import argparse |
from copy import deepcopy |
import functools |
import os |
import pathlib |
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' |
import numpy as np |
import random |
import tensorflow as tf |
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec |
tf.get_logger().setLevel('ERROR') |
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd |
from baselines.lompo import buffer |
from baselines.lompo import models |
from baselines.lompo import tools |
from baselines.lompo import wrappers |
def define_config(): |
config = tools.AttrDict() |
config.logdir = pathlib.Path('.logdir') |
config.loaddir = pathlib.Path('.logdir') |
config.datadir = pathlib.Path('.datadir/walker') |
config.seed = 0 |
config.log_every = 1000 |
config.save_every = 5000 |
config.log_scalars = True |
config.log_images = True |
config.gpu_growth = True |
config.task = 'dmc_walker_walk' |
config.envs = 1 |
config.parallel = 'none' |
config.action_repeat = 2 |
config.time_limit = 1000 |
config.im_size = 64 |
config.eval_noise = 0.0 |
config.clip_rewards = 'none' |
config.precision = 32 |
config.deter_size = 256 |
config.stoch_size = 64 |
config.num_models = 7 |
config.num_units = 256 |
config.proprio = False |
config.penalty_type = 'log_prob' |
config.dense_act = 'elu' |
config.cnn_act = 'relu' |
config.cnn_depth = 32 |
config.pcont = False |
config.kl_scale = 1.0 |
config.pcont_scale = 10.0 |
config.weight_decay = 0.0 |
config.weight_decay_pattern = r'.*' |
config.load_model = False |
config.load_agent = False |
config.load_buffer = False |
config.train_steps = 100000 |
config.model_train_steps = 25000 |
config.model_batch_size = 64 |
config.model_batch_length = 50 |
config.agent_batch_size = 256 |
config.cql_samples = 16 |
config.start_training = 50000 |
config.agent_train_steps = 150000 |
config.agent_iters_per_step = 200 |
config.buffer_size = 2e6 |
config.model_lr = 6e-4 |
config.q_lr = 3e-4 |
config.actor_lr = 3e-4 |
config.grad_clip = 100.0 |
config.tau = 5e-3 |
config.target_update_interval = 1 |
config.dataset_balance = False |
config.lmbd = 5.0 |
config.alpha = 0.0 |
config.sample = True |
config.discount = 0.99 |
config.disclam = 0.95 |
config.horizon = 5 |
config.done_treshold = 0.5 |
config.action_dist = 'tanh_normal' |
config.action_init_std = 5.0 |
config.expl = 'additive_gaussian' |
config.expl_amount = 0.2 |
config.expl_decay = 0.0 |
config.expl_min = 0.0 |
return config |
class Lompo(tools.Module): |
def __init__(self, config, datadir, actspace, writer): |
self._c = config |
self._actspace = actspace |
self._actdim = actspace.n if hasattr(actspace, 'n') else actspace.shape[0] |
episodes, steps = tools.count_episodes(datadir) |
self.latent_buffer = buffer.LatentReplayBuffer(steps, |
steps, |
self._c.deter_size + self._c.stoch_size, |
self._actdim) |
self.lmbd = config.lmbd |
self.alpha = config.alpha |
self._writer = writer |
tf.summary.experimental.set_step(0) |
self._metrics = dict() |
self._agent_step = 0 |
self._model_step = 0 |
self._random = np.random.RandomState(config.seed) |
self._float = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype |
self._dataset = iter(load_dataset(datadir, self._c)) |
self._episode_iterator = episode_iterator(datadir, self._c) |
self._build_model() |
for _ in range(10): |
self._model_train_step(next(self._dataset), prefix='eval') |
def __call__(self, obs, reset, state=None, training=True): |
if state is not None and reset.any(): |
mask = tf.cast(1 - reset, self._float)[:, None] |
state = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda x: x * mask, state) |
action, state = self.policy(obs, state, training) |
return action, state |
