{ "id": "H00024", "disease": { "id": "H00024", "names": [ "Prostate cancer" ], "dbLinks": { "icd10": [ "C61" ] }, "category": "Cancer", "description": "Prostate cancer constitutes a major health problem in Western countries. It is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among men and the second leading cause of male cancer deaths. The identification of key molecular alterations in prostate-cancer cells implicates carcinogen defenses (GSTP1), growth-factor-signaling pathways (NKX3.1, PTEN, and p27), and androgens (AR) as critical determinants of the phenotype of prostate-cancer cells. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTP1) are detoxifying enzymes. Cells of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, devoid of GSTP1, undergo genomic damage mediated by carcinogens. NKX3.1, PTEN, and p27 regulate the growth and survival of prostate cells in the normal prostate. Inadequate levels of PTEN and NKX3.1 lead to a reduction in p27 levels and to increased proliferation and decreased apoptosis. Androgen receptor (AR) is a transcription factor that is normally activated by its androgen ligand. During androgen withdrawal therapy, the AR signal transduction pathway also could be activated by amplification of the AR gene, by AR gene mutations, or by altered activity of AR coactivators. Through these mechanisms, tumor cells lead to the emergence of androgen-independent prostate cancer." }, "riskFactors": [ { "text": "systemic lupus erythematosus (sle)", "score": 14.109203338623047, "articlesIDs": [ "37213031", "36059254", "35237523" ] }, { "text": "usually experiencing insomnia", "score": 14.060483932495117, "articlesIDs": [ "35403721" ] }, { "text": "diabetic bgl", "score": 14.059444427490234, "articlesIDs": [ "36325820" ] }, { "text": "diabetic bgl and antidiabetic medication use, especially insulin", "score": 14.043987274169922, "articlesIDs": [ "36325820" ] }, { "text": "patients with fecd", "score": 14.0361328125, "articlesIDs": [ "35588167" ] }, { "text": "fairly easy to get up in the morning and usually experiencing insomnia", "score": 13.98047924041748, "articlesIDs": [ "35403721" ] }, { "text": "patients with prostate cancer", "score": 13.951101303100586, "articlesIDs": [ "35470648", "34047432", "34854752", "34421586", "33915795" ] }, { "text": "elevated serum psa-related markers", "score": 13.918866157531738, "articlesIDs": [ "37523077" ] }, { "text": "lymphocele formation", "score": 13.869315147399902, "articlesIDs": [ "36099112" ] }, { "text": "diabetes mellitus, residual prostate gland, urinary tract infection", "score": 13.865001678466797, "articlesIDs": [ "37477481" ] }, { "text": "neoadjuvant adt, high d-dimer levels after surgery and lymphocele formation", "score": 13.844491004943848, "articlesIDs": [ "36099112" ] }, { "text": "high pi-rads v2.1 score, and elevated serum psa-related markers", "score": 13.841521263122559, "articlesIDs": [ "37523077" ] }, { "text": "patients with sps and their fdrs", "score": 13.77769947052002, "articlesIDs": [ "34889311" ] }, { "text": "obesity", "score": 13.771506309509277, "articlesIDs": [ "34714459", "36882176", "36031560", "34021349", "35523620", "35193833", "36212468", "35610365", "36893965" ] }, { "text": "obesity and dm", "score": 13.767895698547363, "articlesIDs": [ "35193833" ] }, { "text": "patients with nafld", "score": 13.752300262451172, "articlesIDs": [ "35989292" ] }, { "text": "history of pre-transplant malignancy", "score": 13.718942642211914, "articlesIDs": [ "35483168" ] }, { "text": "aggressive pca", "score": 13.706385612487793, "articlesIDs": [ "36063402" ] }, { "text": "lipid alterations, arterial hypertension", "score": 13.704765319824219, "articlesIDs": [ "35909002" ] }, { "text": "body mass index (bmi)", "score": 13.70199203491211, "articlesIDs": [ "36014812", "36558416", "35237523", "37036830" ] }, { "text": "serum psad greater than 0.1 ng/ml", "score": 13.694952964782715, "articlesIDs": [ "37287914" ] }, { "text": "history of diabetes, tpsa and pv", "score": 13.690168380737305, "articlesIDs": [ "35014705" ] }, { "text": "subjects with nafld", "score": 13.684629440307617, "articlesIDs": [ "35989292" ] }, { "text": "bladder neck contracture, urethral calculus and urethral stricture", "score": 13.683880805969238, "articlesIDs": [ "37477481" ] }, { "text": "insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (igfbp-3)", "score": 