Question Answering
0 Why does man print gimme gimme gimme at 00:30? | |
1 What is the exact difference between a terminal, a shell, a tty and a console? | |
2 How do I get the size of a directory on the command line? | |
3 How to correctly add a path to PATH? | |
4 How to install a deb file, by dpkg -i or by apt? | |
5 How to copy files from one machine to another using ssh | |
6 How can I replace a string in a file(s)? | |
7 How to unfreeze after accidentally pressing Ctrl-S in a terminal? | |
8 Why was ~ chosen to represent the home directory? | |
9 How do I grep for multiple patterns with pattern having a pipe character? | |
10 What is the purpose of the lost+found folder in Linux and Unix? | |
11 How do I make `ls` show file sizes in megabytes? | |
12 Difference between nohup, disown and & | |
13 How to see full log from systemctl status service? | |
14 How to run find -exec? | |
15 Tracking down where disk space has gone on Linux? | |
16 What does -- (double-dash) mean? | |
17 How to cycle through reverse-i-search in BASH? | |
18 Why is printf better than echo? | |
19 How do I zip/unzip on the unix command line? | |
20 Preserve bash history in multiple terminal windows | |
21 How to switch between users on one terminal? | |
22 What do the numbers in a man page mean? | |
23 Zip all files in directory? | |
24 Why am I still getting a password prompt with ssh with public key authentication? | |
25 Using ${a:-b} for variable assignment in scripts | |
26 /usr/bin vs /usr/local/bin on Linux | |
27 Why is it better to use #!/usr/bin/env NAME instead of #!/path/to/NAME as my shebang? | |
28 Does curl have a --no-check-certificate option like wget? | |
29 Repeat a Unix command every x seconds forever | |
30 How can I reduce a videos size with ffmpeg? | |
31 What if kill -9 does not work? | |
32 Finding the PID of the process using a specific port? | |
33 How to force ssh client to use only password auth? | |
34 What is the difference between /opt and /usr/local? | |
35 Scroll inside Screen, or Pause Output | |
36 How to get execution time of a script effectively? | |
37 How can I resolve a hostname to an IP address in a Bash script? | |
38 How to display `top` results sorted by memory usage in real time? | |
39 How do I check package version using apt-get / aptitude? | |
40 Can I zip an entire folder using gzip? | |
41 How do I copy a folder keeping owners and permissions intact? | |
42 Turn off buffering in pipe | |
43 Can less retain colored output? | |
44 What is a bind mount? | |
45 How to forward X over SSH to run graphics applications remotely? | |
46 How to append multiple lines to a file | |
47 Execute vs Read bit. How do directory permissions in Linux work? | |
48 Can grep output only specified groupings that match? | |
49 recursive mkdir | |
50 How to conditionally do something if a command succeeded or failed | |
51 What is the difference between the Bash operators [[ vs [ vs ( vs ((? | |
52 Difference between Login Shell and Non-Login Shell? | |
53 How does reverse SSH tunneling work? | |
54 How do I remove a user from a group? | |
55 How do I delete a file whose name begins with - (hyphen a.k.a. dash or minus)? | |
56 Why not use which? What to use then? | |
57 When should I not kill -9 a process? | |
58 How can I pass a command line argument into a shell script? | |
59 refresh changed content of file opened in vi(m) | |
60 What does LC_ALL=C do? | |
61 What are the pros and cons of Vim and Emacs? | |
62 How do I use pushd and popd commands? | |
63 In Bash, when to alias, when to script, and when to write a function? | |
64 How can I run a command which will survive terminal close? | |
65 How to clear journalctl | |
66 Delete from cursor to end of line in `vi` | |
67 Using sed to find and replace | |
68 Get exit status of process thats piped to another | |
69 How do I loop through only directories in bash? | |
70 What is the difference between curl and wget? | |
71 How to copy a file from a remote server to a local machine? | |
72 How to generate a random string? | |
73 How can I find the implementations of Linux kernel system calls? | |
74 Ctrl-s hangs the terminal emulator? | |
75 How to do integer & float calculations, in bash or other languages/frameworks? | |
76 How to check OS and version using a Linux command | |
77 How do you empty the buffers and cache on a Linux system? | |
78 How can I prevent grep from showing up in ps results? | |
79 finds -exec rm {} \; vs -delete | |
80 How can I use sed to replace a multi-line string? | |
81 What are the shells control and redirection operators? | |
82 How can I find broken symlinks | |
83 Compress a folder with tar? | |
84 How can I delete all lines in a file using vi? | |
85 What characters do I need to escape when using sed in a sh script? | |
86 Remove all files/directories except for one file | |
87 Why does my shell script choke on whitespace or other special characters? | |
88 What DNS servers am I using? | |
89 How do I set my DNS when resolv.conf is being overwritten? | |
90 How can I get the size of a file in a bash script? | |
91 Does curl have a timeout? | |
92 In a bash script, using the conditional or in an if statement | |
93 What is the fastest way to view images from the terminal? | |
94 GPU usage monitoring (CUDA) | |
95 How to get over device or resource busy? | |
96 How can I monitor disk io? | |
97 Specify identity file (id_rsa) with rsync | |
98 How do I clear Bashs cache of paths to executables? | |
99 How to list all files ordered by size | |
100 Whats the story behind Super Cow Powers? | |
101 What does rc in .bashrc stand for? | |
102 How to set default file permissions for all folders/files in a directory? | |
103 Count total number of occurrences using grep | |
104 How can I get my external IP address in a shell script? | |
105 How to get the pid of the last executed command in shell script? | |
106 How to list keys added to ssh-agent with ssh-add? | |
107 Is it possible to see cp speed and percent copied? | |
108 How to colorize output of git? | |
109 Copy a file back to local system with ssh | |
110 How to split the terminal into more than one view? | |
111 Hide curl output | |
112 How to view the output of a running process in another bash session? | |
113 How can I run ssh-add automatically, without a password prompt? | |
114 How to define tab delimiter with cut in BASH? | |
115 How to have tail -f show colored output | |
116 What do the fields in ls -al output mean? | |
117 What is the difference between `grep`, `egrep`, and `fgrep`? | |
118 How to know number of cores of a system in Linux? | |
119 How to permanently set environmental variables | |
120 How can I instruct yum to install a specific version of package X? | |
121 How can I test if a variable is empty or contains only spaces? | |
122 How do I change the extension of multiple files? | |
123 Write all tmux scrollback to a file | |
124 How to remove a single line from history? | |
125 Colorizing your terminal and shell environment? | |
126 Whats the difference between $(stuff) and `stuff`? | |
127 Prepending a timestamp to each line of output from a command | |
128 How do I equally balance tmux(1) split panes? | |
129 Better colors so comments arent dark blue in Vim? | |
130 What should/shouldnt go in .zshenv, .zshrc, .zlogin, .zprofile, .zlogout? | |
131 How can I get a count of files in a directory using the command line? | |
132 How to check how long a process has been running? | |
133 Moving tmux pane to window | |
134 How to know whether Wayland or X11 is being used | |
135 Why doesnt my Bash script recognize aliases? | |
136 How does a Segmentation Fault work under-the-hood? | |
137 List available updates but do not install them | |
138 How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket | |
139 What are the differences between most, more and less? | |
140 What is the real difference between apt-get and aptitude? (How about wajig?) | |
141 How do I set an environment variable on the command line and have it appear in commands? | |
142 How can I make Press any key to continue | |
143 How do I find out what hard disks are in the system? | |
144 How do I trim leading and trailing whitespace from each line of some output? | |
145 Whats the point in adding a new line to the end of a file? | |
146 How to terminate a background process? | |
147 Keep processes running after SSH session disconnects | |
148 Convince apt-get *not* to use IPv6 method | |
149 What is the eval command in bash? | |
150 How to reload udev rules without reboot? | |
151 How to know if a disk is an SSD or an HDD | |
152 How to go to the previous working directory in terminal? | |
153 Change the Python3 default version in Ubuntu | |
154 How to write startup script for Systemd? | |
155 Most efficient method to empty the contents of a file | |
156 View stdout/stderr of systemd service | |
157 How can I update to a newer version of Git using apt-get? | |
158 How can I get the current working directory? | |
159 How to monitor CPU/memory usage of a single process? | |
160 Can rsync resume after being interrupted? | |
161 Multiple similar entries in ssh config | |
162 Sort and count number of occurrence of lines | |
163 Whats ssh port forwarding and whats the difference between ssh local and remote port forwarding | |
164 Recursively delete all files with a given extension | |
165 How do I convert an epoch timestamp to a human readable format on the cli? | |
166 How to display meminfo in megabytes in top? | |
167 Where did the wheel group get its name? | |
168 Why *not* parse `ls` (and what to do instead)? | |
169 Why is FreeBSD deprecating GCC in favor of Clang/LLVM? | |
170 how can I make cron run a job right now, for testing/debugging? without changing the schedule! | |
171 Kernel inotify watch limit reached | |
172 How to create a new window on the current directory in tmux? | |
173 What does env x=() { :;}; command bash do and why is it insecure? | |
174 What is `^M` and how do I get rid of it? | |
175 How can I send stdout to multiple commands? | |
176 Delete the last character of a string using string manipulation in shell script | |
177 How to tell gzip to keep original file? | |
178 How create a temporary file in shell script? | |
179 What do the flags in /proc/cpuinfo mean? | |
180 SSH tunneling error: channel 1: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed | |
181 Why is using a shell loop to process text considered bad practice? | |
182 Security implications of forgetting to quote a variable in bash/POSIX shells | |
183 How to import secret gpg key (copied from one machine to another)? | |
184 How to add a newline to the end of a file? | |
185 Difference between 2>&-, 2>/dev/null, |&, &>/dev/null and >/dev/null 2>&1 | |
186 How do you sort du output by size? | |
187 Efficiently delete large directory containing thousands of files | |
188 Can I create a user-specific hosts file to complement /etc/hosts? | |
189 Why do I need a tty to run sudo if I can sudo without a password? | |
190 Get file created/creation time? | |
191 How can get a list of all scheduled cron jobs on my machine? | |
192 Linux top command: What are us, sy, ni, id, wa, hi, si and st (for CPU usage)? | |
193 How can I get distribution name and version number in a simple shell script? | |
194 Why does `htop` show more process than `ps` | |
195 List all connected SSH sessions? | |
196 What is the meaning of IFS=$\n in bash scripting? | |
197 What is the purpose of .bashrc and how does it work? | |
198 redirecting to /dev/null | |
199 How to suspend and bring a background process to foreground | |
200 How to change where a symlink points | |
201 Why is ls suddenly wrapping items with spaces in single quotes? | |
202 Execute a command once per line of piped input? | |
203 What makes grep consider a file to be binary? | |
204 Why are tar archive formats switching to xz compression to replace bzip2 and what about gzip? | |
205 Cant resume screen, says I am already attached? | |
206 how can I recursively delete empty directories in my home directory? | |
207 Can I remove files in /var/log/journal and /var/cache/abrt-di/usr? | |
208 Allow setuid on shell scripts | |
209 Difference between cp -r and cp -a | |
210 What does aux mean in `ps aux`? | |
211 What does ` (backquote/backtick) mean in commands? | |
212 How do I make my pc speaker beep | |
213 Getting 256 colors to work in tmux | |
214 Find command: how to ignore case? | |
215 Find where inodes are being used | |
216 How can I calculate the size of a directory? | |
217 Find out current working directory of a running process? | |
218 VISUAL vs. EDITOR – what’s the difference? | |
219 How to determine where an environment variable came from? | |
220 Unzipping a .gz file without removing the gzipped file | |
221 What does etc stand for? | |
222 What do options `ServerAliveInterval` and `ClientAliveInterval` in sshd_config do exactly? | |
223 What is the working directory when cron executes a job? | |
224 How can I display the contents of a text file on the command line? | |
225 How can I edit multiple files in VIM? | |
226 Any reason NOT to run Linux in a VM all the time? | |
227 Is there a one-liner that allows me to create a directory and move into it at the same time? | |
228 umount: device is busy. Why? | |
229 Extract only a specific file from a zipped archive to a given directory | |
230 scp without replacing existing files in the destination | |
231 Markdown Viewer | |
232 Terminal prompt not wrapping correctly | |
233 linux: How can I view all UUIDs for all available disks on my system? | |
234 How do I get the MD5 sum of a directorys contents as one sum? | |
235 What causes this green background in ls output? | |
236 How to fill 90% of the free memory? | |
237 Find the total size of certain files within a directory branch | |
238 How to use find command to search for multiple extensions | |
239 How to install Desktop Environments on CentOS 7? | |
240 Whats the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false | |
241 There are stopped jobs (on bash exit) | |
242 How to rsync only new files | |
243 Limit memory usage for a single Linux process | |
244 How can I grep in PDF files? | |
245 How to move and overwrite subdirectories (and files) to parent directory? | |
246 How to run a specific program as root without a password prompt? | |
247 How to get the complete and exact list of mounted filesystems in Linux? | |
248 Where are cron errors logged? | |
249 Why do we use su - and not just su? | |
250 delete line in vi | |
251 How to scroll in a terminal using keyboard? | |
252 Is Linux a Unix? | |
253 What is the difference between Docker, LXD, and LXC | |
254 tmux vs. GNU Screen | |
255 Where are Apache file access logs stored? | |
256 How to delete directories based on `find` output? | |
257 Whats the difference between semicolon and double ampersand && | |
258 Do the parent directorys permissions matter when accessing a subdirectory? | |
259 Merging folders with mv? | |
260 The proper way to test if a service is running in a script | |
261 Failed to fetch jessie backports repository | |
262 Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods | |
263 How can I populate a file with random data? | |
264 Why is looping over finds output bad practice? | |
265 How to recursively find the amount stored in directory? | |
266 Passing named arguments to shell scripts | |
267 How do you move all files (including hidden) from one directory to another? | |
268 How can I delete a word backward at the command line (bash and zsh)? | |
269 How to skip permission denied errors when running find in Linux? | |
270 Is your SSH password revealed when you attempt to connect to the wrong server? | |
271 How can I set vi as my default editor in UNIX? | |
