diff --git "a/chichewa-machine-translation.csv" "b/chichewa-machine-translation.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chichewa-machine-translation.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,16644 @@ +sent_id,english,chichewa,topic,source +en1,Crops need to be planted early as recommended to take advantage of the full rainy season.,Mbewu ziyenera kubzalidwa msanga potsatira malangizo kuti zigwirane ndi nyengo yonse ya mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2,"With the uncertainty in the rainfall pattern, late planted crops risk moisture stress at critical periods such as increased pest and disease attack, reduced growing period and nutrient uptake","Ndi kusapanganika kwa kagwedwe ka mvula, mbewu zobzalidwa mochedwa zimakhala pa chiopsezo chosowa chinyontho panthawi zofunikira monga kuchuluka kwa matenda ndi tizilombo, kuchepa kwa nthawi yokulira komanso kuyamwa michere munthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en3,Field preparation should be carried out preferably soon after harvest when the soil is still moist and therefore easy to till,Minda isamalidwe pambuyo pomaliza kukolola pamene dothi lidakali ndi chinyezi ndipo silivuta kulima,agriculture,agriculture document +en4,This ensures deep ploughing and good decomposition of the incorporated crop residues and also improves soil structure and minimizes surface run-off,Izi zimathandiza kuti khasu lidzilowa kwambiri komanso udzu ndi zotsalira za mbewu ziole bwino ndipo nthaka imatakasuka ndi kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en5,"Where this is not practicable, farmers should aim at having fields ready by the end of September so that they can plant with the first planting rains.","Ngati izi nzovuta kuchita, alimi ayetsetse kukonza minda pofika kumapeto kwa mwezi wa September ndi cholinga chakuti adzabzale ndi mvula yoyamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en6,"With the ever increasing cost of chemical fertilizers, proper use of manures becomes more important",Mitengo ya fetelezayakhala ikukwera kotero kagwiritsidwe ntchito koyenera kamanyowa ndi kothandiza,agriculture,agriculture document +en7,"Where manures are used in combination with chemical fertilizers, crops grow vigorously. Yields and quality are also improved","Pomwe manyowa akugwiritsodwa ntchito pamodzi ndi feleza, mbewu zimakula mwamphamvu. Zokolola zimachuluka komanso zimakhala zabwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en8,"Extension staff should provide technical advice on how to incorporate crop residues, make and use of different types of manure",Alangizi a zaulimi akuyenera kupeleka upangiri wa mmene tingaphatikizire zinyalala za mbewu kuti tipange manyowa a mitundu yosiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en9,"Weeds deprive crops of plant nutrients, moisture and sunlight. They may also harbor pests and diseases causing reduction in yields. To reduce competition, it is important that farmers weed their crops timely and frequently","Udzu umachepetsa michere, chinyezi ndi dzuwa zofika ku mbeu. Udzu umasunganso tizilombo ndi matenda zomwe zimachepetsa zokolola. Pochepetsa kukanganira , nkofunika alimi apalile mbeu zawo nthawi yoyenera komanso pafupipafupi",agriculture,agriculture document +en10,"It is important that farmers use seed and planting material that would germinate, establish well and grow into a healthy crop","Nkofunika kuti alimi agwiritse ntchito mbeu zomwe zingamere, kutakasuka ndi kukula mwathanzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en11,"By intercropping, more than one crop can be harvested in the same season from the same plot, thereby obtaining maximum benefit from it","Pobzala mbeu mwakasakaniza, mbeu zopitilira imodzi zikhoza kukololedwa munyengo imodzi pamunda umodzi kotero mlimi amapeza phindu lochuluka",agriculture,agriculture document +en12,"In some cases, other benefits include moisture retention, crop support, soil fertility improvement, soil erosion control and pest and disease control","Nthawi zina, phindu lina ndi monga kusunga chinyezi, kupeleka thandizo kumbeu zina, kuwonjezera nthaka/chonde, kuchepetsa kukokoloka kwa nthaka komanso kuthana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en13,Growing of the same crop on the same piece of land year after year results in poor yields and quality unless expensive management practices are employed,Kubzala mbeu yamtundu umodzi pamalo amodzimodzi kwa nthawi yayitali kumachepetsa zokolola pokhapokha atangieiritsa njira zina zosamalira mbeu zomwenso ndi zofuna ndalama zochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en14,For instance continued monocropping in maize fields results in witchweed infestation. It is therefore important that agriculture staff help farmers to work out rotation plans,"Mwachitsanzo, kubzala chimanga chokha pamalo amodzi kwa nthawi yayitali kumadzetsa kaufiti. Choncho nkoyenera kuti ogwira ntchito zaulimi athandize alimi ndi ndondomeko zaulimi wakasinthasintha",agriculture,agriculture document +en15,Insect pests and diseases can severely reduce yields and lower the quality of produce,Tizilombo towononga mbeu komanso matenda zimachepetsa zokolola komanso zimatsitsa maonekedwe a zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en16,"The incidence of pests and diseases can be reduced without necessarily using pesticides but, for example, observing the closed season in tobacco and cotton; burning or burying infested materials away from the field and destruction of volunteer crops",Kupezeka kwa tizilombo komanso matenda kungachepetsedwe posagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala kokha koma mwachitsanzo kutsatira kutha kwa nyengo ta fodya ndi thonje; kuotcha kapena kukwilila zinthu zonse zogwidwa ndi matenda ndi tizilombo komanso kuononga mbeu zina zonse ,agriculture,agriculture document +en17,"Uprooting tomato, tobacco, or cotton plants after harvesting helps to reduce disease incidence such as nematodes infestation","Kuzula tomato, fodya kapana thonje pakutha pakukolola kumathandiza kuchepetsa kubuka kwa matenda monga mtchemberezandonda",agriculture,agriculture document +en18,A lot of money can be wasted in employing labour and trying to carry out too many tasks at the same time resulting in inefficiency,Ndalama zambiri zikhoza kutayika polemba ogwira ntchito komanso kugwira ntchito zambirimbiri nthawi imodzi zomwe zimadzetsa kusalongosoka,agriculture,agriculture document +en19,"Agricultural staff should assist in formulating an appropriate farm plan in agreement with the farmer so that there is efficient use of land, water, labour, time, money and other resources","Ogwira ntchito zaulimi akuyenera kuthandiza pokhadzikitsa ndondomeko za ulimi mogwirizana ndi alimi ndi cholinga chakuti malo, madzi, mphamvu, nthawi, ndalama komanso zinthu zonse zigwire ntchito moyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en20,"With rising costs of farming, it is important to ensure that financial investments bring good returns; optimum crop yields and returns","Ndikukwera kwa zinthu zaulimi, ndikofunika kuonetsetsa kuti ndalama zolowa zikubweretsa phindu labwino; zokolola zapamwamba komanso phindu",agriculture,agriculture document +en21,"Research work develop new varieties of crop seed and planting materials to produce varieties which are high-yielding and resistant to pests and disease; to realize the full potential of the improved seed and planting materials, good husbandry practices should be followed","Ntchito ya kafukufuku idzetse mitundu ya mbeu zamakono zosiyanasiyana, zopatsa zokolola zambiri komanso zopilira ku tizilombo ndi matenda; kuti mbeu zamakonozo zichite bwino kwambiri, nkofunika kutsatira ndondomemko zoyenera zamalimidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en22,Farmers should be aware that high incidences of pests and diseases reduce the yield and quality of crops and should therefore apply various recommended control measures correctly and timely,Alimi azindikire kuti kuchuluka kwa tizilombo ndi matenda kumachepetsa zokolola ndi maonekedwe a mbeu kotero agwiritse ntchito njira zovomerezeka zothana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda moyenera komanso panthawi yoyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en23,Cultural practices which help to minimize pest problems in the nursery and in the field should be encouraged and farmers should be encouraged to use the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to pest and disease control,Ntchito zachikhalidwe zothandizira kuchepetsa mavuto a tizilombo ku nazale komanso kumunda zilimbikitsidwe ndipo alimi ayenera kugwiritsa ntchito ndondomeko zonse zoyenera zothanirana ndi tizilombo ndi matemba,agriculture,agriculture document +en24,Credit taken to invest in farming is a good idea but farmers need to be assisted by extension staff to calculate gross-margins before getting such credit,Ngongole zotengedwa kuti zitukule ulimi ndi zabwino koma alimi ayenera kuthandizidwa ndi alangizi a zaulimi kuwerengera ndalama zofunika asanatenge ngongoleyo,agriculture,agriculture document +en25,"Apart from creating possibilities for rotation, strips can be planted with crops of different pest problems and weather tolerance as a safeguard against crop failure","Kuputula kuthekera kochita kasinthasintha, mizere ibzalidwe ndi mbeu zopilira mosiyana ku tizilombo ndi nyengo kuti titeteze mbeu kusachita bwino ",agriculture,agriculture document +en26,"The majority of farmers find it very hard to carryout farm operations properly and timely by hand even with hired labour; the use of animal power and animal drawn implements such as tractors, ploughs, ridgers, cultivators and farm carts makes the work easier and faster","Alimi ambiri amavutika kugwira ntchito zakumunda moyenera komanso munthawi yake pogwiritsa ntchito manja ngakhale alembe atchito; kugwiritsa ntchito ziweto komanso zipangizo zokokedwa ndi ziweto monga zogaula, zopanga mizere, zozbalira ndi ngolo zonyamula katundu kumapeputsa ntchito ndipo imagwiridwa mwachangu",agriculture,agriculture document +en27,"Other farm implements such as sprayers, planters and wheelbarrows also help in farm operations and farmers should aim at acquiring these implements","Zipangizo zina monga zopopera mankhwala, zobzalira mbeu, ndi wilibala zimathandiza pantchito zakumunda ndipo alimi akhale ndi chidwi chopeza zipangizozi",agriculture,agriculture document +en28,Credit taken to invest in farming is a good idea but farmers need to be assisted by extension staff to calculate gross-margins before getting such credit; this would assist in making decision on the amount of credit to get and how to make the most out of it,Ngongole zotengedwa kuti zitukule ulimi ndi zabwino koma alimi ayenera kuthandizidwa ndi alangizi a zaulimi kuwerengera ndalama zofunika asanatenge ngongoleyo; izi zingawathandize kupanga ziganizo choyenera pa kuchuluka kwa ndalama zongongola komanso kagwiritsidwe ntchito kuti apeze phindu lambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en29,Crop diversification is the growing of more than one crop by a farmer within the same season or year,Kubzala mbeu zosiyanasiyana kukutanthauza kubzala mbeu zopitilira mtundu umodzi munyengo imodzi kapena chaka chimodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en30,"Where more than one crop is grown in the season, the farmer reduces the risk of total loss of food supply and cash return in the event of some of the crops failing, and also takes care of commodity price fluctuations","Pomwe mbeu zopitilira mtundu umodzi zabzalidwa munyengo imodzi, alimi amachepetsa chiopsezo chosakolola zakudya kapena kusapeza ndalama ngati mbeu zina sidzinachite bwino, ndipo izi zimathandiza kuti mitengo ya zokolola isamasinthesinthe",agriculture,agriculture document +en31,"Diversification towards more exportable high value crops such as chillies, tobacco and macadamia also helps farmers realize more cash income, and thus improve their farming while earning foreign exchange into the country","Kuchulukitsa kubzala mbeu zogulitsa kumayiko akunja zamitengo yokwera monga tsabola, fodya, mtedza wamakadamia zimathandizanso alimi kupeza ndalama zochuluka ndipo zimatukula ulimi kwinaku akuthandiza dziko kupeza ndalama za maiko akunja",agriculture,agriculture document +en32,Mixed cropping or intercropping is the growing of more than one crop on the same piece of land,Kubzala mbeu mwakasakaniza kumatanthauza kubzala mbeu zopitilila mtundu umodzi pamalo amodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en33,Farmers should be encouraged to grow more than one crop in order to harvest more in the same season,Alimi alimbikitsidwe kubzala mbeu zopitilira mtundu umodzi kuti adzikolola zochuluka munyengo imodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en34,Agroforestry is a collective term for farming system where trees crops and animals are managed on the same piece of land,Ulimi ndi zankhalango ndi ndondomeko zomwe mitengo ndi ziweto zimasungidwa pamalo amodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en35,The inclusion of tree such as leucaena (Tephrosia vogelli) and msangu (Faidhebia albida) in the farming system is an important part of integrated land use,Kuphatikiza mitengo monga luecaena ndi msangu mu ndondomeko za ulimi ndi njira yofunikira ya kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en36,Trees can meet a variety of farmer’s needs as well as contribute directly to the improvement of soil and micro-climatic conditions on the farm,Mitengo imapezetsa alimi zofuna zawo zosiyanasiyana komanso imathandiza kubwezeretsa mphamvu kumthaka ndi zinthu zina zofunika munthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en37,Both local and exotic breeds are suited and survive in Malawi. The local breeds are suited and survive in Malawi’s environmental conditions but production levels are below those of exotic breeds,Mitundu yachilengedwe ndi yobwera zimalola m'Malawi muno. Mitundu yachilengedwe imagwirizana kwambiri ndi nyengo ya mMalawi muno koma simachita bwino kuposa mitundu yobwera,agriculture,agriculture document +en38,"Crossbred animals and poultry perform better than local breeds, but below those of exotic breeds",Mitundu ya ziweto ndi nkhuku zokwatitsa kuchokera kumitundu ina zimachita bwino kuposa zamakolo koma sidziposa mitundu yobwera,agriculture,agriculture document +en39,Smallholder farmers are encouraged to keep local and cross-breeds because exotic breeds require high levels of management,Alimi ang'onoang'ono akulimbikitsidwa kusunga mitundu yamakolo komanso zokwatitsa chifukwa mitundu yobwera imalira kusamala mwapamwamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en40,"Different classes of livestock suffer from a number of diseases in various parts of the country, which reduce their productivity",Mitundu yosiyana ya ziweto imadwala matenda osiyanasiyana mmadera a mdziko muno zomwe zimachepetsa kuchulukana kwawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en41,Some diseases affect specific classes while other affects different species of livestock. Some of the livestock diseases can be transmitted to and infect human beings,Matenda ena amagwira mitundu yokhazikika yaziweto pamene ena amagwira mitundu yosiyanasiyana yaziweto. Ena mwa matenda a ziweto amapatsirana ndi anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en42,"Zoonotic diseases include rabies, brucellosis, stomach intestinal worms, tuberculosis and fungal infections. In general, diseased livestock do not eat well, lose body condition and die","Matenda opatsirana pakati pa nyama ndi anthu ndi monga chiwewe, vuto lobereka kunyama, njoka zammimba, chifuwa chachikulu ndi matenda ena. Kwambiri ziweto zogwidwa ndi matenda sidzimadya mokwanira, zimawonda komanso kufa",agriculture,agriculture document +en43,"Disease incidences can be minimized through dipping, vaccinations, treatments, good pasture grazing management, meat inspection and restriction in movement of livestock","Kupezeka kwa matenda kungachepe podzisambitsa mankhwala, kudzibaya katemera, kudyetsa moyenera, kuoima nyama komanso kuchepetsa kuyenda kwa ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en44,These measures will reduce the risk of contracting specific diseases for both livestock and human beings,Njira izi zichepetsa chiopsezo chopatsirana matenda pakati pa ziweto komanso ndi anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en45,"Farmers are encouraged to improve the quality of their livestock through good management. They are also encouraged to identify markets, which can give them the best returns from their investment in livestock",Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kukuza thanzi la ziweto zawo potsatira ndondomeko zabwino zakasamalidwe. Akulimbikitsidwanso kuti apeze misika imene ingawapezetse phindu lochuluka pa ziweto zawo ,agriculture,agriculture document +en46,"Where there is potential for irrigation, efforts should be made to utilize irrigable land. In addition to increasing crop yields, irrigation helps reduce the risk of crop failure because of drought and prolonged spells","Pamene pali kuthekera kochita mthilira, alimi ayesetse kugwiritsa ntchito minda yomwe angathe kuthilira. Pamwamba pochulukitsa zokolola, mthilira umathandiza kuchepetsa kusachita bwino kwa mbeu pamene kuli chilala ndi ng'amba",agriculture,agriculture document +en47,Irrigation also assists in livestock production through provision of supplementary water for pasture production as well as drinking water for animals,Mthilira umathandiza pa ulimi wa ziweto popeleka madzi owonjezera paulimi wa chakudya chaziweto komanso madzi akumwa ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en48,Proper water management is complementary to good husbandry practices and farmers should be encouraged to manage their water in order to realize increased yields,Kusamala madzi moyenera kumathandizira pa ulimi wabwino ndipo alimi akulimbikitsidwa kugwiritsa ntchito moyenera kuti apeze zokolola zochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en49,Sustainable agricultural production in Malawi depends on the rational use of the natural resources in particular soil and water,Ulimi wabwino mMalawi muno umadalira kagwiritsidwe ntchito koyenera ka zinthu zachilengedwe makamaka nthaka ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en50,Poor soil and water management in agriculture results in poor growth and yield for a number of crop enterprises,Kasamalidwe kosayenera ka nthaka ndi madzi pa ulimi zimazetsa kusakula bwino kwa mbeu ndi kuchepetsa zokolola pa mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya mbeu,agriculture,agriculture document +en51,Farmers should be encouraged to manage water and soils and as an important resources in agriculture as a livelihood strategy for the present and future generations,Alimi akuyenera kulimbikitsdiwa kusamala madzi ndi dothi komanso ngati zinthu zofunikira paulimi wa m'bado uno ndi wamtsgolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en52,Malawi’s agricultural production is currently threatened by an increasing demand on its natural resource base due to expanding human population,Ntchito zaulimi ku Malawi zili pachiopsezo chifukwa chakukula kwa kufunika kwa zinthu zachilengedwe potsatira kukula kwa chiwerengero cha anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en53,Soil erosion and declining soil fertility under continuous cultivation are increasingly becoming serious land degradation problems in the country,Kukoloka kwa nthaka komanso kuchepa kwa chonde munthaka potsatira kulima kowirikiza pamalo amodzi zikuonjezera vuto lakuonongeka kwa nthaka mdziko muno,agriculture,agriculture document +en54,"Current farming systems are characterized by continuous growing of crops on the same piece of land, cultivation of unsuitable areas such as steep slopes and river banks, making of ridges along the slopes, overgrazing and burning of crop residues","Njira zaulimi za masiku ano zimadziwika ndi kulima mbewu motsadukiza pamalo amodzi, kubzala malo osayenera monga malo otsetsereka kwambiri ndi mmbali mwa mitsinje, kupanga mizere potsatira kutsetsereka kwa malo, kudyetsa ziweto malo amodzi mowirikiza komanso kuotcha zotsalira za mbeu",agriculture,agriculture document +en55,"These inappropriate land use and management practices result in increased surface run-off, soil erosion and destruction of catchment areas","Njira zosayenera zakagwiritsidwe ntchito ndi kasamalidwe ka malo zawonjezera kuthamanga kwa madzi, kukokoloka kwa nthaka komanso kuonongeka kwa chilengedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en56,"On average the country is losing about 29 tonnes of soil per hectare per year, which has negative impact on the crop yields","Pakatikati, dziko lino likutaya ma tani 29 a nthaka pa hekitala chaka chilichonse, zomwe zabwezeretsa mbuyo makololedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en57,It is therefore recommended to refer to this soil rate because it supports government efforts in developing the requisite control measures,Motero nkoyenera kumatsatira mlingo wa dothi chifukwa zikuthandizira boma kukonza ndondomeko zosamalira,agriculture,agriculture document +en58,"Recommended crop and animal husbandry practices supported by properly designed, constructed and maintained physical conservation structures are the most effective means of minimizing land degradation caused by soil erosion","Ndondomeko zoyenera za kasamalidwe ka mbeu ndi ziweto kothandizidwa ndi zipangizo zotetezera chilengedwe zokonzedwa, kumangidwa ndi kusamalidwa bwino ndi zokhazo zomwe zingachepetse kuonongeka kwa nthaka kobwera chifukwa cha kukoloka kwa dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en59,"Climate change is any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity; Malawi’s economy is agro-based and majority of Malawians who depend on rain-fed agriculture are adversely affected by climate change","Kusintha kwa nyengo ndi kusintha kulikonse pa nyengo kwa nthawi yayitali, kaya chifukwa cha kusintha kwa chilengedwe kapena chifukwa cha zochitika za anthu; chuma cha Malawi chimadalira ulimi ndipo amalawi ambiri omwe amadalira ulimi wa mvula akhudzidwa ndi kusintha kwa nyengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en60,"For the agriculture sector in Malawi, it is the changes in rainfall regimes that will be a dominant climate factor affecting agricultural production","Kumbali ya ulimi mmalawi muno, ndikusintha kumeneku kwa kagwedwe ka mvula komwe kukhale kusintha kwa nyengo kwakukulu kosokoneza ntchito za ulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en61,"The changes in rainfall patterns will have great consequences on soil surface run-off, soil erosion, soil-water availability, floods, droughts, groundwater recharge and storage, water quality, water demands for irrigation, crop and domestic uses and a whole range of other environmental and economic activities","Kusintha pakagwedwe ka mvula kudzakhala ndi zotsatira zake zoyipa pa madzi othamanga mdothi, kukokoloka kwa dothi, kupezeka kwa madzi mdothi, kusefukira kwa madzi, chilala, kutuluka kwa madzi pansi pa mthaka komanso kusungika, ubwino wa madzi, kufunika kwa madzi ogwiritsa ntchito za mthilira, mbewu ndi ntchito zapakhomo ndipo ngati ntchito zonse zokhuza chilengedwe ndi zachuma",agriculture,agriculture document +en62,"A number of responses to these changes have already been identified and are being implemented and these include development of policies and strategies to address climate change, development of programmes and projects to respond to the problems of climate change, commissioned studies for in-depth understanding of the impacts of climate change on agriculture and identification of interventions to address the impacts, increased participation in and to climate change related, increased awareness/sensitization/campaigns on climate change and mitigation measures and implementation of activities to adapt/mitigate impacts of climate change","Mayankho angapo kuzovuta zimenezi apezeka ndipo akukwaniritsa ndipo awa ndi monga kukonza mfundo ndi njira zothanirana ndi kusintha kwa nyengo, kukonza ntchito zokonza mavuto a kusintha kwa nyengo, kuchita kafukufuku wofuna kumvetsetsa mwakuya kuyipa kwa kusintha kwa nyengo pa ulimi ndikupeza njira zothanirana ndi kuyipako, kuchulukitsa kutengapo mbali pa zonse zokhuza kusintha kwa nyengo, kuchulukitsa kuzindikiritsa anthu za kusintha kwa nyengo ndi njira zochepetsera ululu komanso kugwira ntchito zochepetsa ululu wodza kamba kakusintha kwa nyengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en63,"To adapt to increasing weather variability and climate change, farmers will have to change their management practices in a number of ways – for example, how they grow their crops, manage soils and water","Pofuna kupilira ndikusintha kwa nyengo, alimi ayenera kusintha kayendetsedwe ka ntchito zawo munjira zingapo- mwachitsanzo, mmene amalimira mbewu zawo, kusamala dothi ndi madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en64,Environmental and Social Safeguards are important in that they guide the land users in identification of potential impacts of their activities to the environment as well as developing mitigation measures which are outlined in an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP),Njira zoteteza chilengedwe ndi anthu ndizofunika kwambiri chifukwa zimaongolera ogwiritsa ntchito malo kuzindikira mmene ntchito zawo zingakhudzire chilengedwe komanso kukonza njira zochepetsera ululu zomwe zimayikidwa mu ndondomeko zosamalira zachilengedwe ndi anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en65,"In order to understand how best the land can be utilized, it is necessary to identify its physical, biological and chemical characteristics","Pofuna kumvetsetsa mmene malo angagwiritsidwe ntchito bwino, ndikofunika kuzindikira zinthu zomwe sizamoyo, zamoyo zonse komanso michere yake",agriculture,agriculture document +en66,These characteristics give an indication of the limitations as well as capabilities of the land to support a particular land use,Zinthu zodzindikirtsa zimenezi zimapeleka chisonyezo pakupelewera komanso kuthekera kwa malowo kuthandizira ntchito yapamalopo,agriculture,agriculture document +en67,"Most of the recommended crop husbandry practices fall under biological conservation measures and they include early garden preparation, timely planting, correct plant population, intercropping and relay cropping, crop rotation, application of organic and inorganic fertilizers and use of crop residues","Zina mwa njira zovomerezeka zakasamalidwe ka mbewu zili pansi pa njira zoteteza zamoyo ndipo zikuphatikiza kukonza minda mofulumira, kubzala mofulimira, kutsata kuthithikana kwa mbewu koyenera, kulima mwakasanika komanso mopasirana mbewu, kulima mwakasinthasintha, kuthira manyowa komanso feteleza ndi kugwiritsa ntchito zotsalira za mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en68,"Other biological measures are afforestation, control of bush fires, rotational grazing, vetiver planting, and live fencing while physical conservation measures include bunds, waterways, terraces, storm water drains, contour marker ridges, planting ridges, infiltration pits, swales and box ridges","Njira zina zoteteza zamoyo ndi kubzala mitengo, kuthana ndi moto wolusa mtchire, kudyetsa zoweto mwakasinthasintha, kubzala vetiver ndi kuyika mpanda wamoyo pamene kusamala potsata njira zomwe sizamoyo kukuphatikiza kukonza milambala, njira zodutsa madzi, ma terrace, ngalande, milambala, akalodzera, mize yobzala mbewu, mayenje okololera madzi, migulo komansi mabokosi ",agriculture,agriculture document +en69,"The Land Resources Conservation Department promotes communal catchment conservation and integrated approach to land use; whereby farmers produce crops, trees and livestock on the same piece of land","Mthambi ya Land Resource Conservation imalimbikitsa kusamala zachilengedwe pagulu ndipo kugwiritsa ntchito njira zosakaniza zosamalira malo, pomwe alimi akulima mbewu, mitengo komanso ziweto pamalo amodzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en70,"Efforts in catchment conservation are made against a number of challenges which include overgrazing, indiscriminate felling of trees, uncontrolled bush fires, the practice of slash and burn (visoso) and cultivation of stream banks and must be discouraged in all areas","Ntchito zofuna kuteteza malo zikuchitika pamwamba pamavuto omwe ndi monga kudyetsa ziweto pamalo amodzi mopitilira muyezo, kudula mitengo mosalabada, moto wolusa, kulima mumkhalango pogwetsa ndi kuotcha mitengo (visoso) komanso kubzala mbewu mphepete mwa mitsinje ndipo zikuyenera kudzudzulidwa mmadera onse",agriculture,agriculture document +en71,"Special care must be taken in the use of marginal areas such as steep slopes, with poor and shallow soils and stream banks","kasamalidwe kapadera kayenera kutsatidwa pogwiritsa ntchito malo ovuta kulima monga minda yotsetsereka kwambiri, yomwe ili ndi dothi loyipa komanso lochepa ndi mphepete mwa mitsinje",agriculture,agriculture document +en72,"These areas are suitable for afforestation and may be sources of firewood, timber and poles","Madera amenewa ndiwoneyera kubzala mitengo ndipo akhoza kukhala kopezera nkhuni, matabwa ndi milimo",agriculture,agriculture document +en73,Forest reserves and game parks have been instituted to protect some of these areas which have an important role of preserving our natural heritage,Mkhalango ndi malo osungira zinyama otetezedwa zakhadzikitsidwa pofuna kuteteza ena mwa malowa omwe ali ndi kufunikira kwakukulu poteteza zachilengedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en74,"In order to achieve sustainable land and water management, it is recommended that a number of practices be adopted by farmers in the country","Pofuna kukwaniritsa kasamalidwe ka malo ndi madzi kosaononga chilengedwe, ndikoyenera kuti ntchito zingapo zidzichitidwa ndi alimi mdziko muno",agriculture,agriculture document +en75,"These are soil and water conservation, soil fertility improvement and agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and rainwater harvesting","Izi ndi monga kuteteza dothi ndi madzi, kuwonjezera chonde mdothi ndi kulima mitengo yobweretsa chonde mminda, ulimi wa mtayakhasu komanso kukolola madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en76,"Soil and water conservation means the protection, maintenance, rehabilitation, restoration and enhancement of soil and water resources","Kuteteza dothi ndi madzi kukutanthauza kuteteza, kusamala, kukonza, kubwezeretsa komanso kukweza ntchito za dothi ndi madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en77,Soil erosion is one of the common problems faced by farmers due to poor soil and water conservation practices,Kukokoloka kwa dothi ndi amodzi mwa mavuto omwe alimi akukumana nawo chifukwa cha chosateteza moyenera dothi ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en78,"Soil erosion is the detachment and movement of soil particles from one place to another by raindrop impact, surface run-off, wind and landslides","Kukokoloka kwa dothi ndi kusiyana komanso kuyenda kwa ziduswa za dothi kuchoka malo amodzi kupita kwina chifukwa cha madzi, kuthamanga kwa madzi pamthaka, mphepo ndi kutsetsera kwa matope mmapiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en79,Soil and water conservation includes management and use of such resources to ensure sustainability,Kuteteza nthaka ndi madzi zikuphatikiza kusamala komanso kugwiritsa ntchito zinthu zonga izi moyenera kuti zipitilire kupezeka,agriculture,agriculture document +en80,These practices at farm level have the following benefits:- Reduction of run-off and soil erosion; Conservation of soil moisture for plant; growth; improved crop and pasture yields; Increased ground water supplies; Reduced siltation and flooding,Zochitika izi pa munda zili ndi ubwino wotsatirawu: kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi komanso kukoloka kwa dothi; kusunga chinyezi ku mbeu; kuchulikitsa zokolola komanso zakudya za ziweto; kuwonjezera kupezeka kwa madzi pansi padothi; kuchepetsa kukwilirika ndi kusefukira kwa mitsinje,agriculture,agriculture document +en81,"Biological conservation practices aim at maintaining good ground cover in order to protect the land from rain-drop impact and run-off, and build up soil organic matter for soil structure improvement.","Kuteteza zamoyo kumafuna kusamala zomera zophimba mthaka ndi cholinga chofuna kuteteza dothi ku mvula ndi madzi othamanga, komanso kuchulukitsa chonde mumthaka kuti dothi likahle labwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en82,"Maintenance of good ground cover on gardens through recommended crop husbandry practices and preservation of grasses, trees and litter on uncultivated land, should be promoted","Kusunga zomera zophimba dothi mminda potsatira njira zovomerezeka za ulimi wa mbewu komanso kusunga udzu, mitengo ndi zinyalala mmalo omwe sanabzalidwe mbewu kulimbikitsidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en83,"Manure and crop residues should be used to improve soil fertility, structure and water holding capacity","Manyowa ndi zotsalira za mbewu zigwiritsidwe ntchito pochulukitsa chonde mdothi, kukonza dothi komanso kuthekera kosunga madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en84,"Integration of trees/shrubs with crops and or livestock enhances conservation of soil and water resources through root binding of soil particles, improved canopy and leaf biomass fall that increases soil organic matter","Kuphatikiza mitengo/mafutu ndi mbewu kapane ziweto kumathandiza kuteteza dothi ndi madzi kudzera mitsitsi kumanga dothi, kupeleka mthunzi komanso masamba amagwera pansi ndikuwonjezera chonde mdothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en85,"The grass strips should be planted with suitable trees such as Gliricidia, fruit trees and crops such as bananas and pigeon peas that provide good ground cover and are beneficial to farmers","Mizere ya udzu ibzalidwe mmalo ndi mitengo yoyenera monga Gliricidia, mitengo yazipatso ndi mbewu monga nthochi ndi nandolo zomwe zimaphimba dothi komanso ndizopindulits akwa alimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en86,All land with a slope of 2% and above requires physical conservation measures. These should be properly constructed and regularly maintained,Malo onse otsetsereka ndi 2% kapena kuposa apa akusowa kuwateteza ndi njira zomwe sizamoyo. Adzikonzedwa ndi kusamalidwa pafupipafupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en87,"Some of the recommended physical conservation practices are contour ridging, tied/ box ridging, gully reclamation, raised footpaths, field boundaries, stream-bank protection and contour vegetation strips","Zina mwa ndondomeko zovomerezeka zosamalira malo ndi kukonza akalodzera, mabokosi, kukwilira ngalande, kukonza njira zokwera, kuyika malire mminda, kuteteza mphepete mwa mitsinje kubzala zomera mu akalodzera",agriculture,agriculture document +en88,Contour ridging is the practice of making ridges and realigning them along areas of similar height(contour) in a field,Kukonza akalodzera ndi mchitidwe wolima mizere ndi kuyiwongolera kuti ikhale pamalo okwera mofanana mmunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en89,Contour ridging should be promoted in order to enhance water retention and contour marker ridges should be used in aligning planting ridges,Kukonza akalodzera kulimbikitsidwe ndi cholinga chofuna kuwonjezera kasungidwe kamadzi ndipo akalodzera agwiritsidwe ntchito powongolera mizere yoyika mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en90,"Since few farmers cultivate on the contour, ridges tend to channel water out of the fields in an uncontrolled manner, which aggravates surface run-off and erosion","Pakuti alimi ochepa amalima ndi akalodzera, mizere imataya madzi kuchoka mminda mopanda zopinga, zimene zimawonjezera kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukoloka kwa dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en91,"Contour ridging is a simple practice to reduce such impacts. To do this, peg and construct contour marker ridges as guides to re-align planting ridges. Marker ridges are best made during the dry season (soon after harvest).","Kukonza akalodzera ndi mtchitidwe wosavuta wochepetsa mavutowa. Pofuna kuchita izi, konzani milambala kuti ikhale kalodzera woongolera mizere ya mbewu. Akalodzera amakonzeka bwino nthawi yadzuwa pambuyo pakukolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en92,"Several instruments are used in marking contour lines. The low cost instruments are the A-Frame, line level and Phiri-Lino Frame","Zida zambiri zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza akalodzera. Zida zotsika mtengo ndi monga A-frame, line level ndi Phiri-Lino frame",agriculture,agriculture document +en93,"These instruments are simple to use and therefore should be promoted. Other instruments such as dumpy, quickset and Abney levels require advanced skills","Zida zimenezi ndizosavta kugwiritsa ntchito choncho zilimbikitsidwe. Zida zina monga dumpy, quickset ndi Abney levels zimafuna luso lapadera",agriculture,agriculture document +en94,"The line level is a relatively cheap, quick and accurate tool in marking contour lines. It consists of a miniature spirit level that hangs from a taut string between two poles","Line level ndiyotsika mtengo, yachangu komanso yolondola popanga akalodzera. Ili ndi spirit level yaying'ono kwambiri yomwe imakolekedwa pa chingwe chokungika kwambiri pakati pa dondo ziwiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en95,"Details of its materials, construction and use are as follows:- line level, 5m of string, 2 sturdy sticks, 1.6-2.0m long with flat ends, 1 knife, Pegs to mark contour lines","Tsatanetsatene wa zinthu zake, kapangidwe komanso kagwiritsidwe ntchito zili motere: line level, chingwe cha 5m, ndodo ziwiri zolimba zotalika 1.6-2.0m zokhala ndi kumapeto kosapendekeka, mpeni umodzi, zintchiri zoyikira zizindikiro za kalodzera",agriculture,agriculture document +en96,"Trim the ends of the sticks to make them flat. Then place them upright on level ground, preferably the floor of a building","Dulani kumapeto kwa ndodo kuti kukhale kosapendekeka. Imitsani chatsonga pabwalo, makamaka pabwalo mnyumba",agriculture,agriculture document +en97,Cut a groove around each stick at exactly the same height (about1.2 to 1.6m or chest level to make reading easy),Kumbani ngalande kuzungulira ndodo iliyonse pamtunda wofanana wa 1.2m mpaka 1.6m kapena pachifuwa kuti kuwerengera kusamavute,agriculture,agriculture document +en98,Hang the line level centrally on the string and tie a note on each end of the level to stop it from sliding,Kolekani line level pakatikati pachingwe ndipo mangani mfundo mbali zonse ziwiri za line level kuti isasunthe,agriculture,agriculture document +en99,"Tie the string ends in the groove of each stick. Set the 2 sticks upright on a level surface (e.g., floor) with the string tight",Mangani mapeto a zingwe mkhosi mwa ndodo. Imitsani ndodo ziwirizo moloza mmwamba pamalo osapendeka ndipo chingwe chikungike,agriculture,agriculture document +en100,Mark their exact positions on the floor and read the line level then switch the positions of the sticks and read the level again,Ikani chizindikiro pansi pomwe pali ndodopo ndipo onani line level kenako sinthani poyika ndondo ndukuonanso line level ,agriculture,agriculture document +en101,"The team then moves down slope from the first contour line. The interval depends on the slope of the field, i.e. 20m apart for gentle slopes, 15m for medium slopes and 10m steep slopes","Tsopano anthuwo atsike mmunsi kuchokera pa mlambala woyamba. Kutalika kutengera kutsetsereka kwa malo mwachitsanzo, malo otsetsereka pang'ono milambala italikirane 20m, 15m pamalo otsetsereka pakatikati ndi 10m malo otsetsereka kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en102,Trim ends of the two 3m sticks to make them flat and tie or nail their tops together,Dulani kumapeto kwa ndodo ziwiri zotalika 3m kuti kukhale thyathyathya ndipo mangani kapena khomani mmwamba mwake pamodzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en103,Then tie or nail the crossbar to the upright sticks 1m from the bottom to form an A shape,Kenako mangani kapena khomani mtengo mopingasa ku ndodozo 1m kuchoka pansi kuti mupange A,agriculture,agriculture document +en104,Hang a string from the top of the two upright sticks with a stone tied to the end so that it hangs 5-10cm below the crossbar,Kolekani chingwe kuchokera pamwamba pa ndodo ziwirizo mutamanga mwala mbali ina yachingweyo kuti chikhale mmelele 5-10cm kunsi kwa mtengo wopingasa,agriculture,agriculture document +en105,"Place the A-frame on a level surface (e.g. floor). Let the string settle, then mark the exact spot where it crosses the horizontal stick","Imitsani A pamalo osapendeka. Dikirani mpaka chingwe chitaima, ikani chizindikiro pamalo pomwe chingwe chadutsa mtengo wopingasawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en106,Mark the exact positions of the 2 upright sticks on the floor. Then switch the positions of the frame legs,Ikani chizindikiro mmalo momwe ndodo ziwiri zinayima. Sinthani malo oyimitsa miyendo ya A,agriculture,agriculture document +en107,"If the calibration is correct, the string will hang precisely over the centre point. The A-frame is perfectly level when the string hangs precisely over this center point","Ngati kuwerengera ndikolondola, chingwe chiima nokhazikika pa pakatikati pa chizindikiro. A-frame imakhala katikati pamene chingwe chayima pakati penipeni",agriculture,agriculture document +en108,"If the string is not perfectly centred both times, check that:- the floor is level, and the frame is tied securely. Adjust the set up as needed","Ngati chingwe sichili pakatikati nthawi zonse ziwiri, onetsetsani kuti: pansi ndiposatsereka, frame yamangidwa molimba. Konzani zinthu moyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en109,Choose calm days for using the A-frame as wind affects the position of the hanging stone,Sankhani masiku a bata ogwiritsa ntchito A-frame chifukwa mphepo imasokoneza mayendedwe a mwala wolendewerawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en110,"Start pegging the field about 20m below the upper corner. Insert a peg at the starting point of the line, and position one leg of the A-frame next to it.","Yambani kuyika zitchiri mmunda 20m kuyandikira mbuto yakumtunda. Khomani chitchiri poyambilira pa chingwe, ndipo imitsani mwendo umodzi wa A-frame moyandikiza",agriculture,agriculture document +en111,"Avoid holes and depressions or stones, ridges and humps. Handle anthills as described before under the line level","Pewani mayenje, motsika kapena miyala, mizere ndi zitunda. Muchite ndi chulu monga mmene tafotokozera kale pa line level",agriculture,agriculture document +en112,"Holding this leg in place, move the other one up or down slope until the string hangs precisely over the mark on the cross pole","Mutayimitsa mwendo umodzi osasuntha, yendetsani mwendi winawo pokweza kapena kutsika mpaka chingwe chikadzikike pakatikati pomwe pali chizindikiro",agriculture,agriculture document +en113,"While holding the second leg in place, pivot the first one round and move it up or down slope until the string hangs exactly over the mark again","Mutagwirabe mwendo wachiwiriwo osasuntha, zungulitsani woyambawo ndipo muwukweze kapena kutsika mpaka chingwe chikhazikike pakatikati a chizindikiro",agriculture,agriculture document +en114,"Continue pivoting across the slope until you reach the end of the field, pegging the position of the legs as you go","Pitirizani kuyendetsa pamalo otsetserekawo mpaka mutafika kumapeto a mundawo, mukukhoma zitchiri pamene mukuyenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en115,Move down the slope to the next contour line. The interval of which depends on the slope of the field (see “Using the level in the field” under The Line Level and its use),"Tsikani mmunsi kupita pa mlambala wina. Kutalika kwake kumatengera kutsetsereka kwa munda (onani ""kugwiritsa ntchito level mmunda"" pomwe akukamba za Line level ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito kake)",agriculture,agriculture document +en116,"The Phiri-Lino frame was designed by a Malawian farmer, Mr Jeremiya Phiri of Chijere Village, Nkhata Bay District, in Mzuzu ADD","Frame ya Phiri-Lino inapangidwa ndi mlimi waku Malawi, Mr Jeremiya Phiri a mmudzi mwa Chijere, m'boma la Nkhata Bay, pansi pa Mzuzu ADD",agriculture,agriculture document +en117,Trim the ends of the two 3m poles to make them flat and tie or nail their tops together,Dulirani kumapeto kwa mitengo yotalika 3m kuti kukhale kosapendeka ndipo mangani kapena kukhoma mbali yakumwambako,agriculture,agriculture document +en118,Tie the 2.5m poles across the other 2 poles about 1m from the bottom to form an A shape,Mangani mitengo yotalika 2.5m mopingasa pa mitengo ina iwiriyo 1m kuchokera pansi kuti mupange A,agriculture,agriculture document +en119,Above it tie the 2m cross stick parallel to the other one to make the frame strong,Pamwamba pake mangani mtengo wa 2m wopingasa motsatira woyambayo kuti frame ikhale yamphamvu,agriculture,agriculture document +en120,Ensure that the bottom ends of the uprights are as far apart as possible to increase the inter-peg distance,Onetsetsani kuti kunsi kwa mitengo yoyimilira yatalikirana ndithu kuti mtunda pakati pa miyendo ikhale wotalika,agriculture,agriculture document +en121,Cut a groove around each of the 3m sticks at exactly the same height above the ground halfway between the 2 cross sticks,Ikani khosi kuzungulira mytengo uliwonse wa 3m pamalo ofanana kuchokera pansi ndi katikati ya mitengo iwiri yopingasa,agriculture,agriculture document +en122,Tie the ends of the string in each groove. Hang the level between 2 knots in the center of the string to stop it from sliding,Mangani mapeto a chingwe mkhosi mwa mtengomo. Kolekani choyezerachi pakati pa mfundo ziwiri pakatikati pa chingwe kuti chisiye kuyendayenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en123,Test the operation of the equipment by following the steps for the line level,Yesani chidachi ngati chikugwira ntchito potsatira ndondomeko za line level,agriculture,agriculture document +en124,Do not smooth contour lines on irregular terrain as it could cause runoff problems,Musasalaritse milambala pamalo osadikha chifukwa ikhoza kuyambitsa mavuto oyenda madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en125,"When pegging across paths, gullies, anthills and streams shorten the string with the line level to half of its length (about 2.5m) to reduce the pegging interval for accuracy","Pamene mukukhoma zitchiri modutsa anthu, mungalande, pachulu kapena mumtsinje, fupikisani chingwe kufika theka pogwiritsa ntchito line level (pafupifupi 2.5m) kuti muchepetse mtunda wokhoma zitchiri pofuna kuyeza molondola",agriculture,agriculture document +en126,"Build the pegged contour line into a ridge. The marked ridges simply serve as guides to re-align planting ridges, and need not be bigger than other ridges if they are clearly marked","Kwezerani momwe mwakhomedwa zitchiri kuti mupange mulambala. Mizere yomwe yayikidwa zizindikiro imathandiza ngati kalodzera popanga mizere ya mbeu, ndipo siyenera kukula kuposa mizere ina ngati yayikidwa zozindikiritsa moyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en127,"After marker ridges are built, align planting ridges parallel to them. Use two marker ridges to align the area between them","Pambuyo pokonza mizere ya kalodzera, konzani mizere ya mbeu mofanana ndi kalodzerayu. Gwiritsani ntchito mizere iwiri ya kalodzera popanga mizere ya mbeu imene pamalo omwe ali pakati pawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en128,"Align the top half of the area to the top marker ridge, and the bottom half to the lower marker ridge. This allows half ridges or wedges to be in the middle",Konzani mizere yakumtunda potsatira kalodzera wakumtundayo ndipo ya mmunsi polondola kalodzera wammunsiyo. Izi zimathandiza kuti mizere yothera mmalere ikhale pakati ,agriculture,agriculture document +en129,"In areas of low rainfall and where erratic rains are experienced, box ridging should be practiced to catch and conserve rain water so as to ensure adequate soil moisture for crops","Madera omwe mvula imagwa yochepa komanso komwe mvula imagwa mwanjomba, ikani mabokosi mmizere kuti adzikolola ndi kusunga madzi a mvula ndi cholinga choonetsetsa kuti pali chinyezi chokwanira ku mbeu",agriculture,agriculture document +en130,Build tied/box ridges across planting ridges to create “micro catchments” to increase water infiltration and to reduce erosion,Ikani mabokosi mopingasa mizere yobzala mbeu kuti tipange malo okololera madzi ang'onoang'ono kuti madzi olowa munthaka achuluke komanso kukoloka kwa nthaka kuchepe,agriculture,agriculture document +en131,Tied/box ridges are best suited on land with contour ridges. They are also effective where ridges have not been realigned,Mabokosi ndiwoneyera malo omwe pali milambala. Amagwiranso ntchito bwino ngakhale pomwe mizere sinakonzedwe potsatira akalodzera,agriculture,agriculture document +en132,"Construct tied/box ridges across the entire furrow perpendicular to planting ridges, but slightly lower to allow spill over","Konzani mabokosi pamalo onse otsika, mopingasa mizere ya mbeu, koma ikhale yotsikirako pang'ono kuti madzi adzitha kuyendelera",agriculture,agriculture document +en133,Space them 1-3m apart depending on the terrain and rate of water flow within the field,Ikhale pamtunda wa 1-3m kutengera ndi mmene malowo alili komanso kathamangidwe kamadzi mmundamo,agriculture,agriculture document +en134,Move to the next furrow and repeat step 1 but locate the tied/box ridges halfway between those in the previous furrow. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the whole field is covered,Pitani pamalo otsatira otsika ndipo bwerezani ndondomeko yoyamba koma muyike mabokosi pakatikati pa mabokosi omwe mwapanga kale. Bwerezani ndondomeko yoyamba ndi yachiwiri mpaka mumalize munda wonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en135,"Gullies are among the most severe forms of erosion in Malawi. They affect not only farmland, but also settlements, grazing land, streams/rivers, wetlands, roads, and bridges","Ngalande ndi umodzi mwa mitundu yakukokola kotheratu kwa dothi mMalawi. Zimakhuza osati malo olima okha ayi komanso malo okhala, odyetsera ziweto, mitsinje, madambo, miseu ndi milatho",agriculture,agriculture document +,"Gully formation is aggravated by cultivating steep slopes and stream banks, ridging off contour, use of unraised footpaths and field boundaries, overgrazing around water points and dip tanks, land clearing and deforestation, poorly constructed roads, dam spillways and physical conservation measures","Kupangika kwa ngalande kumakula pobzala mbeu malo otsika kwambiri ndi mmphepete mwa mitsinje, kupanga mizere mosatsatira akalodzera, kugwiritsa ntchito njira zoyendamo ndi malire a munda otsika, kudyetsa mopyola muyezo mbali mwa zitsime ndi malo osambitsa ziweto, kusosa minda ndi kudula mitengo mosasamala, miseu yosamangidwa bwino, madzi otayika kuchoka malo osungira madzi ndi njira zina zoteteza kukokoloka kwa nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en137,The best way to prevent gully formation is to promote appropriate land use practices that increase water infiltration and reduce runoff,Njira yabwino kupewa kupanga ngalande ndi kupititsa patsogolo njira zoyenera zakagwiritsidwe ntchito ka malo zomwe zimawonjezera kuti madzi alowe pansi ndi kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en138,"Recommended measures include contour and tied/box ridges, raised footpaths and field boundaries, vegetative barriers on contour and tree planting","Njira zovomerezeka zikuphatikiza kukonza akalodzera/milambala ndi mabokisi, kukweza njira ndi mphepete mwa minda, kuyika mipanda yazomera pa milambala komanso kubzala mitengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en139,"Identify the cause(s) of the gully, then take proper remedial action before the problem worsens","Pezani zoyambitsa kukumbika kwa ngalande, kenako tsatirani ndondomeko zoyenera zokonza vutoli lisanakule",agriculture,agriculture document +en140,Check dams of brushwood and bamboo are temporary structures that are easy to construct. They provide the first line of defense before planted vegetation becomes fully established,Zipangizo zotchinga madzi za mitengo kapena nsungwi ndi ndi zinthu zongoyembekezera zomwe sidzivuta kukonza. Zimapeleka chitetezo choyamba panthawi yomwe zomera sidzinakhazikike,agriculture,agriculture document +en141,Footpaths and field boundaries can aggravate erosion leading to rills and gullies. Raising them above the level of the surrounding fields is a basic soil conservation practice to reduce run off and erosion,Njira zoyendamo ndi mphepete mwa minda mukhoza kukuza kukokoloka kwa nthaka ndikuyambitsa ngalande. Kukwezera kupyola muyeso wa malo ozungulira ndi njira yachidule yotetezera nthaka kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukokoloka kwa nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en142,"The practice is best suited to fields with contour ridges, and it can also be effective where this has not been done","Mchitidwewu ndi woyenera minda yomwe ili ndi akalodzera/milambala, ikhozanso kuthandiza pomwe izi sidzinachitike",agriculture,agriculture document +en143,Stream banks are the most vulnerable land areas in Malawi. They have long been cultivated due to fertility from sediments deposited by regular flooding,Mphepete mwa mitsinje ndi malo omwe ali pali chiopsezo chachikulu ku Malawi. Mwakhala mukulimidwa kwanthawi yayitali chifukwa cha chonde chochokera ku dothi lomwe labwera ndi kusefukira kwa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en144,"Despite this, stream bank soils typically have low cohesion and hence are prone to degradation","Ngakhale zili chonchi, dothi la mphepete mwa mitsinje limagwirana mochepa ndipo nkosavuta kuwonongeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en145,"Protection is vital to stabilize stream flow and to reduce the risk of flooding, siltation, landslides and loss of arable land","Chitetezo ndi chofunika kuti chichepetse kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kuchepetsa chiopzezo chosefukira, kukwililika kwa mtsinje, matope ndi kuonongeka kwa malo olima",agriculture,agriculture document +en146,"Prevention is the simplest and best form of protection. Ideally, stream banks should not be cultivated but left to natural vegetation, which provides more permanent and reliable protection than physical structures",Kupewa ndi chitetezo chokhacho chosavuta komanso chabwino. Mphepete mwa mtsinje simukuyenera kulimidwa koma mukhale zomera zachilengedwe zomwe zimapeleka chitetezo chodalilika nthawi zonse kuposa zinthu zina zoyikidwa ,agriculture,agriculture document +en147,Planted grasses and trees are good alternatives where vegetation has been cleared for cultivation or other reasons,Udzu wobzalidwa ndi mitengo ikhoza kugwira ntchito mmalo mwake pamene tchire lachotsedwa kuti pabzalidwe mbeu kapena pazifukwa zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en148,Ways on how to establish vegetation along stream banks are as follows: Demarcate a strip along the stream channel to cover the banks about 5m side either side for small streams and 10-20 m for big rivers,Njira zokhadzikitsira zomera mphepete mwa mtsinje zili motere: Ikani malire motsatira mtsinje kuti liphimbe mbali mwa mtsinje motalika 5m mbali zonse za mtsinje kwa mitsinje yaying'ono kapena 10-20m ngati mitsinje ili yayikulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en149,"Planting grasses: Plant vetiver, Napier or bamboo along the strips. Vetiver grass can be planted in strips along the banks at a spacing of 0.45m x 0.2 m and bamboo at 1 m x 1 m","Kubzala udzu: Bzalani vetiver, napier kapena msungwi mbali mwa munda. Udzu wa vetiver ukhoza kubzali mbali mwa munda mphepete mwa mtsinje pa mulingo wa 0.45cm ndi 0.2cm ndipo nsungwi zibzalidwe pa 1mx1m",agriculture,agriculture document +en150,"Planting trees: Several species are recommended in strips at 2 m x 2 m: Acacia galpini, A. polycantha, A. siberana, Faidherbia albida, Ficus natalensis, F. capensis, F. Tycomorus, Khaya nyasica, Parkia filicoidea, Rauvolfia caffra, Syzygium cordatum, S. guineense, Trichilia emetica, Ziziphus abyssinica, Z. mauritiana and Z. mucronata","Kubzala mitengo: Mitundu yambiri ndiyovomerezeka mmizere ya mamita 2x2: Acacia galpini, A. polycantha, A, siberana, Faidherbia albida, Ficus natalensis, F. capensis, F. Tycomorus, Khaya nyasica, Parkia filicoidea, Rauvolfia caffra, Syzygium cordatum, S. guineense, Trichilia emetica, Ziziphus abyssinica, Z. mauritiana and Z. mucronata",agriculture,agriculture document +en151,"Where trees and shrubs are used, leave a 1 m strip from the channel on either side for grass to regenerate to increase surface roughness for reducing water runoff and erosion","Pamene mitengo ndi tchire zagwiritsidwa ntchito, lekani mpata wa mita imodzi kuchokera pangalande mbali zonse kuti udzu umere ndi kuwonjezera kulimba kwa nthaka pochepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukoloka kwa nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en152,"Erosion and runoff from deforestation, overgrazing, bushfires, and poor cultural practices are serious threats to the environment and agricultural production","Kukoloka kwa nthaka ndi kuthamanga kwa madzi chifukwa cha kuononga nkhalango, kudyetsa ziweto mowirikiza pa malo amodzi, moto wantchire, komanso kulima mosasamala ndi ziopsezo zikuluzikulu ku zachilengedwe ndi ulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en153,Planting perennial bunch grasses on the contour provides a good barrier against erosion and run-off,Kubzala udzu wokhala zaka zopitilira chimodzi pa mlambala kumathandiza kutchinga nthaka yokokoloka ndi madzi othamanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en154,"With proper spacing and management, natural terraces form between the contour hedges through soil accumulation on the upper side of the hedge","Ndi mipata yabwino komanso kusamala, malo athyathyathya achilengedwe amapangidwa pakati pa zotchingira milambala kudzera nkusonkhana kwa dothi kumbali yokwera ya mpanda",agriculture,agriculture document +en155,Contour hedges also slow down and retain water that would otherwise be lost through surface run-off. Multi-purpose trees or shrubs may be planted above the hedges,Zotchingira mlambala umafooketsa liwiro ndi kusunga madzi omwe akanatha kutayika kudzera mmadzi othamanga panthaka. Mitengo yogwiritsidwa ntchito zosiyanasiyana kapena tchire ukhoza kubzalidwa pamwamba pa zotchingira,agriculture,agriculture document +en156,"Two types of grasses commonly used are vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides and V. nigritana), and napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum). Vetiver is a fast growing, deep-rooted perennial grass well adapted to all agro-ecological zones in Malawi","Mitundu iwiri ya udzu udzu yomwe imagwiritsidwa ntchito kawirikawiri ndi vetiver ndi napier grass. Vetiver ndi udzu wokula mwachangu, wa mitsitsi yozama pansi womwe umalola madera onse aulimi mMalawi",agriculture,agriculture document +en157,It is not competitive with crops and is not known to host pests and diseases of concern to agriculture,Sumapikisana ndi mbeu ndipo sidzinadziwike ngati umasunga tizilombo ndi matenda wodandaulitsa pa ulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en158,"Vetiver seed has low viability, so there is little chance of it becoming a weed. It is easy to establish and maintain, and it makes good thatching, mulch, and bedding material for livestock","Mbeu ya vetiver imaguga msanga, ndiye pali mwayi wochepa kuti okhoza kusanduka tchire. Ndiyosavuta kukhadzikitsa ndi kusamala, ndipo ndiwabwino kufolela, kuphimbira, ndi zogonera ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en159,V. zizanioides is preferred because it grows faster and forms a denser and leafier hedge than V. nigritana. It is also less susceptible to termite attack,V. zizanioides amakondedwa chifukwa amakula mwachangu ndukupanga mpanda wothithikana wamasamba ambiri kuposa V. nigritana. Samadyedwanso kwambiri ndi chiswe,agriculture,agriculture document +en160,"Napier grass is a tall, thick-stemmed bunch-type perennial growing to 4m in height. It is also widely adaptable, but grows best in areas with rainfall over 1,000 mm/annum","Udzu wa Napier ndiwautali, wokhuthala tsinde, wokhala mulu wazakazaka ndipo umatalika kufika mamita anayi. Umalola madera ambiri, koma umakula bwino madera omwe mvula imapyola 1000mm pachaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en161,Napier is commonly used as a fodder for cattle. It grows taller than vetiver but is not as effective for soil conservation,Napier amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri ngati chakudya cha ng'ombe. Umatalika kuposa vetiver koma sowabwino kwenikweni kuteteza nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en162,"Two spp of vetiver grass are found in Malawi, V. nigritana is in abundance in the shire valley and has been planted around farmers’ fields",Mitundu iwiri ya vetiver imapezeka ku Malawi. V. nigritina amapezeka kwambiri ku chigwa cha Shire ndipo wabzalidwa mminda ya alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en163,"The other, V. zizanoides is now available in many parts of Malawi and may be obtained from the Agricultural Development Divisions (ADDs), some Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and estates","Winawo, V. zizanoides pano akupezeka mmadera ambiri mMalawi ndipo atha kupezedwa ku Agricultural Development Divisions, mabungwe omwe si aboma ndi kuminda ikukuikulu ya alimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en164,Vetiver can also be collected from nurseries established for this purpose (refer to section on vetiver nurseries),Vetiver akhoza kutengedwa ku manazale okhazikitsidwa ndi cholinga chochulukitsa udzuwu,agriculture,agriculture document +en165,"Material may also be collected from the edges and sides of well established hedgerows, but make sure the hedgerow is left intact with no gaps to allow full recovery",Udzu wa mbeu ukhozanso kupezeka mmphepete ndi mmbali mwa mipanda yokadzikika koma onetsetsani kuti mpandawo mwausiya opanda mipata kuti ubwelerenso mmene unaliri,agriculture,agriculture document +en166,"Due to short supply of planting material, communities and individuals are encouraged to establish local vetiver nurseries near planting sites before establishing hedges in fields","Chifukwa chakuchepa kwa mbeu yobzala, anthu ndi magulu akulimbikitsidwa kukhadzikitsa manazale a vetiver mmadera pafupi ndi malo obzalawo asanayike mipanda mminda",agriculture,agriculture document +en167,"Small nurseries are easier to manage and maintain, and should be based on farmer demands to avoid confusing value of vetiver with monetary or other incentives",Manazale ang'onoang'ono savuta kusamala ndipo atsatire zokhumba za alimi kuopa kusokoneza kufunika kwa vetiver ndi ndalama kapena zithokozo zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en168,Dambos are the best nursery sites as moisture will be readily available. Sites on upland areas should be close to permanent water source for easy watering. Alternatively nurseries can be established under rainfed conditions,Madimba ndi malo abwino kwambiri kuyika nazale chifukwa chinyezi chimakhala chopezekeratu. Malo akumtunda akhale pafupi ndi madzi osaphwa kuti kuthilira kusamavute. Njira ina ndi kukhadzikitsa manazale potsatira nyengo yamvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en169,Collect enough clumps for the planned nursery. A fully loaded 7tone truck will plant 0.5 ha,Tolelani timitolo tokwanira panazale yanu. Galimoto yodzadza matani 7 mukabzala munda theka limodzi la hectare,agriculture,agriculture document +en170,"Plant slips 45 cm x 45 cm apart and press the soil firmly around each; if farmers wish to intercrop beans or cowpeas on the ridges, plant slips in the furrow 90 cm x 45 cm","Bzalani motalikira masentimita 45x45 ndipo tsenderani dothi mozungulira paliponse; ngati mlimi akufuna kubzala kasakaniza ndi nyemba kapena nandolo mmizere, abzale udzu mungalande motalokirana masentimita 90x45",agriculture,agriculture document +en171,Competition will be minimal because the vetiver is newly planted or regenerating. Trim vetiver to 30 cm tall in May/June and again at the start of the next season in December or January to promote tillering and fast growth,Kupikisana kudzachepa chifukwa vetiver wangobzalidwa kumene kapena akuphukira. Dulirani vetiver kufika msinkhu wa masentimita 30 mu mwezi wa May kapena June komanso poyambilira pa nyengo yotsatira mu December kapena January kuti mupititse patsogolo kumera mphukira ndi kukula mwachangu,agriculture,agriculture document +en172,Early planting in suitable sites such as dambos allows material to be ready for collection after one season,Kubzala mofulumira mmalo oyenera monga kudimba kumathandiza kuti mbeu idzatengedwe pakutha pa nyengo imodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en173,"Grass hedges are used to reduce runoff and erosion, not to stabilize marker ridges which re guides to realign planting ridges","Mipanda ya udzu imagwiritsidwa ntchito kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukokoloka kwa nthaka, osati kulimbitsa mizere ya akalodzera yomwe imathandiza popanga mizere yobzalamo",agriculture,agriculture document +en174,Farmers may choose whether trees or shrubs are preferable for their contour strips. Fruit trees provide fruits which are important for human nutrition and income generation for farm households,Alimi angathe kusankha pakati pa mitengo kapena tchire zomwe akonda kudzala mu akalodzera awo. Mitengo yazipatso imapeleka zipatso zomwe ndi zofunika pathanzi la munthu komanso zimabweretsa ndalama pakhomo la mlimi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en175,"Leguminous shrubs provide fuelwood, green manure and/or fodder. For fruit trees, plant varieties that are resistant to common diseases","Mbeu za nyemba zimapezetsa nkhuni, manyowa a zomera komanso zakudya za ziweto. Pa mitengo ya zipatso, bzalani mitundu yopilira ku matenda a wamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en176,"Consult local extension staff on available planting material. If bananas are used, plant 90 cm above and parallel to the grass strip, with plants 2 m apart","Funsani alangizi kudera lanu ngati mitengo yoti mubzale ikupezeka. Ngati mwagwiritsa ntchito nthochi, bzalani pantunda wa masentimita 90 moyang'anizana ndi mizere ya udzu, ndi mbeu ziwiri pamamita awiri aliwonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en177,Other fruit trees may be planted at 4m intervals along the upper side of the contour ridge,Mitengo ina ya zipatso ikhoza kubzalidwa pa mlingo wa mamita anayi pamwamba mzere,agriculture,agriculture document +en178,"This may be done along each strip or along alternate strips. If trees are preferred, use Senna siamea, S.spectabilis, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena diversifolia, depending on the environment","Izi zikhoza kuchitika pamzere uliwonse ngakhalenso mizere yosemphana. Ngati mwakonda mitengo, gwiritsani ntchito kesha, msangu ndi nkina, potengera nyengo yanu",agriculture,agriculture document +en179,"Prune tree lines to reduce competition with crops, and to provide green manure, fuelwood or fodder","Sadzani mitengo kuti zichepetse kupikisana ndi mbeu komanso kuti mupeze manyowa, nkhuni ndi zakudya za ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en180,Prune at the start of the second growing season if trees are greater than 1 m so that they are big enough to recover from pruning,Sadzani poyambilila pa nyengo yachiwiri yobzala mbeu ngati mitengo ili ndi nthambi zopitilira mita imodzi kuti ithe kuphukanso ,agriculture,agriculture document +en181,"Prune branches with a clean, upward slanting cut at a height of 40 cm for Senna, Gliricidia and Leucaena, and 75 cm for Cajanas, Sesbania, and Tephrosia","Sadzani nthambi mwautoto podula chopendekera mmwamba pamtunda wa 40cm ngati ndi kesha, msangu komanso nkina kapena 75cm ngati ndi nandolo, jerejere ndi katupe",agriculture,agriculture document +en182,"During the growing season, prune trees whenever shading or competition becomes a risk. Distribute these prunings along the crop ridges to help reduce weeds and to increase available nutrients for the crops","Munyengo yolima mbeu, sadzani mitengo ngati ikugwetsa masamba kapena ngati pali chiopsezo pamene ikupikisana ndi mbeu. Mwazani nthambi zosadzidwa mmizere ya mbeu kuti zichepetse udzu komanso kuchulukitsa michere ya mbeu",agriculture,agriculture document +en183,"Alternatively, prunings from Sesbania, Gliricidia and Leucaena may be used for animal feed. Collect branches for fuelwood","Mungathenso kugwiritsa ntchito nthambi zosadzidwa za jerejere, msangu ndi nkina ngati chakudya cha ziweto. Tolerani nthambi ngati nkhuni ",agriculture,agriculture document +en184,Soil fertility improvement or enhancement and appropriate soil management is important in order to maintain or improve soil productivity,Kuwonjezera chonde munthaka ndipondo njira zoyenera zakasamalidwe ka nthaka ndi zofunika ndi cholinga chosamala kapena kuwonjezera mphamvu za nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en185,Soil fertility enhancement includes use of both organic and inorganic fertilizers which are complementary to each other,Kuwonjezera chonde munthaka kumadalira kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer ndi manyowa zomwe zimagwira ntchito mothandizana ,agriculture,agriculture document +en186,Use of chemical fertilizers only causes the soils to become unproductive in the long term and would not sustain crop yields,Kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer wopangidwa ku fakitale yekha kumachititsa nthaka kuti uguge pakadutsa nthawi ndipo zokolola zimatsika ndi nthawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en187,It is thus important to combine the use of inorganic fertilizers with organic manures such as composts and biomass from agroforestry,Kotero nkofunika kuphatikiza fertilizer ndi manyowa monga osakaniza zinyalala ndi ndowe kapena masamba ochokera ku mitengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en188,The most cost effective or economical way of replenishing soil fertility is through the maintenance of soil organic matter,Njira yothandiza kwambiri kapena yolalira ndalama zambiri yobwezeretsa mphamvu ya dothi munthaka ndi kudzera mu kusamala chonde mudothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en189,Soil organic matter can be improved through the incorporation and at the same time conservation of crop residues,Chonde chikhoza kuwonjezereka kudzera nkuphatikiza komanso pomwepo kuteteza zotsalira za mbeu,agriculture,agriculture document +en190,"An integrated approach which uses inorganic, organic and biological sources of crop nutrients is to be promoted","Njira yothandizana yomwe imagwiritsa ntchito fertilizar, manyowa ndi zamoyo kuyika michere ku mbeu ilimbikitsidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en191,"Manures are fully decomposed organic matter. They supply plant nutrients in forms that can be easily taken up; improve structure of the top soil through supply of organic matter which improves root penetration, permeability, water retention capacity, aeration and resistance to erosion; reduces leaching of soil nutrients and improve soil microbial activity","Manyowa ndi zinthu zomwe zaola zochokera ku zamoyo. Zimapeleka michere ku mbeu munjira yomwe michere imayamwidwa mosavuta; zimawonjezera mphamvu ya dothi lapamwamba kudzera kupeleka chonde chomwe chimathandiza kuzama kwa mitsitsi, kumasuka kwa dothi; kuthekera kosunga madzi, kayendedwe ka mpweya kunthaka komanso kupilira ku kukokoloka kwa dothi; amachepetsa kutayika kwa michere yamunthaka ndi kupititsa patsogolo ntchito za tizilombo tamunthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en192,"Different types of manure can be classified into the following: Compost manure; Khola/animal manure; Green manure; Farm yard manure; and, Liquid manure",Mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya manyowa ikhoza kuyikidwa mmagulu awa: manyowa osakaniza ndowe ndi zomera; manyowa a ndowe; manyowa a zinyalala; manyowa a zomera; manyowa akumunda; mayowa a madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en193,Near a garden where the compost will be applied so as to minimize labour and time in transportation,Pafupi ndi munda womwe muthire manyowa ndi cholinga chochepetsa ntchito ndi nthawi yonyamulira ,agriculture,agriculture document +en194,"If it is made in the garden, it is better to site the heap on the edge of the garden in order not to disrupt the cultivation operations in the garden","Ngati mwakonzera mmunda, ndibwino kuyika mulu pafupi ndi mphepete mwa munda kuti musasokoneze ntchito yobzala mmundamo",agriculture,agriculture document +en195,Under shade in order to maintain moisture in the heap. On fairly flat ground to help the even distribution of organic material and water,Pamthunzi kuti musunge chinyezi pamulu. Pamalo athyathyathya kuti zithandize kulowelerana kwa madzi ndi zinyalala,agriculture,agriculture document +en196,"Near to the source of the materials and water. Away from dwelling houses where chickens and goats roam as these normally tear apart the compost heap. However, covering the heap with thorny tree branches deters them","Pafupi ndi pomwe zinyalala ndi madzi akupezeka. Patali ndi nyumba za anthu komwe nkhuku ndi mbuzi zimayendayenda pakuti izi zimafukula mulu wamanyowa. Komabe, kufunditsa mkhuti ndi nthambi zaminga zimalepheretsa kuonongako",agriculture,agriculture document +,Avoid sites that are exposed to strong winds because the air movement will evaporate water quickly from the compost. Construct a shade or use existing windbreaks where it is windy,Pewani malo omwe pamadutsa mphepo yamphamvu chifukwa mweya wodutsa umawumitsa madzi mwachangu kuchokera mmanyowamo. Mangani chigafa kapena gwiritsani ntchito zotchinga mphepo komwe kuli mphepo,agriculture,agriculture document +en198,Procedure for making Changu (Chinese) compost heap; Measure a 1.5m to 2m diameter circle by using a peg and the string,Ndondomeko zopangira mulu wamanyowa a Changu/Chinese: yezani malo ozulungulira mamita 1.5 kapena 2 pogwiritsa ntchito kamtengo ndi chingwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en199,Heap 20 - 30cm thick layer of composting material over the area marked. This will form the base of the compost heap,Unjikani zinyalala zamanyowa pamsinkhu wa masentimita 20-30 pamene mwalembelerapo. Izi zikhala gwero lamulu wanu yamanyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en200,"Water the heap adequately until it just oozes out when the materials are squeezed, to induce decomposition","Thirani madzi pa mulu mokwanira mpaka atayamba kutuluka pamene mwafinya zinthuzo, kuti ayambitse kuola",agriculture,agriculture document +en201,Add a booster on top to a height of 3 to 5cm thick; Water the booster layer adequately,Ikani zowonjezera mphamvu pamwamba pamsinkhu wa masentimita 3-5; thirani madzi mokwanira zopeleka mphamvu mwayikazo,agriculture,agriculture document +en202,"Repeat the above process with the diameter of each subsequent layer reducing until the heap is 1.5m high, thereby achieving a conical shape","Bwerezani izi pamene kukula kwa magawo omwe mukuyika kukuchepa mpaka mkhuti yanu italike ma mita 1.5, ndipo idzioneka yokula kunsi",agriculture,agriculture document +en203,Cover the heap with grass to reduce evaporation. After 2-3 days the heap will have formed three distinctive layers,"Funditsani mulu ndi udzu kuti muchepetse kuphwera kwa madzi. Pakatha masiku awiri kapena atatu, mulu wanu udzakhala utapanga zigawo zenizeni zitatu zodziwika",agriculture,agriculture document +en204,"Insert a stick into the compost heap to check if decomposition has started. If the stick is warm, then is shows that there is microbial activity and decomposition has started","Lowetsani kamtengo pa mulu wamanyowamo kuti muone ngati zayamba kuola. Ngati kamtengo kakutentha, ndiye kuti tizilombo tikugwira ntchito ndipo zayamba kuola",agriculture,agriculture document +en205,"If it is not warm, dismantle the heap and start the process again. Where decomposition has started, turn the heap after 3-4 days and thereafter every 4-5 days to speed up decomposition","Ngati sukutentha, mwazani mkhuti ndipo yambiraninso. Pamane kuola kwayamba, tembenuzani mkhuti pakutha pamasiku atatu kufika anayi ndipo pambuyo pake pa masiku anayi kufika asanu aliwonse kuti mufulumidzitse kuola",agriculture,agriculture document +en206,You will need to turn the heap 4-5 times to achieve complete decomposition,Mudzafuna kutembenuza mkhuti kanayi kufika kasanu kuti zonse zikwanitse kuola,agriculture,agriculture document +en207,"During the turning process, remove the outer layer (A) from the heap and separate the middle layer (B) from the inner layer (C).","Panthawi yotembenuza, chotsani gawo lakunja pa mkhuti ndipo lekanitsani gawo lapakati ndi gawo lamkati kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en208,In the process of rebuilding the heap: put layer A at the bottom; water adequately; put layer C in the middle;,"Pamene mukuumbanso mkhuti; ikani gawo A lija pansi, thirani madzi wokwanira; ikani gawo C pakati",agriculture,agriculture document +en209,As the name implies this compost is made in a pit in the ground. This process is not recommended during the rainy season unless an overhead roof is constructed. Excessive water draining into the pit will stop the decomposition process,Monga dzina likunenera manyowa awa amapangidwa pamkhuti mdothi. Njira iyi ndiyosavomerezeka nthawi ya mvula pokhapokha patayikidwa denga. Madzi ochuluka akalowa pamkhuti manyowa amasiya kuola,agriculture,agriculture document +en210,The details for both site selection and compositing materials are the same as detailed for making Chimato compost,Tsatanetsatane wa kusankha malo komanso zinyalala ndi chimodzimodzi tsatanetsatane wopangira manyowa a Chimato,agriculture,agriculture document +en211,Procedure for making Pit compost; Measure out a square of 1.5m by 1.5m. The length may be extended to any convenient distance in multiples of 1.5m,Ndondomeko zopangita manyowa apamkhuti ya dzenje: yezani bwalo lokula ma mita 1.5x1.5. Litali lingathe kuwonjezeredwa mmene mwafunira mzigawo za mamita 1.5,agriculture,agriculture document +en212,Dig a pit to the depth of not more than 1.0m. Deeper than these microbes may not be able to actively decompose the bulk of composting materials,Kumbani dzenje losapitilira mita imodzi. Kuya kuposa apa tizilombo sitingakwanitse kuoletsa gawo lalikulu lazinyalala ,agriculture,agriculture document +en213,Separate top soil from the sub soil since top soil may be reused when filling the pit. Put manure to a depth of 3 to 5cm at the bottom of the pit to provide nitrogen to microbes in the pit,Lekanitsani dothi lapamwamba ndi lapansi chifukwa lapamwamba lingathe kugwiritsidwanso ntchito pokwilira dzenje. Ikani manyowa pa mtunda wa masentimita atatu kufika asanu pansi padzenje kuti apelekere nitrogen ku tizilombo mdzenjemo,agriculture,agriculture document +en214,Water the manure until it is completely saturated. Fill with composting materials up to 20-30cm in thickness,Thirani madzi mpaka onse akhute madzi. Kwilirani ndi zinyalala kukhuthala kwake masentimita 20 kufika 30 ,agriculture,agriculture document +en215,Water adequately to induce the decomposition process. Repeat the above process till the pit is full. Cover the heap with top soil (about 8cm thick) and then grass to reduce evaporation,Thirani madzi wokwanira kuti muyambitse kuola kwa zinyalala. Bwerezani ndondomeko zili pamwambazi mpaka dzenje lidzadze. Kwilirani muluwu ndi dothi lapamwamba kukhuthala kwake masentimita 8 ndipo folerani udzu kuti muchepetse kuuma kwa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en216,After 1 to 2 weeks check for warmth by inserting a stick to see if decomposition has started. The manure will be ready after 2-3 months depending upon the composting materials used,Pakadutsa sabata imodzi kufika ziwiri onani ngati mukutentha polowetsa kamtengo kuti muone ngati manyowa ayamba kuola. Manyowa anu adzakhala atakonzeka pakutha pa miyezi iwiri kufika itatu kutengera ndi zinyalala zomwe mwagwiritsa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en217,The following are the procedures to make a Windrow compost heap; Collect all the materials to be used in the compost heap,Zotsatirazi ndi njira zopangira manyowa a Windrow owunjika: Tolerani zinthu zonse zomwe mugwiritse ntchito popanga manyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en218,"Chop the fibrous materials (maize stalks, legume residues) into smaller pieces with a Panga knife. The pieces should be from 5 cm to 10 cm long","Dulani zinthu zaulusi monga mapesi a chimanga, mitengo ya nyemba kukhala tidziduswa ndi chikwanje. Ziduswa zikhale zotalika 5 kufika 10 centimeter",agriculture,agriculture document +en219,Collect soil from virgin land or anti hill that has never been planted to any crop before but has a good plant-ground cover (e.g. dambo or forest soils) or from orchard (e.g. under banana trees),"Tolerani dothi kuchokera pamalo omwe sanalimidwepo kapene pa chulu lomwe silinabzalidwepo mbeu iliyonse ndikale lonse koma pali zomera zambiri monga ku dimba kapena kumkhalango kapena mmunda wazipatso, mwachitsanzo pansi pamitengo yanthochi",agriculture,agriculture document +en220,Level the ground and measure 1m width and 5m length. Then mark the lines with long firm sticks in the corner of the heap,Salazani malo ndipo yezani mita imodzi mulifupi ndi ma meter asanu mulitali. Kanako ikani zizindikiro ndi mitengo yolimba pa mbuto ya muluwo,agriculture,agriculture document +en221,"Dig around the measured area to allow water drain easily. If the ground is dry, water the base using 3-5 watering cans. Water facilitates activities of micro-organisms below the laid materials","Kumbani mozungulira dera mwayezalo kuti madzi adzituluka mosavuta. Ngati dothi ndi ouma, thirani pansipo ndi ndowa zothilira zitatu kufika zisanu. Madzi amathandizira kagwiridwe ntchito katizilombo pansi pa zinthu zosanjidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en222,Lay some chopped tree branches or grasses. This will form the base of the heap. Heap 20 cm thick layer of composting materials (crop residues and grasses) over the laid branches,Yalani tidziduswa ta nthambi zamitengo kapena udzu. Izi zikhala poyambira pa mulu. Unjikani zinyalala kukhuthala kwake 20cm monga zotsalira za mbeu ndi udzu pamwamba pa nthambizo,agriculture,agriculture document +en223,"Water the layer adequately until just it oozes out when the materials are squeezed, to induce the decomposition process","Thirani madzi okwanira mpaka atayamba kutuluka pamene mwafinya zinthuzo, kuti ayambitse kuola ",agriculture,agriculture document +en224,"Add layer of booster materials (khola/cattle manure, virgin /anthill soils and ash) on top to a height of 3 cm to 5 cm thick. Water the booster layer adequately","Ikani zinthu zowonjezera mphamvu monga ndowe, dothi lomwe silinabzalidwepo/lapachulu ndi phulusa pamwamba pamsinkhu wa 3-5cm; thirani madzi wokwanira pagawo lowonjezera mphamvu",agriculture,agriculture document +en225,Repeat the above process until the heap has reached around 1 m to 1.5 m high (usually 3 to 4 layers),Bwerezani izi mpaka mulu ufike msinkhu wa 1-1.5m ndipo umakhala ndi magawo atatu kufika anayi,agriculture,agriculture document +en226,"After finishing making the Windrow heaps, there is need to monitor moisture and temperature levels. Moisture level is monitored through checking the water content of the heaps by holding the materials and letting them loose","Mukamaliza kupanga milu ya manyowa a Windrow, pakufunika kupima mulingo wa chinyezi ndi katenthedwe. Mulingo wa chinyezi umapimidwa poyeza kuchuluka kwa madzi pa mulu potapa zinyalalazo ndi kudzilekanitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en227,"As a rule of thumb, the materials are too wet if water can be squeezed out of a handful and too dry if the handful does not feel moist to the touch","Ngati lamulo losaiwalika, zinthu zili ndi madzi ambiri ngati madzi adzituluka mukafinya zomwe mwatapa mmmanja, ndipo ndizouma ngati zomwe mwatapa mmanja sidzikumveka kunyowa mukadzigwira",agriculture,agriculture document +en228,"Temperature is monitored by using a long, sharp, pointed stick and drive it into the pile at an angle. The stick, when removed, will be warm which indicates microbial activity and decomposition has started","Kutentha kumapimidwa pogwiritsa ntchito mtengo wautali, wakuthwa, wosongoka umene mumabaya pa mulu mopendeka. Mtengowo, mukauchotsa, udzitentha kusonyeza kuti tizilombo tikugwira ntchito ndipo manyowa akuola",agriculture,agriculture document +en229,If the stick is not warm then something must be wrong. The stick also helps you to check on the condition of the compost from time to time. It will show if the heap is wet or dry,Ngati mtengo sukutentha ndiye kuti china chake chasokonekera. Mtengo umathandiza kuti muone mmene manyowa alili nthawi ndi nthawi. Udzaonetsa ngati mkhuti ndi yonyowa kapena youma,agriculture,agriculture document +en230,This is animal waste that accumulates in animal Kholas. The quantity and may be quality is increased by using large volumes of bedding materials(litter) in animal houses (Khola),Izi ndi ndowe za zinyama zomwe zimachulukana mukhola la zinyama. Kuchuluka komanso pena maonekedwe amaonjekera pogwiritsa ntchito utuchi wochuluka mukhola,agriculture,agriculture document +en231,"Animal manures are high in organic matter and so are beneficial to the soil structure. They also, contain large amounts of available nitrogen and phosphorus",Manyowa a zinyama amakhala ndi gawo lalikulu lazamoyo ndipo ndiwothandiza ku dothi. Iwonso ali ndi michere ya nitrogen ndi phosphorous yochuluka. ,agriculture,agriculture document +en232,"These are good for plant establishment and vegetative growth. However, if khola manure is applied fresh to the soil, the following problems arise:",Izi ndizofunikira kuti mbeu zimere ndi kukula kwa zomera. Komabe ngati manyowa ochoka mukhola athiridwa kudotji adakali ndi chiwisi amayambitsa mavuto otsatirawa:,agriculture,agriculture document +en233,The heat from fermentation damages the roots of the young plants; there is competition for nitrogen created between crops and microorganisms during the process of decomposition,Kutentha kochokera ku kuphikika kwa manyowa kumaononga mitsitsi ya mbeu zazing'ono; pamakhala mpikisano wopeza nitrogen komwe kumayambitdsidwa pakati pa mbeu ndi tizilombo ting'onoting'ono panthawi yowoletsa manyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en234,"With the prevalence of the above problems, there is need to cure the animal dung before applying in the fields","Ndikupezeka kwambiri kwa mavuto ali pamwambawa, ndi koyenera kuziziritsa ndowe za ziweto zisanathiridwe kuminda",agriculture,agriculture document +en235,This is a process where the manure is collected from the khola and heaped to release heat and to allow thorough fermentation to take place before its application in the farm,Iyi ndi njira yomwe manyowa amakokoledwa mukhola ndi kuunjikidwa kuti achoke kutentha ndi kulola kuphikika kuti kuchitike asanakathiridwe kumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en236,"This process will: reduce the heat of the manure when applied to the fields; kill the pests, diseases and weed seeds","Zochitika izi zimachepetsa kutentha kwa mayowa akamathiridwa kuminda; zimapha tizilombo, matenda ndi njere za mbeu",agriculture,agriculture document +en237,"An appropriate curing site has the following characteristics: fairly flat so as to ensure equal moisture distribution when watering; be under shelter to avoid evaporation; and, close to the garden for easy transportation",Malo okonzera manyowa amakhala ndi zowayenereza izi: athyathyathya kuti chinyezi chidzifalikira mofanana pothilira madzi; akhale pansi pa mthunzi kupewa kuuma kwa madzi; ndipo ayandikire pamunda kuti manyamulidwe asavute,agriculture,agriculture document +en238,Clear the ground for easy marking; Dig a pit of a minimum size of 1.0m deep and 1.0m wide. The length will depend on the availability of fresh manure,Yeretsani pabwalo kuti muyike zizindikiro mosavuta: kumbani dzenje lakuya 1m mulifupi 1m. Kutalika kutengera kupezeka kwa manyowa atsopano,agriculture,agriculture document +en239,The objective is to construct a pit that has just the capacity to take the available manure; Take manure from the khola and mix it with water just to a friable condition but not to a slurry,Cholinga ndi kukonza dzenje lomwe liri ndi kuthekera kotenga manyowa onse omwe alipo. Tengani mayowa kuchoka mukhola ndi kusakaniza ndi madzi kuti kuti adzinyenyeka koma asachite madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en240,Put the mixture in the pit until it is full. The top of the manure heap should be conical in shape so any water that may accumulate on top will drain away,Ikani zosakanizazi mu dzenje mpaka lidzadze. Pamwamba pa mulu wamanyowaw pakhale posongoka kuti madzi adzitha kutsetsereka kuchoka pamwambapo,agriculture,agriculture document +en241,The water will suppress decomposition. Cover the pit with top soil and grass to avoid moisture loss and evaporation (preferably grass without any viable seed),Madziwo amachedwetsa kuola. Kwilirani dzenje ndi dothi lapamwamba ndi udzu kuti mupewe kutha kwa chinyezi ndi kuuma kwa madzi makamaka udzu womwe ulibe njere zoti zingamere,agriculture,agriculture document +en242,Check the decomposition after 2 to 3 days by inserting a stick in the heap. The stick should be warm if decomposition is taking place,Onani kaoledwe pakatha masiku awiri kapena atatu polowetsa mtengo pamulupo. Mtengo umatentha ngati manyowa akuola,agriculture,agriculture document +en243,"The fully cured manure will be ready after 30-40 days and is then ready for storage or application to the fields. Cured manure should be stored in a well ventilated place under shade and should not be exposed to strong sunlight, wind or rain","Manyowa ophikika bwino amakhala atapsa pakutha pa masiku makumi atatu kufika makumi anayi ndipo akhoza kusungidwa kapena kukathira kuminda. Manyowa omwe akonzedwa asungidwe pamalo odutsa mpweya pamthunzi ndipo asayikidwe padzuwa lamphamvu, pamphepo kapena pamvula ",agriculture,agriculture document +en244,Application of Manures-Once the compost or manure is prepared it is important to apply it in the right volume in the correct place in the field,Kuthira manyowa - Pamene akonzedwa nkofunika kuthira pa mulingo woyenera pamalo oyenera mmundamo,agriculture,agriculture document +en245,"Application rate of manure varies with the type of soil, but also the quantity of manure available",Mulingo wothilira manyowa umasiyana kutengera mtundu wa dothi komanso kuchuluka kwa manyowa omwe alipo,agriculture,agriculture document +en246,Liquid manures are fast becoming an alternative to compost manures due to their simplicity in process of making. They are in all aspects similar to compost manures except for their being in liquid form,Manyowa a madzi ayamba kugwiritsidwa ntchito mmalo mwa manyowa a ndowe chifukwa ndiwosavuta kukonza. Munjira ina iliyonse ndiwofanana ndi manyowa a ndowe kupatula kuti amakhala amadzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en247,"The liquid manures have a number of attributes which include the following; have short maturing period of maximum 14 days; are fast reacting and crops respond quickly once applied; are easily made from green vegetative material and animal manure e.g. goat droppings, chicken manures and sometimes khola manure; less bulky as compared to other forms",Manyowa amadzi ali ndi ubwino ungapo monga wotsatirawu: amapsa msanga posapyola masiku khumi ndi anayi; amagwira ntchito mwansanga ndipo mbeu zimavomera mwachangu akangothiridwa; amapangidwa mosavuta kuchokera ku zomera zobiliwira ndi ndowe za nyama monga ndowe zambuzi ndi nkhuku ndipo nthawi zina mayowa a mukhola; samakhala ambiri kuyerekeza ndi mitundu ina yamanyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en248,"Conservation agriculture is a farming practice that combines three basic principles of minimum soil disturbance, permanent soil cover and crop rotations","Ulimi wamtayakhasu ndi ulimi womwe umaphatikiza mfundo zitatu zosasokoneza nthaka kwambiri, kuphimba dothi nthawi zonse ndi kubzala mbeu mwa kasinthasintha",agriculture,agriculture document +en249,"Conservation Agriculture aims to produce high crop yields while reducing production costs, maintaining the soil fertility and conserving water","Ulimi wamtayakhasu cholinga chake ndi kukolola zochuluka pamene mukuchepetsa chuma cholowetsa paulimi, kusamala chonde ndi kutetedza madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en250,It is a way to achieve sustainable agriculture and improve livelihoods. Conservation agriculture helps farmers to achieve greater farm profitability and food security through:,Ndi njira yokwaniritsa ulimi wodzidalira ndi kutukula miyoyo ya anthu. Ulimi wamtayakhasu umathandiza alimi kukwaniritsa kupeza phindu pamunda ndi kudzidalira pachakudya kudzera:,agriculture,agriculture document +en251,Moisture retention in the soil; reduced soil and soil nutrient loss through run-off; improved soil structure and fertility; eventual decrease in weeds; reliable yields in dry years,Kusunga chinyezi mu dothi: kuchepetsa dothi ndi michere kukoloka kudzera mmadzi othamanga; kupititsa patsogolo nthaka ndi chonde; kuchepa kwa udzu; zokolola zodalilika munthawi ya chilala,agriculture,agriculture document +en252,"Reduced labour, animal traction or fuel costs; increased area cultivated as less time is needed per hectare","Kuchepetsa ntchito, kugwira ntchito kwa zinyama kapene mafuta a galimoto zolimira; kuchuluka kwa malo olimidwa pamene pakufunika nthawi yochepa pa hectare iliyonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en253,Carbon Sequestration: CA sequesters carbon in soil and vegetation while reducing carbon gas (CG) emissions from oxidation caused by soil disturbance and from the common practice of burning crop residues and weeds,Kukolola mpweya wa carbon: Ulimi wamtayakhasu umakolola carbon mu dothi ndi zomera kwinaku ukuchepetsa kutulutsa mpweya wa carbon kuchokera ku ntchito zomwe zimalira oxygen monga kusokoneza dothi ndi mchitidwe wa nthawi zonse wootcha tchire ndi zotsalira za mbeu,agriculture,agriculture document +en254,There are a number of complimentary practices depending on the local farm situation in which all the three principles can be applied in combination such as: Use of inorganic and organic fertilizers,Pali machitidwe angapo othandizira kutengera ndi mmene uliri munda pomwe mfundo zitatu zonze zingagwiritsidwe ntchito mophatikiza monga: kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer ndi manyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en255,Planting methods and tools; Application of herbicides; Fodder and cover crops; Improved seeds; Agroforestry and natural regeneration; Soil and water conservation measures,Njira zobzalira ndi zida zake: Kuthira mankhwala opha udzu; zakudya za ziweto ndi mbeu zophimba nthaka; mbeu zamakono; kusunga mitengo ndi ziweto mmunda komanso zachilengedwe kubwelera; njira zoteteza nthaka ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en256,Good crop management practices besides the three key principles are needed to fully realize the benefi ts of CA such as: Use of improved crop varieties; Timely planting,Kasamalidwe koyenera ka mbeu kupatula mfundo zikukuzikulu zitatuzo ndikofunika kuti mupeze phindu la ulimi wamtayakhasu monga; kugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yambeu yamakono; kubzala nthawi yoyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en257,"Recommended plant spacing; Recommended fertilizer use; Optimum weed, pest and disease control","kutalikirana mwa mbeu kovomerezeka; kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer wovomerezeka; kuteteza ku tchire, tizilombo ndi matenda mwapamwamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en258,Good soil cover during the growing season is best achieved by optimizing plant spacing within and between rows for different crops to minimize bare ground,Kuphimba dothi moyenera mu nyengo yolima kungakwaniritsidwe mwabwino posiya mipata yoyenera pakati pa mbeu komanso mizere kwa mitundu yosiyana ya mbeu kuti tichepetse malo osaphimbidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en259,"Spacing depends on the crop, soils, rainfall, and levels of chemical or organic fertilizers used","Mipata imatengera mbeu, dothi, mvula komanso kuchuluka kwa fertilizer kapena manyowa zogwiritsidwa ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en260,"After the crop harvest, crop residues and other biomass should be distributed across the ground surface and protected against burning","Mukatha kukolola, zotsalira za mbeu ndi masamba zimwazidwe mmalo onse ndipo zitetezedwe posadziotcha",agriculture,agriculture document +en261,It is critical NOT to import biomass from adjacent fields which exposes these areas to the elements and limits the area under CA,Nkofunikira kwambiri kuti musatenge masamba/zinyala kuchokera minda yoyandikana nayo zomwe zimaika pambalambanda mindayi komanso zimachepetsa malo ochota mtayakhasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en262,The maintenance of a good soil cover of dead or living plant material is at the heart of conservation agriculture. This may mean a total change of cropping system as well as livestock management,Kusamala zinyalala kapea zomera zophimbira nthaka zili pa mtima pa ulimi wamtayakhasu. Izi zikhoza kutanthauza kusinthiratu malimidwe komanso kasamalidwe ka ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en263,"Minimum soil disturbance is the basis of CA and is non-negotiable. It entails: No ploughing, ridging, tillage or heavy weeding by manual or mechanical means","Kuchepetsa kusokoneza nthaka ndi gwero la ulimi wa mtayakhasu ndipo nzosakambirana. Zikuphatikiza: osagaula nthaka, osapanga mizere, osalima kapena kupalira kwambiri ndi manja kapena makina",agriculture,agriculture document +en264,"Direct seeding into 1. small planting holes on the flat or tops of old ridges using a dibble stick, hoe, or other suitable tool which mimics the age-old method of planting in Malawi before the introduction of ridging, or 2. rip lines using animal or mechanical drawn rippers","Kubzala 1. mmayenje ang'onoang'ono pamalo athyathyathya kapena mmizere yakale pogwiritsa ntchito ndondo yamphanda, khasu kapena chida china choyenera imene imafafaniza ndi njira yakalekale yobzalira mMalawi mizere isanabwere kapena 2. kupanga tingalande pogwiritsa ntchito zinyama kapena makasu okokedwa ndi makina",agriculture,agriculture document +en265,Converting to conservation agriculture from conventional farming is a slow process and requires patience in order to recognize these benefits since it may take several years,Kusintha kupita ku ulimi wamtayakhasu kuchoka ku malimidwe amakolo ndi zinthu zapang'onopang'ono ndipo zimafuna kudekha kuti phindu lioneke pakuti zimatha kutenga zaka zambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en266,"Maximum benefits of minimum tillage can best be realized if integrated with soil cover, crop rotations and other interventions such as application of compost manure and planting of agro - forestry trees are promoted","Phindu lochuluka pakuchepetsa kutipula nthaka zingakwaniritsidwe pophimba nthaka, kubzala mwa kasinthasintha ndo zochitika zina monga kuthira manyowa ndiponso kulimbikitsa kubzala mitengo yowonjezera chonde",agriculture,agriculture document +en267,The aim is to achieve good soil cover during the growing season as well as the dry season,Cholinga ndi kukhala ndi nthaka yophimbidwa bwino munyengo yolima komanso nyengo yopanda mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en268,The benefits of this practice include: to protect the soil from the elements; to maximize the capture of rainfall while minimizing runoff and loss of top soil,Phindu lochita izi likuphatikiza: kuteteza nthaka ku zoononga; kukolola mvula mokwanira pochepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukukoloka kwa nthaka yapamwamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en269,"To improve the structure of the soil and its water holding capacity; to help suppress weeds; to increase beneficial activities of termites, earthworms and other organisms and to increase the effectiveness of fertilizers by reducing nutrient losses from volatilization and leaching","Powonjezera kukonza nthaka ndi kuthekera kwake kosunga madzi; kuthandiza kuchepetsa mphamvu ya tchire; kuwonjezera ubwino wa zochitika za chiswe, nyongolosi ndi zinyama zina zing'onozing'ono ndi kuwonjezera kugwira ntchito kwa fertlizer pochepetsa kutayika kwa michere chifukwa chakusakhazikika komanso kusuluka kwa nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en270,"Types and sources of soil cover: Living or dead plant material applied as mulch; Green manure, cover and forage crops; Crop residues; Fallow vegetation","Mitundu ndi kopezeka zophimbira nthaka: zomera zaziwisi kapena zouma zimayikidwa ngati zophimbira; masamba a mitengo yobwezeretsa chonde, zophimbira ndi mbeu zodya ziweto; zotsalira za mbeu, tchire ",agriculture,agriculture document +en271,"The source of cover available whether as mulch, cover crop or incorporated in the soil, has a number of benefits to the soil","Zophimbira mthaka zomwe zingapezeke kaya ndi zophimbira mbeu, mbeu yophimba nthaka kapena zophatikizidwa ndi nthaka, zili ndi phindu lochuluka ku nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en272,These benefits include: Protection against impact of rain drops - less surface sealing and crusting; Reduced run off; Increased water infiltration,Phinduli ndi monga: kuteteza ku kuonongeka ndi madontho a mvula - malo osaphimbira ochepa; kuchepetsedwa kwa madzi othamanga; kuwonjezekera kwa madzi olowa munthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en273,"Reduced evaporation, thus conserves soil moisture; Protection against soil erosion by water and wind; Prevention of overheating of soil surface; Reduced diurnal variations of temperature","Kuchepetsedwa kwa kuuma kwa madzi, izi zimasunga chinyezi munthaka; kuteteza kukokoloka kwa dothi ndi madzi kapena mphepo; kuletsa kutentha mopyola muyezo kwa nthaka; kuchepetsa kusakhazikika kwa katenthedwe masana",agriculture,agriculture document +en274,"Controls the multiplication of weeds; Source of soil organic matter build up; Carbon sequestration; Cover crops reduce requirement for labour in weeding as they have been proven to suppress weeds; When a legume is used, it can be eaten as protein supplement and/or sold for income","zimateteza kuchulukana kwa tchire; zimabweretsa kuchuluka kwa zinyalala zoola; kuyamwa mpweya wa carbon; mbeu zophimbira zaonetsa kuti zimamanga udzu kuti usakule; pamene nyemba zagwiritsidwa ntchito, zikhoza kudyedwa ngati mopezera zakudya zomanga thupi kapena kugulitsidwa nkupeza ndalama",agriculture,agriculture document +en275,There are a number of challenges to soil covering that includes: Short growing season in the semi-arid limits the growth of green manures and cover crops,Pali zovuta zingapo zokhuza kuphimbira nthaka monga: nyengo yolimira yayifupi mmadera ochepa mvula limachpetsa kukula kwa mitengo yamanyowa komanso mbeu za mphimbira,agriculture,agriculture document +en276,Crops may also compete with food crops for the limited amount of water available; Need to feed crop residues to livestock during the dry season,Mbeu za mphimbira zikhoza kumakanganira ndi mbeu za chakudya madzi ochepa omwe alipo; Kufunika kopatsira zotsalira za mbeu ku ziweto mu nyengo yomwe siyamvula ,agriculture,agriculture document +en277,Uncontrolled burning; Mulching may retard humification especially where water may limit microbial activity for the decomposition of the mulch.,Kuotcha mosasamala: kuphimbira kumachepetsa kupangika kwa manyowa pomwe madzi angachepetse kugwira ntchito yooletsa zophimbirazo,agriculture,agriculture document +en278,Research has shown that crop residues lower crop yields on sites where soil fertility was low and no additional fertilizers were applied,Kafukufuku waonetsa kuti zotsalira za mbewu zimachepetsa zokolola mmalo omwe mthaka ndiyotsika ndipo feteleza woonjezera sanathilidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en279,"Mulching or incorporation of the residues helps the farmer to make manure in-situ. In most parts of the southern Africa region, and indeed in Malawi, crop residues are used for compost manure making","Kuphimbira kapena kusanakiza zotsalira za mbewu kumathandiza mlimi kupanga manyowa mdothi momwemo. Mmadera ambiri mchigawo chakummwera kwa Africa, ndipo kuphatikizirapo la Malawi, zotsalira za mbewu zimagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga manyowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en280,Farmers have been faced with the challenge of moving crop residues from the field; to homesteads; and bring them back as compost manure,Alimi akukumana ndi mavuto osamutsa zotsalira za mbewu kuchokera kumunda; kupita nazo kunyumba; ndiponso kudzibweretsa kumunda ngati manyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en281,"This has the advantage that if combined with animal dung, there is an added value to the residue","Izi zili ubwino wakuti zikasakanizidwa ndi ndowe za zinyama, mphamvu ya zotsalirazo imakula",agriculture,agriculture document +en282,The residue is also protected from grazing animals as well as uncontrolled fires,Zotsalirazi zimatetezedwa kudyedwa ndi zinyama komanso kupsa ndi moto wolusa,agriculture,agriculture document +en283,"The challenge however has been that farmers will make the compost manure, but not apply it in the field because they have no transport to carry the manure. Labour constraints may also limit the application of the manure",Komabe vuto ndi lakuti alimi amapanga manyowa koma samathira mminda chifukwa alibe mayendedwe onyamulira manyowa. Kuchepa kwa antchito kumachepetsanso kuthira manyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en284,"Crop rotations and/or associations/intercrops are critical for maintaining soil health, suppressing weeds, controlling pests and diseases, including Striga, and providing a more diverse base to improve household diets and incomes","Kulima mwakasinthasintha kapena mwakasakaniza ndikofunika kwambiri posamala ubwino wa mthaka, kufooketsa tchire, kuthana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda, kuphatikizirapo kaufiti, ndiponso kupeleka mwayi wopititsa patsogolo zakudya zakasinthasintha ndi kubweretsa chuma",agriculture,agriculture document +en285,"Although crops grown will depend on market demands and the interests, needs and resources of the farmer, the inclusion of legumes is encouraged for the following reasons:","Ngakhale mbewu zolimidwa zitengera kupezeka kwa misika komanso chidwi, zofunika komanso zipangizo za mlimi, kuphatikiza mbewu zanyemba kukulimbikitsidwa pazifukwa zotsatirazi:",agriculture,agriculture document +en286,To reduce the demands on the soil and the use of expensive fertilizers; To increase opportunities to improve the diet and nutrition of the farm family;,Pofuna kuchepetsa zofunika pa dothi ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito feteleza wokwera mtengo; Kuchulukitsa mwayi wopititsa patsogolo zakudya zakasinthasintha komanso thanzi labwino pa banja la alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en287,"To increase income from the higher yields under conservation agriculture, by reducing the row spacing to increase the plant density to the optimum (which is not possible with ridges or basins)",Powonjezera kapezedwe ka chuma kuchokera ku zokolola zochuluka pansi pa mtayakhasu kudzera kuchepetsa kutalikirana kwa mizere pofu a kuchulukitsa kuthithikana kwa mbewu kufika mulingo wokwera (zomwe zisotheka pomwe pali mizere kapena ngalande),agriculture,agriculture document +en288,"Crop rotations increase crop yields, add organic matter to the soil and improve soil fertility","Kulima mwakasinthasintha kumachulukitsa zokolola, kumaonjezera mayowa mu dothi ndipo kumapititsa patsogolo chonde mu dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en289,"Crops differ in the quantity and quality of the residues they produce, and thus affect soil management","Mbewu zimasiyana pakachulikidwe komanso ubwino wa zotsalira, motero zimakhuza kasamalidwe ka dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en290,"For example, leguminous crops and oil crops produce fewer residues that decompose faster, have a lower Carbon/Nitrogen ratio and are easier to manage during direct sowing than grain crops","Mwachitsanzo, mbewu za nyemba komanso mbewu zamafuta zimatulutsa zotsalira zochepa zomwe zimaola mwachangu, zili ndi carbon/nitrogen ratio wotsika ndipo ndizovuta kusamala nthawo yofetsa kusiyana ndi mbewu za udzu",agriculture,agriculture document +en291,"Crop rotations can include commercial crops and cover crops. The most ideal rotation in a conservation agriculture system is one in which gramineas are diversified with legumes, cruciferas, malvaceas or others","Kasinthasintha wambewu akhoza kuphatikiza mbewu zogulitsa ndi mbewu zamphimbira. Kasinthasintha woyenera pa ulimi wamtayakhasu ndi womwe mbewu za udzu zimasakanizidwa ndi mbewu zanyemba, zamtundu wakabichi, zamtundu wa thonje ndi zina zotero",agriculture,agriculture document +en292,This kind of rotation will: Break pest and disease cycles; Produce different quantities and types of residue; Facilitate residue management; Improve the nutrient cycles,Kasinthasintha wamtundu uwu: ayimitsa kuswana kwa tizilombo ndi metanda; abweretsa zotsalira zochuluka mosiyana komanso zamitundu yosiyana; athandizira kusamala zotsalira; athandiza kuwonjezera michere,agriculture,agriculture document +en293,The conventional crop rotation cycle incorporates a fallow in the fourth or fifth year of the cycle,Kasinthasintha wa mbewu wodziwika bwino amaphatikiza chaka chachinayi kapena chachisanu pomwe munda umakhala osalimidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en294,This is done to rest the land. The bare fallow however has the disadvantage that it does not necessarily rest as it has weeds growing on it,Izi zimachitika pofuna kupumitsa mthaka. Komabe malo osalimidwawo ali ndi kuyipa kwakuti samapuma chifukwa pamamera tchire,agriculture,agriculture document +en295,"Conservation agriculture advocates that this should be an improved fallow, preferably planted with legumes or any other soil fertility shrub","Ulimi wamtayakhasu umalimbikitsa kuti akhale malo osalimidwa osamalika, makamaka pomwe pabzalidwa mbewu zanyemba kapena mafutu ena obwezeretsa chonde",agriculture,agriculture document +en296,"This will not only restore fertility, but will also help control weed infestation. Tephrosia vogellii has gained ground in recent years in soil fertility improvement",Izi sidzibweseretsa chonde chokha koma zithandiza kuthana ndi kufala kwa tchire. Tephrosia vogellii akuyamikiridwa muzaka zaposachedwazi kuti akubwezeretsa chonde mudothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en297,"Because of its characteristics, it is one of the most ideal species for improved fallows in a particular rotation cycle. Rotations of legumes are also ideal as well as with tree crops","Chifukwa cha maonekedwe ake, ndi mmodzi mwa mitundu ya mbewu yothandizira kusamala malo omwe sanalimidwe mu ndondomeko zakasinthasintha. Kasinthasintha wa nyemba ndiwoyeneranso pamodzi ndi wa mbewu zamitengo ",agriculture,agriculture document +en298,"For more information on conservation agriculture, consult the Land Resources Conservation Specialist in your area as well as the National Conservation Agriculture Guidelines","Pofuna kupeza mauthenga ambiri a mtayakhasu, funsani alangizi a Land Resources Conservation mdera lanu komanso ndondomeko za National Conservation Agriculture",agriculture,agriculture document +en299,The National Conservation Agriculture Guidelines start by outlining the foundational farming practices which are the basic soil and water conservation principles with the aim of grounding the conservation agriculture practice in the wider sustainable land resources conservation context so that conservation agriculture is sustainable,Ndondomeko za National Conservation Agriculture zimayamba ndi kufotokozera nsanamira za malimidwe zomwe ndi malamulo otetezera dothi ndi madzi omwe cholinga chake ndi kuyika ntchito za ulimi wamtayakhasu mu ntchito zonse zosamalira dothi kuti ulimi wamtayakhasu ukhale wosaononga chilengedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en300,"In addition, the Guidelines provide the rationale for conservation agriculture in the country in relation to the global land degradation problems and the basis for which conservation agriculture has the high potential to sustainably conserve the land resources","Kuphatikira apa, ndondomekozi zimapeleka kufunikira kwa ulimi wamtayakhasu mdziko mogwirizana mavuto akuonongeka kwa malo padziko lonse komanso cholinga chomwe ulimi wamtayakhasu uli ndi kuthekera koteteza malo mosaononga chilengedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en301,"Furthermore, the Guidelines then provide the details of the conservation agriculture systems which are suitable for Malawi with reference to research findings and lessons learnt in implementing conservation agriculture in the country","Kuwonjezera apa, ndondomekozi zimapeleka tsatanetsatane wa ulimi wamtayakhasu zomwe zili zoyenera ku Malawi polingalira zotsatira zakafukufuku ndi zomwe aphunzira pogwira ntchito za ulimi wamtayakhasu mdziko muno",agriculture,agriculture document +en302,The step by step guide for the farmer to implement conservation agriculture is also included so that there is a uniform application of techniques in the implementation of conservation agriculture in order to meet the principles of conservation agriculture,Tsatanetsatene wa malangizo a zomwe mlimi ayenera kuchita pa ulimi wamtayakhasu zaphatikizidwa ndi cholinga chakuti pakhale kutsatira ndondomekozo mofanana pochita ulimi wamtayakhasu pofuna kukwaniritsa malamulo a ulimi wamtayakhasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en303,"In ensuring sustainable land management, other complementary practices which should be implemented alongside conservation agriculture are also presented in the Guidelines","Pofuna kukwaniritsa kasamalidwe kamalo kosaononga chilengedwe, zochitika zina zothandizira zomwe zikuyenera kuchitidwa pamodzi ndi ulimi wamtayakhasu zalembedwanso mu ndondomekozo",agriculture,agriculture document +en304,Some practices such as use of herbicides and pit planting have been associated and let alone be mistaken as part of CA while in actual sense they are NOT but that such practices are just complimentary,Zochitika zina monga kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire ndi kubzala mmayenje zakhala zikutengedwa komanso kusokonezedwa kuti ndi gawo limodzi la ulimi wamtayakhasu koma kunena zoona izi sizoona koma mchitidwe umenewu umangothandizira basi,agriculture,agriculture document +en305,Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting and storing water from an area that has been prepared to increase precipitation runoff,Kukolola madzi a mvula ndi njira yosonkhanitsira ndi kusunga madzi kuchokera ku malo amene akonzedwa kuti awonjezere kuthamanga kwa madzi a mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en306,"Water collection can be from direct rainfall, runoff and underground water sources. One of the most widespread and directly accessible sources of water is rainfall","Kusonkhanitsa madzi kukhoza kuchitita ndi mvula, madzi othamanga a mvula komanso madzi a pansi pamthaka. Njira imodzi yotchuka komanso yofikirika yopezera madzi ndi mvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en307,"When rain falls the following may happen: Direct evaporation, Interception by vegetation and other natural or artificial structures","Mvula ikagwa, zinthu izi zikhoza kuchitika: Kuuma kwa madzi, kuyamwidwa kwamadzi ndi zomera komanso zina zachilengedwe kapena zipangizo zomwe sizachilengedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en308,"Infiltration into the soil where it can provide water for vegetation as well as recharge ground water sources; Run-off from the surface into rivers, which take the water to lakes, the sea or ocean","Kulowa kwa madzi mdothi kuti apeleke madzi ku zomera komanso kuwonjezera kuchuluka kwa madzi pansi pamthaka; Madzi othamanga pamthaka kupita mmitsinje, yomwe imatenga madzi kupita nawo munyanja zazing'ono ndi zazikulu zomwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en309,"Rain water harvesting therefore seeks to reduce evaporation losses, runoff and deep percolation of the water by harnessing and storing it in storage structures or in the field for direct use by crops","Choncho kukolola madzi a mvula kumafuna kuchepetsa kuuma kwa madzi, kuthamanga kwa madzi komanso kulowa kwa mmadzi mumthaka pogwiritsa ntchito ndi kusunga mu zipangizo zosungira kapena kuminda kuti mbewu zigwiritse ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en310,Harvested rainwater can be used for the following purposes; Domestic usages; Satisfying crop requirements through improvement of soil moisture; Controlling and mitigating drought,Madzi okololedwa akhoza kugwiritsidwa pa zinthu zotsatirazi: kugwiritsa ntchito zapakhomo; kukwaniritsa zosowekera za mbewu powonjezera chinyezi mdothi; kuthana ndi kupewa chilala,agriculture,agriculture document +en311,Conserving land resource including erosion control; Recharging ground water resources; Watering livestock and for wildlife; Forestry support; Industrial use and fire-fighting (putting out fire),Kusamala malo kuphatikiza kuteteza kukokoloka kwa dothi; kubwezeretsa madzi pansi pamthaka; kumwetsera ziweto komanso nyama zakutchire; kuthandizira zankhalango; kugwiritsa ntchito popanga zinthu ku mafakitale ndi kuthimitsira moto,agriculture,agriculture document +en312,"The rainwater harvesting techniques are categorized into micro catchments, small external catchments, in-situ rain water conservation, and macro catchments techniques","Njira zokololela madzi zayikidwa mmagulu a njira zazing'ono, kukolola madzi kunja, njira zapamalo pomwepo zokololela madzi, komanso njira zikuluzikulu",agriculture,agriculture document +en313,"They are normally within cropped land, which generate small quantities of runoff for a single crop, group of crops or row of crops","Zimakhala mkati mwa malo omwe ali ndi zomera, zomwe zimatulutsa madzi ochepa okwana mbewu imodzi, gulu la mbewu kapena mzere wa mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en314,"The techniques include; negarims, infiltration pits, planting pits, stone bunds, contour ridging, box ridging, semicircular bunds","Njira zimenezi ndi monga: zidikha zokololela madzi, mayenje oti madzi adzilowa pansi, mayenje obzala mbewu, milambala ya miyala, akalodzera, mabokosi a mizere, mayenje mmbali mwa zomera okololela madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en315,Small external catchments include techniques that collect runoff from road drainage and adjacent fields before being diverted into cropland such as road/ footpath run off harvesting,Njira zakunja zazing'ono zokololela madzi zimasonkhetsa madzi kuchokera mu ngalande zammiseu ndi minda yoyandikana asanakhotetsedwe kupita ku zomera monga kukolola madzi a munjira,agriculture,agriculture document +en316,"In situ rainwater conservation technologies are distinct from runoff farming systems in that they do not include a runoff generation area, but instead aims at conserving the rainfall where it falls in the cropped area",Njira yokolola madzi a mvula yapamalo pomwepoyi ndiyosiyana ndi njira zina zokololela madzi othamanga chifukwa simaphatikiza malo otengera madzi a mvula koma cholinga chake ndikuteteza madzi a mvula pomwe agwera mmundamo,agriculture,agriculture document +en317,"The techniques include; agroforestry, grass strips/hedgerows along contours, compost manure making and application, mulching and crop residue management, terrace catchments, and gully reclamation for crop production","Njirazi ndi monga: kuchita ulim wosakaniza ndi mitengo, kubzala udzu mu akalodzera, kupanga ndi kuthira mayowa, kuphimbira ndi kusamala zinyalala za mbewu, kukonza ma terrace, komanso kukonza ngalande kuti padzilimidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en318,Permanent planting pits or basins are small pits in the ground used for planting many types of crops,Mayenje okhalitsa kapena zidikha ndi mayenje ang'onoang'ono mdothi omwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito pobzala mbewu zosiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en319,"They are about 30cm wide, 30cm long and 20cm deep, about the size of a man’s foot","Amakhala ndi mulifupi mwa 30cm, mulitali 30cm ndipo akuya 20cm, pafupifupi ngati kutalika kwa phazi lamunthu",agriculture,agriculture document +en320,"They are best suited to areas with less than1,000mm of rain a year. Correctly constructed planting pits may be used for various crops for many years",Ndiwoyenera kudera komwe mvula imagwa yosapyola 1000mm pa chaka. Mayenje obzala mbewu okonzedwa moyenera akhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito polima mbewu zoaiyanasiyana kwa zaka zambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en321,"Remove stumps, wood and roots if it is on virgin land. The stump holes should be covered by hand and leveled off. Do not plough","Chotsani zitsa, mitengo ndi mitsitsi ngati ndi munda watsopano. Mayenje a zitsa akwiliridwe ndi manja ndipo asalazidwe. Musagaule",agriculture,agriculture document +en322,"In a field that was previously cropped, leave up to 30% crop residue. The residue will decompose, add organic matter and improve soil structure","Mmunda womwe munali mbewu, lekani 30% ya zinyalala za mbewu. Zinyalalazi ziola, kuonjezera chonde ndikupititsa patsogolo mthaka ya dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en323,Mark pit position using the rope following a contour line i.e the pits should be dug across the slope.,Ikani zizindikiro mmalo okumba mayenje pogwiritsa ntchito chingwe kutsatira akalodzera kutanthauza kuti mayenje akumbidwe motsatira kutsetsereka kwa malo,agriculture,agriculture document +en324,"As the pits will be permanent, precision is important in construction of these pits. At the spacing given in the table number there will be 15,850 pits per hectare","Pakuti mayenje akhala okhalitsa, kukumba mayenje pamalo oyeneradi ndikofunika. Pa kutalikirana komwe kwapelekedwa, chiwerengero chake chidzakhala mayenje 15,850 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en325,"If there is high degree of moisture stress, the pits can be made deeper and wider to make maximum use of rain water. Spread mulch within and around the pits","Ngati pali chiopsezo chachikulu chakusowa madzi, mayenje akhale akuya komanso otambalala kuti adzikolola madzi ambiri. Mwazani zophimbira padzenje komanso kuzungulira dzenje",agriculture,agriculture document +en326,It is recommended to apply 2 handfuls of manure in a pit with above specified dimension,Ndi koyenera kuthira manja awiri odzadza ndi manyowa pa dzenje la mulingo tafotokoza mmwambamu,agriculture,agriculture document +en327,"If basal fertilizer is available, it can also be applied at the same time. When manure has been applied, they should be covered with soil. A shallow depression should still remain on top","Ngati feteleza okulitsa alipo, akhoza kuthilidwa panthawi yomweyo. Pomwe manyowa athiridwa, akwiliridwe ndi dothi. Pamwamba pakhalebe kadzenje kosaya",agriculture,agriculture document +en328,Keep pits free of weeds at all times. Weed as soon as the weeds appear and just before harvesting. This will reduce the amount of weeds in the next season,Mayenje akhale opanda tchire nthawi zonse. Palitani pamene tchire laoneka ndiponso musanayambe kukolola. Izi zimechepetsa kuchuluka kwa udzu mu nyengo yolima yotsatira,agriculture,agriculture document +en329,Top dressing fertilizer to maize must be applied after 21days. Use the area specific fertilizer recommended rates,Feteleza wobereketsa athiridwe kuchimanga pakutha pamasiku 21. Gwiritsani ntchito mulingo woyenera wa feteleza wa kuderalo,agriculture,agriculture document +en330,"At harvest, remove the crop by cutting plants at base. Stems and leaves should be left on the surface of the soil","Panthawi yokolola, chotsani zokolola podula mbewu pansi. Tsinde ndi masamba zisiyidwe pamwamba pa dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en331,The roots should not be uprooted; they should be left to decompose within the pit,Mitsitsi isazulidwe; isiyidwe kuti iwole mmayenje momwemo,agriculture,agriculture document +en332,"In order to increase the efficiency of the pits, it is important to realize that the use of these pits alone will not produce the highest yields","Pofuna kuwonjezera kagwiridwe ntchito kamayenje, ndikofunika kuzindikira kuti kugwiritsa ntchito mayenje paokha sikubweretsa zokolola zochuluka",agriculture,agriculture document +en333,"Therefore, to obtain the best results: Always incorporate crop residues; leave a minimum of 30% crop residue on the field","Motero, pofuna kupeza zotsatira zabwino: phatikizani zotsalitra za zokolola nthawi zonse; siyani 30% ya zotsalira za zokolola mmunda momwemo",agriculture,agriculture document +en334,Agro-forestry trees and cover crops can also be integrated into the pits. Apply manure generously,Mitengo yobweretsa chonde ndi mbewu zamphimbira zikhoza kuphatikizidwa mmayenjemo. Thirani manyowa mosaumira,agriculture,agriculture document +en335,"Protect crops from weeds, pests and diseases; Always plant with first planting rains; Grow crops in rotation, at least 30% of the cropped land should be planted to legumes.","Tetezani mbewu ku tchire, tizilombo ndi matenda; bzalani ndi mvula yoyamba nthawi zonse; limani mbewu mwakasinthasintha, 30% yamalo olima mbewu pabzalidwe mbewu zanyemba",agriculture,agriculture document +en336,When using planting pits: Remember that the pits are permanent and can be used for three successive seasons. So it is important to take care of them,Pamene mukugwiritsa ntchito mayenje obzalira: kumbukirani kuti mayenje ndi okhalitsa ndipo akhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pa nyengo zitatu motsogozana. Motero nkofunika kuti asamalidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en337,Family members should be trained to make the pits and should understand the ideas of conservation agriculture,Anthu apabanja aphunzitsidwe kukumba mayenje ndipo ayenera kumvetsetsa maganizo a ulimi wa mtayakhasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en338,Do not plant in a pit which is not nearly filled with soil - the crops will drown; Do not dig pits during the rainy season. Hard pans are best dealt with in the dry season,Musabzale mbewu mmayenje omwe sanadzadze ndi dothi - mbewu zimamira; musakumbe mayenje nthawi yamvula. Thanani ndi vuto la dothi louma kwambiri munyengo yadzuwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en339,These comprise large external catchments producing massive runoff (floods) which is diverted from gullies and ephemeral streams and spread into crop land,Izi zimaphatikiza njira zokolela madzi zazikulu zobweretsa madzi ambiri othamanga omwe amakhotetsedwa mu ngalande ndi mmitsinje yosachedwa kuuma ndikuthiridwa ku mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en340,"Because these techniques handle large amounts of water, designing and constructing them need special skills","Chifukwa njira izi zimasunga madzi ochuluka kwambiri, kukonza ndi kumanga kumafunika luzo lapadera",agriculture,agriculture document +en341,"The following are the most important macro catchment techniques; flood diversion and spreading, and permeable rock dams","Njira zokololela madzi zikuluzikulu zotsatirazi ndi zofunika kwambiri: kupatutsa madzi osefukira ndi kuwamwaza, kupanga malo osungira madzi ndi miyala yoyamwa madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en342,Storage systems offer the land user a tool for water stress control and dry spell mitigation,Njira zosungira zimapeleka kwamwini munda chida chopewera kutha kwa madzi mu mbewu komanso kupewa chilala,agriculture,agriculture document +en343,"Due to the intermittent nature of rainfall, storing rain water allows use of the water at a convenient time as required by an individual or communities","Chifukwa chakusapanganika kwa mvula, kusunga madzi a mvula kumalola kugwiritsa ntchito madzi panthawi yoyenera pamene afunidwa ndi munthu kapena midzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en344,Storage systems are needed to: Make water potable and easy to utilize; Harvest rainwater when it is plenty and use it later; Reduce the distance to watering points and Increase the water head/pressure so that it can be used for gravity fed irrigation,Zipangizo zosungira ndizofunika: kuti madzi adzinyamulika komanso asavute kugwiritsa ntchito; kukolola madzi a mvula pamene alipo ambiri ndi kuwagwiritsa ntchito pambuyo pake; kuchepetsa mtunda wa malo opezeka madzi ndi kuchulukitsa mphamvu yamadzi pamalo okwera ndi cholinga choti agwiritsidwe ntchito zamthilira zodalira kutsetsereka kwa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en345,"Farm planning should be encouraged to derive maximum benefit from available resources on a sustainable basis. For details on farm planning refer to the section on farm management in this guide. In addition, consult agricultural staff","Kukonza ndondomeko za ntchito zapamunda kulimbikitsidwe pofuna kupeza phindu lochuluka kuchokera ku zinthu zomwe zilipo mosamala. Pofuna kudziwa zambiri za kukonza ndondomeko zapamunda, onani gawo la kasamalidwe kamunda mu bukuli. Kuphatikiza apa, funsani alangizi a zaulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en346,"Agro-pastoral systems such as planting of improved pastures, growing of fodder crops and use of crop residues for animal feed and bedding should be undertaken in all suitable areas","Ntchito zolima mitengo pamodzi ndi kusunga ziweto monga kubzala udzu wa ziweto wamakono, kulima mbewu zomwe ziweto zimadya komanso kugwiritsa ntchito zotsalira za mbewu ngati zakudya za ziweto ndi zogonera kuchitike mmadera onse omwe zingatheke kutero ",agriculture,agriculture document +en347,"Implementation of simple gully control measures such as use of brushwood, check dams, planting of suitable vegetative materials such as vetiver, napier and bananas, should be encouraged","Kugwira ntchito zoteteza ngalande monga kugwiritsa ntchito mafutu, zotchinga madzi, kubzala zophimba dothi zoyenera monga vetiver, napier ndi nthochi kulimbikitsidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en348,"The use of herbicides in conservation agriculture is well known and documented. The correct application of herbicides is important in minimizing soil disturbance, but also in reducing the overall production costs, notably reduction of labour demand for weeding","Kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire pa ulimi wa myatakhasu ndi zodziwika komanso zalembedwa. Kuthira koyenera kwa mankhwala ophera tchire ndikofunika chifukwa kumachepetsa kusokoneza dothi komanso kuchepetsa ndalama zogwiritsa ntchito polima, makamaka kuchepetsa kufunika kwa antchito popalira",agriculture,agriculture document +en349,It is critical that one should have proper knowledge and expertise in the handling of herbicides before deciding to use them,Ndikofunika zedi kuti munthu ayenera kukhala ndi nzeru komanso upangiri wogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire asanapange chiganizo chowagwriritsa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en350,"The following will have to be understood about herbicides: Herbicides require clean, debris free water. Dirty water may turn the application of herbicides to be costly due to constant break down of sprayers","Ayenera kumvetsetsa zinthu zotsatirazi zokhuza mankhwala ophera tchire: mankhwala ophera tchire amafuna madzi aukhondo, opanda zinyalala. Madzi akuda amachititsa kupopera mankhwala kukhala kokwera mtengo chifukwa chakuonongeka pafupipafupi kwa ma sprayer",agriculture,agriculture document +en351,Repeated use of a particular herbicide on a mono-cropping plot can easily lead to resistance. Integrating the use of herbicides with crop rotations will assist in breaking cycles,Kuthira mankkhwala ophera tchire mobwerezabwereza pamalo olima mbewu imodz zimayambitsa tizilombo kupilira kumankhwalawo. Kuphatikiza kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire ndi ulimi wakasinthasintha zidzathandiza kulepheretsa kukula kwa tizilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en352,The role of irrigation in increasing agricultural production is evident from the existing irrigation activities throughout the country,Kufunikira kwa mthilira pochulikitsa zokolola ndiyachidziwikire kutengera ntchito zamthilira zomwe zili dziko lonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en353,Irrigation in Malawi is very important as it assists in addressing the challenges of food insecurity and poverty,Mthilira mMalawi muno ndiwofunikira pakuti umathandiza kukonza mavuto a chakudya komanso umphawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en354,"These challenges have largely been brought about due to erratic rainfall distribution which has resulted into prolonged dry spells, droughts and floods whose occurrence has increased due to climate change effects","Mavuto amenewa abwera chifukwa chakuti mvula ikumagwa mwanjomba zomwe zachititsa kuti madera ena mukhale ng'amba, chilala ndi kusefukira kwa madzi zomwe kuchitika kwake kwakula potsatira kusintha kwanyengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en355,"These effects have negatively affected rain-fed agriculture. In addition, food demand in Malawi has been increasing steadily due to absolute increase in population which is estimated at an annual growth rate of 2.8%.","Izi zakhuza kwambiri ulimi wodalira mvula. Kuonjezera apa, kufunika kwa chakudya mMalawi muno kwakhala kukukula chifukwa cha chakukwera kwa chiwerengero cha anthu chomwe chikukula pachaka ndi anthu 2.8 pa 100 aliwonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en356,"Potential irrigable area in Malawi is estimated at 407,000 hectares. Present total irrigated area is estimated at about 104,600 hectares, of which 54,284 hectares are irrigated by smallholder farmers","Malo amthilira mMalawi muno alipo pafupifupi ma hekitala 407,000. Malo onse omwe pakuchitika mthilira ndi pafupifupi ma hekitala 104,000, omwe ma hekitala 54,284 akuthililidwa ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en357,The overall goal of Irrigation Policy is to contribute to sustainable national economic growth and development through enhanced irrigated agriculture production and productivity,Cholinga chachikulu cha ndondomeko za mthilira ndi kuthandizira kukweza chuma cha dziko ndi chitukuko kudzera kupeza zokolola zambiri kumthilira ndi phindu lake ,agriculture,agriculture document +en358,This is provided under organized smallholder and estate management institutions. The policy objectives of irrigation in Malawi are: Increase land under sustainable irrigation farming;,Izi zapelekedwa pansi pa umodzi wa alimi ang'onoang'ono ndi oyang'anira minda ikuluikulu. Zolinga za ndondomeko za mthilira mMalawi muno ndi: kuwonjezera minda yolimidwa mwamakono kudzera mu mthilira;,agriculture,agriculture document +en359,Facilitate crop diversification and intensification; Create an enabling environment for irrigated agriculture;,Kuthandizira kulima mbewu zochuluka komanso kuchulikitsa zokolola; papezeke zoyenereza za ulimi zamthilira ,agriculture,agriculture document +en360,Optimize investment in irrigation development taking into account climate change; Enhance capacity for irrigated agriculture; Promote a business culture in the small-scale irrigated agriculture sector,Ikani chidwi ndi ndalama pa ntchito zamthilira poganizira kusintha kwa nyengo: onjezerani luso pa ulimi wa mthilira; limbikitsani kuchita zinthu mwadongosolo pa mthilira wa alimi ang'onoang'ono ,agriculture,agriculture document +en361,"In order to achieve the overall goal, the policy focuses on three priority areas namely, Sustainable Irrigation Development, Sustainable Irrigation Management and Capacity Development","Kuti tikwaniritse cholinga chachikulu, ndondomeko zikutsamira pa magawo atatu ofunikira omwe ndi Kutukula ntchito za mthilira zokhazikika, kayendetsedwe kantchito zamthilira ndi kuphunzitsa anthu za mthilira",agriculture,agriculture document +en362,Sustainable Irrigation Development entails construction of new irrigation infrastructure to put more land under irrigation,Ntchito zamthilira zikhazikika zikuphatikiza kumanga zipangizo zamthilira zatsopano kuti minda yambiri ikhale yamthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en363,"The policy, therefore, aims at addressing issues such as inadequate financial resource mobilization, high development costs, unharmonised irrigation development initiatives, environmental degradation, customary land disputes and limited participation of stakeholders","Choncho malamulowa akufuna kuthana ndi zovuta monga kupelewera kwa njira zopezera ndalama, kukwera mitengo kwa zinthu, kusafanana kwa zitukuko za nthilira, kuonongeka kwa chilengedwe, kukanganira malo akumidzi ndi kusatenga mbali mokwanira kwa onse okhuzidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en364,Sustainable Irrigation Management. The developed areas of irrigated schemes should be well managed to sustain productivity,Kasamalidwe ka mthilira kosaononga zachilengedwe. Madera omwe ayikidwa minda yamthilira akuyenera kusamalidwa kuti adzipitilira kupeleka phindu,agriculture,agriculture document +en365,The beneficiary community should operate and maintain the infrastructure so that the designed capacities are maintained to support desired crop production levels,Madera omwe akupindula akuyenera kugwiritsa ntchito komanso kusamala zipangizo ndi cholinga chakuti mulingo womwe unayikidwa pokonza zipangizo za mthilira udzikwanilitsidwa kuti uthandizire kulima mbewu moyenera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en366,"The policy, therefore, aims at addressing issues such as degradation of catchment areas which is affecting availability of water resources; beneficiary community unwillingness or capacity limitations to operate and maintain the systems; marketing challenges; land tenure issues and inadequate irrigation extension services which cause loss of systems capacity",Choncho lamuloli likufuna kuthana ndi zovuta monga kuonongeka kwa malo omwe amasunga madzi zomwe zikukhuza kapezekedwe ka madzi; midzi yopindula kusafuna kapena kusowa upangiri wogwiritsa ntchito ndi kusamala zipangizo; ntchito za ulangizi zomwe zadzetsa kuchepa kwa ntchito za mthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en367,Capacity Development. The development and management of irrigation schemes require adequate technical and administrative capacity among others,Kuphunzitsa anthu: Kukonza komanso kusamala minda yamthilira kumasowa upangiri wokwanira komanso kayendetsedwe koyenera mwa zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en368,The technical competence within the public and private sectors including training institutions and beneficiary communities is critical for sustainable irrigation development and management,Kukhala ndi upangiri woyenera mkati mwa nthambi za boma ndi zomwe sizaboma kuphatikizirapo sukulu zophunzitsa luso ndi midzi yopindula ndi kofunika pa kakonzedwe ndi kasamalidwe ka mthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en369,"There are three factors to be considered when choosing a site for irrigation development. These are physical, economic and social factors","Pali zinthu zitathu zoyenera kuunika posankha malo a mthilira. Izi ndi zinthu zomwe sizamoyo, chuma komanso zochitika kudera",agriculture,agriculture document +en370,Physical factors include: Reliability and closeness to the water supply; Land slope and soil characteristics; Risk of flooding; Protection of the crop and equipment from theft and damage by livestock,"Zinthu zomwe sizamoyo ndi monga: kudalirika komanso kuyandikira madzi, kutsetsereka kwa malo ndi mtundu wa dothi; chiopsezo chosefukira madzi; kuteteza mbewu ndi zida kwa akuba ndi kuonongedwa ndi ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en371,Economic factors include: Ease of vehicle access if surveying and engineering work is required; Ease of access to markets for supply of inputs and sale of produce,Zachuma ndi monga: kufikirika ndi galimoto popanga kafukufuku ndi kuyeza malo ngati nkofunika kutero; kufikirika kwa misika kuti pokapeza zipangizo za ulimi komanso kukagulitsa zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en372,Social factors include: Farmer organization; Land tenure issues; Water rights issues,Zochitika za kudera ndi monga: magulu a alimi; zokhuza umwini wa malo; ufulu wogwiritsa ntchito madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en373,Each of these factors must be checked and found to be suitable before serious efforts are made to promote or encourage irrigated farming,Chilichonse mwa zinthuzi chionedwe ndi kupezeka kuti ndichoyenera ntchito yayikulu yopititsa patsogolo kapena kulimbikitsa mthilira isanayambe,agriculture,agriculture document +en374,The following are common methods of irrigating crops. Watering can/bucket irrigation: Watering can or bucket irrigation is widely used by smallholder farmers,Njira zotsatirazi ndi zimene zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pothilira mbewu nthawi zambiri. Kugwiritsa ntchito ndowa zothililira: ndowa zothililira zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en375,This method is best for small plots of land which are close to the water source; particularly where the water source is limited or where open wells re-fill slowly,Njira iyi ndi yoyenera minda ing'onoing'ono yomwe ili pafupi ndi madzi; makamaka komwe madzi samapezeka okwanira kapena komwe zitsime zimachedwa kubwera madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en376,"Water should not be poured directly from the bucket because if the crop is young, the plants may be damaged","Madzi asathiridwe kuchokera mu ndowa chifukwa ngati mbewu zili zazing'ono, zimaonongeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en377,"Basin irrigation: A basin is a levelled area of land, surrounded by earth embankments, which is totally flooded during irrigation","Mthilira wodzadza madzi pachidikha: Chidikha ndi malo osalazidwa, omwe akwezeredwa mmbali ndi dothi, omwe amadzadzidwa ndi madzi panthawi yothilira",agriculture,agriculture document +en378,"Basins can be flat, either sunken or raised, or ridged. In all cases good basin irrigation requires the ground surface to be level","Chidikha chikhoza kukhala cha thyathyathya, cholowa pansi kapena chokwezedwa, kapena cha mizere. Mu zonsezi, mthilira wamuchidikha umafuna pamalo pakhale posatsetsereka",agriculture,agriculture document +en379,Basin irrigation is suitable for many crops. The advantages are: The right amount of water can be given with a minimum amount of labour if the beds are well levelled,"Mthilira wamuchidikha ndi woyenera mbewu zambiri, Ubwino wake ndi: madzi oyenera amaplekedwa ndi antchito ochepa ngati mabedi asalazidwa bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en380,Water losses can be kept low by minimal runoff. Basins last for a long time once they are constructed.,Kutayika kwa madzi kumachepa chifukwa chochepetsa madzi othamanga. Zidikha zimakhala nthawi yayitali zikakozedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en381,Prolonged ponding and crop damage can occur in poorly managed flat beds. There is also a risk of soil erosion in the supply channel as a result of high speed of water,Kukhalitsa kwa madzi komanso kuonongeka kwa mbewu kukhoza kuchitika pamalo osatsetsereka omwe sakusamalidwa bwino. Palinso chiopsezo chakukoloka kwa dothi polowera madzi ngati madzi akuthamanga kwambiri polowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en382,Furrow Irrigation-Furrows are generally used on farms with large uniform fields where long furrows can be formed. They are not appropriate in plots which are of irregular shapes,Mthilira wangalande- ngalande zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri mminda yomwe ili ndi malo aakulu ofanana pomwe ngalande zitalizitali zimakumbidwa. Ndi zosayenera mminda yomwe ilibe malire oongoka,agriculture,agriculture document +en383,Water is gradually absorbed into the bottom and sides of the long furrow wetting the soil,"Madzi amayamwidwa kulowa pansi ndi mbali mwa ngalande, kumanyowetsa dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en384,The length of the furrow is normally greater than 50m but depends on the type of soil and the land slope,Kutalika kwa ngalande nthawi zambiri kumaposa 50m koma kumatengera mtundu wa dothi komanso kutsetsereka kwa malo,agriculture,agriculture document +en385,"It is important to use the right shape of furrow, furrow spacing and length. If managed well, furrow irrigation has the following advantages: Moderate to high irrigation efficiency.","Ndikofunika kugwiritsa ntchito kaonekedwe koyenera ka ngalande, kutalikirana kwa ngalande koyenera komanso kutalika koyenera. Zikasamalidwa bwino, ngalande za mthilira zimakhala ndi ubwino wotsatirawu: kuthilira osataya madzi ambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en386,Less danger of leaching nutrients from the soil than with basin methods; Crop stems are not wetted,Chiopsezo chochepa cha kusuluka kwa michere ya mdothi kusiyana ndi mthilira wamudikha; mitengo ya mbewu siyimanyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en387,"Even soils which form a surface crust when flooded, can be irrigated as water moves laterally from the furrow into the ridge below the level of plant growth",Ngakhale dothi lomwe limaundana pamwamba likanyowa likhoza kuthiliridwa chifukwa madzi amayenda kuchoka mu ngalande kulowa munzere munsi mwa mbewu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en388,The disadvantages of furrow irrigation are: Erosion can occur if the slope is too steep; Labour requirements may be high as the streams must be carefully regulated to achieve uniform water distribution,Kuyipa kwa mthilira wamungalande ndiwakuti: kukoloka kwa mthaka kumachitika ngati malo ndi otsetsereka kwambiri; umafuna atchito ochuluka chifukwa kuyenda kwa madzi kumayenera kusinthidwa pofuna kuti madzi afike paliponse mofanana,agriculture,agriculture document +en389,Salts from the soil or water supply may concentrate on top of the ridge and eventually cause damage to young crops,Michere yochokera mu dothi kapena mmadzi imachulukana pamwamba pa mzere ndipo pamapeto pake imaononga mbewu zazing'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en390,Lateral spread of water in coarse textured soils may not be enough to wet the soil between the furrows,Kufalikira kwa madzi mmbali mu dothi lamchenga pena kumakhala kosakwanira kunyowetsa dothi pakati pa ngalande,agriculture,agriculture document +en391,Sprinkler irrigation is a way of applying irrigation water to the soil that is similar to natural rainfall,Mthilira wa sprinkler ndi njira yothilira madzi ku dothi yomwe ndiyofanana ndi mvula yachilengedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en392,"It can be used on many crops, soils and geographic conditions. The system can be used on a land slope of up to 12%","Ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pa mbewu, dothi ndi madera osiyanasiyana. Njirayi ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pamalo opekendeka mpaka 12%",agriculture,agriculture document +en393,A small sprinkler system can be used where the water supply (flow rate) is limited,Sprinkler yaying'ono ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pomwe madzi ndi ochepa,agriculture,agriculture document +en394,"Advantages of sprinkler irrigation include the following: Can be used on steep slopes and uneven ground; Can be used on a wide variety of crops; The labour requirement is low; Water is spread evenly over the irrigation plot resulting in high efficiency, if managed properly","Ubwino wa mthilira ndi sprinkler ndi monga: Ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pamalo otsika kwambiri komanso pamalo osasalaza; ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pa mbewu zosiyanasiyana; umafuna atchito ochepa; madzi amamwazidwa mofanana pamunda wamthilira zomwe zimakweza kagwiridwe ntchito, ukasamalidwa bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en395,The disadvantages of a sprinkler irrigation system are: High capital cost of the equipment; High operational and maintenance costs for the pump and field equipment,Kuyipa kwa mthilira wa sprinkler ndi monga: Umafuna ndalama zambiri zogulira zida; umafuna ndalama zambiri zokonzera pampu ndi zida zakumunda ,agriculture,agriculture document +en396,Irrigation is affected by high winds; Evaporation losses can be high; Sprinkler nozzles are easily blocked if sediment-laden water is used,Mthilira umakhuzidwa ndi mphempo yamphamvu; kuuma kwa madzi pena kumakula; chotulutsira madzi pa sprinkler sichichedwa kutsekeka ngati madzi amatope akugwiritsidwa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en397,Micro irrigation includes a number of technologies where water is only applied to part of the field surface,Micro irrigation ndi mthilira umene madzi amathilidwa pomwe pakufunikira basi,agriculture,agriculture document +en398,It can save on water and improve crop yield. It can also be used for fertigation; a process where fertilizers are applied through irrigation water,Madzi samatayika ndipo umawonjezera zokolola. Njirayi ikhoza kugwiritsidwanso ntchito pothira feteleze kudzera mmadzi- njira yomwe feteleza amathiridwa kudzera mmadzi a mthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en399,With such a system there is even distribution of nutrients and actual crop nutrient requirements can be met since incremental supply of nutrients is possible,Ndi njira imeneyi pamakhala kugawa michere mofanana ndipo michere yofunikira ya mbewu imapezeka chifukwa kuchulukitsa kupeleka michere ndi kotheka,agriculture,agriculture document +en400,"In drip irrigation water is given more frequently than with other irrigation methods and this provides a high moisture level in the soil. However the costs of purchasing, operating and maintaining the equipment are high","Mu mthilira wodontheza madzi amapelekdwa ku mbewu pafupipafupi kuposera njira zina za mthilira ndipo zimapeleka chinyezi chokwanira ku dothi. Komabe mtengo wogulira, kugwiritsa ntchito ndi kusamala zida umakhala wokwera",agriculture,agriculture document +en401,Water is supplied to the plants from below the surface by controlling the level of naturally occurring shallow ground water,Madzi amapelekedwa ku mbewu kuchokera pansi pamthaka posintha kuchuluka kwa madzi opezeka mdothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en402,Water is made to flow through capillary action that carries it to the surface. Regular drawing down of water is essential to avoid water logging of the plots and crop damage,Madzi amakwera pang'onopang'ono mpaka kufika pamwamba. Kuchepetsa madzi pafupipafupi ndikofunika pofuna kupewa dothi kudzadza madzi ndi kuononga mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en403,"The following factors should be looked into when considering irrigation: Natural conditions: soil type, slope, climate and water supply; Type of crops to be grown; Type of technology: this will directly affect the amount of labour and skills required for operation and maintenance",Zinthu zotsatirazi ziunikidwe pofuna kuchita mthilira: zachilengedwe monga mtundu wa dothi; kutsetsereka kwa malo; nyengo ndi kapezekedwe ka madzi; mtundu wa mbewu zolimidwa; njira za mthilira; izi zidzakhudza mwachindunji kuchuluka kwa ntchito komanso luso lofunika pogwiritsa ntchito ndi kusamala,agriculture,agriculture document +en404,"Previous experience with irrigation and levels of training; Costs and benefits; capital costs, operational costs and expected benefits. The selection of an irrigation method must take into account all the above-mentioned factors",Kukhala ndi upangiri wa mthilira komanso maphunziro: ndalama zogwira ntchito ndi phindu lake; mpamba; ndalama zogwilira ntchito komanso phindu lomwe lingapezeke. Kusankha njira ya mthilira kuunike zonse zomwe zanenedwa mmwambazi,agriculture,agriculture document +en405,Sandy soils need frequent but small irrigation applications because little water is stored and the water enters quickly (high infiltration rate),Dothi lamchenga limafuna kuthilira madzi ochepa koma pafupipafupi chifukwa silimasunga madzi ndipo madzi amalowa mwachangu mdothi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en406,Sprinkler may be better than surface irrigation. All methods – surface or overhead can be used on loamy and clay soils,Sprinkler ikhoza kukhala njira yabwino yamthilira. Njira zonse - zapadothi kapena zammwamba zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito mu dothi losakanikira ndi mchenga komanso dothi la dongo,agriculture,agriculture document +en407,"Clay soils, with low infiltration rates, are ideally suited to surface irrigation. Other human and technical factors will decide the best method","Dothi la dongo, momwe madzi amalowa pang'onopang'ono, ndi labwino kupanga mthilira wapamwamba. Zina zofunika monga anthu ndi upangiri zithandiza kusankha njira yoyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en408,"Where the land slope is uneven or steeply sloping, up to 12%, sprinkler or drip irrigation may be better than surface methods as they require little or no land levelling","Pomwe malo ndi osasalaza kapena otsetsereka mpaka 12%, mthilira wa sprinkler ndi wodonthenza ungakhale woyenera kuposa wapamwamba chifukwa umangofuna kusalaza pang'ono kapena osasalaza",agriculture,agriculture document +en409,Surface irrigation is recommended for a land slope of up to 5%. Any slope above 5% encourages soil erosion,Mthilira wapamwamba pa dothi ndiwoyenera pamalo otsetsereka kufika 5% basi. Malo ena aliwonse otsetsereka kuposa 5% amalimbikitsa kukokoloka kwa dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en410,"However, the expense and operational costs of these methods must be fully understood before any decision is taken to use them","Komabe, pofunika kumvetsetsa ndalama ndi luso logwitsira ntchito pa njira zimenezi chiganizo chilichonse chogwiritsira njira zimenezi chisanapangidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en411,"If surface irrigation is chosen, the farmers must understand the amount of work required for land levelling and bed preparation","Ngati mthilira wapamwamba padothi wasankhidwa, alimi akuyenera kumvetsetsa kuchuluka kwa ntchito yofuna kusalaza malo komanso kukonza mabedi",agriculture,agriculture document +en412,"Where high winds are common during the dry season, it is better to use surface or micro irrigation methods","Komwe mphepo yamphamvu ndi yosasowa munyengo ya dzuwa, ndibwino kugwiritsa ntchito njira zapamwamba panthaka kapena micro irrigation",agriculture,agriculture document +en413,Sprinkler irrigation should not be selected in an area where there are frequent periods of high wind during the dry season,Mthilira wa sprinkler usasankhidwe kudera komwe kumakhala mphepo yamphamvu pafupipafupi munyengo ya dzuwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en414,Water is applied more efficiently with sprinkler and drip irrigation than with surface irrigation,Madzi amathiridwa moyenera ndi sprinkler ndi mdontheza kuposa mthilira wapamwamba ,agriculture,agriculture document +en415,"It is better to use these methods when water is very limited. However, these methods will only be efficient if they are correctly used and maintained by the farmers as they cost more to run due to use of motorized pumps","Ndibwino kugwiritsa ntchito njira zimenezi pamene madzi ndiwochepa. Komabe, njira zimenezi zinhakhale zopambana ngati zagwiritsidwa ntchito moyenera ndi kusamalidwa ndi alimi popeza zimafuna ndalama zambiri kugwiritsa ntchito chifukwa cha engine ya pampu ",agriculture,agriculture document +en416,Maintains a high water table immediately downstream of the dam where farmers can use shallow wells,Zimasunga madzi ambiri mdothi mmunsi mwamalo osungira madzi komwe alimi angathe kugwiritsa ntchito zitsime,agriculture,agriculture document +en417,"Where the reservoir contains sufficient water, use treadle pumps, solar-powered pumps or motorized pumps","Pomwe malo osungira madzi ali ndi madzi okwanira, gwiritsani ntchito ma treadle pampu, ma pampu oyendera mphamvu yadzuwa kapena pampu okhala ndi engine",agriculture,agriculture document +en418,"Diversion into a canal system using the natural ground slope. Treadle pump, solar-powered pump or motorized pump if the stream is adequate","Kupatutsa madzi kupita mungalande pogwiritsa ntchito kutsetsereka kwa malo. Treadle pump, pump yogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ya dzuwa kapena pump ya engine ngati madzi mumtsinje alimo okwanira",agriculture,agriculture document +en419,"If the water source contains too much sediment it is better to choose surface irrigation, since the sediments may clog drip or sprinkler irrigation systems",Ngati kochokera madzi kuli matipe ambiri ndibwino kugwiritsa ntchito mthilira wapamwamba chifukwa matope amenewa amatseka zipangizo za mthilira wa mdontheza ndi sprinkler,agriculture,agriculture document +en420,If the water has a high level of dissolved salts it is better not to develop irrigated cropping as yields may be reduced and the soil structure may be damaged over time,Ngati madzi ndi michere yambiri ndibwino osachita mthilira chifukwa zokolola zimachepa ndipo dothi limaonongeka pakutha kwa nthawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en421,"Where this is the case, whitish stuff and hard pans will be noted in the soil surface","Pomwe izi zili choncho, zinthu zoyera ndiponso dothi loundana loyera limaoneka pamwamba pa dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en422,"However, alkalinity has similar visual signs, and alkalinity test is used to distinguish the two conditions.","Komabe, kuchuluka kwa michere kuli ndi zizindikiro zooneka ngati zomwezo ndipo kuyeza kuchuluka kwa michere kumagwiritsidwa ntchito kusiyanitsa zinthu ziwirizi",agriculture,agriculture document +en423,"Surface irrigation methods can be used for all types of crops. The type of surface method (flat basins or ridged, furrows or micro basins around a tree) will depend on the crop","Njira za mthilira wapamwamba zikhoza kugwiritsida ntchito pa mitundu yonse ya mbewu. Mtundu wa njira yapamwamba monga malo achidikha kapena mmizere, mu ngalande kapena zidikha zing'onozing'ono kuzungulira mtengo, zimatengera mtundu wa mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en424,"As they are expensive to install per hectare, sprinkler and drip irrigation methods are mostly used for high value crops","Pakuti ndizodalira ndalama zochuluka kuyika pa hectare, njira ya sprinkler ndi mdontheza zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pam mbewu za mtengo wokwera",agriculture,agriculture document +en425,Drip irrigation is best for individual plants such as trees or widely spaced row crops like vegetables,Mthilira wodontheza ndiwabwino kwa mbewu imodzi imodzi monga mitengo kapena mbewu zamizere yotalikirana monga ndiwo zamasamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en426,It is not suitable for close growing crops such as maize since density of pipes on the field will be high and therefore the cost will be very high,Siwabwino ku mbewu zothithikana monga chimanga chifukwa kuthithikana kwa mapayipi mmunda kukhala kokwera ndipo ndalama zogwiritsa ntchito zikhalanso zochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en427,It is better to consider more advanced technologies where there is a good reason to reject surface irrigation,Ndibwino kulingalira njira zamakono ngati pali zifukwa zokwanira zikanira mthilira wapamwamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en428,"The high cost of purchasing and maintaining high technology equipment, and the difficulty of finding spare parts and training users to operate and maintain equipment correctly may make them unsuitable","Mtengo wokwera wogulira ndi kusamala zipangizo zamakono, komanso kuvutika kupeza zipangizo zobwezeretsa zina zikatha kuphatikiza kuphunzitsa ogwiritsa ntchito kuti adzigwiritsa ntchito ndi kusamala zida moyenera zingapangitse njira imeneyo kukhala yosayenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en429,"Small-scale surface irrigation systems usually need less sophisticated equipment for both construction and maintenance, except in the case of pump purchase and installation. The equipment is often cheap and easy to maintain","Mthilira wapamwamba wamalo ochepa kwambiri sufuna zida zovuta kwambiri kumanga komanso kusamala, kupatula ngati pali kugula ndi kuyika ma pump. Nthawi zambiri zida ndisakwera mtengo komanso zosavuta kusamala",agriculture,agriculture document +en430,The choice of an irrigation method should take into account of any irrigation traditions within the target area,Chisankho cha njira yamthilira chiunikire njira zamthilira zamakolo zomwe zilipo mderalo,agriculture,agriculture document +en431,In selecting irrigation method both the startup and the running costs must be calculated to see the long-term benefits,"Posankha njira yamthilira, werengetserani ndalama zofunika kuyamba ndi kuyendetsa njirayo kuti muone phindu pakutha kwa nthawi",agriculture,agriculture document +en432,A method can have high startup costs (high investment) but with low running costs,Njira ikhoza kukhala yofuna ndalama zambiri pachiyambi koma kuyendetsa kwake kukhala kofuna ndalama zochepa chabe ,agriculture,agriculture document +en433,Therefore it is important to calculate properly all these costs. Labour and energy requirements must also be considered when selecting an irrigation system,Motero nkofunika kuwerengetsera modekha zonse zofuna ndalama. Antchito ndi mphamvu zamagetsi ziganiziridwe posankha njira yamthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en434,There are two broad based categories of technologies that are used for abstraction of irrigation water and these are river diversion and pumping.,Pali magulu awiri akuluakulu a njira zamakono zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito potenga madzi othilira ndipo izi ndi kupatutsa mtsinje kapena kupopa,agriculture,agriculture document +en435,"River diversion - This technology takes advantage of gravity. Where the water source is at a higher elevation than the field, water is let to flow by gravity","Kupatutsa mtsinje- njira iyi imadalira kuti chinthu cholemera chimagwa chimagwa chikasiyidwa mmalele. Pomwe pochokera madzi ndi pamalo okwera kuposa munda, madzi adzitsetsereka chifukwa cha kulemera",agriculture,agriculture document +en436,The water is diverted from a stream or reservoir and conveyed to the field through canals or pipes,Madzi amapatutsidwa kuchokera mumtsinje kapena malo osungira madzi ndikupititsidwa kuminda kudzera mu ngalande kapena ma payipi,agriculture,agriculture document +en437,Schemes that make use of gravity are attractive because of their lower operating costs and ease of use,Minda ya mthilira yomwe imagwiritsa ntchito kutsetsereka kwa madzi ndi yabwino chifukwa siyofuna ndalama zambiri komanso yosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en438,"Where the difference in elevation between the water source and the field is very big, sprinkler systems can also be operated by gravity","Pomwe kusiyana kwa mtunda pakati pa malo omwe madzi akuchokera kupita kumunda ndi kwakukulu, mthilira wa sprinkler ungathe kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu yakutsetsereka kwa madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en439,Pumping - There are many types of water pumps being used for irrigation. Each pump type has different characteristics and capabilities,Kupopa madzi- Pali mitundu yambiri ya zida zopopera madzi zomwe zikugwiritsidwa ntchito pa mthilira. Mtundu uliwonse wa chida chopopera uli ndi zizindikiro komanso kuthekera kosiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en440,Manual water pumps may vary in their performance and suitability for use in the field. Some pumps are heavier than others,Zida zopopera madzi zodalira mphambu za anthu zimasiyana kagwiridwe kake ka ntchito ndipo kuyenera kogwiritsa ntchito kumunda. Zida zina zopopera madzi ndizolemera kuposa zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en441,The effort required to operate the pump also varies between different models and designs,Mphamvu zofunika kugwiritsa ntchito chida chopopera madzi zinasiyana pakati pa mitundu ndi kaoangidwe kosiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en442,"Manual pumps cost less than electric, petrol or diesel powered pumps, but the quantity of water (discharge) they produce is many times lower",Zida zopopera madzi zodalira mphhamvu za anthu ndizosakwera mtengo kuposa zodalira magetsi ndi mafuta a galimoto koma kuchuluka kwa madzi omwe zimatulutsa ndi ochepa kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en443,For a farmer wanting to irrigate a small area (less than 0.2 ha per day from a shallow well water source less than 4 m below the surface) a manual pump can be a good choice because of its low purchase and operating costs,Kwa mlimi yemwe akufuna kuthilira malo ochepa (osaposera 0.2 hectare pa tsiku kuchokera pa chitsime chomwe madzi ake ali pa mtunda wosaposera 4m kuchokera pamwamba) kugwiritsa ntchito chida chodalira mphamvu za anthu ndi chisankho chabwino chifukwa cha mtengo wake wotsika komanso kusavuta kugwiritsa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en444,An example of the manual pump available in Malawi is a treadle pump. The average discharge from a treadle irrigation pump can vary between 0.4 to 1.2 litres per second depending on the person operating it and depth from which they are pumping water,Chitsanzo cha chida chodalira mphamvu ku Malawi ndi treadle pump. Mulingo wa madzi a mthilira womwe treadle pump imatulutsa umasintha pakati pa 0.4L mpaka 1.2L pa second kutengera ndi yemwe akugwiritsa ntchito komanso kuya kwa malo omwe akupopa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en445,"The potential irrigated area for treadle pump is 0.3 of a hectare, but for the small Money Maker pump, it is 0.2 of a hectare","Malo omwe treadle pump ingagwiritsidwe ntchito ndi 0.3 hectare koma mtundu waung'ono wa Money Maker pump, malo ake ndi 0.2 hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en446,"Motorized pumps are water lifting devices that are propelled by diesel engines, petrol engines, electricity, solar power or wind power","Zida zopopera madzi zokzodalira engine ndi zida zomwe zimanyamula madzi mothandizidwa ndi engine ya mafuta a diesel ndi petrol kapena zogwiritsa ntchito magetsi, mphamvu yadzuwa kapena mphamvu yamphepo",agriculture,agriculture document +en447,"Windpowered pumps have been demonstrated in Malawi on a small-scale. At present, they do not provide enough power to pump the volume of water required for irrigation. They are more appropriate for pumping water for domestic supply or for livestock","Ma pump ogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ya mphepo awonetsedwapo ku Malawi pa mulingo wochepa. Padakali pano, samapeleka mphamvu zokwanira kupopa madzi okwanira kuthilira. Ndiwoyenera kupopa madzi wogwiritsa ntchito zapakhomo kapena kupatsita ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en448,"An example of a motorized pump is radial flow pump commonly known as centrifugal pump. These are often described by the diameter of the delivery connection pipe, where the delivery hose is connected, for example 50 mm pump","Chitsanzo chabwino cha chida chodalira engine ndi radial flow pump yomwe imadziwika ndi dzinal lakuti centrifugal pump. Izi zimafotokozedwa ndi kukula kwa kamwa ya payipi yotenga madzi, pomwe payipi yotulutsa madzi yalumikizidwa, mwachitsanzo pump ya 50mm",agriculture,agriculture document +en449,"In Malawi, these are found in two common sizes; small motorized of 5hp which can irrigate 3ha and 10hp for 6ha. Most of them are diesel operated","Ku Malawi, zimapezeka mitundu iwiri potengera kukula: yaying'pono ya 5hp yomwe ingathilire ma hectare atatu ndipo ya 10hp yothilira ma hectare asanu ndi imodzi. Ambiri mwa iwo amagwiritsa ntchito diesel",agriculture,agriculture document +en450,A centrifugal pump can be used where pressure is required for example with sprinklers or drip,Centrifugal pump ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pomwe mphamvu ya mpweya ikufunika mwachitsanzo mu sprinkler ndi mdontheza,agriculture,agriculture document +en451,The operator should ensure that the pressure and discharge of the pump are matched to the requirements of a pressurized irrigation system to avoid wasteful use of fuel,Ogwiritsa ntchito aonetsetse kuti mphamvu ya mpweya komanso katulukidwe ka madzi ku pump kakugwirizana ndi zofunikira za zida zamthilira zogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu yampweya pofuna kupewa kuononga mafuta ,agriculture,agriculture document +en452,Petrol engines - These are generally small-sized engines operated by petrol and are portable because of low weight,Ma engine a petrol- Awa kwambiri amakhala aang'ono oyendera petrol ndipo amakhala onyamulika ndi manja chifukwa chopepuka,agriculture,agriculture document +en453,The advantages of using petrol engines include: Easy to move from one place to another because of low weight; They are cheaper compared to diesel engines,Ubwino wogwiritsa ntchito engine ya petrol ndi monga: Yosavuta kunyamula kuchoka malo amodzi kupita kwina chifukwa ndiyopepuka; Mtengo wogulira ndiwotsika kwambiri kusiyana ndi engine ya diesel,agriculture,agriculture document +en454,The disadvantages include: They require more regular maintenance hence not long lasting as compared to diesel engines of similar sizes; They are designed to be operated for few hours (two to four hours) per a day hence restricted to small fields,Kuyipa kwake ndi monga: imafuna kukonza pafupipafupi motero simagwira ntchito nthawi yayitali kusiyana ndi engine ya diesel yofanana kakulidwe; zimakonzedwa kuti zigwire ntchito mmaola ochepa (maola awiri mpaka anayi) pa tsiku motero zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pa minda yaying'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en455,Diesel engines - These are generally heavy built and robust engines operated by diesel. The advantages of using diesel engines include: They are long lasting compared to petrol engines; They can operate for many hours a day hence suitable for irrigating large fields,"Ma engine a diesel - nthawi zambiri amakhala olemera ndipo ampphamvu, oyendetsedwa ndi diesel. Ubwino wogwiritsa ntchito ma engine a diesel ndi monga: amagwira ntchito nthawi yayitali kufafaniza ndi ma engine a petrol; amagwira ntchito kwa maola ambiri pa tsiku kotero ndiwoyenera kuthilira minda ikuluikulu",agriculture,agriculture document +en456,Disadvantages of diesel engines: They are heavy hence not easy to move from one place to another; They are expensive compared to petrol engines,Kuyipa kwa ma engine a diesel: ndi olemera motero ndiwovuta kunyamula kuchoka malo amodzi kupita ena; ndi okwera mtengo kugula kusiyana ndi ma engine a petrol,agriculture,agriculture document +en457,"Electrical Power - Where a reliable source of electricity supply is available, an electric motor is normally the most reliable source of power for pumping","Ogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamagetsi- komwe kuli magetsi yodalirika, engine ya magetsi ndi yokhayo odalirika kugwiritsa ntchito ngati potengera mphamvu yopopera madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en458,"However, in Malawi, this option has proven to be a challenge for most smallholder farmers as they are unable to operate the pumps due to high electricity tariffs",Komabe ku Malawi njira iyi yaonetsa kuti ndiyovuta kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono pakuti amalephera kugwiritsa ntchito ma pump chifukwa chakukwera mtengo kwa magetsi,agriculture,agriculture document +en459,"Solar Power-Solar-powered pumps have been demonstrated in Malawi on a small-scale. So far, they have proven to provide enough power to pump the volume of water required for irrigation with a discharge rate of up to 15 litres/sec","Ma pump ogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu yadzuwa- awa awonetsedwa ku Malawi mochepa. Kufika pano, aonetsa kuti amapeleka mphamvu yokwanira kupopera madzi okwanira kuthilira mbewu popeza amatulutsa madzi kufika 15L pa second",agriculture,agriculture document +en460,"However, this discharge depends on the number of solar panels installed and the water depth. So far potential areas where solar-powered pumps can be installed for irrigation are those along the lakeshore and the Shire Valley basin where the water table is high","Komabe, kupopa madzi kumadalira chiwerengero cha ma solar panels omwe ayikidwa komanso kuya kwa chitsime. Kufika pano, malo omwe ma pump a mthilira oyendera dzuwa angathe kuyikidwa ndi madera a mphepete mwa nyanja ndi ku chigwa cha Shire komwe madzi mudothi ndi okwera",agriculture,agriculture document +en461,"The main advantage of using solar-powered pumps is that once installed, there are no operation costs as compared to other motorized pumps which require fuel or electricity to operate","Ubwino waukulu wogwiritsa ntchito ma pump oyendera dzuwa ndiwakuti, akangoyikidwa palibenso zolira ndalama kuti agwire ntchito kuyerekeza ndi ma pump ena onse omwe amafuna mafuta kapena magetsi kuti agwire ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en462,The challenge is high installation costs for the panels and farmers have to provide adequate security against theft of the solar panels and pump accessories,Vuto lalikulu ndi ndalama zochuluka zogulira ma solar panel ndipo alimi akuyenera kupeleka chitetezo chokwanira kuopa kubedwa kwa ma solar panel ndi zipangizo za pump,agriculture,agriculture document +en463,To ensure that there is a sustainable irrigation development it is important to consider developing the capacity in the irrigation sub sector,"Pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti ulimi wa mthilira ukutukuka, ndikofunika kuganizira zotukula kuthekera pa ntchitozi",agriculture,agriculture document +en464,"This involves the public sector, the private sector and the farmers themselves. Irrigation service providers need to be equipped with knowledge and skills on modern methods of irrigation","Izi zimaphatikiza ntchito za boma, ntchito zomwe sizaboma, komanso alimi eni ake. Opeleka ntchito za mthilira akuyenera kukhala ndi upangiri komanso luso la njira za mthilira zamakono",agriculture,agriculture document +en465,To protect the environment from impacts of unplanned irrigation development the following measures should be taken: Drainage of irrigated lands should be well planned during the initial phase of irrigation development,"Poteteza chilengedwe ku mtchitidwe woyamba mthilira mosakonzekera, njira zotsatirazi zitengedwe: Ntchito zonse zochotsa madzi pamalo a mthilira zifotokozedwe pachiyambi pamene pakukonzedwa dongosolo la mthilira",agriculture,agriculture document +en466,Encourage developers to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment on their irrigation development projects; Encourage developers to mitigate adverse impacts of irrigation,Kulimbikitsa okonza minda ya mthilira kuchita kafukufuku wa mmene ntchito za mthilira zikhuzire zachilengedwe; kulimbikitsa okonza ntchito za mthilira kuyika njira zopewera kapena kuthana ndi zovuta zobwera chifukwa cha mthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en467,Preservation and conservation of the catchment area to the irrigation systems for instance through afforestation and construction of soil conservation structures,Kusamala komanso kuteteza malo omwe madzi a mthilira akuchokera mwachitsanzo pobzala mitengo ndikumanga zipangizo zotetezera dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en468,"Development of irrigation infrastructure influences soil erosion, as such government recommends that cultivation along rivers should be done 30m away from river banks","Kumanga zipangizo za mthilira kumaonjezera kukokoloka kwa dothi, motero boma limalangiza kuti kulima mbewu mphepete mwa mtsinje kuchitike pamtunda wa 30m kuchokera mumtsinje",agriculture,agriculture document +en469,The lower part of the developed area should be managed as indicated under river bank protection,Kumunsi kwa malo omwe akonzedwa kusamalidwe monga mmene mungasamalire mphepete mwa mtsinje,agriculture,agriculture document +en470,For the irrigation projects to be sustainable over time it is important that the beneficiaries should be empowered. This can be done through group mobilization and development,"Zitukuko za mthilira kuti zikhale zokhalitsa komanso zosaononga chilengedwe, ndikofunika kuti onse omwe akupindula akhale ndi kuthekera. Izi zikhoza kuchitika kudzera kupanga magulu komanso kuwaphunzitsa ",agriculture,agriculture document +en471,Beneficiaries should take part in all the stages of setting up the irrigation development. Contributions towards the costs of putting up structures should be sourced from the beneficiaries and this can be in kind like provision of labour and other materials,Omwe akupindula atenge mbali pa pamagawo onse a zochitika zokhadzikitsa ntchito za mthilira. Msonkhamsonkha wandalama zokhadzikitsira zipangizo uchokere kwa anthu opindula ndipo izi zikhoza kukhala monga ogwira ntchito kapena zinthu zina kupatula ndalama,agriculture,agriculture document +en472,In doing this the beneficiaries will be self-reliant and take full responsibility of ownership of the project and they will not want to see it fail,Pochita izi opindula adzakhala odzidalira okha ndipo adzatenga udindo woyendetsa ntchito ndipo zadzafuna kuti aone ntchito ikulephereka,agriculture,agriculture document +en473,"Advisory services on irrigation may be sourced from the nearest staff of Ministry of Agriculture, Non Governmental Organisations, Private companies or Farmer organisations wherever appropriate","Ntchito za ulangizi wa mthilira zingathe kupezedwa mwa alangizi omwe ali pafupi ochokera ku unduna wa malimidwe, mabungwe omwe siaboma, makampani omwe siaboma kapena magulu a alimi kutengera chomwe chili choyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en474,Farm work drudgery is common among smallholder farmers. The majority of farmers use hand tools such as hoes for agricultural cultivation,Kugwira ntchito zolemetsa zakumunda kumachitika nthawi zambiri pakati pa alimi ang'onoang'ono. Alimi ang'onoang'ono amagwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zogwira ndi manja monga makasu pobzala zakumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en475,Agricultural mechanization is required to reduce the drudgery in order to improve productivity and production,Kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamakono monga makina a ulimi ndikofunika pofuna kuchepetsa ntchito zolemetsa za alimi ndi cholinga chopititsa patsogolo phindu ndi zokolola ,agriculture,agriculture document +en476,"Agricultural operations such as land preparation, planting, irrigation, weed control, harvesting, transportation and post-harvest processing can be improved with agricultural mechanization.","Ntchito za ulimi monga kukonza minda, kubzala, kuthilira, kuthana ndi tchire, kukolola, kunyamula ndi kusamala zokolola zikhoza kupita patsogolo pogwiritsa ntchito makina a olimira",agriculture,agriculture document +en477,The national aim is to increase number of farmers using agricultural mechanization equipment in order to improve productivity and production,Cholinga cha dziko ndi kuchulikitsa chiwerengero cha alimi omwe akugwiritsa ntchito zida zamakono za ulimi pofuna kupititsa patsogolo phindu komanso zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en478,"To achieve the national aim, the following strategies are pursued: Provision of tractor and draught animal power services for hire at subsidized rate in order to reduce drudgery of farm operations and improve agricultural productivity","Pofuna kukwaniritsa cholinga cha dziko, ndondomeko zotsatirazi zitsatiridwe: Kupeleka ntchito za tractor ndi mphamvu za zinyama zobwereketsa pamtengo wotsika pofuna kuchepetsa kulemedwa ndi ntchito zakumunda ndi kupititsa patsogolo ntchito za ulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en479,Training staff and farmers in management and utilization of agricultural machinery and draught animals,Kuphunzitsa ogwira ntchito ndi alimi pa kasamalidwe ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka makina a ulimi komanso zinyama zothandizira kugwira ntchito zakumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en480,"Promoting appropriate technologies with emphasis on both manually-operated and animal-powered machinery in order to encourage development of agro-industries in rural areas, such as fruit juice and oil extracting machines. Reduce post-harvest losses through improved agro-processing technologies.","Kupititsa patsogolo njira zamakono potsindika njira zodalira mphamvu za anthu komanso zodalira mphamvu za zinyama ndi cholinga chofuna kulimbikitsa kuyambitsa ntchito za zamalonda za ulimi mmadera akumidzi, monga zida zofinyira zipatso ndi kuwengera mafuta. Kuchepetsa kuonongeka kwa zokolola pogwiritsa ntchito njira zamakono zokonzera zokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en481,"In order to increase farm power availability, government has been running farm mechanization schemes since 1999","Pofuna kuchulukitsa kupezeka kwa mphamvu pamunda, boma lakhala likuyendetsa ndondomeko zopezera makina a ulimi kuyambira 1999",agriculture,agriculture document +en482,These are the tractor hire and oxenization schemes. The purpose of the schemes is to increase access to farm mechanization services by smallholder and medium scale farmers,Izi ndi ndondomeko zobwereketsa ma tractor ndi ng'ombe zolima. Cholinga cha ndondomeko zimenezi ndi kuchulukitsa kufikirika kwa zida ndi zipangizo zamakono za ulimi ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en483,"Tractor Hire Scheme - The scheme is operated with the view of ensuring tractor services availability, adaptability, affordability and accessibility to all eligible farmers","Ndondomeko zobwereketsera ma tractor- Ndondomekoyi ikuchitika pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti ntchitozi zikupezeka, ndizotheka kugwiritsa ntchito, zosafuna ndalama zambiri komanso zikufikirika ndi alimi onse oyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en484,It operates throughout the country at ADD and District Agriculture Offices as hiring centres. The scheme mostly targets those that have no access to motorized mechanization,Zikuchitika mdziko muno kudzera mma ADD ndi mthambi ya zamalimidwe mmaboma onse ngati malo obwereketsera. Ndondomekoyi kwambiri imafuna omwe alibe kuthekera kopeza makina oyendera engine,agriculture,agriculture document +en485,Oxenization Scheme-The scheme was established to serve smallholder farmers with small and fragmented fields. It provides land preparation and transportation services to smallholder farmers. The scheme is operational at EPA level,Ndondomeko yogwiritsa ntchito ng'ombe zolima- Ndondomekoyi inakhadzikitsidwa kuti itumikire alimi ang'onoang'ono omwe ali ndi minda ing'onoing'ono komanso yotalikirana. Imapeleka ntchito zokonzera mminda komanso zonyamula katundu kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono. Ndondomekoyi ikugwira ntchito pa EPA,agriculture,agriculture document +en486,"Tractor Hire Scheme - Field operation and maintenance of tractors and farm machinery: The tractor is a prime-mover which can be used for carrying out farm operations such as ploughing, harrowing, seeding, inter-cultivation, harvesting, transportation, land levelling and operating stationary machines (irrigation pumps, threshers, chaff cutters, cane crusher etc.)","Ndondomeko yobwereketsera ma tractor- kugwiritsa ntchito ndi kusamala ma tractor ndi zida za ulimi: Tractor ndi chida champhamvu chomwe chingagwiritsidwe ntchito pogwira ntchito zakumunda monga kutembenuza dothi, kuswa dothi likululikulu, kusalaza komanso kugwiritsa ntchito makina omwe aangoyima monga ma pump a mthilira, zomenyera mbewu, zodulira zakudya za ziweto, zophwanyira mzimbe ndi zina zotero",agriculture,agriculture document +en487,"All the machines require periodical servicing, maintenance and repairs for efficient and economical performance throughout working life. Although, most of the tractor manufacturers have appointed their dealers","Makina onse akufunika kukonzedwa, kusamalidwa komanso kusintha zomwe zawonongeka kawirikawiri kuti adzigwira ntchito moyenera komanso mosafuna ndalama zambiri pamoyo wawo wonse. Ngakhale ambiri mwa okonza ma tractor anapeza makampani ena kuti adzikonza ma tractor awo akaonongeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en488,"Due to improper maintenance and servicing of the tractors, it has been found that many tractors have been rendered unserviceable within a short period of time, 5000 tractor hours or even less","Chifukwa chosasamala ndi kusakonza moyenera ma tractor, zapezeka kuti ma tractor ambiri akulephera kukonzeka patatha nthawi yochepa, ena sanafike maola 5000 ",agriculture,agriculture document +en489,Seizures of engine due to lack of oil in the sump and overheating of engine due to inadequate water in the radiator are common troubles,Kuthima kwa engine kosayembekezera chifukwa chosowa mafuta mu sump komanso kutentha kwambiri kwa engine chifukwa chakupelewera mdzi mu radiator ndi mavuto opezeka nthawi zambiri ,agriculture,agriculture document +en490,Damage of front wheel bearings and other moving parts due to improper lubrication and adjustments have also been noted,Kuonongeka kwa ma bearing akutsogolo ndi zigawo zina zomwe zimazungulira chifukwa chosathira mafuta ofewetsera komanso kusuntha moyenera zadziwika,agriculture,agriculture document +en491,"Most of the tractors are equipped with gauges and meters such as fuel pressure gauge, oil pressure gauge, water temperature gauge, hour meter, hydraulic pressure gauge and temperature gauge to indicate their operating conditions. Starter switch, light switch, horn button, fuel cut off controls is also fixed on many tractors","Ma tractor ambiri anayikidwa zipangizo zoonetsa ndi kuyeza mulingo monga zoyezera mafuta oyendetsera engine, zoyezera mafuta ofewetsera engine, zoyezera kutentha kwa madzi, zoyezera nthawi, hydraulic pressure gause ndi zoyezera kutentha kuti zidzionetsa kagwiridwe ntchito ka tractor. Zipangizo zoyatsira engine, zoyatsira nyale, zolizira beru, zodulira kuyenda kwa mafuta zimayikidwanso mma tractor ambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en492,"The tractor is also provided with throttle or accelerator lever/ pedal, clutch pedal/ lever, brake pedal/ lever, gear shift lever (main & auxiliary), steering wheel/ lever, hydraulic control, PTO pulley lever, diff erential lock/ pedal/ lever etc. to exercise control on different operations","Tractor ilinso ndi chopondera moto, chosinthira ma giya, chopondera ma brake, shift lever, chiwongolero, hydraulic control, PTO pulley, differential lock/pedal/lever ndi zina zotero zothandizira kuyendetsa zonse pa tractor",agriculture,agriculture document +en493,"Daily check points for starting and safety in tractor are: Check fuel in fuel tank; Check coolant/water level in the radiator, or inspect cooling fans on air cooled models of tractor","Zoyenera kupima tsiku ndi tsiku poyatsa komanso pachitetezo cha mutractor ndi: pimani kuchuluka kwa madzi odzidziritsira mu radiator, kapena pimani ma fan oziziritsira mma tractor omwe amayendera zoziritsa za mpweya",agriculture,agriculture document +en494,"Check tire inflation pressure and conditions of the tyres, cuts, cracks and buckling; Check the battery, cables and terminals and electrolyte level","Pimani kuchuluka kwa mpweya komanso mmene matayala aliri, kuchekeka, ming'alu komanso kupindika; pimani battery, mawaya ndi ma terminal komanso madzi a battery",agriculture,agriculture document +en495,"Check the transmission and hydraulic oil levels; Check air filter elements, or the oil level in an oil bath type air cleaner","Pimani kuchuluka kwa mafuta a transmission ndi hydraulic: Pimani zosefera mpweya, kapena kuchuluka kwa mafuta mu zosefera mpweya zogwiritsa ntchito mafuta ",agriculture,agriculture document +en496,"Check operator’s seat. Be sure that it is clear of spilled fuel, oil, grease, crop residue, or loose objects. Check the lighting system and ensure “Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem “is placed","Pimani mpando wa oyendetsa tractor: Onetsetsani kuti sipanatayikire mafuta, zinyalala za zokolola kapena zinthu zina zapadera. Pimani magetsi ndipo onetsetsani kuti chizindikiro cha ""Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem"" chilipo",agriculture,agriculture document +en497,Tractor operation safety precautions: Run and maintain the tractor according to the operator’s Manual of Tractor provided by the tractor manufacturer,Kagwiridwe ntchito ka tractor komanso njira zodzitetezera: Gwiritsani ntchito tractor motsatira malamulo omwe okonza tractor anepeleka ,agriculture,agriculture document +en498,Be alert and alert to drive it safely; Always park the tractor with gear shift lever in the neutral position and with parking brake applied,Khalani tcheru ndipo yendetsani mosamala; Imitsani tractor mutayichotsa mu gear ndipo muyike break oyimitsira,agriculture,agriculture document +en499,"Drive slowly in difficult conditions; Attend immediately to oil and fuel leakages; Listen to the noise or sound in the engine, power transmission, etc., if any abnormal noise is noticed stop the tractor and investigate the causes","Yendetsani pang'onopang'ono ngati malo ali ovuta; konzani pompopompo ngati mafuta akutayika; mvetserani kaliridwe kapena phokoso la engine, kasinthidwe ka ma gear ndi zina zotero, ngati pali phokoso lodabwitsa imitsitsani tractor ndipo fufudzani zomwe zikuyambitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en500,"When stopped put the tractor out of gear, set brakes firmly; Refuel the tractor only when the engine is cool, don't spill fuel and never smoke while refuelling","Ikamyimitsidwa, chotsani tractor mu gear, ikani ma brake zolimba; thirani mafuta pokhapokha engine ya tractor ikazizira, osatayira mafuta komanso osasuta fodya pemene mukuthira mafuta",agriculture,agriculture document +en501,Hitch implements only to drawbar or specified hitch points of the tractor. Never drive after taking alcohol drink or drugs,Mangilirani zida zolimira ku chokokera kapena malo oyenera pa tractor. Musayendetse mutaledzera kapena kumwa mankhwala ozunguza bongo,agriculture,agriculture document +en502,Don't permit unauthorised persons to ride the tractor unnecessarily. Do not keep foot (ride) on the clutch and brake pedals while the tractor is running.,Musalole anthu omwe alibe chilolezo kukwera tractor mosayenera. Musasiye phazi lanu pa clutch ndi zopondera ma brake pamene tractor ikulira,agriculture,agriculture document +en503,Do not sit or stand on the implement when the tractor is in motion,Musakhale kapena kuyima pa zida zolimira pamene tractor ukuyenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en504,Avoid overloading of the tractor during operations. Do not get off or on the tractor when it is in motion. Never leave the key in the starting switch,Pewani kumangilira katundu wopitilira muyezo pamene tractor ikugwira ntchito. Musatsike kapena kukwera tractor pamene ikuyenda. Musasiye ma key pamalo olizira tractor,agriculture,agriculture document +en505,Points to be considered for safety on the Farm include: Set the wheels as wide as required for the job. Use wider wheel track on slopes for stability,Mfundo zofunika kulingalira pa chitetezo kumunda ndi monga: Ikani matayala motalikirana molingana ndi ntchito yoti igwiridwe. Gwiritsani ntchito matayala otambalala mmalo otsetsereka kuti ikhadzikike,agriculture,agriculture document +en506,"Add weights on rear or front, as the case may be, for proper traction. Keep P.T.O. and belt pulley shields in proper place. Do not hook load at a point above the drawbar.","Onjezerani zolemetsa kumbuyo kapena kutsogolo, ngati kuli kofunika kutero, kuti isamateleleke. Siyani P.T.O ndi zotchingira malamba okokera mmalo mwake. Musamangilire zonyamula malo ena aliwonse pamwamba pa chokokera",agriculture,agriculture document +en507,Reverse the tractor in low gear. Driver tractor in low gears while overcoming obstacles like small bunds and ditches. Draft control should not be used for raising or lowering the implements at the end of trip/ row. Do not ride the drawbar of tractor during operation.,Yendetsani mobwelera mbuyo tractor ili mu gear yaying'ono. Yendetsani tractor ili mu gear yaying'ono pamene mukudutsa pa zopinga monga mitunda ndi mayenje. Draft control isagwiritsdwe ntchito pokweza kapena kutsitsa zida zolimira kumapeto kwa ulendo/mzere. Musakwere chokokera pa tractor pamene ikugwira ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en508,It is uneconomical to manufacture a tractor with materials which will run for the designed service life,Nzolira ndalama zambiri kukonza tractor ndi zipangizo zoti zigwira ntchito pa moyo wake wonse wantchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en509,"There are some engines in developed countries which can be used for 0.2-0.4 million km without changing lubrication oil with pregreased, sealed bearings that have lubrication enough for the designed lives","Pali mitundu ina ya engine kumayiko otukuka yomwe ingagiritsidwe ntchito kwa 200,000-400,000kms popanda kusintha mafuta ofewetsera zitsulo chifukwa ma bearing ayikidwa kale mafutawo komanso ndiwokutidwa ndipo ali ndi mafuta okwanira nthawi yonse imene angagwilire ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en510,"However, at present the materials used in manufacturing of tractors wear off very fast if not properly lubricated, run at desired temperature and clean environment","Komabe, panopa zipangizo zopangira ma tractor zimalala mwachangu ngati zilibe mafuta ofewetsera okwanira, komanso zikugwira ntchito mmalo otentha kapena ozizira kwambiri ndi osowa ukhondo",agriculture,agriculture document +en511,There are many components that are not designed to run for entire service life of the tractor and these must be serviced and replaced on routine basis probably after 250 to 350 hours of engine operation,Pali zipangizo zambiri zomwe sidzinakonzedwe kuti zigwire ntchito moyo wonse wa tractor ndipo izi ziyenera kukonzedwa kapena kusinthidwa mwachizolowezi makamaka pakadutsa maola 250-350 engine ikugwira ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en512,"If machines are just inspected for any loose nuts and bolts, clearances and deflections thus what is done in short service or first service of tractor","Ngati makina angopimidwa kuti aone zomangira zomwe zamasuka, kupindika ndi kusiya mpata izi ndi zomwe zimachitika pokonza mwachidule kapena kukonza koyamba tractor ",agriculture,agriculture document +en513,"It is essential to maintain lubrication, desired temperature, tightness of bolts & nuts, clean environment inside the tractor engine and other housing besides maintaining deflection of components of tractor for achieving desired service life","Nkofunika kuonetsetsa kuti mafuta ofewetsera, kutentha koyenera, kukungika zomagira, malo aukhondo zilipo mkati mwa engine ya tractor ndi zigawo zina zamkati kupatula kupindika kwa magawo ena a tractor kuti mufikire pachisamaliro chake",agriculture,agriculture document +en514,"Clean environment inside the engine is achieved by maintaining intake system, i.e. By maintaining correct level of right grade of oil in air cleaner and changing it as and when required",Malo osamalika mkati mwa engine angakwaniritsidwe posamala magawo onse olowera monga kugwiritsa ntchito mtundu wofanana wa mafuta a engine muchosefera mpweya ndinso kusintha panthawi zonse zoyenera kutero,agriculture,agriculture document +en515,By cleaning the dry filter element periodically and changing it as and when required. By changing different filter elements at periodic service intervals,Posamala chosefa chouma pafupipafupi ndi kuchisintha nthawi yomwe ndikoyenera kutero. Posintha zipangizo mu chosefera pafupipafupi nthawi yokonza,agriculture,agriculture document +en516,"Desired temperature can be maintained by maintaining cooling system. This is accomplished by keeping correct level of water or coolant in radiator or dispenser bowl, by keeping radiator or fans clean","Kutentha kofunikira kungakhalepo ngati mwagwiritsa ntchito zida zozizirita mpweya. Izi zimakwaniritsidwa posunga madzi pamulingo woneyera kapena zoziziritsa mu radiator kapena dispenser bowl, poonetsetsa kuti radiator kapena chokupiza ndi zaukhondo",agriculture,agriculture document +en517,Desired level of lubrication is simply maintained by changing lubrication oils in different assemblies of tractor periodically along with filter elements.,Mulingo woyenera wa zofewetsera ungakhalepo posintha mafuta ofewetsera mmagawo osiyanasiyana a tractor pafupipafupi kuphatikizapo zipangizo zosefera,agriculture,agriculture document +en518,Certain procedure has been laid down that will produce best results on tractor performance if followed. These service needs have been classified into hours ranging from ten to several hundred hours of tractor use,Ndondomeko zina zakadzikitsidwa zomwe zingadzetse zotsatira zopambana pa kagwiridwe ntchito ka tractor zitatsatidwa. Ntchito zokonza izi zagawidwa mmaola kuyambira 10 kufika maola mazana ogwilira ntchito tractor ,agriculture,agriculture document +en519,"10 hours or first service schedule: Clean the tractor, if the tractor worked under dusty conditions & wash it with a swift jet of water to remove the dirt and wipe off with a dry cloth","Maola 10 kapena kukonza koyamba: tsukani tractor, ngati tractor yagwira ntchito pafumbi, tsukani ndi madzi amphamvu kuti muchotse dothi ndipo pukutani ndi nsalu youma",agriculture,agriculture document +en520,"Inspect the tractor critically for leakage at any point, take correct steps with the help of authorized service provider if need be","Yenderani tractor mwachidwi kuti muone ngati mafuta akutayika pena paliponse, konzani mothandizidwa ndi amisiri ovomerezeka ngati nkofunika kutero",agriculture,agriculture document +en521,"Check all the nuts and bolts and tighten them properly on diff erent parts of the tractor and replace the broken ones, if any",Fufuzani zomangira zonse ndipo zimangeni molimba pamagawo osiyanasiyana a tractor ndipo zosweka zonse ngati zilipo bwezeretsani ndi zabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en522,Top up the fuel level in the fuel tank at the end of each day’s operation avoid condensation of water at the bottom of tank or in the fuel line,Onjezerani kuchuluka kwa mafuta a galimot mosungira mafuta pakutha pa tsiku lirilonse popewa kuundana kwa madzi pansi pa tank kapena modutsira mafuta,agriculture,agriculture document +en523,Check and top up mobile oil. The oil level should be in the middle of these two marks,Fufuzani ndi kuonjezera mafuta ofewetsera. Mulingo wa mafuta ukhale pakatikati pa zizindikiro ziwirizi,agriculture,agriculture document +en524,Check air cleaner oil level and if this level is less than the indicated mark or cut hole then top it,"Onani kuchuluka kwa mafuta a chipangizo chosefa mpweya ndipo ngati atsika kuposa mulingo woneyera, wonjezerani",agriculture,agriculture document +en525,Check up the water/coolant level in the radiator/ dispenser bowl and top if necessary. Do not allow water level to go below the minimum level,Onani madzi kapena zoziritsira engine mu radiator kapena dispense bowl ndipo onjezerani ngati nkofunika. Musalole mulingo wa madzi kutsika modutsa mulingo waung'ono wovomerezeka,agriculture,agriculture document +en526,Check the belt pulley gear-box oil level when the pulley is in use and refill it to the plug level with transmission oil,Onani mulingo wa mafuta mu belt pulley gear-box pamene pulley ukugwira ntchito ndipo onjezerani mpaka pachotsekera ndi mafuta a transmission ,agriculture,agriculture document +en527,"Check the front and rear type-pressure. In general, the pressure for front tyres should be nearly 2 kg/cm2 and that for rear tyres about 1 kg/cm2"".","Onani kuchuluka kwa mpweya mmatayala akutsogolo ndi kumbuyo. Kwakukulu, kuchuluka kwa mpweya mmatayala akutsogolo kukhale pafupifupi 2kg/cm2 ndipo kumbuyo ukhale 1kg/cm2",agriculture,agriculture document +en528,50-60 hours service schedule: Repeat the 10 hour service schedule or first service. Maintenance of Tractor Battery: -Inspect the battery for loose terminals and electrolyte level,Maola 50-60 akafika: bwerezani zomwe munachita pakutha pa maola 10 kapena kukonza koyamba. Kusamala battery la tractor: Onetsetsani battery ngati mitu yake yamasuka ndipo komanso kuchuluka kwa electrolyte,agriculture,agriculture document +en529,Wash the battery top with washing soda using warm water and grease the terminals with petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion. Check the fan-belt tension and adjust it if required. Clean and service air cleaner,Tsukani pamwamba pa battery ndi soda pogwiritsa tchito madzi ofunda ndipo pakani petroleum jelly mmitu ya battery popewa dzimbiri. Onani kulimba lamba wozunguza chokupiza mpweya ndipo mukonzeni ngati nkoyenera. Pukutani chosefera mpweya,agriculture,agriculture document +en530,Servicing of fuel supply system: This includes: Check the fuel line for any leakage and clean it. Clean the sediment bowl and the screen. Check and adjust the brakes for proper operation:,Kusamala magawo odutsa mafuta: izi zikuphatikiza: onani modutsa mafuta ngati pali kudontha ndipo chotsani fumbi. Pukutani modekha zinyansi ndi chosefera mafuta. Onani ndi kukonza ma brake kuti adzigwira bwino ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en531,"Check and adjust the engine clutch: Lubricate the following: Fan-hub bearing, throttle-control lever, engine-clutch-release bearing, and alternator bearing","Onani ndi kukonza engine clutch: Pakani mafuta ofewetsa zotsatirazi: fan-hub bearing, throttle-control lever, engine-clutch-release bearing ndi alternator bearing",agriculture,agriculture document +en532,"Check the water-pump (water body) for leakage and tighten or replace the packing, if required",Onani pump yamadzi ngati ikudontha ndipo mangani molimbitsa kapena chotsani ndi kuyika yatsopano ngati nkofunika kutero,agriculture,agriculture document +en533,Loosen the vent plug and the drain-tap of the primary fuel filter and run off a small quantity of fuel in order to remove any water which might have accumulated.,Masulani vent plug ndi drain-tap za chosefera mafuta poyambilira ndipo thirani mafuta pang'ono kuti muchotse madzi ena aliwonse omwe amasonkhana,agriculture,agriculture document +en534,The 125-hour service and maintenance generally includes the following: Repeating the activities carried out in 50h maintenance schedule. Changing crankcase oil. Replacing the oil filter. Servicing the crankcase breather. Maintenance of tractor tyres. Checking and servicing other parts of the tractor,Kukonza kwa maola 125 kuphatikize zotsatirazi: Kubwereza ntchito zonse zomwe zachitika pa kukonza kwa maola 50. Kusintha mafuta mu crankcase. Kuchotsa ndi kubwezeretsa chosefera oil. Kukonza popumira crankcase. Kusamala matayala a tractor. Kuona ndi kukonza zipangizo zina za tractor,agriculture,agriculture document +en535,"For any service and maintenance of tractor after this 125hours of operation, follow the guidelines in operator’s manual",Kukonza kwina kulikonse kwa tractor pakadutsa maola 125 ogwilira ntchito kutsatire malangizo omwe mu kabuku ka oyendetsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en536,Mould board plough is one of the oldest of the all agricultural implements and is generally considered to be the most important tillage implement,Chida cholimira cha mould board ndi chakale kuposa zida zonse ndipo chimatengedwa kuti ndi chokhacho chofunikira pa zida zogaulira,agriculture,agriculture document +en537,It is equipped with heavy-duty box frame specially designed for deep ploughing / land preparation of rough soil,Chili ndi heavy duty box yopangidwa kuti polima mwakuya kapena kusamala malo a dothi la miyala,agriculture,agriculture document +en538,"It is designed to work in all types of soils for soil breaking, soil raising and soil turning. Satisfactory operations, economic and long lasting use of the implement depends on the compliance with manufacturer’s instructions","Chinakonzedwa kugwira ntchito pa mitundu yonse yadothi pophwanya dothi loundana, kukwezera dothi komanso kutembenuza dothi. Kugwira ntchito bwino, kusafuna ndalama zambiri ndi kugwiritsa ntchito nthawi yayitali zidalira kutsatira malamulo a okonza ",agriculture,agriculture document +en539,The horsepower of tractor selected should match the implement. Adjust the front and rear wheel track width. Provide adequate front end ballast for tractor stability.,Mphamvu za tractor zomwe zasankhidwa zifanane ndi zipangizo zogwilira ntchito. Sinthani kutambalala kwa tayala lakutsogolo ndi kumbuyo. Ikani kutsogolo zinthu zolemera kuti tractor ikhazikike,agriculture,agriculture document +en540,The level of the plough is controlled by the tractor top link. You lengthen or shorten the top link if rear end of the plough beam is lower than the front end,Kugona kwa khasu kumasinthidwa ndi tractor top link. Mumatalikitsa kapena kufupikitsa top link ngati mbali yakumbuyo kwa khasu yatsika kuposa mbali yakutsgolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en541,Lateral leveling is controlled by adjusting the length of the tractor right lower link. These adjustments must be made with the plough prior to operation,Kuyimitsa khasu chogona kumawongoleredwa posintha kutalika kwa cholumikiza chammusi chakumanja. Kusinthaku kuchitidwe ku khasu ntchito isanayambike,agriculture,agriculture document +en542,The type of the soil is the greatest external factor that determines the draft of any plough. Draft is also affected by the depth and width of cut per bottom for complete plough in addition to speed,Mtundu wa dothi ndi chinthu chachikulu chakunja chomwe chimathandizira kuyenda kwa khasu. Kuyendayenda kwa khasu kumakhudzikanso ndi kuya ndi mulifupi ndi kudula pansi pamene khasu layenda lonse kuphatikizapo kuthamanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en543,"In very hard ground, it is often necessary to add weight to the wheels to force the plough into the soil","Pamalo olimba kwambiri, ndi kofunika kuwonjezera zolemera kumatayala pofuna kukakamiza khasu kulowa kwambiri mdothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en544,"Adjustment for deeper ploughing: Apart from positioning the draft control levers of the tractor hydraulic system, the depth of the plough can be obtained by adding extra weight to the plough","Kusintha kuti khasu lidzilowa pansi mwakuya: Kupatula kusintha kayimidwe ka draft control levers mu tractor hydraulic system, kuya kwa khasu kukhoza kupezeka powonjezera zolemera ku plough",agriculture,agriculture document +en545,Warning for driver: Don’t plough on stony soil. Tractor should be in high first gear. If soil is hard then plough the field at least twice.,"Chenjezo kwa woyendetsa: musalime mu dothi lamiyala. Tractor ikhale mu giya yayikulu. Ngati dothi ndilolimba kwambiri, limani munda kawiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en546,Ploughing works best when the right wheel of the tractor is inside the previously ploughed furrow,Kulima kumatheka kwambiri pamene tayala lakumanja la tractor lili mkati mwa ngalande ya mbali yomwe yalimidwa posachedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en547,Working on stony land increases maintenance and these rules must be followed to get best results: If M.B. plough is new then after first two hours of working tighten all nut bolts,"Pogwira ntchito pamalo a miyala kumachulukitsa ntchito yokonza ndipo malamulo awa ayenera kutsatiridwa pofuna kupeza zotsatira zabwino: Ngati khasu la M.B. ndi latsopano, mangitsani zomangira zonse pakatha maola awiri likugwira ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en548,Check the plough adjustments if the steering is hard. After every fifty hours tighten all nuts and bolts. Sharpen the Bar Point and shares if dull. Blunt shares increase the draft,"Pimani kusintha kwa khasu ngati chiwongolero chikulimba. Pakutha pa maola asanu aliwonse, mangitsani zomangira. Thwetsani bar point ndi ma shares ngati abuntha. Ma shares obuntha amaonjezera kuyendayenda kwa khasu",agriculture,agriculture document +en549,Wash the M.B. plough after work. Replace the worn out nuts and bolts. If plough has to remain unused for long time then clean it & apply a layer of used oil for rust prevention,"Chapani khasu la M.B. pambuyo pa ntchito. Bwezeretsani zomangira zakutha. Ngati khasu likuyenera kukhala nthawi yayitali osagwira ntchito, lichapeni ndikupaka mafuta ogwiritsa kale ntchito pofuna kupewa dzimbiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en550,"A Disc plough consists of a series of individually mounted, inclined disk blades on a frame supported by furrow wheel","Disc plow iri ndi makasu osiyana omangidwa paokha, opendekeka pa nsanamira mothandizidwa ndi furrow wheel",agriculture,agriculture document +en551,"Disc ploughs are most suitable for conditions under which mould board plows do not work satisfactory, such as in hard, dry soils, in sticky soils where a mould board plow will not scour, and in loose, push-type soils such as peat lands","Ma disc plough amagwira ntchito bwino pomwe makasu a mould board sangagwire bwino ntchito monga mu dothi lolimba, louma, dothi lomata momwe makasu a mould board plow sangadutse, komanso mu dothi losagwirana, lobwelera ukaliponda monga lazinyalala zomwe zikuola",agriculture,agriculture document +en552,Cutting Angle Adjustment: - Discs must be set at an angle. Provision is made for adjustment of the horizontal disc angle and vertical tilt angle to obtain optimum disc operation indifferent soil conditions,Kusuntha kupendekeka kodulira - makasu atcheredwe mopendeka. Mwayi umakhalapo wosintha kupendekeka kwa khasu logona komanso kupendekeka kwa khasu loyima pofuna kupeza kagwiridwe ntchito kabwino mu dothi losiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en553,Width of cut adjustment: - Disc plough has a particular width of cut ranging from 1825 cm depending on the diameter of the blade. The front disc can be adjusted with the help of cross shaft to suit various draft and penetration requirements,Kusintha kutambalala kodulira- khasu liri ndi mulingo wake womwe limadulira kuyambira 1812cm potengera kutambalala kwa khasulo. Khasu lakutsogolo likhoza kusinthidwa ndi chithandizo cha cross shaft kuti lifananane ndi zofunika za kuyendayenda komanso kuzama ,agriculture,agriculture document +en554,Leveling the plough: - The level of the plough is controlled by the tractor top link by lengthening or shortening it. Lateral leveling is controlled by adjusting the length of the tractor right lower link,Kuongola khasu- kuongola khasu kumawongoleredwa ndi cholumikizira chapamwamba pa tractor politalikitsa kapena kulifupikitsa. Kuongola chambali kuomaongoleredwa posuntha kutalika kwa cholumikizira chakumanja chammunsi pa tractor,agriculture,agriculture document +en555,"Scrapper adjustments: - Scrappers are set low enough to catch and turn the furrow slice before it falls away from the disc. For deeper ploughing, set the scrapper a little higher","Kusuntha chopalira- zopalira zimamangiliridwa mmunsi moti kuti zidzitha kugwira ndikutembenuza dothi lisanagwe kuchoka pa khasu. Pakugaula kwakuya, chopalira chikwezedwe mmwamba pang'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en556,"The type of the soil & moisture content are the greatest external factors that determine the draft of plough. In very hard ground, add weights to the wheels frame to force the plough into the soil","Mtundu wa dothi ndi kuchulukwa kwa chinyezi ndi zinthu zofunikira kwambiri zakunja zomwe zimapangitsa kuyendayenda kwa khasu. Mu dothi lolimba kwambiri, wonjezerani zolemera ku matayala pofuna kukakamiza khasu kulowa mdothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en557,"Draft is also affected by the depth and width of cut. Speed is also another factor which increases the draft, increasing the speed increases the draft","Kuyendayenda kumachitikanso chifukwa cha kuya komanso kutambalala kwa chodula. Kuthamanga ndi chinthu chinanso chimene chimaonjezera kuyendayenda, kuwonjezera kuthamanga kumaonjezeranso kuyendayenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en558,The depth of the plough can be adjusted by the position of draft control levers of the tractor hydraulic system,Kuya kwa khasu kungasunthidwe ndi momwe draft control lever ya tractor hydraulic system yayimira,agriculture,agriculture document +en559,However more depth can be obtained by: Adding extra weight to the plough. Reducing the tilt angle. Tractor should be in high first gear. If the soil is hard then plough the field at least twice,"Komabe kuya kwambiri kungatheke: powonjezera kulemera kwa khasu, kuchepetsa kupendekeka, tractor ikhale mu giya yoyamba. Ngati dothi ndi lolimba, limani mundawo kosachepera kawiri. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en560,Working on stony land increases maintenance and for best results follow these rules: For new disc plough tightening all nuts & bolts after first two hours of working.,"Kugwira ntchito mminda yamiyala kumaonjezera ntchito yokonza ndipo kuti zotsatira zikhale zabwino, tsatirani malamulo awa: khasu latsopano lolimira lilimbitsidwe pakatha maola awiri likugwira ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en561,"Check the plough adjustments if the steering is hard. Check the scrapper adjustments frequently. If the soil has entered in grease nipple, then change the nipple","Pimani kasunthidwe ka khasu ngati chiwongolero chikulimba. Pimani kasunthidwe ka chopalira pafupipafupi. Ngati dothi lalowa mu mchombo wa mafuta ofewetsera, muyenera kusintha mchombowo",agriculture,agriculture document +en562,"After every fifty hours grease all greasing points and tighten all nuts and bolts. After 300 hours of operation, open the hub of disc plough, clean it, put in new grease & replace its seal","Pakutha pa maola 50 aliwonse, pakati greese mmalo onse oyenera kupakidwa ndipo mangitsani zomangira zonse. Pakutha ma maola 300 ikugwira ntchito, tsegulani hub ya khasu, ipukuteni ndi kuthira mafuta ena ofewetsera ndipo chotsani chosunga mafuta ndikuyikapo chatsopano",agriculture,agriculture document +en563,"Sharpen the disc if the blades are dull. Blunt blades increase the draft considerably. Replace the discs when 22""(550 mm) in diameter",Munole khasu ngati mpeni wake wabuntha. Makasu obuntha amaonjezera kusakumba kwambiri. Sinthani khasu likafika pa mulingo wa masentimita 55,agriculture,agriculture document +en564,Keep the bearings lubricated as per the instructions given in the manual. Coat the disc blades for rust prevention with the used oil in slack season,Mozungulira monse mukhale mofewa potsatira malamulo a m'buku lomwe munapatsidwa. Matani makasu ndi mafuta agalimoto ogwira kale ntchito kuti asachite dzimbiri panthawi yomwe sakugwira ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en565,"Wash the disc plough after work. If disc plough has to remain unused for long time, then clean it & apply a layer of used oil for rust prevention.","Tsukani khasu lolimira pambuyo pogwira ntchito. Ngati khasu likhale osagwira ntchito kwanthawi yayitali, litsukeni ndikupaka mafuta a galimoto ogwira kale ntchito kuti lisachite dzimbiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en566,Disc harrow is secondary tillage equipment designed for breaking the clods and partially inverting the soil / land preparation of rough soil/finer operation,Khasu logawulira ndi chida chothandizira kuphwanya zigulumwa komanso kutembenuza dothi pang'ono/kukonza nthaka yolimba/kuti itakasuke,agriculture,agriculture document +en567,Before mounting of disc harrow make sure that all nuts & bolts are properly tightened. Determine soil and trash conditions of the field and make these adjustments,Khasu logawulira lisanamangiliridwe onetsetsani kuti zomangira zalimbitsidwa. Lingalirani za dothi ndi zinyalala zomwe zili mmunda ndipo konzani molingana ndi izi,agriculture,agriculture document +en568,Disc gang angle adjustment: - Gang angle can be increased for better penetration in dry soil while it should be reduced to avoid plugging in wet soil.,Disc gang angle adjustment- Gang angle ikhoza kuwonjezeredwa kuti khasu lidzilowa bwino mu dothi louma komanso ichepetsedwe popewa kutsakamira mmatope,agriculture,agriculture document +en569,"Disc harrow leveling: - To eliminate uneven penetration and side draft, leveling is done by means of top link & bottom adjustable link.","Disc harrow levelling- pofuna kuchotsa kulowa konjanja ndiponso kuyendayenda, khasu liyikidwe mosapendeka pogwiritsa ntchito zomangira zapamwambwa komanso zammunsi",agriculture,agriculture document +en570,Scrapper adjustment: - The scrapper can be adjusted by loosening the bolts at the scrappers clamp,Scrapper adjustment-Scrapper ikhoza kusinthidwa mayimidwe pomasula zomangira pomwe scrapper yapanidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en571,Depth control: - The depth of the implement is controlled hydraulically by the left control lever.,Depth contro- Kuya kwa chida kumasinthidwa ndi zosinthira zakumansere,agriculture,agriculture document +en572,Disc harrow penetration depends on: Angle of the gangs; Weight of the harrow; Disc diameter; Disc sharpness ,Kulowa kwa khasu lolimira kumadalira: kupendeka kwa ma gang; kulemera kwa khasu; kutalika kwa khasu; kuthwa kwa khasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en573,Attaching the harrow to the tractor- Place the harrow duly leveled on the flat piece of land. Reverse the tractor to the harrow (Do not drag the harrow up the tractor),Kumangilira khasu ku tractor- ikani khasu mosapendeka pamalo osapendeka. Yendetsani tractor mobwelera mbuyo kufika pomwe pali khasu. Musakoke khasu kufika mmwamba ,agriculture,agriculture document +en574,Attach the left arm of the tractor to the harrow first. Attach the central top link/ arm to the harrow. Attach the lower right arm,Mangilirani nkono wakumanzere wa tractor ku khasu koyamba. Mangilirani chogwirizitsa/nkono chapakati ku khasu. Mangilirani nkono wakumanja,agriculture,agriculture document +en575,"After attaching the harrow, lift it and adjust the control arm parallel to the ground, all the discs should touch the ground uniformly","Mukamangilira khasu, nyamulani ndi kukonza nkono kuti ukhale molingana ndi pansi, makasu onse agunde pansi mofanana",agriculture,agriculture document +en576,"Operational guidelines for disc harrow include: Lift the harrow on turning. Adjust internal/ external check chains to obtain implement swing range of 50 mm (2"")",Ndondomeko zogwiritsira ntchito khasu ndi monga: nyamulani khasu potembenuka. Konzani makako akunja kapena mkati kuti khasu lithe kuyenda kufika 50mm,agriculture,agriculture document +en577,Always maintain the correct tyre pressure to avoid wheel slippage. Add wheel weights/water ballasting or combination of both when excessive rear wheel slippage,Nthawi zonse mpweya ukhale wokwanira popewa kuteleleka. Onjezerani zolemetsa kapena madzi kapena kuphatikiza zonse ngati matayala akumbuyo akutelera,agriculture,agriculture document +en578,Always set hydraulic levers correctly for draft and position control operation. Never turn the tractor to the right or left when the harrow is engaged in the soil,Nthawi zonse ikani magiya moyenera pofuna kuongolera tractor. Musakhotetse tractor kumanja kapena kumanzere pamene khasu liri mdothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en579,"Never reverse the tractor when the harrow is engaged in the soil. To get good results, a disc should be replaced when its diameter is reduced by 5"" (125mm) from its original size","Musayendetse mobwelera mbuyo pamene khasu liri mdothi. Pofuna kupeza zotsatira zabwino, khasu libwezerestedwe pamene lachepa ndi 5 inches poyelereka ndi kukula kwake pachiyambi",agriculture,agriculture document +en580,"Maintenance of disc harrow increases if is used in the stony land. If the soil has entered the grease nipple, then change the nipple","Kusamala khasu kumakula ngati likugwira ntchito mu dothi la miyala. Ngati dothi lalowa mu bele lamafuta, sinthani belelo",agriculture,agriculture document +en581,"Tighten all nuts and bolts if disc harrow is new after first two-hour initial working. After every 50 hours of use, grease all greasing points and tighten all nuts and bolts","Mangitsani zomangira zonse ngati khasu ndilatsopano pakutha pa maola awiri likugwira ntchito. Pakutha pa maola 50 aliwonse likugwira ntchito, pakani mafuta mmalo onse oyenera kupaka mafuta ndikumangitsa zomangira zonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en582,"After fifty hours of use, open the bracket spool of disc harrow and clean with diesel oil and pump in new grease","Pakutha kwa maola 50 likugwira ntchito, tsegulani chophimbira khasu ndikuchapa ndi mafuta a disiel kenako kumwetsera mafuta atsopano",agriculture,agriculture document +en583,Storage of machine after work: Wash the disc harrow after work. If the disc harrow has to remain unused for long time then clean it & apply a layer of used oil for rust prevention,"Kusunga makina pambuyo pogwira ntchito: chapani khasu pambuyo pantchito. Ngati khasu siligwira ntchito kwa nthawi yayitali, lichapeni ndikulipaka mafuta ogwiritsidwa kale ntchito popewa dzimbiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en584,Sprayer is a machine which is used to atomize the liquid chemical and spray at the plant uniformly,Sprayer ndi chida chomwe chimagwiritsidwa ntchito kupanga mankheala a madzi kuti akhale mpweya ndikupopera ku mbewu mofanana,agriculture,agriculture document +en585,"In agriculture, a sprayer is a piece of equipment that is used to apply herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers to agricultural crops","Pa ulimi, sprayer ndi chida chomwe chimagwiritsidwa ntchito popopera mankhwala ophera udzu, tizilombo komanso kuthitra mankhwala ku mbewu zolimidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en586,"Sprayers range in size from man-portable units (typically backpack and spray guns) to trailed sprayers that are connected to a tractor, to self-propelled units",Ma Sprayer alipo okula mosiyana kuchokera ena onyamulika makamaka kubelekera kumsana mpaka ena omalgiliridwa pa tractor kapena oyenda okha,agriculture,agriculture document +en587,"For optimal results, make minor adjustments on boom sprayers before each application to account for changes in the crop, weather conditions, the nature of the pest and the product chemistry","Pofuna kukhala ndi zotsatira zopambana, konzani ma sprayer nthawi iliyonse musanapopele potengera kusintha kwa mbewu, nyengo yopopera, mtundu wa tizilombo komanso zomwe zili mmankhwala",agriculture,agriculture document +en588,Adjust sprayer output and distribution at least twice a year to ensure that the sprayer will uniformly cover the target with the optimal volume,Konzani kutuluka kwa mpweya ndi kapopeledwe pa sprayer kawiri pachaka poonetsetsa kuti sprayer ikufikira mofanana ndi mankhwala okwanira malo omwe akufunika ,agriculture,agriculture document +en589,The first adjustment should take place during calibration at the beginning of the season; the second when the target crop has grown and the canopy filled to such an extent that it requires different sprayer settings to achieve good coverage,Kusintha koyamba kuchitike panthawi yokonza katulukidwe kampweya kumayambiliro kwa nyengo ya ulimi; kwachiwiri kuchitike pamene mbewu zakula ndi kupanga mafutu kufika pakuti zikufunika kusintha katulukidwe ka mpweya pofuna kufikira paliponse,agriculture,agriculture document +en590,"The aim here is to measure the total liquid sprayed from the spray machine in one minute. First, set the pressure at the correct level for spraying. The correct pressure is specified by the manufacturer and determined by the type of nozzles used","Cholinga chake ndikuyeza kuchuluka kwa madzi otuluka mu sprayer pa mphindi imodzi. Poyamba, ikani kulemera/mphamvu ya mpweya pa mulingo woyenera kupopera. Mphamvu yampweya yoyenera imanenedaw ndi wokonza ndipo imadziwika ndi mtundu wa chotulutsira mpweya chomwe chagwiritsidwa ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en591,Fill the spray tank with clean water. Place a measuring jug under one nozzle to collect the water that comes from that nozzle,Dzadzani mosungira madzi mu sprayer ndi madzi oyera. Ikani choyezera pansi pa chotulutsira mpweya kuti madzi adzigweramo akamatuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en592,Run the sprayer for one minute at the correct pressure with all nozzles operating. Measure the quantity of water collected in the jug which has to be compared to the output specified by the manufacturer using the correct pressure,Popani sprayer kwa mphindi imodzi pa mphamvu ya mpweya yoyenera ndi zotulitsira mpweya zonse zikugwira ntchito. Yezani kuchuluka kwa madzi omwe agwera mu choyezera omwe akuyenera kufafanizidwa ndi madzi omwe opanga ma sprayer ananena kuti adzituluka pa mphindi imodzi popopa pa mpweya woyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en593,The normal speed for spraying with any sprayer depends on ground conditions. The slower one travels the higher is the application rate.,Kuthamanga koyenera popera ndi sprayer iliyonse kumadalira mmene nyengo iliri. Ngati mukuyenda pang'onpang'ono mankhwala opopera amachuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en594,Measure out and mark a distance of 100 meters on the ground to be sprayed. Select the right walking speed/gear and engine revolutions for spraying. Measure the time in seconds it takes to travel 100 meters with half full sprayer,Yezani ndi kuyika chizindikiro pantunda wa 100m pansi pomwe mukufuna kupopera. Sankhani kathamangidwe popopera. Yezani nthawi yomwe mwatenda kuyenda 100m ndi sprayer yodzadza theka,agriculture,agriculture document +en595,"To calculate spray application rate (L/ha). First, measure swath/spray width (in meters). For boom/jet type of spraying, the swath width is equal to the number of nozzles multiplied by the nozzle spacing","Werengetsani mulingo wakathiridwe. Poyamba, yezani mulifupi momwe mankhwala amafika mma mita. Kwa ma sprayer okhala ndi motulikira mwambiri, werengetsani mulifupi podziwa kuchuluka kwa zotulukira mpweya ndi kuchulikitsa ndi kutalikirana kwawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en596,For band spraying the swath width is equal to the total of all the band widths,"Pothilira mmizere, mulifupi ndi chimodzimodzi kuphatikiza mizere yonse yomwe mankhwala afika",agriculture,agriculture document +en597,By calibrating the spraying machine one can find out the spray application rate. This information is necessary whenever the uses of chemicals are specified in amounts per hectare,"Pokonza katulukidwe kamankhwala mu sprayer, mungathe kupeza mulingo wakapopeledwe. Uthenga uwu umafunikira pamene kagwiritsidwe ntchito kamankhwala kanenedwa kuti kachuluke pa hectare ",agriculture,agriculture document +en598,"It also helps to work out how many spray tanks are needed for a particular spraying job/area. The spray application rate varies for different crops, different row spacing and the age, height and density of crops","Zimathandizanso pofuna kudziwa kuti ndi maulendo angati omwe mankhwala adzdzidwe mu sprayer kuti ntchito yonse igwirike. Mulingo wopopera umasiya pa mbewu zosiyana, kutalikirana kwa mizere, msinkhu wa mbewu, kutalika kwa mbewu, komanso kuthithikana kwa mbweu",agriculture,agriculture document +en599,Precautions during spraying: Take only sufficient pesticide for the day's application. Do not transfer pesticides from original container into the containers,Zoyenera kutsatira popopera: tengani mankhwala okhawo okwanira kuthira patsiku limenelo. Musasamutse mankhwala ophera tizilombo kuchokera mu zipangizo zawo zosungira kupita muzipangizo zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en600,Make sure pesticides are mixed in the correct quantities. Wear appropriate clothing. Avoid contamination of the skin especially eyes and mouth,Onetsetsani kuti mankhwala ophera tizilombo asakanizidwa pa mulingo woyenera. Pewani mankhwala kukhuza khungu makamaka mmaso kapena mkamwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en601,"Liquid formulation should be poured carefully to avoid splashing. Do not spray in high wind, high temperature and rain","Mankhwala a madzi athiridwe mosamala popewa kutayika. Musapopele pamene kuli mphepo yamphamvu, kukutentha kapena kuli mvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en602,Avoid drift by selecting proper direction of spraying and also holding nozzle and boom at a proper height,Pewani kuuluka kwa mankhwala posankha mbali yoyenera kupopera komanso pogwira chotulikira mpweya pamtunda woyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en603,"Never eat, drink or smoke when mixing or applying pesticides. Never blow out clogged nozzles or hoses with mouth","Musadye, kumwa kapena kusuta pamene mukusakaniza kapena kupopera mankhwala ophera tizilombo. Musapope ndi kamwa yanu motulukira mpweya ngati mwatsekeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en604,Follow correct spray technique. Spray plant crop thoroughly by operating sprayer at correct speed and correct pressure. Never allow children or other unauthorized persons to be nearby during mixing,Tsatirani kapopoledwe koyenera. Poperani mbewu mosadumpha poyendetsa sprayer ndi liwiro loyenera komanso mphamvu ya mpweya yoyenera. Musalole ana kapena anthu ena osavomerezeka kukhala pafupi yosakaniza,agriculture,agriculture document +en605,Precautions after spraying: Remaining pesticides left in the tank after spraying should be disposed correctly,Kudziteteza pambuyo popopera: mankhwala otsala mu tank ya sprayer pambuyo popopera atayidwe moyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en606,"Never empty the tank into irrigation canals or ponds. Do not use empty pesticide containers for any purpose, destroy them-burying/burning","Musataye mankhwala otsala mu sprayer mu ngalande za mthilira kapena muzitsime. Musagwiritze ntchito zosungira mankhwala pa ntchito ina iliyonse, ziwonongeni kapena zikwilireni kapena kudziotcha",agriculture,agriculture document +en607,"Clean buckets, sticks, measuring jars, etc. used in preparing the spray solution. Wash protective clothing and yourself well and put on clean clothing","Tsuani ndowa zonse, ndodo, zoyezera mankhwala ndi zina zonse zomwe zagwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza mankhwala okapopera",agriculture,agriculture document +en608,Prevent persons from entering treated areas until it is safe to do so. Mark the sprayed plots with a flag,Letsani anthu kulowa mmalo omwe mwapoperedwa mankhwala mpaka kuli koyenera kutero. Ikani zizindikiro malo onse omwe apoperedwa ndi mbendera,agriculture,agriculture document +en609,"Observe the start-up steps before using the sprayer as it will prevent unnecessary and costly breakdowns and improper application, and may increase the lifespan of the spray equipment",Tsatirani ndondomeko zoyambilira zogwiritsira ntchito sprayer pakuti zithandiza kupewa kuwonongekwa kotayitsa ndalama komanso kusapopera moyenera ndipo izi zikhoza kuwonjezera moyo wa sprayer,agriculture,agriculture document +en610,"Before the first spray application, pump clean water through the system until the discharge is clear of dirt, sludge or scale that might be present in the tank, pump, hoses, filters and nozzles","Musanapopela koyamba, popani madzi oyera mu sprayer mpaka fumbi lonse, matope, mamba zomwe zinali mosungira madzi, mu pump, mma pipe, mosefera madzi komanso motulukira mpweya zichoke",agriculture,agriculture document +en611,Flush the pump with a solution that will chemically neutralize the liquid pumped. Check all diaphragms and check valves for corrosion and wear as well as for water or oil leaks,Tsukani chopopera ndi madzi omwe angaphe ululu wa mankhwala omwe akupopedwa. Onani zosefera zonse komanso ma zotchinga madzi ngati akuchita dzimbiri ndikudyeka komanso kudontha kwa madzi ndi mafuta,agriculture,agriculture document +en612,"For a piston pump, inspect check valves, valve seats, O-rings, seals, plunger cups and cylinders. Change the diaphragms and oil every 500 hours of spraying or every 3 months","Pampu ya piston, onani ngati zotchinga madzi, ma ling'I, zotchingira, zotsekera komanso silinda. Sinthani masefa ndi mafuta maola 500 akadutsa mukupopera kapena pa miyezi itatu iliyonse ",agriculture,agriculture document +en613,"For centrifugal pumps, check for correct operating pressure and leaks. At the end of the season, clean the pump and flush it with a 50% solution (half water) of permanent type automobile antifreeze containing a rust inhibitor.","Ma pampu ozungulira, onani ngati ali pa mpweya woyenera kugwiritsa ntchito komanso onani kudontha. Pomaliza pa nyengo yolima, tsukani pampu ndikuthiramo madzi othandizira kuti musachite dzimbiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en614,Examine all hoses and connections for cracks or leaks. Hoses and fittings on the pressure side of the pump must be able to handle the maximum pressure from the pump and withstand pressure surges,Pimani monse modutsira madzi komanso molumikiza monse ngati mwang'ambika kapena mukudontha. Modutsa mankhwala ndi zomagilira zonse kumbali ya pampu zithe kugwira ntchito ndi mphanvu ya mpweya yayikulu ndikupilira pakusintha kwa mphamvu yampweya,agriculture,agriculture document +en615,An air leak in the suction hose would seriously interfere with the operation of the pump and pressure gauge. The size of the hoses and their fittings affect the system capacity and under-sized hoses and fittings can severely reduce the capacity of any pump,Kutayika kwa mpweya mu payipi kumasokoneza kochuluka kagwiridwe ntchito ka pampu komanso choyezera mphamvu yampweya. Kukula kwa payipi komanso zomangila zake kumakhuza kuthekera kwa sprayer ndipo ma payipi aang'ono ndi zomangira zake zimachepetsa mphamvu ya pampu,agriculture,agriculture document +en616,"Strainers (or filters) are installed in the tank opening, between the tank and the pump, aft er the pump, and in the nozzle bodies","Zosefera ziyikidwe potsegula pa thanki, pakati pa thanki ndi pampu, patsogolo pa pampu, komanso mu chotulitsora mpweya",agriculture,agriculture document +en617,Some farmers do not use nozzle strainers because they feel they contribute to plugged nozzles but they might be using too small a nozzle strainer. Nozzle strainers capture debris before it damages nozzles and should be installed,Alimi ena samagwiritsa ntchito zosefera ku chotulutsira mpweya chifukwa amaonga ngati zimawonjezera kutsekera kwa chotulutsira mpweya koma amakhala kuti nakugwiritsa ntchito zosefera zazing'ono. Zosefera motulukira mpweya zimagwira zinyalala zomwe zikanaononga zotulukira mpweya ndipo ziyenera kuyikidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en618,Clean the tank and lines thoroughly. Remove the nozzle strainers and scrub them with a bristled brush; flushing will not clear them. Replace all cracked or poorly fitting strainers,Tsukani mosungira madzi moyenera. Chotsani zosefera motulutsira mpweya ndipo zitsukeni podzikhula; kuthira madzi chabe sikungachotse fumbi ndi zinyalala. Bwezeretsani zosefera zonse zong'ambika kapena zomwe sidzikukwana mmalo mwake,agriculture,agriculture document +en619,Sprayer regulators with stem packing should be inspected annually. Tight packing restricts stem movement and could lead to fluctuations or dangerously high pressures,Zipangizo zoonera mmene sprayer ikugwilira ntchito zomwe zili ndi zoletsa kudontha apimidwe chaka ndi chaka. Kumangitsa kwambiri kuchepetsa mpata woyendayenda wa zipangizo zoletsa kudontha zomwe zingadzetse kusakhadzikika kapena kukwera moopsa kwa mpweya mu sprayer,agriculture,agriculture document +en620,"Loose packing may lead to leakage. Certain makes of airblast sprayer may not have adjustable regulators, and may use bypass valves for minor pressure adjustments",Kumanga mosalimba kumayambitsa kudontha. Mitundu ina ya ma sprayer a mpweya ilibe zipangizo zoonera mmene sprayer ikugwilira ntchito zosinthika ndipo imagwiritsa ntchito ma valve owonjezera pofuna kusintha kuchuluka kw mphamvu za mpweya,agriculture,agriculture document +en621,"Threshing is an operation of detaching the grains from the ear heads, cobs and pods. Thresher is a machine that separate grains from the harvested crop and provide clean grain without much loss and damage","Kumenya ndi ntchito yochotsa maso a mbewu kuchokera ku mitu, zikonyo kapena ndolo. Chomenyera ndi makina omwe amalekanitsa maso a mbewu ndi mbewu yokololedwa ndipo amapeleka maso a mbewu ooneka bwino komanso opanda kutayika kapena kuonongeka kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en622,"Grain loss in terms of broken grain, un-threshed grain, blown grain, spilled grain etc. should be minimum (not more than 5%, in which broken grain should be less than 2%)","Kutayika kwa mbewu chifukwa chosweka, zosamenyeka, zopetedwa, zokugwa ndi zina zotero kuchepetsedwe, kusapyole 5%, ndipo zonyenyeka zisapyole 2%",agriculture,agriculture document +en623,"Threshing of crops by traditional method involves drudgery and takes more time to obtain required quality of produce. Due to these, mechanical threshers are widely accepted by the farmers","Kumenya mbewu pogwiritsa ntchito njira zamakolo kumalira antchito ambiri ndipo kumatenga nthawi kuti mulingo wa maonekedwe ufikiridwe. Chifukwa cha izi, makina omenyera mbewu akugwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri ndi alimi ",agriculture,agriculture document +en624,A mechanical crop thresher mainly consists of: Feeding device; Threshing cylinder; Concave Blower/aspirator; Sieve-shaker/straw-walker,Makina omenyera mbewu ali ndi izi: malo olowetsera mbewu; mphika omenyera mbewu; malo otsika; chopetera; sefa,agriculture,agriculture document +en625,The crop is fed from the feeding tray into the threshing cylinder. The threshing cylinder is fitted with spikes/bars/hammers or wire-loops around its periphery according to the type of thresher,Mbewu ikaponyedwa pamalo olowetsera imapita mumphika womenyera. Mphika womenyera uli ndi zitsulo zopingasa mmakoma mwake potengera ndi mtundu wa makina,agriculture,agriculture document +en626,"During operation, the crop material is slightly pushed into the threshing cylinder through the feeding chute, which gets into the working slit where the materials are struck several times by the spikes against the ribs","Panthawi yogwira ntchito, mbewu imakankhiridwa pang'ono mu mphika womenyera kudzera molowetsera, ndipo imadutsa pa mpata womwe uli pamwamba pa mphika womenyera komwe zimakakamira ku zitsulo zomwe zayikidwa pamphika womenyerapo ",agriculture,agriculture document +en627,"From the lower concave, the entire or a portion of threshed material falls on to top sieve","Kuchokera ku malo otsikawo, mbewu imagwera pamwamba pa sefa",agriculture,agriculture document +en628,"In case of spike tooth thresher, an aspirator blower sucks out the lighter material from the top sieve and throws it out from blower outlet. The sieves help in further cleaning of the grain by allowing heavier straw to overflow","Ngati ndi spike tooth thresher, chopetera mbewu chimayamwa zosalemera kuchokera pamwamba pa sefa ndipo chimaponyera kunja. Masefa amathandiza kupukuta maso a mbewu polola kuti busa lolemera lisefukire ",agriculture,agriculture document +en629,"In case of wheat, if farmers want not only clean grain but also fine quality of straw (bhusa) for cattle feed drummy type, hammer mill type and syndicator type threshers are suitable for threshing wheat crops","Ngati ndi tirigu, pamene mlimi akufuna maso a mbewu ooneka bwino komanso busa labwino lodyetsera ng'ombe lokulungidwa, agwiritse ntchito mtundu wa chigayo cha hammer ndi mtundu wa chomenyera cha syndicator zomwe ndi zoyenera kumenyera mbewu za tirigu ",agriculture,agriculture document +en630,The factors which affect the quality and efficiency of threshing are broadly classified in following three groups: Crop factors: Type of crop; Variety of crop; Moisture in crop material,Zinthu zomwe zimakhuza ubwino wakumenya zayikidwa mmagulu atatu: zokhuza mbewu: mtundu wa mbewu; chinyezi cha mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en631,"Machine factors: Feeding chute angle, Cylinder type, Cylinder diameter, Spike shape, size, and number","Zokhuza makina: kupendeka kwa molowetsera mbewu; mtundu wa mphika; kukula kwa mphika; kakonzedwe ka zitsulo zomenyera, kukula kwawo komanso chiwerengero chawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en632,Various adjustments are required before starting threshing operation. The machine has to be put on clean level ground and set according to crop and crop conditions,Kusintha kwambirimbiri kukufunika musanayambe ntchito yomenya mbewu. Makina ayikidwe pamalo opanda fumbi pansi posatsetsereka ndipo ayikidwe pamulingo woyenera mbewuzo,agriculture,agriculture document +en633,"The adjustments necessary to get best performance from the machine are concave clearance, sieve clearance, sieve slope, stroke length and blower suction opening","Kusintha kofunika kuti agwire ntchito mwapamwamba ndi kuonetsetse kuti malo otsika ndi okwanira, sefa ili ndi mpata wokwanira, kupendekeka kwa sefa, kutalika kwa stroke komanso motsegulira malo opetera",agriculture,agriculture document +en634,"Besides these, cylinder concave grate, top sieve hole size and cylinder speeds for threshing different crops are important for a multi crop thresher","Kupatula izi, cylinder concave grate, kukula kwa malo a sefa yammwamba ndi kuthamanga kwa mphika komenyera mbewu zosiyanasiyana ndikufonuka ngati makina amamenya mbewu zosiyanasiyana",agriculture,agriculture document +en635,"At all times, consult the user’s manual that is provided by the manufacturer.","Pamthawi zonse, werengani malangizo omwe anapelekedwa ndi opanga makina",agriculture,agriculture document +en636,Adjustments before operating a thresher: Position the thresher on a level area close to the crop stack to minimize losses,Kusintha musanagwiritse ntchito chomenyera: ikani chomenyera pamalo osatsetsereka pafupi ndi mulu wa mbewu pochepetsa kutayika,agriculture,agriculture document +en637,"Spread cloth, canvas, or mat underneath the thresher to collect spilled grain. Install the cylinder, cover, and feed tray if dismantled during field transport","Yalani nsalu, masaka kapena mphasa pansi pa chomenyera kuti padzigwera maso a mbewu. Mangilirani mphika womenyera, chophimbira, chodyetsera ngati zinamasulidwa popotitsa kumunda",agriculture,agriculture document +en638,"Position the thresher so that the straw is thrown in the direction of the wind to avoid blowing of straw, chaff, and dust back toward the operator and the threshed grain","Imitsani chomenyera kuti busa lidziponyedwa komwe kukupita mphepo pofuna kupewa kuwulutsa busa, deya ndi fumbi komwe kuli wogwira ntchito komanso mbewu zopetedwa kale",agriculture,agriculture document +en639,Check each belt’s alignment and tension. Adjust the idler pulley on the blower/cylinder belt to correct tension. Improper alignment and tension are the major causes of premature belt failure,Onani lamba ngati wayikidwa bwino ndi kulimba kwake. Sunthani idler pulley pa lamba wopetera kuti akungike. Kusayika moyenera komanso kusakungika kumadzetsa kulephera kwa malamba ,agriculture,agriculture document +en640,Open the cover and check all pegs on the threshing cylinder for tightness. Loose pegs will damage the machine and can be dangerous to the operators,Tsegulani chophimbira ndipo onani zitsulo zonse pa mphika womenyera ngati zalimba. Zitsulo zosamangika zimaononga makina ndipo ndi zoopsa kwa ogwira ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en641,Rotate the threshing cylinder manually at least five revolutions to ensure that there are no obstructions or interferences.,Zungulitsani mphika womenyera ndi manja kasanu kuti muone ngati palibe zopinga kapena zosokoneza,agriculture,agriculture document +en642,Lubricate all bearings with good quality grease but not the belt idler and oscillating screen eccentric bearings which are lubricated for life. Start the engine and allow it to warm up.,Fewetsani ma bearing onse ndi mafuta abwino koma osafewetsa idler wa lamba kapena oscillating screen eccentric bearings omwe amafewetsedwa kwa moyo wawo wonse. Lizani makina ndipo asiyeni kuti atenthe,agriculture,agriculture document +en643,Feed the thresher with the crop to be threshed for performance checking. Increase cylinder speed if excessive amounts of unthreshed and unseparated grain are observed with the straw,Lowetsani mbewu zanu mu chomenyera kuti muone mmene makina akugwilira ntchito. Wonjezerani kathamangidwe ka chomenyera ngati zosamenyeka zikuchuluka pa busa,agriculture,agriculture document +en644,Operating the thresher: Start the engine. Three to four persons are required to operate the machine. One or two men load and the other feed the machine,Kugwiritsa ntchito chomenyera: Lizani engine. Anthu atatu kapena anayi akufunika kuyendetsa makina. Mmodzi kaoena awiri adzikweza mbewu ndipo enawo adzilowetsa mbewu mu chomenyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en645,Another person bags the threshed grain while the other person insures that the cleaning screen is kept free of clinging straw especially when threshing wet material,Munthu wina adziyika mmatumba maso a mbewu pamene wina akuonetsetsa kuti cleaning screen ilibe zotchinga monga busa makamaka pomenya zinthu zonyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en646,Use a stick to remove clinging straw from the oscillating screen to protect hands from possible injury.,Gwiritsani ntchito ndodo pochotsa busa lomwe lakakamira pam screen yomwe ikuzungulira pofuna kuteteza manja kuti asavulale,agriculture,agriculture document +en647,"Harvested crops must be placed on the feed tray with the panicle away from the operator, so it is fed panicle first into the thresher",Mbewu zokololedwa ziyikidwe mucholowetsera pomwe ngala zake zikuloza molowetsera ndi cholinga chakuti ngala zilowe moyambilira mu chomenyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en648,Feed the crop at a maximum and uniform rate without overloading the engine. Adjust the feed rate to match the condition of the material being threshed,Lowetsani zokolola pa mulingo woyenera wochuluka komanso zochuluka mofanana popanda kusenzetsa engine ntchito yambiri. Sinthani mulingo wolowetsera kuti ufanane ndi mmene zinthu zomenyedwa ziliri,agriculture,agriculture document +en649,"For higher threshing efficiency, briefly hold the crop bundles at the feed opening for partial threshing when the material is longer than 40-50 cm","Kuti mumenye moyenera, gwirani mitolo ya zokolola kwanthawi pang'ono pakhomo lolowetsera kuti ziyambe kumenyedwa pamene zokolola zatalika kuposa 40-50cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en650,Long material will reduce machine output and may result in poor threshing and clogging of the machine,Zokolola zazitali zimachepetsa ntchito yomwe makina agwira ndipo zingadzetse kumenya mosayenera komanso kutsekeka kwa makina,agriculture,agriculture document +en651,"Short, panicle-harvested materials may result in high unthreshed losses because the panicles move fast through the thresher without receiving sufficient threshing Recycling the straw is necessary in this case",Zokolola za ngala zazifupi zimadzetsa kusamenyeka koyenera chifukwa ngala zimadutsa mwachangu mu mphika womenyera opanda kumenyedwa mokwanira. Kulowetsanso busa ndi kofunika pamenepa,agriculture,agriculture document +en652,Adjust blower openings (shutters) to give the air flow needed for winnowing. Open slowly to provide more air for a cleaner output until a small amount of mature grain flows over the wind board,Sinthani mabowo a chopetera kuti mudzilowa mpweya oyenera popeta. Tsegulani pang'onopang'ono kuti mulowe mpweya wambiri pofuna kuti zipetedwe bwino mpaka zopetedwa zokhwima zochepa zutaulikira pomwe pakugwera busa,agriculture,agriculture document +en653,Reduce feeding rate when threshing wet or partially decomposed materials to avoid overloading. Open the cylinder cover periodically to remove straw and chaff accumulation at the lower concave,Chepetsani mulingo wolowetsa pomenya zonyowa kapena zowola pang'ono pofuna kupewa kubanikitsa engine. Tsegulani chophimbira mphika pakadutsa nthawi kuti muchotse busa komanso deya wotsakamira pansi pa lower conclave,agriculture,agriculture document +en654,"Safety precautions in threshing operation: Leave all guards and shields in place when operating the machine. Before cleaning, servicing, or repairing the machine, disconnect the power to the unit.","Kudziteteza pamene mukugwira ntchito yomenya zokolola: Siyani zotchingira zonse mmalo mwake pamene mukugwiritsa ntchito makina. Musanapukute kapena kukonza makina, thimitsani mphamvu yamagetsi",agriculture,agriculture document +en655,Keep hands out of threshing belt entry area. Do not wear loose clothing when operating this machine,Manja akhale kunja kwa malo olowera lamba womenyera. Musavale zovala zazikulu pogwiritsa ntchito makinawa,agriculture,agriculture document +en656,Clothing can be grabbed by chain drives or rotating shafts and severe injury can result. Keep hands and feet away from chain drives and v-belts when machine is running,Zovala zimakoledwa ndi makako kapena rotating shaft ndipo zimazetsa kuvulala kwakukulu. Manja ndi mapazi zitalikirane ndi makako komanso malamba a V pamene makina akulira,agriculture,agriculture document +en657,Guidelines for maintenance of a crop thresher: Lubricate cylinder and fan bearings with good-quality general purpose grease every 25 hours of operation and also apply a small amount of oil to all hinge points,Malangizo osamaloira chomenyera zokolola: Fewetsani mphika ndi fa bearings ndi mafuta abwino pakatha maola 25 aliwonse ogwilira ntchito ndipo thirani mafuta pang'ono monse mopindika,agriculture,agriculture document +en658,"Inspect the machine regularly for loose, worn, or damaged peg teeth, concave bars, cylinder, discharge paddles and other parts, and tighten, repair, or replace them immediately","Pimani makina pafupipafupi kuti muone mano omasuka, akutha kapena oonongeka, concabe bars, mphika, discharge paddles ndi magawo ena, ndipo mangitsani, konzani kapena bwezeretsani nthawi yomweyo",agriculture,agriculture document +en659,Reduce belt tensions by loosening the idler pulley and engine mounting bolts when the machine will not be used for an extended period to minimize deterioration,Chepetsani kukungika kwa lamba pomasula idler pulley ndi zomangira engine pamene makina sagwiritsidwa ntchito kwa nthawi yayitali pofuna kuchepetsa kuguga,agriculture,agriculture document +en660,Check engine crankcase oil level at least every 4 operating hours and follow the engine manufacturer’s recommendations for oil change intervals and oil grade,Onani kuchuluka kwa mafuta mu crankcase ya engine pakadutsa maola anayi aliwonse ogwira ntchito ndipo tsatirani malangizo a wopanga makina panthawi zosintira mafuta komanso mtundu wa mafuta,agriculture,agriculture document +en661,"Service the air cleaner, fuel filter, fuel line, carburetor, and spark plug regularly according to engine manufacturer’s instructions","Konsani chosefera mpweya, chosefera mafuta, modutsa mafuta, carburetor ndi ma spark plug pafupipafupi kutengera ndi malangizo a okonza engine",agriculture,agriculture document +en662,Guidelines for storage of a threshing machine include: Clean the machine thoroughly. Remove belts and store in a dry place,Malangizo osungira makina omenyera mbewu: Pukutani makina bwinobwino. Chotsani malamba ndipo muwasunge pamalo ouma,agriculture,agriculture document +en663,"Store the machine in a clean, dry location and cover to reduce damage from dust. Paint parts that need repainting","Sungani makina pamalo aukhondo, ouma komanso phimbani pofuna kuchepetsa kuonongeka ndi fumbi. Pakani utoto malo onse oyenera kupakidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en664,Clean and apply oil to exposed metal surfaces to prevent rusting. