination?
645 Windows Linux Subsystem - Accessing Files outside of Ubuntu
646 How can I get ffmpeg to convert a .mov to a .gif?
647 What is the danger of inserting and browsing an untrusted USB drive?
648 I regularly see in the status bar, what is that domain?
649 Running DNS locally for home network
650 How can I add an item to the new context menu?
651 How do I type Home/End/PageUp/PageDown on a MacBook Pro?
652 Keyboard shortcut to jump between tabs on OS X Terminal
653 How to set the default program for opening files without an extension in Windows?
654 How do I exit a Modern UI app?
655 Git on Mac: How to set Nano as the default text editor?
656 Excel: how to undo in current file only?
657 vim freezes inside tmux
658 Why does my microSD card have a second row of contacts?
659 How to tell how many CPUs (cores) you have on Windows 7
660 How to install the real Firefox on Debian?
661 looping through `ls` results in bash shell script
662 How do I stop the Windows 8 restart clock; 15 minutes and counting...?
663 Copy entire file system hierarchy from one drive to another
664 How do you re-install a package with Homebrew (Mac)?
665 What is Windows equivalent of the which command in Unix? Is there an equivalent PowerShell command?
666 What is the keyboard shortcut to focus to address bar in Mac Chrome?
667 Why is Zip able to compress single file smaller than multiple files with the same content?
668 Tiny copper waffle squares inside computer
669 Manually closing a port from commandline
670 How can I repair the Windows 8 EFI Bootloader?
671 How to know which fonts are used in selected part of a PDF document
672 create tar with multiple directories and file locations
673 Keyboard shortcut to minimize Remote Desktop
674 What is the exact use of a MAC address?
675 VirtualBox guest OS accessing local server on host OS
676 How do I open a blank new file in a split in Vim?
677 Does bash have a hook that is run before executing a command?
678 How to turn off Reload alerts?
679 How to find and remove spicy media files from my PC
680 How to identify whether my Linux computer was hacked?
681 How to telnet to an IP address on a specific port?
682 Windows 10 - How to move window to other monitor by using keyboard shortcuts?
683 How to upload one file by FTP from command line?
684 What does the Maximum Frequency number mean in the Windows Resource Monitor?
685 How can you see the actual hard link by ls?
686 How to install npm in alpine linux
687 Unable to install fonts on Windows 10
688 How to prevent Windows 10 waking from sleep when traveling in bag?
689 How do I change my default shell on a AWS instance?
690 How can I tell how many bits my ssh key is?
691 Should I defragment my SSD?
692 How can I determine which process owns a hotkey in Windows?
693 How do I change the default font of Sticky Notes?
694 Word heading number blacked out
695 How to make Outlook Calendar reminders stay on top in Windows 7
696 How to delete all files in a directory except some?
697 Is there a way to show notification from bash script in Ubuntu?
698 How can I create a file with a specific size from a command line?
699 Windows Activation FAQ: How do language, version, 64-bit or 32-bit, and source affect ability to install and transfer Windows licenses?
700 Why shouldn’t I use Unicode characters to simulate typographic styles (such as small caps or script)?
701 How to check if I have sudo access?
702 How do I expand all columns in Excel spreadsheet?
703 Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I give him the information he wants?
704 What is a Pem file and how does it differ from other OpenSSL Generated Key File Formats?
705 How can I sort du -h output by size
706 How to determine if a bash variable is empty?
707 Ping a Specific Port
708 Can scp copy directories recursively?
709 How do I deal with a compromised server?
710 How to automate SSH login with password?
711 How do you find what process is holding a file open in Windows?
712 In Nginx, how can I rewrite all http requests to https while maintaining sub-domain?
713 How do I tell Git for Windows where to find my private RSA key?
714 ssh returns Bad owner or permissions on ~/.ssh/config
715 What exactly do the colors in htop status bars mean?
716 What is the difference between double and single square brackets in bash?
717 Something is burning in the server room; how can I quickly identify what it is?
718 How does IPv4 Subnetting Work?
719 Whats the default superuser username/password for postgres after a new install?
720 How do you search for backdoors from the previous IT person?
721 How to run a server on port 80 as a normal user on Linux?
722 How do I change my private key passphrase?
723 Anyone else experiencing high rates of Linux server crashes during a leap second day?
724 How can I get the size of an Amazon S3 bucket?
725 mysqldump throws: Unknown table COLUMN_STATISTICS in information_schema (1109)
726 What permissions should my website files/folders have on a Linux webserver?
727 Displaying a remote SSL certificate details using CLI tools
728 100% uptime for a web application
729 How do I get the current Unix time in milliseconds in Bash?
730 Why is my crontab not working, and how can I troubleshoot it?
731 Copying a large directory tree locally? cp or rsync?
732 Showing total progress in rsync: is it possible?
733 Can I automatically add a new host to known_hosts?
734 How to bind MySQL server to more than one IP address?
735 How do I select which Apache MPM to use?
736 How to send ctrl+alt+del using Remote Desktop?
737 How can I use environment variables in Nginx.conf
738 Whats the command-line utility in Windows to do a reverse DNS look-up?
739 What are the functional differences between .profile .bash_profile and .bashrc
740 Useful Command-line Commands on Windows
741 What are the obstacles to providing reliable Internet access and Wi-Fi at large tech conferences?
742 How to set environment variable in systemd service?
743 Redirect, Change URLs or Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About mod_rewrite Rules but Were Afraid to Ask
744 How to assign permissions to ApplicationPoolIdentity account
745 Can I nohup/screen an already-started process?
746 Why do I need Nginx and something like Gunicorn?
747 Ive inherited a rats nest of cabling. What now?
748 Why is chmod -R 777 / destructive?
749 Whats the difference between IP address and
750 Finding out what user Apache is running as?
751 How to Unban an IP properly with Fail2Ban
752 Check if port is open or closed on a Linux server?
753 Is it bad to redirect http to https?
754 Moving an already-running process to Screen
755 What’s the point in having “www” in a URL?
756 What is this very short power cable called?
757 How can I find out what AD groups Im a member of?
758 How can I see which flags Nginx was compiled with?
759 Create a public SSH key from the private key?
760 How to tell which local branch is tracking which remote branch in Git?
761 Nginx reverse proxy + URL rewrite
762 Why does my hostname appear with the address rather than in /etc/hosts?
763 Environment variables of a running process on Unix?
764 Can anyone explain precisely what IOWait is?
765 How can I run Debian stable but install some packages from testing?
766 How to force or redirect to SSL in nginx?
767 Symlink not updating as expected when using an absolute with relative path
768 How do I share a Git repository with multiple users on a machine?
769 Whats the best way of handling permissions for Apache 2s user www-data in /var/www?
770 Permission denied (publickey). SSH from local Ubuntu to Amazon EC2 server
771 When does `cron.daily` run?
772 How to see stdout of ansible commands?
773 Linux command to inspect TXT records of a domain
774 command for checking Apache configuration
775 how to download the ssl certificate from a website?
776 Docker Container time & timezone (will not reflect changes)
777 Any benefit or detriment from removing a pagefile on an 8 GB RAM machine?
778 nginx HTTPS serving with same config as HTTP
779 What is archive mode in rsync?
780 How to remove an image tag in Docker without removing the image itself?
781 How to use Lets Encrypt DNS challenge validation?
782 Do systemd unit files have to be reloaded when modified?
783 How to include multiple domains in an spf TXT Record
784 Can you pass user/pass for HTTP Basic Authentication in URL parameters?
785 Using DD for disk cloning
786 List all DNS records in a domain using dig?
787 How do I add Access-Control-Allow-Origin in NGINX?
788 How to run a command multiple times, using bash shell?
789 Heartbleed: What is it and what are options to mitigate it?
790 How do you add a Windows environment variable without rebooting?
791 How to use rsync over FTP
792 Setting the hostname: FQDN or short name?
793 In my /etc/hosts/ file on Linux/OSX, how do I do a wildcard subdomain?
794 How to check if a library is installed?
795 How to reply with 200 from Nginx, without serving a file?
796 Is it normal to get hundreds of break-in attempts per day?
797 LVM dangers and caveats
798 How do diff over ssh?
799 df in linux not showing correct free space after file removal
800 How do I load a sql.gz file to my database? (importing)
801 Shell command to monitor changes in a file
802 How to refresh hosts file without rebooting
803 How to cd into a directory with this name -2 (starting with the hyphen)?
804 How to read backward from the end of file in less or more?
805 Meaning of the buffers/cache line in the output of free
806 How do I do mount --bind in /etc/fstab?
807 Physically locating the server
808 What tool do you use to monitor your servers?
809 What are the different widely used RAID levels and when should I consider them?
810 How to setup passwordless `sudo` on Linux?
811 How can I override CMD when running a docker image?
812 Kubernetes stuck on ContainerCreating
813 How to reconnect to a disconnected ssh session
814 How to create a UUID in bash?
815 What is a challenge password?
816 What is the difference between Unix sockets and TCP/IP sockets?
817 Should I quit using Ifconfig?
818 Why couldnt MAC addresses be used instead of IPv4|6 for networking?
819 When does /tmp get cleared?
820 Good tools that fit on a thumb drive
821 How do you restart php-fpm?
822 hosts file ignored, how to troubleshoot?