272 What are the pros/cons of Upstart and systemd? | |
273 Run a command that is shadowed by an alias | |
274 Combined `mkdir` and `cd`? | |
275 How can I see dmesg output as it changes? | |
276 Looping through files with spaces in the names? | |
277 How to use wildcards (*) when copying with scp? | |
278 How to remove all empty directories in a subtree? | |
279 Delete files older than X days + | |
280 $VAR vs ${VAR} and to quote or not to quote | |
281 ifconfig command not found | |
282 ssh-add complains: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent | |
283 How to debug a bash script? | |
284 How do I remove a directory and all its contents? | |
285 Timezone setting in Linux | |
286 Sort based on the third column | |
287 Copy text from one tmux pane to another (using vim) | |
288 What are the pros/cons of deb vs. rpm? | |
289 How to check if a shell is login/interactive/batch | |
290 Move folder content up one level | |
291 Open `less` scrolled to the end | |
292 Batch renaming files | |
293 How can I disown a running process and associate it to a new screen shell? | |
294 ssh-add is not persistent between reboots | |
295 do changes in /etc/security/limits.conf require a reboot? | |
296 Parallelize a Bash FOR Loop | |
297 Pass the output of previous command to next as an argument | |
298 tar: Removing leading `/ from member names | |
299 How to clean log file? | |
300 Script to monitor folder for new files? | |
301 How to suspend and resume processes | |
302 Rsync filter: copying one pattern only | |
303 How can I add a signature .png to a PDF in Linux? | |
304 Simple command line HTTP server | |
305 How to copy-merge two directories? | |
306 How can I wrap text at a certain column size? | |
307 Can I redirect output to a log file and background a process at the same time? | |
308 What does <<< mean? | |
309 Are there naming conventions for variables in shell scripts? | |
310 Creating diagrams in ASCII | |
311 How to put current line at top/center/bottom of screen in vim? | |
312 Trying to SSH to local VM Ubuntu with Putty | |
313 remove particular characters from a variable using bash | |
314 Is CentOS exactly the same as RHEL? | |
315 What is the purpose of using shift in shell scripts? | |
316 What color codes can I use in my PS1 prompt? | |
317 How do I determine the number of RAM slots in use? | |
318 Quoting within $(command substitution) in Bash | |
319 Precedence of the shell logical operators &&, || | |
320 Is there an easy way to replace duplicate files with hardlinks? | |
321 I deleted /bin/rm. How do I recover it? | |
322 Why would someone choose FreeBSD over Linux? | |
323 List files sorted numerically | |
324 Executing chdir before starting systemd service | |
325 What is the point of Ctrl-S? | |
326 How to list disks, partitions and filesystems in Linux? | |
327 Viewing all iptables rules | |
328 cat line X to line Y on a huge file | |
329 How do you extract a single folder from a large tar.gz archive? | |
330 How to remove duplicate lines inside a text file? | |
331 Whats the difference between a normal user and a system user? | |
332 In CentOS, what is the difference between yum update and yum upgrade? | |
333 How to redirect output of wget as input to unzip? | |
334 Human readable memory sizes in top? | |
335 Renumbering windows in tmux | |
336 Unix/Linux undelete/recover deleted files | |
337 How do I write a retry logic in script to keep retrying to run it upto 5 times? | |
338 How to extract specific file(s) from tar.gz | |
339 Copy specific file type keeping the folder structure | |
340 Easily unpack DEB, edit postinst, and repack DEB | |
341 How to stop the find command after first match? | |
342 Using the not equal operator for string comparison | |
343 Good detailed explanation of /etc/network/interfaces syntax? | |
344 How can I execute `date` inside of a cron tab job? | |
345 How to find out from the logs what caused system shutdown? | |
346 Is there a way to dynamically refresh the less command? | |
347 How to make `sudo` preserve $PATH? | |
348 How to choose directory name during untarring | |
349 How to chmod without /usr/bin/chmod? | |
350 What does >/dev/null 2>&1 mean in this article of crontab basics? | |
351 How to uppercase the command line argument? | |
352 How to enable diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange on Debian 8.0? | |
353 Finding all large files in the root filesystem | |
354 How do I grep recursively through .gz files? | |
355 Is there a way to redirect nohup output to a log file other than nohup.out? | |
356 How big is the pipe buffer? | |
357 Bash: What does >| do? | |
358 Return only the portion of a line after a matching pattern | |
359 How do I set a user environment variable? (permanently, not session) | |
360 Linux: Difference between /dev/console , /dev/tty and /dev/tty0 | |
361 How do I remove the first 300 million lines from a 700 GB txt file on a system with 1 TB disk space? | |
362 Temporarily suspend bash_history on a given shell? | |
363 What to do when a Linux desktop freezes? | |
364 Sorting down processes by memory usage | |
365 How does the sticky bit work? | |
366 Zip the contents of a folder without including the folder itself | |
367 Run a command without making me wait | |
368 Using sed to find and replace complex string (preferrably with regex) | |
369 GUI for GIT similar to SourceTree | |
370 Where do executables look for shared objects at runtime? | |
371 What is the difference between /tmp and /var/tmp? | |
372 Determine the size of a block device | |
373 Why is number of open files limited in Linux? | |
374 How can I have `date` output the time from a different timezone? | |
375 no public key available on apt-get update | |
376 How to download portion of video with youtube-dl command? | |
377 How to start tmux with attach if a session exists | |
378 How is Mono magical? | |
379 How to uncompress zlib data in UNIX? | |
380 How do I do a ls and then sort the results by date created? | |
381 How can I move files and view the progress (e.g. with a progress bar)? | |
382 Is it possible to find out the hosts in the known_hosts file? | |
383 How do I read from /proc/$pid/mem under Linux? | |
384 Why does find -mtime +1 only return files older than 2 days? | |
385 How do I add X days to date and get new date? | |
386 Why use swap when there is more than enough free space in RAM? | |
387 Fix terminal after displaying a binary file | |
388 Determine if Git working directory is clean from a script | |
389 How does systemd use /etc/init.d scripts? | |
390 How do I know if dd is still working? | |
391 Generate File of a certain size? | |
392 What is the difference between modify and change in stat command context? | |
393 Is there any way to execute commands from history? | |
394 Make all new files in a directory accessible to a group | |
395 What exactly is POSIX? | |
396 Too many levels of symbolic links | |
397 How to run a program in a clean environment in bash? | |
398 Split string by delimiter and get N-th element | |
399 Delete First line of a file | |
400 How to add repository from shell in Debian? | |
401 List only regular files (but not directories) in current directory | |
402 How to redirect output to a file from within cron? | |
403 What is the Fedora equivalent of the Debian build-essential package? | |
404 In Arch Linux how can I find out which package to install that will contain file X? | |
405 Copy-Paste in xfce4-terminal adds 0~ and 1~ | |
406 What does the @ mean in ls -l? | |
407 How to make a machine accessible from the LAN using its hostname | |
408 What is the difference between sort -u and sort | uniq? | |
409 How can I check if swap is active from the command line? | |
410 locate vs find: usage, pros and cons of each other | |
411 What does the .d stand for in directory names? | |
412 How to create nested directory in a single command? | |
413 Cant use exclamation mark (!) in bash? | |
414 How to find applications path from command line? | |
415 How can I count the number of lines of a file with common tools? | |
416 How do I delete the first n lines of an ascii file using shell commands? | |
417 How do I limit the number of files printed by ls? | |
418 When is double-quoting necessary? | |
419 dd vs cat -- is dd still relevant these days? | |
420 How do I unset a variable at the command line? | |
421 What does ampersand mean at the end of a shell script line? | |
422 Automated ssh-keygen without passphrase, how? | |
423 How to disable auto suspend when I close laptop lid? | |
424 Can I configure my Linux system for more aggressive file system caching? | |
425 Whats the recommended way of copying changes with vimdiff? | |
426 How to get only files created after a date with ls? | |
427 How can I run a cron command with existing environmental variables? | |
428 How can I execute local script on remote machine and include arguments? | |
429 Understanding of diff output | |
430 diff within a line | |
431 How to determine Linux kernel architecture? | |
432 Mount cifs Network Drive: write permissions and chown | |
433 What is a Superblock, Inode, Dentry and a File? | |
434 How do SO (shared object) numbers work? | |
435 Can I watch the progress of a `sync` operation? | |
436 how can I add (subtract, etc.) two numbers with bash? | |
437 Find and remove large files that are open but have been deleted | |
438 The myths about malware in Unix / Linux | |
439 Where should I put software I compile myself? | |
440 Have backticks (i.e. `cmd`) in *sh shells been deprecated? | |
441 How to move all files and folders via mv command | |
442 How can I fix cannot find a valid baseurl for repo errors on CentOS? | |
443 Usage of dash (-) in place of a filename | |
444 Exit vim more quickly | |
445 Clone ownership and permissions from another file? | |
446 When is xargs needed? | |
447 Why does Vim indent pasted code incorrectly? | |
448 Convince grep to output all lines, not just those with matches | |
449 How to combine 2 -name conditions in find? | |
450 date command --iso-8601 option | |
451 How to see process created by specific user in Unix/linux | |
452 How do I repeat the last command without using the arrow keys? | |
453 Get the chmod numerical value for a file | |
454 How to remove an audio track from an mp4 video file? | |
455 How to XZ a directory with TAR using maximum compression? | |
456 How to export variables from a file? | |
457 Bluetooth Pairing on Dual Boot of Windows & Linux Mint/Ubuntu - Stop having to Pair Devices | |
458 Keyboard set to cat mode | |
459 How to kill a runaway cat? | |
460 How to monitor only the last n lines of a log file? | |
461 Can scp create a directory if it doesnt exist? | |
462 Why are hard links to directories not allowed in UNIX/Linux? | |
463 Bash - how to run a command after the previous finished? | |
464 Manually generate password for /etc/shadow | |
465 Download using wget to a different directory than current directory | |
466 grep returns Binary file (standard input) matches when trying to find a string pattern in file | |
467 Combine the output of two commands in bash | |
468 Use scp to transfer a file from local directory X to remote directory Y | |
469 Pass command line arguments to bash script | |
470 How to make log-rotate change take effect | |
471 chroot jail - what is it and how do I use it? | |
472 Why is cd not a program? | |
473 What does the Broken pipe message mean in an SSH session? | |
474 Difference between pts and tty | |
475 How can I do a change word in Vim using the current paste buffer? | |
476 apache2 Invalid command SSLEngine | |
477 How to apt-delete-repository? | |
478 Any way to encode the url in curl command? | |
479 Trying to sort on two fields, second then first | |
480 How do I find on which physical device a folder is located? | |
481 How do we specify multiple ignore patterns for `tree` command? | |
482 Show top five CPU consuming processes with `ps` | |
483 File permission issues with shared folders under Virtual Box (Ubuntu Guest, Windows Host) | |
484 Decoding URL encoding (percent encoding) | |
485 Where do I put my systemd unit file? | |
486 Why isnt Linux embraced as the official GNU kernel? | |
487 How to comment multiple lines at once? | |
488 The name > org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files | |
489 Zip everything in current directory | |
490 A standard tool to convert a byte-count into human KiB MiB etc; like du, ls1 | |
491 How to merge all (text) files in a directory into one? | |
492 Where is bashs history stored? | |
493 How to determine CentOS version? | |
494 Whats the meaning of a dot before a command in shell? | |
495 How do you detach the 2nd screen from within another screen? | |
496 How does Linux handle multiple consecutive path separators (/home////username///file)? | |
497 Where do files go when the rm command is issued? | |
498 How do I know if a partition is ext2, ext3, or ext4? | |
499 Understanding the exclamation mark (!) in bash | |
500 When to use /dev/random vs /dev/urandom | |
501 Can I export functions in bash? | |
502 What is the purpose of the hash command? | |
503 Which is the safest way to get root privileges: sudo, su or login? | |
504 Replace string in a huge (70GB), one line, text file | |
505 How do I attach a terminal to a detached process? | |
506 Is there a tool to get the lines in one file that are not in another? | |
507 How can I set my default shell to start up tmux | |
508 How to do I convert an animated gif to an mp4 or mv4 on the command line? | |
509 Throttle the download speed of wget or curl while downloading | |
510 Quick directory navigation in the bash shell | |
511 Why are there so many different ways to measure disk usage? | |
512 Is there a way to see details of all the threads that a process has in Linux? | |
513 -bash: sudo: command not found | |
514 How can I find the hardware model in Linux? | |
515 How can I communicate with a Unix domain socket via the shell on Debian Squeeze? | |
516 How does the OOM killer decide which process to kill first? | |
517 What is the difference between && and ; when chaining commands | |
518 What does the @ (at) symbol mean on OSX ls? | |
519 With the Linux cat command, how do I show only certain lines by number | |
520 Adding a self-signed certificate to the trusted list | |
521 Download only format mp4 on youtube-dl | |
522 Do parentheses really put the command in a subshell? | |
523 Is there a .bashrc equivalent file read by all shells? | |
524 Attach to different windows in session | |
525 Username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported | |
526 Argument string to integer in bash | |
527 How to find out the dynamic libraries executables loads when run? | |
528 How to install Python 3.6? | |
529 Cause a script to execute after networking has started? | |
530 Redirecting stdout to a file you dont have write permission on | |
531 How can I tell what version of Linux Im using? | |
532 Day of week {0-7} in crontab has 8 options, but we have only 7 days in a week | |
533 Getting tmux to copy a buffer to the clipboard | |
534 Easy way to determine the virtualization technology of a Linux machine? | |
535 What are other ways to share a tmux session between two users? | |
536 How to do a `tail -f` of log rotated files? | |
537 How to connect to a serial port as simple as using SSH? | |
538 How to copy all files from a directory to a remote directory using scp? | |
539 How to get full path of original file of a soft symbolic link? | |
540 How can I use ffmpeg to split MPEG video into 10 minute chunks? | |
541 Is there a way to get the min, max, median, and average of a list of numbers in a single command? | |
542 What is the need for `fakeroot` command in linux | |
