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https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Pesto | How to Use Pesto | If you need some ideas for how to use pesto, try mixing 1/4 of a cup of pesto with some cooked pasta and serving immediately. Alternatively, add a spoonful of pesto to a bowl of tomato or vegetable soup to enhance the flavor. If you're looking for a sauce to go with your chicken, dilute the pesto with some water before pouring it over your meat. To incorporate pesto into your favorite snack, combine pesto with your dipping sauce of choice, like guacamole or sour cream, or sprinkle it over unbuttered popcorn. | Top scrambled eggs with a spoonful of pesto. Instead of salt and pepper, season your scrambled eggs with a touch of pesto and cheese for a unique, but flavorful breakfast. If the pesto is too thick to drizzle, add a tablespoon of olive oil or water to make it thinner. Add the pesto to your eggs while they're still hot to maximize the flavor. Mix pesto into an omelette or frittata. For a stronger pesto flavor, add in a spoonful of pesto to the raw eggs before whisking them. Blend until the pesto has completely combined with the rest of the mixture, with no chunks or dollops. Then cook your omelette or frittata as normal. For only a light hint of pesto, pour a small amount of pesto on top of your omelette before serving. Spread pesto over your morning toast. Pesto can be a tasty (and healthier) alternative to butter or jelly on your toast. Just scoop out a small dollop of pesto with your butter knife and smear it onto your slice of morning toast. You can do the same thing with a bagel, swapping out the cream cheese for pesto. Add pesto to freshly cooked pasta. Cook a fresh bowl of pasta (preferably al dente) and drain it of any water. Do not allow the pasta to cool. Instead, move it to a clean bowl and add a generous amount (around 0.25 cups (59 ml)) of pesto, then toss the pasta until the pesto is thoroughly coating the pasta. You should notice the pasta taking on a green color once the pesto is mixed in. Serve and eat immediately. Mix pesto into a bowl of soup. Tomato soup, potato soup, and many other vegetable soups are prime dishes to enhance with pesto. Scoop up a spoonful of pesto and stir it into a bowl of soup, or pour a tablespoon of freshly made pesto onto your soup as a topping. Alternatively, you can add pesto to your soup base to infuse pesto flavor into every bite. Spread diluted pesto over cooked chicken or steak for a delicious sauce. Add a tablespoon or 2 of water to the pesto to dilute it. Slice and plate your chicken or steak however you'd like. Then pour the pesto over the meat before serving. The pesto will create a refreshing sauce that enhances the flavor of the meat. Use pesto as a topping for freshly cooked meats for extra flavor. Use pesto as a vegetable topping or dressing. Pesto mixes nicely with all sorts of vegetables, from potatoes to broccoli. Dump a generous spoonful into freshly steamed or roasted vegetables as a healthy alternative to butter. The pesto will still keep your vegetables flavorful, but in a more nutritious way. Spread a dollop of pesto onto your sandwich. Pesto adds a zesty kick to even the plainest of sandwiches. You can spread pesto directly onto your sandwich bread, or combine it with another condiment, such as mayonnaise. Add your favorite fillings (such as ham or prosciutto) and put your sandwich together. Replace tomato sauce with pesto on your pizza. Pesto is naturally stronger in flavor, so use only a couple of spoonfuls to start out with and adjust as needed. Spread it out evenly over raw pizza dough, then add the rest of your toppings. Parmesan cheese and chicken or sliced tomatoes make excellent toppings for pesto pizza. Bake your pizza, then let it cool before you slice it and enjoy! Blend pesto into bread dough before baking. If you prefer making your own bread at home, incorporating 0.5 cups (120 ml) of pesto into your homemade bread dough can add a wonderful touch to its flavor. Simply add in the pesto alongside the dry ingredients of your bread dough before letting the dough rest and rise. Pesto-infused bread makes a wonderful side item for pasta and comfort food dinners! Combine pesto with your favorite dipping sauce. Pesto can add a noticeable flavor boost to guacamole, sour cream, and hummus. Simply stir a spoonful into your readymade dip and enjoy with crackers or mini toasts! Drop a spoonful of pesto over unbuttered popcorn. Pesto can not only give your popcorn extra flavor, but it also supplies an additional healthy fat to your diet. Measure out 0.25 cups (59 ml) of pesto and add it to a bag or bowl of popcorn, alongside a generous serving of Parmesan cheese. Shake up the popcorn and enjoy it while it's fresh! | Top scrambled eggs with a spoonful of pesto. Mix pesto into an omelette or frittata. Spread pesto over your morning toast. Add pesto to freshly cooked pasta. Mix pesto into a bowl of soup. Spread diluted pesto over cooked chicken or steak for a delicious sauce. Use pesto as a vegetable topping or dressing. Spread a dollop of pesto onto your sandwich. Replace tomato sauce with pesto on your pizza. Blend pesto into bread dough before baking. Combine pesto with your favorite dipping sauce. Drop a spoonful of pesto over unbuttered popcorn. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Pick-Up-Girls-in-High-School | How to Pick Up Girls in High School | Picking up girls in high school is all about being confident and getting to know them. Get the ball rolling by starting a conversation about something you have in common. For example, say “Hey, I saw you cheer at the football game. How long have you been into that?” Don't be afraid to compliment her on things you like about her. In general, try to be friendly and talk to lots of people. This will improve your confidence and give you more opportunities to meet girls. Once you get to know a girl you like, ask for her number or invite her on a date to take things to the next level. Try not to dwell on rejections. It's okay if someone doesn't want to date you. You'll find someone more appropriate for you! | Approach her and lead into something appropriate. This is the hardest part. Try to get over your nerves; don't show them your stammers or sweating. Feel confident in order to look confident. Talk about something appropriate when you initiate. In the back of her mind, the girl probably knows that you're talking to her because she looks pretty, but you have to at least pretend to have a reason to talk to her. As long as it makes sense that you'd talk to her about it out of the blue, go for it: Don't start with a cheesy pick up line like "If I were a stop light, I'd turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer." Let's face it: these rarely work. Increase your chances by starting casual. You might say something like "I heard you were in [so and so's] class. My class sucks, so I'm thinking about transferring in there if I can. How is it?" Or you could try: "Hey, I saw you cheer last Friday at the football game. When is the next home game going to be?" Pick a conversation starter. Now that you've put yourself in a social situation, you'll probably need to have a conversation starter. Getting up and talking to her is great, but if you have nothing to say after your lead-in, it could get awkward fast. Try an indirect conversation starter. An indirect conversation starter is where you just start talking to her without pointing out how beautiful she is. Remember to be confident. "I'm looking for a woman's perspective on this. I was just talking to a friend whose girlfriend broke up with him. The problem is that she keeps calling him. Why does she do it?” Or: "Maybe you can help me out. I'm new here and I don't really know what people do for fun. What do you and your friends do for the weekend?" If you're a little more confident, you can try a more direct approach. Remember that this approach has a bigger chance of backfiring, but it could also really impress the girl. "I don't usually say this, but you're absolutely the most stunning girl that I've seen in the past...3 minutes. Hi, my name is [your name]." "Sorry to bother you, but you look too good to be alone right now. Do you mind if I walk with you for a little bit?" Work in compliments as conversation starters. Everyone enjoys being flattered. If it's in good taste, and you do it just enough, you could make a big impression right away. "Hi, those are wonderful earrings. Did you make them?" "Hi, that's a beautiful dress, did you make it yourself?" "Hi there, I couldn't help but noticing how your dress matches your eyes. It's a great color." Whatever you do, don't talk about feminine body parts, as a rule. Almost all girls are turned-off when you talk about their breasts or butt. So don't shoot yourself in the foot; stick to complimenting her hair, eyes, lips, or clothes. Don't come on too strong. Getting into a conversation is a great start. But don't ask too much of her on the first pass. Keep it light, and keep it quick. Be out of her face in five minutes or less. If the conversation has hit a natural cliff, don't be afraid to simply say: "It was nice meeting you. I'll see you around some time?" If the conversation goes really well — she's laughing and flirting with her eyes — ask for her phone number. Just a simple, "Hey, can I get your phone number? Maybe we can meet outside of class?" Keep talking to her around school. One conversation won't always make or break you, luckily. If you didn't make the best impression on her the first time, keep coming back and engage her in conversation. Her guard might come down. Do not talk about cars, etc., until she talks about it, as this may get annoying. Ask her questions to keep her talking: "How do you like school?" "Have any plans for college yet?" "What clubs have you heard good things about?" Tell her funny stories or jokes. Girls love guys with a playful sense of humor. Keep things light, maybe even a bit sarcastic. If she makes fun of you, don't take it personally and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. Be there for her. When she's off at a swim competition or she's competing in a debate, show her that you care by being there. If she's made it clear she doesn't like it, don't do this. But if she's on the fence, this might tip the scales. Don't put her on a pedestal. One of the biggest mistakes guys make when talking to girls is to put all the attention on her and not on themselves. Instead, girls want to know how great of a guy you are. Don't brag about yourself, but understand it's okay to tell her about the cool things you do in your life (e.g. Guitar, Snowboarding, Sports, Photography, Jobs, etc.). There needs to be an even balance between both people here. Just because you validate a girl doesn't mean she'll validate you back. Just like how you only validate girls who are attractive, they'll only validate guys who are attractive. So show her how you are attractive with your interests, beliefs, values, and hobbies. Close the deal. A big mistake guys make is they never ask the girl out to a date or never get her number. They don't escalate. You must keep on escalating the relationships you have with girls. Escalate physically starting with secret handshakes to tickle fights to hugs and kisses. Escalate conversationally by getting her number and talking to her over the phone; if you're too shy to do that then ask for her Facebook. Lots of guys never ask for a girl's phone number. The girl takes this as a sign that the guy doesn't like them. Don't fall into this scenario. Have some style. Having a great sense of fashion and taking care of your hygiene are two of the most important factors in determining how attractive you are to the girls in your school. If you are currently wearing striped sweaters, awkward looking jeans, and tennis shoes, it's time for a change. Fix up your hair, buy some shirts that fit you, and start wearing more dapper shoes. Stay clean. Girls are suckers for clean guys. Shower regularly, floss and brush your teeth twice daily. You need to smell nice to make an impression. Purchase or find some low-rise, slim fit pants or jeans. If you're on the heavier side, baggier pants are probably better (but don't get lost in a sea of cloth). Skinny jeans that hug every inch of your legs are probably not the best fit, unless you're sure you can pull it off. Purchase or find some trim collared shirts. You don't need dragons or tribal patterns on your shirts to impress girls. A simple plaid, one-tone, or striped pattern will do. Purchase or find some soft, simple sweaters or jackets. Give girls an excuse to get close to you. V-necks are in style currently. Crew necks and hoodies also work. Go with what you think will look good on you. Get a nice haircut. Yes, you might have to shell out more than $20 for a haircut. But it will be worth it. Look through magazines like GQ or Vanity Fair and bring a picture along of someone who has the cut you'd like. Be friendly. Girls are naturally attracted to guys who have a lot of "social proof." To gain social proof, you must be "popular," which simply means you just need to make a lot of friends. So be more talkative and get to know the people in your school, your class, etc. Always smile and laugh. Try to have a good time with everyone. If you're not looking like you're enjoying yourself, you are a turn-off. Get involved in what you like. High school can be tough for a lot of us because we're still figuring out what we like and what we don't. If you do have hobbies, interests, or curiosities, find other people who share that share passion. Chances are you'll get along with them. Do favors for other people. Don't let other people walk all over you and exploit you, but help out people who seem trustworthy and appreciative. Your social stock will climb. Do things outside of school. The guy who's connected to a social scene outside of school attracts a lot of people (guys and girls) because the school scene often lacks that edge and vibrancy. Stand up for your beliefs. Girls love guys who have goals in their lives and stand up for themselves. If a girl decides to be mean to you, don't accept it. Tell her it was not a nice thing to do, and be done with her. Don't be a total jerk about it though, but rather say it in a sense of talking to your little brother or sister. It's harmless, but you want to make sure they do the right thing. Don't be afraid of rejection. Of course, rejection is hard: No one wants to feel like they're inadequate in any way, and being rejected makes us feel that way. But being rejected is part of life. Don't pin all your hopes on a single girl. Pin your hopes on her after you've started a relationship, if you get that far. But it's probably a bit unhealthy to do so before then. If you're not being rejected some of the time, you're not trying. Normal guys — guys not named Brad Pitt or George Clooney — get rejected all the time. If you're not being rejected, you're not putting yourself out there. Keep on trying. Pull yourself up when a girl throws you down. If you sit around and mope about your problems, letting your self-esteem take a serious hit, you actually become less attractive to other girls. Try to stay happy and thick-skinned. | Approach her and lead into something appropriate. Pick a conversation starter. Work in compliments as conversation starters. Don't come on too strong. Keep talking to her around school. Don't put her on a pedestal. Close the deal. Have some style. Be friendly. Stand up for your beliefs. Don't be afraid of rejection. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Have-Beautiful-Silky,-Shiny,-Straight-Hair | How to Have Beautiful Silky, Shiny, Straight Hair | It's possible to get silky, shiny, straight hair at home by using the right products and styling it well. When you wash your hair, use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner, as sulfates can be damaging and cause frizz. As you dry your hair, gently pat it dry with a towel to prevent frizz. Remove knots with a wide-tooth plastic comb. If you're going to style your hair with heat, apply a smoothing serum and a heat protectant spray before you begin to prevent damage. | Wash your hair. Wash and condition your hair with sulfate-free products. Sulfates (such as sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate) are chemicals that you often find in shampoos and conditioners. They can be very damaging to not only to your hair, but to your skin, scalp and eyes as well, and can prevent you from achieving that straight, glossy look. Run through the list of ingredients on your current shampoo and conditioner products. If sulfates are listed, replace them with sulfate-free products. Avoid products containing alcohol, which will dry out your hair and leave it crispy when you straighten it. Avoid clarifying shampoos and conditioners. These products strip moisture from the strands and can result in limp, lackluster hair. Choose smoothing products if you have wavy, curly or frizzy hair. For sleek and glossy results , you'll need to start the transformation to straight hair in the shower. Look for shampoo and conditioner products advertised as "smoothing." Check for ingredients like Argan oil, coconut oil and Moroccan oil to help smooth out your natural waves or frizz. After you apply the conditioner, run a wide-tooth comb through your hair to evenly distribute the product. Leave in for a few minutes before rinsing it out. Towel dry your hair. Carefully squeeze out any excess water and then pat your hair with the microfiber towel, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips. Avoid using terry cloth towels, since their tiny fibers can cause your hair to become frizzy. Instead, use an old T-shirt or a microfiber towel to dry your hair gently and effectively. Avoid rubbing or scrunching your hair, which encourages the curl you're trying to tame! Dry your hair with smooth, gentle motions. Drying it roughly can cause your hair to curl up and become wavy. Detangle your hair. A sleek, straight look won't work with a snarly mane! Use a wide-tooth plastic comb to work any tangles out of your wet hair. Start at the bottom and work your way up toward the roots, working in small sections. When finished detangling , apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner, avoiding the inch or two closest to the roots and focusing on the ends. Your arms might be tired by the end of all this combing and detangling, but your hair will be thanking you! Comb through your hair a few more times to make sure the conditioner is evenly distributed. After detangling, allow your hair to air dry until it is about 80% dry, then blow dry it the rest of the way. Blow drying wet hair can be incredibly damaging to the hair shaft. It can also cause your hair to become unnecessarily frizzy and unmanageable, so be patient and wait until your hair is almost air-dried before warming up that blow dryer. Use deep conditioners or hair masks once per week. The straightening process is damaging and can wreak havoc on your strands. If you have wavy, curly or coily hair that you straighten regularly, the process is even more damaging. No matter what your hair type is, you should deep condition your hair at least once per week to minimize damage and keep it healthy. Hair that's happy and healthy can pull off any hair style, straight or curly. Deep conditioners and hair masks are very similar, but a mask usually works on strengthening hair while a deep conditioner creates more “slip”, meaning that the hair strands become smoother and easier to detangle. Consult your hairstylist if you need help choosing one or the other. They'll be happy to assist you in reaching your style goals! Hair masks usually include ingredients like proteins, amino acids, natural oils and lipids, which can help to strengthen your hair. Hair masks and deep conditioners can be purchased at beauty supply stores, drug stores, or grocery stores. You can even make masks with ingredients that you already have at home. Simply search online for “DIY hair masks” and thousands of results will be at your fingertips. Use a smoothing serum. Before you blow dry, apply a smoothing serum product on your hair. Use the product sparingly – it only takes a small amount, especially if you have thin hair. Start at the roots and work the serum down to the tips. Always apply the serum from roots to tip for the smoothest, shiniest results. Try to use a serum product that lists Argan or Moroccan oil in the ingredients. Avoid serums that have alcohol listed in the ingredients, since alcohol can severely dry out your hair. Use an ionic blow dryer. These blow dryers will dry your hair incredibly quickly and cause very little damage to your hair cuticle. As you're using it, the blow dryer releases negative ions, which force the cuticle of your hair to lay down flat. A flattened hair cuticle results in straight, frizz-free, shiny hair. If you have wavy, curly, very thick or frizzy hair, an ionic blow dryer is even more essential. These hair types usually take longer to dry, and since the ionic dryer shortens drying time, you will cause less hair damage and save yourself lots of time. Blow dry your hair with a flat paddle brush. Buy one that has a combination of boar hair and nylon bristles, which will give you silky, shiny strands. These brushes are the best kind to use during the drying process. Place the paddle brush under a section of hair, then angle the blow dryer so that it's hitting the hair that's on the brush. As you move the brush down the section of hair toward the ends, move the blow dryer along with it as well so that it remains connected to the brush at all times. Do this to each section of your hair. Switch hands to get to hard to reach sections or rest one tired arm; you'll be straightening your hair and getting ambidextrous at the same time. Always point the barrel of the blow dryer downward. This will blow air in the direction of the hair cuticle, rather than blowing against it and causing damage or more tangles. After your hair is dry, turn on the blow dryer's cool setting and blow the cool air onto your hair for about one minute. This will make your strands extra shiny. Apply a heat protectant spray to your hair. Heat protectant products won't completely prevent damage caused by straightening your hair with a flat iron, but they can certainly help to limit it, and every little bit counts. Spray one of these products all over your hair before flat ironing. Be sure to get the underside as well as the top. To make this easier, flip your head upside down and then spray the underside. Heat protectant sprays are often formulated for different purposes, such as flat ironing or blow drying. Select one that is made for flat ironing your hair. These can be purchased at beauty supply stores such as Ulta. Protecting your hair will be worth it in the long run, and save you from making trips to the salon to undo heat damage. Set your flat iron to the appropriate heat setting. To minimize damage, be sure you're using the right heat setting for your hair type. Fine hair should be straightened on a low setting. If you have curly or wavy hair, use a medium setting. For thick to coarse hair, use a medium-high setting. Invest in a high-quality ceramic flat iron if you can! These salon-quality tools are worth the extra money if you plan to straighten your hair often. A high-quality ceramic flat iron could last for years, unlike non-ceramic versions, which will need to be replaced often. The ceramic plates on the iron will straighten your hair quicker than other types of flat irons, causing the least amount of damage. Flat iron your hair. After you spritz the heat protectant on your hair, separate your hair into small sections and run the flat iron over each one. Start near the roots and slowly move toward the ends. Avoid ironing over the same section of hair more than two or three times, which causes damage. Be certain that your hair is completely dry before you start flat ironing it to avoid the hair-burning sizzle and smell. Listen for a sizzle – if you hear one, stop flat ironing your hair immediately. This means that your hair is still wet and needs to be dried more. Use your blow dryer for a few more minutes until your hair is thoroughly dry, then grab that flat iron and start again. Tame fly-aways with a small amount of smoothing serum. Use a tiny dab of serum to smooth down any fly-aways or frizz. Concentrate on the ends of your hair, since they tend to dry out the fastest. Make sure you use the product sparingly – your hair can end up looking greasy if you use too much, which is not quite the look you're going for! After applying the serum, wait a few minutes before moving on. This will give your hair time to cool down completely. Set your hair with hairspray or finishing spray. Once your hair has cooled down, lightly mist a hairspray or finishing spray over your entire head to set the hairstyle. Another technique: spray the product onto the bristles of your flat paddle brush and then gently brush your hair with it. This can help to prevent any stickiness that the product could potentially cause. If you hear any sizzling when you spray on the product, this means your hair hasn't cooled down sufficiently. The sizzle sound means you are causing damage to your hair, so set down your spray bottle and wait a couple of minutes for your hair to cool down some more. Experiment with additional products. Your hair's texture and length, as well as the climate where you live, will play a role in how your straight style holds up throughout the day. Think about using an anti-humidity (or anti-frizz) cream or spray if you live in a particularly humid area. Try styling cream if your hair is short and needs a little more weight to keep the curls from springing back up. The cream will lightly weigh the hair down and prevent this from occurring. Don't be afraid to try something new; if it doesn't work, you know you're one step closer to finding a product that does! Experiment with a shine spray product, which will specifically add shine to your hair, but use it sparingly. These are often silicone-based products and will need a special shampoo to remove the residue. Try to make the style last for another day or two. This process can definitely be time-consuming, so aim to do it every other day or every three days. Rock the always-fashionable shower cap in the shower to protect those silky straight strands from the water. In between washings, touch up your limp roots and remove oil with a dry shampoo. Use a flat iron to spot-straighten any strands that have re-curled overnight. If you use smoothing and straightening tools and products on a regular basis, you run the risk of damaging your hair. Make sure to use deep conditioning treatments at least once per week to repair any damage and get your hair back to its usual gorgeous self. Happy straightening! | Wash your hair. Choose smoothing products if you have wavy, curly or frizzy hair. Towel dry your hair. Detangle your hair. Use deep conditioners or hair masks once per week. Use a smoothing serum. Use an ionic blow dryer. Blow dry your hair with a flat paddle brush. Apply a heat protectant spray to your hair. Set your flat iron to the appropriate heat setting. Flat iron your hair. Tame fly-aways with a small amount of smoothing serum. Set your hair with hairspray or finishing spray. Experiment with additional products. Try to make the style last for another day or two. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-an-Origami-Star | How to Make an Origami Star | To make an origami star, start by taking a long strip of paper and tying a knot close to one end. Then, flatten the edges of the knot so it looks like a pentagon, and valley fold the short end. Next, flip the pentagon over, and valley fold the long end of the strip along the edge of the pentagon. Once you've done that, flip the pentagon over and repeat. Continue to flip and fold until you've used up all of the long end. Finally, push the edges of the pentagon in with your fingers to inflate the star. | Take a piece of 8.5 x 11 paper. You can use a blank sheet of regular paper or a patterned piece of paper. But make sure it measures 11 inches on one side. Cut a half inch wide strip. Use the long end of the piece of paper and fold a half inch wide strip. Rip or cut the strip. If you are doing traditional origami, you will fold and rip the paper. You want the strip to be a half inch wide and 11 inches long. Make a knot close to the end of the strip. To do this, bend one end of the strip, close to the top so the strip looks like a ribbon, with two ends and a loop. The short end should be over the long end. Finish tying the knot by slipping the long end through the loop. Don't scrunch the paper as you pull the knot tight. Keep the paper smooth. Flatten the edges of the knot. You should now have a pentagon shape, with one short end sticking out and one long end sticking out. Valley fold the short end. Valley fold means fold the paper towards you. Tuck the short end into the pentagon so it does not show anymore. You should be able to do this without scissors, but if you left your short end a bit too long, snip it shorter with scissors. Start over with a new strip of paper if you have to snip off more than a ½ inch on the short side. Flip over the strip. Valley fold the long end along the edge of the pentagon. It should fall across the front of the pentagon. Flip over the strip again. Valley fold the long end along the pentagon again. Use the edge of the pentagon to line up the fold. Continue flipping and folding the long end. The pentagon should get fatter and fatter as you flip and fold. Stop folding once you have an end that is too short to fold. Tuck this short end into the pentagon, just like you did with the first short end. You should now have a perfect little paper pentagon. Inflate the star. Hold it lightly with your fingers along two of the edges. Push four of the edges with the tip of your thumbnail. The star should begin to inflate. Rotate the star and push on the remaining side to completely inflate the star. Enjoy your mini origami star! Take a 6” x 6” square piece of origami paper. You can also make your own square piece of paper by folding or cutting it. Turn the paper over so the decorative or colored side is down. Take one corner of the paper and fold it to meet the opposite corner. Then, unfold it. Repeat this with the other corner. Then, unfold it. You should have an X crease on the paper. Divide the paper into three sections horizontally. Take the bottom of the paper and fold it so it covers ⅓ of the paper. Then, take the top of the paper and fold it so it covers a ⅓ of the paper. Then, unfold the paper. You should have three horizontal folds on the paper. Divide the paper into three sections vertically. Take the left side of the paper and fold it so it covers ⅓ of the paper. Then, take the right side of the paper and fold it so it covers a ⅓ of the paper. Unfold the paper. You should now have three vertical folds on the paper. It should now look like the paper is divided into a three by three grid. Make four diagonal folds on the paper. Take the bottom left corner of the paper and fold it so it meets the bottom left corner of the top right square on the paper. Then, unfold the corner. Take the top right corner of the paper and fold it so it meets the top right corner of the bottom right square on the paper. Then, unfold the corner. You should now have four diagonal folds on the paper. Take the left side of the paper. Fold it ⅓ to the right. Use the crease you made earlier to make this fold. Make a mountain fold and a valley fold on the section you just folded. In the top left of the folded piece, make the mountain fold by folding the top left corner behind itself. Unfold the mountain fold. You should have a diagonal fold on the top left corner. Make the valley fold by taking the top left corner and folding it over so it covers the first ⅔ of the folded section. Then, unfold it. You should have a triangular shaped fold on the folded section. Use the folds to open the paper. Crease down the valley fold and push out the mountain fold. Once the triangle shape on the paper opens, fold down the top of the paper so it lays down horizontally. It should now look like you have a triangle shape coming out of the side of the paper and a horizontal section. Make a valley and a mountain fold again. Take the bottom corner of the folded section and fold it over to make a valley fold. Then, unfold it. Take far left section of the folded section between your fingers and pinch it so it folds. This will create a mountain fold. Unfold the fold. Open up the paper using the valley fold and the mountain fold. Crease down the valley fold and push out the mountain fold. Keeping the paper open on these folds, fold over the right side of the paper. The paper should now have a triangle on the top of the folded right side and a triangle coming from the side of the paper. These triangles are going to be the points of your star. Make a valley and a mountain fold again. Take the top left corner of the folded right side and fold it over. Then, unfold it. This is the valley fold. Take the bottom right section between your fingers and pinch it so it folds. Then, unfold it. This will create a mountain fold. Open up the right fold. This should also lift the triangle shape on the right fold up. Then, lift up the flap in the bottom middle of the paper. Fold it to the left. This should then raise the bottom half of the paper. Use the creases you made earlier on the paper to fold up the bottom half of the paper. Lay the bottom of the paper flat. The bottom fold should now look like an upside down triangle with a flat top. Fold down the left tip of the bottom fold. You should now have a beautiful four pointed star. | Take a piece of 8.5 x 11 paper. Cut a half inch wide strip. Make a knot close to the end of the strip. Finish tying the knot by slipping the long end through the loop. Flatten the edges of the knot. Valley fold the short end. Flip over the strip. Flip over the strip again. Continue flipping and folding the long end. Stop folding once you have an end that is too short to fold. Inflate the star. Take a 6” x 6” square piece of origami paper. Take one corner of the paper and fold it to meet the opposite corner. Divide the paper into three sections horizontally. Divide the paper into three sections vertically. Make four diagonal folds on the paper. Take the left side of the paper. Make a mountain fold and a valley fold on the section you just folded. Use the folds to open the paper. Make a valley and a mountain fold again. Open up the paper using the valley fold and the mountain fold. Make a valley and a mountain fold again. Open up the right fold. Fold down the left tip of the bottom fold. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Carfax-for-Free | How to Get a Carfax for Free | To get a Carfax for free, go to the car dealership's website and find the used car you're interested in. Then, look for a link to the free Carfax report near the provided description and photos of the vehicle. If you don't have a particular vehicle in mind, you can still find free Carfax reports for different used cars by visiting the Carfax website. Once you're there, just search for the kind of car you want and then click on the "View Free Carfax Report" button next to a vehicle. | Obtain a free Carfax report from the car dealership. Most car dealerships have a subscription account with Carfax that allows them to provide you with free Carfax reports on all their used vehicles for sale. Contact the car dealership before you visit their salesroom to verify that they provide free Carfax reports. Ask a representative from the car dealership for a free Carfax report on the vehicle you are considering to buy. View a Carfax report online at the dealership's website. Many car dealerships will provide direct links to free Carfax reports on their websites. Access the section of the car dealership's website that features used cars. In most cases, links for free Carfax reports will be embedded onto the website next to descriptions and pictures of used cars for sale. The Carfax website features used cars being sold by car dealerships in your area that subscribe to Carfax reports. Find a car. Click on the Carfax link provided in the Sources section of this article, then click on "Find a Car" at the top of your session. Plug in the numbers. Enter the criteria for the used vehicle you want to buy, such as the year, make, and model, then enter your zip or postal code. Designate whether you want to view search results for used cars that have only had one previous owner ("Show only Carfax 1-Owner Vehicles"), then click on the "Search" button. You will then be provided with a list of used cars being sold by used car dealerships in your area based on the criteria you entered. Click on "View FREE Carfax Report" below the used vehicle description to view the history of any used car displayed on the website. Access a list of car dealerships in your local area that subscribe to Carfax services. If you're not sure the make and model you are searching for, visit the Carfax website at http://www.carfaxonline.com/. From the "Carfax for Dealers" link at the bottom of your session, you can enter your zip code within the "Check your Competition" field to see locations that provide Carfax reports. | Obtain a free Carfax report from the car dealership. View a Carfax report online at the dealership's website. The Carfax website features used cars being sold by car dealerships in your area that subscribe to Carfax reports. Find a car. Plug in the numbers. Click on "View FREE Carfax Report" below the used vehicle description to view the history of any used car displayed on the website. Access a list of car dealerships in your local area that subscribe to Carfax services. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Calm-a-Cat-in-Heat | How to Calm a Cat in Heat | One way to calm a cat in heat is by keeping her indoors, separated from male cats who might frighten her or try to get her pregnant. Then, place a heating pad or a warm blanket in her bed for her to lay on, which will keep her warm and calm. Be sure to keep her litter box clean to control spraying inside of your home, and if she does spray any part of your house, clean the area thoroughly so that no scent remains. Give her plenty of attention by petting, scratching, or brushing her, and give her catnip if it normally helps to calm her when she's not in heat. | Recognize that your cat is in heat. Make sure that the behavior your cat is expressing actually means that she's in heat and not sick. An unspayed cat in heat will vocalize a lot, be restless, rub against people and objects, and roll around on the floor. If you stroke her lower back, she'll respond by raising her pelvis and shifting her tail to one side. The normal breeding season for cats is between spring and late summer. She will likely go into heat during this time of year. Decide if your cat's in heat or sick. If she's acting restless, but not rubbing herself against everything and lifting her tail to the side, she may be in pain. Take her to the vet to find out what's going on. Isolate her from male cats. When she's in heat, your cat will grow even more excitable in the presence of males. Do not allow her outside at all, and close all windows and lock all doors, including pet flaps. To keep her calm (and prevent her from getting pregnant), you need to keep her away from all male cats. Isolation will also keep her safe — she may try to escape your home if she senses a male outside. If you have a male cat in the same house, find a friend or hire a cat sitter to take him in for a couple weeks. If the two cats stay in the same area, they'll both act wild, and almost certainly end up mating. If male cats are visible through a window, cover the window with curtains or a piece of cardboard. Give your cat something warm to sit on. Although success is not guaranteed, some people find that giving the cat a heat pack or a warm, wet towel to sit on keeps her still and calm. A microwavable heat pack may be the easiest option, since you can quickly reheat it once the cat starts acting up again. An electric heat pad/blanket is also a good choice. Use catnip only if it calms your cat down. Cats respond very differently to catnip. Some relax and quiet down when given catnip, but other become energetic and aggressive. If you don't know how your cat responds to catnip, avoid this method. It may make the situation even worse. Note that this is only a temporary fix, but it might buy you an hour or two of peace. Test whether herbal remedies are effective. There are many herbal remedies on the market intended to calm cats. Some cat owners report success, but there is no single remedy that works on every cat. Furthermore, your cat may not respond to any of these products. Buy a collection of small samples and try several different remedies. Once you've found a product that works for your cat, buy it in larger amounts. Follow the instructions on the labels. They may tell you to add the remedy to the cat's water, rub a few drops into the cat's fur, or use as an air freshener. Do not use products intended for humans, which likely use higher dosages. Use Feliway in your home. Feliway is a synthetic cat pheromone that has a soothing, calming effect on cats. It takes a couple weeks of exposure to begin calming cats down, though, so it's not an immediate fix. If you know your cat is unspayed, you might consider plugging in the Feliway diffuser at the beginning of breeding season (spring). That way, whenever she goes into heat, the Feliway will already be built up in her system. Keep her litter box clean. Cats often scent mark with urine to attract males when they are in heat. By keeping her litter box clean at all times, you might encourage her to use it instead of scent marking your home. If she scent marks anyway, clean and de-odorize the area immediately. Leaving the smell of urine behind will only drive her to keep doing it. Don't use cleaning products with ammonia. Ammonia is also found naturally in urine, and the smell will encourage her to mark that spot again. Play with your cat. Playing with your cat can distract her temporarily, but she'll often go straight back to howling after you're done. Petting, scratching, or brushing her lower back can be more effective, if your cat is already calm enough to let you do so. Spay the cat. Spaying a cat removes her ovaries and prevents the heat cycle from occurring. It prevents her from getting pregnant, and reduces the risk of certain cancers and other diseases. If you can't afford the surgery, look for low-cost spay services. Many clinics offer this service at a reduced price because it reduces the population of stray cats. Look up your area in the databases listed on the USDA website. There is a small chance of leftover ovarian tissue sending the cat into heat even after the surgery. If this occurs, consult a veterinarian. Consider waiting until after the heat is over before spaying. A vet can perform the spaying procedure at any point in your cat's hormonal cycle — even when she's in heat. However, there's a risk of increased blood loss at that time. The procedure is possible, but consult an experienced veterinarian for advice. Use hormonal therapy as a last resort. The hormones prostaglandin and estrogen can be used to stop a cat's heat cycle; however, this treatment has serious side effects including uterine infection and tumors. Because of the risks, take this step only when spaying is not an option. Always consult in detail with a vet, who will need to prescribe the hormones and explain how to use them properly. Even if the cat can't be spayed for medical reasons, the risks may not be worth the calm behavior. | Recognize that your cat is in heat. Isolate her from male cats. Give your cat something warm to sit on. Use catnip only if it calms your cat down. Test whether herbal remedies are effective. Use Feliway in your home. Keep her litter box clean. Play with your cat. Spay the cat. Consider waiting until after the heat is over before spaying. Use hormonal therapy as a last resort. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-a-Hair-Relaxer | How to Apply a Hair Relaxer | To apply hair relaxer, start by mixing the relaxer according to the package directions and dividing your hair in to 4 to 6 sections. Then, use the applicator brush to coat each section of your hair with the relaxer. Once you've applied the relaxer to all the sections, use the back of your comb to smooth out the strands of your hair. After 15 minutes, wash your hair with hot water, then massage in a conditioner and rinse it out to bring your hair's pH level back to normal. Finally, wash your hair with a neutralizing shampoo to stop the chemical process. | Get a no-lye relaxer if you have a sensitive scalp. There are two main types of relaxers, lye and no-lye. Both of these have benefits and drawbacks, but those with sensitive scalps should go with the no-lye because it's less painful and irritating. However, no-lye relaxers often dry out the hair. For this reason, those who don't have sensitive scalps should consider using a lye relaxer. Go with a regular strength relaxer for normal to thick, coarse hair. Different relaxers have different strengths. Pick a relaxer strength based on your hair's thickness and texture. For most, a “regular” strength relaxer should work just fine. Get a relaxer with mild strength if your hair is fine, color-treated, or damaged. If you have thick, coarse hair, you can try a “super” strength relaxer. Make sure to apply it as directed in the instructions, as improperly used relaxers can cause breakage. Read the relaxer directions. Read the directions on your relaxer kit thoroughly and make sure you understand everything. While relaxing your hair is relatively simple, it can also be dangerous. Ensure your own safety by carefully reading through the instructions and warnings. Don’t shampoo or scratch your scalp before relaxing your hair. Applying relaxer will be painful if your scalp is already irritated in any way. For this reason, it's best to not wash your hair or scratch your head at all for at least the week leading up to application. If you do accidentally scratch your scalp, the relaxer will likely make your head tingle. Put on gloves and a cape. You'll be working with dangerous chemicals that can harm your skin and possibly damage your clothes. Get a hairdresser's cape and plastic gloves and put them on before handling the relaxer to prevent any harm or damage. Get out a couple of towels in case of spills. Keep a towel or two on standby in case you have any spills. The chemicals you're dealing with may stain clothing, furniture, and other things they touch, so it's best to clean any spills up immediately. Apply a protective base cream to the scalp and hairline. Because relaxer can irritate your skin, it's a great idea to apply a base cream directly to the scalp to protect it. Part your hair in multiple places and apply the base to your scalp. Don't forget to apply the base to your hairline and around your ears as well. Petroleum jelly is also a sufficient protective base option. Divide your hair into 4-6 sections. Use a comb to divide your hair evenly into 4-6 different sections. Secure the sections with plastic hair clips or rubber bands. Avoid any hair ties or clips that have metal. Mix the product in a plastic bowl. Typically, hair relaxer comes as a cream or paste and there will be chemicals that need to be mixed with it to complete the relaxer chemical process. With your plastic gloves on, mix the product in a plastic bowl as instructed. Apply the relaxer to the new growth in small sections. Use your comb or the opposite end of your applicator brush to get a small section of hair that's no more than ½ inch (1.3 cm) thick. Using an applicator brush, carefully coat your new growth with the relaxer. Do this over and over until you've applied it to every section. If you've never applied relaxer before, you'll be coating all of your hair. If you have, then you should only be applying it to your roots. Avoid getting the relaxer on your scalp. Don't apply the relaxer to the parts of your hair that aren't new growth. You'll over-process the hair and may cause damage. Apply relaxer to your nape and hairline last. Your hairline is the area that people will see first when they look at you, so you want to be extra sure that you don't over-process the relaxer along the hairline. Also wait to apply relaxer to the nape of your neck, because the hair here tends to process more quickly. Over-processing may result in unsightly breakage. Smooth the new growth with the back of a comb. After applying your relaxer, go back over all of the hair you applied relaxer to. Use the back of a comb to smooth out the hair to ensure that it straightens. Do not comb the hair. Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes. While most relaxers should be left on for 10-15 minutes, different relaxers require waiting different amounts of time. Set a timer for however long the box instructs. Strictly follow the time instruction. Some people leave the relaxer on longer to achieve “bone straight” hair, but it's typically more attractive to take the product off when you're supposed to because then your hair will have some body. Also, leaving it on too long can damage your hair. Rinse your hair for at least 5-7 minutes. When the time is up, spend several minutes rinsing the relaxer out with comfortably hot water. In order to protect your hair, it's important to get as much product as possible out of your hair. Don't spend any less than 5 minutes rinsing. Condition your hair. After rinsing, massage a regular moisturizing conditioner into your wet hair and then rinse it out just after application. This will bring the pH level of your hair back up to normal. It's important to do this before shampooing while the hair cuticle is open. The conditioner will moisturize your hair much more effectively when the cuticle is open. Wash your hair with a neutralizing shampoo. Finally, wash your hair with a neutralizing shampoo to stop the chemical process. This will ensure that the relaxer is completely removed from your hair. Rinse your hair and style as usual. Thoroughly rinse the neutralizing shampoo out of your hair and then spray with a heat protectant and blow your hair dry with a hair dryer if you wish. Then, you can finish styling your hair however you want to. Complete the sleek look by straightening with a flat iron. Relax your roots every 8-10 weeks. If you want to stick with the sleeker look of relaxed hair, you'll need to apply the relaxer every 8-10 weeks. Every time you do this, make sure you only apply relaxer to your new growth. Otherwise, you'll damage your hair. Keep your hair moisturized. All relaxers tend to dry out hair to some degree. Moisturize your hair daily with leave-in conditioners and deep-penetrating light oils to keep your hair soft, silky, and smooth. Deep condition your hair weekly with a protein treatment or moisturizing mask. Use a sulfate-free shampoo. Shampoos that contain sulfate strip your hair of its natural oils, which dries it out. Make sure to shampoo with a gentle sulfate-free shampoo instead so that your hair retains as much moisture as possible. Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. When you relax your hair, the ends often become porous and fragile, which means you'll be more susceptible to getting split ends. To keep your hair healthy, get your hair trimmed at least every 6-8 weeks, or whenever you notice that your ends are beginning to look frayed. Limit your use of heat styling tools. Heat styling tools such as flat irons and curling irons can weaken your hair, making it more prone to breaking and becoming damaged. Try to limit your use of heat styling tools as much as you can. | Get a no-lye relaxer if you have a sensitive scalp. Go with a regular strength relaxer for normal to thick, coarse hair. Read the relaxer directions. Don’t shampoo or scratch your scalp before relaxing your hair. Put on gloves and a cape. Get out a couple of towels in case of spills. Apply a protective base cream to the scalp and hairline. Divide your hair into 4-6 sections. Mix the product in a plastic bowl. Apply the relaxer to the new growth in small sections. Apply relaxer to your nape and hairline last. Smooth the new growth with the back of a comb. Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes. Rinse your hair for at least 5-7 minutes. Condition your hair. Wash your hair with a neutralizing shampoo. Rinse your hair and style as usual. Relax your roots every 8-10 weeks. Keep your hair moisturized. Use a sulfate-free shampoo. Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. Limit your use of heat styling tools. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Static-in-Hair | How to Get Rid of Static in Hair | To get rid of static in your hair, try rubbing a dryer sheet over your hair, if you have one handy. You can also pour a dime-sized dollop of lotion to your hands, rub it around, and then massage it into your hair to smooth flyaways. If you are on the go, try putting your hair into a ponytail or braid so that the static won't bother you as much. When static becomes an ongoing issue, consider switching to a ionic hairdryer and wearing less synthetic fabrics, which cause static. Opt for cotton or silk instead, if you can. | Use dryer sheets to quickly get rid of static. If you have dryer sheets around the house, use one to wipe your hair down when static hairs are sticking up. You can also use the dryer sheets to wipe down your brushes and combs, helping prevent static. Line the drawer you keep your brushes in with dryer sheets, or stick a dryer sheet under your pillow at night while you're sleeping to help prevent static. There are anti-static sheets specifically designed for getting rid of static in your hair, too. Tame the frizziness with a little lotion. Use any regular lotion that you have around the house, such as hand lotion. Place a dime-sized dollop into the palm of your hand, and rub it around in your palms before massaging it into your hair evenly and thoroughly. Only use a small amount of lotion. Too much can weigh your hair down. Run your fingers through your hair to spread the lotion. Focus on the ends and any areas with notable fly-aways. Pull your hair up so that it’s out of your face. If you don't want to deal with static in your hair, pull your hair into a bun. You can also braid it , creating thin braids with the hair around your face, or a larger braid to contain all of your hair at once. If you're in an environment that produces static in your hair, pull your hair up out of your face just until you leave. Switch up the part in your hair if you’re wearing a hat. Before you put on your hat, move your natural part to a different part. Once you take the hat off after wearing it, you can switch the part in your hair back to how it usually is, and you won't have to deal with any static or hairs sticking up. Trade rubber-soled shoes for leather-soled shoes. Rubber-soles are more likely to pass electric charges through your body, from your feet all the way to your hair. To avoid this, opt for leather-soled shoes instead. This way, you'll avoid the small electric shock that comes along with static. Change into clothes made with natural fabrics to reduce static charge. Synthetic materials are much more likely to contract a charge, which then in turn produce lots of static. By choosing clothing made of fabrics such as cotton, silk, or wool, you'll be less likely to have static in your hair. For example, you could try sleeping with your hair tied in a silk scarf or using a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from static. Stay away from synthetic materials like polyester or nylon. Shampoo your hair less frequently. Instead of washing your hair with shampoo every day, try to skip a day or two. It's better for your hair if you're only washing it when it's truly needed, and you'll help reduce static since your hair will keep more of its natural oils. If your hair tends to get greasy easily, this might not be the best method for you. Try using dry shampoo on days you don't wash your hair with shampoo. This will help to control the grease. Use brushes and combs made of rubber or metal. Plastic is a huge conductor of electricity, and by brushing your hair with plastic brushes, you're much more likely to have static in your hair. Try to find brushes made of metal or rubber to have smooth, static-free hair. Using natural bristles as opposed to plastic ones will also greatly reduce static. Wrap your hair in a microfiber towel or T-shirt when drying. A regular terry cloth towel can increase frizz and static, as well as dry out your hair. Instead, buy a microfiber towel or find a soft cotton T-shirt and wrap your hair in this instead. This is especially helpful for preventing frizz in curly and wavy hair types. If you're wrapping your hair in a T-shirt, try to find a large one that will accommodate all of your hair easily. Swap out your old hair dryer for an ionic one. Ionic hair dryers help neutralize the charge that results in static. If it's been awhile since you last bought a hair dryer, try upgrading to an ionic model to dry your hair faster while also achieving a static-free look. Before you use the hair dryer, spray a heat protectant on your hair. This will help prevent static while also protecting your hair from getting damaged. Apply a thermal protectant to your hair before straightening or curling it. If you're experiencing static in your hair after you've used a hair straightener or curler, it could be because you're not properly protecting your hair. Spray a heat protectant on your hair before applying heat to it, using a brush to spread the protectant evenly throughout your hair. Remember to wait until your hair is completely dry before using a hot tool on it to prevent damage. Buy a leave-in conditioner to prevent static when you're on-the-go. Static-prone hair is dry, so keeping your hair moisturized can help to prevent static. If you're running errands, at school, or just need a quick fix, try keeping a small bottle of leave-in conditioner with you. Squeeze out a dime-sized dab into your hands and massage it into your hair, helping to reduce the static. Hair oil and moisturizing creams are also options for a quick, on-the-go fix. You can find hair oil and moisturizing creams at a beauty supply or big box store, as well as online. Look for conditioners that contain silicone to neutralize static in your hair. Conditioner is super important to maintaining healthy-looking hair, especially if your hair tends to dry out easily. If you tend to skip the conditioner step when showering, or aren't using conditioner at all, consider finding a quality conditioner to help with the static. Use a conditioner every time you shampoo for best results. When picking out your conditioner or other hair care products, try to stay away from ingredients that dry your hair out, such as alcohol. Select a hairspray that's alcohol-free. A lot of hairsprays contain alcohol, which can cause your hair to have more static. To avoid this, look for a hairspray that's alcohol-free. It should say "alcohol-free" right on the label, or you can check the ingredients list on the back. Applying a moderate amount of alcohol-free hairspray to your hair can actually help prevent static. Try an anti-frizz cream to control frizz and static. Visit your local drug or big box store to pick out an anti-frizz cream. Squeeze out a dime-sized amount and rub it into your hair, focusing on the sections below your ears so that the top of your hair doesn't get greasy. Rub your fingers through your hair to evenly distribute the cream. Avoid putting too much anti-frizz cream on your scalp, especially if you have fine or straight hair. These products tend to be a bit heavy, and when they mix with the natural oils of your scalp, your hair can look greasy and flat. | Use dryer sheets to quickly get rid of static. Tame the frizziness with a little lotion. Pull your hair up so that it’s out of your face. Switch up the part in your hair if you’re wearing a hat. Trade rubber-soled shoes for leather-soled shoes. Change into clothes made with natural fabrics to reduce static charge. Shampoo your hair less frequently. Use brushes and combs made of rubber or metal. Wrap your hair in a microfiber towel or T-shirt when drying. Swap out your old hair dryer for an ionic one. Apply a thermal protectant to your hair before straightening or curling it. Buy a leave-in conditioner to prevent static when you're on-the-go. Look for conditioners that contain silicone to neutralize static in your hair. Select a hairspray that's alcohol-free. Try an anti-frizz cream to control frizz and static. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Give-Subcutaneous-Fluids-to-a-Cat | How to Give Subcutaneous Fluids to a Cat | To give subcutaneous fluids to a cat, you'll need to start by attaching the fluid line to the bag and running some fluid through the line to clear out as many air bubbles as possible. Then, attach a new needle to the line and hang the bag about 3 feet above your cat. Next, use your thumb and another finger to pull up some loose skin on your cat's shoulder or hip. After that, remove the cover from the needle, insert it through the loose skin, then release the skin. Finally, open the fluid line and administer the prescribed amount of fluids. | Choose a location to give the fluids. Before setting up the equipment, decide where you want to give the fluids. To prevent your cat from escaping, choose a small enclosed space like a bathroom. This area should be free of distractions and away from children and other pets. Remove the protective packaging. To give subcutaneous fluids, you will need a fluid bag, fluid line, and a needle. Your vet will probably provide you with these supplies. The fluid bag and fluid line will be sealed in their own plastic protective coverings. Carefully remove this covering. Look at the color of the fluid. It should be clear. If it's discolored and cloudy, do not use the bag. Discolored fluid could indicate contamination. The fluid line will have a roller clamp. Roll the clamp so the fluid line is squeezed together at the clamp. This will keep fluid from flowing through the line when you don't want it to. Attach the fluid line to the bag. The top end of the fluid line will have a large spike that will go into the fluid bag's bottom opening. Remove the spike's rubber covering and insert the spike into the fluid bag. Do not let the spike touch anything before you insert it. Give the spike a twist to ensure it fits snugly in the fluid bag. Fill the drip chamber about halfway. The top of the fluid line has a drip chamber that allows you to see how fast the fluid is flowing. Squeeze the fluid bag until the chamber is about halfway full. Run fluid through the line. The fluid will flow more easily when it's free of air bubbles. To run fluid through the line, remove the protective cover off the bottom of the fluid line. Loosen the roller clamp and watch the fluid run through the line and out the bottom opening. Do not allow anything to touch the fluid line's bottom opening. This is where the needle will go. Position the fluid line by a sink or trash can so the fluid doesn't get on the floor. Close the roller clamp after a few seconds so you don't waste too much fluid. Fortunately, air bubbles won't hurt your cat. Don't worry if you don't get all the air bubbles out, but minimize them as much as you can. Attach a new needle. The bottom of the needle (where it attaches to the fluid line) may have a plastic covering. Remove this covering if present, and attach the connecting piece on the needle to the bottom opening of the fluid line. The needle will have another covering protecting its top end (the actual needle that is injected under the skin). Do not remove this covering until you're ready to start giving the fluids. Hang the fluid bag. The fluid bag will need to hang about three feet above your cat. If you do not have an IV pole, you can slide the top hole of the fluid bag onto a coat hanger. Hang the coat hanger over the top of a door or, if you're in a bathroom, the shower curtain rod. Position your cat. Keeping your cat comfortable will help you give it subcutaneous fluids more easily. Position your cat in your lap or on a smooth, flat surface (table, top of washer or dryer). If your cat gets squirmy, considering asking someone else to gently position and hold your cat. Whoever is holding your cat should use gentle restraint. Too much restraint can make a cat want to get away. Make sure the cat is positioned so that it will be comfortable for 10 to 15 minutes. Quietly talking to your cat and petting it will help it feel comfortable after it's in position to receive fluids. Make a skin tent. To ensure the fluids go under the skin, you will make a skin tent. Choose an area that has a lot of loose skin, such as the shoulders or hips. Using your thumb and another finger, pull up some skin to create the tent. Make the skin tent with your nondominant hand (the hand you don't write with) so your dominant hand can guide the needle. Position the needle. Take the plastic covering off the needle. Position the needle so its sharp end is parallel to your cat's back and facing the skin tent. Make sure the needle's hole is facing up. Rest the hand holding the needle on your cat's back. Insert the needle. In one swift motion, move the needle forward until most of the needle is in the tent. When the needle is in, release the skin tent. Because the needle is small and sharp, your cat probably won't even feel it as it enters the skin tent. As you slide the needle in, make sure you don't poke the needle in so far that it comes out the other side of the tent. Open the fluid line. With the needle in the tent, open the roller clamp to allow the fluid to flow. Keep watch on the fluid bag so you administer only as much as your vet prescribed. Before you start the fluids, it may help to mark the bag with a marker so you know when to stop the flow. Each line on the bag represents 100 milliliters of fluid. Watch for a lump to form. As the fluid flows under the skin, a lump will form. This is normal. The lump will go down as your cat's body absorbs the fluid. The lump will eventually get tight with fluid. If you notice the lump is tight but you haven't given the full amount of fluids, you'll need to give the rest of the fluids in a different skin tent. Use a new needle if you have to do this. Reposition the needle. Keep an eye on the drip chamber. If you notice the fluid isn't moving into it, the needle might have moved against the skin, blocking the flow. Gently reposition the needle under the skin without removing it from the tent. You may need to do this a few times to ensure your cat gets all the fluid it needs. You can also try repositioning the needle by slightly rotating the needle in the skin. Remove the needle. Once you've given all the fluids, close the roller clamp to stop the flow of fluids. Slowly remove the needle by backing it out of the tent. Next, pinch the skin for a few seconds to make sure fluid doesn't leak out of the tent. You may see a little blood when you remove the needle. A little bit of fluid may leak out as well. This is normal. Take the old needle off and replace it with a new one on the fluid line. Do not discard the old needle in your regular trash. Place it in an area that other pets and children can't access. Your vet will tell you where to discard the used needles. | Choose a location to give the fluids. Remove the protective packaging. Attach the fluid line to the bag. Fill the drip chamber about halfway. Run fluid through the line. Attach a new needle. Hang the fluid bag. Position your cat. Make a skin tent. Position the needle. Insert the needle. Open the fluid line. Watch for a lump to form. Reposition the needle. Remove the needle. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Hold-Your-Breath-Underwater | How to Hold Your Breath Underwater | To hold your breath underwater, practice breathing techniques and ease yourself into it safely. Try taking deep breaths out of the water and holding them for 30 seconds at a time so you can get used to holding your breath. When you're ready to go underwater, take a deep breath and lower yourself below the surface. Keep your mouth and nose closed and try your best to stay relaxed. When you need a breath, slowly rise out of the water. Try this a few times, then practice swimming around while you're underwater. If you're practicing in a pool, stay in the shallow end or ask a friend to stand nearby to watch you so there's no risk of drowning. | Sit or lie down on solid ground. Find comfortable ground to lay down on or sit upright on your knees. Practice holding your breath for long periods of time out of water first so you can practice proper breathing techniques. Relax your mind and body. While lying down or sitting, focus on clearing your mind of all extra thoughts and worries. Don't move your body around; sit as still as possible. This lowers your blood pulse. A lowered pulse means your body is using less oxygen. Your body needs oxygen to move and function. The less you move, the less oxygen your body will need. First, practice holding your breath without moving. Then, add in simple, slow movements like walking to train your body to conserve oxygen. This will prepare your body to dive and swim with less air. Inhale slowly using your diaphragm. You should feel your belly rise instead of your shoulders if you're using your diaphragm to inhale. Your diaphragm is the muscle attached to the bottom of your lungs that helps expand your lungs to hold more oxygen. Start inhaling for 5 seconds at a time. Then, increase by a few seconds every time you inhale. You will be stretching out your lungs and increasing their ability to hold more air. Puffing up your cheeks does not mean that you have enough oxygen. It makes you use face muscles that spend oxygen instead of conserving it. Exhale a little at a time. While you hold your breath, let out little puffs of air at a time. You will feel your body try and force you to exhale completely. These little convulsions are your body telling you that carbon dioxide is building up in your lungs. Push out as much air as possible when you've finished to get rid of any extra carbon dioxide. As you hold your breath, your body turns oxygen into carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is toxic to your body and can cause you to pass out. Once you get past the convulsions, your spleen releases more oxygen-filled blood into your bloodstream. Hold your breath past this point to be able to hold it even longer. Repeat inhaling and exhaling. Every time you repeat a breath cycle, push yourself to go a little longer each time. Breathe in and out for two minutes at a time, keeping yourself at a calm and even pace. You are training your body to handle being without oxygen. Breathe correctly several times. Before going underwater, spend five minutes breathing in and out slowly like you've practiced. Relax your body as well while sitting or standing in the shallow end of a pool or body of water. Dive slowly below the surface. Take one deep breath through your mouth and lower yourself below the surface of the water. Keep your mouth and nose closed while underwater. Use your fingers to hold your nose shut if you need. Staying relaxed is important since there is more risk in holding your breath underwater than on land. Resurface slowly. Once you've reached your body's limit, swim or push yourself to the surface. Blow out any extra air as you rise so that you can take a fresh breath immediately. Before diving again, take another two to five minutes to do a few breath cycles to get your body back to normal oxygen levels. If you begin to panic at any moment, relax and surface. Panicking can lead to accidental inhalation underwater, which can cause drowning. Add in movement once you're comfortable. Swimming and forcing your body to dive deeper will use up more oxygen. Don't try to exert yourself right away. When diving, you want to remain as relaxed and calm as possible, keeping your pulse low. Swimming is the complete opposite. Your pulse will be high and your muscles moving quickly. Measure your progress by distance and not time. As you begin to go longer without breath, avoid using a timer or counting seconds because you will mentally psych yourself out. Instead, measure how far you can swim across the pool or how deep you can go before needing air. If you want to keep track of your time, have a friend time you instead. Have another person nearby while you practice. Practicing alone is dangerous because you cannot help yourself to safety if you pass out or begin choking or drowning. To be extra safe, make sure that your partner is CPR trained so if there's an emergency, they're able to help you out. Stay in shallow waters at first. This way you can stand or sit while going underwater. Treading water requires extra energy that uses your precious oxygen. It's also easier to get to the surface quickly in case you need air or have an emergency. Listen to your body. If your vision begins to fade or you feel light-headed, go to the surface immediately. Risking your personal safety is not as important as a few extra seconds underwater. | Sit or lie down on solid ground. Relax your mind and body. Inhale slowly using your diaphragm. Exhale a little at a time. Repeat inhaling and exhaling. Breathe correctly several times. Dive slowly below the surface. Resurface slowly. Add in movement once you're comfortable. Measure your progress by distance and not time. Have another person nearby while you practice. Stay in shallow waters at first. Listen to your body. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Lose-Weight-with-Vitamins | How to Lose Weight with Vitamins | If a healthy diet and exercise alone are not working and you want to lose weight with vitamins, start by supplementing your diet with up to 2,000 IU of Calcium and Vitamin D per day. These two nutrients have been shown to work together for weight loss, though you should check with your doctor before starting any new supplements. Additionally, aim to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day. | Talk to your doctor. Before taking any over-the-counter medication or supplement, you need to talk to your doctor. Not all supplements are safe for all people. The FDA does not monitor vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements. Any supplement can be sold over-the-counter to any person. Look for supplements that have been certified by U.S. Pharmacopeia, NSF International, and ConsumerLab.com. These companies test supplements to ensure they contain what is claimed on the bottle. When starting a supplement talk to your doctor or pharmacist about which type of supplement may be appropriate for you. Tell him or her what your goal is and ask if there are other options outside of a vitamin. When asking about a supplement you've already purchased, make sure to have the brand name, vitamin type, and form (found on the ingredient label) and dosage amount. This information will help your doctor decide whether or not the supplement is appropriate for you. Read the labels. Since dietary supplements are not regulated, you'll need to take charge of what you ingest in supplement form. Carefully monitor which type of supplements you decide to take. Read the ingredient label of all vitamins. For example, if you're looking for Vitamin D, choose a supplement that visibly says "Vitamin D" on the front. Then flip the bottle over and look at the ingredient list. This will tell you what form of Vitamin D is in the supplement in addition to other ingredients in the pill. Make sure all other ingredients are safe for you. Read the serving size and dosage amount. On the back of the bottle, there should also be a nutrition fact panel. It will tell you the serving size (for example: two tablets) and the dosage per serving (for example, 30 mg). Make sure to be clear about how much is safe to take for you and what the exact serving and dosage amount is. Do not take more than the serving size or dosage daily. Read about any possible side effects. Like prescription medications, many over-the-counter supplements do have side effects. Review any side effects listed on the package and research the supplement online for additional information as needed. Take a Vitamin D supplement. Studies have shown that those who supplemented regularly with Vitamin D (and were previously deficient) lost more weight compared to those who didn't take a Vitamin D supplement Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies and is present in about 1 billion people worldwide. Side effects of Vitamin D deficiency are widespread and can include: increased mortality, cancer, metabolic disorders, skeletal diseases, heart disease, and infection. The current Vitamin D recommended daily intake is 400 IU. However, more recent studies suggest supplementing with levels as high as 2,000 IU per day. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it's stored in your adipose or fat tissues. It can stay in your body for up to three to six months. Be very careful with how much you supplement with. If your levels get too high, it becomes toxic and cannot be removed from your body. Food sources of vitamin D are far and few between; however, the following do contain some Vitamin D: cod liver oil, fortified milk, orange juice, salmon, beef liver, eggs, and swordfish. Add in a calcium supplement. Some studies have shown that calcium works with vitamin D for weight loss. Higher calcium intake has been shown to discourage fat accumulation in your fat cells. The recommended intake for calcium is 1,000 – 1,200 mg daily. However, you'll need to split up your supplements into doses of 500 mg as your body cannot absorb much more than 500 mg calcium at one time. Recent research shows that higher levels of calcium supplementation may lead to heart disease and hardening of the arteries. Take care with how much calcium you supplement with in combination of the calcium you eat from your diet. Calcium also bind to some dietary fat in your GI tract and prevent your body from absorbing it, but this is only true of the calcium obtained from dairy products, not from supplements. The best sources of calcium from foods include dairy products, dark leafy greens, broccoli, and almonds. Try magnesium supplements. Magnesium is an important mineral that's involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body. Studies show that in addition to these functions, magnesium may also help promote weight loss. Magnesium plays a role in a variety of metabolic functions but has been shown to improve your fasting glucose and insulin levels which may help you regulate your weight. Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency may include irritability, muscle weakness, and an irregular heartbeat. The recommended intake for magnesium is 350 mg per day. Take it in one to two doses throughout the day. The best food sources of magnesium include: dairy products, beans, nuts, fish and shellfish. Take a probiotic. Although probiotics are not considered a vitamin or mineral, they are a supplement that has been linked with improved gut health, weight loss, and maintenance of a healthier weight. Probiotics are live, "good" bacteria that are found in a variety of areas throughout your GI system. They are consumed through foods and beverages and are thought to support your immune system, and to prevent or manage constipation and diarrhea. Studies have shown that a more diverse set of that "good bacteria" or gut flora is related to lower and healthier weights. If you want to take a probiotic supplement, try to find a supplement that contains at least 5 billion CFUs (or colony forming units) per serving. You can also add in probiotic foods like cultured yogurt or yogurt drinks, sauerkraut, miso, and tempeh. Use choline supplements. A few studies have shown that choline supplements may help you reduce your weight and overall body mass. Choline is not considered a vitamin or mineral but is an essential nutrient that's involved in metabolism, lipid transport, and hormone synthesis. The daily recommended intake for choline is about 400-500 mg of choline. However, choline supplements generally only contain about 13% choline and a supplement containing 3,500-4,000 phosphatidylcholine (name of choline on the market) is safe. The best food sources of choline include: beef liver, eggs, wheat germ, scallops and salmon. Monitor calories. Although vitamin and mineral supplements may be able to support weight loss, it's generally difficult to lose weight without modifying how many calories you eat each day. Most health experts will recommend you cut out about 500 calories daily. This is a slight decrease that results in about a 1 – 2-pound weight loss each week. This is considered slow, gradual and safe weight loss. Try using a food journal or food diary app on your smartphone to help you keep track of how many calories you're eating each day. Eat a well-balanced diet. In addition to monitoring your daily calories, it's important to eat a well-balanced diet daily. This will help ensure you're meeting your daily recommended amounts of vital nutrients. Most of your required vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients should come from foods (supplements should only be used as a backup). Eat foods from each food group most days and include a wide variety of foods from within each food group daily. Stick to appropriate portion sizes as well. Following the right portion sizes helps ensure you're eating the right amounts of each food. Stick to: 3 – 4 oz of lean protein , 1 cup of vegetables or 2 cups of leafy greens , 1/2 cup of fruit and 1 oz or 1/2 cup of grains. Snack wisely. Snacks are part of a nutritious diet and even be a part of a weight loss plan. Be smart about what you choose and how often you snack. Typically its recommended to keeps snacks at around 150 calories per snack when you're trying to lose weight. Also try to include a lean protein or a fruit or vegetable in your snacks. These foods provide your body with the nutrition and energy to keep you going throughout the day. Snack only when you need to. For example, a pre- or post-workout snack is a good idea or a having a small snack between two meals that are more than four hours apart. Examples of nutritious, low-calorie snacks include a hard-boiled egg, an individual Greek yogurt or an apple with a cheese stick. Limit liquid calories. One thing that can sabotage your weight loss is liquid calories. They can slip into your diet without you even feeling full or satisfied. Limit beverages that are full of sugar and calories. For example, limit: regular sodas, juices and juice cocktail, energy drinks, sports drinks, smoothies, flavored coffee drinks, and alcohol. In addition to limiting liquid calories, try to get between eight to 13 8-oz glasses (2 to 3 liters) of clear, hydrating fluids each day. Being adequately hydrated can support your weight loss. Fill up on hydrating fluids like water, flavored water, and unsweetened decaf coffee and tea. Be physically active. In addition to diet and supplementation, being physically active on a regular basis can help you lose weight. Health professionals recommend getting in at least 150 minutes of cardiovascular or aerobic activity each week. Try activities like walking, jogging, dancing, swimming or doing aerobics classes. In addition to cardio exercises, it's also important to do two to three days of strength training each week. This can help build lean muscle mass and increase your body's metabolism and ability to burn calories. | Talk to your doctor. Read the labels. Take a Vitamin D supplement. Add in a calcium supplement. Try magnesium supplements. Take a probiotic. Use choline supplements. Monitor calories. Eat a well-balanced diet. Snack wisely. Limit liquid calories. Be physically active. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Train-Your-Rat-to-Do-Tricks | How to Train Your Rat to Do Tricks | To train your rat to do tricks, start by finding a quiet, safe space to avoid any distractions. Next, establish some basic training techniques, such as using treats, verbal praise, and toys as rewards. Then, keep training sessions to no more than 15 minutes at a time so your rat stays engaged and focused. Additionally, start with a simple trick, like teaching it to come when you call its name. In order to do this trick, hold out a treat, and say its name as it comes to get the treat. | Rat-proof any rooms and spaces you’ll be training in. Always train your rat outside of its cage, such as on the floor. Never train your rat on a table or chair as it may fall off. Make sure the room is rat-proof so you keep your rat safe. You don't want your rat running off or getting hurt! Close up any exits, remove other animals, and move electrical cords and wires that it could chew on. You should also get rid of any chemicals or substances it could eat. Your rat's safety should be your first concern! You should also remove any objects your rat could get under. Create a safe space for your rat. Rats enjoy spending time with their humans outside of their cages. However, you should make sure your rat feels safe. Start by training in a quiet room that doesn't have any other animals in it. Make sure that you only do activities with your rat that makes it feel safe. Doing this will help build trust between you and your rat. Your rat may bite you if it's scared. Spend time with your rat before you begin training. Spending time with them is so important! To train your rat, you need to spend time with them and build a relationship. Your rat will easier to train and more willing to learn if it trusts you and feels a bond. Spend some time playing with your rat, getting to know it, and getting it used to you. Teach behaviors using hand signals. These are often used for training dogs, but incorporating hand signals into training sessions with your rat can help it understand what you want it to do. For example, to teach your rat to sit, you could hold your hand out straight and turn it so your palm is facing up. Then, lift your hand up above your rat's head so it will look at it. Make sure to reward your rat with a treat after it performs the desired behavior. Use positive reinforcement to encourage your rat. The best way to train a rat is through positive reinforcement. Your rat will want to perform for you if it knows it will get a treat! This encourages the rat to perform the desired action so it can get the treat. You can use rat treats that have been cut into small pieces, verbal praise, and toys as rewards. Eliminate distractions. It's easier to train your rat in a really quiet place with no disruptions. Rats are naturally curious and will want to explore their surroundings, so training in the same place can help lower distractions. Choose a safe location where you are unlikely to be interrupted. For example, you might train your rat on your bedroom floor with the door closed and all wires and other hazards up and out of its reach. Keep training sessions short. Your rat has a short attention span, so you don't want to overdo it! Remember, your rat gets tired, too. Training for long periods of time will not make your rat learn better and may actually set back your training. Instead, train for short periods. Keep the sessions around 10 to 15 minutes. If your rat seems uninterested in training, put it back in its cage and try again later. Base the tricks on your rat’s personality. Getting to know your rat's individual personality is important for training! Some rats are better at some tricks that others, and not every rat can do the same thing. All rats are intelligent and can be trained, but evaluate your rat's personality to figure out if it seems to like or be good at something. Remember, not all rats will learn the same tricks the same way. Some rats are more motivated than others, so be patient and take the time needed with each individual rat. Teach the rat to come when called. Place your rat a little bit away from you. Hold a treat out so your rat notices it. When it comes to get the treat, reward it by giving it the treat. Don't pair a verbal cue with the action and reward until your rat can perform it consistently. Once the behavior is 100% consistent, start pairing the hand signal with a verbal command such as “come.” Repeat the word while the rat comes to you and gesture with your hand, such as by motioning towards yourself. When the rat comes to you, give it the treat and praise it with pets or holding. If your rat's name is more than two syllables long, try using a nickname or shortened version instead. Train the rat to stand. Place the rat on a flat surface. Take a treat and say “stand.” As the rat sniffs the treat, lift the treat to guide the rat upward. Your rat will probably stand up to follow the treat in your hand. When it stands, give it the treat and praise. Each time you get your rat to stand, raise the treat higher to try to get them to stand straighter. When you start to phase out the treats, continue to raise your hand as if you're holding something in it. Consider teaching a rat to shake hands. To make your rat shake your hand, put a treat in your hand near the rat's paws. Then slowly and very gently, take your rat's paw and put it on the treat. Say "shake" and then feed the treat to your rat. You could also try holding the treat in your closed fist with 1 finger outstretched as you do this. Allow your rat to grip or “shake” your outstretched finger. Try teaching your rat to clap. You can teach the rat to clap by holding a treat above its head. Say the word “clap!” and the rat should try to grab the treat with both hands. Make sure to hold it at a place where both the hands meet when it reaches. When it claps, give it the treat and praise. Carry your rat around on your shoulder cautiously. Rats love to ride on their humans' shoulders, but they can fall off and get injured, so be very careful if you decide to do this. Place the rat on your shoulder, and then give it a treat. Hold it gently in place as you let it get used to being on your shoulder. Give it another treat or two while it stays put. As the rat gets used to being on your shoulder you can slowly start moving by standing up and then walking. Keep providing plenty of treats and stroking your rat to reassure them. | Rat-proof any rooms and spaces you’ll be training in. Create a safe space for your rat. Spend time with your rat before you begin training. Teach behaviors using hand signals. Use positive reinforcement to encourage your rat. Eliminate distractions. Keep training sessions short. Base the tricks on your rat’s personality. Teach the rat to come when called. Train the rat to stand. Consider teaching a rat to shake hands. Try teaching your rat to clap. Carry your rat around on your shoulder cautiously. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Decrease-Body-Fat-Percentage | How to Decrease Body Fat Percentage | Although it takes time to decrease your body fat percentage, you can get started by eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day made up of lots of lean protein, like fish and eggs, and high-fiber foods, like whole grains and beans. Additionally, replace the fats you get from eating things like cookies and chips with healthier fats from foods such as nuts and avocados. You should also try to run, swim, or do another cardio activity every day. If possible, add weight training to your exercise routine, as well, to burn fat most effectively. | Load up on protein and fiber. You've definitely heard it before: to get rid of that stubborn fat and start building muscle, you need protein. The body can burn protein to survive, but it prefers carbohydrates and fats; so when you feed it mainly protein, it will go for the carbohydrates and fats you already have stored. That and protein builds and repairs muscle! Fish and chicken are great sources of the stuff — you generally want to stick to the lean, white meats. Low-fat dairy is good, too, and beans, soy, and eggs are efficient sources as well. A normal person should have between 10 and 25% of their daily caloric intake from protein. We are not forgetting fiber! It's slow to digest, helps you feel full and it acts like a sponge to water and fat. So add beans, whole grains, brown rice, nuts, and berries onto that list of awesome foods to eat you have going. Know you still need the good fats. Some people believe that a no-fat or low-fat diet automatically makes for a good diet. Well, a low-fat diet, sure, but only if you do it right. You want to stick to the good fats, such as unsaturated, omega-3s, and omega-6s. The fats that you should keep in your diet should be from fatty fish like salmon, olive oils, avocados, and nuts. However, just because they're good doesn't mean you should overdo it. Always consume any food in moderation. In case it needs to be said, the fats you want to avoid are the ones that come in packages. That includes the frozen ones! Stay away from cookies, cakes, potato chips, and fast and fried foods. They're just not worth the calories. Fats that are solid at room temperature are full of saturated fat, which you should avoid. This includes butter, lard, and coconut oil. Plan out your carbohydrate intake. This is where things start to get a little confusing. There are very, very different schools of thought when it comes to carbohydrate. There's the Atkins camp which says no-carbohydrate is the way to go. Well, sure, that'll get you to burn fat, but it's totally unsustainable and anything that recommends you cut out 60% of your body's preferred energy should be questioned. Instead, let's consider some other ideas: Carbohydrate cycling. The science behind it is that you have a couple low-carbohydrate days (about 1g per pound of body weight) that get your body into a catabolic fat burning state. But then you have a day of high-carbohydrate intake, that gets your metabolism running. Without that high-carb day, your metabolism starts shutting down. Timed intake. Complex carbohydrate (brown rice, beans, oats) can be consumed before 6 p.m. (in general, late night eating isn't advised). Simple carbohydrates (fruit, sweetened yogurt, honey), however, should only be consumed post-workout. When the body is still reviving from your sweat session, the simple carbohydrates get stored as glycogen, not fat. Otherwise, they should be primarily avoided. Consider calorie cycling. We've talked about carbohydrate cycling, but there's calorie cycling, too. And it's the same science behind it: if you don't eat enough calories, your body freaks out, starts shutting down and eats away at your muscles. Therefore, when you're on a low-calorie diet, you have to have days of higher caloric intake to keep it going and your metabolism up. 1,200 calories and under is where starvation mode generally starts. If you're interested in calorie cycling, know how many calories your body needs before you start playing around with the numbers. You can have days under this number, but make sure they're not consecutive. To determine how many calories you should be eating a day to meet your needs and goals, consult with your physician or a registered dietitian. This method is good for those who have plateaued. If you have that last bit of fat you want to lose, give this a shot. Eat often. Getting rid of body fat is all about the metabolism, especially when all you have to do is get rid of that last 5-10 lb. And to keep up the metabolism, you gotta be eating constantly. But hold it! You've probably heard that eating 5-6 small meals a day is key. Well, it's close. But it's not perfect. Here's the thing: When you eat small meals all the time, your body is constantly producing insulin and never getting to a burn stage. That, and you never really feel 100% satisfied. So instead of eating 5-6 small meals a day, eat three decent ones and two snacks. It's the same idea, but refined for efficacy. Breakfast! Let's say it together: breakfast! It's so important. Your body needs to know that it can start burning calories and breakfast is exactly that flag. There are no magic foods that will burn fat by themselves. While a healthy diet can help you lose weight, only exercise can turn your fat into muscle. Do both cardio and weight lifting. While cardio does burn calories faster than weightlifting, if you want maximum fat burning, you need to do both. If you want to get toned, go for less weight and more repetitions when it comes to strength training. And if you're looking to bulk up, go for more weight and fewer repetitions. But anything is good! Cardio has any number of forms — swimming, boxing, running, and cycling might be some of the most common, but don't forget basketball, chasing the kids around, walking the dog, and dancing! If it gets your heart pounding, it counts. . Crosstrain your cardio There are two things you want to prepare yourself against: plateauing and boredom. They're both terrible in their own ways. And the best way to fight these (if not the only way)? Crosstraining. That basically means you're doing a bunch of different activities, switching it up on your mind and body. Your mind doesn't think, "Aww, man, this again?!" and your muscles don't get used to it and aren't just phoning it in. For example, on Monday, you're hitting the pavement, Tuesday you're going for a swim, Wednesday is your day of rest, Thursday is the elliptical, and Friday is cycling. Easy! You could combine activities in one day, too. Time your workouts. Alright, more controversy. There's a whole bunch of stuff out there that'll tell you so-and-so time is best for cardio and so-and-so time is best for weights and then there's others that'll tell you the time that is best is the time that feels best to you. Here's the lowdown: Some people say that cardio on an empty stomach in the morning is best. Your body has been fasting all night and it's going straight to those fat stores. Others say nope, your body goes straight for your muscles. The verdict? Well, if it makes you feel dizzy and nauseated, we're going to go with the latter. Some say that weights should be done before cardio. Cardio depletes your glycogen stores, so when you go to hit the weights, you can't do it. And when you can't do it, you don't build muscle. However, this is more important for the body-building types than the "I just want to get rid of the double wave" types. Others say that you should do them at separate times entirely (cardio and weights, that is). Some say it depends on your goal (Weight loss? Do cardio first). Some say it doesn't matter, just DO IT. In other words? Do whatever you think is best — they all have their merits. Go for HIIT. High-intensity interval training is all the rage nowadays. Studies have shown that it burns more fat in less time and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. It jumps up your metabolism right away and keeps it up after, too — so much that the term "after burn effect" has been coined. So even if you have 15 minutes to work out, no excuses! There's no hard-and-fast rule to HIIT. It just involves cycling between low-intensity work and high-intensity work. An example? A 1 minute walk on the treadmill followed by 30 seconds of a dead-sprint. But the ratios are up to you! Make sure you rest. Really. You may feel like a powerhouse that just can't be stopped, but your body needs to rest. Especially if you're lifting weights like it's your job; your muscles need time to repair themselves. So take a day to take it easy. You don't have to sit on the couch all day, but do allow your body to heal itself. Weights should only be done back-to-back if you're working different muscle groups (i.e., legs one day, arms and shoulders the next). Cardio, however, can (and should) be done most days of the week. Get some zzz's. Your body needs them to function normally. Studies have shown that people that get at least 7 or 8 hours a night lose more fat than those who don't. Furthermore, people who sleep less have higher amounts of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin, which causes them to be hungrier and eat more. Drink loads of water. It's practically the easiest dieting tactic there is. When you drink more water, your body gets flushed of toxins and doesn't want to eat as much. That's aside from the benefits it has on your organs, skin, hair, and nails. Women should aim for about three liters a day; men about four (that's including the water in food). Drink coffee prior to your workout. Studies have shown that caffeine stimulates the nervous system and increases our levels of epinephrine. That epinephrine manifests as an adrenaline rush and sends signals to our body to start breaking down fat tissue. Then those fatty acids are free to be released and used up in our blood. If you want to see if it works for you, drink a cup of coffee prior to your workout. It's less effective if your stomach is already full of food, so keep the cup of coffee by itself or with a small snack. And, yes, it's caffeine, that does it, not coffee — but most other sources of caffeine aren't that good for you (read: soda). However, an ounce of dark chocolate wouldn't be terrible and it has caffeine, too! Avoid crash diets. If it's anything that has an end point, it's just not that healthy. Whether you're juicing, fasting, or just cutting out one food group, if it's not sustainable, it's probably not that good. You might see some serious results initially, but in the long-run it messes with your metabolism and ultimately messes you up. So avoid them. Stay healthy and avoid them. Use several techniques to measure your body fat. There are over half a dozen ways out there to measure your body fat percentage and not all of them are 100% accurate all the time. Always measure your body fat at the same time (for example, Monday mornings) and under the same conditions (before breakfast or after drinking a glass of water). Try several different methods for the best accuracy. Common methods include calipers, body fat scales and monitors, Bod Pods, water displacement, and DEXA scanning. Generally the more expensive it is, the more accurate it is. If you can afford it, try a couple different things to give yourself an accurate idea. A couple of percentage points is a big deal! A personal trainer or registered dietitian may be able to help you measure and calculate your body fat using scales, tape measure, or calipers. Some health and gym facilities may offer more expensive forms of testing, such as Bod Pods, water displacement, or DEXA scanning. A "fit" female has between 21-24% body fat, though acceptable is up to 31%. For men, fit is 14-17% and acceptable is up to 25%. Everyone has an essential fat level (for men it's much lower) that you can never get rid of without hurting yourself. So know what's best for you! And what's realistic. | Load up on protein and fiber. Know you still need the good fats. Plan out your carbohydrate intake. Consider calorie cycling. Eat often. Do both cardio and weight lifting. . Time your workouts. Go for HIIT. Make sure you rest. Get some zzz's. Drink loads of water. Drink coffee prior to your workout. Avoid crash diets. Use several techniques to measure your body fat. