0 How did they make cars fall apart in old movies? 1 How do they film the mirror scenes in movies? 2 To what extent are child actors exposed to the violent aspects of the movie they perform in? 3 What caused and ended the time loop in Groundhog Day? 4 Is the Unix operating system featured in Jurassic Park real? 5 Why isnt Bruce Williss character in the Sixth Sense self-aware? 6 Whats the difference between and and & in movie credits? 7 Why do people wear sunglasses in The Matrix? 8 Why are films where the bad guy wins at the end so rare? 9 Is the title The Last Jedi singular or plural? 10 Why cast an A-lister for Groot? 11 Of all the movies and TV shows ever made, which of them is set furthest in the future? 12 How was Hodor adapted in other languages 13 Why does the talk show host always sit on the right? 14 Which version of Blade Runner is Blade Runner 2049 a sequel of? 15 Why didnt silent movies have subtitles? 16 How did Marty McFly and “Doc” Brown first meet? 17 Why does Doctor Strange not bind Thanos in a time loop? 18 Has a major film ever intentionally used live ammunition to film a scene? 19 How do actors stop breathing when playing dead? 20 Why did filmmakers need permission to film in black and white? 21 Origin of movie trope where impaled character pulls/pushes blade/spear further into body? 22 Why is the brides name bleeped in Kill Bill Vol 1? 23 Was Kirk and Uhuras kiss in Star Trek really the first interracial kiss on TV? 24 At which dream level did Inception end? 25 Who was the oldest actor to play a teenager? 26 How did Jack (the narrator) manage to attract people to join Fight Club? 27 Why dont Martys parents ever mention how similar he looks to the Marty of 1955? 28 Is there any definitive evidence that Teddy was or was not crazy? 29 Why are the Simpsons yellow? 30 What significance does Mike Yanagita have in Fargo? 31 Why do movies still have credits? 32 How was this scene shot without hurting Charlie Chaplin? 33 Why the greenish tint in the Matrix trilogy? 34 Why are the books in the Game of Thrones citadel library shelved spine inwards? 35 Why are the railings in Rivendell so low? 36 Does this room exist in the Simpsons house? 37 What is going on in Mulholland Drive? 38 How accurate is this computer hardware in the movie Wall Street? 39 How far did Forrest Gump run? 40 What really happened in Memento? 41 Why does Firefly include a scene with a missing yoke? 42 Do Sheldons equations reflect real math/physics research? 43 Why are the American flags backwards on the wardens uniform in Orange is the New Black? 44 Alice growing effect in 1972 Alices Adventures in Wonderland - how was it done? Its not green screen 45 First movie with product placement? 46 How do actors memorize extremely long scripts? 47 Why are blockbusters called blockbusters? 48 Is it true that none of the cast knew what to expect in the famous chestburster scene in Alien? 49 In what spot would the new Star Wars movie Rogue One go in the Machete Order? 50 What has the greatest chance of being in Marcellus Wallaces briefcase? 51 What is the real reason for the Jokers scars? 52 Why is there no Robin in the Nolan-directed Batman movies? 53 Did silent film actors actually say their lines or did they simply improvise “dialogue” while being filmed? 54 Why does Harry only make use of time travel in The Prisoner of Azkaban? 55 Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife? 56 Are there any indications why Roddenberry chose to make Star Trek a battleship universe? 57 Why didnt Gollum take the ring back from Bilbo between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings? 58 Who is the true villain of Peter Pan: Peter, or Hook? 59 How is color determined when colorizing black and white movies? 60 How do film makers record the President of the United States? 61 Is the loudness of a movie in the theater set by the theater or by the publisher/studio? 62 How was Looney Tunes originally watched? 63 Why are so many American (spy) movies set in Europe? 64 Do I need knowledge of American culture and history to enjoy Forrest Gump? 65 Why did Warner Bros spend $25 million to CGI out Henry Cavills mustache? 66 Why arent the characters floating two levels down? 67 Do they really crash super cars in action movies? 68 Why is Discovery One covered in sulphur in 2010: The Year We Make Contact? 69 Why did Neo have powers in the real world? 70 Is this balcony with a protruding gargoyle a real place? 71 Why didnt Bilbo become a creature like Gollum? 72 Why did the Night King attack the furthest target first? 73 What is the purpose of this red room in Stranger Things? 74 Why do British sitcoms have much fewer episodes than American ones? 75 How is Team Scooby Doo (Mystery Inc.) funded? 76 Has there been a movie or a TV show where an abortion was portrayed without negative connotations? 77 Do Star Trek characters wearing red shirts have the highest death rate on the original show? 78 Banners control of Hulk in Avengers 79 In Back to the Future Part II, how could old Biff have made it back to 2015? 80 Why didnt Voldemort create a seventh Horcrux not knowing Harry was one? 81 Why did Morpheus tell Trinity to stay off the freeway? 82 What actually happens when a telephone rings in a movie or TV show? 83 Why all the fancy technology in most movies? 84 What rules govern how TV show opening credits are structured? 85 Couldnt one or two or three dragons take care of the Army of the Dead in like a couple hours? 86 Does the T-1000 know that the big guy on a bike is a T-800 before he meets him? 87 Why didnt Hans Gruber know what Mr. Takagi looked like? 88 What were all the references in Deadpool? 89 How did Indy know not to look into the Ark? 90 How far back do I need to watch Doctor Who for it to still make sense? 91 Why was there a 14 year gap between The Incredibles and The Incredibles 2? 92 Why was there a robot in Rocky IV? 93 Why does Zootopia have an intentional Breaking Bad reference? 94 Why did the Joker take the risk of placing a gun in Harvey Dents hand? 95 What do actors actually inhale when their characters snort cocaine or smoke crack? 96 How did Sherlock survive the fall? 97 How do they get very young child actors to cooperate? 98 Switch in *The Matrix* - Two Actors? 99 Was the dragon prowess intentionally downplayed in S08E04? 100 How is this practical and very old scene shot? 101 Is it really as easy to knock someone out in real life as in the movies? 102 Why is the You talking to me speech from the movie Taxi Driver so famous? 103 Why does Thanos need *all* the infinity stones? 104 Why doesnt Ralph Breaks the Internet have wreck in the title? 105 Why does Darth Vader not use the Force to prevent Luke from falling? 106 Why does Quentin Tarantino add non-plot related dialogue in his movies? 107 How could the Starks convince the other Lords that this character was guilty? 108 What kind of company is Initech? 109 Why did Victor die? 110 What techniques are used by directors to make an actor cry? 111 Why didnt Lokis mind control work on Tony Stark? 112 Why does Trinitys kiss revive Neo in The Matrix? 113 Were oranges an intentional use of symbolism by filmmakers? 114 What does War Machines Canopy! Canopy! line mean in Avengers: Endgame? 115 Why is the spoken German in many US films and TV shows so inaccurate? 116 How could the human race be saved in Interstellar? 117 First example of ringing in ears sound design? 118 How can I find tv shows/films similar to one I like? 119 Is there a full canon version of Tyrions jackass/honeycomb joke? 120 Jaimes character change in Game of Thrones 121 Why do Disney parents usually die? 122 How does the title The Imitation Game justify the story of the movie? 123 What was Hans Grubers plan in Die Hard? 124 Is Bordens true identity real, or another ruse? 125 Where and when does the idea light bulb appear for the first time? 126 Why the highlighted outline in animated cartoons? 127 Use Force Lightning can Yoda? 128 Is Amy right about Indiana Jones being irrelevant to the outcome? 129 What was Chandler Bings job? 130 In Fight Club is Marla Singer a second figment of Jacks imagination? 131 Can a single bullet from a handgun kill three people in the way Deadpool did? 132 Why were mouse holes often represented in cartoons and movies like this? 133 What is the longest aired episode of a TV series? 134 Why were people led to believe that the Apollo mission was fake in Interstellar? 135 Why did they avoid Charlies name in the film title Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory? 136 The most roles played by the same actor in a movie? 137 What makes The Shawshank Redemption so cinematically important? 138 What are TPS Reports? 139 Why do mouse cursors never align with actors hand movements (or always move perfectly straight)? 140 Why does the roadrunner say beep beep? 141 Why dont they show subtitles for the Spanish dialogue? 142 Point of the Dothrakis attack in GoT S8E3? 143 How was this shot in Contact (1997) really made? 144 Does Disney no longer produce hand-drawn cartoon films? 145 Why did cars in 70s and 80s TV and movies slide like they were driving on ice? 146 Why does Banes stock exchange robbery actually work to bankrupt Bruce Wayne? 147 Was Thanos really committed or just a hypocrite? 148 Did any actor ever win an Oscar for their work in a horror movie? 149 How do productions like Stranger Things or other similarly not modern but still within recent memory productions acquire period props? 150 Did the White Walkers spare Sam? 151 Explanation of Jules ending monologue 152 Did Batman break his one rule? 153 Why did Varys remove his rings? 154 Why were movies shot on film shot at 24 frames per second? 155 What is the origin of Scooby-Doos name? 156 Was a supercomputer really needed in The Martian? 157 Why doesnt Deadpools healing ability heal his skin? 158 Why is Vision so weak? 159 Why do studios use Roman numerals in the copyright notice in the end credits? 160 How was the deserted London scene in the movie 28 Days Later filmed? 161 Why is Arya visibly scared in the library in Game of Thrones S8E3? 162 How could Jon Snow do what he did in Oathbreaker? 163 Why do people repeatedly hit the phone hook switch when disconnected? 164 Why is Spaceballs specifically numbered Chapter XI? 165 How does one identify Valyrian steel? 166 Why does No-one ever get it in the first take? 167 Why is James Bond less tech savvy in the Daniel Craig movies? 168 Was the original Pink Panther movie intended to be a comedy? 169 Was the Gotham Hospital scene a goof-up? 170 In the 300 movie, in the final battle, Why didnt Leonidas kill Xerxes? 171 What is the main theme of The Dark Knight? 172 Why were sloths chosen to depict DMV workers? 173 Why did Ramsay strike him? 174 Whats the point of actors occasionally directing a TV show episode? 175 How do they phrase casting calls when casting an individual with a particular skin color? 176 How do actors avoid looking into the camera? 177 Does Mia mistake Vincents heroin for cocaine because its in a baggie rather than a balloon? 178 Why do people call Morgan Freemans character Red? 179 Meaning of the Silence of the Lambs poster 180 Do the actors really go nude in the shooting of the movies? 181 Why does Gus walk away from his car? 182 What does the woman from the future mean when she says shes in insurance? 183 Why does Deadpool say Youre welcome, Canada, after shooting Ryan Reynolds in the end credits? 184 Why wasnt the poltergeist Peeves in the Harry Potter movies? 185 Can someone explain the sequence of events in Primer? 186 What is Mycrofts job? 187 Why is it so easy to become king of Wakanda? 188 If Agent Smith is just an AI program, then how could he end up in the real world? 189 Why was Bruces silence referred to as a Walt Disney? 190 Hollywood movies that no longer exist in any form 191 How did Hitchcock enforce the no late admission policy for Psycho? 192 What was wrong with John Rambo’s appearance? 193 Why was Being John Malkovich based around John Malkovich? 194 At what point is the orchestra told who the Academy Award winner will be? 195 Why did Dormammu keep his promise? 196 Is this bar slide trick shown on Cheers real or a visual effect? 197 Which worse thing was Luke expecting in Star Wars: A New Hope? 198 Why does Batman talk to himself in the batvoice? 199 Is Batman Begins based on any Batman comic or was it entirely written from scratch? 200 How was the DeLorean perceived in 1985? 201 Why were the villagers and the axe-wielding hitman brothers crawling towards a shrine? 202 Why is Gandalf referred to as Mithrandir? 203 Why does Obi-Wan say that hell become more powerful if Vader kills him? 204 How does Captain America know about Iron Mans parents fate? 205 In Back to the Future, how did Marty get the timing right with the lightning strike? 206 Did they torture and kill a monkey during the filming of Andromeda Strain? 207 How do actors make eye contact with CGI characters? 208 How does a rifle fire backwards? 209 Why did the girl try to kill herself in the 2009 Sherlock Holmes film? 210 Why does Westley say Rodents of Unusual Size dont exist? 211 What was the first movie to introduce blue wire or red wire bomb disposal? 212 When/Why did American television change from primarily episodic to primarily serialized? 213 Whatever doesnt kill you, simply makes you stranger - what does it mean? 214 What is it called when a movie breaks the illusion of fantasy? 215 Why did Tony Stark use a normal flip phone? 216 Did 007 exist before James Bond? 217 Why did Borden do that to his wife in The Prestige? 218 What do the spear and watermelon jokes in Airplane! mean? 219 Why do movie teams shoot alternate endings? 220 Does Sheldon Cooper have Aspergers Syndrome? 221 What was the purpose of Saitos presence during the inception job? 222 Game Over, Man...Game Over! - Whats the source? 223 Why are there not any MRI machines available in Interstellar? 224 What if a head shaving scene gets messed up? 225 Making nature documentaries: scripting then filming or the other way? 226 Did Neil Armstrong really do this on the Moon? 227 What country is the movie Babe set in, in-universe? 228 How did Mr. Bean manage to make money? 