543 List packages on an apt based system by installation date | |
544 How do I remotely edit files via ssh? | |
545 Pseudo files for temporary data | |
546 What does the Windows flag in the Linux logo of kernel 3.11 mean? | |
547 What is yum equivalent of apt-get update? | |
548 Kill an unresponsive ssh session without closing the terminal | |
549 When was the shellshock (CVE-2014-6271/7169) bug introduced, and what is the patch that fully fixes it? | |
550 How to find creation date of file? | |
551 What is the difference between reboot , init 6 and shutdown -r now? | |
552 Copy the contents of a file into the clipboard without displaying its contents | |
553 How do I pass a list of files to grep | |
554 How to grep standard error stream (stderr)? | |
555 What are pseudo terminals (pty/tty)? | |
556 How to run a command without hitting Enter Key? | |
557 Why is echo so much faster than touch? | |
558 ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer | |
559 How to show the filesystem type via the terminal? | |
560 bash - replace space with new line | |
561 If you ^Z from a process, it gets stopped. How do you switch back in? | |
562 Forward SIGTERM to child in Bash | |
563 Why is swappiness set to 60 by default? | |
564 Cron vs systemd timers | |
565 difference between function foo() {} and foo() {} | |
566 Confusing use of && and || operators | |
567 Get SSH server key fingerprint | |
568 Recursive glob? | |
569 What is the difference between $* and $@? | |
570 ^x^y unix trick for all instances in last command? | |
571 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock | |
572 How do I clear the terminal History? | |
573 Quickly calculate date differences | |
574 List partition labels from the command line | |
575 GPT or MBR: How do I know? | |
576 Sorting the output of find -print0 by piping to the sort command | |
577 How can I start the python SimpleHTTPServer on port 80? | |
578 How do I find how long ago a Linux system was installed? | |
579 Difference between /bin and /usr/bin | |
580 Why is the Linux kernel 15+ million lines of code? | |
581 How are /dev Linux files created? | |
582 How to follow links in linux man pages? | |
583 On what systems is //foo/bar different from /foo/bar? | |
584 How to open rar file in linux? | |
585 SSH Key Permissions chmod settings? | |
586 How do I kill all screens? | |
587 How to run grep with multiple AND patterns? | |
588 Getting new files to inherit group permissions on Linux | |
589 last time file opened | |
590 How to check if there are no parameters provided to a command? | |
591 How to sync two folders with command line tools? | |
592 gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr | |
593 Why is video tearing such a problem in Linux? | |
594 Understanding the output of --info=progress2 from rsync | |
595 What is the fastest way to send massive amounts of data between two computers? | |
596 If Linux is only a kernel, then how were its first versions used (without distribution)? | |
597 Why is there no Euro English locale? | |
598 ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host (not using hosts.deny) | |
599 How to output only file names (with spaces) in ls -Al? | |
600 Unable to locate package `docker-ce` on a 64bit ubuntu | |
601 Writing basic systemd service files | |
602 How to copy text from vim to an external program? | |
603 What is a tainted kernel in Linux? | |
604 What is this folder /run/user/1000? | |
605 Understanding the -exec option of `find` | |
606 Why is /dev/null a file? Why isnt its function implemented as a simple program? | |
607 timestamp, modification time, and created time of a file | |
608 Why do we need to fork to create new processes? | |
609 Whats the most appropriate directory where to place files shared between users? | |
610 Does tail read the whole file? | |
611 Create a symbolic link relative to the current directory | |
612 How can I monitor all outgoing requests/connections from my machine? | |
613 How to compare two dates in a shell? | |
614 How to insert text before the first line of a file? | |
615 rm -rf all files and all hidden files without . & .. error | |
616 Why is my ethernet interface called enp0s10 instead of eth0? | |
617 Reserved space for root on a filesystem - why? | |
618 Why does argv include the program name? | |
619 Error using SCP: not a regular file | |
620 How to escape quotes in shell? | |
621 Shell scripting: -z and -n options with if | |
622 exit tmux window without quitting the Terminal program | |
623 What is mail, and how is it navigated? | |
624 How can I remove the BOM from a UTF-8 file? | |
625 Which installed software packages use the most disk space on Debian? | |
626 How do you do a dry run of rm to see what files will be deleted? | |
627 How to use watch command with a piped chain of commands/programs | |
628 Watch YouTube videos in terminal | |
629 How to renew an expired keypair with gpg | |
630 Is Vim immune to copy-paste attack? | |
631 SSH login with clear text password as a parameter? | |
632 Why do we use ./ (dot slash) to execute a file in Linux/UNIX? | |
633 What is /usr/local/bin? | |
634 In linux, how to delete all files EXCEPT the pattern *.txt? | |
635 How to export a GPG private key and public key to a file | |
636 Why doesnt grep ignore binary files by default? | |
637 What does the (!) mean after uptime on htop | |
638 Vi vs vim, or, is there any reason why I would ever want to use vi? | |
639 How to shrink root filesystem without booting a livecd | |
640 What are high memory and low memory on Linux? | |
641 Command line: How do you rotate a PDF file 90 degrees? | |
642 How can I find out which users are in a group within Linux? | |
643 Simple way to create a tunnel from one local port to another? | |
644 Does the shebang determine the shell which runs the script? | |
645 What is the benefit of compiling your own linux kernel? | |
646 How to unzip a multipart (spanned) ZIP on Linux? | |
647 Disable a users login without disabling the account | |
648 Creating a GIF animation from PNG files | |
649 What is the difference between Halt and Shutdown commands? | |
650 tput setaf color table? How to determine color codes? | |
651 In what order do piped commands run? | |
652 How to insert text after a certain string in a file? | |
653 How can I restart the SSH daemon on Ubuntu? | |
654 How to count the number of a specific character in each line? | |
655 How do I display log messages from previous boots under CentOS 7? | |
656 How to rsync over ssh when directory names have spaces | |
657 Is it possible to run ssh-copy-id on port other than 22? | |
658 Is there a basic tutorial for grep, awk and sed? | |
659 Does sort support sorting a file in-place, like `sed --in-place`? | |
660 Process substitution and pipe | |
661 Match exact string using grep | |
662 How to create SHA512 password hashes on command line | |
663 What does systemctl daemon-reload do? | |
664 Uploading directories with sftp? | |
665 Generate random numbers in specific range | |
666 How to dd a remote disk using SSH on local machine and save to a local disk | |
667 Is there any option with ls command that I see only the directories? | |
668 How can I install the `ll` command on Mac OS X? | |
669 How do I know which version of Debian Im running? | |
670 Does `sl` ever show the current directory? | |
671 How to find which processes are taking all the memory? | |
672 what is the CentOS equivalent of /var/log/syslog (on Ubuntu)? | |
673 Determining what process is bound to a port | |
674 How do I find out which processes are preventing unmounting of a device? | |
675 How to update Linux locate cache | |
676 Where should a local executable be placed? | |
677 Command-line completion from command history | |
678 su vs sudo -s vs sudo -i vs sudo bash | |
679 What happens when you mount over an existing folder with contents? | |
680 Why ZSH ends a line with a highlighted percent symbol? | |
681 Why does parameter expansion with spaces without quotes work inside double brackets [[ but not inside single brackets [? | |
682 Why is there a big delay after entering a wrong password? | |
683 What is the difference between cat file | ./binary and ./binary < file? | |
684 How to grep lines which does not begin with # or ;? | |
685 What is the difference between -m conntrack --ctstate and -m state --state | |
686 Why is root login via SSH so bad that everyone advises to disable it? | |
687 tmux status-bar corrupted after catting a binary file, how to reset? | |
688 How do keyboard input and text output work? | |
689 How can I make a script in /etc/init.d start at boot? | |
690 How to determine the filesystem of an unmounted device? | |
691 Setting /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches to clear cache | |
692 How to get keycodes for xmodmap? | |
693 Sorting files according to size recursively | |
694 What do the scripts in /etc/profile.d do? | |
695 How can we run a command stored in a variable? | |
696 How can I create a message box from the command line? | |
697 What are the systemctl options to List all failed units | |
698 ulimit: difference between hard and soft limits | |
699 Search for a previous command with the prefix I just typed | |
700 convert webp to jpg error: no decode delegate for this image format and missing an image filename | |
701 Remember a half-typed command while I check something | |
702 List of available services | |
703 Error when trying to connect to bluetooth speaker: `org.bluez.Error.Failed` | |
704 How to add newlines into variables in bash script | |
705 tmux bottom bar color change | |
706 determining path to sourced shell script | |
707 Find duplicate files | |
708 What does it mean to have a $dollarsign-prefixed string in a script? | |
709 Detect init system using the shell | |
710 Why eval the output of ssh-agent? | |
711 Why would I tar a single file? | |
712 Command to list PostgreSQL user accounts? | |
713 Set volume from terminal | |
714 How to print only the duplicate values from a text file? | |
715 Why is the root directory on a web server put by default in /var/www? | |
716 On-the-fly monitoring HTTP requests on a network interface? | |
717 Create a tar archive split into blocks of a maximum size | |
718 Is Mac OS X UNIX? | |
719 How do I use cut to separate by multiple whitespace? | |
720 Chrome: DNS requests with random DNS names: malware? | |
721 Whats the purpose of the randomart image for user (not host) SSH keys? | |
722 Does cd . have use? | |
723 How to check which GPU is active in Linux? | |
724 How to solve the issue that a Terminal screen is messed up? (usually after a resizing) | |
725 Convert file contents to lower case | |
726 How to install dig on CentOS? | |
727 How does tcp-keepalive work in ssh? | |
728 How can I keep my SSH sessions from freezing? | |
729 How to pass parameters to an alias? | |
730 Long line wrapping in Nano | |
731 Why can rm remove read-only files? | |
732 How do you use output redirection in combination with here-documents and cat? | |
733 How to make tmux count windows starting from 1 instead of 0? | |
734 How can I find available network interfaces? | |
735 tar --exclude doesnt exclude. Why? | |
736 Multiline shell script comments - how does this work? | |
737 How to copy the partition layout of a whole disk using standard tools | |
738 What are correct permissions for /tmp ? I unintentionally set it all public recursively | |
739 Press space to continue | |
740 What is the difference between ~/.profile and ~/.bash_profile? | |
741 Whats the difference between eval and exec? | |
742 Birth is empty on ext4 | |
743 How do you use the command coproc in various shells? | |
744 How to ssh to remote server using a private key? | |
745 What is the right file permission for a .pem file to SSH and SCP | |
746 su options - running command as another user | |
747 grep on a variable | |
748 How can I look up a username by id in linux? | |
749 What technical details should a programmer of a web application consider before making the site public? | |
750 Which hashing algorithm is best for uniqueness and speed? | |
751 Where did the notion of one return only come from? | |
752 Im graduating with a Computer Science degree but I dont feel like I know how to program | |
753 What is the single most effective thing you did to improve your programming skills? | |
754 My boss decided to add a person to blame field to every bug report. How can I convince him that its a bad idea? | |
755 How to respond when you are asked for an estimate? | |
756 Why is 80 characters the standard limit for code width? | |
757 So Singletons are bad, then what? | |
758 Is the use of utf8=✓ preferable to utf8=true? | |
759 What is the Mars Curiosity Rovers software built in? | |
760 Pros and Cons of Facebooks React vs. Web Components (Polymer) | |
761 Why cant the IT industry deliver large, faultless projects quickly as in other industries? | |
762 Is it OK to have multiple asserts in a single unit test? | |
763 Ive inherited 200K lines of spaghetti code -- what now? | |
764 Overcoming slow problem solving due to increased knowledge of what might go wrong | |
765 My customer wants me to record a video of how I develop his software product | |
766 How accurate is Business logic should be in a service, not in a model? | |
767 Should UTF-16 be considered harmful? | |
768 Im a manager. How can I improve work relationships and communication with programmers? | |
769 How do I create my own programming language and a compiler for it | |
770 Should I intentionally break the build when a bug is found in production? | |
771 Why do game developers prefer Windows? | |
772 What does stage mean in git? | |
773 Why is Global State so Evil? | |
774 Why isnt Java used for modern web application development? | |
775 I dont program in my spare time. Does that make me a bad developer? | |
776 Im doing 90% maintenance and 10% development, is this normal? | |
777 Should I keep my GitHub forked repositories around forever? | |
778 How would you know if youve written readable and easily maintainable code? | |
779 How should I behave as a developer in a project thats headed for failure? | |
780 What is negative code? | |
781 Should you write your back-end as an API? | |
782 Is 4-5 years the “Midlife Crisis” for a programming career? | |
783 Why do business analysts and project managers get higher salaries than programmers? | |
784 Why are there no PUT and DELETE methods on HTML forms? | |
785 When should you call yourself a senior developer? | |
786 What software programming languages were used by the Soviet Unions space program? | |
787 When is a BIG Rewrite the answer? | |
788 Why are shortcuts like x += y considered good practice? | |
789 Should curly braces appear on their own line? | |
790 Im a Subversion geek, why should I consider or not consider Mercurial or Git or any other DVCS? | |
791 Should I return from a function early or use an if statement? | |
792 How Can I Know Whether I Am a Good Programmer? | |
793 Why does everyone use Git in a centralized manner? | |
794 What does SVN do better than Git? | |
795 Is there any reason to use the var keyword in ES6? | |
796 Grokking Java culture - why are things so heavy? What does it optimize for? | |
797 Do I need to use an interface when only one class will ever implement it? | |
798 Should package names be singular or plural? | |
799 Are #regions an antipattern or code smell? | |
800 Why are people making tables with divs? | |
801 Why dont all companies buy developers the best hardware? | |
802 Does using == in JavaScript ever make sense? | |
803 How do you know youre writing good code? | |
804 Leaving intentional bugs in code for testers to find | |