13.670594215393066, "articlesIDs": [ "35237523" ] }, { "text": "family history of cap", "score": 13.661239624023438, "articlesIDs": [ "36167773" ] }, { "text": "age 65 or older and serum psad greater than 0.1 ng/ml", "score": 13.65642261505127, "articlesIDs": [ "37287914" ] }, { "text": "urinary tract infection, bladder neck contracture", "score": 13.639901161193848, "articlesIDs": [ "37477481" ] }, { "text": "individuals with multi-morbidity", "score": 13.639660835266113, "articlesIDs": [ "37415095" ] }, { "text": "urinary tract infection, bladder neck contracture, urethral calculus", "score": 13.63482666015625, "articlesIDs": [ "37477481" ] }, { "text": "prostate calcification", "score": 13.631732940673828, "articlesIDs": [ "37086073" ] }, { "text": "trauma and fractures, pregnancy, immobilization, antiphospholipid syndrome", "score": 13.631348609924316, "articlesIDs": [ "36834580" ] }, { "text": "arterial hypertension, and a marked weight increase throughout life", "score": 13.628393173217773, "articlesIDs": [ "35909002" ] }, { "text": "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) infection", "score": 13.608220100402832, "articlesIDs": [ "36834580" ] }, { "text": "patients with prostate cancer receiving oral hormone therapy", "score": 13.606709480285645, "articlesIDs": [ "34047432" ] }, { "text": "abdominal obesity", "score": 13.606389045715332, "articlesIDs": [ "33818663" ] }, { "text": "long-haul flight, residual venous thrombosis", "score": 13.57616138458252, "articlesIDs": [ "36834580" ] }, { "text": "patients taking anticoagulants or those with cirrhosis", "score": 13.575448036193848, "articlesIDs": [ "35139869" ] }, { "text": "elevated psa level", "score": 13.562152862548828, "articlesIDs": [ "37270476" ] }, { "text": "high age and psa levels", "score": 13.557621002197266, "articlesIDs": [ "35669684" ] }, { "text": "neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy (adt)", "score": 13.546058654785156, "articlesIDs": [ "36099112" ] }, { "text": "number of persons above age 65 years and below poverty", "score": 13.543540954589844, "articlesIDs": [ "33957887" ] }, { "text": "comorbid diabetes", "score": 13.54163646697998, "articlesIDs": [ "35014705" ] }, { "text": "patients with pc with high psa values or high positive lymph node scores", "score": 13.540895462036133, "articlesIDs": [ "36824150" ] }, { "text": "patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle)", "score": 13.536543846130371, "articlesIDs": [ "36059254" ] }, { "text": "dha, bmi", "score": 13.52900505065918, "articlesIDs": [ "35237523" ] }, { "text": "comorbid diabetes (or, 2.437; 95%ci, 1.162-5.111), psa", "score": 13.526972770690918, "articlesIDs": [ "35014705" ] }, { "text": "vasectomy and obesity", "score": 13.524869918823242, "articlesIDs": [ "35610365" ] }, { "text": "dha, bmi, and sle", "score": 13.519632339477539, "articlesIDs": [ "35237523" ] }, { "text": "oral contraceptives and 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"34927741" ] }, { "text": "hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia", "score": 13.164189338684082, "articlesIDs": [ "36641426" ] }, { "text": "inflammatory and insulinemic dietary and lifestyle patterns", "score": 13.1637601852417, "articlesIDs": [ "35767977" ] }, { "text": "exposure to elevated light pollution levels", "score": 13.16263198852539, "articlesIDs": [ "34653461" ] }, { "text": "men with anemia", "score": 13.159456253051758, "articlesIDs": [ "35739404" ] }, { "text": "place of residence of individuals", "score": 13.155000686645508, "articlesIDs": [ "34414112" ] }, { "text": "tpsa [or = 1.060, 95% confidence interval (ci): 1.024, 1.098], psad", "score": 13.152360916137695, "articlesIDs": [ "34414112" ] }, { "text": "older age, higher psa levels, lighter weight and shorter height, hypertension", "score": 13.15124797821045, "articlesIDs": [ "35669684" ] }, { "text": "number of foreign born", "score": 13.146004676818848, "articlesIDs": [ "33957887" ] }, { "text": "adt use", 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stage ≥t2c", "score": 13.066761016845703, "articlesIDs": [ "34528767" ] }, { "text": "ldn-psad", "score": 13.0626859664917, "articlesIDs": [ "36067387" ] }, { "text": "high consumption of trans-fatty acids", "score": 13.055866241455078, "articlesIDs": [ "34104953" ] }, { "text": "diagnostic workup for