File size: 24,356 Bytes
{"code": "public static String unEscapeString  ( String str , char escapeChar , char charToEscape ) { return unEscapeString ( str , escapeChar , new char [ ] { charToEscape } ) ; }", "nl": "Unescape <code> chamoescape </ code> en la cadena con el cuadro de escape <c贸digo> Escapechar </ code>"}
{"code": "public void checkNextPoissonConsistency  ( double mean ) { final int sampleSize = 1000 ; final int minExpectedCount = 7 ; long maxObservedValue = 0 ; final double alpha = 0.001 ; UnitTestUtils . Frequency < Long > frequency = new UnitTestUtils . Frequency < Long > ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < sampleSize ; i ++ ) { long value = randomData . nextPoisson ( mean ) ; if ( value > maxObservedValue ) { maxObservedValue = value ; } frequency . addValue ( value ) ; } PoissonDistribution poissonDistribution = new PoissonDistribution ( mean ) ; int lower = 1 ; while ( poissonDistribution . cumulativeProbability ( lower - 1 ) * sampleSize < minExpectedCount ) { lower ++ ; } int upper = ( int ) ( 5 * mean ) ; while ( ( 1 - poissonDistribution . cumulativeProbability ( upper - 1 ) ) * sampleSize < minExpectedCount ) { upper -- ; } int binWidth = 0 ; boolean widthSufficient = false ; double lowerBinMass = 0 ; double upperBinMass = 0 ; while ( ! widthSufficient ) { binWidth ++ ; lowerBinMass = poissonDistribution . probability ( lower - 1 , lower + binWidth - 1 ) ; upperBinMass = poissonDistribution . probability ( upper - binWidth - 1 , upper - 1 ) ; widthSufficient = FastMath . min ( lowerBinMass , upperBinMass ) * sampleSize >= minExpectedCount ; } List < Integer > binBounds = new ArrayList < Integer > ( ) ; binBounds . add ( lower ) ; int bound = lower + binWidth ; while ( bound < upper - binWidth ) { binBounds . add ( bound ) ; bound += binWidth ; } binBounds . add ( upper ) ; final int binCount = binBounds . size ( ) + 1 ; long [ ] observed = new long [ binCount ] ; double [ ] expected = new double [ binCount ] ; observed [ 0 ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < lower ; i ++ ) { observed [ 0 ] += frequency . getCount ( ( long ) i ) ; } expected [ 0 ] = poissonDistribution . cumulativeProbability ( lower - 1 ) * sampleSize ; observed [ binCount - 1 ] = 0 ; for ( int i = upper ; i <= maxObservedValue ; i ++ ) { observed [ binCount - 1 ] += frequency . getCount ( ( long ) i ) ; } expected [ binCount - 1 ] = ( 1 - poissonDistribution . cumulativeProbability ( upper - 1 ) ) * sampleSize ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < binCount - 1 ; i ++ ) { observed [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int j = binBounds . get ( i - 1 ) ; j < binBounds . get ( i ) ; j ++ ) { observed [ i ] += frequency . getCount ( ( long ) j ) ; } expected [ i ] = ( poissonDistribution . cumulativeProbability ( binBounds . get ( i ) - 1 ) - poissonDistribution . cumulativeProbability ( binBounds . get ( i - 1 ) - 1 ) ) * sampleSize ; } if ( UnitTestUtils . chiSquareTest ( expected , observed ) < alpha ) { StringBuilder msgBuffer = new StringBuilder ( ) ; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( \"#.##\" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \"Chisquare test failed for mean = \" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( mean ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \" p-value = \" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( UnitTestUtils . chiSquareTest ( expected , observed ) ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \" chisquare statistic = \" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( UnitTestUtils . chiSquare ( expected , observed ) ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \". \\n\" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \"bin\\t\\texpected\\tobserved\\n\" ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < expected . length ; i ++ ) { msgBuffer . append ( \"[\" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( i == 0 ? 