229 Why do low production studios intentionally release similar films shortly after a big banner? 230 Why do old gun fight scenes sound so weird and cartoonish? 231 Is this character hallucinating in Stormborn (S07E02)? 232 Have GoTs showrunners reacted to the poor reception of the final season? 233 What happened to the bodies in American Psycho? 234 Why can Arya still use the faces? 235 Why does Walt leave his watch at the gas station? 236 Why is the movie titled Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? 237 In what order should a newcomer watch Star Wars episodes? 238 Where is Jon going? 239 Are there any rules around when something can be described as based on a true story? 240 How and why did Disney reuse animation? 241 Why does Hollywood not use foreigners in foreigners roles? 242 Why do the lights go out when someone enters the dining room on this ship? 243 Was there a dinosaur-counter in the original Jurassic Park movie? 244 How old is Charles Muntz during Up? 245 Why does James Bond keep demanding a vodka martini that is shaken but not stirred? 246 What format do movie theaters now use? 247 What are the differences between the alternative versions of Blade Runner? 248 Kill Bill colour changes to Black and White 249 Frozen Jack: Actor or Prop? 250 Why did Vader passively accept being killed and replaced at Palpatines command? 251 Is Bran literally the worlds memory? 252 How did Thanos know about the power of The Snap? 253 Are Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff ever called Hawkeye and Black Widow in the MCU? 254 Why hasnt the elevator been fixed? 255 How do they film movies that take place in a single season? 256 Did Roger Rabbit exist prior to the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 257 Is lens flare shot organically, or added in post-production? 258 Why do movies think the speed of sound is as fast as the speed of light? 259 Why is there a disclaimer about not accepting money from tobacco companies at the end of movies? 260 What accent did the actors use in Black Panther? 261 Why does Luke leave the wampa’s cave? 262 Why does Neos cubicle not look like the workplace of a programmer? 263 Why exactly did Walt leave Gray Matter? 264 Did the Fresh Prince producers ever consider reshooting the title sequence? 265 Yeah but its a dry heat - reference to another film? 266 A galaxy far, far away... -- from where? 267 Did Tyler Durden forget his name? 268 Was The Nightmare Before Christmas meant to be a Halloween or Christmas Movie? 269 Why did Lucius interrupt Bruce during their Sonar/Submarine discussion? 270 What was the first crossover movie like The Avengers, using only movie franchises? 271 Why are trailers called trailers? 272 Why the stoic acting style in 2001 Space Odyssey? 273 Is Forrest Jr. actually Forrests son? 274 Directors Cut, Editors Cut, Theatrical Cut. What do these mean? 275 What does Mr Bean have against the three-wheeled car? 276 Why did three actors play Darth Vader? 277 What did the title of Silence of the Lambs refer to? 278 Why did the Predator not kill Arnold immediately as it killed everybody else? 279 What is the Ancient Ones mistake? 280 Where does Sherlock get his money? 281 Why does Bane protect the girl? 282 What is the point of the Red Thread/Tape around evidence or newspaper clippings? 283 How do they make tattoos in movies? 284 Why does James Bond use his real name? 285 What happened to the humans in Cars (that is if they ever existed)? 286 Why does T-1000 try to force Sarah Connor to call her son? 287 Are scorpions frequent in US suburb gardens or is this a plot exaggeration? 288 Why was the Ancient One so hesitant to teach Dr. Strange the art of sorcery? 289 Why are laugh tracks only used in TV series but not in movies? 290 Does Babyface Nelson represent anyone from The Odyssey? 291 What properties did Disney buy from 21st Century Fox? 292 How were Opening Titles and End Credits created before Computers? 293 Why were the bells ignored in S8E5? 294 Is the Three-Eyed Raven incapable of emotion? 295 Did this character show any indication of wanting to rule before S8E6? 296 What God does Captain America believe in? 297 What is Jack Nicholson tossing aside in this scene in The Shining? 298 What happens to questions that arent revealed during Jeopardy? 299 Is Clue the only film that aired true, multiple endings in theaters? 300 Ending of Donnie Darko 301 What is the meaning of Teddys last dialogue in Shutter Island? 302 Why did Lord Baelish betray Eddard Stark? 303 Empire Strikes Back - Scene in Dagobah with Darth Vader 304 How did Angier know not to appear in The Prestige? 305 How does Thanos know where all the infinity stones are? 306 What is a soap? 307 What do I need to know before watching 3D for the first time 308 Why didnt Hugo Weaving reprise his role as Red Skull? 309 Why did Steve Rogers choose this character in Endgame? 310 Why did they pick World War I over World War II in Wonder Woman? 311 Why arent the front of Oscar winner envelopes marked with the award theyre for? 312 In Iron Man, why is Tony Stark fooled for so long? 313 Where does the One of us! One of us! chant originate? 314 Why does Jack Nicholson say Heres Johnny! in The Shining when his character is called Jack? 315 What did Black Widow say? 316 Reds parole hearings in The Shawshank Redemption 317 Why doesnt Marty use the other DeLorean? 318 Did John McClane know Bill Clay was really Hans Gruber? If so, how? 319 Why does Archer say Balls whenever someone says Benoit? 320 Why did Obi-Wan have to explain full details about Mos Eisley to Luke? 321 Why did Jon Snow do this immoral act if he is so honorable? 322 Why is Pulp Fictions opening scene different to the one near the end? 323 How can weightlessness be simulated on film? 324 How did Alan Turing break the Enigma code using the hint given by the lady in the bar? 325 Who is the titular Last Jedi? 326 Why do the kicks have to occur simultaneously? 327 How was 1917 filmed as a continuous shot? 328 Why do the toys blink alternately? 329 How much does Joey owe Chandler? 330 Why is Captain Marvel translated as male in Portugal? 331 Why do the Avengers have bad radio discipline? 332 Did Spaceballs have to get permission for Pizza the Hutt 333 Is this an inconsistency in the Infinity War and Guardians of the Galaxy? 334 How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat? 335 Is Angry Birds deterministic? 336 Whats the most efficient Minecraft mining strategy? 337 Where is the impossible space in Portal 2? 338 My head keeps falling off. What can I do? 339 How can I kill adorable animals? 340 Why do video game framerates need to be so much higher than TV and cinema framerates? 341 Why did you have to blow into an NES cartridge to make it work? 342 Why is 3333360 the maximum score in Pac-Man? 343 Is it dangerous to go extreme pig riding in a thunderstorm? 344 How do GameShark codes work? 345 How do I continue downloading a game in Steam while playing? 346 How can I reach Whimsyshire, the secret level in Diablo III? 347 Is it possible to jump over the flag-pole in Super Mario Bros? 348 How can I move an installed game from one Steam library folder to another? 349 How do I lick a plane? 350 Is a horse actually faster than running? 351 How do I move Steam games to a new computer without re-downloading them? 352 How can I keep monsters out of my nether regions? 353 Is No Mans Sky actually multiplayer? 354 What can I do with Dragon Bones and Scales? 355 What is the terminal velocity of a sheep? 356 Is Minecraft Turing-Complete? 357 How do I increase the maximum amount of weight my character can carry before they become encumbered? 358 In Skyrim, what is the point of placing items into other peoples inventories (reverse pick-pocketing)? 359 Are the Draugr apologizing to me? 360 Can I give the naked stalking courier his clothes back? 361 Uhh... I got drunk and trashed a temple. How do I pick up the mess? 362 Is it possible to hit a mine on first click? 363 Besides practicing, what are some great ways to become a better player? 364 How do I find my follower if and when they leave me? 365 Does it make a difference to CP if you feed candies before or after evolving? 366 What does each SPECIAL stat in Fallout Shelter do? 367 What build order should I use for Zerg in StarCraft 2? 368 How do I disable Civ 5s opening movie? 369 What is the minimum safe spacing between trees to contain forest fires? 370 How does Skyrim determine if a dungeon is cleared 371 How do I deliver a baby? 372 How do I remove a Steam game from my library? 373 Which doge represents what number? 374 Do Blasts Pass Through Obsidian? 375 How do I do a Barrel Roll? 376 Is there any way to hide your Steam status from others? 377 Where are all the random dungeons? 378 Whats different in Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut? 379 How can I level water? 380 Can I save my weighted companion cube in room 17? 381 Can I ride the unicorn? If not, can I kill the unicorn? 382 What are the differences between the different anti-aliasing / multisampling settings? 383 Can I filter my Steam library by tags or features? 384 Can I cook a fairy? 385 Where can I safely store my stuff? 386 How do I make money efficiently? 387 Is there any reason for me to sleep? 388 Why do pro gamers use two pairs of headphones? 389 Can I permanently kill important people? 390 How can I make a villager have an... accident? 391 How do enemies and monsters level up? 392 Why is it needed to hold reset when powering off the NES? 393 Should I play Portal before Portal 2? 394 Al Gore wont leave me alone. How do I unfriend him on Facebook? 395 Legal ways of playing old games that arent for sale any longer 396 How do I unlock all the other ships in the hangar? 397 Why are my kids naked? 398 Does hitting a sheep in the face yield more wool? 399 What is the blue aura around my Pokemon? 400 Can I tell Steam which monitor to open a game on? 401 How can a deaf player detect where monsters and caves are? 402 What does 8-bit / 16-bit actually refer to? 403 Why are bosses called bosses? 404 Why do console games require a button press before showing the main menu? 405 How do I remove the limit on PC keyboard button presses? 406 I caught an Eevee, which of its evolutions will it evolve into? 407 Does everyone see the same Pokémon? 408 Is there locational damage in Skyrim? 409 Where does the concept of Mana as a resource come from? 410 How do I accept a Yield? 411 What is this dimly lit dungeon filled with corpses I moved to via the console? 412 What are the popular build orders for Protoss in StarCraft 2? 413 How close should cities be built in Civ 5? 414 My wife is stuck in a wall, can I save her? 415 How can I tell if a Steam game syncs my saved games to the Steam Cloud? 416 What is kiting? 417 Im on fire. So? 418 Whats the difference between Bug and Glitch? 419 What are the Key Gameplay Differences between Valves DOTA 2 vs League of Legends? 420 Does shooting people make them dislike me? 421 What is Fezs alphabet? 422 What additional features do you get after spending five dollars on Steam? 423 How do you force Steam to use a different account for each Windows user account on the same machine? 424 How far is a yard on screen? 425 Whats the difference between life, health, armour and shield? 426 How to move a fullscreen game to the second monitor? 427 Whats the difference between a Roguelike and a Roguelite game? 428 What happens when you reach the edge of the world? 429 What does the Damage stat on the character sheet actually mean? How is DPS Calculated? 430 Has Mario and Luigi being plumbers had any effect on the plot of any game? 431 What outfits will keep Mario warm? 432 How do you safely pray to your god? 433 Does air pressure equalize more quickly if the doors are open? 434 How can I beat the final boss in Faster Than Light? 435 Why do speed-runners usually use the Japanese version of a game? 436 How far can mobs see? 437 Why are some CS:GO weapons considered noob guns? 438 Is this minesweeper board inconsistent? 439 Why isnt my Minecraft LAN server working? 440 Whats the goal of Minecraft and what can users achieve in this world? 441 Is it a bad idea to take drugs? 442 Can I back up and restore my FTL save file? 443 Is Mario or Luigi the older brother? 444 How do I earn SC2s Hurry up, its raid night achievement? 445 How can I find lesbians? 446 How do I not get lost underground? 447 How do I know if an NPC is hostile? 448 How do I find Dungeons in Minecraft? 449 Can I sort my Steam games by installed size? 450 How can I record demos of my gameplay? 451 What exactly is a cheese in Starcraft 2? 452 Can you start with Pikachu in Pokemon Go? 453 What are the popular openings / builds for Terran in StarCraft 2? 454 How can I stop NPCs from picking up my dropped items? 455 Why would a Pokemons CP show as ???? 456 Do I get any benefits from petting my chicken? 457 Which NPCs share my love of eating dead NPCs? 458 How many cities should I build for a cultural victory? 459 Why are people who spend a lot of money on video game micro-transactions called whales? 460 Part of my house is inexplicably gone 461 What is the optimum pattern to place crops in Minecraft? 462 Does GLaDOS say anything meaningful when she gives us the fast version in Test Chamber 8? 463 How do I build a house for my NPCs? 464 Is it possible to play two different Steam games on the same account at the same time? 465 Why do people look at me sometimes and make remarks that I should sleep, or that I look ill? 466 What does Game of the Year actually mean? 467 What are coins for in Super Mario Kart on SNES? 468 Is a Pokémons weight and height relevant? 469 Whats the point of fighting monsters in Zelda BotW? 470 What are the correct answers to The Frogs questions, and what is the reward when I get them all correct? 471 Can I alt-tab out of Minecraft without the game auto-pausing? 472 How much can my follower carry? 473 How to switch between 2 Steam accounts on one PC without having to enter mobile code every time? 474 What alien bits should I sell? 475 Is there a list of error codes for Minecraft? 476 Which characters unlock each scene? 477 Should I accept a ship surrendering or should I finish it off? 478 What is the meaning of the number 54 in Blizzards games? 