805 Why have private fields, isnt protected enough? | |
806 Aggregation vs Composition | |
807 Should we avoid object creation in Java? | |
808 Choosing between Single or multiple projects in a git repository? | |
809 How do you tell if advice from a senior developer is bad? | |
810 Why squash git commits for pull requests? | |
811 How to write a very basic compiler | |
812 What does the Spring framework do? Should I use it? Why or why not? | |
813 How do you unit test private methods? | |
814 How are globals any different from a database? | |
815 How can I deal with the cargo-cult programming attitude? | |
816 Perks for new programmers | |
817 Is premature optimization really the root of all evil? | |
818 Can I use GPL software in a commercial application | |
819 If immutable objects are good, why do people keep creating mutable objects? | |
820 What is the difference between writing test cases for BDD and TDD? | |
821 Whats wrong with comments that explain complex code? | |
822 What should every programmer know? | |
823 Why do dynamic languages make it more difficult to maintain large codebases? | |
824 Project is nearly done, but procedural spaghetti code. Do I rewrite or just keep trying to ship it? | |
825 Should images be stored in a git repository? | |
826 Why was Tanenbaum wrong in the Tanenbaum-Torvalds debates? | |
827 Torvalds quote about good programmer | |
828 Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job? | |
829 How can a code editor effectively hint at code nesting level - without using indentation? | |
830 Why do many exception messages not contain useful details? | |
831 Why do ads for s/w engineers always say they offer a fast-paced environment? | |
832 Why do we need private variables? | |
833 Is it wrong to use a boolean parameter to determine behavior? | |
834 Python file naming convention? | |
835 Why do people hesitate to use Python 3? | |
836 Why shouldnt I use the repository pattern with Entity Framework? | |
837 New developer cant keep up with branch merges | |
838 Are `break` and `continue` bad programming practices? | |
839 Why use a database instead of just saving your data to disk? | |
840 Is it a bad practice to store large files (10 MB) in a database? | |
841 Strategy for keeping secret info such as API keys out of source control? | |
842 Is it normal to spend as much, if not more, time writing tests than actual code? | |
843 Is there a name for the (anti- ) pattern of passing parameters that will only be used several levels deep in the call chain? | |
844 Why is naming a tables Primary Key column Id considered bad practice? | |
845 How much should I be using let vs const in ES6? | |
846 New Team Lead - How to deal with a resentful former peer | |
847 How do I prevent Scrum from turning great developers into average developers? | |
848 Why do we need so many classes in design patterns? | |
849 AGPL - what you can do and what you cant | |
850 Is it good practice to always have an autoincrement integer primary key? | |
851 Why arent more desktop apps written with Qt? | |
852 Whats the canonical retort to its open source, submit a patch? | |
853 What is MVC, really? | |
854 How can one manage thousands of IF...THEN...ELSE rules? | |
855 Never do in code what you can get the SQL server to do well for you - Is this a recipe for a bad design? | |
856 What exactly makes the Haskell type system so revered (vs say, Java)? | |
857 When do you use float and when do you use double | |
858 Do we really need OO languages to manage software complexity? | |
859 My boss asks me to stop writing small functions and do everything in the same loop | |
860 Why doesnt HTTP have POST redirect? | |
861 Is it bad practice to use <?= tag in PHP? | |
862 When using the Single Responsibility Principle, what constitutes a responsibility? | |
863 What are good habits for designing command line arguments? | |
864 Whats the difference between an API and an SDK? | |
865 Why is Mercurial considered to be easier than Git? | |
866 Best existing license for closed-source code | |
867 Why are native ES6 promises slower and more memory-intensive than bluebird? | |
868 What is meant by Now you have two problems? | |
869 My Dad is impatient with the pace of my learning to program. What do I do? | |
870 Why do programmers write closed source applications and then make them free? | |
871 Whats the difference between Entry Level/Jr/Sr developers? | |
872 Should you keep a copy of all the code you write? | |
873 What is wrong with magic strings? | |
874 How do I handle disagreement in a code review regarding an unlikely edge case? | |
875 When to favor ASP.NET WebForms over MVC | |
876 Is every language written in C? | |
877 How to find positive things in a code review? | |
878 How to convince my boss that quality is a good thing to have in code? | |
879 import module vs. from module import function | |
880 Why are the sizes of programs so large? | |
881 Is micro-optimisation important when coding? | |
882 When are Getters and Setters Justified | |
883 A large part of my code has a major design flaw. Finish it off or fix it now? | |
884 Difference between REST and CRUD | |
885 Meaning of MIT license | |
886 How can I deal with a team member who dislikes making comments in code? | |
887 Has Not everyone can be a programmer been studied? | |
888 How to apologize when you have broken the nightly build | |
889 Is there a benefit in compiling your code as you go along? | |
890 How do I review my own code? | |
891 Is Entity Framework Suitable For High-Traffic Websites? | |
892 Is C++11 Uniform Initialization a replacement for the old style syntax? | |
893 How do you balance between do it right and do it ASAP in your daily work? | |
894 When do you use a struct instead of a class? | |
895 Why is Clean Code suggesting avoiding protected variables? | |
896 What is the advantage of little endian format? | |
897 What is the benefit of gits two-stage commit process (staging)? | |
898 Why does automated testing keep failing in my company? | |
899 Whats wrong with circular references? | |
900 Why should I use a factory class instead of direct object construction? | |
901 How do searches fit into a RESTful interface? | |
902 Developer insists if statements shouldnt have negated conditions, and should always have an else block | |
903 Are null references really a bad thing? | |
904 How can programming ability be used to help people in poverty? | |
905 Is it OK to split long functions and methods into smaller ones even though they wont be called by anything else? | |
906 How can I convince management to deal with technical debt? | |
907 What is an Anti-Corruption layer, and how is it used? | |
908 Exceptions: Why throw early? Why catch late? | |
909 Git branching and tagging best practices | |
910 What is the advantage of currying? | |
911 Programming cleanly when writing scientific code | |
912 Mono is frequently used to say Yes, .NET is cross-platform. How valid is that claim? | |
913 Elegant ways to handle if(if else) else | |
914 How to break up a programming project into tasks for other developers? | |
915 Why are part-time jobs in programming an anomaly? | |
916 Why is JavaScript not compiled to bytecode before sending over the network? | |
917 How do operating systems… run… without having an OS to run in? | |
918 What happened to the Surgical Team pattern from The Mythical Man-Month? | |
919 Is there any reason to use C++ instead of C, Perl, Python, etc.? | |
920 Why are interfaces useful? | |
921 How to be a zero-bug programmer? | |
922 I changed one method signature and now have over 25,000 errors. What now? | |
923 How do quick & dirty programmers know they got it right? | |
924 Where can I find programming puzzles and challenges? | |
925 Are exceptions as control flow considered a serious antipattern? If so, Why? | |
926 Is Ken Thompsons compiler hack still a threat? | |
927 What is the point of using DTO (Data Transfer Objects)? | |
928 Scheme vs Common Lisp: Which characteristics made a difference in your project? | |
929 Are there any famous one-man-army programmers? | |
930 Is there a specific reason for the poor readability of regular expression syntax design? | |
931 When to use C over C++, and C++ over C? | |
932 Stored Procedures a bad practice at one of worlds largest IT software consulting firms? | |
933 Why does it matter that HTML and CSS are not programming languages? | |
934 Is constantly looking for code examples a sign of a bad developer? | |
935 What is a closure? | |
936 Is it better to return NULL or empty values from functions/methods where the return value is not present? | |
937 Windows Azure vs Amazon EC2 vs Google App Engine | |
938 Developing web applications for long lifespan (20+ years) | |
939 Which SPDX license is equivalent to All Rights Reserved? | |
940 SOLID Principles and code structure | |
941 How to keep a big and complex software product maintainable over the years? | |
942 Why there is no markdown for underline? | |
943 How should I test randomness? | |
944 If my team has low skill, should I lower the skill of my code? | |
945 When would someone use MongoDB (or similar) over a Relational DBMS? | |
946 How to Code Faster (Without Sacrificing Quality) | |
947 How do you make people accept code review? | |
948 How is localStorage different from indexedDB? | |
949 My boss wants a narrated line-by-line English explanation of our code | |
950 Is it just me or is this a baffling tech interview question? | |
951 Is my work on a developer test being taken advantage of? | |
952 How do you organize your projects? | |
953 Understanding the differences: traditional interpreter, JIT compiler, JIT interpreter and AOT compiler | |
954 Was the C programming language considered a low level language when it came out? | |
955 Stuck due to knowing too much | |
956 Would you put your Stack Overflow profile link on your CV / Resume? | |
957 Module vs. Package? | |
958 How can I find a good open source project to join? | |
959 Why hasnt a faster, better language than C come out? | |
960 Is there such a thing as having too many unit tests? | |
961 Are there guidelines on how many parameters a function should accept? | |
962 What do you do when code review is just too hard? | |
963 Is it unusual for a small company (15 developers) not to use managed source/version control? | |
964 When do you write the real code in TDD? | |
965 Did the Gang of Four thoroughly explore Pattern Space? | |
966 Benefits of Structured Logging vs basic logging | |
967 Should the variable be named Id or ID? | |
968 Where does this concept of favor composition over inheritance come from? | |
969 Should I refactor the code that is marked as dont change? | |
970 Relationship between C#, .NET, ASP, ASP.NET etc | |
971 Why does Uncle Bob suggest that coding standards shouldnt be written down if you can avoid it? | |
972 Maintain hundreds of customized branches over master branch | |
973 Coding standard for clarity: comment every line of code? | |
974 When is it appropriate to not unit test? | |
975 Are bad programming practices typical within the software industry? | |
976 Should we define types for everything? | |
977 What are the drawbacks of Python? | |
978 Why do we use story points instead of man days when estimating user stories? | |
979 What are the key points of Working Effectively with Legacy Code? | |
980 Criticism and disadvantages of dependency injection | |
981 Are 9 to 5 programmers looked down upon? | |
982 How do you dive into large code bases? | |
983 why are noSQL databases more scalable than SQL? | |
984 How many hours can you be really productive per day? How? | |
985 Why did memory-managed languages like Java, Javascript, and C# retain the `new` keyword? | |
986 Should I stop using the term C/C++? | |
987 Simple method for reliably detecting code in text? | |
988 How to detect the encoding of a file? | |
989 What are the real life implications for an Apache 2 license? | |
990 When is it not appropriate to use the dependency injection pattern? | |
991 Is this a violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle? | |
992 How to become a faster programmer? | |
993 Are private methods with a single reference bad style? | |
994 What really is the business logic? | |
995 When is it a good idea to force garbage collection? | |
996 How do I get people to stop bikeshedding (focusing on trivialities)? | |
997 How do you maintain focus when a particular aspect of programming takes 10+ seconds to complete? | |
998 How do you achieve a numeric versioning scheme with Git? | |
999 Is there an excuse for short variable names? | |
1000 Where do magic hashing constants like 0x9e3779b9 and 0x9e3779b1 come from? | |
1001 On developing deep programming knowledge | |
1002 Is there any real reason multiple inheritance is hated? | |
1003 Agile for the Solo Developer | |
1004 TDD vs. Productivity | |
1005 How much business logic should the database implement? | |
1006 Why doesnt Java 8 include immutable collections? | |
1007 Does auto make C++ code harder to understand? | |
1008 Are design patterns frowned upon? | |
1009 Time difference between developing with unit tests vs no tests | |
1010 What is the difference between requirements and specifications? | |
1011 Why do people use C if it is so dangerous? | |
1012 Is it normal for people to not work? | |
1013 How do I know how reusable my methods should be? | |
1014 What are the advantages and disadvantages of cryptographically signing commits and tags in Git? | |
1015 How can I tactfully suggest improvements to others badly designed code during review? | |
1016 Does craftsmanship pay off? | |
1017 Are (database) integration tests bad? | |
1018 Two HTML elements with same id attribute: How bad is it really? | |
1019 How to recognize a good programmer? | |
1020 What is the ideal length of a method for you? | |
1021 Why do most of us use i as a loop counter variable? | |
1022 What does C++ do better than D? | |
1023 Recursion or while loops | |
1024 Do you have to include a license notice with every source file? | |
1025 Is source code generation an anti-pattern? | |
1026 Forking a repo on GitHub but allowing new issues on the fork | |
1027 What is an integration test exactly? | |
1028 What should you test with unit tests? | |
1029 Am I too clever to be readable by Jr. devs? Too much functional programming in my JS? | |
1030 Why are statements in many programming languages terminated by semicolons? | |
1031 Is it always a best practice to write a function for anything that needs to repeat twice? | |
1032 How does an event listener work? | |
1033 Creating database connections - Do it once or for each query? | |
1034 Difference between a socket and a port | |
1035 How does learning assembly aid in programming? | |
1036 Is it possible to rewrite every line of an open source project in a slightly different way, and use it in a closed source project? | |
1037 Are private, unguessable URLs equivalent to password-based authentication? | |
1038 XKCD #936: Short complex password, or long dictionary passphrase? | |
1039 How does SSL/TLS work? | |
1040 How to securely hash passwords? | |
1041 What technical reasons are there to have low maximum password lengths? | |
1042 Do any security experts recommend bcrypt for password storage? | |
1043 How does changing your password every 90 days increase security? | |
1044 How to store salt? | |
1045 Whats the difference between SSL, TLS, and HTTPS? | |
1046 How can I explain SQL injection without technical jargon? | |
1047 Why can I log in to my Facebook account with a misspelled email/password? | |
1048 Is my developers home-brew password security right or wrong, and why? | |
1049 Police forcing me to install Jingwang spyware app, how to minimize impact? | |