pca", "score": 13.055789947509766, "articlesIDs": [ "34260790" ] }, { "text": "medicaid, and higher psa levels and gleason scores", "score": 13.045248031616211, "articlesIDs": [ "34927741" ] }, { "text": "benign prostatic hyperplasia", "score": 13.04439926147461, "articlesIDs": [ "37103439" ] }, { "text": "older age, not being married, medicaid", "score": 13.040369033813477, "articlesIDs": [ "34927741" ] }, { "text": "individuals carrying the tt genotype", "score": 13.039892196655273, "articlesIDs": [ "34692853" ] }, { "text": "higher median family income, number of foreign born", "score": 13.036107063293457, "articlesIDs": [ "33957887" ] }, { "text": "high prostate-specific antigen (psa) 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"articlesIDs": [ "37036830" ] }, { "text": "initial psa, and late psa levels", "score": 12.991483688354492, "articlesIDs": [ "36585197" ] }, { "text": "prostate specific antigen density (or 1.61, 010), ldn-psad", "score": 12.985154151916504, "articlesIDs": [ "36067387" ] }, { "text": "1-standard deviation (sd) increment in the age-adjusted kdm", "score": 12.983476638793945, "articlesIDs": [ "37120669" ] }, { "text": "presence of prostate calcification on unenhanced ct scan", "score": 12.979273796081543, "articlesIDs": [ "37086073" ] }, { "text": "finding it fairly easy to get up in the morning", "score": 12.971824645996094, "articlesIDs": [ "35403721" ] }, { "text": "higher gs at psm", "score": 12.971298217773438, "articlesIDs": [ "34313905" ] }, { "text": "water eqi (or: 1.34, ci: 1.27-1.40), land eqi", "score": 12.970268249511719, "articlesIDs": [ "33947975" ] }, { "text": "gdp, hdi, smoking, and alcohol drinking", "score": 12.970000267028809, "articlesIDs": [ "36878752" ] }, { "text": "pure embryonal carcinoma", "score": 12.962125778198242, "articlesIDs": [ "36984452" ] }, { "text": "individuals with a tt genotype", "score": 12.960683822631836, "articlesIDs": [ "34692853" ] }, { "text": "patients with serrated polyposis syndrome (sps)", "score": 12.959772109985352, "articlesIDs": [ "34889311" ] }, { "text": "smaller prostate volume", "score": 12.959676742553711, "articlesIDs": [ "35244994", "34895394" ] }, { "text": "genetically proxied long-term ace inhibition", "score": 12.958702087402344, "articlesIDs": [ "35113855" ] }, { "text": "men with bmi ≥ 30 and dm", "score": 12.957921028137207, "articlesIDs": [ "35193833" ] }, { "text": "psad (or = 14.678, 95%ci: 4.137, 52.071), place of residence of individuals", "score": 12.942331314086914, "articlesIDs": [ "34414112" ] }, { "text": "sii, nlr, and nr", "score": 12.941843032836914, "articlesIDs": [ "35047413" ] }, { "text": "those who watched tv at least once in a week", "score": 12.934805870056152, 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"hypertension, obesity, and diabetes", "score": 11.931434631347656, "articlesIDs": [ "36031560" ] }, { "text": "family history of prostate or breast cancer", "score": 11.928220748901367, "articlesIDs": [ "36103261", "34980493" ] }, { "text": "patients with cancer", "score": 11.926177978515625, "articlesIDs": [ "33888417" ] }, { "text": "androgen-receptor gene polymorphisms", "score": 11.915865898132324, "articlesIDs": [ "36824501" ] }, { "text": "serrated polyposis syndrome (sps) and their first-degree relatives (fdrs)", "score": 11.913383483886719, "articlesIDs": [ "34889311" ] }, { "text": "increased bmi", "score": 11.892365455627441, "articlesIDs": [ "34167120" ] }, { "text": "genetically proxied ace inhibition equivalent to a 1-mm hg reduction in sbp", "score": 11.891866683959961, "articlesIDs": [ "35113855" ] }, { "text": "current waist circumference ≥ 102 cm", "score": 11.8828763961792, "articlesIDs": [ "33818663" ] }, { "text": "multiple sex partners", "score": 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"articlesIDs": [ "36738975" ] }, { "text": "adrenal-permissive genotype (p = 0.03).conclusionadrenal-permissive genotype", "score": 11.76339340209961, "articlesIDs": [ "34520399" ] }, { "text": "need for bp drugs", "score": 11.761735916137695, "articlesIDs": [ "36875906" ] }, { "text": "clonal hematopoiesis (ch) of indeterminate potential (chip)", "score": 11.755587577819824, "articlesIDs": [ "36018819" ] }, { "text": "genetic susceptibility to the use of iss", "score": 11.744873046875, "articlesIDs": [ "37213031" ] }, { "text": "exposure to adt", "score": 