823 I am under DDoS. What can I do?
824 how to disable SSH login with password for some users?
825 Why is DNS failover not recommended?
826 Add correct host key in known_hosts / multiple ssh host keys per hostname?
827 Sudo as different user and running screen
828 What port does SFTP use?
829 ssh-agent forwarding and sudo to another user
830 Possible to change email address in keypair?
831 What is a glue record?
832 SSH use only my password, Ignore my ssh key, dont prompt me for a passphrase
833 What does a + mean at the end of the permissions from ls -l?
834 Difference between KVM and QEMU
835 Resolve host name from IP address
836 How to know from which yum repository a package has been installed?
837 How do I view the details of a digital certificate .cer file?
838 How do I prevent accidental rm -rf /*?
839 How to start/stop/restart launchd services from the command line?
840 Nginx enable site command
841 Non interactive git clone (ssh fingerprint prompt)
842 VirtualBox: How to set up networking so both host and guest can access internet and talk to each other
843 Whats the difference between authorized_keys and authorized_keys2?
844 Nginx config reload without downtime
845 How do I ask apt-get to skip any interactive post-install configuration steps?
846 How to sleep in a batch file?
847 How bad is IPv4 address exhaustion really?
848 What does Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated mean when sshing with -X?
849 How do I sleep for a millisecond in bash or ksh
850 Is it possible to detach a process from its terminal? (Or, I should have used screen!)
851 Check if array is empty in Bash
852 Are SSD drives as reliable as mechanical drives (2013)?
853 How to check sshd log?
854 Run a .bat file in a scheduled task without a window
855 How do you answer yes for yum install automatically
856 DNS - NSLOOKUP what is the meaning of the non-authoritative answer?
857 SSL Certificate Location on UNIX/Linux
858 How to view all ssl certificates in a bundle?
859 What does set -e do, and why might it be considered dangerous?
860 Difference in sites-available vs sites-enabled vs conf.d directories (Nginx)?
861 How can I read pcap files in a friendly format?
862 How do I verify the speed of my NIC?
863 What does Virtual memory size in top mean?
864 What is the difference between authentication and authorization?
865 What is the difference between Load Balancer and Reverse Proxy?
866 What version of RHEL am I using?
867 How to add dependency on a Windows Service AFTER the service is installed
868 What is Active Directory Domain Services and how does it work?
869 What is -bash: !: event not found
870 How do you validate fstab without rebooting?
871 Find name of Active Directory domain controller
872 Disk full, du tells different. How to further investigate?
873 How to set up Nginx as a caching reverse proxy?
874 Monday morning mistake: sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
875 Command line to list users in a Windows Active Directory group?
876 Filename length limits on linux?
877 Top level domain/domain suffix for private network?
878 Should servers be turned off at night?
879 How can I upgrade to Java 1.8 on an Amazon Linux Server?
880 Are networks now faster than disks?
881 Is there a reason to use an SSL certificate other than Lets Encrypts free SSL?
882 Keeping a linux process running after I logout
883 bash: print stderr in red color
884 Find out symbolic link target via command line
885 How do I find the UUID of a filesystem
886 Is there a global, persistent CMD history?
887 tar - Remove leading directory components on extraction
888 How do VLANs work?
889 The Joel Test for system administrator jobs
890 How to see active connections and current activity in PostgreSQL 8.4
891 What useful things can one add to ones .bashrc?
892 Is my password compromised because I forgot to hit Enter after ssh username?
893 How do I convert a .cer certificate to .pem?
894 What port should I open to allow remote desktop?
895 Whats the best way to check if a volume is mounted in a Bash script?
896 How to dump a Microsoft SQL Server database to a SQL script?
897 Sometimes PowerShell stops sending output until I press enter. Why?
898 Can you help me with my capacity planning?
899 Why cant a CNAME record be used at the apex (aka root) of a domain?
900 Is it possible to generate RSA key without pass phrase?
901 Getting Cannot ioctl TUNSETIFF tun: Operation not permitted when trying to connect to OpenVPN
902 How do I rename a task in Task Scheduled on Windows Server 2008 R2
903 How do you make it obvious you are on a production system?
904 What causes the Connection Refused message?
905 How to handle security updates within Docker containers?
906 Running a cron job manually and immediately
907 How can I debug a docker container initialization?
908 Run an interactive bash subshell with initial commands without returning to the (super) shell immediately
909 Meaning of directories on Unix and Unix like systems
910 Where to check log of sendmail?
911 Run Oracle SQL script and exit from sqlplus.exe via command prompt
912 How do you install Node.JS on CentOS?
913 FreeBSD performance tuning: Sysctl parameter, loader.conf, kernel
914 How do I make ssh fail rather than prompt for a password if the public-key authentication fails?
915 Cheat Sheets for System Administrators?
916 Whats the meaning of @ in a DNS zone file?
917 All servers flooded by salt water, is it possible to recover data from multi-platter drives?
918 How can I verify if TLS 1.2 is supported on a remote web server from the RHEL/CentOS shell?
919 How do I diff two text files in Windows Powershell?
920 How to remove the path with an nginx proxy_pass
921 ssh-keygen does not create RSA private key
922 FreeBSD: Directory called ^C (really!) - how to remove?
923 Force dig to resolve without using cache
924 Can you run Docker natively on the new Windows 10 (Ubuntu) bash userspace?
925 Amazon EC2 terminology - AMI vs. EBS vs. Snapshot vs. Volume
926 How can I port forward with iptables?
927 Does Windows have a built-in ZIP command for the command line?
928 Cron job for lets encrypt renewal
929 Wildcard SSL certificate for second-level subdomain
930 Amazon Cloudfront with S3. Access Denied
931 Delete Amazon EC2 terminated instance
932 How to forcibly close a socket in TIME_WAIT?
933 Why is RAID not a backup?
934 How to add a timestamp to bash script log?
935 How can I see Time-To-Live (TTL) for a DNS record?
936 Certification authority root certificate expiry and renewal
937 How does IPv6 subnetting work and how does it differ from IPv4 subnetting?
938 Is there a way to view the members of an Active Directory group if you arent a domain admin and cant log into to a domain controller?
939 How to output variable in nginx log for debugging
940 Show full process name in top
941 Job scheduling using crontab, what will happen when computer is shutdown during that time?
942 How does CTRL-ALT-DEL to log in make Windows more secure?
943 Engineers are using explosives to remove hard rock outside our office building. What countermeasures should we take?
944 best way to clear all iptables rules
945 Make nginx to pass hostname of the upstream when reverseproxying
946 GRANT SELECT to all tables in postgresql
947 How do you do load testing and capacity planning for web sites?
948 Mount CIFS Host is down
949 Colors in bash after piping through less?
950 How to remove the installed manually flag and revert to automatically installed with apt-get?
951 In Windows, using the command line, how do you check if a remote port is open?
952 Clean way to write complex multi-line string to a variable
953 How do I auto-start docker containers at system boot?
954 Rsync difference between --checksum and --ignore-times options
955 How to change an EC2 instances security group
956 Why do we use a OS Base Image with Docker if containers have no Guest OS?
957 What does Apaches Require all granted really do?
958 How can I figure out my LDAP connection string?
959 How do I get apt-get to ignore some dependencies?
960 How to list Apache enabled modules?
961 rm on a directory with millions of files
962 How can I implement ansible with per-host passwords, securely?
963 How to check if a port is blocked on a Windows machine?
964 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream
965 robocopy transfer file and not folder
966 How do I create a symbolic link in Windows?
967 how do you create an ssh key for another user?