479 What are the colours of Lisas jewelry in portrait room? 480 How can I find my Worlds Strongholds? 481 How can I turn off a Wireless Xbox One controller on Windows 10? 482 Is there any way to start Steam in offline mode without logging in first? 483 Is Skyrim kid friendly? 484 How do you prevent Sims from aging? 485 How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar? 486 Is there a downside to going multiple days without sleeping? 487 How does egg hatching distance relate to the hatched Pokémon? 488 What do I do when two squares are equally valid? 489 Why is there a 0 CP egg in this gym? 490 Unsold Atari videogames dumped in a desert? 491 Where are the save files in Skyrim? 492 What is the perfect base layout? 493 How do I survive in the Nether? 494 How does invisibility work in Skyrim? 495 Why does the original Game Boy support four shades of grey? 496 What is the average battery life of an NES cartridge? 497 Whats the difference between Free versus Free to Play on Steam? 498 Is dodging an effective strategy, and if so, how can I use it most optimally? 499 Does the difficulty for the Google dinosaur game infinitely increase or stop at a certain point? 500 Which game is this animation of a guy with a green shirt, backpack, and blue pants from? 501 How should I learn to play Dwarf Fortress? 502 What do Steam Profile levels do? 503 How do you short stocks in GTA5? 504 What do the different symbols on the map represent? 505 How do I respec a follower in Diablo 3? 506 What are the connections between Portal series plot and Half-Life series plot? 507 Hand exercises after a gaming session? 508 Why is camping considered bad gameplay? 509 What merchant has the most gold? 510 Can I save Faridah Malik? 511 What is Steam rating and what does it do? 512 How do I take the companion cube with me after the level Cold Boot in Portal 2? 513 How much time has passed between the events in Portal 1 and 2? 514 How can I reliably catch fish without drowning? 515 How can I kill my goat? 516 Is it bad if all my kittens starve? 517 My neighbour is rich. I want in on that 518 How do I restore the glory of the Thieves Guild? 519 Does it make any difference if I choose the Bird or the Cage Brooch? 520 How do I connect the initial highway to my six-lane road? 521 How can I reduce panic in a country? 522 What are the rules of Caravan? 523 What is V-Sync and when should I enable it? 524 What do these triangles in my inventory mean? 525 What can I do with trainer levels? 526 Retail boxed Steam activated games: can they be resold? 527 How do I un-nock an arrow? 528 First thing to learn when beginning League of Legends 529 My children are useless. What should I do? 530 What are the effects of the various Protectron Personality Modes? 531 How large is Skyrim? 532 Is there a chart showing all unit upgrade paths in Civilization 5? 533 What is ping, and why is it important? 534 Is there a way to turn off the ad popup that appears when you close a Steam game? 535 What are the possible catch bonuses and how much experience do they reward? 536 How do I ward properly in League of Legends? 537 Is there a way to keep Zombie Pigmen off of minecart tracks in the Nether? 538 All the contents of my shelter exploded, killing me and leaving my shelter virtually unscathed. How could this happen? 539 Where did the Goombas come from? 540 Does Wheatley actually look for my dead body after an hour? 541 What happens if a hearthstone game is unwinnable for both players? 542 Does lightning strike on an angle? 543 Whos telling the truth? Saadia or Kematu? 544 What is the best way to defend settlements? 545 Is it worth connecting my cities with roads early in Civ 5? 546 Why doesnt Duck Hunt work on plasma or LCD screens? 547 What does the full research tree look like? 548 How can I go to war without getting everyone else displeased in Civilization V? 549 How do I level up in ingress? 550 How to turn off game notifications in Windows 10 551 Is marrying my own sister a good idea? 552 What is Direct X, and why do games keep on requesting different versions? 553 What happened to my face? 554 Origin of achievements 555 Are there replays of bad (new) players with commentary? 556 Free Games on Steam? 557 What does Mad Moxxis tip jar in Sanctuary do? 558 What is an effective way to level Archery? 559 How many endings are in the 2013 edition of The Stanley Parable? 560 What do these symbols mean? 561 Do these leaves signify anything? 562 How can I avoid a tedious end-game? 563 If I hear a mob in Minecraft, how far away could it be? 564 Where did the 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 number come from? 565 What are the gaming references in these book titles in Doom: Eternal? 566 Is there a definitive Best Weapon for each weapon type in Skyrim? 567 What happens when I get attacked by another player? 568 Is there a difference between running games in Windowed or Fullscreen mode? 569 What are the advantages/disadvantages of each race? 570 Do I level up a spell faster by casting often or by casting longer? 571 So I was out drinking last night...how do I remove a tattoo? 572 How does X% Chance of Finding Magical Items work for a party? 573 How did this Mercy get 104% Kill Participation? 574 How can I increase my chances of getting cancer? 575 Is it common to die at work? 576 Are there disadvantages to wearing armor as a mage casting spells? 577 What determines when you do a finishing move? 578 How can I sort/organize my Steam game library? 579 How do I play EVE Online for free? 580 Why is Steam saying my friends are playing Hello Kitty: Island Adventure when I know they arent? 581 How can I avoid mobs spawning inside my house while I sleep? 582 How can I prevent Gaming Sickness? 583 My large rocket is still flipping over 584 What is the effect of one point of block skill? 585 How can I get my wife to stop nagging about a few murders? 586 Whats the key to failure in roguelikes? 587 What are steam gems? 588 What is an effective way to level smithing? 589 Whats the level cap in Skyrim? 590 How do you cope with unhappiness in Civilization 5? 591 How do I defeat/sneak past proximity mines? 592 What are some pros and cons of the different races? 593 How do I mark an inventory item as trash? 594 How do I catch a Ditto? 595 Can I trust Steam-powered games? Is there any unwanted behavior installed with Steam? 596 Is it possible to scale an emulators video to see more of the level? 597 Should I call my mom? 598 How does the garage system work in GTA V? 599 How can I beat level 3-15 in Angry Birds? 600 Whats the difference between Full controller support and Partial controller support? 601 Tricks for getting lots of arrows? 602 What persists after a respawn in Minecraft? 603 Once you build a University, can the high school and community college be safely closed? 604 Is there any way to cause lava source blocks to replicate in Minecraft? 605 How can I check if my computers powerful enough to run a certain game? 606 What can I do to secure my towns/castles/hovels from climbing spiders? 607 Whats the correct number of workers to put on gathering vespene and minerals in StarCraft 2? 608 Does crew headcount or race influence oxygen usage? 609 How do I get rid of my bounty? 610 How do I copy Steam game files from another PC while the games still downloading? 611 Can I transfer my Terraria character from one PC to another? 612 Why cant I destroy or place blocks? 613 How do I infect Madagascar? 614 How do I transport items upwards from a monster trap? 615 How deep does water have to be to prevent fall damage? 616 Why do Counter-Strike players switch weapons so frequently? 617 Grelka. Light of my life. Fire of my loins. My sin, My soul. Why the hell wont you marry me? 618 What is a pixel shader? 619 Can I get a photo of an Ancient Arrow? 620 Finding Zinc on a dead moon - without a spaceship 621 Why won’t the ground take my seed? 622 Can you marry a girl in Stardew Valley if you are a girl? 623 Is it possible to improve reflexes for gaming? 624 How do I become a goat again after turning into a bag? 625 What triggers crew experience increases? 626 Im surrounded by idiots. Who do I have to kill to get my hands on a superior brain? 627 Will sleeping with my sons wife have a negative effect on our relationship? 628 What order should I play the Half-life series in? 629 How far do I have to place torches so that mobs will not spawn near me? 630 What do those abbreviations mean in League of Legends? 631 Can I revive dead party members? 632 Can I catch Pokémon when I move very quickly? 633 Why do so many Raiders behave like psychopaths? 634 Do you lose any friendship points if somebody sees you digging in a garbage bin? 635 How did Minecrafts Java/Bedrock split come to pass? 636 Can I really feed crawdads to cows in Stardew Valley? 637 Do I really stink or are people just being mean? 638 Is investing money at the bank just a scam? 639 What is the fastest way to travel long distances in Minecraft? 640 How do I show my wounds to Robbie? 641 What does the battery saver do in PokemonGo? 642 How can I tell if my Wii Remote is counterfeit? (with pics) 643 What is the name of this squad-based battle game? 644 What is the penalty for being cloned? 645 What is the most effective way to mock someone elses religion? 646 How to tell if there is a spy on my head? 647 Interaction between high ground, detection, and vision 648 Where did my screenshots go? 649 What do these steps in Pokémon Go mean? 650 Becoming a billionaire in GTA V (not GTA Online) 651 How can I stop Steam from loading when I start my computer? 652 Install Steam and most games in one large HDD but some popular games on a separate SSD 653 Are Soul Gem fragments worth keeping? 654 Why are my enchanted items worth less and less? 655 Are any Skyrim characters carried over from Oblivion or earlier? 656 How do I throw a Curveball? 657 Does Arrow to the Knee truly signify marriage? 658 How can I see more detailed information about my skills? 659 My city is in a chronic recession 660 How do I remove arrows stuck in my body? 661 How can I tell how long (more or less) it will take me to complete a game? 662 What is the fastest way to kill my family? 663 How to end the game in 2-player Lemmings (Super Nintendo), with no Nuke option? 664 What is the fastest way to level up my alchemy skill? 665 What do the different apostle skills (Evangelise belief, Launch inquisition, Spread religion) do in Civ 6, and how can I heal them? 666 How can I cure lycanthropy? 667 Is it possible to install Steam games to two different locations? 668 What do the values on the Minecraft debug screen represent? 669 I bought a dog. What is it good for? 670 Why are there cows on my spaceship? 671 How do the Treasure Goblins work? 672 What quests do you need to stop at before you make an enemy of a faction for each faction? 673 How does aggro work in Diablo III? 674 If I start now, can I catch every Pokémon in Pokémon Go? 675 Could using ALT + F4 to close a game corrupt Save data? 676 Can horses act as witnesses? 677 I need some help getting rid of a body 678 Can I drink myself stupid? 679 Where can I find Anna, the Barons wife? 680 Can I force Steam to use my Nvidia GPU instead of the integrated Intel card? 681 Can Minecraft Pocket Edition play with a desktop Minecraft? 682 What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vampire? 683 Whats the most efficient way to get experience? 684 How does the difficulty level affect the gameplay in Skyrim? 685 Finding my house in minecraft 686 What are Foil Trading Cards? 687 How can I protect my buildings against creepers? 688 What is the progression route in Terraria? 689 What are the lyrics to the Turret Opera at the end of Portal 2? 690 Can I safely uninstall games purchased from Steam? 691 Wheres this Unit Analysis View? 692 Do I earn less experience or items if I have a follower? 693 How can I play Day of the Tentacle? 694 What is Stream Sniping? 695 Determining if a game is CPU- or GPU-limited 696 How can I keep playing online-only Flash games after the Flash shutdown in 2020? 697 Should I be concerned for Viruses when I download through Steam? 698 As a queen, what must I do to take the son of my husbands dynasty out of succession line? 699 What happened on September 24 1990 (or 1998) at 08:24? 700 How do I know who I slept with? 701 Does leaving a sector early give the player more time in the next sector? 702 How long does it take for an expansion to become an advantage? 703 How do I destroy Nekker nests? 704 What are some good heroes for a beginner? 705 Is there a way to manually update a game? 706 What are the most profitable meals and elixirs I can cook? 707 How do I make Steam stop broadcasting my activity to everyone? 708 Is there any point in adding a non-Steam game to Steam? 709 How do trading card booster packs drop? 710 What tools do you use to help you build structures? 711 How do I find diamonds? 712 Is there a way to hide that you own a game in the steam store? 713 What is the nature of Skyrims infinitely generated quests? 714 How do I take off my pants? 715 How to stop the death waves in my city? 716 What are the strengths and weaknesses of each follower? 717 Is the determination of which tetris block comes next random? 718 What is Vanilla? 719 Can I shoot an eagle? 720 Why can Ditto permanently forget how to use Struggle in Generation 1 when Transform is out of PP? 721 Whats the most efficient way to transfer workers that are mining minerals to mine gas instead? 722 Can I kill everybody? 723 What exactly is the Masamune sword? 724 How can I not snap peoples necks (or only snap it a little bit)? 725 What is a good strategy to deal with lots of engineers turtling on the other team? 726 How to identify items without getting killed 727 Progression through WoW that avoids spiders 728 How do I know who is talking? 729 How can I find the actual seed code for my map? 730 What is CP? Why is it important? 731 How can I repair Mr. Handy? 732 How do I beat the first boss (Barrett)? 733 Is there any disadvantage to selling a Bobblehead or a magazine in Fallout 4? 734 Is there a way to see Minecrafts source code? 735 What are all the hidden quests in Hearthstone? 