1050 RSA vs. DSA for SSH authentication keys | |
1051 Are passwords stored in memory safe? | |
1052 Is it bad practice to use your real name online? | |
1053 How is it possible that people observing an HTTPS connection being established wouldnt know how to decrypt it? | |
1054 Is BASIC-Auth secure if done over HTTPS? | |
1055 I found that the company I work for is putting a backdoor into mobile phones | |
1056 Why is Bearer required before the token in Authorization header in a HTTP request? | |
1057 What is certificate pinning? | |
1058 Should I let my childs school have access to my kids personal laptop? | |
1059 SQL injection is 17 years old. Why is it still around? | |
1060 Is it normal for auditors to require all company passwords? | |
1061 What makes Docker more secure than VMs or bare metal? | |
1062 How can someone go off-web, and anonymise themselves after a life online? | |
1063 CRIME - How to beat the BEAST successor? | |
1064 How to find live hosts on my network? | |
1065 Whats the rationale behind Ctrl-Alt-Del for login | |
1066 Why is Gbt3fC79ZmMEFUFJ a weak password? | |
1067 How does Google know where I am? | |
1068 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange in plain English | |
1069 How did tech-supportcenter phishers trick Google? | |
1070 Why shouldnt we roll our own? | |
1071 How to explain Heartbleed without technical terms? | |
1072 Consequences of the WPA2 KRACK attack | |
1073 How do certification authorities store their private root keys? | |
1074 Password Hashing: add salt + pepper or is salt enough? | |
1075 Why are salted hashes more secure for password storage? | |
1076 Is the save button delay in a Firefox download dialog a security feature? What does it protect? | |
1077 How does Google Authenticator work? | |
1078 Can ads on a page read my password? | |
1079 How is the WannaCry Malware spreading and how should users defend themselves from it? | |
1080 Why are hash functions one way? If I know the algorithm, why cant I calculate the input from it? | |
1081 SSL3 POODLE Vulnerability | |
1082 Passwords being sent in clear text due to users mistake in typing it in the username field | |
1083 My college is forcing me to install their SSL certificate. How to protect my privacy? | |
1084 What is the difference between and | |
1085 Is single quote filtering nonsense? | |
1086 All 0s (zeros) in a bank cards CVC code | |
1087 Is Telegram secure? | |
1088 Is the oft-cited XKCD scheme [...] no longer good advice? | |
1089 Why did I have to wave my hand in front of my ID card? | |
1090 Why is Math.random() not designed to be cryptographically secure? | |
1091 Why would you not permit Q or Z in passwords? | |
1092 Tracing the location of a mobile IP from an email | |
1093 Is there any reason to disable paste password on login? | |
1094 How exactly does the OpenSSL TLS heartbeat (Heartbleed) exploit work? | |
1095 What is the difference between authorized_keys and known_hosts file for SSH? | |
1096 What is the difference between SSL vs SSH? Which is more secure? | |
1097 Is there any reason to not show users incorrectly entered passwords after a successful login? | |
1098 Where do you store your personal private GPG key? | |
1099 Provide subjectAltName to openssl directly on the command line | |
1100 Recommended # of iterations when using PBKDF2-SHA256? | |
1101 What is a specific example of how the Shellshock Bash bug could be exploited? | |
1102 How should I distribute my public key? | |
1103 What should you do if you catch encryption ransomware mid-operation? | |
1104 How secure is blacking out sensitive information using MS Paint? | |
1105 How can I explain to non-techie friends that cryptography is good? | |
1106 Is a rand from /dev/urandom secure for a login key? | |
1107 Why not use larger cipher keys? | |
1108 Should I use CSRF protection on Rest API endpoints? | |
1109 How safe are password managers like LastPass? | |
1110 Dont understand how my mums Gmail account was hacked | |
1111 What are ssh-keygen best practices? | |
1112 How does Windows 10 allow Microsoft to spy on you? | |
1113 Does https prevent man in the middle attacks by proxy server? | |
1114 How do mobile carriers know video resolution over HTTPS connections? | |
1115 Best Practice: ”separate ssh-key per host and user“ vs. ”one ssh-key for all hosts“ | |
1116 Amount of simple operations that is safely out of reach for all humanity? | |
1117 Search for military installed backdoors on laptop | |
1118 Isnt Ubuntus system prompt for my password spoofable? | |
1119 Does Facebook store plain-text passwords? | |
1120 How can I protect myself from this kind of clipboard abuse? | |
1121 How do I deal with a compromised server? | |
1122 Is the NHS wrong about passwords? | |
1123 Why are chips safer than magnetic stripes? | |
1124 What is the purpose of gibberish comments posted to my blog? | |
1125 How is an ATM secure? | |
1126 Help! My home PC has been infected by a virus! What do I do now? | |
1127 Why cant the FBI read the key embedded in the iPhones secure chip/ROM directly from hardware (silicon)? | |
1128 SSH key-type, rsa, dsa, ecdsa, are there easy answers for which to choose when? | |
1129 Why is it wrong to *implement* myself a known, published, widely believed to be secure crypto algorithm? | |
1130 Is there anything preventing the NSA from becoming a root CA? | |
1131 What is a good analogy to explain to a layman why passwords should be hashed? | |
1132 Can webcams be turned on without the indicator light? | |
1133 How secure are virtual machines really? False sense of security? | |
1134 How and when do I use HMAC? | |
1135 Convince people not to share their password with trusted others | |
1136 How to determine what type of encoding/encryption has been used? | |
1137 Is Adblock (Plus) a security risk? | |
1138 GitLab account hacked and repo wiped | |
1139 Should I be concerned if the FBI has logged onto my Ubuntu VPS? | |
1140 Meltdown and Spectre Attacks | |
1141 Apples open letter - they cant or wont backdoor iOS? | |
1142 What does it mean to burn a zero-day? | |
1143 Password management for kids - whats a good way to start? | |
1144 How do you explain the necessity of nuke it from orbit to management and users? | |
1145 Difference Between OAUTH, OpenID and OPENID Connect in very simple term? | |
1146 Why is Mother’s Maiden Name still used as a security question? | |
1147 How can USB sticks be dangerous? | |
1148 What are the implications of NSA surveillance on the average internet user? | |
1149 What is DROWN and how does it work? | |
1150 I found unknown PHP code on my server. How do I de-obfuscate the code? | |
1151 What are rainbow tables and how are they used? | |
1152 What is the safest way to deal with loads of incoming PDF files, some of which could potentially be malicious? | |
1153 Is Have I Been Pwneds Pwned Passwords List really that useful? | |
1154 What exactly does it mean when Chrome reports no certificate transparency information was supplied by the server? | |
1155 4-dial combination padlock: Is it more secure to zero it out or to blindly spin the dials after locking? | |
1156 Is the BBC’s advice on choosing a password sensible? | |
1157 Where to store a server side encryption key? | |
1158 If my password was able to be printed on a form sent home from my childs school, does it imply insecure password storage policies? | |
1159 Why is the OS obfuscation defense against Its a Unix system! not widely implemented? | |
1160 Difference between .pfx and .cert certificates | |
1161 Why most people use 256 bit encryption instead of 128 bit? | |
1162 Is visiting HTTPS websites on a public hotspot secure? | |
1163 How does Amazon bill me without the CVC / CVV / CVV2? | |
1164 Hardening Linux desktop machine against people from my household | |
1165 What to do if stuck with website that has poor security? | |
1166 Why is the same origin policy so important? | |
1167 Does pressing a car remote many times offer denial of service attack for rolling codes? | |
1168 What alternatives are there when SSH is being actively filtered? | |
1169 Do I need to encrypt connections inside a corporate network? | |
1170 Which security measures make sense for a static web site? | |
1171 How can PayPal spoof emails so easily to say it comes from someone else? | |
1172 How do organizations check *what* has been hacked? | |
1173 Has it been mathematically proven that antivirus cant detect all viruses? | |
1174 Can someone take down Wi-Fi signal? | |
1175 ECDSA vs ECDH vs Ed25519 vs Curve25519 | |
1176 Is password entry being recorded on camera a realistic concern? | |
1177 How should I set up emergency access to business-critical secrets in case I am hit by a bus? | |
1178 How does Shutterstock keep getting my latest debit card number? | |
1179 Is Plaid, a service which collects user’s banking login information, safe to use? | |
1180 Hosting company advised us to avoid PHP for security reasons. Are they right? | |
1181 To sufficiently protect against KRACK is patching the client, the AP, or both, required? | |
1182 What hacking competitions/challenges exist? | |
1183 Secure way of masking out sensitive information in screenshots? | |
1184 https security - should password be hashed server-side or client-side? | |
1185 Is there any technical security reason not to buy the cheapest SSL certificate you can find? | |
1186 Did I just get DNS Hijacked? | |
1187 Is it secure to store passwords with 2 way encryption? | |
1188 Is exploit-free software possible? | |
1189 Is public Wi-Fi a threat nowadays? | |
1190 Why cant I just let customers connect directly to my database? | |
1191 Internet courtship: Why would a hacker buy me poker chips? | |
1192 Received a set of SMS/MMS containing 2 photos, a voice message, and a text I need help with Google Maps link from a known contact. Is it spam? | |
1193 I got an email threatening to DDOS me if I dont pay a ransom. What should I do? | |
1194 How do I report a security vulnerability about a trusted certificate authority? | |
1195 Where can I find good dictionaries for dictionary attacks? | |
1196 Can a computer virus be stored somewhere else than on the hard drive? | |
1197 Are man in the middle attacks extremely rare? | |
1198 How secure is Chrome storing a password? | |
1199 How hard is it to intercept SMS (two-factor authentication)? | |
1200 How can I export my private key from a Java Keytool keystore? | |
1201 Why not allow spaces in a password? | |
1202 Why are programs written in C and C++ so frequently vulnerable to overflow attacks? | |
1203 How did Google know I looked something up? | |
1204 What should I do when my boss asks me to fabricate audit log data? | |
1205 Is Google spying on all of us? | |
1206 What is tabnabbing? | |
1207 How does the authentication in the new UK £1 coin work? | |
1208 Is a Windows installer that doesnt require admin rights dangerous? | |
1209 Why is fhepfcelehfcepfffacacacacacacabn a top DNS query from my devices? | |
1210 Is HostGator storing my password in plaintext? | |
1211 Is momentary physical access dangerous? | |
1212 What to do if caught in a physical pentest? | |
1213 This JavaScript code is injected on my hotel Wi-Fi: should I be worried? | |
1214 Should I contact the manufacturer if their product allows access to other users location information? | |
1215 Why would someone trust DuckDuckGo or other providers with a similar privacy policy? | |
1216 How secure are the FIDO U2F tokens | |
1217 How should I securely type a password in front of a lot of people? | |
1218 What stops Google from saving all the information on my computer through Google Chrome? | |
1219 Why is my internal IP address (private) visible from the Internet? | |
1220 Should I be worried of tracking domains on a banking website? | |
1221 Is there any way to safely examine the contents of a USB memory stick? | |
1222 Is it common to allow local desktop and/or active directory admin access and rights for developers in organizations? | |
1223 How do I use openssl s_client to test for (absence of) SSLv3 support? | |
1224 Can my employer see what I do on the internet when I am connected to the company network? | |
1225 What are the security reasons for disallowing the plus sign in email addresses? | |
1226 How is the Heartbleed exploit even possible? | |
1227 Why is storing passwords in version control a bad idea? | |
1228 How does ransomware get on peoples computers? | |
1229 Is there any particular reason to use Diffie-Hellman over RSA for key exchange? | |
1230 How do ASLR and DEP work? | |
1231 Why use OpenID Connect instead of plain OAuth2? | |
1232 Does an ISO27001 audit require users to reveal their passwords? | |
1233 My ISP uses deep packet inspection; what can they observe? | |
1234 Are there technical differences which make Linux less vulnerable to virus than Windows? | |
1235 Session Authentication vs Token Authentication | |
1236 What is the website checking about my browser to protect the website from a DDoS? | |
1237 Is there a legitimate reason I should be required to use my companys computer? (BYOD prohibited) | |
1238 Why do phishing e-mails use faked e-mail addresses instead of the real one? | |
1239 How critical is it to keep your password length secret? | |
1240 Lets Encrypt for intranet websites? | |
1241 Is it completely safe to publish an ssh public key? | |
1242 Is it safe to include an API key in a requests URL? | |
1243 Is it acceptable that a skilled professional pentester deletes or modifies sensitive data in production unintentionally during a pentest? | |
1244 How much can I trust Tor? | |
1245 Whats to stop someone from 3D print cloning a key? | |
1246 Attacking an office printer? | |
1247 Hacker used picture upload to get PHP code into my site | |
1248 How can I punish a hacker? | |
1249 Password rules: Should I disallow leetspeak dictionary passwords like XKCDs Tr0ub4dor&3 | |
1250 Why wasnt the KRACK exploit discovered sooner? | |
1251 Is it a bad idea for a firewall to block ICMP? | |
1252 Is using Git for deploying a bad practice? | |
1253 Are password-protected ZIP files secure? | |
1254 How difficult to crack keepass master password? | |
1255 When choosing a numeric PIN, does it help or hurt to make each digit unique? | |
1256 Is it good or bad practice to allow a user to change their username? | |
1257 How would a resourceful government block Tor? | |
1258 Why do phishing emails have spelling and grammar mistakes? | |
1259 How to find out what programming language a website is built in? | |
1260 Should SSL be terminated at a load balancer? | |
1261 What certificates are needed for multi-level subdomains? | |
1262 Recommended # of rounds for bcrypt | |
1263 I cant access websites that use HTTPS, instead getting the message your connection is not private! | |
1264 What would one need to do in order to hijack a satellite? | |
1265 Alternatives to anti-virus for keeping oneself safe | |
1266 Why is Steam so insistent on security? | |
1267 How could I make the results of a yes/no vote inaccessible unless its unanimous in the affirmative, without a trusted third party? | |
1268 What should a website operator do about the Heartbleed OpenSSL exploit? | |
1269 Why is it dangerous to open a suspicious email? | |
1270 Someone is using my (or has the same) email | |
1271 Does an established HTTPS connection mean a line is really secure? | |
1272 How can RFID/NFC tags not be cloned when they are passive technology? | |
1273 How can mom monitor my internet history from a distance? | |
1274 Roles to play when tailgaiting into a residential building | |
1275 Can cat-ing a file be a potential security risk? | |
1276 Is it dangerous to post my MAC address publicly? | |