968 What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?
969 Prevent duplicate cron jobs running
970 Switching to IPv6 implies dropping NAT. Is that a good thing?
971 Can you mount a network switch upside down?
972 How do you increase a KVM guests disk space?
973 Is it possible to make Nginx listen to different ports?
974 How can I monitor hard disk load on Linux?
975 OpenSSH: Difference between internal-sftp and sftp-server
976 GIT as a backup tool
977 How do I get the history of apt-get install on Ubuntu?
978 Why do consoles sometimes hang forever when SSH connection breaks?
979 Best practice: Should I always install a fresh OS for new employees?
980 What is a good SSH server to use on Windows?
981 Setting expires headers for static content served from nginx
982 Can I hide all server / os info?
983 Why does the MySQL command line tool ignore the --port parameter?
984 Why is Enterprise Storage so expensive?
985 Linux command line best practices and tips?
986 How can I kill all stopped jobs?
987 How to check if an RSA public / private key pair match
988 How to stop people from using my domain to send spam?
989 How do I force sync the time on Windows Workstation or Server?
990 Postfix - how to retry delivery of mail in queue?
991 How can I tell what version of IIS is installed?
992 Using wget to recursively download whole FTP directories
993 Why does x86 represent 32bit when x64 represents 64bit?
994 How to copy a large number of files quickly between two servers
995 How to tell if a Linux system is big endian or little endian?
996 How much network latency is typical for east - west coast USA?
997 How can I rename an unix user?
998 Find the location of a systemd unit file service
999 Multiple SSL domains on the same IP address and same port?
1000 Fighting Spam - What can I do as an: Email Administrator, Domain Owner, or User?
1001 How can the little guys effectively learn and use Puppet?
1002 How to remove empty/blank lines from a file in Unix (including spaces)?
1003 How do I update a CentOS servers time from an authoritative time server?
1004 How to make Windows 7 USB flash install media from Linux?
1005 InnoDB: Error: log file ./ib_logfile0 is of different size
1006 Why does sudo command take long to execute?
1007 Can Mac OS X be run inside Docker?
1008 Nginx 1 FastCGI sent in stderr: “Primary script unknown”
1009 How to restart nginx?
1010 How can I show users privileges in MySQL?
1011 How to copy file preserving directory path in Linux?
1012 How can I automatically change directory on ssh login?
1013 Where can I find data stored by a Windows Service running as Local System Account?
1014 How to install tzdata on a ubuntu docker image?
1015 Why should I firewall servers?
1016 How can a single disk in a hardware SATA RAID-10 array bring the entire array to a screeching halt?
1017 What firewall ports need to be open to allow access to external git repositories?
1018 What ports to open for mail server?
1019 How to re-order windows, change the scroll shortcut, and modify the status bar contents in GNU Screen?
1020 How do I reattach to Ubuntu Servers do-release-upgrade process?
1021 How to determine JAVA_HOME on Debian/Ubuntu?
1022 POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! in /var/log/secure — what does this mean?
1023 Where does email sent to * go?
1024 Nginx: How do I forward an HTTP request to another port?
1025 Should I use tap or tun for openvpn?
1026 CentOS vs. Ubuntu
1027 REJECT vs DROP when using iptables
1028 How to run command as user who has /usr/sbin/nologin as Shell?
1029 How to zip/unzip files in Powershell?
1030 Allow SFTP but disallow SSH?
1031 SSH keypair generation: RSA or DSA?
1032 Tell Jenkins to run a specific project on a particular slave node
1033 How do I set the global PATH environment variable on OS X?
1034 Can I create a top level TLD? (.michael for instance)
1035 IPTABLES - Limit rate of a specific incoming IP
1036 Can I have multiple DHCP servers on one network?
1037 Is it possible to alias a hostname in Linux?
1038 Is Ping a reliable way to check if a server is available?
1039 Is there an equivalent of MySQLs SHOW CREATE TABLE in Postgres?
1040 Tips for Securing a LAMP Server
1041 Cooling Server Closet - No A/C Is Possible
1042 Best way to gracefully restart CentOS?
1043 How can I connect to a Windows server using a Command Line Interface? (CLI)
1044 SFTP logging: is there a way?
1045 How to check if Im in screen session?
1046 Postgres equivalent to MySQLs \G?
1047 How to start/stop iptables on Ubuntu?
1048 Windows Server restart / shutdown history
1049 How to display certain lines from a text file in Linux?
1050 How do I find if there is a rogue DHCP server on my Network?
1051 Adding a directory to $PATH in CentOS?
1052 How do I list loaded Linux module parameter values?
1053 Does getting disconnected from an SSH session kill your programs?
1054 How to reload screenrc without restarting screen?
1055 how to create a cron job that runs on the first day of month
1056 How to get pid of just started process
1057 How to test a HTTPS URL with a given IP address
1058 Is X.Y.Z.0 a valid IP address?
1059 Whats the difference between include_tasks and import_tasks?
1060 Does drilling a hole into a hard drive suffice to make its data unrecoverable?
1061 What significance does the user/host at the end of an SSH public key file hold?
1062 Smell of rotten eggs in the server room
1063 How to filter http traffic in Wireshark?
1064 mysqldump to a tar.gz
1065 What type of DNS record is needed to make a subdomain?
1066 Can you have more than one ~/.ssh/config file?
1067 Why does my OpenSSH key fingerprint not match the AWS EC2 console keypair fingerprint?
1068 Is it better practice to buy RAID disks individually vs. in bulk?
1069 Why hasnt rsync caught on in the Windows world?
1070 Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to nested RDP session
1071 How to prevent a user from login in, but allow su - user in Linux?
1072 Should a wildcard SSL certificate secure both the root domain as well as the sub-domains?
1073 How bad is it really to install Linux on one big partition?
1074 Windows server last reboot time
1075 How do I extract login history?
1076 What limits the maximum number of connections on a Linux server?
1077 Boot and Install Windows from a USB thumb drive
1078 How can I prevent the warning No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding?
1079 Differences and dis/advanages between: Fast-CGI, CGI, Mod-PHP, SuPHP, PHP-FPM
1080 What range of MAC addresses can I safely use for my virtual machines?
1081 Should we host our own nameservers?
1082 What sysadmin things should every programmer know?
1083 Transfer 10 TB of files from USA to UK datacenter
1084 nmap find all alive hostnames and IPs in LAN
1085 How to make PuTTY settings persistent?
1086 How to make bash scripts print out every command before it executes?
1087 list all packages from a repository in ubuntu / debian
1088 How do I prevent apache from serving the .git directory?
1089 escaping double quotes and percent signs (%) in cron
1090 Which ports do I need to open in the firewall to use NFS?
1091 What is ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services)?
1092 Is a wildcard CNAME DNS record valid?
1093 How can I export the privileges from MySQL and then import to a new server?
1094 Windows Active Directory naming best practices?
1095 How to add a security group to a running EC2 Instance?
1096 GPG does not have enough entropy
1097 Why cant MX records point to an IP address?
1098 How can one distinguish the host and the port in an IPv6 URL?
1099 In a PowerShell script, how can I check if Im running with administrator privileges?
1100 Disable caching when serving static files with Nginx (for development)
1101 What should I do to make sure that IIS does not recycle my application?
1102 Is there a directory equivalent of /dev/null in Linux?
1103 High load average, low CPU usage - why?
1104 How to fix PuTTY showing garbled characters?
1105 How to send emails and avoid them being classified as spam?
1106 Login without running bash_profile or bashrc
1107 Properly setting up a default nginx server for https
1108 Whats the difference betwen the single dash and double dash flags on shell commands?
1109 How to set default Ansible username/password for SSH connection?
1110 How to disable timeout for nginx?
1111 How to disable everything in crontab -l?
1112 How does try_files work?
1113 How to get the url of the current svn repo?
1114 413 Request Entity Too Large in Nginx with client_max_body_size set
1115 My /var/log/btmp file is huge! What should I do?
1116 List of files installed from apt package
1117 I have a keypair. How do I determine the key length?
1118 How to make a modification take affect without restarting nginx?
1119 How do I do Multihop SCP transfers?
1120 Should I install Linux applications in /var or /opt?
1121 Why dont EC2 ubuntu images have swap?
1122 ssh tunnel refusing connections with channel 2: open failed
1123 In systemd, whats the difference between After= and Requires=?
1124 Ansible: Execute task only when a tag is specified
1125 Whats the reverse DNS command line utility?
1126 Should network hardware be set to autonegotiate speeds or fixed speeds?
1127 Linux - Is there a way to prevent/protect a file from being deleted even by root?
1128 Is it possible to reboot a Linux OS without rebooting the hardware?
1129 How to determine the hostname from an IP address in a Windows network?
1130 Proxy Error 502 Reason: Error reading from remote server with Apache 2.2.3 (Debian) mod_proxy and Jetty 6.1.18
1131 How can I get processor/RAM/disk specs from the Linux command Line?
1132 How do I make a connection private on Windows Server 2012 R2
1133 How do I clear Chromes SSL cache?
1134 What is .crt and .key files and how to generate them?
1135 What does this nginx error rewrite or internal redirection cycle mean?
1136 Is there a way to see the execution tree of systemd?
1137 What is anycast and how is it helpful?
1138 Why drop caches in Linux?
1139 Why is TCP accept() performance so bad under Xen?
1140 Postgresql: what does GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE do?
1141 How do I create user accounts from the Terminal in Mac OS X 10.5?
1142 Should CNAME Be Used For Subdomains?
1143 dpkg-reconfigure: unable to re-open stdin: No file or directory
1144 Heartbleed: how to reliably and portably check the OpenSSL version?
1145 How to delete cached temporarily credentials for a network share on a Windows machine without rebooting or logging off