1 : binBounds . get ( i - 1 ) ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \",\" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( i == binBounds . size ( ) ? \"inf\" : binBounds . get ( i ) ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \")\" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \"\\t\\t\" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( df . format ( expected [ i ] ) ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \"\\t\\t\" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( observed [ i ] ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \"\\n\" ) ; } msgBuffer . append ( \"This test can fail randomly due to sampling error with probability \" ) ; msgBuffer . append ( alpha ) ; msgBuffer . append ( \".\" ) ; Assert . fail ( msgBuffer . toString ( ) ) ; } }", "nl": "Verifica que NEXTPOISSON (MEDIA) genera una distribuci贸n emp铆rica de los valores consistentes con PoissondInministrIVEIMPL al generar 1000 valores, calculando una distribuci贸n de frecuencia agrupada de los valores observados y comparando esta distribuci贸n a la distribuci贸n esperada correspondiente calculada utilizando PoissondistributInMPL.Utiliza la prueba de la bondad de la bondad de la bondad para evaluar la hip贸tesis nula de que las distribuciones son las mismas.Si la hip贸tesis nula puede ser rechazada con confianza 1 - alfa, la verificaci贸n falla."}
{"code": "public DefaultJobRowBuilder ( Function < Map < JobField , String > , String > idGenerator , Function < SecurityContext , String > userIdExtractor , Clock timestampGenerator ) { this . idGenerator = idGenerator ; this . userIdExtractor = userIdExtractor ; this . timestampGenerator = timestampGenerator ; }", "nl": "Construye una f谩brica para generar jobrows con una funci贸n personalizada para extraer un ID de usuario de la solicitud de solicitud de solicitud."}
{"code": "protected final boolean handleAllocNode  ( AllocNode src ) { boolean ret = false ; Node [ ] targets = pag . allocLookup ( src ) ; for ( Node element : targets ) { if ( element . makeP2Set ( ) . add ( src ) ) { varNodeWorkList . add ( ( VarNode ) element ) ; ret = true ; } } return ret ; }", "nl": "Propaga nuevos puntos: a la informaci贸n del nodo SRC a todos sus sucesores."}
{"code": "@ Override protected FieldConfigBase createCopy  ( FieldConfigBase fieldConfigBase ) { FieldConfigWKT copy = null ; if ( fieldConfigBase != null ) { copy = new FieldConfigWKT ( fieldConfigBase . getCommonData ( ) ) ; } return copy ; }", "nl": "Crea una copia del campo."}
{"code": "public void handleEntryExpiredSA  ( EntryExpiredBusPacket packet ) throws Exception { handleEntryExpiredCoreSA ( packet . getEntryHolder ( ) , packet . getTransaction ( ) , packet . isFromReplication ( ) ) ; }", "nl": "Manejar谩 los paquetes en Entrados."}
{"code": "public static SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE STR_EXTRACT_GATHER_SUCCESS_1_BASIC  ( DescriptionId descriptionId ) { return new SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE ( 1330078 , descriptionId ) ; }", "nl": "Has recogido% 0."}
{"code": "public void toggle  ( Animation animIn , Animation animOut ) { toggle ( true , animIn , animOut ) ; }", "nl": "Alternar la visibilidad de la insignia en la interfaz de usuario."}