11.74415397644043, "articlesIDs": [ "35802468" ] }, { "text": "tumor grade (ii), ajcc stages (t3, t4, n1, m1) at diagnosis, radiotherapy", "score": 11.73855209350586, "articlesIDs": [ "35331219" ] }, { "text": "number of doses of zoledronic acid and/or denosumab", "score": 11.72697639465332, "articlesIDs": [ "34682884" ] }, { "text": "free testosterone", "score": 11.723514556884766, "articlesIDs": [ "35579976" ] }, { "text": 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"articlesIDs": [ "35864460" ] }, { "text": "higher baseline serum levels of phenylacetylglutamine", "score": 11.695889472961426, "articlesIDs": [ "34711629" ] }, { "text": "men at the 90th percentile of dairy intake (430 g/d)", "score": 11.684885025024414, "articlesIDs": [ "35672028" ] }, { "text": "5-alpha-reductase-inhibitor use, prior psa screen, african ancestry", "score": 11.676351547241211, "articlesIDs": [ "35864460" ] }, { "text": "prostate specific antigen levels", "score": 11.67281436920166, "articlesIDs": [ "34477564" ] }, { "text": "free to total psa (f/tpsa), prostate volume (pv), and pirads score", "score": 11.666345596313477, "articlesIDs": [ "36685670" ] }, { "text": "nonmonogamous sexual relationship", "score": 11.66439437866211, "articlesIDs": [ "35600390" ] }, { "text": "female renal transplant patients", "score": 11.66242790222168, "articlesIDs": [ "37103439" ] }, { "text": "higher age (auc: 0.704, p \u003c 0.01) and psad", "score": 11.66030502319336, "articlesIDs": [ "34914266" ] }, { "text": "imaging stage (t3an0m0 and t3bn0m0)", "score": 11.654945373535156, "articlesIDs": [ "37274483" ] }, { "text": "tvp ≥8%", "score": 11.652127265930176, "articlesIDs": [ "34235101" ] }, { "text": "breast-, and second-degree prostate-cancer family history", "score": 11.651763916015625, "articlesIDs": [ "35864460" ] }, { "text": "metabolic syndrome (mets)", "score": 11.648500442504883, "articlesIDs": [ "35293017", "36641426", "34905623", "36837801" ] }, { "text": "more total meat consumption", "score": 11.642046928405762, "articlesIDs": [ "36928374" ] }, { "text": "psa slope values of \u003e 3.5 ng/ml/year", "score": 11.641544342041016, "articlesIDs": [ "37085532" ] }, { "text": "nlr ≥ 1.6", "score": 11.640785217285156, "articlesIDs": [ "35047413" ] }, { "text": "older age, stage i and surgery", "score": 11.624490737915039, "articlesIDs": [ "34991112" ] }, { "text": "having heard about prostate cancer", "score": 11.623377799987793, "articlesIDs": [ "37553199" ] 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"34589710" ] }, { "text": "diabetic bgl and antidiabetic medication use, especially insulin,", "score": 11.568084716796875, "articlesIDs": [ "36325820" ] }, { "text": "among those who watched tv at least once in a week", "score": 11.563769340515137, "articlesIDs": [ "37327871" ] }, { "text": "men on adt", "score": 11.563145637512207, "articlesIDs": [ "35802468" ] }, { "text": "patients whose pca tissue has erα(-)/erβ(+) staining results", "score": 11.56009292602539, "articlesIDs": [ "36742361" ] }, { "text": "damaging vus in chek2", "score": 11.551040649414062, "articlesIDs": [ "34903604" ] }, { "text": "the number of positive cores \u003c3, and lower positive rate of biopsy", "score": 11.550902366638184, "articlesIDs": [ "34528767" ] }, { "text": "short working hours", "score": 11.545862197875977, "articlesIDs": [ "36502469" ] }, { "text": "presence of the cribriform pattern and/or idc-p in a biopsy specimen", "score": 11.545214653015137, "articlesIDs": [ "36738975" ] }, { "text": 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"articlesIDs": [ "37316413" ] }, { "text": "those with ≥ 4 diseases", "score": 11.499710083007812, "articlesIDs": [ "37415095" ] }, { "text": "among shift workers, rotating shift workers", "score": 11.498459815979004, "articlesIDs": [ "34299909" ] }, { "text": "long working hours", "score": 11.496984481811523, "articlesIDs": [ "36502469" ] }, { "text": "age, aisi, total prostatic specific-antigen (tpsa)", "score": 11.487152099609375, "articlesIDs": [ "36685670" ] }, { "text": "pc patients with comorbid hf", "score": 11.485676765441895, "articlesIDs": [ "37256549" ] }, { "text": "cirrhosis and anticoagulant use", "score": 11.478157997131348, "articlesIDs": [ "35139869" ] }, { "text": "older age, comorbidities", "score": 11.476689338684082, "articlesIDs": [ "37316413" ] }, { "text": "obesity and family