736 Switched Windows to Mac, do I have to buy Steam games again to play on Mac? 737 How do I rendezvous and dock with a ship in orbit? 738 Whats the story behind the drawings on the wall in Portal 2? 739 Can someone steal my Gym? 740 Does the original Game Boy game Tetris have a battery memory inside the cartridge? 741 What happens if I catch Wheatley? 742 What is the purpose of MMO maintenance? 743 How can we assign handicaps in our Age of Empires 2 games? 744 How can I kill puppies without consequences? 745 Is it possible to eat quietly in Minecraft? 746 Do positive coordinate locations give more ore in Minecraft? 747 What is the optimal strategy for the launched site in Stack Egg? 748 What are the chances that the battle minigame will be a 50-coin-per-player battle? 749 Can I send money to my friends Steam wallet? 750 When do I have to decide between the different factions? 751 How are Pokestops chosen? 752 How can my friend and I play TF2 against bots? 753 How, specifically, does the difficulty level affect the game? 754 Any way to mass sell all my steam trading cards? 755 Can I steal anything without repercussions? 756 What is 110813 in Minecraft? 757 Should I assign dwellers to the storage room? 758 What are the pros and cons to Elective Mode in Diablo 3? 759 Why do I need to delete the META-INF folder when installing mods? 760 What happens when you die? 761 How Can I Butcher Animals en Masse? 762 What are the dangers of accepting gifts from unknown accounts on Steam? 763 How do I disable the windows key when in-game? 764 How to get to the secret blue rupee room? 765 Are Waluigi and Wario brothers? 766 Is there any point in buying a hard copy of a game anymore? 767 How did the designers of Super Mario Brothers 3 expect anyone to find the first Warp Whistle? 768 Why am I tripping out? 769 I dont like Hell, can I go somewhere else? 770 How does a Joy-Con know what color it is? 771 What happens if your teleporter gets damaged when your entire remaining crew are currently boarding? 772 How can I tell teammates from spies? 773 What are some effective methods of scouting in Starcraft 2? 774 Keep items in inventory on death in Minecraft 775 Can I use an Xbox 360 controller to play Xbox One? 776 Should I install Xbox 360 games to my hard drive? 777 Theres a Pokémon in the kebab store! Can I turn off augmented reality? 778 What are the medals good for? 779 How do you kill children? 780 Why cant I travel between these systems with wavy connecting lines? 781 How can I play SMP when minecraft.net is down? 782 Are Diamond Pickaxes sustainable for diamond mining in Minecraft? 783 Why did Stones of Jordan (SoJs) become the currency at one point in Diablo 2? 784 Dwarf Fortress learning curve 785 What exactly is a softlock? 786 What game (isometric perspective, showing buildings and trees) is shown in this newspaper snippet? 787 Do items de-spawn in Diablo? 788 Why does the car Im currently driving spawn a lot more? 789 What can I do if the game disconnects while a Pokemon is being caught? 790 What is the most productive use of early game gold? 791 My wife tried to kill me! What did I do wrong? 792 Where are all of the hidden vault symbols for the Cult of the Vault challenges? 793 How can I clear the water out of this area? 794 How do I build large, healthy cities in Simcity 4? 795 What are the keyboard shortcuts of Civilization 5? 796 Where does the Binding of Isaac store its saved data? 797 Why are Steams hours played numbers wrong for so many games? 798 What is the use of Brahmins in settlements? 799 What happens if I ignore my Fallout Shelter game for two weeks? 800 What is the difference between the dashed and solid attack bars? 801 Is there any way to guide what class a rookie will become? 802 How do I make an effective Minecraft SMP trap? 803 How precisely does the StarCraft 2 handicap feature work? 804 Maurice Jondrelle is an idiot whos going to get us both killed 805 What is the purpose of disguising yourself as your own team? 806 How can I kill Mom? 807 Is there a way to download the box art for Steam games? 808 What game is this character in the Pixels movie from? 809 What is OpenGL and why did a player get banned for it? 810 Why did my dog just eat my cat? 811 Why can I sometimes take half of a shops items while the oher half is considered stealing? 812 Who is the mysterious G-man in the Half-Life series? 813 Which merchants pay best? 814 How to turn off PS4 controller? 815 How do I fix this broken stasis pod? 816 How to most effectively explore underwater? 817 Can I catch shiny Pokémon? 818 Whats the best way to protect your house from Endermen stealing your walls? 819 What bonuses does a deity level AI get and how do I deal with them? 820 Is Starbound the sequel to Terraria? or what is their relationship? 821 How does road maintenance work? 822 Can someone explain me OpenTTDs train signals quick and easy? 823 What is the Formula for Unit Maintenance in Civilization V? 824 What is radial blur? 825 Does Mowing the Grass have benefits beyond aesthetics in RollerCoaster Tycoon? 826 Is it realistic to completely avoid PvP in EVE Online? 827 How do I keep up with the power curve? 828 What is arbitrary code execution (ACE) and how does it affect speedrunning? 829 What actions wear down weapon durability in Breath of the Wild? 830 I gave up on this Minesweeper board. Is there a correct move that makes this solveable with certainty? 831 Is the computer cheating at Dice Poker? 832 How do I limit my gaming? 833 Which game first introduced the concept of weapon recoil? 834 Which MS-DOS game is this screenshot from? 835 Is there a way to make StarCraft 2 remember my battle.net password? 836 Can Endermen build Snowmen or Iron Golems? 837 What do I get from a skill being Legendary? 838 How do I connect power to a light bulb? 839 SSAO vs. HBAO vs. HDAO - Whats the real difference? 840 What are the maximum bag space and Pokemon storage? How many upgrades are needed to reach the limits? 841 How exactly do I install Minecraft Mods and what is Forge? 842 How do I beat the Reaper on Rannoch? 843 How do I get rid of eggs? 844 What does it mean to promote a multiplayer character? 845 How do you get out of a boat in Minecraft? 846 Is it possible to turn a Minecraft single player map into multi-player server? 847 Where’s Wally’s secret location? (level 6) 848 What blocks can Endermen pick up and what blocks they cant? 849 How do I not screw up the best ending in Cave Story? 850 Is it possible to limit the download bandwidth used by Steam? 851 Are Declarations of Friendship worth it? 852 Do I need to buy all the released updates to begin playing WoW? 853 How do armor, resistances and missile/melee damage reduction interact? 854 Can I store my pixels somewhere so I dont lose them when I die? 855 What is the formula for city connection income? 856 How is the Monolith puzzle in Fez supposed to be solved? 857 Can I get a cat? 858 Whats the difference between the Fancy and Fast settings in Minecraft? 859 What happened to the heroes from Diablo 2? 860 Do I have to install a game to keep it, if it is free for a limited time? 861 Why dont pro LoL players concede while pro DotA 2 players concede virtually every match? 862 What happens if both players die simultaneously? 863 Which heroes can clear this jump on Volskaya Industries? 864 Why is there still screen tearing even when fps are limited to be equal to monitor refresh rate? 865 Can I marry my grandmother? 866 How can I kill myself in Nethack? 867 FTL - What happens when your crew is full? will you still be offered new crew? can you elect to swap crew members? 868 Is Socketed Thing That Should Not Be Of Razors real or a bug? 869 How can I choose the zoom level for my map? 870 What happens when I transfer a Pokémon to the Professor? 871 Is it possible to sell stolen items? 872 Are there any blocks that spiders cannot climb? 873 Ive got an XS Pokémon. Is it special? 874 Where are the key wardens and where are my Infernal Machines to create a Hellfire Ring/Hellfire Amulet? 875 Whats the fastest way to find mineshafts? 876 Which configuration of armor enchantments gives maximum protection? 877 Can two users play on a Minecraft server using the same account? 878 Is possible to use 2 Xbox 360 wireless controllers in PC, using just one receiver? 879 Is there a limit to the number of tiles a city can use in Civ 5? 880 What is the Black Mushroom item used for? 881 Is it possible to maximize all the skills and gain all the perks? 882 Are the days and nights in Minecraft of equal length? 883 How is listed DPS calculated when dual-wielding weapons? 884 Is there a diagram showing the requirements for each promotion? 885 Do I need a harbor in the capital to make trade routes from other harbors work? 886 Are there any consequences of placing a city on a resource? 887 Can fish be caught in all water tiles? 888 Can you get to blocked-in areas? 889 Does food expire/rot in Stardew Valley? 890 What determines where XM is generated? 891 What is the starting bias for different factions? 892 Can I skip cutscenes in XCOM: Enemy Unknown? 893 What is the purpose of this unreachable lever? 894 What are the original controls of Doom (1993)? 895 Prevent kids from accidentally making purchases in Steam 896 How do I quickly create a safe shelter? 897 Does Herobrine exist? 898 What is the objective in Minecraft Classic? 899 How do I build and fight simultaneously? 900 Are there any double, triple star systems in No Mans Sky? 901 Which tasks can be visually confirmed by other crew members? 902 What are the basics of commands in Minecraft Java Edition? 903 Wolfenstein 3D is now available for free online. But is this version any different than the original? 904 How fat is Steve? 905 Can Ugh-Zan IV be defeated at all on Serious difficulty at 400% health? 906 Do Engi extinguish fires faster? 907 What happens if I retreat first? 908 What rare items exist in Minecraft, and where can I find them? 909 How do I take screenshots of fullscreen games on a Windows 7 PC? 910 What does a Scavenging Station do and how do I use it? 911 What is this hole for in the controller? 912 What does the message Too few services mean? 913 How many steps are there actually on the path to High Hrothgar 914 What happens to the bonuses when I build a city in a special resource tile? 915 What does Squelch mean? 916 How do I deal with a runaway bride? 917 How do you identify rare items? 918 Whats the fastest way to take over a portal in ingress? 919 How do I permanently destroy blocks in Minecraft? 920 How do I counter the 7 roach rush build? 921 How can I disable automatically joining the General chat when I log in? 922 What is the difference between Non-Player Characters (NPCs) and bots in video games? 923 Does Razz Berry work for the next throw or catch? 924 What does Metroidvania mean? 925 Does Elite Dangerous properly simulate space? 926 Why did my relationship with my wife go down by two hearts? 927 What happens when you exceed 999999 points in Super Mario Bros.? 928 Is there an achievement for getting the basketball in the hoop? 929 Where can I find vomiting people? 930 Do the deaths in the tutorial lock me out of The Untouchables? 931 Is there a way to remove all items from squad members, or exchange items between squad members? 932 Can I change my ship color? 933 What is Zeldas Legend? 934 Pokémon had no moves left with plenty of PP 935 How do I buy a graphics card? 936 Why didnt main characters continue to move in War In Middle Earth? 937 What happens to free games obtained through PlayStation Plus after it expires? 938 What is the maximum number of people that will join a settlement? 939 What makes a villager spawn? 940 Can I buy a horse for my follower? 941 How do I use poisons? 942 How can I view my FPS in Diablo 3? 943 Can I register a retail boxed copy of a game with Steam? 944 Whats the point of leveling up in Minecraft? 945 Does walking fast prevent eggs hatching? 946 How many evolutions can be done in 30 minutes 947 Is it possible to achieve the Unachievable achievement in The Stanley Parable? 948 What determines when a location is CLEARED on the map? 949 Where are all the stars located? 950 How can I find out the rarest Steam achievement? 951 How do I find slimes in Minecraft? 952 What does Minecrafts scary music mean? 953 How long does a Pokémon stay in one location? 954 How do you make an effective Minecraft mob trap? 955 What, exactly, is Bukkit for Minecraft? 956 Does time pass on a Minecraft SMP server if nobody is logged on? 957 How do I prevent GeForce from making changes to Skyrim 958 Do automated reloaders stack? 959 Whats the easiest or quickest way to build bases under water? 960 What happens if you choose GLaDOS way in Portal 2? 961 Whats the best way to grow mushrooms? 962 Is there a way to play KSP without having studied rocket science? 963 What is the FEAR strategy? 964 Are there any jump scares/giant sea monsters that would affect someone with thalassophobia? 965 How do you find the glitch Pokemon MissingNo in Pokemon Red/Blue? 966 Game Over if all crew dead but have cloning bay? 967 What happens if a Pokémon hits multiple evolution criteria at once? 968 How do you get SAM to shut up? 969 What in the world happened with my cauliflower? 970 What does the bracketed number mean in longplay titles? 971 Does any trainer in the core Pokémon games use Unown? 972 Whos the brown dinosaur in Braid? 973 Get steam to realize I have games already installed 974 What are the level names in Rocket League? 975 How can I disable creepers block damage on my Minecraft server? 976 How can I beat Terramorphous the Invincible? 977 How do I combat enemies in the water? 978 Are there any advantages to using two daggers, as opposed to a dagger and sword? 979 How can I change my characters appearance after starting Pokémon GO? 980 How often do trading cards drop? 981 Whats the total size of all games I have on Steam? 982 Can I find out what data is in the Steam Cloud for my games? 983 How do I know what type of soul a creature has? 984 How do I do science? 985 How is skill damage calculated based on weapon damage? 986 What tactics are best for killing Deathclaws? 987 What actions give XP in Deus Ex: Human Revolution? 988 Is there a reason to not disenchant extra cards? 