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on engine storage,Pukutani ndipo pakani mafuta zitsulo zonse zomwe zili pambalambanda pofuna kupewa dzimbiri. Tsatirani malangizo a okonza pofuna kusunga engine ,agriculture,agriculture document +en665,"A plough is a farm implement for loosening the soil to make it suitable for crop development. It cuts the soil, turns it to bury residues and weeds from the soil surface in order to enhance decomposition","Plough ndi chida cha ulimi chomasulira dothi kuti likhale loyenera pakukula kwa mbewu. Imadula, kutembenuza dothi kuti likwilire zinyalala ndi tchire kuchokera pamwamba ndi cholinga chofuna kulimbikitsa kuwola",agriculture,agriculture document +en666,"Before use, the plough should be set accordingly to achieve the required depth and width of the furrow","Isanagwire ntchito, plough icheredwe moyenera pofuna kupeza kuzama ndi mulifupi moyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en667,It is important that settings should be made regularly as required. Farm machinery and extension staff should train farmers on setting of the plough,Ndikofunika kuti kutchera kudzichitika pafupipafupi. Makina a ulimi komanso alangizi aphunzitse alimi kutchera plough,agriculture,agriculture document +en668,"The wearing parts of the ridger are the share, breast- plate, wings and the rudder which should be maintained regularly and replaced when worn out","Zipangizo zomwe zimadyeka pa plough ndi share, breastplate, ma wing komanso rudder zomwe zikuyenera kusamalidwa pafupipafupi ndi kubwezeretsedwa zikalala",agriculture,agriculture document +en669,"The ridger should be properly lubricated with oil if it will not be used within five days but for long term storage, painting with oil based paint is recommended","Chopangira mizere chifewetsedwe ndi mafuta ngati sichigwira ntchito pamasiku asanu koma posunga kwa nthawi yayitali, chipakidwe utoto wokhala ndi mafuta",agriculture,agriculture document +en670,A cultivator is normally used to remove weeds between rows and not between planting stations,Chobzalira chimagwiritsidwa ntchito kuchotsa tchire pakati pa mizere osati pakati pamapando,agriculture,agriculture document +en671,"It can also be used in seedbed preparation to cut, break and loosen the soil. Parts of a cultivator include wheel and axle, hillers, sweeps and tines","Chikhozanso kugwiritsidwa ntchito popanga mabedi a mbewu podula, kuswa komanso kufewetsa dothi. Zigawo za chobzalira ndi monga matayala ndi axle, hillers, sweeps ndi tines",agriculture,agriculture document +en672,There are two types of cultivators; adjustable cultivators and rigid cultivators. Adjustable cultivators can be set to suit the width of plant rows while in the process of cultivating crops,Pali mitundu iwiri ya zobzalira: zobzalira zotheka kusintha ndi zobzalira zosasinthika. Zobzalira zotheka kusintha zikhoza kutcheredwa kuti zifanane ndi kutalikira kwa mizere panthawi yobzala mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en673,Rigid cultivators cannot be adjusted during cultivation. The tines can be set to suit the row spacing but the working width of the cultivator cannot be altered during the process of cultivation,Zobzalira zosasinthikazi sidzingatheke kutchera panthawi yobzalal. Ma tine amatcheredwa kuti afananane ndi kutalika kwa mizere koma mulifupi mogwilira ntchito mwa chobzalira simungasinthidwe panthawi yobzala,agriculture,agriculture document +en674,The wheel helps to control the depth of an operation and mobility. Replace the wheel and axle when broken or worn out. The wheel and axle may break or wear out after several years of farm operations,Matayala amathandizira kulamulira kuzama kwa ntchito komanso kayendedwe. Sinthani tayala ndi axle pamene zasweka kapena zalala. Tayala ndi axle zikhoza kusweka kapena kulala pakatha zaka zambiri zikugwira ntchito zakumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en675,"The farm-cart is important to a farmer as a means of transport. When using farm- carts, farmers should be advised on the following: Not to overload; To keep the load upfront on the cart and not on the rear","Ngolo ndi chida chofunika kwambiri ngati njira yonyamulira zinthu. Pogwiritsa ntchito ngolo, alimi alangizidwe pa zotsatirazi: Isanyamule katundu mopyola muyezo, katundu ayikidwe chakutsogolo kwa ngolo osati kumbuyo",agriculture,agriculture document +en676,"If the load is on the rear, the dissel boom will tilt the cart upwards and the straps will choke the animals","Ngati katundu ali pafupi ndi kumbuyo, mtengo womangilira ngolo ku goli umapendekeka mmwamba ndipo zingwe zimathina pakhozi pa zinyama",agriculture,agriculture document +en677,"Yokes play an important role in the use of various farm implements. Farmers must have different lengths of yokes for farm implements such as ploughs, ridgers and farm-carts","Goli ndilofunikira kwambiri pogwiritsa ntchito zida zakumunda zosiyanasiyana. Alimi akhale ndi magoli osiyana katalikidwe pa zida zakumunda monga khasu lolimira, khasu lopangira mizere komanso zonyamulira katundu",agriculture,agriculture document +en678,"Farmers can acquire animals from government farms, fellow farmers and own sources. Farmers are therefore encouraged to breed their own animals. Cultivators use the same yoke as ridgers","Alimi angathe kupeza zinyama kuchokera kuminda ya boma, kwa alimi anzawo kapena komwe iwo angapeze paokha. Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kuweta okha zinyama. Zipangizo zobzalira zimagwiritsa ntchito goli lomwelo lopangira mizere. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en679,"To ensure proper upkeep and prolonged use, yokes should be properly stored in a shed to avoid damage","Pofuna kusunga bwino ndi kugwiritsa ntchito nthawi yayitali, magoli asungidwe bwino pamalo a nthunzi kupewa kuonongeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en680,The most important measurements are those between the centers of two pairs of skeis on the yoke shaft,Muyeso wofunikira ndi umene uli pakati pa chikatikati cha malo awiri omangilirapo zinyama pa golipo,agriculture,agriculture document +en681,Total yoke length should be 150 cm. The space between 2pairs of skeis on the yoke shaft should be 90cm,Kutalika kwa goli kukhale 150cm. Mpata wapakati pa malo awiri omangilirapo zinyama pa goli ukhale 90cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en682,Any ridge spacing will have its own yoke size. Correct ridge spacing can be obtained with correct yoke length, Kutalikirana kulikonse kwa mizere kudzikhala ndi goli lakelake. Kutalikirana mizere kolondola kungapezeke pogwiritsa ntchito kutalika koneyera kwa goli,agriculture,agriculture document +en683,Ridge spacing of 75 cm: total length of the yoke shaft should be 210cm and the space between 2 pairs of skeis should be 150cm,Kutalikirana kwa mizere kwa 75cm: kutalika konse kwa goli kukhale 210cm ndipo mpata womwe uli pakati pa malo omangilira zinyama ukhale 150cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en684,Ridge spacing of 90 cm: Total length of the yoke shaft should be 240 cm and the space between 2 pairs of skeis should be 180 cm,Kutalikirana kwa mizere ya 90cm: kutalika konse kwa goli kukhale 240cm ndipo mpata womwe uli pakati pa malo omangilirapo zinyama ukhale 180cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en685,Ridge spacing of 120 cm: Total length of the yoke shaft should be 300 cm and the space between 2 pairs of skeis should be 240 cm,Kutalikirana mizere kwa 120cm: kutalika konse kwa goli kukhale 300cm ndipo mpata womwe uli pakati pa malo awiri omangilirapo zinyama ukhale 240cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en686,Transport or cart yoke: Total length of the yoke should be 170 cm and the space between 2 pairs of skeis should be 110cm,Ngolo zonyamula katundu: kutalika konse kwa goli kukhale 170cm ndipo mpata womwe uli pakati pomangilirapo zinyama ukhae 110cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en687,Animals for use and for sale: The work oxen have to be adequately fed to increase their capacity to work in addition to keeping them healthy,Zinyama zogwiritsa tchito komanso zogulitsa: ng'ombe za ngolo ziyenera kudyetsedwa bwino pofuna kuwonjezera mphamvu zawo kuti zigwire ntchito kuphatikizapo kuti zikhale zathanzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en688,"Government has ox-trainers who can assist farmers to train work oxen, however farmers should participate in training their own oxen","Boma liri ndi aphunzitsi a ng'ombe za ngolo omwe angathandize alimi kuphunzitsa ng'ombe zangolo, komabe alimi ayenera kutengapo gawo pophunzitsa ng'ombe zawo zomwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en689,"To get the best results from draught animals on the farm, they must be provided with rain proof housing and must be properly constructed and maintained","Pofuna kupeza zotsatira zabwino kuchokera ku zinyama zokoka ngolo pamunda, zipatsidwe malo ogona osafika mvula ndipo amangidwe moyenera ndi kusamalidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en690,"As a guide, housing for 2 animals should be 8 m long and 4 m wide. The height of supporting posts should be 2 m, whereas the center roof-post height should be 3m. The roof should be properly thatched","Ngati mlozo, nyumba ya zinyama ziwiri ikhale yayitali mamita 8 ndipo mulifupi mikhale mamita 4. Mitengo yoyimitsira ikhale yayitali mamita awiri, ndipo mitengo yoyomitsa pakati padenga italike mamita atatu. Denga likhale lofolela bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en691,Draught animals have less grazing time as they spend part of the day working. Farmers should be encouraged to carry feeds for working animals so that they can be given to animals during work breaks,Zinyama zokoka ngolo zili ndi nthawi yochepa yodyera chifukwa nthawi zambiri zimakhala zikugwira ntchito. Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kunyamula zakudya za zinyama zomwe zikugwira ntchito ndi cholinga chakuti akapatsire zinyama panthawi yopuma,agriculture,agriculture document +en692,"After working, the animals should be given some maize bran and water to drink, thereafter, the animals should be allowed to graze","Pambuyo pogwira ntchito, zinyama zipatsidwe deya ndi madzi akumwa, kenako zipatsidwe mpata wokadya udzu",agriculture,agriculture document +en693,"Two to three kilograms of concentrate per day are essential for energy production. These can be maize or rice bran, cereals, cotton and groundnut cake","Makilogalamu awiri kapena atatu a zakudya zokhathamira pa tsiku ndi oyenera kuti zidzikhala ndi mphamvu. Izi zikhoza kukhala deya wachimanga kapena wampunga, udzu wobzala, mthanga za thonje kapena zotsalira za mtedza",agriculture,agriculture document +en694,Draught animals should work for a maximum of 4 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon,Zinyama zokoka ngolo zigwire ntchito kwa maola anayi mmawa ndiponso atatu kumadzulo,agriculture,agriculture document +en695,Thereafter they should be allowed to graze and rest. Animals should preferably be used very early in the morning or late in the afternoon to enable them work during cool period,Pambuyo pake zipatsidwe mwayi wokadya komanso kupuma. Nyama ziyenera kugwira ntchito mmawa kwambiri kapena chigawo chakumadzulo kuti zidzigwira ntchito kukuzizira,agriculture,agriculture document +en696,Farmers should dip animals regularly. They should also be encouraged to purchase and stock animal drugs in groups,Alimi adzisambitsa nyama zawo mankhwala pafupipafupi. Alimbikitsidwenso kugula ndi kusunga mankwala mmagulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en697,A large portion of fruits produced by smallholder farmers is lost through poor postharvest handling. This has necessitated development and fabrication of simple fruit processing machines,Gawo lalikulu la zipatso zolimidwa ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono zimaonongeka posadzisamala moyenera pambuyo pokolola. Izi zazetsa kukonza makina ofinyira zipatso,agriculture,agriculture document +en698,"Some of the recommended fruit processing machines are Mfinyazipatso Owerama (Horizontal fruit juice extractor) and Mfinyazipatso Oyimilira (Vertical fruit juice extractor). The two machines extract juices from the pulp of indigenous and exotic fruits that can be made into fruit juices, jams and purees","Ena mwa makina ovomerezeka ofinyira zipatso ndi monga mfinyazipatso owerama, mfinyazipatso oyimilira. Makina awiriwa amafinya ndi kutulutsa madzi a zipatso kuchokera mu zipatso zachilengedwe komanso zobwera omwe angapangidwe kukhala juice, jam ndi puree",agriculture,agriculture document +en699,Horizontal Fruit Juice Extractor contains a tapped horizontal screw outside of which is a barrel that squeezes the fruit pulp or juice using horizontal and side compressive forces,Mfinyazipatso owerama amakhala ndi chotsekera cha mpopi kunja kwa mfuti womwe umafinya madzi a zipatso pogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zofinyira mowerama ndiponso chambali,agriculture,agriculture document +en700,"The machine is designed in such a way that one end is bigger (16 cm in diameter) than the other end (9.5cmindiameter) giving a compression ratio of 1.6:1. This machine has been performance tested on a wide range of fruits and has a pulp fruit juice extraction rate of 11-15 L/ hr, an extraction efficiency of 75-85% and a stone/seed breakage of zero","Makinawa anakonzedwa kuti mbali imodzi ndiyayikulu kufika 16cm kuposa mbali inayo yomwe ndi 9.5cm kuthandiza kupeleka mphamvu zofonyira za 1.6:1. Kagwiridwe ntchito ka makina kayezedwa pa zipatso zosiyanasiyana ndipo ali ndi mulingo wofinya madzi a zipatso wa 11-15L pa ola limodzi, kuthekera kofinya madzi onse a zipatso kwapakati pa 75% mpaka 85% ndipo kuthekera kophwanya mthanga kwa 0%",agriculture,agriculture document +en701,"Vertical Fruit Extractor has similar design features as the Horizontal Juice Extractor. The main difference is that it is positioned vertically upwards. This machine has a pulp fruit juice rate of 50-60 L/hr, an extraction efficiency of 78-86% and a seed stone-breakage of zero","Mfinyazipatso oyimilira ali ndi kapangidwe kofanana ndi mfinyazipatso owerama. Kusiyana kwake kwakukulu ndi kwakuti chimakonzedwa moyima kulowa mmwamba. Makina amenewa ali ndi kuthekera kofinya madzi a zipatso kufika 50-60L pa ola limodzi, kuthekera kofinya madzi onse a zipatso kwapakati pa 78% ndi 86% ndipo kuthekera kophwanya mthanga kwa 0%",agriculture,agriculture document +en702,Seed is one of the essential inputs in crop production. Good quality seed of any crop variety gives yields,Mbeu ndi chimodzi mwa zipangizo zolowa pa ulimi. Mbewu yabwino ya zomera zilizonse imabweretsa zokolola zochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en703,"Problems experienced by farmers include use of poor quality seed due to inadequate availability of certified seed or planting material of most crop such us beans, rice, groundnuts, pigeon peas, open pollinated maize, wheat, soya beans, vegetables, cassava and sweet potatoes","Mavuto omwe alimi amakumana nawo ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mbeu yopanda mphamvu chifukwa chosowa mbeu kapena zinthu zobzala zovomerezeka za mbeu monga nyemba, mpunga, mtedza, nandolo, chimanga, tirigu, soya, masamba, chinangwa ndi mbatata",agriculture,agriculture document +en704,The provision of good quality seed of improved crop varieties to smallholder farmers is essential for increased crop production in Malawi’s agriculture,Kupeleka mbewu yapamwamba ya mitundu yamakono kwa alimi ang'onang'ono ndikofunika pochulukitsa zokolola pa ulimi ku Malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en705,Efforts to improve smallholder agriculture in the country will be fruitless unless the fundamental problems of seed supply to smallholder farmers are addressed,Ntchito yotukula alimi ang'onoang'ono mdziko muno ikhala yosapindula pokhapokha mavuto okhazikika a kapezedwe ka mbeu kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono akonzedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en706,The government’s policy is to open the market allowing seed companies to produce and sell new varieties for all crops in the market.,Ndondomeko za boma ndizofuna kutsegula msika kuti alole makampani ogulitsa mbeu kuti adzipanga ndi kugulitsa mitundu yatsopano ya mbeu kumisika,agriculture,agriculture document +en707,The Government’s main goal is to alleviate poverty and ensure food security in the country. The goal is being achieved through: Diversifying exports of agricultural products. Raising farm incomes and promote economic growth while conserving the natural resources base,Cholinga chachikulu cha boma ndi kuthetsa umphawi komanso kuonetsetsa kuti dziko liri ndi chakudya chokwanira. Cholingachi chikukwaniritsidwa kudzera: Kuwonjezera zokolola zogulitsidwa kumayiko akunja. Kukweza phindu la ulimi ndi kulimbikitsa kukwera kwa chuma pamanenso tikusamala zachilengedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en708,This is achieved through the available supply of certified seeds of improved varieties of crops by the seed industry to reach farmers through an expanded network of seed distributors,Izi zikwaniritsidwa kudzera mu kupezeka kwa mbeu zovomerezeka za mitundu yatsopano kuchokera kwa ochita malonda a mbeu ndipo zifikire alimi kudzera nkukhazikitsa misika yambiri ya mbeu,agriculture,agriculture document +en709,"In order to improve the availability of seeds of food crops, the following changes have been made: Improvement of Information systems in the seed value chain; Removal of restriction on seed imports and exports except for phytosanitary regulations.","Pofuna kupititsa poatsogolo kupezeka kwa mbewu za zakudya, sinthani izi: Kupititsa patsogolo njira zofalitsira mauthenga pan nkhani za mbewu; kuchotsa zoletso zoyitanitsira mbewu kimayiko akunja komanso kugulitsa mbewu kunja kupatula ngati tikupewa matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en710,Harmonization of seed rules and regulations to facilitate seed movement in the SADC and COMESA Regions and the entire outside world,Kuyika malamulo ofanana a mbeu kuthandiza kayendedwe ka mbeu mdera la SADC ndi COMESA komanso kunja kwa dziko lonse lapansi,agriculture,agriculture document +en711,Promotion of new regulations to encourage the participation of NGOs and ordinary farmers in the seed sector; Review of seed classes in Malawi,Kupititsa patsogolo malamulo atsopano kulimbikitsa kutengapo mbali kwa mabungwe omwe si aboma ndi alimi wamba pankhani za mbeu; Unikani magulu a mbeu mMalawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en712,Biotechnology experiments are underway to improve the food and economic situation,Kafukufuku pogwiritsa ntchito zinthu zamoyo ali mkati pofuna kupititsa patsogolo chakudya ndi chuma,agriculture,agriculture document +en713,"Efforts to supply affordable seeds. Institutional, regulatory and legal frameworks have been strengthened; Institutional and operational linkages have been strengthened","Kuyetsetsa kupeleka mbeu za mitengo yabwino. Nthambi zogwira ntchito, zolimbikitsa kutsatira malamulo komanso ndondomeko za malamulo zalimbikitsidwa. Ubale wa nthambi zogwira ntchito ndi kagwiridwe kawo kantchito zalimbikitsidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en714,"The Seed Services Unit (SSU) in the Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS) has the responsibility of certifying seed and monitoring its production, processing, marketing and storage throughout the country to ensure that farmers have access to good quality seed","Bungwe loona za mbeu kunthambi yoona za kafukufuku wa ulimi ili ndi udindo wovomereza mbeu komanso kuunika kapangidwe kake, kasamalidwe, kagulitsidwe komanso kasungidwe mdziko lonse lino kuti aonetsetse kuti alimi akupeza mbeu yabwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en715,Internationally accepted standards are applied for seed certification and quality control. There are six classes of seed of all crop varieties recognized in Malawi and these have different requirements that meet international standards for certification,Ndondomeko zovomerezeka padziko lonse lapansi zimagwiritsidwa ntchito povomereza mbeu komanso kusamala ubwino wake. Pali magulu asanu ndi limodzi a mbewu za mitundu yonse ya mbewu zovomerezeka ku Malawi ndipo ali ndi zofunikira zosiyanasiyana kuti afikire ndondomeko zoyenera kuti mbewu zivomerezedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en716,Breeders’ seed is of a particular generation of an in bred line or variety which is produced under the supervision of the breeder or institution that developed the variety in conjunction with the seed Services Unit. It is the source of seed for the production of pre-basic/ prefoundation seed,Mbewu ya ochulukitsa mbewu imakhala mbado wina wake wa mbewu zomwe zakwatitsidwa pachibale zomwe zimapangidwa upangiri wa wokwatitsa mbewu kapane bungwe lomwe linapanga mtunduwo mothandizana ndi mthambi yoona za mbewu. Ndi komwe kumapezeka mbewu yogwiritsa ntchito popanga mbewu za alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en717,Pre-basic seed-this class comes from Breeders’ seed. It is handled in a such way that it maintains its genetic identity and purity is maintained to ensure quality,Pre-basic seed- mtundu uwu umachokera ku mbewu ya ochulukitsa. Imasamalidwa munjira yoti isasakanikirane ndi ina iliyonse kuopa kusuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en718,Basic or foundation seed-this class of seed production from basic seed. It is handled in such a way that its genetic identity and purity is maintained to ensure quality,Basic or foundation seed - mtundu uwu umachokera ku manthu/kholo wa mbewu. Imasamalidwa munjira yoti isasakanikirane ndi ina kapena kusuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en719,Certified seed I-Certified seed is produced from basic seed but it can also be produced from a higher class of seed such as pre-basic seed,Mbeu yovomerezeka I - mbeu yovomerezeka imapangidwa kuchokera ku mbeu yochulukitsa komanso ikhoza kupangidwa kuchokera ku mtundu wa mbeu wapamwamba monga ngati kholo la mbeu,agriculture,agriculture document +en720,Production of certified seed should also conform to prescribed standards to maintain genetic identity and purity,Kupanga mbeu yovomerezeka kuyenera kutsatira ndondomeko zovomerezedwa kuti isunge chibadwa chake komanso ungwiro wake,agriculture,agriculture document +en721,"Certified seed II-In cases of shortage of basis seed, another seed is produced from Certified Seed and this is called certified seed II","Mbeu yovomerezeka yachiwiri - Ngati mbeu yochulukitsa yasowa, ina ikhoza kupangidwa kuchokera ku mbeu yovomerezeka ija ndipo imatchedwa mbeu yovomerezeka yachiwiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en722,But in cases of enough basic seed then only certified I is produced and marketed following the regulations,"Koma pomwe pali mbeu yokwanira yakholo, amapanga ndi kugulitsa mbeu yovomerezeka yokha potsatira malamulo",agriculture,agriculture document +en723,"Quality declared Seed (QDS)-Previously this was called Declared seed. This class is produced following the requirements such as registration, inspections, sampling and testing. The only difference is the intensity of field inspection","Quality declared seed- Mbuyomu imatchedwa declared seed. Mtundu uwu umaoangidwa potsatira ndondomeko zonse zofunikira monga kulembetsa mkaundula, kuyenderedwa, kupima mbewu. Kusiyana kwakukulu ndi kuyendera minda",agriculture,agriculture document +en724,The World Food Organization (FAO) defines QDS as seed that only ten percent of it has been inspected. So this requirement is met worldwide including in Malawi,World Food Organisation imanena kuti QDS ndi mbewu yomwe imodzi pa zigawo khumi zilizonse zapimidwa. Ndiye mulingo uwu umafikiridwa pa dziko lonse palansi kuphatikizirapo ku Malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en725,"Commercial Seed Companies, farmer associations, NGOs and individual farmers are actively involved in the production of certified seed","Makampani ogulitsa mbewu, magulu a alimi, mabungwe omwe siaboma komanso alimi paokha amatengapo mbali kupanga mbewu yovomerezera",agriculture,agriculture document +en726,"Such seed is rigorously inspected by government seed inspectors. SSU sample and test all seed for purity, germination and moisture content in the laboratory prior to distribution or marketing to farmers","Mbewu imeneyi imapimidwa mwakathithi ndi oyezeza mbewu ku boma. Mthambi yoona za mbewu imatenga pang'ono ndi kuyeza mbewu zonse kuti awone ngati ndiyisasakanikira, kameredwe ndi chinyezi chake ku nyumba zoyezera, isanagawidwe kapena kugulitsidwa kwa alimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en727,"For farmers wishing to participate in this programme, it is important that the following guidelines are adhered to in order that good quality seed is produced","Kwa alimi omwe akufuna kutenga mbali popanga mbewu, ndikofunika kuti atsatire ndondomeko zotsatirazi ndi cholinga chakuti mbewu yabwino ipangidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en728,The demand estimate should be accurate to avoid over production. Seed producers should be ready to meet the costs of seed certification and quality control,Mulingo woyerekeza wa mbewu udziwike pofuna kupewa kupanga mbewu yochuluka. Opanga mbewu akhale okonzeka kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama zawo pamene mbewu yawo ikuvomerezedwa komanso kuyezedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en729,"The fields should be located close together to minimize supervision and inspection costs. The area should be accessible at all times, especially during the rainy season in order for inspections to be conducted adequately",Minda ikhale moyandikana pofuna kuchepetsa ndalama zoyendera mbewu. Kukhale kudera kofikika nthawi zonse makamaka nyengo ya mvula ndi cholinga chakuti kuyendera kuchitike mokwanira ,agriculture,agriculture document +en730,Seed crops have to be grown according to specific standards stipulated by the Seed Services Unit. The aim is to produce good quality seed,Mbewu zilimidwe motsatira ndondomeko zoyikika zomwe mthambi yoona za mbewu inakhadzikitsa. Cholinga ndi kupanga mbewu yabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en731,Major components of the standards include: Seed grower registration is the first activity that the farmer is required to do for the seed to be certified,Zazikulu zomwe zikupezeka mu ndondemekozo ndi monga: Kulembetsa mkaundula ngati mlimi wopanga mbewu ndi ntchito yoyamba yomwe mlimi akuyenera kuchita kuti mbewu yake ivomerezedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en732,This is done before the end of December of each year for rain fed seed production and just a month before planting of irrigated seed production,Izi zimachitika tisanafike kumapeto kwa December chaka chilichonse pa ulimi wodalira mvula ndipo mwezi umodzi tisanafike mwezi wobzalira mbewu zamthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en733,"Registration helps SSU to update seed data, easily locate the field or seed by the inspection team, and easily direct buyers to where the required seed is located","Kalembera amathandiza mthambi yoona zambewu kukhala ndi ndandanda watsopano, oyendera kudziwa mosavuta komwe minda kapena mbewu zili, ndipo kuwalodzera mosavuta ogula komwe mbewu yomwe ikufunika ili",agriculture,agriculture document +en734,It is important for the country to know seed quantities available to avoid emergency importation. Any field that is not registered is not inspected even if the producer gets the seed from the right sources. Applicable registration fees are charged upon registration,Ndikofunika kuti dziko lino lidziwe kuchuluka kwa mbewu zomwe zilipo pofuna kupewa kuyitanitsa ku mayiko akunja mwadzidzidzi. Munda uliwonse omwe suli mukalembera sungayenderedwe ngakhale mlimiyo atapeze mbewu yake kuchokera kumalo oyenera. Ndalama zolembetsera mkaundula zimapelekedwa pokalembetsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en735,Seed should be procured from a reliable source such as from breeders in different institutions,Mbewu igulidwe kwa oyenera monga ochulukitsa mbewu mmabungwe osiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en736,The Seed Services Unit (SSU) provides information of where the right class of seed can be sourced from in case farmers do not have any knowledge/ information of the source of seed. Information for seed source is required during registration.,Mthambi yoona za mbewu ya Seed Service Unit imapeleka mauthenga a komwe kuli mbewu yoyenera ngati alimi alibe upangiri wa komwe angapeze mbewu. Uthenga wa komwe kungapezeke mbewu umapelekedwa panthawi yakalembera,agriculture,agriculture document +en737,"Land verification checks the history of the field to be grown to seed. It ensures that same crops do not follow each other consecutive to avoid contamination, mixtures and prevalence of pests and diseases","Kutsimikiza za malo kumaona mbiri ya munda womwe pakufuna kulimidwa mbewu. Kumaonetsetsa kuti mbewu zofanana zisatsogozane popewa kuyipitsidwa, kusakanirana komanso kufala kwa tizilombo ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en738,Seed crop field must be isolated (separated) from any other variety of the same crop to avoid cross contamination. Different crops have different isolation distance depending on their mode of pollination,"Minda ya mbewu ipatulidwe, isayandikane ndi minda ina ya mbewu yomweyo popewa kuyipitsidwa. Mbewu zosiyanasiyana zili ndi mulingo wakutalika kwake kodzipatula potengera njira zomwe zimakwatitsana",agriculture,agriculture document +en739,"Poor stands, lack of vigor or uniformity, weed growth, or conditions which may hinder accurate inspections are cause for rejection","Mbewu yosaoneka bwino, kusowa kwa mphamvu komanso kufanana kwa mbewu, kukula kwa tchire, kapena zinthu zomwe zingalepheretse kuyendera minda ndi zomwe zingapangitse mbewu kukanidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en740,A field for seed production should generally be weed free to prevent admixture. A weed free field is also important as it aids easy movement during field inspection,Munda wolimamo mbewu ukhale wopanda tchire poteteza kusakanikira. Munda wopanda tchire ndiwofunika chifukwa umathandiza kuyendamo mosavuta panthawi yoyendera minda,agriculture,agriculture document +en741,Offtypes (plant or seed that deviates in one or more attributes from the breeder’s description) should be roughed off before pollination takes place,Mbewu zosafanana ndi mbewu yomwe yalimidwa zichotsedwe nthawi kukwatitsa kusanachitike,agriculture,agriculture document +en742,Seed has to be tested for germination and purity prior to selling. Government seed samplers will draw official samples for laboratory testing after the seed has been graded and packed in standardized bags,Mbewu iyezedwe pofuna kuona kameredwe ndi ungwiro wake isanagulitsidwe. Ogwira ntchito zoyeza mbewu a Boma amatenga mbewu zoyerekeza pang'ono kuti akayeze kunyumba zoyezera pambuyo pakusankha mbewu komanso kuyika mmatumba oyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en743,Only seed that has passed laboratory standards can be accepted and sold. Laboratory test results are valid for twelve months thereafter the seed has to be re-tested,"Ndi mbewu yokhayo yomwe yakhoza kuyezedwa kunyumba yoyezera imene ingavomerezedwe ndi kugulitsidwa. Zotsatira zoyeza kunyumba yoyezera zimakhala zikugwira ntchito kwa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri, kupyola pemenepa mbewu imayenera iyezedwenso",agriculture,agriculture document +en744,Seed quality deteriorates during storage/ distribution. SSU conducts routine seed monitoring in all seed companies and seed distributors to ensure that farmers do not access substandard seed,Ubwino wa mbewu umatsika panthawi yomwe yasungidwa kapena pomwe ikugawidwa. Mthambi yoona za mbewu imachita kafukufuku nthawi zonse mmakampani onse komanso kwa onse ogawa mbewu pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti alimi sakupeza mbewu yosafikira mulingo wovomerezedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en745,"During the market seed monitoring the seed inspectors check if the seed is being handled correctly during sales, if the seed is correctly labeled and if any fake seed is being sold in the market","Pamene akuyendera misika ya mbewu, oyendera mbewu amaona ngati mbewu ikugwiridwa moyenera pamene ikugulitsidwa, ngati mbewu yayikidwa zizindikiro moyenera, komanso ngati mbewu yabodza ikugulitsidwa mmisika",agriculture,agriculture document +en746,SSU provides training technical assistance advice in seed certification and quality control to all stakeholders in the seed value chain,Mthambi yoona za mbewu imapeleka upangiri wa maphunziro a kavomerezedwe ka mbewu ndi kuteteza ubwino kwa onse omwe amatengapo gawo pa mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en747,Seed prices and Marketing-Knowledge in gross margin analysis is important as farmers have to come up with their own seed prices and find their own markets,Mitengo ya mbewu komanso kutsatsa malonda- upangiri wodziwa phindu ndi wofunika kwambiri chifukwa mlimi amayenera kukhadzikitsa mitengo yake ya mbewu komanso kupeza misika yake,agriculture,agriculture document +en748,Seed is a living entity as such it is important that all precautionary measure are taken to reduce deterioration during storage,Mbewu ndi chinthu chamoyo choncho ndi kofunika kuti njira zonse zoyitetezera zitsatidwe pofuna kuchepetsa kutha mphamvu pamene yasungidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en749,"The success of the seed industry depends on collaborative efforts of different Departments in the Ministry, commercial seed companies and other sectors of the economy involved in the seed industry","Kupambana kwa ntchito za mbewu kutengera mgwirizano pakati pa mthambi zosiyanasiyana ku unduna, ochita ntchito zamalonda a mbewu ndi magawo ena a zachuma omwe amatenga mbali pa nkhani za mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en750,That is why institutional and operational linkages have been strengthened with a view of providing an efficient seed delivery system to farmers,Ndi chifukwa chake kulumikizana kwa mabungwe komanso zochitika zonse kukulimbikitsidwa ndi cholinga chofuna kufikitsa mbewu kwa alimi mwachangu,agriculture,agriculture document +en751,"SSU offices at Chitedze , Bvumbwe, Lifuwu and Lunyangwa Research stations can be contacted for more information on Seed certifi cation and Quality Control issues","Mthambi yoona za mbewu ku malo ochitira kafukufuku wa mbewu ku Chitedze, kwa Bvumbwe, ku Lifuwu ndi Lunyangwa afunsidwe pofuna kupeza mauthenga ena owonjezera pa nkhani zovomereza mbewu komanso kuonetsetsa kuti mbewu ndi yabwino ",agriculture,agriculture document +en752,One of the challenges facing the agricultural sector in Malawi is low crop production and quality as a result of pest infestation and disease attack,Chimodzi mwa zovuta zomwe gawo la ulimi likukumana nazo ku Malawi ndi zokolola zochepa komanso zosakhala bwino chifukwa cha kugwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en753,The Ministry of Agriculture aims at minimizing losses in quantity and quality of crop produce through proper crop disease and pest management,Unduna wa zamalimidwe aukufuna kuchepetsa kutayika kwa zokolola komanso kuchepa kwa ubwino wa zokolola kudzera mu ndondomeko zabwino zothanirana ndi matenda komanso tizilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en754,"There are several methods of reducing pest and disease incidences. These include cultural, biological, mechanical, physical control measures, use of resistant crop varieties, sanitation, plant quarantine and application of pesticides","Pali njira zambirimbiri zochepetsera kupezeka tizilombo ndi matenda. Zina mwa izo ndi kasamalidwe, zachilengedwe, zochitika pamunda, kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu zopilira kumatenda, ukhondo, kupatula mbewu ndikuyika paokha, kuthirav mankhwala ophera tizilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en755,The emphasis is to promote the use of these methods in the form of Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM),Ntchito yambiri yagona popititsa patsogolo kugwiritsa ntchito njira zomwe zili mu Integrated Pest and Disease Management,agriculture,agriculture document +en756,This approach employs a combination of two or more of the control methods and places emphasis on environmental protection and preservation of beneficial organisms,Njira imeneyi imaphatikiza njira ziwiri kapena kuposa apo zothanirana ndi matenda ndi tizilombo ndipo imatsindika zakufunika koteteza zachilengedwe komanso kusunga zamoyo zofunukira pa ulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en757,By using IPDM the use of pesticides is minimized hence the cost is reduced and the environment is protected,"Pogwiritsa ntchito IPDM, kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala opehera tizilombo kumachepetsedwa choncho ndalama zogwira ntchito zimachepanso ndipo chilengedwe chimatetezedwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en758,"The way crops are managed may affect pests and diseases that live in the crop environment. Time of planting, weeding, uprooting of infested plants and harvesting practices which may destroy these pests are cultural pest control methods","Momwe mbewu zimasamalidwa zimakhuza tizilombo ndi matenda omwe amakhala mu mbewuzo. Nthawi yobzalira, kupalira, kuzula mbewu zomwe zagwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda ndiponso ndondomeko zokolola zomwe zingaononge tizilombo ndi matenda ndi njira zachikhalidwe zothanirana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en759,"For instance, early planting will reduce bushy top in tobacco, stalk borers, maize streak and other diseases","Mwachitsanzo, kubzala mofulumira kumachepetsa kuchita mafutu mu fodya, mbozi, maize streak ndi matenda ena",agriculture,agriculture document +en760,"Removal of tomato plants after harvest will reduce nematode populations in the soil. Weeds can habour pests that attack crops and reduce yield, therefore, timely weeding is important",Kuchotsa mitwngo ta yomato pambuyo pokolola kumachepetsa chiwerengero cha mbozi mu dothi. Tchire limasunga tizolombo tomwe zimawononga mbewu ndikuchepetsa zokolola choncho kupalira mwachangu ndikofunika,agriculture,agriculture document +en761,"If harvesting is delayed, maize, millets and other crops may be damaged by rodents, weevils, birds and other pests","Ngati kukolola kwachedwa, chimanga, mchewere ndi mbewu zina zimaonongeka ndi mbewa, nankafumbwe, mbalame nsi tizilombo tina",agriculture,agriculture document +en762,"Farmers should, therefore, be encouraged to carry out cultural practices timely and as recommended",Choncho alimi akulimbikitsidwa kutsatira njira zachikhalidwe munthawi yake komanso motsatira ndondomeko,agriculture,agriculture document +en763,"Following proper crop rotation, removal of volunteer plants and other crop hygiene practices will reduce the build-up of weeds, insect pests, nematodes and diseases","Kutsatira moyenera ulimi wa kasinthasintha, kuchotsa mbewu zogwera ndi njira zina zaukhondo wambewu zimachepetsa kuchulukana kwa tchire, tizilombo towononga, mbozi ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en764,"Biological control results from the manipulation of populations of parasitoids, predators and pathogens in reducing the abundance of pest species and maintaining its population at a level lower than it would have been in the absence of these organisms","Njira zachilengedwe zimabwera posokoneza chiwerengero cha tizilombo, zowononga tizilombo ndi tizilombo toyambitsa matenda pochepetsa kuchuluka kwa mitundu ya tizilombo ndi kusunga chiwerengero pa mulingo wotsika kusiyana ndi mmene zikanakhalira popanda zamoyo zimenezi",agriculture,agriculture document +en765,There are other methods of reducing pest problems that are just as effective. These include setting up traps and barriers which disrupt pests moving in a particular area,Palinso njira zina zochepetsera mavuto a tizilombo zomwe ndizabwinonso. Izi ndi monga kuyika misampha ndi zotchinga zomwe zimasokoneza kuyenda kwa tizilombo mudera,agriculture,agriculture document +en766,Control may also be achieved by hand picking and crushing. These methods need to be encouraged as they are cheaper,Kuthana nazo kukhoza kuchitikanso podzigwira ndi manja ndikudzipha. Njira izi zimafuna kulimbikitsidwa chifukwa ndizosafuna ndalama,agriculture,agriculture document +en767,"Changing the availability of water, relative humidity, temperature and light conditions especially in storage can make living conditions unfavorable for pests","Kusintha kupezeka kwa madzi, kuchuluka kwa chinyezi mu mpweya koyenera, katenthedwe ndi kuwala makamaka munkhokwe zimapangitsa malo akhale osayenera kukhala tizilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en768,Cool and dry grain will have fewer pest problems than warm and moist grain. Sterilization of nursery beds by burning is another example of physical control,Mbewu za udzu zozizira ndi zouma zimakhala mavuto a tizilombo ochepa kusiyana ndi zomwe zili ndi chinyezi. Kupha tizilombo ndi matenda kumanazale powotcha ndi chitsanzo chabwino chosagwiritsa ntchito zamoyo,agriculture,agriculture document +en769,Farmers should therefore be encouraged to dry their produce thoroughly before storage and sterilize nursery beds before sowing,Choncho alimi alimbikitsidwe kuumitsa mbewu zawo asanadziyike munkhokwe ndipo aphe tizilombo mmanazale asanafetse mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en770,Some varieties of crops are more tolerant to pest and disease attacks than others. They suffer less damage and are not easily destroyed,Mitundu ina ya mbewu imapilira kwambiri kugwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda kuposa zina. Zimawonongeka mochepa ndipo zimavuta kuwononga,agriculture,agriculture document +en771,"These are called tolerant varieties. Planting them reduces crop damage. For instance, planting hairy cotton varieties reduces jassid population on the leaf thereby minimizing damage. Flint maize suffer less pest damage in storage compared to dent maize","Izi zimatchulidwa mitundu yopilira. Kubzala mbewu zimenezi kumachepetsa kuonongeka kwa zomera. Mwachitsanzo, kubzala mitundu ya thonje ya tsitsi kumachepetsa chiwerengero cha Jassid mmasamba ake kotero kuchepetsa kuwonongedwa. Chimanga cha maso olimba kwambiri sichimagwidwa ndi tizilombo kwambiri munkhokwe kusiyana ndi chofewa",agriculture,agriculture document +en772,Sanitation is the removal and disposal of infected or infested plant or plant parts and wastes; and keeping crop fields and storage facilities as clean as possible as these would be sources of infection or infestation,Ukhondo ndi kuchotsa komanso kutaya zomwera zonse zomwe zagwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda; ndi kusunga minda ndi nkhokwe zaukhondo chifukwa izi zimasunga kapena kufalitsa matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en773,Removal of volunteer crops deprives a pest or a disease a host on which it would harbor over winter,Kuchotsa mbewu zogwera kumalanda malo omwe tizilombo kapena matenda akanabisala munyengo yozizira,agriculture,agriculture document +en774,Rouging and destruction of infected or infested plants in the nursery and field reduce sources of pests,Kutolera ndi kuwononga mbewu zonse zogwidwa ndi tizilombo mmanazale ndi mminda kumachepetsa malo ochokera tizilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en775,"For example, destruction of infested tomato plants with spider mite will reduce population of the pest for next growing season","Mwachitsanzo, kuwononga tomato wogwidwa ndi matenda a spider mite kumachepetsa chiwerengero cha tizilombo munyengo yolima yotsatirayo",agriculture,agriculture document +en776,Removal of weeds will reduce pest and disease incidences in crop fields. Some rodents such as rats and mice thrive on food wastes that are not properly disposed of,Kuchotsa tchire kumachepetsa kupezeka kwa tizilombo ndi matenda mminda ya mbewu. Zinyama zina monga makoswe ndi mbewa zimachita bwino pa zakudya zotsala zomwe sidzinatayidwe moyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en777,Removal of such wastes reduces chances of rodent problem developing. Other storage pests such as weevils may remain in storage structures and bags,Kuchotsa zotayidwazi kumechepetsa mwayi woti makoswe ndu mbewa ziswane. Tizilombo tina tamunkhokwe ndi monga nankafumbwe zimatsala munkhokwe ndi mmatumba,agriculture,agriculture document +en778,Cleaning of such storage structures before putting in new harvests would therefore reduce pest load in storage,Choncho kukonza munkhokwemu musanayikidwe zokolola zatsopano kumachepetsa kuchuluka kwa tizilombo panthawi yosunga zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en779,Plant quarantine is the holding of imported plant material in isolation for a prescribed period to ensure freedom from diseases and insect pests,Kupatula mbewu ndikudziyika pazokha zimatanthauza kuti kusunga mbewu yomwe yagulidwa kunja kwa munda kapena kunja kwadera payokha kwakanthawi ndi cholinga chofuna kuti ikhale yopanda tizilombo kapena matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en780,Pests which are non- existent in Malawi can be introduced from other countries through imported plant material,Tizilombo tomwe mMalawi muno mulibe tingathe kubwera kuchokera kumayiko ena kudzera kugula mbewu kuchokera kumayiko akunja,agriculture,agriculture document +en781,Plant quarantine is used to control the spread of insect pests and diseases between countries,Kupatula mbewu ndikudzisunga pazokha kukhoza kugwiritsida ntchito pothana ndukufala kwa tizilombo ndi matenda pakati pa mayiko ,agriculture,agriculture document +en782,It is therefore the responsibility of every importer and traveler to obtain an import permit from the Ministry of Agriculture before importing such materials,Choncho ndi udindo wa aliyense wogula mbewu kumayiko akunja komanso onse oyenda mmayiko kuti akhale ndi chilolezo kuchokera ku unduna wa zamalimidwe asanayitanitse mbewu zotero,agriculture,agriculture document +en783,"Within the country, the most important regulatory control measure is restricting movement of plant material from infected areas to clean areas","Mdziko momwe muno, njira yofunukira yochepetsa kufala kewa tizilombo ndi matenda ndi kuletsa kutenga mbewu kuchokera dera lina kupita nazo kudera kwina",agriculture,agriculture document +en784,Field staff should advise farmers not to transfer infected plant material from one area to another,Alangizi akudera alangize alimi kuti asasamutse mbewu zogwidwa ndi matenda kuchoka kwina kupita nazo kwina,agriculture,agriculture document +en785,"Pesticides offer quickest pest control solution. However, they should be used to supplements other methods of pest control","Mankhwala ophera tizilombo amapeleka njira yachidule yachangu yothana ndi tizilombo. Komabe, agwiritsidwe ntchito ngati ongothandizira njira zina zothanirana ndi tizilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en786,"They should therefore, be used only when necessary as they cannot solve all pest problems encountered and besides they may be harmful to the environment, expensive and scarce at times","Choncho, agwiritsidwe ntchito pomwe ndikofunika kutero chifukwa sangathetse mavuto onse a tizilombo omwe akukumana nawo ndipo kupatula izi akhoza kukhala owopsa ku zachilengedwe, odula komanso osowa nthawi zina",agriculture,agriculture document +en787,The use of pesticides is only recommended where it is difficult to control pests through use of other methods,Kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tizilombo ndi kovomerezeka pokhapo pomwe ndi kovuta kuthana ndi tizilombo pogwiritsa ntchito njira zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en788,"Farmers should however, be advised to use recommended pesticides for each type of pest and strictly follow instructions",Choncho alimi alangizidwe kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ovomerezeka opehera tizilombopa mtundu uliwonse wa tizilombo ndipo ofunika kutsatira malangizo moyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en789,It is strongly recommended that farmers buy pesticides from registered dealers and agents only,Ndi koyenera kuti alimi agule mankhwala kuchokera kwa ogulitsa ovomerezeka komanso mthumwi zawo basi,agriculture,agriculture document +en790,"Farmers should buy pesticides enough for the season as surpluses may deteriorate, and cause storage and disposal problems. Farmers should be encouraged to read the label before buying and using pesticides","Alimi agule mankhwala ophera tizilombo okhawo ofunika pa nyengo ya ulimiyo chifuka akatsala amatha mphamvu, akhoza kuyambitsa mavuto munkhokwe komanso kuvuta kutaya. Alimi alimbikitsidwe kuwerenga malangizo omwe amatidwa pamankhwala asanagule ndikugwiritsa ntchito mankhwalawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en791,"Pesticides should be stored safely and properly to avoid poisoning, accidents and enhanced deterioration","Mankhwalawo asungidwe pabwino popewa kuwononga zakudya, ngozi komanso kutha mphamvu mwachangu",agriculture,agriculture document +en792,"All types of pesticides should be stored in their original containers under lock and key, away from children and livestock",Mitundu yonse ya mankhwala ophera tizilombo isungidwe mosungira mwake ndipo ikhale kutali ndi ana komanso ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en793,"Pesticides should be stored under dry conditions and away from direct sunlight. They should not be stored or transported together with food, clothing and furniture. If in doubt, contact the Pesticide Control Board","Mankhwala ophera tizilombo asungidwe pamalo ouma, osafika dzuwa. Asasungidwe kapena kusamusidwa limodzi ndi zakudya, zovala kapena mipando. Ngati mukukayika, funsani mthambi ya Pesticide Control Board",agriculture,agriculture document +en794,There are various pesticides applicators available for use by farmers. Farmers are advised to carefully choose their applicators because failure to do so may result in poor pest control leading to economic loss,Pali mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya zipangizo zothilira mankhwala ophera tizilombo zomwe alimi angagwiritse ntchito. Alimi akulangizidwa kusankha mosamala zipangizo zawo chifukwa kulephera kutero kungadzetse kutayika kwa chuma chifukwa cholephera kuthana ndi tizilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en795,"The choice of a sprayer should be based on crop type, area to be covered, pests to be controlled, terrain of the area to be sprayed and initial capital","Kusankha chida chopopera kutsamire pa mtundu wa mbewu, kukula kwa malo, tizilomboto, malo ake oyenera kupopera komanso mpamba woyambira",agriculture,agriculture document +en796,Ultra Low Volume (ULV) and knapsack sprayers are recommended for spraying small crops and bushes including vegetables. Mist blowers can be used for spraying any crop including large trees,Ultra low volume komanso zopopera zobelekera ndizovomerezeka kupopera mbewu zing'onozing'ono komanso tchire kuphatikiza ndiwo zamasamba. Zida zowuzira mpweya zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito popopera mbewu zilizonse kuphatikiza mitengo ikuluikulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en797,"All pesticides are dangerous. To prevent accidental poisoning, all pesticides should be properly stored in original labelled containers and be kept away from children","Mankhwala onse ophera tizilombo ndi oopsa. Popewa kuvulala kapena kufa ndi mankhwalawa mwangozi, mankhwala onse ophera tizilombo asungidwe moyenera muzipangizo zawo, zolembedwa bwino pamwamba pake ndipo asungidwe kutali ndi ana",agriculture,agriculture document +en798,Containers which are not clearly labelled or have no labels should not be used. Decanting of pesticides and reuse of containers is totally discouraged as this would also cause accidental poisoning. Safety periods between application and harvesting of food crops have to be strictly observed,Zipangizo zosungira zomwe sidzinalembedwe pamwamba pake kapena zilibe zolemba zilizonse zisagwiritsidwe ntchito. Kutsanyula mankhwala ophera tizilombo komanso kugwiritsa ntchito mobwereza zipangizo zosungira ndikoletsedwa chifukwa izi zimadzetsa kuvulala kapena kufa mwangozi. Nthawi yopewa ngozi yapakati pothira ndi kukolola zakudya itsatidwe mwatotomoyo,agriculture,agriculture document +en799,All pesticides users should be trained to handle pesticides with utmost care. The general practice by farmers of spraying without protective clothing should be discouraged as it exposes a large area of the body to the pesticide,"Onse ogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala aphunzitsidwe kasamalidwe kamankhwala mosamala. Kwambiri, chizolowezi cha alimi chomapopera asanavale zovala zodzitetezera chidzudzulidwe chifukwa zimayika malo ambiri athupi lawo pachiopzeso chogwerapo mankhwala",agriculture,agriculture document +en800,"Farmers should be advised to cover as much of their body as possible. Protective clothing should be used and for these purpose overalls, gloves, gum boots and masks are recommended","Alimi alangizidwe kuphimba thuphi lawo lonse. Zovala zodzitetezera zigwiritsidwe ntchito ndipo pantchito iyi zovala zokwana tthupi lonse, zovala mmanja, nsapato zazitali komanso zotchinga kunkhope ndizovomerezeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en801,"Where farmers cannot afford overalls and gum boots, they should improvise with plastic bags or any other plastic materials; and where they cannot afford masks, they should improvise with pieces of cloth. Sprayers that are leaking should be repaired before use","Pamene alimi sangakwaitse kugula zovala zotchinga thupi lonse ndi nsapato zazitali, agwiritse tchito zomwe ali nazo monga majumbo kapena mapepala a plastic; ndipo pomwe sangakwanitse kugula zotchinga kunkhope, abise nkhope yawo ndi nsalu. Zopopera zomwe zikudontha zikonzedwe zisanagwiritsidwe ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en802,"To avoid disposal problems of left over pesticides, farmers should be advised to mix just enough quantity of pesticide for the crop area to be treated","Popewa mavuto otaya mankhwala omwe atsala, alimi alangizidwe kusakaniza mulingo woyenera wamankhwala wokwanira dera lomwe akufuna kupopera",agriculture,agriculture document +en803,"If, however, a small quantity of a pesticide remains in the sprayer tank or mixing bucket this should quickly be sprayed over the crop or another crop specified on the label until all is used up","Koma ngati mulingo wochepa wamankhwala watsala mu chipangizo chopopera kapena mu ndowa yosakanizira, izi zithilidwe ku mbewu mwachangu kapena kumbewu ina yomwe yalembedwa pa botolopo mpaka onse atathamo",agriculture,agriculture document +en804,It is recommended that sprayers and mixing buckets should be rinsed at least three times with clean water,Ndikoyenera kuti zipangizo zopopera ndi ndowa zonse zogwiritsa ntchito posakaniza mankhwala zitsukidwe kosachepera katatu ndi madzi oyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en805,"Rinsing water should not be disposed of on grazing areas, in open water masses (ponds, streams, rivers and lakes), or sites draining into open water masses as most of them are toxic to human beings, animals, fish and other aquatic organisms","Madzi otsukira asatayidwe pamalo odyetserea ziweto, mmadzi monga pachitsime, mumtsinje, munyanja kapena malo omwe mumadutsa madzi okalowa muzitsime chifukwa ambiri ndi oopsa pa moyo wa munthu, zinyama, nsomba ndi zamoyo zina zammadzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en806,Rinsing water should be buried in a small pit in the field. Paper and polythene packs should be burned in a pit in open air,Madzi otsukura akwiliridwe ma denje laling'ono mmundamo. Mapepala a plastic awontchedwe mu dzenje podutsa mpweya,agriculture,agriculture document +en807,The burning has to be done in an open space with plenty of air since some pesticides can produce fumes that are dangerous,"Kuotcha kuchitike pabwalo, podutsa mpweya wambiri chifukwa mankhwala ena amatulutsa utsi woyipa",agriculture,agriculture document +en808,"Alternatively burn in an incinerator. Metal container should be perforated and flattened, plastic containers cut and glass containers broken before being buried in a pit","Njira ina ndikuotcha mumphika. Zipangizo za zitsulo zibooledwe ndukuphwanidwa, zipangizo za plastic zidulidwe ndipo za glass ziswedwe zisanakwiliridwe mu dzenje",agriculture,agriculture document +en809,Wherever possible farmers should buy pesticides in small quantities just enough for the season and mixing just enough for that day’s spraying to avoid storage and disposal problems,Ngati nkotheka alimi agule mankhwala ophera tizilombo mmilingo ing'onoing'ono ongokwanira nyengo imeneyo ndikusakaniza okhawo okwanira kuthira patsikulo popewa mavuto akusunga komanso kutaya mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en810,"Little is known about the use of natural products such as fish bean (Tephrosia vogelii), neem, dema etc. but small-scale farmers may be using these to control pests","Zochepa zikudziwika pa kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka mankhwala achilengedwe monga fish bean (Tephrosia vogelii), neem ndi dema mwa zina koma alimi ang'onoang'ono amagwiritsa ntchito zimenezi pothana ndi tizilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en811,Use of such natural plant products on a commercial scale is not allowed without prior permission from the Ministry of Agriculture,Kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu zachilengedwe pantchito ya ulimi wamalonda sikololedwa popanda chilolezo kuchokera ku unduna wa za malimidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en812,"When a person handling a pesticide is contaminated with splashes or spillage, contaminated clothes should be removed and the skin washed with plenty of clean water and soap","Pamene munthu yemwe amagwira mankhwala wayipitsidwa ndi mankhwalawo pomugwera kapena kumutayikira pathupi, zovala zomwe zayipitsidwa ndi mankhwalazo zivulidwe ndipo atsuke khungu lake ndi madzi aukhondo ambirimbiri komanso ndi sopo",agriculture,agriculture document +en813,"Contaminated eyes should be rinsed with clean water for at least 15 minutes. In case of poisoning, medical attention should be sought","Ngati mankhwala anagwera mmaso, atsukidwe ndi madzi kw mphindi 15. Ngati mwangozi wamwa mankhwalawa, akasake chithandizo kwa azaumoyo",agriculture,agriculture document +en814,"Where possible, first aid as stated on the label can be given before the patient reaches the hospital","Pomwe ndizotheka, chithandizo choyamba chipelekedwe monga mmene alembera pa malangizo omwe ali kunja kwa chipangizo chosungira mankhwala munthu asanafike kuchipatala",agriculture,agriculture document +en815,Make sure to bring to the hospital the pesticide container so that the doctor is able to check specifications on the label,Onetsetsani kuti mwatenga chipangizo chosungira mankhwala ophera tizilombo popita kuchipatala ndi cholinga chakuti adokotala akadziwe zambiri zamkhwalawo pa uthenga umenewo,agriculture,agriculture document +en816,The Department of Agricultural Research Services runs several plant laboratory clinics for pest diagnostic services such as plant disease and insect pest identification,Mthambi yoona kafukufuku wa ulimi imayendetsa ntchito zachipatala cha mbewu zambiri pofuna kupima mbewu monga kuzindikira matenda a mbewu ndi tizilombo towononga,agriculture,agriculture document +en817,"After the pest has been identified, its identity and control options are communicated to the farmer if necessary","Kachilombo kaja kakazindikiridwa, zozindikiritsa zake komanso njira zothanirana nako zimalengezedwa kwa alimi ngati nkofunika kutero",agriculture,agriculture document +en818,Deficiencies in soil nutrients in different parts of the country affects crop production negatively. This is addressed through use of fertilizers,Kuchepa kwa michere munthaka mmadera osiyanasiyana mdziko muno amakhudza ulimi wa mbewu moyipa. Izi zimakonzedwa pogwiritsa ntchito feteleza,agriculture,agriculture document +en819,"Chemical fertilizers improve crop yields tremendously, especially in maize, tobacco, rice and horticultural crops","Mankhwala a feteleza amachulukitsa zokolola kwambiri makamaka chimanga, fodya, mpunga ndi mbewu zolimidwa mmanyumba",agriculture,agriculture document +en820,They also contribute towards quality improvement for the produce especially when balanced plant nutrients are provided,Zimathandizanso kuwonjezera ubwino wa zokolola makamaka ngati zayikidwa pamulingo woyenera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en821,Fertilizers give best results when crop husbandry practices are of high standard. Failure to observe these fundamental principles of good farming will only result in a waste of money spent on fertilizers,Feteleza amabweretsa zotsatira zabwino pamene mbewu zasamalidwa mwa ukadaulo. Kulephera kutsatira mfundo za kalimidwe koyenera kumachititsa kuti ndalama zitayike pogula feteleza,agriculture,agriculture document +en822,"When crops are infested with pests, the yield and quality are reduced. It is therefore important that farmers control pests both in the field and in storage","Pamene mbewu zagwidwa ndi tizilombo, zokolola komanso ubwino wa zokolola umatsika. Kotero, nkofunika kuti alimi athane ndi tizilombo mminda komanso munkhokwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en823,Pesticides should only be used if the level of the pest/ disease is at or exceeds the economic threshold level (value of crop saved crop exceeds the cost of control,Mankhwala ophera tizilombo agwiritsidwe ntchito pokhapokha ngati mulingo wa tizilombo kapena matenda wafika kapena wapyola mulingo wachuma chomwe chingadze ku mbewu (ngati ndalama zomwe mbewu zingabweretse zikupyola ndalama zogwiritsa ntchito kuthana ndi tizilombo),agriculture,agriculture document +en824,"Farm implements and draught animals facilitate tillage operations, transport, and proper application of pesticides","Zipangizo za kumunda komanso nyama zokoka zipangizo zimathandiza ntchito yolima, kunyamuka katundu komanso kuthira mankhwala moyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en825,"These include ploughs, ridgers, cultivators, tool bars and treck chains for tillage, farm carts and wheelbarrows for transport","Izi ndi monga zogaulira, zopangira mizere zobzalira, zokokera makasu olimira, ngolo komanso mawilibala zonyamulira katundu ",agriculture,agriculture document +en826,"Other inputs provided are dairy cows, milking equipment, draught animals, stall feeders and poultry","Zipangizo zina ndi ng'ombe zamkaka, zipangizo zokamira mkaka, zinyama zokoka ngolo, modyetsera ziweto komanso ziweto zamtundu wa mbalame",agriculture,agriculture document +en827,"Inputs for livestock production include dairy cows, draught animals, breeding stock, poultry, milking equipment, feeds, drugs and pesticides","Zipangizo zofunikira pa ulimi wa ziweto ndi monga ng'ombe zamkaka, zinyama zokoka ngolo, zinyama zochulukitsira, ziweto za mtundu wa mbalame, zipangizo zokamira mkaka, zakudya, mankhwala komanso mankhwala ophera tizilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en828,"The animals can be sourced from Government farms and other farmers. Feeds, feeders, drinkers can be sourced from agrodealers; drugs, pesticides and vaccines can be sourced from veterinary pharmacies","Zinyamazi zikhoza kupezeda ku minda ya boma ndiponso kwa alimi ena. Zakudya, modyetsera, momwera zikhoza kupezedwa kwa ochita malonda a zaulimi; mankhwala, mankhwala ophera tizilombo ndi katemera akhoza kupezeka ku ochita malonda ogulitsa mankhwala a ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en829,"To ensure adequate supply of farm inputs, estimates should be made in line with demand. Staff should closely monitor their availability, distribution, purchase and use","Pofuna kukhala ndi zipangizo zokwanira nthawi zonse, mulingo woyerekeza upangidwe potengera kuchuluka kwa zipangizo zomwe zikufunidwa. Ogwira ntchito adziyang'ana kupezeka kwawo, kagawidwe, kagulidwe ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en830,Soil is a medium for plant growth and is a crucial asset of importance in agricultural production,Dothi ndi chida chothandizira mbewu kuti zikule ndipo ndi chinthu chofunika kwambiri pa ulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en831,Unfortunately soils in Malawi have a serious problem of nutrient deficiency which is caused by a number of factors,Mwatsoka dothi ku Malawi liri ndi mavuto osowa michere zomwe zimadza kamba ka zinthu zingapo,agriculture,agriculture document +en832,"Continuous cultivation on the same piece of land with no crop residue incorporation and lack of or inadequate application of chemical fertilizer, has greatly affected soil crop productivity","Kulima mosadukiza pamalo amodzimodzi mopanda kusakaniza zinyalala za mbewu komanso kusathira kapena kusathira makwanira mankhwala a feteleza, zomwe zawononga kwambiri phindu la dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en833,"Most of Malawi soils are depleted of their nutrients and organic matter. Loss of soil cations has reduced soil pH, thus increasing soil acidity",Dothi lambiri ku Malawi lilibe michere ndi chonde. Kutayika kwa michere kwakwachepetsa pH ya dothi motero kuwonjezera kuwawasa kwa dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en834,The pressure to produce more from the soil is growing proportionally with the rapid increase in population,Mpanipani wofuna kuchulukitsa zokolola kuchokera mu dothi kukukula kwambiri chifukwa cha kukwera kwa chiwerengero cha anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en835,"Smallholder farmers traditionally practiced shifting cultivation, with soil fertility being rejuvenated by long fallow periods","Alimi ang'onoang'ono akhala akutsatira ulimi wotsatira chonde, pomwe mthaka imasiyidwa osalimidwa kuti mphamvu zake zibwelere ",agriculture,agriculture document +en836,"However, pressure from rapidly increasing population has led to reduced-fallow periods and little or no rotation. Poor land and soil management practices under smallholder agriculture causes a serious increase in soil erosion, surface runoff and nutrient depletion","Komabe, mpanipani wodza kamba kakuchuluka chiwerengero wachepetsa nthawi yosiya malo osawalima komanso kulima opanda kasinthasintha. Kasamalidwe ka malo ndi dothi kosayenera chifukwa cha alimi ang'onoang'ono kumawonjezera kukoloka kwa dothi, madzi othamanga komanso kusuluka kwa michere mdothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en837,"Declining soil fertility, especially nutrient deficiencies and poor soil physical conditions are among the most significant factors constraining crop production in Malawi","Kuguga kwa nthaka, makakaka kuchepa kwa michere ndi kuonongeka kwa dothi ndi zina mwa zinthu zikuluzikulu zomwe zikutsamwitsa ulimi mMalawi",agriculture,agriculture document +en838,The soil’s inherent capacity to supply available soil nutrients in adequate amounts and suitable proportions decreases with continued cropping with little or no nutrient added,Mphamvu zachibadwa za dothi kuti zipeleke michere yoyenera komanso pa mulingo woyenera zimachepa chifukwa cholimapo mbewu mosadukiza komanso mosawonjezera michere ina,agriculture,agriculture document +en839,Continuous cropping without proper management of external nutrients exacerbate the mining of nutrients from the soils,Kulima mbewu mosadukisa popanda kusamala michere yowonjezera kwakuza kuchoka kwa michere mu dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en840,"To ensure a sustainable increase in crop production, application of fertilizers and manure is very important","Pofuna kulima mbewu zochuluka mosaononga, kuthita feteleza ndi manyowa ndi kofunika kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en841,The use of fertilizers without first testing the soil for its nutrient status is like taking medicine without first consulting a medical doctor to establish the problem,Kugwiritsa ntchito feteleza popanda kuyeza dothi kuti muone mulingo wa michere yake ndi chimodzimodzi kumwa mankhwala kaye usanayezedwe ndi adokotala kuti udziwe vuto ,agriculture,agriculture document +en842,Soil nutrient deficiencies should be identified through soil testing to benefit from fertilizer application,Kuchepa kwa michere ya dothi kudziwike poyeza dothi kuti kuthira feteleza kukhale kopindula,agriculture,agriculture document +en843,"Recently, the cost of chemical fertilizer has more than doubled, and fertilizer use should be restricted to sites of real nutrient deficiencies to reduce the cost of production","Posachedwapa, mitengo ya feteleza yakwera kwambiri ndipo kugwiritsa ntchito feteleza kuchitike pamalo omwe palibiretu michere ina iliyonse pofuna kuchepetsa ndalama zolimitsira",agriculture,agriculture document +en844,Soil testing is essential as the first step in obtaining high yield and maximum returns from the money invested in fertilizer,kuyeza dothi ndikofunika ngati njira yoyamba yopezera zokolola zochuluka komanso kuchulukitsa phindu pa ndalama zomwe zaguliridwa feteleza,agriculture,agriculture document +en845,"Efficient use of fertilizer is a major factor in any programme designed to bring about high economic returns in agricultural production, and this can be achieved only when the application of fertilizer is based on information derived from a soil test","Kagwiritsidwe ntchito koyenera ka feteleza ndi chinthu chofunika kwambiri mu ntchito zilizonse zomwe cholinga chake ndikubweretsa phindu lachuma lochuluka pa ulimi, ndipo izi zingakwaniritsidwe pokhapokha kuthira feteleza kukutsamira ma mauthenga onse ochokera pa kuyeza dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en846,"Each recommendation based on a soil test takes into account the values obtained from soil analysis, the research work so far conducted on the crop in the particular soil area, and the management practices of the concerned farmer","Langizo lirilonse lochokera pakuyeza dothi limaunikira zotsatira zomwe zapezeka pakuyeza dothilo, kafukufuku yemwe wakhala akuchitika pa mbewuyo kuderako, komanso njira zakasamalidwe zomwe mlimi wokhuzidwa amatsatira",agriculture,agriculture document +en847,The national aim therefore is to provide soil testing services which would be a guide to the expected contribution of particular soil nutrients and making a judicious fertilizer recommendation for profitable agriculture production,Choncho cholinga cha dziko ndi kubweretsa ntchito zoyeza dothi zomwe zikhale mlozo wa zomwe tikuyenbezera kupeza pa michere irilonse ndiponso kupeleka uphundu pa feteleza woyenera kuti ulimi ukhale wopindulitsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en848,A useful soil testing service starts with collection of representative soil samples. A fertilizer recommendation made after analyzing the soil can only be as good as the sample on which it is based,Kuyeza kopindulitsa kwa dothi kumayamba ndi kutolera dothi loyerekeza. Upangiri pa feteleza wopelekedwa pambuyo pakuyeza dothi umakhala wabwino ngati zotsatira za dothi lomwe lagwiritsidwa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en849,One field can be treated as a simple sampling unit if only the soil is relatively uniform and does not exceed two hectares,"Munda wina ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati potengera dothi lachitsanzo, koma dothi likhale lofanana ndipo munda usapyole ma hectare awiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en850,"Variations in slope, colour, texture, management, and crop pattern should be taken into account and separate composite samples should be collected for each area","Kusiyana pa kutsetsereka kwa malo, maonekedwe a dothi, kasamalidwe ndi mbewu zomwe zimalimidwa pamalopo zigwiritsidwe ntchito ndipo dothi ltengedwe mmalo osiyanasiyana",agriculture,agriculture document +en851,"To obtain a composite soil sample adequately representing the field, follow the procedure given below: Sample each field separately","Kuti atenge dothi lokwanira lokayeza loyimira munda wonse, tsatirani ndondomeko zomwe zili mmunsizi: tengani dothi mmunda uliwonse paokha",agriculture,agriculture document +en852,"However, where the areas within a field differ distinctively in crop growth, appearance of the soil, or in elevation, or are known to have been cropped or fertilized and manure applied differently, divide the field and sample each area separately","Komabe, pomwe pali kusiyana pakakulidwe ka mbewu mmundamo, maonekedwe a dothi kapena kukwera kwa gawo lamunda, kapena zikudziwika kuti panalimidwa kapena panathiridwa feteleza ndi manyowa mosiyana, gawani munda ndipo mbali iloyonse patengedwe dothi paokha",agriculture,agriculture document +en853,"Take a composite sample for each area. Scrape away surface litter, then take a small sample from the surface to plough depth (20cm) from a number of plots in the field (20 to 30 per hectare). Collect these samples in a clean bucket or a wide container","Tengani dothi losiyanasiyana pamagawo onsewo. Palani zinyalala zapamwamba, kenako tengani dothi pang'ono pamwambapo kulowa pansi mpaka 20cm kuchokera mmalo angapo osiyanasiyana padera lokwana ma hectare 20 mpaka 30. Tengani dothili ndi kuliyika mu zonyamulira zaukhondo",agriculture,agriculture document +en854,"Where crops have been planted in lines (rows), sample between the lines. Do not sample unusual areas. Avoid areas recently fertilized, old bunds, marshy spots, near trees, compost piles, or other non-representative locations","Pomwe mbewu zabzalidwa mmakako, tengani dothi pakati pa makako. Musatenge dothi pamalo odabwitsa. Pewani malo omwe pathiridwa feteleza posachedwa, milambala yakale, malo odikha madzi, pafupi ndi mitengo, pomwe paunjikidwa zinyalala, kapena malo ena omwe sipakuyenera kutengedwa dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en855,"Use proper sampling tools. Satisfactory samples can be taken with a soil tube, auger, spade, trowel or pick-axe","Gwiritsani ntchito zipangizo zoyenera zotengera dothi. Dothi loyerekeza lokwanira likhoza kutengedwa ndi soil tube, auger, spade, trowel kapena pick-axe",agriculture,agriculture document +en856,"Take a uniformly thick sample from the surface to plough depth. If a spade or trow are used, dig a V-shaped hole, then cut out a uniformly thick (2cm) slice of soil from the bottom to the top of the exposed soil face. Collect the sample on the blade or in your hand and place it in the bucket","Tengani dothi lofanana kuchokera pamwamba kulowa pansi. Ngati mwagwiritsa ntchito spade kapena tromel, kumbani ngati V ndipo dulani 2cm ya dothi kuchokera pansi kufika pamwamba pa dothi. Tengani dothilo pa mpeni kapena manja ndipo muliyike mosungira ",agriculture,agriculture document +en857,Pour soil from the bucket on a piece of clean cloth or paper and mix thoroughly. Discard by quartering all but 500g to 1 kg of soil,Thirani dothi pa nsalu yoyera kapena papepala kuchokera mosungira kapena ndipo mulisakanize mokwanira. Tayani dothi kupatula lomwe mwaligawa mzigawo ziyani zofanana lolemera pakati pa 500g ndi 1kg,agriculture,agriculture document +en858,Quartering may be done by mixing the remaining two portions; again dividing into four parts and discarding two opposite quarters,"Kugawa dothi mzigawo zinayi kukhozanso kuchitika posakaniza magawo awiri otsala; kenako kuwagawa mzigawo zinayi zofanana, ndikutaya magawo awiri oyang'anizana ",agriculture,agriculture document +en859,The sample should be dried in the shade for an hour or two before it is put in a cloth bag container,Dothi liwumitsidwe pamthunzi kwa ola limodzi kapena awiri lisayikidwe mu thumba la nsalu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en860,Each cloth bag should be large enough to hold 500g or 1kg of soil and should be properly marked to identify the sample,Thumba lirilonse lansalu likhale lalikulu kuti lisunge dothi lolomera 500g mpaka 1kg ndipo liyikidwe chizindikiro chooneka pofuna kuzindikira bwino dothi lachitsanzoli,agriculture,agriculture document +en861,Fill out soil sample information sheet for each sample. ADDs can obtain these forms from Chitedze and Bvumbwe Agricutural Research Stations. These forms may be sent separately to the laboratory or enclosed with the soil sample,Lembani uthenga wonse wofunika wokhuza dothi lirilonse pa mapepala oyenera. Ma ADD akhoza kupeza mapepala olembapo uthenga wokhuza dothiwu kuchokera ku Chitedze ndi Bvumwe Research Stations. Mapepala authenga amenewa akhoza kutumizidwa paokha kunyumba zoyenezera kapena kutsekeredwa mkati mwa dothi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en862,Keep a record of the areas sampled and simple sketch map for reference when you get the soil test and fertilizer recommendation report from the soil testing laboratory,Sungani uthenga okhuza komwe dothi latengedwa ndipo jambulani mapu a komwe kuli munda ngati zofanizira pamene mwauzidwa malangizo okhuza dothi ndi feteleza zimene zakayazedwa kunyumba zoyezera,agriculture,agriculture document +en863,"As indicated, soil testing should be used as a basis for fertilizer application in order to obtain better economic returns from the money invested in the purchase of fertilizers","Ngati mmene zaotsedwa, kuyeza dothi kugwiritsidwe ntchito ngati nsanamira yothira feteleza kuti mupeze phindu lachuma pa ndalama iliyonse imene yagwiritsidwa ntchito pogula feteleza",agriculture,agriculture document +en864,Extension workers are strongly urged to encourage smallholder farmers to submit soil samples to Bvumbwe or Chitedze Research Station for analysis,Alangizi akudera akumemezedwa kuti alimbikitse alimi ang'onoang'no kupeleka dothi ku malo akafukufuku wa ulimi kwa Bvumbwe kapena Chitedze kuti likayezedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en865,In taking such Samples field staff should help farmers in order to obtain more reliable recommendation,"Potenga dothi kuchokera mminda, alangizi athandize alimi kuti apeze malangizo oyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en866,"If for some reason a farmer fails to have his or her soils analyzed, the blanket fertilizer recommendation may be used as a basis for fertilizer application with the clear knowledge that he/she may be applying quantities of fertilizers that may not bring about an economic increase in crop production","Ngati pa zifukwa zina alimi alephera kukayezetsa dothi lawo, agwiritse ntchito ulangizi waderalo wokhuza kathiridwe ka feteleza ndi upangiri wakuti akuthira mulingo wa feteleza womwe mwina suwonjezera mwaphindu zokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en867,The aim of the Agribusiness extension is to promote commercialization of agriculture especially among smallholder farmers for food security and income generations,Cholinga cholimbikitsa ulimi ngati malonda ndi kufuna kupititsa patsogolo malonda a ulimi makamaka pakati pam alimi ang'onoang'ono kuti adzidzidalira pachakudya komanso adzipeza ndalama ,agriculture,agriculture document +en868,"The national aim will be achieved through the following policy objectives: To increase farm-income by effective, efficient and sustainable use of the production resources such as land, labour, capital and management","Cholinga cha dziko chidzakwaniritsidwa kudzera mu mfundo zotsatirazi: kukweza chuma chochokera mu ulimi pogwiritsa ntchito moyenera, mosaononga zioangizo za ulimi monga malo, antchito, ndalama zolowa komanso kasamalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en869,"To promote farmer organizations such as associations, cooperatives, companies and trusts to link them effectively to service providers such as input suppliers, commodity markets and extension services","Kupititsa patsogolo mabungwe a zaulimi monga magulu a alimi, ma cooperative, makampani a za ulimi ndikuwalumikizitsa ndi opeleka ntchito monga ogulitsa zipangizo, ogulitsa mbewu ndi ntchito za ulangizi",agriculture,agriculture document +en870,"To encourage market oriented production in order to move from subsistence to commercial farming. To achieve the objectives, farmers need to have adequate resources for production","Kulimbikitsa ulimi wolingalira misika pofuna kuchoka ku ulimi wachiponyeponye kupita ku ulimi ngati malonda. Pofuna kukwaniritsa zolinga izi, alimi ayenera kukhala ndi zipangizo zokwanira pa ulimi wawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en871,Management involves decision making on the effective combination of the above mentioned factors of production,Kasamalidwe kamaphatikiza kupanga ziganizo pa kuphatikiza moyenera ndondomeko zomwe zakambidwa mmwambazi,agriculture,agriculture document +en872,"Good farm-management results in higher profits than poor management using the same quantities of land, labour and capital","Kasamalidwe koyenera ka ulimi kamapezetsa phindu lochuluka kuposa kusamala kopelewera pogwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zomwezo za malo, antchito ndi ndalama",agriculture,agriculture document +en873,"Farmers have to acquire knowledge and skills in farm planning in order to make right decisions as to what, when, where and how farm resources should be used in order to derive maximum benefits","Alimi apeze upangiri ndi luso zokonzera dongosolo la ntchito zakumunda ndi cholinga choti adzipanga ziganizo zoyenera zokhuza chani, liti, kuti komanso mmene zipangizo zikuyenera kugwilira ntchito pofuna kuchulikitsa phindu",agriculture,agriculture document +en874,These are costs directly linked to production of a specified enterprise. They may also be called production costs and change according to level of production,Izi ndi ndalama zomwe zikukhuza mwachindunji kuoangidwa kwa katundu. Zikhoza kutchulidwanso kuti ndalama zopangira katundu potengera mulingo wopangira katundu,agriculture,agriculture document +en875,"Variable costs mainly consist of costs incurred from land preparation up to harvesting, for example: planting material, fertilizer, pesticides, labour, hire of machinery and water","Ndalama zosakhadzikika makamaka zimaphatikiza ndalama zogwira ntchito pokonza malo olima mpaka kukolola mwachitsanzo: mbewu, feteleza, mankhwala, antchito, kubwereka makina ndi madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en876,These are costs incurred regardless of whether or not output is produced. They are also called “common costs” or “overhead costs”. These costs are difficult to estimate per enterprise since they need to be allocated to the various enterprises produced on the farm,Izi ndi ndalama zogwira ntchito zomwe sidzitengera kuti zinthu zapangidwa. Zimatchulidwanso kuti ndalama zogwira ntchito nthawi zonse. Ndalama izi zimavuta kuwerengetsa pa ntchito iliyonse chifukwa zimayenera kupelekedwa pa zochitika zosiyanasiyana zopangidwa pamunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en877,"Examples of these costs may include buildings machinery, taxes, insurance permanent labour cost, depreciation and interests paid on loans. Since they remain fixed they are not considered in the Gross Margin Analysis, but they are used for other budgeting purposes","Zitsanzo za ndalama zimenezi ndi monga nyumba, makina, misonkho, insurance, atchito okhadzikika, kugwa mitengo kwa zinthu ndi chiongoladzanja pa ngongole. Chifukwa chakuti zimakhala zosasinthika, sidzimawerengeredwa powerengetsa phindu la ulimi koma zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza ndondomeko za chuma pa ulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en878,"The Calculating return per area: This is calculated by dividing the gross margin by the area used for calculating the revenue and the costs, which in most cases is 1 hectare or 1 acre. This method is used when land is the most limiting factor",Kuwerengera phindu pa munda: kuwerengera kumachitika pogawira phindu ndi kukula kwa malo omwe agwiritsidwa ntchito koanso ndalama zonse zomwe zagwira ntchito; omwe nthawi zambiri amakhala hectare imodzi. Njira iyi imagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati malo ndi wovuta,agriculture,agriculture document +en879,Calculating return on labour: Is calculated by dividing the gross margin by the person days. Family labour should not be included in the calculation of gross margin itself,Kuwerengera phindu la antchito: zimawerengeredwa pogawira phindu ndi anthu komanso masiku omwe ntchito yagwiridwa. Ntchito zapabanja zisawerengeredwe powerengera phindulo,agriculture,agriculture document +en880,This method is used when labour is the most limiting factor. Calculating return on capital: This is calculated by dividing gross margin by variable costs,Njira iyi imagwiritsidwa ntchito pamene antchito ndi cholepheretsa chachikulu. Kuwerengera phindu pa mpamba: zimawerengeredwa pogawira phindu ndi ndalama zonse zomwe zalowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en881,This will tell you the return for the capital invested. This method is used when capital is the most limiting factor,Izi zikudziwitsani phindu lomwe lapezeka pa mpamba womwe wagwira ntchito. Njira iyi iamgwiritsidwa ntchito ngati mpamba ndi cholepheretsa chachikulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en882,Break even yield is calculated by dividing variable costs by price of commodity. This will give you the level of yield to be achieved in order to just cover the expenses,Kusapeza phindu kapena kusataya ndalama zimawerengeredwa pogawira ndalama zonse zomwe zagwira ntchito ndi ndalama zomwe zapezeka pogulitsa katundu. Izi zipeleka kuchuluka kwa zokolola zomwe zikufunika kuti mukwanitse kulipira zonse zofunika ,agriculture,agriculture document +en883,Breakeven price is calculated by dividing variable costs by yield. This will give you the price where you neither have a profit nor a loss,Mitengo ya kusapeza phindu kapena kusataya ndalama imawerengeredwa pogawira ndalama zolowa ndi zokolola. Izi zimapeleka mtengo womwe sipakhala phindu kapena kutaya ndalama,agriculture,agriculture document +en884,"This is the cost of fertilizer or pesticide at farm-gate. Therefore, you have to take the prices at the shops and add all costs involved to bring that fertilizer/pesticide to your farm gate",Uwu ndi mtengo wa feteleza kapena mankhwala ophera tizilombo wapamunda. Choncho mudziwe mitengo yogulira zinthu kwa ogulitsa ndikuyiphatikiza ndi ndalama zofunika kunyamula katunduyo kufika naye kumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en885,"This includes land preparation, planting, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, harvesting, cleaning, grading and packaging","Izi zimaphatikiza kukonza munda, kubzala, kuthitra feteleza, kupalira, kupopera mankhwala, zaukhondo, kusankha komanso kuyika mu zipangizo zosungira",agriculture,agriculture document +en886,"These are the opportunity costs of family labour (money which the farmer could have earned otherwise by engaging in for example casual (ganyu) labour, small business instead of farming","Uwu ndi mwayi wogwiritsa ntchito antchito apabanja monga ndalama zomwe mlimi akanapeza akanagwira ganyu kumunda, kugulitsa zinthu zing'onizing'ono mmalo molima",agriculture,agriculture document +en887,Complete budgets look at the whole farm system and not only on one or two enterprises of that farm,Ndondomeko za chuma zachikwanekwane zimayang'ana ntchito zonse zapamunda osati imodzi kapena ziwiri zokha,agriculture,agriculture document +en888,Complete budgeting will therefore include all expenses and receipts incurred in the farm system,Kupanga ndondomeko zachuma zachikwanekwane zimaphatikiza ndalama zonse zogwilira ntchito komanso zonse zomwe zalandiliridwa pa ulimi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en889,This is the main difference to marginal costing techniques like gross margin or partial budgeting,Uku ndi kusiyana kwakukulu pakati pa njira zowerengetsera monga kupeza phindu kapena ndondomeko za chuma zoyerekeza,agriculture,agriculture document +en890,Smallholder farmers usually experienced shortage of initial capital to start businesses as individuals and cannot negotiate competitively for prices on the market,Alimi ang'onoang'ono kwambiri amakumana ndi kupelewera kwa mpamba woyambira ntchito zamalonda paokha ndipo alibe kuthekera konenera mitengo yabwino kumisika,agriculture,agriculture document +en891,One way of addressing the problem is to encourage farmers to establish farmer organizations. Farmer organizations are either formal or informal,Njira imodzi yothanirana ndi vutoli ndi kulimbikitsa alimi kukhadzikitsa magulu a alimi. Magulu a alimi amakhala ovomerezeka ndi boma kapena osavomerezeka,agriculture,agriculture document +en892,"Farmers’ organizations operating like a business entity need a certain organizational form in order to function effectively, efficiently and in accordance with the laws","Magulu a alimi ogwira ntchito ngati a malonda amafunika kukhala ndi utsogoleri ndi cholinga chakuti adzigwira ntchito moyenera, mwachangu, komanso motsatira malamulo",agriculture,agriculture document +en893,The laws of Malawi provide different options for setting up a business. Some of the criteria used to differentiate these organizational forms are: Who owns the business?,Malamulo a dziko la Malawi amapeleka njira zosiyanasiyana zokhadzikitsira ntchito zamalonda. Zina mwa zofunikira zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kusiyanitsa magulu amenewa ndi monga: ntchito yamalondayo ndi yandani?,agriculture,agriculture document +en894,Who controls the business? Who profits from the business? Who uses the services offered by the business? Who is liable for debts of the business and to what extent?,Akulamulira ntchito ya malonda ndi ndani? Akupindula pa malondawo ndi ndani? Akugwiritsa ntchito zomwe zikugulitsidwa ndi ndani? Akuyenera kubwenza ngongole za ntchitoyo ndi ndani ndipo kufika mulingo wanji?,agriculture,agriculture document +en895,Though a cooperative is also a corporation it is mentioned here as a separate category. The reason being that it is an independent legal entity,"Ngakhale cooperative ilinso ngati bungwe, sinatchulidwe pano ngati gulu losiyana. Chifukwa chake ndi chakuti ndiyoyima payokha pamalamulo",agriculture,agriculture document +en896,A co-operative might experience more governmental influence through the Registrar’s office unlike a Trust under the “Trustees Incorporation Act” or a Private Company,Cooperative ikhoza kukumana ndi zochitika za boma kudzera ku mthambi yolembetsa ma kampani zomwe ndi zosiyana ndi Trust yomwe ili pansi pa Trustees Incorporation Act kapena ngati kampani yomwe siyaboma,agriculture,agriculture document +en897,"However, one has to keep in mind that most of the powers given to the Registrar are meant to promote the co-operative’s business and to protect its members from unlawful or fraudulent actions of its directors","Komabe, munthu ayenera kusunga mmalingaliro kuti mphamvu zambiri zomwe zili ndi mthambi yolembetsa makampani ndi zothandiza kupititsa patsogolo ntchito za ma cooperative ndi kuteteza mamembala ake ku mtchitidwe wophwanya malamulo kapena wa umbava kwa oyendetsa ntchitozi",agriculture,agriculture document +en898,One might classify this particular feature as an advantage or disadvantage depending on how it is implemented by the people in charge,Munthu akhoza kuyika ichi ngati ubwino kapena kuyipa potengera ndi mmene omwe akuyendetsa akukwaniritsila ntchitozo,agriculture,agriculture document +en899,The purpose of a farmers’ co-operative is to improve the economic conditions of its members by increasing their profits from farming,Cholinga cha ma cooperative a alimi ndi kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zachuma za mamembala ake pokweza phindu kuchokera mu ulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en900,"This is achieved by offering tailor made from services such as input supply, marketing, education and credit-schemes","Izi zimakwaniritsidwa popeleka ntchito ndi upangili womwe alimiwo akufuna monga zipangizo zogwiritsa ntchito, kusatsa malonda, maphunziro komanso ngongole za ulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en901,Modern cooperatives operate like private business enterprises as far as profit maximization is concerned,Ma cooperative amakono amagwira ntchito ngati makampani omwe siaboma pankhani zofuna kuchulukitsa phindu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en902,However the net profits realizes will be ploughed back to the member-farmers in proportion to their business turnover with the cooperative and to a lesser extent as dividends on the shares held by the individual members,Komabe phindu lomwe limapezeka limabwelera kwa mamembala omwe ndi alimi motsatira kukula kwa phindu lomwe lapezeka ndi cooperative ndipo kumbali ina ngati chiongoladzanja pa ma share omwe aliyense ali nawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en903,"The special feature of a cooperative is that the members are the financiers, the owners, the users, the controllers and the beneficiaries of the business at the same time","Chachikulu chozindikiritsa cooperative ndichakuti mamembala ake ndi omwe amasonkha ndalama zoyendetsera, eni ake, ogwiritsa ntchito, olamula komanso opindula ndi ntchitozo",agriculture,agriculture document +en904,The law governing cooperative societies is the Cooperative Societies Act Cap. 47:02. “A Guide to the Cooperative Societies Act” in simple English is available at the Department of Cooperatives within the Ministry of Industry and Trade,"Lamulo loyendetsera ma cooperative ndi la Cooperative Societies Act Cap. 47:02. ""A Guide to the Cooperative Societies Act"" mu chizungu chosavuta lilipo ku Department of Cooperatives ku unduna wa zamalonda",agriculture,agriculture document +en905,Advantages of a cooperative include: The business has a separate identity other that the members (shareholders); The members have limited liability,Ubwino wa ma cooperative ndi monga: ntchito yamalonda imasiyanitsidwa ndi zochitika za mamembala ake; mamembala amakhala ndi mphamvu zochepa,agriculture,agriculture document +en906,"Management is based on democratic principles. Shares are easily transferable. Legal regulations protect members’ rights (regular audits, financial estimates, members’ right to request an inspection by the Registrar)","Kagwiridwe kantchito kamatsatira ndondomeko za ufulu wodzilamulira wokha. Ma share amasamutsidwa mosavuta. Malamulo amateteza ufulu wamamembala monga kuwerengetsa chuma pafupipafupi, kupeleka ndondomeko ya chuma, ufulu wa mamembama kupempha kuti adzayenderedwe ndi a Registrar",agriculture,agriculture document +en907,"The cooperative continues when some members die. Members must be farmers with a common bond (growing the same crop, living in the same area), thus they can utilize economies of scale. Can capture certain market opportunities because of bigger production volume","Cooperative imapitilira pomwe membala wamwalira. Membala ayenera akhale mlimi yemwe ali ndi zofanana ndi alimi anzake monga kulima mbewu zofanana, kukhala dera limodzi motero akhoza kuchepetsa ndalama zogwilira ntchito. Akhoza kupeza misika yabwino chifukwa chokhala ndi katundu wambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en908,Profits may be reinvested into the co-operative and/or can be distributed to members according to their business turnover with the cooperative. Property of the cooperative is owned by the members. Size of membership is not restricted,Phindu likhoza kubwezetsedwanso mu cooperative kapena kugawidwa kwa mamembala potengera kukula kwa ntchito zamalonda zomwe anachita ndi cooperative. Katundu wa cooperative amakhala wa mamembala onse. Kukula kwa chiwerengero cha mamembala kulibe malire,agriculture,agriculture document +en909,In the formation of farmers’ organizations agricultural extension staff as well as competent advisors from NGOs and the private sector assume the role of facilitators,"Pokhadzikitsa magulu a alimi, alangizi a zaulimi komanso alangizi ena odziwa bwino ntchito ochokera kumabungwe omwe siaboma kuti amagwira ntchito zophunzitsa ",agriculture,agriculture document +en910,Their function is to create awareness among the farming community about the advantages and disadvantages of cooperatives in order to face the new challenges of production and marketing.,Ntchito yawo ndi kuzindikiritsa alimi pa zaubwino kapena kuyipa ka ma cooperative ndi cholinga choti akhale okonzeka kukumana ndi zopsinja za ulimi komanso ntchito zostatsa malonda,agriculture,agriculture document +en911,They assist the farmers in getting the needed information on group organization and management in order to empower the farmers to make sound decisions,Amathandiza alimi kupeza mauthenga ofunika okhuza gulu lawo komanso kayendetsedwe ndi cholinga chopeleka mphamvu kwa alimi zowathandiza kupanga ziganizo zabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en912,"However, it has to be remembered that ultimately group-formation is a bottom-up process which is owned by the farmers themselves","Komabe, ndikoyenera kukumbukira kuti kukhadzikitsa gulu kumayambira mmunsi ndipo eni ake ndi alimiwo",agriculture,agriculture document +en913,The following steps of group formation might serve as guidelines for farmers as well as facilitators in order to ensure good organization and functioning of farmer groups,Ndondomeko zotsatirazi zokhadzikitsira gulu zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ngati malamulo kwa alimi komanso aphunzitsi pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti magulu a alimi akuyendetsedwa ndi kugwira bwino ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en914,Awareness meeting with leading smallholder farmers - This is usually an informal meeting with some of the leading farmers from the area to discuss the problems and needs farmers face and the possibility of forming a farmer organization to address those needs,Misonkhano yozindikiritsa alimi ang'onoang'ono otsogolera- iyi imakhala misonkhano yosakhadzikika ndi ena mwa alimi otsogolera kuchokera kuderalo kuti akambirane mavuto ndi zosowa zomwe alimi akukumana nazo komanso mwayi wokhadzikitsa gulu la alimi kuti athane ndi mavutowo,agriculture,agriculture document +en915,It should be mentioned that in some cases farmer organizations cannot be used to address some challenges and needs,Nkofunika kunena kuti pena magulu a alimi sangagwiritsidwe ntchito kuthana ndi zovuta kapena zokhumba zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en916,First smallholder farmer Meeting-This is an exploratory meeting with potential members. In case of a positive decision the Interim Steering Committee should be elected in order to guide the group through the further formation process,"Mtsonkhano woyamba wa alimi ang'onoang'ono- uwu ndi msonkhano wodzakumana ndi omwe ali ndi chidwi chopanga gulu. Ngati aonetsa chidwi, komiti yogwirizira imasankhidwa kuti itsogolere gulu pa ndondomeko zonse zokhadzikitsira gulu",agriculture,agriculture document +en917,Feasibility Study-Feasibility study is designed to provide an overview of the primary issues related to a business idea. It determines whether the business idea would be economically worthwhile or not,Kuchita kafukufuku - kafukufuku amakonzedwa pofuna kukhala ndi chithunzithunzi cha zovuta zomwe zilipo pa chiganizo chokhuza ntchito zamalonda. Amanena ngati ntchito yamalonda yomwe ikuganiziridwa ndi yoyenera kapena ayi,agriculture,agriculture document +en918,Second smallholder farmer meeting-At this meeting the results of the feasibility study will be presented and discussed,"Msonkhano wachiwiri wa alimi ang'onoang'ono- pa nsokhano uwu, zotsatira zakafukufuku zimapelekedwa kwa anthu kuti akambirane",agriculture,agriculture document +en919,"If the feasibility study is indicating a viable business but farmers support is questionable it is advisable to ask farmers to make a token interest investment and sign a pre-membership agreement. Nevertheless, there should be a vote to proceed with formation or not","Ngati kafukufuku akuonetsa kuti ntchito yamalonda ndiyotheka koma alimi sakuonetsa chidwi, ndikoyenera kuwafunsa alimi kuti aonetse chidwi pa ntchitoyi ndipo avomere kukhala mamembala ogwirizira. Ngakhele zili chonchi, pakhale kuponya voti ngati pakufunika kupitilira kupanga gulu kapena ayi",agriculture,agriculture document +en920,Business plan-There is need for a business plan for the group to be prepared. A business-plan gives an opportunity to find weaknesses or hidden problems ahead of time. This aims at assessing potentiality of chosen business,Ndondomeko ya ntchito zamalonda-pali kufunika kokhala ndi ndondomeko yoyendetsera ntchito zamalonda za gulu kuti ikonzedwe. Ndondomeko imapeleka chotsanzo cha mwayi kuti muunike zofooka komanso mavuto obisika asanachitike. Cholinga chake ndi kufufuza kuthekera kwa ntchito yomwe yasankhidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en921,Constitution and bye laws-Group members need to discuss and formulate the groups constitution and bye laws. They will be used for registration and in day to day activities of the group,Malamulo a gulu- mamembala a gulu ayenera kukambirana ndikukonza malamulo oyendetsera gulu. Adzagwiritsidwa ntchito pokalembetsa gulu komanso kuyendetsa ntchito za tsiku ndi tsiku za gulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en922,"Incorporation of the farmers’ Organizations-The legal environment, the kind of services envisaged, the feasibility study as well as the member's preferences will determine which organizational form will be chosen","Kulembetsa gulu la alimi- Malamulo omwe gulu lidzitsatira, ntchito zomwe gulu lidzichita, kafukufuku komanso zokonda za mamembala zithandiza kusankha kuti gulu lokhadzikitsidwa litsatire zotani",agriculture,agriculture document +en923,"Election of office bearers-Before election, farmers need to be sensitized on the office's, responsibilities and duties of office bearers","Kusankha atsogoleri- masankho asanachitike, alimi ayenera kudzindikiritsidwa za maudindo, ntchito ndi udindo wa atsogoleri ",agriculture,agriculture document +en924,This will enable them to elect appropriate persons to the positions. Officers should then be elected carefully according to reputation and qualifications needed,Izi zithandiza kuti asankhe anthu oyenera kukhala mmipandoyo. Atsogoleri ayenera kusankhidwa mosamala potengera mbiri zawo komanso maphunziro awo,agriculture,agriculture document +en925,"Hire staff, acquire facilities and equipment-Employing staff or other personnel will depend on the type and size of business and qualifications needed to run it","Kulemba ogwira ntchito, kupeza malo komanso zida- Kulemba anthu ogwira ntchito ndi ena othandizira kutengera mtundu ndi kukula kwa ntchito zamalonda komanso maphunziro oyenera kuyendetsera ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en926,"Acquire facilities and equipment that may be required. Ensure that use and maintenance of facilities like storage rooms, office rooms and phones is well stipulated in the bye laws","Pezani malo ndi zida zomwe zikufunika. Onetsetsani kuti kagwiritsidwe ntchito ndikukukonza kwa malo monga malo osungira zinthu, malo ogwilira ntchito, ma lamya zayikidwa mmalamulo",agriculture,agriculture document +en927,"Begin operations-Open bank account, arrange for book keeping and record keeping, elect members to subcommittees or task forces, start implementing the business plan","Yambani ntchito zamalonda- tsegulani buku laku banki, pezani olemba ndikusunga zonse zochitika pa malonda, sankhani mamembala mumakomiti ang'onoang'ono, yambani kugwira ntchito zomwe zili mu ndondomeko yanu",agriculture,agriculture document +en928,The overall objective of a farmers’ organization is to increase the farmers’ income. This is achieved by offering tailor-made services to its members,Cholinga chachikulu cha bungwe la alimi ndi kuchulukitsa phindu la alimi. Izi zimakwaniritsidwa popeleka upangiri womwe mamembala akufuna,agriculture,agriculture document +en929,"Usually a farmers’ organization will provide one or more of the following services: Marketing-Through bulking of members’ produce, the farmers’ bargaining power is improved when dealing with other business-partners","Nthawi zambiri bungwe la alimi lidzapeleka imodzi kapena kupitilira apo mwa ntchito izi: Kutsatsa malonda kudzera kusonkhetsa katundu, kuthekera kwa alimi kunenera mitengo kumakula akamambirana ndi ochita malonda ena",agriculture,agriculture document +en930,"Wholesale traders are attracted by big quantities and might collect the produce with their own transport facilities, thus reducing the marketing costs of the farmers","Ogula mopikula amakopeka ndi katundu wambiri ndipo akhoza kudzanyamula wokha katundu pogwiritsa ntchito mayendedwe awo, zomwe zingathandize kuchepetsa mtengo wogulitsira malonda kwa alimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en931,Improved storage facilities can reduce produce losses and enable the Farmers’ organizations to speculate on prices,Zipangizo zosungura katundu zamakono zingachepetse kuwonongeka kwa zokolola ndi kuthandiza bungwe la alimi kupeza mitengo yabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en932,Communication facilities which might be too costly for an individual farmer for identifying attractive buyers and accessing market information,Zipangizo zolumikizana zomwe zingakhale zamtengo wokwera kwambiri kwa mlimi payekha zosakira ogula opatsa chikoka ndi kupeza mauthenga a misika,agriculture,agriculture document +en933,"Value adding by grading, simple processing and packaging. Buyers are attracted by assured quality. Improved facilities and equipment like scales are verified by Malawi Bureau of Standards in order to diminish fraud","Kuonjezera phindu posankha, kuzikonza pang'ono ndi kudziyika mu zipangizo zogulitsira. Ogula amakopeza akatsimikiza kuti katundu ndi wabwino. Zipangizo ndi zida zamakono monga zoyezera zimatsindikizidwa ndi Malawi Bureau of Standards pofuna kuthetsa mchitidwe wakuba",agriculture,agriculture document +en934,Reduced costs of inputs-bulk purchasing reduces price of needed supplies. Reduced costs of transport-some companies offer free delivery when the ordered amount is big enough,Kuchepetsa ndalama za zipangizo-Kugula katundu wochuluka pakamodzi kumachepetsa mtengo wa zipangizo zomwe zikufunikira. Kuchepetsa ndalama za mayendedwe-makampani ena amanyamula katundu mwaulele mukagula katundu wochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en935,Supply of specific inputs otherwise not available. Sometimes the private sector is not interested to provide specific inputs in remote areas. Those inputs can be made available by the farmers’ organization,Kupeza zipangizo zomwe palibe. Nthawi zina ochita malonda omwe si aboma samakhala ndi chidwi chopititsa zipangizo za zina za ulimi kumidzi. Zipangizo za ulimizi zikhoza kupezeka kudzera ku bungwe la alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en936,"Organized groups have easy access to credit institutions. Through provision of services at cost and distribution of the Farmers’ Organizations’ earnings, the income of the members is improved","Magulu okhazikika amakhala ndi mwayi ofikira ongongoza ndalama mosavuta. Kudzera nkupeleka ntchito molipiritsa komanso kugawana phindu lomwe bungwe la alimi lapeza, chuma cha mamambala chimachuluka",agriculture,agriculture document +en937,"Continued education on production, marketing and organizational issues boosts production and improves members’ educational level","Maphunziro opitilira a zaulimi, kutsatsa malonda ndi kukonza kayendetsedwe kazinthu zimakuza malimidwe komanso kuwonjezera maphunziro a mamembala",agriculture,agriculture document +en938,Enables more effective linkages between extension services providers and research. Encourages farmer to farmer extension services using the Lead Farmer Approach.,Zimathandiza maubale abwino pakati pa alangizi a zaumili ndi ochita kafukufuku. Zimalimbikitsa mlimi ndi mlimi kuthandizana kudzera mu ndondomeko ya Mlimi Wachitsanso,agriculture,agriculture document +en939,Farmers’ Organization represents many voices and is in a much better position to raise its members’ concerns in the political arena than an individual farmer,Bungwe la alimi limayimira liwu la anthu ambiri ndipo liri ndi mphamvu yoyankhula madandaulo a mamembala ake kwa andale kuposa mlimi payekha,agriculture,agriculture document +en940,Farmers Organizations can address members’ needs not taken care of by other institutions and/ or organizations by offering tailor-made services,Bungwe la alimi lingathe kuthetsa mavuto a mamembala ake omwe sanakonzedwe ndi nthambi ndi mabungwe ena powapatsa ntchito zomwe iwo akufuna ,agriculture,agriculture document +en941,"As farmers become more market-oriented, agricultural extension needs are changing and extension workers, farmers, and other stakeholders face new challenges in providing appropriate advice","Pemene chidwi cha alimi chukukhala pa misika, zosowekera pa ulangizi wa zaulimi zikusinthanso ndipo alangizi a zaulimi, alimi ndi magulu ena onse akukumana ndi zovuta zatsopano popeleka upangiri woyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en942,"Smallholder farmers have to become better managers, more competitive and improve their efficiency and profitability","Alimi ang'onoang'ono akhale akaswiri oyang'anira ntchito, wopambana anzawo pazochitika ndi kumachita bwino komanso kupeza phindu",agriculture,agriculture document +en943,"One methodology envisioned by the service is to build farmer capacity in entrepreneurial and management skills, through a “learning by doing” approach",Njira imodzi yomwe inagaziridwa ndi eni ntchito ndi kukulitsa kuthekera kwa alimi powaphunzitsa maluso a zamalonda ndi kasamalidwe kake kudzera munjira yophunzira pakuchita,agriculture,agriculture document +en944,"The Farm Business School (FBS) concept enables farmers to learn and improve their knowledge, change their attitudes and enhance their skills toward improved farm commercialization","Sukulu za malonda za alimi zimathandiza alimi kuphunzira ndi kuwonjezera nzeru zawo, kusintha kaganizidwe kawo ndi kukometsa maluso awo pochita ulimi ngati malonda",agriculture,agriculture document +en945,A Farm Business School is defined as a programme of business-oriented learning designed to help smallholder farmers who are getting involved in producing for the market and need help in making it work profitably,Sukulu ya malonda ya alimi imatanthauza kuti ntchito zamaphunziro a ulimi zotsamira ku malonda zokonzedwa kuthandiza alimi ang'onoang'ono omwe akutenga mbali paulimi ndicholinga chogulitsa ndipo akusowa thandizo kuti adzipeza phindu,agriculture,agriculture document +en946,It is a venue that brings farmers together to carry out collective and collaborative enquiry with the purpose of motivating farmers to address business and marketing problems and opportunities,Iyi ndi njira yobweretsa alimi pamodzi kuti akambirane pamodzi ndi mothandizana zakufunika kokopa alimi kuti akonze zovuta za ntchito zamalonda ndi kutsatsa malonda komanso mwayi womwe angapeze pamalonda,agriculture,agriculture document +en947,This learning takes place at village or local level in circumstances that are familiar to the participants,"Kuphunzira uku kumachitikira kumudzi kapena kudera, komwe ophunzira anazolowera zochitika zake",agriculture,agriculture document +en948,"Extension officers and lead farmers are trained as facilitators and then organize seasonal training courses, where farmers work in small groups at their own agreed time and duration using materials that have been specially designed for the schools","Alangizi ndi alimi achitsanzo anaphunzitsidwa ngati otsogolera maphunziro ndipo amakonza maphunziro molingana ndi nyengo, komwe alimi amagwira ntchito mmagulu ang'onoang'ono panthawi yomwe apangana pogwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zoyenera ku sukuluko",agriculture,agriculture document +en949,"The FBS forum is also regarded as a forum for sharing knowledge between farmers through discussion, practical exercises and self-study","Nkumano wa sukulu ya malonda ya alimi zimatengedwanso ngati malo ogawana nzeru pakati pa alimi kudzera muzokambirana, kugwira ntchito moyesera komanso kuphunzira paokha",agriculture,agriculture document +en950,"The major focus on FBS is management, marketing, financing and production skill development","Chidwi chachikulu cha sukulu ya malonda ya alimi ndi kukulitsa luso la kasamalidwe, kutsatsa malonda, kupeza chuma komanso kapangidwe ka zinthu",agriculture,agriculture document +en951,"A Farm Business School has four key characteristics. Focus on content not the training facility: The Farm Business School ‘classroom’ can be a classroom in a school, a formal training venue, a meeting room in a cooperative, church premises, or even outside under a tree","Sukulu ya malonda ya alimi ili ndi zozindikiritsa zinayi. Chidwi chimakhala pa zophunzitsidwa osati malo ophunzilira; malo ophunzilira pa sukulu ya malonda ya alimi akhoza kukhala mkalasi pa sukulu, malo ovomerezeka a maphunziro, chipinda chopangira misonkhano, malo a tchalichi ngakhale pansi pamtengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en952,"Equipment is kept to a minimum. A white board or chalk board, markers, chalk, pencils and exercise books make up the majority of the teaching and learning ‘equipment’","Zida zimakhala zochepa. Polemba mphunzitsi, zolembera, makope ndi zikuzikulu zomwe zimapezeka ngati zida zophunzitsira ndi kuphunzilira",agriculture,agriculture document +en953,"Experiential learning (learning by doing): Participants in the Farm Business School learn by doing. This includes exercises in the ‘classroom’, field trips, market visits, presentations and demonstrations","Kuphunzira pochita: Otenga mbali ku sukulu ya malonda ya alimi amaphunzira pochita. Izi zikuphatikiza ntchito za mkalasi, kupita kuminda, kuyendera misika, kuphunzitsa zomwe achita komanso zionetsero",agriculture,agriculture document +en954,Farmer to farmer learning: There are no experts who know everything or have all the right answers,Mlimi ndi mlimi kuphunzitsana: palibe akatswiri omwe amadziwa zonse kapena omwe ali ndi mayankho olondola onse,agriculture,agriculture document +en955,Most of the participants have something to share and something to learn. They draw from their personal experiences. They help one another understand how things work in the real world,Ophunzira ambiri ali ndi kenakake kuti agawire ena komanso zoti aphunzire. Amapeza izi kuchokera mu zomwe aphunzira kwina.Amathandizana kuti amvetsetse momwe zinthu zigwilira ntchito kunjaku,agriculture,agriculture document +en956,Matching the farm season: The programme is organized to match the activities of the farm season,Kufananiza nyengo yaulimi: ntchitoyi imakonzedwa kuti iyenderane ndi ntchito mu nyengo ya ulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en957,"Planning is done before the land is prepared in case of crops or new livestock is purchased. Marketing is addressed as a part of the planning what to produce, but it is also looked at again before the harvest is due","Ndongosolo la ntchito limapangidwa minda isanakonzedwe ngati zili mbeu kapena ziweto zatsopano zisanagulidwe. Kutsatsa malonda kumaunikidwa ngati njira imodzi yokonza zoti alime, koma imaunikidwanso nthawi yokolola isanafike",agriculture,agriculture document +en958,All of these factors keep the learning real. They keep the learning in the context of the participants’ own experiences and farming set up,Zinthu zonsezi zimachititsa kuphinzira kukhala kwenikweni. Maphunziro amatengera zomwe ophunzira akumana nazo komanso mmene pakhalira pamunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en959,"A FBS can be used or implemented by any number of organizations and individuals. This includes farmer organizations, farmer groups, commodity groups and non-government organizations","Sukulu yamalonda ya alimi ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kapena kuchitidwa ndi anthu kapena magulu ena aliwonse. Izi zikuphatikiza mabungwe a alimi, magulu a alami, ochita malonda kapena mabungwe omwe si aboma ",agriculture,agriculture document +en960,"The FBS can be run as its own programme, or can be incorporated as a part of another programme","Sukulu yamalonda ya alimi ikhoza kukhala yoyima payokha, kapena ikhoza kukhala mbali ya ntchito zina",agriculture,agriculture document +,The FBS is of particular interest to individuals and agencies that are involved in helping farmers to improve profitability,Sukulu ya malonda ya alimi imafunikira kwa anthu ndi mabubgwe omwe akuthandiza alimi kuti azipeza phindu,agriculture,agriculture document +en962,"On average the FBS runs for a period of one year comprising three terms which are named preseason, in-season and post-season","Kwambiri sukulu ya malonda ya alimi imatha kwa chaka chimodzi ndipo imakhala ndi magawo atatu omwe ndi nyengo isanayambe, mkati mwa nyengo, pambuyo pa nyengo ya ulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en963,Steps in establishment and management of farm business school: Identification of frontline staff to be facilitators,Ndongosolo lotsegulira komanso kuyendetsera sukulu yamalonda ya alimi : Kupeza ogwira ntchito kuti akhale alangizi,agriculture,agriculture document +en964,Staff training in market oriented farm business planning and management. Staff training on establishment and management of Farm Business School. Community sensitisation.,Kuphunzitsa ogwira ntchito kukonza ndondomeko ndi kasamalidwe ka ulimi ngati malonda. Kuphunzitsa ogwira ntchito kukhazikitsa komanso kuyang'anira sukulu za malonda za alimi. Kudziwitsa anthu kumudzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en965,Identification of lead farmers to participate in the school. Launching of farm business school. Facilitation and participation in FBS for a specified duration depending on type of chosen model enterprise under learning. Graduation of FBS lead farmers.,Kupeza alimi achitsanzo kuti adzitenga mbali ku sukulu. Kukhadzikitsa sukulu yamalonda ya alimi. Kuphunzitsa komanso kutenga mbali ku sukulu yamalonda ya alimi kwa nthawi yoyikika potengera mtundu wa ntchito zomwe anthu akuphunzira. Kumaliza maphunziro kwa alimi achitsanzo ku sukulu yamalonda ya alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en966,Lead farmers plan to train fellow farmers on market-oriented farm business planning and even establish Farm Business Schools in their areas,Alimi achitsanzo akonze ndondomeko zophunzitsa alimi anzawo pa kukonza ndondomeko za ulimi ngati malonda ndi kukhazikitsa sukulu zamalonda za ulimi mmadera awo,agriculture,agriculture document +en967,Malawi has been chronically affected by Malnutrition for decades identified as stunting (short for age) wasting and underweight,"Kwanthawi yayitali Malawi wakhuzidwa ndi kunyentchera kwa zakazaka koma kumadziwika ndi kupinimbira msinkhu, kuwonda ndi kupepuka kwa matupi",agriculture,agriculture document +en968,"Further, micronutrient deficiencies, anemia, iodine deficiency disorders (such as goiter, cretinism and cognitive development) and vitamin A deficiency disorders (night blindness, xerophthalmia) have been a problem too","Kuonjezera apa, kuchepa kwa michere, kuchepa magazi, mavuto a kuchepa kwa iodine monga kutupa pakhosi, kukula kwa mutu ndi kupelewera nzeru komanso mavuto akuchepa kwa vitamin A monga ng'ala zakhala zili vuto",agriculture,agriculture document +en969,Poor nutritional status and poor diets with the advent of the HIV pandemic further worsens the malnutrition situation,Kusadya zakudya zamagulu komanso zakudya zosakwanira kamba ka mlili wa HIV zaonjezera mavuto a kunyentchera,agriculture,agriculture document +en970,The Food and Nutrition programme provides advisory services on food and nutrition to ensure that farmers diversify production and diets to ensure good nutrition and health,Ntchito za zakudya komanso kadyedwe kopatsa thanzi zimapeleka upangiri pa zakudya komanso kadyedwe koyenera poonetsetsa kuti alimi akulima zinthu zosiyanasiyana komanso ali ndi zakudya zosiyanasiyana kuti akhale athanzi ndi umoyo wabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en971,"Promoting production of a variety of high nutritive value foods, emphasizing on alternative staple foods; crops, livestock and fisheries","Kulimbikitsa kulima zakudya zopatsa thanzi zambiri, kutsindika pakasinthasintha wa zakudya zodalirika, mbeu, ziweto ndi nsomba ",agriculture,agriculture document +en972,Promoting dietary diversification through encouraging consumption of diversified high nutritive value foods on a regular basis,Kupititsa patsogolo zakudya zopatsa thanzi pakulimbikitsa madyedwe a zakudya zakasinthasintha zopatsa kwambiri thanzi pafupipafupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en973,"Improving dietary quality for vulnerable groups (the sick, the elderly, pregnant women, lactating mothers, children with special focus on under two years (with special 1000 days) for optimal growth and development and people living with HIVand AIDS)","Kukonza zakudya zabwino za anthu ovutika monga odwalika, okalamba, amayi apakati, amayi oyamwitsa, ana makamaka omwe sanakwanitse zaka ziwiri makamaka pamasiku 1000 oyambilira kuti adzikula mwachangu komanso kwa anthu omwe ali ndi HIV ndi EDZI",agriculture,agriculture document +en974,"Increasing the consumption of micronutrient rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, small stock, use of vitamin A fortified sugar and use of iodized salt, to reduce Vitamin A, Iron and Iodine deficiencies","Kuchulutsa kudya zakudya zokhala ndi michere yambiri monga zipatso, masamba, nyama zing'onozing'ono, kugwiritsa ntchito shuga wolimbitsidwa ndi vitamin A, mchere wa iodine, kuti muchepetse kupelewera kwa Vitamin A ndi iodine",agriculture,agriculture document +en975,"Promote proper processing, preservation, storage and utilization of locally available and home grown foods.","Limbikitsani kukonza zakudya, kusamala kuti zikhalitse, kusunga, kugwiritsa ntchito zakudya zachilengedwe komanso zolima pakhomo ",agriculture,agriculture document +en976,Intensify Nutrition Education. Some of the measures to achieve consumption of a variety of micronutrient rich foods at household level is by encouraging households practice Integrated Homestead Farming (IHF),Wirikizani maphunziro a kadyedwe kathanzi. Zina mwa njira zokwaniritsa kadyedwe ka zakudya zokhala ndi michere yambiri pakhomo ndi kulimbikitsa mabanja kuchita ulimi wakasakaniza wapakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en977,IHF is the growing of diversified crops and rearing of small stock and or aquaculture around the home for improving food security and nutrition,Ulimi wakasakaniza wapakhomo ndi kubzala mbeu ndi kuweta ziweto zing'onozing'ono komanso kuweta nsomba pakhomo kuti ziwonjezere kudzidalira pa chakudya ndi zakudya zathanzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en978,"IHF provides simple food-based approaches to resolving nutrient deficiencies through successful establishment and management of integrated farming at household, institutional and community settings","Ulimi wakasakaniza wapakhomo umapeleka njira zosavuta yopezera zakudya kuti tithane ndi mavuto a kunyentchera pokhazikitsa ndi kusamala kalimidwe kakasakaniza pakhomo, mmagulu ndi mmudzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en979,"IHF can be practiced at structures such as model villages, schools and nutrition rehabilitation units (NRUs)","Ulimi wakasakaniza wapakhomo ungachitike kudzera mmagawo monga midzi yachitsanzo, mmasukulu ndi mzipatala zobwezeretsa thanzi mthupi",agriculture,agriculture document +en980,"Components of Integrated Homestead Farming (IHF) includes planning food and nutrition education programs for communities, food and nutrition, vegetable and fruits production, small stocks production and aquaculture","Mu ulimi wakasakaniza wapakhomo muli kakonzedwe kandondomeko za maphunziro a zakudya komanso kadyedwe kathanzi kumudzi, zakudya komanso thanzi, ulimi wa masamba ndi zipatso, ulimi wa ziweto zing'onozing'ono ndi nsomba",agriculture,agriculture document +en981,Food and Nutrition Education-This is desirable to provide the information needed by communities and families so that they understand their own food and nutrition issues and take appropriate preventative and corrective actions,Maphunziro a zakudya ndi kadyedwe kathanzi-Nkofunika kupeleka mauthenga amene anthu ndi mabanja mmidzi akuwafuna kuti amvetse mavuto awo pa zakudya ndi kadyedwe kanthanzi ndikuchitapo kanthu kupewa komanso kukonza mavutowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en982,"Nutrition education should be used as a tool to increase household food security, improve the utilization of food in the home so that available food resources result in improved nutrition status","Maphunziro a kadyedwe kathanzi agwiritsidwe ngati chida powonjezera kudzidalira pachakudya pakhomo, kukweza kagwiritsidwe ntchito kazakudya pakhomo ndi cholinga chakuti zakudya zomwe ali nazo zibweretse kusintha kwa thanzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en983,"The following need to be taken into account in implementing nutrition education programmes: Extension staff (both females and males) should involve both men and women farmers in food and nutrition programmes, and that food and nutrition should be part and parcel of all agricultural programmes and projects","Zinthu izi zigwiritsidwe ntchito pochita maphunziro a kadyedwe kathanzi: Alangizi a akazi ndi amuna omwe agwire ntchito ndi alimi a akazi ndi amuna pogwira ntchito za zakudya ndi kadywedwe kathanzi, ndipo kuti zakudya ndi kadywedwe kathanzi zikhale gawo la ntchito zonse zaulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en984,"Make sure that diseases are prevented at both household and community levels at all times. The target population should understand the importance of using safe water, sanitation, hygiene, health services, and regular monitoring of growth through under five and antenatal clinics to correct growth failure when it occurs and receive prompt treatment for common infections; and diseases","Onetsetsani kuti matenda akupewedwa pakhomo ndi mmudzi nthawi zonse. Anthu okhuzidwa amvetse kufunika kogwiritsa ntchito madzi aukhondo, atsatire njira zaukhondo, alandire thandizo lachipatala ndi kuunika kakulidwe ka ana omwe sanakwanitse zaka zisanu zakubadwa ndi zipatala za amayi oyembekezera kuti akakonze kusakula kwa ana pamene zatero ndi kulandira mwachangu thandizo pa matenda wamba ndi matenda ena",agriculture,agriculture document +en985,Extension staff should devise mechanisms to ensure that households grow improved varieties of crops to realize high yields and incomes,Alangizi apeze njira zoonetsetsa kuti mabanja akubzala mitundu ya mbeu zamakono kuti akolole zochuluka ndikupeza phindu,agriculture,agriculture document +en986,"Grow drought resistant varieties to suit changes in climate, avoid overselling of produce after harvest in order to keep enough to last the family the whole year, households should grow a variety of cereals, root and tubers such as cassava, sweet potato, pulses, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, and rear small stock such as poultry and rabbits to ensure variety in the diet"," Zbalani mbeu zopilila ku chilala kuti zigwirane ndi kusintha kwa nyengo, pewani kugulitsa koposa muyezo mukakolola kuti musunge zokwanira banja lanu chaka chonse, mabanja abzale mitundu ya mbeu zachimanga, mitsitsi kapena zobala munthaka monga chinangwa, mbatata, mbeu zamafuta, zipatso ndi masamba, ndi kusunga ziweto zing'onozing'ono monga nkhuku ndi akalulu kuti akhale ndi kasinthasintha wazakudya",agriculture,agriculture document +en987,Family food shortages may be due to: Lack of money for food; Low production of family food; Poor food storage and preservation; Poor food choices and budgeting; Poor food distribution and marketing outlets; Poor infrastructure,Kuchepa kwa chakudya pabanja kungadze kamba ka: kusowa kwa ndalama zogulira chakudya; kusakolola zokwanira; kuonongeka kwa chakudya munkhokwe; kuchepa kwa kagawidwe komanso misika yachakudya; zipangizo zosungira zoonongeka,agriculture,agriculture document +en988,Family food distribution and consumption practices can cause malnutrition in the following ways: Over and underfeeding of children,Kagawidwe kachakudya ndi kadyedwe pabanja kangazetse kunyentchera munjira izi: kudyetsa ana mopyola mulingo kapena mochepa kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en989,"Poor care for women (especially during pregnancy, child birth and breastfeeding), the sick, old people and those with long term illnesses; Poor food preparation and level of hygiene in the home; Inadequate use of health services","Chisamaliro chosakwanira cha amayi makamaka pamene ali woyembekezera, akubereka ndi kuyamwitsa, odwala, okalamba ndi onse omwe ali matenda amgonagona; kusakonza chakudya bwino komanso ukhondo wapakhomo; kusagwiritsa ntchito moyenera ntchito zachipatala",agriculture,agriculture document +,"Poor living conditions that may include insufficient water, inadequate sanitation, overcrowded housing and poor health services can facilitate malnutrition","Malo okhala osalongosoka omwe alibe madzi okwanira, opelewera ukhondo, nyumba zothithikana ndi ntchito zachipatala zopelewera zingadzetse kunyentchera",agriculture,agriculture document +en991,"The underlying causes of malnutrition may arise from the following basic causes: wide spread poverty; high food prices; inadequate nutrition, health education and other social services","Zoyambitsa zenizeni za kunyentchera zingabwere kuchokera kuzoyambits zotsatirazi: umphawi wadzaoneni, mitengo yokwera yazakudya, zakudya zosapatsa thanzi, maphunziro a zaumoyo ndi ntchito zina zosamala anthu",agriculture,agriculture document +en992,Low status and education for families especially women; environmental damage; inadequate mainstreaming of food and nutrition activities in projects and programmes,"Umphawi komanso maphunziro ochepa kwa mabanja makamaka amayi; kuonongeka kwa chilengedwe, kupelewera kophatikiza ntchito za zakudya ndi kadyedwe kathanzi mu ntchito zachitukuko",agriculture,agriculture document +en993,"Essential actions to prevent Malnutrition are: Train extension staff and households in recommended food processing, preservation, storage and utilization technologies","Ntchito zofunikira kupewa kunyentchera ndi: kuphunzitsa alangizi ndi mabanja njira zamakono za kapangidwe ka zakudya koyenera, kukonza zakudya kuti zikhale nthawi yayitali, kusunga zakudya komanso kugwiritsa ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en994,Conduct staff and farmer training in food budgeting to ensure that households have adequate food resources to last to the next harvesting season,Chitani maphunziro a alangizi ndi alimi pakapangidwe ka ndondomeko yakagwiritsidwe ntchito kachakudya kuti mabanja akhale ndi chakudya chokwanira kufika nyengo yotsatira yokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en995,Promote the consumption of diversified high nutritive value foods (including indigenous foods). Intensify nutrition education among the farming communities,Pititsani patsogolo kudya kasinthasintha wa zakudya zokhala ndi zofunikira zochuluka kuphatikizirapo zakudya zamakolo. Limbikitsani maphunziro a zakudya zopatsa thanzi kwa alimi akumudzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en996,Formulate integrated interventions e.g. Integrated Homestead Farming to improve household food and nutrition security especially for those affected with HIV and AIDS,Konzani ntchito zolowelerana monga malimidwe akasakaniza apakhomo kuti mulimbikitse kudzidalira pachakudya komanso kadyedwe kathanzi makamaka kwa okhuzidwa ndi kachilombo HIV ndi AIDS,agriculture,agriculture document +en997,Conduct multimedia campaigns on the prevention of micronutrient deficiencies. Intensify development and dissemination of food and nutrition information through multimedia channels. Promote good multi-sectoral collaboration and coordination among stakeholders,Chitani misonkhano kudzera njira zosiyanasiyana pakapewedwe kakuchepa kwa michere yofunikira mthupi. Limbikitsani kukonza komanso kufalitsa uthenga wa zakudya ndi kadyedwe koyenera kudzera munjira zosiyanasiyana zofalitsira uthenga. Pititsani patsogolo kulumikizana koyenera mmagawo osiyanasiyana pakati pa adindo ndi onse okhuzidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en998,"Maize is grown throughout the country under rainfed, irrigated or residual moisture by smallholder, commercial and estate farmers","Chimanga chimalimidwa mmadera onse mdziko muno potsatira mvula, mthilira kapena chinyezi ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono, ochita zamalonda komanso alimi akuluakulu",agriculture,agriculture document +en999,It is the main staple food crop for the country as such farmers are encouraged to make informed decisions and use their expertise to improve productivity,Ndi chakudya chomwe dziko lino limadalira kwambiri kotero alimi akulimbikitsidwa kupanga ziganizo zoyenera ndikugwiritsa ntchito luso lawo kupititsa patsogolo zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en1000,"However, maize productivity remains low due to low adoption of improved technologies, low soil fertility, erratic rainfall and pest and diseases among others","Komabe, zokolola zachimanga zidakali zotsika chifukwa chosatsatira njira zamakono zaulimi, kuchepa kwa chonde munthaka, mvula yanjomba komanso tizilombo towononga mbewu ndi matenda mwa zina",agriculture,agriculture document +en1001,The aim is to attain and maintain self-sufficiency in maize requirements at household and national level,Cholinga chake ndikukwanitsa kukhala ndi chimanga chokwanira pakhomo komanso mdziko nthawi zonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1002,"The objective is to increase production per unit area. Farmers are encouraged to grow high yielding varieties, apply inorganic and organic fertilizers if the country is to sustain food self- sufficiency in the face of increasing population","Cholinga ndikuwonjezera zokolola pa malo olimidwa. Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kulima mitundu ya mbewu zobeleka kwambiri, kuthira fertilizer komanso manyowa ngati dziko likufuna kumakhala ndi chakudya chokwanira nthawi zonse pamene chiwerengero cha anthu chikukulabe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1003,"At present, average yields range from 2,000 to 3,000 kg per hectare for hybrids, 1,400 to 2,400 kg per hectare for open pollinated varieties (OPVs) and 880 to 1,300 kg per hectare for unimproved maize cultivars","Pakadali pano, katikati wa zokolola amayambira pa 2,000kgs kufika 3,000kgs pa hectare ku chimanga chamakono, 1,400kgs kufika 2,400 pa hectare kuchimanga OPV ndi 880kgs kufika 1,300 pa hectare kuchimanga chamakolo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1004,"However, there is much scope for increasing yield under suitable agro-ecological zones with good agricultural practices",Komabe pali chidwi chachikulu chofuna kuchulukitsa zokolola kumadera kumene ndikoyenera kulima chimanga potsatira ndondomeko zoyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1005,"On average, yields of more than 10,000 kg per hectare for hybrids and 5,000 kg per hectare for OPVs can be attained with good management","Chikatikati, zokolola zoposa 10,000kgs pa hectare ku chimanga cha hybrid ndi 5,000kgs pa hectare ku OPV zikhoza kutheka ndi kasamalidwe koyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1006,"The low-altitude maize growing areas are less than 600m above sea level (masl). These areas are characterized by high summer temperatures of about 30oC or more, relatively flat and have a generally short rainy season of between 3 to 4months long","Madera otsika olima chimanga ali pa mtunda wosaposera 600m pamwamba pa nyanja. Madera amenewa amadziwika bwino ndi nyengo yotentha nthawi yamvula kufika 30oC kapena kuposa apo, athyathyathya ndipo amakhala ndi nyengo yamvula yayifupi yotalika pakati pa miyezi itatu ndi inayi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1007,The average rainfall is between 700 to 800 mm per annum. These areas are also called marginal maize growing areas associated with erratic rains and frequent droughts,Chikatikati chamvula ndi 700mm kufika 800mm pa chaka. Madera amenewa amatchulidwanso madera olima chimanga osadalilika odziwika bwino ndi mvula yanjomba komanso chilala chapafupipafupi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1008,"These are main maize growing areas which comprise about 60% of the total cultivated area. Altitude ranges from 600m to 1,300m above sea level","Madera amenewa ndi odalilika kulima chimanga omwe akuyimira 60% ya malo onse olima chimanga. Kukwera kwa malowa kwayambira pa 600m kufika 1,300m pamwamba pa nyanja",agriculture,agriculture document +en1009,"These areas are characterized by moderate temperatures and a fairly long rainy season of between 4 to 5 months, with an average rainfall of about 875mm per annum","Madera amenewa akudziwika bwino ndi nyengo yomvelera komanso nyengo yamvula yotalikirapo pakati pa miyezi inayi ndi isanu, ndi katikati wa mvula kufika 875mm pa chaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1010,"These are areas above 1,300m above sea level and are characterized by cool temperatures and overcast conditions. Maize takes long to mature because of low temperatures.","Madera amenewa ali pa mtunda wa 1,300m pambwamba pa nyanja ndipo amadziwika bwino ndi nyengo yozizira komanso yamitambo. Chimanga chimatenga nthawi yayitali kuti chikhwime chifukwa chakutsika kwa kutentha ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1011,Increased production per unit area will enable the farmer to adequately feed the family from a small piece of land,Kukolola zochuluka pa malo kudzathandiza alimi kudyetsa mokwanira mabanja awo kuchokera pa munda waung'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en1012,This will also enable the family to have surplus maize for sale and release some land for other crops,Izi zidzathandizanso mabanja kukhala ndi chimanga chochuluka kupitilira chomwe akufuna choti akhoza kugulitsa komanso kukhala ndi malo olima mbewu zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en1013,Commercial farmers are also encouraged to use approved recommended technologies to increase productivity,Alimi ochita malonda akulimbikitsidwanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zamakolo zolimira kuti azipeza zokolola zambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1014,Early field preparation is essential to facilitate planting with the first planting rains capable of wetting the soil to a depth of 15 cm between October and December,Kukonza minda mwachangu ndikofunikira kuti kuthandizire kubzala ndi mvula yobzalira yoyambilira yomwe ili ndikuthekera konyowetsa dothi 15cm kulowa pansi pakati pa October ndi December,agriculture,agriculture document +en1015,Farmers in some areas dry plant maize one to two weeks before the onset of rains as a way of reducing labour requirements,Alimi mmadera ena amabzala mvula isanagwe patatsala sabata imodzi kapena awiri kuti mvula iyambe kugwa ngati njira imodzi yochepetsa ntchito ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1016,This is a good practice and should be encouraged where possible. One to two weeks’ delay in planting may cause up to 25% yield loss. All maize varieties should be planted early,Uwu ndi mchitidwe wabwino ndipo ulimbikitsidwe komwe ndiwotheka. Kuchedwa kubzala ndi sabata imodzi kapena awiri kumachepetsa zokolola ndi 25%. Mitundu yonse yachimanga ibzalidwe moyambilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1017,"Optimum plant population is achieved by proper ridge and plant spacing, and number of plants per station",Chiwerengero chokwanira cha mbewu chimatheka popanga mizere moyenera komanso kutalikirana kwa mbewu koyenera ndi kuchuluka kwa mbewu paphando,agriculture,agriculture document +en1018,"Maize ridges should be spaced 75cm apart; 75cm between maize stations within the ridge and 3plants per station or 75cm x 50cm x2 plants or 75cm x 25cm x 1plant per station to achieve a plant population of 53,333 plants","Mizere yachimanga italikirane 75cm; 75cm pakati pamaphando munzere umodzi ndipo mbewu zitatu pa phando kapena 75cmx50cm pobzala mbewu ziwiri kapena 75cmx25cm pobzala mbewu imodzi paphando pofuna kukwanitsa chiwerengero cha mbewu 53,333 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1019,Farmers who intercrop maize with legumes or any other crop should plant maize at 75 cm between ridges and 75 cm between planting stations and 3 plants per station,Alimi omwe amabzala chimanga mosakaniza ndi nyemba kapena mbewu zina abzale chimanga pa mizere yotalikirana 75cm komanso maphando otalikirana 75cm ndipo mbewu zitatu paphando,agriculture,agriculture document +en1020,Stations with less than 2 or 3 plants should be filled immediately after emergence to ensure correct population and an even stand,Phando lomwe liri ndi mbewu zosapitilira ziwiri kapena zitatu libzalidwe mwansanga pambuyo pakumera kuti chiwerengero cha mbewu chikhale cholondola komanso kuti mbewu zizikulira limodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1021,Farmers are encouraged to use manure especially with the increasing cost of chemical fertilizers. Manure improves soil structure as well as supplying nutrients to plants,Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kugwiritsa ntchito manyowa makamaka ndikuwera kwa mitengo ya fertilizer. Manyowa amawonjezera mthaka komanso kupeleka michere kumbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1022,Manure should be applied not less than a month before planting maize and the commended rate is 12.5 tonnes per hectare,Manyowa athiridwe patatsala mwezi wopitilira umodzi chimanga chisanabzalidwe ndipo mulingo woyenelera ndi ma tonne 12.5 pa hectare,agriculture,agriculture document +en1023,"As a guide, this can be achieved by using a 20liter tin of manure applied every 8 meters (8steps) along the furrow","Ngati mlozo, izi zikhoza kutheka pogwiritsa ntchito chidebe chimodzi cha 20liters cha manyowa kuthira mtunda wa 8 meters mungalande",agriculture,agriculture document +en1024,Where manure is not adequate farmers should apply 2 handfuls per planting station and mix with soil before planting,"Pomwe manyowa ndiwosakwanira, alimi athire manja awiri odzadza paphando lirilonse ndikusakaniza ndi dothi asanabzale",agriculture,agriculture document +en1025,Farmers should be encouraged to make compost manure from house hold decomposable refuse and crop residues,Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kupanga manyowa kuchokera ku zinyalala komanso zotsalira za mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1026,"To obtain high yields and maximum returns from the money invested in fertilizers, farmers are strongly advised to base fertilizer application on soil test results","Pofuna kupeza zokolola zochuluka komanso phindu lambiri kuchokera pa ndalama zomwe zalowa ku fertilizer, alimi akulangizidwa kwathunthu kuthira fertlizer potengera zotsatira za kuyeza dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1027,There are specific fertilizer recommendations given in this and subsequent Sections that should be followed and will help farmers reliably produce sufficient maize to meet their own needs and to contribute to the food security of the nation,Pali malangizo okhuza fertilizer achindunji omwe apelekedwa mugawo lino komanso magawo otsatira omwe akuyenera kutsatiridwa ndipo adzathandiza alimi kukolola chimanga chokwanira modalirika kuti akwanitse kupeza zofuna zawo komanso athandize kuti dziko lino likhale ndi chakudya chokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1028,There are two recommendations in one area depending on whether the maize is produced for home use or for sale,Pali malangizo awiri mugawo limodzi potengera kuti chimanga chimalimidwa kuti chigwiritsidwe ntchito pakhomo kapena chogulitsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1029,Timely application of both basal and top dressing fertilizers is important for high yield. Apply fertilizers as follows,Kuthira fertilizer wokulitsa ndi wobereketsa munthawi yake ndikofunikira kuti zokolola zichuluke. Thirani fertlizer motere: ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1030,"Apply at planting or soon after seedling emergence. Twenty-one days after basal dressing, follow it up with 150 kg of Urea at the same depth and distance from the plant","Thirani pobzala kapena chikangomera. Pakadutsa masiku 21 pambuyo pothira wokulitsa, tsatira ndi kuthira 150kg ya Urea pamulingo wakuya womwewo komanso kutalikira kuchoka mbewu komweko",agriculture,agriculture document +en1031,"Use cup 2, level on each side of the planting station. Apply at planting or soon after seedling emergence","Gwiritsani ntchito kapu nambala 2, dzadzani mpaka malire a kamwa yakapu mbali zonse ziwiri ndipo thirani mbali zonse ziwiri za chimanga. Kuthira mthawi yobzala kapena chikangomera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1032,"Follow it up with top dressing150 kg of Urea, 21 days after basal dressing, at the same depth and distance from the plant, using cup 2 full on each side of the plant","Tsatirani ndi wobereketsa mulingo wa 150kgs ya Urea, masiku 21 pambuyo pothira wokulitsa, kuya kofanana komanso kutalika chimodzimodzi kuchoka pa mbewu, pohwiritsa ntchito kapu nambala 2 yodzadza mbali zonse ziwiri za mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1033,Note that cup number 5 is two and half times the volume of cup number 2 and that a Coca cola bottletop when heaped contains the same amount of fertilizer as cup number 5 level full,Dziwani kuti kapu nambala 5 mumalowa fertlizer wochuluka kawiri ndi theka kuposa fertilizer wolowa mu kapu nambala 2 ndipo chitsekero cha Cocacola chikadzadza chimakhala ndi mulingo wofanana ndi fertilizer wa mukapu nambala 5 ikadzadza kufika mmilomo mwake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1034,"An application of 2,000 kg/ha lime to maize grown on acidic soil is effective at increasing grain and dry matter yields","Kuthira 2,000kg pa hectare ya lime kuchimanga cholimidwa mudothi la acid kumathandiza kuchulikitsa chimanga ngakhale chikauma",agriculture,agriculture document +en1035,"Acid soils are mainly in areas characterized by high total rain fall (>900 mm per year) and low soil pH levels (<5.5) such as on vast areas on Mulanje, Dedza, Misuku and Viphya plateaus","Dothi la acid limapezeka makamaka kumadera omwe kumadziwika ndikugwa mvula yochuluka yoposa 900mm pachaka komanso dothi lokhala ndi pH yosaposera 5.5 monga mmadera aakulu ku Mulanje, Dedza, mapiri a Misuku ndi Viphya ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1036,"Agricultural lime needs to be applied on newly prepared ridges, which have been split in the middle","Lime wa ulimi akuyenera athiridwe pamizere yolimidwa kumene, yomwe yagawidwa pakati",agriculture,agriculture document +en1037,The lime is incorporated into the ridge and maize is planted at the recommended plant density and following all the recommended agronomic and crop husbandry practices,Lime amaphatikizidwa mmizere ndipo chimanga chimabzalidwa chochuluka movomerezeka ndipo potsatira ndondomeko zonse zamalimidwe ndi kasamalidwe kambewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1038,Maize pests are categorized into weeds and insect pests. Notifiable pests should be reported to the nearest agricultural office as soon as they are noticed. Any pest out breaks should be controlled to prevent damage and spread to other areas,Tizilombo tachimanga timayikidwa mmagulu a tchire ndi zouluka. Tizilombo tooneka tinenedwe kwa ogwira ntchito zaulimi pamene zaonedwa. Thanani ndi kubuka kwa tizilombo tilitonse popewa kuonongedwa kwa mbeu ndi kufala kwa tizilomboto kumadera ena,agriculture,agriculture document +en1039,Maize suffers most from weed competition during the first six weeks after germination. The crop should be weed-free during this period,Chimanga chimavutika chikamapikisana ndi tchire masabata asanu ndi imodzi oyambilira chikamera. Mbewuyi ikhale malo opanda tchire panthawi imeneyi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1040,The smaller the crop the less it is able to survive competition. At least two weedings are necessary for effective weed control. Herbicides can also be used for weed control,Chimanga ching'onoching'ono chimavutika kupilira kutchire. Palani tchire kosachepera kawiri kuti muthane ndi tchire. Mankhwala ophera tchire akhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pothana ndi tchire,agriculture,agriculture document +en1041,There are pre and post-emergence herbicides. A pre-emergence herbicide is the one that may be applied before the targeted crop has emerged,Pali mankhwala ophera tchire othira mbewu zisanamere kapena zitamera. Mankhwala ophera tchire lisanamere amathiridwa mbewu isanamere,agriculture,agriculture document +en1042,Post-emergence herbicides are applied after the weeds and the crop emerge. This is because of the selective nature of the herbicides and it is important to avoid drift so that the herbicide does not fall onto an unintended crop,Mankhwala ophera tchire othire mbewu zitamera amathiridwa tchirelo komanso mbewu zitamera. Izi zimachitika chifukwa mankhwalawo amasankha tchire loti aphe ndipo ndikofunika kupewa kuwuluka kwa mankhwala kuti asagwere pa mbewu zomwe sizofunika kuti zife,agriculture,agriculture document +en1043,For pre- emergence and post-emergence herbicides it is important to do the application when the soil is still wet,"Kwa mankhwala ophera mbewu othira mbewu zisanamere kapena zitamera, nkofunika kuthira pamene dothi lidakali lonyowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1044,All herbicides have labels indicating application rates and type of weeds they control. It is important to check the labels as application rates can change even with the same product depending on concentration and soil type,Mankhwala onse ophera tchire ali ndi zizindikiro zoonetsa mulingo wakathiridwe komanso mtundu wa tchire lomwe angaphe. Ndikofunika kuona zizindikirozo chifukwa mulingo wothilira ukhoza kusintha ngakhale ali mankhwala omwewo potengera mphamvu yake komanso mtundu wa dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1045,"Some of herbicides, in particular, an application of Dual Magnum, a pre- emergence herbicide, into the soil at the rate of 2.2litres/ha before planting maize is effective in suppressing witch weed. At this rate Dual Magnum controls weeds and suppresses the emergence of witch weed.","Mankhwala ena ophera tchire, makamaka kuthira Dual Magnum, mankhwala othira mbewu zisanamere, mu dothi pa mulingo wa 2.2L pa hectare mbewu zisanabzalidwe amagwira bwino ntchito kupha kaufiti. Pa mulingo umenewu, Dual Magnum amathana ndi tchire komanso amafooketsa kumera kwa kaufiti",agriculture,agriculture document +en1046,Witch weed (Striga asiatica) is becoming an increasingly serious problem in areas where maize is monocropped with poor management,"Kaufiti, Striga asiatica, akuputilira kukhala vuto lalikulu kwambiri mmadera omwe chimanga chimabzalidwa chokha ndi kasamalidwe kosakwanira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1047,Adequate manure and fertilizer application will help the crop with stand the effect of witch weed,Kuthira manyowa okwanira ndi fertilizer zidzathandiza mbewu kupilira ku mphamvu ya kaufiti,agriculture,agriculture document +en1048,Uprooting the weed before it flowers will help to reduce its population in succeeding seasons,Kuzula kaufiti asanachite maluwa kudzathandiza kuchepetsa chiwerengero chake munyengo zotsatira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1049,Crop rotation with cash crops such as sun flower and cotton should be practiced where land permits,Kubzala mbewu mwakasinthasintha ndi mbewu zogulitsa monga mpendadzuwa ndi thonje zitsatidwe komwe mida ingalole,agriculture,agriculture document +en1050,Control of these weeds is by frequent weeding and use of systemic herbicides such as glyphosate which kill underground root system,Kuthana ndi tchire limeneli ndikudzera kupalira pafupipafupi komanso kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire monga glyphosphate omwe angaphe mitsitsi pansi pa mthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1051,"Fall armyworms are very destructive caterpillars of certain nocturnal moths which feed mostly on crops of the grass family such as maize, millet, sorghum, rice, and sugarcane","Kapuchi ndi mtundu wa mbozi zoononga kwambiri zomwe zimayenda usiku wokhawokha ndikumadya mbewu makamaka mbewu za udzu monga chimanga, mchewere, mapira, mpunga ndi nzimbe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1052,"They also feed on non-grass family crops such as soya beans, tobacco, groundnuts, cowpeas, potatoes, amaranthus, including pastures, among others. If not controlled, can cause up to 100% yield loss","Zimadyanso mbewu zomwe sizaudzu monga soya, nyemba, fodya, mtedza, nsawawa, mbatata, bonongwe kuphatikizapo udzu wa ziweto mwa zina. Ngati zisiyidwa, zimachepetsa zokolola ndi 100%",agriculture,agriculture document +en1053,Fall armyworm eggs are laid in masses or in layers covered with greyish scales and hatch within 2 -3 days,Mazira akapuchi amayikidwa mounjika kapena momwazika ataphimbidwa ndi mamba a phulusa ndipo amaswa pa masiku awiri kufika atatu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1054,The larvae closely resemble that of the African armyworm. At early stages larvae are pale green with black heads and changes to orange brown at later stages,"Mphutsi zake zimafanana kwambiri ndi za ntchembere zandonda. Kumayambiliro, mphutsi zimakhala zobiliwira pang'ono ndi mitu yakuda ndipo zimasintha kupita mtundu wa orange brown pakusintha kotsatira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1055,Fully grown larvae are about 4 cm long and are pale green or almost black with a reddish-brown head. They are very active early in the morning and late in the afternoon,Mphutsi zazikulu zimatalika 4cm ndipo zimaoneka mobiliwira pang'ono kapena zakuda ndi mitu yofiilirako. Zimakhala zochangamuka kummawa kwambiri ndi madzulo kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1056,The FAW normally pupates in the soil at the depth 2 to 8 cm. The larva constructs a loose cocoon by tying together particles of soil with silk,Kapuchi amakula mdothi pamtunda wa 2 kufika 8cm. Mphutsi zimamanga chikuto pomangilira dothi ndi ulusi wawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1057,"The cocoon is oval in shape and 20 to 30 mm in length. If the soil is too hard, larvae may web together leaf debris and other material to form a cocoon on the soil surface","chikuto chimakhala chozungulira mosongoka ndipo yayitali 20 kufika 30mm. Ngati dothi ndilolimba, mphutsi zimaluka zinyalala zamasamba ndi zina kuti zipange chikuto pamwamba padothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1058,"The pupa is reddish brown in colour measuring 14 to 18 mm in length and about 8 to 9 days during the summer, but reaches 20 to 30 days during cooler weather",Gawo la mphutsi/pupa imaoneka yofiira yotalika 14 kufika 18mm ndipo imakhala masiku 8 kufika 9 nyengo yotentha koma imafika masiku 20 kufika 30 nyengo yozizira kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1059,"The moths which lay eggs are similar in shape and size to other moths in the Lepidoptera family, grayish in colour and about 4cm long","Agulugufe omwe amayikira mazira amafanana maonekedwe ndi kukula ndi agulugufe ena a banja la Lepidoptera, ooneka mwaphulusa komanso otalika 4cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en1060,The front wings of the male are grayish in color with white markings near the wing tips. The front wings of the female are similar but the markings are less distinct,Mapiko akutsogolo kwa agulugufe amphongo amaoneka ndi aphulusa okhala ndi malotcho oyera pafupi ndikunsonga kwake. Mapiko akutsogolo kwa agulugufe athanzi ndiofanana koma malotcho ake ndi osawala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1061,"Fall armyworm is controlled by use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies including cultural, physical, biological, botanical (natural plant products) and chemical control methods simultaneously","Kapuchi amathetsedwa pogwiritsa ntchito ndondomeko za Integrated Pest Management kuphatikizapo njira za kasamalidwe, zinthu zomwe sizamoyo, zamoyo, zopangidwa kuchikera kuzomera zachilengedwe ndi mankhwala pamodzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1062,"African Armyworm is a serious notifiable pest of cereals which is very destructive particularly to maize, rice, wheat, sorghum, millets and pastures. African Armyworm is an endemic pest and the attack may be sudden","Ntchemberezandonda waku Africa ndi tizilombo todziwika ta mbewu za udzu yemwe amaononga kwambiri makamaka chimanga, mpunga, tirigu, mapira, mchewere ndi udzu wa ziweto. Ntchemberezandonda ndi vuto lokhazikika ndipo zimatha kuwononga mwadzidzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1063,Quite often out breaks occur right after the first rains. Early detection and reporting of the pest is important for effective control to minimize damage,Nthawi zambiri zimabwera pambuyo pa mvula yoyamba. Kuzindikira mwachangu komanso kupeleka lipoti la mbozizi ndikofunika pothana ndi kuononga kwa mbozizi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1064,"The caterpillars occur in large numbers, march in one direction, aggressively feeding on all grass in their way. They may also occur as scattered populations which may lead to larger outbreaks later","Gawo lotsatira lamphutsili limabwera mochuluka, kuyenda kulowera mbali imodzi, zikudya kwambiri udzu uliwonse omwe zingapeze. Zimabweranso ngati magulu omwazana omwe amaswana ndikufalikira madera ochuluka kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1065,They prefer young tender plants which they chew to the ground while old ones are left as bare stalks with mid ribs only,Zimakonda zomera zazing'ono zanthete zomwe zimatafuna mpaka mdothi pamene zokhwima zimasiyidwa tsinde lokha ndi zogwilira zamasamba basi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1066,Red locust (Nomadacris septemfasciata) is a notifiable pest and is potentially the most destructive in Malawi because of the extensive damage it can cause within a short period of time,"Dzombe, Nomadacris septemfasciata, ndi tizilombo towononga ndipo zimaononga kwambiri kuposa zonse ku Malawi chifukwa zimaononga kwambiri dera lalikulu panthawi yochepa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1067,"The leaves are eaten from the margin in wards. The breeding areas are known and frequent surveys are made in the breeding areas in Lake Chilwa/ Chiuta plains, Elephant, Ndindi and Vwaza Marshes, Mpatsanjoka dambo and Kuserikumvenji Estate to monitor any unusual population build-up","Masamba amadyedwa kuchokera mphepete kulowa mkati. Malo omwe zimaswera amadziwika ndipo kafukufuku wapafupipafupi amachitika mmalo omwe zimaswera kumadera a nyanja ya Chilwa/Chiuta, madambo a Elephant, Ndindi, Vwaza, Mpatsanjoka komanso munda waukulu wa Kuserikumvenji pofuna kuona kuchulukana kodabwitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1068,"The eggs are laid in the wet season (November to April) and hatch after 30 days. Since there are also breeding areas in neighbouring countries, everyone is advised to report immediately to the nearest agricultural or government office any swarms spotted","Zimayikira mazira munyengo yamvula, November kufika April, ndipo amaswa pakutha pamasiku makumi atatu. Popeza palinso malo oswera mmayiko ozungulira, aliyense akulangizidwa kupeleka uthenga pompopompo ku nthambi ya zaulimi kapena kuboma akaona nantindi wadzombe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1069,Control of the pest is coordinated by the International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa (IRLCO-CSA) in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture,Kuthana ndi dzombe kumatsogoleredwa ndi International Red Locust Organization for Central and Southern Africa (IRLCO-CSA) mothandizana ndi unduna wazamalimidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1070,"Spraying chemicals such as Fenitrothion, Green muscle and Carbaryl can be used to control the locust hoppers","Mankhwala opopera monga Fenitrithonin, green muscle ndi Carbaryl akhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuthana ndi dzombe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1071,Cultural control practices include harvesting as soon as the maize is dry; separating damaged cobs from good ones; maintaining and thoroughly cleaning storage stores and burning crop residues,Njira zakasamalidwe zothanirana ndi dzombe ndi monga kukolola mwansanga chimanga chikangouma; kulekanitsa chimanga choonengeka ndi chosawonongeka komanso kutsuka mokwanira nkhokwe ndikuotcha zotsalira za mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1072,Drying produce thoroughly before storing. Boiling sacks in water and thoroughly drying them before putting in produce. Dehusking and shelling the maize,Kuumitsa zokolola mokwanira zisanasungidwe. Kuwiritsa matumba mmadzi ndi kuyanika mokwanira musanayikidwe zokolola. Kusenda komanso kusola chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en1073,"Maize may be damaged in storage by different types of weevils and moths. Hard grains of OPV, unimproved and flint grained hybrid varieties suffer less weevil damage","Chimanga chikhoza kuwonongeka munkhokwe ndi mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya anankafumbwe ndi aphepheru. Chimanga cholimba cha OPV, chimanga chamakolo ndi mitundu yamakono ya chimanga cholimba imawonongedwa mochepa ndi anankafumbwe ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1074,"Storage pests can be controlled by applying recommended pesticides such as Actellic Super Dust, Super Grain Dust, Super Guard Dust, Wivokil and Shumba Super at the rate of one sachet (25g) to 50kg of shelled grain. For unshelled maize apply 50g. The pesticide can be obtained from recommended pesticide suppliers","Tizolombo towononga munkhokwe tikathetsedwe popoera mankhala ovomerezeka ophera tizilombo monga Actellic Super Dust, Super Grain Dust, Super Guard Dust, Wivokil ndi Shumba Super pamulingo wa paketi imodzi yolemera 25g kuthumba lolemera 50kgs la chimanga chosolasola. Thirani mankhwala olemera 50g ku chimanga chosasola cholemera 50kgs. Mankhwala ophera tizilombo angapezedwe kuchokera kwa ogulitsa mankhwala ophera tizilombo ovomerezeka ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1075,Maize should be stored in dry ventilated structures. This controls most pests and diseases especially those that cause rotting,Chimanga chisungidwe munkhokwe zouma komanso zopita mpweya. Izi zimachepetsa tizilombo ndi matenda makamaka omwe amayambitsa kuola,agriculture,agriculture document +en1076,Farmers are encouraged to use improved storage structures such as concrete and metallic silos. Cribs (Nkhokwes) should be made rat proof by the use of rat-guards and they should be properly thatched to prevent leaking,Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kugwiritsa ntchito nkhokwe zamakono monga nkhokwe zomanga komanso zachitsulo. Nkhokwe zikhale zosafikirika ndi makoswe pogwiritsa ntchito matchera amakoswe ndipo zikhale zofolela bwino popewa kudontha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1077,"If bags are used for storage, ensure that they are clean. Farmers should dry grains thoroughly and maize should be kept in a dry place for storage","Ngati matumba agwiritsidwa ntchito, onetsetsani kuti ndioyera. Alimi awumitse chimanga mokwanira ndipo chimanga chisungidwe pamalo ouma podikira kusunga munkhokwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1078,"Rice is one of the cereals grown along the Lakeshore, Phalombe plain, the Shire Valley and areas around Lake Chilwa either in irrigated rice schemes or in rain fed low land areas","Mounga ndi imodzi mwa mbewu za udzu zolimidwa mphepete mwa nyanja, mzigwa za Phalombe, Shire komanso madera ozungulira nyanja ya Chilwa potsatira kulima ku minda ya mthilira kapena mvula kumadera otsika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1079,"The crop is either grown in irrigation schemes, low land or rainfed. The schemes are underutilized due to various reasons such as low patronage and labour constraints. However, it is an important cash earner where it is grown and forms part of the staple food in the urban centers","Mbewuyi imalimidwa ku mimda ya mthilira, malo otsika kapena ndi mvula. Minda yamthilira imagwiritsidwa ntchito mochepa pazifukwa zosiyanasiyana monga kuchepa kwa anthu ogwiritsa ntchito komanso kuchepa kw aogwira ntchito. Komabe ndi mbewu yobweretsa chuma kumadera omwe imalimidwa ndipo ndi mbali imodzi ya chakudya chodalirika mmadera a mmizinda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1080,The national aim is to increase paddy yields in irrigated rice schemes and also increase both area and yield of rain fed rice to meet both the domestic and export demand,Cholinga cha dziko ndichulukitsa zokolola za mpunga mminda yamthilira komanso kuchulukitsa malo olima ndi zokolola zamvula kuti tikhale zokwanira mdziko muno komanso kugulitsa mayiko akunja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1081,"The present low yields of 1,000 to 1,500 kg per hectare rice cultivars under rain fed conditions should be increased to 3,500 to 4,000 kg per hectare","Zokolola zapano za 1000kgs kufika 1,500 kgs pa hectare za mpunga wolimidwa ndi mvula zichulukitsidwe mpaka 3,500kgs kufika 4,000kgs pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1082,"The present cultivated rain fed area of 30,000 hectares should be increased to the potentially available area of 70,000 hectares. These improvements should result into a significant increase in rice production","Kukula kwa malo olimidwa mpunga podalira mvula kukwezedwe kuchoka pa ma hectare 30,000 kufika ma hectare 70,000. Kusinthaku kukuyenera kubweretsa kuchuluka kwa zokolola za mpunga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1083,Mpeta (IR10L121) is a recently released Indica type of rice for irrigated lowland cultivation. It matures in 110 days and yields 7.0 ton,Mpeta (IR10L121) ndi mpunga wa mtundu wa Indica womwe wabwera posachedwa womwe umalimidwa ndi mthilira mmadera otsika. Umacha pakutha pa masiku 110 ndipo zikolola zimafika matani 7,agriculture,agriculture document +en1084,"It has a good seed shape, aroma, taste and cooking time. It is tolerant to rice blast and highly resistant to Gray Beetles","Njere zake ndizoumbidwa mokongola, wonunkhira bwino wokoma komanso wopsa msanga. Umapilira ku chiwawu champunga ndipo umapilira kwambiri ku Gray Beetles",agriculture,agriculture document +en1085,Nunkile (Pusa33) is recommended for low land irrigated cultivation. Two crops can be grown in a year because it takes 112 days to mature in the wet season and 140 days in the dry season,Nunkile/Pusa33 ndiwoyenera kulimidwa kumadera otsika kudzera mthilira. Ukhoza kulimidwa kawiri pachaka chifukwa umacha pamasiku 112 munyengo yamvula/chilimwe komanso masiku 140 munyengo ya dzinja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1086,Nunkile matures two weeks earlier than other irrigated varieties and therefore bird scaring should start early to avoid yield loss. The variety is also attractive to field mice because of its strong scent,Nunkile amacha msanga ndi sabata ziwiri kuposa mitundu ina yamthilira choncho kuthamangitsa mbewu kuyambe mwansanga popewa kuchepa kwa zokolola. Mtunduwu umakondedwa ndi mbewa chifukwa cha kununkhira kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1087,"Kayanjamalo variety is recommended for lowland rainfed and irrigated conditions, and matures in 105 days. It has yield potential of 6.5 t/ha and is resistant to major rice diseases and pests. Mpatsa variety is recommended for lowland rainfed and irrigated conditions, and matures in 100 days. It has yield potential of 5.8 t/ha and is resistant to major rice diseases and pests","Mtundu wa Kayanjamalo ndiwoyenera kulima ndi mvula kapena mthilira kumalo otsiska, ndipo umacha pa masiku 106. Zokolola zake zimafuka matani 6.5 pa hectare ndipo umapilira ku matenda ndi zilombo zikuluakulu za mpunga. Mtundu wa Mpatsa ndiwoyenera kulima ndi mvula komanso mthilira kumalo otsika ndipo umacha pamasiku 100. Zokolola zimafika matani 5.8 pa hectare ndipo umapilira ku matenda akuluakulu a mpungan ndi tizilombo towononga mpunga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1088,Mtupatupa (TC G10) is recommended for low land irrigated cultivation. It matures in130 days in the wet season while in the dry season it takes 155days. It can be double cropped only when sown early enough. The name refers to the variety’s grain that expands when cooked. It is moderately scented,Mtupatupa (TCG10) ndiwoyenera kulimidwa mwamthilira kumadera otsika. Umacha pamasiku 130 munyengo ya chilimwe/yamvula ndipo umatenga masiku 155 kuti uche dzinja. Ukhoza kulimidwa kawiri pachaka pokhapokha ngati wabzalidwa mwansanga. Dzina lake limathanthauza kuti maso ampungawu amafufuma akaphikidwa. Umanunkhira pang'ono ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1089,Vyawo (ITA 302) is recommended for low land cultivation under rainfed or irrigated conditions. Vyawo is tolerant to blast. The variety takes 130 days to mature in the wet season and 150 days in dry season,Vyawo (ITA 302) ndiwoyenera kulimidwa nyengo yamvula kapena mthilira. Vyawo amapilira ku chiwawu. Mtunduwu umatenga masiku 130 kuti uche munyengo yamvula ndipo masiku 150 mu dzinja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1090,Senga (IET 4094) is a recommended variety for irrigated low land cultivation. It matures in 116 days in the wet season and 143 days in the dry season.,Senga (IET4094) ndi mtundu woneyera mthilira kumadera otsika. Umacha pa masiku 116 munyengo yamvula ndi masiku 143 mu dzinja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1091,Changu (IRI 1561-250-2-2) is a recommended variety for irrigated schemes. It has a short to medium maturity period of 119 days during the wet season and 145 days during the dry season,Changu (IRI 1561-250-2-2) ndi mtundu woyenera kulimidwa kuminda yamthilira. Umacha munthawi yayifupi kufika yotalikirapo pang'ono ya masiku 119 nthawi ya mvula ndipo masiku 145 mu nyengo ya dzinja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1092,"Nerica 3 is a dwarf non-aromatic variety (<92cm) with grains measuring 7.2mm and 2.2mm in length and width, respectively; and has a milling yield of 75%. It also has a good cooking quality. It is a photoperiod insensitive variety with days to maturity of 95 to 120",Nerica 3 ndi mtundu wa wosanunkhira waufupi wa maso a mpunga otalika 7.2mm ndi 2.2mm mulifupi; ukakonoledwa umatuluka 75%. Umaoneka bwino ukaphikidwa. Ndi mtundu wosayendera dzuwa kuti ukule ndipo umatenga masiku 95 kufika 120 kuti ukhwime,agriculture,agriculture document +en1093,"It has potential yields of 4,500kg/ ha. This variety is suited to upland conditions such as Mchinji, Mbawa (Mzimba) and Meru(Chitipa)","Uli ndi kuthekera kobeleka kufika makilogalamu 4,500 pa hectare. Mtundu umenewu ndiwoyenera kumadera okwera monga Mchinji, Mbawa ku Mzimba ndi Meru ku Chitipa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1094,Nerica 4 is a dwarf non-aromatic variety (<92cm) with grains measuring 7.2mm and 2.5mm in length and width respectively; and has a milling yield of 74%. It has a good cooking quality. It is a photoperiod insensitive variety with days to maturity of 100 to 120,Nerica 3 ndi mtundu wa wosanunkhira waufupi wa maso a mpunga otalika 7.2mm ndi 2.2mm mulifupi; ukakonoledwa umatuluka 75%. Umaoneka bwino ukaphikidwa. Ndi mtundu wosamva dzuwa ndipo umatenga masiku 95 kufika 120 kuti ukhwime,agriculture,agriculture document +en1095,"It has potential yields of 5,000 kg ha. Th is variety is suited to upland conditions such as in Mchinji, Mbawa (Mzimba) and Meru (Chitipa). Unlike Nerica 3, Nerica 4 can tolerate late season drought better than Nerica 3","Uli ndi kuthekera kobeleka kufika makilogalamu 5,000 pa hectare. Mtundu umenewu ndiwoyenera kumadera okwera monga Mchinji, Mbawa ku Mzimba ndi Meru ku Chitipa. Mosafanana ndi Nerica 3, Nerica 4 amapilira bwino ku chilala chakumapeto kuposa Nerica 3",agriculture,agriculture document +en1096,Wambone (FRX 92-14) is a recommended variety for rain fed lowland areas. It takes 128 days from seedling emergence to maturity. Its yield potential is 4600 kg per hectare and is scented,"Wambone, FRX 92-14, ndi mtundu woneyera nyengo yamvula kumadera otsika. Umatenga masiku 128 kuti ukhwime kuchokera pomwe wamera. Zokolola zikhoza kufika makilogalamu 4,500 pa hectare ndipo ndiwonunkhira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1097,Faya14-M-49 is a recommended variety for low land rain fed cultivation. It matures in 150 to 155 days and its photo period sensitivity makes it unsuitable for a planting in the dry season,Faya 14-M-49 ndi mtundu woyenera kulimidwa kumadera otsika. Umacha pa masiku 150 kufika 155 ndipo ndiwosayenera kulima nthawi ya dzinja chifukwa umadana ndi dzuwa lambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1098,The variety is preferred by consumers because it is scented. Mice attack the crop because of its strong scent,Mtundu umenewu umakondedwa ndi anthu chifukwa ndiwonunkhira kwambiri. Mbewa zimadya mbewuyi chifukwa chakununkhira kwake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1099,Katete variety is recommended for lowland rainfed and irrigated conditions. The variety matures in 94 days. It has yield potential of 6 t/ha and is resistant to major rice diseases and pests,Mtundu wa Katete ndiwoneyera kulimidwa ndi mvula komanso mthilira kumadera otsika. Mtunduwu umacha pa masiku 94. Umabeleka kwambiri kufika matani 6 pa hectare ndipo umapilira kumatenda akuluakulu a mpunga komanso tizilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1100,Lifuwu (FRX 78-12) is a recommended variety for rain fed low land areas. It takes 142 days from seedling emergence to maturity. Its yield potential is 3800 kg per hectare and is scented,"Lifuwu, FRX 78-12, ndi mtundu woyenera nyengo ya mvula kumadera otsika. Umatenga masiku 142 kuchokera pomwe wamera kufika kukhwima. Uli ndi kuthekera kotulutsa makilogalamu 3800 pa hectare ndipo ndiwonunkhira. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1101,"Mpatsa variety is recommended for lowland rainfed and irrigated conditions, and matures in 100 days. It has yield potential of 5.8 t/ha and is resistant to major rice diseases and pests","Mtundu wa Mpatsa ndiwoneyera kulimidwa ndi mvula komanso mthilira mmadera otsika, ndipo umacha pa masiku 100. Uli ndi kuthekera kotulutsa matani 5.8 pa hectare ndipo umapilira ku matenda akuluakulu a mpunga komanso tizilombo towononga mpunga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1102,"Kameme (IRAT170) i s re c om m e n d e d for upland dambos in the mid to high altitude areas. It takes 132 days from seedling emergence to maturity. Its yield potential is 3,700 per hectare","Kameme, IRAT170, ndiwoyenera kulimidwa mmadimba kumadera okwera pang'ono kufika okwera kwambiri. Umatenga masiku 132 kuti uche kuchokera pomwe wamera. Uli ndi kuthekera kotulutsa makilogalamu 3,700 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1103,"Where farmers are using unimproved varieties such as Singano, Kilombero, Kalulu and Mwasungo, they should be encouraged to select their own seed in the field and store it properly","Pamene alimi akugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yamakolo monga Singano, Kilombero, Kalulu ndi Mwasungo, alimbikitsidwe kusankha mbewu paokha mmunda mwawo ndipo ayisunge moyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1104,"Preparation of a good seed-bed for seed sowing and transplanting is important for good establishment, crop growth and weed control","Kukonza malo ofetsera mbewu ndi kuwokera ndikofunika kuti mpunga uchite bwino, ukule bwino komanso kuthana ndi tchire",agriculture,agriculture document +en1105,"Farmers should, be encouraged to prepare their seed-beds early to enable timely sowing and transplanting",Alimi akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa kukonza malo ofetsera mbewu mwansanga kuti afetsa komanso kuwokera munthawi zoyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1106,"Sowing should be done between mid- December and mid - January during the wet season. A seed rate of 63kg for the rain fed Faya 14-M-69 and other local cultivars, and 75 kg for all irrigated varieties is required for one hectare",Kufetsa kuchitike mkatikati mwa December kufika mkati mwa January munyengo ya mvula. Mbewu ya Faya 14-M-69 ndi mitundu ina yamakolo ichuluke makilogalamu 63 pa hectare nthawi ya mvula ndi makilogalamu 75 pa hectare pa mitundu ina yonse yolimidwa ndi mthilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1107,"Rice should be sown on flat beds 20m long, 1m wide and 5cm high. This is commonly done in the irrigation schemes. Twenty such seed beds will produce enough seedlings for one hectare",Mpunga ufetsedwe pa malo athyathyathya otalika 20m ndi 1m mulifupi ndikukwera 5cm. Izi zimachitika kawirikawiri kuminda yamthilira. Malo ofetsera 20 oterewa adzakhala ndi mbewu yokwanira hectare imodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1108,"Fields should be ploughed to facilitate root development and plant growth. This should be done soon after harvesting while the soil is still moist. It should be followed by breaking of clods, leveling, bunding and pudding.","Minda igawulidwe kuti ithandizire kudzika kwa mizu komanso kukula kwa mbewu. Izi zichitike pambuyo pakukolola pamene dothi lidakali lonyowa. Zitsatidwe ndi kuswa dothi loundana, kusalaza, kukwezera mizere ndi kuyisalaza",agriculture,agriculture document +en1109,"The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a method of growing rice that increases rice production by addressing the constraints such as poor water management, low soil fertility, lack of proper weed control methods and poor crop husbandry","The System of Rice Intensification, SRI, ndi njira yolimira mpunga yomwe imachulukitsa zokolola za mpunga pothana ndi zotsamwitsa monga kasamalidwe ka madzi kopelewera, kuchepa kwa chonde mumthaka, kusowa kwa njira zothanirana ndi udzu komanso kasamalidwe ka mbewu kopelewera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1110,"SRI improves productivity of land, water, labour and other farm inputs invested in rice farming. It is most suitable on irrigated rice but can be used on rain fed lowland rice","SRI imapititsa patsogolo phindu la mthaka, madzi ntchito ndi zipangizo za ulimi zomwe zagwiritsidwa ntchito pa ulimi wampunga. Ndi zoyenera kwambiri pa mpunga wamthilira koma zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pampunga wolima ndi mvula mmadera otsika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1111,Components of System of Rice Intensification SRI has 6 pillars of cultural practices that are implemented as a package.,System of River Intensification ili ndi magawo asanu ndi imodzi a kasamalidwe omwe amatsatiridwa onse pamodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1112,Transplanting young seedlings 10 days after seedling emergence. Transplanting one seedling per hill. Square transplanting at 23 cm x 23 cm,Kuwokera mbande zazing'ono masiku khumi pambuyo pakumera. Kuwokera mbande imodzi pa phando limodzi. Wokera pa mulingo wotalikirana mofanana wa 23cmx23cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en1113,Applying 12 kg 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn and 4.3 kg urea per 0.1 ha plot or 1600 kg well decomposed organic manure. Use of intermittent flooding and not continuous flooding. Use of cono weeder for controlling weed,Kuthira 12kgs ya 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn ndi 4.3kgs ya Urea pa malo okwana 0.1 hectare kapena 1600kgs ya manyowa owola bwino. Madzi adzisefukira pamundawu modukizadukiza osati mopitilira. Kugwiritsa ntchito makina opalilira tchire a cono pothana ndi tchire,agriculture,agriculture document +en1114,"Depending on when planting rain comes, unimproved varieties should be sown directly in the field either by dibbling or broadcasting","Potengera nthawi yomwe mvula yobzalira yabwera, mbewu zamakolo zibzalidwe mmunda pokwilira mtimayenje kapena pomwaza",agriculture,agriculture document +en1115,"When sown by dibbling, plant 6 seeds per station at spacing of 23 cm x 23cm with the first planting rains. The farmer can also dry plant before first planting rains. Thin or supply to 4seedlings per station at 15 to 20 days after seedlings emergence","Ukabzalidwa pokwilira mtimayenje, bzalani mbewu zisanu ndi zinayi pa phando pamtunda wa 23cmx23cm ndi mvula yoyamba. Mlimi akhoza kubzalanso ndi dzuwa mvula yoyamba isanagwe. Patulirani kufika mbande zinayi paphando lirilonse pakatha masiku 15 kufika 20 pambuyo pomera mbande",agriculture,agriculture document +en1116,"Irrigated rice should be transplanted. Transplanting ensures a vigorous initial plant growth. In the wet season, 15 to 25 day-old seedlings should be transplanted between mid- January and mid-February and 20 to 30days–old seedlings between mid-July and mid-August in the dry season. Transplant 3 to 4 seedlings per station at 23cm x 15cm spacing","Mpunga wothiliridwa uyenera kuwokeredwa. Kuwokera kumathandiza kukula ndi mphamvu pachiyambi. Munyengo yamvula, mbande zamasiku 15 kufika 25 zibzalidwe kuyambira mkati mwa January kufika mkati mwa February ndipo mbande zamasiku 20 kufika 30 zibzalidwe mkati mwa July kufika mkati mwa August munyengo yopanda mvula. Wokerani mbande zitatu kufika zinayi paphando lirilonse pamtunda wotalikirana 23cmx23cm ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1117,Water control and management is vital for optimum crop growth and productivity. This ensures that the required amount of water is available throughout the crop growth period,Kuteteza ndikusamalira madzi ndikofunika kuti mbewu zikule mwamphamvu komanso kubelera mochuluka. Izi zimathandiza kuti mulingo wa madzi ofunikira udzipezeka panthawi zonse zomwe mbewu ikukula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1118,"Water management practices such as leveling, bunding, making canals, siting inlets and outlets properly, are vital to ensuring efficient water supply and distribution. These, however, vary between irrigated and rain fed rice","Kasamalidwe kamadzi monga kumwaza dothi, kukwezera mizere, kupanga ngalande, kuyika malo olowera ndi otulukira madzi, ndi zofunukira kwambiri poonetsetsa kuti madzi akupezeka komanso kufikira mbewu zonse mokwanira. Izi komabe zimasiyana pakati pa mpunga wamthilira ndi wamvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en1119,Water availability to rain fed rice is markedly improved by dividing the field into several small plots and making bunds around them,Kupezeka kwa madzi pa mpunga wamvula kumapititsidwa patsogolo kwakukulu pogawa munda mzigawo zing'onozing'ono ndikulima mizere kuzungulira zigawozi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1120,Bunds assist in controlling the movement and distribution of rain water. Farmers growing rain fed rice should therefore be encouraged to make bunds in their fields,Milambala imathandiza kuteteza kuyenda komanso kufalikira kwa madzi a mvula. Alimi omwe akulima mpunga wamvula akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa kupanga milambala mminda mwawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1121,The irrigation schemes should have adequate water for irrigated rice from transplanting time to physiological maturity period,Minda yamthilira iyenera kukhala ndi madzi okwanira othilila mpunga kuchokera nthawi yowokera kufika pamene wakhwima,agriculture,agriculture document +en1122,A permanently flooded field during this period ensures less nitrogen losses due to denitrification compared to fields that are intermittently flooded,Munda wosefukira madzi nthawi zonse panthawi imeneyi umathandiza kuti mchere wa nitrogen wochuluka usatayike chifukwa cha kuthawa kwa nitrogen kuyerekeza ndi minda yomwe imadzadza madzi modukizadukiza,agriculture,agriculture document +en1123,"Farmers should, therefore, be encouraged to flood their rice fields continuously to a depth of 5 to10cm up to 7 to 10 days before harvesting this ensures reduction in loss of nitrogen through denitrification as compared to the fields which are always flooded",Motero alimi akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa kudzadza minda yawo ya mpunga ndi madzi mosadukiza pa mulingo wa 5cm kufika 10cm kwa masiku 7 kufika 10 asanakolole pofuna kuchepetsa kuthawa kwa nitrogen poyelekeza ndi minda yomwe nthawi zonse imakhala yosefukira ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1124,Ploughing immediately after harvest helps reduce weed population. Puddling helps further in the initial weed control operations,Kugawula nthawi yomwe mwamaliza kukolola kumathandiza kuchepetsa chiwerengero cha tchire. Kumiza tchire ndi madzi kumathandizanso kuthana ndi tchire,agriculture,agriculture document +en1125,"After broadcasting or dibbling, hand weeding is the only recommended method of weed control in rainfed rice. Hand weeding should be done at 2, 4 and 6 weeks after seedling emergence","Pambuyo pomwaza kapena kukwilira mmeyenje, kupalira ndi manja ndi njira yovomerezeka yothanirana ndi tchire mminda ya mpunga wamvula. Kupalira ndi manja kuchitike pa masabata awiri, anayi ndi asanu ndi imodzi mbewu zitamera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1126,"In irrigated schemes, hand weeding and use of chemicals are recommended. The herbicide, Ronstar 25EC should be applied at the rate of 3 liters in 300 liters of water per hectare using a sprayer","Mminda yamthilira, kupalira ndi manja komanso kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ndikovomerezeka. Mankhwala ophera tchire, Ronstar 25EC, apopeledwe pa mulingo wa 3 liters mu 300 liters ya madzi pa hectare iliyonse pogwiritsa ntchito sprayer",agriculture,agriculture document +en1127,"The application should be done soon aft er transplanting within 3 days, on moist soil. Irrigation water should be applied aft er 3 days. Proper water control helps to reduce weeds that do not withstand submergence","Kuthira mankhwala kuchitike mukangomaliza kuwokera masiku atatu asanadutse, munthaka yonyowa. Madzi othilira athiliridwe pakadutsa masiku atatu. Kusamala madzi moyenera kumathandiza kuchepetsa tchire lomwe limafa likamira mmadzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1128,Nadanga weed (Echinochloa crusgalli)-This weed is a serious problem in rice fields. It is not easy to distinguish the weed from rice until flowering,"Tchire la Nadanga, Echinochloa crusgalli- Tchire ili ndi vuto lalikulu mminda ya mpunga. Ndilovuta kwambiri kusiyanitsa pakati pa tchireli ndi mpunga kufika nthawi yochita maluwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1129,Control is therefore very difficult and always late. Farmers in schemes affected by this weed gaining experience in identifying it and they should be advised to frequently check their fields in order to clean the plots of the weed. Transplanting in rows assists in easy identification of the weed,Kuthana nalo kwake ndikovuta kwambiri komanso kumakhala kochedwa nthawi zonse. Alimi mminda yamthilira omwe akhuzidwa ndi tchire limeneli apeze luso losiyanitsira ndi mpunga ndipo alangizidwe kuti adziyendera minda yawo pafupipafupi kuti achotse tchire limeneli mminda mwawo. Kuwokera mmizere ndi njira yosavuta yothandizira kuzindikira tchireli mosavuta,agriculture,agriculture document +en1130,"The uprooted weeds should be taken far away from the plots and destroyed either by burning or deep burying. Where there is a heavy infestation of the weed, maize should be grown after the rice crop to enable easy identification so that it can be controlled","Tchire lomwe lazulidwa likatayidwe kutali kwambiri ndi minda ndi kuwonongedwa politentha kapena kulikwilira pansi kwambiri. Komwe kuli kufalikira kwa tchireli, chimanga chibzalidwe pambuyo pokolola mpunga kuti chithandize kuzindikira mosavuta tchireli ndi cholinga chofuna kuthana nalo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1131,Birds are the most important pest of rice and substantially reduce yields. These should be controlled by scaring. The most common are Quelea quelea and other Weaver birds,Mbalame ndi zoononga mpunga zofunikira kuposa zonse ndipo zimachepetsa kwambiri kuchuluka kwa zokolola. Izi tikhoza kuthana nazo podziwopseza. Mtundu wopezeka kwambiri ndi Quela quela ndi zina za mtundu wa ma Weaver,agriculture,agriculture document +en1132,"Green grasshoppers (Ruspolia differens) this insect pest locally known as Bwanoni can be a serious pest in rice. Sorghum, millets and wheat may also be attacked","Ziwala zobiliwira, Ruspolia differens- zilombo zowonongazi zomwe zimatchedwa kuti Bwanoni zikhozanso kukhala mdani wamkulu wampunga. Mapira, mchewere ndi tirigu zimawonongedwanso",agriculture,agriculture document +en1133,"In rice fields, yield losses maybe up to 80%. They prefer feeding on the grain at milky stage. Control is by spraying 50EC at a dilution rate of 136ml in 14 liters of water for knapsack sprayer or 1 liter of water for ULV sprayer, or Carbaryl 85WP, 85g in 14 liters of water for knapsack sprayer or 1 liter of water for ULV sprayer","Mminda ya mpunga, zokolola zimatha kuwonongeka ndi 80%. Zimakonda kudya maso ake makamaka akakhala ndi mkaka. Kuthana nazo kwake ndi kupopera 50EC wosungunulidwa pa mulingo wa 136mL mmadzi okwana 14 liters mu sprayer yobelekera kapena mu 1 liter ya madzi mu sprayer ya ULV, kapena Carbaryl 85g mu 14 liters ya madzi mu sprayer yobelekera kapena mu 1 liter yamadzi mu sprayer ya ULV",agriculture,agriculture document +en1134,Paddy is ready for harvesting when the grains on the panicles are golden brown (straw coloured) and when three quarters of the panicles in the field are at this stage,Mpunga umafika pokololedwa pamene maso ake pa ngala akuoneka mwa golide ndipo pamane ngala zitatu pa ngala zinayi zilizonse zikakhala pa mulingo umenewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1135,"Rice reaches maturity about 30 days after 50 % flowering time. To obtain the best whole grain rice yields, harvest rice at 8 to12 days after maturity date in wet season and 4 to 8 days after maturity in dry season","Mpunga umafika pokhwima pamasiku masiku makumi atatu pambuyo patheka lanthwi yomwe wachita maluwa. Kuti zokolola zake zikhale zopanda mphwepwa, kololani mpunga masiku asanu ndi atatu kufika khumi ndi awiri pambuyo pakukhwima pamene nyengo ili yonyowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1136,"Where moisture meters are available, the rice should be at 20 to 30% moisture content. Water should be drained 7 to 10 days before the expected date of harvesting to ensure uniformity of maturity and to enable the farmer to harvest in drier fields","Pomwe zoyezera kuchuluka kwa chinyezi zlilipo, mpunga ukhale ndi chinyezi pa mulingo wa 20% kufika 30%. Madzi achotsedwe masiku asanu ndi awiri kufika khumi tsiku loyembekezera kukolola lisanafike kuti uche mofanana ndikuthandiza amlimi kukolola mmunda mouma kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1137,Rice should be cut using sickles at 5 to 10 cm above the ground and threshed on the same day. This is because rice does not dry fast on straw laid down on ground,Mpunga udulidwe pogwiritsa ntchito chikwakwa pautali wa 5cm kufika 10cm pamwamba pa dothi ndipo umenyedwe tsiku lomwelo. Ichi mchifukwa choti mpunga sumauma mwansanga udzu wake ukagonetsedwa pansi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1138,Threshing should be done on mats or black plastic paper by beating with sticks or a handful of rice on straw to release the grains,Kumenya mpunga kuchitike pamphasa kapena pa pepala la plastic pomenya ndi dondo kapena kapena kumamenya wokwana mmanja kuti mpungawo uchoke ku ngala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1139,"Threshed rice should be winnowed using flat basket, move chaffs, broken straws, unfilled grains and other foreign matter from the well filled grains","Mpunga womenyadwa upetedwe pogwiritsa ntchito lichero la flat, chotsani deya, ziduswa za udzu, mphwepwa ndi zina zosafunikira mu mpungwa wabwinowo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1140,The winnowed rice should be dried by spreading it on mats for two sunny days to enable it reach 14% moisture content which is safe for storage,Mpunga wopetedwa uumitsidwe powumwaza pa mphasa kwa masiku awiri a dzuwa lambiri kuti chinyezi chifike pa mulingo wa 14% chomwe ndichabwino kusungira mpungawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1141,"High whole grain percentage is obtained when it is taken for milling soon after drying period. If stored for a longer period, dry it in the sun for a day before milling","Mpunga waosasweka waochuluka umapezeka ukapititdwa kokoneletsa pambuyo pa nthawi yoyanika. Ukasungidwa kwa nthawi yayitali, uyenera kuyanikidwa pa dzuwa kwa tsiku lathunthu tsiku lokonola lisanafike",agriculture,agriculture document +en1142,"Proper storage facilities include sacks and cribs (nkhokwe). Well dried paddy should be stored in moisture-proof, well aerated structures and guarded against insects and rodents","Zipangizo zosungira mpunga ndi monga matumba, nkhokwe. Mpunga wouma bwino usungidwe mmalo osalowa chinyezi, zipangizo zolowa mpweya komanso zotetezeka ku tizilombo towononga mbewu ndi makoswe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1143,Dusting with Actellic Super (Bifelthrin) and Super Grain Dust at the rate of one sachet (40 g) to a bag (75 kg) of paddy controls rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) attack. Farmers should be encouraged to use rat guards in nkhokwes to control rats,"Kuthira Actellic Super, Bifelthrin, ndi Super Grain Dust pa mulingo wa paketi imodzi ya 40g pa thumba lolemera makilogalamu 75 lampunga poteteza kugwidwa ndi nankafumbwe wampunga (Sitophilus oryzae). Alimi alimbikitsidwe kugwiritsa ntchito zophera makoswe munkhokwe pothana ndi makoswe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1144,"Paddy which is ready for sale should be free of chaff, stones, dirt and any other foreign materials and be dried to14% grain moisture content","Mpunga womwe ukuyenera kupita kogulitsa usakhale ndi deya, miyala, zinyalala kapena zinthu zina zosafunikira ndipo uyanikidwe kufika pa chinyezi cha 14% ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1145,"Some buyers can, however, purchase paddy at 16 to 20% grain moisture content. The main buyers are ADMARC, NASFAM and other Private Traders","Komabe ogula ena akhoza kugula mpunga uli ndi chinyezi cha 16% kufika 20%. Ogula akuluakulu ndi ADMARC, NASFAM ndi ochita ntchito zamalonda omwe siaboma",agriculture,agriculture document +en1146,"Usually buyers accept two grades of paddy. Grade one paddy is well winnowed and free of foreign material and diseased grains, and is bought at a premium price, otherwise it is down-graded to grade two and bought at an inferior price","Nthawi zambiri ogula amalola mpunga wamagulu awiri. Gulu loyamba ndi mpunga womwe wapetedwa bwino ndipo wopanda zinyalala kapena wamatenda, ndipo umagulidwa pamtengo wokwera kwambiri, ngati sichoncho umatsitsidwa kufika gulu lachiwiri ndipo umagulidwa pamtengo wotsika kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1147,"Besides marketing paddy, individuals in the country mill their paddy at maize mills or rice mills in irrigation schemes and sell the milled product at prices which vary between areas and individuals. This value adding should be encouraged in all the rice growing areas","Kupatula kusatsa malonda a mpunga, anthu paokha mdziko muno amakonoletsa mpunga mzigayo za chimanga kapena zampunga mminda yamthilira ndipo amagulitsa mpunga wokonolawu pa mitengo yosakhadzikika yomwe imasiyana dera ndi dera komanso omwe akugulitsa. Kukonoletsa kulimbikitsidwe mmadera onse olima mpunga chifukwa mitengo imakwera ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1148,Sorghum is an important staple food in the Shire Valley and a food security crop in other marginal rain fall areas. It can also be an alternative cash crop. Sorghum is drought tolerant than maize. This makes the crop more suitable to these areas,Mapira ndi chakudya chofunikira kuchigwa cha Shire ndipo ndi mbewu yothandizira chitetezo cha chakudya mmadera ena omwe mvula imagwa yochepa. Ndi mbewunso yomwe ingapezetse alimi ndalama. Izi zimapangitsa kuti mbewuyi ikhale yoyenera kumadera amenewa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1149,The objective is therefore to increase yields to meet food requirements and surplus for sale in the marginal rainfall areas. Smallholder farmers sorghum average yield is about 600kg per hectare,Motero cholinga ndi kuchulukitsa zokolola kuti tikwaniritse zakudya zofunikira ndipo zotsala zigulitsidwe mmadera omwe mvula imagwa movutirapo. Alimi ang'onoang'ono amakolola mapira okwana makilogalamu 600 pa hectare,agriculture,agriculture document +en1150,"There is scope to increase yields up to 2,500kg per hectare with improved varieties under good management","Pali malingaliro ofunika kuchulukitsa zokolola kufika pa 2,500kgs pa hectare pogwiritsa ntchito mbewu zamakono ndi chisamaliro choyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1151,"The Pilira 1 (SVP 351) variety is recommended for Karonga, Salima, Bwanje Valley, Rivirivi and Mpilisi. It matures between 100 and 115 days with a plant height of 1.4 to 1.7 meters","Pilira 1, SVP 351, ndi mtundu wa mbewu yoyenera ku Karonga, Salima, chigwa cha Bwanje, Rivilivi ndi Mpilisi. Imacha pakati pa masiku 110 kufika 115 ndipo imatalika 1.4m kufika 1.7m",agriculture,agriculture document +en1152,"It has a spindle-shaped, well exerted and semi-compact panicle with hard and corneous white grain. It has a threshing value of 52.1% and a yield potential of 3,400kg per hectare","Imakhala ndi ngala zooneka ngati moongoka, zolimba ndipo maso ake amakhala olimba komanso oyera. Ikapunthidwa imatulutsa zokolola kufika 52/1% ndipo pa hectare ikhoza kutulutsa 3,400kgs",agriculture,agriculture document +en1153,The Pilira 2 (SVP 475) variety is currently only recommended for the Shire Valley. It matures between 110 and 120 days with a plant height of 1.5 to 1.8 metres,"Pilira 2, SVP 475, ndi mtundu womwe pakali pano ndiwokhawo woyenera kuchigwa cha Shire. Imacha pakati pa masiku 110 ndi 120 ndipo imatalika 1.5m kufika 1.8m",agriculture,agriculture document +en1154,"It has an elliptic-shaped exerted and semi compact panicle with hard cream coloured grain. It has a yield potential of 3,000kg per hectare and threshing value of 48.2%","Ngala zake zimakhala, zofufuma ndi zotayana pang'ono ndipo maso ake amakhala olimba oyelerapo pang'ono. Zokolola zikhoza kufika 3,000 pa hectare ndipo ikapunthidwa imatulutsa 48.2%",agriculture,agriculture document +en1155,"Farmers can obtain seed of Pilira 1 and Pilira 2 from growers and breeders. This seed can be used for two successive seasons. Farmers should rogue off types, in the field and remove any diseased small sized and off coloured seed","Alimi akhoza kupeza mbewu za Pilira 1 ndi Pilira 2 kuchokewa kwa alimi anzawo kapena ochulukitsa mbewu. Mbewuyi ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kwa nyengo ziwiri zosatana. Alimi achotse mbewu zogwera mmunda mwawo, achotsenso mbewu iliyonse yamatenda kapena yomwe yasintha mtundu. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1156,"Gwiramtima is a high yielding (2,400 - 3,500kg/ha), tall (33 - 400cm) and very early maturing (100 - 105 days) sorghum variety that is disease, insect pest and drought tolerant","Gwiramtima ndi mbewu yamapira yobeleka kwambiri, 2,400kgs kufika 3,500kgs, yayitali, 33cm kufika 400cm, komanso yocha msanga, masiku 100 kufika 105 yomwe imapilira ku matenda, tizilombo towononga komanso chilala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1157,"It is photoperiod insensitive, and has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium- sized grain type that is highly nutritious and greatly favoured by consumers because of its excellent food quality and palatable taste. Gwiramtima (meaning eating with satisfaction in the Sena language) is especially recommended for the Shire Valley","Simayendera kusintha kwa dzuwa, ili ndi maso apakatikati oyelerapo omwe ali ndi zofunikira zambiri kuthanzi la anthu ndipo imakondedwa kwambiri ndi ogula chifukwa chakudya chake chimakhala chabwino komanso chokoma. Gwiramtima kutanthauza kuti kudya mosangalala mu chiyankhulo cha Sena ndi mbewu makamaka yovomerezeka ku chigwa cha Shire",agriculture,agriculture document +en1158,"Makolokoto is a high yielding (2,100-3,700kg/ha), tall (338-360 cm), late maturing (130-140 days) sorghum variety that is disease and insect pest tolerant, drought tolerant and photoperiod insensitive","Mtundu wa mbewu ya mapira ya makolokoto imabeleka kwambiri, 2,100kgs kufika 3,700kgs, yayitali, 338cm kufika 360cm, yocha mochedwa pa masiku 130 kufika 140 yomwe imapilira ku matenda, tizilombo towononga, chilala ndi kusintha kwa dzuwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1159,"It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium- sized grain that is highly nutritious and favoured by consumers","Ili ndi maso okulirapo, oyera, ooneka mwamkaka ndipo imapeleka thanzi kwambiri ndipo imakondedwa ndi ogula",agriculture,agriculture document +en1160,It has an excellent polished grain quality that has excellent food qualities with a palatable taste. Makolokoto (meaning completely satisfied in the Sena language) is recommended for the Shire Valley,Ili ndi maso owala kwambiri omwe ali maonekedwe abwino achakudya komanso okoma pakudya. Makolokoto imatanthauza kumva kukoma kwambiri mu chiyankhulo cha Sena ndiyoyenera ku chigwa cha Shire,agriculture,agriculture document +en1161,"Sinakhomo is sorghum variety has a yield potential of up to 3,000 kg/ha, is tall (338-360 cm) and is early maturing (100-112 days) sorghum variety that is disease and insect pest tolerant, drought tolerant and photoperiod insensitive","Sinakhomo ndi mbewu yamapira yomwe imabeleka kwambiri kufika 3,000kgs pa hectare, yayitali 338cm kufika 360cm ndipo imacha msanga pamasiku 100 kufika 112, imapilira kumatenda, tizilombo towononga mbewu, chilala komanso simamva kusintha kwa dzuwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1162,"It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium-sized grain that is highly nutritious and favoured by farmers and consumers","Ili ndi maso okulirapo, oyelerapo, owoneka mwamkaka yomwe ndiyopatsa thanzi kwambiri ndipo imakondendwa kwambiri ndi alimi komanso anthu okudya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1163,It has an excellent polished grain quality with good food quality and taste. Sinankhomo (meaning eating without end in Sena) is recommended for the Shire Valley as well,Ili ndi maso owala kwambiri ndipo imakoma kwambiri mukayidya. Sinakhomo imatanthauza kudya opanda kumaliza muchiyankhulo cha Sena ndiyovomerezekanso ku chigwa cha Shire,agriculture,agriculture document +en1164,"PN3 is a short maturity (90days) sorghum variety that is adapted to low and medium altitude areas (60-1000masl), and is tolerant to drought",PN3 ndi mtundu wa mapira wocha msanga pamasiku 90 womwe umalola madera otsika ndi okwelerapo ndipo imapilira ku chilala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1165,This variety is ready for harvesting by mid to end March when planted in mid to end December. PN3 is a short-sheathed inter-node sorghum variety that grows to a height of 130 cm at maturity,Mtundu uwu umafika pokolola mkati mwa mwezi March kufika kumapeto ikabzalidwa kuyambira mkati mwa December kufika kumapeto. Mtundu wa PN3 umakhala ndi mphindo zazifupi zomwe zimakula kufika 130cm zikakhwima,agriculture,agriculture document +en1166,"The stem base is thick, light green in colour and produces no tillers. It takes 59 days to reach 50% flowering and 90 days to physiological maturity (when a black layer is formed on the grain) with 12 to 15 functional leaves remaining on the plant","Tsinde lake limakhala lokhuthala, lobiliwira mmaonekedwe ndipo limatulutsa mphukira. Zimatenga masiku 59 kufika poti theka lachita maluwa ndipo masiku 90 kufika pokwima pamene khungu lakuda limakuta maso ake, ndipo pamene masamba ogwira ntchito khumi ndi awiri kufika khumi ndi asanu amatsala pa chomera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1167,"Its potential yield is 3,000kg/ha on soils of moderate fertility, but yield can be greatly reduced when dry spell occurs during panicle development or flowering stage 30 to 60 days after emergency, or at temperatures above 30oC","Imatulutsa makilogalamu 3,000 pa hectare munthaka yachonde pang'ono koma kubeleka kumachepa kwambiri ngati yakumana ndi chilala pamene ikupanga ngala kapena nthawi yochita maluwa pamasiku 30 kufika 60 pambuyo pakumera kapena mmalo otentha kuposa 30oC",agriculture,agriculture document +en1168,"Kayera is a high yielding (2,100-3,000kg/ha), tall (342-355cm) and early maturing (115-121days) variety tolerant to disease and insect pests, drought and photoperiod insensitive","Kayera ndi mtundu wobeleka kwambiri, 2,100kgs kufika 3,000kgs pa hectare, yayitali 342cm kufika 355cm ndiyocha msanga pamasiku 115 kufika 121 yomwe imapilira kumatenda ndi tizilombo towononga, chilala komanso kusintha kwa dzuwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1169,"It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium-sized grain that is highly nutritious and preferred by farmers and consumers. It has an excellent polished grain quality, good flour and palatability","Ili ndi maso okulirapo, ooneka mwamkaka yomwe imapatsa thanzi lambiri ndipo imakondedwa ndi alimi komanso anthu okudya. Ili ndi maso owala kwambiri, imatulutsa ufa wabwino komanso wokoma",agriculture,agriculture document +en1170,"Kayera (meaning white-grained in the Sena) is recommended for sorghum growing areas in Machinga, Salima and Karonga districts","Kayera kutanthauza kuti maso oyera mu Sena ndiwovomerezeka kumaboma olima mapira a Machinga, Salima ndi Karonga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1171,"Acc 967 is a high yielding (2,000-3,500kg/ha), tall (290-314 cm), early maturing (115-121 days) sorghum variety that is disease and insect pest tolerant, drought tolerant and photoperiod insensitive","Acc 967 ndi mtundu wa mapira womwe umabeleka kwambiri, 2,000kgs kufika 3,500kgs, yayitali 290cm kufika 314cm, imacha msanga pamasiku 115 kufika 121, yomwe imapilira kumatenda ndi tizilombo towononga, yopilira ku chilala komanso yosamva kusintha kwa dzuwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1172,"It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium- sized grain that is highly nutritious and favoured by farmers and consumers","Ili ndi maso okulirapo, oyera, olimba omwe amapeleka thanzi lambiri ndipo imakondedwa ndi alimi komanso okudya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1173,"It has an excellent polished grain quality, good flour quality and good food palatability taste. Acc 967 is also recommended for sorghum growing areas in Machinga, Salima and Karonga districts","Ili ndi maso owala bwino, ufa wake wabwino komanso imakoma pomadya. Acc 967 ndiyovomerezekanso ku maboma olima mapira a Machinga, Salima ndi Karonga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1174,"In the Shire Valley and other marginal rainfall areas, soil moisture can be retained for longer periods by ridging and box ridging","Ku chigwa cha Shire ndi madera ena omwe amalandira mvula yochepa, chinyezi mudothi chikhoza kusungidwa kwa nthawi yayitali polima mizere komanso kupanga milambala ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1175,"Remove all weeds, shrubs and stumps. Loosen the soil, break clods and smoothen out. Prepare ridges at 75cm apart for the short varieties and 90cm apart for the tall varieties. Avoid clods to ensure good seedling emergence and establishment","Chotsani udzu wonse, tchire komanso zitsa. Gaulani dothi kuti lifewe, phwanyani zigulumwa za dothi ndipo musalaze. Konzani mizere yotalikirana 75cm kwa mtundu wa mbewu zazifupi ndipo 90cm kwa mtundu wa mbewu zazitali",agriculture,agriculture document +en1176,Plant with the first planting rains of 25mm or wetting to a soil depth of 15cm in order to take full advantage of the rainy season,Bzalani ndi mvula yoyamba yobzalira ya 25mm kapena dothi likanyowa kulowa pansi 15cm kuti mugwiritse ntchito moyenera nyengo yamvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1177,Split each ridge 2.5cm deep and plant 5 seeds into the groove every 30cm and cover the ridge. Thin to 2 seedlings per station when plants are15cm high. The seed rate is 5kg per hectare. Plant unimproved varieties at 90cm apart between ridges and 45cm apart between plants,Gawani mzere uliwonse 2.5cm kulowa pansi ndipo ponyani mbewu zisanu mu ngalandemo motalikirana 30cm ndipo kwilirani. Patulirani ndikusiya mbewu ziwiri paphando zikafika 15cm. Bzalani mbewu yamakolo pamtunda wa 90cm pakati pa mizere ndi 45cm pakati pamapando,agriculture,agriculture document +en1178,Finger millet is an important food and cash crop in the plateau areas in the Northern Region. The slash and burn (Visoso) as practiced in Chitipa and Karonga and Mzimba destroys vegetation and land productivity and should therefore be discouraged,"Mchewere ndi chakudya chofunikira komanso chobweretsa ndalama mmadera ammapiri kuchigawo chakumpoto. Kutchetcha ndi kuotcha monga mmene achitira ku Chitipa, Karonga ndi Mzimba zimaononga chilengedwe komanso kuchepetsa zokolola ndipo izi ziletsedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1179,"Wheat is an important cereal crop which is grown both for cash and food. It is mostly grown under residual moisture in Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, Mchinji, Ntchisi Hills, Phoka Hills, Viphya plateau and Misuku Hills","Tirigu ndi mbewu ya udzu yomwe imalimidwa ngati yogulitsa komanso chakudya. Imalimidwa kwambiri pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi ku Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, Mchinji, mmapiri aku Ntchisi, Phoka komanso pamwamba pa mapiri a Viphya ndi Misuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en1180,"There is a high demand for wheat in the country. The current production is estimated at 2000 tonnes per annum which is only about 5% of the total grain requirement of over 100,000 metric tonnes","Pali kufunikwa kwakukulu kwa tirigu mdziko muno. Malimidwe apano akuonetsa kuti amakololedwa matani okwana 2000 pa chaka omwe ndi 5% yokha ya tirigu yemwe akufunidwa wopitilira matani 100,000",agriculture,agriculture document +en1181,The country imports the difference to meet the short fall. There is need therefore to increase production in order to meet national demand,Dziko lino limayitanitsa kumayiko akunja wotsalayu kuti likwaniritse kupelewerako. Choncho pali kufunika kowonjezera kulima kuti tikwanitse mulingo womwe dziko limafuna,agriculture,agriculture document +en1182,Government aim is to increase production through improving yields and fully utilizing suitable areas to meet domestic demand and reduce dependence on imports,Cholinga cha boma ndi kuwonjezera kulima popititsa patsogolo zokolola komanso kugwiritsa bwino ntchito madera oyenera kuti likwaniritse kufunika kwa tirigu mdziko muno ndikuchepetsa kudalira kuyitanitsa mayiko akunja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1183,"Current yields range from 400 to 900kg per hectare but there is potential to increase yields to 3,500kg per hectare. The strategy is to promote wheat production under irrigation and residual moisture in the high altitude areas","Zokolola zapano zili pa 400kgs kufika pa 900kgs pa hectare koma pali kuthekera kowonjezera zokolola kufika 3,500kgs pa hectare. Ndondomeko yake ndi kulimbikitsa ulimi wa tirigu kudzera mumthilira komanso chinyezi chotsalira kumadera okwera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1184,"Kenya Nyati: This variety is recommended to be grown in the rainy season and is well adapted to high altitude area of 1,000m above sea level or more",Kenya Nyati: uwu ndi mtundu wovomerezeka kulima nthawi yamvula ndipo imalola kwambiri madera okwera kufika 1000m pamwamba pa nyanja kapena kuposa apo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1185,It performs well in these areas when the main rains are tailing off and the cool season is setting in. It is tall (90 to100cm) with medium to late maturity (140 to 150 days),Imachita bwino kumadera amenewa pamene komwe mvula yeniyeni ikupita kumapeto ndipo nyengo yozizira ikuyamba. Imatalika 90cm kufika 100cm ndipo imacha pakatikati pena mochedwa pamasiku 140 kufika 150 ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1186,"It has a yield potential of 3,500kg per hectare and has good baking qualities. It is susceptible to leaf rust and stem rust. All the recommended irrigated varieties do well under rainfed condition","Ili ndi kuthekera kobeleka kufika 3,500kgs pa hectare ndipo ndiyabwino kuphikira zakudya monga chingwa. Imagwidwa kwambiri ndi dzimbiri lamasamba komanso dzimbiri latsinde",agriculture,agriculture document +en1187,"Torim73: It is a semi-dwarf variety with a mean height of 83cm and a yield potential of around 6,000kg per hectare and it matures in 90 to120days","Torim73: Ndi mtundu wotalikirapo kufika 83cm ndipo umabeleka kufika 6,000kgs pa hectare ndipo imacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120",agriculture,agriculture document +en1188,"Limpopo is a dwarf variety (60cm) and of early to medium maturity (90 to 120 days). It has good baking qualities with a yield potential of 3,400kg per hectare. It is adapted to different altitudes and tolerant to leaf rust, stem rust and powdery mildew","Limpopo ndi mtundu waufupi kufika 60cm ndipo umacha msanga pena mochedwerapo pamasiku 90 kufika 120. Ndiwabwino kuphikira monga chingwa ndipo zokolola zimafika 3,400kgs pa hectare. Umalola mmadera okwera mosiya ndipo umapilira ku matenda a dzimbiri lamasamba, dzimbiri latsinde ndi chiwawu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1189,"Jupateco 73 is a semi-dwarf wheat variety adapted for production under irrigation in upland areas and matures in 90 to 120 days. It grows to a height of 80cm and has a yield potential of about 3,500kg per hectare","Jupateco 73 ndi mtundu wa tirigu waufupi pang'ono womwe umalola kulimidwa kudzera mumthilira kumadera okwera ndipo umacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120. Umakula kufika 80cm ndipo uli ndi kuthekera kobelera 3,500kgs pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1190,"Loerie is semi–dwarf variety (75 to 100cm) which is recommended for production under irrigation in medium to upland areas. It matures in about 120days. It has a yield potential of 4,500kg per hectare or more","Loeri ndi mtundu wotalikirapo pang'ono, 75cm kufika 100cm, womwe umalimidwa ndi mthilira mmadera otsika pang'ono mpaka mmadera okwera. Imacha pamasiku 120. Ili ndi kuthekera kotulutsa makilogalamu 4,500 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1191,"Gamtoos is a semi–dwarf wheat variety which is about 75–100cm and matures in about 120days. It has a yield potential of 3,500kg per hectare and better baking qualities. Other released wheat varieties include SC Nduna, SC Smart and SC Stallion","Gamoos ndi mtundu wa tirigu wotalikirapo pang'ono, 75cm kufika 100cm ndipo imacha pamasiku 120. Ili ndi kuthekera kotulutsa 3,500kgs pa hectare ndipo ndiyabwino kuphikira zakudya. Mitundu ina ya tirigu yomwe yatulutsidwa ndi SC Nduna, SC Smart ndi SC Stallion",agriculture,agriculture document +en1192,"Common diseases of wheat are leaf rust (Puccinia recondita), stem rust (Puccinia graminis), powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), loose smut (Ustilago nuda), leaf blotch (Helminthosporium spp.) and stem blotch (Septoria spp.)","Matenda osasowa a tirigu ndi dzimbiri lamasamba (Puccinaia recondita), dzimbiri latsinde (Puccinia praminis), chiwawun(Ustilago nuda), leaf blotch (Helminthosporium spp.) and stem blotch (Septoria spp.)",agriculture,agriculture document +en1193,"Rust is favoured by a humid environment when temperatures begin warming in August. Severe infections reduce kernel weight, test weight and kernel quality. Control is by growing tolerant varieties namely Kenya Nyati, Limpopo, Torim73, Jupateco, Loerie and Gamtoos","Dzimbiri limakonda nyengo yachinyezi pamene kunja kwayamba kutentha maka mu August. Matenda akagwira kwambiri mbewu amachepetsa kulemera kwa tirigu komanso meonekedwe ake. Kuthana ndi matendawa ndi kubzala mtundu wa mbewu zolipira monga Kenya Nyati, Limpopo, Torim73, Jupateco, Loeri ndi Gamtoos",agriculture,agriculture document +en1194,Seed of the improved varieties is not available and farmers should be encouraged to select and keep their own seed,Mbewu yamitundu yamakonoyi simapezeka ndipo alimi akulimbikitsidwa kusankha ndikusunga mbewu yawo akakolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en1195,The purity of the variety should be maintained by rogueing off types in the field at time of physiological maturity (yellowing stage),"Kusasakanikira ndi mitundu ina kutetezedwe pozula ndikutaya mitundu yosafunika mmunda panthawi yomwe mbewu zikucha, pamene masamba akuchita chikasu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1196,"Any off type, rotten and diseased seed should be discarded at time of processing. Enough seed should be kept for planting","Mbewu yamtundu uliwonse yosafanana ndi yomwe talima, yowola kapena yamatenda itayidwe pamene tikusamala zokolola. Mbewu yokwanira isungidwe podikira kubzala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1197,Cut and stook the crop as soon as it has reached physiological maturity. The grain will be dry and flinty at this stage,"Dulani ndikusasa zomera nthawi yomwe yafika pouma. Apa maso a tirigu amakhala ouma, wosongoka panthawi imeneyi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1198,"Threshing should be done on clean surfaces to avoid grain mixing with sand, stones and trash","Kumenya kuchitike pamalo osamala bwino popewa kusakanira ndi mchenga, miyala ndi zinyalala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1199,Store the crop in clean packaging materials such as bags and should be put on a dunnage (raised platform). An application of Grain Dust at the rate of 25g per 50kg bag of grain will prevent weevil attack,Sungani zokolola muzinthu zosamalika bwino monga matumba ndipo ikani pamalo okwera kapena pathandala. Kuthira Grain Dust pamulingo wa 25g pathumba la 50kg latirigu zidzathandiza kupewa kuonongedwa ndi nankafumbwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1200,"Grain legumes are an important source of vegetable protein. Farmers should therefore be encouraged to grow them for their own consumption, to improve their nutritional status and for cash","Mtundu wa nyemba ndiwofunika kwambiri ngati mopezera zakudya zomanga thumbi zamasamba. Chocho alimi alimbikitsidwe kuzilima kuti adzidya, kukweza thanzi lawo komanso kugulitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1201,"Where landholdings are small, grain legumes should be inter-planted with maize, cassava, sorghum and other crops. Groundnuts, phaseolus beans, soyabeans, pigeonpeas, cowpeas, groundbeans, chickpeas, fieldpeas, guarbeans, grams, velvet beans and dolicus beans are Grain legumes commonly grown in Malawi","Komwe malo olima ndi ochepa, nyemba zilimidwe pamodzi ndi chimanga, chinangwa, mapira ndi mbewu zina. Mtedza, nanyati, soya, nandolo, khobwe, mzama, tchana, nseula, nsawawa, mphoza, klingonda ndi nkhungudzu ndi mitundu ya nyemba yomwe imalimidwa kwambiri ku Malawi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1202,Beans are a good source of protein and income. The green leaves are valuable vegetables. The crop is grown throughout the country mostly in cool plateau areas,Nyemba zimapatsa zakudya zomanga thupi komanso chuma. Masamba ake obiliwira ndi ndiwo zamasamba zofunikira. Mbewuyi imalimidwa mdziko lonse koma kwambiri kumadera amapiri kozizira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1203,Beans can also be grown in low altitude areas during winter months of April to July under residual moisture,Nyemba zikhoza kulimidwanso kumalo otsika nthawi ya dzinja kuyambira mwezi wa April kufika July pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1204,"The bean yields for both pure stand and interplanted are around 300kg to 800kg per hectare. However, the potential yields are 2000kg/ ha for large seeded varieties and 2,500kg per hectare for small seeded varieties","Nyemba zolimidwa zokhazokha kapena zosakaniza ndi mbewu zina zimabeleka 300kgs kufika 800kgs pa hectare. Komabe pali kuthekera kofika 2,000kgs pa hectare polima mitundu ya nyemba zazikulu ndipo 2,500kgs pa hectare pa mitundu ya nyemba zazing'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en1205,The objective therefore is to increase production by improving yields while ensuring that varieties of desirable cooking characteristics and highly market demanded varieties are promoted,Choncho cholinga ndikukweza ulimi popititsa patsogolo zokolola pamene tikuonetsetsa kuti mitundu yabwino yosavuta kuphika komanso yosavuta malonda ikumbikitsidwa. ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1206,"Where it is not possible for farmers to plant beans in pure stands, they should be interplanted with other crops such as maize or grown as a relay crop thereby maximizing production from the same piece of land","Komwe ndikosatheka kuti alimi abzale nyemba pazokha, ayenera kubzala mosakaniza ndi mbewu zina monga chimanga, kapena kulimidwa pambuyo pokolola motero kugwiritsa ntchito mokwanira malo amodzi olima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1207,In irrigation schemes farmers should be advised to plant as soon as the summer crop has been harvested,Mminda yamthilira alimi akulangizidwa kubzala mwachangu akangochotsa mbewu za chilimwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1208,"The dimba crop should be planted when the climate is favourable. In the Lake Shore, the crop can be planted in May to June while in upland, planting should be done in July to August when temperatures have warmed up","Mbewu zakudimba zibzalidwe pamene nyengo ikulola. Mmadera a mphepete mwa nyanja, mbewuyi ikhoza kubzalidwa kuyambira mu May mpaka June pemene madera okwera, ibzalidwe pakati pa July ndi August nyengo ikafunda pang'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en1209,"For the interplanted crop, planting should be done soon after planting the main crop or as soon as the main crop has emerged","Kwa mbewu zosakanizidwa ndi zina, kubzala kuchitike pambuyo pobzala mbewu yayikuluyo kapena pamene mbewu yayikuluyo yangomera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1210,"For the pure stands, planting should be done at onset of the first planting rains. In relay cropping, planting should be when the main crop has reached physiological maturity","Mminda ya nyemba zokhazokha, kubzala kuchitike ndi mvula yobzalira yoyamba. Pomwe ikubzalidwa pambuyo pokolola mbewu ina, kubzala kuchitike pomwe mbewu yayikuluyo yakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1211,In irrigation schemes farmers should be advised to plant as soon as the summer crop has been harvested. The dimba crop should be planted when the weather is favourable,"Mminda yamthilira, alimi alangizidwe kubzala nthawi yomweyo pamene mbewu zachilimwe zakololedwa. Mbewu yakudimba ibzalidwe nyengo ikakhala bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1212,Dwarf beans should be planted in 2 rows spaced at 30cm on the ridge. Plant 1 seed per station 10 cm apart along each row,Nyemba zazifupi zibzalidwe mmizere iwiri motalikirana 30cm pa mzere. Bzalani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 10cm pamzere uliwonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1213,The ridges should be 75cm or 90cm apart. This requires a seed rate of 80 to 70 per hectare respectively,Mizere ikhale yotalikirana 75cm kapena 90cm. Izi zifunika mbewu yokwana 80kgs kufika 70kgs pa hectare motero,agriculture,agriculture document +en1214,"Climbing beans should be planted on 1 row, 1seed per planting station spaced at 15cm. This requires a seed rate of 75 to 90kg per hectare","Nyemba zoyanga zibzalidwe pamzere umodzi, mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 15cm. Izi zifunika mbewu yokwana 75kg kufika 90kg pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1215,To maximize podding and assist plants escape disease infestation climbing beans should be properly staked,Kuti zitheba zibeleke mokwanira ndikuthandiza mbewu kupewa kufalikira kwa matenda nyemba zoyanga ziyimitsidwe ndi mitengo.,agriculture,agriculture document +en1216,"Where maize is planted at 3 seeds per planting station, plant 4 bean seeds between maize planting stations. For dwarf varieties the interplanted crop requires the same spacing as in pure stands. Seed rate for both types is the same, 50 to 60kg/ha","Pomwe chimanga chabzalidwa chitatu paphando, bzalani nyemba zinayi pakati pamapando a chimanga. Kwa mitundu yayifupi, mbewu yobzalidwa mwakasanika imasowa mipata yotalika mofanana ngati yobzalidwa payokha. Mulingo wa mbewu pa mitundu iwiriyi ndiwofanana, 50kg kufika 60kg pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1217,When planting beans under irrigation follow recommendations under pure stand and interplanted crop as described under rainfed conditions,"Pobzala nyemba za mthilira, tsatirani malangizo oyenera kubzala pazokha ndi kusakaniza ndi mbewu zina monga mmene afotokozera paulimi wanyengo yamvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en1218,"The crop should be kept free of weeds during the first 6 to 8 weeks after planting. Weeding after flowering, should not be practiced to avoid flower shedding. However, hand weeding where weeds are observed can be done as long as care is taken","Mbewu ikhale yopanda tchire mmasabata asanu ndi imodzi kufika masabata asanu ndi atatu oyambilira pambuyo pobzala. Kupalira pambuyo pochita maluwa kusachitike popewa kugwa kwa maluwa. Komabe, kupalira ndi manja pamene tchire laoneka kuchitike ngati mungachite mosamala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1219,"Use disease tolerant varieties. The new improved varieties such as Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Nagaga, Kambidzi and Mkhalira are moderately tolerant to major bean diseases in Malawi","Gwiritsani ntchito mitundu yopilira kumatenda. Mbewu zamakono monga Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Nagaga, Kambidzi ndi Mkhalira zimapilira kumatenda akuluakulu a nyemba ku Malawi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1220,Angular leaf spot (Phaeiosariopsis griseola) is the most important disease in beans as it occurs annually in all bean growing areas,Angular leaf spot (Phaeiosariopsis griseola) ndi mthenda yofunikira kwambiri ya nyemba ndipo imabwera chaka ndi chaka mmadera onse olima nyemba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1221,"Yield losses can go up to 80%. Symptoms occur on all aerial plant parts, developing usually at flowering. The symptoms are initially grey spots which later become dark brown.","Kuchepa kwa zokolola kumafika 80%. Zizindikiro zimaoneka mzigawo zonse zakumtunda kwa nyemba, zimakula pamene zikuchita maluwa. Poyambilira zizindikiro zimakhala madontho aphulusa omwe pambuyo pake amasanduka oderapo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1222,"Control is by spraying Daconil at the same rate as for Anthracnose. Spray at 2 weekly intervals. Seed, wind, rain and soil are the principal means of spread","Kuthana nazo ndikupopera Daconil pamulingo wofanana ndi Anthracnose. Poperani sabata ziwiri zilizonse. Mbewe, mphepo, mvula ndi dothi ndi zimene zimafalitsa kwambiri matendawa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1223,"Therefore, use of clean seed, burial of infected debris and rotation can decrease diseases severity","Choncho, kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu yopanda matenda, kukwilira zinyalala zogwidwa ndi matenda komanso kulima mwakasinthasintha zikhoza kuchepetsa kukula kwa matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1224,Web blight (Rhizoctonia solani) disease is sporadic and when it attacks will affect the plant severely. Damage may be of up to 100%,Web blight (Rhizoctonia solani) ndi matenda simaoneka pafupipafupi ndipo ikagwira nyemba imawononga zomera kwambiri. Imaononga mpaka 100%,agriculture,agriculture document +en1225,"Small necrotic spots first appear on primary leaves which later merge to affect the whole leaf, forming a web over the plant and leading to defoliation. Therefore, cultural practices such as mulching can be highly effective in suppressing the disease"," Poyamba, madontho ang'onoang'ono ouma amaoneka pamasamba akungonga omwe amagwirana ndikufalikira tsamba lonse, kupanga kangaude pambewuyo, kenako kuchititsa kuti masamba agwe. Choncho, kasamalidwe koyenera monga kuphimbira mbewu kukhoza kuthandiza kufooketsa matendawa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1226,Halo blight (Pseudomonas syringae) The disease is caused by bacteria. It is a common disease in beans and can cause losses of up to 46%,Halo blight (Pseudomonas syringae) - Matendawa amayambitsidwa ndi tizilombo ta bacteria. Ndi mthenda yopezeka nthawi zonse ndipo imachepetsa zokolola kufika 46%,agriculture,agriculture document +en1227,It is characterized by small water soaked lesions which appear on the leaves and quickly develop greenish yellow halos. Plants may sometimes produce white exudates.,Imadziwika ndi zotupa zazing'ono zokhala ndi madzi zomwe zimaoneka pamasamba ndipo zimasintha mwachangu kukhala zobiliwira mwachikasu. Nthawi zina zomera zimatulutsa utomoni woyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1228,"Control by use of tolerant varieties such as Nagaga, Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Kambidzi and Mkhalira and or by spraying copper oxychloride and as well as copper based fungicide","Kuthana nazo ndikugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yambewu yopilira kumatenda monga Nagaga, Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Kambidzi ndi Mkhalira kapenanso kupopera copper oxychloride ndi mankhwala achiwawu okhala ndi copper",agriculture,agriculture document +en1229,Bean Beetle (Ootheca Mutabilis and O. benning) is an insect which feeds on leaves of young plants making interveinal holes and damage is severe on plants in the primary leaf stage and may extend to upper leaves,"Nsabwe zanyemba (Ootheca Mutabilis and O. benning) ndi tizilombo towononga nyemba tomwe timadya masamba a mbewu zazing'ono ndi kuboola misempha, ndipo kuononga kwake kumakhala kodetsa nkhawa pambewu zomwe zikupanga masamba kumene ndipo zimafalikira kumasamba ammwamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1230,Delayed planting where practicable may allow the crop to escape the damage from high colonizing populations at the beginning of the rains,"Pomwe nzotheka, kubzala mochedwa kumapeleka mpata ku mbewu kuti isakumane ndi kuonongedwa chifukwa cha kuchulukana kwa tizilombo komwe kumakhalapo kumayambiliro kwa mvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en1231,"With severe infestations, production of honey dew and later sooty mould is easily noticeable. The plants lose their greenness and therefore look black","Zikagwidwa kwambiri ndi tizilombo, kupangidwa kwa maletsa ndipo pambuyo pake sooty mould zimaoneka mosavuta. Mbewu zimataya kubiliwira kwake ndipo choncho zimaoneka zakuda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1232,Under these conditions they will eventually not be able to effectively photosynthesize. They suck sap from plants and cause seedlings to wilt and die,"Chifukwa cha zimenezi, mbewu sidzikwanitse kupanga chakudya moyenera. Zimamwa utoto kuchokera ku zomera ndi kupangitsa mbewu kufota komanso kufa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1233,"Older plants may be stunted as a result of the attack. Apart from the above direct damage, aphids also transmit Bean Common Mosaic Virus","Mbewu zazikulu zikhoza kupinimbira chifukwa cha kugwidwa ndi tizilomboti. Kupatula kuonongeka komwe takamba mmwambaku, ma nsabwe za mbewu amapatsiranso mbewu matenda a Bean Common Mosaic Virus",agriculture,agriculture document +en1234,Harvest when most of the pods on the plant have started drying. Start harvesting in the morning when dew has evaporated,Kololani pamene nyemba zambiri pa mbewupo zayamba kuuma. Yambani kukolola mmawa pamene mame auma,agriculture,agriculture document +en1235,Do not harvest late when the pods are too dry to avoid loss of beans through shattering. Continue sun drying before threshing,Musakolole mochedwa pamene nyemba zauma kwambiri kuti mupewe kutayika kwa nyemba zikamasweka. Pitirizani kuumitsa padzuwa musanamenye,agriculture,agriculture document +en1236,"Groundnut is one of the most important food and cash crops in Malawi. It is a good source of protein, vitamins and vegetable oils","Mtedza ndi mbewu imodzi yofunika kwambiri pa chakudya komanso ndalama ku Malawi. Umapeleka chakudya chomanga thupi, ma vitamin komanso mafuta a masamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1237,"However, in recent years production has not been satisfactory, as a result, Malawi has been importing substantial amounts of vegetable oils","Komabe mu zaka zaposachedwazi zokolola sizinali zosangalatsa, pachifukwa ichi, dziko la Malawi lakhala likugula mafuta amasamba ochuluka kuchokera ku mayiko akunja",agriculture,agriculture document +en1238,It is therefore important to increase production of groundnut especially oil rich nuts as this would play an important role in import substitution,Choncho ndikoyenera kuchulukitsa kulima mtedza makamaka womwe uli ndi mafuta ambiri pakuti izi zithandiza kwambiri kuchepetsa kugula katundu kunja kwa dziko lino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1239,"Like other legumes, groundnut is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. When grown in rotation with other crops such as maize or tobacco, it improves soil fertility","Monga mbewu zina za nyemba, mtedza umayika nitrigen wamumpweya munthaka. Ukabzalidwa mwakasinthasintha ndi mbewu zina monga chimanga kapena fodya, umawonjezera chonde munthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1240,"Groundnut haulms also provide a good source of animal feed, especially in the dry season when feedstock becomes scarce",Masamba a mtendza amapezetsa zakudya zabwino kuziweto makamaka munyengo ya dzinja pamene zakudya za ziweto zasowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1241,Farmers should always use good quality/certified seed for higher yields. Groundnut seed like the other legumes can be recycled up to a maximum of 3 seasons,Alimi adzigwiritsa ntchito nthawi zonse mbewu yabwino/yovomerezeka kuti akokole kwambiri. Mtedza monga mbewu zina zanyemba zikhoza kubzalidwa kwa nyengo zitatu musanasinthe mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1242,"Such seed should be kept in shell until shortly before planting. After three years of recycling, fresh seed should be obtained from known and registered seed sources","Mbewu ngati imeneyo isungidwe yosaswa mpaka nthawi yobzala itayandikira. Pakutha pa zaka zitatu zogwiritsa ntchito mbewu yomweyo, mbewu yatsopano ipezedwe kuchokera kwa ogulitsa odziwika komanso owomerezeka ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1243,CG 7 (ICGV-SM 83708) Confectionery nut with medium seed size. It is recommended for production in all groundnut growing areas of the country,Mtedza wa CG 7 umakhala wokulirapo pang'ono mbewu yake. Ndiwovomerezeka kulimidwa mmadera onse olima mtedza mdziko muno,agriculture,agriculture document +en1244,"It has a bunch growth habit and tolerates drought. It matures in 130 to 150 days. Th e seeds are red, uniform and contain 48 % oil. It has a yield potential of 2500 kg per hectare. It is a Virginia runner in growth habit","Umakula mwamafutu ndipo umapilira ku chilala. Umacha pamasiku 130 kufika 150. Mbewu yake imaoneka mofiira, yofanana ndipo imakhala ndi mafuta okwana 48%. Zokolola zimafika makilogalamu 2,500 pa hectare. Umakula ngati mmene ichitira mbewu ya Virginia ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1245,"Nsinjiro (ICGV-SM 90704) is a confectionery nut recommended for production in all plateau areas of Malawi, within the altitude range of 1000-1500m above sea level","Nsinjiro ndi mtedza wovomerezeka kulimidwa mmadera onse a mmapiri ku Malawi, komwe kukwera kwake ndi 1000m kufika 1500m pamwamba panyanja",agriculture,agriculture document +en1246,It matures between 120 to 140 days after sowing. The yield potential is close to CG7 but has the advantage of being tolerant to groundnut rosette,Umacha pamasiku 120 kufika 140 pambuyo pobzala. Kuchuluka kwa zokolola kumayandikana ndi CG 7 koma uli ndi ubwino wapadera wopilira ku matenda a khate a mtedza,agriculture,agriculture document +en1247,"The seeds are tan in colour, 45 % oil. Nsinjiro has a potential yield of 2000 kg per hectare. The variety has spreading bunch growth habit","Mbewu yake imaoneka yoderapo, uli ndi mafuta kufika 45%. Nsinjiro umafika makilogalamu 2,000 pa hectare. Mbewu imeneyi imakula momwazika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1248,Chalimbana 2005 (CML 851/7) is a confectionery nut recommended for all plateau areas of the country within the altitude range of 1000 to 1500m above sea level,Chalimbana 2005 ndi mnewu ya mtedza yoyenera mmadera akumapiri mdziko muno kumene kukwera kwake ndi 1000m kufika 1500m pamwamba pa nyanja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1249,"The variety was bred by the national programme and released for cultivation in 2005. Chalimbana 2005 is a Virginia bunch variety with a tan seed coat, and matures in 130 to 140 days","Mbewu imeneyi inapangidwa mdziko momwe muno ndipo inatulutsidwa kuti idzilimidwa mu chaka cha 2005. Chalimbana 2005 imakula ngati Virginia ndipo ili ndi chikuto chofiilirapo mwakuda, ndipo imacha pamasiku 130 kufika 140",agriculture,agriculture document +en1250,It contains 45% oil and has a yield potential of 2000- 2500 kg per hectare. Additional attributes include moderate resistance to both rosette and early leaf spot diseases,"Umakhala ndi mafuta okwana 45% ndipo zokolola zimafika makilogalamu 2,000 mpaka 2,500 pa hectare. Zina zofunikira zamtedzawu ndi monga kupilira ku matenda a khinyata komanso matenda ochita madontho mmasamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1251,"Kakoma is a confectionery nut recommended for production in all the low–lying areas within an attitude range of 200-500m above sea level such as the Shire Valley, Lakeshore Areas and also for off -season (dimba) cultivation","Kakoma ndi mbewu ya mtedza yoyenera kulimidwa mmadera otsika omwe ali pa ntunda wa 200, kufika 500m pamwamba pa nyanja monga kuchigwa cha Shire, madera amphepete mwa nyanja komanso ukhoza kulimidwa kudimba mvula ikadutsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1252,"It matures in 90 to 120 days after sowing, has no seed dormancy and it should therefore be harvested as soon as it matures. The seeds are small, pale tan in colour and contain 48% oil. Kakoma has a potential yield of 1500 kg per hectare. It has erect bunch growth habit","Umacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120 pambuyo pobzala, ukakhwima mbewu yake siimakhadzikika kotero ukololedwe ukangokhwima. Mtedza wake umakhala waun'gono, wowala pang'ono ndipo uli ndi mafuta kufika 48%. Kakoma amabeleka kufika 1,500 pa hectare. Umakula moyima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1253,"Baka (ICG 129991) is a confectionery nut recommended for production in all the low–lying areas within an attitude range of 200-500m above sea level such as the Shire Valley, Lakeshore Areas and also for off -season (dimba) cultivation under residual moisture","Baka ndi mbewu yamtedza yovomerezeka kulimidwa kumadera otsika omwe ali pamtunda wa 200m kufika 500m pamwamba pa nyanja monga kuchigwa cha Shire, madera a mphepete mwa nyanja komanso umalimidwa kudimba pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi chotsalira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1254,"Like Kakoma, it matures in 90 to 120 days after sowing, has no seed dormancy. The seeds are pale tan in colour and contain 48 % oil but are slightly smaller than Kakoma. However, Baka has an added advantage in that it is rosette tolerant. It has erect bunch growth habit","Monga Kakoma, umacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120 pambuyo pobzala, mbewu yake ikakhwima siimakhadzikika. Mtedza wake umaoneka mofiilirapo mwakuda ndipo uli ndi mafuta okwana 48% koma umakhala wocheperapo makulidwe kusiyana ndi Kakoma. Komabe Baka ali ndi ubwino wapadera wakuti amapilira ku matenda a khate. Umakula moyima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1255,Chitala (ICGV-SM 99568) is a Spanish bunch confectionary nut grown within an attitude range of 200-500m above sea level such as the Shire Valley and other lakeshore areas,Chitala ndi mbewu ya mtedza ya chi Spanish yomwe imalimidwa pamtunda wa 200m kufika 500m pamwamba panyanja monga ku chigwa cha Shire komanso madera ena a mphepete mwa nyanja. ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1256,"The variety can also be grown during the off -season under dimba cultivation using residual moisture or irrigation. Chitala has a seed yield potential of 1500kg/ha, matures in 90 to 100 days after sowing, and has no seed dormancy","Mtundu umenewu ukhozanso kulimidwa mvula ikatha kudimba pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi chotsalira kapena mthilira. Chitala amabeleka kufika makilogalamu 1,500 pa hectare, amacha pamasiku 90 kufika 100 pambuyo pobzala ndipo mtedza wake sumakhadzikika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1257,"The seeds are tan in colour, medium sized (41g/100 seeds) and contain 48% oil. An additional attribute of Chitala is resistance to rosette","Mtedza umaoneka mofiilirapo, ndiwapakati makulidwe ndipo uli mafuta okwana 48%. Zina zofunika pamtedzawu ndi zakuti umapilira ku matenda a khate",agriculture,agriculture document +en1258,"CG 8 (ICGV-SM 08501) include oil content for all the varieties. CG 8 is a newly released medium duration, Virginia type groundnut variety. It is recommended to be grown in mid-altitude areas","CG 8 uli ndi mafuta ophatikiza mitundu yonse ya mtedza. CG 7 ndi mbewu yatsopano yocha mochedwa pang'ono, yamtundu wa Virginia. Ndiyoyenera kumadera okwelerapo pang'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en1259,"It has a yield potential of 2500 kg/ha. It is decumbent in growth, has dark-green leaves, orange- yellow flowers and reaches 50% flowering in about 40 days","Zokolola zimafika 2,500kgs pa hectare. Imakula mogona kenako moyima, masamba ake ndi obiliwira moderapo, maluwa ake achikasu pang'ono ndipo theka limachita maluwa pakutha pa masiku makumi anayi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1260,"It has a deep pod constriction produces 2 medium to large seeds per pod, red in colour and has a shelling percentage of ≥70%. It takes 120 to 130 days to reach maturity. It is resistant to groundnut rosette disease","Mtedza wake umakhala woning'a kwambiri pakati, mkati mwake mumakhala mbewu uwiri, zofiira mmaonekedwe ndipo ukaswedwa umapyola 70%. Umatenga masiku 120 kufika 130 kuti ukhwime. Umapilira kumatenda a khate",agriculture,agriculture document +en1261,"CG 9 (ICGV-SM 08503) is a newly released medium duration, Virginia type groundnut variety. It is recommended to be grown in mid-altitude areas","CG 9 ndi mbewu yatsopano yomwe imacha mwachangu, yamtundu wa Virginia. Ndiyoyenera kumadera okwelerapo pang'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en1262,"It has a yield potential of 2500 kg/ha. It is decumbent in growth and has green leaves, orange- yellow flowers, reaching 50% flowering in about 40 days","Imabeleka kufika 2,500kgs pa hectare. Imakula mogona kenako nthambi zake kuyima, ili ndi masamba obiliwira, maluwa achikasu, theka limachita maluwa pofika masiku makumi anayi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1263,"It has a very deep pod constriction, produces 2 medium to large seeds per pod, red in colour and has a shelling percentage of ≥70%. It takes 120 to 130 days to reach maturity. It is resistant to Groundnut Rosette Disease","Mtedza umakhala woning'a pakati, mkati mumakhala mbewu ziwiri, zofiira ndipo ukaswedwa umapyola 70%. Umatenga masiku 120 kufika 130 kuti ukhwime. Umapilira ku matenda a khate a mtedza",agriculture,agriculture document +en1264,"Select deep, well-drained sandy loam soils that are well supplied with calcium and moderate amounts of organic matter","Sankhani dothi lakuya, losasunga madzi, lamchenga lomwe liri ndi mchere wa calcium wokwanira ndipo liri ndi mthaka yokwaniranso",agriculture,agriculture document +en1265,Land should be prepared early enough before the onset of rains in order to sow with the effective early rains. All debris should be ploughed under thoroughly,Minda ikonzedwe mwansanga mvula isanayambe kuti ubzalidwe ndu mvula yoyamba. Zinyalala zonse zikwililidwe bwinobwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1266,"To ensure optimum plant population, plant at correct ridge or row and plant spacing. To achieve this, use the recommended seed rate","Kuti mbewu zichite bwino, bzalani pamizere yotalikirana moyenera komanso mapando otalikirana moyenera. Kuti mukwaniritse izi, gwiritsani ntchito mulingo woyenera wakachulukidwe kambewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1267,"However, note that higher yields can be obtained on ridges spaced at 60cm and 75cm depending on the variety used",Komabe dziwani kuti zokolola zochuluka zingapezedwe pamizere yotalikirana 60cm ndi 75cm kutengera mtundu wa mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1268,"Supplying should be done if necessary within one week of seedling emergence. At planting, place the seed5-6cm deep into the soil and cover it with soil thoroughly","Kupatulira kuchitike ngati nkoyenera pasabata imodzi mbewu zikangomera. Pobzala, ikani mbewu pa mtunda 5cm kufika 6cm kulowa pansi ndipo kwilirani bwinobwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1269,Weeds cause severe damage to the groundnut crop during the first 45 days of its growth. This is the most critical period of weed competition,Tchire limawononga mbewu ya mtedza pamasiku makumi anayi ndi asanu oyambilira. Iyi ndi nthawi yovuta kwambiri yomwe tchire limapikisana ndi mbewu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1270,"Therefore, weeding at least twice during this critical period is imperative, thus within 20 and 45 days after sowing","Kotero kupalira kawiri panthawi yodetsa nkhawayi ndikofunika, apa ndi mkati mwamasiku 20 kufika 45 pambuyo pobzala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1271,"Thorough weed control prior to pegging is extremely important. During pegging, only hand weeding should be done to avoid damage to developing pods","Kuthana ndi tchire moyenera mtedza usanayambe kupanga ndolo ndi koyenera kopambana. Panthawi yopanga ndolo, palirani ndi manja basi popewa kuwononga ndolozo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1272,"Chemical weed control can also be done using herbicides such as Dual Magnum, Roundup and Harness","Kuthana ndi tchire pogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala kutsatidwe pogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala monga Dual Magnum, Roundup ndi Harness ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1273,"However, whenever herbicides are used, farmers should as much as possible use appropriate types, following instructions on time of application, application rates and safety precautions provided on the label","Komabe pamene mankhwala ophera tchire agwiritsidwa ntchito, alimi aonetsetse kuti agwiritsa ntchito mitundu yoyenera, atsatira malangizo anthawi imene akuyenera kuthira, mulingo wothilira komanso njira zozitetezera zomwe zalembedwa pa malangizopo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1274,Rust disease usually occurs at the same time as late leaf spot. The symptoms are orange coloured pustules on the lower surface of the leaflets,Matenda a dzimbiri kwambiri amaoneka panthawi yomweyo ngati matenda a madontho a masamba. Zizindikiro zake ndi zotupa zamaonekedwe a lalanje kunsi kwa masamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1275,The pustules rupture to release reddish brown spores and the leaves become reddish then dry up.,Zotupazi zimasweka kuti zitulutse njere za brown ndipo masamba amasanduka ofiira kenako amauma,agriculture,agriculture document +en1276,Yield losses due to this disease are usually up to 10% or less and are lower than those caused by early and late leaf spot,Kutsika kwa zokolola chifukwa chamatendawa kumafika 10% kapena kuchepera apa nthawi zambiri ndipo ndizotsika kuposera matenda a ealry ndi late leaf spot,agriculture,agriculture document +en1277,"All these three foliar fungal diseases can be controlled using Daconil sprays at fortnightly intervals. However, at the current groundnut producer prices, chemical control is not economical","Matenda atatu onsewa amasamba angathetsedwe pogwiritsa ntchito Daconil wopopera pasabata ziwiri zilizonse. Komabe, pamitengo yomwe mtedza ukugulidwira kuchokera kwa alimi, kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ndi kuwononga ndalama",agriculture,agriculture document +en1278,"It is therefore important to follow good agronomic practices such as early planting, crop rotation, burial of crop residues and removal of volunteer plants in order to reduce the primary source of inoculum","Choncho ndikofuniika kutsatira ndondomeko zakalimidwe zoyenera monga kubzala mwachangu, kulima mbewu mwakasinthasintha, kukwilira zotsalira za mbewu komanso kuchotsa mbewu zongomera zokha pofuna kuchepetsa nkhokwe zamatenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1279,"Avoid growing groundnuts in fields that have a history of termites or termite mounds. For Hilda, since the damage starts from the edges of fields, maintaining a clean surrounding by removing grasses of the field reduces the pest incidence","Pewani kulima mtedza mminda yomwe ili ndi mbiri ya chiswe kapena chulu cha chiswe. Kwa Hilda, chifukwa chakuti kuwonongeka kumayambira mphepete mwa munda, kuchotsa udzu wonse wozungulira munda kumachepetsa kupezeka kwa tizilombo towonongati",agriculture,agriculture document +en1280,Aphids infest the groundnut plants at all stages of growth if conditions are favourable. Their feeding causes leaves to curl and growth to be stunted,Nsabwe za mbweu amagwira mtedza panthawi iliyonse yakukula kwawo ngati nyengo ndiyoyenera. Madyedwe awo amachititsa masamba kukhwinyata ndipo kupinimbira pamakulidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1281,Aphids are particularly important because they transmit the virus that causes groundnut rosette disease. Early planting at correct spacing will help to control the spreading of aphids,Nsabwe za mbewu ndi zofunikira chifukwa chakuti zimabweretsa matenda omwe amayambitsa matenda a rosette mumtedza. Kubzala moyambilira posiya mipata yoyenera kumathandioza kuchepetsa kufala kwa ma aphid,agriculture,agriculture document +en1282,"Groundnuts do not usually respond to direct application of mineral fertilizers. Generally, groundnuts perform well following a well fertilized maize crop, so long as phosphorus, calcium and sulphur-containing fertilizers such as 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn were applied","Mtedza sumavomera ukathiridwa fertilizer mwachindunji. Nthawi zambiri, mtedza umachita bwino potsatira chimanga chomwe chinathiridwa fertilizer mokwanira, makamaka ngati chinathiridwa fertilizer wokhala ndi phosphorous, calcium ndi sulphar monga 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn",agriculture,agriculture document +en1283,Calcium is the most limiting nutrient in sandy soils and where medium-large-seeded varieties particularly of Virginia type are grown,Mchere wa calcium ndi wokhawo umane ungalepheretse zokolola mu nthaka ya mchenga ndiponso komwe kumalimidwa mtedza wokulirapo makamaka mtundu wa Virginia,agriculture,agriculture document +en1284,"Groundnut can be basal dressed with 100 kg/ ha of single superphosphate (SSP) fertilizer to provide 7% phosphorus, 19.5% calcium, and 12.5% Sulphur","Mtedza ukhoza kuthiridwa fertilizer wokulitsa wa superphosphate pa mulingo wa makilogalamu 100 pa hectare kuti upeleke 7% phosphorous, 19.5% calcium ndipondo 12.5% sulphur ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1285,"The fertilizer should be applied in a band on the ridge, or broadcast onto the soil and ploughed under before sowing or soon after emergence",Fetereza athiridwe mmizere kapena amwazidwe mdothi ndikusakanizidwa ndi mthaka mbewu isanabzalidwe kapena ikangomera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1286,Top dressing with Gypsum at the rate of 200-400 kg/ha directly at the base of the plant when 30% of the plants have flowered will help to correct Calcium deficiency and reduce groundnut pops,"Kuthira fetereza wobereketsa wa Gypsum pa mulingo wa makilogalamu 200 kufika 500 pa hectare paphata pa mbewu, mbewu makumi atatu zikachita maluwa pa mbewu makumi khumi zilizonse kudzathandiza kuthetsa kuchepa kwa calcium komanso kuchepetsa mphwepwa mumtedza",agriculture,agriculture document +en1287,"Timely harvesting of groundnuts is essential to avoid discoloration of nuts, germination and pods remaining in the ground at harvesting","Kukolola mtedza nthawi yoyenera ndikofunika popewa kuda kwa mtedzawo, kumera komanso kutsalira kwa ndolo za mtedza mudothi pokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en1288,Check by lifting a few pods and examining the inside of the shell. The nuts are mature when the inside of the shell is spotted pale brown,Onani kutukula ndolo zingapo za mtedza ndikupima mkati mwa chikuto cha mtedzacho. Mtedza umakhala wakhwima mkati mwake mukakhala madontho a oderapo mofiira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1289,The fall of leaves is not necessarily a sign of maturity. Delayed harvesting also predisposes the nuts to infection by aspergillus and aflatoxin contamination,Kugwa kwamasamba sichizindikiro cha kukhwima. Kuchedwetsa kukolola kumayika mtedza pachiopsezo cha matenda a aspergillus komanso kuchita chuku,agriculture,agriculture document +en1290,"Drying and storage-After lifting, the groundnut should be quickly and thoroughly dried before storage. Store groundnuts in dry containers, Storage under wet conditions will enhance the development of a fungus (Aspergillus flavus) which leads to aflatoxin contamination","Kuyanika komanso kusunga - pambuyo pozula, mtedza uwumitsidwe mwachangu komanso mwandongosolo usanasungidwe. Sungani mtedza mu zinthu zouma, kusunga mmalo achinyezi zimayambitsa matenda a Aspergillus flavus omwe amapherezera ku chuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en1291,"If the pods are to be stored longer, put in gunny bags and dust them with Actellic Super Dust or Wivokil to protect the pods from various storage pests","Ngati ndolo za mtedza zikuyenera kusungidwa, ikani mmasaka ndipo wazani matumbawo Actellic Super Dust kapena Wivokil pofuna kuteteza ndolo za mtedza ku tizilombo towononga ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1292,Shelling and Marketing-It is bad practice to wet pods to make shelling easier since wet nuts are not accepted at the markets,Kuswa komanso kugulitsa- ndi mchitidwe woyipa kunyowetsa ndolo za mtedza kuti usamavute kuswa chifukwa mtedza wonyowa umakanidwa kumsika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1293,"After shelling, the nuts should be graded carefully. All mouldy nuts should be discarded and not fed to livestock as they are toxic because of a high concentration of aflatoxin","Mutatha kuswa, mtedza usankhidwe mwadongosolo. Mtedza wonse woola utayidwe ndipo usadyetsedwe kuziweto popeza ndiwoyipa chifukwa chakuchuluka kwa chuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en1294,Shriveled and broken nuts should be separated. Only clean whole nuts will fetch a high price at the markets. Farmers should winnow and grade the pods to ensure that only properly filled pods are presented at the markets,Mtedza wonyala komanso wosweka usungidwe padera. Mtedza wokhawo womwe ndi wosasweka komanso wooneka bwino ukagulidwa pamtengo wokwera kumsika. Alimi ayenera apete ndi kusankha ndolo za mtedza pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti ndolo zokhazo zokhuta bwino ndi mtedza zapititsidwa kumsika. ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1295,Soya bean is a very important and versatile grain legume because it can be put to many uses. It provides high quality vegetable protein of around 37% CP and oil for humans and livestock consumption,Soya ndi mbewu yabwino komanso yofunikira kwambiri ya mtundu wa nyemba chifukwa imagwiritsidwa ntchito zambiri. Imapezetsa zakudya zomanga thuphi zapamwamba kwambiri zomwe zili pa mulingo wa 37% zomanga thupi ndi mafuta a masamba omwe anthu amadya ndiponso ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en1296,"It is used in the production of various other recipes at household and industrial levels such as the production of Likuni Phala, soya milk and soy meat","Amagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zinthu zosiyanasiyana mmakomo komanso mmafakitale monga kupanga phala la Likuni, mkaka wa soya ndi nyama ya soya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1297,It is also used in the production of feeds for poultry and other livestock. The crop is also a good nitrogen fixer and it therefore improves soil fertility,Amagwiritsidwanso ntchito popanga zakudya za nkhuku ndi ziweto zina. Mbewuyi ndiyabwino pakuti imathandiza kuyika notrogen munthaka ndipo imawonjezera chonde munthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1298,It is grown as alternative food and cash crop in areas where groundnut pops are a problem,Imalimidwa ngati chakudya komanso yobweretsa ndalama mmadera omwe mtedza umachita mphwepwa kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1299,"The crop can be grown under a wide range of climatic conditions ranging from warm to hot low lying areas of the Shire Valley with marginal rainfall of less than 700mm to the highlands of Nyika and Vipya Plateaus with more than 2,000mm rainfall; and soil types ranging from sandy loams to heavy clay soils with sufficient drainage",Mbewuyi imalimidwa mmadera a nyengo zosiyanasiyana kuyambira kotentha pang'ono mpaka madera otentha kwambiri aku chigwa cha Shire komwe mvula imagwa yosafika 700mm mpaka kumadera okwera aku Nyika ndi Viphya komwe mvula imagwa mpaka 2000mm; ndiponso mudothi losiyanasiyana kuyambira lamchenga mpaka la dongo lomwe silimasunga madzi kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1300,"Overall production has increased over the past ten years, however, the actual production level tends to fluctuate due to several factors including low and fluctuating farm-gate prices, inadequate availability seeds suppliers of improved seed varieties, poor crop husbandry practices, short-lived seed viability of soybeans and lack of awareness on processing and utilization technologies for the crop.","Ulimi wa soya wakula muzaka khumi zapitazi, komabe, kalimidwe kamasinthasintha chifukwa cha zinthu zambiri monga mitengo yogulira kwa alimi yotsika komanso yosakhazikika, kusapezeka kwa mbewu mokwanira kuchokera kwa ogulitsa mitundu ya mbewu zamakono, kasamalidwe kosayenera kambewu, mbewu simakhala nthawi yayitali isanaonongeke komanso kusowa upangiri pakakonzedwe ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka njira zamakono pokonza katundu kuchokera ku mbewuyi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1301,"However, there is need and potential to increase production further to meet both the domestic and export markets. Currently average farmers’ yields are very low ranging from 400 to 1,000kg per hectare. Yield of up to 4,500kg per hectare can be obtained with good crop management","Komabe pali kufunika komanso kuthekera kowonjezera kulima kupita mtsogolo kuti tikwaniritse misika ya mdziko muno komanso yakunja. Padakali pano, chikatikati cha zokolola za alimi mchotsika kwambiri kuyambira makiligalamu 400 kufika 1000 pa hectare. Zokolola zofika makilogalamu 4,500 pa hectare ndizotheka mbewuyi itasamlidwa moyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1302,"Ocepara 4 is an indeterminate variety which has a very high yield potential of over 4,000kg per ha. It is adapted for cultivation in medium plateau to upland areas characterized by a prolonged rainfall season","Ocepara 4 ndi mtundu wa mbewu wapakatikati womwe umabweretsa zokolola zoposa makilogalamu 4,000 pa hectare. Imalola kulima mmadera okwera pang'ono mpaka kumadera okwera kwambiri omwe amakhala ndi mvula nthawi yayitali",agriculture,agriculture document +en1303,"The variety requires a full growing season for best yields. It is a very tall plant, with broad leaves, medium to late maturing","Mtunduwu umafuna nyengo yathunthu yolimira kuti ichite bwino. Imatalika kwambiri, ili masamba otambalala kwambiri ndipo imacha mochedwerapo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1304,A well grown crop produces a lot of green canopy. An additional characteristic is that Ocepara 4 is resistant to root knot nematode (Meloidogyn spp) hence is most suitable for cultivation in root knot nematode prone sandy loamy soils hence can be grown as a rotational crop in tobacco fields,Mbewu yoti yakula bwino imakhala ndi masamba ambiri obiliwira. China chozindikiritsa mbewuyi ndi chakuti Ocepara 4 amapilira ku mbozi zotupitsa mitsitsi (Meloidogyn spp) choncho ndiyoyenera kubzalidwa mudothi lachenga momwe mbozi zotupitsa mitsitsi zimakonda choncho ikhoza kulimidwa ngati mbewu yakasinthasintha kuminda yafodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1305,This variety has white flowers and grey hairs. It is big seeded (22g per 100 seeds) and has a small light grey hilum,Mtundu umenewu umakhala ndi maluwa oyera a tsitsi laphulusa. Maso a mbewu yake amakhala akuluakulu (olemera magalamu 22 pa maso 100) ndipo mchombo wake umaoneka wotuwirapo pang'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en1306,The variety takes about 23 days from maturity to shatter and its logging resistance is very strong. The normal colour at maturity is light grey,Mtundu wa mbewuyi umatenga pafupifupi masiku 23 kuchoka pomwe wakhwima kufika posweka ndipo mitengo yake simagwa wamba. Maonekedwe ake ikahwima ndi a phulusa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1307,"Nasoko is a determinate variety. It takes 120-130 days to maturity. The yield potential; is 3,500 kg/ ha. It is widely adapted to most agro ecologies in Malawi","Nasoko ndi mtundu wa soya omwe ukafika msinkhu wina umasiya kukula. Imatenga masiku 120 kufika 130 kuti ikhwime. Imabeleka kufika makilogalamu 3,500 pa hectare. Imalola madera ambiri a ulimi mMalawi muno",agriculture,agriculture document +en1308,"It is a fairly tall plant, with broad leaves, late maturing with light cream round seeds which have a colorless hilum a characteristic most preferred by the agro-processors","Ndiyotalika pang'ono, yamasamba otambalala, yocha mochedwa, maso ake obulungira ooneka oyelerapo ndipo mchombo wake ulibe mtundu zimene zimapangitsa ogaya soya kuti adziyikonda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1309,The variety has pink flowers and grey hairs. It is big seeded (22g per 100 seeds). It takes about 23 days from maturity to shatter. The variety has good logging resistance and its colour at maturity is light grey,Mtunduwu uli ndi maluwa a pink ndi tsitsi laphulusa. Maso ake ndi akuluakulu (olemera magalamu 22 pa mbewu 100). Imatenga masiku 23 kuchokera pomwe yakhwima kufika posweka. Mtunduwu umadzika kwambiri munthaka ndipo sumagwa wamba komanso maonekedwe ake ikakhwima ndi a phulusa ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1310,"Makwacha is an indeterminate variety. It takes 120-130 days to maturity. The yield potential is 3,500 kg/ha. It is widely adapted to most agro ecologies in Malawi","Makwacha ndi mbewu yomwe imapitilira kukulabe mpaka itadulidwa. Imakhwima pamasiku 120 kufika 130. Imabeleka kufika malikogalamu 3,500 pa hectare. Imalola madera ambiri a ulimi mMalawi muno",agriculture,agriculture document +en1311,The variety has very strong logging and shattering resistance. It is medium maturing with large spherical flattened bright cream seeds,Mbewuyi imalimba munthaka ndipo simaswekwa kwambiri. Imakhwima mochedwerapo pang'ono ndipo ili ndi maso ozungulira ooneka mwa mkaka yophwathalala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1312,"Tikolore is another indeterminate variety. It is an early to medium maturing variety. It does well in low, medium and high altitude areas","Tikolole ndi mtundu wina wopitilira kukula mpaka utadulidwa. Imakhwima mwachangu pena mochedwerapo. Imachita bwino mmadera otsika, okwelerapo komanso okwera kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1313,"The variety is susceptible to rust but can escape, small seeded, promiscuous (may not require inoculant), Tolerant to frog eye disease with potential yield of 2500kg/ha","Mtundu umenewu umagwidwa kwambiri ndi matenda a dzimbiri koma ikhoza kusemphana ndi matendawa, yaying'ono maso ake, imakwatitsana (singafune feteleza wobzalira soya). Imapilira ku matenda ouma masamba a frog eye ndipo zokolola zimafika 2,500kg pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1314,Field preparation should be done before the first planting rains. Prepare ridges at 75cm or 90cm apart. Fields should be properly tilled to conserve soil and water,Kukonza minda kuchitike mvula yobzalira isanagwe. Konzani mizere motalikirana 75cm kapena 90cm. Minda igawulidwe moyenera kuti idzisunga dothi ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1315,"Seed should be inoculated with Rhizobium for high grain yield such as Nitrofi x, Biofi x and Histick. Nitrofi x is applied by inoculating seed prepare 200ml of a 5% sugar solution (discouraged due to ant’s attack) by dissolving one match box full of sugar into water contained in a bottle of fanta","Mbewu ithiridwe feteleza wa Rhizobium kuti ibeleke kwambiri monga Nitrofi z, Biofi x ndi Histick. Nitrofi x amathiridwa posakaniza ndi mbewu pamulingo wa 200ml wa madzi a sugar, koma izi zimaletsedwa chifukwa zimayitana nyerere, posungunula sugar wodzadza chibiliti chamachesi mmadzi odzadza botolo la fanta",agriculture,agriculture document +en1316,Mix one sachet of inoculants (50g) into this solution to form a slurry. Pour this slurry over 25kg of seed and mix until all the seed is evenly coated,Sungunulani paketi imodzi ya mankhwala okwana 50g kuti mupange kaphala. Thirani kaphalako pa mbewu yolemera makilogalamu 25 ndipo sakanizani mpaka mbewu yonse itakutidwa mofanana,agriculture,agriculture document +en1317,"Leave it to dry in the shed for 30 minutes. Plant seed within 24 hours of inoculation. Inoculum does not have to be stored in are frigerator, it can be stored at room temperature. For Biofi x and Histick farmers are encouraged to mix the product with right quantity of water and seeds","Siyani kuti ziume kwa mphindi makumi atatu. Bzalani mbewu maola 24 mutathira mankhwala asanadutse. Mankhwalawa sakuyenera kusingidwa mozizira, akhoza kusingidwa pamalo ofunda pang'ono. Kwa Biofi x ndi Hastick, alimi akulimbikitsidwa kusakaniza mankhwalawa ndi mulingo woyenera wamadzi ndi mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1318,Medium to late maturing varieties of soya bean require 100 days of good rainfall for good development of the crop,Mbewu za zoya zocha pakatikati kufika mochedwerapo zimafuna masiku 100 a mvula yabwino kuti zikule moyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1319,Planting in narrow row widths produces more yield than wide spacing. Planting on the ridge should be done on two rows spaced on each side of ridge at approximately 30cm apart and placing one seed per planting station 5cm apart and 2.5cm deep,Kubzala mmizere yothithikana kumatulutsa zokolola zochuluka kuposa kutalikitsa. Kubzala mmizere kuchitike mbali iliyonse pamtunda wa 30cm ndipo ikani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 5cm ndipo 2.5cm kulowa pansi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1320,Flat planting should be done on rows spaced at 45cm apart and 5cm between stations. In both cases the required seed rate is 60 to110 kg per hectare depending on seed size,"Kubzala pamalo osaladza kuchitike mmizere yotalikirana 45cm ndipo mbewu zitalikirane 5cm paphando. Pa ziwiri zonsezi, mulingo woyenera wambewu ndi makilogalamu 60 kufika 110 pa hectare kutengera kukula kwa mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1321,Soya beans can be grown under residual moisture or irrigation. Normal ridge and planting spacing and seed rates should be followed. Water logged conditions should be avoided,Nyemba za soya zikhoza kulimidwa ndi chinyezi kapena mthilira. Mizere ya mulingo woyenera komanso kutalikitsa pobzala mbwewu kutsatiridwe. Malo a lowe apewedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1322,Pigeon pea is an important pulse in the country particularly in the Southern Region. It can be grown in almost all types of free draining soils either in pure or mixed stand with other crops such as maize and cassava,Nandolo ndi mbewu yofunikira kwambiri mdziko muno makamaka ku chigawo chakummwera. Imalimidwa payokha kapena yosakaniza ndi mbewu zina monga chimanga ndi chinangwa mmitundu yonse yadothi imene simadzadza madzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1323,Pigeon pea is a valuable source of vegetable protein and farmers grow it either for food or cash. Pigeon pea improves soil fertility through leaf litter and nitrogen fixation. It can be grown either as an annual or as a perennial crop,Nandolo ndi wofunikira kwambiri ngati chakudya chomanga thupi chamasamba ndipo alimi amalima ngati chakudya kapena kugulitsa. Nandolo imaonjezera chonde munthaka kudzera mmasamba ake omwe amagwa pansi ndipo amathandizira kuyika nitrogen munthaka. Amalimidwa ngati mbewu yachaka kapena yokhalitsa kuposa chaka chimodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1324,"Present average yields range from 400 to 800kg per hectare. Potential yields of up to 2,500 kg per hectare can be obtained in a pure stand. The objective therefore is to improve yields","Makololedwe apano amayambira makilogalamu 400 kufika 800 pa hectare. Pali kuthekera kolola malikogalamu 2,500 pa hectare akadzalidwa payekha. Choncho cholinga ndi kupititsa patsogolo zokolola ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1325,Short Duration (SD) pigeon pea varieties mature in about 120 to150 days depending on date of sowing and location,Mitundu ya Nandolo yanthawi yayifupi amacha pamasiku 120 kufika 150 potengera ndi masiku ofetsa komanso dera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1326,"The short duration pigeon pea varieties are relatively insensitive to day length and can therefore be grown in a wide range of climatic and soil conditions including dry (700mm mean annual rainfall) low lying (60m above sea level), warm to hot areas to the high plateaus (>1,500m above sea level) which are characterized by cool temperatures and continuous rainfall (2,000mm mean annual rainfall)","Mitundu ya nandolo yanthawi yayifupi simakhudzika kwambiri ndi kutalika kwa usana ndipo choncho ikhoza kulimidwa mmadera a nyengo ndi dothi losiyanasiyana luphatikizirapo madera ouma omwe amalandira mvula ya 700mm pa chaka omwenso ndi otsika pa mtunda wa 60m pamwamba pa nyanja, ofunda kufika otentha kufika madera akumapiri pamtunda woposera 1500m pamwamba panyanja omwe amadziwika bwino ndi kuzizira komanso mvula yopitilira yofika 2000m pa chaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1327,"Currently there are no varieties amongst the Short duration pigeon pea with resistance to the soil borne disease Fusarium wilt and Cercospora leaf spot diseases and insect pests such as pod borers and pod sucking bugs. Therefore, a Short Duration crop has to be protected against pests","Padakali pano palibe mtundu pakati pa mitundu yocha msangayi yomwe imapilira ku matenda ochokera munthaka a Fusarium Wilt ndi madontho a masamba a Cercospora komanso tizilimbo towononga monga toboola ndolo za nandolo komanso toyamwa ndolo za nandolo. Choncho, mitundu yocha msanga itetezedwe ku tizilombo towonongati",agriculture,agriculture document +en1328,This category of pigeon peas offers an unlimited opportunity for extending the production of pigeon peas to non- traditional pigeon pea growing areas in Malawi such as the medium to high altitude areas with cool temperatures in the Central and Northern Regions of Malawi. Adapted varieties in this category are available for cultivation,Gulu ili la nandolo limapezetsa mwayi wopanda malire potipitsa patsogolo ulimi wa nandolo kumadera omwe samalima nandolo mMalawi muno monga madera okwelerapo mpaka okwera kwambiri omwe amazizira kuchigawo chapakati ndi kumpoto kwa Malawi. Mitundu yake mugulu limeneli ilipo kuti ilimidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1329,Late maturing (long duration) varieties mature in about 210 to 270 days after sowing depending on time of sowing and location,Mitundu ya nandolo wochedwa kucha imacha pamasiku 210 kufika 270 pambuyo pofetsa potengera ndi nthawi yobzalira komanso dera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1330,"These varieties are traditionally grown in most parts of Southern Region and in certain parts of the Central and Northern regions too, where they form a major component in the farming systems","Mitundu imeneyi imalimidwa kwambiri mmadera ambiri a chigawo chakummwera ndi madera ena mchigawo chapakati komanso kumpoto, komwe liri gawo limodzi lalikulu pa ulimi wawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1331,"Sauma is an indeterminate variety which flowers between 160 to 180 days, and matures between 220 to 270 days after sowing depending on time of sowing and location",Sauma ndi mtundu wa mbewu yapakayikati yomwe imachita masamba pamasiku 160 kufika 180 ndipo imacha pamasiku 220 kufika 270 pambuyo pofetsa kutengera ndi nthawi yofetsera komanso dera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1332,"This variety has strong resistance to the soil borne Fusarium wilt disease and leaf spots Cercospora spp, which are among the major factors which constrain pigeon pea productivity in the country","Mtundu umenewu umapilira kwambiri kumatenda ochokera mudothi a Fusarium Wilt ndi a madontho a masamba a mtundu wa Cercospora, zomwe zili zinthu zikuluzikulu zobwezeretsa mbuyo ulimi wa nandolo mdziko muno",agriculture,agriculture document +en1333,"Sauma produces many spreading branches which are capable of growing taller than 2 m in a December sowing. The stems are woody and green in colour; the leaves are dark green and its flowers are bright-yellow and the pods are green. Its seeds are large (15g per 100 seeds) oval shaped and white in colour with white hilum. It has a yield potential of 2,500kg per hectare","Sauma amatulutsa mthambi zambiri zotayana zomwe zilu ndi kuthekera kotalika kupyola 2m zikzagetsedwa mu mwezi wa December. Tsinde lake ndi la thabwa komanso lobiliwira; masamba ake ndi obiliwira mozama ndipo maluwa ake ndi achikasu chowala ndipo ndolo zake ndi zobiliwira. Mbewu zake ndi zazikulu kulemera magalamu 15 pa mbewu 100 zirizonse, zobulungira komanso zoyera panchombo pake. Zokolola zimafika makilogalamu 2,500 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1334,"Kachangu is an indeterminate variety which flowers between140 to 180 days, and matures between 190 to 240 days after sowing depending on time of sowing and location","Kachangu ndi mtundu wapakatikati womwe umachita maluwa pamasiku 140 kufika 180, imacha pamasiku 190 kufika 240 pambuyo pofetsa kutengera nthawi yofetsera komanso dera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1335,"This variety has some considerable degree of resistance to Fusarium wilt disease. Like Sauma, this variety also produces many spreading branches which are capable of growing taller than 2 m in a December sowing","Mtundu umenewu uli ndi kuthekera kokulirapo kopilira ku matenda a Fusarium Wilt. Monga Sauma, mtundu umenewu umatulutsanso mthambi zotayana zomwe zili ndi kuthejkera kutalika kupyola 2m zikabzalidwa mmwezi wa December",agriculture,agriculture document +en1336,"The stems are also woody and green in colour; the leaves are green and its flowers are ivory creamy, the pods are green and seeds are creamy white","Tsinde lake ndi lathabwa komanso lobiliwira; masamba ake ndi obiliwira ndipo maluwa ake owoneka mwamkaka, ndolo zake ndi zobiliwira ndipo mbewu yake ndi yoyera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1337,"The seed is much larger (22g per100 seeds) than that of Sauma, and the seed coat is much easier to remove during Dhal processing as compared to Sauma. Th is variety is preferred by the agro-industry","Mbewuyi imakula kuposa ya Sauma, magalamu 22 pa mbewu 100 zilizonse, ndipo khungu lake silivuta kuchotsa popanga zaudya kuchokera ku nandolo kuyerekeza ndi Sauma. Mtundu umenewu umakondedwa ndi makampani okonza zinthu kuchoka ku nandolo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1338,"Chitedze Pigeon peas 1-The stem is green while the leaves are green and medium in size. It flowers and matures in about 120 days and 190 days, respectively",Nandolo wa Chitedze 1- Tsinde lake ndi lobiliwira pamene masamba ake ndi obiliwira komanso okulirapo. Imachita maluwa ndikucha pamasiku 120 ndi 190 motsogozana,agriculture,agriculture document +en1339,"It is non determinate and semi-spreading in growth habit (Under intercropping, the plants remain tall and compact but when grown under low population additional branches develop giving a semi-spreading appearance)","Imakulabe ndipo imamwazikana pang'ono mmakulidwe ake (pobzala mwakasakaniza, mbewuyi imayima motalika komanso mosamwazikana koma ikadzalidwa motalikana mthambi zowonjezera zimaphukira ndikupereka maonekedwe omwazikana)",agriculture,agriculture document +en1340,"The base flower colour is red. The immature pods are green with light stripes, long and sickle-shaped. Each pod contains 6-7 seeds. Seeds are large white/ cream with 100-seed mass of 14-17g","Duwa lake ndi lifiira. Ndolo zosakhwima ndi zobiliwira ndipo zimakhala ndi mizere, zazitali komanso zamaonekedwe ngati chikwakwa. Ndolo iliyonse imakhala ndi mbewu 6 kapena 7. Mbewu zake ndi zazikulu zoyera ndipo 100 zilizonse zimalemera magalamu 14 kufika 17",agriculture,agriculture document +en1341,"Plant height is significantly influenced by temperature. Under warm environments, the plants grow tall but shorter under cool environments","Kutalika kwa mbewu kumatengera nyengo. Mmadera ofunda, mbewu imatalika koma imakhala yayifupi mmadera ozizira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1342,It has yield potential up to 2.5 tonnes per hectare. The variety is susceptible to Fusarium wilt but tolerant to most leaf diseases,Imatulutsa kufika 2.5 tonnes pa hectare. Mtundu umenewu umagwidwa ndi Fusarium Wilt koma umapilira kumatenda ena a masamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1343,"Mwaiwathu alimi a distinct, stable and uniform variety. The stem colour is green. At optimum temperature for growth, it flowers and matures in about 130 days and 180 days, respectively","Mwaiwathu alimi ndi mbewu yodziwika bwino, yokhadzikika komanso yooneka mofanana. Tsinde lake ndi lobiliwira. Nyengo ikakhala pachimake poyenera kukula, imachita maluwa ndi kucha pamasiku 130 ndi 180 motsogozana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1344,It is non-determinate and semi-spreading in growth habit. The open flower is yellow in colour with dense streaks,Imakulabe ndipo nthambi zake zimatayana. Maluwa ake ndi achikasu akatsegula ndi mizere yothithikana,agriculture,agriculture document +en1345,"The immature pods are green with light to dense stripes, long and sickle-shaped. Each pod contains 6-7 seeds","Ndolo zosakhwima ndi zobiliwira zamizere yosawala, zazitali komanso zamaonekedwe a chikwakwa. Ndolo iliyonse imakhala ndi nandolo 6 kapena 7",agriculture,agriculture document +en1346,Seeds are large white/ cream with 100-seed mass of 17-19 g. It has the potential yield up to 2.5 tonnes per hectare. It is tolerant to fusarium wilt and most common leaf diseases,"Mbewu yake ndi yayikulu, yoyera yolemera magalamu 17 kufika 19 pa 100 zilizonse. Zokolola zake zimafika 2.5 tonnes pa hectare. Imapilira ku Fusarium Wilt komanso matenda ena a masamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1347,"Short Duration (SD) pigeon peas SD pigeon peas are best produced as sole crop. Plant on the ridges which are spaced at between 75 or 90cm apart on double or single row. Planting on single row requires 2 plants per station, 20cm apart.",Nandolo wanthawi yayifupi amakhala bwino kumulima payekha. Pamizere yomwe yatalikana 75 kapena 90 cm bzalani mizere iwiri kapena umodzi. Kubzala mzere umodzi kumalira mbewu ziwiri paphando zotalikirana 20cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en1348,"Planting on double rows which are spaced at 30cm apart requires one plant per station, 10cm apart, in either case, 75cm ridges pacing gives a plant population of 133,330 plants per ha and a seed rate of 20 to 30kg per ha whereas 90cm ridge spacing gives a plant population of 111,110 plants per hectare and a seed rate of 16 to 25kg per ha","Kubzala mmizere iwiri yotalikirana 30cm kumalira mbewu imodzi paphando, motalikirana 10cm, mu zonse ziwiri, mizere yotalikirana 75c imapeleka chiwerengero cha mbewu chokwana 133,330 pa hectare ndipo mbewu imafunika makilogalamu pakati pa 20 ndi 30 pa hectare pamene mizere yotalikirana 90cm imapeleke chiwerengero cha mbewu chokwana 111,110 pa hectare ndipo pamafunika mbewu makilogalamu pakati pa 16 ndi 25 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1349,Seed yields of the SD pigeon pea varieties are reduced when intercropped with maize on the same ridge due to shading by the maize plants,Zokolola zamtundu wanthawi yayifupi zimachepa zikalimidwa pamodzi ndi chimanga pamzere wofanana chifukwa chophimbidwa ndi chimangacho,agriculture,agriculture document +en1350,The only way to intercrop SD pigeon peas with maize is where the maize and the SD pigeon pea are planted on alternative ridges or in strips of 2 or more ridges.,Njira yabwibo yobzalira pamodzi nandolo wocha msanga ndi chimanga ndi pamene chimanga ndi nandolo zabzalidwa mosemphanitsa mmizere,agriculture,agriculture document +en1351,Medium Duration (MD) and Long Duration (LD) pigeon peas -Plant 2 seeds per station spaced at 60cm on ridges of either 75 or 90 cm apart,Mitundu yanandolo yocha mochedwerapo komanso mochedwa - Bzalani mbewu ziwiri paphando motalikirana 60cm mmizere yotalikirana 75cm kapena 90cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en1352,"This requires a seed rate of 6kg per hectare and the expected plant population is 37,000 and 44,444 per hectare at 90cm and 75cm ridge spacing respectively","Izi zimafuna mbewu yokwana makilogalamu 6 pa hectare ndipo chiwerengero cha mbewu choyembekezereka ndi 37,000 ndi 44,444 pa hectare pa mizere yotalikirana 90cm ndi 75cm motsogozana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1353,"Cowpea is an important legume crop that is grown all over the country particularly in warm areas with low rainfall like the Shire valley, Bwanje Valley, Lakeshore and Phalombe Plains, as well as other dry areas","Khomwe ndi mbewu yamtundu wa nyemba yofunikira yomwe imalimidwa mmadera onse mdziko muno koma makamaka madera otententherapo omwe amalandira mvula yochepa monga ku chigwa cha Shire, Bwanje, mphepete mwa nyanja komanso mmadera a Phalombe, ndi madera ena ouma",agriculture,agriculture document +en1354,The crop will tolerate heat and relatively dry weather conditions. The pea contains good quality protein that will complement the protein present in cereal grains. Leaves are valuable vegetables (Mtambe) that will provide essential vitamins and mineral,Mbewuyi imapilira kutentha ndi nyengo youma. Khobwe wake ali ndi zakudya zomanga thupi zabwino zomwe zingathandizire zakudya zina zomanga thupi ku mbewu zochokera ku udzu. Masamba ake ndi ofunikira kwambiri ngati ndiwo zamasamba omwe amapezetsa ma vitamin ndi michere ina yofunikira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1355,"In medium and high altitude areas where there is need to escape excessive damage by disease and insect pests, farmers should plant in January and early February. For mixed stand, plant soon after planting the main crop or when the main crop has emerged","Mmadera okwelerapo ndi okwera kwambiri komwe kuli kofunika kupewa kuonongedwa ndi matenda kapena tizilombo towononga, alimi abzale mwezi wa January ndi kumayambiliro a February. Pomwe zabzalidwa mwakasakaniza, bzalani pambuyo pobzala mbewu yeniyeniyo kapena mbewu yeniyeniyo ikatuluka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1356,"Harvest the pods as soon as they start drying and continue drying them to complete the process. For determinate types (Nseula), uproot the whole plant as soon as the pods start drying, as pods dry at almost the same time","Kololani ndilo zake pamene zayamba kuuma ndipo pitirizani kuumitsa kuti ziume. Kwa mbewu zomwe zikakula zimasiya kuphuka, zulani mbewu yonse pamene ndolo zayamba kuuma, chifukwa ndolo zimauma panthawi yofanana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1357,"Bambara nut is grown in throughout the country is either grown in pure stand or intercropped with maize, cassava, groundnuts and other crops","Mzama zimalimidwa mdziko monse muno pazokha pakena mophatikiza ndi chimanga, chinangwa, mtedza ndi mbewu zina",agriculture,agriculture document +en1358,"Farmers should be encouraged to grow the crop as it is a good source of carbohydrates (59%), crude protein (19%), and fat (7%) by weight. The grain is boiled and eaten or prepared as side dish taken with a staple meal","Alimi alimbikitsidwe kulima mbewuyi chifukwa imapezetsa zakudya zokhutitsa kufika 59%, zomanga thupi kufika 19% komanso mafuta kufika 7% pakulemera kwake. Maso ake amawiritsidwa ndi kudyedwa kapena kukonzedwa ngati chakudya chowonjezera chodyedwa pamodzi ndi chakudya chanthawi zonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1359,Bambara nut is best stored in the pod at household level. This practice reduces damage by storage insect pest. Store in cool or well-ventilated structures,Mzama zimasungidwa bwino mu ndolo zake pakhomo. Mchitidwe uwu umachepetsa kugwidwa ndi tizilombo towononga munkhokwe. Sungani pamalo ozizira kapena zipangizo zolowa mpweya bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1360,Bambara nuts can be sold shelled or unshelled but most buyers accept shelled bambara nuts. Shell nuts using a mortar and pestle,Mzama zikhoza kugulitsidwa zokuswa kapena zosaswa koma ogula ambiri amalola zokuswa kale. Iswani mzama pogwiritsa ntchito musi ndi mtondo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1361,"Winnow to remove trash and stones. Select and store separately clean whole grain from damaged ones. Present for marketing shelled, clean whole grain; free of trash, stones and discoloured grain","Petani ndi kuchotsa makoko komanso miyala. Sankhani ndi kusunga mosiyana zogazika ndi zosagazika Kagulitseni zokuswa, zosagazika; zopanda zinyalala, miyala komanso zosawonongeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1362,"Chickpea is an important cash crop grown mostly in the Shire Highlands. The crop requires less moisture than most crops, therefore it can be grown under residual moisture as a relay crop to maize. It is also important because it improves soil fertility",Tchana ndi mbewu yofunikira yomwe imalimidwa kwambiri mmadera okwera a Shire. Mbewuyi imafuna chinyezi chochepa kusiyana ndi mbewu zina zambiri choncho ikhoza kulimidwa pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi chotsala pambuyo pokolola chimanga. Ndoyofunika chifukwa imawonjezera chonde munthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1363,"For a relay crop, prepare ridges when maize has reached physiological maturity. Prune most of the maize leaves into the furrow and bury them in the new ridge. For a pure crop, prepare land by ploughing and ridging by February. Ridges should be 90cm apart with a flat top","Ngati mbewu yobwera pambuyo pa mbewu ina, konzani mizere pamene chimanga chafika pokhwima. Sadzani masamba a chimanga ndikuponya mmipata yamizere ndikuwakwilira popanga mzere watsopano. Ngati yobzala payokha, konzani munda pogaula ndikupanga mizere mu mwezi wa February. Mizere italikirane 90cm yophwathalala pamwamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1364,Plant on double rows spaced at 30cm on the ridge. Plant one seed per station spaced 10cm apart. This requires a seed rate of 8 to 10kg per hectare,Bzalani makako awiri otalikirana 30cm pa mzere uliwonse. Bzalani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 10cm. Izi zimafuna mbewu yokanira 8 kufika 10kgs pa hectare,agriculture,agriculture document +en1365,"To avoid caterpillar infestation which normally damage the pods, plant the crop after the main rains","Popewa kufala kwa mbozi zomwe kwambiri zimaononga ndolo, bzalani mvula yeniyeni ikatha",agriculture,agriculture document +en1366,"Green and Black grams are commonly grown in the Shire Valley and Bwanje Valley, Phalombe Plain,Mulanje, Lake shore areas and in other warm plateau areas with similar climatic conditions","Mphoza zobiliwira kapena zakuda zimalimidwa kwambiri ku chigwa cha Shire, Bwanje, Phalombe, Mulanje, mphepete mwa nyanja komanso madera amapiri otentherapo okhala ndi nyengo zofanana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1367,Grams are a source of protein that will complement the protein present in cereal root and tuber crops. Gram is prepared as a side dish taken with staple meal. Immature pods of some gram cultivars are prepared as a vegetable dish.,Mphoza zimapezetsa zakudya zomanga thupi zomwe zingathandizire zakudya zomanga thupi zopezeka mu zakudya zamitsitsi. Mphoza zimakonzedwa ngati chakudya chonwonjezera chochedwa ndi chakudya chanthawi zonse. Ndolo zosakhwima za mitundu ina ya mphoza zimaphikidwa ngati ndiwo za masamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1368,"Average yield range from 300 to 700kg per hectare. The crop can yield up to 1,500kg per hectare in pure stands","Zokolo zimafika 300 mpaka 700kg pa hectare. Mbewuyi ikhoza kufika 1,500kg pa hectare ikalimidwa payokha",agriculture,agriculture document +en1369,Farmers should be encouraged to grow the crop as a complement to staple food and in rotation with other crops or as an intercrop to improve soil fertility,Alimi alimbikitsidwe kulima mbewuyi ngati yothandizira chakudya chanthawi zonse komanso mosinthana ndi mbewu zina kapena ngati mwakasakaniza kuti iwonjezere chonde,agriculture,agriculture document +en1370,The crop will grow well on drained clay loam or sandy loam soils. A hot weather with a defined rainy season is preferred to enable the grain to mature and dry towards the end of rains,Mbewuyi ingakule bwino mudothi la mchenga. Nyengo yotentha yokhala ndi nyengo yamvula yodziwika bwino ndiyabwino kuti mbewu ukhwime ndi kuuma pomafika kumapeto kwa mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1371,Continuous rainfall at maturity stage of crop growth encourages fungal diseases and rotting of mature pods,Mvula yosalekeza panthawi yokhima imabweretsa matenda komanso kuola kwa ndolo zake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1372,"Grams can be intercropped, relay cropped, grown in pure stand or as green manure crop","Mphoza zikhoza kulimidwa mwakasakaniza, pambuyo pa mbewu zina kapena pazokha kapena ngati mbewu yopeleka manyowa ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1373,It should be planted in December as first or as a green manure crop; and in February as a relay crop so that the pods mature and dry towards the end of the rains to avoid rotting of mature pods,Ibzalidwe mwezi wa December ngati yoyamba kapena ngati mbewu yobweretsa manyowa; mu February ngati yobwera pambuyo pa mbewu ina kuti ndolo zikhwime ndikuuma kumapeto kwa mvula poopetsa kuola kwa ndolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1374,Plant grams 2 rows spaced at 30cm on ridges 90cm or 75cm apart. Plant 1 seed per planting station spaced at 10cm on each row,"Bzalani mphoza mmakako awiri motalikirana 30cm, pamizere yotalikirana 90cm kapena 75cm. Ikani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 10cm pa makako aliwonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1375,"When intercropped, number of seed to be planted will depend on the spacing of any other major crop. Seedrate is 6 to 10kg per hectare. A green manure crop will require a higher seedrate because a dense vegetation is required","Ikabzalidwa ndi mbewu zina, chiwerengero cha mbewu paphando chitengera kutalikirana kwa mbewu zina zazikuluzo. Mulingo wa mbewu ndi 6kg kufika 10kg pa hectare. Mbewu yobweretsa manyowa idzafuna mulingo wa mbewu wochulukirapo chifukwa pamafunika zithithikane",agriculture,agriculture document +en1376,Pods are ready for harvesting when they are black or brown in colour. Pick mature pods in the morning to avoid loss of grain by shattering,Ndolo zimafika pokololedwa zikamaoneka mwakuda kapena mofiilirapo. Tolani ndolo mmamawa popewa kutayika chifukwa chakusweka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1377,"Harvesting should be done as soon as pods start drying to avoid shattering. Thresh dried pods by beating the pods with a stick on the mat or using a mortar and pestle. Winnow to remove trash, stones and immature grains","Kukolola kuchitike pamene ndolo zayamba kuuma popewa kusweka. Menyani ndolo zouma ndi mtengo pamphasa kapena pogwiritsa ntchito musi ndi mtondo. Petani kuti muchitse zimyalala, miyala ndi mphoza zosakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1378,Store well dried grain in clean and dry containers or bags. Grams are very susceptible to insect pest damage in store. It is therefore important to apply Actellic Super Dust and Wivokil 25g per 50kgs of grain. Store in a cool dry place,"Sungani mphoza zouma bwino mu zipangizo zosamala ndi zouma kapena mmatumba. Mphoza zimagwidwa kwambiri ndi tizilombo munkhokwe. Choncho nkofunika kuthira Actellic Super Dust ndi Wivokil magalamu 25 pa thumba lirilonse la 50kg. Sungani pamalo ozizira, ouma",agriculture,agriculture document +en1379,The crop should be harvested when pods and stems have turned brown. When harvesting up- root plants to avoid pod shattering. Threshing should be done on hard clean ground or on a mat free from sand and stones,"Mbewuyi ikololedwe pamene ndolo zauma ndipo mitengo yake ikuoneka mofiilapo. Pokolola, dzulani mbewu yonse popewa ndolo kusweka. Kumenya kuchitike pamalo olimba aukhondo kapena pamphasa popanda mchenga ndi miyala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1380,Oil seeds are useful for both food and cash. They are important as a concentrated source of energy in the diet,Mbewu zamafuta ndi zofunika ngati chakudya komanso kugulitsa. Ndi zofunika ngati zopezera mphamvu zakathithi muzakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1381,The present production of edible oils in Malawi is not satisfying the existing demand thus necessitating importation,Kalimidwe padakali pano ka zakudya mafuta ku Malawi sikakukwaniritsa mulingo womwe anthu akufuna kotero ena amagulidwa kuchokera mayiko akunja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1382,Increased domestic production of oil seeds will improve the supply of raw materials for the production of these oils there by reducing the need for importation,Kuwonjezera kulima mbewu zamafuta mdziko muno kudzathandiza kupititsa patsogolo kupezeka kwa zipangizo zopangira mafuta motero kuchepetsa kufunika koyitanitsa zipangizozi kumayiko akunja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1383,The major edible oil seed crops grown in Malawi are sunflower and sesame in addition to groundnuts and cotton. Castor seed is a source of industrial oil,Mbewu zikuluzikulu zamafuta odyedwa zolimidwa mMalawi ndi mpendadzuwa ndi chitowe kuphatikizirapo mtedza ndi thonje. Mbewu ya msatsi imapezetsa mafuta oyendetsera makina,agriculture,agriculture document +en1384,Sunflower oil is one of the top quality edible oils and the cake is used in the production of livestock feed,Mafuta a mpendadzuwa ndi amodzi mwa mafuta abwino kwambiri odyedwa ndipo zotsalira zake zimagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zakudya zaziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en1385,"It is therefore important to encourage increased production of sunflower in all suitable areas. A warm, fairly dry climate is considered optimal for sunflower production","Motero ndikofunika kulimbikitsa kulima mpendadzuwa wochuluka mmalo onse oyenera. Nyengo yofunda, yamvula yochepa imatengedwa kuti ndiyabwino kulima mpendadzuwa ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1386,"The drier warmer areas with an annual rainfall of 650mm to 850mm and a low relative humidity are suitable for the growth of the crop. However, 500 to 650mm annual rainfall is sufficient for the shorter early maturing types","Madera oumirapo a mvula yapakati pa 650mm ndi 850mm komanso a mpweya wa chinyezi chotsika ndiwoyenera kulima mbewuyi. Komabe, mvula yapakati pa 500mm ndi 650mm ndiyokwanira kulima mitundu yocha msanga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1387,Generally sunflower is not very selective to soil types provided the soils are well drained. The crop will produce high yields when grown on deep and well drained sandy loam soils,"Nthawi zambiri mpendadzuwa samasankha mtundu wa dothi koma amafuna dothi lotaya madzi. Mbewuyi imabeleka kwambiri ikalimidwa mumthaka yakuya, yotaya madzi yamchenga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1388,"Cool moist weather conditions are favourable for the development of rust disease (Puccinia helianthi), wilt disease (Sclerotinia spp.), and head rots (Septoria spp., Fusarium spp., Diplodia spp.) On the other hand, very hot dry conditions are favourable for the development of charcoal rot disease (Macrophomina phaseoli)","Nyengo yozizira yachinyezi ndiyabwino ku matenda a dzimbiri (Puccinia helianthi) matenda ofota masamba (Sclerotinia spp.) ndi matenda owola mitu (Septoria spp., Fusarium spp., Diplodia spp.). Kumbali ina, nyengo yotentha imathandizira matenda amakala owoletsa mbewu (Macrophomia Phaseoli)",agriculture,agriculture document +en1389,The aim is to encourage farmers to grow the crop and expand hectarage in suitable areas and improve yields to satisfy raw material requirement for edible oils,Cholinga ndi kulimbikitsa alimi kulima mbewu ndiponso kuwonjezera malo omwe akulima mmadera oyenera komanso kupititsa patsogolo zokolola kuti zipezetse zipangizo zokwanira zopangira mafuta odyedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1390,Seed rate for unimproved cultivars is 8 kg per hectare and 3.5kg per hectare for improved varieties.,Mulingo wa mbewu yamakolo ndi makilogalamu 8 pa hectare ndi makilogalamu 3.5 pa hectare a mbewu yamakono,agriculture,agriculture document +en1391,Planting sunflower 4 to 6 weeks after the onset of effective planting rains produces the best yields.,Kubzala mpendadzuwa sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi pambuyo poyamba mvula zimabweretsa zokolola zochuluka kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1392,This is because the flowering and early grain filling stages coincide with the period when good rains occur,Izi zili chonchi chifukwa kupanga maluwa komanso kudzadza kwa mthanga kumakumana ndi nyengo yomwe mvula yabwino ikugwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1393,"This will also let the crop escape diseases, since physiological maturity stage will occur under conditions of low relative humidity after the rainy season",Izi zidzathandizanso kuti mbewu isemphane ndi matenda popeza kuti nthawi yokhwima idzachitika mu nyengo ya mpweya wachinyezi chotsika pambuyo pa nyengo yamvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1394,"Ridges should be spaced at 75cm or 90cm apart and planting stations should be 50cm apart. Plant 2 seeds per station for improved varieties. For unimproved varieties, plant 4 seeds per station and thin to 2 seedlings 2 weeks after emergence","Mizere italikirane 75cm kapena 90cm ndipo mapando atalikirane 50cm. Bzalani mbewu ziwiri paphando za mbewu yamakono. Mbewu zamakolo, bzalani mbweu zinayi paphando ndipo patulirani kuti zitsalepo ziwiri pakadutsa sabata ziwiri zitamera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1395,"Weeding during the first 5 weeks after emergence is crucial. However, it is important to keep the field weed free throughout the growing season","Kupalira msabata zisanu zoyamba pambuyo pomera mbewu ndikofunika kwambiri. Komabe, ndikofunika kuti mmunda mudzikhala mopanda tchire nthawi yonse ya ulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1396,"Sunflower is an important catch crop for witchweed (Striga asiatica),It should be used in rotation with maize to reduce witchweed infestation",Mpendadzuwa ndi wofunika kwambiri pothana ndi kaufiti (Striga asiatica). Agwiritsidwe ntchito polima mwakasinthasintha ndi chimanga pofuna kuchepetsa kufala kwa kaufiti,agriculture,agriculture document +en1397,"Following all the recommended cultural practices for cultivating sunflower will reduce the incidence of diseases such as Alternaria leaf spots, septoria leaf blotch, rust and heat rot","Kutsatira ndondomeko zonse zolimira mpendadzuwa kudzachepetsa kupezeka kwa matenda monga Alternaria leaf spots, septorial leas blotch, rust ndi heat rot",agriculture,agriculture document +en1398,The sunflower crop is physiologically mature when the back of the head has turned from green to yellow and the bracts have turned brown,Mbewu yampendadzuwa imakhala yakhwima pamene kuseli kwa mutu wake kwasintha kuchokera kobiliwira kufika kwachikasu komanso masamba ambali akuoneka ofiilirapo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1399,Harvesting should start as soon as the seeds are mature. The heads should be cut and dried near the homestead for ease of bird scaring,Kukolola kuyambike pamene mpendadzuwa wakhwima. Mutu udulidwe ndipo uyanikidwe pafupi ndi nyumba pochepetsa ntchito yothamangitsa mbalame,agriculture,agriculture document +en1400,"When dry, the heads should be beaten at the back pointing into a container. The seeds are then winnowed to remove chaff and other debris","Ikauma, mitu imenyedwe kumbuyo kwake polodzetsa mu dengu. Mpendadzuwa apetedwe ndikuchotsa mphwepwa ndi zosafunikira zonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1401,Buyers and processors of sunflower seed are available in the country. Black seeded varieties fetch a higher price on the local market and it is advisable to grade the seed properly prior to marketing. Sell only clean winnowed seed,Ogula komanso ogaya mpendadzuwa alipo mdziko muno. Mitundu yambewu yakuda imapeza mitengo yokwera kwambiri mmisika yathu ndipo ndikofunika kusankha mbewu moyenera isanapite kumsika. Gulitsani mbewu yokhayo yopetedwa bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1402,Sesame (Chitowe) is grown in Malawi either for food or cash. It is tolerant to drought and grown where other crops fail,Chitowe chimalimidwa ku Malawi ngati chakudya kapena chogulitsa. Chimapilira ku chilala ndipo chimalimidwa malo omwe mbewu zina zalephera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1403,The seed can be pounded into a cake (Sesame candy) which is eaten as a confectionery or sesame flour (nsinjiro) for seasoning side dishes,Mbewuyi ikhoza kugayidwa ndikupanga keke yemwe amadyedwa ngati takudya zosangalatsa kapena nsinjiro za chitowe zokometsera zakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1404,Sesame oil extracted from seeds is used for cooking and soap making. The processed oil is odourless and has a long shelf life. Sesame is also used in bakeries for drapings on bread,Mafuta a chitowe owengedwa kuchokera ku mbewu amagwiritsidwa ntchito pophikira komanso kupanga sopo. Mafuta ake alibe fungo ndipo amakhala nthawi yayitali asanaonongeke. Chitowe chimagwiritsidwanso ntchito kuyika ngati zokometsa chingwa mmalo ophikira chingwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1405,"Sesame is interplanted with cereals and grain legumes. The major problems of sesame production in Malawi include poor cultural practices, insect pests and diseases","Chitowe chimalimidwa mwakasakaniza ndi mbewu zina za udzu komanso zanyemba. Mavuto aakulu pa ulimi wa chitowe ku Malawi ndi monga kusalima mosamala, tizilombo zowononga komanso matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1406,"Sesame thrives best on soils which are well drained. It is extremely susceptible, even for a short period, to water logging at any stage of growth. Soils with a pH range of 5.5 to 8.0 are suitable.","Chitowe chimachita bwino mdothi lomwe limataya madzi bwino. Chimavutika kwambiri, ngakhale kwanthawi yochepa, ku mthaka yodzadza madzi. Dothi lake liyenera likhale la pH yapakati pa 5.5 kufika 8.0",agriculture,agriculture document +en1407,Early weeding protects the crop from intensive competition with weeds until the crop produces sufficient canopy to suppress further weed growth,Kupalira tchire mwansanga kumateteza mbewu kupikisana nadi tchire mpaka mbewu ichite mthambi zambiri zothandiza kufooketsa kukula kwa udzu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1408,"The critical period is within the first 4 to 6 weeks of crop establishment. During this period, competition between the crop and weeds for nutrients, moisture and sunlight is high","Nthawi yofunikira kwambiri ndi sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi zoyambilira zokula mbewu. Panthawi imeneyi, mpikizano pakati pa mbewu ndi tchire kupeza michere, chinyezi ndi dzuwa zimakhala zokwera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1409,Sesame is ready for harvest when one third to two thirds of the lower plant parts turn yellow. Cut the plants and tie into bundles,Chitowe chimafika pokolola pamene gawo limodzi pa magawo atatu aliwonse a nthambi zammunsi asintha kumaoneka achikasu. Dulani mbewu ndikuyimanga mmitolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1410,"Stook the bundles upright to dry. When completely dry, thresh by gently and carefully beating the bundles turned upside down into a container. The process of beating should be done periodically until no seed comes out from the capsules in the bundles","Imitsani mopendeka mitolo kuti chiume. Chikuma bwinobwino, menyani monyengelera ndi mosamala mitolo itazondotsedwa mu dengu. Njira yomenyera ichitike pafupipafupi mpaka chitowe chonse chidzatulukemo mu zikuto zake",agriculture,agriculture document +en1411,"Root and tuber crops are important as a source of food, cash and raw materials for industrial uses","Mbewu zoberekera pansi ndozifunika ngati chakudya, kugulitsa komanso ngati zipangizo zopangira zinthu kumafakitale ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1412,"Even in areas where maize is a staple food, root and tuber crops are important food supplement. They are particularly important as food security crops in seasons of drought and survive relatively well in marginal soils","Ngakhale kumadera komwe chimanga chimalimidwa ngati chakudya chodalirika, mbewu zamitsitsi komanso zobelekera mdothi ndizofunika ngati zowonjezera chakudya. Ndizofunika makamaka ngati zothandizira kudzidalira pachakudya munyengo za chilala ndipo zimapilira mmalo opelewera dothi, a miyala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1413,"Cassava is a staple food crop in the lake shore areas of Nkhotakota, Nkhata bay, Rumphi and Karonga. In some districts of Malawi such as Mzimba, Kasungu, Lilongwe, Dedza, Dowa, Machinga and Mulanje cassava is becoming a major cash crop","Chinangwa ndi chakudya chodalirika mmadera a mphepete mwa nyanja monga Nkhotakota, Nkhatabay, Rumphi ndi Karonga. Mmaboma ena mMalawi monga Mzimba, Kasungu, Lilonwe, Dedza, Dowa, Machinga ndi Mulanje, chinangwa chikusanduka njira yopezera ndalama yayikulu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1414,"It is also grown in other parts of the country as a security crop, eaten as a snack and also sold as dry cassava chips","Chimalimidwa mmadera ena mdziko muno ngati chothandizira kudzidalira pachakudya, chimadyedwa ngati zokometsera komanso kugulitsidwa ngati makaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1415,"The leaves are also used as relish (ndiwo). Cassava is also used as livestock feed. In addition, cassava is becoming a significant industrial crop as it is used as a binder in the timber industry, starch in the textile industry and in confectionary industry","Masamba ake amagwiritsidwanso ntchito ngati ndiwo. Chinangwa chimagwiritsidwanso ntchito ngati chakudya cha ziweto. Kuphatikizira apa, kufunika kwa chinangwa ku mafakatile kukukula chifukwa chimagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zomatira za matabwa, zoyeretsera poumba nsalu komanso zakudya zosangalatsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1416,"The main advantages of growing cassava are its drought tolerance, ability to yield well on marginal soils, tolerance to some pests and diseases, minimal labour requirement and that yields fluctuate less compared to grain crops","Ubwino waukulu wolima chinangwa ndiwakuti chimapilira ku chilala, chimabereka ngakhale mmalo a dothi lopelewera, chimalipilira ku tizilombo ndi matenda ena, chimafuna antchito ochepa komanso zokolola sidzimasinthasintha kwambiri kufananiza ndi mbewu zina",agriculture,agriculture document +en1417,"There are currently 17 recommended varieties, fourteen of which are improved and the other three are local. The sweet varieties includes: Chamandanda, Chinangwa 1, Chinangwa 2, Mpale, Kalawe, and Mbundumali/Manyokola. Th e bitter varieties includes: Gomani, Chitembwere, Silira, Maunjiri, Mkondezi, Sauti, Yizaso, Phoso, Mulola, Sagonja, and Chiombola","Padakali pano pali mitundu khumi limodzi ndi mphambu zisanu ndi ziwiri ya chinangwa ndipo khumi limodzi ndi mphambu zinayi ndi yamakono koma itatu yotsalayo ndiyamakolo. Mitundu yotsekemera ndi monga: Chamandanda, Chinangwa 1, Chinangwa 2, Mpale, Kalawe ndi Mbundumali kapena Manyokola. Mitundu yowawa ndi monga: Gomani, Chitembwere, Silira, Maunjiri, Mkondezi, Sauti, Yizaso, Phoso, Mulola, Sagonja ndi Chiombola",agriculture,agriculture document +en1418,Cassava stem storage technique is encouraged among smallholder farmers who store the harvested cassava stems until there is enough rains for planting in the next season,Kusunga mitengo yachinangwa kumalimbikitsidwa pakati pa alimi ang'onoang'ono omwe amasunga mitengo ya chinangwa akakolola mpaka mvula yokwanira itagwa kuti abzale mnyengo yotsatira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1419,"Planting material should be free from insect pests such as cassava mealy bug and cassava scales; and diseases such as the cassava mosaic disease (CMD), cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and cassava bacterial blight (CBB)","Nthambi zobzala zikhale zopanda tizilombo towononga mbewu monga Cassava mealy bug ndi cassava scales; ndipo zopanda matenda monga cassava mosaic disease, cassava brown streak disease ndi cassava bacterial blight",agriculture,agriculture document +en1420,Cuttings should be obtained from the base to the middle portions of well matured plants of older than 9 months. For plants that are 12 months or more the base should not be used for growing as it will have been lignified. Cuttings to be planted should be 25 to 30 cm long,"Ziduswa zachinangwa zitengedwe kuyambira pansi kufika pakati pa mitengo yokhwima bwino yomwe ili ndi miyezi yopitilira isanu ndi inayi. Mbewu zomwe zili ndi miyezi khumi ndi iwiri kapena kupitilira apo, tsinde lamunsi lisagwiritsidwe ntchito chifukwa limakhala logwirana kwambiri. Ziduswa zobzalidwa zitalike 25cm kufika 30cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en1421,"This is a serious cassava insect pest in the country. Symptoms of infestation include: leaf curl, shortened internodes, bunchy tops, stunted growth and complete defoliation","Iti ndi tizilombo tosautsa ta chinangwa mdziko muno. Zizindikiro zogwidwa ndi tizilomboti ndi monga: kukhwinyata kwa masamba, kufupika mphindo, kuchita mafutu kumwamba, kupinimbira kukula komanso kugwa kwamasamba onse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1422,"The plants should be checked for the presence of an insect which is covered by a waxy mealy-like substance, hence the name mealy bug.","Mbewu zipimidwe pofuna kudziwa ngati tizilombo tilipo tomwe takutidwa ndi utoto waphalaphala, nchifukwa chake dzila la mealy bug",agriculture,agriculture document +en1423,"No chemical control measures are advocated at the moment. The impact of the mealy bug on cassava is reduced by use of clean planting materials, early planting, restricting movement of cuttings from affected areas and biological control","Mankhwala ena aliwonse salimbikitsidwa padakali pano. Kuopsa kwa mealy bug kuchinangwa kumachepetsedwa pogwiritsa ntchito ziduswa zobzala zosagwidwa ndi tizilombo, kubzala mofulimira, kuchepetsa kugawana mbewu kuchokera dera lomwe kuli tizilomboti komanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zachilengedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1424,Early planting will enable the crop to establish and form roots by the onset of the dry season before the cassava mealy bug population starts increasing and causing significant damage,Kubzala moyambilira kumathandiza mbewu kuchita mizu kumayambiliro a nyengo yamvula chiwerengero cha tizilombo ta cassava mealy bug chisanayambe kukwera ndikuwononga kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1425,"It should be noted that biological control is a slow method of containing the pest and results may take some time to be effective. Farmers, therefore, are encouraged to strictly follow the recommended cultural practices",Dziwani kuti kuteteza munjira zachilengedwe ndi njira yapang'onopang'ono yothanirana ndi tizilombo ndipo zotsatira zikhoza kutenga nthawi kuti zioneke. Choncho alimi akulimbikitsidwa kutsatira mwatotomoyo ndondomeko zakasamalidwe koyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1426,These are sucking insects and their feeding habit is not very destructive. They are important because they transmit the cassava mosaic and brown streak virus diseases. Control is aimed at the disease and not the insect pest. Use of clean planting materials is advocated,Iti ndi tizilombo toyamwa mbewu ndipo njira zawo zodyera ndizosawononga kwambiri. Ndizofunikira chifukwa zimafalitsa matenda a cassava mosaic komanso brown streak virus. Kuthana nazo kumafuna kuletsa kufala kwa matendawo osati tizilomboto. Kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu yopanda tizilombo kukulimbikitsidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1427,"After the cassava crop has reached maturity, the quality of roots of most varieties often deteriorates after 15 months of growth","Mbewu yachinangwa ikakhwima, ubwino wa mitsitsi pa mitundu yosiyanasiyana kumatsika pakadutsa miyezi khumi ndi isanu ndi umodzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1428,"They should therefore be harvested on time. Processing cassava roots and leaves leads to a reduction in cyanide toxicity, improvement of palatability, conversion of the perishable roots and leaves into stable products, which can store for an extended period of time","Motero iyenera kukololedwa mthawi yabwino. Kusamala mitsitsi yachinangwa komanso masamba kumachepetsa kuchuluka kwa ululu wa cyanide, kumachulukitsa kakomedwe, kumasintha mitsitsi ndi masamba zomwe sidzichedwa kuwonongeka kukhala zokhalitsa zomwe zingasungidwe kwanthawi yayitali",agriculture,agriculture document +en1429,Farmers using sweet varieties should process their cassava roots using the cassava chip (makaka) methods if the end product is to be used for human consumption,Alimi omwe akugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yotsekemera asamale chinangwa potsatira njira yopanga makaka ngati chili choti anthu adzadye,agriculture,agriculture document +en1430,"For bitter varieties farmers should process cassava using either heap fermentation as is done in Mulanje or submerged fermentation as is done in Nkhotakota and Nkhata Bay. For Industrial use such as in timber and textile industry, use cassava chips (makaka) for both bitter and sweet varieties","Pa mitundu yowawa, alimi asamale chinangwa pogwiritsa ntchito ku njira younjika ngati mmene achitira ku Mulanje kapena kunyika mmadzi ngati mmene achitira ku Nkhotakota ndi Nkhata Bay. Ngati ndichofunika popanga matabwa kapena nsalu, gwiritsani ntchito makaka a chinangwa chowawa kapena chitsekemeta",agriculture,agriculture document +en1431,Cassava roots are highly perishable. They are best left in the field and harvested as required. It is recommended that the cassava roots once harvested should be stored in a processed form.,Mizu yachinangwa imawonongeka msanga. Kusunga kwabwino ndikusiya mmunda momwemo ndikulolola pomwe chinangwa chafunika. Ndikoyenera kuti chinangwa chomwe chakololedwa chisungidwe popanga zinthu zomwe zikufunikazo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1432,Farmers should store cassava chips (makaka) in cool dry places after packing them in gunny bags. Cassava chips (makaka) should be stored in mudded nkhokwes.,Alimi asunge makaka pamalo ouma atalongedza mmatumba a masaka. Makaka asungidwe munkhokwe zophomedwa ndi matope,agriculture,agriculture document +en1433,To avoid weevil damage apply 25 g of Actellic Super Dust to 50kg makaka or 25g of Super grain dust to 50kg of makaka,"Popewa kuwonongeka ndi nankafumbwe, thirani Actellic Super Dust pamulingo wa 25g ku thumba lolemera 50kg lamakaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1434,Sweetpotato is widely grown in the country as a food security and cash crop. It is mainly eaten as a snack. Orange fleshed varieties are a good source of vitamin A. Leaves of Sweetpotato are used as relish (ndiwo) and are good source of vitamin A,Mbata imalimidwa kwambiri mdziko muno ngati chakudya komanso yogulitsa. Imadyedwa ngati chosangalatsa. Mitundu yambatata yachikasu ndiyabwino chifukwa imapeleka vitamin A. Masamba a mbatata amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati ndiwo ndipo amapeleka vitamin A,agriculture,agriculture document +en1435,"For root production, the ridges should be spaced at 90cm and planting stations at 30cm. This gives a plant population of 38,000 plants per hectare","Kuti mitsitsi ichite bwino, mizere italikirane 90cm ndipo mapando atalikirane 30cm. Izi zimabweretsa chiwerengero cha mbewu 38,000 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1436,"Place two thirds of the cutting deep in the soil on ridges. Where white grubs are a problem, do not plant on soils rich in organic matter","Kumbirani mawo awiri pa magawo atatu a mtawi wambatata mdothi pamzere. Komwe mbozi zoyera zili vuto, musabzale mdothi lomwe liri ndi chonde chambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1437,"Soils which are water logged should be avoided. For seed production, beds are recommended. Standard bed is 20m x 1m. The bed will require 5 bundles (1 bundle 100 cuttings of 30 cm long)","Dothi la lowe lipewedwe. Polima mbewu, mabedi ndi oyenera. Mabedi atalike 20mx1m. Bed limafuna mitolo 5 ya mitawi yambatata ndipo mtolo uliwonse pamakhala mitawi 100 yotalika 30cm ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1438,"Sweetpotato should be planted with the first planting rains. Where rainfall is not reliable, planting should be completed by mid-January.This enables the crop to establish while there is still adequate moisture in the soil","Mbatata ibzalidwe ndi mvula yoyamba. Komwe mvula ndiyosadalilika, kubzala kukhale kutatha pofika mkati mwa mwezi wa January. Izi zimathandiza kuti mbewu iphuke pamene nthawi yomwe padakali chinyezi chokwanira mdothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1439,Farmers who plant their Sweetpotatoes in dimba gardens like in the Shire Valley flood plain should plant their crop as soon as water has receded. This ensures enough residual moisture for the crop to establish well,Alimi omwe amabzala mbatata kuminda yakudambo monga mmalo osefukira madzi kuchigwa cha Shire abzale mbewu yawo pamene madzi aphwera. Izi zimathandiza kuti pakhale chinyezi chokwanira kuti mbewu iphuke bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1440,This is the most destructive insect pest of Sweetpotato. Even very low populations reduce quality of the tubers,Uwu ndu mtundu woononga kwambiri wa tizilombo ta mbatata. Ngakhale chiwerengero chochepa kwambiri chimachepetsa ubwino wa mitsitsi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1441,"In response to weevil feeding, the crop produces bitter testing and toxic substance which render stored roots unfit for human consumption. The problem is more prevalent during the dry season","Pofuna kupewa kuwonongedwa ndi nankafumbwe, mbewu imatulutsa zinthu zowawa komanso zokupha zimene zimapangitsa kuti mitsitsi yomwe yasingidwa isakhale yoyenera kudyedwa ndi anthu. Vutoli limakula mu nyengo ya dzuwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1442,"Control is by practicing crop rotation, use of resistant varieties namely: Yoyera, Babache, Kenya, Kakoma, Semusa, Mugamba, Tainoni, filling cracks when the roots start bulking, and timely harvesting. ","Kuthana nazo ndi kutsatsira kulima mwakasinthasintha, kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu zopilira kumatenda zomwe mayina awo ndi: Babache, Kenya, Kakoma, Semusa, Mugamba, Tainini; kukwilira ming'alu pamene mitsitsi ukufufuma komanso kukolola nthawi yoyenera. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1443,"Potatoes locally known as Kachewere grow successfully in areas of high altitude, which have a cool climate and adequate rainfall. These areas include Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, Shire Highlands, Viphya Plateau, Ntchisi, Mchinji, Phoka and Misuku Hills","Mbatata yomwe imadziwika bwino kuti kachewere imalimidwa mmadera okwera, omwe ali ndi nyengo yozizira komanso mvula yokwanira. Madera amenewa ndi monga Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, madera okwera a Shire, Viphya, Ntchisi, Mchinii, Phoka ndi Misuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en1444,In these areas it is an important cash and food crop. The bulk of the crop is consumed in urban and semi urban areas where it is an important component of the diet,"Mmadera amenewa, ndi mbewu yofunika yopezetsa ndalama komanso chakudya. Zokolola zambiri zimadyedwa mmadera a mmizinda ikuluikulu komwe ili gawo limodzi lofunikira la zakudya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1445,"Soils should be free-draining, deep and rich in organic matter with soil acidity of pH5.0 to 6.5. Avoid rocky soils, which deform developing tubers","Dothi likhale lotaya madzi, lakuya komanso lachonde chambiri lokhala ndi kuwawasira kwa 5.0 mpaka 6.5. Pewani dothi la miyala, lomwe limabweretsa ulumali wa mbatata",agriculture,agriculture document +en1446,After ridging make grooves on top of ridges 15cm deep. Apply between 12.5 and 25 tonnes of compost or khola manure per hectare using one to two 20 liters’ tins for every 8 metres (8 steps) along the grooves,"Mizere ikapangidwa, kumbani ngalande pamwamba pa mizere yakuya 15cm. Thirani 12.5 mpaka 25 tonnes yamanyowa pa hectare pogwiritsa ntchito ndowa za 20L pamtunda uliwonse mu ngalandemo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1447,Apply 200kg of D compound per hectare. Apply the fertilizer in the grooves and cover the fertilizer and manure with about 5 cm of soil,Thirani fertilizer wa D coumpound wokwana makilogalamu 200. Thirani fertlizer mmayenjemo ndipo kwilirani fertilizer ndi manyowa ndi dothi lakuya 5cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en1448,"Three to four weeks after crop emergence, top dress with 200kg of CAN per hectare. Apply 20g per meter of ridge length using 5 cupfuls of cup No.5. Top dressing is done by applying the fertilizer along the plant rows on the ridge and working it into the soil","Sabata zitatu kufika zinayi pamene mbewu yamera, thirani malikogalamu 200 a fertilizer wobereketsa wa CAN pa hectare. Thirani magalamu 20 ma ntunda wa 1m wa mzere pogwiritsa ntchito kapu nambala 5 poyidzadza kasanu. Kuthira fertilizer kuchitike pothira fertilizer yo molondola makako a mbewu pamzere ndikusakaniza ndi dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1449,A potato field should be weeded twice during the growing season. When the crop is crowding occasional weeds should be uprooted by hand,"Munda wa mbatata upalilidwe kawiri nthawi yokula mbatata. Pamene mbewu ikufunga, tchire lomwe imabwera patalipatali lidzulidwe ndi manja",agriculture,agriculture document +en1450,Hoe weeding later in the growing season is not economical and moving in the field when the crop is very dense assists in spreading viruses. Earth up to cover developing tubers and to prevent tuber moth infestation,Kupalira ndi khasu mochedwa kumaononga ndalama ndipo kuyenda mmunda pamene yafunga kwambiri kumabweretsa matenda. Kwilirani mitsitsi yomwe ikung'amba dothi pofuna kupewa kuti mitsitsi igwidwa ndi agulugufe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1451,"The potato crop is mature when leaves turn naturally yellow or the top dies off. If the crop must be harvested before it fully matures, the tops should be cut off at least 2 weeks before harvest","Kachewere amakhwima pamene masamba ayamba kuoneka mwachikasu kapena msonga zauma. Ngati mbewu ndiyofunika kukolola isanakhwimwe moyenera, msonga zidulidwe pafupifupi sabata ziwiri musanakokole",agriculture,agriculture document +en1452,"This allows tuber skins to harden so that they are not damaged during harvesting. When harvesting tubers, they should be dug from the sides of the ridges not from above to avoid tuber damage. After harvesting avoid exposing the tubers to rain or any moist conditions","Izi zimapeleka mpata kuti khungu likhwime motero zisamaonongeke pokolola. Pokolola, ikumbidwe kuchikera mbali mwa mzere, osati pamwamba pa nzere popewa kuwononga mbatatesi. Pambuyo pokolola, pewani kuyika mbatatesi pamvula kapena malo achinyezi aliwonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1453,Potatoes meant for consumption are termed ware potato. Potato for consumption should be stored in darkness (dark store or dark containers),"Mbatatesi zomwe ndi zakudya zimatchedwa mbatatesi zosunga. Mbatatesi zosunga zisungidwe pamalo amdima, munkhokwe kapena pamalo a mdima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1454,This is to avoid greening of tubers. Green tubers are not good for consumption because they contain a toxic substance,Izi zimathandiza kupewa mbatatesi kusintha kukhala yobiliwira. Mbatatesi yobiliwira siyabwino kudya chifukwa imakhala ndi zinthu zoyipa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1455,Storage does not improve quality of the potatoes therefore best quality crop should be stored from the start,Kusunga mbatatesi sikumaonjezera kakomedwe kake choncho mbatatesi zabwino zisungidwe kuyambira kumayambiliro,agriculture,agriculture document +en1456,Potatoes are usually 80% water and keeping potato means keeping water in tubers. The shelf life of potatoes for consumption can be prolonged by keeping them at low temperatures less than 9oC,Mbatatesi zimakhala 80% madzi ndipo kusunga mbatatesi kumathanthauza kusunga madzi mmitsitsi. Nthawi yosungira mbatatesi zachakudya ingatalikitsiddwe podzisunga pamalo ozizira osafika 9oC,agriculture,agriculture document +en1457,"The use of modified potato storage structures is practically recommended under Malawi conditions. Under smallholder storage systems, these are double walled nkhokwes",Kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamakono zosungira kukulimbikitsidwa potsatira nyengo yaku Malawi. Njira zosungira za alimi ang'onoang'ono zimatsatira nkhokwe zamakoma awiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1458,"Storage of seed potato is different from that of ware potato. Good seed storage practices should aim at retaining seed potato tubers’ vigor, health and other good planting materials attributes","Kusunga mbatatesi yambewu ndikosiyana ndikusunga mbatatesi yachakudya. Njira zabwino zosungira zionetsetse kuti zisunge mphamvu yambatatesi, umoyo wake komanso zina zonse zoyenera kuti ikhale mbewu yabwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1459,"Potato tubers for seed should be stored in Diffused Light Store so that when they start sprouting (‘germinating’), the sprouts will grow slowly, vigorously and will be stronger","Mbatatesi zambewu zisungidwe pamalo ofika kuwala kochepa ndi cholinga chakuti zikayamba kuphuka, mphukira zidzikula pang'onopang'ono, mwathanzi komanso mwamphamvu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1460,A barn- like structure 8m x 4m x 3m with open sides and a low-hanging roof that allows in diffused light is used for the storage of seed potatoes,Nkhokwe ya 8mx4mx3m yotsegula mmbali komanso yadenga lammunsi lomwe limalola kuwala kulowa mochepa igwiritsidwe ntchito posunga mbatatesi yambewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1461,"The walls are made of split bamboo to allow some light in. Once green and under cool conditions, seed potato can store for 3 months","Makoma akhale a nsungwi zong'amba kuti kuwala kudzitha kulowa. Zikasanduka zobiliwira komanso nyengo ikakhala yozizira, mbewu imasungidwa kwa miyezi itatu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1462,Varieties own dormancy assist in lengthening the life span of the tubers. The structures can be seen at Bembeke Research Station in Dedza,Kuthekera kwa mtundu wa mbewu kusiya kukula kumathandiza kutalikitsa moyo wa mbewu. Zipangizozi zimaoneka pa malo ochitira kafukufuku ku Bembeke ku Dedza,agriculture,agriculture document +en1463,Tobacco is one of the most important export crops for Malawi. It is a major foreign exchange earner to the country’s economy and a source of cash income for both smallholder and estate tobacco sub sectors,Fodya ndi imodzi mwa mbeu zamalonda ogulitsidwa kunja ku Malawi. Amathandiza kwambiri kubweretsa ndalama zakunja pachuma cha dziko lino ndipo amapezetsa alimi ang'onoang'ono komanso eni minda ikuluikulu a fodya kupeza ndalama,agriculture,agriculture document +en1464,"Despite pressure from the anti-smoking lobbyists, the demand for tobacco still exists. The sustainability of tobacco industry will however be assured only if farmers produce high quality tobacco","Ngakhale pali kukamizika kuchera kwa magulu oletsa kusuta fodya, fodya akufunidwabe. Kukhadzikika kwa ntchito za fodya kutsimikizika pokhapokha alimi adzilima fodya wapamwamba kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1465,Extension officers and other parties interested in ensuring the long term sustainability of the tobacco industry should make farmers appreciate that prices offered for the crop will decrease considerably with production of low quality tobacco,Alangizi a zaulimi ndi ena onse omwe ali ndi chidwi choonetsetsa kukhadzikika kwa ntchito za fodya kwa nthawi yayitali athandize alimi kumvetsetsa kuti mitengo yomwe adzipatsidwa pa mbewu yawo ikhala ikutsika kwambiri ngati adzilima fodya wosapatsa chikoka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1466,Tobacco production should be within the national production targets as determined from requirements indicated by tobacco buyers,Ulimi wafodya utsatire mulingo womwe dziko lapatsidwa monga mmene afunira ogula fodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1467,It has been observed that some people wrongly regard the granting of land lease as an automatic license to grow tobacco,Zaonetsa kuti anthu ena amaganiza molakwika kuti kupatsidwa chiphaso cha malo ndi chimodzimodzi kupatsidwa chiphaso cholimira fodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1468,"After obtaining lease to hold land, they proceed to have employees and to buy agricultural inputs such as fertilizer before obtaining an authority to grow tobacco","Pambuyo popatsidwa chiphaso cha malo, amapitilira kukhala ndi ogwira ntchito ndi kugula zipangizo za ulimi monga fertiliser anasatenge chilolezo cholimira fodya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1469,Prospective tobacco growers are therefore strongly advised to obtain a license before buying inputs and recruiting employees for tobacco production,Choncho alimi oyembekezera kulima fodya akulangizidwa zolimba kuti apeze chiphaso asanagule zipangizo ndi kulemba antchito paulimi wa fodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1470,Countries which import tobacco from Malawi are very strict with residual levels of pesticides in tobacco,Mayiko omwe amagula fodya kuchokera ku Malawi amatsata malamulo pa kuchuluka wa mankhwala ophera tizilombo mu fodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1471,"It is, therefore, essential that pesticides are only used on tobacco nurseries and in the field as recommended",Motero nkofunika kuti mankhwala ophera tizilombo agwiritsidwe ntchito kumanazale a fodya ndi kuminda motsatira ndondomeko,agriculture,agriculture document +en1472,"Agricultural chemicals not normally used on tobacco should never be allowed to come in contact with tobacco during production, curing or in storage","Mankhwala a ulimi omwe sagwiritsidwa ntchito pa fodya asaloledwe kukhuzana ndi fodya panthawi yolima, kuumitsa kapena kusunga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1473,Farmers are advised not to store any chemicals in tobacco barns and holding sheds. National average yields per hectare are 1000kg for Dark tobacco,Alimi akulangizidwa kuti asasunge mankhwala mu zigafa kapena mmalo owumitsira fodya. Mulingo wa fodya wachikopa pa hectare ndi makilogalamu 1000 ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1474,Several varieties of Burley tobacco are recommended for production in Malawi. These include locally-developed and introduced varieties that have been tested and approved for use under Malawi conditions,Mitundu yambiri ya fodya wa Burley ndiyovomerezeka kulimidwa ku Malawi. Iyi ndi monga yomwe inapangidwa ku Malawi konkuno komanso yobwera yomwe yayetsedwa ndi kuvomerezedwa kugwiritsidwa ntchito mu nyengo zaku Malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1475,"Recommended locally-developed Burley varieties include: ABH12, ABH31 and ABH43, all of which are male sterile and compliant to trade requirements on seed integrity and traceability","Mitundu yovomerezedwa ya Burley yopangidwa konkuno ndi monga: ABH12, ABH31 ndi ABH43, yonse yomwe ndi yayimuna yosabeleka ndiponso yotsatira malamulo a malonda pa ubwino wa mbewu ndi kutsatika kwake polima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1476,Growers who are interested to use introduced varieties should follow appropriate procedures for importation,Alimi omwe ali ndi chidwi kugwiritsa ntchito mitundu ya mbewu yobwera akuyenera kutsatira ndondomeko zogulira mbewuyi kunja kwa dziko ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1477,"Different approaches are recommended for tobacco seedling production. These include: conventional seedbeds, motherbed, polypot and float tray systems. In general, the nursery site should be located on a piece of land that has good surface and internal drainage.","Njira zosiyanasiyana ndizovomerezedwa popanga mbande ya fodya. Izi ndi monga: kufetsa mmunda, mabedi, kumwaza kapena kufetsa mmadzi. Mwachidule, malo a nazale akhale pamalo omwe ali ndi dothi labwino komanso madzi amalowa pansi mosavuta",agriculture,agriculture document +en1478,"The site should be away from curing and grading facilities. Soils suitable for tobacco nurseries include: fertile sands, loamy sands and light sandy loams, which are easy to manage and work with.","Malowa akhale kutali ndi zipangiso zowimutsira kapena kusankhira. Dothi loyenera kufetsa fodya ndi monga: nthaka yamchenga, dothi lakudimba ndi dothi losakanikira, lomwe silivuta kusakaniza ndi kugwiritsa ntchito ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1479,"The sites should be tilled deeply, as early as possible while soils are still moist. Large clods should be broken down, but avoid working the soil unnecessarily","Malo alimidwe mwakuya, mwansanga pamene dothi lidakali ndi chinyezi. Dothi losasweka liphwanyidwe, koma pewani kugwiritsa ntchito dothi mwachisawawa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1480,It is recommended that the length of seed beds should be 30m or any convenient length and 1m wide. The beds should be raised to 15cm high and the top should be slightly convex above the level of surrounding path to provide good drainage or rather cumbered beds,Nkoyenera kuti kutalika kwa mabedi kukhale 30cm kapena mulingo uliwonse woyenera ndi mulifupi motalika 1m. Mabedi akwezedwe kufika 15cm ndipo pamwamba pakhale potukuka pang'ono kuposa tinjira todutsira tomwe tili mphepete kuti madzi adzitsika bwino kapena tinene kuti mabedi okwera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1481,Equivalent bed space to raise enough seedlings for 1 hectare is 3 beds of 30m long by 1m width,Malo ofanana nawo okwanira mbande za 1 hectare ndi mabedi atatu otalika 30cm mulitali ndi 1m mulifupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1482,"Nursery sites should be properly fenced to ensure protection from stray animals and other pests, strong wind and airborne diseases","Malo a nazale akhale ndi mpanda wabwino kuti pakhale chitetezo ku zinyama zongoyenda komanso tizilombo tina, mphepo yamphamvu ndi matenda opatsirana mumpweya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1483,Avoid smoking near and in the nursery. Soap and water should be made available for hand washing and a footbath provided for disinfecting the feet at the entrance of the nursery,Pewani kusuta pafupi ndi nazale. Sopo ndi madzi zikhalepo zosambira mmanja ndi kanjira kakhalepo polowera ku nazale kophera tizilombo mmapazi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1484,"If burning using maize stalks is employed, 1m of maize stalks are piled and burnt for the purpose of controlling nematodes in the seedbeds meant for raising tobacco seedlings","Ngati kuotcha pogwiritsa ntchito mapesi achimanga kwatsatidwa, mapesi a 1m amaunjikidwa ndi kuotchedwa pofuna kuteteza mbozi pamabedi ofetsera mbande zafodya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1485,Water is applied for 12 days before piling the stalks to activate soil organisms after which actual burning is done. As much as possible ash should be removed from the seedbed to reduce chances of seedling damage from excess salts,Pamathiridwa madzi kwa masiku khumi ndi awiri pasanayikidwe mapesi kuti tizilombo tamunthaka tichangamuke kenako ndi kuotchapo. Yesetsani ndithu kuchotsa phulusa pamabedi kuti muchepetse mwayi woonongeka mbewu chifukwa cha mchere wambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1486,"Alternatively, nematodes can be controlled by using the float tray system. The method uses soil less media to raise seedlings with the aim of preventing soil borne pathogens and nematodes. Pine bark is the common substrate used in float tray tobacco seedling production",Mwa njira ina mbozi tingathane nazo pogwiritsa ntchito manazale oyandama mmadzi. Njirayi imagwiritsa ntchito dothi lochepa kukulitsa mbande ndi cholinga chopewa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda tamudothi komanso mbozi. Makungwa a pine ndiwomwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri kuyika pansi mma nazale oyandama pofetsa mbande zafodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1487,Farmers should aim at transplanting tobacco with the first planting rains so as to complete the operation before Christmas except for Oriental tobacco which can be transplanted in January in areas where this type of tobacco recommended for production,Alimi ayetsetse kuwokera mbande zafodya ndi mvula yoyamba ndi cholinga chakuti amalize kuwokera nyengo ya Christmas isanafike kupatula fodya wa Oriental yemwe akhoza kuwokeredwa mu January kumadera komwe ndikovomerezeka kulima mtundu wa fodya umenewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1488,Transplanting tobacco after December is not recommended because farmers run a high risk of the crop catching bushy top disease,Kuwokera mbande za fodya December atadutsa sikovomerezeka chifukwa alimi amakhala pachiopsezo chachikulu chakuti mbewu imagwidwa ndi matenda opanga tchire kumsonga,agriculture,agriculture document +en1489,"In case farmers transplant in January, a routine spray of Acetamiprid at a rate of 3g mixed with 10litres of water after transplanting and depending on scouting","Pamene alimi awokera mbande mu January, apopole mankhwala a Acetamiprid pafupipafipi pamulingo wa 3g posakaniza ndi 10 liters yamadzi pambuyo powokera komanso potengera pofufudza ngati zagwidwa ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1490,"Farmers should follow a minimum rotation of 4 years to avoid build- up of pests and diseases, particularly nematodes",Alimi atsatire mulingo wa zaka zinayi wa ulimi wakasinthasintha kuti apewe kuchulukana kwa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda komanso matenda makamaka kapuchi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1491,Soybeans are an alternative host for root knot nematodes and other aerial pathogens of tobacco. Soybeans should therefore not be grown next to tobacco or immediately before tobacco in a rotation.,Nyemba za soya ndi malo ena omwe kapuchi ndi matenda ena amumpweya mu fodya amakhala. Motero soya asabzalidwe pafupi ndi fodya kapena asabzalidwe pomwe mwakolola kumene soya pamene pali kasinthasinantha ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1492,"In areas where both tobacco and cotton are grown, great care is required to avoid insecticides used on cotton drifting onto tobacco","Kumadera kumene fodya ndi thonje zimalimidwa, ndikoyenera kusamalitsa popewa mankhwala ophera tizilombo ku thonje kufalikira ku fodya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1493,"If traces of pesticides not recommended for tobacco but used on cotton are found on tobacco, the good reputation of Malawi tobacco on the international market would be jeopardized","Ngati mankhwala ophera tizilombo omwe siwovomezereka ku fodya koma agwiritsidwa ntchito ku thonje apezeka mu fodya, mbiri yabwino ya fodya wa Malawi pamisika yakunja ikhala pachiopsezo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1494,It is therefore essential that tobacco should not be planted within 100m radius of any cotton crop,Ndiye ndikoyenera kuti fodya asabzalidwe pafupi ndi thonje pa mulingo wa 100m kuzungulira ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1495,Great care should also be taken to ensure that no insecticides used in cotton are stored or prepared for spraying in buildings used for curing or handling tobacco as this would also lead to contamination of the tobacco,Kasamalidwe koyenera katsatidwe poonetsetsa kuti palibe mankhwala ophera tizilombo mu thonje omwe akusungidwa kapena kukonzedwa kuti akapopeledwe mnyumba yowumitsira kapena kusungira fodya pakuti izi zipangitsa kuti fodya akhuzane ndi mankhwalawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1496,The tobacco free period known as closed season should be strictly observed to reduce the buildup and incidence of pests and diseases including tobacco bushy top and nematodes which threatens the industry,Nyengo yopanda fodya yomwenso imadziwika kuti kutseka nyengo ya fodya itsatidwe mwakhama pochepetsa kuchulukana komanso kupezeka kwa tizilombo ndi matenda kuphatikizirapo matenda opanga tchire kumsonga ndi mbodzi zomwe zimabweretsa chiopsezo paulimiwu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1497,"Stalk uprooting should be strictly adhered to regrowth of tobacco and alternate hosts for aphids and nematodes such as potatoes, tomatoes, sunflower, chilies and eggplant should not be allowed to grow in or near tobacco fields during the tobacco free period","Kuzula mitengo kutsatidwe moyenera kufika nyengo ina yobzala fodya ndipo mbewu zina zosunga nsabwe za mbewu ndi kapuchi monga mbatata, tomato, mpendadzuwa, tsabola ndi mabilingano zisaloledwe kukula mkati kapena pafupi ndi minda ya fodya mu nyengo yopanda fodya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1498,"Tobacco nurseries should be well cleared and seedlings destroyed for hygienic purposes. This should not exceed 31st December in the Southern and Central regions. In the Northern region, nursery destruction should be done before 1st January of each year","Manazale a fodya akhale okonzedwa bwino ndipo mbande zionongedwe chifukwa cha ukhondo. Izi zisapyole pa 31 December kuzigawo chakummwera ndi pakati. Ku chigawo chakumpoto, kuononga manazale kuchitike pasanafike pa 31 January chaka chilochonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1499,Symptoms of ants damage are that they are observed in large numbers on the seedbeds and reduced seed germination because they carry the tiny newly sown seed off the seedbed,Zizindikiro zowongeka ndi nyerere ndi zakuti zimapezeka zochuluka pamanazale ndipo mbewu zimamera zochepa chifukwa nyerere zimatuta timbewu tomwe tafetsedwato kuchoka nato pamanazalepo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1500,"These include the common grasshoppers, green grasshoppers and elegant grasshoppers. Damage is mostly through feeding on the stems, leaves of young seedlings, transplants and chewing of the leaves of older plants","Izi zikuphatikiza ziwala zawamba, chansasi ndi anunkhadala. Kuonongeka kumadza kamba kokudya tsinde, masamba a mbande, ndiponso kutafuna masamba a mbewu zikuluzikulu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1501,"Termites can be observed both in nurseries and in the lands, especially where there is lack of decomposed organic material during hot and dry weather. Seedlings or young transplants are eaten just at the base of the stem",Chiswe chimapezeka panazale komanso kuminda makamaka komwe kulibe zinyalala zowola munyengo yotentha komanso youma. Mbande kapena timitengo ting'onoting'ono timadyedwa kunsi kwa tsinde lake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1502,"To ensure tobacco hygiene during storage with respect to this pest, farmers are required by law to have their tobacco holding shed and storage structures checked from time to time by produce inspectors","Poonetsetsa ukhondo ku fodya panthawi yosunga maka kunkhani ya kachilombo kameneka, alimi akuyenera mwa lamulo kuti malo osankhira kapena kusungira fodya adziyenderedwa nthawi ndi nthawi ndi alangizi a ulimiwu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1503,"Apart from providing cash incomes to farmers, processed cotton seed provides valuable raw material for the manufacturing of cooking oil and livestock feeds","Kupatula kubweretsa ndalama kwa alimi, mbewu yathonje yogayidwa imapezetsa zipangizo zopangira mafuta ophikira komanso zakudya za ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en1504,Hybrid cotton varieties include MAHYCO C 567-The main features include hairy leaves and semi erect growth habit.,Mbewu yamakono ya thonje ikuphatikiza MAHYCO C 567-Zizindikiro zake zazikulu ndi masamba a bweya ndi kukula mopendekera mmwamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1505,Its average height is about 131 cm and flowers about 61 days after emergence. It is medium maturing,Imatalika kufika 131cm ndipo maluwa ake amatuluka pakadutsa masiku 61 itamera. Imacha pakatikati,agriculture,agriculture document +en1506,It produces bolls which mature and start opening at about 119 days after crop emergence. It has high seed cotton yield potential above 3500 Kg/ha,Imatulutsa mipira yomwe imakhwima ndikuyamba kutseguka pakatha masiku 119 kuchokera tsiku lomera mbewu. Ili ndi kuthekera kopeleka nthanga za thonje zambiri kudutsa 3500kgs pa hectare,agriculture,agriculture document +en1507,The main features include slightly hairy leaves and semi erect growth habit. Its average height is about 125 cm and flowers about 60 days after emergence,Zizindikiro zambiri zikuphatikiza masamba a bweya komanso kukula mopendekera dzuwa. Imatalika kufika 125cm ndipo imachita maluwa pakatha masiku 60 pambuyo pakumera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1508,It is medium maturing. It produces bolls which mature and start opening at about 117 days after crop emergence,Imacha pakatikati. Imatulutsa mipira yomwe imakhwima ndi kuyamba kutseguka pakutha kwa masiku 117 pambuyo pakumera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1509,It has high seed cotton yield potential above 3500 Kg/ha. It gives 18 % more seed cotton yield than Makoka 2000; 74 % over RASAM 17 and 24 % over IRM 81,Ili ndi kuthekera kopeleka nthanga za thonje zambiri kudutsa 3500kg pa hectare. Imapeleka 18% mbewu yochulukirapo kuposa Makoka 2000; 74% kuposa RASAM 17 ndi 24% kuposa IRM 81,agriculture,agriculture document +en1510,MAKOKA 2000 variety has a compact growth habit with an open canopy that facilitates effective ground canopy spraying,Mbewu ya Makoka 2000 ili imakula mothithikana ndipo imatayana kumwambaku zomwe zimathandizira kupopera pansi mosavuta,agriculture,agriculture document +en1511,"The average number of days between sowing and flowering and boll opening (maturity) are 53 and 44 days, respectively",Pakati pofetsa ndi kuchita maluwa komanso kutseguka kwa mipira pamadutsa masiku 53 ndi 44 motsogozana,agriculture,agriculture document +en1512,Cotton should be sown at the onset of first effective planting rains which is normally 50 mm and capable of wetting the soil to a depth of at least 15cm,Thonje lifetsedwe poyambilira penpeni pamene mvula yobzalira yagwa mokwanira yomwe imakhala 50mm ndipo yokwanira kunyowetsa dothi ndi 15cm kulowa pansi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1513,"Where a farmer is faced with shortage of labour he/she may dry plant, if adequate rains are anticipated within one to two weeks of sowing","Pomwe mlimi wakumana ndi kupelewera kwa ogwira ntchito, akhoza kubzala mvula isanagwe ngati akuyembekezera mvula yokwanira msabata imodzi ndi awiri pambuyo pofetsa ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1514,"In a normal season sowing may continue up to the first week of January in all cotton growing areas except for Karonga where planting may continue up to the end of January. However, a delay of 4 weeks in planting can account for up to 30% loss in yield",Munyengo yabwino kufetsa kukhoza kupitilira mpaka sabata yoyambilira ya January mmadera onse omwe amalima thonje kupatula ku Karonga komwe kubzala kukhoza kupitilira mpaka kumapeto kwa January. Komabe kuchedwa kubzala ndi sabata zinayi kumachepetsa zokolola ndi 30%,agriculture,agriculture document +en1515,Supplying or filling of gaps should be done within 2 to 3 days of emergence to ensure uniform growth,Kupatulira kapena kupachiza kuchitike mkati pakatha masiku awiri kapena atatu mbewu zikamera kuti zidzikulira pamodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1516,It is only recommended when 2 consecutive stations have less than 2 plants each. About 3 weeks after emergence when plants should be thinned to 3 best plants per station for 60cm spacing and to one for 20 to 30cm spacing,"Ndikoyenera kutero nagti mapando awiri otsatana ali ndi mbewu zosaposera ziwiri. Pafupifupi sabata zitatu mbewu zitamera, zipatulidwe kuti patsale mbewu zitatu paphando pa mtunda wa 60cm kapena imodzi ngati mapando atalikirana 20 kapena 30cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en1517,"Thinning should be done when the soil is moist to avoid damaging roots of adjacent plants. If the soil is dry, thinning should be done by cutting the unwanted plants using a knife or a pair of scissors","Kupatulira kuchitike pamene mthaka ili yonyowa kupewa kuononga mitsitsi ya mbewu zoyandikana. Ngati dotjhi ndolouma, kupatulira kuchitike podula mbewu zosafunikirazo pogwiritsa ntchito mpeni kapena chimeto",agriculture,agriculture document +en1518,"A delay in thinning will result in plants severely competing for nutrients, sunlight and moisture. This in turn will result in substantial yield losses","Kuchedwa kupatulira kumachititsa mbewu kukanganirana kwambiri zakudya, dzuwa ndi chinyezi. Izi zimacheoetsa zokolola kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1519,Cotton responds to fertilizer especially on light sandy soils. Farmers should be encouraged to apply fertilizers to their cotton if early crop establishment shows stunted growth,Thonje limavomera ku fertilizer makamaka mudothi lamchenga. Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kuthira fertlizer kuthonje lawo ngati likuoneka kupinimbira pachiyambi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1520,"Use of Foliar fertilizers can correct N, P, K, B deficiency problems in cotton. Application of FOLIFERT supplement at 2 liters/ha (60 ml/15 liters of water) can boost crop development and yield increase","Kugwiritsani ntchito fertlizer wamasamba kungakonze kupelewera kwa N, P, K, B mu thonje. Kuthira FOLIFERET pa 2liters pa hectare, posakaniza 60ml ndi 15 liters ya madzi, kungapeleke mphamvu ku mbewu ndikuonjezera zokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en1521,Spraying should be done 5 times every two weeks starting from 4 weeks after emergence,Kupopera kuchitike maulendo asanu pa sabata ziwiri zilizonse kuyambira sabata yachinayi pamene zamera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1522,Spraying should be done early in the morning before 10.00 hours or late in the afternoon after 16.00 hours for best results,Kupopera kuchitike mmawa kwambiri 10 koloko isanakwane kapena kumadzulo kwambiri pambuyo pa 4 koloko kuti agwire bwino ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en1523,Boron deficiency results in shedding of flowers and bolls,Kuchepa kwa Boron kumachititsa maluwa ndi mipira kugwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1524,"To correct the deficiency, boron in the form of Solubor should be dissolved together with insecticides and sprayed with the first 6 sprays","Pofuna kukonza kupelewera kwa Boron, Boron yemwe ndi wamadzi asungunulidwe pamodzi ndi mankhwala ophera tizilombo ndikupoperedwa pakupopera kwa chisanu ndi chimodzi koyamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1525,"It is extremely important to keep cotton free of weeds between planting and flowering. If weeds are left to compete with the crop during this period, very low yields will be obtained","Ndi kofunikira kwambiri kuti mu thonje musakhale tchire pakati pa nthawi yobzala ndi yochita maluwa. Ngati tchire lasiyidwa ndikumapikisana ndi mbewu panthawi imeneyi, zokolola zimakhala zochepa kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1526,"This is because weeds compete for nutrients, soil moisture and solar radiation (sunlight) which are essential for good growth and high yields","Izi zimachitika chifukwa tchire limapikisana uti lipeze michere, chinyezi komanso dzuwa zomwe ndizofunikira pakakulidwe ndi kubeleka kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1527,"Farmers should not wait for dry spells before weeding because by the time there is a dry spell, weeds may already have overcrowded the small plants",Alimi asadikire nyengo pomwe mvula yadula kuti apalire tchire chifukwa podzafika nthawi yomwe kulibe mvula tchire lidzakhala lakula ndikumiza mbewu zing'onozing'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en1528,Some weeds which occur later in the season must be removed before bolls open to avoid seeds and trash getting onto the lint,Udzu wina womwe umamera mochedwerapo munyengoyi uchotsedwe mipira isanayambe kutsegula popewa nthanga ndi zinyalala kuwononga thonje,agriculture,agriculture document +en1529,"Cotton has the highest insect pest load of all crops grown in Malawi. Consequently, insect pests are the largest single factor limiting cotton production in the country",Thonje liri ndi tizilombo tambiri toononga mwa mbewu zonse zolimidwa mMalawi muno. Zotsatira zake ndi zakuti tizilombo toonongati ndi chimodzi chokhacho chimene chikubwezeretsa mbuyo ulimi wa thonje mdziko muno ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1530,Scouting is the key to pest management on cotton as it is the only way of determining estimates of pest levels in a cotton field,Kuyendera munda ndingodya yothanirana ndi tizilombo mu thonje pakuti ndi njira yokhayo yodziwira kuchuluka kwa tizilombo mmunda wa thonje,agriculture,agriculture document +en1531,Farmers should be advised not to spray on a routine weekly basis but rather spray only when a weekly scouting has shown that bollworm eggs and insect pest counts have reached recommended action threshold levels,Alimi alangizidwe kuti asapopele mwachizolowezi sabata iliyonse koma adzipopera akaona kuti kuyendera kwapasabata kwapeza kuti mazira a tizilombo towononga mipira komanso chiwerengero cha tizilombo tachuluka kufika pamulingo woyenera kupopera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1532,"In this way farmers may save some insecticides and time, besides delaying the onset of pesticide resistance and pest resurgence",Munjira imeneyi alimi apulumutsa mankhwala komanso nthawi kupatula kuchedwetsa kupezeka kwa tizilombo tosamva mankhwala komanso kubuka kwa tizilombo towononga,agriculture,agriculture document +en1533,It is therefore very important that agricultural staff give guidance to farmers on recommended methods of scouting including the choice and use of various recommended insecticides,Choncho ndikofunikira kwambiri kuti alangizi a zaulimi apeleke malangizo kwa alimi pa njira zoyenera kutsatira pochita kafukufuku wa tizilombo towononga mbewu kuphatikizirapo kusankha ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ovomerezeka osiyanasiyana. ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1534,"The knock down effect is quick but some larvae may recover. With cotton stainers, actual death may take a long time","Kufa kwawo nkwachangu koma mphusi zina zimasisimuka. Ndi tizilombo todetsa thonje, zimatenga nthawi yayitali kuti zife",agriculture,agriculture document +en1535,Any signs of frequent recovery should be reported to appropriate authorities as this may be a sign of development of resistance,Zizindikiro zilizonse zochira mwansanga zinenedwe kwa alangizi oyenera pakuti ichi chikhoza kukhala chizindiro chakusamva mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1536,"Similarly, build-up of insect pests such as whitefly and red spidermites should be reported","Chimodzimodzi, kuchulukana kwa tizilombo towononga monga ntchentche zoyera ndi nsabwe zofiira zinenedwe kwa alangizi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1537,At the moment no scouting technique has been devised for whitefly for use by extension staff,Pakali pano palibe njira yeniyeni yopangira kauniuni wa ntchentche zoyera woti alangizi akhoza kugwiritsa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en1538,Measures of field crop hygiene are particularly important,Ndondomeko za ukhondo wa mbewu mmunda ndi zofunikira kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1539,Observing the closed season is particularly important for pink bollworm which is difficult to control with pesticides,Kutsatira nyengo yosagwira ntchito ndikofunika kwambiri kwa tizilombo towononga mipira ta pink tomwe nditovuta kuthana nato ndi mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1540,"Among the regulations governing this is that all cotton stalks should be uprooted by 30th July and burned by 15th August together with trash on the ground except in Karonga where uprooting and burning should be complete by 31st August and15th September respectively. By following this regulation, the pest load is reduced for the next season’s crop","Ena mwa malamulo otsogolera ndi akuti mitengo yonse ya thonje izulidwe pofika pa 30 July ndi kuotchedwa pofika pa 15 August pamodzi ndi zinyalala zonse zapansi kupatula ku Karonga komwe kudzula ndikuotcha kuchitike pofika 31 August ndi 15 September motsogozana. Ngati malamulowa atsatidwa, kuchuluka kwa tizilombo kumachepa pofika nyengo yaulimi yotsatira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1541,Harvesting should be done when 3 to 5 bolls have opened per plant and should be done every 10 to 14 days on average,Kukolola kuchitike pamene mipira itatu kufika isanu yatsegula pa mbewu iliyonse ndipo kuchitike pamasiku khumi kufika khumi ndi anayi aliwonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1542,"Using 2 hands, pick into a cloth bag tied round the waist having separate pockets for clean and stained cotton","Pogwiritsa ntchito manja awiri, tolani ndikuyika muthumba lansalu, lomangidwa mchiuno, lokhala ndi magawo osungira thonje loyera kapena lakuda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1543,"Walk between 2 rows picking bolls from sides of adjacent row, and checking for trash before putting the cotton in the bag",Yendani pakati pa mizere iwiri mukutola mipira ya thonje mbali zonse ziwiri kwinaku mukuona zinyalala musanayike thonje muthumba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1544,"Late harvesting results in staining of seed cotton, loss of weight, mice damage and dirtening of lint due to falling on to the ground and collecting dust","Kukolola mochedwa kumachititsa nthanga za thonje kusintha mtundu, kuchepa kalemeredwe, kudyedwa ndi mbewa komansp kuda kwa thonje chifukwa chogwera mdothi ndikubwira fumbi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1545,Picking should never be done when it is wet. If plants are wet in the morning picking should be delayed until surface of open bolls is dry,"Kutola thonje kusachitike pamene thonje lanyowa. Ngati mbewu zanyowa mmamawa, kutola kuchedwe kufika pamene kunja kwa mipira yotsegula yauma",agriculture,agriculture document +en1546,"After harvesting, the seed cotton should be thoroughly graded before taking it to ADMARC or other registered markets","Pambuyo pokolola, nthanga za thonje zisankhidwe zisanapite ku ADMARC kapena kumisika ina yovomerezeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1547,"There are two grades of cotton, A and B. Grade A is clean cotton without trash while grade B is stained cotton without trash","Thonje likasankhidwa limakhala mmagulu awiri, A ndi B. Gulu A ndi thonje loyera kwambiri lopanda zinyalala pamene gulu B ndi thonje lakuda koma lopanda zinyalala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1548,"Grading should be done in the shade as in the sun all the cotton appears clean. For more information on cotton, interested parties should refer to the publication on Cotton Hand book of Malawi","Kusankha thonje kuyenera kuchitika panthunzi chifukwa padzuwa thonje lonse limaoneka loyera. Pofuna uthenga wokwanira wa thonje, omwe ali ndi chidwi awerenge buku la Cotton Handbook of Malawi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1549,Malawi has a wide range of climatic conditions and soil types which enable a variety of fruits to be produced,Malawi ili ndi nyengo zosiyanasiyana komanso dothi lamitundu yosiyanasiyana zomwe zimathandiza kuti zipatso zamitundumitundu zidzilimidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1550,"Fruits are valuable sources of vitamins and mineral salts which are essential for body protection against diseases. Some fruits provide proteins, carbohydrates and oils","Zipatso zimapeleka ma vitamin ndi michere yomwe ndiyofunikira ku chitetezo cha mthupi ku matenda. Zipatso zina zimapereka zakudya zomanga thupi, zokhutitsa komanso zamafuta",agriculture,agriculture document +en1551,"They are also a source of income. Several factors such as cultural practices, insect pest and disease incidences limit the yield and quality of fruits in the country","Zimabweretsanso ndalama. Zinthu zambiri monga njira zakasamalidwe, kupezeka kwa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda ndi matenda zimachepetsa zokolola ndi ubwinom wa zipatso mdziko muno",agriculture,agriculture document +en1552,Site selection should be done carefully considering soil types and climatic conditions for each type of fruit crop,Kusankha malo kuchitike mosamala polingalira mitundu yadothi ndi nyengo pa mtundu uliwonse wa mbewu ya zipatso,agriculture,agriculture document +en1553,"Soils should be deep, fertile and free draining. To prevent Amillaria root rot disease all unwanted trees should be ring-barked and left to die","Dothi likhale lozama, lachonde ndi losavuta kuphwera madzi. Kupewa matenda ovunda mitsitsi a Amillaria, mitengo yonse yosafunikira ichotsedwe khungwa mozungulira tsinde ndipo iyidwe kuti ife",agriculture,agriculture document +en1554,Those that cannot die by ring-barking must be dug out with as much root system as possible. This should be done 2 years in advance of planting,Yomwe siingafe pochotsa khungwa iyenera kukumbidwa ndi mitsitsi yonse. Izi zichitike zaka ziwiri nthawi yobzala isanafike,agriculture,agriculture document +en1555,"In areas where there are strong prevailing winds, establish a wind break one year before planting the fruit trees","Kumadera komwe kumakhala mphepo yamphamvu nthawi zambiri, ikani zotchingira mphepo chaka chimodzi musanafike nthawi yobazala mitengo yazipatso",agriculture,agriculture document +en1556,The time of planting for each type of fruit tree should be followed to achieve successful establishment,Nthawi yobzala mtundu uliwonse wa zipatso uyenera kutsatidwa kuti igwire bwino kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1557,All trees should be spaced according to recommendations. The planting holes should be 90cm in diameter and 90cm deep,Mitengo yonse iyenera kubzalidwa ndi mipata yovomerezeka. Mayenje obzala mbewu akhale 90cm kuzungulira komanso 90cm kuya kwake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1558,They should be dug at least 2 months before planting and filled with top soil mixed with 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure,Akumbidwe pafupifupi miyezi iwiri musanabzale ndipo akwililidwe ndi dothi lapamwamba losakanizidwa bwino ndi 50kgs kufika 10kgs yamanyowa ovunda bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1559,Make basins or box ridges around each tree and mulch. The fruit trees should remain mulched throughout the year to conserve moisture,Pangani mayenje kapena mabokosi kuzungulira mtengo uliwonse ndipo phimbirani. Mitengo yazipatso ikhalebe yophimbira nthawi zonse pachaka kuti posunga chinyezi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1560,Irrigate where applicable. Protect the orchard from fire hazards by weeding and making fi re breaks of at least 3m wide around it,Thilirani ngati nkoyenera. Tetezani munda wa zipatso ku ziopsezo za moto popalira tchire ndikupanga miseu yozimira moto yokula 3 meters kuzungulira munda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1561,"Trees should be pruned as recommended. Insect pests, diseases and nematodes should be controlled by using appropriate control methods.","Mitengo isadzidwe monga mwandondomeko zake. Tizilombo, matenda komanso mbozi tithane nazo pogwiritsa ntchito njira zoyenera ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1562,It is important to apply manure during the period of tree growth and development. Apply 5 to10kg of well decomposed manure per tree at every beginning of the rainy season,Ndikofunika kwambiri kuthira manyowa nthawi imene mitengo ikukula. Thirani 5kgs kufika 10kgs yamanyowa owola bwino pa mtengo uliwonse kumayambiliro kwa nyengo yamvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1563,Fertilizer applications should be based on soil and leaf analysis. Apply half of the chemical fertilizer at the beginning of the rainy season and the other half when the rains are tailing off,Kuthira fertilizer kutengere kauniuni wa dothi ndi masamba. Thirani theka la fertlizer kumayambiliro kwa nyengo yamvula ndipo theka linalo kumapeto kwa mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1564,"These are fruit trees that are evergreen and prefer warm to hot environment, characteristic of tropical and sub-tropical conditions","Iyi ndi mitengo yazipatso yomwe nthawi zonse imakhala yobiliwira ndipo imalola nyengo yotentherako, monga nyengo zammadera otentha ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1565,"They do not withstand frost and are therefore suitable for growing in low medium altitude areas ranging from sea level to 1, 200m above sea level",Simagwirizana ndi chisanu ndipo ndiyoyenera kulimidwa mmadera otsika pang'ono kuyambira kunyanja kufika mtunda wa 1200m pamwamba pa nyanja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1566,"Tropical and sub-tropical fruits in Malawi include citrus, bananas and plantains, pineapples, mangoes, avocado pears, guavas and pawpaws","Zipatso zokonda madera otentha ku Malawi ndi monga malalanje, nthochi, zinanazi, mango, mapeyala, gwafa ndi papaya",agriculture,agriculture document +en1567,The basin area should be kept weed free at all time. Weeds outside the basin area should be kept short by slashing.,Padzenje pakhale popanda tchire nthawi zonse. Tchire lakunja kwa dzenje likhale lalifupi politchetcha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1568,"The important insect pests of citrus are fruit flies, false codling moth, orange dog, aphids, leaf miner and scales","Tizilombo towononga tofunikira kwambiri mmitengo yamalanje ndi ntchentche, false codling moth, agalu achikasu, nsabwe za mbewu, leaf miner ndi scales ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1569,Dark spots may appear on the bark which become water soaked and colour the outer bark surface,Malotcho akuda akhoza kuoneka pamakhungwa amitengo omwe amadzadza ndi madzi ndikusintha maonekedwe a kunja kwa khungwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1570,"Advanced stages of the disease result in splitting or shredding of the bark which becomes dry, and often curls or becomes loosened from the wood","Matenda a mbewu akakula kwambiri amadzetsa kuwazika kapena kusendeka kwa makungwa omwe amauma, komanso kupilingizana kapena kuchoka pa mtengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1571,Gumming may appear during the early stages of disease development. The end result is a die back,Kutuluka utoto kukhoza kuoneka kumayambiliro kwa matenda. Mapeto ake ndikufa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1572,Usually the trunk becomes girdled and the tree finally dies. This disease can be controlled by using tolerant varieties,Nthawi zambiri tsinde limatupa ndipo mtengo umafa. Nthenda imeneyi kuthana nayo kwake ndikugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yopilira kumatenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1573,"Bananas are widely grown in the country. In some parts of Thyolo, Mulanje, Nkhotakota and Nkhatabay bananas are grown as a cash crop","Nthochi zimabzalidwa mmadera ambiri mdziko muno. Mmadera ena ku Thyolo, Mulanje, Nkhotakota ndi Nkhatabay, nthochi zimalimidwa ngati mbewu zobweretsa ndalama",agriculture,agriculture document +en1574,The crop is also grown in other parts of the country for local consumption. In Misuku Hills and Karonga both bananas and plantains are grown as staple food,"Mbewuyi imalimidwanso mmadera ena a mdziko muno kuti adzidya. Ku mapiri a Misuku ndi Karonga, ntchochi ndi ma plantain zimalimidwa ngati chakudya chawo chatsiku ndi tsiku",agriculture,agriculture document +en1575,"Bananas and plantains grow best in warm to hot areas with well distributed rainfall of more than 1,200 mm",Nthochi ndi ma plantain zimakula bwino mmadera otentha pang'ono mpaka madera otentha kwambiri komwe mvula imagwa moyenera ndipo imapitilira 1200mm,agriculture,agriculture document +en1576,"However in Malawi bananas and plantains are grown even in cool frost free areas. Bananas are more tolerant to moisture stress than plantains. Soils should be deep, free draining and rich in organic matter","Komabe ku Malawi nthochi zimalimidwa ngakhale madera ozizira kwambiri koma komwe madzi saundana. Nthochi zimapilira kwambiri chilala kuposa ma plantains. Mthaka ikhale yakuya, yosasunga madzi ndiponso yachonde chambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1577,Plant dwarf varieties at 2m x 2m in poor soils or 2.3m x 2.3m in fertile soils. Plantains and giant bananas should be spaced either at 3m x 3m in poor soils or 3.5m x 3.5m in fertile soils,Bzalani mitundu ifupiifupi motalikirana 2mx2m komwe dothi ndi lopanda chonde kapena 2.3mx2.3m komwe dothi ndi lachonde. Ma plantian ndi nthochi zina zikuluzikulu zibzalidwe motalikirana 3mx3m mudothi lopanda chonde kapena 3.5mx3.5m mudothi lachonde,agriculture,agriculture document +en1578,Holes should be dug 2 months in advance and should be 60cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. Nematode free suckers should be planted with first planting rains to a depth of 30 to 45cm,Mayenje akumbidwe miyezi iwiri pokonzekera kubzala ndipo akhale akuya 60cm ndi 60cm pakati. Mphukira zopanda mbozi zibzalidwe ndi mvula yoyamba 30cm kufika 45cm kulowa pansi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1579,"Plant one sucker per hole. For dwarf varieties 1,890 to 2,500 suckers will be required to plant a hectare; whilst 816 to 1,111suckers will be required for giant bananas and plantains","Bzalani mphukira imodzi pa dzenje. Kwa mitundu ifupiifupi, 1890 kufika 2500 ifunika kubzala pa hectare imodzi; pamene mphukira 816 kufika 1111 zifunika za nthochi zikuluzikulu ndi ma plantain. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1580,Banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) is a very important insect pest of bananas and attacks corm,Nankafumbwe wanthochi ndi kachilombo kofunikira kwambiri ka nthochi ndipo kamagwira thunthu la nthochi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en1581,The adult weevil is nocturnal and its presence is detected by black tunnels on the corm. In severe attacks the plant dies and falls off,"Nankafumbwe wamkulu amayenda usiku ndipo kupezeka kwake kumadziwika ndi timauna takuda pathunthu la nthochi. Pomwe waononga kwambiri, mbewu imafa ndikugwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1582,Plantains are generally more susceptible. The pest is most prevalent in old mats which are not weeded,Ma plantain amagwidwa kwambiri kuposa nthochi zina. Tizilombo ta mbewuti timapezeka kwambiri mmalo omwe muli ziyangoyango zokhalitsa zomwe sidzilimidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1583,"Control is by planting clean material, keeping the plantation weed free and establishing new plantations wherever the insect is not severe","Kuthana nazo ndikudzera kubzala mbweu zopanda matenda kapena tizilomboti, kuonetsetsa kuti mmunda mulibe tchire komanso kutsegula minda ina komwe kulibe nankafumbwe wochuluka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1584,Fruits should be harvested when fully mature. They are fully mature when fingers on the upper hands are plump and round in shape,Zipatso zikololedwe zikahwima bwinobwino. Zimakhwima ngati zala zake zapamwamba pa dzanja zafufuma komanso ndizobulungira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1585,"Pineapples can be grown at altitudes of up to 1,200m above sea level with warm to hot temperatures ranging from 20 to 30°C",Zinanazi zikhoza kulimidwa mtunda wofika 1200m kuchoka mnyanja ndi nyengo yofunda mpaka yotentha kuchokera 20oC kufika 30oC,agriculture,agriculture document +en1586,"The fruits grown above 1,200m above sea level are bitter and fibrous. Optimum rainfall for pineapples is 1,500mm well distributed throughout the year",Zipatso zolimidwa mmalo okwera kuposa 1200m kuchoka mnyanja zimakhala zowawasa komanso zaulusi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1587,"In areas with less rainfall supplementary watering is required. The potential yield is 75,000kg per hectare","Mmadera omwe kumagwa mvula yochepa, nkofunika kuthilira. Zokolola zikhoza kufika 75,000 pa hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1588,"The objective is, therefore, to encourage production in suitable areas such as Mulanje, Thyolo, Nkhatabay, Phoka and Songwe, and encourage farmers to achieve the potential yield by following recommended cultural practices","Komabe, cholinga ndi chofuna kulimbikitsa ulimi mmalo oyenera monga ku Mulanje, Thyolo, Nkhatabay, Phoka ndi Songwe ndikulimbikitsa alimi kupeza zokolola zochuluka potsatira njira zoyenera zaulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1589,"If there is need to remove any trees, they should be ring-barked 2 years in advance and left to die","Ngati pali kufunika kochotsa mitengo, ichotsedwe khungwa mozungulira tsinde zaka ziwiri isanafike nthawi yobzala kuti ife",agriculture,agriculture document +en1590,They should then be uprooted together with most of the root system before establishing the plantation,Kenako izulidwe pamodzi ndi mitsitsi yonse musanayikepo munda wina,agriculture,agriculture document +en1591,Dig the land deeply and prepare beds 90cm wide and 25cm high with 60cm pathways between them. Incorporate 5 to10kg of well decomposed manure per square metre.,Kumbani mwakuya mmunda ndi kukonza mabedi otalika 90cm ndi kukwera 25cm okhala ndi mpata wa 60cm wodutsiramo pakati pawo. Phatikizani manyowa olemera 5 kufika 10kgs ma square meter iliyonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1592,"Pineapples can be established from suckers, slips and tops. Lower scally leaves are removed from the planting materials to expose the root zone","Zinanazi zikhoza kulimidwa kuchokera ku mphukira, zipapati zake ndi zakunsonga. Masamba ammunsi amachotsedwa kuchokera ma mbewu kuti malo omera mizu akhale poyera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1593,Slips and tops should be left in the sun upside down for 2 weeks to form a callus (protective layer) at the base of top or slip before planting to avoid rotting,Zipapati ndi zakunsonga ziyikidwe padzuwa mozondotsa kwa sabata ziwiri kuti zinyale kunsi kwake zisanabzalidwe popewa kuola,agriculture,agriculture document +en1594,"At planting time, planting materials should be graded into several groups according to sizes, and each group should be planted separately to ensure uniform stand and maturity in the field","Panthawi yobzala, mbewu isankhidwe kukhala mmagulu ambiri potengera kukula, ndipo gulu lirilonse libzalidwe palokha pofuna kukhala ndi zigawo zokula mofanana komanso zokhwima mofanana mmundamo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1595,Plant 2 rows on each bed spaced at 60cm and 30cm between plants and 4cm deep with first planting rains. If planted deeper than 4 cm the planting materials may rot,"Bzalani mizere iwiri pabedi lirilonse otalikirana 60cm ndi 30cm pakati pa mbewu ndiponso 4cm kulowa pansi ndi mvula yoyamba. Zikabzalidwa mwakuya kwambiri kuposa 4cm, zimatha kuola",agriculture,agriculture document +en1596,Mangoes are widely grown in the country. They do well in warm to hot areas with altitudes ranging from 0 to 750m above sea level with well- defined wet and dry seasons,Mango amalimidwa mmadera ambiri mdziko muno. Amachita bwino mmadera otentha okwera kuyambira 0m kufika 750m kuchoka mnyanja okhala ndi nyengo zodziwika bwino zamvula komanso za dzuwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1597,The yields of mango are low in cool areas because of incidences of powdery mildew. Presently yields of fully grown improved mango trees range from 200 to 500 fruits per tree,Zokolola za mango zimachepa mmadera ozizira chifukwa cha kupezeka kwa matenda chiwawu. Pakali pano zokolola za mango amakono omwe akula bwinobwino zimafika zipatso 200 kufika 500 pamtengo uliwonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1598,"Although unimproved cultivars of mangoes may yield more than improved cultivars, their high fibre content and large stones may exclude them from certain markets","Ngakhale mitengo yamango yamakolo ingathe kubala kuposa kuchuluka kwa zipatso mmitengo yamakono, ulusi wambiri komanso nthanga zazikulu zimapangitsa kuti asapeze nawo malonda mmisika ina",agriculture,agriculture document +en1599,"The objective, is therefore, to increase production by improving management of the available local and exotic varieties",Choncho cholinga ndi kuchulikitsa zokolola popititsa patsogolo kasamalidwe ka mitundu yachilengedwe kapena yatsopano yomwe ilipo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1600,"Use improved grafted varieties which have a small stone and fibreless. Haden – big oblong fruit in shape, sweet, with a partial purple colour skin which becomes lighter when ripe","Gwiritsani ntchito mitundu yamakono yokwatitsa yomwe imakhala ndi nthanga zazing'ono komanso opanda ulusi. Haden - zipatso zimakhala zazikulu zotalika, wotsekemera, ofiilirapo pang'ono kunja kwake komwe kumasintha akapsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1601,"Tommy Atkins – A medium size, oblong fruit, very sweet, with deep purple colour when approaching maturity","Tommy Atkins - Wokula chikatikati, zipatso zotalika, zotsekemera kwambiri, zokhala ndi maonekedwe a purple wozama pamene zikukhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1602,"Kent – very big fibreless fruit which weighs close to a kg each with moderate sweetness, green skin colour which breaks into lighter purplish orange close to the petiole when mature","Kent - zipatso zikuluzikulu zopanda ulusi zomwe zimalemera pafupifupi 1kg, zotsekemera momvelera, zakhungu lobiliwira lomwe limasweka pamene zakhwima nkusanduka la purple orange pafupi ndi kamtengo kolumikidzitsa kutsinde",agriculture,agriculture document +en1603,Keit – another medium size sweet oval in shape turning red orange from the stalk at maturity,"Keit - chipatso china chokula chikatikati, chobulungira, chotsekemera momvelera, chimasanduka chofiira moyerekeza pamtengo wake pamene chakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1604,"Davis Haden – medium sized fruit, sweet with orange skin colour when ripe","Davis Haden - chipatso chokula chikatikati, chotsekemera chakhungu lachikasu pamene chakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1605,"Irwin – sweet, small size fruit weighing close to 150 grams each with full deep purple skin colour close to maturity","Irwin - zipatso zotsekemera, zimakhala zing'onozing'ono, zolemera pafupifupi 150 grams, zokhala ndi khungu la purple wozama zikayandikira kukhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1606,Boribo – Medium size with green colour which become lighter when ripe,"Boribo - Zipatso zokula chikatikati, za mtundu wobiliwira womwe kubiliwira kwake kumachepa zikakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1607,"Ngowe – Oblong sickle in shape, sweet and orange when ripe","Ngowe - Zotalika mokhota ngati chikwakwa, zotsemekera ndi maonekedwe a chikasu zikakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1608,"Local cultivars such as Boloma and Domasi which are big and sweet, and small mangoes such as Waka, Nthulura and Kapantha that are widely adapted should be encouraged","Mitengo yobzala yachilengedwe monga Boloma ndi Domasi yomwe imakhala ndi zipatso zazikulu zotsekemera, komanso mango ang'onoang'ono monga Waka, Nthulura ndi Kapantha omwe amalola mmadera ambiri alimbikitsidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1609,Plant trees in December or January for successful establishment. Cover the new plant root ball with soil up to the collar mark,Bzalani mitengo mu December kapena January kuti igwire bwino. Kwilirani mitsitsi yamitengo yatsopano ndi dothi mpaka mkhosi mwake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1610,"Trees should be spaced at 9m x 9m or 10.5m x 10.5m or 12m x 12m depending on variety, soil type and other environmental conditions","Mitengo italikirane mtunda wa 9 meters ndi 9 meters kapena 10.5 meters ndi 10.5 meters kapena 12 meters ndi 12 meters kutengera mtundu wake, mtundu wa dothi ndi zina zokhuza nyengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1611,Closer spacing is for marginal areas and wider spacing is for optimum areas. Commercial planting in ideal areas start with closer spacing of 2m x 2m then thin out as the canopies close up until standard spacing is reached,Kubzala mofupikitsa kuchitike mmadera omwe malo ndiochepa ndipo kutalikitsa kuchitike pomwe malo ndi aakulu. Kubzala mopindulitsa kumalo oyenera kumayamba ndi kufupikitsa mulingo wa 2 meters ndi 2 meters kenako kutalikitsa pamene nthambi zikukula mpaka kufika mulingo woyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1612,"Basins should be made around each tree as wide as the canopy and mulched to conserve moisture. During the early stages of fruit tree establishment, low growing crops maybe inter planted","Mayenje akumbidwe kuzungulira mtengo uliwonse ndipo akule monga kutambalala kwa mthambi ndi kuwaphimba pofuna kusunga chinyezi. Pachiyambi pamene mitengo yadzipatso ikukhazikika, mbewu zosatalika zikhoza kulimidwa pakati pa mitengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1613,This insect damages the seed. The larva enters the fruit during the early stage of fruit development leaving no external sign of its entry,"Chilombo chouluka chimenechi chimaononga mbewu. Mphutsi imalowa muchipatso nthawi yomwe zipatso zikubeleka ndikumakula, ndikusiya popanda chizindikiro kunja kuti yalowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1614,"This may result into premature fruitfall, fruits rotting in storage, in transit and markets. To control the pest collect and bury dropped fruits","Izi zimadzetsa kulakatika kwa zipatso zosakhwima, kuvunda kwa zipatso zikasungidwa, kapena popita nazo kumisika. Pofuna kuthana ndi kachilomboka, tolani ndi kukwilira zipatso zonse zomwe zagwa pansi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1615,"The disease causes discoloration of young leaves, premature ripening and enhanced rotting of fruits","Mthendayi imayambitsa kusintha mtundu kwa masamba osakhwima, kucha zisanakhwime komanso kuvunda kwa zipatso mofulumira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1616,Fruits of improved mango varieties should be harvested when they are physiologically mature,Zipatso za mitundu ya mango wokwatitsa zikololedwe zikayamba kuyezuka kapena kudengula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1617,"When harvesting avoid bruises on the fruit. The fruits should not drop to the ground. A fully grown tree may yield 200 to 500 fruits or more per year depending on management, variety and age of tree","Pokolola, pewani kusupula zipatso. Zipatso zisagwetsedwe pansi. Mtengo waukulu bwino ukhoza kubereka zipatso zokwana 200 kufika 500 kapena kupitilira apa chaka chilichonse kutengera kasmalidwe, mtundu komanso zaka zobadwira za mtengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1618,"Avocado pears are important food and cash crop. The crop grows well in cool to warm areas with an average annual rainfall ranging from 750 to 1,800 mm","Mapeyala ndi mbewu yofunikira yachakudya komanso kugulitsa. Mbewuyi imakula bwino madera ozizira kapena ozizira pang'ono komwe mvula imagwa mulingo wa 750mm kufika 1,800mm",agriculture,agriculture document +en1619,All unwanted trees should be ring-barked two years in advance and left to die. Those that cannot die by ring-barking must be dug out with as much root system as possible,Mitengo yonse yosafunika ichotsedwe khungu lake mozungulira tsinde zaka ziwiri zisanafike ndikuyisiya kuti ife. Yomwe siinafe pochotsa khungu patsinde mozungulira ikumbidwe poonetsetsa kuti mitsitsi yambiri yakumbidwa nawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1620,Planting holes should be dug 90cm in diameter and 90cm deep. Holes should be filled with top soil mixed with 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure,Mayenje obzala mbewu akumbidwe 90cm mulifupi ndi 90cm kuzama. Mayenje akwililidwe ndi dothi lapamwamba lomwe lasakanizidwa ndi 5kg kufika 10kgs ya manyowa owola bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1621,Apply 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure per tree at the beginning of the rainy season. Fertilizer should be applied on the basis of leaf and soil analysis results,Thirani 5kgs kufika 10kgs ya manyowa pamtengo uliwonse poyambilira panyengo yamvula. Fertilizer athilidwe potengera zotsatira za kauniuni wamasamba ndi dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1622,"If the fruits are to be transported for long distances, harvesting should be done before rattling sound is detected","Ngati zipatso zikuyenera kunyamulidwa pamtunda wautali, kukolola kuchitike zipatso zisanayambe kusokosera mkati zikagwedezedwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1623,"Pawpaws are widely grown in the country. They are an important food and cash crop. The crop grows well up to an altitude of 1,000m above sea level and requires an annual rainfall of 1,000 to 2,000mm which should be well distributed","Papaya amalimidwa kwambiri mdziko muno. Papaya ndiwonufinanso ngati chakudya komanso kugulitsa. Amakula bwino mmadera okwera kufika 1,000m kupyola nyanja ndipo amafuna mvula yokwana 1,000mm kufika 2,000mm pachaka yomwe ikuyenera kugwa motalikirana bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1624,All unwanted trees should be ring-barked 2 years in advance and left to die to reduce the risk of infection,Mitengo yonse yosafunika ichotsedwe khungu lake mozungulira tsinde zaka ziwiri zisanafike ndikuyisiya kuti ife pochepetsa chiopsezo cha matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1625,"Pawpaws are grown from seed. Seeds collected from the fruit should be washed, dried and dusted","Papaya amabzalidwa kuchokera ku nthanga. Nthanga zomwe zatoleledwa zitsukidwe, kuumitsidwa komanso kudzithira fumbi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1626,Sow seeds in nursery beds or pots to raise seedlings. Seedling emergence may take 3 to 5 weeks from the time of planting,Fetsani nthanga mmabedi a nazale kapena mmiphika pofuna kupeza mbande. Kumera kwa mbande kukhoza kutenga sabata zitatu kufika zisanu kuchokera nthawi yobzala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1627,"Seed may be stored up to 3 years. It should be noted, however, that germination percentages declines with storage period",Mbewu ikhoza kusungidwa kwa zaka zitatu. Tikuyenera kudziwa kuti chiwerengero cha mbewu zomera chimachepa potengera nthawi yosungira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1628,"Seedlings should be transplanted when 6 weeks old or 30cm tall. Transplanting should be done in the late afternoon or on cloudy, dampy days. Watering should be done every day until the plants are well established","Mbande ziwokeredwe pakatha sabata zisanu ndi imodzi kapena zikatalika kufika 30cm. Kuwokera kuchitike chigawo chakumadzulo kapena kunja kukakhala mitambo, achinyontho. Kuthilira kuchitidwe tsiku lirilonse mpaka mbewu zigwire ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1629,"Heavy organic mulching is desirable to conserve moisture, control weeds and keep the soil cool","Kuphimbira pogwiritsa ntchito zotsalira za zomera ndikofunika kuti titeteze chinyezi, kuthana ndi udzu komanso kuziziritsa nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1630,Apply 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure per plant annually at the beginning of the rainy season. Chemical fertilizer application should be applied on the basis of leaf and soil analysis results,Thirani 5 kufika 10kg ya manyowa pambewu iliyonse chaka chilichonse kumayambiliro a nyengo yamvula. Fertlizer athiridwe potengera zotsatira zoyeza masamba ndi dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1631,Pawpaw is fairly drought-tolerent but irrigation is required after prolonged dry periods,Papaya amayetsetsa kupilira ku chilala koma kuthilira ndikoyenera ngati nyengo ya chilala yatalika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1632,Guavas are propagated from seed. Seed collected from fruits should be washed and dried before sowing. Seeds should be sown on nursery beds and potted 2 to 3 weeks after emergence,Gwafa amabzalidwa kuchokera ku nthanga. Nthanga zotoleledwa kuchokera kuzipatso zitsukidwe ndikuumitsidwa zisanafetsedwe. Nthanga zifetsedwe pamanazale ndikuyikidwa mmachubu sabata ziwiri kapena zitatu zikadutsa mbewu itamera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1633,Training of a young guava tree is recommended to develop a strong framework comprising 3 to 4 main branches,Kuphunzitsa mitengo yaying'ono ndikoyenera kuti ichite thunthu lamphamvu lokhala ndi nthambi zitatu kufika zinayi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1634,Suckers should be removed from the base. Orchards maybe rejuvenated by cutting off the main stem,Mphukira zichotsedwe kuchokera paphata. Minda yazipatso ikhoza kuwonjezeredwa mphamvu podula tsinde lalikulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1635,Apply 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure per tree annually at the beginning of the rainy season,Thirani manyowa okwana 5kgs kufika 10kgs pamtengo uliwonse chaka chilichonse kumayambiliro kwa nyengo yamvula ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1636,Plant trees in August or September when they are dormant. Trees should be watered weekly or as required until rains start,Bzalani mitengo mwezi wa August kapena September pamene yasiya kukula. Mitengo ithililidwe madzi sabata iliyonse kapena pamene kuli koyenera kutero mpaka mvula itayamba kugwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1637,Mulching is essential to conserve soil moisture and supress weeds. The basin should be extended each year to the edge of the canopy,Kuphimbira ndi udzu ndikofunika pofuna kusunga chinyezi munthaka ndikuchepetsa udzu. Dzenje likuzidwe chaka chilichonse kupyola malire a mthunzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1638,Trees should be pruned annually when they are dormant for maintenance of vigour and high productivity,Mitengo isadzidwe chaka chilichonse pamene yasiya kukula kuti ikhale yamphamvu komanso yopindulitsa kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1639,"When pruning, remove dead or broken wood, one of the rubbing branches, water shoots and tall branches","Pamene mukusadza mitengo, chotsani mitengo youma kapena yothyoka, yomwe ilikhulana, mphukira kapena nthambi zazitali",agriculture,agriculture document +en1640,Macadamia nuts are left to drop on the ground and collected at least weekly in wet weather or fortnightly in dry weather,Mtedza wa Macademia umasiyidwa kuti ugwe pansi kenako kutoleredwa kamodzi pasabata pamene kunja kuli chinyezi kapena kamodzi pasabata ziwiri kunja kutauma,agriculture,agriculture document +en1641,"Macadamia nuts can be harvested from the tree once the entire crop is mature, this is determined by the inner husk colour which turns brown when mature","Mtedza wa Macademia ungathe kukololedwa kuchokera mmitengo kamodzi pamene wakhwima, ndipo izi zimadziwika poona maonekedwe a masamba a mkati mwa mtedza omwe amasintha kumaoneka monkera kofiira ukakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1642,"To avoid kernel sweating and mould development, nuts should be dehusked on the day of harvest and dried on racks in layers of a maximum 10cm deep under shade","Popewa mtedza kutulutsa madzi komanso kuchita chuku, mtedza uswedwe tsiku lokolola ndikuumitsidwa pathandala, poumwaza pamulingo wozama 10cm ndipo uumitsidwe pamthunzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1643,Suitable racks can be made from chicken wire or bamboo to allow aeration. Nuts should be turned daily during drying and allowed to dry to below 10% moisture which can take 6 weeks during fine weather,Thandala labwino likhoza kupangidwa kuchokera ku waya wankhuku kapena msungwi kuti mpweya udzidutsa. Mtedza udzitembenuzidwa tsiku ndi tsiku nthawi youmitsa ndi kuloledwa kuti uwume mpaka chinyezi chisapyole 10% zomwe zingatenge sabaya zisanu ndi imodzi ngati nyengo ili bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1644,"When moisture is reduced to10%, the kernel can be heard rattling when shaken. Sorting is required to remove damaged and discoloured nuts before delivery to the factory","Chinyezi chikachepa kufika pa 10%, mtedza umamveka kusokosera ukagwedezedwa. Kusankha ndikoyenera kuti mtedza wosweka ndi wovunda uchotsedwe usanapititsidwe ku fakitale",agriculture,agriculture document +en1645,Avoid storing nuts on the farm for longer than 2 months as quality will be reduced,Pewani kusunga mtedza pamunda kwanthawi yopitilira miyezi iwiri pakuti umaguga,agriculture,agriculture document +en1646,Collect seed from vigorous high yielding disease free plants,Tolani mbewu kuchokera ku mbewu zobeleka kwambiri komanso zopanda matenda. ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1647,One kilogramme of seed is therefore required for a hectare. Storing seed for long periods will further reduce viability,Kilogalamu imodzi ya mbewu ndiyokwanira hectare imodzi. Kusunga mbewu kwanthawu yayitali kumachepetsa mphamvu zake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1648,"To improve germination, it is recommended that seed should be planted soon after harvest. They should be extracted from the capsule, washed in water and sown immediately","Popititsa patsogolo kumera kwa mbewu, ndikoyenera kuti mbewu zibzalidwe nthawi yomwe mwamaliza kukolola. Zitengedwe mu chikuto chake, kutsukidwa ndi madzi kenako kufetsa nthawi yomweyo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1649,"Alternatively, the washed seed should be mixed with ash and dried for 2 to 9 days before sowing",Njira ina ndi kutsakaniza mbewu zomwe zatsukidwa ndi phulusa ndi kuumitsa masiku awiri kufika asanu ndi anayi zisanafetsedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1650,"The crop thrives under moderate shade. Existing trees may be utilized as shade but where they are not available, appropriate shade trees should be planted","Mbewuyi imachita bwino munthunzi wochepa. Mitengo yomwe ilipo ingathe kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati nthunzi koma pomwe palibe, mitengo yoyenera ibzalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1651,"Cut excess branches and canopy of shade trees to maintain medium shading condition. Where there is no or inadequate shading, more shade trees should be planted","Dulani nthambi zosafunikira ndi mitengo yotchinga dzuwa kuti pakhale mthunzi wapakatikati. Pomwe palibe kapena pali mthunzi wosakwanira, mitengo yambiri ibzalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1652,The fruits are picked when they are green and fully plump before they develop yellow colour. It is therefore desirable that fruits are harvested individually at the correct stage of maturity,Zipatsozi zimathyoledwa pamene zili zobiliwira ndipo zofufuma bwino zisanayambe kubwera chikasu. Kotero nkofunika kuti zipatso zikololedwe chilichonse pachokha panthawi yoyenera zikakhwima,agriculture,agriculture document +en1653,Over ripe (yellow colour) fruits tend to split on drying and do not give good green colour on curing,"Zipatso zakupsa kwambiri, za chikasu, zimang'ambika pouma ndipo sidzimabweretsa maonekedwe obiliwira podziwumitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1654,"On the other hand, immature fruits give uneven, shriveled and badly discoloured products","Kumbali ina, zipatso zosakhwima zimakhala zosalala, zokhwinyata ndiponso mtundu suoneka bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1655,The disease is capable of causing serious root rot. The main source and reservoir of infection is old tree stumps,Nthendayi ili ndi kuthekera kwakukulu koyambitsa kuwola kwa mitsitsi. Imachokera komanso kukhala ku zitsa zakale zamitengo ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1656,"Prepare your site by clearing, ploughing, harrowing, fencing and breaking the soil clods to achieve fine tilth","Konzani malo pochotsa tchire, kugaula, kutembenuza dothi, kumanga mpanda ndi kuphwanya dothi kuti likhale lofewa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1657,"Prepare the seed beds of any convenient length, 1m wide, and 20 to 25cm high. Space them with pathways of 45 to 60cm wide","Konzani mabedi a mbewu otalika mmene mwakondera, 1m mulifupi, kutali 20cm kufika 25cm. Siyani mpata woyendamo wotambalala 45cm kufika 60cm. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1658,"5 seed beds of 30m x 1m are enough for 1ha, 3 seedbeds are enough for 0.4ha. Similarly 1.5 seedbeds are enough for 0.2ha","Mabedi asanu otalika 30m ndi 1m mulifupi ndiwokana mbande zobzala hectare imodzi, mabedi atatu ndiwokwana mbewu yobzala 0.4 hectare. Chimodzimodzi bedi imodzi ndi theka ndiwokwana mbewu zobzala 0.2 hectare",agriculture,agriculture document +en1659,"Seedbed should be sterilized by burning with maize stalks to control damping off diseases, soil insect pests, weed seeds and nematodes","Nkoyenera kupha tizilombo powotcha mabedi ndi mapesi a chimanga pothana ndi matenda akufa kwa mbande, tizilombo tamudothi, njere za tchire komanso mbozi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1660,"Maize stalks should be stacked about 1m high and burned slowly during calm weather, preferably early in the morning or late afternoon"," Mapezi a chimanga awunjikidwe kutalika 1m ndipo awotchedwe pang'onopang'ono nthawi yomwe kulibe mphepo, makamaka mmamawa kwambiri kapena madzulo kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1661,Apply 2 to 5kg of well decomposed organic manure per square metre and mixed thoroughly with the soil,Thirani makilogalamu awiri kufika asanu a manyowa pa malo a 1m mulitali ndi 1m mulifupi ndipo sakanizani bwino lomwe ndi dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1662,After seedling emergence the mulch should be thinned gradually over time,"Mbewu zikamera, kuphimbira kudzichepetsedwa nthawi ikamadutsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1663,Start hardening the seedlings 5 weeks after emergence to prepare them with stand field conditions,Yambani kukhwimitsa mbande pakadutsa sabata zisanu zitamera podzikonzekeretsa kunyengo yakumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1664,Clip seedlings when necessary to avoid flowering on the nursery in case there is no rain,Dulani mbande ngati nkofunika popewa kuchita maluwa panazale ngati mvula itachedwa kugwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1665,Adequate watering of seedbeds should be done before uprooting seedlings to minimize root damage and enhance early establishment of seedlings in the field,Kuthilira mokwanira mabedi kuchitike mbande zisanazulidwe kuti muchepetse kuwonongeka kwa mitsitsi ndikuthandizira kuti mbande zikagwire msanga kumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1666,Seedlings should not lay drying in the sun waiting to be transplanted. Seedlings must be transplanted absolutely vertical as any slanting will encourage lodging later,Mbande zisasiyidwe kumauma padzuwa podikira kuti zibzalidwe. Mbande zibzalidwe choyima pakuti kupendekeka kulikonse kudzachititsa kupindika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1667,Roots must be covered completely with soil but not higher than cotyledon nodes of the stem,Mizu yonse ikwiliridwe ndi dothi koma lisadutse mphukira patsinde ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1668,Tap root should not bend and must be placed pointing directly downwards. Bent roots will result in lower yields and poor quality,"Mtsitsi wapakati usapindike ndipo uyikidwe mwachindunji, moloza pansi. Mitsitsi yopindika imachepetsa zokolola komanso zosaoneka bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1669,"The best time to apply manure is when preparing land. Manure can be spread evenly in the field and when incorporated, place manure in old furrows and ridge and cover it with soil","Nthawi yabwino kuthura manyowa ndi pokonza minda. Manyowa akhoza kumwazidwa mofanana mmunda ndipo ngati aphatikizidwa, ikani manyowa mu ngalande zakale ndi mmizere ndipo kwilirani ndi dothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1670,Only well decomposed manure should be used all the time for fear of enhancing weed problem,Ndi manyowa okhawo ovunda bwino omwe angagwiritsidwe ntchito nthawi zonse kuopa kukulitsa mavuto a udzu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1671,Where no chemical fertilizers will be applied the farmer should aim at applying compost manure at the rate of 10 tons per hectare or 5 to10kg per square metre,Ngati fertilizer sathiridwa mlimi alingalire zothira manyowa pamulingo wa matani 10 pa hectare kapena 5kgs kufika 10kgs pamulingo wa 1m ndi 1m,agriculture,agriculture document +en1672,"Weed regularly to loosen the soil and remove weeds to reduce competition for plant nutrient, sunlight and soil moisture","Palirani kawirikawiri kuti dothi limasuke ndi kuchotsa tchire kuti muchepetse kukanganirana michere ya mbewu, dzuwa ndi chinyezi mdothi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1673,Pick only fruit pods which have developed a dark red maroon colour with their skin wrinkled and seeds cracking and completely withered,Tolani zipatso zokhazo zomwe zawonetsa kufiira koderapo ndipo khungu lake lakwinyika komanso nthanga zikusweka ndiponso zofota,agriculture,agriculture document +en1674,"Dry withered destalked fruit pods on open drying racks constructed from bamboo, reeds, dry grass, chicken wire, wooden stick sand mats","Yanikani zipatso zonyala zomwe mwachotsa chogwilira pathandala zapabwalo zokonzedwa ndi msungwi, bango, udzu wouma, chicken wire, mphatsa zamitengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1675,It takes between 2 to 3 days to dry if harvested at the correct time. Avoid harvesting deep red watery fruit pods as they turn black at drying and not sellable,Zimatenga masiku awiri kufika atatu kuti ziume ngati zakololedwa panthawi yoyenera. Pewani kukolola zipatso zofiira kwambiri zamadzi chifukwa zimada poumitsa komanso sidzingagulitsidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1676,Proper grading is extremely important and essential for successful marketing. A well graded paprika is of higher value than a poorly grade done,Kusankha koyenera ndikofunika kopambana ndiponso ndikothandiza posatsa malonda. Tsabola wosankhidwa bwino amakhala wokwera mtengo kuposa wosasankhidwa bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1677,Grading is based on the visible color intensity and not on size. Seeding is a process of removing seeds from the fruit pod by hand,Kusankha kumatengera kuzama kwa maonekedwe osati kukula. Seeding ndi ntchito yochotsa nthanga kuchokera mu zibalobalo ndi manja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1678,De-seeded paprika normally fetches high prices. The seed can be sold separately. Full pod paprika is another style of paprika presentation where only the fruit pod stalk is removed,Tsabola wochotsa nthanga magulidwa pa mitengo yokwera. Nthanga zikhoza kugulitsidwa pazokha. Zibalobalo za tsabola zosang'amba ndi njira ina yogulitsira tsabola pomwe amangochotsa kogwilira kokha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1679,Full pod paprika normally fetches low price. The seed contained in the fruit pod is not paid for,Tsabola wa paprika wosachotsa nthanga amagulidwa pamtengo wotsika. Nthanga mu tsabola sadziwerengera pogula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1680,Paprika should be stored in cool dry dark places preferably on a raised platform such as a pallet,"Tsabola asungidwe pamalo ozizira, ouma komanso mumdima makamaka pamalo okwera monga pa thandala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1681,"Avoid exposure to high moisture intensities. Stored paprika should be checked regularly for moisture condition, rat damage. Avoid long storage to prevent weight loss and quality deterioration",Pewani kusunga pamalo achinyezi chambiri. Tsabola wosungidwa adzionedwa pafupipafupi kupima chinyezi komanso kuonongedwa ndi makoswe. Pewani kusunga kwa nthawi yayitali kuti asapepuke kwambiri komanso ubwino wake usawonongeke,agriculture,agriculture document +en1682,Fruits are kept in heaps until the pulp is fermented. They are then washed in water and dried under shade. Seeds should be planted immediately after drying as viability is quickly reduced,Zipatso zisungidwe pounjika malo amodzi mpaka mkazi muphikike. Pambuyo pake zitsukidwe ndi madzi ndikuyanikidwa panthunzi. Nthanga zibzalidwe nthawi yomweyo pambuyo powumitsa pakuti sidzichedwa kuchepa mphamvu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1683,They should be sown in nursery beds. Sites should be properly fenced and well managed,Zifetsedwe panazale. Ndipo zikhale mumpanda komanso zisamalidwe bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1684,Seedlings should be potted after 4 months in the nursery. Transplant seedlings in the field 4 to 5 months after they have been potted,Mbande ziyikidwe mmiphika ing'onoin'gono pakatha miyezi inayi panazale. Mbande ziwokeredwe mminda pakadutsa miyezi inayi kapena isanu pambuyo podziyika mmiphika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1685,Seedlings should be hardened off before they are transplanted to prepare them for field conditions,Mbande zikhwimitsidwe zisanawokeredwe pozikonzekeretsa ku nyengo yakumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1686,Harvest when stems are 2to 3metres high and 1.2 to 5 cm in diameter. Stems are harvested when the red flush of young leaves is beginning to turn green and the sap is flowing freely,Kololani pamene tsinde latalika mamita awiri kufika atatu ndipo thunthu lake lakula masentimita 1.2 kufika 5. Tsinde likololedwe pamene masamba ofiira ayamba kusanduka obiliwira ndipo utoto ukutuluka mwaokha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1687,Farmers should test the stems to see if the bark peels off easily. The stems should be cut at 10 to 15 cm above the ground and all unwanted branches and leaves removed,Alimi ayeze tsinde kuti aone ngati khungwa likuchoka wosavuta. Tsinde lidulidwe pa mulingo wa masentimita khumi kufika khumi ndi asanu kuchokera pansi ndipo nthambi zonse zosafunikira ndi masamba zichotsedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1688,"After cutting, the stump should be pruned to get rid of all unwanted and distorted shoots leaving new selected 4 to 6 shoots to grow for a further 2 years. More soil should be drawn up around the stumps","Mutatha kudula, sadzani zitsa zonse kuti muchotse mphukira zopindika komanso zosafunika ndipo pasale mphukira zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi kuti zikule kwa zaka zina ziwiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1689,The stems should be cut into pieces 90 cm long. Two opposite slits be made length wise using a sharp knife. Loosen the inner bark and peel,Tsinde lidulidwe mmagawo otalika masentimita 90. Ng'ambani mbali ziwiri zosiyana mulitali pogwiritsa ntchito mpeni wakuthwa. Masulani mkati mwakhungwa ndipo sendani,agriculture,agriculture document +en1690,The peeled bark should be tied into bundles and left for 24 hours to ferment. The loose outer layer of the bark is then carefully scrapped off,Makungwa amangidwe mtolo ndipo asiyidwe kwa maola 24 kuti asase. Kenako chikopa chakunja kwa khungwa chimachotsedwa mosamala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1691,"When the bark is scrapped off, it should be dried. As the bark dries, it curls inward forming a hollow tube-like structure","Khungwa likachotsedwa, liyanikidwe. Pamene khungwa likuuma, limapiringizana chamkati, kupanga bowo mkati",agriculture,agriculture document +en1692,The first harvest usually yields a thick bark of inferior quality which improves with sub- sequent harvests,Zokolola zoyamba khungwa lake limakhala losaoneka bwino ndipo izi zimasintha pa zokolola zotsatira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1693,Vegetables are an important source of mineral salts and vitamins which are vital for good health,Masamba ndi wofunikira potipatsa michere ndi ma vitamin ofunika pa umoyo wathanzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1694,"In addition to being an important food crop, they provide income. Despite being widely grown in the country, adequate supplies of vegetables are mostly available in the rainy season","Kuphatikiza kuti ndi mbeu yofukika ngati chakudya, imabweretsanso ndalama. Ngakhale imalimidwa mmadera ambiri mdziko muno, masamba okwanira amapezeka munyengo yamvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en1695,"As a result, supplies are not adequate throughout the year. Production of some exotic vegetables such as rape, cabbage, lettuce, turnips, tomatoes, onions and leaf mustard should be encouraged","Zotsarira zake ndi zakuti kupezeka kwa zinthuzi sikukhala kokwanira mchaka chonse. Kulima masamba ena monga rape, kabichi, lettuce, tanaposi, tomato, anyezi ndi mustard kulimbikitsidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1696,"In addition to these exotic vegetables, farmers should also be encouraged to grow and preserve local and indigenous vegetables such as Bonongwe (Amaranthus spp.), nkhwani (Cucurbita maxima), Khwanya (Phaseolous vulgaris), Mwamunaaligone, (Galinsoga parvifl ora), Chisoso (Bidens pilosa), Kamganje (Brassica juncea), Chitambe (Vigna unguiculata) Denje (Corchorus trilocularis, Corchorus aestuans) and many others","Kuphatikizira apa mitundu ya masamba yamakonoyi, alimi akulimbikitsidwa kulima ndikusunga mitundu yamasamba yamakolo monga Bonongwe (Amaranthus ss.), Nkhwani (Cucurbita maxima), Khwanya (Phaseolus vulgaris), Mwamunaligone (Galinsoga parvifl juncea), Chisosos (Bidens pilosa), Kamganje (Brassica juncea) Chitambe (Vigna unguiculata), Denje (Corchorus trilocularis, Corchorus aestuans) ndi zina zotero",agriculture,agriculture document +en1697,To optimize yields it is important to irrigate as need arises. Vegetables are easily attacked by many insect pests and diseases,"Pofuna kufika pamulingo wokwera wazokolola, ndikofunika kuthirira pamene pali pofunika. Masamba amagwidwa ndi tizilombo komanso matenda mosavuta",agriculture,agriculture document +en1698,"It is therefore important that farmers use only recommended pesticides and observe safety precautions, particularly time allowed between last application and next harvest","Motero ndikofunika kuti alimi adzigwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ovomerezeka okha ndikutsatira njira zodzitetezera zoyenera, makamaka nthawi yololedwa pakati popopera mankhwala ndi nthawi yokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en1699,"Nurseries should be sited near a permanent water supply and located on new land every year so as to reduce the build-up of insect pests, nematodes and diseases","Manazale akhale pafupi ndi madzi osaphwera komanso pamalo atsopano chaka chilichonse pofuna kuchepetsa kuchulukana kwa tizilombo, mbozi ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1700,Soils should be well drained and the site should be away from shaded areas,"Dothi likhale lotaya madzi, ndipo malo ake akhale patali ndi mthunzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1701,"Sites should be dug deeply and all large clods broken up to make a fi ne tilth. Construct beds 20 to 25 cm high, 1m wide and to a convenient length","Malo ake akumbidwe mwakuya ndipo dothi loundana liphwanyidwe ndikupanga dothi lofewa. Konzani mabedi okwera 20cm mpaka 25cm, 1m mulifupi pamene kutalika kutengera kufuna kwanu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1702,They should be separated by paths 45 to 60cm wide. On sloppy lands seedbeds should be constructed on the contour.,"Asiyanitsidwe ndi njira zokula 45cm kufika 60cm. Pamalo otsetsereka, mabedi akonzedwe motsatira milambala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1703,Apply 3 to 5kg of well decomposed manure per square meter and mix thoroughly with the soil.,Thirani makilogalamu atatu mpaka asanu a manyowa pa mtunda wa 1mx1m ndikusakaniza bwinobwino ndi dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1704,"To reduce damping off disease and nematodes, seedbeds should be sterilized by burning maize stalks heaped at least 1m high","Pofuna kuchepetsa matenda opha mbewu zikangomera ndi mbozi, mabedi awotchedwe ndi mapesi owinjikidwa mokwera ndi 1m pofuna kupha tizilombo toyambitsa matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1705,This should be done preferably in the morning or afternoon when the weather is calm,Izi zichitike makamaka mmamawa kapena madzulo kwambiri pamene nyengo yadekha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1706,Cabbages are commonly grown throughout the country but there is need to improve quality through recommended methods of production,Kabichi amalimidwa mmadera onse a mdziko muno koma pali kufunika kopititsa patsogolo ubwino potsatira ndondomeko zoyenera zakalimidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1707,They grow well in cool areas of over 750m above sea level. Soils should be free draining and rich in organic matter,Zimakula bwino mmalo ozizira omwe ali pamtunda wa 750m pamwamba panyanja. Dothi likhale lotaya madzi komanso lachonde chambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1708,"Cabbage can yield 11,000kg to 70,000kg per hectare depending on variety and management","Zokolola za kabichi zimafika makilogalamu 11,000 mpaka 70,000 pa hectare kutengera mtundu ndi kasamalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1709,Tomatoes are widely grown throughout the country but there is need to improve quality and availability throughout the year,Tomato amalimidwa mmadera onse mdziko muno koma pali kufunika kopititsa patsogolo ubwino ndi kupezeka mchaka chonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1710,"They can be grown all year round except in extremely hot dry conditions because, heat retards growth and fruit set",Akhoza kulimidwa chaka chonse kuoatula munyengo yotentha komanso youma kwambiri chifukwa kuthentha kumachedwetsa kukula ndi kubeleka zipatso,agriculture,agriculture document +en1711,"The soil should be free draining and rich inorganic matter. Potential yield for tomatoes ranges from 18,000 to 50,000kg per hectare depending on variety","Dothi likhale lotaya madzi ndi lachonde chambiri. Zokolola za tomato zimafika makilogalamu 18,000 mpaka 50,000 pa hectare kutengera mtundu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1712,Plough deeply and incorporate 5 to 10 kg of compost or khola manure per square meter. Make beds 120cm wide and to a convenient length,Tipulani mokuya ndikuthira makilogalamu 5 mpaka 10 a manyowa pa mtunda wa 1mx1m. Konzani mabedi okula 120cm mulifupi ndipo kutalika kutengera kufuna kwanu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1713,The beds should be 20 to 25cm high. Sunken beds are recommended for dry season cultivation. Pathways should be 50cm between beds,Mabedi akhale okwera 20cm kufika 25cm. Mabedi olowa ndiwoyenera nthawi yadzuwa. Njira zodutsira zikhale zotalika 50cm pakati pa mabedi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1714,Onions are widely grown throughout the country both for food and for cash. They require cool to warm seasons for good bulb formation,Anyezi amalimidwa kwambiri mamdera onse mdziko muno ngati chakudya komanso kugulitsa. Amafuna nyengo yozizira mpaka yofunda pang'ono kuti mitu yake ikule bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1715,Soils should be rich inorganic matter and free draining. The crop should be sown from mid-February to April,Dothi lake likhale lamichere yambiri komanso lotaya madzi. Mbewuyi ifetsedwe mkati mwa February kufika April ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1716,"Transplant seedlings when their bases are of pencil thickness, 6 to 8 weeks after sowing","Wokerani mbande pamene kunsi kwawo kwakula kufila mulingo wa pensulo, pakadutsa sabata 6 mpaka 8 mutafetsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1717,Spacing should be 30 cm by 10 cm. Water regularly as required. Stop watering in the 5th month to allow bulbs to dry,Siyani mipata yotalika 30cmx 10cm. Thilirani madzi pafupipafupi pomwe ndikoyenera kutero. Lekani kuthilira mwadzi mwezi wa chisanu kuti mitu ya anyezi iwume,agriculture,agriculture document +en1718,Dry the bulbs in the sun for two to three days to cure them. Very large and thick-necked bulbs should be quickly used or sold because they do not keep well,Yanikani anyezi padzuwa kwa masiku awiri kapena atatu kuti aume. Mitu ikuluikulu ya anyezi igwiritsidwe ntchito msanga kapena kugulitsidwa chifukwa simasungika bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1719,Cured bulbs should be tied in bunches by the leaves and hung along a string in an open sided store where there is free flow of air,"Anyezi wouma amagwidwe mmipukutu kumasamba ake ndikupachikidwa pachingwe pamalo otsegula mmbali, pomwe pamadutsa mpweya bwinobwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1720,"Okra thrives in low altitude areas with warm climate. It grows best in areas below 1,200m above sea level and in plateau areas only in summer",Thelele limalola kwambiri kumadera otsika komwe nyengo yake ndiyofunda. Limakula bwino mmadera omwe ali 1200m pamwamba panyanja ndipo kumadera okwera munyengo yotentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1721,"It doesn’t do well on too acidic or water logged soil. Yields of 2,000 to 3,000kg per hectare green pods can be achieved over a 4 to 8 week harvesting period","Silimachita bwino mudothi lowawasa kwambiri kapena lodzadza madzi. Zokolola za makilogalamu 2,000 mpaka 3,000 pa hectare za ndolo zobiliwira za thelele zikhoza kutheka pokolola kwa sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1722,Okra does not transplant well and should therefore be directly sown on ridges or beds,"Thelele limavuta kwambiri kuwokera choncho liyenera kufetsedwa pamalo olimira, mmizere kapena mabedi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1723,Sow 2 to 3seeds 2.5cm deep and 30cm apart in rows 60cm apart. For local cultivars sow at 60cm x 60cm. Sow every month from October to January for continuous supply,"Fetsani njere ziwiri kapena zitatu padzenje lakuya 2.5cm komanso motalikirana 30cm mmakako otalikirana 60cm. Kwa mitundu yamakolo, fetsani mmakako otalikirana 60cm ndi mizere yotalikira 60cm. Fetsani mwezi uliwonse kuyambita Octiber mpaka January kuti lidzipezeka nthawi zonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1724,"Carrot is biannual crop but is grown as an annual crop for its root. It will grow in nearly all areas in Malawi, although high soil temperatures will lead to the production of short roots","Kaloti ndi mmbewu yolimidwa kawiri pachaka koma imalimidwa kamodzi pachaka chifukwa cha mtsitsi yake. Ikhoza kukula mmadera onse ku Malawi, ngakhale kutentha kwa dothi kumapangitsa kuti mitsitsi ikhale yayifupi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1725,A lighter textured soil well enriched with organic matter is best and it should not be very acidic,"Dothi lopepuka, lachonde chokwanira ndilabwino kwambiri koma lisakhale lowawasa kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en1726,"When the root is cut across, it shows two distinct layers, an outer and inner layer. High quality carrots have a larger outer area compared to the inner one","Pomwe mtsitsi wadulidwa pakati, umaonetsa magawo awiri odzindikirika bwino, gawo lakunja komanso gawo lamkati. Kaloti wabwino kwambiri amakhala ndi gawo lakunja lalikulu kusiyana ndi gawo lamkati",agriculture,agriculture document +en1727,"The outer layer contains more sugars and vitamins than inner layer. In order to improve yields and quality, the following cultural practices are recommended","Gawo lakunja limakhala ndi sugar ndi ma vitamin ambiri kuposa gawo lamkati. Pofuna kupititsa patsogolo zokolola komanso ubwino, njira zotsatirazi ndizoyenera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1728,Sow seed directly and thinly in drills 30cm apart and 1.25cm deep. After emergence thin out the young plants to a spacing of 5 to 8cm apart,"Fetsani njere mwachindunji ndipo mosinira mmayenje otakilirana 30cm ndipo akuya 1.25cm. Zikamera, patulirani mbewu zazing'ono kuti zitalikirane 5cm mpaka 8cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en1729,Final thinning can be done later to 10 to 15cm. The seedlings being removed are usually suitable for consumption,Kupatulira komaliza kukhoza kuchitika kuti zitalikirane 10cm mpaka 15cm. Mbande zomwe zikuzulidwa ndizoyenera kudyedwa ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1730,About 14g of seed is required for every 30m of drill. Sow on beds during the rains and on the flat during the dry season. Sowings in January and February are difficult to establish due to heavy rains.,Pafupifupi magalamu 14 a njere ndiwoneyera pa ngalande iliyonse yotalika 30m. Fetsani pamabedi nthawi yamvula ndipo pamalo athyathyatha munyengo yadzuwa. Zofetsedwa mu January ndi February ndizovuta kukula chifukwa cha mvula yambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1731,Irrigation is critical during crop establishment. Frequent application of water may prevent crusting and also burning off of young seedlings especially when grown during the dry season,Kuthilira ndikofunikira kwambiri kuti mbewu ikule. Kuthira madzi pafupipafupi kungathandize kupewa kulimba kwa dothi komanso kupya kwa mbewu makamaka pomwe zalimidwa nu nyengo youma,agriculture,agriculture document +en1732,Roots are ready for harvesting when they are 3months old from sowing. Pull or lift the roots carefully,Mitsitsi imakhwima pakadutsa miyezi itatu pambuyo pakufetsa. Zulani kapena nyamulani mitsitsi mosamala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1733,At this stage they are usually 1.5 to 2.5cm wide at the shoulders depending upon the variety,Panthawi imeneyi imakhala itakula 1.5cm kufika 2.5cm mmapewa mwake kutengera mtundu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1734,"Eggplants grow in nearly all areas satisfactorily, with the exception of the high plateau areas of 1,500m above sea level","Mabilingano amakula pafupifupi mmadera onse bwino lomwe kupatula mmadera okwera kuposa 1,500m pamwamba panyanja",agriculture,agriculture document +en1735,"They grow faster and yield better during summer. Soils should be well drained, fertile and relatively high inorganic matter","Amakula mwachangu ndipo zokolola zimakhala zochuluka nyengo yotentha. Dothi likhale lotaya madzi, lachonde lokhala ndi michere yochulukirapo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1736,The fruits are harvested 75 to 90days after transplanting. Maturity can be tested by pressing a thumb against the side of the fruit,Zipatso zimakololedwa pakutha pa masiku 75 mpaka 90 pambuyo powokera. Kukhwima kungadziwidwe pofinya chala chachikulu mbali mwa zipatso,agriculture,agriculture document +en1737,"If the indentation springs back to its original shape, the fruit is immature. If the thumb pressure leaves an indentation in the flesh of the fruit, then the fruits are mature","Ngati kuthifuka kwake kukubwelera mmalo mwake, zipatso sidzinakhwime. Ngati kufinya ndi chala kukusiya polowa mkati pa mnofu wa zhipatso, ndiye kuti zipatso zakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en1738,Harvest by cutting off the fruits regularly as soon as they mature. If fruits are not harvested regularly the plant will reduce flowering,"Kololani podula zipatso pafupipafupi pamene zikukhwima. Ngati zipatso sidzinakololedwe pafupipafupi, mbewu imachepetsa kuchita maluwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1739,Handle with care to avoid bruising. Fruit picking lasts from 4 to 6 weeks depending on variety. Yields are usually 5 to12 fruits per plant,Gwirani mosamala popewa kusupuka. Kukolola zipatso kumatenga sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi ziwiri kutengera mtundu. Zokolo zimakhala zipatso zisanu kufika khumi ndi ziwiri pa mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1740,Lettuce is a cool season crop. It grows best in areas with a mean temperature of 10oC to 20oC,Letesi ndi mbewu yanthawi yozizira. Imakula bwino mmadera omwe nyengo yake ili pakati pa 10oC ndi 20oC,agriculture,agriculture document +en1741,The crop may however be grown in low altitude areas during the cold season. Cool night temperatures are required for high quality lettuce,Mbewuyi ikhoza kulimidwa kumadera otsika nthawi yozizira. Kuzizira kwa usiku kumafunikira kuti letesi achite bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1742,Well drained fertile soils with pH range of 6 to 7 are desirable for lettuce growing,Dothi lachonde lowawasa 6 mpaka 7 ndiloyenera kulima letesi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1743,"At low altitudes during hot months, lettuce does not produce heads. Yields of 30,000 to 40,000kg per hectare can be obtained depending on variety and management","Mmalo otsika mmiyezi yotentha, letesi samatulutsa mitu. Zokolola za malikogalamu 30,000 mpaka 40,000 pa hectare zimatheka kutengera ndi mtundu komanso kasamalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1744,"Cucumber will grow well in all areas up to an altitude of 1,800m above sea level. The soil should be fertile and well supplied with compost manure","Mkhaka zimakula bwino mmadera onse mpaka madera okwera kuposa 1,800m pamwamba panyanja. Dothi likhale lachonde komanso lothiridwa bwino manyowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1745,"Cucumbers are usually directly sown although they can be started as transplants, seed can be sown into small pots in the nursery and transplanted later","Mkhaka zimabzalidwa mwachindunji ngakhale zingathe kuyamba ngati mbande, nthanga zikhoza kufetsedwa mmitsuko ing'onoing'ono ku nazale ndi kuwokeredwa pambuyo pake",agriculture,agriculture document +en1746,"Cucumber vines are easily trained on to trellis, fence, or cage. It is best done by erecting a frame on which the trailing vines can be tied",Mitawi ya mkhaka imakoletsedwa mosavuta kumitengo kapena mpanda. Ndi zabwino kuyimitsa mitengo yomwe mitawi ya mkhaka ingakolekedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1747,"When vines of long- fruited varieties are supported, the fruits hang free and are long and straight","Pamene mitawi ya mitundu yotalika kwambiri yathandizidwa poyikoleka kumitengo, zipatso zake zimalendewera ndipo zimatalika komanso kuwongoka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1748,This reduces damage by diseases and results in higher yields of high quality fruit. Remove the main growing points at 90cm to encourage the development of lateral shoots,Izi zimachepetsa kuwonongeka ndi matenda ndipo zimabweretsa zokolola zochuluka zabwino. Chotsani gawo lomwe likukula zikafika mulingo wa 90cm pofuna kulimbikitsa kuphuka kwa mthambi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1749,Cucumbers are relatively shallow- rooted and require irrigation in most parts of the country. Apply plenty of water especially during the dry season,Mkhaka zili ndi mitsitsi yomwe silowa pansi kwambiri ndipo imafuna kuthilira mmadera ambiri mdziko muno. Thilirani madzi ambirimbiri makamaka nyengo youma,agriculture,agriculture document +en1750,"Weed regularly to reduce competition for plant nutrients, soil moisture and light","Palirani kawirikawiri kuti muchepetse mpikisano wa michere ya mbewu, dothi, chinyezi ndi kuwala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1751,"Cucumbers are usually harvested immature and are of high quality when they are dark green, firm and crisp","Mkhaka zimakololedwa zosakhwima ndipo zikakhala zabwino pamene zili zobiliwira kwambiri, zolimba komanso zotafunika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1752,"Harvest by cutting fruits regularly, not allowing them to become over mature. Allowing the fruit to fully develop their seeds reduces the vigor of the plant and the yield of the crop","Kololani podula zipatso pafupafupi, osalola kuti zikhwime kwambiri. Kulola zipatso kukhwima mpaka kupanga nthanga kumachepetsa mphamvu ya mbewu komanso zokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en1753,Harvesting period varies with variety and can extend from 4 to 8 weeks and even more,Nthawi yokolola imasiyana ndipo ikhoza kupitilira sabata zinayi mpaka zisanu ndi zitatu penanso kuposa apa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1754,"To induce the plant to produce continuously, fruits should be picked every other day, even if the fruits are not required","Kuti mbewu idzibeleka mosadukiza, zipatso zidzdikoloedwa tsiku lina lirilonse, ngakhale zipatsozo sidzikufunika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1755,"For a long time the nation has depended on naturally growing mushrooms, collected from the forests and gardens only during the rainy seasons and sometimes in localized areas","Kwa nthawi yayitali, dziko lino lakhala likudalira pa bowa womera yekha, wotoleledwa munkhalango ndiponso wopezeka mu nyengo yamvula yokha ndipo kumadera okhadzikika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1756,Wrong identification of mushrooms has resulted in poisoning hence the need to have the cultivated strains that are known and are safe for consumption,Kuzindikira molakwika bowa kwachititsa anthu kudya bowa woyipa motero pali kufunika kokhala ndi mitundu yabowa yobzalidwa yomwe ikudziwika ndiponso yabwino kudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en1757,"Mushrooms are an important source of proteins, vitamins and minerals which are vital for good health","Bowa ndi wofunikira ngati mopezera zakudya zomakha thupi, ma vitamin komanso michere yomwe ndiyofunika kwambiri panthanzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1758,They are also a good source of income to growers and can help to save foreign exchange by import substitution,Ndiwabwinonso ngati mopezera chuma kwa alimi ndipo ungathandize kupulumutsa ndalama zakunja posiya kugula kudziko lakunja,agriculture,agriculture document +en1759,"Mushroom production can assist in diversification and provides a better way of utilizing crop, forestry and animal wastes","Ulimi wa bowa ungathandize kuwonjezera komanso kupeleka njira zina zabwino zogwiritsira ntchito mbewu, zamkhalango ndi ndowe zaziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en1760,Additionally they don’t require a large piece of land for cultivation and most importantly production can be done at a time when most agricultural activities have ended,"Kuphatikizapo, sumafuna malo ambiri olimira ndipo kofunika kwambiri ulimi ukhoza kuchitika panthawi yomwe zochitika zaulimi zatha",agriculture,agriculture document +en1761,"Mushrooms can be grown throughout the year in cool areas but during cool months in warm areas. Presently, 2 types of mushrooms are grown in Malawi, that is oyster and button mushrooms","Bowa ungathe kulimidwa chaka chonse mmadera ozizira koma mmiyezi yozizira kumadera otentha. Padakali pano, mitundu iwiri ya bowa imalimidwa mMalawi, yomwe ndi Oyster ndi bowa wa batani. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1762,Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) is relatively new type of mushroom in Malawi and is picking very well,Bowa wa Oyster (Plurotus spp) ndi mtundu watsopano wa bowa ku Malawi ndipo ukuchita bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1763,It is also very versatile and relatively easy to growth than button mushrooms because of its low input requirement and nature,Ndiwosavuta kulima kusiyana ndi bowa wa batani chifukwa siumafuna zipangizo zochuluka komanso khalidwe lake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1764,"Yield levels are very elastic, varying from one substrate to another. The biological efficacy ranges from a slow as 20% to as high as 10%","Zokolola zimasinthasintha, kutengera malo olimira. Kupilira kuchilengedwe kwake kumayambira motsika pa 20% ndikukwera kufika 10%",agriculture,agriculture document +en1765,This is where mushroom production takes place. It can be cheaply constructed from a wooden framework covered with a plastic sheet (clear or black) and optionally thatched with grass,Umu ndimomwe ulimi wa bowa umachitikira. Chikhoza kukonzedwa mosalira ndalama zambiri pogwiritsa ntchito matabwa okutidwa ndi pepala la plastic loonekera nkati kapena lakuda ndipo lofoleledwa ndi udzu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1766,"It can either have a rack if the hanging method is to be used. Alternatively, some designs may have an ‘A ‘frame with two shelves at the bottom one on each side",Chikhoza kukhala ndi thandala ngati njira yokoleka mmalele ingatsatidwe. Kapena pogwiritsa ntchito njira ya A-Frame yomwe imakhala ndi malo awiri oyika zinthu pansi pake mbali ziwiri zonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1767,Colonization of mycelia does not require light but it is necessary for fruiting,Kufalikira kwa njere za bowa sikumalira kuwala koma ndikofunikira pobeleka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1768,This is where spawning bags are incubated for substrate colonization. Alternatively a black plastic sheet can be used to cover the bags in the same fruiting house,Umu ndimomwe matumba oyikira bowa amasungidwa kuti mbewu ifalikire. Pena pepala la plastic lakuda likhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuphimba matumba mnyumba yomweyo yobelekera zipatso,agriculture,agriculture document +en1769,These are required for monitoring the environmental conditions (relative humidity and temperature) in the mushroom house,izi ndi zofunika powunikira nyengo makamaka chinyezi mumpweya ndi kutentha mmnyumba ya bowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1770,These are used for water application on to fruiting bags during cropping. The water can or a bucket can be used for watering the floors to control relative humidity and temperature,Izi zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pothilira madzi mmatumba ochitira zipatso pamene ukukula. Ndowa yothililila ikhoza kugwirritsidwa ntchito pothilila pansi pothana ndi kukwera kwa chinyezi komanso kutentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1771,"Either of these can be used as substrate with good results. Finely chopped dry maize stalks, rice straw","Chimodzi mwa ziwirizi chikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati malo olimira ndi zotsatira zabwino. Mapesi ouma a chimanga, mpunga odulidwa bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en1772,Shredded maize cobs wither without supplementation. Cotton waste with or without supplementation.,zikonyo zachimanga zonyenyedwa bwino zimawola popanda kuwonjezerapo kanthu. Zotsalira zathonje zokhala ndi zowonjezera kapena zopanda zowonjezera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1773,"Saw dust with supplementation. The most common supplementation includes rice or wheat bran (15-20%), water hyacinth (10-20%) and calcium carbonate (1-2%)","utuchi wokhala ndi zowonjezera. Nthawi zambiri amawonjezera deya wa mpunga kapena wa tirigu pamulingo wa 15% mpaka 20%, namasupuni pamulingo wa 10% mpaka 20% ndi soda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1774,These should be clear for ease of visualizing mycelia colonization and detection of contaminants. Autoclavable bags can be used if they are easily available,Izi zikhale ziooeneka mkati pofuna kumaona kayendedwe ka mbewu ya bowa komanso kudziwa zoyipitsa. Matumba ophera matenda ndi tizilombo agwiritsdwe ntchito ngati alipo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1775,"Used for tying the mouths of the bags after spawning and also for hanging of the bags, if the hanging method is going to be used","Zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pomanga kukamwa kwa matumba pambuyo pomera komanso kukoleka matumba, ngati njira yolokela yatsatidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1776,The mushroom seed is technically known as spawn. Spawning is the sowing of mushroom seed,Mbewu ya bowa imachedwa spawn. Spawning ndi kufetsa mbewu ya bowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1777,"It should be noted that the higher the nutrient content the substrate has, the higher the yield but also less selective it is","Dziwani kuti ngati michere ndiyochuluka mmalo olimira bowa, zokolola zimakhaka zochulukanso komanso malowo samasankha mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1778,This also influences the handling of the substrate at pasteurization at spawning stage,Izi zimathandiziranso posamala malo olimira bowa panthawi yopha matenda ndi tizilombo nthawi yofetsa ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1779,Pre-wet the chopped maize stalks or rice/ wheat straw or banana leaves and incubate them on a cemented platform or on a plastic sheet overnight,Nyowetsani mapesi odulidwa kapena deya wampunga kapena tirigu kapena masamba a nthochi ndipo ikani motentha pamalo oyika simenti kapena pa pepala la plastic ndipo zikhale usiku wonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1780,"Optionally, after soaking overnight and draining, they can be supplemented with rice/ wheat bran, water hyacinth","Njira ina, pambuyo ponyowetsa usiku wonse ndi kuchotsa madzi, zikhoza kuwonjezeredwa ndi deya ya mpunga kapena tirigu kapena namasupuni",agriculture,agriculture document +en1781,The cotton waste is soaked or wetted for a few hours in water to which a detergent has been added as a softener and disinfectant,Zotsalira zathonje zinyikidwe mmadzi kapena kunyowetsedwa kwa maola angapo mmadzi omwe mwayikidwa mankhwala ochapira kuti zifewetse komanso kupha tizilombo ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1782,"The water is squeezed out, the cotton waste loosened. It either can be pasteurized or unpasteurized","Madzi amafinyidwamo, thonje losafunikiralo ndikutakasuka. Likhoza kuphikidwa kupha tizilombo kapena ayi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1783,Saw dust for the production of oyster mushroom should be that from hardwood or broad leaved trees,Utuchi wochitira ulimi wa bowa ukuyenera kukhakala wochokera kumitengo yachilengedwe kapena wochokera ku mitengo yamasamba akuluakulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1784,This is wetted and incubated overnight with supplements added and then pasteurized. Sometimes it can be allowed to ferment for a few days before pasteurization,"Izi zimanyowetsedwa ndi kusungidwa pofunda kwausiku umodzi kwinaku akuonjezera zofunikira, pambuyo pake kuphamo tizilombo. Nthawi zina zikhoza kusiidwa kuti zichite mowa kwa masiku angapo tizilombo tisanaphedwemo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1785,Should be shredded into 1-2 cm pieces. The cobs can be moisturized and incubated for 1-2 days and then pasteurized,Linyenyedwe ntidziduswa ta masentimita 1-2. zikonyo zikhoza kunyowetsedwa ndi kusingidwa pamalo otentha kenako kupha tizilombo ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1786,Sometimes the immersion-in-hot-water method is employed with use of corncobs. This is done to leach the readily available nutrients in order to reduce the risks of contamination,Nthawi zina njira yomiza mmadzi otentha ingathe kugwiritsidiwa ntchito pamodzi ndi zikonyo zachimanga. Izi zimachitika kuti michere isuluke pofuna kuchepetsa chiopsezo chamatenda ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1787,The maize stalks and husks should be shredded and these are suitable substrates for oyster mushroom cultivation,Mapesi a chimanga ndi madeya zinyenyedwe ndipo izi ndi zabwino kupangira malo olimira bowa wa Oyster ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1788,These are cheaper means of producing planting spawn as well as improving yields for oyster mushroom,Izi ndi njira zotchipa zokonzera mbeu komanso zochulikitsira zokolola za bowa wa Oyster,agriculture,agriculture document +en1789,"After the substrate preparatory stage for the different substrates, the substrates are packed into a home- made sterilizer which can be made from an open drum with a platform with holes","Pambuyo pa gawo lokonza malo olimira bowa, malo olimira bowa amasanjidwa pamalo ophera tizilombo ndi matenda omwe angathe kupangidwa kuchokera ku mgolo wopanda zotsekera wokhala ndi poyimitsira pamabowo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1790,"After loading it is tightly covered with a plastics sheet or sealable cover with an opening. This is a semi-bulk pasteurization but where auto-clavable bags are used, pack them into the wire mesh basket and then put the basket into the sterilization unit","Pambuyo poyikamo, chimakutidwa ndi mapepala a plastic kapena chinthu chotsekera chokhala ndi potsegula. Iyi ndi njira yopepuka yophera tizilombo ndi matenda koma pomwe matumba ophera matenda ndi tizilombo agwiritsidwa ntchito, asanjeni mu dengu la ukonde wamawaya ndipo ikani dengulo mu malo ophera tizilombo ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1791,Pasteurize for 1 hour and then empty the pasteurized substrate on to a plastic sheet for it to cool down to about 40oC,Iphani tizilombo kwa ola limodzi kenaka kuthulani malo olimira bowa papepala kuti azizire kufika 40oC,agriculture,agriculture document +en1792,"In cases where the hot water immersion is used, immerse the substrate for 30-40 minutes","Pomwe njira yomiza mmadzi otentha yagwiritsidwa ntchito, mizani malo olimira bowa wa mphindi makumi anayi ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1793,Pack the substrates into bags while adding planting spawn and then tie the mouth of the bags. This should be done in an enclosed place or where there is no air current,Sanjani malo olimira bowa mmatumba kwinaku mukuyika mbewu kenako mangani kukamwa kwa matumba. Izi zichitidwe pamalo obisika kapena pomwe palibe mphepo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1794,Incubate the spawned bags in the dark or alternatively cover with a plastic sheet until the bags are fully colonized,Matumba omwe ayikidwa mbewu asungidwe pamalo otentha osafika kuwala kulikonse mpaka mbewu ifalikire matumba onse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1795,It normally takes about 14-40 days at 24oC for full colonization to take place. This period depends on the size of the bags and spawn in grate,Zimatenga masiku 14 mpaka 40 pa kutentha kwa 24oC kuti mbewu ifalikire. Nthawi imeneyi imadalira kukula kwa matumba komanso mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1796,When the bags are fully colonized transfer them into the fruiting house. The fruiting house should provide enough light for the mushroom to start forming,"Pamene matumba afalikira mbewu, asamutseni ndikuwayika mnyumba yokulira. Nyumba yokulira ikhale ndi kuwala kokwanira kuti bowa uyambe kupangika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1797,"Light, which would enable one to read a newspaper when inside the mushroom house, is just enough. The bags should be opened after exposure to light for one day. If tray fruiting is used, open one end facing the passage","Kuwala komwe kungathandize munthu kuwerenga nyuzipepala pamene ali mkati mwa nyumba ndikokwanira. Matumba atsegulidwe akayikidwa powala kwa tsiku limodzi. Ngati pagwiritsidwa ntchito zimbale, tsegulani mbali imodzi yoloza mpata wodutsamo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1798,"For the hanging method, tie them on to the racks and make a few long slits on the bags using a clean sharp knife or clean razor blade","Pa njira yopachika, mangani pathandala ndipo chekani motalikitsa malo ochepa pamatumbapo pogwiritsa ntchito mpeni wakuthwa kapena lezala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1799,The air freshness in the mushroom house also needs to be maintained at this stage. Relative humidity is maintained by applying water several times a day on the floors and walls and the air freshness by routine opening of the vents,Kukoma kwa mpweya mnyumba ya bowa kuyenera kusamalidwe panthawi imeneyi. Chinyezi choyenera chimatheka pothira madzi kambirimbiri patsiku pansi komanso mmakoma ndipo kukoma kwa mpweya potsegula mazenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1800,Insufficient fresh air (too much carbon dioxide) lead to failure to fruiting and or development of deformed fruits,Mpweya wosakwanira wokhala ndi carbon dioxide wambiri amachititsa kuti bowa asabeleke kapena amapangitsa zipatso kukhala zolumala,agriculture,agriculture document +en1801,"This is usually due to too little air movement, high relative humidity and relatively high temperatures in the mushroom house","Izi zimachitika kwmabiri pomwe mpweya sukuzungulira, pali chinyezi chochuluka mumpweya ndiponso kutentha kwambiri mnyumba yabowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1802,This fungus parasitize the mushroom mycelium and has a tendency of spreading very fast,Fungus ameneyu amagwira mbewu yabowa ndipo ali ndi khalidwe lofalikira mwansanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en1803,"In the mushroom house you observe cobweblike structures growing rapidly from dead stumps or dead primodium, forming a veil which spreads rapidly","Mnyumba ya bowa mumaoneka ngati kangaude yemwe akufalikira mwachangu kuchokera pa zitsa zakufa kapena mbewu yakufa, kupanga kansalu kotchinga komwe kamafalikira mwachangu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1804,"Spread is through aerial hyphae, pickers and insects. The fungus colour, with time changes to yellowish – pink","Kufala kumachitika kudzera mu nthambi zamumpweya, wotchola bowa kapena tizilombo. Fungus yu ndi nthawi amasintha mtundu kumaoneka wachikasu kapena pink",agriculture,agriculture document +en1805,Control is by removal of stumps and dead mushroom regularly from the beds or bags at the end of picking,Kuthana nazo ndi pochotsa zitsa komanso bowa wakufa pafupipafupi kuchokera mmabedi kapena matumba pambuyo pokolola bowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1806,This comprises a group of very common green moulds that is often encountered in mushroom cultivation,Izi zimaphatikiza gulu losasowa la ndere zobiliwira zomwe zimapezeka panthawi yobzala bowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1807,"The spores are sticky and can easily be carried by flies, mites and pickers’ hands to uninfected areas","Njere zake zimamata ndipo zikhoza kutengedwa ndi zouluka, mbewa kapena wotchola bowa kupita nawo kumalo omwe kulibe matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1808,"Can be found as spots on dead mushrooms, stumps and both pasteurized and sterilized substrate, as well as in freshly cut wood logs","Akhoza kupezeka ngati madontho akuda pa bowa wakufa, zitsa kapena malo olimira omwe anachotsedwa matenda kapena osachotsedwa matenda, komanso pamitengo youma yodulidwa kumene",agriculture,agriculture document +en1809,Snail -These appear in different forms and normally eat the mushroom during the night,Nkhono - izi zimaoneka mmitundu yosiyanasiyana ndipo kwambiri zimadya bowa usiku,agriculture,agriculture document +en1810,"In the early days when the populations are low, they can be controlled by hand picking, use of baits and traps","Mmasiku oyambilira pamene chiwerengero chili chotsika, kuthana nazo ndi potola ndi manja, kugwiritsa ntchito nyambo kapena misampha",agriculture,agriculture document +en1811,These actually chew the mushroom from the inside (gill side) and tend to tunnel holes and hide in there when disturbed. They have a red or orange head and dark wings,Izi zimatafuna bowa kuchokera mkati mwake ndipo zimakonda kuboola mauna ndikubisala nkati mwake zikaopsezedwa. Zili ndi mitu yofiira kapena ya orange ndi mapiko akuda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1812,"These are very tiny spiders, which feed on mycelium or on the mushroom themselves",Awa ndi akangaude ang'onoang'ono kwambiri omwe amadya mbewu ya bowa kapena bowa weniweniwo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1813,Mites are also carriers of unwanted fungi spores in to the substrate They can be effectively controlled by use of Malathion or by sprinkling with quick lime,Nsabwe zimatenganso njere za ma fungi osafunika kupita nazo pa malo olimira bowa. Kuthana nazo koyenera ndipogwiritsa ntchito Malathion kapena kuwaza lime,agriculture,agriculture document +en1814,Pluck mushrooms when fully grown. It takes about 5-9 days for the first flush to come out after opening the bags,Thotholani bowa akakula bwinobwino. Zimatenga masiku asanu mpaka asanu ndi anayi kuti bowa woyamba uwoneke pambuyo potsegula matumba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1815,Cultivated mushrooms are grown in a house. The house provides conditions favourable for the growth of mushrooms,Bowa wobzala umalimidwa mnyumba. Nyumba imapeleka nyengo yoyenera kukula kwa bowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1816,"The important conditions include humidity, temperature, ventilation and moisture. The house should satisfy the following conditions","Zofunikira kwambiri ndi chinyezi mumpweya, kutentha, kulowa mpweya komanso chinyezi. Nyumba ikwaniritse zofunikira izi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1817,The house should be free from any obstruction and be oriented in such a way that ventilators and doors face in the direction of the wind to allow free air movement,Nyumba ikhale yopanda zopinga zilizonse ndipo iyang'ane koti zolowetsa kapena kutulutsa mpweya ndi zitseko ziloze mbali yomwe mphepo ikupita kuti mpweya udzidutsa mosavuta,agriculture,agriculture document +en1818,"The house should be constructed away from livestock kraals, rubbish pits and latrines to avoid attraction of flies to the mushroom house","Nyumba imangidwe kutali ndi makola a ziweto, mayeze a zinyalala komanso zimbuzi popewa kukopa ntchetche kulowa mnyumba ya bowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1819,The mushroom house should have a wooden framework covered with a heavy guage plastic sheet for controlling humidity and outer grass thatch for insulation,Nyumba ya bowa ikhale yamatabwa yokutidwa ndi mapepala okhuthala a plastic pofuna kusamala chinyezi mumpweya ndi udzu kunja pofuna kuti kuteteza kutentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en1820,"Requirements for construction of a mushroom house include wooden poles, 500 or 600 guage plastic sheets, bamboos, timbers nails, thatching grass and wire or plastic gauze","Zofunikira pomanga nyumba ya bowa ndi monga mitengo, ma plastic okhuthala pamulingo wa 500 kapena 600, nsungwi, misomali yamatabwa, udzu wofolera ndi waya kapena ukonde wa plastic",agriculture,agriculture document +en1821,"Suitable houses for growing mushroom should have dimensions of 5 mx 3 mx 2 m for smaller houses, and 7 mx 5 mx 3 m for larger ones",Nyumba zoyenera kulima bowa zikhale zokula mulingo wa 5mx3mx2m ngati zili zazing'ono kapena 7mx5mx3 ngati ndi zazikulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1822,Mushrooms are grown on shelves inside the house. These shelves can be as long as the house itself or slightly less,Bowa umalimidwa mmalumale mkati mwa nyumba. Ma alumale amenewa akhoza kukhala aatali ngati nyumbayo kapena ofupika pang'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en1823,"The widths of the shelves range from 0.5m to1.0m, depending on the size of fruiting bags",Lifupi la alumale likhale 0.5m mpaka 1.0m kutengera kukula kwa matumba a bowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1824,This is a process whereby organic materials are connected in to a satisfactory and stable medium for the growth of mushrooms,Iyi ndi njira yomwe zinthu zomera zimasakanizidwa ndi kulumikizidwa kuti zipange malo olimira bowa okhadzikika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1825,"The recommended quantities of in gradients based on one tone (1,000kg) of well dried cut maize stover or rice straw are as follows: 20kg Soya bean powder or cotton seed cake, 20 kg white wash lime, 20 kg molasses; 30 kg of single superphosphate and 30 kg of rice bran; 150kg of chicken manure and 10kg of calcitic lime",Mulingo woyenera wa zofunika potengera tani imodzi (yomwe ndi makilogalamu 1000) ya masamba ouma a chimanga kapena mpunga ili motere: makilogalamu 20 a ufa wa soya kapena nthanga za thonje zogaya; makilogalamu 20 a lime woyera komanso makilogalamu 30 a deya wa mpunga; manyowa olemera makilogalamu 150 ndi lime wa calcitic,agriculture,agriculture document +en1826,"There are 2 composting phases, the first phase is out door while the second is indoor","Pali magawo awiri owoletsera manyowa, gawo loyamba ndi panja panyumba ndipo gawo lachiwiri mkati mwa nyumba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1827,This is also known as outdoor composting because the activity is done outside the house under shed,Izi zimadziwika kuti kuwoletsa kunja kwa nyumba chifukwa zochitika zonse zimachitidwa pamthinzi panja panyumba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1828,This phase involves wetting and mixing of the compost ingredients. The first step is to cut the straw or stover into pieces of 3 to 4 cm in length,"Mu gawo ili, kunyowetsa komanso kusakaniza mayowa kumachitika. Ndondomeko yoyamba ndiukudula masamba kapena mapesi mziduswa zotalika 3cm mkapa 4cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en1829,Thirty kilogrammes of dry cut stover or straw is enough to fill one square meter of bed,Makilogalamu 30 a masamba ouma kapena mapesi ndiwokwanira pabedi yotalika 1mx1m,agriculture,agriculture document +en1830,The outside composting takes about 16 days. A summary of activities on a daily basis is presented,Njira yokonzera manyowa yapanja imatenga masiku 16. Ndandanda wa ntchito zogwiridwa tsiku ndi tsiku waonetsedwa ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1831,Spawning is the planting of mushroom seed. It should be done when the moisture content of the compost is about 70%,Spawning imatanthauza kubzala mbeu ya bowa. Kudzala mbewu pamene manyowa ali ndi chinyezi chofika mlingo wa 70 pa 100,agriculture,agriculture document +en1832,This is when a handful of composit is squeezed in the hands 4 to 6 drops of water should come out,"Izi zikutanthauza kuti manyowa akafinyidwa mmanjamu, patuluke madontho amadzi anayi mpaka asanu ndi limodzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1833,Ensure that there is no ammonia odour in the house and the compost temperature is about 25oC,Onetsetsani kuti palibe fungo la longa lamkodzo mnyumbamo ndipo kufunda kwa manyowa kuli pa 25oC,agriculture,agriculture document +en1834,The actual spawning is done by broad casting three quarters of the required spawn quantity on to the compost and mixing it thoroughly with the compost right down to the bottom,Kufetsa kwenikweni kwa mbeu kumachitika powaza magawo atatu pa magawo anayi aliwonse a mulingo woneyera wa mbeu pa manyowa ndikusakaniza mokwanira ndi manyowawo kufika pansi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1835,The remaining one quarter is broadcast on top and incorporated in to the remaining very top layer of the compost (about1cm deep),Mbeu yotsalayo yomwe ndi gawo limodzi pa magawo anayi imwazidwe pamwamba ndipo iphatikizidwe ndi manyowa apamwamba kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1836,Doors and ventilators should be closed from spawning day to 3 days after spawning,Makomo ndi malo onse opumira mpweya atsekedwe kuchokera tsiku lofetsa mpaka patatha masiku atatu chifetsereni mbeu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1837,From day 4 introduce ventilation once in the morning and evening for 30 minutes a teach time. Colonization of the compost by the mushroom fungus takes 12 to 14 days after spawning,"Kuchokera tsiku lachinayi, yambani kulowetsa mpweya kamodzi mmawa ndi madzulo kwa mphindi makumi atatu panthawi iliyonse. Bowa amamera ndi kuyanga pamanyowapo pakutha pa masiku khumi ndi awiri kufika khumi ndi anayi kuchokera tsiku lofetsa ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1838,"Casing is the addition of moist pasteurized soil on to the compost. Casing soil must be clay loam subsoil, low in organic matter content","Kukutira ndi pamene mukuwonjezera dothi lonyowa koma lomwe laphikidwa kupha matenda kumanyowa aja. Dothi lokutira likhale lamchenga, la chonde chochepa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1839,Casing is done at end of about 14 days when the compost is completely colonized by white mycelia,Kukutira kuchitike patadutsa masiku khumi ndi anayi pamene manyowa onse ayangidwa ndi zomera zoyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1840,Casing soil stimulates and promotes fruiting bodies and retains needed moisture for mushroom growth,Dothi lokutira limachangamutsa komanso kuthandizira kukula kwa njere zomwe zamera ndiponso kusunga chinyezi kuti bowa adzikula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1841,The casing soil is put on top of the compost to a thickness of 3 to 4cm. About 30 liters of soil will be required per square meter,Dothi lokutira liyikidwe pammwamba pa manyowa pa mlingo wa ma sentimita atatu kufikira anayi. Dothi pafupifupi 30 Liters lidzafunikira pamalo a mita imodzi mulifupi ndi mita imodzi mulitali,agriculture,agriculture document +en1842,"From casing to formation of fruiting bodies, the casing should be moist at all times and the temperatures should be between 16 and 22oC. Mushroom pin heads start forming from day16 after casing","Kuchokera popanga khungwa lakunja kufika popanga mthambi zobeleka, khungu likhale lonyowa nthawi zonse ndipo matenthedwe akhale pakati pa 16 ndi 22oC. Mitu yabowa imayamba kupangika kuchokera tsiku la 16 pambuyo pomera khungu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1843,Mushrooms are ready for harvesting 14 to 20 days after casing and they come in weekly flushes,Bowa umafika pokolola masiku khumi ndi anayi mpaka makumi awiri khungu litapangika ndipo umatuluka sabata iliyonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1844,"To harvest, hold the cap, twist the mushroom and pull it together with the roots. Cut off the roots and dispose them by burying","Kuti mukolole, gwirani mutu wa bowa, potokolani ndikudzula pamodzi ndi mitsitsi. Dulani mitsitsi ndipo itayeni poyikwilira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1845,The holes left behind by harvested mushrooms should be filled with fresh casing soil. Watering of bed should be done soon after harvest and all vents opened for 1 to 2 hours to dry the surface,Mabowo odza kamba kokolola bowa akwililidwe ndi dothi latsopano lokutira. Kuthilila madzi pamabedi kuchitike pambuyo pokolola ndipo malo onse olowera mpweya atsegulidwe kwa ola limodzi mpaka maola awiri kuti muwume,agriculture,agriculture document +en1846,"Depending on the variety, compost type and management, yield of mushrooms range from 5 to 10 kg per square meter under smallholder farming","Kutengera ndi mtundu wa mbeu, mtundu wamanyowa komanso kasamalidwe, zokolola za bowa zimakhala ma kilogalamu asanu mpaka khumi pa mulingo wa mita imodzi mulitali ndi mita imodzi mulifupi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1847,"A cropping period of 8 to 12 weeks is normal. After the cropping period, the soil and compost should be removed in preparation for a new season. It is possible to grow 2 crops in a year","Nthawi yolimira yapakati pa sabata zisanu ndi zitatu kufikira masambata khumi ndi awiri sizachilendo. Pambuyo polima bowa, dothi komanso manyowa zichitsedwe, kukonzekera nyengo ina yatsopano. Nkotheka kubzala mbeu kawiri pachaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1848,Agroforestry is a farming system in which trees/ shrubs (woody perennials) are deliberately integrated with crops and or animals on the same unit of land,Agroforestry ndi ndondomeko ya ulimi pomwe mitengo imasakanizidwa mwadala ndi mbewu kapena zinyama pamalo amodzi aulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1849,The mixed cropping practices of most smallholder farmers in Malawi can be considered as agroforestry when trees or shrubs are present and used for specific purposes,Njira zaulimi wakasakaniza za alimi ang'onoang'ono ku Malawi zikhoza kuyikidwsa mu gulu lophatikiza zankhalango ndi ulimi pamene mitengo kapena mafutu amapezeka ndikugwiritsidwa ntchito pa zinthu zina zodziwika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1850,Most trees in farmers’ fields have not been intentionally planted but their wide spread retention on farms demonstrates that agroforestry is simply a new word for an old practice,Mitengo yambiri mminda ya alimi sinabzalidwe ndi cholinga koma kusungidwa kwawo mminda kukusonyeza kuti kusakaniza zankhalango ndi ulimi ndi njira yatsopano yochitira zinthu zakale,agriculture,agriculture document +en1851,"In addition, agroforestry should also be broadly understood to be practices that involve a wide range of trees that are protected or planted and managed on farms and agricultural landscapes","Kuphatikiza apa, kusakaniza zankhalango ndi ulimi kudziwike bwino ponena kuti ndi mchitidwe womwe umakhuza mitundu yambiri yamitengo yomwe ndiyotetezedwa kapena yobzalidwa ndipo imasamalidwa pamunda ndi malo onse aulimi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1852,"These include trees that provide fruit, nuts, oils and leaves for food and nutrition, fodder trees that improve smallholder livestock production, fertilizer trees for land regeneration that improve soil health and thus contribute to food security","Mitengo imeneyi ndi monga yazipatso, mtedza, mafuta ndi masamba yopezetsa zakudya komanso thanzi labwino, mitengo yazakudya zaziweto yomwe imapititsa patsogolo ulimi wa ziweto za alimi ang'onoang'ono, mitengo yobweretsa chinde kuti dothi likhalenso ndi mphamvu ndi kuthandizira pakudzidalira pachakudya ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1853,"Trees that are hosts to edible insects or used in honey production, trees that provide timber and wood energy, others that provide shelter; medicinal trees to combat disease; and trees that produce gums, resins or latex products. Many of these trees have multiple uses, providing a range of these benefits","Mitengo yomwe imasunga tizilombo todyedwa kapena kugwiritsidwa ntchito pa ulimi wa uchi, mitengo yomwe imapezetsa matabwa ndi nkhuni, ina yomwe imapeleka malo okhala; mitengo yamankhwala pofuna kuthana ndi matenda; ndiponso mitengo yomwe imatulutsa utomoni kapena utoto. Yambiri mwa mitengoyi ili ndi ntchito zingapo, kupeleka zabwino zosiyanasiyana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1854,"Trees in agricultural landscapes provide many livelihood and environmental benefits, among them","Mitengo mmalo a ulimi imathandiza kubweretsa phindu ndi ubwino wazachilengedwe, zina mwa izo ndi:",agriculture,agriculture document +en1855,"Increased access to dietary diversity, as a means for reducing under nutrition. Safety net and resilience in an increasingly erratic climate, providing foods all year round and also when annual crops fail","Kuwonjezera kupezeka kwa zakudya zakasinthasintha, ngati njira imodzi yochepetsera kunyentchera. Kukhala ndi podalira komanso kuthekera pamene nyengo ikupitilira kukhala yosapanganika, kupeleka zakudya chaka chonse komanso pamene mbewu zapachaka zalephera",agriculture,agriculture document +en1856,Enriched asset base of poor households. Improved soil fertility and livestock productivity on farms,Kukhala ndi mpamba waukulu wazinthu zodaliridwa pakhomo. Kuwonjezera chonde munthaka komanso kukweza ulimi wa ziweto kuminda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1857,"Links to markets for high-value fruits, oils, cash crops and medicines. A balance between improved productivity and the sustainable management of natural resources","Kulumikiza misika ya zipatso zamtengo wapatali, zamafuta, mbewu zogulitsa komanso mankhwala. Kuchita mofanana pakati pa ulimi wotsogola ndi kasamalidwe kazachilengedwe ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1858,"Stable or enhanced supply of environmental services in agricultural landscapes for water, soil health, carbon sequestration and biodiversity","Kupezeka kwa ntchito zachilengedwe kokhadzikika mmalo aulimi kuti madzi, thanzi la dothi, kuchotsa mpweya wa carbon mlengalenga ndiponso kuchulikitsa zachilengedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1859,"Promotion of agroforestry to include all tree types and functions - fertilizer trees, fuelwood trees, fodder trees and fruit trees","Kupititsa patsogolo zankhalango ndi ulimi kumaphatikiza mitundu yonse ya mitengo ndi ntchito zake- yobweretsa chonde, mitengo yankhuni, mitengo yodyetsa ziweto ndi mitengo yazipatso ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1860,"Agroforestry systems offer opportunities for realizing higher productivity, more dependable economic return and a greater diversity of outputs and benefits on a sustainable basis","Njira zosakaniza zankhalango ndi ulimi zimapezetsa mwayi wopeza zokolola zambiri, kubweretsa phindu lachuma lodalirika ndiponso zokolola ndi phindu losiyanasiyana mosawononga zinthu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1861,The promotion of agroforestry lies in the multipurpose uses of woody plants as well as their products,Kupititsa patsogolo kasakaniza wazankhalango ndi ulimi kwagona pomwe mitengo imakhala ndi ntchito zosiyanasiyana komanso zinthu zambiri zochokera kumitengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1862,"Some tree species play a vital role in sustaining and improving crop yields by helping to improves oil structure and fertility, reducing soil erosion and providing shade","Mitundu ina yamitengo imathandiza pagawo lalikulu losunga komanso kupititsa patsogolo zokolola pothandiza kukonza mthaka ndi chonde, kuchepetsa kukokoloka kwa mthaka komanso kupeleka mthunzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1863,"In addition to these functions, trees yield a variety of products such as fruits, fodder, fuelwood, timber, poles and medicines","Kuphatikiza ntchito zimenezi, mitengo imabweretsa zinthu zosiyanasiyana monga zipatso, zakudya zaziweto, nkhuni, matabwa, mitengo yomangira, komanso mankhwala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1864,The system involves planting certain types of trees with crops at wide spacing to improve soil fertility and crop yields,Njirayi imaphatikiza kubzala mitundu ina yamitengo pamodzi ndi mbewu motalikitsa kuti zithandize kuwonjezera chonde munthaka komanso kuchulukitsa zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en1865,Systematic planting provides uniform coverage of the area and facilitates farm operations including use of ox- drawn implements,Kubzala mitengo mwandongosolo kumabisa dothi kudera limenelo ndipo kumathandiza zochitika zapamunda kuphatikiza kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zokokedwa ndi ng'ombe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1866,If properly managed this practice sustains farm productivity over the long term and provides other useful tree products,"Ngati zisamalidwa mwadongosolo, mchitidwe umenewu umalimbikitsa ulimi pamunda kwa nthawi yayitali ndipo umapeleka zinthu zofunikira zochokera kumitengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1867,"It is popular with smallholder farmers because it builds upon traditional agroforestry practices, offering a range of tree species to meet different farmer needs.","Ndi wodziwika bwino pakati pa alimi ang'onoang'ono chifukwa umachitidwa pamwamba pa njira zina zamakolo zosamalira zachilengedwe, kupeleka mitundu yosiyanasiyana yamitengo pofuna kukwaniritsa zofuna za alimi osiyanasiyana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1868,"Improve soil fertility and crop yields; extend the period of crop productivity; supply fuel, building material, fodder and other products for household use or sale","Imawonjezera chonde mdothi ndi kuchulukitsa zokolola; kuwonjezera nthawi yolima mbewu; kupezetsa nkhuni, zakudya za ziweto ndi zinthu zina zogwiritsa ntchito pakhomo kapena kugulitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1869,"All are large, fast- growing leguminous trees, indigenous to Malawi and well adapted to a wide range of habitats","Yonse ndi yayikulu, yokula mwachangu yamtundu wanyemba, yachilengedwe ku Malawi komanso yoyenera malo osiyanasiyana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1870,They have multiple uses and are easy to raise from seed. Seed for these trees is easy to collect and the sources are abundant,Imagwira ntchito zambiri ndipo simavuta kubzala kuchokera ku mbewu. Mbewu ya mitengo imeneyi ndiyosavuta kutolera komanso kopezeka kwambiri ndi kwambirimbiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1871,Note: Msangu tree is particularly beneficial to soils and crops for its unique feature of dropping nutrient- rich leaves by the start of the rains,Dziwani: Mtengo wa Msangu ndi wofunikira mwapaderadera kudothi ndi mbewu chifukwa cha mchitidwe wake wogetsa masamba okhala ndi michere yochuluka kumayambiliro kwa nyengo yamvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1872,Its bare canopy and leaf fall offer light and soil conditions ideal for optimum crop growth,Nthambi zake zoloza mmwamba komanso zogwetsa masamba zimapeleka zoyenera kuti kuwala ndi dothi zithandize kukula bwino kwa mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1873,Farmers in Malawi and elsewhere in Africa have maintained crop yields beneath msangu trees for long periods without adding fertilizers,Alimi ku Malawi komanso madera ena mu Africa muno akupezabe zokolola zambiri pomwe pali mitengo ya msangu opanda kuwonjezera fertilizer,agriculture,agriculture document +en1874,Maize production under mature trees is commonly 50% to 250% higher than outside the canopy,Ulimi wachhimanga pansi pa mitengo yokhwima umakhala wokwera ndi 50% kufika 250% kuposa mbali zomwe zili kutali ndi mthunzi wa mtengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1875,"Variation in yield depends on the crop variety and husbandry practices used, particularly early planting and weeding","Kusiyana kwa zokolola kumatengera mtundu wa mbewu komanso kasamalidwe, makamaka kubzala mofulumira komanso kupalira tchire",agriculture,agriculture document +en1876,"Msangu also has other uses including fi re wood and building materials, shade during the hot dry season, and high quality fodder from its abundant yields of nutritious pods which can be fed to livestock","Msangu ulinso ndi ntchito zina kuphatikizirapo nkhuni ndi zipangizo zomangira, mthunzi panthawi yotentha, komanso zakudya zapamwamba za ziweto kuchokera ku ndolo zake zochuluka zomwe zingadyetsedwe ku ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en1877,"Out plant seedlings into pits prepared during the dry season. Make sure the tap root is not bent or damaged when out planting, and that the seedling has recovered from any root pruning",Kubzala mmayenje omwe anakonzedwa munyengo youma. Onetsetsani kuti mtsitsi waukulu sunapindike kapena kuwonongeka pamene mukubzala komanso kuti mbande zachira potsatira kusadzidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1878,Plant maize at least 90cm from seedlings. This helps to reduce competition and to encourage good growth,Bzalani chimanga pamtunda wa 90cm kuchokera pa mbande. Izi zimathandiza kuchepetsa kupikisana komanso zimalimbikitsa kukula,agriculture,agriculture document +en1879,"Msangu seedlings deserve a special care, because of its sensitivity to root pruning, out plant at 5-8weeks of age","Mbande za Msangu zimalira chisamaliro chapamwamba chifukwa zimasintha kwambiri pamene mizu yake yasadzidwa, pobzala zili sabata zisanu mpaka zisanu ndi zitatu zamsinkhu wake",agriculture,agriculture document +en1880,"Alternatively, seedlings may be raised off the ground on wire mesh platforms. This prevents roots growing through the tube so that root pruning is not needed","Njira ina, mbande zisamalidwe mmambwa, pathandala la ukonde wamawaya. Izi zimathandiza kupewa kukula kwa mizu kupyola mmiphika yake ndi cholinga chakuti kusadza kusafunike",agriculture,agriculture document +en1881,Outplant seedlings into prepared pits early in the season by mid December or early January,Wokerani mbande mmayenje omwe anakumbidwa kumayamniliro kwa nyengo kuyambira mkati mwa December mpaka kumayambiliro kwa January,agriculture,agriculture document +en1882,"Plant when the soils are moist, preferably early morning or late afternoon to avoid midday heat","Bzalani pamene dothi ndi lonyowa, makamaka mmamawa kwambiri kapena madzulo kwambiri popewa kutentha kwa masana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1883,Early planting encourages good root development for survival over the dry season. It also helps seedlings to withstand common pests and diseases,Kubzala mofulumira kumathandiza mitsitsi kumera moyenera kuti mbewu isafe panthawi yadzuwa. Zimathandizanso kuti mbande zipilire ku matenda ndi tizilombo ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1884,Note: Poor performance in the field occurs from: late out planting; using over grown seedlings that have stayed too long in the nursery; incorrect techniques when out planting,"Dziwani: Kusachita bwino mmunda kumadza chifukwa cha: kuwokera mochedwa, kugwiritsa ntchito mbande zokalamba zomwe zakhala nthawi yayitali panazale, njira zilakwika zowokera mbande",agriculture,agriculture document +en1885,Replace seedlings that have died within 2 weeks of first planting to ensure a good stand of trees,Bwezeretsani mbande zomwe zafa sabata ziwiri zisanathe mutabzala kuti mukhale ndi mitengo yokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1886,Seedlings will grow better by keeping the crop well weeded during the first season,Mbande zidzakula bwino mukapalira kuchotsa udzu munyengo yoyamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1887,"This reduces competition for soil moisture and nutrients, as well as risk of fire damage","Iziz zimachepetsa kukanganira chinyezi ndi michere yamunthaka, komanso kuchepetsa chiopsezo cha moto",agriculture,agriculture document +en1888,"Prune bottom branches of seedlings after the first season to promote straighter healthier trees, and to reduce interference with field operations","Sadzani nthambi za mitengo pambuyo pa nyengo yoyamba kuti mitengo idzikula yathanzi komanso yowongoka, ndikuchepetsa kusokoneza ntchito zina zakumunda",agriculture,agriculture document +en1889,"Timely pruning when trees begin active growth to reduce die back, fungal diseases and termite attack",Kusadza mitengo nthawi yoyenera pamene mitengo yayamba kuphukira kuti zichepetse kufa kwa nthambi komanso matenda ndi kugwidwa ndi chiswe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1890,"This is April-May for Msangu, and October-November for other species. Make clean angled cuts with a sharp blade or saw to reduce injury to the tree",Izi zimachitika mu April ndi May pa Msangu ndi October mpaka November pa mitundu ina yamitengo. Dulani mopendeka ndi mpeni wakuthwa kapena mpeni wochekera matabwa pofuna kuchepetsa kuvulala kwa mitengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1891,"As trees grow to maturity, a few branches may be selectively lopped to reduce the density of the canopy","Pamane mitengo ikukhwima, nthambi zina zochepa zingathe kudulidwa kuti tichepetse mthunzi ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1892,"Spread the cut foliage on the ground to act as green manure, or use it as animal feed if the tree is a good fodder species. Collect the wood for fuel or other uses",Mwazani masamba odulidwazo pansi kuti asanduke manyowa a zomera kapena gwiritsani ntchito ngati zakudya za ziweto ngati mtundu wa mitengo uli wabwino kupanga zakudya. Tolelani mitengo ngati nkhuni kapane ntchito zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en1893,"Farmers are encouraged to protect naturally regenerating trees in their fields. This is the easiest agroforestry system to adopt as it requires no tree nurseries or out planting, and the trees are already adapted to the area. Key factors that motivate farmers to adopt this practice are highlighted below:","Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kuteteza mitengo yomwe imaphukira payokha mminda mwawo. Iyi ndi njira yokhayo yosavuta yosakaniza zankhalango ndi ulimi yoti atsatire chifukwa simafuna manazale a mitengo kapena kuwokera mitengo, ndipo mitengo imakhala itazolowera kale kuderalo. Zomwe zimapatsa chidwi mlimi kutsatira njira imeneyi zafotokozedewa mmunsimu:",agriculture,agriculture document +en1894,"Tree uses and needs – Trees provide many products and uses essential to the lives and livelihoods of farm households: fuel for cooking and heating; building materials for houses, animal enclosures and other farm structures; wood for doors, windows, furniture and handles of farm tools; fodder and shade for animals, fruits, oils, resins, dyes, and a host of medicinal and cultural uses","Ntchito zamitengo ndi zofunika- Mitengo imapeleka zinthu zambiri ndiponso ili ndi ntchito zofunikira paumoyo wa munthu komanso kapezedwe kazinthu pamabanja odalira ulimi; nkhuni zophikira komanso kutenthetsa; zipangizo zomangira nyumba, makola a ziweto ndi zina zofunika pamunda; matabwa a zitseko, mazenera komanso mipando, zogwilira za zipangizo zakumunda; zakudya zaziweto ndi mthunzi ku ziweto, zipatso, mafuta a masamba, utoto wosinthira mitundu yazinthu ndiponso mankhwala ndi zachikhalidwe zosiyanasiyana ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1895,"But many smallholders lack the knowledge, land, labour and inputs to raise and plant trees on and around their homes and farms","Koma alimi ang'onoang'ono ambiri amasowa upangiri, malo, ogwira ntchito komanso zipangizo kuti asamale ndi kubzala mitengo mmakomo ndi mminda mwawo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1896,"Low Cost and Easy to do – The key advantage is that it easy to do and requires no special technical training, knowledge or timely provision of costly inputs typical of tree planting programs","Zosafuna ndalama zambiri komanso zosavuta kuchita- Ubwino wofunikira ndiwakuti ndizosavuta kuchita ndipo sidzifuna maphunziro apadera, nzeru kapena kupeleka zipangizo munthawi yake zomwe zimachitika ndi ntchito zobzala mitengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1897,"Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration minimizes expenses and labour demanding tasks to produce, transport, out-plant, manage, and protect seedlings raised in nurseries. It simply requires selecting and protecting trees already present on the land through natural regeneration of root stock, coppiced stumps and seedlings","Kubwezeretsa zachilengedwe koyendetsedwa ndi alimi kumachepetsa ndalama zogwira ntchito zolira antchito ambiri popanga, kunyamula, kuwokera, kusamala komanso kuteteza mbande zomwe zakuzidwa mmanazale. Zimangofuna kusankha ndikuteteza mitengo yomwe ilipo kale pamalopo kudzera kuphukira kwa mizu ndi zitsa zomwe zilipo kale komanso mbande zomera zokha",agriculture,agriculture document +en1898,Adaptability – Natural regenerating trees are healthy plants selected by nature with strong root systems that can withstand climate shocks,"Kuvomera- mitengo yobwezeretsa zachilengedwe imakhala yathanzi, yosankhidwa kale ndi chilengedwe, imakhala ndi mitsitsi yomwe ingapilire kusintha kwa nyengo mwadzidzidzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1899,"They are well adapted to the local ecology with inherent resistance to drought, fire, browsing, pests and diseases. Consequently, there is little or no risk of setbacks common with planted seedlings","Imachita bwino ku deralo ndi zamoyo zina ndipo ili kupilira kwachibadwa ku chilala, moto, kudyedwa kwambiri ndi zinyama, tizilombo ndi matenda. Zotsatira zake ndi zakuti pamakhala chiopsezo chochepa penanso sipamakhala chiopsezo ngati chimene chimapezeka ndi mbande",agriculture,agriculture document +en1900,Most work can be done in the dry season to minimize labour conflicts with farming whereas planting of seedlings is time sensitive and coincides with critical farm operations at the start of the rains,"Ntchito yambiri ikhoza kuchitika munyengo yadzuwa pochepetsa kuchulukiridwa ntchito za ulimi, pomwe kubzala mbande kumadalira nthawi yoyikika komanso kumakumana ndi nthawi yofunikira ya ntchito zammunda kumayambiliro kwa mvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en1901,There is no prescribed number or density of trees to retain on farms. This depends on the species selected and interests of individual farmers,Palibe chiwerengero choyikika kapena kuthithikana kwa mitengo yosungidwa pamunda. Izi zimadalira mitundu yamitengo yomwe yasankhidwa komanso chidwi cha mlimi aliyense,agriculture,agriculture document +en1902,The critical issue is to allow adequate space and light for crops to grow normally. This can be assisted by managing the canopy of the trees and trimming branches which can be collected for a variety of uses,Chofunikira kwambiri ndikupeleka mpata wokwanira komanso dzuwa kuti mbewu zidzikula bwino. Izi zikhoza kuthandizidwa posamala kufunga kwa mitengo ndi kusadza mthambi zomwe zingathe kutoleledwa ndikugwiritsidwa ntchito zosiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en1903,"Multiple benefits and products – helps to restore the biodiversity of the natural landscape and to protect the local environment against adverse climate conditions while providing multiple products and uses by communities and households – firewood, building material, fodder, fruits, wood for farm tools, and many medicinal and cultural uses","Ubwino wochuluka komanso zinthu zopezeka- zimathandiza kubwezeretsa zachilengedwe kudera ndi kuteteza chilengedwe chakudera ku nyengo zoyipa pomwe zikupeleka zinthu ndi ntchito zosiyanasiyana ku midzi ndi makomo - nkhuni, zipangizo zomangira nyumba, zakudya za ziweto, matabwa opangira zida zapamunda ndi ntchito zina zamankhwala ndi chikhalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1904,"Note – Protecting trees from fire and cutting by people ensures good tree survival and growth, which will provide farmers with a diverse range of products and uses at low cost.","Dziwani: Kuteteza mitengo ku moto wolusa ndi kudulidwa ndi anthu zimathandiza kuti mutengo ipulumuke ndi kukula, zomwe zimapezetsa alimi zinthu ndi ntchito zosiyanasiyana pamtengo wotsika",agriculture,agriculture document +en1905,"There is no prescribed density or spatial arrangement although the size and type of trees are an important consideration depending on the interests of the farmer. Typically, densities range from 25/ha for large trees to 200/ha for small trees","Palibe kuthithikana kapena kuyalana kwa mitengo ngakhale kukula ndi mtundu wa mitengo ndi zinthu zofunika kudziganizira potengera zokhumba za mlimi. Kwambiri, kuthithikana kuyambire mitengo 25 pa hectare pa mitundu yamitengo ikuluikulu mpaka mitengo 200 pa hectare pa mitundu yamitengo ing'onoing'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en1906,The first task is to select the trees to retain on the land based on the interests of the farmer and desired uses of the trees,Ntchito yoyamba ndukusankha mitengo yoti isungidwe pamalopo potengera zokhumba za mlimi komanso ntchito zomwe akufuna adzagwiritse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1907,"This means removing other trees to provide space and light for growing crops. As mentioned above, the density or spacing depends on the type and size of the trees present on the land","Izi zikutanthauza kuchotsa mitengo ina kuti ipeleke danga ndi dzuwa ku mbewu zomwe zikukula. Monga tanenera mmwambamu, kuthithikana kapena kutalikirana kumadalira mitundu ndi kukula kwa mitengo yomwe ili pamalopo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1908,"After selecting the trees to manage, thin the stems or shoots as needed to 1 or 2 dominant stems to promote vertical growth","Pambuyo posankha mitengo yoti isamalidwe, chotsani mthambi kapena mphukira monga kufunika kuti zikhale imodzi kapena ziwiri zikuluzikulu polimbikitsa kukula moloza mmwamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1909,This avoids the development of scrubby bush which reduces space for crop production,Izi zimapewa kukula kwa mafutu omwe amachepetsa mpata ku ulimi wa mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1910,Scrubby growth also produces low quantities of wood of a size to meet the different needs of farmers,Kukula kwa mafutu kumatulutsa chiwerengero chochepa chamitengo yomwe imakula kufikira zofuna zosiyanasiyana za alimi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1911,"The best tool for pruning and trimming is a bow saw, but a sharp panga is adequate for small diameter stems and branches",Chida chabwino chosazira ndikuchotsa mthambi ndi mpeni wochekera mitengo wa uta koma chisenga chakuthwa ndichokwanira pa mitengo ndi mthanmbi zomwe tsinde lake ndi laling'ono ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1912,Pruning and thinning should be done with an upward slanting cut to minimize damage to the tree,Kusadza ndi kuchepetsa chiwerengero kuchitike podula mopendekera mmwamba pochepets kuwonongeka kwa mtengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1913,"For example, a downward cut may cause the branch or stem to split or the bark may be torn downwards along the living branch or stem","Mwachitsanzo, kudula moloza pansi kungayambitse mthambi kapena tsinde kung'ambika kapena khungwa kukhadzuka motsatira nthambi kapena tsinde lomwe latsala",agriculture,agriculture document +en1914,"Collect thinned shoots and trimmings for fuel or other uses. Other products may be collected as and when available such as fruits, fodder and various parts of trees for medicinal or other uses","Tolerani mphukira zozulidwa ndi mthambi zodulidwa ndikuoanga nkhuni kapena ntchito zina. Zinthu zina zingathe kutoledwa pamene zapezeka monga zipatso, zakudya za ziweto, ndi zigawo zina za mitengo ngati mankhwala kapena ntchito zina",agriculture,agriculture document +en1915,Manage tree canopies before and during the cropping season as necessary by trimming branches to ensure adequate space and light for good crop growth,Samalani kufunga kwa mitengo nyengo yolima isanafike komanso munyengo yolima pomwe pali poyenera posadza mthambi kuti pakhale mipata ndi dzuwa loyenera ku mbewu zidzikula moyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en1916,"Although most natural trees are fi re resistant, they need protection from fi re in the dry season to minimize damage to young trees. This is best organized through by-laws with communities and their leaders","Ngakhale mitengo yambiri yachilengedwe imapilira ku moto wolusa, ikuyenera kutetezedwa ku moto wolusa munyengo yadzuwa pofuna kuchepetsa kuwonongeka kwa mitengo yaying'ono. Izi zimakonzedwa bwino lomwe popanga malamulo akudera pamodzi ndi anthu ammudzi ndi atsogoleri awo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1917,"Farmers should establish small seed banks in the form of hedges around their homestead or other plots to meet future seed needs, and possibly for sale to other parties",Alimi akhadzikitse nkhokwe zing'onozing'ono za mbewu munjira yamipanda yozungulira makomo awo kapena malo ena kuti adzakhale ndi mbewu yokwanira mtsogolo ikadzafunika komanso kugulitsa kwa ena oyifuna,agriculture,agriculture document +en1918,Another option is to maintain plants on the perimeter of their undersown plots for seed production,Njira ina ndi kusunga mbewu mozungulira kunja kwa malo omwe agetsedwa mbewu zochepa kuti apange mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1919,"Prune bottom branches of seedlings after the first season to promote straighter, healthier trees and to reduce interference with field operations",Sadzani mthambi zammunsi za mbande pambuyo panyengo yoyamba pofuna kulimbikitsa mitengo yowongoka komanso yathanzi ndipo pochepetsa kusokoneza zochitika zapamunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1920,Prune when trees begin active growth to reduced fungal diseases and termite attack,Sadzani pamene mitengo yayamba kuphuka pofuna kuchepetsa matenda a fungus ndi kugwidwa ndi chiswe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1921,"This is April-May for msangu, and October -November for other species. Make clean angled cuts with a sharp blade or saw to reduce injury to the tree","Izi zichitike miyezi ya April ndi May pa mbewu ya Msangu, ndipo October ndi November pa mitundu ina. Dulani mwaukhondo mopendeka ndi mpeni wakuthwa kapena mpeni wodulira matabwa pofuna kuchepetsa kuvulala kwa mitengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1922,"As trees grow to maturity, a few branches may be selectively lopped (removed) to reduce the density of the canopy","Pamene mitengo ikukula ndikukhwima, mthambi zochepa zikhoza kuchotsedwa pofuna kuchepetsa kuthithikana kwa mafutu",agriculture,agriculture document +en1923,"Spread the cut foliage on the ground as green manure, or use it as animal feed if the tree is a good fodder species. Collect the wood for fuel or other uses",Mwazani masamba omwe adulidwa pansi ngati manyowa obiliwira kapena gwiritsani ntchito ngati zakudya za ziweto ngati mtengowo uli mugulu lazakudya za ziweto zabwino. Tolerani mitengo ndikukaphikira kapena kugwiritsa ntchito zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en1924,Erect a protective fence around each seedling where livestock damage is a problem,Mangani mpanda woteteza kuzungulira mbande iliyonse pomwe ziweto zingawononge,agriculture,agriculture document +en1925,Mark other seedlings with stakes to minimize accidental weeding or trampling. Make fire breaks to protect woodlots and other plantings from damage by fires,Ikani zizindikiro pa mbande zina ndi mitengo pofuna kuchepetsa kupalira mwangozi kapena kuziponda. Konzani modukira moto poteteza nkhalango ndi zomera zina kuonongedwa ndi moto,agriculture,agriculture document +en1926,Mulch or thatching grass placed around the base of the tree will help keep moisture in the soil around the tree,Zophimbira kapena udzu wofolelera woyikidwa kuzungulira pansi pa mtengo zimasunga chinyezi mdothi komanso kuzungulira mtengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1927,"Make sure the mulch is clear of the tree trunk to minimize termite attack. In the event of disease or pest attack, seek advice from the nearest Forestry or Agriculture Office","Onetsetsani kuti zophimbira sidzinakhuze thunthu lamtengo pofuna kuchepetsa kugwidwa ndi chiswe. Pomwe matenda kapena tizilombo tagwira mtengo, pezani malangizo kuchokera ku mthambi ya zankhalango kapane ulimi yomwe ali pafupi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1928,"Guidelines for establishing and managing live farm sheds are as follows: Carefully match species with the local environment, farmer preferences and availability of planting material. Select species that are fast growing with good coppicing ability","Ndondomeko zokhadzikitsira ndi kusamala mthunzi wamoyo wapamunda zili motere: mosamala fananizani mtundu wa mbewu ndi zachilengedwe zomwe zili mderalo, zofuna za mlimi komanso kupezeka kwa zipangizo zobzala. Sankhani mitundu yomwe imakula mwachangu yokhala ndi kuthekera kophukira mosavuta",agriculture,agriculture document +en1929,Ideal species are ones that grow well from truncheons to speed up shed construction and use,Mitundu yabwino ndi imene imakula bwino kuchokera ku mthambi zazing'ono kuti mufulimidzitse kupanga kwa mthunzi komanso kugwiritsa ntchito ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1930,Encourage farmers to raise their own nursery seedlings. This can be done adjacent to their crop nurseries or dimba gardens,Limbikitsani alimi kukhala ndi manazale awo a mbande. Izi zikhoza kuchitika moyandikitsa manazale awo a mbewu kapena kudimba,agriculture,agriculture document +en1931,"If cuttings or truncheons are used, identify species and sources of material before the start of the rains","Ngati agwiritsa ntchito ziduswa kapena nthambi zazing'ono, apeze mitundu ndi kopezeka kwa zinthuzo mvula isanayambe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1932,Cuttings are best taken when the tree is dormant before new leaves appear and not when in flower or fruit,Ziduswa zimatengedwa bwino pamene mtengo usakukula pomwe masamba atsopano sanabwere ndipo osati pomwe wachita maluwa kapena zipatso. ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1933,Provide stake supports and prune branches to encourage a straight-growing trunk,Pelekani thandizo poyimitsira mtengo komanso kusadza mthambi zozafunikira kuti thunthu lidzikula mosapindika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1934,"Locate the shed near the house or farm, preferably not on good farm land. Establish seedlings or truncheons in the configuration of a typical shed","Ikani mthunzi pamalo oyandikana ndi nyumba kapena munda, makamaka osati pamunda wabwino. Khadzikitsani mbande kapena mthambi zazing'ono potsatira mmene mthunzi uyenera kukhalira",agriculture,agriculture document +en1935,"Protect young trees from browsing and other damage to avoid un even or misshapen poles. Fill in gaps where seedlings have died, or where truncheons have failed to grow","Tetezani mitengo yaying'ono ku zoweto ndi kuwonongeka kwina popewa kukhala ndi mitengo yopindika. Tsekani mipata pomwe mbande zafa, kapena pomwe mthambi zalephera kuphuka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1936,"Construct the shed only when the live trees are large and strong enough to support the roof. Ensure coppicing is done evenly so that the roof is uniform, sloping from the center down each side","Mangani mthunzi pokhapokha mitengo itakula ndikukhala yamphamvu kuti isenze denga. Onetsetsani kuti mwadula mitengo mofanana kuti denga lidzakhele lofanana, lopendeka kuchokera pakati kupita mbali iliyonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en1937,"A grower’s income is directly related to his plucking skills. Plucking is, therefore, one of the most important activities that a farmer does in his field during the whole year",Phindu la mlimi limayenderana mwachindunji ndi luso lake lotchola. Choncho kuthyola ndi ntchito imodzi yofunikira yomwe mlimi amachita mmunda mwake chaka chonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en1938,Plucking should be done so that shoots of 42 days old are always plucked during the main growing season,Kuthyola kudzichitika kuti mphukira zomwe zakwanitsa masiku 42 nthawi zonze zidzithyoledwa mkati mwa nyengo yolima,agriculture,agriculture document +en1939,"This is achieved by following a regular plucking round of 7 days, 10 days alternating with 11 days or 14 days from the end of December to the end of April","Izi zimakwaniritsidwa potsatira puthyola mobwereza pamasiku asanu ndi awiri aliwonse, kenako masiku khumi ndikudzasinthana ndi masiku khumi ndi limodzi kapena masiku khumi ndi anayi kuchokera kumapeto kwa December mpaka kumapeto kwa April",agriculture,agriculture document +en1940,"Thereafter, this should be extended to 21 days. Growers should adhere to the plucking round of their choice throughout the season","Kuchokera pamenepo, izi zichitidwe pakutha pamasiku makumi awiwiri ndi mphambu imodzi. Olima atsatire ndondomeko yothyola mobwereza yomwe angakonde mu nyengo yonse ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1941,Growers are strongly advised to pluck only shoots consisting of either 2 leaves and a bud or dormant shoot,Olima akulangizidwa motsindika kuti athyole mphukira zomwe zili ndi masamba awiri ndi mphukira kapena mthambi imodzi yokha ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1942,Plucking of small shoots that consist of one leaf and a bud is not recommended because yields are later on reduced,Kuthyola mthambi zazing'ono zomwe zili ndi tsamba limodzi ndi mphukira sikovomerezedwa chifukwa zokolola zimachepa mtsogolo mwake,agriculture,agriculture document +en1943,"Where 4 leaves and a bud develop because of vigorous growth, only 2 or 3 leaves and a bud should be plucked","Pomwe masamba anayi ndi mphukira zakula chifukwa cha kukula mwachangu, thyolani masamba awiri kapena atatu okha ndi mphukirawo basi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1944,"To maintain the plucking table, the remaining leaf (leaves) should be removed. Th is process is called breaking back","Pofuna kuti malo othyolera akhale abwino, masamba otsala achotsedwe. Njira imatchulida kuti kuthyolera mmbuyo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1945,Production of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) by smallholder farmers for chewing is nationwide in Malawi,Ulimi wa mzimbe (Saccharum officinarum) yotafuna ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono umachitika ponseponse ku Malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1946,"However, production of sugarcane for processing has been confined to Dwangwa in Nkhotakota district and Nchalo in Chikwawa district",Komabe ulimi wa mzimbe zogayidwa ukuchitikira ku Dwangwa mboma la Nkhotakota ndi Nchalo mboma la Chikwawa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1947,"In both Dwangwa and Nchalo, sugar mills are managed by Illovo Sugar Group (Illovo). Illovo has sugar estates in Nkhotakota District (Dwangwa) and Chikwawa district (Nchalo). There are about 4000 smallholder farmers producing sugarcane besides that produced by Illovo estates","Ku Dwangwa ndi Nchalo komwe, zigayo za sugar zimasamalidwa ndi Illovo Sugar Group (Illovo). Illovo ili ndi minda ya mzimbe mboma la Nkhotakota ku Dwangwa ndi mboma la Chikwawa ku Nchalo. Pali alimi ang'onoang'ono okwana 4,000 omwe akulima mzimbe kupatula yomwe ikulimidwa mminda ya Illovo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1948,These out grower associations and companies produce 21% of total sugarcane that is processed into sugar by Illovo,Magulu a alimi ang'onoang'ono amenewa ndi makampani amalima 21% ya mzimbe zonse zomwe zimagayidwa ndi Illovo,agriculture,agriculture document +en1949,About 70% of the area for out growers is under irrigation while the rest is rain-fed. The several out grower associations have a national umbrella body called Sugarcane Growers Association of Malawi (SUGAM),Pafupifupi 70% ya malo omwe alimi ang'onoang'ono akulimapo ndi yamthilira pamene yotsalayo imadalira mvula. Magulu ambiri a alimi ang'onang'ono ali ndi bungwe lawo mdziko muno lotchedwa Sugarcane Growers Association of Malawi (SUGAM) ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1950,"Considering current investments in sugar milling, smallholders offer the best opportunity for extension of the area under cane and for productivity gains, and are therefore vital to the future success of the Malawian sugarcane industry","Polingalira ntchito zotukula kugaya sugar padakali pano, alimi ang'onoang'ono abweretsa mwayi woonjezera malo omwe akulimidwa mzimbe komanso kupeza phindu choncho ndiwofunika kwambiri popititsa pazatsogolo ulimi wa mzimbe mMalawi muno",agriculture,agriculture document +en1951,"Before planting, furrows are pre-irrigated to moisten the soil. Seed cane obtained from immature plant cane of 8 to 10 months must be topped at the natural breaking point and the roots cut off","Isanabzalidwe, ngalande zimathiliridwa kuti dothi linyowe. Mzimbe ya mbewu yomwe yatengedwa ku mzimbe zosakhwima za miyezi isanu ndi itatu mpaka makumi awiri idulidwe pomwe yatsala pang'ono kumasula ndipo mitsitsi ichotsedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1952,Any dead or damaged buds must be discarded. Cuttings (setts) should have 3-6 nodes. Plant by laying stem cuttings (setts) ‘head to toe’ in furrows to get a better and more even germination,"Mphukira zilizonse zowonongeka kapena zakufa zitayidwe, Zodulidwa zikhale ndi mphindo zitatu mpaka zisanu ndi imodzi. Bzalani pogonetsa mzimbe ""mutu mpaka kumapazi"" mungalande kuti zimere bwino komanso mofanana",agriculture,agriculture document +en1953,"Cover the cuttings thinly with soil using a hoe. When planting on a large scale, whole sticks may be used and chopped into halves while laid into the furrows","Kwilirani mzimbe ndi dothi pang'ono pogwiritsa ntchito khasu. Pobzala malo aakulu, mzimbe wonse ungathe kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndikudulidwa theka pamene ukukwiliridwa mungalandemo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1954,Irrigation should follow planting as soon as possible to bring the soil to the field capacity.,Mthilira utsatire kubzala kukangochitika kuti dothi likhale ndi kuthekera kwabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en1955,"Planting can be done as single stick, one and a halve stick or double stick. The planting rate of one and a half stick will use a seed rate of 8 tons per hectare and should be considered only when seed cane is of excellent quality and if the internodes are short","Kubzala kukhoza kuchitika ngati ndodo imodzi, ndodo imodzi ndi theka kapena ndondo ziwiri. Mulingo wobzalira wa ndodo imodzi ndi theka umagwiritsa ntchito matani 8 pa hectare ndipo utsatidwe pokhapokha mzimbe za mbewu ndi zabwino kwambiri ndipo mphindo zake ndi zazifupi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1956,Using double stick will require 10 tons per hectare or more and is preferred of the seed cane is available,Kugwiritsa ntchito ndondo ziwiri kumafuna matani 10 pa hectare kapena kuposera apo ndipo itsatidwe ngati nbewu ya mzimbe ilipo yokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1957,Greater attention has to be paid to practices that will lead to increased productivity of livestock and increased offtake while conserving the grazing areas. Farmers should be advised to cull unproductive animals and sell surplus stock,Chidwi chiyikidwe pa zochitika zomwe zingapititse patsogolo ulimi wa ziweto ndi kuchulukitsa zotengedwa pamene malo odyetsera akusamalika. Alimi alangizidwe kuchotsa zinyama zomwe sidzikubweretsa phindu ndi kugulitsa zosafunika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1958,There is an increasing scope for more smallholder farmers to keep a few productive cattle for beef or milk production,Pali chidwi chachikulu pa alimi ang'onoang'ono kuti adzisunga ng'ombe zochepa zowabweretsera nyama kapena mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1959,Advice for improved pasture and fodder production is now available to support the programme,Ulangizi wopititsa patsogolo malo odyetsera komanso zakudya za ziweto ukupezeka tsopano kuti uthandizire ntchitozi,agriculture,agriculture document +en1960,Farmers should be encouraged to use improved bulls and castrate or sell surplus bull calves,Alimi alimbikitsidwe kugwiritsa ntchito atonde amakono ndikuthena kapena kugulitsa atonde onse osafunikira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1961,Inbreeding should be discouraged in favour of using good quality bulls from other distant unrelated herd,Kukwatitsa mkhola momwemo kusalimbikitsidwe ndipo gwiritsitsani ntchito atonde amphamvu omwe mungabwereke kumakola ena akutali omwe sichibale ndi ziweto zanu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1962,Improved bulls may be bought from Government livestock farms and commercial producers,Atonde amakono akhoza kugulidwa ku minda ya ziweto ya Boma komanso kwa alimi ena azamalonda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1963,Herds should be allowed at least eight hours of grazing and should not be walked back to the villages at mid-day,Msambi wa ziweto udyetsedwe kwa maola asanu ndi atatu ndipo usakusidwe kubwelera kumudzi tsiku liri pakatipakati,agriculture,agriculture document +en1964,"Farmers are advised to use crop residues and agro-industry by-products such as bran, molasses and cotton seed cake in animal feeding","Alimi akulangizidwa kugwiritsa ntchito zotsalira ndi zina zopangidwa kumafakitale monga deya, ma molasses ndi zotsalira za thonje ngati zakudya za zinyama",agriculture,agriculture document +en1965,"Large number of calves die because of parasites and parasitic diseases, poor nutrition, and poor management in general, particularly housing","Ana ambiri amafa chifukwa cha tizilombo ndi matenda, zakudya zopelewerra ndi kasamalidwe kopelewera makamaka nyumba za ziweto",agriculture,agriculture document +en1966,Every cattle owner should have a properly roofed calf khola and be advised to follow good husbandry practices. Manure from properly housed cattle is a very valuable by-product,Aliyense yemwe ali ndi ng'ombe akhale ndi khola lofolera bwino la ana ang'ombe ndipo alangizidwe kutsatira njira zabwino zakasamalidwe. Manyowa ochokera ku ng'ombe zomwe zili ndi nyumba yabwino ndiwofunukira kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en1967,Farmers should consider the advantages of keeping more sheep and goats. Use of improved locally available genetic material is encouraged,Alimi alingalire ubwino wosunga nkhosa ndi mbuzi zambiri. Kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamakono zochulukitsira ziweto zomwe zilipo kale kulimbikitsidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1968,"However, exotic rams and bucks and their crosses such as Dorper sheep and Boer goats are available from Government farms, commercial farms and other small scale producers","Komabe, atonde ndi mathanzi obwera ndi ena onse okwatitsa monga nkhosa za Dorper ndi mbuzi za Boer zilipo mminda yaboma, kwa alimi amalonda ndi alimi ena ang'onoang'ono",agriculture,agriculture document +en1969,Farmers should be advised on improved feeding and housing. Worms and respiratory diseases are common in goats and sheep and should be controlled,Alimi alangizidwe kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka zakudya zabwino komanso nyumba za ziweto. Nyongolosi komanso matenda a mchifuwa amapezeka kwambiri ku mbuzi ndi nkhosa ndipo athetsedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1970,The poultry industry is expanding fast. Commercial breeds of broilers and layers are available from several commercial producers,Ulimi wa nkhuku ukukula mwachangu. Nkhuku zamalonda zanyama komanso mazira zilipo kwa alimi ambiri amalonda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1971,Animals will not be allowed to move at night unless under special permission given by the veterinary authority.,Zinyama sidzizaloledwa kuyenda usiku pokhapokha pali chilolezo chapadera chopelekedwa ndi mthambi yoona zinyama,agriculture,agriculture document +en1972,Farmers are urged to comply with the movement control or restriction measures put by veterinary authorities during a notifiable disease outbreak,Alimi akupemphedwa kuti adzitsatira meyendedwe kapena ziletso zomwe mthambi yoona zinyama yayika pamene anthu adziwitsidwa zakubuka kwa matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en1973,"Farmers are advised to collect and store crop residues including maize stover, wheat and rice straw, groundnut and bean haulms","Alimi akulangizidwa kuti atole ndi kusunga zotsalira za chimanga, tirigu ndi mpunga, mtedza komanso mitengo ya nyemba",agriculture,agriculture document +en1974,"Milk is important for human nutrition and as a source of income for smallholder farmers. Th e overall production of milk in Malawi is low because of low genetic potential and poor management such as housing, nutrition, disease control and breeding","Mkaka ndi wofunika kwambiri pa thanzi lamunthu komanso ngati njira yopezera chuma kw alimi ang'onoang'ono. Ulimi wamkaka ku Malawi kuno ndiwotsika chifukwa cha mitundu yotsika yang'ombe ndi kasamalidwe kosakwanira monga nyumba za ziweto, kadyedwe, kuthana ndi matenda komanso kukwatitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en1975,"Cattle are the main source of milk, but goat also plays a role. Cow milk production is estimated at 151,411 metric tones","Mkaka wambiri umachokera ku ng'ombe koma mbuzi zimathandizanso kwambiri. Mkaka wang'ombe umalimidwa pafupifupi matani 151,411",agriculture,agriculture document +en1976,Traditionally milk is produced from the Malawi zebu which has low milk production potential. Special dairy breeds and their crosses produce more milk than indigenous Malawi Zebu,Kwambiri mkaka umachikera ku ng'ombe za Malawi Zebu zomwe zimatulutsa mkaka wochepa. Ng'ombe za mkaka komanso zokwatitsa kuchokera ku zimenezi zimatulutsa mkaka wambiri kuposera zamakolo za Malawi Zebu,agriculture,agriculture document +en1977,"The supply cross bred dairy cows, however, is limited. However government stations like Mikolongwe in the south, Dwambazi in the north and Likasi in the centre, stock these dairy crosses","Kupezeka kwa ng'ombe zamkaka zokwatitsa ndikopelewera. Komabe mthambi za boma monga Mikolongwe ku chigawo chakummwera, Dwambazi kumpoto ndi Likasi mchigawo chapakati zimasunga mitundu yokwatitsayi",agriculture,agriculture document +en1978,"Fish farming is the rearing of fish in ponds, tanks and cages. In Malawi fish farming started in the 1950’s","Ulimi wa nsomba ndi kusunga nsomba mzitsime zamsomba, mmalo osungira madzi komanso mmalo otchingwa. Ku Malawi, ulimi wa nsomba unayamba mzaka za 1950",agriculture,agriculture document +en1979,Fish ponds are the dominant production facilities. Presently there are over 6000 farmers owning 7500 ponds,"Zitsime za nsomba ndi zomwe zikupezeka kwambiri ngati malo aulimi wa nsomba. Padakali pano, pali alimi opitilira 6,000 omwe ali ndi zitsime zowetera nsomba zoposa 7,500",agriculture,agriculture document +en1980,Fish production from fish farming is estimated at 3600 tonnes. Th e potential to increase production from aquaculture is very high provided that farmers increase the level of production and follow recommended practices,"Ulimi wansomba kuchokera zitsime zansomba ukuganiridwa kuti wafika pa matani 3,600. Kuthekera kochulukitsa zokolola kuchokera ku zitsime zansomba ndikwakukulu kwambiri makamaka alimi atawonjezera kalimidwe ndikutsatira ndondomeko za kasamalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en1981,The fish farming goal is to increase and sustain fish production from small holder and large fish farming operations in order to improve fish supply in Malawi,Cholinga chachikulu cha ulimi wa nsomba ndi kuwonjezera komanso kukwaniritsa kukhala ndi nsomba zochokera kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono ndi akuluakulu ndi cholinga chofuna kupititsa patsogolo kupezeka kwa nsomba mMalawi muno,agriculture,agriculture document +en1982,There are different production systems that are employed based on the understanding of the fundamental processes,Pali njira zosiyanasiyana zolimira zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito potengera kumvetsetsa kwa nsanamira zofunikira,agriculture,agriculture document +en1983,The Fish Farming goal is to increase and sustain fi sh production from smallholder and large fish farming operations in order to improve fish supply in Malawi,Cholinga chachikulu cha ulimi wa nsomba ndi kuwonjezera komanso kukwaniritsa kukhala ndi nsomba zochokera kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono ndi akuluakulu ndi cholinga chofuna kupititsa patsogolo kupezeka kwa nsomba mMalawi muno,agriculture,agriculture document +en1984,The suitability of the prospective farm site must be as curtained prior to any construction or other planning,Ubwino wa malo oyenera munda utsimikizidwe ntchito yomanga zitsime kapena ntchito zina zonse zisanayambe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1985,"The critical parameters are topography, soil character, water quantity and quality, flooding and access or proximity to a dwelling unit","Zofunikira kwambiri kulingalira ndi pomwe malo ali, dothi lake, kuchuluka kwa madzi komanso ubwino wake, kusefukira kwa madzi, komwe nyumba za anthu zikupezeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en1986,The water source should be perennial with enough water all the year round to fill the pond and to compensate for losses due to seepage and evaporation,Pochokera madzi pakhale pamgonagona ndipo madzi okwanira adzipezeka chaka chonse kudzadza chitsime ndikubwezeretsa onse omwe akutayika chifukwa cholowa munthaka kapena kuuma ,agriculture,agriculture document +en1987,The quantity of water available will amongst other factors determine the size and number of fish ponds. Seasonal rivers and streams are not recommended as direct source of water for fish ponds,Kuchuluka kwa madzi omwe alipo kuthandizira kudziwa kukula kwa zitsime komanso chiwerengero cha zitsime za nsomba. Mitsinje yoyendera nyengo siyovomerezeka ngati kochokera madzi a zitsime za nsomba kodalirika,agriculture,agriculture document +en1988,"The main parts/features of a fish pond are as follows: Walls (also called banks, dikes, embankments) are raised above the natural ground. These retain the water in the pond",Zigawo zikuluzikulu za zitsime za nsomba ndi: makoma omwe amakwezedwa kuchokera panthaka. Awa amasunga madzi pachitsime,agriculture,agriculture document +en1989,"An inlet, to let water into the pond. Th ere are several types of water inlets such as: Earth channel- This is a canal on the ground leading directly into the pond, this is easier and cheaper to construct","Polowera madzi, kuti madzi adzilowa mchitsime. Pali mitundu ya malo olowera madzi yambiri monga: ngalande yadothi- iyi ndi ngalande yapansi yomwe imalowa mwachindunji pachitsime. Ndiyosavuta kukonza komanso sifuna ndalama zambiri kumanga",agriculture,agriculture document +en1990,"Malawi currently experiences high deforestation rate, forest degradation, unpredictable climate shifts and landscape degradation","Padakali pano dziko la Malawi likukumana ndi kukwera kowononga mitengo, kuwononga nkhalango, nyengo zosapanganika komanso kuwonongeka kwa nthaka. ",agriculture,agriculture document +en1991,The Department of Forestry has developed a National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy to address these challenges,Mthambi yoona za nkhalango inakhadzikitsa National Landscape Restoration Strategy kuti ithane ndi mavuto amenewa,agriculture,agriculture document +en1992,"The Strategy outlines priority opportunities and interventions that can translate the potential of restoration into multiple benefits such as improved food security, increased biodiversity, improved water supply, job creation, income, carbon sequestration and enhanced resilience to climate change","Ndondomekozi zikufotokoza ntchito ndi zochitika zonse zomwe zingachititse kuti kuthekera kobwezeretsa zachilengedwe kukhale kopindulitsa kwambiri monga kukhala odzidalira pachakudya, kuchulukitsa zachilengedwe, kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zamadzi, kupezetsa anthu ntchito, kuchotsa mpweya wa carbon ndi kulimbikitsa kudzidalira pankhani zakusintha kwa nyengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en1993,"Management plans indicate the appropriate seasons for replanting, protection against livestock and wildfires","Ndondomeko zakasamalidwe zionetse moyenera nyengo zobzalira, kuteteza ku ziweto komanso moto wamtchire",agriculture,agriculture document +en1994,Inclusion of legumes in cropping systems would help to improve soil fertility as they have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in soils.,Kuphatikiza mbewu za nyemba pa ulimi kungathandize kuti nthaka ikhale yachonde chifukwa zili ndi kuthekera koyika nitrogen wamumpweya munthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en1995,"Make a groove 5-6 cm deep on the middle of the ridge, drop a single seed every 10 cm for Spanish varieties and 15 cm for Virginia varieties.","Pangani ngalande yakuya 5-6 cm pakati pa mzere, gwetsani mbeu imodzi pa 10 cm iliyonse pamitundu ya ku Spain ndi 15 cm ya Virginia.",agriculture,agriculture document +en1996,"Groundnuts are attacked by a number of pests and diseases; however the most important and widespread are: Rosette, Early and Late leaf spots and rusts.","mtedza umagwidwa ndi tizilombo komanso matenda osiyanasiya, koma matenda amene amafala kwambiri komanso ovuta ndi khate, early ndi late leaf spots and rusts",agriculture,agriculture document +en1997,"After lifting, the groundnut should be quickly and thoroughly dried before storage.",mukamaliza kukumba mtedza wanu uyanikidwe kuti uwume bwino usanasungidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en1998,Ventilated stacking or Mandela Cock is a modern way of curing the nuts.,kuuwinjika pamodzi mtedza moyang'aniza mmwamba kapena kuti mandela cock ndi njira yamakono yowumisila mtedza,agriculture,agriculture document +en1999,Small stacks are encouraged since the nuts take a few days to cure,Milu ing'onoing'ono ikulimbikitsidwa chifukwa mtedza umatenga masiku ochepa kuti uwume,agriculture,agriculture document +en2000,Dry pods produce rattling sound when shaken.,Ndolo zouma zimasokosela zikakhutchumulidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2001,"If stored in bags, stack them on wooden planks or poles to avoid damage from dampness from the wall and the floor.","ngati wasungidwa mmasaka/matumba, sanjani matumba anu mamwamba pa matabwa kapena mitengo kuopesa kuonongeka ndi chinyezi cha mmakoma komanso pansi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2002,"Groundnuts are usually shelled prior to sowing or selling, with the majority of farmers shelling by hand.","mtedza umaswedwa pa nthawi imene ukufuna kubzalidwa kapena kugulitsidwa, ndipo alimi ambiri amaswa ndi manja",agriculture,agriculture document +en2003,Termites can also attack soybean plants at any stage of development from the seed to the mature soybean plant particularly when there is prolonged dry spells,Chiswe chimaononga mbewu ya soya pemene yayamba kukula kumene mpakana itayamba kukhwima,agriculture,agriculture document +en2004,"Legumes are very important crops that contribute to improving household food security, nutrition, and soil health and soil fertility.","mbewu za magulu anyemba ndizofunika kwambiri popeza zimathandizila kupezeka kwa chakudya pakhomo, nthazi komanso kuonjezela chonde nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en2005,Soils that easily compact and form a crust must be avoided for growing soybean,pewani kubzala mbewu ya soya pa nthaka imene siimachedwa kugwirana pamodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2006,A farm business plan is a plan that records the most important decisions and actions affecting the operation of the farm business.,pulani ya bizinesi ya kumunda ndi pulani yomwe imasunga zinthu zofunika kwambiri ndi zochitika zomwe zimakhudza ulimi wa biziznesi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2007,Market research helps farmers to produce what they can sell rather than produce then hunt for a buyer.,kuchita kafukufuku wa msika kumathandiza alimi kuti alime zinthu zimene akhonza kugulitsa osati kulima zinthu zimene azilephere kupeza msika ogulitsila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2008,There are two types of farm records namely: Physical records and financial records.,pali mitundu iwiri ya ma rekodi: ya pa manja komanso ya za chuma,agriculture,agriculture document +en2009,Plant 2 seeds per station spaced at 60 cm on ridges of either 75 or 90 cm apart. ,bzalani mbewu ziwiri pa phando motalika 60cm pa mizere yotalikana 75 mpaka 90 cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2010,Avoiding planting seeds obtained from mosaic-affected plants,pewani kubzala mbewu zomwe zinagwidwapo ndi nthenda ya mosaic,agriculture,agriculture document +en2011,Piling soybean plants on tarpaulin or putting dry soybean pods in sacks and beating them with a stick.,kusanzula soya pa tarpaulin kapen akumuika mmatumba ndikumaputha ndi chimtengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2012,Avoid poor sandy soils with low content of organic matter. ,pewani dothi la mchenga lomwe lili ndi manyowa achilenge ochepa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2013,Maggots can be controlled by adjusting time of planting,mutha kuthana ndi mbozi posintha nthawi yobzalila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2014,Aphids can be controlled by spraying Dimethoate(WP or EC),popelani dimethoate( WP akpena EC) kuti muthane ndi nsabwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2015,Plant dwarf varieties in rows 45 cm apart,mizere ya mbewu yaifupi isiyane 45cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2016,Post emergence herbicides are applied after weeds and the crop have emerged and the target specific weed type,mankhwala a udzu amathiridwa udzi ndi mbewu zikamela ndi pa mtundu wa udzu oyenera kuthilidwawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2017,Weeding can be done manually or using herbicides,mukhonza kupalira udzu kapena kuthila kuthira mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2018, Dig groundnuts and dry using Mandela cock system,kumbani ndi kuyanika mtedza pogwiritsa ntchito njira ya mandela cock,agriculture,agriculture document +en2019,Apply phosphorus using 2×50 kg bags of 23:21:0 +4S compound fertilizer available in Malawi.,thirani phosphorus pothira matumba awiri a 5okg a fetereza wa 23:21:0+4s opezeka M'malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2020,The field should be weed free especially in the initial stages of establishment. ,munda ukuyenera ukhale opanda udzi makamaka nthawi yobzala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2021,"Without exception, all early maturing pigeon pea varieties have to be sprayed twice between 50% and full flowering and twice between 50% and full pod to control insect pests",mukachotsa mtedza wanu ukuyenera kukhala kuti wauma bwino musanausunge,agriculture,agriculture document +en2022,The young leaves and immature pods are eaten as vegetables. ,masamba aang'ono ndi mbewu zosakhwima zimadyedwa ngati ndiwo zamasamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2023,It is tolerant of drought and well adapted to sandy and poor soils,ndiyopilira ku chilala ndi kuchita bwino pa dothi la mchenga khangaleso dothi lopanda chonde,agriculture,agriculture document +en2024,Proper site selection is very important,kazankhidwe ka malo abwino ndikofunikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2025,Plant one seed in rows/ridges per stations spaced at 25cm apart,bzalani bzalani mbewu imodziimodzi pa mzere uliwonse ndipo mapando atalikilane kwa 25cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2026,2 bags of NPK (23:21:0+4S) are sufficient for one hectare,matumba awiri a fetereza wa NPK (23:21:0+4S) ndiwokwanila pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2027,The rows /ridges should be spaced at 75 cm apart,mizere ikuyenera kutalikilana kwa 75cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2028,Top dress with UREA fertilizer after 3 to 4 weeks from basal dressing fertilizer application,thirani fetereza wa UREA pakangotha masabata atatu kapena anayi mutangothila fetereza obzalila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2029,Keep the maize field as free from weeds as possible,onetsetsani kuti munda wa chimanga ulibe udzu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2030,Weeding can be done manually or using herbicides,mutha kupalila pamanja kapena kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2031,Application rates and modalities are indicated on the label for the mentioned type of herbicide,kathiridwe kamankhwala ndi zina zoyenera kutsatila zimalembedwa pachipepala cha mankwalawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2032,Crop rotation can also be used to control some weeds such as witch weed,kulima kwa kasinthasintha kumathandiza kuchepetsa udzu monga kaufiti,agriculture,agriculture document +en2033,Late planted crops are mostly attacked,mbewu zomwe zabzalidwa mochedwa ndizomwe zimakhudzidwa kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2034,Hand picking is most practical and should be encouraged,kutola ndikothandiza kwmabiri ndipo kuzilimbikitsidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2035,The insect pest can also be controlled by spraying with Endosulfan35 EC and pyrethroids,mutha kuthana ndi tizilomboti pothira mankhwala a Endosulfan35 EC ndi pyrethroids,agriculture,agriculture document +en2036,It also occurs in high altitude when maize is planted late,zimachitika malo okwera chimanga chikadzalidwa mochedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2037,The maize planted during off season in dimbas using residual moisture acts as a reservoir of both leafhoppers and the virus,chimanga chimene chimadzalidwa nthawi yopanda mvula mmadimba chimakhala chipangizo chosungilamo mazila a zitete komanso tizilombo (virus),agriculture,agriculture document +en2038,Dissemination is mostly by wind borne spores (wind dispersed),kufalitsa kumachitika kwambiri ndi ma spores ofala ndi mphepo (ofalitsidwa ndi mphepo),agriculture,agriculture document +en2039,Ensuring that all crop residuals are fully decomposed before planting,kuonetsetsa kuti zosalila mmunda zonse zaololena bwino musanadzale,agriculture,agriculture document +en2040,Harvesting and storage in maize,kakololedwe ndi kasungidwe ka chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2041,"Legumes are very important crops that contribute to improving household food security, nutrition, and soil health and soil fertility.","mbewu za nyemba ndizofunika kwmabiri chifukwa zimathanditha kuonjezera chakudya chokwanira pakhomo, thanzi la anthu ndi nthaka ya bwino komanso yachonde",agriculture,agriculture document +en2042,Soil fertility improvement and fodder,kutukula chonde mnthaka komanso chakudya cha ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en2043,Groundnuts Production,ulimi wa mtedza,agriculture,agriculture document +en2044,"Legumes are vital supplement to the largely maize-based diets and are readily available sources of vegetable protein, vitamins and vegetable oil.","mbewu za nyemba zimaonjezela kwambiri ku zakudya za chimanga komanso ndi nsanamilo wopezekelatu zamasama za mapuloteni, mavitamini ndi zasamamba zamafuta",agriculture,agriculture document +en2045,Legumes provide cash farmers thereby contributing to their livelihoods.,mbewu za nyemba zimabweretsa ndalama kwa alimi kotelo kutukula miyoyo yawo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2046,Farmers should always use certified seed for higher yields.,alimi akuyenera kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu yovomelezeka kuti akolole zochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2047,Plant with the first effective rains (approximately 25-30 mm).,bzalani ndi mvula yoyambilila ( ikagwa pafupifupi 25-30 mm),agriculture,agriculture document +en2048,Cover the groove firmly to ensure rapid and uniform emergence,kwililani maenje kuti zimele mofulumila komanso mofanana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2049,There is need to treat groundnuts kernels with appropriate fungicides such as Thiram or Fernasan D.,ndikofunika kuwaza mankhwala monga Thiram kapena Fernasan D mungale za mtedza kuti zisawonongeke,agriculture,agriculture document +en2050,Weed control,kuthana ndi udzu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2051,"Weed at least twice during this critical period is imperative, thus within 20 and 45 days after sowing.","kupalila kosachepera kawiri mu nyengo yovuta ndikofunika kwambiri, kotero chitani izi pakati ma pa masiku 20 mpaka 45 mukabzala",agriculture,agriculture document +en2052,"the most important and widespread are: Rosette, Early and Late leaf spots and rusts","matenda amene amafala kwambiri ndi: khate, early ndi late leaf spot ndi dzimbiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en2053,It is common to find pods of different ages on the same plant at any one time the groundnut crop is scouted.,ndizosadabwisa kupeza mbewu zosiyana kakulidwe pa mtengo umodzi wa mtedza pamene mukuyendera mbewu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2054,"Ground nuts should be timely harvested to avoid bleaching and discolouration of nuts, sprouting and pods remaining in the ground, and aflatoxin contamination.","mtedza ukuyenera kukololedwa mu nthawi yoyenera kuti mupewe kusuluka kwa mtundu, kumela komanso kusalila kwa makoko mu nthaka ndi kuyamba chuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en2055,The falling of leaves is not necessarily a sign of maturity,kugwa kwa masamba sikukutanthauza kukhwima kwa mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2056,Dry pods produce rattling sound when shaken,makoko owuma amasokosela akakhuchumulidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2057,Ventilated stacking or Mandela Cock is a modern way of curing the nuts.,kuunjika pamodzi kapena kupanga mandela cock ndi njira imodzi yochilitsa/kuumitsa mtedza,agriculture,agriculture document +en2058,Remove groundnuts from the straws.,chotsani mtedza ku mitengo yake ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2059,Store their groundnuts in pods and in well ventilated containers and structures to avoid mould development and aflatoxin contamination,kusunga mtedza wawo mu makoko ndi zosungilamo zopita bwino mpweya ndi nkhokwe kuopesa chinyezi komanso chuku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2060,Store under dry conditions.,sungani malo owuma bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2061,Ensure that the bags allow good circulation of air so as to maintain seed vigour and viability,onetsani kuti matumba akhale olowa bwino mpweya kuti mtedza usaonongeke,agriculture,agriculture document +en2062,Do not wet pods to prior to shelling as this may lead to development of moulds and aflatoxin,osanyowetsa mtedza pamene ukuswanyidwa kuopetsa nkhungu komanso ndi chuku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2063,All mouldy nuts should be discarded and not fed to livestock.,mtedza wa nkhungu utayidwe ndipo usadyetse ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en2064,"Grade properly, taking out shriveled, rotten, mouldy and split nuts.","sankhani bwino, pochotsa mbewu zonyala, zowola, za nkhungu ndi zosweka",agriculture,agriculture document +en2065,If using a mechanical shellers sort your pods according sieve sizes.,"ngati mukugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zosolela, sankhani mbewu zanu malingana ndi mtundu wamasefa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2066,it is grown throughout the country mostly in cool plateau areas.,zimalimidwe mmadera mabiri dziko muno makamaka madera azitunda ozizila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2067,The bean yields are around 300 to 800kg per hectare.,nyemba zikakololedwa zimatha kufika 300 mpaka 800kg pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2068,Land should be prepared by the end of November for the southern region and by the end of December for the central and Northern regions,maboma akumwera ayenera kusosa mwezi wa novembala usanathe pamene pakati ndi kumpoto ayenera kusosa mwezi wa desembala usanathe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2069,Recommended Cultural Practices in Bean Production,zoyenera kutsatila pa ulimi wa nyemba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2070,This requires a seed rate of 80 and 70 kgs per hectare ,zimafunika mbewu zokwana 80 ndi 70kg pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2071,This requires a seed rate of 75 to 90kgs per hectare,zimafunika mbewu zokwana 75 mpaka 90kg pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2072,In relay cropping planting should be done during the months of February and March.,pa ulimi odalirana kubzala kudzikhala pakati pa mwezi wa february ndi march,agriculture,agriculture document +en2073,Beans should be planted from mid-December to mid-January in southern region and in the month of January in central and Northern regions.,nyemba zidzalidwe kuyambila pakati pa mwezi wa December mpaka pakati pa mwezi wa January madera a kumwera ndi mwe wa January madera a pakati ndi kumpoto ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2074,"Climbing beans should be planted on 1 row, 1 seed per station at 15cm apart.","bzalani nyemba zoyanga mzere umodzi, mbewu imodzi pa phando zitalikilane 15cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en2075,Dimba crop ,mbewu zaku dimba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2076,Irrigated crop,mbewu zanthirila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2077,Fertilizer Application,kuthira fetereza,agriculture,agriculture document +en2078,Plant beans on flat as this assists in moisture conservation.,bzalani nyemba zanu pa malo olingana bwino pakuti izi zimathandiza kusunga chinyontho,agriculture,agriculture document +en2079,plant 1 seed per station spaced at 20cm,bzala mbewu imodzi pa phando pa 20cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2080,Fertilizer is needed for root development.,fetereza ndi ofunikila kuti mizu ikule bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2081,Apply 18g per 2metres of ridge length using two and half cupful of cup number 8,thirani 18g pa 2 mita ya mzere pogwiritsa ntchito makapu awiri ozadza a kapu namba 8,agriculture,agriculture document +en2082,Hand weeding is applicable when weeds are observed during flowering,kudzula udzu ndi manja ndi kotheka pamene mbewu zayamba kutulutsa maluwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2083,Avoid weeding during flowering to avoid flower shedding,pewani kupalira pamene mbewu zanu zayamba maluwa kuopesa kuthothoka kwa maluwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2084,Practice a 3 year rotation with cereals,yeselani kasinthasintha ka mbewu za chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2085,Bury crop residues,kwililani zotsalira za mbewu yanu (mapesi),agriculture,agriculture document +en2086,Spray Daconil at same rate as with Anthracnose,thirani mankhwala a Daconil mmene mumathirila mankhwala a Anthracnose,agriculture,agriculture document +en2087,Bean common mosaic virus Symptoms include dark green sector on leaves and curling of leaves,zizindikilo za nthenda ya mosaic virus za nyemba ndi monga kubiliwila ndi kukwinyana kwa masamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2088,"Pests in beans include Bean Stem Maggot, bean beetle and bean aphids","tizilombo tomwe timagwira nyemba ndi monga mbozi, zitete ndi nsabwe za mmasamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en2089,Beetles can be controlled by spraying carbaryl at the rate of 85g in 14 litre of water or 1litre of water in ULV Sprayer.,tizilombo (beetle) muthane nazo powazila mankhwala a carbaryl pa mlingo wa 85g mu 14 lita ya madzi mu sipuleya ya ULV,agriculture,agriculture document +en2090,Do hand threshing to avoid damage,nsanzulani ndi manja kuopa kuononga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2091,Do not store cowpea treated with Phostoxin in a living room or animal house.,osasunga nandolo amene anathiridwa phostoxin mu chipinda chopezeka anthu kapena mosungila ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en2092,Do not use Phostoxin directly without wrapping it or in a container that is not airtight,osagwiritsa ntchito phostoxin ngati sanasungidwe mu kontena yovindikila bwino yosalowa mpweya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2093,Do not use or sell cowpea grains that have been mixed with storage chemical until after 6 months of storage.,osagwiritsa ncthito kapena kugulitsa nandolo amene ngati miyezi isanu ndi umodzi siinathe chithilireni mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2094,Ensure good hygiene in the store and check every 2 weeks for any change in storage conditions,onetsetsani kuti mosungila mwanu ndi mwaukhondo komanso kumayang'anamo pakatha masabata awiri aliwonse kuti muzikhala mokonza bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2095,Keep rodents away.,sungani kutali ndi makoswe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2096,Conduct the second spraying 10 days after the first spraying when the crop is in full flowering and podding,thiraniso mankhwala pakatha masiku khumi chithirireni mankhwala ena pamene mbewu zanu zamaliza kupanga maluwa komanso kuyamba kubereka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2097,Conduct the first spraying between 30 and 35 days (4–5 weeks) after planting when flower bud initiation has started. T,thirani mankhwala oyambilira pakati ma masiku 30 ndi 35 (masabata 4-5) mukabzala pamene maluwa ayamba kumasula kumene,agriculture,agriculture document +en2098,"For varieties susceptible to aphids, one spraying may be needed at seedling stage, 14–21days after planting.","kwa mitundu yosachedwa kugwidwa ndi nsabwe za mmasamba, kupopera mankhwala kamodzi zikangomela ndi kofunika, masiku 14 mpaka 21 zikangobzalidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2099,"Clean up haulms from previous crops, as these insects may survive over season in such rubbish.",chotsani mapesi a mbewu zakale kuti mbewu zatsopano zisagwidwe ndi tizilombo timene timabitsala mmapesimo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2100,Late-maturing varieties require more sprays than early maturing varieties because of the staggered flowering period,mbewu zochedwa kucha zimafunika kuthiridwa mankhwala kwa nthawi yaitali kamaba kakuti maluwa ake amatulukaso mochedwa kusiyana ndi mbewu zokucha msanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2101,"For varieties susceptible to aphids, one spraying may be needed at seedling stage, 14–21days after planting.",mbewu zomwe sizichedwa kugwidwa ndi nsabwe za mmasamba zimafunika kuthira mankhwa zikangophukia komanso pakatha masabata awiri mpaka atatu zikadzalidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2102,Severely infested plants do not produce any flowers.,mbewu zomwe zakhuzidwa kwambiri zizitulutsa maluwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2103,Flower buds and flowers fall prematurely without forming any pod,maluwa amayoyoka asanamalize kukula mpakana osaberekanso,agriculture,agriculture document +en2104,"The larvae feed on tender parts of the stem, peduncles, flower buds, flowers, and pods ","kachilomboka kamadya mbali zofewa za nthambi, ma penducle, maluwa oyamba kumene, maluwa ndi mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en2105,"They suck the sap from green pods, causing them to shrivel and dry prematurely, resulting in seed loss.",zimamwa timadzi ta mbewu zobiliwila zosakhwima zomwe zimapangisa kuti mbeu zinyale zisanakhwime komanso kuti zionongeke,agriculture,agriculture document +en2106,Insect pests are major constraints to cowpea production in West Africa,tizilombo ndi chinthu chachikulu chimene chimabwenzeretsa pambuyo ulimi wa nandolo mmaiko aku madzulo kwa Afrika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2107,Damage by insect pests on cowpea can be as high as 80–100% if not effectively controlled.,kuononga kwa tizilomba pa nandolo tikhonza kufika 80 mpaka 100% ngati sizinathesedwe bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2108,It not only causes direct damage to the cowpea plant but also acts as a vector in transmitting of Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus.,zimayambitsa kuonongweka kwa mtengo wa nandolo komanso zimakhala mosungila ndi kufalitsa nsabwe za mmasamba zoyambitsa matenda a mosaic virus mu nandolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2109,Adopt crop rotation,tengelani kudzala kw akasinthasintha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2110,Uproot and bury infected plants.,dzulani ndikutentha mbewu zokhudzidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2111,Use a resistant variety,gwiritsani ntchito mbewu zosagwidwa ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2112,"It causes yellowing between the veins of cowpea leaves, resulting in the death of infested plants.",zimafiilitsa masamba a nandolo kupangisa kuti mbewu ziume,agriculture,agriculture document +en2113,"The choice of herbicide, however, depends on the predominant weed species and the availability of the herbicide","chisankho cha mankhwala a udzu, chimatengela ndi mitundu ya udzu ndi mankhwala othana ndi udzu amene alipo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2114,Paraquat controls emerged grass and broadleaf weeds while Pendimethalin prevents weed seeds from germinating.,paraquat amathana ndi udzu ongomela kumene komanso oyanaga pamene pendimethalin amaletsa mbewu ya udzu kuti isamele,agriculture,agriculture document +en2115,"Striga gesnerioides is widespread in areas with low rainfall and poor soil fertility, conditions that are common throughout the northern Guinea and Sudan savanna zones","kaufiti amamela kwmabiri malo osowa mvula komanso opanda chonde, nyengo zimene zimkhala kwmabiri kumpoto kwa Guinea ndi Sudan savanna zones",agriculture,agriculture document +en2116,Pre-planting weed control/zero tillage,kuthana ndi udzi musanabzale/ kusalima ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2117,The type of weed control measures adopted should be based on the nature of the problem and the resources available to the farmer.,njira zothanilana ndi udzi zomwe mukuyenera kutengela zikhale zogwirizana ndi chiyambi cha vutolo ndi zipangizo zomwe mlimi ali nazo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2118,Cowpea does not require too much nitrogen fertilizer because it fixes its own nitrogen from the air using the nodules in its roots,nandolo safunika fetereza wa nayitrojeni chifukwa amapanga nayitrojeno wake kuchikela ku pweya pogwiritsa ntchito tozungulira topezeka mmitsitsi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2119,"If too much nitrogen fertilizer is used, the plant will grow luxuriantly with poor grain yield.","ngati mwathila fetereza wa nitrogen, mbewu zimatalika koma osabereka kwambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en2120,Cowpea requires more phosphorus than nitrogen in the form of single super phosphate,nandolo amafunika fosisolasi wambiri kusiyana ndi nayitrojeni yemwe amapezeka mu single super pospahate,agriculture,agriculture document +en2121,About 30 kg of P/ha in the form of Supa is recommended for cowpea production to help the crop to nodulate well and fix its own nitrogen from the air,pafupifupi 30kg ya p/ha ya supa imalimbikitsidwa ku ulimi wa nandolo kuti izithandiza mbewu kutulutsa tozungulila ta mmitsistsi komanso kuoanga nayitrojeni wake,agriculture,agriculture document +en2122,The seeds may rot and plant stand will be uneven,mbewu ikhonza kuwola koma mtengo wa mbewu umakhala bwinobwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2123,The cereal and cowpea should be planted at the recommended spacing,mbewu za chimanga ndi nandolo zikuyenera kubzalidwa mu ndondomeko yoyenera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2124,Sow seeds at a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm for most varieties; planting seeds more than 5 cm deep will delay emergence,bzalani mbewu pa mlingo wa 2.5 mpaka 5cm kuchoka pansi ku mitundu yambiri ya mbewu; kubzala mbewu mopitilila 5cm kumachdwetsa kumera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2125,Seed preparation for planting,kukonzekela mbewu zobzala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2126,"More seeds are required when erect varieties are used than when prostrate varieties are adopted, because of the closer spacing of the erect variety",mbewu yambili imafunika ku mbewu zodzuka mwamba kusiyana ndi mbewu zoyanga pansi chifukwa mapando a mbewu zodzuka mwamba amakhala oyandikana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2127,"The larger the seeds, the more seeds/ha are required",mbewu zikuluzikulu zimalowa zambiri pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2128,Clear the site of shrubs and stubble.,chotsani zamasamba ndi ziputu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2129,Land can also be prepared manually with the African hand-hoe,malo atha kusosedwa pamanja ndi khasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2130,Plow and harrow the field to provide sufficient tilth for good root growth.,limani ndi kuswa zibuma za mmunda kuti dothi likhale lowelamila bwino kuti muzi ikule bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2131,"Where the soils are more fragile and prone to erosion, adopt minimum or zero tillage","kumene dothi ndi losalimba komanso losachedw akukokoloka, tengerani kulima kosasokoneza nthaka kapena kusalimitatu ",agriculture,agriculture document +en2132,Survives intermittent drought,imapilira ku chilala chachikulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2133,Resistant to some major pests and diseases,imagonjetsa tizilombo ndi matenda akuluakulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2134,Choice of varieties,nsankho wa mitundu ya mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2135,"The choice of variety is based on maturity period, yield potential, drought tolerance, responsiveness to day length, and pest and disease resistance","chisankho cha mtundu wa mbewu chimategela ndi nyengo yokhwima, kuchuluka kwa zokolola, kupilila ku nyengo yowuma, kuyankha kutalika kwa tsiku komanso kupilila ku tizilombo ndi matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en2136,Extra-early and early maturing (Look out for the varieties that have a maturity period that falls within 60–80 days.),mbewu zokhiwma msanga kwambiri (yang'anani mbewu zimene zimakhwima pakati pa masiku 60 mpakana 80,agriculture,agriculture document +en2137,Cowpea does not tolerate excessively wet conditions or waterlogging and should not be grown on poorly drained soil,nandolo salolela nyengo ya madzi kwambiri kapena madzi osefukila ndipo musalime pa nthaka yosalowa bwino madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2138,Cowpea performs well in agro-ecological zones where the rainfall range is between 500 and 1200 mm/year. ,nandolo amakula bwino malo olima zachilengedwe kumene mvula yake imakhala pakati pa 500 ndi 1200mm/chaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2139,"Without exception, all early maturing pigeon pea varieties have to be sprayed twice between 50% and full flowering and twice between 50% and full pod to control insect pests.","opanda kuchotsela, nandolo yense okucha msanga akuyenera kuthiridwa mankhwla kawiri pamane theka ya mbewu lamasula komanso munda onse wamasula ndi pamene theka layamba kubereka komanso munda onse wabereka kuopesa tizizlombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2140,The field should be weed free especially in the initial stages of establishment.,palilani munda makamaka mu nyengo imene mwangokhazikitsa kumene,agriculture,agriculture document +en2141,Plant 2 seeds per station spaced at 60 cm on ridges of either 75 or 90 cm apart,bzalani mbewu ziwiri pa phando pa mizere ya 60cm yomwe yatalikana kwa 75 mpaka 90cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2142,Design the layout and make the lead farmer/farmer group to understand reasons for everything that is being done in every plot.,pangani mmene zizaonekele ndi kuwathandiza alimi wotsogolera/gulu la alimi kumvetsetsa zifukwa zimene chilichonse chikuchitidwa mmapulotimo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2143,"After the demarcation, start preparing the plots as per the agreed design layout","mukamaliza kugawa, yambani kukonzekela mapuloti malingana ndi chikonzelo chimene munagwirizana",agriculture,agriculture document +en2144,Reduces water runoff and soil erosion,zimachepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi komanso kukokoloka kwa nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2145,Increases ground water supplies;,zimachulutsa kupezeka kwa mmadzi a pansi pa nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2146,Conserves soil moisture for plant growth and development,zimasunga chinyonthi kuti mbewu zizikula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2147,"Some of these technologies include marker ridges and ridge alignment, vetiver planting/ establishment, gully reclamation and rain water harvesting techniques","matekinoloje ena ndi monga kulemba mizere ndi kuika mizere, kubzala vetiva /kukhazikitsa, kubwenzeretsa zigwa ndi kukolola mvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en2148,Reduces siltation and flooding.,zimachepetsa matope ndi kusefukila kwa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2149,It is better to make marker ridges in the dry season so that planting ridges could be realigned before the next season,ndikwabwino kupangilatu mizire mu nyengo yadzuwa ndi cholinga chakuti mizere yobzalila ipangidwe mvula isanagwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2150,"After marker ridges are built, align crop ridges parallel to them.","mukamaliza kulemba mizere, pangani mizere yobzalila yoyang'ana mbali yosiyana ndi mizere inayo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2151,A gully is a large ditch formed as a result of the erosion process,chigwa ndi dzenje lalikulu lomwe limadza kamba kakukukoloka kwa nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2152,"Before undertaking any gully reclamation, it is important to first conserve the whole catchment where the problem originates",musanabwenzeretse chigwa ndikwabwino kusamala malo onse ozungilira kumene kunyamba vutolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2153,The most common and cheap method of gully reclamation is by using check dams,njira yowanda kwambiri komanso yosalowa nthumba yobwenzeretsa zigwa ndi pogwiritsa ntchito ma dam,agriculture,agriculture document +en2154,A diet is the total foods and drink eaten by an individual or a group of people at a given time.,mlingo wa chakudya ndi zakudya ndi zakumwa zonse zimene zimafunikila kuti munthu kapena gulu la anthu lidye pa nthawi yoikika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2155,Dietary diversification is a practice of eating different types of foods from the same food groups.,kadyedwe ka kasinthasintha kamatanthauza kudya zakudya zosiyanasiyana za maguku ofanana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2156,Dietary diversification ensures that all foods are given equal importance and are consumed,kudya zakudya zakasintha kumathandiza kusonyeza kuti zakudya zonse ndizofunika komanso ndizodyeka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2157, Micronutrients are nutrients that are required in relatively small quantities to perform their functions in the body but they are vital for normal body processes ,zakudya za magulu ang'onoang'ono ndi zakudya zimene sizimafunikila zambiri nthupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2158,Dietary diversification is promoted by consumption of the six food groups,kasinthasintha wa zakudya amalimbikitsidwa pokudya magulu asanu ndi imodzi a zakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2159,Benefits of dietary diversification,ubwino wa zakudya za kasinthasintha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2160,It helps to close food gaps that exist,zimathandiza kutseka kusowekela kwa zakudya komwe kulipo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2161,This ensures that households do not only rely on one type of food such as maize,iziz zimapangitsa kuti makomo asamadalire chakudya cha mtundu umodzi chokha monga chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2162,staples are foods that are high in carbohydrates,zakudya za mtundu zimakhala zolimbitsa thupi kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2163,Processing makes food safe to eat by de-activating spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms,kukonza chakudya mu mtundu kumathandiza kuti chakudya chikhale chitetezeka kudya pokanikitsa kuwola komanso pokutha tizilombo ting'onoting'ono towoletsa zakudya ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2165,"Legumes can be processed into various flours, can be part of the main meal, confectioneries and can be used as seasoning.","magulu a nyemba amatha kupangidwa ufa osiyanasiyana komanso amatha kukhala mgulu la chakudya chodalilika, zakudya zapaulendo komanso ngati zokometsela mu zaudya",agriculture,agriculture document +en2166,Dry the dehulled beans in the shade until they are fully dry and do not stick to each other.,umitsani nyemba zomwe zamatana pa nthuzi moakana ziwume kwambiri osamatananso,agriculture,agriculture document +en2167,Manual weed control is the most common method used by farmers in cowpea production,kupalila pa manja ndi njira yomwe imagwiritsidwa kwmabiri ndi alimi akabzala nandolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2168,"Weed cowpea twice with the hoe, first at 2 weeks after planting, and secondly at 4–5 weeks after planting to ensure a clean field.","palilani nandolo kawiri ndi khasu, koyamba pakatha masabata awiri, ndipo kachieiri paktha masabata anayi kapena asanu mukangobzala kuti mmunda mwano mukhale moyera",agriculture,agriculture document +en2169,Basal fertilizer application in maize or some legumes need to be done at planting or day after planting,fetereza obzalila wa chimanga kapena mbewu zina za magulu a nyemba akuyenera kuthilidwa pobzala kapena pakatha tsiku limodzi chibzalireni,agriculture,agriculture document +en2170,Before starting with conservation agriculture one very important aspect is to plan a good crop rotation,musayambe ulimi osamala nthaka mukuyenera kusanja ndondomeko ya bwino ya ulimi wakasinthasintha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2171,"Residues cover from maize stalks, legume harvest and green manure cover crops are recommended for use in conservation agriculture","zotsalira zokolola monga mapesi a chimanga, nyemba ndi manyowa a mbewu zoyanga pansi amalimbikitsidwa pa ulimi wosamala nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en2172,Requirements to start conservation agriculture,zoyenera kutsata poyamba ulimi wosamala nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2173,Uproot the weed plants just before they flower to reduce the burden of weed in the following cropping season.,dzulani udzi usanamasule maluwa kuti uchepetse chipsinjo chomwe chingakhalepo pa mbewu yotsatila mchaka chinacho,agriculture,agriculture document +en2174,"In conservation agriculture cropping systems, never leave the weeds plants to shed the seeds while in the field","pa njira zopangila ulimi wosamala nthaka, osazasiya udzu ugwetse mbewu zake pamene zili mmunda",agriculture,agriculture document +en2175,Conservation agriculture (CA) benefits can be immediate or medium to long term,"phindu la ulimi wosamala nthka aukhoza kukhala wachangu, wachangu pang'ono kapena wotenga nthawi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2176,"Apart from legumes, maize can also be rotated with roots and tuber crops like cassava and sweet potatoes","kupatula nyemba, chimanga chikhonzaso kulimidwa mophatikiza ndi mbewu za mizu monga chinangwa ndi mbatata",agriculture,agriculture document +en2177,Degree of resistance to attack by pests and diseases,mlingo walolera ku tizilimbo ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2178,Seeding and harvest times to diversify labour and input requirements,nthawi yobzala ndi yokolora kuti musiyanitse ogwira ntchito ndi zinthu zakumunda zomwe zikufunika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2179,"Always include green manure/cover crops, prioritizing the production of biomass to improve soil cover and organic matter content.","kumaphatikiza manyowa a masamba/ mbewu zoyanga, kulimbikitsa kwambiri kapangidwe ka nkhuni ndi kutukula mbewu zotchinga nthaka",agriculture,agriculture document +en2180,Aspects to take into account in order to establish crop rotations,zoyenera kutsatila pokhazikitsa munda wa kasinthasintha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2181,Increase soil fertility by alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants and altering crops with different nutrient requirement,kuonjezera chonde nthaka polima mosinthasintha mbewu za mizu nditaliitali ndi ifupiifupi ndikubzala mbewu za magulu za zakudya osiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2182,It mitigates the build-up of diseases and pests that often occurs when one species is continuously cropped,zimachepetsa kuchuluka kwa matenda ndi tizilombo tomwe timakonda kuchuluka kwmabiri ngati mbewu imodzi yakhala ikulimidwa pa malo kwa nthawi yaitali,agriculture,agriculture document +en2183,The most efficient rotations are those that include legumes,kasinthasintha kothandiza kwambiri ndi komwe kumaphatikizapo nyemba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2184,"Rotation is better than monoculture, even when plants of the same family are cultivated","ulimi wa kasinthasintha ndi wabwino kuziyana ndi ulimi wa mbewu imodzi, khangale mutabzala mbewu za gulu lofanana",agriculture,agriculture document +en2185,Doubled up approach for legumes,ulimi wa nyemba wobzala mbewu mbali ziwiri pa mzere umodzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2186,The cowpea is planted between maize plant stations,nandolo amadzalidwa pakati pa mapando a chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2187,This is commonly done using climbing beans,izi zimachitidwa pogwiritsa ntchito nyemba zoyanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2188,The common bean is planted on the same plant station with maize.,nyemba zibzalidwe pa phando limodzi ndi chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2189,The varieties are very short in height to survive the shading.,mitundu yake imakhala yaifupi yomwe imapilira ku nthunzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2190,Short duration pigeon pea varieties should not be intercropped with maize because these varieties mature earlier and may not survive the shading effect from maize.,nandolo okucha nsanga asalimidwe mosakaniza ndi chimanga chifukwa mbewu zokucha nsanga sizipilira ku nthunzi wa chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2191,"For pigeon pea, plant 2 seeds per plant station spaced at 75cm.","ku mbewu ya nandolo, bzala mbewu ziwiri pa phando ndipo zitalikilane kwa 75cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en2192,Two rows of maize planted at 75cm row spacing and one seed per station at 25cm apart and alternated with one row of pigeon pea planted at 90cm between plant stations in a row and 3 seeds per station,mizele iwiri ya chimanga yotalikilana kwa 75cm ndi kuzaka chimanga chimodzi pa phando kwa 25cm ndikubzalanso nandolo mutatu pa phando motalikilana 90cm pa mzele wina,agriculture,agriculture document +en2193,"The pigeon pea is planted between maize stations, 2 seeds per station and 37.5 cm from each maize station.","nandolo amabzalidwa pakati ma mbewu ya chimanga, mbewu ziwiri pa phando ndipo zitalikile chimanga kwa 37.5cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en2194,Multi-storey intercropping,ulimi ophatikidza mbewu zambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2195,A second crop is planted after the first crop has reached its physiological maturity but before it is ready for harvest,mbewu yachiwiri imabzalidwa pamene mbewu ina yafika pokhwima koma siyinafike pokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2196,Intercropping control soil erosion by preventing rain drops from hitting the bare soil where the component crops tend to cover the soil surface and allow better water infiltration.,kulima kwa kasakaniza kumateteza nthaka kuti isakokoloke poletsa mvula kuti isagwere pa dothi chifukwa masamba mbeu amapangits akuti madzi alowe bwino pansi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2197,Different types of intercropping practices,mitundu yosiyanasiyana yophatikiza mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2198,intercropping maize with deep rooting pigeon pea helps to break the hard pan,kulima chimanga pamodzi ndi mbewu ya mizu yolowa pansi kwambiri ngati nandolo kumathandiza kufewesa nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2199,This would make it difficult for pests to locate their target crop.,zimapangitsa kuti tizilombo tisathe kufikila mbewu yofunikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2200,The shade from maize plants will protect the crops below it from the strong rays of the sun and the impact of heavy rains ,nthunzi wa mbewu ya chimanga umateteza mbewu zomwe zili pansi pake ku dzuwa lowala kwambiri ndizotsatila za mvula ya mkuntho,agriculture,agriculture document +en2201,The maize will benefit from nitrogen fixed by the grain legumes.,chimanga chimapindula ku mbewu za nyemba chifukwa zimagwiritsa ntchito nayitrojeni amene amapangidwa ndi mbewuzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2202,intercropping hinders some of the pest to locate the host crop in the system but also restrict the movement of pests and diseases from one crop to the other,kulima mbewu zosiyana mophatikiza kumathandiza kuti tizilombo tisagwire mbewu yofunika kwambiri pa ulimiwo komanso kumachepetsa kayendedwe ka tizilombo kupita ku mbewu zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en2203,"For example, the fertilizer applied to maize will not be taken up by the pigeon pea crop in the farming system because it responds little to fertilizers","mwa chitsanzo, nandolo sagwiritsa ntchito fetereza amene wathilidwa ku chimanga chifukwa sagwiritsa ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en2204,Cowpea is aggressive when planted at the same time with maize,nandolo (cowpea) ndiwaukali akadzalidwa nthawi imodzi ndi chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2205,Beating the plants should be gentle to avoid destroying the embryo which eventually may affect germination and overall seed quality.,punthani mosamala mbeu zanu kuti musawononge mtima wa mbeu kuti sizakhudze kameledwe ka mbeu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2206,Planting should be done with the first planting rains or soon after the main crop has emerged where inter-planting is practiced.,bzalani ndi mvula yoyamba kapena mbeu yodalilika ikangomela pamene mukupanga ulimi wakasakaniza,agriculture,agriculture document +en2207,Short duration pigeon peas are best produced as sole crop.,nandolo osachedwa kukhwima asankhwidwa ngati mbewu yoima payokha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2208,Aflatoxin management in Legumes and maize,kasamalidwe ka mbewu za nyemba nd chimanga ku chuku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2209,Aflatoxins are a major challenge in legumes and maize,chuku ndi vuto lalikulu kwmabiri pa mbewu za nyemba ndi chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2210,Practice fermentation which reduces aflatoxins levels in food because lactic acid bacteria binds aflatoxin,yeserani kukundika komwe kumachepetsa kufala kwa chuku mu zakudya chifukwa cha tizilombo (lactic acid bacteria) timene ndimamata chuku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2211,The choice of vegetables to be planted in the homestead should be those that are nutrient dense.,mitundu ya masamba yomwe mukufuna kubzala pakhomo ikhale yoepeka michere ya nthupi yochuluka ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2212,"Vegetables have high nutritional value in terms of micronutrients and fibre and they also make meals more appealing in flavour, texture and colour.",zakudya zamasamba zimakhala zopasa thanzi chifukwa cha michere imene imakhala nayo komanso zimakhala zopasa mudyo nkaonekedwa ndi kakomedwe komwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2213,Fruits do not require major preparation for somebody to eat.,zipatso zizitenga nthawi yambiri kuti zikonzedwa pokudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2214,The choice of fruits to be planted in the homestead depends on the space available.,kusankha mitengo ya zipatso pakhomo zimatengela ndi mmene malo alili pakhomopo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2215,Where possible fish can be reared around the homestead where there are water sources,ngati kuli kotheka nsomba zikhonza kuwetedwa pakhomo ngati pali magwero a madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2216,Poultry production should be incorporated into small farming systems such as homestead farming.,ulimi wa ziweto za mbalame ukuyenera kuphatikizidwa mu mitundu ya ulimi waung'ono monga ulimi wapakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2217,Gross margin refers to the remaining income from an enterprise after the variable costs are deducted,kupindula phindu kumathanthauza kuti ndalama yomwe yatsala mukagulitsa katund wanu komanso mukachotsela zimene munalowetsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2218,The gross margin budget includes all costs involved in producing the enterprise.,ndondomeko yopindulira phindu timaphatikiza ndalama zonse zomwe zinalowetsedwa pa ulimi wa zokolola zathu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2219,It helps farmers to compare the performance of a single enterprise using different farming practices and technologies,zimathandiza alimi kusiyanisa mmene mbewu yachitila bwino pogwiritsa mtchito zipangizo ndi ukadaulo osiyanasiya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2220,Helps to find out what products people want and reasons for their preferences,zimathandiza kudziwa zinthu zimene anthu akuzifuna ndi zifukwa zimene akuzifunila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2221,Farmers should then decide whether to go on with their farm plan of producing for the possible identified buyers.,alimi akuyenera kuanga chiganizo chopitiliza ndi pulani yawo yolima mbewu zimene apeza kale misika yake,agriculture,agriculture document +en2222,Limited access to markets by vulnerable gender categories especially when the markets are located far away from the village,kufikila kochepa ku miskika kwa magulu ophinjika pakati a amayi ndi abamabo makamaka ngati misika ili kutalai ndi mudzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2223,"Diversion of income meant for agriculture production to provision of from to care, treatment and support for sick family members.","kugawa kwa ndalama zokhudza ulimi kupititsa ku gawo la chisamaliro, chithandizo ku matenda ndikuthandizila odwala m'banja",agriculture,agriculture document +en2224,Improving access to agricultural input and market information amongst farmers,kutukula kapezedwe ka zipangizo za ulimi ndi ma uthenga a misika pakati pa alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2225,Promotion of production of high value crops/livestock amongst women,kutukula ulimi wa mbewu zopindulitsa kapena ziweto pakati pa amayi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2226,"It causes yellowing between the veins of cowpea leaves, resulting in the death of infested plants.","zimayambitsa chikasu pakati pa misempha ya masamba a nandolo, zomwe zimapangitsa kufa kwa mbewu zomwe zakhudzidwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2227,The seeds of these parasites can survive in soil for many years (more than 20 years) until a susceptible variety is planted,mbewu ya tizilomboti imatha kukhala mu nthaka kwa zaka zochuluka osafa (kupitilila zaka 20) pokhapokha padzalidwe mbewu yomwe ikhonza kutengela,agriculture,agriculture document +en2228,Cultural control measures that are affordable to farmers include cowpea–cereal rotation and the use of resistant cowpea varieties,njira za chikhalidwe zomwe alimi amatsatila ndi kulima kwa kasinthasintha kw ambewu monga nandolo ndi chimanga ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mitundu ya nandolo yopilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2229,Ensure good hygiene in the store and check every 2 weeks for any change in storage conditions,onetsetsani ukhondo wabwino mosungila mbewu ndi kumayang'anamo pamasabata awiri aliwonse ngati pali kusintha kwa zinthu mosungilamo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2230,This is one of the serious pests on maize causing considerable damage in high altitude areas and to the late planted crop,aka ndi kachilombo kovuta kwambiri kamene kamakhudza chimanga koyambitsa kuwonongeka mmadera okwera ndi madera obzala mochedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2231,"The larvae infest the leaves, rolling them longitudinally together and live inside the rolled leaf. ",kachilomboka kamadya masamba ndi kuzungulidza pamodzi iko ndikumakhala mkati mwa tsambo lozungulilalo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2232,The insect is also called African boll worm or tobacco bud worm depending on the crop attacked.,kachilomboka kamatchedwa african boll worm kapena tobacco bud worm malingana ndi mbewu imene yakhudzidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2233,"Clean and sort 8 parts of maize grains, 1 part of ground nuts and 1 part of pulses (cowpeas or pigeon peas or beans or ground beans)","konzani ndi kusakha magawo 8 a chimanga, gawo limodzi la mtedza ndi gawo limodzi la zanyemba (nandolo kapen nyemba)",agriculture,agriculture document +en2234,Mill with maize or mill the beans alone if the quantity is reasonable enough to go through the grinding mill to make flour,gaitsani ndi chimanga kapena gaitsani nyemba zokha ngati zilipo zochuluka bwino zokuti zikhonza kugaitsidwa nkupanga ufa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2235,small livestock raising,ulimi wa ziweto zing'onozing'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2236,"promotion of improved preservation and storage of fruits and vegetables to reduce waste, post-harvest losses and effects of seasonality","kutukula kasungidwe kamakono ndi kasungidwe ka zipatso ndi zamasamba kuti tichepetse kuwononga zakudya, zotayika pa nthawi yokolola ndi zosatsila za zanyengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2237,promotion of underexploited traditional foods and home gardens,kutukula zakudya zachikhalidwe zosagwiritsidwa ntchito bwino ndi minda yapakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2238,It is therefore important to ensure that a variety of foods are sustainably available and accessible in adequate amounts and quality; and properly utilised.,"chomwecho, ndikofunika kuwonetsetsa kuti zakudya zamagulu osiyanasiyana zikupezeka nthawi zonse ndi kwa anthu onse pa mlingo okwanila komanso zikugwiritsidwa ntchito moyenerera",agriculture,agriculture document +en2239,Promoting Income Generating Projects for vulnerable gender groups,Kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zobweretsa ndalama kumagulu ophinjika ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2240,Always ensure that extension meetings are organized during times when women and other vulnerable categories can be able to participate,onetsetsani kuti mkumano wa zaulangizi ukukhazikitsidwa nthawi imene amayi komanso magulu ena ophinjika akhonza kukwanitsa kutenga nawo mbali,agriculture,agriculture document +en2241,Soil fertility improvement and fodder,kutukula nthaka ndi zakudya za ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en2242,Maize grain for storage should be well treated with storage pesticides such as Actellic upon recommendations on safe use and correct application rates.,chimanga chosungidwa chikuyenera kuthiridwa mankhwala oyenera monga actelic malingana ndi ndondomeko za kathilidwe koyenerera ngakhalenso mlingo oyenerera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2243,Ensuring that all crop residuals are fully decomposed before planting,kuonetsetsa kuti zosalila mmunda zonse zaololena bwino musanadzale,agriculture,agriculture document +en2244,"Observing good crop husbandry practices such as early land preparation, early planting, burying all diseased plants and others","kuonetsetsa kuti ndondomeko zoyenera kuchita pa ulimi zikutsatilidwa monga, kusosa mwachnagu, kubzala msanga, kukwilira mbewu zonse zamatenda ndi zina zambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en2245,Groundnuts and soybean are planted in rows spaced at 37.5 cm and 10-15cm and 5cm apart between plant stations.,mtedza ndi soya zimadzalidwa mmizere yotalikilana 37.5cm ndi10 mpaka 5cm komanso 5cm pa phando ndi phando,agriculture,agriculture document +en2246,"cannot run a big risk, especially not when the technology is not known","sizingatheke kukhala pa chiopsezo kwambiri, makamaka ngati tekinolojeyo siyikudziwika bwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en2247,need a learning-by-doing environment,pakufunika malo ophunzilira mwakuchita,agriculture,agriculture document +en2248,A diet is the total foods and drink eaten by an individual or a group of people at a given time.,chakudya choyenera kudya ndi zakudya zonse ndi zakumwa zimene munthu amadya kapena magulu a anthu pa nthawi yoikika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2249,Food and nutrition helps in the prevention of malnutrition,chakudya cha thanzi chimathandizira kupewa kuperewera kwa zakudya mthupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2250,Enables easy transportation of food materials,zimathandizila kayendedwe ka zakudya mthupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2251,It Increases seasonal availability of many foods.,zimachulutsa kupezeka kwa zakudya zambiri mu nyengo zosankhika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2252,most foods are seasonal so processing them into other products makes them available all year round.,zakudya zambiri zimatengela nyengo kotelo kuzikonza mu mtundu wina kumapangitsa kuti zikhale zopezekelatu mu chaka chonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2253,Methods of food processing,njira zokonzela chakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2254,Biological methods,njira za chilengedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2255,Water conservation is ensuring there is increased infiltration of water in the soil so as to reduce erosion caused by runoff,kasungidwe ka madzi ndi kuonetsetsa kuti madzi akulowa kwambiri pansi pa nthaka zomwe zimachepetsa kukokoloka kwa nthaka ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2256,Processed products are easy to transport and lessen the cost of transportation,zakudya zopangidwa sizimavuta kunyamula ndipo zimachepetsa ndalama yonyamulila katundu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2257,Reduces siltation and flooding,zimacheetsa kusefukila kwa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2258,Soil and water conservation entails a number of technologies.,pali ukadaulo wochuluka okhudza kasamalidwe ka nthaka ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2259,Reduces water runoff and soil erosion,zimachepetsa kukokoloka kwa nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2260,Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation,ubwino wosamala nthaka ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2261,Conserves soil moisture for plant growth and development,zimasunga chinyezi nthaka kuti mbewu zizikula bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2262,Not understanding the technology,kusamvetsetse kwa ukadaulo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2263,Soils or crops are not adequate and need to be adjusted,nthaka ndi mbewu sizokwanira ndipo ziyenera kusinthidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2264,need a learning-by-doing environment,pamafunika malo ophunzira mwakuchita,agriculture,agriculture document +en2265,do not have the capital to invest,alibe mpamba oyambila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2266,Steps to follow when establishing a conservation agriculture demo plot,ndondomeko zoyenmera kutsatila pokhazikitsa puloti yachiwonetselo ya ulimi wosunga nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2267,"After the demarcation, start preparing the plots as per the agreed design layout","mukamaliza kupanga malire, yambani kukonzekela malngana ndi dongosolo lomwe mwangwirizana",agriculture,agriculture document +en2268,Soil and water conservation.,kasungidwe/kasamalidwe ka nthaka ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2269,"Soil Conservation is the protection, maintenance, rehabilitation, restoration and enhancement of soil resources and includes the management and use of soil resources to ensure the sustainability of such use","kusamala nthaka ndiko kuteteza, kusamala, kuchiritsa, kubwenzeretsa ndi kutukula nthaka, iziz zimaphatikiza lasamalidwe ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka nthaka kuti ikhale ikugwirabe nthcito kwa nthawi yaitali",agriculture,agriculture document +en2270,Improves crop and pasture fields;,zimatukula minmda komanso malo odyetsela ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en2271,"In order to control runoff and soil loss, ridges should be cultivated along the contour","kuti muthane ndi kukukoloka kwa madzi ndi nthaka, bzalani mizere molekani ndi mtunda",agriculture,agriculture document +en2272,"Legumes are Very important in the diet as they supplement cereals, roots and tubers by providing plant protein","mbewu za nyemba ndizofunikila mu zakudya chifukwa zimathandizila mbewu za chimanga, za mitsitsi ndi zobala pansi popereka mapulotini ku mbewuzo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2273,Legume Processing,kakonzedwe ka mbewu za nyemba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2274,Pre-treated legume flour,ufa okonzedweratu wa magulu a nyemba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2275,Farmer Field School is a group training approach that focusses on adult non formal education through hands on field discovery learning.,maphunziro a alimi apamunda ndi uphunzitsi wapagulu umene umayang'na kwambiri za maphunziro a akuluakalu ndi kuchita bwino pamunda ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2276,The approach is a school without walls for improving decision making capacity of farmers and stimulating innovativeness for agricultural sustainability and can be done on both crops and livestock,njirayi ndi sukulu yopanda malire imene imathandiza alimi kupanga ziganizo zabwino komanos kulimbikitsa ukadaulo watsopano wotukula ulimi wa zakumunda ndi ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en2277,Improve adoption of knowledge intensive technologies and practices,zimatukula kutengela kwa nzeru za matekinoloje woonjeza ndi kuchita,agriculture,agriculture document +en2278,The approach focusses on learning of experienced farmers usually in the same locality or village who learn with hands on especially when the subject matter is related to their experiences,njirayi imayang'ana kwmabiri alimi amene anakumanapo nazo mu dera kapena mudzi omwewo komanso amachita nzinthunzo ndi alimi amene akukhudzidwa kwenikweni ndi nkhani yokambidwayo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2279,Capacity building and farmer empowerment,sukulu ya bizinesi ya alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2280,Promotes lead farmer concept which enhances farmer to farmer extension,zimalimbikitsa ndondomeko ya alimi wotsogolela alimi anzawo yomwe imalimbikitsa ulangizi wa pakati pa alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2281,Enhance Farmer Led Research,kulimbikitsa kafukufuku otsogozedwa ndi alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2282,"Promote collective problem identification, analysis and solving","limbikitsani kuzindikiritsa mavuto onse, kusanthuka ndi kuthesa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2283,Principles of Farmer Field Schools,mfundo za sukulu ya mlimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2284,Based on agro-enterprise cycle and time specific because you have to start with a crop at planting up to harvesting,kutengela ndi mabizinesi ozungulila a zaulimi ndi nthawi yoikika chifukwa mukuyenra kuyamab ndi kubzala mbewu mpakana kukolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2285,Identify and select most promising farm enterprises to increase profitability and farm income.,dziwani ndikusankha ma bizinesi omwe akupereka chiyambekezo kuti muonjezere phindu komanso ndalama zaulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2286,Farmer Business School,sukulu ya bizinesi ya alimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2287,Plan and cost the production process,konzani ndi kuwerengetsa ndamala zomwe zikufunika pa ntchito ya ulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2288,Acquire the fundamentals of how to grow crops and raise livestock in a business manner,pezani zofunika za momwe mungakulire mbewu ndi kuweta ziweto mwa bizinesi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2289,Make a plan for marketing of their farm produce,kukonzelatu mmene angagulitsile zakumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2290,Find out what the market wants and produce what the market wants.,dziwani zomwe zikufunika pa ndikupanga zimene msika ukufuna,agriculture,agriculture document +en2291,"It involves awareness creation among local or community leaders, farmers and farmer organizations on farmer business school through a meeting","zimafunikila mauthenga a chidziwitso pakati pa adindo a mmudzi, alimi ndi magulu a alimi a sukulu ya ulimi wa buzinesi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2292,Sensitization of Local Leaders and Farmer Organizations,kulimbikitsa atsogoleri a m'mudzi koamnso ma bungwe azaulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2293,Interested and supporting farmers are mobilized.,alimi onse amane ali ndi chidwi komanso amaitanidwa mapodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2294,"They should be active and practicing farmers, willing to participate regularly, farmers with a common interest, farmers from the same locality and are willing to share experiences","akuyenera akhale alimi olimbikila ndi kuchita zimene aphunzira, wololera kutenga nawo gawo nthawi zonse, alimi amene ali ndi chidwi chimodzi, alimi a dera limodzi komanso wololera kugawira anzawo zimene akudziwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2295,Benefits to Integrated Homestead Farming,kufumikila kwa ulimi wophatikiza wa pakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2296,It promotes sustainable utilization of resources at household level.,zimalimbikitsa kagwiritsidwe ntchito zipangizo kokhazikika pakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2297,"It increases utilization of vegetables, fruits and animal sources at household level.","zimalimbikitsa kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka zakudya za masamba, zipatso ndi zanyama",agriculture,agriculture document +en2298,It increases household income.,zimachulikitsa malipiro a pakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2299,It increases consumption of nutrient rich plant and animal foods.,zimachulukitsa kadyedwe ka zakudya za thanzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2300,Components of Integrated Homestead Farming,Zigawo za Ulimi Wophatikiza Pakhomo ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2301,The nutrients play various important roles in the body.,Zakudyazi zimagwira ntchito zosiyanasiyana thupi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2302,However no one food supplies all the nutrients the body needs.,palibe chakudya chimene chimapereka michere yonse yofunikila nthupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2303,They are also required for control of body processes and for protection against diseases and infections ,amaloledwanso kugwira ntchito zochitika nthupi ndi kuteteza kumatenda ndi tizirombo ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2304,"Root/Stem vegetables such as carrots, garlic, ginger, onions","mizu/tsinde zamasamba monga kaloti, adyo, jinja, anyezi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2305,Fruits are a source of many essential nutrients,zipatso ndi gwero la michere yazakudya yofunikila nthupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2306,Deliberate effort should be made to plant trees that mature faster and produce in different seasons,Khama liyenera kuchitidwa dala kubzala mitengo yomwe imakhwima mwachangu ndi kutulutsa munyengo zosiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2307,"Poultry include chickens, ducks, guinea fowls, and pigeons as they are commonly found and easy to rear.","mbalame zopezeka kwambiri komanso zosavuta kuweta ndi monga nkhuku, abakha, nkhanga komanso nkhunda",agriculture,agriculture document +en2308,"small stock animals that can be reared around the homestead include poultry, rabbits/guinea pigs and goats.","mitundu ya ziweto zazing'ono zimene zikhonza kuwetedwe pakhomo ndi monga nkhuku, akalulu/nkhumba ndi mbuzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2309,Other small stock such as pigs are also possible to manage for households that have adequate labour and feed.,mitundu ina ya ziweto zazing'ono ngati nkhumba ndizosavuta kusamala kwa amene ali ndi antchito ndi zokudya zokwanila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2310,It creates awareness among stakeholders on new and available technologies,zimapereka chidziwitso cha ukadaulo watsopano womwe ulipo kwa onse okhudzidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2311,It stimulates the need in smallholder farmers to seek for information about the new technology,zimalimbikitsa alimo ang'onoang'ono kusaka uthenga olondola okhuzana ndi ukadaulo watsopano,agriculture,agriculture document +en2312,"A field day is an event organized for a group of participants to see improved technologies being practiced on one or more farms, demonstration plots, or research stations","tsiku lowona kumunda ndi njira imodzi yomwe alimi amatha kukaona ukadaulo wamakono umene ukuchitidwa ndi pamunda kapena minda, minda ya zionetselo kapena minda kafukufuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en2313,A lead farmer handles technologies that he/she has already adopted and is practicing,mlimi wotsogolela amaphunzitsa ukadauolo womwe iye wayamba kuchita kale,agriculture,agriculture document +en2314,A lead farmer is an individual farmer who has been selected by the village to voluntarily assist in the delivery of a maximum of three good agricultural practices/technologies that are enterprise specific and is trained in those technologies,Mlimi wotsogolera ndi mlimi payekha yemwe wasankhidwa ndi mudzi kuti athandize modzifunira popereka njira zitatu zabwino zaulimi / matekinoloje omwe ali okhudzana ndi mabizinesi ndipo amaphunzitsidwa umisiriwo.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2315,"This requires a seed rate of 8 kg per hectare and the expected plant population is 37,000 and 44,444 plants per hectare at 90 cm and 75 cm ridge spacing respectively","Izi zimafuna mbeu yokwana makilogalamu 8 pa hekitala ndipo chiwerengero cha zomera ndi 37,000 ndi 44,444 pa hekitala pa 90 cm ndi 75 cm motalikirana ndi mitsetse.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2316,The rate for leafroller control are for army worm.,njira yothanilana ndi ma leafroller ndi chimodzimodzi ndi ya ma arym worm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2317,The most important insect pest for groundnuts is aphids transmit the Rosette virus.,Tizilombo tofunika kwambiri ku mtedza ndi nsabwe za m'masamba zomwe zimafalitsa kachilombo ka khate.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2318,Aphids can be controlled by early planting and planting at correct spacing,Nsabwe za m'masamba zimatha pewedwa ndi kubzala msanga ndikubzala pamalo oyenera.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2319,However potential yields are 2000kg/ha for large seeded varieties and 2500kg for small seeded varieties,Komabe zokolola zomwe zingatheke ndi 2000kg/ha kwa mitundu ikuluikulu yambewu ndi 2500kg ya mbeu zazing'ono.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2320,Pearl millet is an important food crop mostly grown in the Shire Valley,mapira ndi mbewu yofunikira kwambiri yomwe imabzalidwa ku Shire Valley,agriculture,agriculture document +en2321,Farmers should be encouraged to grow pearl millet due to its tolerance to drought,alimi alimbikitsidwe ulimi wa mapiri chifukwa cha kulolela kwake nyengo ya chilala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2322,Farmers should be encouraged to grow improved varieties which are high yielding.,alimi akuyenera alimbikistidwe kulima mbewu zamakono zoika kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2323,Nyankhombo (Okashana–1) is a variety currently recommended for the Shire Valley,Nyankhombo (Okashana–1) ndi mtundu womwe ukulimbikitsidwa pakali pano ku Shire Valley,agriculture,agriculture document +en2324,It matures very early (75 to 80 days) and has a plant height of 1.9 to 2.3m.,imacha msanga (masiku 75 mpaka 80) amatalika mpakana ma mita 1.9 kufikila 2.3,agriculture,agriculture document +en2325,"It has a yield potential of 2,500kg per hectare.","Ili ndi kuthekera kokolola 2,500kg pa hekitala.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2326,"SDMV 90031 is a high yielding variety, yielding above 2800 kgha-1.","SDMV 90031 ndi yobereka kwambiri, yopatsa kuposa 2800 kkha-1.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2327,"It is resistant to drought, diseases and insect pests such as Stem borer","imagonjetsa chilala, matenda ndi tizilombo monga stem borer",agriculture,agriculture document +en2328,Farmers can also use unimproved pearl millet varieties grown in their areas,alimi akhonza kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu yakale ya mapira a pearl yomwe amalima m'dera mwao.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2329,"Since pearl millet is an out crossing crop, farmers must use fresh seed each season","popeza mbewu ya mapila a pearl ndiyochokela maiko ena, alimi akuyenera kubzala mbewu yatsopano yosabwereza chanka chilichonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en2330,Ridges for improved varieties should be prepared at 75 cm and 90 cm for those unimproved,mizere ya mbewu zamakono isiyane 75 sentimita ndipo ya mbewu zakale iziyane 90 sentimita,agriculture,agriculture document +en2331,Pearl millet must be planted with first planting rains when 25mm rainfall has fallen.,mapira a pearl abzalidwe ndi mvula yoyambilira pamene yagwa ma milimita 25,agriculture,agriculture document +en2332,The seed rate is 4kg per hectare.,mbewu yoyenela kubzala pa hekitala ikhale yokwana 4kg,agriculture,agriculture document +en2333,Either use 200kg of 23:10:5+6S+1Zn per hectare at the time of planting.,mukhonza kugwiritsa ntchito 200kg ya 23:20:5+6s+1Zn pa hekitala pamene mukubzala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2334,Apply using drilling method 18g per meter of ridge using two and half cupfuls of cup No.8,gwiritsani ntchito pobowola njira 18g pa mita ya mzere uliwonse pogwiritsa ntchito makapu awiri ndi theka la chikho nambala 8,agriculture,agriculture document +en2335,Timely weeding during the first 6 weeks is recommended and should be followed by banking,onetsetsani kuti kupalira koyamba kwachitika mu nthawi yake pasanathe masabata asanu ndi limodzi kutsogozedwa ndi kubandila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2336,Birds are most important pests of pearl millet and they should be scared right from head formation to harvesting.,mbalame zimaononga kwmabiri mapira kotelo zikuyenera kuthamangisidwa mapila akangoyamba kumene kubereka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2337,The Disease of economic importance is Downy mildew and can be controlled by use of improved varieties and early planting.,nthenda yovuta kwmabiri ndi downy mildew ndipo tingathane nayo pogwiritsa ntchito pobzala mbewu zamakono ndi kubzala mwachangu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2338,"Timely harvesting minimises weevil attack in the field, grain damage and shattering",kukolola mu nthawi yoyenera kumathandiza kuti zokolola zathu zisagwidwe ndi anankafumbwe mmunda ndi mu nkhokwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2339,Treat the grain with Wivokil Super Dust or Actelic Super Grain Dust at the rate of 25g per 50kg bag,thirani ufa wa Wivokil Super Dust or Actelic Super Grainku mbewu yanu pa mlingo wa 25g pa thumba lilolonse la 50kg,agriculture,agriculture document +en2340,The slash and burn (Visoso) as practiced in Chitipa and Karonga and Mzimba destroys vegetation and land productivity and should therefore be discouraged,"monga momwe amachitila ku chitipa ndi karonga ndi mzuzu, visoso imaononga zomela komaso nthaka ndipo ikuyenela kuletsedwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2341,For all finger millet cultivars apply 200kg of 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn per hectare,thirani 200kg ya 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn pa hekita ku mbewu iliyonse ya mapira ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2342,Plant improved cultivars such as Dopalopa and Mavoli which are red and white grained,bzalani mbewu za makono monga dopalopa ndi mavoli zomwe zimakhala mbewu zofiila ndi zoyera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2343,"Plant 2 to 4 weeks after first rains to allow Rapoko grass (Eleusine indica), a weed which looks like millet to emerge so that it can be controlled before millet is sown",bzalani pakatha masabata awiri moaka anayi mvula yoyamba ikagwa ndi cholinga chikuti mulore udzu wa rapoko (eleusine indica) womwe umafanana ndi mapira umele ndipo uchotsedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2344,Harvest the crop when the heads are dry and store whole heads in dry structures such as nkhokwes,kololani mbewu zonse zikawuma ndikusunga mbewu yonse mu nkhokwe zopanda chinyezi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2345,It performs well in these areas when the main rains are tailing off and the cool season is setting in.,zimachita bwino mmadera amene mvula ikusiya ndipo nyengo yozizila ikuyamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2346,Jupateco 73 It is a semi-dwarf wheat variety adapted for production under irrigation in upland areas and matures in 90 to 120 days,Jupateco 73 ndi mtundu wa tirigu wamfupi womwe umabzalidwa ndi ulimi wanthirira mmalo okwera ndipo umakhwima pakati pa masiku 90 ndi 120,agriculture,agriculture document +en2347,Make a fine tilt seedbed to ensure good seedling emergence and establishment.,pangani bedi la dothi lofewa bwino kuti muonetsese kuti mbewu zamera bwino komanso zakhazikika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2348,"In Phoka Hills, Viphya plateau and Misuku Hills, wheat planting should start from mid-April to mid-May.","ku mapiri a phoka, viphya ndi misuku, yambani kulima tirigu kuchokela pakati pa mwezi wa April mpaka pakati pa mwezi wa May",agriculture,agriculture document +en2349,Birds are the most important pests of wheat especially Quelea spp(mpheta) and should be controlled by scaring from grain setting period to harvesting,mbalame ndi mbewu zimene zimawononga kwambiri tirigu makamka mpheta (quelea spp) ndipo zikuyenera kuthamangisidwa pamene titigu wayamba kubereka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2350,Drill seed in rows 30cm apart and 5cm deep.,kumbilani mbewu pansi kwa 5cm ndikusiyanisa mizere kwa 30cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2351,All types of fertilizers applied in wheat should be drilled 10cm deep and 10cm away from the rows.,mitundu yonse ya fetereza itjiriodwe ku tirigu pokumba 10cm ndi 10cm kutali ndi phando,agriculture,agriculture document +en2352,Apply 12g per 4 meters of row length using 3 cup full of cup No.5 for each type of fertilizer,thirani 24g pa 4mita ya mzere pogwiritsa ntchitp kapu namba 5 ya fetereza aliyense,agriculture,agriculture document +en2353,"Threshing should be done on clean surfaces to avoid grain mixing with sand, stones and trash","punthani mbewu pa malo woyela kupewa kuti zingasakanizike ndi mchenga, miyala ndi zinyalala zina",agriculture,agriculture document +en2354," All shriveled and off type seed, stones and any trash should be removed","mphwephwa ndi mbewu zonse zongogweramo, miyala ndi zinyalala zonse zichotsedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en2355,An application of Grain Dust at the rate of 25g per 50kg bag of grain will prevent weevil attack,kuthila mankhwala a ufa pa mlingo wa 25g pa 50kg ya chimanga zimateteza ku anankafumbwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2356,"Sunflower is commonly grown in areas such as South Mzimba, Kasungu North, Lilongwe to Mchinji plateau areas, Balaka and Phalombe as well as Lake Chilwa plain","mpendadzuwa amalimidwa kwambiri mmadera a kumwera kwa Mzimba, Kumpoto kwa Kasungu, Lilongwe mpaka mapiri a Mchinji, Balaka ndi phalombe komanso m'mbali mwa lake chira",agriculture,agriculture document +en2357,PAN 7351 Recently released variety is well adapted to midaltitude,PAN 7351 ndi mbewu yomwe yatulutsidw apompano ndipo ikulimidwa kwambiri ku madera osakwera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2358,"It has a yield potential of 4,000kg per hectare",ili ndi kuthekera kokolola ma kilogilamu 4000 pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2359,The seed colour is black.,mbewu yake imakhala ya mtundu wakuda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2360,Super 530 is a medium maturing variety,super 530 ndi mbewu imene imakhwima chapakatikati,agriculture,agriculture document +en2361,Matures in 112 to 131 days.,imachapakatha masiku 112 mpaka 131,agriculture,agriculture document +en2362,Seed rate for unimproved cultivars is 8 kg per hectare and 3.5kg per hectare for improved varieties.,mbewu yakale yoyenera kubzala ndi 8kg pa hekita ndi 3.5kg pa hekita ya mbewu yamakono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2363,Planting sunflower 4 to 6 weeks after the onset of effective planting rains produces the best yields,kubzala mpendadzuwa pakati pa masabata anayi ndi asanu ndi limodzi mvula yoyambilira ikagwa kumathandiza kuti zichite bwino ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2364,"This will also let the crop escape diseases, since physiological maturity stage will occur under conditions of low relative humidity after the rainy season.","Izi zimapangitsa kuti mbewu isagwidwe ndi matenda, chifukwa zimakhwima mu nyengo yozizila",agriculture,agriculture document +en2365,Ridges should be spaced at 75cm or 90cm apart and planting stations should be 50cm apart.,mizere isiyane ma sentimita okwana 75 kapena 90 ndipo siyanisani 50 sentimita pakati pa mapando,agriculture,agriculture document +en2366,Plant 2 seeds per station for improved varieties,bzalani mbewu ziwiri pa phondo lililonse podzala mbewu yamakono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2367,Higher yields can be obtained when ridges are spaced at 75cm.,mukasiyanisa mizere ma sentimita 75 mumapeza zokolola zochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2368,Weeding during the first 5 weeks after emergence is crucial.,kupalira masabata asanu oyambilila nkofunika kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2369,"Sunflower is an important catch crop for witchweed (Striga asiatica),It should be used in rotation with maize to reduce witchweed infestation","mpendadzuwa ndi mbewu yofunikila kuthan ndi udzu wa kaufiti, ikuyenera kulimidwa mosintha ndi chimanga kuli muchepetse chiwerengero cha kaufiti",agriculture,agriculture document +en2370,Black seeded varieties fetch a higher price on the local market and it is advisable to grade the seed properly prior to marketing,mbewu yamaonekedwe akuda imagulitsidwa pa mtengo waukulu ku msika ndipo ndikofunikila kusankha mbewu yoyenera kugulitsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2371,Sesame (Chitowe) is grown in Malawi either for food or cash.,chitowe chimalimidwa ngati chakudya kapena cha malonda malawi muno,agriculture,agriculture document +en2372,It is tolerant to drought and grown where other crops fail,imalolera ku nyengo ya chilala ndi kulimidwa pamene mbewu zina sizinachite bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2373,Sesame oil extracted from seeds is used for cooking and soap making,mafuta a chitowe amachokela ku nthanga zake zimene zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pophika komanso kupangila sopo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2374,Average yields range from 300 to 400 kg per hectare,zokolola zimatha kukhala 300 mpaka 400kg pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2375,Sesame thrives best on soils which are well drained.,chitowe chimachita bwino pa nthaka yomwa madzi bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2376,Planting should be done between mid-January to mid-February so that the crop matures under dry days,mukuyenera kubzala pakati pa mwezi wa January ndi pakati pa mwezi wa February kuti mbewu zizakhwime nyengo ya mvula itatha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2377,Sesame is ready for harvest when one third to two thirds of the lower plant parts turn yellow,chitowe chimakololedwa mbali imodzi kapena ziwiri mwa zitatu za nthambi ya pansi zikachita chikasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2378,"Plant 2 seeds per planting station, 15cm apart on ridges spaced at 90cm","bzalani mbewu ziwiri pa phando, mizere isiyane 15cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en2379,Early weeding protects the crop from intensive competition with weeds until the crop produces sufficient canopy to suppress further weed growth.,kupalila msanga kumateteza mbewu ku mpikisano ndi udzu mpakana mbewu yanu iyange masamba obweretsa nthuzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2380,The critical period is within the first 4 to 6 weeks of crop establishment.,nyengo yovutisitsa kwambiri ndi masabata anayi mpaka asanu ndi limodzi mbewu zikangobzalidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2381,"When completely dry, thresh by gently and carefully beating the bundles turned upside down into a container","zikawuma bwinowbino, punthani mosamala zitayang'ana pansi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2382,Bacterial blight is the most serious disease when the crop is planted early,bacterial blight ndi nthenda imene imavutisa kwambiri mbewu zikabzalidwa mwachangu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2383,Leafspot is a serious problem in sesame as it causes premature defoliation of the leaves.,leafspot ndi matenda ovuta kwambiri amene amadzesa kugwa kwa masamba mbewu zisanache,agriculture,agriculture document +en2384,"Suitable areas for castor growing are the Shire Valley, Phalombe Plain, Lakeshore Plain in Lilongwe and Chitipa","malo abiwno olimapo msatsi ndi Shire Valley, phalombe, mbali mwa nyanja ku Lilongwe ndi Chitipa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2385,"To achieve high yields, plant with the first rains in areas such as the Shire Valley, Phalombe Plain and the Lakeshore Plain to allow the fruit to mature as the rains tail off","kuti mukolole zochuluka, bzalani ndi mvula yoyambilira mmadera aku shire valley, phalombe ndi ku lakeshore ndicholinga kuti mvula ikamatha zikhale zitakhwima",agriculture,agriculture document +en2386,Keep the field weed free throughout the growing season,munda onse ukhale opanda tchire mu nyengo yolima,agriculture,agriculture document +en2387,Plant castor on ridges spaced at 75cm or 90cm.,mizere yolimapo castor italikane 75 mpaka 90cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2388, Sow one seed at 60cm between planting stations on the ridge,bzalani mbewu imodzi 60cm pakati paphando lililonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2389,The seed rate is 10 to 12kg per hectare,mbewu yoyenera kubzala pa hekitala ikhale yokwana 10 mpaka 12kg,agriculture,agriculture document +en2390,The most common disease of castor is Botritis mould–Recem (Botrytis cinerea),nthenda yodziwika kwambiri ya castor ndi Botritis mould–Recem (Botrytis cinerea),agriculture,agriculture document +en2391,It is not economical to control the disease with fungicide.,palibe phindu lothandilana ndi matendawo pothila mankhwala (fungicides),agriculture,agriculture document +en2392,The pods are ready for harvesting when they turn grey and the pods shows cracks,mbewu zikhonza kukololedwa zikasintha mtundu kukhla mbuu komanso ngati zayamba kuthetheka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2393,The giant local variety produces the first ripe pods suitable for picking approximately 140 days after planting,mtundu waukulu wa mbewu umatulutsa zipatso zakupsa zoyambilira zokuti zithyoledwe pakatha masiku 140,agriculture,agriculture document +en2394,Dry the pods on a clean dry ground in the sun for a few days before shelling.,yanikani makoko pansi poyera padzuwa kwa masiku angapo musanaswe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2395,Cassava stem storage technique is encouraged among smallholder farmers who store the harvested cassava stems until there is enough rains for planning in the next season,njira yosunga nthambi za chinangwa za mbewu kumalimbikitsidwa pkati pa alimi ang'onoang'ono amen amasunga mbewu zozabzala mvula ikazayamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2396,Planting material should be free from insect pests such as cassava mealy bug and cassava scales;,zipangizo zodzalira sizakhale zogwidwa ndi tizizlombo monga cassava mealy bug ndi cassava scales,agriculture,agriculture document +en2397,Cuttings should be obtained from the base to the middle portions of well matured plants of older than 9 months,mitengo ya mbewu ikuyenera kudulidwa pa nthambi zapakati zokhwima bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2398,Farmers should not plant cassava late,alimi asamabzale chinangwa mochedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2399,Cassava does well on well drained soils,chinangwa chimachita bwino pa nthaka yolowa madzi bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2400,These are sucking insects and their feeding habit is not very destructive.,iti ndi tizirombo toyamba madzi komanso kadyedwe kake sikakhala kowononga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2401,Control is aimed at the disease and not the insect pest,vuto lofunika kuthana nalo ndi matenda osati tizilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2402,s. Their feeding activity results into yellowing and defoliation of leaves,kadyedwe kawo kamapangisa chikasu ndi kuthothoka kwa masamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2403,Cassava green mite feeds on young leaves and tender shoots.,chiswe chamu chunangwa chimadya masamba aang'ono komanso ofewa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2404,It is characterized by mottled and curled leaves and transmitted by white flies.,zizindikilo ndi masamba akuda komanso okwinyika ndipo amabweretsedw andi tintchentche toyera mtundu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2405,Farmers should be advised to be on the lookout for any insect pest and disease outbreaks,alimi akulangizidwa kukhala atcheru podziwa tizilombo ndi matenda amene akuvta nthawi imeneyo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2406,"After the cassava crop has reached maturity, the quality of roots of most varieties often deteriorates after 15 months of growth.","chinangwa chikafika pokhwima, kawonekedwe ka mitsisi ya mbewu zambiri kamawonongeka pakatha miyezi khumi ndi isanu",agriculture,agriculture document +en2407,Cassava Brown Streak Disease is caused by a virus and transmitted by White flies,nthenda ya chinangwa ya brown streak imayamba chifukwa cha tincthenthce ta mtundu oyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2408,On the leaves the disease appears as patches of yellow areas mixed with normal green colour.,nthendayi imaoneka ngati madontho ofiila pa masamba obiliwira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2409,The damaged leaves do not become distorted in shape as in cassava mosaic disease,masamba owownongeka samasintha maonekedwe ngati momwe imapangitsila nthenda ya chinangwa ya mosaic,agriculture,agriculture document +en2410,Farmers using sweet varieties should process their cassava roots using the cassava chip (makaka) methods if the end product is to be used for human consumption.,alimi amene amalima mbewu yosekemela akuyenera kusunga chinangwa ngati makaka ngati chiyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chakudya ch anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2411,Farmers are encouraged to store the cassava in flour or chip form,alimi amalimbikitsidwa kusunga chinangwa ngati ufa kapena makaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2412,Farmers should store cassava chips (makaka) in cool dry places after packing them in gunny bags,alimi akuyenera kusunga makaka a chinangwa mmalo ozizila akalongeza mmasaka ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2413,To avoid weevil damage apply 25 g of Actellic Super Dust to 50kg makaka or 25g of Super grain dust to 50kg of makaka,kupewa kuti zingawonongeke ndi anankafumbwe thirani 25g ya catelic super dust ku 50kg kapena 25g ya Super grain dust ku 50kg ya makaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2414,"Cassava can be sold as fresh roots, chips and flour","chinangwa chimagulitsidwa chachiwisi, makaka ndi ufa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2415,Orange fleshed varieties are a good source of vitamin A,mbatata zofiila ndi gwero labwino la vitamini A,agriculture,agriculture document +en2416,Leaves of Sweetpotato are used as relish (ndiwo) and are good source of vitamin A.,kholowa amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati ndiwo ndipo ndi gwero la bwino la vitamin A ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2417,"Orange, very early maturity to allow for piece meal harvesting during lean times",mbewu yofiila imacha nsanga kuthandiza nathu kupeza chakudya mu nyengo yosowekela,agriculture,agriculture document +en2418,The vine should be cut 10-15 cm away from the base to reduce incidence of sweetpotato weevil,kholowa adulidwe 10-15cm kuchokela pansi kuti tipewe kupezeka kwa anankwfumbwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2419,"Where rainfall is not reliable, planting should be completed by mid-January","madera amene mvula simadalilika, kubzala kulekeze pakati pa mwezi wa January",agriculture,agriculture document +en2420,Farmers who plant their Sweetpotatoes in dimba gardens like in the Shire Valley flood plain should plant their crop as soon as water has receded,alimi amene amabzala mbatata mmadimba monga ngati ku shire valley akuyenera abzale madzi akaphwela,agriculture,agriculture document +en2421,Garlic does not tolerate excessive humidity or rainfall,adyo sapilira ku nyengo ya chinyezi kapena mvula yambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2422,Cuttings should be 25 to 30cm long.,zodula zanu zikhale zotalika 20 mpaka 30cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2423,"For root production, the ridges should be spaced at 90cm and planting stations at 30cm","kuti mizu ikule, talikisani mizere kwa 90cm ndi mapando kwa 30cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en2424,"Where white grubs are a problem, do not plant on soils rich in organic matter","malo amene ma white grubs ndi vuto lalikulu, musabzale pamene pali manyowa azinyalala ambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en2425,Soils which are water logged should be avoided.,pewani dothi lokumwa madzi ambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2426,Weed early particularly during the first 6 weeks of establishment,palirani mwachangu makamaka masambata asanu ndi imodzi oyambilila mukangobzala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2427,"Where the crop cover is poor, hand weeding should continue as required.",pamene zomela zotchinga zili zosachita bwino mungota kuchotsa udzu ndi manja,agriculture,agriculture document +en2428,Sweetpotato weevil (Cylas formicarius) This is the most destructive insect pest of Sweetpotato,nankafumbwe wa mbatata ndi kachilombo kowonong akwmbiri mbatata,agriculture,agriculture document +en2429,"Control is by practicing crop rotation, use of resistant varieties namely: Yoyera, Babache, Kenya, Kakoma, Semusa, Mugamba, Tainoni, filling cracks when the roots start bulking, and timely harvesting","njira yopewera ndi kupanga ulimi wakasinthasinthan ndipogwiritsa ntchito mbewu zololela monga; Yoyera, Babache, Kenya, Kakoma, Semusa, Mugamba, Tainoni, kukwilira ming'alu pamene mbatata zayamba kuphuka komanso kukolola nthawi yabwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en2430,White grubs cause serious damage to roots and tubers of Sweetpotato.,ma white grubs amaononga misitsi ndi mbatata,agriculture,agriculture document +en2431,About 370 bundles of sweetpotato vines are required to plant one hectare.,pa hekitala pamafunika mbewu ya kholowa mitolo 370 kuti mubzale,agriculture,agriculture document +en2432,Never leave the crop in the field for a longer time otherwise the sweetpotato weevils will heavily attack the tubers hence reducing the quality and quantity of usable tubers,osasiya zokolola zanu mmunda kw anthawi yaitali chifukwa zimagwidwa ndi anankafumbwe amene amaononga mbatata zabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2433,"Potatoes locally known as Kachewere grow successfully in areas of high altitude, which have a cool climate and adequate rainfall.",kachewere amachita bwino mmadera okwera amene amakhala ndi nyengo yotentha bwino ndi mvula yokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2434,"Soils should be free-draining, deep and rich in organic matter with soil acidity of pH5.0 to 6.5","dothi lizikhala lolowa bwino madzi, komanso la manyowa okwanila bwino ndi asidi wa mu nthaka okwanila 0.5ph mpakana 6.5 ",agriculture,agriculture document +en2435,Plough deeply and break soil clods to make a fine tilth.,limani pansi kwambiri ndikuswa zigulumwa kuti mupange donthi lofewa bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2436,After ridging make grooves on top of ridges 15cm deep,"mukapanga mizere, kumbani ngalande a 15cm pamwamba pa mzere",agriculture,agriculture document +en2437,Apply 200kg of D compound per hectare.,thirani 200kg ya D compound pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2438,"Three to four weeks after crop emergence, top dress with 200kg of CAN per hectare.",pakatha masabata atatu kapena anayi thirani fetereza wokulitsa wa CAN 00kg pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2439,Apply 20g per meter of ridge length using 5 cupfuls of cup No.5.,thirani 20g pa mita ya mzere uliwonse pogwiritsa ntchito makapu 5 a cup no. 5,agriculture,agriculture document +en2440,A potato field should be weeded twice during the growing season.,munda wa kachewere uyenera kupalilidwa kawiri pa chaka ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2441,Aphids are controlled by spraying with Malathion 25WP or Dimethoate 20WP,kuti muthane ndi nsabwe za mmasamba thirani mankhwala a Malathion 25W kapena Dimethoate 20WP,agriculture,agriculture document +en2442,Fortunately this disease in Malawi attacks the crop later in the season than Late Blight,"mwa mwayi, nthendayi imakhudza mbewu kumapeto kwa nyengo yolima kusiyana ndi leaf blight",agriculture,agriculture document +en2443,Tuber Moth damage can be avoided by earthing up,agulugufe owononga mbewu akhonza kupewedwa pokwilira ndi dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2444,This should be done repeatedly at intervals of 10 to 14 days,chitani izi mobwwerezabwereza kwa masiku khumi mpaka khumi ndi anayi (masabata awiri),agriculture,agriculture document +en2445,"If the plants are infected in the later stages of development, when tubers are developing, the bacteria will get into the tubers and survive there.","ngati mbewu zagwidwa ndi matenda pamene zatsala pang'ono kukhwima, mbatata zikayamba, nthendayi imabisala mu mbatata ndikukhala m'menemo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2446,Seed tubers should further be protected by dusting them with one sachet (40g) of Pirimiphos- methyl (Actellic) per 90kg sack of potatoes,mbatata za mbewu zikuyenera kutetezedwa pothiridwa mankhwala a ufa sacheti limodzi lokwana 40g la Pirimiphos- methyl (Actellic) pa 90kgya thumba la mbatata,agriculture,agriculture document +en2447,There is no chemical control measure.,palibe njira yogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2448,"Since the virus also spreads through seed, farmers are recommended to use clean seed only.","popeza mbewunso zimagwidwa ndi matenda, alimi akulangizidwa kuwgiritsa nthcito mbewu zomwe zilibe matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en2449,The potato crop is mature when leaves turn naturally yellow or the top dies off.,mbewu ya mbatata imakwima masamba akachita chikasu or masamba apamwamba akayoyoka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2450,Leaves tend to be upright and are generally pale yellow.,masamba amakhaala oongoka ndipo nthawi zambiri amakahala otumbululuka achikasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2451,It is best controlled through crop rotation and use of chemical Nematicides such as Furadan,imapewedwa bwino popanga ulimi wakasinthasintha ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala a nematicides monga furadan,agriculture,agriculture document +en2452,Potato for consumption should be stored in darkness ,sungani kadyewere wa chakudya mu chipinda cha mdima ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2453,Storage does not improve quality of the potatoes therefore best quality crop should be stored from the start,kusunga mbatat sikumawonjezela kawonekedwe kabwino ka mbatata kuteloko mbatata za mbewu zisungidwe kumayambiliro,agriculture,agriculture document +en2454,The shelf life of potatoes for consumption can be prolonged by keeping them at low temperatures less than 90C,nthawi imene mbatata ya chakudya ingasungidwe mopitilila ndi pamene yasungidwa pa ma dgili okwana 90,agriculture,agriculture document +en2455,Potato tubers for seed should be stored in Diffused Light Store,mbewu ya mbatata isungidwe muchipinda chowala ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2456,"Once green and under cool conditions, seed potato can store for 3 months",mbewu ya kachewere ikhonzi kusungidwa kwa miyezi itatu zikangobiliwila ndi kusongidwa malo ozizila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2457,"Agricultural chemicals not normally used on tobacco should never be allowed to come in contact with tobacco during production, curing or in storage","mankhwala mbewu amene samathiridwa ku fodya sakuyenera kuyikidwa pafupi ndi fodya pa nthawi yolima, yoyanika ndikusunga",agriculture,agriculture document +en2458,Farmers are advised not to store any chemicals in tobacco barns and holding sheds,alimi amalangizidwa kuti asamasunge mankhwala mma balan a fodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2459,"The choice of tobacco type and/or variety depends on trade requirement, farmer preference and prevailing climatic and soil conditions","chisankho cha mtundu wa mbewu ya tobacco amene mukufuna kulima zimatengera ndi mmene msika ukufinila, kuufna kwa mlimi, nyengo ya dera ndi momwe nthaka ilili",agriculture,agriculture document +en2460,Growers who are interested to use introduced varieties should follow appropriate procedures for importation,alimi amene ali osangalatsidwa kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu yatsopano akuyenera atsatile ndondomeko zoyenera zogulira mbewu kuchokela dziko lina,agriculture,agriculture document +en2461,It is recommended that the length of seed beds should be 30m or any convenient length and 1m wide,mabedi a mbewu ovomelekeza amayenera akhale 30m mulitali ndi 1m mulifupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2462,"Nursery sites should be properly fenced to ensure protection from stray animals and other pests, strong wind and airborne diseases.","manazale akuyenera kumangilidwa mpanda kuti atetezeke ku nyama zoyendayenda ndi tizilombo, mphepo yamkuntho ndi matenda obwera ndi mphepo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2463,Nematodes should be controlled by using recommended pesticides such as Basamid or by burning,mukhonza kugonjetsa ma nematides pothira mankhwala monga basmid kapena powotcha mbewu zokhudzidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2464,"On the14th day, apply the chemical using the above rate and thoroughly mix with soil to a depth of 20cm","pakatha masabata awiri (patsiku la 14), thirani mankhwala pogwiritsa ncthito ndondomeko zomwe zili mmwambamp ndikutsakaniza ndi dothi kwa 20cm",agriculture,agriculture document +en2465,On the 21st day plastic should be aerated in order to release some toxic gases that may injure the seed.,"pakatha masabata atatu (patsiku la 21), boolani chipepala cha pulasitiki kuti mpweya woyipa otuluke womwe ungathe kuonnga mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en2466,Basamid does not leave any harmful residues after breaking down making it an ozone friendly chemical.,basamid samasiya zotsalila zoopsa zomwe akamaliza kusungunuka zomwe zimapangisa kuti asaownongwe chilengedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2467,Water is applied for 12 days before piling the stalks to activate soil organisms after which actual burning is done.,madzi athilidwe pakatha masiku khumi ndi awiri musawunjike mapesi kuti tizilombo ta mu nthaka tituluke pamene mukuotcha ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2468,nematodes can be controlled by using the float tray system,mukhonza kupewa ma nematodes pobzala fodya mmathileyi oyandama mmadzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2469,"To maximize yield, tobacco should be water planted.",fodya ayenera kubzalidwa ndi madzi kuti zokolola zichuluke,agriculture,agriculture document +en2470,"Farmers should follow a minimum rotation of 4 years to avoid build- up of pests and diseases, particularly nematodes.",alimi ayesele ulimi wakasinthasintha osachepera zaka zinayi kuti apewe kuchulukana kwa tizilombo ndi matenda makamaka nematode,agriculture,agriculture document +en2471,"In areas where both tobacco and cotton are grown, great care is required to avoid insecticides used on cotton drifting onto tobacco","madera amene amalima fodya ndi thonje, akuyenela kusamala kwambiri kuti mankhwala othana ndi tizizlombo a thonje asafike mmunda wa fodya",agriculture,agriculture document +en2472,Pine bark is the common substrate used in float tray tobacco seedling production,khungwa la payini limagwiritsodwa ntchito pofesa mbewu ya fodya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2473,Farmers should aim at transplanting tobacco with the first planting rains so as to complete the operation before Christmas,alimi awokele nsamga fodya ndi mvula yoyambilila kuti ikamafika nyengo ya khisimisi azikhala atamlaiza kuwokela,agriculture,agriculture document +en2474,"Where resources permit, famers should apply recommended pesticides","ngati pali zipangizo zokwanila, alimi athire mankhwala a tizolombo ovomelezeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en2475,It is therefore essential that tobacco should not be planted within 100m radius of any cotton crop,ndikofunika kuti munda wa fodya ukhale kutali ndi munda wa thonje kwa ma mita 100,agriculture,agriculture document +en2476,Always start with the clean lands or plants end up with diseased lands or plants.,kumayamba ndi nthaka yopanda matenda apo ayi mbewu zimagwidwa ndi matenda kapena kusiya matenda mu nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2477,The disease also spreads by transplanting diseased seedlings into clean lands.,nthendayi imathanso kufala pamene tawokela mbewu zokhuzidwa pa malo abwinobwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2478,Development of the diseases and severity of damage is enhanced by high soil moisture and high soil temperature,kukula kwa matenda komanso kaonongedwe kake kumadza chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa chinyontho mu nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2479,types of symptoms may occur if attacked by more virulent strains of the virus.,mitundu ya zizindikilo imaoneka ngati yakhudzidwa ndi tizilombo toopsa kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2480,Affected plants are stunted,mbewu zokhudziwa zimakula mopinimbila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2481,can lead to leaf degradation and loss of yield and quality,zikhodza kulowesa kawonekedwe kabwino ka masamba komanso kuchepetsa zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2482,Control is by use of certified and disease free seed,pewani pogwiritsa ntchito mbewu zovomelezeka komanso zopanda matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2483,"Harvesting or reaping, curing, bulking and preliminary pre-sale (farm) grading constitute some of the important aspects of post-harvest technology of tobacco.","kukolola, kuchiza, kulongeza ndi kasankha malingana ndi kaonekedwe ndi njira zofunika kutsatila posamalira fodya akakololedwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2484,From the barn leaf is transferred to storage sheds.,kuchokela mma balani pititsani masamba mosungilamo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2485,The walls should be plastered and white washed.,khoma lizilidwe ndi kutsukidwa bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2486,Grouping is the arrangement of tobacco bales in such an order that bales of similar quality are sold together in runs of declining order of value.,magulu (grouping) ndi ndondomeko yoika fodya mmabelo mu ndondomeko yokuti mabelo owonek abwino amagulitsidwa pa mtengo waukulu kenako kumatsika malingana ndi mawonekedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2487,"In the event that the disease appears in the lands, topping high and reaping earlier than normal may help to salvage the crop.","pamene nthendayi yatulukila msanga mudera, kubzala mwachangu ndi kukolola mwachangu kusiyana ndi nthawi zonse kumathandiza",agriculture,agriculture document +en2488,Symptoms of attack are stunting and yellowing of leaves,kupinimbila ndi kufiila kwa masamba ndi zizindikilo za kugwidwa ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2489,The disease affects tobacco at any stage of growth in the seedbeds and can also develop on newly transplanted tobacco.,nthendayi imagwira fodya pa msinkhu uliwonse mukafesa ngakhaleso pamene mwangowokela kumene ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2490,Sprays recommended for tobacco aphids and budworms will also control the aforementioned pests.,mankhwala amene mukhonza kthira ku fodya kuti muthane ndi nsabwe za mmasamba ndi mphutsi za mmaluwa mukhonzaso kuthira pothana ndi tizilombo tachulidwa mmwambamo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2491,"Termites can be observed both in nurseries and in the lands, especially where there is lack of decomposed organic material during hot and dry weather.",chiswe chimawoneka kwambiri pa nazale kapena mmunda ngati manyowa sanawole bwino munyengo yotentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2492,Control is by early ploughing to allow complete decomposition of the plant residues.,Kuthana nacho ndi kulima mwachangu kuti zinyalala za mbewu ziwole mokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2493,Cutworms are active at night.,ma cutworm amachangamuka usiku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2494,The insect will curl up into a small thick lot when disturbed,Kachilomboka kamadzikulunga nkukhala kakang'ono kokhuthala kakasokonezedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2495,The tobacco aphid also known as the green peach aphid is the most severe insect pest of tobacco in Malawi,nsabwe za mmasamba a fodya zomwenso zimatchedwa nsabwe za mmasamba za mupichesi ndi tizilombo timene timawononga kwambiri fodya mmalawi muno,agriculture,agriculture document +en2496,"Control is by hand picking under light infestations and chemical sprays of Steward 150 EC, Aryna 46EC, Belt Expert 480 SC etc","mutha kuthana nazo potola ndi manaj ngati zilipo zochepa ndi kuthira mankhwala monga Steward 150 EC, Aryna 46EC, Belt Expert 480 SC ndi ena ambiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en2497,"As these leaves increase in size, the feeding holes increase proportionally, giving the leaves a raged distorted appearance.","pamene masamba akukula, mabowo odyera makulanso chimodzimodzi, kupangitsa kuti masamba akhale ndi kaonekedwe kodabwitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2498,Symptoms of ant damage are their observed presence in large numbers on the seedbeds and reduced seed germination because they carry the tiny newly sown seed off the seedbed.,zizindikilo za kuononga kwa chiswe kumaoneka ndikachulukidwe ka ka chiswe pa mabedi a mbewu komanso kuchewa kwa zomela kamba kakuti zimadya mbewu zikangomel,agriculture,agriculture document +en2499,"In the Northern region, nursery destruction should be done before 1st January of each year","mchigawo chakumpoto, nazale limayenera liwonongedwe pa 1 January pasanafike chaka chilichonse",agriculture,agriculture document +en2500,"Chemical control of aphids must be preventive, both in the seedbeds and in the lands.",mankhwala othana ndi nsabwe za m'masamba athitiridwe ngati kupewa nsabwezi mmalo obzala mbewu komanso minda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2501,"In the Northern region, stalk uprooting should have been completed by 30th May each year.","Kuchigawo chakumpoto, kuzula mapesi kuyenera kumalizidwa pasanafike pa 30 May chaka chilichonse.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2502,Agricultural practices that ensures uniform crops are encouraged in order to have few but high quality grades of leaf,Njira zaulimi zothandiza kuti mbewu iwoneke mofanana zimalimbikitsidwa kuti pakhale masamba ochepa koma apamwamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2503,"CG 9 is a newly released medium duration, Virginia type groundnut variety","CG9 ndi mbewu yatsopano yomwe imacha mwapakatikati, ndi mtundu wa mtedza wa virginia",agriculture,agriculture document +en2504,It has a yield potential of 2500 kg/ha,ili ndi kuthekela kotulutsa zokolola zokwana 25000kg pa hectare,agriculture,agriculture document +en2505,"CG 12 is a newly released short duration, Spanish type groundnut variety","CG 12 ndi mbewu yatsopano yosachedwa kukhwima, ndi mtundu wa mtedza wa spanish",agriculture,agriculture document +en2506,It reaches 50% flowering in about 34 days.,theka la mbewu limamasula pa masiku 34,agriculture,agriculture document +en2507,It is tolerant to drought and groundnut rosette disease.,imapilira ku chilala ndi matenda a khate a mtedza,agriculture,agriculture document +en2508,It takes 100 to 110 days to reach maturity,zimatenga masiku 100 mpakana 110 kuti zikhwime,agriculture,agriculture document +en2509,"During pegging, only hand weeding should be done to avoid damage to developing pods.","pamene zayamba kubereka, mukhona kuzula udzu ndi manja okha kuopa kuononga mbewu",agriculture,agriculture document +en2510,Tikolore is another indeterminate variety,tikolore ndi mbewu ina yosapanganika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2511,In the first place the farmer can choose to apply only Rhizobium inoculants for a certain yield target,choyambilira mlimi akhonza kusankha kuthira rhizobium inoculant yekha kapena kuti mbewu zosankhika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2512,"Secondly, a farmer can choose to apply fertilizer only without the inoculum.","kachiwiri, mlimi akhonza kusankha fetereza okuti athire opanda inoculum",agriculture,agriculture document +en2513,Thirdly the farmer can choose to apply both rhizobium inoculants and nitrogenous fertilizer to the crop in order to achieve a very high yield target,"kachitatu, mlimi akhonza kusnakha kuthila inoculant wa rizobium pamodzi ndi fetereza wa nayitrojeni kuti achulutse zokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en2514,"ICPL87015 is a nearly maturing and high yielding (up 2,500kg/ha)",mbewu ya ICPL87015 imakhwima mwachnu ndi kutulutsa zokolola zochuluka ( zokwana 2500kg pa hekitala),agriculture,agriculture document +en2515,"If ash is used to treat cowpea grain, apply 25% ash to the volume of the grains","ngati mumagwiritsa ntchito phulusa posunga mbewu ya nandolo, thirani 25% ya phulusa ku mbewuyo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2516,Kayera yields an average of about 880kg/ ha,kayera amatulutsa zokolola zosachepera 880kg pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2517,It takes 55 days to attain a total of 55 leaves and 50% flowering.,zimatenga masiku 55 kuti zikhale ndi masamba okwana 55 komanso kuti theka la mbewu zonse limasule maluwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2518,Sesame is interplanted with cereals and grain legumes.,bzalani chitowe mophatikiza ndi chimanga ndi nyemba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2519,Its average hieght is about 125 cm and flowers about 60 days after emergence.,zimatalika osachepera 125cm ndipo zimayamba kumasula maluwa pakatha masiku 60 ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2520,It produces bolls which mature and start opening at about 117 days after crop emergence,zimabereka tizipatso tomwe timakhwima nkuphulika paktha masiku 117 mbewu zikamera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2521,"It gives 37 % more seed cotton yield than Makoka 2000, 86 % over RASAM 17 and 29 % over IRM 81","imatulutsa zokolola zoposera 37% mbewu ya thonje ya makoka 2000, 86% mbewu ya RASAM 17 ndi 29% kuposa mbewu ya IRM 81",agriculture,agriculture document +en2522,Its average height in Malawi is about 126 cm and flowers about 56 days after emergence,ku malawi kuno zimatalika 126cm ndi kuyamba maluwa pakatha masiku 56 zikamera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2523,"Whether the ridge is spaced at 75 cm or 90 cm, planting stations should be 60 cm apart within the ridge","kaya mizere yatalikilana kwa 75cm kapena 90cm, mapando atalikilane 60cm mkati mwa mzere",agriculture,agriculture document +en2524,The seed should be sown at 20 mm depth in wet soil.,mbewu ibzalidwe 20mm kuchoka pansi pa nthaka yonyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2525,This gives a seed rate of 25 kg per hectare,mbewu yoyenera kubzalidwa pa hekitala ndi yokwana 25kg,agriculture,agriculture document +en2526,Farmers are advised to follow planting instructions printed on the seed pack for hybrid and Bt cotton varieties,alimi akuyenera kutsatila ndondomeko zobzalira zimene zalembedwa pa thumba la mbewu ya hybrid ndi Bt cotton ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2527,"A delay in thinning will result in plants severely competing for nutrients, sunlight and moisture","kuchedwa kupalila kumapangitsa kuti mbewu zizikanganilana zakudya,dzuwa ndi chinyontho",agriculture,agriculture document +en2528,"Fertilizer recommendation for cotton is 34 kg N, 45 kg P205 and 22 kg Sulphur per hectare where the crop is stunted because of nutrient deficiency",fetereza oyenerera kuthira ku thonje ndi 34kg n. 45kg P205 ndi 22kg Sulphur a hekitala pamene mbewu zikupinimbira chifukwa cha kusowa kwa michere mu nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2529,apply 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn at the rate of 100 kg per hectare,thirani fetereza wa 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn pa mlingo wa 100kg pa hekitala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2530,"At first flower, apply 52 kg CAN per hectare.","maluwa oyamba akamasula, thirani 52kg ya CAN pa hekitala",agriculture,agriculture document +en2531,"Farmers should not wait for dry spells before weeding because by the time there is a dry spell, weeds may already have overcrowded the small plants",alimi asadikile kuti mvula isiye kuti apalire chifukwa pamene mvula ikusiya udzu umkhala utadzakuta mbewu zing'onozing'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2532,Early weeds in cotton can also be controlled by applying Pendimethalin 500 EC (Dinitroaniline).,thirani Pendimethalin 500 EC (Dinitroaniline) kuti muthane ndi udzu wakumayambiliro mminda ya thonje,agriculture,agriculture document +en2533,Protect the orchard from fire hazards by weeding and making fire breaks of at least 3m wide around it,tetedzani munda wanu wa zipatso ku ziopsezo za moto popalila udzu ndikulimira mmbali pamulingo wa 3m kuti moto usamafike ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2534,The planting holes should be 90cm in diameter and 90cm deep.,maenje obzalila azikhala 90cm kukula ndi kutalika komwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2535,"Soils should be deep, fertile and free draining","dothi lidzikhala lakuya, lachonde ndi lolowa bwino madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2536,Fertilizer applications should be based on soil and leaf analysis,thriani fetereza malingana ndi zotsatila ka kafukufuku wa dothi ndi masamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2537,Apply half of the chemical fertilizer at the beginning of the rainy season and the other half when the rains are tailing of,thirani theka la fetereza kumayambiliro kwa nyengo ya mvula ndi kumaliza theka lotsala kumapeto kwa nyengo ya mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2538,Citrus can be grown in many areas depending on species and varieties.,zipatso zitha kubzalidwa madera ambiri malingana ndi mtundu wachipatso komanso mbewu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2539,The best time to apply manure is when preparing land,nthawi yabwino yothira manyowa ndi pamene mukusosa mmunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2540,Plant with the first planting rains (rains of 50mm or wetting to a depth of 15cm),bzalani ndi mvula yoyambilira (pamen mvula yagwa 50mm kapena dothi lanyowa 15cm kupita pansi),agriculture,agriculture document +en2541,Supplementary watering should be done as required.,thilirani mbewu pamene kuli koyenera kutero,agriculture,agriculture document +en2542,Control is by hand picking and crushing of caterpillars.,mukhonza kuthana ndi mbozi potola ndi kunyenya ndi manja,agriculture,agriculture document +en2543,Plough deeply and incorporate 5 to 10kg of compost or khola manure per square metre,limani mwakuya kwambiri ndi kusakaniza 5 mpakana 10kg ya manyowa a zinyalala kapena manyowa a khola pa sikweya mita ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2544,Apply 3 to 5kg of well decomposed manure per square meter and mix thoroughly with the soil.,thirani 3 mpakana 5kg ya manyowa pa sikweya mita ndikusakanika bwino ndi dothi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2545,The caterpillars eat the leaves,mbozi zimadya masamba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2546,Cinnamon requires warm and wet conditions with moderate temperatures of about 27ºC,Cinnamon amafunika nyengo yotentha komanso ya chinyezi wambiri ndi kutetha kwama digiri 27,agriculture,agriculture document +en2547,Aphids attack new shoots causing stunted growth,nsabwe za mmasamba zimadya masamba ophukila kumene kupangisa kuti zipinimbile,agriculture,agriculture document +en2548,Vegetables are easily attacked by many insect pests and diseases,mbewu zamasamba sizichedwa kugwidwa ndi tizirombo tambiri komanso matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2549,The adult flies are tiny about 1mm and yellowish in colour with white powdery wings,ntchentche zikakula zimakhala zazing'ono kwambiri kufika 1mm komanso za makaka achikasu ndi mapiko okhala ndi ufa woyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2550,The disease occurs in orchards established on recently opened land which had natural trees,nthendayi imapezeka mminda ya zipatso yomwe yangokhadzikitsidwa kumene pa malo amene panali mitengo yachilengedwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2551,Those that cannot die by ring barking must be dug out with as much root system as possible.,mitengo yomwe sizingaume pochotsa makungwa iyenera kukumbidwa mpaka mitsitsi yonse ichoke,agriculture,agriculture document +en2552,"Pineapples can be established from suckers, slips and tops","nanazi zimadzalidwa kuchokela ku misitsi, ziphuthu ndi zimasamba",agriculture,agriculture document +en2553,The yields of mango are low in cool areas because of incidences of powdery mildew,mango amakololedwa ochepa mmadera ozizila chifukwa cha kupezeka kwa nthenda ya powdery mildew,agriculture,agriculture document +en2554,Presently yields of fully grown improved mango trees range from 200 to 500 fruits per tree,"padakali pano, mtengo umodzi wa mbewu yamakono ukumatulutsa mango 200 mpakana 500",agriculture,agriculture document +en2555,Avocado pears are important food and cash crop,mapeyala ndi mbewu yofunikila ya chakudya komanso malonda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2556,The growing of available local cultivars should be encouraged especially where farmers have no access to improved varieties,kulima mbewu zamakolo kukuyenera kulimbikitsidwa makamaka kwa alimi amene alibe kuthekera kopeza mbewu zamakono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2557,"Local cultivars such as Boloma and Domasi which are big and sweet, and small mangoes such as Waka, Nthulura and Kapantha that are widely adapted should be encouraged.","mbewu yamakolo ya Boloma ndi Domasi yomwe imakhala yaikulu ndi yokoma, mango aang'ono monga Waka, Nthulura and Kapantha amene anadzalidwa kwambiri akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa ",agriculture,agriculture document +en2558,Plant trees in December or January for successful establishment,bzalani mitengo mu December kapena January kuti zikhadzikike bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2559,Apply 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure per tree at the beginning of the rainy season,thirani 5 mpakana 10kg ya manyowa owola bwino pa mtengo umodzi umodzi kumayambiliro kwa nyengo ya mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2560,The fruit weighs 0.5 to 1.0kg and is of excellent quality,chipatsocho chimalemela 0.5 mpaka 1.0kg ndipo imakhala yokongola bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2561,It attacks the base of the tree and may eventually affect the root system,imagwira pansi pa mtengo ndipo imatha kukhudza mitsitsi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2562,The outer layer contains more sugars and vitamins than inner layer,Kunja kwake kumakhala ndi shuga ndi ma vitamini ochuluka kusiyana ndi mkati,agriculture,agriculture document +en2563,All unwanted trees should be ring-barked 2 years in advance and left to die to reduce the risk of Armillaria infection.,mitengo yonse yosafunikila imayenera ichotsedwe zikungwa kuti iwume ndi kufa zaka ziwiri zambuyo ndicholinga choteteza kuti isagwidwe ndi matenda a Armillaria,agriculture,agriculture document +en2564,Pawpaw is fairly drought-tolerent but irrigation is required after prolonged dry periods,mapapaya amapilira ku nyengo ya chilala komabe kuthilira kumafunika ngati nyengo yapitilila kwmabiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2565,Seed may be stored up to 3 years,mbewu itha kusungidwa mpakana zaka zitatu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2566,"It should be noted, however, that germination percentages declines with storage period",mukuyenera kudziwa kuti chiwerengero cha mbewu zomela chimatsika malingana ndi nthawi imene mbewu yasungidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2567,Seedlings should be transplanted when 6 weeks old or 30cm tall,okelani mbewu zikatha masabata 6 kapena zikatalika kwa 30cm,agriculture,agriculture document +en2568,Pawpaw have potential yields of up to 140kg per tree,mapapaya ali ndi kuthekela kotulutsa 140kg pa mtengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2569,Pawpaws for sale at the local market should be picked at the first indication of the yellow colour to facilitate transportation and storage in the market process.,mapapaya a malonda akuyenera kukololedwa akangoyamba kumene kupsa ndi cholinga chakuti anyamulike ndi kusungika bwino pamene mukukonzekela zogulitsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2570,The fruit must be handled with great care to avoid scratching.,zipatso zikuyenera kunyamulidwa mosamala kupewa kukala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2571,Pigs should normally be fed in the khola,nkhumba zikuyenera zizidyetsedwera mu khola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2572,Hand weeding should be done near the Coffee trees while a hoe should be used away from the trees to avoid bruising the stem and roots.,dzulani udzu ndi manja m'mbali mwa mtengo wa khofi pamene mbali zotalikilana mukhonza kupalira ndi khasu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2573,Mushrooms ready for the market are divided into various grades depending on size and degree of maturity,bowa wogulitsa amaikidwa mmagawo awirir malingana ndi kakulidwe komanso nthawi imene amatenga kuti akhwime,agriculture,agriculture document +en2574,"Presently, 2 types of mushrooms are grown in Malawi, that is oyster and button mushroom","pakadali pano, mitundu iwiri ya bowa ikulimidwa malawi, bowa wa oyster ndi button",agriculture,agriculture document +en2575,Okra does not transplant well and should therefore be directly sown on ridges or beds,therere silichita bwino likawokeledwe kotero ndikofunika kubzalilatu osafesa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2576,Okra thrives in low altitude areas with warm climate,therere silikula bwino malo otsika amene ali ndi nyengo yotentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2577,"Cabbage can yield 11,000kg to 70,000kg per hectare depending on variety and management.","kabichi akhonza kutulutsa 70,000kg pa hekitala malingana ndi mtundu wa mbewu ndi kasamalidwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en2578,Vegetables are easily attacked by many insect pests and diseases,masamba sachedwa kugwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi nthenda zambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2579,"Paprika belong to the same family of crops such as tomato, tobacco, egg plant and potato hence have similar diseases, insect pests and nematode problems.","paprika ali mgulu limodzi la mbewu ngati tomato, fodya, mabilinganya ndi mbatatesi kotero amakhala ndi matenda ndi tizilombo tofanana",agriculture,agriculture document +en2580,Tea should be kept free from weeds to minimize competition for moisture and nutrients,tiyi asamakhale ndi udzu kuti tichepetse kukanganilana kwa chinyontho ndi zakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2581,Irrigation of Coffee is important to increase productivity,ndibwino kuthirirra khofi kuti zokolola zichuluke,agriculture,agriculture document +en2582,Dried chillies should be stored in hessian sacks,tsabola owuma asungidwe mmasaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2583,"Being leafy vegetables, rape, mustard and Chinese cabbage require adequate nitrogen supply","pokhala mbewu zamasamba, lepu, mpiru ndi chinese cabbage pamafunika kukhala nayitrojeni wokwanila",agriculture,agriculture document +en2584,"Seedbeds should be sterilized by burning maize stalks to control damping off diseases (Pythium, Fusarium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia spp.) and nematodes.","mabedi a mbewu akuyenera kuyeletsedwa potentha mapesi ndi moto kuopesa kufala kwa matenda monga: (Pythium, Fusarium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia spp.) ndi tizilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2585,Harvesting is done through out the year as flowers are produced all year round.,mumakolola chaka chonse chifukwa maluwa samasiya kumasula kwa chaka chonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2586,The seed nuts should be selected from high yielding trees,mtedza wa mbewu ukuyenera kusankhidwa kuchokela ku mitengo yobereka kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2587,Farmers are encouraged to raise their own seedlings preferably in groups under the supervision of the Coffee Extension Staff,alimi amalangizidwa kufesa mbewu zawo moyang'anilidwa ndi alangizi otsata za mbewu ya khofi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2588,"Coconut can grow well even in low rainfall areas, especially when ground water conditions are favourable","coconut amakula bwino ngakhale ku malo otentha, makamaka kumene madzi a mu nthaka akupezeka",agriculture,agriculture document +en2589,Pluck mushrooms when fully grown,thyolani bowa akamalidza kukula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2590,Avoid storing nuts on the farm for longer than 2 months as quality will be reduced.,pewani kusunga mtedza pa munda kwa nthawi yaitali yopitilila miyezi iwiri chifukwa zimawononga mtedza,agriculture,agriculture document +en2591,Roots are ready for harvesting when they are 3months old from sowing,misitsi ikhonza kukololedwa ikakwana miyezi itatu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2592,Cucumbers are relatively shallowrooted and require irrigation in most parts of the country.,nkhaka zili ndi miistsi yaifupi kotero imafunika izizthililidwa madera ambiri mdziko muno,agriculture,agriculture document +en2593,"Mulch around the basin with grass, dried leaves or maize stover","kwililani maenje ndi udzu, masamba owuma kapena mapesi a chimanga",agriculture,agriculture document +en2594,"Keep the plants in a cool place, under shade and water daily","sungani mbewu pa malo ozizila, pansi pa dzuwa ndikumathirira tsiku ndi tsiku",agriculture,agriculture document +en2595,Mix the compost with the top soil and fill in the hole,sakanizani komposti ndi dothi lapamwamba ndikuthira mudzenje,agriculture,agriculture document +en2596,Keep watering this compost heap every day.,pitilizani kuthirira muli wa komposti tsiku ndi tsiku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2597,Coffee suffers attacks from a number of pests which severely limit production,khofi amagwidwa ndi tizilombo tambiri tomwe timapititsa pansi zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2598,"The most serious weather conditions that have negatively affected agricultural productivity in Malawi are dry spells, seasonal droughts, intense rainfall, riverine floods and flash floods","Nyengo yovuta kwambiri yomwe yasokoneza ntchito zaulimi Malawi muno ndi chilimwe, chilala, mvula yamkuntho, kusefukira kwamadzi komanso kusefukira kwamadzi.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2599,Dry spell is a period of dryness that has little or no effect on soil moisture or water levels.,Dry spell ndi nthawi yowuma yomwe ilibe mphamvu pang'ono kapena yopanda mphamvu ya chinyontho mu nthaka kapena madzi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2600,Dry spells turn into droughts when they last 3 to 4 months.,nyengo youma zimasanduka chilala zikatha miyezi itatu kapena inayi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2601,Drought is a result of a prolonged deficiency of precipitation over an extended period of time usually over a season or more.,Chilala chimabwera chifukwa cha kuchepa kwa mvula kwa nthawi yayitali nthawi zambiri pakapita nyengo kapena kuposerapo.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2602,Drought occurs in Malawi when rainfall is less than 75% of normal,Chilala chimabwera kuno ku Malawi pomwe mvula imagwa pansi pa 75% yanthawi zonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2603,Riverine flood: Occurs when excessive rainfall over an extended period of time causes a river to exceed its capacity,Kusefukira kwa Mtsinje: Kumachitika pamene mvula yadzaoneni kwa nthawi yaitali ipangitsa kuti mtsinjewo upitirire mphamvu yake,agriculture,agriculture document +en2604,Droughts and floods are the most severe of hazards experienced and the most serious obstacles to agricultural productivity and food security in Malawi.,Chilala ndi kusefukira kwa madzi ndi zoopsa kwambiri zomwe anthu akukumana nazo komanso zolepheretsa kukula kwaulimi komanso kupezeka kwa chakudya Malawi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2605,Climate change has resulted in shifting planting dates of maize,nyengo yobzalila chimanga inasinthaso malingana ndi kusintha kwa nyengo.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2606,Changes in the maize varieties grown (from medium to late maturing to short maturing varieties).,kusintha kwa mbeu zobzala za chimanga ( kuchoka ku mbeu zokucha mochedwa kufikila ku mbeu zokucha msanga) ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2607,Important predictions of future impacts of climate change on crop productivity,Zonenedweratu zokhuza mtsogolo zakusintha kwanyengo pa zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2608,Livestock production in Malawi is seriously affected by climate change.,Kuweta kwa ziweto m’Malawi muno kwakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi kusintha kwa nyengo.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2609,The animals reduce their food intake because of the higher temperatures;,Nyamazo zimachepetsa kudya chifukwa cha kutentha kwambiri;,agriculture,agriculture document +en2610,"Areas suitable for grazing and availability of forage have declined due to dry spells and droughts, leading to reduction in livestock production and deaths;","Malo odyetserako ziweto achepa chifukwa cha mvula ndi chilala, zomwe zachititsa kuchepa kwa ziweto ndi kufa;",agriculture,agriculture document +en2611,"Inadequate availability of feed and water due to droughts are causing decreased milk production (GFDRR, 2016","Kusapezeka kokwanira kwa chakudya ndi madzi chifukwa cha chilala kumapangitsa kuti mkaka ukhale wochepa (GFDRR, 2016",agriculture,agriculture document +en2612,Effects of climate change on pests and diseases,zotsatira za kusintha kwa nyengo pa tizirombo ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2613,Pests and diseases are major constraints to farm productivity in Malawi.,Tizilombo ndi matenda ndizomwe zimalepheretsa ntchito zaulimi Malawi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2614,"Drying up of lakes and temperature changes, which have affected aquatic life and resulted in declining fish stocks and fish catches (Msiska et al. 2017, MoECCM, 2013);","kuuma kwa nyanga ndi kusintha kwa nyengo kwakhudza zamoyo za mmadzi, zomwe zachepetsa chiwerengero cha nsomba ndi kawezedwe komwe.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2615,Food insecurity,kusowa chakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2616,Extreme hunger,njala yoopsa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2617,Malnutrition,kunyentchera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2618,Improve management of croplands,Kupititsa patsogolo kasamalidwe ka minda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2619,Plant adaptive crop varieties,kubzala mbeu zopilira ku nyengo zosiyanasiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2620,Use improved storage facilities for the harvest;,kugwiritsa ntchito nyumba za makono zosungilamo zokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2621,Improve pasture management,kupititsa pastogolo kasamalidwe ka malo odyetsera ziweto,agriculture,agriculture document +en2622,Practice sustainable forest management,Kusamalira nkhalango mokhazikika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2623,Use weather and early warning information;,Gwiritsani ntchito zidziwitso zanyengo ndi chenjezo loyambirira;,agriculture,agriculture document +en2624,Use fish species that are tolerant of changing climatic conditions;,Gwiritsani ntchito mitundu ya nsomba zomwe zimalolera kusintha kwa nyengo;,agriculture,agriculture document +en2625,Increase the resilience of smallholder fish farming households to climate change impacts;,kupangisa alimi ang'onoang'ono amene akupanga ulimi wa nsomba akhale opilira ndi kusintha kwa nyengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2626,Make the farmers more food secure compared to those who do not practice integrated fish-crop-livestock farming.,"kupangisa alimi kukhale ndi chakudya chokwanira kusiyana ndi amene sapanga nawo ulimi wa nsomba, zakumunda ndi ziweto pakamodzi.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2627,"In areas prone to drought famers must cultivate staple crops like sorghum, cassava, and pearl millet which are tolerant to drought","ku malo ovuta mvula alimi akuyenera kubzala mbeu zopirira ndi kuuma kwa nthaka monga mapira, chinangwa, mawere.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2628, farmer must: • Plant late maturing maize varieties such as: SC 719 which takes 158 days to maturity or local maize.,alimi akuyenera kubzala mbeu zochedwa kucha monga SC 719 yomwe imacha pakatha masiku 158 kuti chikhwime,agriculture,agriculture document +en2629,Swales for water harvesting,maswale ngati njira yokolela madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2630,Plant the crops early to benefit from the available rain,Bzalani mbewu msanga kuti mupindule ndi mvula yomwe ilipo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2631,A swale is a technology used to harvest rainwater in a farm located on a slope and allow the water to seep through the farm over time.,swale ndi ukadaulo umene umagwiritsidwa ntchito pokolola madzi a mvula pa munda umene uli malo otsetseleka ndikulola madzi kuti alowelele mkati mwa munda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2632,The length of the swales must be equivalent to the length of the ridges,kutalika kwa swale kukhale kofanana ndi kutalika kwa zitunda/mizere ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2633,A swale is a soil and water conservation technology,Swale ndi luso lomwe limathandiza kusunga nthaka ndi madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2634,It holds rain water and reduces effects of surface runoff,Imasunga madzi amvula ndikuchepetsa zotsatira za kusefukira kwamadzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2635,Reduces nitrate leaching because of minimal mechanical disturbance of soil;,zimachepetsa kukokoloka kwa nitirati chifukwa chosasokoneza nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2636,Planting crops under Msangusangu trees;,Kubzala mbewu pansi pa mitengo ya Msangusangu;,agriculture,agriculture document +en2637,Increased water infiltration into the soil,kuchuluka kwa madzi olowa nthaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2638,Beekeeping is a profitable enterprise that is undertaken by subsistence farmers as well as commercial farmers in Malawi.,ulimi wa njuchi ndi wopindulisa umene umapangidwa ndi alimi ang'onoang'o komanso alimi akuluakulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2639,"Provide clean drinking water near the beehives, for bees to drink",kumasiya madzi oyera bwino pafupi ndi kuti njuchi zizimwa.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2640,Hang the beehives within the farm and/or surrounding vegetation,Ponyani ming'oma ya njuchi pafamu ndi/kapena zomera zozungulira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2641,"Large quantities of crop yield are destroyed by storage pests and diseases, resulting in food insecurity among farming families.",chakudya chambiri chikakololedwa chimaonongeka ndi tizilomba posunga zomwe zimabweretsa kusowa kwa chakudya pamaanja,agriculture,agriculture document +en2642,"Post-harvest challenges faced by farmers in Malawi tend to be given limited attention by farmers and the agricultural sector as a whole, compared to pre-harvest operations",ziphinjo zimene alimi amakumana nazo akakolola mbewu ku munda sizipatsidwa chidwi kwmabirir kusiyana ndi ziphinja zomwe makumana nazo asanabzale,agriculture,agriculture document +en2643,There are limited technologies developed and limited extension services provided for post-harvest than for field operations.,pali ukadaulo ndi ulangizi ochepa umene umaperekedwa kwa alimi okhudza kasamalidwe ka mbewu zikakololedwa kusiyana ndi ulangizi wapamunda ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2644,Post-harvest handling is about preparing the harvest into a most suitable form for consumers and industry,Kusamalira pambuyo pokolola ndikukonzekera zokolola kuti zikhale zoyenera kwa ogula ndi mafakitale,agriculture,agriculture document +en2645,"For a long time, post-harvest losses were mostly regarded as only those occurring in storage.",kwa nthawi yaitali kuluzazidwa kwa zokolola kumatengedwa ngati kumadza pamen zokolola zili mu nkhokwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2646,Winnow and clean the grain,petani ndi kuyeretsa mbewuyo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2647,The harvest is guarded from animals and birds.,zokolola zimatetezedwa ku mbalame ndi zilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2648,Clean and fumigate the grain store before storage of the new harvest,konzani ndi kuthila mankhawala mu nkhokwe yanu musanasungemo zokolola zatsopano,agriculture,agriculture document +en2649,The ideal storage facilities are those that provide maximum possible protection and suitable conditions to the harvest,nkhokwe zabwino ndi zimene zimateteza mbewu zathu komanso kupereka zofunika zoyenera zomwe mbewu zathu zimafunikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2650,Torn sacks are not used to store grain.,musagwiritse ntchito matumba obooka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2651,Create aeration in the store to reduce the temperature,pangani motulukila mpweya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2652,Never mix old and fresh harvest in the same store;,osaphatikiza zokolola zakale ndi zatsopano,agriculture,agriculture document +en2653,Establish product-buying points within easy reach of farming communities,khazikitsani misika pafupi ndi midzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2654,Establish demonstration plots,khazikitsani minda yochitila zionetselo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2655,Planting crops under Msangusangu trees;,bzalani zakumunda zanu pansi pa mitengo ya msangusangu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2656,"The steeper the slopes, the closer the trenches to one another",maenje afupikane pa malo otsetseleke kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2657,"Agriculture plays an important role in the national economy of Malawi, and plays a key role in ensuring food security.",ulimi umagwira ntchito yaikulu kwambirir pankhani zachuma malawi ndi kuonetsetsa kupezeka kwa chakudya chokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2658,Adopt crop rotation,kutengela ulimi wa kasinthasintha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2659,Increase adoption of Climate smart agriculture practices by farmers;,Kuonjezera kutsata njira za ulimi wanzeru kwa nyengo ndi alimi;,agriculture,agriculture document +en2660,"In recent years, the total daily, monthly or annual rainfall has varied from year to year, thus, there have been wet years and dry years","mu zaka zaposachedwa, mvula yatsiku ndi tsiku, mwezi uliwonse kapena pachaka yakhala ikusiyana chaka ndi chaka, motero, pakhala zaka zamvula ndi zopanda mvula",agriculture,agriculture document +en2661,The rainfall pattern has been erratic; and has had adverse impact on farming activities.,Kugwa kwamvula kwakhala kosasinthasintha; ndipo zasokoneza ntchito zaulimi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2662,Maize is the dominant crop in Malawi,chimanga ndi mbeu yomwe imalimidwa kwambiri m'Malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2663,"Unfortunately, most farmers in Malawi have inadequate access to pest, weed and disease control services because veterinary and crop protection services are severely under-resourced","Tsoka ilo, alimi ambiri Malawi muno alibe mwayi wopeza chithandizo chothana ndi tizirombo, udzu ndi matenda chifukwa ntchito zachiweto ndi zoteteza mbeu ndi zoperewera kwambiri.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2664,Effects of climate change on lake fisheries in Malawi,zotsatila za kusintha kwa nyengo pa ulimi wa nsomba mu nyanja ya malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2665,The smaller and faster breeding sardine type Angraulicypris sardella (locally called Usipa) has replaced Chambo as the dominant species.,usipa waung'ono omwe umakula mwachangu unalowa mmalo mwa chambo ngati nsomba zodyedwa kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2666,Farmers are abandoning fish farming activities because of water shortages,Alimi akusiya ntchito yoweta nsomba chifukwa cha kusowa kwa madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2667,Use improved storage facilities for the harvest,kugwiritsa ntchito nkhokwe za makono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2668,Practice agroforestry,kuyesela ulimi wophatitikiza zakumunda ndi mitengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2669,Certified improved seeds,mbweu yabwino yotsimikizika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2670,Grow disease tolerant cowpea varieties: Sudan 1 (Nseula) and IT82E-16 (Khobwe);,Kulima mbeu za Nandolo zopilira ku matenda monga Sudan 1 (Nseula) and IT82E-16 (Khobwe),agriculture,agriculture document +en2671,Grow the early maturing and disease tolerant soya bean variety:,kulima mbeu ya soya yosachedwa kucha msanga komanso yopilira ku matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2672,Grow the drought tolerant ground nut variety:,kulima mbeu ya mtedza yopilila ku nyengo youma/yosowa mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2673,Production and use of compost,kapangidwe ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka manyowa a kompositi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2674,Water harvesting and conservation technologies,njira zamakono zokololela ndi kusamala madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2675,Pit-planting is a rain water harvesting technology;,kubzala mbeu mmaenje ndi njira imodzi yokololera madzi a mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2676,Integrate livestock with crop production,ulimi ophatikiza ziweto ndi zakumunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2677,Beekeeping is a profitable enterprise that is undertaken by subsistence farmers as well as commercial farmers in Malawi.,Kuweta njuchi ndi bizinesi yopindulitsa pakati pa alimi ang'onoang'ono komanso alimi amalonda Malawi muno.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2678,Use traditional hives; transitional hives or the more advanced modern hive (depending on available resources);,gwiritsani ntchito mng'oma zalokolo kapena zamakono malingana ndi zipangizo zomwe muli nazo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2679,The harvest is dried on canvas or on mats,zokolola zanu ziyanikidwe pa thandala kapena pa mkeka/mphasa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2680,"Be dry, cool and well ventilated","mukhale mowuma, mozizilila ndi molowa bwino mpweya",agriculture,agriculture document +en2681,Be affordable to the farmer,zikhale zosavuta kupeza kwa mlimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2682,New sacks (if possible) are used to store the new harvest,"ngati kuli kotheka, gwiritsani ntchito matumba atsopano posunga zokolola kumene",agriculture,agriculture document +en2683,Rodents consume almost everything that a farm house homestead can have (apart from metal objects),makoswe amadya ndi kuonoka chilichonse mu nkhokwe kupatula zinthu za chitsulo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2684,Use rodenticides available in the market.,gwiritsani ntchito mankhwala a makoswe amene amapezeka ku misika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2685,Use cats (a biological control method),gwiritsani ntchito amphaka (ngati njira imodzi ya chilengedwe),agriculture,agriculture document +en2686,"A key limiting factor to increased production of the high value crops by smallholder farmers is access to produce markets in the remote, rural communities",vuto limodzi lalikulu lomwe limachititsa alimi ang'onoang'ono kuti asamalime mbewu zopindulitsa ndi kusowa kwa misika mmadera oyandikana ndi midzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2687,"A majority of farmers in Malawi are experienced in production of kidney beans, soya beans and groundnuts.","alimi ambiri mmalawi ali ndi ukadaulo ochuluka wa nyemba, soya ndi mtedza",agriculture,agriculture document +en2688,Alleviating poverty in rural households,kuchepetsa umphawi mmakomo akumidzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2689,Women actively be involved in processing and marketing processes to lift them from low-skilled positions and also be provided with the necessary training,Azimayi amatenga nawo gawo pakukonza ndi kutsatsa malonda kuti awachotse pamaudindo otsika komanso kupatsidwa maphunziro ofunikira.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2690,Women must be included in all decision making structures at all levels of society,azimayi akuyenera kutenga nawo mbali popanga ziganizo mmagulu onse a mu dera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2691,Gender discrimination in employment opportunities,Kusalana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi mu mwayi wa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en2692,Shift from crop varieties and livestock breeds that are highly susceptible to drought and heat to crop and livestock varieties/breeds that have greater drought and heat tolerance,Siyani ku mitundu ya mbewu ndi ziweto zomwe zimakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi chilala ndi kutentha kupita ku mbewu ndi mitundu ya ziweto zomwe zimapilira ndi chilala komanso kutentha kwambiri.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2693,Use climate forecast advice from extension services when implementing farm activities,Gwiritsani ntchito upangiri wolosera zanyengo kuchokera ku mautumiki a ulangizi pokhazikitsa ntchito zaulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2694,Change timing of farm operations,Kusintha nthawi ya ntchito zaulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2695,Adjust sowing dates to offset (avoid) moisture stress during warm periods,Sinthani masiku obzala kuti muchepetse (kupewa) kupanda chinyontho nthawi yofunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2696,Use mulch stubble and straw,Gwiritsani ntchito chiputu ndi udzu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2697,Develop effective planning processes,Konzani njira zokonzekera bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2698,To control moulds the farmer must,Kuwongolera nkhungu mlimi ayenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2699,Insect pests can cause 100% grain loss in storage.,Tizilombo toyambitsa matenda titha kuwononga mbewu zonse mosungira.