1146 How to recover from Too many Authentication Failures for user root
1147 How to do the port forwarding from one ip to another ip in same network?
1148 an upstream response is buffered to a temporary file
1149 Why do systems generally disable virtualization by default in BIOS settings?
1150 Best system administrator accident
1151 10 servers to administer and Im a history major
1152 How to install/change locale on Debian?
1153 Supervisor not loading new configuration files
1154 Can I send some text to the STDIN of an active process running in a screen session?
1155 nested locations nginx
1156 Do you need separate IPv4 and IPv6 listen directives in nginx?
1157 What happens when you plug two sides of a cable to a single networking device?
1158 Recommended LogParser queries for IIS monitoring?
1159 How long before an s3 bucket can be created with same name after deletion?
1160 How does Ubuntu keep track of the System restart required flag in motd?
1161 How to backup 20+TB of data?
1162 Show all users and their groups/vice versa
1163 What is the maximum port number?
1164 How can I get diff to show only added and deleted lines? If diff cant do it, what tool can?
1165 SSH from A through B to C, using private key on B
1166 Can I make `find` return non-0 when no matching files are found?
1167 What solutions exist to allow the use of revision control for server configuration files?
1168 Whats wrong with always being root?
1169 How does ServerName and ServerAlias work?
1170 create home directories after create users
1171 IIS 7.5 (Windows 7) - HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized
1172 nginx - client request body is buffered to a temporary file
1173 How to let cp command dont fire an error when source file does not exist?
1174 Software vs hardware RAID performance and cache usage
1175 Caching/preloading files on Linux into RAM
1176 How to check what port mysql is running on
1177 Nginx Redirect via Proxy, Rewrite and Preserve URL
1178 How do you free up a port being held open by dead process?
1179 Can IIS be configure to forward request to another web server?
1180 Running Cron every 2 hours
1181 Difference between `curl -I` and `curl -X HEAD`
1182 What Linux distribution is the Amazon Linux AMI based on?
1183 How can I run arbitrarily complex command using sudo over ssh?
1184 How does a team of Systems Administrators share passwords securely?
1185 Why use Chef/Puppet over shell scripts?
1186 How to configure a Windows machine to allow file sharing with a DNS alias
1187 What is this IP address:
1188 For what is the .well-known-folder?
1189 How to sort ps output by process start time?
1190 Dealing with HTTP w00tw00t attacks
1191 Vagrant / VirtualBox DNS not working
1192 What does passing the -xe parameters to /bin/bash do
1193 Hundreds of failed ssh logins
1194 What is the literal escape character in Powershell?
1195 pg_dump and pg_restore: input file does not appear to be a valid archive
1196 How to force nginx to resolve DNS (of a dynamic hostname) everytime when doing proxy_pass?
1197 swap partition vs file for performance?
1198 Making `wget` not save the page
1199 How do I list all connected Salt Stack minions?
1200 Perform rsync while following sym links
1201 How to retrieve the last modification date of all files in a git repository
1202 Is a CNAME to CNAME chain allowed?
1203 Multiple data centers and HTTP traffic: DNS Round Robin is the ONLY way to assure instant fail-over?
1204 Choosing between meaningful and meaningless hostnames
1205 How to extend an ext4 partition and filesystem?
1206 Is there a proper way to clear logs?
1207 Human readable format for http headers with tcpdump
1208 How do I redirect subdomains to a different port on the same server?
1209 Why is there so much fear surrounding LiPo batteries?
1210 What is the difference between \$V_{CC}\$, \$V_{DD}\$, \$V_{EE}\$, \$V_{SS}\$
1211 Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics
1212 Choosing power supply, how to get the voltage and current ratings?
1213 Basic Electronics Book
1214 What is it that strips vocals from audio when a 1/8 audio jack is partially unplugged?
1215 Decoupling caps, PCB layout
1216 Good tools for drawing schematics
1217 Why was Mini USB deprecated in favor of Micro USB?
1218 What is a decoupling capacitor and how do I know if I need one?
1219 Whats the difference between a microcontroller and a microprocessor?
1220 Why does USB have 4 lines instead of 3?
1221 USART, UART, RS232, USB, SPI, I2C, TTL, etc. what are all of these and how do they relate to each other?
1222 How much does it cost to have a custom ASIC made?
1223 Is C++ suitable for embedded systems?
1224 How does the current know how much to flow, before having seen the resistor?
1225 What is the reason that the value 47 is so popular in electrical engineering?
1226 Why exactly cant a single resistor be used for many parallel LEDs?
1227 How can I efficiently drive an LED?
1228 Designing a Santa alarm (honestly)
1229 Why does Samsung include useless capacitors?
1230 What measures should I take to protect the USB ports of my PC during development of a USB device?
1231 Tradeoffs when considering SPI or I2C?
1232 Should chassis ground be attached to digital ground?
1233 What’s the proper soldering iron temperature for standard .031 60/40 solder?
1234 Are solder fumes bad for me?
1235 What limits CPU speed?
1236 Why does micro USB 2.0 have 5 pins, when the A-type only has 4?
1237 Why Are Ethernet/RJ45 Sockets Magnetically Coupled?
1238 Best One-Off DIY PCB Creation Technique
1239 Why does a resistor need to be on the anode of an LED?
1240 Are tantalum capacitors safe for use in new designs?
1241 My linear voltage regulator is overheating very fast
1242 Can microcontrollers be run at arbitrarily low clock frequencies?
1243 Measuring feline capacitance
1244 VHDL vs. Verilog
1245 How do I calculate the required value for a pull-up resistor?
1246 What is negative voltage?
1247 Difference between UART and RS-232?
1248 Why does a Tesla car use an AC motor instead of a DC one?
1249 Why are there 3 pins on some batteries?
1250 Whats the best way to store and categorise resistors/capacitors/ICs/etc?
1251 Why are there no 256-bit or 512-bit microprocessors?
1252 What is the difference between Flash memory and EEPROM?
1253 Ceramic caps vs electrolytic. What are the tangible differences in use?
1254 How to get more than 100mA from a USB port
1255 What are the different types of solder used for?
1256 What kind of components are black blobs on a PCB?
1257 How do I prove to my physics teacher that adding a battery in parallel doesnt double the current?
1258 Looking for circuit board material that can be dissolved
1259 What is the difference between a DSP and a standard microcontroller?
1260 Is there a correct resistance value for I2C pull-up resistors?
1261 Where does electricity go after being used?
1262 Relay vs. Transistor?
1263 Can you make a non-polar electrolytic capacitor out of two regular electrolytic capacitors?
1264 Why does smartphone GPS find its position much faster than a GPS module?
1265 How can I tell the size of a barrel power connector?
1266 Batteries. Why use 9V?
1267 Will radar/lidar still work when every car is equipped with them?
1268 What is the relation between FFT length and frequency resolution?
1269 Whats the cheapest way to link a few microcontrollers wirelessly at low speeds over short distances
1270 How many GPS channels make sense?
1271 What type of solder is safest for home (hobbyist) use?
1272 Why are circuitboards traditionally green?
1273 How does a capacitor block DC?
1274 What is forward and reverse voltage when working with diodes?
1275 What exactly is voltage?
1276 How much current can I draw from the Arduinos pins?
1277 When is a MOSFET more appropriate as a switch than a BJT?
1278 Why is there such a strong preference for 45 degree angles in PCB routing?
1279 Crystals, Oscillators, and Resonators. What the difference?
1280 Decoupling capacitors: what size and how many?
1281 What is ground and what does it do?
1282 Why are they called breadboards?
1283 Why did LEDs take so long to appear as light bulbs?
1284 My understanding of RC circuits is broken
1285 Can a bird, previously at earth potential, get electrocuted by landing on a powerline at high-enough voltage due to the initial equalization charge?
1286 How is using a transformer for isolation safer than directly connecting to the power grid?
1287 What is the name of these little plastic things that protect wires from being cut into by the sharp edges of a drilled hole?