989 Are companion perks in Fallout 4 permanent? 990 Why do people call their characters toons? 991 What are the two hidden achievements, and how do I get them? 992 How do I build down? 993 Can I get a country back into XCOM program? 994 Dual casting spells 995 How is the skillset of an evolution being chosen? 996 How did part of my house in minecraft disappear? 997 How can I get a pod back from orbit when its out of fuel? 998 How does one properly utilize Gyms? 999 Does the hunger meter decrease at a constant rate? 1000 What are the pros and cons of flat vs. scaling runes? 1001 Is combining gems worthwhile? 1002 How can I get junk in my trunk? 1003 Am I subject to any disadvantages when sharing Steam games? 1004 SkyrimSE is Quiet 1005 Cutting my kid loose from my PS account? 1006 How can I get my settlers off the roof without a mod? 1007 How to find a players redstone clock (or other aggressive circuitry)? 1008 What is Hammertime a reference to? 1009 What is the probability of 4? 1010 How can I find Pokemon using the sightings feature? 1011 What can I do to help orienting myself in Minecraft Alpha? 1012 Why are there no infected transports between two 100% infected countries? 1013 How can I tell which layers there are in an in-progress fortress in Dwarf Fortress? 1014 Why am I peeing? 1015 Why make cheese if milk is already food? 1016 Does competitive gaming have anti-doping regulations? 1017 A faster way for making developed cities in Civilization 5 SDK? 1018 How do you make a local (LAN) server in minecraft? 1019 Best vehicle for each stage in Hill Climb Racing 1020 Where can I learn to fly in Pandaria? 1021 What are nether fortesses and how can I find them? 1022 Can I use my regular 3.5mm headphones with a PS4? 1023 What does dipping my head in wax do? 1024 Can I refund a perk point? 1025 Whats the difference between closed captions and subtitles in Portal? 1026 How can I maximize my skill points gained in Kingdoms of Amalur? 1027 How to play a mage in Skyrim? 1028 Bulk activate product keys in Steam 1029 Does the water table replenish? 1030 How can I safely explore far away from my spawn point? 1031 How do I determine what my TF2 items are worth? 1032 How do I prevent my imbecile son from being an heir? 1033 What actions gain experience for units? 1034 Do the Steam ToS allow a single person to have 2 Steam accounts? 1035 Can you transfer your saved game from the PC version of FTL to the iPad? 1036 How do I prevent followers from blocking doorways? 1037 How do I rename a category in Steam? 1038 What is Carolines fate at the end of Portal 2? 1039 Can the Xbox Kinect laser cause vision problems? 1040 Why are Fallouts computers so backwards? 1041 Who is GLaDOSs only friend? 1042 What is (or rather, was) Herobrine? 1043 Is it possible to detect a player consuming food items? 1044 What causes Purifier tanks to explode? 1045 Are there non-breakable weapons? 1046 Whats the right term for the list of X killed Y with Z messages in a multiplayer shooter? 1047 Is there a downside to slaughtering everyone I meet? 1048 In Portal games, do you always exit a portal at a right angle to its surface? 1049 How to apply a useful uniform to my human mercenaries? 1050 Do you lose subscriptions to (and files of) mods if it went from free to paid? 1051 Utility of level 3 sensors? 1052 What is the fastest car in GTA 5, and where can I find it? 1053 How do I obtain more Golden Keys for Golden Chest(s)? 1054 In Pokemon GO, what are my Pokemons hidden IV stats, and why do they matter? 1055 Where is the first available house in Skyrim? 1056 Can I save Roggvir? 1057 How to increase influence in Stellaris? 1058 Can I cure the Genophage without losing a Salarian? 1059 How to channel Redstone current vertically? 1060 How to prevent water from freezing 1061 Whats the difference between Bilinear, Trilinear, and Anisotropic texture filtering? 1062 Does the blue highlight indicate anything? 1063 Should I take One Mind if I want to continue to play? 1064 How do I make big jungle trees? 1065 How do subsequent playthroughs work? 1066 Can I run a steam game without updating it first? 1067 Whats the best strategy for Survival: Endless mode? 1068 How do you heal in Pokemon Go? 1069 Difference between capturing and killing an enemy VIP? 1070 How to install mods for the new Minecraft launcher 1071 Whats the maximum number of powered rails in a row thats useful? 1072 How do I know when Ive 100%d the game? 1073 How can I raise a soldiers hacking ability? 1074 How does the armor value work? 1075 What is Smurfing in online games? 1076 What do the red text properties on weapons mean? 1077 How does the massacre bonus work? 1078 Is there any way to speed up actions in XCOM 2? 1079 Difference and meaning between remastered and remake 1080 Will I be able to play my Steam games when I move from Russia to Germany? If not, what can I do? 1081 Whats the secret to playing Pyro? 1082 Why would a gym ever be left undefended? 1083 Are there Pokemon in areas without roads? 1084 Does playing more than 200 hours in BOTW erase the first bits of Heroes Path? 1085 What are all the sources of XP? 1086 Is there a distance limit for minecart tracks? 1087 Minecraft, without the death? 1088 What happens to my 2nd wife if I stop being polygamous in CK3? 1089 When should I let my teammates die? 1090 What are the consequences of not caring about traffic jams? 1091 How do I find out the mythology and history of my Fortress? 1092 What does it mean to savescum? 1093 Why is my pistol a grenade? 1094 How cost effective is Recall 1095 My character keeps jumping around in NetHack. Why? 1096 Is there any benefit to damaging enemy Sensors? 1097 Where can you acquire massive amounts of Soul Gems? 1098 How do I get Pokémon Go to detect my phones orientation? 1099 What is the level cap in Overwatch? 1100 How do I sleep or skip nights? 1101 Is there a way I can check dates (going over 2 years back) on Steam Store purchases? 1102 What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a werewolf? 1103 How can I easily get a lot of Iron? 1104 Room Layout Strategy? 1105 Im stuck underground. How do I get back to the surface? 1106 What are all the friendly and enemy ultimate sounds? 1107 What is a good setup for a Catcher Pokémon in X/Y? 1108 In some games, the rank above A is S. What does S represent? 1109 How do I create a very long delay with Redstone? 1110 Does Delete Local Content retain save files? 1111 Will new Minecraft features appear in existing worlds? 1112 What is the ideal block size in SimCity 5? 1113 In Pokemon Red/Blue, can you buy the bike before you get the voucher? 1114 What gives Steam XP? 1115 When are Woodcutters more efficient than refining catnip? 1116 Where can I see my perfect games in steam? 1117 Are Jarvis Virus/Ada Refactors useless to the other side? 1118 Do I get paid to kill myself in Eridium Blight? 1119 Why does my character walk forward automatically? 1120 How does the new catch bonus work in Pokémon Go? 1121 Is it possible to escape the Yeti in SkiFree 1122 Im stuck in a teleporting loop. What can I do? 1123 Are there any important points of no return? 1124 How much XP does it take per Paragon level? 1125 Do supply lines work together? 1126 What is the average rate at which sufficiently lit grass spreads in a line? 1127 What does the term aggro deck mean? 1128 What are the special abilities the unique/champion monsters can have? 1129 Is it possible for a Mob to spawn *right next to* the player in Minecraft? 1130 What does this QR Code hidden in the soundtrack mean? 1131 How do I guard a worker or settler in Civilization V? 1132 What does AoS mean? 1133 On San Andreas Speedruns, why do players blow up the Picador in the mission Ryder? 1134 What does DX mean in remastered games? 1135 How can I ensure my PlayStation 2 will last a long time? 1136 What defines a JRPG, and how is it different from an RPG? 1137 Can meteorites land on wood platforms? 1138 Do all melee attacks deal the same amount of damage? 1139 Is there any way to check a recently sold items stats? 1140 At the beginning of The Princess Bride, what game is being played? 1141 Can I search games by estimated play time? 1142 Does the UP in 1-UP stand for anything? 1143 How do I cannibalize people? 1144 Does paint on the walls count? 1145 Why should I buy a barrel of blood? 1146 Why are the Heroes of the Storm fighting? 1147 Which melee (Monk/Barbarian) skills cant be dodged? 1148 My pet is a public menace, what did I do wrong? 1149 What is the splash range for Jarate and Mad Milk? 1150 Bell puzzle in the Temple of Eothas 1151 How can I increase my Vault Dwellers Happiness? 1152 How can I change the Install Directory of Games in Origin 1153 How can I break items down into their components 1154 What wall plug chargers can be used to charge PS3 controllers? 1155 How do I improve my chances of getting silk touch when enchanting? 1156 Whats the best way to get grass onto a dirt platform? 1157 Do console commands affect Steam achievements? 1158 What advantage do I get by evolving my Pokemon? 1159 What is the most efficient way to clear an area in Minecraft? 1160 Is there an optimal opening production order? 1161 How do I pre-generate a Minecraft world? 1162 Is there a way to end a turn immediately, without moving all units? 1163 How can I determine which direction Im facing? 1164 Is it possible to beat Googles zerg rush easter egg game? 1165 How do I determine my current bounty? 1166 How can I find the House of Curios? 1167 What happens when two players play the same game at different difficulties? 1168 What determines if a soldier is gifted with psionic powers? 1169 Minimum safe spacing between lava and flamable materials? 1170 Can mobs see me through glass? 1171 How do I keep two different versions of Minecraft installed? 1172 How is fall damage calculated in Minecraft? 1173 What does the full castle upgrade tree look like? 1174 What about Great Person tile improvements in Civ5? 1175 Infinite vs. Limited Use Incubators 1176 Is there a way to have multiple players / save sets in Zelda: Breath of the Wild? 1177 What effect does karma have? 1178 Is it possible to change your spawn point? 1179 What is an effective way to raise the water level on an entire world? 1180 Names of the ghosts or monsters in Pac-Man 1181 How can I build an underwater tunnel? 1182 Do different merchants pay more for items depending on their type? 1183 Can wearing a helmet save your life? 1184 What is the most effective way to start a riot in my prison? 1185 Where does the colour-coded item rarity come from? 1186 What is the magic box in Starcraft 2? 1187 Whats the best strategy for early play in Pokemon-Go? 1188 How can the damage reduction from Armor in League of Legends not have diminishing returns? 1189 What does it mean when a game is a 4X game? 1190 Can steam create an overview of all my achievements? 1191 How does Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) work? 1192 What are the tradeoffs for tall vs. wide empires in Civilization 6? 1193 How much larger is a Lightning Creepers explosion radius compared to a regular Creeper? 1194 When you discard cards in the beginning of the game, where do they go? 1195 I imprisoned my wife: if I exile her, will we be still married? 1196 Dude, Wheres My Horse? 1197 What is the most effective way to counter a Sniper? 1198 How to keep an airplane stable on the runway in Kerbal Space Program? 1199 Is The Oregon Trail randomized? 1200 What is it about TF2 and hats? 1201 Taking a Switch on vacation from EU to USA. What region eshop will I be able to access? 1202 What game is this character with glowing energy from? 1203 How to download non-DRM version of game from Steam to run in WINE? 1204 What is the new use for bonemeal? 1205 How was I murdered by Nyan Cat? 1206 Whats the meaning of the term gib? 1207 Do I have to learn all of the insults and comebacks to be able to advance in The Secret of Monkey Island? 1208 Connect two close parallel train tracks in factorio? 1209 How to find a specific NES pirate, unlicensed or bootleg game information? 1210 Can you make Logic Gates/Computers with Power in Fallout 4? 1211 Should I sneak before stabbing? 1212 Im having trouble killing Letho near the end of the first chapter. How do I do it? 1213 Is there a way to see how deep I am? 1214 Does uninstalling Steam also uninstall games installed through steam? 1215 How am I supposed to kill the frost troll? 1216 Is there anything to do at Mekar Island? 1217 Is there any way to shout more often? 1218 Whats the best way to fight an Enderman? 1219 Which fuels burn the longest in Minecraft? 1220 How can I turn off a Wireless Xbox 360 Controller for Windows? 1221 What are the locations of the traveling merchants for the Market Research achievement? 1222 Where are the StarCraft 2 replay videos stored and can I share them? 1223 Arena keys and corresponding wins 1224 How can I improve framerate of Minecraft client? 1225 What happens if I buy a game I already own through Steam a second time? 1226 How can I move and place items properly? 1227 Is there anything we can do to locate companions in the world easier? 1228 Can you remarry if your spouse is dead? 1229 What is this strange Do Not Delete object? And does it have a use? 1230 What is the most effective design for an infinite cobblestone generator? 1231 How do you discover passcodes? 1232 What is the Destiny Cloud Fist build? 1233 Whats the difference between mythical and legendary Pokémon? 1234 Is there a secret mission in Heart of the Swarm? 1235 How do you recharge an enchanted item? 1236 How do I DDoS someone and avoid the FBI? 1237 Can I re-encounter a pokemon that ran away from me? 1238 Tamed dogs and cats wont leave me alone 1239 What is the canonical option for the Wings of Liberty split missions? 1240 What bonuses do I get from the tile on which I place my city? 1241 What is the optimal strategy for 2048? 1242 How can I do waypoint movements in xcom 2? 1243 Do I gain income for connecting city-states to my trade network? 1244 Is there a science to Disenchanting in Hearthstone? 1245 How do I achieve Smash TV? 1246 What does dropping your banner do? 1247 Should I socket my weapon with a Ruby or Emerald? 1248 Does tipping people do anything? 