def load(self, filename): |
try: |
self.load_model(filename) |
except: |
pass |
try: |
self.load_agent(filename) |
except: |
pass |
def save(self, filename): |
self.save_model(filename) |
self.save_agentl(filename) |
def load_model(self, filename): |
self._encode.load(filename / 'encode.pkl') |
self._dynamics.load(filename / 'dynamic.pkl') |
self._decode.load(filename / 'decode.pkl') |
self._reward.load(filename / 'reward.pkl') |
if self._c.pcont: |
self._pcont.load(filename / 'pcont.pkl') |
if self._c.proprio: |
self._proprio.load(filename / 'proprio.pkl') |
def save_model(self, filename): |
filename.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
self._encode.save(filename / 'encode.pkl') |
self._dynamics.save(filename / 'dynamic.pkl') |
self._decode.save(filename / 'decode.pkl') |
self._reward.save(filename / 'reward.pkl') |
if self._c.pcont: |
self._pcont.save(filename / 'pcont.pkl') |
if self._c.proprio: |
self._proprio.save(filename / 'proprio.pkl') |
def load_agent(self, filename): |
self._qf1.load(filename / 'qf1.pkl') |
self._qf2.load(filename / 'qf2.pkl') |
self._target_qf1.load(filename / 'target_qf1.pkl') |
self._target_qf2.load(filename / 'target_qf2.pkl') |
self._actor.load(filename / 'actor.pkl') |
def save_agent(self, filename): |
filename.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
self._qf1.save(filename / 'qf1.pkl') |
self._qf2.save(filename / 'qf2.pkl') |
self._target_qf1.save(filename / 'target_qf1.pkl') |
self._target_qf2.save(filename / 'target_qf2.pkl') |
self._actor.save(filename / 'actor.pkl') |
def policy(self, obs, state, training): |
if state is None: |
latent = self._dynamics.initial(len(obs['image'])) |
action = tf.zeros((len(obs['image']), self._actdim), self._float) |
else: |
latent, action = state |
embed = self._encode(preprocess_raw(obs, self._c)) |
latent, _ = self._dynamics.obs_step(latent, action, embed) |
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(latent) |
action = self._exploration(self._actor(feat), training) |
state = (latent, action) |
return action, state |
def _build_model(self): |
acts = dict(elu=tf.nn.elu, relu=tf.nn.relu, |
swish=tf.nn.swish, leaky_relu=tf.nn.leaky_relu) |
cnn_act = acts[self._c.cnn_act] |
act = acts[self._c.dense_act] |
if self._c.proprio: |
if self._c.im_size == 64: |
self._encode = models.ConvEncoderProprio(self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act) |
else: |
self._encode = models.ConvEncoderProprioLarge(self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act) |
else: |
if self._c.im_size == 64: |
self._encode = models.ConvEncoder(self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act) |
else: |
self._encode = models.ConvEncoderLarge(self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act) |
self._dynamics = models.RSSME(self._c.stoch_size, self._c.deter_size, |
self._c.deter_size, num_models=self._c.num_models) |
if self._c.im_size == 64: |
self._decode = models.ConvDecoder(self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act, |
shape=(self._c.im_size, self._c.im_size, 3)) |
else: |
self._decode = models.ConvDecoderLarge(self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act, |
shape=(self._c.im_size, self._c.im_size, 3)) |
if self._c.proprio: |
self._proprio = models.DenseDecoder((self._propriodim,), 3, self._c.num_units, act=act) |
if self._c.pcont: |
self._pcont = models.DenseDecoder((), 3, self._c.num_units, 'binary', act=act) |
self._reward = models.DenseDecoder((), 2, self._c.num_units, act=act) |
model_modules = [self._encode, self._dynamics, self._decode, self._reward] |
if self._c.proprio: |
model_modules.append(self._proprio) |
if self._c.pcont: |
