library(tidyverse) repos <- jsonlite::read_json("repos.json") extract_licenses <- function(repo) { repo_name <- as.character(repo$name) path <- glue::glue("CRAN/{repo_name}.zip") files <- try(zip::zip_list(path), silent = TRUE) if (inherits(files, "try-error")) { return(NULL) } files <- files[endsWith(files$filename, "DESCRIPTION"), ] if (nrow(files) > 1) { files <- head(files, 1) } if (nrow(files) == 0) { return(NULL) } temp <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(temp), add = TRUE) zip::unzip(path, files = files$filename, junkpaths = TRUE, exdir = temp) desc <- try(desc::desc(file = fs::path(temp, "DESCRIPTION")), silent = TRUE) if (inherits(desc, "try-error")) { return(NULL) } tibble( package = repo_name, license = desc$get("License") ) } library(future) plan(multisession, workers = 8) # this lists all packages and the License as it's written in the DESCRIPTION licenses <- furrr::future_map( repos, \(repo) extract_licenses(repo), .progress = TRUE ) licenses <- bind_rows(licenses) # Manually classified all possible licenses into 23 license codes. # A tibble: 24 × 1 # license_code # # 1 ACM # 2 AGPL # 3 Apache # 4 Artistic # 5 BSD # 6 BSD-Clause # 7 BSL # 8 CC-BY # 9 CC-BY-NC # 10 CC-BY-NC-ND # 11 CC-BY-NC-SA # 12 CC-BY-SA # 13 CC0 # 14 CPL # 15 CeCILL # 16 EPL # 17 EUPL # 18 FreeBSD # 19 GPL # 20 LGPL # 21 MIT # 22 MPL # 23 Unlimited # 24 NA # the manual classification ('classif' field) has to be parsed. licenses_table <- readr::read_csv("licenses.csv") # some licenses ended up duplicated (I think they have been trimed in excel or something) licenses_table <- licenses_table %>% distinct() parse_license <- function(license) { licenses <- license |> stringr::str_split(pattern = stringr::fixed("|")) licenses <- stringr::str_trim(licenses[[1]]) license <- stringr::str_extract(licenses, "(.*?)(?=\\()|.*") license <- stringr::str_trim(license) version <- stringr::str_extract(licenses, "\\((.*?)\\)") tibble( license_code = license, version = version ) } # we now make the indirection from allowed codes to allowed License as specified # in the DESCRIPTION. license_codes <- licenses_table %>% mutate( parsed = map(classif, parse_license) ) %>% unnest(parsed) # we now map license_codes to the same classification used by github gh_license_table <- license_codes %>% mutate( license_gh = case_when( classif == "GPL (>=2)" ~ "gpl-3.0", classif == "GPL (>=3)" ~ "gpl-3.0", classif == "GPL (==3)" ~ "gpl-3.0", classif == "GPL (==2)" ~ "gpl-2.0", classif == "GPL" ~ "gpl-3.0", classif %in% c("GPL (==3) | LGPL (==2.1)", "GPL (>2)", "GPL (>3)", "GPL (>=1)") ~ "gpl-3.0", classif %in% c("GPL (<=2)", "GPL (==2) | LGPL (==2.1) | MPL (==1.1)") ~ "gpl-2.0", classif == "AGPL (>=2)" ~ "agpl-3.0", classif == "AGPL (>=3)" ~ "agpl-3.0", classif == "AGPL (==3)" ~ "agpl-3.0", classif == "AGPL (==2)" ~ "agpl-2.0", classif == "AGPL" ~ "agpl-3.0", classif == "LGPL (>=2)" ~ "lgpl-3.0", classif == "LGPL (>=3)" ~ "lgpl-3.0", classif %in% c("LGPL (==3)", "LGPL (>2)", "LGPL (>=2.1)") ~ "lgpl-3.0", classif %in% c("LGPL (==2)", "LGPL (>=2, <3)", "LGPL (>= 2.0, < 3)", "LGPL (==2.1)", "LGPL (>= 2.0, < 3) | MPL") ~ "lgpl-2.0", classif == "LGPL" ~ "lgpl-3.0", classif == "BSD" ~ "bsd-3-clause", classif == "BSD-Clause (==2)" ~ "bsd-2-clause", classif == "BSD-Clause (==3)" ~ "bsd-3-clause", classif %in% c("BSL", "BSL (==1)") ~ "bsl-1.0", str_detect(classif, fixed("CC-BY (==4)")) ~ "cc-by-4.0", str_detect(classif, fixed("CC-BY-SA (==4)")) ~ "cc-by-sa-4.0", str_detect(classif, "CC0") ~ "cc0-1.0", str_detect(classif, "FreeBSD") ~ "bsd-2-clause", classif %in% c("MPL (==2)", "MPL (>=2)", "MPL") ~ "mpl-2.0", classif %in% c("EUPL", "EUPL (==1.1)") ~ "eupl-1.1", classif %in% c("EPL", "EPL (>=1)") ~ "epl-2.0", str_detect(classif, "Apache") ~ "apache-2.0", str_detect(classif, "Artistic") ~ "artistic-2.0", str_detect(classif, "MIT") ~ "mit", str_detect(classif, fixed("BSD-Clause (==2)")) ~ "bsd-2-clause", str_detect(classif, fixed("BSD-Clause (==3)")) ~ "bsd-3-clause", str_detect(classif, fixed("MPL (==2)")) ~ "mpl-2.0", str_detect(classif, fixed("GPL (>=2")) ~ "gpl-2.0", str_detect(classif, fixed("GPL (>=3")) ~ "gpl-3.0", TRUE ~ "unknown" ) ) # We then filter the allowed packages. packages <- licenses %>% mutate(license = stringr::str_trim(license)) %>% left_join(gh_license %>% select(license, license_gh) %>% distinct(), by = "license") %>% mutate(license_gh = coalesce(license_gh, "unknown")) arrow::write_parquet(packages, "packages.parquet")