1249 How does Plants vs. Zombies differ from platform to platform? 1250 Whos in charge? I want to fart on some authority figures to speak truth to power 1251 How should I design a powered rail station? 1252 How can I progress further when there are no stairs down? 1253 How can I prevent griefers from grabbing all my loot in Minecraft? 1254 Why has my wife stopped cooking food for me? 1255 Why would you not accept a free great person? 1256 How can I tell if a civilian is a Faceless? 1257 Are there any reasons to go through non-civilian sectors? 1258 How was it calculated that Dream cheated on his Minecraft v1.16 glitchless speedrun? 1259 What is the origin of the WASD key scheme? 1260 How are the recommended system specs determined on Steam? 1261 Is there a way to control or predict Tyrogues evolution? 1262 Where does the term Praise the Sun come from? 1263 Is there a way to disable showing what your friends are playing when first logging into steam? 1264 What happens if I genocide my own race? 1265 How do I get a rounder body? 1266 Why are there no DOOM 2 Nightmare 100% kill speedruns? 1267 A criminal came up to me in Skyrim, gave me gauntlets, and I’m not sure what to do with them 1268 How do I copy an installed steam game on my PC to an external hard drive? 1269 Does anyone know of any other hidden abilities of civilization leaders? 1270 Which Legend of Zelda game does this Link with the white cap belong to? 1271 Do kills immediately after victory/defeat count towards your match total? 1272 Is there a way to increase the number of items displayed in the kill feed? 1273 What factors influence the speed of the rebel fleet? 1274 How do I Macro effectively as Zerg? 1275 Is there anything in-game pointing to the location of the Hylian Shield? 1276 Does the sex of main character influence the game? 1277 What is the significance of the lines drawn between planets? 1278 Whats a good role and race for a Nethack beginner? 1279 Who is the character you play in Portal? 1280 What abilities, mechanics, classes, spells, etc. are changed by Kaedrins PrC Pack? 1281 How can I determine if a used game is pirated? 1282 Can I be killed if a Dinosaur defecates on me? 1283 Can one PlayStation Plus subscription be shared between multiple PSN accounts on the same machine? 1284 How do I cure Sanguinare Vampiris? 1285 How to throw explosives, e.g. a grenade in Fallout 4? 1286 How do I lower the drawbridge in Geirmunds Hall? 1287 How does augmenting ancient items work? 1288 Is it possible to skip Skyrims new game introduction cinematic? 1289 What are all the correct answers to the Squirrels questions, and what is the reward when I get them all correct? 1290 What contributes to the settlement size limit? 1291 Building Barbarian in Inferno 1292 How do I kill a giant? 1293 How do I cook meth? 1294 What will I miss out on if I play Diablo 3 without Reaper of Souls? 1295 Is there a way to convert a .rofl file to .mp4 or .avi? 1296 Is there a way to bind items to the number keys in Skyrim? 1297 Can you turn weather off in Minecraft? 1298 What is The Black Rock Ledger good for? 1299 Whats the best strategy to keep the chaos low? 1300 Can you pause Terraria? 1301 Is there a way to know previous Steam sales? 1302 How do I Activate a Product Key in Desura? 1303 Steam Family sharing - Overlapping shared libraries 1304 Can you gift games to yourself? 1305 How can I host my own Minecraft server? 1306 How far can redstone current travel? 1307 How to make Steam download game updates immediately? 1308 What parts of Fallout: New Vegas are based on the real world? 1309 The Binding of Isaac just got harder, but how? 1310 How can I disable Steam from starting up with Windows without logging in to Steam? 1311 How does the Nephalem Valor buff work? 1312 Are eggs predetermined before you hatch them? 1313 What does Aggro mean? 1314 Who is the dead man in the lighthouse? 1315 How to report a toxic player in Heroes of the Storm? 1316 Best way to play as low level in the city full of enemy? 1317 Is there a way to NOT share gaming statistics with friends on Steam? 1318 Playing Skyrim regret-free 1319 What does World Age do? 1320 What does Pokémon Appraisal actually tell you in Pokémon Go? 1321 What are the chances of a critical capture? 1322 What do these two symbols (thunderbolt, stack of pages) mean? 1323 How to start a cart from inside it? 1324 How do you create a waterfall elevator? 1325 Why is Pikachu wearing a Santa hat and what does it mean? 1326 Is it possible to flag Settlement placements as personal? 1327 Cortez thinks Im gay, will it affect my chances to date women? 1328 What are the properties of fire? 1329 New Switch vs Old Switch - Whats the real difference? 1330 My citizens are too smart 1331 Is atheism a bad choice? 1332 What exactly happens when something mutates? 1333 How does Roller Coaster Tycoon come up with ride ratings? 1334 What are the differences in ingress portal shield types? 1335 Are all cars completely equal in regard to gameplay? 1336 What does RTC stand for? 1337 The monorail explodes before I can get on it 1338 Is there a tutorial in Terraria? If so, How do I start it? 1339 How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go? 1340 What is the period after a games main story line ends called? 1341 What is this game with a dark alleyway and a red neon sign reading Terminus? 1342 Should I keep caged prisoners? 1343 What game is this picture showing a teenage girl wearing a shirt with three yellow birds from? 1344 How can I use Steam without connecting to Steams servers? 1345 Trapped in an ocean Temple in Minecraft? 1346 Is this Fireplace Safe? 1347 Is Mega Man left or right handed? 1348 Can someone recognize this game from a laptop commercial? 1349 From which game is this image of picking a lock on a broken door? 1350 How often should my troops use Overwatch? 1351 What determines the health of Witch Doctor minions? 1352 Why do some versions of Legend of Zelda on the NES have the hold reset caution screen, and some dont? 1353 Whats the maximum number of squadmates I can lose on a successful ME playthrough? 1354 What knowledge am I supposed to start with in Minecraft? 1355 Is there a key for reporting or killing in Among Us? 1356 What does it mean to have map control? 1357 What is Horse and Pony II, created by the Battlefield devs (Refraction Games)? 1358 Can I fix the Xbox 360 “Red Ring of Death” myself? 1359 Whats the most efficient way to fill a rectangle with water? 1360 What happens if I jump with crew members away on another ship? 1361 Can endermen enter your house when you sleep? 1362 You have died from... Bad Luck... What actually killed me? 1363 How do I play successfully as a medic? 1364 How to prevent snail poo? 1365 6 Player X-Men Arcade Cabinet Compatibility 1366 Failed to Login : Invalid session (Try restarting your game) Minecraft Error 1367 How do I find my frame rate (in FPS) in Skyrim? 1368 How do I establish peace between the Geth and the Quarians? 1369 What happens with excess items if my bag is full, and what should I do to avoid losing items? 1370 How do I assign a worker to a resource object? 1371 How do you smelt ore? 1372 What is a good road layout when starting up a city? 1373 Where is Michael Mamaril? 1374 What do I do in a Radiation Storm? 1375 Where can I find Daedra hearts? 1376 Why are assassins coming after me? 1377 Is there a way to kill yourself immediately? 1378 How can Booker and Comstock meet? 1379 How many levels are there for Steam Trading Card badges? 1380 How can I effectively play Siren? 1381 Where are the savegames located in x-com enemy unknown? 1382 Is there a way to locate Strategic Resources on the map? 1383 Can you choose which version of a game to play on Steam? 1384 How do I stop my settlers stealing my weapons and armour? 1385 Where do I find Leahs journal? 1386 Can I play Steam games without running Steam in the background? 1387 When extending my desktop across multiple monitors, how can I limit my mouse to one monitor when playing full-screen? 1388 Is it possible to win the port-a-diner pie? 1389 How to know if a Pokemon is a Ditto? 1390 What is the secret to the burnt treasure map with the Polytron logo, the candle room, and the floating black monolith? 1391 What are the locations and conditions for catching the rare pets? 1392 Is progress in the coop campaign in Portal 2 saved? 1393 Does Magikarps Splash move really never deal any damage? 1394 Is a Culture Bomb the only way to steal territory from another civ in Civ5? 1395 If I buy Garrys Mod, will I need other games to play it? 1396 How do I stop that banshee from eating my face? 1397 Why are some stats on items marked with orange diamond and primary/secondary titles? 1398 How do I progress past the initial tier of gear/crafting in Terraria? 1399 How do we make our multiplayer spawn area less of a disaster zone? 1400 What game is Jesse playing in the Breaking Bad episode, Problem Dog? 1401 How can I become Steve again? 1402 What is the fastest way to move upward? 1403 What do you do and get once you are Ingress level 8? 1404 Is it really possible to catch em all? 1405 Given a choice, should I plant sunflowers or sun-shrooms? 1406 Who can you romance in Mass Effect 3? 1407 Is your vault saved locally or in the cloud? 1408 Can ghast fireballs break glass? 1409 Which resources are not renewable? 1410 How do I change which direction Im facing when swinging? 1411 How can I skip, or at least speed up, the DLC check in Borderlands 2? 1412 What is a Pact of Secrecy? Also, what is a Pact of Cooperation? 1413 Why did I become a vampire after I rejected the offer? 1414 Would a monitor with more Hz and a better response time help my game? 1415 Is there any scrappable junk I should hold on to that could otherwise be used for other purposes? 1416 What are the regional Pokémon? 1417 Capturing multiple of the same alien 1418 Which cities can I play Pac-Man in? 1419 What is Playstyle? 1420 Do units heal faster in your own territory? 1421 How to clear Storm the Sheep on extreme in Defenders Quest? 1422 What determines how much experience I get from a hearthstone match in play mode? 1423 Why does my Pokémon Gold cartridge seem to forget saved gameplay? 1424 Vertical bar in Pokémon Go Gym display 1425 Is there any way to explore Gerudo Town without wearing the female disguise? 1426 How does upgrade adjacency work? 1427 How do I get my dwarfs inside? 1428 How can I extract the full audio or get subtitles of GLaDOSs sentences in Portal 2? 1429 Should I continue one of my Mass Effect playthroughs in Mass Effect 2 or start afresh? 1430 I found an egg, what do I do? 1431 How can I get more adhesive? 1432 Does GLaDOS hate Atlas, the blue robot? 1433 Where did the arrow in the knee joke start? 1434 Does Hitman 3 contain nudity? 1435 In my first game I spawned on a small island. What do I do next? 1436 Who is Angels mother? 1437 CPU or framerate limiting on older games 1438 How do you move caged beasts in Dwarf Fortress? 1439 What does it mean when the Alien Icon has a yellow reticle on top of it? 1440 Is bronze really better than iron? 1441 Is there any strategy to 2048 Numberwang? 1442 Whats the most efficient usage of the golden mushroom in Mario Kart 64? 1443 Does Steam have a setting to hide all Uplay titles? 1444 What does it mean for a game to be a skinner box? 1445 If my doors are stuck open, how do I manually close them? 1446 How does an atom decide what to bond to? 1447 How can I identify my enemies weapons? 1448 Flowchart(s) for indirect identification 1449 Are there any hidden abilities for classes other then the paladin? 1450 What is the point of having friends? 1451 Is it faster to build a worker, followed by a settler, or the other way around? 1452 How to unlock the achievements related to hidden areas in Portal 2? 1453 How do I complete the Get hit by a car challenge in Goat Simulator? 1454 When is it a good idea to punch people? 1455 When should I focus my units fire? 1456 How do I leave the dance floor? 1457 How do I survive the first night outside? 1458 What balance changes were made between the final Wings of Liberty Patch and Heart of the Swarm? 1459 Can I unlock any badges on the Stack Exchange network by playing Unikong? 1460 Does dry-firing bows decrease durability? 1461 Winning while Lord Jaraxxus as Priest 1462 What are the equivalent PC keyboard keys and mouse buttons of the Xbox 360 game controller buttons shown on the screen? 1463 How do you unlock new character classes? 1464 How do I get Power Armor training in Fallout New Vegas? 1465 Is it possible to remove stolen status from stolen items? 1466 How many permanent SPECIAL points are available in Fallout 4? 1467 Increase population with Radio Station / Advantage over pregnancy? 1468 Is it possible to change the difficulty of a server while it is running? 1469 Can both my boys have a user on minecraft PC. 1470 Help! I got lost in Nether! 1471 How do I find mushroom biomes? 1472 If I stick a blank hard drive into my PS3 will it work? 1473 How often do merchants replenish their gold supply? 1474 How do I get to The Nether in Minecraft? 1475 How do I effectively defeat the Wall of Flesh? 1476 What are the full lyrics to the song from the Skyrim trailer? 1477 What does the size of the multicoloured circle mean? 1478 I cant play Pokemon GO! Whats wrong? 1479 Are there guides I can read to improve my aim on FPS games in consoles? 1480 What are the consequences of accepting unknown substances from strange men? 1481 Are Wards actually useful? 1482 How can I get rid of a bounty and keep my stolen items? 1483 When do mobs despawn in Minecraft? 1484 Is it possible to disable Steam Guard? 1485 What is the biggest SD memory card a Nintendo Wii can support? 1486 How do I drop an entire stack at once? 1487 How do I sheathe my weapons in Dishonored? 1488 How do the different difficulty levels vary? 1489 What is the point of cooking food? 1490 How to place 1x1 block instead of 2x2 blocks? 1491 Can trees grow without sunlight? 1492 How can I minimize my chances of losing in Minesweeper? 1493 How do I adjust Steam chat font sizes? 1494 How do I upload old screenshots taken with traditional methods to Steam? 1495 Does renaming a pokemon to its original name count as a nickname? 