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Recognize-the-Signs-of-Intoxication | How to Recognize the Signs of Intoxication | To recognize the signs of intoxication, check to see if the person has glassy or bloodshot eyes, which could be a sign that they've been drinking too much. Also, notice if the person is stumbling, spilling their drink, or fumbling with their things since impaired motor function is a common symptom of alcohol intoxication. Also, pay attention to how the person sounds when they talk. If they're slurring their words and talking loudly, it could mean that they're intoxicated. | Look for glassy or bloodshot eyes. A person's eyes can tell you a lot about them and their mental state in a particular moment. If their eyes are glassy and bloodshot, it could be a sign that they've been drinking too much. Additionally, if a person has droopy eyes and is clearly having trouble keeping their eyes open, this could also be a sign of intoxication. Note: Bloodshot eyes could also be a sign of allergies or another medical condition. So make sure you ask about allergies before you interpret this symptom as a definitive sign of intoxication. Notice how the person smells. While intoxication can mean being under the influence of several different substances, the smell of the user can be a big giveaway for many people. Both alcohol and marijuana have very strong odours that linger with the user long after the intoxicating substance has been consumed. Try to smell the person and see if you can notice hints of alcohol or weed on their breath or clothes. As a parent looking for signs of intoxication in their child, this is one of the most effective tell-tale signs. Watch for impaired motor function. Intoxicated people can't perform normal tasks as easily as they can when they are sober. This includes things like walking a straight line, lighting a cigarette properly, spilling drinks, or fumbling with other objects. Keep in mind that impaired motor function can be a side effect of many other conditions, such as Parkinson's disease or someone who has suffered a stroke. Estimate the person’s size. Although alcohol affects everyone similarly, the speed at which it does so will be different based upon their physical characteristics. Size, sex, rate of consumption, the strength of each drink, the amount of food and the additional use of drugs all are to be considered when determining how quickly alcohol may be affecting someone. For example, a person who weighs 150 lbs. will feel the effects of the alcohol much more quickly than someone who weighs 250 lbs., even if they drink the exact same amount of alcohol. This is because the larger person can tolerate more alcohol since their body takes longer to process it. Watch for a person’s inhibitions to become lowered. If someone is becoming more talkative and beginning to lose some control of knowing how far he can go in a social setting, they are showing the first signs of intoxication. Louder behaviour than usual — and even mood swings — are also possible warning signs. For example, loud outbursts or inappropriate comments could be signs of intoxication. An intoxicated person may spend their money more freely than they usually would. With lowered inhibitions, people are more likely to focus on the good feeling that they get from drinking, rather than thinking about how they need to be responsible with their money. They might also buy drinks for strangers or acquaintances. Additionally, many people like to smoke cigarettes while they are drinking. Smokers usually smoke more when they are drinking, but many non-smokers will light up the occasional cigarette when they've been drinking. This is another sign of intoxication. Listen to the volume of the person's voice. There are many signs of intoxication that you can spot just by paying attention to how someone speaks. If a person is speaking too loudly or too softly, then they are showing signs of intoxication. Notice if the person slurs their speech. Slurred speech is almost always a sure sign of intoxication. If you notice a person (your child, your customer, or anyone really) is slurring their words together, especially to the point where it is difficult to interpret exactly what they are saying, it is may be a sign of intoxication. Again, slurred speech can be a side effect of another condition or even a sign that someone is having a stroke. Don't automatically assume a person is drunk because they're slurring their words. Pay attention to what the person says. If a person is being combative with her words, speaking more slowly than usual, or repeating themselves a lot, these could be signs of intoxication. Watch for these verbal cues to determine if someone has been drinking too much. Observe how the person interacts with others. As they become increasingly intoxicated, a person will progress through the stages of poor judgment. This is inappropriate behaviour that they normally would not engage in. Foul language, off-colour jokes, and overly flirtatious behaviour are signs of poor judgment, especially if these things are out of character for this person. Also, if their rate of consumption begins to increase or he participates in drinking games, these could also be signs of poor judgment. For example, inappropriate sexual advances, mean comments, and unusually dirty jokes can all be signs of intoxication. Interpret the person's mood. People who are intoxicated often have wide mood swings —being happy and laughing one second, then crying and belligerent a few minutes later. If their mood seems more exaggerated than normal (on either end of the spectrum), they might be intoxicated. For example, if someone is drinking and they seem to be in a good mood, but suddenly starts crying, this could be a sign of intoxication. Look for clues in other modes of communication. Sometimes it's important to be able to determine if someone is intoxicated even if you are not in the same room with them. Phone calls. An intoxicated person might call an old lover or call someone repeatedly (also known as ''drunk dialing''). Their inhibitions are lowered, so calling over and over might not seem disruptive or rude to them and so they may feel less accountable for their actions. Text messages. Signs of intoxication to look for in text messages include drastic misspellings, overly emotional pronouncements, or receiving a text (or a series of texts) at an unusually late hour. Consider alcohol tolerance. Remember that it's possible for people to develop a tolerance for alcohol, but that doesn't mean that they are not legally intoxicated. It just means that visual recognition is more difficult. For some people with exceptional tolerance, drink counting may be the only way to assess intoxication but this is not without problems. If you are a bartender trying to determine whether you should keep serving someone alcohol or not, try to count the number of drinks the person has had. You can even ask one of their friends how much she has had to drink or how drunk the friend thinks the person is. Try to get the person to stop drinking. Once people drinking alcohol begin to show signs of physical impairment, first get them to stop drinking any more alcohol. Some beginning signs of physical impairment are slurred speech, slow or clumsy movements, swaying, dropping objects (e.g., goods, money, keys) or forgetting thoughts in mid-sentence. To get someone to stop drinking, try talking to them calmly as a friend. Tell them that you think they may have had too much to drink and that you are worried, so it would make you feel better if they would quit drinking for the night. Appeal to their sense of friendship if you have to — that they are doing you a favour by not drinking anymore. If they refuse to quit drinking, consider taking more drastic measures. If you are in a bar, tell the bartender that you think the intoxicated person has been drinking too much and ask the bartender to quit serving them alcohol. If you are in a private space like a house, try to hide all the remaining alcohol. The drunk person will not be as observant as usual because of their dulled senses, so it should be relatively easy for you to hide the alcohol without them noticing. Keep them company. If a person shows a loss of motor control, function or poor coordination, they must not be left alone as they could become a danger to themselves or others. Stumbling or swaying, having difficulty with depth perception, and dropping things repeatedly or having difficulty picking them up are signs that the person has progressed to this level. Get the person home. If you notice someone is very intoxicated and they are in a public place like a bar or restaurant, try to help them get home so he can go to bed and sleep it off. You can offer the person a ride yourself, call a cab for them, offer to call a friend, or call a drunk ride service if one is available in your area. Prevent the person from driving. Drinking and driving is extremely dangerous — to the drunk driver themselves and to everyone who crosses paths with them. Sometimes people make poor decisions when they have had too much to drink, or aren't able to correctly gauge their own level of drunkenness, so they choose to drive when they shouldn't. To prevent someone from driving drunk you can try helping them get home another way, by notifying the bartender or the police, or even by stealing their car keys. Make sure the person is safe. People can be a danger to themselves when they are intoxicated. This is especially true if the intoxicated person is well past the point of minor drunkenness. There are many dangers to be considered — for example, people have been known to die from choking on their own vomit while they were intoxicated. So if you help someone who is drunk get home, try to make sure they are sleeping on their side so they won't be able to choke if the person ends up vomiting. If you see a person who is heavily intoxicated but this seems to be out of character for them, or notice they only had a single drink, it is possible that they have been roofied. This means that someone has slipped a drug in their drink (usually the sedative Rohypnol) that will cause them to lose some muscle control and, in effect, be unable to resist if he is assaulted. Seek medical attention if you think the person has alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is a very serious condition that results from drinking more alcohol than your body can handle. In a worst case scenario, this can result in death. If you think someone you know has alcohol poisoning, seek emergency medical attention immediately. These are some symptoms of alcohol poisoning: Vomiting Seizures Confusion Slowed breathing Passing out Pale skin Keep other causes in mind. There are a number of different medical conditions which may cause a person to appear drunk. For instance, someone suffering a stroke may have a drooping face, slurred speech, confusion, dizziness, difficulty walking, and so on. If the person displays symptoms of being drunk but has not been drinking, these signs appear out of nowhere, or you are simply unsure, you can perform a few simple tests to see if the person is having a stroke. Ask them to smile, to raise both arms over their head, and to speak a simple sentence. If part of the person's face droops or their smile is asymmetrical, if one arm seems to drift downward, and/or if they cannot repeat the sentence or seems to be searching for words, they may be having a stroke and needs emergency medical assistance. A person with diabetes may display what could be interpreted as "drunk behaviour" when they are, in fact, experiencing ketoacidosis, which occurs when the body doesn't have enough insulin and there is a build up of acids called ketones in the bloodstream. If you also notice the person has fruity-smelling breath and they have not been drinking fruit-flavoured drinks, they may be experiencing ketoacidosis and needs immediate medical help. Disorders like Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and ataxia all affect movement and may cause a person to appear drunk or have difficulty maintaining their balance. Don't assume that someone who has difficulty keeping their balance is intoxicated. | Look for glassy or bloodshot eyes. Notice how the person smells. Watch for impaired motor function. Estimate the person’s size. Watch for a person’s inhibitions to become lowered. Listen to the volume of the person's voice. Notice if the person slurs their speech. Pay attention to what the person says. Observe how the person interacts with others. Interpret the person's mood. Look for clues in other modes of communication. Consider alcohol tolerance. Try to get the person to stop drinking. Keep them company. Get the person home. Prevent the person from driving. Make sure the person is safe. Seek medical attention if you think the person has alcohol poisoning. Keep other causes in mind. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Give-Your-Cat-Fatty-Acids | How to Give Your Cat Fatty Acids | If your cat needs more fatty acids in its diet, have a talk with your vet to determine the best dosage based on your cat's weight and current diet. The dosage might also vary depending on the product you choose, so consult the packaging to find out how much you need to give and how often. To ensure that your cat is getting fatty acids from a high-quality supplement, ask your vet to recommend a product. Some popular options include greenlip mussel oil and krill oil, but cod liver oil is not recommended for cats because of its high concentrations of vitamins D and A. | Talk with your vet. Before adding fatty acid supplements to your cat's diet, you should talk with your veterinarian about the proper dosage. Your vet will provide you with the correct dosage depending on your cat's weight and food. They can also recommend a suitable supplement for your cat. Provide a dosage based on your cat’s weight. Fatty acids have plenty of benefits for your cat's health. That being said, there are a few negative side effects that can result from giving your cat too much fish oil. For example, it can reduce blood clotting abilities. If your cat begins to experience diarrhea it is a sign that you are over dosing Determine the dosage based on the product guidelines. Each product will have different dosing requirements, so read the packaging carefully. If you change brands, even if it's the same type of supplement, reevaluate your cat's dosage using the new brand's guidelines to make sure that you're giving your cat the correct amount. It's best to ask your vet to help you determine the proper dosage. They will be able to help you make sure that you do not accidentally harm your pet. Consult your veterinarian. Fatty acid supplements are commonly used by veterinarians and their clients, and it is likely your veterinarian has a product that they know and trust. Fatty acid supplements can interact with some medications, and some cats should not have them. Always consult your veterinarian before starting your cat on a new supplement. Ask about greenlip mussel oil. Greenlip mussel oil is harvested from mussels and is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids for cats. They contain 33 fatty acids, five of which are essential omega 3 fatty acids. Greenlip mussel oil comes in a small, easily digestible tablet and does not have as strong of a flavor as other fish oils. As a result, it is much easier to feed to cats. Suggest cat krill oil. Cats don't process omega 3s from plant based sources and as a result they need to be given animal sources of fatty acids. Some cats may also be allergic to fish and unable to get their essential oils through fish oils. If this is the case, try giving your cat krill oil. This is a great source of omega 3 fatty acid and comes in both capsule and liquid form. Be sure to always give fish oils that are made specifically for pets. Avoid cod liver oil. Cod liver oil, which is considered an excellent supplement for humans, should not be given to cats. This oil, although full of healthy omega 3 fatty acids, also contains high levels of vitamin A and D, which can be toxic to cats. Provide your cat with fish oil capsules. Some fatty acids can be given to your cat in the form of a capsule or pill. For example, Greenlip mussel oil comes in a small capsule that you can feed to your cat. Try hiding the pill in a treat so that your cat will easily take the pill. Give them liquid oils. You can also buy fish oils in liquid form. The best way to give liquid fish oil to your cat, is by putting a few drops on top of their food. This way they will consume the fatty acids while eating. Fish oil can have a strong smell and taste so it is best to start with a small dose and continue adding until your cat has become comfortable. You can also break open a capsule and squeeze the liquid onto their food. Read food labels. Some pet foods will list essential fatty acids in their ingredient list. Look for Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. That being said, due to the processing involved in making commercial pet foods, most of the nutritional value of the omega 3 fatty acids is lost during this process. As a result, it is still good to supplement omega 3 fatty acids in your cat's diet. Talk with your vet to determine the proper dosage for your cat. Try sardines. Sardines are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acid and can be given to your cat as a treat. Unlike salmon, sardines do not live long enough to store toxins in their body, making them a great source of essential fatty acids. It is not as easy to determine the appropriate dosage when providing cats with fatty acids through fish. Providing supplements is a much easier way to ensure that your cat is getting the proper dosage. Give your cat cold water fish. Fatty acids are readily available through a variety of cold water fish, such as salmon, cod, tuna, and sardines. You can try giving your cat water cold fish as a snack, to supplement their regular food. | Talk with your vet. Provide a dosage based on your cat’s weight. Determine the dosage based on the product guidelines. Consult your veterinarian. Ask about greenlip mussel oil. Suggest cat krill oil. Avoid cod liver oil. Provide your cat with fish oil capsules. Give them liquid oils. Read food labels. Try sardines. Give your cat cold water fish. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-Bloating-and-Gas | How to Reduce Bloating and Gas | To reduce bloating and gas, try to avoid holding the gas inside, since this builds up pressure in your abdomen, and find a private place where you can pass it instead. You can apply a hot pad or compress for quick relief from pain and pressure if you're able to lay down. Over-the-counter medicines that contain simethicone can also minimize your symptoms. If you prefer natural remedies, try activated charcoal or garlic supplements instead. | Avoid holding gas inside. Many people force their bodies to hold gas in to avoid embarrassment, but passing gas is a necessary bodily function that occurs to help the release of a by-product of digestion. Preventing yourself from passing gas just leads to more pain and discomfort. Instead of holding it in, find a comfortable place to release it. If you are in public when a bout of gas or bloating strikes, find a bathroom where you can stay until the pain has subsided. If you find it difficult to pass gas, try adjusting your body positioning to allow the gas to be released. Lie down and relax your muscles until the pressure in your stomach and intestines is gone. Moving around can help, too. Take a brisk walk around the block or walk up and down a set of stairs to help the gas make its way out. Use a hot pad or compress. For quick relief of abdominal pressure caused by gas and bloating, lie down and lay a hot water bottle or warm compress across your stomach. Allow its heat and weight to help the gas leave your body and the pressure subside. Drink mint or chamomile tea. Both mint and chamomile have properties that aid in digestion and help relieve stomach pains. Buy mint or chamomile teabags, or use fresh mint leaves or dried chamomile flowers. Steep the ingredients in hot water and enjoy for immediate bloating and gas relief. Take an activated charcoal supplement. Activated charcoal can reduce gas and bloating in some individuals. It can also help relieve cramps caused by gas and bloating. Follow all instructions on the packaging, including dosage recommendations. Ask your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you're already taking medications. Have some garlic. Garlic also has properties that stimulate the gastric system and help relieve gas and bloating. Garlic supplements are available at health food stores, but fresh garlic may provide faster relief. Eat garlic soup, since the warm water helps deliver the garlic to your system quickly. Mince a few cloves of garlic and sauté them in olive oil on the stove. Add vegetable or chicken broth, let it simmer for a few minutes, and enjoy hot. Avoid eating garlic with other foods that may cause more gas and bloating. For best results, consume it plain or in a soup. Take over-the-counter gas relief medicine. If you are already feeling gas and bloating pressure, medicines meant to prevent gas and bloating will not work. Choose a medicine meant to break up gas bubbles and reduce the pressure in your intestines and stomach. Over-the-counter medicines that contain simethicone are meant to ease gas buildup. Activated charcoal is also said to help relieve gas. Activated charcoal is sold at health food stores and drugstores. Avoid foods that cause your body to produce excessive gas. Gas forms when carbohydrates that are not digested in your small intestine are fermented by bacteria in your colon. Foods that cause this to happen affect some people more than others do. If you experience gas and bloating often, you might want to limit or avoid consuming these foods: Beans and other legumes. Black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, peas, and other legumes are notorious for causing gas to form. They contain a sugar called oligosaccharide the body cannot break down; the undigested sugar stays intact through the digestion process and results in gas production in the small intestine. Fibrous fruits and vegetables. Fiber has many health benefits, but it cannot be digested and it is one of the main culprits that cause gas and bloating. Try to figure out which fibrous fruits and vegetables give you the most trouble. Cabbage, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables tend to cause more gas production than salad greens. Dairy products made from cow milk. Cow milk contains lactose, which disagrees with many people's digestion. Avoid milk, cheese, ice cream, and other dairy products made with lactose milk. Goat's milk is said to be easier for people to digest, so try it as an alternative. Artificial additives. Sorbitol, Mannitol, and other artificial sweeteners cause many people to become bloated. Soda and other carbonated drinks. The air bubbles in carbonated drinks lead to bloating, since the air stays trapped in your stomach. Go dairy free if you have lactose intolerance. Dairy can cause painful gas and bloating in some individuals. Instead, opt for lactose free dairy alternatives. For example, you could switch to soy or almond milk. Limit simple carbohydrates and sugars. You may experience extreme bloating after eating simple carbohydrates and sugars because your body can't properly digest them. If this is the case for you, following a sugar-free diet may relieve your symptoms. Don't replace sugars with artificial sweeteners, as they can also cause bloating. Avoid gluten if you have an allergy or intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in certain grain products. If you're sensitive to gluten, you may experience bloating and gas after eating it. The best way to avoid bloating and gas is to cut out products that contain gluten. Gluten is typically found in breads, baked goods, pastas, seasonings, and similar items. Read labels to look for products that are labeled as "gluten free." Change the order in which you eat food. The body naturally produces hydrochloric acid, which breaks down protein, when you first start eating a meal. If you start a meal by eating carbohydrates, the hydrochloric acid gets used up before the protein you eat later in the meal hits your system. The under-digested protein then ferments and leads to gas and bloating. Instead of starting your meals with bread and salad, take a few bits of your meat, fish, or other protein first. If digesting protein continues to become a problem, consider taking hydrochloric acid supplements, sold at health food stores. Take them after the meal while you are still digesting your food. Chew your food well. Chewing your food is the first part of the digestion, when your teeth and saliva start breaking the food down. Making sure you chew every bit thoroughly before swallowing creates less work for your stomach and intestines, reducing the chances the food will ferment and cause gas. Try to chew each bite 20 times before swallowing. Put your fork down between bites to give yourself time. Slowing down how you eat also prevents you from swallowing as much air as you do when eating quickly, so bloating and burping won't occur as often. Eat fermented food. Proper digestion requires a supply of healthy bacteria. People have been supplementing their bodies with bacteria-containing food for centuries. Yogurt containing probiotics is a common source of bacteria that aids in digestion. Kefir is another cultured dairy product that is easy for the body to digest. Sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented vegetables are also good alternatives. Use digestive enzymes. Digestive enzyme supplements can help your body break down the indigestible components of beans, fiber, and fats that might be causing your gas or bloating. Try to identify what food is causing the problem and choose the correct supplement. If you have trouble digesting beans, try Beano, which contains the enzyme needed to digest oligosaccharides. Digestive enzymes should be taken before the meal, rather than after, to so your body is ready to digest the food as it hits your system. Be aware of the frequency and severity of your symptoms. It is natural for gas and bloating to occur every once in a while, especially after eating one of the typical culprits, like beans or ice cream. If you have painful bloating or excess flatulence daily, though, the issue may extend beyond what you can fix by changing your dietary habits. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects your colon, and causes cramping and diarrhea when you consume certain foods. Celiac disease is a digestive disorder triggered by taking in of gluten, a protein found in bread and other food products containing wheat, barley or rye. Crohn's disease is a gastrointestinal disorder that can become severe if not treated effectively. Seek medical attention. If you have daily gas and bloating that causes pain or interferes with your daily life, call your doctor to discuss possible causes and solutions. Since gas and bloating are often directly related to what you eat, prepare to discuss your dietary and lifestyle habits with the doctor. | Avoid holding gas inside. Use a hot pad or compress. Drink mint or chamomile tea. Take an activated charcoal supplement. Have some garlic. Take over-the-counter gas relief medicine. Avoid foods that cause your body to produce excessive gas. Go dairy free if you have lactose intolerance. Limit simple carbohydrates and sugars. Avoid gluten if you have an allergy or intolerance. Change the order in which you eat food. Chew your food well. Eat fermented food. Use digestive enzymes. Be aware of the frequency and severity of your symptoms. Seek medical attention. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Install-a-Junction-Box | How to Install a Junction Box | A junction box protects electrical wires from damage, and you can install one if you have some electrical experience. Always wear rubber gloves and eye goggles as you work to prevent accidents. You'll first need to turn off the main power and test the voltage of the circuit to make sure there's no electricity running through it. Once it's safe, you'll need to screw the junction box onto the wall, pull the cables into the box, and strip the ends of the wires with wire strippers. Then, you'll need to connect wires of the same color with a wire nut. Once they're connected, you'll need to install a stripped ground wire into a metal junction and seal the rest of the wires into their box. | Wear protective gear. To reduce the risk of accidents, wear a pair of rubber gloves. A pair of eye goggles can also prevent stray wire fragments from getting in your eyes. Select the right junction box for the location. If the area the junction box will be located is exposed to moisture, be sure to choose a junction box designed for that purpose. Similarly, if the junction box will be exposed to fumes, such as in a paint shop, choose a junction box formulated for that type of usage. To find the right size junction box in cubic inches, count the number of wires entering the junction box. Multiply the total by 2 when working with 14-gauge wire or by 2.25 when working with 12-gauge wire. Then, select the largest ground wire and add 2 if it is a 14-gauge wire to 2.25 if it is a 12-gauge wire. Choose a junction box with conductor fill volume (which is the number of conductors allowed in a junction box) higher or equal to the number of wires (after multiplying them by 2 and adding in the ground wire) entering the junction box. It's best to choose a fill volume higher than the number of wires you have to ensure there will be enough room. Stuffing a junction box with wires can lead to fires. All of the wires should have plenty of space to fit cleanly inside the box. When in doubt, always go with a bigger size. Turn off the main power. When working with a wire that's already attached to an electrical circuit, turn off the power supply to prevent accidents. Find the main electrical panel in your home. It'll typically be in the basement or on the lowest floor. Flip the main circuit breaker or unscrew the fuse to turn off all power in your home. You may also turn off power only to the room you'll be working in. If you do turn off power to your entire home, be sure that your electronics and appliances won't be negatively affected. You don't need to contact the electrical company to install the junction box, but they can help you shut off the power supply. Test that the circuit has no power with a voltmeter. Stay safe by checking the wire to see if it's carrying a current. Get a voltage tester and touch its probes to the wires. If the readout doesn't stay at 0 (zero), the wire has an electrical current and it's unsafe to work with. You'll need to return to the circuit breaker or fuse box to shut off the power completely. Make sure you know how to use a voltmeter properly to prevent hazards. If the meter isn't set correctly, it could damage the junction box or cause serious injury. Don't use a current meter to check the circuit. It will give a reading of 0 amps when there aren't any devices connected to it, but the circuit will still have at least 120 volts running through it. Mount the junction box on the wall. Always use the designated holes or brackets on the junction box to secure it to the wall. Many junction boxes come packaged with the proper fasteners. They can be screwed onto wall studs or ceiling joists. You may also attach them to adjustable brackets placed between studs or joists. For drywall, you can cut out a spot for the box and hold it in place with built-in clamps or Madison clips. The box should be flush with the wall For brick or concrete, attach it with masonry anchors. Pull the cables into the junction box. Most junction boxes have holes in their sides, called “knock outs.” Run each cable through one of the holes and attach them to the box with Romex or cable connectors. All of the cables should enter through different holes and only touch inside the box. If you use a metal connector to attach armored cables, you must also use a plastic bushing to protect the conductors utilized by the connector. Armored cable tends to be used in commercial wiring rather than residential homes. If you have a metal junction box, look for circles outlined on the box's sides. Hammer these out to create openings for the cables. If you accidentally create too many openings, seal the ones you won't use with a knock out seal, as there must not be unused openings in an electrical box. If the box has breakaway plastic tabs (most often found on boxes that will be nailed to the surface), push the tabs out by hand or with a screwdriver. Fasten the cable using a wire staple within 12 inches (30 cm) of the box to secure it. For junction boxes installed on the ceiling, run the cable from the ceiling down into the box. Strip the wires with wire strippers. Start with one wire and strip off ⁄ 4 inch (19 mm) of casing insulation at the end. You'll need to do this for every wire going into the junction box. If you're running composite cables into the box, strip off the cable's outer sheathing casing and then strip the individual wires that were inside it. When stripping a Romex cable, for example, you'll notice 3 differently-colored wires. The wires must be the same size. The AWG (wire gauge) size will be printed on the outer sheathing. If the wires are new, find the gauge number on the packaging. Mismatched wires lead to fires. Strip down a ground wire. You'll need 6–8 inches (150–200 mm) of green or bare wire for your ground. Strip ⁄ 4 inch (19 mm) off one end of the wire. This wire, also called a pigtail wire, is only needed if you are using any metal junction box as well as if you are connecting 3 or more wires. These wires also have to be the same size as the others you're connecting. If you are using a metal junction box, you need a scrap ground wire. The casing of these wires is green or copper-colored. When connecting three or more same-colored wires, get scrap wire for each color. Twist together same-colored wires. Creating the electrical circuit is a matter of color-matching. Look at the wire's protective insulation to see what color the wire is. Gather the black wires, for instance, and hold the exposed ends side by side. Use a pair of lineman pliers to twist them clockwise until they have a solid connection with one another. Some junction boxes have terminals. All you have to do is plug the wire ends into the terminals, then screw wire nuts over them. Don't twist the wires too much or else they could break. Use a wire nut to connect multiple wires. When attempting to connect 2 or more wires, use the proper size wire nut. They look like caps and twist in place over the exposed part of the wires. Strip off about ⁄ 8 inch (2.2 cm) of the outer sheathing on each wire, then use lineman pliers to twist the wires together. Finally, insert them into a wire nut and tug on the wires to make sure they are solidly connected. Tape the wire nut in place with electrical tape for additional security. The color of the wire nut determines its size and how many wires can fit inside of it. For example, a red wire nut holds a minimum of two 14-gauge wires up to a maximum of four 12-gauge wires. Install the ground wire into a metal junction box. Connecting all the wires leaves you with one loose wire. This wire should be either green or copper-colored. Locate the ground screw inside the junction box, which must be machine threaded and green in color. Attach the ground wire to a metal junction box by wrapping the ground conductor around the screw the same direction the screw tightens. This is only necessary when using a metal junction box. Push all the wires into the box before sealing it. Be gentle to avoid damaging the wires. Set them inside the box so they don't stick out. The box's cover should lay flat. It'll most likely have screws you can tighten to seal it in place. When finished, turn on the power and give your electrical system a test run. | Wear protective gear. Select the right junction box for the location. Turn off the main power. Test that the circuit has no power with a voltmeter. Mount the junction box on the wall. Pull the cables into the junction box. Strip the wires with wire strippers. Strip down a ground wire. Twist together same-colored wires. Use a wire nut to connect multiple wires. Install the ground wire into a metal junction box. Push all the wires into the box before sealing it. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Yoga | How to Perform Yoga | To perform yoga, start by finding a quiet place to practice, then unroll your yoga mat on the floor and remove your shoes, since yoga is practiced barefoot. Next, choose a variety of basic poses, known as asanas, such as the downward dog, cobra, and child's pose. Then, slowly move into the different poses, concentrating on controlled breathing techniques and proper body alignment. If an asana causes you any pain, move out of that pose right away to prevent injury. You can also take a yoga class or follow video tutorials if you need more guidance! | Consider the many types of yoga. There are a number of ways of doing yoga: by yourself or in a class; quick or slow; in a hot room; focused on relaxation or power. In addition, different schools of yoga favor different sequences of poses. The type of yoga you choose will depend on how advanced you are, what you hope to accomplish, and personal preference. Pick a lower intensity type of yoga to relax and recover. If you're a beginner worried about being able to do the poses, or if you want a workout that relaxes you more than energizes you, you'll want to choose one of these schools: Restorative (focus: relaxation) – Blocks, blankets, and bolsters are used to support your body during poses so that you can allow your muscles to relax. Svaroopa (focus: relaxation) – Great for beginners, svaroopa uses chair poses and props in a relaxing form of yoga focused on releasing tension. Ananda (focus: meditation) – Ananda uses gentle postures and controlled breathing to prepare you for meditation. Hatha (focus: relaxation and meditation) – Hatha combines postures, pranayama (regulated breathing), and meditation into a relaxing exercise that moves slowly and does not require holding poses too long. Kripalu (focus: relaxation; self-awareness) – The focus is not on precision, but rather on holding poses for an extended time while you explore the sensations of your body and mind. Beginners focus on learning the poses. For expert practitioner, kripalu is meditation in motion. Try yin yoga to improve flexibility. Yin yoga involves using props to help you relax into postures that you hold for 5 to 20 minutes. It is a meditative form of yoga that will help improve your flexibility. Choose a more intense form of yoga if what you are after is improved strength and endurance. Fans of high intensity interval training (HIT), running, or biking might want to try a yoga class that moves quickly from pose to pose, getting your heart rate up and providing a good cardio workout. Iyengar (focus: precision of poses; endurance) – Ideal for beginners and experienced yogis alike, iyengar focuses on perfecting poses. Props like blocks and blankets are used to make sure your body is in perfect alignment. Poses are held for a long time, building endurance. Vinyasa (focus: cardio) – Classes involve a 90-mintues sequence of poses that link breathing and movement in a way similar to dance. If you like pumping music and a racing heart, this is the yoga for you. Power (focus: cardio; strength) – It's exactly what it sounds like: yoga for people who are looking for a workout, not spiritual enlightenment. Power yoga combines traditional yoga poses with postures taken from calisthenics – i.e. push-ups, handstands, toe-touches, and side bends. There are no pauses between poses in this high-paced, intense form of yoga. Bikram (focus: strength; endurance; flexibility; weight loss) – Bikram involves a fixed sequence of 26 poses and two breathing exercises performed over a 90 minute period in a room heated to 105 degrees with 40% humidity. The idea is to build strength and endurance while sweating out toxins. The fixed sequence makes it easier to learn for beginners. Ashtanga (focus: strength; endurance; flexibility) – Ashtanga involves six series of specific yoga poses performed continuously. This is a physically demanding form of yoga that is not for beginners. Practice one of the spiritual forms of yoga if you're after more than just a workout. Kundalini (focus: spiritual elevation) – 90 minute classes incorporate poses, challenging breathing exercises, meditation, and movement-oriented postures, along with chanting and singing. These classes are meant to challenge you physically in order to help you awaken the energies that will elevate you spiritually. TriYoga (focus: strength; spiritual awakening) – If you like losing yourself in dancing, this is the practice for you. TriYoga is similar to Kundalini, minus the chanting and singing. It is a flowing, dance like practice that combines movement, poses, breathing exercises, and meditation. Forrest (focus: strength; emotional exploration) – Developed by Ana Forrest, this challenging form of yoga mixes sequences that flow quickly from pose to pose with periods of emotional exploration. Integral (focus: strength; self-realization) – It combines poses, breathing exercises, meditation, chanting, prayer, and self-inquiry to cultivate a strong body, clear mind, and life full of joy. ISHTA (focus: spiritual growth) – It uses postures with very specific alignments, breathing exercises, meditation, and visualization to open energy channels. Jivamukti (focus: spiritual growth) – If you're dedicated to animal rights or other forms of activism, this is the yoga style for you. It embraces the ethical aspect of yoga. It combines challenging sequences of poses with scriptural study, Sanskrit chanting, vegetarianism, non-violence, music, and meditation. Create a quiet, comfortable space. If you are doing yoga in a class, the studio will provide this space. If you are practicing at home, you'll want to choose a quite, non-cluttered space that is large enough to spread out your mat, and which has no sharp edges nearby. Get the right clothes. You'll want something that is comfortable and allows you to move. This can be leggings, shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, or a sports bra. Cotton is good for normal classes, but for hot classes, you'll want to be wear a fabric that wicks away sweat. Pants - Most women prefer leggings, but tight shorts also work. Men typically wear tight shorts. Shirt – Fitted tank tops and sports bras offer freedom of movement. Men sometimes choose to wear no shirt, particularly for hot yoga. Men – Wear underwear. Boxer briefs are usually preferred. Buy a yoga mat. Any type of yoga mat will work. That said, there is now a variety of choice – thickness, texture, color, softness, price – so there's no reason not to get the mat that's just right for you. Thickness – Mats typically come in three thicknesses: ¼ inch, ⁄ 8 inch (0.3 cm), and 1/16 inch. Most people will want a ¼ inch mat, as they are more comfortable, but advanced yogis may opt for a ⁄ 8 inch (0.3 cm) mat that gives greater stability in difficult poses. ⁄ 16 inch (0.2 cm) mats are mostly for travel; they can easily be folded and put in a suitcase. Materials – The material will decide how spongy, sticky, and durable your mat is. PVC is the standard material, offering good give, grip, and endurance. There are also more eco-friendly mats made of recycled rubber (avoid if you have a latex allergy), or jute and cotton (these last two are less soft). Price – You can get a simple ¼ inch PVC mat for $20-$30. You'll pay more for patterns, designs, antimicrobial treatments (worth it if you don't clean your mat regularly), and textures. Eco-friendly mats generally cost more. Pack a towel. Yoga is exercise, and exercise means sweat. For room-temperature yoga, you'll want a small towel you can use to wipe off your mat if it gets sweaty. For hot yoga, a towel is absolutely vital. You'll want one large enough to cover your mat so that sweat won't cause you to slip and slide. Bring plenty of water for hot yoga. While you can drink water during regular yoga, it can fill the stomach and make forward bends and twisting postures uncomfortable. In hot yoga, you need it to stay hydrated. For hot yoga, you can also try to drink plenty of water the day before so you are hydrated going into class. Don't drink coffee, tea, or soft drinks for a few hours before hot yoga, as caffeine can both dehydrate you and elevate your heart rate. Do not eat too much before class. A light snack – fruit, a granola bar, half a peanut butter sandwich – eaten 1-2 hours before class can give you extra energy. Don't eat right before class, and if possible don't eat a big meal within 2 hours of class. Know your yoga etiquette. If you don't want to stand out in a bad way at your yoga class, there are a few simple rules you'll want to follow: Take off your shoes – Yoga is practiced barefoot. Arrive early – You need to show up at least 5 minutes early to set up your mat, stretch, and prepare mentally. This will also ensure you get a good spot. Yoga classes can be crowded. Respect other's space – Don't place your mat directly in front or behind someone else. Stagger your mat, both so everyone can see the teacher, and so no one ends up staring at your butt. Be quiet – People will be meditating or stretching. Enter and leave quietly. Yoga class is not the place for conversation. Turn off your phone – Don't be that person. Gather equipment – If there are blocks, straps, or blankets, get some. Take two blocks, one strap, and a couple of blankets. These props can help you get in the right position during poses. Shavasana – This is the last, resting pose that most classes end with. Lying with your head towards the front of the class during this pose shows respect for your teacher. Use the time before class to warm up and center yourself. Yoga is all about the connection between you and your body. To get the most out of class, spend some time stretching. Focus on the sensations in your body as you do so. Concentrate on breathing deeply in and out. Taking a moment to relax and center yourself can help you to get a lot more out of your class. Check out http://www.prevention.com/fitness/yoga/morning-yoga-poses-wake-you for a list of good stretches that will get you read for class. Try a variety of poses. Poses – or asanas – are the different positions you take during yoga. If you are in a class, the instructor will direct you into various positions and help you adopt the proper alignment. For a library of poses, as well as some sequences that are good for beginners, consult http://www.yogajournal.com/category/poses/ or http://www.yogabasics.com/practice/yoga-postures/. You can also try starting with these basic poses: Knees to chest (apanasana) – Lie on your back, draw both knees towards your chest, and hold your shins if necessary. Gently rock side to side to massage your lower back. Hold for 8-10 breaths. Supine twist – Start with knees to your chest. Lay your arms out to either side so you form a T. Drop your knees to the right, one stacked on the other. Hold for 4-5 breaths and then repeat on the other side. Cat-cow pose – Start on your hands and knees, with your shoulders aligned with your wrists and your hips over your knees. As you inhale, arch your spine (a concave curve - your chest should move forward and your belly toward the floor) and lift your head to look up. As you exhale, round your spine (convex curve) and lower your head to look back towards your navel. Repeat 4-5 times. Mountain pose – Stand tall with feet together, your weight even distributed on both feet, and your arms at your sides. Take a deep breath and raise your hands over your head with your arms straight and palms facing one another. Hold for 4-5 breaths, then repeat 4-5 times. Downward dog – Start on all fours with your hands aligned with your shoulders. Walk your hands forward a few inches and spread your fingers. With feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent, press your hips towards the ceiling so that your body forms an inverted V. Hold for 3 breaths. Cobra – Start prone on your stomach, with your hands on the floor under your shoulders and your elbows tucked into your body. As you inhale, keep your pelvis touching the floor while you straighten your arms so that your torso bends backwards and your chest lifts off the floor. Hold for 4-5 breaths. Child's pose – A good pose to end on. With your big toes pointed and touching, sit back on your heels, then stretch out forward with your arms straight so that your fingertips, forehead, and knees are touching the floor. Breathe deeply. Concentrate on your breathing. Yoga uses a technique of controlling breathing, or pranayama, which is just as important as the poses you adopt. There are many types of breathing used during yoga; for a complete guide to pranayama consult http://www.yogajournal.com/category/poses/types/pranayama/. The basic three types you will need are: Quiet breathing (natural without effort) – It is typically used during the ending period of relaxation and meditation. Deep breathing (long, deep breaths) - Yoga that focuses on relaxation, or during which the poses are held for a long time, often emphasizes deep breathing. Fast breathing (a deliberate increase in breathing rate) - More exercise-focused yoga that moves quickly from poses to pose often incorporates more fast breathing. Be aware that teachers might touch you to get you into proper alignment. Teachers often move through the class, helping to guide student's bodies into the proper alignment during poses. It is fine if you do not wish to be touched. Simply let the teacher know. Use the child's pose if you need to take a break. You don't have to perform every pose during a class. If you feel light-headed or your muscles are shaking, it is best to take a break by assuming the child's pose: point your toes as you sit back on your heels, then reach forward with your arms straight out so that your fingertips, knees, and forehead are all touching the mat. Stop immediately if a pose causes pain. Yoga might be hard, but it shouldn't hurt. If you feel a sharp pain, twinge, or tear, then stop the pose you are in. You can assume the child's pose and then try the next pose. If the pain continues after you stop the pose, you should leave the class and seek medical attention if necessary. Do not compare. Some people in your class will be more flexible. Some will be stronger. Don't worry about it. The goal of yoga is not to be "better." Remember why you are there, whether for exercise, relaxation, spiritual awakening, or all of the above. None of these goals are helped by comparing yourself to others. Keep a practice journal. Whether you are doing yoga alone at home in a studio, a journal is a great place to keep track of your progress, list the poses that you've learned, and write down any "aha" moments you might have had during meditation. | Consider the many types of yoga. Pick a lower intensity type of yoga to relax and recover. Try yin yoga to improve flexibility. Choose a more intense form of yoga if what you are after is improved strength and endurance. Practice one of the spiritual forms of yoga if you're after more than just a workout. Create a quiet, comfortable space. Get the right clothes. Buy a yoga mat. Pack a towel. Bring plenty of water for hot yoga. Do not eat too much before class. Know your yoga etiquette. Use the time before class to warm up and center yourself. Try a variety of poses. Concentrate on your breathing. Be aware that teachers might touch you to get you into proper alignment. Use the child's pose if you need to take a break. Stop immediately if a pose causes pain. Do not compare. Keep a practice journal. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Orzo | How to Make Orzo | To make a simple orzo, brown 1/2 a pound of orzo over 4 tablespoons of olive oil (or butter) for 4 minutes. Then slowly add 2 cups of chicken broth until the liquid boils. | Pour 4 tbsp. of olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. A medium-sized pan is best. Heat the pan on medium heat until the oil warms up a bit, which should take 2 minutes. You can substitute butter for olive oil if that's what you prefer. Add ½ pound of orzo to the pan. Most orzo comes packaged in one-pound boxes, so use half the box. Stir the orzo into the oil with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. You will want to lightly brown the pasta to give it a nutty flavor. This will take 2-5 minutes, depending on the heat. If it starts getting too dark too fast, take it off the stove. You want it to be toasted—not burnt. Pour in 2 cups of chicken broth. Pour in 1 cup at first, and then add the rest as time goes on so the rice absorbs it. You can stop after 1 1/2 cups if you'd like the orzo to be less creamy. The orzo will absorb the chicken broth similarly to the way rice would absorb the broth. Turn up the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. Then, reduce the heat to low and simmer the orzo and broth mixture for 10-15 minutes, or until the orzo is tender and has absorbed all of the broth. Sometimes you will find the orzo has absorbed the broth, but is still a bit tough. In that case, just add a bit more broth or water to the pan and keep cooking. Serve. Serve this tasty orzo on its own or eat it as a side dish with a main course like chicken or beef. Boil a pot of water. Pour 2 cups of orzo into the water. Cook the orzo over medium high heat for 10-12 minutes. Read the directions on the package to see exactly how long the orzo should be cooked. When the orzo has expanded a bit and is ready to eat, drain it well. Melt 1/3 cup of butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add 1 chopped small onion to the skillet. Sauté the onion until it's just softened, which should take about 3-4 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. minced garlic and 1/4 tbsp. of crushed red pepper flakes to the skillet. Cook the ingredients together for 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to low. Place the rest of the ingredients in the skillet. Add the cooked orzo, 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese, 1/4-1/3 cup of half and half, 2-3 tbsp. of chopped parsley, and 1/2 tsp. of salt to the skillet. Toss the ingredients for 1-2 minutes to heat the orzo through. Serve. Season this creamy orzo with black pepper to taste and serve it immediately. Heat 2 tbsp. of extra-virgin olive oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Spread the oil into the pan by turning it from side to side until the oil spreads evenly over it. Sauté the garlic, shallots, zucchini, and carrots in the skillet for 5 minutes. Place 2 cloves of chopped garlic, 2 chopped shallots, 1 chopped zucchini, and 1 cup of chopped carrots in the pot and stir the ingredients a bit to combine the flavors. Add the curry and chicken broth and bring it to a boil. Place 1 tsp. of curry powder and 3 cups of chicken stock in the skillet and wait for the stock to boil. Add 1 cup of uncooked orzo and cook the ingredients for 10 minutes. Cover the orzo and reduce the heat to medium. Cook the ingredients together and stir them occasionally to combine the flavors. For all dente, cook the ingredients for 10 minutes. If you'd like the orzo to be a bit softer, cook it for another 1 or 2 additional minutes. Then, remove the skillet from heat. Uncover the dish and stir in the cheese, parsley, and peas. Stir in 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan, 3 tbsp. of chopped flat-leaf parsley, and 1 cup of peas. Serve. Season this dish with salt and pepper to taste and serve it immediately. Boil a medium-sized pot of water. Pour 3/4 cup of orzo into the water. Cook the orzo over medium high heat for 8-10 minutes. Read the directions on the package to see exactly how long the orzo should be cooked. When the orzo has expanded a bit and is ready to eat, drain it well. Don't add any of the salt or butter that is included in the directions -- you will add it later. Melt 1 1/2 tbsp. of butter in a large skillet over medium heat for one minute. Cook the butter for one minute or until it's lightly browned. Add the mushrooms, pepper, and salt to the skillet and cook them for 4 minutes. Add 3 cups of sliced cremini mushrooms, 1/2 tsp. of black pepper, and 1/2 tsp. of salt to the skillet. Cook the ingredients for 4 minutes or until the mushrooms release their liquid. Continue to stir to combine the flavors. Add 1/4 cup of lower-sodium chicken broth and 1 tbsp. of white balsamic vinegar to the ingredients. Stir the ingredients for 30 seconds. Stir in the cooked orzo and 1/4 cup of minced chives. Stir the ingredients together for another minute, until the orzo is cooked through. Serve. Top the orzo with 1 oz. (1/4 cup) of shaved Pecorino Romano and enjoy it while it's hot. Finished. | Pour 4 tbsp. Add ½ pound of orzo to the pan. Stir the orzo into the oil with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. Pour in 2 cups of chicken broth. Turn up the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. Serve. Boil a pot of water. Pour 2 cups of orzo into the water. Cook the orzo over medium high heat for 10-12 minutes. Melt 1/3 cup of butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add 1 chopped small onion to the skillet. Add 2 tbsp. Reduce the heat to low. Place the rest of the ingredients in the skillet. Serve. Heat 2 tbsp. Sauté the garlic, shallots, zucchini, and carrots in the skillet for 5 minutes. Add the curry and chicken broth and bring it to a boil. Add 1 cup of uncooked orzo and cook the ingredients for 10 minutes. Uncover the dish and stir in the cheese, parsley, and peas. Serve. Boil a medium-sized pot of water. Pour 3/4 cup of orzo into the water. Cook the orzo over medium high heat for 8-10 minutes. Melt 1 1/2 tbsp. Add the mushrooms, pepper, and salt to the skillet and cook them for 4 minutes. Add 1/4 cup of lower-sodium chicken broth and 1 tbsp. Stir in the cooked orzo and 1/4 cup of minced chives. Serve. Finished. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Ask-a-Girl-Out-Over-Text | How to Ask a Girl Out Over Text | To ask a girl out over text, start by sending an opening message to get your conversation going, like, “Hey, how's your day going?”. Once you've started texting, ask her out early in the conversation, which will make you seem decisive. When you ask her, try to have a concrete idea of what you could do, like going for lunch or attending a concert, since a specific activity will be more appealing than just saying “Let's hang out.” For example, try writing, “Want to go bowling this Friday evening?”. If she says yes, respond with a time and place to meet, and mention that you're looking forward to your date, which will make her feel special. | Come up with an idea for a date. If you know the person well enough, then consider her interests when coming up with date ideas. The more appealing the date sounds, the more likely she'll be to say yes. Furthermore, having a concrete plan with a place and time in mind makes you more decisive then if you said "Let's hang out some time," or, "I don't know, what do you want to do?" Here are some date ideas you should consider before asking: If you share similar tastes in music, then invite her to an upcoming show or concert. Consider asking her to meet you for lunch or grabbing ice cream. If you enjoy cooking, then invite her over for a homemade dinner. Remember that dates don't necessarily have to revolve around meals; go for a hike together or hit the bowling alley! Try to think of an activity that involves talking and getting to know each other. Avoid asking her to the movies, where you will be sitting in silence and won't get a chance to talk. However, if you're set on going to the movies, take her to dinner beforehand or go out for ice cream after, so you get a chance to get to know each other. Send her an opening text. Greet her first to get the conversation going. If you have just met her and are unsure of whether she has your number saved in your phone, then you may need to remind her who you are. Say something like "Hey, this is [so and so], we met the other day." If you are positive she has your number, then text her something like "Hey, what's up?" or "Hey, how's your day going?" If you have seen her recently, then try to come up with an excuse to start a conversation based on your last interaction. For example, if you were recently at a party together, text her something like "Hey, how was the rest of your night?" If you are in a class together, try something like "Are you ready for the test on Monday?" Wait until she responds to your first text before asking her out. Remember that she may be occupied and not have her phone with her, so be patient. Ask her out on a date. Once you have gotten the conversation going, it's time to ask her out. You may want to start by asking her what her plans are on a given day/weekend. If she says that she is free, then ask her out. Send a text saying "Would you want to do [such and such] activity with me?" Don't wait too long to ask her out. You don't want the conversation to go on a tangent and make asking her out seem too awkward or unexpected. There's no need to make too much small talk when you're just texting each other. Keep it short and simple. Just say something like, "Interested in a movie?" or "Want to go bowling this Friday evening?" Have a concrete place and a time where you want to meet. If you just say, "Want to go see a movie some time?" then you'll sound indecisive. It's important to state a time so she knows you're serious and you thought it out. Give her an option to do something else. Maybe she wants to go out with you, but she's a terrible bowler; maybe she wants to go to dinner, but she just went to the place you suggested last night. Make it clear that you have a plan, but that you're open to doing something else, too. Respond to her answer. If she says yes, then iron out the details; decide on where/when you will meet and make driving arrangements if necessary. Once you have decided on the date, casually end the conversation by saying something like "Great, see you on Saturday!" Don't continue to text her too much afterward, or you may be coming on too strong. However, if she starts texting you a lot, then you can respond too. Be sure to let her know that you are looking forward to the date if she says yes. This will make her feel special and have her looking forward to the date as well. If she declines your offer, then let her know that there are no hard feelings and end the conversation. You want to keep your head up high and end things on a good note. Determine whether or not she is interested in you romantically. In most cases, you should only ask a girl to be your girlfriend after you have gone on several dates and know that she is interested in you as more than just a friend; if you're younger and are used to asking girls to be your girlfriend before going on dates, then look for signs that she likes you, such as her blushing when you talk, or the fact that she waits for you after class. Having an idea of whether or not she likes you back can improve your chances when you ask. If you have never spoken to her, don't know her very well, or know that she is already romantically involved with somebody else, then don't ask her out. There are plenty of other fish in the sea! You don't have to be 100% sure about whether or not she likes you, but try to read her body language and words the next time you're together. Does she turn her body toward you, seem a bit nervous in your presence, or look excited to see you? If so, then these are pretty good signs that she might be interested. Send an opening text. Start off by greeting her with something like "Hey you," "Hey, how have you been?" or "Hey, how is your day going?" This will help ease into the conversation and prepare her for the question. Let the conversation flow naturally. There's no need to be extra clever right at the beginning or to make what you think is a hilarious comment. It's better to be direct and to stick to the point; she'll be impressed by your confidence if you don't dilly dally too much. Though you may not know what every second of her day looks like, try to send it at a time when she is likely to not be too busy. For example, if you know she has soccer practice right after school, send it a few hours after that. Let her know how you feel about her first. Tell her that you enjoy spending time with her, and compliment the qualities that make her unique, explaining why you like spending time with her so much. Try saying something like "I've really enjoyed spending these last few weeks with you," or "You really make me feel special," or "I've never felt this way about anybody before." Whatever you choose to say, be honest and only say things that you really mean. That said, you don't need to go overboard with the praise. Wait for her to respond before asking her to be your girlfriend. How she responds to statements like these will help you determine whether or not she's interested in a relationship with you without you having to ask her explicitly. See if she reciprocates. If she says that she feels the same way about you, then go ahead and ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. If she doesn't respond, or simply says "thanks" without telling you how she feels, then she might not be interested. Don't smother her with compliments, as this can come across and insincere and overwhelming. Ask her to be your girlfriend. There are several ways to phrase this question. You can ask her straight-out by saying something like "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" or "Can I call you my girlfriend?" or "Do you want to become an official couple?" Don't wait too long to pop the question. The sooner you ask it, the sooner you can move forward. Alternatively, you can leave her with a more open-ended question like "So where do you see this going?" or "Are you open to the idea of having a boyfriend?" Open-ended questions like these show her that you genuinely care about her wants and needs, and are willing to compromise to make her happy. This can take some of the pressure off, though you may not be getting the answer you want. React appropriately. If she wants to be your girlfriend, then great! The first thing you can do is to suggest a fun, simple activity that you can do together, like going to a show or going bowling, and also pick a time and a place to meet. This can make her see that you're really serious about her and have put a lot of thought into your potential relationship. If she's not interested, then be nice and thank her for talking to you. It's best to leave things on a good note so you can feel proud of your mature reaction. Determine whether or not she already has a date, if possible. If she has a boyfriend, then you can safely assume that she is going to the dance with him. If you're unsure of whether or not she has a date, then don't worry; ask her out anyway! You can try to ask your friends if they know, or even to ask her friends if she has a date, but be aware that this makes it likely that it will get back to her; you may be better off just winging it. Don't ask a girl to ditch her current date if she already has one. It will be unfair to the other guy and will reflect poorly on you. Make sure you do this early enough that you have higher chances of getting a favorable response. If we're talking about the prom, then you should ask at least a month or two in advance, at the least. If it's a more common school dance, then give it a few weeks to be safe. Send her a friendly text first. Get the conversation started by texting her something like "Hey, how's it going?" or "Hey, what are you up to?" Wait until she responds before asking her out, and let the conversation flow naturally. If she doesn't have your number, let her know who you are and how you got her number; you don't want her to be uncomfortable or to ignore the text because she doesn't know who it's coming from. Ask her to the dance. You either do this by sending a straightforward text saying "Would you like to go to the dance with me?" or by first asking her whether or not she has plans for the dance. If she says no, then say something like "I'd love it if you came with me," or "I think it'd be really fun if we went together." If you want to, you can even make a crack about your dancing skills or say something about how she can show you how to rock the dance floor. There's no need to take yourself too seriously here! Make the necessary plans. If she says yes, congratulations! Now you will have to set up a time and place to meet, coordinate outfits if applicable, and decide on transportation. Don't be nervous about it—the hard part is over and now you can just relax and enjoy the ride. Let her know that you are excited to go with her and that you think it's going to be a great time. This will make her feel special and have her looking forward to going with you. If she says no or already has plans, then let her know that there are no hard feelings and end the conversation. Try to play it cool and say something like "No worries, I hope you have fun anyway!" | Come up with an idea for a date. Send her an opening text. Ask her out on a date. Respond to her answer. Determine whether or not she is interested in you romantically. Send an opening text. Let her know how you feel about her first. Ask her to be your girlfriend. React appropriately. Determine whether or not she already has a date, if possible. Send her a friendly text first. Ask her to the dance. Make the necessary plans. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Cure-Your-Not-Moving-Hamster | How to Cure Your Not Moving Hamster | If your hamster is not moving, watch it to see if it's breathing, since it may just be in hibernation. Make sure you watch it for over 2 minutes, as its breathing may slow to as few as 1 breath every 2 minutes when it's hibernating. You can also check your hamster for a heartbeat by placing your forefinger and thumb on either side of its chest and applying gentle pressure. Don't worry if you only detect a few beats a minute, which is normal for hibernating hamsters. However, keep in mind that hamsters usually only live for a couple of years, so if yours is stiff without a heartbeat, it might have passed on. | Ask yourself if the stillness is unexpected. Did your hamster seem ill recently? Clues to this might be that it stopped eating or lost its appetite, it was drinking more than usual and you were having to clean out wet bedding more frequently, it smelled bad, it had lost a lot of weight, or its habits had changed radically, for example it had stopped playing on its wheel. These are all indicators of ill health and could indicate your hamster has died. On the other hand, if the hamster seemed perfectly healthy before hand and this stillness is unexpected, it doesn't rule out death but it makes hibernation more likely. Consider how old your hamster is. How old is the hamster? An average lifespan is 18-24 months, with the odd hamster making it to 36 months. If your hamster is older than this, then it was very elderly, and the chances of it having passed away increase. Consider the ambient temperature. Hibernation is temperature dependent. If the air temperature where the hamster was kept is above 20°C then hibernation is not very likely. On a hot day, consider if the hamster's cage is near an air conditioning unit. Air conditioners can kick out extremely cold air, which could cause your hamster to go into hibernation, so don't discount a low air temperature even in sweltering weather. Assess your hamster's access to food and light. Hibernation tends to happen at times when it would be difficult for the hamster to find enough resources to survive. These tend to be associated with harsh winters, when there are low temperatures, short day lengths, and a lack of food. Ask yourself if the hamster has more than 8 - 12 hours of daylight a day and has plenty of food. Scarcity of food teamed with low temperature and short day length could trigger hibernation. Watch your hamster to see if it's breathing. If hibernation is a possibility, watch your hamster very closely for several minutes. Look for signs of breathing. Be aware that the whole of the hamster's body systems slow down, so the breathing rate can become as slow as one breath every two minutes. Watch the hamster for more than two minutes because it's possible to blink and miss that one breath. If you watch for just two minutes, and you could wrongly assume the hamster is dead. Try to detect a heartbeat. If you don't see the hamster breathing then feel for a heartbeat. The heart rate of a hamster can slow down significantly. It can be just four beats a minute, or one beat every 15 seconds. It can be difficult to find a hamster's heart beat because they are so tiny. To do this use your forefinger and thumb of one hand and place them on either side of the hamster chest just behind its elbows. Apply gentle pressure, sufficient that you could hold the hamster this way to stop it running away but without hurting it. Wait patiently and feel for a heartbeat against your finger tips. Ignore body heat as an indicator between hibernation and death. Don't worry it the hamster feels cold. This doesn't automatically mean it's dead. The hibernation process is triggered by chilling and its body temperature will drop to match the environment. Check the hamster's body for stiffness. One difference that indicates death is rigor mortis. If the hamster feels stiff and hard like board, then he may have rigor mortis, which is a sign of death. Put a hamster that you suspect is hibernating in a warm room. The room temperature should be around 20°C. Wait for 2 - 3 days. If the hamster is merely hibernating it should wake within that period. If it doesn't wake up, then more obvious signs of death should occur such as an unpleasant odor and rigor mortis. A hibernating hamster should not smell unpleasant. Experts advocate this as the preferred option of waking a hamster because it closer simulates the natural waking process and places less strain on the body's blood glucose reserves than a "rapid reboot." Make sure plenty of food and water is available for the waking hamster. Warm the hamster up, relatively rapidly. Instead of warming up your hamster slowly in a warm room, you can warm it more rapidly. Put the hamster, in its cage, in a warm place such as an airing cupboard. Depending on the temperature, the hamster may wake within 2 - 3 hours. Remember to keep the hamster in a secure container, because if it is just in a cardboard box it may wake and chew its way out! Another idea is to stand the cage on a hot water bottle to radiate heat up through the floor of the cage. Ensure the hamster has food and water, because it will use up valuable energy reserves to wake up, and these need to be rapidly replaced or the hamster could suffer liver damage. Remember that hibernation is a natural process. If your hamster was hibernating, be aware this is a natural process, from which it recovered. Unless you are concerned, if the hamster is back to hits usual self - eating, grooming, and running in its wheel - there is no specific need to get it checked by a veterinarian. Remember that hamsters have relatively short lives. If none of your attempts help to wake the hamster up, it has probably passed away. Remember that hamsters generally have very short lives and their time might unfortunately be up. Eliminate all other possibilities first, but then you may need to accept that your hamster has died. Prevent the hamster from hibernating in the future. So that you don't have to suffer this anxiety and worry again, make sure the hamster is always in a room above 20°C, that he has 12 hours + light a day, and plenty of food and water. That way his body never thinks he has to conserve energy and hibernate. | Ask yourself if the stillness is unexpected. Consider how old your hamster is. Consider the ambient temperature. Assess your hamster's access to food and light. Watch your hamster to see if it's breathing. Try to detect a heartbeat. Ignore body heat as an indicator between hibernation and death. Check the hamster's body for stiffness. Put a hamster that you suspect is hibernating in a warm room. Warm the hamster up, relatively rapidly. Remember that hibernation is a natural process. Remember that hamsters have relatively short lives. Prevent the hamster from hibernating in the future. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Pack-Your-Bag-for-the-Gym-or-Health-Club | How to Pack Your Bag for the Gym or Health Club | To pack your bag for the gym or health club, include a pair of socks or flip flops to wear when you come out of the shower. You should also pack a towel and toiletries, like face wash and deodorant, so you can freshen up after exercising. Additionally, add a water bottle for hydration during training and some snacks for a post-workout boost. During the colder months, consider taking a jacket and track pants if you plan on walking out of the gym in your workout clothes. | Buy an adequately sized bag. When choosing a gym bag, you want to make sure it has adequate room. Look for bags that have multiple, roomy compartments. You'll want to put your clothes in one compartment, shoes in a separate compartment, and your food in another compartment. If you can find a gym bag with smaller zipped compartments, that's even better. This helps you keep the different items in your bag separated while your bag remains organized. Gather plastic bags. Collect some plastic bags for your various items. This is especially important if you don't have a gym bag with multiple compartments. It is important to separate the different items in your gym bag so you don't have things leaking on each other. Get one larger bag to place your shoes in. You don't want your sweaty sneakers getting all over your clothes. Think about getting a shoe bag specifically designed for gym shoes. Placing your shoes in a bag can keep odors and bacteria at bay, keeping your entire gym bag from smelling like dirty, sweaty feet. Buy smaller Ziploc bags for toiletries and your underwear. You can pack your clean underwear in the plastic bag to keep it fresh, then place your dirty underwear in the bag after you change. You can also use the plastic bags for ice in case you have an injury. Pack from the bottom up. Start by packing your shoes either on the bottom of your bag or in your shoe compartment. Then pack all your items in your smaller compartments. Next place your toiletries into the bag, then add your towels and clothes on top so they won't get wet if one of your toiletries has a leak. Place any electronics or reading material on top. Pack your bag the night before. Mornings can rushed and crazy. Sometimes you oversleep, spend too long in the shower, your breakfast burns, or you end up hitting the snooze button three times. On mornings like this, the last thing you're thinking about is your gym bag. Remove that stress from your morning by packing the bag the night before. Leave the bag by the door or near your briefcase, shoes, keys, or coat. That way, you won't accidentally walk out of the door and leave the bag in your bedroom floor. Leave emergency gym bags in your car. For those days that you do leave that gym bag on the bedroom floor, have a back up bag in your trunk. Keep only the necessities in this bag - a t-shirt or tank top, a pair of workout shorts, socks, an older pair of sneakers, and cheap headphones. This ensures that you never miss your workout. Pack quality workout clothes. Two key items you must have in your gym bag are a workout shirt and bottom. Make sure the fabric is breathable and well-fitted. Think about what you are going to be doing that day; you wouldn't want your low-hanging pants to slip down when you're doing a squat or your shirt to fall over your face when you're bending over in yoga. Go for quality and usefulness over fashion. Decide if you would like to wear tank tops or short sleeve shirts, along with workout shorts, tights, or pants. It doesn't matter as long as you keep in mind your fitness regiment. For colder months, pack a jacket and track pants. This is especially essential if you plan on walking out of the gym still wearing your gym clothes. It's a good idea to pack extra underwear, especially if you are going straight to the office. You don't want to put on your nice, clean work clothes over sweaty underwear. Ladies, you might want to pack a sports bra if you're planning on wearing your normal bra to the gym. Bring gym shoes. Good shoes are essential for working out. Most gym goers can wear trainers or running shoes. If you are an advanced weight lifter, you may want lifting shoes instead. Regardless of the shoes you wear, make sure you pack them. Trying to run on the treadmill in your work heels or loafers would probably not work very well. Don't forget the socks. Working out without socks would be gross and painful. Make sure to always have a pair of socks in your bag, even if you have worn a pair to the gym. You never know when your socks are going to slide down in your shoes, get wet, or have something else happen to them. Socks are essential items in your gym bag. Make sure to bring flip-flops. Flip-flops are a must have if you are showering at the gym after your workout. You should never place your bare feet on the shower floor; instead, wear flip-flops to protect your feet from bacteria and fungi. Throw in a few hair ties or sweatbands. For women, hair ties are necessary for keeping your hair pulled back and out of your face during workouts. For men or women with short hair, headbands or sweatbands can help keep the hair off your face and soak up the sweat. Pack all the essential toiletries. If you are hitting the gym on your lunch hour or before work, you need to make sure your gym bag contains the proper items to help you stay refreshed and professional for the rest of the day. Consider packing the the following: Deodorant and possibly some kind of body spray or cologne. Just be careful not to overspray the cologne and perfume, especially if you're not showering fully. Body wash. If you are a guy, you can buy a body wash and shampoo in one for the gym. Face wash or wipes, and moisturizer to clean your face of all the sweat. You might want to throw in some toner or astringent, too. Shaving cream and razor. Only pack this one if you're planning on shaving at the gym. Dry shampoo. This comes in really handy if you don't have time to wash, dry, and style your hair before getting back to work. Keep a towel with you. It is good practice to keep a towel with you. Not all gyms offer towels for free, and though gyms wash them, they might not be the cleanest. To wipe up the sweat from your body or wipe down machines, bring your own towel. Bring a water bottle. Hydration is essential when working out. Bring a water bottle so you can refill it as often as necessary. You don't want to be left without a way to hydrate yourself or have to buy an overpriced water at the gym. Throw in some snacks. Pack healthy snacks into your bag for a pre- or post-workout boost. Try nuts, apples, protein bars. Or go for healthy juice, bananas, and nutrition bars. Don't forget the electronics. No workout is complete without music, so make sure to keep headphones in your bag to hook to your smartphone with its playlist. If you have an iPod or iPod shuffle, keep that in your bag. You can also pack heart monitors, fitness trackers, and any other fitness equipment you have. Remember the sanitizer. Gyms can harbor a lot of germs since you are sharing equipment (and sweat!) with other members. To cut down on germs, bring hand sanitizer with you to rub on your hands afterwards. An alternative to hand sanitizer is bringing disinfectant towelettes or wipes. You can wipe your hands down, and more importantly, you can wipe the machines and weights down before touching them. Plus, towelettes and wipes won't open in your gym bag and make a mess. Don't overlook first aid. Small injuries can easily occur at the gym. Blisters, small cuts, and other abrasions can crop up from using the machines, holding barbells, or doing push ups. Be prepared for these instances by carrying band aids and small bandages in your gym bag. | Buy an adequately sized bag. Gather plastic bags. Pack from the bottom up. Pack your bag the night before. Leave emergency gym bags in your car. Pack quality workout clothes. Bring gym shoes. Throw in a few hair ties or sweatbands. Pack all the essential toiletries. Keep a towel with you. Bring a water bottle. Throw in some snacks. Don't forget the electronics. Remember the sanitizer. Don't overlook first aid. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Color-Air-Dry-Clay | How to Color Air Dry Clay | Before coloring air dry clay, knead the clay so it's soft, which will allow it to absorb the color more quickly and evenly. Next, add a drop of colorant to the clay and knead it in until the entire piece is colored evenly. Continue adding 1 drop of colorant at a time and kneading the clay thoroughly after each drop to avoid getting too strong of a color. Once you achieve the color you want, sculpt and dry the clay as usual. | Pick the right kind of clay for dyeing. White air-dry clay will give you the best results. Check to make sure your clay isn't colored. Even off-white clay will affect the final color. Even if you're using white clay, always test a small piece first, to determine how the color will work and to get the hue you're after. Choose your colorant. If you want your clay to be a single solid color, dyeing it with pigment before it dries will get you the results you need. There are many options for pre-coloring air dry clay, so feel free to experiment! Acrylic, tempera, or poster paints will give you a solid bright color. Oil paints will also work for basic coloring, but they're harder to clean. If you want a really deep, vivid color, try artists' quality acrylic or oil paint. Food coloring or icing coloring will give similar results as acrylic and tempera. If you want a pastel or very light color, try pastel chalk. You can also buy readymade clay colorants, but they come in limited colors and can be expensive. Set up your work surface. Dyeing clay can be messy. Make sure your hands and your work surface are protected from staining. Only work on disposable or washable surfaces, like a sheet of wax paper over a counter or a plastic cutting board. Wear plastic or rubber gloves, especially if you're working with oil paint or food coloring. Disposable gloves are best. Knead the clay before adding colorant. Spend some time kneading and pressing the clay with your hands before you add the colorant. This will help it soften so it can absorb the color more quickly and evenly. Kneading means to repeatedly press your fingers into the clay.The time you spend kneading will depend on the temperature and altitude you're at, but it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. You'll know it's done when the color is distributed evenly all through the clay. Add a small drop of colorant to the clay and knead it in. Knead the colorant into the clay until the entire piece is colored evenly. This may take up to 5 minutes, so don't be worried if it doesn't change colors right away! If you are using a solid colorant like pastel chalk, add a little bit of dust to the clay. Continue adding one drop of colorant until the clay is the color you want. Be careful adding additional colorant--you shouldn't add more than a drop at a time. Be sure to knead the clay thoroughly after each drop! Sculpt and dry as usual. After you've got the color you want, you can continue working with your clay. Dyed clay often dries faster than undyed clay, so you may need to work a little more quickly than usual. Sculpt and dry your clay as usual. Make sure your clay is completely dry and solid before you start drawing on it. Damp clay will cause any marker to smudge, ruining your piece. White clay is best for making sure your drawing shows up, but you can use any color you want. Get some markers. Acrylic paint markers are best for drawing on clay, but you can also use regular kids' markers, permanent markers, or watercolor markers. Avoid using oil markers--they can take a very long time to dry and will smudge easily. Plan your design. It's important to figure out what you want to draw before you start! You won't be able to erase your designs and start over with clay. Spend a few minutes practicing your drawing on paper until you can do it perfectly multiple times in a row. Wash and dry your hands completely. Working with wet hands will smudge and transfer the marker ink, especially if you're working with watercolor markers. Make sure your hands are clean and thoroughly dry before starting. Draw your design onto the clay. Hold your clay piece in one hand and draw your design very carefully with your dominant hand. Draw with one color at a time to prevent transfers, and draw lighter colors on first. For example, if you have a black and yellow design planned, draw the yellow first, let it dry, and then draw the black design. Let the design dry thoroughly. When you're finished drawing one side or using one color, put the piece down and wait until the marker is completely dry before touching it again. Check the marker package for estimated drying times if you aren't sure how long to wait. Continue until the piece is finished. Seal in the design to prevent smearing or fading. Check the clay packaging for a recommended sealant. Most sealants are spray-on, but you can also use paintable sealant, or even clear nail polish. For store-bought sealants, follow the package instructions for best results. If you're using nail polish, apply it in a well-ventilated area. Paint slowly and carefully, making sure each side is dry before you turn it over. Sculpt and dry your clay as usual. Painting on damp clay or sculpting painted clay won't work--your designs will run or smear. You'll need to wait until your piece is completely finished and entirely dried out to start painting. White clay will display paint best. Choose acrylic or tempera paints to color your clay. These kinds of paints are best for painting air dry clay, but you can also use poster paint or even nail polish if you want. Be sure to open the container and look at the actual paint first to make sure it's the shade you want. Watercolor and oil paints can work too, but they are much more difficult to handle and won't have the same effect as acrylic. Pick out the right paintbrushes for your design. Using the wrong paintbrush can ruin your design! If you're planning an intricate design, use a very fine paintbrush so you can get the details right. On the other hand, if you're painting a large area of solid color, use a large brush to ensure an even coat. Make sure that your paintbrush is in good condition. An old or damaged paintbrush can shed bristles that smear your design! Practice your design on paper. If you're painting a design on your clay instead of just applying a solid color, practice it a few times on paper or clay scraps to be sure you get it right. This is especially important if it's an intricate design or if you aren't used to painting--you won't get a second chance! Paint your design onto your clay piece. While holding the piece in one hand, paint your design with the other. You can also rest it on a clean, protected work area if you'd rather not hold it. Remember to apply only one color at a time, and to put light colors on first if possible. For example, if you're painting a bee, do the yellow first, then the black. Be sure your hands are clean before and during the painting process! Wash your brush and wait for the paint to dry between each color. If your paintbrush is wet, you might risk color transferring or even smearing! When in doubt, it's better to wait for longer, in order to prevent any mistakes. You should also wait for the paint to dry before starting a new side. Add a layer of sealant to your creation. Check the label on the clay package to ensure the sealant you use is suitable for clay. You can use spray-on sealant or paint-on sealant. Read the directions carefully to ensure the best results. Clear nail polish is a good universal sealant, but it may be difficult to apply to a larger piece. If you use this, apply it in a well-ventilated area, and be sure to wait until its dry to start another side. | Pick the right kind of clay for dyeing. Choose your colorant. Set up your work surface. Knead the clay before adding colorant. Add a small drop of colorant to the clay and knead it in. Continue adding one drop of colorant until the clay is the color you want. Sculpt and dry as usual. Sculpt and dry your clay as usual. Get some markers. Plan your design. Wash and dry your hands completely. Draw your design onto the clay. Let the design dry thoroughly. Seal in the design to prevent smearing or fading. Sculpt and dry your clay as usual. Choose acrylic or tempera paints to color your clay. Pick out the right paintbrushes for your design. Practice your design on paper. Paint your design onto your clay piece. Wash your brush and wait for the paint to dry between each color. Add a layer of sealant to your creation. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Forget-the-Love-of-Your-Life | How to Forget the Love of Your Life | Moving on and forgetting the love of your life might seem impossible now, but with patience and self-love, you'll start to heal. Get rid of physical reminders of your ex, like photographs, gifts, and their old clothes. Block or unfollow them from social media so you don't see their content in your feeds. Your life might seem a bit empty now, but try to fill your time with things you enjoy doing, like watching TV, exercising, cooking, or hanging out with friends. You can also try a new hobby or join a club, which will help you meet new people. When you find yourself missing your ex, remind yourself of their imperfections and the reasons why your breakup is good for you. Moving on takes time, but a happy, fulfilling life is waiting for you on the other side. | Delete methods of communication. This includes phone numbers, chat logs, and emails. It might hurt you to do this, but leaving yourself the option to call your ex in emotionally weak moments can be indicative of dependent behavior. It may also be wise for you to block your ex's number/email, to prevent any unwanted surprise contact. Get rid of physical reminders. Discard all of the special items that remind you of this person. Get rid of the things that remind you of your love. Some articles that can make a breakup especially difficult: clothing, jewelry, photographs, and gifts. You don't have to throw everything away, but you may need time away from these items before you can fully move on. Why not box up any items that remind you of your ex and put them somewhere out of sight and mind? Make plans for special days. When your anniversary rolls around, or when there's a holiday that reminds you of your ex, make plans with other friends to take your mind off times you shared with your one-time lover. Did you and your ex watch movies every Monday? Call up a friend and make sure you have replacement plans for Monday night while you readjust to single life. Organize a party, outing, or dinner among friends to fill a lonely night with laughter and good times. Make special days based on your own parameters rather than those of someone else. Sever the social media lifeline. Seeing your ex gallivant around with someone new might make your heart ache and complicate moving on. Even if you have hopes of maintaining a friendship with this person down the road, understand that you may need time and space before you allow your ex back into your life. Say goodbye in your own way. Some people find writing a goodbye letter , where you can summarize all your feelings and the hopes you had for the relationship, to be a useful tool to aid the healing process. You don't have to show them the letter, but the simple act of writing your feelings down on paper can bring you the closure you need. Another technique you may find beneficial is confessing your feelings to this person in your head. The simple act of releasing bottled emotions can speed up the healing process. Give yourself time and understand that this too shall pass. These words might be difficult for you to swallow, and maybe even sound insensitive. Breaking up is tough, even if you're the one that left the relationship. But it's important to acknowledge that life goes on and that the pain you are feeling is a natural part of the human heartbreak and the healing process. Each person takes a different amount of time to process strong emotions. Respect the time you may need to process this emotional change. Though healing is an individual process, some studies assert it may take you up to 11 weeks before you finally feel free of the potent emotions associated with your romance. Start a new project or take up a hobby. Even if you aren't particularly talented at it, the distraction provided by something new will help you turn your thoughts from your ex. Now that you're out of that relationship, it's time for you to rediscover what makes you happy and do it! Exercise and enjoy associated mood-boosting benefits. Use art as therapy , which may be especially helpful if you are still uncomfortable expressing your feelings in words. Raise a pet or a plant, as having a living thing depend on you can lessen your feelings of depression. Join a group. You can volunteer in the community, participate in a book club at your local library , or enlist in an intramural sports league. The camaraderie of a new group can be a source of strength through a hard breakup. Some groups or group activities to consider: Community gardening groups Community clean-up Local sports teams Tabletop gaming groups Learn to distinguish between the imagined and the actual. Sometimes, post-breakup, it can be easy for you to only think of your past lover in a way that is more perfect than is possible. Try to identify where you've allowed yourself to believe something unrealistic, like when you tell yourself that you'll never find love again. Think about your ex in terms of the positive, past tense feelings you used to have. Separating what was from what is can change your negative feelings for the better. Hold no resentment. Despite everything that's happened, bring yourself to truly forgive your ex. If possible, go up to the person and tell him/her that you have been deeply hurt, but you forgive them for any negatives, both those perceived and real. This will help you to let go, and relieve you from the cycle of negative emotions so common in breakups. Don't forget to forgive yourself, even if the breakup wasn't your fault or it was mutual. Avoid holding resentment against yourself for anything real or imagined. Use your logic to beat the blues. If your ex wasn't the best partner, getting over the breakup should be easier. Even though you might be hesitant to tarnish the good memories you hold precious, it can help you to focus on the healthier place you are in. In what ways can you now grow now that you are out of your relationship? Looking toward these can go a long way toward helping you feel better. In the event your ex is genuinely a good person, be happy that you had the opportunity to meet. Remember that everyone that comes into our lives can be a potential teacher. Keepthe faith. It's easy to become bitter or fall into negative patterns, but remember, that will not make you happier. Allowing yourself to feel your feelings does not mean becoming a slave to them. Reexamine your personal philosophy. Are you the sort of person who gives in to negativity? Will you allow your ex to exert this emotional control over you even after your breakup? Recognize your own emotional responsibility in the matter; you won't be able to blame your ex for your heartbreak forever. Learn from your former relationship. Remember that there is always love to give and there is much we can do to enrich our lives. Talk yourself through where you were before the relationship and the ways in which you've grown throughout your time together. The powerful connection between learning and memory and the mood benefits you'll receive from acquiring new knowledge will assist you in getting over your lost love. Ask yourself: What would I never have done before this relationship that through this relationship I could accomplish? What were some strengths of my ex-partner? Did I learn from these or develop these in myself? What did we accomplish together that I could never have accomplished by myself? Make a list of things you have always wanted to do. You've probably had to put some goals on hold, prioritizing your past relationship over your personal desires. Once you are done with the list, you will not only see how much life has to offer, you will also have some goals to work toward in the near future. Contemplate trips you could afford on your own but not as a couple; now might be the right time to book a trip ! Enroll in a class that you didn't have time or energy for while in your relationship. Try a challenge, such as entering a local chili cooking competition or a photography contest. Don't stay home. You don't need money to walk down your street, look at the sky, enjoy a book or sunrise , or other simple pleasures that life has to offer us. Also, a change of scenery can have a powerful impact on your mindset; the first step you take on your walk may be the first step toward a better mental state. Meet your friends, both old and new. Or go out with the goal of making friends. In any case, the happiness of your friend-group could positively influence your own mood. A good way to meet like-minded people is to join a club related to your interests. Studies have shown that being with friends and people of a similar mind can: Calm you Increase your sense of belonging Increase perceived self-worth Assist in overcoming challenges Refrain from talking about your ex-love. This can turn into a sore point among your friends, who might find your repeated laments too negative to be around. Take some time to acknowledge the support of your friend-group so they don't get burned out helping you process your loss. Try saying things like: "I know this breakup's been especially bad for me, and I'm sorry about venting to you all the time. You've been such a good friend through all this. I'm so thankful for your support." "I wanted to thank you for forcing me to go out the other night. I was mopey and a little depressed, but a night out was exactly what I needed." "You've been so patient with me through all this. Thank you. Without you here to listen and give me advice, this would've been so much more difficult for me." Surround yourselfwith positivity. It may be encouraging for you to put positive quotes in visible places around your home. Or maybe you should plan a viewing marathon of a show or movie that never fails to improve your mood. Talk to an expert or trusted adult in serious cases. Many people struggle with difficult breakups. These can be a huge emotional shock, and you might need the emotional support of a professional or someone more emotionally experienced to reach a place where you can heal. A psychologist, an older family member, a friend or a school counselor can guide you through the process. Talking it out can help you release the stress, gain advice, and build your self-esteem. | Delete methods of communication. Get rid of physical reminders. Make plans for special days. Sever the social media lifeline. Say goodbye in your own way. Give yourself time and understand that this too shall pass. Start a new project or take up a hobby. Join a group. Learn to distinguish between the imagined and the actual. Hold no resentment. Use your logic to beat the blues. Keepthe faith. Learn from your former relationship. Make a list of things you have always wanted to do. Don't stay home. Meet your friends, both old and new. Refrain from talking about your ex-love. Surround yourselfwith positivity. Talk to an expert or trusted adult in serious cases. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Sciatica-Naturally | How to Treat Sciatica: Can Natural Remedies Help? | If you're suffering from sciatica and you want to treat your pain naturally, it's important to visit your doctor to determine the exact cause of your condition. You can also visit a chiropractor, who may be able to help reposition the bulging discs associated with sciatica. At home, try applying an ice pack to the area for 10 minutes, followed by a heating pad for 5 minutes. Repeat 3 times in a row, up to 4 times a day while the pain lasts. Exercises like yoga and flexion exercises, where you flex your spinal column forward, can also be very helpful. | Apply ice packs within the first 3 days of the pain. When a sciatica attack first starts, you'll probably have swelling and inflammation around your sciatic nerve. Apply ice or cold packs to the area for 15-20 minutes at a time to relieve the pressure and numb the pain. Always wrap a cold pack in a towel before you apply it. Otherwise, it could cause frostbite. Switch to warm compresses after 3 days. After the first few days, sciatica usually switches to a dull pain in your back muscles. Use heating pads to relieve sore muscles instead of cold packs. If the pain gets sharp again, then you can switch back to a cold pack. Stay as active as possible to reduce inflammation. While you might not feel like moving, staying inactive could make your pain worse. Do your best to carry out your normal household tasks and walk around a bit so your muscles loosen up. You should definitely be careful while lifting things, though. Avoid picking up heavy objects until you're feeling better. If you regularly exercise, then it's okay to take a few days off. Don't push yourself too hard. Lay down and rest if the pain is severe. While you should try to stay active, a short rest can help if the pain is hard to tolerate. Try laying back on the couch or in bed for a few hours to relieve the pain. After the rest, get up and try to carry out your normal tasks again. Prolonged bedrest is not a good treatment for sciatica, and can make your symptoms worse. Stretch your back to relieve tense muscles. Tight muscles can press on your sciatic nerve and cause pain. Start a daily stretching regimen to loosen your back and relieve pressure and pain. Simple back stretches are standing straight and touching your toes, rotating your hips, and sitting down with your legs outstretched and grabbing your toes. For a more complicated stretch, try the yoga cat pose. Practice good sitting and standing posture. Stand and sit up straight to avoid putting pressure on your spine. This can help relieve sciatica pain and also prevent further flareups. Remember to take breaks if you sit for long periods of time. Get up and spend 5 minutes walking around for every hour that you sit. Exercise for 30 minutes a day to keep your muscles loose. Regular physical activity is very important for preventing future sciatica flareups. Try to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 5-7 days per week to prevent muscle tightness. Walking and running are the most effective exercises for sciatica pain. You can also try low-impact activities like swimming. Also strengthen your core with abdominal workouts to support your back better. Be very careful if you do weight training. Keep the weights light so you don't pull any muscles in your back. Lift objects with your legs and hips instead of your back. This takes pressure away from your back muscles so you don't get injured. Also hold objects as close to your body as you can if you're carrying them. Complete a round of physical therapy to strengthen your back. There is some evidence that physical therapy can ease sciatica. The stretches and exercises you'll do can strengthen your back muscles and prevent pressure on your sciatic nerve. You may need a prescription or referral from your regular doctor for physical therapy. You'll have to exercise and stretch outside of your therapy sessions for the best results, so keep up with your therapist's instructions. Quit smoking to keep your vertebral discs strong. Nicotine can deteriorate your vertebral discs and trigger sciatica, so it's best to quit or avoid starting altogether. Visit a chiropractor for spinal manipulation. Chiropractors aren't medical doctors, but they are skilled in treating numerous types of back injuries. A round of spinal manipulation may relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and get rid of your pain. Have an acupuncture treatment. By using thin needles to access pressure points throughout your body, acupuncture might help relieve sciatica pain. Some people find it helpful, while others don't see significant results. You can try it out for yourself and see if it helps. Always visit a licensed and experienced acupuncturist so you know you're receiving safe, sanitary treatment. Try doing yoga to improve your posture. Yoga exercises that stretch and strengthen the back might help relieve sciatica symptoms. Try practicing yoga 3-5 days per week to see if it helps you. Even if yoga doesn't specifically improve your sciatica symptoms, it's very good exercise that can help you stay active. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet. If your sciatica came from an injury like a slipped disc, then it's possible that an anti-inflammatory diet could help. Eat plenty of proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and overall fresh foods to reduce your body's inflammation. Fried, processed, and fatty foods are all associated with increased inflammation. Reduce your consumption of these foods as much as possible. | Apply ice packs within the first 3 days of the pain. Switch to warm compresses after 3 days. Stay as active as possible to reduce inflammation. Lay down and rest if the pain is severe. Stretch your back to relieve tense muscles. Practice good sitting and standing posture. Exercise for 30 minutes a day to keep your muscles loose. Lift objects with your legs and hips instead of your back. Complete a round of physical therapy to strengthen your back. Quit smoking to keep your vertebral discs strong. Visit a chiropractor for spinal manipulation. Have an acupuncture treatment. Try doing yoga to improve your posture. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Taking-Wellbutrin | How to Stop Taking Wellbutrin | If you want to stop taking Wellbutrin, discuss the decision with your doctor to determine if you're ready to discontinue medication entirely or if you need to try an alternative therapy. Next, work with your doctor to come up with a tapering schedule that makes sense for you, depending on your current Wellbutrin dosage and how long you've been taking the medication. It's crucial that you don't abruptly stop taking Wellbutrin, since this can cause harmful side effects. | Consider your reasons for no longer wanting to take Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is usually very effective at controlling symptoms of depression. Generally, those taking the drug should continue it to help manage the respective depression or disorder unless directed otherwise by a care provider; however, there are a few good reasons to discontinue or change the therapy, including: If you experience severe or continuous side effects If your depression or disorder is not under control with Wellbutrin. For example, your depression may not be adequately controlled if you have persistent sad, anxious or empty feelings, irritability, loss of interest in pleasurable activities or hobbies, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances such as insomnia or excessive sleeping, appetite changes, thoughts of suicide, or physical aches and pains. It is important to note that Wellbutrin generally takes up to eight weeks to fully work and may require dosage increases. If you have been on Wellbutrin for a while (six to 12 months) and your doctor feels that you are not at risk for (or do not have) chronic or recurrent depression Monitor any side effects. Some mild side effects of the medication can include: nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness, weight loss, insomnia, anxiety, changes in taste, frequent urination, and uncontrollable shaking. Let your doctor know if any of these side effects are severe or do not go away. Serious side effects include seizures, hallucinations, irregular heartbeat, or allergic reactions. Stop taking Wellbutrin, and call your doctor right away if you experience any serious side effects. Ideas of suicide may present in younger adults and children. Let your doctor know right away if you have thoughts related to suicide. Talk to your doctor. Discuss your reasons for wanting to stop taking Wellbutrin with your doctor. Inform your doctor if you feel you don't need medication any longer, have trouble with side effects, or feel that your medication is not working after waiting the initial eight weeks for it to fully work. This will help your doctor make an informed decision and decide if the time is right for you to stop taking Wellbutrin. Discontinue Wellbutrin slowly. Antidepressants need to be slowly discontinued with gradual decrease in doses to avoid discontinuation symptoms. This is called tapering. Wellbutrin is usually tapered for approximately two weeks before stopping the medication completely. If you stop right away or go “cold turkey,” your body does not have enough time to adjust, and you may experience worse discontinuation symptoms. Note that these symptoms may be different than the SSRI discontinuation symptoms, or those of other antidepressants. Symptoms can occur within hours to three days after discontinuation and may include: Abdominal issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or cramps Sleep issues such as insomnia or nightmares Balance issues such as dizziness or lightheadedness Sensory or movement issues such as numbness, tingling, tremors, and lack of coordination Feelings of irritability, agitation, or anxiety This constellation of symptoms is sometimes called "discontinuation syndrome" Taper based on your doctor’s schedule. The length of time it takes to completely stop taking Wellbutrin may depend on how long you were on the medication and the dose you were prescribed. Your doctor will determine the best way to taper Wellbutrin. The usual target dose of Wellbutrin according to the manufacturer is 300 mg per day in the form of 150 mg twice daily (with a maximum dose at 400mg per day as 200 mg twice daily); however, your specific prescription may vary. Always follow prescribed dosages. The standard reduction schedule for patients at the target dosage of 300 mg daily is to reduce to 200 mg at the first reduction, followed by subtracting 50 mg on subsequent reductions; however, the amount of time and dosage between reductions will ultimately depend on your first initial reaction to the first reduction, which your doctor will monitor closely to help your determine the best reduction schedule for you. The process can take anywhere from weeks to months depending on the individual patient. For regular, immediate release tablets your doctor may recommend cutting the tablet to change the dose; however, it is important to note that Wellbutrin is usually prescribed as a longer-acting tablet. With extended or sustained release formulations, you cannot cut the tablets. Tapering these formulations may include having to prescribe lower dose tablets or taking the same dose at longer intervals such as every other day. Keep track of your tapering schedule by writing down the dates and the dosage changes. Document any effects you experience. Even if you are tapering off Wellbutrin, it is still possible to experience discontinuation symptoms, such as the ones mentioned in Part 1. Keep track and talk to your doctor if you develop any of these symptoms. Discontinuation symptoms have a quick onset, slowly get better over one to two weeks, and include more physical complaints. In order to differentiate between relapse and discontinuation symptoms, look at when the symptoms start, how long they last, and the type of symptoms. While discontinuation symptoms with bupropion are not common, there is a greater risk of side effects with discontinuing if the patient not starting a new antidepressant with a similar pharmacodynamic profile. Relapse, or the recurrence of your depression, may also occur with discontinuation of your therapy. Keep you doctor informed about how you are feeling and if you have concerns about a relapse. Relapse symptoms gradually develop after two to three weeks and get worse over two to four weeks. Contact your doctor if any symptoms last more than one month. Keep your doctor informed. It is crucial to keep your doctor informed about your progress whether you develop any symptoms or not. In addition, inform your doctor about any relapse symptoms or concerns you may have. Your doctor will monitor you for at least a few months after discontinuation. Take any new medications according to your doctor’s prescription. If you are discontinuing Wellbutrin because of side effects or if Wellbutrin is not controlling your depression, your doctor may prescribe a different antidepressant. Choice of medication depends on many aspects such as patient preference, prior response, effectiveness, safety and tolerance, cost, side effects, and drug interactions. If you experienced side effects or inadequate control of your depression, your doctor may recommend: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), including Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine), Celexa (citalopram), or Lexapro (escitalopram) Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), such as Effexor (venlafaxine) Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs), such as Elavil (amitriptyline) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) can also be used after waiting at least two weeks after discontinuation of Wellbutrin. Try to exercise regularly. Studies show that regular exercise can help produce endorphins and increase neurotransmitters that may help with symptoms of depression. Try to exercise for approximately thirty minutes each day. Change your diet. A healthy diet can help improve your overall health. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help as an adjunctive therapy for depression. Omega-3- fatty acids are contained in foods such as kale, spinach, flaxseeds, walnuts, and fatty fish such as salmon. They are also available over the counter, usually as fish oil gelatin capsules. Studies that showed benefit of omega-3 fatty acids in mood disorders included doses between 1 – 9 grams; however, more evidence supports the lower doses in that range. Follow a consistent sleep schedule. Sleep is often disturbed by depression. It is important to follow good sleep hygiene to ensure you are getting proper rest. Good sleep hygiene includes: Going to bed and getting up the same time each day Avoiding stimulation before sleeping, such as exercise, watching TV, or doing computer work Avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bed Avoiding eating large meals and drinking large amounts of liquid within a few hours of bedtime Sleeping in a cool, dark and quiet room Associating your bed with sleep as opposed to reading or doing other work Get some sun. There is not a consensus on how much exposure you need to help symptoms of depression; however, researchers agree some types of depression, such as seasonal affective disorder , may benefit from getting more exposure to sunlight. Research also suggests sunlight can affect your levels of serotonin. Generally, there isn't a maximum amount of exposure for sunlight. Make sure you do wear sunscreen if you are going to be in the sun longer than 15 minutes. Have a good support system. Throughout the process, stay in touch with your doctor and let your doctor know about your status, feelings, or symptoms. Keep a relative or close friend involved as well. They may be able to provide emotional support or recognize signs of relapse. Consider psychotherapy. An analysis of different studies found that people who undergo psychotherapy while discontinuing an antidepressant are less likely to have a relapse. Psychotherapy is a way to help people with mental disorders by teaching them ways to deal with unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. It gives people tools and strategies to manage their stress, anxieties, thoughts, and behaviors. There are different types of psychotherapy. Treatment plans depend on the individual, the disorder, severity of disorder, and numerous other factors such as if you are on medications. Cognitive behavioral therapy's (CBT) goal is help a person think more positively and influence behavior. It focuses on current problems and solutions to those problems. A therapist helps the person identify unhelpful thinking and change inaccurate beliefs, thus aiding a change in behavior. CBT is particularly effective for depression. Other therapies — such as interpersonal therapy, which focuses on improving communication patterns; family-focused therapy, which helps by resolving family conflicts that may be influencing the patient's illness; or psychodynamic therapy, which focuses on helping people gain self-awareness — are also available options. Consider meditation. A Johns Hopkins analysis of previous studies suggests that thirty minutes of daily meditation may improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Practical ways you can practice meditation are repeating a mantra, prayer, taking time to focus on breathing, or reflecting on what you have read. Aspects of medication include: Focus — Focusing on a specific object, image, or breathing can free your mind of worry and stress. Relaxed breathing — Slow, deep, diaphragmatic breathing (breathing that makes your belly rise when you inhale, not your chest) activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which has a calming effect Quiet setting — This is an important aspect to meditation, especially for beginners, so that you have fewer distractions. | Consider your reasons for no longer wanting to take Wellbutrin. Monitor any side effects. Talk to your doctor. Discontinue Wellbutrin slowly. Taper based on your doctor’s schedule. Document any effects you experience. Keep your doctor informed. Take any new medications according to your doctor’s prescription. Try to exercise regularly. Change your diet. Follow a consistent sleep schedule. Get some sun. Have a good support system. Consider psychotherapy. Consider meditation. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Polyester-Fiber | How to Clean Polyester Fiber | To clean polyester fiber upholstery, start by checking the washing instructions tag. If it's labeled with a "W," only use water to clean it. If it's labeled "S" or "S-W," use a solvent like rubbing alcohol or vodka. If the tag has an "X" on it, only vacuum the upholstery. To use water or a solvent to clean polyester fiber, put it in a spray bottle and spray the spots you want to clean. Let it sit for 30 seconds and then gently rub it into the upholstery with a clean cloth. If the polyester fiber feels stiff after it dries, rub it with a scrub brush or sponge to soften the fabric. | Read the washing instructions on the tag. Most tags on furniture contain codes in the washing instructions. “W” means you should only use water-based solutions. “S” means the fiber can only tolerate solvent-based solutions. “S-W” allows you to use either solvent- or water-based solutions. If you see an “X,” however, you should only vacuum the material. Fill a spray bottle with water or alcohol. If your tag is coded with “S” or “S-W,” you can fill it with rubbing alcohol or vodka. Otherwise, you should only use water. Avoid using soap, which can leave a stain on the fabric. If your tag is coded with an “X,” you should skip this step. Remove the stain(s). Spray the stained area and allow the water or alcohol to sit for about 30 seconds. Then, blot and gently rub the stain with a clean cloth. Move the cloth with the grain of the fabric. The cloth may be made of any absorbent material. If your upholstery is vacuum-clean only, attach the brush to the extension hose of your vacuum cleaner. Gently glide the brush across the fabric until the stain has been removed. Fluff the fabric. This step is necessary only if the fabric feels stiff as it begins to dry. Use a scrub brush with soft bristles or the scrub side of an unused dish sponge. Move the brush or sponge in gentle circles until the fabric feels soft. Read the washing instructions. Follow the instructions closely to avoid damaging your mattress pad. Pay attention to the recommended cycle (regular or gentle) and which fabrics you can wash the pad with. For example, if your mattress pad is white and the tag specifies “like colors,” avoid throwing dark or dyed materials into the washing machine with it. Pre-treat stains. Spray the product directly on any stains you find. Commercial pre-treaters are usually safe to use. You should only avoid them if the tag warns against them. Wash the pad in cold water. Always default to cold water, even if the tag doesn't specify a temperature or allows hot water. Cold water will prevent shrinkage and decrease wear over time. Any kind of laundry detergent is acceptable. Avoid using bleach, which can damage the material. Tumble dry on a low setting. Low heat will prevent shrinkage of the material or stretching of the elastic. Add two dryer balls (available in most big box stores) if the pad is larger than twin size. If you don't have dryer balls, use two tennis balls. This will prevent the pad from twisting into a ball shape and allow it to dry more thoroughly. Air dry the pad as an alternative to the dryer. Hang it on a clothesline or lay it on a clean flat outdoor surface. Place it in direct sunlight for the quickest drying time. If the weather isn't cooperating, air dry the mattress on a drying rack or clothes hanger in the warmest location in your home. Make sure both sides are dry before putting it back on your bed. Read the washing instructions. Look for the phrases “Dry Clean Only” or “Machine Wash.” Most tags specify cold water and a delicate cycle for machine washable fabrics. Take dry-clean-only fabrics to the dry cleaner for best results. Purchase mesh bags for “dry-clean-only” materials. Use this step if you can't afford or don't have the time for the dry cleaner. Laundry bags protect delicate fabrics from the agitation of the wash cycle. You can buy them in most big box stores. Use separate bags for the pillow and the blanket. Seal each bag before placing it in the washing machine. Use the cold water setting. Place the materials in the washing machine. Set the machine to the delicate cycle. Avoid using detergent unless the washing instructions call for it. Add about a capful of fabric softener to the wash. Shake and punch the pillow. Because pillows contain fabric fill, it's important to take extra steps to remove excess water after the spin cycle completes. Otherwise, you'll risk mold growth. Shaking and punching will also loosen any areas of fill that clumped together during the wash cycle. Do this until you don't feel any clumps inside the pillow. Air dry in a warm spot. On a hot, sunny day, hang the pillow and blanket on a clothesline in direct sunlight. If it's raining or cold outside, dry the materials near a heating source, such as a heating vent. Avoid laying them directly on objects like space heaters or radiators, as this is a fire hazard. Use the dryer as an alternative. Take precautions if you choose this step. Place the pillow and blanket in separate drying bags, which you can find in most big box stores. If you don't have drying bags, wrap each item in a separate towel. Set the dryer for the most delicate setting that doesn't use heat. Check the pillow and blanket every 30 minutes. Remove them when they're completely dry. Read the washing instructions. If you see the words “Machine Wash” on the tag, you can toss the garment into the washing machine unprotected. Pay attention to the temperature of the water and the type of cycle you should use. Most tags specify the gentle or delicate cycle. Others state “Hand Wash” or “Dry Clean Only.” For best results, stick to these instructions. Use a protective bag for “dry-clean” clothing. If you don't have the time or money for the dry cleaner, you can use a sealable mesh laundry bag in the washing machine. If you don't have a mesh bag, use a pillow case. Turn the garment inside out before you put it in the bag. When using a pillow case, seal it with a clothespin or hair tie. Limit one piece of clothing per bag to allow the water and detergent to circulate properly. If you plan to hand wash your garment, you can skip this step. Machine wash most fabrics in cold water. Thicker fabrics can withstand this method. Set the machine to the delicate or gentle cycle. Allow the machine to continue to the rinse and spin cycles. Hand wash very delicate fabrics, such as knits. For this step, fill a sink with cold water and gentle detergent, such as Woolite. Then, completely submerge the clothing in the soapy water. Take the opposite sides of the garment in each hand and gently rub them together to loosen any debris. Allow the garment to soak for a few minutes. Drain the soapy water and refill the sink with clean water. Move the garment up and down in the clean water until the detergent has been completely rinsed out. Roll the garment in a towel to gently push out the excess water. Avoid wringing, which can damage the fabric. Air dry the garment. Even if you don't have to worry about shrinking, the heat of the dryer can damage the fabric. Weather permitting, hang the clothing on an outdoor clothesline and allow it to dry in the sun. On a hot summer day, your garment could be dry in as little as three hours. If it's raining or too cold to hang your garment outdoors, air dry it on a drying rack or clothes hanger. Depending on the temperature and humidity level of your home, your garment will be dry in 24 to 36 hours. | Read the washing instructions on the tag. Fill a spray bottle with water or alcohol. Remove the stain(s). Fluff the fabric. Read the washing instructions. Pre-treat stains. Wash the pad in cold water. Tumble dry on a low setting. Air dry the pad as an alternative to the dryer. Read the washing instructions. Purchase mesh bags for “dry-clean-only” materials. Use the cold water setting. Shake and punch the pillow. Air dry in a warm spot. Use the dryer as an alternative. Read the washing instructions. Use a protective bag for “dry-clean” clothing. Machine wash most fabrics in cold water. Hand wash very delicate fabrics, such as knits. Air dry the garment. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Keep-Your-Private-Parts-Clean | How to Keep Your Private Parts Clean | To keep your private parts clean, trim your pubic hair with clippers set to ½ to 1 inch or use a pair of scissors or a razor to cut your hair to a length that's more manageable. After shaving, take a shower to get the stray hairs off. While in the shower, use plenty of soap to wash your groin. If you're a man, make sure to wash your penis, and take care to clean under your foreskin if you're not circumcised. For women, wash the outside of your pubic mound with soap, but avoid getting any soap on your labia or vagina since this can lead to irritation or infections. | Groom yourself. Trim your pubic hair. Do this before you shower, so that all the trimmings are washed away. If you have hair clippers, set it to a depth that suits you— ⁄ 2 to 1 inch (1.3 to 2.5 cm) suits a lot of people. Trim carefully all the way around and under for a clean look. No clippers? Use a pair of sharp scissors, and snip away evenly to a length that suits you. Some people have taken to shaving the hair down there. If you and your partner favor this look, go for it! Soak in a bathtub for a bit to soften the hair up. It'll make it a lot easier to shave. Trim with scissors before lathering up the shaving cream and pointing sharp objects at your privates. Be careful. It's easy enough to nick yourself when shaving your face, and shaving is something you do every day! Note that when you shave, within a couple days it could get really itchy. If you're scheduled to give a big presentation to the board then, you might want to think twice, and save the shave till after the meeting. Alternately, use an unscented moisturizing lotion to minimize the itch. Soap it up. When you shower, or bathe, don't go light on the soap when you wash your crotch. If you're circumcised, taking care of your penis is pretty straightforward. Soap it up, rinse it off. If you're uncut, clean under the foreskin. Neglecting this will cause a buildup of a whitish substance with the oddly unpleasant name of smegma. It's harmless, but not something you want sticking around. Scrub (somewhat gently) from tip to tail, and all the parts in between. Rinse thoroughly. Who needs soapy buildup, or a soapy smell? For a lot of people, it can be just as unpleasant to smell perfumed soap as eau de nether. Some people enjoy a natural (i.e., clean but not overly fragrant) smell from their partner. When in doubt, it's a good idea to favor neutral over perfumed. Package the package properly. Wear a fresh pair of underwear daily. Keep your clean, unused undergarments in a cool, dry place. Whether you prefer boxers or briefs, make sure you dry them as soon as you wash them. Otherwise, you risk your clothes smelling worse than you (did). Trim the hedges. If you're going to just clean things up a bit, now is the time to do it. If you have hair clippers, set it to a depth that suits you— ⁄ 2 to 1 inch (1.3 to 2.5 cm) suits a lot of people. Trim carefully for a clean look. No clippers? Use a pair of sharp scissors, and snip away evenly to a length that suits you. If you're going under the blade, soak in the bath for a bit to soften the skin and hair up. Things will go a lot more smoothly, and you will have a much more pleasant experience. Some people have taken to shaving their pubic hair into a variety of interesting shapes and patterns. If you and your partner favor this look, go for it! Note that when you shave, within a couple days it could get really itchy. Apply moisturizing lotion to minimize discomfort. Wash daily. Cleanse and rinse the pubic region thoroughly, taking care to wash the outside of your pubic mound with soap. Don't use soap on your labia or in your vagina —this can lead to irritation and infections. Rinse thoroughly, and dry well. You want to wash away soapy residue, both to get rid of the perfumed scent, and to inhibit bacterial growth of the unpleasant kind. If you are on your period, change your pad or tampon regularly, or wear a Menstrual Cup. Clean and rinse your pubic area after removal, and before replacement. Wear fresh undies. Keep your clean, unused undergarments in a cool, dry place, and care for them well—make sure you dry them as soon as you wash them. Otherwise, you risk your clothes smelling worse than you did. | Groom yourself. Soap it up. Rinse thoroughly. Package the package properly. Trim the hedges. Wash daily. Rinse thoroughly, and dry well. If you are on your period, change your pad or tampon regularly, or wear a Menstrual Cup. Wear fresh undies. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Lularoe-Consultant | How to Become a Lularoe Consultant | To become a LuLaRoe consultant, plan to invest in a startup cost of $5,000-$6,000, which will cover the initial clothing order and supplies like hangers, racks, dress forms, and business cards. Next, go to the LuLaRoe website and click on “Join the Movement” to sign up. Then, enter your zip code to find a retailer near you and choose a current consultant from the options provided. Finally, contact the consultant for your application, fill it out, and submit it. You should hear back from LuLaRoe in 8-12 weeks. | Invest in a startup cost of $5,000-$6,000 USD. Before you start selling clothing, you'll need a hefty chunk of change to put in to starting your business. Your initial clothing order with cost roughly $4,900. You'll also need supplies like hangers, racks, dress forms, and business cards, which will cost around $500. If selling LuLaRoe clothing is something you really want to do but you don't have all the money, consider planning a fundraiser, having a yard sale, or taking out a loan. Click on “Join the Movement” on the LuLaRoe website. Go to https://www.lularoe.com/. One of the tabs at the top of the page will say “Join the Movement” — click this tab to be taken to a page where you'll find a local retailer. While you're on the website, it's a good idea to read all about the company's mission and become familiar with the brand. Find a retailer near you using the Retailer Map. Once you've reached the Retailer Map, use the search box to type in your zip code before pressing “Search.” A map will show up below with pinpoints of where other LuLaRoe consultants are located. Right below the map you'll see a list of each person's name and their specific zip code. Choose a person to contact to receive an application. You'll need to reach out to someone who is already a consultant, and this person will give you an application to fill out to become a consultant as well. Use one of the contact features right below a person's name on the Retailer Map to contact them and ask for an application. For example, you can email a consultant by clicking on the orange mail icon, message a consultant on Facebook by clicking on the blue Facebook icon, or call a consultant's phone number by clicking on the green telephone icon. Not every consultant will have the same contact options. One consultant may be reachable through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter while another consultant can only be reached through email. Fill out and submit the application. The LuLaRoe consultant that you reached out to will send you the link to the online application. Fill out the application entirely before submitting it, and you should receive an email from LuLaRoe saying that they received your application. There is no cost for submitting an application. While LuLaRoe has the ability to reject or accept your application for any reason, it's unlikely that your application won't be approved. Wait to be on-boarded for roughly 8 weeks. Once your application is received, you'll be added to the LuLaRoe onboarding queue. LuLaRoe will keep you updated through email about your progress in the queue, but you may wait for 6-8 weeks. Some people wait for 10-12 weeks, so be aware that it may take longer than expected. Use your waiting time to prepare to sell. This is a great time to begin planning your marketing strategy and social media presence, as well as order any special items you're going to need such as hangers, business cards, or shipping materials. You can also start networking with other consultants to learn selling techniques and helpful tips. Other items you might need include racks, shopping bags, and dress forms. Receive your enrollment call. A representative from LuLaRoe will call you once you're off the waitlist so that you can make your first order. If you miss the call when LuLaRoe calls you, they will try to call you 2 more times. If you miss all 3 calls, you'll need to contact LuLaRoe Consultant Support. Place your initial order over the phone. When you receive your enrollment call, be ready to place your first order for a starter kit. The starter kit will include skirts, dresses, tops, and leggings, and you should receive anywhere from 44-75 pieces of each. There are 3 different order packages you can choose from when ordering for the first time. You should be emailed these options when you're in the queue. You should receive your shipment (free of any shipping costs) within 3 business days after your payment goes through. Pick out your inventory after your initial order. While you can't choose specific sizes and styles during your initial order, you can on future orders. Choose which styles of clothing you'd like and in which sizes, making sure that you order at least 33 pieces. The adult sizes range from 0-26, while the girls sizes range from 2-14. The clothing comes in different colors, patterns, prints, and fabrics. You can't pick specific prints or colors that you want — these will be picked for you because only 5,000 pieces are designed for a specific print. Set your selling prices. You get to choose the prices for the items you're selling, but there is a minimum price that you need to follow. When you get your order, the items should come with their minimum advertising price, which is usually between $18 and $65 USD. Create a strong social media presence to attract potential buyers. Creating a Facebook group for your LuLaRoe business, as well as an Instagram page, will allow you to post updated photos of the clothes you're currently selling. This lets people purchase clothing online or through their phones. Use hashtags like #lularoeleggings, #lularoelove, or #fashion to promote the clothing. Focus on taking clear and attractive photos of the clothes. The photographs you take of the clothing need to attract people's attention and portray the LuLaRoe brand in a professional fashion. When you're photographing the clothing, make sure you have a great light source and take pictures of the clothing hanging, not laying flat on a carpet or table. Consider having yourself or someone else model the clothes for pictures. You can find LuLaRoe display ideas on Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. Host parties to sell the LuLaRoe clothing. You can host selling parties on Facebook or at a physical location, such as your house. Posting pictures of new clothing items in your custom Facebook group will attract customers from different locations, while hosting a party at your house allows local people to come and check out the clothes in person. Customers will pay for the clothing through LuLaRoe's specific payment system. Try to host at least 1 party per week. A guide for hosting a successful party should come with your initial order. Receive your payments through direct deposit. Customers will pay for their clothing through the LuLaRoe site, and LuLaRoe will take out the taxes and credit card processing fees. The rest of the money will be deposited into your bank account after 2-3 days. LuLaRoe makes deposits daily. Help customers return or exchange their clothing, if necessary. Within the first 30 days of their purchase, a customer can receive a full refund, exchange, or credit for the item they wish to return. They'll need to get in touch with you and have their original purchase receipt. If they want to return or exchange an item after 90 days of purchasing the piece of clothing, they can receive credit or an exchange. If a customer says their piece of clothing has a defect, they may be able to return the article at any time. Trade inventory with other consultants if it isn't selling. Sometimes pieces in your collection won't sell as quickly as more popular pieces. Get together with other LuLaRoe consultants in your area and trade unsold inventory. You'll get new designs that may sell better, and you won't have to pay. Order more inventory through the online LuLaRoe system. While your first order was placed over the phone, all other orders you make will be made online. You'll use the LuLaRoe system to scroll through available inventory and pick out which pieces you'd like to order, as well as how many. You'll need to order at least 33 pieces for your order to go through. LuLaRoe should give you detailed instructions for how to use the online system once you become a consultant. Sell back your inventory if you decide LuLaRoe isn't for you. You can sell your leftover clothing wholesale to other consultants, or you can sell the clothing back to LuLaRoe. Plus, there's the option of hosting a final party to try to sell off the rest of your inventory. If you sell back to LuLaRoe, you'll have to pay a 10% restocking fee. | Invest in a startup cost of $5,000-$6,000 USD. Click on “Join the Movement” on the LuLaRoe website. Find a retailer near you using the Retailer Map. Choose a person to contact to receive an application. Fill out and submit the application. Wait to be on-boarded for roughly 8 weeks. Use your waiting time to prepare to sell. Receive your enrollment call. Place your initial order over the phone. Pick out your inventory after your initial order. Set your selling prices. Create a strong social media presence to attract potential buyers. Focus on taking clear and attractive photos of the clothes. Host parties to sell the LuLaRoe clothing. Receive your payments through direct deposit. Help customers return or exchange their clothing, if necessary. Trade inventory with other consultants if it isn't selling. Order more inventory through the online LuLaRoe system. Sell back your inventory if you decide LuLaRoe isn't for you. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Lick-Your-Elbow | How to Lick Your Elbow | Not everyone can lick their elbow, but if you have a short upper arm and a long tongue, you might just be able to make it work! To lick your elbow, start by pulling your shoulder back as far as you can. Then, wrap your arm around your chin as far as it can go. Carefully push your arm up and back towards your mouth and crane your neck forward. Now stick out your tongue and see if you can do it! If you can't lick your elbow yet, try doing some arm and neck stretches to increase your flexibility. | Be gentle and warm up with some stretches first. Get your neck loose by rotating it around gently a few times and stretch your shoulders out by rotating them around your body. Roll your neck around clockwise five times, then counter-clockwise for a simple neck stretch. Wrap each arm around your body as if you were giving yourself a hug. With your other arm, hold it in place for a count of 15, then repeat with the other arm. Hold your right arm out straight with your palm flat. Relax your shoulders and your hand. Don't clench your fist. Pull back your shoulder as far as you can so your shoulder blade stick out. Imagine someone where pushing on your fingertips and pushing your arm straight back. Loosen up your shoulder a bit. Wrap your arm around your chin. Bring your arm across your body as far as it can, bring your elbow as close as possible to your mouth. Push/pull your arm backward. This is the tricky part and can cause some discomfort. Use your left hand to guide back the right arm, keeping your shoulder back as possible. Crane your neck forward. Stretch your neck forward, chin out, as far as you can. Try to think of it like you're going to grab your elbow with your chin. This will help you get the most distance out of your stretch. Stick your tongue out as far as it will go. If you've got the right build for it, you should be able to stretch your tongue to your elbow in this position. If at this point, you can't touch your tongue to your elbow, stop. This stretch will get your elbow as close as possible to your mouth as possible. If you can't, it's because your upper arm is too long and no amount of stretching will make it happen. Don't risk hyperextending your shoulder by yanking on it too hard. Lie down on your stomach, with your arms in front of your face. Make like your superman flying and stretch your arms out. In general, this is a good stretch for your arms, getting your shoulders loose for this attempt. Bend your right or left arm so that your forearm is pressed firmly on top of your biceps. Pretend you're a villain in an old movie and you're covering your face with your cape. Wrap your arm around, trying to touch your other shoulder-blade. Pull your arm closer to your face, resting your chin on your forearm. Don't pull too hard, or you risk hyperextending your shoulder. But pull your arm back as far as it can comfortably go. Stick your tongue out and down. Again, don't struggle. If you're built for this, you should be able to reach your elbow from this position with the right tongue length and arm build. Do tongue stretches to try to make your tongue longer. It's not guarantee that you can make your tongue longer, but there are some proven techniques that work to strengthen the muscle of your tongue, making it stronger and possibly bigger. Press the tip of your tongue behind your lower front teeth and roll the middle and back of your tongue forward. Smile in this position to stretch your tongue. Try to make space in the back of your mouth and in your throat, so that your tongue can move easily, rolling slowly out and relaxing slowly back in. Stretch your shoulders. Develop a shoulder stretch routine that works for you, building strength and flexibility in your shoulder blades. If you have tight muscles, you won't be able to do this, even if your arm is the proper length and you've got a Gene Simmons tongue. Bring your arm over your head, putting one wrist on the top of your head. Grab your elbow with your other hand, pulling toward the opposite side. Hold this position gently until a count of 15 and then alternate arms. Clasp hands behind your back and straighten your elbows slowly and repeatedly. Be gentle in this position, and go slowly. Try a set of 20. Take deep breaths. Taking a big lungful will raise your diaphragm and allow you to stretch your neck out further and makes licking your elbow easier. | Be gentle and warm up with some stretches first. Hold your right arm out straight with your palm flat. Pull back your shoulder as far as you can so your shoulder blade stick out. Wrap your arm around your chin. Push/pull your arm backward. Crane your neck forward. Stick your tongue out as far as it will go. Lie down on your stomach, with your arms in front of your face. Bend your right or left arm so that your forearm is pressed firmly on top of your biceps. Pull your arm closer to your face, resting your chin on your forearm. Stick your tongue out and down. Do tongue stretches to try to make your tongue longer. Stretch your shoulders. Take deep breaths. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Calm-Down-Quickly | How to Calm Down Quickly | To calm down quickly, slowly inhale through your nose for 10 seconds and then slowly exhale out of your mouth. Keep breathing like this until you feel calmer and more relaxed. You can also try distracting yourself from the thing that's upsetting you by listening to some calm, soothing music or looking at pictures of cute animals on your phone. If you're dealing with a stressful situation or task, stop what you're doing and give yourself a few minutes to relax. | Stop what you're doing. One of the best ways to calm down is to stop interacting with what's upsetting you. In the short term, this may mean telling the person you're speaking with that you need to take a quick break. If you're with company, politely excuse yourself for a moment. Get to a quiet place away from what's upsetting you and focus on calming thoughts. Re-focus your senses. When we're anxious, upset, or angry, our bodies go into "flight or fight" mode. Our sympathetic nervous system kicks our bodies into high gear by activating hormones like adrenaline. These hormones boost your heart rate and breathing, tense your muscles, and constrict blood vessels. Take a break from what is causing this stress response and focus on what your body is experiencing. This can help you stay in the present and reduce what's known as "automatic reactivity." "Automatic reactivity" happens when your brain forms habits of reacting to stimuli, such as stressors. You brain activates these habitual pathways whenever it encounters that stimulus. Studies have shown that breaking the circuit of this reaction by refocusing on what your sensory experiences actually are can help your brain make new “habits.” Don't judge your experiences, just acknowledge them. For example, if you're really angry about something someone just said, your heart is probably beating faster, and your face may be flushed or feel hot. Acknowledge these sensory details, but don't judge them as being “wrong” or “right.” Breathe. When your body's sympathetic nervous system is activated by stress, one of the first things to do is your calm, even breathing. Focusing on breathing deeply and evenly has a host of benefits. It restores oxygen to your body, regulates your brain's brainwaves, and decreases the level of lactate in your blood. These things help you feel calm and relaxed. Breathe from your diaphragm, not your upper chest. If you place your hand on your belly just below your ribs, you should be able to feel your abdomen rise when you inhale and fall when you exhale. Sit upright, stand, or lie flat on your back to help your chest stay open. It's harder to breathe when you're slouched. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 10. You should feel your lungs and belly expand as they fill with air. Then, slowly exhale through your nose or mouth. Aim for 6-10 deep, cleansing breaths per minute. Focus on the rhythm of your breathing. Try not to let yourself get distracted by anything else, including how upset you might feel. You can count your breaths if you feel yourself getting distracted, or repeat a calming word or phrase. As you breathe in, envision a beautiful golden light that represents love and acceptance. Feel its relaxing warmth spread from your lungs to your heart, and then throughout your body. As you slowly exhale, imagine that all of your stress is leaving your body. Repeat 3 or 4 times. Relax your muscles. When emotional or stress responses occur, your body's muscles tense and tighten. You may literally feel “wound up.” Progressive Muscle Relaxation , or PMR, can help you consciously release the tension in your body by tensing and then releasing particular muscle groups. With a little practice, PMR can help you bust stress and anxiety very quickly. There are several free guided PMR routines available online. MIT has a free eleven-minute audio guide to PMR. Find a quiet, comfortable place. It should be relatively dark. Lie down or sit comfortably. Loosen or remove tight clothing. Focus on a particular muscle group. You can start at your toes and work up, or start with your forehead and work down. Tense all the muscles in that group as hard as you can. For example, if you're starting with your head, raise your eyebrows as far as they will go and open your eyes wide. Hold for 5 seconds, then release. Squeeze your eyes shut tightly. Hold for 5 seconds, then release. Move to the next muscle group and tense those muscles. For example, purse your lips tightly for 5 seconds, then release. Then, smile as wide as you can for 5 seconds, then release. Progress through the rest of your muscle groups, such as neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, buttocks, thighs, lower legs, feet, and toes. Distract yourself. If you can, distract yourself from worrying over what has you upset. If you allow yourself to focus on what has upset you, you could set off a cycle of ruminating, where you think the same thoughts over and over again. Ruminating fosters anxiety and depressive symptoms. Distraction is not a long-term solution, but it can be a good way to get your mind off your troubles long enough for you to calm down. Then, you can return to deal with the issue with a clear head. Chat with a friend. Socializing with someone you love will help take your mind off what has upset you and will help you feel relaxed and loved. Studies have shown that rats who are able to socialize with each other develop fewer ulcers from stress than rats who are all alone. Watch a happy movie or a funny TV show. “Silly humor” can help calm you down and get some distances from what's upset you. Try to keep away from bitter or sarcastic humor, however, as it may make you angrier, not less. Listen to some soothing music. Find music with around 70 beats per minute (Classical and soft “New Age” pop like Enya are good choices). Angry or driving beats may actually make you feel more upset, not less. Look at pictures that give you a lift. Humans are biologically prone to find small things with big eyes -- like puppies and babies --- adorable. Looking up some cute kitten pictures may actually inspire a chemical “happiness” reaction. Go somewhere and shake all your limbs, like a wet dog does. “Shaking it off” may help you feel better because it gives your brain new sensations to process. Use self-soothing behaviors. Self-soothing behaviors can help you reduce immediate feelings of stress and anxiety. They focus on comforting and being kind to yourself. Take a warm bath or a hot shower. Research has shown that physical warmth has a soothing effect on many people. Use calming essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile. Play with your pet. Petting your dog or cat has a soothing effect and can even lower your blood pressure. Use soothing touch. When humans are touched with kindness, our bodies release oxytocin, a powerful mood elevator. While you can also get this boost from a friendly hug, you can also relax yourself with your own touch. Put your hand over your heart. Focus on the warmth of your skin and the beat of your heart. Allow yourself to breathe slowly and evenly. Feel your chest expand as you inhale and fall as you exhale. Give yourself a hug. Cross your arms over your chest and put your hands on your upper arms. Give yourself a little squeeze. Notice the warmth and pressure of your hands and arms. Cup your face with your hands. You can stroke the muscles of your jaw or near your eyes with your fingertips. Run your hands through your hair. Give yourself a scalp massage. Check your dietary habits. The body and mind are not separate entities. What one does directly impacts the other, and this is true for your diet as well. Reduce caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant. Too much can make you feel jittery and anxious. Eat foods high in protein. Protein can help you feel fuller for longer, and can keep your blood sugar from plummeting or spiking throughout the day. Lean proteins such as poultry and fish are great choices. Complex carbohydrates with a lot of fiber may cause your brain to release serotonin, a relaxing hormone. Good options include whole-grain breads and pastas, brown rice, beans and lentils, and fruits and vegetables. Avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods. These can make you feel more stressed and upset. Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol is a depressant, so it may initially make you feel calmer. However, it can also cause depressive symptoms, and it may make you feel on edge. It can interfere with your healthy sleep patterns, which will make you more irritable. Get exercise. Physical exercise releases endorphins, your body's natural “feel-good” chemicals. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to get this effect, either. Research has shown that even moderate exercise, such as walking and gardening, can help you feel calmer, happier, and more relaxed. Exercises that combine meditation with gentle movement, such as Tai Chi and Yoga, have been shown to have positive effects on anxiety and depression. They can reduce pain and increase feelings of well-being. Meditate. Meditation has a long and respected history in Eastern traditions. Scientific studies have also shown that meditation can promote relaxation and feelings of well-being. It can even rewire how your brain deals with outside stimuli. There are many types of meditation, although "mindfulness" meditation is one of the types with the most research support. You don't even have to leave your house to learn how to meditate. MIT has several downloadable meditation MP3 files. So does the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center. Think about what made you upset. Stressors can build up so gradually that we are not even aware of them. In many cases, it's not one big event that makes you lose your cool but a mountain of small annoyances and irritations that have built up over time. Try to distinguish between primary and secondary emotions. For example, if you were supposed to meet a friend at the movies and s/he never showed, you might immediately feel hurt. That would be the primary emotion. You might then feel frustrated, disappointed, or angry. These would be the secondary emotions. Having an idea of the source of your feelings can help you figure out why you're experiencing these feelings. More often than not, you'll feel more than one thing at once. Try to sort through what you are feeling and give each experience a name. Once you have named your emotion, you will have a better sense of how to handle it. One common reason people feel upset is that they believe things ought to go a certain way (usually, their way). Remind yourself that you will never be able to control everything in life -- nor should you want to. Don't judge these emotional responses. Acknowledge and try to understand them. Avoid upsetting scenarios when possible. Obviously, it's impossible to never become upset. Experiencing unpleasant or troubling events and experiences is part of being human. However, if you are able to remove stressors from your life, you will be able to better handle the ones that you simply can't avoid. You can try to “outsmart” upsetting situations. For example, if you find getting stuck in rush hour traffic upsetting -- and who doesn't? -- you could consider leaving earlier or later from work, or find an alternate route. Look for the bright side. Reframing upsetting situations as learning experiences can help you stay calm because you're giving yourself some power. Rather than just being something that happens to you, the situation becomes something you can use to learn for the future. If people are upsetting you, consider why. What exactly about their behavior is bothering you? Are you doing the same things as they are? Trying to understand a person's motivation may help keep you from being as upset. Remember, we're all human, and we all have bad days. Express your feelings. There is nothing inherently unhealthy with any emotion, including anger. What can be unhealthy is ignoring or repressing your feelings instead of acknowledging them. Acknowledging your feelings doesn't mean you mope or feel sorry for yourself, or that you blow your lid and rage at others. Instead, you acknowledge that you are human, and that experiencing a range of emotions is natural for humans. Your feelings occur, and they should not be judged. Your responses to your emotions are what you're in charge of. Once you have acknowledged your feelings, think about how you can respond to them. For example, it may be perfectly natural to feel angry if your contribution to a big project has been overlooked, or if a romantic partner has been unfaithful to you. However, you have a choice whether you let your anger explode, or whether you use techniques such as those in this article to calm yourself down and handle your feelings with care. Spend time with others who calm you. Research has shown that humans tend to let others' emotions “rub off” on us. The anxiety levels of those we spend time with can affect our own. Spend time with people whom you find relaxing and calming, and you'll feel more calm yourself. Try to spend time with people whom you feel support you. Feeling isolated or judged can increase feelings of stress. See a therapist or counselor. A common myth is that you have to have huge “issues” to see a therapist, but this isn't true. A therapist can help you process your feelings and learn to cope with even everyday anxiety and stress in more healthy, helpful ways. Many organizations provide therapy and counseling services. Contact a community clinic or health center, hospital, or even a private provider for services. Practice STOPP-ing. STOPP is a handy acronym to help you remember to keep your calm in a situation. It has five easy steps: Stop your immediate reaction. “Automatic thoughts” are habits of thinking that we've become accustomed to over our lives, but they're often damaging. Stop what you're doing and wait to react for a moment. Take a breath. Use the deep breathing techniques in this article to take a few deep, calming breaths. You'll think better afterward. Observe what's happening. Ask yourself what you're thinking, what you're focusing on, what you're reacting to, and what sensations you're experiencing in your body. Pull back from the situation. Look at the bigger picture. Are your thoughts fact-based, or opinion? Is there another way to look at the situation? How do your reactions affect others? How would I want others to react here? How important is this, really? Practice what works. Consider what the consequences of your actions are, for you and for others. What's the best way to handle this? Choose what will be most helpful. Watch out for personalization. One common distortion in our thinking habits is personalization, where we make ourselves responsible for things that are not our responsibility. This can lead to us feeling angry and upset, because we can't control others' actions. We can, however, control our responses. For example, imagine that a coworker who often has anger issues yells at you for something. This is understandably upsetting. It's not appropriate behavior. Now you have a choice: you can react automatically, or you can stop and think about what might really be going on. An automatic reaction might be “Joe must really be angry with me. What did I do? I hate this!” While understandable, this reaction doesn't really help you calm down. A more helpful reaction could look like this: “Joe yelled me. That sucked, but I'm not the only person he yells at, and he flies off the handle pretty easily. He could be responding to something else in his life. Or he could just be an angry person. I don't think I did anything wrong in this situation. His yelling isn't fair, but it isn't my problem.” These statements acknowledge that you feel upset, but focus on a way to avoid obsessing over it. Note that watching out for personalization is not the same as accepting abuse. It would be perfectly appropriate to talk with your boss about Joe's angry behavior. However, by reminding yourself that you can't control others' actions and they're often not about you, you can learn to calm down more quickly. Steer conversations away from upsetting topics. A sure-fire way to get the blood boiling is to talk about topics you feel strongly about with someone who feels equally strongly on the opposite side. If you feel able to have a productive discussion with someone, that's fine. If the conversation feels like it's two opposing monologues, try diverting the topic to something less incendiary. It can feel uncomfortable to suggest a change of topic, but the relief from the stress and tension is well worth the momentary awkwardness. Don't be afraid to take charge and say something like, “You know, it looks like we may have to agree to disagree on this subject. How about we talk about that basketball game last night?” If the other person continues to talk about what's upsetting you, excuse yourself from the conversation. You can use an “I” statement to avoid sounding blaming: “I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by this topic. You all can continue to discuss it, but I'm going to need to step away.” If you truly can't leave the situation, you can mentally retreat from the conversation. Visualize yourself in somewhere peaceful. This should only be used as a last resort, because it will usually become obvious that you aren't really listening. That could offend or upset the other person. Avoid too much negativity. Exposure to too much negativity can actually cause problems in how you think, learn, and remember information. Constant exposure to negativity will encourage your brain to make a habit of negative thinking. While it's common to have complaining sessions at work or school, be careful that these don't become too frequent, or you might find yourself more upset than you expected. The problem is particularly bad if someone is complaining to you about something that also makes you feel wronged. You may become as upset as if the injury happened to you. However, you may not have any avenues to rectify the wrong, which can leave you upset and frustrated. Like any other emotions, complaining and negativity are also contagious. Even 30 minutes of a stressor such as listening to someone complain can elevate your cortisol levels, a stress hormone that makes it harder to think calmly Try to think about situations productively instead. It's normal to feel frustrated when situations go badly. A momentary venting of feelings can be helpful. However, it's more helpful in the long run to think about what you can change in a given situation to make it work better next time than it is to focus on how badly things already went wrong. | Stop what you're doing. Re-focus your senses. Breathe. Relax your muscles. Distract yourself. Use self-soothing behaviors. Use soothing touch. Check your dietary habits. Get exercise. Meditate. Think about what made you upset. Avoid upsetting scenarios when possible. Express your feelings. Spend time with others who calm you. See a therapist or counselor. Practice STOPP-ing. Watch out for personalization. Steer conversations away from upsetting topics. Avoid too much negativity. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Sleep-in-a-Hammock | How to Sleep in a Hammock | Sleeping in a hammock can take a little getting used to, but with the right position, you can get a great night's sleep. You'll want to lie on your back diagonally across the hammock so it will properly support your weight. Try sliding up and down until your head and neck feel supported. The curved shape of the hammock should make it comfortable enough, but you can use a pillow if you want. If it's likely to get cool during the night, lay a blanket down before you get in the hammock and wrap it around yourself to keep your whole body warm. If you tend to have lower back issues, place a rolled up blanket or pillow under your knees to help support your back. | Get a hammock made of nylon. Look for hammocks made of parachute nylon, as they will be the most comfortable to lay in for a long period of time. Avoid hammocks made of rope or slats, as they can cause discomfort and rope burns. You can buy parachute nylon hammocks at your local outdoors store or online. Choose a hammock that fits your height and weight. Hammocks come in small, medium, and large sizes that vary in width and length. In general, a wide, long hammock is more comfortable. If you are tall, look for a hammock that is at least 8 feet (2.4 m) long. Get a large or extra large sized hammock if you are a larger person and need more room. When in doubt, opt for a wider, larger sized hammock, as you do not want to overload a hammock that is too small and risk it ripping or falling down. Decide if you need a single or double hammock. If you plan to sleep alone in the hammock, you will need a single. If you plan to sleep with more than one person in the hammock, go for a double so you have enough room. Hang the hammock between 2 trees at least 12 to 15 feet (3.7 to 4.6 m) apart. Make sure the trees or poles are sturdy and will not move or sway due to wind or weather. Use hammock rope and wide webbing or bungee cords to secure the hammock to the poles. Check that there is a 30-45 degree angle between the hammock line and the tree or pole. This will ensure the hammock hangs properly. Check that there is a deep curve in the hammock. The hammock should not be suspended too tight, as this can make it difficult to relax in while you sleep. When in doubt, make the hammock loose, with a deep curve from pole to pole, so it hangs at least 12 to 18 inches (30 to 46 cm) from the ground. The deep curve will also ensure the hammock fabric does not become too loose, causing you to get caught up in the material while you sleep. Put a pillow and a blanket in the hammock for comfort. Treat the hammock like a bed and include comforting details like a small pillow and a warm blanket. You can also have an extra pillow on hand to elevate your knees if you want more lower back support. If you are sleeping outside in the hammock, you should wear warm sleeping clothes like long underwear, socks, long sleeves, and a hat. Have a tarp on hand for protection from wind and rain. If you are sleeping outside in the hammock, make sure you have a weatherproof tarp within reaching distance of the hammock. You can then lay the tarp over the hammock to protect it from getting wet or battered by the wind, as needed. Sit down in the middle of the hammock. Getting into a hammock can be done easily by sitting down in it butt first so your weight is distributed evenly in the center. Then, slide your legs and upper body into the hammock. Lay down diagonally on your back, slightly off center. Position yourself at an angle on your back so your body makes a diagonal line in the hammock. This will ensure your weight is well supported in the hammock and prevent you from sinking too deeply into the material. Slide up or down on the hammock until you feel cradled by the fabric. To prevent your head from rolling too far left or too far right, try sliding up or down until your head feels supported. You may need to slide up on the hammock so your head is closer to the edge or down so your legs are closer to the edge. Take some time to find a spot on the hammock in a diagonal position that is comfortable for your head and neck. If your head and neck still do not feel supported, you can slide a pillow under your head. However, the curved shape of the hammock should make it easier for your head and neck to rest comfortably. Place a pillow or a rolled up blanket under your knees to protect your back. If you tend to have lower back issues, slide a thin pillow or a rolled up blanket under your knees when you are in the hammock. This will ensure your back is well supported while you sleep. If you do not have a pillow or rolled up blanket handy, you can try crossing your legs at the ankles to protect your lower back. However, you may find it tricky to maintain this position while you sleep. Wrap yourself up in the hammock fabric or a blanket to stay warm. If the hammock has extra fabric on either side, wrap it around you so you are cocooned in the hammock. You can also wrap yourself in a blanket to stay warm throughout the night. Alternatively, you can line the hammock with a blanket before you lay in it so you stay warm on the back and front side of your body while you sleep. If the weather is going to be very cold for the night, you may lay a sleeping bag over the hammock to stay extra warm. | Get a hammock made of nylon. Choose a hammock that fits your height and weight. Decide if you need a single or double hammock. Hang the hammock between 2 trees at least 12 to 15 feet (3.7 to 4.6 m) apart. Check that there is a deep curve in the hammock. Put a pillow and a blanket in the hammock for comfort. Have a tarp on hand for protection from wind and rain. Sit down in the middle of the hammock. Lay down diagonally on your back, slightly off center. Slide up or down on the hammock until you feel cradled by the fabric. Place a pillow or a rolled up blanket under your knees to protect your back. Wrap yourself up in the hammock fabric or a blanket to stay warm. |
https://www.wikihow.life/Age-Gracefully | How to Age Gracefully | To age gracefully, take pride in the aging process rather than attempting to recover your 20s or look like a teenager again. You'll also want to actively let go of stress, since stress can make you look and feel older than you are. For example, instead of stressing over aging, weight gain, or money, try meditating about the things you're grateful for or taking a few deep breaths to center yourself while you work on a solution. In addition to reducing your stress, be more optimistic about your life since a positive attitude is linked to longevity and better physical and mental health. Taking care of your body by getting 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity every day will also help you feel and look your best. | Wear sunscreen. All the time. You've heard it so many times that it seems clichéd, but it's true: protecting your skin from the sun is absolutely essential to looking and feeling good as you get older. Studies have shown that roughly 90% of skin problems associated with aging (wrinkles, blotchiness, dryness, sagging) are cause by sun damage. Apply sunscreen every single day, even when it's overcast and cloudy. To maximize protection, look for broad spectrum, waterproof sunscreens with a minimum SPF 30. You can buy moisturizers or even makeup with SPF. Make sure it's broad spectrum and at least SPF 30. Find a cute, wide-brimmed hat to help shade your face from the sun. Prevention is key: it is much easier to take a few seconds every day and apply sunscreen than it is to try and undo a lifetime of skin damage when you're older. Develop a skin-care regimen. Maintaining healthy skin well into old age requires more than just staying out of the sun. Moisturize your skin daily. Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild cleanser (soap can be harsh and dry out your skin). If you supplement your skin care ritual with anti-aging products, look for products created for your skin type (dry, oily, sensitive), that are hypoallergenic, and doesn't cause acne (non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic). Don't assume the most expensive product is also the most effective. There are plenty of affordable anti-aging products that work just as well or better than the ones that break the bank. Exfoliate twice a week to remove dead skin cells. Don't scrub your face when you do this--use a gentle, circular motion with your fingers. Use an eye cream or serum to tighten and de-puff the delicate skin around your eyes. Be careful not to pull on this skin--gently work it into your skin with the tips of your fingers. Don't forget the skin on your lips. Use a moisturizing lip balm with SPF. See a dermatologist for professional advice on how to best care for your skin. . Stop smoking Smoking actually speeds up the aging process by depriving your skin of oxygen and essential vitamins which leads to premature wrinkles. It also damages collagen and elastin, causing your skin to sag. Smoking is linked to serious health problems that can shorten and impair your life, like heart disease, lung disease, and cancer. Plan for life after retirement. It is easy to let your work define you, but what happens when you finally retire? To prevent withdrawing and becoming depressed, inactive, and disconnected from others, think about meaningful ways to fill your golden years. You can focus on whatever passions and interests took a back-seat to your job. Consider traveling, spending time with family, developing your spiritual life, and discovering new interests that will keep you engaged and challenged. Embrace your age. Aging gracefully is not about trying to recapture your 20's or look like a teenager. People who age gracefully accept that the aging process is natural and normal. They take pride in the fact that they're survivors. They don't apologize for their age: they own it. Stop stressing. Stress can make you look ten years older. Stress can impair your immune system and lead to depression, anxiety, weight gain, heart disease, digestive problems, and more. Stress is also unavoidable. The key is to reduce stress where you can--like agonizing over the aging process-- Holding on to hurt feelings and harboring grudges can be a major cause of stress, leading to emotional and physical problems. Work on practicing empathy and healing those old wounds so you can make the most of today. Meditation can greatly reduce stress and anxiety. Take a class or just practice breathing on your own to experience the benefits. Be optimistic. Having a positive attitude is linked to longevity and better physical and mental health. Those who age with optimism (not getting angry or obsessing about the process, but accepting it as natural and fine) are less likely to need assisted living and can stay independent longer. Exercise moderately and consistently. Exercise is one of the most important factors in staying healthy as you age--both for your body and your mind. You don't have to run marathons or climb mountains--simply walking for 20-30 minutes a day can benefit your heart, help you lose weight, strengthen your bones, keep your mind sharp, prevent constipation, increase blood flow, and much more. Eat a healthy diet that supports your goals and lifestyle. Look for diets that are low in sugar and rich in vitamins. As we age, our bodies can have trouble creating essential vitamins or we may begin needing more vitamins to maintain our health. Vitamin E is found in nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and vegetable oils. It repairs free radicals that damage your cells and can lower your risk of stroke and heart attack. Vitamin C repairs free radicals and increases Vitamin E production. It can also repair collagen and may reduce your odds of developing cancer, cataracts, and cardiovascular disease. Get your dose from citrus and potatoes. Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and we need more as we get older. You can get Vitamin D from the sun, but if you need to stay in the shade, you can get it from milk and yogurt. Turn off the TV. Studies have found that watching excessive amounts of TV can be just as harmful to your health as smoking or lack of exercise and can actually shave years off your life. You don't necessarily have to jump off the couch and onto the treadmill: simply going from inactive (sitting and watching TV) to slightly active (getting up off the couch and doing something else) can make a positive impact on your health. Take care of your teeth. Neglecting your teeth and gums can have dire consequences. A receding gum line or dry mouth can increase chances of decay and infection, which can spread if untreated. Cavities and gum disease can even cause your teeth to fall out. Keep up with dentist appointments, and continue to floss and brush. False teeth should be cleaned and maintained with just as much care. Your mouth may change shape as you age, so be sure to have your dentures refitted if necessary. Stay social. Not only will it help prevent isolation and depression, remaining social and engaging with others can actually keep your mind nimble. Keeping up with a conversation and formulating responses makes your brain work and keeps neural connections from weakening. It's not enough to just go to activities and events. Actively cultivate relationships new and old to reap the emotional and mental rewards. Challenge your mind with novel experiences. The more you test and push the limits of your brain, the better it performs. A new experience in particular causes your brain to create new neural pathways and strengthen old connections. Without use, those pathways degenerate and connections are lost. Even slight changes--like taking a different route while driving, trying a new cooking technique with a favorite recipe, or using your less dominant hand to do something--can have a positive effect. Get a good night's sleep. As people age, they can have more difficulty falling or staying asleep. Lack of or poor sleep can lead to depression and, difficulty making and recalling memories, and impair judgment. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Wear minimal make up. Though you may be feeling the pressure to hide your wrinkles under powder and foundation, these products will actually make lines more obvious. The idea isn't to disguise your age with tons of makeup and product, but rather to enhance your best features and minimize the less flattering. You should accept your wrinkles, but you don't have to highlight them. Instead of applying blush to the apples of the cheeks, apply to the highest point of your cheekbones and sweep up. Avoid using mascara or liner on your lower eyelid, as this can draw attention to crows feet and dark circles. Curling your lashes and wearing black mascara will make your eyes look larger and the whites whiter. Wear a lip liner to keep your lipstick in place. You can even find invisible liners that do the job without color, so you can use them with any shade of lipstick. Don't go overboard with surgery. There's no shame in nipping and tucking, but part of aging gracefully is to embrace the aging process. If you opt for plastic surgery, don't try (or expect) to look like a 20-year-old. Talk to your surgeon about looking natural and enhancing your individual beauty and character. Stay fabulous. Do you love your long hair? Keep it long. Do you think your gray hair looks amazing? Don't dye it. Prefer to be blonde? Then dye it! Stay true to who you are and the things that make you feel your best. Remember that getting older doesn't mean you can no longer be fashionable, have interests, be sexual, or experience new adventures. It doesn't mean you have to trade in your heels for fuzzy slippers--unless you want to! | Wear sunscreen. Develop a skin-care regimen. . Plan for life after retirement. Embrace your age. Stop stressing. Be optimistic. Exercise moderately and consistently. Eat a healthy diet that supports your goals and lifestyle. Turn off the TV. Take care of your teeth. Stay social. Challenge your mind with novel experiences. Get a good night's sleep. Wear minimal make up. Don't go overboard with surgery. Stay fabulous. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Help-a-Toenail-Grow-Back-Quickly | How to Help a Toenail Grow Back Quickly | To help a toenail grow back quickly, wash your foot regularly with soapy warm water to keep it clean and prevent any infection. Afterwards, try dabbing the nail with petroleum jelly or vitamin E oil to moisturize it, which prevents scabbing and promotes healing. You can also soak your foot in a bowl of warm saltwater for 15 minutes 2-3 times daily to soothe the skin and encourage nail growth. If the skin under your nail is exposed, put on a band aid during the day to prevent infection and be sure to replace it with a fresh bandage each day. You should also wear well-fitting shoes, since tight shoes, like high heels, will compress your toenails. | Trim away any sharp edges if your nail is torn. If part of your nail rips off, use nail scissors to carefully cut away the detached portion and trim any jagged edges. This will help prevent what's left of the nail from snagging on things, which could cause further pain and injury. After you trim your nail, rinse it in cool water for 20 minutes. Carefully pat the area dry with a clean towel and add a little petroleum jelly, then cover the injured nail with a bandage. Follow your doctor’s home care instructions if you had the nail removed. If a doctor surgically removed your toenail, they will probably provide special instructions for caring for the nail after the surgery. Ask for a written care sheet that you can take home, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand the doctor's instructions. For example, your doctor may give you instructions on how to change your bandages and monitor your nail bed for signs of infection. They may also prescribe or recommend medications to help you manage any pain from the nail removal. Keep the injured toe propped up for the first 3 days after losing the nail. After losing a nail, you will likely have some swelling and inflammation in the injured nail bed. To minimize these symptoms and promote faster healing, keep your foot propped up as much as possible during the first few days after the injury. Try to keep the toe above your heart level. For example, you might lie down on the couch with your foot propped up on the arm, or lie in bed with your foot on a couple of pillows. Rest the toe as much as possible. Avoid walking or putting weight on the toe if you can help it. Avoid getting your toe wet for the first 1-2 days after losing the nail. For the first 24-48 hours after losing your nail, keep the area dry as much as you can. If you have to shower, put a plastic bag over your foot to keep it from getting wet. This is especially important if you have stitches in your injured nail bed. If you have a bandage on your toe, change it if it gets wet. Wash your injured toe with clean water after the first 2 days. Once your toe has had 24-48 hours to rest and heal, you can start rinsing the area with clean, warm water. Gently wash the area twice a day. This will help rinse away bacteria, dirt, and fibers from your clothing or bandages. You can also wash the area with mild soap, but take care not to use anything with harsh perfumes or dyes that might dry out and irritate the wound. Apply a little petroleum jelly to protect and moisturize your nail bed. Petroleum jelly can promote faster healing by keeping the wound moist and preventing scabbing. Before bandaging your injured toe, gently apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the nail bed. Your doctor might also recommend using an antibiotic ointment on the injured nail bed. Protect your nail with a bandage while it grows in. If the skin underneath your nail is exposed, put on a non-stick bandage. The bandage can help prevent infection, and it may keep the sensitive skin of your nail bed from rubbing painfully against socks and shoes. Change your bandage daily, or whenever it gets wet or dirty. Whenever you change the bandage, wash your toe and apply a new layer of petroleum jelly. Keep wearing a bandage until your new nail grows in enough to mostly cover your nail bed. While the injury is fresh, avoid adhesive bandages or bandages made with fibrous materials that might stick to the wound (such as gauze). One good option it to use a silk bandage and hold it in place with a toe sock. Wear shoes that fit well to avoid further injury. If you wear shoes that are too small (especially high heels), you can easily bruise your toenails and aggravate your injured nail bed. Your toes will only have a small space to move during a long period of time, which can slow the process of regrowing the nail. Also refrain from making sudden stops. When you're done running, for instance, steadily slow to a walk so that you don't pitch forward, and your toes don't hit the tips of your shoes. Wear breathable cotton socks instead of tights or pantyhose. Your doctor may recommend wearing an orthopedic shoe for a while to protect your toe and give it a chance to heal. Be patient as your nail grows in. You may be able to somewhat speed your nail growth with soaks and vitamins, but you'll still need to wait for the nail to restore itself. It typically takes 12-18 months for a missing toenail to grow back, so don't be concerned if your progress seems slow. While your nail is growing back, don't disturb it or chip at it. It may be tempting to pull off unneeded bits of nail, but you shouldn't mess with it unless it's a hangnail or an ingrown toenail. Soak the nail in warm saltwater 2-3 times a day to prevent infection. A saltwater soak can help clean your toe, kill bacteria, and promote healing. Make a solution of 1 teaspoon (about 5 g) of salt and 4 cups (0.95 L) of warm water and place it in a large bowl or shallow tub. Soak your toe in the solution for 20 minutes, 2-3 times daily. This treatment is most effective during the first few days after you lose your toenail. You may need to wait 24-48 hours after the initial injury before you can safely do a soak, so ask your doctor for instructions. You can also make an Epsom salt soak using 2 teaspoons (10 g) of Epsom salts with 2 US quarts (1.9 L) of warm water. Treat the nail with vitamin E ointment to encourage growth. Studies show that topical vitamin E solutions can improve the health of your nails and help them grow more quickly. Once your new nail starts growing in, add a thin layer of vitamin E oil or ointment to the affected area each day. If you're using vitamin E oil as opposed to a cream or ointment, consider mixing it with a little petroleum jelly or a gentle moisturizer to prevent irritation and help hydrate the area. Wear open-toed shoes (or no shoes) for an hour after application, or until the oil has soaked into the skin. The effect will be stronger if you give your skin time to absorb the moisture. Try taking a biotin supplement. Hair and nails may grow more quickly when you take biotin as a dietary supplement. Indeed, weak and slow-growing nails are often linked to a biotin deficiency. Talk to your doctor about using a biotin supplement to help your new nail come in strong and healthy. Always talk to your doctor before starting any new dietary supplement. Let them know about any other supplements or medications you are currently taking. Eat a diet rich in calcium and protein to promote better nail growth. While it probably won't make a huge difference in how fast they grow in, eating a nutritious diet can help keep your nails strong and healthy. To help your missing nail heal as well as possible, try to eat plenty of the following: Calcium-rich foods, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, canned fish with bones (such as sardines), beans and lentils, almonds, and leafy greens. Healthy sources of protein, such as poultry breast, fish, nuts, and dairy. Get a massage to promote better circulation in your feet. Sometimes poor circulation in your feet can inhibit healthy nail growth and make your nails weak. Consider going to a massage therapist or massaging your own feet at home using your hands or a foot roller. Foot massage can be especially helpful if you have a condition like diabetes that interferes with circulation in your feet. Manage any health conditions that might affect your nail growth. If you have any underlying conditions that might make it harder for your nails to grow in properly, see your doctor to make sure they are being treated properly. There are many conditions that can weaken or damage your nails, including: Diabetes Psoriasis Toenail fungus Repetitive toe injuries (e.g., from running or playing sports) | Trim away any sharp edges if your nail is torn. Follow your doctor’s home care instructions if you had the nail removed. Keep the injured toe propped up for the first 3 days after losing the nail. Avoid getting your toe wet for the first 1-2 days after losing the nail. Wash your injured toe with clean water after the first 2 days. Apply a little petroleum jelly to protect and moisturize your nail bed. Protect your nail with a bandage while it grows in. Wear shoes that fit well to avoid further injury. Be patient as your nail grows in. Soak the nail in warm saltwater 2-3 times a day to prevent infection. Treat the nail with vitamin E ointment to encourage growth. Try taking a biotin supplement. Eat a diet rich in calcium and protein to promote better nail growth. Get a massage to promote better circulation in your feet. Manage any health conditions that might affect your nail growth. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Draw-Leaves | How to Draw Leaves | To draw leaves that look real, start by drawing a gently-curving line for the stalk that's thicker at the base than at the top. Then, color it in with a dark shade of green. Next, use light green to draw 1 small oval at the top of the stalk, and pairs of ovals down the sides for the leaves, with the largest ovals in the middle. After that, add veins to the leaves, connect the leaves to the stalk, and use dark green and bright yellow shades to create shadows and translucency. | Draw a line for the stalk. Do not make it perfectly straight. Thicken the stalk. Make the base thicker than the top. Color the stalk with a dark shade of green. Draw 3 small ovals at the top of the stalk. Use a lighter green shade to draw these. Draw more ovals. Draw them a little bit bigger than the first ovals you made. Draw them by pair forming a V on the stalk, draw your last ovals as small as the first ones you made. Fill your leaves with color. Draw the midrib. Draw lines at the bottom of the leaves and connect them to the stalk. Make the base thicker than the tips. Draw the veins. Draw soft V's to make the veins. Make 5 veins in one leaf evenly spaced from each other. Make the veins for all the leaves. Add translucency and shadows. To add translucency, add a bright yellow color on the top leaves. Use a darker green to make subtle shadows. Draw a curved line with a color pencil or marker. Make it thick and irregular. Draw the branches. Make them curvy and irregular. Draw almond shapes of different sizes. Draw these at the tips of your branches and on the main stalk. Use a light green pencil to sketch these out. Draw the midribs of your almond shapes. Make the midribs thicker than the outline. Draw the veins. Draw them anywhere inside the leaves, starting from the midrib going to the edge, slightly slanted towards the tip of the leaf. Fill your leaves with colors of your choice. | Draw a line for the stalk. Thicken the stalk. Color the stalk with a dark shade of green. Draw more ovals. Fill your leaves with color. Draw the midrib. Draw the veins. Make the veins for all the leaves. Add translucency and shadows. Draw a curved line with a color pencil or marker. Draw the branches. Draw almond shapes of different sizes. Draw the midribs of your almond shapes. Draw the veins. Fill your leaves with colors of your choice. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Shrink-Skinny-Jeans | How to Shrink Skinny Jeans | If you want to shrink your skinny jeans, set your washing machine and dryer to high heat, and put the jeans in by themselves. Once they're done drying, check to see if they're the right size, and repeat the process if they're still too big. Alternatively, you could try submerging the jeans in a large pot of boiling water, instead of using a washing machine. Just make sure to turn off the heat when the water starts boiling, then add the jeans and let them soak until the water cools. Dry them on high heat afterward, and repeat this process until your jeans have shrunk down to the right size. | Wash your jeans in hot water. Change the settings on your washing machine to put it on the hottest water setting. Put the jeans in the washing machine by themselves and allow them to wash like normal. You can add a small amount of laundry detergent, but it's not necessary. The hot water will make the fibers in the jeans contract, therefore shrinking them. This method works best on jeans that are 100% cotton, rather than cotton mixed with a polyester blend or spandex. Dry your jeans with high heat. After washing the jeans, place the jeans in the dryer. Change the dryer settings so the jeans dry on the highest heat setting possible, and allow the jeans to dry for a complete cycle. Wash and dry again if needed. After drying the jeans, try them on to see if they have shrunk to your satisfaction. If they have not shrunk enough, wash and dry the jeans again to make them shrink even more. It is very common to wash and dry the jeans multiple times until they shrink down to a satisfactory size. The continuous hot water and hot heat will contract the jean fibers with every wash and every drying cycle. Boil water. Obtain a large pot and fill it ¾ of the way with water. Put the pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. Once the water is at a rolling boil, the jeans are ready to be put into the water. Soak your jeans. When the pot of water starts boiling, turn off the flame on the stove and add your jeans into the boiling water. Use a kitchen utensil safe for dipping into boiling water (such as a wooden spoon) to dunk the jeans into the water. Let the jeans sit in the hot water until the water cools. This may take approximately half an hour. When the jeans are ready to be taken out of the water, pour the water into the sink and take the jeans out from the pot. Dry your jeans. Place your wet jeans into the drying machine, and change the settings so the dryer dries the jeans on the highest heat setting. Let the jeans dry for one complete cycle. After the jeans are finished drying in the dryer, take them out and try them on. If you still want you jeans to shrink down more, repeat this process. Lay your jeans out. Lay your jeans out on a clean, flat surface, like a table. Make sure the area that you specifically want to shrink is facing upward. Make your shrinking spray. Combine together ¾ cup of warm or hot water with ¼ cup of fabric softener in a spray bottle. Close the top to the spray bottle, and shake the bottle to combine the mixture. Spray your jeans. Spray whatever area of your jeans you are specifically trying to shrink. For example, if the calf areas on your jeans are a little baggier than you want them to be, spray the calf areas with the spot-shrinking spray. If you want to shrink the thigh area of your jeans, spray down the thigh areas. Be sure to spray both the front and back of the jeans if you want to shrink down an area that covers the span of your entire leg. If you are trying to shrink the butt area for example, spray the back of the jeans, not the front. Dry the jeans. Change the dryer settings to have the heat setting the highest temperature it can go. Put your jeans in the drying machine and let them complete a full drying cycle. Remove the jeans from the dryer, and try them on. If the jeans haven't shrunk down enough, repeat this process again. | Wash your jeans in hot water. Dry your jeans with high heat. Wash and dry again if needed. Boil water. Soak your jeans. Dry your jeans. Lay your jeans out. Make your shrinking spray. Spray your jeans. Dry the jeans. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Cover-Freckles-With-Makeup | How to Cover Freckles With Makeup | To cover freckles with makeup, start by moisturizing and priming your face to create an ideal surface for the makeup to adhere to. Next, use a damp sponge or beauty blender to apply foundation evenly all over your face, blending out toward your hairline and neck to prevent harsh lines. Then, dab concealer directly on your freckles and use your finger to gently blend the makeup into your skin. Finally, finish off your look with blush, bronzer, and setting powder! | Consider your skin type. Foundation and concealer both come in a variety of formulas, and some work better than others depending on the type of skin that you have. Oil-free powders and liquids with a matte finish work well for oily and combination skin, while moisturizing liquid and cream foundations with a dewy finish are best for dry skin. If you have normal skin, you can use any formula. If you have very sensitive skin, mineral foundations, which contain natural ingredients, are usually your best option. They usually come in powder formulas, but you can find liquid versions as well. Consider your skin tone. Finding a color match isn't just about choosing a foundation and concealer that are as light or dark as your skin; it's also important to get the undertone right. You can either be cool, warm, or neutral. You're cool-toned if your veins are blue and burn easily in the sun, warm-toned if your veins are green and you tan easily, and you're neutral if you have an equal number of blue and green veins. When you're choosing a concealer shade to cover your freckles, match it the skin surrounding the freckles, not the freckles themselves. You'll wind up drawing more attention to the freckles if you use a concealer that's darker than your skin. If you're having trouble finding the right shade to match your skin tone, ask one of the makeup artists or sales assistants at the store to help. They're usually trained to pick out the right shades, so they can point you in the right direction. Consider coverage. You may assume that a full coverage foundation is necessary to cover your freckles, but that's not always true. If the rest of your skin is relatively clear, you may prefer a light foundation or even a tinted moisturizer or BB cream to just even out your complexion and then follow up with a concealer over the freckles. If you have other discolorations on your face that you want to hide, a medium or full coverage foundation may be a better option. Test some samples. Even if you think you've got the formula and color right for your foundation and concealer, you should test it out on your skin to make sure that they really work with your complexion. Department store makeup counters and specialty cosmetics stores, such as Sephora or Ulta, usually have testers of the foundations available, so you can see if it works for you. When you're testing a foundation or concealer, it's best to apply it along your jawline so you can see how it looks against the color of your neck, which is usually lighter than your face. You don't want to get a harsh line between your face and neck that lets everyone know you're wearing makeup. Make sure to check out the makeup that you're testing in natural light. Harsh, fluorescent store lighting can cause shadows that make it difficult to tell if a shade really blends into your skin tone. Even if you don't plan to purchase foundation and concealer at a department or specialty store, it's a good idea to visit a counter to talk to one of the makeup artists. They can suggest shades that work for you, so when you head to the drugstore, you'll have a better idea of what foundation and concealer shades you should be considering. Don't be afraid to ask a sales assistant or makeup artist for a sample of a foundation or concealer before you purchase it. Not only can you check the shade out in different types of light to see if it really flatters you, you can wear the products a few times and make sure that they don't irritate your skin. Use a moisturizer. You want your skin to be as smooth as possible before you apply any makeup because otherwise, it may cling to rough, dry patches and look cakey. Allow your moisturizer to sink into your skin for at least five minutes before moving onto the next step of your routine. If you have oily skin, opt for a water-based moisturizer that won't clog your pores. For dry skin, choose an oil-based moisturizer that can effectively hydrate the skin. Thick creams are usually the best choice. Combination skin usually does best with a water-based moisturizer that's light enough to hydrate without clogging the pores. However, it's a good idea to keep a thicker moisturizing cream on hand for times when you have dry patches too. If you have sensitive skin, look for a moisturizer that is fragrance- and dye-free to minimize the chance of irritation. Apply sunscreen. While freckles are often hereditary, sun exposure can make them darker, so you want to protect your face from UV rays before you apply your makeup. Choose a sunscreen with a broad spectrum SPF of at least 15 that guards against UVA and UVB rays to ensure that you're full protected. To save time when you're getting ready, you can opt for a moisturizer that contains an SPF, so you can moisturize and protect your skin in one step. When you're using a separate moisturizer, make sure that it's fully absorbed into your skin before applying your sunscreen. Apply a primer. You don't necessarily need to use primer everyday, but when you really want your makeup to last and prevent fading that might allow your freckles to show through, it is an important step. It can also fill in pores and fine lines, so your makeup has a smoother, more even look. Use your fingers to apply the primer so you can really work it into your skin. Just as with your moisturizer, choose your primer based on your skin type. For oily skin, it's best to use an oil-free product that can help minimize shine. Dry skin works best with a hydrating primer that helps illuminate the skin. Apply your foundation. You can apply it with your fingers or a brush, but when you're covering up freckles, it's best to use a sponge to press the foundation into the skin. That's because you'll get more coverage with the sponge. Blend the foundation carefully over your entire face, taking special care along your hairline, the sides of your face, and the jawline. A sponge can soak up liquid and cream foundations, which means you may waste your products. Dampen it slightly before you apply your makeup to keep it from absorbing the foundation. You don't need to worry if your freckles still show through your foundation. You can follow up with concealer. Dab concealer over your freckles. If they're still visible through your foundation, you'll want to add extra coverage in those areas. To avoid applying too much, it helps to use a small, precise concealer brush that allows you to place the concealer in specific spots. When it comes to blending, your finger is the best tool. That's because the warmth from your skin really helps the concealer blend into your skin. Brighten with blush. Once you've made your freckles disappear with foundation and concealer, your complexion may be looking a little flat, so adding color to your cheeks can help add dimension to your face. Swipe the blush over the apples of your cheeks for the most flattering look. Avoid blush shades that have a lot of brown in them because they'll be too similar in color to your freckles and give you a muddy look. Opt for pink and peach tones. Add warmth with bronzer. The areas around your freckles can sometimes look a little ashy with foundation and concealer over them, so it helps to put some color back into your face. Choose a matte bronzer that's not too dark. When you're applying bronzer, think of the places on your face where the sun naturally hit. That means high points like the temples, cheekbones, and nose, not all over. Blend it all together. Before you set your makeup, you want to make sure that all of the products that you've applied are completely blended into your skin, so you don't have any harsh lines or streaks on your face. Use a clean brush to lightly go over your entire face and ensure that all of your foundation, concealer, bronzer, and blush are soft and blended. A fluffy powder brush works best for blending makeup across the entire face. Opt for one with synthetic bristles because it will work just as well with powder, liquid, and cream products. Apply a setting powder. To lock your foundation and concealer in place all day over your freckles, it helps to apply a powder that can absorb oil so your makeup doesn't break down. A colorless translucent powder is usually best. You can use a fluffy powder brush or a puff to carefully press the powder over your foundation and concealer to avoid lifting off any of your makeup. If you have dry skin, powder may not be necessary. If you have combination skin, you may only need to apply powder in your T-zone, which is the area that is usually oiliest. That's the forehead, nose, and chin. Use a setting spray. The final step in your makeup routine should be a setting spray, which not only helps set your makeup but can get rid of a powdery look if you've applied too much. There are setting sprays for all skin types, so choose the best match for your complexion. Hold the setting spray an arm's length away from you, and spray it a few times. Don't apply too much, though, or your makeup may run. Finished. | Consider your skin type. Consider your skin tone. Consider coverage. Test some samples. Use a moisturizer. Apply sunscreen. Apply a primer. Apply your foundation. Dab concealer over your freckles. Brighten with blush. Add warmth with bronzer. Blend it all together. Apply a setting powder. Use a setting spray. Finished. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Hummingbird-Food | How to Make Hummingbird Food | To make hummingbird food, also called “nectar,” start by mixing 1 part white, granulated sugar with 4 parts warm water. Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then, boil the sugar water for 1-2 minutes to slow down bacterial growth and get rid of any extra chlorine in the water, which can be harmful to hummingbirds. When you're ready to feed the birds, fill a feeder with your nectar. Hang the feeder in a shady spot to keep the nectar fresh. | Make a rich sugar solution to attract hummingbirds to your yard. The sugary sweet mixture will encourage visiting hummingbirds to stay in the area. High-energy food is also important for hummingbirds in the spring because it helps to replenish the energy reserves that hummingbirds use up during migration. Avoid buying nutrient-enhanced hummingbird nectar. It will cost you money that you don't need to spend, and the hummingbirds won't benefit either. Hummingbirds get all of the nutrients they need from natural flower nectar and the insects that they eat--the sugar mixture you are providing us a quick pick-me-up for them (similar to a cup of coffee for us) when they are flying around and feeling tired. Mix a solution of 1 part white, granulated sugar, and 4 parts warm water. Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cane sugar is sucrose that falls into the carbohydrate family. Carbs are easily digested and give the hummingbirds the immediate energy they need to keep those little wings flapping. Boil the sugar water for 1 to 2 minutes. Boiling the mixture will slow down any bacterial growth that may occur. Boiling the water will also get rid of any extra chlorine that might be in your tap water (which in turn could harm the little hummers.) It is not necessary to boil the solution if you are only making a small amount of food for immediate use. If you do not boil the mixture, you will need to change the food every 1 to 2 days, or else bacteria may grow in the mixture that could harm the hummingbirds. Do not add any dye to the food. Though hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, red dyes have been known to harm hummingbirds. Natural hummingbird food (nectar) is odorless and clear--there is no need to add dye to your homemade hummer food. Store the hummingbird food until you are ready to use it. Keep the food in the refrigerator. If you make a large batch of the food, you can keep the extra amount in the fridge until your feeder is empty. This will save you time when refilling your feeder. Pick the right feeder. Red feeders are the best because the color red attracts hummingbirds. You should hang your feeder in a shady spot if possible because the nectar will stay fresh longer when it is in the shade. Hang your feeder in your garden if you have one. Hang your feeder near a window (but far out of the reach of cats) to be able to enjoy these beautiful little birds. Some hummingbird enthusiasts say that you should only hang a feeder near a window if you have cut-outs of birds on the glass to keep the hummingbirds from flying into the glass and potentially injuring themselves. Know that your food can cause harm if left to ferment or mold. When your sugar mixture turns cloudy, it needs to be replaced. Yeasts eat sugar, causing fermentation that could potentially harm a hummingbird. A warm, sugary mixture is also a great place for mold and bacteria to grow. Check your feeder for black mold as often as you can. If possible, check your feeder every other day. Keeping an eye on your feeder will keep any harm from coming to the hummingbirds. If you find mold, mix ¼ cup of bleach in a gallon of water. Soak the feeder for an hour in this bleach mixture. Scrub any mold off and then rinse the feeder thoroughly before refilling it. Clean your feeder before your refill it. Flush the feeder with hot tap water. Do not use soap--hummingbirds do not like the taste that soap leaves behind and will avoid your feeder if it has soap residue. Change the food in the feeders regularly. Be aware that the amount of time you can leave hummingbird food outside depends on the temperature in which the feeder is hung. If temperatures are 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 26 C), change the food every 5 to 6 days. When temperatures are 81 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (27 to 30 C), change the food every 2 to 4 days. If the thermometer tops 91 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C), change the food daily. Decide on the potency of the food. Decrease the amount of sugar concentration in the food after a couple of weeks. Doing this will increase the activity at your feeder. One part sugar to five parts water or one part sugar to four parts water will dilute the mixture. When the mixture is more diluted, the hummingbirds have to come back more often. Do not make the mixture any weaker than 1 part sugar to 5 parts water. If the food has less sugar than this, the hummingbirds will expend more energy flying to and from the feeder than they will be able to replenish by eating the food. You want to make the food strong enough that you do not constantly have to fill the feeders, but not so strong that the birds visit infrequently and you don't get to see them. Making food that is incredibly high in sugar will give the hummingbirds a high amount of energy, allowing them to go longer before eating again (so they won't be visiting your feeder as much.) Plant flowers that hummingbirds like. If you have tried different mixtures but there are still no hummingbirds using your feeder, plant flowers that will attract hummingbirds. Here are plants that hummingbirds like : Bee Balm, Phlox, Lupine, Hollyhock, Red-Hot Poker, Columbine, Coral Bells, Foxglove, Cardinal Flower, Lantana, Salvia, Butterfly Bush, Rose of Sharon, Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Crossvine, Carolina Jessamine, Indian Pink (Spigelia). | Make a rich sugar solution to attract hummingbirds to your yard. Mix a solution of 1 part white, granulated sugar, and 4 parts warm water. Boil the sugar water for 1 to 2 minutes. Do not add any dye to the food. Store the hummingbird food until you are ready to use it. Pick the right feeder. Know that your food can cause harm if left to ferment or mold. Check your feeder for black mold as often as you can. Clean your feeder before your refill it. Change the food in the feeders regularly. Decide on the potency of the food. Plant flowers that hummingbirds like. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Thunderstorm-Anxiety-in-Cats | How to Treat Thunderstorm Anxiety in Cats | To treat thunderstorm anxiety in your cat, provide a safe space for it to hide in during the storm, like a basement, closet, or bathroom. Put its favorite toys, a blanket, and some food and water in the safe space so it's comfortable until it decides to come out. Since the noise from a thunderstorm can make your cat anxious, distract it with some background noise by turning on the television or radio. Remember, your cat can sense your emotions, so try to remain calm before and during the storm by watching television or reading a book. | Give your cat a safe space to hide during the storm. Providing a safe hiding place is probably one of the best treatment strategies for thunderstorm anxiety in cats. Ideal hiding places are dark and quiet, such as a basement, closet, or bathroom. Put your cat's 'creature comforts' (e.g., food and water bowls, favorite toys, blanket) in the area to make it more comfortable. If your cat already has a usual hiding spot, such as under a bed, put its creature comforts in that area. If the hiding space has windows, close the curtains or blinds to block the sight of the storm. Do not disturb your cat when it goes to its hiding place. Let your cat come out when it's ready. Turn on ‘white noise’ during the storm. If thunderstorm noises make your cat anxious, turn on some background noise, such as the television or radio, that will serve as a distraction from the storm. If you turn on the radio, pick a station playing soothing music (smooth jazz or classical) or a talk radio station. A television news station could help your cat tune out the thunderstorm noise. Do not crank up the volume of the white noise. Doing so could increase your cat's stress and anxiety. Play the white noise before the storm comes so your cat can get comfortable with it. Play with your cat. On the day of a storm, schedule some additional play time with your cat. The extra exercise will make your cat physically and mentally tired, which will help it remain more calm when the storm comes. Have your cat chase a laser light across the floor and play jumping games. Keep yourself calm during the storm. Your cat will be able to sense your emotions before and during the storm. If you're anxious, your cat will be too. Do activities, such as quietly reading or watching TV, that show calmness during the storm. Discuss medication options with your vet. Anxiety-reducing drugs, called anxiolytics, are commonly used to treat thunderstorm anxiety in cats. Long-acting anxiolytics, such as Clomicalm® (clomipramine) and Reconcile® (fluoxetine), should be given throughout storm season. Quick-acting anxiolytics, including Valium® (diazepam) and Xanax® (alprazolam), are useful when given for an individual storm event. As your cat's anxiety reduces, your vet may taper the medication dosage, or completely discontinue the medication. Sometimes, different types of drugs can interact with each other and cause side effects. Your vet will check your cat's current medications, if any, to make sure the anxiolytic will not interact with them. the medication as prescribed. Administer If your cat needs a quick-acting anxiolytic, your vet will want you to administer it before your cat starts showing behavioral signs of thunderstorm anxiety. For example, if you know in the morning that a thunderstorm is coming later in the day, start administering the medication in the morning. Long-acting anxiolytics are usually given daily. Your vet will give you specific administration instructions, depending on which medication(s) your cat needs. Do not give your cat acepromazine. Acepromazine is a drug used for sedation. Although it has been commonly given to pets to relieve thunderstorm and fireworks anxiety, it doesn't actually lessen the anxiety. It only lessens the ability for a pet to move or show the outward signs of anxiety. In other words, acepromazine works like a 'chemical straitjacket' that prevents the appearance of anxiety. If your vet recommends acepromazine for your cat, express your concerns about the use of this drug and ask about other anxiety-reducing medications. Consider non-medicated alternatives. If you do not want to give your cat medications, consider other therapies. For example, a product called Rescue Remedy is a spray made up of flower essences. It can produce a sense of calm. In addition, you could use the cat pheromone product Feliway® to give your cat something familiar and calming to smell. Melatonin can also help relieve thunderstorm anxiety. Pheromones are chemicals secreted by the body. Your cat will rub its cheek on furniture to deposit pheromones to mark its territory. Discuss these alternative therapies with your vet before using them. Do not give your cat excessive attention. If your cat gets really anxious during thunderstorms, your first instinct may be to hold it close and coddle it. However, this is a not a good idea. The extra comforting reinforces the idea that a thunderstorm is scary. Avoiding punishing your cat. Punishment could increase its fear even more. Distract your cat during the thunderstorm. Get your cat do something fun and pleasurable during the thunderstorm. Called 'counterconditioning,' this will help your cat make a positive association with the storm, rather than feel anxious. During the storm, teach your cat to do tricks, like sitting or rolling over , and reward it with a delicious treat. Since stress can decrease appetite, consider keeping your cat a little hungry so it will be more likely to eat the treats during the storm. Tuna is a great treat for cats. The goal of counterconditioning is to have your cat focus on an activity that's incompatible with being anxious or fearful. Desensitize your cat to the noise of a thunderstorm. This behavioral technique involves playing a recording of storm noises to your cat at increasingly louder volumes until it remains calm when the noise is played. This technique, which is tedious, usually works better with dogs than cats. Speak with your vet before attempting desensitization with your cat. Observing hiding behavior. A cat's first instinct during a thunderstorm is to hide. Your cat may dash under a piece of furniture or try to hide in of your kitchen cabinets. This hiding behavior, known as avoidance, usually works quite well for cats when they are afraid of a thunderstorm. When the storm ends, your cat will emerge from its hiding place. Determine whether your cat has a thunderstorm phobia. Fear is a normal reaction to a fear-inducing event, like a thunderstorm. A phobia, on the other hand, is an extreme, irrational fear of something. If your cat has a thunderstorm phobia, rather than just normal fear, it may demonstrate some of the following behaviors: Large pupils Fur standing up on end Tense and 'hunkered down' body posture Hissing, spitting Take your cat to your vet. Whether your cat's thunderstorm anxiety is mild or exaggerated, a veterinary examination can help determine the most effective way to treat the anxiety. For example, your cat may have an underlying health condition that's increasing its stress and anxiety. Treating that condition, along with using other anxiety-reducing strategies, could help decrease your cat's thunderstorm anxiety. Your vet will physically examine your cat and ask you questions about the thunderstorm anxiety. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for your vet to devise an effective treatment plan. | Give your cat a safe space to hide during the storm. Turn on ‘white noise’ during the storm. Play with your cat. Keep yourself calm during the storm. Discuss medication options with your vet. the medication as prescribed. Do not give your cat acepromazine. Consider non-medicated alternatives. Do not give your cat excessive attention. Distract your cat during the thunderstorm. Desensitize your cat to the noise of a thunderstorm. Observing hiding behavior. Determine whether your cat has a thunderstorm phobia. Take your cat to your vet. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Algae-in-Ponds | How to Get Rid of Algae in Ponds | To get rid of algae in a pond, try planting more aquatic plants in your pond, like lily pads, cattails, or watercress, which will absorb the nutrients that algae needs to grow. You can also throw a small bale of barley straw into your pond, which will slowly kill any algae over the course of a few weeks while it rots. Also, consider introducing algae-eating animals to your pond, like tadpoles and aquatic snails. To prevent algae from growing in the first place, avoid overfeeding any fish in your pond since uneaten food will rot and cause algae growth. | Plant aquatic plants in your pond to absorb algae forming nutrients. As a living organism, algae draws nutrients from the water in order to live. Add some more appealing plants, such as lily pads, cattails, or watercress, to your pond that will suck up all of those nutrients and stop algae from being able to grow. This can help keep your water clear and make your pond look more interesting. Your local nursery or garden store should have a wide selection of plants perfect for your pond. Ask if you're unsure about the best types of plant to use. For best results, cover around 60% of the surface of your pond with plants. Avoid overfeeding your fish to stop leftover food from rotting. If you have fish in your pond, you should only feed them the amount of food that they can consume in around 5 minutes. If you feed them more than this, the excess food will drift to the bottom and rot, which can be a catalyst for algae growth. If you're unsure about how much to feed your fish , check the instructions on your fish food for a rough guide. You should be feeding your fish once a day with a small sprinkling of food. Watch your fish for 5 minutes after you feed them to see how much food is left over and adjust accordingly. Remove the algae from the surface of your pond with a skimmer or algae net. The easiest way to clean algae from the top of a pond is simply lifting it up and off. Use a skimmer or algae net to skim the surface of your pond, pulling the algae free and removing it from the pond. This may take a while, but will give you immediate results when it's done. Although this is a very quick solution, it's not one that will work long-term. Removing the algae won't stop it from growing back. Add barley straw to the pond to slowly kill the algae. As it rots, barley straw will slowly release small amounts of hydrogen peroxide that will kill any algae growing in your pond. Buy a small bale of barley straw and throw it into your pond when you first notice algae growing in your pond. Over the course of a few weeks, you should notice the algae in your pond disappearing. Use 8 ounces (0.23 kg) of barley straw for every 1,000 gallons (3,800 L) of water in your pond. Barley straw should be available from your local pet shop, as it is used for bedding for a lot of small animals. Otherwise, it may be available at a specialty pond store or online. The amount of hydrogen peroxide released by the rotting barley straw should be just enough to kill the algae, without killing any other plants in your pond. Introduce algae eating creatures to your pond. Similarly to using plants to prevent algae from growing, there are plenty of animals you can add to your pond that will directly feed of algae. Add a few tadpoles or some aquatic pond snails to your pond and keep an eye on them as they grow. They should begin eating the algae in your pond, as well as bringing a little more life to it. Tadpoles will also eat mosquito and other insect larvae that may settle on the top of your pond. Install a fine bubble aerator to increase the movement of the water. One of the main causes of algae bloom is the lack of water movement. Purchase a fine bubble aerator and install it in the deepest section of your pond. This will constantly aerate the water, keeping it moving to produce a healthier environment in the pond and prevent harmful algae. Fine bubble aerators should be available from a specialty pond store. If you don't have one nearby, there are plenty of online retailers that sell aerators. Clean your filtration system once a month to keep the water clean. If your pond has a filtration system installed but algae is still able to grow, you may need to clean the filter inside the system more often. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to clean your filter at least once each month to prevent algae from forming. A pond filter isn't necessary, but can be useful in keeping the water in your pond clean. If you have a large mechanical filter, you should be able to clean it by attaching a backwash hose and backwashing the filter until the water runs clear. For smaller filters, remove the filter and clean it with non-chlorinated water to remove any obvious grime, gunk, or algae. Make sure you clean out your pond filter away from the pond. If you clean it too close the pond, everything you remove from the filter will end up back in your pond over time. Use an ultraviolet light sterilizer to destroy algae. Ultraviolet light is great at sterilizing and damaging a lot of organic materials, including algae. Install a pond filter that has an ultraviolet light sterilizer in your pond to break down and destroy algae as it grows. After 3 to 5 days, your water should be free of algae and clear. Filters with UV light sterilizers will be more expensive than other filters, but also a lot more effective. They should be available from a specialty pond store or online. This is a very effective way to kill algae in ponds, but may also harm beneficial bacteria and other positive organic material in your pond. Treat the pond water with algaecides. If you can't clean your water and remove your algae any other way, you can use algaecides to treat the water and kill the algae. Purchase an algaecide or herbicide that contains copper and spray it over your pond to begin killing off the algae. You should see the algae begin to die off within 3 to 10 days from the first treatment. Algaecides and herbicides are made of chemicals that are designed to kill algae, so they will be more harmful than other natural methods used to remove algae. Use algaecides as a last resort. Always consult the instructions on your chosen algaecides or herbicides before using them in a pond with plants or living creatures. Make sure you check with local regulations before treating your water with an algaecide. You may need a permit for some chemicals in some locations. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when working with an algaecide. Using more than is required may damage your pond or harm any wildlife living in or around it. Build your pond in a shady area to limit sunlight. Algae needs sunlight to grow, so if you're still in the planning stages of a new pond, consider installing it in an area that only gets a little sun. Try building a pond near a tall wall, or use a shade mat or sail to stop algae from being able to grow. You shouldn't rely on shade that comes from large trees, as they may drop leaves into the pond. Fallen leaves will eventually rot and let algae grow, meaning you'll need to clean your pond more often. Shade mats and sails are custom-made barriers that will prevent excess sunlight from getting into your pond. They should be available at specialty pond stores or online. Add a rim or border around your pond to keep out new water. Water that runs off from your garden may contain nutrients that algae can feed on to grow. Build a slight lip rim, roughly 1 inch (2.5 cm) high, around the edge of your pond to limit uncontrolled water from flowing into the pond. This will also help keep fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides from getting into your pond through water runoff. All of these can be very detrimental to the health of your pond and the living things in it. Color the water with a pond dye to reduce the amount of sunlight absorbed. There are several dyes, normally blue in color, that are designed to be added to a pond to stop sunlight from reaching the bottom, which will prevent the formation of algae. Purchase a pond dye of your choice and follow the manufacturer's instructions to dye your pond. Pond dye should be available online or at your local specialty pond store. The amount of pond dye needed will vary based on the size of your pond. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid over-dyeing your pond. | Plant aquatic plants in your pond to absorb algae forming nutrients. Avoid overfeeding your fish to stop leftover food from rotting. Remove the algae from the surface of your pond with a skimmer or algae net. Add barley straw to the pond to slowly kill the algae. Introduce algae eating creatures to your pond. Install a fine bubble aerator to increase the movement of the water. Clean your filtration system once a month to keep the water clean. Use an ultraviolet light sterilizer to destroy algae. Treat the pond water with algaecides. Build your pond in a shady area to limit sunlight. Add a rim or border around your pond to keep out new water. Color the water with a pond dye to reduce the amount of sunlight absorbed. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Bring-a-Pet-Into-the-United-States-from-Another-Country | How to Bring a Pet Into the United States from Another Country | To bring a pet into the United States from another country, start by contacting your airline for their requirements, like whether you need a health certificate for your pet. Then, take your pet to the vet to make sure it's healthy enough to travel, and to obtain a rabies vaccination certificate. Additionally, considering having your pet microchipped to help identify it in case it gets lost during the flight. Finally, prepare a pet carrier for the flight by labeling it with your pet's name and your contact information. | Consider your options for your pet’s air travel. You have several options for airline travel: having your pet travel with you on the same plane, booking your pet on another flight, or shipping your pet to the US via a licensed commercial shipper. If you pet will be traveling on the same plane with you, he can travel in the cabin with you, be checked in as baggage, or shipped as cargo. Only small dogs and cats are allowed to travel in the cabin with you and they must be securely stowed under the seat in a special carrier in front of you. Ask your airline about carrier requirements if your pet will be traveling in the cabin. Dogs and cats checked-in as baggage or shipped as cargo must be in a sturdy carrier that will allow them enough space to comfortably stand, sit and lie down. Air travel can be very tough on pets, but airlines do make efforts to make the flight comfortable for pets that are shipped as baggage or cargo. For example, the baggage and cargo area is pressurized and quiet. Shipping crates can be purchased at your local pet store or through your airline. Make sure the crate is USDA-approved. If you are not comfortable with booking your pet's travel on a different flight, or using a commercial shipper, follow your own airline's pet travel requirements to ensure a smooth traveling process for you and your pet. Contact your airline to learn about its pet travel requirements. It is very important for you know your airline's pet travel requirements before you book your flight. Keep in mind that pet travel requirements will vary from airline to airline, and may differ between US and non-US airlines. US airlines generally require a health certificate for pets traveling internationally. Some US airlines require the certificate to be no older than 10 days old, while others may require a certificate that is less than 10 days old. Be aware that pets weighing 100 pounds or more will be considered as cargo. If your pet is around 100 pounds, check with your airline to learn if you will be charged a cargo fee. It would also be helpful to inquire about where you should pick up your pet after the flight lands. Attach identifying information to your pet’s carrier. This is very important! Include your contact information, as well as the address to where you will be traveling. It would also be helpful to attach a clear picture of your pet to his carrier, in case he escapes from his carrier. Attach a 'live animal' sign to your pet's carrier, along with arrows to indicate which side of the crate should face up. Notify airline employees that you are traveling with a pet. From the time you check in until the time you get settled in your seat, notify as many airline staff as possible that your pet is on the plane with you. They may be able to make special accommodations to make sure your pet is comfortable and safe. Maximize your pet’s comfort during the flight. In addition to making sure your pet is healthy, you can make air travel itself as comfortable for him as possible. For example, you can feed your pet a light meal about two hours before you arrive at the airport. You do not want him to have a lot of food on his stomach before getting on the plane. If you have a dog, it is a good idea to take him for a walk before heading to the airport, and again after you check in. This will give him some exercise, as well as an opportunity to go to the bathroom before getting on the plane. Minimize the number of layovers for your trip. Layovers may be unavoidable, depending on where you are traveling from. If you are unable to get a direct flight, an itinerary with as few layovers as possible will minimize the stress of loading and unloading your pet—for you and for him. For long flights, it is helpful to freeze a pouch of food and water the night before your flight. Freezing the food and water will prevent a mess in your pet's carrier, and can make it easier for you or the airline staff to feed him. Determine if you need a health certificate for your pet. A health certificate, officially known as a Veterinary Health Certificate, is not required for the entry of most pets into the US. However, most airlines, as well as some states, require health certificates. Check with your airline, and the state to which you will be traveling, to get more information about health certificate requirements. Once you know your destination in the US, call the American Embassy in your country to find out if there are any specific entry requirements for that state. If you need a health certificate, it must be completed and signed by a licensed veterinarian. There may be restrictions on how old the health certificate can be for international travel. Pay close attention to these restrictions to ensure you obtain the health certificate within the appropriate time frame before you travel to the US. Learn the entry requirements for canine rabies vaccination. A rabies vaccination is required for all dogs entering the US, including puppies and service dogs. Your dog must a have rabies vaccination certificate that was completed and signed by a licensed veterinarian. The certificate will include such information as your contact information (name and address), information about your dog (e.g., age, breed, sex), the date of rabies vaccination, and vaccine product information. If your dog has not received a prior rabies vaccination, he will need to receive the vaccination at least 30 days before your arrival in the US. It is acceptable for your dog to receive a booster rabies vaccination less than 30 days before arrival if he meets the following requirements: 1) at least 15 months of age, 2) received a rabies vaccine after 3 months of age, and 3) the vaccine has expired. Your dog will not need a rabies vaccination if you are traveling from a rabies-free country in which you have lived for the past six months. A current list of rabies-free countries can be found at: http://www.cdc.gov/importation/rabies-free-countries.html Be mindful that your dog may be denied entry if you do not have valid proof of his rabies vaccination. Learn the entry requirements for pet birds. If you would like to bring your pet bird with you, be aware that bird imports are banned from some countries due to the risk avian influenza. Visit the USDA APHIS website ( https://www.aphis.usda.gov/wps/portal/aphis/ourfocus/importexport ) for a list of these countries. Even if you are not traveling from one of the banned countries, your bird will have to enter a 30-day quarantine at the USDA Animal Import Center at your expense. Pet birds require several pieces of documentation for entry into the US: Exporting Country Veterinary Health Certification, USDA Import Permit, and a Fish and Wildlife Certification (if necessary). Learn the entry requirements for pets other than cats, dogs, or birds. There are no restrictions or requirements on the import of rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, or ferrets. If you have one of these pets, they must be healthy at the port of entry. If your pet looks sick when you enter the US, he will need to be quarantined at your expense. If you have a pet turtle, the length of shell will be important for his entry into the US. A turtle whose shell is less than four inches (about 12 centimeters) long can be permitted for entry into the US, as long as he is not used for commercial purposes. Take your pet to your veterinarian. Making sure your pet is healthy and up-to-date on his vaccinations is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a safe and smooth entry into the US for your pet. There may be a specific time frame for this visit, usually no more than seven days before you travel. Be aware that a pet who looks sick at the port of entry will need to be examined by a licensed veterinarian at the owner's expense. Notify your veterinarian when you schedule the appointment that you will be traveling to the US. Your veterinarian will ensure that your pet is fully vaccinated and make sure you have all of the necessary veterinary documentation before you travel. Your veterinarian must be approved by your home country to verify the exportation of animals. Ask your vet if they are certified to do this. If not, contact the government agency in charge of the import/export of animals in your home country. They should be able to provide a list of suitably trained vets in your area. It is also a good idea to contact the American Embassy in your country, to ask about any specific requirements necessary to get a pet from your country into the US. This may vary depending on what diseases are common in that country, especially if they are rare or not in the United States. Check your pet’s rabies vaccination status. For the US, rabies vaccination status applies to dogs and cats. Cats are not required to have a rabies vaccination for entry. However, some states may require that your cat have a current rabies vaccination. Check the rabies vaccination requirements for the state to which you will be traveling. Discuss your pet’s air travel with your veterinarian. Air travel can be difficult for pets. The anxiety of travel, along with confinement on a plane, can be very stressful for your pet. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) strongly advises against giving sedatives to a pet for air travel, since the sedatives can negatively affect his breathing. Talk with your veterinarian about safe options to keep your pet calm during the flight. Microchip your pet. This is most applicable for dogs and cats. A microchip is not required for entry to the US, but is highly recommended for air travel. The microchip will help identify your pet if he happens to escape. Your veterinarian can microchip your pet during the appointment to check his overall health. Make sure that your dog or cat also has a collar and ID tag. | Consider your options for your pet’s air travel. Contact your airline to learn about its pet travel requirements. Attach identifying information to your pet’s carrier. Notify airline employees that you are traveling with a pet. Maximize your pet’s comfort during the flight. Determine if you need a health certificate for your pet. Learn the entry requirements for canine rabies vaccination. Learn the entry requirements for pet birds. Learn the entry requirements for pets other than cats, dogs, or birds. Take your pet to your veterinarian. Check your pet’s rabies vaccination status. Discuss your pet’s air travel with your veterinarian. Microchip your pet. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Draw-a-Cartoon-Person | How to Draw a Cartoon Person | To draw a cartoon person, start by drawing a circle with a point at the bottom for the head and chin. Next, draw large round eyes, a small pointed nose, and a simple curved line for the mouth. Once you've added the facial features, go in and sketch the hair, ears, and neck. Finally, color and shade your drawing so your cartoon person is more vibrant and realistic. | Sketch a round shape to start drawing the head. Sketch the shape of the cheek by adding a point at the bottom. Since you are drawing a cartoon girl, keep the face narrow and feminine Sketch the eyes, nose, and mouth. During this phase, keep in mind the proportions of a face. For example, a face is generally five eyes wide. That being said, you can also manipulate proportions to reflect the girl's character traits. If the character is innocent, this can be reflected in giving her large eyes. Sketch the details for the eyes, face, hair, and clothes. Clothes are another opportunity to show character traits, occupation, and time period. For example, an edgy, 21st-century teen isn't going to wear the attire of a 15th-century monk. Refine the sketch. Draw the outline over the sketch to finalize the artwork. To trace the outline make sure to use a pen that will not smear while the sketch is being erased or the drawing colored. Erase and remove the sketch marks. Add color if desired. Keep in mind, there is more visual interest if colored Try to limit your color pallet in order to not give the viewer a headache. If there are too many highly saturated colors, the viewer will not know where to look and may think your art is tacky. Sketch a circle to start drawing the head. Sketch the shape of the cheek by adding a point at the bottom. For the boy's head try to make the chin boxy to give off a masculine look. Sketch the guidelines for the eyes, nose, and mouth
Just like with the girl, keep in mind proportions and how to manipulate them to communicate character traits. Sketch the details for the large eyes, face, hair, and clothes. Hair can be another opportunity to show who the character is. For example, someone who has nicely styled hair will come off as more sophisticated than someone with bed head hair. Refine the sketch. Draw the outline over the sketch to finalize the artwork and remove the sketch marks. To trace the outline make sure to use a pen that will not smear while the sketch is being erased or the drawing colored. Add color if desired. Keep in mind, there is more visual interest if colored Try to use the color wheel to choose your colors. You can use complementary colors, analogous colors, or a monochromatic color scheme. | Sketch a round shape to start drawing the head. Sketch the shape of the cheek by adding a point at the bottom. Sketch the eyes, nose, and mouth. Sketch the details for the eyes, face, hair, and clothes. Refine the sketch. Draw the outline over the sketch to finalize the artwork. Erase and remove the sketch marks. Add color if desired. Sketch a circle to start drawing the head. Sketch the shape of the cheek by adding a point at the bottom. Sketch the guidelines for the eyes, nose, and mouth
Sketch the details for the large eyes, face, hair, and clothes. Refine the sketch. Draw the outline over the sketch to finalize the artwork and remove the sketch marks. Add color if desired. |
https://www.wikihow-fun.com/Hypnotize-Anyone-to-Do-Fun-Stuff-With-Them | How to Hypnotize Anyone to Do Fun Stuff With Them | You can hypnotize anyone to do fun stuff with a few simple techniques. Start by finding someone who'll let you practice on them. As you work on your volunteer, use your words carefully to trigger certain responses. For example, you might frequently state “Aren't you getting sleepy?” to signal your subject that they're getting tired. Keep your voice and tone modulated so your subject gets drawn into the repetitive nature of what you're saying and how you're saying it. Use a confident tone and maintain eye contact with your subject to keep them engaged throughout the process. Once your volunteer is hypnotized, try having some fun, like having them do a silly dance or behave like a dog. | Read about the process. Learning to hypnotize someone is a fairly simple process, but you need to make sure to do each step correctly. Your first step to success is to make sure to do your research. Although it is not technically a science, hypnosis has some very strong proponents. Look for books by professional hypnotists to help give you a greater understanding of the process. Make sure the author is reputable. Many times, people are simply trying to sell products, such as DVDs, that will teach you how to hypnotize someone. Look for an author who is approaching hypnosis from a serious, professional viewpoint. The information will likely be more reliable. In the about the author section, you should be able to tell whether the author has an M.A., a PhD, or is an M.D. These criteria indicate that if nothing else, the person is well-educated. Look for a website that offers information without asking for any form of payment--this is a good way to tell if it is credible or not. Ask the reference librarian at your local library to help you find some good reference books on the subject. They generally have a good process for locating helpful materials. Ask for advice. Speaking to someone knowledgeable about hypnosis is a great way to learn some tips. If you know of any entertainment-based hypnotists in your area, you should reach out to them. Simply explain that you are interested in learning more about what they do. Most people are happy to talk about their jobs! You could also consult a mental health specialist. Many psychologists and psychiatrists use hypnotherapy in their practice. Contact one in your area and ask to set up an informational meeting. You'll likely learn a lot this way. Recruit a volunteer. Your next step is to find someone to practice on. You'll want to try your skills out on someone, so start by asking your friends or family members if they would be willing to help you. Explain that your intent is to have fun, and that you would love to practice your new hobby with them. It's a good idea to choose someone that you know well when you are practicing hypnosis. The more comfortable you are around one another, the easier it will be for the person to relax and become susceptible to hypnosis. Try to recruit more than one person. Some people are more open to hypnosis than others, so you'll want to try your techniques on people with different personalities. That way, you can see which methods work and which need some improvement. Think about safety. Even though this experiment should be fun, it's still a good idea to keep basic safety in mind. For example, make sure that you are practicing hypnosis in a private, safe space. Maybe your apartment would be a good choice. It's not a good idea to practice in a public place. You don't want your volunteer to accidentally wander into a busy street or into a crowd of people. Plan ahead. Think about what activities you want the person being hypnotized to do. Make sure that everything you have planned is within the realm of their physical capability. Begin hypnosis by speaking. Use your words carefully. Your words are one of your most powerful tools when you are practicing hypnosis. The key is to repeatedly make statements that suggest that people should feel or behave in a certain way. Eventually, he should start responding to the words you are repeating. Hypnosis is a process--you will not see instantaneous results. It may take several minutes. For example, you might try frequently mentioning, "Wow, it is getting late." Try variations such as, "Aren't you getting sleepy? It is getting very late." The key word is "late", and this should signal to your subject that they are getting very tired. You could also try repeating something such as "It is very warm in here." Then, "Aren't you hot in that jacket? It is warm in here." The subject's brain will eventually tell them that they are hot, and you can suggest he take of his shoes, or go get some ice cubes. Modulate your voice to deepen hypnosis. Along with your words, your tone of voice is a very important part of hypnosis. You want to make sure that your voice sounds confident. Volume has a lot to do with how your subject responds. Don't speak too loudly, or he might become startled. Do not speak too quietly, or you will sound unsure of yourself. Try to sound very pleasant as you offer your "suggestions". As you repeat things like, "It is getting very late", make your tone consistent in volume and speed. If you are concerned that your voice does not sound the way you want it to, try recording yourself. You can listen to the recording and make notes of your thoughts. For example, if you sound timid, try raising the volume a bit and act as though you know exactly what you are talking about. Maintain eye contact to deeper hypnotize your subject. Having good eye contact is extremely important when you are attempting to hypnotize someone. This is true whether you are practicing covert or general hypnosis. Focus on one subject at a time, and make sure that you are maintaining steady, consistent eye contact. As you maintain eye contact, make sure that you are also observing your subjects facial cues. Do they look like they are responding to your cues? If not, try changing the tone of your voice, or trying a new suggestion. Try something silly. Once your subject is hypnotized, you can begin to have fun. You will be able to tell when he is easily responding to your voice, eye contact, and suggestions. There are many fun things you can do with someone who is hypnotized. Once you see that your subject is effectively under hypnosis (you can tell because they are obeying your suggestions), you can try different activities with him. Dance. One fun thing to try is to make your subject to some silly dance moves. Turn some music on and tell your friend to dance. Try telling him that no one is watching. Or suggest he is in a contest! Encourage him as he dances, maybe by clapping along. This is certain to be entertaining. Try playing a current popular song that people like to dance to. Try choosing one that your friend knows. That will help his subconscious feel more comfortable. Have your subject believe that they are an animal. For example, you could convince him to behave like a cat. Your other friends will definitely laugh if your subject starts purring, meowing, and trying to groom himself. Continue to give suggestions while your friend is hypnotized. For example, "Oh, you're a cat. Wouldn't you like to purr?" The power of suggestion is very important in hypnosis. Have your friend sing. Maybe your friend is typically shy. This will make it all the more amusing when he bursts into song. Again, use suggestion. Try saying, "Don't you love that new song on the radio? I bet you'd sound great singing it!" Then enjoy as your friend gives you a free concert. Learn about self-hypnosis. Hypnosis can be lots of fun, but it's important to remember that hypnosis can actually be used to treat people's ailments. What's even better is that you can learn to self-hypnotize. Once you have mastered the basics of hypnosis, you can try it on yourself. Of course, you won't be able to maintain eye contact, but you will be amazed at how the power of suggestion can help you make positive changes. For example, maybe you are scared of heights. You can use self-hypnosis to make yourself more confident and less fearful. Choose a mantra to repeat. The next time you need to climb a high ladder, put yourself in a relaxed state. You can hypnotize yourself into safely making the climb. Consider hypnosis for sleep. As you learn about hypnosis, you should be aware that many people consider it a very powerful tool. It is especially useful in helping people who suffer from insomnia. Once you have mastered the basics, you can help a friend or family member who has trouble falling asleep. Try making a recording that will help someone fall asleep. Using the power of suggestion and your well-modulated tone of voice, convince your subject that they need to fall into a deep sleep. Become a hypnotherapist. After you've discovered how fun hypnotizing someone can be, you will probably realize that it also has other benefits. If you find that you are really good at hypnotizing your friends, you might decide that you want to try a new career. Becoming a hypnotherapist can be a profitable and fulfilling career. Contact local hypnotherapists to ask them to tell you about their training and their particular career path. | Read about the process. Recruit a volunteer. Think about safety. Begin hypnosis by speaking. Modulate your voice to deepen hypnosis. Maintain eye contact to deeper hypnotize your subject. Try something silly. Dance. Have your subject believe that they are an animal. Have your friend sing. Learn about self-hypnosis. Consider hypnosis for sleep. Become a hypnotherapist. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Roulette | How to Play Roulette | Roulette is a casino game played at a table that features 38 numbers, 2 colors, and a roulette wheel that has all of the same numbers and colors on it. At the beginning of the game, players place bets on the different spaces on the table. Every table has a minimum bet, like $10, but players can bet more than that and bet on multiple spaces if they'd like. Players are trying to bet on which number they think the ball will land on when it's dropped into the spinning roulette wheel. Players can also bet on which color, red or black, the ball will land on. Placing a chip directly on a number has a payout of 35 to 1. Placing a chip on one of the color spaces has a payout of 1 to 1. Players can also split their bet by placing a chip on the line between 2 numbers. If the ball lands on either of those numbers, the payout is 17 to 1. Similarly, players can place a chip on the outside border of a row of 3 numbers. If the ball lands on any of those 3 numbers, the payout is 11:1. Players can also place a chip at the intersection of 4 numbers. If any of those 4 numbers come in, the payout is 8 to 1. Besides the number and color spaces, there are other spaces on the table that readers can bet on. They can place a bet on the “First Row,” “Second Row,” and “Third Row” spaces. If a number in the corresponding row comes in, the payout is 2:1. Similarly, players can bet on the “First Dozen,” “Second Dozen,” and “Third Dozen” spaces. If one of the 12 numbers that correspond with the space comes in, the payout is 2:1. Players can also bet on whether they think the ball will land on an odd or even number. If they're right, the payout is 1 to 1. Finally, players can bet on the “1 to 18” and “19 to 36” spaces. If the ball lands on a number within that range, the payout is 1 to 1. As players are placing their bets, the dealer will spin the roulette wheel and drop the ball into it. Players can continue betting until the dealer waves their hand and says “No more bets.” Once the ball lands on a number, the dealer will pay out anyone who bet on that number or color. Then, a new round of betting starts, and the game repeats. | Know the equipment. Roulette is French for "little wheel." On this wheel are 36 numbers and a 0; on some American tables, there is a "00." A croupier sends a small white ball spinning that will eventually land on one of the numbers. Bets are placed on the table, correlating with the slots the ball can possibly land in. On the table are the numbers and a few other options: 1st 12 2nd 12 3rd 12 1-18 19-36 Even Odd Black Red Know the different "inside" bets. In roulette, you have to anticipate the number or type of pocket on which the ivory ball is going to land. To do this, there are a range of bets you can make."Inside" bets, or bets placed on specific numbers, generally have higher paying odds. You can bet: "Straight up" betting on one number pays 35 to 1 Split betting on two numbers pays 17 to 1 "Street" betting on three numbers pays 11 to 1 Three numbers can be bet with just one chip. It can be placed on the end of any "street" (the row of 3 numbers) on the table map. Corner betting on four numbers pays 8 to 1 The chip lies on the intersection of the four numbers. Six line betting on 6 numbers pays 5 to 1 The chip lies on the edge of two adjoining streets. Additionally, for American roulette, there is the Five-number bet which covers "0,00,1,2,3" and pays 6:1, and the Row 00 bet which covers 0 and 00 and pays 17:1. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/6\/6d\/Play-Roulette-Step-2Bullet9.jpg\/v4-460px-Play-Roulette-Step-2Bullet9.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6d\/Play-Roulette-Step-2Bullet9.jpg\/aid962620-v4-728px-Play-Roulette-Step-2Bullet9.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Learn about "outside" bets. These bets do not involve specific numbers and are made on the outside of the number map, hence the name. Color betting (red or black) pays 1 to 1. Even or odd betting pays 1 to 1. Column or betting on 12 numbers pays 2 to 1 Dozen betting (1st 12, etc.) pays 2 to 1 High or low bets pay 1 to 1. Realize your odds. At every roulette table (and at every game in the casino itself), the house always has an edge. All bets at both wheels (French or American) are paid at odds that would be true if only the 36 numbers were on the wheel. Their advantage comes from to 0 -- and the 00 in America. There are theories as to how you can improve your odds, but they don't work. However, there are some variants that change how the favor lies: At American tables, the "00" slot increases the casino's advantage even more. On a roulette table with a single zero, the casino has an advantage of 2.7%. On a roulette table with a double zero, the casino has an advantage of 5.26%. Some French tables will employ rules that generally help out the players. The "La Partage" and "En Prison" rules apply to outside even money bets like odds or even, black or red and low or high; they also apply when the ball lands in the zero slot. They are similar in the sense that players only lose half of their bet, but players cannot leave their bet on the table for another spin with the La Partage rule. If a player loses, they can collect half their bet in the En Prison rule, or leave half their bet on the table for the next spin with the La Partage rule. Find a table. Each one will carry a placard describing the minimum and maximum bets at the table. For example, it might read, "Roulette. $5 minimum inside bets, $5 minimum outside bets. $1,000 maximum outside, $100 maximum inside." Table maximums usually are lower on inside bets because of the higher payoffs offered. Each table will also have a board that highlights the previous numbers the ball has landed on. While you may be tempted to look at this and feel as if the odds of a number repeating are incredibly low, that's not the way it works. With each spin, the odds of each number remain the same. It's the same wheel and same ball every time. Watch what's happening. For all intents and purposes, there can be no strategy to roulette. It's pure and simple luck. Each number has the exact same shot of popping up every time...usually. Sometimes, dealers have habits. They might release the ball at exactly the same angle and velocity nearly every time during a specific session. As the dealer releases the ball, the same numbers pass every time, increasing the chances that the ball ends up resting on the same portion of the wheel repeatedly. A wheel can go off-kilter. However, casinos are pretty good at spotting this. There's really no way to tell if a wheel is off balance unless you monitor thousands and thousands of spins. Hand your chips to the dealer. In Europe or France, this person may be called a "croupier." In roulette, you do not play with normal casino chips. If you did, how would you know whose was whose after all the bets are placed? Each person gets a specific color to be able to differentiate between bettors. Even husbands and wives are recommended to separate. You can get your chips in different monetary denominations. When you hand the dealer your chips, he or she will ask what denomination you want to designate your chips. If you're at a $5 minimum table, you could make them $1 or you could make them $100 (or anywhere in between). Once you've chosen, they'll place a chip on top of the rail, with a marker on top of that to indicate your colored chips' value. Roulette chips have no value away from the roulette wheel. When you're ready to leave the table, place all your remaining roulette chips on the table and tell the dealer you'd like to cash out. He or she will give you normal casino chips in return. Know the procedure of a round. After the dealer clears the table and has paid the winners, play begins for the next round. He'll pause for a bit, giving everyone time to decide on their bets. Then, he'll throw the ball onto the wheel and spin it. The dealer will announce, "No more bets!" when the ball drops from the track onto the wheel. Once the ball settles, the dealer places a marker on the winning number (or winning chips, that is). Losing bets get cleared off first and then winners get paid. The process then repeats. Place your bets. The first six bets are placed on the pockets numbered 0 to 36 on the game table. If you want to bet on column, place your bets on the empty pocket under the three columns. For the dozen, choose the pocket P12 for the first 12 numbers, M 12 for the 12 middle numbers and D 12 for the last 12 numbers. Finally, when you want to bet on the outside bets, use the red, black, even, odd, high or low pockets. Some players like to watch the other players, either hoping the others know something they don't or doing the opposite of their opponents' actions. You can try this, but it won't improve your odds more than coincidentally. | Know the equipment. Know the different "inside" bets. Learn about "outside" bets. Realize your odds. Find a table. Watch what's happening. Hand your chips to the dealer. Know the procedure of a round. Place your bets. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Mold-from-Wood | How to Clean Mold from Wood | To clean mold from painted or stained wood, grab an air mask, safety goggles, and a pair of gloves and go over the area with a HEPA filter vacuum. After you suck up any dust, debris, and loose spores, empty the vacuum's canister outside by tipping the contents into a plastic bag and tying it up tightly to avoid letting anything loose. Next, pour 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent into a bucket, dilute it with 1 liter of warm water, and stir to combine. With your cleaning solution mixed up, use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the soapy water onto the mold until it starts to lift off. Make sure to avoid soaking the area with water, since that can cause new mold to grow. When you have the mold scrubbed off, just dry the area with a rag. | Check that the area of mold is smaller than 10 sq ft (0.93 m2). Estimate the area of mold on the wood. If it is only a small amount, it's likely that you will be able to clean the mold yourself. However, if the area is larger than 10 sq ft (0.93 m ), contact a mold remediation professional instead. If you are unsure about whether you can clean the mold yourself, contact a professional to be on the safe side. Use a search engine to find a mold remediation service in your area. Wear gloves, an air mask, and safety goggles before you begin. Wear protective gear at all times to keep yourself safe while you are cleaning up mold. If you are going to be using bleach, use protective outerwear so that your clothes don't get stained by the bleach. The air mask will prevent you from inhaling the mold spores. Exposure to mold can cause adverse health effects such as coughing and skin, eye, or throat irritation. Vacuum the area if the mold is indoors. Use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter, as this is the best for picking up very small particles of mold. Vacuum the entire area to remove any dust, debris, and loose spores. If wooden furniture is affected by the mold, use the soft brush attachment on the vacuum cleaner to vacuum the furniture directly. Ensure that you vacuum all drawers, panels, and crevices. Make sure that you are outside when you empty the vacuum cleaner canister or bag. Tip the contents into a plastic bag and tie it up tightly. Dispose of the bag straight away. Combine dishwashing detergent and warm water. Add 14.9 ml (1 tbsp) of dishwashing detergent into a clean bucket. Then pour in 1 L (0.26 US gal) of warm water. Stir the water to combine the substances. Scrub the mold using small amounts of soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush to transfer some of the soapy water onto the mold. Scrub at the mold thoroughly. The mold should begin to lift off. Dip the brush back into the soapy water as required and continue scrubbing until the area is free of mold. Be careful to only scrub the affected area with the brush, as otherwise, this could spread the mold spores out. Try not to saturate the area with water, as excess moisture can enable new mold growth. Dry the area using a clean rag. Check the affected wood for any mold that hasn't been cleaned away. If the area appears to be free of mold, wipe all of the wood down with a rag to ensure that it's dry. Use vinegar to remove the mold if the soapy water didn’t work. Fill a spray bottle with undiluted vinegar. Spray it over the affected area and wait for 1 hour. Then, wipe the area down with a damp rag to remove the mold. Don't worry about the smell of the vinegar. This will disappear as it dries. Mix together bleach, dishwashing detergent, and warm water. Place 50 ml (1.7 fl oz) of detergent, 500 ml (0.13 US gal) of bleach, and 1 L (0.26 US gal) of warm water into a clean bucket. Make sure that you are wearing protective outerwear over your clothes to protect them. Scrub the mold using the bleach solution. Dip a stiff-bristled brush into the bucket with the bleach solution. Use the brush to remove the mold from the raw wood and then let the bleach solution air dry once the mold has been removed. Alternatively, you can use a scrub sponge instead of a stiff-bristled brush. Sand the wood if the bleach solution did not remove the mold. Using sandpaper is an ideal next option as it will remove the surface that the mold is growing on. Use fine grit sandpaper and go over the affected part of the wood. Continue sanding until you can no longer see any mold. Wear an air mask if you are sanding mold to avoid inhaling spores that have come loose during the sanding process. Dry the cleaned areas using a dehumidifier or a fan. Once you have removed all of the mold from the wood in an area, make sure it is properly dry to prevent the mold from returning. Turn on a fan or a dehumidifier for at least 3 days to ensure that the area is dry. Check the wood in the area for mold again after 3 days. If you notice it returning, either clean the area again or contact a professional. Vacuum the area to remove any loose mold spores. Use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter again and thoroughly vacuum the area where you cleaned the wood. Empty the vacuum cleaner outside into a plastic bag and tie it securely. Vacuuming the area afterward again is necessary because it is likely that mold spores have been stirred up during the cleaning process. Apply a fungicidal paint or sealant to prevent the mold from returning. If you are concerned that the mold will return, then applying a fungicidal seal will give you peace of mind. Purchase a treatment from a home improvement store. Follow the instructions closely to apply it to the wood. A fungicidal paint or sealant will stop any hidden, existing mold from growing through and it will also prevent future mold growth on top of the seal. Keep the area well-ventilated to prevent mold from returning. Open the windows regularly and use air conditioning in humid weather to reduce the humidity to below 40%. Use a dehumidifier in cooler weather to remove condensation. This is especially important for wood in areas that have a lot of moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms. | Check that the area of mold is smaller than 10 sq ft (0.93 m2). Wear gloves, an air mask, and safety goggles before you begin. Vacuum the area if the mold is indoors. Combine dishwashing detergent and warm water. Scrub the mold using small amounts of soapy water. Dry the area using a clean rag. Use vinegar to remove the mold if the soapy water didn’t work. Mix together bleach, dishwashing detergent, and warm water. Scrub the mold using the bleach solution. Sand the wood if the bleach solution did not remove the mold. Dry the cleaned areas using a dehumidifier or a fan. Vacuum the area to remove any loose mold spores. Apply a fungicidal paint or sealant to prevent the mold from returning. Keep the area well-ventilated to prevent mold from returning. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian | How to Be a Lacto Ovo Vegetarian | You can start being a lacto ovo vegetarian, or someone who doesn't eat meat, fish, or poultry, by eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains to get the right nutrients without eating meat. For example, to get enough protein you could make an omelette or eat a serving of baked beans. To get enough iron, try eating whole-wheat bread, or cold cereal with milk. If you're used to eating a lot of meat, look for good substitutes like seitan for chicken strips, or tofu and tempeh for chicken. Similarly, if you don't want to consume dairy you can substitute regular milk with almond milk or soy milk. | Understand exactly what a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is. This kind of diet excludes all meat, poultry, and fish, but permits eggs and dairy products, as well as foods containing either or both these. The lacto-ovo diet thus differs from other types of vegetarian plans, like pesco-vegetarian (which permits fish), or lacto-vegetarian (which permits dairy but not eggs), as well as from the vegan diet, which excludes all animal products and foods made from them. Understand the benefits. A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is associated with lower rates of obesity, heart disease, the reduction of blood pressure and cholesterol, of type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Know the challenges. Switching to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet can be a big change in terms of dish choices and staying overall healthy. As with any major health change, you are advised to talk to a doctor and/or registered dietitian. That way, you can get help developing a healthy nutritional plan that will ensure you get the right amounts of nutrients. Decide the limits you want to draw for your diet. Animal products include meat and eggs, while animal-based products like gelatin and lard are derived from animals but are often found in processed foods that are not specifically animal products. You can make choices about what specific foods or food types you want to include or exclude from your lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. You may choose to exclude all animal-based foods, including gelatin, honey, etc. as many vegans do. Alternatively, you may choose to include gelatin, honey, etc. in your lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, while excluding animal products like meat, poultry, and fish. Keep in mind that animal-based products like gelatin are sometimes included in foods that are not obviously animal products. You may need to read product labels carefully, and ask about ingredients in dishes at restaurants, in order to make sure whether or not foods are permissible in your diet based on the limits you have set. Eat the proper portions of the right amount of foods. It is possible to consume the full range of nutrients you need while following a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, but as with any meal plan you will have to balance what you eat. The best way to do this is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, legumes (beans and lentils), cheeses, yogurts, grains (wheat, rice, oats, etc.), and other foods. This helps to ensure that you get the proper nutrients and avoid any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. The precise amount of foods you will need to eat varies depending on the level of calories you need for your age, activity level, etc. Check with a doctor or registered dietitian if you have concerns. Get enough protein. Protein, which the body needs to function and grow, is essential. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, you can meet your protein needs by eating foods like beans, nuts, and soy products, as well as dairy products and eggs. Good ways to get protein (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: an omelette made of four egg whites, two four-inch pancakes made with egg whites, or 1/2 cup cooked beans. Most varieties of vegetarians face issues with getting enough protein. Track your protein intake and adjust accordingly. Ensure you are consuming vitamin D. Lacto-ovo vegetarians can get the calcium they need for bones and teeth not only from dairy products, but from certain soy milks, breakfast cereals, dark-green leafy vegetables, and other foods as well. Fortified dairy products and egg yolks also provide necessary vitamin D. Good ways to get vitamin D (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup low-fat milk, 1 ounce of low-fat cheese, or 1 cup of raw leafy greens. Eat enough iron. Instead of getting iron from meats, lacto-ovo vegetarians have a range of delicious options including iron-fortified breakfast cereals, spinach, beans, whole wheat breads, and other foods. Good ways to get iron (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup cooked beans, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 1 cup of raw spinach, or 3/4 cup fortified cold cereal. Take a multivitamin and multi mineral supplement daily (but it's not necessary, unless you run a daily marathon). Don't forget zinc. Lacto-ovo vegetarians can get zinc from fortified breakfast cereals, many beans, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, wheat germ, and milk products, among others. Good ways to get zinc (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup cooked beans, 1/2 cup low-fat milk, or 3/4 cup fortified cold cereal. Make sure you get vitamin B-12 in adequate amounts. This vitamin can come from animal products or supplements. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, you have the option of getting B-12 from milk products, eggs, and vitamin-fortified foods. Good ways to get vitamin B-12 (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup low-fat milk, a medium egg, or 3/4 cup fortified cold cereal. Determine if you are getting enough Iodine. Iodine helps the functioning of many organs, and is an ingredient that is now commonly found in iodized salt. It is also found in many processed foods made with iodized salt. If your diet is largely based on raw foods, you may not be getting enough iodine. Keep iodized salt available if this is the case, but be careful not to ingest too much of it. Look for Omega-3-rich foods. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for heart and brain health. In a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, they can be obtained from nuts and seeds, soybeans and certain fortified foods. 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil or 1/2 cup flaxseed or chiaseed are excellent sources of Omega-3s, for example. Certain varieties of eggs are also rich in Omega-3s; these are often labeled as such. Make an attempt to step out of your comfort zone. Switching to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet can be a major change, and sticking to it can feel difficult if you only focus on what you can't eat. However, your diet can also be a way of opening up to new and exciting possibilities. Trying new things helps ensure that you are eating a varied diet and getting all of the nutrients you need. Try a variety of cuisines. Many cuisines are rich in options for lacto-ovo vegetarians. Dining out at a variety of restaurants can be a great way to try new foods and get ideas for dishes. Asian cuisines (including Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese) often have meatless options, based on vegetables and/or tofu. Some of these dishes are prepared using fish sauces, so ask if you are unsure. South Asian cuisines (Indian, Pakistani, Nepali, etc.) often offer meatless dishes based on lentils, rice, curried vegetables, yogurts, and other foods that are permissible in a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. It is not too difficult to find meatless options in Mediterranean cuisines (Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern). Look for dishes incorporating falafel (chick peas balls), couscous, eggplant, tabbouleh, feta, and other foods. Many specific dishes and sauces are explicitly meatless, such as pasta primavera (with veggies) and pesto (marinara contains fish). Options for lacto-ovo vegetarians in Mexican cuisine include bean-based burritos, vegetable fajitas and nachos, cheese or bean enchiladas, quesadillas, tamales, rice dishes, huevos rancheros, guacamole, salsas, refried beans, and more. Ask if you want to make sure that any of these dishes are not made with lard or other animal products. Look for substitutions. If you have a recipe or dish that traditionally requires meat, there are ways to substitute it with lacto-ovo vegetarian approved options. Meat substitutes include: Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans. It can be sliced or processed like meat to be fried, baked, roasted, etc. Seitan is processed from wheat gluten. It has a mild flavor and a texture similar to meat. It can be used in strips, chunks, etc. in many recipes instead of meat. Tofu is coagulated soy milk that has been pressed into blocks. Soft tofu can range from creamy to crumbly, while firm tofu can be sliced into strips or pieces to be grilled, marinated, baked, etc. Textured vegetable protein is produced from soy, and comes in a variety of forms (flakes, chunks, etc.). These can be added to dishes to increase their protein content, or can be used as a ground meat substitute in chili, spaghetti, burgers, and practically any other dish. Beans are rich and protein and can be used as a meat substitute. For example, vegetarian chili can be made by substituting more beans instead of beef. Vegetarian or vegan alternatives have been developed for many animal products. Many supermarkets carry now items such as bean-based “hamburgers,” soy “hot dogs,” and tofu “turkey,” and “bacon” made from ingredients like tempeh and seitan. Although cheese is permissible in a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, you can also choose vegan soy “cheese” as an option. Quorn is a good substitute Use cookbooks and recipe sites to find ideas. You can easily research lacto-ovo vegetarian recipes. These will give you lots of ideas for dishes to try, and new or different foods to incorporate into your diet. The USDA and other organizations maintain lists of resources, and internet search engines will also reveal lots of possibilities. | Understand exactly what a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is. Understand the benefits. Know the challenges. Decide the limits you want to draw for your diet. Eat the proper portions of the right amount of foods. Get enough protein. Ensure you are consuming vitamin D. Eat enough iron. Don't forget zinc. Make sure you get vitamin B-12 in adequate amounts. Determine if you are getting enough Iodine. Look for Omega-3-rich foods. Make an attempt to step out of your comfort zone. Try a variety of cuisines. Look for substitutions. Use cookbooks and recipe sites to find ideas. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Reverse-the-Effects-of-Smoking | How to Reverse the Effects of Smoking | To reverse the effects of smoking after you've quit, try to exercise every day, even if it's just going for a walk on your lunch break, since exercise can help strengthen your lungs. Also, try to maintain a healthy diet, with plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low fat dairy products, and lean meats, which cover all of the nutrients your body needs. Additionally, avoid eating foods that are high in salt, sugar, or fat since they can put strain on your lungs. If you have a humidifier, use it in your house to moisturize your airways and reduce irritation. | Seek medical assistance. Though many people are able to quit "cold turkey," the best way to devise a treatment plan is in consultation with a medical professional. For some people, this may simply mean a brief information session with a primary care giver. For others, a more long-term treatment plan may be necessary. Talk to your doctor about devising a smoking cessation plan that's right for you. Try the START method: S= Set a quit date. T= Tell friends and family members that you plan on quitting. A= Anticipate hard times ahead and plan for them. R= Remove tobacco products from the house, car, and work. T= Tell you Doctor so that you can get help. Join a counseling program. Counseling is available through most healthcare providers. Counseling may range from individual (one-on-one) counseling sessions, group counseling sessions, or remote counseling by telephone, depending on the individual's needs and the options available through a given healthcare provider. Some people find behavioral therapy to be an effective tool in quitting smoking. There are a number of smartphone apps available that can help smokers quit. One such app, called quitSTART, was designed in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You can get help by calling a free phone hotline 1-800-QUIT-NOW. You can also find many resources for quitting at www.smokefree.gov. Try medication. There are many medication options available that can help you quit smoking. These medications range from over-the-counter options to prescription-strength medicine. Prescription medication will help reduce your cravings for tobacco and help unwanted withdrawal symptoms. Over-the-counter options typically involve nicotine replacement products, such as the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, and nicotine lozenges. Prescription-strength nicotine replacements are available as patches, inhalers, and nasal sprays. Other prescription medications that may help you quit smoking include bupropion SR (Zyban) and varenicline tartrate (Chantix). Understand why quitting is important. Smoking cessation is the most effective way to reverse the effects of smoking. Any other plan that does not incorporate quitting tobacco will not be as effective at reducing the health impact on your body. Studies have shown that quitting smoking has both immediate and long-term effects on your health. After quitting smoking, you can expect the following results : Your heart rate and blood pressure will return to a more normal range within 20 minutes of quitting The carbon monoxide levels in your blood will return to a normal range within 12 hours of quitting Your blood circulation and lung function will improve within two weeks to three months after quitting Coughing and shortness of breath will decrease and cilia function will resume within one to nine months after quitting Your risk of coronary heart disease will drop by up to 50 percent within one year of quitting Your risk of mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder cancers will drop by 50 percent within five years of quitting, your risk of cervical cancer and stroke will drop to that of a non-smoker Your risk of fatal lung cancer will drop by approximately 50 percent after 10 years of quitting Your risk of coronary heart disease returns to that of a non-smoker within 15 years of quitting Learn controlled breathing. If you suffer from respiratory ailments, there are a number of breathing positions and relaxation techniques that can be used to assist you when you find yourself feeling short of breath. Talk to your doctor or a qualified respiratory therapist about controlled breathing techniques to help you improve your lung function. Sit upright. This can help increase the capacity of your lungs, which may be invaluable during times when you are short of breath. Breathe in through the nose and out through pursed lips. This can help you find a slow, steady rhythm to regulate your breath. Use your diaphragm to breathe. That means taking deeper, more substantial breaths, rather than the shallow breaths associated with the upper chest. Using your diaphragm to breathe will also have the added benefit of activating the parasympathetic nervous system and relaxing you. When you are short of breath you may feel very anxious. Relax your neck, shoulders, and upper torso while breathing. If at all possible, have a friend or relative stand behind you and gently rub your shoulders while you sit and breathe. Allow yourself to cough. Coughing is a side-effect that some people may experience in the weeks or months after giving up smoking. It may seem counter-intuitive, but coughing is actually good for your body once you've quit smoking. It helps clear irritants (including mucus) out of your lungs, which is often considered a sign that the lungs are healing. If your coughing persists for more than a month or is accompanied by any blood, call your doctor right away, as this may be a sign of a more serious respiratory condition. Reduce mucus. Many current and former smokers experience elevated levels of mucus in the lungs. To combat this, you may need to cough more frequently (unless it is painful to do so). You can also help combat mucus and airway irritation by using a humidifier in your home to moisturize the airways. You should also drink plenty of water to help keep your body hydrated each day. Get plenty of exercise. For some people with respiratory problems, exercise is exhausting and difficult; however, regular exercise — especially cardiovascular exercise — has been shown to improve the respiratory muscles and provide you with stronger lungs. Just don't overdo your workout or push yourself too hard. According to the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition you should aim 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This is equivalent to working out for 30 minutes five time a week. You can further break down your exercise into 10-minute increments. Any shorter than that, however, and you won't receive all the benefits. Moderate intensity exercise includes walking, biking slowly, gardening, using a wheelchair, and water aerobics. Maintain a healthy diet. Some people may not think of diet as a factor in respiratory health, but being overweight can put an additional strain on the lungs and may restrict breathing. Being underweight also puts you at risk of missing vital nutrients. Ask your doctor whether a healthier, more-balanced diet may help your respiratory condition. Dietary guidelines for Americans include consuming more healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low fat dairy products, lean meats, and seafood. Limit sodium, saturated and trans fatty acids, and simple sugars. Take medications. There are a number of medications available that can help reduce the effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The medication your doctor recommends will vary, depending on your symptoms and the treatment plan your doctor has devised for you. Bronchodilators — This class of medications is designed to relax the muscles along your airways to alleviate shortness of breath and chronic coughing. Most bronchodilators are prescribed as an aerosol inhaler, and come in short-acting forms (such as albuterol, levalbuterol, and ipratropium) and long-acting forms (such as tiotropium, salmeterol, formoterol, and arformoterol). Inhaled steroids — These medications involve a form of corticosteroids that are inhaled to reduce inflammation of the airways. Some commonly-prescribed inhaled steroids are fluticasone (Flovent) and budesonide (Pulmicort). Combination inhalers — These medications combine bronchodilators and inhaled steroids into a single inhaler. Some common combination inhalers include Advair, which combines salmeterol and fluticasone, and Symbicort, which combines formoterol and budesonide. Oral steroids — This class of medication is usually prescribed to patients with moderate to severe acute exacerbation of COPD. Oral steroids are usually given in short courses that last around five days. Common oral steroids for COPD exacerbation include methylprednisolone (Medrol), prednisolone (Prelone), and prednisone. Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors — This medication helps reduce inflammation of the airways and relaxes the muscles that line the respiratory system. The most common phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor is roflumilast (Daliresp). Theophylline — This medication can help improve breathing in patients suffering from COPD and may help prevent exacerbations of COPD. Theophylline is available in a number of oral forms, including syrup, capsules, and tablets, some of which are extended release pills. Common brand names of Theophylline include Elixophyllin, Norphyl, Pyllocontin, and Quibron-T. Antibiotics — Certain respiratory infections can cause COPD symptoms to worsen. Antibiotics can help treat exacerbations of COPD associated with respiratory infections, while some studies suggest that one particular antibiotic - azithromycin - may actually prevent exacerbations altogether. Try lung therapy. There are a number of lung therapy options that can help patients suffering from moderate to severe COPD. These therapy options are designed to increase the function of a patient's lungs if COPD has made breathing difficult. Oxygen therapy — This option involves using a tank or portable unit of supplemental oxygen. Some patients only need supplemental oxygen use during strenuous activities or while sleeping, while others may need supplemental oxygen around the clock, depending on the severity of symptoms. Oxygen therapy is the only COPD treatment option that has been proven to extend the patient's life. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs — This option combines training/education, exercise, nutritional guidance, and counseling. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs are designed to reduce the length of hospital stays and increase the patient's quality of life. Consider surgery. Surgical options are usually reserved for patients with severe COPD and/or emphysema who have not responded to medication and traditional therapy options. Surgery usually falls into one of two treatment options: Lung volume reduction surgery involves a surgeon removing small portions of damaged lung tissue, allowing the healthier tissue to expand and work more efficiently. This treatment option may improve a patient's quality of life and could extend a patient's life. Lung transplantation improves the patient's ability to breathe and resume physical activity; however, it is a very serious procedure with many possible complications and side-effects, including the risk of death. There is also a very specific set of criteria which prospective transplant recipients must meet. Talk to your doctor about whether a lung transplant may be right for you. | Seek medical assistance. Join a counseling program. Try medication. Understand why quitting is important. Learn controlled breathing. Allow yourself to cough. Reduce mucus. Get plenty of exercise. Maintain a healthy diet. Take medications. Try lung therapy. Consider surgery. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Police-Officer | How to Become a Police Officer | To become a police officer, you must be a legal resident and at least 18 years old. If you have a driver's license and high school diploma or GED, choose a police academy that's conveniently located for you and go through the screening test. At the screening, you may be asked questions about your judgement, ethics, and biases. Once you're admitted into the academy, you'll go through 6 months of training and then be given exams to test your competency. If you pass, you can start looking for openings at your local police department! | Meet the basic requirements. Age requirement varies by jurisdiction. In most states and individual departments, the minimum age for recruitment is 21. In some states and police departments, the minimum age may be lower to 18, 19, or 20. The maximum age varies by police department, however special exemptions may be made for veterans who served in the US military forces for a minimum of 2 years and have been honorable discharged. It is necessary you check in with your desired police agency for the age requirement (If you have been dishonorably discharged, it may affect your chances of becoming a cop so it's probably best if you don't mention you were in the military on your resume or during the panel interview as it's possible that they'll contact your former branch and ask what kind of soldier you were). Make sure your record is clean. Police officers are expected to act as role models in their communities, and any crimes committed prior to becoming an officer can disqualify you. Avoid using illegal drugs, drinking alcohol to excess, and associating with criminals. All of these behaviors can make it tougher to get a job as a police officer when it comes time to apply. Having a felony conviction, a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction, or a conviction for a crime related in any way to race (a hate crime) disqualifies you from being able to pursue a career as a police officer in most jurisdictions. Start building good credit. When you apply to become a police officer, the department will run a credit check as part of your background check, and you will be penalized if your score is low. To build good credit , avoid accumulating debt, and pay your bills on time. Get a credit check now so you know exactly what financial state you are in. If you don't have good credit, take steps toward building it back up. Even if your credit score is low, the efforts you make to attain better credit will show that you're a responsible person. Develop a strong work background. Having work experience helps prepare you for the long hours and strict requirements of a police officer job, and it also gives you an edge over applicants with no experience. Your job experience doesn't have to be related to law enforcement, although that can help; any work experience that shows you're responsible and capable of doing a job well will help. Consider taking a job that requires you to interact with the public. Police officers need excellent communication skills. Other government jobs, such as a job at your local state park, can give you a sense of what it's like to work as part of a law enforcement team. Some choose to join the military service for a year or two before joining the police force, as this prepares them physically and mentally for the duties of a cop. However, military service doesn't exempt you from police academy in most jurisdictions. Get physically fit. Police officers have to have quick reflexes, the ability to run short or long distances, and the strength to detain suspects. You'll have to pass a physical agility test to qualify for becoming a police officer, so start working out now to make sure you're in your best physical shape. Join a gym, work with a personal trainer, or just start running every day to get yourself in shape. Go on ride-alongs whenever possible. Police officers are a familiar sight around communities and in the media, but in order to really understand what its like to be a police officer, you have to spend time on the job with one. Most police departments allow citizens to ride along with cops, so take advantage of the opportunity as often as you can! To schedule a ride-along, contact your local police department. Graduate from high school. Alternatively, you can pass the General Education Development (GED) exam. Virtually all police departments require their officers to at least have a GED or High School Diploma. Consider higher education. Having a college degree is not a requirement for getting hired by most police departments, but it can help to have even a few years of education in a related field, especially if you plan to later become a detective or hold an administrative position. Law enforcement, criminal justice, or even pre-law are all good majors for prospective police. Some departments provide tuition assistance to offers pursuing a degree. Choose a police academy to attend. If you have a particular department in mind, choose that department's police academy. If you are open to moving around in the future, whichever police academy is closest or offers the most flexible hours will be fine. Not all departments have their own police academies. Be sure to check with yours first. Police academies are usually part-time but some may be full-time. Tuition depends on location, but be prepared to spend several thousand USD. Take the police academy screening test. Most police academies require applicants to pass a screening test before they can be admitted. The actual contents of the test depends on the jurisdiction, but expect to be asked questions that focus on your judgement, ethics, racial and gender biases, and other critical issues that police officers have to contend with. Some police academies require psychological screening tests. Attend police academy. All potential police officers attend police academy for training. Large police departments usually have their own police academies, while smaller departments send potential police officers to academies in larger cities. Training usually lasts for about 6 months, and includes courses in a variety of areas, including: First aid/CPR State, federal, and local laws Firearm use Patrol procedures Ethics Investigation and report writing Criminal law Leadership Pass examinations. Each department has different examinations you must pass in order to become a police officer. Examinations are usually administered to test your competence in the subjects and skills you studied in police academy. In addition to written tests, you will have to pass a practical exam that tests you in a hands-on scenario. Look for open police jobs. Find out whether there are openings at your local police department. If there aren't, you may need to apply for jobs in other towns or cities. Consider factors such as location, cost of living, and crime rate when applying for police jobs. Most police jobs are not publicly advertised. Call your local department for openings. Applications vary by department, but most of them are long and complex. Be prepared to wait for months after applying to jobs. Pass the department screening tests. Many departments have their own screening tests that are required before an interview. These tests are likely to focus on your ethical and psychological attitudes towards topics such as domestic violence, police brutality, racial bias, and mental illness. Pass background and drug tests. It's common for departments to administer drug and background tests before the interview even takes place, so be prepared to provide the necessary information with little warning. You may need to provide a hair or urine sample, a copy of your credit report, and full biographical information. Be sure to tell the department beforehand if there is any reason you may not pass a test. For example, if you have recently purchased a house, your credit score might not be accurate. Excel during your interview. If you are asked for an interview, do your best! Competition can often be steep for jobs in good departments. Bring your resume along, dress professionally, and make it clear that you have the right values and skills to become a police officer. A police officer's resume should contain their education, police academy training, work or military history, and any volunteer experience that might be relevant. Be assertive. This is an important quality for a police officer to have. If you're feeling nervous in the days leading up to the interview, do a practice interview with a friend or family member to help build up your confidence. Be honest. Don't lie about past crimes you have committed or mistakes you have made. Honesty and integrity are of utmost importance in police work. Be prepared to discuss sensitive issues, such as police brutality. Begin training. Accepting a job offer is only the first part of becoming a real cop! Most departments require extensive training before you'll be allowed to operate independently. Attend the necessary training and courses required to help you learn how to do your job well. | Meet the basic requirements. Make sure your record is clean. Start building good credit. Develop a strong work background. Get physically fit. Go on ride-alongs whenever possible. Graduate from high school. Consider higher education. Choose a police academy to attend. Take the police academy screening test. Attend police academy. Pass examinations. Look for open police jobs. Pass the department screening tests. Pass background and drug tests. Excel during your interview. Begin training. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Wool-Carpet | How to Clean a Wool Carpet | To clean a fresh stain on a wool carpet, start by scooping up any solids and blotting the stain with a dry paper towel. Then, apply plain warm water to the stain and gently rub it into the carpet with a cloth. If the stain is already set, try applying white vinegar and water to the stain and lightly rubbing it in. Then, dab the stain with a damp sponge to remove the vinegar. You can also blot stubborn stains with mineral turpentine, which is a kind of paint thinner you can find at your local hardware store. | Use a vacuum cleaner with soft bristles and good suction. Make sure you use a high-quality vacuum cleaner on your carpet to extend the life of the wool fibers. Use a vacuum with soft bristles to gently agitate any trapped dirt and dust and make sure the suction is strong. If you have high-pile carpet, use a vacuum with bristles that can adjust higher off the ground. Vacuum wool carpet every day for the first week after it's first laid. When you get new wool carpet, it's important to vacuum it often to remove lint and dust from installation. Lightly vacuum your wool carpet every other day for the first week after it's installed. Run a vacuum twice a week in high-traffic areas. Areas on your wool carpet that see a lot of foot traffic need to be vacuumed at least twice a week. Pass your vacuum over carpet in frequently used rooms 5 to 7 times. Vacuum once a week in low-traffic areas. Even if an area of your carpet isn't walked on much, you should vacuum once a week to remove dust or dirt that moves through the air. Pass a vacuum over any low traffic areas of your carpet 3 times once per week. Scrape up solids and blot spills immediately. Wool naturally deters liquids from absorbing into its fibers, but that doesn't mean you should let spilled food or drink get a chance to stain. Scoop up solids without letting them dig deeper into the carpet and blot—don't rub—spills with a dry paper towel. Use plain water on wet stains. If a spill is fresh, plain warm water will probably suffice on wool carpet. Fill a water bottle with warm water, spray a little on the spill after you have blotted all that you can up. Lightly rub the water onto the stain with a soft cloth or sponge and blot any excess water up with a dry cloth or paper towel. Remove pet accidents with baking soda and vinegar. Baking soda will absorb the odor and white vinegar will help disinfect the area. Liberally sprinkle baking soda on the stain and let it sit for 30 minutes then vacuum. Make a cleaning solution out of ⁄ 2 cup (120 mL) vinegar, 2 cups (470 mL) water and ⁄ 2 teaspoon (2.5 mL) liquid dishwasher detergent, and follow these directions: Dip a clean cloth or sponge in the cleaning solution and wring it out. Lightly rub the stain using circular movements. Rub a water-dampened sponge or cloth over the area to rinse and blot with a paper towel. Blot stubborn stains with mineral turpentine. Remove stubborn stains like lipstick, rust, oil, and crayon with mineral turpentine. If you don't have this commonly used paint thinner at home, look for some at your local hardware store. Soak a clean rag in the turpentine, and lightly dab and blot the stain with it. After the stain disappears, blot all excess moisture up with a dry, white paper towel and move on to the next step. Use wool detergent and vinegar to clean water-based stains. Whether you need to flush mineral turpentine or clean stains like coffee or juice, an approved wool detergent, and white vinegar will clean your wool carpet right up. Mix 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of wool detergent, 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of white vinegar, and 4.25 cups (1.01 L) of warm water. Dampen a cloth in the solution, lightly rub and dab the stain, and use a water-dampened sponge to remove the cleaner. Blot all water up with a dry, white paper towel and let the area dry for several hours. Steam-clean your carpet at least once a year. Wool is great at hiding dirt, but that doesn't mean it's not still there. Trapped sand and dried mud can wear out the fibers on a wool carpet the more you walk and rub your feet around on it. Steam clean at least once a year to remove all trapped dirt and consider cleaning it twice a year on highly used carpet. Remove all furniture and items from your carpet. Find a place to put all items on the carpeted room that needs to be cleaned. Remember you will have to wait at least a day for the carpet to fully dry before you arrange items back on it, so stack furniture along the edges of another room not being cleaned. Make sure you can easily move around the room if you need to. Get your carpet professionally cleaned for best results. Hire a local carpet cleaner to professionally steam clean your carpet using hot water extraction. It will deeply remove dirt, dust, and dander from pets. Look in the yellow pages and read reviews about potential cleaners online. Rent a steamer for a day to save money. Steam cleaning your carpets yourself can be a less expensive option than using a professional carpet cleaner. To find where to rent a steamer, call your local hardware and carpet stores. They will likely rent steamers or direct you where to find one. Check to make sure you have a compatible cleaning solution for the machine and if it's certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute. | Use a vacuum cleaner with soft bristles and good suction. Vacuum wool carpet every day for the first week after it's first laid. Run a vacuum twice a week in high-traffic areas. Vacuum once a week in low-traffic areas. Scrape up solids and blot spills immediately. Use plain water on wet stains. Remove pet accidents with baking soda and vinegar. Blot stubborn stains with mineral turpentine. Use wool detergent and vinegar to clean water-based stains. Steam-clean your carpet at least once a year. Remove all furniture and items from your carpet. Get your carpet professionally cleaned for best results. Rent a steamer for a day to save money. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-the-Perfect-Snowball | How to Make the Perfect Snowball | To make the perfect snowball, avoid powdery snow and find a patch of warmer, wetter snow that looks free of debris. Next, cup both hands, reach below the surface of the snow, and grab the slightly packed snow underneath. Then, bring your hands together while rotating them, gradually increasing the pressure with each rotation to fuse the snow together. You can stop packing the snow when it gets hard to rotate. Then, transfer the snowball to one hand and use your other hand to smooth out any rough edges until you have a nice oval shape. | Go for warmer snow. Light, powdery snow does not contain a lot of moisture or air, making it difficult to pack into a snowball. For the best snowballs, seek out snow from areas where the ground may be warmer. Wetter snow makes for better snowballs. Heat is often given off by a house. Snow close to buildings may be warmer than average. Snow that's exposed to the sun may be warmer than snow you would find in the shade. If you can't find warmer snow, lie down on the ground for a few minutes. The heat from your body will melt the snow slightly, adding moisture. This will make for better snowballs. If it's possible, choose to have a snowball fight during the afternoon. Snow tends to be more shapeable when the weather is slightly warmer, so playing when the sun is out can give you a better selection of snow. Play during ideal temperatures. Temperatures right around freezing are best for making snowballs. The snow is warm enough that's it's shapeable, without being wet to the point of sloppy or slushy. If it's around 32 degrees Fahrenheit out, this is the best time to have a snowball fight. If possible, play when the weather is around 32 degrees. Pick snow that's deeper in the ground. Snowballs are best when they're firm and packed. Snow that's slightly below the surface has already been packed together by the pressure from the snow and ice above. If there's more than a few inches of snow on the ground, reach below the surface to gather snow for a snowball. Look for clean snow. When seeking out snow, make sure it's free of dirt and debris. Pick snow from an area that's not near the road. You may want to sift through snow before picking it up. Look out for things like animal urine or feces, rocks, twigs, and other hard objects. Choose gloves instead of mittens. When it comes to making a snowball, gloves are key. Mittens do not allow as much hand movement, preventing you from adequately shaping your snowball. Also, mittens tend to allow less heat to escape. A small amount of heat is good for a snowball. It melts the snow slightly, allowing you to shape it easier. Cup your hands and fill them with snow. To start making your snowball, cup your hands. Dip them into the ground and pick up about a handful of snow in each hand. This is slightly more than a half a cup of snow in each hand. Bring your hands together while rotating them. From here, bring your hands together. Start rotating your hands. This motion will help fuse the snow together. Slowly and rhythmically rotate your hands while pressing the two clumps of snow together. Increase the pressure. With each rotation, increase the pressure. The perfect snowball will be firmly packed. You should increase pressure gradually, however. Putting too much pressure on the snowball too soon will result in the snow crumbling. Be patient. Start rotating with a small amount of pressure, and gradually increase as you go. Stop when the snow becomes resistant. After awhile, the snow will get harder and harder to maneuver. You will start feeling resistance, which is a sign your snowball is almost complete. Stop rotating the snowball and transfer it to one hand. Use the hand not holding the snowball to smooth out rough edges to form a nice oval shape. Set snowballs aside for a bit, if possible. If you're able to do so, it's a good idea to set your snowballs aside before you begin a snowball fight. The pressure and heat from your hands will cause the snowball to release moisture. When the snowballs are set out in the cold, the moisture will refreeze, making the snowball more firm. Do not throw snowballs that contains ice. You should make sure there are no chunks of ice in the snow you use in a snowball. Throwing snowballs with ice can cause injuries to other players. Sift through snow before making a snowball to make sure it does not contain ice. Do not throw snowballs at vehicles. Playing with snowballs can be a fun activity. However, you should never throw a snowball at a moving vehicle. This can result in a car accident. Stick to playing in the confines of your backyard or a local park. Use a safety word. In the event someone is hurt, you should have a safety word to let other players know to stop. Snowball fights are usually safe, but injuries do happen. Choose a word, like "Banana," and tell other players to yell that word in the event they're injured and need assistance. If someone yells the safety word, stop immediately and get help. Bundle up. If it's cold enough for a snowball fight, temperatures outside are below freezing. Make sure to bundle up in snow pants, scarves, gloves, hats, and other winter gear. Exposure to the cold for too long can result in potentially serious health problems like hypothermia. | Go for warmer snow. Play during ideal temperatures. Pick snow that's deeper in the ground. Look for clean snow. Choose gloves instead of mittens. Cup your hands and fill them with snow. Bring your hands together while rotating them. Increase the pressure. Stop when the snow becomes resistant. Set snowballs aside for a bit, if possible. Do not throw snowballs that contains ice. Do not throw snowballs at vehicles. Use a safety word. Bundle up. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Determine-if-a-Cut-Needs-Stitches | How to Determine if a Cut Needs Stitches | If you or someone near you has a deep cut, start by putting pressure on the wound for 5 minutes with a clean cloth. If the bleeding doesn't stop, call emergency services immediately. However, even if the bleeding does stop, check to see if the wound is greater than ¼ inch deep or if it's so wide that the edges need to be pulled together to cover the gap of exposed tissue. If this is the case, you'll need stitches as well. You should also consider the site of the wound, since cuts on areas where there's a lot of movement, like a knee joint, typically need stitches to prevent re-opening. | Try to stop the bleeding as well as you can. Elevate the injured body part above the level of the heart, as this can help to diminish bleeding. Use a clean cloth or slightly damp paper towel, and apply firm pressure to the open wound for about 5 minutes. Then, remove the cloth or paper towel to check if it's still bleeding. If it's bleeding is significant, do not proceed to any other steps and go to the hospital immediately. If the bleeding is uncontrollable, or blood is gushing from the wound, call emergency services immediately, as this can be life threatening. Check if an object is lodged in the area of the wound. If there is foreign material present in the injury, it is always important to see a doctor right away. This is because of the risk of infection, the need to assess if and how the object can be removed safely, as well as the possibility of needing stitches. Do not try to remove the object. Sometimes the object helps to stop the wound from bleeding excessively. If there is anything stuck in the wound, you should see a doctor in the emergency room immediately. See a doctor immediately if the cut has been caused by a human or animal bite. These cuts pose a much higher risk of infection, you may need to be vaccinated for prevention, and receive antibiotics, so regardless of whether stitches are needed you should seek professional medical help. Consider the area of the injury. If the cut is on the face, the hands, the mouth, or the genitals it is important to be seen by a doctor, as you may need stitching for cosmetic reasons and proper healing. Understand why stitches are used. Stitches have a multitude of uses. The most common reasons to get stitches are: To close a wound that is too big to be closed otherwise. Using stitches to bring the edges of the wound together can help to speed up healing. To prevent infection. If you have a large, gaping wound, closing it with stitches can help to minimize the risk of infection (as skin that is broken open, especially large, gaping wounds, are a prime target for an infection to enter the body). To prevent or reduce scarring after your wound heals. This is especially important when the cut is on areas of the body that are more cosmetically important, such as the face. Consider the depth of the wound. If it is greater than 1/4 inch deep, the wound may be eligible for stitching. If it's deep enough that you can see yellow fatty tissue, or even bone, you should definitely see a doctor for treatment. Evaluate the width of the wound. Are the edges of the wound close together, or do they need to be pulled together to cover the exposed tissue? If the edges of the wound need to be pulled together to cover a gap of exposed tissue, this is an indication that stitches may be required. By pulling the edges of the wound close enough to where they can touch, stitches can help to speed healing. Look at the location of the wound. If the open wound is located on a specific area of the body where there is a lot of movement involved, it will most likely need stitching to prevent re-opening of the wound caused by movement and stretching of the skin. For example, an open wound on the knee joint or fingers (especially where joints connect) would be eligible for stitches whereas an open wound on the thigh would not really need stitching. Ask your doctor about getting a tetanus shot. Tetanus shots last no longer than 10 years and then you'll have to be re-vaccinated. If you have an open wound and it's been longer than 10 years since you've had a tetanus shot, go to the hospital. While you are at the hospital, you can have the doctor evaluate the cut also to see if it will need stitching. | Try to stop the bleeding as well as you can. Check if an object is lodged in the area of the wound. See a doctor immediately if the cut has been caused by a human or animal bite. Consider the area of the injury. Understand why stitches are used. Consider the depth of the wound. Evaluate the width of the wound. Look at the location of the wound. Ask your doctor about getting a tetanus shot. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Mend-a-Torn-Seam | How to Mend a Torn Seam | To repair a torn seam, try using a needle and thread. First, put some thread that's about twice as long as the seam onto the needle to make sure you've got enough for the stitches. Then, sew the seam closed, making the stitches as small as possible for a professional look. For a faster approach, use a sewing machine. Start by winding thread around your bobbin that's as close to the color of your garment as possible. this will ensure that your repair is less visible when it's done. Then, slowly feed your fabric through the machine as it sews the seam closed. | Gather a needle and thread. Choose a needle and thread according to the item you are trying to repair. If you are working with a delicate fabric such as chiffon, lace, or silk, choose a thin needle and correspondingly thin thread. If you are working with a heavier fabric, such as denim or canvas, you will need a thick needle and thick thread. If the seam will be visible, be sure to choose a color corresponding to the surrounding fabric. Thread the needle. Loop the thread through the eye of your needle. If the edge of the thread is frayed or otherwise impaired, trim back until the thread is smooth with a blunt end. If necessary, wet the end of the thread before passing through the head of the needle. You can either loop a single piece of thread through the eye of the needle, or two ends of the thread to create a thicker sewing tool. As can be expected, a thicker gathering of thread will be better for heavy-duty fabrics. Cut the thread, leaving several inches of extra space. When measuring the amount of thread to use, double the length of the seam, and add another inch or two. While you may wind up with too much thread, it is far better to have too much thread than to have too little, as you may be able to see where your stitch starts and stops in the middle of the torn area. Choose your stitch. Different stitches work well for different fabrics and problems. A simple whip stitch is wonderful for delicate fabric, while a running stitch will do well with a sturdy fabric. If you are dealing with an exposed seam, a backstitch will provide a discreet means of repair. If you are a beginner, a running stitch is likely to be the easiest option, as it involves going in a single, straight line. A backstitch is another good beginner option. To backstitch, push your needle through the fabric, pull your thread all the way through, and push your needle up through the bottom of the fabric ¼ an inch (.635 cm), before placing your needle at your starting point and pulling the thread all the way through again. Continue this process to create a clean backstitch. Repair your seam. Once you've chosen your stitch, begin to repair your seam, holding the fabric taut to prevent wrinkling or snagging. Try to keep your stitches as even and uniform as possible, favoring a tighter stitch rather than a loose one. While a loose stitch will be faster and easier, you run the risk of the repaired seam weakening and reopening quickly. Finish with a firm knot. Once you have reached the edge of the torn seam, tie a firm knot to prevent further fraying and damage. If your knot is too loose, your newly-repaired seam may begin to unravel, while a tight knot may cause snagging. Smooth the fabric to make sure there are no wrinkles or problems, then tie a knot to lie flush against the fabric. Tying the knot will be easier if you keep the needle intact and pull the needle through the loop you've made for your knot. This is especially true if you have only an inch or so of extra thread. Test the result. Turning the fabric right-side-out, gently pull apart the area you've mended, making sure there are no ripples, remaining holes, or snags. If you do find a snag, use a seam-ripper to remove your thread, and start again. While you do want to check to make sure your seam is solid, avoid yanking on the seam, as this can damage even the most well-constructed item of clothing. Wind your bobbin with the appropriate color. Choose the color that best suits your seam, whether it is visible or not. Although the color may not seem important initially, if the fabric in question is even a tiny bit sheer, a dark or light thread will be immediately visible. Choose a color as close to the fabric or existing thread as possible. Choose your sewing machine’s settings. New and old sewing machines come with a wide array of settings, ranging from the length of a stitch to the type of stitch being used. Consult your machine's manufacturer's booklet or instruction manual to determine how to choose a setting, and which setting is the optimal setting for your fabric. Place the fabric beneath the machine’s foot. Place the fabric in need of repair below the foot, beginning ¼-½ inch in front of the torn seam. If possible, line the existing thread up with the machine's needle to keep the appearance of the seam uniform. Slowly feed your fabric through the machine. Gently press down on the machine's pedal, feeding your fabric through the machine carefully and slowly. Again, though you may think it is best to get the job done quickly, the needle could snag even a thick fabric if it is passed through too quickly. Take your time. Remove your pins as you go, making sure they do not pass beneath the machine's needle. Although it could skip over the pin, you run the risk of breaking the needle when it hits the pin. Run back over the final ½ inch (1.27 cm) of the fabric. Once you have reached the end of the tear, go back over your fabric to close the thread loop. Once you have done that, lift the foot, and remove the fabric from beneath the foot. ½ an inch (1.27 cm) is more than enough space. Going over any more of the fabric may result in accidentally ripping up your repaired stitches. Remove excess thread. Snip the thread from the bobbin and needle, and trim any excess fabric or thread from the newly-mended area. If there are frayed edged, be sure to trim those too, as leaving a frayed edge behind could result in additional fraying. Be sure to remove your fabric from the machine slowly; you must cut the thread from the bobbin and needle before trimming up any leftover thread. | Gather a needle and thread. Thread the needle. Cut the thread, leaving several inches of extra space. Choose your stitch. Repair your seam. Finish with a firm knot. Test the result. Wind your bobbin with the appropriate color. Choose your sewing machine’s settings. Place the fabric beneath the machine’s foot. Slowly feed your fabric through the machine. Run back over the final ½ inch (1.27 cm) of the fabric. Remove excess thread. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-a-Turf-Burn | How to Treat a Turf Burn | Burns from playing on artificial turf can be nasty, but if you clean yours right away and keep it wrapped, it should heal within a few weeks. If your turf burn's bleeding a bit, apply pressure with gauze or a bandage until it stops. Clean it with warm water and mild soap to get rid of any dirt and debris. Then, spread a thin layer of petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment over it and wrap it with a bandage to protect it from the elements. Clean your burn daily and replace its bandage with a fresh one. If it gets infected or doesn't heal within 3 weeks, see your doctor. | Clean the burn immediately. Because turf burns tend to get dirt and other debris in them, it's important to clean them right away. Wash the burn with a mild soap and warm water, or use a homemade saline solution. Rinse the burn with plenty of warm water to wash out any debris, and gently pat it with clean, moist, lint-free gauze. For larger pieces of debris, use clean tweezers to remove them. The tweezers you use should be disinfected. You can soak them in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes before using them. If you're cleaning someone else's burn, wash your hands first. You should also wear protective gloves. If there is quite a lot of embedded debris, or large pieces of debris in the burn, see a doctor to have them removed. Spread petroleum jelly or an antibiotic ointment over the burn. Once you've cleaned the burn, you'll need to promote its healing. Spread petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment over the entire burn so it stays moist. It will prevent infection and promote healing. Hold a clean piece of gauze over the burn if it's bleeding. If you notice that your burn is actively bleeding (leaking blood as opposed to just having blood on the surface of the burn), apply pressure with a clean piece of gauze. After you've held the gauze over the burn for a minute or 2, check the burn to see if it's still bleeding. Apply more pressure if it is. If you can't get your burn to stop bleeding after a few minutes, you should see a doctor immediately. Cover the burn with an adhesive dressing. Depending on the size of the burn, you might be able to use a large self-adhering bandage. If the burn is larger than that, use cotton padding and adhesive strips. Place the cotton pad over the burn, then apply adhesive strips around the padding to hold it in place. If it's a large turf burn, use a hydrogel dressing or silicone gel sheet. These sheets should come with adhesive strips. Place the dressing or sheet over the burn and then secure it with adhesive strips pressed down on your skin at the edges of the dressing. See a doctor if necessary. If your turf burn is bleeding and you can't get it to stop, you should see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if the skin around the burn starts to get red or swollen, since that can indicate that you've developed an infection. Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics. If the area around your burn develops red streaks, see your doctor immediately. This can be a sign of blood poisoning, a serious complication. If your burn becomes swollen, see a doctor immediately. Take antibiotics if they are prescribed. Depending on the severity of the burn, you may have been instructed to see your doctor. If you do, and they prescribe antibiotics, take them as directed. Even if your burn starts to heal, take the full course of antibiotics. They'll prevent infection and heal your burn. Depending on the severity of the burn and if infection has spread, you might be prescribed an oral or topical antibiotic. If the infection has spread, you're likely to be prescribed oral antibiotics. Otherwise, you might be given a topical antibiotic cream to apply to your burn. Clean the burn and change the bandage daily. Gently remove the adhesive and bandage to expose the burn. With warm water and soap, gently clean the burn. Then reapply ointment and rewrap the burn. Keeping cleaning the burn daily until there are no longer open wounds. Do not break blisters. This increases the chances of your burn becoming infected. If blisters do develop, treat them as you would the rest of the burn. If blisters form and break open by themselves, blot up the liquid that's released. Don't pull off any skin that was over the liquid. Check for signs of infection. Raised red areas around the burn are the most obvious sign of a developing infection. If the skin around the burn feels hot, it might be infected as well. If you notice red streaks extending from the burn, or pus when you change the bandage, see a doctor right away. Cover the burned area with long clothing. If you want to keep playing sports while your turf burn heals, give the burn extra protection. Long-sleeved shirts or long pants will help give the burn an extra layer of protection and can prevent the burn from additional damage. You can wear elastic sleeves meant for athletes' arms and legs to cover your burn. Cover the burn with an SPF 30 sunscreen once it's healed. It's important that you protect the burned area from the sun. Wearing sunscreen will help prevent redness and discoloration in the area where the burn was. | Clean the burn immediately. Spread petroleum jelly or an antibiotic ointment over the burn. Hold a clean piece of gauze over the burn if it's bleeding. Cover the burn with an adhesive dressing. See a doctor if necessary. Take antibiotics if they are prescribed. Clean the burn and change the bandage daily. Do not break blisters. Check for signs of infection. Cover the burned area with long clothing. Cover the burn with an SPF 30 sunscreen once it's healed. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Cook-Farfalle-Pasta | How to Cook Farfalle Pasta | To make farfalle pasta, create a mound out of the flour with a hole in the middle before cracking the eggs into it. Complete the dough by seasoning the mixture with salt, mixing the ingredients together, and kneading the dough for several minutes until it's smooth. After you've let the dough sit for 30 minutes, divide it into 4 pieces and roll each piece into a rectangle. Cut out smaller rectangles with a knife, then pinch the center of each piece to form a bow. | Combine the flours in a mound with a hole in the center. Add ⅔ cup (83 g) of all-purpose flour and ⅔ cup (111 g) semolina flour to a medium bowl. Whisk the two together to mix them, and then use your hands to shape them into a mound with a well in the center. The mound that you form with the hole in the center should resemble a volcano. You don't necessarily need to use a bowl to mix the dough. Traditional Italian cooks often mix the flour together on a flat work surface, such as a wooden cutting board. Crack the eggs into the flour and season with salt. With the flour shaped into a mound, break 2 large eggs into the well in the center. Next, sprinkle a pinch of salt to taste over the eggs. Stir the flour into the eggs slowly. After you've broken the eggs into the mound of flour, gently mix the flour into them. Use a fork to add small amounts of the flour from the walls of the mound to the egg center, working a little more flour in each time. Incorporate the rest of the flour with your hands and knead for several minutes. Once you've mixed about half or three-quarters of the flour into the eggs, you should be able to work the dough with clean hands. Mix in the rest of the loose flour by hand to form a ball, and then knead it for 5 to 10 minutes. The dough should feel smooth but still soft when you're done kneading it. If the dough feels too sticky, sprinkle a little more flour over it and work it in. Cover the dough and allow it to rest for half an hour. When you're finished kneading the dough, place a clean kitchen towel over the ball. Allow the pasta dough to rest for approximately 30 minutes so it's easier to work with. You can cover the dough with plastic wrap if you prefer. Divide the dough into four pieces. Once the pasta dough has rested for a half hour, remove the towel. With a sharp knife, cut the ball into four equal pieces. Roll one part of the dough into a rectangle. Remove one piece of the dough from the bowl, leaving the remaining pieces covered so they don't dry out. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough piece into a rectangle shape that's approximately 1 mm thick. If you don't have a rolling pin, you can use any heavy cylindrical object, such as a wine bottle, thermos, or can of food, to roll out the dough. If you find that the dough is sticking to your work surface or rolling pin, you can lightly dust them with flour. Cut the dough into small rectangles. When you've rolled the dough out into a rectangle, use a sharp knife to cut it into smaller rectangles. Each rectangle should be approximately 1 ½- by 1-inch (4- by 2.5-cm). If you'd like your farfalle to have a more decorative look, you can use a pastry crimper to cut the rectangles so they have scalloped edges. Pinch each rectangle in the center to form a bow. After you've finished cutting dough, use clean fingers to carefully pinch the center of each rectangle along the long side. Press fairly hard to form the trademark bow shape for the farfalle. Cover the farfalle and repeat the process with the rest of the dough. Place all of the shaped farfalle on a cookie sheet lined with wax or parchment paper, and cover them with a clean kitchen towel. Remove another piece of dough from the bowl, and repeat the process until you've shaped all of it into farfalle. Salt a large pot of water. To cook the farfalle, fill a large pot approximately three-quarters full with water. Sprinkle a pinch or two of salt into the pot to season the water. Bring the water to a boil. Place the pot on the stove, and heat it over high heat. Allow the pot to come to a boil, which should take approximately 7 to 10 minutes. Add the farfalle and cook it until it’s al dente. When the water is boiling, add the fresh farfalle to the pot. Allow the pasta to cook for 2 to 4 minutes or until it's al dente, which means it should still be slightly firm when you bite into it. While the pasta is boiling, stir it occasionally with a wooden spoon to ensure that it cooks evenly. Drain the pasta. Once the farfalle is al dente, turn off the heat and remove the pot from the stove. Next, pour the pasta into a colander in the sink to drain the water. Depending on what type of sauce you're serving with the farfalle, you may want to save some of the pasta water to help the thin out the sauce if necessary. Toss the farfalle with sauce and serve. Once the pasta is drained, you can return it the pot that you cooked it in. Add your favorite sauce, and toss the farfalle well so it's evenly coated. Transfer it to a serving platter, and serve it while it's still warm. You can use whatever sauce you like with farfalle, but because it's a larger pasta and has pleats, it holds up well to heavier sauces. Try it with pesto , Alfredo , or Bolognese sauce. | Combine the flours in a mound with a hole in the center. Crack the eggs into the flour and season with salt. Stir the flour into the eggs slowly. Incorporate the rest of the flour with your hands and knead for several minutes. Cover the dough and allow it to rest for half an hour. Divide the dough into four pieces. Roll one part of the dough into a rectangle. Cut the dough into small rectangles. Pinch each rectangle in the center to form a bow. Cover the farfalle and repeat the process with the rest of the dough. Salt a large pot of water. Bring the water to a boil. Add the farfalle and cook it until it’s al dente. Drain the pasta. Toss the farfalle with sauce and serve. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Caramel-Latte | How to Make a Caramel Latte | To make caramel latte on the stove, start by boiling 2 cups of milk in a saucepan for 3 minutes. Then, remove the pan from the heat, add caramel sauce, water, and coffee, and stir until the mixture is an even, light brown color. If you want a frothy latte, stir it vigorously with a whisk until foam and large bubbles appear on the surface. Finally, pour the latte into coffee mugs, and garnish with whipped cream and caramel sauce. | Boil 2 cups (470 ml) of milk in a saucepan on high heat for 3 minutes. Measure out the milk with a measuring cup and pour it into a saucepan. Set the burner to high heat and let the milk come to a rolling boil. Let the milk continue to boil, stirring every so often, then remove the milk from the heat. It's important to stir occasionally because it helps promote even heating and limits the risk of the milk boiling over. For best results, use a non-stick saucepan that's deep enough to prevent splash-over. Add caramel sauce, water, and coffee to the milk and stir. Pour in the ingredients 1 at a time. Stir the mixture once all the ingredients have been added. Keep stirring until all of the ingredients have blended and the mixture becomes an even, light brown color. Taste test the latte, adding sugar as needed. Scoop up a small amount of latte from the saucepan to sip from. Blow first, as the mixture will be hot. If the latte isn't sweet enough for your liking, add more sugar. Add in sugar 1 teaspoon (4.9 ml) at a time, tasting with each addition. Froth the latte (optional). Stir the latte vigorously with a whisk. Alternatively, pour the latte into a jar and shake. Stir or shake until foam and large bubbles begin to rise to the top of the liquid. You can also use a frothing wand or an immersion blender to froth the milk. Serve the latte with toppings. Pour the latte into 2 clean mugs. Spoon a dollop of whipped cream on top of the latte immediately after pouring, then drizzle a spoonful of caramel sauce on top of the cream. Toppings are completely optional; you can skip them and drink your latte plain if you want! Brew 1⁄3 cup (79 ml) of espresso in your espresso maker. Set up your espresso maker and run it to brew ⁄ 3 cup (79 ml) of coffee. Alternatively, if you don't have an espresso maker, use a single serving coffee maker to brew a serving of strong coffee or add 1 teaspoon (4.9 ml) of instant espresso to hot water. Pour the espresso into a mug. If you're making ⁄ 3 cup (79 ml) of espresso in your espresso maker, add 6 to 8 ounces (177 to 236 ml) of water. To make a stronger brew, increase the amount of coffee grounds without altering the quantity of water you use. You may need to experiment until you find a strength and taste that you prefer. Choose a standard-sized mug that holds 12 ounces (355 ml) of liquid. Pour 1⁄4 cup (59 ml) of caramel sauce into 1 cup (240 ml) of milk and stir. Use a separate cup to blend the caramel and milk. Stir continuously, until the caramel dissolves into the milk. You'll be able to tell the caramel has dissolved once the milk changes to a light brown color and any caramel swirling disappears. Froth the milk in a lidded 2-cup (470 ml) jar. Pour your milk into the jar until it fills halfway. Tightly attach the lid, then shake the milk vigorously. Keep shaking anywhere between 30 seconds and 1 minute. The milk will be ready once it has expanded with froth and large bubbles, taking up the entire jar. You can also use an immersion blender or a frothing wand to froth the milk. Microwave your milk for about 30 seconds, uncovered. Remove the jar's lid before putting it in the microwave. After 30 seconds of microwaving, you'll notice the foam sitting on top of the milk. Add milk to the espresso. Pour the milk into the same mug you set the espresso aside in. Use a spoon to press down on the milk's foam as you pour. Keep pouring until you have the amount of latte you desire. Stir with a spoon so the 2 ingredients can blend. Spoon the leftover milk foam on top of the latte before serving. Scoop up some foam with the spoon you used to hold the foam in place as you poured the milk. Dump it on top of the latte in dollops, adding however much you want. Drizzle more caramel sauce on top for an optional garnish. Brew a pot of coffee and chill overnight. Brewing your coffee the night before and chilling it in your refrigerator as you sleep will make it easier to put your latte together the next morning. At bare minimum, let your coffee come down to room temperature. The coffee strength is up to you. Instant coffee is also an option. If you're short on time, stick your coffee in the freezer for 15 minutes. Add the caramel sauce to 1 cup (240 ml) of milk. Pour in as much caramel sauce as you like! Stir the sauce and milk with a spoon until blended together. For an even smoother and creamier taste, froth the caramel-milk mixture. Beat it with a whisk until foam rises to the top of the milk. You can also shake the milk in a jar or use an immersion blender to froth the milk. Pour the caramel and milk mixture into the cold coffee. Stir the cold latte with a spoon until blended into an even brown color. Drop a handful of ice cubes into the latte before serving. If you like, add a spoonful of whipped cream on top of the latte. Drizzle more caramel sauce on the cream as a garnish. | Boil 2 cups (470 ml) of milk in a saucepan on high heat for 3 minutes. Add caramel sauce, water, and coffee to the milk and stir. Taste test the latte, adding sugar as needed. Froth the latte (optional). Serve the latte with toppings. Brew 1⁄3 cup (79 ml) of espresso in your espresso maker. Pour 1⁄4 cup (59 ml) of caramel sauce into 1 cup (240 ml) of milk and stir. Froth the milk in a lidded 2-cup (470 ml) jar. Microwave your milk for about 30 seconds, uncovered. Add milk to the espresso. Spoon the leftover milk foam on top of the latte before serving. Brew a pot of coffee and chill overnight. Add the caramel sauce to 1 cup (240 ml) of milk. Pour the caramel and milk mixture into the cold coffee. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Humidifier | How to Use a Humidifier | To use a humidifier, start by cleaning the water reservoir with mild dish soap to remove the residue from the manufacturing process. Next, add water to the reservoir up to the marked water line. Then position the humidifier on a flat, raised surface. Additionally, place the unit at least 12 inches away from the walls in order to prevent mold and moisture damage. Finally, plug in the humidifier and adjust the settings according to your preferences. | Choose the right type of humidifier for your needs. There are many different types of humidifiers on the market, so finding the best humidifier for your needs and circumstances is very important. A few of the most common humidifiers include: Central humidifiers. Central humidifiers are used to humidify an entire house. They are built into the house's heating and cooling system. Evaporators. Evaporators are smaller humidifiers that use filters and fans to add moisture to the air. These types of humidifiers tend to be very affordable. Impeller humidifiers. Impeller humidifiers release a cool mist into the air. This is especially good news for people who have children in the house. These humidifiers use fast moving disks to release their mist, and they work best for single rooms. Steam vaporizers. Steam vaporizers heat up the water in the water reservoirs and the force the water to cool before releasing it into the air as a mist. These are the most economically friendly humidifiers, but they can release hotter mists, which can cause burns. Ultrasonic humidifiers. Ultrasonic humidifiers use vibrations to release moisture into the air. Since these come in both cool and warm mist variations, they are a good choice for a home with children. Pick one that is sized properly for your intended use and room volume and be aware that they will vary in cost depending on size and features. Read the humidifier manual. Humidifiers come in many styles, each with a set of recommended settings and care instructions. The instructions may differ from others you have owned so it is important to carefully read the instructions for your specific humidifier. Assemble the humidifier if needed. With the help of the owner's manual, put together any apparatuses that need to be assembled before your humidifier can be used. This can include things like adding wheels for mobility, basic assembly of the humidifier, or personal preference settings (such as the size of the mist opening). Rinse out the water reservoir. Remove the water reservoir and clean it with mild soap and water before using the humidifier. This will clear out any residue from the manufacturing process, so you aren't breathing those in when the humidifier is in use. Add water to the reservoir. Once the reservoir is cleaned, add in some distilled water. Some humidifiers allow for tap water to be used, but distilled water is going to be free of any additives that tap water contains. There should be a marked water line on the water reservoir. Add the water up until this indicated water line. If a filter must be added directly to the water, this is when to do so. Change the water every time you use your humidifier. Position your humidifier. Your humidifier should be on a level, raised surface at least 12 inches away from walls. Choose a spot that is high up with nothing underneath, like on top of a dresser. Don't place your humidifier underneath a shelf or near paper or curtains. Nearby objects tend to get dampened by the humidifier. Before you turn on the humidifier, check the equipment and the cords to ensure they're in good condition. Turn on and adjust any settings. Plug in and power on the humidifier. Some humidifiers may have buttons or knobs that adjust the settings, so use these tools to change anything to your personal preference. If you are confused about what settings you should use or what any of the buttons or knobs mean, consult your owner's manual. Some humidifiers have a small space that allows you to add things like essential oils or vapor rub to the mist. This would be the time to add those items if desired. However, if your humidifier doesn't explicitly say that it is compatible with those items, don't use them. Recommended humidity levels are normally between 30–50%. When not in use, turn off the humidifier. The humidifier should not be going in an empty room. Clean the humidifier regularly. A humidifier should be cleaned at least twice a week for regular users. This will help prevent any bacterial growths from forming in the humidifier and in the water. For less frequent users, your cleaning habits should be very diligent, since bacteria and mold can grow between longer intervals of time between uses. Be sure to carefully read you user manual for instructions on cleaning and maintenance. Water and mild soap work well for basic cleaning, but you can also use diluted white vinegar or citric acid to kill bacteria. Soak the filter and tank in this solution for 15 minutes to an hour, then wash them with clean water. | Choose the right type of humidifier for your needs. Read the humidifier manual. Assemble the humidifier if needed. Rinse out the water reservoir. Add water to the reservoir. Position your humidifier. Turn on and adjust any settings. Clean the humidifier regularly. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Test-an-Evaporator-Fan-Motor | How to Test an Evaporator Fan Motor | To test the evaporator fan motor in your freezer, open the door and feel for cold air. If your freezer isn't as cold as it should be, there might be a problem with your evaporator fan motor. Locate the door switch that's pressed when the door is closed. Hold this down and listen for the motor starting. If the fan motor doesn't start while you hold the switch, it's probably broken. Alternatively, if you hear a high-pitched squeal or chirp sound, there may be something caught in the fan blades or the motor may be dying. | Open the freezer door and look for light. If your freezer is equipped with an internal light bulb, it should turn on when you open the door. If it doesn't, the problem may be that the freezer isn't getting power, rather than an issue with the evaporator fan motor. Make sure the freezer is plugged in tightly. If you don't think power is reaching the freezer, check the breaker or fuse that powers that room of the house. Feel for cold air in the freezer. If the evaporator fan motor stops working, your freezer will begin to defrost. Open the freezer door and feel for cool air with your hand. If the freezer isn't working, you should be able to tell quickly. If the freezer is cold, there likely isn't an issue with the evaporator fan motor. Most freezers don't run the evaporator fan motor when the door is open, so if the fan does work, it will turn off when you open the door. Check the temperature setting on the freezer to be sure it's on cold. Find the freezer door switch. Your freezer will have a switch that is pressed by the door itself as it closes. As the door opens, the switch depresses, turning on the light and turning off the evaporator fan motor. Look around the door frame of the freezer to find the switch. The switch will likely be the same color as the interior of the freezer. You can usually find the switch low on the frame of the freezer door. Press and hold the switch for a minute. The freezer light should turn off and the evaporator fan should kick on after a few seconds. If it turns on, you should be able to clearly hear the electric motor activate and then a low hum from the fan spinning. If the fan motor does not turn on while you hold the switch, the motor is probably bad. If you can hear the fan motor running but the freezer isn't cold, the issue likely is not with the evaporator fan motor. Listen for a squeal or chirp sound. If the evaporator fan motor is going bad, it may still run while making a high pitched sound that may come and go. If you hear that sort of sound, something may be caught in the fan blades or the motor may be dying. If you hear a high pitched sound, you will need to remove the rear panel to gain access to the fan motor. The condenser is usually not located at the back of the freezer, so the evaporator fan motor should be the only thing making noise behind the rear panel. Unplug the refrigerator. The evaporator fan motor is an electronic component, so you'll need to make sure there's no power running to it before you do any kind of work on it. In order to unplug the freezer, you may need to slide it out away from the wall to gain access to the outlet behind it. If you can't access the outlet, you can shut off power to that room using the breaker or fuse box for the house. Failing to shut off the power could result in serious shocks or burns. Pull all of the shelving from the freezer. Once you have the screws out of the rear panel, it will probably slide out in one piece, which means everything will have to be out of the freezer for you to be able to remove it. Removing the shelves will also give you more room to work. If any mounting hardware comes out with the shelves, make sure to set it aside somewhere safe to reuse when you put the shelves back in. Remove any air ducts mounted on the rear panel. The evaporator fan motor is located behind the rear panel of the freezer, but before you can access that panel, you'll need to unscrew the hardware holding any air ducts in place on the back of the freezer, and then slide them out. Set the ducts and mounting hardware aside someplace safe. In most freezers, you can remove the ducts using a Phillips head screwdriver. Take out the panel screws. With the ducts out of the way, you should be able to see the screws holding the rear panel in place. Use a screwdriver to pull out each screw, then set them aside someplace safe. Most freezers use a Phillips head screws to secure the rear panel, but in some you might need to use a socket wrench. There are usually at least four screws holding the panel in place, though they may be located in different parts of the panel in different freezers. Disconnect the fan motor wiring. In freezers where the fan motor is attached to the panel rather than the back of the freezer, you'll need to just lay the panel down inside the freezer so you can access the wiring that goes to the fan. If it's not, you'll be able to disconnect the wiring after you remove the rear panel entirely. There should be a few inches of slack in the wire to let you access it. Slide the rear panel out of the freezer. The whole panel should come out as one piece, though it may seem a little stuck at first. If the panel doesn't come off fairly easily, look around to see if you missed any screws that are still holding it in place. Set the panel aside somewhere safe until it's time to reassemble your freezer. Don't be forceful with the panel as you pull it out, as you may bend it. Look for frost on the coils. If you remove the rear panel of the freezer to gain access to the evaporator fan motor and find that the coils below the fan are completely frozen over, the fan motor may be fine and your issue may be something else. If you find frost over all the coils, leave the refrigerator unplugged for 24-48 hours to thaw and then plug it in again. If the freezer works again after it's been thawed, the problem is not the evaporator fan motor. Other issues it could be include a stuck condenser fan or a bad relay. You may need a certified technician to address those problems. Clear everything away from the fan blades. If something gets stuck in the evaporator fan motor's blades as it spins, it can stop the motor and potentially damage it. Look for any signs of string or plastic caught in the blades. If you find something wrapped around the fan blades, remove it, then turn the power on to the freezer again. Hold the freezer door switch down and see if the fan comes on. If it doesn't, it will need to be replaced. Locate the wires leading into the fan motor. While there may be a number of wires going into the rear panel of your freezer depending on its model, there will be only three wires going to the evaporator fan motor itself. Two of the wires will be together, while the third (the ground) will be separate. These wires may be going into the same plug harness. The color of these wires may vary from freezer to freezer. Use a multimeter to check the electrical resistance of the motor. Plug the probes from the multimeter into the two wires you identified coming out of the evaporator motor together, then turn the multimeter on and set it to resistance, or Ohms. Mark down the reading on the multimeter, then compare it to the resistance reading the evaporator motor should have. You can find the correct resistance specifications for the evaporator motor in the owner's manual, an application specific repair manual, or on the manufacturer's website. If the reading doesn't match the manufacturer's specifications, the evaporator motor needs to be replaced. | Open the freezer door and look for light. Feel for cold air in the freezer. Find the freezer door switch. Press and hold the switch for a minute. Listen for a squeal or chirp sound. Unplug the refrigerator. Pull all of the shelving from the freezer. Remove any air ducts mounted on the rear panel. Take out the panel screws. Disconnect the fan motor wiring. Slide the rear panel out of the freezer. Look for frost on the coils. Clear everything away from the fan blades. Locate the wires leading into the fan motor. Use a multimeter to check the electrical resistance of the motor. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Paint-a-Garage-Floor | How to Paint a Garage Floor | To paint a garage floor, start by degreasing and cleaning the surface, repairing any cracks, and lining the bottom of the walls where they meet the floor with painter's tape. Next, prime the floor so the paint will adhere better. Once the primer is dry, prepare to apply your paint. You can choose a latex acrylic, which will last about 2 years, or an epoxy, which can last 4 years. Then, pick a corner to start and work strip by strip from one end of the garage to the other. After 24 hours, decide if you want to deepen the color with a second coat. | Start with a basic clean-up. Wipe up any liquids (such as automotive fluids or any other chemicals) with a cloth. Then clear the floor of dry debris. Sweep up any dust or solids with a broom. If your concrete floor is brand new, extensive cleaning shouldn't be necessary. However, you must wait at least 45 days after the concrete is poured before it has cured enough to be painted. Spray the concrete with cleaner. For best results, use a degreaser on the floor and then an all-purpose cleaner. Spray it over the whole floor, using generous amounts over noticeable stains. Let it sit for at least ten minutes. For heavy stains, let it soak for twenty. Laundry detergent and TSP (trisodium phosphate) can also be used as cleaner. Do not combine different products, though, since their ingredients may cause harmful chemical reactions. Scrub the floor. Allow the cleaner enough time to sit, but not enough to dry. While the floor is still wet, scrub the concrete with a stiff-bristled brush or broom. Use non-metal bristles, since metal ones may scratch up the concrete. If stains persist despite heavy scrubbing, spray with more cleaner and repeat as needed. Rinse the floor. Attach a high-pressure nozzle to your garden hose. Spray the entire floor, working from the inside outward. Wash away any traces of cleaner and debris. Once you are finished, mop or squeegee the extra water out of the garage. Allow the floor to air-dry before proceeding. Alternately, use a power washer. Some models enable you to mix cleaners with water, which would allow you to use it instead of a spray bottle when applying cleaner. Repair cracks. Before you prime your floor, inspect it for any imperfections. Apply a synthetic concrete/mortar compound over any thin cracks. For wider cracks, use a concrete patch. If the they are especially deep, apply the new concrete in layers, allowing each to dry before adding the next. Skim extra concrete off the top before it dries to keep the surface area smooth and level. Protect other surface areas. Line the bottoms of your walls with painter's tape where they meet the floor. Layer painter's paper, plastic sheeting, dropcloth, newspapers, or some other protective covering over the walls. Safeguard them from any splashes of primer or paint. Mix your primer. Expect the ingredients in your primer to separate as it settled after being sealed. Use a paint stirrer to recombine them. Stir vigorously until it is evenly mixed again. Prime the edges of your floor first. Pick a corner to start from. Pour some primer into a tray or bucket. Then use a paintbrush to apply it along the floor, where it meets the wall. Create a border that is roughly 2 to 3 inches thick (5 to 7.5 cm) along all four sides of your floor. This technique is often referred to as “cutting in.” You may have to cut in around pipes or other objects so make sure to brush a wide enough area out. Switch to your paint roller. Once the border has been primed, pour more primer into a paint tray. Screw an extension pole into the base of a paint roller so you don't have to work on your knees. Roll the roller in the tray to load it with primer, and begin rolling the primer on the floor, starting in a back corner of the garage. When you start, apply more primer directly over your border, rather than starting right beside it. Cover a length of floor about 3 feet (0.9 m) long and 2 feet wide (1.2 m long and 0.6 m wide) at a time before freshening the roller with more primer. Continue using this pattern for the entire surface. When you begin rolling again, overlap the previous length by a little bit to ensure there isn't a gap between the two. Coat the whole floor. Keep rolling lengths of primer over the floor until the entire surface is treated. As you go, be aware of your exit strategy so you don't back yourself into a corner. Starting from the back of the garage, work your way from left to right. Then back up toward the open garage door, and work your way from left to right again. Repeat until you finally exit the garage. Once you are done, refer to the primer's directions to find out how long it need to dry. Some may recommend four hours. Others may recommend longer. If you are unable to paint the floor on the same day, don't worry. Just be sure to do so within the next 30 days. After that long, you would need to prime the floor again. Read the paint's instructions regarding weather. Once your floor is primed, refer to your paint's directions before you begin painting. Be aware that temperatures and humidity can impact the paint before, during, and after application. Save yourself the trouble of having to redo your floors because the first coat was applied in less than ideal conditions. Mix and pour the paint. Expect the paint's color to be inconsistent when you first open it. Use a paint stirrer to mix it until the color is perfectly even. After that, pour some into a paint tray or bucket. When choosing a paint, decide between latex acrylic or epoxy. Be sure to buy paint specifically designed for concrete. To save money in the short-term, pick latex acrylic, which will last about two years before needing a new coat. For a paint job that will last longer and resist more damage, use epoxy, which will last about four years. If you are unsure of how much paint to buy, kits are available for standard-sized garages (1-car, 2-car, etc.). Be sure to buy paint specifically designed for concrete. Alternately, measure the square footage and ask staff at the store how much you will need, or use an online paint calculator to determine this yourself. Cut in. Start off the same way you applied the primer. Choose a corner to be your starting point. Use a brush to paint a strip roughly 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) wide along the edges of the floor. Paint the floor strip by strip. Again, simply use the same process as priming. Fill your paint tray with paint. Using a roller with an extension pole, paint the floor on strip at a time. Starting in a back corner, cover the freshly painted border with a length of paint roughly 4 feet (1 m) long by 2 feet wide (1.2 m long by 0.6 m wide). Freshen your roller with more paint and paint another strip that slightly overlaps the first. As before, start at the back of the garage and work from side to side before moving backward toward the garage door. Add color flakes if you like. Consider adding vinyl chips to liven up the floor's base coat with complement colors. If you decide to do so, empty the chips from their packaging into a bucket or similar container before you start painting. Keep the bucket handy as you paint. Once you have a sizable area covered, toss handfuls of chips into the air over it so they can settle at random into the drying paint. Be sure to do this no later than ten minutes after the paint was applied, so the chips can stick to the wet coat. Always toss the chips upward, rather than directly at the floor. This will help to disperse over a wider area, instead of in clumps. Before you begin painting, do a test run with your chips once your primer has dried. Be sure that you have have enough to cover the entire floor. Also, practice your tosses so you don't end up using all your flakes before the end due to poor dispersal. If you plan on doing a second coat of paint, wait until then before applying your flakes. If flakes are added, then you'll need to apply a sealer to the floor. This will prevent the flakes from coming loose. Apply a second coat if desired. Give the first coat 24 hours to dry. After that, give it a gander and determine whether you want to apply a second coat. If you do, simply repeat the process. If not, feel free to begin walking over the first coat as long as it no longer feels tacky, but give it another week before parking your car or other heavy machinery inside. If you do a second coat, be aware that many experts recommend applying second coats in a perpendicular fashion to the first. For example, if you rolled from the back of the garage toward the door, you should then roll from one side of the garage to the other during the second coat. However, the confines of your garage might not allow you to do this so easily. In this case, just apply the second coat in the same exact fashion as the first. Keep in mind that a second coat of paint will take much longer to dry than the first coat. | Start with a basic clean-up. Spray the concrete with cleaner. Scrub the floor. Rinse the floor. Repair cracks. Protect other surface areas. Mix your primer. Prime the edges of your floor first. Switch to your paint roller. Coat the whole floor. Read the paint's instructions regarding weather. Mix and pour the paint. Cut in. Paint the floor strip by strip. Add color flakes if you like. Apply a second coat if desired. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Cite-the-Universal-Declaration-of-Human-Rights | How to Cite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | When citing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in MLA format, add an in-text citation in parentheses that includes the author's name and the article number that you're quoting from. For example, after your cited work, you'd write, in parentheses, “UN General Assembly art. 1.” Then, write an end reference that contains information such as the name of the author, the title of the work, the title of the container, additional contributors, version, number, publisher, publication date, and location. | Create a sentence for a citation. The first step you take is to create a sentence that quotes or paraphrases the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Otherwise, you have no need to cite the document. For example, you could write, "As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, 'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.'" Make an in-text citation to point the reader to the source. The in-text citation goes at the end of the sentence. Start with the organization. In most cases with a citation, you start with the author. In this case, you don't have a single author but, rather, an organization (an assembly) that collectively wrote and approved the document, the UN General Assembly. Therefore, that's what you begin the citation with. After that, you'll add a comma and the date. In the above example, you'd write: As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" (UN General Assembly, 1948). The citation goes in parentheses, after the quotation mark and before the period. You can also include the citation at the beginning of the sentence, such as in the following sentence: As the UN General Assembly (1948) determined over 60 years ago, all people have certain inalienable rights at birth. Make an end reference that contains the complete source. The end reference provides more information for the reader, helping them to find the document. Since this document is fairly common, it's not as essential to include all the information you would in a normal citation. Still, it's best to include as much information as you can. The citation should look like the following: UN General Assembly. (1948). Universal declaration of human rights (217 [III] A). Paris. The designation 217 (III) A refers to the document number. Also, the General Assembly was convened in Paris, so you add that as the location. Add the website if you prefer. Since the UDHR is fairly commonplace, you don't strictly need a web address. However, adding it certainly doesn't hurt, as it points your reader in the right direction. As an example, the completed citation would look this way: UN General Assembly. (1948). "Universal declaration of human rights" (217 [III] A). Paris. Retrieved from http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ Start with a sentence that needs citation. Once again, you need to have a sentence that either paraphrases or directly quotes the UDHR in it. That is the only way you'll need an in-text citation for your sentence. Use the same example form above: "As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, 'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.'" Add an in-text citation to show where you got the information. Like APA style, you need an in-text citation in parentheses. Unlike APA, the citation usually goes at the end of the sentence (the exception being if you cite two different sources in the same sentence). You'll need the author's name (again, the organization, the UN General Assembly). However, instead of the date, you'll use the article number that you're quoting from. For example, in this sentence, the citation would look this way: As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" (UN General Assembly art. 1). Build an end reference that contains the full source information. The MLA has recently updated their style guidelines, making them looser. In other words, the main point is to get the information in there, based on the nine basic elements of author, title of source (such as the book name), the title of container (such as a larger work or website the smaller work is contained in), additional contributors, version, number, publisher, publication date, and location. Obviously, not every source will have all of this information, so you just include as much as you can find. Therefore, the end reference will look like the following example: UN General Assembly. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights." United Nations, 217 (III) A, 1948, Paris, art. 1, http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/. Accessed 6 Sept. 2016. Begin with a sentence that needs a citation. You must always start with a sentence that requires a citation. Generally, that means you need a sentence that either quotes or paraphrases the UDHR. Also, the information should contribute something to your essay. You can use the same example: "As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, 'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.'" Use a footnote. Like APA and MLA, you need to add information to your sentence to tell your reader where you found it. However, unlike APA and MLA, Chicago style requires you to use a footnote. A footnote places a small number at the end of your sentence (after the period), and then a corresponding number at the bottom of the page, where you add your information. Go to the end of your sentence, and add a footnote. To add a footnote, first place the cursor at the end of the sentence after the period or quotation mark (whichever comes last). Go to "References" in your word processing software, and choose "insert a footnote." It should place a number at the end of the sentence and down at the bottom of the page. It should look like this example: As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Put the information in the footnote. Go to the corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page. Add your footnote citation. Unlike APA and MLA, you generally include all of the information for the citation in the footnote. Start with the organization, followed by a comma, and the title. Then add an open parenthesis, a phrase that identifies the type of source, the place of publication, and the year, followed by a close parenthesis. At the end, include the location you found the information (such as the page or article number). For instance, your footnote would look like this example: 1. UN General Assembly, "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," 217 (III) A (Paris, 1948), http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ (accessed September 6, 2016). In the citation, "217 (III) A" is the document reference, while "Paris" is the location and "1948" is the date. The website is where you found the document. Create an end reference. Your end reference in Chicago style will be very similar to your footnote. Basically, you'll just change some of the punctuation and capitalization to make it an end reference, and put it at the end of your paper. The end citation would look this way: UN General Assembly. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights." 217 (III) A. Paris, 1948. http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ (accessed September 6, 2016). Just change most of the commas to periods, and capitalize what comes after the period. | Create a sentence for a citation. Make an in-text citation to point the reader to the source. Make an end reference that contains the complete source. Add the website if you prefer. Start with a sentence that needs citation. Add an in-text citation to show where you got the information. Build an end reference that contains the full source information. Begin with a sentence that needs a citation. Use a footnote. Put the information in the footnote. Create an end reference. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Banana-Cream-Pie | How to Make Banana Cream Pie | To make banana cream pie filling, mix sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a saucepan, then gradually whisk in half-and-half. Stir in egg yolks until the yolks break, then add milk. Cook on medium-low heat until the mixture starts to thicken, then remove from the heat and add vanilla and butter. Grab your homemade or store-bought pie crust and arrange banana slices in a layer, then pour the filling over the banana slices. Cover the pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3-6 hours, then remove the plastic wrap and top with banana slices and whipped cream. | Mix the flour and salt in a medium sized bowl. If you want to save time for the next few steps, place the flour and salt into a food processor. Cut in the shortening and blend until the mixture looks like coarse crumbs. You can do this in a food processor fitted steel blades or in a medium sized bowl with a pastry blender. Do not over mix, or the dough will get too soft and mushy. Cut in the butter and blend some more. Again, don't over mix it. The butter, shortening, salt, and flour should just come together. You want the mixture to still resemble coarse crumbs. If you are using a food processor, you can transfer the mixture into a medium sized bowl once you mix the butter in. Add cold water, one tablespoon at a time, until the dough stops clinging to the side of the bowl. Gently toss the dough while you add the water. The dough should just barely come together. If it is too dry, add a little bit more water, until it does. Don't worry if it looks too dry; it will dampen once you put it in the fridge. Transfer the mixture onto a flat surface, and form it into a flat disk. Scoop the crumbs towards the center, and press them into the dough. Make the disk about 4 inches (10.16 centimeters) thick. You will be rolling it out later, so don't worry if it looks too thick now. If the mixture is too dry and crumbly, spritz it with some cold water. Wrap the disk with some parchment paper, wax paper, or plastic wrap. This will help the dough keep its disk shape. It will also trap moisture and keep it from drying it. Place the packet into the fridge and leave it there for 30 minutes. This will give the flour enough time to soak up the water and become softer. Pre-heat the oven to 375°F (190.56°C). Take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out into a disk on a lightly floured surface. Unwrap the dough first, then lightly flour a flat, smooth surface. Place the dough onto the surface. Roll the dough out to a 11 to 12 inch (27.94 to 30.48 centimeters) circle. This will be big enough for a 9 inch (22.86 centimeters) pie pan. You are making the crust larger so that it can fit inside the pan. If the dough is too hard, wait 10 to 15 minutes so that it can soften up. Ease the dough into a 9 inch (22.86 centimeters) pie pan. Gently press the bottom of the dough until it lays flat against the bottom of the pie pan. Run your finger around the inside edges, so that the dough fits into the corners. Fold the top edges of the dough under. Use your finger to gently press the top edges of the dough against the rim of the pie pan. If the edges stick out beyond the rim, tuck them under each other. Do not tuck the excess dough under the rim itself. Consider putting a fancy edge on the crust. You can do this simply by pinching the dough all around the rim, or making shallow indents with a fork. Prick the bottom of the dough a few times with a fork. The tiny holes will help the dough lay flat as it bakes. Line the crust with parchment paper and fill it with pie weights. This will help the pie crust keep its shape while you bake it. If you don't have parchment paper, you can use a sheet of aluminum foil instead. If you can't find pie weights you can use dried beans or rice. Bake the pie crust. Place it into the oven and let it bake for 20 minutes. Then, take it out of the oven, pull out the parchment paper/aluminum foil and weights. Place the pie crust back into the oven and back it for another 15 to 20 minutes. It is done when it is golden brown on the bottom. Take the pie crust out of the oven, and let it cool in the pan. The pie crust should be cool before you add the banana cream filling. Do not take the crust out of the pan. Mix the sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a medium saucepan. There is no need to use any heat just yet. Gradually whisk in the half-and-half. Do not pour it in all at once. Instead, slowly pour it into the mixture while you stir with a whisk. If you don't have any half-and-half, you can use heavy cream instead Separate the egg yolks from the whites, and stir them in. If you have not already done so, separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Discard the whites, or save them for another recipe. Stir the mixture until the yolks break. If you have an egg separator, use that. Another way to separate yolks from whites is to crack open an egg and pass the yolk between the two shell halves over a bowl. The whites will drain into the bowl and the yolks will stay in the shells. Add the milk last, and stir once more. Keep stirring until everything is mixed together, and there are no streaks, swirls, or clumps. Cook the mixture over medium-low to medium heat until it thickens. This will take about 5 to 10 minutes. Be sure to stir constantly, and do not try to rush through it by turning the heat up. After about 5 to 10 minutes, the mixture will look a little bit like pudding that has not yet set. Remove the saucepan from heat, and strain the mixture if you want a smoother filling. Place a fine, mesh strainer over another medium sized saucepan. Pour the mixture through the strainer and discard and lumps or curdles. Stir in the butter and vanilla and let the mixture cool for about 5 minutes. Stir often until the mixture has cooled slightly. Your pie filling is now done and ready to use. Don't worry if it looks a little thin. You will need to refrigerate the entire pie after you put it together. This will "set" the filling and make it thicker. Peel and slice up 2 bananas. You want the slices to be thin, about ¼ inch (0.64 centimeter) thick. Plan on having another extra banana so that you can slice it up and use it to decorate the pie with. Do not pre-slice this "decorating" banana, however, or it will turn brown. Fill the bottom of the pie crust the with sliced bananas. To get the most out of your sliced bananas, place the slices down flat, one by one. Don't just dump them all in. This will give you a 2-layer pie. If you want a 3-layer pie, fill the bottom of crust part way with the pie filling first. Spread a thin layer of sliced bananas on top of the mixture. Fill the crust the rest of the way with the remaining pie pilling. Fill the crust with the pie filling. You may need to use a spoon or spatula to help guide the filling into the crust. Keep adding the filling until it just reaches the top of the crust. If you run out of pie filling, don't fret. You can always top the pie off with more sliced bananas and whipped cream. Place a sheet of plastic wrap over the filling. The plastic wrap will keep the pie from forming a "skin" on top. Refrigerate the pie 3 to 6 hours, then remove the plastic wrap. This will give the pie filling enough time to set into a thick, pudding or custard like consistency. Decorate the pie with whipped cream and a few banana slices before serving. Make "stars" with whipped cream all around the edge of the pie. Slice up a banana, and arrange the slices in a flower shape in the center of the pie. Finish off with a swirl of whipped cream in the middle of the banana flower. You can make the little star shapes using a piping bag filled with whipped cream and fitted with a spiky decorators tip. You can also just use the kind of whipped cream that comes i a can with a nozzle. Serve the pie immediately. The pie will still taste just as good the next day, but the bananas may turn brown. | Mix the flour and salt in a medium sized bowl. Cut in the shortening and blend until the mixture looks like coarse crumbs. Cut in the butter and blend some more. Add cold water, one tablespoon at a time, until the dough stops clinging to the side of the bowl. Transfer the mixture onto a flat surface, and form it into a flat disk. Wrap the disk with some parchment paper, wax paper, or plastic wrap. Place the packet into the fridge and leave it there for 30 minutes. Pre-heat the oven to 375°F (190.56°C). Take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out into a disk on a lightly floured surface. Roll the dough out to a 11 to 12 inch (27.94 to 30.48 centimeters) circle. Ease the dough into a 9 inch (22.86 centimeters) pie pan. Fold the top edges of the dough under. Prick the bottom of the dough a few times with a fork. Line the crust with parchment paper and fill it with pie weights. Bake the pie crust. Take the pie crust out of the oven, and let it cool in the pan. Mix the sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a medium saucepan. Gradually whisk in the half-and-half. Separate the egg yolks from the whites, and stir them in. Add the milk last, and stir once more. Cook the mixture over medium-low to medium heat until it thickens. Remove the saucepan from heat, and strain the mixture if you want a smoother filling. Stir in the butter and vanilla and let the mixture cool for about 5 minutes. Peel and slice up 2 bananas. Fill the bottom of the pie crust the with sliced bananas. Fill the crust with the pie filling. Place a sheet of plastic wrap over the filling. Refrigerate the pie 3 to 6 hours, then remove the plastic wrap. Decorate the pie with whipped cream and a few banana slices before serving. Serve the pie immediately. |
https://www.wikihow.tech/Use-the-IF-Function-in-Excel | How to Use the IF Function in Excel | The syntax for IF is =IF(logical_test,[value_if_true], [value_if_false]) | Open Microsoft Excel. If you're using Windows, Type excel into the search bar and click Microsoft Excel in the results. If you're on a Mac, you should find Excel on the Launchpad. Open a workbook. Select the workbook you want to edit, or click Blank workbook to create one from scratch. Click the cell where you want the IF function’s results to show. This is the cell in which you'll type the formula. Let's say column C contains test scores ranging from 72 to 98. These scores appear in cells C2, C3, C4, and C5. A passing grade is 75 and higher, while all scores below 75 are fails. We'd like the word “PASS” to appear next to a passing grade, and “FAIL” next to a failing grade. In this case, we'd want to enter the formula in D2, next to the first score. Type the formula using this example. The syntax for IF is =IF(logical_test,[value_if_true], [value_if_false]). Here's what the formula would look like for our test scores example: =IF(C2>75,”PASS”,”FAIL”). Press ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return. This runs the formula. Using our example, if the score is 75 or over, the word PASS will appear in the cell. If it's less than 75, you'll see FAIL. Drag the formula down to the other cells in the column. In our example, we've entered the formula into C2, so we'd drag the bottom-right corner of C2 cell down until all cells between C2 and C5 are highlighted. This runs the formula on the remaining data. | Open Microsoft Excel. Open a workbook. Click the cell where you want the IF function’s results to show. Type the formula using this example. Press ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return. Drag the formula down to the other cells in the column. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Two-Step | How to Two Step | To dance the basic two-step, the partners stand facing each other and the lead places their right hand on the partner's left shoulder blade. Next, the lead person steps forward quickly with their left foot on the first beat while the partner steps backwards with their right foot. Then, on the second beat, the lead steps forward quickly with their right as the partner steps backwards with their left. On the third and fourth beat, repeat the first step but slow down so that the step takes 2 beats instead of 1. Finally, the lead steps forward again with the right while the partner steps backwards with their left on the fifth and sixth beat. | Stand close to your partner and face them. Stand tall with your back straight and your legs about hip-width apart. Position yourselves about 6 in (15 cm) apart with your feet slightly off center from each other. Keeping your body close to your partner's will help you stay together while you're dancing. Put your right hand on your partner’s left shoulder blade if leading. Wrap your right arm loosely around your partner's side under their left arm. Then, position your right hand at the middle of their left shoulder blade, keeping your palm flat. Don't press down into their skin. Keep your hand soft against their shoulder blade. Place your left hand above the lead’s right bicep if you’re following. Lay your left arm over your partner's right arm and put your left hand just above their right bicep. Gently grip their arm so that it will be easier to follow their movement. Don't dig your fingers into their bicep or squeeze down too hard. Use your free hand to hold your partner’s hand. Hold your arm out to the side at about shoulder level. Use a firm but comfortable grip to hold your partner's hand. Keep your arm loose with your elbow slightly bent. If you're the lead, use your left arm to hold your partner's hand. If you're following, use your right arm. Stand to the left so you can see over your partner’s right shoulder. You don't want to be perfectly centered because it will make it hard for you to see. Both partners should be about a step to the left rather than directly centered. Make sure you can see over your partner's right shoulder so you'll be aware of your surroundings. If you can't see over their shoulder, take another step to your left. Count 1 beat for the first quick step. Step forward with your left leg if you're leading, or step backward with your right leg if you're following. Both you and your partner should step at the same time. Keep your step quick because it's a single beat. During the dance, maintain a stance that is comfortable for walking. The movement of the two step is similar to walking. Take a quick second step to the 2nd beat. Move your right leg forward if you're leading or your left leg back if you're following. Make the step quickly and together, counting out 1 beat. Don't worry about bringing your feet together because it isn't necessary. Step slowly on beats 3 and 4. Slow down your movement so that this step takes 2 beats instead of 1. Step forward with your left leg if you're the lead or step backward with your right leg if you're following. Once again, both partners should step together. You'll step the same way as you did for the first step, but this time it will be slow. Take another slow step on beats 5 and 6. If you're the lead, move your right leg forward. If you're following, step backward with your left leg. Go slowly so that your step takes 2 beats. Step the same way as you did in the second step but go slowly. Follow the line of dance if you’re dancing alongside other couples. The line of dance is an imaginary line that goes around the dance floor. Faster dancers stay to the outside of the dance floor, while slower dancers move closer to the inside. Stay in the line that best matches your pace so that you don't accidentally bump into other dancers. This line will move counter-clockwise. If people are line dancing, they'll do it at the center of the dance floor inside the line of dance. Add the turn after you complete a set of steps. Turns go at the end of a quick, quick, slow, slow set. After you complete a set, the lead will twirl the follower. The turn will replace a set of steps so that the pattern of the dance isn't affected. Keep holding hands but release each other’s shoulder and bicep. You and your partner will hold hands throughout the turn. However, the lead will remove their hand from the follower's shoulder blade, and the follower will let go of the lead's arm. As you turn, raise your joined hands so that it will be easier for the follower to twirl. It's okay to temporarily release each other's hands during the turn if necessary. Don't twist your wrist as you turn. Turn on the 2 quick steps if you’re following. If you're the follower, quickly turn as you count out your quick, 1 beat steps. If you're leading, take 2 quick steps forward but make sure you're giving your partner enough room to turn. It's still up to the lead to keep the dance moving forward at the right pace. Return to your dancing position on the slow steps. After the turn, get back into your dancing frame. Then, take 2 slow steps to complete the set. Continue into your next set of steps. | Stand close to your partner and face them. Put your right hand on your partner’s left shoulder blade if leading. Place your left hand above the lead’s right bicep if you’re following. Use your free hand to hold your partner’s hand. Stand to the left so you can see over your partner’s right shoulder. Count 1 beat for the first quick step. Take a quick second step to the 2nd beat. Step slowly on beats 3 and 4. Take another slow step on beats 5 and 6. Follow the line of dance if you’re dancing alongside other couples. Add the turn after you complete a set of steps. Keep holding hands but release each other’s shoulder and bicep. Turn on the 2 quick steps if you’re following. Return to your dancing position on the slow steps. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Bleach-Jeans | How to Bleach Jeans | If you want to bleach your jeans, fill a bucket or bathtub with 1 part water and 1 part bleach. Dampen your jeans in cold water, then lay your jeans flat. If you want to bleach the whole pair of jeans, submerge them entirely in the bleach and water. Otherwise, you can spray, splatter, or draw the bleach onto the jeans.If you only want to bleach one side of the pants, stuff the legs with newspaper to keep the bleach from soaking through to the other side. Rinse the jeans in cold water after 5 minutes, then wash them without detergent and allow them to air dry. | Lay newspapers on your floor in case of spills. Before you start bleaching, lay out newspapers around the area you plan to bleach. Many surfaces, especially carpeted floors, are prone to getting stained by bleach. Lay newspapers around your washing machine as well, as you will need to wash your jeans shortly after bleaching. Change into clothes you don't mind staining. Wear older clothes, like sweats and a T-shirt, that you won't worry about staining with bleach. You could also wear an apron, if you would prefer. Wear thick rubber gloves to avoid irritating your skin from the solution. You may also want to wear safety goggles to avoid getting bleach in your eyes. Choose a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling bleach fumes. Smelling bleach on its own usually doesn't induce negative health effects, but it can make some people anxious. If you feel faint, leave the area immediately and call poison control. Keep the product label nearby, if possible, to give information to poison control specialists. Never mix bleach with other household products. Some chemicals, when mixed with bleach, create toxic fumes. Avoid mixing bleach and ammonia, or ammonia and rubbing alcohol. Fill a bucket or bathtub with one part water and one part bleach. You can mix your bleach solution in a bucket, but using a bathtub makes it easy to turn on a fan and dispel fumes. Avoid a highly concentrated bleach solution. While you may get faster results, the solution will be corrosive and more likely to burn holes in the fabric. Experiment first. If you've never bleached jeans before, have an old pair of jeans or a patch of jean material handy. Try your solution out on your ruined jeans before you apply it to your favorite jeans. You will get a better handle of how bleach lightens jeans and whether your concentration is too strong. Different jean colors may react in unique ways. Choose a ruined pair close to your favorite pair's color for the most accurate idea. Use a bleach pen as an alternative. If using straight bleach makes you squeamish, you can also opt for a bleach pen (these are available at most stores). Bleach pens won't create a quite as natural look, but they involve less clean-up and are applied more easily. You can also use a bleach pen to draw intricate designs or words onto your jeans. Dampen your jeans. Bleach will dye materials better if that material is already wet. Dampen your pair of jeans in cold water before you work on them. The jeans don't need to be soaking wet, so wring them out if they are dripping water. Dab the bleach on with a sponge, paintbrush, or spray bottle. If you want to create patterns on your jeans, don't just put your jeans in the bleach solution. Instead, apply the bleach using one of several options. For even, large areas, use a sponge to dab the bleach on. For a splattered effect, use a paintbrush or toothbrush. Apply the bleach to the brush, then rub your thumb back across the bristles to achieve a splattered effect. If you want to work quickly, fill a cheap spray bottle with the solution and apply it to areas you want lightened. Work on one side at a time. Focus on the front or back first, then flip the jeans over to work on the back. If you don't want to bleach a certain side, stuff your pants with newspaper before you begin. The newspaper will prevent the bleach from soaking through to the other side. Submerge your jeans fully into the solution for an even color. If you want to lighten your jeans entirely, soak your jeans in the bleach solution for 20-30 minutes Reposition the jeans and swirl the water every few minutes to avoid overexposing one area. Check for color changes every time you reposition, and remove the jeans when you've reached an ideal color. Wring your jeans out over the bucket or basin to avoid staining the floor. For a tie-dyed effect, tie rubber bands to the jeans before you submerge them. This will create a flowering pattern on the fabric. Rinse the bleach off after five minutes. After you've finished applying the bleach or submerging your jeans, let them sit on the newspapers for five minutes. Then, rinse the jeans in cold water in either your sink or bathtub. While your jeans are still wet, you will not have a full sense of how bleach lightened the fabric. Wait until they've dried to assess their color. Run your jeans through the washing machine without detergent. Carry your jeans to the washing machine, wrapping them in newspapers to avoid staining the floor. Run your jeans through the washing machine without using fabric softener or detergent, which can yellow the jeans. This will rinse out excess bleach and make them safe to wash with other clothing later. Put the jeans alone in the washing machine, without other clothes, to avoid bleaching your other clothing. Air-dry your jeans. After the first time you wash your jeans, do not put them in the dryer (which can also cause yellowing). Instead, hang your jeans to dry to avoid the intense heat of a dryer. After your jeans have washed and dried, your jeans are ready to wear. After drying, check the color. Now that your jeans are dry, you can have an accurate understanding of the color. If your jeans are not light enough, repeat the process using the bleach solution. Repeat until the jeans have faded to your ideal color. | Lay newspapers on your floor in case of spills. Change into clothes you don't mind staining. Choose a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling bleach fumes. Fill a bucket or bathtub with one part water and one part bleach. Experiment first. Use a bleach pen as an alternative. Dampen your jeans. Dab the bleach on with a sponge, paintbrush, or spray bottle. Work on one side at a time. Submerge your jeans fully into the solution for an even color. Rinse the bleach off after five minutes. Run your jeans through the washing machine without detergent. Air-dry your jeans. After drying, check the color. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Ginger-Garlic-Paste | How to Make Ginger Garlic Paste | To make ginger garlic paste, wash and dry the ginger, then chop it into rough cubes. Next, peel the garlic cloves, then place the ginger, garlic, and salt in a food processor or blender. Blend the ingredients together, scraping down the sides between pulses. Then, drizzle in the oil and blend the mixture until the oil is thoroughly combined. Place the ginger garlic paste in an airtight container, store it in your fridge, and enjoy it within 2-3 weeks! | Wash and dry the ginger. Any moisture will shorten the shelf life of the paste. Pat the ginger dry thoroughly before you continue, and make sure your kitchen equipment is dry. Chop the ginger into rough cubes. If you have mature ginger with wrinkly, brown skin, peel it before chopping. You do not need to peel young ginger with soft, yellow skin. Start with 4 oz (113g) of ginger, or about 1 cup after chopping. Some cooks prefer to add more ginger (up to double this amount), but wait until you taste the final product. It's easy to overpower the garlic. Young ginger has a less pungent taste than old ginger. You can use much more without overpowering the garlic. Find the freshest garlic possible. As garlic ages, its aroma and flavor becomes stronger and stronger. Besides overwhelming other ingredients, these aromatic compounds can turn your paste a surprising blue-green color. Start with fresh garlic to avoid these effects. Cut out any green sprouts from the garlic, which have a harsh burning taste. Peel the garlic. You'll need about two large heads of garlic, or roughly 20 cloves. Save yourself some time by peeling them all at once: Separate the cloves and drop them in a large, metal bowl. Take a second metal bowl the same size. Place it upside down over the first bowl. Shake the two bowls vigorously for a couple minutes to remove the peels. Blend together ginger, garlic, and salt. Combine the ginger and garlic in a food processor or blender. Add a generous pinch of salt so the paste lasts a little longer. Scrape down the sides between pulses. Drizzle in oil. Pour in about ½ tbsp (8 mL) of vegetable oil near the end of the blending process. Choose an oil without a strong flavor, such as canola, corn, or safflower oil. Slowly pour in more oil if the blender is stuck, a dash at a time. Store in the refrigerator. Place the paste in a clean, dry jar. Put it in the coldest part of your fridge, usually at the far back. If the jar is sealed against air and moisture, the paste can last two or three weeks. However, even in the fridge, there is a risk of very dangerous botulinum contamination. If you keep the paste for more than three days, make sure to heat it thoroughly for at least ten minutes to destroy this toxin. The top surface of the paste may turn brown. This is a harmless reaction with oxygen, and not a sign of spoilage unless the color extends below the surface. Keep a clean spoon in the same container as the paste, or make sure every spoon you use is completely clean and dry. Understand the risks. Garlic may be contaminated by botulinum, a potentially fatal bacteria. When the garlic is crushed and stored in a low-acid recipe such at this one, the bacteria produces dangerous toxins even in the refrigerator. Cooking the paste thoroughly for at least ten minutes destroys this toxin. However, since this is such a dangerous toxin, it's best to store only as much paste as you plan to use over the next three days. Freeze the rest as described at the end of this section. Mix in dry roasted salt. Salt is a good preservative, and you can add a generous handful to the recipe above as long as you remember not to over salt the dishes the paste is used in. To completely remove any moisture that may spoil the paste, roast the salt in a dry pan first over medium high heat. The salt is ready when it has turned a light golden color. Let the salt cool to room temperature before adding to the paste. A large amount of salt can preserve the paste for as long as two or three months in the refrigerator. Use vinegar instead of oil. White vinegar is an alternative preservative that doesn't affect the flavor as much as salt. Pour it in instead of oil when blending, adding it in dashes until the paste is smooth or until you've added about 2 tbsp (30 mL). Unfortunately, acidic ingredients such as vinegar can turn garlic paste blue-green. Add a spoonful of turmeric. Turmeric has anti-bacterial properties that can extend the shelf life of your food. In addition, the yellow color can keep your paste looking vibrant as it ages. . Sterilize the bottles To minimize spoilage, sterilize glass canning jars in a pot of boiling water. Dry with brand new paper towels to avoid contamination while removing all moisture. This is especially important if you do not have a refrigerator. Freeze the paste. If you plan to use the paste for more than a month, make a large batch and freeze the extra. Store the frozen paste in glass bottles with 1–2 inches (2.5–5 cm) headspace at the top to allow for expansion. Thaw within 6 months for best quality. | Wash and dry the ginger. Chop the ginger into rough cubes. Find the freshest garlic possible. Peel the garlic. Blend together ginger, garlic, and salt. Drizzle in oil. Store in the refrigerator. Understand the risks. Mix in dry roasted salt. Use vinegar instead of oil. Add a spoonful of turmeric. . Freeze the paste. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Remove-a-Swallowed-Tooth | How to Remove a Swallowed Tooth | To remove a swallowed tooth, try to relax and keep an eye on your stools to see if you pass the tooth naturally. Most people will pass the tooth 12-14 hours after consumption, but the time frame is a little different for everyone. If you haven't seen the tooth pass within 7 days, you may want to see your doctor, especially if you start experiencing other symptoms like bloody stools, chest or stomach pain, or shortness of breath. | Know when to see a doctor. Most small swallowed items, such as teeth, will easily pass through the digestive tract along with food because they are the size of a pill and too small to cause any blockage. However, it is possible that the tooth will become stuck somewhere in the digestive system and require medical attention. Go to a doctor if: The tooth has not passed within 7 days. Vomiting occurs, especially with blood present. Symptoms such as pain in the belly or chest develop, coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath. You have blood in the stools, especially black or tarry blood. Observe your stools. It will probably take about 12 to 14 hours for the tooth to pass. However, don't be surprised if it shows up sooner, or later, than within those parameters. Relax. Nothing moves through your body quickly. You need to pass it through your digestive system and the more relaxed you are, the faster it will move along through your stomach, intestines, and colon. Eat some corn. Corn kernels can stay largely intact as they pass through the bowels. When you start seeing corn in your stool, you'll know it's time to look for the tooth. Eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods can help items move along through the digestive tract. Keep hydrated and close to a toilet. If recommended by a doctor, you may consider using a laxative to aid in the recovery of the tooth. Make sure to take the right amount of the laxative to avoid overdosing. Overuse of laxatives can have serious effects and lead to dependency, loss of bone density, and a host of other problems causing dehydration followed by an increased heart rate and low blood pressure. When your stool is fairly loose and/or watery (because of the laxative), place a screen on the toilet to catch the tooth. Get back your lost dentures. Dentures are the second most often object accidentally swallowed, second only to fish and other food-ingested bones. Swallowed dentures can present some complications that may not be present with teeth. Be especially aware of your dentures. Unfortunately, dentures or crowns that have come loose are less likely to be noticed by patients, and the lack of early recognition can present more serious health issues. The nature of dental prostheses' design and the materials used can be more harmful to the digestive tract and organs, as well as being more likely than teeth to become stuck. They are made out of metal, ceramic, or plastic and none of these materials is biocompatible and they can harm the digestive tissue. If you wear dentures, check often to be sure they are intact. Do not sleep wearing your dentures. Partial dentures have metal wires that can break after a while. Make sure that you check your dentures often to see if they are intact or otherwise you may swallow a part of them while you are eating. See a doctor for lost dentures. If you suspect that you've accidentally swallowed a denture, it's best to see a doctor, especially if you've experienced any of the pain symptoms mentioned above in regards to teeth. Often the physician will recommend waiting and watching at first, but may also order an X-ray to determine the size, shape, and location of the dental prosthesis. It's possible that the denture will pass easily through your digestive system. If this is the case, follow the same procedures as with a tooth. When you've recovered the denture, clean and disinfect it. This can be done by soaking it in a 1:10 solution of household bleach and water. Induce vomiting. Inducing vomiting is not recommended unless recommended by a doctor. Vomiting after swallowing a foreign object could cause you to aspirate (inhale) the tooth into your lungs. If given the OK by a doctor, vomiting can remove the tooth from the stomach. Use a container. In order to retrieve the tooth, you'll want to use a container or a sink with the drain closed. As unpleasant as it may sound, try to throw up into a colander that will catch the tooth and allow the watery content to run through, so you can avoid having to search through vomit for a tooth- which may just cause you to throw up more. Use your finger to induce vomiting. The most common way to induce vomiting is to stick one or two fingers into the back of your throat. Tickle the far back of your throat until your gag reflex causes you to vomit. Take an emetic. Ipecac syrup is an emetic remedy designed to induce vomiting. Use as directed, and mix a small amount with water. Drink it down quickly, and it should make you feel some nausea, followed by stomach contractions which will cause you to vomit. Drink salt water. Be very careful; drinking too much salt water can lead to severe dehydration and even death. Mixing three teaspoons of salt into a sixteen ounce glass of warm water and drinking it down should make you vomit within twenty to thirty minutes. Drink a mustard solution. Mix a tablespoon of prepared mustard into a cup of warm water. Your stomach should react in a similar fashion to the salt water. See a doctor. In some cases, the tooth may not have passed, or you may be experiencing one of the above-mentioned symptoms. When one of these things occurs, it may be time to see a doctor. Prepare for your appointment. Having as much information as possible ready for the doctor will make the process easier and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Have the following information ready: How large is the tooth? Is it a molar? An incisor? Is the tooth whole or is it broken into pieces? What home remedies have you already tried? What symptoms are you experiencing, i.e. pain, nausea, vomiting? Have you experienced a change in your bowel movements? How long has it been since it happened? How did it happen and what were you eating? Did you try drinking any liquids? Did symptoms appear gradually or suddenly? Are there any health risks the doctor needs to know about, such as preexisting medical conditions? Follow your doctor’s advice. It's important to take seriously what your doctor tells you. Even seemingly minor things such as swallowing a tooth can result in serious problems, which can be exacerbated by not following a doctor's instructions. | Know when to see a doctor. Observe your stools. Relax. Eat some corn. Eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Keep hydrated and close to a toilet. Get back your lost dentures. Be especially aware of your dentures. See a doctor for lost dentures. Induce vomiting. Use a container. Use your finger to induce vomiting. Take an emetic. Drink salt water. Drink a mustard solution. See a doctor. Prepare for your appointment. Follow your doctor’s advice. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Come-Down-from-a-High | How to Come Down from a High | To come down from a high, practice some relaxing breathing exercises. Place your hands on your stomach and breathe in deeply through your nose and then release your breath slowly through your mouth. Taking deep breaths and drinking some water can help with anxiety when coming down. If you can, relax with some music, a movie, or even a nap. If you cannot, take a shower or do some quick exercise, like walking or yoga, to feel more alert. | Take a few deep breaths. Deep breaths are a fool-proof way to calm yourself down. Sit or lie down somewhere comfortable and close your eyes. Then, place your hand on your stomach and inhale slowly through your nose. Feel your stomach push your hand out as you inhale. Then, slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat this several times. Drink some water. Feeling dehydrated or thirsty can make a high feel more intense. To hydrate yourself so you feel calmer and centered, fill up a glass with cold water, and slowly sip on it. When you're finished, assess how you feel and get more water if you're still thirsty. Avoid drinking sodas, energy drinks, or alcohol or you could end up feeling more dehydrated. It might also help to eat a snack or a small meal. Foods rich in carbohydrates, like crackers or a granola bar, can help make you feel better quickly. Open a window for some fresh air. Sometimes sitting in a dark, stuffy room can make you feel a little on edge. If you're indoors, try opening a nearby window to let in some fresh air and natural light. If there's a nice view, sit by the window and look at the scenery — it might help calm you down so you can focus on getting over your high. Put on some calming music or a movie. Having something to listen to or watch can help distract you from any thoughts racing around in your head. If you have somewhere you need to be, leave the music or movie on in the background while you're getting ready so you have something to listen to. Listen to calm, happy songs that you already know and like. If you decide to put on a movie, go with something lighthearted like a comedy or a nature documentary. Try to go to sleep if you have nowhere you need to be. If you don't have anywhere to be for the rest of the day, get comfortable in bed and try sleeping off your high. When you wake up, you'll feel refreshed and you probably won't feel high anymore! Hop in the shower. Showering can help wake you up so you feel more alert and less high. While a cold shower might wake you up faster, a warm shower should still do the trick. While you're in the shower, let the water run over your face for a little bit to help wake you up even more. Drink a cup of coffee. If you're not a morning person, you probably know how much coffee helps when you need to wake up and focus. Make yourself a cup of coffee and sip on it to help clear up any fogginess from your high so you're more alert. Keep in mind that the caffeine in coffee can increase your heart rate and make you feel more anxious. If you're already feeling anxious from your high, you may want to skip out on coffee or wait until you've calmed down. Do some light exercising so you feel more awake. Exercising releases endorphins, which can help alleviate any anxiety you're feeling and make you more alert. Find a comfortable spot on the floor and do exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and stretches. If you're not feeling up for exercising, try doing yoga instead. If you're feeling really high, avoid exercising with heavy weights or equipment or you could injure yourself. Go for a walk outside. Like exercising, taking a walk can release endorphins and make you feel more alert. The fresh air and natural light outside might also help lessen the effects of your high. If you're worried about running into someone while you're high, take a low-traffic route and avoid walking near large groups of people. Put in eye drops if your eyes are feeling groggy. Eye drops can help clear up your eyes and make you feel a little more alert and awake. They'll also help reduce any redness in your eyes from your high. | Take a few deep breaths. Drink some water. Open a window for some fresh air. Put on some calming music or a movie. Try to go to sleep if you have nowhere you need to be. Hop in the shower. Drink a cup of coffee. Do some light exercising so you feel more awake. Go for a walk outside. Put in eye drops if your eyes are feeling groggy. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Seal-a-Leaking-Radiator | How to Seal a Leaking Radiator | Before you seal a leaking radiator, make sure to put on safety goggles to protect your eyes from gas and debris. Then, find the hole or crack where the coolant is leaking. If the hole is small, try pouring a few tablespoons of black pepper into your coolant system through the radiator cap, then turning on your car as you normally would to create a seal. For larger holes or cracks, pour a commercial leak sealant into the cooling system, top it off with coolant and water, then run the engine for 10 minutes before letting the vehicle sit overnight. | Look for a rise in the temperature gauge. Your radiator dissipates heat to help maintain the optimal operating temperature for your vehicle's engine. A leak in your radiator will result in lost coolant, which will compromise the system's ability to reduce that temperature. When your coolant system begins to fail, the temperature gauge on your dash board will climb. If your vehicle has been running consistently warmer or if you have recently begun having issues with overheating, you may have a leak in your radiator. Remember that overheating can cause serious damage to the engine in your vehicle. Stop driving immediately if your vehicle begins to overheat. If your vehicle has been running hotter than usual, you may have a slow leak, as there is still enough coolant in the system to keep the engine cool enough to operate. Take note of puddles under your vehicle. An easy way to identify a coolant leak is to notice when puddles of coolant form under your vehicle. Of course, there are a number of fluids in a vehicle's engine that may leak, so you will need to look closely and possibly even touch the fluid in order to properly identify it. Remember that driving with your air conditioning on will result in moisture dripping from your A/C compressor and that vehicles are just as prone to oil leaks as they may be to coolant ones. If you notice a puddle under your vehicle, or where your vehicle used to be parked, look closely at it. Coolant has a green or orange hue to it and should look quite different from motor oil or water. New motor oil may be yellowish, but if it's been in your engine for a while it will likely be dark brown or even black. Dripped condensation from your air conditioning will just be water. Check your coolant reservoir. If you suspect that you may have a leak in your radiator that you haven't been able to identify, make note of the coolant level in the coolant reservoir under the hood. Most coolant reservoirs will have low and high fill marks clearly indicated. Draw a line on the reservoir with a paint pen or take a picture of it with your phone to remember the level the fluid is at upon your first inspection. Open the hood and check again after a few hours of driving to see if the level has gone down. If you did the initial check with the engine cold, wait for it to cool again before rechecking. Coolant remains in the sealed system and the level should not change. If the coolant level is lower upon your second inspection, it means that there is a leak somewhere. Visually inspect the engine bay. If you notice more rust and discoloration on the parts surrounding your radiator or on the radiator itself, that may be an indication that there is a coolant leak in the radiator in that vicinity. As the leak permits the coolant and water to escape the radiator while you're driving, it encourages rust to develop on the parts it comes into contact with. While all engine components can be subject to rusting, if you notice an area with an inordinate amount of it near your radiator, there may be a leak there. Look for signs of coolant around rust spots that you identify. You may be able to find the leak by following any coolant in these rusty areas to their highest point. Allow the engine to cool. Your radiator has the important task of helping to maintain the operating temperature of the engine. As a result, the radiator and coinciding lines can become extremely hot. While hot, the coolant system is pressurized, so removing the radiator cap can expel heated coolant and steam that can be dangerous. Pull the car into the space or garage bay that you will be working on it from and allow it to cool for a few hours before beginning this project. Open the hood after you park the vehicle to allow the heat to dissipate unimpeded. Be prepared to wait for a few hours for your engine to cool enough to work on. Put on the appropriate safety gear. Because coolant systems are pressurized, it's important to wear safety glasses when working on your radiator. Although the engine should be cool to the touch before you proceed, coolant systems can be under a great deal of pressure and may expel gas when you open the cap. You also may need to climb under the car at some point during this project and safety glasses will protect your eyes from falling debris that is caught in the vehicle's undercarriage. Always wear safety glasses when working under the vehicle. You may also choose to wear gloves to protect your hands from pinches and any remaining heat. Wash the radiator with a hose. It will be much easier to locate the leak in your radiator after it's clean of old grime and coolant. Use a hose to spray the radiator and surrounding components so you can know for sure that any new coolant you see in the engine bay after you start the car has leaked since you washed it. As you wash the radiator, look for any signs of cracks in the radiator itself or on either of its end tanks. It is unnecessary to use soap when washing your radiator. Use paper towels to wipe away any areas of excessive grime. Start the car and look for new signs of leaks. One of the two methods you can use to identify a leak in your radiator is to start the engine once it's clean. With the engine running, look closely at your radiator and at the surrounding engine for signs of a leak. You may see steam or fluid spraying out of a leak, coolant or water dripping down the radiator or piping, or hear the hissing of a leak that you aren't able to see from your vantage point. This method can help to point you in the right direction, but may require you to shut the car off again to gain visibility on harder to spot areas of the radiator. Look for fluid or gas spraying from cracks in the radiator. Look for drops of coolant running downward from a leak above them. Listen for hissing coming from the area around the radiator for leaks you can't see. Use a pressure tester to locate leaks. You can purchase a coolant system pressure tester at your local auto parts store. To use it, make sure the engine is cool and remove either the radiator or pressure cap from your coolant system. Install the tester in place of the cap using the included adaptor. Once the tester is secured and the system is once again sealed, use the tester to pump ten pounds of pressure into the coolant system. When the gauge indicates a loss of pressure, that means the pressure is currently leaking from the system. Follow the sound of the air leaking from the crack to locate it. Be careful not to add more than 10 to 15 pounds of pressure (psi) to your coolant system. More than that could result in damage and even create more leaks. Your cooling system operating pressure should be listed on the radiator cap and you shouldn't exceed this number by much when pressure testing. Look for any leaks that may be present on coolant lines as well as the radiator as they may be susceptible to cracking over time. Use a commercial leak sealant. There are a number of products on the market designed to make sealing a leak in your radiator simple and easy. Although there are multiple brands, the methodology of these leak sealant products is fairly universal. Start by ensuring the engine is off and cool. Remove the radiator cap and pour the contents of the leak sealant directly into the cooling system. Top it off with a coolant and water mixture if your vehicle's engine is currently low. Replace the radiator cap and start the engine. The leak will seal as the sealant makes its way through your coolant system. This method is not as permanent as professional radiator repair or an epoxy, but will suffice to seal small leaks until more permanent repairs can be made. Allow the engine to run for 5-10 minutes while the stop leak product makes its way through the coolant system. After running it, allow the engine to sit overnight as the sealant sets. Use epoxy to seal visible cracks. When you identify a visible crack, clean the area around it thoroughly. Any remaining grease or dirt in the area may prevent the epoxy from establishing a seal. Use a brake cleaner and a rag to help you remove stuck on grime. Once the area is clean, allow it to dry completely before attempting to use the epoxy. Knead the epoxy in your hand until it becomes malleable enough for you to spread it out over the crack. Remember to be thorough and to keep the epoxy at least an eighth of an inch thick so it can withstand the pressures of the coolant system when the vehicle is running. You can purchase radiator epoxy at most auto parts stores. Allow the epoxy to set overnight before starting the vehicle. Use an egg to seal a leaky radiator. Eggs are not a good long term solution, but they can actually seal pinhole leaks in your radiator until you are able to have it properly repaired. Start by separating the egg yolks from the whites. Discard the whites, then put the yolks from three or four eggs into your coolant system through the radiator cap. Start the engine just as you would with a leak sealant and allow the egg yolk to travel through the coolant system. The yolks will congeal and seal small leaks in your radiator and allow it to hold pressure long enough to get you home or to a garage to have repairs done. Using egg yolks could potentially lead to clogs in your coolant lines and is not recommended except in emergencies. This method is less reliable than the commercial products you can use to permanently repair your radiator. Use pepper to seal small leaks. Pepper is another unlikely tool you can use to slow or stop a small leak in your radiator long enough to make it home or to a garage for repairs. Wait for the engine to cool completely, then open the radiator cap and pour in about a half a pepper shaker's worth of common black pepper. The pepper, like sealant or egg yolks, will travel through the coolant system and get caught in the crack as the pressure tries to flush it out. This will create a temporary seal that you can use to hold coolant and pressure long enough to drive for a short time. Like egg yolks, this method is not recommended unless you are in an emergency and is less reliable than commercial products. Pepper may be able to seal longer cracks than egg yolks, but is only recommended for small leaks. Check on your repair. Regardless of the method you used to seal the leak in your radiator, it's important that you check on the repair once you've given it an opportunity to set. After driving the vehicle for a short time, keep an eye out for signs of leaking. If you believe you may still be leaking coolant, conduct the same tests to try to identify the source of the leak. There may be multiple leaks or your repair may not have sufficiently sealed the system. Identify any new leaks and repeat the process. Egg yolks and pepper are not meant to be permanent solutions to a radiator leak. Consider using a leak sealant or epoxy to sure up the repair once you make it home. Significant cracks may be beyond repair. In those cases, your radiator will likely need to be replaced. Make sure to refill your coolant system with a 50/50 water and coolant mix any time it is low. | Look for a rise in the temperature gauge. Take note of puddles under your vehicle. Check your coolant reservoir. Visually inspect the engine bay. Allow the engine to cool. Put on the appropriate safety gear. Wash the radiator with a hose. Start the car and look for new signs of leaks. Use a pressure tester to locate leaks. Use a commercial leak sealant. Use epoxy to seal visible cracks. Use an egg to seal a leaky radiator. Use pepper to seal small leaks. Check on your repair. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Breed-Angelfish | How to Breed Angelfish | Before you start trying to breed angelfish, make sure you have male and female adult fish by looking at their tubes, which are pointier and triangular for males, and square and larger for females. When you notice two angelfish have paired off from the rest of the fish, transfer them to a breeding tank and provide a surface for them to leave their eggs on, like a piece of slate. If a pair is taking longer to spawn, try increasing the tank's temperature by a few degrees if it's below 80 degrees F. | Set up a freshwater aquarium large enough to prepare breeding angelfish. Try to choose a tank that is at least 20 gallons (75.7 L) and ideally 29 gallons (110 L) large. Your angelfish pair will do best with plenty of space. In cramped quarters, angelfish won't feel secure and will fail to breed. Try also to place the angelfish in a tank that is tall. Mature angelfish can grow up to a foot long from their dorsal to their anal fin, meaning you'll want to accommodate their unusual length. Test the pH of your water. In their natural habitat, freshwater angels live in soft water that's slightly acidic. For best results, make sure that their aquarium water has a pH of between 6 and 8.0, with the ideal range being 6.5 and 6.9. Angelfish are relatively hardy when it comes to pH and tolerate a wide range of water conditions, but you want to try to shoot for this happy medium in order to produce a contented breeding pair. If your water isn't in the ideal pH range, a de-ionization filter or reverse osmosis (R.O.) filter can do the trick. These are usually attached to your main water supply, and can run from fairly cheap to incredibly expensive. They are, however, effective. Try not to use chemicals to alter pH if at all possible. Chemical pH solutions alter the alkalinity or acidity of the water much too drastically, something your angels are sensitive to. Angels may fail to breed or, worse, die off if the pH swings too drastically from one extremely to another. Ensure that the aquarium water pH doesn't change more than 0.2 per day. Set the water temperature. Again, because angelfish are very accommodating fish, they tolerate a pretty wide range of temperatures. But they do thrive when the water temperature is right in their wheelhouse, between 78° and 86° F (22° and 27° C), with 82° F being a good target. Keep in mind the tradeoffs of different water temperatures. Warmer water is arguably better for angels' immune systems, whereas colder water increases their lifespan. Put a good filter in your aquarium. Angelfish are ideally suited to strong currents, so be careful about using a high flow filter, which could tire them out unnecessarily. Better to use a sponge filter, gravel filter, or both — that way, your angels will have energy for love and their small fry won't be sucked up into the filter when they hatch. Do at least 50% water change each week either as part of regular cleaning activity. Feed your angelfish properly. Angels typically aren't very picky eaters, but they do enjoy their fresh foods and generally have very robust appetites. Shoot to feed your angels at least two or three times a day, being careful not to overfeed them. Give your angels 3 to 5 minutes to feed on any food you give them. Any food that hasn't been eaten after 5 minutes should be removed from the tank to promote clean water. If introducing a new kind of food to your angels, don't feed them at all for one or two days. Then, when you do introduce the new food, provide enough for one or two bites, supplemented with regular food. This should be enough to get them excited about the new kind of food. A regular diet may consist mainly of dried flake food, supplemented with brine shrimp and blood worms. Live food, apart from brine shrimp, isn't recommended for angels because of the chance of disease. Sex your angels to isolate a breeding pair. Sexing young angelfish (body size is smaller than a quarter) is next to impossible, so don't even bother. With more mature angelfish, sex can be distinguished by looking at the tubes of the vent. With males, the tube is smaller, pointy, almost triangular. Female tubes are larger and square, like an eraser on a pencil. Use other common characteristics to sex your angelfish. Looking at the tubes of the fish is the single most reliable way of sexing. But taken together, other characteristics can help you determine the sex of an angel. Just remember not to cue in on any single characteristic when sexing — look at the whole picture. Females tend to be more round while males tend to be more angular. Female Dorsals are held slightly backward, while male dorsals are fully upright, at almost a 90 degree angle to the head bump. Females tend to hold Ventrals closer to body, while males hold ventrals more erect Females have a more smoothly sloped head, whereas males often have a distinct bump on their heads. Alternately, purchase a breeding pair. If you're not sure whether you're dealing with males or females, it can be useful to simply purchase a breeding pair. When you do this, make sure they are younger and have proven to breed good fry. This is more expensive than sexing your own, but often it's a more reliable and efficient way of breeding quickly. Wait for breeding males and females to pair off if you are keeping more than two angelfish. This may take 6 to 7 months, or even longer for angels that are wilder or weaker. In a large tank, you'll notice one male and one female essentially pairing off, sending away on bothersome third party. Wait a day or two just to make sure the pair is really a pair. Isolate any breeding pairs in a separate spawning tank. Make sure that the water chemistry is the same as the tank they were just in. Angels feel more secure and in the mood for procreation when left to themselves. Put them in at least a 20 gallon (75.7 L) tall tank that's elevated so that you move by the tank at your chest- or eye-level. This will create fewer distractions, and ultimately, a happier couple. In the spawning tank, provide a surface for the angels to deposit their eggs on. A spawning cone, spawning mop, or simply a piece of slate are items breeders often choose. Angels have also been known to lay their eggs directly on the water filter, for example. Wait for your breeding pair to spawn. Sometimes, breeding pairs spawn only days after being transferred to the spawning tank. In other cases, it can take several weeks of waiting and a little bit of prodding for them to feel comfortable enough to produce fry. Here are some things you can do to encourage breeding: Raise the temperature a few degrees if it's currently under 80 °F (27 °C). Do a 75% water change, being careful to condition the water and make sure the pH and softness of the water is close to what the angels are accustomed to. Feed them a bit more than usual with high-quality freeze dried food. Give them more security by adding additional plants, spawning mops, or other fibrous, decontaminated props. Try a larger aquarium if your tank is at or below the 20 gallon (75.7 L) mark. Place another angelfish or another breeding pair close to, but still separate from, their aquarium. Sometimes, the sight of another angelfish will get them breeding. If all else fails, pair the angels up with different mates. If you've waited in vain for your breeding pair to do the deed, and you've tried all of the above suggestions, it may be time to play matchmaker again. There's a good chance the breeding pair isn't actually compatible, and you'll want to find a different mate for each fish. Try placing them back into a bigger aquarium and wait for them to pair off with other mates. Let the angelfish rear their own fry if desired. Angelfish normally care for their own spawn so leave them to it once they have spawned and disturb them as little as possible. Any form of undue stress or unexpected routine can cause the angelfish to start to eat their own fry. As the breeding pair raises their fry, continue feeding the breeding pair as before, taking note that they may not be as hungry. Remove any unwanted or uneaten food immediately after feeding and take pains to ensure the water quality is high and uncontaminated. Occasionally you get a pair of angels that eat their fry. When this happens, you have no alternative but to remove the cone or slate with the eggs to another tank containing identical water and raise them artificially. Raise the fry artificially if you need to. Transfer the fry to a clean 1 gallon (3.8 L) tank with an airline feeding medium-sized bubbles into the water. Treat the 100% filtered water with a fungicide, then with Acriflavin, an antibacterial. Transfer the fry on the spawning slate or mop so that it's facing the bottom of the tank and close to the airline. Consider keeping the tank in the dark to prohibit the harmful growth of bacteria. Wait for the fry to hatch after about 60 hours in 80 °F (27 °C). At this stage, they'll be simple wrigglers, and won't need to eat anything. After 5 days in this stage, they become free-swimming and will start to need food (brine shrimp work well). Small, frequent feedings are best. After the fry begin to swim in a cloud, they should be transferred to a medium sized (2.5 gallon to a 10 gallon) tank. | Set up a freshwater aquarium large enough to prepare breeding angelfish. Test the pH of your water. Set the water temperature. Put a good filter in your aquarium. Feed your angelfish properly. Sex your angels to isolate a breeding pair. Use other common characteristics to sex your angelfish. Alternately, purchase a breeding pair. Wait for breeding males and females to pair off if you are keeping more than two angelfish. Isolate any breeding pairs in a separate spawning tank. Wait for your breeding pair to spawn. If all else fails, pair the angels up with different mates. Let the angelfish rear their own fry if desired. Raise the fry artificially if you need to. Wait for the fry to hatch after about 60 hours in 80 °F (27 °C). |