1277 Does bcrypt have a maximum password length? | |
1278 Why should I offer HTTP in addition to HTTPS? | |
1279 What should I do about Gmail ad asking me for password? | |
1280 Why can we still crack snapchat photos in 12 lines of Ruby? | |
1281 Secure way to log in to a website on someone elses computer | |
1282 Is using dot and at in email addresses in public text still useful? | |
1283 Which elliptic curve should I use? | |
1284 Why should one not use the same asymmetric key for encryption as they do for signing? | |
1285 Whats the purpose of DH Parameters? | |
1286 Is it safe to send clear usernames/passwords on a https connection to authenticate users? | |
1287 Why do sites implement locking after three failed password attempts? | |
1288 Should I change the default SSH port on linux servers? | |
1289 Username and/or Password Invalid - Why do websites show this kind of message instead of informing the user which one was wrong? | |
1290 How does DuckDuckGo know my native language even though I am using a VPN in a country with a different language? | |
1291 My school wants to keep the details of our door authentication system a secret. Is that a good idea? | |
1292 Now that it is 2015, what SSL/TLS cipher suites should be used in a high security HTTPS environment? | |
1293 How do I run proper HTTPS on an Internal Network? | |
1294 What kinds of encryption are _not_ breakable via Quantum Computers? | |
1295 Should websites be allowed to disable autocomplete on forms or fields? | |
1296 Is `sudo` almost useless? | |
1297 How can waiting 24 hours to change the password again be secure? | |
1298 Why do I hear about so many Java insecurities? Are other languages more secure? | |
1299 Is password knocking a good idea? | |
1300 Defence methods against tailgating | |
1301 How can I argue against: System is unhackable so why patch vulnerabilities? | |
1302 Technology that can survive a Rubber-Hose attack | |
1303 Can simply decompressing a JPEG image trigger an exploit? | |
1304 Suspicious GitHub fork | |
1305 At what point does something count as security through obscurity? | |
1306 Is social-engineering an actual threat | |
1307 Is saving passwords in Chrome as safe as using LastPass if you leave it signed in? | |
1308 What is the difference between Federated Login and Single Sign On? | |
1309 Why cant I MitM a Diffie-Hellman key exchange? | |
1310 School performs periodic password audits. Is my password compromised? | |
1311 Is a redirect showing the password in plain text a security vulnerability? | |
1312 Confirmed evidence of cyber-warfare using GPS history data | |
1313 Prevention measures against laptop seizure at US borders | |
1314 Being told my network isnt PCI compliant. I dont even have a server! Do I have to comply? | |
1315 The slash after an IP Address - CIDR Notation | |
1316 Why do we need a 3-way handshake? Why not just 2-way? | |
1317 How do you calculate the prefix, network, subnet, and host numbers? | |
1318 IPv6 address space layout best practices | |
1319 When to choose fiber instead of twisted pair (copper) | |
1320 Why and how are Ethernet Vlans tagged? | |
1321 Whats the difference between IKE and ISAKMP? | |
1322 Is IPv10 a joke or a serious RFC draft? | |
1323 Why are IPv4 addresses running out? | |
1324 PING port number? | |
1325 Is 30 Mbit/s fibre faster than 30 Mbit/s copper? | |
1326 Why only port 80 for web services? | |
1327 Multi-Mode and Single-Mode Fiber Differences | |
1328 What is the meaning / origin of the terms north-south and east-west traffic? | |
1329 Why do I see a RST, ACK packet instead of a RST packet? | |
1330 Does having a longer Ethernet cable slow your connection? | |
1331 How can I see which switchports are not in use? | |
1332 Why do we need IPv6? | |
1333 Network Neutrality, how does it actually work, technically speaking? | |
1334 Is Ethernet port blinking really useful? | |
1335 Reason for both a MAC and an IP address | |
1336 Why is fe80::/10 reserved for link local addresses when fe80::/64 is actually used? | |
1337 Does UDP do anything at all? | |
1338 Difference between control plane, data plane and management plane? | |
1339 How can I diagnose a bridging (ethernet) loop? | |
1340 Why is such a large IPv4 range assigned to localhost? | |
1341 Bits per second vs. Packets per second | |
1342 How does gratuitous ARP work? | |
1343 What is the difference between MSS and MTU? | |
1344 Why 192.168.*.* for local addresses? | |
1345 Why was the MTU size for ethernet frames calculated as 1500 bytes? | |
1346 How to check for a valid public IP address? | |
1347 How do you prevent rogue wireless access points on a network? | |
1348 TCPDump - Filter by MAC Address | |
1349 Difference between Subnet and VLAN? | |
1350 Does a traceroute/tracert show every hop, or does it skip/hide some details of the path? | |
1351 How would a router with /32 WAN subnet mask communicate with the rest of the Internet? | |
1352 OSI Model and Networking Protocols Relationship | |
1353 Why does ipv6 specify 128 bit address, when there are only 48 bits in MAC addresses? | |
1354 What is the actual size of an Ethernet MTU | |
1355 Why does the IPv6 header not include a checksum? | |
1356 Why are Ethernet Standards written in the form of 10/100/1000? Why not just 1000? | |
1357 Why do network taps have four ports? | |
1358 Using SNMP to retrieve the ARP and mac-address tables from a switch | |
1359 How can I stop an intruder plugging into an Ethernet wall socket getting access to the network? | |
1360 Why are IPv4 addresses 32-bit? | |
1361 Better Enterprise Multihoming | |
1362 What is oversubscription in Networking? | |
1363 What are the downsides of OpenVPN? | |
1364 What is the proper term for ipaddress/hostname:port | |
1365 Why do we still use Ethernet? | |
1366 Are CoS and QoS ever interchangeable? | |
1367 What is the meaning of the CRC counter on a cisco device? | |
1368 What does the 1000M on a network switch mean? | |
1369 Why isnt UDP with reliability (implemented at Application layer) a substitute of TCP? | |
1370 Why does DHCP use UDP and not TCP? | |
1371 Is multicast on the public internet possible? And if yes: How? | |
1372 How can I capture traffic on Cisco IOS switches? | |
1373 Difference between sniffer tools | |
1374 Why use SSH and VPN in combination? | |
1375 Why can I traceroute to this IP address, but not ping? | |
1376 Does it make sense to deploy OSPF across Metro Ethernet? | |
1377 How does a switch learn a switch table? | |
1378 Route servers and looking glasses - what are they? | |
1379 Will IPv6 make private IP addresses become obsolete? | |
1380 How to find the port a device is connected to, based on IP, on a Cisco Catalyst switch | |
1381 Why is 4096 the max value for VLANs | |
1382 Accidentally Removed Allowed VLANs from Cisco Switch Dot1Q Trunk | |
1383 Why cant devices on different VLANs, but on the same subnet, communicate? | |
1384 Should IPv4 ICMP from untrusted interfaces be blocked? | |
1385 Why am I getting an “invalid active developer path” when attempting to use Git after upgrading macOS? | |
1386 List of all packages installed using Homebrew | |
1387 How can I permanently add my SSH private key to Keychain so it is automatically available to ssh? | |
1388 Please share your hidden macOS features or tips and tricks | |
1389 How to find cause of high kernel_task cpu usage? | |
1390 Remap Home and End to beginning and end of line | |
1391 What is the difference between `brew` and `brew cask`? | |
1392 git auto-complete for *branches* at the command line? | |
1393 Shortcut for toggling between different windows of same app? | |
1394 How do I disable Chromes two-finger back/forward navigation? | |
1395 Got any tips or tricks for Terminal in Mac OS X? | |
1396 How can I create a symbolic link in Terminal? | |
1397 Why does my dock keep moving back to my other monitor? | |
1398 How to separate mouse and trackpad settings? | |
1399 How can I configure Mac Terminal to have color ls output? | |
1400 How do I recompile Bash to avoid Shellshock (the remote exploit CVE-2014-6271 and CVE-2014-7169)? | |
1401 What Window Management Options exist for OS X? | |
1402 How can I trigger a Notification Center notification from an AppleScript or shell script? | |
1403 What is the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc? | |
1404 How do I stop the Adobe Creative Cloud app from auto-launching on login? | |
1405 How to prevent Mac from changing the order of Desktops/Spaces | |
1406 Using Alt/Cmd + Right/Left Arrow in iTerm | |
1407 How can I disable animation when switching desktops in Lion? | |
1408 mds and mds_stores constantly consuming cpu | |
1409 How do I downgrade node or install a specific previous version using homebrew? | |
1410 How to change computer name so terminal displays it in Mac OS X Mountain Lion? | |
1411 iTerm - going one word backwards and forwards | |
1412 Hotkey to show hidden files and folders in File Open dialog? | |
1413 How can I list my open network ports with netstat? | |
1414 File Open dialog is missing sidebar items | |
1415 How to combine two images into one on a Mac? | |
1416 How to Retrieve the Wi-Fi Password of a Connected Network on a Mac | |
1417 Can I get the CPU temperature and fan speed from the command line in OS X? | |
1418 How do I find my IP Address from the command line? | |
1419 How do I launch Finder from terminal or command line | |
1420 What is the rootless feature in El Capitan, really? | |
1421 Applications Dont Show Up in Spotlight | |
1422 How can I manually delete old backups to free space for Time Machine? | |
1423 Why doesnt .bashrc run automatically? | |
1424 Make the green full screen window icon on Yosemite maximize windows | |
1425 What do I type to produce the command symbol (⌘) in Mac OS X? | |
1426 How to replace Mac OS X utilities with GNU core utilities? | |
1427 What are the practical differences between Bash and Zsh? | |
1428 Is there a Mac OS X Terminal version of the free command in Linux systems? | |
1429 How do I combine two or more images to get a single pdf file? | |
1430 Can I open files in TextEdit from the Terminal in Mac OS X? | |
1431 macOS Sierra doesn’t seem to remember SSH keys between reboots | |
1432 I included emoji in my password and now I cant log in to my Account on Yosemite | |
1433 How can I save tabs in iTerm 2 so they restore the next time the app is run? | |
1434 How to increase keyboard key repeat rate on OS X? | |
1435 How to use terminal to copy a file to the clipboard? | |
1436 How can I make Safari show the URL when I hover over a link? | |
1437 How do I remove the Google Chrome notifications bell icon from the Mac OS X menu bar? | |
1438 Why are dot underscore ._ files created, and how can I avoid them? | |
1439 Keyboard shortcut for restoring applications from the Mac OS X Dock? | |
1440 How to create a text file in a folder | |
1441 How do I disable System Integrity Protection (SIP) AKA rootless on macOs [OS X] | |
1442 Where can I find the installed package path via brew | |
1443 Best app to switch between all open windows | |
1444 How to fix brew after OSX upgrade to Yosemite? | |
1445 Homebrew: Your CLT does not support macOS 11.0 | |
1446 What are pros and cons for MacPorts, Fink and Homebrew? | |
1447 Is there a quick way to lock my Mac? | |
1448 Which OS X Applications do you find indispensable? | |
1449 What tiny thing in Lion makes you smile or has caught you off guard? | |
1450 Need a cli to check the sha256 hash of a file | |
1451 What is the difference between iTerm2 and Terminal? | |
1452 How to use the Homebrew installed git on Mac? | |
1453 Open Finder window from current Terminal location? | |
1454 WindowServer high CPU on Yosemite | |
1455 iTerm as a slide-out terminal from the top of the screen | |
1456 Task Switcher moves to non-primary display on Mavericks-Catalina | |
1457 Override iTunes media keys (play, pause, etc) for Spotify? | |
1458 How to move files to trash from command line? | |
1459 Why isnt iTunes shuffle random? | |
1460 Is there a keyboard shortcut to move a window from one monitor to another? | |
1461 Can I change the brightness on a secondary display? | |
1462 List USB devices on OSX command line | |
1463 How can I mount an ext4 file system on OS X? | |
1464 How can I open a Terminal window directly from my current Finder location? | |
1465 What is the `installd` process, and why is it eating my CPU? | |
1466 What can I do when my SSH session is stuck? | |
1467 Why is it not possible to use the cut command to manipulate a file in the Finder? | |
1468 Restarting sound service? | |
1469 How to simulate slow internet connections on the mac | |
1470 What happens if you plug more than one charger in the new MacBook Pro (2016)? | |
1471 Is it safe to delete ~/Library/Caches? | |
1472 Move through images in a folder with | |
1473 Change canvas size in without scaling image? | |
1474 Where can I download Safari for Windows? | |
1475 Using The Terminal Command to Shutdown, Restart and Sleep My Mac? | |
1476 How to turn off all animations on OS X | |
1477 How to investigate high kernel task memory usage? | |
1478 How to record both screen and sound with Quicktime on El Capitan? | |
1479 OS X computer name not matching what shows on terminal | |
1480 How can I copy files from my Mac to PC via Microsoft Remote Desktop? | |
1481 Should I disconnect my MacBook Pros power cord when the battery is fully charged? | |
1482 How to stop OS X from writing Spotlight and Trash files to memory cards and USB sticks? | |
1483 How to change the default behaviour of the fullscreen/maximize button? | |
1484 How do I run a .sh or .command file in Terminal | |
1485 How can I find color codes on Mac? | |
1486 Mail App keeps popping up in the background in Mac OS Mojave | |
1487 How to arrange two windows easily to left and right side? | |
1488 Keyboard shortcut to switch focus between multiple displays on OS X 10.9+ | |
1489 How do I delete all Terminal mail? | |
1490 List all devices connected, lsblk for Mac OS X | |
1491 How can I keep my Mac awake AND locked? | |
1492 How to turnoff screen / lock Macbook Pro with touch bar using keyboard? | |
1493 Silencing Your disk is almost full notification | |
1494 cmd-tab behavior on Mavericks with multiple displays | |
1495 Is there a way to convert audio files in Mac OS X or the command line without using iTunes? | |
1496 Convert .mov to .mp4 | |
1497 How to upgrade OpenSSL in OS X? | |
1498 How can I prevent an SSH session from hanging in OS X Terminal? | |
1499 Unable to modify the volume with the keyboard | |
1500 How to fix homebrew error: invalid active developer path after upgrade to OS X El Capitan? | |
1501 How to bring back multi-touch gestures after it crashes without reboot? | |
1502 How do I move a window whose title bar is off-screen? | |
1503 Remember window sizes and placement when unplugging and replugging second monitor | |
1504 Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Mac Equivalent? | |
1505 Can anyone recommend an app for creating flowcharts and diagrams? | |
1506 How can I make auto-hide/show for the dock faster? | |
1507 Installing .pkg with terminal ? | |
1508 Replace Text Edit as the default text editor | |
1509 What is the format of a .xip file | |
1510 The volume cant be ejected because its currently in use | |
1511 runaway distnoted process | |
1512 What functionality do marks offer in the El Capitan Terminal? | |
1513 How can I figure out whats slowly eating my HD space? | |
1514 Spam iCloud Calendar Invitations | |
1515 Is there an OS X terminal program that can access serial ports? | |
1516 Fastest and safest way to copy massive data from one external drive to another | |
1517 How do I set environment variables on OS X? | |
1518 How can I mount an SMB share from the command line? | |