1496 How do I get higher difficulty Plan: Staff of Herding? 1497 What is the formula for damage mitigation in Ingress? 1498 Portal 2 Co-op with a single Steam account? 1499 How do I break the broom in Untitled Goose Game? 1500 What happens when a city-state captures a city that cannot be razed? 1501 Will monsters spawn on top of trees? 1502 How far away can you mine blocks while standing in one place? 1503 How to clean dust and spider webs in my house? 1504 How do you get Aint No Cavalry Comin achievement? 1505 Whats the benefit of initiating followers into the Blades? 1506 How do I optimally use the Ion weapons (Ion Blast, Ion Blast Mark II, Heavy Ion)? 1507 What can I do with a unicorn? 1508 How do you safely remove TNT? 1509 Do the commendation votes at the end of of a match matter? 1510 Difference between top and bottom lane in League of Legends? 1511 How do you play Civilization V by E-Mail? 1512 Earliest possible winning turn in Hearthstone 1513 Are there any time-sensitive events in Skyrim? 1514 Can you access the secret level in Diablo 3 more than once per difficulty? 1515 What happens to extra materials from salvaged junk? 1516 How to lightning-proof a structure? 1517 Can Shadow Pokémon be Shiny in Pokémon Go? 1518 How can I beat Lynels? 1519 Why is it so difficult to emulate PS2 games in a PS3? 1520 What use are Steam Trading Cards? 1521 Why doesnt the level always start on Wave 1? 1522 Is this Pokémon Emerald cartridge fake? 1523 Does hugging Leonardo da Vinci yield any benefits? 1524 Why do the Pokemon always have three pawprints? 1525 Will I definitely lose my save state while replacing the battery? 1526 What game has this black main menu? 1527 Are there any effects to destroying the stone statues in Bastion? 1528 What determines which character I play in Portal 2 co-op? 1529 How fast is Time running in Majoras Mask? 1530 Multiseat gaming? 1531 What is the purpose of the Mailbox in the Bastion? 1532 How can I get honesty in Succubox? 1533 How do I get the hidden badge on Steam for the SteamSale ARG? 1534 What is a chunk? 1535 Does it make a difference which sector you visit? 1536 How can I make a boatlock in Minecraft? 1537 What does the term rail shooter mean? 1538 If I transform into a vampire lord and kill someone and then transform back to human form, will I be recognized? 1539 How do I reverse a permanent health buff? 1540 What is ray tracing? 1541 Do dropped items in Ingress decay? 1542 How can I succeed in the Arena? 1543 Gheed is abusing my addiction. What are my odds when gambling in Diablo 2? 1544 What tools were used to analyze & challenge the records for Dragster? 1545 In Super Metroid, is jumping after running not just as fast as running on the ground? 1546 Whats the purpose of sitting down in Fallout 3? 1547 What defines a games replay value? 1548 How to start with a Minimalistic build in Dwarf Fortress 1549 Can Sombra teleport to her teleporter after respawn? 1550 In the 3D Zeldas, is it faster to roll or to simply walk? 1551 Can I critically hit a chicken? 1552 Drop Dead Dragon 1553 Where is the castle? 1554 The Internet keeps me from dreaming 1555 Do tasered aliens wake up? 1556 What can the Pyro return to sender using the compression blast? 1557 Do Costumes Affect Breast Physics? 1558 Any way to make your crew stop attacking a system? 1559 Do at the start of your turn abilities work due to a swap with Alarm-o-Bot? 1560 Was I a bad Hero by taking so long to catch up with Zelda? 1561 When should I start the DLC? 1562 How to store items safely? 1563 Why doesnt my hopper deposit items in the box? 1564 I want a divorce! Whats the most painless way of obtaining one? 1565 How to fix the Not enough goods to sell problem 1566 Where are my Screenshots? 1567 Where does Fallout 4 store save files? 1568 How can I extend the view distances further? 1569 Should I accept embassies from AI civilizations? 1570 How can I aim better/kill people more often in first person shooters? 1571 Who is the stealthiest follower? 1572 Whats the goal in the lighthouse puzzle (and how to achieve it)? 1573 How can I tell what diseases I have? 1574 How do I defeat the Kayran in the first chapter of the Witcher 2? 1575 Is it possible to reach Max Stats in Fallout: New Vegas? 1576 How do you install skins on Steam? 1577 Can you charge the PS3 wireless controller over regular USB? 1578 If Im a member of one guild, am I prevented from joining any of the other guilds? 1579 How far away do portals need to be so that they dont go to the same place? 1580 What is a good beginners strategy to learn the mechanics of Civilization 5? 1581 Can you add friends on the PSN website? 1582 How do I move Steam games to another location on disk on my Mac? 1583 How can I link an item in the chat? 1584 How do you harvest honey in Witcher the Wild Hunt? 1585 Why does my bed explode when I try to sleep on it in the Nether, and how do I disable it? 1586 Do I need to play previous Witchers before Witcher3 1587 Where are the Act 1 lore books? 1588 Can I store items in my apartment? 1589 How many Praxis points can I earn in a single playthrough? 1590 How can I remove items from my wishlist in Steam? 1591 How much IP do you get for winning & losing games in the various modes/maps? 1592 How do I use elemental effects in Borderlands 2? 1593 How do the different difficulty levels affect the gameplay? 1594 What happens if I activate a product key on Steam for a game I already own? 1595 Can I choose rude names for my Pokémon? 1596 What is kept and what is reset for New Game+? 1597 How to heal religious units? 1598 What is a tick? 1599 My housecarls wont stay dressed! 1600 How can I successfully evade the Police at higher wanted levels? 1601 Is there a way to automate harvesting cobblestone? 1602 Can I bulk download Steam games? 1603 How can I identify to which quest line a specific quest belongs 1604 What is a strategy to earn the best defense achievement in StarCraft 2? 1605 How do I defeat Jormungandr, the snake/worm boss at the end of Chapter 2? 1606 Transferring all DLC to new Xbox 360 -- download all? 1607 How to win the machete proving grounds? 1608 What are some effective strategies for boarding enemy ships? 1609 What do I get from fishing perfectly? 1610 How can I stop Civilization 5 from asking me twice which DirectX mode to play in? 1611 Can I turn specific weapon on auto fire without forcing all of my weapons to do so? 1612 Trouble getting to sleep after gaming session 1613 Buying someone a Steam game without a Steam account 1614 Whats the safest way to farm obsidian without burning to death? 1615 Is it possible for NPC trainers to have a shiny Pokémon? 1616 Is there a use for every item in Skyrim? 1617 How much gold does it take to unlock all crafting recipes? 1618 What is the purpose of the rock plates under ramps in many maps in StarCraft 2? 1619 Are class-specific weapons better than other weapon? 1620 What do the different colors of enemies names mean? 1621 Why do some tiles have pink borders in Civilization 5? 1622 What is a good tactic to kill a witch in Left 4 Dead without being hit? 1623 Optimum Mazing Path (by Length) 1624 What is the word for when players give all high level advantages to lvl 1 players? 1625 Why was the gameplay of Super Mario Bros. 2 so different? 1626 What is written on the L is real 2401 plaque? 1627 What tasks should I try to accomplish in the first 20 days? 1628 Where is the earliest place to sleep? 1629 Is the Nether infinite? 1630 How long do crashed UFOs last? 1631 Is hunting required in Red Dead Redemption 2? 1632 My 3DS got wet, what did I lose and what can I recover? 1633 What is the most powerful non-beam spell in Magicka? 1634 What is this handheld console/game? 1635 How do I get into Canada? 1636 In Skyrim, can you play past the games final quest? 1637 How much does the Repair Arm augment repair? 1638 What is the best angle for an enderpearl if I am aiming for distance? 1639 What objects are interactive on the playing board? 1640 Is it normal to fight players with lots of legendaries? 1641 Is Skyrims story related to the previous Elder Scrolls games? 1642 Why does half of my nether portal lead to a different portal? 1643 How many different ways can Wii Fit Trainers soccer ball be aimed? 1644 Can I get a ghost pregnant? 1645 Found the Space Core in Skyrim, what can I do with it? 1646 Links to webpages in books 1647 How to stop Steam from showing all free games in library 1648 Xbox Screenshot uploaded notification looked like a demon had possessed my Xbox, what could the reason be? 1649 How do I flood a mine? 1650 Are certificates worth pursuing in EVE Online? 1651 Where does Breath of the Wild take place in the Zelda Timeline 1652 Why do older generations games have a common look and feel by console? 1653 Why am I feeling funky? 1654 How do I get the cake in Portal? 1655 What does a timing push mean 1656 Why did many commodore 64 games require the joystick to be in port #2? 1657 How accessible is ring fit adventure 1658 Can I Pass Out from Excessive Drinking? 1659 Does crouching improve accuracy with most ranged weapons? 1660 Is it possible to suffocate an enemy crew with only Ion Blast II? 1661 My dog keeps catching on fire, what should I do? 1662 Why did my Zombie Pigmen form a flash mob? 1663 Whats the fastest/easiest way to level up your skills? 1664 How do I begin playing DLC? 1665 How do I examine the Crime Scene during the Blood on Ice quest in Skyrim? 1666 How can I find or recall my horse? 1667 What is the maximum level? 1668 How do I start a new game when a save file already exists? 1669 How is Clan War Map position determined? 1670 Boss Ordering in Mega Man 1671 Kingdom Hearts Timeline 1672 Where is the world saved on a Minecraft server, and how do I back it up? 1673 What are all the ways to increase readiness? 1674 What DLC is included in borderlands 2 season pass, and what is not included 1675 How can I make an infinite fire? 1676 Is it possible to trade Pokemon from the 1st generation games to the most recent ones? 1677 Any useful strategies for finding a Nether Fortress? 1678 How do you get a Mr Handy? 1679 How to turn off PS4 controller from PC? 1680 How many candies do you get for every 2k, 5k, and 10k egg? 1681 Why is Steam only showing me Buy instead of Play option for a game shared via Family Sharing? 1682 In Civilization 5, how may turns are there for each Game Pace setting? 1683 Is there any way to stop Steam downloading updates? 1684 Giving Claptrap a high five 1685 How can I find a lost item? 1686 Fastest scenario for evolving pokemon such as Magikarp (400 candies)? 1687 What items can be farmed fully automatically? 1688 How can I fix pollution? 1689 How can I not fail hard at QWOP? 1690 How do you lengthen a redstone button signal in Minecraft? 1691 How do I fuel my spaceship? 1692 Does Steam store my savegames? 1693 How many friend slots do you start off with, and how many do you get per Steam level? 1694 Do gemstones have a purpose in Skyrim? 1695 Dont Starve Together - Alone mode vs Dont Starve 1696 How to get old 16-bit Windows games to work on 64-bit Windows? 1697 Is it possible to disarm or remotely trigger Runes? 1698 What does Mario say when hes throwing Bowser? 1699 Why is the Team Fortress 2 install so huge? 1700 What to do with workers in Civilization 5 when all tiles improved? 1701 Are DS games region locked? 1702 What is the relationship between Dark Souls and Demons Souls? 1703 How are Foil Badges different from common game Badges? 1704 Is there a list displaying the champions in order based on their auto attack range? 1705 How do I repair my hull 1706 Myst: Masterpiece Edition VS realMyst 1707 Can I see an overview of my settlers? 1708 What, exactly, is transferred along supply lines? 1709 I found a headless horseman! Now what? 1710 How are the Battle Points you earn calculated? 1711 Whats the most efficient way to raise the happiness values in my settlement? 1712 Does Pokemon Go take into account STAB in gym battles? 1713 How can I stop invitation spam? 1714 What can I find in the uncommon and rare item packs? 1715 What effects do the sword enchantments have? 1716 Minecraft crashes on launch with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, Problematic frame: ig4dev32.dll or ig4dev64.dll or ig4icd32.dll or ig4icd64.dll 1717 What does right clicking with the sword equipped do? 1718 Tips for killing enemy crew without use of boarding parties 1719 Whats the fastest way to level up to level 2 in ingress? 1720 In Civ5, is there any point to immediately annexing a city? 1721 Why do people use DOSBox over Virtualbox in a gaming context? 1722 What technically defines what a Nether Fortress is in terms of mob spawning? 1723 Why do I sometimes regain an estus flask charge? 1724 How do I remove peoples intestines? 1725 How do I find a previously discovered system? 1726 View optional mission objectives during a mission? 1727 Should I play Diablo 1 and / or Diablo 2 before playing Diablo 3? 1728 Why do pinball machines/games have a nudge/shake/bump feature? 1729 Under what circumstances can I unlock the negative levels in Super Meat Boy? 1730 Do Gaming mousepads make a difference with todays optical mice? 1731 Why does steam keep asking if Im over 18? 1732 What is Steam? DRM? 1733 How can I earn kills with Hanzos Scatter Arrow? 1734 Do we have quests in Witcher 3 with a time limit? 1735 How do you know whether a game is in the Public Domain? 1736 Are all 151 pokémon catchable on the same account? 1737 Do I ever get xp for my party members kills? 1738 Is it possible to indefinitely keep up with the Avatar timer? 1739 How to make sense of the Cave Story+ soundtrack in the Humble Indie Bundle 4 release? 1740 Does Shuckle really produce Rare Candies? 1741 Can lightning set stuff on fire? 1742 Why is Nick Valentine tolerated in Diamond City? 1743 How long do items persist on the ground outside? 1744 Can your computer/Steam account get hacked by redeeming a Steam wallet code sent to you by another user? 1745 Is Darth Vader a pig or a bird? 1746 Whats the point of using a pistol? 1747 How can I tunnel through water? 1748 How do pro Zerg players generally prepare for a 4 gate they know is coming? 1749 Is a Creepers blast radius affected by the surrounding material? 