https://www.wikihow.com/View-an-Eclipse | How to View an Eclipse | To safely view a solar eclipse, you'll need to protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths. While using things like sunglasses, binoculars, or telescopes may seem like a good idea, none of these methods will be strong enough to protect your eyes. Instead, try making an eclipse viewer by poking a small hole through a piece of cardstock. Then, place another piece of cardstock on the ground to serve as a projection screen. Standing with your back to the sun, hold the card with the hole a few feet off the ground, in the direction of the sun. At the same time, face the screen you placed on the ground and align it with the cardstock in your hand until you can see a perfect circle on the screen. When the eclipse takes place, the circle will turn into a crescent or a thin-lined O, depending on the type of eclipse. | Read about a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses occur when the sun, the moon, and the Earth are all in alignment allowing the moon to block the sunlight from reaching the Earth. Solar eclipses are observed as a total or partial eclipse, depending on whether or not you're located in the "umbra", the place where the moon's shadow hits a small point of Earth, or the "penumbra", the part outside of the umbra. The amount of time a total eclipse lasts can be from a few seconds to a maximum of seven and half minutes, as the umbra moves along the "path of totality". There is also an "annular eclipse" when the moon slides across the sun, but doesn't completely cover it. Total solar eclipses are possible because the sun is 400 times further away from Earth than the moon and 400 times larger than the moon, allowing the sun and moon to appear to be almost the same size from our perspective of the sky. Be aware of the methods that shouldn't be used for viewing a solar eclipse. You shouldn't look at eclipses through binoculars , telescopes , any type of glasses, sunglasses, smoked glass, polarizing filters, or exposed color film – none of these methods are strong enough to protect your eyes. Although the light wavelengths visible to the human eye are blocked by these objects, it is the non-visible light that causes damage to the eye; the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths still get through and cause just as much damage as the visible light. Make an eclipse viewer or a pinhole projector. A homemade eclipse viewer or pinhole viewer is very simply done and, generally speaking, it is the easiest and safest way to view an eclipse for just the price of some thick poster paper or cardstock. Its drawback is the very small image it produces, but this one is ideal for children and young teens who will enjoy the process of preparing the pinhole projector and then using it. Poke a small hole using a pin or thumbtack through the center of a piece of cardstock. Place a second piece of paper on the ground to serve as the screen you will be projecting the eclipse onto. Standing with your back to the sun, hold the card a few feet off the ground above your shoulder or to your side. Make sure your head is not covering up the hole. It should be held in the direction of the sun and you should be facing the screen you placed on the ground. When the projector is properly aligned, you should see a perfect circle on the other piece of card you placed on the ground. The circle may appear fuzzy at the edges. You can bring it into sharper focus by moving the pinhole projector closer or further away from the ground. When the eclipse takes place, that circle will shrink and turn into a crescent, if it is a partial eclipse. If it is a total eclipse, then it will turn into a thin-lined O. You can also use a pinhole camera for eclipse viewing. Use a solar filter on your viewing equipment. If you choose to look at the sun with your eyes (rather than by projecting the sun onto something else), then you must always have a solar filter between you and the eclipse. While it is possible to view a total solar eclipse without protection during totality , only an experienced observer will know when to judge this moment accurately and when it is essential to immediately place the filter between your eyes and the eclipse again: before the sun reappears. Since most eclipses are partial and most observers are novices, it is much safer to only look at the eclipse through a solar filter; even the briefest flash of sunlight can damage your eyesight , so even 99.9 percent of coverage of the sun is dangerous. Solar filters are available for all viewing equipment (camera, binoculars, and telescope). When selecting a solar filter for a telescope or binoculars, it is absolutely vital that you choose a filter made for your exact model and brand. If the filter does not fit properly, or is used incorrectly, permanent eye damage can occur. View an eclipse indirectly by making a projection. Projection of the eclipse image through binoculars or a telescope is another safe method to view the eclipse indirectly. However, it is only safe if you use it for projection, not for looking through – do NOT look through the binoculars or telescope doing the projecting! Cover the front objective lens of one side of the binoculars with a piece of cardboard or a lens cap. With your back to the sun, hold the binoculars with one hand and aim them towards the eclipse so that the uncovered lens picks up the eclipse. Use the shadow of the binoculars to help you align the binoculars. Watch the image projected back onto a screen, wall, or large piece of white paper that you're holding in your free hand. It should be situated about one foot from the binocular's eyepiece. Just move the binoculars around until the eclipse image appears on the card, screen, or wall. The further you hold the card away from the eyepiece, the larger the image will be. When you get used to using this method, try fixing the binoculars to something like a tripod or propping them up against a chair or table. The image will benefit from the increased steadiness. If you're using this method to observe the sun during a non-eclipse time, shift the binoculars away from the sun every minute to prevent overheating of the equipment. Let the optical equipment cool down for a few minutes before trying again. Use welder's glass. Shade number 14 (or higher) welder's glass is one of the most affordable and widely available filters you can use to observe the sun with unaided eyes. The glass must completely cover your eyes at all times of observation. Such a filter can also be added to the front of your binocular objectives. Again, all of the lens must be covered and if it can only cover one lens, cap the other one. Use mounted filters. There are special types of filters that can be purchased that mount directly onto a telescope or pair of binoculars. While some of these can get quite expensive, there are cheaper versions that will still protect your eyes and allow you to view the sun. There are several important warnings you must take heed of when purchasing and mounting a solar filter: You must be absolutely sure that the filter is a proper solar filter, as ordinary photographic filters will not filter the dangerous rays. The filter must fit your brand and type of equipment perfectly. Always buy the filter from a reputable dealer; if you have any concerns about the safety of the filter, do not use it and if you need advice, take it to your local planetarium or astronomy club for expert advice. Check for surface damage prior to mounting. Mylar is easy to puncture or rip and if that has happened, the filter cannot be used. Be sure that the filter is secure once on; if you need to tape it as well as mount it to ensure that it won't come off or loosen, then do so. Do not use filters that screw into the eyepiece end of binoculars or telescopes. The focused light can burn through or crack the filter at this end owing to the intense heat of the sun being concentrated; just the tiniest crack or separation in the filter can permanently damage your eyes. Only use filters that mount onto the front end of the telescope. Read about lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipses occur less frequently than total eclipses of the sun, with a lunar eclipse taking place about twice a year, and a total lunar eclipse happening on average every two to three years. A lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon travels into the Earth's shadow and becomes a coppery or dull-red color (a "Blood Moon"). Total lunar eclipses can last for up to an hour and forty minutes, although a lunar eclipse can last for up to six hours when adding in the time taken to pass through the penumbral region. Like solar eclipses, there are total and partial lunar eclipses that depend on the alignment of the Earth, the sun, and the moon. Be prepared to stay up late. A lunar eclipse occurs only during a full moon when it is perfectly aligned with the Earth and the sun. The eclipse happens because the Earth casts a shadow on the moon. Lunar eclipses usually occur late at night over a period of hours as the moon passes in and out of the shadow cast by the Earth. If you want to see the whole thing, you will have to stay up late. The night must be clear and fairly cloud-free for optimal viewing. View with your naked eye or through magnifying objects as desired. Lunar eclipses are perfectly safe to observe with your eyes and without a filter. You don't need any special viewing equipment because you are not looking directly into the sun, you're actually viewing a projection of the sun onto the moon. Because there is no risk of damage to your eyes from the sun, no special equipment is required. To get a more impressive view of the eclipse, you can look at it through binoculars or a telescope. If you'd like to photograph the lunar eclipse, read How to Photograph the Moon for more details on moon photography or How to Photograph an Eclipse for advice on photographing both solar and lunar eclipses. Dress appropriately. Given you'll be viewing at night, the air will probably be colder, so dress warmly and perhaps take along a thermos of something warm to drink. Bring along something comfortable to sit on, as the eclipse will last for over an hour. Find out when and where eclipses are happening. It's hard to view eclipses when you're not aware they're happening! One of the best ways of knowing when eclipses will happen is to use the internet and follow updates on reputable sites. In addition, some good astronomy books and periodicals will also keep you updated about forthcoming eclipses. Some of the sites worth keeping an eye on include: NASA Eclipse website here : this has both solar and lunar eclipse details. See also, NASA eclipse path maps through 2020 and through 2040. Some of your favorite science and astronomy information websites and blogs might update you about upcoming eclipses as they're about to happen. Check the weather forecast leading up to an eclipse. Some weather elements will make it hard to see an eclipse, such as clouds or a storm. If it's clear, you're all set to watch! Use this weather forecast to dress appropriately for the eclipse. If it's winter and you'll be watching a lunar eclipse, you'll want to bundle up to stay warm. Visit your eclipse viewing site in advance. If it's your own backyard, you'll already be familiar with it, but if you want to go somewhere with a clearer view, check it out before the eclipse. See what the terrain is like, where you can park your car, whether it's likely to be popular with other people, etc. There are actually some key things to look for when selecting a good eclipse-viewing spot: View: Choose a spot with a good view of the horizon to enable you to see approaching and departing shadows. Comfort: Are there restrooms, refreshments, shade options, etc? Accessibility: Is it easy to reach, easy to park, easy to walk around, and so forth? Familiarity: Is it likely to attract busloads of tourists? If there is ease of access for buses, bus parking, and you've seen the site getting buzz on Twitter and Facebook, you might want to find somewhere less well-known and therefore less likely to be crowded! If you know someone who has a farm, ranch, or quiet, open property in the vicinity of the eclipse, consider asking them if they mind you turning up to watch the eclipse. | Read about a solar eclipse. Be aware of the methods that shouldn't be used for viewing a solar eclipse. Make an eclipse viewer or a pinhole projector. Use a solar filter on your viewing equipment. View an eclipse indirectly by making a projection. Use welder's glass. Use mounted filters. Read about lunar eclipses. Be prepared to stay up late. View with your naked eye or through magnifying objects as desired. Dress appropriately. Find out when and where eclipses are happening. Check the weather forecast leading up to an eclipse. Visit your eclipse viewing site in advance. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Aries-Female-to-Fall-in-Love-with-You | How to Get a Aries Female to Fall in Love with You | To get an Aries female to fall in love with you, take her on an impromptu date, since Aries love impulsivity. For example, take her to mini golf and then head to a bar. Aries are also very competitive so take any opportunity to challenge her to a game or bet to get her pumped up. They also love being active so spend time doing physical activities with her, like yoga, rock-climbing, and jogging, or watching sports. On the other hand, don't try to rush into things or overwhelm her, since Aries cherish their freedom and independence. Be honest and straightforward with her about your feelings and let the relationship evolve at its own pace. | Don't be put off by her masculinity. Aries are usually thought of as a masculine sign, regardless of gender. So your woman in waiting is likely to have some masculine tendencies — directness, energy, a temper perhaps — even if her more feminine traits shine brighter in your eyes. The first step in getting an Aries to fall in love with you is to understand, accept, and finally cherish, these tendencies. Accept her way of doing things, especially in the beginning. Aries are known as very domineering, which can be tough if you're that way too. If she doesn't get to decide what she wants to do because your ideas are different from hers, the chemistry between you too is likely to suffer. Go with the flow. Let her be rowdy. Remember the tactful little lady that Audrey Hepburn always played in old movies? That is, most definitely, not your average Aries female. She may talk loud, swear, or act boisterously, but you have to be there, at her side, trying not to wilt under the pressure. A tough act, but a rewarding one. Engage her competitiveness. Like Aries the Greek god, Aries females are fiercely competitive. This competition plays itself out in the workplace (where she's usually angling to get a promotion, or at least win the support and admiration of her peers) as well as in her day to day life. So how do you begin to attract an Aries female? Stoke her competitiveness! Try the following: Play board-, card-, dice-, and sports games with her. Bring a set of cards when you go to a bar and challenge her to a game of Rummy ; or bring eight dice along and challenge her to a game of Liar's Dice. Whatever you do, don't just let her win ; she wants the satisfaction of knowing that she beat you when you were giving it your all. Get active. It's a must. Aries are extremely active signs, preferring the rough and tumble of physical adventure over the easy predictability of domesticity. In order to click with an Aries, you need to enjoy that side of yourself. Gone are the days of sitting in front of the TV on Fridays and Sundays; get ready to meet mother nature and sweat like a sow. Women usually like a great walk on the beach, but Aries might rather go kite-surfing instead. Or how about an impromptu swimming challenge past the breakers and back? Go on jogs and runs with her. Yoga and Pilates are rather tame, so try to pick something with a little more verve — something that really gets her heart pumping. Many Aries love rock-climbing. Play and watch sports with her. Women are thought to be disinterested in sports, but usually not Aries. She might not like the passivity of watching sports, but she's sure to embrace the opportunity to play them. Invite her along when you play pickup basketball with your buddies, or take her on a date to a football game. Indulge her impulsive side. Aries will often act before they think. That can sometimes lead to a little trouble, but Aries love the adventure of wriggling out of trouble, too. Don't be afraid to act on your impulsive side, or accept hers, when you're around her. Many Aries can't stand a partner who doesn't know how to fly by the seat of his pants from time to time. Take her on an unplanned date. Try showing up unannounced and whisk her off to a sculpting class, followed by a bar. If she, on the slim chance, has other plans or isn't ready to jump down the rabbit hole, shrug it off and try again another time. Don't moan or take it as a slight against your character. This will make her upset. Don't let too much of your shy side show, even if it's a big part of who you are. Aries find it hard to understand why other people are shy. They're extroverted, communicating their feelings easily and readily. If you're a shy one, don't put your shy side front and center during the first couple of dates. It's not that she can't love it; it's that she simply doesn't understand it. If you can show her in the beginning that your shyness doesn't define you, there's a chance that she can eventually learn to live with it, and love it. Give her freedom and independence. Aries need to feel that they are free to do anything they want, even if that's not strictly the case. Don't cling to her like a squid to its prey. Keep her in your sights and engaged, but never smothered. As soon as you complain that she hasn't made enough time with you or is hanging out with another guy too much, you've stifled her sense of freedom. Lover beware. Don't rush her into the relationship. If you two are doing things together but haven't begun calling yourselves a couple, don't sweat it. It'll take her time to come around, most likely. Even if she isn't calling you a boyfriend, you're benefiting from the arrangement. Don't forget that. Be prepared for a burning, but straightforward, sexuality. Aries women tend to know what they want. They don't debate the intricacies of sex like other signs do, even if they enjoy it very much. Aries women will be straightforward with you. They'll tell you want they want and expect to get it, unless you can give them a really good reason why it's a bad call. Aries can have an emotional selfishness which can sometimes detract from the spiritual nature of sex. If you're expecting sex to be a tantric fusing of two persons' souls, expect again. Aries probably has a different idea of what it is. On the other hand, many Aries have a romantic side to their personality, one that juts out from their other tendencies. If you learn to nurture this romantic side, which you will as time goes on, you can generally expect sex to look a lot different from how it was in the beginning. Never make things more complicated than they need to be. Aries is nothing if not uncomplicated. An Aries won't try to play mind games with you. An Aries won't expect you to know something without first telling you. An Aries won't belabor the meaning of love if it doesn't mean something practical to her at the end of the day. Learn to understand this part of her personality, and be the same way with her. Keep things simple without boring the heck out of her. Take risks with her, but make her feel like she's there with you for each step of the way. Tap into that adventurous, inner-child spirit that she gets along with so well and don't be afraid to take risks. Consider: Traveling with her. Nothing says romance more to an Aries than the adventure of travel. Being in a novel place, with different sights, sounds, and customs, will help fuel the fire of her passion. Just make sure she's ready to take the jump with you. Start a whole new career path or direction in life. Although this is more for you than for her, it can feel like it affects her more than usual because she likes to experience adventure vicariously when she's not experiencing it firsthand. Just be sure the new change in direction is good for you, too. Be selectively liberal with the money that you spend. The key word here is "selectively." Aries are notoriously spendthrift, so you also want to balance out her freewheeling wildness with a little bit of tact. But you don't want to scare her away with any penny-pinching either, so learn to let loose on occasion. It'll help make her feel validated. Bounce back from crises and setbacks. Since Aries are often bold, bossy, and boisterous, you're inevitably going to get into arguments with her, or see things a different way. Try to be calm and forgiving throughout the entire argument. If you reach an impasse, give her an out: Say something like "Let's talk about this when our tempers have cooled." Don't take any wrenching personal attacks to heart; she's impulsive and wants to win at any cost, even if it means winning the argument. What you'll have to deal with is teaching her how to compromise. She'll see compromise as "losing" and stay away from it at all costs. Your goal will be to explain to her that compromise isn't the same thing as losing — in fact, that it's essential to a relationship. Learn to communicate your needs in order to keep the relationship humming. Aries can be blissfully unaware of what your needs are if you don't explicitly let her know. She's extroverted and communicative, so she expects you to be the same. Know that Aries women work exceptionally well with Leo men. Aries females work well with all fire signs, generally, but Leo (July 23 to August 24) excites her most. Both are domineering and alpha-types, but Leo's encouraging and generous nature really makes Aries hum. At times, though, Leo's dramatic nature can butt heads with Aries' more straightforward tendency. Know that Aries women work great with Sagittarius men. (Sometimes, too great.) It's not a match made in heaven, but it works better than most. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) and Aries share a fierce independent streak, feeding off of one another. But he's so independent that he might just out-independent her and walk out before the relationship starts. Still, they're compatible in bed and love each other's sense of humor. Understand that Aries women work well with Gemini men. A great relationship if neither tries to dominate the other, Gemini (May 20 – June 21) and Aries both share a restlessness and sense of adventure. He can be fickle, however, and Aries can cause him to retreat if she's just a little too straightforward. Know that Aries women work very well with Libra men. Because Libra (September 22 – October 23) actually wants to be dominated, Aries' bossiness actually works to her advantage here. He gives her the romance she wants, and she gives him the guidance he craves. Still, she can become frustrated by his indecision. Know that Aries women work well with Aquarius men. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) enjoys Aries's impulsive nature. They aren't the same when it comes to sex, but are surprisingly compatible sexually. He might be too distant and introspected for her rambunctious and extroverted tendencies. | Don't be put off by her masculinity. Engage her competitiveness. Get active. Indulge her impulsive side. Don't let too much of your shy side show, even if it's a big part of who you are. Give her freedom and independence. Be prepared for a burning, but straightforward, sexuality. Never make things more complicated than they need to be. Take risks with her, but make her feel like she's there with you for each step of the way. Bounce back from crises and setbacks. Know that Aries women work exceptionally well with Leo men. Know that Aries women work great with Sagittarius men. Understand that Aries women work well with Gemini men. Know that Aries women work very well with Libra men. Know that Aries women work well with Aquarius men. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Interpret-Dreams-from-a-Biblical-Perspective | How to Interpret Dreams from a Biblical Perspective | In order to biblically interpret dreams, write down everything you can remember about the dream, like the people in it and the emotions you felt. Look for patterns in the details, including animals, numbers, and recurring colors. Think about what meaning these symbols have in scripture and what God could be telling you through them. Pray for guidance if you feel confused or worried about your dreams. | Journal the dream. Write down all the details. This may be difficult at first, but the more you practice remembering your dreams, the easier it will be to recall details. Any aspect that you remember about the place, people, or objects around might be important. If a particular detail is of importance, God will make it very noticeable to you. Symbols such as numbers, direction, colors, and animals, may all be of importance. The symbols in a dream can be negative or positive. You have to depend on the Holy spirit to reveal what the symbols reveal in your dream (negative or positive). Evaluate the emotions you felt. A dream may have been alarming, sad, or exciting, but usually there is an overall emotional response that you feel towards a remembered dream. Write down these emotional responses where they occurred in the sequence of the dream. Write down your feeling towards objects and people. If a certain object made you afraid or if you felt drawn to a figure, make sure to mention it in your recounting of the dream. Ask yourself when the dream occurs. Dreams can consist of memories, current life events, or things that are yet to come. If you are younger and surrounded with people you used to know, the dream is probably in the past. If you are unsure where you are or who is around you, you may be dreaming about a time in the future. God may give you a dream about an incident that happened in the past that's hidden in your heart and that creates pain in your life so that you can then pray for healing. Determine if the dream is about you or somebody else. Pay attention to your perspective and interactions in the dream. If you did not speak or interact with those around you, maybe you were just observing or witnessing the events, and they do not directly involve you. It may be more of a vision to warn you of some possible occurrence. If you feel yourself as the central figure in the dream, then it is most likely the dream is meant to influence you or your life. Note the colors of objects in your dreams. Different colors represent different characteristics of symbols. Colors are commonly associated with their religious significance. For example, blue is the color associated with the Virgin Mary, as she is often depicted in a blue dress. It symbolizes grace and good health. Pay attention to animals. Animal symbols can sometimes be tricky, as they can have positive and negative significance in the bible. For example, the Lion of Judah can symbolize Jesus. However, the devil is depicted as prowling like a roaring lion in the bible as well. Cats can symbolize evil spirits, or they can be seen as comforting. Dogs can also have positive or negative meanings. They can be man's best friend, or symbolic of unbelievers. Look for significant numbers. The numbers may appear in a written form, but very likely the numbers will appear as a particular number of objects. For example, the bible recounts the dream had by Pharaoh, which was interpreted by Joseph. In the dream, Pharaoh sees seven skinny cows eating seven large cows. Joseph interprets the dream as predicting seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine. Try to understand the context. For example, if you see five golden rings it can be seen as 5 days, weeks, months or years if you see it in a context of time. Five can also be a representation of the five evil kings of Israel. If you have lost five family members that are close to you, it might be a symbol that they are in heaven. You have to look at the number in the context of the rest of the dream to uncover the true meaning. Focus on objects of religious importance. There are many items that may seem ordinary but can hold significance when interpreting your dreams. Most obvious among these might be objects like a cross, bread and wine, or a burning bush. Other objects may be less obvious symbolic but still significant. Some examples could be as ordinary as an apple, coins, or candles. If you notice an ordinary object that seems important in the dream, it may be a symbol. Don't use a standard dream symbol dictionary. To analyze the importance of objects or symbols in your dreams, you should look how they relate to the scripture. For example, standard dream dictionaries may also interpret a goat as symbolic of prosperity, while from a religious perspective a goat is most often associated with oppressors and unrepentant sinners. Evaluate each symbol. Consider possible meanings of each symbol, particularly how they may relate to your situation in life. If you have a religious dream, it is likely that God has made the dream so that it will speak to you. If you examine the symbols enough you will likely find the hidden meaning that feels right and significant to you. Decide if the dream is literal or symbolic. If you dream that somebody is going to die, it may be a literal meaning, or it could be symbolic. If someone has died in a dream it could be symbolic of cutting ties with that person or situation. Many common religious symbols have recurred in dreams for different people. Serpents or snakes representing an evil. Nakedness representing closeness with God. Houses and their state of disrepair or beauty can symbolize the state of your spirit. These symbols are all common among dreams with religious implications. Ask yourself what emotions you have experienced or issues you were processing the day before the dream. Consider if there are any aspects of your life in which you feel the same emotions that you experienced in the dream. If you are under a lot of stress or extremely busy, your dream may just be your mind's way of processing the day while you sleep. Sometimes you may even have a dream that seems religious, but doesn't feel like a divine message. If it doesn't seem significant or important, it may not be worth stressing out over the interpretation. Pray about the dream. If the dream seems like a very important message or warning, then look deeper and ask God what he is trying to teach you. Sometimes a religious dream may be a challenge from God to make you seek some important truth. Don't ignore a dream just because it seems difficult to understand. Seek out the answer from God and in the bible. Ask yourself if this is an answer to a question that you have asked God. God can give you answers through a dream. | Journal the dream. Evaluate the emotions you felt. Ask yourself when the dream occurs. Determine if the dream is about you or somebody else. Note the colors of objects in your dreams. Pay attention to animals. Look for significant numbers. Focus on objects of religious importance. Don't use a standard dream symbol dictionary. Evaluate each symbol. Decide if the dream is literal or symbolic. Ask yourself what emotions you have experienced or issues you were processing the day before the dream. Pray about the dream. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Organize-a-Filing-Cabinet | How to Organize a Filing Cabinet | To organize a filing cabinet, sort your documents into different categories, such as utilities, auto, medical, pet, business, home, taxes, and finances. Then, place each stack of documents into a labeled hanging folder, and place multiple documents of the same type into sub-folders to keep them contained. Decide if you want to organize the files alphabetically, by order of importance, or some other system. Finally, place the hanging folders into the cabinet so that they're easily accessible when you need them. | Buy a filing cabinet if you don't have one. Look for a good quality cabinet that's a good size for your home or office within your budget. Consider a fireproof and waterproof cabinet, in case of any natural disasters that may strike your home. A bundle of such cabinets are found in local stores, furniture shops, carpentry shops and malls. Begin to go through your files. Set aside anything that's obviously old or unnecessary. Set aside: Receipts for products you no longer own. Junk Mail Old bills for services you no longer use Business letters from an old job Stamps you no longer need Don't be afraid to get rid of things. While certain documents like birth certificates and tax information are obviously important, there may be junk mail or old receipts that looks important but really isn't. Think about each document as you make your decision, and think about whether it could actually be useful in the future. If you wouldn't miss it if it disappeared for a year, it's probably alright to throw it out. Be careful when throwing things away at work! Make sure to ask your supervisors before you throw anything out, as it may be more important than you think. Your company may also have policies about how long things need to be kept and how they need to be disposed of. Decide which things need to be kept. This will generally depend on how recent or useful they are. Use discretion and think about whether the documents will be useful or necessary in the future. If they're truly important, keep them. For tax info, insurance records and vital documents, keep them for the following periods of time: Keep tax return information for 7 years, as well as any receipts for items you deducted from your taxes. The IRS can audit any return up to 6 years after your taxes are filed. Keep insurance records, mortgage statements and proof of charitable donations for up to three years. Make sure to keep very important documents like birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, titles, deeds, and passports. Keep them safe and never get rid of them. Shred every document that you've set aside. Throwing out unshredded documents can leave your personal information exposed to anyone who sees them. Even if you're not sure whether the document is sensitive, it's best to shred it as it may contain addresses, birth dates or other info. Shred or destroy digital media too. Many towns and businesses will have shred days where locals or employees can bring old floppy disks, CDs or hard drives to be destroyed. They'll make sure it's done correctly. Start to organize the remaining files. Move to a desk or big table and organize the papers into piles that are logical and sensible to you. These will become your individual files. Make piles that will help you find exactly what you're looking for. Consider categories for home cabinets such as: Utilities Auto Medical Pet Business Home Taxes Finances Ask coworkers for advice about work cabinets. There may be specific company conventions for organizing papers at your workplace. If not, file chronologically or alphabetically. Ask tidy coworkers what systems work best for them. Keep your categories simple. The more specific you get, the more files you'll have, which will mean more clutter in your cabinet. Keep your main files more general, and then organize documents within them. One option is to have a hot, cold, and medium file. The hot file is for documents that need immediate attention, like bills. The cold file is for documents you may need to reference in the future, like tax documents. The medium file is for documents that you pull as needed, like manuals and directories. Decide whether to organize by name or date. Once you've sorted each paper into its correct pile, begin to organize them in a way that'll make it easy to find. For alphabetical listings, like brands on receipts, place items starting with A at the top of the stack, working down to Z. For chronological filings, like dates of tax returns, place the most recent documents on the top of the stack, working towards oldest documents at the bottom. Place each of your stacks into a folder. Put the papers in so that the document at the top of the stack is at the front of the folder. This will keep the documents in the same order that you organized them in. Clearly label each folder. Make sure that the writing on the tab is large, legible, and makes sense to you and others in your office or family. Use a label maker for extra clarity. Let each drawer hold its own category, and label it clearly as well. Divide your files among drawers in ways that make sense to you, with each drawer containing a distinct category. Each category should contain related files, which will help you find things more easily. Financial information like tax documents, investment files and mortgage statements might go in one drawer. Personal documents like birth certificates, passports and medical records might go in another drawer. Instruction manuals for various items might go in another. Consider using colored folders. If you commit the corresponding color to memory, it'll make your papers much easier to find. If you already have manilla folders, add color to them with highlighters or colored markers. Colored labels can be used more subtly for the same purpose. Use your color system to create subcategories within your drawers. An Informational Materials drawer, for example, might be divided into folders like "Electronics Manuals," "Power Tool Manuals" and "Cleaning Supply Manuals". Change your system if it doesn’t make sense. After a month or two of use, don't be afraid to change the things that aren't working for you. Move different files to the front, or break up categories that are hard to tell apart. Remember that your filing cabinet is a system for you, and it needs to conform to your work flow. Be proactive to stay organized. Pay immediate attention to mail and documents as they come in, and once you've dealt with them, file them right away. Set up an inbox on your home or office desk. Look through your incoming mail once a day. You won't lose track of anything this way, and it won't pile up. Filing won't seem like such a chore it's done a little bit at a time. Reorganize your cabinet often. Yearly reorganization is recommended, and you can even clean it out quarterly if you have a large number of files. The main source of clutter in filing cabinets is old documents that you no longer need, so purge and shred the old things as necessary. Consider converting some of your files to digital media. The more documents you can keep in digital format, the less physical clutter you'll have in a filing cabinet. Good candidates for scanning include receipts, proofs of donation, or bank statements. Some may even be available online already. Make a master document. In the document, explain how your filing system works and where things are located. In the event of an emergency or unforeseen problem, others may need to know how to look for your files. | Buy a filing cabinet if you don't have one. Begin to go through your files. Don't be afraid to get rid of things. Be careful when throwing things away at work! Decide which things need to be kept. Shred every document that you've set aside. Shred or destroy digital media too. Start to organize the remaining files. Ask coworkers for advice about work cabinets. Keep your categories simple. Decide whether to organize by name or date. Place each of your stacks into a folder. Clearly label each folder. Let each drawer hold its own category, and label it clearly as well. Consider using colored folders. Use your color system to create subcategories within your drawers. Change your system if it doesn’t make sense. Be proactive to stay organized. Set up an inbox on your home or office desk. Reorganize your cabinet often. Consider converting some of your files to digital media. Make a master document. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Cats-from-Eating-Plants | How to Prevent Cats from Eating Plants | To prevent your cat from eating plants, try spraying your plants with diluted vinegar since cats hate the smell and taste of it. If that doesn't work, try surrounding the plant with a material that is unpleasant for the cat, such as tin foil or a carpet protector, to deter them from coming near it. You can also line up empty soft drink cans around the plants to scare the cat when they're knocked down and discourage it from trying again. | Hang your plants from the ceiling. You can purchase hanging pots and hooks from any home and garden store. Hanging plants are both attractive and cat-proof! Spritz deterrent spray on your plants. You can find deterrent sprays in the pet store that won't harm your plant, but will discourage your cat from poking around it. A good example of a safe product is “Get Off,” but always make sure to check the label before buying a deterrent product. Some of these sprays might actually hurt your plant. You can make your own deterrent spray at home, as well. Make a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water, and spritz it onto the leaves of your plant. Cats hate the smell, and it doesn't hurt your plant! Train your cat to leave plants alone. This is best done with "remote punishment." The idea is to make the cat associate approaching the plant with something bad, like getting sprayed in the face with water. However, you don't want the cat to associate the punishment with you. You want your cat to think the punishment came out of nowhere. Booby trap the plant by using putting a can of compressed air that's activated by a motion sensor near it. These pet-training aids can be purchased in pet stores or online. When your cat approaches plant, he'll get a blast of compressed air. This doesn't hurt him, but it'll make him think twice about approaching the plant again. Don’t punish the cat yourself. For example, if you spray the cat with water or shout at him, your cat will associate the punishment with you. He may well stop eating the plant when you're around, but he'll probably keep doing what he wants when you're out of the room. Punishing the cat yourself actually makes him more devious. He also might grow a little frightened of you, which isn't the relationship you want with your pet. Surround the plant with an unpleasant surface. Put tin foil down around the plant, or a plastic carpet protector with the knobby side up. Your cat may not be willing to walk across an unpleasant surface to get to your plants. Use noise to deter your cat. Collect and wash out empty cans — whether for canned vegetables or soft drinks. Line them up along the edge of the table where you keep your plants, then add more rows on top to form a wall. When your cat jumps up and knocks them down, the noisy clamor will send him flying. He'll think twice about approaching your plants after enough scares. Sprinkle products with lion dung into the plant's soil. This might sound quirky, but products like Silent Roar contain lion feces. Though you won't be able to smell it, your cat will, and he'll get the message that a powerful stranger has already claimed the plant as part of his territory. Understand the possible reasons behind plant-damaging behavior. Your cat might just be bored to tears cooped up in your house. If moving leaves are the closest thing to toys or prey in his environment, it should be no surprise when your cat is drawn to them. To best curb plant-damaging behavior, you need to provide your cat with healthier alternatives. Have regular play-sessions with your cat. Some breeds of cat are far more active than others, so you'll be the best judge of how much play your cat needs. As a general rule, though, it's best to play with your cat at least twice a day for 5-10 minutes each time. Use toys that will get your cat moving. Although your cat will love the attention either way, don't let your play sessions turn into cuddle sessions. You need to get your cat excited and winded to prevent him from chomping on your plants. Use toys that are on the end of a long string, so you can make your cat run from one end of the room to the other without exhausting yourself. Not all cats respond to laser pointers, but if your cat does, you're in luck! You can lounge on the couch and enjoy a snack while your cat runs all over the place trying to catch the little red dot! Leave toys out for him while you're gone. Your cat might get especially bored when there's nobody around to keep him company. Leaving toys out for him when he's alone gives him more constructive outlets for his boredom than plant-chewing. Rotate the toys out so he doesn't get bored with the same ones day after day. Your cat will ignore a toy he's become too familiar with. However, if it reappears after a long absence, he'll be excited about it again. Observe your cat's preferences. Pay attention to what kinds of plants draw his attention, then avoid plants like that in the future. For example, your cat might love wispy, dangling leaves that flutter in the breeze. In that case, buy plants with large, heavy leaves that don't look as much fun to play with. Avoid buying “cat magnet” plants. Yucca plants, for example, seem to be particularly irresistible, and your cat will chew on them without mercy. Zinnias and marigolds are other examples of "cat magnet" plants that you should avoid. If you already have an irresistible plant in your home, keep on a high shelf where the cat can't reach it. Make sure it's an unreachable shelf, or your nimble cat might just leap up there. Place "bait" plants around your home. You can use your cat's attraction to certain species of plants to your benefit. Place trays of catnip or grass around your home for your cat. Munching on these plants will help satisfy his need to chew, and hopefully distract him from your more prized plants. Buy plants your cat dislikes. There are also some plant species that cats just can't seem to stomach. They often have a strong smell, like lavender, rosemary, or citrus plants. While you can enjoy the pleasant aroma of these plants, the smell will discourage your cat from chomping on them. You might also buy plants that have very high leaves that cats can't reach, such as small trees. | Hang your plants from the ceiling. Spritz deterrent spray on your plants. Train your cat to leave plants alone. Don’t punish the cat yourself. Surround the plant with an unpleasant surface. Use noise to deter your cat. Sprinkle products with lion dung into the plant's soil. Understand the possible reasons behind plant-damaging behavior. Have regular play-sessions with your cat. Use toys that will get your cat moving. Leave toys out for him while you're gone. Observe your cat's preferences. Avoid buying “cat magnet” plants. Place "bait" plants around your home. Buy plants your cat dislikes. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Do-Walkovers | How to Do Walkovers | If you want to do a front walkover in gymnastics, practice on a mat or go somewhere with soft grass so you don't hurt yourself. Once you're in a safe environment, start by standing in a lunge position with your arms straight up. When you're in position, bend forward and place your hands on the ground with your fingers pointing forward. Kick your back leg up into the air, and once it's nearly vertical, push your front leg up. While allowing the momentum to carry your legs over your body in a split position, press into the ground with your fingers for stability. As you bring your legs over your body, arch your back and then touch one foot down at a time. While doing this, keep your eyes on your hands instead of lifting your head so you can maintain your balance. You can then push off the ground with your hands to stand back up. | Stand in a lunge position with your arms straight up. While you're standing straight, take a big step forward with your dominant leg, bending your knee as you do so. Keep your back leg straight and your toes pointed, and raise your arms up by your ears. Your body should form a straight line from the tips of your fingers all the way down your back leg. Typically, it's easier to do exercises with one leg than the other. Choose whichever side you feel more confident in pushing with. Look down at the ground throughout this exercise to help you maintain your equilibrium. Practice on a mat or on soft grass so you don't hurt yourself if you fall. Bend forward and place your hands on the ground. Make sure your fingers are pointing forward, although it's fine if they're spread slightly. This is a handstand position, and you'll use it to launch the rest of the move. When your hands touch the ground, lock your elbows, then breathe out and tighten your abdominal muscles. Start with your weight resting on the heels of your hands. As you lift yourself up, support yourself with your fingers. Kick your back leg up into the air. Kick hard, since this is what will give you the power to continue through the walkover. Keep your legs straight, and keep your core engaged to give you more control over your movements. It can be a little scary to push yourself into the air if you're not familiar with it. Move deliberately and with confidence. If you're feeling unsure of yourself, you probably won't push hard enough to get your legs all the way over. Push your front leg up once your back leg is nearly vertical. Allow the momentum to carry your legs over your body, one after the other. Your hips and legs should be loose and move freely, but keep your abs, shoulders, and arms all braced to give you control. As you're moving, keep your legs extended, and point your toes. As you lift your second leg, press down into the ground with your fingers. This will help stabilize you, and it will also help you control your speed. If you had enough strength in your first kick, you won't have to push very hard when you lift your second leg off the ground. The movement should occur naturally. Do not bring your legs together. Leave them in a split position. Arch your back and touch down with one leg at a time. Stretch through your shoulders as you bring your legs over your body, and lean your weight forward until you feel your toes touch the floor. Once your first foot touches, bring your other leg down to the ground so your feet are next to each other. Resist the temptation to lift your head at this point. Instead, keep your eyes on your hands. This will help you maintain your balance. Shift your weight back to your leading leg as it touches down, but keep your knee slightly bent to cushion your landing. Try to keep your feet close to your body. If you stretch your legs too far out, it will be harder to stand up from the bridge. Push off the ground with your hands to stand up. Use the momentum of your legs to help you push up out of the bridge. As you push with your hands, tighten your abdominal muscles and bring yourself up off the ground. You can also push down into the ground with your lead leg to help you stand up. Your head and arms should be the last things to come up. You may prefer to wait to lower your second foot to the floor until after you are standing. End with your arms high in the air. Stand straight with your dominant foot forward and your arms up. Engage your core, then lift your chest, extend your legs, and slide your shoulders down. Your shoulders, hips, and ankles all should form one straight line. Most people have one side that's easier to control, If you feel more confident on one side, practice leading with that leg first. Once you master that, you can practice leading with the other leg. In case you fall, practice on a mat or on soft grass. Lift your dominant leg straight out in front of you and lean backward. Bring your leg up as high as you can. At the same time, lean backward into a backbend, leading with your fingertips. Do not bend your knees or your elbows, and balance your weight on the leg that's still on the ground. As you bend, push your hips up rather than letting them collapse downward. Keep your eyes focused on your hands to keep your head in a neutral position. Push off with your other leg when your hands touch the ground. One your palms are securely planted under your shoulders, push down into the ground with your back leg. Lift your back leg off the ground, keeping your toes pointed as you do so. This should lift you into the air, with your legs forming a wide “V” shape. Shift your weight onto your hands and push your chest over your shoulders. As you lift your legs into the air, use the momentum and your abs to bring your torso directly over your shoulders. At the top of the walkover, your body should form a straight line from your waist down to your hands, with your legs forming a horizontal split. Press down into the ground or mat with your fingertips to help stabilize you during this movement. Land with your lead foot in front, followed by your other foot. Bring your front foot down so it hits the ground right under your hip. Shift your weight onto that leg, then finish swinging your other leg over your body in one fluid motion. Bend your knee slightly as you land to cushion the landing. Stand up straight and raise your arms to finish. Once both of your feet are on the ground, push up with your hands to finish standing up. Raise your arms in the air with your fingers pointed up to end with a gymnastics flourish. The reason back walkovers can be easier than front walkovers is because you can just stand up normally from a back walkover. In a front walkover, you have to spring up out of a bridge. Strengthen your back with bridge stretches. Get into the bridge position, with your feet and hands planted firmly on the floor and your back arched upward. Start with your weight balanced equally on your hands and feet, then rock forward slightly so that most of your weight is on your feet. Hold that for a few seconds, then shift so your weight rests more on your hands. This helps strengthen your lower back, and it will also improve your shoulder flexibility, which is important for a walkover. If you feel pain in your lower back, you need to stretch more and improve your bridge. Practice handstands to strengthen your arms. You'll need to be able to support your weight completely on your hands in order to a complete a walkover. If you're not sure if you're strong enough, try doing a few handstands until you feel confident. If you need to, you can lean against a wall to help you balance until you get the hang of it. While you're in a handstand, squeeze your core, butt, and legs to help you stabilize yourself. Once you get comfortable with a basic handstand, practice doing handstands in a split position. Do planks to develop your core. To practice the plank pose, which comes from yoga, kneel on a mat on your hands and knees. Exhale and move into child's pose by pushing as far back as you can while lowering your forehead to the floor. When you're ready, push your body back onto your hands and knees and straighten your legs behind you. Hold this position as long as possible, but don't let your back sag down or your bottom rise into the air. Plank pose looks as if you're preparing to do a push-up. If this is too hard, practice resting your weight on your fore-arms until you get stronger. Turn cartwheels to practice the walkover action. A walkover is similar to a cartwheel, except in a cartwheel you move sideways, but in a walkover you either move forward or backward. If you already know how to do a cartwheel, you can practice this to get your body used to the action of turning over in the air. Stretch your wrists, shoulders, and back before you do a walkover. Before you practice your walkovers, make sure you limber up. Spend about 5-10 minutes flexing your wrists and rolling your shoulders to loosen them up. You can also lay on the ground and push yourself up with your arms to help loosen your lower back. | Stand in a lunge position with your arms straight up. Bend forward and place your hands on the ground. Kick your back leg up into the air. Push your front leg up once your back leg is nearly vertical. Arch your back and touch down with one leg at a time. Push off the ground with your hands to stand up. Stand straight with your dominant foot forward and your arms up. Lift your dominant leg straight out in front of you and lean backward. Push off with your other leg when your hands touch the ground. Shift your weight onto your hands and push your chest over your shoulders. Land with your lead foot in front, followed by your other foot. Stand up straight and raise your arms to finish. Strengthen your back with bridge stretches. Practice handstands to strengthen your arms. Do planks to develop your core. Turn cartwheels to practice the walkover action. Stretch your wrists, shoulders, and back before you do a walkover. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Choose-Curtains | How to Choose Curtains | To choose curtains, start by picking a fabric, such as a durable thick fabric for sunny rooms, or a sheer material for dimmer rooms that need more light. Alternatively, pick blackout curtains if you want to block light and noise in rooms, like your bedroom, to make it easier to sleep. Then, decide on a color for your curtains that will stand out from your walls, or find panels with a pattern to make a basic room look more interesting. You may also want to consider buying panels that are long enough to reach from the top of the window to the floor for a modern look. | Choose a durable fabric for very sunny rooms. The sun will eventually damage any fabric over time, but some fabrics are more durable than others against the sun's rays. Faux silk, chintzes, brocades, and cotton canvas tend to be the sturdiest and least prone to sun rot If unlined, silks are particularly susceptible to sun rot. Avoid curtains with intricate or bold patterns, as they fade quickly and show sun fade more than solid prints. If you're buying fabric to have your curtains custom-made, make sure to use decorator fabric specifically. The thread count is typically higher, so they last longer. Some brands of fabric are designed for sunny rooms, so choosing one of these brands is advised. Maximize natural light with sheer fabrics. If you enjoy lots of natural lighting, sheer fabrics are the way to go. They're perfect for small spaces that you want to be sunlit, since sheer materials are thin and take up very little room. Sheers also provide natural ventilation. If privacy is a concern, choose semi-sheers, which offer a subtle amount of privacy without sacrificing the natural lighting. If you have allergies, consider sheer fabrics. They are excellent at preventing pollen from entering open windows. Sheers come in a range of materials, including cotton, silk and synthetics. Cotton is the most cost-effective choice. You can add another curtain in a heavier fabric during the colder months, then remove it and just leave the sheers when the temperature warms up. Select a heavy fabric when you need a lot of coverage. When you need very long curtains to cover large spaces, choose a fabric that will hang heavily. Heavy fabrics like velvet, velveteen, suede, corduroy, tapestry, and wool-blends will stay put in front of your windows and shield the most light from the room. If cold winters are an issue, heavy fabrics will help insulate the room and increase the energy efficiency of your heating system. Another option would be using cotton duck curtain lining, which is very heavy and thick. Keep in mind that heavier fabrics have a traditional look, so you may want to avoid these if your room has a modern feel. Try blackout curtains to reduce light and noise. If light pollution at night is a problem for you, or if you're having trouble sleeping in general, these specialty window coverings will effectively block all external light from coming into your bedroom. They will also decrease the sound of outside noise. Black-out curtains are usually made of very heavy polyester or Thermaweave, which is woven fabric that also provides insulation. Blackout curtains can also help insulate the room and keep hot or cold air from seeping in from outside. These specialty curtains can usually be found at any home furnishing store. They come in a wide range of styles, colors, and patterns. Seek out curtains that are labelled with terms like “blackout,” “room-darkening,” and/or “light-blocking.” Consider the existing color scheme of the room. Curtains should complement the décor of the room, so take a look at your current color palette. Don't forget to take into account any patterns that appear in your wallpaper or on furniture fabric. In most cases, you will want to choose a hue that will tie your curtains in with the color palette of the room. As an alternative, you can create a unique vibe by choosing curtain colors that don't tie in with the current color scheme. You don't want the curtains to clash with the décor, but as long as the colors are complementary, they don't have to exactly match. As an alternative to matching the color, you can match the texture. For instance, choose cotton curtains to match a sofa with a cotton slipcover. Energize a room with lively pattern. Transform a plain room with patterned or printed curtains, which can add color and texture. Choosing patterns that feature contrasting colors to your furniture and walls can create even more energy and make a basic room far more interesting. You can also create height in a low-ceilinged room by choosing patterns featuring vertical stripes. Formal home interiors are best dressed with heavy, printed curtains. These create a dramatic effect. Go with thinner, more delicate printed fabrics for a casual vibe. Adding fun, printed curtains is an easy way to upgrade the décor of a room and helps create a polished feel. Create contrast by choosing a shade that stands out from your walls. Choose curtains that are at least one shade lighter or darker than the interior walls, as this will stop them from blending into the walls completely. To make the curtains stand out, choose colors that contrast and complement the colors of the walls and furnishings. Make a statement with a bold pop of contrasting color or give a neutral room a focal point with a vibrant curtain hue. You can also create contrast by layering curtains. For instance, put a curtain with a bold color or pattern on top of or next to a neutral-colored curtain. Alternatively, you can soften a room by blending with existing colors. Balance out busy décor with subdued curtains. If a room already has a lot going on, avoid making it appear busier with patterned curtains. Dress the room down and balance the look with a more subdued fabric. Solid curtain colors will also help balance things out. Don't be afraid to match patterns in some cases, however. If, for example, stripes are already a subtle theme in the room, you may want to consider striped curtains to match. Pattern mixing can also be effective if you are going for an offbeat vintage vibe. Create drama with long lengths. Choose long lengths and hang the panels high to create a sense of height and intensity. At minimum, hang them 6 inches (15 cm) above the window frame. Go even higher to create a lavish, powerful effect. For rooms with low ceilings, consider floor-to-ceiling drapes, which will create the illusion of more space. You can even get super long curtains that puddle on the floor for a dramatic, luxurious look. Avoid thick curtains in small rooms. Thick drapes will make a small room feel even smaller and create a stuffy, uncomfortable feeling. Go with breezy sheer materials or lightweight fabrics to create a more open feeling in small spaces. Avoid lining altogether, which serves to make the overall appearance of any curtains much heavier. Choose a length that falls flush with the floor to create a modern look. This creates a crisp, contemporary vibe and suits decor that is modern in nature. For a more traditional look, go with curtains that extend a few inches beyond the floor. This will create a very classic looking puddle effect. Choose shorter lengths if you have children and/or pets to prevent curtains from getting damaged. If you battle excessive dust in a particular room, go with curtains that don't reach the floor. Otherwise they will get dirty very quickly. Extend curtain life by adding a protective lining. If you've chosen a fragile curtain fabric or if the curtains will be exposed to a lot of sunlight, you can prolong their life by using a protective lining. This will slow down the fading effect that the sun has on bright colors. Unless you plan on changing out your curtains often, use lining to lengthen the shelf life of your drapes. Coordinate curtain style with the room’s décor. Curtains affect the overall impact of a room in a big way, so you must think about the room's current stylistic theme. Airy, modern spaces work best with thin, simple curtains. Formal rooms should be accented with layered panels or thick materials. Think about the current impact of the room and how you want the curtains to tie into that. For example, if the décor in a room is already busy, think about pulling a single background color out of your statement wallpaper design. Then use that as a monochrome curtain theme. Curtains should always tie into the design of the room. Consider the size and function of the room. Avoid thick, heavy curtains in small rooms, which will make them feel cramped. Big, airy spaces look great with elegant floor-to-ceiling designs. Think about the functionality of each room and make sure the curtains make sense in that space. Don't use the same window treatment in every room—each space is unique and should be customized. For instance, your bedroom and kitchen shouldn't have the same curtains. Kitchens generally need more light than a bedroom and the fabric should be one you can wash frequently, like cotton. Bedroom curtains can be chosen for more aesthetic reasons, with less emphasis on light and durability. If privacy is an issue, make sure the curtains span the entire width of the window and can't be seen through when they're pulled closed. Choose a complimentary drapery header. The top treatment says a lot about the aesthetics of a room, so it should be chosen with the final ambiance of the space in mind. For contemporary rooms, consider a back-tab ripplefold. Grommet tops also accent a modern room well. Pinch pleats look great and they best complement traditional décor. Goblet pleats accent formal rooms with elegance. Smocked headers can add a dramatic and elaborate flair to sophisticated décor. If you're unsure, consider the rod pocket. It's is one of the most basic headers, and it compliments a variety of styles. There are many other header options available, so make sure to explore them all. Ultimately, go with something that ties into your room's style. Don't forget to consider if the curtains are purely decorative or if they're meant to be functional. You could choose stationary panels on the ends of the windows if you don't plan to move them, or you could put a rod across the width of the window so the curtains can be opened and closed. Cater to your personal tastes. The details of the room, the fabric, the color, the curtain type, the length—all of these elements are incredibly important when choosing window treatments for your home. Making a choice can be daunting. However, don't forget to also consider your own personal taste! The décor of your home, including the curtains, is an individual aesthetic choice that reflects your personal style. Most important of all, your window treatment choices should be visually appealing to you. | Choose a durable fabric for very sunny rooms. Maximize natural light with sheer fabrics. Select a heavy fabric when you need a lot of coverage. Try blackout curtains to reduce light and noise. Consider the existing color scheme of the room. Energize a room with lively pattern. Create contrast by choosing a shade that stands out from your walls. Balance out busy décor with subdued curtains. Create drama with long lengths. Avoid thick curtains in small rooms. Choose a length that falls flush with the floor to create a modern look. Extend curtain life by adding a protective lining. Coordinate curtain style with the room’s décor. Consider the size and function of the room. Choose a complimentary drapery header. Cater to your personal tastes. |
https://www.wikihow-fun.com/Short-Sheet-a-Bed | How to Short Sheet a Bed | Short sheeting a bed is a fun prank that will leave your victim temporarily trapped in the folds of their sheets! To do this prank, first remove the blankets and top sheet so only the fitted sheet remains. Then, spread out the flat sheet on top and tuck the top in at the head of the bed. Fold the top sheet in half, so the bottom of it rests near the head of the bed. Then, make the rest of the bed. When your victim tries to get into bed, their feet will get trapped in the folded top sheet! | Undress the top layer of the bed. Remove the comforter and any other top layer sheets to access the fitted sheet. This prank only works when the bed has both a fitted and a flat sheet. If your victim sleeps under a duvet without a flat sheet, you'll have to find another prank. Don't crinkle up the top sheets; fold or strategically place them on a piece of furniture. If the victim comes home to a wrinkled or ruffled comforter, they might suspect something and inspect the bed. Tuck the flat sheet at the head of the bed. Spread out the flat sheet as you normally would to make the bed. Then, instead of tucking the sheet at the foot of the bed, tuck it in at the head of the bed. This is the main part of the prank. Straighten the sheet so that it rests flat across the bed. If your victim is an impeccable bed-maker, ensure that the sheet isn't wrinkled, since it will be noticeable. Fold the bottom edge of the sheet. Take the edge of the flat sheet near the foot of the bed and fold it up toward the head of the bed. Make it resemble a properly installed flat sheet, with the edge of the sheet resting just under the pillows. Take note of how your victim normally folds their sheet, and try to emulate it. Some people will do an additional fold with their sheet to make it look neater. Other people keep it folded nearly in half so it is easy to hop into bed. Make the bed. Place the pillows, additional blankets, and/or bedspreads as they're made normally. These top layers will cover up the fold you created. Be sure you recreate the way the victim typically makes the bed. Make sure the folded sheet is covered by pillows and top blankets. Do a quick inspection of the bed to ensure it looks like a normally made bed. Hide in the room before the victim goes to bed. Watch the person try to get into bed. They'll find that their feet are trapped in the fold! Once you see them struggling and confused, jump out and say “gotcha.” Know your victim's sleep schedule. This is an easy trick if you live with the victim, or share a room with them. Once you learn the victim's sleep schedule, you can begin to plan around this time. If they go to sleep every night at 10:00 PM, you have up until that point to make your move. Learn their daytime schedule. Once you find out their normal sleep schedule, you should learn what time you should prepare the prank. If they go to school or work, you can use this time to prepare the prank. It could help if you talk to them the previous night: ”So Jamie, you have any plans tomorrow?” ”Working for the man tomorrow?” ”I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow, you want to come?” Observe how they make their bed. It will help if you know how the person's bed is normally made. The more you can make it appear normal, the less suspicious (and more surprised) the victim will be. Don't get caught snooping on them as they're dressing the bed. Instead, you should plan to inspect the bed at a separate time. A lot of people don't use sheets and only use a comforter or duvet. Make sure your victim uses a sheet or else the short sheet technique will not work. Make sure they typically fold the inner sheet underneath the comforter. Document the bed. Some people are better learners with a visual cue. Take a picture of how the bed looks before you tamper with the bed. Once you are making the bed again, you'll have a visual cue to base the presentation on. | Undress the top layer of the bed. Tuck the flat sheet at the head of the bed. Fold the bottom edge of the sheet. Make the bed. Hide in the room before the victim goes to bed. Know your victim's sleep schedule. Learn their daytime schedule. Observe how they make their bed. Document the bed. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Communicate-Better-With-a-Girlfriend | How to Communicate Better With a Girlfriend | To communicate better with your girlfriend, ask her questions about her life and be an active and empathetic listener. Try asking larger, general questions, like “How was your day?” and slowly work down to more specifics, like “How did you feel when you weren't invited to the meeting?” To show your girlfriend that you're listening, rephrase what she says once in a while. Moreover, if she opens up about a difficult situation, validate her feelings. When you're speaking, make sure to be honest and open to create a trusting environment. Focus on “I” statements to avoid accusing or blaming your partner. For instance, after a fight, you might say “I feel angry,” or “I feel hurt when you yell at me.” | Ask questions. Asking questions is one of the best ways to improve conversation with your partner. You should ask each other questions every day about how work went, how you both are feeling, and other day-to-day "updates" about one another's lives. You should also ask questions to clarify something that was said, or to dig deeper and get your partner to open up more. Use prodding questions. Start out with larger, more general topics, and work your way down to more specific revelations. You might start by asking your girlfriend how her day was, then ask about an incident that was unpleasant or a happy moment at work. Once your girlfriend starts to talk about the specifics of her day, you can try applying the things she says to other conversations you've had. For example, you might ask, "That's happened before, hasn't it?" or "Wow, I can't believe that happened after _____ told you something different last week." Ask your girlfriend how she feels about the events she describes. Let her know you care, and offer her your support. Rephrase to reflect. A big problem in relationship communication is one partner not feeling heard or understood. Rephrasing what your girlfriend just said in your own words shows that you are listening to and processing everything she's saying. It can also be a useful way to help mentally ground yourself in the conversation if you find that your thoughts are racing and you're having a hard time focusing on what's being said. Use a natural conversational tone. If your partner interprets your rephrasing as mocking, the conversation can go bad very quickly. Try to limit your use of rephrasing. If done too often it can be distracting or irritating. Put your girlfriend's words into your own words when you rephrase them. This shows that you're processing everything she says, and not simply repeating it word for word. You might try using a transitional phrase to begin your rephrasing. For example, try saying something like, "So what you're saying is..." or "I think I understand where you're coming from. You're saying ________. Is that right?" Look for nonverbal signals. Body language often speaks just as loudly as words. The way that you and your girlfriend position yourselves during the conversation can send signals that may be unintentional, or may reflect your subconscious mood. Try not to read too obsessively into your partner's body language, but if it seems like there is a problem, try asking her if she's upset and let her know that you noticed her body language. If your girlfriend crosses her arms, she may be feeling defensive, distant, or emotionally closed off from you. Avoiding eye contact may indicate a lack of interest in what you're saying, shame over something that was said or done, or feeling distracted or uncommunicative. Turning the body away during a conversation may suggest that your partner feels disinterested, frustrated, or emotionally closed off. A loud, aggressive tone might indicate that the conversation has escalated or is about to escalate, and emotions are running high. Your girlfriend may also feel that you're not hearing her or understanding her. Some body language positions are incidental, so don't "accuse" your girlfriend of secretly being upset or closed off. Ask in a caring way by saying something like, "I noticed your body language seems to suggest that you're upset, but your words are contradicting that. Is something on your mind?" Be open and honest. Being honest means not lying to or misleading your girlfriend, which should be easy enough. But being open requires you to make yourself vulnerable on some level, which many people struggle with. If being open and honest doesn't come naturally to you, you'll need to work on it with your partner for the sake of your relationship. Open, honest communication is the foundation of a strong relationship. If you cannot be open and honest with one another, you will inevitably encounter problems down the line. Tell your girlfriend the full truth. Don't hold back or withhold your feelings, because she may be upset if she finds out about it. If you're struggling with being open, let your partner know about the problem and try to explain the reasons why. If she knows you struggle with it, she can be extra supportive, and may learn to ask you prompting questions or request elaborations. Reflect before you speak. Many people are in such a hurry to get all their thoughts/feelings out in the open that they fail to pause and reflect on what's being said. This is true of both speaking your mind in general, as well as speaking in response to something your girlfriend has said. Think carefully about what it is you want to say before you speak. Be aware of what you're feeling when you talk to your girlfriend. Speak as clearly and directly as possible. If you're responding to something your partner said, give her a second to make sure she's finished talking. Then take a brief second to process what she's said and think about how to best articulate your response. Communicate respectfully. You should always strive to be as respectful as possible in every conversation you have with your girlfriend. Respect may be an obvious requirement for many people, but it's important to be aware of your words, your tone, the subtext of your conversation, and your body language to always convey mutual respect for one another. Take responsibility for what you say and do during a conversation, even if it escalates to an argument. You should both fully express your thoughts and feelings, but you need to do so respectfully. Validate your partner's feelings. Try to understand why your girlfriend feels the way she does, and at the very least respect the fact that she feels that way. Convey a respectful posture. Don't slouch, avoid eye contact, or do other tasks while listening to your girlfriend. Face her and give her your full attention. Be respectful in any responses you give. Don't interrupt your girlfriend, and never say that she's wrong to feel a certain way. If there's any kind of misunderstanding between you, don't get mad or upset. Instead, you should calmly ask questions and try to get your girlfriend to clarify what she means. Focus on "I" statements. When emotions rise, especially during a fight or after you've been hurt somehow, it's easy to slip into declarative statements (such as "You are a liar and you hurt my feelings."). But psychologists agree that using "I" statements are far more effective and cause less tension. Using an "I" statement simply means framing your hurt feelings as a way that you feel, rather than as an accusation or an absolute about your partner. A good "I" statement should include the following components: A statement of emotion ("I feel _____") A fair and unemotional description of the behavior causing you to feel the way you feel ("I feel _____ when you ______") An explanation of why the behavior or conditions at hand cause you to feel the way you do ("I feel ____ when you _____, because it _________") Don't rush things. If you haven't been dating for a long time, or if you are new to sharing your feelings in general, it's best to take things slowly. You should still work on communicating with one another every day, but you and your partner should have a frank conversation about how comfortable you are with divulging your personal thoughts/feelings, and what kind of time frame you might need to get to that point. Don't rush into deep, troubling, or difficult conversations. Let them come naturally when you're both ready to talk about such things. Don't rush your partner, and don't let her rush you. Go by what you are both comfortable with, and know that any effort at improving communication will help strengthen your relationship. Use self-disclosure statements. Self-disclosure statements can be very useful in a relationship, especially if you're new to sharing your feelings or talking about deeply personal things. They're a way for you to reveal yourself incrementally but candidly to your partner, with the assumption that she will talk about herself as well. Try building off of the following self-disclosing cues to get started: I am a person who _____. One thing I wish people knew about me is _______. When I try to express intimate feelings, _____________. Try out different communication styles. There are many different ways of communicating, and there are no absolute right or wrong methods. However, some methods can be more productive than others for some people, and it may take some experimentation to find a style of communication that works best for both of you. Try being expressive. Let your partner know how you feel, and ask her how she feels. Use task- or fact-oriented communication. Some people are more comfortable conveying facts instead of emotions, like saying, "I feel like I'm not making enough money at my job" instead of saying, "I'm sad and I'm worried about my finances." Be assertive. Assertive communication involves the clear and direct communication of your feelings, opinions, and needs, without infringing on the rights of your partner. Avoid passive communication. This communication style involves a failure to assert yourself or express your thoughts/feelings/needs, and can be very damaging to the relationship. Minimize emotion before talking about important things. Take a few minutes to calm down before discussing anything significant so that your emotions do not direct the conversation, but make sure you do acknowledge the way you and your partner feel. Focus on small talk. Small talk is tremendously helpful in any relationship, and it helps build a day-to-day level of communication within your relationship. You can reminisce or laugh about shared experiences, talk about what you each did that day, ask about plans for the weekend, or simply share observations that you find interesting or funny. Small talk about your day-to-day lives helps you and your girlfriend get closer and know each other more intimately. Ask your girlfriend to elaborate and give more details. Make sure that your follow-up questions convey a genuine interest in what your girlfriend says and does not come across as suspicious or distrustful. Make time for communication. Many people with busy lives or different schedules find that the lines of communication get strained in a relationship. This can easily be remedied, though, if both partners make time for communication. Even if you have very hectic lives, it's important that you make some time for open, honest communication, the same way you make time for meals, sleep, or your daily commute. If having a rigid schedule helps you both maintain your day-to-day lives, try scheduling alone time. Set aside some alone time at least once every week to keep a healthy, open line of communication. Try to limit interruptions when you're talking with your girlfriend. Turn off the TV or radio, and silence/put away your cellphones so you won't be distracted. Talk to one another while doing day-to-day activities, like while driving in the car or doing chores around the house. Notice when your girlfriend acts troubled or otherwise seems to have something she wants to talk about. Ask if something is wrong, or if there's anything she'd like to talk about. Make sure your conversations convey commitment, trust, and intimacy from both of you. Consider seeking professional help. You might find that communication doesn't come easily in your relationship, or that the lines of communication have been strained by life events. There is nothing wrong with this, and it does not mean your relationship won't work - it simply means you might need to try a little harder. That's where a professional may be of service. A licensed couples therapist can help you and your girlfriend find ways to be more open and communicative. You may also work on being more honest, taking more of an interest in one another's lives, and finding more time to spend alone together. You can find therapists in your area by looking through the phone book, using a search engine online, or by consulting a therapy-based index like Psychology Today has on their website. | Ask questions. Rephrase to reflect. Look for nonverbal signals. Be open and honest. Reflect before you speak. Communicate respectfully. Focus on "I" statements. Don't rush things. Use self-disclosure statements. Try out different communication styles. Focus on small talk. Make time for communication. Consider seeking professional help. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Regain-Confidence | How to Regain Confidence | If your confidence is low, try making a list of all the things you like about yourself as well as all the areas where you'd like to improve. You could look at things like your personality traits, your skills and strengths, and your accomplishments. Additionally, combat your negative thoughts about yourself by using positive and compassionate self-talk. You can also boost your confidence by setting realistic goals and working toward them. Even when you don't feel confident, act like you do—confident behavior can eventually translate into true confidence! | Take stock of yourself. If you chronically lack confidence, it's probably very easy for you to catalogue your faults and failures, but what about acknowledging your positives? For most people, this is a lot more challenging. Researchers have found that self-esteem is comprised of both cognitive factors, such as positive memories you have of yourself and your behavior, and self-evaluation, or how positively you evaluate your current attitudes and behaviors. Make a list of everything you like about yourself - your qualities and skills that make you you. It can help to actually sit down and write out a list as things come to you. Grab a notebook or journal and set a timer for 20-30 minutes. Journaling is a good way to continually maintain and open conversation with yourself about who you are and want to be. It's a way to prompt self-reflection and self-discovery and may help you realize things about yourself that you didn't really know. Think also about some areas you'd like to improve, such as assertiveness or self-confidence. Contemplate not only what you feel, but why you feel the way you do. Begin to understand your true self, and allow it to exist. If you're not as good at handling some things as you are at others—for example, maybe you feel confident and capable until other people are thrown into a situation, such as in a relationship or at work—acknowledging all facets of yourself is the first step to transformation. Look back on your life and your accomplishments. Chances are that you are not giving yourself enough credit for everything that you've done throughout your life. Take some time to reflect and look back at your past glories from big to small—things that you've done that you feel proud of. This will help validate your place in the world and the value you bring to the people and society around you and, in this way, build your self-confidence. Research shows that part of building self-esteem is having a solid schema of positive memories about your past accomplishments and abilities. If you begin to accept that you have been a bright, hopeful, confident person in the past, it becomes easier to believe that you can be amazing and do amazing things again. During this time, write a list of all of your accomplishments. Keep in mind that everything should be included, from big accomplishments to the little everyday things. Your list can include things like learning how to drive, going to college, moving into your own apartment, making a great friend, cooking a fancy meal, getting a degree or diploma, getting your first "adult" job, and so on. The possibilities are endless! Return to the list periodically to add to it. You'll see that you have lots to be proud of. Scan through old photos, scrap books, yearbooks, trip mementos, or even consider making a collage of your life and accomplishments to date. Focus on positive thoughts and beliefs. Rather than get bogged down with negative thoughts, try to focus on positive, encouraging, and constructive thoughts. Remember that you are a special, one-of-a-kind person who is worthy of love and respect - from others and from yourself. Try these strategies: Use hopeful statements. Be optimistic and avoid the self-fulfilling prophecy of pessimism. If you expect bad things, they often occur. For example, if you anticipate a presentation going poorly, it just might. Instead, be positive. Tell yourself, "Even though it's going to be a challenge, I can handle this presentation." Focus on "can" and avoid "should" statements. "Should" statements imply that there is something you ought to be doing (that you're not currently doing) and this might cause you to feel pressured if you can't meet these expectations. Instead, focus on what you CAN do. Be your own cheerleader. Give yourself positive encouragement and credit for the positive things you do. For example, you might note that although you're not getting all the exercise you'd like to be getting, you have been doing to the gym one extra day a week. Give yourself credit for making positive changes. For example, "My presentation might not have been perfect, but my colleagues asked questions and remained engaged — which means that I accomplished my goal." Over time, this will help you reframe your thinking to be more confident. Set goals and expectations. Write of lists of things you want to accomplish and set out to achieve these goals. For example, you might decide to volunteer more, take up a new hobby, or spend time with friends. Make sure your goals and expectations are realistic. Striving for the impossible will only deflate, not enhance, self-confidence. For example, don't suddenly decide that at age 35, your dream is to play professional hockey or be a principal ballet dancer. This is unrealistic and your self-confidence will likely take a hit once you realize how far away and unattainable that goal is. Instead, set more realistic goals, like deciding to do better in math class, learn how to play the guitar or master a new sport. Setting goals that you can consciously and consistently work towards and eventually meet can help you stop the cycle of negative thinking that reduces your self confidence. You'll see that you can set and meet goals successfully and will attain a sense of fulfillment. You could also set goals that help you see and feel your own competencies. For example, if you feel like you want to be better informed about the world, decide that you are going to read a newspaper every day for a month. Or, say you want to empower yourself in knowing how to fix your own bike and opt to learn how to do your own tune-up. Meeting goals that address things that help you feel powerful and capable will help you feel better about yourself as a whole. Fake it 'til you make it. That old saying actually has some real value to it. Confidence doesn't happen overnight, but now that you have a good sense of who you are and what you want, you can put up a good front that will eventually translate into confidence within as well. The very act of trying to appear confident can actually increase your confidence, as you begin to see how it affects those around you. Use your body language to project confidence. Stand and sit with a straight back. Walk with easy, full strides. Make plenty of eye contact when you meet people, and if you're nervous, smile instead of looking away. Smile more. Studies have shown that the very act of smiling can improve your mood and make you feel more positive. Speak more (rather than less) and with greater confidence. This is especially true for women, who tend to speak less and with reduced assertiveness in social situations with men. Make a concerted effort to have your voice heard in social situations; your opinion matters and you have value to add to a conversation. When you do speak, speak clearly and with precise enunciation; don't mumble or cover your mouth with your hands or fingers. Take chances. Remember that you can't control what anyone else thinks, feels, or does; you can only control yourself. Instead of being fearful of all of this uncertainty and your lack of control, try to embrace it. Accept that the world around you is a big and uncertain place by taking a chance on something new. You'll be surprised by how often you succeed when you're proactive – as the old maxim goes, “fortune favours the bold” – and if you fail, you'll be able to see that your life continues on anyway. Whichever way you cut it, taking a few risks and trying new things is one of the best ways to rebuild your lost confidence. Strike up a conversation with someone on the bus, submit a photo or story for publication, or even ask out your secret crush. Choose something that puts you a bit outside of your comfort zone and jump in headfirst with the knowledge that your life will go on no matter the outcome. Experiment with new activities; you might learn about talents or skills you didn't know you possessed. Maybe you take up running and discover that you are really good at distance running, something you'd never thought of before. This can help increase your self-confidence. Consider taking up artistic activities such as painting, music, poetry, and dance. Artistic endeavors often help people learn how to express themselves and attain a sense of 'mastery' of a subject or skill. Lots of community centers offer free or reasonably-priced classes. Help someone. Research has shown that people who volunteer tend to feel happier and have higher self-esteem. It may seem paradoxical that to feel better about yourself you should help someone else, but science does prove indeed that feelings of social connectedness that accompany volunteering or helping others make us feel more positive about ourselves. There are endless opportunities to help others in the world. Volunteer at a retirement home or a homeless shelter. Get involved with your church or a ministry or a community that helps sick or poor people. Donate your time and service to a humanitarian or animal cause. Be a Big Brother or Big Sister. Clean up a local park on a community-organized occasion. Take care of yourself. Putting time into yourself can also help improve your self-confidence in general. The healthier you are in mind and body, the better the possibility that you will be satisfied with your self. This means doing your best to be healthy , whatever that may look like for you individually. Some pointers include: Eat at least three meals a day that are based on healthy and nutrient-rich foods, such as whole grains, lean protein (like poultry and fish), and fresh vegetables to keep yourself energized and nourished. Drink water to hydrate your body. Avoid processed, sugary, and caffeinated foods and/or drinks. These can affect your mood and should be avoided if you're concerned about mood swings or negative emotions. Exercise. Research has shown that exercise can give a real boost to self-esteem. This is because exercise causes the body to release the "happy chemicals" called endorphins. This feeling of euphoria can be accompanied by increased positivity and energy. Try to get up to at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise at least three times a week. At the very least, set aside time for a brisk walk every day. Reduce stress. Make a plan to reduce the stress of your everyday life by designating time for relaxation and activities that you enjoy. Meditate, take a yoga class, garden, or do whatever activity makes you feel calm and positive. Note that being stressed can sometimes make it easier for people to overreact or let negative feelings dominate. Let go of the idea of perfection. Perfection is an artificial notion created and proliferated by society and the media and it does a great disservice to most of us by suggesting that perfection IS attainable and the problem is simply that we're not up to snuff. Nobody is perfect. Make that your new mantra. You're never going to have the perfect life, the perfect body, the perfect family, the perfect job, and so on. Neither will anyone else. Focus on effort rather than the desire for perfection. If you don't try something because you're afraid you won't do it perfectly, then you don't stand a chance in the first place. If you never try out for the basketball team because of your lack of confidence, it's a guarantee that you won't make the team. Don't let the pressure to be perfect hold you back. Accept that you are a human being and that human beings are fundamentally imperfect and make mistakes. In fact, our imperfections are what make us human and enable us to grow and improve. Maybe you didn't get into your top college or were rejected from a job. Instead of berating yourself for your errors, view them as opportunities to learn and grow and as things that you can rectify in the future. Maybe you'll realize that you need to think more about your future educational path or that you need to learn how build job interview skills. Forgive yourself and move forward; this isn't easy but it's key to avoiding that cycle of self-pity and low self-confidence. Be persistent. Building confidence takes time, because each rush of confidence you achieve is temporary at first. You've got to keep at projecting confidence and taking chances in order to build up a real sense of self-confidence. Remember that self-confidence isn't a thing you achieve, it's a process. Throughout your life, you will constantly be working to build and rebuild your self-confidence as life throws its surprises and obstacles your way. You are constantly evolving, and so will your confidence. Take care of yourself. The only way you can have confidence in relationships is if you have in yourself first and foremost. Follow the steps in Part 1 and try to build your own self-confidence. If you believe in your own self-value, that's part of the journey to building more confidence in your relationships. In addition, try spending constructive time alone with yourself and finding satisfaction and fulfillment in that; read a book, go for a walk, or do some exercise. You'll tap more into yourself and what you want and can then bring this into your relationships with others. Remember that developing healthy self-esteem is an important part of having a successful romantic relationship. In a study of 287 young adults, researchers found that those with higher self-esteem, which includes confidence in one's appearance and personality, were more likely to have successful romantic relationships. If your confidence has recently taken a hit due to a bad relationship or breakup, take time to recover. Many studies have been reported that divorce and separation can have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health, including heightened stress and anxiety as well as the increased likelihood of developing alcohol abuse problems, diabetes, and heart conditions. It's not easy when relationships end, but you can recover from an ended relationship by taking time to emotionally work through it and move forward. Reflect on your past. We can't change the past; however, we can change how we view the past, both its good and bad components. Try to think about your past relationships and how these might affect your present outlook. This will help you learn to cope with your romantic past without letting it define you. For example, maybe you had an ex who cheated on you in the past. Rather than blame yourself or carry the burden of the relationship on your shoulders for forever, instead think about how this experience has reduced your ability to trust potential partners easily and how you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Simply knowing about the relationship areas in which you lack confidence will help you overcome them. Maintain perspective. Once you've "mourned" a prior relationship and have taken time to regroup and recover, you'll be better able to show some perspective and see that one end is another beginning. Think about that whole wide world of people out there; this is an opportunity, rather than something to be afraid of. There really are plenty of fish in the sea. You'll also realize that your romantic past isn't a reflection of who you are, but of bigger situations involving other people and factors (such as third-parties, long-distance, incompatibility, etc.). Relationships are not who you are, but something you engage in. When things don't work out, though you may feel to blame at the time, a little time and perspective will help you realize that there are lots of reasons things didn't work out and that you are not fundamentally at fault. Take chances. Try something new to meet new people and build your confidence. Sign up for a free online dating service or just go out and try to meet people at parties, events, markets, and classes. Be confident and don't fear rejection. You might be surprised at how easy it is to strike up a conversation with someone you've just met. It's particularly scary for many women to approach men because this isn't traditionally how relationships were initiated. However, this is the twenty-first century! If you're a woman who's scoffing at the idea of initiating, don't. This is a chance to increase your romantic confidence; you should take it, and you might be surprised with the results! Remember, if you'd don't try, you'll never know how things may have turned out. You don't have to date everyone or try everything. Instead, be selective. Enjoy the company and affections of people you're attracted to and interested in, and to remind yourself that you still bring a lot to the table in a relationship. Let down your guard. Don't pretend to be someone you're not and put on a show for others of being something like you're really not. Everyone is human and has vulnerabilities and flaws. Let these shine through in your interactions with others and strip away any pretenses. For example, if you like someone, don't pretend to "play it cool" by being hard to get and not expressing interest. Instead, put yourself out there and tell the person that you're really excited to be there with them. Being real, genuine, and letting down your guard is REAL confidence. In turn, this will help you open yourself up to real connections with people. In addition, learn how to express concerns and insecurities. When trying to deal with and combat the insecurities that seep into a relationship, you should always be honest with yourself and then with your partner. Honesty really is the best policy. Put a name on and verbalize what you're feeling. Being open IS being confident. Look at all the facts. When something negative happens in our professional lives, it can be hard to focus on anything else or anything that came before or that is yet to come. Anger, resentment, and self-doubt tend to take over. When this happens, try to take a step back and evaluate the situation from a less emotional place. For instance, if someone else was promoted instead of you, think about the facts of the situation, rather than reducing it to a matter of "My boss hates me" or "I made a mistake and so not getting advanced is my fault." Instead, think about why the other person was a good fit for the job and how you can improve to ensure that next time you don't get passed over. Always maintain a panoramic view. Instead of getting caught up in the heat of the moment when someone seems to be insulting or dismissive of you at work, try to think about why they might be speaking that way. Get away from the notion that it's always something you did, and take things like stress and ego into account. Recall as well the facts of your own past successes. For example, if you've been promoted or praised at work somewhat recently, remind yourself of this and why you were tapped in the first place. This can help boost your self-confidence without relying on a pre-packaged pep talk; instead you're using your own experiences and abilities to motivate and instill confidence in yourself! Refocus on the work itself. Sometimes, workplace politics or interpersonal drama can result in your self-confidence at work taking a hit. Maybe you were chewed out by a petty boss; maybe you were demoted or had your hours (or pay) cut. Whatever the case, the best way to begin to move forward again is to maintain a focus on your work; this is why you were hired in the first place and what you're good at in this context. Ignore gossip and rumors, stay on task, and don't waste time. Not only are you demonstrating to the business that you're a valuable commodity; you're reminding yourself of the same thing. If the humiliation or difficulty you're dealing with at work is abusive or illegal, keep an incident log and get in touch with Human Resources or outside authorities (depending on the situation). You have the right to work without being harassed in any form by other members of the workforce. Engage in professional development. Do what you can to work where you perform most strongly on the job. Never lose sight of the fact that you have strengths that are important and useful to the business and your career. Training can go a long way when it comes to building confidence at work. The more knowledgeable you are about your work and about management, the more confident you can be in your ability to do your work well. As long as you stay focused, you can make some headway in your profession, which should increase your workplace confidence significantly. If you level off for too long and keep doing the same thing, you'll get bored and feel stagnant. Instead, branch out! There are many free resources available to working professionals that you can utilize to learn and grow in new areas of your business. There are books and free online courses available where you can read up on your work and learn different occupational skills, such as management and teamwork. Your human resources department should also have access to free training and support materials and could be a good place to get started in working on your professional development. Ultimately, you should use your resources to learn and grow. Just the simple act of taking action towards growth can help improve your confidence. Build new skills. Focus on competence; instead of focusing on your interior self, think about competencies, which are more task-oriented, rather than self-oriented. Learn and build new skills, even if you're initially uncertain or fearful of them. Acknowledge your professional weaknesses and try to improve them. Fear is a truly formidable adversary and the only way to get over it and become confident at work is to do the very thing that you are afraid of and in this way build resilience. Maybe you're nervous about giving oral presentations in a professional atmosphere. Work with your boss and co-workers to enhance these skills in an encouraging, non-threatening environment. Once you can give an oral presentation without being cripplingly nervous, you'll build that professional confidence. Project confidence. It's only one thing to feel confident, but it's another to exude that confidence in the workplace. Consider your appearance at work and take care to dress professionally (in a manner appropriate to your profession) and look polished; these are quick fixes that can help you feel more confident, powerful and ready to take the day. Consider as well how you perform in meetings. Are you maintaining eye contact and looking alert? Are you just sitting there or do you try to show engagement by nodding or asking a question at an appropriate moment. Make an effort to look eager and engaged and maintain an open posture (e.g., don't cross your arms) to show others that you're confident and excited about your job. Avoid apologizing all the time, especially when something isn't your fault; this tells others that you lack confidence and rely on others for validation. | Take stock of yourself. Look back on your life and your accomplishments. Focus on positive thoughts and beliefs. Set goals and expectations. Fake it 'til you make it. Take chances. Help someone. Take care of yourself. Let go of the idea of perfection. Be persistent. Take care of yourself. Reflect on your past. Maintain perspective. Take chances. Let down your guard. Look at all the facts. Refocus on the work itself. Engage in professional development. Build new skills. Project confidence. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Print-on-Canvas | How to Print on Canvas | To print on canvas, start by purchasing canvas that's specially designed for use with inkjet printers. Next, add leader strips to one end of the canvas, then feed the canvas, leader-side first, into your printer using the rear manual feed slot. Then, set your feed to "rear manual" and adjust the color, gradient, and paper width in the printer settings on your computer. Lastly, print out your artwork and let the ink dry completely before handling the canvas! | Purchase your chosen canvas at an office supply or crafts store. Printable canvas comes in a variety of textures and quality. It should also be specifically designed for use with an inkjet printer. Gloss canvas creates a work of art equal to something you would buy. Important works of art or keepsakes will benefit from UV resistant canvas. Search online to buy digitized art prints. Visit art supply stores, galleries and museum stores to get an idea of what is offered. Select the fine art file you want for your new canvas print. Saved or scanned images will print directly on canvas. Make certain the file has good clarity and contrast at your desired size before making your final decision. Alternatively, use a photo from your computer. On a PC, open Windows Photo and Fax Viewer. Choose the right document or image from within this program and then go to "Printing Options." Choices will range from wallet size to full-page photos. Set your printer, too. On a Mac, select "Application." Edit the graphic file so it is the way you want it and select your printer if it is not already chosen. Decide what size picture you want to create. Run a trial copy on plain paper to get the look and feel of the final product. You may want a border on all sides of your canvas if you're later turning it into a canvas print to hang. If you do want a border, 1 1/2" (3.75 cm) on all sides is a good amount, depending on the size of your canvas and how much of a 3D effect you're going for. Use the rear manual feed slot on your printer. This is your best option for fine art and canvas. It is capable of border-less printing and utilizes the entire printable area of each sheet. This is the feed on the back of your printer, not one of the ones lying on top. It can handle thicker sheets much, much better. Add leader strips to your canvas. A small strip of paper will feed the canvas into your printer. It needs to run the entire width of the paper on the bottom. If you have a 13" wide sheet of canvas, you'll need two strips of paper. Here's how to do it: Each strip of paper should be about 1" (2.5 cm) wide. Cut it straight with a pair of scissors. Tape each strip of paper to the back of the canvas on the bottom, where it'll feed into the printer. They need to be flush against the canvas sheet and straight like a natural edge of paper – if they aren't, the paper will feed in at an angle. Because of the extra inch, recenter your document on your new computer. If you use Photoshop, click on the Image pull-down menu and choose "Canvas Size." If not, just open your "Print Settings" box and add an extra inch to the bottom. Let's say you have a 13" x 9" sheet of canvas that you want to fill completely. With the extra inch at the bottom, you now have 14". To keep it on your canvas, add the extra inch – more if you're not using the entire thing. If you have an "anchoring" option, use it. This adds space to any size of your file, so click the bottom center anchor, adding space at the bottom. Again, set it at 1". Feed the canvas into the printer. Insert the leader side first, with the paper facing up (if it prints face up, of course). Make sure it's going in perfectly straight, too. Oh, and make sure your printer is turned on, there's enough ink in the colors you need, etc. Set your feed. "Rear manual" is likely not the default setting on your computer. Set up your printer so it feeds correctly. Adjust the color and gradient, too, and set the width of the paper as well, if possible. Go into "User Details" and make sure your width and height of the picture (not of the paper) are set up correctly. Check your anchors, borders, and everything else as well. Print the artwork. Let the canvas dry completely before you handle it in order to prevent smudging. You can then wrap the piece around a small box frame or other support to create a stretched canvas, original piece of art. | Purchase your chosen canvas at an office supply or crafts store. Search online to buy digitized art prints. Alternatively, use a photo from your computer. Decide what size picture you want to create. Use the rear manual feed slot on your printer. Add leader strips to your canvas. Because of the extra inch, recenter your document on your new computer. Feed the canvas into the printer. Set your feed. Print the artwork. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Unprotect-an-Excel-Sheet | How to Unprotect an Excel Sheet | To unlock a sheet in an Excel workbook, right-click the sheet's tab and click Unprotect sheet. Enter the password, if prompted. If you don't know the password, upload the sheet to your Google Drive, open it in Google Sheets, then re-download it to your computer. | Open the workbook with a protected sheet in Microsoft Excel. You can usually do this by double-clicking the file's name on your computer. Right-click the tab for the protected sheet. Each sheet's tab appears along the bottom of Excel. The protected sheet often has a padlock icon in some versions of Excel. Right-click the tab (or the lock icon) to open the context menu. If multiple sheets are protected, you'll need to remove protection on each sheet separately. Click Unprotect Sheet. If the sheet is not password-protected, it will unlock immediately. If not, you'll be prompted to enter a password into a pop-up window. Enter the password and click OK. If the password is correct, the sheet will become unprotected. If you don't know the password, see the Using Google Sheets method. This method lets you upload the file to Google Sheets, which removes all protections added in Excel. If you're using Excel 2010 or earlier and prefer not to upload to Google Sheets, see the Using VBA Code in Excel 2010 and Earlier method. Go to https://drive.google.com in a web browser. If you have a Google account, you can use Google Sheets (a free online app that's similar to Excel) to remove protection from all sheets in a workbook—even if you don't know the password. If you're not already signed into your Google account, follow the on-screen instructions to sign in now. If you don't have a Google account, see How to Make a Google Account. Click + New. It's at the top-left corner of the page. Click File Upload. This opens your computer's Open panel. Select the Excel file you want to edit and click Open. This uploads the file to your Google Drive. Double-click the Excel file in your Google Drive. You'll probably have to scroll down to find it. This opens a preview of the file. Click the Open with menu. It's at the top of the preview. A menu will expand. Click Google Sheets. Now that the file is open for editing in Google Sheets, any sheet protections added in Excel have been removed. Re-download the file to your computer. If you want to keep working on the file in Microsoft Excel rather than Google Sheets, you can download this newly-unprotected version of your workbook using the following steps: Click the File menu at the top-left corner of your sheet. Click Download As. Click Microsoft Excel (.xlsx). Select a folder to save the file. If you want to keep the original version of the file (the one with a protected sheet) intact, type a new name for the file as well. Click Save to download the file. Open the workbook that has a protected sheet in Excel. You can usually do this by double-clicking the file's name on your computer. Excel files usually end with the file extension.xls or.xlsx. Use this method if you have already tried unlocking a sheet but found that it's password-protected (and you don't know the password). This method will not work in Excel 2013 or later. Re-save the file in the xls format. If the file you're working on has the ".xlsx" extension (common if it was created or edited in newer versions of Excel), you'll only be able to use this method if you first convert it to the Excel 97-2003 (.xls) format. Here's how to do this: Click the File menu at the top-right corner. Click Save As. Go to the folder in which you want to save the file. Select Excel 97-2003 (.xls) from the "Save as type" or "File Format" menu. Click Save. Follow the on-screen prompts to make any necessary conversions. Press Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. Right-click the workbook's file name in the "Project - VBAProject" panel. It's at the top of the left panel. Make sure you right-click the option that contains the file's name (ends with ".xls"), which should be at the top. A menu will expand. Click Insert on the menu. Another menu will expand. Click Module. This inserts a new module in which you'll paste some code. Copy the code. Highlight the code that follows this text, then press Ctrl + C (PC) or ⌘ Command + C to copy it: Sub PasswordBreaker () 'Breaks worksheet password protection. Dim i As Integer , j As Integer , k As Integer Dim l As Integer , m As Integer , n As Integer Dim i1 As Integer , i2 As Integer , i3 As Integer Dim i4 As Integer , i5 As Integer , i6 As Integer On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66 : For j = 65 To 66 : For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66 : For m = 65 To 66 : For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66 : For i3 = 65 To 66 : For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66 : For i6 = 65 To 66 : For n = 32 To 126 ActiveSheet. Unprotect Chr ( i ) & Chr ( j ) & Chr ( k ) & _ Chr ( l ) & Chr ( m ) & Chr ( i1 ) & Chr ( i2 ) & Chr ( i3 ) & _ Chr ( i4 ) & Chr ( i5 ) & Chr ( i6 ) & Chr ( n ) If ActiveSheet. ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "Password is " & Chr ( i ) & Chr ( j ) & _ Chr ( k ) & Chr ( l ) & Chr ( m ) & Chr ( i1 ) & Chr ( i2 ) & _ Chr ( i3 ) & Chr ( i4 ) & Chr ( i5 ) & Chr ( i6 ) & Chr ( n ) Exit Sub End If Next : Next : Next : Next : Next : Next Next : Next : Next : Next : Next : Next End Sub Right-click the new module and select Paste. The copied code now appears in the module window. Press F5 to run the code. Excel will now run the code, which can take several minutes. Once the code is finished running, a new password will appear on a pop-up window. The new password will be a random number of "As" rather than the original password. Click OK on the Password pop-up. A new password will appear but you won't need to write it down. Clicking OK will remove sheet protection automatically. If you had to convert the file to an earlier format, you can now save the workbook again as an.xlsx file. | Open the workbook with a protected sheet in Microsoft Excel. Right-click the tab for the protected sheet. Click Unprotect Sheet. Enter the password and click OK. Go to https://drive.google.com in a web browser. Click + New. Click File Upload. Select the Excel file you want to edit and click Open. Double-click the Excel file in your Google Drive. Click the Open with menu. Click Google Sheets. Re-download the file to your computer. Open the workbook that has a protected sheet in Excel. Re-save the file in the xls format. Press Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. Right-click the workbook's file name in the "Project - VBAProject" panel. Click Insert on the menu. Click Module. Copy the code. Right-click the new module and select Paste. Press F5 to run the code. Click OK on the Password pop-up. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Photograph-Dogs | How to Photograph Dogs | If you want to take photographs of your dog, groom your dog so it's looking its best in the photos. If your dog is energetic, consider action shots of it playing or catching frisbees. If your dog is less active, try taking cute pictures of it laying under a tree or sleeping. For the best lighting, wait until a warm sunny day. Then, when it's time to shoot the photos, get close-ups from your dog's eye level and experiment with a variety of angles. Be sure to take multiple breaks for your dog to rest. | Groom the dog. Just like when photographing a person, you'll want the dog to look their best before you take pictures. Grooming the dog before you start can help them look clean, healthy, and happy in the pictures. Gather all your grooming materials beforehand and get to work: brush their fur, clip their nails, and clean any hard-to-reach areas. If this dog spends time outdoors and has matted fur, consider bathing them before you take the photos. Although grooming can be a hassle, you'll be glad you got them looking spiffy once the pictures are taken. Don't buy any grooming materials that you don't have. The dog does not have to look perfect, and you'll want them looking natural. Just groom them to their personal best. If you do not own the dog you're taking photos of, ask its owner to groom it well before the photo shoot. Find the perfect background. Pick a place that the dog is comfortable with and that you find aesthetically pleasing. If this dog is familiar with the area, they will be more likely to cooperate with you. Avoid choosing a background that will distract the dog: even a backyard can make for excellent photos. If you want action shots, consider picking a background outdoors. Dogs will be at their liveliest if they have lots of room to run and play in. If this is a personal photoshoot, consider a meaningful background. Ask the dog owner about special or personal spots if you do not own this pet. Plan your photo shoot when it's sunny outside. Schedule the photo shoot during a time with lots of natural light to get the most photogenic pictures. Artificial light is better than flash photography, but if you can photograph dogs in sunlight, you will get the best results. Avoid using flash photography at all, if you can. You may think that night photographs will look cool, but dogs are likely to get redeye using flash lighting. If you take indoor photos, pose the dog near a window with lots of sunlight. Low lighting will wash the dog out and make for dull photos. Consider the dog's personality when planning your shoot. Think about this dog's temperament. If they are more playful, you may want to photograph them romping around outside. If they're quieter or shy, you could photograph them resting in the shade or on a relaxing walk. Photograph them in their element, and you'll be most likely to capture their personality. If you've never met this dog, get to know the owner beforehand and ask them to share information about the dog's personality. Keep the dog's physical traits in mind, too. If this dog has darker fur, find a lighter background to contrast (and vice-versa if this dog has lighter fur). Decide what feeling you want to portray. Photographing dogs will give you less time than photographing human models, so pick two to four images you're set on getting. Keep a mental note of your "must-haves." Spend an even amount of time on each to pace yourself so you have time for all of them. Some potential shot ideas include: Close-ups Action shots Dog tricks Formal portrait Sleeping photos Photo with you or the dog owner Find a focal point. Focal points are key to taking clean, professional photographs. Choose an interesting focal point that really captures the mood you want. This could be the dog or it could be something next to the dog. Think about it before capturing the picture. When doing close-ups, choose a part of the dog (like the tongue or tail) to be the focal point. Look at their eyes: eyes are expressive and make interesting focal points. Close-ups on faces look best against neutral backgrounds where the eyes can pop. Shoot from many angles. Once you've picked a set location, shoot from different angles to get a variety of moods. Experiment with different angles: try some pictures looking down on your dog, some looking up at them, some close-ups, and some from far away. Take a lot of pictures. Dogs move around a lot and are not made for photo shoots, so taking many pictures increases your odds of finding "the one." Don't wait until the dog is perfectly posed. Take as many pictures as you can so you have a lot to work with later. Take action shots. Posed dog photos are excellent for formal shots, but action shots better portray the friendly and loveable nature of dogs. Action shots are more candid and may allow you to really capture the dog's personality. Candid photos often make for the best action shots. Catch them in a moment where they've forgotten the camera. Let them loose in a park or your backyard and take pictures of them having fun. Capture what makes this dog unique. If they can do a special trick, get it on camera! You or their owner will appreciate a picture of their abilities for years to come. If this is not your dog, chat with the dog owner before you shoot and ask them about any poses or tricks their dog knows. Take breaks. Be patient with the dog and notice if they get irritated. When the dog gets tired, take a five to ten minute break while they rest. Think about how frustrated photo shoots make people: dogs can get just as overwhelmed. If the dog falls asleep, take pictures. Dogs look cute when they're sleeping, and if you experiment with different angles, you can make the sleeping dog an interesting subject. If the dog is camera-shy, now's your chance to get close-up shots. Have fun with the photoshoot! Taking pictures of a dog does not have to be stressful. Mimic their sense of playfulness, and try not to take the session too seriously. Get down on the ground with the dog. Having a picture from a "dog's eye view" is best for close-ups. Get on your knees and take a couple shots from the dog's level. If you have trouble bending over, elevate the dog so that they reach your level (especially if they are a smaller, easier-to-lift breed). If you lift the dog, make sure you set them somewhere safe where they are unlikely to fall off. Never leave them somewhere high unsupervised, and lower them to the ground if they seem agitated. If the dog is smaller, get as close to their eye level as you can. Lay on your stomach if you need to. You'll get photos with a greater sense of intimacy if you can see the world from their perspective. Reward the dog for good work. Bring dog treats to pamper the dog at set points during the photoshoot. Rewarding them for good behavior will help them stay in an ideal mood. Ration out how many treats you want to give before the shoot so you don't give more than is healthy out of desperation. Dog treats can also help you get a dog's attention. Hold a treat in the direction you want the dog to look and snap the photo. Just make sure you give the dog the treat afterward, or they might feel frustrated. Distract the dog with toys. Use dog toys as props if the dog is not naturally playful or is agitated. Let them have a play break and take pictures while they aren't looking. This can let the dog recharge their batteries while you snap some fun candid shots. Take photos for up to one hour. If your photoshoot lasts any longer than one hour, the dog is prone to getting restless. Preferably, plan on a 30-40 minute photographing session to keep the dog in a happy mood. Don't make the dog sit in one place during the entire photo shoot. Mix up the poses and backgrounds to keep the dog happy and rested. Wrap up your session if the dog is irritable or tired. Some dogs last longer in photography sessions than others. If the dog keeps falling asleep, growling, whining, or running from you, it's time to end the photo shoot. You won't get pictures worth keeping if they are unhappy. You can always take more pictures later so don't feel bad if you didn't get a certain shot. Talk with the owner afterwards if this is not your pet, and plan a follow-up shoot as needed. | Groom the dog. Find the perfect background. Plan your photo shoot when it's sunny outside. Consider the dog's personality when planning your shoot. Decide what feeling you want to portray. Find a focal point. Shoot from many angles. Take action shots. Capture what makes this dog unique. Take breaks. Get down on the ground with the dog. Reward the dog for good work. Distract the dog with toys. Take photos for up to one hour. Wrap up your session if the dog is irritable or tired. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Teach-Your-Child-to-Blow-Their-Nose | How to Teach Your Child to Blow Their Nose | To teach your child to blow their nose, first encourage them to blow air through their mouth as this will teach them the concept of intentional air blowing. You can do this by showing them how to blow bubbles and practicing blowing out candles. When you're ready to progress to nose blowing, encourage them to keep their mouth closed and race to see who can blow a feather from one end of a table to the other the fastest using only their nose. Finally, explain why they should blow their nose and show them what mucus is so they can connect this to colds and allergies. | Teach your child the concept of blowing air intentionally. Blowing air, whether through the mouth or the nose, is a learned skill. Unlike breathing regularly, blowing involves intention. If your child likes to imitate your actions, start by encouraging imitation when they are well. You should do the action first, and your child can imitate what you do. Practice first by blowing with the mouth. Blowing bubbles, using a soapy bubble mixture and a plastic bubble wand, is a very satisfying way to learn to control breath by blowing. The tradition of blowing out birthday candles offers another perfect opportunity to practice this skill in a fun way. You can pretend to blow out the candle, while allowing your child to actually blow it out. You can also hold a piece of tissue paper about six inches from your child's face, and show them how to make the tissue move by blowing on it. Other things your child can blow with their mouth include pinwheels, straws, and balloons, all of which help reinforce that air should come through their lips. Teach your child how to blow air out of their nose. Have them put their hand below your nostrils so they can feel the air as you blow. Show them how you can cover one nostril, then the other, to blow through each nostril individually. When you're first teaching your child to blow through their nose, remind them to keep their mouth closed. It can help to cover one nostril, then the other, to reinforce the feeling of air blowing through the nose. This will be easier to do when he's well, both because they will likely feel better and be more interested in learning new things, and because they will have more of a sense of air moving through the nostrils. Make a game out of blowing air through the nose. Children often are motivated by races. You can create a "race" for two extremely lightweight objects (a sequin or a feather works well) and see who can blow it from one end of a table to the other the quickest. Explain what is happening with blowing. Have fun taking air inside the body quickly, and blowing air outside the body quickly. This is a process of teaching your child to control the air that goes through their nose. Explain the purpose of blowing the nose. Show your child what mucus is. Use pictures, or hold a mirror up to your child's nose so that they can see what's inside. By teaching your child to connect excess mucus to colds, allergies, etc., you'll increase their understanding of why blowing their nose is important. This will help them make sense of why you might ask them to "blow their nose" when they needs to. Practice holding a tissue to your child's nose. Provide plenty of praise for trying this new thing, even when they're not sick. Try getting a fun box of tissues with interesting patterns or designs on it to encourage your child to use them more often. Try different varieties of tissue paper, and have your child tell you which one they prefer. Some children may be extremely sensitive to texture or scents that you may not even notice. Having a tissue paper that the child doesn't mind will help this teaching process tremendously. Make sure you have plenty of the kind of tissue paper your child prefers ready when they're sick. When your child is sick, it's likely that he'll resist doing anything new. They will likely want to be left alone, or cuddled, so be gentle. Point out when yourself or other adults use a tissue to blow their noses. When you have a cold, you can use this opportunity to model using a tissue to blow your own nose, encouraging your child to imitate. Siblings can also serve as role models for your child as they learns how to blow their nose. Younger siblings might be distinguished by the fact that they aren't old enough to blow their own nose. Often, this comparison has a good deal of attraction for an older sibling. Explicitly point out the steps of blowing the nose, as you do them or as others do. Narrate the process as you go through the steps. Help your child blow their nose when they're sick by holding the tissue to their nose and telling them to blow. They might need to be reminded to close their mouth. Keep a gentle, light tone of voice when teaching this new skill. If your child wants to hold the tissue themselves, let them! While it may be easier for the child to learn simply by blowing into a tissue you hold, some children may prefer to be in charge of their own tissue. Consider using a humidifier or saline spray to help loosen the mucus if your child is struggling to blow their nose while sick. Teach your child to throw away the tissue immediately after they finish blowing. This may mean that you go through more tissues than you'd like, but teaching the routine of throwing the tissue away will benefit you, and your child, in the long run. Sometimes the routine of throwing the tissue into the trash can will be a fun incentive for the child in itself. Provide plenty of praise for each tissue that goes from tissue box, to nose, to trash. Always have a trash bin close by as you are teaching this process. If you don't actually have a trash bin so close at hand, improvise by finding another receptacle (such as a plastic container, or an empty bowl) that can function as a temporary trash location until you can move it. | Teach your child the concept of blowing air intentionally. Teach your child how to blow air out of their nose. Explain what is happening with blowing. Practice holding a tissue to your child's nose. Point out when yourself or other adults use a tissue to blow their noses. Help your child blow their nose when they're sick by holding the tissue to their nose and telling them to blow. Teach your child to throw away the tissue immediately after they finish blowing. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Update-Kindle-Fire | How to Update Kindle Fire | To update your Kindle Fire, start by making sure your device is fully charged and connected to the internet. Then, tap "Settings" in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select "Sync," which will automatically begin downloading the updates. If you want to update your Kindle manually, go to "Quick Settings" and tap on "More." Next, pick "Device" before going to "Update Your Kindle." | Make sure the Kindle Fire is fully charged. To charge your Kindle fire, simply connect your charger to a power outlet, and then connect the other end to your Kindle Fire. Connect to a Wi-Fi connection. A connection is required to update software. Tap on the "Settings" icon at the top-right corner of the home screen. Select Wi-Fi. Toggle the Wireless Network switch on. A window where all networks available will appear. Select the name of the network you are going to use. Enter password of the network if required. If no password is required, you'll be automatically connected to the Internet. Head to "Settings. " Tap on the "Settings" icon at the top-right corner of the home screen. Select "Sync. " Any updates will be automatically downloaded in the background. Once download is complete, the update will be automatically applied. You can also update your Kindle Fire manually, see the following steps to do so. Visit the software updates website. Navigate to http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=200790620. Download your software. Locate the download link and click on it. Follow the prompts to fully download the software. Connect your Kindle Fire to your computer. Make sure your Kindle Fire is on and unlocked. Use a USB cable - the one that came with it - to plug the device into your computer. Transfer the software update. Open the Kindle Fire drive, titled Kindle. Locate the software update file, and drag and drop it into the kindleupdates folder. Disconnect your Kindle Fire. Once the transfer is complete, tap Disconnect on the screen of your Kindle Fire. You can now disconnect the USB cable from your device. Update your kindle. Navigate to Quick Settings and tap More. Tap on Device, then tap on Update Your Kindle. Let the software update run its course. | Make sure the Kindle Fire is fully charged. Connect to a Wi-Fi connection. Select Wi-Fi. Select the name of the network you are going to use. Head to "Settings. Select "Sync. Visit the software updates website. Download your software. Connect your Kindle Fire to your computer. Transfer the software update. Disconnect your Kindle Fire. Update your kindle. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-a-Suntan-at-Home | How to Get Rid of a Suntan at Home | To get rid of a suntan at home, try lightening the skin by rubbing it with fresh lemon juice using a cotton ball. Alternatively, apply tomato juice, which has high levels of antioxidants that can help lighten your tan. Leave the lemon or tomato juice on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. Make sure to repeat the process daily until your tan fades. Additionally, limit your exposure to the sun by using a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. | Use lemon juice. Lemon juice is acidic and contains vitamin C. This kind of juice has been used traditionally to lighten areas of skin. Squeeze the juice from a fresh-cut lemon into a bowl. Wet a cotton ball with the juice and apply it directly to your tanned skin. Leave the juice on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse off the lemon juice with warm water when done. Repeat daily to keep fading the tan. You can also rub fresh slices of lemon along your skin to get the juice on it if you prefer. Even though the bleaching effect becomes stronger in the sun, it is advisable to stay out of the sun while the lemon juice is on your skin. There is no way to predict how much of a bleaching effect the sun might have. Plus, you don't want to exposure your skin to more sun than necessary, especially without sunscreen. Try tomato juice. Similar to lemons, tomato juice is also slightly acidic and it contains high levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants may react with skin pigments and lighten the suntan. Take a tomato and cut it, releasing all the juices on the inside into a bowl. Take a cotton ball and apply it directly to your suntanned skin. Leave the juice on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. You can repeat this daily. You can apply slices of tomato directly to your skin if you wish. You can also look for 100% tomato juice in a can from the grocery store and try it. Apply vitamin E. Vitamin E may be useful for fading a suntan because of its antioxidant activity. You can get Vitamin E naturally through foods, take it as a supplement, and use it as an oil. To get it through food, eat more foods with vitamin E, such as oatmeal, almonds, peanut butter, avocados, and leafy green vegetables. Vitamin E oil can be applied directly to the skin to increase hydration in your skin and help heal the UV damage to your skin that causes suntan. Daily doses of vitamin E supplements should be taken according to manufacturer's instructions. Use apricots and papayas. Apricots and papayas contain natural enzymes that may lighten a suntan in some individuals. Cut slices from fresh apricots and papayas. Apply these slices of the fruit directly onto the suntan for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse off any residual juice with warm water. Repeat daily. If you want to use it along larger portions of your skin at one time, you can puree the fruit and apply the paste to your skin. If you have a juicer, you can also make papaya or apricot juice and apply that to your skin. Try kojic acid. Kojic acid is derived from fungi and can lighten suntans. It has also been used to successfully treat melasma, a temporary skin darkening that occurs in pregnancy. There are a number of products available that contain kojic acid, such as oils, gels, lotions, soaps, and washes. They each have different concentrations of kojic acid, so you may need to try multiple kinds to find which will help you with your particular suntan. Try these products on a small area of skin first and follow all manufacturer's instructions. Make a turmeric mask. Turmeric is a famous yellow spice from Asia often used in curries and dishes. Turmeric masks are used to remove facial hair, lighten and add glow to your skin, and get rid of acne on your skin. Gather 1 tbsp of turmeric powder, 1/4 tsp of lemon juice, 3/4 tbsp of honey, 3/4 tsp of milk, and 1/2 tbsp of wheat flour. Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste and use a brush or cotton ball to apply it to your skin. Leave it on for 20 minutes, or until it hardens. Wash off with warm water. The turmeric may leave a yellow residue on your skin. Use make up remover, toner, or a cleanser to get the color off. Apply aloe to your tan. Aloe vera is a plant that has moisturizing properties. Applying aloe vera may help with inflammation and pain caused by too much sun exposure. Aloe can also help to keep your skin moist and healthy, so it might help your tan to fade a little faster. You can buy aloe vera gel in the grocery store or pharmacy. Apply the gel two to three times per day and after you have been out in the sun. Learn about suntans and sun exposure. Tanning is often considered a sign of health, beauty, or the ability and the time to spend time in the sun. Tanning is, however, associated with skin aging and skin cancer. It is also important to understand that tanning does not protect a person from sunburn. If you are going out into the sun, wear sunscreen, especially if you are trying to avoid more getting more of a tan. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a broad spectrum sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection, and that is at least SPF 30 or higher. The sunscreen should also be water resistant. Get the right sun exposure to help vitamin production. Some exposure to the sun allows the skin to manufacture an important vitamin, vitamin D. To get the right amount, you should get moderate exposure of the face, arms, legs, or back from the summer sun for about five to 30 minutes. This can be done between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM at least twice a week without sunscreen if you have darker or already tanned skin. If you are lighter skinned, avoid getting into the sun during peak hours and instead allow some moderate exposure to the sun outside of the peak sun hours to supply the needed Vitamin D without significantly increasing the risk of skin damage or skin cancer. The New Zealand dermatology association suggests that lighter skinned individuals can spend five minutes in the sun before 11AM and after 4 PM, which are the peak sun hours. Because of the light tone of their skin, lighter skinned individuals achieve healthy levels of Vitamin D during this time period. Darker skinned individuals can spend 20 minutes outside the peak hours and achieve healthy levels of Vitamin D. The American Academy of Dermatology does not recommend any sun exposure other than the incidental exposure you might get by getting your mail, walking your dog, going between your parked car and your office, or any other normal, everyday activity. Sunscreen does decrease the amount of Vitamin D production, but the benefits of protecting the skin are important to understand. Consume more vitamin D. Since there are so many guidelines and issues surrounding sun exposure and time in the sun, you can get your Vitamin D from other sources and avoid too much sun exposure. There are also food sources of Vitamin D, including fish and fish oil, yogurt, cheese, liver, and eggs. You can also try other foods and drinks that are fortified with Vitamin D, such as breakfast cereals, milk, and juice. Notice the risks of skin cancer. When dealing with your skin and the sun, it is important to understand the risks of skin cancer so you can avoid them as much as possible. If you think you have skin cancer or might be at a high risk, talk to your doctor immediately to get tested or learn the best preventative measures for your particular case. Risk factors that increase your chance of skin cancer include: Fair skin A history of sunburns. Excessive sun exposure Sunny or high-altitude climates Pre-existing moles The presence of precancerous skin lesions A personal or family history of skin cancer A weakened or suppressed immune system Exposure to medical radiation Exposure to certain cancer-causing substances | Use lemon juice. Try tomato juice. Apply vitamin E. Use apricots and papayas. Try kojic acid. Make a turmeric mask. Apply aloe to your tan. Learn about suntans and sun exposure. Get the right sun exposure to help vitamin production. Consume more vitamin D. Notice the risks of skin cancer. |
https://www.wikihow-fun.com/Act-Like-The-Joker | How to Act Like The Joker | To act like the Joker, you need to laugh like the Joker: exhale beforehand to sound huskier and laugh as long as you can. It helps to laugh hysterically at your own nonsense jokes, such as “I'm not mad at all! I'm just differently sane!” Don't take anything too seriously, even when you're planning evil plots and pranks with your minions. After all, behaving unpredictably helps keep people on their toes around you. | Act mischievous and play pranks. The Joker always has a trick or two up his sleeve! Carry prank items with you at all times, and hide them in weird places. Your shoes and sleeves are great places to hide your tricks. Carry whoopee cushions, hand buzzers, disappearing ink, fake vomit, trick dice and anything else that appeals to you! Visit a prank store to get ideas and buy your pranks. You can also order stuff online. Work with your minions to create evil plots. The Joker is cunning and intelligent. He always has plans, backup plans and people doing his dirty work. Gather a group of your friends to act as your minions, and get to work planning something mischievous. For example, you and your friends could plan an ambush of your sister's blanket fort. Be unpredictable to make people nervous. The Joker does and says things just because he wants to, and he doesn't care about the consequences! Introduce some chaos into your life by acting unpredictable around your friends and family. Don't do anything dangerous though! For example, when someone asks you a question, pretend they asked you something else entirely and answer that question instead! Crack a lot of weird jokes. The Joker was constantly making jokes and saying weird, funny things to others. Do the same thing! Laugh hysterically while everyone else looks confused. Then laugh harder! The Joker loves to confuse people and crack jokes that only make sense to him. In the comic books, he says stuff like: "Life's a bowl of cherries...and this is the pits!" "I'm not mad at all! I'm just differently sane!!" Speaking to Superman: "More powerful than a locomotive... and just about as subtle!" Never take anything too seriously. Always see the light-hearted and funny side of everything. Keep a humorous outlook on life, and never let anything get to you. No matter what happens, even when it's negative, take it like the Joker. With a smile. Wear tattered purple and green clothes. The Joker always dressed in nice clothes that were kind of shabby, like messy-looking suits. He mostly wore all purple and green. Try getting some weird suits, ties, and other "dress-up" stuff at a thrift store. Add a few rips and stains to make the clothes look shabby. Put on Joker makeup. If you're dressing up as the Joker, you can't skip the makeup! Smear white grease paint all over your face. Add black grease paint around your eyes. Use bright red lipstick to create an exaggerated smile around your lips. You can pick up grease paint at costume shops. Be careful not to get paint in your eyes as you apply it! If you want to look like Heath Ledger's Joker, smear the lipstick a little and apply the makeup sloppily. Practice the Joker's posture and walk. This really depends on which Joker you want to act like. Heath Ledger's Joker walks with a slouch. Jack Nicholson's Joker stands up very straight, almost comically so! Pick the Joker you want to be like, then practice their posture and the way they walked. Look up some YouTube clips if you can't remember some of the details. Pick a few weird habits and repeat them constantly. The Joker has a lot of weird tics, like licking his lips constantly. When you're talking, emphasize certain things by pausing and licking your lips before finishing the sentence. You could also smile oddly at all the wrong times. Speak briefly and get right to the point. The Joker doesn't ramble on. He speaks in short sentences and often says strange things. Try saying random weird things and then laughing hysterically afterward. The best way to get the voice right is to practice it as you watch the movie! Change the volume of your voice randomly. The Joker usually speaks in a low, husky voice. Sometimes he randomly shouts out things to catch people off guard. Try saying some stuff in a low whisper. Then yell out a few sentences randomly and with evil glee. Practice the Joker's unsettling laugh. The Joker's laugh is a sort of husky cackle that sounds pretty deranged. Before you laugh, exhale first instead of inhaling like most people. That will help you sound huskier. Then laugh long and hard. Think about how witches cackle in movies. Aim for something like that, but crazier. Be charismatic when you talk to people. The Joker is confident and speaks without fear. This gets the attention of others. He then uses his words, looks and mannerisms to keep all eyes on him. Listen to people when they talk and act interested in what they're saying. Lean in to whisper a weird reply to them, then cackle before leaving the room. For example, look really interested while your friend tells you about the new movie he just saw. Lean in and whisper, "All it takes is one bad day." Then suddenly yell, "Isn't that right, moonlight?!" and then make your exit as you laugh hysterically. | Act mischievous and play pranks. Work with your minions to create evil plots. Be unpredictable to make people nervous. Crack a lot of weird jokes. Never take anything too seriously. Wear tattered purple and green clothes. Put on Joker makeup. Practice the Joker's posture and walk. Pick a few weird habits and repeat them constantly. Speak briefly and get right to the point. Change the volume of your voice randomly. Practice the Joker's unsettling laugh. Be charismatic when you talk to people. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Melt-Wax-for-Candles | How to Melt Wax for Candles | To melt wax for candles, start by cutting it up into pieces no bigger than an inch wide with a sharp knife to make it easier to melt. If you want to add color to your wax, grate about 3 ounces of crayon wax in too. Then, create a double boiler by placing a large pot filled with about 2 inches of water onto an element and placing a smaller pot inside. Next, put about half a pound of wax into the smaller pot and heat the wax at 320 to 340 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 15 minutes. Avoid heating the wax anywhere near 390 degrees to ensure it doesn't catch fire. You can also add fragrances once your wax has melted if you want your candles to smell nice. | Purchase soy or beeswax for your candle wax. Soy waxes mix well with scents and colors and are often naturally composed from soybean oil, although some are mixed with the potentially toxic paraffin—always check the ingredients! Beeswax is completely natural, although it doesn't mix well with other fragrances. If you have leftover wax from old jar candles, use a spoon to dig out the wax and divide them up by scent. Paraffin waxes are classic candle-making waxes that easily mix with other scents and colors. However, they are petroleum byproducts, meaning they are potentially toxic—avoid using these waxes whenever possible. Break up your wax into a bowl if it's not in pellet form. If you have larger pieces of wax, take a small, sharp knife and cut your wax up into pieces. Each piece should be about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide or less. If you're wax is in pellet form, you can skip this step. Chop up 3 ounces (85 g) of crayon wax for color. If you want to add some color to your wax, use a cheese grater, pencil sharpener, or knife to create some shavings—enough to fill a 3 ounce (85 g) mason jar should be fine. If you want, you can mix multiple colors. Find the flash and melting point of the wax you're using. Knowing the melting point of your wax before heating it will give you the best results. Never approach the flash point, as this is the temperature that the wax can combust if exposed to flame. Beeswax has a melting point range of 144 to 147 °F (62 to 64 °C) and a flash point of 400 °F (204 °C). Soy wax melts within the 120 to 180 °F (49 to 82 °C) range depending on the specific blend. Flash points are variable—check the label or supplier. Paraffin wax melts above 99 °F (37 °C) and has a flash point of 390.2 °F (199.0 °C) without additives and 480.2 °F (249.0 °C) with additives. Create a double boiler to melt your wax. Place a large pot onto an element. Fill it up with about 2 inches (5.1 cm) of water. Afterwards, place a smaller pouring pot into the large pot with water. For safety, always use an electric stove—never gas. Put 1⁄2 pound (230,000 mg) of wax into your double boiler. This is the perfect amount to fill an 8 ounce (230 g) mason jar. If you're using colors, add your crayon shavings now. Heat your wax on 320 to 340 °F (160 to 171 °C) for 10 to 15 minutes. This is also known as medium-low heat, or 3 to 5 on a numerical element scale. Keep an eye on the temperature using a cooking thermometer and adjust the heat accordingly. Stir the wax using a wooden spoon every 1 minute or so. Break up any large chunks of wax with your spoon. If the water in the large pot begins to evaporate, add more as needed. If your wax exceeds 340 °F (171 °C), remove it from heat until it falls back within the proper range. Add fragrances after your wax is melted. Gently pour the fragrance into your wax as it continues to heat. Stir it with your wooden spoon for approximately 30 seconds to distribute it evenly into your wax. If you purchased wax that is specifically designed for candles, they should have instructions for that amount of fragrances required per 1 pound (0.45 kg) of wax. If your fragrance isn't mixing properly, try increasing the temperature to 365 °F (185 °C). For general wax products, 1 ounce (28 g) for each 1 pound (0.45 kg) is a safe bet. Put 1⁄2 pound (230,000 mg) of wax into a microwave-safe bowl. This will fill an 8 ounce (230 g) mason jar. If you're adding colors to your wax, pour in your crayon shavings. If you're using plastic, be sure to use containers that are marked as "microwave-safe." Ceramic and glass dishes are usually fine, but you should still check for "microwave-safe" or "heatproof" labels on their packaging. in the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes. Heat your wax After this time, take the wax out and stir it around with a spoon. Take the temperature and determine that it hasn't exceeded the melting or flash point. Continue heating your wax in 2-minute intervals until it's fully melted. Be sure to keep checking on your wax about every 30 seconds throughout the process. Add fragrances once your wax is fully melted. Remove the bowl of wax from the microwave and gently pour your fragrance into the melted wax. Stir it with a small spoon to create an even consistency and to blend the ingredients. Check fragrance instructions from your wax supplier prior to mixing it in. Most include instructions for the amount of fragrance required per 1 pound (0.45 kg) of wax, which is typically 1 ounce (28 g). Reheat the wax for 2 minutes. After you add your desired fragrances and stir them in thoroughly, put the bowl of wax back into the microwave. Heat it for 2 more minutes so all of the ingredients meld together, then carefully remove the bowl of melted wax from the microwave and stir it one more time. Lay down paper towels or newspaper on a flat surface. Melted wax droplets can be messy, so you need a nice work area. Be sure to have your containers, jars, and wicks ready and within reach—wax droplets can dry in 1 to 2 minutes. Stick the wick into your container. If your wick has a sticker attached to the bottom, use this to adhere it to the bottom of your candle container. If not, place a dab of super glue on the bottom and attach the wick's metal tab to it. Hold the wick upwards for 2 to 3 minutes to give the glue time to set and ensure it dries in the proper position. If you'd like, you can use your melted wax to adhere the wick to the container. Take your wax mixture off the heat and cool to 266 to 284 °F (130 to 140 °C). This is the optimal temperature to pour the wax into a container. Place the small pot onto a flat surface and keep an eye on the thermometer. It should cool sufficiently in about 3 to 5 minutes. Pour the wax gently into the container while holding the wick. As you pour the pot, keep a firm hold on the wick so that it remains in the center of the container in an upright position. Leave a bit of wax in the pot for later. Don't pull on the wick too hard or you could break it from the container. Secure the wick using a writing utensil if it's swaying. If your wick is swaying in the wax and not standing up straight, place two pencils horizontally on top of the container and secure the wick in between them. The wick doesn't have to be completely secured—just enough to stay in place while the wax sets. Be sure to secure your wick if it's off-center—letting it set in this position means it won't burn properly. Wait for about 2 to 3 hours for the wax to set. As the wax begins to set, you will notice a sinkhole forming in the center. Once it has completely set, reheat the leftover wax and add some of it to the top of the candle—just enough to fill the sinkhole. Once the hole is filled, stop pouring the wax—too much will create another sinkhole. For the best wax setting, leave your candle out set overnight at room temperature. Trim your wick down to 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm). Keep your wick at a manageable length so that it doesn't burn too large of a flame. Hold the wick upright with your fingers and snip it down to size using a pair of scissors. If you light your wick and the flame is bigger than 1 inch (2.5 cm), your wick is too long. | Purchase soy or beeswax for your candle wax. Break up your wax into a bowl if it's not in pellet form. Chop up 3 ounces (85 g) of crayon wax for color. Find the flash and melting point of the wax you're using. Create a double boiler to melt your wax. Put 1⁄2 pound (230,000 mg) of wax into your double boiler. Heat your wax on 320 to 340 °F (160 to 171 °C) for 10 to 15 minutes. Add fragrances after your wax is melted. Put 1⁄2 pound (230,000 mg) of wax into a microwave-safe bowl. in the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes. Add fragrances once your wax is fully melted. Reheat the wax for 2 minutes. Lay down paper towels or newspaper on a flat surface. Stick the wick into your container. Take your wax mixture off the heat and cool to 266 to 284 °F (130 to 140 °C). Pour the wax gently into the container while holding the wick. Secure the wick using a writing utensil if it's swaying. Wait for about 2 to 3 hours for the wax to set. Trim your wick down to 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm). |
https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Extraordinary | How to Be Extraordinary | Being extraordinary isn't hard once you learn to see the best parts of yourself! One way to find these parts is to explore your passions, like dancing or writing. While a new interest can be scary at first, simply talking to family and friends about what you enjoy can boost your confidence. Next, try setting goals for yourself, like sharing a poem you've written or teaching yourself a new dance move, to measure your progress. Remember to be patient; being extraordinary takes a lot of time and hard work. | Follow what you love. Often, we don't move forward with something because it's not what's normally done. However, taking risks is figuring out what you really want to do and taking steps to move forward with that. For instance, maybe you've always dreamed of going back to school to study nursing. You love taking care of people, but you think you're too old to go back to school now. Many people in your life may be saying the same thing, especially if you already have an established career. But going back to school can help you on your journey to do something you truly love. It's a risk, but it's one that pushes you forward. Face your fears. Everyone's afraid of something. However, sometimes your fears can hold you back. It's not necessarily the fear of spiders or snakes that is so detrimental, but rather the fears the keep you from doing something you might really love or be exceptional at. For instance, maybe you love to write, but you're afraid to show you're writing to anyone because you're afraid they'll reject it. That's a valid fear, but it shouldn't keep you from sharing the thing you love. It can earn you respect and help you grow, and as you meet people through your creative writing, it could help you land a job you really love. Come up with ways you can get started. You don't have to dive in--just take baby steps. For instance, you could start by showing your writing to a trusted friend or family member. You could also find an online forum for writers, where you're relatively anonymous. That way, if you start to feel uncomfortable, you can always back out. You could also take bigger steps. Find a literary magazine to submit your writing to. Many communities have local literary journals open to submissions, and with the internet, you can find journals all across the world seeking submissions. You could also find a local open mic night where you could read what you've written to other writers. You're likely find a lot of support in your community for a growing writer. Learn to show your flaws. Extraordinary people make mistakes like everyone else. However, they don't hide them away like nothing ever happened. Instead, they put them out their for everyone to see so they can learn to be better next time. This kind of vulnerability is important for you as a person because it can help you grow. However, it also helps others around you, too, as it shows them they can make a mistake and still go on to do amazing things, just like you. It's also important to not just show your flaws but to apologize when you've made a mistake. Doing so helps you repair any damage you've done, and shows that you're humble enough to admit when you're wrong, a quality not everyone possesses. Work hard. To be the best at something, or even very good, you must put in the hours to learn the skill. By some estimates, you must put in as many as 10,000 hours to really become an expert at something. To put that in perspective, you'd need to work 5 hours a day (every day) for 5 years to put in 10,000 hours. Make sure to get help learning your skill. You can take classes, hire a tutor, check out library books, or even use online tutorials. Be patient. Most goals take time to achieve, and to be extraordinary, you must be in it for the long haul. That means not giving up when things get rough, but instead, sticking it out to reap your rewards. One way to make sure you move forward is to set measurable, achievable goals. Measurable goals are ones that are specific. For instance, saying you want to learn to play the violin isn't very specific. However, breaking that down into smaller, measurable goals can help you move forward. For instance, you could make your first set of goals to find a violin to rent or buy, find a class or tutor, and learn how to hold the instrument properly. Those are goals with measurable ends. Be sure to set time limits for your goals, too, within reason. For instance, maybe you could say you have one week to find a violin to rent or buy and another week to find a tutor. That will help you to actually follow through. In addition, making any progress towards your goals helps get you motivated to do more. Build up a team. Extraordinary people rarely work alone. Instead, they have a team of extraordinary people behind them or connected to them. When trying to become extraordinary, work to find other people who support you (and who you can support in return). One way to help build up a network of support is to join organizations focused on what you're interested in. That way, you'll meet people who have similar interests, and you can support one another. When you've hired exceptionally good people, do all you can to keep them around. For instance, make sure you notice and praise the good work they're doing. Another way to show you value them is to listen to their ideas as well as their concerns, and actually work to change things in response. Don't be afraid to quit. Sometimes, one of the bravest decisions you can make is to quit something that's not working, whether it's a career, a job, or a relationship. When you've worked and worked and you still haven't seen results, it may be time to try something new. No matter what, you should be enjoying what you're doing. That doesn't mean every moment will be pure joy. Every goal or job takes some hard work that isn't fun. However, if what you're doing day after day feels more like torture than fun, you might consider trying something else. When you find something you truly love, you won't have a hard time throwing yourself into it. Pay attention to what matters most. Like most people, you probably feel the drive to make more money, get more things, and look better. However, extraordinary people realize that these things don't matter as much as learning to focus on the things that make you truly happy. For instance, being in a relationship with people you love and trust is important, and that doesn't have to be sexual. Friendships can be just as important as having a lifetime partner. You just need to be with people that you trust enough to be emotionally vulnerable with. This step also means valuing experiences over things. Things just fill up your house, while experiences make you feel alive and invigorated. Experience things rather than make excuses. Part of what makes life enjoyable is the experiences you have, from eating a fabulous dinner to watching a sunrise to taking a painting class. When life gets busy, you're likely to find excuses not to have new experiences, as everyone does. But making sure you take the time to get out and try new things is integral to making you an extraordinary person. Think of it this way. When you think of extraordinary people, do you think of someone who sits at home every night? No, extraordinary people have extraordinary and interesting experiences. Start making plans. Decide you're going to try at least one new thing a week, and stick to it. Making plans with other people can help you stick to it. Also, don't be afraid to be spontaneous. Feel like going to the beach? Take a mental health day from work and take that three hour drive down to the beach. Sure, you'll be tired at the end of the day, but you'll also feel exhilarated and more alive. Find time for your passions. Just like the experiences you have, your passions help make your life fuller and you a more interesting person. Following your passions helps engage your curiosity and keep your spark of life alive. Maybe you've lost touch with your love of painting, but it used to make you happy. Try picking it up again. Join a club in your area, or find a class at your local community college. If you're not sure what you're really passionate about, start exploring interests. Check out books from the library on hobbies and ideas that catch your attention, or start taking community college classes that catch your interest. If you hear about an event that piques your interest, go to it to see what it's about. Revel in joyfulness. Sometimes, when that moment of pure joy comes around, you may find yourself not giving into it. You're holding back a bit because you're afraid of when the next bad thing is going to hit. However, learning to really dig down into joyfulness can make you a more joyful person overall, and in turn, a more extraordinary person, as few people are able to live joyfully. The next time you find yourself in a happy situation, take some time to be in the moment. Let yourself fill up with the emotion. Take in the joy on the faces of people around you. Savor the sensations of the food you're eating or the feeling of sand and water between your toes. Learn to be grateful. Gratitude is sometimes hard when life throws curve balls at you left and right. Nonetheless, being grateful is another way to learn how to live an extraordinary life because it helps you appreciate what you have and what's most important to you, a rare quality. One way you can learn gratitude is to take time each day to think or write about things you are grateful for. You could write down 3 things each day in a journal that you are thankful for or even post 3 things you are grateful for on social media every day for your friends to see. You could also just take time each night to think about the things you are grateful for in your life. Express your gratitude. When you're thankful for a person or what they've done, tell that person. Writing a note is even better, because it makes you take time to really feel that gratitude. Plus, it lets the other person know they are appreciated. Learn to be kind. "Be kind to other people" sounds great until you have to go out into the world and do it. Being kind is sometimes the hardest road to take, when you are faced with angry people, stress, or difficult situations. However, if you want to be an extraordinary person who responds to difficult or even just every day situations in a positive way, being kind is a good step. Do small things for other people to make them feel special. Remember people's birthdays. Send small cards in the mail. Bring someone a flower just to make them feel special. When someone gets angry, pay them back in kindness. For instance, if someone says something mean to you at the coffee shop, pay for their coffee without asking. These little asks of kindness can surprise people, and turn a nasty moment into an opportunity for growth and gratitude. Give unsolicited compliments. Take time to do small things, like opening doors or stopping to help someone pick up something they drop. Smile at strangers. All these little things add up. Make relationships a priority. When you're an extraordinary person, you find ways to lift other people up. That means engaging with the people in your life and finding ways to show that you care. For instance, one simple way you can show you care is by truly listening when others tell you about their lives. That means making eye contact, asking follow up questions, and finding ways to follow up later on what you learned. As an example, maybe a friend has told you they are going through a rough time. You can follow up later by sending an email to ask how they are doing or even by sending a note through the mail. It also means valuing people and the things they have to offer the world. For instance, look for the good in your spouse and tell them you're grateful for who they are and what they bring to your relationship and your life. Understand your own needs and boundaries. A part of connecting to others is understanding where your limitations are. It's also figuring out what your own emotional needs and boundaries are. The most extraordinary people are also usually the ones who are most self-aware. This step is important because owning your emotional needs helps you to be mentally healthier. In turn, that helps you be more present to others. To understand your emotional needs and boundaries, note the times when you get angry or irritable. Take a moment to think about what you got you to that place. Maybe you just need more alone time, or maybe you're feeling underappreciated. Express those needs to the people who care about you. If you're feeling underappreciated, you could say, "Sometimes I feel like I do work and nobody notices. One of the things I need in my life is people who can show me appreciation. I try to show you appreciation when you do good work, and sometimes, I need that, too." Volunteer your time. Giving back to your community connects you to others who have a need or want. It puts you in touch with people you might not otherwise meet in your day-to-day life, and helps you have a richer, fuller life. Consider the things you love, then put those passions to good use in your community. Love books? Volunteer to read with kids at a local elementary school. Got a passion for cooking? Give your time at a local soup kitchen. Have a passion for organizing? Try volunteering at a food bank. In addition, volunteering can help you cultivate gratitude. Surround yourself with good people. You've probably heard the phrase "You are what you eat." Whether or not that's true, it is true that your friends influence who you are. Therefore, surrounding yourself with extraordinary, good people can help you build an extraordinary life. Think about the qualities you think an extraordinary person would have, such as being a kind person who is authentic and able to take risks. Next, think about the people in your social circles. Who most exhibits those qualities? When you figure that out, try spending more time with those people. If you don't feel like you have people in your life who are extraordinary, start trying to make new friends. Strike up conversations with people at clubs you join or even people you meet in coffee shops. Most extraordinary people enjoy putting themselves out there and making connections with new people. Be open and respectful at the office. Of course, you don't want to spill your whole life story your first day on the job. However, the office can be a very cold environment, especially if interaction and respect are stifled. However, you can help to create a better environment just by offering respect to your co-workers and being open to relationships with them. For instance, talk to other people in your office to see how their lives are going. Don't just wait for a perfunctory "fine." Give them space to really talk about their lives. Start by building up a relationship by asking about their family and what they like to do outside of work. Support other people in the office by praising people when they do a good job. It's easy to tear people down. It's much harder to notice and respect the work that's being done. A simple, "You know you did a really great job on that report. You have a great eye for detail." can go a long way. Don't put up a wall. This step is particularly important for bosses. That is, it's important to be open about what you're thinking and feeling about the company. Invite other people to offer opinions. When things go wrong, let them know that you're just as sad as they are, and work together with them to see what you can change, instead of instantly coming down hard on your workers. | Follow what you love. Face your fears. Learn to show your flaws. Work hard. Be patient. Build up a team. Don't be afraid to quit. Pay attention to what matters most. Experience things rather than make excuses. Find time for your passions. Revel in joyfulness. Learn to be grateful. Learn to be kind. Make relationships a priority. Understand your own needs and boundaries. Volunteer your time. Surround yourself with good people. Be open and respectful at the office. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Care-for-a-LaPerm-Cat | How to Care for a LaPerm Cat | To care for a LaPerm cat, give it quality food that contains a lot of animal protein once or twice a day. Additionally, let your cat play outside in an enclosed area or take it for walks so it gets ample exercise and fresh air. When it's inside, keep it busy with scratch towers and interactive toys, like puzzle feeders. In order to groom your cat, brush its curly hair at least once a week to reduce shedding. You should also give it regular baths since LaPerm's are prone to greasy skin. | Give them quality food. Feed your LaPerm the best cat food you can afford. Ideally, you should consult your veterinarian to ensure your cat receives a balanced diet. Select a high-quality canned or dry food. Pick cat foods that contain large amounts of animal protein and align with your cat's life stage. Avoid cat foods labeled with a meat “flavor,” which indicates the food contains only trace amounts of the advertised meat. It's a good idea to talk to your veterinarian to determine the ideal cat food for your cat. Dry food is often more economical, and helps with keeping your cat's teeth clean. One option is to feed your cat a mix of dry and wet food, which offers the hydration benefits of wet food with the dental benefits of dry food. Keep an eye on their weight. Feed your LaPerm cat a consistent and moderate diet, once or twice per day. Ask your veterinarian about an appropriate amount of food to give them. You should feed them a healthy amount of food and keep an eye on their weight. The average weight for LaPerm cats is between 8 and 12 pounds (3.5 – 5.5 kgs). Males are bigger than females. Your cat should have little or no belly fat, and you should be able to feel, but not see, your cat's ribs. If you think your LaPerm cat is underweight or overweight, have your veterinarian perform a body condition analysis. Make sure they have access to clean drinking water. You should regularly refresh their bowl of drinking water. If it looks dirty, you should empty it and pour some fresh water for them. Give them enough exercise. The LaPerm breed has origins in farm houses and barns, so it was often an outdoors cat. Typically, it is quite active and requires regular exercise. If you live in the city, you should consider taking it for daily walks. If you have an interior courtyard or enclosed outdoor area, you could let it play outside for periods of the day. Letting your cat roam around outside without supervision can be dangerous. Vehicles, other animals, and toxic substances all pose safety threats. Give them toys to play with. To ensure your cat gets plenty of exercise, you might consider giving the cat plenty of toys to use in the house, such as scratching pads and towers. There are plenty of interactive toys to choose from: Try chaser toys, which give your cat the opportunity to chase small balls around a track. A mouse toy will move around the house on its own. It looks like a real mouse, so your LaPerm will chase it while you are at work. Use the cat charmer, which your cat will dance around for fun. Take them to the veterinarian for regular checkups. The LaPerm is generally a hardy cat. There are no known diseases associated with this breed. However, like any cat, you will need to make sure it gets annual vaccinations, dental checkups and deworming. Talk to your veterinarian to determine what vaccinations your cat needs. Often, vaccines will be given in multiple doses over time. Keep the kitty litter clean. LaPerm cats are very particular about the cleanliness of their bathrooms. So, you should regularly clean their kitty litter. Use a scooper to take out any clumps and then add some fresh litter. The frequency of cleaning will depend on whether you have one or two litter boxes in the house, as well as how often each of them are used: Try replacing it every other day. Twice a week is the minimum. Brush their curly hair at least once per week. Use a comb with revolving teeth, which are better suited to the curly hair of this breed. Comb your cat's coat at least once per week, but more frequently if your cat has a longer coat. If you have a long haired LaPerm cat, you can comb it three times a week. The cat may even request a comb, since it loves the affection. You can spray some water mist on the coat to keep it looking fresh. Regular brushing will reduce shedding, although this breed does not shed too much. Give your LaPerm a bath. Cats with curly coats like the LaPerm are prone to getting greasy skin. This issue can be resolved with regular bathing. Place a non-skid surface on the bottom of the bathtub, which should help your cat feel a bit more comfortable. Then, fill the tub or sink with lukewarm water. Gently bathe your cat. Dry the coat with a clean towel and then let it air dry. You should avoid using a hair dryer to dry the coat, since it will result in frizzy hair. Trim their nails weekly. Declawing your cat is highly discouraged. Instead, you should trim its nails weekly. Hold your cat on your lap in a quiet room. Massage each toe pad until the nail extends, then snip only the white part of the nail with cat nail clippers. Cut only one nail at a time. Your cat may be skittish at first. If this is the case, you should spend time getting your cat used to the sound of the clippers and the feeling of having its paws massaged. Give your cat a treat as a reward for a successful session. If you are having troubling trimming your cat's nails by yourself, get help from your vet or groomer. Brush their teeth. You should brush your cat's teeth at least once per week, but preferably every day. Use a cat toothbrush and toothpaste, which doesn't require rinsing. By keeping your cat's teeth clean, you can prevent periodontal disease. Do not use human toothpaste to clean your cat's teeth--the fluoride can harm your cat. Remove discharge from their eyes. Use a damp cloth to wipe out any discharge from the corner of their eyes. In case there is an infection, you should use a separate cloth for each eye. Clean the ears once per week. Start by taking a look to see if they are dirty. If it looks like they need a cleaning, use a mixture of half cider vinegar and half warm water. Wet a clean cloth with this cleaning solution and wipe out their ears. You should avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the interior of a cats ears. | Give them quality food. Keep an eye on their weight. Make sure they have access to clean drinking water. Give them enough exercise. Give them toys to play with. Take them to the veterinarian for regular checkups. Keep the kitty litter clean. Brush their curly hair at least once per week. Give your LaPerm a bath. Trim their nails weekly. Brush their teeth. Remove discharge from their eyes. Clean the ears once per week. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Bleach-Colored-Canvas-Shoes | How to Bleach Colored Canvas Shoes | It's easy to lighten colored canvas shoes at home using a rag and some bleach. Wear rubber gloves as you work on your shoes to protect your skin from the bleach. First, dip a clean rag into the bleach and apply it to the fabric exterior of the shoes. Repeat the process until the shoes lighten to the shade you want. Once you've finished bleaching your shoes, wash them in a bucket with soapy water to remove the bleach. You can also lighten colored canvas shoes using a plastic tub of bleach. Simply pour bleach into a plastic tub and then place your shoes in upside down so that the bleach soaks the fabric. Leave your shoes in the plastic tub for 1 to 5 hours, until they reach the effect you want. Wash the shoes well with soapy water to rinse away the bleach. | Work in a well-ventilated area. The best place to work is outside. If you can't work outside, open up a window or turn on a fan. Bleach can get stinky and cause headaches if you don't have enough fresh air. Protect your work surface. Spread some newspapers, a plastic tablecloth, or some old towels over your work surface. This will help protect it from getting stained. Try to work on clean shoes. If your shoes are dirty, you may not see the effects of the bleach as well. If necessary, wash your shoes in a bucket of soap and water, and let them dry. Gather your supplies. This method will work best on shoes that lace up or have a rubber toe cap, such as Converse, but it can work on all-fabric canvas sneakers as well, such as Toms and Vans. Here's a list of what you will need: Canvas Bleach Water (optional) Bowl Old rag Rubber gloves Take any laces out of your sneakers and set them aside. If you don't take them off, then the spaces under the laces will still be the original color. You might also end up bleaching the laces. Put on a pair of rubber gloves. This will protect your hands from the bleach if your rag gets soaked through. Pour some bleach into a bowl. You can use the bleach full-strength or you can dilute it with water. Pure bleach will give you faster results, but it may also eat away at the fabric. Using diluted bleach will take more time, but it will be less harsh on your fabric. If you are diluting bleach, use one part bleach to one part water. Get out an old rag. You might also want to bring out some Q-tips or an old toothbrush to reach small areas. Use the rag to apply the bleach to the surface of the shoes. If you rub the bleach into the shoe it will lighten the cloth more. Don't be worried if the canvas turns weird colors — for example, navy may turn brown. This will go away. Keep in mind, however, that some shoes will never turn fully white. For example, most shades of black tend to turn brown or orange. Repeat as many times necessary. If it's a dark color, you may have to use a lot of bleach and go through this step several times. They will get lighter and lighter as you go. It may take some time and patience. Use a Q-tip to get into small areas, such as corners and between grommets. Wash the shoes in a bucket of soap and water. This will stop the bleach from acting and prevent it from eating away at the fabric. Allow the shoes to dry. After that you may want to wash them so they stop smelling like bleach. Lace up your Converse when you are done. Gather your supplies. This method will work best on shoes that are made completely out of canvas, such as Vans and Toms. If you have a pair of shoes that lace up or have a rubber toe cap, try this method instead. Here's a list of what you'll need: Canvas sneakers Bleach Water Plastic tub Rubber gloves Consider removing the inserts. If your sneakers have inserts inside, you can pull those out and set them aside. This way, they will be their original color when you put them back in. This can create a nice contrast. Put on a pair of rubber gloves. You want to protect your hands from the bleach solution. Fill a plastic tub with bleach and water. For a stronger solution, use one part bleach and one part water. For a weaker solution, use one part bleach and two parts water. The water-bleach solution needs to be deep enough so that you can submerge the shoes completely. The plastic tub needs to be long enough so that you can sit your shoes inside. Place your sneakers in the plastic tub. Try to set them upside down in the tub. This way, more of the fabric gets covered with bleach. Leave the sneakers in the tub until you get the desired effect. This will take one to five hours, depending on how dark the shoes are to begin with, and how light you want them to become. Keep in mind that some of the darker colors will never fully turn white. Some colors, such as black, will turn orange or brown. Be sure to check back on the shoes every 10 to 60 minutes. Take the shoes out of the bleach solution and wash them using soap and water. This will stop the bleach from acting. It will also get rid of the smell. Let the shoes dry before lacing them back up. It will take about three hours for them to fully dry. Gather your supplies. You can use a spray bottle to completely cover your sneakers with bleach, or to splatter them. Here's a lit of what you will need: Canvas sneakers Bleach Water Spray bottle with nozzle Rubber gloves Consider taking the laces out of your sneakers. This will help you bleach them more evenly, and prevent you from damaging the laces. Put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands. Even though you are working with a spray bottle, there is a good chance that some bleach may drip onto your skin. The gloves will keep your skin safe. Fill a clean spray bottle with bleach and water. For a stronger solution, use one part bleach and one part water. For a weaker solution, use one part bleach and two parts water. The bottle should have a nozzle with two to three settings: spray, mist, and off. Close the spray bottle and shake it. This will mix up the bleach and water inside. Start spraying your shoes. Use the "spray" setting to squirt a few splatters onto your sneakers. This will give you a sort of galaxy effect. Use the "mist" setting and spray your shoes all over to completely bleach them. Set the shoes out to dry. This may take around 20 minutes to several hours. The longer you leave them out, the lighter they will become. Keep in mind that some darker fabrics will never turn white. Some, such as black, may turn brown or orange. Consider washing your shoes with soap and water once you get the color you want. This will not only stop the bleach from acting, but it will also get rid of the smell. Re-lace your sneakers if you took the laces out. Gather your supplies. You don't have to bleach your shoes all the way; you can paint or draw designs onto them as well. Here's a list of what you will need: Canvas sneakers Bowl Bleach Small, cheap, stiff-bristled paintbrush Bleach pen (optional) Plan out your design. Once you start drawing on your shoes, it will be impossible to erase the bleach. Get out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, and sketch out your design. Consider copying your design onto your sneakers using a pencil. This will allow you to see where you are drawing and keep you from making mistakes. Pour some bleach into a bowl and get out a cheap, thin paint brush. Make sure that the bristles are stiff and made of plastic. If the bristles are too soft, they won't hold the bleach. If they are made of natural fibers, such as boar bristle, sable, or camel hair, the bleach will eat through them. You can also use a bleach pen, although some people find those difficult to control. Consider testing the bleach pen out on some scrap fabric first. Start drawing your design onto your shoes. The bleach won't work at first, but after a while, you should see the colors start to fade. It will take about an hour or so. Keep in mind that some designs won't fade completely to white. If you want really white designs, you may want to try drawing them with a white, opaque fabric pen instead. Consider rinsing the shoes once you are happy with the lightness. This will stop the bleach from acting, and prevent it from deteriorating the fabric. | Work in a well-ventilated area. Protect your work surface. Try to work on clean shoes. Gather your supplies. Take any laces out of your sneakers and set them aside. Put on a pair of rubber gloves. Pour some bleach into a bowl. Get out an old rag. Use the rag to apply the bleach to the surface of the shoes. Repeat as many times necessary. Wash the shoes in a bucket of soap and water. Allow the shoes to dry. Lace up your Converse when you are done. Gather your supplies. Consider removing the inserts. Put on a pair of rubber gloves. Fill a plastic tub with bleach and water. Place your sneakers in the plastic tub. Leave the sneakers in the tub until you get the desired effect. Take the shoes out of the bleach solution and wash them using soap and water. Let the shoes dry before lacing them back up. Gather your supplies. Consider taking the laces out of your sneakers. Put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands. Fill a clean spray bottle with bleach and water. Close the spray bottle and shake it. Start spraying your shoes. Set the shoes out to dry. Consider washing your shoes with soap and water once you get the color you want. Re-lace your sneakers if you took the laces out. Gather your supplies. Plan out your design. Consider copying your design onto your sneakers using a pencil. Pour some bleach into a bowl and get out a cheap, thin paint brush. Start drawing your design onto your shoes. Consider rinsing the shoes once you are happy with the lightness. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Painting-Contractor | How to Become a Painting Contractor | To become a painting contractor, you'll need to be familiar with painting and operating a business, so you may want to take a painter's apprenticeship to help you learn the ropes. You can also apply to work for a local painting company to build experience. In addition to learning how to paint, you should familiarize yourself with construction codes and regulations in your area, which you can find online or at your local library. If you think working as a painting contractor is right for you, you'll need to get the necessary certifications for your area. | Earn your high school diploma or equivalency. Though it's not strictly necessary, having at least a high school level of education will give you a leg up in qualifying for other education opportunities and securing jobs later on. After completing high school, you can begin working as a painter or looking into specific apprenticeship programs. Successful painting contractors need to have a basic grasp of math, communications and other subjects that will help them calculate project costs and communicate effectively with clients. If you plan on working in an area where more than one language is commonly spoken, studying another language while you're still in school may be a good use of your time. Complete the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) program. As of 2010, all painting contractors in the United States must be officially certified to work with lead-based paints. The purpose of the RRP program is to inform new contractors about the risks and proper safety procedures for working on properties that contain hazardous materials. Without your RRP certification, you won't be able to begin working legally. Research the licensing requirements for your area. These laws governing professional contractor work will be different depending on where you live. It's important to be aware of these laws and what they mean from the outset. Contact the licensing board for your state or district to find out more about what you'll need to do to get your business off the ground. Visit www.contractors-license.org to review the laws and requirements for obtaining a contractor's license in your state. Basic licensing requirements typically include registration forms, a certification exam and payment of associated fees. Take classes on business administration. If you're eager to learn more about what goes into operating a private business, consider furthering your education on the college level. You can enroll in business courses at your local university or community college. Look through their catalog and sign up for classes that you think will translate to the daily demands of the job, like cost management, staffing and tax fundamentals. Many states require that contractors take at least 16 hours of business-related classes before sitting for a contractor's exam. Online programs may be helpful for professionals who don't have the time to attend classes in person. College experience can make a great thing to add to your list of qualifications. Take part in a painter’s apprenticeship. A formal apprenticeship will give you the chance to work closely with an established painting business. This type of training tends to be far more instructional and in-depth than ordinary work, which will prove valuable once you're ready to take the reigns of running a business yourself. An average apprenticeship takes several years to complete. In addition to hands-on work, you may be expected to log a certain number of classroom hours, as well. Contact painting contractors in your area or run a quick search online to learn more about potential apprenticeship opportunities. Work with a professional painting contractor. If you haven't done so already, sign on to work with a painting company near you. As part of a professional team, you'll learn the tricks of the trade and work in a variety of different environments, both commercial and residential. There's no better way to accumulate practical experience than to do it on the job. You don't need to be licensed in order to work for a professional contractor—as a hired employee, you'll be covered under their license. Doing paid work will allow you to make a living and refine your craft while you prepare to launch a business of your own. Familiarize yourself with construction codes and regulations. All cities have laws that dictate things like how contractors can do business, what types of materials and equipment are okay to use and how professional contracts should be handled. It will be necessary for you to have a working knowledge of these regulations as a private contractor. You can study them on your own time while you're finishing an apprenticeship or receiving on-the-job training. Construction codes and other important legal information are a part of public record and can be found at the local library. You can also access references online at the official website of your local government, or through organizations like the International Code Council. Take and pass your contractor’s certification exam. Like the licensing requirements, the content and format of the exam will vary depending on your location. However, the test will almost always include a comprehensive written section, on top of which you may be asked to describe or demonstrate key skills. Upon passing your exam, you'll have between 1 and 4 years to complete the process of formally registering your business. You can download a copy of the exam application from the Contractors State License Board website. To help you prep for the exam, test administrators recommend that you brush up on resources like the International Building Code, OSHA's 29. CFR 1926 manual and various textbooks geared toward painting and decorating craftsmen. File the necessary business documents. For starters, you'll need a general business license to begin taking on contract work. You may also have to have other specific licenses that permit you to operate in off-limits zones or handle certain materials. A separate home business permit will be required if you plan on using your own residence as the headquarters for your contracting business. Business licenses are filed with the state or district that the work is to be performed in. As a result, they'll only be recognized in those places. The person with the contractor's license is known as the Responsible Managing Individual (RMI). You will need to name yourself as the RMI in your application documents. Acquire liability insurance. In the event of accident, injury or property damage, liability insurance will protect you from having your assets seized. Look into a few different providers to compare rates and see what sort of coverage they offer. Good insurance is absolutely critical for small business owners, who stand to lose a lot more should something go wrong. The total monthly cost of insurance shouldn't be more than a few hundred dollars. In addition to general liability insurance, it might also be a good idea to have some form of completed operations or contract liability insurance in the event that there's a dispute over a finished project. Shop around until you find a policy that best suits your company's needs. Purchase surety bonds. Surety bonds essentially act as a kind of agreement between the contractor and the person hiring them that the job will be performed to standard. You can obtain these through your current insurer as a separate form of financial protection. As a contractor, many states require you to be bonded before you can begin working legally. The prices of surety bonds range from between $10,000 and $15,000. You'll only be responsible for paying a small percentage (typically around 2%) of the total amount that the bond is worth. The type of bond you'll most likely need is referred to as a "performance bond," which guarantees that the requirements of the contract will be fulfilled. Receive for your contractor’s license. Once you've passed your licensing exam, registered your business through the proper channels and shown proof of liability insurance, you can submit an official application to receive your contractor's license. This can be done online or by mail. Following a short review process, you'll be issued your license, after which you can get to work securing jobs and building your business's reputation. You'll be asked to provide a few points of basic personal info, as well as relevant work experience and documentation of apprenticeships and certifications. As of June, 2017, the total fees for a contractor's license in the US stand at $300. Register your business. The final step to becoming operational is to actually form a business entity. Usually, this is as simple as filling out a few forms with the Business Services Division of your local government. Private contractors will need to file for sole proprietorship, which means you'll be recognized as having full ownership of the company. Contact the office governing business operations in your state to request the necessary paperwork. These agencies also frequently make convenient business registration guides available online. Review the tax criteria in your region carefully to find out more about how to handle your private contracting company's business taxes. | Earn your high school diploma or equivalency. Complete the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) program. Research the licensing requirements for your area. Take classes on business administration. Take part in a painter’s apprenticeship. Work with a professional painting contractor. Familiarize yourself with construction codes and regulations. Take and pass your contractor’s certification exam. File the necessary business documents. Acquire liability insurance. Purchase surety bonds. Receive for your contractor’s license. Register your business. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Dress-up-Like-a-Gangster | How to Dress up Like a Gangster | If you want to dress up like an old-fashioned gangster, you'll need to go for an elegant look. Put on a black, grey, or pin-striped dress suit. Stick to simple colors, such as a white shirt and black tie, or black shirt and white tie. You should also wear dressy brown or black shoes. If you want to dress up as a modern gangster, your outfit will be much more casual. Put on an oversized pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt in any color you like. You can also add a hoodie or puffy jacket to your outfit. Make your outfit stand out with gold or silver chains with symbols, like dollar signs or crosses. Remember to wear a bandana or beanie to complete your look. | Dress formally. Gangsters in the 20s and 30s dressed up rather elegantly. A typical outfit included an all-black, grey, or pinstriped suit with a tie. Keep the color scheme simple; stick to black, white, grey or brown. If you don't have a suit jacket, then wear a vest and roll up the sleeves of your collared shirt. Either wear a white collared shirt with a black tie or a black collared shirt with a white tie. Wear a pair of black or brown dress shoes. Wear a hat. Find a black, white, gray, or pinstriped fedora. A popular look among traditional mobsters was to wear a black hat with white trim, or white hat with gray trim. Be sure that the hat matches your suit. Again, stick with neutral colors like black, white, grey, and brown. Carry a fake gun. Toy guns can be purchased from Halloween stores or toy stores. Consider buying a squirt gun and spray-painting it black. Carry a cigar. In old films, criminals, gangsters, and other "bad guys" were often portrayed smoking cigars. While you certainly don't have to smoke it, carrying a cigar around will add an authentic element to your costume. Wear baggy clothes. Unlike their old-fashioned counterparts, modern-day gangsters wear baggy, casual clothes that come in various colors. Find a pair of baggy jeans in either blue or black. Buy an oversized t-shirt or a plain white "wife-beater" shirt. Wear an oversized hoodie or puffy jacket. Get inked up. Gangsters are notorious for their tattoos. You can draw on fake tattoos using a pen, or apply temporary stick-on tattoos. Many gang members get tattoos of the faces of loved ones who have passed away on their upper arms. Draw tattoos on your face, neck, and/or chest. Get some bling. Find long silver or gold chains with dollar signs, crosses, or other symbols on them. Try wearing multiple chains of different lengths and colors. Wear a bandana or beanie. Either tie a bandana around your head or wrap it around your neck and tie it in the back. Beanies can be worn in any color, but should not have any designs or logos on them. | Dress formally. Wear a hat. Carry a fake gun. Carry a cigar. Wear baggy clothes. Get inked up. Get some bling. Wear a bandana or beanie. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Continue-Chat-with-a-Girl | How to Continue Chat with a Girl | To continue chatting with a girl, try to introduce new conversation topics and find common ground with her. For example, ask her where she's travelled, or what TV, music, and sports she likes. Keep your questions open-ended so they prompt more than a yes or no answer. Try to strike a balance between telling her interesting things about yourself and asking her about what she likes. Once you've found something you have in common, talk about that in more detail. For instance, if you both love the same TV show, ask her who her favorite character is or what she thinks about the last season. Don't be afraid to compliment her along the way, such as telling her she has a great taste in music or film or that she's a really interesting person. | Be open about yourself and your experiences[1]
Expert Source
Laura Bilotta. Dating Coach & Matchmaker
Expert Interview. 7 July 2020.