model_modules.append(self._pcont) |
self._qf1 = models.DenseNetwork(1, 3, self._c.num_units, act=act) |
self._qf2 = models.DenseNetwork(1, 3, self._c.num_units, act=act) |
self._target_qf1 = deepcopy(self._qf2) |
self._target_qf2 = deepcopy(self._qf1) |
self._qf_criterion = tf.keras.losses.Huber() |
self._actor = models.ActorNetwork(self._actdim, 4, self._c.num_units, act=act) |
Optimizer = functools.partial(tools.Adam, |
wd=self._c.weight_decay, |
clip=self._c.grad_clip, |
wdpattern=self._c.weight_decay_pattern) |
self._model_opt = Optimizer('model', model_modules, self._c.model_lr) |
self._qf_opt = Optimizer('qf', [self._qf1, self._qf2], self._c.q_lr) |
self._actor_opt = Optimizer('actor', [self._actor], self._c.actor_lr) |
def _exploration(self, action, training): |
if training: |
amount = self._c.expl_amount |
if self._c.expl_decay: |
amount *= 0.5 ** (tf.cast(self._agent_step, tf.float32) / self._c.expl_decay) |
if self._c.expl_min: |
amount = tf.maximum(self._c.expl_min, amount) |
self._metrics['expl_amount'] = amount |
elif self._c.eval_noise: |
amount = self._c.eval_noise |
else: |
return action |
if self._c.expl == 'additive_gaussian': |
return tf.clip_by_value(tfd.Normal(action, amount).sample(), -1, 1) |
if self._c.expl == 'completely_random': |
return tf.random.uniform(action.shape, -1, 1) |
raise NotImplementedError(self._c.expl) |
def fit_model(self, iters): |
for iter in range(iters): |
data = next(self._dataset) |
self._model_train_step(data) |
if iter % self._c.save_every == 0: |
self.save_model(self._c.logdir / 'model_step_{}'.format(iter)) |
self.save_model(self._c.logdir / 'final_model') |
def _model_train_step(self, data, prefix='train'): |
with tf.GradientTape() as model_tape: |
embed = self._encode(data) |
post, prior = self._dynamics.observe(embed, data['action']) |
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(post) |
image_pred = self._decode(feat) |
reward_pred = self._reward(feat) |
likes = tools.AttrDict() |
likes.image = tf.reduce_mean(tf.boolean_mask(image_pred.log_prob(data['image']), |
data['mask'])) |
likes.reward = tf.reduce_mean(tf.boolean_mask(reward_pred.log_prob(data['reward']), |
data['mask'])) |
if self._c.pcont: |
pcont_pred = self._pcont(feat) |
pcont_target = data['terminal'] |
likes.pcont = tf.reduce_mean(tf.boolean_mask(pcont_pred.log_prob(pcont_target), |
data['mask'])) |
likes.pcont *= self._c.pcont_scale |
for key in prior.keys(): |
prior[key] = tf.boolean_mask(prior[key], data['mask']) |
post[key] = tf.boolean_mask(post[key], data['mask']) |
prior_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(prior) |
post_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(post) |
div = tf.reduce_mean(tfd.kl_divergence(post_dist, prior_dist)) |
model_loss = self._c.kl_scale * div - sum(likes.values()) |
if prefix == 'train': |
model_norm = self._model_opt(model_tape, model_loss) |
self._model_step += 1 |
if self._model_step % self._c.log_every == 0: |
self._image_summaries(data, embed, image_pred, self._model_step, prefix) |
model_summaries = dict() |
model_summaries['model_train/KL Divergence'] = tf.reduce_mean(div) |
model_summaries['model_train/image_recon'] = tf.reduce_mean(likes.image) |
model_summaries['model_train/reward_recon'] = tf.reduce_mean(likes.reward) |
model_summaries['model_train/model_loss'] = tf.reduce_mean(model_loss) |
if prefix == 'train': |
model_summaries['model_train/model_norm'] = tf.reduce_mean(model_norm) |
if self._c.pcont: |
model_summaries['model_train/terminal_recon'] = tf.reduce_mean(likes.pcont) |
self._write_summaries(model_summaries, self._model_step) |
def train_agent(self, iters): |
for iter in range(iters): |