1750 Hearthstone opening strategies: why waste mana? 1751 Why does Isaac glow on spiderwebs? 1752 Of what use is the Heavy dropping a sandwich? 1753 What is the significance of 88.7? 1754 Does Veganism actually do anything in-game? 1755 Which game is this: you are in the gargoyle garden 1756 How do I counter the frozen floors? 1757 How can I clear Steam achievements for Portal 2? 1758 When I buy a game, what do I actually pay for? 1759 Precious minerals in Terraria 1760 What attributes makes a game a Roguelike? 1761 Total Amount of Experience from 1 to 50 1762 What items should be saved for turn-ins? 1763 Who counts as a player, for Steam achievement percentages? 1764 Can Vegans eat Jewelry? 1765 How does hearing range work? 1766 When should I start drinking? 1767 How do I make Units efficiently? 1768 Techniques to deal with game addiction 1769 How to get Steam to recognize existing game files from a different source? 1770 Which one of the Gutter boys did it? 1771 Why are there no Pokémon near me? 1772 What happens when a vault dweller levels? 1773 How can I set a widescreen resolution? 1774 Is it possible in Minecraft to switch over from survival to creative in single player? 1775 What do the symbols on the top left of the character select screen mean? 1776 What is the most efficient way to make money in Gran Turismo 5? 1777 How do I find the ID for a game on Steam? 1778 What causes an item to disappear in Minecraft? 1779 What are the benefits of venturing into the Nether? 1780 How do I move my spawn point? 1781 Draugr Wight Lord disarmed me, cant find my weapon 1782 What Wii consoles can play GameCube games? 1783 Transferring Skyrim saved games from one machine to another 1784 Is it possible to log your Steam account into two computers at once? 1785 Where are my Minecraft saves located? 1786 Should I prioritize CP or moves? 1787 What keyboard shortcuts are in Terraria? 1788 What are Dragons most vulnerable to? 1789 Is it better to sell items or to just ship them? 1790 Is my movement tracked for hatching eggs while the screen is locked but the app open? 1791 How to kill a dragon in Skyrim? 1792 Is there any advantage to joining one team over another? 1793 If your WoW subscription expires, do you go back to Starter Edition? 1794 How to disable hardcore in Minecraft? 1795 Whats the maximum rate for growing lollipops? 1796 What are ammo boxes for? 1797 Why shouldnt I murder all the things? 1798 How do Badass Tokens work? 1799 What determines rank in Mario Kart Wii? 1800 Great Ball at PokeStops 1801 Do Guitar Hero peripherals work with Rock Band and vice versa? 1802 Is it possible to pick up a thrown glowstick in Terraria? 1803 Clash of Clans: Take a break 1804 How do you earn medals? How much XP do they give? 1805 Is there a way to filter out certain tags on the Steam store? 1806 When does Minecraft decide to start playing gameplay music? 1807 What maps correspond to what test chambers in Portal 2? 1808 How can I make a (horizontal) tunnel through sand? 1809 How can the PS3 do so much with so little RAM and VRAM? 1810 Whats the best counter for Void Rays? 1811 How do Minecraft mobs behave in water? 1812 Can I practice the flight controls outside of an online multiplayer match? 1813 What are the consequences of settlements getting attacked? 1814 Environmentalists are annoying me, how can I silence them? 1815 What determines the CP of a transformed Ditto? 1816 Why does Astrid say well done when killed? 1817 Good starting skills for Dungeons of Dredmor 1818 My HUD has completely disappeared! What happened to it? 1819 What is the quickest way to compare the DPS of two weapons? 1820 How can I play a SNES through a VGA monitor? 1821 What effects do choices in Wings of Liberty have in Heart of the Swarm? 1822 Can I share Steam updates between computers? 1823 What determines bonus xp? 1824 How high is the production bonus of a great engineer in Civ5? 1825 Is it possible to check the log before a crash? 1826 What differentiates anime from regular cartoons? 1827 Whats the difference between the FMA and FMA Brotherhood series? 1828 In what order should I watch the Ghost in the Shell series? 1829 Why are the protagonists generally seated by the window? 1830 Do people in the anime or manga actually eat Pokemon? 1831 Where is this picture from? How do I use Reverse Image Search to find the source of an anime/manga image? 1832 The treasure in One Piece is at the end of the Grand Line. But isnt that the same as the beginning? 1833 What is the purpose of characters shouting out the name of their attack? 1834 Does the bloody nose trope necessarily imply a sexual situation? 1835 Why do ninjas run with their hands at the back? 1836 When and where does Attack on Titan take place? 1837 What does moe mean? 1838 When and why did the trend of 1:30-long openings and endings begin? 1839 Why do some anime in Japanese contain English? 1840 Is Fullmetal Alchemist based on Nazi Germany? 1841 Is Pikachu on a diet? 1842 How are Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, and Robotics;Notes connected? 1843 Why is Edward Newgate called Whitebeard? 1844 What happens when Naruto is talking to the Kyuubi? 1845 Which episodes of Bleach are filler? 1846 Why do anime/manga characters have big eyes? 1847 How is Misakas railgun so destructive? 1848 Where does the term waifu come from? 1849 Is No Face from Spirited Away based on any traditional Japanese legends? 1850 What does the D stand for in all the names? 1851 Was Lelouch the person driving the cart in the last scene of Code Geass R2? 1852 Can I increase my lifespan by killing myself using the Death Note? 1853 Do we know what happens to Spike at the end of Cowboy Bebop? 1854 What are Type A and Type B viewers? 1855 How much is One Pieces currency worth? 1856 What is the first ever produced anime and manga? 1857 Do people who use the Death Note become Shinigami themselves? 1858 What is the difference between an OVA and an OAV? 1859 Why does Final Fantasy contain Final in the title? 1860 What is the viewing order of Fate-related works? 1861 Is Ditto a Failed Mew Clone? 1862 Why is I wont forgive you a commonly used threat? 1863 Why does the Death Note never run out of pages? 1864 What is the purpose served by cicadas in anime? 1865 Where do the Naruto movies fall in the timeline? 1866 Why do airing shows have times listed beyond a 24-hour clock? 1867 What happens at the end of CLANNAD: After Story? 1868 What do the black and red scenes mean? 1869 What databases and listing sites exist for anime, manga, etc? 1870 Why are tentacles prevalent in anime? 1871 How many pokemon did Ash catch? 1872 Why is Shingeki no Kyojin translated as Attack on Titan? 1873 How can I identify child-appropriate manga? 1874 What exactly is a Light Novel? 1875 What are the differences between visual novel, eroge, gal game, and a dating sim? 1876 Why do many characters tend to have crazy hair colors and styles? 1877 Why does Team Rocket always try to catch Pikachu? 1878 Why does Ryuk love apples? 1879 What exactly happens to a Titans body after it is killed? 1880 Have there been any anime with actual product placement? 1881 Why isnt anime critically analyzed like other forms of literature or entertainment? 1882 What does Kirito say at the end of SAO? 1883 Why are most people in anime white or European-looking (instead of Japanese)? 1884 How is it possible that Kanade has Otonashis heart? 1885 What kinds of activities can be found in a Manga/Anime Club? 1886 How did the sweatdrop originate? 1887 Who kissed Ash at the the end of Pokémon Heroes? 1888 Why the popularity of German? 1889 How does the plot of Elfen Lied anime differ from the manga? 1890 Why does Kakashi Hatake always wear a mask? 1891 What is a cour? 1892 What is Chihiros father eating? 1893 Do anime usually lose money? 1894 Why does an alchemist need a transmutation circle? 1895 Why are manga black and white? 1896 How did Goten and Trunks become Super Saiyan so easily? 1897 What is the purpose of the Human Instrumentality Project? 1898 Would a water manipulating Devil Fruit user be able to swim? 1899 Why was The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya broadcast out of sequence? 1900 Why does Naruto have a catch phrase? 1901 Will I miss anything by watching Dragon Ball Z Kai instead of the other series? 1902 5 Centimeters Per Second: What does the ending mean? 1903 What are the books/pieces of literature that are read/mentioned/seen in Psycho-Pass? 1904 Has an anime ever come out before the manga was published? 1905 How did the lolicon genre begin in anime/manga? 1906 Where I can buy/rent digital versions of Studio Ghibli films? 1907 How long is the longest running anime series? 1908 Why do some Sharingan eyes have unique Mangekyou abilities? 1909 Has Naruto ever killed anyone? 1910 In Neon Genesis Evangelion, why are Angels attacking? 1911 Were the other trainers from Pallet town ever revealed? 1912 Why is Mew numbered 151? 1913 Why do I have to light up the room before watching anime? 1914 Are any animation studios open to the public for tours? 1915 What rank does Edward Elric hold? 1916 Whats up with Namis breast size? 1917 What is the significance of the name Bleach? 1918 Why is it so rare to see new long running anime series these days? 1919 How similar is alchemy in FMA to the real alchemy? 1920 Why was Eds arm strong but Als body not? 1921 What would happen if a Shinigami with exceedingly long life-span dies for a human? 1922 Has the Its over 9000! meme spread back to Japan? 1923 How do anime productions arrange for artists to do the end card illustrations? 1924 How do you train in a jutsu that kills you if used? 1925 What are all the marriages and child relationships following the final chapter? 1926 What are the notable differences between Hunter x Hunter in 1999 vs 2011? 1927 How true is the Lavender Town Syndrome? 1928 Why does Naruto use his mothers family name? 1929 How does one play Gungi? 1930 How much does a typical anime episode or series cost to make? 1931 What are the differences between Ash and Red? 1932 How does the automail work? 1933 Is there a connection between the Eye of God from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and the Rinnegan from Naruto? 1934 Is it normal to erase a seiyu? 1935 Do we know how Senju Hashirama died? 1936 Why do characters often pull down one eyelid and stick out their tongue? 1937 About the artworks used in the Elfen Lied opening scenes (contains nudity) 1938 Is a person who wasnt named by his/her parents immune to the Death Note? 1939 Is code in episode 1 of New Game 2 actually an infinite loop? 1940 Where to start with Gundam? 1941 How many times has the original Nine Tails attack been flashed back? 1942 What is the order of the JoJo anime series? 1943 How to start the .hack series and its viewing order? 1944 Where does the word Nyanpasu come from? 1945 Why is Miku shown with a leek? 1946 Why do guys in anime often lack nipples? 1947 Whats with the x in Hunter x Hunter (and other anime/manga)? 1948 Whats the significance of revealing a characters blood type? 1949 What is the origin of the title Ghost in the Shell? 1950 What does this Death Note rule regarding visual acuity mean? 1951 What is up with the pattern on the fence? 1952 How are A Certain Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun connected? 1953 Are there any anime suggestion engines? 1954 What is this huge symbol on the door in the Truth realm and in the Neon Genesis Evangelion opening? 1955 Why cant Pan go Super Saiyan? 1956 Why are there sometimes darkened scenes in new anime? 1957 How much broadcast time did it take for Planet Namek to blow up? 1958 How much is sixty billion double dollars worth? 1959 Who was the first tsundere character? 1960 Who the hell is Truth? 1961 How can Haku perform hand seals with only one hand? 1962 What is the origin of this facial expression with ones tongue sticking out? 1963 How did humans learn how to kill Titans? 1964 Why is SSJ3 shown as tiring to maintain, but SSJ4 is not? 1965 How does Jigglypuff not fall asleep from its own song? 1966 Who writes the plot for filler episodes in an anime? 1967 How did Jiraiya find out Tsunades breast size? 1968 Why does Gai look like Rock Lee? 1969 What is the in-universe chronological order of the Monogatari Series? 1970 Why couldnt Chiaki go to the future to get more time leaps? 1971 Is it possible to combine all five chakra elements? 1972 Why are the shounen lead protagonists usually shown to be stupid? 1973 What are the squinting faces (>_o△<, etc.) called? 1974 How are the themes and songs picked for a particular series? 1975 Does Saitama still continue his training? 1976 Why was Neji Hyuuga surprised to see Narutos Kage Bunshin no Jutsu in the Chuunin Exams? 1977 Why do lots of anime titles have ☆ in them? 1978 What is the source of Saitamas enormous power? 1979 What is gap moe? 1980 How accurate is the cooking in Food Wars? 1981 What is the difference between doujinshi and manga? 1982 How can Sebastian use I am a butler and a devil so casually? 1983 Are there ever any animals featured that arent Pokémon? 1984 What are the legality rules in terms of manga translations? 1985 Why does the ground shake when titans walk? 1986 Why doesnt Greed harden fully? 1987 If theres only one of each fruit, how could Blackbeard recognize the Dark Dark fruit? 1988 Is avatar Korra bisexual? 1989 Are anime and manga subsidized or actively used by Japanese government to promote Japanese culture/relations internationally? 1990 Has Hayao Miyazaki ever made an anime series or manga? 1991 What should a university-level course about manga and anime culture cover as part of its curriculum? 1992 Is anime production more efficient than manga production? 1993 Why did Kanekis hair change color? 1994 Watching order for Toaru Majutsu no Index and related anime 1995 How different are the anime and manga versions of Death Note? 1996 What happened to Misa Amane in the last episode? 1997 Did Naruto REALLY fall in love with Hinata in The Last: Naruto the Movie? 1998 How were the walls in Attack on Titan built? 1999 Is chuunibyou syndrome real? 2000 Why doesnt Ash Ketchum catch legendary Pokémon? 2001 Is there any specific reason why female voice actors act for male roles in anime?