{"code": "private boolean isInSameEvolutionChain  ( Pokemon p1 , Pokemon p2 ) { ArrayList < Pokemon > evolutionLine = getEvolutionLine ( p1 ) ; for ( Pokemon poke : evolutionLine ) { if ( poke . number == p2 . number ) { return true ; } } return false ; }", "nl": "Compruebe si dos Pokemon est谩n en la misma cadena de evoluci贸n completa.Jolteon y Vaporeon volver铆an verdaderos."}
{"code": "public static SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE STR_SKILL_SUCC_Aura_END_ME_TO_B  ( String skillname ) { return new SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE ( 1200459 , skillname ) ; }", "nl": "Usted deja de usar [% SkillName]."}
{"code": "public PhotosGetUploadServerQuery ( VkApiClient client , UserActor actor ) { super ( client , \"photos.getUploadServer\" , PhotoUpload . class ) ; accessToken ( actor . getAccessToken ( ) ) ; }", "nl": "Crea una instancia abstractQueryBuilder que se puede usar para construir una solicitud API con varios par谩metros"}
{"code": "public ChangeReport onEquipmentUnitAdd  ( final EquipmentUnitAdd equipmentUnitAdd ) { log . debug ( \"onEquipmentUnitAdd - entering onEquipmentUnitAdd()..\" ) ; ChangeReport changeReport = new ChangeReport ( equipmentUnitAdd ) ; changeReport . setState ( CHANGE_STATE . SUCCESS ) ; ProcessConfiguration processConfiguration = configurationController . getProcessConfiguration ( ) ; if ( processConfiguration . getEquipmentConfiguration ( equipmentUnitAdd . getEquipmentId ( ) ) != null ) { changeReport . appendError ( \"onEquipmentUnitAdd - Equipment unit id: \" + equipmentUnitAdd . getEquipmentId ( ) + \" is already registered\" ) ; changeReport . setState ( CHANGE_STATE . FAIL ) ; return changeReport ; } EquipmentConfiguration conf = null ; try { conf = equipmentConfigurationFactory . createEquipmentConfiguration ( equipmentUnitAdd . getEquipmentUnitXml ( ) ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { changeReport . setState ( CHANGE_STATE . FAIL ) ; changeReport . appendError ( StackTraceHelper . getStackTrace ( ex ) ) ; return changeReport ; } EquipmentMessageHandler equnit = null ; boolean dynamicTimeDeadbandEnabled = environment . getRequiredProperty ( Options . DYNAMIC_TIME_DEADBAND_ENABLED , Boolean . class ) ; conf . setDynamicTimeDeadbandEnabled ( dynamicTimeDeadbandEnabled ) ; log . info ( \"onEquipmentUnitAdd - Dynamic timedeadband enabled for equipment id: \" + conf . getId ( ) + \" enabled: \" + dynamicTimeDeadbandEnabled ) ; EquipmentLoggerFactory equipmentLoggerFactory = EquipmentLoggerFactory . createFactory ( conf , processConfiguration , environment . getProperty ( \"c2mon.daq.logging.useEquipmentLoggers\" , Boolean . class , false ) , environment . getProperty ( \"c2mon.daq.logging.useEquipmentAppendersOnly\" , Boolean . class , false ) ) ; EquipmentMessageSender equipmentMessageSender = ( EquipmentMessageSender ) applicationContext . getBean ( EQUIPMENT_MESSAGE_SENDER ) ; equipmentMessageSender . init ( conf , equipmentLoggerFactory ) ; configurationController . addCoreDataTagChanger ( conf . getId ( ) , equipmentMessageSender ) ; try { validateDataTags ( conf , equipmentMessageSender ) ; validateCommandTags ( conf , equipmentMessageSender ) ; equnit = EquipmentMessageHandler . createEquipmentMessageHandler ( conf . getHandlerClassName ( ) , new EquipmentCommandHandler ( conf . getId ( ) , requestController ) , new EquipmentConfigurationHandler ( conf . getId ( ) , configurationController ) , equipmentMessageSender ) ; equnit . setEquipmentLoggerFactory ( equipmentLoggerFactory ) ; processConfiguration . addEquipmentConfiguration ( conf ) ; } catch ( InstantiationException e ) { String msg = \"Error while instantiating \" + conf . getHandlerClassName ( ) ; equipmentMessageSender . confirmEquipmentStateIncorrect ( msg + \": \" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ; log . error ( msg , e ) ; } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { String msg = \"Access error while calling constructor of \" + conf . getHandlerClassName ( ) ; equipmentMessageSender . confirmEquipmentStateIncorrect ( \"Error in code: \" + msg ) ; log . error ( msg , e ) ; } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { String msg = \"Handler class not found: \" + conf . getHandlerClassName ( ) ; equipmentMessageSender . confirmEquipmentStateIncorrect ( \"Error during configuration: \" + msg ) ; log . error ( msg , e ) ; } if ( equnit != null ) { if ( ! registerNewEquipmentUnit ( equnit ) ) { changeReport . setState ( CHANGE_STATE . REBOOT ) ; changeReport . appendWarn ( \"problem detected while registering new equipment. You need to restart the DAQ\" ) ; } } return changeReport ; }", "nl": "Actualiza el DAQ al inyectar nueva unidad de equipos."}
{"code": "private void requestNewPhotosOrders  ( Context c , int page , boolean refresh ) { page = refresh ? 1 : page + 1 ; listener = new OnRequestPhotosListener ( c , page , Mysplash . CATEGORY_TOTAL_NEW , refresh , false ) ; model . getService ( ) . requestPhotos ( page , Mysplash . DEFAULT_PER_PAGE , model . getPhotosOrder ( ) , listener ) ; }", "nl": "<br> utils."}
{"code": "public static void picture  ( double x , double y , String filename , double scaledWidth , double scaledHeight , double degrees ) { if ( scaledWidth < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( \"width is negative: \" + scaledWidth ) ; if ( scaledHeight < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( \"height is negative: \" + scaledHeight ) ; Image image = getImage ( filename ) ; double xs = scaleX ( x ) ; double ys = scaleY ( y ) ; double ws = factorX ( scaledWidth ) ; double hs = factorY ( scaledHeight ) ; if ( ws < 0 || hs < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( \"image \" + filename + \" is corrupt\" ) ; if ( ws <= 1 && hs <= 1 ) pixel ( x , y ) ; offscreen . rotate ( Math . toRadians ( - degrees ) , xs , ys ) ; offscreen . drawImage ( image , ( int ) Math . round ( xs - ws / 2.0 ) , ( int ) Math . round ( ys - hs / 2.0 ) , ( int ) Math . round ( ws ) , ( int ) Math . round ( hs ) , null ) ; offscreen . rotate ( Math . toRadians ( + degrees ) , xs , ys ) ; draw ( ) ; }", "nl": "Dibuja la imagen especificada centrada en (<em> x </ em>, <em> y </ em>), rot贸 el n煤mero de grados y se revel贸 al cuadro de l铆mite especificado.Los formatos de imagen soportados son JPEG, PNG y GIF."}
{"code": "public VisualTable ( Visualization vis , String group , Schema schema ) { super ( TableVisualItem . class ) ; init ( vis , group , schema ) ; }", "nl": "Crea una nueva mesa visual sin una tabla para padres."}
{"code": "public boolean isCritical  ( ) { return false ; }", "nl": "驴Es este un comando cr铆tico que solo se puede ejecutar cuando no se est谩 ejecutando otro comando?"}
{"code": "public static DataTag buildCreateBasicDataTag  ( Properties properties ) { if ( properties == null ) { properties = new Properties ( ) ; } DataTag dataTag = DataTag . create ( \"DataTag\" , Integer . class , new DataTagAddress ( ) ) . build ( ) ; dataTag . setEquipmentId ( 10L ) ; properties . setProperty ( \"name\" , \"DataTag\" ) ; properties . setProperty ( \"description\" , \"<no description provided>\" ) ; properties . setProperty ( \"mode\" , String . valueOf ( TagMode . OPERATIONAL . ordinal ( ) ) ) ; properties . setProperty ( \"dataType\" , Integer . class . getName ( ) ) ; properties . setProperty ( \"isLogged\" , String . valueOf ( true ) ) ; properties . setProperty ( \"equipmentId\" , String . valueOf ( 10l ) ) ; properties . setProperty ( \"address\" , new DataTagAddress ( ) . toConfigXML ( ) ) ; return dataTag ; }", "nl": "La identificaci贸n generada esperada es 100. El identificador principal esperado es 10."}