data = preprocess_latent(self.latent_buffer.sample(self._c.agent_batch_size)) |
self._agent_train_step(data) |
if self._agent_step % self._c.target_update_interval == 0: |
self._update_target_critics() |
if iter % self._c.save_every == 0: |
self.save_agent(self._c.logdir) |
self.save_agent(self._c.logdir / 'final_agent') |
def _agent_train_step(self, data): |
obs = data['obs'] |
actions = data['actions'] |
next_obs = data['next_obs'] |
rewards = data['rewards'] |
terminals = data['terminals'] |
with tf.GradientTape() as q_tape: |
q1_pred = self._qf1(tf.concat([obs, actions], axis=-1)) |
q2_pred = self._qf2(tf.concat([obs, actions], axis=-1)) |
new_actions = self._actor(obs) |
new_next_actions = self._actor(next_obs) |
target_q_values = tf.reduce_min([self._target_qf1(tf.concat([next_obs, new_next_actions], axis=-1)), |
self._target_qf2(tf.concat([next_obs, new_next_actions], axis=-1))], |
axis=0) |
q_target = rewards + self._c.discount * (1.0 - terminals) * target_q_values |
expanded_actions = tf.expand_dims(actions, 0) |
tilled_actions = tf.tile(expanded_actions, [self._c.cql_samples, 1, 1]) |
tilled_actions = tf.random.uniform(tilled_actions.shape, minval=-1, maxval=1) |
tilled_actions = tf.concat([tilled_actions, tf.expand_dims(new_actions, 0)], axis=0) |
expanded_obs = tf.expand_dims(obs, 0) |
tilled_obs = tf.tile(expanded_obs, [self._c.cql_samples + 1, 1, 1]) |
q1_values = self._qf1(tf.concat([tilled_obs, tilled_actions], axis=-1)) |
q2_values = self._qf2(tf.concat([tilled_obs, tilled_actions], axis=-1)) |
q1_penalty = tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(q1_values, axis=0) |
q2_penalty = tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(q2_values, axis=0) |
qf1_loss = self.alpha * (tf.reduce_mean(q1_penalty) - tf.reduce_mean(q1_pred[:self._c.agent_batch_size])) + \ |
tf.reduce_mean((q1_pred - tf.stop_gradient(q_target)) ** 2) |
qf2_loss = self.alpha * (tf.reduce_mean(q2_penalty) - tf.reduce_mean(q2_pred[:self._c.agent_batch_size])) + \ |
tf.reduce_mean((q2_pred - tf.stop_gradient(q_target)) ** 2) |
q_loss = qf1_loss + qf2_loss |
with tf.GradientTape() as actor_tape: |
new_obs_actions = self._actor(obs) |
q_new_actions = tf.reduce_min([self._qf1(tf.concat([obs, new_obs_actions], axis=-1)), |
self._qf2(tf.concat([obs, new_obs_actions], axis=-1))], axis=0) |
actor_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(q_new_actions) |
q_norm = self._qf_opt(q_tape, q_loss) |
actor_norm = self._actor_opt(actor_tape, actor_loss) |
self._agent_step += 1 |
if self._agent_step % self._c.log_every == 0: |
agent_summaries = dict() |
agent_summaries['agent/Q1_value'] = tf.reduce_mean(q1_pred) |
agent_summaries['agent/Q2_value'] = tf.reduce_mean(q2_pred) |
agent_summaries['agent/Q_target'] = tf.reduce_mean(q_target) |
agent_summaries['agent/Q_loss'] = q_loss |
agent_summaries['agent/actor_loss'] = actor_loss |
agent_summaries['agent/Q_grad_norm'] = q_norm |
agent_summaries['agent/actor_grad_norm'] = actor_norm |
self._write_summaries(agent_summaries, self._agent_step) |
def _update_target_critics(self): |
tau = tf.constant(self._c.tau) |
for source_weight, target_weight in zip(self._qf1.trainable_variables, |
self._target_qf1.trainable_variables): |
target_weight.assign(tau * source_weight + (1.0 - tau) * target_weight) |
for source_weight, target_weight in zip(self._qf2.trainable_variables, |
self._target_qf2.trainable_variables): |
target_weight.assign(tau * source_weight + (1.0 - tau) * target_weight) |
def _generate_latent_data(self, data): |
embed = self._encode(data) |
post, prior = self._dynamics.observe(embed, data['action']) |
if self._c.pcont: |
