"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 39,
"id": "5255aa75",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import json\n",
"from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 40,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 42,
"id": "7c71524c",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"(13640, 6)\n"
"source": [
"songs_df = pd.read_csv('../final_cleaned.csv')\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 43,
"id": "135fbb72",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" \n",
" \n",
" | \n",
" id | \n",
" lyrics | \n",
" annotation | \n",
" artist | \n",
" artist_id | \n",
" song | \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" 0 | \n",
" 4575103 | \n",
" [Chorus: Ed Sheeran]\\nOh, I been on for a thou... | \n",
" “1000 Nights” is a collaboration between Ed Sh... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 1000 Nights | \n",
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 3541694 | \n",
" [Verse 1]\\nI will always remember\\nThe day you... | \n",
" In “2002,” Anne-Marie reminisces about falling... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 2002 | \n",
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
" 7120781 | \n",
" [Verse 1]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent the evening... | \n",
" In an upbeat switch of tone, “2step” is Ed She... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 2step | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
" 7921365 | \n",
" [Verse 1: Ed Sheeran]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent... | \n",
" “2step (Remix)” is the fifth single from Ed Sh... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 2step (Remix) | \n",
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
" 493576 | \n",
" [Verse 1]\\nI think I took too much\\nI'm addict... | \n",
" Ed mentions in the Part 2 of his tour diary th... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" Addicted | \n",
" \n",
"text/plain": [
" id lyrics \\\n",
"0 4575103 [Chorus: Ed Sheeran]\\nOh, I been on for a thou... \n",
"1 3541694 [Verse 1]\\nI will always remember\\nThe day you... \n",
"2 7120781 [Verse 1]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent the evening... \n",
"3 7921365 [Verse 1: Ed Sheeran]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent... \n",
"4 493576 [Verse 1]\\nI think I took too much\\nI'm addict... \n",
" annotation artist artist_id \\\n",
"0 “1000 Nights” is a collaboration between Ed Sh... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"1 In “2002,” Anne-Marie reminisces about falling... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"2 In an upbeat switch of tone, “2step” is Ed She... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"3 “2step (Remix)” is the fifth single from Ed Sh... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"4 Ed mentions in the Part 2 of his tour diary th... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
" song \n",
"0 1000 Nights \n",
"1 2002 \n",
"2 2step \n",
"3 2step (Remix) \n",
"4 Addicted "
"execution_count": 43,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 44,
"id": "1930d705",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def create_prompts_table(data, pre_text, post_text):\n",
" pre_prompt = pre_text\n",
" main_prompt = data['annotation']\n",
" post_prompt = post_text\n",
" full_prompt = pre_prompt + main_prompt + post_prompt\n",
" return full_prompt"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 45,
"id": "5dfbcf8e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" \n",
" \n",
" | \n",
" prompts | \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" 0 | \n",
" Write me a song called 1000 Nights with the fo... | \n",
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
" Write me a song called 2002 with the following... | \n",
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
" Write me a song called 2step with the followin... | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
" Write me a song called 2step (Remix) with the ... | \n",
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
" Write me a song called Addicted with the follo... | \n",
" \n",
"text/plain": [
" prompts\n",
"0 Write me a song called 1000 Nights with the fo...\n",
"1 Write me a song called 2002 with the following...\n",
"2 Write me a song called 2step with the followin...\n",
"3 Write me a song called 2step (Remix) with the ...\n",
"4 Write me a song called Addicted with the follo..."
"execution_count": 45,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"#create a sampel prompts table\n",
"pre = pd.DataFrame([\"Write me a song called \"] * songs_df.shape[0])[0] + songs_df['song'] + ' with the following description: '\n",
"post = pd.DataFrame([\" Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"] * songs_df.shape[0])[0]\n",
"prompt = create_prompts_table(songs_df, pre, post)\n",
"prompts_df = pd.DataFrame({'prompts': prompt})\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 46,
"id": "b27f985d",
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"'Write me a song called 1000 Nights with the following description: “1000 Nights” is a collaboration between Ed Sheeran, Meek Mill, and A Boogie wit da Hoodie that appears on Ed’s No.6 Collaborations Project. On the track, the artists discuss touring the world and boast about the perks of being rich and famous.\\nThis songs marks the first time any of these artists have collaborated. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.'"
"execution_count": 46,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 47,
"id": "c2df4b51",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" \n",
" \n",
" | \n",
" id | \n",
" lyrics | \n",
" annotation | \n",
" artist | \n",
" artist_id | \n",
" song | \n",
" prompts | \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" 0 | \n",
" 4575103 | \n",
" [Chorus: Ed Sheeran]\\nOh, I been on for a thou... | \n",
" “1000 Nights” is a collaboration between Ed Sh... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 1000 Nights | \n",
" Write me a song called 1000 Nights with the fo... | \n",
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 3541694 | \n",
" [Verse 1]\\nI will always remember\\nThe day you... | \n",
" In “2002,” Anne-Marie reminisces about falling... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 2002 | \n",
" Write me a song called 2002 with the following... | \n",
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
" 7120781 | \n",
" [Verse 1]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent the evening... | \n",
" In an upbeat switch of tone, “2step” is Ed She... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 2step | \n",
" Write me a song called 2step with the followin... | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
" 7921365 | \n",
" [Verse 1: Ed Sheeran]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent... | \n",
" “2step (Remix)” is the fifth single from Ed Sh... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" 2step (Remix) | \n",
" Write me a song called 2step (Remix) with the ... | \n",
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
" 493576 | \n",
" [Verse 1]\\nI think I took too much\\nI'm addict... | \n",
" Ed mentions in the Part 2 of his tour diary th... | \n",
" Ed Sheeran | \n",
" 12418 | \n",
" Addicted | \n",
" Write me a song called Addicted with the follo... | \n",
" \n",
"text/plain": [
" id lyrics \\\n",
"0 4575103 [Chorus: Ed Sheeran]\\nOh, I been on for a thou... \n",
"1 3541694 [Verse 1]\\nI will always remember\\nThe day you... \n",
"2 7120781 [Verse 1]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent the evening... \n",
"3 7921365 [Verse 1: Ed Sheeran]\\nI had a bad week\\nSpent... \n",
"4 493576 [Verse 1]\\nI think I took too much\\nI'm addict... \n",
" annotation artist artist_id \\\n",
"0 “1000 Nights” is a collaboration between Ed Sh... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"1 In “2002,” Anne-Marie reminisces about falling... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"2 In an upbeat switch of tone, “2step” is Ed She... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"3 “2step (Remix)” is the fifth single from Ed Sh... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
"4 Ed mentions in the Part 2 of his tour diary th... Ed Sheeran 12418 \n",
" song prompts \n",
"0 1000 Nights Write me a song called 1000 Nights with the fo... \n",
"1 2002 Write me a song called 2002 with the following... \n",
"2 2step Write me a song called 2step with the followin... \n",
"3 2step (Remix) Write me a song called 2step (Remix) with the ... \n",
"4 Addicted Write me a song called Addicted with the follo... "
"execution_count": 47,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"songs_df[\"prompts\"] = prompts_df[\"prompts\"]\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 48,
"id": "4e58304c",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def convert_table_to_conversation(data):\n",
" result = []\n",
" for i in range(data.shape[0]):\n",
" row = data.iloc[i]\n",
" outer_dict = {}\n",
" outer_dict[\"id\"] = i\n",
" outer_dict[\"conversations\"] = []\n",
" conversations = outer_dict[\"conversations\"]\n",
" conversations.append({\"from\":\"human\", \"value\":row[\"prompts\"]})\n",
" conversations.append({\"from\":\"gpt\", \"value\":row[\"lyrics\"]})\n",
" result.append(outer_dict)\n",
" return result"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 49,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 50,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"train_df, test_df = train_test_split(songs_df, test_size=.05)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 52,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"train = convert_table_to_conversation(train_df)\n",
"train_json = json.dumps(train, indent=2)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 53,
"id": "3cb9b412",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"test = convert_table_to_conversation(test_df)\n",
"test_json = json.dumps(test, indent=2)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 54,
"id": "4f21636f",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" {\n",
" \"id\": 0,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called \\u201940 with the following description: \\nThe 18th Song off Montana\\u2019s \\u201cExcuse my French\\u201d Deluxe CD.\\nProduced by famous Lex Luger who also produces music for Juicy J, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Waka Flocka Flame (Who has a verified Rap Genius account!), etc.\\nBUY \\u201cEXCUSE MY FRENCH\\u201d ON ITUNES NOW! Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Chorus: French Montana]\\nMoney ain't everything nigga it's the only thing\\nI pop bottles like I got 40 rings\\n40 cars, 40 chains, 40 bitches\\nI got 40 names\\nA, K, K, K, K, K\\nKarma, drama, never been to college\\nThink about the feds homie, that'll be the only thing\\n40 cars, 40 chains\\n[Verse 1: French Montana]\\nBust, bust it, what the business is?\\nCars, cribs, couple businesses\\nLean, Percs and them blacks\\nBeen to hell and back\\nThen I cut off my rearview, cause I ain't looking back\\nNow my bad bitch neck tatted, blue dye my bladder\\nRip it off that rack boy, what it cost don't matter\\nI say starin' down and I'm in it\\nTrap money I'm spending\\nPG for that dream team, you fucking right we winning\\n40, 40, another 40 boy\\nThey ask me why I sell, feel that YSL?\\nDrunk in the front, your bitch in the back\\nI land in the front, and I start from the back [Chorus: French Montana]\\nMoney ain't everything nigga it's the only thing\\nI pop bottles like I got 40 rings\\n40 cars, 40 chains, 40 bitches\\nI got 40 names\\nA, K, K, K, K, K\\nKarma, drama, never been to college\\nThink about the feds homie, that'll be the only thing\\n40 cars, 40 chains\\n[Verse 2: Trey Songz]\\nHop out the jet, what city is this?\\n3 bitches in bed, I'm like who's titty is this?\\nThey fucked around and let a nigga like me get rich\\nI don't know another nigga like me exist\\nThese girls be 'bout that YOLO life\\nI ask you now if you a ho, no right?\\nBut my dick's still meeting with your throat tonight\\nPimp game strong, cold as ice\\nTold em I'd show you right\\nYou pay for pussy, you know the price\\nThat's hard to handle, this life a gamble\\nI want the dice, minute rice\\nTo business life, I'm an enterprise\\nAnd I'll drop whatever on whatever you ain't finna buy\\nLive every moment like my last, like I'm finna die\\nKnow I sing it now wonder will I sing it when I'm in the sky [Chorus: French Montana]\\nMoney ain't everything nigga it's the only thing\\nI pop bottles like I got 40 rings\\n40 cars, 40 chains, 40 bitches\\nI got 40 names\\nA, K, K, K, K, K\\nKarma, drama, never been to college\\nThink about the feds homie, that'll be the only thing\\n40 cars, 40 chains\\n[Verse 3: Fabolous]\\nBust it, bust it, she let that 40 flame\\nMy AKA is what shorty name\\nJust call my crew the Rolex and Audi gang\\nBut we still got no time for these lames\\nI'm with my Mexican homies out of Ju\\u00e1rez\\nThey'll hook you up, give you a chorus\\nWe campaigning like we running for pres\\nStill watching out for JC and Torres\\nNew York undercovers amongst the others\\nThe family be couple hundred of us\\nGot a hundred brothers, AKA the Jacksons\\nGot a hundred sisters, AKA the Braxtons\\n[Chorus: French Montana]\\nMoney ain't everything nigga it's the only thing\\nI pop bottles like I got 40 rings\\n40 cars, 40 chains, 40 bitches\\nI got 40 names\\nA, K, K, K, K, K\\nKarma, drama, never been to college\\nThink about the feds homie, that'll be the only thing\\n40 cars, 40 chains\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 1,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Until You Were Gone with the following description: \\u201cUntil You Were Gone\\u201d follows somebody\\u2019s emotions through the hardships of their relationship and questioning their decisions after breaking up with their partner.