{"code": "protected void updateRowCount  ( ) { int maxrow = m_rows . getMaximumRow ( ) + 1 ; Iterator cols = getColumns ( ) ; while ( cols . hasNext ( ) ) { Column c = ( Column ) cols . next ( ) ; c . setMaximumRow ( maxrow ) ; } }", "nl": "M茅todo interno que actualiza los conteos de fila para las columnas de datos locales."}
{"code": "public boolean isSelected  ( ) { ClusterViewer viewer = getViewer ( ) ; return viewer . getPcoaTab ( ) != null && viewer . getPcoaTab ( ) . isShowTriPlot ( ) ; }", "nl": "Esto est谩 actualmente seleccionado?"}
{"code": "public int hashCode  ( ) { return ( int ) ( ConnectionRelativeTime . class . hashCode ( ) + time ) ; }", "nl": "Devuelve un valor de c贸digo hash para este objeto."}
{"code": "protected VideoRemoveTagQuery videoId  ( int value ) { return unsafeParam ( \"video_id\" , value ) ; }", "nl": "ID de video."}
{"code": "public static void cover  ( String dest , int w , int h , List < String > sources ) throws Exception { if ( sources == null ) { throw new Exception ( \"no source!\" ) ; } int len = sources . size ( ) ; if ( len == 4 || len == 9 ) { BufferedImage src [ ] = new BufferedImage [ len ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) { src [ i ] = ImageIO . read ( new File ( sources . get ( i ) ) ) ; } BufferedImage out = new BufferedImage ( w , h , BufferedImage . TYPE_3BYTE_BGR ) ; Graphics g = out . getGraphics ( ) ; g . setColor ( Color . WHITE ) ; g . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , w , h ) ; g . setColor ( new Color ( 0xCCD4D0 ) ) ; int size = len == 4 ? 2 : 3 ; int space = len == 4 ? 4 : 2 ; int w1 = ( w - 1 ) / size ; int h1 = ( h - 1 ) / size ; float fd = ( ( float ) w1 ) / h1 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) { BufferedImage img = src [ i ] ; int w2 = img . getWidth ( ) ; int h2 = img . getHeight ( ) ; float fs = ( ( float ) w2 ) / h2 ; if ( fs > fd ) { w2 = w1 ; h2 = ( int ) ( w2 / fs ) ; } else if ( fs < fd ) { h2 = h1 ; w2 = ( int ) ( h2 * fs ) ; } else { w2 = w1 ; h2 = h1 ; } Image tmp = img . getScaledInstance ( w2 , h2 , Image . SCALE_SMOOTH ) ; int x = ( i % size ) * w1 ; int y = ( i / size ) * h1 ; g . drawImage ( tmp , x + space + ( w1 - w2 ) / 2 , y + space + ( h1 - h2 ) / 2 , w2 - 2 * space , h2 - 2 * space , null ) ; g . drawRect ( x , y , w1 , h1 ) ; } ImageIO . write ( out , \"jpg\" , new File ( dest ) ) ; } else { throw new Exception ( \"sources MUST is 4 or 9 picutures!\" + len ) ; } }", "nl": "Hacer una cubierta por im谩genes de origen."}
{"code": "public Bindings add  ( String property , JRadioButton [ ] cs , int defaultValue ) { registerPropertyChangeListener ( cs ) ; return add ( new JRadioButtonBinding ( property , cs , defaultValue ) ) ; }", "nl": "Maneja jradiobutton"}
{"code": "public void cancelAlarm  ( Context context ) { if ( alarmMgr != null ) { alarmMgr . cancel ( alarmIntent ) ; } ComponentName receiver = new ComponentName ( context , BootReceiver . class ) ; PackageManager pm = context . getPackageManager ( ) ; pm . setComponentEnabledSetting ( receiver , PackageManager . COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED , PackageManager . DONT_KILL_APP ) ; }", "nl": "Cancela la alarma."}
{"code": "public static SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE STR_SKILL_SUCC_DispelNPCBuff_A_TO_SELF  ( String skillcaster , String skillname ) { return new SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE ( 1201257 , skillcaster , skillname ) ; }", "nl": "[% Skillcaster] disip贸 sus pulseras m谩gicas utilizando [% de habilidad]."}