1288 How much voltage/current is dangerous?
1289 What happened to electrolytic capacitors in the 21st century?
1290 Push-pull/open drain; pull-up/pull-down
1291 What are the freeware SPICE simulators available?
1292 Why arent FPGAs ubiquitous?
1293 Serbia, Kosovo power grid row delays European clocks. Why?
1294 How can anyone use a microcontroller which has only 384 bytes of program memory?
1295 When to use what transistor
1296 What is Copper Thieving and why use it?
1297 Why on earth are o-scopes earth referenced?
1298 I am a quadriplegic. Would it be possible to power my ventilator humidifier with a battery?
1299 Why is my circuit so incredibly sensitive to electric fluctuation?
1300 Why is kerosene stopping my red LEDs from illuminating?
1301 What do the PCB markings mean?
1302 Relation and difference between Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms
1303 Securing electrical cables to holes in enclosures?
1304 Can a circuit be powered from Earth with a return ground on Mars?
1305 How can we be sure that computers will never accidentally switch a 0 by a 1?
1306 What makes smartphones tilt-sensitive? Will they retain this ability in zero-gravity conditions?
1307 Does mAh measure how long a battery would last?
1308 What kind of glue should I use for PCB-mounted components to avoid vibrations?
1309 How to connect USB Connector shield?
1310 Fan and heatsink - suck or blow?
1311 MOSFET: Why the drain and source are different?
1312 Version control systems for hardware projects?
1313 Can a CPU function with nothing more than a power supply and a ROM, using only the internal cache as RAM?
1314 How does my screen driver handle so much data?
1315 Why are there only four passive elements?
1316 Why do many laptops run on 19 volts?
1317 What is a boot loader, and how would I develop one?
1318 Whats the purpose of two capacitors in parallel?
1319 Can I replace all electrolytic capacitors with ceramic?
1320 Why do electronics have a low temperature limit?
1321 What does the Y capacitor in a SMPS do?
1322 When to avoid using a breadboard
1323 What is impedance?
1324 Whats the use of a decoupling capacitor near a reservoir capacitor?
1325 What are these boxes mounted inline on each of the 3 phase wires of a high voltage power line in Miami?
1326 How do you cut PCB?
1327 How can an FPGA outperform a CPU?
1328 Why cant two series-connected diodes act as a BJT?
1329 How are integrated circuits fabricated?
1330 What exactly fries the chip when you invert power supply?
1331 Why is high input impedance good?
1332 How should I use a multimeter to determine which AA batteries to keep and which to toss?
1333 What is the ideal way to handle data pins D+ and D- on a USB power adapter to be compatible with fast charging on devices?
1334 Why do we need an isolation transformer to connect an oscilloscope?
1335 Why is RAM not put on the CPU chip?
1336 Reasons not to use a 741 op-amp?
1337 Why are there so many relays used in a car, instead of transistors?
1338 Whats so great about ARM?
1339 Difference between latch and flip-flop?
1340 How do I go from arduino breadboard to creating a real device
1341 Why are there teardrops on PCB pads?
1342 Duracell PowerCheck - How Does It Work?
1343 Is this video fake? I thought Tesla coils only worked on AC
1344 How do I saturate an NPN transistor?
1345 Is it true that a SD/MMC Card does wear levelling with its own controller?
1346 Why do some tactile switches have 4 terminals?
1347 Why would one drive LEDs with a common emitter?
1348 What is the practical difference between watts and VA (volt-amps)?
1349 Why am I not dead after repeatedly touching a high-voltage source?
1350 What is this object found on transmission lines?
1351 RTOS for Embedded Systems
1352 In a USB cable, is it OK to swap the D+ and D- wires?
1353 Why are digital oscilloscopes still so expensive?
1354 What does this symbol mean on my Samsung travel adapter?
1355 What is the voltage range of a standard headphone jack from a phone?
1356 How do I identify SMD components? (or how do I identify any component)
1357 How can I get my atmega328 to run for a year on batteries?
1358 How important is impedance matching in audio applications?
1359 Lightning bolt vs. batteries: a coulomb in everyday terms
1360 Fan speed switch: why OFF :: HIGH :: MED :: LOW?
1361 Can I cut an IC?
1362 How to choose a flyback diode for a relay?
1363 Can an Android tablet serve as USB Host and be charged simultaneously through a single port?
1364 How to choose value of resistor in voltage divider?
1365 Why is mains neutral tied to earth?
1366 Why would clipping a wire cause a bomb to explode?
1367 Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?