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2700,"They contaminate the stored produce by urinating on the produce and through their droppings (faecal material) which get mixed with the stored grain, rendering the produce unusable","amayipitsa zomwe zasungidwa pokodza pa zokolola komanso kudzera mu ndowe zawo (zinthu zakunja) zomwe zimakasakanizidwa ndi tirigu wosungidwa, zomwe zimaangitsa kuti zokololazo zisagwiritsidwe ntchito",agriculture,agriculture document +en2701,"A gender friendly technology to men, women and youth","ukadaulo ogwirizana ndi abambo, amyi komanso achinyamata",agriculture,agriculture document +en2702,A technology that is consistent with commitment to actions on gender sensitivity,ukadaulo womwe umagwirizana ndi kudzipereka kwa zinthu zokhudzana ndi kukhudzidwa kwa amuna ndi akazi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2703,A technology that has minimum labour input requirements,ukadaulo umene umafunika zogwirira ntchito zochepa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2704,Why beekeeping is a climate smart practice,mbweu yabwino yotsimikizika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2705,Less variability in yields,kusasiyana kwenikweni muzokolola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2706,Alternative source of firewood and construction timber; medicines; livestock fodder/feeds and thus new source of income;,"gwero lopezekelatu la nkhuni ndi matabwa, mankhwala, zakudya za ziweto ndi njira yopezela ndalama",agriculture,agriculture document +en2707,"Diminished effects of extreme weather events, such as heavy rains, drought and storms on the agro-ecosystem;","zotsatila za kusintha kwa nyengo monga mvula yamkuntho, chilala ndi mphepo pa ulimi ndi zachilengedwe",agriculture,agriculture document +en2708,"Cover crops take up nitrogen from the soil and reduce its loss from the soil +into the atmosphere",mbewu zophimba zimatenga nitrogen kuchoka mu nthaka komanso kuchepesa kuuluka kwa nitrogen kupita mmalele,agriculture,agriculture document +en2709,Replenishes soil nutrients through use of leguminous species in cereallegume intercropping practices,imabwenzeretsa michere yamunthaka pobzala mbewu za magulu a nyemba pamodzi ndi za magulu a chimanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2710,If a farm is located in an area that is prone to crop failure due to unpredictable rains the farmer must:,"ngati munda uli dera limene mbewu sizichita bwino chifukwa cha kusagwa kwa mvula, alimi akuyenera:",agriculture,agriculture document +en2711,Grow well under frequently changing climatic conditions and/or under drought conditions,zimakula bwino munyengo yosinthasintha ngakhaleso nyengo yopanda mvula/chilala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2712,Diversify farmers’ sources of income by selling fish as well as crop and livestock products,"kusiyanitsa njira zopezela ndalama pogulitsa nsomba, zakumuda komanso zoweta",agriculture,agriculture document +en2713,Malawi has reported a 93% decline in catches of Oreochromis species (locally called Chambo) from Lake Malawi due to a combination of overfishing and adverse effects of climate change since 1990,malawi yanena za kustika kwa kawezedwe ka nsomba ya chambo ndi 93% chifukwa cha kuweza opyola muyezo komanos kusintha kwa nyengo kuchokela mu chaka cha 1990,agriculture,agriculture document +en2714,The average number of HOT NIGHTS per year increased by 41.0 days,avereji ya masiku otentha idakwera ndi masiku 41 pa chaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2715,"Climate variability involves short term variations (daily, seasonal, inter-annual or over several years) around a mean","kusintha kwa nyengo kumakhudza nyengo yaifupi (tsiku ndi tsiku, panyengo,pakati pa chaka kapena pazaka zambiri)",agriculture,agriculture document +en2716,"Most fish ponds are drying up for long periods in a year, leading to premature and unscheduled harvesting of the fish;","maiwe ambiri a nsomba amauma kwa nthawi yaitali m'chaka, zomwe zimachititsa kuti akolole msanga komanso musakonzekela",agriculture,agriculture document +en2717,effects of climate change on aquaculture,zotsatila za nyengo oa ulimi wa m'madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2718,The animals reduce their food intake because of the higher temperatures,nyamazi zimachepetsa kudya kwambir chifukwa cha kutentha kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2719,The onset of rains has become more unpredictable with the changing climate.,kuyamba kwa mvula kwakhla kosadziwikiratu ndi kusintha kwa nyengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2720,Some years have been wetter than others,zaka zina zimakhala za chinyezi kwambiri kusiyana ndi zina,agriculture,agriculture document +en2721,The risks climate change poses to agriculture in Malawi,kuopsa kwa kusintha kwa nyengo komwe kumadzetsa pa ulimi m'Malawi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2722,The onset of rains has become more unpredictable with the changing climate.,kayambidwe ka mvula kakhala kosinthasintha malingana ndi kusintha kwa nyengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2723,This has determined the types of crops grown by farmers.,izi zimatsikimika mtundu wa mbewu zimene angadzale mlimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2724,Area along the Shire river in the Shire valley of Malawi are prone to frequent riverine flooding.,mmbali mwa shire river ku shire valley kumakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi kusefukila kwa mitsinje,agriculture,agriculture document +en2725,Decrease use of fish meal and fish feeds;,chepetsani kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka zakudya za nsomba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2726,"Apart from the species of fish that are being cultured, fish farming in Malawi tends to be sensitive to availability of water","kupatula mitundu ya nsomba imene ikuwetedwa, ulimi wa nsomba malawi muno umakhudziwanso ndi kapezedwe ka madzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2727,Improve energy efficiency;,kutukula kasamalidwe ka mphamvu ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2728,Buy risk insurance against effects of extreme weather events.,gulani ishulansi yoteteza zinthu mu nyengo yovuta kwmabiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2729,Reduce variability in yields,kucheptsa kasiyanitsidwe eka zokolola ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2730,Improved human nutrition,kutukula thanzi la anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2731,"Increased animal feed (resilience/adaptation, mitigation and food security)","kuchukula kwa zakudya za ziweto (kupilira/kutengela, kuthetselati ndi kupezeka kwa chaudya)",agriculture,agriculture document +en2732,Alternate grazing with rest periods for the land,kudyestsa msipu mwakasinthasintha ndikupereka nthawi yopuma ku malo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2733,"ensure that the farmer has transporting equipment such as wheelbarrows, baskets etc that minimise losses in transit","onesetsani kuti mlimi ali ndi zipangizo zoyenerera zonyamulila katundu monga ma wilibala, mabasiketi ndi izina kuchepesa kutayika kwa zokolola",agriculture,agriculture document +en2734,The drying grains are not allowed to get wet,mbewu zimene zawuma sizololedwa kunyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2735,"Protect the harvest from extremes of temperature and, moisture;",tetezani mbewu ku nyengo yotentha kwambiri ndi chinyontho,agriculture,agriculture document +en2736,Harvest the crop at the right time of maturity of the grains,kololani mbewu zanu mu nthawi yoyenerera zikakhwima,agriculture,agriculture document +en2737,Dry the grain to the required moisture level before storage;,wumitsani mbewu mpaka ifike pa mlingo oyenerera zisanasungidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2738,An explicit gender strategy of empowering women along the whole agricultural value chain of a commodity must be developed and adopted.,khanzikitsani njira zolimbikitsila azimayi kuti azitenga nawo gawo mu zonse zochitika pa ulimi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2739,Implementation strategies should be developed with “local women and local researchers” that are familiar with the cultural contexts regarding gender norms.,njira zoyenera kutatila zipangidwe ndi azimayi komanso alangizi amene akudziwa bwino mavuto amene alipo okhudza chikhalidwe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2740,Cultural and legal barriers to womens’ rights to land must be identified and removed,kufufuza ndi kuchotsa chikhalidwe ndi malamulo ophinja ufulu wokhala ndi malo wa azimayi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2741,Women face more barriers in accessing extension services than men.,amayi amakuma ndi ziphinjo zochuluka kuti apeze ulangizi kusiyana ndi abambo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2742,Shift from crops and livestock types that are highly susceptible to drought and heat to crops and livestock types that are drought and heat tolerant,sinthani kuchoka ku mbewu ndi ziweto zosapilila ku chilala ndi kutentha ndikulima ndi kuweta ziweto zopilila ku chilala ndi kutentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2743,Shift from crops and livestock types that are highly susceptible to pests and diseases to crops and livestock types that are pest and disease resistant/ tolerant;,sinthani kuchoka ku mbewu ndi ziweto zosapilira ku tizirombo ndi matenda ndi kulima ndi kuweta ziweto zopilira ku tizirombo ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2744,Use climate forecast advice from extension services when implementing farm activities,kugwiritsa ntchito zolosela za nyengo pamene mukutsatila zochitika pamunda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2745,Buy weather-related crop and livestock insurance (where available and affordable) ,gulani ishulansi ya zakumunda ndi ziweto (ngati zilipo komanso ngati mungakwanitse),agriculture,agriculture document +en2746,Participate in initiatives that transfer income or assets to the poor,tengani nawo gawo mu zochitika zopititsa chuma kapena katundu kwa anthu osauka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2747,Develop efficient communication systems;,tukulani njira zofalitsila mauthenga zodalilika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2748,Use low planting densities,bzalani mbewu zochepa pa malo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2749,Reduce deforestation and forest degradation,zimachepetsa kudula mitengo mwachisawawa ndi kuononga mkhalango,agriculture,agriculture document +en2750,Convert land from non-forest to forest land use,sinthani malo omwe palibe mitengo ndikubzalapo mitengo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2751,Replant suitable aquatic plants in the aquaculture areas.,bzalaninso mbewu za mmadzi zabwino ku malo a ulimi wa nsomba,agriculture,agriculture document +en2752,Long lactation period,zimatulutsa mkaka kwa nthawi yaitali,agriculture,agriculture document +en2753,Withstand diseases better than exotic breeds,zimapilira ku matenda kusiyana ndizachikunja,agriculture,agriculture document +en2754,Higher growth rate and live weight,zimakula komanso nyama yake ilemela kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2755,The farmer is at liberty to choose semen from the bull preferred,mlimi ali mdi ufulu osankha umuna wa ng'ombe yomwe wafuna,agriculture,agriculture document +en2756,Requires well trained personnel in AI.,zimafunika akatswiri odziwa za tekinilloje ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2757,Farmer should have knowledge in detecting heat.,mlimi akuyenera kukhala ndi nzeru zoziwira pamene ng'ombe ili mu nyengo yotentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2758,Farmers should always record the subsequent expected date/dates of heat.,mlimi akuyenra kusunga masiku amane ng'ombe ingakhale itayamba kutentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2759,Gestation period for cattle is 280 days (nine months),masiku amene ng'ombe imakahala ndi bere ndi 280 (miyezi isanu ndi inayi),agriculture,agriculture document +en2760,Fast and health growth of the fetus,kukula ndi thanzi la mwana osabadwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2761,The cow is restless.,ng'ombe imasowa mtendere,agriculture,agriculture document +en2762,Two days before calving the udder swells if the teats are squeezed milk would come out,"masiku awiri isanabereke, bere la ng'ombe limatupa ndipo mawereakae akafinyidwa mkaka umatuluka",agriculture,agriculture document +en2763,Birth weight should be recorded.,lembani ndi kusunga kulemela kwa ng'ombe yobadwa kumene,agriculture,agriculture document +en2764,Highly nutritious and contain anti-bodies,ndiyopasa thanzi kwambiri komanso imakhala ndi asilikali omenya nkhondo nthupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2765,The calf should fully be allowed to suckle first milk produced (known as colostrum) for the first 4 days,kamwna aka ng'ombe kakuyenra kuloledwa kuyamwa mkaka oyambirira wa mmawere omwe umatuluka masiku anayi oyambilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2766,"If the calf fails to properly suckle, it should be bottle fed","ngati mwana wa ng'ommbe akulephera kukama wbino mkaka, akuyenera kumwetsedwa mkaka wa m'botolo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2767,"If the dam dies before the calf has received colostrum, colostrum should be acquired and given to the calf especially where another cow is available.","ngati ng'ombe yayikazi yafa mwana asanakame mkaka oyambilila, mkakawu ukuyenera kukamidwa ndikumwetsedwa kwa kamwana ka ng'ombe ngati pali ng'ombe ina",agriculture,agriculture document +en2768,After 3 days the calf can be kept separate from the dam and artificially fed,pakatha masiku atatu mwana wa ng'ombe akhonza kusiyanisidwa nd ng'ombe yayikazi ndikumadyetsedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2769,The calf should by then be slowly introduced to roughages and be adjusted to appetite,nthawi imeneyo kamwana ka ng'ombe kakuyenela kuyambitsidwa kudya zolimbitsa ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2770,"At 12 weeks of age, the calf should be eating sufficient roughages and madeya in order to harden them in preparation to weaning.","kakakwanitsa masabata 12, kamwan aka ng'ombe kakhonza kuyamba kupatsidwa zkaudya zolimba ndi madeya cholinga zipilile pamene zikukonsekera kusiya kuyamwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2771,The animal should be dewormed and dipped accordingly,nyamazi zipatsidwe mankhwal a nyongolotso komanso kusamba mu madzi a mankhwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2772,wearners stage,nyengo yosiyisa kuyamwisa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2773,Provide a feed trough.,perekani modyera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2774,"The crush is used for restraining the animal during treatments, spraying and other management procedures.","chipangizocho chimathandiza kukhala malo amodzi pamenezikulandila chithandizo, mankhwala ofaila ndi chisamaliro china mundondomeko",agriculture,agriculture document +en2775,The floor should be made of rough concrete cement if possible or burnt bricks,pansi pakuyenera pakhale pozilidwa ndi simenti ngati kuli kotheka kapena pakahle pa njewra zootcha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2776,The khola should be built on well-drained ground and floor to be at a slope to allow drainage,khola limagwidwe pa nthawi yolowa bwino madzi komanso likhale lopendama kuti madzi aziyenda bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2777,Drains to be made around the khola.,ngalande zikumbidwe kuzungulira khola,agriculture,agriculture document +en2778,"Bedding should be clean, comfortable especially where the cow sleeps and/or can rest.","zogonela zokhale zoyera, makamaka pamene ng'ombe zimangona kapena kupumilapo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2779,"A Dairy animal requires good nutrition for maintenance, growth, production and reproduction",nyama ya mkaka imayenera ikhale yathanzi.,agriculture,agriculture document +en2780,Provision of enough and sufficient quantity and quality roughages is the basis for high milk production.,kupereka zakudya zokwanira komanso zabwino ndi nsanamilo wa ulimi wa mkaka wochuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2781,Farmers can also buy commercially produced concentrates such as calf meal and dairy mash.,alimi akhonza kugula zakudya zopangidwa kale ngati zakudya za mwana wa ng'ombe komanso zakudya za mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2782,For a lactating cow the rule of thumb is 5 litres of water for each litre of milk produced,kwa ng'ombe ya mkaka lamulo kale ndilokuti lipatsidwe ma lita 5 a madzi pa 1 lita iliyonse ya mkaka omwe wakamidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2783,Animals with high productivity need mineral supplementation.,nyama zimene zimaswana kwabiri zimafunika zakudya zoonjezera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2784,"At six months, a heifer can be raised on pastures as long as it is good quality pasture.","pa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi, ng'ombe ikhonza kuwetedwa ku msipe pokhapokha ngati msipu wake ndi wabwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en2785,2 months before calving the cow/heifer should be steamed up,miyezi iwiri isanabereke mwana ng'ombe iyenera kutenthedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2786,During the first three days feed cows moderate amounts of dairy mash or concentrates plus high quality roughages adlibitum.,masiku atatu oyambilila ipatseni ng'ombe zakudya za mkaka kapena zolimbitsa thupi ngati adlibitum,agriculture,agriculture document +en2787,Plenty of cool clean drinking water should be provided all the time.,madzi ozozila okumwa amabiri akuyenera kuperekedwa nthawi zonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2788,If a dry cow is in good condition it can maintain its health on good quality forage only,mwadzi aukhondo okumwa akuyenera kuperekedwa nthawi zonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2789,Again rinse with cold clean water,kachikenanso tsukani ndi madzi ozizila oyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2790,Ensure that utensils are thoroughly scrubbed with a hot detergent solution.,onetsetsani kuti zipangizo ndizotsukidwa bwino ndi madzi otentha ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2791,Deliver the milk promptly to the milk bulking group.,kaperekeni mkaka ku gulu osonkhetsa mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2792,Keep the milk as cool as possible,onesetsani kuti mkaka ukumakhala ozizila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2793,Those relating to production performance of the dairy cows.,zokhuza kasamalidwe ka ng'ombe za mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2794,All farmers involved in dairy production are grouped into Bulking Groups.,alimi onse opanga ulimi wa mkaka amaikidwa mmagulu osokhetsa mkaka pamodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2795,The milk is tested and cooled at the centre.,mkaka umayezedwa ndikuzizilitsidwa ku likulu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2796,By bulking the milk farmers are able to sell the milk to a processor; they also bargain as a group and can buy inputs in bulk at a reduced price.,"posonkhanitsa mkaka pamodzi, ali amatha kugulitsa kwa ogaya mkaka, amathanso kunenelela mitengo ngati gulu ndikugula zipangizo zochuluka pa mtengo otsika",agriculture,agriculture document +en2797,Develop program to prevent the spread of bacteria at milking time,tukulani mchitidwe opewa kafalidwe ka tizilombo nthawi yokama mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2798,Give 2.5mg/kg into muscle,ibayeni 2.5mg/kg mu mnofu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2799,Sickness lasts for about 1 week; the animal dies or slowly recovers.,matenda amakhala mpakana sabata imodzi; nyama imafa kapena kuchila pang'onopang'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2800,It is best to vaccinate calves.,ndikabwino kupereka katemera kwa ng'ombe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2801,"Heartwater can affect cattle, sheep and goats.","madzi a mu mtima amakhudza ng'ombe, nkhosa ndi mbuzi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2802,Adult animals are affected much more severely than young animals.,nyama zazikulu zimakhudzidwa kwambiri kusiya ndi nyama zazing'ono,agriculture,agriculture document +en2803,"Weight loss, breathlessness, uncoordinated movements, abortion","kuonda, kupuma mobanika, kuyenda mozandira, kutaya bere",agriculture,agriculture document +en2804,"Local cattle, exposed to infection early in life, become infected but don't become sick",ng'ombe zamakolo zomwe zakhuzidwa ndi matenda zili zazing'ono zimakhuzidwa koma sidzimadwala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2805,Give 20mg/kg one injection into muscle,bayani jakisoni mmodzi wa 20mg/kg mu nnofu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2806,Anaplasmosis vaccine is combined with vaccines for Babesiosis,katemela wa anaplasmosis amasakanizidwa ndi katemela wa babesiosis,agriculture,agriculture document +en2807,Farmers must pay for the vaccine.,alimi akuyenera kulipila ndalama ya katemera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2808,Only exotic cattle and crosses need protection from babesiosis.,ng'ombe zachikunja ndizomwe zimafunika kuteteza ku babesiosis,agriculture,agriculture document +en2809,Advise owners to graze cattle as far from known tsetse areas as possible.,langizani alimi kudyetsa ng'ombe kutali ndi malo opezeka ntchetche zoyambitsa matenda ogona,agriculture,agriculture document +en2810,Inject all cattle at risk with a prophylactic drug every 2-4 months,bayani ng'ombe zonse zomwe zili pachiopsezo ndi mankhwala a oteteza pakati pa miyezi iwiri ndi inayi iliyonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2811,Worms can cause poor growth and deaths.,nyongolotsi zimayambitsa kusakula bwino komanso kufa kwa nyama,agriculture,agriculture document +en2812, Good husbandry can reduce the problem greatly.,ndondomeko zabwino za ulimi zikhonza kuchepetsa vutoli kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2813,Remove dung from the khola daily,chotsani ndowe mu khola tsiku ndi tsiku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2814,"If liver fluke is a problem, use a drug which is effective for both roundworms and fluke e.g. Rafoxanide, Seponver, Tramizan or Trodax.","ngati kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a chiwindi ndi vuto, gwiritsani ntchito mankhwala a nyongolosi monga Rafoxanide, Seponver, Tramizan or Trodax.",agriculture,agriculture document +en2815,Calves have high fever and find it difficult to breathe.,ana a ng'ombe amatentha thupi komanso kubanika popuma,agriculture,agriculture document +en2816,"Scouring/diarrhoea is often caused by bacteria, but it is common problem where hygiene is poor.",kutsekula mmimba kumadza chifukwa chama bacteria koma ndivuto lomwe limadza kwambiri kamba ka umve,agriculture,agriculture document +en2817,Need for a dry and clean calf pen.,ndikofunikila khola la ng'ombe louma bwino komanso laukhondo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2818,"If the infection persists, then proceed with treatment","ngati matenda akupitilila, pitilizani ndi chithandizo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2819,"IMIDICARB (Imizol) give 1ml/100kg (2mg/kg), one injection into muscle or under skin.",ibayeni 1ml/kg IMIDICARB (Imizol) wa mu nnofu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2820,Strategic dipping to control ticks is encouraged,limbikitsani kusambisa mwachizolowezi ndikofunika kuthana ndi nsikidzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2821,There is no red urine.,kulibe nkodzo ofiila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2822,Administer Calcium Boro gluconate intravenously,zipasteni mankhwala a Calcium Boro gluconate podzibaya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2823,The main purpose of the brooder is to provide the chicks with heating at right temperature,ntchito ya nyumba aya anapiye ndiyakuti anapiye azikhala malo otentha bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2824,"Sources of heat for the brooder house include parafin, gas, charcoal or electricity","zipangizo zotenthetsera khola la nkhuku ndi monga parafini, gasi, makala kapena magetsi",agriculture,agriculture document +en2825,Provide light 24 hours per day for the first 6 days.,ikani zounikila kwa maola 24 tsiku lililonse kwa masiku asanu ndi limodzi oyambilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2826,The temperature can be checked using a thermometer placed at the age of the hover and 5cm above the litter,mukhonza kuyeza kutentha kwa thupi pogwiritsa thermometer,agriculture,agriculture document +en2827,Chicks crowded together indicates that it is cold,nkhuku zikaunjikana pamodzi zimasonyeza kuti mukuzizila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2828,Too low temperature increases feed consumption in order to maintain a good body temperature.,kuzizira kumapangitsa kuti zidzidya kwambiri kuti zitenthetse matupi awo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2829,"It is best if the building is placed so that sun rises and sets over the ends of the house, so that morning and afternoon sun does not shine onto the chickens",ndikwa bwino kuti nyumba iyang'ane mbali yomwe dzuwa silingamaombe kwambiri mmawa kapena madzulo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2830,"There are different types of houses that can be used for the broiler production but what is important is that the house should be able to protect the birds from direct sunlight, rain, draught and predators.","pali mitundu yambiri ya nyumba za nkhuku za nyama, koma chofunikila ndi chakuti nyumba iziteteza nkuku ku dzuwa, mvula,kusodza ndi zilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2831,Too much heat can lead to heat stress and birds can die,nyengo yotentha kwambiri imapangisa kusowa mtendere ndipo mbalame zimatha kufa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2832,If the chicks stay away from the centre of the brooder it means the temperature is too high.,ngati nkhuku zatalilkila chipangizo chotenthesela khola zimatanthauza kuti kwatentha kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2833,"To avoid informal marketing, farmers must form cooperatives to access better markets.","kupewa misika yosakhazikika, alimi akuyebera kupanga ma gulu kuti azipeza misika yabwino",agriculture,agriculture document +en2834,Orf does not respond to antibiotics.,orf siyilora/kuvomela ma antibayotiki,agriculture,agriculture document +en2835,The lambs and kids should be removed for artificially feeding in worst cases.,ana a nkhosa ndi mbuzi akuyenera kuchotsedwa ndikulandila chakudya chochita kupanga zikavuta kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2836,Maintaining a closed and virus-free flock,kukhala ndi ziweto zopatulidwa komanso zopanda matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2837,People can get infected with the Orf virus when they come into contact with infected,anthu amatha kutenga nthenda ya orf ngati akhudzana ndi chiweto chomwe chili ndi nthendayi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2838,Hands should be washed soon after handling affected animals.,sambani mmanja mukatha kugwira nyama zomwe zili ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2839,Worms can cause poor growth and deaths of animals,nyongolotsi zimayambitsa kusakula bwino komanso kufa kwa nyama,agriculture,agriculture document +en2840,Very harmful roundworms live in the stomach or intestines,nyongolotsi zoopsa kwambiri zimakhala mmimba ndi mmatumbo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2841,"Animals of any age can be affected, but it is weaners which usually suffer most","nyama za msikhu uliwonse zikhoza kukhuzidwa, koma zosiya kuyamwa kumene ndi zomwe zimavutika kwambri",agriculture,agriculture document +en2842,Kids and lambs infected may have a cough initially (caused by larvae migrating through the lungs).,ana ambuzi ndi nkhosa omwe ali ndi nthendayi amasokomola( zimayamba chifukwa cha mphutsi zomwe zimayenda mmapapo),agriculture,agriculture document +en2843,Routine deworming of animals at the beginning and at the end of the rain season,kupereka mankhwala a nyongolotsi mwachizolowezi kumayambiliro ndi kumapeto kwa nyengo ya mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2844,Make sure that young stock have adequate feed,onetsetsani kuti ziweto zazing'ono zili ndi chakudya chokwanila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2845,"Use different drugs each year, or by changing if/when the problem arises",gwiritsani ntchito mankhwala osiyana chaka chilichonse kapena kkusintha pokhapokha vuto likakula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2846,Ask your animal health officer for advice if you suspect the problem exists,funsani kwa alaingizi aziweto ngati mukukaikila kuti vuto likupitilira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2847,Newcastle disease is caused by newcastle disease virus that can live for years in a cool environment,chitopa chiyamba chifukwa cha kachilombo (virus) ka nthenda ya chitopa kamene kamatha kukhla zaka zambiri mu nyengo yozizila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2848,decreased food conversion efficiency,kuchepa kwa kachitidwe kabwino pogaya zakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2849,Egg production drops or even stops completely for 7-21days,kuikila kwa mazira kumatsika kapena ksuiilatu kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri mpaka makumi awiri ndi limodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2850,often found dead suddenly with no previous signs,nthawi zambiri zimapezeka zitangofa mwazizizi opanga kuonesa zizizndikilo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2851,"Other animals stop eating, show FEVER & DIARRHOEA.","nyama zina zimaisya kudya, zimatentha thupi ndi kutsekula",agriculture,agriculture document +en2852,Most animals die unless treated very quickly,nyama zambiri zimafa pokhapokha ngati zalandila chithandizo mwamsanga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2853,Either prevent exposure to infection by controlling ticks or give protection by vaccination,pewani kuziika poyera pamene zingatenegela matenda potetedza ku nkhupakupa kapena pozipatsa katemela,agriculture,agriculture document +en2854,Dairy smallholders wishing to vaccinate will find it easier if organized through their bulking group,alimi a ng'ombe za mkaka amene akufuna kuzibayitsa katemera akhonza kupanga mosavuta podzera mu gulu losonkhanitsa mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2855,Death occurs within few days.,imafa pakangopita masiku ochepa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2856,Vaccinate chickens that have had past outbreaks of fowl pox or where there is considerable risk of infection,perekani katemela ku nkhuku zomwe zinagwidwapo ndi nthenda ya fowl pox kapena zomwe zili pachiopsezo chogwidwa ndi matenda,agriculture,agriculture document +en2857,Fowl Pox only rarely causes high mortality but will reduce egg production in laying birds.,ndi nthawi zochepa zimene nkhuku zimafa ndi fowl pox koma zimachepetsa chiwerengero cha mazira cha nkhuku zoikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2858,"Do not vaccinate laying birds, except in an outbreak because it may reduce their egg production for a while",osapereka katemera kwa nkhuku zomwe zikuyikila pokhapokha ngati nthendayo yawanda chifukwa zimachepetsa chiwerengelo cha mazira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2859,Broilers do not normally need vaccination because of its short production life.,nkhuku za nyama sizifunika mankhwla kwenikweni chifuwa zimawetedwe ka nthawi kochepa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2860,Clean out drinkers with non-chlorinated water (use no disinfectant) and allow to dry.,tsukani momwera madzi ndi madzi opanda chlorine (osagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala opha tizilombo) ndi kuzisiya ziwume,agriculture,agriculture document +en2861,Dissolve vaccine in vial with water,sungunulani katemera ndi madzi mu kabotolo kosungunulila ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2862,Mix this into 1 litre of water that has 1 teaspoon of skimmed milk powder added.,sakanizani izi mu madzi a 1 lita omwe asakanizidwa ndi supuni imodzi yaing'no ya mkaka wa ufa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2863,Vaccines are used to protect birds.,katemera amagwirtsidwa ntchito potetedza mbalembe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2864,Record keeping assists a farmer to check whether he/she is making profits or not,kusunga zolemba kumathandiza mlimi kudziwa ngati akupanga phindu kapen ayi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2865,"At times when there is not much Gumboro disease in the area and farm hygiene is good, a single vaccination at 21days will offer reasonable protection.",ngati kulibe nthenda ya Gumboro mu deralo komanso ku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2866,To encourage nesting when the birds have just started laying,kulimbikitsa kumanga zitsa pamene mbalame zangoyamba kuyikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2867,Before the birds are transferred into the khola clean and disinfection of the premises should be done.,mbalame zisanayikidwe mu khola mukuyenera kukonza ndi kuthira mankhwala malo ozungulira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2868,"It also eases other operations like feeding, breeding, and treatments","zimakhuzanso zichitochito zina monga kadyedwe, kaberekedwe ndi kasamalidwe ku matenda",agriculture,agriculture document +en2869,Indigenous Breed,mbewu ya makolo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2870,Well- developed udder with 2 well developed teats,bele lang'ombe lokula bwino lokhala ndi khumbu ziwiri zokula bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2871,"Separate young ones and Dam from the flock up to 3 days, supplement dam",siyanitsani ana ndi ng'ombe yaikazi ku ng'ombe zina kwa masiku atatu ndipo ipatseni ng'ombe yaikazi zakudya zoonjezela,agriculture,agriculture document +en2872,Separate young ones from dam day and night from 4-30 days allow suckling twice per day,siyanitsani ana ndi ng'ombe yaikazi usana ndi usiku kuyambira tsiku lachinayi mpaka masiku makumi atatu ndipo lolani kuti tiyamwe kawiri pa tsiku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2873,"Local cattle, exposed to infection early in life, become infected but don't become sick.","ng'ombe zamakolo, zomwe zaikidwa pachiopsezo chamatenda pamene zili zazing'ono, zimakhala ndi matendawo koma sidzimadwala",agriculture,agriculture document +en2874,Goats and sheep are readily sold for breeding and slaughter.,mbuzi ndi nkhosa zimagulitsidwa ngati zoweta kapena zokapha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2875,Goats and sheep are the most marketed ruminant livestock and forms one of lucrative enterprise.,mbuzi ndi nkhosa ndi ziweto zomwe zimagulitsidwa kwambiri ndipo ndi imodzi mwa ntchito zamalonda zaphindu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2876,The khola must be on a well drained soils,khola likuyenera limangidwe pa nthaka yosasunga madzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2877,The khola should be near the dwelling house for security reasons,khola liyandikile nyumba yokhalidwa ndi anthu pa zifukwa za chitetezo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2878,It is therefore important to: Sweep the house floor daily to prevent the accumulation of dung,kotero ndikofunikila kusesa khola la ng'ombe tsiku ndi tsiku kuti mupewe kuchulukana kwa ndowe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2879,A standard or improved house cannot offer the animals a healthy environment unless it is regularly kept clean of the droppings.,khola labiwno kapena lamakono silipereka malo a thanzi kwa ziweto pokhapokha ngati mukusamalidwa bwino ku ndowe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2880,"Good housing is important as it serves several functions like protecting goats and sheep from adverse weather conditions, reduction in disease transmission, reduces theft and predation","khola labwino ndi ofunika chifukwa limapereka chitetezo kwa mbuzi ndi nkhosa ku nyengo zovuta komanso kuchepetsa kupatsilana kwa matenda, kuba ngakhaleso kuzilombo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2881,Change area daily to avoid pests and parasite build –up,sinthani malo tsiku ndi tsiku kuwopesa ku tizilombo komanos kuchulukana kwa tizilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2882,"In all cases, animals should be provided with water and shelter","mu nyengo zonse, nyama ziyenera kupatsidwa madzi ndi malo okhala",agriculture,agriculture document +en2883,Caution: Avoid taking stocks for grazing before dew is gone to prevent them from catching worms.,chenjezo: pewani kupititsa ziweto kokadya msipu mame asanawume kupewa kuti zingagwidwe ndi nyongolosi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2884,"Graze for at least 8hrs in dry season and 5hrs in rainy season and then move them to a different area after 50% of grazing in a particular field, Graze in banks in dry season and upland in rainy season to prevent worm infestation.",zidye kwa maola asanu ndi atatu mu nyengo ya dzuwa ndi maola asanu mu nyengo ya chilimwe ndipo zipititseni kudera lina zikadya kwa theka mmunda umenewo. Dyetsani mphepete mwa mitsinje munyengo ya dzinja ndipo kumtunda munyengo yachilimwe popewa kugwidwa ndi nyongolosi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2885,Goats are generally browsers and this ability enables them to feed on a variety of herbage but under confinement there is need for supplementation.,kwambiri mbuzi zimadya zomera zitalizitali ndipo izi zimathandiza kuti zidzidya mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya zomera zobiliwira koma ngati zikusungidwa osayendayenda ziyenera kupatsidwa zakudya zowonjezera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2886,feeds and feeding system of goats and sheep,zakudya ndi njira za kadyetsedwe ka mbuzi ndi nkhosa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2887,Deworm the kids at 2 months and then 1 months after onset of rains,ana apatseni mankhwala a nyongolosi akafika miyezi iwiri komanso pakatha mwezi umodzi chiyambire nyengo ya mvula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2888,From 30 –120 days allow the young to graze with adults and separate them at night.,kwa masiku 30 mpaka 120 lolani tiana tidyere pamodzi ndi ziweto zazikulu ndi kutipatula usiku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2889,The loss in quality can be minimized by keeping the eggs at right temperature and humidity,titha kuchepetsa chionongeko cha mazira powasunga pamalo otentha moyenera komanso achinyezi choyenera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2890,Pack the eggs in clean packing materials,ikani mazira mu zipangizo zoyikilamo zoyera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2891,Keep the eggs cool and at right humidity immediately after collecting them,sungani mazira pa malo ozizila komanso achinyezi choneyera oyenela mukangotha kutolera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2892,"Hence, a farmer must make sure that there is ready market for the eggs.","kotelo, mlimi akuyenera awonesetse kuti ali ndi msika opezekelatu wa mazira",agriculture,agriculture document +en2893,Adequate Nesting boxes should be provided in layer house.,mabokosi a zitsa zoyikililamo okwanira akuyenera kupezeka mu khola la nkhuku zoyikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2894,bird density should be 5-6 hens/m²,chiwerengero cha mbalame chikuyenera chikhale zisanu kapena zisanu ndi imodzi pa m²,agriculture,agriculture document +en2895,Deep litter system is the commonly used type of housing by smallholder farmers,dongosolo la zinyalala zakuya ndi njiara imene alimi ambiri amagwiritsa ntchito pomanga makola (nyumba),agriculture,agriculture document +en2896,"Feed intake depends on nutrient content, temperature, laying rate, egg size and body weight","kadyedwe ka zakudya kamatengela thanzi la chakudya, nyengo, kaikilidwe ka mazira, kukula kwa mazira ndi kulemela kwa nkhuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en2897,The transfer must not be stressful to the birds due to changes in environment and equipment,kusamutsa nkhuku sikjuyenera kukhale kodetsa nkhawa kwa nkhuku chifukwa cha kusintha kwa malo ndi zipangizo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2898,De-worming should be carried out 3 days before moving the birds.,kupereka mwankhwala a nyongolotsi zitha kuchitidwa masiku atatu musasuthe nkhuku zanu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2899,A farmer can also decide to raise the pullets in a chick rearing house and then move them to the laying house when they are about to start laying.,mlimi akhonza kupanga chiganizo chosunga nthazi mu nyumba yolerela anapiye kenako ndikuzisuntha zikayamba kuyikila ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2900,Poorly managed pullets will perform poorly as layers,nkhuku zomwe sizikusamalidwa bwino sizichita bwino poyikila ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2901,Sugar can be added to the water to make 4-8% solution which can help the chicks replenish depleted energy and stimulate the chicks to start feeding.,shuga akhonza kuikidwa ku madzi kuti mupange madzi wotsekemera 4-8% yemwe angathandize kuti nkhuku zibwezeretse mphamvu ndikupeleka chilakolako kuti ziyamambenso kudya zakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2902,During brooding period the chicks are given starter marsh.,"nthawi yofungatira ana, anapiye amapatsidwa zakudya zoyambilira zokulitsa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2903,Chicks should be placed in the brooder as soon as they arrive.,anapiye akuyenera ayikidwe mu khola lotenthera akangofika,agriculture,agriculture document +en2904,The litter works as an insulator and help absorb moisture from droppings,zinyalala zoyika pansi zimagwira ntchito ngati chotenthetsera ndi kuthandiza kuyamwa chinyontho chochokela ku zitosi za nkhuku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2905,Deep litter rearing of chicks is by far the most prevalent,makola a zinyalala zakuya ndi njira yotchuka kwambiri yowetela nkhuku,agriculture,agriculture document +en2906,A farmer needs to develop a business plan before engaging into egg production enterprise.,mlimi akuyenera kusanja pulani asanayambe malonda ogulitsa mazira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2907,On average water requirement from day old to slaughter age is about 12 litres/chicken,mongoyerekeza madzi amene amafunikila kuyambila tsiku loyamba mpakana tsiku lophedwwa ndi ma lita 12 pa nkhuku iliyonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2908,Fresh and clean water should be offered daily,madzi oyenera akuyenra kuperekedwa tsiku lililonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2909,Growing birds have different nutritional requirements throughout the growing period,pamene mbalame zikukula zimakhala ndi zosowekera zosiyanasiyana pa thanzi lawo pa nyengo yomwe zikukula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2910,The feeding space can be determined by using a trough with 40cm diameter for every 30 birds,malo odyera angayezedwe pogwiritsa ntchito malo odyera otambalala 40cm pa mbalame makumi atatu alisonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2911,On average feed intake for broilers from day old to slaughter age of 6 – 8 weeks is about 4kg/bird,chikatikati cha chakudya chimene nkhuku ya nyama imayenera kudya kuyambila tsiku loyamba mpaka tsiku lophedwa pakati pa masabata asanu ndi limodzi mpaka asanu ndi atatu ndi 4kg pa nkhuku iliyonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2912,Controlling litter moisture is the most important step in avoiding ammonia ,kuthana ndi chinyontho mu khola ndikofunika kwambiri chifukwa kumathandiza kupewa mpweya wa ammonia,agriculture,agriculture document +en2913,"Too dry and dusty litter causes dehydration of young chicks, respiratory diseases and increases condemnations.","zinyalala zouma komanso zafumbi kwambiri zimayambitsa kusowa kwa madzi kmthupi mwa anapiye, matenda ammapapo ndi kuchulukitsa anapiye akufa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2914,A cow should be bred again around 60 days ,ng'ombe ikuyenera kukwatitsidwanso pakatha masiku 60,agriculture,agriculture document +en2915,Protect the calf from predators.,kuteteza mwana wa ng'ombe ku zilombo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2916,"Overstocking will restrict movement causing leg problems, bruising and death","kuchulutsa ziweto mkhola kumakanikisa mayendedwe omwe amayambisa mavuto a miyendo, kusupuka komanso kufa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2917,Stocking density depending on the breed,kuchulukwa kwa ziweto nkhola kumatengela ndi mtundu wake,agriculture,agriculture document +en2918,20 to 25 chicks/m for day old chicks,anapiye 20 mpaka 25 pa mita kwa nkhuku za tsiku limodzi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2919,10 to 12 chicks/m for 21 to 25 day old chicks,anapiye 10 mpaka 12 pa mita iliyonse za nkhuku za masiku 21 mpka 25,agriculture,agriculture document +en2920,Goat and sheep farmers need to know age of their animals in order make informed decisions of breeding stock selection,alimi a mbuzi ndi nkhosa akuyenera kuziwa zaka za ziweto zawo ndi cholinga chokuti azipanga ziganizo zabwino pamene akusanga ziweto zobeleka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2921,It utilizes natural vegetation at no cost,zimagwiritsa ntchito zomela mwachilengegwe opanda kulowetsa ndalama,agriculture,agriculture document +en2922,Sufficient time for animals to select their preferred herbage.,nthawi yokwanila kuti nyma zisankhe zakudya zimene zikuufuna,agriculture,agriculture document +en2923,"Nutritional satisfaction depends on quality and density of fodder, Nutritive value change with season.","kukhutila ndi thanzi kumatenegla ndi kuchuluka kwa zakudya, thanzi limasintha malingana ndi nyengo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2924,Animals damage field crops and household items.,nyama zimawononga mbewu zakumunda ngakhaleso zinthu zapakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2925,"Animals are subjected to theft, predation and loss","nyama zimatha kubedwa, kudyedwa ndi nyama zina ndi kusowa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2926,Overgrazing is controlled,kumachepetsa kudyetsa ziweto kwmabiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2927,Sick animals can be easily identified,nyama zomwe zikudwala ndizosavuta kuzizindikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2928,People handling infected animals should wear protective gloves at all times.,anthu amene akuthandiza nymama zomwe zili ndi matenda avale ma gulovo ozitetezela nthawi zonse,agriculture,agriculture document +en2929,Pneumonia is common in later stages.,chibayo chimavuta pamene zikukula,agriculture,agriculture document +en2930,One animal cannot catch heart water directly from another.,ziweto sizingapatsilane nthenda ya heart water,agriculture,agriculture document +en2931,Animals can be run over by vehicles as they cross roads,nyama zimathanso kugundidwa ndi magalimoto pamene zikuwoloka pa nseu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2932,"If chicks have been transported for a long distance and period, provide them with water for the first 2-3 hours prior to providing them feed.","ngati mukusamusa nkhuku kupita dera lakutali, zipatseni madzi okumwa pakatha ma ola awiri kapena atatu musanazipatse chakudya",agriculture,agriculture document +en2933,"To boost the chicks, add vitamin supplement to drinking water for the first 3 days","kuti nkhuku zikule, zipateseni ma vitamini m'madzi masiku atatu oyambilira",agriculture,agriculture document +en2934,The most important requirement is that they are provided with a suitable environment and receive the proper diet,chinthu chofunikila kwambiri ndichowonetsetsa kuti zikukhala malo abwino komanso zikudya zakudya zabwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2935,The house can be constructed using bricks or earth or planks for the walls depending on prevailing situation.,"nyumba ikhonza kumangidwa ndi njewra, kuphomedwa ndi dothi kapena matabwa mmakoma malinga ndi nyengo zimene zilipo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2936,There is no limit in the length of the house as it depends upon the number of chickens to be kept,kulibe mlingo weniweni wa kukula kwa nyumba pakuti zimatengera ndi chiwerengero cha nkhuku zimene muzisunga,agriculture,agriculture document +en2937,The width of a deep litter open sided house should not be more than 9 meters.,mulifupi wa khola usakhale opyolera ma mita 9,agriculture,agriculture document +en2938,The height should be about 3 meters,nyumba italike kupita mwamba mita atatu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2939,Preparation for arrival of chicks,zoyenera kuchita pokonzekela kubwera kwa anapiye,agriculture,agriculture document +en2940,Birds that are growing very fat.,nkhuku zimene zikunenepa kwmabiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2941,Hens that have dry and scaly cloaca,thazi amene ali ndi chinyomphilo chouma,agriculture,agriculture document +en2942,Collect eggs frequently (at least 3 times a day),kumakolola mazira pafupipafupi (katatu pa tsiku),agriculture,agriculture document +en2943,Handle the eggs carefully to avoid breakages,samalani mazira moyenera popewa kusweka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2944,Keep the eggs cool and at right humidity immediately after collecting them,sungani mazira pa malo ozizira komanso achinyezi choyenera mukangotha kutolera ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2945,Keep eggs away from strong scented substances,sungani mazira patali ndi zinthu za fungo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2946,Pack the eggs in clean packing materials,longezani mazira oyera mu zipangaizo zolongezela,agriculture,agriculture document +en2947,Pack clean eggs separately from dirty ones,longezani mazira abwino ndi akuda mosiyana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2948,If there is premium for large eggs then the eggs will need to be graded,ngati pali mwai wa mazira akuluakulu pakufunika kusankha mazira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2949,The layers are left in lay for 52 weeks after which it might no longer be economical in terms of costs and returns.,nkhuku za mazira zimasungidwa masabata 52 zikuyikira mazira ndipo pambuyo pake sidzingabweretse phindu lokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2950,At that stage the hens are sold for meat,pa nthawi imeneyo zimagulitsidwa ngati nyama,agriculture,agriculture document +en2951,It is advisable that when they are 35 weeks old or earlier the farmer should start raising a replacement flock which shall start laying just when the old flock is being disposed of,zikafika masabata 35 alimi amalangizidwa kuti pa nthawi imeneyo ayambe kusunga nkhuku zina za mazira ndi cholinga chakuti zizidzabweretsa phindu pamene zina zikugulitsidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2952,"The disease usually affects birds between 3 and 8 weeks of age, occasionally older birds suffer.","nthendayi imagwira nkhuku za masabata atatu ndi asanu ndi atatu, koma zomwe zimadwala kwambiri ndi zazikulu",agriculture,agriculture document +en2953,"Depression, stops eating and may drink excessively.","kukhumudwa, kusiya kudya ndi kumwa madzi kwamabiri",agriculture,agriculture document +en2954,"Blood in droppings,",magazi mu zitosi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2955,Some commercial feeds in Malawi contain a drug to control coccidiosis,zakudya za nkhuku zina zogula zimakhala kale ndi mankhwala a coccidiosis,agriculture,agriculture document +en2956,Do not vaccinate laying birds,osapereka katemela kwa nkhuku zoyikila,agriculture,agriculture document +en2957,"If you have less than 1,000 birds it is possible to share the vaccine with a neighbour",ngati muli ndi nkhuku zosakwana 1000 mukhonza kuwagailako anzanu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2958,mortality often increases rapidly,chiwerengero cha nkhuku zakufa chimachuluka kwambiri,agriculture,agriculture document +en2959,All vaccines should be applied as recommended by the manufacturer.,katemera yense aperekedwe motsatila malangizo amene anapereka opanga katemera,agriculture,agriculture document +en2960,The following records should be kept; Number of live chickens sold,sungani kaundula wa zochitika pa ulimi wanu monga; nkhuku zomwe zagulitsidwa zamoyo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2961,Number of chickens slaughtered,nkhuku zomwe zaphedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2962,Number of chicks bought,anapiye omwe agulidwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2963,Number of chickens used for home consumption,nkhuku zomwe zadyedwa pakhomo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2964,Water and feed intake,kamwedwe ka madzi ndi kadyedwe ka chakudya,agriculture,agriculture document +en2965,Number of chickens died,nkhuku zimene zafa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2966,Vaccinations and treatments offered,katemela ndi chithandizo chomwe chaperekedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2967,"Rodents, wild birds, pets, and other animals that may be carriers of the bacteria must be excluded from poultry houses.","makoswe, mbalame zamtchire, ziweto zapakhomo ndi nyama zina zikhonza kukhala zosungila tizilombo toyambitsa matenda ndipo zikuyenera kukhala kutali ndi makola a nkhuku",agriculture,agriculture document +en2968,High milk production,zimatulutsa mkaka wachuluka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2969,They are docile and easy to handle,ndizomvera komanso zosavuta kusamala,agriculture,agriculture document +en2970,This is where a bull is used to mate with the cow/heifer.,apa ndi pamene ng'ombe yayimuna imagwiritsidwa ntchito kukwerana ndi ng'ombe yayikazi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2971,Sexually transmitted diseases are prevented,zimapewa matenda opatsilana pogonana,agriculture,agriculture document +en2972,Protect the calf from predators.,tetezani mwana wa ng'ombe ku zilombo zolusa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2973,The amount of water required at different physiological stages varies and therefore provide water as much as the animal takes (80 to 100 litres).,mlingo wa madzi wofunikira panthawi zosiyanasiyana pamakulidwe kamasiyana ndipo nkoyenera kupeleka madzi mmene nyamazo zingafunire (80 kufika 100 litres),agriculture,agriculture document +en2974,Use weigh bands or scales to weigh calves.,gwiritsani ntchito malamba kapena masikelo oyezela kulemela kwa ana ng'ombe,agriculture,agriculture document +en2975,"Animal goes off food, milk yield falls, it has a mild FEVER.","chiweto chimasiya kudya, mkaka umatuluka ochepa, imatenthaso thupi ",agriculture,agriculture document +en2976,Ensure that utensils are thoroughly scrubbed with a hot detergent solution,onetsetsani kuti ziwiya zatsukidwa bwino ndi madzi asopo otentha,agriculture,agriculture document +en2977,"After thorough cleaning, the utensils should be put inverted on the drying rack in the direct sunlight.","mukamaliza kutsuka, ziwiya mudziike chogadamitsa pa thandala padzuwa",agriculture,agriculture document +en2978,It is absolutely necessary to filter the milk,ndikofunila kusefa mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2979,The cloths used for this purpose should be washed with soap after each use.,ka nsalu kamene mutagwiritse ntchito kakuyenera kuchapidwa ndi sopo mukamaliza kugwiritsa ntchito,agriculture,agriculture document +en2980,Animals may easily die due to too much fluid loss from the body,nyama zimatha kufa msanga chifukwa chotaya madzi nthupi,agriculture,agriculture document +en2981,Ensure that a calf consumes adequate colostrum and that it suckles all the time for energy and nutrients.,onetsetsani kuti kamwana ka ng'ombe kayamwa mkaka woyambilira wokwanira ndipo kakuyamwa nthawi zonse kuti kadzikhala ndi mphamvu komanso michere yokwanira,agriculture,agriculture document +en2982,Becomes thin and constipated,imawonda ndi kudzimbidwa ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2983,By bulking the milk farmers are able to sell the milk to a processor;,alimi amakwanitsa kugulitsa mkaka kwa ogaya mkaka akasokhetsa mkaka pamodzi ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2984,Members for a bulking group are supposed to come from within eight kilometers radius from the cooling center.,alimi a gulu lowonkhetsa mkaka amayenera akhale ochokela dera losapitilila makilomita 8 kuchokela pa malo osiyila mkaka,agriculture,agriculture document +en2985,The cow should be health and clean,ng'ombe ikhale yathanzi komanso ya unkhondo,agriculture,agriculture document +en2986,Milk starts to lose its quality as soon as it has been milked and this can be minimized through the use of clean utensils,mkaka ukangokamidwa umayamba kuonongeka ndipo mukhonza kuchepetsa izi pogwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zotsukidwa bwino,agriculture,agriculture document +en2987,Do not mix the milk milked in the morning and that was milked in the afternoon.,osaphatikiza mkaka omwe wakamidwa mamawa ndi mkaka omwe wakamidwa masana ,agriculture,agriculture document +en2988,Dentition is used to know the age of an animal,kuona mano kumathandiza kudziwa msinkhu wa nyama,agriculture,agriculture document +en2989,Easy to collect manure,kosavuta kotolela manyowa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2990,Reduces risk of predation and theft,zimachepetsa kudyedwa ndi kubedwa,agriculture,agriculture document +en2991,"Disease prevention and control is an important aspect in goats and sheep production, therefore farmers must know the clinical signs of diseases for early detection and reporting to relevant authorities.","kupewa ndi kuthana ndi matenda ndikofunika pa ulimi wa mbuzi ndi nkhosa, kotero alimi akuyenera kudziwa zizindikilo zosiyanasiyana za matenda mwachangu ndikuwawudza adindo oyenera ",agriculture,agriculture document +en2992,"The eyes may also become infected, causing eyelids to mat together with discharge.","maso akhonza kugwidwa ndi matenda, ndikuyambitsa kuti zikope zizimatana kwia zikutulutsa manthongo",agriculture,agriculture document +en2993,Drench the whole flock (excluding sucking animals which are not yet grazing),bidzani ziweto zonse (kupatula zimene zimene zikuyamba zomwe sizinayambekusaka chakudya),agriculture,agriculture document +en2994,They transmit important human diseases,zimafalitsa matenda oopsa kwa anthu,agriculture,agriculture document +en2995,"This time around, Weah is quite aware that his popularity has dwindled and that he has no chance in this election","Padakali pano, Weah akuzindikira kuti chikoka chake chatsika ndipo alibe mwayi wosankhidwanso ",politics,Online sources +en2996,"Incumbent President George Weah, a decorated former football star, is seeking reelection for a second six-year term after a tumultuous first tenure tainted by corruption scandals and allegations of mismanagement","Mtsogoleri wolamula Geaorge Weah, yemwe ankasewera mpira wa miyendo mwachikoka, akufunanso kusankhidwa pampando kachiwiri kuti alamule zaka zina zisanu ndi chimodzi potsatira kulamula kwake koyamba komwe kwayipa ndi katangale komanso kusayendetsa bwino zinthu",politics,Online sources +en2997,"More than 60% of Liberia’s 5.4 million people are below the age of 25, but unemployment is widespread among the country’s youth, some of whom were former child soldiers in the civil war","Anthu 60 pa 100 aliwonse mwa anthu 5,400,000 mdziko la Liberia sanakwanitse zaka makumi awiri ndi zisanu (25), koma vuto lakusowa kwa ntchito ndilalikulu pakati pa achinyamata, omwe ena mwa iwo anali asirikali pamene anali ana munthawi yanhkondo yapachiweniweni",politics,Online sources +en2998,"Tensions flared between supporters of the two parties ahead of the polls, Liberia’s police said . This led to a “loss of lives and the destruction of properties,” the country’s electoral commission stated","Kusamvana kunakula pakati pa otsatira zipani ziwirizi pokonzekera masankho, apolisi aku Liberia anatero. Izi zinadzetsa imfa komanso kuonongeka kwa katundu, oyendetsa chisankho anafotokoza",politics,Online sources +en2999,"Liberians want a change. The youths on the street are telling me they made a mistake and want to correct the mistake. They are saying everywhere I go, ‘forgive us, we made a mistake,’” he said.","Mzika za dziko la Liberia zikufuna kusintha. Achinyamata omwe ndawapeza mmiseu andiuza kuti analakwitsa ndipo akufuna akonze kulakwitsako. Kulikonse komwe ndapita iwo akuti ""tikhululukireni"", tinalakwitsa, iye anatero",politics,Online sources +en3000,A spokesperson for the UN Human Rights Office in Liberia said at least two people died and 20 others were injured in the clashes,Mneneri wa nthambi yoona za ufulu wa anthu ya mgwirizano wa mayiko onse (United Nations) ku Liberia yanena kuti anthu awiri anafa pamene ena makumi awiri anavulala pakukangana komwe kunabuka,politics,Online sources +en3001,"Supporters of both main parties have accused each other of instigating the violence. Videos circulating on social media depict scenes of chaos, with rival groups engaged in altercations and hurling objects at each other, sending shockwaves through the community","Otsatira zipani ziwiri zikuluzikulu akulozana zala poyambitsa zipolowe. Makanema omwe ali pamasmba a mchezo (social media) akuonetsa kubuka kwa zipwirikiti, pomwe magulu osamvana akumenyana, kuponyerana zinthu zomwe zadzetsa kukhumudwa mmadera osiyanasiyana",politics,Online sources +en3002,"The incident in September comes just under two months after a similar outbreak of violence between rival party followers in the capital, Monrovia, which reportedly resulted in numerous injuries and widespread condemnation from both the international community in Liberia and concerned citizens","Zomwe zinachitika mu Sepitembala zukudza pasanathe miyezi iwiri pamene zipolowe zotero zinabukanso pakati pa otsatira zipani ziwiri zosamvana mumzinda wa Monrovia, zomwe zinapangitsa anthu ambiri kuvulala ndipo izi zinadzudzulidwa ndi mzika zambiri mdziko la Liberia ndi anthu amayiko ena akunja",politics,Online sources +en3003,All incidents of election-related violence must be fully and independently investigated and those found responsible held to account without undue delay,Mchitidwe wonse wa zipolowe wokhuza zisankho ufufuzidwe mwapadera ndipo onse okhuzidwa azengedwe milandu mwachangu,politics,Online sources +en3004,Journalists were shown where inmates had built a swimming pool and several restaurants inside the prison walls in recent years,Atolankhani anaonetsedwa pomwe akaidi anamanga malo osambirapo (swimming pool) ndiponso malo odyera alendo ambirimbiri mkati nmwa ndendemo muzaka zangopitazi,politics,Online sources +en3005,"Officials released images after the raid of weapons seized from inmates, including automatic rifles, machine guns, and thousands of rounds of ammunition","Ogwira ntchito anatulutsa zinthunzi za zida zomwe zinalandidwa kwa akaidi mundendemo, kuphatikizirapo mfuti zikukuzikulu ndi zipolopolo mazanamazana",politics,Online sources +en3006,"Thousands of inmates were transferred to other prisons after the operation. However, relatives of inmates dispute these claims, saying they haven’t spoken to their relatives since the morning of the operation","Akaidi mazanamazana anasamutsidwa kupita kundende zina pambuyo pakulanda zida. Koma abale a akaidi atsutsa ndi izi, ndipo akuti sanapatsidwe mwayi woyankhula ndi abale awo kuyambira mmawa wa tsiku lolanda zidawo",politics,Online sources +en3007,"I haven’t heard anything since this whole thing started on Wednesday. I came yesterday and today, and nobody says anything",Sindinamve kalikonse kuyambira pomwe izi zinayamba lachitatu. Ndabwera dzulo ndi lero koma palibe akunena kanthu,politics,Online sources +en3008,"While it is not uncommon for gangs to run prisons, the penitentiary was notorious inside the country, and in recent years had become a symbol of the government’s inability to regain control","Ngakhale zili zosadabwitsa kuti magulu aupandu adziyendetsa ndende, ndendeyi inali yodziwika ndi mbiri zonyansa kwambiri mdzikomu ndipo muzaka zaposachedwapa inali ngati umboni wolephera Boma kulanda mphamvu zoyendetsera ndendeyi",politics,Online sources +en3009,"Staff are visiting pupils' homes, shortening days and running a food bank to help get children back to lessons at one school. Figures say one in six secondary pupils in Wales is now persistently absent","Pa sukulu ina, ogwira ntchito akuyendera makomo a ophunzira, kuchepetsa nthawi yophunzilira komanso kukhala ndi nkhonkwe yazakudya ndicholinga chothandiza ana kuti ayambenso kuphunzira . Chiwerengero chikuonetsa imodzi mwa sukulu za sekondale zisanu ndi imodzi mumzinda wa Wales palibe ana ophunzira",politics,Online sources +en3010,"Some call attendance rates a ""national crisis"" and the Welsh government has set up a group to examine why children are missing school.",Ena afotokoza kuti chiwerengero cha ana mmasukulu nchokhumudwitsa ndipo boma la Wales lakhazikitsa gulu loti lifufuze zifukwa chomwe ana sakupita kusukulu,politics,Online sources +en3011,Rhyl High School deputy head teacher believes there has been an increase in mental health problems. She said attendance at the school in the school was 6% down from four years ago,Wachiwiri kwa mphunzitsi wamkulu wa sukulu ya sekondale ya Rhyl akukhulupilira kuti matenda a ubongo akuchuluka. Iye wati chiweregero chatsika ndi ana pa 100 aliwonse kuyerekeza ndi zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi zapitazi,politics,Online sources +en3012,"A lot of adjustments are needed for some children who are struggling with sleep routines, anxiety, perhaps needing to come in a bit later when they're not involved in the crowds",Kusintha kochuluka kuyenera kuchitika kuti ana omwe ali ndi vuto losowa tulo kapena nkhawa adzibwera paokha pamene kulibe anthu ambiri,politics,Online sources +en3013,"Malawi adopted a new constitution on 6 July 1966, in which the country was declared a republic","Dziko la Malawi linavomereza malamulo ake akulu (constitution) pa 6 July 1966, pamene dziko linalandira ufulu",politics,Online sources +en3014,"Banda was elected the country's first president for a five-year term; he was the only candidate. The new document granted Banda wide executive and legislative powers, and also formally made the MCP the only legal party","Banda anasinkhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri woyamba wa dziko lino kwa zaka zisanu, iye analipo yekha pachisankhochi. Chikalata chatsopanochi chinapeleka mphamvu zochuluka kwa Banda pamalamulo komanso kuyendetsa boma, ndipo chikhazikitsa chipani cha Malawi Congress kukhala chipani chokhako chovomerezeka",politics,Online sources +en3015,"However, the country had already been a de facto one-party state since independence. The new constitution effectively turned Banda's presidency into a legal dictatorship","Ngakhale zinali choncho, dziko lono linali likutsatira kale chipani chimodzi chomwecho kuchokera pomwe tinalandira ufulu wodzilamulira wokha. Malamulo atsopanowa anapeleka mphamvu zoposa pa utsogoleri wa Banda kukhala wankhanza zovomerezeka",politics,Online sources +en3016,"In 1970, a congress of the MCP declared Banda its president for life. In 1971, the legislature declared Banda President for Life of Malawi as well","Mchaka cha 1970, msonkhano wa atsogoleri a chipani cha MCP unavomereza kuti Banda akhale mtsogoleri wa wawo wamuyaya. Mchaka cha 1071, nyumba yamalamulo inalengeza kuti .Bbanda ndi mtsogoleri wamuyaya wa dziko la Malawi",politics,Online sources +en3017,"Banda was mostly viewed externally as a benign, albeit eccentric, leader, an image fostered by his English-style three-piece suits, matching handkerchiefs, walking stick and fly-whisk","Banda amaganiziridwa kuti anali wachikondi, koma wosazolowereka, wautsogoleri wachibadwa, womwe unkaonekera kudzera muzovala zake, mipango yopukutira thukuta komanso ndodo yake yoyendera ndi litchowa",politics,Online sources +en3018,"In June 1967, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Massachusetts with the encomium "" ... pediatrician to his infant nation"".","Mwezi wa June 1976, anapatsidwa satifiketi ya ulemu ya ukachenjede ndi sukulu yaukachenjede ya Massachusetts ndi mau akuti ""dotolo wa dziko lake lomwe langobadwa kumene""",politics,Online sources +en3019,"Banda himself bluntly summed up his approach to ruling the country by saying, ""Everything is my business. Everything. Anything I say is law...literally law. Within Malawi, views on him ranged from cult-like devotion to fear","Banda anayankhula modzitamandira padzautsogoleri wake ponena kuti ""chilichonse ndi changa, zonse zomwe ndingayankhule ndi lamulo. Mmalawi muno, ena ankamukonda momupembedza pamene ena ankachita naye mantha",politics,Online sources +en3020,"Angered, Banda promptly ""dissolved cabinet"" and announced that parliament would meet immediately. At the end of that sitting of parliament, everyone in the chambers was effectively stripped of their political status","Popsa mtima, Banda anachotsa nduna zake ndipo anapengeza kuti nyumba yamalamulo ikumana mwadzidzidzi. Pakutha pa zokambirana kunyumba yamalamulo, onse anali mnyumbayi anachotsedwa maudindo kuchipani",politics,Online sources +en3021,The three men were then rounded up at the Zomba Parliament buildings for questioning. Chiwanga happened on them being tortured in a back room and had to be silenced too,Azibambo atatuwo anagwidwa ali kunyumba yamalamulo ku Zomba kuti akafunsidwe mafunso. Chawinga anapezelela anthuwa akuzunzidwa mchipinda china ndipo nayenso anayenera kumutseka pakamwa,politics,Online sources +en3022,"Later, it was found out they had been killed by having tent pins hammered into their heads. Banda ordered a night burial and mandated that the caskets not be opened for a last viewing","Pambuyo pake, zinaululika kuti anthuwa anaphedwa pokhomedwa zitsulo khumi mmitu mwawo. Banda analamula kuti mitembo yawo ilowe mmanda usiku ndipo asatsekule mabokosi kuti achibale asaloledwe kuona nkhope",politics,Online sources +en3023,"While many southern African nations traded with apartheid-era South Africa out of economic necessity, Malawi was the only African nation that recognised South Africa and established diplomatic relations with it, including a trade treaty which angered other African leaders","Pamene mayiko ambiri kumwera kwa Africa ankachita malonda ndi ulamuliro wa atsamunda ku South Africa pofuna kuteteza chuma chawo, dziko la Malawi linali lokhalo lomwe limavomereza ndikukhadzikitsa ubale waukazembe ndi dziko la South Africa kuphatikizirapo pangano lazamalonda zomwe zinakwiyitsa atsogoleri ena mu Africa",politics,Online sources +en3024,"They threatened to expel Malawi from the Organization of African Unity until Banda left power. Banda responded by accusing other African countries of hypocrisy, saying in a public speech to his parliament","Iwo anaopseza kutulutsa dziko la Malawi mu mgwirizano wa mayiko onse mu Africa wa African Unity pokhapokha Banda achoke paudindo. Banda anayankha poloza zala atsogoeri ena mu Africa omwe ndi anthirakuwiri, ananena izi pamene amayankhula kudziko lonse kunyumba yamalamulo",politics,Online sources +en3025,"There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats"" He told them to concentrate on convincing the South African government that apartheid was unnecessary","Palibe zauchifwamba, Cassius, nkuopseza kwako ""iye anawauza kuti ayike chidwi pouza boma la South Africa kuti utsamunda unali wosafunikira""",politics,Online sources +en3026,"Furthermore, he added that African leaders practice disunity, not unity, while posing as the liberators of Africa","Anawonjezera ponena kuti atsogoleri mu Africa amalalika kusagwirizana, osati umodzi, kwinaku adziwonetsa ngati atha kuwombola Africa",politics,Online sources +en3027,Banda was the only African ruler to establish diplomatic ties with South Africa during apartheid as well as the Portuguese regime in Mozambique,Banda anali mtsogoleri yekhayo mu Africa yemwe anakhazikitsa maubale aukazembe ndi dziko la South Africa panthawi ya utsamunda ndinso maubale ndi ulamuliro wa chipwitikizi ku Mozambique,politics,Online sources +en3028,"After the cabinet crisis in 1964, Banda became increasingly isolated in African politics. On the other hand, his antipathy for Roy Welensky and what he denounced as the ""stupid federation"" was a smokescreen he used to reject the proposed Bangula Hydro-electric dam – proposed to be bigger than the Gezira Dam in Khartoum – that Welensky's Federation had sought and obtained funding for from the British government","Pambuyo pa kugalukira kwa cha nduna (cabinet crisis) mu 1964, Banda anapitilira kusalidwa pa ndale mu Africa. Kumbali ina, anagwiritsa ntchito kusakondwa kwake ndi Roy Welensky komanso zomwe amadzudzula zokhuza chitaganya ngati chiphimbamaso kukana ntchito zamagetsi ku Bangula, zomwe zimayembekezera kukhala zopambana damu la Gezira mumzinda wa Khartoum - powonjezera kunena kuti ndichitaganya cha Welensky chinasaka ndi kupeza ndalama kuchokera boma la Britain",politics,Online sources +en3029,Banda went on to blame everything including snails (likely to cause widespread Bilharzia) to abort the project,Banda anadana ndi cchilichonse (kuphatikizirapo nkhono zomwe zimafalitsa likodzo) pokana ntchito yazmagetsiyo,politics,Online sources +en3030,"In turn, the British denied Banda the funding and budgetary support he needed to build his pet dream of a new capital city at Lilongwe, in his home region","Potsatia izi, boma la Britain linakana kupeleka ndalama komanso thandizo landalama zoyendetsera dziko zomwe ankafuna kuti amangire maloto ake a likulu latsopano la dziko ku Lilongwe, mchigawo chakwawo",politics,Online sources +en3031,The quid pro quo was that Banda had to support South Africa's apartheid policies among fellow African leaders,"Pobwezera, Banda ankathandiza mfundo za atsamunda ku South Africa pamaso pa atsogoleri anzake mu Africa",politics,Online sources +en3032,"Hence, on one occasion he paid a state visit to South Africa where he met his South African counterparts at Stellenbosch. Banda once noted that, ""It is only contact like this between South Africa and Malawi that can reveal to your people that there are civilized people other than white","Ndipo anapita kukacheza mdziko la South Africa komwe anakumana ndi atsogoleri anzake kumalo otchedwa Stellenbosch. Banda anaona kuti ""ndi njira yokhayo yokambirana pakati pa South Africa ndi Malawi yomwe ingayike pambalambanda kuti anthu anu ndi aulemu osati azungu chabe""",politics,Online sources +en3033,"After the apartheid era ended and the ANC came to dominate South African politics during the 1990s, relations between Malawi and South Africa threatened to take a downward turn, but a Malawian task force spearheaded by Malawian diplomatic envoys to South Africa and representatives in Malawi, including former diplomat arranged for a meeting between the two governments which resulted in Nelson Mandela's first official visit to Malawi as president of the ANC in the early 1990s","Nthawi ya chitsamunda itatha ndipo chipani cha ANC chili ndi mphamvu mu ndale za South Africa muzaka zamma 1990, ubale pakati pa Malawi ndi South Africa unali pachiopsezo chosokenekera koma mthumwi za dziko la Malawi motsogozedwa ndi akazembe a dziko la Malawi ku South Africa ndi ena oyimira dziko la Malawi, kuphatikizirapo kazembe wakale anakonza mkumano pakati pa maboma awiriwa zomwe zinachititsa kuti Nelson Mandela adzacheze ku Malawi kwanthawi yoyamba ngati mtsogoleri wa ANC kumayambiliro kwa zaka zamma 1990",politics,Online sources +en3034,The relations between the two governments continued to be cordial after it was revealed that Banda was secretly helping the ANC during the apartheid era. The Malawi government and South African government continued diplomatic relations,Maubale pakati pa maboma awiriwa anapitilira kukhala okoma zitaululika kuti Banda amathandiza mwachinsinsi ANC nthawi yachitsamunda. Boma la Malawi ndi South Africa linapitiriza ubale wawo wa ukazembe,politics,Online sources +en3035,"Hastings Kamuzu Banda instituted what was probably the most repressive, corrupt, predatory and violent political system in Africa","Hastings Kamuzu Banda anakhadzikitsa ndale ku South Africa zomwe zinali makamaka zoponderezana, zakatangale, zamadyeramphoto komanso za nkhanza",politics,Online sources +en3036,"Through a combination of bribery, intimidation, election malpractices, and the suffocation of civil society, Banda not only closed all democratic openings inherited at political independence in 1964, but also erected the structures of a corrupt and highly repressive one-person and one-party state","Kudzera kuphatikiza ziphuphu, kuopsezana, kuchita zolakwika pachisankho ndiponso kuchepetsa mphamvu za mabungwe omwe siaboma, Banda sanatseke mokhamo modzera ufulu wodzilamulira womwe tinapatsidwa pamene tinayamba kudzilamulira tokha pandale mu 1964, koma iye anakhadzikitsanso boma lakatangale ndi lophwanya ufulu lamunthu mmodzi ndi chipani chimodzi",politics,Online sources +en3037,There was hardly a separation between public and private funds as Banda himself owned almost half the economy,Panalibe kusiyanitsa konse ndalama za boma ndi zomwe sizaboma pakuti theka la chuma linali la Banda iye mwini,politics,Online sources +en3038,Trade unions were not allowed. The so-called parliament was a joke set up and manipulated by Banda to give the veneer of democracy,Magulu oyimira ochita malonda sanali kuloledwa. Yomwe ankati nyumba yamalamulo chinali chitonzo chabe chokhadzikitsidwa ndi kugwiritsidwa ntchito molakwika ndi Banda kuti zidzioneka ngati pali ufulu wodzilamulira tokha,politics,Online sources +en3039,"A backward moral code was imposed and the activities of all sectors were monitored. Press and academic freedom did not exist under Banda, the country did not even have television services","Chikhalidwe chosakomera anthu chinakakamizidwa pa anthu ndipo ntchito za magawo onse zimaunikidwa. Ufulu wotsindika nkhani komanso wamaphunziro panalibe munthawi ya Banda, mdziko muno munalibe ngakhale wayilesi ya kanema",politics,Online sources +en3040,"Those who dared oppose the `life president’ or dared to show some interest in succeeding him were either assassinated, forced into exile, or simply jailed","Omwe analimba mtima kutsutsa ""mtsogoleri wamuyaya"" kapena kulimba mtima kuonetsa chidwi chofuna kudzalowa mmalo mwake amaphedwa kapena kuthamangitsidwa mdziko muno, penanso kungowamanga kundende",politics,Online sources +en3041,"There were pockets of opposition, though most of these were located outside the country and often ineffective, especially in the context of solid Western tolerance and support for Banda’ s dictatorship","Panali timagulu totsutsa, ngakhale ambiri mwa iwo anali kunja kwa dziko lino ndipo nthawi zambiri sanali kuphula kanthu makamaka tikalingalira za mayiko akuzambwe omwe amalolera komanso kuthandizira nkhanza za Banda",politics,Online sources +en3042,"It is difficult not to agree with Denis Venter that `For all intents and purposes Malawi was not even a one-party state: it was a one-man state, a political despotism in which the state apparatus was answerable to only one man","Nkovuta kuti tisagwirizane ndi Denis Venter kuti ""mwa zofuna ndi zolinga zonse Malawi sanali wa chipani chimodzi: anali wa munthu mmodzi, ndale zankhanza zomwe nthambi za boma zimayankha kwa munthu mmodzi basi""",politics,Online sources +en3043,"The result was a climate of fear almost unparalleled anywhere in Africa, even in countries wrecked by violence","Zotsatira zake zinali makhalidwe amantha omwe kunalibe kwina kulikonse mu Africa muno, ngakhale mayiko komwe kunali nkhondo",politics,Online sources +en3044,"The Malawian state was a strong and authoritarian, one-party state, dominated by a small, autocratic and dictatorial political clique","Dziko la Malawi linali la ulamuliro wamphamvu ndi wankhanza, lachipani chimodzi, lolamulidwa ndi anthu akuchipani ochepa, omva zawo zokha, ankhanza",politics,Online sources +en3045,"Several factors forced political liberalisation on Malawi in spite of Banda’ s initial resistance and refusal to acknowledge on-going changes in the world, Africa and the southern Africa region","Zochitika zambiri zinakakamiza kuti pakhale ndale zololerana ku Malawi ngakhale Banda poyamba ankakana komanso kusafuna kuvomereza kusintha komwe kunalipo mmayiko ambiri, mu Africa komanso chigawo chakumwera kwa Africa",politics,Online sources +en3046,"There were already too many cracks in his repressive political set-up to isolate it from the monumental rejection of and challenges to one-party, one-person, and life-presidential arrangements","Panali kugawikana kwakukulu pa ndale mu ulamuliro wake wankhanzawu kuti asalidwe kotheratu ndi zovuta zomwe chipani chimodzi, munthu mmodzi ndi mtsogoleri wamuyaya chinabweretsa",politics,Online sources +en3047,"The three major parties that contested the May 1994 elections were the MCP, United Democratic Front (UDF) and AFORD","Zipani zitatu zikuluzikulu zomwe zinapikisana nawo pachisankho mu May 1994 zinali MCP, United Democratic Front (UDF) ndi AFORD ",politics,Online sources +en3048,"They won no seats in parliament. There were twelve candidates in the presidential race, including Hastings Kamuzu Banda, who had ruled the country since 1964","Zinapeza mipando kunyumba yamalamulo. Panali opikisana khumi ndi awiri pa udindo wamtsogoleri wa dziko, kupohatikizirapo ",politics,Online sources +en3049,"Only three received any serious attention: Banda, Muluzi and Chihana. The campaigns were bitter and dirty. They did not address critical issues and programmes","Atatu okha anali ndi chikoka chachikulu: Banda, Muluzi ndi Chihana. Misonkhano yokopa anthu inali yonyansa ndi yoyipa. Simafotokozera bwino mfundo ndi zitukuko zofunikira",politics,Online sources +en3050,"The campaign turned out to be disappointing, mainly because the contestants failed to address serious issues and seemed rather short on constructive ideas","Misonkhano yokopa anthu inali yokhumudwitsa, kwambiri chifukwa opikisana anakanika kufotokozera mfundo zofunikira ndipo ankaoneka kuti analibe mfundo zothandiza",politics,Online sources +en3051,All the parties were involved in making promises they knew they would not be able to keep if voted into power,Zipani zonse zinakhuzidwa ndi kupanga malonjezo omwe ankadziwa kuti sadzakwaniritsa akasankhidwa kukhala pampando,politics,Online sources +en3052,Banda had succeeded in soiling virtually every political elite in Malawi; those who had managed to escape his regime of graft and repression have been unable to cultivate a rigorous and credible national constituency,Banda anakwanitsa kuyipitsa aliyense wochita ndale mu Malawi; omwe anakwanitsa kuthawa ulamuliro wake wakatangale komanso kuphwanya ufulu anakanika kupeza anthu owatsatira ochuluka mdziko muno,politics,Online sources +en3053,"In fact, until early 1992, Chihana was not well known in Malawian politics, having being in exile and only able to communicate with underground groups within the country","Ndipo kumayambiliro kwa 1992, Chihana sankadziwika kwambiri mundale zaku Malawi, atakhala kunja mochita kuthawa kwawo ndi kukwanitsa kokha kulumikizana ndi magulu amchibisira mdziko muno",politics,Online sources +en3054,He remained in jail in Malawi until a day before the 14 June 1992 referendum on multiparty politics,Anakhala kundende ku Malawi mpaka kutatsala tsiku limodzi kufika pa chisankho cha 14 June 1992 cha ndale za zipani zambiri,politics,Online sources +en3055,The opposition in Malawi is similar in several respects to the opposition in other African states,Otsutsa boma ku Malawi ndiwofanana muzambiri ndi otsutsa mmayiko ena mu Africa,politics,Online sources +en3056,"They often start off united and appearing to have some vision, and as being genuinely committed to democracy","Amayamba mogwirizana ndikumaoneka kuti ali ndi masomphenya, komanso ngati akudzipeleka moonadi kunkhani za ufulu wodzilamulira tokha",politics,Online sources +en3057,"Given the harsh political and economic conditions in which the people had lived for decades, and the clearly deteriorating living conditions, the message of change, hope, life more abundant, an end to corruption, nepotism and repression drew extensive support across ethnic, regional, religious, class and gender lines","Potengera ulamuliro wandale ndi chuma wovuta womwe anthu anakhalamo kwazaka, komanso kutsika koonekeratu kwa miyoyo ya anthu, uthenga wosintha zinthu, chiyembekezo, moyo wosefukira, kutha kwa katangale, kukonderana ndi kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu zinabweretsa chikoka pakati pamitundu yosiyanasiyana, zigawo, mipingo, magulu komanso chikhalidwe",politics,Online sources +en3058,"In Malawi, within a short span of time, the opposition had squandered public goodwill and could not remain committed to its originally declared agenda","Ku Malawi, pa nthawi yochepa, otsutsa anataya chikoka chomwe anali nacho kwa anthu ndipo sanadzipeleke kutsatira mfundo zomwe analengeza poyambilira",politics,Online sources +en3059,"It is easy to concede that it took a lot of courage to challenge, even criticise, Kamuzu Banda. In fact, many of the pro-democracy leaders suffered personal hardships to remain on the frontline of the struggle to unseat the life president","Nkosavuta kuvomereza kuti zinatengera kulimba mtima kutsutsana, ngakhale kudzudzula Kamuzu Banda. Ndithu, atsogoleri ambiri omenyera ufulu anamva zowawa pamoyo wawo kuti akhalebe patsogolo pakulimbana kumuchotsa paudindo mtsogoleri wamuyayayu",politics,Online sources +en3060,"The rate of arrest and detention was so massive that `there was not enough room, and scores of detainees had to be held under guard in tents set up near Blantyre jail","Kumanga kapena kusunga anthu mowaumiriza kunafika pachimake kotero panalibe zipinda zokwanira, ndipo anthu ambiri osungidwa moumirizidwa ankasungidwa kuti asathawe mma tent pafupi ndi ndende ya Blantyre",politics,Online sources +en3061,The UDF party has been cautious about this for fear of opening up a case that might consume some of its own leading members who had been part of Banda’ s brutal rule.,Chipani cha UDF chakhala mosamala zankhaniyi kuopa kuyambitsa milandu yoti ikhuza ena mwa mamembala ake odalirika omwe anali nawo gawo limodzi la ulamuliro wa Banda,politics,Online sources +en3062,Citizens have been suing the government for past atrocities and winning huge cash settlements which could easily bankrupt the cash-strapped government,Mzika zakhala zikusumira boma pa nkhanza zomwe anakumana nazo ndi kupatsidwa chipukuta misonzi chochuluka zomwe zingagwetse boma lopanda kale ndalamali,politics,Online sources +en3063,"The government is willing to pay, but where do we get the money from? So many people are coming to make claims against the past atrocities of the Malawi Congress Party and my government has to pay for those sins","Boma ndi lokonzeka kulipira, koma ndalamazo tidzipeza kuti? Anthu ambiri akubwera kudzatula nkhani pa nkhanza zomwe anakumana nazo ndi chipani cha Malawi Congress ndipo boma langa likuyenera kulipira pa machimo amenewo",politics,Online sources +en3064,"In less than a year in office, unemployment had grown to `chronic’ levels and inflation had skyrocketed to 80%","Chisanathe chaka, kusowa kwa ntchito kunali kutakula kufika posauzana ndipo katundu anali atakwera mtengo ndi 80%",politics,Online sources +en3065,"In fact, by January 1995 inflation had reached 96%, although it was cut in half by the end of the year","Kunena zoona, pofika January 1995 kukwera mtengo kwa katundu kunali kutafika 96%, ngakhale kunatsika kufika theka pofika kumapeto a chaka",politics,Online sources +en3066,The minimum wage has not been raised and it is not enforced. The ability of Malawi to service its foreign debt was already in doubt by the end of June 1995,Mulingo wa malipiro sunakwezedwe ndipo sumatsatidwa. Kuthekera kwa Malawi kubweza ngongole zake zakunja kunali kokayikitsa ndi kale pofika kumapeto a June 1995,politics,Online sources +en3067,The government has been unable to respond effectively to deepening socioeconomic crisis in the country. The crime wave has increased to unprecedented levels,Boma lalephera kuthetsa bwinobwino kukula kwa umphawi mdziko muno. Umbava wakula kuposa nthawi zonse,politics,Online sources +en3068,"To some, the rise in crime was the direct result of the democratic opening because, under Banda’ s rule, criminals were summarily punished by his numerous kangaroo courts and some were detained indefinitely","Kwa ena, kuchuluka kwa umbava ndi zotsatira za kudza kwa maufulu a anthu, panthawi ya ulamuliro wa Banda, mbava zinkalangidwa pompopompo ndi mabwalo osavomerezeka a milandu ndipo ena anamangidwa opanda tsiku lowatulutsa",politics,Online sources +en3069,"Under the new system, the rule of law and due process are respected and criminals are entitled to bail","Mu ndondomeko zatsopanozi, malamulo komanso njira zozengera milandu zikutsatidwa ndipo mbava zili ndi ufulu wotenga chilolezo chotulukira ",politics,Online sources +en3070,"Beyond this however, is the economic desperation that is driving thousands into extra-legal ways of making a living","Kupyola apa, umphawi wadzaoneni ukuchititsa mazanamazana a anthu kuchita zinthu zolakwira malamulo kuti apeze zinthu pa moyo wawo",politics,Online sources +en3071,Some members of the armed Young Pioneers now disbanded still retain their weapons and have been using these to commit numerous crimes,Ena mwa achinyamata okhala ndi zida a gulu la Pioneer lomwe linathetsedwa adakali ndi zida ndipo akhala akudzigwiritsa ntchito kuchita zaumbanda zochuluka,politics,Online sources +en3072,"Added to the continuing disruptive and criminal acts of remnants of the Young Pioneers and Mozambican refugees, is the fact that the police are not properly trained, are poorly paid and poorly equipped","Kuonjezera pa chisokonezo komanso zaumbanda zomwe otsalira a achinyamata a Pioneer ndi mzika zothawa nkhondo ku Mozambique, nawonso apolisi ndiwosaphunzitsidwa bwino pantchito yawo, malipiro awo ndiwochepa komanso ali ndi zida zosakwanira",politics,Online sources +en3073,Many have no vehicles and accommodation problems persist. Corruption is also rife within the forces as wealthy individuals easily bribe their way out of crimes committed against the state,Ambiri alibe galimoto ndipo mavuto a malo okhala adakalipobe. Katangale nayenso ndiwochuluka kunthambiyi pamene anthu achuma amapeleka ziphuphu mosavuta kuti asamangidwe amene alakwira boma,politics,Online sources +en3074,He has called on all Malawians to support the government in its efforts to contain the crime wave in order to avoid a security breakdown,Iye wapempha a Malawi onse kuti athandize boma kuthetsa zaumbanda ndi cholinga chakuti tipewe kusokonekera kwa chitetezo,politics,Online sources +en3075,"There has also been a major national debate on the constitution. The government circulated a provisional document in the three languages of Chichewa, Chitumbuka and Yao and followed this up with a constitutional conference in February 1995","Pakhalanso mtsutso waukulu mdziko muno pankhani ya malamulo a dziko. Boma linatulutsa chikalata chamalamulo oyembekezera muziyankhulo zitatu za Chichewa, Chitumbuka ndi Yao ndipo zinatsatidwa ndi msonkhano waukulu wounikira malamulo a dziko lino mu mwezi wa February chaka cha 1995",politics,Online sources +en3076,"Muluzi had argued against it because it would be too expensive to operate and maintain. However, he had a large cabinet, with many irrelevant ministerial appointments","Muluzi anapeleka maganizo otsutsana nazo chifukwa zikanakhala zokwera mtengo kuyendetsa komanso kusamala. Komabe iye anali ndi nduna zochuluka, ndipo maunduna enawo anali osafunikira. ",politics,Online sources +en3077,"More importantly, it was strange that a price was being put on democracy, checks and balances and the containment of tyranny","Kofunikira kwambiri, zinali zodabwitsa kuti ufulu wodzilamulira tokha, kudzudzula boma komanso kuthetsa nkhanza zinali pa chiopsezo",politics,Online sources +en3078,"It also recommended that both the president and vice president should be elected, rather than the current practice where the vice president is appointed by the president","Anamanganso mfundo yoti mtsogoleri wa dziko ndi wachiwiri wake achite kusankhidwa, osati ngati mmene uli mchitidwe pano pamene wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko amasankhidwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3079,"Another recommendation was that no person running for either position should have been convicted of any crime in the previous seven years: Muluzi had been convicted of petty theft as a young man and this did not directly affect him, although it did draw attention to that blot on his record",Mfundo ina inali yoti pasakhale munthu wopikisana pa umodzi mwa udindowu yemwe anamangidwapo pa mlandu uliwonse mu zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri zapitazi: Muluzi anamangidwapo pa mulandu wakuba ali wachichepere ndipo izi sidzinamukhuze ngakhale zinadzetsa chikoka choyipitsa mbiri yake,politics,Online sources +en3080,The conference felt that the office of the second vice president was not necessary and should be abolished,Msonkhanowu unaona kuti udindo wa wachitatu kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko unali wosafunikira ndipo unayenera kuthetsedwa,politics,Online sources +en3081,Parliamentarians who wanted to join another political party had first to resign their seats in parliament and subject themselves to by-elections on the platform of the new party,Aphungu a nyumba ya malamulo omwe amafuna kulowa chipani china amayenera kutula pansi udindo wawo ndipo akachite nawo masankho achibweleza kudzera chipani chatsopano chomwe iwo alowa,politics,Online sources +en3082,This recommendation was designed to limit political prostitution and promote party loyalty and discipline,Mfundozi zinakonzedwa kuti zichepetse kuyendayenda pandale ndi kupititsa patsogolo kukhulupirika ndi mwambo kuchipani,politics,Online sources +en3083,"Appointed ministers were expected, according to Article 88 of the constitution, to declare their assets fully within three months of their appointment, and the death penalty was retained in spite of pressure from international human rights organisations","Nduna zosankhidwa zimayenera, potsatira gawo 88 la malamulo akulu a dziko lino, kunena poyera katundu ndi zinthu zomwe ali nazo mmiyezi itatu yoyamba atasankhidwa paudindo, ndipo chilango choti munthu aphedwe sichinachotsedwe mmalamulo ngakhale panali kukakamizidwa kuti zitero ndi mabungwe akuluakulu omenyera ufulu wa anthu",politics,Online sources +en3084,"In contrast to the Banda days, the traditional courts would, however, have no jurisdiction over crimes involving the death penalty","Kufananiza ndi nthawi ya Banda, mabwalo a milandu akumidzi pano alibe mphamvu zozenga milandu yomwe chilango chake ndikuphedwa",politics,Online sources +en3085,"Though he was called to appear before an inquiry, he was not relieved of his position for such a reckless use of public funds","Ngakhale anayitanidwa kuti akaonekere ku kafukufuku, iye sanachotsedwe paudindo wake ngakhale anagwiritsa ntchito mosakaza chuma cha boma",politics,Online sources +en3086,In early 1996 the parliament passed a bill allowing ministers and parliamentarians to bring goods into the country duty free,Kumayambiliro a 1996 nyumba yamalamulo inavomera kuti nduna komanso aphungu adzilowetsa katundu mdziko muno osalipira msonkho,politics,Online sources +en3087,"In the context of expectations which had been raised to the maximum during the campaigns, the implementation of painful adjustment policies have only deepened alienation and anger against the new democratic government","Potengera zoyembekezera za anthu zomwe zinakula panthawi ya misonkhano yokopa anthu, ntchito yopweteka yosintha mfundo yawonjezera kusakondwa ndi mkwiyo wodana ndi boma lokomera anthu latsopanili",politics,Online sources +en3088,This ` crisis of expectation’ is eroding support for the democratic enterprise and making governance even more difficult. The World Bank itself has admitted that in the implementation of adjustment `the rural poor have been extremely hard hit’,Chipwirikiti cha zoyembekezerachi chikuchotsa chikoka pa ulamuliro wokomera anthu ndi kuchititsa kuti kuyendetsa boma kukhale kovuta. World bank nayo yavomereza kuti pokwaniritsa kusinthaku anthu osauka akhuzidwa koposa,politics,Online sources +en3089,"It has belatedly called for safety nets to protect the poor and vulnerable. This might already be too late, as democracy and the removal of Banda from the scene have not helped the living conditions of the poor majority in any significant way","Ngakhale ndi mochedwa yapempha kuti pakhale njira zotetezera osauka ndi osowa pogwira. Zikhoza kukhala kuti nthawi yatha, chifukwa ulamuliro wokomera anthu ndikuchotsedwa kwa Banda muzochitika sidzinathandize kukweza miyoyo ya anthu ambiri osauka munjira iliyonse",politics,Online sources +en3090,"If the UDF government is unable to make a significant difference in the lives of Malawians, it will not just lose credibility but its democratic enterprise will be seriously endangered","Ngati boma la UDF likulephera kusintha miyoyo ya amalawi, silitaya kudalilika kokha komanso nsanamira zonse za ufulu wodzilamulira tokha zikhala pachiopsezo",politics,Online sources +en3091,The people will measure its success by the extent to which the new government is able to make a visible difference in their lives,Anthu adzayika pamulingo kupambana kwake potengera mmene boma latsopanoli lisinthire miyoyo ya anthu mooneka,politics,Online sources +en3092,"Given that the Banda government had spent only 11% of its last budget on social services, the challenge is tough but it should not be difficult to see whatever difference the government can make","Potengera kuti boma la Banda linagwiritsa ntchito 11% ya ndondomeko zake zachuma pantchito zothandizira anthu, ntchitoyi ndiyayikulu komabe sikungakhale kovuta kuona kusintha kulikonse komwe boma lingakwaniritse",politics,Online sources +en3093,AFORD has squandered its initial credibility by jumping from one alliance to the other and by its involvement in the ` poverty alleviation’ scandal,"AFORD yawononga kudalilika komwe inali nako pachiyambi pochoka mu mgwirizano uwu kupita wina komanso chifukwa chakukhudzidwa ndi nkhani ya ""kuthetsa umphawi""",politics,Online sources +en3094,"There are still some credible Malawians residing abroad. If they return to take over the leadership of AFORD, they might yet rebuild it into a formidable political party with national spread and credibility","Alipo a Malawi ena odalilika omwe akukhala kunja kwa dziko lino. Iwo atabwelera kudzatenga utsogoleri wa AFORD, akhoza kudzachikonza ndikuchipanga kukhala chipani chandale champhamvu chokhala ndi anthu mmadera onse ndi chodalilika",politics,Online sources +en3095,"While this uncoordinated and unplanned response to the Young Pioneers significantly advanced the struggle for democracy and severely dislocated the Young Pioneers, it also directly involved the military in politics","Ngakhale kuthana ndi Young Pioneer mopanda donsogolo ndipo mosakonzekera kunathandiza kupititsa patsogolo kumenyera ulamuliro wokomera anthu onse ndipo kunachotsa ma Young Pioneers, gulu lankhondo linatenga mbali pa ndale mwachindunji",politics,Online sources +en3096,Such an increasingly politicised military can be expected to play a more interventionist role if politicians and political parties fail to deliver,Gulu lankhondo lotenga nawo gawo pandale likuyenera kuthandiza polowelera moteteza ngati andale ndi zipani zakanika kuchita zakupsa,politics,Online sources +en3097,There were rumours of a coup against the UDF government in April 1995 though no arrests were made,Panali mphekesera zofuna kulanda boma la UDF mwaupandu mu April 1995 ngakhale palibe yemwe anamangidwa,politics,Online sources +en3098,"This confirmed fears that a coup plot had actually been uncovered and that the crime issue was overwhelming the government, hence the involvement of the army","Izi zinatsimikiza mantha oti ganizo lofuna kulanda boma mwaupandu linaululikadi ndipo kuti mlanduwu unakulira boma, ndichifukwa chake gulu la nkhondo linalowelerapo",politics,Online sources +en3099,Some soldiers have been arrested for plotting against the government and the UDF government is still scared of a possible mutiny in support of Banda,Asirikali ena anamangidwa pochita upo woukira boma ndipo boma la UDF lidakali ndi mantha akuti pakhoza kukhala kugalukira kwina kofuna Banda,politics,Online sources +en3100,"The fact, however, is that a too frequent involvement of the army in political and social operations will only draw it into the vortex of the country’ s politics",Komabe choona chake ndi chakuti kugwiritsa ntchito gulu lankhondo pafupipafupi mu ndale ndi ntchito zina zokhuza anthu zichititsa gulu lankhondo kumachita zandale,politics,Online sources +en3101,"Press freedom and other liberties have increased significantly. There are over 20 newspapers in the country today engaged in the struggle for relevance, survival and acceptability","Ufulu wofalitsa nkhani ndi maufulu ena zakula kwambiri. Pali nyuzipepala makumi awiri mdziko muno leroz omwe zikuvutika kuchita zokomera anthu, kuti zisafe komanso zivomerezedwe ndi anthu",politics,Online sources +en3102,"This is certainly a major departure from the past. Muluzi is more open to the media and relates well to scholars and students, unlike Banda who had clearly lost touch with the people and was immersed in the world of sycophants",Izi ndizosiyana ndi mmene zinaliri mbuyomu. Muluzi ndi omasuka ndi olemba nkhani ndipo amagwirizana bwino ndi aphunzitsi komanso ophunzira kusiyana ndi Banda yemwe anasiya kumva za anthu ndipo anadzikuta mdziko lakelake la anthu omutamanda,politics,Online sources +en3103,"However, the corruption issue mentioned earlier and some cases of human rights abuses continue to cast a shadow on how open the UDF government is willing to be and how much it is willing to invest in strengthening civil society",Komabe nkhani yakatangale yomwe yanenedwa poyambilira ndi nkhani zina zophwanya ufulu wa anthu zikupitilira kubweletsa kukayikira ngati boma la UDF ndilokonzeka kumasuka ndiponso liri ndi chidwi kulimbikitsa ntchito za mabungwe omenyera ufulu,politics,Online sources +en3104,"Only one religious radio station has been licensed so far, thus protecting the monopoly of the state broadcasting service","Ndi wayilesi imodzi yokha yachipembezo yomwe yapatsidwa chiphaso chogwilira ntchito kufika pano, kotero kuteteza kuphangira kwa wayilesi ya boma",politics,Online sources +en3105,There is as yet no indication of a serious commitment to the mass education and mobilisation of the people and to their involvement in decision making,Pakali pano palibe chisonyezo chakudzipeleka kwenikweni kophunzitsa anthu ndi kumemeza anthu ndiponso kutenga kwawo gawo popanga ziganizo,politics,Online sources +en3106,"Though newspapers now proliferate, many are owned by powerful politicians and ministers or their business associates","Ngakhale ma nyuzipepala afalikira, ambiri eni ake andale akuluakulu ndi nduna kapena anzawo ochita zamalonda",politics,Online sources +en3107,Some `journalists still find it difficult to exercise independent editorial judgement. The country’ s only two newspaper printing presses are owned by politicians,Atolankhani ena akumavutikabe kuunika ndi kutsindikiza nkhani moyima paokha. Nyumba ziwiri zokha zotsindikiza nkhani mdziko muno eni ake ndi andale,politics,Online sources +en3108,"Before candidates hit the campaign trail and voters go to the polls, the government has to end all business in Parliament. Dissolution is the process of stopping parliamentary business to prepare for an election","Oyimira pampando asanayambe misonkhano yokopa anthu ndipo ovota asanapite kukachita chisankho, boma likuyenera kuthetsa ntchito zonse za nyumba yamalamulo. Kuthetsa ndi ndondomeko zoyimitsa ntchito zonse zanyumba yamalamulo pokonzekera chisankho",politics,Online sources +en3109,"Political parties need to choose candidates to run in an election. As soon as the election writs are issued, each party must decide who will be its candidate for each riding","Zipani ziyenera kusankha oyimira kuti adzapikisane pachisankho. Akangotsegula nthawi yachisankho, chipani chilichonse chikuyenera kuoeza omwe adzachiyimire pa mpando uliwonse",politics,Online sources +en3110,"A candidate can also run for election without being affiliated with a party, as either an “independent” candidate or a candidate with “no affiliation","Oyimira chisankho akhoza kupikisana nawo popanda kukhala membala wachipani, ngati woyima oyimira woyima payekha kapena ngati oyimira opanda mbali ",politics,Online sources +en3111,"Once the election writs are issued, candidates start campaigning. The election or campaign period must be at least 37 days and no more than 51 days","Akangotsegula nthawi yachisankho, oyimira chisankho amayamba misonkhano yokopa anthu. Nthawi ya chisankho kapena misonkhano yokopa anthu iyenera kukhala yosachepera masiku 37 komanso yosaposa masiku 51",politics,Online sources +en3112,"During the campaign, the goal of the parties and candidates is to convince voters that they are the best party or person for the job","Panthawi yamisonkhano yokopa anthu, cholinga chachikulu cha zipani ndi oyimira ndi kutsimikizira ovota kuti chipani chawo kapena iwo ndi oyenera kuposa ena pa ntchitoyo",politics,Online sources +en3113,"A manifesto is a document that parties use to tell voters about their goals, ideas and principles—it is a way for parties to put in writing what they would do if they are elected. Go door to door in their riding to meet with voters. Take part in debates with candidates of other parties","Mfundo zokopera anthu ndi chikalata chomwe zipani zimagwiritsa ntchito kuuza ovota za zolinga zawo, maganizo awo komanso mfundo zawo - ndi njira yoti zipani zilembe zomwe zikufuna kudzachita zikasankhidwa. Pitani khomo ndi khomo pokopa anthu kuti mukumane ndi ovota. Tengani mbali pamitsutso ndi oyimira a zipani zina",politics,Online sources +en3114,"Everyone votes in secret. They have the right to choose their preferred candidate free of anyone else’s influence. To vote, people must show proof of their identity and address. Each voter gets a ballot from an election officer","Aliyense amaponya voti yake mwachinsinsi. Ali ndi ufulu wosankha wopikisana nawo yemwe akumufuna mopanda kukakamizidwa ndi wina aliyense. Kuti aponye voti, anthu amayenera kuonetsa umboni wa chiphatso ndi komwe akukhala. Ovota aliyense amalandita chikalata choponyera voti kuchikera kwa woyendetsa chisankho ",politics,Online sources +en3115,The voter takes the ballot behind a voting screen and marks an X beside the name of their chosen candidate. The voter places their ballot in a ballot box,Woponya voti amatenga chikalata choponyera voti kukayima kuseri kwa chipinda choponyera voti ndipo amayika chizindikiro cha X pa munthu yemwe akumufuna. Kenako woponya voti amayika chikalata choponyera voti mu bokosi loponyera voti,politics,Online sources +en3116,"Once the polls close, it is time to count the ballots and find out who won. During this time, the doors of the polling station are locked: no one is allowed to enter or leave until the counting is done.","Akatseka kuponya mavoti, imakhala nthawi yoti awerenge zikalala zovotedwa kuti apeze yemwe wapambana. Panthawi imeneyi, zitseko zolowera pamalo oponyera mavoti zimakhala zokhoma; palibe wololedwa kulowa kapena kutuluka mpaka kuwerengera kutatha",politics,Online sources +en3117,"First, election officers open the ballot boxes and count the ballots. The election officers record the number of votes for each candidate on a Statement of the Vote. They also record the number of rejected ballots","Poyamba, oyendetsa chisankho amaotsegula mabokosi oponyera mavoti ndi kuwerenga zikalata zonse. Oyendetsa chisankho amalemba m'buku kuchuluka kwa mavoti a wopikisana nawo aliyense patsamba lolembedwa Kufotokozera ma voti"". Amalembanso zikalata zovotera zokanidwa",politics,Online sources +en3118,The ballots and other election documents are sealed in the ballot box and delivered to the returning officer,Zikalata zoponyera voti ndi zikalata zina zonse zachisankho zimamatidwa mu bokosi loponyera voti ndikukapelekedwa kwa wolandira zotsatira zachisankho,politics,Online sources +en3119,"In most cases, a clear winner emerges after the ballots are counted, but sometimes the vote count is very close or even tied","Nthawi zambiri, wopambana amadziwika bwino akamaliza kuwerengera zikalata zonse zoponyera voti, koma nthawi zina pamakhala kuyandikana kwambiri pakuchuluka kwa mavoti omwe opikisana apeza kapenanso kufanana kumene",politics,Online sources +en3120,"If there is a tie or a close vote, the ballots need to be counted again in a judicial recount. For example, in an electoral district with 40,000 votes cast, a judicial recount would be required if a candidate won by fewer than 40 votes. A judge presides over these recounts","Ngati pali kufanana kapena kuyandikana kwambiri pa mavoti, zikalata zoponyera voti zimayenera ziwerengedwenso motsogozedwa ndi azamalamulo. Mwachitsanzo, kudera komwe kunali mavoti 40,000 oponyedwa, kuwerenganso kotsogozedwa ndi azamalamulo kuyenera kuchitika ngati wopikisana nawo wapambana ndi mavoti wosakwana 40. Oweruza milandu kubwalo lalikulu lamilandu amayang'anira kuwerengaku",politics,Online sources +en3121,"For some people, the most exciting part of the election process is the announcing of the results. On election night, once the polls in a riding are closed, preliminary results are announced and published on Elections Canada’s website as they become available","Kwa anthu ena, gawo losangalatsa kwambiri pa chisankho ndi kulengeza zotsatira. Pa usiku wachisankho, pamene atseka kuponya voti, zotsatira zosatsimikizika zimalengezedwa ndi kutsindikizidwa patsamba la internet la Canada pamene zikupelekedwa",politics,Online sources +en3122,"These results are shared by media outlets, such as TV stations, newspapers and social media. Every returning officer validates the results and announces them to the candidates","Zotsatira zimalengezedwa ndi nyumba zowulutsira mawu, monga nyumba za kanema, ma nyuzipepala komanso masamba a mchezo. Wogwira ntchito zachisankho amatsimikiza zotsatirazi ndipo amaulutsa kwa oyimira pachisankho",politics,Online sources +en3123,"Once the votes are counted and the results announced, people learn who their government will be. The candidate who receives the most votes in their constituency becomes the member of Parliament. The political party that has the most MPs usually forms the government. The leader of that party normally becomes the Prime Minister","Mavoti akawerengedwa ndipo zotsatira kulengezedwa, anthu amadziwa kuti boma lawo likhala liti. Wopikisana nawo yemwe amapeza mavoti ochuluka ku dera kwake amadzakhala phungu wanyumba yamalamulo. Chipani chomwe chapeza mipando yambiri ya aphungu chimakhala cholamula boma. Mtsogoleri wa chipani chimenezo nthawi zambiri amakhala nduna yayikulu",politics,Online sources +en3124,"The powers of the presidency include: execution of federal law, appointing federal ministers, and members of the judiciary, and negotiating treaties with foreign powers","Mphamvu za mtsogoleri wa dziko ndi monga: kulimbikitsa kutsatira malamulo a dziko, kusankha nduna ndi oweruza milandu, kukambirana mapangano ndi mayiko ena akunja",politics,Online sources +en3125,"The president also has the power to grant federal pardons and reprieves, and to convene. The president also appoints the prime minister who directs domestic policy of the Russian Federation alongside the president","Mtsogoleri wa dziko ali ndi mphamvu zokhululukira komanso kutethetsa milandu, ndi kuyitanitsa. Mtsogoleri wa dziko amasankhanso nduna ya dziko yomwe imalamula kayendetsedwe kazinthu mdziko pamodzi ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3126,"The president is elected directly through a popular vote to a six-year term. Previously, the Constitution established term limit for the presidency restricting the officeholder to serve no more than two terms","Mtsogoler wa dziko amasankhidwa ndi anthu kulamula zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi. Mbuyomu, malamulo aakulu a dziko anakhazikitsa malire okhala pampando pa utsogoleri wa dziko, kuletsa yemwe akulamula kuti asalamule koptilira awiri",politics,Online sources +en3127,"However, this limitation has since been overhauled in large part due to the constitutional amendments that were ratified in 2020","Komabe, kuletsa uku kwachotsedwa kwakukulu chifukwa cha kusintha kwa malamulo aakulu a dziko komwe kunavomerezedwa mu 2020",politics,Online sources +en3128,The inauguration of the president of Russia is conducted six years after the previous inauguration. If the president was elected in early elections they take the oath thirty days after the announcement of the results,"Kulumbiritsa mtsogoleri wa dziko la Russia kumachitika zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi pambuyo pa kulumbiritsa komaliza. Ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko anasankhidwa pachisankho choyambilira, amachita malumbiro pakadutsa masiku makumi atatu pambuyo polengeze zotsatira",politics,Online sources +en3129,"Before executing the powers of the office, a president is constitutionally required to take the presidential oath","Asanayambe kugwira ntchito zake, mtsogoleri wa dziko amayenera kulumbira malumbiro a utsogoleri wa dziko potsata malamulo",politics,Online sources +en3130,"I swear in exercising the powers of the President of the Russian Federation to respect and safeguard the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe and protect the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the State, to faithfully serve the people","Ndikulumbira kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu za utsogoleri wa dziko la mgwirizano wa Russia kulemekeza komanso kuteteza ufulu ndi wa munthu ndi mzika, kutsatira ndi kuteteza malamulo a dziko la mgwirizano wa Russia, kuteteza ulamuliro ndi kudziyimira patokha, chitetezo ndi ulemu wa dziko, kutumikira anthu mwachilungamo",politics,Online sources +en3131,"Due to the central role of the president of Russia in the political system, the activities of the executive branch (including the prime minister) are significantly influenced by the head of state","Chifukwa cha kufunikira kwakukulu komwe mtsogoleri wa dziko la Russia ali nako mu ndale, ntchito za nthambi za boma kuphatikizirapo nduna yayikulu zimatsatira kwambiri ku zofuna za mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3132,"For example, it is the president who appoints and dismisses the prime minister and other members of the government","Mwachitsanzo, ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko yemwe amasankha ndi kuchotsa ndunda yayikulu komanso ogwira ntchito ena a boma",politics,Online sources +en3133,The president may chair the meetings of the cabinet and give obligatory orders to the prime minister and other members of the government,Mtsogoleri wa dziko angasogolere misonkhano ya nduna ndi kulamula nduna ndi ena ogwira ntchito za boma zoti achite,politics,Online sources +en3134,The president may also revoke any act of the government. The use of the term prime minister is strictly informal and is never used in the constitution,Mtsogoleri wa dziko angachotse lamulo lina lirilonse la boma. Kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka mawu oti nduna yayikulu ndi kongoyerekeza chabe ndipo samagwiritsidwa ntchito malamulo a dziko,politics,Online sources +en3135,"Determines the operating priorities of the government and organizes its work in accordance with the Constitution, aside from running the day-to-day affairs of the government","Amanena ntchito zofunikira zoti boma lichite ndi kukonza kagwiridwe kake ka ntchito potengera malamulo a dziko, kupatula kuyendetsa ntchito za tsiku ndi tsiku za boma",politics,Online sources +en3136,Submits to the president proposals on the structure and functions of the central institutions of the executive branch (e.g. ministries and federal agencies),Amapeleka kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko pempho la maudindo ndi ntchito za nthambi zikuluzikulu za boma monga maunduna ndi nthambi zina zikuluzikulu,politics,Online sources +en3137,"Nominates the vice prime ministers, federal ministers and other officers and presents them to the president;","Amasankha wachiwiri kwa nduna yayikulu, nduna za nthambi za boma ndi ogwira ntchito ena ndikupeleka kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3138,Submits to the president proposals on punishment and rewards of the government members; represents the government as an institution in foreign relations and inside the country,Amapeleka kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko pempho pa zilango ndi mphoto kwa mamembala a boma; amayimilira boma ku ubale ndi mayiko ena ndi mkati mwa dziko,politics,Online sources +en3139,Heads the sessions of the government and its Presidium where he has the decisive vote; signs the acts of the government; distributes duties among members of the government; systematically informs the president about the government activities,Amatsogolera zokambirana za boma ndi komiti yayikulu komwe ali ndi voti yomaliza; amavomereza malamulo a boma; amagawa ntchito kwa mamembala a boma; amadziwitsa mwandongosolo mtsogoleri wa dziko zokhuza ntchito za boma,politics,Online sources +en3140,"Some of the attendees stated that they had been paid to come, were forced to come by their employers, or were misled into believing that they were going to attend a folk festival instead","Zina mwa mthumwi zinanena kuti zinapatsidwa malipiro kuti zibwere, zinakakamizidwa kuti zibwere ndi owalemba ntchito, kapena zinakakamizidwa kuti zikhulupilire kuti zikukadkhala nawo pa chikondwelero cha chikhalidwe",politics,Online sources +en3141,The Constitution states that justice is administered in the name of the people and that judges are subject only to the law,Malamulo a dziko amanena kuto chilungamo chimapelekedwa mdzina la anthu ndipo oweruza ayenera kutsatira lamulo lokha,politics,Online sources +en3142,"So the judiciary is a branch that is completely autonomous and independent of all other branches of power, even though the Minister of Justice is responsible for the organization and functioning of those services involved with justice and has the power to originate disciplinary actions against judges, which are then administered by the High Council of the Judiciary, presided over by the President","Ndiye owona za malamulo ndi nthambi yoyima payokha ndipo siyilamulidwa ndi nthambi zina zonse zomwe zili ndi mphamvu, ngakhale nduna ya zamalamulo ili ndi udindo pakakonzedwe ndi kagwiridwe ntchito ka onse omwe akutengapo mbali pa zachilungamo ndipo ili ndi mphamvu zoyambitsa ndondomeko zolanga oweruza, zomwe zimatsatidwa ndi komiti yayikulu ya oweruza, motsogozedwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3143,That process will now be delayed because Italy’s president has dissolved parliament in advance of the September elections,Ndondomeko imeneyi pano ichedwerapo chifukwa mtsogoleri wa dziko la Italy wathetsa nyumba yamalamulo chisankho cha September chisanafike,politics,Online sources +en3144,"Instead of fighting inflation, scrambling for ways to get through a difficult winter without Russian energy supplies, and helping consumers by fighting inflation, Italy’s leaders will be politicking, trading insults, and issuing political threats. Even after the votes are counted, it will take weeks to form a new government and to get it up and running","Mmalo mothana ndi kukwera mitengo kwa katundu, kukanganira njira zodutsira mu nyengo yozizira opanda kulandira mphamvu magetsi aku Russia, ndi kuthandiza ogula kuthana ndi kukwera mitengo kwa katundu, mtsogoleri waku Italy akhala akuchita ndale, kulalatirana, ndi kupeleka ziopsezo za ndale. Ngakhale pambuyo powerenga mavoti, zitenga sabata ziwiri kuti boma latsopano likhazikitsidwe ndipo liyambe kugwira ntchito",politics,Online sources +en3145,"In units of thirty men, they would hit constantly at Arab villages, bridges and bases, as well as ambush the traffic between Arab villages and bases","Mmagulu a azibambo makumi atatu, amawombera mosadukiza midzi ya Aluya, milatho ndi malo okhala asirikali, komanso kuchita chiwembu galimoto pakati pa midzi ya Aluya ndi malo a asirikali",politics,Online sources +en3146,We had become skilled at finding our way in the darkest nights and gradually we built up the strength and endurance these kind of operations required,"Tinakhala akatswiri kupeza njira usiku, mumdima wandiweyani ndipo pang'ono ndi pang'ono tinapeza mphamvu ndi kupilira komwe kumafunika pantchito ngati izi. ",politics,Online sources +en3147,Under the stress of constant combat we drew closer to one another and began to operate not just as a military unit but almost as a family,Chifukwa cholema ndi kumenyana kosalekeza tinazolowerana ndi kuyamba kuchita zinthu osati ngati gulu lankhondo chabe koma pafupifupi ngati banja limodzi,politics,Online sources +en3148,We were in combat almost every day. Ambushes and battles followed each other until they all seemed to run together,Tinali kumenya nkhondo pafupifupi tsiku lirilonse. Ziwembu ndi kumenyana zimasinthana mpaka kufika pomachitikira pamodzi,politics,Online sources +en3149,"He was regarded as a hardened and aggressive soldier, swiftly moving up the ranks during the war","Amatengedwa ngati msirikali wakhama komanso wolimba mtima, kumakwera maudindo mwachangu panthawi yankhondoyo",politics,Online sources +en3150,"I captured him, I healed his wounds. In 1994 and during the peace treaty signing ceremony with Jordan, he wanted to get in touch with his former captor, but the latter determinedly refused to discuss the incident publicly","Ndinamugwira, ndinachiza mabala ake. Mu 1994 ndiponso pa mwambo wosayinira pangano la mtendere ndi Jordan, iye ankafuna kumukhuza yemwe anamugwira kunkhondo, koma winayo anakana motsindika kukambirana za nkhani imeneyi pagulu",politics,Online sources +en3151,"After recovering from the wounds, he resumed command of his patrol unit. On 28 December 1948, his platoon attempted to break through an Egyptian stronghold","Atachira ku mabala ake, anayambiranso kulamulira gulu lake la asirikali olondera. Pa 28 December 1948, gulu lake lankhondo linayesera kudutsa pa linga la a nkhondo aku Egypt",politics,Online sources +en3152,"Sharon's subsequent military career would be characterized by insubordination, aggression and disobedience, but he was brilliant as a commander","Ntchito zotsatira za Sharon ku usirikali zimadziwika bwino ndi kugalukira omuyang'anira, opsa mtima ndi kusamvera koma anali wanzeru ngati mkulu wa asirikali",politics,Online sources +en3153,"They were armed with non-standard weapons and tasked with carrying out special reprisals across the state's borders—mainly establishing small unit maneuvers, activation and insertion tactics","Anapatsidwa zida zosayenera ndipo anatumidwa kukabwezera mmadera onse a mmalire ndi dziko makamaka kukhadzikitsa kamenyedwe kankhondo ndi asirikali ochepa, kudzutsa ndi kulowelera ",politics,Online sources +en3154,"The new recruits began a harsh regimen of day and night training, their orientation and navigation exercises often taking them across the border; encounters with enemy patrols or village watchmen were regarded as the best preparation for the missions that lay ahead","Oyamba kumene ntchito ankayamba maphunziro ovuta a usana ndi usiku, maphunziro awo odziwa komwe ali ndi madera nthawi zambiri ankawatengera kudutsa malire a dziko; kukumana ndi asirikali olondera malire kapena alonda a mmudzi kunkatengedwa ngati mwayi wokonzekera bwino pa maulendo omwe anali patsogolo pawo",politics,Online sources +en3155,The raids also helped bolster Israeli morale and convince Arab states that the fledgling nation was capable of long-range military action,Zantopolazi zinathandiza kuwonjezera mangolomera kumbali ya Israel ndi kutsimikizira mayiko a Aluya kuti dziko latsopanoli linali ndi kuthekera komenya nkhondo pamtunda wautali,politics,Online sources +en3156,"Known for raids against Arab civilians and military targets, the unit is held responsible for the widely condemned Qibya massacre in the fall of 1953","Podziwika bwino ndizantopola kuchitira Aluya ndi malo a ankhondo, gululi likukhudzidwa ndi kuphedwa kwa anthu ku Qibya kumapeto kwa 1953 komwe kunadzudzulidwa kwambiri ",politics,Online sources +en3157,"By various accounts of the ensuing attack, 65 to 70 civilians, half of them women and children, were killed when his troops dynamited 45 houses and a school","Mu mbiri zosiyanasiyana zokhuza chiwembucho, anthu wamba 65-70, theka la iwo azimayi ndi ana, anaphedwa pamene ankhondo anaphulitsa nyumba 45 ndi sukulu imodzi",politics,Online sources +en3158,"He had checked all the houses before detonating the explosives and that he thought the houses were empty. Although he admitted the results were tragic, he defended the attack","Anali atafufudza nyumba zonse asanaphulitse bomba ndipo anaganiza kuti nyumbazo munalibe anthu. Ngakhale anavomera zotsatira kuti zinali zoyipa, anayikira kumbuyo chiwembucho",politics,Online sources +en3159,"Now people could feel that the terrorist gangs would think twice before striking, now that they knew for sure they would be hit back","Pamenepo anthu ankaganiza kuti magulu achifwamba angathe kuganiza kawiri asanachite chiwembu, popeza ankadziwa kuti abwezeredwa",politics,Online sources +en3160,"Sharon asked for permission to attack the pass several times, but his requests were denied, though he was allowed to check its status so that if the pass was empty, he could receive permission to take it later","Sharon anapempha chilolezo kuti athire nkhondo powolokerapo kambirimbiri koma mapempho lake akanidwa, ngakhale analoledwa kuti afufudze mmene malo owolokerawa analili ndi cholinga choti ngati panalibe ena odutsa, akanatha kuloledwa kuti akalande malowa",politics,Online sources +en3161,"Sharon sent a small scout force, which was met with heavy fire and became bogged down due to vehicle malfunction in the middle of the pass",Sharon anatumiza gulu lochepa la akasodze omwe anakumana ndi kuombera kwakukulu ndipo anagonja kamba kakuonongeka kwa galimoto zawo zankhondo pakatikati pamalo owolekerawa,politics,Online sources +en3162,"Sharon ordered the rest of his troops to attack to aid their comrades. Sharon was criticized by his superiors and was damaged by allegations several years later made by several former subordinates, who claimed that Sharon tried to provoke the Egyptians and sent out the scouts in bad faith, ensuring that a battle would ensue","Sharon analamula ankhondo ena onse kuti akamenye nkhondo pofuna kuthandiza anzawo aja. Sharon anadzudzulidwa ndi akuluakulu ake ndipo mbiri yale inayipa patapita zaka zambiri potsatira madandaulo a anthu ochuluka omwe ankawayang'anira, omwe anati Sharon anayesera kuwaputa anthu a ku Egypt potumiza akasodze ndi mtima wakaduka, kuonetsetsa kuti nkhondo ichitikedi",politics,Online sources +en3163,"It was a simultaneous attack by a multiplicity of small forces, each with a specific aim, attacking a particular unit in a synergistic Egyptian defense network","Inali nkhondo yochitikira pamodzi ndi magulu ang'onoang'ono a nkhondo, gulu lirilonse ndi zolinga zake, pothira nkhondo gulu lomwe anauzidwa, kugonjetsa chitetezo cha Egypt",politics,Online sources +en3164,"As a result, instead of supporting and covering each other as they were designed to do, each Egyptian unit was left fighting for its own life","Zotsatira zake zinali zakuti, mmalo mothandizana komanso kutetezana ngati mmene amayenera kuchitira, gulu lirilonse la ankhondo aku Egypt linkamenya nkhondo palokha pofuna kudzipulumutsa",politics,Online sources +en3165,The commission also concluded that Sharon bore personal responsibility for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge [and] not taking appropriate measures to prevent bloodshed,Bungwe lofufudzi linapeza kuti a Sharon amayenera kuvala udindo wosalabadira za kuopsa kokhetsa mwazi ndi kubwezera komanso osatsatira njira zoyenera kupewa kukhetsa mwazi,politics,Online sources +en3166,"I begin with the basic conviction that Jews and Arabs can live together. I have repeated that at every opportunity, not for journalists and not for popular consumption, but because I have never believed differently or thought differently from my childhood","Ndiyamba ndi chikhulupiliro chakuti Ayuda ndi Aluya angathe kukhala limodzi. Ndabwereza zimenezo paliponse pomwe ndapeza mwayi, osati chifukwa cha atolankhani ndipo osatinso kuti nditchuke koma chifukwa sindinakhulupilirepo mosiyana kapena kuganiza mosiyana kuyambira umwana wanga",politics,Online sources +en3167,"I know that we are both inhabitants of the land, and although the state is Jewish, that does not mean that Arabs should not be full citizens","Ndikudziwa kuti mzika ndife mzika za dera lino, ndipo ngakhale ndi dera la Ayuda, izi sidzitanthauza kuti Aluya asakhale mzika zenizeni",politics,Online sources +en3168,Rumours of Chakwera's intention to run in the MCP's presidential race were first reported in online media on 9 April 2013,Mphekesera zoti Chakwera ali ndi ganizo lodzayima nawo pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa MCP zinatsikindikizidwa koyamba pa tsamba lofalitsa nkhani la intaneti pa 9 April 2013,politics,Online sources +en3169,They were confirmed on 14 April 2013. Chakwera later submitted his nomination papers while still at the helm of the Malawi Assemblies of God,Zinatsimikika pa 14 April 2013. Pambuyo pake Chakwera anapeleka zikalata zoti amusankhe panthawi yomwe anali ali mtsogoleri wa mpingo wa Malawi Assemblies of God,politics,Online sources +en3170,The MCP convention slated for 27 April 2013 was later postponed to 10 and 11 August where he was elected as the president of MCP and he represented the party in the 2014 general election,Msonkhano waukulu wa MCP womwe unayikidwa pa 27 April 2013 unalepheleka kufikira pa 10 ndi 11 August pomwe iwo anasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa MCP ndipo anakayimira chipanichi pa chisankho cha atsogoleri a dziko cha 2014,politics,Online sources +en3171,"During 2014 Malawi General elections, rumors speculated in different platforms that the elections were rigged. Chakwera told all Malawians to remain peaceful, accept the outcome, and wait for the next coming elections","Munthawi ya zisankho cha 2014, mphekesera zinamveka mmadera osiyanasiyana kuti zisankho zinabeledwa. Chakwera anauza mtundu wonse wa a Malawi kuti asunge mtendere, avomereze zotsatira ndipo adikire zisankho zotsatira",politics,Online sources +en3172,"Besides being successful as the main opposition party president, he also served as a member of parliament for the Lilongwe North West Constituency","Kupatula kupambana ngati mtsogoleri wa chipani chachikulu chotsutsa boma, iwo anatumikira ngati phungu wa nyumba ya malamulo ku chigawo chakumadzulo kumpoto kwa Lilongwe",politics,Online sources +en3173,"Chakwera announced his resignation as the Head of the Malawian Assemblies of God, effective 14 May 2013. This happened when Court ruled out the 2019 General elections due to massive irregularities after DPP claimed victory",Chakwera analengeza kutila pansi udindo wa mkulu wa mpingo wa Malawi Assemblies of God kuyambira pa 14 May 2013. Izi zinachitika pamene bwalo lamilandu linalamula kuti chisankho cha 2019 chinadzadza ndi zofooka zambiri pamene chipani cha DPP chinati chinapambana,politics,Online sources +en3174,"He said this would enable him to concentrate more on front-line politics, taking the view that he was still serving God in another context","Iye anati izi zithandiza kuti ayike chidwi kwambiri pandale, kunena kuti apa anali akutumikiranso Mulungu munjira ina",politics,Online sources +en3175,"Chakwera joined forces with UTM leader Saulos Chilima and multiple other parties to form the 'Tonse Alliance' in preparation for the June 2020 Malawi General elections, with Chilima running as vice president","Chakwera anachita mgwirizano ndi mtsogoleri wa UTM a Saulos Chilima komanso zipani zina zingapo ndikupanga mgwirizano wa Tonse pokonzekera chisankho cha June 2020, chomwe Chilima anayima ngati wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3176,"Chakwera defeated incumbent president Peter Mutharika in the 2020 election, having obtained almost 59% of the vote","Chakwera anagonjetsa yemwe anali mtsogoleri wa dziko a Peter Mutharika pa chisankho cha 2020, pamene anapeza mavoti 59 pa 100 aliwonse",politics,Online sources +en3177,"Chakwera was sworn in as the sixth president of Malawi on 28 June. On this occasion, Malawi became the first African Country to have its presidential election result overturned due to irregularities and an opposition leader went on to win the rerun election","Chakwera analumbiritsidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi wa chisanu ndi chimodzi pa 28 June. Panthawiyi, dziko la Malawi linali loyamba muno mu Africa kuonelera chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko chikukanidwa ndikukhalanso ngati sanaponye voti chifukwa cha zolakwika ndipo otsutsa boma anapambana pachisankho chobwereza",politics,Online sources +en3178,"The Republic of Kenya's Supreme Court had been the very first to nullify in 2017, but the rerun election therefrom was never won by the opposition leader","Bwalo lamilandu lalikulu mdziko la Kenya linali loyamba kugamula kuti chisankho chichitikenso mu 2017, koma otsutsa boma sanapambane pa chisankho chachibwereza ",politics,Online sources +en3179,"Soon after Chakwera's election as president, he became subject to criticism over appointing mutually related family members to cabinet","Chakwera atangosankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko, anadzudzulidwa kwambiri chifukwa chosankha anthu ena ochokera mbanja limodzi kukhala nduna",politics,Online sources +en3180,Chakwera's 31 member cabinet announced after inauguration had six members all of whom are relatives with another member of the cabinet,Nduna 31 zomwe Chakwera analengeza atalumbiritsidwa zinali ndi anthu asanu ndi mmodzi omwe anali paubale ndi ena mwa nduna zake,politics,Online sources +en3181,Activists and organisations working on gender equality organised public demonstrations in October 2020 protesting against gender imbalance in public service appointments that Chakwera had made,Omenyera ufulu ndi mabungwe omwe si aboma ogwira ntchito zoona kuti pasakhale kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi akonza zionetsero pa 20 October zosonyeza kukwiya ndi kusiyana pakati pa amayi ndi abambo pakasankhidwe ka akuluakulu a boma omwe Chakwera wasankha,politics,Online sources +en3182,The activists accused President Chakwera of disregarding the Malawi Gender Equality Act that demands that women should make at least 40 per cent of all public appointments. The activists sued the President over the gender imbalance in his appointments,"Omenyera ufuluwa adzudzula mtsogoleri wa dziko a Chakwera chifukwa chosalabadira ndondomeko zakusasiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi zomwe zimafotokoza kuti posankha oyendetsa ntchito zaboma, amayi akhale 40 pa anthu 100 aliwonse. Omenyera ufuluwa asumira mtsogoleri wa dzikoyu chifukwa chopititsa patsogolo kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi posankha oyendetsa ntchito zaboma",politics,Online sources +en3183,Chakwera has faced criticism for appointing his daughter and vice president Saulos Chilima's mother-in-law to diplomatic positions. The president appointed his daughter Violet Chakwera as a diplomatic secretary to Brussels and for the EU,Chakwera akudzudzulidwanso posankha mwana wake wamkazi komanso mpongozi wawo wa wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino kukagwira ntchito za ukazembe. Mtsogoleri wa dzikoyu anasankha mwana wake Violet Chakwera kukakhala mlembi wamkulu wa akazembe mdziko la Brussels komanso ku bungwe la EU,politics,Online sources +en3184,"However, the president vehemently refuted these reports as baseless and stated so on a BBC interview during his visit to the UK in 2021. Published media reports indicate that his daughter is not qualified for the job, having obtained her degree from an unaccredited institution","Komabe mtsogoeri wa dzikoyu wakanitsitsa nkhanizi ndipo wati nzopanda pake ndipo iye anayankhula ndi wayilesi ya BBC paulendo wake ku chaka cha UK mu 2021. Nkhani zotsindikizidwa ndi olemba nkhani zaonetsa kuti mwana wawo wamkaziyu alibe zomuneyereza kukagwira ntchitoyi, kamba kakuti anatenga ukachenjede wake kusukulu yosavomerezeka",politics,Online sources +en3185,"President Chakwera formed a strong and positive relationship with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, describing their partnership as ""crucial","Mtsogoleri wa dziko Chakwera wakhadzikitsa ubale wolimba komanso wothandiza ndi nduna yayikulu ya dziko la Britain a Boris Johnson, kunena kuti ubalewu ndi wofunikira kwambiri",politics,Online sources +en3186,"Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed hope for a long-term UK-Malawi partnership that focused on promoting green technologies in Malawi, and Malawi's Government Spokesperson and Minister of Information said that Prime Minister Johnson and President Chakwera would discuss ""various development, trade and investment deals, which so far has been a great success and Malawi stands to benefit more and better","Nduna yayikulu ya dziko la Britain inafotokoza chiyembekezo pa ubale wanthawi yayitali pakati pa UK ndi Malawi womwe unayika chidwi pakupititsa patsogolo ntchito zoteteza chilengedwe mMalawi, ndipo mneneri wa boma la Malawi ndi nduna yofalitsa nkhani wanena kuti nduna yayikulu a Boris Johnson ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Chakwera akambirana ntchito zachitukuko zosiyanasiyana, zamalonda komanso ntchito zachuma, zomwe kufika pano zakhala zopambana kwambiri ndipo dziko la Malawi lipindula kwambiri kuposa kale",politics,Online sources +en3187,"The pattern of peaceful transitions of power we have been seeing in our region in recent years, ... (with) Zambia being the latest member to embody that, are worthy of global acclaim and our applause","Kupatsirana maudindo wamtendere komwe takhala tikukuona mchigawo chathu chino mzaka zino, pomwe Zambia ili yatsopano kuchita izi, ndikoyenera kutamandidwa dziko lonse lapansi komanso kuyamikiridwa",politics,Online sources +en3188,"In interview with Zodiak Broadcasting Station, a local radio station, Chakwera remarked that it will be up to the people to re-elect him in 2025 when Malawi holds the next presidential elections","Poyankhula ndi wayilesi ya Zodiak, nyumba yofalitsa nkhani mdziko muno, Chakwera wati zili kwa anthu kudzamusankhanso mu chaka cha 2025 pamene dziko la Malawi lidzachite chisankho chosankha mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3189,"Similarly, other senior members of his Malawi Congress Party have indicated that Chakwera will stand in 2025 because he is allowed to do so by his party's constitution",Chimodzimodzi akuluakulu ena a chipani cha Malawi Congress anena kuti Chakwera adzayimenso mu 2025 chifukwa malamulo oyendetsera chipani akumulola kutero,politics,Online sources +en3190,This has the potential to cause a rift between Chakwera and vice president Chilima. It is understood that the two had agreed to rotate the presidency between them prior to formation of their electoral alliance,"Izi zili ndi kuthekera kobweretsa kugawikana pakati pa Chakwera ndi wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko, a Chilima. Zadziwika kuti awiriwa anagwirizana zopatsirana udindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko pakati pawo pamene amakhadzikitsa mgwirizano pa masankho ",politics,Online sources +en3191,"During a political rally in the country's commercial city of Blantyre leading up to the presidential race in 2020, Chilima revealed that one of the basis for the formation of the Tonse Alliance between Malawi Congress Party and UTM was that after the first term of his presidency, Chakwera would pave way for Chilima to lead the pact in the 2025 presidential elections","Pa nthawi yamsonkhani wandale mu mzinda wa Blantyre pokonzekera chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu chaka cha 2020, Chilima anaulula kuti msanamira imodzi yokhazikitsira mgwirizano wa Tonse pakati pa Malawi Congress ndi UTM ndi wakuti chigawo choyamba cholamula chikatha, Chakwera adzapeleka mpata kwa a Chilima kuti atsogolere mgwirizanowu pachisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 2025",politics,Online sources +en3192,"Malawi’s main opposition party is pushing for the resignation of President Lazarus Chakwera over a looming economic crisis resulting in fuel shortages, a scarcity of foreign exchange and increased grain prices","Chipani chachikulu chotsutsa boma mMalawi chikufuna kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko Lazarus Chakwera atule pansi udindo wake chifukwa chakusokonekera kwa chuma dziko zomwe zadzetsa kusowa kwa mafuta a galimoto, kusowa kwa ndalama za maiko akunja komanso kukwera kwa mitengo yazakudya",politics,Online sources +en3193,"A government spokesperson said pushing Chakwera to resign is unrealistic. A presidential aspirant for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), told reporters that the country’s economy is heading into a crisis",Mneneri wa boma wati kukakamiza kuti Chakwera atule pansi udindo ndizosamveka. Yemwe akufuna kudzatsogolera chipani chotsutsa cha Democratic Progressive anauza atolankhani kuti chuma cha dziko lino chikunka kumphompho,politics,Online sources +en3194,"To stabilize the economy, that's the big boy’s job to ensure that now you are opening up as many businesses as possible, you are developing as many mines as possible and in the agriculture sector you are producing large volumes of food and you are getting a lot of surplus for exports","Kuti chuma chikadzikike ndi ntchito ya akuluakulu okwima nzeru poonetsetsa kuti ntchito zamalonda zambiri zikukhazikitsidwa, mukukonza ntchito za migodi zochuluka komanso kumbali yaulimi mukulima chakudya chochuluka ndipo chotsala chikugulitsidwa kumisika yakunja",politics,Online sources +en3195,DPP spokesperson said the president should resign so other people can take over and address the economic problems Malawians are facing,Mneneri wa DPP wati mtsogoleri wa dziko atule pansi udindo kuti anthu ena atsogolere ndikuthana ndi mavuto a zachuma omwe amalawi akukumana nawo,politics,Online sources +en3196,"A spokesperson for the Malawi Congress Party, a leading party in the governing Tonse Alliance, would not take a call from VOA to comment on the matter","Mneneri wa chipani cha Malawi Congress, chomwe chikutsogolera mgwirizano wa Tonse, sanayankhe lamya yochokera ku VOA kuti apeleke ndemanga pankhaniyi",politics,Online sources +en3197,Government spokesperson told a local media outlet on Monday that DPP officials were making the remarks out of anger emanating from bitterness over losing elections in 2020,Mneneri wa boma wauza nyumba yotsindika nkhani mdziko muno lolemba kuti akuluakulu a DPP amayankhula izi powawidwa mtima chifukwa chogonja pa chisankho mu chaka 2020,politics,Online sources +en3198,"The minister of information, said Malawi faces economic challenges largely because of trends that have destabilized global economies. Pushing the president to resign is unrealistic, he said","Nduna yofalitsa nkhani yati Malawi akukumana ndi mavuto a zachuma kwakukulu chifukwa cha zochitika zomwe zagwedeza chuma pa dziko lonse lapansi. Kukakamiza mtsogoleri wa dziko kutula pansi udindo nzi zosamveka, iye anatero",politics,Online sources +en3199,What we can say is that President has not failed to run the affairs of the country. The country has taken a path to recovery and we are not where we were when President came into office three years ago. This country was worse than where we are today,Zomwe tinganene ndi zakuti mtsogoleriyu sanalephere kuyendetsa zochitika mdziko muno. Dziko lino liri pa njira yobwezeretsa mchimake chuma ndipo pano sitili pomwe tinali pamene mtsogoleri wa dziko anayamba ntchito yake muzaka zitatu zapitazo. Dziko lino linali pamavuto aakulu kuposa pomwe tiri lero,politics,Online sources +en3200,"Chakwera later announced an anti-corruption campaign that saw several officials from the DPP arrested, a move that its president, Mutharika, called political persecution","Pambuyo pake Chakwera analengeza ntchito yothana ndi katangale imene inachititsa kuti ena mwa atsogoleri ochokera ku DPP amangidwe, zomwe mtsogoleri wawo a Mutharika anati ndi kugwebana pandale",politics,Online sources +en3201,Political analyst told VOA it is unjustified for the opposition DPP to call for Chakwera’s resignation because it also messed up the economy,Katakwe pankhani zandale anauza VOA kuti nzosamveka kuti chipani cha DP chinene kuti Chakwera atule pansi udindo chifukwa iwonso anawononga ntchito za chuma,politics,Online sources +en3202,"Because the situation on the ground does not really show that people are looking to DPP for a solution to our situation. No, because the surveys around can show clearly that Malawians are not on Peter Mutharika and DPP, they are on somebody else","Chifukwa mmene ziliri mdziko muno palibe chisonyezo kuti anthu akuyang'ana ku DPP kuti apeze mayankho. Ayi, chifukwa kafukufuku akuonetsa poyera kuti mtima wa amalawi suli pa Peter Mutharika ndi DPP, maso awo ali pa wina",politics,Online sources +en3203,"People are saying leave the current government until 2025 when we will have the power to bring it back or to throw it out. So, it is only when we vote that a government can get out or can remain","Anthu akuyankhula kuti alisiye bomali mpaka mu 2025 pomwe tidzakhale ndi mphamvu zolibwezeretsa pampando kapena kulichotsa. Ndiye, ndi pokhapokha titakaponya mavoti pamene boma lingachoke kapena kukhala",politics,Online sources +en3204,Malawi’s agricultural sector suffered severe devastation in March due to Cyclone Freddy — the country's fifth extreme weather event since 2016 — which claimed some 500 lives and displaced hundreds of thousands,Ntchito za ulimi mMalawi muno zinasokonekera mu mwezi wa March kamba ka namondwe wa Freddy - kusokonekera kwakukulu nyengo kwa chisanu kuchokera chaka cha 2016 - pomwe miyoyo zikwi zisanu inatayika ndipo ambiri zikwi zambiri anasowa pokhala,politics,Online sources +en3205,"The cyclone came at a time when Malawi was facing several other crises, including inflated food prices and the worst cholera epidemic in decades",Namondweyu anadza pamene dziko la Malawi limakumana ndi mavuto ena ochuluka kuphatikizirapo kukwera kwa mitengo yazakudya komanso nthenda ya kolera yomwe inafka pachimake kuposa zaka zonse m'mbuyomu,politics,Online sources +en3206,"Phiri said that, in the meantime, the Chakwera administration should work on fixing the country’s economic problems if it wants to win back people’s confidence",Phiri anati pakali pano boma la Chakwera ligwire ntchito yokonza mavuto a zachuma mdziko muno ngati akufuna kuti anthu ayambenso kulikhulupilira,politics,Online sources +en3207,I stand here carrying the hopes and aspirations of many young people in this country. I feel the weight on my shoulders to deliver change and I will do the best I humanly cannot to betray the trust that the president has bestowed upon me to carry the flag on behalf of many equally deserving young people in this country,"Ndayima pano, ndasenza chiyembekezo ndi zokhumba za ambiri achinyamata mdziko muno. Ndikumva kulemelera kwa ntchitoyi pamapewa anga kuti ndisinthe zinthu ndipo ndiyetsetsa kuposa paumunthu wanga kuti ndisataye chikhulupiliro chomwe mtsogoleri wa dziko wachiyika mwa ine kuti ndinyamule mbendera mmalo mwa achinyamata ambiri mdziko muno omwe alinso oyenera kusankhidwa",politics,Online sources +en3208,"In appointing me as his Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, President Chakwera has demonstrated his resolve to include the youth as part of the long walk to this country’s economic and developmental emancipation","Pondisankha kukhala nduna yazachuma ndi chitukuko, mtsogoleri wa dziko Chakwera wasonyeza khama lake lofuna kuti achinyamata akhale nawo paulendo wautaliwu wodziumbala pa chuma cha dziko ndi chitukuko",politics,Online sources +en3209,"I most sincerely thank the president for his trust in me in particular, and the youth in this country in general","Ndithokoze koposa mtsogoleri wa dziko pondikhulupilira ine, komanso achinyamata onse mdziko muno",politics,Online sources +en3210,I pledge to do my best to ensure that the agenda of the Tonse Alliance Government led by His Excellency the State President is fulfilled in totality sooner than later,Ndikulonjeza kuchita zothekera kuti mfundo za boma mu mgwirizano wa Tonse motsogozedwa ndi wolemekezeka mtsogoleri wa dziko lino zakwaniritsidwa kwathunthu munthawi yake,politics,Online sources +en3211,"Malawians deserve quality and efficient public service delivery. They deserve a conducive and enabling environment that guarantees wealth creation, job creation and food security","Amalawi ngoyenera kutumikiridwa ndi ntchito zaboma zapamwamba komanso zachangu. Ngoyenera kukhala ndi zonse zofunikira komanso zothandizira pogwira ntchito zokuza chuma, kupezetsa ntchito ena komanso kukhala odzidalira pachakudya",politics,Online sources +en3212,"The 2022/2023 financial plan, therefore, has been developed to continue fulfilling the campaign promises that this Administration made when it was ushered into Government","Ndondomeko zachuma mu chaka cha 2022 kufika 2023, yakonzedwa kuti ipitirile kukwaniritsa malonjezo omwe boma linapanga pamisonkhano yokopa anthu pamene malowa m'boma",politics,Online sources +en3213,"In accordance with the requirement of Section 21, Subsection 3, of the Public Finance Management Act of 2003, I stand here today before this August House to present the 2022/2023 financial plan","Potsatira ndondomeko za gawo 21, gawo laling'ono 3 la malamulo oyendetsera chuma cha dziko, ndayima pano, pambuyo pa nyumba ino yamalamulo kuti ndipeleke ndondomeko zachuma cha 2022 mpaka 2023",politics,Online sources +en3214,"The Plan contains a statement of the estimated tax revenues, grants and all other revenues as well as details of the Government's proposal on how the available resources will be utilized","Ndondomekoyi ili ndi kufotokozera pa misonkho yomwe tikuyembekezera, thandizo ndi ndalama zina zonse zolowa komanso tsatanetsatane wa mmene Boma likufuna kugwiritsa ntchito zinthuzi",politics,Online sources +en3215,"My Ministry consulted extensively with various stakeholders who made valuable contributions, some of which have been incorporated into this budget while others will form part of future budget processes to allow for further comprehensive analysis. This budget therefore reflects those aspirations and how they will be achieved","Unduna wanga wafunsa maganizo mokwanira kuchokera kwa anthu osiyanasiyana omwe anapeleka mfundo zapamwamba kwambiri, ndipo zina mwa izo zayikidwa mu ndondomeko yazachumayi pamene zina zidzagwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza ndondomeko zachuma mtsogolo muno popeleka mpata kuti ziwunikidwe mozama. Choncho ndondomeko yazachuma iyi ndi chithunzithunzi cha zokhumba zimenezo ndiponso mmene zokhumbazo zingakwaniritsidwe",politics,Online sources +en3216,"The total domestic revenues, tax revenues are projected at K1.044 trillion or 94.8 percent of total domestic revenue while other revenues are estimated to end the fiscal year at K56.9 billion representing 5.2 percent of total domestic revenues","Pa ndalama zonse zotolera mdziko muno, misonkho yotoleredwa yayikidwa pa MK1,044,000,000,000.00 kapena kuti MK94.80 pa MK100.00 iliyonse mwa ndalama zonse zotoleredwa mdziko muno pamene ndalama zina zotoleredwa kufika kumathero a ndondomeko zachuma mchakachi zayikidwa pa MK56,900,000,000.00 kapena kuti MK5.20 pa MK100.00 iliyonse mwa ndalama zonse zotoleredwa mdziko muno",politics,Online sources +en3217,Honourable Members may wish to know that both tax and other revenues are expected to meet their approved targets,"Wolemekezeka nonse, mufuna kudziwa kuti ndalama zamisonkho komanso zina zonse zotoleredwa zikuyembeza kufikira mulingo wake wovomerezedwa",politics,Online sources +en3218,The increase in deficit was mainly on account of higher than planned salary adjustment and increased critical expenditure needs,Kukula kwa ndalama zopelewera kunadza kwakukulu kamba ka malipiro okwera kuposa omwe anakonzedwa pachiyambi komanso kuchuluka kwa ndalama zogwira ntchito mmagawo ofunikira kwambiri,politics,Online sources +en3219,Government has made substantial progress in some of the projects that were budgeted for in the 2021/2022 financial year. Let me now highlight progress made during the year in some of the projects,Boma lakwanitsa kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zina zachitukuko zomwe zinayikidwa mu ndondomeko zachuma za 2021/2022. Mundilole tsopano ndifotokozere zomwe takwaniritsa mu chaka chimenechi mu zina mwa zitukuko,politics,Online sources +en3220,"In the health sector, progress has been made. Construction of Phalombe District hospital has been completed and currently placement of human resources is underway","Ku gawo la zaumoyo, kusintha kulipo. Kumanga chipatala chachikulu cha Phalombe kwatha ndipo padakali pono akulemba anthu ogwira ntchito",politics,Online sources +en3221,"Additionally, construction of superstructures at Mponela Community hospital has started while construction of Domasi Community hospital is continuing","Kuwonjezera apa, kumangidwa kwa makoma a chipatala chakumudzi ku Mponela kwayamba pamene kumanga chipatala chakumudzi cha Domasi kukupitilira",politics,Online sources +en3222,"Construction of 1,000 houses under the first phase is currently under way. Over 30 percent of the houses in this phase will be completed by end February, 2022","Kumanga nyumba 1000 mugawo loyamba kukuchitika. Kupitilira yanyumba makumi atatu pa makumi khumi zilizonse zikhala zitatha kumangidwa pofika kumapeto kwa February, 2022",politics,Online sources +en3223,"To secure the lives of fellow Malawians with albinism, Government has embarked on a project to construct houses for people with albinism","Poteteza miyoyo ya a Malawi anzanga omwe ali ndi khungu la chialbino, boma layamba ntchito yomanga nyumba za anthu achialbino",politics,Online sources +en3224,"In the first phase, Government has commenced the construction of 28 houses in 13 District Councils.","Mugawo loyamba, boma layamba kumanga nyumba 28 mu maboma 13",politics,Online sources +en3225,Implementation progress of these houses are at different stages,Nyumba zimenezi zili mmagawo osiyanasiyana omangidwa,politics,Online sources +en3226,"Government is aware of the need to increase the reliability, security, efficiency and utilization of electricity in the country","Boma likudziwa kufunika kowonjezera kudalilika, chitetezo, phundi ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka magetsi mdziko muno",politics,Online sources +en3227,The road transport sector continues to be the predominant mode of transport in the country. The social economic benefits that good accessible roads bring are a catalyst for our accelerated development,Gawo lamayendedwe apanseu likupitilira kukhala njira yayikulu yodalilika pamayendedwe mdziko muno. Phindu pachuma komanso umoyo wa anthu lomwe misewu yabwino imabweretsa ndi chikoka chopititsa patsogolo chitukuko,politics,Online sources +en3228,It is in this vein that Government prioritized investment in the maintenance and upgrading of the road network to fully support economic development and the general social welfare of our people,Pachifukwa ichi boma layika patsogolo chitukuko chofuka kukonza ndi kukuza misewu kuti ithandize ntchito zachuma ndi kutukula miyoyo ya anthu ake,politics,Online sources +en3229,"In rail sub-sector, progress of rehabilitation of Nkaya – Chipala railway line and Chipala – Mchinji border railway line is at 85 percent and 15 percent, respectively","Pankhani za njanji, kukonza njanji ya Nkaya-Chipala ndi Chipala-Mchinji kufika kulamire a dziko kukupitilira ndipo ili pa 85% ndi 15% iliyonse payokha",politics,Online sources +en3230,"Under a concession agreement, Government is also rehabilitating the 72-Kilometre railway section from Limbe to Sandama. The project is at 80 percent completion status","Ma mgwirizanowu, boma likukonzanso 72km ya njanji kuchokera ku Limbe kufika ku Sandama. Ntchitoyi ili pa 80% kuti ithe",politics,Online sources +en3231,"In addition to the rehabilitation of the railway lines I have mentioned, construction of a 170-metre bridge across the Ruo river at Osiyana in Nsanje is also continuing and currently progress is at 65 percent. This bridge will accommodate both vehicles and trains","Kuwonjezera pa ntchito zokonza njanji zomwe ndakamba, kumanga mlatho wa 70 meters kuwoloka mtsinje wa Ruo kwa Osiyana ku Nsanje kukupitilira ndipo pakadali pano ili pa 65% kuti ithe. Mlathowu pazidzadutsa galimoto komanso sitima zapamtunda",politics,Online sources +en3232,"Malawi is among the countries with a large proportion of a youthful population. To reap the benefits of the demographic dividend, the Government recognizes that it is important to empower youth and the need to remove all obstacles to ensure their full participation in the social-economic development of the country in line with the Malawi 2063, which is a youth-centric vision","Malawi ndi limodzi mwa mayiko omwe ali ndi achiyamata ochuluka. Kuti lipeze phindu kuchokera kwa achinyamatawa, boma likuzindikira kuti ndikofunika kupeleka mphamvu kwa achinyamata ndipo ndikoyenera kuchotsa zotchinga zonse kuti adzitenga mbali pa chitukuko cha chuma cha dziko lino mogwirizana ndi Malawi 2063, omwe ndi masomphenya otsamira pa achinyamata",politics,Online sources +en3233,The Sub-Saharan Africa economy is expected to grow by 4.0 percent in 2021 and by 3.7 percent in 2022. This rebound follows a sharp slump in 2020 when growth was -1.7 percent,Chuma cha dera la Africa kunsi kwa Sahara chikuyembezeka kukwera ndi 4% mu 2021 ndipo 3.7% mu 2022. Kukweraku kukutsatira kugwa kwa chuma komwe kunalipo mu 2020 pamene chinakula ndi 1.7% ,politics,Online sources +en3234,The region rebound is a result of a sharp improvement in global trade and commodity prices. Favourable harvests have also helped in lifting agricultural production,Kukwera mu derali kwachitika chifukwa cha kukwera kwa malonda padziko lonse komanso kukwera kwa mitengo yakatundu. Zokolola zabwino zathandizanso kukweza ntchito zaulimi,politics,Online sources +en3235,Honourable Members may wish to note that my Ministry is currently reviewing our domestic debt profiles with a view of restructuring debt towards longer maturity period,"Olemekezeka mamembala, mufunanso kudziwa kuti unduna wanga ukuwunika ngongole zomwe tatenga mdziko momwe muno ndi cholinga chofuna kukonza ngongolezi kuti zikhale zoyamba kubweza nthawi yayitali",politics,Online sources +en3236,"In addition to debt restructuring, the Government will in the 2022/2023 fiscal year continue to exercise fiscal discipline, avoid debt creating policies, and reduce granting of extra budgetary financing at Treasury","Kuphatikizira pakuunikanso ngongole, boma mu chaka chachuma cha 2022/2023 lipitilira kutsatira ndondomeko zoteteza chuma, kupewa mfundo zowonjezera ngongole, ndi kuchepetsa kupeleka ndalama zomwe sizili ndi ndondomeko yachuma ndi nthambi yogawa chuma chaboma",politics,Online sources +en3237,The Public Finance Management Act (2003) is also being reviewed to address gaps that have been observed in the current legal framework on issues of contracting public debt,Malamulo oyendetsera chuma cha dziko a 2003 akuunikidwanso kuti akonze zofooka zomwe zinaonedwa mmalamulo atsopano pa nkhani katengedwe ka ngongole zaboma ,politics,Online sources +en3238,High level of external debt is also a matter of concern for this Government and particular attention will be paid to make our external debt sustainable,Kukwera kwa ngongole zakunja ndi nkhano yodandaulitsa ku boma ili ndipo chidwi chachikulu chiyikidwa poonetsetsa kuti ngongole zakunja ndizokonzeka,politics,Online sources +en3239,The initiative was aimed at supporting poor countries to overcome the intertwined health and economic effects of covid-19 pandemic,Cholinga cha ntchitoyi chinali kufuna kuthandiza mayiko osauka kuthana ndi mavuto ophathana a zaumoyo ndi zachuma chifukwa cha mliri wa Covid-19,politics,Online sources +en3240,"The country is emerging from the pandemic with worryingly low foreign reserve levels due to the rising external payment requirements, driven by a surge in global commodity prices","Dziko lino likuchoka pa mliriwu ndi nkhawa zakuchepa kwa ndalama zakunja chifukwa cha kukula kwa ndalama zoyenera kulipira kunja, zochitika makamaka chifukwa cha kukwera kwa mitengo ya zinthu pa dziko lapansi ",politics,Online sources +en3241,The increase in global commodity prices over the past few months is being driven by a sharp recovery in demand as economies bounce back from a Covid-19-induced slump,Kukwera kwa mitengo yazinthu padziko lapansi mu miyezi yochepa yapitayi kukuchitika chifukwa chakukulanso kofuna zinthu pamene chuma chammayiko chayamba kuyenda bwino pambuyo pakugwa chifukwa cha Covid-19,politics,Online sources +en3242,"Consequently, the Kwacha continued to lose its value and depreciated cumulatively by about 6.4 percent against the US dollar in 2021, reflecting excess demand for foreign exchange","Zotsatira zake ndi zakuti ndalama ya kwacha inapitilira kugwa ndipo inatsika mphamvu ndi 6.4% kuyeleka ndi ndalama yaku America mu 2021, kusonyeza kuti pali kufunika kwa ndalama zakunja kopitilira muyezo",politics,Online sources +en3243,"Government will continue to put in place policies and measures aimed at increasing export revenue generation in order to enhance availability of foreign exchange in the market, while re-building gross official reserves to the minimum requirement of three months of imports in the medium term","Boma lipitiriza kuyika mfundo ndi ndondomeko zowonjezera katundu wogulitsidwa kunja kwa dziko lino kuti ndalama zamayiko akunja zidzipezeka mmisika, kwinaku likusunga ndalama kufika pamulingo wovomerezeka wa ndalama zogulira katundu kunja kwa miyezi itatu",politics,Online sources +en3244,"To achieve this, Government is committed to implement the National Export Strategy II as we continue supporting the Export Development Fund as a vehicle for promoting exports","Kuti likwaniritse izi, boma ladzipeleka kugwira ntchito za mundondomeko ya National Export yachiwiri pamene tikupitilira kuthandiza nthambi ya Export Development ngati chida chokuzira katundu wogulitsa kunja",politics,Online sources +en3245,To enhance the quality of life in rural communities and to recognize rural standards of living as a key indicator of success of government policies,Potukula miyoyo ya anthu mmadera akumidzi komanso kuzindikira kuti mmene ikuyendera miyoyo ya anthu kumidzi ndi mulingo wakupambana kwa mfundo za boma,politics,Online sources +en3246,"All persons and peoples have a right to development and therefore to the enjoyment of economic, social, cultural and political development ….The state shall take measures to introduce reforms aimed at eradicating social injustices and inequalities","Anthu onse ali ndi ufulu kulandira chitukuko ndipo akuyenera kudyelera kutukuka pachuma, chikhalidwe komanso pandale…..Boma lidzayika ndondomeko ndikubweretsa mfundo zofuna kuthetsa zoyipa pakati pa anthu komanso kusiyana",politics,Online sources +en3247,"Such instability has made it difficult for the continent to form an influential bloc, despite estimates that it collectively represents the fifth-largest global economy","Kusakhadzikikaku kwachititsa kuti kukhale kovuta mayiko mderali kukhadzikitsa mgwirizano wothandiza, ngakhale kafukufuku akuonetsa kuti pamodzi mayikowa akuyimira dziko lachisanu lolemera kwambiri padziko lonse ",politics,Online sources +en3248,"Canada has reckoned with this history in the past through a commission in 1985, which was tasked with investigating allegations that Canada had become a haven for Nazi war criminals","Canada inasinkhasinkha za mbiri imeneyi mmbuyomu kudzera mu bungwe la 1985, lomwe linapatsidwa ntchito yofufudza milandu yoti Canada inasanduka kobisala zigawenga zankhondo za Nazi",politics,Online sources +en3249,A report released by the commission the following year concluded that there is no evidence tying Ukrainians who fought with Nazi Germany to specific war crimes,Lipoti lomwe bungwe lofufudza linatulutsa chaka chotsatiracho linanena kuti panalibe umboni woti nzika zaku Ukraine zomwe zinamenya nkhondo ndi ma Nazi aku Germany zinali ndi milandu yakunkhondo,politics,Online sources +en3250,"Unlike other parts of the world, Latin America is free of war. Yet it is a region plagued by inequality, crime, corruption, drug trafficking and social upheaval. Political stability and strong democratic institutions are more the exception than the rule","Kusiyana ndi mbali zina pa dziko lapansi, ku Latin America kulibe nkhondo. Komabe ndi chigawo chimene kuli kusiyana pakati pa anthu, umbanda, katangale, kugulitsa mankhwala ozunguza bongo komanso zionetsero zambiri. Kukhazikika pandale ndiponso nthambi zolimbikitsa ufulu wa anthu zamphamvu zilipo kuposa kutsatira malamulowo",politics,Online sources +en3251,"South America, in particular, never seems to stop moving from one extreme to the other, shifting from the political left to the right and back again, without addressing the social and economic demands responsible for moving the pendulum","Makamaka kummwera kwa America sikunasiye kutengeka pandale, akungosinthasintha ndale zawo, popanda kukonza mavuto a anthu komanso a zachuma omwe akupangitsa kuti ndale zisakhazikike ",politics,Online sources +en3252,"During WWII, millions of Ukrainians served in the Soviet Red Army, but thousands of others fought on the German side under the Galicia Division.","Nthawi ya nkhondo yachiwiri ya dziko lonse lapansi, mazanamazana a mzika za ku Ukraine zinamenya pamodzi ndi ankhondo a Soviet Red, koma zikwizikwi za ena zinamenya nkhondo ku mbali ya Germany pansi pa gulu la Galacia",politics,Online sources +en3253,"Those who fought with Germany believed it would grant them an independent state free from Soviet rule. At the time, Ukrainians resented the Soviets for their role in the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33","Omwe anamenya mbali ya Germany ankakhulupilira kuti adzapatsidwa ufulu wodzilamulira okha kuchoka ku ulamuliro wa Soviet. Panthawi imemeyi, mzika za ku Ukraine zinkadana ndi mzika za ku Soviet chifukwa chakutengapo gawo pa njala yayikulu yaku Ukraine mzaka za 1932 mpaka 1933",politics,Online sources +en3254,Several monuments dedicated to Ukrainian WWII veterans who served in the Galicia Division exist across the country,Zikumbutso zambiri zokumbukira omwe anamenya nkhondo yadziko lonse lapansi yachiwiri ndipo anagwira ntchito mu gulu la Galacia zilipobe mmadera onse a dzikolo,politics,Online sources +en3255,"Jewish groups have long denounced these dedications, arguing soldiers in the Galicia Division swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler, and were either complicit in Nazi Germany's crimes or had committed crimes themselves","Magulu a ayuda akhala akudzudzula zikumbutsozi, kunena kuti asirikali ambiri mugulu la Galacia analumbira kutumikira Adolf Hitler ndipo anawonelela zaupandu zomwe Germany inachita kapena anachita zauanduzo paokha ",politics,Online sources +en3256,"But for some Ukrainians, these veterans are viewed as freedom fighters, who only fought alongside the Nazis to resist the Soviets in their quest for an independent Ukraine","Kwa mzika zina zaku Ukraine, akaswiri awa amatengedwa kuti ndi omenyera ufulu, omwe anamenya nkhondo pamodzi ndi ma Nazi, kuphelela ankhondo a Soviet pamene anali kufuna Ukraine wodzilamulira yekha",politics,Online sources +en3257,"During the same meeting in Sochi, Mr Putin said the plane crash that killed Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin in August was not caused by ""outside interference"" such as a missile attack","Pamsonkhano womwewo ku Sochi, Mr Putin ananena kuti kugwa kwa ndege yomwe inapha mtsogoleri wa gulu la Wagner a Yevgeny Prigozhin mu August sinachitike chifukwa cha zinthu zina zakunja monga bomba",politics,Online sources +en3258,"He said the mercenary chief and others who died in the crash had been found to have ""hand grenade fragments"" in their bodies, adding: ""The head of the Investigations Committee reported this to me just the other day","Iye anayankhula kuti mkulu wa ankhondo ochita zantopolayu ndi ena omwe anafa pakugwa kwandegeyi anapezeka ali ndi mabomba oponya ndi manja mmatupi mwawo, poonjezera kuti: ""Mkulu wa komiti yofufuza anapeleka lipoti imeneyi kwa ine masiku apitawa""",politics,Online sources +en3259,And in recent months the US has sent state of the art equipment to Kyiv - including long-range missiles and Abrams tanks. It comes as Kyiv's forces continue to launch a slow moving counter-offensive in the south of the country,"Ndipo pa miyezi yadutsayi, US yatumiza zipangizo zamakono ku Kyiv- kuphatikizirapo mabomba owuluka mtunda wautali ndi akasinja amtundu wa Abrams. Izi zikudza pamene ankhondo ku Kyiv akupitiriza kumenya nkhondo yobwezera mwachifatse kummwera kwa dzikolo",politics,Online sources +en3260,But Saturday's temporary budget agreement - which will fund the US federal government for 45 days - stripped out continued military funding for the time being,Koma pangano landondomeko za chuma la Lowerukali - lomwe lipeleke ndalama zogwilira ntchito ku boma la US kwa masiku 45 - linachotsa ndalama zopita kunkhondo moyembekezera,politics,Online sources +en3261,"Senior Senate leaders from both parties released a joint statement signalling their intention to ""ensure the US government continues to provide"" support to Ukraine in the coming weeks",Koma pangano landondomeko za chuma la Lowerukali - lomwe lipeleke ndalama zogwilira ntchito ku boma la US kwa masiku 45 - linachotsa ndalama zopita kunkhondo moyembekezera,politics,Online sources +en3262,"President Joe Biden has vowed continued US support for Ukraine, after further military funding was excluded from a last-minute congressional budget deal.","Mtsogoleri wa dziko Joe Biden wanenetsa kuti US ipitiriza kuthandiza Ukraine, pomwe ndalama zopita ku nkhondo zachotsedwa mumphindi zomaliza za pangano la chuma ndi Congress",politics,Online sources +en3263,"The temporary measure, pushed through to avert a government shutdown, did not include $6bn in military aid for Kyiv - a top White House priority","Pangano longoyembekezerali, lochitidwa mokakamiza kuopa kutseka ntchito zaboma, silinayike $6,000,000,000 yathandizo lankhondo ku Kyiv - yomwe ndi mfundo yofunikira kwambiri ku White House",politics,Online sources +en3264,"Hardline Republicans oppose further military aid, with many openly opposing Mr Biden's approach to the war. But on Sunday Mr Biden said Ukraine could ""count on"" US support","Ma Republican enieni akutsutsa thandizo lina lankhondo, pemene ambiri akutsutsa mmene Mr Biden akuchitira pankhodoyi. Koma Lamulungu Mr Biden ananena kuti Ukraine idalire pathandizo la US",politics,Online sources +en3265,Diplomats said it was hoping to regain some international credibility after being accused of widespread rights abuses in Ukraine and inside its own borders,Diplomats ananena kuti zinali zopats chilimbikitso kuti mayiko adzikhulupiranso dzikoli pambuyo polidzudzula kuti limaphwanya ufulu wa anthu ku Ukraine ndi mdziko mwake momwe,politics,Online sources +en3266,"Russia had claimed it would win the votes of many member states - particularly developing nations - in the secret ballot, suggesting they privately sympathised with Moscow but avoided doing so in public to avoid angering Western states","Russia inanena kuti ipeza mavoti kuchokera ku mayiko ambiri-makamaka mayiko omwe akukwera kumene-pachisankho chachinsinsi, kubweretsa maganizo akuti ankayikira kumbuyo Moscow mwanchinsinsi koma ankapewa kupanga izi poyera kuopa kudana ndi mayiko a kuzambwe",politics,Online sources +en3267,"Russia is said to have campaigned aggressively, offering small countries grain and arms in return for their votes","Russia ikuganiziridwa kuti inakopa mwakhama mayikowa, popeleka kumayiko ang'onoang'ono zakudya ndi zida pofuna mavoti awo",politics,Online sources +en3268,"Moscow's ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, accused the US of leading a campaign to stop them from returning to the council","Kazembe wa Moscow ku UN, Vassily Nebenzia, anadzudzula dziko la US chifukwa chotsogolera kukopa mayiko kuti asiye kubwelera ku nthambiyi",politics,Online sources +en3269,"The state was suspended from the human rights council in April 2022 with 93 members of the UN general assembly voting in favour, 24 against and 58 abstaining","Dzikoli linayimitsidwa mu komiti yoona za ufulu mu April 2022 pamene mamembala 93 amu msonkhano waukulu wa UN anaponya voti mogwirizana nazo, 24 kutsutsana nazo ndi 58 sanaponye voti",politics,Online sources +en3270,The state was expelled from the top human rights body last April after its forces invaded Ukraine. It had hoped getting a fresh three-year term would highlight divisions between UN member states over whether or not to keep supporting Ukraine,Bomali linatulutsidwa mu nthambi yayikulu yoona za ufuluyi mu April 2022 pambuyo pakuti ankhondo ake anakathira nkhondo ku Ukraine. Linkaganiza kuti kupeza mwayi watsopano wa zaka zitatu zikanaonetsa poyera kugawikana komwe kunalipo pakati pa mayiko omwe ndi mamembala a UN pankhani yoti apitilire kuthandiza Ukraine kapena ayi,politics,Online sources +en3271,But Bulgaria and Albania won the two seats allocated for Eastern European countries instead. The vote came days after a Russian missile attack that killed 52 people in the north-eastern Ukrainian village of Hroza.,Koma Bulgaria ndi Albania inapeza mipando iwiri yomwe inapatsidwa kumayiko aku chigawo chakummawa kwa Europe. Chisankhochi chinachitika patadutsa masiku bomba lochoka lu Russia litapha anthu 52 kuchigawo chaku mpoto kwa mudzi wa Hroza ku Ukraine ,politics,Online sources +en3272,"Russia received 83 votes in favour from the UN's 193 general assembly members, while Bulgaria got 160 and Albania got 123. Earlier, Albania's ambassador Ferit Hoxha had said it was important for member states to show it was not ready to ""take an arsonist for a firefighter’","Russia inalandira mavoti 83 oyikomera kuchokera ku mayiko 193, pamene Bulgaria inapeza 160 ndipo Albania inapeza 123. Poyambilira, kazembe wa Albania Ferit Hoxha anali anayankhula kuti kunali kofunika kuti mayiko awonetse kuti sanali okonzeka ""kutenga woyatsa moto ngati wothimitsa moto""",politics,Online sources +en3273,"Russia had promised to find ""adequate solutions for human rights issues"" and said it wanted to stop the body becoming an ""instrument which serves political wills of one group of countries""","Russia inalonjeza kuti ipeza ""mayankho okwanira pa nkhani za maufulu a anthu"" ndipo inanena kuti imafuna kuyimitsa bungweli kusanduka ""chida chomwe chikutumikira zofuna za a ndale kuchokera kugulu limodzi lamayiko""",politics,Online sources +en3274,The engagement seeks to contribute towards developing the 2025 agenda for women with the aim of getting them organised in readiness for the next general elections,"Zokambiranazi zikufuna kuthandiza kupeza mitu ikuluikulu ya 2025 yokhuza amayi, ndi cholinga chowakonzekeretsa podikira chisankho cha dziko chikubwerachi",politics,Online sources +en3275,"Participants at the meeting are dissecting some of their major impediments to political participation that manifest in the form of political, cultural and economic factor","Otenga mbali pamsonkhanowu akuphwasula zina mwa zowalepheretsa kutenga nawo mbali pa ndale zomwe zimaonekera mu njira ngati ndale, chikhalidwe komanso nkhani zachuma",politics,Online sources +en3276,"Finally, several Participating States have undertaken special measures in recent years to reduce the number of pending cases","Pomaliza, mayiko ambiri otenga mbali ayika njira zapadera muzaka zaposachedwazi kuchepetsa kuchuluka kwa nkhani zomwe sidzinathe",politics,Online sources +en3277,"Among others, participants have observed that the projects have inculcated an understanding of the basic principles of democracy which has led to inter and intra party tolerance, policy advocacy and helped build confidence among women and youth in political participation","Mwa zina, nthumwi zaona kuti ntchitozi zabweretsa kuzindikira pa mfundo za ulamuliro wokomera anthu onse zomwe zadzetsa kulolerana pakati pa zipani komanso mkati mwa zipani, kumenyera kusintha mfundo ndi malamulo ndikuthandiza kubwezeretsa chikhulupiliro mwa azimayi ndi achinyamata kutenga mbali pa ndale",politics,Online sources +en3278,The meetings are part of a series of meetings with party leaders that are intended to lobby with them for their buy-in into the idea of establishing a Platform for Dialogue for Party Leaders,Misonkhanoyi ndi mbali ya misonkhano yambiri ndi atsogoleri a zipani yomwe cholinga chake ndikumemeza kuti ayikire kumbuyo ganizo lofuna kukhadzikitsa bwalo lazokambirana la atsogoleri a zipani,politics,Online sources +en3279,"Once established, the Platform for Dialogue for Party Leaders will provide a platform for them to engage in a constructive way to ensure that they are rallying the country towards a shared development vision","Likakhadzikitsidwa, bwalo lazokambirana la atsogoleri a zipanili lipeleka mwayi kuti adzikambirana zakupsa pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti akukopa dziko kuti likhale ndi masomphenya ovomerezeka a chitukuko ",politics,Online sources +en3280,"After going through back to back elections in 2019 and 2020, political parties under their umbrella secretariat of the Centre for Multiparty Democracy sat down do to some soul searching","Pambuyo podutsa mu zisankho zotsatizana mu 2019 ndi 2020, zipani zandale pansi pa mlembi wa zipani, Centre for Multiparty Democracy, anakhala panzi kuti adzifunse paokha mmene zinayendera",politics,Online sources +en3281,"To some parties, it was about finding ways of consolidating their gains while to others it was an opportunity to revisit the past to see what went wrong so as to right the future. The sessions, surely, were so loaded and encompassing","Kwa zipani zina, inali njira yoyika pamodzi zabwino zomwe apeza pamene kwa ena unali mwayi woti abwelere mbuyo ndikuona zomwe zinalakwika ndicholinga chokonza za mtsogolo. Misonkhanoyi, ndithu, inali yothandiza komanso yokhuza magawo ambiri ",politics,Online sources +en3282,"However, the common denominator was to ensure that democracy continues to thrive through the nurturing of resilient political blocks","Komabe, mfundo yayikulu inali yofuna kuonetsetsa kuti ulamuliro wokomera anthu onse ukupitilira kukhadzikika kudzera mukukometsa zochitika mzipani",politics,Online sources +en3283,"The meetings brought together district governors, directors of women, and directors of youth from 17 districts of the country to interface with the respective senior members of their political parties who are also members of the board of CMD","Misonkhanoyi inabweretsa pamodzi atsogoleri a mmaboma, atsogoleri a amayi, atsogoleri a achinyamata kuchokera mmaboma 17 a mdziko muno kuti akambirane maso ndi maso ndi akuluakulu azipani zawo zandale omwenso ndi mamembala a bungwe la CMD",politics,Online sources +en3284,"The reflection sessions also dubbed Post-election healing sessions were conducted in Mzuzu, targeting northern region districts, in Lilongwe, targeting central region districts, and in Blantyre targeting southern region districts","Misonkhano yolingalira yi yomwenso inatchulidwa kuti kuchira pambuyo pachisankho inachitikira ku Mzuzu kutsatira maboma a chigawo chakumpoto, ku Lilongwe kutsatira maboma a chigawo chapakati komanso ku Blantyre kutsatira maboma a chigawo chakummwera",politics,Online sources +en3285,"Political parties which included AFORD, DPP, MCP, PP, UDF, and UTM embraced this opportunity to seriously reflect on their strength and weaknesses during the past elections","Zipani zandale zomwe zinali AFORD, DPP, MCP, PP, UDF ndi UTM zinalandira mwayi umenewu kuti zilingalire za mphamvu ndi kufooka kwawo mu zisankho zambuyo",politics,Online sources +en3286,They also engaged themselves in attempts to figure out lessons that they have learned and actions for successful performance in future elections,Anafunsananso okhaokha poyesera kupeza maphunziro omwe aphunzira ndi zomwe angachite kuti adzapambane pazisankho zamtsogolo,politics,Online sources +en3287,"During these sessions, views and experiences from the district governors/chairpersons, directors of women, and directors of youth were shared with members of Executive committees","Pa misonkhano imeneyi, apampando a mmaboma, apampando a amayi ndi apampando a achinyamata anagawana maganizo komanso zomwe akhala akuona ndi mamembala a komiti yayikulu",politics,Online sources +en3288,When completed the guidelines will help give guidance on how best youth wings can be run so that they are productive and instrumental to the realization of shared vision of the main parties,"Akamaliza, ndondomekozi zidzathandiza kuwongolera mmene angayendetsere nthambi za achinyamata ndi cholinga chakuti adzikhala opindulitsa ndi othandiza pokwaniritsa masomphenya a zipani zikuluzikulu",politics,Online sources +en3289,"Until the Supreme Court delivered its judgment, the Commission believed that it had a legal duty to establish when the election should have been held and placed 2nd July, 2020 as date for Fresh Presidential Elections","Kufika pomwe bwalo lalikulu la milandu linapeleka chigamulo chake, bungweli linkakhulupilira kuti linali ndi udindo pa malamulo kukhadzikitsa nthawi yomwe chisankho chidzachitike ndipo anasankha pa 2 July 2020 ngati tsiku la chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3290,"After the delivery of judgment by the Supreme Court, it was settled that the National Assembly had the mandate to set the date for the Fresh Presidential Elections. The National Assembly, therefore set 23rd June, 2020 as date for the holding of Fresh Presidential Election","Bwalo lalikulu la milandu litapeleka chigamulo, zinakhazikitsidwa kuti nyumba ya malamulo inali ndi mphamvu zokhadzikitsa tsiku la chisankho chatsopano cha mtsgoleri wa dziko. Nyumba ya malamulo, choncho inakhadzikitsa 23 June 2020 ngati tsiku lodzachita chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3291,This report highlights all activities implemented during the Fresh Presidential Election including preparatory activities encompassing measures taken by the Commission to satisfy orders pronounced in the courts judgments. The last part of the report offers recommendations on the conduct of future elections,"Lipoti ili likuonetsa ntchito zonse zomwe zinagwiridwa panthawi ya chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko kuphatikiza ntchito zokonzekera, ndinso ndondomeko zotsatidwa ndi bungweli kuti akwaniritse zigamulo za bwalo la milandu. Kumapeto kwake kuli malangizo a mmene zisankho zamtsogolo zingadzayendere",politics,Online sources +en3292,Elections are a primary tool for increasing awareness and participation in political processes. The Fresh Presidential Elections recorded a 64% voter turnout and 1.26% of null and void votes,Chisankho ndi chida chokhacho chachikulu chowonjezera kudziwitsa anthu ndi kutenga mbali pa zochitika za ndale. Chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko chinali ndi anthu 64 pa 100 aliwonse omwe anabwera kudzaponya voti komanso 1.26% ya mavoti osavomerezeka ,politics,Online sources +en3293,That party monitors should be referred to as party representatives as provided in the Parliamentay and Presidential Elections Act (PPEA),Oyimilira zipani za zisankho adzidziwika kuti oyimira zipani monga momwe malamulo oyendetsera zisankho za nyumba ya malamulo ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko akunenera,politics,Online sources +en3294,That the Commission cannot delegate its quasi-judicial authority. It is the duty of the Commission to determine electoral complaints and petitions. That alterations made on electoral forms are unlawful and as such an irregularity,Kuti bungweli silingapeleke kwa ena mphamvu zake pa malamulo. Ndi udindo wa bungweli kugamula pa madandaulo ndi mapempho okuza zisankho. Kuti kusintha komwe kwachitika pa zikalata za zisankho kunali kosavomerezeka pa malamulo ndipo izi zinali zolakwika,politics,Online sources +en3295,All Records must be preserved and kept and transferred to the Commission for purposes of determination of results. The Commission must determine all complaints and must present a summary of complaints received and how they have been resolved,"Zikalata zonse zikuyenera kutetezedwa, kusungidwa komanso kupititsidwa ku bungweli kuti akadzigiwiritse ntchito kuona zotsatira. Bungweli likuyenera kuyankha madandaulo onse ndikulengeza mwachidule madandaulo onse omwe alandiridwa ndipo mmene athanirana nawo",politics,Online sources +en3296,Determination of results must be from records received from all polling stations and districts. All forms must conform with the Regulations. Determination of winner to be based on 50% + One Vote,Kupeza zotsatira kuyenera kutsatire zonse zomwe alandira kuchokera mmalo oponyera mavoti komanso mmaboma onse. Zikalata zonse zitsatire malamulo. Kupeza wopambana kutsamire pa voti ya 50+1 ,politics,Online sources +en3297,The Malawi Electoral Commission always strives towards attaining its vision to be a highly professional Electoral Management Body that delivers credible elections in Malawi,Bungwe la chisankho la Malawi Electral nthawi zonse limayetsetsa kukwaniritsa masomphenya ake ofuna kukhala akatakwe oyendetsa chisankho omwe amachititsa zisankho chovomerezeka,politics,Online sources +en3298,The Commission also appointed constituency election coordinators for each constituency to support the Commission in implementing logistics in the constituency including distribution and retrieval of election materials in polling stations,Bungweli linasankhanso oyendetsa chisankho mmadera kuti athandizire bungweli kukwaniritsa ntchito zonse kuderako kuphatikizirapo kugawa ndi kutolera zipangizo zonse kuchokera mmalo oponyera voti,politics,Online sources +en3299,"There were uncertainties surrounding the date for the polling. Initially the Commission was working towards 2nd July 2020, however, eventually Parliament through a resolution set 23rd June 2020 as the date of polling",Panali kukayikira pa zatsiku loponyera voti. Poyambilira bungweli limagwira ntchito kukonzekera pa 2 July 2020 koma nyumba ya malamulo kudzera mu chigamulo anayika 23 June 2020 ngati tsiku lachisankho,politics,Online sources +en3300,"Subsequently, on the 11th of June 2020 the Commission met and resolved to gazette the 23rd June 2020 as the Polling Date in compliance with the resolution by Parliament. The Commission, therefore, adjusted its calendar accordingly","Potsatira izi, pa 11 June 2020 bungweli linakumana ndi kugwirizana kuti akhadzikitse pa mlozo wawo 23 June 2020 ngati tsiku lachisankho pokwaniritsa chigamulo cha nyumba yamalamulo. Choncho bungweli linasintha mlozo wake moyenera",politics,Online sources +en3301,"During the second phase of the registration, planned for the mandatory 14 days before the Supreme Court provided direction on the voters for the FPE, the Police pulled out the security provision function as they had indicated to have had their focus on covid-19 enforcement","Mu gawo lachiwiri lakalembera wachisankho, wokonzedwa kuti achitike masiku khumi ndi anayi oyikika bwalo lalikulu la milandu lisanapeleke chitsogozo pa za chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko, nthambi yachitetezo chamdziko inachotsa ntchito yawo ya chitetezo pakuti ananena kuti anatangwanika ndi kulimbikitsa malamulo a Covid-19",politics,Online sources +en3302,"In April 2020, the government announced some measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. One of the preventive measures was restriction on the number of gatherings and accordingly, the Commission dropped off some of the strategies used in mobilizing voters like road shows, drama shows in order to address issues of social distance","Mu April 2020, boma linalengeza ndondomeko zina zofuna kuchepetsa kufala kwa mliri wa Covid-19. Imodzi mwa njira zopewera inali kuchepetsa kuchuluka kwa anthu osonkhana pamalo amodzi, motero bungweli linachotsa njira zina zomemezera anthu monga zionetsero zammiseu, zisuzo ndi cholinga chofuna kutsatira nkhani zokhala motalikirana",politics,Online sources +en3303,"Although the other strategies were enhanced to ensure adequate coverage and delivery, a reduction in the cost was still recorded","Ngakhale njira zina zinalimbikitsidwa kuti afikire madera ambiri komanso anthu ambiri, ndalama zogwilira ntchito zinachepabe",politics,Online sources +en3304,"Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of airspace coupled with the need for 14- day quarantine, it was impossible to physically monitor the printing of ballot papers hence the affected budget line was intact","Chifukwa cha mliri wa Covid-19 komanso kutsekedwa kwa maulendo a mlengalenga kuphatikizapo kufunika kokhala modzipatula kwa masiku khumi ndi anayi, kunali kosatheka kupita kukaonelera kutsindika zikalata zoponyera voti kotero ndalama za ntchito imeneyi zinalipo zonse",politics,Online sources +en3305,The FPE especially after the Supreme Court judgement and subsequent setting of the date by Parliament led to activities being implemented concurrently to satisfy the set date. The resources meant for one activity ended up being enough for more others.,Chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko makamaka pambuyo pa chigamulo cha bwalo lalikulu la milandu ndi kutsatira nyumba yamalamulo kukhadzikitsa tsiku zinachititsa kuti ntchito zigwiridwe pamodzi kuti akwaniritse tsiku lokhadzikitsidwalo. Zipangizo za ntchito imodzi zimakwanira kuchitira ntchito zingapo,politics,Online sources +en3306,"For example, The Commission monitored campaign activities concurrently with the implementation of other electoral activities leading underutilisation of campaign monitoring budget provision","Mwachitsanzo, bungweli linayang'anira misonkhano yokopa anthu panthawi yomwe limagwiranso ntchito zina zokonzekera zisankho zomwe zinachititsa kuti ligwiritse ntchito ndalama zochepa pa ndalama zomwe zimayenera kugwira ntchito yoyang'anira misonkhano yokopa anthu",politics,Online sources +en3307,Following the delivery of the court judgements the Commission initiated the review of the Polling Procedures Manual and election forms. This was done to ensure compliance with court directives in the conduct of Fresh Presidential Elections,"Potsatira kupeleka kwa chigamulo ndi bwalo la milandu, bungweli linayambitsa kuunika mabuku ofotokozera kaponyedwe ka mavoti ndi zikalata za masankho. Izi zinachitidwa poonetsetsa kuti atsatira zomwe bwalo la milandu linalamula kuchitika pa chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3308,At some point the government instituted lockdown order the measures of which meant effectively stopping the electoral process,Panthawi ina boma linayika lamulo loti aliyense asayende zomwe zinkantanthauza kuti kuyimitsa zokonzekera chisankho ,politics,Online sources +en3309,"However, this was challenged in Court. On the part of the Commission, being a public institution, it meant conducting the process with full cautious of protecting the voters and candidates","Komabe izi zinatsutsidwa ndi ku bwalo lamilandu. Kumbali ya bungwe, pokhala yogwira ntchito ndi anthu, imayenera kuchita zokonzekera mosamala kwambiri kuti atetedze anthu oponya voti komanso opikisana pachisankho",politics,Online sources +en3310,Many ways of doing things changed including dropping off some strategies in voter education and provision of personal protectives equipment or measures to electoral staff and stakeholders. It was observed that covid-19 measures and guidelines were not fully observed during political campaign activities,Njira zambiri zochitira zinthu zinasintha kuphatikiza kuchotsa ndondomeko zina pophunzitsa anthu zakavotedwe ndi kugawa zodzitetezera kumatenda kapena njira zopewera kwa ogwira ntchito zachisankho ndi onse okhuzidwa. Zinadziwika kuti njira zopewere ndi ndondomeko za Covid-19 sidzimatsatidwa panthawi ya zochitika za ndale zokopa anthu ,politics,Online sources +en3311,The Commission conducted phase 1 of voter registration for 13 days before stopping following pending lockdown due to Covid-19,Bungweli linachita gawo loyamba lakalembera mukaundula wamasankho kwa masiku khumi ndi atatu asanayimitse kutsatira chiletso choyenda chifukwa cha Covid-19,politics,Online sources +en3312,"The registration resumed following an injunction restraining the implementation of the lockdown. On 8th May 2020, with two days to the phase two voter registration, the Supreme Court issued its ruling on the Presidential Elections case appeal","Kalembera anayambiranso potsatira chiletso, kukaniza lamulo loti anthu asamayende. Pa 8 May 2020, pali masiku awiri kuti gawo lachiwiri lakalembera wamavoti liyambe, bwalo lalikulu lamilandi linalengeza chigamulo chake pa mlandu wa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online sources +en3313,"In the judgement, the Supreme Court ordered that the franchise should be restricted to 2019 election registrants","Mu chigamulochi, bwalo lalikulu la milanduli linalamula kuti alole okhawo omwe analembetsa pa chisankho cha 2019",politics,Online sources +en3314,All those who registered in phase one and two were therefore quarantined and not added to the voters register to be used for the Fresh Presidential Elections,Onse omwe analembetsa mu gawo loyamba ndi lachiwiri analetsedwa ndipo sanaphatikizidwe mukaundula wamavoti woti agwiritsidwe ntchito pa chisankho chatsopno cha mtsogoleri wa dziko,politics,Online sources +en3315,"The voter population used in the 2020 Fresh Presidential Election was therefore the same as in the May 2019 elections which was 6,859,570","Chiwerengero cha anthu oponya mavoti chogwiritsidwa mu chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 2020 choncho chinali chomwecho cha chisankho cha mwezi wa May 2019 chomwe chinali 6,859,570",politics,Online sources +en3316,Inspection Supervisors were provided with inspection guidelines instead of face-to-face training sessions as there was limited time,Oyendera anapatsidwa ndondomeko zoyendera mmalo mwa maphunziro okumana pamodzi chifukwa panalibe nthawi yokwanira,politics,Online sources +en3317,No vehicles were used to distribute and retrieve voters register and inspection materials instead inspection. Supervisors used public transport and were given transport refunds based on distances.,Panalibe galimoto zogwira ntchito kugawa ndi kutolera mabuku a mavoti komanso zida zogwiritsa ntchito poyang'anira masankho mmalo mwake oyang'anira masankho anagwiritsa ntchito mayendedwe wamba ndipo anabwezeredwa ndalama zawo kutengera mtunda womwe anayenda,politics,Online sources +en3318,There was also an online platform set up using dialing code *720# to enable voters verify their details and to know their polling station number,Panalinso tsamba la internet lomwe anthu amayimba ku *720# kulola ovota kutsimikiza mayina awo ndikudziwa mzere womwe adzayime poponya voti,politics,Online sources +en3319,Non-availability of security personnel in registration centres especially in phase two of the registration compromised security of staff and equipment,Kusapezeka kwa a chitetezo mmalo olembetsera mavoti makamaka gawo lachiwiri lakalembera kunachepetsa chitetezo cha ogwira ntchito komanso zida,politics,Online sources +en3320,"In accordance with the applicable electoral law for one to contest as a presidential candidate, the aspirant could stand in the fresh presidential election after being nominated by a registered political party or stand as an independent candidate","Potsatira malamulo oyendetsera chisankho kuti munthu apikisane nawo ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko, wofunayu akanatha kuyima pa chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko atasankhidwa ndi chipani chomwe chili mukaundula wa zipani kapena kupikisana nawo ngati woyima payekha ",politics,Online sources +en3321,"The Commission received nomination papers from three candidates on 6th and 7th May, 2020 at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre. This was out of nine candidates who had collected nomination papers and expressed readiness to present their nomination papers",Bungweli linalandira zikalata zofuna kupikisana kuchokera kwa opikisana atatu pa 6 ndi 7 May 2020 ku malo ogona alendo a Mount Soche ku Blantyre. Awa anali mwa opikisana asanu ndi anayi omwe anatenga zikalata zofuna kupikisana ndi kuonetsa kukonzeka kupeleka zikalata zawo zofuna kuyima nawo,politics,Online sources +en3322,"As it turned out, on 8th May, 2020 the Supreme Court delivered its judgment on the presidential election appeal case which gave new direction regarding candidates","Mmene zinakhalira, pa 8 May 2020, bwalo lamilandu lalikulu linapeleka chigamulo chake pa mlandu wa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko chomwe chinapeleka chitsogozo pa opikisana pa chisankho",politics,Online sources +en3323,"The court directed that only candidates who contested in 2019 presidential elections were eligible to contest in the Fresh Presidential polls. Fortunately, there were no new entrants among the three candidates who submitted their nomination papers on 6th and 7th March, 2020","Bwalo linalamula kuti okhawo omwe anapikisana nawo pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 2019 anali oyenera kupikisana nawo pa chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko. Mwamwayi, panabe olowa nawo atsopano mwa opikisana atatuwa omwe anakapeleka zikalata zofuna kupikisana nawo pa 6 ndi 7 May 2020",politics,Online sources +en3324,The Commission hesitated in making decision on the commencement of the printing due to uncertainties surrounding the date of polling,Bungweli linakayika kupanga chiganizo cha nthawi yoyamba kutsindikiza zikalata zovotera chifukwa cha kusakhazikika kwa tsiku loponyera voti,politics,Online sources +en3325,The Commission granted the authority for commencement of the printing of ballot papers on the same date of 11th June 2020. The Commission authorised printing on the basis of the representations of the Printer,Bungweli linapeleka chilolezo kuyamba kutsindikiza zikalata zovotera patsiku lomwelo la 11 June 2020. Bungweli linaloleza kutsindikiza potengera dandaulo la wotsindikiza,politics,Online sources +en3326,"Among others the printer had indicated that any further delay in giving printing instructions would have increased the cost of the work exponentially, since there would be need to charter a delivery airplane","Mwa zina, wotsindikiza ananena kuti kupitilira kuchedwa kupeleka chilolezo chotsindikiza zikweza ndalama zogwilira ntchito kwambiri, chifukwa padzafunika kupeza ndege yapadera yodzasiya ",politics,Online sources +en3327,The cost of that airplane would have to be paid for upfront before airlifting of the materials in Dubai for delivery of the ballot papers in the country on 19th June 2020 which was four days to the Polling Day,Ndalama zolipira ndege imeneyi zikuyeneranso kupelekedwa asananyamule katundu kuchokera ku Dubai kuti zikalata zovotera zidzafike mdziko muno pa 19 June 2020 yomwe inali masiku anayi kufika tsiku lachisankho,politics,Online sources +en3328,The printing of ballot papers proceeded without the supervision of the Commission and monitoring by contesting political party representatives due to travel restrictions in view of the covid-19 pandemic,Kutsindikiza zikalata zovotera kunapitilira popanda oyang'anira kuchokera ku bungweli ndiponso kuonelera ndi oyimira zipani zandale zomwe zimapikisana chifukwa cha ziletso za maulendo potsatira mliri wa Covid-19,politics,Online sources +en3329,The ballot papers arrived in Malawi through Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe on 19th June 2020 from where distribution to constituency nerve centres started immediately witnessed by political party representatives from the contesting parties,Zikalata zovotera zinafika ku Malawi kudzera pa bwalo la ndege la Kamuzu ku Lilongwe pa 19 June 2020 komwe zinayamba kugawidwa nthawi yomweyo kupita madera ovotera komwe oyimira zipani za ndale zomwe zimapikisana anachitira umboni,politics,Online sources +en3330,Campaigning affords contestants an opportunity to sell themselves and articulate their policies to the electorate.,Misonkhano yokopa anthu imapeleka mwayi kwa opikisana kudzigulitsa okha ndi kufotokozera mfundo zawo kwa ovota,politics,Online sources +en3331,"In addition, campaigning allows citizens to make informed decisions on their choices on prospective representatives who will govern them","Kuphatikiza apa, misonkhano yokopa anthu imathandiza anthu kupanga chiganizo choyenera pa zomwe akufuna pa omwe adzawalamulire",politics,Online sources +en3332,"The voter education was also designed and conducted to empower the general public with voter information as the law stipulates, thereby reducing the number of null and void votes below the 1.9% achieved in 2019","Maphunziro akavotedwe anakonzedwanso ndi kuchitidwa kuti apeleke mphamvu kwa anthu powapatsa uthenga wakasankhidwe monga mmene malamulo akunenera, potero kuchepetsa mavoti owonongeka ndi osavomerezeka kuti asapyole 1.9% ya 2019",politics,Online sources +en3333,The Commission also facilitated the monitoring and observation by stakeholders in various electoral processes,Bungweli linatsogoleranso kuyang'anira ndi kuonelera kwa magulu okhuzidwa pa zochitika zosiyanasiyana za chisankho,politics,Online sources +en3334,The Commission implemented several media and public relations initiatives during the 2020 Fresh Presidential election,Bungweli linagwira ntchito zofalitsa mauthenga ndi kulumikizana ndi anthu panthawi ya chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko cha 2020,politics,Online sources +en3335,"As one way of keeping the electorate informed, there were recorded programmes as well as television and radio jingles produced for all major electoral activities","Ngati njira imodzi yodziwitsa ovota, panali mauthenga ojambulidwa komanso mauthenga apa kanema ndi wayilesi omwe anakonzedwa pa zochitika zikuluzikulu zonse zachisankho",politics,Online sources +en3336,"The Commission also placed adverts in the newspapers, which were mostly in the form of press statements","Bungweli linayikanso malonda mmanyuzipepala, omwe kwakukulu anali ngati mauthenga apadera",politics,Online sources +en3337,"Dependant: A person who relies on another for support. In the migration context, a spouse and minor children are generally considered “dependants”, even if the spouse is not financially dependent","Wodalira: Munthu yemwe akudalira wina pa chithandizo. Pa nkhani zochoka mdziko, mkazi kapena mwamuna wako ndi ana ang'onoang'ono amatengedwa kuti ndiwodalira, ngakhale mkazi/mwamuna wakoyo sakudalira iweyo pachuma",politics,Online sources +en3338,"Detention: Restriction on freedom of movement, usually through confinement, of a person by government authorities","Kusingidwa mowumirizidwa: Kuletsa ufulu woyenda, makamaka posunga payekha munthu ndi nthambi za boma",politics,Online sources +en3339,Exclusion clause: Legal provisions that deny the benefits of international protection to persons who would otherwise satisfy the criteria for refugee status,Kupatula/kusalidwa: Gawo lamalamulo lomwe limakaniza kulandira chitetezo cha mayiko kwa anthu omwe akanakwaniritsa zofunikira za wothawa mdziko lakwawo,politics,Online sources +en3340,Expulsion: An act by an authority of the State with the intention and with the effect of securing the removal of a person or persons (usually non-nationals or stateless persons) against their will from the territory of that State,Kuthamangitsidwa: Mchitidwe wa bungwe la boma ndi cholinga komanso kufuna kuchotsa munthu kapena anthu makamaka omwe simzika za dzikolo mowawumiriza kuchoka mdzikomo ,politics,Online sources +en3341,Family reunification: Process whereby family members separated through forced or voluntary migration regroup in a country other than the one of their origin.,Kubwelera pabanja: Ndondomeko zomwe anthu apabanja omwe analekana chifukwa chokakamizidwa kapena kuchoka kwawo amakumananso mdziko lomwe silakwawo,politics,Online sources +en3342,Freedom of movement: freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.”,Ufulu woyenda: Ufulu woyenda ndi kukhala paliponse mdziko,politics,Online sources +en3343,Group-based protection: Approaches whereby the protection and assistance needs of refugees are addressed without previously determining their status on an individual basis,Chitetezo chotengera gulu: ndondomeko zomwe zofunika pa chitetezo ndi thandizo kwa mzika zothawa kwawo zimapelekedwa posayanga'anira zosoweka pamunthu aliyense payekhapayekha,politics,Online sources +en3344,"Integration: Generally, the process by which migrants become accepted into society, both as individuals and groups. Integration implies consideration of the rights and obligations of migrants and host societies, of access to different kinds of services and the labour market, and of identification and respect for a core set of values that bind migrants and host communities in a common purpose","Kulowelerana: Kwambiri, ndondomeko zomwe mzika za mayiko ena zimaloledwa kukhala pakati pa anthu, ngati munthu payekha kapena ngati gulu. Kulowelerana kumatanthauza kuganizira ufulu ndi zofunikira za mzika za mayiko ena ndi anthu omwe akukhalanawo, kapezedwe ka zinthu zosiyanasiyana komanso misika yantchito, komanso kuzindikira ndi kulemekeza zikhalidwe zonse zomwe zimatsogolera mzika za mayiko ena ndi anthu omwe akukhala nawo nawo kumachita zofanana",politics,Online sources +en3345,"Interception: Any measure applied by a State outside its national territory to prevent, interrupt, or stop the movement of persons without required documentation from crossing borders by land, air or sea, and making their way to the country of prospective destination","Kugwidwa: Njira zina zilizonse zomwe dziko limatsatira kunja kwa dziko lake kupewa, kusokoneza, kapena kuyimitsa kuyenda kwa anthu popanda zikalata zovomerezeka ndi kudutsa mmalire podzera panthaka, mlengalenga kapena pamadzi, popita kudziko komwe akulakalaka kukafikira",politics,Online sources +en3346,Judicial Review: A court’s review of a lower court’s or an administrative body’s factual or legal findings,Kuunika malamulo: Kuunika ndi bwalo lalikulu lamilamdu chigamulo cha bwalo la milandu laling'ono,politics,Online sources +en3347,"Permanent residence: The right, granted by the authorities of a host country to a non-national, to live and work in the territory on a permanent (unlimited or indefinite) basis","Kukhazikika mdziko: Ufulu wopelekedwa ndi ulamuliro wa dziko lomwe likusunga munthu yemwe simzika, kuti adzikhala ndikugwira ntchito mmadera a mdzikolo kwanthawi zonse, popanda malire a nthawi",politics,Online sources +en3348,"Readmission agreement: Agreement that addresses procedures, on a reciprocal basis, for one State to return non-nationals in an irregular situation to their home State or a State through which they have transited","Mgwirizano wololedwanso: mgwirizano womwe umaunika ndondomeko, munjira yochitirana, kuti dziko lina libweze anthu omwe simzika ndipo alibe pogwira kudziko lakwawo kapena kudziko lomwe adutsirako",politics,Online sources +en3349,"Reception centre: A location with facilities for receiving, processing and attending to the immediate needs of refugees or asylum-seekers as they arrive in a country of asylum","Malo olandilira: Awa ndi malo omwe ali ndi gawo lolandilira, kuthandiza komanso kumva zofunika za mzika zothawa kwawo kapena osaka malo pamene akufika mdziko lomwe athawira",politics,Online sources +en3350,Removal: The act of a State in the exercise of its sovereignty in removing a non-national from its territory to his or her country of origin or a third country after refusal of admission or termination of permission to remain,"Kuchotsedwa: Nchitidwe wa dziko, poonetsa kuyima palokha, kuchotsa omwe simzika kuchoka mmadera ake kumupititsa dziko lakwawo kapena dziko lina atakanidwa kuti akhale kapena atachotsa chilolezo choti akhale ",politics,Online sources +en3351,Resettlement: The transfer of refugees from the country in which they have sought refuge to another State that has agreed to admit them. The refugeeswill usually be granted asylum or some other form of long-term rights,Kupititsa anthu kudera lina: Kunyamula anthu othawa kwawo kuchoka dziko lomwe akusungidwa kuwapititsa ku dziko lina komwe avomera kuti awasunga. Mzika zothawa kwawo nthawi zambiri zimapatsidwa mwayi wokhala kapena maufulu ena a nthawi yayitali,politics,Online sources +en3352,Return: The act of a person returning to his or her country or place of origin or habitual residence. See also Voluntary return,Kubwelera: Zochita za munthu pakubwelera ku dziko kapena dera lomwe amakhala. Onaninso kubwelera mwakufuna yekha,politics,Online sources +en3353,"Revocation: Rescinding, withdrawing or cancelling of permission or status granted","Kulandidwa: Kubweza, kuchotsa, kulepheretsa chilolezo kapena mwayi wopelekedwa",politics,Online sources +en3354,Safe country of origin: The country of a person’s nationality or habitual residence where effective protection can be sought and secured. A safe country of origin does not generally produce refugees,Dziko la chitetezo lochokera: Dziko lobadwira munthu kapena komwe amakhala kumene angafunsire ndi kupeza chitetezo. Dziko lachitetezo lochokera kwambiri sikuchokera anthu othawa kwawo,politics,Online sources +en3355,"Safe third country: A country in which an asylum-seeker could have had access to an effective asylum regime, and in which he or she has been physically present prior to arriving in the country in which he or she is applying for asylum","Dziko lina lachitetezo: Dziko kumene ofunsira chitetezo akanapeza mwayi wolandira chitetezo chabwino, kumene iye wakhalako asafike mdziko lomwe akufunsira kuti adzakhale ngati mzika yothawa kwawo",politics,Online sources +en3356,Stateless person: A person who is not considered a national by any State under the operation of its law,Munthu wopanda kwawo: Munthu yemwe alibe umzika uliwonse ku dziko lina lirilonse potengera malamulo awo,politics,Online sources +en3357,"Temporary protection: Generally speaking, an arrangement developed by States to offer protection of a temporary nature to persons arriving from situations of conflict or generalised violence, often without prior individual status determination, or individually to persons who cannot return because of a generalised risk to the population in the country of origin","Chitetezo choyembekezera: Kunena zoona, chikonzero cha mayiko kuti adzipeleka chitetezo choyembekezera kwa anthu ofika kuchokera kumadera omwe kuli kusamvana kapena zipolowe, asanafufudze za munthuyo, kapena payekhapayekha kwa anthu omwe sangabwelere chifukwa cha chiopsezo chomwe mzika za dziko lochokeralo chili nazo",politics,Online sources +en3358,"Unaccompanied minor: A person below the legal age of majority who is not accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult who by law or custom is responsible for the minor","Ana oyenda okha: Munthu yemwe sanafike msinkhu womwe anthu ambiri ali, yemwe sakupelekezedwa ndi kholo, womuyang'anira kapena wina wamkulu yemwe pamalamulo kapena chikhalidwe ali ndi udindo wosamalira mwanayu",politics,Online sources +en3359,Unauthorised entry: Act of crossing the borders of a State without complying with the necessary requirements for legal entry of that State,Kulowa opanda chilolezo: Mchitidwe wooloka mmalire a dziko popanda kutsatira zoyenelela zoti alowere motsata malamulo a dzikolo,politics,Online sources +en3360,"Visa: An endorsement by a consular officer in a passport or a certificate of identity that indicates that the officer, at the time of issuance, believes the holder to fall within a category of non-nationals who can be admitted under the State’s laws","Visa: Chilolezo chopelekedwa ndi wogwira ntchito za ukazembe mu chiphaso choyendera kapena chiphaso chozindikiritsa kuti wogwira ntchito, panthawi yopeleka, akukhulupilira kuti mwini wake ali gulu lomwe simzika, yemwe angaloledwe kulowa potsatira malamulo adzikolo",politics,Online sources +en3361,Voluntary return: The assisted or independent return to the country of origin based on the refugee’s free and informed decision,Kubwelera mwakufuna: Kubwelera kothandizidwa kapena kwa iye mwini ku dziko lochokera potengera ufulu ndi chiganizo cha wothawa kwawo,politics,Online sources +en3362,"One of the most striking observations is the continuous decline in applications received from Somalia and Iraq. Both countries of origin still remain in the top 10 countries but are no longer part of the top three countries, and in 2012, even fell out of the top five",Chimodzi mwa zinthu zomwe zaoneka ndi kupitilira kuchepa kwa makalata ofunsira olandilidwa kuchokera ku Somalia ndi Iraq. Mayiko awiri ochokerawa akhalabe mu mayiko khumi oyambilira koma pano salinso amodzi mwa atatu oyambilira ndipo mu 2012 anachoka pa mayiko asanu oyambilira,politics,Online sources +en3363,"Participating States are increasingly recognising the need to monitor, maintain and improve the quality of refugee status determination processes. Several States have quality-assurance systems in place that go beyond the regular supervision of caseworkers and draft decisions. Some, such as Ireland, have separate quality units or quality managers","Mayiko otenga mbali akupitlirabe kuvomereza kufunuka koyang'anira, kusamala komanso kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zounikira zilolezo za anthu othawa kwawo. Mayiko ambiri anayika njira zopimira ntchito kuti zikhale zapamwamba zomwe zimapyola kungoyang'anira ogwira ntchito zowunikira komanso kupanga ziganizo. Ena monga Ireland ali ndi nthambi zoyima pazokha kapena ogwira ntchito owunika kagwiridwe kantchito",politics,Online sources +en3364,"There is growing attention being paid to the vulnerability of certain asylum-seekers, and to the negative impact this vulnerability may have on their access to protection","Pali kukula kwa chidwi chomwe chikuyikidwa pa kusowa kuthekera kwa othawa kwawo, ndipo zosamwitsa zomwe kusowa kuthekeraku kukubweretsa pa kapezedwe ka chitetezo",politics,Online sources +en3365,"This is clearly the case for unaccompanied minors and victims of human trafficking, but also for asylum-seekers whose claims are based on gender issues, sexual orientation or gender identity","Izi zikuonekeratu poyera pa nkhani za ana omwe ali okha ndiponso anthu ozembetsedwa kwawo komanso othawa kwawo omwe zoyankhula zawo zikutsamira pa nkhani za kusasiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, chibadwidwe kapena chikhalidwe",politics,Online sources +en3366,"Participating States such as Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain and Switzerland have developed specific guidance","Mayiko otenga mbali monga Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain and Switzerland anakhadzikitsa mfundo zowatsogolera",politics,Online sources +en3367,"Better cooperation between services or departments responsible for different asylum-related tasks is instrumental to increasing efficiency, as progress in one part of the chain is only useful if the other parts follow","Mgwirizano wabwino pakati pa ntchito kapena nthambi zoyang'anira ntchito zosiyanasiyana zoona othawa kwawo ndiwofunika kuti upititse patsogolo kuchita zinthu mwachangu, pakuti kutsogola kwa mbali imodzi kungakhale kofunikira ngati mbali zina zikuchita chimodzimodzi",politics,Online sources +en3368,"This form of chain management within the asylum system can be facilitated by concentrating different services in the same location (e.g. the Police and the Immigration Service share the same building, next to the main reception centre), and by digitising the asylum file and allowing all relevant actors access to this information","Ndondomeko iyi yopangira zinthu motsogozana mu ntchito zothandiza othawa kwawo ikhoza kufulumira ngati onse othandiza ali pamalo amodzi; mwachitsanzo achitetezo ndi owona anthu olowa ndi kutuluka mdziko akhale mnyumba imodzi, pafupi ndi malo olandilira anthu; komanso pogwiritsa ntchito ma computer kulembera othawa kwawo ndi kulola kuti onse otengapo mbali adzipeza mauthengawa",politics,Online sources +en3369,"If a person complies with the immigration process and is found not to be a risk to the community, they remain in the community until their immigration status is quickly and effectively resolved","Ngati munthu wakwaniritsa magawo onse a kulowa mdziko ndipo sakubweretsa chiopsezo kudera komwe ali, akhalebe kudera komweko mpaka kufunsira kwawo malo mdzikomo kuyankhidwe",politics,Online sources +en3370,"This community status resolution model manages non-vulnerable clients in the community, including unlawful non-citizens, who require a level of intervention to facilitate resolution of their case to a substantive immigration outcome","Njira yowasungira anthu kumadera komwe akukhala imayika chidwi pa omwe sali pachiosezo muderamo kuphatikizirapo omwe ndi mzika zosavomerezeka, omwe akufunika kuthandizidwa kuti nkhani zawo zikonzedwe kuti akhale pa ndandanda wa anthu olowa mdziko",politics,Online sources +en3371,"The service is premised on early engagement with the client, implementing a client plan, and cases being managed as quickly as practicable to a substantive immigration outcome. Clients are managed in ways that recognise their individual circumstances","Zochitika zatsamira pa kulumikizana mwansanga ndi wofuna kuthandizidwa, kukwaniritsa ndondomeko zothandizira, ndiponso nkhani zawo kukambidwa mwachangu kufika pakuti zikumveka. Ofuna thandizo athandizidwe munjira zomwe zikuzindikira zimene akukumana nazo payekhapayekha",politics,Online sources +en3372,"Where the case is assessed to meet the guidelines for referral to the Minister, the case is forwarded to the Minister in the form of a submission summarising the particulars of the case and the person’s immigration history when new information in support of the applicant’s claims for protection becomes available, or if there has been a change of circumstances in the applicant’s country of nationality, or habitual residence, and the information appears to be credible","Pomwe nkhani yaunikiridwa ndipo ikukwaniritsa zoyenereza kuti ipititsidwe kwa nduna, nkhaniyi imapititsidwa kwa nduna munjira ya pempho, kufotokoza zonse zokhuza nkhaniyi ndi mbiri ya ofuna chilolezo pamene umboni watsopano woyikira kumbuyo pempho lofuna chitetezo wapezeka kapena ngati pali kusintha kwa zinthu ku dziko lobadwira la ofunsira malo, kapena malo okhala ndipo umboniwu ukuoneka woona",politics,Online sources +en3373,The information raised must also meet one of the following requirements: It was not known to the applicant during the consideration of the previous application;,Umboni womwe wapezeka ukwaniritse zinthu zofunika zotsatirazi: Sidzimadziwika kwa ofunsira panthawi yomwe pempho lake lambuyo limaganiziridwa,politics,Online sources +en3374,"It was available to the applicant, but for plausible and compelling reasons, was not provided earlier. If the applicant has not exercised that right, they are not considered to be a person to whom the country has protection obligations and the application must be refused on the basis of section 36 (3) of the Act","Unalipo kwa wofunsira, koma pa zifukwa zomveka ndiponso zopatsa chidwi, sanaupeleke. Ngati wofunsira sanagwiritse ntchito ufulu wakewu, samatengedwa ngati munthu yemwe dzikolo likuyenera kumupatsa chitetezo ndipo wofunsira maloyu akanidwe potsatira gawo 36 (3) lamalamulo",politics,Online sources +en3375,"When undertaking an assessment of whether an applicant will have effective protection in a safe third country, decision-makers refer to the facts and circumstances of each application","Pochita kafukufuku woti ofunsira apatsidwe chitetezo mdziko lina, opanga ziganizo agwiritse ntchito umboni woona ndi mmene zinthu ziliri kumbali ya ofunsira malo",politics,Online sources +en3376,"Decisionmakers will consider information provided by the applicant, including visa and passport evidence, as well as take into account comprehensive up-to-date country information","Opanga ziganizo adzagwiritsa ntchito umboni womwe wapelekedwa ndi ofunsira kuphatikiza umboni wa zikalata ndi ziphaso, komanso kugwiritsa ntchito uthenga uliwonse wokhuza dziko lomwe akuchokera",politics,Online sources +en3377,"If a decision has been made to return a person to a safe third country, the applicant may have that decision reviewed in light of any new information or change in circumstance","Ngati chiganizo chapangidwa kuti munthuyo abwezedwe kudziko lina lopanda chiopsezo, wofunsira akhoza kupempha kuti ganizoli liwunikidwenso potengera umboni wina watsopano kapena kusintha kwa zinthu ",politics,Online sources +en3378,Persons who are found not to have engaged in the country’s protection obligations process may be returned to a country where they have a right of entry and long-term residence,Anthu omwe apezeka kuti sanagwiritse ntchito ndondomeko za chitetezo za dzikolo angathe kubwezedwa ku dziko komwe ali ndi ufulu wolowa komanso akhalako nthawi yayitali,politics,Online sources +en3379,"For those asylum-seekers who are subject to regional processing arrangements, processes are in place to ensure that transfers to a regional processing country are consistent with the country’s obligations, both in relation to the processing country and to countries where they may be subsequently sent","Kwa othawa kwawo omwe akuyenera kuthandizidwa kudzera mu ndondomeko za mayiko ena, payikidwe ndondomeko zoonetsetsa kuti nkhani yawo yapititsidwa ku dziko lomwe akathandizidwe motsatira malamulo a dziko limenelo, polingalira za dziko lomwe likuthandizalo komanso komwe angatumizidwe",politics,Online sources +en3380,"Asylum-seekers will not be expelled or returned to another country where their life or freedom would be threatened on account of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; or where there is a real risk that they will be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary deprivation of life or the imposition of the death penalty","Othawa dziko lakwawo sadzathamangitsidwa kapena kubwezedwa ku dziko lina komwe moyo wawo kapena maufulu awo akakhala pachiopsezo potengera mtundu, chipembezo, kobadwira, umembala wa magulu kapena maganizo awo pa ndale; kapena komwe kuli chiopsezo chenicheni kuti akakumana ndi kuzunzidwa, nkhanza, kunyazitsidwa kapena kulangidwa, kuphedwa mosalabira kapena kugamulidwa kuti akaphedwe",politics,Online sources +en3381,That section requires officers of the Department to remove an unlawful non-citizen as soon as is reasonably practicable,Gawo limeneli limafuna ogwira ntchito ku nthambiyi athamangitse anthu onse omwe simzika zamdziko ndipo akukhala mopanda chilolezo mwachangu,politics,Online sources +en3382,"The Act does not define a period of time that is considered as soon as reasonably practicable, but officers must ensure that there are no unwarranted delays in progressing and effecting a removal",Lamuloli silinayike nthawi yomwe ili yachangu koma ogwira ntchito aonetsetse kuti palibe zochedwetsa zopandapake kupitilira ndi kuthamangitsa anthu ,politics,Online sources +en3383,"Where a person’s claims have been fully assessed and the Government has determined that the person is not owed protection, a pre-removal clearance is conducted as a final measure prior to removal, if the person engages in particular risk factors","Pomwe madandaulo a munthu afufuzidwa mokwanira ndipo boma laona kuti munthuyo sakuyenera kupatsidwa chitetezo, adzachita dongosolo lovomereza ngati njira yotsikimizira asanamuchotse, ngati munthuyo akuchita zobweretsa chiopsezo",politics,Online sources +en3384,"It is designed to identify any changes in the person’s circumstances or in the country of return that may give rise to protection or humanitarian issues, and is independent of any other processes initiated by the person",Inapangidwa kuti izizindikira kusintha kulikonse pa zochitika pa munthu kapena ku dziko komwe akubwelera zomwe zingadzetse nkhani za chitetezo kapena kuzunzika kwa munthu ndipo sidalira ndondomeko zili zonse zoyambitsidwa ndi munthuyo,politics,Online sources +en3385,"In addition, at any stage a client can submit reasons why they cannot be removed from the country, which are assessed prior to removal","Moonjezera, munthu angathe kupeleka zifukwa panthawi ina iliyonse zoti asamuchotse mdziko, zomwe zimaunikidwa asachotsedwe",politics,Online sources +en3386,There are no restrictions on the freedom of movement of those applicants who entered the country lawfully and maintain their lawful status,Palibe zoletsa pa ufulu oyenda kwa onse ofunsira chilolezo omwe analowa mdziko motsata malamulo komanso akukhala motsatira malamulo,politics,Online sources +en3387,"However, with undocumented arrivals or where entry has been denied and they have requested protection, applicants will be detained to conduct health, character and security checks","Komabe, ndikufika kwa anthu mozemba kapena pomwe akanizidwa kulowa mdziko ndipo apempha chitetezo, ofunsa chilolezo adzasungidwa mokakamizidwa mpaka atayezedwa umoyo wawo, makhalidwe awo komanso kufufuza mbiri yawo",politics,Online sources +en3388,"If these persons pose no risk to the national interest or the community, they will be allowed to live in the community while their applications for refugee status are being considered","Ngati anthu amenewa sakubweretsa chiopsezo mdziko kapena mmadera omwe akukhala, adzaloledwa kukhala mmaderawo kwinaku pempho lawo lowalola kukhala ngati mzika zothawa kwawo likuuniridwa",politics,Online sources +en3389,"There are also provisions in place to apply an accelerated procedure in cases where the asylum seeker is being held in a closed centre, is subject to a security measure or is detained in a penitentiary","Pali magawo ena olola kuti pempho liwunikiridwe mwachangu pamene ofunsira malo okhala akusungidwa kumalo aokhaokha, akusungidwa chifukwa ndondomeko zachitetezo cha mdziko kapena akusungidwa kundende",politics,Online sources +en3390,"A court session is normally organised in every appeal case. However, the Council has the possibility to treat an appeal merely on the basis of written documents",Bwalo lamilandu zimakhazikitsidwa pa mlandu wina uliwonse otsutsa chigamulo. Komabe oweruza ali kuthekera kowunikira kutsutsa kwa chigamulo pogwiritsa ntchito zikalata zokha,politics,Online sources +en3391,Both the applicant and the deciding body nevertheless have the possibility to ask to be heard,Komabe opempha komanso opeleka chigamulo akhoza kupempha kuti mbali yawo imvedwe,politics,Online sources +en3392,"The appeal body then is obliged to organise a court session. Both parties – that is, the asylum-seeker and his or her representative are present at the hearing",Owunikira kutsutsa chigamulo ayenera kukonza bwalo la milandu. Mbali zonse ziwiri - ofunsira malo ndiponso womuyimilira apezeke panthawi yomva dandaulo,politics,Online sources +en3393,The most pressing political challenge confronting President Joe Biden as he drifts uncontested toward renomination is that which he can do the least about: voters’ profound misgivings about his age and fitness to serve another full term,Vuto lalikulu pandale lomwe likumusautsa Joe Biden pamene akutsendera kukasankhidwa wopanda wopikisana naye ndi lomwe iye sangachitepo kanthu: kusakhutira kwa ovota ndi msinkhu wake komanso mphamvu mthupi mwake kuti alamule zaka zina,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3394,"Yet what’s striking, and to his allies increasingly unnerving, is Biden’s unwillingness even to try to fully address questions about his capacity to run for reelection next year, when he’ll turn 82","Koma chopatsa chidwi, ndi chochititsa mantha kwa omwe akumutsatira, ndi kusafuna kwa Biden kuti ayankhe momveka mafunso okhuza kuthekera kwake kuyimanso pachisankho chaka cha mawa, pamene adzakwanitse zaka 82",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3395,"Outside of testing a with-age-comes-wisdom riff in front of donors, the president has done little to confront perhaps the biggest threat to his reelection, let alone make any sustained effort to mitigate the concerns that dominate every survey and focus group","Pofuna kukwaniritsa mkuluwiko wakuti nzeru zimabwera ndi ukalamba pamaso pa magulu opeleka thandizo, mtsogoleri wa dzikoyu wachita zochepa kuthana ndi chiopsezo chachikulu pa kusankhidwa kwake kwachiwiri, koposaposa kuyesera kuti athetse nkhawa zomwe zikutuluka mu kafukufuku aliyense yemwe akuchitika komanso zokambirana za mmagulu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3396,"Biden has conducted little polling on how to reassure voters about his age, complains bitterly about his intra-party critics who raise the issue in public and is unwilling to consider hearing aids","Biden wachita kafukufuku wochepa wa mmene angatsimikizire ovota pa msinkhu wakw, amadandaula kwambiri za omudzudzula mchipani mwake omwe akutulutsa poyera nkhaniyi ndipo sakufuna kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zothandiza kumva",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3397,"He can’t slow the march of time, of course, and nor can he fully defuse the issue. His own supporters and lawmakers are all but pleading with him to take the matter seriously, because simply saying “watch me,” as he often retorts when asked about his age, is precisely the problem: people are and it’s still the overriding issue troubling them the most about his candidacy","Sangayimitse kuyenda kwa nthawi, ndithu, ndipo sangayichepetse nkhaniyi. Omutsatira ake komanso opanga malamulo akumupempha kuti aganizire mozama zankhaniyi chifukwa kungonena kuti ""ndiwoneni"" ngati mmene amayankhira akafunsidwa za zaka zake, ndiye vutolo: anthu akuona kuti ili ndi vuto lalikulu lomwe likuwasautsa pa zakuyima kwake pachisankho",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3398,Only positive things could come from an open and competitive primary in the presidential election. It is a detriment to all of us if we are ignoring the concerns of the public around the president’s image,Ndi zokhazo zabwino zomwe zingabwere kuchokera mu mpikisano wa chisankho chachipulula cha mtsogoleri wa dziko. Ndi zobwezeretsa mbuyo kwa tonse ngati tisakulabadira nkhawa za anthu pa chithunzithunzi cha mtsogoleri wa dziko,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3399,"Democrats, she said, should “get more people out there, what are we afraid of? It’s problematic that we’re ignoring it. It makes us look out of touch, it makes us look afraid.”","Iye anati ma Democrat akuyenera kumemeza anthu ambiri komwe aliko, akuopa chani? Ndi zovuta kuti sitikulabadira konse. Zikutipangitsa kuoneka kuti sitikudziwa chomwe tikuchita, zikutipangitsa kuoneka ngati tikuopa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3400,"Last month at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, many lawmakers watched livestreams of focus groups with voters in Nevada and Michigan","Mwezi watha pa msonkhano wakomiti ya Democratic Congressional, opanga malamulo ambiri anaonera mmakanema zokambirana zammagulu ndi ovota ku Nevada ndi Michigan",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3401,Nearly all of them responded to questions about Biden the same way voters do in every focus group: by bringing up his age,Pafupifupi onse anayankha mafunso okhuza Biden mofanana ndi mmene ovota amachitira pazokambirana za mmagulu; kutulutsa nkhani za zaka zake,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3402,Every Democratic consultant I’ve talked to in recent weeks said that’s the only refrain they pick up on Biden,Mlangizi wa Democrat aliyense yemwe ndayankhula naye sabata zapitazi anayankhula kuti ndi choletsa chokhacho akuchipeza pa Biden,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3403,"One pollster, who late last month oversaw a focus group of North Carolina swing voters, said the first word or phrase the attendees used about Biden was “some combination of ‘old, slowing down’ or, if they were harsher, ‘dementia or feeble’”","Ochita kafukufuku mmodzi, yemwe mwezi watha anaonelera zokambirana za mmagulu za ovota aku North Carolina, anati mawu oyamba omwe otenga mbali anagwiritsa ntchito pokamba za Biden anali ""kusakaniza kwa ukalamba, kufooka"" kapena kwa olankhula mokhadzula, ""wamisala kapena wochepa mphamvu"" ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3404,This pollster had to push participants to get any more impressions of Biden and there was scant recall of his accomplishments.,Wochita kafukufukuyu anakakamiza otenga mbali kuti ayankhule zambiri za Biden koma anakumbukira zochepa kwambiri zomwe iye wakwaniritsa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3405,Democratic lawmakers couldn’t be more direct about how imperative it is for the president to try to assuage voters’ trepidation about his capacity to serve,Opanga malamulo ku chipani cha Democrat sanayankhe mwachindunji za mmene kulili kofunukira kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko ayetsetse kuchotsa nkhawa za ovota pankhani ya kuthekera kwake kulamulira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3406,"Here’s only one person who plausibly could impose order on the sullen, snarling House Republican conference and the free-floating chaos for which it stands. So far, however, there’s scant evidence that one person gives more than a passing damn about the outcome","Apa tili ndi munthu mmodzi yekhayo yemwe angabweretse bata pa kusakondwa, kunyinyilika ku msonkhano wa Republican ndi chisokonezo chosaneneka chomwe imayimira. Komabe kufika pano, pali umboni wochepa kuti munthu mmodzi amaneyu amalabadira zotsatira za izi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3407,"So far, no Republican has managed to emerge as a genuine leader in the Trump era — not by seeking alliance with him, nor by standing up to him, nor by trying keep a safe distance from him","Kufika pano, palibe wa Republican yemwe wabwera poyera ngati mtsogoleri weniweni pa nthawi ya Trump - posati kusaka mgwirizano ndi iye kapena kukhala naye pamodzi kaya poyesera kutalikirana naye",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3408,"There will be no return to regular order, to something that used to be normal, so long as Trump remains the dominant figure in his party and his future is unresolved","Sipadzakhala kubwelera ku dongosolo, kofanana ndi mmene zinalili, ngati Trump akhalebe wofunikira kwambiri ku chipani chake ndipo zatsogolo lake sizinakonzedwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3409,Will he be convicted of felonies in 2024 or defeat a politically vulnerable incumbent and return to the presidency? Or perhaps even both?,Kodi adzapezedwa wolakwa mu 2024 pa mulandu wophwanya malamulo kapena adzagonjetsa mtsogoleri yemwe alibe kuthekera kwenikweni pandale ndi kubwelera pa utsogoleri wa dziko? Kapena adzachita ziwiri zonse?,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3410,"Until these questions are answered, the most incisive answer to “Who will be the next speaker?” is “Who cares?” The speaker’s race is a fight at the margins, to hold a job that promises scant power or dignity","Kufika pomwe mafunsowa adzayankhidwe, yankho lanzeru kwambiri pa ""Yemwe adzakhale wotsogolera nyumba yamalamulo ndi ndani?"" ndilakuti ""Amalabadira ndani"". Mpikisano wa wotsogolera nyumba yamalamulo ndi nkhondo ndithu, kukhala pa ntchito yomwe mphamvu zake ndi zochepa kapena yosapeleka ulemu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3411,"The Republican Party, also known as the GOP (""Grand Old Party""), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States","Chipani cha Republican, chomwenso chikudziwika kuti GOP (Grand Coalition Party), ndi chimodzi mwa zipani ziwiri zikuluzikulu mu ndale zamakono mu United States",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3412,"It emerged as the main political rival of the Democratic Party in the mid-1850s, and the two parties have dominated American politics since","Chinasanduka chipani chachikulu chopikisana ndi chipani cha Democratic muzaka za 1850, ndipo zipani ziwirizi zakhala zikutsogolera ndale mu America mpaka pano",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3413,"Upon its founding, it supported classical liberalism and economic reform while opposing the expansion of slavery","Chitakhazikitsidwa, chinalimbikitsa kuti adziyankhula momasuka komanso kukonza mfundo zachuma kwinaku akutsutsana ndi kufalikira kwa ukapolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3414,"The Republican Party initially consisted of Northern Protestants, factory workers, professionals, businessmen, prosperous farmers, and from 1866, former Black slaves","Chipani cha Republic poyamba chinapangidwa ndi Northen Protestants, ogwira ntchito mmafakitale, akadaulo pantchito, ochita malonda, alimi olemera, ndipo kuyambira 1866 anthu akuda omwe anali akapolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3415,"It initially had a very limited presence in the South, but was very successful in the North",Poyambilira chinkapezeka apo ndi apo kummwera koma chinapambana kwambiri ku mpoto,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3416,"While both major parties adopted pro-business policies in the 19th century, the early GOP was distinguished by its support for the national banking system, the gold standard, railroads, and high tariffs","Pamene zipani ziwiri zikuzikulu zinatsatira mfundo zokomera ntchito zamalonda mu zaka zamma 1900, GOP yoyambilira inadziwika bwino ndi kuyikira kumbuyo ntchito za ma bank mdzikomo, kuyendera mulingo wa golide, tchito za njanji komanso mitengo yogulira zinthu yokwera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3417,"It did not openly oppose slavery in the Southern states prior to the American Civil War, stating that it opposed the spread of slavery into the Western territories or into the Northern states, but the party was widely seen as sympathetic to the abolitionist cause","Sinatsutse moonetsera ukapolo mmadera a chigawo chakummwera nkhondo yapachiweniweni mu America isanayambe, kunena kuti inkatsutsana ndi kufala kwa ukapolo kumadera aku madzulo kapena madera akumpoto, koma chipanichi chinkaoneka kuti chikuyikira kumbuyo ntchito yothetsayi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3418,"As of the 2020s, the party's strongest political support is among Americans who live in rural, ex-urban, or small town areas; are married, men, or White; are evangelical Christians or Latter Day Saints; or who are without a postgraduate degree","Pofika mu zaka za 2020, otsatira chipanichi ochuluka ndi amodzi mwa anthu aku America okhala kumidzi, kunja kwa mizinda, kapena mizinda ing'onoing'ono; okwatira, abambo kapena azungu; otsatira chikhirisitu kapena oyera atsopano; kapena omwe analibe maphunziro aukachenjede apamwamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3419,"While it does not receive the majority of the votes of most racial and sexual minorities, it does among Cuban and Vietnamese voters","Ngakhale simalandira mavoti ochuluka kuchokera kumagulu ang'onoang'ono potengera mtundu kapena chibadwidwe, imalandira kuchokera kwa ovota aku Cuba ndi Vietnam",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3420,"Since the 1980s, the party has gained support among members of the White working class while it has lost support among affluent and college-educated Whites","Kuyambira 1980, chipani chapeza ochitsatira pakati pa azungu apantchito pomwenso chatayazungu ochitsatira pakati pa anthu achuma ndi ophunzira kusukulu za ukachenjede",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3421,"Since 2012, the party has gained support among minorities, particularly working-class Asians","Kuyambira chaka cha 2012, chipanichi chapeza ochitsatira ku magulu ang'onoang'ono, makamaka amwenye apatchito",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3422,"The party currently supports deregulation, lower taxes, gun rights, restrictions on abortion, restrictions on labor unions, and increased military spending","Chipanichi pano chimayikira kumbuyo kuchotsa malamulo, kutsitsa misonkho, maufulu okhala ndi mfuti, kukaniza kuchotsa mimba, kukaniza omenyera ufulu apantchito, ndi kuwonjezera ndalama zomenyera nkhondo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3423,"They denounced the expansion of slavery as a great evil, but did not call for ending it in the southern states",Anadzudzula kufalikira kwa ukapolo ngati tchimo lalikulu koma sanamemeze kuti uthe kuzigawo zakummwera.