history", "score": 11.475824356079102, "articlesIDs": [ "36212468" ] }, { "text": "marked increase", "score": 11.464587211608887, "articlesIDs": [ "35025021" ] }, { "text": "patients with 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"score": 11.427618026733398, "articlesIDs": [ "37080801" ] }, { "text": "black males", "score": 11.426897048950195, "articlesIDs": [ "36791269" ] }, { "text": "white men have longer telomeres in benign prostate tissue", "score": 11.423765182495117, "articlesIDs": [ "35247880" ] }, { "text": "psa-density", "score": 11.413663864135742, "articlesIDs": [ "37232832" ] }, { "text": "total testosterone", "score": 11.41120719909668, "articlesIDs": [ "35061662" ] }, { "text": "sexual activity (sa)", "score": 11.411201477050781, "articlesIDs": [ "34444249" ] }, { "text": "genetically predicted fmi", "score": 11.40935230255127, "articlesIDs": [ "34324486" ] }, { "text": "rare, predicted splice site ezh2 variant, rs78589034 (g \u003e a)", "score": 11.409194946289062, "articlesIDs": [ "33821477" ] }, { "text": "klemera-doubal method [kdm]", "score": 11.405553817749023, "articlesIDs": [ "37120669" ] }, { "text": "positive dre (or 1.75, 0.04), psa density", "score": 11.404272079467773, "articlesIDs": [ "37232832" ] }, { "text": "a history of prostate biopsy", "score": 11.400907516479492, "articlesIDs": [ "33972703" ] }, { "text": ", \u003e10% increase in prostate-specific antigen density", "score": 11.398624420166016, "articlesIDs": [ "34008275" ] }, { "text": "intermediate variants", "score": 11.392674446105957, "articlesIDs": [ "34903604" ] }, { "text": "gleason score ≥ 8", "score": 11.391303062438965, "articlesIDs": [ "34729223" ] }, { "text": "a family history (fh) of prostate cancer (prca)", "score": 11.387145042419434, "articlesIDs": [ "36528478" ] }, { "text": "adt group", "score": 11.374410629272461, "articlesIDs": [ "33980958" ] }, { "text": "european ancestry men (95% ci = 3.62-3.96), 2.8-fold in african ancestry men", "score": 11.373109817504883, "articlesIDs": [ "35801699" ] }, { "text": "presence of il-6 rs1800795g and il-8 rs2227306c alleles in the same patient", "score": 11.37230396270752, "articlesIDs": [ "34327025" ] }, { "text": "cnv gstm1, and the snps gstp1 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[ "34604590" ] }, { "text": "men with higher igf-ii (1.06: 1.02, 1.11) and igfbp-3", "score": 11.178927421569824, "articlesIDs": [ "35726641" ] }, { "text": "increasing age, male, and white race", "score": 11.178149223327637, "articlesIDs": [ "37146472" ] }, { "text": "age, a certain genetic predisposition (brca 1/2)", "score": 11.171220779418945, "articlesIDs": [ "33792743" ] }, { "text": "intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (idc-p)", "score": 11.164772033691406, "articlesIDs": [ "36738975" ] }, { "text": "rural pca patients", "score": 11.151129722595215, "articlesIDs": [ "34414112" ] }, { "text": "older age, comorbidities, lower income, retirement, poor health status", "score": 11.14910888671875, "articlesIDs": [ "37316413" ] }, { "text": "body weight variability (bwv)", "score": 11.147953987121582, "articlesIDs": [ "34108574" ] }, { "text": "those with telomere length in the highest quartile", "score": 11.147010803222656, "articlesIDs": [ "35247880" ] }, { "text": "age at menarche 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[ "35572814" ] }, { "text": "patients with sle", "score": 11.097317695617676, "articlesIDs": [ "36059254" ] }, { "text": "need for bp drugs (or: 2.36; 95% ci: 1.84-3.03), and age", "score": 11.091944694519043, "articlesIDs": [ "36875906" ] }, { "text": "polygenic risk score (prs)", "score": 11.088680267333984, "articlesIDs": [ "36840471", "36646726", "35855560", "35118230", "36835879" ] }, { "text": "gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists (gnrha) in women", "score": 11.08418083190918, "articlesIDs": [ "36848014" ] }, { "text": "wswm, msem, and msmw", "score": 11.075067520141602, "articlesIDs": [ "37046692" ] }, { "text": "having a regular source of care every six months or more", "score": 11.066349983215332, "articlesIDs": [ "37553199" ] }, { "text": "rs1016343, rs16901946 and 13252298 polymorphisms", "score": 11.057169914245605, "articlesIDs": [ "34057148" ] }, { "text": "patients receiving surgical castration", "score": 11.05093002319336, "articlesIDs": [ "34854752" ] }, { "text": "combined