risks-factors / H00023.json
maximrub's picture
risk factors
c8f8834 unverified
"id": "H00023",
"disease": {
"id": "H00023",
"names": [
"Testicular cancer"
"dbLinks": {
"icd10": [
"mesh": [
"category": "Cancer"
"riskFactors": [
"text": "sporadic-bilateral tgct families",
"score": 14.328600883483887,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "parents' occupation and serum concentration of hexachlorobenzene and pcbs",
"score": 14.24612045288086,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inguinal hernia and twinning",
"score": 14.171945571899414,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "consumption of milk and dairy products",
"score": 14.167238235473633,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "polg-cag repeat length",
"score": 14.14794921875,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "boys with isolated cryptorchidism",
"score": 14.121826171875,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "male subjects with a history of testicular maldescent",
"score": 14.048333168029785,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal tobacco smoking, overweight and obesity in pregnancy",
"score": 14.03521728515625,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism, inguinal hernia and twinning",
"score": 14.024335861206055,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism, consumption of milk and dairy products",
"score": 13.99333381652832,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "smoking over 12 pack-yr (4.9), cryptorchidism (2.9), testicular trauma",
"score": 13.967379570007324,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "atopy",
"score": 13.94160270690918,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inguinal hernia (rr = 1.6; p = 0.14), mumps orchitis",
"score": 13.930879592895508,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "sons of primiparous and low-multiparous women",
"score": 13.929315567016602,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hypercholesterolaemia",
"score": 13.903146743774414,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "relatives of women with eo breast cancer",
"score": 13.896440505981445,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "members of both multiple-affected-person ftgct families",
"score": 13.89494514465332,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "paternal subfertility, obesity",
"score": 13.89357852935791,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "rassf1a promoter methylation",
"score": 13.869328498840332,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "obesity, maternal use of exogenous estrogens during pregnancy",
"score": 13.865550994873047,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients with basal-cell carcinoma",
"score": 13.854162216186523,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "low birth weight",
"score": 13.84156322479248,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "paternal subfertility, obesity, prescriptive drug use",
"score": 13.840651512145996,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "mumps orchitis (rr = 12.7; p = 0.006), atopy",
"score": 13.827611923217773,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "bloodline male relatives from multiple-case testicular cancer families",
"score": 13.824869155883789,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "plastic workers exposed to polyvinyl chloride (pvc)",
"score": 13.799951553344727,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with a history of cryptorchidism",
"score": 13.798091888427734,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "high plasma lipid levels",
"score": 13.795377731323242,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "firefighting",
"score": 13.77663803100586,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients with a cryptorchid testis",
"score": 13.77089786529541,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients with myotonic dystrophy",
"score": 13.768811225891113,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "fertility treatments, paternal subfertility, obesity",
"score": 13.765700340270996,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inactivity, overweight, obesity, and high plasma lipid levels",
"score": 13.76457405090332,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "atopy (rr = 1.8; p = 0.03), and meningitis",
"score": 13.75937271118164,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "sons and brothers of testicular cancer patients",
"score": 13.759148597717285,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "fertility treatments, paternal subfertility, obesity, prescriptive drug use",
"score": 13.712773323059082,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "alcohol drinking, inactivity, overweight, obesity, and hypercholesterolaemia",
"score": 13.701654434204102,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "family history of testicular cancer",
"score": 13.672138214111328,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "food and beverage processors",
"score": 13.657685279846191,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "high-serum cholesterol",
"score": 13.638057708740234,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "high level of maternal ebv igg antibodies",
"score": 13.631824493408203,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "markers of higher estrogen exposure in the mother (age and parity)",
"score": 13.623866081237793,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hypospadias",
"score": 13.617666244506836,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "undescended testis",
"score": 13.59451961517334,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hypospadias and family history of testicular cancer",
"score": 13.585897445678711,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with male factor infertility",
"score": 13.576913833618164,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism, hypospadias",
"score": 13.562904357910156,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inguinal hernia, testicular injury",
"score": 13.55850887298584,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "farming as an occupation",
"score": 13.55766487121582,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism (2.9), testicular trauma (2.0), birth weight under 3,000 g",
"score": 13.543150901794434,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "undescended testis (cryptorchidism)",
"score": 13.541078567504883,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cilia-microtubule inactivation",
"score": 13.538447380065918,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inguinal hernia and twinning, and tentative evidence that birth weight",
"score": 13.531469345092773,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism, hypospadias and family history of testicular cancer",
"score": 13.531135559082031,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "preterm delivery",
"score": 13.522041320800781,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "abnormal uterine bleeding",