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3424,"While opposition to the expansion of slavery was the most consequential founding principal of the party, like the Whig party it replaced, Republicans also called for economic and social modernization.","Pamene kutsutsana ndi kufalikira kwa ukapolo chinali chifukwa chachikulu choyambitsira chipanichi, ngati chipani cha Whig chomwe anachichotsa, ma Republic anamemeza kuchita mwamakono nkhani za chuma ndi kutukula anthu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3425,"The first official party convention was held on July 6, 1854",Msonkhano woyamba waukulu wa chipanichi unachitika pa 6 July 2854,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3426,The Republicans were eager for the elections of 1860.,Chipani cha Republic chinkafunitsitsa chisankho cha 1860,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3427,Lincoln won on the third ballot and was ultimately elected president in the general election in a rematch against Douglas,Lincoln anapambana pa voti yachitatu ndipo anasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko pachisankho chachibwereza chomwe anapikisana ndi Douglas,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3428,"Following the assassination of Lincoln, Johnson ascended to the presidency and was deplored by Republicans","Kutsatira kuphedwa kwa Lincoln, Johnson anakwera udindo kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko ndipo anadzudzulidwa ndi ma Republican",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3429,The 1876 general election saw a contentious conclusion as both parties claimed victory despite three southern states still not officially declaring a winner at the end of election day,Chisankho cha 1876 chinatha ndi mikangano pamene mbali ziwirizi zinati zapambana ngakhale madera atatu akummwera anali asanaulutse wopambana pakutha pa tsiku lazisankho ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3430,"Voter suppression had occurred in the south to depress the Black and White Republican vote, which gave Republican-controlled returning officers enough of a reason to declare that fraud, intimidation and violence had soiled the states' results","Kukhumudwitsa ovota kunachitika kummwera kuti achepetse mavoti a anthu akuda ndi azungu, zomwe zinapatsa zifukwa zokwanira kwa oyendetsa chisankho olamulidwa ndi ma Republican kulengeza kuti kubera, kuopsezana komanso zipolowe zinawononga zotsatira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3431,They proceeded to throw out enough Democratic votes for Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to be declared the winner,Anapitilira kukana mavoti ochuluka a Democratic kuti alengeze kuti Rutherford B wa Republican wapambana,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3432,"Still, Democrats refused to accept the results and an Electoral Commission made up of members of Congress was established to decide who would be awarded the states' electors","Komabe, ma Democrat anakana kuvomera zotsatira ndipo bungwe lachisankho lopangidwa ndi nthumwi za Congress linakhadzikitsidwa kuti liwunike ndi kunena kuti mavoti a maderawa apite kwa ndani",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3433,"After the Commission voted along party lines in Hayes' favor, Democrats threatened to delay the counting of electoral votes indefinitely so no president would be inaugurated on March 4","Bungweli litaponya mavoti potsatira zipani zawo mokomera Hayes, ma Democrat anaopseza kuti achedwetsa kuwerenga mavoti kwanthawi yosaneneka kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko asalumbiritsidwe pa 4 March",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3434,"Blaine once again ran for the presidency, winning the nomination but losing to Democrat Grover Cleveland in 1884, the first Democrat to be elected president since Buchanan","Blaine anapikisana nawonso pampando wa mtsogoleri wa dziko, popambana kusankhidwa kuti akayimire nawo koma anagonja kwa Democrat Grover Cleveland mu 1884, mtsogoleri wa dziko woyamba wa Democrat chichokereni Buchanan",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3435,"He handpicked his successor William Howard Taft in 1908, but they became enemies as the party split down the middle","Anasankha mwayekha mlowammalo wake William Howard Taft mu 1908, koma anasanduka adani pamene chipani chinagawikana katikati",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3436,Taft defeated Roosevelt for the 1912 nomination so Roosevelt stormed out of the convention and started a new party,Taft anagonjetsa Roosevelt pa mpikisano wa 1912 wopeza wokayimira ndipo Roosevelt anatuluka monyanyala mu msonkhano waukulu ndikukayambitsa chipani chatsopano,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3437,"Roosevelt ran on the ticket of his new Progressive (""Bull Moose"") Party. He called for social reforms, many of which were later championed by New Deal Democrats in the 1930s","Roosevelt anayima nawo pansi pachipani chatsopano cha Progressive. Anankafuna kusintha malamulo, ambiri omwe pambuyo pake analimbikitsidwa ndi ma New Deal Democrat muzaka za mma 1930",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3438,He lost and when most of his supporters returned to the GOP they found they did not agree with the new conservative economic thinking,Anagonja ndipo pamene omutsatira ambiri nabwelera ku GOP anapeza kuti sakugwirizana ndi kaganizidwe katsopano pachuma kosafuna kusintha zinthu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3439,Republicans made a major comeback in the 1938 elections and had new rising stars such as Robert A. Taft of Ohio,Ma Republic anabweleranso ndi mphamvu pachisankho cha 1938 ndipo anali ndi atsogoleri anzeru atsopano monga Robert A Taft waku Ohio,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3440,"Roosevelt won a third and fourth term in 1940 and 1944, respectively. Conservatives abolished most of the New Deal during the war, but they did not attempt to do away with Social Security or the agencies that regulated business","Roosevelt anapambana motsgozana kachitatu komanso kachinayi mu 1940 ndi 1944. Ma Conservatives anathetsa zambiri za New Deal panthawi yankhondo, koma sanayesere kusintha nkhani zachitetezo cha anthu kapena mabungwe omwe amayang'anira ntchito za malonda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3441,"After leaving office at the end of his second term in 1989, Reagan became an iconic conservative Republican","Atachoka pampando pakutha pa ulamuliro wake wachiwiri, Raegan anakhala msanamira wa mbali yosafuna kusintha zinthu mu chipani cha Republican",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3442,Republican presidential candidates frequently claimed to share Reagan's views and aimed to establish themselves and their policies as the more appropriate heir to his legacy,Woyimira pa udindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko ku chipani cha Republican ankanena pafupipafupi kuti ankagwirizana ndi maganizo a Raegan ndipo ankakhumba kuti adzikhadzikitse iwowo ndi mfundo zawo ngati mlowammalo wa ulamuliro wake,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3443,"Reagan's vice president, George H. W. Bush, won the presidency in a landslide in the 1988 general election","Wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Raegan, George H.W. Bush, anapambana kotheratu pa usogoleri wa dziko pachisankho cha 1988 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3444,"However, his term was characterized by division within the Republican Party","Komabe, panthawi ya ulamuliro wake panali kugawikana mkati mwa chipani cha Republican",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3445,"During the ongoing impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998, Gingrich decided to make Clinton's misconduct the party message heading into the midterms, believing it would add to their majority","Panthawi yomwe amafuna kuchotsa pampando Bill Clinton mu 1998, Gingrich anaganiza kupanga zolakwika za Clinton kukhala uthenga wotsogolera chipani pa chisankho chamkati mwa ulamuliro wake, pokhulupilira kuti chiwonjezera ochitsatira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3446,"The strategy proved mistaken and the Republicans lost five seats, though whether it was due to poor messaging or Clinton's popularity providing a coattail effect is debated","Njira iyi inaonetsa kuti inali yolakwika ndipo ma Republican anagonja mipando isanu, ngakhale kaya zinali chifukwa cha kusapeleka uthenga moyenera kapena kutchuka kwa Clinton kuti kunathandiza kupeleka chikoka zimakambidwabe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3447,"Gingrich was ousted from party power due to the performance, ultimately deciding to resign from Congress altogether","Gingrich anachotsedwa pa ulamuliro ku chipani chifukwa cha mmene anachitira, pomwepo anaganiza zotuluka mu Congress",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3448,"For a short time afterward, it appeared Louisiana Representative Bob Livingston would become his successor","Kwanthawi yayifupi zitachitika izi, kunaoneka kuti woyimira dera la Louisiana Bob Livingston akhala mulowammalo wake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3449,"Livingston, however, stepped down from consideration and resigned from Congress after damaging reports of affairs threatened the Republican House's legislative agenda if he were to serve as Speaker","Komabe Livingston anatula pansi atasinkhasinkha ndipo anatuluka mu chipani cha Congress nkhani zoyipa za ntchito zake zitabweretsa chiopsezo pa mfundo za oyimira nyumba wa Republican, iye akanatumikira ngati wotsogolera nyumba yamalamulo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3450,"With the inauguration of Bush as president, the Republican Party remained fairly cohesive for much of the 2000s, as both strong economic libertarians and social conservatives opposed the Democrats, whom they saw as the party of bloated, secular, and liberal government","Ndikulumbiritsidwa kwa Bush ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko, chipani cha Republic chinakhalabe chogwirizana muzaka zamma 2000, pamene mbali yofuna kupeleka mphamvu pachuma ndi mbali yokana kusintha chikhalidwe inkakana ma Democrats omwe ankawaona ngati chipani cha odzikweza, okonda zapansi pano ndi boma lotayilira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3451,"In contrast, some social conservatives expressed dissatisfaction with the party's support for economic policies that conflicted with their moral values","Motsutsana ndi izi, ena mwa anthu osafuna kusintha chikhalidwe anaonetsa kusakondwa kwawo ndi mmene chipani chimayikira kumbuyo mfundo zachuma zomwe zimatsutsana ndi umunthu wawo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3452,"In the aftermath of the loss, some prominent Republicans spoke out against their own party","Kutsatira kugonja kwawo, ena mwa mamuluzana a Republican anayankhula modzudzula chipani chawo chomwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3453,A 2012 election post-mortem by the Republican Party concluded that the party needed to do more on the national level to attract votes from minorities and young voters,Msonkhano wounikira mmene chisankho cha 2012 chinayendera ndi chipani cha Republican unanena kuti chipanichi chimayenera kuchita zambiri mzikomo kuti akope ovota kuchokera kumagulu ang'onoang'ono komanso kwa achinyamata,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3454,"He said: ""There's no one reason we lost. Our message was weak; our ground game was insufficient; we weren't inclusive; we were behind in both data and digital, and our primary and debate process needed improvement","Iye anati: ""Palibe chifukwa ngakhale chimodzi chomwe tinagonjera. Uthenga wathu unalibe mphamvu, kachitidwe kazinthu kanali kosakwanira, panalibe kulolerana, tinali mbuyo pogwiritsa ntchito zotsatira za kafukufuku ndi njira zamakono ndipo zochita zathu komanso mitsutso imafunika kukonza""",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3455,Trump's defeat of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was unexpected; polls leading up to the election showed Clinton leading the race,Kugonjetsa kwa Trump kwa woyimira ma Democrat Hillary Clinton kunali kosayembekeza; kafukufuku poyandikira chisankhochi anaonetsa kuti Clinton amatsogola pa mpikisanowu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3456,"Over the course of his term, Trump appointed three justices to the Supreme Court: the most Supreme Court appointments of any president in a single term since Richard Nixon","Panthawi ya ulamuliro wake, Trump anasankha oweruza milandu atatu aku bwalo lalikulu lamilandu: anasankha ochuluka kuposa mtsogoleri wa dziko wina aliyense mu gawo limodzi la ulamuliro wake chichokereni Richard Nixon ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3457,"Soon after taking office, Trump withdrew the U.S. from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement","Atangoyamba ntchito yake, Trump anatulutsa dziko la U.S. mu 2015 Paris Climate Agreement",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3458,"His administration rolled back climate change mitigation policies, relaxed pollution regulations, and weakened vehicle fuel efficiency standards","Ulamuliro wake unabweza mfundo zothana ndi kusintha kwa nyengo, unatayilira pamalamulo owononga zachilengedwe ndipo unachepetsa mphamvu ndondomeko zogwiritsa ntchito galimoto zosamwa mafuta kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3459,"Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019, on the charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress","Trump anachotsedwa pa udindo ndi House of Representatives pa 18 December 2019, pa milandu yogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zake molakwoka komanso kutchingira ntchito za Congress",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3460,"Trump lost reelection to Joe Biden in 2020 but refused to concede, claiming widespread electoral fraud and attempting to overturn the results, to which many attributed the U.S. Capitol being attacked by his supporters on January 6, 2021","Trump anagonja kusankhidwanso kwa Joe Biden mu 2020 koma anakana kuvomereza kugonjaku, ponena kuti panali kubera kwakukulu ndipo anafuna zotsatira zisagwire ntchito, zomwe ambiri anati zinachititsa kuti kulikulu laboma ku US Capitol kuchitike zantopola ndi omutsatira ake pa 6 January 2021",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3461,"Following the attack, the House impeached Trump for a second time on the charge of incitement of insurrection, making him the only federal officeholder in the history of the United States to be impeached twice","Kutsatita zantopolazi, nyumbayi inachotsa Trump kachiwiri pa mlandu womemeza anthu kugalukira, kumupanga kukhala mtsogoleri yekhayo mu mbiri ya United States kuyimitsidwa udindo kawiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3462,"He left office on January 20, 2021, but the impeachment trial continued into the early weeks of the Biden administration, with Trump ultimately being acquitted a second time","Anachoka pampando ma 20 January 2021, koma mulandu wake wochotsedwa pampando unapitilira mpaka sabata zoyambilira za utsogoleri wa Biden, pamene Trump anapezedwa wosalakwa kachiwiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3463,"Traditionally the party had no consistent color identity. After the 2000 election, the color red became associated with Republicans","Mwachikhalidwe, chipanichi chinalibe makaka ochidzindikiritsa okhazikika. Chisankho cha 2020 chitadutsa, makaka ofiira anakhala chizindikiro cha ma Republican",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3464,"During and after the election, the major broadcast networks used the same color scheme for the electoral map: states won by Republican nominee George W. Bush were colored red and states won by Democratic nominee Al Gore were colored blue","Panthawi komanso pambuyo pachisankho, nyumba zikuluzikulu zowulutsira mawu zinagwiritsa ntchito makaka pojambula mapu a zisankho; madera omwe woyimira Republican a George W. Bush anapambana anali ndi makaka ofiira ndipo madera omwe woyimira ma Demo a Al Gore anali obiliwira ngati mtambo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3465,"Due to the weeks-long dispute over the election results, these color associations became firmly ingrained, persisting in subsequent years","Chifukwa cha kusamvana pazotsatira za chisankho komwe kunatenga sabata yathunthu, makaka awa anakhadzikika ngati a zipani, kupitilira mzaka zotsatira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3466,"Although the assignment of colors to political parties is unofficial and informal, the media has come to represent the respective political parties using these colors","Ngakhale kupeleka makaka kuzipani zandale kuli kongoyelekeza komanso kwa chisawawa, owulutsa mawu akuwonetsa zipani zandale pogwiritsa ntchito makaka amenewa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3467,The party and its candidates have also come to embrace the color red,Chipani ndi oyimilira wake afika pogwirizana nawo makaka ofiirawa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3468,Radicals led efforts after the war to establish civil rights for former slaves and fully implement emancipation,"Pambuyo pankhondo, ofuna kusintha zinthu anayetsetsa kukhadzikitsa maufulu a omwe anali akapolo ndi kukwaniritsa ntchoto zowamasula",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3469,Unsuccessful measures in 1866 resulted in violence against former slaves in the rebel states,Kulephera kwa ndondomeko mu 1866 kunadzetsa chipolowe chopangira omwe anali akapolo mmadera a zigawenga,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3470,Republicans believe that free markets and individual achievement are the primary factors behind economic prosperity,Ma Republican amakhulupilira kuti misika yopanda malire komanso kupambana kwa munthu ndi nsanamira zazikulu za kutukuka pachuma,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3471,"Despite pledges to roll back government spending, Republican administrations have, since the late 1960s, sustained or increased previous levels of government spending","Ngakhale pali malonjezo ochepetsa kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ndalama ndi boma, maulamuliro a Republicans, kuyambira zaka za 1960, apitiriza kapena kuwonjezera ndalama zogwira ntchito kuposa za mmbuyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3472,Republicans believe individuals should take responsibility for their own circumstances. They also believe the private sector is more effective in helping the poor through charity than the government is through welfare programs and that social assistance programs often cause government dependency,Ma Republican amakhulupilira kuti aliyense ali udindo pazomwe akukumana nazo. Amakhulupiliranso kuti ntchito zomwe sizaboma ndizopambana kwambiri pothandiza osauka kudzera mu ntchito zachifundo kuposa zaboma kudzera ku muntchito zosamaliro anthu ndipo kuti ntchito zothandiza anthu zimadzetsa kudalira boma,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3473,"Most Republicans also oppose increases in the minimum wage, believing that such increases hurt businesses by forcing them to cut and outsource jobs while passing on costs to consumers","Ma Republican ambiri nawonso amatsutsa kukweza mulingo wa malipiro, pokhulupilira kuti kukweza kumeneku kupweteka ochita malonda powakakamiza kuchepetsa komanso kupeza ogwira ntchito kwina pamene ndalama zopangira izi akukankhira kwa ogula",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3474,"Opinion about human causation of climate change increased substantially with education among Democrats, but not among Republicans","Maganizo oti kusintha kwa nyengo kukudza kamba ka zochita za anthu anakula kwambiri chifukwa cha maphunziro pakati pa ma Democrat, koma osati ma Republicans",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3475,Acceptance of wind and solar facilities in one's community is stronger among Democrats,Kulola zipangizo za mphepo ndi dzuwa mmadera awo ndi kwamphamvu pakati pa ma Democrat,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3476,The Republican Party generally supports a strong alliance with Israel and efforts to secure peace in the Middle East between Israel and its Arab neighbors,Chipani cha Republican kwambiri chimayikira kumbuyo mgwirizano wolimba ndi Israel ndipo ntchito yofuna kubweretsa mtendere ku Middle Easr pakati pa Israel ndi Aluya oyandikana nawo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3477,"The social conservatives support laws that uphold their traditional values, such as opposition to same-sex marriage, abortion, and marijuana","Osafuna kusintha chikhalidwe amayikira kumbuyo malamulo omwe amalimbikitsa chikalidwe chawo monga kutsutsana ndi maukwati aamuna kapena akazi okhaokha, kuchotsa mimba, ndi chamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3478,"During this period, Republicans generally favored legalized abortion more than Democrats although significant heterogeneity could be found within both parties","Panthawi imeneyi, ma Republican kwambiri ankafuna kuchotsa mimba kovomerezeka kuposa ma Democrat ngakhale panali kusakanikirana pamaganizo mu zipani ziwiri zonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3479,"Since the 1980s, opposition to abortion has become strongest in the party among traditionalist Catholics and conservative Protestant evangelicals","Kuyambira 1980, kukana kuchotsa mimba kwakula kwambiri mchipanichi pakati pa a Katolika amvulazakale ndi atumiki achi Protestant osafuna kusintha chikhalidwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3480,"Today, opinion polls show that Republican voters are heavily divided on the legality of abortion, although vast majority of the party's national and state candidates are anti-abortion and oppose elective abortion on religious or moral grounds","Lero, kafukufuku waonetsa kuti ovota a Republican agawikana kwambiri pankhani zakuvomerezedwa kwa kuchotsa mimba, ngakhale ambiri oyimira chipanichi mdzikomo ndi mmadera akukana kuchotsa mimba ndipo akukananso kuchotsa mimba kochita kusankha chifukwa cha chipembezo kapena umunthu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3481,"While many advocate exceptions in the case of incest, rape or the mother's life being at risk, in 2012 the party approved a platform advocating banning abortions without exception","Pamene ambiri akumenyera kuti pakhale kusiyanitsa pamene pali kugonana pachibale, kugwililidwa kapena moyo wa mayi uli pachiopsezo, mu 2012 chipanichi chinavomereza mfundo zoyikira kumbuyo kuletsa kuchotsa pakati popanda kusiyanitsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3482,Republicans generally support gun ownership rights and oppose laws regulating guns,Ma Republican kwambiri amayikira kumbuyo ufulu wokhala ndi mfuti ndipo amatsutsa malamulo oyendetsera nkhani za mifuti,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3483,Republican elected officials have historically supported the War on Drugs. They oppose legalization or decriminalization of drugs such as marijuana,Ma Republican osankhidwa akhala mu mbiri yawo akuyikira kumbuyo nkhondo yothana ndi mankhwala ozunguza bongo. Amatsutsa kuvomereza mmalamulo kapena kuvomereza mankhwala monga chamba,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3484,Opposition to the legalization of marijuana has softened significantly over time among Republican voters,Kutsutsa kuvomereza mmalamulo kwa chamba kwachepa kwambiri ndikudutsa kwanthawi pakati pa ovota a Republican,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3485,"The Republican Party has taken widely varying views on immigration throughout its history, including in modern times","Chipani cha Republic chimakhala ndi maganizo osiyanasiyana pa zakulowa mdziko mu mbiri yake, kuphatikizapo makono",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3486,Republicans are divided on how to confront illegal immigration,Ma Republican agawikana pa mmene angathanirane ndi kulowa mdziko kosatsata malamulo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3487,"As more states legalized same-sex marriage in the 2010s, Republicans increasingly supported allowing each state to decide its own marriage policy","Pamene zigawo zambiri zimavomera maukwati a amuna kapena akazi okhaokha mu zaka zamma 2010, ma Republican ankapitilira kuyikira kumbuyo kulola dera lirilonse kupanga malamulo akeake okhuza ukwati",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3488,"Republicans have gained support among racial and ethnic minorities, particularly among those who are working class",Ma Republican apeza owatsatira ambiri pakati pa mitundu ing'onoing'ono makamaka pakati pa magulu ogwira ntchito,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3489,"Religion has always played a major role for both parties, but in the course of a century, the parties' religious compositions have changed","Chipembezo chathandizira kwambiri mbali zonse ziwiri koma pakudutsa kwa nthawi, zipembezo muzipanimu zasintha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3490,"Democrats were extremely critical of President Trump, particularly his policies on immigration, healthcare, and abortion, as well as his response to the COVID-19 pandemic","Ma Democrat ankadzudzula kwambiri mtsogoleri wa dziko Trump, makamaka mfundo zake pazakulowa mdziko, chisamaliro chazaumoyo ndi kuchotsa pakati, komanso kuchitapo kanthu kwake pa mliri wa Covid-19",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3491,"Equal economic opportunity, a social safety net, and strong labor unions have historically been at the heart of Democratic economic policy","Mwayi pachuma wofanana, ntchito zothandiza anthu ovutika komanso magulu oyimira ogwira ntchito akhala mu mbiri ali pamtima pa mfundo zachuma za Democratic",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3492,They also support infrastructure development and clean energy investments to achieve economic development and job creation,Amayikira kumbuyo ntchito zomangamanga ndiponso kuyika ndalama ku mphamvu zamagetsi zosaononga chilengedwe kuti akwaniritse chitukuko pachuma ndi kupedzetsa ena ntchito,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3493,"Since the 1990s, the party has at times supported centrist economic reforms that cut the size of government and reduced market regulations","Kuyambira zaka za 1990, chipanichi nthawi zina chinkathandizira mfundo zokonzera chuma zomwe zikanachepetsa kukula kwa boma komanso kuchepetsa kulamulira misika",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3494,Democrats support a more progressive tax structure to provide more services and reduce economic inequality by making sure that the wealthiest Americans pay more in taxes,Ma Democrat amayikira kumbuyo misonkho yotengera ndalama zimene munthu akulandira kuti adzikwanitsa kupeleka ntchito zambiri kwa anthu ndi kuchepetsa kusiyana pachuma poonetsetsa kuti achuma chambiri akulipira misonkho yambiri,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3495,"Democrats favor improving public education by raising school standards. They also support universal preschool, expanding access to primary education. They call for addressing student loan debt and reforms to reduce college tuition","Ma Democrat amafuna kupititsa patsogolo maphunziro kwa aliyense pokweza mulingo wamaphunziro. Amafunanso maphunziro a mmerampoyamba kwa mwana wina aliyense, kukuza maphunziro a msukulu za primary. Amapempha kuti ngongole za ana a sukulu zikonzedwe ndiponso kuunika kuti ndalama zolipilira ku sukulu za ukachenjede zitsike ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3496,Other proposals have included tuition-free public universities and reform of standardized testing,Maganizo ena akuti sukulu zaukachenjede zaboma zikhale zaulele ndipo akonze ntchito zolembetsa mayeso ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3497,Democrats have the long-term aim of having publicly funded college education with low tuition fees which would be available to every eligible American student,Ma Democrat akhala ndi cholinga chanthawi yayitali chofuna kuti maphunziro aukanchenjede msukulu zaboma akhale otsika mtengo omwe akhale ofikirika ndi wophunzira aliyense woyenera ku America,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3498,"Alternatively, they encourage expanding access to post-secondary education by increasing state funding for student financial aid","Ngati njira ina, amalimbikitsa kukuza kapezedwe ka maphunziro aukachenjede powonjezera ndalama zaboma zothandizira ophunzira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3499,"Democrats have supported increased domestic renewable energy development, including wind and solar power farms, in an effort to reduce carbon pollution","Ma Democrat athandiza kuwonjezera kukweza ntchito zamagetsi zachilengedwe kuphatikizapo minda ya mphamvu za mphepo ndi dzuwa, pofuna kuchepetsa kuononga chilengedwe ndi carbon",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3500,"The party has supported higher taxes on oil companies and increased regulations on coal power plants, favoring a policy of reducing long-term reliance on fossil fuels","Chipanichi chayikira kumbuyo misonkho yokwera kwambiri ku makampani owenga mafuta ndikuwonjezera malamulo pa zipangizo zamalasha, pokondera mfundo zochepetsa kudalira kwambiri mphamvu zamafuta ndi malasha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3501,"The Democratic Party supports equal opportunity for all Americans regardless of sex, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, or national origin","Chipani cha Democtratic chimalimbikitsa kupeza zinthu mofanana posatengera chibadwidwe, zaka zakubadwa, mtundu wochokera, chipembezo, zikhulupiliro kapena kochokera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3502,The party is very supportive of improving voting rights as well as election accuracy and accessibility,Chipanichi chikuthandizira kwambiri kukonza ufulu wovota komanso kulondola kwa chisankho ndi kapezekedwe kakae,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3503,"They support extensions of voting time, including making election day a holiday. They support reforming the electoral system to eliminate gerrymandering, abolishing the electoral college, as well as passing comprehensive campaign finance reform","Amathandizira kuwonjezera nthawi yovota, kuphatikiza kupanga tsiku lachisankho kukhala tchuthi. Amathandizira kukonzanso dongosolo la zisankho kuti athetse nkhanza, kuthetseratu koleji ya zisankho, komanso kupititsa patsogolo kusintha kaperekedwe ka chuma chothandizira kukopa anthu.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3504,The present platform states that all women should have access to birth control and supports public funding of contraception for poor women,Ndondomekoyi ikuti amayi onse akuyenera kukhala ndi mwayi opeza njra zakulera komanso kuthandizirakapezekedwe ka njira za kulera kwa amayi osauka ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3505,"As a matter of the right to privacy and of gender equality, many Democrats believe all women should have the ability to choose to abort without governmental interference","Pankhani ya ufulu wachinsinsi komanso kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, ma Democrat ambiri amakhulupirira kuti azimayi onse ayenera kusankha kuchotsa mimba popanda kusokonezedwa ndi boma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3506,"They believe that each woman, conferring with her conscience, has the right to choose for herself whether abortion is morally correct","Amakhulupirira kuti mkazi aliyense, mogwirizana ndi chikumbumtima chake, ali ndi ufulu wodzisankhira yekha ngati kuchotsa mimba kuli kolondola kapena ayi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3507,"Support for same-sex marriage has steadily increased among the general public, including voters in both major parties, since the start of the 21st century","Kuvomereza maukwati a amuna kapena akazi okhaokha kwawonjezeka mochuluka pakati pa anthu onse, kuphatikizapo ovota m'magulu akuluakulu onse, kuyambira chiyambi cha zaka za mmazana makumi awiri ndi chimodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3508,"On May 9, 2012, Barack Obama became the first sitting president to say he supports same-sex marriage","Pa May 9, chaka cha 2012, Barack Obama adakhala mtsogoleri woyamba kunena kuti amavomereza maukwati a amuna kapena akazi okhaokha ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3509,Many Democrats are opposed to the use of torture against individuals apprehended and held prisoner by the United States military and hold that categorizing such prisoners as unlawful combatants does not release the United States from its obligations under the Geneva Conventions,Ma Democrat ambiri amatsutsana ndi kugwiritsa ntchito kuzunza anthu omwe amangidwa ndikumangidwa ndi asirikali aku United States ndipo amati kugawa akaidi ngati omenyera nkhondo osaloledwa sikumasula dziko la United States kuudindo wake pamisonkhano ya Geneva ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3510,"Democrats contend that torture is inhumane, damages the United States' moral standing in the world, and produces questionable results. Democrats are largely against waterboarding","Ma Democrats amatsutsa kuti kuzunzidwa ndi nkhanza, kumawononga chikhalidwe cha United States padziko lapansi, ndipo kumabweretsa zotsatira zokayikitsa. Ma Democrat amatsutsana kwambiri ndi ukamberembere",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3511,"The United States is doing too much in other countries around the world, and it is time to do less around the world and focus more on our own problems here at home","Dziko la United States likuchita zochuluka kwambiri m'maiko ena padziko lonse lapansi, ndipo nthawi yakwana yoti tichite zochepa padziko lonse lapansi ndikungoyang'ana kwambiri mavuto athu pano kwathu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3512,The United States must continue to push forward to promote democracy and freedom in other countries worldwide because these efforts make our own country more secure,Dziko la United States liyenera kupitiliza kulimbikitsa utsogoleri wa mphamvu kwaanthu ndi ufulu m'maiko ena padziko lonse lapansi chifukwa izi zimapangitsa dziko lathu kukhala lotetezeka ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3513,"As a candidate for president, I made clear my support for a timeline of 16 months to carry out this drawdown, while pledging to consult closely with our military commanders upon taking office to ensure that we preserve the gains we've made and protect our troops","Monga opikisana nawo pa mpando wa mtsogoleri wa dziko, ndidafotokoza momveka bwino kuti ndikuchirikiza kwa miyezi khumi ndiisanu ndiumodzi kuti tichite izi, ndikulonjeza kuti tidzakambirana ndi akuluakulu athu ankhondo potenga udindowu kuti tiwonetsetse kuti tikusunga zomwe tapeza ndikuteteza asilikali athu.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3514,"Those consultations are now complete, and I have chosen a timeline that will remove our combat brigades over the next 18 months","Kukambirana kumeneku kwatha, ndipo ndasankha nthawi yomwe idzachotse magulu ankhondo athu m'miyezi khumi ndiitatu ikubwerayi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3515,"He stated that both the speed of withdrawal and the number of troops left over would be ""entirely conditions-based",Ananenanso kuti liwiro lochoka komanso kuchuluka kwa asirikali omwe atsala zikhala zotengera mmene zinthu zikhalire ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3516,"Support for the war among the American people diminished over time. Many Democrats changed their opinion over the course of the war, coming to oppose continuation of the conflict","Thandizo la nkhondo pakati pa anthu aku America linachepa pakapita nthawi. Ma Democrat ambiri adasintha malingaliro awo panthawi yankhondo, akubwera kudzatsutsa kupitiriza kwa mkangano ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3517,"Recently, the party has significantly increased support among affluent, college-educated whites and dramatically lost support among voters with lower incomes or lacking a college degree, particularly from Asian Americans","Posachedwapa, chipanichi chawonjezera chithandizo pakati pa azungu olemera, ophunzira ku sukulu zaukachenjede komanso kutaya chithandizo pakati pa ovota omwe amapeza ndalama zochepa kapena opanda digiri ya koleji, makamaka ochokera kwa Mzika za ku America-Asia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3518,"Historically, the party has represented farmers, laborers, and religious and ethnic minorities as it has opposed unregulated business and finance and favored progressive income taxes","M'mbiri, chipanichi chidayimilira alimi, ogwira ntchito, azipembedzo ndi mafuko ang'onoang'ono chifukwa chimatsutsa mabizinesi osayendetsedwa ndi ndalama komanso kukondera misonkho yopita patsogolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3519,"A large majority of liberals favor moving toward universal health care, with many supporting an eventual gradual transition to a single-payer system in particular","Ambiri omasuka amakonda kupita ku chisamaliro chaumoyo wapadziko lonse, ndipo ambiri amathandizira kusintha kwapang'onopang'ono kunjira yolipira m'modzi makamaka ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3520,"A majority also favor diplomacy over military action; stem cell research, same-sex marriage, stricter gun control, environmental protection laws, as well as the preservation of abortion rights","Ambiri amakondanso zokambirana m'malo mwa nkhondo; kafukufuku wa maselo a tsinde, maukwati a amuna kapena akazi okhaokha, kukhwimitsa mfuti, malamulo oteteza chilengedwe, komanso kusunga ufulu wochotsa mimba ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3521,"Immigration and cultural diversity are deemed positive as liberals favor cultural pluralism, a system in which immigrants retain their native culture in addition to adopting their new culture","Kusamuka komanso kusiyanasiyana kwa zikhalidwe kumawonedwa kukhala kwabwino popeza omasuka amakonda kusiyanasiyana kwa chikhalidwe, njira yomwe olowa m'mayiko ena amasunga chikhalidwe chawo komanso kutengera chikhalidwe chawo chatsopano",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3522,"Most liberals oppose increased military spending and the mixing of church and state. Recently, many have made combating economic inequality their top priority","Ambiri omasuka amatsutsa kuchuluka kwa ndalama zankhondo komanso kusakanikirana kwa mpingo ndi boma. Posachedwapa, ambiri aona kuti kulimbana ndi kusalingana pazachuma kukhala chinthu chofunika kwambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3523,"The relationship between income, class, and partisan support has changed significantly in recent years","Ubale pakati pa ndalama, kalasi, ndi chithandizo chamagulu azachipani chasintha kwambiri m'zaka zaposachedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3524,"Beginning in the 1980s to 1990s, there has been a significant decline in support for the Democratic Party among white working class voters","Kuyambira m'zaka za m'ma 1980 mpaka 1990, pakhala kuchepa kwakukulu kwa chithandizo cha Democratic Party pakati pa ovotera azungu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3525,"Although the gender gap has varied over the years, women of all ages as a whole are more likely than men to identify as Democrats","Ngakhale kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi kwakhala kosiyana kwa zaka zambiri, amayi azaka zonse ali ndi mwayi wodziŵika kuti ndi a Democrats kuposa amuna ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3526,White women are the only group of female voters who support Republican Party candidates for president. They have done so by a majority in all but 2 of the last 18 elections,Azimayi achizungu ndi gulu lokhalo la ovota achikazi omwe amathandizira ofuna kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko wa chipani cha Republican. Achita izi ndi anthu ambiri kusiyapo 2 mwa zisankho 18 zapitazi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3527,"Americans that identify as single, living with a domestic partner, divorced, separated, or widowed are more likely to vote Democratic in contrast to married Americans who split about equally between Democrats and Republicans","Pali chiyembekezo chachikulu kuti anthu aku America omwe amadziwika kuti ndi osakwatiwa, okhala ndi mnzawo wapakhomo, osudzulidwa, opatukana, kapena wamasiye adzavotera ma Democrat kusiyana ndi anthu apabanja aku America omwe amagawanika mofanana pakati pa ma Democrat ndi ma Republican",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3528,"However, there is a significant difference in fertility rates between the two related groups, liberals and conservatives, with liberals reproducing at a much lower rate than conservatives","Komabe, pali kusiyana kwakukulu kwa chiwerengero cha kuberekana pakati pa magulu awiri ogwirizana, omasuka ndi osunga malamulo, omwe ali omasuka akubereka pamlingo wocheperapo kusiyana ndi osunga malamulo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3529,"Catholic Americans were once a stronghold for the Democratic Party, but in recent years they have become more divided between the two major parties","Akatolika ochokera ku dziko la America poyamba anali dera la mphamvu la chipani cha Democratic, koma m’zaka zaposachedwapa agaŵikana kwambiri pakati pa zipani zazikulu ziŵirizo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3530,"All adult citizens were required to be party members. They had to carry ""party cards"" in their wallets at all times",Nzika zonse zachikulire zimafunikira kuti akhale mamembala achipani. Anayenera kunyamula 'makhadi achipani' m'matumba mwawo nthawi zonse.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3531,The party lost its monopoly on power in a 1993 referendum and was roundly defeated in the country's first free elections the next year,Chipanichi chidataya mphamvu zake pa chisankho chomwe chidachita mu 1993 ndipo chidagonja pazisankho zoyambirira zaulere mdziko muno chaka chamawa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3532,"It remains a major force in Malawian politics. It is strongest in the central region, populated by ethnic Chewa and Nyanja people","Ndilo chilimbikitso chachikulu pa ndale za Malawi. Ndiwolimba kwambiri m’chigawo chapakati, komwe kumakhala A Chewa ndi a Nyanja ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3533,"The administration of F.W. de Klerk lifted the ban on the ANC in 1990, and its leaders were released from prison or allowed to return to South Africa and conduct peaceful political activities","Ulamuliro wa F.W. de Klerk unachotsa chiletso cha ANC mu 1990, ndipo atsogoleri ake adatulutsidwa m'ndende kapena kuloledwa kubwerera ku South Africa ndikuchita ndale zamtendere ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3534,"Nelson Mandela, the most important of the ANC’s leaders, succeeded Oliver Tambo as president in 1991","Nelson Mandela, nkulu wa atsogoleli wa ANC, anapambana a Oliver Tambo ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 1991",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3535,Mandela led the ANC in negotiations (1992–93) with the government over transition to a government elected by universal suffrage,Mandela adatsogolera ANC mu zokambirana (1992-93) ndi boma pa kusintha kwa boma losankhidwa ndi ufulu wa anthu onse ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3536,"In April 1994 the party swept to power in the country’s first such election, winning more than 60 percent of the vote for seats in the new National Assembly","Mu mwezi wa April 1994 chipanichi chidatenga mphamvu pachisankho choyamba choterechi, ndipo chidapeza mavoti opitilira 60 peresenti ya mipando mu nyumba yamalamulo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3537,"Mandela, who headed a government of national unity, was inaugurated as South Africa’s first Black president on May 10, 1994","Mandela, yemwe adatsogolera boma la mgwirizano wa dziko, adakhazikitsidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko oyamba wakuda wa South Africa pa May 10, 1994",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3538,"After the withdrawal of the National Party from the government in 1996, the ANC entered into an alliance with its previous rival, the Inkatha Freedom Party, led by Mangosuthu Buthelezi","Chipani cha National chitatuluka m’boma m’chaka cha 1996, chipani cha ANC chinachita mgwirizano ndi chipani cha Inkatha Freedom chotsogoleredwa ndi Mangosuthu Buthelezi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3539,"Mandela stepped down as ANC president in 1997, and in June 1999 his successor, Thabo Mbeki, became the second Black president of South Africa","Mandela adachoka ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko wa ANC mu 1997, ndipo mu June 1999 wolowa m'malo mwake, Thabo Mbeki, adakhala mtsogoleri wachikuda wa South Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3540,The party celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2002 and continued its domination of South African politics,Chipanichi chinachita chikondwerero cha zaka 90 chikhazikitsire mchaka cha 2002 ndipo chinapitirizabe kulamulira ndale ku South Africa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3541,"Signs of dissent began to appear within the ANC leading up to the party’s 2007 national conference, where the next president of the ANC—and, most likely, the next president of the country—was to be selected","Zizindikiro za kusagwirizana zinayamba kuonekera mkati mwa chipani cha ANC pokonzekera msonkhano wa chipanichi mu 200, pomwe mtsogoleri wotsatira wa ANC—ndipo mwinanso mtsogoleri wotsatira wa dziko—anayenera kusankhidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3542,"Although Mbeki was barred by South Africa’s constitution from serving a third term as president of the country, securing a third term as party president would have guaranteed him considerable influence in choosing the country’s next president in 2009","Ngakhale a Mbeki analetsedwa ndi malamulo a dziko la South Africa kuti akhale mtsogoleri wa dzikolo kwa nthawi yachitatu, kudzakhala mtsogolerio wa chipani chachitatu kukanamupatsa mphamvu zambiri posankha mtsogoleri wotsatira wa dzikolo mu 2009",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3543,"His bid for leadership of the party was challenged by Jacob Zuma, the former deputy president whom he had dismissed in 2005 amid charges of corruption; the next year Zuma also stood trial for an unrelated charge of rape","Kufuna kwake kukhala mtsogoleri wachipanichi kudatsutsidwa ndi Jacob Zuma, yemwe anali wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri yemwe adamuchotsa mchaka cha 2005 pamilandu yakatangale; chaka chotsatiracho Zuma adazemngedwanso mlandu wokhudza kugwiririra",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3544,"He was acquitted of rape in May 2006, and the corruption charges were dropped later that year","Anatulutsidwa pamlandu wogwiririra mu May 2006, ndipo milandu ya katangale inathetsedwa chakumapeto kwa chaka chimenecho",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3545,"Despite repeated allegations of wrongdoing—which his supporters claimed were politically motivated—Zuma remained a popular figure within the ANC and, in what was one of the most contentious leadership battles in the party’s history, was selected over Mbeki in December 2007 to be party president","Ngakhale ankanena zolakwa zambiri zomwe omutsatira ake ankanena kuti zinali zokomera ndale, Zuma anakhalabe munthu wotchuka mu chipani cha ANC ndipo, mu umodzi mwa mikangano ya utsogoleri m'mbiri ya chipanichi, anasankhidwa pa Mbeki mu December 2007 kukhala mtsogoleri wachipani.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3546,"The request for Mbeki’s resignation angered part of the ANC membership base, and several high-ranking ANC officials resigned from their government positions in protest","Pempho loti a Mbeki atule pansi udindo lidakwiyitsa mbali ina ya umembala wa chipani cha ANC, ndipo akuluakulu angapo achipani cha ANC adatula pansi udindo wawo m’boma potsutsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3547,Another source of tension within the party was Zuma’s close ties to the South African Communist Party and to the Congress of South African Trade Unions,Chinanso chomwe chidayambitsa kusamvana mchipanichi ndi ubale wa Zuma ndi chipani cha South Africa Communist Party komanso Congress of South African Trade Unions,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3548,"Although both organizations had long been allies of the ANC, there was growing concern among many ANC members that those groups were exerting too much influence on the ANC under Zuma’s leadership","Ngakhale mabungwe onsewa adagwirizana kwa nthawi yayitali ndi chipani cha ANC, kuda nkhawa kudakulirakulira pakati pa mamembala ambiri a ANC kuti maguluwa akukakamiza kwambiri chipani cha ANC motsogozedwa ndi Zuma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3549,"The discord in the ANC proved to be too great to overcome. High-ranking members and Mbeki supporters broke away from the ANC and established a new party, Congress of the People (COPE)",Mkangano mu ANC unakhala waukulu kwambiri kuti ugonjetse. Mamembala akuluakulu komanso otsatira a Mbeki adatuluka mu ANC ndikukhazikitsa chipani chatsopano cha Congress of the People (COPE),politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3550,"The new party, which pledged to reach out to minorities and women, was officially launched in December 2008 and attracted members from the ANC as well as other organizations","Chipani chatsopanochi, chomwe chidalonjeza kuti chidzafikira anthu ochepa komanso amayi, chidakhazikitsidwa mwalamulo mu December 2008 ndipo chidakopa mamembala a ANC komanso mabungwe ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3551,"Despite the challenge from COPE and other parties, the ANC was victorious in the 2009 general election, finishing far ahead of its competitors, with almost 66 percent of the national vote","Ngakhale zipani za COPE ndi zipani zina zidakumana nazo, chipani cha ANC chidapambana pachisankho cha 2009, ndikumaliza kuposa omwe adapikisana nawo, ndi pafupifupi 66 peresenti ya mavoti adziko lonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3552,"The party maintained control of all provinces except the Western Cape, which was won by the Democratic Alliance",Chipanichi chidapitirizabe kulamulira zigawo zonse kupatulapo Western Cape yomwe idapambana ndi Democratic Alliance,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3553,"Zuma, however, still appeared to have a majority of support. At the last minute he was challenged for the party presidency, but Zuma handily defeated him","Zuma, komabe, ankawoneka kuti ali ndi chithandizo chochuluka. Pomaliza adapikisana nawo pa utsogoleri wa chipani, koma Zuma adamugonjetsa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3554,In the 2014 elections the ANC’s status as the governing party was secured for another five years when the party won about 62 percent of the national vote,M’chisankho cha 2014 chipani cha ANC chinali ngati chipani cholamulira chinadziwika kwa zaka zina zisanu pamene chipanichi chinapambana pafupifupi 62 peresenti ya mavoti a dziko lonse,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3555,At the provincial level it remained the dominant party in all provinces except the Western Cape,Kumaboma idakhalabe chipani chachikulu m'zigawo zonse kupatula Western Cape,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3556,The success of the party came even though its membership base had seen erosion from dissatisfaction with the performance of the ANC-led government and by other parties gaining in popularity,Kuchita bwino kwa chipanichi kudadza ngakhale kuti mamembala ake adawoneka akukokoloka chifukwa chosakhutira ndi momwe boma lotsogozedwa ndi ANC komanso zipani zina zidatchuka,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3557,"The party’s loss of support was widely attributed to the electorate’s dissatisfaction with how the ANC-led governments at the municipal and national levels were handling the economy and delivery of services, as well as frustration with the persistent corruption and scandals associated with Zuma and the ANC","Kulephera kwachipanichi kudachitika chifukwa chakukhumudwa kwa ochita zisankho ndi momwe maboma otsogozedwa ndi ANC m'maboma ndi m'maboma ndi m'maboma akuyendetsa chuma ndi kupereka ntchito, komanso kukhumudwa ndi katangale ndi nkhani zabodza zomwe zimayenderana ndi Zuma ndi ANC.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3558,"Another closely fought battle for the party’s presidency played out at the ANC’s national conference in December 2017, with the polarization of Zuma’s supporters and critics at the fore","Nkhondo ina yomwe idamenyedwa kwambiri yofuna kukhala mtsogoleri wachipani idachitika pamsonkhano waukulu wa chipani cha ANC mu December 2017, pomwe panali kusagwirizana kwa otsatira Zuma ndi otsutsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3559,Both events increased the likelihood that the ANC would pressure Zuma to step down as president prior to the 2019 elections in order to stem the damage to the party from the allegations of scandal and corruption that had swirled around him for so long,Zochitika ziwirizi zidawonjezera mwayi woti chipani cha ANC chikakamize Zuma kuti atule pansi udindo wake ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko zisankho za 2019 zisanachitike kuti athetse kuwonongeka kwa chipanichi chifukwa cha nkhani zonyoza komanso zakatangale zomwe zakhala zikumuzungulira kwa nthawi yayitali,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3560,In early 2018 ANC officials engaged in several meetings and negotiation sessions regarding Zuma’s remaining time as president,Kumayambiriro kwa chaka cha 2018 akuluakulu a ANC adachita misonkhano ingapo komanso zokambirana zokhuza nthawi yotsala ya Zuma kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3561,"The situation peaked on February 13, 2018, when the ANC announced that it had decided to recall Zuma from the presidency","Zinthu zidafika pachimake pa 13 February 2018, pomwe chipani cha ANC chidalengeza kuti chaganiza zochotsa Zuma pampando wamtsogoleri wa dziko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3562,"The recall, however, did not legally compel Zuma to step down, so the party had to wait for him to offer his resignation","Koma kuchotsedwako sikunakakamize Zuma kuti atule pansi udindo wake, choncho chipanicho chinayenera kumudikirira kuti apereke udindo wake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3563,"Zuma acquiesced, albeit somewhat defiantly, and offered his resignation the next day. He was succeeded as president of the country by Ramaphosa","A Zuma adavomera, ngakhale adachita mwano, ndipo adalonjeza kuti atule pansi udindo wake tsiku lotsatira. Adasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko wa dziko ndi Ramaphosa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3564,"On the national stage, it was the party’s worst showing to date, a sign of the continuing dissatisfaction with the ANC-led government","Pabwalo ladziko lonse, zidali zoyipitsitsa mchipanichi mpaka pano, zomwe zikuwonetsa kusakhutira ndi boma lotsogozedwa ndi ANC",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3565,"At the provincial level, the party was able to keep control of eight out of nine provinces it previously held, with the Western Cape once again going to the DA party","Pachigawo chachigawo chipanichi chidakwanitsa kulamulira zigawo zisanu ndi zitatu mwa zisanu ndi zinayi zomwe zidachita kale, ndipo Western Cape idapitanso ku chipani cha DA",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3566,"After participating in rebellions against governments in the Dominican Republic and Colombia, he planned the overthrow of Cuban president Fulgencio Batista, launching a failed attack on the Moncada Barracks in 1953","Atatenga nawo mbali poukira maboma ku Dominican Republic ndi Colombia, adakonzekera kugwetsa mtsogoleri wa dziko la Cuba, Fulgencio Batista, ndikuyambitsa zigawenga zomwe zidalephera ku Moncada Barracks mu 1953",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3567,"After a year's imprisonment, Castro travelled to Mexico where he formed a revolutionary group",Castro atakhala m'ndende kwa chaka chimodzi adapita ku Mexico komwe adayambitsa gulu losintha anthu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3568,"After Batista's overthrow in 1959, Castro assumed military and political power as Cuba's prime minister","Batista atagonjetsedwa mu 1959, Castro adatenga mphamvu zankhondo ndi ndale ngati nduna yaikulu ya Cuba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3569,"The United States came to oppose Castro's government and unsuccessfully attempted to remove him by assassination, economic embargo, and counter-revolution","Dziko la United States linabwera kudzatsutsa boma la Castro ndipo linalephera kumuchotsa mwa kumupha, kuletsa kuletsa chuma, komanso kutsutsa kusintha kwa boma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3570,"Critics call him a dictator whose administration oversaw human rights abuses, the exodus of many Cubans, and the impoverishment of the country's economy","Otsutsa amamuuza wolamulira mnzake, yemwe akulamulira anthu ambiri, ndipo anali wochiritsika wa chuma cha dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3571,"He had become financially successful by growing sugarcane. His mistress and later second wife; together they had seven children, among them Fidel","Iye anali ndi ndalama zambiri chifukwa cholima nzimbe. Mbuye wake ndipo kenako mkazi wachiwiri; pamodzi adali ndi ana asanu ndi awiri, mwa iwo Fidel",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3572,"At age six, Castro was sent to live with his teacher in Santiago before being baptized into the Roman Catholic Church at the age of eight","Ali ndi zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi, Castro anatumizidwa kukakhala ndi aphunzitsi ake ku Santiago asanabatizidwe mumpingo wa Katolika ali ndi zaka zisanu ndi zitatu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3573,"Being baptized enabled Castro to attend the La Salle boarding school in Santiago, where he regularly misbehaved","Kubatizidwa kunathandiza Castro kupita kusukulu yogonera ku La Salle ku Santiago, kumene nthaŵi zonse anali kuchita zoipa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3574,"Although Castro took an interest in history, geography, and debate at Belén, he did not excel academically, instead devoting much of his time to playing sports","Ngakhale Castro ankachita chidwi ndi mbiri yakale, malo, ndi kukangana ku Belén, sanachite bwino m’maphunziro, m’malo mwake ankathera nthawi yake yambiri akuchita masewera ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3575,"In 1945, Castro began studying law at the University of Havana. Admitting he was ""politically illiterate"", Castro became embroiled in student activism and the violent gangsterism culture within the university","Mu 1945, Castro anayamba kuphunzira zamalamulo ku Yunivesite ya Havana. Kuvomereza kuti anali wopanda ntchito ', Calro adalowa mu chinsinsi cha ophunzira ndi chipani chachiwawa cha zigawenga mkati mwa yunivesite",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3576,"Castro became critical of the corruption and violence of President Ramón Grau's government, delivering a public speech on the subject in November 1946 that received coverage on the front page of several newspapers","Castro adadzudzula katangale ndi ziwawa za boma la mtsogoleri wa dziko Ramón Grau, pokamba nkhani yapoyera pankhaniyi mu November 1946 yomwe idasindikizidwa patsamba loyamba la manyuzipepala angapo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3577,"A charismatic figure, he advocated social justice, honest government, and political freedom, while his party exposed corruption and demanded reform","Iye anali munthu wachikoka, ankalimbikitsa chilungamo cha anthu, boma loona mtima, ndi ufulu wa ndale, pamene chipani chake chinavumbula katangale ndi kufuna kuti zinthu zisinthe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3578,"Student violence escalated after Grau employed gang leaders as police officers, and Castro soon received a death threat urging him to leave the university","Ziwawa za ophunzira zidakula pambuyo poti Grau adalemba ntchito atsogoleri a zigawenga ngati apolisi, ndipo posakhalitsa Castro adaopsezedwa kuti aphedwa ndikumuuza kuti achoke kuyunivesite",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3579,"However, he refused to do so and began to carry a gun and surround himself with armed friends","Komabe, iye anakana kutero ndipo anayamba kunyamula mfuti ndi kudzizungulira ndi anzake okhala ndi zida",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3580,"In later years, anti-Castro dissidents accused him of committing gang-related assassinations at the time, but these accusations remain unproven","M'zaka zamtsogolo, otsutsana ndi Castro adamuimba mlandu wopha anthu okhudzana ndi zigawenga panthawiyo, koma milanduyi sinatsimikizidwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3581,I joined the people; I grabbed a rifle in a police station that collapsed when it was rushed by a crowd. I witnessed the spectacle of a totally spontaneous revolution,Ndinalowa nawo anthuwo; Ndinatenga mfuti papolisi yomwe inagwa pamene gulu la anthu linathamangitsidwa. Ndidawona chiwonetsero chakusintha kodzidzimutsa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3582,That experience led me to identify myself even more with the cause of the people,Chochitika chimenecho chinandipangitsa kudzizindikiritsa ndekha ndi chifukwa cha anthu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3583,"Returning to Havana, Castro took a leading role in student protests against the killing of a high school pupil by government bodyguards","Pobwerera ku Havana, Castro adatsogolera ziwonetsero za ophunzira zotsutsa kuphedwa kwa mwana wasukulu yasekondale ndi alonda aboma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3584,"The protests, accompanied by a crackdown on those considered communists, led to violent clashes between activists and police in February 1948, in which Castro was badly beaten","Zionetserozi, zomwe zidatsagana ndi anthu omwe amawaona ngati achikomyunizimu, zidayambitsa mikangano pakati pa omenyera ufulu ndi apolisi mu February 1948, pomwe Castro adamenyedwa koyipa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3585,"Returning to Cuba, Castro became a prominent figure in protests against government attempts to raise bus fares","Pobwerera ku Cuba, Castro adakhala wotchuka paziwonetsero zotsutsana ndi zomwe boma likufuna kukweza mabasi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3586,"That year, he married Mirta Díaz Balart, a student from a wealthy family, through whom he was exposed to the lifestyle of the Cuban elite","Chaka chimenecho, adakwatira Mirta Díaz Balart, wophunzira wochokera ku banja lolemera, kudzera mwa iye adadziwika ndi moyo wa anthu osankhika aku Cuba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3587,"The relationship was a love match, disapproved of by both families, but Díaz Balart's father gave them tens of thousands of dollars, along with Batista, to spend on a three-month New York City honeymoon","Ubalewu unali mgwirizano wachikondi, wosagwirizana ndi mabanja onse awiri, koma abambo a Díaz Balart adawapatsa madola masauzande ambiri, pamodzi ndi Batista, kuti azigwiritsa ntchito miyezi itatu ku New York City",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3588,"I was like a blindfolded man in a forest, who doesn't even know where north or south is. If you don't eventually come to truly understand the history of the class struggle, or at least have a clear idea that society is divided between the rich and the poor, and that some people subjugate and exploit other people, you're lost in a forest, not knowing anything","Ndinali ngati munthu wakhungu m’nkhalango, amene sadziwa n’komwe kumene kuli kumpoto kapena kum’mwera. Ngati simufika pakumvetsetsa mbiri ya nkhondo yamagulu, kapena kukhala ndi lingaliro lomveka bwino kuti gulu lagawikana pakati pa olemera ndi osauka, ndikuti anthu ena amagonjetsera ndi kudyera masuku pamutu anthu ena, ndiye kuti mwatayika. nkhalango, osadziwa kalikonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3589,"In response, Prío agreed to quell the gangs, but found them too powerful to control. Visiting Havana's poorest neighborhoods, he became active in the student anti-racist campaign","Poyankha, Prío adavomera kuthetsa zigawengazo, koma adawapeza amphamvu kwambiri kuti sangawalamulire. Kuyendera madera osauka kwambiri a Havana, adayamba kuchita nawo kampeni yolimbana ndi tsankho la ophunzira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3590,"Castro continued to put himself at risk, staying active in the city's politics and joining the 30 September Movement","Castro adapitilizabe kuyika pachiwopsezo, kukhalabe wotanganidwa mu ndale zamzindawu ndikulowa nawo 30 September Movement",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3591,"The group's purpose was to oppose the influence of the violent gangs within the university; despite his promises, Prío had failed to control the situation, instead offering many of their senior members jobs in government ministries","Cholinga cha gululi chinali kutsutsa chisonkhezero cha magulu achiwawa mkati mwa yunivesite; ngakhale adalonjeza, Prío adalephera kuwongolera zinthu, m'malo mwake adapatsa akuluakulu awo ambiri ntchito m'maunduna a boma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3592,"Castro volunteered to deliver a speech for the Movement on 13 November, exposing the government's secret deals with the gangs and identifying key members","Castro adadzipereka kuti akayankhule za gululi pa 13 November, kuwulula zomwe boma likuchita ndi zigawenga komanso kuzindikira mamembala ofunikira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3593,"Attracting the attention of the national press, the speech angered the gangs and Castro fled into hiding, first in the countryside and then in the US","Pokopa chidwi cha atolankhani mdzikolo, zolankhulazo zidakwiyitsa zigawengazo ndipo Castro adathawa kukabisala, poyamba kumidzi kenako ku US",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3594,"Returning to Havana several weeks later, Castro laid low and focused on his university studies, graduating as a Doctor of Law in September 1950. Castro intended to overthrow the presidency of General Fulgencio Batista","Atabwerera ku Havana milungu ingapo pambuyo pake, Castro anadekha ndikuika maganizo ake pa maphunziro ake a ku yunivesite ndipo atamaliza maphunziro ake monga Doctor of Law mu September 1950. Castro ankafuna kugwetsa utsogoleri wa General Fulgencio Batista",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3595,"Castro co-founded a legal partnership that primarily catered to poor Cubans, although it proved a financial failure","Castro adayambitsa mgwirizano wazamalamulo womwe udathandizira anthu osauka aku Cuba, ngakhale zidawonetsa kulephera kwachuma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3596,"Caring little for money or material goods, Castro failed to pay his bills; his furniture was repossessed and electricity cut off, distressing his wife","Posalabadira za ndalama kapena katundu, Castro analephera kulipira ngongole zake; katundu wake wamnyumba adalandidwa ndipo magetsi adadulidwa, zomwe zidakhumudwitsa mkazi wake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3597,"He took part in a high school protest in Cienfuegos in November 1950, fighting with police to protest the Education Ministry's ban on student associations; he was arrested and charged for violent conduct, but the magistrate dismissed the charges","Anachita nawo zionetsero za sukulu ya sekondale ku Cienfuegos mu November 1950, akumenyana ndi apolisi kuti atsutsane ndi kuletsa kwa Unduna wa Maphunziro ku mabungwe a ophunzira; adamangidwa ndikumuzenga mlandu wochita zachiwawa, koma woweruza milandu adakana ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3598,He was instead nominated as a candidate for the House of Representatives by party members in Havana's poorest districts and began campaigning,M'malo mwake adasankhidwa kukhala phungu wa Nyumba ya Oyimilira ndi mamembala a chipani m'madera osauka kwambiri a Havana ndipo anayamba kuchita kampeni,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3599,"During his campaign, Castro met with General Fulgencio Batista, the former president who had returned to politics with the Unitary Action Party","Pa nthawi ya yokopa anthu, Castro adakumana ndi mtsogoleri wankhondo Fulgencio Batista, mtsogoleri wakale yemwe adabwerera ku ndale ndi chipani cha Unitary Action.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3600,"Batista offered him a place in his administration if he was successful; although both opposed Prío's administration, their meeting never got beyond polite generalities","Batista anamupatsa malo mu ulamuliro wake ngati atapambana; ngakhale onse awiri adatsutsana ndi kayendetsedwe ka boma ka Prío, misonkhano yawo mopyolera zokambirana zongocheza ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3601,"On 10 March 1952, Batista seized power in a military coup, with Prío fleeing to Mexico. Declaring himself president, Batista cancelled the planned presidential elections, describing his new system as ""disciplined democracy""","Pa 10 March 1952, Batista adalanda mphamvu pagulu lankhondo, pomwe Prío adathawira ku Mexico. Podziwonetsa yekha kukhala mtsogoleri, Batista adaletsa zisankho zautsogoleri zomwe zidakonzedwa, ponena kuti dongosolo lake latsopanoli ndi 'ufulu wodzilamulira wosunga mwambo""",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3602,"Castro was deprived of being elected in his run for office by Batista's move, and like many others, considered it a one-man dictatorship","Castro adalandidwa kusankhidwa paudindo wake chifukwa cha kusamuka kwa Batista, ndipo monga ena ambiri, adawona ngati ulamuliro wankhanza wa munthu mmodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3603,"Intent on opposing Batista, Castro brought several legal cases against the government, but these came to nothing, and Castro began thinking of alternate ways to oust the regime","Pofuna kutsutsa Batista, Castro anabweretsa milandu ingapo yotsutsa boma, koma izi sizinaphule kanthu, ndipo Castro anayamba kuganiza za njira zina zochotsera ulamulirowu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3604,"Castro formed a group called ""The Movement"" which operated along a clandestine cell system, publishing underground newspaper, while arming and training anti-Batista recruits","Castro adapanga gulu lotchedwa 'The Movement' lomwe limagwira ntchito mobisa, ndikusindikiza nyuzipepala yachinsinsi, kwinaku akutenga zida ndi kuphunzitsa anthu odana ndi Batista",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3605,"From July 1952 they went on a recruitment drive, gaining around 1,200 members in a year, the majority from Havana's poorer districts","Kuyambira July 1952 iwo anapitiriza ntchito yolemba anthu, kupeza pafupifupi mamembala chikwi chimodzi ndimazana awiri m'chaka, ambiri ochokera m'maboma osauka a Havana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3606,"Castro stockpiled weapons for a planned attack on the Moncada Barracks, a military garrison outside Santiago de Cuba, Oriente","Castro adasunga zida zokonzekera kuukira ku Moncada Barracks, gulu lankhondo kunja kwa dela la Santiago de Cuba, Oriente",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3607,"Castro's militants intended to dress in army uniforms and arrive at the base on 25 July, seizing control and raiding the armoury before reinforcements arrived","Zigawenga za Castro zidafuna kuvala yunifolomu yankhondo ndikufika pamalowo pa 25 Julayi, kulanda ndikuwononga zida zosungira zida zisanachitike",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3608,"Supplied with new weaponry, Castro intended to spark a revolution among Oriente's impoverished cane cutters and promote further uprisings","Atapatsidwa zida zatsopano, Castro ankafuna kuyambitsa zipolowe pakati pa odula nzimbe osauka a ku Oriente ndikulimbikitsanso zipolowe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3609,Castro's plan emulated those of the 19th-century Cuban independence fighters who had raided Spanish barracks; Castro saw himself as the heir to independence leader José Martí,Dongosolo la Castro lidatengera za omenyera ufulu waku Cuba a m'zaka za mazana khumi ndi zisanu kudza zinayi omwe adalanda nyumba zankhondo zaku Spain; Castro adadziwona ngati wolowa m'malo mwa mtsogoleri wodziyimira pawokha a José Martí,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3610,"Castro gathered 165 revolutionaries for the mission,[60] ordering his troops not to cause bloodshed unless they met armed resistance","Castro anasonkhanitsa anthu zana limodzi, makumi asanu ndi limodzi kudza mphambu zisanu osintha zinthu kuti apite ku mishoni, [makumi asanu ndi limodzi] kulamula asilikali ake kuti asaphetse magazi pokhapokha atakumana ndi zida",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3611,"The attack took place on 26 July 1953, but ran into trouble; 3 of the 16 cars that had set out from Santiago failed to get there","Kuukira kunachitika pa 26 July chaka cha 1953, koma adakumana ndi mavuto; Magalimoto atatu mwa anthu khumi ndi asanu ndimmodzi omwe adanyamuka ku Santiago adalephera kufika kumeneko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3612,"Reaching the barracks, the alarm was raised, with most of the rebels pinned down by machine gun fire","Atafika kunyumbako, alamu adayimba, ndipo zigawenga zambiri zidatsatiridwa ndi mfuti zamakina",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3613,"Four were killed before Castro ordered a retreat. The rebels suffered 6 fatalities and 15 other casualties, whilst the army suffered 19 dead and 27 wounded","Anayi adaphedwa Castro asanalamule kuti abwerere. Zigawengazo zinapha anthu asanu ndimmodzi ndipo ena khumi ndi asanu anavulala, pamene asilikali khumi ndi asanu ndi anayi anafa ndipo makumi awiri ndiasanu ndi awiri anavulala",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3614,"Meanwhile, some rebels took over a civilian hospital; subsequently stormed by government soldiers, the rebels were rounded up, tortured and 22 were executed without trial","Panthawiyi, zigawenga zina zinalanda chipatala cha anthu wamba; kenako asilikali a boma anawukiridwa ndi asilikali, zigawengazo zinasonkhanitsidwa, kuzunzidwa ndipo makumi awiri kudzanso awiri anaphedwa popanda kuzenga mlandu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3615,"Responding to the attack, Batista's government proclaimed martial law, ordering a violent crackdown on dissent, and imposing strict media censorship","Poyankha chiwembucho, boma la Batista lidalengeza za malamulo ankhondo, kulamula kuti pakhale ziwawa zolimbana ndi otsutsa, komanso kukakamiza ofalitsa nkhani kuti aziletsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3616,"The government broadcast misinformation about the event, claiming that the rebels were communists who had killed hospital patients, although news and photographs of the army's use of torture and summary executions in Oriente soon spread, causing widespread public and some governmental disapproval","Boma lidaulutsa zabodza za chochitikacho, ponena kuti zigawengazo ndi achikomyunizimu omwe adapha odwala m'chipatala, ngakhale nkhani ndi zithunzi za momwe asirikali adazunza komanso kupha anthu mwachidule ku Oriente posakhalitsa zidafalikira, zomwe zidapangitsa kuti anthu ambiri komanso maboma asavomereze",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3617,"Over the following days, the rebels were rounded up; some were executed and others—including Castro—transported to a prison north of Santiago","M’masiku otsatira, zigawengazo zinasonkhanitsidwa; ena anaphedwa ndipo ena—kuphatikizapo Castro—anawasamutsira kundende ya kumpoto kwa Santiago ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3618,"Believing Castro incapable of planning the attack alone, the government accused other politicians of involvement, putting 122 defendants on trial on 21 September at the Palace of Justice","Pokhulupirira kuti Castro sangathe kukonzekera yekha, boma linadzudzula andale ena kuti akutenga nawo mbali, ndikuyika anthu zana limodzi ndi makumi awiri kudzanso awiri pamlandu pa 21 September ku Palace of Justice ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3619,"Acting as his own defence counsel, Castro cited Martí as the intellectual author of the attack and convinced the three judges to overrule the army's decision to keep all defendants handcuffed in court, proceeding to argue that the charge with which they were accused—of ""organizing an uprising of armed persons against the Constitutional Powers of the State""—was incorrect, for they had risen up against Batista, who had seized power in an unconstitutional manner","Podziyimira yekha pa mlandu, Castro adatchula kuti Martí ndi amene anayambitsa chiwembucho ndipo anawauza ndikuwakhutitsa ndiuthenga omwe udapangitsa oweruza atatuwo atembenuze chigamulo chonena kuti asilika anthu onse amene akuimbidwa mlanduwo akhalebe omangidwa mmanja mu;bwalo lamilandulo, n’kunena kuti mlandu umene anaimbidwa mlanduwo ndi wakuti ‘anakonza zoti anthu amene akuimbidwa mlanduwo amangidwe. kuwukira kwa anthu okhala ndi zida zotsutsana ndi mphamvu za malamulo a boma' -zinali zolakwika, chifukwa adawukira Batista, yemwe adalanda mphamvu mophwanya malamulo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3620,"The trial embarrassed the army by revealing that they had tortured suspects, after which they tried unsuccessfully to prevent Castro from testifying any further, claiming he was too ill","Mlanduwu udachititsa manyazi asilikaliwo poulula kuti adazunza anthu omwe amawaganizira, ndipo adayesetsa kuti Castro asaperekenso umboni wake, ponena kuti amadwala kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3621,"The trial ended on 5 October, with the acquittal of most defendants; 55 were sentenced to prison terms of between 7 months and 13 years","Mlanduwu udatha pa 5 October ndipo anthu ambiri adamasulidwa, anthu makumi asanu kudzanso asanu ndi asanu adapititsidwa kundende pakati pa miyezi isanu ndi iwiri enanso zaka khmi ndizitatu.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3622,"Castro was sentenced on 16 October, during which he delivered a speech that would be printed under the title of History Will Absolve Me",Castro anaweruzidwa pa 16 October ndipo pomwe amamngidwa adalankhula mawu omwe patapita nthawi adapatsidwa dzina lokuti mbiri idzandipeza osalakwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3623,"Castro was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment in the hospital wing of the Model Prison, a relatively comfortable and modern institution","Castro anaweruzidwa kuti akhale m'ndende zaka khumi ndizisanu m'chipinda cha mbali yakuchipatala mundendemo, anali malo abwinoko komanso amakono",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3624,"Imprisoned with 25 comrades, Castro renamed his group the ""26th of July Movement"" (MR-26-7) in memory of the Moncada attack's date, and formed a school for prisoners","Ali m'ndende ndi anzake makumi awiri ndiasanu, Castro adatcha gulu lake 'zochitika za pa 26 July' (MR-26-7) pokumbukira tsiku la kuukira kwa Moncada, ndipo adapanga sukulu ya akaidi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3625,"Corresponding with supporters, he maintained control over the Movement and organized the publication of History Will Absolve Me","Mogwirizana ndi omuthandizira, adasungabe ulamuliro pa Movement ndikukonza kufalitsa kwa ,mbiri idzandipeza osalakwa'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3626,"Initially permitted a relative amount of freedom within the prison, he was locked up in solitary confinement after inmates sang anti-Batista songs on a visit by the president in February 1954","Poyambirira adalola ufulu wochulukirapo mndende, adatsekeredwa m'ndende yayekha akaidi ataimba nyimbo zotsutsa Batista paulendo wa mtasogoleri wa dziko mu chaka cha 1954 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3627,"Meanwhile, Castro's wife Mirta gained employment in the Ministry of the Interior, something he discovered through a radio announcement","Panthawiyi, mkazi wa Castro, Mirta, adapeza ntchito ku Unduna wa Zam'kati, zomwe adazipeza kudzera muzolengeza za pa wailesi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3628,"Appalled, he raged that he would rather die ""a thousand times"" than ""suffer impotently from such an insult""","Modabwa, anakwiya kuti angalole kufa 'kambirimbiri' kusiyana ndi 'kuvutika ndi chipongwe choterocho' ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3629,"Both Fidel and Mirta initiated divorce proceedings, with Mirta taking custody of their son Fidelito; this angered Castro, who did not want his son growing up in a bourgeois environment","Onse awiri Fidel ndi Mirta adayambitsa chisudzulo, ndipo Mirta adatenga mwana wawo Fidelito; izi zidakwiyitsa Castro yemwe sanafune kuti mwana wake akule m'malo amtundu wa bourgeois",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3630,"In 1954, Batista's government held presidential elections, but no politician stood against him; the election was widely considered fraudulent","Mu 1954, boma la Batista linachita zisankho za mtsogoleri wa dziko koma palibe wandale yemwe anamutsutsa; Chisankhochi chimaonedwa kuti chinali chachinyengo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3631,"It had allowed some political opposition to be voiced, and Castro's supporters had agitated for an amnesty for the Moncada incident's perpetrators","Izi zidalola kuti zotsutsa zandale zinenedwe, ndipo omutsatira a Castro adalimbikira kuti akhululukidwe omwe adachita chochitika cha Moncada",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3632,"Some politicians suggested an amnesty would be good publicity, and the Congress and Batista agreed","Andale ena adauza tsankho lomwe lingakhale lokhudza kufalitsa, ndipo Congress ndi Batta adagwirizana.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3633,"Returning to Havana, Castro gave radio interviews and press conferences; the government closely monitored him, curtailing his activities","Kubwerera ku Havana, Castro anapereka zoyankhulana ndi wailesi ndi misonkhano ya atolankhani; boma lidamuyang'anira bwino, ndikuchepetsa zochita zake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3634,"Now divorced, Castro had sexual affairs with two female supporters, each conceiving him a child","Tsopano atasudzulidwa, Castro adagonana ndi azimayi awiri omwe amamuthandizira, aliyense atakhala ndi pakati ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3635,"Setting about strengthening his movement, he established an 11-person National Directorate but retained autocratic control, with some dissenters labelling him a dictator; he argued that a successful revolution could not be run by committee and required a strong leader","Atakhala kuti akulimbikitsa kusuntha kwake, adakhazikitsa boma la anthu khumi ndi mmodzxi koma adasunga kuwongolera kokuti ziziyenda zokha, ndipo adamulembera iye mwankhanza wolamulira; Adanenanso kuti kusintha kopambana sikungathetse komiti ndipo kumafunikira mtsogoleri wolimba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3636,"In 1955, bombings and violent demonstrations led to a crackdown on dissent, with Castro and Raúl fleeing the country to evade arrest","Mu chaka 1955, kuphulika kwa mabomba ndi ziwonetsero zachiwawa zinapangitsa kuti anthu otsutsa ayambe kumenyana, ndipo Castro ndi Raúl anathawa m'dzikolo kuti asamangidwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3637,"Castro sent a letter to the press, declaring that he was ""leaving Cuba because all doors of peaceful struggle have been closed to me","Castro adatumiza kalata kwa atolankhani, kulengeza kuti 'akuchoka ku Cuba chifukwa zitseko zonse zamtendere zatsekedwa kwa ine",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3638,"As a follower of Martí, I believe the hour has come to take our rights and not beg for them, to fight instead of pleading for them","Monga wotsatira wa Martií, ndikukhulupirira kuti nthawi yakwana ndipo osawapempha, kuti azimenyera nkhondo m'malo modzikhululukira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3639,"The Castros and several comrades travelled to Mexico, where Raúl befriended an Argentine doctor named Ernesto ""Che"" Guevara, who was working as a journalist and photographer","A Castro ndi anzawo angapo adapita ku Mexico, komwe Raúl adapanga ubwenzi ndi dotolo wa ku Argentina dzina lake Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, yemwe amagwira ntchito ngati mtolankhani komanso wojambula zithunzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3640,"Fidel liked him, later describing him as ""a more advanced revolutionary than I was"" Castro also associated with the Spaniard Alberto Bayo, who agreed to teach Castro's rebels the necessary skills in guerrilla warfare","Fidel adamukonda, kenako adamufotokozera ngati 'wosintha kwambiri kuposa ine' Castro adalumikizananso ndi Msipanishi Alberto Bayo, yemwe adavomera kuphunzitsa zigawenga za Castro maluso ofunikira pankhondo za zigawenga ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3641,"Requiring funding, Castro toured the US in search of wealthy sympathizers, there being monitored by Batista's agents, who allegedly orchestrated a failed assassination attempt against him","Akufuna ndalama, Castro adayendera US kufunafuna anthu olemera omwe amamumvera chisoni, akuyang'aniridwa ndi othandizira a Batista, omwe akuti adakonza zoti amuphe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3642,"Castro kept in contact with the movement in Cuba, where they had gained a large support base in Oriente","Castro adalumikizana ndi gulu ku Cuba, komwe adapeza chithandizo chachikulu ku Oriente",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3643,"Other militant anti-Batista groups had sprung up, primarily from the student movement but Castro opposed the student's support for indiscriminate assassination","Magulu ena a zigawenga odana ndi Batista anali atayambika, makamaka ochokera ku gulu la ophunzira koma Castro adatsutsa kuti wophunzirayo aphedwe mwachisawawa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3644,"The 1,900-kilometre crossing to Cuba was harsh, with food running low and many suffering seasickness","Ulendo wamakilomita chikwi chimodzi ndi mazana asanu ndianayi wopita ku Cuba unali wovuta, chakudya chinali chitachepa komanso ambiri akudwala matenda apanyanja",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3645,"At some points, they had to bail water caused by a leak, and at another, a man fell overboard, delaying their journey","Pamalo ena, adachita kukatenga madzi omwe adatuluka chifukwa chakudontha, ndipo kwinanso, munthu adagwa m'madzi ndikuchedwetsa ulendo wawo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3646,"The plan had been for the crossing to take five days, and on the scheduled day of arrival, 30 November, the movement members under Frank País led an armed uprising","Dongosololi linali lakuti kuwoloka kutenge masiku asanu, ndipo pa tsiku loyenera kufika, 30 November, mamembala a gululo pansi pa Frank País anatsogolera zipolowe zankhondo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3647,"However, the journey ultimately lasted seven days, and with Castro and his men unable to provide reinforcements, País and his militants dispersed after two days of intermittent attacks","Komabe, ulendowu unatenga masiku asanu ndi awiri, ndipo Castro ndi asilikali ake atalephera kupereka chilimbikitso, País ndi zigawenga zake anabalalika patatha masiku awiri akuukira kwapakatikati",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3648,"The thickly forested mountain range of the Sierra Maestra, from where Castro and his revolutionaries led guerrilla attacks against Batista's forces for two years","Mapiri a nkhalango ya Sierra Maestra, komwe Castro ndi osintha ake adatsogolera zigawenga zolimbana ndi magulu ankhondo a Batista kwa zaka ziwiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3649,"Fleeing inland, its crew headed for the forested mountain range of Oriente's Sierra Maestra, being repeatedly attacked by Batista's troops",pothawira mkati mwa dziko gulu lonse klinalowera ku nkhalango zammapiri otsatizana aku Oriente a Sierra komwe amachitidwa chipongwe pafupipafupi ndi asilikali ankhondo a Batista.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3650,"Upon arrival, Castro discovered that only 19 rebels had made it to their destination, the rest having been killed or captured","Pamene ankafika, Castro anazindikira kuti achifwamba okwana mkhumi ndi mphambu zisanu kudza zinayi ndiamene anakwanitsa kukafika komwe amapita, ena onse anagwidwa enanso kuphedwa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3651,"Setting up an encampment, the survivors included the Castros, Che Guevara, and Camilo Cienfuegos","atakhazikitsa malo okhala, pa gulu la opulumuka panali Castro, Che Guevara ndi Camilo Cienfuegos.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3652,"They began launching raids on small army posts to obtain weaponry, and in January 1957 they overran the outpost at La Plata, treating any soldiers that they wounded but executing Chicho Osorio, the local mayoral, who was despised by the local peasants and who boasted of killing one of Castro's rebels","anayamba kupanga ziwembu zosiyanasiyana kwa magulu ankhondo an'gonoan'gono ndichoplinga chopeza zida zankhondo ndipo mu January chaka cha 1957 anagonjetsa ka gulu ka nkhondo komwe kanali ku La plata, kuthandiza asilikali onse omwe anawavulaza koma anapha Chicho Osrio, mtsogoleri wa delaro amene samakondedwa ndi anthua amdeleri komanso amene ankanyadira poyera kuti anapha mmodzi wa zigawenga za Castro",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3653,"Osorio's execution aided the rebels in gaining the trust of locals, although they largely remained unenthusiastic and suspicious of the revolutionaries",Kuphedwa kwa Osorio kunathandiza zigawengazo kuti akhulupililidwe ndi mzika zamdelaro ngakhale kuti amakhalabe mosasangalala kwenikweni komanso mokaikira omwe adabweretsa kusinthako,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3654,"As trust grew, some locals joined the rebels, although most new recruits came from urban areas","mmene chikhulupiliro chawo chimakula, mzika zina zinalowa nawo mgulu la zigawengazo ngakhale kuti ambiri olowa mgululi ankachokera mmadera otukuka amzindawu.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3655,"With volunteers boosting the rebel forces to over 200, in July 1957 Castro divided his army into three columns, commanded by himself, his brother, and Guevara","pachifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa zigawengazi kumapitilira mazana awiri, Castro anagawa gulu lake lankhondo kukhala magulu atatu olamulilidwa ndi iye mwini, m'bale wake wamwamuna komanso Guevara",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3656,"The movement members operating in urban areas continued agitation, sending supplies to Castro, and on 16 February 1957, he met with other senior members to discuss tactics; here he met Celia Sánchez, who would become a close friend","gulu lomwe linkagwira mmadera otukuka amzindawo linapitilizabe kugwira ntchi yawo, kutumiza zofunikira zina ndi zina kwa Castro ndipo pofika pa 16 February chaka cha 1957 anakumana ndi akuluakulu ena kuti akambirane za kagwiridwe kantchito, ndipo komweko adakakumanako ndi Celia Sancez yemwe kutsogolo kwake adakhala bwenzi lake lapamtima",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3657,"Across Cuba, anti-Batista groups carried out bombings and sabotage; police responded with mass arrests, torture, and extrajudicial executions","mmadera ambir a ku Cuba, timagulu tosagwirizana ndi Batista tinachita uchidwamba ophulitsa mabomba komanso kusokoneza ndipo a police ataona izi agadwira khwimbi la wanthu, kuwazunza komanso kuwapha mosatsatira zigamulo zamammabwalo amilandu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3658,"In March 1957, they launched a failed attack on the presidential palace, during which Antonio was shot dead","mu March chaka cha 1957, adachita chiwembu chomwe sichidayende bwino kunyumba yachifumu, kumene Antonio adaphedwa pomuombera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3659,Batista's government often resorted to brutal methods to keep Cuba's cities under control,Boma la Batista linkakonda kugwiritsa ntchito nkhanza pofuna kulamulira mizinda ya ku Cuba ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3660,"In the Sierra Maestra mountains, Castro was joined by Frank Sturgis who offered to train Castro's troops in guerrilla warfare","kumapiri a Sierra Maestra, Castro adakumana ndi Frank Sturgis yemwe adadzipereka kuphunzitsa asilikali a Castro kamenyedwe ka nkhondo ya dzendawekha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3661,"Castro accepted the offer, but he also had an immediate need for guns and ammunition, so Sturgis became a gunrunner","Castro adavomera thandizo lo, koma adalinso akufunitsitsa thandizo la mfuti ndi zipolopolo ndipo pachifukwa ichi Sturgis adasanduka othandizia za zida zankhondo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3662,"In 1957 he met with leading members of the other parties, in which they demanded that a provisional civilian government be set up to implement moderate reform, industrialization, and a literacy campaign before holding multiparty elections","muchaka cha 1957, anakumana ndi atsogoleri a magulu osiyanasiyana amene adapempha kuti pakhazikitsidwe boma loyembekezera loyendetsedwa ndi anthu ndicholinga chobweretsa kusintha, kukweza ntchito zamalonda komanso kuphunzitsa anthu asanapangitse zisangkho zazipani zambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3663,"As Cuba's press was censored, Castro contacted foreign media to spread his message; he became a celebrity after being interviewed by Herbert Matthews, a journalist from The New York Times","popeza kawulutsidwe ka mawu kanali kovuta, Castro adayankuhulana mnyumba zoulutsira mawu zakunja kuti zithandizire kugawa uthenga wake ndipo iye adatchuka atayankhulana ndi Herbert Matthews, ntolankhani wa The New York Times.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3664,"Castro's guerrillas increased their attacks on military outposts, forcing the government to withdraw from the Sierra Maestra region, and by spring 1958, the rebels controlled a hospital, schools, a printing press, slaughterhouse, land-mine factory and a cigar-making factory","gulu lachiwembu lotsogozedwa ndi Castro lidapitilizabe kuchititra chiwembu nthambi zin'gongozin'gono ndipo izi zidampangitsa kutiboma lichoke kudera la Sierra Maestrandipo pofika mchilimwe chachaka cha 1958, achifwambawo adaika chipatala, malo ophunzilira, nyumba zosindikiza mabuku, mophera nyama, nyumba yopanga mabomba komanso fakitole yopanga ndudu zapfosya zamderalo kukhala pansi paulamuliro wawo.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3665,"By 1958, Batista was under increasing pressure, a result of his military failures coupled with increasing domestic and foreign criticism surrounding his administration's press censorship, torture, and extrajudicial executions","pofika chaka cha 1958, Batista anali ndi nkhawa yambiri chifukwa chakulephereka kwa kamenyedwe kake ka nkhondo kuphatikiza kusokonekera kwa utsogoleri wake mkati komanso kunja kwa dziko malingana ndi kusayendetsa bwino kntchito zautolankhani, kuzunza anthu komanso kupha anthu mosatdatira zigamulo zamambwalo amilandu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3666,"The opposition called a general strike, accompanied by armed attacks from the movement. Beginning on 9 April, it received strong support in central and eastern Cuba, but little elsewhere","otsutsa boma adayambitsa zionetsero zophatikizana ndi ziwembu zaasilikali ankhondo kuchokera kwa amene adayambitsa kusintha wa zinthu. Kuyambira pa 9 April, gululi lidalandira thandizo lochuluka pakati komanso kuvuma kwa Cuba koma mbali zina zonse sizinathandize kwenikweni",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3667,"Batista responded with an all-out-attack, Operation Verano, in which the army aerially bombarded forested areas and villages suspected of aiding the militants, while 10,000 soldiers commanded by General Eulogio Cantillo surrounded the Sierra Maestra, driving north to the rebel encampments","Batista anabwenza ndi kubwenzera chiwembucho mwankokomo kudzera munkhondo yotchedwa Verano kumene asilikali ankhondo anaononga kuchokera mmwamba makamaka midzi imene inali mkatikati mwankhalango, komwenso amawaganizira kuti amathandizira magulu ankhondo. panthawi yomweyo, asilikali okwana zikwi khumi, ,motsogozedwa ndi nkulu oyangan asilikali ankhondo Eulogilo Cantillo anazinga dera la Sierra Maestra ndikumapita ku dela lakumpoto kwa kumene kunali malo osungirako akaidi ambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3668,"Despite their numerical and technological superiority, the army had no experience with guerrilla warfare, and Castro halted their offensive using land mines and ambushes","Ngakhale anali ambiri komanso kukhala ndi zida zotsogola munthawi imeneyo, gulu lankhondolo linalibe chidziwitso chakamenyedwe ka nkhondo yakabisira ndipo Castro ankathana nawo kugwiritsa ntchito mabomba amunthaka komanso ziwembu zosiyanasiyana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3669,"Many of Batista's soldiers defected to Castro's rebels, who also benefited from local popular support",ambiri mwa asilikari a Batista adathawa ndikukalowa ku zigawenga za Castro yemwe adapindulanso ndi thandizo lomwe amalandira kwa anthu amdelaro.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3670,"In the summer, the movement rebels went on the offensive, pushing the army out of the mountains, with Castro using his columns in a pincer movement to surround the main army concentration in Santiago","mnthawi ya chilimwe, gulu la zigawengali linayamba kuchita ntoppola, kukankha asilikaliwo kuchoka mmapiri ndipo panthawiyi Castro amagwiritsa ntchito asilikali ake mkayendedwe kozungulira adani ake kuti agwire dera lomwe lidali ndi asilikali ambiri ku Santiago",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3671,"By November, Castro's forces controlled most of Oriente and Las Villas, and divided Cuba in two by closing major roads and rail lines, severely disadvantaging Batista","Pofika mwezi wa November, asilikali a Castro ankalamulira mbali yaikulu ya dera la Oriente ndiLas Villas ndipo adagawa Cuba pawiri potseka misewu ikulu ikulu komanso njanji za sitima zomwe zidamusokoneza Batista",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3672,By this time the great majority of Cuban people had turned against the Batista regime,"Pofika nthawi imeneyi, anthu ochuluka a ku Cuba adali atalithawa boma la Batista",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3673,"General Cantillo secretly agreed to a ceasefire with Castro, promising that Batista would be tried as a war criminal","Msilikali wankhondo Cantillo adagwirizana zosiya kumenyana ndi Castro, kumulonjeza kuti Batista adzazengedwa mlandu ngati msilikali wankhondo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3674,"However, Batista was warned, and fled into exile with over US$300 million on 31 December 1958",Batista anachenjezedwa ndipo anathawira maiko ena ndi ndalama zokwana 3 million dollars za dziko la ku United States,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3675,"Cantillo entered Havana's Presidential Palace, proclaimed the Supreme Court judge Carlos Piedra to be president, and began appointing the new government","Cantillo adalowa kunyumba yachifumu ya ku Havana, adalengeza kuti nkulu oweruza milandu ku bwalo la apilo kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko komanso adayamba kusankha oyendetsa dziiko komanso kusankha anthu othandiza kuyendetsa dziko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3676,"Furious, Castro ended the ceasefire, and ordered Cantillo's arrest by sympathetic figures in the army","chifukwa cha mkwiyo, Castro adalamula kuti atchose mgwirizano osiya kumenyana komanso kulamula kuti Caantillo amangidwe ndi anthu omwe amamumvera chisoni mkati mwa gulu lankhondolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3677,"Accompanying celebrations at news of Batista's downfall on 1 January 1959, Castro ordered the movement rebels to prevent widespread looting and vandalism","zisangalalo zochotsa Batista zitachitika pa 1 January 1959, Castro adalamula kuti zigawenga zomweretsa mtenderezo zichepetse kuba komanso kuononga katundu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3678,"Heading toward Havana, he greeted cheering crowds at every town, giving press conferences and interviews","ali mkati moloweera ku dera la Havana, adapereka moni ku khwimbi la wanthu mu dera lililonse, kuyankhula komanso kucheza ndiatolankhani.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3679,"Entering Havana, Castro proclaimed himself Representative of the Rebel Armed Forces of the Presidency, setting up home and office in the penthouse of the Havana Hilton Hotel","polowa mu dera la Havana, Castro adadzitchula yekha kuti iye ndi oimilia gulu lachifwamba lankhondo la utsogoleri wadzikolo, kukhazikitsa nyumba yokhala komanso yogwilira ntchito yomwe inali pamwamba pa Hilton Hotel ku Havana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3680,"Castro exercised a great deal of influence over Urrutia's regime, which was now ruling by decree",Castro anali ndikuthekera kolamulira zochitika zosiyana siyana muulamuliro wa Urrutia amene amalamulira monga mwamalamuro,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3681,He ensured that the government implemented policies to cut corruption and fight illiteracy and that it attempted to remove Batista sympathizers from positions of power by dismissing Congress and barring all those elected in the rigged elections of 1954 and 1958 from future office,anaonetsetsa kuti dziko likuyendetsa ndondomeko zochepetsa ziphuphu komanso kuthetsa umbuli ndikuchotsa onse omwe anali mbali ya Batista mmaudindo onse akuluakulu pothetsa nyumba ya zokambirana ndikuwachotsa onse komanso kuwaletsa omwe anasankhidwa pazisankho zobera za 1954 ndi 1958 kuti asazakhalenso pampando wina uliwonse mtsogolo.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3682,He then pushed Urrutia to issue a temporary ban on political parties; he repeatedly said that they would eventually hold multiparty elections,kenako adakakamiza Urrutia kuti apereke chiletso kwakanthawi kochepa pazipani zonse zandale komanso anabwereza kunena kuti padzakhala zipsankho zazipani zambiri,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3683,We are not executing innocent people or political opponents. We are executing murderers and they deserve it– Castro's response to his critics regarding the mass executions,sitikupha anthu osalakwa kapena opikisana nawo pandale. Tikupha anthu okupha amzawo ndipo zimenezi zikuwayenera- limenelo linali yankho la Castro kwa amene ankadandaula za kuphedwa kwa anthu mwachisawawa.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3684,"Castro and influential sectors of the press put the death toll at 20,000, but a list of victims published shortly after the revolution contained only 898 names—over half of them combatants",Castro komanso anthu amphamvu anyumba zoulutsira mawu adalengeza kuti onse akufa akukwana mazana makumi awiri koma mndandanda wa anthu omwe anafa olengezedwa nkhondoyo itangotha imakwana anthu zikwi zisanu ndi zitatu kudza makumi asanu ndi anayi kuonjezera anthu asanu ndiatatu ndipo oposera theka laanthuwo anali omwe amamenya nkhondo.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3685,"More recent estimates place the death toll between 1,000 and 4,000. In response to popular uproar, which demanded that those responsible be brought to justice, Castro helped to set up many trials, resulting in hundreds of executions","chiwerengero choyerekeza chimafotokoza kuti anthu okufa amakwana pakati pa zana limodzi ndi mazana anayi. Pofuna kuyankhapo pazokambakamba za gulu, lomwe linkafuna kuti omwe anachita izi azengedwe mlandu, Castro anathandiza kuti pakhazikitsidwe mabwalo ambiri ozenga milandu zomwe zinapangitsa kuti anthu ambiri anyongedwe.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3686,"Although popular domestically, critics—in particular the US press, argued that many were not fair trials","Ngakhale anali otchuka kwawoko, ena otsutsana naye makamaka atolankhani a ku United States anadandaula kuti milandu yambiri sinali milandu yachilungamo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3687,"Castro responded that ""revolutionary justice is not based on legal precepts, but on moral conviction.",Castro adayankha kuti chilungamo cha milandu yankhondo sichimatengera malamulo akazengedwe ka milandu koma mmene munthu waonera nkhaniyo.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3688,"Acclaimed by many across Latin America, he travelled to Venezuela where he met with President-elect, unsuccessfully requesting a loan and a new deal for Venezuelan oil","monga mmene anakambira ambiri ku Latin America, , anapita ku Vaenezuela kumene anakumana ndi mtsogoleri osankhidwa kumene, koma sanakwanitse kupeza ngongole komanso mgwirizano ogulitsa mafuta a ku Venezuela",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3689,"Returning home, an argument between Castro and senior government figures broke out. He was infuriated that the government had left thousands unemployed by closing down casinos and brothels",Pobwelera kunyumba kunabuka mkangano pakati pa Castro ndi akuluakulu oyendetsa boma. Castro anali ndimkwiyo kuti boma linatseka malo ochitita juga zimene zinapangitsa kuti anthu mazanamazana achotsedwe ntchito.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3690,The one fact we can be sure of is that Castro has those indefinable qualities which made him a leader of men,chodziwika kwambiri ndichakuti Castro ali ndi ubwino wambiri omwe sungakambike omwe unamupangitsa kukhala mtsogoleri wa anthu.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3691,Whatever we may think of him he is going to be a great factor in the development of Cuba and very possibly in Latin American affairs generally,"zina zilizonse zomwe tingaganize za iyeyo, payekha ndi chifukwa chachikulu chimene Cuba inatukukira komanso zinafalikira kumaiko ambiri mu zochitika za maiko a chi Latin ku america",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3692,His ideas as to how to run a government or an economy are less developed than those of almost any world figure I have met in fifty countries,mzeru zake zakayendetsedwe ka boma komanso chuma sanapititsidwe patali kusiyana ndimmene atsogoleri ambiri apadziko lapansi omwe ndakumana nawo anakwanitsa mu zaka makumi asanu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3693,But because he has the power to lead...we have no choice but at least try to orient him in the right direction,"Koma popezaali ndi mphamvu ndikuthekera kwautsogoleri, tilibe chisankho koma kuyesera kumuphunzitsa kuti ayende munjira yabwino.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3694,"Around 200,000 peasants received title deeds as large land holdings were broken up; popular among the working class, it alienated the richer landowners, including Castro's own mother whose farmlands were taken","anthu ochuluka okwanira zikwi mazana awiri analandira malo popeza ,alo akuluakulu andagawidwa. Popeza anthu opeza bwino amadziwa bwino zaizi, zinasokoneza eni malo olemera kwambiri kuonjezerapo amayi ake a Castro omw emalo awo anatengedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3695,"Within a year, Castro and his government had effectively redistributed 15 per cent of the nation's wealth, declaring that ""the revolution is the dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters","mkatikati mwa chaka chimodzi, boma loyendetsedwa ndi Castro linaperekanso ma peresenti khumi ndi asanu, ndipo adalamula kuti ' kusintha kwa zinthu ndi mtsogoleri omva zayekha wa anthu ozunzidwa othana ndi akhanzawo.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3696,"Castro appointed himself president of the National Tourist Industry, introducing unsuccessful measures to encourage African-American tourists to visit, advertising Cuba as a tropical paradise free of racial discrimination","Castro adadzisankha yekha kukhala mtsogoleri wa bungwe la dziko loyendetsa ntchito zokopa alendo, kubweretsa ndondomeko zolimbikitsa anthu a chi Africa-Americaokopeka kuti azayendere dziko polengeza ndikugulitsa dziko la Cuba ngati dziko lokongola limene mulibemo khalidwe losalana chifukwa cha khungu.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3697,"Judges and politicians had their pay reduced while low-level civil servants saw theirs raised, and in March 1959, Castro declared rents for those who paid less than $100 a month halved","Oweruza nkhani komanso andale anatsitsiridwa malipiro awo pamene ogwira ntchito m'boma anakwezeredwa malipiro ndipo mu mwezi wa march 1959, Castro adalamula kuti onse amene amalipira mitengo yanyumba za onse omwe amalandira ndalama zosafikira pa zana limodzi pamwezi kuti ndalama yawo yobwerekera nyumba itsitsidwe ndi theka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3698,The Cuban government also began to expropriate the casinos and properties from mafia leaders and taking millions in cash,boma la Cuba linayambanso kulanda malo opangira juga ndikatundu wina kwa magulu a magamba komanso kulandira ndalama zochuluka kufikira ma milliyoni. ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3699,"In the summer of 1959, Fidel began nationalizing plantation lands owned by American investors as well as confiscating the property of foreign landowners","mu chilimwe cha chaka cha 1959, Fidel adayamba kukhazikitsa minda kukhala ya dziko lonse pa malo omwe eni ake anali amalonda ochokera ku America komanso kulanda katundu wa eni malo amaiko ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3700,"He also seized property previously held by wealthy Cubans who had fled. He nationalized sugar production and oil refinement, over the objection of foreign investors who owned stakes in these commodities","Analandanso malo omwe kale anali olemera aku Cuba omwe adathawa. Adakhazikitsa dziko la dziko la kupanga shuga ndi kuyengedwa kwamafuta, potsutsa osunga ndalama akunja omwe ali ndi magawo pazogulitsa izi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3701,"Castro's government emphasised social projects to improve Cuba's standard of living, often to the detriment of economic development","Castro's government emphasised social projects to improve Cuba's standard of living, often to the detriment of economic development",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3702,"Major emphasis was placed on education, and during the first 30 months of Castro's government, more classrooms were opened than in the previous 30 years","Chilimbikitso chachikulu chinali pa maphunziro, ndipo m’miyezi makumi atatu yoyambilira ya boma la Castro, makalasi ambiri anatsegulidwa kuposa zaka makumi atatu zapitazo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3703,"The Cuban primary education system offered a work-study program, with half of the time spent in the classroom, and the other half in a productive activity","Maphunziro a pulaimale a ku Cuba anapereka pulogalamu yophunzirira ntchito, theka la nthawi imene ankathera m’kalasi, ndipo theka lina ankakhala ndi ntchito yopindulitsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3704,"Health care was nationalized and expanded, with rural health centers and urban polyclinics opening up across the island to offer free medical aid",Chisamaliro chaumoyo chimadziwika bwino ndikukulitsa malo azaumoyo ndi ma polyclinics aku Urban omwe akuwonekera pachilumbachi kuti apatse chithandizo chamankhwala,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3705,"Universal vaccination against childhood diseases was implemented, and infant mortality rates were reduced dramatically","Katemera wapadziko lonse wolimbana ndi matenda a ana anakhazikitsidwa, ndipo chiwerengero cha imfa za makanda chinachepetsedwa kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3706,"A third part of this social program was the improvement of infrastructure. Within the first six months of Castro's government, 1,000 km of roads were built across the island, while $300 million was spent on water and sanitation projects","Gawo lachitatu la pulogalamu yachitukukoyi inali kukonza zomangamanga. M'miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yoyambirira ya boma la Castro, misewu ya makilomita chikwi chimodzi idamangidwa pachilumbachi, pomwe $300 miliyoni idagwiritsidwa ntchito pantchito zamadzi ndi ukhondo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3707,"Over 800 houses were constructed every month in the early years of the administration in an effort to cut homelessness, while nurseries and day-care centers were opened for children and other centers opened for the disabled and elderly","Nyumba zoposa mazana asanu ndiatatu zimamangidwa mwezi uliwonse m'zaka zoyambirira za utsogoleri pofuna kuchepetsa kusowa pokhala, pamene malo osungira ana ndi malo osamalira ana amatsegulidwa kwa olumala ndi okalamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3708,"Castro used radio and television to develop a ""dialogue with the people"", posing questions and making provocative statements","Castro anagwiritsa ntchito wailesi ndi wailesi yakanema kupanga 'kukambitsirana ndi anthu', kufunsa mafunso ndi kunena mawu odzutsa chilakolako ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3709,"His regime remained popular with workers, peasants, and students, who constituted the majority of the country's population, while opposition came primarily from the middle class; thousands of doctors, engineers and other professionals emigrated to the US, causing an economic brain drain","Ulamuliro wake unakhalabe wotchuka ndi antchito, wamba, ndi ophunzira, omwe anali ambiri mwa anthu a m’dzikolo, pamene chitsutso chinali makamaka cha anthu apakati; masauzande a madotolo, mainjiniya ndi akatswiri ena adasamukira ku US, zomwe zidayambitsa vuto lazachuma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3710,Productivity decreased and the country's financial reserves were drained within two years,Zokolola zidachepa ndipo chuma cha dziko lino chinatha mkati mwa zaka ziwiri,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3711,"After conservative press expressed hostility towards the government, the pro-Castro printers' trade union disrupted editorial staff, and in January 1960 the government ordered them to publish a ""clarification"" written by the printers' union at the end of articles critical of the government","Pambuyo pa atolankhani osakonda kutsutsa boma, bungwe la osindikiza la pro-Castro linasokoneza ogwira ntchito, ndipo mu January 1960 boma lidawalamula kuti afalitse 'chidziwitso' cholembedwa ndi bungwe la osindikiza kumapeto kwa nkhani zotsutsa boma. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3712,"Castro's government arrested hundreds of counter-revolutionaries, many of whom were subjected to solitary confinement, rough treatment, and threatening behavior","Boma la Castro linamanga mazana a anthu otsutsa zigawenga, ambiri mwa iwo adatsekeredwa m'ndende, kuzunzidwa komanso kuwopseza ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3713,"Cuba's government ordered the country's refineries—then controlled by the US corporations Shell and Esso—to process Soviet oil, but under US pressure they refused","Boma la Cuba lidalamula mafakitale oyenga m'dzikolo, omwe panthawiyo ankalamulidwa ndi mabungwe aku US a Shell ndi Esso, kuti azikonza mafuta aku Soviet, koma mokakamizidwa ndi US adakana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3714,"Castro responded by expropriating and nationalizing the refineries. Retaliating, the US cancelled its import of Cuban sugar, provoking Castro to nationalize most US-owned assets on the island, including banks and sugar mills","Castro adayankha polanda malo ndikusintha malo oyeretsera. Pobwezera, US idaletsa kuitanitsa shuga waku Cuba, zomwe zidapangitsa Castro kuti atengere chuma cha US pachilumbachi, kuphatikiza mabanki ndi mphero za shuga",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3715,Relations between Cuba and the US were further strained following the explosion of a French vessel in Havana harbour in March 1960,Ubale pakati pa Cuba ndi US udasokonekeranso kutsatira kuphulika kwa ngalawa yaku France ku doko la Havana mu march 1960,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3716,"The ship carried weapons purchased from Belgium, and the cause of the explosion was never determined, but Castro publicly insinuated that the US government was guilty of sabotage","Sitimayo inanyamula zida zogulidwa ku Belgium, ndipo chomwe chinayambitsa kuphulika sikunadziwike, koma Castro adanena poyera kuti boma la US linali ndi mlandu wowononga ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3717,"Inspired by their earlier success with the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état, in March 1960, US President Eisenhower authorized the CIA to overthrow Castro's government","Polimbikitsidwa ndi kupambana kwawo koyambirira ndi 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état, mu march 1960, mtsogoleri wa dziko wa US Eisenhower adavomereza CIA kuti igwetse boma la Castro ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3718,"He provided them with a budget of $13 million and permitted them to ally with the Mafia, who were aggrieved that Castro's government closed down their brothel and casino businesses in Cuba","Adawapatsa ndalama zokwana madola 13 miliyoni ndipo adawalola kuti agwirizane ndi a Mafia, omwe anali ndi chisoni kuti boma la Castro litseketsa mabizinesi awo ochitira uhule ndi kasino ku Cuba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3719,"On 13 October 1960, the US prohibited the majority of exports to Cuba, initiating an economic embargo","Pa 13 October 1960, US idaletsa zambiri zotumizira ku Cuba, ndikuyambitsa chiletso chachuma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3720,"Castro had decided to stay in Harlem as a way of expressing solidarity with the poor African-American population living there, thus leading to an assortment of world leaders such as Nasser of Egypt and Nehru of India having to drive out to Harlem to see him","Castro adaganiza zokhala ku Harlem ngati njira yowonetsera mgwirizano ndi anthu osauka aku Africa-America omwe amakhala kumeneko, zomwe zidapangitsa kuti atsogoleri amayiko osiyanasiyana monga Nasser waku Egypt ndi Nehru waku India athamangire ku Harlem kuti akamuwone",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3721,"He also met Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev, with the two publicly condemning the poverty and racism faced by Americans in areas like Harlem","Adakumananso ndi Prime Minister waku Soviet Nikita Khrushchev, ndi awiriwo akudzudzula poyera umphawi ndi tsankho zomwe anthu aku America akukumana nazo m'malo ngati Harlem",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3722,Relations between Castro and Khrushchev were warm; they led the applause to one another's speeches at the General Assembly,Ubale pakati pa Castro ndi Khrushchev unali wofunda; adatsogola m'manja mwa zoyankhula za wina ndi mnzake pa Msonkhano Waukulu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3723,"The opening session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 1960 was a highly rancorous one with Khrushchev famously banging his shoe against his desk to interrupt a speech by Filipino delegate, which set the general tone for the debates and speeches",Msonkhano Wotsegulira wa United Nations General Msonkhano mu 1960 unali wotanganidwa kwambiri ndi Akrushchev,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3724,"Castro delivered the longest speech ever held before the United Nations General Assembly, speaking for four and a half hours in a speech mostly given over to denouncing American policies towards Latin America","Castro adalankhula mawu ataliatali kwambiri omwe adakhalapo pamaso pa United Nations General Assembly, akulankhula kwa maola anayi ndi theka mukulankhula komwe kumaperekedwa kudzudzula mfundo zaku America ku Latin America ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3725,"Fearing counter-revolutionary elements in the army, the government created a People's Militia to arm citizens favourable to the revolution, training at least 50,000 civilians in combat techniques","Poopa anthu otsutsana ndi zigawenga m'gulu lankhondo, boma lidapanga gulu lankhondo la People's Militia kuti lipatse nzika zokomera ziwonetserozo, kuphunzitsa anthu wamba osachepera zikwi makumi asanu njira zankhondo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3726,"Despite the fear of a coup, Castro garnered support in New York City. On 18 February 1961, 400 people picketed in the rain outside of the United Nations rallying for Castro's anti-colonial values and his effort to reduce the United States' power over Cuba","Ngakhale kuti ankaopa kulanda boma, Castro anapeza thandizo ku New York City. Pa 18 February 1961, anthu mazana anayi anatola mvula kunja kwa bungwe la United Nations polimbikitsa mfundo zotsutsana ndi atsamunda a Castro ndi kuyesetsa kwake kuchepetsa mphamvu za United States pa Cuba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3727,"The protesters held up signs that read, ""Mr. Kennedy, Cuba is Not For Sale.""","Otsutsawo ananyamula zikwangwani zolembedwa kuti, 'Bambo. Kennedy, Cuba Sagulitsa.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3728,"Around 200 policemen were on the scene, but the protesters continued to chant slogans and throw pennies in support of Fidel Castro's socialist movement","Apolisi pafupifupi mazana awiri anali pamalopo, koma ochita ziwonetserowo adapitilizabe kuimba nyimbo zotamanda komanso kuponya ndalama zothandizira Fidel Castro gulu la Socialist ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3729,"Castro proclaimed the new administration a direct democracy, in which Cubans could assemble at demonstrations to express their democratic will","Castro adalengeza utsogoleri watsopanowu kukhala ufulu wodzilamulira wachindunji, momwe anthu aku Cuba amatha kusonkhana paziwonetsero kuti afotokoze zofuna zawo pa ufulu wodzilamulira okha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3730,"As a result, he rejected the need for elections, claiming that representative democratic systems served the interests of socio-economic elites","Zotsatira zake, iye anakana kufunikira kwa zisankho ponena kuti machitidwe oyimira ufulu wodzilamulira amakwaniritsa zofuna za anthu apamwamba pazachuma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3731,"There was ... no doubt about who the victors were. Cuba's stature in the world soared to new heights, and Fidel's role as the adored and revered leader among ordinary Cuban people received a renewed boost","Panali ... mosakayika kuti opambanawo anali ndani. Kukula kwa Cuba padziko lapansi kudakwera kwambiri, ndipo udindo wa Fidel monga mtsogoleri wolemekezeka komanso wolemekezeka pakati pa anthu wamba aku Cuba adalimbikitsidwanso ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3732,His popularity was greater than ever. In his own mind he had done what generations of Cubans had only fantasized about: he had taken on the United States and won,Kutchuka kwake kunali kwakukulu kuposa kale lonse. M'malingaliro ake omwe adachita zomwe mibadwo ya anthu aku Cuba inkangolakalaka: adatenga dziko la United States ndikupambana ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3733,"The US responded by ending diplomatic relations, and it increased funding for exiled dissidents; these militants began attacking ships that traded with Cuba, and bombed factories, shops, and sugar mills","Dziko la United States linayankha pothetsa maubwenzi a kazembe, ndipo linawonjezera ndalama zothandizira otsutsa omwe anali ku ukapolo; zigawengazi zinayamba kuukira zombo zomwe zimachita malonda ndi Cuba, ndikuphulitsa mafakitale, masitolo, ndi mphero za shuga",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3734,"Castro ordered Captain José Ramón Fernández to launch the counter-offensive, before taking personal control of it","Castro adalamula Captain José Ramón Fernández kuti ayambitse nkhondoyi, asanadzilamulire yekha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3735,"After bombing the invaders' ships and bringing in reinforcements, Castro forced the Brigade to surrender on 20 April","Pambuyo pofuula zombo za olowa ndikubweretsa mphamvu, Castro adakakamiza burgede kuti apereke pa 20 April",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3736,"He ordered the 1189 captured rebels to be interrogated by a panel of journalists on live television, personally taking over the questioning on 25 April","Adalamula zigawenga chikwi chimodzi ndi zana limodzi makumi asanu ndiatatu mphambu zisanu ndi zinayi zomwe zidagwidwa kuti zifunsidwe ndi gulu la atolankhani pawailesi yakanema, ndikuyankha mafunso pa April 25",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3737,"Fourteen were put on trial for crimes allegedly committed before the revolution, while the others were returned to the US in exchange for medicine and food valued at US$25 million","Anthu 14 adazengedwa mlandu pamilandu yomwe akuti idachitika chiwembucho chisanachitike, pomwe ena adabwezedwa ku US posinthanitsa ndi mankhwala ndi chakudya chamtengo wapatali okwana ma milliyoni makumi awiri ndiasanu andalama za Dollar",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3738,"Castro's victory reverberated around the world, especially in Latin America, but it also increased internal opposition primarily among the middle-class Cubans who had been detained in the run-up to the invasion","Kupambana kwa Castro kudabweranso padziko lonse lapansi, makamaka ku Latin America, koma kudachulukitsanso kutsutsa kwamkati makamaka pakati pa anthu aku Cuba apakati omwe adamangidwa pokonzekera kuwukira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3739,"Although most were freed within a few days, many fled to the US, establishing themselves in Florida","Ngakhale ambiri adamasulidwa m'masiku ochepa, ambiri adathawira ku US, ndikukhazikika ku Florida",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3740,"Castro considered same-sex sexual activity a bourgeois trait. Gay men were forced into the Military Units to Aid Production after many revolutionary intellectuals decried this move, the camps were closed in 1967, although gay men continued to be imprisoned","Castro adaganiza zogonana ndi zogonana ndi zogonana. Amuna a Gay adakakamizidwa kulowa zigawo zankhondo kuti athandizidwe kupanga mwanzeru zomwe adasintha, misasayi idatsekedwa mu 1967, ngakhale amuna a Gay anapitilizabe kungidwa.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3741,"By 1962, Cuba's economy was in steep decline, a result of poor economic management and low productivity coupled with the US trade embargo","Pofika m’chaka cha 1962, chuma cha dziko la Cuba chinali chitagwa pansi kwambiri, chifukwa cha kusayendetsa bwino kwachuma komanso kuchepa kwa zokolola pamodzi ndi chiletso cha malonda cha US",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3742,"On a personal level, Castro was increasingly lonely, and his relations with Guevara became strained as the latter became increasingly anti-Soviet and pro-Chinese","Payekha, Castro anali wosungulumwa kwambiri, ndipo ubale wake ndi Guevara unayamba kusokonekera chifukwa Guevara anayamba kudana kwambiri ndi Soviet ndi ku China ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3743,"Although conflicted, Castro agreed, believing it would guarantee Cuba's safety and enhance the cause of socialism","Ngakhale kuti zinali zosemphana maganizo, Castro anavomera, akukhulupirira kuti zidzatsimikizira chitetezo cha Cuba ndikupititsa patsogolo chikhalidwe cha Socialism",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3744,"Undertaken in secrecy, only the Castro brothers, Guevara, Dorticós and security chief Ramiro Valdés knew the full plan","Zochitidwa mwachinsinsi, abale a Castro okha, Guevara, Dorticós ndi mkulu wa chitetezo Ramiro Valdés ankadziwa ndondomeko yonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3745,"Upon discovering it through aerial reconnaissance, in October the US implemented an island-wide quarantine to search vessels headed to Cuba, sparking the Cuban Missile Crisis","Atazindikira izi kudzera muudziwitso wa ndege, mu October US idakhazikitsa malo okhala pachilumba chonse kuti asake zombo zopita ku Cuba, zomwe zidayambitsa Vuto la Missile ku Cuba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3746,The US saw the missiles as offensive; Castro insisted they were for defence only,A US adawona kuti zida zoponyazo zinali zonyansa; Castro adanenetsa kuti ndi chitetezo basi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3747,"Castro urged that Khrushchev should launch a nuclear strike on the US if Cuba were invaded, but Khrushchev was desperate to avoid nuclear war","Castro adalimbikitsa Khrushchev kuti ayambe kuwononga zida za nyukiliya ku US ngati Cuba italandidwa, koma Khrushchev adafunitsitsa kupewa nkhondo yanyukiliya ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3748,"Castro was left out of the negotiations, in which Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles in exchange for a US commitment not to invade Cuba and an understanding that the US would remove their ballistic missiles from Turkey and Italy","Castro adasiyidwa chifukwa cha zokambirana, pomwe Khrushchev anavomera kuchotsa zinthu zomwe tingazisinthe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3749,"Feeling betrayed by Khrushchev, Castro was furious and soon fell ill. Proposing a five-point plan, Castro demanded that the US end its embargo, withdraw from Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, cease supporting dissidents, and stop violating Cuban air space and territorial waters","Pomva kuti Khrushchev waperekedwa, Castro anakwiya ndipo posakhalitsa anadwala. Polingalira za mfundo zisanu, Castro adafuna kuti dziko la US lithetse chiletso chake, lichoke ku Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, lisiye kuthandiza anthu otsutsa, ndi kusiya kuphwanya mlengalenga ndi madzi aku Cuba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3750,"He presented these demands to U Thant, visiting Secretary-General of the United Nations, but the US ignored them. In turn Castro refused to allow the UN's inspection team into Cuba","anakapereka zofuna zawo kwa U Thant, kuyendera mlembi a bungwe loona za mgwirizano wamaiko koma a ku America sanawalabadire. zotsatira zake Castro sadawalole a bungwe loona za mgwirizano wa maiko padziko lonse kuti adzayendere mu dziko la Cuba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3751,"Measures were implemented to force perceived idle and delinquent youths to work, primarily through the introduction of mandatory military service","Njira zinakhazikitsidwa pofuna kukakamiza achinyamata omwe amawaona kuti ndi opanda pake komanso ophwanya malamulo kuti agwire ntchito, makamaka poyambitsa usilikali wovomerezeka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3752,"In September, the government temporarily permitted emigration for anyone other than males aged between 15 and 26, thereby ridding the government of thousands of critics, most of whom were from upper and middle-class backgrounds","Mu September, boma lidaloleza kwakanthawi kusamukira kwa wina aliyense kupatulapo amuna azaka zapakati pa khumi ndi zisani ndi makumi awiri ndi chimodzi, motero adachotsa m'boma otsutsa masauzande ambiri, omwe ambiri mwa iwo anali ochokera kumadera apamwamba komanso apakati ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3753,"In 1963, Castro's mother died. This was the last time his private life was reported in Cuba's press",Mu 1963 amayi a Castro anamwalira. Ino inali nthawi yomaliza yomwe moyo wake wachinsinsi udanenedwa ku wailesi zaku Cuba,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3754,"In January 1964, Castro returned to Moscow, officially to sign a new five-year sugar trade agreement, but also to discuss the ramifications of the assassination of John F. Kennedy","Mu January 1964, Castro anabwerera ku Moscow, kukasaina pangano latsopano la malonda a shuga la zaka zisanu, komanso kukambirana za zotsatira za kuphedwa kwa John F. Kennedy",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3755,"Castro was deeply concerned by the assassination, believing that a far-right conspiracy was behind it but that the Cubans would be blamed","Castro anali ndi nkhawa kwambiri ndi chiwembuchi, poganiza kuti chiwembu cha mbali yakumanja ndicho chiwembu koma kuti anthu aku Cuba adzadzudzulidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3756,"The greatest threat presented by Castro's Cuba is as an example to other Latin American states which are beset by poverty, corruption, feudalism, and plutocratic exploitation","Chiwopsezo chachikulu kwambiri cha Cuba cha Castro ndi chitsanzo ku mayiko ena aku Latin America omwe ali ndi umphawi, katangale, katangale, ndi kudyerana masuku pamutu.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3757,"In 1965, Castro authorized Che Guevara to travel to Congo-Kinshasa to train revolutionaries against the Western-backed government","Mu 1965, Castro adavomereza Che Guevara kupita ku Congo-Kinshasa kukaphunzitsa anthu osintha boma motsutsana ndi boma lothandizidwa ndi azungu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3758,Castro was personally devastated when Guevara was killed by CIA-backed troops in Bolivia in October 1967 and publicly attributed it to Guevara's disregard for his own safety,Castro adakhumudwa pomwe Guevara adaphedwa ndi asirikali othandizidwa ndi CIA ku Bolivia mu October 1967 ndipo adati izi zidachitika chifukwa Guevara adanyalanyaza chitetezo chake,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3759,"Castro's increasing role on the world stage strained his relationship with the USSR, now under the leadership of Leonid Brezhnev","Kuwonjezeka kwa Castro pa dziko lapansi kunasokoneza ubale wake ndi USSR, tsopano motsogozedwa ndi Leonid Brezhnev",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3760,"Asserting Cuba's independence, Castro refused to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, declaring it a Soviet-US attempt to dominate the Third World","Potsimikizira ufulu wa Cuba, Castro anakana kusaina Pangano loletsa kusunga zida zankhondo za nyukiliya, ndikulengeza kuti Soviet-US kuyesa kulamulira Dziko Lachitatu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3761,"The severe lack of consumer goods for purchase led productivity to decline, as large sectors of the population felt little incentive to work hard","Kusowa kwakukulu kwa katundu wogula kudapangitsa kuti zokolola zichepe, chifukwa magulu akuluakulu a anthu adawona kuti sangagwire ntchito molimbika ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3762,"This was exacerbated by the perception that a revolutionary elite had emerged, consisting of those connected to the administration; they had access to better housing, private transportation, servants, and the ability to purchase luxury goods abroad","Izi zinakulitsidwa ndi lingaliro lakuti gulu lachisinthiko linatuluka, lomwe linali logwirizana ndi utsogoleri; anali ndi mwayi wokhala ndi nyumba zabwino, zoyendera zapayekha, antchito, komanso kuthekera kogula zinthu zapamwamba kunja",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3763,"Castro publicly celebrated his administration's 10th anniversary in January 1969; in his celebratory speech he warned of sugar rations, reflecting the nation's economic problems","Castro adakondwerera poyera zaka khumi za utsogoleri wake mu January 1969; m'chikondwerero chake adachenjeza za chakudya cha shuga, kuwonetsa mavuto azachuma a dziko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3764,"The 1969 crop was heavily damaged by a hurricane, and to meet its export quota, the government drafted in the army, implemented a seven-day working week, and postponed public holidays to lengthen the harvest","Zokolola za 1969 zidawonongeka kwambiri ndi mphepo yamkuntho, ndipo kuti zikwaniritse zomwe zidatumizidwa kunja, boma lidalemba gulu lankhondo, lidakhazikitsa sabata yogwira ntchito masiku asanu ndi awiri, ndikuyimitsa maholide kuti atalikitse zokolola ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3765,"When that year's production quota was not met, Castro offered to resign during a public speech, but assembled crowds insisted he remain","Pamene chiwerengero cha anthu opanga chaka chimenecho sichinakwaniritsidwe, Castro adadzipereka kuti atule pansi udindo wake pakulankhula pagulu, koma khamu la anthu lomwe linasonkhana linaumirira kuti akhalebe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3766,"Despite the economic issues, many of Castro's social reforms were popular, with the population largely supportive of the ""Achievements of the Revolution"" in education, medical care, housing, and road construction, as well as the policies of ""direct democratic"" public consultation","Ngakhale kuti panali mavuto azachuma, zambiri zimene Castro anasintha zinakomera anthu, ndipo anthu ambiri ankagwirizana ndi 'Achievements of the Revolution' pa maphunziro, chithandizo chazaumoyo, kumanga nyumba, ndi kumanga misewu, komanso ndondomeko yofunsa maganizo a anthu pa ufulu wodzilamulira okha wachindunjii ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3767,"In May 1970, the crews of two Cuban fishing boats were kidnapped by Florida-based dissident group Alpha 66, who demanded that Cuba release imprisoned militants","Mu May 1970, ogwira ntchito m'mabwato awiri osodza aku Cuba adabedwa ndi gulu lotsutsa la Alpha 66 la ku Florida, lomwe lidafuna kuti Cuba imasule zigawenga zomwe zidamangidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3768,"Under US pressure, the hostages were released, and Castro welcomed them back as heroes","Mokakamizidwa ndi US, ogwidwawo adamasulidwa, ndipo Castro adawalandiranso ngati ngwazi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3769,"In April 1971, Castro was internationally condemned for ordering the arrest of dissident a poet who had been arrested 20 March","Mu April 1971, Castro adatsutsidwa padziko lonse lapansi chifukwa cholamula kuti amangidwe wandakatulo wotsutsa yemwe adamangidwa pa 20 march",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3770,"On each trip, he was eager to visit factory and farm workers, publicly praising their governments; privately, he urged the regimes to aid revolutionary movements elsewhere, particularly those fighting the Vietnam War","Paulendo uliwonse, iye anali wofunitsitsa kuchezera ogwira ntchito m’mafakitale ndi a m’mafamu, akumatamanda poyera maboma awo; mwamseri, adalimbikitsa maboma kuti athandizire kuthandizira kusintha kwina, makamaka omwe akumenya nkhondo ya Vietnam",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3771,"At the conference he publicly broke off relations with Israel, citing its government's close relationship with the US and its treatment of Palestinians during the Israel–Palestine conflict","Pamsonkhanowo adathetsa ubale ndi Israeli poyera, ponena za ubale wapamtima wa boma lake ndi US komanso momwe amachitira anthu a Palestina pa nthawi ya nkhondo ya Israeli-Palestine",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3772,"This earned Castro respect throughout the Arab world, in particular from the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who became a friend and ally","Izi zidapangitsa kuti Castro alemekezedwe kumayiko onse achiarabu, makamaka kuchokera kwa mtsogoleri waku Libya Muammar Gaddafi, yemwe adakhala bwenzi komanso bwenzi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3773,"The decision to intervene in Angola has been a controversial one, all the more so as Castro's critics have charged that it was not his decision at all, contending that the Soviets ordered him to do so","Lingaliro loti alowererepo ku Angola lakhala lovuta kwambiri, makamaka pamene otsutsa a Castro adanena kuti sichinali chisankho chake, ponena kuti Soviet Union inamulamula kuti achite",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3774,"There is often talk of human rights, but it is also necessary to talk of the rights of humanity. Why should some people walk barefoot, so that others can travel in luxurious cars?","Nthawi zambiri pamakambidwa za ufulu wa anthu, koma ndikofunikiranso kukambirana za ufulu wa anthu. Nanga n’chifukwa chiani ena ayenela kuyenda opanda nsapato kuti ena ayende m’magalimoto apamwamba? ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3775,"Why should some live for thirty-five years, so that others can live for seventy years? Why should some be miserably poor, so that others can be hugely rich?","Nanga n’chifukwa chiani ena ayenela kukhala ndi moyo zaka makumi atatu ndi zisanu, kuti ena akhale ndi moyo zaka makumi asanu ndiawiri? N’chifukwa chiyani ena ayenera kukhala osauka kwambiri, kuti ena akhale olemera kwambiri?",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3776,"I speak on behalf of the children in the world who do not have a piece of bread. I speak on the behalf of the sick who have no medicine, of those whose rights to life and human dignity have been denied – Fidel Castro's message to the UN General Assembly, 1979","Ndikulankhula m’malo mwa ana padziko lapansi amene alibe chidutswa cha mkate. Ndikulankhula m'malo mwa odwala omwe alibe mankhwala, omwe ufulu wawo wokhala ndi moyo ndi ulemu wa anthu waletsedwa - Uthenga wa Fidel Castro ku msonkhano wamaiko onse wa bungwe loyanjanitsa anthu mu chaka cha 1979",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3777,"By the 1980s, Cuba's economy was again in trouble, following a decline in the market price of sugar and 1979's decimated harvest","Pofika m'ma 1980, chuma cha Cuba chinalinso m'mavuto, kutsatira kutsika kwa mtengo wa shuga m'misika komanso kuchepa kwa zokolola mu 1979",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3778,"For the first time, unemployment became a serious problem in Castro's Cuba, with the government sending unemployed youth to other countries, primarily East Germany, to work there","Kwa nthawi yoyamba, ulova unakhala vuto lalikulu ku Castro ku Cuba, pomwe boma lidatumiza achinyamata omwe alibe ntchito kumayiko ena, makamaka East Germany, kuti akagwire ntchito kumeneko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3779,"Desperate for money, Cuba's government secretly sold off paintings from national collections and illicitly traded for US electronic goods through Panama","Chifukwa chofuna ndalama, boma la Cuba lidagulitsa mobisa zithunzi zomwe zidatengedwa m'magulu amitundu yonse ndikugulitsa zinthu zamagetsi zaku US kudzera ku Panama",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3780,"Castro conceded that those who wanted to leave could do so from Mariel port. In what was known as the Mariel boatlift, hundreds of boats arrived from the US, leading to a mass exodus of 120,000","Castro adavomereza kuti omwe akufuna kuchoka atha kutero kuchokera ku doko la Mariel. M'chimene chimadziwika kuti Mariel boatlift, mabwato mazana ambiri anafika kuchokera ku US, zomwe zinachititsa kuti anthu zikwi mazana khumi ndi awiri achoke.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3781,"Castro's government took advantage of the situation by loading criminals, the mentally ill, and homosexuals onto the boats destined for Florida","Boma la Castro lidatengerapo mwayi pa izi pokweza zigawenga, odwala misala komanso ogonana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha m'mabwato omwe amapita ku Florida",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3782,"Tobacco products such as cigars and cigarettes were the only manufactured products among Cuba's leading exports, and even these are produced by a pre-industrial process","Fodya monga ndudu ndi ndudu ndizo zokha zopangidwa pakati pa zinthu zotsogola ku Cuba, ndipo ngakhale izi zimapangidwa ndi ndondomeko ya mafakitale isanayambe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3783,The Cuban economy remained highly inefficient and over-specialized in a few highly subsidized commodities,Chuma cha Cuba chinakhalabe chosagwira ntchito bwino komanso chapadera pazinthu zingapo zothandizidwa kwambiri,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3784,"On medical advice given him in October 1985, Castro gave up regularly smoking Cuban cigars, helping to set an example for the rest of the populace","Paupangiri wachipatala womwe adamupatsa mu October 1985, Castro adasiya kusuta fodya waku Cuba pafupipafupi, ndikuthandiza kupereka chitsanzo kwa anthu ena onse ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3785,"Castro became passionate in his denunciation of the Third World debt problem, arguing that the Third World would never escape the debt that First World banks and governments imposed upon it","Castro adakhala wokhudzidwa kwambiri podzudzula vuto la ngongole ya Dziko Lachitatu, akunena kuti Dziko Lachitatu silidzathawa ngongole yomwe mabanki a First World ndi maboma adaikapo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3786,"Tensions were increased with the Cubans advancing close to the border of Namibia, which led to warnings from the South African government that they considered this an extremely unfriendly act, causing South Africa to mobilize and call up its reserves","Mkangano udakula pomwe anthu aku Cuba adayandikira malire a Namibia, zomwe zidapangitsa kuti boma la South Africa lichenjeze kuti izi ndi zonyansa kwambiri, zomwe zidapangitsa dziko la South Africa kulimbikitsana ndikuyitanitsa zosungirako ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3787,"The cost of Cuba's wars in Africa were paid for with Soviet subsidies at a time when the Soviet economy was badly hurt by low oil prices while the apartheid government of South Africa had by the 1980s become a very awkward American ally as much of the American population, especially black Americans, objected to apartheid","Mtengo wankhondo za Cuba ku Africa udalipiridwa ndi thandizo la Soviet panthawi yomwe chuma cha Soviet chidawonongeka kwambiri ndi mitengo yotsika yamafuta pomwe boma la tsankho la South Africa pofika zaka za m'ma 1980 lidakhala mnzake wovuta kwambiri waku America monga kuchuluka kwa anthu aku America. , makamaka akuda aku America, adatsutsa tsankho",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3788,"From the viewpoint of both Moscow and Washington, having both Cuba and South Africa disengage in Angola was the best possible outcome","Malinga ndi malingaliro a Moscow ndi Washington, kukhala ndi Cuba ndi South Africa kuchotsedwa ku Angola kunali zotulukapo zabwino kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3789,"With favourable trade from the Soviet bloc ended, Castro publicly declared that Cuba was entering a ""Special Period in Time of Peace""","Malonda abwino ochokera ku Soviet adatha, Castro adalengeza poyera kuti Cuba ikulowa 'Nyengo Yapadera mu Nthawi Yamtendere'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3790,"Petrol rations were dramatically reduced, Chinese bicycles were imported to replace cars, and factories performing non-essential tasks were shut down","Chakudya cha Matroror adachepetsedwa kwambiri, njinga zaku China zidatumizidwa kuti zisinthe magalimoto, ndipo mafakitale omwe sakugwira ntchito zosafunikira adatsekedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3791,Oxen began to replace tractors; firewood began being used for cooking and electricity cuts were introduced that lasted 16 hours a day,Ng’ombe zinayamba kusintha mathirakitala; nkhuni zinayamba kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuphika ndipo zidayamba kudula magetsi zomwe zidatenga maola khumi ndi asanu ndilimodzi patsiku,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3792,"Castro admitted that Cuba faced the worst situation short of open war, and that the country might have to resort to subsistence farming","Castro adavomereza kuti dziko la Cuba lidakumana ndi vuto lalikulu chifukwa cha nkhondo yapoyera, komanso kuti dzikolo liyenera kuyamba ulimi wamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3793,"By 1992, Cuba's economy had declined by over 40% in under two years, with major food shortages, widespread malnutrition and a lack of basic goods","Pofika m'chaka cha 1992, chuma cha Cuba chinali chitatsika ndi maperesenti makumi anayi m'zaka zosachepera ziwiri, ndi njala yaikulu, kusowa kwa zakudya m'thupi komanso kusowa kwa zinthu zofunika kwambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3794,"In 1991, Havana hosted the Pan American Games, which involved construction of a stadium and accommodation for the athletes; Castro admitted that it was an expensive error, but it was a success for Cuba's government","Mu 1991, Havana inachititsa Masewera a Pan American, omwe anaphatikizapo kumanga bwalo la masewera ndi malo ogona othamanga; Castro adavomereza kuti chinali cholakwika chokwera mtengo, koma zidali zopambana kwa boma la Cuba ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3795,"Crowds regularly shouted ""Fidel! Fidel!"" in front of foreign journalists, while Cuba became the first Latin American nation to beat the US to the top of the gold-medal table","Khamu la anthu linali kufuula pafupipafupi kuti 'Fidel! Fidel!' pamaso pa atolankhani akunja, pomwe Cuba idakhala dziko loyamba la Latin America kumenya US pamwamba pagome la mendulo ya golide",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3796,"Support for Castro remained strong, and although there were small anti-government demonstrations, the Cuban opposition rejected the exile community's calls for an armed uprising","Thandizo la Castro lidakhalabe lolimba, ndipo ngakhale panali ziwonetsero zazing'ono zotsutsa boma, otsutsa ku Cuba adakana pempho la anthu omwe anali mu ukapolo kuti ayambe kuwukira zida ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3797,"In August 1994, Havana witnessed the largest anti-Castro demonstration in Cuban history, as 200 to 300 young men threw stones at police, demanding that they be allowed to emigrate to Miami","Mu August 1994, Havana idachita ziwonetsero zazikulu kwambiri zotsutsana ndi Castro m'mbiri ya Cuba, pomwe anyamata mazana awiri mpaka mazana atatu adagenda apolisi, kuti awalole kusamukira ku Miami",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3798,"A larger pro-Castro crowd confronted them, who were joined by Castro; he informed media that the men were anti-socials misled by the US","Khamu lalikulu lochirikiza Castro lidakumana nawo, omwe adalumikizana ndi Castro; adadziwitsa atolankhani kuti anthuwa ndi odana ndi anthu omwe adasokeretsedwa ndi US",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3799,"Castro welcomed debate between proponents and opponents of the economics reforms—although over time he began to increasingly sympathise with the opponent's positions, arguing that such reforms must be delayed","Castro adakondwera ndi mkangano pakati pa omwe amalimbikitsa ndi otsutsa kusintha kwachuma - ngakhale patapita nthawi adayamba kugwirizana kwambiri ndi zomwe otsutsawo adatsutsa, ponena kuti kusintha koteroko kuyenera kuchedwa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3800,"Castro's government diversified its economy into biotechnology and tourism, the latter outstripping Cuba's sugar industry as its primary source of revenue in 1995","Boma la Castro lidasiyanitsa chuma chake kukhala biotechnology ndi zokopa alendo, yomwe idapambana msika wa shuga ku Cuba monga gwero lalikulu la ndalama mu 1995",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3801,"The arrival of thousands of Mexican and Spanish tourists led to increasing numbers of Cubans turning to prostitution; officially illegal, Castro refrained from cracking down on prostitution in Cuba, fearing a political backlash",Kufika kwa zikwizikwi za alendo a ku Mexico ndi ku Spain kunachititsa kuti anthu ambiri a ku Cuba ayambe kuchita uhule; Castro analephela kuletsa uhule ku Cuba poopa kubwela kwa ndale,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3802,"Economic hardship led many Cubans toward religion, both in the form of Roman Catholicism and Santería","Mavuto azachuma anachititsa kuti anthu ambiri a ku Cuba ayambe kupembedza, monga Chikatolika ndi Santería",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3803,"Although long thinking religious belief to be backward, Castro softened his approach to religious institutions and religious people were permitted for the first time to join the Communist Party","Ngakhale kuti zikhulupiriro zachipembedzo zinali zobwerera m'mbuyo, Castro anasintha njira yake yopita ku mabungwe achipembedzo komanso anthu achipembedzo analoledwa kwa nthawi yoyamba kulowa nawo Chipani cha Chikomyunizimu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3804,"Although he viewed the Roman Catholic Church as a reactionary, pro-capitalist institution, Castro organized a visit to Cuba by Pope John Paul II for January 1998; it strengthened the position of both the Cuban Church and Castro's government","Ngakhale ankaona mpingo wa Katolika ngati wochita chidwi zinthu zikalakwika, woyikira kumbuyo mabungwe opondereza anthu, Castro anakonza zoti Papa John Paul Wachiwiri apite ku Cuba mu January 1998; zidalimbitsa udindo wa mpingo wa Cuba komanso boma la Castro",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3805,"In the early 1990s Castro embraced environmentalism, campaigning against global warming and the waste of natural resources and accusing the US of being the world's primary polluter","Kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m'ma 1990 Castro adagwirizana ndi chikhalidwe cha chilengedwe, kuchita kampeni yolimbana ndi kutentha kwa dziko komanso kuwononga zinthu zachilengedwe ndikuimba mlandu US kuti ndi amene amawononga dziko lonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3806,"In 1994 a ministry dedicated to the environment was established, and new laws established in 1997 that promoted awareness of environmental issues throughout Cuba and stressed the sustainable use of natural resources","Mu 1994 unduna wowona za chilengedwe unakhazikitsidwa, ndipo malamulo atsopano adakhazikitsidwa mu 1997 omwe adalimbikitsa kudziwitsa za chilengedwe m'dziko lonse la Cuba ndikugogomezera kugwiritsa ntchito bwino zachilengedwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3807,"Commenting on Castro's recovery, US president George W. Bush said: ""One day the good Lord will take Fidel Castro away."" Hearing about this, the atheist Castro replied: ""Now I understand why I survived Bush's plans and the plans of other presidents who ordered my assassination: the good Lord protected me."" The quote was picked up on by the world's media","Pothirira ndemanga pa kuchira kwa Castro, mtsogoleri wa dziko la United States George W. Bush anati: ‘Tsiku lina Ambuye wabwino adzam’chotsa Fidel Castro. Atamva za zimenezi, Castro wosakhulupirira kuti kuli Mulungu anayankha kuti: 'Tsopano ndamvetsa chifukwa chake ndinapulumuka mapulani a Bush ndi mapulani a mtsogoleri wa dziko ena omwe analamula kuti ndiphedwe: Ambuye wabwino ananditeteza.' Mawuwa adatengedwa ndi atolankhani padziko lonse lapansi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3808,"In a February 2008 letter, Castro announced that he would not accept the positions of President of the Council of State and Commander in Chief at that month's National Assembly meetings","M'kalata ya February 2008, Castro adalengeza kuti savomera udindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Council of State ndi Commander in Chief pamisonkhano ya National Assembly ya mwezi womwewo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3809,"He remarked, ""It would betray my conscience to take up a responsibility that requires mobility and total devotion, that I am not in a physical condition to offer""","Iye anati, ‘Kungakhale kupandukira chikumbumtima changa kuchita ntchito imene imafuna kuyenda ndi kudzipereka kotheratu, imene sindili m’thupi loti ndingapereke",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3810,"Following his retirement, Castro's health deteriorated; international press speculated that he had diverticulitis, but Cuba's government refused to corroborate this","Atapuma pantchito, thanzi la Castro linayamba kuipa; Atolankhani apadziko lonse lapansi amati ali ndi matenda a diverticulitis, koma boma la Cuba linakana kuvomereza izi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3811,"He continued to interact with the Cuban people, published an opinion column titled ""Reflections"" in Granma, used a Twitter account, and gave occasional public lectures","Adapitilizabe kucheza ndi anthu aku Cuba, adasindikiza malingaliro akuti 'Reflections' ku Granma, adagwiritsa ntchito akaunti ya Twitter, ndipo adapereka maphunziro apagulu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3812,"In January 2009 Castro asked Cubans not to worry about his lack of recent news columns and failing health, and not to be disturbed by his future death","Mu January 2009 Castro adapempha anthu aku Cuba kuti asade nkhawa ndi kusowa kwake kwa nkhani zaposachedwa komanso kufooka kwa thanzi, komanso kuti asasokonezedwe ndi imfa yake yamtsogolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3813,"He continued meeting foreign leaders and dignitaries, and that month photographs were released of Castro's meeting with Argentine president Cristina Fernández","Anapitilizabe kukumana ndi atsogoleri ndi olemekezeka akunja, ndipo mwezi womwewo zithunzi za msonkhano wa Castro ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Argentina Cristina Fernández",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3814,"In July 2010, he made his first public appearance since falling ill, greeting science center workers and giving a television interview to Mesa Redonda in which he discussed US tensions with Iran and North Korea","Mu Julayi 2010, adawonekera koyamba pagulu kuyambira pomwe adadwala, akupereka moni kwa ogwira ntchito kusukulu yasayansi ndikupereka kuyankhulana pawailesi yakanema kwa Mesa Redonda pomwe adakambirana za mikangano ya US ndi Iran ndi North Korea ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3815,"When asked whether Castro may be re-entering government, culture minister Abel Prieto told the BBC, ""I think that he has always been in Cuba's political life but he is not in the government ... He has been very careful about that. His big battle is international affairs","Atafunsidwa ngati Castro atha kulowa boma, Utumiki wa Abele Prieto adauza BBC, koma akhala muumoyo wandale ya Cuba koma sakhala mu boma ... Amasamala kwambiri za izi. Nkhondo Yake Yake ndi International Issotionala Padziko Lonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3816,Castro died in Havana on the night of 25 November 2016. The cause of death was not disclosed,Castro anamwalira ku Havana usiku wa 25 November 2016. Choyambitsa imfa sichinaululidwe ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3817,"He was known for working long hours; he primarily woke up late—rarely before ten or eleven in the morning—and started his working day around noon, and would work until late at night, often only going to bed at 3 or 4 am.","Ankadziwika kuti ankagwira ntchito maola ambiri; Iye ankadzuka mochedwa—kawirikawiri isanakwane 10 koloko kapena 11 koloko m’maŵa—ndipo ankayamba ntchito yake cha m’ma 12 koloko masana, ndipo ankagwira ntchito mpaka usiku, ndipo nthawi zambiri ankangogona 3 kapena 4 koloko.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3818,"He preferred to meet foreign diplomats in these early hours, believing that they would be tired and he could gain the upper hand in negotiations","Anakonda kukumana ndi akazembe a mayiko akunja m'maola oyambirirawa, poganiza kuti atopa ndipo akhoza kupambana pa zokambirana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3819,"Castro liked to meet with ordinary citizens, both in Cuba and abroad, but took a particularly paternal attitude toward Cubans, treating them as if ""they were a part of his own giant family","Castro ankakonda kukumana ndi nzika wamba, ku Cuba ndi kunja, koma ankakonda kwambiri anthu a ku Cuba, kuwaona ngati kuti anali mbali ya banja lake lalikulu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3820,"He gave no importance to his appearance or clothing; for 37 years, he wore only his trademark olive-green military fatigues","Sanalemekeza maonekedwe ake kapena chovala chake; kwa zaka makumi atatu ndi zisanu kudzanso ziwiri, ankangovala zovala zankhondo zobiriwira zobiriwira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3821,"Politics of Malawi takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President of Malawi is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system","Ndale za dziko la Malawi zikuchitika mu nsanamira za mtsogoleri woyimira dziko la ufulu wozilamulira tokha, pomwe mtsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko komanso mtsogoleri wa boma, komanso wa zipani zambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3822,Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the National Assembly,Mphamvu zogwira ntchito zimagwiritsidwa ntchito ndi boma. Mphamvu zamalamulo zili m'manja mwa boma ndi nyumba yamalamulo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3823,There is a cabinet of Malawi that is appointed by the President of Malawi. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature,Pali nduna ya ku Malawi yomwe imasankhidwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi. Mabwalo amilandu ndi odziyimira pawokha paokha komanso aphungu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3824,Malawi got independence in July 1964 and was governed as a one-party personalist dictatorship under Hastings Banda and his Malawi Congress Party from 1964 to 1994,Dziko la Malawi lidalandira ufulu wodzilamulira mu July 1964 ndipo lidalamulidwa ndi chipani chimodzi motsogozedwa ndi Hastings Banda ndi chipani cha Malawi Congress kuyambira chaka cha1964 mpaka chaka cha1994,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3825,"In the early 1990s, pressure formed on the regime to democratize. Following a 1993 referendum won by pro-democracy forces, a multi-party democratic system was established in 1994","Kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m’ma 1990, anthu anayamba kukakamiza boma kuti likhazikitse ufulu wodzilamulira. Kutsatira chisankho chomwe idapambana mchaka cha 1993 ndi magulu ochirikiza ufulu wodzilamulira, dongosolo la ufulu wodzilamulira la zipani zambiri linakhazikitsidwa mu 1994",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3826,"Under the 1995 constitution, the president, who is both chief of state and head of the government, is chosen through universal direct suffrage every 5 years","Pansi pa malamulo a 1995, mtsogoleri wa dziko, yemwe ndi mkulu wa boma komanso mtsogoleri wa boma, amasankhidwa kupyolera mwa ufulu wachindunji wapadziko lonse pazaka zisanu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3827,"Malawi has a vice president who is elected with the president. The president has the option of appointing a second vice president, who must be from a different party",Malawi ili ndi wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko yemwe amasankhidwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko. mtsogoleri wa dziko ali ndi mwayi wosankha wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko yemwe ayenera kukhala wachipani china,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3828,It also includes a presidentially appointed cabinet. The members of the cabinet of Malawi can be drawn from either within or outside of the legislature,Mulinso nduna yosankhidwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko. Aphungu a nduna ya dziko la Malawi atha kutengedwa kuchokera mkati kapena kunja kwa nyumba ya malamulo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3829,"Although the political environment was described as ""challenging"", it was stated in 2009 that a multi-party system still existed in Malawi","Ngakhale kuti chikhalidwe cha ndale chinali chovuta, koma m’chaka cha 2009 zidanenedwa kuti m’Malawi muno muli zipani zambiri za zipani zambiri.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3830,"Multiparty parliamentary and presidential elections were held for the fourth time in Malawi in May 2009, and President Mutharika was successfully re-elected, despite charges of election fraud from his rival","Chisankho cha aphungu ndi atsogoleri mundale zazipani zambiri chinachitika kwa nthawi yachinayi m’Malawi m’mwezi wa May 2009, ndipo mtsogoleriMutharika anasankhidwanso bwinobwino ngakhale kuti ankamuimba mlandu wochita chinyengo ndi wopikisana naye",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3831,"President Mutharika was seen by some as increasingly autocratic and dismissive of human rights, and in July 2011 protests over high costs of living, devolving foreign relations, poor governance and a lack of foreign exchange reserves erupted","Mtsogoleri Mutharika adawonedwa ndi anthu ngati akungokhalira kupondereza komanso kunyalanyaza ufulu wachibadwidwe, ndipo mu July 2011 zionetsero zokhuza kukwera mtengo kwa moyo, kusokoneza ubale wamayiko akunja, kusayendetsa bwino komanso kusowa kwa ndalama zakunja kudabuka ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3832,The protests left 18 people dead and at least 44 others suffering from gunshot wounds,Ziwonetserozi zidapha anthu khumi ndi asanu kudzansoatatu ndipo ena pafupifupi makumi anayi kudzanso anayi akuvulala ndi mfuti ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3833,"In April 2012, Mutharika died of a heart attack. Over a period of 48 hours, his death was kept secret, including an elaborate flight with the body to South Africa, where the ambulance drivers refused to move the body, saying they were not licensed to move a corpse","Mu April 2012, Mutharika anamwalira ndi matenda a mtima. Kwa maola makumi anayi ndi asanu kudzanso atatu, imfa yake inali yobisika, kuphatikizapo ulendo wa pandege ndi mtembowo kupita ku South Africa, komwe oyendetsa ma ambulansi anakana kusuntha mtembowo ponena kuti alibe chilolezo chosuntha mtembo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3834,"After the South African government threatened to reveal the information, the presidential title was taken over by Vice-President Joyce Banda","Boma la South Africa litawopseza kuti liwulula za nkhaniyi, udindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko unatengedwa ndi wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko Joyce Banda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3835,The President of Malawi and the current executive branch is supported by appointed members of a Cabinet of Malawi and government agencies in Malawi,Mtsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi ndi nthambi yotsogola pakali pano akuthandizidwa ndi aphungu osankhidwa a nduna za boma la Malawi ndi mabungwe a boma ku Malawi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3836,"The National Assembly has 193 members, elected for a five-year term in single-seat constituencies","Nyumba ya Malamulo ili ndi aphungu zana limodzi makumi asanu ndianayi kudzanso atatu, omwe asankhidwa kwa zaka zisanu m'magawo ampando umodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3837,"Until 1969, Malawi retained a system of justice based on the colonial model, which followed the principles of English law as amended by the laws of Malawi","Mpaka m’chaka cha 1969, dziko la Malawi lidasungabe chilungamo potengera chitsanzo cha atsamunda, chomwe chinkatsatira mfundo za malamulo a Chingelezi zomwe zinasinthidwa ndi malamulo a Malawi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3838,"In addition, mainly in rural areas, there are several levels of local courts with varying powers to hear disputes such as divorces and other matrimonial issues, inheritance and access to land based on traditional customary law","Kuonjezera apo, makamaka kumidzi, kuli mabwalo angapo a m’madera omwe ali ndi mphamvu zosiyanasiyana zomvetsera mikangano monga zisudzulo ndi nkhani zina zaukwati, cholowa ndi kapezekedwe ka malo potengera malamulo achikhalidwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3839,"In 1969, the acquittal of five defendants in the first Chilobwe murders trial caused outrage although, as another individual was later found guilty of all these murders in a second trial, this anger was misplaced","Mu 1969, kumasulidwa kwa anthu asanu omwe adazengedwa mlandu woyamba kupha anthu ku Chilobwe kudadzetsa mkwiyo ngakhale kuti, monga munthu wina pambuyo pake adapezeka ndi milandu yonseyi pamlandu wachiwiri, mkwiyowu udali wolakwika",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3840,"During the 1970s and 1980s, the Traditional Courts gained a reputation for being used to prosecute Banda's political opponents and of being corrupt","M’zaka za m’ma 1970 ndi m’ma 1980, mabwalo amilandu adadziwika kuti ankagwiritsidwa ntchito podzudzula otsutsana ndi a Banda pa ndale komanso kuchita katangale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3841,"The political manipulation of the Traditional Courts is shown in the high-profile trials of in 1976 of Albert Muwalo, Secretary General of the Malawi Congress Party and Focus Gwede, Head of the Police Special Branch, on a charge of attempting to assassinate President Banda, and the 1983 treason trial of Orton Chirwa, who was Minister of Justice until the Cabinet Crisis of 1964 and his wife, Vera Chirwa","Kulowetsa ndale pantchito za mabwalo amilandu ammidzi kumaonekera pamlandu waukulu wa m’chaka cha 1976 a Albert Muwalo, mlembi wamkulu wa chipani cha Malawi Congress Party ndi Focus Gwede, mkulu wa nthambi yapadera ya apolisi, pa mlandu wofuna kupha mtsogoleri wa dziko Banda. komanso mlandu woukira boma mu 1983 womwe unali nduna ya Zachilungamo mpaka pamavuto a Cabinet mchaka cha 1964 ndi mkazi wake Vera Chirwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3842,"In both cases, unsubstantiated evidence was admitted to secure convictions and all four were sentenced to death on flimsy evidence, although only Muwalo was ultimately executed","M’milandu yonse iwiriyo, umboni wopanda umboni unavomerezedwa kuti apezeke olakwa ndipo onse anayi anagamulidwa kuti aphedwe popanda umboni wochepa, ngakhale kuti Muwalo yekha ndi amene anaphedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3843,Local government is carried out in 28 districts within three regions administered by regional administrators and district commissioners who are appointed by the central government,Maboma ang'onoang'ono amachitidwa m'maboma makumi awiri ndi asanu kudzanso atatu m'maboma atatu omwe amatsogozedwa ndi akuluakulu a zigawo ndi maboma omwe amasankhidwa ndi boma,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3844,"Critics accused Mugabe of being a dictator responsible for economic mismanagement and widespread corruption and human rights abuses, including anti-white racism and crimes against humanity","Otsutsawo adadzudzula Mugabe kuti ndi wolamulira wankhanza yemwe amachititsa kuti chuma chisayendetse bwino komanso katangale ndi kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu, kuphatikizapo kusankhana mitundu komanso nkhanza kwa anthu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3845,"Mugabe excelled at school, where he was a secretive and solitary child, preferring to read, rather than playing sports or socialising with other children. He was taunted by many of the other children, who regarded him as a coward and a mother's boy","Mugabe adachita bwino kusukulu, komwe anali mwana wobisika komanso yekhayekha, amakonda kuwerenga, osati kusewera masewera kapena kucheza ndi ana ena. Ananyozedwa ndi ana ena ambiri, omwe ankamuona ngati wamantha komanso mwana wa mayi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3846,"The family settled in a village about 11 kilometres away; the children were permitted to remain at the mission primary school, living with relatives in Kutama during term-time and returning to their parental home on weekends","Banjalo linakhazikika m’mudzi wina womwe unali pamtunda wa makilomita khumi ndiimodzi; Anawo adaloledwa kukhala pasukulu ya pulayimale ya mission, kukhala ndi achibale ku Kutama panthawi yamaphunziro ndikubwerera kwawo kwa makolo kumapeto kwa sabata",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3847,"Around the same time, Robert's older brother Raphael died, likely of diarrhoea. In early 1934, Robert's other older brother, Michael, also died, after consuming poisoned maize","Pafupifupi nthawi yomweyo, m'bale wamkulu wa Robert Raphael anamwalira, mwina kutsekula m'mimba. Kumayambiriro kwa 1934, mchimwene wina wachikulire wa Robert, Mihael, yemwenso adamwaliranso, atadya chimanga cha poizoni",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3848,"Later that year, Gabriel left his family in search of employment in Bulawayo. He subsequently abandoned Bona and their six children and established a relationship with another woman, with whom he had three further offspring","Chakumapeto kwa chaka chimenecho, Gabriel anasiya banja lake kukafuna ntchito ku Bulawayo. Kenako anasiya Bona ndi ana awo asanu ndi mmodzi n’kuyamba chibwenzi ndi mkazi wina, amene anaberekanso ana atatu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3849,"After completing six years of elementary education, in 1941 Mugabe was offered a place on a teacher training course at Kutama College","Atamaliza maphunziro a pulaimale zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi, mu 1941 Mugabe anapatsidwa malo pa maphunziro a aphunzitsi pa koleji ya Kutama",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3850,"Mugabe's mother could not afford the tuition fees, which were paid in part by his grandfather and in part by O'Hea","Amayi ake a Mugabe sakanakwanitsa ndalama zolipirira maphunziro, zomwe zinaperekedwa ndi agogo ake ndipo zina ndi O'Hea",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3851,"As part of this education, Mugabe began teaching at his old school, earning £2 per month, which he used to support his family","Monga gawo la maphunzirowa, Mugabe adayamba kuphunzitsa kusukulu yake yakale, kulandira ma paundi awiri pamwezi, zomwe ankagwiritsa ntchito kusamalira banja lake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3852,"In 1944, Gabriel returned to Kutama with his three new children, but died shortly after, leaving Robert to take financial responsibility for both his three siblings and three half-siblings","Mu 1944, Gabriel anabwerera ku Kutama ndi ana ake atatu atsopano, koma anamwalira posakhalitsa, kusiya Robert kuti azisamalira azichimwene ake atatu ndi azibale ake atatu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3853,"There is no evidence that Mugabe was involved in political activity at the time, and he did not participate in the country's 1948 general strike","Palibe umboni wosonyeza kuti Mugabe ankachita nawo ndale pa nthawiyo, ndipo sanachite nawo m’chaka cha 1948 m’chaka cha 1948.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3854,In 1949 he won a scholarship to study at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa's Eastern Cape. There he joined the African National Congress youth league and attended African nationalist meetings,Mu 1949 adapeza mwayi wophunzira pa yunivesite ya Fort Hare ku South Africa ku Eastern Cape. Kumeneko adalowa nawo bungwe la achinyamata la African National Congress ndipo adachita nawo misonkhano ya African Nationalist,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3855,"Despite his growing interest in politics, he was not active in any political movement. He joined a number of inter-racial groupsthrough which he mixed with both black and white Rhodesians","Ngakhale kuti ankakonda kwambiri ndale, sankachita nawo zandale. Analowa m'magulu amitundu yosiyanasiyana omwe adasakaniza ndi a Rhodesia akuda ndi oyera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3856,"From 1955 to 1958, Mugabe lived in neighbouring Northern Rhodesia, where he worked at Chalimbana Teacher Training College in Lusaka","Kuyambira 1955 mpaka 1958, Mugabe ankakhala ku Northern Rhodesia komwe ankagwira ntchito pa Chalimbana Teacher Training College ku Lusaka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3857,"There he continued his education by working on a second degree by correspondence, this time a Bachelor of Administration from the University of London International Programmes through distance and learning","Kumeneko anapitiriza maphunziro ake pogwira ntchito pa digiri yachiwiri mwa makalata, nthawi ino Bachelor of Administration kuchokera ku yunivesite ya London yophunzisa zoona za mayiko ena ambiri kudzera patali ndi kuphunzira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3858,"In Northern Rhodesia, he was taken in for a time by the family of Emmerson Mnangagwa, whom Mugabe inspired to join the liberation movement and who would later go on to be President of Zimbabwe","Kumpoto kwa Rhodesia, adatengedwa kwakanthawi ndi banja la Emmerson Mnangagawa, yemwe Mubebe adauzidwa kuti akhale mtsogoleri wa dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3859,"According to Mugabe, ""I went [to Ghana] as an adventurist. I wanted to see what it would be like in an independent African state""","Malinga ndi Mugabe, 'Ndinapita [ku Ghana] monga oyendayenda. Ndinkafuna kuona momwe zingakhalire m'dziko lodziimira palokha mu Africa'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3860,Ghana had been the first African state to gain independence from European colonial powers and under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah underwent a range of African nationalist reforms,Ghana inali dziko loyamba la Africa kupeza ufulu wodzilamulira kuchokera ku maulamuliro a atsamunda a ku Ulaya ndipo motsogozedwa ndi Kwame Nkrumah adasintha kusintha kwa African nationalist,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3861,"Mugabe revelled in this environment. In tandem with his teaching, Mugabe attended the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute in Winneba","Mugabe anasangalala kwambiri ndi izi. Mogwirizana ndi chiphunzitso chake, Mugabe adapita ku Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute ku Winneba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3862,"While Mugabe was teaching abroad, an anti-colonialist African nationalist movement was established in Southern Rhodesia","Pamene Mugabe anali kuphunzitsa kunja, gulu lodana ndi atsamunda la Africa linakhazikitsidwa ku Southern Rhodesia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3863,"It was first led by Joshua Nkomo's Southern Rhodesia African National Congress, founded in September 1957 and then banned by the colonial government in February 1959","Poyamba idatsogozedwa ndi Joshua Nkomo's Southern Rhodesia African National Congress, yomwe idakhazikitsidwa mu Seputembara 1957 ndipo idaletsedwa ndi boma la atsamunda mu February 1959",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3864,"In May 1960, Mugabe returned to Southern Rhodesia, bringing Hayfron with him. The pair had planned for their visit to be short, however Mugabe's friend, the African nationalist Leopold Takawira, urged them to stay","Mu May 1960, Mugabe anabwerera ku Southern Rhodesia, atabweretsa Hayfron naye. Awiriwa adakonza zoti ulendo wawo ukhale waufupi, komabe mnzake wa Mugabe, yemwe ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko la Africa, Leopold Takawira, adawalimbikitsa kuti azikhala",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3865,Joshua Nkomo became one of the leading figures of resistance to white minority rule in Southern Rhodesia,Joshua Nkomo adakhala m'modzi mwa anthu omwe adatsutsa ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa ku Southern Rhodesia,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3866,"In July 1960, Takawira and two other NDP officials were arrested; in protest, Mugabe joined a demonstration of 7,000 people who planned to March from Highfield to the Prime Minister's office in Salisbury","Mu July 1960, Takawira ndi akuluakulu ena awiri a NDP anamangidwa; Potsutsa, Mugabe adagwirizana ndi ziwonetsero za anthu zikwi zisanu ndiziwiri omwe akukonzekera kuguba kuchokera ku Highfield kupita ku ofesi ya nduna yaikulu ku Salisbury",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3867,"The demonstration was stopped by riot police outside Stoddart Hall in Harare township. By midday the next day, the crowd had grown to 40,000 and a makeshift platform had been erected for speakers","Ziwonetserozi zidayimitsidwa ndi apolisi oletsa zipolowe kunja kwa Stoddart Hall m'tauni ya Harare. Pofika masana masana, khamu la anthu linali litakwera kufika pa mazana makumi anayi ndipo anali atamanga nsanja yongolankhulapo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3868,"Having become a much-respected figure through his profession, his possession of three degrees, and his travels abroad, Mugabe was among those invited to speak to the crowd","Pokhala munthu wolemekezeka kwambiri chifukwa cha ntchito yake, kukhala ndi madigiri atatu, komanso maulendo ake akunja, Mugabe anali m'modzi mwa anthu omwe anaitanidwa kuti alankhule ndi khamulo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3869,"Following this event, Mugabe decided to devote himself full-time to activism, resigning his teaching post in Ghana (after having served two years of the four-year teaching contract)","Pambuyo pa chochitikachi, Mugabe adaganiza zodzipatulira nthawi zonse kuti azichita ziwonetsero, akusiya ntchito yake yophunzitsa ku Ghana (atatumikira zaka ziwiri za mgwirizano wazaka zinayi)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3870,"Mugabe was elected the party's publicity secretary. Mugabe consciously injected emotionalism into the NDP's African nationalism, hoping to broaden its support among the wider population by appealing to traditional cultural values","Mugabe adasankhidwa kukhala mlembi wolengeza za chipanichi. Mugabe mwachidwi adalowetsa kukhudzika mtima kudziko la NDP mu Africa, ndikuyembekeza kukulitsa chithandizo chake pakati pa anthu ambiri potsatira miyambo yachikhalidwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3871,"He helped to form the NDP Youth Wing and encouraged the incorporation of ancestral prayers, traditional costume, and female ululation into its meetings","Anathandizira kukhazikitsa nthambi ya NDP Yaachinyamata ndikulimbikitsanso kuti mapemphero a makolo akale, zovala za makolo, ndi kulira kwa akazi pamisonkhano yawo.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3872,In February 1961 he married Hayfron in a Roman Catholic ceremony conducted in Salisbury; she had converted to Catholicism to make this possible,Mu February 1961 anakwatira Hayfron mu mwambo wa Roma Katolika womwe unachitikira ku Salisbury; adatembenukira ku Chikatolika kuti izi zitheke,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3873,The British government held a Salisbury conference in 1961 to determine Southern Rhodesia's future,Boma la Britain lidachita msonkhano ku Salisbury mu chaka cha 1961 kuti lidziwe tsogolo la Southern Rhodesia,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3874,"Nkomo led an NDP delegation, which hoped that the British would support the creation of an independent state governed by the black majority","Nkomo adatsogolera nthumwi za NDP, zomwe zidakhulupirira kuti a Britain athandizira kukhazikitsa dziko lodziyimira pawokha lolamulidwa ndi anthu akuda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3875,"Representatives of the country's white minority—who then controlled Southern Rhodesia's government—were opposed to this, promoting continued white minority rule","Oimira azungu ochepa m’dzikolo—omwe panthawiyo ankalamulira boma la Southern Rhodesia—anatsutsa zimenezi, kulimbikitsa ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3876,"Following negotiations, Nkomo agreed to a proposal which would allow the black population representation through 15 of the 65 seats in the country's parliament","Pambuyo pazokambilana, a Nkomo adagwirizana ndi ganizo lomwe lingalole kuti nthumwi za anthu akuda zilowe mumipando khumi ndiisanu mwa mipando makumi asanu ndiumodzi kudzanso usanu ya nyumba ya malamulo ya dziko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3877,"Mugabe and others in the NDP were furious at Nkomo's compromise. Following the conference, Southern Rhodesia's African nationalist movement fell into disarray","Mugabe ndi ena mu NDP adakwiya ndi zomwe Nkomo adachita. Pambuyo pa msonkhanowu, gulu lomenyera ufulu wa dziko la Southern Rhodesia lalowa m’mavuto",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3878,Mugabe spoke at a number of NDP rallies before the party was banned by the government in December 1961,Mugabe analankhula pamisonkhano ingapo ya NDP chipanichi chisanaletsedwe ndi boma mu December chaka cha 1961,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3879,"Many of its members re-grouped as the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU) several days later, with Mugabe appointed as ZAPU's publicity secretary and general secretary","Ambiri mwa mamembala ake adakhalanso bungwe la Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU) patatha masiku angapo, ndipo Mugabe adasankhidwa kukhala mlembi komanso mlembi wamkulu wa ZAPU",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3880,"Racial violence was growing in the country, with aggrieved black Africans targeting the white community","Ziwawa zamitundu zinali kukulirakulira m’dziko muno, ndipo anthu akuda a mu Afirika odandaula akuyang’ana azungu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3881,Mugabe deemed such conflict a necessary tactic in the overthrow of British colonial dominance and white minority rule,Mugabe anaona kusamvana koteroko kukhala njira yofunikira pochotsa ulamuliro wa atsamunda a Britain ndi ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3882,"Nine months after it had been founded, ZAPU was also banned by the government, and in September 1962 Mugabe and other senior party officials were arrested and restricted to their home districts for three months","Patatha miyezi isanu ndi inayi chikhazikitsidwe, ZAPU idaletsedwanso ndi boma, ndipo mu September 1962 Mugabe ndi akuluakulu ena achipanichi adamangidwa ndikutsekeredwa m'maboma kwa miyezi itatu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3883,Both Mugabe and his wife were in trouble with the law; he had been charged with making subversive statements in a public speech and awarded bail before his trial,Onse a Mugabe ndi mkazi wake anali pamavuto ndi lamulo; anaimbidwa mlandu wonena zosokoneza polankhula pagulu ndipo adapatsidwa belo asanazengedwe mlandu ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3884,"Hayfron had been sentenced to two years imprisonment—suspended for 15 months—for a speech in which she declared that the British Queen Elizabeth II ""can go to hell""",Hayfron adaweruzidwa kuti akhale m'ndende zaka ziwiri - kuyimitsidwa kwa miyezi khumi ndiisanu- chifukwa chakulankhula komwe adalengeza kuti Mfumukazi ya ku Britain Elizabeth II 'atha kupita ku gehena,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3885,"Europeans must realise that unless the legitimate demands of African nationalism are recognised, then racial conflict is inevitable","Anthu a ku Ulaya ayenera kuzindikira kuti pokhapokha ngati zofuna zovomerezeka za dziko la Africa zizindikirika, ndiye kuti mikangano ya mafuko ndi yosapeŵeka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3886,The new government sought to preserve white minority rule by tightening security and establishing full independence from the United Kingdom,Boma latsopano lidafuna kuteteza ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa polimbitsa chitetezo ndikukhazikitsa ufulu wodzilamulira kuchokera ku dziko laUnited Kingdom,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3887,"Mugabe met with colleagues at his house in Salisbury's Highbury district, where he argued that as political demonstrations were simply being banned, it was time to move towards armed resistance","Mugabe adakumana ndi anzake kunyumba kwake m'boma la Salisbury's Highbury, komwe adati chifukwa ziwonetsero zandale zikuletsedwa, inali nthawi yoti apite kunkhondo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3888,Both he and others rejected Nkomo's proposal that they establish a government-in-exile in Dar es Salaam,Iye ndi anthu ena onse anakana ganizo la Nkomo loti akhazikitse boma lothamangitsidwa ku Dar es Salaam,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3889,"He and Hayfron skipped bail to attend a ZAPU meeting in the Tanganyikan city. There, the party leadership met Tanganyika's president, Julius Nyerere, who also dismissed the idea of a government-in-exile and urged ZAPU to organise their resistance to white minority rule within Southern Rhodesia itself","Iye ndi Hayfron adalumpha belo kupita ku msonkhano wa ZAPU mu mzinda wa Tanganyika. Kumeneko, utsogoleri wa chipanichi udakumana ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko la Tanganyika, Julius Nyerere, yemwenso adatsutsa ganizo loti boma lichoke mu ukapolo ndipo adalimbikitsa ZAPU kuti ikonzekere kukana ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa ku Southern Rhodesia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3890,"In August, Hayfron gave birth to Mugabe's son, whom they named Nhamodzenyika, a Shona term meaning ""suffering country""","Mu August, Hayfron anabereka mwana wa Mugabe yemwe anamutcha kuti Nhamodzenyika, mawu a Chishona omwe amatanthauza 'dziko lovutika.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3891,"Mugabe insisted that she take their son back to Ghana, while he decided to return to Southern Rhodesia","Mugabe adanenetsa kuti atenge mwana wawo wamwamuna kubwerera ku Ghana, pomwe adaganiza zobwerera ku Southern Rhodesia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3892,"There, African nationalists opposed to Nkomo's leadership had established a new party, the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), in August","Kumeneko, okonda dziko la Africa otsutsana ndi utsogoleri wa Nkomo adakhazikitsa chipani chatsopano, Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), mu August",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3893,"Ndabaningi Sithole became the group's president, while appointing Mugabe to be the group's secretary-general in absentia","Ndabaningi Sithole adakhala mtsogoleri wa gululi, pomwe adasankha Mugabe kukhala mlembi wamkulu wa gululi atasowa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3894,ZAPU and ZANU violently opposed one another and soon gang warfare broke out between their rival memberships,ZAPU ndi ZANU zinatsutsana kwambiri ndipo posakhalitsa nkhondo ya zigawenga inayambika pakati pa omwe akupikisana nawo.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3895,"Mugabe was arrested on his return to Southern Rhodesia in December 1963. His trial lasted from January to March 1964, during which he refused to retract the subversive statements that he had publicly made","Mugabe anamangidwa atabwerera ku Southern Rhodesia mu December 1963. Mlandu wake unakhalapo kuyambira January mpaka March 1964, pamene anakana kutulutsa mawu otsutsa omwe adanena poyera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3896,"In March 1964 he was sentenced to 21 months' imprisonment. Mugabe was first imprisoned at Salisbury Maximum Security Prison, before being moved to the Wha Wha detention centre and then the Sikombela detention centre in Que Que","Mu March 1964 anaweruzidwa kuti akhale m’ndende kwa miyezi 21. Mugabe adamangidwa koyamba kundende ya Salisbury Maximum Security Prison, asanasamutsidwe kundende ya Wha Wha kenako ku Sikombela ku Que Que",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3897,"At the latter, he organised study classes for the inmates, teaching them basic literacy, maths, and English","Pamapeto pake, anakonza makalasi ophunzirira akaidi, kuwaphunzitsa kuwerenga ndi kulemba, masamu, ndi Chingerezi.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3898,Sympathetic black warders smuggled messages from Mugabe and other members of the ZANU executive committee to activists outside the prison,Asilikali achikuda omvera chisoni adazembetsa mauthenga ochokera kwa Mugabe ndi mamembala ena a komiti yayikulu ya ZANU kupita kwa anthu omwe ali kunja kwa ndende,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3899,"At the executive's bidding, ZANU activist Herbert Chitepo had organised a small guerrilla force in Lusaka","Pakufuna kwa mkuluyo, Herbert Chitepo yemwe anali womenyera ufulu wa ZANU adakonza zigawenga ku Lusaka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3900,"In April 1966 the group carried out a failed attempt to destroy power pylons at Sinoia, and shortly after attacked a white-owned farm near Hartley, killing its inhabitants","Mu April 1966 gululo linayesa kulephera kuwononga mizati yamagetsi ku Sinoia, ndipo posakhalitsa anaukira famu ya azungu pafupi ndi Hartley, kupha anthu ake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3901,"The government responded by returning the members of the ZANU executive, including Mugabe, to Salisbury Prison in 1966",Boma lidayankha pobweza mamembala a bungwe la ZANU kuphatikiza Mugabe kundende ya Salisbury mu 1966,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3902,"There, forty prisoners were divided among four communal cells, with many sleeping on the concrete floor due to overcrowding","Kumeneko, akaidi okwana makumi anayi anagawidwa m’zipinda zinayi za anthu onse, ndipo ambiri ankagona pansi pa konkire chifukwa cha kuchulukana ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3903,"Mugabe shared his cell with Sithole, Enos Nkala, and Edgar Tekere. He remained there for eight years, devoting his time to reading and studying","Mugabe adagawana cell yake ndi Sithole, Enos Nkala, ndi Edgar Tekere. Anakhala komweko zaka zisanu ndi zitatu, akumathera nthaŵi yake kuŵerenga ndi kuphunzira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3904,"During this period, he gained several further degrees from the University of London: a masters in economics, a bachelor of administration, and two law degrees. While Mugabe was imprisoned, Ian Smith became leader of Rhodesia","Panthawi imeneyi, adalandira madigiri ena angapo kuchokera ku sukulu yaukachenjede ya London: masters mu zachuma, digili ya kayendetse ka ntchito zamu ofesi, ndi madigiri awiri a malamulo. Pamene Mugabe anali kundende, Ian Smith anakhala mtsogoleri wa Rhodesia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3905,"While imprisoned, Mugabe learned that his son had died of encephalitis at the age of three. Mugabe was grief-stricken and requested a leave of absence to visit his wife in Ghana","Ali m'ndende, Mugabe adamva kuti mwana wake wamwalira ndi matenda a kuubongo ali ndi zaka zitatu. Mugabe anali ndi chisoni ndipo anapempha tchuthi kuti akaone mkazi wake ku dziko la Ghana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3906,He never forgave the prison authorities for refusing this request. Claims have also circulated among those who knew him at the time that Mugabe was subjected to both physical and mental torture during his imprisonment,Iye sanakhululukire akuluakulu a ndende chifukwa chokana pempholi. Zomwe zanenedwanso zafalikira pakati pa omwe amamudziwa panthawiyo kuti Mugabe adazunzidwa m'thupi komanso m'maganizo pamene anali m'ndende,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3907,"According to Father Emmanuel Ribeiro, who was Mugabe's priest during his imprisonment, Mugabe got through the experience ""partly through the strength of his spirituality"" but also because his ""real strength was study and helping others to learn","Malinga ndi Bambo Emmanuel Ribeiro, yemwe anali wansembe wa Mugabe panthawi yomwe anali m'ndende, Mugabe adakumana ndi zomwe adakumana nazo 'pamodzi mwa mphamvu zake zauzimu' komanso chifukwa 'mphamvu zake zenizeni zinali kuphunzira ndi kuthandiza ena kuphunzira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3908,"While Mugabe was imprisoned, in August 1964, the Rhodesian Front government—now under the leadership of Ian Smith—banned ZANU and ZAPU and arrested all remaining leaders of the country's African nationalist movement","Pamene Mugabe anali m’ndende, mu August 1964, boma la Rhodesian Front—panopa motsogozedwa ndi Ian Smith—linaletsa ZANU ndi ZAPU ndi kumanga atsogoleri onse otsala a gulu la African nationalist la dzikoli",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3909,Paramilitary groups based themselves in neighbouring Tanzania and Zambia; many of their fighters were inadequately armed and trained,Magulu a asilikali akhazikika ku Tanzania yoyandikana ndi Zambia; omenyera nkhondo awo ambiri analibe zida zokwanira komanso osaphunzitsidwa mokwanira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3910,In October 1968 Sithole had tried to smuggle a message out of the prison commanding ZANU activists to assassinate Smith,Mu October chaka cha 1968 Sithole anayesa kuzembetsa uthenga kundende wolamula anthu omenyera ufulu wa ZANU kuti aphe Smith,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3911,"His plan was discovered, and he was put on trial in January 1969; desperate to avoid a death sentence, he declared that he renounced violence and his previous ideological commitments","Cholinga chake chinadziwika, ndipo anazengedwa mlandu mu January 1969; pofunitsitsa kupeŵa chilango cha imfa, adanena kuti wasiya ziwawa ndi zomwe adachita kale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3912,"Mugabe denounced Sithole's ""treachery"" in rejecting ZANU's cause, and the executive removed him as ZANU President in a vote of no confidence, selecting Mugabe as his successor","Mugabe adadzudzula chinyengo cha Sithole pokana chisankho cha ZANU, ndipo akuluakulu adamuchotsa pa udindo wake monga mtsogoleri wa ZANU posankha kuti Mugabe akhale wolowa m'malo mwake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3913,"Fearing that the guerrilla war would spread south, the South African government pressured Rhodesia to advance the process of détente with the politically moderate black governments of Zambia and Tanzania","Poopa kuti nkhondo ya zigawenga ifalikira kumwera, boma la South Africa linakakamiza Rhodesia kuti ipititse patsogolo ntchito yoti akhazikitse mtendere ndi maboma akuda a Zambia ndi Tanzania omwe ali ndi ndale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3914,"As part of these negotiations, Smith's government agreed to release a number of black revolutionaries who had been indefinitely detained","Monga gawo la zokambiranazi, boma la Smith linagwirizana kumasula anthu angapo osintha anthu akuda omwe adatsekeredwa mpaka kalekale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3915,"After almost eleven years of imprisonment, Mugabe was released in November 1974. He moved in with his sister Sabina at her home in Highfield township","Atatha pafupifupi zaka khumi ndi chimodzi ali m’ndende, Mugabe anamasulidwa mu November 1974. Anasamukira ndi mlongo wake Sabina kunyumba kwawo ku Highfield township",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3916,"He was intent on joining the ZANU forces and taking part in the guerrilla war, recognising that to secure dominance of ZANU he would have to take command of ZANLA","Iye ankafunitsitsa kulowa nawo gulu lankhondo la ZANU ndikuchita nawo nkhondo ya zigawenga, pozindikira kuti kuti atenge ulamuliro wa ZANU akuyenera kukhala mtsogoleri wa ZANLA",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3917,"This was complicated by internal violence within the paramilitary group, predominately between members of the Manyika and Karange groups of Shona","Izi zidavuta chifukwa cha ziwawa zomwe zidachitika mkati mwa gulu lankhondo, makamaka pakati pa a Manyika ndi a Karange a Shona",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3918,"In March 1975, Mugabe resolved to leave Rhodesia for Mozambique, ambitious to take control of ZANU's guerrilla campaign","Mu march 1975, Mugabe adaganiza zochoka ku Rhodesia kupita ku Mozambique, ndi cholinga chofuna kulamulira zigawenga za ZANU",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3919,"After his friend Maurice Nyagumbo was arrested, he feared the same fate but was hidden from the authorities by Ribeiro",Mnzake Maurice Nyagumbo atamangidwa nayenso ankaopa zomwezo koma a Ribeiro anabisidwa kwa akuluakulu a boma,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3920,Mugabe remained in exile there for two years. Mozambique's President Samora Machel was sceptical of Mugabe's leadership abilities and was unsure whether to recognise him as ZANU's legitimate leader,Mugabe anakhala ku ukapolo kumeneko kwa zaka ziwiri. Mtsogoleri wa dziko la Mozambique Samora Machel amakayikira ngati Mugabe ndi mtsogoleri wovomerezeka wa ZANU,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3921,"Machel gave him a house in Quelimane and kept him under partial house arrest, with Mugabe requiring permission to travel. It would be almost a year before Machel accepted Mugabe's leadership of ZANU","Machel adamupatsa nyumba ku Quelimane ndikumutsekera m'ndende yapanyumba, pomwe Mugabe adafuna chilolezo kuti ayende. Pakanatha pafupifupi chaka Machel kuti avomereze utsogoleri wa Mugabe wa ZANU",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3922,"Mugabe travelled to various ZANLA camps in Mozambique to build support among its officers. By mid-1976, he had secured the allegiance of ZANLA's military commanders and established himself as the most prominent guerrilla leader battling Smith's regime","Mugabe adapita ku makampu osiyanasiyana a ZANLA ku Mozambique kukapereka chithandizo pakati pa maofisala ake. Pofika mkatikati mwa chaka cha 1976, adakhala wokhulupilika kwa akuluakulu ankhondo a ZANLA ndipo adadzipanga yekha kukhala mtsogoleri wodziwika bwino wa zigawenga yemwe akulimbana ndi ulamuliro wa Smith",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3923,"In August 1977, he was officially declared ZANU President at a meeting of the party's central committee held in Chimoio",Mu August 1977 adasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko wa ZANU pamsonkhano wa komiti yayikulu ya chipanichi womwe unachitikira ku Chimoio,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3924,"During the war, Mugabe remained suspicious of many of ZANLA's commanders and had a number of them imprisoned",Panthawi yankhondoyi Mugabe adakaikira akuluakulu ambiri a ZANLA ndipo angapo adatsekeredwa mndende,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3925,"In 1977 he imprisoned his former second-in-command, Wilfred Mhanda, for suspected disloyalty. After Josiah Tongogara was killed in a car accident in 1979, there were suggestions made that Mugabe may have had some involvement in it; these rumours were never substantiated","Mu 1977 anatsekera m’ndende yemwe anali wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wawo, Wilfred Mhanda, chifukwa choganiziridwa kuti ndi wosakhulupirika. Josiah Tongogara atamwalira pa ngozi ya galimoto mchaka cha 1979, panali malingaliro akuti Mugabe mwina adachitapo nawo; mphekesera izi sizinatsimikizike",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3926,"Mugabe remained aloof from the day-to-day military operations of ZANLA, which he entrusted to Tongogara",Mugabe adakhala kutali ndi ntchito za tsiku ndi tsiku za ZANLA zomwe adapereka kwa Tongogara,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3927,"In January 1976, ZANLA launched its first major infiltration from Mozambique, with nearly 1000 guerrillas crossing the border to attack white-owned farms and stores","Mu January 1976, ZANLA inayambitsa ulendo wake waukulu woyamba kuchokera ku Mozambique, ndipo pafupifupi zigawenga pafupifupi zana limodzi zinadutsa malire ndi kukaukira minda ndi masitolo a azungu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3928,"In response, Smith's government enlisted all men under the age of 35, expanding the Rhodesian army by 50%","Poyankhapo, boma la Smith lidalemba amuna onse osakwanitsa zaka makumi atatu ndizisanu, kukulitsa gulu lankhondo la Rhodesia ndi theka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3929,ZANLA's attacks forced large numbers of white landowners to abandon their farms; their now-unemployed black workers joined ZANLA by the thousands,Kuukira kwa ZANLA kudakakamiza azungu ambiri kusiya minda yawo; antchito awo akuda omwe tsopano alibe ntchito adalumikizana ndi ZANLA ndi zikwi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3930,"By 1979, ZANLA were in a position to attack a number of Rhodesian cities. Over the course of the war, at least 30,000 people were killed","Pofika m’chaka cha 1979, ZANLA inali itakwanitsa kuukira mizinda ingapo ya ku Rhodesia. Mkati mwa nkhondoyi, anthu pafupifupi mazana makumi atatu anaphedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3931,"As a proportion of their wider population, the whites had higher number of fatalities, and by the latter part of the decade the guerrillas were winning","Monga gawo la chiŵerengero chawo chokulirapo, azungu anali ndi chiŵerengero chochuluka chakupha, ndipo pofika kumapeto kwa zaka khumi zigawengazo zinapambana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3932,"Mugabe focused on the propaganda war, making regular speeches and radio broadcasts. His relationship with the People's Republic of China was far warmer, as the Chinese Maoist government supplied ZANLA with armaments without any conditions","Mugabe adayang'ana kwambiri pa nkhondo yabodza, kupanga zolankhula nthawi zonse komanso kuwulutsa pawailesi. Ubale wake ndi People's Republic of China unali wotentha kwambiri, popeza boma la China la Maoist lidapereka zida za ZANLA popanda zikhalidwe zilizonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3933,"Mugabe called for the overthrow of Rhodesia's predominately white government, the execution of Smith and his ""criminal gang"", the expropriation of white-owned land, and the transformation of Rhodesia into a one-party state","Mugabe anapempha kuchotsedwa kwa boma la Rhodesia lomwe munali azungu ambiri, kuphedwa kwa Smith ndi gulu lake la zigawenga, kulanda malo a azungu, komanso kusintha kwa Rhodesia kukhala dziko lachipani chimodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3934,"He repeatedly called for violence against the country's white minority, referring to white Rhodesians as ""blood-sucking exploiters"", ""sadistic killers"", and ""hard-core racists""","Kawiri kawiri adalimbikitsa nkhanza kwa azungu ochepa m'dzikolo, ponena kuti azungu a Rhodesia ndi 'odyera magazi', 'akupha mwankhanza', ndi 'osankhana mitundu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3935,"In one typical example, taken from a 1978 radio address, Mugabe declared: ""Let us hammer [the white man] to defeat","Mu chitsanzo chimodzi, chotengedwa pa wailesi ya 1978, Mugabe anati: 'Tiyeni timenye [mzungu] kuti tigonjetse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3936,"Let us blow up his citadel. Let us give him no time to rest. Let us chase him in every corner. Let us rid our home of this settler vermin""",Tiyeni tiphulitse linga lake. Tisamupatse nthawi yopuma. Tiyeni timuthamangitse mu ngodya zonse. Tiyeni tichotse m'nyumba mwathu ng'ombe zamtundu uwu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3937,"For Mugabe, armed struggle was an essential part of the establishment of a new state. In contrast to other black nationalist leaders like Nkomo, Mugabe opposed a negotiated settlement with Smith's government","Kwa Mugabe, nkhondo yankhondo inali gawo lofunikira pakukhazikitsa dziko latsopano. Mosiyana ndi atsogoleri ena akuda ngati Nkomo, Mugabe adatsutsa zomwe adakambirana ndi boma la Smith",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3938,In September 1978 Mugabe met with Nkomo in Lusaka. He was angry with the latter's secret attempts to negotiate with Smith,Mu September 1978 Mugabe anakumana ndi Nkomo ku Lusaka. Anakwiya ndi zoyesayesa zachinsinsi za Smith,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3939,The beginning of the end for Smith came when South African Prime Minister concluded that white minority rule was unsustainable in a country where blacks outnumbered whites,Chiyambi cha mapeto a Smith chinadza pamene nduna yaikulu ya dziko la South Africa inatsimikiza kuti ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa unali wosakhazikika m’dziko limene anthu akuda anali ochuluka kuposa azungu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3940,"Under pressure from Vorster, Smith accepted in principle that white minority rule could not be maintained forever","Mokakamizidwa ndi Vorster, Smith adavomereza mfundo yakuti ulamuliro wa anthu ochepa sungasungidwe mpaka kalekale ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3941,"He oversaw the 1979 general election which resulted in Abel Muzorewa, a politically moderate black bishop, being elected Prime Minister of the reconstituted Zimbabwe Rhodesia","Iye adayang'anira chisankho cha 1979 chomwe chidapangitsa kuti Abel Muzorewa, bishopu wakuda wokhazikika pandale, asankhidwe kukhala nduna ya dziko la Zimbabwe Rhodesia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3942,"Both ZANU and ZAPU had boycotted the election, which did not receive international recognition",Onse a ZANU ndi ZAPU adanyanyala chisankho chomwe sichidavomerezedwe ndi mayiko onse,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3943,"Mugabe refused to attend these London peace talks, opposing the idea of a negotiated rather than military solution to the Rhodesian War","Mugabe anakana kukakhala nawo pa zokambirana zamtendere ku London, kutsutsa lingaliro la kukambirana m'malo mwa nkhondo yothetsera nkhondo ya Rhodesia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3944,"Mugabe arrived in London in September 1979. There, he and Nkomo presented themselves as part of the ""Patriotic Front"" but established separate headquarters in the city","Mugabe anafika ku London mu September 1979. Kumeneko, iye ndi Nkomo adadziwonetsera ngati gawo la 'Patriotic Front' koma adakhazikitsa likulu lapadera mumzindawu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3945,"At the conference the pair were divided in their attitude; Nkomo wanted to present himself as a moderate while Mugabe played up to his image as a Marxist revolutionary, with Carington exploiting this division","Pamsonkhanowo awiriwa adagawanika m'malingaliro awo; Nkomo ankafuna kudzionetsera ngati munthu wodekha pamene Mugabe ankasewera ngati munthu woukira boma wa Marxist, Carington akugwiritsa ntchito gululi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3946,"Throughout the negotiations, Mugabe did not trust the British and believed that they were manipulating events to their own advantage","Pazokambilana zonse, Mugabe sadali okhulupilira a British ndipo amakhulupilira kuti akukonza zochitika kuti ziwapindulire",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3947,"It outlined a plan for a transition to formal independence as a sovereign republic under black-majority rule, also maintaining that Rhodesia would be renamed Zimbabwe, a name adopted from the Iron Age archaeological site of Great Zimbabwe","Idafotokozanso za dongosolo losinthira kukhala dziko lodziyimira palokha pansi paulamuliro wa anthu akuda, ndikusunganso kuti Rhodesia idzatchedwa Zimbabwe, dzina lotengedwa ku malo ofukula zakale a Iron Age ku Great Zimbabwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3948,"The agreement also ensured that the country's white minority retained many of its economic and political privileges, with 20 seats to be reserved for whites in the new Parliament","Mgwirizanowu udaonetsetsanso kuti azungu ochepa mdziko muno asunganso mwayi wawo wambiri pazachuma komanso ndale, pomwe mipando makumi awiri isungidwira azungu mu Nyumba Yamalamulo yatsopano",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3949,"By insisting on the need for a democratic black majority government, Carington was able to convince Mugabe to compromise on the other main issue of the conference, that of land ownership","Potsindika kufunika kwa boma la ufulu wodzilamulira la anthu ambiri akuda, Carington adakwanitsa kukopa Mugabe kuti agwirizane ndi nkhani ina yaikulu ya msonkhano, ya umwini wa nthaka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3950,Mugabe agreed to the protection of the white community's privately owned property on the condition that the UK and U.S governments provide financial assistance allowing the Zimbabwean government to purchase much land for redistribution among blacks,Mugabe adavomereza kutetezedwa kwa katundu wa azungu pokhapokha ngati boma la UK ndi US lipereke thandizo la ndalama kuti boma la Zimbabwe ligule malo ambiri oti agawire anthu akuda,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3951,"Mugabe was opposed to the idea of a ceasefire, but under pressure from Machel he agreed to it","Mugabe adatsutsana ndi ganizo lothetsa nkhondo, koma mokakamizidwa ndi Machel adavomereza ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3952,"Mugabe signed the agreement, but felt cheated, remaining disappointed that he had never achieved a military victory over the Rhodesian forces","Mugabe adasaina panganoli, koma adakhala ngati wachinyengo, atakhumudwa kuti sanagonjetse gulu lankhondo la Rhodesia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3953,"Returning to Salisbury in January 1980, Mugabe was greeted by a supportive crowd. He settled into a house in Mount Pleasant, a wealthy, white-dominated suburb","Kubwerera ku Salisbury mu January 1980, Mugabe adalandilidwa ndi gulu lothandizira. Anakhazikika m’nyumba ina ku Mount Pleasant komwe kunali anthu olemera komanso ozunguliridwa ndi azungu azungu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3954,"Machel had cautioned Mugabe not to alienate Rhodesia's white minority, warning him that any white flight after the election would cause economic damage as it had in Mozambique","Machel adachenjeza Mugabe kuti asalole azungu ochepa ku Rhodesia, ndikumuchenjeza kuti kuthawa kwa azungu pambuyo pa chisankho kungawononge chuma monga momwe adachitira ku Mozambique",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3955,"Mugabe insisted that in the election, ZANU would stand as a separate party to ZAPU, and refused Nkomo's request for a meeting","Mugabe insisted that in the election, ZANU would stand as a separate party to ZAPU, and refused Nkomo's request for a meeting",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3956,"He formed ZANU into a political party, known as Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front. Predictions were made that ZANU–PF would win the election on the basis of the country's ethnic divisions","Anakhazikitsa ZANU kukhala chipani cha ndale, chotchedwa Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front. Ananeneratu kuti ZANU-PF idzapambana pachisankho potengera kusiyana kwa mitundu ya dziko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3957,"Mugabe was Shona, a community that made up around 70% of the country's population, while Nkomo was Ndebele, a tribal group who made up only around 20%","Mugabe anali Ashona, gulu lomwe limapanga pafupifupi 70% ya anthu mdziko muno, pomwe Nkomo anali Ndebele, fuko lomwe limapanga pafupifupi 20%",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3958,"For many in the white community and in the British government, this outcome was a terrifying prospect due to Mugabe's avowed Marxist beliefs and the inflammatory comments that he had made about whites during the guerrilla war","Kwa anthu ambiri azungu komanso m’boma la Britain, zotsatira zake zinali zoopsa kwambiri chifukwa cha zimene Mugabe ankakhulupirira zokhudza chipembedzo cha Marxist komanso zimene ananena zokhudza azungu pa nthawi ya nkhondo ya zigawenga ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3959,"During the campaign, Mugabe survived two assassination attempts. In the first, which took place on 6 February, a grenade was thrown at his Mount Pleasant home, where it exploded against a garden wall","Pa nthawi ya kampeni, Mugabe adapulumuka maulendo awiri akupha. Koyamba, komwe kunachitika pa 6 February, bomba linaponyedwa kunyumba yake ya Mount Pleasant, pomwe idaphulika pakhoma lamunda ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3960,"In the second, on 10 February, a roadside bomb exploded near his motorcade as he left a Fort Victoria rally","Chachiwiri, pa 10 February, bomba linaphulika pafupi ndi galimoto yake pamene amachoka pamsonkhano wa Fort Victoria",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3961,Mugabe himself was unharmed. Mugabe accused the Rhodesian security forces of being responsible for these attacks,Mugabe mwiniyo sanavulale. Mugabe adadzudzula asilikali a Rhodesian kuti ndiwo adayambitsa zigawengazi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3962,"In an attempt to quell the possibility that Rhodesia's security forces would launch a coup to prevent the election, Mugabe met with Peter Walls, the commander of Rhodesia's armed forces, and asked him to remain in his position in the event of a ZANU–PF victory. At the time Walls refused","Pofuna kuletsa kuti asilikali a Rhodesia ayambe kuchita katangale pofuna kupewa chisankho, Mugabe anakumana ndi mkulu wa asilikali a Rhodesia, Peter Walls, ndipo anamupempha kuti akhalebe pa udindo wake ngati ZANU-PF itapambana. . Panthawiyo Makoma anakana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3963,"The electoral campaign was marred by widespread voter intimidation, perpetrated by Nkomo's ZAPU, Abel Muzorewa's United African National Council (UANC), and Mugabe's ZANU–PF","Kampeni yachisankho idasokonezedwa ndi ziwopsezo za anthu ambiri, zochitidwa ndi ZAPU ya Nkomo, United African National Council (UANC) ya Abel Muzorewa, ndi ZANU-PF",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3964,"Commenting on ZANU–PF's activities in eastern Rhodesia, Nkomo complained that ""the word intimidation is mild. People are being terrorised. It is terror","Pothirirapo ndemanga pa zochita za ZANU-PF kummawa kwa Rhodesia, a Nkomo adadandaula kuti 'mawu akuti mantha ndi ofatsa. Anthu akuchita mantha. Ndi mantha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3965,"Reacting to ZANU–PF's acts of voter intimidation, Mugabe was called before Soames at Government House","Potengera zomwe ZANU-PF idachita poopseza ovota, Mugabe adaitanidwa pamaso pa Soames kunyumba ya boma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3966,"Mugabe regarded the meeting as a British attempt to thwart his electoral campaign. Under the terms of the negotiation, Soames had the power to disqualify any political party guilty of voter intimidation","Mugabe adawona msonkhanowo ngati kuyesa kwa Britain kulepheretsa kampeni yake yachisankho. Pamgwirizanowu, Soames anali ndi mphamvu zoletsa chipani chilichonse chowopseza anthu ovota",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3967,"Rhodesia's security services, Nkomo, Muzorewa, and some of his own advisers all called on Soames to disqualify ZANU–PF","Achitetezo a Rhodesia, Nkomo, Muzorewa, ndi alangizi ake ena onse adapempha Soames kuti aletse ZANU-PF",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3968,"After deliberation, Soames disagreed, believing that ZANU–PF were sure to win the election and that disqualifying them would wreck any chance of an orderly transition of power","Atakambirana, Soames sanagwirizane nazo, pokhulupirira kuti ZANU-PF ndiyotheka kupambana pachisankho komanso kuti kuwachotsa kukhoza kusokoneza mwayi uliwonse wosintha ulamuliro mwadongosolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3969,"In the February election, ZANU–PF secured 63% of the national vote, gaining 57 of the 80 parliamentary seats allocated for black parties and providing them with an absolute majority","Pachisankho cha mwezi wa February, ZANU-PF idapeza 63% ya mavoti adziko lonse, ndipo idapeza mipando 57 mwa 80 ya aphungu omwe adapatsidwa zipani zakuda ndikuwapatsa unyinji wokwanira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3970,"ZAPU had gained 20 seats, and UANC had three. Mugabe was elected MP for the Salisbury constituency of Highfield","ZAPU inali itapeza mipando makumi awiri, ndipo UANC inali ndi itatu. Mugabe anasankhidwa kukhala phungu ku Salisbury constituency ku Highfield",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3971,"Attempting to calm panic and prevent white flight, Mugabe appeared on television and called for national unity, stability, and law and order, insisting that the pensions of white civil servants would be guaranteed and that private property would be protected","Poyesa kukhazika mtima pansi ndikuletsa kuthawa kwa azungu, Mugabe adawonekera pawailesi yakanema ndipo adapempha kuti pakhale mgwirizano, bata, malamulo ndi dongosolo, ponena kuti ndalama za penshoni za azungu zitsimikizidwe komanso kuti katundu wawo atetezedwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3972,Southern Rhodesia gained internationally recognised independence on 18 April 1980. Mugabe took the oath of office as the newly minted country's first Prime Minister shortly after midnight,Kumwera kwa Rhodesia idalandira ufulu wodzilamulira padziko lonse lapansi pa 18 April 1980. Mugabe adalumbirira kukhala nduna yayikulu yoyamba yadziko posachedwa pakati pausiku,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3973,"He gave a speech at Salisbury's Rufaro Stadium announcing that Rhodesia would be renamed ""Zimbabwe"" and pledged racial reconciliation",Iye adalankhula pa bwalo la masewera la Rufaro ku Salisbury kulengeza kuti Rhodesia idzatchedwa 'Zimbabwe' ndipo adalonjeza kuti padzakhala mgwirizano pakati pa mitundu yosiyanasiyana ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3974,"Soames aided Mugabe in bringing about an orderly transition of power; for this Mugabe remained grateful, describing Soames as a good friend","Soames anathandiza Mugabe pobweretsa kusintha kwadongosolo kwa ulamuliro; pa izi Mugabe anakhalabe woyamikira, kufotokoza Soames ngati bwenzi wabwino",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3975,"Mugabe unsuccessfully urged Soames to remain in Zimbabwe for several more years, and also failed to convince the UK to assume a two-year ""guiding role"" for his government because most ZANU–PF members lacked experience in governing","Mugabe sanapambane adalimbikitsa Soames kuti akhalebe ku Zimbabwe kwa zaka zambiri, komanso adalephera kukakamiza dziko la UK kuti likhale lotsogolera boma lake kwa zaka ziwiri chifukwa mamembala ambiri a ZANU-PF alibe luso lolamulira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3976,"ZANU–PF's absolute parliamentary majority allowed them to rule alone, but Mugabe created a government of national unity by inviting members of rival parties to join his cabinet","Unyinji wa aphungu a ZANU-PF udawalola kuti azilamulira okha, koma Mugabe adakhazikitsa boma la mgwirizano wa dziko poitana mamembala azipani zopikisana kuti alowe mu nduna zake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3977,"Mugabe moved into the Premier's residence in Salisbury, which he left furnished in the same style as Smith had left it","Mugabe adasamukira ku nyumba ya Prime Minister ku Salisbury, yomwe adasiya ili ndi kalembedwe komwe Smith adasiira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3978,"Zimbabwe also received much aid from Western countries, whose governments hoped that a stable and prosperous Zimbabwe would aid the transition of South Africa away from apartheid and minority rule","Zimbabwe idalandiranso thandizo lochuluka kuchokera kumayiko a azungu, omwe maboma ake akuyembekeza kuti dziko la Zimbabwe lokhazikika komanso lotukuka lithandizira kusintha kwa dziko la South Africa kuchoka ku ulamuliro wa tsankho ndi anthu ochepa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3979,"The United States provided Zimbabwe with a $25 million three-year aid package. The UK financed a land reform program, and provided military advisers to aid the integration of the guerrilla armies and old Rhodesian security forces into a new Zimbabwean military","United States idapatsa Zimbabwe ndalama zokwana $25 miliyoni zazaka zitatu. Dziko la UK lidapereka ndalama zoyendetsera pulogalamu yokonzanso malo, ndipo lidapereka alangizi ankhondo kuti athandizire kuphatikiza magulu ankhondo a zigawenga ndi asirikali akale achitetezo ku Rhodesia kukhala gulu lankhondo latsopano la Zimbabwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3980,"Members of both ZANLA and ZIPRA were integrated into the army; though, there remained a strong rivalry between the two groups. As Prime Minister, Mugabe retained Walls as the head of the armed forces","Mamembala a ZANLA ndi ZIPRA adaphatikizidwa mu usilikali; Komabe, panali mkangano wamphamvu pakati pa magulu awiriwa. Monga nduna yaikulu, Mugabe adasunga Walls ngati mtsogoleri wa asilikali",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3981,"Under Mugabe's leadership, there was a massive expansion in education and health spending. In 1980, Zimbabwe had just 177 secondary schools, by 2000 this number had risen to 1,548","Pansi pa utsogoleri wa Mugabe, panali kuwonjezeka kwakukulu kwa maphunziro ndi ndalama zothandizira zaumoyo. Mu 1980, Zimbabwe inali ndi masukulu a sekondale zana limodzi, makumi asanu ndiawiri kudzanso zisanu ndiziwiri okha, pofika chaka cha 2000 chiwerengerochi chidakwera kufika pa chikwi chimodzi, mazana asanu ndi makumi anayi ndizinayi kudzanso zisanu ndizitatu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3982,"A new leadership elite were formed, who often expressed their newfound status through purchasing large houses and expensive cars, sending their children to private schools, and obtaining farms and businesses","Atsogoleri atsopano adapangidwa, omwe nthawi zambiri amawonetsa mawonekedwe awo atsopano pogula nyumba zazikulu ndi magalimoto okwera mtengo, kutumiza ana awo kusukulu zapadera, ndikupeza minda ndi mabizinesi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3983,"Growing corruption among the socio-economic elite generated resentment among the wider population, much of which was living in poverty","Kukula kwa ziphuphu pakati pa anthu osankhika pazachuma kudadzetsa mkwiyo pakati pa anthu ambiri, omwe ambiri mwa iwo anali osauka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3984,The white editors of these newspapers were sacked and replaced by government appointees. These media outlets subsequently became a source of the party's propaganda,Azungu akonzi a nyuzipepalazi adachotsedwa ntchito ndipo m'malo mwake adasankhidwa ndi boma. Kenako atolankhaniwa adakhala gwero labodza lachipani,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3985,"At independence, 39% of Zimbabwe's land was under the ownership of around 6000 white large-scale commercial farmers, while 4% was owned by black small-scale commercial farmers, and 41% was 'communal land' where 4 million people lived, often in overcrowded conditions","Paufulu wodzilamulira, 39% ya nthaka ya Zimbabwe inali pansi pa umwini wa alimi amalonda akuluakulu ozungulira pafupifupi 6000, pamene 4% anali a alimi ang'onoang'ono amalonda, ndipo 41% anali 'malo ogwirizana' kumene anthu 4 miliyoni ankakhala, nthawi zambiri. m'malo modzaza anthu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3986,"The only permitted exceptions were if the land was ""underutilised"" or needed for a public purpose, in which case the government could compulsorily purchase it while fully compensating the owner","Zomwe zinali zololedwa zinali ngati malowo 'anagwiritsidwa ntchito mochepera' kapena akufunika kuti agwire ntchito ya anthu onse, ndiye kuti boma likanatha kuligula mokakamiza kwinaku likulipira mwini wake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3987,This meant that Mugabe's government was largely restricted to purchasing land which was of poor quality,Izi zikutanthauza kuti boma la Mugabe linali longogula malo omwe sanali abwino ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3988,"The wrongs of the past must now stand forgiven and forgotten. If ever we look to the past, let us do so for the lesson the past has taught us, namely that oppression and racism are inequalities that must never find scope in our political and social system","Zolakwa zakale ziyenera kukhululukidwa ndikuiwalika. Ngati tiyang'ana m'mbuyo, tiyeni tichite zimenezo pa phunziro lomwe latiphunzitsa kale, ndilo kuti kuponderezana ndi kusankhana mitundu ndizosiyana zomwe siziyenera kupezeka m'dongosolo lathu la ndale ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3989,"It could never be a correct justification that just because the whites oppressed us yesterday when they had power, the blacks must oppress them today because they have power. An evil remains an evil whether practised by white against black or black against white","Sikungakhale kulungamitsidwa kolondola kuti chifukwa chakuti azungu anatipondereza dzulo pamene anali ndi mphamvu, akuda ayenera kuwapondereza lero chifukwa ali ndi mphamvu. Choyipa chimakhala choyipa ngakhale choyera ndi chakuda kapena chakuda ndi choyera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3990,Mugabe initially emphasised racial reconciliation and he was keen to build a good relationship with white Zimbabweans,Poyamba Mugabe adatsindika za mgwirizano pakati pa mitundu ndipo adafunitsitsa kupanga ubale wabwino ndi azungu a ku Zimbabwe,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3991,He hoped to avoid a white exodus and tried to allay fears that he would nationalise white-owned property,Ankayembekeza kuti apewa kutuluka kwa azungu ndipo anayesa kuthetsa mantha oti alanda katundu wa azungu mdziko,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3992,"He appointed two white ministers—David Smith and Denis Norman—to his government, met with white leaders in agriculture, industry, mining, and commerce, and impressed senior figures in the outgoing administration like Smith and Ken Flower with his apparent sincerity","Anasankha nduna ziwiri zoyera—David Smith ndi Denis Norman—ku boma lake, anakumana ndi atsogoleri achizungu pazaulimi, mafakitale, migodi, ndi zamalonda, ndipo anachititsa chidwi akuluakulu mu utsogoleri wotuluka monga Smith ndi Ken Flower ndi kuona mtima kwake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3993,"With the end of the war, petrol rationing, and economic sanctions, life for white Zimbabweans improved during the early years of Mugabe's rule","Kutha kwa nkhondo, kugawira mafuta a petrol, ndi zilango zachuma, moyo wa azungu a Zimbabwe unakula bwino m'zaka zoyambirira za ulamuliro wa Mugabe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3994,"In the economic boom that followed, the white minority—which controlled considerable property and dominated commerce, industry, and banking—were the country's main beneficiaries","kudzera mu kukwera kwa chuma komwe kudachitika, azungu ochepawo, omwe ankayendetsa katundu ndi zinthu zambiri komanso zamalonda ndi zosunga chuma ndiomwewonso amene amapindula ndi ntchitozo. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3995,"Nevertheless, many white Zimbabweans complained that they were the victims of racial discrimination",Komabe azungu ambiri ku Zimbabwe adadandaula kuti ndi omwe amachitiridwa tsankho ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3996,"There was a growing exodus to South Africa, and in 1980, 17,000 whites—approximately a tenth of the white Zimbabwean population—emigrated","Ku South Africa kunali kuchulukirachulukira, ndipo mu 1980, azungu zikwi khumi ndi zisanu kudzanso ziwiri—pafupifupi gawo limodzi mwa magawo khumi a anthu azungu a ku Zimbabwe—anasamuka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3997,"In July 1982, South African-backed white militants destroyed 13 aircraft at Thornhill. A number of white military officers were accused of complicity, arrested, and tortured","Mu July 1982, zigawenga zachizungu zothandizidwa ndi South Africa zinawononga ndege khumi ndizitatu ku Thornhill. Agulu ankhondo achizungu akuimbidwa mlandu wochita nawo zinthu, kumangidwa, ndi kuzunzidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3998,"They were put on trial but cleared by judges, after which they were immediately re-arrested. Their case generated an international outcry, which Mugabe criticised, stating that the case only gained such attention because the accused were white","Iwo anazengedwa mlandu koma oweruza anawamasula, kenako anamangidwanso nthawi yomweyo. Mlandu wawo udadzetsa chipwirikiti padziko lonse lapansi, chomwe Mugabe adadzudzula, ponena kuti mlanduwu udangotengera chidwi chake chifukwa omwe akuimbidwa mlandu ndi oyera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en3999,His defence of torture and contempt for legal procedures damaged his international standing,Kuteteza kwake kuzunzidwa ndi kunyozedwa kwa malamulo kunawononga mbiri yake padziko lonse ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4000,"White flight continued to grow, and within three years of Mugabe's premiership half of all white Zimbabweans had emigrated","Kuthawa kwa azungu kunapitilira kukula, ndipo mkati mwa zaka zitatu za utsogoleri wa Mugabe theka la azungu onse a ku Zimbabwe adasamuka.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4001,"In the 1985 election, Smith's Conservative Alliance of Zimbabwe won 15 of the 20 seats allocated for white Zimbabweans","Pachisankho cha 1985, Smith's Conservative Alliance of Zimbabwe idapambana mipando khumi ndiisanu mwa mipando makumi awiri yoperekedwa kwa azungu a Zimbabwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4002,"Mugabe was outraged by this result, lambasting white Zimbabweans for not repenting ""in any way"" by continuing to support Smith and other white politicians who had committed ""horrors against the people of Zimbabwe""","Mugabe adakwiya ndi izi, nadzudzula azungu a ku Zimbabwe chifukwa chosalapa mwa njira iliyonse popitiliza kuthandiza Smith ndi andale ena achizungu omwe adachita 'zowopsa kwa anthu aku Zimbabwe'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4003,"Under the new constitution, Zimbabwe's presidency was a ceremonial role with no governmental power; the first President was Canaan Banana","Pansi pa malamulo atsopano, utsogoleri wa dziko la Zimbabwe unali mwambo wopanda mphamvu za boma; mtsogoleri wa dziko woyamba anali Kenani Banana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4004,"Mugabe had previously offered the position to Nkomo, who had turned it down in favour of becoming Minister of Home Affairs",Mugabe adapereka udindowu kwa Nkomo yemwe adakana kuti akhale nduna ya zamkati,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4005,"While working together, there remained an aura of resentment and suspicion between Mugabe and Nkomo","Pamene tikugwira ntchito limodzi, panalibe mkwiyo komanso kukayikirana pakati pa Mugabe ndi Nkomo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4006,"Mugabe gave ZAPU four cabinet seats, but Nkomo demanded more. In contrast, some ZANU–PF figures argued that ZAPU should not have any seats in government, suggesting that Zimbabwe be converted into a one-party state","Mugabe adapatsa ZAPU mipando inayi ya nduna, koma Nkomo adafuna zambiri. Mosiyana ndi izi, ziwerengero zina za ZANU-PF zidati ZAPU sikuyenera kukhala ndi mipando m'boma, ponena kuti dziko la Zimbabwe liyenera kukhala lachipani chimodzi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4007,"In January 1981, Mugabe demoted Nkomo in a cabinet reshuffle; the latter warned that this would anger ZAPU supporters","Mu January 1981, Mugabe adatsitsa Nkomo pakusintha nduna; womalizayo adachenjeza kuti izi zikwiyitsa otsatira ZAPU",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4008,"In February, violence between ZAPU and ZANU–PF supporters broke out among the battalion stationed at Ntabazinduna, soon spreading to other army bases, resulting in 300 deaths","M’mwezi wa February, ziwawa zapakati pa ZAPU ndi ZANU-PF zidayamba pakati pa gulu lankhondo lomwe lili ku Ntabazinduna, ndipo posakhalitsa zidafalikira ku malo ena ankhondo, zomwe zidapha anthu mazana atatu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4009,"An arms cache featuring land mines and anti-aircraft missiles were then discovered at Ascot Farm, which was part-owned by Nkomo",zida zoopsa zidapezeka Pafamu ya Ascot yomwe inali ya a Nkomo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4010,"Mugabe cited this as evidence that ZAPU were plotting a coup, an allegation that Nkomo denied","Muga wanena izi ngati umboni woti ZAPU ikukonzekera kulanda boma, zomwe Nkomo adazikanabe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4011,"Likening Nkomo to ""a cobra in the house"", Mugabe sacked him from the government, and ZAPU-owned businesses, farms, and properties were seized","Poyerekeza Nkomo ndi 'mbawala m'nyumba', Mugabe adamuchotsa m'boma, ndipo mabizinesi, minda, ndi katundu omwe anali ndi ZAPU adalandidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4012,"During 1982 he had established the Fifth Brigade, an elite armed force trained by the North Koreans; membership was drawn largely from Shona-speaking ZANLA soldiers and were answerable directly to Mugabe","Mu 1982 adakhazikitsa Fifth Brigade, gulu lankhondo lapamwamba lophunzitsidwa ndi North Korea; umembala udachokera makamaka kwa asirikali olankhula Chishona a ZANLA ndipo adayankha mwachindunji kwa Mugabe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4013,"In January 1983, the Fifth Brigade were deployed in the region, overseeing a campaign of beatings, arson, public executions, and massacres of those accused of being sympathetic to the dissidents","Mu January 1983, gulu la Fifth Brigade linatumizidwa m’chigawocho, kuyang’anira ntchito yomenya, kutenthedwa, kupha anthu, ndi kupha anthu amene anaimbidwa mlandu womvera chifundo otsutsawo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4014,The scale of the violence was greater than that witnessed in the Rhodesian War. Interrogation centres were established where people were tortured,Kukula kwa ziwawa kunali kokulirapo kuposa zomwe zidachitika pankhondo ya Rhodesia. Malo okafunsako anakhazikitsidwa kumene anthu ankazunzidwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4015,"Mugabe acknowledged that civilians would be persecuted in the violence, claiming that ""we can't tell who is a dissident and who is not","Mugabe adavomereza kuti anthu wamba adzazunzidwa pa ziwawa, ponena kuti 'sitingadziwe yemwe ali wotsutsana ndi ndani",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4016,"Margaret Thatcher's UK government was aware of the killings but remained silent on the matter, cautious not to anger Mugabe and threaten the safety of white Zimbabweans","Boma la Margaret Thatcher la ku UK likudziwa za kupha anthuwa koma lidakhala chete pankhaniyi, kusamala kuti asakwiyitse Mugabe ndikuwopseza chitetezo cha azungu a Zimbabwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4017,"In 2000, Mugabe acknowledged that the mass killings had happened, stating that it was ""an act of madness ... it was wrong and both sides were to blame""","Mu chaka cha 2000, Mugabe adavomereza kuti kupha anthu ambiri kunachitika, ponena kuti 'zinali misala ... zinali zolakwika ndipo mbali zonse zinali ndi mlandu'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4018,His biographer Martin Meredith argued that Mugabe and his ZANU–PF were solely to blame for the massacres,Wolemba mbiri yake a Martin Meredith adatsutsa kuti Mugabe ndi ZANU-PF ndi omwe adayambitsa kuphana.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4019,"There was further violence in the build-up to the 1985 election, with ZAPU supporters facing harassment from ZANU–PF Youth League brigades","Panali ziwawa zinanso pokonzekera chisankho cha 1985, pomwe otsatira ZAPU adazunzidwa ndi magulu a gulu la achinyamata la ZANU-PF Youth League",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4020,"In late 1987, Zimbabwe's parliament amended the constitution. On 30 December it declared Mugabe to be executive president, a new position that combined the roles of head of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief of the armed forces","Chakumapeto kwa 1987, nyumba yamalamulo ya Zimbabwe idasintha malamulo. Pa 30 December adalengeza kuti Mugabe akhale mtsogoleri wa dziko wamkulu, udindo watsopano womwe unaphatikiza udindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko, mtsogoleri wa boma, ndi mkulu wa asilikali",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4021,"This position gave him the power to dissolve parliament, declare martial law, and run for an unlimited number of terms","Udindowu udamupatsa mphamvu zothetsa nyumba yamalamulo, kulengeza zachitetezo chankhondo, ndikupikisana ndi mawu osawerengeka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4022,"The constitutional amendments also abolished the twenty parliamentary seats reserved for white representatives, and left parliament less relevant and independent","Zosintha zamalamulo zidathetsanso mipando makumi awiri ya aphungu omwe anali oyimira azungu, ndikupangitsa kuti nyumba yamalamulo isakhale yofunikira komanso yodziyimira pawokha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4023,"In the build-up to the 1990 election, parliamentary reforms increased the number of seats to 120; of these, twenty were to be appointed by the President and ten by the Council of Chiefs","Pokonzekera chisankho cha 1990, kusintha kwa nyumba yamalamulo kunachulukitsa mipando kufika pa 120; mwa awa, makumi awiri adasankhidwa ndi mutsogoleli wadziko ndipo khumi ndi bungwe la mafumu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4024,This measure made it more difficult for any opposition to Mugabe to gain a parliamentary majority,Muyesowu unapangitsa kuti zikhale zovuta kwambiri kwa otsutsa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4025,"The main opposition party in that election were the Zimbabwe Unity Movement (ZUM), launched in April 1989 by Tekere","Chipani chachikulu chotsutsa pachisankhocho chinali Zimbabwe Unity Movement (ZUM), yomwe idakhazikitsidwa mu April 1989 ndi Tekere",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4026,"Mugabe had long hoped to convert Zimbabwe into a one-party state, but in 1990 he officially ""postponed"" these plans as both Mozambique and many Eastern Bloc states transitioned from one-party states to multi-party republics","Mugabe ankayembekezera kwa nthawi yaitali kuti dziko la Zimbabwe likhale lachipani chimodzi, koma mu 1990 adayimitsa ndondomekoyi mwalamulo pamene mayiko a Mozambique ndi Eastern Bloc anasintha kuchoka ku mayiko a chipani chimodzi kupita ku mayiko a zipani zambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4027,"By 1990, 52,000 black families had been settled on 6.5 million acres. This was insufficient to deal with the country's overcrowding problem, which was being exacerbated by the growth in the black population","Pofika m’chaka cha 1990, mabanja 52,000 akuda anali atakhazikika pa maekala 6.5 miliyoni. Izi sizinali zokwanira kuthana ndi vuto la kuchulukana kwa anthu m’dziko muno, lomwe likukulirakulira chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa anthu akuda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4028,"That year, Zimbabwe's parliament passed an amendment allowing the government to expropriate land at a fixed price while denying land-owners the right of appeal to the courts","Chaka chimenecho, nyumba yamalamulo ku Zimbabwe idavomereza zosintha zolola boma kulanda malo pamtengo wokhazikika pomwe likuletsa eni malo kuti achite apilo ku makhothi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4029,"The government hoped that by doing so it could settle 110,000 black families on 13 million acres, which would require the expropriation of approximately half of all white-owned land","Boma likuyembekeza kuti pochita izi likhoza kukhazikitsa mabanja akuda 110,000 pa maekala 13 miliyoni, zomwe zikanafunika kulanda pafupifupi theka la malo onse a azungu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4030,"Zimbabwe's Commercial Farmers Union argued that the proposed measures would wreck the country's economy, urging the government to instead settle landless blacks on the half-a-million acres of land that was either unproductive or state-owned","Bungwe la Commercial Farmers Union m’dziko la Zimbabwe linati njira zomwe zaganiziridwazi zisokoneza chuma cha dziko lino, ndipo linapempha boma kuti m’malo mwake likhazikitse anthu akuda opanda malo pa malo okwana theka la miliyoni omwe sakhala obala kapena a boma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4031,"Concerns about the proposed measure—particularly its denial of the right to appeal—were voiced by the UK, US, and Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace","Kudetsa nkhawa kwa zomwe akufuna kuchita—makamaka kukana kwake ufulu wochita apilo—zinanenedwa ndi UK, US, ndi Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4032,"Responding to the criticisms, the government removed the ban on court appeals from the bill, which was then passed as law","Kuyankha ku zonyoza, boma lidachotsa chiletso choti anthu asamasume za chigamulo ku bwalo la milandu mu bill imeneyi, yomwe lidavomerezedwa monga Lamulo.