genotypes that included nat2 (slow), gstt1 (null), and gstm1 (null)", "score": 11.049277305603027, "articlesIDs": [ "36963735" ] }, { "text": "f/tpsa (or = 2.59, 95% ci: 2.18-5.71) and percentage of positive needles", "score": 11.0488920211792, "articlesIDs": [ "34794321" ] }, { "text": "men who reported a personal history of prostate cancer", "score": 11.047796249389648, "articlesIDs": [ "34589710" ] }, { "text": "patients operated on for stage i-iii colorectal cancer", "score": 11.047441482543945, "articlesIDs": [ "37262420" ] }, { "text": "the presence of the cribriform pattern and/or idc-p", "score": 11.04436206817627, "articlesIDs": [ "36738975" ] }, { "text": "anatomical zones (=0.120, 95%:0.029-0.501, =0.004) and tpsa", "score": 11.040830612182617, "articlesIDs": [ "37198107" ] }, { "text": "c650t mutation", "score": 11.04057502746582, "articlesIDs": [ "36643816" ] }, { "text": "exposure to novel molecule treatment", "score": 11.023431777954102, "articlesIDs": [ "34682884" ] }, { "text": "men with high total cholesterol concentration (≥200 mg/dl)", "score": 11.017910957336426, "articlesIDs": [ "37306155" ] }, { "text": "peripheral zone lesions with a pi-radsv2 score of 3", "score": 11.015339851379395, "articlesIDs": [ "36714236" ] }, { "text": "scfas from gut microbes", "score": 11.00465202331543, "articlesIDs": [ "34039634" ] }, { "text": "age, prostate specific antigen levels", "score": 11.004406929016113, "articlesIDs": [ "34477564" ] }, { "text": "insulin use", "score": 11.000093460083008, "articlesIDs": [ "36325820" ] }, { "text": "wtc rescue/recovery workers", "score": 10.999076843261719, "articlesIDs": [ "34507966" ] }, { "text": "those with hypertension, obesity, and diabetes", "score": 10.99799633026123, "articlesIDs": [ "36031560" ] }, { "text": "men of european ancestry", "score": 10.997625350952148, "articlesIDs": [ "33792693" ] }, { "text": "5% increase in total body fat percentage", "score": 10.99368667602539, "articlesIDs": [ "35509091" ] }, { "text": "in workers exposed to ≥19.5 years of rollover shift work", "score": 10.984408378601074, "articlesIDs": [ "36548214" ] }, { "text": "lymph node invasion", "score": 10.977943420410156, "articlesIDs": [ "34313905" ] }, { "text": ", patients with fecd", "score": 10.961677551269531, "articlesIDs": [ "35588167" ] }, { "text": "presence of the cribriform pattern and idc-p in biopsy specimens", "score": 10.95206069946289, "articlesIDs": [ "36738975" ] }, { "text": "elevated pi-rads score", "score": 10.947206497192383, "articlesIDs": [ "37232832" ] }, { "text": "gg 5", "score": 10.938051223754883, "articlesIDs": [ "37330440" ] }, { "text": "patients at low risk", "score": 10.933952331542969, "articlesIDs": [ "37436746" ] }, { "text": "gdf-15", "score": 10.931706428527832, "articlesIDs": [ "34935094" ] }, { "text": "total fish products, and its subsets total fish and lean fish", "score": 10.915803909301758, "articlesIDs": [ "36014812" ] }, { "text": "tumour volume percentage (tvp)", "score": 10.906574249267578, "articlesIDs": [ "34235101" ] }, { "text": "men with prostate cancer", "score": 10.903972625732422, "articlesIDs": [ "36935290", "35606159", "36807916" ] }, { "text": "ici+paid", "score": 10.899576187133789, "articlesIDs": [ "34081033" ] }, { "text": "men with reduced fiber intake for carbohydrate intake, gi and gl", "score": 10.897573471069336, "articlesIDs": [ "34096410" ] }, { "text": "men with a family history of prostate or breast cancer", "score": 10.892455101013184, "articlesIDs": [ "34980493" ] }, { "text": "having a history of hospitalisation", "score": 10.887041091918945, "articlesIDs": [ "37553199" ] }, { "text": "a genetic risk score (grs)", "score": 10.87809944152832, "articlesIDs": [ "35978138" ] }, { "text": "body mass index (bmi) and bmi-adjusted waist-to-hip ratio (whradjbmi)", "score": 10.85347843170166, "articlesIDs": [ "36558416" ] }, { "text": "patients who undergo transrectal prostate biopsy before turp", "score": 10.842926979064941, "articlesIDs": [ "35244994" ] }, { "text": "bottom 25 prs", "score": 10.837749481201172, "articlesIDs": [ "37415201" ] }, { "text": "higher serum psa level", "score": 10.834928512573242, "articlesIDs": [ "37287914" ] }, { "text": "cumulative adt use", "score": 10.825180053710938, "articlesIDs": [ "34854749" ] }, { "text": "patients with erα(-)/erβ(+) staining results", "score": 