\\nThe song is very personal for the vocalist and co-writer Emily Warren, as she wrote the song about the split-up of her former High School band Emily Warren and the Betters and disguised it as a break-up song.\\nIt\\u2019s the first of multiple collaborations between the hitmaker duo The Chainsmokers and hit songwriter Emily Warren. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1: Emily Warren]\\nThought that I'd be better off if I were on my own\\nI tried to put my finger on the moment we went wrong\\nBut the taste turned bitter, so I pulled the trigger\\nNot so easy to move on, I guess I should have known\\n[Chorus: Emily Warren]\\nIce cold, I freeze up when I see ya\\nLeft you just to find out that I need ya\\nSo far, I wanna pull you closer\\nI wish we could start the whole thing over\\nEver since I left you, I've been tryna get you back\\nAnd it keeps gettin' worse\\nI'm burning on the inside and the truth is that I\\nDidn't know how good you were\\nUntil you were gone\\nUntil you were gone\\n[Verse 2: Emily Warren]\\nI was always told that only time would heal the pain\\nYet even though it's been so long it still hurts just the same\\nYet now I'm finding, that the break was binding\\nI take back everything I said, oh, won't you just come home\\n[Chorus: Emily Warren]\\nIce cold, I freeze up when I see ya\\nLeft you just to find out that I need ya\\nSo far, I wanna pull you closer\\nI wish we could start the whole thing over\\nEver since I left you, I've been tryna get you back\\nAnd it keeps gettin' worse\\nI'm burning on the inside and the truth is that I\\nDidn't know how good you were\\nUntil you were gone\\nUntil you were gone\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 2,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Just Give Me a Reason with the following description: Zoey (Jane Levy) walks in on an argument between her brother David (Andrew Leeds) and his wife Emily (Alice Lee), but they both say that they are fine. Then Zoey sees them break into this Pink-Nate Ruess duet.Expand Share Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[EMILY]\\nYou've been talking in your sleep\\nOh, oh\\nThings you never say to me\\nOh, oh\\nTell me that\\u2005you've\\u2005had enough\\nOf our\\u2005love, our love\\nJust give me a\\u2005reason\\nJust a little bit's enough\\nJust a second - we're not broken, just bent\\nAnd we can learn to love again\\n[DAVID]\\nI'm sorry I don't understand where all of this is coming from\\nI thought that we were fine\\n[EMILY]\\nOh we had everything\\n[DAVID]\\nYou've been having real bad dreams\\n[EMILY AND DAVID]\\nOh, oh [DAVID]\\nThere's nothing more than empty sheets\\n[EMILY AND DAVID]\\nBetween our love, our love\\nOh, our love, our love, love\\nJust give me a reason\\nJust a little bit\\u2019s enough\\nJust a second - we\\u2019re not broken, just bent\\nAnd we can learn to love again\\nI\\u2019ve never stopped\\nYou\\u2019re still written in the scars on my heart\\nYou\\u2019re not broken, just bent\\nAnd we can learn to love again\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 3,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called BILLS PAID with the following description: \\u201cBILLS PAID\\u201d flexes female energy as DJ Khaled brings together Latto and the City Girls on an energetic banger that serves as the twelfth track from his thirteenth studio album, GOD DID. The song sees Latto and City Girls duo members JT and Yung Miami boast about their expensive life expectations and their sexual experiences with men. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro: DJ Khaled]\\nWe the Best Music\\nY'all ready what's about to happen?\\nGet yo' money up (Another one)\\nAnthem's only\\nMiami, ATL\\nDJ Khaled\\n[Verse 1: Latto]\\nHol' up, yeah, let me check somethin' (Uh)\\nPlease, don't check for me until the check come\\nHe asked me what's my horoscope, I said, \\\"A dollar sign\\\"\\nGive a fuck 'bout you and yours 'cause I'ma die for mine\\nBlue hundreds in the pink Birkin (Birkin)\\nSwipin' with no limit like I'm Big Percy (Yeah)\\nThey say I be curvin' niggas, yeah, a bitch curvy (Yeah)\\nI get even when I'm done, he gon' need a Perky (Woo)\\n[Chorus: Latto]\\nI want my bills paid (Yup), rent paid (Yeah)\\nNails did (Uh-huh), hair slay (Yeah)\\nKeep the pussy juicy like it's marinated (Uh)\\nThe way I be killin' shit, I need interrogatin' (Woo)\\n[Verse 2: Latto]\\nPull up foreign and I park in the front (Scoop)\\nBig chillin' when I'm sparkin' a blunt\\nBitches knowin' that I'm one of them ones\\nYou can have your nigga back when I'm done (Yeah)\\nI like my niggas in the field like Beckham (Yeah)\\nMade him come up off a check when I met him (When I met him)\\nHe'll fuck around and go broke if I let 'em\\nWhen I meet a nigga, this what I tell him (This what I tell him) [Chorus: Latto]\\nI want my bills paid (Yup), rent paid (Yeah)\\nNails did (Uh-huh), hair slay (Yeah)\\nKeep the pussy juicy like it's marinated (Uh)\\nThe way I be killin' shit, I need interrogatin' (Woo)\\nI want my bills paid (Yeah), rent paid (Yup)\\nNails did (Uh-huh), hair slay (Uh)\\nAin't no such thing as enough, baby (Nah)\\nBoss bitch, got my own but you can upgrade it (Woo)\\n[Post-Chorus: Latto & \\nDJ Khaled\\n]\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work, \\nlet's go\\n)\\n[Verse 3: Latto]\\nLook, wet pussy gon' cost you (Yeah)\\nBut don't get it confused, I can do without you (On God)\\nI need them Bottega boots with the clear bottom (Yeah)\\nIf I ever dealt with him, then I still got him (Ha)\\nMugler leggings hugging my butt\\nGot the Gen5 Glock in the clutch (Boop)\\nIf my bills ain't paid, he ain't doin' enough (What?)\\nNiggas ain't shit, they barely enough, the fuck?\\n[Chorus: Latto]\\nI want my bills paid (Yup), rent paid (Yeah)\\nNails did (Uh-huh), hair slay (Yeah)\\nKeep the pussy juicy like it's marinated (Uh)\\nThe way I be killin' shit, I need interrogatin' (Woo)\\nI want my bills paid (Yeah), rent paid (Yup)\\nNails did (Uh-huh), hair slay (Uh)\\nAin't no such thing as enough, baby (Nah)\\nBoss bitch, got my own but you can upgrade it (Woo) [Post-Chorus: Latto, \\nDJ Khaled\\n & \\nJT\\n]\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work, \\nyeah\\n)\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, \\nyeah\\n, work, \\nCity Girls\\n)\\n[Verse 4: JT]\\nNasty bitch, flip dick like gymnastics\\nStreet bitch, how you think I end up in the palace? (Cash)\\nBig crib, big diamonds\\nPulled up in that drop, bitches ain't lookin' excited (Ah)\\nBlack hoochie, dressed down in Louis\\nBrand new ass, niggas wanna feel my booty\\nMy life is a movie, I'm the star, for certain (Yeah)\\nCity Girls the reason y'all hoes know 'bout Birkins (Facts)\\n[Verse 5: Yung Miami]\\nTwisted through the club like a runway, bitch\\nBody smokin' like a blunt, I bet your man wanna hit\\nSneaky leak with a rich nigga, slicker than this\\nAnd if you see a hatin' ho, blow a kiss (Mwah)\\nBop it through the club, I see it's wallets in here\\nMiami in the spot, so it's cameras in here\\nUgly hoes is hatin', I can tell by the glare\\nThe way you talkin' shit, I can tell them veneers\\n[Chorus: Latto]\\nI want my bills paid (Yup), rent paid (Yeah)\\nNails did (Uh-huh), hair slay (Yeah)\\nKeep the pussy juicy like it's marinated (Uh)\\nThe way I be killin' shit, I need interrogatin' (Woo)\\nI want my bills paid (Yeah), rent paid (Yup)\\nNails did (Uh-huh), hair slay (Uh)\\nAin't no such thing as enough, baby (Nah)\\nBoss bitch, got my own but you can upgrade it (Woo) [Post-Chorus: Latto]\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work\\n[Outro: Latto]\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work for it (Work, uh, work)\\nMake him work for it\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 4,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called One and Only with the following description: In this uptempo, bluesy ballad, Adele croons to a crush and asks them to be with her. It comes in as the ninth track on 21, her super-popular second album.\\nAlthough crush songs are certainly a staple on 19, most of 21 is generally about the aftermath of a relationship. It\\u2019s certainly interesting to see Adele recovering and moving on while sorting out her affairs with her previous, unnamed ex. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1]\\nYou've been on my mind\\nI grow fonder every day\\nLose myself in time\\nJust thinking of your face\\nGod only knows\\nWhy it's taken me so long\\nTo let my doubts go\\nYou're the only one that I want\\n[Pre-Chorus]\\nI don't know why I'm scared\\nI've been here before\\nEvery feeling, every word\\nI've imagined it all\\nYou'll never know if you never try\\nTo forgive your past and simply be mine\\n[Chorus]\\nI dare you to let me be your\\nYour one and only\\nPromise I'm worthy\\nTo hold in your arms\\nSo come on and give me the chance\\nTo prove I am the one who can\\nWalk that mile\\nUntil the end starts [Verse 2]\\nHave I been on your mind?\\nYou hang on every word I say\\nLose yourself in time\\nAt the mention of my name?\\nWill I ever know\\nHow it feels to hold you close?\\nAnd have you tell me\\nWhichever road I choose, you'll go\\n[Pre-Chorus]\\nI don't know why I'm scared\\n'Cause I've been here before\\nEvery feeling, every word\\nI've imagined it all\\nYou'll never know if you never try\\nTo forgive your past and simply be mine\\n[Chorus]\\nI dare you to let me be your\\nYour one and only\\nI promise I'm worthy, mmm\\nTo hold in your arms\\nSo come on and give me the chance\\nTo prove I am the one who can\\nWalk that mile\\nUntil the end starts [Bridge]\\nI know it ain't easy giving up your heart\\nI know it ain't easy giving up your heart\\n(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it) I know it ain't easy giving up your heart\\n(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it) I know it ain't easy giving up your heart\\n(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it) I know it ain't easy giving up your heart\\n(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it) I know it ain't easy giving up your heart\\n[Chorus]\\nSo, I dare you to let me be your\\nYour one and only\\nI promise I'm worthy\\nTo hold in your arms\\nSo come on and give me the chance\\nTo prove I am the one who can\\nWalk that mile\\nUntil the end starts\\n[Outro]\\nCome on and give me the chance\\nTo prove I am the one who can\\nWalk that mile\\nUntil the end starts\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 5,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called My Love Is Like a Star with the following description: \\u201cMy Love Is Like a Star\\u201d serves as the thirteenth track from Demi Lovato\\u2019s third studio album, Unbroken. The song revolves around a relationship that is troubled by distance, but reassures the significant other that they\\u2019re always with them in mind, heart, and spirit no matter the distance, using comparisons to celestial bodies and the heavens. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1]\\nThe space in between us starts to feel like we're worlds apart\\nLike I'm going crazy, and you say it's raining in your heart\\nYou're telling me nobody's there to dry up the flood\\nOh, but that's just crazy\\n'Cause baby, I told you I'm here for good\\n[Chorus]\\nMy love's like a star, yeah\\nYou can't always see me, but you know that I'm always there\\nWhen you see one shining\\nTake it as mine, and remember I'm always near\\nIf you see a comet, baby, I'm on it\\nMaking my way back home\\nJust follow the glow, yeah\\nIt won't be long, just know that you're not alone\\n[Verse 2]\\nI try to build the walls to keep you safe when I'm not around\\nBut as soon as I'm away from you, you say they come tumbling down\\nBut it's not about the time that we don't get to spend together\\nOh, it's about how strong our love is\\nWhen I'm gone and it feels like forever\\n[Chorus]\\nMy love's like a star, yeah\\nYou can't always see me, but you know that I'm always there\\nWhen you see one shining\\nTake it as mine, and remember I'm always near (If you see a comet)\\nIf you see a comet, baby, I'm on it\\nMaking my way back home\\nJust follow the glow, yeah\\nIt won't be long, just know that you're not alone [Bridge]\\nYou say the time away makes your heart grow numb\\nBut I can't stay just to prove you wrong\\nOh, look at how far we've come\\nDon't you know, don't you know that you're the one?\\nOh, you're not alone\\nYou're not alone, oh\\nYou're not alone, oh\\nYou're not alone, oh\\nKnow that you're not alone\\nYou're not\\n[Chorus]\\nMy love's like a star, yeah\\nYou can't always see me, but you know that I'm always there\\n(Know that I'm always there)\\nWhen you see one shining\\nTake it as mine, and remember I'm always near, yeah\\nIf you see a comet, baby, I'm on it\\nMaking my way back home\\nMaking my way back to you\\nJust follow the glow, yeah\\nIt won't be long, just know that you're not alone\\nYeah-yeah, yeah, oh, oh\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 6,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Bills, Bills, Bills with the following description: \\u201cBills, Bills, Bills\\u201d was Destiny\\u2019s Child\\u2019s first number one hit \\u2014 it ruled the Hot 100 for a month and the R&B/Hip-Hop charts for 9 consecutive weeks.\\nKandi Burruss and Kevin \\u201cShe'kspare\\u201d Briggs, who also co-wrote \\u201cBug-A-Boo,\\u201d wrote this song along with contributions from the group.