{"code": "public static < T > T  findValueOfType ( Collection < T > collection , Class < ? extends T > [ ] types )  { if ( isEmpty ( collection ) || ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( types ) ) return null ; for ( Class < ? extends T > type : types ) { T value = findValueOfType ( collection , type ) ; if ( value != null ) return value ; } return null ; }", "nl": "Encuentre un valor de uno de los tipos dados en la colecci贸n dada: Buscar la colecci贸n por un valor del primer tipo, luego buscando un valor del segundo tipo, etc."}
{"code": "private static long writeLogSegment  ( DistributedLogManager dlm , int numRecords , long startTxId , int flushPerNumRecords , boolean emptyRecord ) throws IOException { long txid = startTxId ; LogWriter writer = dlm . startLogSegmentNonPartitioned ( ) ; for ( long j = 1 ; j <= numRecords ; j ++ ) { if ( emptyRecord ) { writer . write ( DLMTestUtil . getEmptyLogRecordInstance ( txid ++ ) ) ; } else { writer . write ( DLMTestUtil . getLargeLogRecordInstance ( txid ++ ) ) ; } if ( j % flushPerNumRecords == 0 ) { writer . setReadyToFlush ( ) ; writer . flushAndSync ( ) ; } } writer . setReadyToFlush ( ) ; writer . flushAndSync ( ) ; writer . close ( ) ; return txid ; }", "nl": "Escriba <C脫DIGO> NUMRECORDS </ CODE> registra en el registro, comenzando con <c贸digo> STARTTXID </ CODE>.Enjuaga todos los registros </ code> Flushpernumrecords </ Code>."}
{"code": "@ Override public void characters  ( char [ ] ch , int start , int length ) throws SAXException { }", "nl": "Pathelement es el 煤nico elemento que tiene valores dentro de -> nada que hacer aqu铆.No le importa el estado actual de an谩lisis."}
{"code": "protected boolean runTestsOnEdt  ( ) { return true ; }", "nl": "Anular para ejecutar pruebas fuera del EDT."}
{"code": "@ Override public Histogram histogram  ( ) { return hist ; }", "nl": "Devuelve el histograma que se aproxima a la distribuci贸n de uni贸n de los valores de campo de los resultados de la consulta."}
{"code": "public CountriesExample ( ) { oredCriteria = new ArrayList < Criteria > ( ) ; }", "nl": "Este m茅todo fue generado por MyBatis Generator.Este m茅todo corresponde a la tabla de la base de datos Public.Countries"}
{"code": "public Pair < Integer , Set < Long > > writeTable  ( long uuid ) { preBufferAccess ( ) ; int offset = _buffer . position ( ) ; try { if ( _buffer . remaining ( ) < 4 ) { return Pair . < Integer , Set < Long > > create ( - 1 , ImmutableSet . < Long > of ( ) ) ; } _buffer . position ( offset + 4 ) ; Set < Long > uuids ; try { ByteBuffer tableBuffer = _buffer . slice ( ) ; uuids = getTableSerializer ( ) . loadAndSerialize ( uuid , new ByteBufferOutputStream ( tableBuffer ) ) ; tableBuffer . flip ( ) ; int length = tableBuffer . limit ( ) ; _buffer . position ( offset ) ; _buffer . putInt ( length ) ; _buffer . position ( offset + 4 + length ) ; } catch ( UnknownTableException | DroppedTableException e ) { uuids = ImmutableSet . of ( uuid ) ; writeUnknownOrDroppedTable ( offset , e ) ; } _modified = true ; return Pair . create ( offset , uuids ) ; } catch ( BufferOverflowException e ) { _buffer . position ( offset ) ; if ( offset == 0 ) { _log . error ( \"Table with UUID {} is too large to fit in a single block\" , uuid ) ; throw new IllegalArgumentException ( \"Table too large\" ) ; } return Pair . < Integer , Set < Long > > create ( - 1 , ImmutableSet . < Long > of ( ) ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { throw Throwables . propagate ( e ) ; } finally { postBufferAccess ( ) ; } }", "nl": "Escribe una mesa a la cuadra.Devuelve el desplazamiento en este bloque donde se escribi贸 la tabla, o -1 si no hab铆a una habitaci贸n insuficiente en el bloque para escribir toda la tabla."}