1368 Does a dangling wire really electrocute me if Im standing in water?
1369 Why weights on cables between utility poles?
1370 Programming microcontrollers: JTAG, SPI, USB oh my!?
1371 Remove After Washing on Piezo Buzzer
1372 Why is there no `nand` instruction in modern CPUs?
1373 Whats this importance of datasheets?
1374 Does my Arduino-based device need FCC certification?
1375 Amplification before tubes and transistors were invented
1376 Stripboard/veroboard/matrix board design software
1377 Why do we use 32.768 kHz crystals in most circuits?
1378 How can PCB trace have 50 ohm impedance regardless of length and signal frequency?
1379 What kind of components in a computer power supply can explode loudly?
1380 Are LEDs better than we think?
1381 Do I really need resistors when controlling LEDs with Arduino?
1382 When to use pull-down vs. pull-up resistors
1383 How safe is 48V DC?
1384 Why is an Ethernet cable not grounded?
1385 What does 3V3 or 1V8 mean?
1386 What is the latency of an LED?
1387 Why do transformers use so many turns?
1388 How do lasers measure short distances (<1cm) when electronics are too slow for time-of-flight to work?
1389 Personal electronics tool kit
1390 What is the purpose of tiny bumps on LED legs?
1391 What gauge of single strand wire works well with breadboards?
1392 What exactly is a current source?
1393 How to drive a Peltier element?
1394 JTAG vs SWD debugging
1395 What is the usage of Zero Ohm & MiliOhm Resistor?
1396 Whats the third wire on a piezo buzzer?
1397 Triac versus Relay
1398 Is a CAN enabled microcontroller sufficient to drive a CAN bus?
1399 Does pulsing an LED at higher current yield greater apparent brightness?
1400 How to go from a development board to a production board?
1401 Why are USB devices slower than 480 MBit/s
1402 Why does music synthesizer built from chain of astable multivibrator circuits get out-of-tune after a few hours?
1403 Does turning a lighbulb on and off repeatedly use more energy than just leaving it on for hours?
1404 Why use PLC instead of microcontroller?
1405 Complete alternatives to the Arduino IDE?
1406 Why isnt stripping wires by burning with a lighter a more common practice?
1407 Why do you need 2 resistors when hooking up a transistor as a switch
1408 I dont care how a transistor works, how do I get one to work?
1409 Why do some diodes have a glass package?
1410 Why is digital serial transmission used everywhere? i.e. SATA, PCIe, USB
1411 What standard UART rates are there?
1412 230V AC to 5V DC converter, lossless
1413 Can a 12V battery give you a shock or not?
1414 How to make traces on an universal PCB?
1415 Calculating the pulldown resistance for a given MOSFETs gate
1416 Which electronics components should I always have on hand?
1417 Why does more transistors = more processing power?
1418 Why dont we make CPUs with 1000s of layers to make use of space in the third dimension?
1419 Why hasnt my LED burned out by now?
1420 Using volatile in embedded C development
1421 Can a radio transmitter somehow detect the number of receivers in its area?
1422 Why is the voltage measurement of this circuit different when the switch is on?
1423 What should a contract Electrical Engineer deliver once a project is complete?
1424 Why arent decoupling caps built into the IC or IC package?
1425 How do I measure a negative voltage with a ADC?
1426 When a battery is your power source, what is ground?
1427 Is a current-limiting resistor required for LEDs if the forward voltage and supply voltage are equal?
1428 How can a CPU deliver more than one instruction per cycle?
1429 Why three-phase power? Why not a higher number of phases?
1430 Why are copper cables round?
1431 Why do 1 pF capacitors exist?
1432 Loud pop noise while plugging to a headphones jack
1433 How to go from newbie to manufactured?
1434 Why do fire and security systems run at 27.6 V?
1435 What is a good microcontroller for Ethernet applications?
1436 What are the differences between a gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer?
1437 Why dont microcontrollers generally have on-chip DACs?
1438 What do solid/striped lines on a wire indicate?
1439 MOSFET as a Switch - When is it in Saturation?
1440 Standard PCB trace widths?
1441 Maximum I2C Bus Length?
1442 STM32 Understanding GPIO Settings
1443 Cheapest FPGAs?
1444 Why dont we use wireless electricity today?
1445 Solid ground-plane vs Hatched ground-plane
1446 Why are vias placed this way on a PCB?
1447 Why does TI have so many microcontrollers?
1448 Why arent headphone jack shaped plugs used for data?
1449 Whats the reason to make power supplies external?
1450 Microcontroller shelf life
1451 How to choose a MCU platform?
1452 Why dont electrons take the shorter path in coils?
1453 What is wrong with my 50 Ω grounded coplanar waveguide?
1454 How do you simulate voltage noise with LTSpice?
1455 Noise and what does V/√Hz actually mean?
1456 Is the neutral wire considered safe?
1457 Is there a technical reason why most touch screens use glass rather than plastic?
1458 Software for workshop - electronic components stock management
1459 Can we build capacitors on a PCB board?
1460 How were the first microprocessors programmed?
1461 How do I measure 10,000 A DC?
1462 Why do fundamental circuit laws break down at high frequency AC?
1463 Why does hot plugging blow stuff up, and how to prevent it?
1464 Why aren’t the main conductors in this underground power cable made from copper?
1465 Why is there a diode connected in parallel to a relay coil?
1466 Easy way to figure out a LEDs Vf in order to pick an appropriate resistor
1467 Why use capacitors?
1468 Why is AVR used in Arduino?
1469 When would I use a voltage regulator vs voltage divider?
1470 Why are things like RESET/MCLR active low on most ICs?
1471 What are low cost circuit and PCB design software?
1472 Why does an antenna trace have this shape?
1473 How do you document your hardware design decisions?
1474 What are the advantages of this gold finger shape?
1475 Basic transistor questions
1476 How can I tell charge-only USB cables from USB data cables?
1477 What would happen if I connect two different DC voltage sources in parallel?
1478 Is Bluetooth Communication Possible Without Pairing?
1479 What is the ppm in the crystal oscillator?
1480 How can I implement regenerative braking of a DC motor?
1481 How to resolve I2C address clashes?
1482 Competing PCB Crystal layout recommendations
1483 The best stack-up possible with a four-layer PCB?
1484 Why would an op-amp use BJTs over MOSFETs?
1485 How is ASIC design different from FPGA HDL synthesis?
1486 Why are NAND gates used to make AND gates in computers?
1487 Why do CRTs have 3 electron guns?
1488 Am I insane to question that only with a closed path can electrons move?
1489 Whats special about 14.31818 MHz?
1490 What tools, equipment, and techniques do you use to solder fine-pitch SMT parts?
1491 Minimum operating temperature - Outer Space?
1492 Why do we connect a battery to ground when jumping a car?
1493 What is input and output impedance of an opamp?
1494 Step up 3.3V to 5V for digital I/O
1495 Switching DC with MOSFET: p-Channel or n-Channel; Low Side Load or High Side Load?
1496 CMSIS vs HAL vs Standard Peripherals Library
1497 Is paralleling diodes a bad idea?
1498 Why are relays so frequently driven by optocouplers?
1499 Why are car batteries still so heavy?
1500 How can cache be that fast?
1501 Why isnt there a potential difference across a disconnected diode?
1502 Why do 7 segment LED displays break apart when I brush my teeth?
1503 What do you need 1.018V for?
1504 How can I use a 12 V input on a digital Arduino pin?
1505 When to use Capacitors?
1506 New eagle library: reuse standard package & symbol
1507 What is the truth about 1.5 V lithium cells?
1508 Smallest AES implementation for microcontrollers?
1509 What is electrical insulation tape officially for?
1510 Why do CPUs need so much current?
1511 For a lower voltage drop one could use Schottky diodes, but what are the disadvantages of Schottkys?
1512 Why do ICs have NC (No Connection or No Function) pins?
1513 Why does hardware division take much longer than multiplication?
1514 Can an FPGA design be mostly (or completely) asynchronous?
1515 Why wiggle nearby tracks on a PCB?
1516 What is the smallest and simplest seed for a random number generator?
1517 Whats radiating on my PCB?
1518 What is the failure mode of a solar panel?
1519 Is there a dual of the transformer?
1520 How to connect multiple i2c-interface devices into a single pin A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL) on Arduino?
1521 At what voltage is a NiMH battery empty?
1522 What sensor to choose to track human presence indoors?
1523 How to list all installed packages
1524 How to unzip a zip file from the Terminal?
1525 How can PPAs be removed?
1526 How do I install a .deb file via the command line?
1527 The following packages have been kept back: Why and how do I solve it?
1528 Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) is another process using it?