"score": 13.510958671569824,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "craniocaudal nodal length",
"score": 13.500225067138672,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth",
"score": 13.487579345703125,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "atrophic testis (5.3), smoking over 12 pack-yr (4.9), cryptorchidism",
"score": 13.487060546875,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "unusual bleeding or spotting during pregnancy",
"score": 13.475364685058594,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hdi, gdp, alcohol drinking",
"score": 13.474319458007812,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inguinal herniorrhaphy before the age of 15 years",
"score": 13.443883895874023,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "\u003c or = 26 years old, and farming as an occupation",
"score": 13.443424224853516,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "birth weight under 3,000 g (1.6), low degree of education",
"score": 13.439964294433594,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "low birth weight and preterm delivery",
"score": 13.438793182373047,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal bleeding, birth order, sibship size and possibly caesarean section",
"score": 13.414210319519043,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "intratubular germ cell neoplasia (itgcn)",
"score": 13.40528678894043,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "higher social class, and professional occupations",
"score": 13.403033256530762,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "wearing of tight-fitting underclothing, obesity",
"score": 13.39166259765625,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "congenital cryptorchidism",
"score": 13.387903213500977,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "long-term dermal exposure to oil-based mwf",
"score": 13.371106147766113,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "higher level of reproductive tract birth defects",
"score": 13.366048812866211,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "exposure to polyvinyl chloride (pvc)",
"score": 13.354593276977539,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inguinal hernia, testicular injury, wearing of tight-fitting underclothing",
"score": 13.349861145019531,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "technicians and related professionals and clerical support workers",
"score": 13.34681224822998,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal use of exogenous estrogens during pregnancy, higher social class",
"score": 13.338456153869629,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "primary tumour size and rti",
"score": 13.328750610351562,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "nicotine substitutes",
"score": 13.327064514160156,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "offspring of mothers with high androstenedione levels",
"score": 13.323941230773926,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "sons of a danish immigrant couple",
"score": 13.321670532226562,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "testicular trauma (rr = 2.6, ci = 1.6-4.2), and mumps orchitis",
"score": 13.312173843383789,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal smoking during pregnancy",
"score": 13.311288833618164,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "male infertility",
"score": 13.311051368713379,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "bleeding and threatened miscarriage",
"score": 13.309743881225586,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "family history, infertility",
"score": 13.309694290161133,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "extreme nausea during the first trimester of pregnancy",
"score": 13.309513092041016,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "intrauterine diethylstilbestrol (des) exposure",
"score": 13.308046340942383,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "detectable values of total polychlorinated organic compounds",
"score": 13.299253463745117,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "other service workers",
"score": 13.293703079223633,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "rural residence during adolescence",
"score": 13.281448364257812,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men who reported a history of cryptorchism",
"score": 13.278714179992676,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "embryonal carcinoma",
"score": 13.273462295532227,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "low gestational age",
"score": 13.268026351928711,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hypogonadism",
"score": 13.261587142944336,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with the diagnosis of infertility",
"score": 13.261507034301758,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism, prior history of testicular cancer",
"score": 13.249674797058105,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "family history, infertility, tobacco use",
"score": 13.2446870803833,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "mild gestational diabetes",
"score": 13.241289138793945,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "prenatal residential proximity to acephate and malathion among latinos",
"score": 13.240449905395508,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "mild gestational diabetes and nicotine substitutes",
"score": 13.236139297485352,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "individuals with ds",
"score": 13.236119270324707,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "lymphovascular invasion",
"score": 13.234518051147461,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "presence of nonseminoma, \u003c or = 26 years old, and farming as an occupation",
"score": 13.232860565185547,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "prior history of testicular cancer, and a positive familial history",
"score": 13.23048210144043,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "low parity, low gestational age",
"score": 13.2227144241333,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal alcohol consumption",
"score": 13.221650123596191,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "testicular microlithiasis",
"score": 13.216428756713867,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal alcohol consumption, mild gestational diabetes",
"score": 13.213497161865234,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "neonatal jaundice",
"score": 13.21206283569336,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "\u003c or = 26 years old at diagnosis",
"score": 13.207491874694824,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "industrial production of glue (or = 2.21; ci: 1.15-4.25), and welding",
"score": 13.203401565551758,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal exposure to combined edcs",
"score": 13.196734428405762,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "familial association",