\\nThe track was the lead single from their 1999 sophomore album The Writing\\u2019s on the Wall.\\nThe music video, directed by Darren Grant, was a breakthrough for the group and got heavy airplay. It featured the beauty shop scene as a homage to Beyonce\\u2019s mother Tina, who owned a salon that Beyonce worked at (and performed at) as a kid. It also featured future temporary group member Farrah Franklin as a dancer.\\nThe song was nominated for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal and Best R&B Song at the 2000 Grammy Awards, but lost to TLC in both categories. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1: Beyonc\\u00e9]\\nAt first, we started out real cool\\nTakin' me places I ain't never been\\nBut now, you're getting comfortable\\nAin't doin' those things you did no more\\nYou're slowly makin' me pay for things\\nYour money should be handling\\nAnd now you ask to use my car (Car)\\nDrive it all day and don't fill up the tank\\nAnd you have the audacity\\nTo even come and step to me and\\nAsk to hold some money from me\\nUntil you get yo' check next week\\n[Pre-Chorus: Kelly Rowland]\\nYou triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother\\nSilly me, why haven't I found another?\\nA baller, when times get hard I need someone to help me out\\nInstead of a scrub like you who don't know what a man's about\\n[Chorus: Destiny\\u2019s Child]\\nCan you pay my bills?\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills?\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill\\nI don't think you do\\nSo, you and me are through\\nCan you pay my bills?\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills? (Bills)\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill\\nI don't think you do (Do, do, do)\\nSo, you and me are through (Ooh) [Verse 2: Beyonc\\u00e9]\\nNow you've been maxing out my cards (Card)\\nGave me bad credit, buyin' me gifts with my own ends\\nHaven't paid the first bill\\nBut you're steady headin' to the mall\\nGoin' on shopping sprees\\nPerpetratin' to your friends like you be ballin'\\nAnd then you use my cellphone (Phone)\\nCallin' whoever that you think at home\\nAnd then, when the bill comes\\nAll of a sudden, you be actin' dumb\\nDon't know where none of these calls come from\\nWhen your momma's number's here more than once\\n[Pre-Chorus: Kelly Rowland]\\nYou triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother\\nSilly me, why haven't I found another?\\nA baller, when times get hard I need someone to help me out\\nInstead of a scrub like you who don't know what a man's about\\n[Chorus: Destiny\\u2019s Child]\\nCan you pay my bills?\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills? (Pay my bill)\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill\\nI don't think you do\\nSo, you and me are through\\nCan you pay my bills?\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills? (Bills)\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill\\nI don't think you do (Oh, no no, no no)\\nSo, you and me are through [Bridge: Destiny\\u2019s Child]\\nYou triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother (Good for nothing)\\nOh silly me, why haven't I found another? (Found another)\\nYou triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother (Hey)\\nOh silly me, why haven't I found another? (Oh-ooh-whoa)\\nYou triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother (Oh-ooh no, no)\\nOh silly me, why haven't I found another? (No no, no no, no no, no no)\\nYou triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother (Good for nada, hey)\\nOh silly me, why haven't I found another?\\n[Chorus: Destiny\\u2019s Child]\\nCan you pay my bills? (Can you pay the bills)\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills?\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill\\nI don't think you do\\nSo, you and me are through\\nCan you pay my bills?\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills? (Telephone)\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill (Please pay the bills)\\nI don't think you do (I don't think you do)\\nSo, you and me are through\\nCan you pay my bills?\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills?\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill\\nI don't think you do\\nSo, you and me are through\\nCan you pay my bills?\\nCan you pay my telephone bills?\\nDo you pay my automo' bills?\\nIf you did, then maybe we could chill\\nI don't think you do\\nSo, you and me are through [Outro: Kelly Rowland]\\nThou shalt confess\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 7,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Bodak Yellow with the following description: On \\u201cBodak Yellow,\\u201d Cardi brings up her past as a stripper and how she has cemented her legitimacy in the rap game with her peerless work ethic. It\\u2019s the first single she released with Atlantic Records since signing to the label in 2017.\\nThe chorus and Cardi\\u2019s flow throughout the song is reminiscent of Kodak Black\\u2019s August 2014 song, \\u201cNo Flockin.\\u201d The title\\u2019s also a play on Kodak\\u2019s name as \\u201cBodak\\u201d alludes the \\u201cB\\u201d in \\u201cBloods\\u201d as Cardi is a member of the Bloods gang, and \\u201cBlack\\u201d is changed to \\u201cYellow\\u201d as she\\u2019s a yellow bone or light-skinned.\\nIn an August 2017 Billboard interview, Cardi revealed that she wrote the lyrics to the song while listening to the beat on an airplane:\\nI heard the beat [\\u2026] on the airplane, I kept writing to it. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro]\\nKSR\\nIt's Cardi, ayy\\nSaid I'm the shit, they can't fuck with me if they wanted to\\nI don't gotta dance\\n[Chorus]\\nSaid lil' bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to\\nThese expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes\\nHit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose\\nAnd I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look\\nI don't dance now, I make money moves (Ayy, ayy)\\nSay I don't gotta dance, I make money move\\nIf I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you\\nI'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves\\n[Verse 1]\\nNow she say she gon' do what to who? Let's find out and see\\nCardi B, you know where I'm at, you know where I be\\nYou in the club just to party, I'm there, I get paid a fee\\nI be in and out them banks so much, I know they're tired of me\\nHonestly, don't give a fuck 'bout who ain't fond of me\\nDropped two mixtapes in six months\\nWhat bitch working as hard as me?\\nI don't bother with these hoes, don't let these hoes bother me\\nThey see pictures, they say, \\\"Goals,\\\" bitch, I'm who they tryna be\\nLook, I might just chill in some BAPE\\nI might just chill with your boo, I might just feel on your babe\\nMy pussy feel like a lake\\nHe wanna swim with his face, I'm like, \\\"Okay\\\"\\nI'll let him get what he want, he buy me Yves Saint Laurent\\nAnd the new whip, when I go fast as a horse\\nI got the trunk in the front (Vroom, vroom)\\nI'm the hottest in the street, know you prolly heard of me\\nGot a bag and fixed my teeth, hope you hoes know it ain't cheap\\nAnd I pay my mama bills, I ain't got no time to chill\\nThink these hoes be mad at me, their baby father run a bill [Chorus]\\nSaid lil' bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to\\nThese expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes\\nHit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose\\nAnd I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look\\nI don't dance now, I make money moves\\nSay I don't gotta dance, I make money moves\\nIf I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you\\nI'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves\\n[Verse 2]\\nIf you a pussy, you get popped, you a goofy, you a opp\\nDon't you come around my way, you can't hang around my block\\nAnd I just checked my accounts, turns out, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich\\nI put my hand above my hip, I bet you dip, he dip, she dip\\nI say I get the money and go, this shit is hot like a stove\\nMy pussy glitter is gold, tell that lil' bitch play her role\\nI just arrove in a Rolls, I just came up in a Wraith\\nI need to fill up the tank, no, I need to fill up the safe\\nI need to let all these hoes know that none of their niggas is safe\\nI go to dinner and steak, only the real can relate\\nI used to live in the P's, now it's a crib with a gate\\nRollie got charms, look like Frosted Flakes\\nHad to let these bitches know, just in case these hoes forgot\\nI just run and check the mail, another check from Mona Scott [Chorus]\\nSaid lil' bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to\\nThese expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes\\nHit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose\\nAnd I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look\\nI don't dance now, I make money moves\\nSay I don't gotta dance, I make money move\\nIf I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you\\nI'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 8,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Come Through with the following description: On \\u201cCome Through,\\u201d H.E.R. delivers a soulful and chill duet with Chris Brown as the two singers exchange verses about the urge to see one another and, as the title suggests, cancel other plans.\\nThis song marks the third collaboration between the two, following the April 2018 joint \\u201cFocus (Remix),\\u201d and the June 2019 hit \\u201cCome Together,\\u201d which both share a similar theme with this track. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1: H.E.R.]\\nAlmost missed my flight today\\nI look good, even though I feel shitty\\nI just got back out this way\\nYou already got plans for the city\\nCall 'em off, could you call 'em off for me?\\nYou're always going on and on\\nGot it all, ask me why I never leave\\nI don't go out much\\n[Chorus: H.E.R., \\nH.E.R. & Chris Brown\\n]\\nBut \\nyou should come through tonight\\nI'm chillin' on the Westside, boo\\nCall my homegirl, \\ntell your best friend\\nYou can\\n slide too, on the low, a remote location\\nI don't want them see me gettin' faded\\nYou should come through tonight\\nI only kick it with a tight crew\\nThey won't tell, 'cause they tryna live they best life too\\nOn the low, on my own, \\nI be wavy\\nHit m\\u0435 on my phone, I'll be waitin', yeah-y\\u0435ah\\n[Verse 2: Chris Brown, \\nChris Brown & H.E.R.\\n]\\nLookin' at you cry, goin' crazy\\nIf I could, I would take the pain away\\nI don't see that smile I made\\nYou already made plans that ain't with me\\nTryin' hard, I been \\ntryin' hard to breathe\\nInhale, exhale, you \\nexpel what you been doin' to me\\nFightin' it off, you been fightin' me off for weeks\\nDon't leave, 'cause I need ya [Chorus: H.E.R. & Chris Brown, \\nH.E.R.\\n, \\nChris Brown\\n]\\nBut \\nyou should come through tonight\\nI'm chillin' on the Westside, boo\\nCall my homegirl, \\ntell your best friend\\nYou can\\n slide too, on the low, a remote location\\nI don't want them see me gettin' faded\\n (Yeah)\\nYou should come through tonight\\n (Yeah)\\nI only kick it with a tight crew\\n (Yeah)\\nThey won't tell, 'cause they tryna live they best life too\\n (\\nNo\\n)\\nOn the low, on my own, \\nI be wavy\\n (\\nYeah\\n)\\nHit me on my phone, I'll be waitin', yeah-yeah\\n[Verse 3: H.E.R. & Chris Brown, \\nH.E.R.\\n]\\nI ain't really tryna spend no time (\\nNo time\\n)\\nIn the house, if you ask me how I'm feelin' (\\nFeelin'\\n)\\nI say \\\"yes\\\" to goin' out tonight\\nOh, I ain't did that in a minute\\nCalled it off, \\noh\\n, I called it off for you\\nYou always goin' on and on\\nAsk me why, \\noh\\n, why I'm not with you\\nI don't go out much\\n[Chorus: H.E.R. & Chris Brown, \\nH.E.R.\\n, \\nChris Brown\\n]\\nBut \\nyou should come through tonight\\n (Yeah)\\nI'm chillin' on the Westside, boo\\nCall my homegirl, \\ntell your best friend\\n (\\nBest, oh\\n)\\nYou can\\n slide too, on the low, a remote location\\nI don't want them see me gettin' faded\\nYou should come through tonight\\nI only kick it with a tight crew\\n (\\nYeah\\n)\\nThey won't tell, 'cause they tryna live they best life too\\n (\\nWoah\\n)\\nOn the low, on my own, \\nI be wavy\\nHit me on my phone, I'll be waitin'\\n (\\nYeah\\n)\\n, yeah-yeah [Outro: H.E.R.]\\nWaitin', oh\\nHit me on my phone, I'll be waitin', waitin'\\nYeah, yeah, yeah, uh\\nHit me on my phone, hit me on my phone, yeah\\nOh, I'll be waitin', yeah\\nHittin' me alone, oh, yeah-yeah\\nGive me a call, oh, yeah-yeah\\nGive me a call, yeah\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 9,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called 1 Thing About Me with the following description: \\u201c1Thing About Me\\u201d is an unreleased collaboration between Meek Mill and Travis Scott. The song was previewed by Meek in September 2013, but it never saw an official release. It leaked online on May 10, 2023. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro]\\nForeign Mobb\\n[Chorus: Travis Scott & \\nMeek Mill\\n]\\nOne thing about me, I never told on no nigga (Straight up)\\nOne thing about me, never sell my soul to no bitches (Ooh, oh no)\\nOne thing about me, drink, smoke to solve my issues (Dope)\\nOne thing about me, I'ma stay ballin' on niggas (Woo)\\nAnd none of these niggas\\nThese niggas can't tell me shit\\n (Straight up)\\nAnd none of these niggas\\nThese niggas can't tell me shit\\n (Ooh)\\n[Verse 1: Travis Scott]\\nAll this lust and sex and infatu'\\nTurned this funeral into a beauty pageant\\nThey rung the bell, when I escaped from hell\\nThen I caught the whole world reaction\\nIf it all fails, baby, don't bail, just bounce\\nI was lost in a world of drought\\nI really couldn't make it out, so I took the crazy route\\nThat's one thing about me\\nNiggas can't get a thing about me\\nMotherfucker, gotta like bail around, you gotta bring the uh about me\\nThat's three more things about me\\nI hate when I step in the place and I look at your face and your taste is disgrace\\nWhen I come around, flip and toss shit, nigga, you better move fuck out the way\\nThat's the thing about me [Chorus: Travis Scott & \\nMeek Mill\\n]\\nOne thing about me, I never told on no nigga (Straight up)\\nOne thing about me, never sell my soul to no bitches (Ooh, oh no)\\nOne thing about me, drink, smoke to solve my issues (Dope)\\nOne thing about me, I'ma stay ballin' on niggas (Woo)\\nAnd none of these niggas\\nThese niggas can't tell me shit\\n (Straight up)\\nAnd none of these niggas\\nThese niggas can't tell me shit\\n (Ooh)\\n[Verse 2: Meek Mill & \\nTravis Scott\\n]\\nOne thing about me, I never gave a fuck\\nI brought my chick a weddin' ring, but I never gave it to her\\n'Cause these hoes ain't loyal, and these niggas ain't for you\\nAnd all when my money go, that's where the honey go, and life get to flashin' before you\\nI got too much money on me, too much ice on my neck (\\nStraight up\\n)\\nNiggas seen I came up, damn right, they upset\\nNo ain't really say much, just money, power, respect\\nAnd I leave hoes around lil nigga, shit, 'cause ain't too many us left\\nI blow c-note after c-note, sippin' lean ho\\nI'm ridin' 'round in my dream car with my dream ho\\nAnd I love the money, it's what I feign for\\nAnd I tell no nigga one thing about me\\nI don't owe any nigga, straight up\\n[Chorus: Travis Scott & \\nMeek Mill\\n]\\nOne thing about me, I never told on no nigga (Straight up)\\nOne thing about me, never sell my soul to no bitches (Ooh, oh no)\\nOne thing about me, drink, smoke to solve my issues (Dope)\\nOne thing about me, I'ma stay ballin' on niggas (Woo)\\nAnd none of these niggas\\nThese niggas can't tell me shit\\n (Straight up)\\nAnd none of these niggas\\nThese niggas can't tell me shit\\n (Ooh)\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 10,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called School Shooters (Remix) with the following description: An exclusive, remixed version of School Shooters that never made it on Bad Vibes Forever, includes 2 verses from rapper Kemba and a few Lil Wayne adlibs, plus the Wayne verse is cleaner and more high sounding quality, This was released on February 18, 2020 on Kemba\\u2019s YouTube account. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Chorus: XXXTENTACION]\\nI drink blood of school shooters\\nSlit throat, loose screws get fucked up\\nHang his ass from\\u2005flag\\u2005poles with sad\\u2005souls\\nThe innocent, who the fuck\\u2019s protecting\\u2005us?\\nBoy, you better buckle up \\u2018cause I got questions for you fucks, I\\u2019ve had enough\\n[Verse 1: Kemba]\\nWho the fuck protecting us?\\nWho the fuck show respect for us?\\nWho accepted us, except for us?\\nWhen we looked up for them, they rejected us\\nWho the fuck protecting me?\\nIt ain't a cop or deputy\\nIt ain't a pop celebrity\\nWhen niggas pop a song from Pac\\nIs not gon' help me breathe, I mean\\nPoppa gone and mom's is missing, I ain't got a pot to piss in\\nA lot of my peers either popped a clip, or pop prescription\\nThis the apocalypse so here's my proposition\\nFuck it all if God intended\\nGuard the gates and guard the children, call my baby tell her\\nI ain't complainin' 'bout the cause I'm given\\nOr the cards they deal a nigga, God is with me nigga, yuh\\n[Chorus: XXXTENTACION]\\nI drink blood of school shooters\\nSlit throat, loose screws get fucked up\\nHang his ass from flag poles with sad souls\\nThe innocent, who the fuck\\u2019s protecting us?\\nBoy, you better buckle up \\u2018cause I got questions for you fucks, I\\u2019ve had enough [Verse 2: Lil Wayne]\\n(Uh) Triple X, I just popped a triple X, uh (Uh)\\nA school shooter, I just need attention, yeah, uh (Yeah)\\nTell the principal, I ain't got no principles\\nI don't need no school, I got internet, yeah\\nKids at school calling me different, yeah (Yeah)\\nSo I'm tryna work on my differences, yeah (Yeah)\\nCool kids at school smoke bigarettes (Yuh)\\nTeens with nicotine or with liquor breath\\nOr the semi-TEC at school, what's the bigger threat? (Boom)\\nIntellect mixed with inner stress (Uh)\\nThat's a recipe for disaster\\nIf you don't believe me, go ask any chef (Oh)\\nSchool shooter, I just need mental help (Uh)\\nSaved by the bell, I can't hear the bell (Uh)\\nGive me bad grades, I don't give a F (Whoa)\\nGet in front of my classmates and kill myself (Kill myself, oh)\\n[Chorus: XXXTENTACION]\\nI drink blood of school shooters\\nSlit throat, loose screws get fucked up\\nHang his ass from flag poles with sad souls\\nThe innocent, who the fuck\\u2019s protecting us?\\nBoy, you better buckle up \\u2018cause I got questions for you fucks, I\\u2019ve had enough\\n[Verse 3: Kemba]\\nThis is a dedication\\nThis is for every shooting, every victim\\nNiggas with potential that never made it\\nThis is for all the living\\nLet me paint the picture\\nHow you deal with the pressure\\nLil' Timmy Turner slid in depression\\n9 millimeter hid in the dresser\\nCrush pills, momma slid in the ketchup\\nMiddle-middle schools with the metal detectors\\nBulletholes in the history textbooks\\nLittle Dylan with the 38 special\\nJudge hit him a wink and lecture\\nWhat a warm welcome to America\\nDrug dealers getting pinched on the regular\\nTriple double judge gave him the Westbrook\\nThree felonies, ten apiece, the police know this whole shit is a setup\\nWho the fuck gon'\\u2014, who the fuck gon' protect us?\\nI told my niggas if we gon' get this shit together, gotta get our shit together\\nFuck the government and fuck the president, whoever square dancing with the devil\\nLed Zeppelin on a stair master, that's a meta, they won't never get to heaven\\nFifth grade, it was different\\nWhile niggas was smoking on piff strains\\nI was dealing with disdain for my kindred\\nMy kitchen was smelling like piss stains\\nI had family split strained from addiction\\nGraduation won attended\\nCommissary is the pension\\nHairpin is on the trigger\\nWho would miss me if I pinch it and end it like? Ooh [Chorus: XXXTENTACION]\\nI drink blood of school shooters\\nSlit throat, loose screws get fucked up\\nHang his ass from flag poles with sad souls\\nThe innocent, who the fuck\\u2019s protecting us?\\nBoy, you better buckle up \\u2018cause I got questions for you fucks, I\\u2019ve had enough\\n[Outro: XXXTENTACION]\\nAgh, I got a question, where was protection?\\nHow did this happen? Can we go backwards?\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 11,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Bad with the following description: \\u201cBad\\\"is featured in Michael, the eleventh episode of Season Three. It is sung by the Dalton Academy Warblers and the New Directions, with solos from Artie (Kevin McHale), Blaine (Darren Criss), Santana (Naya Rivera) and Sebastian (Grant Gustin).\\nThe song marks the first where a woman is featured in a song with the all male Warblers.\\n\\n\\n Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[ARTIE]\\nAh, your butt is mine\\nGonna take you right, ah\\nJust show your face\\nIn broad daylight, ah\\nI'm telling you\\nOn how I feel, ah\\nGonna hurt your mind\\nDon't shoot to kill\\nShamone, shamone\\nGet on me all right...\\n[SEBASTIAN (with SANTANA)]\\nAh, I'm giving you\\nOn a count of three, ah\\n(To show your stuff)\\n(Or let it be)\\nAh\\nI'm telling you\\nJust to watch your mouth, ah\\n(I know your game)\\n(What you're about)\\nAh\\n[BLAINE]\\nBut they say the sky's the limit\\nAnd to me that's really true, ah\\nBut my friends, you have seen nothing\\nJust wait 'til I get though [SANTANA (NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS)]\\nBecause I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really, bad)\\nCome on, ah\\nYou know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really, bad)\\nYou know it, ah\\nUh, you know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really, bad)\\nCome on, you know\\n[SANTANA with NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS]\\nAnd the whole world has to answer right now\\nJust to tell you once again who's bad\\n[SEBASTIAN]\\nAh, ah, the word is out\\nYou're doin' wrong\\nGonna lock you up\\nBefore too long, ah\\n[ARTIE with BLAINE, (ARTIE)]\\nYour lyin' eyes\\nGonna take you right (Ah)\\n[ARTIE]\\nSo listen up\\n[ARTIE with SANTANA, (ARTIE)]\\nDon't make a fight\\nYour talk is cheap\\nYou're not a man (Dah)\\nYou're throwin' stones\\nTo hide your hands (Ah) [BLAINE]\\nBut they say the sky's the limit\\nAnd to me that's really true, ah\\nBut my friends, you have seen nothing\\nJust wait 'til I get through\\n[SANTANA (NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS)]\\nBecause I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really, bad)\\nCome on\\nYou know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really, bad)\\nYou know it\\nUh, you know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really, bad)\\nCome on, you know\\n[SANTANA with NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS]\\nAnd the whole world has to answer right now\\nJust to tell you once again who's bad\\n[ARTIE]\\nOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh\\nOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh\\n[BLAINE & SEBASTIAN]\\nOh, woah, woah, woah, woah\\nWoah, woah, woah, woah, woah [SANTANA]\\nHuuuuh\\n[ARTIE & SANTANA]\\nHwoah, woah, woah, woah, woah, yeah!\\n[BLAINE]\\nAh, we can change the world tomorrow\\nThis could be a better place, dah\\nIf you don't like what I'm sayin'\\nThen won't you slap my face\\n[SANTANA (NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS), {with BLAINE}]\\n{Because I'm bad}, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really bad)\\nCome on, ah\\nYou know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really bad)\\nYou know it, ah\\nYou know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really bad)\\nCome on, you know\\nWoo! Woo! Woo!\\n[SANTANA with NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS]\\nAnd the whole world has to answer right now\\nJust to tell you once again\\n[SANTANA (NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS)]\\nYou know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really bad)\\nYou know it, ah\\nYou know I'm bad, (Bad, bad, really, really bad)\\nYou know, woo! Ah\\nYou know I'm bad, I'm bad (Bad, bad, really, really bad)\\nYou know it, you know, ah (Bad, bad, really, really bad)\\n[SANTANA with NEW DIRECTIONS and THE WARBLERS]\\nAnd the whole world has to answer right now\\nJust to tell you once again who's bad?\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 12,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Lovely with the following description: Lovely is the 6th track on 500 Degreez, the third studio album by Lil Wayne released on July 23, 2002.\\nLike most of his early work the song is produced by Mannie Fresh\\nOn this track, Wayne raps about his love for the world and everything in it. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1]\\nI love myself I love what I am I love who I is I love Weezy\\nLil girl your man your damn kids love Weezy\\nYou gotta love the nigga just because other nigga\\nAnd I don't love other niggas But I love other niggas bitches\\nI love 20-inches on everything I sit in\\nI love my nappy hair I love the shit I wear\\nYou gotta love the squad-ad girl\\nIf she ain't giving love to the whole squad-ad get outta here\\nYou people love the shit I pop in your ear\\nYou gon love the shit I do to hip-hop this year\\nYou gonna love when I bring it back to the block this year\\nI represent the Biggie and 'Pac era; you gotta love me\\nThat I know ma love me just cause I got a lot of money\\nBut I love that girl too, but I love that girl too\\nI let y'all know me and I would love to know you now come on\\n[Hook x2]\\nEverything that I love in this world\\nHas gotta be the greatest thing in this world if I love it cause, I love this, I love that, I love y'all because\\nEverything in this world is just love\\n[Verse 2]\\nI know you probably love the bar, right\\nYou love to live that big dog life\\nYou love to live just like a young'n Weezy by here\\nAnd I love to see you do so I love my Coupe blow on them deuce-o's\\nI love a cute ho and you probably love her all right, girl\\nHe probably love you all your life I love you all night, girl I love an all white pearls\\nSix with the two pipes barrel kit I love to get it cracking in your girl lips\\nI love to sip from bill I love to go hard purp-pill\\nYou love that I'm a star and got that work still\\nDon't get it fucked because I love to work still\\nAnd you won't love how the hurt feel\\nHow getting murked feel And I love how getting hurt feel I know you love I got some of it on your shirt ee-yew I need to treat you\\nAs a matter fact I love to cheat you\\nDon't call me cool Hey, you love me and I love to love you [Hook x2]\\n[Verse 3]\\nI love fast cars I love fast broads I love fast money I love Cash Money\\nI love a slow cigar I love a slow menage\\nWhat you love blower hard\\nLet's get it cracking money I love to stack my money\\nYou will love to jack my money I love to clap-clap and black-black get back here honey\\nI love act a plumb-ass when I had a tall glass And that bust your ass in one gulp\\nI love to shit talk\\nYou love to hear me talking shit on this When Fresh dropping that nasty shit\\nThat old uptown get down CMB classic shit I like to ride around with a plastic fifth\\nI love to melt ya I love them underground S-Q albums\\nHaters love to get you twisted But I love the haters cause haters just love twisted\\nThem bitches love Weezy\\nMy bitch gon love me when I'm busy With T-Rez fleece suit is Jayo nothing busy Squad up\\n[Hook x4]\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 13,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Diamonds with the following description: Keef explains how much money and jewels he has, something he has failed to mentioned in the past. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro: Chief Keef]\\nYoung Chop on the beat\\nWe're next, we're next, geesh\\nO-Block\\nBang\\nBang, bang\\n[Chorus: Chief Keef]\\nI swear my diamonds are so blinding please don't look at my wrist (look at my wrist)\\nIn one blink of an eye, I bet I can take your bitch (take your bitch)\\nThat boy jewelry looking blurry like who sold him that shit (sold him that shit)\\nThey say I ain't getting money well who told them that shit (told them that shit)\\nOk your bitch she like my diamonds and the cars that I ride (car that I ride)\\nOr she might just like my style or its the squad that's behind me (squad that's behind me)\\nI don't know but she gone go cause my pockets on swole (pockets on swole)\\nI just walk up in the mall then I buy the whole store (buy the whole store)\\n[Verse 1: Chief Keef]\\nI know my diamonds looking blinding, please don't look at my wrist (look at my wrist)\\nMy young niggas shoot your face, if you think about taking my shit (taking my shit)\\n10k for my ears, 20k for my wrist (20k for my wrist)\\nYou ain't fucking me for free bitch 20k for my dick (20k for my dick)\\nCatch you slipping Scottie Pippen one phone call and you hit (call and you hit)\\nI just get these bitches numbers I don't call I forget (call I forget)\\nAnd I'm riding in them foreigns I'mma ride on St. Lawrence (St. Lawrence)\\nI'mma ride on brick squad catch a nigga I'm scoring (catch a nigga I'm scoring) [Chorus: Chief Keef]\\nI swear my diamonds are so blinding please don't look at my wrist (look at my wrist)\\nIn one blink of an eye, I bet I can take your bitch (take your bitch)\\nThat boy jewelry looking blurry like who sold him that shit (sold him that shit)\\nThey say I ain't getting money well who told them that shit (told them that shit)\\nOk your bitch she like my diamonds and the cars that I ride (car that I ride)\\nOr she might just like my style or its the squad that's behind me (squad that's behind me)\\nI don't know but she gone go cause my pockets on swole (pockets on swole)\\nI just walk up in the mall then I buy the whole store (buy the whole store)\\n[Verse 2: French Montana]\\nThem people calling, right back to balling\\nYou got a bad batch to much bakin' on it\\nRight back on the stove, right back to them shows\\nRight back to my bitches, your advance is my clothes\\nI'm whipping it (whippin it), I triple it (triple it)\\nShorty pop a molly then she wiggle it (wiggle it)\\nPutting orders, You telling stories (stories)\\nCasino life hard rock nigga put in all this\\n[Chorus: Chief Keef]\\nI swear my diamonds are so blinding please don't look at my wrist (look at my wrist)\\nIn one blink of an eye, I bet I can take your bitch (take your bitch)\\nThat boy jewelry looking blurry like who sold him that shit (sold him that shit)\\nThey say I ain't getting money well who told them that shit (told them that shit)\\nOk your bitch she like my diamonds and the cars that I ride (car that I ride)\\nOr she might just like my style or its the squad that's behind me (squad that's behind me)\\nI don't know but she gone go cause my pockets on swole (pockets on swole)\\nI just walk up in the mall then I buy the whole store (buy the whole store)\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 14,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Ego with the following description: This track is off of Trey\\u2019s 2009 mixtape The Gentlemens Club. Trey is a monster when it comes to remixing and adding his own flavor on the hot hip hop songs of the moment. This Beyonce song was certainly one of the better songs of \\u201809. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Uh this goes out to you(you) and you(you) and you(you) and you\\nOh listen\\n[Verse 1:]\\nTo say im egotistical\\nIs so stereotypical\\nIf I say im the shit then baby you can be my tissue roll\\nGirl you like a toostie roll\\nHow many licks do it take till it stick to my face(I wanna know)\\n45 46... 50 licks\\nGot somewhere to go so can we make it quick\\nNot a quickie though\\nHave faith like Biggie though\\nWe in the chase for that Diddy dough\\nI should make a sex video\\nWay I'm hitting hoes\\nThey be singing opera like figueroa figueroa figueroa\\nYea singin' nigga from the ghetto\\nAin't nothing like a pretty woman in stilettos\\n(Yeaa) Sex Olympics, I won a medal\\nGirl you need to ride no brakes no pedals\\nYea I'm drunker then a motherfucka\\nEven when I'm drunk tho I'm hotter then these other bustas\\nThey say I'm wrong for saying that\\n(Well)But shit you wrong for saying that\\nI'm sick of dos equis\\nYou so petty\\nI'm so ready\\nOnce had a akward moment only cause I wanted to\\nMiddle finger my opponents\\nBaby girl I'm zoning\\nAnd I really give a fuck if you was on it\\nSong called bedroom cause you featured on it\\nSatin sheets bed room I'mma beat you on it\\nThey say my head big\\nCause my head is\\nSo I walk like my legs big\\nIs it illegal to have an ego the size of pluto\\nWhen I\\nKnow that I'm flyer\\nThen any guy that you know Baby what you name is\\nTell me who you hang with\\nMoney out the anus\\nI can make you famous\\nSo many people say that I'm conceited\\n(Well damn! Come on)\\nI'm really starting to believe it\\nSet a lot of goals and I'm starting to achieve it\\nTell me what's the reason\\nWinter spring summer fall\\nAll of ya'll think I'm the one you wanna be with\\nI be on some \\\"G\\\" shit\\nI hit it the deepest\\nChorus[Beyonce and Trey]\\n(Beyonce)\\nToo big\\nToo wide\\nToo strong\\nIt won't fit\\nIts too much\\nIts too tough\\n(Trey)\\nShe talk like this cause I can back it up(true)\\nI got a big you know(yes I do)\\nSuch a huge you know\\nIts so big\\nCause she love my big you know(that's what she said)\\nI talk like this cause I can back it up [Verse 2:]\\nFlight got delayed I was waiting on the call\\nCouple hours later performing for a crowd\\nSaid that I'm the shit\\nShawty watch me move a bowel\\nJust like Vanna White when shawty move a vowel\\nThe beast tryna eat her\\nWilder beast on the prowl\\nGet it super wet, now you gone need a towel\\nYou a super freak gone and put it in yo mouth\\nHave fun, oh baby, we gone end up with a child\\nChorus\\n(Beyonce)\\nToo big\\nToo wide\\nToo strong\\nIt won't fit\\nIts too much\\nIts too tough\\n(Trey)\\nShe talk like this cause I can back it up(true)\\nI got a big you know(yes I do)\\nSuch a huge you know\\nIts so big\\nCause she love my big you know(that's what she said)\\nI talk like this cause I can back it up\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 15,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called His & Hers with the following description: On \\u201cHis & Hers,\\u201d Internet Money producers reunite with Don Toliver and Gunna after collaborating on the summer 2020 hit \\u201cLemonade\\u201d. This time around joined by Lil Uzi Vert, the artists deliver catchy melodies over an IM-produced beat.\\nMainly conducted by IM founder Taz Taylor and video director Cole Bennett, the teasing of the track began on April 1, 2021, with Taz Taylor\\u2019s announcement of the collaboration. After the leak of a demo and several delays, Taz finally announced the song\\u2019s release on May 13, 2021.\\nJust like \\u201cLemonade,\\u201d the release of \\u201cHis & Hers\\u201d was followed by the premiere of a Lyrical Lemonade music video, giving more exposure to the song. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro: Don Toliver]\\nOoh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh\\nOoh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh\\nYeah, yeah, yeah (Ooh)\\n[Chorus: Don Toliver]\\nBaby, hit that back and burp\\nThen pour a four of purp'\\nYou got his and hers\\nToolie in that Birkin\\nClose the window curtains (Curtains)\\nRight up in your skirt (Skirt)\\nTake off, hit the curve (Curve)\\nToolie in that Birkin\\n[Post-Chorus: Don Toliver]\\nWhen I pop out, it's a blicky\\nWe roll up, we roll up sticky\\nThe other bitches, they be shifty\\nI pay for my shit, ain't shit free\\nTake some time (Hee, hee)\\nI know how I get when I make that mine\\nShawty, I break that spine\\n[Verse 1: Don Toliver]\\nRoll that dice\\nNo covers, sex on ice (Yeah, yeah)\\nAin't no lock and key\\nJust beep, beep, beep up in my Jeep\\nBaby, take off the belt of the seat\\nTouch-free, I brought som\\u0435 ones\\nShawty have fun with funds\\nTongue out on cam\\u0435ra\\nStretchin' out that Saint Laurent\\nShe brought two friends, twin-twins\\nCasamigos killer\\nFucked up off that liquor [Chorus: Don Toliver]\\nBaby, hit that back and burp\\nThen pour a four of purp'\\nYou got his and hers\\nToolie in that Birkin\\nClose the window curtains (Curtains)\\nRight up in your skirt (Skirt)\\nTake off, hit the curve (Curve)\\nToolie in that Birkin\\n[Post-Chorus: Don Toliver]\\nWhen I pop out, it's a blicky\\nWe roll up, we roll up sticky\\nThe other bitches, they be shifty\\nI pay for my shit, ain't shit free\\nTake some time (Hee, hee)\\nI know how I get when I make that mine\\nShawty, I break that spine\\n[Verse 2: Gunna]\\nToolie in that Birkin (Birkin)\\nYou and me, I got you, that's for certain\\nWe split a G6, it feel like surfin' (Surfin')\\nTalkin' to that big guy, trying to wash out my sins (Wash out my sins)\\nShe was massaging me (Me), catered to a G (G)\\nI don't got to tell her about her body, she already got a physique (Physique)\\nLeft from Croatia and landed in Greece (Greece)\\nI took her heart off her sleeve (Sleeve)\\nLove how you keep it a hundred, and that's really all that I need (That's all that I need, need)\\nI'm a big dog, and she on my turf\\nI just hope you know your worth\\nBaby, hit that back and burp [Chorus: Don Toliver]\\nBaby, hit that back and burp\\nThen pour a four of purp'\\nYou got his and hers\\nToolie in that Birkin\\nClose the window curtains (Curtains)\\nRight up in your skirt (Skirt)\\nTake off, hit the curve (Curve)\\nToolie in that Birkin\\n[Post-Chorus: Don Toliver & \\nLil Uzi Vert\\n]\\nWhen I pop out, it's a blicky\\nWe roll up, we roll up sticky\\nThe other bitches, they be shifty\\nI pay for my shit, ain't shit free\\nTake some time (Hee, hee)\\nI know how I get when I make that mine\\nShawty, I break that spine (\\nLil Uzi\\n)\\n[Verse 3: Lil Uzi Vert]\\nHuh, I know how I get (Yeah)\\nI'ma break your spine, next spot, I'm gon' break your ribs (Break your ribs, ayy)\\nUh (Yeah), you know how I live (Yeah), so just cool out, baby (Cool out, baby)\\nI was born up in the nineties (Ayy), swag came from the eighties (Yeah, Lil Uzi)\\nI was sweatin' (Ayy), she on fire, we hot like it's Haiti (Ayy)\\nAnd you know I stay with bands on me like my name Katie (What?)\\nSo much smoke coming out my blunt, it looked like I was vaping (Yeah)\\nI can't share none of my drugs (Ayy), know that I'm gon' face it (Yeah)\\nAny problem that I have, you know I'm gon' face it (Yeah)\\nPop a Perky, Perc' in lean, and I barely taste it [Chorus: Don Toliver & \\nLil Uzi Vert\\n]\\nBaby, hit that back and burp (\\nYeah\\n)\\nThen pour a four of purp' (\\nLil Uzi\\n)\\nYou got his and hers\\nToolie in that Birkin\\nClose the window curtains (Curtains)\\nRight up in your skirt (Skirt)\\nTake off, hit the curve (Curve)\\nToolie in that Birkin\\n[Post-Chorus: Don Toliver]\\nWhen I pop out, it's a blicky\\nWe roll up, we roll up sticky\\nThe other bitches, they be shifty\\nI pay for my shit, ain't shit free\\nTake some time (Hee, hee)\\nI know how I get when I make that mine\\nShawty, I break that spine\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 16,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called S.O.Y. with the following description: \\u201cS.O.Y\\u201d standing for \\u201cStunt On You\\u201d leaked at late May 2015 and it\\u2019s possible that this is going to be a part of Drake\\u2019s 4th album \\u201cViews From The 6\\u201d. However, it has not been confirmed.Expand Share Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro: Drake]\\nUh\\nUh\\n[Verse 1: Drake]\\nIt's 10 o'clock on a Wednesday and I know you're home\\nDriving up and down our street hoping that you'd come outside\\nCause' I just got paid and I went and bought the car you wanted\\nAnd I just need you to see me oohhhh\\nChildish as it seems it will make it all better, better\\nSelfish as it is this ain't' just about you noooooo\\nDid me wrong every time we were together, gether\\nAnd that's why\\n[Hook: Drake]\\nI'm gunna stunt, on, you\\nI'm gunna stunt, on, you\\nYou let me go\\nLittle did you know\\nI could've made it all on my own\\n[Verse 2: Jori Vague]\\nOh Yes\\nEverything change but it's no different\\nBut really it's like\\nEverything's the same but it's so different\\nI was always here when you needed me\\nSomehow I feel like you cheated me\\nI just wanted someone to believe in me\\nBut you weren't there, you weren't there\\nYou couldn't even make it to my first show\\nThat's why I'm putting in this fucking work though\\nI'm becoming everything that I told you I'd be\\nI've been living like a bachelor no bachelor degree\\nI feel like the shit has ran it's course\\nI guess I never needed your support\\nNow let me hop out the motherfucking Porsche\\nCause I'm gunna I'm gunna [Hook: Drake]\\nI'm gunna stunt, on, you\\nI'm gunna stunt, on, you\\nYou let me go\\nLittle did you know\\nI could've made it all on my own\\n[Outro: Jori Vague]X2\\nYou should've been patient\\nYou should've waited\\nYou should've been patient\\nYou should've waited\\nI told you so\\nTold you my time was coming\\nBut for you it's time to go\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 17,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Turn Up On Em with the following description: This song was first previewed in late 2016 on Young Thug\\u2019s Instagram account, when he made a mannequin challenge video using the song in the background. It leaked in full in late 2018. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro]\\n(\\nJoe McLaren\\n)\\n(\\nWheezy Beats\\n)\\n[Chorus: 21 Savage]\\nYeah, my skinny jeans stuffed\\nAnd my diamonds VSs (Ya dig?)\\nI'm a real big player\\nI can't pay for no sex (21)\\nPockets loaded, chopper loaded\\nBitch, I'm loaded, you know it (I'm loaded)\\nGive a fuck about a bitch\\nI pass that hoe to my woadie (21)\\nHah (21, 21)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (21, 21, 21, 21)\\nTurn up on they ass then\\n[Verse 1: 21 Savage]\\nI turn up out a bag, 'bout that cash, I got racks\\nEvery pocket, issa 20 and a rocket, nigga, stop it\\nWhy you copy? I got ice like I play hockey, bitch we poppin'\\nMade 100 last month 'cause, yeah, I'm poppin', hot like Takis (21)\\nI'm just gon' run up a bag (What)\\nShe pretty, she built like a stallion (What)\\nI take care all of my family (Family)\\nYou gotta take care of your family (21)\\nChecking the bag and it's next to the stick (Yeah)\\nVVSs got them shits to my wrist (Yeah)\\nWe get money, we ain't bragging 'bout shit (Yeah)\\nCame from nothing, now we havin', lil bitch (Yeah) [Chorus: 21 Savage]\\nYeah, my skinny jeans stuffed\\nAnd my diamonds VSs (Ya digg?)\\nI'm a real big player\\nI can't pay for no sex (21)\\nPockets loaded, chopper loaded\\nBitch, I'm loaded, you know it (I'm loaded)\\nGive a fuck about a bitch\\nI pass that hoe to my woadie (21)\\nHah (21, 21)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (21, 21, 21, 21)\\nTurn up on they ass then\\n[Verse 2: Young Thug]\\n(Thugger!)\\nI turned a yo' into a stripper pole (Thugger! Thugger!)\\nI had at least 5 hoes on all my bros (I swear to God)\\nI'm in Miami, Sak Pase, my Zoes\\nI smoked a hundred grams, you smell it on my clothes (OG)\\nI be the two-gun Teflon (Yeah)\\nAll this dope's stepped on (Woah)\\nMy mouth getting prepped on (Racks)\\nHis jaw getting crept on (Hah)\\nAll the trap spots rolling (Rolling)\\nThey bitches getting chosen (Yeah)\\nMy ice getting frozen (Brr)\\nDon't roll up on me (Skrrt)\\nHe'll roll up and get aired out\\nAiring out all the spots (Yeah)\\nYeah, I fuck on all the thots (Woah)\\nToo many cars, where the parking lot? (Woo)\\nFirst we robbed, now we mob a lot\\nNiggas see this gang, then you know they stopped (Woah)\\nYeah, bitch, you know they stopped (Like)\\nLike the nigga called the [?] out (Yeah)\\nNo, you are not smart as I (Nah)\\nKeep the heat on me, chicken, Popeyes (Woah)\\nYeah, nigga, bye bye (Bye)\\nTurn the white sheet to a tie-dye (Brrrt)\\nMake a nigga momma cry-cry (Hah)\\nPay your homies, make 'em lie-lie (Woah)\\nGot a red flag, fuck a bulls-eye (Woo)\\nLike a car, bitch, I gotta pull out, yeah (Woo)\\nThese fuck niggas rat-rat-rats, gotta sue a lot (Gotta what?)\\nYeah, and I said these niggas, yeah, yeah, bring the plurals out (These niggas)\\nI ran my ward (Yeah), like a STD, bring the cures out (What?)\\nGot a half a million worth jewelry on, gotta bring the security out (Woo!) [Chorus: 21 Savage]\\nYeah, my skinny jeans stuffed\\nAnd my diamonds VSs (Ya digg?)\\nI'm a real big player\\nI can't pay for no sex (21)\\nPockets loaded, chopper loaded\\nBitch, I'm loaded, you know it (I'm loaded)\\nGive a fuck about a bitch\\nI pass that hoe to my woadie (21)\\nHah (21, 21)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (Turn up on they ass then)\\nTurn up on they ass then (21, 21, 21, 21)\\nTurn up on they ass then\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 18,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called I Drink Wine with the following description: In her interview with Rolling Stone magazine, \\u201cI Drink Wine\\u201d was described by Adele as a song about shedding one\\u2019s ego, complete with a bit of a Seventies Elton John and Bernie Taupin flair, sharing:\\nI took everything so personally at that period of time in my life, so the lyric \\u2018I hope I learn to get over myself\\u2019 is like [me saying] \\u2018Once I\\u2019ve done that, then maybe I can let you love me.\\u2019\\nAdele also pulled a \\u201cBarry Manilow trick,\\u201d on the song where every chorus is sung differently. She put on different characters while recording the background vocals, too, to give it a sarcastic, Sixties vibe.\\nIt made it less intimidating because some of the things I\\u2019m talking about really hit home for a lot of people.\\nThe track was debuted live ahead of the album release at Adele\\u2019s CBS Special One Night Only performed in LA alongside other tracks from the album. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1]\\nHow can one become so bounded by choices that somebody else makes?\\nHow come we've both become a version of a person we don't even like?\\nWe're in love with the world, but the world just wants to bring us down\\nBy puttin' ideas in our heads that corrupt our hearts somehow\\nWhen I was a child, every single thing could blow my mind\\nSoaking it all up for fun, but now I only soak up wine\\nThey say to play hard, you work hard, find balance in the sacrifice\\nAnd yet I don't know anybody who's truly satisfied\\n[Pre-Chorus]\\nYou better believe I'm tryin' (Tryin', tryin')\\nTo keep climbin' (Climbin', climbin')\\nBut the higher we climb feels like we're both none the wiser\\n[Chorus]\\nSo I hope I learn to get over myself\\nStop tryin' to be somebody else\\nSo we can love each other for free\\nEverybody wants somethin', you just want me\\n[Verse 2]\\nWhy am I obsessin' about the things I can't control?\\nWhy am I seekin' approval from people I don't even know?\\nIn these crazy times, I hope to find somethin' I can cling on to\\n'Cause I need some substance in my life, somethin' real, somethin' that feels true [Pre-Chorus]\\nYou better believe for you, I've cried (I've cried, I've cried)\\nHigh tides (High tides, high tides)\\n'Cause I want you so bad, but you can't fight fire with fire, oh\\n[Chorus]\\nSo I hope I learn to get over myself\\nStop tryin' to be somebody else\\nOh, I just want to love you, love you for free\\nEverybody wants somethin' from me, you just want me\\n[Bridge]\\nListen, I know how low I can go, I give as good as I get\\nYou get the brunt of it all 'cause you're all I've got left\\nOh, I hope in time (Hope in time)\\nWe both will find peace of mind (We both find)\\nSometimes, the road less travelled is a road best left behind\\n[Chorus]\\nWell, I hope I learn to get over myself\\nStop tryin' to be somebody else\\nOh, I just want to love you, love you for free, yeah\\n'Cause everybody wants somethin' from me, you just want me\\n[Refrain]\\nYou better believe I'm tryin' (Tryin', tryin')\\nTo keep climbin' (Climbin', climbin')\\nBut the higher we climb, feels like we're both none the wiser [Outro]\\nThe only regret I have\\nI wish that it was just at a different time\\nA most turbulent period of my life\\nWhy would I put that on you?\\nThat's just, like, a very heavy thing to have to talk about\\nBut because of that period of time\\nEven though it was so much fun\\nI didn't get to go on and make new memories with him\\nThere was just memories in a big storm\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 19,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called 8 Mile: Cheddar Bob Freestyle with the following description: In 8-mile Future and B-Rabbit had been fighting since Rabbit learned that Future had signed him up for a new battle at the Shelter without him knowing. It was therefore a surprise for his friends when Rabbit showed up to battle anyway. As they wait for the battles to start Rabbit prepares himself by freestyling for one of his friends, Cheddar Bob.\\n Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[B-RABBIT (Eminem)]\\nCheddar, I can rip you to a shred of\\nCheddar cheese, there's not a better MC than me\\nI'm B-Rabbit, bitch, sting like a bee\\nFloat like a butterfly\\n, what am I? So what if I\\nCut a guy? Did I s-s-stutter, guy?\\nLeave you punch drunk from lunch truck\\nTo Shelter, you never felt the wrath or felt the\\nSkelter, melt ya, got the belt for the welter-\\nWeight champ, you got in wit' a fake stamp\\nGarbage bag full of clothes\\nStill pullin' hoes, rip you from head to toe\\nFrom leg to bullet hole, \\nnext gun, pull it slow\\nAnd aim at the Free World 'fore you let it go\\nInstead of \\\"Oh, I just shot my dickhead\\\"\\nAnd yes, you do got a big head\\nI can't call it, \\nCheddar, where's your wallet?\\nYou're so drunk, you can outdrink the alcoholics\\nMake 'em say, \\\"Damn, Cheddar's the man\\nHe needs a can surgically removed from his hand\\\"\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 20,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Supernova with the following description: \\u201cSupernova\\u201d is a designation for the explosion of a star, and also the title of a song by Mr. Hudson featuring Kanye West.\\nThe song deals with lovesickness. Mr. Hudson and Mr. West sing about women they lost; a scenario that was not fictional as both were experiencing the failure of a relationship at the time. Hudson broke up with his long term girlfriend during the making of his debut album. Kanye, before, had broken up with his fianc\\u00e9e Alexis Phifer.\\nWhen Kanye made 808s & Heartbreak in 2008, his at that point latest album, he already worked out the downs in his personal life in his music. Mr. Hudson co-worked on that album, and Kanye seized the chance to return the favor by helping to put a name to Hudson\\u2019s debut album with this feature. Actually, this very song has a similar tone to 808s; basically, the two just resumed dealing with their respective heartbreaks by putting their emotions into a conjoint song.\\n\\u201cSupernova\\u201d is described as a \\u201cbig, brash, bombastic pop song\\u201d and as a \\u201chuge disco synth anthem backed by heavy drums\\u201d. It was released as a single on July 19, 2009 and appears on Mr. Hudson\\u2019s debut album Straight No Chaser. There is also a music video. It is Mr. Hudson\\u2019s biggest single up to date, peaking at #2 in the UK charts. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Chorus: Mr. Hudson]\\nAnd I feel like taking off\\nLet me be your supernova\\nBefore you make the biggest mistake of your life\\nJust give me the chance to get it right\\n[Verse 1: Mr. Hudson]\\nThey got it all\\nThey've got all the things I thought I wanted\\nBut I can't afford, to fake anymore\\nTo live this facade and smile as the warm champagne pours\\nOut on the lawn\\nWe'll pretend we're having tonnes of fun in this world where we don't belong\\nSome bloke all alone\\nIs she thinking of me, did she forget what we once had?\\n[Chorus: Mr. Hudson]\\nAnd I feel like taking off\\nLet me be your supernova\\nBefore you make the biggest mistake of your life\\nJust give me the chance to get it right, get it right\\n[Verse 2: Kanye West]\\nOh, they got it all, you can see they got it all\\nThey got the cars, the boat, and the beautiful house by the shore\\nAnd you know there's more\\nBut I can't take another minute of it all\\nHe wants his kids and the dog, he wants his breakfast in bed\\nHe's got his trust fund saved, not a worry in his head\\nBut it's not you, homie\\nI wanna break up the scene and see you running back to me [Chorus: Kanye West]\\n'Cause I feel like taking off\\nLet me be your supernova\\nBefore you make the biggest mistake of your life\\nJust give me a chance to get it right, get it right\\nYeah I feel like taking off\\nLet me be your supernova tonight\\nBefore you make the biggest mistake of your life\\nJust give me a chance to get it right, get it right\\n[Bridge: Mr. Hudson, \\nMr. Hudson & Kanye West\\n]\\nYou've got it wrong if you say our love is gone\\nYou've got it wrong if you say our love is gone\\nYou've got it \\nwrong if you say our love is gone\\nYou've got it \\nwrong if you say our love is gone\\n[Chorus: Mr. Hudson & \\nKanye West\\n]\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nYeah I feel like taking off\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nLet me be your supernova\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nBefore you make the biggest mistake of your life\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nJust give me a chance to get it right, get it right [Chorus: Mr. Hudson & Kanye West]\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nAnd I feel like taking off\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nLet me be your supernova\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nBefore you make the biggest mistake of your life\\n(You've got it wrong if you say our love is gone)\\nJust give me the chance to get it right, get it right\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 21,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Kiss Me with the following description: \\u201cKiss Me\\u201d is a song recorded by Cassie in 2005 for her self-titled debut album released in 2006. It had been previously previewed on her MySpace page.