1529 How do I save terminal output to a file?
1530 How can I copy the contents of a folder to another folder in a different directory using terminal?
1531 How can I use docker without sudo?
1532 What command do I need to unzip/extract a .tar.gz file?
1533 Is there a command to list all users? Also to add, delete, modify users, in the terminal?
1534 Where is the cron / crontab log?
1535 How do I determine the total size of a directory (folder) from the command line?
1536 How to get bash or ssh into a running container in background mode?
1537 How to upgrade a single package using apt-get?
1538 How do I uncompress a tarball that uses .xz?
1539 How can I update my nodeJS to the latest version?
1540 How do I shut down or reboot from a terminal?
1541 How can I add a user as a new sudoer using the command line?
1542 How to enable or disable services?
1543 Error message sudo: unable to resolve host (none)
1544 How to add a directory to the PATH?
1545 Find and replace text within a file using commands
1546 How to keep processes running after ending ssh session?
1547 How to install updates via command line?
1548 How to extract files to another directory using tar command?
1549 How do you monitor the progress of dd?
1550 How to add existing user to an existing group?
1551 How do I search for available packages from the command-line?
1552 Command for determining my public IP?
1553 How do I reset a lost administrative password?
1554 How do I remove old kernel versions to clean up the boot menu?
1555 How can I recursively delete all files of a specific extension in the current directory?
1556 How to delete a non-empty directory in Terminal?
1557 What Application Indicators are available?
1558 How to increment a variable in bash?
1559 How do I rename a directory via the command line?
1560 What should I do when Ubuntu freezes?
1561 What is the correct way to completely remove an application?
1562 Change folder permissions and ownership
1563 How do I find the amount of free space on my hard drive?
1564 How to run scripts on start up?
1565 What is the difference between apt and apt-get?
1566 What does sudo apt-get update do?
1567 How do I get the CPU temperature?
1568 How can I extract a page range / a part of a PDF?
1569 How do I resolve unmet dependencies after adding a PPA?
1570 How to check Internet Speed via Terminal?
1571 Why crontab scripts are not working?
1572 How do I find the package that provides a file?
1573 How do I install a .tar.gz (or .tar.bz2) file?
1574 How do I set up a Cron job?
1575 How do I free up more space in /boot?
1576 How can I record my screen?
1577 How to create a soft or symbolic link?
1578 How can I install Sun/Oracles proprietary Java JDK 6/7/8 or JRE?
1579 How do I install Ubuntu alongside a pre-installed Windows with UEFI?
1580 Unity doesnt load, no Launcher, no Dash appears
1581 How can I reduce the file size of a scanned PDF file?
1582 How do I fix my locale issue?
1583 How to install Google Chrome
1584 Which one is better: using ; or && to execute multiple commands in one line?
1585 How do I add environment variables?
1586 What is the difference between adduser and useradd?
1587 Ubuntu gets stuck in a login loop
1588 How can I decode a base64 string from the command line?
1589 How to redirect stderr to a file
1590 How do I check which shell I am using?
1591 How do I check if I have a 32-bit or a 64-bit OS?
1592 How to create animated GIF images of a screencast?
1593 How to make python program command execute Python 3?
1594 How do I change the hostname without a restart?
1595 How do I check the version of Ubuntu I am running?
1596 What are PPAs and how do I use them?
1597 What are Unitys keyboard and mouse shortcuts?
1598 What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link?
1599 How do I retrieve the public key from a SSH private key?
1600 How can I create a Windows bootable USB stick using Ubuntu?
1601 How do I install Guest Additions in a VirtualBox VM?
1602 How to display network traffic in the terminal?
1603 My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it?
1604 Where is the Ubuntu file system root directory in Windows Subsystem for Linux and vice versa?
1605 How do I get a list of installed files from a package?
1606 What is the difference between apt-get update and upgrade?
1607 Apache error Could not reliably determine the servers fully qualified domain name
1608 What is dist-upgrade and why does it upgrade more than upgrade?
1609 How do I modify or disable the HUDs use of the Alt key?
1610 How do I install Sublime Text 2/3?
1611 How do I report a bug?
1612 How to list all enabled services from systemctl?
1613 How do I create a permanent Bash alias?
1614 How to merge several PDF files?
1615 How to really clear the terminal?
1616 How to prevent updating of a specific package?
1617 How to install software or upgrade from an old unsupported release?
1618 How to convert PDF to image?
1619 How do I fix the GPG error NO_PUBKEY?
1620 How can I edit/create new launcher items in Unity by hand?
1621 What does cp: omitting directory mean?
1622 How to let `dpkg -i` install dependencies for me?
1623 How to create a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive from terminal?
1624 How to show the transfer progress and speed when copying files with cp?
1625 How to know what program is listening on a given port?
1626 How can I get octal file permissions from command line?
1627 How to see the command attached to a bash alias?
1628 How do I upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu?
1629 How to list all variables names and their current values?
1630 Mount error: unknown filesystem type exfat
1631 How to use grep command to find text including subdirectories
1632 How do I use variables in a sed command?
1633 What do the different colors mean in ls?
1634 How can I suspend/hibernate from command line?
1635 Trouble downloading packages list due to a Hash sum mismatch error
1636 How to enable hibernation?
1637 How do I install Python 3.6 using apt-get?
1638 How do I run .sh scripts?
1639 How can I break out of ssh when it locks?
1640 How to force a clock update using ntp?
1641 Easiest way to copy ssh keys to another machine?
1642 What kinds of desktop environments and shells are available?
1643 How do I configure swappiness?
1644 How to check hard disk performance
1645 How to empty swap if there is free RAM?
1646 How do I disable mouse magnet on middle edge with multi monitors?
1647 How do I change my username?
1648 How to select video quality from youtube-dl?
1649 How can I deactivate Bluetooth on system startup?
1650 How do I start applications automatically on login?
1651 Execute sudo without Password?
1652 How do I turn on workspaces? (Why do I only have one workspace?)
1653 How can I repair grub? (How to get Ubuntu back after installing Windows?)
1654 How do I change the GRUB boot order?
1655 How can I tell Ubuntu to do nothing when I close my laptop lid?
1656 How do I check the batterys status via the terminal?
1657 Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers
1658 How can I install just security updates from the command line?
1659 How to remove all files from a directory?
1660 What is the whoopsie process and how can I remove it?
1661 How to downgrade a package via apt-get?
1662 How do I fix a Problem with MergeList or status file could not be parsed error when trying to do an update?
1663 How can I accept the Microsoft EULA agreement for ttf-mscorefonts-installer?
1664 How do I move all files from one folder to another using the command line?
1665 How to download an MP3 track from a YouTube video
1666 Clock time is off on dual boot
1667 Unable to mount Windows (NTFS) filesystem due to hibernation
1668 How to download a file from a website via terminal?
1669 Differences between /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin
1670 How to install specific version of some package?
1671 Is it possible to remove a particular host key from SSHs known_hosts file?
1672 How to get to the GRUB menu at boot-time?
1673 What is the difference between #!/bin/sh and #!/bin/bash?
1674 Why use apt-get upgrade instead of apt-get dist-upgrade?
1675 How to show line numbering in nano when opening a file
1676 How to make a file (e.g. a .sh script) executable, so it can be run from a terminal
1677 Getting System program problem detected pops up regularly after upgrade
1678 How can I uncompress a *.7z file?
1679 What does 2>/dev/null mean?
1680 How can I improve Ubuntu overall system performance?
1681 How to set JAVA_HOME for Java?
1682 How do I change the computer name?
1683 How is the /tmp directory cleaned up?
1684 What is an AppImage? How do I install it?
1685 How to prevent Write Failed: broken pipe on SSH connection?
1686 How can I stop being prompted to unlock the default keyring on boot?
1687 Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module” .... but already installed
1688 Comparison of backup tools
1689 How can I see all versions of a package that are available in the archive?
1690 How do I install fonts?
1691 Is there a program like Microsoft Paint?
1692 How can I view the contents of tar.gz file without extracting from the command-line?
1693 Run a shell script as another user that has no password
1694 Command-line to list DNS servers used by my system
1695 How can I change the date modified/created of a file?
1696 How can I check the available version of a package in the repositories?
1697 How to check if a command succeeded?
1698 How to see time stamps in bash history?
1699 Convert a directory of JPEG files to a single PDF document
1700 Are PPAs safe to add to my system and what are some red flags to watch out for?
1701 Dwarf Fortress starting during apt-get upgrade
1702 How to install OpenJDK 8 on 14.04 LTS?
1703 How do I install a root certificate?
1704 How to clear bash history completely?
1705 How to format a USB flash drive?
1706 How can I resize an ext root partition at runtime?
1707 Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages
1708 Boot drops to a (initramfs) prompts/busybox
1709 fsck error on boot: /dev/sda6: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY
1710 How to disable strict host key checking in ssh?
1711 How to backup settings and list of installed packages
1712 How can I monitor the memory usage?
1713 How can I empty the trash using terminal?
1714 sudo su - vs sudo -i vs sudo /bin/bash - when does it matter which is used, or does it matter at all?
1715 How do I increase the hard disk size of the virtual machine?
1716 How can I get a list of all repositories and PPAs from the command line into an install script?
1717 How do I view all available HDDs/partitions?
1718 Why did the command :(){ :|: & };: make my system lag so badly I had to reboot?
1719 How can I configure Unity?
1720 How to easily resize images via command-line?
1721 I have 16GB RAM. Do I need 32GB swap?
1722 What is the safest way to clean up /boot partition?
1723 Is FFmpeg missing from the official repositories in 14.04?
1724 How can I fix a 404 Error when using a PPA or updating my package lists?
1725 How do I check the SHA1 hash of a file?
1726 How do I find out my motherboard model?
1727 Change password on root user and user account
1728 Where is the user crontab stored?
1729 How to fix The system is running in low-graphics mode error?
1730 How to restart X Window Server from command line?
1731 How can I tell, from the command line, whether the machine requires a reboot?
1732 Reset the password in Ubuntu / Linux Bash in Windows
1733 How to access a usb flash drive from the terminal?
1734 How do you restart Apache?
1735 How can I configure a service to run at startup
1736 How can I set up password-less SSH login?
1737 How to use manual partitioning during installation?
1738 How can I create launchers on my desktop?
1739 Unable to locate package while trying to install packages with APT
1740 How do I find the kernel version, Ubuntu release and disk partition information from the terminal?
1741 How do I find out the model of my graphics card?
1742 How do I remove an alias?
1743 How do I zip up a folder but exclude the .git subfolder
1744 How to install specific Ubuntu packages, with exact version?
1745 How can you log out via the terminal?
1746 What software can I use to view epub documents?
1747 How to restart the networking service?
1748 How do I find my internal ip address?
1749 How can I install software or packages without Internet (offline)?
1750 How to list dependent packages (reverse dependencies)?
1751 How do I make rsync delete files that have been deleted from the source folder?
1752 Simple image editor?
1753 How to modify an invalid /etc/sudoers file?
1754 How to add Open terminal here to Nautilus context menu?
1755 Run adduser non-interactively
1756 What is the difference between Terminal, Console, Shell, and Command Line?
1757 (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output) error in the syslog