1519 How does the Mac choose which connection to use when both Wifi and Ethernet are connected? | |
1520 How to switch between different Chrome windows with keyboard shortcuts? | |
1521 How to switch or close the new split Terminal pane? | |
1522 Change location of macOS Notification Center alerts? | |
1523 What tiny thing in iOS 5 makes you smile, or has caught you off guard? | |
1524 How can I mount SFTP/SSH in Finder on OS X Snow Leopard? | |
1525 How to use pip after the OS X El Capitan upgrade? | |
1526 DNS not resolving on Mac OS X | |
1527 Is it possible to rotate images in Preview in degrees other than 90? | |
1528 VirtualBox 5.1.28 fails to install on MacOS 10.13 due to KEXT security | |
1529 Any nice, stable ways to keep a window Always on top on the Mac? | |
1530 How to disable command-Q for Quit? | |
1531 Notifications on dual monitors: how can I specify which monitor? | |
1532 Linux `ps f` (tree view) equivalent on OSX? | |
1533 How can I make ctrl+right/left arrow stop changing Desktops in Lion? | |
1534 How do I speed up new Terminal tab loading time? | |
1535 Restricting Command+tab options to only apps that are in the current space | |
1536 El Capitan, expand desktop thumbnails by default in Mission Control | |
1537 Whats a good graphical SFTP utility for OS X? | |
1538 Creating A Bootable USB Of Windows 8.1 On OS X? | |
1539 How can I list and edit all defined aliases in Terminal? | |
1540 Update bash to version 4.0 on OSX | |
1541 How to get rid of firewall accept incoming connections dialog? | |
1542 How to add a line break in a cell in Excel for Mac | |
1543 OS X Terminal must have utilities | |
1544 Yosemite bluetooth audio is choppy/skips | |
1545 Can home and end keys be mapped when using Terminal? | |
1546 How to get the chrome tabs to always show when in full screen mode? | |
1547 How can I achieve page-up and page-down in OS X? | |
1548 Where can I find the unicode symbols for Mac functional keys? (Command, Shift, etc.) | |
1549 How to open files via Terminal | |
1550 Getting all files from a web page using curl | |
1551 How can I rename Desktops / Spaces in macOS? | |
1552 Suppressing The default interactive shell is now zsh message in macOS Catalina | |
1553 What features of Mavericks are beneficial to you? | |
1554 Can Touch ID for the Mac Touch Bar authenticate sudo users and admin privileges? | |
1555 How to cd to a directory with a name containing spaces in bash? | |
1556 The operation can’t be completed because the original item for “Foo” can’t be found | |
1557 Prevent iTunes from opening when connecting bluetooth headset | |
1558 How do I type the euro value sign € on a Mac? | |
1559 Can I delete unnecessary device simulators of Xcode? | |
1560 How can I combine multiple PDFs using the command line? | |
1561 Single application not showing up in Spotlight | |
1562 Why doesnt Mac OS X source ~/.bashrc? | |
1563 How do I automate a key press in AppleScript? | |
1564 How can I unpack .7z files via MacOS terminal? | |
1565 How do I open the context menu from a Mac keyboard? | |
1566 Why is the accountsd process eating so much CPU? | |
1567 Where can I find default Microsoft fonts Calibri, Cambria? | |
1568 Make the Menu Bar never show while in Full Screen | |
1569 Which application to preview .md files? | |
1570 What directory comparison tools can I use on OS X? | |
1571 How to remove unused MacPorts packages? | |
1572 Is there a keyboard shortcut to navigate one level up in Finder? | |
1573 Where does the Mac store account pictures? | |
1574 Consequences of deleting .DS_Store | |
1575 How long does the new Testflight Beta review process usually take? | |
1576 Are my permissions for /usr/local/ correct? | |
1577 How do I get detailed SMART disk information on OS X (Mavericks or later) | |
1578 Copying the current directorys path to the clipboard | |
1579 Isnt Inactive memory a waste of resources? | |
1580 Is it OK to use the root user as a normal user? | |
1581 How do you force a 5 GHz wifi connection? | |
1582 Why wont closing the lid sleep my MacBook Pro with external monitor attached after upgrading to Lion? | |
1583 How to print an image across two pages | |
1584 Right-click, create a new text file. How? | |
1585 How can I activate buttons with just the keyboard? | |
1586 Enter a filename in the File Open dialog | |
1587 Is bash in OSX case-insensitive? | |
1588 What are alternatives for Menumeters on El Capitan? | |
1589 What I can delete from /private/var/vm? | |
1590 How do I negotiate dialogue boxes using the keyboard only? | |
1591 Official way to obtain an OS X ISO file | |
1592 Wi-Fi disconnects when I lock the mac | |
1593 Shortcut key for fullscreen mode | |
1594 How to remove chrome app icons from launchpad? | |
1595 Why is my host name wrong at the Terminal prompt when connected to a public WiFi network? | |
1596 MacBook unplugged from external monitor thinks its still the Secondary Desktop | |
1597 reattach terminal tab to another window | |
1598 What un(der)-documented features have you stumbled upon in Mountain Lion? | |
1599 Why is Git not found after installing OS X Lion? | |
1600 Clicking on external links opens Chrome but not the link | |
1601 Can I force a cache refresh in Safari running on iOS? | |
1602 Ive somehow enabled overtype mode in Slack and I cant get back to insert mode | |
1603 Write in NTFS using Mavericks | |
1604 How to open a new tab in iTerm in the same folder as the one that is open? | |
1605 Is it safe to upgrade Bash via Homebrew? | |
1606 How do I install GCC via Homebrew? | |
1607 How do you EXIT full screen mode in Yosemite? | |
1608 Is there a keyboard shortcut to bring up Finder? | |
1609 How to make right click using only keyboard on a Mac? | |
1610 How do I install R on macOS using homebrew? | |
1611 How to set PATH for Finder-launched applications | |
1612 How do I disable the Minimize (command-M) shortcut in Mavericks? | |
1613 Copying ISO file to USB drive in OS X? | |
1614 Using Terminal, how can I find which directory is my USB drive mounted in? | |
1615 This copy of the Install OS X El Capitan application cant be verified. It may have been corrupted or tampered with during downloading | |
1616 Application level volume control in OS X? | |
1617 What tool exists to identify the RGB value of a pixel? | |
1618 Disable line wrapping for output in the Terminal | |
1619 How to disable Full Screen Animation on OS X 10.9 | |
1620 How do I get F11 and F12 to behave like normal function keys? | |
1621 OS X Yosemite Xcode update stuck on Waiting | |
1622 How to disable Adobe Core Sync app on OS X from being launched automatically? | |
1623 Displaying combined file size of selected files in Finder | |
1624 Is there any way to view saved wifi passwords on the iPhone? | |
1625 How do I start TextEditor from the command line? | |
1626 Is there a way to start a specific application with a keyboard short cut? | |
1627 No partition scheme option when erasing a USB disk in MacOS High Sierra? | |
1628 Do MacBooks have a true Hibernate option? | |
1629 How can I type unicode characters without using the mouse? | |
1630 How can I use Gmail as the default mail client app in Mac OS X? | |
1631 Can I copy by highlighting and paste by middle click on Mac OS X? | |
1632 How can I make rm move files to the trash can? | |
1633 How do I type ² or ³ on an Apple keyboard (International English layout)? | |
1634 How can I list all user accounts in the terminal? | |
1635 Homebrew: Rollback from Python 3.7 to Python 3.6.5.x? | |
1636 Does FileVault encryption slow read/write access on an SSD? | |
1637 How can I disable the red Software Update notification bubble on the System Preferences app in MacOS Mojave (not App Store)? | |
1638 Homebrew permissions & multiple users needing to brew update | |
1639 How can I prove to an airline that the iPad mini they found is the one I left on the plane, without giving them the passcode? | |
1640 Where does the upgrade to macOS Catalina move root / directory files? | |
1641 Is there a Google Calendar Mac Desktop App? | |
1642 How to view Root directory and subdirectories in Finder? | |
1643 What is photoanalysisd and why is it using 77% of my CPU? | |
1644 Force the resolution on a headless mac mini server | |
1645 How do I get Sublime Texts open-file GUI to show hidden files? | |
1646 MacBook Pro Bluetooth Audio balance keeps changing by itself | |
1647 How do I turn off App Store notifications in Mountain Lion | |
1648 How do I remap a key in macOS Sierra, e.g., Right Alt to Right Control? | |
1649 How to set to open folder with enter in finder? | |
1650 how to find out the start time of last sleep | |
1651 Blacking out a part of a PDF, or redaction of text | |
1652 How can I add new folders to the Favorites in the Finder sidebar? | |
1653 Logitech Mouse: how can I use additional buttons? | |
1654 Whats a good Mac equivalent of WinMerge? | |
1655 What file comparison tool can I use under OS X? | |
1656 Cmd+Tab does not work on hidden or minimized windows | |
1657 How to get a notification when my commands are done | |
1658 How to add characters to the press and hold character picker in OS X Lion? | |
1659 Can I use 45/60/85W MagSafe era MacBook chargers interchangeably? | |
1660 Write to NTFS-formated drives on Yosemite | |
1661 How to enable OS X screen sharing (VNC) through SSH? | |
1662 Is there a command to install a dmg | |
1663 How does iMessage know that the recipient is an iOS 5 device? | |
1664 How do I download an iOS App (IPA) file to my Mac after iTunes 12.7 update? | |
1665 How to monitor file access for an OS X application? | |
1666 truecrypt 7.1a requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later on Yosemite 10.10 | |
1667 On OS X, what files are excluded by rule from a Time Machine backup? | |
1668 How to install specific version of python on OS X | |
1669 AutoHotkey Equivalent for OS X? | |
1670 Can I install any iOS version I wish by picking and choosing which firmware to restore? | |
1671 How can I show typing keyboard in record screen | |
1672 How can I stop my retina display from taking 2x sized screenshots? | |
1673 Disable Command-W in the terminal | |
1674 Is there a GUI SSH client for OS X? | |
1675 How to clear the cache or do a hard refresh in Safari? | |
1676 How Can I Search A Specific Type of File in Mac? | |
1677 Whats a good SSH tunneling client for OS X? | |
1678 How to hide computer name and user name in terminal command prompt | |
1679 Changing Creation Date of a file | |
1680 How can I make all folders in Finder snap to grid? | |
1681 Magic Mouse can never reconnect on Yosemite | |
1682 High Sierra 10.13 : Keychain Access Menubar Item Missing? | |
1683 Is there a way to completely disable Dock? | |
1684 What is this symbol? ⎋ (it is listed as menu shortcut) | |
1685 How to choose on which display Application Switcher shows? | |
1686 Can I get back Snow-Leopard-like application hiding (Cmd-H) in Lion? | |
1687 Is there an iMessage client for Windows? | |
1688 System storage on macOS Sierra is 470GB! | |
1689 Where can I find my crash logs? | |
1690 Where are books stored after iBooks migration on Mavericks? | |
1691 How to view progress when encrypting a disk? | |
1692 How to move a window to another space without using the mouse? | |
1693 How to make TextEdit open with a blank file by default? | |
1694 Why does Numbers hide a huge PNG file in exported Excel sheets? | |
1695 I dont have administrator account on my mac | |
1696 What is Mobile Sync - Backup and why is it taking so much space? | |
1697 How can I avoid my MacBook Pro giving me minor shocks? | |
1698 How to know what packages are available with (home)brew? | |
1699 Is there any way to set a MacBook Pro to not sleep when you close the lid? | |
1700 How to disable scroll acceleration in macOS Sierra? | |
1701 What are the best practices for battery longevity? | |
1702 How do I find out the applescript commands available for a particular app? | |
1703 A tech from MacKeeper wishes access to my computer for licensing and activation. Is this a scam? | |
1704 How do I take a screenshot without the shadow behind it? | |
1705 Is charging my iPhone all night harmful? | |
1706 Password dialog appears when SSH private key permissions are set to 0600 | |
1707 How to automatically login to captive portals on OS X? | |
1708 AirPods: Extremely poor mic quality on Mac | |
1709 MacBook Pro lock screen hotkey without sleeping? | |
1710 Whats the difference between Real, Virtual, Shared, and Private Memory? | |
1711 Red pixels on Mojave and Catalina Dark Mode | |
1712 How to check whether my Intel-based Mac is 32-bit or 64-bit | |
1713 Paint.NET alternative for Mac OS X | |
1714 powerd process uses a lot of CPU | |
1715 OSX Yosemite - Mission Control stopped working | |
1716 Hold Cmd-Q to Quit from Chrome | |
1717 Can I disable the Lion animation when switching to/from fullscreen apps? | |
1718 OSX is repeatedly asking for login keychain password | |
1719 How to remove an app stuck in waiting mode from the Mac App Store? | |
1720 Disable automatic iTunes launch when iPhone is plugged in via USB | |
1721 How to copy path of a file in Mac OS? | |
1722 How can I display the current DNS servers from the command line under OS X? | |
1723 How do I assign a keyboard shortcut to an AppleScript I wrote? | |
1724 How to exclude a sub folder from iCloud drive in macOS Sierra? | |
1725 How can I track progress of dd | |
1726 Is there a way to make the Menu bar show at all times in fullscreen windows? | |
1727 Is it bad that my MacBook Air is passing me electricity? | |
1728 What is wired memory? | |
1729 Can a Macs model year be determined with a Terminal Command? | |
1730 Lowest volume is still too loud—how can I make it even lower? | |
1731 Can I manually limit the %CPU used by a process? | |
1732 Display hidden files hot key on Mavericks gone? | |
1733 How can I skip the Trash when deleting a file? | |
1734 Install shuf on OS X? | |
1735 Difference between US QWERTY and International QWERTY Apple keyboards? | |
1736 How can I open a .pkg file manually? | |
1737 Are there keyboard shortcuts for Home, End, PageDown, and PageUp in OS X? | |
1738 Xcode failed to download. Use the Purchases page to try again | |
1739 Run AppleScript from bash script | |
1740 File cant be moved by root on OS X | |
1741 How do I hide the Spotlight icon on Yosemite, but keep the Spotlight functionality? | |
1742 Is there a quick way to relink my homebrew kegs? | |
1743 How to install and use GNU Grep in macOS | |
1744 How to remove an icon from launchpad that does not appear in the Finder? | |
1745 Cant click with trackpad or mouse (OS X 10.9, MacBook Pro) | |
1746 Prevent Mac Terminal from reverting to default theme | |
1747 What is rapportd and why does it want incoming network connections? | |
1748 What leads to Windows thinking I pressed the Insert key on a MacBook Pro? | |
1749 External drive does not mount after plug off without eject | |
1750 What is Why does it grow so big? | |
1751 Single keypress types repeated characters (MacBook Pro 2016 & 2017) | |
1752 Change the mouse wheel scrolling acceleration | |
1753 What does @ signify in unix file permissions? | |
1754 Lock Screen Command One-Liner | |
1755 How do I increase sudo password remember timeout? | |
1756 Quotes problem in Mavericks (or TextEdit) | |
1757 Have touchbar show vol up, vol down, brightness up, brightness down buttons by default | |
1758 How can I change a file or folder icon using the Terminal | |
1759 Set default mail client in OSX without adding an email account? | |
1760 Keyboard shortcut to unhide or unminimize a window in OS X | |
1761 Unnamed faces in my oven | |
1762 Is the message You must change your passcode within 60 minutes valid / non-malware? | |