\\n\\u201cKiss Me\\u201d was the first song Cassie ever recorded as a gift request for her mother\\u2019s birthday. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro: Ryan Leslie]\\nI wanna just, just kiss you if it's alright\\nCan I do that?\\n[Verse 1: Cassie]\\nOne touch can bring us closer\\nDon't want this to be over\\nYou know that you complete me\\nYour love is what I need\\nDon't rush to see you leaving (leaving)\\nStay with me while I'm sleeping\\n'Cause you know what you do to me\\nI'm weak and you know my heart is beating\\n[B-Section: Cassie]\\nOne, two, three, kiss, that's when I know that we\\nFour, five, six, kiss, have the right chemistry\\nYou don't have to hold back or be shy\\nI can tell you want me in your eyes\\nOne, two, three, kiss, that's when I know that we\\nFour, five, six, kiss, have the right chemistry\\nFeels so good 'cause I know that you're mine\\nBoy, I got my eyes closed 'cause you know that I\\n[Chorus: Cassie]\\nLove it when you kiss me (I love it)\\nLove it when our lips meet\\nYou intoxicate me\\nI barely can breathe\\nI love when you kiss me (baby)\\nLove it when you kiss me\\nLove it when our lips meet\\nYou intoxicate me (I can barely breathe)\\nI barely can breathe\\nI love when you kiss me [Verse 2: Ryan Leslie]\\nOoh girl, I'm coming over (I'm coming over, babe)\\nYou know I wanna hold ya\\nKiss you, 'cause I know you want me too (kiss you)\\nI wanna give you what you'll like (so please)\\nSo, so please don't be afraid to (afraid to)\\nTo tell me what'll make you\\nReach the top (reach the top, baby)\\nGirl I'm needing it (I'm needing it)\\n'Cause baby I can feel your heart beating so fast, so fast\\n[B-Section: Cassie, \\nRyan Leslie\\n]\\nOne, two, three, kiss, that's when I know that we\\nFour, five, six, kiss, have the right chemistry (\\nyeah\\n)\\nYou don't have to hold back or be shy\\nI can tell you want me in your eyes (\\nyou know that I want to, uh\\n)\\nOne, two, three, kiss, that's when I know that we (\\nooh yeah\\n)\\nFour, five, six, kiss, have the right chemistry\\nFeels so good 'cause I know that you're mine\\nBoy, I got my eyes closed 'cause you know that I\\n[Chorus: Cassie, \\nRyan Leslie\\n]\\nLove it when you kiss me (love it when you kiss me)\\nLove it when our lips meet (it's intoxicating)\\nYou intoxicate me (I barely can breathe)\\nI barely can breathe\\nI love when you kiss me\\nLove it when you kiss me (\\nand I love it when we\\n)\\nLove it when our lips meet (\\nlove it when our lips meet\\n)\\nYou intoxicate me (\\nbaby I love when we\\n)\\nI barely can breathe (\\nlove it when you kiss me, kiss me\\n)\\nI love when you kiss me [Break: Cassie]\\nBaby\\nLove it when you kiss me\\nI barely can breathe\\nI love when you kiss me\\n[Chorus: Cassie]\\nLove it when you kiss me\\nLove it when our lips meet\\nYou intoxicate me\\nI barely can breathe\\nI love when you kiss me\\nLove it when you kiss me\\nLove it when our lips meet\\nYou intoxicate me\\nI barely can breathe\\nI love when you kiss me\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 22,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Bang Bang with the following description: \\u201cBang Bang\\u201d was released on July 29, 2014. With Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj, the song unites three of music\\u2019s hottest women for a fast-paced track about having fun and being bad girls. This song mixes aspects of pop and rap with an adrenaline-pumping beat.\\nThe song is featured both on Jessie\\u2019s third album, Sweet Talker, and on Ariana\\u2019s second album, My Everything.\\nIn an interview with Kiss FM UK, Jessie J exclaimed how this song reminded her of the Christina Aguilera, Mya, Pink and Lil Kim song, \\u201cLady Marmalade\\u201d.\\nIt\\u2019s kind of a powerhouse, full on, little dance routine.\\nA different approach to this song is Jessie J\\u2019s acoustic performance on Ryan Seacrests' On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Verse 1: Jessie J]\\nShe got a body like an hourglass\\nBut I can give it to you all the time\\nShe got a booty like a Cadillac\\nBut I can send you into overdrive, oh\\n[Pre-Chorus: Jessie J & Ariana Grande]\\nYou've been waiting for that\\nStep on up, swing your bat\\nSee, anybody could be bad to you\\nYou need a good girl to blow your mind, yeah\\n[Chorus: Jessie J]\\nBang, bang into the room (I know you want it)\\nBang, bang all over you (I'll let you have it)\\nWait a minute, let me take you there (Oh)\\nWait a minute 'til you (Oh, hey!)\\nBang, bang, there goes your heart (I know you want it)\\nBack, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)\\nWait a minute, let me take you there (Oh)\\nWait a minute 'til you (Oh, hey!)\\n[Verse 2: Ariana Grande]\\nShe might'a let you hold her hand in school\\nBut I'ma show you how to graduate (Mm-hmm)\\nNo, I don't need to hear you talk the talk\\nJust come and show me what your momma gave ya, baby [Pre-Chorus: Ariana Grande & Jessie J]\\nI heard you've got a very big (Shhh)\\nMouth but don't say a thing\\nSee, anybody could be good to you\\nYou need a bad girl to blow your mind\\n[Chorus: Jessie J & \\nAriana Grande\\n]\\nBang, bang into the room (I know you want it)\\nBang, bang all over you (I'll let you have it)\\nWait a minute, let me take you there (Oh)\\nWait a minute 'til you (Oh, hey!)\\nBang, bang, there goes your heart (There goes your heart now, I know you want it)\\nBack, back seat of my car (\\nSeat of my car\\n, I'll let you have it)\\nWait a minute, let me take you there (Oh)\\nWait a minute 'til you (Oh, hey!)\\n[Interlude: Nicki Minaj]\\nYou know what, girls?\\nLet me show you how to do it\\n[Verse 3: Nicki Minaj & \\nAriana Grande\\n]\\nIt's Myx Moscato, it's frizz in a bottle, it's Nicki Full Throttle, it's oh, oh\\nSwimming in The Grotto\\n, \\nwe winning in the lotto\\n, \\nwe dipping in the Powder Blue four-door\\nKitten so good, it's dripping on wood, get a ride in the engine that could go\\nBatman, robbin' it,\\n \\nbang, bang, cockin' it\\n, \\nQueen Nicki dominant, prominent\\nIt's me, Jessie, and Ari, if they test me, they sorry\\nRide his uh like a Harley\\n \\nthen pull off in his Ferrari\\nIf he hangin', we bangin', phone rangin', he slangin'\\nIt ain't karaoke night, but get the mic, 'cause I'm singin'\\nUh, B to the A to the N to the G to the (\\nBaby, baby, baby, bae, ba\\u2014baby\\n)\\nUh, B to the A to the N to the G to the, hey [Pre-Chorus: Jessie J]\\nSee, anybody could be good to you\\nYou need a bad girl to blow your mind, your mind (Okay)\\nHey\\n[Chorus: Jessie J, Ariana Grande & \\nNicki Minaj\\n]\\nBang, bang into the room (Oh, I know you want it)\\nBang, bang all over you (I'll let you have it, b-bang, bang, bang, bang, baby)\\nWait a minute, let me take you there (Oh)\\nWait a minute 'til you (Oh, yeah!)\\n (\\nKyuh, uh-huh\\n)\\nBang, bang, there goes your heart (There goes your heart, I know you want it)\\nBack, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)\\nWait a minute, let me take you there (Let me take you there)\\nWait a minute 'til you (Oh, hey!)\\nBang, bang into the room (I know you want it)\\nBang, bang all over you (I'll let you have it), \\nyo, I said\\nBang, bang, bang, ba\\u2014bang, bang\\nBang, bang, bang, bang, ba\\u2014bang, bang\\nBang, bang, there goes your heart (I know you want it)\\nBack, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)\\nWait a minute, let me take you there (Oh)\\nWait a minute 'til you (Oh, hey!)\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 23,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Aight with the following description: \\u201cAight\\u201d is a single by Lil Pump which features his best friend Smokepurpp. It is hosted by Big E for Big E\\u2019s project Turn Me Up Big E 2.\\nThe song dropped in between Smokepurpp\\u2019s DEADSTAR project and Lil Pump\\u2019s debut mixtape Lil Pump. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro: Lil Pump]\\nYeah, ouu, ouu, ouu, ouu, ouu\\nCome here, Bighead\\nYeah, yeah, yuh\\n[Chorus: Lil Pump]\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (Lil Pump)\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (Lil Pump)\\nAight (aight)\\nAight (brr, what, aight)\\nAight (brr, brr, aight)\\nAight (aight, pew pew)\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (door)\\nI got a couple pounds and I got a couple hoes (brr, ooh)\\nAight (aight)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\n[Verse 1: Lil Pump]\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (brr)\\nTell me what you got, boy, do you got some blow (whatchu got, bro)\\nBoy, I gotta know, 'cause I got the poles (Lil Pump)\\nI put it to your neck and that forty gonna talk (brr, brr, pew pew)\\nI got a couple bands and I lay 'em on the floor (the floor)\\nI got a couple bands, I can throw 'em at your ho\\nI got a couple bricks, I hit a couple licks (I did)\\nI fucked another bitch (brr), I fucked her then I dip (uh) [Chorus: Lil Pump]\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (brr)\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (Lil Pump)\\nAight (aight)\\nAight (brr, what, aight)\\nAight (brr, brr, aight)\\nAight (aight, pew pew)\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (door)\\nI got a couple pounds and I got a couple hoes (brr)\\nAight (aight)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\n[Verse 2: Smokepurpp]\\nSmokepurpp\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door\\nI just robbed the plug, met him at the back door\\nDo the walk, aight (aight)\\nLet me see (huh), on Skype (okay)\\nI got a AK and it's sitting on my lap (sitting right there)\\nI'm in the trap (trap trap), I don't rap (hell naw)\\nI got another Glock sitting in my hand (ca-ca-ca-ca)\\nI'm with your bitch (with your bitch), I'm on her ass (I'm on her ass)\\nLil Pump said \\\"boy, I got it lit\\\" (what's that)\\nHe got a brick, we bust it down a quarter brick (what's that, what's that)\\nI pull up on your bitch, then I wipe her shit (skrt, skrt)\\nI got that blow and she sniff it off my dick (yeah, let's go)\\nSmokepurpp [Chorus: Lil Pump]\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (brr)\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (Lil Pump)\\nAight (aight)\\nAight (brr, what, aight)\\nAight (brr, brr, aight)\\nAight (aight, pew pew)\\nI just told the plug meet me at the back door (door)\\nI got a couple pounds and I got a couple hoes (brr)\\nAight (aight)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\\nAight (aight, ouu)\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 24,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Bitch Better Have My Money with the following description: Also stylized as \\u201cBBHMM\\u201d, \\u201cBitch Better Have My Money\\u201d is a hit single released by Rihanna. The title comes from a scene in the 1988 film I\\u2019m Gonna Git You Sucka.\\nThe image used for the single\\u2019s cover art seems to come from a shoot Rihanna had in December 2014 in Paris where she modeled a similar look for Paolo Roversi.\\n\\nOn July 1, the highly anticipated 7 minute explicit video was released. Co-directed by Rihanna and French director Megaforce, the video follows the story of Rihanna and her two accomplices kidnapping and torturing a rich accountant\\u2019s wife for ransom. It stars Mads Mikkelsen as the accountant. Eric Roberts also makes an appearance as a police officer. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro]\\nYayo, yayo\\nMula-la\\nYayo\\n[Verse 1]\\nBitch better have my money\\nY'all should know me well enough\\nBitch better have my money\\nPlease don't call me on my bluff\\nPay me what you owe me\\nBallin' bigger than LeBron\\nBitch, give me your money\\nWho y'all think y'all frontin' on?\\n[Pre-Chorus]\\nLike bra, bra, bra\\nLouis XIII, and it's all on me, nigga, you just bought a shot\\nKamikaze, if you think that you gon' knock me off the top\\nShit, your wife in the backseat of my brand new foreign car\\nDon't act like you forgot\\nI call the shots, shots, shots\\nLike bra, bra, bra\\nPay me what you owe me, don't act like you forgot\\n[Chorus]\\nBitch better have my money\\nBitch better have my money\\nPay me what you owe me\\nBitch better have my (Bitch better have my)\\nBitch better have my (Bitch better have my)\\nBitch better have my money [Verse 2]\\nTurn up to Rihanna while the whole club fuckin' wasted\\nEvery time I drop by, I am the only thing y'all playin'\\nIn a drop top, doin' hundred, y'all in my rearview mirror racin'\\nWhere y'all at? Where y'all at? Where y'all at? (Where y'all at?)\\n[Pre-Chorus]\\nLike bra, bra, bra\\nLouis XIII, and it's all on me, nigga, you just bought a shot\\nKamikaze, if you think that you gon' knock me off the top\\nShit, your wife in the backseat of my brand new foreign car\\nDon't act like you forgot\\nI call the shots, shots, shots\\nLike bra, bra, bra\\nPay me what you owe me, don't act like you forgot\\n[Chorus]\\nBitch better have my money\\nBitch better have my money\\nPay me what you owe me\\nBitch better have my (Bitch better have my)\\nBitch better have my (Bitch better have my)\\nBitch better have my money\\nBitch better have my money\\nBitch better have my money\\nPay me what you owe me\\nBitch better have my (Bitch better have my)\\nBitch better have my (Bitch better have my)\\nBitch better have my money [Outro]\\nBitch better have my money\\nBitch better have my money\\nBitch, bitch, bitch better have my money\\nYo, that bitch better have my money\\nHold up\\nMy money\\nYo, my money\\nThat bitch better have my money\\nBitch better have my money\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 25,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Hey Stephen with the following description: \\u201cHey Stephen\\u201d was written for Stephen Barker Liles from the country music duo Love And Theft, who were an opening act on her Fearless Tour in 2008. The song\\u2019s hidden message in the album booklet for Fearless was \\u201cLove and Theft,\\u201d confirming the mysterious Stephen\\u2019s identity.