1758 ssh: automatically accept keys
1759 How can I remove Amazon search results from the dash or disable the feature?
1760 Where are the Apache and PHP log files?
1761 How can I create a zip archive of a whole directory via terminal without hidden files?
1762 How can I adjust the mouse scroll speed?
1763 What is the difference between Redirection and Pipe?
1764 How do I remap certain keys or devices?
1765 How do I check if a package is installed on my server?
1766 What is a process, and why doesnt it get killed?
1767 How do I set Windows to boot as the default in the boot loader?
1768 Hitting arrow keys adds characters in vi editor
1769 How can I install Windows after Ive installed Ubuntu?
1770 How to change time-zone settings from the command line
1771 How to get the GPU info?
1772 How to run sudo command with no password?
1773 Error sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found
1774 How can I uninstall software?
1775 What is LVM and what is it used for?
1776 cant login as mysql user root from normal user account in ubuntu 16.04
1777 Why is No new release found when upgrading from a LTS to the next?
1778 How to SSH on a port other than 22
1779 How do I install .run files?
1780 Where are sudos insults stored?
1781 How do I start/stop mysql server?
1782 Can I move the Unity launcher?
1783 Where are MTP mounted devices located in the filesystem?
1784 How do I find out which process is eating up my bandwidth?
1785 How do I check my version of GNOME-Shell?
1786 How to unzip .tgz file using the terminal?
1787 How to choose the default gcc and g++ version?
1788 How can I securely erase a hard drive?
1789 How can I find my User ID (UID) from terminal?
1790 Ubuntu 16.04 ssh: sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation
1791 Whats a command line way to find large files/directories to remove and free up space?
1792 How can I highlight or annotate PDFs?
1793 vi shortcut to delete until the next X character
1794 Why is swap being used even though I have plenty of free RAM?
1795 Customizing tray/taskbar date display in Ubuntu with GNOME 3
1796 How to send mail from the command line?
1797 Generating list of manually installed packages and querying individual packages
1798 How do I search my command-line history for commands I used before?
1799 How to pin Eclipse to the Unity launcher?
1800 How can I update all Snap packages?
1801 What is hardware enablement (HWE)?
1802 What is the difference between /etc/init/ and /etc/init.d/?
1803 Flash video appears blue
1804 How to burn a Windows .iso to a USB device?
1805 How do I disable X at boot time so that the system boots in text mode?
1806 How do I run specific sudo commands without a password?
1807 What is the Difference Between `apt-get purge` and `apt-get remove`?
1808 How to revert to GNOME Classic Desktop?
1809 Difference between systemctl and service commands
1810 How to understand the Ubuntu file system layout?
1811 Is there another way to restart the sound system if pulseaudio/ALSA dont work?
1812 How to disable the touchpad?
1813 Find a file by name using command-line
1814 When installing user applications, where do best practices suggest they be located?
1815 How do I clear the DNS cache?
1816 How to make partitions mount at startup?
1817 Trouble with batch conversion of .png to .pdf using convert
1818 How can you completely remove a package?
1819 Screen Resolution Problem with Ubuntu 14.04 and VirtualBox
1820 How to uninstall a .deb package?
1821 Cant format Ubuntu installation stick
1822 Terminal incognito mode?
1823 Any way to check the clock speed of my processor?
1824 How to make ZSH the default shell?
1825 Whats the difference between Google Chrome and/or Chromium? What are the advantages/disadvantages to each?
1826 How to rename a file in Terminal?
1827 Do I need to have antivirus software installed?
1828 How do you run Ubuntu Server with a GUI?
1829 How to get the MD5 hash of a string directly in the terminal?
1830 How do I configure a new Ubuntu installation to accept ssh connections?
1831 How to Edit PDFs?
1832 How to control fan speed?
1833 How do I install different (upgrade or downgrade) PHP version in still supported Ubuntu release?
1834 No such file or directory? But the file exists!
1835 What PDF viewers are available for Ubuntu?
1836 How do I add SSH Keys to authorized_keys file?
1837 Is it okay to delete the ~/.cache folder?
1838 How do I diff the output of two commands?
1839 How do I set the grub timeout and the grub default boot entry?
1840 How do I add a DNS server via resolv.conf?
1841 SSH connection problem with Host key verification failed... error
1842 Give specific user permission to write to a folder using +w notation
1843 How do I change the color for directories with ls in the console?
1844 How can I fix apt error W: Target Packages ... is configured multiple times?
1845 How can I find what video driver is in use on my system?
1846 Any way to search for text within nano?
1847 How to determine which window manager is running
1848 Skipping acquire of configured file main/binary-i386/Packages as repository xxx doesnt support architecture i386
1849 How can I find the version of Ubuntu that is installed?
1850 How do I enable or disable Apport?
1851 How to create an empty file from command line
1852 How to open a PDF file from terminal?
1853 How do I provide a username and password to wget?
1854 mv: Directory not empty
1855 How do I install the Firefox Developer Edition?
1856 How to delete file(s) in secure manner?
1857 Why do I get wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock error?
1858 How do I uninstall MySQL?
1859 What is the difference between Vi and Vim?
1860 Installed Teamviewer using a 64-bit system, but I get a dependency error
1861 How to copy paste contents in the vi editor
1862 How to create a permanent alias?
1863 Why doesnt `sudo cd /var/named` work?
1864 How do I stop Apache2 from automatically starting on boot?
1865 Setting timezone from terminal
1866 How to install the latest versions of NodeJS and NPM?
1867 Is there a GUI client for Git?
1868 How to list all symbolic links in a directory
1869 How can I retrospectively create a default home directory for an existing user in terminal?
1870 How to exclude multiple directories with rsync?
1871 How do I find out which repository a package comes from?
1872 How to open file with default application from command line?
1873 How to show only hidden files in Terminal?
1874 What do the STAT column values in ps mean?
1875 What are the meta, super, and hyper keys?
1876 How to change tooltip background color in Unity?
1877 How do I add a user to the sudo group?
1878 How do I add locale to ubuntu server?
1879 How do I create a desktop wallpaper slideshow?
1880 Avoiding user interaction with tzdata when installing certbot in a docker container
1881 How do I enable the Universe repository?
1882 What is umask and how does it work?
1883 How do I enable syntax highlighting in nano?
1884 How to increase swap space?
1885 tracker-store and tracker-miner-fs eating up my CPU on every startup
1886 How to customize the Ubuntu Live CD?
1887 Force alt + tab to switch only on current workspace in GNOME shell
1888 How can I make my shell prompt look like a cheeseburger?
1889 How can I get apt to use a mirror close to me, or choose a faster mirror?
1890 Why is Wayland better?
1891 Annoying flickering in 16.04 LTS - Chrome
1892 How to split larger files into smaller parts?
1893 Whats the difference between <<, <<< and < < in bash?
1894 How to make Gimp run as a single window?
1895 Extracting embedded images from a PDF
1896 How do you test the network speed between two boxes?
1897 Why is it bad to log in as root?
1898 Why is Ubuntu moving to Snap packages?
1899 How do I download a YouTube video?
1900 Why ~/.bash_profile is not getting sourced when opening a terminal?
1901 How to remove Ubuntu and put Windows back on?
1902 How to access a shared folder in VirtualBox?
1903 What is the Linux equivalent to Windows Program Files?
1904 How do I free up disk space?
1905 How to install Oracle Java on Ubuntu 14.04?
1906 How to install Eclipse?
1907 Is it possible to get a list of most recently installed packages?
1908 Can I make Tab auto-completion case-insensitive in Bash?
1909 How can I shorten my command line (bash) prompt?
1910 How do I install curl in php5?
1911 How can I see what ports are open on my machine?
1912 How do I scan for viruses with ClamAV?
1913 How to resize an image through the terminal?
1914 Traditional search-as-you-type on newer Nautilus versions
1915 How to make a disk image and restore from it later?
1916 How do you reset a USB device from the command line?
1917 Automatically enter input in command line
1918 How do I copy files that need root access with scp?
1919 How to add programs to the Unity Launcher or Ubuntu Dock?
1920 How can I measure the execution time of a terminal process?
1921 What to use to quickly cut Audio/Video
1922 How do I remount a filesystem as read/write?
1923 How do I compress a directory?
1924 What is the command to run System Settings from a terminal?
1925 How do I make my terminal display graphical pictures?
1926 How do I add a kernel boot parameter?
1927 Detect and mount devices
1928 How do I kill processes in Ubuntu?
1929 How to mount an ISO file?
1930 How to read and write HFS+ journaled external HDD in Ubuntu without access to OS X?
1931 Why does (base) appear in front of my terminal prompt?
1932 How to install and configure Wine?
1933 How to change Gnome-Terminal title?
1934 Is there a Google Drive client available?
1935 SSH Permission denied (publickey)
1936 Difference between the i386 download and the amd64?
1937 How do I make my systemd service run via specific user and start on boot?
1938 How to enable TRIM?
1939 Is aptitude still considered superior to apt-get?
1940 Aliases not available when using sudo
1941 Find the correct php.ini file
1942 What is the best way to uninstall nginx
1943 How do I detach a screen session from a terminal?
1944 How to create an animated GIF from MP4 video via command line?
1945 How to fix sudo: unable to open ... Read-only file system?
1946 How to uninstall LibreOffice?
1947 How can I restart pulseaudio without having to logout?
1948 How to fix W: Duplicate sources.list entry?
1949 Why am I getting authentication errors for packages from an Ubuntu repository?
1950 How can I reduce or increase the number of workspaces in Unity?
1951 How to restart nautilus without logging out?
1952 Keyboard locks in IntelliJ IDEA on Ubuntu 14.04
1953 Why is a virtual terminal virtual, and what/why/where is the real terminal?
1954 How to change LCD brightness from command line (or via script)?
1955 How to find the number of CPU cores including virtual?
1956 How do I show the git branch with colours in Bash prompt?
1957 Bash history search, partial + up-arrow
1958 How to install Chrome browser properly via command line?
1959 How do I include lines in resolv.conf that wont get lost on reboot?
1960 What is the simplest Debian Packaging Guide?
1961 How to extract a zip file to a specific folder?
1962 Running a .desktop file in the terminal
1963 How to avoid using sudo when working in /var/www?
1964 Disable auto-opening nautilus window after auto-mount
1965 Can I directly download audio using youtube-dl?
1966 Is there any Sound enhancers/equalizer?
1967 How to remove symbolic link
1968 How can I make a script that opens terminal windows and executes commands in them?
1969 How do I change fonts and adjust their size?
1970 How do I install Ubuntu to a USB key? (without using Startup Disk Creator)
1971 How do I get and modify the source code of packages installed through apt-get?
1972 How to check RAM size?
1973 Missing System Settings after removing some packages
1974 How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu?
1975 How to download playlist to mp3 format with youtube-dl?
1976 Parsing filters unsupported error during extraction of RAR file
1977 What is difference between the options autoclean, autoremove and clean?
1978 Is there a power saving application similar to Jupiter?
1979 What lenses for Unity are available?
1980 Is there an easy way to rearrange or move the icons in the Unity launcher?
1981 keyboard shortcut to switch between windows within an application
1982 How do I install the latest Python 2.7.X or 3.X on Ubuntu?
1983 Graphics issues after/while installing Ubuntu 16.04/16.10 with NVIDIA graphics
1984 How to move multiple files at once to a specific destination directory?
1985 How do I install Java?
1986 Find number of files in folder and sub folders?
1987 How do I open a text file in my terminal?
1988 How to connect to WiFi from the command line?
1989 If I build a package from source how can I uninstall or remove completely?
1990 Tips to extend battery life for laptops and notebooks
1991 Why doesnt this show the hidden files/folders?
1992 How do I disable the guest session?
1993 How do I add swap after system installation?
1994 How do I reset my Unity configuration?
1995 How can I remove gpg key that I added using apt-key add -?
1996 How to find owner and group of a directory?
1997 Comparing the contents of two directories
1998 How can I install and use powerline plugin?
1999 How to completely uninstall Java?
2000 How do I install a different Python version using apt-get?
2001 What Debian version are the different Ubuntu versions based on?
2002 I have a hardware detection problem, what logs do I need to look into?