"score": 13.194761276245117,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "pre-term birth",
"score": 13.189884185791016,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "invasion of the testicular hilum (rete testis and hilar soft tissue)",
"score": 13.189783096313477,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with male infertility",
"score": 13.18897819519043,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men seeking infertility treatment",
"score": 13.188348770141602,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal bleeding during pregnancy",
"score": 13.18799877166748,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism (i.e., undescended testicles)",
"score": 13.183229446411133,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men born with a high birth weight (\u003e4,150 g)",
"score": 13.182787895202637,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "pure embryonal carcinoma",
"score": 13.175158500671387,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "first-born twins",
"score": 13.17512321472168,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "sulphite pulping",
"score": 13.174348831176758,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "history of undescended testis (rr = 3.7, ci = 1.5-9.5), testicular trauma",
"score": 13.165696144104004,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal, but not postnatal adult male, edc exposures",
"score": 13.16553783416748,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "low gestational age, epilepsy and retained placenta",
"score": 13.158777236938477,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "survivors of testicular cancers",
"score": 13.153040885925293,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal hyperemesis gravidarum",
"score": 13.149126052856445,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism, familial association",
"score": 13.14897632598877,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients diagnosed with bcc before the age of 60 years",
"score": 13.145284652709961,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "embryonal carcinoma and lymphovascular invasion",
"score": 13.139445304870605,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "neonatal jaundice (or = 3.96; 95% ci = 1.47-10.69), and low birth weight",
"score": 13.138099670410156,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "non-hispanic white",
"score": 13.129898071289062,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal use of face lotion more than one time per week",
"score": 13.124042510986328,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "low parity, low gestational age, epilepsy and retained placenta",
"score": 13.113466262817383,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with treated or persisting cryptorchidism",
"score": 13.110697746276855,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "personal or family history of testicular cancer",
"score": 13.105489730834961,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hypogonadism and ct treatment",
"score": 13.104513168334961,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "down syndrome, mccune-albright syndrome",
"score": 13.098264694213867,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "exogenous hormone exposure",
"score": 13.094415664672852,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "radiotherapy for testicular cancer",
"score": 13.092836380004883,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "poor sperm function",
"score": 13.089513778686523,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "frequent exposure to face lotion during pregnancy and while breastfeeding",
"score": 13.087718963623047,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "specific fertilizer regimens on the farm",
"score": 13.086856842041016,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "down syndrome, mccune-albright syndrome, cryptorchidism",
"score": 13.083353042602539,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with sa",
"score": 13.079462051391602,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with infertility",
"score": 13.076261520385742,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "those with unilateral cryptorchism",
"score": 13.074871063232422,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "birth weight and abnormal uterine bleeding",
"score": 13.065813064575195,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "family history and testicular dysgenesis syndrome",
"score": 13.054163932800293,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients with crp ≥1.5mg/l",
"score": 13.049041748046875,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "boys born to mothers who were primigravidas or aged under 20",
"score": 13.04863166809082,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "chemical manufacture",
"score": 13.033811569213867,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients with tm and contralateral testicular cancer, testicular atrophy",
"score": 13.030508041381836,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "utilities employees",
"score": 13.028650283813477,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men from small sibships and of early birth order",
"score": 13.027824401855469,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "familial association, gonadal dysgenesis (intersex)",
"score": 13.019004821777344,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients with testicular cancer with a high tumor volume",
"score": 13.017398834228516,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "bph",
"score": 13.00330924987793,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "des sons",
"score": 12.999298095703125,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "treatment for undescended testicle",
"score": 12.991931915283203,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "vascular and tunica albuginea invasion",
"score": 12.990422248840332,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism (i.e., undescended testicles), family history, infertility",
"score": 12.988458633422852,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "infertile men with abnormal semen analyses",
"score": 12.980213165283203,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cryptorchidism, familial association, gonadal dysgenesis (intersex)",
"score": 12.973219871520996,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "dm",
"score": 12.967844009399414,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "family history, infertility, tobacco use, and white race",
"score": 12.962743759155273,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "low (\u003c 2500 g) or high (\u003e or = 4000 g) birth weight",
"score": 12.95650863647461,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "severe nausea",
"score": 12.95548152923584,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "history of cryptorchidism and undescended testicle",
"score": 12.944965362548828,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "down syndrome, mccune-albright syndrome, cryptorchidism, infertility",