\\nLittle did Taylor know, Stephen returned her feelings \\u2014 he even wrote a song for her called \\u201cTry To Make It Anyway!\\u201d\\n Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro]\\nMmm-mm, mm-mm\\nMmm-mm, mm-mm\\nMmm-mm, mm-mm, yeah\\n[Verse 1]\\nHey, Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving\\nBut I know I saw a light in you\\nAnd as we walked, we were talking\\nI didn't say half the things I wanted to\\nOf all the girls tossing rocks at your window\\nI'll be the one waiting there even when it's cold\\nHey, Stephen, boy, you might have me believing\\nI don't always have to be alone\\n[Chorus]\\n'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel\\nCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so\\nCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you\\nCan't help it if there's no one else\\nMmm, I can't help myself\\n[Verse 2]\\nHey, Stephen, I've been holding back this feeling\\nSo I got some things to say to you, ha\\nI've seen it all, so I thought\\nBut I never seen nobody shine the way you do\\nThe way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name\\nIt's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change\\nHey, Stephen, why are people always leaving?\\nI think you and I should stay the same [Chorus]\\n'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel\\nCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so\\nCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you\\nCan't help it if there's no one else\\nMmm, I can't help myself\\n[Bridge]\\nThey're dimming the street lights, you're perfect for me\\nWhy aren't you here tonight?\\nI'm waiting alone now, so come on and come out\\nAnd pull me near and shine, shine, shine\\n[Breakdown]\\nHey, Stephen, I could give you fifty reasons\\nWhy I should be the one you choose\\nAll those other girls, well, they're beautiful\\nBut would they write a song for you? (Ha-ha)\\n[Chorus]\\nI can't help it if you look like an angel\\nCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so\\nCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you\\nCan't help it if there's no one else\\nMmm, I can't help myself\\nIf you look like an angel\\nCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so\\nCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you\\nCan't help it if there's no one else\\nMmm, I can't help myself [Outro]\\nMyself\\nCan't help myself\\nI can't help myself\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 26,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Help! (TDIO2) with the following description: His verse until the line \\u201cwhere the sympathy at\\u201d is the same as \\u201cLive from the 504\\u201d from the mixtape \\u201cDa Drought 3\\u201d. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Hook: The Beatles]\\nHelp! Help!\\nHelp, I need somebody\\nHelp, not just anybody\\nHelp, you know I need someone\\nHelp! Help!\\nHelp, I need somebody\\nHelp, not just anybody\\nHelp, you know I need someone\\nHelp! Help!\\n[Verse: Lil Wayne]\\nSo sick, need a doc, yes\\nA creature, monster like the Loch Ness\\nI gets hotter by the toc, when I sizzle to death\\nI just tell the clock, \\\"Give me a sec\\\"\\nIn the middle of the war where my enemy at\\nI'm running this shit like Eric Bieniemy back\\nCause every time I hit a track, I'm like an energy pack\\nThe instruments are crying out, \\\"Where the sympathy at?\\\"\\nI attack before you begin to react\\nI'm from the dirt where the Beatles and John Lennon be at\\nAnd now these niggas looking yellow like a penalty flag\\nIt's Weezy baby with this hustle 'til infinity, yeah\\nLike somebody let the dog out the kennel and ran\\nWhoever did it was a very smart women or man\\nCause I'm coming like the stomp of every marching band\\nI need y'all to arch your hands and pray for me\\nI need [Hook: The Beatles]\\nHelp, I need somebody\\nHelp, not just anybody\\nHelp, you know I need someone\\nHelp! Help!\\nHelp, I need somebody\\nHelp, not just anybody\\nHelp, you know I need someone\\nHelp! Help!\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 27,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Candy with the following description: \\u201cCandy\\u201d is a party song by Far East Movement and Pitbull.\\nIt is featured in the party movie \\u201cProject X\\u201d and also on the official Motion Picture Soundtrack. It is further featured on Far East Movement\\u2019s studio album Dirty Bass. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro: Far East Movement & (Pitbull)]\\nYeah\\nEy, is you a dime from behind, girl\\nIs you a dime from behind, girl\\n(Far East Movement)\\nIs you a dime from behind, girl\\n(Mr. 305, better say at Mr. Worldwide, checkin' in and)\\n(We want all the women to go ahead and put on their blindfolds)\\nYeah, is you a dime from behind, girl\\n(Spin around the club, swing hard)\\n(We wanna be behind that girl)\\nIs you a dime from behind girl\\n[Verse 1: Far East Movement]\\nYou a candy girl, I get it from her mommy girl\\nThe way that you been runnin' through my mind\\nMess around and pull a hammy girl\\nTryna get them panties girl\\nHotter than a beach in Miami girl\\nAnd I ain't got to press my luck\\nCause 'round here is big money\\nNo whammies girl\\n[Pre-Chorus: Far East Movement]\\n'Cause after this Corona\\nI'm tryna have a face down\\nSo when I walk up on her\\nI'm checking from the waist down\\nI spend a couple on her\\nWe headed to my place now\\nSo when I walk up on ya\\nI'm checking from the waist down [Chorus: Far East Movement]\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nTalking 'bout that fanny girl\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nLet me hit that\\nLet me hit that\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nTalking 'bout that fanny girl\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nGimme some of that candy\\n[Bridge: Pitbull]\\nShake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing, girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing, girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing, girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nLet's go now\\n[Verse 2: Pitbull]\\nI come from the bottom, I learned how to hustle\\nArmando the new Emilio, Slash Russel\\nEl Nino, a mover, a shaker\\nSo fat knicks but they won't shake\\nNow I'm like mama don't talk, just shake\\nI ain't got time to burn, or bake\\nShe had a face full of mag, but her mind made up\\nHad no tracks, I respect that\\nBaby you earn that\\nX marks the spot, just tell me where to turn at\\nShe said she got to be the worse, 7:38\\nI'm ready, you ready, let's play, like\\nHmmm, let's play, like a vibrator, let's play\\nHmmm, let's play, like a vibrator, hmmm [Chorus: Far East Movement]\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nTalking 'bout that fanny girl\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nLet me hit that\\nLet me hit that\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nTalking 'bout that fanny girl\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nGimme some of that candy\\n[Bridge: Pitbull]\\nShake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nLet's go now\\n[Verse 3: Far East Movement]\\nI like the way you moving mama\\nWhen I see you in them pajamas\\nLet me wrap this thing around your neck\\nYeah baby let me Mardi Gras ya\\nWhen I put my body on you\\nBreak through that body armor\\nKeep it presidential\\nYou can be my first lady, I'll be Obama [Pre-Chorus, Chorus, & Bridge]\\n'Cause after this Corona\\nI'm tryna have a face down\\nSo when I walk up on her\\nI'm checking from the waist down\\nI spend a couple on her\\nWe headed to my place now\\nSo when I walk up on ya\\nI'm checking from the waist down\\n[Chorus: Far East Movement]\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nTalking 'bout that fanny girl\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nLet me hit that\\nLet me hit that\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nTalking 'bout that fanny girl\\n(Shake that pi\\u00f1ata)\\nGimme some of that candy\\n[Bridge: Pitbull]\\nShake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nNow shake that thing girl\\nLet me see what you got\\nLet's go now\\n[Outro: Far East Movement]\\nOhh, oh, ohh\\nOhh, oh, ohh\\nOhh, oh, ohh\\nOhh, oh, ohh\\nOhh, oh, ohh\\nOhh, oh, ohh\\nOhh, oh, ohh\\nOhh, oh, ohh\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 28,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called $UB ZERO with the following description: Lil Uzi\\u2019s chain is icy (\\u201cice\\u201d is slang for diamonds) just like Sub-Zero from the Mortal Kombat video game series. This track is inspired by Young Thug\\u2019s \\u201cSub Zero\\u201d:\\nMy neck and wrist on froze, Sub-Zero\\nMy neck and wrist, Sub-Zero\\nMy neck and wrist is cold, Sub-Zero\\nMy neck and wrist, Sub-Zero\\nThe song was posted on Uzi\\u2019s SoundCloud but it was later deleted. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro]\\nYeah, yeah, yeah\\nLil Uzi, huh, yeah\\nYeah, yeah, yeah, um\\n(\\nThat be Maaly Raw\\n)\\n[Chorus]\\nBreak it down (Chop it up)\\nTo a half, to a whole, yeah, what?\\nChain on, sub-zero, yeah, ayy\\nLook at my bank, doin' zeros\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros\\n(Count that money, count that money, count it)\\nBreak it down (Chop it up)\\nTo a half, to a whole, yeah, what?\\nChain on, sub-zero, yeah, ayy\\nLook at my bank, doin' zeros\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros\\n[Refrain]\\nYeah, what?\\nChain on, sub-zero, yeah, ayy\\nLook at my bank, doin' zeros (Chee)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros, yeah, uh (Ayy)\\n(Count that money, count that money, count it)\\nCount my dinero (Ayy)\\nYeah, in the mob, yeah\\nLike I'm Robert De Niro (De Niro)\\nYeah, pull out that Porsche and that 'Rari (Skrrt-skrrt-skrrt)\\nPlease do not pull out Camaro (What?)\\nYeah, look at your girl lookin' at me like a hero, yeah (Oh my god) [Verse 1]\\nShe play my dick like that shit Guitar Hero, yeah (Oh my god)\\nRockstar lifestyle all the way to the bonemarrow, yeah, yeah (Yeah)\\nI believe I can fly\\nYou know I ain't scared to die, huh? Yeah (No way, no way, no way)\\n[Refrain]\\nYeah, what?\\nChain on, sub-zero, yeah, ayy\\nLook at my bank, doin' zeros\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros, yeah, yeah (Ayy)\\n(Count that money, count that money, count it)\\nCount my dinero (Ayy)\\nYeah, in the mob, yeah\\nLike I'm Robert De Niro (De Niro)\\nYeah, pull out that Porsche and that 'Rari\\nPlease do not pull out Camaro (What?)\\nYeah, look at your girl, lookin' at me like a hero (Skrrt-skrrt-skrrt)\\n[Verse 2]\\nYeah, yeah, pull up right there in that Hummer, ayy, yeah\\nDiamonds, they shine like the summer, ayy (What? What?)\\nGettin' money\\nEatin' my eggs little runny (Ayy, yeah), what?\\nLittle girl, you cannot cuff me (No), yeah, what?\\nNow I be countin' my money (Lil Uzi)\\nAll of my haters, I love 'em (Yeah)\\nAll of my haters, I love 'em (Yeah)\\nAll of my haters, I love 'em (Yeah)\\nAll of my haters, I love 'em (I love 'em)\\nWhat you know 'bout it, that country? (Yeah)\\nGettin' that work out the country (Ayy)\\nMovin' that work in the dungeon (Move with it, move with it)\\nFuck that bitch once, she a Done-Ya (Yeah)\\nHit from the front and she love it (Yeah)\\nHit from the back and stop comin' (What?)\\nAnd I just laugh at the money (Yeah)\\nI really turned into something (Yeah)\\nCountin' up paper, I'm thumbin', yeah\\nCountin' blue notes and I'm thumbin', yeah\\nHuh? What? You broke, boy (What?) [Chorus]\\nBreak it down (Chop it up)\\nTo a half, to a whole, yeah, what?\\nChain on, sub-zero, yeah, ayy\\nLook at my bank, doin' zeros\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBreak it down (Chop it up)\\nTo a half, to a whole, yeah, what?\\nChain on, sub-zero, yeah, ayy\\nLook at my bank, doin' zeros (Beep)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\n[Outro]\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\\nBehind that one (What?)\\nThat two, that three zero-zero-zero-zeros (Count that money)\"\n",
" }\n",
" ]\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"id\": 29,\n",
" \"conversations\": [\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"human\",\n",
" \"value\": \"Write me a song called Die Slow with the following description: Lil Durk and 21 Savage warn their enemies that they will \\u201cDie Slow\\u201d if they cross them on this ferocious banger. On the track, the artists reaffirm their gang roots, boast about their marksmanship and reflect on the dangerous lifestyles they live. Make sure the lyrics are different from the original song.\"\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"from\": \"gpt\",\n",
" \"value\": \"[Intro]\\nDJ \\non\\n the beat so it's a banger\\n[Chorus: Lil Durk\n"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 55,
"id": "6b267c57",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Write convo to conversation_style.json\n",
"with open(\"train/conversation_style.json\", \"w\") as outfile:\n",
" outfile.write(train_json)\n",
" \n",
"with open(\"test/conversation_style.json\", \"w\") as outfile:\n",
" outfile.write(test_json)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "256b4d0e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
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