post = {k: v[:, :-1] for k, v in post.items()} |
for key in post.keys(): |
post[key] = tf.boolean_mask(post[key], data['mask']) |
start = post |
policy = lambda state: tf.stop_gradient( |
self._exploration(self._actor(self._dynamics.get_feat(state)), True)) |
obs = [[] for _ in tf.nest.flatten(start)] |
next_obs = [[] for _ in tf.nest.flatten(start)] |
actions = [] |
full_posts = [[[] for _ in tf.nest.flatten(start)] for _ in range(self._c.num_models)] |
prev = start |
for index in range(self._c.horizon): |
[o.append(l) for o, l in zip(obs, tf.nest.flatten(prev))] |
a = policy(prev) |
actions.append(a) |
for i in range(self._c.num_models): |
p = self._dynamics.img_step(prev, a, k=i) |
[o.append(l) for o, l in zip(full_posts[i], tf.nest.flatten(p))] |
prev = self._dynamics.img_step(prev, a, k=np.random.choice(self._c.num_models, 1)[0]) |
[o.append(l) for o, l in zip(next_obs, tf.nest.flatten(prev))] |
obs = self._dynamics.get_feat(tf.nest.pack_sequence_as(start, [tf.stack(x, 0) for x in obs])) |
stoch = tf.nest.pack_sequence_as(start, [tf.stack(x, 0) for x in next_obs])['stoch'] |
next_obs = self._dynamics.get_feat(tf.nest.pack_sequence_as(start, [tf.stack(x, 0) for x in next_obs])) |
actions = tf.stack(actions, 0) |
rewards = self._reward(next_obs).mode() |
if self._c.pcont: |
dones = 1.0 * (self._pcont(next_obs).mean().numpy() > self._c.done_treshold) |
else: |
dones = tf.zeros_like(rewards) |
dists = [self._dynamics.get_dist( |
tf.nest.pack_sequence_as(start, [tf.stack(x, 0) for x in full_posts[i]])) |
for i in range(self._c.num_models)] |
if self._c.penalty_type == 'log_prob': |
log_prob_vars = tf.math.reduce_std( |
tf.stack([d.log_prob(stoch) for d in dists], 0), |
axis=0) |
modified_rewards = rewards - self.lmbd * log_prob_vars |
elif self._c.penalty_type == 'max_var': |
max_std = tf.reduce_max( |
tf.stack([tf.norm(d.stddev(), 2, -1) for d in dists], 0), |
axis=0) |
modified_rewards = rewards - self.lmbd * max_std |
elif self._c.penalty_type == 'mean': |
mean_prediction = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack([d.mean() for d in dists], 0), axis=0) |
mean_disagreement = tf.reduce_mean( |
tf.stack([tf.norm(d.mean() - mean_prediction, 2, -1) for d in dists], 0), |
axis=0) |
modified_rewards = rewards - self.lmbd * mean_disagreement |
else: |
modified_rewards = rewards |
self.latent_buffer.add_samples(flatten(obs).numpy(), |
flatten(actions).numpy(), |
flatten(next_obs).numpy(), |
flatten(modified_rewards).numpy(), |
flatten(dones), |
sample_type='latent') |
obs = [[] for _ in tf.nest.flatten(start)] |
next_obs = [[] for _ in tf.nest.flatten(start)] |
actions = [] |
full_posts = [[[] for _ in tf.nest.flatten(start)] for _ in range(self._c.num_models)] |
for key in prev.keys(): |
prev[key] = tf.boolean_mask(prev[key], flatten(1.0 - dones)) |
def _add_data(self, num_episodes=1): |
self._process_data_to_latent(num_episodes=num_episodes) |
self._generate_latent_data(next(self._dataset)) |
def _process_data_to_latent(self, num_episodes=None): |
if num_episodes is None: |
num_episodes, _ = tools.count_episodes(self._c.datadir) |
for _ in range(num_episodes): |
filename = next(self._episode_iterator) |
try: |
with filename.open('rb') as f: |
episode = np.load(f) |
episode = {k: episode[k] for k in episode.keys()} |
except Exception as e: |
print(f'Could not load episode: {e}') |
continue |
obs = preprocess_raw(episode, self._c) |
if not self._c.pcont: |
obs['terminal'] = tf.zeros_like(obs['reward']) |
with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as _: |
embed = self._encode(obs) |
post, prior = self._dynamics.observe(tf.expand_dims(embed, 0), |
tf.expand_dims(obs['action'], 0)) |