10.818923950195312, "articlesIDs": [ "36742361" ] }, { "text": "a rare, predicted splice site ezh2 variant, rs78589034 (g \u003e a)", "score": 10.812980651855469, "articlesIDs": [ "33821477" ] }, { "text": "overall and central obesity", "score": 10.807701110839844, "articlesIDs": [ "34783926" ] }, { "text": "members of the armed forces", "score": 10.807130813598633, "articlesIDs": [ "35130905" ] }, { "text": "damaging vus in chek2, c.486a\u003eg/p.d162g", "score": 10.797039985656738, "articlesIDs": [ "34903604" ] }, { "text": "pc patients with dm who had a mean hba1c level ≥ 9%", "score": 10.794692039489746, "articlesIDs": [ "34561410" ] }, { "text": "diabetes and hypertension", "score": 10.78500747680664, "articlesIDs": [ "34427540" ] }, { "text": "female smokers diagnosed with cancer of the breast, ovary, or endometrium", "score": 10.784669876098633, "articlesIDs": [ "36805551" ] }, { "text": "a high intake of dairy products such as milk", "score": 10.781464576721191, "articlesIDs": [ "34606688" ] }, { "text": "visible hematuria (vh) or 2.19 (95% ci 1.13-4.24; p = 0.02)) and smoking", "score": 10.778095245361328, "articlesIDs": [ "37574012" ] }, { "text": "chemotherapy", "score": 10.76891040802002, "articlesIDs": [ "34682884" ] }, { "text": "severe lower-urinary-tract symptoms", "score": 10.765054702758789, "articlesIDs": [ "35610365" ] }, { "text": "total psa ≥10 ng/ml", "score": 10.758724212646484, "articlesIDs": [ "34729223" ] }, { "text": "men in the top prs decile", "score": 10.750478744506836, "articlesIDs": [ "36872133" ] }, { "text": "having a family history of prca", "score": 10.749446868896484, "articlesIDs": [ "34790437" ] }, { "text": "men with several comorbidities", "score": 10.748044967651367, "articlesIDs": [ "36031560" ] }, { "text": "f/b ratio of the gut microbiota", "score": 10.747859001159668, "articlesIDs": [ "34516694" ] }, { "text": "psa slopes ranging from 0.5 to 3.5 ng/ml/year", "score": 10.744476318359375, "articlesIDs": [ "37085532" ] }, { "text": "age 50-59", "score": 10.742147445678711, "articlesIDs": [ "34621012" ] }, { "text": "psa level at surgery", "score": 10.73410701751709, "articlesIDs": [ "36708227" ] }, { "text": "cribriform morphology of pca", "score": 10.733802795410156, "articlesIDs": [ "35818912" ] }, { "text": "more recent recipients of adt", "score": 10.733675003051758, "articlesIDs": [ "37076564" ] }, { "text": "younger age", "score": 10.730597496032715, "articlesIDs": [ "33905262", "37097699" ] }, { "text": "isup grade group (gg) 4 (p = 0.006), gg 5", "score": 10.720959663391113, "articlesIDs": [ "37330440" ] }, { "text": "dairy consumption", "score": 10.7145414352417, "articlesIDs": [ "35513801" ] }, { "text": "visible haematuria, age", "score": 10.703190803527832, "articlesIDs": [ "35760722" ] }, { "text": ", overall environmental quality eqi (or 1.20, ci 1.15-1.26), water eqi", "score": 10.70155143737793, "articlesIDs": [ "33947975" ] }, { "text": "dominant model t allele (t/g + g/g vs. tt) of vdbp", "score": 10.69980239868164, "articlesIDs": [ "36017197" ] }, { "text": "genetically predicted ffmi", "score": 10.698150634765625, "articlesIDs": [ "34324486" ] }, { "text": "post-diagnostic coffee intake", "score": 10.689348220825195, "articlesIDs": [ "33837499" ] }, { "text": "organ transplantation (tpl)", "score": 10.681497573852539, "articlesIDs": [ "34419041" ] }, { "text": "visible haematuria, age, smoking history", "score": 10.68101692199707, "articlesIDs": [ "35760722" ] }, { "text": "those with germline mutations of brca2", "score": 10.677634239196777, "articlesIDs": [ "35657157" ] }, { "text": "among patients with low testosterone", "score": 10.674444198608398, "articlesIDs": [ "34978211" ] }, { "text": "gg 5 (p = 0.003), higher psa level groups per 10 ng/ml until \u003e 50", "score": 10.669084548950195, "articlesIDs": [ "37330440" ] }, { "text": "younger men (age 30-55 years)", "score": 10.653633117675781, "articlesIDs": [ "35353984" ] }, { "text": "men of african ancestry", "score": 10.6503324508667, "articlesIDs": [ "36872133", "33792693" ] }, { "text": "gdf-15 with lung cancer risk, nt-probnp", "score": 10.647156715393066, "articlesIDs": [ "34935094" ] }, { "text": "not taking a statin", "score": 10.628059387207031, "articlesIDs": [ "36875906" ] }, { "text": "positive surgical margin location", "score": 10.626626968383789, "articlesIDs": [ "36708227" ] }, { "text": "higher bmi values", "score": 10.621408462524414, "articlesIDs": [ "34167120" ] }, { "text": "\"fructose\" pattern", "score": 10.621140480041504, "articlesIDs": [ "34168294" ] }, { 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"articlesIDs": [ "34682884" ] }, { "text": "patients with high-volume gg1 tumors", "score": 10.559396743774414, "articlesIDs": [ "34503355" ] }, { "text": "wild-type androgen receptor gene rs5918762 is of tt type", "score": 10.556106567382812, "articlesIDs": [ "36824501" ] }, { "text": "prspc", "score": 10.547677993774414, "articlesIDs": [ "34320204" ] }, { "text": "agatston scores of abdominal plaques", "score": 10.546534538269043, "articlesIDs": [ "35314627" ] }, { "text": "men (but not women) who consumed 1 or more multivitamins daily", "score": 10.539474487304688, "articlesIDs": [ "34590122" ] }, { "text": "preoperative high psa (p \u003c 0.001) and positive surgical margin", "score": 10.538782119750977, "articlesIDs": [ "34514575" ] }, { "text": "tpsa, psad and alp", "score": 10.527692794799805, "articlesIDs": [ "35113414" ] }, { "text": "igm-mgus", "score": 10.526796340942383, "articlesIDs": [ "34588555" ] }, { "text": "antibiotic mixture (abx)", "score": 10.526252746582031, "articlesIDs": [ "34039634" ] }, { "text": "nervous system hb (17.01), and adrenal tumors", "score": 10.52331256866455, "articlesIDs": [ "34337496" ] }, { "text": "wsew, wswm, msem, and msmw", "score": 10.521674156188965, "articlesIDs": [ "37046692" ] }, { "text": "those with ≥2 of hf/mi/stroke/arrhythmia", "score": 10.51784610748291, "articlesIDs": [ "37183319" ] }, { "text": "men with a biopsy gs of 9 to 10 and a psa level of ≤4 ng/ml versus \u003e4 ng/ml", "score": 10.517298698425293, "articlesIDs": [ "34101827" ] }, { "text": "higher bmi values (p \u003c 0.0001). bmi", "score": 10.51668643951416, "articlesIDs": [ "34167120" ] }, { "text": "sarcopenic obesity", "score": 10.501964569091797, "articlesIDs": [ "34032495" ] }, { "text": "number of resected lymph nodes", "score": 10.501962661743164, "articlesIDs": [ "33951669" ] }, { "text": "ever taking habitual siestas", "score": 10.498976707458496, "articlesIDs": [ "36526666" ] }, { "text": "the hogg1 rs1052133 polymorphism", "score": 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10.445305824279785, "articlesIDs": [ "37036830" ] }, { "text": "lymph node invasion (p \u003c 0.001), gs of ≥ 7 at a psm", "score": 10.445140838623047, "articlesIDs": [ "34313905" ] }, { "text": "age (or 1.04, \u003c 0.001), a positive dre (or 1.75, 0.04), psa density", "score": 10.426466941833496, "articlesIDs": [ "37232832" ] }, { "text": "hematopoietic stem cell transplant for hematologic malignancies", "score": 10.424789428710938, "articlesIDs": [ "36512057" ] }, { "text": "1 standard deviation increase in crf", "score": 10.420780181884766, "articlesIDs": [ "33763858" ] }, { "text": "variants in ddr genes and", "score": 10.41497802734375, "articlesIDs": [ "36446039" ] }, { "text": "the high-penetrant hoxb13 g84e prostate cancer risk variant", "score": 10.408885955810547, "articlesIDs": [ "33941403" ] }, { "text": "previous abdominal surgery", "score": 10.407024383544922, "articlesIDs": [ "33951669" ] }, { "text": "swedish men with prostate cancer", "score": 10.387566566467285, 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10.333979606628418, "articlesIDs": [ "35154101" ] }, { "text": "polygenic risk scores (prs)", "score": 10.332273483276367, "articlesIDs": [ "34906469" ] }, { "text": "parkinson's disease (pd)", "score": 10.326297760009766, "articlesIDs": [ "36788297" ] }, { "text": "men who received androgen deprivation therapy (adt) for prostate cancer", "score": 10.321998596191406, "articlesIDs": [ "36585167" ] }, { "text": "first-degree prostate cancer", "score": 10.314815521240234, "articlesIDs": [ "34980493" ] }, { "text": "age \u003e 60 years and rn", "score": 10.311338424682617, "articlesIDs": [ "34427540" ] }, { "text": "dna damage repair genes, increase pca risk. rpms in brca2", "score": 10.310074806213379, "articlesIDs": [ "36609003" ] }, { "text": "alan exposure", "score": 10.307130813598633, "articlesIDs": [ "37013806" ] }, { "text": "pcbs congeners (pcb 44, 52, and 101)", "score": 10.306751251220703, "articlesIDs": [ "36167526" ] }, { "text": "schizophrenia patients", "score": 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