{"code": "public static boolean isBehind  ( VisibleObject object1 , VisibleObject object2 ) { float angle = MathUtil . convertHeadingToDegree ( object1 . getHeading ( ) ) + 90 ; if ( angle >= 360 ) { angle -= 360 ; } double radian = Math . toRadians ( angle ) ; float x0 = object1 . getX ( ) ; float y0 = object1 . getY ( ) ; float x1 = ( float ) ( Math . cos ( radian ) * 5 ) + x0 ; float y1 = ( float ) ( Math . sin ( radian ) * 5 ) + y0 ; float xA = object2 . getX ( ) ; float yA = object2 . getY ( ) ; float temp = ( x1 - x0 ) * ( yA - y0 ) - ( y1 - y0 ) * ( xA - x0 ) ; return temp > 0 ; }", "nl": "Analizar dos posiciones de objeto por coordenadas."}
{"code": "void assignToBlock  ( BlockId blk ) { internalLock . writeLock ( ) . lock ( ) ; try { flush ( ) ; this . blk = blk ; contents . read ( blk ) ; pins = 0 ; lastLsn = LogSeqNum . readFromPage ( contents , LAST_LSN_OFFSET ) ; } finally { internalLock . writeLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ; } }", "nl": "Lee los contenidos del bloque especificado en la p谩gina del b煤fer.Si el b煤fer estaba sucio, entonces los contenidos de la p谩gina anterior se escriben primero en el disco."}
{"code": "public boolean contains  ( int index ) { return index >= getFirst ( ) && index <= getLast ( ) ; }", "nl": "Prueba si el art铆culo est谩 contenido por rango"}
{"code": "@ Override public boolean hasPassword  ( ) { return propertyMap . containsKey ( PASSWORD_KEY ) ; }", "nl": "Cheques para la contrase帽a."}
{"code": "public static SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE STR_SKILL_SUCC_Protect_A_TO_ME  ( String skillcaster , String skillname ) { return new SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE ( 1200701 , skillcaster , skillname ) ; }", "nl": "[% Skillcaster] le ha protegido usando [% SkillName]."}
{"code": "protected Highlight buildHighlight  ( IDataSet set , int dataSetIndex , float xVal , DataSet . Rounding rounding ) { final Entry e = set . getEntryForXPos ( xVal , rounding ) ; if ( e == null ) return null ; MPPointD pixels = mChart . getTransformer ( set . getAxisDependency ( ) ) . getPixelsForValues ( e . getX ( ) , e . getY ( ) ) ; return new Highlight ( e . getX ( ) , e . getY ( ) , ( float ) pixels . x , ( float ) pixels . y , dataSetIndex , set . getAxisDependency ( ) ) ; }", "nl": "Devuelve el objeto resaltado correspondiente a la XValue y DataSetIdex seleccionados."}
{"code": "public static SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE STR_MSG_MY_PARTY_STATE  ( String value0 ) { return new SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE ( 1390135 , value0 ) ; }", "nl": "Cambiaste el grupo al estado% 0."}
{"code": "private static void storeAsTypeWithSignaturesImport  ( String strTypeToImport , @ Nullable Function objScope , PhpIndex objIndex , HashSet < String > objTypesSet ) { if ( strTypeToImport . contains ( \"|\" ) ) { for ( String strOneType : strTypeToImport . split ( \"\\\\|\" ) ) { storeAsTypeWithSignaturesImport ( Types . getType ( strOneType ) , objScope , objIndex , objTypesSet ) ; } return ; } if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( strTypeToImport ) || strTypeToImport . equals ( \"?\" ) ) { return ; } if ( strTypeToImport . contains ( \"#\" ) ) { TypeFromSignatureResolvingUtil . resolveSignature ( strTypeToImport , objScope , objIndex , objTypesSet ) ; return ; } objTypesSet . add ( Types . getType ( strTypeToImport ) ) ; }", "nl": "Agrega Tipo, Manejo |y #, invocando firmas resolviendo"}