feat = flatten(self._dynamics.get_feat(post)) |
self.latent_buffer.add_samples(feat.numpy()[:-1], |
obs['action'].numpy()[1:], |
feat.numpy()[1:], |
obs['reward'].numpy()[1:], |
obs['terminal'].numpy()[1:], |
sample_type='real') |
def _image_summaries(self, data, embed, image_pred, step=None, prefix='train'): |
truth = data['image'][:6] + 0.5 |
recon = image_pred.mode()[:6] |
init, _ = self._dynamics.observe(embed[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5]) |
init = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in init.items()} |
prior = self._dynamics.imagine(data['action'][:6, 5:], init) |
openl = self._decode(self._dynamics.get_feat(prior)).mode() |
model = tf.concat([recon[:, :5] + 0.5, openl + 0.5], 1) |
error_prior = (model - truth + 1) / 2 |
error_posterior = (recon + 0.5 - truth + 1) / 2 |
openl = tf.concat([truth, recon + 0.5, model, error_prior, error_posterior], 2) |
with self._writer.as_default(): |
tools.video_summary('agent/' + prefix, openl.numpy(), step=step) |
def _write_summaries(self, metrics, step=None): |
step = int(step) |
metrics = [(k, float(v)) for k, v in metrics.items()] |
with self._writer.as_default(): |
tf.summary.experimental.set_step(step) |
[tf.summary.scalar(k, m, step=step) for k, m in metrics] |
print(f'[{step}]', ' / '.join(f'{k} {v:.1f}' for k, v in metrics)) |
self._writer.flush() |
def preprocess_raw(obs, config): |
dtype = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype |
obs = obs.copy() |
with tf.device('cpu:0'): |
obs['image'] = tf.cast(obs['image'], dtype) / 255.0 - 0.5 |
if 'image_128' in obs.keys(): |
obs['image_128'] = tf.cast(obs['image_128'], dtype) / 255.0 - 0.5 |
clip_rewards = dict(none=lambda x: x, tanh=tf.tanh)[config.clip_rewards] |
obs['reward'] = clip_rewards(obs['reward']) |
for k in obs.keys(): |
obs[k] = tf.cast(obs[k], dtype) |
return obs |
def flatten(x): |
return tf.reshape(x, [-1] + list(x.shape[2:])) |
def preprocess_latent(batch): |
dtype = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype |
batch = batch.copy() |
with tf.device('cpu:0'): |
for key in batch.keys(): |
batch[key] = tf.cast(batch[key], dtype) |
return batch |
def count_steps(datadir, config): |
return tools.count_episodes(datadir)[1] * config.action_repeat |
def load_dataset(directory, config): |
episode = next(tools.load_episodes(directory, 1000, load_episodes=1)) |
types = {k: v.dtype for k, v in episode.items()} |
shapes = {k: (None,) + v.shape[1:] for k, v in episode.items()} |
generator = lambda: tools.load_episodes(directory, config.train_steps, |
config.model_batch_length, config.dataset_balance) |
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(generator, types, shapes) |
dataset = dataset.batch(config.model_batch_size, drop_remainder=True) |
dataset = dataset.map(functools.partial(preprocess_raw, config=config)) |
dataset = dataset.prefetch(10) |
return dataset |
def episode_iterator(datadir, config): |
while True: |
filenames = list(datadir.glob('*.npz')) |
for filename in list(filenames): |
yield filename |
def summarize_episode(episode, config, datadir, writer, prefix): |
length = (len(episode['reward']) - 1) * config.action_repeat |
ret = episode['reward'].sum() |
print(f'{prefix.title()} episode of length {length} with return {ret:.1f}.') |
metrics = [ |
(f'{prefix}/return', float(episode['reward'].sum())), |
(f'{prefix}/length', len(episode['reward']) - 1)] |
with writer.as_default(): |
[tf.summary.scalar('sim/' + k, v) for k, v in metrics] |
if prefix == 'test': |
tools.video_summary(f'sim/{prefix}/video', episode['image'][None]) |
def make_env(config, writer, prefix, datadir, store): |
