if (paragraph_id, question_id) not in question_scoring_dict:
question_scoring_dict[paragraph_id, question_id] = []
gold_label = doc['label'] == 1
question_scoring_dict[paragraph_id, question_id].append(gold_label == pred)
acc = np.mean([int(all(x)) for x in question_scoring_dict.values()])
return acc
def acc_all_stderr(items):
question_scoring_dict = {}
preds = list(zip(*items))[0]
docs = list(zip(*items))[1]
for (doc, pred) in zip(docs, preds):
question_id = doc['idx']['question']
if question_id not in question_scoring_dict:
question_scoring_dict[question_id] = []
gold_label = doc['label'] == 1
question_scoring_dict[question_id].append(gold_label == pred)
acc = mean_stderr([int(all(x)) for x in question_scoring_dict.values()])
return acc
def metric_max_over_ground_truths(metric_fn, prediction, ground_truths):
scores_for_ground_truths = []
for ground_truth in ground_truths:
score = metric_fn(prediction, ground_truth)
return max(scores_for_ground_truths)
def weighted_mean(items):
(a, b) = zip(*items)
return sum(a) / sum(b)
def is_non_str_iterable(obj):
return isinstance(obj, Iterable) and (not isinstance(obj, str))
def _sacreformat(refs, preds):
if not is_non_str_iterable(refs):
refs = list(refs)
if not is_non_str_iterable(refs[0]):
refs = [[ref] for ref in refs]
refs = list(zip(*refs))
if not is_non_str_iterable(preds):
preds = list(preds)
if is_non_str_iterable(preds[0]):
assert len(preds[0]) == 1, f'Pred must be a str, was {preds[0]}'
preds = [pred[0] for pred in preds]
return (refs, preds)
class _bootstrap_internal:
def __init__(self, f, n) -> None:
self.f = f
self.n = n
def __call__(self, v):
(i, xs) = v
rnd = random.Random()
res = []
for _ in range(self.n):
res.append(self.f(rnd.choices(xs, k=len(xs))))
return res
def bootstrap_stderr(f, xs, iters):
import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
res = []
chunk_size = min(1000, iters)
from tqdm import tqdm
print('bootstrapping for stddev:', f.__name__)
for bootstrap in tqdm(pool.imap(_bootstrap_internal(f, chunk_size), [(i, xs) for i in range(iters // chunk_size)]), total=iters // chunk_size):
return sample_stddev(res)
def stderr_for_metric(metric, bootstrap_iters: int):
if bootstrap_iters <= 0:
return None
bootstrappable = [median, matthews_corrcoef, f1_score, perplexity, bleu, chrf, ter]
if metric in bootstrappable:
return lambda x: bootstrap_stderr(metric, x, iters=bootstrap_iters)
stderr = {mean: mean_stderr, acc_all: acc_all_stderr}
return stderr.get(metric, None)
def pooled_sample_stderr(stderrs: List[float], sizes: List[int]):
assert len(stderrs) == len(sizes)
pooled_sample_var = sum([(size - 1) * stderr ** 2 * size for (size, stderr) in zip(sizes, stderrs)]) / (sum(sizes) - len(sizes))
return np.sqrt(pooled_sample_var / sum(sizes))
def combined_sample_stderr(stderrs: List[float], sizes: List[int], metrics=None):
assert metrics is not None, "Need to pass a list of each subtask's metric for this stderr aggregation"
assert len(stderrs) == len(sizes) and len(sizes) == len(metrics)
variance = stderrs[0] ** 2
curr_size = sizes[0]
curr_score = metrics[0]
for (stderr, size, score) in zip(stderrs[1:], sizes[1:], metrics[1:]):
curr_score = (curr_score * curr_size + score * size) / (curr_size + size)
variance = ((curr_size - 1) * variance + (size - 1) * stderr ** 2) / (curr_size + size - 1) + curr_size * size / ((curr_size + size) * (curr_size + size - 1)) * (curr_score - score) ** 2
return np.sqrt(variance)
def aggregate_subtask_metrics(metrics, sizes, weight_by_size=True):