1763 Is there an AirDrop client for Microsoft Windows? | |
1764 Tool to quickly hide/blur/redact text in screenshot? | |
1765 How to show all running launchctl daemons/agents? | |
1766 How to check if my HD is case sensitive or not? | |
1767 How to get BSD FTP and Telnet back in 10.13 (High Sierra)? | |
1768 Can an app window be minimized by clicking its Dock Icon? | |
1769 How do I write to NTFS drives in OS X? | |
1770 Internal keyboard and trackpad stop working after plugging in USB device | |
1771 Prevent redraw of menu bar icons Yosemite | |
1772 Is there a way to rename Remaining to Apple Juice Remaining? | |
1773 VTDecoderXPCService taking CPU | |
1774 How do I turn off MacBook display when I have an external display? | |
1775 Whats a good Windows RDP client for Mac? | |
1776 How do I transfer my iOS developer profile to another computer? | |
1777 Can I share my iMacs internet to iPhone or iPad over USB? | |
1778 Disk space not freed up after deleting files and emptying Trash | |
1779 How to remove an environment variable on OSX using bash | |
1780 Computer name keeps changing OSX 10.10 (14A389) | |
1781 How to show hidden files and folders in Finder? | |
1782 How do you turn off the Try the new Safari notification? | |
1783 How do I AirPlay mirror my iPhone screen to my MacBook Pro? | |
1784 iOS Untrusted Developer error when testing app | |
1785 How do I control Macbook volume when a DP display is connected? | |
1786 A modern and faster alternative to Disk Inventory X | |
1787 Is there the dark mode (inverted colors) in the Preview Application for PDF reading? | |
1788 How can I add a new application to the Open With menu? | |
1789 Whats the quickest way to get a graphic on the clipboard saved to disk? | |
1790 How to write out a NORMAL tilde sign (~) in Mac? | |
1791 MacBook Pro: How to disable discrete GPU permanently from EFI? | |
1792 How to set already-paired bluetooth devices again into discovery mode? | |
1793 Installation of macOS High Sierra Update 10.13.4 failed; how do I recover without losing data? | |
1794 Can I see my CPU and memory usage meters in the menu bar? | |
1795 How can I see my home folder in the finder? | |
1796 What is the modern way to do port-forwarding on El Capitan? (forward port 80 to 8080) | |
1797 Why does Messages on OSX always show unread messages? | |
1798 Keyboard shortcut for locking screen in macOS Sierra? | |
1799 How to change path in Finder by entering the path manually? | |
1800 macOS windows requiring an explicit click to make active, before UI elements inside can be clicked | |
1801 Alternative to Windows Snipping Tool for Mac OSX | |
1802 How big should my Time Machine backup drive be? | |
1803 How to properly use drag and drop with MacBook Pro on OS X 10.7? | |
1804 How can I set up a keyboard shortcut for switching input source? | |
1805 Can I delete files or folders from /private/var/folders/? | |
1806 Looking for VNC client solutions that work reliably on a Mac running OS X 10.9.5 | |
1807 How can I tell if my Mac is keeping the clock updated properly? | |
1808 Disable iPhoto auto launch when connecting an iPhone or iPad | |
1809 How to decrease .pdf size without losing quality | |
1810 Can I change the application icon of an Automator script? | |
1811 Why is the coreaudiod daemon using 5% or more CPU? | |
1812 Image capture opens after iPhone is connected | |
1813 My iPhone keeps switching on and off charge whilst charging, how do I fix it? | |
1814 Where can I find the task manager in Mac OS X Lion? | |
1815 How can I remove an autocomplete suggestion from Safaris address bar? | |
1816 Can you add blank space to a photo in Mac Preview? | |
1817 Prevent auto-pairing for certain devices (Bluetooth) | |
1818 What scale or measure does Mavericks and Yosemites memory pressure adhere to? | |
1819 Changing the default size of iTerm2 when it opens | |
1820 Turning Power Chime Off | |
1821 Error opening a zip file: No such file or directory? | |
1822 Is there a way to mute sound from one application on macOS? | |
1823 Is it possible to use Boot Camp with Windows 10 from an external HDD? | |
1824 How can I open a text file with TextWrangler from the Terminal (command line)? | |
1825 How do you maximize windows? | |
1826 I am missing the option to see the remaining battery life as time in the menubar? | |
1827 Are Macs vulnerable to the Bash shellshock bug? | |
1828 How to prevent Command-I/Command-Shift-I from opening Mac Mail when in browser? | |
1829 What are your favorite Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts? | |
1830 High Sierra - The path /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg appears to be missing or damaged | |
1831 How to Auto-Hide the address bar in Google Chrome? | |
1832 How do I edit a .plist file? | |
1833 How do I set OS X to boot by default? | |
1834 Time Machine ridiculously slow after El Capitan upgrade | |
1835 How to convert a HEIF/HEIC image to JPEG in El Capitan? | |
1836 Can I change the behavior of the Home and End keys on an Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad? | |
1837 What are some undocumented iPhone features? | |
1838 How do I disable or get rid of the startup sound my Mac makes? | |
1839 Whats a good XML viewer/editor for Mac OS X? | |
1840 How to make Google Chrome Helper not use as much CPU | |
1841 PPTP VPN client for macOS Sierra or iOS 10? | |
1842 Do MacBooks support NVMe SSD drives via the use of a Sintech adapter? | |
1843 How can I view hidden files in the Finder? | |
1844 GPU problem - Boot Hangs on Grey Screen | |
1845 How can I download an older version of OS X/macOS? | |
1846 Is there a way to refresh a Finder file listing? | |
1847 How can I install the Command Line Tools completely from the command line? | |
1848 How do I reset the scrollback in the terminal via a shell command? | |
1849 How to get the hand tool back in in 10.8? | |
1850 Use caffeinate to prevent sleep on lid close on battery | |
1851 Customise Touch Bar for a specific application | |
1852 Can I create a shortcut to open a specific application on OS X? | |
1853 What versions of OS X are affected by Heartbleed? | |
1854 How do I root my Android device? | |
1855 How to fully backup non-rooted devices? | |
1856 Ive rooted my phone. Now what? What do I gain from rooting? | |
1857 Does constant charging harm my Android cellphone? | |
1858 What can I do to increase battery life on my Android device? | |
1859 What are the alternative Android app markets? | |
1860 How do I change the Google Play country? | |
1861 What is the difference between: Rooting, Jailbreak, ROM, Mod, etc.? | |
1862 How do I view source in the Android browser? | |
1863 How to take a screenshot with an Android device? | |
1864 Where can I find stock or custom ROMs for my Android device? | |
1865 What does to root a phone mean? | |
1866 What actually happens when you swipe an app out of the recent apps list? | |
1867 How do I back up Google Authenticator? | |
1868 Are there any risks to rooting a device? | |
1869 Why cant I press the Install button when installing applications from unknown sources? | |
1870 How can I use my PCs keyboard on the Android emulator? | |
1871 How do you extract an Apps data from a full backup made through adb backup? | |
1872 How to set up reverse tethering over USB? | |
1873 When will my device get the Android 4.0 update (Ice Cream Sandwich)? | |
1874 Where Android apps store data? | |
1875 How can I view and examine the Android log? | |
1876 Can I install Android on my non-Android device? | |
1877 Not all files are visible over MTP | |
1878 What can I do to manage my phones internal storage? | |
1879 Where in the file system are applications installed? | |
1880 View apps full package name? | |
1881 How can I see what IP address my android phone has? | |
1882 How can I shutdown my Android phone using an adb command? | |
1883 Do I really need to install a task manager? | |
1884 When will my phone get the Android 2.3 update (Gingerbread)? | |
1885 Uninstall apps locked by phone vendor | |
1886 Why do so many applications require permission to read the phone state and identity? | |
1887 Is it possible to install an app and exclude some of its requested permissions? | |
1888 How to use Windows internet on Android phone through USB cable | |
1889 Can not unlock my Android device as have no internet connection? | |
1890 Android browsers about:debug, what do those settings do? | |
1891 Battery Life and First Time Charging on Li-ion Batteries. Myth? | |
1892 How can I download an APK file from the Play Store? | |
1893 How to use GPS/Maps without an Internet connection? | |
1894 Why do Android phones have more cores than computers? | |
1895 What linux distribution is Android based on? | |
1896 What is the offical name of the third on-screen button? | |
1897 Change Gmail account to make in-app purchase? | |
1898 How to disable battery full notification sound? | |
1899 How can I verify the authenticity of an APK file I downloaded? | |
1900 How to start root shell with Android Studio? | |
1901 How to backup an Android device? | |
1902 What is *Cell standby* and how can I keep it from eating my battery? | |
1903 How can I export the list of open Chrome tabs? | |
1904 Dropbox for Android folder location | |
1905 How can I view title text for a web image ( on an Android based browser? | |
1906 Disable Screenshot Security | |
1907 What is the right way to close apps in Android? | |
1908 What does it mean when the connectivity icons in the status bar go white/gray? | |
1909 How can I stop applications and services from running? | |
1910 How to search the Play Store by permissions? | |
1911 How do you import CA certificates onto an Android phone? | |
1912 Enable and disable system apps via ADB | |
1913 My Gmail is signed in through the app on ex-boyfriends phone | |
1914 Where can find older versions of Apps? | |
1915 How to move phone contacts to Google? | |
1916 How can I add a shortcut to a particular Google Drive document to my Android homescreen? | |
1917 Is there a minimal installation of ADB? | |
1918 How do I update Android on my device? | |
1919 How can I do development on my Android device? | |
1920 How to mount /system rewritable or read-only? (RW/RO) | |
1921 What is this lock screen with ads and how do I remove it? | |
1922 My device is getting slow, apps start misbehaving/crashing. What can I do? | |
1923 How do I change the name of my Android device? | |
1924 Where on the file system are SMS messages stored? | |
1925 How to play YouTube audio in background/minimised? | |
1926 Can I use 2 android phones as walkie talkie? (without internet!) | |
1927 Where does LineageOs store update files? | |
1928 Getting Authentication is required when trying to access the Play Store | |
1929 Is safe? | |
1930 Block apps from accessing the Internet on Android device | |
1931 Are there any tools to sandbox a malware application even more than the granted permissions on Android? | |
1932 When will my phone get the Android 2.2 update (FroYo)? | |
1933 What is /storage/emulated/0/? | |
1934 Is it possible to install Android on a PC? | |
1935 Is an antivirus really needed for Android? | |
1936 In a Google account (sync), what is the difference between Contacts and People details? | |
1937 What all does ADB backup and how do I restore part of it? | |
1938 How to keep screen turned off when plugging charger? | |
1939 How to buy an app for a friend? | |
1940 What is an Emergency Call, and can I set number for it? | |
1941 How can I run a script on boot? | |
1942 Is Android showing app ads in share menu now? | |
1943 Is there a way to easily record a phone conversation in-progress? | |
1944 How to change my device location on the Play Store | |
1945 How can I determine if my device has USB Host Mode (OTG) support? | |
1946 Google Backup: Multiple devices using the same account - what happens on Restore? | |
1947 Do bright wallpapers spend more battery than dark ones? | |
1948 Screen overlay detected dialog? | |
1949 Use existing contact for Me in Ice Cream Sandwich | |
1950 Just how secure is a pattern lock? | |
1951 How to distinguish Nexus 7 (2012) and Nexus 7 (2013) | |
1952 Enable Install via USB without creating MI Account | |
1953 How do I undo always show pictures from this sender on Android gmail? | |
1954 Why does unlocking the bootloader wipe phone? | |
1955 How the f*&% to stop voice-to-text from censoring profanity? | |
1956 What is QuadRooter? Are 900 million Android devices vulnerable? | |
1957 Use an Android tablet as a Wacom drawing tablet for a PC? | |
1958 How to close all background apps at once in Android 5.0 (lollipop)? | |
1959 Red notification light on Nexus 4, wont power on, device unresponsive | |
1960 When will my device get the Android 4.1 update (Jelly Bean)? | |
1961 How do I backup and restore SMS Messages? | |
1962 Is there a way to get Google Calendar reminders to act like Alarms? | |
1963 ADB backup creates 0-byte file; prompts for current backup password even though I never set one; Failed to set password for Desktop backup password | |
1964 How can I install the Google Apps Package (Play Store, ...) on my Android device? | |
1965 Is there a way for me to run Adb shell as root without typing in su? | |
1966 What percentage of devices have each of the Android versions? | |
1967 How to search for Android apps without ads? | |
1968 Check and fix SD card errors within Android itself? | |
1969 Can I connect an Android phone to an external monitor, keyboard and mouse? | |
1970 Android phone charging slowly: How to make it faster | |
1971 How can I circumvent regional restrictions in Googles Play Store? | |
1972 Which Android runs which Linux kernel? | |
1973 How can I increase the number of volume levels? | |
1974 Is Android a 32-bit or 64-bit OS? | |
1975 Is there a way to turn off translation in Google Play | |
1976 Google Play Services Has stopped message continually popping up on my Samsung phone | |
1977 Confused by the many locations of the virtual /sdcard/ | |
1978 How to upgrade / swap SD card without losing data and installed apps? | |
1979 Why Do I Need to Wipe Dalvik Cache? | |
1980 ADB constantly disconnects, shows device offline | |
1981 How do I send SMS from PC through Android Phone or to Android Phone? | |
1982 How do I disable the click sound on the camera app? | |
1983 Is there a way to look inside and modify an adb backup created file? | |
1984 Whats using my GPS? | |
1985 fastboot doesnt see device | |
1986 Broken screen while debug mode was disabled. How can I re-enable adb? | |
1987 How do I disable the Select input method Notification? | |
1988 Do you know other Android keypad commands (dialer codes)? | |
1989 Sharing Browser Links between PC and Phone | |
1990 What is the difference between odexed and deodexed ROMs? | |
1991 Is there a way to block access to or wipe my Google data for a lost/stolen phone | |
1992 How to edit etc/hosts file? | |
1993 How can I prevent applications from running on startup? | |
1994 How to check what apps are running in Android 6.0? | |
1995 Is there some SSH server for android? | |
1996 How exactly does root work? Do all applications run as root on my phone after rooting? | |
1997 Support for Multiple Users on same device | |
1998 Does anyone knows who is paying for the free (normally paid) Android programs on the Amazon store | |
1999 What are the names of the various versions of the Android OS, and how are these names chosen? | |
2000 Where is the folder that Termux defaults to? | |
2001 How to keep two versions of an app installed? | |
2002 Can I use multiple Android devices with a single Google account? | |
2003 Can I automatically log in to open WiFi that requires web login/password? | |