"score": 12.939287185668945,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hypercholesterolemia",
"score": 12.938032150268555,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients treated with chemotherapy",
"score": 12.9371337890625,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients diagnosed with testicular cancer",
"score": 12.936162948608398,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "lower testosterone levels (\u003c15 nmol/l)",
"score": 12.934370040893555,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "occupational exposure to ionising radiation",
"score": 12.92097282409668,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "viral infections and epididymo-orchitis",
"score": 12.919312477111816,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "males employed in sulphate pulping",
"score": 12.918268203735352,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "history of cryptorchidism in relatives",
"score": 12.905084609985352,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "testicular microlithiasis and poor sperm function",
"score": 12.896184921264648,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "testis and/or groin trauma",
"score": 12.895763397216797,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "infertility or a history of maldescensus",
"score": 12.888083457946777,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "undescended testis (cryptorchidism) or testicular atrophy",
"score": 12.883633613586426,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "second-born twins with female co-twins",
"score": 12.880926132202148,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "first-born compared with later born sons",
"score": 12.865663528442383,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "employment in metal trimming (or = 1.96; ci: 1.00-3.86), chemical manufacture",
"score": 12.86135196685791,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "daughters whose mothers took des during pregnancy",
"score": 12.85900592803955,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "early age at puberty",
"score": 12.853806495666504,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "high educational level, and low birth weight",
"score": 12.841747283935547,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "individuals with nonseminomas",
"score": 12.840402603149414,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "long-term tcss",
"score": 12.820174217224121,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "non-hispanic white (apc = 1.23, p \u003c 0.0001), and a/pi",
"score": 12.818090438842773,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "dumping hazardous wastes",
"score": 12.79787826538086,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "rassf1a promoter hypermethylation from peripheral blood",
"score": 12.796003341674805,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "treatment history with chemotherapy and radiation therapy",
"score": 12.794670104980469,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hot flashes",
"score": 12.788536071777344,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "workers in the union more than 30 years",
"score": 12.78214168548584,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "polish aya diagnosed with cancer",
"score": 12.77613639831543,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "hypercholesterolemia and overweight",
"score": 12.773675918579102,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "cis \u003e850 group",
"score": 12.773195266723633,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inguinal hernia (rr = 1.8; 95% ci = 0.9-3.7), hypospadias",
"score": 12.769264221191406,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "primary testicular tumour size and rete testis invasion",
"score": 12.762866973876953,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "inhomogeneous parenchyma, infertility or a history of maldescensus",
"score": 12.760173797607422,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "biopsy",
"score": 12.749762535095215,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "diet (particularly high fat consumption)",
"score": 12.744217872619629,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "increasing maternal age",
"score": 12.7400541305542,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "occupational plastics work",
"score": 12.739250183105469,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "platinum-containing chemotherapy",
"score": 12.73904800415039,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "adults with an orchidopexy history",
"score": 12.733901977539062,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients presenting with lm",
"score": 12.728597640991211,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "high (≥4000 g) birth weight",
"score": 12.72390365600586,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "personal history of testicular cancer, testicular atrophy",
"score": 12.720731735229492,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "maternal cigarette smoking (12+ cigarettes/day",
"score": 12.715538024902344,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "patients treated with platinum-containing chemotherapy",
"score": 12.715479850769043,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "men with testicular cancer within 2-3 and 5-10 years after cancer diagnosis",
"score": 12.709037780761719,
"articlesIDs": [
"text": "recent smoking",
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"articlesIDs": [
"text": "genito-urinary cancer (guc) in the kingdom of saudi arabia (ksa)",
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"text": "men who are cured of a germ cell testicular cancer",
"score": 12.012727737426758,
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"score": 12.00436782836914,
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"text": "histological type of testicular germ cell tumor",
"score": 11.986775398254395,
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"text": "either low (\u003c 2500 g) or high (\u003e or = 4000 g) birth weight",
"score": 11.977245330810547,
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"text": "sep impact on testicular germ cell tumor (tgct)",
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"articlesIDs": [
"text": "heavy\" cannabis use",
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"text": "impaired germ cell number at birth in some cryptorchid testes",
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"text": "smoking during pregnancy. danish women",
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"articlesIDs": [
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"text": "pulping department workers",
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"articlesIDs": [
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"text": "time to consultation of\u003e6 months",
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