suite, task = config.task.split('_', 1) |
if suite == 'dmc': |
env = wrappers.DeepMindControl(task) |
env = wrappers.ActionRepeat(env, config.action_repeat) |
env = wrappers.NormalizeActions(env) |
elif suite == 'gym': |
env = wrappers.Gym(task, config, size=(128, 128)) |
env = wrappers.ActionRepeat(env, config.action_repeat) |
env = wrappers.NormalizeActions(env) |
elif task == 'door': |
env = wrappers.DoorOpen(config, size=(128, 128)) |
env = wrappers.ActionRepeat(env, config.action_repeat) |
env = wrappers.NormalizeActions(env) |
elif task == 'drawer': |
env = wrappers.DrawerOpen(config, size=(128, 128)) |
env = wrappers.ActionRepeat(env, config.action_repeat) |
env = wrappers.NormalizeActions(env) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(suite) |
env = wrappers.TimeLimit(env, config.time_limit / config.action_repeat) |
callbacks = [] |
if store: |
callbacks.append(lambda ep: tools.save_episodes(datadir, [ep])) |
if prefix == 'test': |
callbacks.append( |
lambda ep: summarize_episode(ep, config, datadir, writer, prefix)) |
env = wrappers.Collect(env, callbacks, config.precision) |
env = wrappers.RewardObs(env) |
return env |
def main(config): |
print(config) |
os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(config.seed) |
os.environ['TF_CUDNN_DETERMINISTIC'] = '1' |
random.seed(config.seed) |
np.random.seed(config.seed) |
tf.random.set_seed(config.seed) |
if config.gpu_growth: |
for gpu in tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'): |
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) |
config.logdir = config.logdir / config.task |
config.logdir = config.logdir / 'seed_{}'.format(config.seed) |
config.logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
tf_dir = config.logdir / 'tensorboard' |
writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(str(tf_dir), max_queue=1000, flush_millis=20000) |
writer.set_as_default() |
train_envs = [wrappers.Async(lambda: make_env( |
config, writer, 'train', '.', store=False), config.parallel) |
for _ in range(config.envs)] |
test_envs = [wrappers.Async(lambda: make_env( |
config, writer, 'test', '.', store=False), config.parallel) |
for _ in range(config.envs)] |
actspace = train_envs[0].action_space |
agent = Lompo(config, config.datadir, actspace, writer) |
if agent._c.load_model: |
agent.load_model(config.loaddir / 'final_model') |
print('Load pretrained model') |
else: |
agent.fit_model(agent._c.model_train_steps) |
agent.save_model(config.logdir) |
if agent._c.load_buffer: |
agent.latent_buffer.load(agent._c.loaddir / 'buffer.h5py') |
else: |
agent._process_data_to_latent() |
agent.latent_buffer.save(agent._c.logdir / 'buffer.h5py') |
if agent._c.load_agent: |
agent.load_agent(config.loaddir) |
print('Load pretrained actor') |
while agent.latent_buffer._latent_stored_steps < agent._c.start_training: |
agent._generate_latent_data(next(agent._dataset)) |
while agent._agent_step < int(config.agent_train_steps): |
print('Start evaluation.') |
tools.simulate( |
functools.partial(agent, training=False), test_envs, episodes=1) |
writer.flush() |
print('Start collection.') |
agent.train_agent(agent._c.agent_iters_per_step) |
if config.sample: |
agent._add_data(num_episodes=1) |
else: |
agent._process_data_to_latent(num_episodes=1) |
for env in train_envs + test_envs: |
env.close() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
try: |
import colored_traceback |
colored_traceback.add_hook() |
except ImportError: |
pass |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
for key, value in define_config().items(): |
parser.add_argument(f'--{key}', type=tools.args_type(value), default=value) |
main(parser.parse_args()) |