. Any chat or conversation is a two-way street; you need to be able to express your own thoughts and opinions while listening to what the girl says too. Talk about yourself in the conversation. For example, if you're discussing music, you'll need to share your own opinions and thoughts about your favorite songs. It's important that you don't go overboard and dominate the conversation, or lecture the girl on one of your favorite topics. Try to keep the chat balanced; each of you should talk roughly the same amount. Compliment her. Everyone likes to receive thoughtful, sincere compliments. Use the occasional compliment as a part of your chat with a girl. You can do this to show your interest in keeping the conversation going, and your appreciation for the girl as a person. Say something like: “That was a very articulate thing to say; I like how you worded that answer.” “You're very funny—I think we have similar senses of humor.” While sincere compliments are fine, pick-up lines or sexual advances are not. Avoid these types of comments in your conversation. Ask her questions about herself. It's polite to show personal interest in the girl you're chatting with. Questions will also help keep the conversation moving, and allow the two of you to find common ground. Ask questions about where she grew up; what kind of music, food, and TV she likes; where she would like to travel to on vacation; or what books she likes to read. Don't go overboard with questions; you need to show some restraint. Asking too many questions can be seen as prying, and you may motivate the girl to cut the conversation short. Asking too many questions can also be seen as a sign that you have nothing to talk about and are desperate for topics. Stay relaxed while speaking. When talking with someone (especially if it's someone you find attractive or don't know very well), it's easy to become nervous or to feel anxious that the conversation isn't going well. Stay relaxed while talking, and take a deep breath if you feel your heart start to race. For all you know, the girl you're talking to could be just as anxious about the conversation as you are! Find some common ground. If the girl you've started chatting with is a stranger to you (or someone that you barely know), it's important to find topics that you and her both have in common. For example, maybe you both go to the same school, live in the same neighborhood, or both study the same subject. Finding these commonalities will make further conversation more interesting. For example, ask: “What part of the state did you grow up in?” “What's your major in college?” Discuss topics that she likes. Pay attention during your conversation, and note which types of topics the girl seems to enjoy most, or which she expresses an interest in. Then, bring these up again later to continue the conversation and learn more about the girl. For example, if you know that she likes art, you could deliberately steer the conversation towards famous painters. Or, if the girl mentions an interest in soccer, bring up your own favorite soccer players or teams. Ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer. The girl you're speaking to will not enjoy the conversation if her only answers to your questions are “yes” or “no,” as these answers can quickly become repetitive or boring. Instead, come up with some questions that ask her about her past or make her think, and that will result in a longer, more complex answer. Try asking something like: “What movie or book character are you most like?” “What are some of your irrational pet peeves?” “What is an unusual fear or phobia that you have?” Avoid controversial or sensitive topics. If you're in the early stages of chatting with a girl and looking for ways to continue the chat, do not bring up topics that could lead to serious disagreement. Don't make the girl uncomfortable with probing questions about her exes or past relationships, and also avoid sharing strong opinions on politics. Of course, if you and this girl end up getting to know one another better, these types of topics can lead to important and serious conversation. Ask questions that will lead to back-and-forth chatting. Questions are crucial to any online (or in-person) chat, as they allow both partners to participate evenly and will keep the conversation interesting. Avoid overly serious (or sexual) questions, and instead ask questions that focus on her interests. To continue the chat, ask questions like: “What kind of music do you listen to most often?” “What's your favorite movie quote to use in conversation?” “What's your favorite restaurant to order take-out from?” Keep the conversation light. If you've matched with a girl on a dating app or website (like Tinder or Plenty of Fish) and are interested in maintaining a conversation, keep things light and fun. At least for the early stage of a chat conversation, avoid bringing up politics, religion, or any philosophical beliefs you may hold. If you start out with long, serious questions or statements, the chat will quickly become unpleasant and slow-paced for both you and the girl you're talking with. Send her videos or pictures. Chatting with a girl online will allow you to communicate in ways that talking face-to-face won't. Take advantage of the ability to send multimedia (audio, photos, videos, etc.) to each other, and use this to enhance or continue the conversation. Send a funny video or GIF and ask the girl if she's seen it before. Then, ask the girl to send you one of her favorite funny GIFs or short videos. Agree to answer a few of each other's questions using only memes. Leave the door open for further conversations. If you'd like to talk with this girl again, end your current chat in a way that can lead to future conversation. Pick up on cues from the conversation(s) you've already had, and make it clear that you'd like to talk about a certain topic again. Or, if you don't hear back from this girl within a week or so, you can use a topic as a conversation opener for the next chat. For example, if she mentioned that she has an upcoming exam, you could say, “Let me know if you survive that test!” Or, if she's mentioned that she's planning to watch a movie or TV show, try saying: “Tell me what you think of the show once you've watched it.” | Be open about yourself and your experiences[1]
Expert Source
Laura Bilotta. Dating Coach & Matchmaker
Expert Interview. 7 July 2020.
. Compliment her. Ask her questions about herself. Stay relaxed while speaking. Find some common ground. Discuss topics that she likes. Ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Avoid controversial or sensitive topics. Ask questions that will lead to back-and-forth chatting. Keep the conversation light. Send her videos or pictures. Leave the door open for further conversations. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Deter-Squirrels-from-Bird-Feeders | How to Deter Squirrels from Bird Feeders | To deter squirrels from a bird feeder, try feeding the birds things that squirrels don't like, such as safflower seeds or thistle seeds. Alternatively, you could hang candy canes from your bird feeder, which will put off a smell that confuses squirrels but it doesn't bother birds. Another option you can try is to wrap mesh wire around your feeder to keep squirrels out. | Hang your bird feeder from a pole or post. Try to make sure the post is away from areas the squirrels could access it from above, like long tree branches or fence edges. Give a clearance of about 8-10 feet from these things. The baffle will go on the bottom half of the post, to keep squirrels from accessing the feeders from the ground. So, making sure they don't have access from the top is important if you want the baffle to work. Bowl-shaped baffles can go on top of the feeder pole to keep out squirrels, but these baffles don't do so well keeping out other critters, like raccoons. If raccoons aren't a problem where you live, then a bowl-shaped baffle will probably work fine. Buy a baffle from a yard supply store. You can purchase pre-made baffles from hardware or yard supply stores, and even some of the big box department stores. You can also buy them online. Make sure you buy the type of baffle you want—a cone or dome-shaped baffle to go over top of the feeder, or a cylindrical baffle to attach below the feeder on the post. Make your own baffle. With stovepipe, a stovepipe cap, metal screws, and a hose clamp, you can make your own cylindrical baffle for your feeder pole. Simply drill a hole big enough for the feeder pole in the stovepipe end cap, screw the end cap into the stovepipe to secure it, slide the stovepipe onto the pole and clip the hose clamp below it. Let the stovepipe rest on the clamp. You'll need a drill to make your own baffle, so if you don't have any power tools, your best option is to buy a pre-made baffle. Avoid using feed that attracts squirrels. Safflower seeds and thistle seeds, for example, will attract all different kinds of birds, while squirrels are not interested in them. Squirrels love feed such as cracked corn, nuts, and sunflower seeds, so keep these out of your feeders to help deter the squirrels. Try to avoid using capsaicin, or hot pepper additive, in your bird seed. It has been known to irritate squirrels' digestive systems to the point of being painful and harmful, so it isn't as humane of an option as others. Use a bird seed mix that contains white proso millet seed. If there is enough of this kind of seed in the mix, it will deter the squirrels, as they aren't fans of it. It helps attract species of birds like house finches, as well as mourning doves. Changing what you're feeding the birds is a great way to keep the squirrels out without doing harm to one species or the other. Give the squirrels their own feed and feeding area. Since they're relatively territorial, the squirrels will likely mark the new feeding spot as theirs, and begin to feed there exclusively. This might not be the most ideal solution as you will still have squirrels in the yard, but they might leave the bird feeder alone. If you have a front and a back yard, put one feeder in each yard. This will keep the birds and squirrels more separate. Try hanging candy canes from your bird feeder. The peppermint doesn't bother the birds, so they will keep coming. The squirrels, on the other hand, will be confused by the smell and sight of the candy, so they'll lose interest in the feed and leave. Make sure you use full size candy canes, and don't crush them into small pieces. You don't want to risk giving the birds—or any other critters—anything they might choke on. Avoid catching or trapping the squirrels. By trapping and moving them to a different place, your problem won't be solved. All this will do is cause squirrels to take up residence in a new place, while other squirrels still bother your feeder. You also run the risk of injuring the squirrels, or even other animals, by setting out traps for them. Avoid using anything to make your feeder pole more slick. Things like oil or gel to keep squirrels from being able to climb the feeder pole are dangerous for the birds you are trying to attract and feed. A little bit of gel or anything with petroleum in it on a bird's feathers can actually cause the bird to die. Using a baffle is a much safer and humane way to keep squirrels from climbing up your feeder pole. Use a feeder that doesn’t allow squirrels to feed. Some feeders are made specifically to keep squirrels out. They usually rely on the principle that squirrels weigh more than birds, and won't be able to perch on the feeder. You can also put a mesh cage around the feeder. Birds can still get the seed out but the squirrels won't be able to reach it. | Hang your bird feeder from a pole or post. Buy a baffle from a yard supply store. Make your own baffle. Avoid using feed that attracts squirrels. Use a bird seed mix that contains white proso millet seed. Give the squirrels their own feed and feeding area. Try hanging candy canes from your bird feeder. Avoid catching or trapping the squirrels. Avoid using anything to make your feeder pole more slick. Use a feeder that doesn’t allow squirrels to feed. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Eat-Healthy-as-a-Vegetarian | How to Eat Healthy as a Vegetarian | To eat healthy as a vegetarian, it's important to consume a variety of foods to fulfill all of your nutritional needs. Start by adding good sources of meatless protein to your diet, like eggs, beans, lentils, nuts, and whole grains. You can avoid common problems, like calcium and B-12 deficiencies, by eating plenty of eggs, plant-based dairy products, and dark leafy vegetables, like kale and broccoli. Taking vitamin supplements and eating fortified breakfast cereals, soy, and whole grains can provide your body with crucial minerals, like iron and zinc, so you can stay healthy. | Reflect on the motives for changing your lifestyle. What attracts you to a vegetarian diet? Health benefits? Compassion for animals? Religious or spiritual beliefs? The first step in making a drastic lifestyle change is to understand your reasons for wanting change, which will help keep you motivated during the transition. Identify which type of vegetarian diet you want to follow. Different types of vegetarians follow varying degrees of food restrictions. Selecting a type that suits your motives and is practical will make changing and maintaining your new diet easier. The different types of vegetarians include: Vegan - Avoids all animal products, including meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, and gelatin. Many also do not eat honey. Some may avoid consumer animal products, such as fur, leather, silk, or certain cosmetics. Lacto Vegetarian - Eats dairy products, but avoids meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. Ovo Vegetarian - Eats eggs, but avoids meat, poultry, fish, and dairy. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian - Eats dairy and eggs, but avoid meat, poultry, and fish. This category is the most common type of vegetarian in the United States. Pesco Vegetarian (Pescetarian) - Eats fish, dairy, and eggs, but avoids meat and poultry. Flexitarian – Follows an lacto-ovo vegetarian diet and does not eat meat at most meals, but will occasionally eat meat, poultry, or fish. Build a support system. Discuss your intentions and motivations with your friends and family and ask for their support. A strong support system will make the process of changing your lifestyle habits less difficult and can help you fight the temptation to lapse. Engaging with a vegetarian community by participating in online forums and reading magazines or blogs can help you find advice, tips, and helpful resources. Research your nutritional needs. Whether you talk to vegetarian friends or comb the internet, there is a lot of advice about eating vegetarian. But, to eat healthy as a vegetarian you must understand your nutritional needs in terms of daily calorie and nutritional recommendations, which differ according to age, gender (nutritional needs differ not only for men and women, but also for pregnant women), and lifestyle (e.g., your needs will be different if you exercise rarely or you're training for a marathon). Seek out and read information that is specific to your age group, your gender, your health status, and your lifestyle. Utilize the Vegetarian My Plate guidelines, which provides recommendations for amounts and types of food that form a daily, well-balanced, plant-based diet. Consult your doctor and/or a registered dietitian. Registered dietitians are credentialed through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Commission on Dietetic Registration. Eat a variety of foods. Whether vegetarian or omnivore, variety is the key to a healthy, well-balanced diet. Any time you cut a food group out of your diet, you may put yourself at risk of a nutritional deficiency. The nutritional benefits of the missing food group must be made up in other places in your diet. Vegans, with the most limited diets, may be at the most risk. Consume plenty of protein. Protein is foundational to the human body, present in every cell. It is essential for growth and maintaining healthy organs, bones, and muscles. Recommended daily amounts of protein differ according to age, gender, and physical activity. Most adults need 0.8 grams (0.03 oz) of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, a 140 pound woman (63.6 kg) would need 51 g of protein per day (kg x 0.8). Good sources of meatless protein include eggs and dairy. Plant-based foods can also provide enough protein if you eat a great enough variety every day. These can include meat substitutes, legumes like beans, lentils, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. Ingest enough calcium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. It is necessary for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. Children and teenagers have higher recommended daily amounts of calcium than young adults. Aging women must also be careful to get enough calcium to prevent osteoporosis , which weakens bones. A calcium calculator can help you determine if you're getting enough calcium. Dairy products provide the most calcium, but dark leafy vegetables, like kale, broccoli, and collard greens, are also good sources if eaten in sufficient amounts. You can also meet your daily calcium requirement by consuming calcium-enriched and –fortified products like plant-based milk and yogurt, juices, and cereal. Include plenty of vitamin B-12 in your diet. This vitamin is required for red blood cell production and the prevention of anemia. Unfortunately for vegetarians, vitamin B-12 is found almost exclusively in animal products. Vegetarians may rely on dairy products, eggs, foods fortified with the vitamin, including breakfast cereals, nutritional yeast, and soy products, and vitamin supplements. Vegans should be particularly careful about monitoring their intake as the vegan diet is rich in the vitamin folate, which can mask a B-12 deficiency. If you are vegan, ask your doctor to check your B12 level regularly. Your doctor may prescribe a B12 shot. Replenish your body's supply of riboflavin every day. Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B-2, aid growth and red blood cell production by working with the other B vitamins in the body. The body cannot store it because it is water soluble; it must be ingested every day. Sources of riboflavin for vegetarians include dairy products, eggs, dark leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fortified breads and cereals. Eat enough iron. Iron is a mineral found within red blood cells; it is found in the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Iron deficiency is known as anemia , a condition where your body is not getting enough oxygen from your blood. It is also possible to get too much iron. Daily recommended amounts differ for adults and children. Vegetarians can get iron by eating legumes, lentils, enriched breakfast cereal, whole grains, dark leafy green vegetables, and dried apricots, prunes, and raisins. It is more difficult to absorb iron from plant-based sources, so vegetarians' daily recommended intake of iron is double that for omnivores. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus, strawberries, and tomatoes, at the same time you eat iron-containing food aids the body's absorption of iron. For example, if you eat red peppers (good source of vitamin C) with your beans and rice, you will absorb the iron from the beans more effectively. Get your daily recommended amount of zinc. Zinc, a mineral, supports a healthy immune system and is necessary for cell division and producing proteins. As with other vitamins and minerals, your recommended daily intake of zinc is based on your age and gender. Zinc is best absorbed from animal sources, so dairy products are a good source for vegetarians. It can also be found in whole grains, soy, legumes, nuts, wheat germ, and zinc-fortified breakfast cereal. However, the zinc in plant based foods is less available to your body for absorption. Eat food rich in omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats in the human body. They maintain the health of the heart and may help fight heart disease. Unlike other fats that the body can make, people must get these fatty acids from food. Getting plenty of omega-3s may help fight various illnesses, from allergies to asthma, from cancer to bipolar disorder. Fish and eggs are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, as are canola and soy oil, walnuts, ground flaxseed, and soybeans. If you are relying solely on plant-based sources of omega-3s, fortified products or supplements may help you reach daily recommended amounts. Consider a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D supports calcium absorption and thus is important for healthy bones. It occurs naturally in few foods, but the human body also produces it through exposure to sunlight. Rich food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish like herring and mackerel. Vitamin D-fortified foods for vegetarians avoiding seafood include dairy products, soy and rice milk, breakfast cereals and margarine. Consumers should check food labels for amounts. Those who have limited sun exposure or don't eat enough foods containing vitamin D may need to take a plant-derived supplement. Mind your portion sizes. Getting enough of your nutritional requirements from a vegetarian diet requires eating enough of a given food. However, just because you're not eating meat does not mean you can eat as many French fries and cheese pizza as you'd like. The Vegetarian My Plate guidelines and food labels provide helpful information about recommended serving sizes to monitor your calorie intake and nutritional requirements. You may find it useful to visualize your portion sizes, such as a tennis ball for a cup of pasta or fruit. Start small and ramp up. Choosing to not eat certain food groups means changing the way you live. While you can quit that food group “cold turkey,” you may find greater success maintaining your new lifestyle if you begin by incorporating one meatless meal a day into your routine, then increasing the number of meatless meals you eat every week. Explore and practice substitutions. If you cook, try some of your favorite recipes without meat, such as making spaghetti sauce without meat or with a vegetarian meat substitute or making your morning smoothie with almond or soy milk instead of dairy. At your favorite restaurant, try your mainstay without meat: order a bean burrito with grilled vegetables instead of your regular beef and cheese burrito. Alternatives for various food groups can be single or processed plant-based foods: Plant-based meat and poultry alternatives include beans, tofu, tempeh, textured soy protein, and Quorn products, which are made from Mycoprotein. Milk alternatives may be made from soy, rice, coconut, flax, hemp, almonds, and sunflowers. Alternatives for other dairy products, like cheese and sour cream, are made from a combination of plant-based materials. Egg substitutes include commercially-processed products and single foods like silken tofu, flaxseed meal, pureed fruit such as bananas or apples, buttermilk or yogurt, etc. Avoid boredom in your diet. Being a vegetarian doesn't mean eating salad at every meal. Variety makes it not only more likely that you are getting enough nutrients, but also helps you stick to a lifestyle change. Subscribe to a vegetarian cooking magazine or blog. Check out a vegetarian cookbook from the library. Shop at your local farmers' market and ask the vendors for vegetarian recipe recommendations. Visit an ethnic restaurant in your neighborhood that you've never tried and sample some vegetarian dishes. Purchase prepared foods from your local health food store's deli or simply peruse them for inspiration. Follow general scientific guidelines for good health. Researchers agree that healthy diets, whether they are plant-centric or not, consist of preparing more of your own meals so you know what goes into them; avoiding processed food and beverages; drinking enough water; and being mindful of how much you eat and how your food makes you feel. | Reflect on the motives for changing your lifestyle. Identify which type of vegetarian diet you want to follow. Build a support system. Research your nutritional needs. Eat a variety of foods. Consume plenty of protein. Ingest enough calcium. Include plenty of vitamin B-12 in your diet. Replenish your body's supply of riboflavin every day. Eat enough iron. Get your daily recommended amount of zinc. Eat food rich in omega-3s. Consider a vitamin D supplement. Mind your portion sizes. Start small and ramp up. Explore and practice substitutions. Avoid boredom in your diet. Follow general scientific guidelines for good health. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Shorten-Backpack-Straps | How to Shorten Backpack Straps | If your backpack straps are too long and get in your way, there are several ways to shorten them. Start by adjusting your straps so they fit you just right. Then, fold the ends of the straps over once or twice and tuck the straps under the tightening mechanism. Secure them with a rubber band or piece of twine so they won't fall out. Another way to shorten your straps is to cut the remaining material off if you don't have any future use for them. Just make sure to leave 2 to 4 inches for any minor adjustments. When you cut the material, melt the edges with a lighter so they won't fray or slip through the tightening mechanism. | Put the backpack on and adjust the straps. The cushion on the top of the strap should rest evenly and comfortably on top of your shoulders. The backpack should not sag below your behind. Instead, it should run parallel to your back when you are walking. If you notice the backpack sagging below your behind, there may be too much weight in the backpack or you may need to get a backpack that has a reinforced bottom so it does not sag. Measure each side of the straps to ensure an equal distribution. You can measure each strap by taking off the backpack and holding each strap taunt next to each other. Make sure both straps are the same length as uneven straps may strain your body, especially your neck and shoulders. As well, even straps will ensure there is an equal distribution of weight when you wear your backpack. Fold the remaining material. You may need to make one to two folds to tuck the straps under the tightening mechanism. You may also cut the remaining material if the straps are too long and you have no future use for them. Leave 2-4 inches for room to adjust. If you cut the material, melt the folded area with a lighter. Tuck the material under the mechanism. Feel free to reinforce the fold with some twine or rubber bands to help the straps to stay in place. You can tie the twine around the fold and secure it with a knot or wrap rubber bands around the fold to secure it in place. Adjust your bag straps to a comfortable length. The top of the straps should rest comfortably on your shoulders. You should put the backpack on and adjust the straps until the bag fits well, with no sagging below your behind. Cut the nylon straps. You will need to cut them so there is 1 inch (2.5 cm) of extra nylon sticking out past the plastic adjustment mechanism. Use fabric scissors or kitchen shears to get a clean cut on both straps. Fold over the extra inch into a half-inch square. Then, staple over the fold about three times. Be careful, as this will leave no room for adjustment in the future! You may want to leave 3-4 inches of strap for future serious backpacking trips. Melt the folded area slowly with a cigarette lighter. Make sure to do this outside as it will result in some smelly fumes that may not be ideal indoors or in an enclosed space. Hold the lighter under the straps and slowly move it back and forth over the straps several times. The frays of the strap will melt into a single, thicker layer, which is too big to fit through the plastic adjustment mechanism. This will keep the rest of the strap from pulling through the adjustment mechanism. Remove the staples after the nylon has cooled. Use a staple remover to avoid finger pricks or accidents. Make sure to throw out the staples afterwards. Put on the backpack and adjust the straps to a comfortable length. Make sure the backpack is flush to your back and is not sagging past your behind. If you notice there are other straps on your backpack that are unnecessarily long, you can use this method to fold the straps. Place velcro or fastening tape on one end of the strap. You will need 5-6 inches of fastening tape per strap to ensure it can wrap around the folded strap. Fastening tape is the best option for this method, but you can also use rubber bands, zip ties, or twine. Fold and secure the straps. Begin at the end of the straps and roll the straps so they lie flat and even in a bundle. Once the straps have been folded up, secure them with the fastening tape by wrapping the tape around the straps. | Put the backpack on and adjust the straps. Measure each side of the straps to ensure an equal distribution. Fold the remaining material. Tuck the material under the mechanism. Adjust your bag straps to a comfortable length. Cut the nylon straps. Fold over the extra inch into a half-inch square. Melt the folded area slowly with a cigarette lighter. Remove the staples after the nylon has cooled. Put on the backpack and adjust the straps to a comfortable length. Place velcro or fastening tape on one end of the strap. Fold and secure the straps. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Check-Your-Blood-Pressure-with-a-Sphygmomanometer | How to Check Your Blood Pressure with a Sphygmomanometer | To check your blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer, sit down, raise your arm to heart level, and rest your elbow on a stable surface to support it. Next, wrap the cuff around your upper arm and place the wide head of the stethoscope flat against the skin on the inside of your arm. Then, put the earpieces of the stethoscope in your ears and clip the pressure gauge to a stable surface where you can see it.Finally, pump the bulb rapidly to inflate the cuff. Keep pumping until the needle on the gauge reaches 180mmHg, then release the valve and note your systolic and diastolic readings. | Sit down and open the blood pressure testing kit. Sit down at a table or desk where you can easily set up the necessary equipment. Remove the cuff, stethoscope, pressure gauge, and bulb from the kit, taking care to untangle the various tubes. Raise your arm to heart level. Elevate your arm so that when you bend your elbow, your elbow is parallel to your heart. This ensures that you will not get either an overestimated or underestimated reading on your blood pressure. It is also important that your arm is supported during the reading, so make sure to rest your elbow on a stable surface. Wrap the cuff around your upper arm. Most cuffs have Velcro, making it easy to secure the cuff in place. If your shirt has long or thick sleeves, roll them up first, as you can only put the cuff over very thin clothing. The bottom edge of the cuff should be about an inch above the elbow. Some experts recommend you use your left arm; others suggest you test both arms. But while you're first adjusting to self-testing, use the left arm if you're right-handed, or vice versa. Make sure the cuff is snug, but not too tight. If the cuff is too loose, the cuff will not compress the artery correctly, giving you an inaccurately low blood pressure reading. If the cuff is too tight, it will create what is known as "cuff hypertension" and give you an inaccurately high reading. Cuff hypertension can also occur if the cuff is too narrow or too short relative to your arm. Place the wide head of the stethoscope on your arm. The head of the stethoscope (also known as the diaphragm) should be placed flat against the skin on the inside of your arm. The edge of the diaphragm should be just beneath the cuff, positioned over the brachial artery. Gently put the earpieces of the stethoscope in your ears. Do not hold the head of the stethoscope with your thumb — your thumb has its own pulse and this will confuse you while you try to obtain a reading. A good method is to hold the head of the stethoscope in place with your index and middle fingers. This way, you should not hear a thumping sound until you have begun to inflate the cuff. Clip the pressure gauge to a stable surface. If the pressure gauge is clipped to the cuff, unclip it and attach it to something sturdy instead, such as a hardcover book. That way, you can place it in front of you on the table, making it easier to watch. It's important to keep the gauge anchored and stable. Make sure there is adequate light and you can see the needle and pressure markings well before you begin to test. Sometimes the gauge is attached to the rubber bulb, in which case this step does not apply. Take the rubber bulb and tighten the valve. The valve needs to be closed completely before you start. This will ensure that no air escapes as you pump, which would produce an inaccurate reading. Twist the valve clockwise, until you feel it stop. It is also important to avoid over-tightening the valve, otherwise you will open it too far and release the air too quickly. Inflate the cuff. Rapidly pump the bulb to inflate the cuff. Keep pumping until the needle on the gauge reaches 180mmHg. The pressure from the cuff will occlude a large artery in the bicep, temporarily cutting off blood flow. This is why the pressure from the cuff can feel a little uncomfortable or strange. Release the valve. Gently turn the valve on the bulb counter-clockwise, so that the air in the cuff is released steadily, but at a slow pace. Keep an eye on the gauge; for best accuracy, the needle should be moving downwards at a rate of 3mm per second. Releasing the valve while you hold the stethoscope can be a little tricky. Try releasing the valve with the hand on your cuff arm, while holding the stethoscope with your free arm. If there is someone nearby, ask him to assist you. An additional pair of hands can make the process much easier. Note your systolic blood pressure. As the pressure drops, use the stethoscope to listen for a thumping or knocking sound. When you hear the first thump, make a note of the pressure on the gauge. This is your systolic blood pressure. The systolic number represents the pressure your blood flow exerts on the walls of an artery after the heart beats or contracts. It is the higher number of the two blood pressure readings, and when blood pressure is written down, it appears at the top. The clinical name for the thumping sounds your hear is "Korotkoff sounds." Note your diastolic blood pressure. Keep watching the gauge, while using the stethoscope to listen to the thumping noises. Eventually the hard thumping noises will turn into a "whooshing" sound. It is helpful to note this change, as it indicates that you are close to your diastolic blood pressure. As soon as the whooshing noise subsides, and you hear only silence, make a note of the pressure on the gauge. This is your diastolic blood pressure. The diastolic number represents the pressure your blood flow exerts on the walls of an artery when your heart relaxes between contractions. It is the lower number of the two blood pressure readings, and when blood pressure is written down, it appears at the bottom. Don't worry if you miss a reading. If you miss the exact measure of either number, it's perfectly acceptable to pump the cuff back up a little to catch it. Just don't do it too much (more than twice) as this can affect accuracy. Alternatively, you can switch the cuff to the other arm and repeat the process again. Check your blood pressure again. Blood pressure fluctuates within minutes (sometimes dramatically) so if you take two readings within about a ten-minute period, you can come up with a more accurate average number. For the most accurate results, check your blood pressure a second time, five to ten minutes after the first go. It may also be a good idea to use your other arm for the second reading, especially if your first reading was abnormal. Understand what the readings mean. Once you have recorded your blood pressure, it is important to know what the numbers mean. Use the following guide for reference: Normal blood pressure: Systolic number of less than 120 and diastolic number of less than 80. Prehypertension: Systolic number between 120 and 139, diastolic number between 80 and 89. Stage 1 Hypertension: Systolic number between 140 and 159, diastolic number between 90 and 99. Stage 2 Hypertension: Systolic number higher than 160 and diastolic number higher than 100. Hypertensive Crisis: Systolic number higher than 180 and diastolic number higher than 110. Don't worry if your blood pressure is low. Even if your blood pressure readings are far below the 120/80 "normal" mark, there is usually no cause for concern. A low blood pressure reading of, say, 85/55 mmHg is still considered to be acceptable, as long as no symptoms of low blood pressure are present. However, if you are experiencing symptoms of dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, trouble concentrating, cold and clammy skin, fast and shallow breathing, dehydration, nausea, blurred vision and/or fatigue, it is advisable that you see a doctor right away, as your low blood pressure may be the result of an underlying condition, which could be serious or cause serious complications.. Know when to seek treatment. It's important to understand that a single high reading does not necessarily mean that you have high blood pressure. It could be the result of many factors. If you take your blood pressure after exercising, after eating salty foods, drinking coffee, smoking, or during a period of high stress, your blood pressure might be uncharacteristically high. If the blood pressure cuff was too loose or too tight on your arm or too large or too small for your size, the readings could be inaccurate. As a result, you shouldn't worry too much about one-off readings, especially if your blood pressure is back to normal the next time you check it. However, if your blood pressure is consistently at or higher than 140/90 mm Hg, you may want to consult with a doctor who can put you on a treatment plan , which usually involves a combination of healthy eating and exercise. Medications may also be considered if lifestyle changes don't help, your blood pressure is very high, or you have risk factors such as diabetes or heart disease. If you get a systolic reading of 180 or higher, or a diastolic reading of 110 or higher, wait a few minutes then check your blood pressure again. If it is still at that level, you need to contact emergency medical services immediately , as you may be suffering from a hypertensive crisis. | Sit down and open the blood pressure testing kit. Raise your arm to heart level. Wrap the cuff around your upper arm. Make sure the cuff is snug, but not too tight. Place the wide head of the stethoscope on your arm. Clip the pressure gauge to a stable surface. Take the rubber bulb and tighten the valve. Inflate the cuff. Release the valve. Note your systolic blood pressure. Note your diastolic blood pressure. Don't worry if you miss a reading. Check your blood pressure again. Understand what the readings mean. Don't worry if your blood pressure is low. Know when to seek treatment. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Comedian | How to Be a Comedian | To be a comedian, practice writing jokes every day so you get better and have lots of material to work with. When you write jokes, always start with a good set up to intrigue your audience. Then, deliver a punchline with a twist to make them laugh. For example, your set up could be "It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs" and then the punchline could be "because they always take things literally." If you're struggling for material, try reading up on current events or getting out of the house to find inspiration. | Improve your sense of humor. First and foremost, comedians need to be able to make their audience laugh. Practice exaggerating things and changing the tone of your voice while you speak so you sound funnier to other people while you're speaking or presenting. Watch comedy movies and read humorous books so you can develop a sense of what you think is funny. Try goofing around with friends or telling them jokes to see if you can make people laugh. Having a sense of humor can also help you deal with feelings of tension, sadness, and frustration as well. Become comfortable in front of crowds. Comedians perform in front of new crowds each night, so you need to feel comfortable getting on stage and talking to them. Practice relaxing your muscles before presenting something so you don't appear tense while you're performing. Take deep breaths before you go on to help calm yourself even more. When you're on stage, choose a place near the back of the room to look back to when you feel nervous so you can continue presenting. You may feel more uncomfortable on stage when you're trying to get people to laugh. Do your best to relax since the audience will get uncomfortable if you seem the same way. Always practice your material before you get on stage so you can feel more confident about what you're presenting. Be okay with failing every now and then. As a comedian, there are going to be nights when the audience doesn't laugh or a set won't go well. Failing is a common thing while you're performing comedy, so recognize that rejection will happen. Rather than focusing on the failure, write down or think about what you can improve on so you can be better the next time around. Don't give up on something just because you fail at it initially. If you really want to perform comedy, then keep working on jokes for your next set. Listen to other comedians to get an idea of what style you like. The best way to develop your sense of humor and style is by finding comedians that you enjoy and listening to their sets. Listen to their specials so you can hear what they're telling jokes about and how they present them. Notice their tone of voice and the speed of their delivery so you can emulate it later when you do your own set. Find a video of their performances if you're able so you can look at their stage presence and performance as well. Try going to comedy clubs or open mic nights in your area to see live comedy so you can determine what jokes other people are telling. If you want to try one-liner jokes , listen to comedians like Mitch Hedberg, Demetri Martin, or Steven Wright. If you want to tell jokes that are more like a story , try listening to Mike Birbiglia, Aziz Ansari, Brian Regan, or John Mulaney. Take improv classes if you want to get better at comedic timing. While you don't need it to be a funny comedian, improv training can make you develop your sense of humor in a fast-paced environment. Look online or at comedy clubs in your area to see if they offer improv or comedy courses. Sign up for a class and work with the other students in the class to do funny scenes together. After you try a bit of improv, incorporate the random humor into your set. If you can't find any improv classes in your area, you may be able to take improv clinics online. Improv can also help you get better at listening and working with peers. Determine the comedy persona that you fit into best. While comedians are usually themselves on stage, they're usually elevating certain qualities to make them sound more funny. Start by brainstorming words that you would use to describe yourself, such as shy, angry, or energetic. Choose one of your qualities and try to incorporate it into the jokes and style you want to perform. For example, if you want your persona to be “angry,” then you may tell jokes about things that make you upset. You can also base your persona off of how energetic you are. If you have a lot of energy, you may be more physical with your comedy. If you feel more laid-back, you may tell jokes slowly and act more relaxed on stage. Brainstorm topics that you think are funny. Jokes can be about anything you want as long as you put your own personal and funny spin on them. Write down a list of things that you think are funny on a sheet of paper so you can keep a running list of ideas. You may add personal stories or topics that others can relate to, such as dating, getting married, or having kids. Write down all of your ideas, even if they seem stupid or unfunny at the time. If you want to do topical humor, watch the news to stay up to date with current events. Write down funny things as they happen in a notebook or on your phone so you don't forget material later on. It's okay to tell raunchy jokes or use bad language, but avoid poking fun at people's race, gender, or ability since it could limit your chances at being successful. Remember that every joke isn't going to be appropriate for every audience. List ideas relating to the topics you choose. Once you have a list of topics written down, choose one of them to expand ideas on. Write down why you think the topic is funny, other things related to the topic you chose, or ideas you have for jokes. Think about things that you've experienced relating to the topic to incorporate into your jokes to make them more personal. For example, if your topic was going out on a date, you may write down an awkward experience you had while you were out or how it feels hard to meet people. Include all of your ideas at first, even if they don't feel very funny. You don't know how a joke or topic will do until you perform it. Write a set-up made of smaller jokes that build off of one another. The set-up for a joke includes the introduction to the topic you're riffing on as well a few shorter jokes. Add a few sentences about your topic, but don't give too much backstory or the setup will feel long-winded. Focus on the words you're choosing for your joke so it sounds funny when you read it out loud. Make sure the point of your set-up is clear, or else your audience may not understand the joke. For example, if your topic was about online dating, your set-up may be something like, “I downloaded a dating app to give it a try and I haven't gotten a single match. It's been 2 months now.” Try a few different set-ups for your jokes so you have different things to try out. Combine similar topics in your set-up so you can keep building on the joke. For example, if you want to talk about online dating, you may tell jokes about making a profile followed by going on a date with someone you met through the app. Make the punchline of your joke the funniest moment. Your punchline is the final few lines of the joke and should get the biggest laugh from the audience. Make sure your punchline relates to the rest of your set-up or else the audience will get confused. However, the punchline should feel surprising when the audience hears it so they can't guess what you're about to say. Practice writing a few different punchlines for your joke so you can see which one works best. When you're finished, your joke including the punchline should be around 250 words. One-liners have the set-up and punchline in the same sentence, but they may be more difficult to write. For example, a famous one-liner from Mitch Hedberg is, “I like rice. Rice is great when you're hungry and you want 2,000 of something.” Try writing the punchline before you write the set-up so you know what you're building the joke up to. Organize 3-4 jokes into a short setlist. A setlist is what you'll perform while you're on stage, and can range anywhere from 5 minutes up to 1 hour of material. When you first start, plan on making a short, 5-minute setlist made up of 3-4 jokes that flow well into one another. End the setlist with the joke you think will get the biggest laugh from your audience so you end on a bang. Outline the setlist on a piece of paper so you can memorize the order. For example, you may start with a joke about being frustrated with online dating and transition into another joke about how it was easier to date before cell phones. You might then end your set with a story about a person you met on a dating app and your experience with it. If you can't easily transition between your jokes, try using a few one-liners to change topics. Remember the order of your setlist isn't set in stone. Rearrange your setlist until you feel comfortable with their order. Practice telling your jokes in front of friends and family. Before you get on stage in front of an audience, ask your close friends and family to listen to your set. As you perform your jokes, watch how they react to the punchlines and see how often they laugh. When you finish the set, ask them to be honest about how they felt about your jokes. Write down their feedback and use it to help you edit your jokes so they're funnier. If your jokes don't land while you're practicing, then try revising your word choice to see what flows better. If you don't feel comfortable performing in front of a group of people right away, record yourself as you perform your set in front of a mirror. That way, you can watch the video to see your mannerisms and delivery. Sign up for open mic nights in your area so you can perform. Look for comedy clubs in your area and find out if they offer open mic nights. Sign up for a spot at the open mic night so you can perform your set in front of a crowd. Speak slowly during your performance so you don't rush through your material. Take brief pauses after you finish a joke so people have time to laugh before you start your next bit. When you're finished, thank the audience and say your name so people remember you better. Record video and audio for each of your performances so you can look back at your sets to see how they went. You may also be able to upload clips from your set online to share with others. Keep telling jokes even if your set isn't going as well as you like. Many times, audiences won't laugh because they didn't realize you said the punch line. You can also try open mic nights at cafes or other locations, but they may have more restrictions on what type of content you can perform. Find a comedy club that has a good crowd and that you enjoy performing at to set as a “home base” to try new material. You may need to try multiple clubs before finding one you like. Maintain good connections with club owners for chances to get booked. While you're at the comedy clubs performing your material, reach out to the employees and owner and chat with them. Ask them how they felt your set went and if more opportunities are coming up where you can perform. If you consistently bring in laughs and an audience, the club may let you have a guest spot or emcee bigger shows. As you start performing more, your gigs and setlists will get longer. Make sure you keep writing and adding new jokes to your routine so you can continue to grow. You may be offered a few non-paying gigs when you first start out, but they will help you get in front of a crowd and gain experience as a comedian. Network with other comedians at clubs to learn about new gigs. Other performing comedians may know about gigs or different opportunities where you can perform your material. Reach out to the comedians to talk about their sets and what jokes you really enjoyed. Ask them how they felt about your set and what worked for them. See if you can exchange information with the comedians so you can stay in touch if a new gig comes up for either of you. If you're performing before a headliner or a comedian with more notoriety than you, ask them about their “home base” clubs and what the submission process is like. They may be able to put in a good word for you if they think you're able to perform well there. Don't arrive just before your set and leave right after since other comedians will think it's rude. Build a social media presence for yourself. Many comedians get a professional start on social media sites, such as Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube. Create accounts for yourself with your contact information, and post funny bits or videos throughout the week so you can build a following. If you have gigs coming up or you're performing, post the dates and times online so other people can come to watch you if they want. Reply to other comedians and verified accounts so their followers can see your posts as well. Don't be rude to other people online since it could affect how other people think about you. Send your bio and a video of your performance to other club bookers. After you've had successful sets at comedy clubs near you, branch out to comedy clubs in other cities in your area so new people can see your material. Look at comedy club websites to find out their submission requirements so you can include everything they need. Many times, bookers want a 1-2 paragraph bio about who you are and what style of comedy you have as well as a video of your performance. If the booker likes you, they will reach out and contact you for a spot. Some bookers want videos submitted through YouTube while others may want DVDs. Make sure you're familiar with the submission guidelines beforehand. You may also apply to comedy festivals to perform in front of larger crowds and get your name out to other people in the industry. Submit your work to an agent to help you get more gigs. If you've been performing successfully for a while at comedy clubs, you may be able to get an agent to book you larger gigs. Look for comedy agents online or ask other comedians who represents them. Check the submission guidelines for the agent you're interested in and send them your information. Many times, an agent will want a video of your performance, clubs you've performed at, and a short biography about you. You don't need an agent if you don't want one, but it takes the pressure off of you to book your own gigs. | Improve your sense of humor. Become comfortable in front of crowds. Be okay with failing every now and then. Listen to other comedians to get an idea of what style you like. Take improv classes if you want to get better at comedic timing. Determine the comedy persona that you fit into best. Brainstorm topics that you think are funny. List ideas relating to the topics you choose. Write a set-up made of smaller jokes that build off of one another. Make the punchline of your joke the funniest moment. Organize 3-4 jokes into a short setlist. Practice telling your jokes in front of friends and family. Sign up for open mic nights in your area so you can perform. Maintain good connections with club owners for chances to get booked. Network with other comedians at clubs to learn about new gigs. Build a social media presence for yourself. Send your bio and a video of your performance to other club bookers. Submit your work to an agent to help you get more gigs. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Cook-Rump-Steak | How to Cook Rump Steak | Before searing your rump steaks, spread a marinade made out of red wine, crushed garlic, and Worcestershire sauce over your steaks, and refrigerate them overnight. The next day, drain the marinade into a bowl, pat the steaks dry, and fry them with vegetable oil. Cook the first side for 4 minutes before turning the steaks with tongs and searing for a further 2 minutes. Finish by adding the marinade and frying for another 2 minutes before serving. When testing for doneness, aim for a temperature of around 130 °F for rare and 150 °F for medium. | Place both 8 oz (225 g) rump steaks in a shallow dish. Select a dish that is wide enough to easily accommodate the rump steaks. Arrange the steaks flat on the bottom of dish. The height of the dish just needs to be 2-3 inches taller than the rump steaks themselves. Mix the red wine, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic together. Measure out 3 fluid ounces (75 ml) of red wine and 3 fluid ounces (75 ml) of Worcestershire sauce. Combine both ingredients in a small bowl. Peel and crush 1 large clove of garlic. Add the crushed garlic to the bowl with the red wine and Worcestershire sauce. Pour the marinade over the steaks and cover the shallow dish. Slowly add the marinade to the dish with the rump steaks. The steaks probably won't be fully submerged in the marinade, which is fine. Cover the dish with plastic wrap or a lid. Put the dish in the fridge overnight. Marinating the steaks for 6 to 8 hours is fine if you're short on time. However, the flavor will be best if you refrigerate the steaks in the marinade overnight. Don't marinate the rump steaks for more than 24 hours. Drain the rump steaks and pat them dry with a paper towel. Situate a bowl beneath a handheld strainer. Pour the steaks and marinade into the strainer. Let the marinade collect in the bowl and set it aside for now. Place the steaks on a clean plate and pat the excess marinade away with a paper towel. Don't throw away the marinade! You'll be using it in the frying pan when you sear the steaks. Add the oil to a medium-sized frying pan and heat it over high heat. Measure out 1 teaspoon (4 ml) of groundnut or vegetable oil. Add it to the frying pan and place the pan on a burner. Turn the heat to high and let the oil heat up until it shimmers. You can also use grapeseed oil or any other cooking oil that is flavorless. Place the steaks in the frying pan and cook the first side for 4 minutes. Use tongs to place the rump steaks in the hot oil. Be careful not to splash the hot oil as you lower the steaks into it. Sear the steaks for 4 minutes. You don't need to stir or move the rump steaks during this time. Flip the steaks with your tongs and sear the other side for 2 minutes. Be careful not to splash the oil as you flip the steaks over. You don't need to stir or move the rump steaks while they sear. Add the reserved marinade and simmer the steaks for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes have passed, pour the reserved marinade into the frying pan with steaks. Let the marinade simmer as it heats up. After about 2 minutes, the steaks should be nearly cooked through and the marinade will reduce by about half. Use a thermometer to check the internal temperature. Remove your steaks from the heat when they are cooked to your preferred level of doneness. If you aren't sure what temperature to measure for, use an instant-read thermometer and follow these guidelines: For rare steak, test for a temperature of 131°F to 140°F (55° to 60°C). For medium rare steak, test for a temperature of 140°F to 149°F (60°C to 65°C). For medium steak, test for a temperature of 149°F to 158°F (65°C to 70°C). For medium well done steak, test for a temperature of 158°F (70°C). For well done steak , test for a temperature of 167°F (75°C). Plate the 2 rump steaks and serve them immediately. Place 1 steak on each plate. Use a sharp knife to slice the rump steaks into diagonal pieces of your preferred size. Spoon the warm marinade sauce over each steak and serve them immediately. Refrigerate any leftovers in an air-tight container and consume them within 3 days. Bring the large rump steak to room temperature. Take your steak out of the fridge and place it on the counter. Let the steak rest for about 1 hour until it reaches room temperature. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). Let your oven fully preheat as you finish preparing the steaks. Add the oil to a medium-sized pan and heat it over high heat. Measure out about 1 teaspoon (4 ml) of groundnut or vegetable oil; it doesn't have to be exact. Add the oil to a large, heavy-based frying pan and place the pan on a burner. Turn the heat to high and let the oil heat up until it shimmers. You can use any cooking oil that is flavorless if you don't have vegetable or groundnut oil on hand. Pat the steak dry and season it with the sea salt. Use paper towels to soak up any moisture on the outside of your rump steak. Sprinkle both sides generously with the sea salt, adjusting the amount to your personal tastes as needed. Place the steak in the pan and cook the first side for 3 minutes. Carefully lower the rump steak into the hot oil in the pan. Be careful not to splash the hot oil. Sear the first side for 3 minutes. You don't need to stir or move the rump steak as it sears. Flip the steak with tongs and sear the other side for 3 minutes. Try not to splash the oil as you flip the steak over. You don't need to stir or move the rump steak as it sears for another 3 minutes. Transfer the steak to a roasting pan and bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the steak from the heat. Use tongs to move it from the frying pan to a roasting pan. Put the roasting pan in the preheated oven. Remove the steak after the time elapses and place the roasting pan on a heat-safe surface. Season with pepper and cover the steak with foil for 10 minutes. Be sure to season both sides of the steak. Cover the roasting pan loosely with aluminum foil. Let the rump steak rest at room temperature for 10 minutes before slicing and serving it. Slice the rump steak and serve immediately. This rump steak serves 2 to 3 people, so you can slice it however you like, although thin slices usually work well. Serve the steak while it's still warm with your choice of side dishes. Refrigerate leftover rump steak in an air-tight container and be sure to eat it within 3 days. Season both sides of each steak with salt and pepper. Remove your 6 rump steaks from the fridge and place them on the counter. Season both sides of each steak generously with salt and freshly ground pepper. Add the oil to a large sauté pan and heat it up over medium-high heat. Measure out 1/8 cup (15 ml) of canola oil. Add it to the sauté pan and place the pan on a burner. Turn the heat to medium-high and let the canola oil heat up until it shimmers. Dredge each steak in all-purpose flour. Add 1 cup (120 g) of flour to a deep bowl. Place the first steak in the flour, then flip it over. Pick it up and shake off the excessive flour. Place the steak on a clean plate. Do the same thing with the other 5 rump steaks. Sear each side of the steak for 4 minutes. Place the flour-dredged steaks in the sauté pan and sear the first side for 4 minutes. Use tongs to carefully flip the steaks over, then sear the other side another 4 minutes. Remove the steaks from the heat and place them on a clean platter. You may need to work in batches if your steaks are large or your sauté pan is small. Keep the burner on medium-high-heat and return the pan to it once you remove the steaks. Sauté the onions and mushrooms for 3 to 5 minutes. Measure out another 1/8 cup of canola oil and add it to the sauté pan. Slice 2 whole onions and 3 cups (360 g) of mushrooms. Add both to the hot oil and sauté them until the sliced onions look translucent. You can use any kind of mushrooms you like. Add the broth, beer, molasses, thyme, hot sauce, and bay leaves. Measure out 4 cups (480 ml) of chicken or beef broth, 8 ounces (236 ml) of dark beer, 2 teaspoons (8 g) of dark molasses, 1 teaspoon (4 ml) of fresh, chopped thyme leaves, 3 teaspoons (12 ml) of hot sauce, and 2 bay leaves. Add them to the onion/mushroom mixture in the pan. Put the steaks back into the pan and simmer them for 2 hours. Turn the heat down to low. Carefully lower the steaks into the onion/mushroom mixture. Cover the sauté pan and simmer everything together for 2 hours. The steaks are ready once they've become fork-tender. Remove the steaks from the pan but keep the reduced liquid in the pan. Whisk the butter and crème fraiche into the liquid in the pan. Cube 1/4 cup (30 g) of butter and add it to the pan along with 5 ounces (147 g) of crème fraiche. Whisk until the ingredients are fully incorporated. You can use crème fraiche or sour cream, whichever you prefer. Spoon the sauce over the steaks and serve them immediately. Plate the steaks individually, then drizzle the sauce over each one. If you like, garnish each plate with chopped chives. Serve the steaks immediately while they're still hot. Refrigerate leftover rump steak in an air-tight container. Eat your leftovers within 3 days. | Place both 8 oz (225 g) rump steaks in a shallow dish. Mix the red wine, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic together. Pour the marinade over the steaks and cover the shallow dish. Put the dish in the fridge overnight. Drain the rump steaks and pat them dry with a paper towel. Add the oil to a medium-sized frying pan and heat it over high heat. Place the steaks in the frying pan and cook the first side for 4 minutes. Flip the steaks with your tongs and sear the other side for 2 minutes. Add the reserved marinade and simmer the steaks for 2 minutes. Use a thermometer to check the internal temperature. Plate the 2 rump steaks and serve them immediately. Bring the large rump steak to room temperature. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). Add the oil to a medium-sized pan and heat it over high heat. Pat the steak dry and season it with the sea salt. Place the steak in the pan and cook the first side for 3 minutes. Flip the steak with tongs and sear the other side for 3 minutes. Transfer the steak to a roasting pan and bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Season with pepper and cover the steak with foil for 10 minutes. Slice the rump steak and serve immediately. Season both sides of each steak with salt and pepper. Add the oil to a large sauté pan and heat it up over medium-high heat. Dredge each steak in all-purpose flour. Sear each side of the steak for 4 minutes. Sauté the onions and mushrooms for 3 to 5 minutes. Add the broth, beer, molasses, thyme, hot sauce, and bay leaves. Put the steaks back into the pan and simmer them for 2 hours. Whisk the butter and crème fraiche into the liquid in the pan. Spoon the sauce over the steaks and serve them immediately. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Movie-Theater-Popcorn | How to Make Movie Theater Popcorn | To make movie theater popcorn, start by melting 2 sticks of butter in the microwave. Then, let the butter sit until it separates into 3 distinct layers, which should only take a few minutes. Next, skim the foam off the top of the butter with a spoon, and pour the middle layer of butter into a separate container, throwing out the solids at the bottom. Finally, drizzle the clarified butter over some popcorn to give it a classic movie-theater flavor. | Melt the butter in the microwave. Add the butter to a microwave-safe bowl. It should be at least a 4-cup bowl. Using clarified butter is one way of replicating movie-theater flavor because it takes some of the moisture out. Movie theaters tend to use oils that have less moisture than water, so they aren't as soggy as home popcorn. Heat the butter until it melts. Place the bowl in the microwave. Heat the butter on high until it is all melted. Let the butter sit. Leave the butter alone in the microwave for 3 to 5 minutes. It should separate out into three distinct layers. The top layer will be a light foam. The middle layer will be a golden liquid, while the bottom layer will be cloudy and more solid, as it is formed from the milk solids. Use a spoon to skim off the top. Dip the spoon lightly into the top of the butter, letting the foam drain into the spoon. Discard the foam. Keep dipping until most of the foam is gone. Pour the middle layer into a jar. The middle layer is the clarified butter. Pour into a covered container. Do not pour the solids at the bottom of the butter into the jar. Throw away the solids once you've poured off the middle layer. Use your clarified butter on popcorn. Drizzle the clarified butter over popcorn. Refrigerate any leftovers for later. Begin with a large metal pot. A small soup pot or a large saucepan should work fine. Add 3 tablespoons of peanut oil the pot. Some movie theaters cook their popcorn in coconut oil, so if you prefer, you can substitute coconut oil for the peanut oil. Heat the oil until it's liquid before placing it in the pot. Add the 1/2 cup of popcorn and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Use aluminum foil to form a lid for the popcorn, which will keep the kernels from flying out. However, to let the steam out, cut holes in the top with a knife. Letting the steam out results in a crispier popcorn. Instead of salt, you can substitute what many movie theaters use, a popcorn salt with flavorings called Flavacol. You can find this flavoring at a restaurant food supply store or on the internet. Heat the pot. Set the pot on the burner on medium heat. Turn the heat on medium. Heat for 3 minutes. As it heats, move the pot around to keep the kernels from staying in one place. Be sure to use oven mitts to protect your hands. Listen for the popcorn to stop popping. If it stops before 3 minutes, take it off the heat. Stir the popcorn. Take the aluminum foil off, and stir the popcorn to incorporate the salt. Add clarified butter. Add 2-3 tablespoons of clarified butter. While stirring the popcorn, continuously drizzle the butter over the popcorn, so it coats it evenly. Open a brown lunch bag. You just need a basic brown paper lunch bag that you can get from most grocery stores. Add the popcorn. Pour in 1/4 a cup of popcorn. Close the bag by folding down the top a few times. Microwave the popcorn. This process can take 2 to 4 minutes, depending on your microwave. Listen for the popcorn to slow down to a couple of seconds between each pop. When it does, stop the microwave. Pull the bag out. Open the bag, being careful of the steam. Pour the popcorn in a bowl. Add clarified butter and salt. Pour the 2 to 3 tablespoons of clarified butter on the popcorn and stir. Add the salt, and stir again. The butter will help the salt stick to the popcorn. | Melt the butter in the microwave. Heat the butter until it melts. Let the butter sit. Use a spoon to skim off the top. Pour the middle layer into a jar. Use your clarified butter on popcorn. Begin with a large metal pot. Add the 1/2 cup of popcorn and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Heat the pot. Heat for 3 minutes. Stir the popcorn. Add clarified butter. Open a brown lunch bag. Add the popcorn. Microwave the popcorn. Pull the bag out. Add clarified butter and salt. |
https://www.wikihow.com/Wear-Leggings | How to Wear Leggings | If you want to wear leggings stylishly, find a pair that are snug but not too tight and hit at your ankle area. Pair them with a longer top or jacket, or wear them under a dress or skirt to keep your legs covered. Once you've picked a top, put on a pair of high boots, sandals, heeled booties, or ballet flats. Try to avoid wearing heels with leggings, as they can look mismatched. If you plan to wear leggings to work, look for a pair with a thicker material, like denim, suede, or leather. | Don't wear leggings that are too tight or too loose. Your leggings should be tight enough to snugly cover your legs, but not so tight that people can see every dimple in your legs. Make sure that they aren't so loose that they start to bunch over your legs, because that isn't very flattering either. You'll find ones that fit well not only look better, but feel more comfortable. Though anyone can wear leather leggings, they tend to be unforgiving and can bunch and cause unflattering lines on some body types. Leggings are pants, essentially. Some believe this not to be the case, and they are entitled to their opinion. You can comfortably step out of the house wearing pants and a shirt, as you can do the same with leggings, if you like. As long as you won't be revealing too much, wear what you wish. Pair leggings with a longer top or jacket. Even if the shirt hits below your butt, you'll still look like you stepped out of the house without putting everything on. Wear your leggings with a dress, a skirt, or even shorts. Don't wear your leggings with the wrong shoes. Leggings look great with knee-high boots, sandals, flip-flops, or even low-cut boots. If you wear your leggings with heels or pumps, make sure that they match your shirt and that you don't look too trashy. Leggings can also look good with ballet flats or moccasins, as long as the shoes go with the rest of the outfit. Make sure your leggings are long enough. You may have looked great in your perfect black leggings once upon a time, but after you've run them through the wash about a hundred times, you may notice that they rise a few inches above your ankles or they've gone saggy at the knee. When you notice this unpleasant phenomenon, it's time to save those leggings for days when you won't be stepping out of the house, or for wearing under trousers or pants on very cold days Don't confuse leggings with jeggings. Jeggings are jean leggings, which is a cross between jeans usually, or other pants and leggings. Tight, sleek jeggings can help spice up an ordinary outfit, and you can wear them as you could wear pants. Denim blue ones with a 'boyfriend' cream sweater and loafers is a classic look. While leggings and a top that falls to your waist is a big no-no in many people's opinions, you can pair a short shirt with jeggings. Just make sure you can rock the jeggings. They're really tight and not for everybody. Pair leggings with a cute dress. Put on a short summer or springy dress and pair it with cotton leggings that complement the color of the dress. The dress and leggings shouldn't be the same color, obviously, but they should coordinate. For example, if the dress has five different colors on it, just pick leggings that match at least one of the colors. If your dress is busy with designs, go for solid-colored leggings. Or do the reverse, you can even wear a solid-colored dress with a pair of patterned leggings and top your dress with a solid colored scarf. Pair leggings with a skirt. Pick a skirt that looks good with the leggings. Make sure the color of the skirt and the material don't clash with the leggings. If you're wearing a lose skirt, wear a tight shirt so you don't have too much flouncy material going on. If your skirt has a pattern, wear plain leggings. If the skirt is plain, wear patterned leggings or leggings that are of a distinct enough color so they don't blend in with the skirt. Pair leggings with shorts. This can be a cute and casual look. Just put on a plain-colored pair of leggings and throw on some denim, white, or black shorts, and you're good to go. The shorts shouldn't be so tight that they blend in with the leggings. Wear casual shoes with this look. Flats, low boots, sandals, or even sneakers will do. Wear a long jacket or top and a tight tank top or t-shirt with this look. Remember that you already have a lot going on when you wear shorts with leggings, so either own it and wear lots of layers, or keep it simple, but don't go for something in between. If the sweater and boots are a simple, solid color, try some patterned leggings. Rock the patterned leggings. Leggings that are zebra or leopard striped or covered with hypnotic can give you a fun and flashy look. Make sure you wear them with an understated top, skirt, dress, pants or shoes. Let your leggings steal the show and avoid clashing by not having other patterns get in the way of your style. If you're wearing loud leggings and an understated top, pair them with some loud jewelry. Make sure your workplace dress codes allows you to wear leggings to work at all. Even nicer leggings can make a more casual and playful statement, so before you plan your next trip to the office with your brand-new leggings, check out your work environment to see if it's appropriate. Check out to see if other people in your workplace wear leggings or skirts that could be paired with leggings. Wear leggings that are made of fancy material. There's nothing wrong with cotton leggings, but if you need to dress up for work, you should try wearing leggings that are made of suede, leather, or even dark denim. Having a variety of leggings to choose from will help you mix and match more fantastic work outfits. Remember the rule about not wearing leggings instead of pants. If you wear leather leggings and just a top to work, you will look unprofessional and may embarrass yourself, depending on where you work. Try wearing black velvet leggings. If you just can't give up your cotton leggings, stick to black for work. Avoid patterned leggings. Stick to mostly black or at least solid-colored leggings in the workplace. If you wear patterned lacy black leggings, you may look too trashy for the workplace. Funky-patterned leggings can be fun for after work, but they are too playful for a work environment. If your leggings have subtle tiny polka dots running over dark material and they almost look solid, that can be an exception. Pair your leggings with a nice top. If you wear a fancy top, it can help play up your leggings and make them look more fancy and appropriate for work. Here are some tops that you can wear over the leggings: Wear a tailored jacket over a simple shift dress and pair it with cotton leggings. Wear a loose top and a solid-color skirt with your leggings. Make sure the skirt doesn't fall too high above your knee to avoid looking too provocative. The loose top should be fancy enough to tie the whole look together. Pair leggings with a long sweater. If you have a long, thick sweater that falls below your fingertips, you may be able to pull it off with leggings. Wear a belt around the sweater and high boots that match the sweater. To pull this look off at work, the sweater has to look really nice. Wear shoes that complement the leggings. Sandals look great with leggings but aren't acceptable for most work places. Avoid sandals in a professional work environment, especially with leggings, which will look even more casual. Pair the leggings with low or high black boots. Pair them with close-toed shoes with a little bit of a heel. Switch over to denim-style leggings for casual Fridays. You can pair a flowing tunic top with denim leggings and ballet flats. To dress it up more for work, add a couple of long chain necklaces or a decorative scarf. You'll look trendy and casual at the same time. Avoid wearing leggings with shorts to work. Though this may be a cute look if you're out with your friends, avoid the look in the workplace even if it's a casual day. You wouldn't wear shorts to work on casual Friday, and the same goes for shorts with leggings, unless, they are properly tailored shorts. | Don't wear leggings that are too tight or too loose. Leggings are pants, essentially. Don't wear your leggings with the wrong shoes. Make sure your leggings are long enough. Don't confuse leggings with jeggings. Pair leggings with a cute dress. Pair leggings with a skirt. Pair leggings with shorts. Rock the patterned leggings. Make sure your workplace dress codes allows you to wear leggings to work at all. Wear leggings that are made of fancy material. Avoid patterned leggings. Pair your leggings with a nice top. Pair leggings with a long sweater. Wear shoes that complement the leggings. Switch over to denim-style leggings for casual Fridays. |
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