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4033,"Over the following few years, hundreds of thousands of acres of largely white-owned land were expropriated","M’zaka zingapo zotsatira, maekala zikwi mazanamazana a malo a azungu ambiri analandidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4034,"In April 1994, a newspaper investigation found that not all of this was redistributed to landless blacks; much of the expropriated land was being leased to ministers and senior officials such as Witness Mangwede, who was leased a 3000-acre farm in Hwedza","Mu April 1994, kufufuza kwa m’nyuzipepala kunapeza kuti sizinagawidwenso zonse kwa anthu akuda opanda malo; Malo ambiri omwe adalandidwa adabwereketsa nduna ndi akuluakulu monga Witness Mangwede yemwe adabwereketsa famu ya maekala 3000 ku Hwedza",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4035,"In January 1992, Mugabe's wife died. In April 1995, Horizon magazine revealed that Mugabe had secretly been having an affair with his secretary Grace Marufu since 1987 and that she had borne him a son and a daughter","Mu January 1992, mkazi wa Mugabe anamwalira. Mu April 1995, magazini ya Horizon idawulula kuti Mugabe wakhala akuchita chibwenzi mobisa ndi mlembi wake Grace Marufu kuyambira 1987 ndipo adamuberekera mwana wamwamuna ndi wamkazi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4036,"His secret revealed, Mugabe decided to hold a much-publicised wedding. 12,000 people were invited to the August 1996 ceremony, which took place in Kutama and was orchestrated by the head of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Harare, Patrick Chakaipa","Chinsinsi chake chinawulula, Mugabe adaganiza zopanga ukwati wodziwika kwambiri. Anthu 12,000 adaitanidwa ku mwambo wa August 1996 womwe udachitikira ku Kutama ndipo adakonzedwa ndi mkulu wa Archepiskopi wa mpingo wakatolika ku Harare a Patrick Chakaipa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4037,The ceremony was controversial among the Catholic community because of the adulterous nature of Mugabe and Marufu's relationship,Mwambowu unali wovuta pakati pa mpingo wakatolika chifukwa cha chigololo chomwe Mugabe ndi Marufu anali nacho,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4038,"To house his family, Mugabe then built a new mansion at Borrowdale. In the 1995 parliamentary election—which saw a low turnout of 31.7%—ZANU–PF gained 147 out of 150 seats","Pofuna kukhala ndi banja lake, Mugabe adamanga nyumba yatsopano ku Borrowdale. Pachisankho cha aphungu a 1995—chimene chinachititsa kuti chiwerengero cha anthu chikhale chochepa cha 31.7%—ZANU–PF inapeza mipando 147 mwa 150",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4039,"By the mid-1990s Mugabe had become an irascible and petulant dictator, brooking no opposition, contemptuous of the law and human rights, surrounded by sycophantic ministers and indifferent to the incompetence and corruption around him","Pofika pakati pa zaka za m'ma 1990 Mugabe adakhala wolamulira wankhanza komanso wankhanza, wosatsutsika, wonyoza malamulo ndi ufulu wa anthu, atazunguliridwa ndi nduna za sycophantic komanso osakhudzidwa ndi kusayenerera ndi ziphuphu zomuzungulira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4040,"His record of economic management was lamentable. He had failed to satisfy popular expectations in education, health, land reform, and employment","Mbiri yake ya kasamalidwe kachuma inali yomvetsa chisoni. Analephera kukwaniritsa zomwe anthu ankayembekezera pazamaphunziro, zaumoyo, zakusintha malo, ndi ntchito.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4041,And he had alienated the entire white community. Yet all the while Mugabe continued to believe in his own greatness,Ndipo anali atapatutsa gulu lonse la azungu. Komabe nthawi yonseyi Mugabe adapitilizabe kukhulupirira ukulu wake,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4042,"Isolated and remote from ordinary reality, possessing no close friends and showing clear signs of paranoia, he listened only to an inner circle of conspiratorial aides and colleagues","Wokhala yekhayekha komanso wakutali ndi zenizeni wamba, wopanda abwenzi apamtima komanso kuwonetsa zowoneka bwino za paranoia, amangomvera gulu lamkati la othandizira achiwembu ndi anzawo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4043,"Whatever difficulties occurred he attributed to old enemies—Britain, the West, the old Rhodesian network—all bent, he believed, on destroying his ""revolution""","Ngakhale zovuta zilizonse zomwe zidachitika iye adati adani ake akale - Britain, West, Rhodesia wakale - adakhulupirira, adakhulupirira kuti awononga 'kusintha' kwake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4044,"Over the course of the 1990s, Zimbabwe's economy steadily deteriorated. By 2000, living standards had declined from 1980; life expectancy was reduced, average wages were lower, and unemployment had trebled","M’zaka za m’ma 1990, chuma cha Zimbabwe chinayamba kusokonekera. Pofika m’chaka cha 2000, moyo unali utatsika kuchokera mu 1980; nthawi ya moyo inachepetsedwa, malipiro apakati anali ochepa, ndipo ulova unakwera katatu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4045,"By 1998, unemployment was almost at 50%. As of 2009, three to four million Zimbabweans—the greater part of the nation's skilled workforce—had left the country","Pofika 1998, ulova unali pafupifupi 50%. Pofika mchaka cha 2009, anthu mamiliyoni atatu kapena anayi a ku Zimbabwe—anthu ambiri aluso m’dzikoli—anali atachoka m’dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4046,"In 1997 there were growing demands for pensions from those who had fought for the guerrilla armies in the revolutionary war, and in August 1997 Mugabe put together a pension package that would cost the county Z$4.2 billion","Mu 1997 panali zofuna zochulukira za penshoni kuchokera kwa omwe adamenyera nkhondo zachiwembu pankhondo yachisinthiko, ndipo mu August 1997 Mugabe adasonkhanitsa ndalama zapenshoni zomwe zingawononge chigawocho Z$4.2 biliyoni",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4047,"To finance this pension scheme, Mugabe's government proposed new taxes, but a general strike was called in protest in December 1997; amid protest from ZANU–PF itself, Mugabe's government abandoned the taxes","Pofuna kupeza ndalama za penshoni, boma la Mugabe linaganiza zokhoma misonkho yatsopano, koma kunyalanyazidwa kwakukulu kunaitanidwa kaamba ka zionetsero mu December 1997; Pakati pa zionetsero za ZANU-PF, boma la Mugabe linasiya misonkho ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4048,"In January 1998, riots about lack of access to food broke out in Harare; the army was deployed to restore order, with at least ten killed and hundreds injured","Mu January 1998, zipolowe zokhudza kusowa kwa chakudya zinayambika ku Harare; Asilikali adatumizidwa kuti abwezeretse mtendere, ndipo anthu osachepera khumi adaphedwa ndipo mazana avulala",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4049,"Mugabe increasingly blamed the country's economic problems on Western nations and the white Zimbabwean minority, who still controlled most of its commercial agriculture, mines, and manufacturing industry","Mugabe adadzudzula kuti mavuto azachuma a dziko lino ndi omwe mayiko a azungu komanso azungu ochepa a ku Zimbabwe amalamulirabe zambiri zaulimi wamalonda, migodi, ndi kupanga mafakitale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4050,"He called on supporters ""to strike fear in the hearts of the white man, our real enemy"",[280] and accused his black opponents of being dupes of the whites","Anapempha omutsatira kuti 'achite mantha m'mitima ya mzungu, mdani wathu weniweni', [280] ndipo adadzudzula adani ake akuda kuti ndi onyenga a azungu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4051,"Amid growing internal opposition to his government, he remained determined to stay in power","Pakati pa anthu otsutsa boma lake, iye anapitirizabe kulamulira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4052,"Mugabe also developed a growing preoccupation with homosexuality, lambasting it as an ""un-African"" import from Europe","Mugabe adakulitsanso chidwi chokhudzana ndi kugonana kwa amuna kapena akazi okhaokha, akumadzudzula ngati "chochokera ku Africa" ​​kuchokera ku Ulaya",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4053,"In 1996, Mugabe was appointed chair of the defence arm of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)","Mu 1996, Mugabe anasankhidwa kukhala wapampando wa chitetezo cha Southern African Development Community (SADC)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4054,"Without consulting parliament, in August 1998 he ordered Zimbabwean troops into the Democratic Republic of the Congo to side with President Laurent Kabila in the Second Congo War","Popanda kukambirana ndi nyumba yamalamulo, mu August 1998 adalamula asirikali aku Zimbabwe kulowa m'dziko la Democratic Republic of Congo kuti agwirizane ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko Laurent Kabila pankhondo yachiwiri ya Congo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4055,"He initially committed 3000 troops to the operation; this gradually rose to 11,000. He also persuaded Angola and Namibia to commit troops to the conflict","Poyamba adapereka asilikali a 3000 ku ntchitoyi; Izi zinakwera pang'onopang'ono kufika pa 11,000. Ananyengereranso mayiko a Angola ndi Namibia kuti apereke asilikali kunkhondoyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4056,"Involvement in the war cost Zimbabwe an approximate US$1 million a day, contributing to its economic problems","Kutenga nawo mbali pankhondoyi kunawonongetsa dziko la Zimbabwe ndalama zokwana madola 1 miliyoni patsiku, zomwe zikuthandizira mavuto ake azachuma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4057,"Opinion polls demonstrated that it was unpopular among Zimbabwe's population. However, several Zimbabwean businesses profited, having been given mining and timber concessions and preferential trade terms in minerals from Kabila's government","Kafukufuku wamaganizidwe adawonetsa kuti sikunali kovomerezeka pakati pa anthu aku Zimbabwe. Komabe, mabizinesi angapo aku Zimbabwe adapindula, atapatsidwa chilolezo cha migodi ndi matabwa komanso kugulitsa migodi kuchokera ku boma la Kabila ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4058,"In January 1999, 23 military officers were arrested for plotting a coup against Mugabe. The government sought to hide this, but it was reported by journalists from The Standard","Mu January 1999, asilikali 23 anamangidwa chifukwa chokonzekera kulanda Mugabe. Boma lidafuna kubisa izi koma atolankhani a The Standard",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4059,"The military subsequently illegally arrested the journalists and tortured them. This brought international condemnation, with the EU and seven donor nations issuing protest notes","Kenako asilikaliwo anagwira atolankhaniwo ndi kuwazunza. Izi zidabweretsa chitsutso padziko lonse lapansi, pomwe EU ndi mayiko asanu ndi awiri opereka ndalama adapereka zolemba zotsutsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4060,"Lawyers and human rights activists protested outside parliament until they were dispersed by riot police, and the country's Supreme Court judges issued a letter condemning the military's actions","Maloya komanso omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe anachita ziwonetsero panja pa nyumba ya malamulo mpaka pamene apolisi olimbana ndi zipolowe anawabalalitsa, ndipo majaji a bwalo lalikulu la milandu mdzikolo atulutsa kalata yodzudzula zomwe asilikali achita",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4061,"To meet growing demand for constitutional reform, in April 1999 Mugabe's government appointed a 400-member Constitutional Commission to draft a new constitution which could be put to a referendum","Pofuna kukwaniritsa zomwe anthu ambiri amafuna kuti zisinthe malamulo a dziko lino, mu April 1999 boma la Mugabe linasankha anthu 400 kuti alembe lamuloli lomwe lingachitike pa referendum",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4062,"In February 2000, land invasions began as armed gangs attacked and occupied white-owned farms","Mu February 2000, kulanda nthaka kudayamba pomwe magulu achifwamba adaukira ndikulanda minda ya azungu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4063,"The government referred to the attackers as ""war veterans"" but the majority were unemployed youth too young to have fought in the Rhodesian War",Boma lidawatcha omenyanawo kuti 'war veterans' koma ambiri anali achinyamata omwe alibe ntchito omwe sanachite nawo nkhondo ya Rhodesian,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4064,"Mugabe claimed that the attacks were a spontaneous uprising against white land owners, although the government had paid Z$20 million to War Veterans Association to lead the land invasion campaign and ZANU–PF officials, police, and military figures were all involved in facilitating it","Mugabe adati zigawengazi zidangoukira eni malo a azungu, ngakhale boma lidapereka ndalama zokwana $20 miliyoni ku bungwe la War Veterans Association kuti litsogolere kampeni yolanda malo ndipo akuluakulu a ZANU-PF, apolisi ndi asirikali onse anali nawo pothandizira.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4065,Some of Mugabe's colleagues described the invasions as retribution for the white community's alleged involvement in securing the success of the 'no' vote in the recent referendum,Ena mwa azinzake a Mugabe ati zigawengazi ndi kubwezera chilango cha azungu omwe ati atenga nawo gawo pofuna kuti zisankho za 'ayi' zitheke pa referendum yomwe yangochitika kumene,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4066,Mugabe justified the seizures by the fact that this land had been seized by white settlers from the indigenous African population in the 1890s,Mugabe adalungamitsa kulanda chifukwa malowa adalandidwa ndi azungu omwe adakhala ku Africa mzaka za m'ma 1890,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4067,"In March 2000, Zimbabwe's High Court ruled that the land invasions were illegal; they nevertheless continued, and Mugabe began vilifying Zimbabwe's judiciary","Mu March 2000, bwalo lalikulu lamilandu la ku Zimbabwe linagamula kuti kulanda malowo kunali koletsedwa; ngakhale zinali choncho adapitilizabe, ndipo Mugabe adayamba kunyoza nthambi ya zamalamulo yaku Zimbabwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4068,The first act of the new Supreme Court was to reverse the previous declaration that the land seizures were illegal,Mchitidwe woyamba wa Khothi Lalikulu latsopanoli unali kutembenuza chigamulo cha m’mbuyomo chakuti kulanda malowo kunali koletsedwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4069,"In November 2001, Mugabe issued a presidential decree permitting the expropriation of virtually all white-owned farms in Zimbabwe without compensation","Mu November 2001, Mugabe anakhadzikitsa lamulo pogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zake za mtsogoleri wa dziko lolola kulanda pafupifupi minda yonse ya azungu ku Zimbabwe popanda chipukuta misozi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4070,"The farm seizures were often violent; by 2006 a reported sixty white farmers had been killed, with many of their employees experiencing intimidation and torture","Kulanda mafamu nthawi zambiri kunali kwachiwawa; Pofika mchaka cha 2006 akuti alimi azungu makumi asanu ndi limodzi adaphedwa, ndipo antchito awo ambiri amaopsezedwa ndikuzunzidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4071,"A large number of the seized farms remained empty, while many of those redistributed to black peasant-farmers were unable to engage in production for the market because of their lack of access to fertilizer","Mafamu ambiri omwe adagwidwa adakhala opanda kanthu, pomwe ambiri omwe adagawidwanso kwa alimi akuda adalephera kupanga msika chifukwa chosowa fetereza",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4072,"The courts can do whatever they want, but no judicial decision will stand in our way","Makhoti atha kuchita chilichonse chomwe akufuna, koma palibe chigamulo cha milandu chomwe chingatiyimire",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4073,My own position is that we should not even be defending our position in the courts. This country is our country and this land is our land,Maganizo anga ndi akuti tisamateteze nkomwe udindo wathu m'mabwalo amilandu. Dziko ili ndi dziko lathu ndipo dziko ili ndi dziko lathu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4074,"They think because they are white they have a divine right to our resources. Not here. The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans, Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans","Iwo amaganiza chifukwa ndi oyera ali ndi ufulu waumulungu ku chuma chathu. Osati pano. Mzungu si wa ku Africa kuno. Africa is for Africans, Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4075,"The farm invasions severely impacted agricultural development. Zimbabwe had produced over two million tons of maize in 2000; by 2008 this had declined to approximately 450,000","Kuwukiridwa kwa mafamuwo kudasokoneza kwambiri chitukuko chaulimi. Zimbabwe idatulutsa matani opitilira 2 miliyoni a chimanga mchaka cha 2000; pofika 2008 izi zidatsika mpaka pafupifupi 450,000",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4076,"By October 2003, Human Rights Watch reported that half of the country's population were food insecure, lacking enough food to meet basic needs","Pofika mu October 2003, bungwe la Human Rights Watch linanena kuti theka la anthu a m’dzikoli analibe chakudya, ndipo analibe chakudya chokwanira kuti akwaniritse zosowa zofunika kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4077,"By 2009, 75% of Zimbabwe's population were relying on food aid, the highest proportion of any country at that time","Pofika mchaka cha 2009, anthu 75 pa 100 aliwonse a dziko la Zimbabwe ankadalira thandizo la chakudya, lomwe linali lalikulu kwambiri kuposa dziko lililonse panthawiyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4078,"Other sectors of society were negatively affected too. By 2005, an estimated 80% of Zimbabwe's population were unemployed, and by 2008 only 20% of children were in schooling","Magawo ena a anthu adakhudzidwanso. Pofika m’chaka cha 2005, pafupifupi 80 peresenti ya anthu a ku Zimbabwe anali opanda ntchito, ndipo pofika chaka cha 2008 ana 20 pa 100 alionse anali kusukulu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4079,"The breakdown of water supplies and sewage systems resulted in a cholera outbreak in late 2008, with over 98,000 cholera cases in Zimbabwe between August 2008 and mid-July 2009","Kuwonongeka kwa madzi ndi zimbudzi kunayambitsa mliri wa kolera kumapeto kwa chaka cha 2008, ndi odwala kolera oposa 98,000 ku Zimbabwe pakati pa August 2008 ndi pakati pa July 2009",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4080,"The country's lucrative tourist industry was decimated, and there was a rise in poaching, including of endangered species","Ntchito zokopa alendo zomwe zinali zopindulitsa kwambiri m’dziko muno zinatheratu, ndipo kupha nyama mopanda chilolezo kunali kukwera, kuphatikizapo zamoyo zomwe zatsala pang’ono kutha.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4081,Mugabe directly exacerbated this problem when he ordered the killing of 100 elephants to provide meat for an April 2007 feast,Mugabe anawonjezera vutoli pamene adalamula kuti njovu 100 ziphedwe kuti apereke nyama paphwando la April 2007 ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4082,"Mugabe's actions brought strong criticism. The Zimbabwe Council of Churches accused him of plunging the country into ""a de facto state of warfare"" to stay in power",Zochita za Mugabe zidabweretsa chidzudzulo champhamvu. Bungwe la mipingo la Zimbabwe Council of Churches linamudzudzula kuti anagwetsera dzikolo m'nkhondo yodziwika bwino kuti ikhale pampando,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4083,"In March 2008, the parliamentary and presidential elections were held. In the former, ZANU–PF secured 97 seats to the MDC's 99","Mu march 2008, zisankho zanyumba yamalamulo ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko zidachitika. M'mbuyomu, ZANU-PF idapeza mipando 97 ku MDC ya 99",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4084,"In May, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission announced the presidential vote results, confirming that Tsvangirai secured 47.9%, to Mugabe's 43.2%. As neither candidate secured 50%, a run-off vote was scheduled","M'mwezi wa May, bungwe la Zimbabwe Electoral Commission lidalengeza zotsatira za mavoti a mtsogoleri wa dziko, kutsimikizira kuti Tsvangirai adapeza 47.9%, pomwe Mugabe adapeza 43.2%. Popeza palibe phungu yemwe adapeza 50%, voti yowonjezera idakonzedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4085,"Mugabe saw his defeat as an unacceptable personal humiliation. He deemed it a victory for his Western, and in particular British, detractors, whom he believed were working with Tsvangirai to end his political career","Mugabe adawona kugonjetsedwa kwake ngati manyazi osavomerezeka. Iye adawona kuti ndi chigonjetso kwa azungu ake, makamaka a British, omwe amatsutsa, omwe amakhulupirira kuti akugwira ntchito ndi Tsvangirai kuthetsa ntchito yake ya ndale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4086,"After the election, Mugabe's government deployed its ""war veterans"" in a violent campaign against Tsvangirai supporters","Chisankho chitatha, boma la Mugabe lidatumiza asilikali ake akale pa nkhondo polimbana ndi otsatira Tsvangirai.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4087,"Between March and June 2008, at least 153 MDC supporters were killed. There were reports of women affiliated with the MDC being subjected to gang rape by Mugabe supporters","Pakati pa March ndi June 2008, osachepera 153 otsatira a MDC anaphedwa. Panali malipoti oti amayi omwe ali mgulu la MDC akugwiriridwa ndi zigawenga ndi otsatira Mugabe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4088,Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans were internally displaced by the violence. These actions brought international condemnation of Mugabe's government,Anthu zikwizikwi aku Zimbabwe adathawa kwawo chifukwa cha ziwawa. Izi zidabweretsa kutsutsidwa kwa boma la Mugabe padziko lonse,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4089,"In response to the violence, Tsvangirai pulled out of the run-off. In the second round, Mugabe was pronounced victor with 85.5% of the vote, and immediately re-inaugurated as president","Poyankha ziwawa, Tsvangirai adatuluka mu chisankho chachiwiri. Mugawo lachiwiri, Mugabe adapambana ndi 85.5% ya mavoti, ndipo nthawi yomweyo adasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4090,"The SADC oversaw the establishment of a power-sharing agreement; brokered by Mbeki, it was signed in September 2008","SADC idayang'anira kukhazikitsidwa kwa mgwirizano wogawana mphamvu; idasinthidwa ndi Mbeki, idasainidwa mu Seputembara 2008",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4091,"Under the agreement, Mugabe remained President while Tsvangirai became Prime Minister and the MDC's Arthur Mutambara became Vice Prime Minister","Pamgwirizanowu, Mugabe adakhalabe mtsogoleri wa dziko pomwe Tsvangirai adakhala nduna yayikulu ndipo Arthur Mutambara wa MDC adakhala wachiwiri kwa nduna.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4092,"The cabinet was equally divided among MDC and ZANU–PF members. ZANU–PF nevertheless displayed unwillingness to share power, and were anxious to prevent any sweeping political changes","Bungwe la nduna za boma lidagawikananso mamembala a MDC ndi ZANU-PF. Ngakhale zili choncho, ZANU-PF idawonetsa kusafuna kugawana mphamvu, ndipo idafunitsitsa kuletsa kusintha kulikonse kwandale ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4093,"Under the power-sharing agreement, a number of limited reforms were passed. In early 2009, Mugabe's government declared that—to combat rampant inflation—it would recognise US dollars as legal tender and would pay government employees in this currency","Pansi pa mgwirizano wogawana mphamvu, kusintha kochepa kochepa kunaperekedwa. Kumayambiriro kwa chaka cha 2009, boma la Mugabe lidalengeza kuti — pofuna kuthana ndi kukwera kwa mitengo kwa zinthu, livomereza madola aku US ngati ndalama zovomerezeka ndipo lipereka ndalama kwa ogwira ntchito m’boma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4094,This helped to stabilise prices. ZANU–PF blocked many of the proposed reforms and a new constitution was passed in March 2013,Izi zinathandiza kuti mitengo ikhale yokhazikika. ZANU-PF idaletsa zosintha zambiri zomwe zidakonzedwa ndipo lamulo latsopano lidavomerezedwa mu march 2013,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4095,"Declaring that he would ""fight like a wounded animal"" for re-election, Mugabe approached the 2013 elections believing that it would be his last","Polengeza kuti 'adzamenyana ngati nyama yovulala' kuti asankhenso chisankho, Mugabe adayandikira zisankho za 2013 akukhulupirira kuti zikhala zake zomaliza",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4096,"He hoped that a decisive electoral victory would secure his legacy, signal his triumph over his Western critics, and irreparably damage Tsvangirai's credibility","Iye akuyembekeza kuti chigonjetso chotsimikizika chidzateteza cholowa chake, kuwonetsa kupambana kwake kwa otsutsa ake aku Western, komanso kuwononga mbiri ya Tsvangirai",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4097,The opposition parties believed that this election was their best chance for ousting Mugabe,Zipani zotsutsa zimakhulupirira kuti chisankhochi ndi mwayi wawo wochotsa Mugabe ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4098,They portrayed him as a feeble old man who was being told what to do by the military; at least one academic observer argued that this was untrue,Anamuonetsa ngati nkhalamba yofooka imene inali kuuzidwa zochita ndi asilikali; mwina wophunzira m'modzi ananena kuti izi sizinali zoona,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4099,"The party elite decided to avoid the violence that had marred the 2008 election so as not to undermine its credibility, particularly in the eyes of the SADC, thus allowing Zimbabwe's government to consolidate its rule without interference","Akuluakulu a chipanichi adaganiza zopewa ziwawa zomwe zidasokoneza chisankho cha 2008 kuti chisasokoneze chikhulupiliro chake, makamaka pamaso pa SADC, motero boma la Zimbabwe likhazikitse ulamuliro wake popanda kusokonezedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4100,"Mugabe called upon supporters to avoid violence, and attended far fewer rallies than in past elections, in part because of his advanced age and in part to ensure that those rallies he did attend were larger","Mugabe adapempha omutsatira kuti apewe ziwawa, ndipo adapezekapo pamisonkhano yochepa kwambiri kusiyana ndi zisankho zam'mbuyomu, mwa zina chifukwa cha ukalamba wake komanso zina pofuna kuwonetsetsa kuti misonkhano yomwe adapitako ikhale yayikulu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4101,"The ZANU–PF offered gifts, including food and clothing, to many members of the electorate to encourage them to vote for the party",Chipani cha ZANU-PF chinapereka mphatso monga chakudya ndi zovala kwa aphungu ambiri pofuna kuwalimbikitsa kuvota ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4102,The elections were not considered free and fair; there were widespread stories of vote rigging and many voters might have been fearful of the violence that had surrounded the 2008 election,Chisankhocho sichinaonedwe chaufulu ndi chilungamo; panali nkhani zambiri zokhuza kubera mavoti ndipo ovota ambiri angakhale akuopa ziwawa zomwe zidazungulira chisankho cha 2008,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4103,"During the campaign, many MDC supporters had remained quiet about their views out of fear of reprisals","Pa nthawi ya ndawalayi, otsatira chipani cha MDC ambiri adakhala chete osanenapo maganizo awo powopa kudzudzulidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4104,"The MDC was also negatively impacted by its time in the coalition government, with perceptions that it had been just as corrupt as ZANU–PF","Chipani cha MDC chidakhudzidwanso ndi nthawi yomwe idakhala m'boma la mgwirizano, poganiza kuti idachita zachinyengo ngati ZANU-PF",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4105,"In February 2014, Mugabe underwent a cataract operation in Singapore; on return he celebrated his ninetieth birthday at a Marondera football stadium","Mu February 2014, Mugabe anachitidwa opaleshoni ya ng'ala ku Singapore; pobwerako adakondwerera zaka zake makumi asanu ndi anayi pa bwalo la mpira ku Marondera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4106,"In December 2014, Mugabe fired his vice-president, Joice Mujuru, accusing her of plotting his overthrow","Mu December 2014, Mugabe adachotsa wachiwiri wake, Joice Mujuru, pomuimba mlandu wokonza chiwembu chomugwetsa ufumu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4107,"In January 2015, Mugabe was elected as the Chairperson of the African Union. In November 2015, he announced his intention to run for re-election as Zimbabwe's president in 2018, at the age of 94, and was accepted as the ZANU–PF candidate","Mu January 2015, Mugabe anasankhidwa kukhala Wapampando wa African Union. Mu November 2015, adalengeza kuti akufuna kudzayimbanso chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Zimbabwe mu 2018, ali ndi zaka 94, ndipo adalandiridwa ngati phungu wa ZANU-PF",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4108,"In February 2016, Mugabe said he had no plans for retirement and would remain in power ""until God says 'come'""","Mu February 2016, Mugabe adanena kuti alibe malingaliro opuma pantchito ndipo adzakhalabe pampando mpaka Mulungu atanena kuti 'bwerani' ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4109,"In February 2017, right after his 93rd birthday, Mugabe stated he would not retire nor pick a successor, even though he said he would let his party choose a successor if it saw fit","Mu February 2017, atangotha ​​​​kubadwa kwake kwa 93, Mugabe adanena kuti sadzapuma kapena kusankha wolowa m'malo, ngakhale adanena kuti adzalola chipani chake kusankha wolowa m'malo ngati awona kuti n'koyenera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4110,"In May 2017, Mugabe took a weeklong trip to Cancún, Mexico, ostensibly to attend a three-day conference on disaster risk reduction, eliciting criticism of wasteful spending from opposition figures","Mu May 2017, Mugabe adayenda ulendo wamlungu umodzi kupita ku Cancún, Mexico, mwachiwonekere kuti akakhale nawo pamsonkhano wamasiku atatu wokhudza kuchepetsa ngozi, ndikudzudzula anthu otsutsa kuti akuwononga ndalama zowonongeka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4111,"On 6 November 2017, Mugabe sacked his first vice-president, Emmerson Mnangagwa. This fueled speculation that he intended to name Grace his successor","Pa 6 Novembara 2017, Mugabe adachotsa wachiwiri wake woyamba, Emmerson Mnangagwa. Izi zidautsa maganizo oti akufuna kuti atchule Grace wolowa m'malo mwake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4112,"Grace was very unpopular with the ZANU–PF old guard. On 15 November 2017, the Zimbabwe National Army placed Mugabe under house arrest at his Blue Roof mansion as part of what it described as an action against ""criminals"" in Mugabe's circle","Grace sanasangalale ndi mlonda wakale wa ZANU-PF. Pa 15 November 2017, gulu lankhondo la Zimbabwe National Army linaika Mugabe mu ukaidi wosachoka panyumba pa nyumba yake yaikulu ya Blue Roof monga gawo la zomwe adalongosola ngati zochita zolimbana ndi 'zigawenga' mu gulu la Mugabe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4113,"On 19 November, he was sacked as leader of ZANU–PF, and Mnangagwa was appointed in his place","Pa 19 November adachotsedwa ntchito ngati mtsogoleri wa ZANU-PF, ndipo Mnangagwa adasankhidwa m'malo mwake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4114,"The party also gave Mugabe an ultimatum: resign by noon the following day, or it would introduce an impeachment resolution against him","Chipanichi chidaperekanso chigamulo kwa Mugabe: atule pansi udindo masana masana tsiku lotsatira, kapena chikapereka chigamulo chomutsutsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4115,"In a nationally televised speech that night, Mugabe refused to say that he would resign. In response, ZANU–PF deputies introduced an impeachment resolution on 21 November 2017, which was seconded by the MDC","Polankhula pa wailesi yakanema ya dziko lonse usiku umenewo, Mugabe anakana kunena kuti atule pansi udindo. Poyankhapo, aphungu a ZANU-PF adapereka chigamulo pa 21 November 2017, chomwe chidatsatiridwa ndi MDC",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4116,"Late in December 2017, according to a government gazette, Mugabe was given full diplomatic status and, out of public funds, a five-bedroom house, up to 23 staff members, and personal vehicles","Chakumapeto kwa mwezi wa December 2017, malinga ndi nyuzipepala ya boma, Mugabe adapatsidwa udindo wonse waukazembe ndipo, chifukwa cha ndalama za boma, nyumba ya zipinda zisanu, ogwira ntchito okwana 23, ndi magalimoto",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4117,"He further was permitted to keep the business interests and other wealth which he had amassed while in power, and he received an additional payment of about ten million dollars","Analoledwanso kusunga ntchito zake zamalonda ndi chuma china chomwe adapeza ali paulamuliro, ndipo adalandira malipiro owonjezera a madola mamiliyoni khumi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4118,"On 15 March 2018, in his first interview since removal from the presidency, Mugabe insisted that he had been ousted in a ""coup d'état"" which must be undone","Pa 15 march 2018, m'mafunso ake oyamba kuyambira pomwe adachotsedwa paudindo, Mugabe adanenetsa kuti adachotsedwa mu 'coup d'état' yomwe iyenera kuthetsedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4119,"He stated that he would not work with Mnangagwa and termed Mnangagwa's presidency ""illegal"" and ""unconstitutional""",Iye adati sangagwire ntchito ndi Mnangagwa ndipo adati utsogoleri wa Mnangagwa ndi wosaloledwa komanso wosagwirizana ndi malamulo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4120,"On the eve of the 29 July 2018 general election, the first in 38 years in which he would not be a candidate, Mugabe held a surprise press conference, in which he stated that he would not vote for President Mnangagwa and ZANU–PF, the party he founded","Madzulo a chisankho cha Julayi 29, 2018, woyamba muzaka 38 zomwe sangakhale woyimira, Mugabe adachita msonkhano wa atolankhani modzidzimutsa, pomwe adanenanso kuti sadzavotera mtsogoleri wa dziko Mnangagwa ndi ZANU-PF. chipani adachiyambitsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4121,"Mugabe was unable to walk, according to Emmerson Mnangagwa in November 2018, and had been receiving treatment in Singapore for the previous two months","Mugabe sanathe kuyenda, malinga ndi Emmerson Mnangagwa mu November 2018, ndipo wakhala akulandira chithandizo ku Singapore kwa miyezi iwiri yapitayo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4122,"He was hospitalised there in April 2019, making the last of several trips to the country for medical treatment, as he had done late in his presidency and following his resignation","Adagonekedwa m’chipatala kumeneko mu April 2019, ulendo womaliza wopita mdziko muno kuti akalandire chithandizo chamankhwala, monga adachitira mochedwa paudindo wake komanso kutsatira kusiya ntchito",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4123,"He died at Gleneagles Hospital on 6 September 2019 at about 10:40 am, aged 95, according to a senior Zimbabwean diplomat","Adamwalira pachipatala cha Gleneagles pa 6 September 2019 pafupifupi 10:40 am, wazaka 95, malinga ndi kazembe wamkulu waku Zimbabwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4124,"On 11 September 2019, his body was flown back to the Harare airport in Zimbabwe, where 1,000 had gathered to wait for the body and listen to a speech from Mnangagwa","Pa 11 Seputembara 2019, mtembo wake udabwezedwa ku bwalo la ndege la Harare ku Zimbabwe, komwe anthu 1,000 adasonkhana kuti adikire mtembowo ndikumvetsera zolankhula za Mnangagwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4125,"Mugabe's body was then driven to the family residence in Borrowdale for a private wake attended by his friends and family, but not Mnangagwa",Mtembo wa Mugabe udatengedwa kupita kunyumba ya banja ku Borrowdale kukatsamira amzake ndi abale ake koma osati Mnangagwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4126,"The Associated Press reported that no supporters had gathered along the procession route, but 500 mourners gathered in his birthplace of Zvimba","Associated Press idanena kuti palibe owatsatira omwe anayima mmunsewu womwe ankadutsa, koma anamalira 500 anasonkhana kumalo ake obadwa ku Zvimba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4127,"On 13 September, it was announced that the Mugabe family had accepted the government's request to have Mugabe buried at Heroes Acre Cemetery and to have his burial be delayed for 30 days","Pa 13 September, zidalengezedwa kuti banja la a Mugabe lavomera pempho la boma loti Mugabe aikidwe kumanda a Heroes Acre komanso kuti maliro ake achedwetsedwe kwa masiku 30",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4128,"The Mugabe family had initially rejected the government's burial plan and intended for him to be buried in Zvimba on either 16 or 17 September, a day later than the government's proposal","Banja la Mugabe lidakana poyamba ndondomeko ya maliro a boma ndipo likufuna kuti aikidwe m’manda ku Zvimba pa 16 kapena 17 September, patangopita tsiku limodzi kusiyana ndi zomwe boma linanena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4129,"On taking power in 1980, Mugabe's hallmark was his wide-rimmed glasses, and he was also known for his tiny moustache","Pamene Mugabe adatenga ulamuliro mu 1980, chizindikiro cha Mugabe chinali magalasi ake amtundu waukulu, komanso ankadziwika ndi masharubu ake aang'ono",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4130,"Unlike a number of other African leaders, Mugabe did not seek to mythologise his childhood","Mosiyana ndi atsogoleri ena ambiri a ku Africa, Mugabe sanafune kunena nthano za ubwana wake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4131,"He avoided smoking and drinking, and—according to his first biographers, had ""enormous affection for children""","Adapewa kusuta ndi kumwa, monganso monga zolembera zake zolembedwa, adakonda kwambiri ana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4132,During his early life he had an operation on his genitals which generated rumours that he had only one testicle or half a penis; such rumours were used by opponents to ridicule him and by supporters to bolster the claim that he was willing to make severe sacrifices for the revolutionary cause,Ali wamng'ono anachitidwa opareshoni pa maliseche ake zomwe zinapangitsa mphekesera kuti anali ndi testicle imodzi yokha kapena theka la mbolo; mphekesera zotere zidagwiritsidwa ntchito ndi otsutsa kuti amunyoze komanso omutsatira kulimbikitsa zonena kuti anali wokonzeka kudzipereka kwambiri pazachiwembuzo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4133,"While married to Hayfron, in 1987 Mugabe began an extra-marital affair with his secretary, Grace Marufu; she was 41 years his junior and at the time was married to Stanley Goreraza","Pamene anakwatiwa ndi Hayfron, mu 1987 Mugabe anayamba chibwenzi ndi mlembi wake, Grace Marufu; anali ndi zaka 41 ndipo panthawiyo adakwatiwa ndi Stanley Goreraza",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4134,"In 1988 she bore Mugabe a daughter, Bona, and in 1990 a son, Robert. The relationship was kept secret from the Zimbabwean public; Hayfron was aware of it","Mu 1988 adabala Mugabe mwana wamkazi, Bona, ndipo mu 1990 mwana wamwamuna, Robert. Ubalewu udabisidwa kwa anthu aku Zimbabwe; Hayfron ankadziwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4135,"According to her niece Patricia Bekele, with whom she was particularly close, Hayfron was not happy that Mugabe had an affair with Marufu but ""she did what she used to tell me to do","Malinga ndi mphwake Patricia Bekele, yemwe ankakondana naye kwambiri, Hayfron sanasangalale kuti Mugabe anali ndi chibwenzi ndi Marufu koma 'adachita zomwe amandiuza kuti ndichite",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4136,"Talk to your pillow if you have problems in your marriage. Never, ever, humiliate your husband.' Her motto was to carry on in gracious style"". Hayfron died in 1992 from a chronic kidney ailment",Lankhulani ndi pilo wanu ngati muli ndi mavuto m'banja lanu. Usamachititse manyazi mwamuna wako.' Liwu lake linali kupitiriza mwaulemu '. Hayfron anamwalira mu 1992 ndi matenda a impso ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4137,"During the guerrilla war, Ian Smith referred to Mugabe as ""the apostle of Satan""","Pankhondo ya zigawenga, Ian Smith anatchula Mugabe kuti 'mtumwi wa Satana'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4138,"Two years later, he proclaimed Malawi a republic with himself as the first president. He consolidated power and later declared Malawi a one-party state under the Malawi Congress Party (MCP)","Patatha zaka ziwiri, adalengeza kuti dziko la Malawi ndi republic pomwe iye adakhala mtsogoleri wa dziko woyamba. Adaphatikiza mphamvu ndipo kenaka adalengeza kuti Malawi ndi dziko lachipani chimodzi pansi pa chipani cha Malawi Congress Party (MCP)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4139,"In 1970, the MCP made him the party's President for Life. In 1971, he became president for Life of Malawi itself","Mu 1970, MCP idamupanga kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko Wamoyo Wachipanichi. Mu 1971 adakhala mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Life of Malawi yemweyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4140,"He generally supported women's rights, improved the country's infrastructure and barely maintained a good educational system relative to other African countries","Ankathandizira ufulu wa amayi, kupititsa patsogolo chitukuko cha dziko komanso kukhalabe ndi maphunziro abwino poyerekeza ndi mayiko ena a mu Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4141,"However, he presided over one of the most repressive regimes in Africa, an era that saw political opponents regularly tortured and murdered","Komabe, iye adatsogolera limodzi mwa maulamuliro opondereza kwambiri mu Africa, nthawi yomwe adani andale ankazunzidwa komanso kuphedwa pafupipafupi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4142,"Human rights groups estimate that at least 6,000 people were killed, tortured and jailed without trial","Magulu omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe akuti pafupifupi anthu zikwi ndi chimodzi ndizitatuadaphedwa, kuzunzidwa komanso kutsekeredwa m'ndende popanda kuzenga mlandu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4143,"As many as 18,000 people were killed during his rule, according to one estimate. His rule has been characterised as a ""highly repressive autocracy","Anthu okwana zikwi khumi ndizisanu kudzanso zitatu anaphedwa mu ulamuliro wake, malinga ndi kafukufuku wina. Ulamuliro wake umadziwika kuti ndi 'ulamuliro wopondereza kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4144,He received criticism for maintaining full diplomatic relations with the apartheid government in South Africa,Adadzudzulidwa chifukwa chosunga ubale wawo ndi boma la tsankho ku South Africa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4145,"By 1993, amid increasing domestic and international pressure, he agreed to hold a referendum which ended the one-party system","Pofika m’chaka cha 1993, m’kati mwa mavuto akuchulukirachulukira m’mayiko ndi m’mayiko osiyanasiyana, iye anavomera kuti pakhale referendum yomwe inathetsa dongosolo la chipani chimodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4146,"Soon afterwards, a special assembly ended his life-term presidency and stripped him of most of his powers","Posakhalitsa, msonkhano wapadera unathetsa utsogoleri wa moyo wake wonse ndikumulanda mphamvu zambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4147,Banda ran for president in the democratic elections that followed and was defeated. He died in South Africa on 25 November 1997,A Banda adapikisana nawo paudindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko pazisankho za ufulu wodzilamulira zomwe zidachitika ndipo adagonja. Anamwalira ku South Africa pa 25 November chaka cha 1997,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4148,"His date of birth is unknown, as it took place when there was no birth registration documentation, but Banda himself often gave his date of birth as 14 May 1906","Tsiku lake lobadwa silikudziwika, chifukwa zidachitika pomwe panalibe zikalata zolembetsa, koma Banda mwiniwake nthawi zambiri amatchula tsiku lake lobadwa ngati 14 May 1906",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4149,"Later, when presented with evidence of certain tribal customs by a friend, Banda said: ""No one knows the hour, the date, the month or the year in which I was born, although I now accept the evidence that you give me – March or April 1898","Pambuyo pake, atapatsidwa umboni wa miyambo ina ya fuko ndi mnzake, Banda adati: 'Palibe amene akudziwa ola, tsiku, mwezi kapena chaka chomwe ndinabadwa, ngakhale pano ndikuvomereza umboni womwe mumandipatsa - March. kapena April 1898",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4150,He left his village school near Mtunthama for his maternal grandparents' home and attended Chayamba Primary School in Chikondwa,Adachoka kusukulu kwawo kufupi ndi Mtunthama kwa agogo ake amake ndipo adakaphunzira ku Chayamba Primary School ku Chikondwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4151,"The name Kamnkhwala, meaning ""little medicine"", was replaced with Kamuzu, which means ""little root""","Dzina lakuti Kamnkhwala, kutanthauza kuti 'mankhwala ang'onoang'ono,' m'malo mwake anaikamo Kamuzu kutanthauza kuti 'kazu kakang'ono'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4152,The name Kamuzu was given to him because he was conceived after his mother had been given root herbs by a medicine man to cure infertility,Dzina lakuti Kamuzu anapatsidwa chifukwa anapatsidwa pathupi mayi ake atapatsidwa zitsamba za mizu ndi sing’anga kuti achiritse kusabereka,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4153,"He took the Christian name of Hastings after being baptised into the Church of Scotland by Dr George Prentice, a Scot, in 1910, naming himself after John Hastings, a Scottish missionary working near his village whom he admired. The prefix ""doctor"" was earned through his education","Adatenga dzina lachikhristu la Hastings atabatizidwa mu Church of Scotland ndi Dr George Prentice, waku Scotland, mu 1910, adadzitcha dzina la John Hastings, mmishonale waku Scotland yemwe amagwira ntchito pafupi ndi mudzi wake yemwe amasilira. Mawu akuti 'dokotala' adapezedwa ndi maphunziro ake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4154,"Around 1915–1916, Banda left home on foot with Hanock Msokera Phiri, an uncle who had been a teacher at the nearby Livingstonia mission school, for Hartley, Southern Rhodesia (now Chegutu, Zimbabwe)","Cha m’ma 1915–1916, Banda anachoka kwawo wapansi ndi Hanock Msokera Phiri, amalume amene anali mphunzitsi pasukulu ya mishoni ya Livingstonia, kupita ku Hartley, Southern Rhodesia (tsopano Chegutu, Zimbabwe)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4155,He apparently wanted to enroll at the famous Scottish Presbyterian Lovedale Missionary Institute in South Africa but completed his Standard 8 education without studying there,Zikuoneka kuti ankafuna kukalembetsa ku Scottish Presbyterian Lovedale Missionary Institute ku South Africa koma anamaliza maphunziro ake a Sitandade 8 popanda kuphunzira kumeneko,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4156,"In 1917, he left on foot for Johannesburg in South Africa. During this time, he met Bishop William Tecumseh Vernon of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) who offered to pay his tuition fee at a Methodist school in the United States if he could pay his own passage. In 1925, he left for New York","Mu 1917, ananyamuka wapansi kupita ku Johannesburg ku South Africa. Panthawiyi, anakumana ndi Bishopu William Tecumseh Vernon wa mpingo wa African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) yemwe adadzipereka kuti azimulipirira sukulu ya Methodist ku United States ngati akanatha kudzilipira yekha ndime yake. Mu 1925, anapita ku New York",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4157,"During this time he enjoyed financial support from Mrs Smith, whose husband, Douglas Smith, had made fortunes from patent medicines and Pepsodent toothpaste","Pa nthawiyi ankasangalala ndi thandizo la ndalama lochokera kwa Mayi Smith, amene mwamuna wake, Douglas Smith, adapeza chuma chochuluka kuchokera ku mankhwala a patent ndi mankhwala otsukira mano a Pepsodent ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4158,"He then, still with financial support from these and other benefactors), studied medicine at Meharry Medical College in Tennessee, from which he obtained an M.D. degree in 1937","Pa nthawiyi ankasangalala ndi chithandizo chandalama kuchokera kwa Iye ndiye, akadali ndi chithandizo chandalama kuchokera kwa awa ndi othandizira ena), adaphunzira udokotala pa Meharry Medical College ku Tennessee, komwe adalandira digiri ya MD mu 1937",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4159,"Banda became the second Malawian person to receive a medical degree, following Daniel Sharpe Malekebu","Banda adakhala munthu wachiwiri ku Malawi kulandira digiri ya udokotala, kutsatira Daniel Sharpe Malekebu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4160,"While studying at Meharry Medical College in Tennessee, Banda married Robertine Edmonds in 1934[21].","Ali ku Meharry Medical College ku Tennessee, Banda anakwatira Robertine Edmonds mu 1934[21].",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4161,"To practise medicine in territories of the British Empire, however, Banda was apparently required to gain a second medical degree","Komabe, kuti azigwira ntchito zachipatala m'madera a Ufumu wa Britain, Banda ayenera kuti adalandira digiri yachiwiri ya udokotala ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4162,He attended the University of Edinburgh and was subsequently awarded a Scottish triple diploma in 1941,Anapita ku yunivesite ya Edinburgh ndipo pambuyo pake anapatsidwa dipuloma ya ku Scotland mu 1941,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4163,His studies were funded by stipends of £300 per year from the government of Nyasaland (to facilitate his return there as a doctor) and from the Church of Scotland; neither of these benefactors was aware of the other,Maphunziro ake ankathandizidwa ndi ndalama zokwana £300 pachaka zochokera ku boma la Nyasaland (kuti athandize kubwerera kwake kumeneko ngati dokotala) komanso kuchokera ku Church of Scotland; Palibe mwa opindulawa amene ankadziwa za ena,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4164,"When he enrolled for courses in tropical diseases in Liverpool, the Nyasaland government terminated his stipend","Pamene adalembetsa maphunziro a matenda a tropical Disease ku Liverpool, boma la Nyasaland linathetsa ndalama zake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4165,He was forced to leave Liverpool when he refused on conscientious grounds to be conscripted as an Army doctor. He also became an elder of a parish in the Church of Scotland,Anakakamizika kuchoka ku Liverpool pamene anakana chifukwa cha chikumbumtima kuti alembetsedwe ngati dokotala wa asilikali. Anakhalanso mkulu wa parishi ku Church of Scotland,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4166,"In 1944, he met Merene French, the daughter-in-law of one of his patients, and began a relationship with her","Mu 1944, anakumana ndi Merene French, mpongozi wa mmodzi wa odwala ake, ndipo anayamba chibwenzi naye",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4167,"Reportedly, he avoided returning to Nyasaland for fear that his new-found financial resources would be consumed by his extended family back home",pali mphekesera kuti adazemba kubwerera ku Nyasaland kuopa kuti ndalama zomwe adapezazi zitha kudyedwa ndi achibale ake kwawo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4168,"In 1945, at the behest of Chief Mwase of Kasungu, whom he had met in England in 1939, and other politically active Malawians, he represented the Nyasaland African Congress at the Fifth Pan-African Congress in Manchester","M’chaka cha 1945, molamulidwa ndi mfumu Mwase wa ku Kasungu, yemwe adakumana naye ku England mu 1939, ndi Amalawi ena okonda ndale, adayimira Nyasaland African Congress pa Fifth Pan-African Congress ku Manchester",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4169,"This conference was attended by other future African leaders, Jomo Kenyatta and Kwame Nkrumah. With help from sympathetic Britons, he also lobbied in London on behalf of the Congress","Msonkhanowu unapezeka ndi atsogoleri ena amtsogolo a ku Africa, Jomo Kenyatta ndi Kwame Nkrumah. Mothandizidwa ndi a Britons achifundo, adapemphanso ku London m'malo mwa Congress",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4170,"It was rumoured with some excitement that he would return to Nyasaland in 1951, but he moved instead to the Gold Coast in West Africa","Mphekesera zinamveka mosangalala kuti abwerera ku Nyasaland mu 1951, koma adasamukira ku Gold Coast ku West Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4171,"He went there partly because of a scandal involving his receptionist in Harlesden, Merene French (Mrs French); despite reports that she became pregnant with his child, this has never been confirmed","Anapita kumeneko mwina chifukwa cha chipongwe chokhudza wolandira alendo ku Harlesden, Merene French (Mayi French); ngakhale malipoti akuti anatenga pakati pa mwana wake, izi sizinatsimikizidwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4172,Banda was cited as co-respondent in the divorce of Mr French and accused of adultery with Mrs French,Banda adatchulidwa ngati woyankha pa chisudzulo cha Mr French ndikuimbidwa mlandu wokhala ndi A French,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4173,"She followed Banda to West Africa, but he wanted nothing more to do with her","Anamutsatira Banda ku West Africa, koma iye sakufunanso kanthu. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4174,"He agreed to return, but asked for some time to sort out a few private matters",Adavomera kubwerera koma adapempha kuti athetse nkhani zina zachinsinsi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4175,The delegation returned without him and proceeded to make arrangements for his imminent return,Nthumwiyo inabwerera popanda iye ndipo inakonza zoti abwerenso komwe kunali pafupi.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4176,"After two false starts, including a fracas between the police and African crowds threatening to storm a BOAC aeroplane rumoured to be carrying Dr Banda at Chileka Airport, Banda finally made a showing on 6 July 1958 after an absence of about 42 years","Zitachitika zinthu ziwiri zabodza, kuphatikizirapo kusamvana pakati pa apolisi ndi makamu a anthu aku Africa omwe akuwopseza kuti aphulitsa ndege ya BOAC yomwe mphekesera zoti idanyamula Dr Banda pa bwalo la ndege la chileka.A Banda adaonekela koyamba pa Bwaloli patatha zaka pafupi fupi makumi anayi ndi ziwiri chichokeleni",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4177,"He soon began touring the country, speaking against the Central African Federation (also known as the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland), and urging its citizens to become members of the party","Posakhalitsa anayamba kuyendayenda m’dziko muno, kuyankhula zonyoza bungwe la Central African Federation (lomwe limadziwikanso kuti Federation of Rhodesia ndi Nyasaland), ndikulimbikitsa nzika zake kukhala mamembala a chipanichi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4178,"Allegedly, he was so out of practice in his native Chichewa that he needed an interpreter, a role which was apparently performed by John Msonthi and later by John Tembo, who remained close to him for most of his career)","Zikuoneka kuti anali atachoka m’Chichewa chakwawo moti ankafunika womasulira, ntchito imene John Msonthi ankaigwira kenako ndi John Tembo, yemwe nthawi zambiri ankakhala naye pafupi)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4179,"He was received enthusiastically wherever he spoke, and resistance to imperialism among the Malawians became increasingly common","Anamulandila mosangalala kulikonse komwe amalankhula, ndipo kukana ufumu wa dziko la Malawi kudayamba kuchulukirachulukira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4180,"By February 1959, the situation had become serious enough that Rhodesian troops were flown in to help keep order, and a state of emergency was declared","Pofika mwezi wa February 1959, zinthu zinali zitafika poipa moti asilikali a Rhodesian anatumizidwa kuti athandize kusunga bata, ndipo kunalengezedwa kuti pali ngozi.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4181,"The mood in Britain, meanwhile, had long been moving towards decolonisation due to pressure from its colonies","Panthawiyi, ku Britain kunali kusuntha kwa nthawi yayitali chifukwa cha kukakamizidwa ndi madera ake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4182,Banda was released from prison in April 1960 and was almost immediately invited to London for talks aimed at bringing about independence,Banda anatuluka m’ndende mu April 1960 ndipo nthawi yomweyo anaitanidwa ku London kukakamba nkhani zobweretsa ufulu wodzilamulira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4183,"Elections were held in August 1961. While Banda was technically nominated as Minister of Land, Natural Resources and Local Government, he became de facto Prime Minister of Nyasaland – a title granted to him formally on 1 February 1963","Chisankho chinachitika mu August 1961. Pamene a Banda adasankhidwa kukhala nduna ya malo, zachilengedwe ndi maboma ang'onoang'ono, adakhala nduna yayikulu ya Nyasaland - dzina lomwe adapatsidwa pa 1 February 1963",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4184,"He and his fellow MCP ministers quickly expanded secondary education, reformed the so-called Native Courts, ended certain colonial agricultural tariffs and made other reforms","Iye ndi nduna zinzake za MCP mwamsanga anakulitsa maphunziro a kusekondale, kukonzanso makhoti otchedwa Native Courts, kuthetsa mitengo ina yaulimi yautsamunda ndikusintha zina",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4185,"It was Banda himself who chose the name ""Malawi"" for the former Nyasaland; he had seen it on an old French map as the name of a ""Lake Maravi"" in the land of the Bororos, and liked the sound and appearance of the word as ""Malawi""","Ndi Banda yemwe adasankha dzina loti 'Malawi' kutchula Nyasaland wakale; Analiwona pa mapu akale achifalansa ngati dzina la 'Nyanja ya Maravi' m'dziko la Bororo, ndipo anakonda kumveka ndi maonekedwe a mawu akuti 'Malawi'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4186,"On 6 July 1964, exactly six years after Banda's return to the country, Nyasaland gained independence and renamed itself Malawi","Pa 6 July 1964, zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi ndendende Banda atabwerera m’dziko muno, Nyasaland inalandira ufulu wodzilamulira ndipo inadzitcha kuti Malawi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4187,"Barely a month after independence, Malawi suffered the Cabinet Crisis of 1964. Banda had already been accused of autocratic tendencies","Patangotha ​​mwezi umodzi dziko la Malawi litalandira ufulu wodzilamulira, lidakumana ndi vuto la Cabinet la 1964.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4188,Several of Banda's ministers presented him with proposals designed to limit his powers. Banda responded by dismissing four of the ministers,Nduna zingapo za a Banda zidamupatsa malingaliro oti achepetse mphamvu zake. Adayankha choncho Banda pochotsa nduna zinayi ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4189,"Other ministers resigned in sympathy. The dissidents fled the country. Malawi adopted a new constitution on 6 July 1966, in which the country was declared a republic","Atumiki ena anasiya ntchito chifukwa cha chifundo. Otsutsawo anathawa m’dzikolo. Dziko la Malawi lidalandira malamulo atsopano pa 6 July 1966, pomwe dzikolo lidadziwika kuti ndi Republic",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4190,Banda was elected the country's first president for a five-year term; he was the only candidate,Banda adasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri woyamba wa dziko lino kwa zaka zisanu; anali yekha candidate,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4191,"However, the country had already been a de facto one-party state since independence. The new constitution effectively turned Banda's presidency into a legal dictatorship","Komabe, dzikolo linali kale lachipani chimodzi kuyambira pomwe lidalandira ufulu wodzilamulira. Malamulo atsopanowa adasandutsa utsogoleri wa a Banda kukhala ulamuliro wankhanza. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4192,"In 1970, a congress of the MCP declared Banda its president for life. In 1971, the legislature declared Banda President for Life of Malawi as well","Mu 1970, chipani cha MCP chinalengeza kuti a Banda ndi mtsogoleri wadziko lonse. Mu 1971, nyumba yamalamulo idalengeza kuti a Banda ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Moyo wa Malawi.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4193,"Banda was mostly viewed externally as a benign, albeit eccentric, leader, an image fostered by his English-style three-piece suits, matching handkerchiefs, walking stick and fly-whisk","Nthawi zambiri a Banda ankamuona ngati mtsogoleri wabwino, ngakhale wongooneka bwino, yemwe analimbikitsidwa ndi ma suti ake achingelezi atatu, mipango yofananira, ndodo ndi whisk ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4194,"Banda himself bluntly summed up his approach to ruling the country by saying, ""Everything is my business. Everything. Anything I say is law...literally law."" Within Malawi, views on him ranged from cult-like devotion to fear","Nayenso Banda adafotokoza mosapita m'mbali momwe angalamulire dzikolo ponena kuti, 'Chilichonse ndi ntchito yanga. Chirichonse. Chilichonse chimene ndikunena ndi lamulo... kwenikweni lamulo.' M'dziko la Malawi, anthu ankaona kuti iye ndi wodzipereka kwambiri komanso amantha ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4195,"In 1983, three ministers – Dick Matenje, Twaibu Sangala, Aaron Gadama – and Member of Parliament David Chiwanga died in what was labelled officially as a ""traffic accident""","Mu 1983, nduna zitatu - Dick Matenje, Twaibu Sangala, Aaron Gadama - ndi phungu wa Nyumba ya Malamulo David Chiwanga adamwalira pa ngozi yomwe idadziwika kuti ndi ngozi yapamsewu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4196,"Banda had invited an ""internal debate on pending multiparty democracy"" in Malawi",Banda adayitana mkangano wamkati wokhudza ufulu wodzilamulira ya zipani zambiri m'Malawi ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4197,"During a cabinet meeting, the three ministers had voiced support for the multiparty idea, effectively challenging Banda's claim to life presidency","Pamsonkhano wa nduna zitatuzo nduna zitatuzo zidanenetsa kuti zikugwirizana ndi ganizo la zipani zambiri, zomwe zidatsutsa zomwe a Banda adafuna kukhala mtsogoleri wadziko lonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4198,"Angered, Banda promptly ""dissolved cabinet"" and announced that parliament would meet immediately","Mokwiya, a Banda nthawi yomweyo 'adathetsa nduna' ndipo adalengeza kuti nyumba ya malamulo ikumana nthawi yomweyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4199,"At the end of that sitting of parliament, everyone in the chambers was effectively stripped of their political status","Kumapeto kwa msonkhano wanyumba yamalamulo, aliyense m’zipanizo adachotsedwa pa ndale ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4200,The three men were then rounded up at the Zomba Parliament buildings for questioning. Chiwanga happened on them being tortured in a back room and had to be silenced too,Anthu atatuwa adawatola kunyumba ya Nyumba ya Malamulo ku Zomba kuti akawafunse mafunso. Chiwanga chinachitika pa iwo akuzunzidwa m'chipinda chakumbuyo ndipo adayeneranso kutonthola ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4201,"The four were later bundled into Matenje's Peugeot 604 and driven to Thambani in Mwanza District, west of Blantyre, where the accident was staged",Anayiwo adawanyamula mu galimoto ya Peugeot 604 ya Matenje ndikupita ku Thambani m’boma la Mwanza kumadzulo kwa mzinda wa Blantyre komwe ngoziyi idachitikira ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4202,"Sources reported that their car had ""overturned while the men had been attempting to escape into neighbouring Mozambique""",Magwero ati galimoto yawo 'idagubuduka pomwe anthuwo amayesa kuthawira m'dziko loyandikana nalo la Mozambique' ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4203,"Later, it was found out they had been killed by having tent pins hammered into their heads. Banda ordered a night burial and mandated that the caskets not be opened for a last viewing","Pambuyo pake, zinapezeka kuti anaphedwa chifukwa chokhomeredwa zikhomo m’mutu mwawo. A Banda analamula kuti maliro akhazikike usiku ndipo analamula kuti mabokosiwo asatsegulidwe kuti anthu aziwaona komaliza ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4204,"During Banda's presidency, Malawi initially refused to establish diplomatic relations with any of the governments of Eastern Europe or Asia (however, relations were later established with North Korea in 1982[32] and with Romania and Albania in 1985)","Pautsogoleri wa a Banda, dziko la Malawi linakana kukhazikitsa ubale waukazembe ndi maboma aliwonse a kum'mawa kwa Ulaya kapena Asia (koma ubale unakhazikitsidwa ndi North Korea mu 1982[32] komanso ndi Romania ndi Albania mu 1985)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4205,"Banda was one of the few African leaders to support the United States in the Vietnam War, a position he adopted in part due to his hatred of communism","Banda anali m'modzi mwa atsogoleri ochepa a mu Africa omwe adathandizira dziko la America pankhondo ya Vietnam, udindo womwe adautengera pang'ono chifukwa chodana ndi chikominisi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4206,They threatened to expel Malawi from the Organization of African Unity until Banda left power,Iwo adawopseza kuti achotsa dziko la Malawi mubungwe la Organisation of African Unity mpaka Banda atasiya ulamuliro,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4207,"Banda responded by accusing other African countries of hypocrisy, saying in a public speech to his parliament: ""There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats"" (Julius Caesar)","A Banda adayankha poimba mlandu wina wa Chinyengo, nati polankhula ku Nyumba Yamalamulo 'Palibe zoopsa, Casius Caesara)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4208,He told them to concentrate on convincing the South African government that apartheid was unnecessary,Anawauza kuti akhazikike pakulimbikitsa boma la South Africa kuti tsankho linali losafunikira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4209,"Furthermore, he added that ""[African leaders] practice disunity, not unity, while posing as the liberators of Africa","Komanso, iye anawonjezera kuti '[Atsogoleri a ku Africa] amachita kusagwirizana, osati mgwirizano, pamene akudziwonetsera ngati omasula Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4210,Banda was the only African ruler to establish diplomatic ties with South Africa during apartheid as well as the Portuguese regime in Mozambique,Banda anali wolamulira yekha mu Africa amene adakhazikitsa ubale waukazembe ndi dziko la South Africa panthawi ya tsankho komanso ulamuliro wa Apwitikizi ku Mozambique,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4211,"After the cabinet crisis in 1964, Banda became increasingly isolated in African politics","Pambuyo pavuto la nduna m’chaka cha 1964, Banda adayamba kudzipatula ku ndale za mu Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4212,"By the 1980s, Banda supported both the government and the guerrilla movement during the Mozambique civil war","Pofika m’zaka za m’ma 1980, a Banda ankathandiza boma komanso zigawenga pa nthawi ya nkhondo yapachiweniweni ku Mozambique.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4213,He successfully gave the Malawi Army and Malawi Young Pioneers opposing missions in Mozambique from 1987 to 1992,Anapereka bwino gulu la Malawi Army and Malawi Young Pioneers ku Mozambique kuyambira 1987 mpaka 1992,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4214,"He had the Malawi Army support the Mozambican government, controlled by FRELIMO after the country's independence in 1975, to defend Malawi's interests in Mozambique",Anali ndi gulu lankhondo la Malawi kuti lithandize boma la Mozambique lomwe linkalamulidwa ndi FRELIMO dzikolo litalandira ufulu wodzilamulira mu 1975 pofuna kuteteza zofuna za Malawi ku Mozambique,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4215,"This was done formally through an agreement in 1984 with Samora Machel. Simultaneously, Banda used the MYP as couriers and active supporters of the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), which had been fighting against Machel's government since the late 1970s","Izi zidachitika mwamgwirizano mu 1984 ndi Samora Machel. Nthawi yomweyo, a Banda adagwiritsa ntchito MYP ngati amithenga komanso ochirikiza gulu la Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), lomwe lakhala likulimbana ndi boma la Machel kuyambira kumapeto kwa zaka za m'ma 1970",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4216,Malawi was used to channel foreign aid from South Africa's apartheid government. Machel issued a dossier to Frontline States with evidence that Banda was still supporting the insurgents in spite of the 1984 agreement to stop,Dziko la Malawi lidagwiritsidwa ntchito popereka thandizo lakunja kuchokera ku boma la tsankho la South Africa. Machel adapereka chikalata ku Frontline States chosonyeza kuti a Banda akuthandizabe zigawengazo ngakhale adagwirizana mu 1984 kuti asiye ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4217,"By September 1986, Machel, Robert Mugabe, and Kenneth Kaunda visited Banda to persuade him to stop supporting RENAMO","Pofika September 1986, Machel, Robert Mugabe, ndi Kenneth Kaunda anapita ku Banda kukamunyengerera kuti asiye kuchirikiza RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4218,"Machel's successor, Joaquim Chissano, continued to complain of Malawi's lack of willingness to stop supporting RENAMO","Polowa m'malo mwa Machel, Joaquim Chissano, adapitiliza kudandaula kuti Malawi akufunitsitsa kusiya kuchirikiza Renamo Tamona.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4219,Banda however was trying to keep Malawian interests in the Port of Nacala in Mozambique and did not want to rely on Tanzania and South Africa ports for its imports and exports due to the expense,Koma a Banda amayesetsa kuti zofuna za Amalawi zikhale pa doko la Nacala ku Mozambique ndipo sadafune kudalira madoko a Tanzania ndi South Africa kuti alowe ndi kutumiza kunja chifukwa cha ndalamazo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4220,Mozambique and Malawi came to an agreement to place troops from both countries in Nayuchi near the port,Dziko la Mozambique ndi Malawi adagwirizana zoti akhazikitse asilikali a maiko onse awiri ku Nayuchi pafupi ndi doko,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4221,"Incidents of Malawi Army members being killed over the course of four years angered the Army because MYP members were involved with the insurgents, essentially pitting the two against each other","Zochitika za kuphedwa kwa asirikali a Malawi pazaka zinayi zidakwiyitsa asirikali ankhondo chifukwa a MYP adachita nawo zigawengazo, makamaka adakangana awiriwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4222,"Western leaders and international aid donors no longer had any use for authoritarian anti-Communist regimes in the Third World, all of which came under mounting pressure to democratize","Atsogoleri aku Western ndi opereka thandizo la mayiko akunja sanagwiritsenso ntchito maulamuliro opondereza odana ndi Chikomyunizimu m'dziko lachitatu, zonse zomwe zidakakamizidwa kuti zikhazikitse ufulu wodzilamulira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4223,Donors told Banda that he had to implement reforms aimed at making his government transparent and accountable to the people and the international community as a condition for further aid,Madonors adauza a Banda kuti akuyenera kuchita zosintha zomwe cholinga chake chinali kupanga boma lake kukhala lochita zinthu poyera komanso loyankha kwa anthu ndi mayiko onse pofuna thandizo lina,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4224,"The British government also stopped their financial support. In March 1992, Catholic bishops in Malawi issued a Lenten pastoral letter that criticized Banda and his government","Boma la Britain linasiyanso thandizo lawo la ndalama. Mu March 1992, mabishopu a Katolika ku Malawi analemba kalata ya Lenten yodzudzula Banda ndi boma lake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4225,"Students of the University of Malawi at Chancellor College and the Polytechnic joined protests and demonstrations to support the bishops, forcing authorities to close the campuses",Ophunzira akusukulu ya ukachenjede ya Malawi pasukulu ya ukachenjede ya Chancellor College ndi Polytechnic adachita nawo ziwonetsero komanso zionetsero zolimbikitsa maepiskopiwo zomwe zidakakamiza akuluakulu a boma kuti atseke masukuluwo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4226,"In April 1992, Chakufwa Chihana, a labour unionist, openly called for a national referendum on the political future of Malawi","Mu April 1992, Chakufwa Chihana, yemwe ndi mkulu wa bungwe la ogwira ntchito, adapempha poyera kuti pakhale chisankho chokhudza tsogolo la ndale la Malawi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4227,"He was arrested before he finished his speech at Lilongwe International Airport. By October 1992, this mounting pressure from within and from the international community forced Banda to concede to hold a referendum on whether to maintain the one-party state","Adamangidwa asanamalize zokamba zake pabwalo la ndege la Lilongwe. Pofika mwezi wa October 1992, chipwirikiti chokulirakuliraku chochokera m'mayiko ndi mayiko ena chinachititsa kuti a Banda avomere kupanga referendum kuti boma la chipani chimodzi lipitirirebe ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4228,"The referendum was held on 14 June 1993, resulting in an overwhelming vote (64 percent) in favour of multiparty democracy","Referendum inachitika pa 14 June 1993, zomwe zidapangitsa kuti mavoti ambiri (64 peresenti) avomereze ufulu wodzilamulira ya zipani zambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4229,"After this, political parties besides the MCP were formed and preparation for the general elections began","Zitatha izi, zipani za ndale kupatula MCP zidakhazikitsidwa ndipo kukonzekera zisankho kudayamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4230,"Banda worked with the newly forming parties and the church, and made no protest when a special assembly stripped him of his title of President for Life, along with most of his powers","A Banda adagwira ntchito ndi zipani zomwe zidangokhazikitsidwa kumene komanso mpingo, ndipo sanachite ziwonetsero pomwe msonkhano wapadera unamuchotsera udindo wake wa President of Life, komanso mphamvu zake zambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4231,The transition from one of the most repressive regimes in Africa to democracy was fairly peaceful,Kusintha kuchokera ku maulamuliro opondereza kwambiri mu Africa kupita ku ufulu wodzilamulira kunali kwamtendere,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4232,"In 1995, Banda was arrested and charged with the murder, ten years previously, of former cabinet colleagues. He was acquitted due to lack of evidence","Mu 1995, a Banda anamangidwa ndikuimbidwa mlandu wopha anzake omwe kale anali nduna ya boma zaka khumi zapitazo. Anamasulidwa chifukwa chosowa umboni",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4233,"Banda remained quite unrepentant in his opinion of Malawians, calling them ""children in politics"" and saying they would miss his iron-fisted rule","Banda sanalape m'malingaliro ake kwa Amalawi, kuwatcha 'ana ndale' ndikunena kuti adzaphonya ulamuliro wake wachitsulo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4234,A statement of apology was issued on 4 January 1996 in the name of H. Kamuzu Banda to the people of his nation shortly after being acquitted in the Mwanza Trials,Chikalata chopepesa chidaperekedwa pa 4 January chaka cha 1996 m’dzina la H. Kamuzu Banda kwa anthu amtundu wake atangotulutsidwa pamlandu wa Mwanza,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4235,"The statement was met with controversy, suspicion and disdain. It was also questioned whether Banda wrote the statement himself or if someone wrote it on his behalf","Mawuwa adakumana ndi mkangano, kukayikira komanso kunyozedwa. Adafunsidwanso ngati a Banda adalemba yekha chikalatacho kapena wina idalembedwa m'malo mwake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4236,Systems of government are dynamic and they are bound to change in accordance with the wishes of and aspirations of the people,Machitidwe a boma ndi amphamvu ndipo ayenera kusintha malinga ndi zofuna ndi zofuna za anthu ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4237,"During my term of office, I selflessly dedicated myself to the good cause of Mother Malawi in the fight against Poverty, Ignorance and Disease among many other issues","Pa nthawi ya udindo wanga, ndinadzipereka modzipereka pa ntchito yabwino ya Amayi Malawi polimbana ndi umphawi, umbuli ndi matenda mwa zina zambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4238,"But if within the process, those who worked in my government or through false pretence in my name or indeed unknowingly by me, pain and suffering was caused to anybody in this country in the name of nationhood, I offer my sincere apologies","Koma ngati mkati mwa ndondomekoyi, omwe adagwira ntchito m'boma langa kapena mwachinyengo m'dzina langa kapena mosadziwa ndi ine, zowawa ndi zowawa zinaperekedwa kwa aliyense m'dziko lino m'dzina la fuko, ndipepesa mtima wanga ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4239,I also appeal for a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness amongst us all...Our beautiful country has been nicknamed `The Warm Heart of Africa' and we have been admired for our warmth and spirit of hardwork,Ndikupemphanso mzimu wa chiyanjanitso ndi chikhululukiro pakati pathu tonse...Dziko lathu lokongola latchedwa `Mtima Wofunda wa Africa' ndipo takhala tikuyamikiridwa chifukwa cha chikondi chathu ndi mzimu wolimbikira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4240,"This admiration calls not only for a need for us to look at our past and present and draw lessons from it, but there is even a greater need for us to look forward to the future in our endeavours to reconstruct and reconcile if we have to move forward at all","Kusirira kumeneku sikungofuna kuti tingofunika kuyang'ana zakale ndi zamakono ndi kutengapo phunziro, koma palinso kufunika kokulirapo kwa ife kuyembekezera zam'tsogolo m'zoyesayesa zathu zomanganso ndi kuyanjanitsa ngati tifunikira kusamuka. patsogolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4241,All adult citizens were required to be members of the MCP. Party cards had to be carried at all times and presented at random police inspections,Anthu onse akuluakulu akuyenera kukhala a MCP. Makhadi achipani amayenera kunyamulidwa nthawi zonse ndikuperekedwa mwachisawawa apolisi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4242,"The cards were sold, often by Banda's Malawi Young Pioneers (MYP). In some cases, these youths even sold cards to unborn children","Makhadi ankagulitsidwa, nthawi zambiri ndi a Banda a Malawi Young Pioneers (MYP). Nthawi zina, achinyamatawa amagulitsanso makhadi kwa ana osabadwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4243,"The Malawi Young Pioneers were the notorious paramilitary wing of the MCP, used to intimidate and harass the public","Gulu la Malawi Young Pioneers linali gulu lodziwika bwino la MCP, lomwe linkakonda kuopseza komanso kuzunza anthu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4244,"The Pioneers bore arms, conducted espionage and intelligence operations, and were trusted bodyguards for Banda. They helped foster the culture of fear that prevailed during his rule","A Pioneers adanyamula zida, kuchita ntchito zaukazitape komanso za intelligence, komanso anali alonda odalirika a Banda. Anathandiza kulimbikitsa chikhalidwe cha mantha chomwe chinalipo mu ulamuliro wake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4245,"Banda was the subject of an extensive cult of personality. Every business building was required to have an official picture of him hanging on the wall, and no poster, clock or picture could be higher than his portrait","Banda anali nkhani yokonda umunthu. Nyumba iliyonse yamabizinesi idafunikira kukhala ndi chithunzi chovomerezeka chake atapachikidwa pakhoma, ndipo palibe chithunzi, wotchi kapena chithunzi chomwe chingakhale chokwera kuposa chithunzi chake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4246,"Before every film, a video of Banda waving to the people was shown while the anthem played","Isanayambe filimu iliyonse, kanema wa Banda akuweyulira anthu uku akuimbidwa nyimbo ya fuko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4247,"When Banda visited a city, a contingent of women were expected to greet him at the airport and dance for him","A Banda atayendera mzinda wina, gulu la amayi likuyembekezeka kukamulonjera pabwalo la ndege ndikumuvina",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4248,"A special cloth, bearing the president's picture, was the required attire for these performances","Nsalu yapadera, yokhala ndi chithunzi cha mtsogoleri wa dziko, inali yofunikira pamasewerawa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4249,"Houses of worship required government approval to operate, and some faiths such as Jehovah's Witnesses were banned entirely","Nyumba zolambirira zinkafunika chilolezo cha boma kuti zizigwira ntchito, ndipo zikhulupiriro zina monga za Mboni za Yehova zinali zoletsedwa kotheratu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4250,All films shown in cinemas were first viewed by the Malawi Censorship Board and edited for content,Makanema onse omwe amawonetsedwa m'makanema adawonedwa koyamba ndi a Malawi Censorship Board ndikusinthidwa kuti apezeke,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4251,Nudity and other socially or politically unacceptable content were barred and movies could not even show couples kissing,Umaliseche ndi zinthu zina zosavomerezeka pagulu kapena ndale zidaletsedwa ndipo makanema sanathe ngakhale kuwonetsa maanja akupsompsona,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4252,"Videotapes had to be sent to the Censorship Board to be viewed. Once edited, the film was given a sticker stating that it was now suitable for viewing and sent back to the owner","Matepi a vidiyo anayenera kutumizidwa ku Bungwe la Censorship Board kuti awonedwe. Kanemayo atasinthidwa, adapatsidwa chomata chonena kuti tsopano ndi choyenera kuwonera ndikutumizidwa kwa eni ake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4253,"Items to be sold in bookshops were also edited. Pages, or parts of pages, were cut out of magazines like Newsweek and Time","Zinthu zogulitsidwa m'malo ogulitsa mabuku zidasinthidwanso. Masamba, kapena magawo ena amasamba, adadulidwa m'magazini monga Newsweek ndi Time",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4254,"The mass media–a single radio station, a single daily newspaper, and a single weekly newspaper–were tightly controlled and mainly served as outlets for government propaganda, while the government refused to introduce television","Nyumba zoulutsira nkhani—wailesi imodzi, nyuzipepala imodzi yatsiku ndi tsiku, ndi nyuzipepala imodzi yamlungu ndi mlungu—zinali zolamuliridwa mwamphamvu ndipo makamaka zinkakhala ngati zofalitsa zabodza zaboma, pamene boma linakana kuyambitsa wailesi yakanema",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4255,"Knowledge of pre-Banda history was discouraged, and many books on these subjects were burned","Kudziwa mbiri ya Banda asanabadwe kudagwa, ndipo mabuku ambiri okhudza nkhaniyi adawotchedwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4256,"Banda allegedly persecuted some of the northern tribes (particularly the Tumbuka), banning their language and books as well as teachers from certain tribes","A Banda akuti amazunza mitundu ina yakumpoto (makamaka a Tumbuka), kuletsa zilankhulo ndi mabuku awo komanso aphunzitsi a mafuko ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4257,Foreigners who broke any of these rules were often declared Prohibited Immigrants and deported,Alendo ophwanya malamulowa nthawi zambiri ankatchedwa Oletsedwa Osamukira kudziko lina ndikuthamangitsidwa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4258,"His government supervised the people's lives very closely. Early in his rule, Banda instituted a dress code rooted in his socially conservative predilections","Boma lake linkayang’anira miyoyo ya anthu mosamala kwambiri. Kumayambiriro kwa ulamuliro wake, a Banda adakhazikitsa malamulo oti adzivalira chifukwa chokonda chikhalidwe chake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4259,"Women were not allowed to wear see-through clothing, to have visible cleavages, trousers, and were not allowed to wear skirts or dresses that went above the knees","Akazi sankaloledwa kuvala zovala zopenya, kuvala ming'alu, mathalauza, komanso kuvala masiketi kapena madiresi opita pamwamba pa mawondo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4260,"The only exception to this was at vacation resorts and country clubs, where they could not be seen by the general public","Chokhacho chokha pa izi chinali ku malo ochitira tchuthi ndi makalabu akumidzi, komwe anthu sakanatha kuwawona",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4261,"Banda explained that these restrictions were not designed to oppress women, but instill respect and dignity for them","A Banda adalongosola kuti ziletsozi sizinapangidwe pofuna kupondereza amayi, koma kuwapatsa ulemu ndi ulemu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4262,"Men's hair had to be no longer than collar length, and foreign visitors at the airport were given mandatory haircuts if necessary","Tsitsi la amuna silinayenera kupitirira kutalika kwa kolala, ndipo alendo ochokera kumayiko ena pabwalo la ndege amametedwa mokakamiza ngati pakufunika kutero",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4263,Any man who ventured into public with long hair could also be seized by police and subjected to an involuntary haircut,Mwamuna aliyense amene amapita pagulu ndi tsitsi lalitali amathanso kugwidwa ndi apolisi ndikumetedwa mwadala,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4264,"Even foreigners coming into Malawi were subject to Banda's dress code. In the 1970s, prospective visitors to the country were informed of the following requirement for obtaining visas:","Ngakhale anthu akunja omwe ankabwera ku Malawi ankamvera kavalidwe ka Banda. M’zaka za m’ma 1970, oyembekezera kudzabwera m’dzikoli anauzidwa mfundo zotsatirazi kuti apeze ma visa:",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4265,"Female passengers will not be permitted to enter the country if wearing short dresses or trouser-suits, except in transit or at Lake Holiday resorts or National parks","Azimayi apaulendo sadzaloledwa kulowa m'dzikolo ngati atavala madiresi aafupi kapena mathalauza, kupatula paulendo kapena ku Lake Holiday Resorts kapena National Parks",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4266,Skirts and dresses must cover the knees to conform with Government regulations. The entry of 'hippies' and men with long hair and flared trousers is forbidden,Masiketi ndi madiresi ayenera kuphimba mawondo kuti agwirizane ndi malamulo a Boma. Kulowa kwa ma hippies ndi amuna atsitsi lalitali ndi mathalauza oyaka moto ndikoletsedwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4267,"Banda founded Chitukuko Cha Amai m'Malawi (CCAM) to address the concerns, needs, rights and opportunities for women in Malawi","Banda adakhazikitsa Chitukuko Cha Amai m'Malawi (CCAM) kuti athane ndi nkhawa, zosowa, maufulu ndi mwayi kwa amayi a Malawi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4268,"This institution motivated women to excel in education and government and encouraged them to play more active roles in their community, church and family","Bungweli lidalimbikitsa amayi kuti azichita bwino pamaphunziro ndi boma ndipo lidawalimbikitsa kuti azichita zambiri mdera lawo, mipingo ndi mabanja",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4269,"The foundation's National Advisor was Cecilia Tamanda Kadzamira, the official hostess for the former president","Mlangizi wamkulu wa gululi anali Cecilia Tamanda Kadzamira, yemwe anali mthandizi wa mtsogoleri wa dziko wopuma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4270,"In 1964, after serving as a government minister in the colonial administration, Banda adopted a macroeconomic policy aimed at accelerating economic development for the betterment of Malawians","M’chaka cha 1964, atakhala nduna ya boma mu ulamuliro wa atsamunda, a Banda adatengera mfundo yazachuma yomwe cholinga chake chinali kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha chuma kuti Amalawi atukuke",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4271,"He settled on the Rostow model of ""catch up"" economics, wherein Malawi would vigorously pursue import substitution industrialisation","Adakhazikika pazachitsanzo cha Rostow pazachuma, pomwe dziko la Malawi lidzalimbikira ntchito yolowa m'malo mwa mafakitale.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4272,"This entailed both a quest for ""self-sufficiency"" for Malawi – becoming less reliant on its former colonial master – and growth of an industrial base that could ensure Malawi was capable of producing its own goods and services",Izi zinapangitsa kuti dziko la Malawi lizidzidalira paokha – kusadalira mtsogoleri wawo wakale wa atsamunda – komanso kukula kwa mafakitale omwe angathandize kuti dziko la Malawi lizitha kupanga katundu ndi ntchito zake ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4273,Such capacity would then be used to catch up and even overtake the West. An infrastructure development program was initiated under the Development Policies (DEVPOLs) documents that Malawi adopted from 1964 onwards,Mphamvu yoteroyo ikadagwiritsidwa ntchito kumenya ngakhalenso kugonjetsa Kumadzulo. Dongosolo lachitukuko chachitukuko linayambika pansi pa zikalata za Development Policies (DEVPOLs) zomwe dziko la Malawi lidalandira kuyambira 1964 kupita mtsogolo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4274,"Much of this development was funded through the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation, a Government-owned corporation or parastatal formed to promote the Malawian economy by increasing the volume of agricultural exports and to develop new foreign markets for Malawian agricultural produce","Zambiri mwazimenezi zidaperekedwa kudzera ku bungwe la Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation, bungwe la Boma lomwe linakhazikitsidwa kuti litukule chuma cha dziko la Malawi poonjezera kuchuluka kwa katundu wogulitsidwa kunja ndi kutukula misika yatsopano yogulira zokolola za m’Malawi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4275,"At its foundation, ADMARC was given the power to finance the economic development of any public or private organization","Pamaziko ake, ADMARC idapatsidwa mphamvu zothandizira chitukuko cha zachuma ku bungwe lililonse la boma kapena labungwe ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4276,"From its formation it was involved in the diversion of resources from smallholder farming to tobacco estates, often owned by members of the ruling elite. This led to corruption, abuse of office and inefficiency in ADMARC","Kuchokera ku kupangidwa kwake chinaloŵetsedwamo m’kupatutsa chuma kuchokera ku ulimi waung’ono kupita ku minda ya fodya, yomwe nthaŵi zambiri inali ya mamembala a anthu osankhika olamulira. Izi zidadzetsa katangale, kugwiritsa ntchito molakwika udindo komanso kusagwira ntchito bwino mu ADMARC",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4277,The country's infrastructure benefited through massive road construction programs,Zomangamanga m’dziko muno zapindula ndi ndondomeko zazikulu zomanga misewu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4278,"With the decision to shift the capital city from Zomba to Lilongwe (against vociferous objections from the British preference for the economically healthy and well-developed Blantyre), a new road was built linking Blantyre and Zomba to Lilongwe","Ndi ganizo losamutsa likulu la mzindawu kuchoka ku Zomba kupita ku Lilongwe (motsutsana ndi zotsutsana ndi zotsutsana ndi zomwe Briteni zimakonda ku Blantyre yathanzi komanso yotukuka), nsewu watsopano unamangidwa wolumikiza Blantyre ndi Zomba kupita ku Lilongwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4279,"The Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC) in Lilongwe was itself a beehive of infrastructure development, supported by planning and funds from apartheid-era South Africa","Bungwe la Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC) mu mzinda wa Lilongwe ndilomwe linali phata la chitukuko cha zomangamanga, mothandizidwa ndi ndondomeko ndi ndalama zochokera ku nthawi ya tsankho ku South Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4280,"The British refused to finance the move to Lilongwe. The CCDC became the sole development agent for Lilongwe; putting up roads, the government seat at Capital Hill, etc","A British adakana kupereka ndalama zosamukira ku Lilongwe. ACCDC idakhala yokhayo yomwe idapereka chitukuko ku Lilongwe; kukhazikitsa misewu, mpando waboma ku Capital Hill, etc",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4281,"Other infrastructure entities were added, such as Malawi Hotels Limited, which undertook massive projects such as the Mount Soche, Capital Hotel and Mzuzu Hotel","Mabungwe ena adawonjezedwa, monga Malawi Hotels Limited, yomwe idachita ntchito zazikulu monga Mount Soche, Capital Hotel ndi Mzuzu Hotel",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4282,"On the industrial side, Malawi Development Corporation (MDC) was tasked with setting up industries and other businesses","Kumbali ya mafakitale, Malawi Development Corporation (MDC) idapatsidwa ntchito yokhazikitsa mafakitale ndi mabizinesi ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4283,"Meanwhile, Dr. Banda's own Press Corporation Limited and MYP's Spearhead Corporation embarked on business initiatives that lead to an economic boom during the mid- to late 1970s","Pakadali pano, Dr. Banda mwiniwake wa Press Corporation Limited ndi MYP's Spearhead Corporation adayamba ntchito zabizinesi zomwe zidapangitsa kuti chuma chitukuke chapakati mpaka kumapeto kwa zaka za m'ma 1970",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4284,"However, by 1979–1980, the bubble had burst due to the global economic crisis set in motion by the Yom Kippur War between Israel and the Arabs in 1973","Komabe, pofika 1979-1980, kuwirako kudaphulika chifukwa cha mavuto azachuma padziko lonse omwe adayambitsa nkhondo ya Yom Kippur pakati pa Israeli ndi Aluya mu 1973",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4285,Rising oil prices and falling global commodity prices combined to wreak havoc on a fragile and landlocked Malawian economy based on an insular and indefensible macroeconomic strategy,Kukwera mitengo yamafuta ndi kugwa mitengo yamtengo wapatali padziko lonse lapansi kuphatikiza chuma cha Malawi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4286,"Increasingly, the economy was rearranged into a political tool to serve the consumption needs of the emerging Malawian middle-class and thus render it less prone to revolution","Pachulukirachulukira, chuma chidakonzedwanso kukhala chida cha ndale kuti chithandizire zosowa za Amalawi omwe akutukuka kumene omwe ali pakatikati ndipo izi zipangitsa kuti anthu asamavutike kuchita zisintha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4287,"Banda personally founded Kamuzu Academy, a school modeled on Eton, at which Malawian children were taught Latin and Greek by expatriate classics teachers, and disciplined if they were caught speaking Chichewa","Banda adayambitsa yekha sukulu ya Kamuzu Academy, yomwe ndi sukulu ya Eton, yomwe ana a Malawi amaphunzitsidwa Chilatini ndi Chigiriki ndi aphunzitsi azaka zakunja omwe amachokera kunja, ndipo amawalanga akagwidwa akulankhula Chichewa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4288,"Many of the school's alumni have assumed leadership roles in medicine, academia and business in Malawi and abroad","Ambiri mwa omwe adaphunzira pasukuluyi atenga maudindo a udokotala, maphunziro ndi bizinesi ku Malawi ndi kunja",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4289,"The school remains one of Banda's most lasting legacies and he said of it: ""I did not wish my sons and daughters to have to travel abroad to obtain an education as I did.""",Sukuluyi idakali imodzi mwazinthu zomwe Banda adaphunzira kwanthawi yayitali ndipo adanenanso kuti: 'Sindinkafuna kuti ana anga aamuna ndi aakazi apite kunja kukaphunzira maphunziro anga.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4290,"It is claimed, probably incorrectly and unfairly, that he spent almost all the country's education budget on this project, while increasingly ignoring the needs and welfare of the greater majority of Malawians toiling in the rural areas","Akuti mwina molakwika ndi mopanda chilungamo, adawononga pafupifupi ndalama zonse zamaphunziro a dziko lino pa ntchitoyi, pomwe amanyalanyaza zosowa ndi moyo wa Amalawi ambiri omwe akuvutikira kumidzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4291,The National Rural Development Program and Rural Growth Centers were tentative and belated policies aimed at diverting rural populations from moving to the few urban areas which Banda's macroeconomic policies had created and were now being battered by the arrival of more and more rural people seeking better opportunities,Bungwe la National Rural Development Programme and Rural Growth Centres linali losatheka komanso linachedwa ndondomeko zomwe cholinga chake chinali kupatutsa anthu akumidzi kuti asachoke m’matauni ochepa omwe ndondomeko za chuma cha Banda zidakhazikitsa ndipo tsopano zikusokonekera chifukwa cha kubwera kwa anthu akumidzi omwe akufunafuna mipata yabwino,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4292,"It is believed that during his rule, Banda accumulated at least US$320 million in personal assets, thought to be invested in everything from agriculture to mining interests in South Africa","Akukhulupirira kuti muulamuliro wake, Banda adapeza ndalama zokwana US$320 miliyoni, zomwe zimaganiziridwa kuti aziyika pachilichonse kuyambira ulimi mpaka migodi ku South Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4293,Banda had no known heirs but had a vast fortune that is run by his family. He was unmarried when he died,A Banda analibe olowa nyumba odziwika koma anali ndi chuma chambiri chomwe chimayendetsedwa ndi banja lake. Anamwalira anali wosakwatiwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4294,"Cecilia Kadzamira was the official hostess or first lady of Malawi. She essentially ruled the country with her uncle, John Tembo, during Banda's last years","Cecilia Kadzamira anali mkazi wa dziko la Malawi. Amalamulira dzikoli limodzi ndi amalume ake, John Tembo, m’zaka zomaliza za Banda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4295,His affair and relationship with Merene French remains largely a mystery. He had rejected companionship and marriage and turned his back on the Englishwoman who extramaritally bore his son,Ubale wake ndi ubale wake ndi Merene French ukadali chinsinsi. Anakana ubwezi ndi ukwati ndipo anakana mkazi wachingelezi yemwe anaberekera mwana wake kunja kwa banja,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4296,"In 2010, Jumani Johansson (1973–2019) claimed to be the son of the late president and was seeking DNA testing through the courts of Malawi","M’chaka cha 2010, Jumani Johansson (1973–2019) ananena kuti ndi mwana wa malemu mtsogoleri wa dziko ndipo amafuna kuyezetsa DNA m’makhothi a Malawi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4297,"Banda died at the Garden City Clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa on 25 November 1997, from respiratory failure","Banda anamwalira ku chipatala cha Garden City ku Johannesburg, South Africa pa 25 November 1997, chifukwa cholephera kupuma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4298,"Although the clinic recorded his age as 99, Government officials state it was more likely he was aged around 90","Ngakhale chipatalachi chidalemba zaka zake kuti ali ndi zaka 99, akuluakulu aboma akuti mwina anali ndi zaka pafupifupi 90",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4299,"Although he was buried with pomp, in the decade after his death there were calls for a more substantial memorial for the country's first president","Ngakhale kuti anaikidwa m'manda mwaulemu, m'zaka khumi pambuyo pa imfa yake panali kupempha kuti pakhale chikumbutso chachikulu cha mtsogoleri wa dziko woyamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4300,Construction of a mausoleum with provision for a library and a dancing arena was begun in 2005,Ntchito yomanga nyumba yosungiramo zinthu zakale yokhala ndi nyumba yosungiramo mabuku komanso bwalo lovinira idayamba mu chaka cha 2005,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4301,"Completed in 2009 - at a cost of US$600,000 - the mausoleum is made out of marble and granite. Its four main pillars bear the initials of Banda's key principles – unity, loyalty, obedience and discipline","Inamalizidwa mu 2009 - pamtengo wa US $ 600,000 - mausoleum amapangidwa ndi miyala ya marble ndi granite. Nsanamira zake zazikulu zinayi zili ndi zoyamba za mfundo zazikuluzikulu za Banda - umodzi, kukhulupirika, kumvera ndi mwambo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4302,"In 2009 a bronze statue of Banda was erected. From 10 April 1995, when former Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai died, Banda was the world's oldest living former head of government until his own death in 1997","Mu chaka cha 2009 chifaniziro cha mkuwa cha Banda chinamangidwa. Kuchokera pa 10 April 1995, pomwe Prime Minister wakale wa India Morarji Desai adamwalira, Banda anali wamkulu kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi mpaka pomwe anamwalira mu 1997 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4303,"Like many regional African conflicts during the late twentieth century, the Mozambican Civil War possessed local dynamics but was also exacerbated greatly by the polarizing effects of Cold War politics","Monga mikangano yambiri ya ku Africa kumapeto kwa zaka za zana la makumi awiri, nkhondo yapachiweniweni ku Mozambique inali ndi mphamvu zakumaloko koma idakulitsidwanso kwambiri ndi kugawanika kwa ndale za Cold War",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4304,"The war was fought between Mozambique's ruling Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), the anti- insurgent forces of the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), and a number of smaller factions","Nkhondo idamenyedwa pakati pa chipani cholamula cha Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), gulu lodana ndi zigawenga la Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), ndi magulu ang'onoang'ono ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4305,"RENAMO opposed FRELIMO's attempts to establish a socialist one-party state, and was heavily backed by the anti-communist governments of Rhodesia and South Africa who supported them as a proxy to undermine FRELIMO support for militant nationalist organisations in their own countries","RENAMO idatsutsa zomwe FRELIMO idafuna kukhazikitsa dziko lachipani chimodzi, ndipo idathandizidwa kwambiri ndi maboma odana ndi chikomyunizimu a Rhodesia ndi South Africa omwe adawathandiza ngati kuthandizira kusokoneza kuthandizira kwa FRELIMO kwa mabungwe omenyera ufulu wadziko m'maiko awo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4306,Over one million Mozambicans were killed in the fighting or starved due to interrupted food supplies; an additional five million were displaced across the region,Anthu opitilira miliyoni imodzi a ku Mozambique anaphedwa pankhondoyo kapena kufa ndi njala chifukwa chakusokonekera kwa chakudya; enanso mamiliyoni asanu adasamutsidwa m'dera lonselo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4307,"The Mozambican Civil War destroyed much of Mozambique's critical rural infrastructure, including hospitals, rail lines, roads, and schools","Nkhondo Yachiŵeniŵeni ku Mozambique inawononga madera ambiri akumidzi aku Mozambique, kuphatikizapo zipatala, njanji, misewu, ndi masukulu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4308,"FRELIMO's security forces and RENAMO insurgents were accused of committing numerous human rights abuses, including using child soldiers and salting a significant percentage of the countryside indiscriminately with land mines","Asilikali a chitetezo ku FRELIMO komanso zigawenga za RENAMO akuimbidwa mlandu wophwanya ufulu wa anthu kambirimbiri, kuphatikiza kugwiritsa ntchito ana ankhondo komanso kuthira mchere wambiri kumidzi mosasankha ndi migodi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4309,"Three neighboring states—Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Malawi—eventually deployed troops into Mozambique to defend their own vested economic interests against RENAMO attacks","Maiko atatu oyandikana nawo — Zimbabwe, Tanzania, ndi Malawi — adatumiza asirikali ku Mozambique kuti atetezere zofuna zawo pazachuma pakuukira kwa RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4310,"The Mozambican Civil War ended in 1992, following the collapse of Soviet and South African support for FRELIMO and RENAMO, respectively","Nkhondo Yapachiweniweni ku Mozambique inatha mu 1992, kutsatira kugwa kwa thandizo la Soviet ndi South Africa kwa FRELIMO ndi RENAMO, motsatana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4311,Direct peace talks began around 1990 with the mediation of the Mozambican Church Council and the Italian government; these culminated in the Rome General Peace Accords which formally ended hostilities,Zokambirana zamtendere zachindunji zinayamba muzaka za 1990 ndi mkhalapakati wa Bungwe la Mipingo ku Mozambique ndi boma la Italy; izi zinafika pachimake pa mgwirizano wa mtendere wa Roma umene unathetsa nkhondoyo ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4312,"Portugal fought a long and bitter counter-insurgency conflict in its three primary African colonies—Angola, Mozambique, and Guinea-Bissau—from the 1960s to the mid-1970s, when they finally received independence following the Carnation Revolution","Portugal idamenya nkhondo yayitali komanso yowawa yolimbana ndi zigawenga m'maiko ake atatu aku Africa - Angola, Mozambique, ndi Guinea-Bissau - kuyambira m'ma 1960 mpaka pakati pa zaka za m'ma 1970, pomwe adalandira ufulu wodzilamulira pambuyo pa Carnation Revolution",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4313,"In Mozambique, the armed struggle against colonial rule was spearheaded by the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO), which was initially formed in exile but later succeeded in wresting control of large sections of the country from the Portuguese","Ku Mozambique, nkhondo yolimbana ndi ulamuliro wa atsamunda idatsogozedwa ndi gulu la Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO), lomwe poyamba lidakhazikitsidwa ku ukapolo koma kenako lidakwanitsa kugonjetsa zigawo zazikulu za dzikolo kuchokera kwa Apwitikizi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4314,Portugal responded by embarking on a massive buildup of military personnel and security forces in Mozambique,Portugal idayankha posonkhanitsa asirikali ndi achitetezo achitetezo ochuluka ku Mozambique,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4315,"It also established close defence ties with two of Mozambique's neighbours, Rhodesia and South Africa","Idakhazikitsanso ubale wachitetezo ndi mayiko awiri oyandikana ndi Mozambique, Rhodesia ndi South Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4316,"In 1970, the Portuguese launched Operation Gordian Knot, which was initially successful at eliminating large numbers of FRELIMO guerrillas and their support bases in the north of the country","Mu 1970, Apwitikizi anayambitsa Operation Gordian Knot, yomwe poyamba idapambana kuthetsa zigawenga zambiri za FRELIMO ndi mabungwe awo omwe ali kumpoto kwa dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4317,"However, the redeployment of so many Portuguese troops to northern Mozambique allowed FRELIMO to intensify its operations elsewhere in the country","Komabe, kutumizidwanso kwa asirikali ambiri a Chipwitikizi kumpoto kwa Mozambique kunapangitsa kuti FRELIMO iwonjeze ntchito zake kwina m’dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4318,"The following year, Portugal established an informal military alliance with Rhodesia and South Africa known as the Alcora Exercise","Chaka chotsatira, dziko la Portugal linakhazikitsa mgwirizano wa asilikali ndi Rhodesia ndi South Africa wotchedwa Alcora Exercise",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4319,"The revolution also brought to power a military junta known as the Armed Forces Movement, which was committed to divesting itself of the colonies and ending the increasingly costly African wars","Kupandukaku kunabweretsanso mphamvu gulu lankhondo lodziwika kuti Armed Forces Movement, lomwe lidadzipereka kusiya maderawo ndikuthetsa nkhondo zomwe zidakwera mtengo kwambiri mu Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4320,The turmoil in the metropole was mirrored by increasing instability in Mozambique and a further weakening of Portugal's grip on its East African colony,Kusokonekera kwa mzindawu kudawoneka chifukwa chakusakhazikika ku Mozambique komanso kufooketsanso mphamvu ya dziko la Portugal kudera lakummawa kwa Africa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4321,"Various new political parties were formed in Mozambique, including several by FRELIMO splinter factions, during the following months in anticipation of multi-party elections","Zipani za ndale zosiyanasiyana zatsopano zinakhazikitsidwa ku Mozambique, kuphatikizapo angapo a magulu ogawikana a FRELIMO, m’miyezi yotsatira poyembekezera chisankho cha zipani zambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4322,"However, FRELIMO insisted on being recognised as the sole legitimate representative of the new Mozambican nation","Komabe, FRELIMO idaumirira kuti izindikiridwe ngati woyimira yekha wovomerezeka wa dziko latsopano la Mozambique",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4323,It rejected proposals for multi-party elections and took advantage of the chaos in the Portuguese military establishment to intensify its guerrilla campaign,Linakana zonena za zisankho za zipani zambiri ndipo linapezerapo mwayi pa chipwirikiti cha gulu lankhondo la Portugal kuti liwonjezere kampeni yawo ya zigawenga ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4324,"In early September 1974, Portugal announced it was acceding to FRELIMO's request","Kumayambiriro kwa September 1974, dziko la Portugal linalengeza kuti likuvomereza pempho la FRELIMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4325,"No elections were going to be held in Mozambique; instead, after a nine-month transition period, the positions of local government would simply be handed to FRELIMO officials","Palibe zisankho zomwe zidzachitike ku Mozambique; m'malo mwake, pakadutsa miyezi isanu ndi inayi, maudindo a maboma ang'onoang'ono adangoperekedwa kwa akuluakulu a FRELIMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4326,"The Portuguese decision to effect a transfer to power to FRELIMO, without a local referendum or elections, was greeted with intense trepidation by Portugal's traditional Cold War allies: South Africa, Rhodesia, and the United States","Lingaliro la Chipwitikizi lofuna kusamutsira ulamuliro ku FRELIMO, popanda referendum kapena zisankho za m'deralo, lidalandiridwa ndi mantha aakulu ndi mabungwe a Cold War a Portugal: South Africa, Rhodesia, ndi United States",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4327,"Black opposition movements in South Africa declared that they would bring FRELIMO officials to address rallies being held near Durban, Johannesburg, and at the University of Northern Transvaal","Magulu otsutsa akuda ku South Africa adalengeza kuti abweretsa akuluakulu a FRELIMO kuti akambirane za misonkhano yomwe ikuchitika pafupi ndi Durban, Johannesburg, komanso ku sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Northern Transvaal",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4328,"The South African authorities banned the demonstrations, but activists proceeded anyway in defiance of the police","Akuluakulu a boma la South Africa adaletsa ziwonetserozi, koma omenyera ufulu wawo adachitabe monyoza apolisi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4329,"By the end of the year, sixty people had been arrested for organising pro-FRELIMO rallies","Pofika kumapeto kwa chaka, anthu 60 anali atamangidwa chifukwa chokonzekera misonkhano yochirikiza FRELIMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4330,"In Mozambique, the announcement sparked an uprising by right-wing elements in the white population, joined by disgruntled veterans of the colonial army and some black Mozambicans outraged by FRELIMO's pending unilateral assumption of power","Ku Mozambique, kulengezaku kudayambitsa kusamvana pakati pa otsutsa ndi azungu, ndipo asirikali opuma achitsamunda ndi mzika zachikuda za Mozambique zinalowelerapo powawidwa mtima ndi ganizo za FRELIMO lofuna kutenga mphamvu zolamulira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4331,The rebels appealed to South Africa and Rhodesia for military assistance to preempt the installation of a FRELIMO government,Zigawengazo zidapempha thandizo la zida zankhondo mayiko a South Africa ndi Rhodesia kuti alepheretse kukhadzikitsidwa kwa ulamuliro wa FRELIMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4332,"However, South African prime minister was unwilling to intervene, fearing condemnation from the international community for any interference with the decolonisation process in a neighbouring country","Komabe, nduna yaikulu ya dziko la South Africa sinafune kulowererapo, poopa kudzudzulidwa ndi mayiko osiyanasiyana chifukwa chosokoneza ntchito yochotsa koloni m'dziko loyandikana nalo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4333,Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith was more sympathetic to the rebels' cause but felt that he would be unable to act without the guarantee of South African support,Prime Minister wa Rhodesia Ian Smith anamvera chisoni zigawengazo koma ankaona kuti sangakwanitse kuchitapo kanthu popanda kuthandizidwa ndi South Africa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4334,The uprising was eventually crushed after four days by an unlikely coalition of Portuguese and FRELIMO forces,Zipolowezo zidathetsedwa patatha masiku anayi ndi mgwirizano wosayembekezereka wa ankhondo aku Portugal ndi FRELIMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4335,The independence of Mozambique and Angola in 1975 challenged white minority rule in Southern Africa,Ufulu wa Mozambique ndi Angola mu 1975 unatsutsa ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa ku Southern Africa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4336,"Firstly, the independence wars in Angola and Mozambique demonstrated that even with great military resources it was virtually impossible for a small white minority to guarantee the safety of its members, let alone to exert control over a mobilised and agitated population outside of major power centres","Choyamba, nkhondo zodziyimira pawokha ku Angola ndi Mozambique zidawonetsa kuti ngakhale zida zankhondo zazikulu zinali zosatheka kuti gulu laling'ono loyera litsimikize chitetezo cha mamembala ake, osasiyapo kulamulira anthu omwe ali okhudzidwa ndi okwiya omwe ali kunja kwa malo akuluakulu amphamvu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4337,The downfall of Portuguese colonial rule gave hope to black liberation struggles in the then apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia,Kugwa kwaulamuliro wa atsamunda a Chipwitikizi kunapereka chiyembekezo ku nkhondo zomenyera ufulu wa anthu akuda ku South Africa panthawiyo tsankho komanso Rhodesia,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4338,"These movements had been cooperating with the black liberation movements in South Africa and Rhodesia, and continued to openly support them, offering them a safe haven from where they could coordinate their operations and train new forces","Maguluwa akhala akugwirizana ndi mabungwe omenyera ufulu wa anthu akuda ku South Africa ndi Rhodesia, ndipo adapitilizabe kuwachirikiza poyera, ndikuwapatsa malo otetezeka komwe angagwirizanitse ntchito zawo ndikuphunzitsa magulu atsopano ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4339,"As President Machel put it in a speech in 1975: ""The struggle in Zimbabwe is our struggle""",Monga mtsogoleri wa dziko Machel ananenera mu 1975: 'Kulimbana mu Zimbabwe ndi nkhondo yathu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4340,The independence of Mozambique was especially devastating for white-ruled Rhodesia in multiple aspects,Ufulu wa Mozambique udasokoneza kwambiri Rhodesia yomwe idalamulidwa ndi azungu m'mbali zambiri,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4341,"The Rhodesian armed forces lacked the manpower to effectively protect its 1,300-kilometre (800 mi) border with Mozambique against entering ZANLA insurgents",Asilikali a Rhodesia analibe mphamvu zoteteza malire ake a mtunda wa makilomita chikwi ndi mazana atatu (800 mi) ndi Mozambique kuti asalowe zigawenga za ZANLA,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4342,"At the same time, the apartheid government and the Smith regime lost Portugal as an ally and with it the tens of thousands of soldiers that had been deployed in the Portuguese colonial wars","Panthawi imodzimodziyo, boma la tsankho komanso boma la Smith linataya dziko la Portugal monga bwenzi lake ndipo pamodzi ndi asilikali zikwi makumi ambiri omwe adatumizidwa pankhondo za atsamunda a Portugal",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4343,"Additionally Rhodesia used Mozambican ports as their primary means for imports and exports, with over 80% of all imports passing through Maputo and Beira into the heavily sanctioned country","Kuphatikiza apo, Rhodesia idagwiritsa ntchito madoko a Mozambican ngati njira yawo yayikulu yogulitsira ndi kutumiza kunja, ndi zopitilira 80% zazinthu zonse zomwe zidadutsa ku Maputo ndi Beira kulowa m'dziko lovomerezedwa kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4344,The loss of these ports after President Machel declared sanctions against the country further weakened the already fragile economy of Rhodesia and angered the Ian Smith regime,Kutayika kwa madokowa mtsogoleri wa dziko Machel atalengeza kuti zilango zolimbana ndi dzikolo zidafooketsa chuma cha Rhodesia chomwe chidasokonekera komanso kudakwiyitsa ulamuliro wa Ian Smith,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4345,The countries capacity to support national liberation movements also concerned South Africa and Rhodesia and both countries sought for a first strike strategy to counter this new threat,Mayiko omwe ali ndi mphamvu zothandizira mabungwe omenyera ufulu wadziko adakhudzanso South Africa ndi Rhodesia ndipo mayiko awiriwa adafuna njira yoyamba yolimbana ndi chiwopsezo chatsopanochi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4346,"Soon after independence, FRELIMO begun Mozambique's transformation into a socialist one-party-state","FRELIMO itangolandira ufulu wodzilamulira, FRELIMO idayamba kusintha dziko la Mozambique kukhala dziko lachipani chimodzi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4347,This was accompanied by crackdowns on dissidents and the nationalisation of important economic facilities abandoned by fleeing Portuguese,Izi zidatsagana ndi chipwirikiti kwa otsutsa komanso kukhazikitsidwa kwa zida zofunika zachuma zomwe zidasiyidwa ndi a Portugal omwe adathawa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4348,Numerous political parties sprung up virtually overnight and vied for power with FRELIMO,Zipani zambiri zandale zidadzuka usiku womwewo ndikukangamira mphamvu ndi FRELIMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4349,Both men were arrested and convicted in a public trial before Samora Machel before being sent to re-education camps,Amuna onsewa adamangidwa ndikuweruzidwa pamlandu wapagulu pamaso pa Samora Machel asanatumizidwe kumisasa yophunzitsanso ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4350,"Furthermore, the nationalisation of many formerly Portuguese-owned enterprises, fear of a retaliation against whites, and an ultimatum to either accept Mozambican citizenship or leave the country within 90 days, drove the majority of the 370,000 white Portuguese Mozambicans out of the country","Kuphatikiza apo, kukhazikitsidwa kwa mabizinesi ambiri omwe kale anali a Chipwitikizi, kuopa kubwezera azungu, komanso kuvomereza kuvomereza kukhala nzika ya Mozambique kapena kutuluka mdzikolo pasanathe masiku makumi asanu ndianayi, zidathamangitsa ambiri mwa azungu zikwi mazana atatu ndi zisanu kudzanso ziwiri aku Mozambique aku Mozambique. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4351,"As the Portuguese left some purposefully sabotaged the economy, stealing profits from factories, driving tractors into the sea and pouring cement into sewers","Pamene Apwitikizi adasiya zina zomwe zidasokoneza chuma mwadala, kuba zopeza m'mafakitale, kuyendetsa mathirakitala m'nyanja ndikuthira simenti m'zimbudzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4352,The Portuguese exodus resulted in economic chaos as only few Africans had received higher education or even primary education under Portuguese rule with over 95% of the population illiterate,Kusamuka kwa Apwitikizi kudabweretsa chipwirikiti pazachuma chifukwa ndi anthu ochepa chabe a mu Africa omwe adalandira maphunziro apamwamba kapena maphunziro apulaimale muulamuliro wa Apwitikizi pomwe 95% ya anthu osaphunzira ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4353,Shortly after independence many local chiefs were ousted and removed from positions of power and many dissidents were imprisoned in re-education camps,Ufulu utangotha ​​kumene mafumu ambiri akumaloko adachotsedwa ndikuchotsedwa paudindo ndipo otsutsa ambiri adatsekeredwa mndende zophunzitsanso,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4354,Another source of conflict was the continuation of the aldeamento system that the Portuguese had introduced as a means of exerting control and inhibiting contact between the population and the rebels,Chinanso chimene chinayambitsa mkangano chinali kupitiriza kwa dongosolo la aldeamento limene Apwitikizi anayambitsa monga njira yolamulira ndi kuletsa kumvana pakati pa anthu ndi zigawenga ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4355,"It coerced thousands of peasants to move into communal villages and communal farms where they were given food, water and healthcare, but lacked adequate tools and money to farm effectively","Zinakakamiza anthu wamba masauzande ambiri kuti asamukire m'midzi komanso m'minda ya anthu wamba komwe amapatsidwa chakudya, madzi ndi chithandizo chamankhwala, koma analibe zida zokwanira komanso ndalama zolima bwino ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4356,"FRELIMO hoped that this system would enable the fulfilment of its ambitious agricultural development goals, but the implementation often alienated parts of the rural population, whom FRELIMO had popular support from during the independence struggle","FRELIMO ikuyembekeza kuti dongosololi lithandiza kukwaniritsa zolinga zake zachitukuko chaulimi, koma kukhazikitsidwa kwake nthawi zambiri kunkasokoneza anthu akumidzi, omwe FRELIMO idathandizidwa nawo nthawi yankhondo yodzilamulira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4357,"This was especially the case in central and northern Mozambique, where households are traditionally separated by considerable distances","Izi zinali choncho makamaka m’chigawo chapakati ndi kumpoto kwa dziko la Mozambique, kumene mabanja mwamwambo amalekanitsidwa ndi mtunda wautali ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4358,"From 1975 to 1979, Rhodesian troops and forces repeatedly entered into Mozambique in order to carry out operations against supposed ZANLA (Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army) bases tolerated on Mozambican territory by the FRELIMO government","Kuchokera mu 1975 mpaka 1979, asilikali ndi asilikali a Rhodesian adalowa ku Mozambique mobwerezabwereza kuti agwire ntchito yolimbana ndi magulu a ZANLA (Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army) omwe aloledwa ku Mozambique ndi boma la FRELIMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4359,"Other rebel groups, initially independent of RENAMO, also fought the FRELIMO government",Magulu ena oukira boma omwe poyamba anali odziyimira pawokha a RENAMO adalimbananso ndi boma la FRELIMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4360,"Having fought the Portuguese using guerrilla strategies, FRELIMO was now forced to defend itself against the very same methods it employed against the colonial regime","Polimbana ndi Apwitikizi pogwiritsa ntchito njira za zigawenga, FRELIMO tsopano idakakamizika kudziteteza ku njira zomwe idagwiritsa ntchito motsutsana ndi ulamuliro wachitsamunda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4361,"It had to defend vast areas and hundreds of locations, while RENAMO operated out of a few remote camps, carrying out raids against towns and important infrastructure","Idayenera kuteteza madera akulu ndi mazana ambiri, pomwe RENAMO idagwira ntchito kuchokera kumisasa yakutali, kuukira matawuni ndi zida zofunika",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4362,"Furthermore, RENAMO systematically forced civilians into its employment. This was done by mass abduction and intimidation, especially of children in order to use them as soldiers","Kuphatikiza apo, RENAMO idakakamiza anthu wamba kuti agwire ntchito. Izi zidachitika pobera anthu ambiri komanso kuwaopseza makamaka ana kuti awagwiritse ntchito ngati asilikali",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4363,It is estimated that one-third of RENAMO forces were child soldiers. But abducted people also had to serve RENAMO in administrative or public service functions in the areas it controlled,Akuti gawo limodzi mwa magawo atatu a magulu ankhondo a RENAMO anali ana ankhondo. Koma anthu obedwa amayeneranso kukatumikira RENAMO m’maboma kapena ntchito za boma m’madera omwe amawalamulira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4364,"Another way of using civilians for military purposes was the so-called system of ""Gandira""",Njira inanso yogwiritsira ntchito anthu wamba pazifukwa zankhondo inali yotchedwa 'Gandira',politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4365,"This system especially affected the rural population in areas controlled by RENAMO, forcing them to fulfill three main tasks: produce food for RENAMO, transport goods and ammunition, in the case of women, serve as sex slaves","Dongosololi linakhudza makamaka anthu akumidzi m'madera olamulidwa ndi RENAMO, kuwakakamiza kuti akwaniritse ntchito zazikulu zitatu: kupanga chakudya cha RENAMO, zonyamula katundu ndi zipolopolo, kwa amayi, kukhala akapolo ogonana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4366,"Thus, despite its far superior numbers, FRELIMO was unable to adequately defend most regions except the most important cities by the mid-1980s","Chifukwa chake, ngakhale kuti inali yochuluka kwambiri, FRELIMO sinathe kuteteza mokwanira zigawo zambiri kupatula mizinda yofunika kwambiri pofika pakati pa zaka za m'ma 1980",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4367,RENAMO was able to carry out raids virtually anywhere in the country except for the major cities,RENAMO idakwanitsa kuchita zigawenga pafupifupi kulikonse mdziko muno kupatula m'mizinda ikuluikulu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4368,Transportation had become a perilous business. Even armed convoys were not safe from RENAMO attacks and were frequently attacked,Mayendedwe anali atakhala bizinezi yoopsa. Ngakhale magalimoto okhala ndi zida sanali otetezeka ku ziwopsezo za RENAMO ndipo amawukiridwa pafupipafupi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4369,FRELIMO reacted by reusing a system similar to the fortified villages aldeamentos introduced by the Portuguese,FRELIMO idachitapo kanthu pogwiritsanso ntchito njira yofanana ndi midzi yokhala ndi mipanda yokhazikitsidwa ndi Apwitikizi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4370,The creation of fortified communal villages called aldeamentos comunais where much of the rural population was relocated as the war intensified,Kukhazikitsidwa kwa midzi yokhala ndi mipanda yolimba yotchedwa aldeamentos comunais komwe anthu ambiri akumidzi adasamutsidwa pomwe nkhondo idakula,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4371,"Furthermore, in order to keep a minimum level of infrastructure working, three heavily guarded and mined corridors were established consisting of roads, railways and power lines","Kuphatikiza apo, kuti zikhazikitso zisamayende bwino, makonde atatu okhala ndi alonda amphamvu ndi migodi adakhazikitsidwa okhala ndi misewu, njanji ndi zingwe zamagetsi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4372,"Despite extensive fortification along these corridors they were frequently subject to attacks, bombings of the railway line and locomotives along the Beira Corridor cost the FRELIMO government millions as it struggled to provide adequate food and services and put strains on its ally Zimbabwe","Ngakhale kutetezedwa kokulirapo m'makondewa nthawi zambiri kumamenyedwa, kuphulitsidwa kwa njanji ndi masitima apamtunda wa Beira Corridor kudawonongera boma la FRELIMO mamiliyoni ambiri pomwe linkavutika kuti lipereke chakudya chokwanira ndi ntchito ndikuyika zovuta kwa mnzake Zimbabwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4373,"In 1982, landlocked Zimbabwe directly intervened in the civil war in order to secure its vital transport routes in Mozambique, stop cross-border RENAMO raids, and help its old ally FRELIMO","Mu chaka cha 1982, dziko la Zimbabwe lomwe linali lopanda malire linalowererapo mwachindunji pa nkhondo yapachiweniweni kuti ateteze mayendedwe ake ofunikira ku Mozambique, kuyimitsa zigawenga za RENAMO, komanso kuthandiza mnzake wakale FRELIMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4374,"Zimbabwe's help became crucial to the defence of the corridors, particularly the important Beira corridor","Thandizo la Zimbabwe linakhala lofunika kwambiri pachitetezo cha makonde, makamaka malo ofunikira a Beira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4375,"Later Zimbabwe became engaged further, carrying out several joint operations with FRELIMO against RENAMO strongholds",Pambuyo pake dziko la Zimbabwe lidayambanso kuchita nawo ntchito limodzi ndi FRELIMO polimbana ndi malo achitetezo a RENAMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4376,"Malawi had a complicated relationship with both FRELIMO and RENAMO. During the mid-1980s, FRELIMO repeatedly accused Malawian president Hastings Banda of providing sanctuary for RENAMO insurgents","Malawi anali ndi ubale wovuta ndi FRELIMO ndi RENAMO. Mkatikati mwa zaka za m'ma 1980, FRELIMO idadzudzula mtsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi Hastings Banda mobwerezabwereza popeleka malo obisala zigawenga za RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4377,"Mozambican security forces occasionally carried out raids into Malawi to strike at suspected RENAMO base camps in that country, a practice which brought them into direct confrontation with the Malawian Defence Force","Asilikali a ku Mozambique nthawi zina ankalowa m’dziko la Malawi kukamenya makampu omwe akuganiziridwa kuti ndi a RENAMO m’dzikolo, zomwe zidawapangitsa kulimbana ndi a Malawian Defence Force",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4378,"In 1986, Malawi bowed to Mozambican pressure and expelled 12,000 RENAMO insurgents. Banda explicitly turned against RENAMO after the disgruntled insurgents began targeting a vital rail line which linked Blantyre to Mozambican ports on the Indian Ocean coast","Mu 1986, dziko la Malawi lidagonja ku Mozambique ndikuthamangitsa zigawenga khumi ndi ziwiri RENAMO. Banda adatsutsa RENAMO zigawenga zomwe zidayamba kulunjika njanji yomwe imalumikiza Blantyre ndi madoko a Mozambique pa nyanja ya Indian Ocean",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4379,"Beginning in April 1987 the Malawian government deployed troops into Mozambique to defend the rail line, where they were involved in a number of engagements with RENAMO","Kuyambira mwezi wa April 1987 boma la Malawi linatumiza asilikali ku Mozambique kuti akateteze njanji ya njanji, komwe adachita nawo zokambirana zambiri ndi RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4380,"The FRELIMO government, led by President Machel, was economically devastated by the war and sought to end the conflict and continue the development of Mozambique","Boma la FRELIMO motsogozedwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko lino Machel, lidawonongeka kwambiri pazachuma chifukwa cha nkhondoyi ndipo lidayesetsa kuthetsa mikanganoyo ndikupititsa patsogolo chitukuko cha Mozambique",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4381,"After negotiations, a reluctant Machel signed a non-aggression pact with South Africa, known as the Nkomati Accord","Pambuyo pazokambilana, Machel wonyinyirika adasaina pangano losalimbana ndi dziko la South Africa lotchedwa Nkomati Accord",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4382,"In return, Pretoria promised to stop assistance to the MNR in exchange for FRELIMO's commitment to prevent the ANC from using Mozambique as a sanctuary to pursue its campaign to overthrow white minority rule in South Africa","Poyankhapo, Pretoria idalonjeza kuyimitsa thandizo ku MNR posinthana ndi kudzipereka kwa FRELIMO kuti aletse chipani cha ANC kugwiritsa ntchito dziko la Mozambique ngati malo opatulika kuti akwaniritse kampeni yake yochotsa ulamuliro wa azungu ochepa ku South Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4383,"Following a May 1983 car bombing in Pretoria, the South Africans bombed the capital, declaring they had killed 41 'ANC Terrorists' while in actuality killing three workers at a jam factory in Maputo","Kutsatira bomba lomwe linaphulitsidwa mu May 1983 ku Pretoria, anthu aku South Africa adaphulitsa likulu, kunena kuti adapha 'zigawenga za ANC' makumi anayi ndi limodzi pomwe adapha ogwira ntchito atatu pafakitale ya jam ku Maputo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4384,"With the economy in shambles, Machel was forced to scale back some of the more ambitious socialist policies","Pomwe chuma chasokonekera, Machel adakakamizika kufooketsa mfundo zina zokhuza chikhalidwe cha Socialist",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4385,"By the end of the 1980s RENAMO, whilst incapable of capturing or securing any large cities, was still able to move freely in rural areas and attack smaller settlements at will","Pofika kumapeto kwa zaka za m'ma 1980, RENAMO, ngakhale inalibe mphamvu yogwira kapena kusunga mizinda ikuluikulu, imayendabe momasuka kumadera akumidzi ndikuukira midzi yaying'ono pakufuna",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4386,"FRELIMO retained control of larger urban areas and the corridors, but was unable to effectively protect the countryside from RENAMO attacks","FRELIMO idasungabe ulamuliro wa madera akuluakulu akumatauni ndi makonde, koma idalephera kuteteza bwino madera akumidzi ku kuwukira kwa RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4387,"On 19 October 1986, President Machel died when his presidential aircraft crashed near South Africa's border under mysterious circumstances","Pa 19 October mchaka cha 1986, Mtsogoleri wa dziko i Machel anamwalira pamene ndege yake ya mtsogoleri wa dziko inagwa pafupi ndi malire a South Africa modabwitsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4388,"A South African sponsored investigation concluded that the crash was caused by errors made by the flight crew, a conclusion that was not universally accepted","Kafukufuku yemwe adathandizidwa ndi dziko la South Africa adapeza kuti ngoziyi idachitika chifukwa cha zolakwika zomwe oyendetsa ndegeyo adachita, lingaliro lomwe silinavomerezedwe ndi anthu ambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4389,Subsequent investigations have failed to reach a conclusion and the accident remains surrounded by conspiracy theories claiming that South Africa was responsible for the crash,Kafukufuku wotsatira walephera kufika pachimake ndipo ngoziyi idakali yozunguliridwa ndi anthu omwe amati dziko la South Africa ndi lomwe lachititsa ngoziyi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4390,"Machel's successor was Joaquim Alberto Chissano, who had served as foreign minister from 1975 until Machel's death","Wolowa m’malo wa Machel anali Joaquim Alberto Chissano, yemwe adatumikirapo ngati nduna yakunja kuyambira 1975 mpaka imfa ya Machel",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4391,"Chissano continued Machel's policies of expanding Mozambique's international ties, particularly the country's links with the West, and starting programs of internal economic and military reforms","Chissano anapitiliza mfundo za Machel zokulitsa maubale a Mozambique, makamaka maubale ndi mayiko, makamaka ubale ndi mayiko a Kumadzulo, ndi kuyambitsa ndondomeko zosintha nkhani chuma ndi gulu lankhondo ladzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4392,"During the war, hundreds of thousands of people died from famine, particularly the devastating famine of 1984","M’kati mwa nkhondoyo, anthu zikwi mazanamazana anafa ndi njala, makamaka njala yowononga ya mu 1984",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4393,The famine was attributable to the weather conditions at the time but was significantly worsened by the conflict between RENAMO and FRELIMO,Njalayi idabwera chifukwa cha nyengo panthawiyo koma idakula kwambiri chifukwa cha mkangano wapakati pa RENAMO ndi FRELIMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4394,The Mozambican civil war saw war crimes committed by both sides on a massive scale and in an organised manner,"Pa nkhondo yapachiweniweni ya ku Mozambique, mbali zonse ziwiri zidachita zankhanza pamulingo waukulu komanso komanso mwadongosolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4395,No RENAMO or FRELIMO commanders have ever been prosecuted for war crimes due to an unconditional general amnesty law for the period from 1976 to 1992 passed by the Mozambican parliament,Palibe akuluakulu a RENAMO kapena FRELIMO omwe adayimbidwapo mlandu pamilandu yankhondo chifukwa cha lamulo lachikhululukiro kuyambira 1976 mpaka 1992 lomwe linavomerezedwa ndi nyumba yamalamulo ya Mozambique,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4396,RENAMO systematically committed atrocities as part of its war and destabilization strategies,RENAMO idachita nkhanza mwadongosolo monga gawo la njira zake zankhondo ndi kusokoneza bata ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4397,"These included massacres, rapes and mutilation of non-combatants during attacks on villages and towns, the use of child soldiers and the employment of the Gandira system, which involved forced labour and sexual violence","Izi zinaphatikizapo kuphana, kugwiriridwa ndi kuduladula anthu omwe sali msilikali panthawi ya chiwembu m’midzi ndi m’matauni, kugwiritsa ntchito ana asilikali ndi kugwiritsa ntchito dongosolo la Gandira, lomwe linali lokakamiza anthu ogwira ntchito mokakamiza komanso nkhanza zogonana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4398,"Women would often be abducted in the fields, then raped as a means to boost troop morale","Azimayi nthawi zambiri amabedwa m'minda, kenako kugwiriridwa ngati njira yolimbikitsira gulu lankhondo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4399,"The Gandira system also contributed to famine, as the rural population was made to produce food for RENAMO and unable to produce food for themselves",Dongosolo la Gandira nalonso lidadzetsa njala chifukwa anthu akumidzi adalima chakudya cha RENAMO ndikulephera kudzipangira chakudya chawo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4400,Others were made to transport supplies for RENAMO in long Marches. Refusing to participate in Gandira or falling behind on the Marches would result in severe beating and often execution,Ena adatumizidwa kunyamula katundu ku RENAMO maulendo ataliatali. Kukana kutenga nawo mbali pa Gandira kapena kugwera m'mbuyo pamaguba kungapangitse kumenyedwa koopsa ndipo nthawi zambiri kuphedwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4401,Attempting to escape was also punished harshly. One particularly gruesome practice was the mutilation and killing of children left behind by escaped parents,Kuyesa kuthawa kunalinso kulangidwa koopsa. Mchitidwe wina woopsa kwambiri unali wodula ndi kupha ana amene makolo awo anathawa kwawo ndi oti anathawa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4402,"RENAMO's brutal tactics quickly earned it a negative reputation among much of Mozambique's population who referred to them as ""Armed Bandits"" and endorsed beatings against them, even pressuring the military into a public execution of four RENAMO rebels in 1983","Mchitidwe wankhanza wa RENAMO udapangitsa kuti adziwike ndi mbiri yoipa pakati pa anthu ambiri aku Mozambique omwe amawatcha 'zigawenga za zida' ndipo anthu anavomereza kumenyedwa kwawo, ngakhalenso kukakamiza asirikali kuti aphe zigawenga zinayi za RENAMO mu 1983",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4403,"RENAMO's atrocities gained worldwide attention in July 1987, following a massacre of 424 civilians during a raid on the rural town of Homoine, which was lightly defended by 90 FRELIMO soldiers","Nkhaza za RENAMO zidadziwika padziko lonse lapansi mu July 1987, kutsatira kuphedwa kwa anthu wamba 424 pomwe asirikali anachitira zaupandu mzinda wakumudzi wa Homoine, umene udatetezedwa pang'ono ndi asirikali 90 a FRELIMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4404,The attack stage was sometimes reported to begin with what appeared to the inhabitants to be the indiscriminate firing of automatic weapons by a substantial force of attacking RENAMO combatants,Pena kuthira nkhondoku kumanenedwa ndi okhala kuderaku kuti kunayambika ndi kuwomba mfuti kosalekeza ndi gulu la lankhondo la RENAMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4405,"Reportedly the Government soldiers aim their defensive fire at the attackers, while the RENAMO forces shoot indiscriminately into the village",Akuti asirikali a Boma amawombera modziteteza pa zigawengazo pomwe asilikali a RENAMO amawombera m’mudzi mwachisawawa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4406,In some cases refugees perceived that the attacking force had divided into three detachments,Nthawi zina othawa kwawo amawona kuti gulu lankhondo lagawidwa m'magulu atatu ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4407,"One conducts the military attack; another enters houses and removes valuables, mainly clothing, radios, food, pots and other possessions","Mmodzi amamenya nkhondo; wina amalowa m’nyumba ndikuchotsa zinthu zamtengo wapatali, makamaka zovala, mawailesi, zakudya, miphika ndi zina.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4408,A third moves through the looted houses with pieces of burning thatch setting fire to the houses in the village,Wachitatu akudutsa m'nyumba zobedwa ndi zidutswa za udzu woyaka moto ndikuyaka nyumba zapamudzi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4409,There were several reports that schools and health clinics are typical targets for destruction,Panali malipoti angapo oti masukulu ndi zipatala ndizongofuna kuwonongedwa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4410,The destruction of the village as a viable entity appears to be the main objective of such attacks,Kuwonongedwa kwa mudziwo ngati chinthu chotheka kumawoneka ngati cholinga chachikulu cha ziwopsezo zotere ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4411,"This type of attack causes several types of civilian casualties. As is normal in guerrilla warfare, some civilians are killed in crossfire between the two opposing forces, although this tends in the view of the refugees to account for only a minority of the deaths","Kuukira kwamtunduwu kumayambitsa mitundu ingapo ya anthu wamba ovulala. Monga momwe zimakhalira pankhondo za zigawenga, anthu wamba ena amaphedwa pamoto pakati pa magulu awiri otsutsana, ngakhale izi zimapangitsa kuti othawa kwawo awerengere anthu ochepa okha omwe amafa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4412,"A larger number of civilians in these attacks and other contexts were reported to be victims of purposeful shooting deaths and executions, of axing, knifing, bayoneting, burning to death, forced drowning and asphyxiation, and other forms of murder where no meaningful resistance or defense is present","Chiwerengero chokulirapo cha anthu wamba pachiwopsezochi komanso m'malo ena akuti ndi omwe adaphedwa mwadala ndikuphedwa, kuwombera nkhwangwa, mpeni, kuwotcha, kuwotchedwa mpaka kufa, kumira mokakamizidwa ndi kupuma movutikira, ndi mitundu ina yakupha popanda kukana kapena kudziteteza. alipo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4413,"Eyewitness accounts indicate that when civilians are killed in these indiscriminate attacks, whether against defended or undefended villages, children, often together with mothers and elderly people, are also killed","Nkhani za anthu amene anaona ndi maso zikusonyeza kuti anthu wamba akaphedwa paziwembu zosasankha zimenezi, kaya ndi midzi yotetezedwa kapena yosatetezedwa, ana, nthawi zambiri pamodzi ndi amayi ndi okalamba, nawonso amaphedwa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4414,Varying numbers of civilian victims in each attack were reported to be rounded up and abducted,Ziwerengero zosiyanasiyana za anthu wamba pachiwembu chilichonse akuti amasonkhanitsidwa ndikubedwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4415,"There can be no doubt that the war was largely one fought against civilians... I am also convinced that the war was equally savage on both sides, even if the total domination of the media by FRELIMO for the 15 years of the war has led even those most desirous of remaining objective to attribute the majority of the atrocities to RENAMO","Sipangakhale kukayikira kuti nkhondoyi makamaka inamenyedwa ndi anthu wamba ... Ndikukhulupiriranso kuti nkhondoyi inali yoopsa kwambiri kumbali zonse ziwiri, ngakhale kulamulira kwathunthu kwa TV ndi FRELIMO kwa zaka 15 za nkhondo yatsogolera. ngakhale omwe akufuna kukhalabe ndi cholinga chonena kuti zambiri zankhanza zidachitika ndi RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4416,"The people themselves were not duped: they attributed various acts of banditry and certain massacres to ""RENAMO",Anthuwo sanapusitsidwe: amati zigawenga zosiyanasiyana ndi kuphana kwina kunachitika chifukwa cha 'RENAMO,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4417,FRELIMO soldiers also committed serious war crimes during the civil war. FRELIMO forced people into its employment and conscription periods often extended beyond what the law allowed,Asilikali a FRELIMO anachitanso ziwawa zazikulu pankhondo yapachiweniweni. FRELIMO idakakamiza anthu kulowa ntchito komanso nthawi zolembera usilikali nthawi zambiri zimapitilira zomwe lamulo limalola,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4418,"Living in the communal villages became mandatory in certain provinces. However, in some areas, cultural norms required households to live at some distance apart from each other","Kukhala mmamidzi kunakhala lamulo mmadera ena mzigawomo. Komabe, m'madera ena, amayenera kukhala nyumba zotalikirana potengera chikhalidwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4419,"Therefore, many people preferred living in the countryside despite the risk of RENAMO attacks","Chifukwa chake, anthu ambiri amakonda kukhala kumidzi ngakhale ali pachiwopsezo cha RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4420,Thus people would often be forced into the communal villages at gunpoint by FRELIMO soldiers or their Zimbabwean allies,Nchifukwa chake anthu nthawi zambiri amakakamizika ndi mfuti kulowa m'midzi yoyandikana ndi asirikali a FRELIMO kapena anzawo aku Zimbabwe,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4421,"I never wanted to leave my old residence and come to the communal village. Even with the war, I wanted to stay where I had my land and granaries","Sindinafune konse kuchoka panyumba yanga yakale ndikubwera kumudzi wamba. Ngakhale ndinkhondo, ndimafuna kukhala komwe ndinali ndi malo anga ndi nkhokwe ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4422,"Ever since a long time ago, we never lived with so many people together in the same place","Kuyambira kalekale, sitinakhalepo ndi anthu ambiri pamalo amodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4423,Everyone must live in his own yard. The Komeredes [Zimbabwean soldiers] came to my house and said that I should leave my house and go to the communal village where there were a lot of people,Aliyense ayenera kukhala m'bwalo lake. A Komeredes [asilikali aku Zimbabwe] anabwera kunyumba kwanga nandiuza kuti ndichoke kunyumba kwanga ndipite kumudzi komwe kunali anthu ambiri,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4424,"I tried to refuse and then they set fire to my house, my granaries, and my fields","Ndinayesa kukana ndipo anatentha nyumba yanga, nkhokwe zanga, ndi minda yanga",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4425,They threatened me with death and they told me and my family to go forward,Adandiwopseza kuti andipha ndipo adandiuza ndi banja langa kuti tipite patsogolo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4426,Inside the communal village we lived like pigs. It was like a yard for pigs. We were so many people living close to each other,Mkati mwa mudziwo tinali kukhala ngati nkhumba. Anali ngati bwalo la nkhumba. Tinali anthu ambiri okhala moyandikana ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4427,"If someone slept with his wife everyone could listen to what they were doing. When we went to the fields or to the cemeteries to bury the dead, the soldiers had to come behind and in front of us","Ngati wina agona ndi mkazi wake aliyense amatha kumvera zomwe akuchita. Tikamapita kuminda kapena kumanda kukaika akufa, asilikaliwo ankayenera kubwera kumbuyo ndi kutsogolo kwathu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4428,"When the women went to the river to wash themselves, the soldiers had to go too and they usually saw our women naked",Azimayi akamapita kumtsinje kukasamba nawonso asilikali amayenera kupita ndipo nthawi zambiri ankaona akazi athu ali maliseche,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4429,"Everything was a complete shame inside that corral. Usually to eat, we had to depend on humanitarian aid, but we never knew when it would arrive","Zonse zinali zamanyazi mkati mwa kholalo. Nthawi zambiri kuti tidye, tinkadalira thandizo la anthu, koma sitinkadziwa kuti lifika liti",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4430,"It was terrible; that is why many people used to run away from the communal village to their old residences where RENAMO soldiers were, although it was also terrible there","Zinali zoopsa; n’chifukwa chake anthu ambiri amathawa m'mudzi yawo kupita komwe ankakhala kumene asilikali a RENAMO anali, ngakhale kumenekonso kunali koopsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4431,"Rape also became a widespread practice of FRELIMO soldiers. However, it was far less frequent and lacked the systematic nature of sexual violence perpetrated by RENAMO","Kugwilirira unali mchitidwe wofalikira pakati pa asirikali a FRELIMO. Komabe, kunali kocheperappo komanso kosapanganika pakati pa asirikali a ngati mmene ankachitira asirikali a RENAMO",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4432,"As part of a series of measures following independence, FRELIMO introduced ""re-education camps"" to which petty criminals, political opponents, and alleged anti-social elements such as prostitutes were sent, oftentimes without trial due to a lack of judges","Monga gawo la njira zingapo pambuyo pa ufulu wodzilamulira, FRELIMO idakhazikitsa 'misasa yophunzitsanso' komwe zigawenga zazing'ono, otsutsa ndale, komanso anthu omwe amati amadana ndi anthu monga mahule amatumizidwa, nthawi zambiri popanda kuzengedwa mlandu chifukwa chosowa oweruza ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4433,"In 1980, President Machel visited numerous camps and ordered the release of about 2,000 detainees and closure of numerous camps, citing human rights abuses","Mu 1980, mtsogoleri wa dziko, Machel, adayendera misasa yambiri ndikulamula kuti akaidi pafupifupi 2,000 amasulidwe komanso kutsekedwa kwa misasa yambiri, ponena panali kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4434,"These were later described by foreign observers as ""infamous centers of torture and death",Izi pambuyo pake zidafotokozedwa ndi owonera akunja kukhala 'malo otchuka ozunzika ndi imfa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4435,"It is estimated that 30,000 inmates died in these camps. The government was also accused of executing thousands of people while trying to extend its control throughout the country",Akuti akaidi okwana zikwi makumi atatu anafera m’misasa imeneyi. Boma lidaimbidwanso mlandu wopha anthu masauzande ambiri pomwe likuyesetsa kuwonjezera ulamuliro wake m'dziko lonselo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4436,"FRELIMO's new draft constitution in July 1989 paved the way for a multiparty system, and a new constitution was adopted in November 1990","Zolemba zatsopano za FRELIMO mu July 1989 zidatsegula njira yoyendetsera zipani zambiri, ndipo lamulo latsopano linavomerezedwa mu November 1990",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4437,"Mozambique was now a multiparty state, with periodic elections, and guaranteed democratic rights.","Dziko la Mozambique tsopano linali dziko la zipani zambiri, lokhala ndi zisankho zanthawi ndi nthawi, komanso la ufulu wodzilamulira. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4438,"On 4 October 1992, the Rome General Peace Accords, negotiated by the Community of Sant'Egidio with the support of the United Nations, were signed in Rome between President Chissano and RENAMO leader Afonso Dhlakama, which formally took effect on 15 October 1992","Pa 4 October 1992, mapangano a Roma General Peace Accords, omwe adakambirana ndi Community of Sant'Egidio mothandizidwa ndi United Nations, adasainidwa ku Rome pakati pa mtsogoleri wa dziko Chissano ndi mtsogoleri wa RENAMO Afonso Dhlakama, zomwe zidayamba kugwira ntchito pa 15 October 1992",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4439,"A UN peacekeeping force (UNOMOZ) of 7,500 arrived in Mozambique and oversaw a two-year transition to democracy",Ankhondi osungitsa bata a UN (UNOMOZ) okwana zikwi zisanu ndi ziwiri kudzanso mazana asanu anafika ku Mozambique ndikuyang'anira kusintha kwa ufulu wodzilamulira kwa zaka ziwiri ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4440,"2,400 international observers also entered the country to supervise the elections held on 27–28 October 1994",Oyang'anira maiko zikwi ziwiri ndi mazana anayi adalowanso mdziko muno kudzayang'anira zisankho zomwe zidachitika pa 27-28 October chaka cha 1994,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4441,"The last UNOMOZ contingents departed in early 1995. By then out of a total population of 13-15 million at the time, the Mozambican civil war had caused about one million deaths, displaced 5.7 million internally and resulted with 1.7 million refugees","Magulu omaliza a UNOMOZ adachoka kumayambiriro kwa 1995. Pa nthawiyo mwa anthu okwana pakati pa ma miliyoni khumi ndiatatu kapena khumi ndiasanu, nkhondo yapachiweniweni ya ku Mozambique inapha anthu pafupifupi miliyoni imodzi, inachotsa ma miliyoni okwana asanu nkanthu kena kokwana mazana asanu ndi awiri mkati mwawo ndipo inatsala ndi okwana millioyoni imodzi ndi zikwi mazana asanu ndi awiri othawa kwawo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4442,"In September 2015, the country was finally declared to be free of land mines, with the last known device intentionally detonated as part of a ceremony","Mu September 2015, dzikolo lidalengezedwa kuti mulibe mabomba okwirira, pomwe chida chomaliza chodziwika chidaphulitsidwa mwadala monga gawo lamwambo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4443,"In mid-2013, after more than twenty years of peace, the RENAMO insurgency was renewed, mainly in the central and northern regions of the country","Pakati pa chaka cha 2013, patadutsa zaka zoposa makumi awiri zamtendere, zigawenga za RENAMO zidayambiranso, makamaka m'chigawo chapakati ndi kumpoto kwa dziko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4444,"On 5 September 2014, former president Armando Guebuza and the leader of RENAMO Afonso Dhlakama signed the Accord on Cessation of Hostilities, which brought the military hostilities to a halt and allowed both parties to concentrate on the general elections to be held in October 2014","Pa 5 September 2014, mtsogoleri wa dziko Armando Guebuza ndi mtsogoleri wa RENAMO Afonso Dhlakama adasaina Mgwirizano Wothetsa Udani, womwe udathetsa mkangano wa asirikali ndikulola kuti zipani zonse ziwiri kuti ziike chidwi pazisankho zomwe zidachitika mu October 2014",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4445,"Yet, following the general elections, a new political crisis emerged and the country appears to be once again on the brink of violent conflict","Komabe, zisankho zachivomerezo zitatha, kudabuka vuto latsopano la ndale ndipo dziko likuwoneka kuti lilinso pachiwopsezo cha ziwawa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4446,"RENAMO does not recognise the validity of the election results, and demands the control of six provinces where they claim to have won a majority","Bungwe la RENAMO silikuzindikira kuti zotsatira za zisankhozo ndi zowona, ndipo likufuna kulamulira zigawo zisanu ndi chimodzi zomwe akuti zapambana kwambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4447,"On 20 January 2016, the Secretary General of RENAMO, Manuel Bissopo, was injured in a shootout, where his bodyguard died","Pa 20 January chaka cha 2016, mlembi wamkulu wa RENAMO, Manuel Bissopo, adavulala pakuwomberana komwe mlonda wake adamwalira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4448,It was a closed-door meeting that scheduled the beginning of the previous points that would precede the meeting between the two leader,Udali msonkhano wachitseko womwe udakonza zoyambira mfundo zam'mbuyomu zomwe zikadatsogolere msonkhano wa atsogoleri awiriwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4449,He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election,Iye anali mtsogoleri wadziko lakuda woyamba komanso woyamba kusankhidwa pa chisankho chaufulu wodzilamulira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4450,"There he became involved in anti-colonial and African nationalist politics, joining the ANC in 1943 and co-founding its Youth League in 1944","Kumeneko adalowa nawo ndale zotsutsana ndi atsamunda ndi zadziko la Africa, ndikulowa chipani cha ANC mu 1943 ndipo adakhazikitsa bungwe la Youth League mu 1944",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4451,"Mandela served 27 years in prison, amid growing domestic and international pressure and fears of racial civil war, he was released in 1990","Mandela adakhala m'ndende zaka makumi awiri kudza zisanu ndi ziwiri, pakati pa kukakamizidwa kwa mayiko ndi mayiko komanso mantha a nkhondo yapachiweniweni, adatulutsidwa mu 1990",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4452,"Mandela and de Klerk led efforts to negotiate an end to apartheid, which resulted in the 1994 multiracial general election in which Mandela led the ANC to victory and became president","Mandela ndi de Klerk adatsogolera zoyesayesa zakukambirana kutha kwa tsankho, zomwe zidapangitsa chisankho cha 1994 chamitundu yosiyanasiyana pomwe Mandela adatsogolera ANC kuti apambane ndikukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4453,"Leading a broad coalition government which promulgated a new constitution, Mandela emphasised reconciliation between the country's racial groups and created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses","Potsogolera boma la mgwirizano lomwe lidakhazikitsa lamulo latsopano, Mandela adagogomezera mgwirizano pakati pa mitundu yamitundu ya mdziko ndipo adakhazikitsa bungwe la Truth and Reconciliation Commission kuti lifufuze za kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4454,"Economically, his administration retained its predecessor's liberal framework despite his own socialist beliefs, also introducing measures to encourage land reform, combat poverty and expand healthcare services","Pazachuma, utsogoleri wake udasungabe machitidwe awo omasuka omwe adakhalapo kale ngakhale anali zikhulupiriro za sosholisti, adayambitsanso njira zolimbikitsira kukonzanso nthaka, kuthana ndi umphawi komanso kukulitsa ntchito zachipatala ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4455,"He declined a second presidential term and was succeeded by his deputy, Thabo Mbeki. Mandela became an elder statesman and focused on combating poverty and HIV/AIDS through the charitable Nelson Mandela Foundation","Anakana kuyimanso kachiwiri ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko ndipo wachiwiri wake, Thabo Mbeki, adalowa mmalo mwake. Mandela adakhala mkulu wa boma ndipo adayang'ana kwambiri pakulimbana ndi umphawi ndi HIV/AIDS kudzera mu bungwe lachifundo la Nelson Mandela Foundation",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4456,"Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Although critics on the right denounced him as a communist terrorist and those on the far left deemed him too eager to negotiate and reconcile with apartheid's supporters, he gained international acclaim for his activism","Mandela anali munthu wotsutsana kwambiri kwa moyo wake wonse. Ngakhale otsutsa kumanja amamudzudzula kuti ndi zigawenga za chikomyunizimu ndipo omwe ali kumanzere kwakutali amamuona kuti anali wofunitsitsa kukambirana ndi kuyanjana ndi ochirikiza tsankho, adatchuka padziko lonse lapansi chifukwa cha zochita zake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4457,"Globally regarded as an icon of democracy and social justice, he received more than 250 honours, including the Nobel Peace Prize","Padziko lonse lapansi amawonedwa ngati chithunzi cha ufulu wodzilamulira ndi chilungamo cha chikhalidwe cha anthu, adalandira ulemu wopitilira 250, kuphatikiza Mphotho ya Nobel Peace ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4458,"He is held in deep respect within South Africa, where he is often referred to by his Thembu clan name, Madiba, and described as the ""Father of the Nation""","Iye amalemekezedwa kwambiri ku South Africa, komwe nthawi zambiri amatchulidwa ndi dzina la fuko la Thembu, Madiba, ndipo amatchulidwa kuti 'Atate wa Mtundu'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4459,No one in my family had ever attended school ... On the first day of school my teacher gave each of us an English name,Palibe aliyense m'banja langa amene anapita kusukulu ... Pa tsiku loyamba la sukulu aphunzitsi anga anapatsa aliyense wa ife dzina la Chingerezi ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4460,This was the custom among Africans in those days and was undoubtedly due to the British bias of our education,Uwu unali mwambo wa Afirika m’masiku amenewo ndipo mosakayikira unali wokondera ku Britain pa maphunziro athu ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4461,"That day, Miss Mdingane told me that my new name was Nelson. Why this particular name, I have no idea","Tsiku limenelo Abiti Mdingane anandiuza kuti dzina langa latsopano ndi Nelson. Chifukwa chiyani dzina ili, sindikudziwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4462,Mandela later stated that his early life was dominated by traditional Xhosa custom and taboo,Pambuyo pake Mandela adanena kuti ubwana wake unali wolamulidwa ndi chikhalidwe cha Xhosa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4463,"He grew up with two sisters in his mother's kraal in the village of Qunu, where he tended herds as a cattle-boy and spent much time outside with other boys","Anakulira ndi azichemwali ake awiri m’khola la mayi ake m’mudzi wa Qunu, komwe ankaweta ng’ombe ndipo ankakhala panja ndi anyamata ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4464,"Both his parents were illiterate, but his mother, being a devout Christian, sent him to a local Methodist school when he was about seven","Makolo ake onse anali osaphunzira, koma amayi ake, pokhala Mkristu wodzipereka, anamtumiza kusukulu ya Methodist yakumaloko pamene anali ndi zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4465,"When Mandela was about nine, his father came to stay at Qunu, where he died of an undiagnosed ailment that Mandela believed to be lung disease","Pamene Mandela anali ndi zaka zisanu ndi zinayi, abambo ake anabwera ku Qunu, kumene anamwalira ndi matenda omwe sanadziwike omwe Mandela amakhulupirira kuti ndi matenda a m'mapapo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4466,"Feeling ""cut adrift"", he later said that he inherited his father's ""proud rebelliousness"" and ""stubborn sense of fairness""","Podzimva kukhala wodetsedwa, pambuyo pake ananena kuti anatengera ‘kupanduka konyada’ kwa atate wake ndi ‘kuuma mtima kwa chilungamo’ ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4467,"Although he did not see his mother again for many years, Mandela felt that Jongintaba and his wife Noengland treated him as their own child, raising him alongside their son, Justice, and daughter, Nomafu","Ngakhale kuti sanawaonenso amayi ake kwa zaka zambiri, Mandela ankaona kuti Jongintaba ndi mkazi wake Noengland ankamuona ngati mwana wawo, kumulera limodzi ndi mwana wawo wamwamuna, Justice, ndi mwana wamkazi, Nomafu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4468,"Intending to gain skills needed to become a privy councillor for the Thembu royal house, Mandela began his secondary education in 1933 at Clarkebury Methodist High School in Engcobo, a Western-style institution that was the largest school for black Africans in Thembuland","Pofuna kupeza luso lofunika kuti akhale phungu wa nyumba yachifumu ya Thembu, Mandela anayamba maphunziro ake a sekondale mchaka cha 1933 pa Clarkebury Methodist High School ku Engcobo, sukulu ya azungu yomwe inali sukulu yaikulu ya anthu akuda ku Thembuland",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4469,"Made to socialise with other students on an equal basis, he claimed that he lost his ""stuck up"" attitude, becoming best friends with a girl for the first time","Anapangidwa kuti azicheza ndi ophunzira ena mofanana, adanena kuti anataya mtima 'wokhazikika,' kukhala bwenzi lapamtima ndi mtsikana kwa nthawi yoyamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4470,He began playing sports and developed his lifelong love of gardening. He completed his Junior Certificate in two years,Anayamba kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi ndipo anayamba kukonda kwambiri ulimi wamaluwa. Anamaliza Junior Certificate yake mzaka ziwiri ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4471,"Earning a small wage, Mandela rented a room in the house of the Xhoma family in the Alexandra township","Mandela atalandira malipiro ochepa, anabwereka chipinda m'nyumba ya banja la Xhoma m'tawuni ya Alexandra",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4472,"Despite being rife with poverty, crime and pollution, Alexandra always remained a special place for him","Ngakhale kuti Alexandra anali wodzala ndi umphaŵi, umbanda ndi kuipitsa chilengedwe, nthaŵi zonse anakhalabe malo apadera kwa iye",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4473,"Although embarrassed by his poverty, he briefly dated a Swazi woman before unsuccessfully courting his landlord's daughter","Ngakhale adachita manyazi ndi umphawi wake, adacheza mwachidule ndi mzimayi wina wa ku Swaziland asanagone ndi mwana wamkazi wa eni nyumba yake. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4474,"To save money and be closer to downtown Johannesburg, Mandela moved into the compound of the Witwatersrand Native Labour Association, living among miners of various tribes","Kuti asunge ndalama ndikukhala pafupi ndi mzinda wa Johannesburg, Mandela anasamukira ku Witwatersrand Native Labor Association, akukhala pakati pa antchito a migodi a mafuko osiyanasiyana ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4475,"Mandela began studying law at the University of the Witwatersrand, where he was the only black African student and faced racism","Mandela anayamba kuphunzira zamalamulo pa sukulu yaukachenjede ya Witwatersrand, kumene anali wophunzira yekha wakuda wa ku Africa ndipo anakumana ndi tsankho ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4476,"Becoming increasingly politicised, Mandela Marched in August 1943 in support of a successful bus boycott to reverse fare rises","Pokhala wokonda ndale, Mandela adaguba mu August mchaka cha1943 poyikira kumbuyo kunyanyala kosakwera galimoto zonyamula anthu kuti asinthe kukwera kwa mtengo wa ndalama zolipira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4477,"At Sisulu's house, Mandela met Evelyn Mase, a trainee nurse and ANC activist from Engcobo, Transkei","Ku nyumba ya Sisulu, Mandela anakumana ndi Evelyn Mase, namwino wophunzitsidwa bwino komanso womenyera ufulu wa ANC wochokera ku Engcobo, Transkei",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4478,"Entering a relationship and marrying in October 1944, they initially lived with her relatives until moving into a rented house in the township of Orlando in early 1946","Atapalana ubwenzi ndikukwatirana mu October 1944, adakhala ndi abale ake mpaka adasamukira m'nyumba yolipira munzinda wa Orlando koyambirira kwa 1946",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4479,"Their first child, Madiba ""Thembi"" Thembekile, was born in February 1945; a daughter, Makaziwe, was born in 1947 but died of meningitis nine months later","Mwana wawo woyamba, Madiba 'Thembi' Thembekile, anabadwa mu February 1945; mwana wamkazi, Makaziwe, anabadwa mu 1947 koma anamwalira ndi meningitis miyezi isanu ndi inayi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4480,"Mandela enjoyed home life, welcoming his mother and his sister, Leabie, to stay with him","Mandela anasangalala ndi moyo wapakhomo, kulandira amayi ake ndi mlongo wake, Leabie, kuti azikhala naye ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4481,"Having devoted his time to politics, Mandela failed his final year at Witwatersrand three times; he was ultimately denied his degree in December 1949","Atapereka nthawi yake ku ndale, Mandela adalephera chaka chake chomaliza ku Witwatersrand katatu; iye anakanidwa digiri yake mu December 1949 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4482,"Mandela opposed the strike because it was multi-racial and not ANC-led, but a majority of black workers took part, resulting in increased police repression and the introduction of the Suppression of Communism Act, 1950, affecting the actions of all protest groups","Mandela adatsutsa kunyanyalako chifukwa kunali kwamitundu yambiri osati motsogozedwa ndi ANC, koma antchito ambiri akuda adatenga nawo mbali, zomwe zinachititsa kuti aziponderezedwe ndi apolisi komanso kukhazikitsidwa kwa Suppression of Communism Act, 1950, zomwe zinakhudza magulu onse ochita zionetsero",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4483,"At the ANC national conference of December 1951, he continued arguing against a racially united front, but was outvoted","Pamsonkhano waukulu wa ANC wa December 1951, adapitilizabe kutsutsa zosankhana mitundu pa ntchito yawo, koma adagonjetsedwa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4484,"Thereafter, Mandela rejected Lembede's Africanism and embraced the idea of a multi-racial front against apartheid","Pambuyo pake, Mandela anakana chi Afrika cha Lembede ndipo anavomereza lingaliro la mitundu yosiyanasiyana yolimbana ndi tsankho ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4485,"Commenting on communism, he later stated that he ""found [himself] strongly drawn to the idea of a classless society which, to [his] mind, was similar to traditional African culture where life was shared and communal","Pothirira ndemanga pa chikomyunizimu, pambuyo pake ananena kuti ‘anadzipeza [yekha] atakopeka kwambiri ndi lingaliro la chitaganya chopanda magulu chimene, m’maganizo [chake], chinali chofanana ndi chikhalidwe chamwambo cha Afirika kumene moyo unali wogaŵanika ndi wogwirizana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4486,"In July 1952, Mandela was arrested under the Suppression of Communism Act and stood trial as one of the 21 accused","Mu July 1952, Mandela anamangidwa pansi pa lamulo la Suppression of Communism Act ndipo anaimbidwa mlandu ngati mmodzi wa anthu makumi awiri ndi mmodzi omwe anaimbidwa mlandu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4487,"Found guilty of ""statutory communism"", a term that the government used to describe most opposition to apartheid, their sentence of nine months' hard labour was suspended for two years","Anapezeka ndi mlandu wa 'statutory communism', mawu omwe boma linkagwiritsa ntchito pofotokoza anthu ambiri otsutsa tsankho, chilango chawo chokhala ndi miyezi isanu ndi inayi chikugwira ntchito movutikira chinaimitsidwa kwa zaka ziwiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4488,"In December, Mandela was given a six-month ban from attending meetings or talking to more than one individual at a time, making his Transvaal ANC presidency impractical, and during this period the Defiance Campaign petered out","Mu December, Mandela anapatsidwa chiletso cha miyezi isanu ndi umodzi kuti asapite ku misonkhano kapena kulankhula ndi anthu oposa mmodzi pa nthawi, zomwe zinapangitsa utsogoleri wake wa ANC kukhala wosatheka, ndipo panthawiyi kukopa anthu pankhani ya makani inagwira mtima",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4489,"Mandela obtained work as an attorney for the firm Terblanche and Briggish, before moving to the liberal-run Helman and Michel, passing qualification exams to become a full-fledged attorney","Mandela adapeza ntchito ngati loya wa kampani ya Terblanche and Briggish, asanasamukire ku bungwe la liberal-run Helman and Michel, kupambana mayeso kuti akhale woyimila milandu weniweni",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4490,"In August 1953, Mandela and Tambo opened their own law firm, Mandela and Tambo, operating in downtown Johannesburg","Mu August 1953, Mandela ndi Tambo anatsegula kampani yawo ya zamalamulo, Mandela ndi Tambo, yomwe inkagwira ntchito mu Johannesburg ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4491,"The only African-run law firm in the country, it was popular with aggrieved black people, often dealing with cases of police brutality","Kampani yokhayo yazamalamulo yoyendetsedwa ndi Africa mdziko muno, idatchuka ndi anthu akuda omwe amazunzidwa, nthawi zambiri amachitira nkhanza za apolisi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4492,"Disliked by the authorities, the firm was forced to relocate to a remote location after their office permit was removed under the Group Areas Act","Posakondwa ndi akuluakulu aboma, kampaniyo idakakamizika kusamuka kupita kumalo akutali pambuyo poti chilolezo cha ofesi yawo chidachotsedwa pansi pa Group Areas Act",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4493,"As a result, their clientele dwindled. As a lawyer of aristocratic heritage, Mandela was part of Johannesburg's elite black middle-class, and accorded much respect from the black community","Zotsatira zake, makasitomala awo adachepa. Monga loya wa chikhalidwe cholemekezeka, Mandela anali m'gulu la anthu akuda apakati ku Johannesburg, ndipo adapatsidwa ulemu waukulu kuchokera kwa anthu akuda ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4494,"Although a second daughter, Makaziwe Phumia, was born in May 1954, Mandela's relationship with Evelyn became strained, and she accused him of adultery","Ngakhale mwana wamkazi wachiwiri, Makaziwe Phumia, anabadwa mu May 1954, ubale wa Mandela ndi Evelyn unavuta, ndipo anamuimba mlandu wa chigololo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4495,He may have had affairs with ANC member Lillian Ngoyi and secretary Ruth Mompati; various individuals close to Mandela in this period have stated that the latter bore him a child,Ayenera kuti adakhalapo ndi membala wa ANC Lillian Ngoyi ndi mlembi Ruth Mompati; Anthu osiyanasiyana oyandikana ndi Mandela munthawiyi anena kuti womalizayo adabereka mwana ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4496,"We, the people of South Africa, declare for all our country and the world to know: That South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people","Ife, anthu a ku South Africa, tikulengeza kuti dziko lathu lonse ndi dziko lonse lapansi lidziwe: Kuti dziko la South Africa ndi la onse okhalamo, akuda ndi oyera, komanso kuti palibe boma lomwe lingathe kudzinenera ulamuliro pokhapokha ngati likugwirizana ndi chifuniro cha anthu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4497,"After taking part in the unsuccessful protest to prevent the forced relocation of all black people from the Sophiatown suburb of Johannesburg in February 1955, Mandela concluded that violent action would prove necessary to end apartheid and white minority rule","Atatenga nawo mbali pa zionetsero zomwe sidzinaphule kanthu kuti anthu achikuda asachotsedwe mokakamizidwa ku Sophiatown mu Johanesburg mu February 1955, Mandela anaganiza komaliza kuti ziwawa zokha zokhoza kuthandiza kuthetsa chitaganya ndi ulamuliro wa anthu azungu omwe anali ochepa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4498,"On his advice, Sisulu requested weaponry from the People's Republic of China, which was denied","Paupangiri wake, Sisulu adapempha zida ku People's Republic of China, zomwe zidakanidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4499,"Although the Chinese government supported the anti-apartheid struggle, they believed the movement insufficiently prepared for guerrilla warfare","Ngakhale boma la China linkathandizira nkhondo yolimbana ndi tsankho, amakhulupirira kuti gululi silinakonzekere bwino zankhondo za zigawenga ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4500,"In March 1956, he received his third ban on public appearances, restricting him to Johannesburg for five years, but he often defied it","Mu March 1956, adalandira chiletso chake chachitatu kuti asawonekere pagulu, zomwe zinamuletsa kupita ku Johannesburg kwa zaka zisanu, koma nthawi zambiri ankakana ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4501,"Mandela's marriage broke down and Evelyn left him, taking their children to live with her brother","Ukwati wa Mandela unatha ndipo Evelyn anamusiya, natenga ana awo kuti azikhala ndi mchimwene wake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4502,"Initiating divorce proceedings in May 1956, she claimed that Mandela had physically abused her; he denied the allegations and fought for custody of their children","Poyambitsa chisudzulo mu May 1956, adanena kuti Mandela adamuzunza; adakana zonenazo ndipo adamenyera ufulu wolera ana awo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4503,"She withdrew her petition of separation in November, but Mandela filed for divorce in January 1958","Iye anachotsa pempho lake lolekanitsidwa mu November, koma Mandela anasudzulana mu January 1958",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4504,"The divorce was finalised in March, with the children placed in Evelyn's care","Chisudzulo chinatha mu March, ndipo ana anaikidwa m’manja mwa Evelyn ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4505,"During the divorce proceedings, he began courting a social worker, Winnie Madikizela, whom he married in Bizana in June 1958",Pa nthawi ya chisudzulo anayamba chibwenzi ndi mkazi wina Winnie Madikizela yemwe anamukwatira ku Bizana mu June 1958,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4506,"She later became involved in ANC activities, spending several weeks in prison","Pambuyo pake adayamba kuchita nawo zochitika za Anc, nakhala sabata zingapo kundende",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4507,"In December 1956, Mandela was arrested alongside most of the ANC national executive and accused of ""high treason"" against the state","Mu December 1956, Mandela anamangidwa pamodzi ndi akuluakulu a ANC ndipo adayimbidwa mlandu wogalukira boma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4508,"Held in Johannesburg Prison amid mass protests, they underwent a preparatory examination before being granted bail","Atasungidwa ku ndende ya Johannesburg mkati mwa zionetsero mdzikomo, adafunsidwa mafunso asanatulutsidwe kuti akayembekezere milandu yawo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4509,"The defence's refutation began in January 1957, overseen by defence lawyer Vernon Berrangé, and continued until the case was adjourned in September","Kutsutsa kwa chitetezo kunayamba mu January 1957, motsogozedwa ndi loya woteteza Vernon Berrangé, ndipo zidapitilira mpaka mlanduwo udayimitsidwa mu September",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4510,"In January 1958, Oswald Pirow was appointed to prosecute the case, and in February the judge ruled that there was ""sufficient reason"" for the defendants to go on trial in the Transvaal Supreme Court","Mu January 1958, Oswald Pirow anasankhidwa kuti azizenga mlanduwu, ndipo mu February woweruzayo anagamula kuti panali ‘chifukwa chokwanira’ choti oimbidwa mlanduwo akazengedwe mlandu ku Khoti Lalikulu la Transvaal",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4511,"Responding to the unrest, the government implemented state of emergency measures, declaring martial law and banning the ANC and PAC","Pothana ndi ziwawazo, boma lidalengeza kuti pali chiopsezo cha ziwawa ndipo anakhadzikitsa lamulo loyendetsera dziko ndi ankhondo, ndikuletsa zipani za ANC ndi PAC",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4512,"In March, they arrested Mandela and other activists, imprisoning them for five months without charge in the unsanitary conditions of the Pretoria Local prison","Mu mwezi wa March, adamanga Mandela ndi Othandizira ena, adawamanga kwa miyezi isanu popanda kuwayimba mlandu, ku ndende yomwe inalibe ukhondo woyenera mdera la Pretoria",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4513,"Imprisonment caused problems for Mandela and his co-defendants in the Treason Trial; their lawyers could not reach them, and so it was decided that the lawyers would withdraw in protest until the accused were freed from prison when the state of emergency was lifted in late August 1960","Kutsekeredwa m’ndende kunadzetsa mavuto kwa Mandela ndi anzake omwe anali kumuzenga mlandu pa mlandu wowukira boma. owayimira pa mlandu awo sanathe kuwafikira, choncho adaganiza kuti owayimira pa mlanduwo anyanyale ngati njira yosonyeza kusakondwa kwawo mpaka oyimbidwa mlandu atamasulidwa kuchokera ku ndende pamene chiopezo cha ziwawa chinachitsedwa kumapeto kwa August mu chaka cha 1960",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4514,"Disguised as a chauffeur, Mandela travelled around the country incognito, organising the ANC's new cell structure and the planned mass stay-at-home strike","Atadzibisa ngati woyendetsa galimoto, Mandela anayenda mdzikomo osazindikiridwa ndi anthu, kukhadzikitsa magulu atsopano a ANC ndikukonza kunyanyala ntchito kokhala pakhomo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4515,"Mandela held secret meetings with reporters, and after the government failed to prevent the strike, he warned them that many anti-apartheid activists would soon resort to violence through groups like the PAC's Poqo","Mandela adachita misonkhano yachinsinsi ndi atolankhani, ndipo boma litalephera kuletsa kunyanyala ntchito, adawachenjeza kuti anthu ambiri odana ndi tsankho posachedwapa adzachita ziwawa kudzera m'magulu monga a PAC Poqo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4516,"He believed that the ANC should form an armed group to channel some of this violence in a controlled direction, convincing both ANC leader Albert Luthuli—who was morally opposed to violence—and allied activist groups of its necessity","Ankakhulupirira kuti ACN iyenera kupanga gulu lina la zigawenga kuti zaupandu zina zikhale zadongosolo, anawatsimikizira atsogoleri a ANC Albert Lithuli-yemwe ankatsutsana ndi ziwawa - ndi mgwirizano wa magulu ena pazakufunikira kwake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4517,"Becoming chairman of the militant group, Mandela gained ideas from literature on guerrilla warfare by Marxist militants Mao and Che Guevara","Kukhala Wampando wa Gulu logalukira, Mandela adapeza nzeru kuchokera mmabuku a nkhondo yazigawenga omwe analembedwa ndi msilikali Mao ndi Che Guavara",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4518,We of Umkhonto have always sought to achieve liberation without bloodshed and civil clash,Ife a Umkhonto takhala tikuyesetsa kupeza ufulu popanda kukhetsa magazi ndi mikangano yapachiŵeniŵeni ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4519,"Even at this late hour, we hope that our first actions will awaken everyone to a realization of the dangerous situation to which Nationalist policy is leading","Ngakhale nthawi yakumapetoyi, tikuyembekeza kuti zomwe tachita poyamba zidzadzutsa aliyense kuzindikira zoopsa zomwe ndondomeko ya Nationalist ikutsogolera ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4520,We hope that we will bring the Government and its supporters to their senses before it is too late so that both government and its policies can be changed before matters reach the desperate stage of civil war,Tikukhulupirira kuti tibweretsa Boma ndi omwe ali kumbali yake kuti azindikire bwino nthawi isanathe kuti boma ndi ndondomeko zake zisinthidwe zinthu zisanafike povuta kwambiri nkhondo yapachiweniweni,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4521,"Operating through a cell structure, MK planned to carry out acts of sabotage that would exert maximum pressure on the government with minimum casualties","Kugwiritsa ntchito kapangidwe ka foni, MK adakonzekera kuchita zinthu za sabotage yomwe ikanakakamiza kwambiri boma ndi ovulala pang'ono",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4522,"They sought to bomb military installations, power plants, telephone lines, and transport links at night, when civilians were not present","Ankafuna kuphulitsa malo ankhondo, malo opangira magetsi, matelefoni, ndi mayendedwe usiku, pomwe anthu wamba kunalibe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4523,"Mandela stated that they chose sabotage because it was the least harmful action, did not involve killing, and offered the best hope for racial reconciliation afterwards","Mandela adanena kuti adasankha chiwonongeko chifukwa chinali chosavulaza, sichinaphatikizepo kupha, ndipo adapereka chiyembekezo chabwino kwambiri chakuyanjanitsa mitundu pambuyo pake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4524,He nevertheless acknowledged that should this have failed then guerrilla warfare might have been necessary,Sanavomereze kuti izi zikadakhala zalephera pomwepo mwina zinali zofunika kwambiri.,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4525,"On 5 August 1962, police captured Mandela along with fellow activist Cecil Williams near Howick","Pa 5 August 1962, apolisi adagwira Mandela pamodzi ndi womenyera ufulu mnzake Cecil Williams pafupi ndi Howick",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4526,"Many MK members suspected that the authorities had been tipped off with regard to Mandela's whereabouts, although Mandela himself gave these ideas little credence","Mamembala ambiri a MK ankakayikira kuti akuluakulu a boma adadziwitsidwa za komwe Mandela ali, ngakhale Mandela mwiniwakeyo sanakhulupirire maganizo amenewa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4527,Mandela was charged with inciting workers' strikes and leaving the country without permission,Mandela adayimbidwa mlandu wokakamira ndikupita kudzikolo popanda chilolezo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4528,"Representing himself with Slovo as legal advisor, Mandela intended to use the trial to showcase ""the ANC's moral opposition to racism"" while supporters demonstrated outside the court","Kudziyimira yekha ndi a Slovo monga mlangizi walamulo, Mandela adafuna kugwiritsa ntchito mayeserowo kuti awonetse 'Anc amatsutsa zamakhalidwe a Anc' pomwe othandizira adawonetsa kunja kwa khothi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4529,"Moved to Pretoria, where Winnie could visit him, he began correspondence studies for a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of London International Programmes","Anasamukira ku Pretoria, kumene Winnie ankatha kumuchezera, anayamba maphunziro a makalata a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) kuchokera ku University of London International Programmes",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4530,"His hearing began in October, but he disrupted proceedings by wearing a traditional kaross, refusing to call any witnesses, and turning his plea of mitigation into a political speech","Mlandu wake unayamba mu October, koma adasokoneza zomwe zidachitika povala kaross zachikhalidwe, kukana kuitana mboni, ndikusintha pempho lake loti achepetsedwe kukhala mawu andale ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4531,"Found guilty, he was sentenced to five years' imprisonment; as he left the courtroom, supporters sang ""Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika""","Wopezeka wolakwa, anaweruzidwa kuti akhale m'ndende zaka zisanu; Atachoka m'khothi, othandizira Sang 'NKosi Skelel Iafrika'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4532,"I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination","Ndalimbana ndi ulamuliro wa azungu, ndipo ndalimbana ndi ulamuliro wakuda ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4533,I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons will live together in harmony and with equal opportunities,Ndasimikiza za chikhalidwe cha ufulu wodzilamulira ndi ufulu momwe anthu onse azikhalira limodzi mogwirizana ndi mwayi wofanana,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4534,"It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to see realised. But if it needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die","Ndilo lingaliro lomwe ndikuyembekeza kukhalamo ndikuliwona likukwaniritsidwa. Koma ngati pakufunika kutero, ndiyenera kufera ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4535,"On 11 July 1963, police raided Liliesleaf Farm, arresting those that they found there and uncovering paperwork documenting MK's activities, some of which mentioned Mandela","Pa 11 July 1963, apolisi analowa m’famu ya Liliesleaf, n’kumanga anthu amene anawapeza kumeneko n’kuvumbulutsa zikalata zosonyeza ntchito za MK, zomwe zina zinatchula za Mandela",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4536,"The Rivonia Trial began at Pretoria Supreme Court in October, with Mandela and his comrades charged with four counts of sabotage and conspiracy to violently overthrow the government","Mlandu wa ku Rivonia unayamba ku Khothi Lalikulu la ku Pretoria mu October, pomwe Mandela ndi amzake akuimbidwa milandu inayi yowononga komanso kukonza chiwembu chofuna kugwetsa boma mwankhanza ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4537,"Although four of the accused denied involvement with MK, Mandela and the other five accused admitted sabotage but denied that they had ever agreed to initiate guerrilla war against the government","Ngakhale anayi mwa omwe akuimbidwa mlanduwo adakana kukhudzidwa ndi MK, Mandela ndi ena asanu omwe adawaimbidwa mlandu adavomereza kuti adawononga koma adakana kuti adagwirizanapo kuyambitsa nkhondo ya zigawenga ndi boma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4538,"They used the trial to highlight their political cause; at the opening of the defence's proceedings, Mandela gave his three-hour ""I Am Prepared to Die"" speech","Anagwiritsa ntchito mlanduwu kuti asonyeze zolinga zawo zandale; potsegulira mlandu wa chitetezo, Mandela adalankhula mawu ake a maola atatu akuti 'Ndakonzekera kufa'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4539,"That speech—which was inspired by Castro's ""History Will Absolve Me""—was widely reported in the press despite official censorship","Mawu amenewo, omwe adauziridwa ndi Castro's 'History Will Absolve Me', adanenedwa kwambiri m'manyuzipepala ngakhale adawunikiridwa ndi boma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4540,The trial gained international attention; there were global calls for the release of the accused from the United Nations and World Peace Council,Mlanduwo unapangitsa chidwi padziko lonse lapansi; mabungwe a United Nations ndi World Peace Council anayankhulapo kuti oyimbidwa mlanduwa amasulidwe,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4541,"Justice De Wet found Mandela and two of his co-accused guilty on all four charges; although the prosecution had called for the death sentence to be applied, the judge instead condemned them to life imprisonment","Woweruza milandu De Wet adapeza Mandela ndi awiri mwa omwe adamuimba nawo olakwa pamilandu yonse inayi; ngakhale wozenga milandu adapempha kuti chigamulo cha imfa chitsatidwe, woweruza m'malo mwake adawaweruza kuti akakhale kundende kwa moyo wake wonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4542,"In 1964, Mandela and his co-accused were transferred from Pretoria to the prison on Robben Island, remaining there for the next 18 years","Mu 1964, Mandela ndi omwe ananiyimbidwa nawo mlandu adasamutsidwa kuchokera ku pretoria kupita ku ndende pa Robben Island, komwe adakhala mpaka zaka khumi ndi zisanu ndi zitatu zotsatira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4543,"Isolated from non-political prisoners in Section B, Mandela was imprisoned in a damp concrete cell measuring 8 feet, with a straw mat on which to sleep","Atapatulidwa ku akaidi omwe sanali a ndale mu Gawo B, Mandela anatsekeredwa m’chipinda cha makoma onyowa chotalika 8 feet, ndi mphasa yogonapo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4544,"Verbally and physically harassed by several white prison wardens, the Rivonia Trial prisoners spent their days breaking rocks into gravel, until being reassigned in January 1965 to work in a lime quarry","Atazunzidwa pomuyankhula komanso kuthupi ndi ogwira ntchito za ndende achizungu, akaidi a Rivonia Trial anakhala masiku awo akuswa miyala, mpaka pamene anatumizidwa mu January 1965 kukagwira ntchito yoswa miyala yopangira lime",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4545,"Mandela was initially forbidden to wear sunglasses, and the glare from the lime permanently damaged his eyesight","Mandela adaletsedwa kuvala magalasi, ndipo kuwala kuchokera pa lime kunawononga maso ake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4546,"At night, he worked on his LLB degree, which he was obtaining from the University of London through a correspondence course with Wolsey Hall, Oxford, but newspapers were forbidden, and he was locked in solitary confinement on several occasions for the possession of smuggled news clippings","Usiku, ankachita maphunziro ake aukachenjede waza malamulo, omwe amapeza ku sukulu yaukachenjede ya London kudzera mu maphunziro olemberana makalata ndi Wolsey Hall, Oxford, koma nyuzipepala zinali zoletsedwa, ndipo anatsekeredwa m'ndende yayekha kangapo chifukwa chopezeka ndi nkhani zozembetsa zidutswa za nyuzipepala",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4547,"He was initially classified as the lowest grade of prisoner, Class D, meaning that he was permitted one visit and one letter every six months, although all mail was heavily censored","Poyamba anamuika m’gulu la mkaidi wotsikitsitsa, M’kalasi D, kutanthauza kuti ankaloledwa kudzazondedwa kamodzi ndiponso kalata imodzi miyezi isanu ndi umodzi iliyonse, ngakhale kuti makalata onse anali kufufuzidwa kwambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4548,"The political prisoners took part in work and hunger strikes—the latter considered largely ineffective by Mandela—to improve prison conditions, viewing this as a microcosm of the anti-apartheid struggle","Akaidi a ndale adatenga nawo gawo pa ntchito ndi njala - zomwe Mandela adaziwona kuti sizinagwire ntchito - kuti asinthe makhalidwe a ndende, powona izi ngati microcosm ya nkhondo yolimbana ndi tsankho",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4549,"Initiating the ""University of Robben Island"", whereby prisoners lectured on their own areas of expertise, he debated socio-political topics with his comrades","Poyambitsa 'University of Robben Island', pomwe akaidi amakaphunzira ntchito molingana ndi maluso awo, adakambirana nkhani umoyo wa anthu pa ndale ndi anzawo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4550,"Various official visitors met with Mandela, most significantly the liberal parliamentary representative Helen Suzman of the Progressive Party, who championed Mandela's cause outside of prison","Alendo ovomerezeka osiyanasiyana anakumana ndi Mandela, makamaka woyimilira ku nyumba ya malamulo Helen Suzman wa Progressive Party, yemwe adalimbikitsa ntchito za Mandela kunja kwa ndende ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4551,"In September 1970, he met British Labour Party politician Denis Healey. South African Minister of Justice Jimmy Kruger visited in December 1974, but he and Mandela did not get along with each other","Mu September 1970, adakumana ndi wandale waku Britain Labor Party a Denis Healey. Nduna Yowona Zachilungamo ku South Africa Jimmy Kruger adayendera mu December 1974, koma iye ndi Mandela sanagwirizane",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4552,"His mother visited in 1968, dying shortly after, and his firstborn son Thembi died in a car accident the following year","Amayi ake adapitako mchaka cha 1968, akufa atangomwalira, ndipo mwana wake woyamba Thembi anamwalira pa ngozi ya galimoto chaka chotsatira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4553,"Mandela was forbidden from attending either funeral. His wife was rarely able to see him, being regularly imprisoned for political activity, and his daughters first visited in December 1975","Mandela adaletsedwa kupita kumaliro aliwonse. Mkazi wake sanali wokhoza kumuwona, akumatsekeredwa m’ndende nthaŵi zonse chifukwa cha ndale, ndipo ana ake aakazi anafika koyamba mu December 1975",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4554,Winnie was released from prison in 1977 but was forcibly settled in Brandfort and remained unable to see him,Winnie anatuluka m’ndende mu 1977 koma anakhazikika ku Brandfort mokakamizika ndipo analephera kuonana naye,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4555,"From 1967 onwards, prison conditions improved. Black prisoners were given trousers rather than shorts, games were permitted, and the standard of their food was raised","Kuyambira mu 1967 kupita mtsogolo, zinthu zinali bwino kundende. Akaidi akuda adapatsidwa mabuluku osati makabudula, masewera amaloledwa, ndipo kakonzedwe ka chakudya chawo kadakwezedwa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4556,"In 1969, an escape plan for Mandela was developed by Gordon Bruce, but it was abandoned after the conspiracy was infiltrated by an agent of the South African Bureau of State Security, who hoped to see Mandela shot during the escape","Mu 1969, ndondomeko yothawira Mandela idapangidwa ndi Gordon Bruce, koma idasiyidwa pambuyo pakuti ndondomekoyi inatulukiridwa ndi kazitape wa nthambi ya chitetezo ya South Africa, yemwe ankayembekezera kuona Mandela akuwomberedwa pa nthawi yothawa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4557,"Mandela, seeing an increase in the physical and mental abuse of prisoners, complained to visiting judges, who had Badenhorst reassigned","Mandela, powona kuwonjezeka kwa kuzunzidwa kwakuthupi ndi m'maganizo kwa akaidi, adadandaula kwa oweruza oyendera, yemwe anachititsa kuti Badenhorst asinthidwe ntchito",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4558,"He was replaced by Commander Willie Willemse, who developed a co-operative relationship with Mandela and was keen to improve prison standards","Anasinthidwa ndi mkulu wa ndende Willie Willemse, yemwe adapanga ubale ndi Mandela ndipo anaunitsitsa kupititsa patsogolo moyo wa akaidi ku ndende ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4559,"By the late 1960s, Mandela's fame had been eclipsed by Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement (BMC)","Kumapeto kwa zaka za m'ma 1960, kutchuka kwa Mandela kudaposedwa ndi Steve Biko ndi Black Consciousness Movement (BMC)",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4560,"Mandela tried to build a relationship with these young radicals, although he was critical of their racialism and contempt for white anti-apartheid activists","Mandela anayesa kumanga ubale ndi achinyamata omwe ankaganiza zogalukira, ngakhale kuti ankatsutsa tsankho lawo komanso kunyoza azungu omwe ankatsutsa ulamuliro tsankho ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4561,"Renewed international interest in his plight came in July 1978, when he celebrated his 60th birthday","Dziko lapansi linakhalanso ndi chidwi pakuvutika kwake mu July 1978, pamene adakondwerera tsiku lake loti wakwanitsa zaka 60 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4562,"Conditions at Pollsmoor were better than at Robben Island, although Mandela missed the camaraderie and scenery of the island","Makhalidwe ku Pollsmoor anali abwino kuposa ku Robben Island, ngakhale Mandela anaphonya malo ochezera a pachilumbachi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4563,"Getting on well with Pollsmoor's commanding officer, Mandela was permitted to create a roof garden","Pokhala bwino ndi woyang'anira wamkulu wa Pollsmoor, Mandela adaloledwa kupanga dimba la padenga ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4564,"He also read voraciously and corresponded widely, now being permitted 52 letters a year","Amawerenganso modzikhuthula ndipo analumikizana ndi anthu kwambiri, panthawi ankaloledwa kulandira malakata 52 pachaka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4565,"The early 1980s witnessed an escalation of violence across the country, and many predicted civil war","Kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m’ma 1980, ziwawa zinakula kwambiri m’dziko lonselo, ndipo ambiri ankalosera kuti nkhondo yapachiŵeniŵeni inali yaikulu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4566,This was accompanied by economic stagnation as various multinational banks—under pressure from an international lobby—had stopped investing in South Africa,Izi zidatsagana ndi kusokonekera kwachuma pomwe mabanki osiyanasiyana amitundu yosiyanasiyana - mokakamizidwa ndi gulu lolimbikitsa mayiko - adasiya kuyika ndalama ku South Africa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4567,Numerous banks and Thatcher asked Botha to release Mandela—then at the height of his international fame—to defuse the volatile situation,Mabanki ambiri ndi Thatcher adapempha Botha kuti amasule Mandela - panthawi yomwe anali wotchuka padziko lonse lapansi - kuti athetse vutoli ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4568,"Although considering Mandela a dangerous ""arch-Marxist"", Botha offered him, in February 1985, a release from prison if he ""unconditionally rejected violence as a political weapon""","Ngakhale ankaona kuti Mandela ndi 'arch-Marxist' woopsa, Botha anamupereka, mu February 1985, kuti amutulutse m'ndende ngati 'akana chiwawa ngati chida chandale'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4569,"Mandela spurned the offer, releasing a statement through his daughter Zindzi stating, ""What freedom am I being offered while the organisation of the people [ANC] remains banned? Only free men can negotiate. A prisoner cannot enter into contracts.""","Mandela anakana kupereka, kumasula mawu kudzera mu mwana wake wamkazi Zindzi akunena kuti, 'Kodi ndi ufulu uti womwe ndikadaperekedwa pomwe gulu la anthu [ANC] limaletsedwa? Anthu omasuka okha omwe amatha kukambirana. Mkaidi sangathe kulowa nawo.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4570,"In 1985, Mandela underwent surgery on an enlarged prostate gland before being given new solitary quarters on the ground floor","Mu 1985, Mandela anachitidwa opaleshoni ya prostate gland yokulirapo asanapatsidwe malo okhala yekhayekha pansi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4571,"He was met by ""seven eminent persons"", an international delegation sent to negotiate a settlement, but Botha's government refused to co-operate, calling a state of emergency in June and initiating a police crackdown on unrest","Anakumana ndi 'anthu asanu ndi awiri odziwika bwino, nthumwi za mayiko ena zimatumizidwa kukakambirana, koma boma la Botha lidakana kugwirira ntchito",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4572,"The anti-apartheid resistance fought back, with the ANC committing 231 attacks in 1986 and 235 in 1987","Kulimbana ndi tsankho kunalimbananso, ndipo ANC idachita zigawenga zokwana mazana awiri ndimakumi atatu kudzanso imodzi mu 1986 ndi ndimazana awiri ndimakumi atatu kudzanso zisanu mu 1987",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4573,The violence escalated as the government used the army and police to combat the resistance and provided covert support for vigilante groups,Ziwawa zidakula pomwe boma lidagwiritsa ntchito asirikali ndi apolisi polimbana ndi zigawenga komanso kupereka thandizo lachinsinsi kwa magulu a alonda,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4574,"Mandela requested talks with Botha but was denied, instead secretly meeting with Minister of Justice Kobie Coetsee in 1987, and having a further 11 meetings over the next three years","Mandela anapempha kukambitsirana ndi Botha koma anakanidwa, m’malo mwake anakumana mwachinsinsi ndi Nduna ya Zachilungamo Kobie Coetsee mu 1987, ndikukhala ndi misonkhano ina khumi ndi umodzi pazaka zitatu zotsatira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4575,Coetsee organised negotiations between Mandela and a team of four government figures starting in May 1988,Coetsee adakonza zokambirana pakati pa Mandela ndi gulu la ziwerengero zinayi zaboma kuyambira mu May chaka cha 1988,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4576,"The team agreed to the release of political prisoners and the legalisation of the ANC on the condition that they permanently renounce violence, break links with the Communist Party, and not insist on majority rule","Gululi lidavomera kumasulidwa kwa akaidi a ndale komanso kuvomerezeka kwa chipani cha ANC pokhapokha ngati asiya ziwawa mpaka kalekale, asiya mgwirizano ndi chipani cha Communist, komanso osaumirira paulamuliro wa ambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4577,"Mandela rejected these conditions, insisting that the ANC would end its armed activities only when the government renounced violence","Mandela anakana makhalidwe amenewa, nanenetsa kuti ANC idzathetsa ntchito zake zankhondo pokhapokha boma litasiya zachiwawa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4578,"Mandela's 70th birthday in July 1988 attracted international attention, including a tribute concert at London's Wembley Stadium that was televised and watched by an estimated 200 million viewers","Tsiku lokumbukira kubadwa kwa kuti wakwanitsa zaka maumi asanu ndiawiri mu July 1988 linakopa chidwi cha mayiko, kuphatikizapo phwando lanyimbo mdzina lake pa bwalo la Wembley ku Londan womwe unawulisidwa pa wayilesi za kanema ndipo unawoneledwa ndi anthu oposa 200 miliyoni",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4579,"Although presented globally as a heroic figure, he faced personal problems when ANC leaders informed him that Winnie had set herself up as head of a gang, the ""Mandela United Football Club"", which had been responsible for torturing and killing opponents—including children—in Soweto","Ngakhale padziko lonse anatengedwa ngati wolimba mtima, anakumana ndi zovuta pa umunthu wake pamene atsogoleri a ANC anamuuza kuti Winnie anadziyika mwayekha kukhala mtsogoleri wa gulu lazaupandulo, lotchedwa ""Mandela United Footbal Gang"", lomwe linakhuzidwa ndi kuzunzidwa komanso kuphedwa kwa owatsutsa-kuphatikizapo ana-ku Soweto",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4580,"Though some encouraged him to divorce her, he decided to remain loyal until she was found guilty by trial","Ngakhale kuti ena anam’limbikitsa kuti amusudzule, iye anaganiza zokhalabe wokhulupirika mpaka pamene anapezeka kuti ndi wolakwa pa mlandu wake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4581,"Recovering from tuberculosis exacerbated by the damp conditions in his cell, Mandela was moved to Victor Verster Prison in December 1988","Atachira ku chifuwa chachikulu chifukwa cha chinyontho mu chipinda cha ndende yake, Mandela anasamutsidwira kundende ya Victor Verster mu December 1988 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4582,"He was housed in the relative comfort of a warder's house with a personal cook, and he used the time to complete his LLB degree","Adalimbikitsidwa ndi nyumba ya wodekha wokhala ndi ophika, ndipo adagwiritsa ntchito nthawi yomaliza digiri ya LLB",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4583,"While there, he was permitted many visitors and organised secret communications with exiled ANC leader Oliver Tambo","Ali kumeneko, adaloledwa alendo ambiri ndipo adapanga mauthenga achinsinsi ndi mtsogoleri wa ANC Oliver Tambo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4584,"In 1989, Botha suffered a stroke; although he would retain the state presidency, he stepped down as leader of the National Party, to be replaced by F. W. de Klerk","Mu 1989, Botha anadwala matenda akufa ziwalo,.Ngakhale kuti adakhalabe mtsogoleri wa dziko wa boma, adatsika pansi ngati mtsogoleri wa National Party, ndipo m'malo mwake adasinthidwa ndi FW de Klerk",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4585,"In a surprise move, Botha invited Mandela to a meeting over tea in July 1989, an invitation Mandela considered genial","Modabwitsa, Botha anaitanira Mandela kumsonkhano womwa tiyi mu July 1989, chiitano chimene Mandela anachilingalira kukhala chabwino ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4586,Botha was replaced as state president by de Klerk six weeks later; the new president believed that apartheid was unsustainable and released a number of ANC prisoners,Botha adasinthidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko ndi de Klerk masabata asanu ndi limodzi pambuyo pake; mtsogoleri wa dziko watsopanoyo amakhulupirira kuti tsankho linali losakhazikika ndipo anamasula akaidi angapo a ANC ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4587,"Although some were deeply opposed to his plans, de Klerk met with Mandela in December to discuss the situation, a meeting both men considered friendly, before legalising all formerly banned political parties in February 1990 and announcing Mandela's unconditional release","Ngakhale ena adatsutsa kwambiri malingaliro ake, de Klerk adakumana ndi Mandela mu December kuti akambirane za nkhaniyi, msonkhano womwe amuna onse awiri adauwona ngati waubwenzi, asanavomereze zipani zonse zomwe zidaletsedwa kale mu February 1990 ndikulengeza kumasulidwa kwa Mandela mopanda malire",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4588,"Shortly thereafter, for the first time in 20 years, photographs of Mandela were allowed to be published in South Africa","Posakhalitsa, kwa nthawi yoyamba m’zaka makumi awiri, zithunzi za Mandela zinaloledwa kusindikizidwa ku South Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4589,"Leaving Victor Verster Prison on 11 February, Mandela held Winnie's hand in front of amassed crowds and the press","Pochoka kundende ya Victor Verster pa pa February, Mandela adagwira dzanja la Winnie pamaso pa khamu la anthu komanso atolankhani",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4590,"The event was broadcast live across the world. Driven to Cape Town's City Hall through crowds, he gave a speech declaring his commitment to peace and reconciliation with the white minority, but he made it clear that the ANC's armed struggle was not over and would continue as ""a purely defensive action against the violence of apartheid""","Mwambowu unalengezedwa padziko lonse lapansi. Adayendetsedwa kupita ku bwalo la mu mzinda wa Cape Town, adayankhula ponena kudzipeleka kwake pamtendere ndikuyanjananso ndi azungu omwe anali ochepa, koma ananena poyera kuti ANC sinasiye kudzitchinniriza ndi zida ndipo idzapitiriza kuchita izi ngati njira yodzitetezera basi ku nkhanza za azungu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4591,"He expressed hope that the government would agree to negotiations, so that ""there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle"", and insisted that his main focus was to bring peace to the black majority and give them the right to vote in national and local elections","Iye adati akuyembekeza kuti boma livomera zokambirana, kuti 'pasakhalenso kufunika kwankhondo', ndipo adanenetsa kuti cholinga chake chachikulu ndikubweretsa mtendere kwa anthu ambiri akuda ndikuwapatsa ufulu wovota mdziko lonse. ndi masankho apakati",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4592,"Staying at Tutu's home, in the following days Mandela met with friends, activists, and press, giving a speech to an estimated 100,000 people at Johannesburg's FNB Stadium","Atakhala kunyumba kwa Tutu, m’masiku otsatira Mandela anakumana ndi anzake, omenyera ufulu wa anthu, ndi atolankhani, akulankhula kwa anthu pafupifupi zikwi zokwana makumi khumi pa FNB Stadium ya Johannesburg ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4593,"In Cuba, he became friends with President Castro, whom he had long admired","Ku Cuba, adakhala paubwenzi ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko Castro, yemwe amkamusilira kwa nthawi yayitali",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4594,"In May 1990, Mandela led a multiracial ANC delegation into preliminary negotiations with a government delegation of 11 Afrikaner men","Mu mwezi wa May chaka cha 1990, Mandela adatsogolera nthumwi zamitundu yambiri za ANC kukakambitsirana koyambirira ndi nthumwi za boma za amuna khumi ndiimodzi achiafrika ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4595,"He spent much time trying to unify and build the ANC, appearing at a Johannesburg conference in December attended by 1,600 delegates, many of whom found him more moderate than expected","Anakhala nthawi yayitali kuyesa kugwirizanitsa ndikumanga chipani cha ANC, akuwonekera pamsonkhano wa ku Johannesburg mu December komwe kunali nthumwi zokwana chikwi chimodzi ndi mazana asanu ndiimodzi, ambiri mwa iwo adapeza kuti anali wodekha kuposa momwe ankayembekezera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4596,"At the ANC's July 1991 national conference in Durban, Mandela admitted that the party had faults and announced his aim to build a ""strong and well-oiled task force"" for securing majority rule","Pamsonkhano wadziko lonse wa ANC wa July 1991 ku Durban, Mandela adavomereza kuti chipanicho chinali ndi zolakwika ndipo adalengeza cholinga chake chokhazikitsa 'gulu lamphamvu ndi lopangidwa bwino' kuti ateteze ulamuliro wambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4597,"At the conference, he was elected ANC President, replacing the ailing Tambo, and a 50-strong multiracial, mixed gendered national executive was elected","Pamsonkhanowo, adasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa ANC, m'malo mwa Tambo yemwe akudwala, ndipo mtsogoleri wadziko lonse wa anthu makumia asanu amitundu yosiyanasiyana, komanso amuna ndi akazi adasankhidwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4598,"Their marriage was increasingly strained as he learned of her affair with Dali Mpofu, but he supported her during her trial for kidnapping and assault",Banja lawo linkavuta kwambiri atamva za chibwenzi chake ndi Dali Mpofu koma anamuthandiza pa mlandu wobedwa komanso kumumenya ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4599,"On 13 April 1992, Mandela publicly announced his separation from Winnie. The ANC forced her to step down from the national executive for misappropriating ANC funds","Pa 13 April 1992, Mandela adalengeza poyera kupatukana kwake ndi Winnie. Chipani cha ANC chidamukakamiza kuti atule pansi udindo wake pa udindo waukulu chifukwa chogwiritsa ntchito molakwika ndalama za ANC ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4600,"Mandela's prospects for a peaceful transition were further damaged by an increase in ""black-on-black"" violence, particularly between ANC and Inkatha supporters in KwaZulu-Natal, which resulted in thousands of deaths","Chiyembekezo cha Mandela chosintha mwamtendere chinawonongekanso chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa ziwawa za 'wakuda-kwa-wakuda', makamaka pakati pa otsatira a ANC ndi Inkatha ku KwaZulu-Natal, zomwe zidapha anthu masauzande ambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4601,"Mandela met with Inkatha leader Buthelezi, but the ANC prevented further negotiations on the issue","Mandela anakumana ndi mtsogoleri wa Inkatha Buthelezi, koma ANC inaletsa zokambirana zina pa nkhaniyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4602,"Mandela argued that there was a ""third force"" within the state intelligence services fuelling the ""slaughter of the people"" and openly blamed de Klerk—whom he increasingly distrusted",Mandela anatsutsa kuti panali 'gulu lachitatu' mkati mwa mabungwe a intelligence a boma omwe amalimbikitsa 'kupha anthu' ndipo anadzudzula poyera de Klerk-yemwe ankasamukhulupirira ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4603,"In September 1991, a national peace conference was held in Johannesburg at which Mandela, Buthelezi and de Klerk signed a peace accord, though the violence continued","Mu September 1991, msonkhano wadziko lonse wamtendere udachitikira ku Johannesburg pomwe Mandela, Buthelezi ndi de Klerk adasaina mgwirizano wamtendere, ngakhale ziwawa zidapitilira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4604,"After de Klerk used the closing speech to condemn the ANC's violence, Mandela took to the stage to denounce de Klerk as the ""head of an illegitimate, discredited minority regime""","De Klerk atagwiritsa ntchito mawu otsekera kudzudzula ziwawa za ANC, Mandela adakwera pabwalo kudzudzula de Klerk ngati 'mutu wa boma la anthu ochepa, osavomerezeka'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4605,"Dominated by the National Party and ANC, little negotiation was achieved","Molamulidwa ndi National Party ndi ANC, anakwanitsa kukambirana pang'ono",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4606,"Calling for domestic mass action, in August the ANC organised the largest-ever strike in South African history, and supporters Marched on Pretoria","Pofuna kuti anthu achitepo kanthu, mu August chipani cha ANC chinakonza chionetsero chachikulu kwambiri chomwe sichinachitikepo m'mbiri ya South Africa, ndipo otsatira adaguba ku Pretoria",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4607,"He agreed to do so on the conditions that all political prisoners be released, that Zulu traditional weapons be banned, and that Zulu hostels would be fenced off, the latter two measures intended to prevent further Inkatha attacks","Iye anavomera kutero potsatira mfundo zoti akaidi onse a ndale atulutsidwe, kuti zida zachikhalidwe za Azulu ziletsedwe, komanso kuti ma hostel a Azulu akhale ndi mpanda, njira ziwiri zomalizirazi pofuna kupewa kuukira kwa Inkatha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4608,"De Klerk reluctantly agreed. The negotiations agreed that a multiracial general election would be held, resulting in a five-year coalition government of national unity and a constitutional assembly that gave the National Party continuing influence","D Delerk anavomera monyinyirika. Zokambirana zinagwirizana kuti pachitike chisankho chokhuza mitundu yambiri, zomwe zinadzetsa boma la mgwirizano ndiponso nyumba yamalamulo yovomerezeka imene inapelekansnso mphamvu ku chipani cha National ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4609,The ANC also conceded to safeguarding the jobs of white civil servants; such concessions brought fierce internal criticism,Anc inavomerezanso kuteteza ntchito za azungu mmboma; Zoterezi zimabweretsa kutsutsana mkawi mwawo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4610,"The duo agreed on an interim constitution based on a liberal democratic model, guaranteeing separation of powers, creating a constitutional court, and including a US-style bill of rights; it also divided the country into nine provinces, each with its own premier and civil service","Awiriwa adagwirizana kuti pakhale malamulo oyembekezera kwa nthawi yochepa wotsamira pa ufulu wa demokalase, poonetsetsa kuti kusalowerana mphamvu, kuyambitsa mwabwalo ozenga milandu ya yokhuza malamulo, koamnso kuphatikizapo lamulo la ufulu lofanana ndi la dziko la America; linagawanso dzikolo mzigawo zisanu ndi zinayi, chilichonse kukhala ndi wotsogolera wake komanso ogwira ntchito akeake a boma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4611,"With the election set for 27 April 1994, the ANC began campaigning, opening 100 election offices and orchestrating People's Forums across the country at which Mandela could appear, as a popular figure with great status among black South Africans","Ndi chisankho chomwe chimayenera kuchitika pa 27 April 1994, ANC inayamba kukopa anthu, kutsegula malo ogwilira ntchito 100 ndiponso kukhadzikitsa mabwalo a anthu mmadera onse mdzikomo komwe Mandela amayenera kuonekera, ngati munthu wotchuka wauklemu wake pakati pa anthu akuda mu SOuth Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4612,"The ANC campaigned on a Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) to build a million houses in five years, introduce universal free education and extend access to water and electricity","ANC idakopa anthu pa Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) yofuna kumanga nyumba miliyoni mzaka zisanu, kuyambitsa maphunziro aulere kwa onse komanso kukulitsa mwayi wopeza madzi ndi magetsi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4613,"The party's slogan was ""a better life for all"", although it was not explained how this development would be funded","Mawu otsogolera chipanichi anali ""moyo wabwino kwa onse "", ngakhale sizinafotokozedwe momwe ndalama za ntchitoyi zikanapezekera ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4614,"With the exception of the Weekly Mail and the New Nation, South Africa's press opposed Mandela's election, fearing continued ethnic strife, instead supporting the National or Democratic Party","Kupatula Weekly Mail ndi New Nationa, nyumba zowulutsira mawu mu South Africa sidzinagwirizane ndi kusankhidwa kwa Mandela, ankaopa kugalukirana kwa mitundu, mmalo mwake anathandiza chipani cha National kapena Democratic",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4615,"As leaders of the two major parties, de Klerk and Mandela appeared on a televised debate","Monga atsogoleri a zipani zazikulu ziwiri, de Klerk ndi Mandela anawonekera pa mtsutso wa pa TV",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4616,"Although de Klerk was widely considered the better speaker at the event, Mandela's offer to shake his hand surprised him, leading some commentators to deem it a victory for Mandela","Ngakhale kuti de Klerk ankaonedwa kuti ndi wolankhula bwino pamwambowu, zomwe Mandela anamuuza kuti agwire chanza zinamudabwitsa, zomwe zinachititsa kuti olemba ndemanga ena aone kuti ndi kupambana kwa Mandela",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4617,"The election went ahead with little violence, although an AWB cell killed 20 with car bombs","Chisankhocho chidapitilira ndi ziwawa zochepa, ngakhale gulu la AWB lidapha anthu makumi awiri ndi bomba otcheredwa mmagalimoto ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4618,"As widely expected, the ANC won a sweeping victory, taking 63% of the vote, just short of the two-thirds majority needed to unilaterally change the constitution","Monga momwe anthu ambiri amayembekezera, chipani cha ANC chidapambana kwambiri, kutenga 63% ya mavoti, kungolephera pa magawo awiri pa atatu aliwonse ofunikira kuti asinthe malamulo adzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4619,"The ANC was also victorious in seven provinces, with Inkatha and the National Party each taking one","Anc idapambananso zigawo zisanu ndi ziwiri, ndipo Inkatha ndi chipani cha National aliyense chigawo chimodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4620,The newly elected National Assembly's first act was to formally elect Mandela as South Africa's first black chief executive,Ntchito yoyamba ya Nyumba Yamalamulo ya National Assembly yomwe idasankhidwa kumene inali kusankha Mandela mwalamulo kukhala wamkulu wamkulu wakuda ku South Africa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4621,"His inauguration took place in Pretoria on 10 May 1994, televised to a billion viewers globally","Kukhazikitsidwa kwake kudachitikira ku Pretoria pa 10 May 1994, kuwulutsidwa kwa owonera biliyoni padziko lonse lapansi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4622,"The event was attended by four thousand guests, including world leaders from a wide range of geographic and ideological backgrounds","Pamwambowo panafika alendo zikwi zinayi, kuphatikizapo atsogoleri a mayiko ochokera kumadera osiyanasiyana komanso amalingaliro osiyanasiyana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4623,Mandela headed a Government of National Unity dominated by the ANC—which had no experience of governing by itself—but containing representatives from the National Party and Inkatha,Mandela adatsogolera Boma la Umodzi Wadziko Lonse lolamulidwa ndi ANC - lomwe linalibe ukadaulo wolamulira paokha - koma munali oimira National Party ndi Inkatha,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4624,"Although Mbeki had not been his first choice for the job, Mandela grew to rely heavily on him throughout his presidency, allowing him to shape policy details","Ngakhale Mbeki sanali chisankho chake choyamba pa ntchitoyi, Mandela adadalira kwambiri iye pa nthawi yonse ya utsogoleri wake, zomwe zinamulola kuti apange ndondomeko za ndondomeko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4625,"Moving into the presidential office at Tuynhuys in Cape Town, Mandela allowed de Klerk to retain the presidential residence in the Groote Schuur estate, instead settling into the nearby Westbrooke manor, which he renamed ""Genadendal"", meaning ""Valley of Mercy"" in Afrikaans","Kusamukira mu malo ogwilira ntchito a mtsogoleri wa dziko ku mzinda wa Cape Town, Mandela adalola de klek kuti akhalebe mnyumba ya mtsogoleri wa dziko ku dera Groote Schuur, mmalo mwake anakhala moyandikira, ku nyumba ya Westbrooke, yomwe anayisintha dzina kukhala ""Genadendal"", kuthanthauza kuti :Chigwa chachifundo""' muchiyankhulo cha Afrikaans",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4626,"Retaining his Houghton home, he also had a house built in his home village of Qunu, which he visited regularly, walking around the area, meeting with locals, and judging tribal disputes","Posunga nyumba yake ya Houghton, adamanganso nyumba kumudzi kwawo ku Qunu, komwe amapitako pafupipafupi, kuyendayenda m'derali, kumakumana ndi anthu akumaloko, ndikuweruza mikangano yamitundu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4627,"Aged 76, he faced various ailments, and although exhibiting continued energy, he felt isolated and lonely","Ali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndi awiri kudzanso zisanu ndi chimodzi, ankakumana ndi matenda osiyanasiyana, ndipo ngakhale kuti ankapitirizabe kusonyeza mphamvu, ankadziona kuti ali yekhayekha komanso wosungulumwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4628,"He often entertained celebrities, such as Michael Jackson and befriended ultra-rich businessmen","Nthawi zambiri amasangalatsa anthu otchuka, monga Michael Jackson komanso kucheza ndi mabizinesi olemera kwambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4629,"He also met with Queen Elizabeth II on her March 1995 state visit to South Africa, which earned him strong criticism from ANC anti-capitalists","Anakumananso ndi Mfumukazi Elizabeti II paulendo wake wokacheza ku South Africa mu March 1995, womwe unadzetsa mpungwepungwe mu ANC ndi otsutsana ndi anthu obera chuma osauka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4630,"Despite his opulent surroundings, Mandela lived simply, donating a third of his R 552,000 annual income to the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, which he had founded in 1995","Ngakhale malo ake anali olemera, Mandela anakhala moyo wosalira zambiri, kupereka gawo limodzi mwa magawo atatu a ndalama zake zapachaka zokwana ma Rand okwana zikwi mazana asanu kudzanso mazana asanu ndi awiri ku Nelson Mandela loyannganira zaufulu waana, imene anaiyambitsa mu 1995",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4631,"Although dismantling press censorship, speaking out in favour of freedom of the press and befriending many journalists, Mandela was critical of much of the country's media, noting that it was overwhelmingly owned and run by middle-class whites and believing that it focused too heavily on scaremongering about crime","Ngakhale adathetsa kuwunika kwa atolankhani, kuyankhula mokomera ufulu wa atolankhani komanso kukhala paubwenzi ndi atolankhani ambiri, Mandela adadzudzula zowulutsa zambiri za dzikolo, ponena kuti zidali zake komanso zimayendetsedwa ndi azungu apakati komanso akukhulupirira kuti zimayang'ana kwambiri kuwopseza zaumbanda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4632,"In late 1994, he attended the 49th conference of the ANC in Bloemfontein, at which a more militant national executive was elected, among them Winnie Mandela","Kumapeto kwa 1994, adapita nawo ku msonkhano wa 49 wa ANC ku Bloemfontein, pomwe mtsogoleri wadziko lonse wankhondo adasankhidwa, pakati pawo Winnie Mandela",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4633,"Although she expressed an interest in reconciling, Nelson initiated divorce proceedings in August 1995","Ngakhale adawonetsa chidwi chofuna kuyanjananso, Nelson adayambitsa chisudzulo mu August 1995",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4634,"By 1995, he had entered into a relationship with Graça Machel, a Mozambican political activist 27 years his junior who was the widow of former president Samora Machel","Pofika chaka cha 1995, adalowa muubwenzi ndi Graça Machel, womenyera ndale wa ku Mozambique zaka makumi awiri ndi asanu ndi awiri yemwe anali wamasiye wa mtsogoleri wa dziko wakale Samora Machel",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4635,"They had first met in July 1990 when she was still in mourning, but their friendship grew into a partnership, with Machel accompanying him on many of his foreign visits","Anakumana koyamba mu July 1990 adakali pachisoni, koma ubwenzi wawo unakula mpaka kufika pa mgwirizano, ndipo Machel ankatsagana naye maulendo ambiri akunja ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4636,"She turned down Mandela's first marriage proposal, wanting to retain some independence and dividing her time between Mozambique and Johannesburg","Adakana ukwati wa Mandela, akufuna kusunga ufulu ndikugawana nthawi yake pakati pa Mozambique ndi Johannesburg",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4637,"Gracious but steely, [Mandela] steered a country in turmoil toward a negotiated settlement","Wachifundo komanso wolimba, [Mandela] adatsogolera dziko lomwe linali mmavuto kufika poti agwirizana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4638,"A country that days before its first democratic election remained violent, riven by divisive views and personalities","Dziko lomwe masiku atatsala pang'ono kuchita chisankho cha zipani zambiri linali pa ziwawa, motsogozedwa ndi maganizo ogawanitsa komanso anthu odzikonda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4639,"He endorsed national reconciliation, an idea he did not merely foster in the abstract, but performed with panache and conviction in reaching out to former adversaries","Adavomereza chiyanjanitso cha dziko, lingaliro lomwe sanangolimbikitsa mwachiphamaso, koma adachita mwanzeru komanso motsimikiza pakufikira adani akale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4640,"He initiated an era of hope that, while not long-lasting, was nevertheless decisive, and he garnered the highest international recognition and affection","Anayambitsa nthawi ya chiyembekezo yomwe, ngakhale kuti sinali yokhalitsa, inali yotsimikizika, ndipo adalandira kuzindikirika ndi chikondi chapamwamba kwambiri padziko lonse ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4641,"Presiding over the transition from apartheid minority rule to a multicultural democracy, Mandela saw national reconciliation as the primary task of his presidency","Potsogolera kusintha kuchokera ku ulamuliro wa tsankho kupita ku ufulu wodzilamulira wokha ndi mitungu yosiyanasiyana, Mandela adawona kuyanjanitsa dziko monga ntchito yayikulu ya utsogoleri wake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4642,"Having seen other post-colonial African economies damaged by the departure of white elites, Mandela worked to reassure South Africa's white population that they were protected and represented in ""the Rainbow Nation""","Ataona mmene mayiko ena mu Africa pambuyo pa chitaganya anagwera pa chuma chifukwa chakuchoka kwa azungu odzikonda, Mandela anagwira ntchito yowatsimikizira azungu mu south Africa kuti anali wotetezedwa komanso kuyimiridwa mdziko la utawalezali",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4643,"Mandela expressed the view that ""South Africa's future foreign relations [should] be based on our belief that human rights should be the core of international relations""","Mandela ananena maganizo ake kuti ""tsogolo la South Africa pamaubale ake ndi mayiko akunja litsamire pachikhulupiliro chakuti ufulu wa anthu ukhale gwero la maubale ndi mayiko ena""",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4644,"Inspired by the region's economic boom, Mandela sought greater economic relations with East Asia, in particular with Malaysia, although this was prevented by the 1997 Asian financial crisis","Atalimbikitsika ndi kukwera kwa chuma mchigawocho, Mandela anafuna maubale opambana ku chigawo chakummawa, makamaka ku Malaysia, ngakhale izi zinalepheretsedwa ndi kusokonekera kwa chuma ku Asia mu 1997",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4645,"He extended diplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of China (PRC), who were growing as an economic force, and initially also to Taiwan, who were already longstanding investors in the South African economy","Anawonjezera kuvomereza ukazembe ndi People's Republic of China (PRC), yomwe imakula kukhala otsogola pachuma, komanso poyambirira ku Taiwan, omwe ndikale ankachita malonda mu South Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4646,Mandela hoped to resolve the long-running dispute between Libya and the United States and Britain over bringing to trial the two Libyans who were indicted in November 1991 and accused of sabotaging Pan Am Flight 103,Mandela ankayembekezera kuthetsa mkangano womwe wakhalapo kwa nthawi yaitali pakati pa Libya ndi United States ndi Britain pakutengera kubwalo lamlandu anthu awiri a ku Libya omwe anazengedwa mlandu mu November 1991 ndipo anayimbidwa mlandu wowononga Pan Am Flight 103,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4647,"Mandela proposed that they be tried in a third country, which was agreed to by all parties, the trial was held at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands in April 1999, and found one of the two men guilty","Mandela analingalira kuti iwo aweruzidwe m’dziko lachitatu, lomwe linavomerezedwa ndi mbali zonse, mlandu unachitikira ku Camp Zeist ku Netherlands mu April 1999, ndipo anapeza mmodzi mwa amuna awiriwo ndi wolakwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4648,"The new Constitution of South Africa was agreed upon by parliament in May 1996, enshrining a series of institutions to place checks on political and administrative authority within a constitutional democracy","Malamulo atsopano a dziko la South Africa adagwirizana ndi nyumba yamalamulo mu May 1996, ndikuyika mabungwe angapo kuti aziyang'anira ulamuliro wandale ndi utsogoleri mu ufulu wodzilamulira yovomerezeka ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4649,"De Klerk opposed the implementation of this constitution, and that month he and the National Party withdrew from the coalition government in protest, claiming that the ANC were not treating them as equals","De Klerk adatsutsa kukhazikitsidwa kwa lamuloli, ndipo mwezi womwewo iye ndi National Party adatuluka m'boma la mgwirizano poonetsa kusagwirizana nazo, ponena kuti a ANC simawatenga ngati ofanana pamphamvu'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4650,"The ANC took over the cabinet positions formerly held by the Nationals, with Mbeki becoming sole Deputy President","ANC idatenga maudindo omwe kale anali a mzika za dziko, ndipo Mbeki adakhala wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleriyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4651,"Inkatha remained part of the coalition, and when both Mandela and Mbeki were out of the country in September 1998, Buthelezi was appointed ""Acting President"", marking an improvement in his relationship with Mandela","Inkatha anakhalabe mbali ya mgwirizanowo, ndipo pamene Mandela ndi Mbeki anali kunja kwa dziko mu September 1998, Buthelezi anasankhidwa kukhala 'Acting President', kusonyeza kusintha kwa ubale wake ndi Mandela",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4652,"Although Mandela had often governed decisively in his first two years as president, he had subsequently increasingly delegated duties to Mbeki, retaining only a close personal supervision of intelligence and security measures","Ngakhale Mandela nthawi zambiri ankalamulira motsimikiza m'zaka zake ziwiri zoyambirira monga mtsogoleri wa dziko, pambuyo pake adapereka ntchito zambiri kwa Mbeki, akungoyang'anira mosamala njira za intelligence ndi chitetezo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4653,"During a 1997 visit to London, he said that ""the ruler of South Africa, the de facto ruler, is Thabo Mbeki"" and that he was ""shifting everything to him""","Paulendo wake ku London mu chaka cha 1997, adanena kuti 'wolamulira wa South Africa, wolamulira wamkulu, ndi Thabo Mbeki' ndipo 'akusinthira zonse kwa iye",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4654,Mandela stepped down as ANC President at the party's December 1997 conference,Mandela adatsika pansi ngati mtsogoleri wa ANC pa msonkhano wa chipani cha December 1997 ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4655,"He hoped that Ramaphosa would succeed him, believing Mbeki to be too inflexible and intolerant of criticism, but the ANC elected Mbeki regardless","Iye ankayembekeza kuti Ramaphosa alowa m’malo mwake pokhulupirira kuti Mbeki ndi wosasinthika komanso wosalolera kudzudzulidwa, koma chipani cha ANC chinasankha Mbeki mosasamala kanthu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4656,"Mandela and the Executive supported Jacob Zuma, a Zulu who had been imprisoned on Robben Island, as Mbeki's replacement for Deputy President","Mandela ndi komiti yayikulu adathandizira Jacob Zuma, MZulu yemwe adamangidwa pa Robben Island, monga wolowa m'malo mwa Wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4657,"Zuma's candidacy was challenged by Winnie, whose populist rhetoric had gained her a strong following within the party, although Zuma defeated her in a landslide victory vote at the election","Kuyimirira kwa Zuma kudatsutsidwa ndi Winnie, yemwe zonena za anthu zidamupangitsa kuti azitsatira kwambiri chipanichi, ngakhale Zuma adamugonjetsera pachisankhocho",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4658,"Mandela's relationship with Machel had intensified; in February 1998, he publicly stated that he was ""in love with a remarkable lady"", and under pressure from Tutu, who urged him to set an example for young people, he organised a wedding for his 80th birthday, in July that year","Ubale wa Mandela ndi Machel unali utakula; mu February 1998, adanena poyera kuti 'amakondana ndi mkazi wopatsa chikoka"" ndipo mokakamizidwa ndi Tutu, yemwe adamulimbikitsa kuti apereke chitsanzo kwa achinyamata, adakonza ukwati wa tsiku lake lobadwa la chaka chachi makumi asanu ndiatatu, mu July chaka chimenecho",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4659,"The following day, he held a grand party with many foreign dignitaries. Although the 1996 constitution allowed the president to serve two consecutive five-year terms, Mandela had never planned to stand for a second term in office","Tsiku lotsatira, anali ndi phwando lalikulu ndi olemekezeka ambiri. Ngakhale lamulo la 1996 lidalola mtsogoleri wa dziko kuti atumikire mawu awiri otsatizana, Mandela sanalingalirepo gawo lachiwiri muofesi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4660,"He gave his farewell speech to Parliament on 29 March 1999 when it adjourned prior to the 1999 general elections, after which he retired","Iye adapereka malankhulidwe ake otsanzika ku Nyumba yamalamulo pa 29 march 1999 pomwe idayimitsa chisankho cha 1999 chisanachitike, ndipo pambuyo pake adapuma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4661,"Although opinion polls in South Africa showed wavering support for both the ANC and the government, Mandela himself remained highly popular, with 80% of South Africans polled in 1999 expressing satisfaction with his performance as president","Ngakhale zisankho ku South Africa zidawonetsa kukhudzika kwa chipani cha ANC ndi boma, Mandela mwiniyo adakhalabe wotchuka kwambiri, pomwe 80% ya anthu aku South Africa omwe adafunsidwa mu 1999 adawonetsa kukhutitsidwa ndi ntchito yake ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4662,"Retiring in June 1999, Mandela aimed to lead a quiet family life, divided between Johannesburg and Qunu","Atapuma pa ntchito mu June 1999, Mandela ankafuna kukhala moyo wabanja wabata, wogawidwa pakati pa Johannesburg ndi Qunu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4663,"Although he set about authoring a sequel to his first autobiography, to be titled The Presidential Years, it remained unfinished and was only published posthumously in 2017","Ngakhale adakhazikitsa chigamulo chotsatira cha autobinography, kuti afesere zaka za mtsogoleri wa dziko, zidakhalabe ndipo zidangosindikizidwa pompano mu chaka cha 2017",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4664,"Mandela found such seclusion difficult and reverted to a busy public life involving a daily programme of tasks, meetings with world leaders and celebrities, and—when in Johannesburg—working with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, founded in 1999 to focus on rural development, school construction, and combating HIV/AIDS","Mandela adapeza kudzipatula koteroko kukhala kovuta ndipo adabwereranso ku moyo wotanganidwa wa anthu okhudzana ndi ntchito za tsiku ndi tsiku, misonkhano ndi atsogoleri a dziko lapansi ndi anthu otchuka, ndipo - pamene anali ku Johannesburg - akugwira ntchito ndi Nelson Mandela Foundation, yomwe inakhazikitsidwa mu 1999 kuti iganizire za chitukuko cha kumidzi, kumanga masukulu. , ndi kulimbana ndi HIV/AIDS",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4665,"Although he had been heavily criticised for failing to do enough to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic during his presidency, he devoted much of his time to the issue following his retirement, describing it as ""a war"" that had killed more than ""all previous wars""","Ngakhale adadzudzulidwa kwambiri chifukwa cholephera kuchita mokwanira kuthana ndi mliri wa HIV/AIDS muutsogoleri wake, adapereka nthawi yake yambiri pankhaniyi atapuma pantchito, akufotokoza kuti nkhondo yomwe idapha anthu ambiri kuposa kale lonse. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4666,"Affiliating himself with the Treatment Action Campaign, he urged Mbeki's government to ensure that HIV-positive South Africans had access to anti-retrovirals. Meanwhile, Mandela was successfully treated for prostate cancer in July 2001","Pogwirizana ndi chikoka chothandiza anthu kupeza chithandizo chamatenda, adalimbikitsa boma la Mbeki kuti liwonetsetse kuti anthu omwe ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV ku South Africa ali ndi mwayi wogwiritsa ntchito ma ARV. Panthawiyi, Mandela adachiritsidwa bwino ndi khansa ya prostate mu July 2001",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4667,"Publicly, Mandela became more vocal in criticising Western powers. He strongly opposed the 1999 NATO intervention in Kosovo and called it an attempt by the world's powerful nations to police the entire world","Pagulu, Mandela adalankhula kwambiri podzudzula maulamuliro aku Western. Iye adatsutsa mwamphamvu kulowererapo kwa NATO ku 1999 ku Kosovo ndipo adayitcha kuyesa kwa mayiko amphamvu padziko lonse lapansi kuti agwire apolisi padziko lonse lapansi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4668,"In 2003, he spoke out against the plans for the United States to launch a war in Iraq, describing it as ""a tragedy"" and lambasting US president George W. Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair for undermining the UN","Mu 2003, adalankhula motsutsana ndi ndondomeko zoti dziko la United States lithire nkhondo Iraq, pofotokoza kuti ndi tsoka komanso kudzudzula mokalipa mtsogoleri wa dziko wa US George W. Bush ndi nduna yaikulu ya ku Britain Tony Blair ponyazitsa mphamvu za UN",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4669,"In June 2004, aged 85 and amid failing health, Mandela announced that he was ""retiring from retirement"" and retreating from public life, remarking, ""Don't call me, I will call you.""","Mu June 2004, wazaka makumi asanu ndiatatu kudzanso asanu ndipo ali ndi thanzi labwino kwambiri, Mandela adalengeza kuti anali wopuma pantchito 'ndikuyenda kuchokera ku moyo wa anthu, ndikukutchula, ndidzakuimbirani",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4670,"Although continuing to meet with close friends and family, the foundation discouraged invitations for him to appear at public events and denied most interview requests","Ngakhale akupitiliza kukumana ndi abwenzi apamtima komanso abale, mazikowo adaletsa kuyitanidwa kuti akawonekere pagulu ndipo adakana zopempha zambiri zoyankhulana ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4671,"He retained some involvement in international affairs. In 2005, he founded the Nelson Mandela Legacy Trust","Anapitirizabe kuchita nawo zochitika zapadziko lonse. Mu 2005, adakhazikitsa Nelson Mandela Legacy Trust",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4672,Mandela also encouraged Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe to resign over growing human rights abuses in the country,Mandela adalimbikitsanso mtsogoleri wa dziko la Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe kuti atule pansi udindo wake chifukwa cha kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu m’dziko muno,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4673,"When this proved ineffective, he spoke out publicly against Mugabe in 2007, asking him to step down ""with residual respect and a modicum of dignity","Izi zitathandizadi, iye amalankhula motsutsana ndi Mugabe mu 2007, ndikumupempha kuti atsike 'ndi ulemu wotsalira komanso",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4674,"That year, Mandela, Machel and Desmond Tutu convened a group of world leaders in Johannesburg to contribute their wisdom and independent leadership to some of the world's toughest problems","Chaka chimenecho, Mandela, Machel ndi Desmond Tutu adasonkhanitsa gulu la atsogoleri adziko lonse ku Johannesburg kuti apereke nzeru zawo ndi utsogoleri wodziyimira pawokha ku zovuta zina zapadziko lonse",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4675,"Mandela's 90th birthday was marked across the country on 18 July 2008, with the main celebrations held at Qunu, and a concert in his honour in Hyde Park, London","Tsiku lobadwa la Mandela lokwanitsa zaka makumi asanu ndi anayi lidadziwika m'dziko lonselo pa 18 July chaka cha 2008, ndi zikondwerero zazikulu zomwe zinachitikira ku Qunu, ndi konsati ya ulemu wake ku Hyde Park, London",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4676,"In a speech marking the event, Mandela called for the rich to help the poor across the world","M’nkhani yosonyeza mwambowu, Mandela anapempha olemera kuti athandize osauka padziko lonse lapansi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4677,"Throughout Mbeki's presidency, Mandela continued to support the ANC, usually overshadowing Mbeki at any public events that the two attended","Mu utsogoleri wonse wa Mbeki, Mandela anapitirizabe kuthandizira ANC, nthawi zambiri ankaphimba Mbeki pazochitika zapagulu zomwe awiriwa adapitako",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4678,"Mandela was more at ease with Mbeki's successor, Zuma, although the Nelson Mandela Foundation was upset when his grandson, Mandla Mandela, flew him out to the Eastern Cape to attend a pro-Zuma rally in the midst of a storm in 2009","Mandela anali omasuka kwambiri ndi wolowa m'malo wa Mbeki, Zama, ngakhale Nelson Mandela atakhumudwa pamene mdzukulu wake, Mandila Mandela, Kupita Kumkumbwe Kupita Kumkuntho Kwa 2009 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4679,"Despite maintaining a low profile during the event due to ill health, Mandela made his final public appearance during the World Cup closing ceremony, where he received much applause","Ngakhale sanadziwike pamwambowu chifukwa cha matenda, Mandela adawonekera komaliza pamwambo wotseka chikho cha World Cup, pomwe adawomberedwa m'manja ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4680,"Between 2005 and 2013, Mandela, and later his family, were embroiled in a series of legal disputes regarding money held in family trusts for the benefit of his descendants","Pakati pa zaka za 2005 ndi 2013, Mandela, ndipo kenako banja lake, adakangana pamilandu yokhudzana ndi ndalama zomwe zimasungidwa m'mabanja kuti zithandize mbadwa zake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4681,"In mid-2013, as Mandela was hospitalised for a lung infection in Pretoria, his descendants were involved in an intra-family legal dispute relating to the burial place of Mandela's children, and ultimately Mandela himself","Pakati pa chaka cha 2013, pamene Mandela adagonekedwa m'chipatala chifukwa cha matenda a m'mapapo ku Pretoria, zidzukulu zake zidakhudzidwa ndi mkangano wamilandu pakati pa mabanja okhudzana ndi malo omwe anaikidwa ana a Mandela, ndipo pamapeto pake Mandela mwini ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4682,"In February 2011, Mandela was briefly hospitalised with a respiratory infection, attracting international attention, before being re-admitted for a lung infection and gallstone removal in December 2012","Mu mwezi wa February 2011, Mandela adagonekedwa m'chipatala ndi matenda opuma, zomwe zidakopa chidwi cha mayiko, asanalowetsedwenso chifukwa cha matenda a m'mapapo ndi kuchotsa ndulu mu December chaka cha 2012",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4683,"After a successful medical procedure in early March 2013, his lung infection recurred and he was briefly hospitalised in Pretoria","Atalandira chithandizo chamankhwala koyambirira kwa march 2013, matenda ake am'mapapo adayambiranso ndipo adagonekedwa mchipatala ku Pretoria",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4684,"In June 2013, his lung infection worsened and he was readmitted to a Pretoria hospital in serious condition","Mu June 2013, matenda ake a m'mapapo adakula ndipo adagonekedwanso m'chipatala cha Pretoria ali muvuto lalikulu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4685,"The Archbishop of Cape Town Thabo Makgoba visited Mandela at the hospital and prayed with Machel, while Zuma cancelled a trip to Mozambique to visit him the following day","Archbishop waku Cape Town Thabo Makgoba adayendera Mandela kuchipatalako ndikupemphera ndi Machel, pomwe Zuma adaletsa ulendo wopita ku Mozambique kuti akamucheze tsiku lotsatira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4686,"In September 2013, Mandela was discharged from hospital, although his condition remained unstable","Mu mwezi wa September chaka cha 2013, Mandela anatulutsidwa m’chipatala, ngakhale kuti matenda ake sanakhazikike.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4687,"After suffering from a prolonged respiratory infection, Mandela died on 5 December 2013 at the age of 95, at around 20:50 local time at his home in Houghton, surrounded by his family","Atadwala matenda a kupuma kwa nthawi yayitali, Mandela adamwalira pa 5 December 2013 ali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndianayi kudxanso zisanu, cha mu mphindi zopotsala khumi kuti ikwane 9 koloko kunyumba kwawo ku Houghton, atazunguliridwa ndi banja lake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4688,"Zuma publicly announced his death on television, proclaiming ten days of national mourning, a memorial service held at Johannesburg's FNB Stadium on 10 December 2013, and 8 December as a national day of prayer and reflection","Zuma adalengeza za imfa yake pawailesi yakanema, kulengeza za masiku khumi a maliro a dziko lonse, mwambo wa chikumbutso womwe unachitikira ku FNB Stadium ku Johannesburg pa 10 December 2013, ndi 8 December ngati tsiku la dziko lonse la mapemphero ndi kulingalira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4689,Mandela's body lay in state from 11 to 13 December at the Union Buildings in Pretoria and a state funeral was held on 15 December in Qunu,Thupi la Mandela lidagonekedwa mwaulemu wa boma kuyambira pa 11 mpaka 13 December ku nyumba za Union ku Pretoria ndipo maliro a boma adachitika pa 15 December kudela la Qunu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4690,It was later revealed that 300 million rand (about 20 million dollars) originally earmarked for humanitarian development projects had been redirected to finance the funeral,Pambuyo pake zidadziwika kuti ndalama zokwana madola ma miliyoni mazana atatu (pafupifupi madola ma miliyoni maklumi awiri) zomwe zidaperekedwa kuti zithandizire ntchito zachitukuko zidatumizidwa kuti zipereke ndalama zamalirowo,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4691,"The media was awash with tributes and reminiscences, while images of tributes to Mandela proliferated across social media","Oulutsa nkhani anali odzaza ndi zikhumbo ndi kukumbukira, pomwe zithunzi za ulemu kwa Mandela zidachulukira m'malo ochezera a pa TV",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4692,"For me, there was no contradiction. I was first and foremost an African nationalist fighting for our emancipation from minority rule and the right to control our own destiny","Kwa ine, panalibe zosemphana. Poyamba ndinali wokonda dziko la Africa kumenyera ufulu wathu ku ulamuliro wa anthu ochepa komanso kukhala ndi ufulu wodzilamulira tokha ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4693,"But at the same time, South Africa and the African continent were part of the larger world","Koma nthawi yomweyo, dziko la South Africa ndi Africa anali mbali ya dziko lalikulu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4694,"Our problems, while distinctive and special, were not unique, and a philosophy that placed those problems in an international and historical context of the greater world and the course of history was valuable","Mavuto athu, ngakhale kuti ndi apadera komanso apadera, sanali apadera, ndipo filosofi yomwe inayika mavutowa m'mayiko osiyanasiyana komanso mbiri yakale ya dziko lalikulu komanso mbiri yakale inali yofunika ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4695,I was prepared to use whatever means necessary to speed up the erasure of human prejudice and the end of chauvinistic and violent nationalism,Ndinali wokonzeka kugwiritsa ntchito njira iliyonse yofunikira kuti ndifulumizitse tsankho la anthu komanso kuthetsa tsankho komanso chiwawa. ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4696,"He was a practical politician, rather than an intellectual scholar or political theorist","Iye anali wandale wothandiza, osati wophunzira wanzeru kapena wandale ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4697,"According to biographer Tom Lodge, ""for Mandela, politics has always been primarily about enacting stories, about making narratives, primarily about morally exemplary conduct, and only secondarily about ideological vision, more about means rather than ends","Malinga ndi wolemba mbiri ya moyo Tom Lodge, 'kwa Mandela, ndale nthawi zonse zakhala zokamba nkhani, zokamba nkhani, makamaka za makhalidwe abwino, ndipo kachiwiri za masomphenya a malingaliro, zambiri za njira osati mathero",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4698,"His political development was strongly influenced by his legal training and practice, in particular his hope to achieve change not through violence but through ""legal revolution","Chitukuko chake cha ndale chidakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi maphunziro ake azamalamulo ndi machitidwe ake, makamaka chiyembekezo chake chofuna kusintha osati mwachiwawa koma kudzera mu 'kusintha kwalamulo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4699,"Over the course of his life, he began by advocating a path of non-violence, later embracing violence, and then adopting a non-violent approach to negotiation and reconciliation","M'kati mwa moyo wake, adayamba ndi kulimbikitsa njira yosagwirizana ndi chiwawa, pambuyo pake adagwirizana ndi ziwawa, kenako adatenga njira yopanda chiwawa yokambilana ndi kuyanjanitsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4700,"When endorsing violence, he did so because he saw no alternative, and was always pragmatic about it, perceiving it as a means to get his opponent to the negotiating table","Povomereza ziwawa, adachita izi chifukwa samawona njira ina, ndipo nthawi zonse anali wotsimikiza za izi, akuwona ngati njira yofikitsira mdani wake pagome lokambirana ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4701,He sought to target symbols of white supremacy and racist oppression rather than white people as individuals and was anxious not to inaugurate a race war in South Africa,Ankafuna kutsata zizindikiro zosonyeza utsogoleri wa azungu ndi kuponderezana kwa tsankho m'malo mwa azungu monga munthu payekha ndipo anali wofunitsitsa kuti asayambitse nkhondo yamitundu ku South Africa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4702,"This willingness to use violence distinguishes Mandela from the ideology of Gandhism, with which some commentators have sought to associate him","Kufunitsitsa kugwiritsa ntchito ziwawa kumeneku kumasiyanitsa Mandela ndi ganizo lachi Gandhism, lomwe olemba ndemanga ena adafuna kuti amuphatikize nalo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4703,"Although he presented himself in an autocratic manner in several speeches, Mandela was a devout believer in democracy and abided by majority decisions even when deeply disagreeing with them","Ngakhale adadziwonetsera yekha mwaufulu m'zilankhulo zingapo, Mandela anali wokhulupirira kwambiri mu ufulu wodzilamulira ndipo amatsatira zisankho za anthu ambiri ngakhale amatsutsana nazo kwambiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4704,He had exhibited a commitment to the values of democracy and human rights since at least the 1960s,Adawonetsa kudzipereka ku mfundo za ufulu wodzilamulira ndi ufulu wa anthu kuyambira zaka za m'ma 1960,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4705,"He held a conviction that ""inclusivity, accountability and freedom of speech"" were the fundamentals of democracy, and was driven by a belief in natural and human rights","Iye anali ndi chikhulupiriro chakuti 'kuphatikiza, kuyankha ndi kumasuka kulankhula' ndizo maziko a ufulu wodzilamulira, ndipo zimayendetsedwa ndi chikhulupiliro cha ufulu wachibadwidwe ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4706,"On one side he adhered to ideas about collective leadership, although on the other believed that there were scenarios in which a leader had to be decisive and act without consultation to achieve a particular objective","Kumbali ina amatsatira malingaliro okhudzana ndi utsogoleri wamagulu, ngakhale kumbali ina amakhulupirira kuti pali zochitika zomwe mtsogoleri amayenera kukhala wotsimikiza ndikuchitapo kanthu popanda kukambirana kuti akwaniritse cholinga chake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4707,"Mandela was widely considered a charismatic leader, described by biographer Mary Benson as ""a born mass leader who could not help magnetizing people""","Mandela ankaganiziridwa kuti ndi mtsogoleri wachikoka, wofotokozedwa ndi wolemba mbiri ya moyo Mary Benson monga 'mtsogoleri wa anthu wobadwa yemwe sakanatha kuthandiza anthu kukopa anthu' ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4708,"He was highly image conscious and throughout his life always sought out fine quality clothes, with many commentators believing that he carried himself in a regal manner","Anali wozindikira kwambiri ndipo m'moyo wake wonse ankafunafuna zovala zabwino kwambiri, ndipo othirira ndemanga ambiri amakhulupirira kuti amadziyendetsa mwaulemu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4709,"His aristocratic heritage was repeatedly emphasised by supporters, thus contributing to his ""charismatic power""","Cholowa chake chaulemerero chinagogomezeredwa mobwerezabwereza ndi omutsatira, motero kumathandizira ku 'mphamvu zake zachikoka'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4710,"While living in Johannesburg in the 1950s, he cultivated the image of the ""African gentleman"", having ""the pressed clothes, correct manners, and modulated public speech"" associated with such a position","Ali ku Johannesburg m'zaka za m'ma 1950, adakulitsa chithunzi cha 'munthu wa ku Africa', wokhala ndi 'zovala zoponderezedwa, makhalidwe abwino, ndi kulankhula bwino pagulu' zogwirizana ndi udindo wotero ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4711,"In doing so, Lodge argued that Mandela became ""one of the first media politicians ... embodying a glamour and a style that projected visually a brave new African world of modernity and freedom""","Pochita izi, Lodge adatsutsa kuti Mandela adakhala 'm'modzi mwa andale oyamba atolankhani ... ali ndi chidwi komanso mawonekedwe omwe amawonetsa dziko latsopano la Africa lamakono ndi ufulu'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4712,"Mandela was known to change his clothes several times a day, and he became so associated with highly coloured Batik shirts after assuming the presidency that they came to be known as ""Madiba shirts""","Mandela ankadziwika kuti amasintha zovala zake kangapo patsiku, ndipo adagwirizana kwambiri ndi malaya a Batik amitundu yopambana atatenga utsogoleri kotero kuti adadziwika kuti 'mashati a Madiba'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4713,Mandela was a private person who often concealed his emotions and confided in very few people,Mandela anali munthu wachinsinsi yemwe nthawi zambiri amabisa zakukhosi kwake ndikuuza anthu ochepa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4714,"Privately, he lived an austere life, refusing to drink alcohol or smoke, and even as president made his own bed","Mwachinsinsi, ankakhala moyo wovuta, kukana kumwa mowa kapena kusuta, ndipo ngakhale anali mtsogoleri wa dziko, ankayala malo ake ogona",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4715,"Renowned for his mischievous sense of humour, he was known for being both stubborn and loyal, and at times exhibited a quick temper","Wodziŵika chifukwa cha nthabwala zake zoipa, ankadziŵika kukhala wouma khosi ndi wokhulupirika, ndipo nthaŵi zina anali wokwiya msanga",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4716,"He was typically friendly and welcoming, and appeared relaxed in conversation with everyone, including his opponents","Nthawi zambiri anali wansangala komanso wolandiridwa, ndipo ankawoneka womasuka pokambirana ndi aliyense, kuphatikizapo adani ake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4717,"Constantly polite and courteous, he was attentive to all, irrespective of their age or status, and often talked to children or servants","Nthawi zonse waulemu ndi waulemu, anali womvetsera kwa onse, mosasamala kanthu za msinkhu wawo kapena udindo, ndipo nthawi zambiri ankalankhula ndi ana kapena antchito ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4718,He was known for his ability to find common ground with very different communities,Ankadziwika chifukwa cha luso lake lopeza zinthu zomwe amafanana ndi anthu osiyanasiyana ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4719,"In later life, he always looked for the best in people, even defending political opponents to his allies, who sometimes thought him too trusting of others","M’kupita kwanthaŵi, iye nthaŵi zonse ankayang’ana zabwino mwa anthu, ngakhale kuteteza otsutsana naye pandale, amene nthaŵi zina ankaganiza kuti amakhulupirira kwambiri ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4720,"The significance of Mandela can be considered in two related ways. First, he has provided through his personal presence as a benign and honest conviction politician, skilled at exerting power but not obsessed with it to the point of view of excluding principles, a man who struggled to display respect to all","Kufunika kwa Mandela kungaganizidwe munjira ziwiri zofananira. Choyamba, wapereka kudzera mwa kukhalapo kwake monga wandale wachilungamo komanso wotsimikiza mtima, waluso pakugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu koma osatengeka nazo kufikira pakusiya mfundo, munthu yemwe amavutika kulemekeza onse ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4721,"Second, in so doing he was able to be a hero and a symbol to an array of otherwise unlikely mates through his ability, like all brilliant nationalist politicians, to speak to very different audiences effectively at once","Chachiwiri, pochita izi adatha kukhala ngwazi komanso chizindikiro ku gulu la anthu omwe sangayembekezere kukhala pachibwenzi kudzera mu kuthekera kwake, monga andale onse okonda dziko, kulankhula ndi anthu osiyanasiyana nthawi imodzi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4722,Mandela was very self-conscious about being a man and regularly made references to manhood,Mandela ankadzidalira kwambiri kuti anali mwamuna ndipo nthawi zonse ankanena za umuna,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4723,"He was heterosexual, and biographer Fatima Meer said that he was ""easily tempted"" by women","Anali wogonana ndi amuna kapena akazi okhaokha, ndipo wolemba mbiri yakale Fatima Meer ananena kuti 'ankayesedwa mosavuta' ndi akazi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4724,"Another biographer, Martin Meredith, characterised him as being ""by nature a romantic"", highlighting that he had relationships with various women","Wolemba mbiri wina, Martin Meredith, adamutchula kuti 'mwachibadwa anali wokondana', kuwonetsa kuti anali ndi ubale ndi azimayi osiyanasiyana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4725,"Mandela was married three times, fathered six children, and had seventeen grandchildren and at least seventeen great-grandchildren","Mandela anakwatiwa katatu, anabala ana asanu ndi mmodzi, ndipo anali ndi zidzukulu khumi ndi zisanu ndi ziwiri ndi zidzukulutukulu khumi ndi zisanu ndi ziwiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4726,"He could be stern and demanding of his children, although he was more affectionate with his grandchildren","Akhoza kukhala wouma mtima ndi wovuta kwa ana ake, ngakhale kuti ankakonda kwambiri adzukulu ake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4727,"By the time of his death, within South Africa Mandela was widely considered both ""the father of the nation"" and ""the founding father of democracy""","Pa nthawi ya imfa yake, mu South Africa Mandela ankaonedwa kuti ndi 'tate wa dziko' komanso 'tate woyambitsa ufulu wodzilamulira'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4728,"Mandela's international fame emerged during his incarceration in the 1980s, when he became the world's most famous political prisoner, a symbol of the anti-apartheid cause, and an icon for millions who embraced the ideal of human equality","Kutchuka kwa Mandela padziko lonse kunaonekera pamene anali m'ndende m'zaka za m'ma 1980, pamene adakhala mkaidi wotchuka kwambiri wa ndale padziko lonse lapansi, chizindikiro cha zotsutsana ndi tsankho, komanso chithunzi cha anthu mamiliyoni ambiri omwe adalandira lingaliro la kufanana kwa anthu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4729,"In 1986, Mandela's biographer characterised him as ""the embodiment of the struggle for liberation"" in South Africa","Mu 1986, wolemba mbiri ya Mandela adamuwonetsa ngati 'chifaniziro cha nkhondo yomenyera ufulu' ku South Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4730,"Across the world, Mandela earned international acclaim for his activism in overcoming apartheid and fostering racial reconciliation, coming to be viewed as ""a moral authority"" with a great ""concern for truth""","Padera lonse, Mandela adalandira umboni padziko lonse lapansi kuti avomereze kukopeka kwake pakukambirana, kuwonedwa ngati 'ulamuliro wabwino' wokhala ndi chidwi choona '",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4731,"Obama's first-term actions addressed the global financial crisis and included a major stimulus package to guide the economy to recover from the Great Recession, a partial extension of George W. Bush's tax cuts, legislation to reform health care, a major financial regulation reform bill, and the end of a major U.S. military presence in Iraq","Zomwe Obama adachita panthawi yoyamba zidathana ndi vuto lazachuma padziko lonse lapansi ndikuphatikiza njira yayikulu yolimbikitsira chuma kuti ibwerere ku Great Recession, kukulitsa pang'ono kwa misonkho ya George W. Bush, malamulo osintha chisamaliro chaumoyo, lamulo lalikulu lowongolera zachuma. , ndi kutha kwa gulu lankhondo lalikulu la US ku Iraq",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4732,"He ordered the counterterrorism raid which killed Osama bin Laden and downplayed Bush's counterinsurgency model, expanding air strikes and making extensive use of special forces while encouraging greater reliance on host-government militaries","Analamula kuti zigawenga ziwonjezeke zomwe zidapha Osama bin Laden ndikuchepetsa njira ya Bush yolimbana ndi zigawenga, kukulitsa kuwukira kwa ndege komanso kugwiritsa ntchito kwambiri magulu ankhondo apadera kwinaku akulimbikitsa kudalira kwambiri magulu ankhondo a boma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4733,"Obama also ordered military involvement in Libya in order to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1973, contributing to the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi","Obama adalamulanso kutenga nawo gawo pankhondo ku Libya kuti akwaniritse chigamulo cha UN Security Council Resolution 1973, zomwe zidathandizira kugwetsedwa kwa Muammar Gaddafi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4734,"After winning re-election by defeating Republican opponent Mitt Romney, Obama was sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2013","Atapambana pachisankho pogonjetsa wotsutsana ndi Republican Mitt Romney, Obama adalumbiritsidwa kachiwiri pa January 20, 2013",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4735,"In his second term, Obama took steps to combat climate change, signing a major international climate agreement and an executive order to limit carbon emissions","Munthawi yake yachiwiri, a Obama adachitapo kanthu kuthana ndi kusintha kwanyengo, kusaina pangano lalikulu lazanyengo padziko lonse lapansi komanso lamulo loletsa kutulutsa mpweya wa carbon ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4736,"In late August 1961, a few weeks after he was born, Barack and his mother moved to the University of Washington in Seattle, where they lived for a year","Chakumapeto kwa August 1961, milungu ingapo atabadwa, Barack ndi amayi ake adasamukira ku yunivesite ya Washington ku Seattle, komwe adakhala kwa chaka ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4737,"Two years after graduating from Columbia, Obama moved from New York to Chicago when he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project, a faith-based community organization","Patatha zaka ziwiri atamaliza maphunziro awo ku Columbia, Obama anasamuka ku New York kupita ku Chicago pamene analembedwa ntchito monga mkulu wa bungwe la Developing Communities Project, bungwe la anthu achipembedzo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4738,He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988,Anagwira ntchito kumeneko monga wotsogolera anthu kuyambira June 1985 mpaka May 1988,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4739,Obama was an early opponent of the George W. Bush administration's 2003 invasion of Iraq,Obama anali woyambilira kutsutsa boma la George W. Bush pothira nkhondo mu 20023 ku Iraq ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4740,"On October 2, 2002, the day President Bush and Congress agreed on the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War, Obama addressed the first high-profile Chicago anti-Iraq War rally, and spoke out against the war","Pa October 2, 2002, tsiku lomwe mtsogoleri wa dziko Bush ndi a Congress adagwirizana pa chigamulo chogwirizana chololeza Nkhondo ya Iraq, Obama adalankhula ku msonkhano woyamba wapamwamba kwambiri ku Chicago wotsutsana ndi nkhondo ku Iraq, ndipo adalankhula motsutsana ndi nkhondoyo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4741,"He addressed another anti-war rally in March 2003 and told the crowd ""it's not too late"" to stop the war",Adalankhulanso ku msonkhano wina wotsutsa nkhondo mu march 2003 ndipo adauza anthu kuti 'sikuchedwa' kuyimitsa nkhondo ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4742,"Obama's expected opponent in the general election, Republican primary winner Jack Ryan, withdrew from the race in June 2004","Mdani yemwe amayembekezedwa ndi Obama pachisankho chachikulu, Jack Ryan yemwe adapambana pachisankho cha Republican, adatuluka mu June 2004",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4743,"During both the primary process and the general election, Obama's campaign set numerous fundraising records, particularly in the quantity of small donations","Pachiyambi chonse komanso chisankho chachikulu, kampeni ya Obama idakhazikitsa zolemba zambiri zopezera ndalama, makamaka kuchuluka kwa zopereka zazing'ono ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4744,"On June 19, 2008, Obama became the first major-party presidential candidate to turn down public financing in the general election since the system was created in 1976","Pa June 19, 2008, Obama adakhala mtsogoleri woyamba wachipani chachikulu kukana thandizo lazachuma pazisankho kuyambira pomwe dongosololi lidakhazikitsidwa mu 1976",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4745,Obama and McCain engaged in three presidential debates in September and October 2008,Obama ndi McCain adachita mitsutso itatu yamtsogoleri wa dziko mu September ndi October 2008,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4746,"On April 4, 2011, Obama filed election papers with the Federal Election Commission and then announced his reelection campaign for 2012 in a video titled ""It Begins with Us"" that he posted on his website","Pa April 4, 2011, a Obama adapereka zikalata zachisankho ku Federal Election Commission kenako adalengeza misonkhano yokopa anthu kuti amusankhenso pa zisankho mu kanema ya 2012 yomwe mutu wake unali ""Ziyambe ndi ife"" yomwe anayitulutsa pa tsamba la internet",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4747,"As the incumbent president, he ran virtually unopposed in the Democratic Party presidential primaries","Monga mtsogoleri wa dziko yemwe ali pampando, adapikisana nawo popanda wopikisana nawo pama primaries achipani cha Democratic Party ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4748,"Obama addressed supporters and volunteers at Chicago's McCormick Place after his reelection and said: ""Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual. You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours","Obama adalankhula ndi othandizira ndi odzipereka ku McCormick Place ku Chicago atasankhidwanso ndipo adati: 'Usiku uno mwavotera kuti muchitepo kanthu, osati ndale monga mwachizolowezi. Munatisankha kuti tiziika maganizo athu pa ntchito zanu osati zathu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4749,"And in the coming weeks and months, I am looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of both parties","Ndipo m'milungu ndi miyezi ikubwerayi, ndikuyembekezera kufikira ndikugwira ntchito ndi atsogoleri azipani zonse ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4750,"In his speeches as president, Obama did not make more overt references to race relations than his predecessors","M'malankhulidwe ake ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko, Obama sanatchule momveka bwino za ubale wamtundu kuposa omwe adamutsogolera ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4751,"Following Obama's election, many pondered the existence of a ""postracial America""","Kutsatira chisankho cha Obama, ambiri adasinkhasinkha za kukhalapo kwa 'postracial America'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4752,"However, lingering racial tensions quickly became apparent,] and many African-Americans expressed outrage over what they saw as an intense racial animosity directed at Obama","Komabe, mikangano yaufuko yomwe idapitilira idawonekera mwachangu,] ndipo ambiri aku Africa-America adakwiya ndi zomwe adawona ngati chidani chaufuko chomwe chimaperekedwa kwa Obama",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4753,"The acquittal of George Zimmerman following the killing of Trayvon Martin sparked national outrage, leading to Obama giving a speech in which he noted that ""Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago","Kutulutsidwa kwa George Zimmerman pambuyo pa kuphedwa kwa Trayvon Martin kudakwiyitsa dziko lonse, zomwe zidapangitsa kuti Obama alankhule pomwe adanenanso kuti 'Trayvon Martin akanakhala ine zaka 35 zapitazo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4754,"Several incidents during Obama's presidency generated disapproval from the African-American community and with law enforcement, and Obama sought to build trust between law enforcement officials and civil rights activists, with mixed results","Zochitika zingapo pa nthawi ya utsogoleri wa Obama zidapangitsa kuti anthu aku Africa-America asavomerezedwe ndi anthu aku Africa-America komanso azamalamulo, ndipo a Obama adafuna kulimbitsa chikhulupiriro pakati pa oyang'anira zamalamulo ndi omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe, ndi zotsatira zosiyana",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4755,"Some in law enforcement criticized Obama's condemnation of racial bias after incidents in which police action led to the death of African-American men, while some racial justice activists criticized Obama's expressions of empathy for the police","Apolisi ena adadzudzula zomwe Obama adatsutsa pakusankhana mitundu pambuyo pazochitika zomwe apolisi adapha amuna aku Africa-America, pomwe ena omenyera chilungamo amadzudzula zomwe Obama adanena pomvera apolisi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4756,"On October 30, 2009, Obama lifted the ban on travel to the United States by those infected with HIV","Pa October 30, 2009, Obama adachotsa lamulo loletsa kupita ku United States ndi omwe ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4757,"On April 20, 2010, an explosion destroyed an offshore drilling rig at the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, causing a major sustained oil leak","Pa April 20, 2010, kuphulika kunawononga makina obowola m'mphepete mwa nyanja ku Macondo Prospect ku Gulf of Mexico, zomwe zinachititsa kuti mafuta achuluke kwambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4758,"Obama visited the Gulf, announced a federal investigation, and formed a bipartisan commission to recommend new safety standards","Obama adapita ku Gulf, adalengeza za kafukufuku wa federal, ndipo adapanga bungwe la mayiko awiri kuti livomereze mfundo zatsopano zachitetezo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4759,"He then announced a six-month moratorium on new deepwater drilling permits and leases, pending regulatory review","Kenako adalengeza za kuyimitsidwa kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi pazilolezo zatsopano zobowola m'madzi akuya ndi kubwereketsa, podikirira kuwunikanso kwadongosolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4760,"Prior to the oil spill, on March 31, 2010, Obama ended a ban on oil and gas drilling along the majority of the East Coast of the United States and along the coast of northern Alaska in an effort to win support for an energy and climate bill and to reduce foreign imports of oil and gas","mafutawo asadataike, pa 31 march chaka cha 2010, Obamba adachotsa chiletso cha kuyenga mafuta ndi utsimakamaka kuzambwe kwa dziko la United States komanso mmbali mwa nyanja ku mpoto kwa Alaska ndicholinga chopeza chithandizo cha bilo ya zamphamvu yautsi komanso zanyengo ndicholinga chochepetsa kugula mafuta komanso utsi kumaiko akunja",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4761,"In December 2016, Obama permanently banned new offshore oil and gas drilling in most United States-owned waters in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans using the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Act","Mu December 2016, a Obama adaletsa kwamuyaya kukumba mafuta ndi gasi m'mphepete mwa nyanja m'madzi ambiri a United States ku Atlantic ndi Arctic Oceans pogwiritsa ntchito 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Act ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4762,"The costs of these provisions are offset by taxes, fees, and cost-saving measures, such as new Medicare taxes for those in high-income brackets, taxes on indoor tanning","Ndalama zomwe zimaperekedwazi zimachotsedwa ndi misonkho, chindapusa, ndi njira zochepetsera ndalama, monga misonkho yatsopano ya Medicare kwa omwe ali ndi ndalama zambiri, misonkho pakuwotcha m'nyumba ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4763,"On August 18, 2011, several months after the start of the Syrian civil war, Obama issued a written statement that said","Pa August 18, 2011, patatha miyezi ingapo nkhondo yapachiweniweni ku Syria itayamba, Obama adalemba mawu akuti",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4764,"The time has come for President Assad to step aside."" This stance was reaffirmed in November 2015",Nthawi yakwana yoti mtsogoleri wa tziko Assad achoke.' Izi zidatsimikiziridwanso mu November 2015 ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4765,"Seeking to hasten the process of emancipation, Nyerere joined the Tanganyika African Association, quickly becoming its president in 1953","Pofuna kufulumizitsa ndondomeko yomasulidwa, Nyerere adalowa mu Tanganyika African Association, mwamsanga kukhala mtsogoleri wake mu 1953",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4766,In 1954 he converted the organization into the politically oriented Tanganyika African National Union (TANU),Mu 1954 adasandutsa bungweli kukhala chipani cha Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) ,politics,Online/Britanicca +en4767,"Under Nyerere’s leadership the organization espoused peaceful change, social equality, and racial harmony and rejected tribalism and all forms of racial and ethnic discrimination","Pansi pa utsogoleri wa Nyerere bungweli linkalimbikitsa kusintha kwamtendere, kufanana pakati pa anthu, mgwirizano wamitundu komanso kukana kusankhana mitundu ndi mitundu yonse ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4768,"After a debate that ended in his being granted a hearing, he asked for a target date for the independence of Tanganyika","Pambuyo pa mkangano womwe udathera kuti alandilidwe, adapempha tsiku loti dziko la Tanganyika lilandire ufulu ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4769,"The British administration rejected the demand, but a dialogue was begun that established Nyerere as the preeminent nationalist spokesman for his country","Boma la Britain linakana pempholi, koma zokambirana zinayambika zomwe zinapangitsa Nyerere kukhala mneneri wamkulu wa dziko lake ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4770,"The British administration nominated him a member of the Tanganyikan Legislative Council, but he resigned in 1957 in protest against the slowness of progress toward independence","Akuluakulu a boma la Britain anamusankha kukhala membala wa bungwe la Tanganyikan Legislative Council, koma iye anatula pansi udindo wake mu 1957 potsutsa kuchedwa kwakuti pakhale ufulu wodzilamulira ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4771,"In elections held in 1958–59, Nyerere and TANU won a large number of seats on the Legislative Council","Pazisankho zomwe zidachitika mu 1958-59, Nyerere ndi TANU adapeza mipando yambiri ku khunsolo ya zolembalemba",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4772,"In a subsequent election in August 1960, his organization managed to win 70 of 71 seats in Tanganyika’s new Legislative Assembly","Pachisankho chotsatira mu August 1960, bungwe lake lidakwanitsa kupeza mipando makumi asanu ndiawiri mwa mipando makumi asanu ndi awiri kudzanso imodzi mumsonkhano watsopano wa nkumano wa zolembalemban ku Tanganyika ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4773,Progress toward independence owed much to the understanding and mutual trust that developed during the course of negotiations between Nyerere and the British governor,Kupita patsogolo kwa ufulu wodziyimira pawokha kudachitika chifukwa cha kumvetsetsana komanso kukhulupirirana komwe kudayamba panthawi ya zokambirana pakati pa Nyerere ndi bwanamkubwa waku Britain,politics,Online/Britanicca +en4774,"Tanganyika finally gained responsible self-government in September 1960, and Nyerere became chief minister at this time","Tanganyika inapeza ulamuliro wodzilamulira mu September 1960, ndipo Nyerere anakhala nduna yaikulu pa nthawiyi ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4775,"Tanganyika became independent on December 9, 1961, with Nyerere as its first prime minister","Tanganyika idadziyimira pawokha pa December 9, 1961, Nyerere ali nduna yoyamba ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4776,"The next month, however, he resigned from this position to devote his time to writing and synthesizing his views of government and of African unity","Koma mwezi wotsatira, adatula pansi udindowu kuti agwiritse ntchito nthawi yake polemba ndikuphatikiza malingaliro ake okhudza boma ndi mgwirizano wa Africa ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4777,"When Tanganyika became a republic in 1962, he was elected president, and in 1964 he became president of the United Republic of Tanzania (Tanganyika and Zanzibar)","Pamene Tanganyika idakhala dziko lodzilamulira palokha mu 1962, adasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko, ndipo mu 1964 adakhala mtsogoleri wa dziko wa United Republic of Tanzania (Tanganyika ndi Zanzibar) ",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4778,"Nyerere was reelected president of Tanzania in 1965 and was returned to serve three more successive five-year terms before he resigned as president in 1985 and handed over his office to his successor, Ali Hassan Mwinyi","Nyerere anasankhidwanso kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko la Tanzania mu 1965 ndipo adabwezedwa kuti akagwire ntchito zina zitatu zotsatizana zaka zisanu asanasiye utsogoleri mu 1985 ndipo adapereka udindo wake kwa wolowa m'malo mwake, Ali Hassan Mwinyi",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4779,"From independence on Nyerere also headed Tanzania’s only political party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).","Kuyambira pomwe Nyerere adalandira ufulu wodzilamulira, adatsogoleranso chipani chokhacho chandale ku Tanzania, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).",politics,Online/Britanicca +en4780,"As outlined in his political program, the Arusha Declaration, Nyerere was committed to the creation of an egalitarian socialist society based on cooperative agriculture in Tanzania","Monga tafotokozera m'ndondomeko yake ya ndale, chikalata cha Arusha Declaration, Nyerere adadzipereka kuti akhazikitse gulu logwirizana lokhazikika pazaulimi ku Tanzania",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4781,"He collectivized village farmlands, carried out mass literacy campaigns, and instituted free and universal education","Adasonkhanitsa minda yakumidzi, adachita misonkhano yophunzitsa anthu ambiri kuwerenga ndi kulemba, ndikuyambitsa maphunziro aulere kwa aliyense",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4782,He also emphasized Tanzania’s need to become economically self-sufficient rather than remain dependent on foreign aid and foreign investment,Iye adatsindikanso kufunika kwa dziko la Tanzania kuti lidzidalira pachuma osati kungodalira thandizo lakunja ndi ndalama zakunja,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4783,"Nyerere termed his socialist experimentation ujamaa (Swahili: “familyhood”), a name that emphasized the blend of economic cooperation, racial and tribal harmony, and moralistic self-sacrifice that he sought to achieve","Nyerere anatchula ""kuyesera kochita zinthu pamodzi” ujamaa (Swahili: “banja”), dzina limene linayika patsogolo mgwirizano panknani zachuma, kusankhana mitundu komanso kudzimana pa chikhalidwe zimene anafuna kukwaniritsa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4784,"Tanzania became a one-party state, though certain democratic opportunities were permitted within that framework","Tanzania idakhala dziko lachipani chimodzi, ngakhale mipata ina yaufulu wodzilamulira idaloledwa mkati mwa dongosololi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4785,"As a major force behind the modern Pan-African movement and one of the founders in 1963 of the OAU, Nyerere was a key figure in African events in the 1970s","Monga mphamvu yayikulu kumbuyo kwa gulu lamakono la Pan-Africa komanso m'modzi mwa omwe adayambitsa OAU mu 1963, Nyerere anali munthu wofunikira kwambiri pazochitika za mu Africa mu 1970s",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4786,He was a strong advocate of economic and political measures in dealing with the apartheid policies of South Africa,Anali wochirikiza mwamphamvu njira zachuma ndi ndale pothana ndi mfundo za tsankho ku South Africa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4787,Nyerere’s concerns on the domestic front were dominated by economic hardships and by difficulties between Nyerere and Idi Amin of Uganda,Nkhawa za Nyerere pa zapakhomo zidali ndi mavuto azachuma komanso zovuta zapakati pa Nyerere ndi Idi Amin waku Uganda,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4788,In 1972 Nyerere denounced Amin when the latter announced the expulsion of all Asians from Uganda,Mu 1972 Nyerere adadzudzula Amin pomwe womaliza adalengeza kuthamangitsidwa kwa Asiya onse ku Uganda,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4789,"When Ugandan troops occupied a small border area of Tanzania in 1978, Nyerere pledged to bring about the downfall of Amin, and in 1979 the Tanzanian army invaded Uganda in support of a local movement to overthrow him","Asilikali a dziko la Uganda atalanda dera laling'ono la malire a dziko la Tanzania mu 1978, Nyerere adalonjeza kuti abweretsa kugwa kwa Amin, ndipo mu 1979 asilikali a Tanzania adalowa m'dziko la Uganda pofuna kuthandizira gulu la anthu a m'deralo kuti amugwetse ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4790,Nyerere’s intervention helped to unseat Amin and brought about the return to power in Uganda of Milton Obote in 1980,Kulowererapo kwa Nyerere kunathandiza kuti Amin achotsedwe pampando ndipo anabweletsa ufumu ku Uganda kwa Milton Obote mu 1980,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4791,"At the time of his resignation in 1985, Tanzania was still one of the world’s poorest countries","Pamene adasiya ntchito mu 1985, dziko la Tanzania linali limodzi mwa mayiko osauka kwambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4792,"Agriculture remained at the subsistence level, and the country’s industrial and transportation infrastructures were chronically underdeveloped","Ulimi udapitilirabe pamlingo wapang'onopang'ono, ndipo zida zamakampani ndi zoyendera mdziko muno sizinali bwino ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4793,"One-third of the national budget was supplied by foreign aid. Tanzania had one of the highest literacy rates in Africa, however, and the society was both politically stable and notably free of economic inequalities","Gawo limodzi mwa gawo limodzi mwa ndondomeko ya chuma ladziko lonse lapansi linaperekedwa mwa thandizo lakunja. A Tanzania anali ndi chiwerengero cha anthu owerenga kwambiri ku Africa, ndipo anthu onse anali okhazikika pandale komanso osagwirizana ndi zinthu zachuma",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4794,Nyerere himself remained committed to socialist policies throughout his political career,Nyerere mwiniwake adakhalabe wodzipereka ku ndondomeko za chikhalidwe cha anthu pa nthawi yonse ya ndale ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4795,Nyerere continued as chairman of the CCM until 1990. Thereafter he assumed the role of elder statesman and was regularly called upon to act as arbiter in international crises such as those in Rwanda and Burundi,Nyerere anakhala wapampando wa chipani cha ccm mpaka 1990. Pambuyo pake anakhala mkulu wa boma ndipo nthawi zonse ankapemphedwa kuti azitha kuthetsa mavuto a mayiko monga a ku Rwanda ndi Burundi. ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4796,"Soft-spoken, unpretentious, small of stature, and quick to laugh, Julius Nyerere was widely credited with impressive oratorical skills and unusual powers of political perception","Julius Nyerere, wolankhula modekha, osadzibisa mkachitidwe kazinthu, wamaonekedwe ochepa, komanso osekaseka, anthu ambiri ankamuyamikira kuti anali ndi luso lolankhula komanso luso lachilendo pakayendetsedwe ka zandale",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4797,"Negotiations with the British authorities resulted in Tanganyikan independence in 1961. In 1962, Tanganyika became a republic, with Nyerere elected as its first president","Kukambirana ndi akuluakulu a boma la Britain kunabweretsa ufulu ku Tanganyika mu 1961. Mu 1962, Tanganyika linakhala dziko lodziyimira palokha ndipo Nyerere anasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko woyamba",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4798,"His administration pursued decolonisation and the ""Africanisation"" of the civil service while promoting unity between indigenous Africans and the country's Asian and European minorities",Ulamuliro wake udatsata kuchotsedwa kwa atsamunda ndi 'Africanisation' ya ntchito za boma pomwe ikulimbikitsa mgwirizano pakati pa anthu amtundu waku Africa ndi maiko ochepa aku Asia ndi Europe ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4799,He encouraged the formation of a one-party state and unsuccessfully pursued the Pan-Africanist formation of an East African Federation with Uganda and Kenya,Iye adalimbikitsa kukhazikitsidwa kwa dziko lachipani chimodzi ndipo adakakamira kukhazikitsa Pan-Africanist ya East African Federation ndi Uganda ndi Kenya,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4800,"Following the Zanzibar Revolution of 1964, the island of Zanzibar was unified with Tanganyika to form Tanzania","kutsatira kugalukira mdera la Zanzibar mchaka cha 1964, chilumba cha Zanzibar chinagwirizanitsidwa ndi Tanganyika kupanga Tanzania",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4801,"After this, Nyerere placed a growing emphasis on national self-reliance and socialism. Although his socialism differed from that promoted by Marxism–Leninism, Tanzania developed close links with Mao Zedong's China","Zitatha izi, Nyerere adatsindika kwambiri za kudzidalira kwadziko komanso socialism. Ngakhale kuti sosholizimu yake inali yosiyana ndi ya Marxism–Leninism, Tanzania idagwirizana kwambiri ndi China ya Mao Zedong ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4802,Banks and other major industries and companies were nationalized; education and healthcare were significantly expanded,Mabanki ndi mafakitale ena akuluakulu ndi makampani adasinthidwa; maphunziro ndi chisamaliro chaumoyo zidakulitsidwa kwambiri ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4803,"Renewed emphasis was placed on agricultural development through the formation of communal farms, although these reforms hampered food production and left areas dependent on food aid","Chilimbikitso chatsopano chidayikidwa pa chitukuko chaulimi kudzera mukupanga minda yogwirizana, ngakhale kusinthaku kudalepheretsa kupanga chakudya ndikusiya madera akudalira thandizo la chakudya ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4804,His government provided training and aid to anti-colonialist groups fighting white-minority rule throughout southern Africa and oversaw Tanzania's 1978–1979 war with Uganda which resulted in the overthrow of Ugandan President Idi Amin,Boma lake linapereka maphunziro ndi thandizo kwa magulu odana ndi atsamunda omwe ankamenyana ndi ulamuliro wa azungu kumwera kwa Africa komanso kuyang'anira nkhondo ya Tanzania ndi Uganda ya zaka za 1978 kufika 1979 yomwe inachititsa kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko la wa Uganda Idi Amin achotsedwe pampando,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4805,"In 1985, Nyerere stood down and was succeeded by Ali Hassan Mwinyi, who reversed many of Nyerere's policies. He remained chair of Chama Cha Mapinduzi until 1990, supporting a transition to a multi-party system, and later served as mediator in attempts to end the Burundian Civil War","Mu chaka cha1985 Nyerere adayima pansi ndipo adalowa m'malo mwa Ali Hassan Mwinyi yemwe adasintha mfundo zambiri za Nyerere. Adakhala wapampando wa chipani Cha Mapinduzi mpaka chaka cha1990, ndikuthandizira kusintha kwa zipani zambiri, ndipo pambuyo pake adakhala mkhalapakati poyesa kuthetsa nkhondo yapachiweniweni ya Burundi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4806,"Nyerere was a controversial figure. Across Africa he gained widespread respect as an anti-colonialist and in power received praise for ensuring that, unlike many of its neighbours, Tanzania remained stable and unified in the decades following independence","Nyerere anali munthu wotsutsana. Mu Africa monse adalandira ulemu waukulu monga wodana ndi atsamunda ndipo mu mphamvu adalandira ulemu chifukwa chowonetsetsa kuti, mosiyana ndi ena ambiri oyandikana nawo, dziko la Tanzania likukhalabe lokhazikika komanso logwirizana pazaka makumi angapo pambuyo pa ufulu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4807,"His construction of the one-party state and use of detention without trial led to accusations of dictatorial governance, while he has also been blamed for economic mismanagement","Kumanga kwake boma la chipani chimodzi komanso kugwiritsa ntchito m'ndende popanda kuzengedwa mlandu zidapangitsa kuti anene zaulamuliro wankhanza, pomwe adanenedwanso kuti ndi woyendetsa bwino chuma ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4808,"He is held in deep respect within Tanzania, where he is often referred to by the Swahili honorific Mwalimu (""teacher"") and described as the ""Father of the Nation.""","Amalemekezedwa kwambiri ku Tanzania, komwe nthawi zambiri amatchulidwa ndi Mphunzitsi wolemekezeka wa Chiswahili ('mphunzitsi') ndipo akufotokozedwa kuti 'Atate wa Mtundu.'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4809,"He was one of 25 surviving children of Nyerere Burito, the chief of the Zanaki people. Burito had been born in 1860 and given the name ""Nyerere"" (""caterpillar"" in Zanaki) after a plague of worm caterpillars infested the local area at the time of his birth","Iye anali mmodzi mwa ana 25 omwe anapulumuka a Nyerere Burito, mfumu ya anthu a Zanaki. Burito adabadwa mchaka cha 1860 ndipo adapatsidwa dzina loti 'Nyerere' ('mbozi' ku Zanaki) pambuyo pa mliri wa mbozi womwe unadza m'derali panthawi yomwe anabadwa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4810,"Burito had 22 wives, of whom Julius' mother, Mugaya Nyang'ombe, was the fifth. She had been born in 1892 and had married the chief in 1907, when she was fifteen. Mugaya bore Burito four sons and four daughters, of which Nyerere was the second child; two of his siblings died in infancy","Burito anali ndi akazi makumi awiri ndiawiri ndipo amayi ake a Julius, Mugaya Nyang’ombe anali wachisanu. Iye anabadwa mu chaka cha 1892 ndipo anakwatiwa ndi mfumu mu chaka cha 1907, ali ndi zaka khumi ndi zisanu. Mugaya anabala Burito ana aamuna anayi ndi aakazi anayi, ndipo Nyerere anali mwana wachiŵiri; abale ake awiri anamwalira ali khanda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4811,"These wives lived in various huts around Burito's cattle corral, in the centre of which was his roundhouse","Akaziwa ankakhala m’manyumba osiyanasiyana ozungulira khola la ng’ombe la Burito, lomwe pakati pake panali nyumba yake yozungulira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4812,"The Zanaki were one of the smallest of the 120 tribes in the British colony and were then sub-divided among eight chiefdoms; they would only be united under the kingship of Chief Wanzagi Nyerere, Burito's half-brother, in the 1960s","Azanaki anali amodzi mwa mafuko ang'onoang'ono mwa mafuko zana limodzi ndi makumi awiir mu koloni la Britain ndipo kenaka anagawikana pakati pa mafumu asanu ndi atatu; akanakhala ogwirizana pansi pa ufumu wa Mfumu Wanzagi Nyerere, mchimwene wake wa Burito, ,zala za mma 1960",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4813,"The British colonial administration encouraged the education of chiefs' sons, believing that this would help to perpetuate the chieftain system and prevent the development of a separate educated indigenous elite who might challenge colonial governance",Ulamuliro wa atsamunda a ku Britain udalimbikitsa maphunziro a ana a mafumu pokhulupirira kuti izi zithandiza kupititsa patsogolo dongosolo la mafumu ndi kulepheretsa chitukuko cha anthu ophunzira okhawo omwe angatsutse ulamuliro wa atsamunda,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4814,"At his father's prompting, Nyerere began his education at the Native Administration School in Mwisenge, Musoma in February 1934, about 35 km from his home","Atalimbikitsidwa ndi bambo ake, Nyerere anayamba maphunziro ake pa Native Administration School ku Mwisenge, Musoma mu mwezi wa February 1934, pafupifupi makilomita makumi atatu ndi asanu kuchokera kwawo.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4815,"This placed him in a privileged position; most of his contemporaries at Butiama could not afford a primary education. His education was in Swahili, a language he had to learn while there","Izi zinamuika iye pa udindo wamwayi; ambiri a m'nthawi yake ku Butiama sakanakwanitsa maphunziro a pulaimale. Maphunziro ake anali m’Chiswahili, chinenero chimene anayenera kuchiphunzira ali kumeneko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4816,"Nyerere excelled at the school, and after six months his exam results were such that he was allowed to skip a grade. He avoided sporting activities and preferred to read in his dormitory during free time","Nyerere adachita bwino pasukulupo, ndipo patatha miyezi isanu ndi umodzi zotsatira zake za mayeso zidakhala zomveka kotero kuti adaloledwa kudumpha giredi. Ankapewa masewera ndipo ankakonda kuwerenga m'chipinda chake nthawi yaulere",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4817,"While at the school he also underwent the Zanaki tooth filing ritual to have his upper-front teeth sharpened into triangular points. It may have been at this point that he took up smoking, a habit he retained for several decades","Ali ku sukuluyi adachitanso mwambo wa Zanaki wosula mano kuti mano ake akutsogolo akhale osongoka. N’kutheka pa nthawiyi ndi pamene anayamba kusuta fodya, chizolowezi chimene anakhala nacho kwa zaka zambiri.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4818,"He also began to take an interest in Roman Catholicism, although was initially concerned about abandoning the veneration of his people's traditional gods","Anayambanso kuchita chidwi ndi Chikatolika, ngakhale kuti poyamba ankadera nkhawa za kusiya kulambira milungu yamwambo ya anthu ake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4819,His elementary schooling ended in 1936; his final exam results were the highest of any pupil in the Lake Province and Western Province region,Sukulu yake ya pulayimale inatha mu 1936; Zotsatira zake zomaliza zinali zopambana kwambiri kuposa wophunzira aliyense ku Lake Province ndi Western Province ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4820,"His academic excellence allowed him to gain a government scholarship to attend the elite Tabora Government School, a secondary school in Tabora. There, he again avoided sporting activities but helped to set up a Boy Scout's brigade after reading Scouting for Boys","Kukhoza kwake m’maphunziro kunam’pangitsa kupeza maphunziro a boma kuti akaphunzire kusukulu yapamwamba ya Tabora Government School, sukulu ya sekondale ku Tabora. Kumeneko adapewanso zamasewera koma adathandizira kukhazikitsa gulu la Boy Scout atawerenga Scouting for Boys",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4821,"Fellow pupils later remembered him as being ambitious and competitive, eager to come top of the class in examinations He used books in the school library to advance his knowledge of the English language to a high standard","Pambuyo pake ana asukulu anzake anamukumbukira kuti anali wofuna kutchuka komanso wopikisana, wofunitsitsa kuti adzakhale wapamwamba m’kalasi pa mayeso. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4822,"He was heavily involved in the school's debating society, and teachers recommended him as head prefect, but this was vetoed by the headmaster, who described Nyerere as being ""too kind"" for the position","Anali nawo kwambiri pamikangano ya pasukulupo, ndipo aphunzitsi adamuvomereza kuti akhale mtsogoleri wamkulu, koma izi zidakanidwa ndi mphunzitsi wamkulu, yemwe adalongosola Nyerere kukhala 'wokoma mtima kwambiri' pa udindowu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4823,"In keeping with Zanaki custom, Nyerere entered into an arranged marriage with a girl named Magori Watiha, who was then only three or four years old but had been selected for him by his father","Potsatira mwambo wa a Zanaki, Nyerere anakwatirana ndi mtsikana wina dzina lake Magori Watiha, yemwe panthawiyo anali ndi zaka zitatu kapena zinayi koma bambo ake anamusankha ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4824,"At the time they continued to live apart. In March 1942, during Nyerere's final year at Tabora, his father died; the school refused his request to return home for the funeral","Pa nthawiyo anapitirizabe kukhala paokha. Mu March 1942, m’chaka chomaliza cha Nyerere ku Tabora, bambo ake anamwalira; sukulu idakana pempho lake loti abwerere kunyumba kumaliro",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4825,"Nyerere's brother, Edward Wanzagi Nyerere, was appointed as their father's successor. Nyerere then decided to be baptised as a Roman Catholic; at his baptism, he took on the name ""Julius"", although later stated that it was ""silly"" that Catholics should ""take a name other than a tribal name"" on baptism","Mchimwene wake wa Nyerere, Edward Wanzagi Nyerere, adasankhidwa kukhala wolowa m'malo mwa abambo awo. Kenako Nyerere anaganiza zobatizidwa kukhala Mkatolika; pa ubatizo wake, anatenga dzina lakuti ‘Julius’, ngakhale kuti pambuyo pake ananena kuti zinali ‘zopusa’ kuti Akatolika ayenera ‘kutenga dzina lina osati dzina lakumtundu' pa ubatizo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4826,"In October 1941, Nyerere completed his secondary education and decided to study at Makerere College in the Ugandan city of Kampala. He secured a bursary to fund a teacher training course there, arriving in Uganda in January 1943","Mu October 1941, Nyerere anamaliza maphunziro ake a sekondale ndipo adaganiza zokaphunzira pa Makerere College mu mzinda wa Kampala ku Uganda. Anapeza ndalama zothandizira maphunziro a aphunzitsi kumeneko, akufika ku Uganda mu January 1943",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4827,"At Makerere, he studied alongside many of East Africa's most talented students, although spent little time socialising with others, instead focusing on his reading. He took courses in chemistry, biology, Latin, and Greek","Ku Makerere, anaphunzira limodzi ndi ophunzira ambiri aluso ku East Africa, ngakhale kuti ankakhala ndi nthawi yochepa yocheza ndi ena, m’malo mwake ankangoika maganizo ake pa kuwerenga. Anachita maphunziro a chemistry, biology, Latin, and Greek",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4828,"Deepening his Catholicism, he studied the Papal Encyclicals and read the work of Catholic philosophers like Jacques Maritain","Pozama Chikatolika, anaphunzira mabuku ofotokoza za Apapa ndi kuŵerenga mabuku a anthanthi Achikatolika onga Jacques Maritain",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4829,"He won a literary competition with an essay on the subjugation of women, for which he had applied Mill's ideas to Zanaki society. Nyerere was also an active member of the Makere Debating Society, and established a branch of Catholic Action at the university","Anapambana mpikisano wolemba mabuku ndi nkhani yokhudza kugonjetsedwa kwa akazi, yomwe adagwiritsa ntchito malingaliro a Mill ku gulu la Zanaki. Nyerere analinso membala wokangalika wa Makere Debating Society, ndipo adakhazikitsa nthambi ya Catholic Action payunivesite ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4830,"In July 1943, he wrote a letter to the Tanganyika Standard in which he discussed the ongoing Second World War and argued that capitalism was alien to Africa and that the continent should turn to ""African socialism""; in his words, ""the African is by nature a socialistic being""","Mu July 1943, iye analemba kalata ku Tanganyika Standard mmene anakambitsirana za nkhondo yachiŵiri yapadziko lonse imene inali kupitirira ndipo ananena kuti ukapitalizimu unali wachilendo kwa Africa ndipo kuti kontinentiyo iyenera kutembenukira ku 'African socialism'; m'mawu ake, 'mwa Africa ndi chikhalidwe cha chikhalidwe cha anthu' ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4831,"His letter went on to state that ""the educated African should take the lead"" in moving the population towards a more explicitly socialist model",Kalata yake inapitiriza kunena kuti 'anthu ophunzira a ku Africa ayenera kutsogolera' kulimbikitsa anthu kuti akhale ndi chikhalidwe cha Socialist ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4832,"Molony thought that the letter ""serves to mark the beginnings of Nyerere's political maturation, chiefly in absorbing and developing the views of leading black thinkers of the time","Molony adaganiza kuti kalatayo 'ikutanthauza kuyamba kwa kukhwima pa ndale kwa Nyerere, makamaka pogwiritsa ntchito komanso kutuluka kaganizidwe ka anthu akuda oganiza mwakuya a nthawi imeneyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4833,"Although aware of racial prejudice from the white colonial minority, he insisted on treating people as individuals, recognising that many white individuals were not bigoted towards indigenous Africans","Ngakhale kuti ankadziwa za tsankho la azungu ochepa atsamunda, iye analimbikira kuchitira anthu ngati munthu aliyense payekhapayekha pozindikira kuti azungu ambiri alibe tsankho kwa nzika zaku Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4834,"On leaving Makerere, Nyerere returned home to Zanaki territory to build a house for his widowed mother, before spending his time reading and farming in Butiama","Pochoka ku Makerere, Nyerere anabwelera kwawo ku Zanaki kukamanga nyumba ya amayi ake amasiye, asanagwiritse ntchito nthawi yake kuwerenga ndi kulima ku Butiama",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4835,"He was offered teaching positions at both the state-run Tabora Boys' School and the mission-run St Mary's, but chose the latter despite it offering a lower wage","Adapatsidwa ntchito yophunzitsa pasukulu ya boma ya anyamata ya Tabora komanso sukulu yampingo ya St Mary's, koma adasankha yachiwiriyi ngakhale inkapeleka malipiro ochepa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4836,"He took part in a public debate with two teachers from the Tabora Boys' School, in which he argued against the statement that ""The African has benefitted more than the European since the partition of Africa""; after winning the debate, he was subsequently banned from returning to the school","Adatenga nawo gawo pamtsutso ndi aphunzitsi awiri apasukulu ya anyamata ya Tabora, pomwe adatsutsa mawu akuti 'Africa adapindula kwambiri kuposa azungu kuyambira pomwe Africa idagawanika'; atapambana mtsutsowu, adaletsedwa kubwerera kusukulu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4837,"Outside school hours, he gave free lessons in English to older locals, and also gave talks on political issues. He also worked briefly as a price inspector for the government, going into stores to check what they were charging, although quit the position after the authorities ignored his reports about false pricing","Akaweruka kusukulu, iye ankapereka maphunziro aulere m’Chingelezi kwa anthu achikulire a m’deralo, ndiponso ankakamba nkhani za ndale. Adagwiranso ntchito kwanthawi yochepa ngati woyang'anira mitengo ya zinthu m'boma, kulowa m'masitolo kukawona zomwe amalipira, ngakhale adasiya udindowu akuluakulu atanyalanyaza malipoti ake okhudza mitengo yabodza",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4838,"While in Tabora, the woman whom Nyerere was arranged to marry, Magori Watiha, was sent to live with him to pursue her primary education there, although he forwarded her to live with his mother","ali ku Tabora, azimayi omwe Nyerere adagwirizana nawo kuti amange nawo ukwati, Magori Watitha anatumizidwa kuti akziakhala ndiiyeyo kuti akaphunzire sukulu yake ya ku plulaimale ndakhale kuti yeyo anamutumiza kuti akakhale ndiamayi ake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4839,"Instead, he began courting Maria Gabriel, a teacher at Nyegina Primary School in Musoma; although from the Simbiti tribe, she shared with Nyerere a devout Catholicism. He proposed marriage to her and they became informally engaged at Christmas 1948","M’malo mwake, anayamba chibwenzi Maria Gabriel, mphunzitsi wa pa Nyegina Primary School ku Musoma; ngakhale kuti anali a fuko la Simbiti, adagawana ndi Nyerere Chikatolika chodzipereka. Anafunsira ukwati kwa iye ndipo adapanga chibwenzi pa Khrisimasi 1948",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4840,"The branch opened a co-operative shop selling basic goods like sugar, flour, and soap. In April 1946 he attended the organisation's conference in Dar es Salaam, where the TAA officially declared itself committed to supporting independence for Tanganyika","Nthambi inatsegula shopu yogulitsa zinthu zofunika monga shuga, ufa, ndi sopo. Mu April 1946 anapita ku msonkhano wa bungwe ku Dar es Salaam, kumene TAA inalengeza kuti ikudzipereka kuthandizira ufulu wa Tanganyika",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4841,"In 1949, Nyerere was one of only two black students from the British East African territories studying in Scotland. In the first year of his MA studies, he took courses in English literature, political economy, and social anthropology; in the latter, he was tutored by Ralph Piddington","Mu 1949, Nyerere anali mmodzi mwa ophunzira awiri akuda ochokera kumadera a British East Africa omwe amaphunzira ku Scotland. M'chaka choyamba cha maphunziro ake a MA, adachita maphunziro a Chingerezi, zachuma, ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu; pomaliza, adaphunzitsidwa ndi Ralph Piddington",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4842,"In the second, he selected courses in economic history and British history, the latter taught by Richard Pares, whom Nyerere later described as ""a wise man who taught me very much about what makes these British tick""","Chachiwiri, adasankha maphunziro a mbiri ya zachuma ndi mbiri ya Britain, omaliza adaphunzitsidwa ndi Richard Pares, yemwe Nyerere adamufotokoza kuti ndi 'munthu wanzeru yemwe adandiphunzitsa zambiri zomwe zimapangitsa kuti anthu a ku Britain akhale ndi nkhupakupa'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4843,"In the third year, he took the constitutional law course run by Lawrence Saunders and moral philosophy. Although his grades were not outstanding, they enabled him to pass all of his courses. His tutor in moral philosophy described him as ""a bright and lively member of the class and of the parties""","M'chaka chachitatu, adatenga maphunziro azamalamulo oyendetsedwa ndi Lawrence Saunders ndi filosofi yamakhalidwe. Ngakhale kuti magiredi ake sanali apamwamba, anam’thandiza kuti apambane maphunziro ake onse. Mphunzitsi wake wa filosofi ya makhalidwe abwino anamufotokoza kuti anali 'wanzeru ndiponso wansangala m'kalasi ndi m'zipani'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4844,His ability to take on the position was influenced by his good oratorical skills and by the fact that he was Zanaki; had he been from one of the larger ethnic groups he may have faced greater opposition from members of rival tribes,Kukhoza kwake kutenga udindo kunakhudzidwa ndi luso lake labwino la kulankhula komanso kuti anali Zanaki; akanakhala kuti anali wa fuko lina lalikulu akanakumana ndi chitsutso chokulirapo kuchokera kwa anthu a mafuko otsutsana ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4845,"Under Nyerere, the TAA gained an increasingly political dimension, devoted to the pursuit of Tanganyikan independence from the British Empire. Nyerere himself was, according to Bjerk, ""catapulted to prominence"" as ""a standard-bearer of the burgeoning independence movement""","Pansi pa Nyerere, TAA idakula kwambiri, yodzipereka kufunafuna ufulu wa Tanganyika kuchokera ku Ufumu wa Britain. Nyerere mwiniwakeyo, malinga ndi Bjerk, 'adatengera kutchuka' monga 'wonyamula muyeso wa gulu lodziimira palokha'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4846,"In campaigning for Tanganyikan independence using non-violent methods, Nyerere was inspired by the example of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi","Polimbikitsa ufulu wa Tanganyika pogwiritsa ntchito njira zopanda chiwawa, Nyerere adalimbikitsidwa ndi chitsanzo cha mtsogoleri wa dziko la India Mahatma Gandhi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4847,"In August 1954, the United Nations had sent a mission to Tanganyika which subsequently published a report recommending a twenty to twenty-five year timetable for the colony's independence","Mu mwezi wa August chaka cha 1954, bungwe la United Nations lidatumiza nthumwi ku Tanganyika komwe pambuyo pake idatulutsa lipoti lolimbikitsa zaka makumi awiri ndi zisanu kuti addzapeze ufulu wa atsamunda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4848,"The UN was set to discuss the issue further at a trusteeship council in New York City, with TANU sending Nyerere to be its representative there","Bungwe la UN lidayenera kukambirana za nkhaniyi ku khonsolo ya trusteeship ku New York City, pomwe TANU idatumiza Nyerere kuti akhale nthumwi yake kumeneko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4849,"At the British government's request, the United States agreed to prevent Nyerere staying for more than 24 hours before the meeting or moving outside an eight-block radius of the UN headquarters.","Pa pempho la boma la Britain, dziko la United States linavomera kuti Nyerere akhalepo kwa maola oposa 24 msonkhanowo usanachitike kapena asamuke kunja kwa midadada eyiti ya likulu la UN.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4850,"Nyerere arrived in the city in March 1955, as part of a trip funded largely by Rupia. To the trusteeship council he said that: ""with your help and with the help of the [British] Administering Authority we would be governing ourselves long before twenty to twenty-five years."" This seemed highly ambitious to everyone at the time","Nyerere adafika mumzindawu mu march 1955, ngati gawo laulendo wothandizidwa ndi Rupia. Kwa bungwe la trusteeship ananena kuti: 'ndi thandizo lanu komanso mothandizidwa ndi [British] Administering Authority tidzakhala tikudzilamulira tokha zaka makumi awiri mpaka makumi awiri ndi zisanu.' Izi zinkawoneka ngati zolakalaka kwambiri kwa aliyense panthawiyo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4851,"The government pressured Nyerere's employer to sack him because of his pro-independence activities. On his return from New York, Nyerere resigned from the school, in part because he did not wish his ongoing employment to cause trouble for the missionaries","Boma lidakakamiza abwana a Nyerere kuti amuchotse ntchito chifukwa chofuna kudziyimira pawokha. Atabwerera kuchokera ku New York, Nyerere anasiya sukuluyo, mwa zina chifukwa chakuti sanafune kuti ntchito yake yopitirizabe ibweretse mavuto kwa amishonale ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4852,"In April 1955 he and his wife returned to his Zanaki homestead. He turned down offers of employment from a newspaper and an oil company, instead accepting a job as a translator and tutor for the Maryknoll Fathers, who were preparing a mission amongst the Zanaki","Mu April 1955 iye ndi mkazi wake anabwerera kwawo ku Zanaki. Iye anakana ntchito yochokera ku nyuzipepala ndi kampani ya mafuta, m’malo mwake anavomera ntchito yomasulira ndi mphunzitsi wa Abambo a Maryknoll, omwe anali kukonzekera mishoni pakati pa a Zanaki",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4853,"A law was soon presented to the Assembly that would restrict citizenship to indigenous Africans; Nyerere spoke out against the bill, comparing its racialism to the ideas of Adolf Hitler and Hendrik Verwoerd, and threatened to resign if it passed","Posakhalitsa lamulo linapelekedwa ku Nyumba Yamalamulo lomwe lidzaletsa unzika wa anthu aku Africa; Nyerere anatsutsa lamuloli, kufananiza tsankho lake ndi nzeru za Adolf Hitler ndi Hendrik Verwoerd, ndipo adawopseza kuti atule pansi udindo ngati lingavomerezedwe",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4854,"Six weeks after independence, in January 1962 Nyerere resigned as Prime Minister,[134] intent on focusing on restructuring TANU and trying to ""work out our own pattern of democracy""","Patatha milungu isanu ndi umodzi chilandilireni ufulu, mu mwezi wa January chaka cha 1962 Nyerere adatula pansi udindo wake monga Prime Minister, [zana limodzi, makumi atartu kudzanso zinayi] ndi cholinga choyang'ana pa kukonzanso TANU ndikuyesera 'kukonza dongosolo lathu la ufulu wodzilamulira' ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4855,"Retreating to become a parliamentary back bencher, he appointed close political ally Rashidi Kawawa as the new Prime Minister. He toured the country, giving speeches in towns and villages in which he emphasised the need for self-reliance and hard work","Atasiya kukhala phungu wanyumba yamalamulo, adasankha mnzake wapamtima Rashidi Kawawa kukhala nduna yayikulu. Iye adayendera dziko lonse, akukamba nkhani m’matauni ndi m’midzi momwe adatsindika kufunika kodzidalira komanso kugwira ntchito molimbika ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4856,"During Tanganyika's first year of independence, its government focused largely on domestic problems. Under a government self-help programme, villagers were encouraged to devote a day's work a week to a community project, such as constructing roads, wells, schools, and clinics","M’chaka choyamba cha ufulu wa Tanganyika, boma lake linaika maganizo ake pa mavuto a m’banja. Pansi pa ndondomeko yodzithandiza m’boma, anthu akumudzi adalimbikitsidwa kuti azigwira ntchito yatsiku limodzi pamlungu pa ntchito yomanga misewu, zitsime, sukulu ndi zipatala",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4857,"A national youth service was created to encourage young people to engage in public works and paramilitary training. In February 1962, the government announced its desire to convert the pervasive system of freehold land ownership into a leasehold system, the latter of which was deemed to be a better reflection of traditional indigenous ideas about communal land ownership","Ntchito yachinyamata yadziko lonse idapangidwa kuti ilimbikitse achinyamata kuchita nawo ntchito zapagulu komanso maphunziro ankhondo. Mu February 1962, boma lidalengeza kuti likufuna kusintha njira yofalikira ya umwini wa malo mwaufulu kukhala njira yobwereketsa, yomwe yomaliza idawonedwa ngati chithunzithunzi chabwino cha malingaliro achikhalidwe chawo okhudzana ndi umwini wa madera ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4858,"Nyerere wrote an article, ""Ujamaa"" (""Familyhood"") in which he explained and praised this policy; in this article he expressed many of his ideas about African socialism","Nyerere adalemba nkhani yakuti, 'Ujamaa' ('Familyhood') momwe adafotokozera ndikuyamikira ndondomekoyi; m'nkhaniyi anafotokoza maganizo ake ambiri pa African Socialism",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4859,"Six months after independence, the government abolished the jobs and salaries of hereditary chiefs, whose positions conflicted with government officials and who were often regarded as too close to the colonial authorities","Patatha miyezi isanu ndi umodzi boma litalandira ufulu wodzilamulira, linathetsa ntchito ndi malipiro a mafumu olowa m’malo omwe maudindo awo ankasemphana ndi akuluakulu a boma ndipo nthawi zambiri ankawaona ngati oyandikana kwambiri ndi atsamunda",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4860,"The government also pursued the ""Africanization"" of the civil service, giving severance pay to several hundred white British civil servants and appointing indigenous Africans in their place, many of whom were insufficiently trained","Boma lidatsatanso 'Africanization' ya ntchito za boma, kupereka malipiro ochotsedwa kwa anthu mazana angapo azungu aku Britain ogwira ntchito m'boma ndikuyika nzika zaku Africa m'malo mwawo, ambiri mwa iwo anali osaphunzitsidwa mokwanira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4861,"Nyerere acknowledged that such affirmative action was discriminatory towards white and Asian citizens, but argued that it was temporarily necessary to redress the imbalance caused by colonialism","Nyerere adavomereza kuti kuvomereza koteroko kunali kokondera mzika za azungu ndi Asia, koma adati kunali koyenera kuthetsa kusamvana komwe kunabwera chifukwa cha utsamunda ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4862,"By the end of 1963, about half of senior and middle-grade posts in the civil service were held by indigenous Africans","Pofika kumapeto kwa 1963, pafupifupi theka la maudindo akuluakulu komanso apakati m'boma anatengedwa ndi anthu aku Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4863,"You go through two stages in these colonial countries. One is when midnight comes; the clock strikes, and you are independent. Fine. But then begins a whole process of changing conditions and changing people","Mudutsa magawo awiri m'mayiko atsamundawa. Limodzi ndi pamene pakati pausiku ukubwera; wotchi ikugunda, ndipo umadziyimira pawokha. Chabwino. Koma kenako akuyamba njira yonse yosintha zinthu ndikusintha anthu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4864,"I had been talking to the people, telling them that the second process would not be easy. But one thing must change after midnight: the attitudes of the colonial people, their way of treating Africans as nothing","Ndinali ndikulankhula ndi anthu, ndikuwauza kuti ndondomeko yachiwiri sidzakhala yosavuta Koma chinthu chimodzi chiyenera kusintha pakati pausiku: maganizo a anthu achitsamunda, mmene amaonera Afirika ngati opanda pake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4865,"This must change after midnight. The colonized are now the rulers, and the man in the street must see this! If they have been spitting in his face, now it must stop! After midnight! This cannot take twenty years! We had to drive this lesson home","Izi ziyenera kusintha pakati pausiku. Atsamunda tsopano ndi olamulira, ndipo mwamuna mumsewu ayenera kuwona izi! Ngati akhala akumulavulira pankhope, tsopano ayenera kusiya! Pakati pausiku! Izi sizingatenge zaka makumi awiri! Tinayenera kuliyendetsa phunziroli kunyumba ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4866,"Over the following year, several Britons accused of racism were deported; concerns were raised about the lack of due process. Nyerere defended the deportations, stating: ""for many years we Africans have suffered humiliations in our own country","M’chaka chotsatira, a Briteni angapo amene anaimbidwa mlandu wa tsankho anathamangitsidwa m’dziko lawo; nkhawa zidanenedwa za kusowa koyenera. Nyerere anaikira kumbuyo anthuwa kuti: ‘Kwa zaka zambiri ife Afirika takhala tikuzunzidwa m’dziko lathu tokha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4867,"We are not going to suffer them now."" After the Safari Hotel in Arusha was accused of insulting Guinean President Ahmed Sékou Touré on the latter's June 1963 state visit, the government closed it","Sitizawazunsanso tsopano.' Safari Hotel ku Arusha itaimbidwa mlandu wonyoza mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Guinea Ahmed Sékou Touré paulendo womaliza wa June 1963, boma linatseka ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4868,"When the white-dominated Dar es Salaam Club refused admission to 69 TANU members, the government dissolved the club and appropriated its assets","Gulu la azungu la Dar es Salaam litakana kuloledwa kwa mamembala makumiasanu lndilimodzi kudzanso zisanu ndi zinayi a TANU, boma lidathetsa gululo ndikugawana chuma chake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4869,"Nyerere avoided becoming personally embroiled in these controversies, which brought accusations of government hypersensitivity from some foreign media","Nyerere anapewa kulowerera m’mikangano imeneyi, zomwe zinapangitsa kuti atolankhani akunja anene kuti boma lili ndi liku",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4870,"The government thought itself vulnerable and in 1962 introduced a law banning workers' strikes and the Preventative Detention Law, through which it could detain without trial individuals deemed a threat to national security","Boma limadziona ngati losatetezeka ndipo mu 1962 linakhazikitsa lamulo loletsa sitalaka ya ogwira ntchito komanso la Preventative Detention Law, lomwe limatha kumangirira popanda kuzengedwa mlandu anthu omwe amawoneka ngati akuwopseza chitetezo cha dziko",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4871,"Nyerere defended this measure, pointing to similar laws in the United Kingdom and India, and stating that the government needed it as a safeguard given the weak state of both the police and army","Nyerere adateteza ndondomekoyi, akulozera ku malamulo ofanana ku United Kingdom ndi India, ndipo adanena kuti boma likufunika ngati chitetezo chifukwa cha kufooka kwa apolisi ndi asilikali ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4872,"He expressed the hope that the government would never have to use it, and noted that they were aware how it ""could be a convenient tool in the hands of an unscrupulous government""","Iye adati akuyembekeza kuti boma silidzagwiritsa ntchito, ndipo adati akudziwa kuti 'lingakhale chida chothandiza m'manja mwa boma losakhulupirika' ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4873,The government drew up plans to create a new constitution which would convert Tanganyika from a monarchy with the Queen of Tanganyika as its head of state into a republic with an elected president as head of state,Boma lidakonza zoti likhazikitse lamulo latsopano lomwe lingasinthe dziko la Tanganyika kuchoka ku ulamuliro wachifumu ndi Mfumukazi ya Tanganyika ngati mtsogoleri wake ndi kukhala dziko lokhala ndi mtsogoleri wosankhidwa ndi anthu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4874,"This president would be elected by the population, and they would then appoint a vice president, who would preside over the National Assembly, Tanganyika's parliament","mtsogoleri wa dziko ameneyu adzasankhidwa ndi anthu, ndipo adzasankha wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko, yemwe adzatsogolere Nyumba Yamalamulo, Nyumba Yamalamulo ya Tanganyika ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4875,"During the anti-colonial struggle, only indigenous Africans had been permitted to join, but Nyerere now stated that it should welcome white and Asian members","Panthawi yolimbana ndi atsamunda, anthu a ku Africa okha ndi omwe adaloledwa kulowa nawo, koma Nyerere tsopano adanena kuti alandire azungu ndi Asia ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4876,"He also stipulated that ""complete political amnesty"" should be granted to anyone expelled from the party since 1954, allowing them to rejoin","Iye adatinso ‘chikhululukiro chonse cha ndale’ chiyenera kuperekedwa kwa aliyense amene anachotsedwa m’chipanichi kuyambira 1954, kuti alowenso ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4877,"On 9 December 1962, a year after independence, Tanganyika became a republic. Nyerere moved into the State House in Dar es Salaam, the former official residence of British governors","Pa 9 December 1962, patatha chaka chimodzi kuchokera pamene Tanganyika idalandira ufulu wodzilamulira. Nyerere adasamukira ku State House ku Dar es Salaam, komwe kunali nyumba yovomerezeka ya abwanamkubwa aku Britain ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4878,"Nyerere disliked life in the building, but remained there until 1966. Nyerere appointed Kawawa his vice president","Nyerere sadakonde moyo wa nyumbayi, koma adakhala komweko mpaka 1966. Nyerere adasankha Kawawa kukhala wachiwiri wake. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4879,"The early years of Nyerere's presidency were preoccupied largely by African affairs. In February 1963, he attended the Afro-Asian Solidarity conference in Moshi, where he cited the recent Congolese situation as an example of the neo-colonialism, describing it as part of a ""second"" Scramble for Africa","Zaka zoyambirira za utsogoleri wa Nyerere zinali zotanganidwa kwambiri ndi zochitika za ku Africa. Mu February 1963, adachita nawo msonkhano wa Afro-Asian Solidarity ku Moshi, komwe adatchula zomwe dziko la Congo lidachitika posachedwa ngati chitsanzo cha neo-colonialism, pofotokoza kuti ndi gawo la 'second' Scramble for Africa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4880,"In May, he attended the founding session of the Organisation for African Unity (OAU) at Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, there echoing his previous message, stating that ""the real humiliating truth is that Africa is not free; and therefore it is Africa which should take the necessary collective measures to free Africa","M’mwezi wa May, adachita nawo msonkhano woyambitsa bungwe la African Unity (OAU) ku Addis Ababa ku Ethiopia, komweko akubwereza uthenga wake wakale, kunena kuti 'chowonadi chochititsa manyazi ndichakuti Africa ilibe ufulu; chifukwa chake ndi Africa yomwe ikuyenera kutenga njira zoyenera kuti amasule Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4881,"Nyerere endorsed the Pan-Africanist idea of unifying Africa as a single state, although he disagreed with the Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's view that this could be achieved quickly","Nyerere adavomereza ganizo la Pan-Africanist logwirizanitsa Africa kukhala dziko limodzi, ngakhale sanagwirizane ndi maganizo a mtsogoleri wa dziko la Ghana Kwame Nkrumah kuti izi zikhoza kutheka mwamsanga",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4882,"Instead, Nyerere stressed the idea of forming regional confederations as short-term steps towards the eventual unification of the continent","M'malo mwake, Nyerere adatsindika ganizo lokhazikitsa chitaganya m'madera ngati njira zanthawi yochepa kuti dzikoli ligwirizane ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4883,"Pursuing these ideals, in June 1963 Nyerere met with Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta and Ugandan President Milton Obote in Nairobi, where they agreed to unite their respective countries into a single East African Federation by the end of the year. This, however, never materialized","Potsatira mfundozi, mu mwezi wa June chaka cha 1963 Nyerere anakumana ndi mtsogoleri wa Kenya Jomo Kenyatta ndi mtsogoleri wa Uganda Milton Obote ku Nairobi, kumene adagwirizana kuti agwirizane maiko awo kukhala chigwirizano chimodzi cha East Africa Federation pakutha kwa chaka. Komabe, izi sizinachitike ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4884,"Nyerere was concerned by developments in Zanzibar, a pair of islands off of Tanganyika's coast. He noted that it was ""very vulnerable to outside influences"", which could in turn impact Tanganyika","Nyerere anali ndi nkhawa ndi zomwe zikuchitika ku Zanzibar, zilumba ziwiri za m'mphepete mwa nyanja ya Tanganyika. Ananenanso kuti 'ndizowopsa kwambiri ku zikoka zakunja zomwe zitha kusokoneza Tanganyika'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4885,"In January 1964, Nyerere ended affirmative action hiring for the civil service. Believing the colonial imbalance to have been redressed, he stated: ""it would be wrong for us to continue to distinguish between Tanganyikan citizens on any grounds other than those of character and ability to do specific tasks""","Mu January 1964, Nyerere adamaliza ntchito yolemba ntchito za boma. Pokhulupirira kuti kusamvana kwa atsamunda kunathetsedwa, iye anati: 'zingakhale zolakwika kuti tipitirize kusiyanitsa nzika za Tanganyika pazifukwa zilizonse kupatula za chikhalidwe ndi kuthekera kochita ntchito zinazake",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4886,Many trade unionists denounced the discontinuation of the policy and it proved the catalyst for an army mutiny,Ambiri a mabungwe a zamalonda adadzudzula kuthetsedwa kwa ndondomekoyi ndipo zidatsimikizira kuti zidayambitsa zigawenga,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4887,"The mutineers left the Colito Barracks and entered Dar es Salaam, where they seized the State House. Nyerere narrowly escaped, hiding in a Roman Catholic mission for two days","Oukirawo adachoka ku Colito Barracks ndikulowa ku Dar es Salaam, komwe adalanda nyumba ya State House. Nyerere anapulumuka mwangozi, akubisala mu mishoni ya Roma Katolika kwa masiku awiri",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4888,"The mutineers captured senior government figure Oscar Kambona, forcing him to dismiss all white officers and appoint the indigenous Elisha Kavana as head of the Tanganyika Rifles","Zigawengazo zinagwira mkulu wa boma Oscar Kambona, zomwe zinamukakamiza kuti achotse apolisi onse azungu ndi kusankha Elisha Kavana kukhala mtsogoleri wa Tanganyika Rifles",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4889,"The Second Battalion, based in Tabora, also mutineed, with Kambona acceding to their demands to appoint the indigenous Mrisho Sarakikya as their battalion leader","Gulu la Second Battalion, lomwe lili ku Tabora, nalonso linapanduka, ndipo Kambona adavomera zomwe akufuna kuti asankhe mbadwa ya Mrisho Sarakikya kukhala mtsogoleri wawo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4890,"Having agreed to many of their demands, Kambona convinced the First Battalion mutineers to return to their barracks. Similar yet smaller mutinies broke out in Kenya and Uganda, with the governments of both calling for British military assistance in suppressing the uprisings","Atavomereza zambiri zomwe ankafuna, Kambona anakopa zigawenga zoyamba za Battalion kuti zibwerere ku nyumba zawo zankhondo. Zigawenga zofanana koma zazing'ono zidayambanso ku Kenya ndi Uganda, pomwe maboma onse awiri adapempha thandizo lankhondo la Britain poletsa zipolowezo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4891,The whole week has been one of most grievous shame for our nation. It will take months and even years to erase from the mind of the world what it has heard about these events this week,Sabata yathunthu yakhala imodzi mwamanyazi owopsa kwa dziko lathu. Zidzatenga miyezi kapena zaka kuti dziko lapansi lichotse zomwe lamva pazochitikazi m'sabatayi,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4892,"On 22 January, Nyerere came out of hiding; the next day he gave a press conference stating that Tanganyika's reputation had been damaged by the mutiny and that he would not call for military assistance from the UK","Pa 22 January, Nyerere anatuluka pobisala; mawa lake adapereka msonkhano wa atolankhani wonena kuti mbiri ya Tanganyika idawonongeka chifukwa cha zigawenga ndikuti sapempha thandizo lankhondo ku UK",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4893,"Two days later, he requested British military assistance, which was granted. On 25 January, 60 British Royal Marines were helicoptered into the city, where they landed next to the Colito Barracks; the mutineers soon surrendered","Patapita masiku awiri, iye anapempha thandizo la asilikali a ku Britain, lomwe linaperekedwa. Pa 25 January, asilikali makumi asanmu ndi limodzi ankhondo yapamadzi analowetsedwa mu mzinda, kumene anafika pafupi ndi Colito Barracks; oukirawo posakhalitsa adagonja",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4894,"In the wake of the mutiny, Nyerere disbanded the First Battalion and dismissed hundreds of soldiers from the Second Battalion","Pambuyo pa zipolowezo, Nyerere anachotsa Gulu Lankhondo Loyamba ndi kuthamangitsa asilikali mazana ambiri ku Gulu Lachiwiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4895,"Concerned about dissent more broadly, he discharged about ten percent of the 5000-strong police force, and oversaw the arrest of around 550 people under the Preventative Detention Act, although most were swiftly released","Pokhudzidwa ndi kusagwirizana kwakukulu, adatulutsa pafupifupi khumi peresenti ya apolisi amphamvu zikwi zisanu, ndikuyang'anira kumangidwa kwa anthu pafupifupi mazana asanu ndi makuminso asanu pansi pa kumangidwa kopwetsa zina, ngakhale ambiri anamasulidwa mofulumira",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4896,"He denounced the ringleaders of the mutiny for trying to ""intimidate our nation at the point of a gun"", and fourteen of them were given sentences of between five and fifteen years imprisonment","Iye anadzudzula atsogoleri a zigawenga chifukwa chofuna 'kuopseza mtundu wathu ndi mfuti', ndipo khumi ndi anayi mwa iwo anaweruzidwa kuti akhale m'ndende zaka zisanu ndi khumi ndi zisanu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4897,"Nyerere attributed the mutiny to the fact that his government had failed to do enough to change the army since colonial times: ""We changed the uniforms a bit, we commissioned a few Africans, but at the top they were still solidly British","Nyerere ananena kuti kupandukaku kudachitika chifukwa boma lake linalephera kusintha gulu lankhondo kuyambira nthawi ya atsamunda: 'Tidasintha mayunifolomu pang'ono, tidatumiza anthu ochepa a ku Africa, koma pamwamba adakhalabe a British ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4898,"You could never consider it an army of the people."" Acknowledging some of the mutineers' demands, he appointed Sarakikya as the new commander of the army and raised troop wages","Simungaganize kuti ndi gulu lankhondo la anthu.' Povomereza zimene owukirawo ankafuna, anasankha Sarakikya kukhala mkulu wa asilikali ndipo anakweza malipiro a asilikali ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4899,"After the mutiny, Nyerere's government became increasingly focused on security, placing TANU personnel into the army as well as state-owned industry to entrench party control throughout the country","Zigawenga zitatha, boma la Nyerere lidayamba kulimbikira kwambiri zachitetezo, ndikuyika anthu a TANU m'gulu lankhondo komanso makampani aboma kuti akhazikitse ulamuliro wa zipani m'dziko lonselo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4900,"Following the Zanzibari Revolution, Abeid Karume declared himself president of a one-party state and began redistributing Arab-owned land among black African peasants","Pambuyo pa kugalukira ku Zanzibar, Abeid Karume adadzilengeza yekha kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko lachipani chimodzi ndipo adayambanso kugawa malo a Arabu pakati pa anthu akuda aku Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4901,"Hundreds of Arabs and Indians left, as did most of the island's British community. Western powers were reluctant to recognise Karume's government, whereas the Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc, and People's Republic of China quickly did so and offered the country aid","Mazana a Aluya ndi Amwenye anachoka, monga momwe anachitira ambiri a chitaganya cha Briteni pachisumbucho. Mayiko a azungu sanafune kuvomereza boma la Karume, pomwe Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc, ndi People’s Republic of China anachita zimenezi mwamsanga ndipo anapereka thandizo kwa dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4902,Nyerere was angry at this Western response as well as the wider Western failure to appreciate why black Zanzibaris had revolted in the first place,Nyerere adakwiya ndi zomwe azungu adayankha komanso azungu ambiri akulephera kuzindikira chifukwa chomwe Azanzibar akuda adapandukira poyamba ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4903,In April he visited Karume; the following day they announced the political unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar,Mu April adayendera Karume; tsiku lotsatira adalengeza mgwirizano wandale wa Tanganyika ndi Zanzibar ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4904,"Nyerere dismissed suggestions that this had anything to do with Cold War power struggles, presenting it as a response to Pan-Africanist ideology: ""Unity in our continent does not have to come via Moscow or Washington","Nyerere adatsutsa malingaliro oti izi zinali zokhudzana ndi nkhondo za Cold War, ndikuziwonetsa ngati kuyankha kwa malingaliro a Pan-Africanist: 'Umodzi mu kontinenti yathu suyenera kubwera kudzera ku Moscow kapena Washington",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4905,"An interim constitution for the ""United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar"" presented Nyerere as the country's president, with Karume as its first vice president and Rashidi Kawawa as its second vice president","Bungwe la United Republic of Tanganyika ndi Zanzibar linapereka lamulo loti Nyerere akhale mtsogoleri wa dzikolo, Karume kukhala wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko ndipo Rashidi Kawawa kukhala wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4906,"In August, the government launched a competition to find a new name for the country; two months later it announced that the winning proposal was ""United Republic of Tanzania""","Mu August, boma linayambitsa mpikisano kuti apeze dzina latsopano la dziko; patatha miyezi iwiri idalengeza kuti lingaliro lopambana linali 'United Republic of Tanzania'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4907,"There would be no local or parliamentary elections on the island for many years. Zanzibaris made up only 350,000 out of Tanzania's total population of 13 million, although from 1967 they were given seven of the 22 cabinet positions and directly appointed 40 of the country's 183 members of parliament","Sipakanakhala zisankho za makhansala kapena za oyimira kunyumba ya malamulo pachilumbachi kwa zaka zambiri. Anthu okhala pa Zanzibar anali zikwi mazana atatu ndi makumi asanu okha mwa anthu ma miliyoni khumi ndi atatu a ku Tanzania, ngakhale kuti kuyambira 1967 adapatsidwa maudindo asanu ndi awiri mwa anthu 22 ndipo adasankha mwachindunji makumi anayi mwa aphungu 183",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4908,"Nyerere explained this disproportionately high representation by stressing the need for sensitivity to the islanders' national pride; in 1965, he stated that ""The Zanzibaris are a proud people. No one has ever intended that they should become simply the Republic's eighteenth region","Nyerere adalongosola kuyimira kwakukulu kopanda malireku potsindika kufunika kokhala ndi chidwi ndi kunyada kwa dziko; mu 1965, adanena kuti 'Azanzibar ndi chinyadiro chadziko. Palibe amene adafuna kuti akhale gawo lakhumi ndi chisanu ndi chitatu la Republic ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4909,"Karume was erratic and unpredictable. He was a source of repeated embarrassment to Nyerere, who tolerated him for the sake of Tanzanian unity","Karume anali wosasinthika komanso wosayembekezereka. Adachita manyazi mobwerezabwereza kwa Nyerere, yemwe adamulekerera chifukwa cha umodzi wa Tanzania ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4910,"In one instance in August 1969, Zanzibari authorities arrested 14 men whom they accused of plotting a coup","Panthawi ina mu August chaka cha 1969, akuluakulu a boma la Zanzibar anamanga amuna khumi ndianayi omwe ankawaimba mlandu wokonza chiwembu. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4911,"Mainland authorities had assisted in the arrests, but—contrary to Nyerere's intentions—the arrested men were tried in secret and four of them secretly executed","Akuluakulu akuboma adathandizira kumangidwako, koma—mosiyana ndi zomwe Nyerere adafuna—amuna omwe adamangidwawo adazengedwa mlandu mwachinsinsi ndipo anayi mwa iwo adaphedwa mwachinsinsi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4912,Nyerere was further embarrassed by the habit of Karume and other Zanzibari Revolutionary Council members for pressuring Arab girls into marriage and then arresting their relatives to ensure compliance,Nyerere adachitanso manyazi ndi chizolowezi cha Karume ndi mamembala ena a Council of Revolution ya Zanzibar chokakamiza atsikana achiarabu kuti alowe m'banja kenako amanga achibale awo kuti azitsatira,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4913,"As a result of rising international prices in cloves, Karume amassed £30 million in foreign exchange reserves, which he kept from the central Tanzanian government. In April 1972, Karume was assassinated by four gunmen","Chifukwa cha kukwera kwa mitengo ya cloves padziko lonse lapansi, Karume adapeza ndalama zokwana ma paundi 30 million, zomwe adabisira boma la Tanzania. Mu April chaka cha 1972, Karume anaphedwa ndi zigawenga za mfuti zinayi ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4914,Tanzania experienced rapid population growth; the December 1967 census revealed a 35% population increase since 1957,Tanzania idakumana ndi kukwera kwa chiwerengero cha anthu mwachangu; kalembera wa December m'chaka cha1967 adawonetsa kuchuluka kwa chiwerengero cha anthu ndi 35% kuyambira 1957,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4915,This rising number of children made the government's desire for universal primary education more difficult to achieve,Kukwera kwa chiwerengero cha ana kumeneku kunapangitsa kuti chikhumbo cha boma chofuna maphunziro aulele ku pulaimale akhale ovuta kukwaniritsa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4916,"Observing that a small sector of the population were able to attain a high level of education, he grew concerned that they would form an elitist group apart from the rest of the people","Ataona kuti kagulu kochepa ka anthu kakhoza kupeza maphunziro apamwamba, anada nkhawa kuti apanga gulu la anthu odzikonda kusiyana ndi anthu ena ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4917,"In 1964 he stated that ""some of our citizens still have large amounts of money spent on their education, while others have none. Those who receive that privilege therefore have a duty to repay the sacrifice which others have made","Mu 1964 iye ananena kuti ‘anthu athu ena adakali ndi ndalama zambiri zowonongera maphunziro awo, pamene ena alibe. Choncho amene alandira mwayi umenewu ali ndi udindo wobwezera nsembe imene ena apereka",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4918,"Nyerere spoke to the crowd in defence of the measure, and agreed to reduce government salaries, including his own. That year, Nyerere ceased using State House as his permanent residence, moving into a newly built private home on the seafront at Msasani","Nyerere analankhula ndi khamu la anthu pofuna kuteteza ndondomekoyi, ndipo anavomereza kuchepetse malipiro a boma, kuphatikizapo ake. Chaka chimenecho Nyerere anasiya kugwiritsa ntchito Nyumba ya chifumu ya boma ngati nyumba yake yachikhalire, ndipo anakalowa munyumba yake mmbali mwanyanja ku Msasani",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4919,"Although Western powers urged Nyerere not to accept support from China, then governed by Mao Zedong, in August 1964 Nyerere allowed seven Chinese instructors and four interpreters to work with his army for six months","Ngakhale maulamuliro aku Western adalimbikitsa Nyerere kuti asavomereze thandizo kuchokera ku China, yomwe idalamulidwa ndi Mao Zedong, mu August 1964 Nyerere adalola alangizi asanu ndi awiri achi China ndi omasulira anayi kuti agwire ntchito ndi gulu lake lankhondo kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4920,"Responding to Western disapproval, he noted that most of Tanzania's military officers were British trained and that he had recently signed an agreement with West Germany to train an air wing","Poyankhapo kusavomereza kwa azungu, adati asitikali ambiri a ku Tanzania anali ophunzitsidwa bwino ku Britain ndipo adasaina pangano ndi West Germany kuti aphunzitse gulu la ndege ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4921,"Over the following years, China became the main beneficiary of Tanzania's foreign relations. In February 1965, Nyerere made an eight-day state visit to China, opining that their socio-economic projects in moving an agrarian country towards socialism had much relevance for Tanzania","M'zaka zotsatira, China idapindula kwambiri ndi ubale wakunja wa Tanzania. Mu mwezi wa February chaka cha 1965, Nyerere adayendera dziko la China kwa masiku asanu ndi atatu, ponena kuti ntchito zawo zokhudzana ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi zachuma popititsa dziko lazaulimi kupita ku socialism zinali zofunikira kwambiri ku Tanzania ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4922,"China provided Tanzania with millions of pounds in loans and grants, and invested in a range of projects including a textile mill near Dar es Salaam, a farm implement factory, an experimental farm, and a radio transmitter","China idapatsa Tanzania ndalama zokwana mapaundi mamiliyoni ku ngongole ndi thandizo, ndikuyika ndalama zama projekiti osiyanasiyana kuphatikiza mphero yopangira nsalu pafupi ndi Dar es Salaam, fakitale yopangira zida zamafamu, famu yoyesera, ndi makina owulutsira mawayilesi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4923,"Seeking financial support to build a railway that would connect Zambia to the coast and through Tanzania, he secured Chinese backing in 1970 after Western countries refused to finance the operation","Pofunafuna thandizo la ndalama kuti amange njanji yomwe idzalumikiza Zambia ndi gombe ndi ku Tanzania, adapeza thandizo lochokera ku dziko la China mu chaka cha 1970 mayiko azungu atakana kupereka ndalama zothandizira ntchitoyi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4924,"In the early 1960s, Nyerere had private telephone lines installed linking him to Kenyatta and Obote, although these were later eliminated in a cost-saving exercise","Kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m'ma 1960, Nyerere anali ndi mafoni achinsinsi omwe adaikidwa omwe amamugwirizanitsa ndi Kenyatta ndi Obote, ngakhale kuti pambuyo pake adachotsedwa ntchito yopulumutsa ndalama ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4925,"Nyerere's Tanzania welcomed various liberation groups from southern Africa, such as FRELIMO, to set up operations in the country to work towards overthrowing the colonial and white-minority governments of these countries",Dziko la Tanzania la Nyerere lidalandila magulu omenyera ufulu osiyanasiyana ochokera kummwera kwa Africa monga FRELIMO kuti akhazikitse ntchito mdziko muno pofuna kugwetsa maboma a atsamunda ndi azungu a maikowa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4926,"Nyerere's government had warm relations with the neighbouring Zambian government of Kenneth Kaunda. Conversely, it had poor relations with another neighbour, Malawi, whose leader Hastings Banda accused the Tanzanians of supporting government ministers who he claimed opposed him","Boma la Nyerere linali ndi ubale wabwino ndi boma loyandikana nalo la Zambia la Kenneth Kaunda. Mosiyana ndi izi, idasokonekera bwino ndi dziko la Malawi loyandikana nalo, yemwe mtsogoleri wake Hastings Banda adadzudzula a Tanzania kuti amathandizira nduna za boma zomwe akuti zimatsutsana naye",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4927,Nyerere strongly disapproved of Banda's co-operation with the Portuguese colonial governments in Angola and Mozambique and the white minority governments of Rhodesia and South Africa,Nyerere adatsutsa kwambiri mgwirizano wa Banda ndi maboma atsamunda a Portugal ku Angola ndi Mozambique komanso maboma ochepa a azungu a Rhodesia ndi South Africa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4928,"At independence, Tanganyika had joined the British Commonwealth. In September 1965, Nyerere threatened to withdraw from the Commonwealth if Britain's government negotiated for the independence of Rhodesia with Ian Smith's white minority government rather than with representatives of the country's black majority","Paufulu, Tanganyika adalowa m'gulu la British Commonwealth. Mu September 1965, Nyerere anaopseza kuti atuluka mu Commonwealth ngati boma la Britain litakambirana za ufulu wa Rhodesia ndi boma la azungu ochepa la Ian Smith osati ndi oimira anthu akuda a dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4929,"This resulted in the loss of British aid, but Nyerere thought it necessary to demonstrate that Africans would stand by their word","Izi zidapangitsa kuti thandizo la Britain lithe, koma Nyerere adawona kuti ndikofunikira kuwonetsa kuti anthu aku Africa atsatira mawu awo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4930,He stressed that British Tanzanians remained welcome in the country and that violence towards them would not be tolerated,Iye adanenetsa kuti a Tanzania aku Britain akadali olandirika mdziko muno ndipo nkhanza kwa iwo sizidzaloledwa,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4931,"Despite the cessation of diplomatic contact, Tanzania cooperated with the UK in airlifting emergency oil supplies to landlocked Zambia, whose normal oil supply had been cut off by Smith's Rhodesian government","Ngakhale kutha kwa kulumikizana ndi akazembe, Tanzania idagwirizana ndi UK ponyamula mafuta adzidzidzi ku Zambia yomwe inali yopanda madzi, yomwe boma la Smith la Rhodesian lidathetsedwa.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4932,"In 1970, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia all threatened to leave the Commonwealth after British Prime Minister Edward Heath appeared to resume arms sales to South Africa","Mu chaka cha 1970, dziko la Tanzania, Uganda, ndi Zambia linaopseza kuti lichoka m’bungwe la Commonwealth pambuyo poti nduna yaikulu ya dziko la Britain Edward Heath anaonekera kuti ayambiranso kugulitsa zida ku South Africa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4933,This declaration affirmed the government's commitment to building a democratic socialist state and stressed the development of an ethos of self-reliance,Chikalatachi chikutsimikizira kudzipereka kwa boma pomanga dziko la ufulu wodzilamulira la sosholisti ndikugogomezera kukulitsa chikhalidwe cha anthu odzidalira ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4934,"In Nyerere's view, true independence was not possible while the country remained dependent on gifts and loans from other nations","M’malingaliro a Nyerere, ufulu weniweni sudatheke pomwe dziko lidali lodalira mphatso ndi ngongole zochokera kumaiko ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4935,"It stipulated that renewed emphasis should be placed on developing the peasant agricultural economy to ensure greater self-sufficiency, even if this meant slower economic growth","Linanenanso kuti kulimbikitsanso kukulitsa chuma chaulimi kuti anthu azitha kudzidalira, ngakhale izi zipangitsa kuti chuma chichepe ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4936,"After this point, the concept of socialism became central to the government's policy formation. To promote the Arusha Declaration, groups of TANU supporters Marched through the countryside to raise awareness; in October, Nyerere accompanied one such eight-day March which covered 138 miles in his native Mara district","Pambuyo pa mfundo imeneyi, mfundo ya sosholizimu inakhala yofunika kwambiri pakupanga mfundo za boma. Pofuna kulimbikitsa chigamulo cha Arusha, magulu a otsatira TANU adaguba kumidzi kuti adziwitse anthu; mu October, Nyerere anatsagana ndi ulendo wina wa masiku asanu ndi atatu wotero umene unayenda makilomita zana limodzi, makumi atatu kudza mphambu zisanu ndi zitatu m’chigawo chake cha Mara ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4937,"The day after the declaration, the government announced the nationalisation of all Tanzanian banks, with compensation provided to their owners","Patatha tsiku lomwe chilengezochi, boma lidalengeza kuti mabanki onse aku Tanzania akhazikitsidwe, ndi chipukuta misozi kwa eni ake ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4938,"Over the following days, it announced plans to nationalise various insurance companies, import-export firms, mills, and sisal estates, as well as the purchase of majority interest in seven other firms, including those producing cement, cigarettes, beer, and shoes","M'masiku otsatira, inalengeza za mapulani okhazikitsa makampani osiyanasiyana a inshuwaransi, makampani otumiza kunja, mphero, ndi minda ya sisal, komanso kugula chiwongola dzanja m'makampani ena asanu ndi awiri, kuphatikiza omwe amapanga simenti, ndudu, mowa, ndi nsapato ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4939,Some foreign specialists were employed to run these nationalised industries until sufficient numbers of Tanzanians had been trained to take over,Akatswiri ena akunja adalembedwa ntchito kuti ayendetse mafakitolewa mpaka anthu a Tanzania okwanira ataphunzitsidwa kutenga udindowu ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4940,"The country's civil service nevertheless had little experience with economic planning, and eventually foreign companies had to be brought in to administer several nationalised industries","Komabe ogwira ntchito m'boma m'dziko muno analibe luso lokonzekera zachuma, ndipo pamapeto pake makampani akunja adayenera kubweretsedwa kuti aziyang'anira mafakitale ambiri ovomerezeka ndi mayiko ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4941,"A year after these initial nationalisations, Nyerere praised the Tanzanian Asians for their role in ensuring the successful running of the nationalised banks, stating: ""these people deserve the gratitude of our country""","Patatha chaka chimodzi chitatha kukhazikitsidwa koyamba, Nyerere adayamika anthu aku Tanzania chifukwa cha ntchito yawo yowonetsetsa kuti mabanki otetezedwa akuyenda bwino, ponena kuti: 'anthuwa akuyenera kuyamikiridwa ndi dziko lathu'",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4942,Nyerere followed his declaration with a series of additional policy papers covering such areas as foreign policy and rural development,Nyerere adatsatira zomwe adalengeza ndi mapepala owonjezera okhudza mfundo za mayiko akunja ndi chitukuko cha kumidzi ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4943,"""Education for Self-Reliance"" stressed that schools should place a new emphasis on teaching agricultural skills. Another, ""Socialism and Rural Development"", outlined a three step process for creating ujamaa co-operative villages","Bungwe la 'maphunziro kapena dzidalire wekha' lidatsindika kuti masukulu akuyenera kutsindikanso za kuphunzitsa luso laulimi. Linanso, ' kuchta zapagulu ndi chitukuko chammudzi' lidafotokoza njira zitatu zokhazikitsira midzi yamgwirizano wa ujamaa",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4944,"The first step was to convince farmers to move into a single village, with their crops planted nearby. The second was to establish communal plots where these farmers would experiment working collectively","Chinthu choyamba chinali kukakamiza alimi kusamukira kumudzi umodzi, mbewu zawo zitabzalidwa pafupi. Yachiwiri inali yokhazikitsa minda yomwe alimiwa amayesa kugwirira ntchito pamodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4945,"The third was to establish a communal farm. Nyerere had been inspired by the example of the Ruvuma Development Association (RDA), an agricultural commune formed in 1962, and believed its example could be followed throughout Tanzania","Chachitatu chinali kukhazikitsa famu ya anthu onse. Nyerere adalimbikitsidwa ndi chitsanzo cha Ruvuma Development Association (RDA), gulu laulimi lomwe linakhazikitsidwa mu chaka cha 1962, ndipo amakhulupirira kuti chitsanzo chake chitha kutsatiridwa ku Tanzania yonse ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4946,"By the end of 1970, there were reportedly a thousand villages in Tanzania referring to themselves as ujamaa. The peasants brought into these new villages often lacked the self-reliant enthusiasm of the RDA members; despite Nyerere's hopes, villagization rarely improved agricultural production","Pofika kumapeto kwa chaka cha 1970, akuti ku Tanzania kunali midzi chikwi chimodzi chodzitcha ujamaa. Anthu wamba omwe amabweretsedwa m'midzi yatsopanoyi nthawi zambiri analibe chidwi chodzidalira cha mamembala a RDA; ngakhale Nyerere ankayembekezera, madera akumidzi sikunapitirire patsogolo ulimi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4947,"This forbade them from owning shares or holding directorates in private companies, receiving more than one salary, or owning any houses that they rented to others","Izi zidawaletsa kukhala ndi ma sheya kapena kukhala ndi maulamuliro m'makampani abizinesi, kulandira malipiro oposa imodzi, kapena kukhala ndi nyumba zomwe amabwereketsa kwa ena",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4948,Nyerere saw this as necessary to stem the growth of corruption in Tanzania; he was aware of how this problem had become endemic in some African countries like Nigeria and Ghana and regarded it as a threat to his vision of African freedom,Nyerere anaona izi kukhala zofunika kuletsa kukula kwa ziphuphu ku Tanzania; ankadziwa mmene vuto limeneli lakhalira m’mayiko ena a mu Afirika monga Nigeria ndi Ghana ndipo ankaliona ngati losokoneza maganizo ake a ufulu wa Africa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4949,"To ensure his own compliance with these measures, Nyerere sold his house in Magomeni and his wife donated her poultry farm in Mji Mwema to the local co-operative village","Pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti iye watsata ndondomekozi, Nyerere adagulitsa nyumba yake ku Magomeni ndipo mkazi wake adapereka famu yake yoweta nkhuku ku Mji Mwema ku mudzi wa cooperative ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4950,"In 1969, Nyerere sponsored a bill to provide gratuities for ministers and regional and area commissioners which could be used as a retirement income for them",Mu chaka 1969 Nyerere adavomera bilo zothandizira nduna ndi ma komishonala ammadera ndi zigawo zomwe zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati ndalama zopuma pantchito kwa iwo ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4951,"The Tanzanian Parliament did not pass the bill into law, the first time that it had rejected legislation backed by Nyerere","Nyumba yamalamulo ku Tanzania sinavomereze lamuloli kukhala lamulo, koyamba pomwe idakana malamulo omwe amathandizidwa ndi Nyerere",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4952,"The majority of parliamentarians argued that its granting of additional funds to said officials broke the spirit of the Arusha Declaration. Nyerere decided not to push the issue, conceding that parliament had valid concerns",Aphungu ambiri adatsutsa kuti kupereka kwawo ndalama zowonjezera kwa akuluakulu omwe akuti akuphwanya mzimu wa chigamulo cha Arusha. Nyerere adaganiza zokankhira nkhaniyo povomereza kuti nyumba yamalamulo inali ndi nkhawa ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4953,The villagization process had greater success in ensuring wider public access to social services. Nyerere's government pursued the rapid expansion of healthcare,Njira yokhazikitsira midzi idachita bwino kwambiri powonetsetsa kuti anthu ambiri azipeza ntchito zothandiza anthu. Boma la Nyerere lidayesetsa kukulitsa chithandizo chamankhwala mwachangu,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4954,"During the 1970s, the number of health centres more than doubled, reaching 239, while the number of rural dispensaries nearby doubled, reaching 2,600","M’zaka za m’ma 1970, chiwerengero cha zipatala chinawonjezeka kuwirikiza kawiri, kufika pa mazana awiri makumi atatu kudza mphambu zisanu ndi zinayi, pamene zipatala zakumidzi zomwe zinali pafupi zinawonjezeka kawiri, kufika pa zikwi ziwiri ndi mazana asanu ndilimodzi",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4955,"Education was also expanded, and by 1978 80% of Tanzania's children were in school.] By 1980, Tanzania was one of the few African countries that had almost eliminated illiteracy","Maphunziro anakulitsidwanso, ndipo pofika m’chaka cha 1978 ana makumi asanu ndiatatu pa zana limodzi aliyense a ku Tanzania anali kusukulu.] Pofika m’chaka cha 1980, dziko la Tanzania linali limodzi mwa mayiko ochepa mu Africa amene anali atatsala pang’ono kuthetsa kusaphunzira.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4956,"Throughout the 1970s, bribery and embezzlement also became increasingly common in Tanzania; a parliamentary enquiry found that government losses from theft and corruption rose from 10 million shillings in 1975 to nearly 70 million shillings in 1977","M'zaka zonse za m'ma 1970, ziphuphu ndi kubera zinayambanso kufala ku Tanzania; Kafukufuku wina yemwe aphungu a nyumba ya malamulo adachita anapeza kuti ndalama zomwe boma lidataya chifukwa cha kuba ndi katangale zidakwera kuchoka pa ma miliyoni khumi mu 1975 kufika pa ma miliyoni asanu ndiawiri mchaka cha 1977 ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4957,"In early 1971, the National Assembly passed a measure authorising the nationalisation of all commercial buildings, apartments, and houses worth more than 100,000 Tanzanian shillings unless the owner resided in them","Kumayambiriro kwa chaka cha 1971, Nyumba Yamalamulo idapereka chigamulo chololeza kukhazikitsidwa kwa nyumba zonse zamalonda, zipinda, ndi nyumba zamtengo wapatali kuposa ndalama za Tanzania zikwi mazana khumi pokhapokha eni ake akukhalamo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4958,This measure was designed to stop the real estate profiteering that had grown across much of post-independence Africa,Izi zidapangidwa kuti zithetse kubwereketsa kwanyumba komwe kudakula m'madera ambiri mu Africa italandira ufulu ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4959,"The measure further depleted the wealth of the Tanzanian Asian community, which had invested much in property accumulation; in ensuing months, nearly 15,000 Asians left the country","Muyesowu unachepetsanso chuma cha anthu aku Tanzania aku Asia, omwe adayika ndalama zambiri pakusonkhanitsa katundu; m’miyezi yotsatira, pafupifupi anthu a ku Asia 15,000 anachoka m’dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4960,"Various media outlets began complaining increasingly of ""kulaks"" and ""parasites"", fuelling racial tensions around Asian shopkeepers","Nyumba zoulutsira nkhani zosiyanasiyana zinayamba kudandaula kwambiri za 'makulaks' ndi 'tizilombo', zomwe zikuyambitsa mikangano yamitundu pakati pa ogulitsa masitolo aku Asia",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4961,Many Roman Catholics were angered when the government nationalised Catholic schools and made them non-denominational,"Mchitidwewu udachepetsanso chuma cha anthu aku Tanzania aku Asia, omwe adayika ndalama zambiri pakusonkhanitsa katundu; m’miyezi yotsatira, pafupifupi anthu a ku Asia 15,000 anachoka m’dzikolo",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4962,"This targeted forms of culture considered ""decadent"", including soul music, beauty contests, and films and magazines considered to be of an inappropriate nature","Izi zikhalidwe zomwe zimaganiziridwa kuti 'zadeka', kuphatikiza nyimbo za moyo, mipikisano ya kukongola, mafilimu ndi magazini omwe amawonedwa kuti ndi osayenera ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4963,"In 1973, the government banned most foreign music from being played on national radio programmes. Nyerere believed that homosexuality was alien to Africa and thus Tanzania did not need to legislate against the discrimination of homosexuals","M’chaka cha 1973, boma linaletsa kuti nyimbo zambiri zakunja ziziimbidwa pawailesi ya dziko lino. Nyerere ankakhulupirira kuti kugonana kwa amuna kapena akazi okhaokha kunali kwachilendo ku Africa ndipo chifukwa chake dziko la Tanzania silinafunikire kukhazikitsa malamulo oletsa tsankho la amuna kapena akazi okhaokha",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4964,"Freedom of speech was such that government policy was criticised within TANU, in parliament, and in the press. However, those regarded as political subversives were still detained without trial, often in poor conditions","Ufulu wolankhula udali woti mfundo za boma zidatsutsidwa mkati mwa TANU, nyumba yamalamulo, komanso m'manyuzipepala. Komabe, amene ankaonedwa ngati otsutsana nawo pa ndale ankasungidwabe mowumirizidwa popanda kuwazenga milandu, nthawi zambiri mmalo osakhala bwino",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4965,"By the mid-1970s, there was much speculation that Nyerere would resign. TANU again nominated him for the presidency in 1975, but in his speech he warned against repeatedly electing the same person","Pofika pakati pa zaka za m'ma 1970, panali malingaliro ambiri oti Nyerere atule pansi udindo. TANU idamusankhanso pampando wa mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 1975, koma m’mawu ake adachenjeza kuti asasankhe mobwerezabwereza munthu yemweyo ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4966,"He spoke of the Zanaki concept of kung'atuka, which meant the leaders passing on control to a younger generation. He also proposed that having TANU govern the mainland and ASP govern Zanzibar contravened the concept of a one-party state and called for their merger","Iye analankhula za lingaliro la Zanaki la kung’atuka, lomwe limatanthauza kuti atsogoleri azipereka ulamuliro kwa achichepere. Anatinso kuti TANU ilamulire dziko la Africa ndi ASP ilamulire Zanzibar zikusemphana ndi ganizo lokhala ndi chipani chimodzi ndipo adapempha kuti agwirizane",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4967,"This took place in 1977, when they formed Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM; ""Party of the Revolution""). The new constitution ensured the de jure nature of the Tanzanian one-party state. Nyerere began promoting Jumbe as his potential successor","Izi zidachitika mu 1977, pomwe adapanga Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM; Party of the Revolution). Lamulo latsopanoli lidawonetsetsa kuti dziko la Tanzania la chipani chimodzi. Nyerere anayamba kukweza Jumbe kukhala womutsatira ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4968,"In 1972, Karume was assassinated; his removal from power in Zanzibar was a relief for Nyerere. Karume was succeeded by Aboud Jumbe, who had a better relationship with Nyerere","Mu 1972, Karume anaphedwa; kuchotsedwa kwake pa ulamuliro ku Zanzibar kunali mpumulo kwa Nyerere. Karume adalowa mmalo ndi Aboud Jumbe yemwe adali ndi ubale wabwino ndi Nyerere",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4969,"In early 1978, ministers decided to increase their strategies. Students accusing them of abandoning socialist principles and launched protests","Kumayambiriro kwa 1978, nduna zinaganiza zowonjezera njira zawo. Ophunzira omwe akuwadzudzula kuti asiya mfundo za chikhalidwe cha Socialist ndipo adayambitsa ziwonetsero ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4970,"After these clashed with police, CCM officials ordered the university to expel 350 protesters, including one of Nyerere's sons","Izi zitasemphana maganizo ndi apolisi, akuluakulu a CCM analamula kuti yunivesiteyo ithamangitse anthu ochita ziwonetsero mazan atatu ku makumi asanu, kuphatikizapo mmodzi mwa ana a Nyerere. ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4971,"In the late 1970s, several members of the military began organising a coup although this was exposed before it could occur and the suspects were imprisoned","Chakumapeto kwa zaka za m'ma 1970, asitikali angapo adayamba kukonza zigawenga ngakhale izi zidawululidwa zisanachitike ndipo oganiziridwawo adamangidwa ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4972,"The war cost Tanzania approximately US$500 million, further damaging its fragile economy. There were widespread shortages of consumer goods that encouraged a growth of hoarding and smuggling, while many returning soldiers resorted to criminality","Nkhondoyi idawonongera dziko la Tanzania pafupifupi ma miliyoni, mazana asanu ndikuwononganso chuma chake chomwe sichikuyenda bwino. Panali kuchepa kwakukulu kwa katundu wogula zomwe zimalimbikitsa kukula kwa nkhokwe ndi kuzembetsa, pamene asilikali ambiri obwerera kwawo adayamba kuchita zachiwembu",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4973,"Tanzania's Finance Minister Edwin Mtei entered negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and in early 1979 came to an agreement that the country would receive debt relief in exchange for a program of austerity measures including parastatal restricting, wage freezes, raising interest rates, and relaxing import controls","Nduna ya zachuma ku Tanzania Edwin Mtei adachita zokambirana ndi bungwe la International Monetary Fund (IMF) ndipo kumayambiriro kwa chaka cha 1979 adagwirizana kuti dzikolo lilandire chiwongola dzanja posinthana ndi ndondomeko yochepetsera ndalama monga kuletsa ma parastatal, kuyimitsa malipiro, kukweza chiwongola dzanja, ndi zowongolera zopumula ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4974,"When Mtei brought the deal to Nyerere, the latter rejected it, seeing it as a rejection of his socialist message. Mtei then resigned. Nyerere viewed the IMF as a neocolonial tool which imposed policies on poorer countries that benefitted their wealthier counterparts","Mtei atabweretsa mgwirizano kwa Nyerere, womalizayo adakana, powona ngati kukana uthenga wake wa Socialist. Kenako Mtei anasiya ntchito. Nyerere adawona IMF ngati chida cha neocolonial chomwe chinakhazikitsa mfundo zamayiko osauka zomwe zimapindulitsa anzawo olemera",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4975,"In the 1980 Tanzanian general election, Nyerere again stood as CCM's candidate for the presidency. He took an active role in trying to find a successor. One of his favourites was the Zanzibari Seif Sharif Hamad, whom Nyerere brought into the CCM's Central Committee","Mu chisankho cha 1980 ku Tanzania, Nyerere adayimiliranso ngati phungu wa CCM pa utsogoleri. Anatenga nawo mbali poyesa kupeza wodzalowa m’malo mwake. M'modzi mwa anthu omwe ankamukonda kwambiri ndi Zanzibar Seif Sharif Hamad, yemwe Nyerere adamubweretsa ku Central Committee ya CCM",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4976,"In August 1990 Nyerere stepped down as the chair of CCM. Before stepping down as CCM chair, he advocated Tanzania's transition into a multi-party democracy","Mu August 1990 Nyerere adatsika ngati wapampando wa CCM. Asanatuluke pampando wa CCM, adalimbikitsa dziko la Tanzania kuti lilowe mu ufulu wodzilamulira ya zipani zambiri ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4977,He believed that the CCM had become too hidebound and corrupt and that competition with other parties would force it to improve,Iye ankakhulupirira kuti CCM yakhala yobisika komanso yachinyengo ndipo mpikisano ndi zipani zina ukhoza kukakamiza kuti ichite bwino ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4978,"Nyerere stated: ""we cannot remain an island. We must manage our own change – don't wait to be pushed"". Mwinyi then established the Nyalali Commission to examine the question of a transition to a multi-party system",Nyerere anati: ‘Sitingakhalebe chisumbu. Tiyenera kuyang'anira kusintha kwathu - musadikire kukankhidwa'. Kenako Mwinyi adakhazikitsa bungwe la Nyalali kuti liunikenso nkhani yoti pakhale chipani cha zipani zambiri ,politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4979,"It concluded that although most Tanzanians wanted to retain the one-party system, Tanzania would benefit from competing parties","Linanena kuti ngakhale a Tanzania ambiri akufuna kusunga chipani chimodzi, dziko la Tanzania lipindula ndi zipani zopikisana ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4980,"Privately, he remained involved in CCM politics and lobbied to ensure that Benjamin Mkapa succeeded Mwinyi as its leader","Mwachinsinsi, adakhalabe m'zandale za CCM ndipo adalimbikitsa kuti Benjamin Mkapa alowe m'malo mwa Mwinyi kukhala mtsogoleri.",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4981,"Mkapa won the election, but there were charges of electoral fraud in coastal regions. In a speech at the CCM general assembly, Nyerere indicated that he intended to pull out from politics altogether","Mkapa adapambana pachisankhocho, koma m'madera a m'mphepete mwa nyanja munali milandu yachinyengo. Polankhula pamsonkhano waukulu wa CCM, Nyerere adawonetsa kuti akufuna kusiya ndale zonse ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4982,"Racial mistrust and suspicion continued to grow. In December 1981, the elderly white MP Wally Stuttaford was accused of being a South African agent, arrested, and tortured, generating anger among whites","Kusakhulupirirana ndi kukayikirana mafuko kunapitiriza kukula. Mu December 1981, MP wachikulire wachizungu Wally Stuttaford anaimbidwa mlandu woti anali wothandizira ku South Africa, kumangidwa, ndi kuzunzidwa, zomwe zinayambitsa mkwiyo pakati pa azungu ",politics,Online/Wikipedia +en4983,"John Magufuli’s legacy will always be marked by the hashtag, #WhatWouldMagufuliDo and Covid-19","Cholowa cha John Magufuli nthawi zonse chikhala chodziwika ndi hashtag, #WhatWouldMagufuliDo and Covid-19",politics,Online news +en4984,"Reading the reaction of majority western media in wake of his death, the fixation, predictably, was around Covid-19 Magufuli’s strange and idiosyncratic response to the vicious pandemic which many blame for scores of deaths in the country and across the region","Powerenga zomwe ambiri atolankhani akumadzulo atamwalira, kukhazikikako, motsimikizika, kunali pafupi ndi yankho lachilendo la Covid-19 Magufuli pa mliri woyipawu womwe ambiri amapangitsa kuti anthu ambiri afa mdziko muno komanso mdera lonse ",politics,Online news +en4985,"That narrative, though, is bereft of any recognition of what really made Magufuli such a darling to the majority of Africans both within and beyond East Africa","Nkhaniyi, komabe, ilibe chidziwitso chilichonse chomwe chidapangitsa kuti Magufuli akhale okondedwa kwa anthu ambiri aku Africa mkati ndi kunja kwa Africa ",politics,Online news +en4986,It can’t be allowed to be the definitive legacy of a man who has contributed much more to both country and region,Sichingaloledwe kukhala cholowa chenicheni cha munthu yemwe wathandizira kwambiri kumayiko ndi madera ,politics,Online news +en4987,"All that is true, but not the full picture. The Magufuli mourned across the region is perhaps more complex and sophisticated than that","Zonsezo ndi zoona, koma osati chithunzi chonse. Magufuli akulira mdera lonselo mwina ndizovuta komanso zovuta kwambiri kuposa zomwezo",politics,Online news +en4988,"He is a Magufuli that proved inspirational and met the leadership challenges of our times, particularly those unique to Africa","Iye ndi Magufuli yemwe adalimbikitsa komanso adakumana ndi zovuta za utsogoleri m'nthawi yathu ino, makamaka za ku Africa ",politics,Online news +en4989,"No wonder our ancestors warned us that unless the lions write their own history, the history of hunting will always glorify the hunters","N’zosadabwitsa kuti makolo athu ankatichenjeza kuti pokhapokha mikango ikalemba mbiri yawo, mbiri yakusaka idzalemekeza alenje nthawi zonse",politics,Online news +en4990,They might have foreseen some of the beautifully woven but fundamentally one-sided and ultimately flawed obituaries this columnist has been reading,Ayenera kuti adawoneratu zina mwazokulukidwa mokongola koma za mbali imodzi komanso zolakwika zomwe wolemba nkhaniyu wakhala akuwerenga ,politics,Online news +en4991,"To the region, particularly its youthful population, Magufuli is a modern day Thomas Sankara. A revolutionary. A strong leader who never fell to the trappings of power like many others and used the State House to enrich himself","Kuderali, makamaka achinyamata, Magufuli ndi Thomas Sankara wamakono. Wosintha zinthu. Mtsogoleri wamphamvu yemwe sanagwere mumsampha waulamuliro ngati ena ambiri ndipo adagwiritsa ntchito Nyumba ya boma kudzilemeretsa ",politics,Online news +en4992,"From day one in office, he committed to the idea of tackling corruption and usher development with a zeal seldom seen here and beyond","Kuyambira tsiku loyamba ali paudindo, adadzipereka ku lingaliro lothana ndi katangale ndi kuyambitsa chitukuko ndi changu chomwe sichiwoneka pano ndi kupitirira ",politics,Online news +en4993,He never apologized for seeking the best for Tanzania. He seldom travelled outside Tanzania (including for those glorified handshake opportunities at United Nations and other international forums that our leaders never miss),Sanapepese chifukwa chofunafuna zabwino za Tanzania. Sankayenda kunja kwa Tanzania (kuphatikizapo mwayi wolemekezedwa amene agwira ntchito ku United Nations ndi malingaliro ena apadziko lonse omwe atsogoleri athu saphonya),politics,Online news +en4994,"He was a Caesar that made foreign companies, accustomed to exploiting poor African states; pay the fair share of their taxes","Iye anali Kaisara amene anapanga makampani akunja, ozoloŵera kugwiritsa ntchito mayiko osauka a ku Africa; perekani gawo loyenera la msonkho ",politics,Online news +en4995,"As a result, Dar Salaam looks like a city on the rise with vibrant infrastructure of public transport and blossoming buildings","Zotsatira zake, Dar Salaam ikuwoneka ngati mzinda womwe ukukwera wokhala ndi zida zoyendera za anthu onse komanso nyumba zopanga maluwa ",politics,Online news +en4996,The once dead Air Tanzania counts among its fleet some of the most modern aircraft in the world. The international airport itself has been expanded and modernized to act as a future regional hub. Tanzania is on the move,Air Tanzania yomwe idafa kale ndi imodzi mwa ndege zake zamakono kwambiri padziko lapansi. Bwalo la ndege lapadziko lonse lapansi lakulitsidwa ndikusinthidwa kukhala malo am'tsogolo. Tanzania ili paulendo,politics,Online news +en4997,There is no gain in a democracy that serves the interests of a few. And that’s where Magufuli delivered and that’s where leaders across the continent should seek to emulate him,Palibe phindu mu ufulu wodzilamulira yomwe imatumikira zofuna za anthu ochepa. Ndipo ndipamene Magufuli adapereka ndipo ndipamene atsogoleri adziko lonse akuyenera kutsanzira ,politics,Online news +en4998,So unlike leaders who are busy enriching themselves or promoting their tribes. Or leaders who watch filth grow but bury their head in the sand,Choncho mosiyana ndi atsogoleri amene ali otanganidwa kudzilemeretsa kapena kukweza mafuko awo. Kapena atsogoleri omwe amawonera zonyansa zikukula koma amakwirira mutu pamchenga,politics,Online news +en4999,Or waste too much time political capital and everyone’s time delivering good speeches or consulting on issues they long campaigned for,Kapena kuwononga nthawi yochuluka kwambiri pazandale komanso nthawi ya aliyense kukamba zokamba zabwino kapena kufunsana pazifukwa zomwe akhala akuchita kampeni kwanthawi yayitali,politics,Online news +en5000,"Magufuli proved exactly what Fidel Castro predicted for himself in his famous ‘history will absorb me speech.’ “A revolutionary government backed by the people and with respect to the nation, after cleansing the different institutions of all venal and corrupt officials, would proceed immediately to the country’s industrialization","Magufuli adatsimikizira ndendende zomwe Fidel Castro adadzilosera yekha ndi mawu ake akuti ""mbiri idzandichitira umboni"". Boma lachisinthiko losintha zinthu pamodzi ndi anthu komanso molemekeza dziko, litayeretsa mabungwe onse pochotsa ochita zachinyengo ndi katangale, lidzapitiriza nthawi yomweyo kupititsa patsogolo mafakitale a dziko ",politics,Online news +en5001,Magufuli was an action man. He is a hero. But even heroes die and lions sleep. So Simba (Swahili for Lion) now rests,Magufuli anali munthu wochitapo kanthu. Iye ndi ngwazi. Koma ngakhale ngwazi zimafa ndipo mikango imagona. Ndiye mkango tsopano ukupumula,politics,Online news +en5002,"And history will absolve this lion long after the scourge of the pandemic is gone, and his tangible achievements are reviewed without the caricatures of today","Ndipo mbiri idzathetsa mkangowu pakapita nthawi mliri wa mliri utatha, ndipo zomwe wachita bwino zimawunikiridwa popanda zojambula zamasiku ano",politics,Online news +en5003,Malawi is today clocking 30 years since its adoption of democracy over dictatorship in a June 14 1993 National Referendum,Dziko la Malawi lero likukwanitsa zaka makumi atatu chikhazikitsireni ulamuliro wa ufulu pambuyo pa ulamuliro wankhanza pa chisankho chomwe chinachitika pa June 14 1993,politics,Online news +en5004,"In voting for pluralism, Malawians hoped for the best in terms of economic and social well-being, access to opportunities, quality of education and healthcare for all","Posankha kuchita zinthu mokomera anthu, Amalawi ankayembekezera kuti zinthu zabwino pankhani ya zachuma ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu, mwayi wopeza zinthu, maphunziro abwino ndi ntchito zaumoyo kwa onse",politics,Online news +en5005,"But he observed that the quality of education, especially in public schools, has gone down, a situation that he said has also affected the country’s economic growth","Koma adawona kuti maphunziro makamaka m’sukulu zaboma atsika, zomwe ati zakhudzanso chitukuko cha chuma cha dziko",politics,Online news +en5006,Said Thawale: “There is a lot of corruption and kind of dubious businesses. What is happening on the ground is really so pathetic and one area is lack of control of price of commodity.”,A Thawale anati: “Pali katangale wambiri komanso ntchito zina zamalonda zokayikitsa. Zenizeni zomwe zikuchitika ndi zomvetsa chisoni kwambiri ndipo gawo limodzi ndikulephera kulondoloza mitengo ya zinthu. ,politics,Online news +en5007,"Ntaba, who represented Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in the 1993 National Consultative Council (NCC) that facilitated the transition to multiparty democracy and amendment of the Constitution, said a majority of the people who were fighting for democracy would not be happy with the country’s current economic status","Ntaba yemwe adayimira chipani cha Malawi Congress (MCP) mu 1993 mu komiti yayikulu yoyendetsa kusintha ndi kuyamba ulamuliro wa ufulu komanso kusintha malamulo a dziko, adati anthu ambiri omwe adamenyera ufulu wa ufulu wa demokalase sangasangalale ndi mmene chuma cha dziko lino chilili pakali pano",politics,Online news +en5008,"In an interview, he said since the dawn of multiparty democracy, the country has been struggling economically. Ntaba said the country’s economic status is not what they were expecting during the referendum","Poyankhulana, iye adati kuyambira chiyambi cha ufulu wodzilamulira ya zipani zambiri, dziko lino likuvutika pazachuma. Ntaba adati momwe chuma cha dziko lino chikuyendera sizomwe amayembekezera pa referendum",politics,Online news +en5009,"He said: “If we look at other countries at the levels they were 30 years ago and compare to where they are now, I think you will find that they have developed a lot more than we have done","Iye anati: “Tikayang’ana maiko ena mmene analili zaka makumi atatu zapitazo n’kuyerekezera ndi mmene alili panopa, ndikuganiza kuti mupeza kuti atukuka kwambiri kuposa mmene tachitira ife ",politics,Online news +en5010,I don’t think that many who were around that time and look at the present situation will be happy that we have achieved what we wanted at the time we were holding referendum,Sindikuganiza kuti ambiri omwe analipo nthawi imeneyo ndikuwona momwe zinthu ziliri angasangalale kuti takwaniritsa zomwe tinkafuna panthawi yomwe timachita referendum,politics,Online news +en5011,"We are challenged as a nation with climate change. We are being more importers than exporters. As a nation, we are not united, there is tribalism. This has affected the development of the country,” said Chimango","Tikuvutika ngati dziko ndi kusintha kwa nyengo. Takhala ogula katundu wakunja kwambiri kuposa wogulitsa katundu kumayiko akunja. Ngati fuko, siife ogwirizana, pali kusankhana mitundu. Izi zakhudza chitukuko cha dziko,” adatero Chimango",politics,Online news +en5012,"Mvula, on the other hand, observed that all the gains in the multiparty democracy such as freedom of the press, independence of government institutions such as the Anti-Corruption Bureau will be eroded by losses","Koma Mvula adawona kuti phindu lonse lomwe tapeza mu ufulu wa demokalase monga kuyankhula mwa ufulu, nthambi zaboma kugwira ntchito modziyimira zokha ngati bungwe lothetsa katangale ndi ziphuphu lichepa ndi kusachita bwinoku",politics,Online news +en5013,"The Rwandan genocide occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War. During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias","Kupha anthu ku Rwanda kunachitika pakati pa 7 April ndi 15 July 1994 pa nthawi ya nkhondo yapachiweniweni ku Rwanda. Mkati mwa nthaŵi imeneyi ya masiku pafupifupi zana limodzi, anthu a fuko la Tutsi omwe anali ochepa, limodzinso ndi ma Hutu ndi ma Twa, anaphedwa ndi magulu ankhondo Achihutu okhala ndi zida ",politics,Online news +en5014,"In 1990, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a rebel group composed mostly of Tutsi refugees, invaded northern Rwanda from their base in Uganda, initiating the Rwandan Civil War","Mu 1990, Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), gulu logalukira lomwe linali ndi anthu ambiri othawa kwawo a Tutsi, adathira nkhondo kumpoto kwa Rwanda kuchokera malo omwe amabisala ku Uganda, ndikuyambitsa nkhondo yapachiweniweni yaku Rwanda",politics,Online news +en5015,"Over the course of the next three years, neither side was able to gain a decisive advantage. In an effort to bring the war to a peaceful end, the Rwandan government led by Hutu president signed the Arusha Accords with the RPF on 4 August 1993","M’zaka zitatu zotsatira, palibe mbali iliyonse imene inatha kupambana kuposa inzake. Pofuna kuthetsa nkhondoyo mwamtendere, boma la Rwanda lotsogoleredwa ndi mtogoleri wa dziko wachihutu linasaina pangano la Arusha ndi RPF pa 4 August chaka cha 1993",politics,Online news +en5016,"Genocidal killings began the following day when majority Hutu soldiers, police, and militia murdered key Tutsi and moderate Hutu military and political leaders","Kuphana koopsa kunayamba tsiku lotsatira pamene asilikali achihutu ambiri, apolisi, ndi magulu ankhondo anapha Atutsi ndi atsogoleri andale achihutu odziŵika bwino ",politics,Online news +en5017,"The scale and brutality of the genocide caused shock worldwide, but no country intervened to forcefully stop the killings","Kukula komanso nkhanza zomwe zidachitika mdzikolo zidadabwitsa padziko lonse lapansi, koma palibe dziko lomwe lidalowererapo kuti liletse kupha anthuwa",politics,Online news +en5018,"Most of the victims were killed in their own villages or towns, many by their neighbors and fellow villagers","Ambiri mwa anthu ophedwawo anaphedwa m’midzi kapena m’matauni, ambiri ndi anansi awo komanso anthu a m’midzi.",politics,Online news +en5019,Hutu gangs searched out victims hiding in churches and school buildings. The militia murdered victims with machetes and rifles,Magulu a zigawenga Achihutu anafufuza anthu amene anabisala m’matchalitchi ndi m’nyumba za sukulu. Gulu lankhondo lija linapha anthu ndi zikwanje ndi mfuti ,politics,Online news +en5020,"The genocide had lasting and profound effects. In 1996, the RPF-led Rwandan government launched an offensive into Zaire, home to exiled leaders of the former Rwandan government and many Hutu refugees","Kuphako mafuko kunali ndi zotsatirapo zokhalitsa ndiponso zazikulu. M’chaka cha 1996, boma la Rwanda lotsogozedwa ndi RPF linayambitsa zigawenga ku Zaire, komwe kunali atsogoleri a boma la Rwanda komanso anthu ambiri othawa kwawo a Chihutu ",politics,Online news +en5021,"Today, Rwanda has two public holidays to mourn the genocide, and ""genocide ideology"" and ""divisionism"" are criminal offences","Lero, dziko la Rwanda lili ndi zikondwerero ziwiri zolira maliro a chiwembuchi, ndipo ‘nkhani zopha anthu’ komanso ‘kugawikana’ ndi milandu yamilandu",politics,Online news +en5022,"Although the Constitution of Rwanda states that more than 1 million people perished in the genocide, the real number killed is likely lower","Ngakhale Constitution of Rwanda ikunena kuti anthu opitilira 1 miliyoni adaphedwa pankhondoyo, chiwerengero chenicheni cha anthu omwe adaphedwa ndi chocheperako",politics,Online news +en5023,"Although Hutu and Tutsi were often treated differently, they shared the same language and culture, the same clan names, and the same customs; the symbols of kingship served as a unifying bond between them","Ngakhale kuti Ahutu ndi Atutsi kaŵirikaŵiri ankachitiridwa zinthu mosiyana, iwo anali kugawana chinenero ndi chikhalidwe chimodzi, mayina a mafuko amodzimodzi, ndi miyambo yofanana; zizindikiro za ufumu zinali chomangira chogwirizanitsa pakati pawo",politics,Online news +en5024,"The colonists favored the Tutsi over the Hutu when assigning administrative roles, believing them to be migrants from Ethiopia and racially superior","Atsamunda ankakonda Atutsi kusiyana ndi Ahutu powapatsa maudindo olamulira, kukhulupirira kuti iwo ndi ochokera ku Ethiopia ndipo amaposa fuko",politics,Online news +en5025,"The youth militia began actively carrying out massacres across the country. The army trained the militias, sometimes in conjunction with the French, who were unaware of their true purpose","The youth militia began actively carrying out massacres across the country. The army trained the militias, sometimes in conjunction with the French, who were unaware of their true purpose",politics,Online news +en5026,"In rural areas, the local government hierarchy was also in most cases the chain of command for the execution of the genocide","M’madera akumidzi, akuluakulu a maboma ang’onoang’ono nawonso nthawi zambiri ndi amene ankatsogolera anthu kuti aphedwe.",politics,Online news +en5027,"The majority of the actual killings in the countryside were carried out by ordinary civilians, under orders from the leaders","Kuphana kwenikweni kumidzi kunachitika ndi anthu wamba, molamulidwa ndi atsogoleri ",politics,Online news +en5028,"Tutsi and Hutu lived side by side in their villages, and families all knew each other, making it easy for Hutu to identify and target their Tutsi neighbors","Atutsi ndi Ahutu ankakhala limodzi m’midzi yawo, ndipo mabanja onse ankadziwana, zomwe zinachititsa kuti Ahutu azitha kuzindikira ndi kulunjika anthu oyandikana nawo a Tutsi",politics,Online news +en5029,"Thousands of widows, many of whom were subjected to rape, became HIV-positive","Azimayi zikwizikwi, omwe ambiri mwa iwo adagwiriridwa, adakhala ndi kachilombo ka HIV",politics,Online news +en5030,"Most of the victims were killed in their own villages or in towns, often by their neighbors and fellow villagers","Ambiri mwa ophedwawo anaphedwa m’midzi yawo kapena m’matauni, kaŵirikaŵiri ndi anansi awo ndi anthu a m’midzi.",politics,Online news +en5031,"The Hutu gangs searched out victims hiding in churches and school buildings and massacred them. Local officials and government-sponsored radio incited ordinary citizens to kill their neighbors, and those who refused to kill were often murdered on the spot","Magulu a zigawenga Achihutu anafufuza anthu amene anabisala m’matchalitchi ndi m’nyumba za sukulu n’kuwapha. Akuluakulu a m’deralo komanso wailesi yothandizidwa ndi boma ankalimbikitsa anthu wamba kuti aphe anansi awo, ndipo amene ankakana kupha nthawi zambiri ankaphedwa pomwepo",politics,Online news +en5032,"In 2017, according to Haaretz, Israel or Israeli private arm dealers had sold arms to the Rwandan government. Israeli officials repeatedly denied this allegation","Mu 2017, malinga ndi a Haaretz, Israeli kapena Israeli ogulitsa zida zapadera adagulitsa zida ku boma la Rwanda. Akuluakulu a Israeli adatsutsa kangapo izi ",politics,Online news +en5033,"Pope John Paul II expressed his deep concern about what was happening in April 1994. On 9 April, in a message to Rwandan Catholics he urged them ""not to give way to feelings of hatred and revenge but to courageously practice dialogue and forgiveness""","Papa Yohane Paulo Wachiŵiri anasonyeza nkhaŵa yake yaikulu ponena za zimene zinali kuchitika mu April 1994. Pa 9 April, mu uthenga wake kwa Akatolika a ku Rwanda anawalimbikitsa ‘kusalola chidani ndi kubwezera, koma kukhala olimba mtima kukambitsirana ndi kukhululukirana’",politics,Online news +en5034,The Catholic Church affirms that genocide took place but states that those who took part in it did so without the permission of the Church. Some clergy participated in the massacres,Mpingo wa Katolika umavomereza kuti kuphedwa kwa anthu kunachitika koma iwo amene anachita nawo zimenezi anachita popanda chilolezo cha mpingowu. Atsogoleri ena achipembedzo adatenga nawo nawo gawo pakuphedwa kwa anthu mazanamazana,politics,Online news +en5035,Witnesses testified that they had directed a death squad to the victims' hiding place and had given them petrol with which to burn down the building,Mboni zidachitira umboni kuti adalozera gulu lokapha munthuli kumene adabisala wochitiridwa chiwembuyi ndipo adawapatsa mafuta a galimoto kuti awotche nyumbayo,politics,Online news +en5036,"The infrastructure and economy of the country had suffered greatly during the genocide. Many buildings were uninhabitable, and the former regime had carried with them all currency and moveable assets when they fled the country","Zomangamanga komanso chuma cha dzikolo zidasokonekera kwambiri pa nthawi ya chiwembucho. Nyumba zambiri zinali zosakhalamo anthu, ndipo boma lakale linali litanyamula ndalama zonse ndi katundu wosuntha pamene ankathawa m’dzikolo",politics,Online news +en5037,"Among the principal objectives of the courts were identification of the truth about what happened during the genocide, speeding up the process of trying genocide suspects, national unity and reconciliation, and demonstrating the capacity of the Rwandan people to resolve their own problems","Zina mwa zolinga zazikulu za makhothi ndi kudziwitsa anthu zoona za zomwe zinachitika pa nthawi ya kupha anthu, kufulumizitsa ntchito yozenga anthu oganiziridwa kupha anthu, mgwirizano wa dziko komanso kuyanjanitsa, komanso kusonyeza kuti anthu a ku Rwanda ali ndi mphamvu zothetsera mavuto awo ",politics,Online news +en5038,"There was also a lack of defense counsel and protections for the accused, who were denied the right to appeal to ordinary courts","Kudalinso kusowa kwa aphungu ndi chitetezo kwa oimbidwa mlandu, omwe adakanidwa ufulu wotsutsa chigamulo ku bwalo amilandu wamba",politics,Online news +en5039,"Most trials were open to the public, but there were issues with witness intimidation. The courts did not try those responsible for massacres of Hutu civilians committed by members of the RPF","Milandu yambiri inali yololedwa kwa anthu onse, koma panali nkhani zoopseza mboni. Mabwalo a milandu sanazenge mlandu amene anapha anthu wamba Achihutu ochitidwa ndi mamembala a RPF",politics,Online news +en5040,The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is an ongoing military and political conflict in the Levant,Mkangano wa Israeli ndi Palestina ndi mkangano wankhondo ndi ndale womwe ukupitilirabe ku Levant,politics,Online news +en5041,"Various attempts have been made to resolve the conflict as part of the Israeli–Palestinian peace process, alongside other efforts to resolve the broader Arab–Israeli conflict","Kuyesera kosiyanasiyana kwachitika pofuna kuthetsa kusamvanako monga gawo la ndondomeko ya mtendere pakati pa Israeli ndi Palestina, pamodzi ndi zoyesayesa zina zothetsera mkangano waukulu wa Arab-Israel ",politics,Online news +en5042,"The violence of the conflict in the region—rich in sites of historic, cultural, and religious interest worldwide—has been the subject of numerous international conferences dealing with historic rights, security issues, and human rights, and has been a factor limiting access to, and tourism in, areas that are highly contested","Ziwawa za mikangano yomwe ili mderali, yomwe ili ndi mbiri yakale, chikhalidwe, ndi zipembedzo padziko lonse lapansi, yakhala nkhani yamisonkhano yambiri yapadziko lonse yokhudzana ndi mbiri yakale, nkhani zachitetezo, ndi ufulu wachibadwidwe. ndi zokopa alendo m'madera omwe akutsutsidwa kwambiri",politics,Online news +en5043,"The majority of peace efforts have been centred around the two-state solution, which involves the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel","Ntchito zambiri zamtendere zakhala zikuyang'ana pazokambirana za mayiko awiri, zomwe zimaphatikizapo kukhazikitsidwa kwa dziko lodziyimira pawokha la Palestine pamodzi ndi Israeli",politics,Online news +en5044,"Many Palestinians support armed attacks against Israelis within Israel as a means of ending the occupation, others believe that a two-state solution is no longer practical or possible as a result of the expansion of Israeli settlements","Anthu ambiri aku Palestine amathandizira kuukira kwa Israeli mkati mwa Israeli ngati njira yothetsera kulanda, ena amakhulupirira kuti njira yothetsera mayiko awiri sikugwiranso ntchito kapena kotheka chifukwa chakukula kwa midzi ya Israeli ",politics,Online news +en5045,"For four months, under continuous Arab provocation and attack, the Yishuv was usually on the defensive while occasionally retaliating","Kwa miyezi inayi, povutitsidwa ndi Aarabu mosalekeza, a Yishuv nthawi zambiri ankadzitchinjiriza pomwe nthawi zina anali kubwezera",politics,Online news +en5046,"According to the Palestinian negotiators the offer did not remove many of the elements of the Israeli occupation regarding land, security, settlements, and Jerusalem","Malinga ndi zokambirana zaku Palestine zomwe adaperekazo sizinachotse zambiri zomwe Israeli adalanda dziko la Israeli pankhani ya malo, chitetezo, malo okhala, ndi Yerusalemu",politics,Online news +en5047,"The IDF answered the charges stating that its army held itself ""to the highest of professional standards"", adding that when there was suspicion of wrongdoing, it investigated and took action ""where appropriate","IDF idayankha mlanduwo ponena kuti gulu lake lankhondo limadziyendera bwino kwambiri, ndipo linanenanso kuti pakakhala kukayikira kuti adalakwa, amafufuza ndikuchitapo kanthu 'pamene kuyenera",politics,Online news +en5048,Both parties to the conflict have been criticized by third-parties for teaching incitement to their children by downplaying each side's historical ties to the area,Zipani zonse ziwiri zomwe zili pa mkanganowo zadzudzulidwa ndi zipani zachitatu chifukwa chophunzitsa zolimbikitsa ana awo ponyalanyaza ubale wa mbali zonse ndi derali,politics,Online news +en5049,One of the primary obstacles to resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is a deep-set and growing distrust between its participants,Chimodzi mwazolepheretsa kuthetsa mkangano wa Israeli ndi Palestina ndi kusakhulupirirana kwakukulu pakati pa omwe akutenga nawo gawo ,politics,Online news +en5050,"The control of Jerusalem is a particularly delicate issue, with each side asserting claims over the city","Ulamuliro wa Yerusalemu ndi nkhani yovuta kwambiri, ndipo mbali iliyonse imatsutsa mzindawo ",politics,Online news +en5051,There is significant debate within Israel about how to deal with the country's security concerns. Options have included military action,Pali mkangano waukulu mkati mwa Israeli wokhudza momwe angathanirane ndi nkhani zachitetezo cha dzikolo. Zosankha zaphatikizirapo zankhondo,politics,Online news +en5052,Malawi boasts of patriotic soldiers that saved this nation more than four times from self-destruction,Malawi ikudzitama ndi asilikali okonda dziko lawo omwe anapulumutsa dziko lino kangapo kanayi ku kudziwononga ,politics,Online news +en5053,One cannot hazard a guess what would have befallen the nation had the Malawi Defense Force (MDF) slackened in their line of duty. Soldiers guide Judges from an armored vehicle,Sitinganene kuti chikadakhala chani dziko lino ngati gulu lankhondo la Malawi Defence Force (MDF) litadekha pa ntchito yawo. Asilikali amawongolera Oweruza kuchokera mgalimoto ya zida ,politics,Online news +en5054,"Amid the tricky one-party rule of founding president Hastings Kamuzu Banda when the price for daring those in power was either death or detention without trial if not exile if you were lucky, the military boldly stood up against the dictator to protect the nation they vow to defend to death","Mkati mwaukali wa chipani chimodzi cha mtsogoleri wa dziko woyamba Hastings Kamuzu Banda pomwe mtengo wa kulimba mtima kwa omwe ali paudindo unali imfa kapena kutsekeredwa m'ndende popanda kuzengedwa mlandu ngati mulibe mwayi, asirikali adalimba mtima kutsutsana ndi ulamuliro wankhanza kuti ateteze dziko lomwe adalumbira kuteteza mpaka imfa",politics,Online news +en5055,"The military remained steadfast and provided necessary security for smooth transition after Mutharika dubbed the vote as “the worst poll in Malawi’s history”. Both local and international observers said it was credible, free and fair","Asilikali adalimbikira ndipo adapereka chitetezo chofunikira kuti zinthu ziyende bwino pambuyo poti Mutharika adatcha voti "yoyipa kwambiri m'mbiri ya Malawi". Owona m'dziko ndi m'mayiko osiyanasiyana adanena kuti zinali zodalirika, zaulere komanso zachilungamo",politics,Online news +en5056,"Since then,” he said, “the country’s defense force pays its loyalty to the nation, not political parties","Kuyambira nthawi imeneyo, asilikali a dziko lino akupereka kukhulupirika kwa dziko, osati zipani za ndale ",politics,Online news +en5057,"We later started producing pamphlets denouncing the system and calling for change which we would distribute across the country,” he explained","Pambuyo pake tidayamba kupanga timapepala todzudzula dongosololi ndikuyitanitsa kusintha komwe tidagawa dziko lonse,” adalongosola ",politics,Online news +en5058,"He recalled: “On two occasions police came to my residence in Naperi, which now houses Joy Radio, and told me they had information that I was rising against Banda","Iye anakumbukira kuti: “Nthawi ziwiri apolisi anabwera kunyumba kwanga ku Naperi, komwe panopa kuli wailesi ya Joy, n’kundiuza kuti ali ndi chidziwitso choti ndikuukira Banda",politics,Online news +en5059,"I denied the accusations. I was wearing a Kamuzu badge and I told them, how can I do that? They left and I immediately went around and alerted my friends",Ndinakana zonenezazo. Ndinavala badge ya Kamuzu ndipo ndinawauza kuti ndipange bwanji? Ananyamuka ndipo nthawi yomweyo ndinazungulira ndikudziwitsa anzanga ,politics,Online news +en5060,"Kamuzu later announced during a public rally in Balaka that if anyone sees me they should arrest me. That time we were at Harry Thomson’s office at Ginnery Corner, holding one of our meetings","Pambuyo pake a Kamuzu adalengeza pamsonkhano wa anthu ku Balaka kuti ngati wina andiwona andigwire. Nthawi imeneyo tinali ku ofesi ya Harry Thomson ku Ginnery Corner, tikuchita misonkhano yathu ",politics,Online news +en5061,"He said police went to his house, searched everywhere, and went to his Kapoloma home village in Machinga without success","Iye adati apolisi adapita kunyumba kwawo, adafufuza paliponse, ndipo adapita kwawo kwa Kapoloma ku Machinga osachita bwino",politics,Online news +en5062,"Muluzi said they took his son, young Atupele then and his mother to police station where they pressed them to disclose where he was, but they told police they had no idea and were let go","Muluzi adati adatenga mwana wake, Atupele ndi mayi ake kupolisi komwe adawakakamiza kuti aulule komwe ali, koma adauza apolisi kuti sakudziwa ndipo adawasiya ",politics,Online news +en5063,"My friends were lawyers, and they knew where I was hiding. So they came and asked: ‘Why don’t you surrender to police?’ and I accepted,” he said","Anzanga anali maloya, ndipo ankadziwa kumene ndinkabisala. Choncho anabwera n’kufunsa kuti: ‘N’chifukwa chiyani osadzipereka kwa apolisi? ndipo ndinavomera,” adatero ",politics,Online news +en5064,"Muluzi said the 1992 pastoral letter issued by Catholic bishops titled Living Our Faith, hit the nail on the head as it was considered a remarkable support to what they had been demanding","A Muluzi adati kalata ya abusa a 1992 yomwe ma episkopi a mpingo wakatolika adatulutsa yotchedwa Living Our Faith, idagunda pamutu chifukwa idali yothandiza kwambiri pa zomwe akhala akufuna ",politics,Online news +en5065,"We were very happy that Malawians finally voted for referendum. We knew that would be the beginning of human dignity,” he said","Tinasangalala kwambiri kuti Amalawi pamapeto pake adavotera referendum. Tinkadziwa kuti chimenecho chikakhala chiyambi cha ulemu wa munthu,” adatero ",politics,Online news +en5066,"But Muluzi does not credit himself and his cronies for the change in Malawi politics. He said: “It was all God’s grace. Sometimes I ask myself, how did it happen? It was almost impossible","Koma a Muluzi sakuyamikira iyeyo ndi amzawo chifukwa cha kusintha kwa ndale za Malawi. Iye anati: “Zonsezi zinali chisomo cha Mulungu. Nthawi zina ndimadzifunsa kuti, zidachitika bwanji? Zinali zosatheka ",politics,Online news +en5067,Many people were killed and arrested. We had the support of people. People were yearning for change,Anthu ambiri anaphedwa ndi kumangidwa. Tinali ndi thandizo la anthu. Anthu ankafunitsitsa kusintha ,politics,Online news +en5068,"He said their fight was motivated by the desire to see Malawians enjoy freedom of speech, freedom to do business and unity","Iye adati nkhondo yawo idachitika chifukwa chofuna kuwona Amalawi akusangalala ndi ufulu wolankhula, ufulu wochita bizinesi ndi umodzi",politics,Online news +en5069,"Said Chibambo: “We wanted to give people of this country freedom to criticise leadership, analyse how their government is being run. But 25 years down the line, he said the nation has not fully achieved its dream","Anatero Chibambo: “Tinkafuna kuti anthu a dziko lino apereke ufulu wodzudzula utsogoleri, kuunika momwe boma lawo likuyendetsedwera. Koma zaka makumi awiri ndi zisanu zikubwerazi, iye adati dzikoli silinakwaniritse maloto ake ",politics,Online news +en5070,"He said: “The new people that were coming in started fearing the leadership. We needed people that could stand up to the leadership, but people started looking at individuals other than ideologies or what the party stood for, it’s aims and objectives","Iye anati: “Anthu atsopano amene ankabwera anayamba kuopa utsogoleri. Tinkafuna anthu oti angatsutse utsogoleri, koma anthu anayamba kuyang'ana anthu osati maganizo kapena zomwe chipanicho chimayimilira, zolinga zake ndi zolinga zake",politics,Online news +en5071,"I used to question my father about the tortures people were going through, the bullying of people by Malawi Young Pioneer, and when Muluzi approached me, I did not hesitate to help the fight,” he said","Ndinkawafunsa bambo anga za mazunzo omwe anthu amakumana nawo, kuchitiridwa nkhanza kwa anthu ndi gulu la Malawi Young Pioneer, ndipo a Muluzi atandiyandikira sindidachedwe kuthandiza nawo ndewu,” adatero ",politics,Online news +en5072,"He said it took a lot of courage to get involved because people would end up in prison or disappear. He said his father, after he retired from politics, also encouraged him to join the fight",Iye adati pamafunika kulimba mtima kuti achitepo kanthu chifukwa anthu amakathera kundende kapena kutha. Iye adati bambo ake atapuma pa ndale adamulimbikitsanso kuti alowe nawo ndewuyi,politics,Online news +en5073,"An Israeli military spokesman said on Friday night that it was ""operating powerfully on all dimensions in order to achieve the goals of the war""",Mneneri wankhondo waku Israeli adanena Lachisanu usiku kuti 'ikugwira ntchito mwamphamvu m'mbali zonse kuti akwaniritse zolinga zankhondo',politics,Online news +en5074,"The air force was conducting extensive strikes on Hamas targets and ground forces were ""expanding their operations"", he added","Gulu lankhondo la ndege likuchita ziwonetsero zambiri paza zolinga za Hamas ndipo magulu ankhondo apansi anali 'kukulitsa ntchito zawo', anawonjezera",politics,Online news +en5075,"Throughout the night, huge explosions lit up the sky above Gaza. At the same time, Palestinian mobile phone and internet networks went down, cutting off communications both inside the Strip and with the outside world. The blackout made it hard for ambulances to reach the injured","Usiku wonse, kuphulika kwakukulu kunayatsa kumwamba ku Gaza. Nthawi yomweyo, mafoni am'manja aku Palestina ndi ma intaneti adatsika, ndikudula kulumikizana mkati mwa Strip komanso ndi dziko lakunja. Kuzimitsidwa kudapangitsa kuti ma ambulansi avutike kufika kwa ovulala",politics,Online news +en5076,"He said the bombardment of northern areas was on a scale he had never seen before. There were fewer strikes in southern areas, he added, but there was panic among the hundreds of thousands of people sheltering there after being told by Israel to leave their homes in the north","Iye adati kuphulitsidwa kwa mabomba kwa madera a kumpoto kunali kwakukulu komwe sanaonepo. M'madera akum'mwera munachita ziwonetsero zochepa, adaonjeza, koma panali mantha pakati pa anthu masauzande ambiri omwe akukhala kumeneko atauzidwa ndi Israeli kuti achoke m'nyumba zawo kumpoto ",politics,Online news +en5077,"The Israeli military has massed tens of thousands of soldiers along the territory's perimeter fence, along with tanks and artillery","Asitikali aku Israeli adasonkhanitsa asilikali zikwizikwi m'mphepete mwa mpanda wa chigawocho, pamodzi ndi akasinja ndi zida zankhondo ",politics,Online news +en5078,"UN Secretary General warned on Friday that the humanitarian system in Gaza was ""facing a total collapse with unimaginable consequences for more than two million civilians""",Mlembi wamkulu wa bungwe la United Nations adachenjeza Lachisanu kuti njira zothandizira anthu ku Gaza 'zikuyang'anizana ndi kugwa kwathunthu ndi zotsatira zosayembekezereka kwa anthu wamba oposa mamiliyoni awiri',politics,Online news +en5079,"He appealed for a humanitarian ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages, and the delivery of life-saving supplies of aid at the scale needed","Iye anapempha kuti anthu aleke kumenyana, kumasula anthu onse ogwidwa popanda zifukwa zomveka, ndiponso kuti zinthu zopulumutsa moyo ziperekedwe pamlingo wofunika ",politics,Online news +en5080,"The World Health Organization said on Tuesday that a third of hospitals in Gaza were no longer functioning due to shortages of electricity, medicine and staff. Those still open were only admitting emergency cases, it added","Bungwe la World Health Organization linanena Lachiwiri kuti gawo limodzi mwa magawo atatu a zipatala ku Gaza sizikugwira ntchito chifukwa cha kusowa kwa magetsi, mankhwala ndi antchito. Omwe adakali otsegulidwa amangovomereza milandu yadzidzidzi, idawonjezera",politics,Online news +en5081,"There have also been no shipments of fuel, which is needed to generate electricity for hospitals, shelters, bakeries, water treatment and pumping stations, and the sewerage system","Sipanapezekenso mafuta otumizidwa, omwe amafunikira kuti azipangira magetsi azipatala, malo ogona, ophika buledi, oyeretsera madzi ndi popopera, komanso potengera zimbudzi ",politics,Online news +en5082,Israel refuses to allow deliveries of fuel because it says it could be used for military purposes by Hamas. It also says that Hamas is hoarding hundreds of thousands of liters of fuel that it is refusing to hand over to aid agencies,Israel ikukana kubweretsa mafuta chifukwa akuti atha kugwiritsidwa ntchito pazankhondo ndi Hamas. Ikutinso Hamas ikusunga mafuta mazana masauzande ambiri omwe ikukana kupereka ku mabungwe othandizira,politics,Online news +en5083,"However, Israel has continued to carry out strikes on what it says are Hamas military targets in Khan Younis and elsewhere in southern Gaza","Komabe, Israeli ikupitilizabe kumenya zomwe akuti ndi gulu lankhondo la Hamas ku Khan Younis komanso kwina kum'mwera kwa Gaza",politics,Online news +en5084,Hamas is a Palestinian group which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007. The group is sworn to Israel's destruction and wants to replace it with an Islamic state,Hamas ndi gulu la Palestine lomwe lalamulira dera la Gaza kuyambira chaka cha 2007. Gululi lalumbirira kuwononga Israeli ndipo likufuna kuti m'malo mwake lilowetse dziko lachisilamu ,politics,Online news +en5085,"Hamas has fought several wars with Israel since it took power. It has fired - or allowed other groups to fire - thousands of rockets into Israel, and has carried out other deadly attacks","Hamas yakhala ikumenya nkhondo zingapo ndi Israeli kuyambira pomwe idatenga ulamuliro. Yawombera - kapena kulola magulu ena kuwomba - masauzande a roketi ku Israel, ndipo yachita ziwawa zina zakupha",politics,Online news +en5086,"Mr Netanyahu said after the attack that Israel was at war, and vowed that Hamas would ""pay an unprecedented price""","Netanyahu adati pambuyo pa chiwembucho kuti Israeli ali pankhondo, ndipo adalumbira kuti Hamas 'ilipira mtengo womwe sunachitikepo'",politics,Online news +en5087,"This year has been the deadliest on record for Palestinians who live in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, which could have motivated Hamas to strike Israel","Chaka chino chakhala chakufa kwambiri kwa anthu aku Palestine omwe amakhala ku West Bank yomwe idalandidwa ndi Israeli, zomwe zikanapangitsa Hamas kumenya Israeli ",politics,Online news +en5088,Hamas might also have been seeking to score a significant propaganda victory to boost its popularity among ordinary Palestinians,Hamas iyeneranso kufunafuna kupambana kwakukulu pakufalitsa zabodza kuti ikweze kutchuka kwake pakati pa anthu wamba aku Palestine,politics,Online news +en5089,The faces of these little boys have appeared on my social media feed in the past week. They were both killed as violence unfolded,Nkhope za anyamatawa zawonekera pamasamba anga ochezera pa intaneti sabata yatha. Onse adaphedwa pomwe ziwawa zidachitika,politics,Online news +en5090,"I've tracked down family, friends and witnesses. In both cases they tell a tragic story","Ndafufuza achibale, anzanga ndi mboni. M’zochitika zonse ziwirizo amanena nkhani yomvetsa chisoni",politics,Online news +en5091,"The way the boys' deaths have been denied by social media users is symbolic of an information battle, running in parallel with the war on the ground","Momwe imfa ya anyamatawa yakanira ndi ogwiritsa ntchito malo ochezera a pa Intaneti ndi chizindikiro cha nkhondo yachidziwitso, yomwe ikuyenda mofanana ndi nkhondo yapansi ",politics,Online news +en5092,These false allegations have shocked family and friends grieving the loss of their loved ones - and the people who witnessed what happened,Nkhani zabodzazi zadabwitsa abale ndi abwenzi akulira maliro a okondedwa awo - komanso anthu omwe adawona zomwe zidachitika,politics,Online news +en5093,"Two photographers put me in touch with her, and I matched up her profiles on social media with the details available to me to confirm her identity as Omar's mother","Ojambula awiri adandilumikizana naye, ndipo ndidafananiza mbiri yake pawailesi yakanema ndi zambiri zomwe ndingapeze kuti nditsimikizire kuti ndi amayi ake a Omar",politics,Online news +en5094,Omar had been playing outside with his older brother Majd when he was killed. I've seen footage where Majd confirms this,Omar anali kusewera panja ndi mchimwene wake Majd pomwe adaphedwa. Ndawonapo zithunzi zomwe Majd akutsimikizira izi,politics,Online news +en5095,"Each time, the posts would say the child was a doll. I have watched the extended footage, and it's clear from the video that this is a real person","Nthawi zonse, zolembazo zimanena kuti mwanayo ndi chidole. Ndawonera kanema wowonjezera, ndipo zikuwonekeratu kuchokera muvidiyoyo kuti uyu ndi munthu weniweni",politics,Online news +en5096,"They both told me, categorically, that the child pictured had not been a doll, but a real little boy. They also shared additional images, which I have matched up with the original video footage to verify the child's identity","Onse awiri adandiuza motsimikiza, kuti mwana yemwe adajambulidwayo sanali chidole, koma kamnyamata kakang'ono. Adagawananso zithunzi zowonjezera, zomwe ndafananiza ndi kanema woyambirira kuti nditsimikizire kuti mwanayo ndi ndani ",politics,Online news +en5097,"It seems that part of what made people think what they saw was a doll, rather than a child, was the colour of Omar's skin in the photograph","Zikuoneka kuti china chimene chinapangitsa anthu kuganiza kuti chimene anaona chinali chidole, osati mwana, chinali mtundu wa khungu la Omar pa chithunzi",politics,Online news +en5098,"Omer was just an angel. He was so, so, beautiful and cute and pure. He was very close to his sisters. They were always playing together and they were so kind to him","Omeri anali mngelo chabe. Iye anali kwambiri, kotero, wokongola ndi wokongola ndi woyera. Ankakondana kwambiri ndi azilongo ake. Nthawi zonse ankasewera limodzi ndipo ankamukomera mtima",politics,Online news +en5099,But when I read the comments below - while there were many speaking of the terrible shock and offering support - there were others I had not expected to find,Koma nditawerenga zomwe zili pansipa - pomwe panali ambiri olankhula za kugwedezeka kowopsa ndikupereka chithandizo - panali ena omwe sindimayembekezera kuwapeza,politics,Online news +en5100,"I checked out the profiles behind the comments. Many of them appeared to be real people based around the world. Several actively supported Hamas, and a couple appeared to be based in the occupied West Bank","Ndinayang'ana mbiri kumbuyo kwa ndemanga. Ambiri a iwo ankawoneka ngati anthu enieni okhala padziko lonse lapansi. Angapo adathandizira gulu la Hamas, ndipo banja lina likuwoneka kuti likukhala ku West Bank",politics,Online news +en5101,"These were not accounts with huge followings. However, the cumulative effect of their posts seemed to bolster wider, viral social media narratives trying to suggest that Hamas had not killed or attacked any children, in spite of the widespread evidence of such violence","Awa sanali maakaunti okhala ndi otsatira ambiri. Komabe, kuchuluka kwa zolemba zawo kumawoneka ngati kulimbikitsa nkhani zambiri zapa TV zomwe zimayesa kunena kuti Hamas sanaphe kapena kuukira ana aliwonse, ngakhale pali umboni wochuluka wankhanza zotere ",politics,Online news +en5102,"Other untrue comments I spotted suggested that the murders had been real, but that Hamas gunmen had not been responsible. One user wrote, ""I guess it's Israel themselves"" who killed these children and the Israelis were ""trying to blame Hamas""","Ndemanga zina zabodza zomwe ndidaziwona zikuwonetsa kuti kuphana kunali kwenikweni, koma kuti asitikali a Hamas analibe mlandu. Wogwiritsa ntchito wina analemba kuti, 'Ndikuganiza kuti ndi Israeli mwiniwake' amene anapha ana awa ndipo Aisrayeli anali 'kuyesa kuimbidwa mlandu Hamas'",politics,Online news +en5103,"I just want the world to remember and to know what happened. To deal with their death is hard enough, and all these comments make it even worse","Ndikungofuna kuti dziko lapansi likumbukire ndikudziwa zomwe zidachitika. Kuthana ndi imfa yawo ndizovuta, ndipo ndemanga zonsezi zimapangitsa kuti zikhale zovuta kwambiri",politics,Online news +en5104,How can I respond to that? I need to prove they died? Why did five graves need to be filled with their beautiful bodies?,Kodi ndingayankhe bwanji kwa izo? Ndiyenera kutsimikizira kuti adamwalira? N’cifukwa ciani manda asanu anafunika kudzazidwa ndi matupi ao okongola? ,politics,Online news +en5105,"We also get to know each other and, with the help of various companies and organisations, Namisa gives out awards to outstanding journalists, thereby encouraging us to bring out the best in us","Timadziwananso ndipo mothandizidwa ndi makampani ndi mabungwe osiyanasiyana, a Namisa amapereka mphoto kwa atolankhani ochita bwino, potero kutilimbikitsa kuti tiwonetsere zabwino mwa ife",politics,Online news +en5106,"But come to think of it, is it free press for us all as citizens? Why are journalists celebrating alone?","Koma bwerani muganizire izi, kodi ndi nkhani yaulere kwa tonsefe monga nzika? Nchifukwa chiyani atolankhani akukondwerera okha?",politics,Online news +en5107,"Simply put, for democracy to function properly, the public ought to have adequate information with which to make informed choices","Mwachidule, kuti ufulu wodzilamulira igwire bwino ntchito, anthu akuyenera kukhala ndi chidziwitso chokwanira chomwe angapange nawo zisankho zabwino ",politics,Online news +en5108,An attribute which distinguishes free press from the regulated press of the one party era is the watch dog role,Khalidwe lomwe limasiyanitsa osindikiza aulere ndi osindikizira olamulidwa a nthawi yachipani chimodzi ndi udindo wa galu wolondera,politics,Online news +en5109,"Under the one-party system, the press was not only government-regulated but it also largely belonged to government and was used as a tool to rally the people behind their beloved Kamuzu, the party [MCP] and government","Pansi pa chipani chimodzi, atolankhani sanali olamulidwa ndi boma okha komanso kuti anali a boma ndipo ankagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chida chopezera anthu kuti azitsatira okondedwa awo a Kamuzu, chipani cha MCP ndi boma ",politics,Online news +en5110,Free press is characterized by the multiplicity of media houses and media content. It also has to be credible enough to thrive on sales of copies and space for adverts,Makina osindikizira aulere amadziwika ndi kuchuluka kwa nyumba zama media komanso zomwe zili mu media. Iyeneranso kukhala yodalirika kuti iziyenda bwino pakugulitsa makope ndi malo otsatsa ,politics,Online news +en5111,"For the politicians who sarcastically ask which constituencies critical newspapers represent, I would humbly submit that for newspapers, elections do not happen once in five years as is the case for MPs. Rather, they happen daily by the reading public who vote with their money","Kwa andale omwe amafunsa mwachipongwe kuti ndi madera ati omwe amatsutsa nyuzipepala, ndipereke modzichepetsa kuti nyuzipepala, zisankho sizichitika kamodzi pazaka zisanu monga zimakhalira aphungu. M'malo mwake, zimachitika tsiku ndi tsiku ndi anthu owerenga omwe amavotera ndi ndalama zawo",politics,Online news +en5112,"It is because of free press that the public now know that Ministers Dick Matenje, Aaron Gadama and Twaibu Sangala and MP David Chiwanga were bludgeoned to death by agents of the State as opposed to getting killed in a car crash as they were fleeing into Mozambique as reported by government way back in 1983","Ndi chifukwa cha nkhani zaulere zomwe anthu akudziwa tsopano kuti nduna Dick Matenje, Aaron Gadama ndi Twaibu Sangala ndi MP David Chiwanga anaphedwa ndi nthumwi za boma kusiyana ndi kuphedwa pa ngozi ya galimoto pamene ankathawira ku Mozambique. zomwe zidanenedwa ndi boma mu chaka cha 1983 ",politics,Online news +en5113,Free press has also led to the dismissal and arrest of a Cabinet minister who used State funds for personal gains,Ufulu wofalitsa nkhani wapangitsanso kuchotsedwa ntchito ndi kumangidwa kwa nduna ya boma yomwe idagwiritsa ntchito ndalama za boma kuti zipindule,politics,Online news +en5114,Government and non-governmental institutions have also acted on media exposes on human rights violation and corruption,Boma ndi mabungwe omwe si aboma nawonso achitapo kanthu pazofalitsa zowulutsa za kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu komanso katangale,politics,Online news +en5115,Free press has also accorded our democracy a medium for public debate on issues of national significance. I must confess the electronic media is better positioned than print media for interactive content,Atolankhani aulere aperekanso ufulu wodzilamulira yathu njira yolumikizirana ndi anthu pa nkhani zofunika kwambiri mdziko. Ndiyenera kuvomereza kuti zowulutsira pakompyuta zili bwino kuposa zosindikizira zogawana,politics,Online news +en5116,Which brings me to the question: is there free press in Malawi? Madam Joyce Banda has pledged good governance which inherently presupposes tolerance of dissenting views and free press. Time will tell,Zomwe zimandifikitsa ku funso loti: Kodi kuno ku Malawi kuno kuli makina osindikizira aulere? Madam Joyce Banda alonjeza kuti padzakhala ulamulilo wabwino womwe umapangitsa kuti anthu azikhala ndi maganizo osiyana ndi atolankhani. Nthawi idzauza,politics,Online news +en5117,"But if free press is a tool for providing the public with diverse information with which to make informed choices, then ours is a flag flying at half mast","Koma ngati makina osindikizira aulere ndi chida choperekera anthu zidziwitso zosiyanasiyana zomwe angasankhe nazo mozindikira, ndiye kuti yathu ndi mbendera yowuluka pakati ",politics,Online news +en5118,"State-run MBC, which has the highest rural-audience reach, is yet to portray, for the good of the electorate, the diversity that defines multiparty political dispensation","MBC yoyendetsedwa ndi boma, yomwe ili ndi anthu ambiri akumidzi yofikira anthu, ikuyenera kuwonetsa, mokomera ochita zisankho, kusiyanasiyana komwe kumatanthawuza kuti ndale zipani zambiri",politics,Online news +en5119,"Yet for there to be transparency and accountability tenets of good governance ”the public, including media practitioners, ought to access public information”","Koma kuti pakhale mfundo za ulamulilo wabwino, anthu, kuphatikizapo ofalitsa nkhani, akuyenera kudziwitsa anthu onse”",politics,Online news +en5120,Let’s talk about genuine free press when the majority of the people can access diverse information with which to make informed choices,Tiyeni tikambirane za utolankhani weniweni waulere pomwe anthu ambiri amatha kupeza zidziwitso zosiyanasiyana zomwe angasankhe mwanzeru,politics,Online news +en5121,"Now that we only have less than two years to the electoral year, political parties and all stakeholders are busy strategizing and positioning themselves to make an impact in 2014","Tsopano popeza tangotsala ndi zaka ziwiri zokha kuti chaka chamasankho chikwaniritsidwe, zipani za ndale ndi onse okhudzidwa ali kalikiliki kukonza njira ndikudziika kuti achitepo kanthu mu chaka cha 2014",politics,Online news +en5122,"For the ruling party, it will not be a bad idea to look back and take stock of what they have done well as per their 2009 manifesto, while also analyzing their shortfalls","Kwa chipani cholamula sichingakhale cholakwika kuyang'ana m'mbuyo ndikuwunika zomwe adachita bwino malinga ndi ndondomeko yawo ya chaka cha 2009, ndikuwunikanso zoperewera zawo",politics,Online news +en5123,"As for the other parties, feasting on the ruling party shortfalls and undelivered promises should be their main pre-occupation for now","Koma zipani zina, kudyerera zolephera za chipani cholamula ndi malonjezo omwe sanakwaniritsidwe zikhale ntchito yawo yayikulu pakadali pano",politics,Online news +en5124,"Credible, free and fair elections are the pride of every country and all players in the electoral process need to play it safe and act responsibly, realizing that elections begin way before the polling day","Chisankho chodalirika, chaufulu ndi chachilungamo ndi chonyaditsa cha dziko lililonse ndipo onse ochita zisankho akuyenera kuwonetsetsa kuti zisankho zikuyenda bwino pozindikira kuti zisankho zidayamba tsiku loponya voti lisanafike ",politics,Online news +en5125,The coming elections are promising to be tough in terms of campaign strategies to be employed by participating political parties,Chisankho chomwe chikubwerachi chikulonjeza kuti chidzakhala chovuta potengera njira za kampeni zomwe zigwiritsidwe ntchito ndi zipani za ndale zomwe zikutenga nawo gawo ,politics,Online news +en5126,Well-articulated party policies will play a greater role in swaying the people to vote for a particular party,Mfundo zachipani zokambidwa bwino zithandiza kwambiri kukopa anthu kuti avotere chipani china ,politics,Online news +en5127,This will be a welcome move from previous election campaign meetings where individual credentials were used as a trump card,Ichi chikhala cholandirika pamisonkhano yachisankho yam'mbuyomu pomwe zidziwitso zamunthu zidagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati lipenga ,politics,Online news +en5128,"Twenty years into multi-party democracy should be enough for the nation to start on a different note, debating and discussing issues that affect the people rather than hero-worshipping leaders","Zaka 20 mu ulamuliro wa zipani zambiri za ufulu wodzilamulira zikhale zokwanira kuti dziko lino liyambe mwa njira ina, kukambilana ndi kukambirana nkhani zokhuza anthu osati atsogoleri opembedza ngwazi",politics,Online news +en5129,"Actually, going by what is happening now, 2014 promises to be a year where the courts are going to dictate the mode, pace and conduct of party campaigns since government seems bent on using public resources and institutions to advance its agenda and remain in power","Malinga ndi zomwe zikuchitika pano, chaka cha 2014 chikulonjeza kuti chikhala chaka chomwe makhothi azilamulira momwe zipani zikuyendera, kayendedwe ndi kayendetsedwe ka kampeni chifukwa boma likuwoneka kuti likufunitsitsa kugwiritsa ntchito chuma cha boma ndi mabungwe kuti apititse patsogolo zolinga zake ndikukhalabe pampando ",politics,Online news +en5130,"The police is one institution often used as an instrument of terror on citizens. Instead of protecting the rights of individuals, it tramples on them, leaving one wondering whether the officers live in the same country as everyone else once they remove their uniforms","Apolisi ndi gulu limodzi lomwe nthawi zambiri limagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chida choopseza nzika. M’malo moteteza ufulu wa anthu, imawapondereza, n’kusiya munthu akudzifunsa kuti ngati apolisiwo amakhala m’dziko limodzi ndi anthu ena akangovula yunifolomu ",politics,Online news +en5131,What comes to mind is the way the July 20 2011 mass demonstrations were handled by our security personnel and a question that follows is: Were such actions really intended to protect people and property or just to instils fear?,Zomwe zimabwera m'maganizo ndi momwe ziwonetsero zazikulu za Julayi 20 2011 zidasamaliridwa ndi achitetezo athu ndipo funso lotsatira ndilakuti: Kodi izi zidali zoteteza anthu ndi katundu kapena kungoyambitsa mantha?,politics,Online news +en5132,Another thorny issue that keeps coming up now and again during election time is the use of public resources for campaign purposes,Nkhani ina yomwe ikungobwerabe nthawi ya zisankho ndikugwiritsa ntchito chuma cha boma pa kampeni.,politics,Online news +en5133,It is common to see government and parastatal vehicles ferrying people to and from functions organized by the ruling party. This they do with so much impunity although it all comes at the expense of the taxpayer,Ndi zachilendo kuwona magalimoto aboma ndi mabungwe akunyamula anthu kupita ndi kubweza ku ntchito zomwe chipani cholamula chimakonza. Izi amachita mopanda chilango ngakhale zonse zimabwera chifukwa cha wokhometsa msonkho,politics,Online news +en5134,"However, much as such things go unchallenged, it is every citizens right to ensure that his tax is used for its intended purpose of providing goods and services to the general population than fund a particular party to stay in power","Komabe, ngakhale zinthu zotere sizingatsutsidwe, ndi ufulu nzika iliyonse kuwonetsetsa kuti msonkho wake ukugwiritsidwa ntchito pazifukwa zomwe akufuna kupereka katundu ndi ntchito kwa anthu wamba m'malo molipira chipani china kuti chikhale pampando ",politics,Online news +en5135,"As such, courts can be moved to make a determination on matters of such abuses. This is all in line with the democratic values that form foundations and tenets of multipartyism","Chotero, mabwalo amilandu angasonkhezeredwe kupanga chigamulo pa nkhani za nkhanza zoterozo. Zonsezi zikugwirizana ndi mfundo za ufulu wodzilamulira tokha zomwe zimapanga maziko ndi mfundo za zipani zambiri ",politics,Online news +en5136,Town and city councils also fall victim to party politics in the sense that they are manipulated by the ruling party to refuse to grant permissions to other parties to hold political party meetings in their jurisdictions,Makhonsolo a m’matauni ndi m’matauni nawonso amakhudzidwa ndi ndale za zipani ponena kuti akugwiritsiridwa ntchito ndi chipani cholamula kukana kupereka chilolezo kwa zipani zina kuchita misonkhano ya zipani m’madera awo,politics,Online news +en5137,Chiefs sometimes do this on “instructions from above” This behaviour is retrogressive and not in tandem with democracy,Mafumu nthawi zina amachita izi potsatira malangizo ochokera kumwamba ,politics,Online news +en5138,It is every citizen has a right to make full and informed democratic choice as per Section 40 of our Constitution. This choice can only be effectively made upon careful scrutiny of each party policies regarding various issues affecting an individual livelihood,Ndi nzika iliyonse ili ndi ufulu wosankha mwa ufulu wodzilamulira mokwanira komanso mozindikira malinga ndi Ndime 40 ya malamulo athu. Chisankhochi chikhoza kupangidwa poyang'anitsitsa ndondomeko za chipani chilichonse zokhudzana ndi moyo wa munthu ,politics,Online news +en5139,"The issues are manifold and we shall embark on a journey together, trying to highlight some of the things we tend to ignore but which play a very important role in the way we live our lives and take care of our families in the years after an election","Nkhanizi ndi zochulukirachulukira ndipo tidzayamba ulendo limodzi, kuyesera kuwunikira zina mwazinthu zomwe timakonda kunyalanyaza koma zomwe zimakhudza kwambiri momwe timakhalira moyo wathu ndikusamalira mabanja athu pazaka pambuyo pa chisankho. ",politics,Online news +en5140,"Tension rose to another high on Wednesday as youths closed the Paul Kagame Highway in Lilongwe, declaring Machinga North East Member of Parliament (MP) Atupele Muluzi as their president",Mkangano udakula Lachitatu pomwe achinyamata adatseka msewu wa Paul Kagame mu mzinda wa Lilongwe pomwe phungu wa Nyumba ya Malamulo ku Machinga kumpoto chakummawa Atupele Muluzi ndiye mtsogoleri wawo ,politics,Online news +en5141,"The youth, hoisting tree branches and chanting anti-government and anti-President Bingu wa Mutharika songs, defied the presence of armed anti-riot police officers","Achinyamata, akukweza nthambi zamitengo ndikuyimba nyimbo zotsutsa boma komanso wotsutsa mtsogoleri wa dziko Bingu wa Mutharika, adanyoza kupezeka kwa apolisi oletsa zipolowe omwe ali ndi zida",politics,Online news +en5142,"Police clashed with residents and several people sustained injuries while an angry mob, in apparent revenge, burnt down a police unit","Apolisi anamenyana ndi anthu ndipo anthu angapo avulala pamene gulu la anthu okwiya, mwachiwonekere likufuna kubwezera, linawotcha gulu la apolisi",politics,Online news +en5143,"On Wednesday, Atupele was taken out of Maula Prison in a dramatic car chase to three hospitals in a space of one hour and was finally admitted to City Centre Clinic with high blood pressure. Meanwhile, his supporters went on the rampage in the capital city, stopping all business","Lachitatu, Atupele adatulutsidwa mundende ya Maula pagalimoto yothamangitsa zipatala zitatu patangotha ​​ola limodzi ndipo adagonekedwa pachipatala cha City Centre akudwala matenda a kuthamanga kwa magazi. Panthawiyi, omutsatira ake adachita chipolowe mu likulu la mzinda, kuletsa malonda onse ",politics,Online news +en5144,Prison authorities summoned police officers and they quickly rushed him into a prison vehicle and several fully armed police vehicles followed and a high speed chase with a dozen UDF vehicles ensued along the road with supporters claiming police were out for a mischief,Akuluakulu andende adayitanira apolisi ndipo mwachangu adamutengera mgalimoto ya ndende ndipo magalimoto angapo omwe anali ndi zida zambiri adatsatira ndipo mseuwu unadutsa magalimoto khumi ndi awiri a chipani cha UDF pomwe otsatira akuti apolisi adachita zachipongwe ,politics,Online news +en5145,"Police riot vehicles rushed into town, but they were clearly outnumbered as most of the police officers had lined up in the streets all the way to Mangochi where Mutharika is scheduled to preside over an International Water Day engagement this Thursday",Galimoto za zipolowe zinathamangira m’tauni koma zikuoneka kuti zinali zocheperapo kamba koti apolisi ambiri anali atafola m’misewu mpaka ku Mangochi komwe a Mutharika akatsogolere mwambo wa International Water Day lachinayi lino,politics,Online news +en5146,"Tell Malawians I am in good spirits. I appeal to them to remain calm and more importantly to uphold peace. I am in good spirits and tell them the process of change will continue in or outside prison walls, he said","Auzeni Amalawi kuti ndili ndi mzimu wabwino. Ndikuwapempha kuti akhale odekha komanso chofunika kwambiri kuti akhazikitse mtendere. Ndili ndi mzimu wabwino ndikuwauza kuti kusintha kupitirire mkati kapena kunja kwa ndende, adatero ",politics,Online news +en5147,"Banda, whose arrival at the prison caused commotion as the 2 000-plus prisoners sang and chanted her name, said she had come in solidarity with Atupele as he was only giving hope to Malawians","Banda, yemwe kufika kundendeko kudadzetsa chipwirikiti pomwe akaidi zikwi ziwiri kuonjezapo akuyimba ndikutchula dzina lake, adati adadza mogwirizana ndi Atupele poti amangopereka chiyembekezo kwa Amalawi",politics,Online news +en5148,"In an interview later, Banda said the country’s democracy was at a crossroads, saying arbitrary arrests were becoming common and vindicating those that argued that Malawi was on a wrong path","Poyankhulana pambuyo pake, Banda adati ulamuliro wa ufulu wodzilamulira m’dziko muno uli pamphambano ponena kuti kumangidwa mopanda chikoka kwayamba kuchitika ponseponse ndipo akudzudzula amene amati dziko la Malawi silikuyenda bwino",politics,Online news +en5149,I am sure our heroes must be turning in their graves. This is not what Bakili Muluzi and the late Chakufwa Chihana and others fought for. This is unnecessary,Ndikukhulupirira kuti ngwazi zathu ziyenera kutembenukira kumanda awo. Izi sizomwe Bakili Muluzi ndi malemu Chakufwa Chihana adamenyera nkhondo. Izi ndizosafunika,politics,Online news +en5150,"It is one of those times when one wonders where we are heading to, said Banda, who herself had to endure police humiliation by being asked to walk to the prison","Ndi imodzi mwa nthawi yomwe munthu amadabwa komwe tikulowera, adatero Banda, yemwe nayenso adakumana ndi manyazi apolisi popemphedwa kuti ayende kundende",politics,Online news +en5151,"Every minute the young Muluzi is being held in detention, his supporters, family, sympathisers and the media is documenting it, causing massive outpouring of anger against Mutharika’s administration","Mphindi iliyonse mnyamata a Muluzi akusungidwa m’ndende, omutsatira, achibale ake, omumvera chisoni komanso atolankhani akulemba zomwe zikubweretsa mkwiyo waukulu pa ulamuliro wa Mutharika",politics,Online news +en5152,"Outside the prison, people chanted songs, cracked jokes and, at times, expressed fury, an indication of how high political temperatures are at the moment","Kunja kwa ndendeyi, anthu ankaimba nyimbo, nthabwala zopanda pake ndipo nthawi zina amakwiya, zomwe zimasonyeza mmene kutentha kwa ndale kulili panopa",politics,Online news +en5153,The police had earlier blocked Joyce Banda’s convoy from proceeding to the prison premises. This only gave the sympathizers more ammunition to sing and chant anti-Mutharika songs,Apolisi anali ataletsa m'mbuyomo ulendo wa Joyce Banda kupita kundendeko. Izi zidangopatsa omvera zipolopolo zochulukira kuyimba ndikuyimba nyimbo zotsutsa a Mutharika,politics,Online news +en5154,The Vice-President walked before Lucius picked her up to the loud cheers of the crowds. Inmates at Maula joined in chanting songs in praise of Joyce Banda,Vice-President adayenda pamaso pa Lucius kuti amunyamule kuti anthu asangalale. Akaidi ku Maula adagwirizana kuyimba nyimbo zotamanda Joyce Banda,politics,Online news +en5155,"Effectively, he put into motion, with others, a movement that saw the feared MCP regime crumble; hence entered into the annals of history as one of the founding fathers of Malawi’s multipartyism","M'malo mwake, adayambitsa, ndi ena, gulu lomwe lidawona chipani cha MCP chikugwa; chifukwa chake adalowa m'buku la mbiri yakale ngati m'modzi mwa omwe adayambitsa zipani zambiri m'Malawi ",politics,Online news +en5156,"But today, almost 20 years later, Chihana’s tiny grave in the city of Mzuzu is a desolate, abandoned site despite earlier DPP government promises to erect a mausoleum befitting the fallen trade union and human rights activist","Koma lero, patadutsa zaka pafupifupi makumi awiri, manda aang'ono a Chihana mumzinda wa Mzuzu ndi malo abwinja, osiyidwa ngakhale kuti m'mbuyomu boma la DPP lidalonjeza kuti limanga nyumba yosungiramo manda ogwirizana ndi bungwe lomwe lagwa ndi lomenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe ",politics,Online news +en5157,"A faded Chihana portrait hangs on the grave under a falling roof, marked with untrimmed flowers, overgrown grass, and heavy dust settling on the unguarded grave, conjuring an eerie image, especially at night","Chithunzi chozimiririka cha Chihana chapachikidwa pamandapo pansi pa denga lomwe likugwa, lomwe lili ndi maluwa osadulidwa, udzu wofota, ndi fumbi lolemera lomwe lili pamanda osatetezedwa, zomwe zimachititsa chithunzithunzi chowopsa, makamaka usiku",politics,Online news +en5158,"We will employ a guard and ensure that there is electricity. I want to appeal to authorities to be reporting when things are not okay at the tomb,” said Kaliati","Tilemba ntchito mlonda ndikuwonetsetsa kuti pali magetsi. Ndikufuna kupempha akuluakulu a boma kuti azipereka lipoti kumandako zinthu sizili bwino,” adatero Kaliati",politics,Online news +en5159,"It is affecting the family a lot. We cannot continue looking at the ugly site. We feel we have abandoned our father’s resting place,” said the young Chihana, who confirmed government at one time showed the family the mausoleum’s design","Zimakhudza kwambiri banja. Sitingathe kupitiriza kuyang'ana malo oipawa. Tikuwona kuti tasiya mpumulo wa abambo athu,” adatero Chihana, yemwe adatsimikizira boma nthawi ina adawonetsa banjali momwe nyumbayi idapangidwira ",politics,Online news +en5160,"Where were the Israel Defense Forces, in those long hours as Hamas militants roamed at will around communities near Gaza, some are asking","Kodi asilikali a Israeli anali kuti, m'maola aatali aja pamene zigawenga za Hamas zinkayendayenda m'madera pafupi ndi Gaza, ena akufunsa ",politics,Online news +en5161,"The army completely failed as a quick-reaction force,"" one Israeli said, pointing to how some of the communities that came under attack had to rely on their own civilian protection forces while they waited for the military to arrive","Asilikali adalephereratu ngati gulu lochitapo kanthu mwachangu,' m'modzi wa Israeli adatero, akulozera momwe ena mwa madera omwe adazunzidwa adayenera kudalira magulu awo oteteza anthu wamba pomwe amadikirira kuti asitikali afike ",politics,Online news +en5162,"The full answer of why this happened will take some time to emerge. But it seems as if surprise, scale and speed overwhelmed defenses which were patchy and unprepared for what they faced","Yankho lathunthu la chifukwa chake izi zidachitika litenga nthawi kuti liwonekere. Koma zikuwoneka ngati kudabwa, kukula ndi liwiro zidalemetsa chitetezo chomwe chinali cholimba komanso chosakonzekera zomwe adakumana nazo ",politics,Online news +en5163,Israeli intelligence failed to get inside the planning by Hamas for the attack. The group seems to have undertaken a long-term programme of deception to give the impression it was incapable or unwilling to launch an ambitious attack,Anzeru aku Israeli adalephera kulowa mkati mwa mapulani a Hamas pakuwukira. Gululi likuwoneka kuti lapanga pulogalamu yachinyengo kwanthawi yayitali kuti liwonetsere kuti silingathe kapena silikufuna kuyambitsa chiwembu chofuna kumenya ,politics,Online news +en5164,"It also practiced good operational security, probably keeping off electronic communications. Hamas then relied on the unprecedented scale and speed of what came next","Inagwiritsanso ntchito chitetezo chabwino, mwina kuletsa kulumikizana kwamagetsi. Hamas ndiye idadalira mulingo womwe sunachitikepo ndi liwiro la zomwe zidatsatira",politics,Online news +en5165,"Such a range of activity would have led to chaos within Israel's command and control centres, already quiet on a Saturday morning which was also a religious holiday","Zochita zambiri zotere zikanabweretsa chipwirikiti mkati mwa malo olamulira ndi olamulira a Israeli, omwe anali chete Loweruka m'mawa lomwe linalinso tchuthi chachipembedzo",politics,Online news +en5166,"Some of the Hamas fighters targeted civilian communities while others targeted military outposts. There has been shock that these outposts were so lightly-defended that they could be overrun, with images posted of Israeli tanks in Hamas hands","Ena mwa omenyera a Hamas adalimbana ndi anthu wamba pomwe ena amangoyang'ana komwe kuli asitikali. Pakhala zododometsa kuti malowa anali otetezedwa mopepuka kotero kuti akhoza kugonjetsedwa, ndi zithunzi zojambulidwa za akasinja a Israeli ku Hamas m'manja ",politics,Online news +en5167,And the holes in the border remained open for long enough to allow hostages to be taken into Gaza before tanks were eventually used to close them up,Ndipo mabowo m'malire adakhala otseguka kwa nthawi yayitali kuti alowetse anthu ogwidwa ku Gaza akasinja asanagwiritsidwe ntchito kutseka ,politics,Online news +en5168,"Defences seem to have been patchy - Israeli security and defense forces had in recent months been more focused on the West Bank rather than Gaza, potentially leaving gaps","Zodzitchinjiriza zikuwoneka kuti sizinali bwino - Asitikali achitetezo aku Israeli m'miyezi yaposachedwa adayang'ana kwambiri West Bank m'malo mwa Gaza, ndikusiya mipata ",politics,Online news +en5169,Israel's military and intelligence capability has long been rated as the best in the Middle East and one of the best in the world. But they may also have underestimated the abilities of their opponents,Mphamvu zankhondo ndi zanzeru za Israeli zakhala zikudziwika kuti ndizabwino kwambiri ku Middle East komanso imodzi mwazabwino kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi. Koma mwinanso adapeputsa kuthekera kwa adani awo,politics,Online news +en5170,"And a similar failure of imagination may also be one of the issues for Israel, leaving it unprepared for something so ambitious from its enemy","Ndipo kulephera kwamalingaliro kofananako kungakhalenso imodzi mwazinthu zomwe Israeli adakumana nazo, kuwasiya osakonzekera chinthu chofuna kwambiri kuchokera kwa mdani wake ",politics,Online news +en5171,"Those concerns will certainly be part of the long-term inquiries that will likely take place. In the short term though, the focus will be on working out what to do next rather than looking back","Madandaulo amenewo adzakhala gawo limodzi mwamafunso anthawi yayitali omwe angachitike. Koma pakanthawi kochepa, cholinga chidzakhala chofuna kuchitapo kanthu m'malo moyang'ana mmbuyo",politics,Online news +en5172,"But a senior defence official in Washington later said that the US had ""no information at this time"" to corroborate specific allegations of an Iranian role in the attacks",Koma mkulu wa chitetezo ku Washington pambuyo pake adanena kuti US 'ilibe chidziwitso panthawiyi' kuti atsimikizire zomwe Iran idachita paziwopsezo ,politics,Online news +en5173,"Regardless, the stakes on the truth of this are high. If it emerged that Iran was behind the attacks, it could widen the conflict into a regional confrontation","Mosasamala kanthu, pachowonadi cha izi ndi chachikulu. Zikadziwika kuti Iran ndiyomwe idayambitsa ziwopsezozi, zitha kukulitsa mkanganowu kukhala mkangano wachigawo",politics,Online news +en5174,"So while Iran's leaders have celebrated and praised the attacks, they have been quick to deny involvement. ""The accusations linked to an Iranian role… are based on political reasons,"" Iran's Foreign Ministry said","Chifukwa chake ngakhale atsogoleri aku Iran adakondwerera ndikuyamika ziwonetserozi, adakana kukana kutenga nawo mbali. "Zomwe zikukhudzana ndi udindo waku Iran ... zimachokera pazifukwa zandale," Unduna wa Zachilendo ku Iran watero ",politics,Online news +en5175,"Tehran has been one of Hamas' main sponsors for many years, providing it with financial assistance and vast quantities of weaponry, including rockets","Tehran wakhala m'modzi mwa othandizira akuluakulu a Hamas kwa zaka zambiri, kupereka thandizo lazachuma komanso zida zankhondo zambiri, kuphatikiza maroketi",politics,Online news +en5176,"Israel has spent years trying to disrupt Iran's supply routes to Gaza, which involve Sudan, Yemen, ships in the Red Sea and Bedouin smugglers in the lawless Sinai Peninsula","Israeli yakhala zaka zambiri ikuyesera kusokoneza njira zoperekera zakudya za Iran ku Gaza, zomwe zikuphatikizapo Sudan, Yemen, zombo za ku Nyanja Yofiira ndi ozembetsa a Bedouin ku Sinai Peninsula",politics,Online news +en5177,"As one of Israel's most implacable foes, Iran clearly has a vested interest in seeing the Jewish state suffer","Monga m'modzi mwa adani osatsutsika a Israeli, Iran ikufuna kuwona dziko lachiyuda likuvutika ",politics,Online news +en5178,"""I would say that it's not too much to assume that Iran is involved,"" Haim Tomer, a former senior officer with Israel's foreign intelligence agency, Mossad; ""This is the response of Iran to reports that a peace treaty is going to happen between Israel and Saudi Arabia.""","'Ndinganene kuti sizochuluka kuganiza kuti Iran ikukhudzidwa,' Haim Tomer, yemwe kale anali mkulu wa bungwe la intelligence la Israel, Mossad; 'Izi ndi yankho la Iran ponena kuti mgwirizano wamtendere uchitika pakati pa Israeli ndi Saudi Arabia.'",politics,Online news +en5179,"""Yes, it's true that Iran is the number one provider of equipment to Hamas,"" he said, ""and that they were training them in Syria and even, reportedly, in Iran.""","Inde, ndizowona kuti Iran ndiye omwe amapereka zida ku Hamas adatero, ndipo amawaphunzitsa ku Syria komanso ku Iran.",politics,Online news +en5180,"Israel, he said, had been watching the movement of Hamas officials in recent months. ""We have seen people and other Hamas leaders flying back and forth between Lebanon and Iran, holding meetings","Israeli, adatero, akuyang'ana kayendetsedwe ka akuluakulu a Hamas m'miyezi yaposachedwa. 'Tawona anthu ndi atsogoleri ena a Hamas akuwuluka uku ndi uku pakati pa Lebanon ndi Iran, akuchita misonkhano",politics,Online news +en5181,"""Iran sustains and supports every logistic and military aspect, but I think the decision was at least 75% an independent decision by the Hamas leadership.""","Iran imachirikiza ndikuthandizira mbali zonse zankhondo ndi zankhondo, koma ndikuganiza kuti chisankhocho chinali 75% chisankho chodziyimira pawokha ndi utsogoleri wa Hamas",politics,Online news +en5182,"Unnamed Hamas and Hezbollah sources told the newspaper that officers from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked alongside Hamas since August to put together Saturday's complex air, land and sea operation","Magwero omwe sanatchulidwe a Hamas ndi Hezbollah adauza nyuzipepalayi kuti akuluakulu a Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ku Iran adagwira ntchito limodzi ndi Hamas kuyambira mu August kuti akhazikitse ntchito ya Loweruka pamlengalenga, pamtunda ndi panyanja ",politics,Online news +en5183,Videos of the Hamas attack pointed to a level of sophistication far beyond the organization’s mostly crude attempts in the past to breach Israel's security fence surrounding the Gaza Strip,Makanema akuukira kwa Hamas adawonetsa kuchuluka kwazovuta kwambiri kuposa zomwe bungweli lidayesetsa kuchita m'mbuyomu kuti liwononge mpanda wachitetezo cha Israeli wozungulira Gaza Strip,politics,Online news +en5184,"Did Hamas use Iranian aid? Definitely, yes. Did Iran have an interest in this action? Yes. Does Hamas need Iranian permission to operate? No.""","Kodi Hamas adagwiritsa ntchito thandizo la Iran? Ndithudi, inde. Kodi Iran inali ndi chidwi ndi izi? Inde. Kodi Hamas ikufunika chilolezo cha Iran kuti igwire ntchito? Ayi.'",politics,Online news +en5185,"Hamas has been developing its elite units for several years, says Haim Tomer, the former Mossad official. ""But still they performed above their former level,"" he said","Hamas yakhala ikupanga magulu ake osankhika kwa zaka zingapo, akutero a Haim Tomer, yemwe anali mkulu wa Mossad. 'Koma adachitabe kuposa kale,' adatero",politics,Online news +en5186,Israeli officials are now looking north and south as they figure out what happens next and whether Iran's involvement could become more overt,Akuluakulu a Israeli tsopano akuyang'ana kumpoto ndi kum'mwera kuti adziwe zomwe zidzachitike pambuyo pake komanso ngati kukhudzidwa kwa Iran kungawonekere kwambiri ,politics,Online news +en5187,"""The Hamas operation is a reality-changing event in the Middle East that may oblige Iran to move from the phase of ongoing support and co-ordination to a more direct involvement, especially if the Israeli response poses a significant challenge to Hamas,","Ntchito ya Hamas ndizochitika zosintha zenizeni ku Middle East zomwe zingakakamize Iran kuti ichoke pagawo lothandizira ndi kugwirizana kosalekeza kupita kukutengapo mbali kwachindunji, makamaka ngati kuyankha kwa Israeli kumabweretsa vuto lalikulu kwa Hamas, ",politics,Online news +en5188,"Since the attack Israel has been carrying out strikes in Gaza. The Hamas-run Palestinian health ministry says the retaliatory strikes have killed more than 7,000 people",Chiyambireni chiwembu Israeli yakhala ikuchita ziwonetsero ku Gaza. Unduna wa zaumoyo ku Palestina woyendetsedwa ndi Hamas wati zigawenga zobwezera zapha anthu oposa zikwi zisanu nid ziwiri ,politics,Online news +en5189,"On Friday, Israel said it was intensifying its campaign in Gaza ahead of an expected ground invasion","Lachisanu, Israel idati ikukulitsa kampeni yake ku Gaza patsogolo pa kuwukira komwe akuyembekezeka ",politics,Online news +en5190,"Zambia’s founding president and liberation hero, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda has died at the age of 97",Mtsogoleri wakale wa dziko la Zambia Dr. Kenneth Kaunda wamwalira ali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndianayi kudza mphjambu zisanu ndi ziwiri,politics,Online news +en5191,"Kaunda ruled Zambia from 1964, when the southern African nation won its independence from Britain, until 1991, and afterwards become one of Africa’s most committed activists against HIV/AIDS","Kaunda adalamulira Zambia kuyambira chaka cha 1964, pomwe dziko lakummwera kwa Africa lidalandira ufulu kuchokera ku Britain, mpaka chaka cha 1991, ndipo pambuyo pake adakhala m'modzi mwa anthu odzipereka kwambiri ku Africa polimbana ndi HIV/AIDS",politics,Online news +en5192,The former president had been feeling unwell and had been admitted to the Maina Soko Medical Centre in Lusaka earlier this week,mtsogoleri wa dziko wakaleyo anali kumva kuti sakupeza bwino ndipo adagonekedwa kuchipatala cha Maina Soko ku Lusaka kumayambiriro kwa sabata ino,politics,Online news +en5193,"A man of great personal charm, he was hailed as a modernizing force in the continent despite his initial rejection of the concept of multiparty democracy","Munthu wachikoka kwambiri, adayamikiridwa ngati mphamvu yopititsa patsogolo dziko lino ngakhale adakana lingaliro la ufulu wodzilamulira ya zipani zambiri",politics,Online news +en5194,"But poor economic management caused his popularity to plummet, and he was voted out of office when free elections were held in 1991","Koma kusasamalidwa bwino kwachuma kudapangitsa kuti kutchuka kwake kugwere pansi, ndipo adamuvotera pomwe zisankho zaulere zidachitika mu chaka cha 1991",politics,Online news +en5195,"But the young Kaunda’s academic ability won him a place in the first secondary school to be formed in Northern Rhodesia, and he later became a teacher","Koma luso la Kaunda pamaphunziro linamupezera malo ku sekondale yoyamba kukhazikitsidwa ku Northern Rhodesia, ndipo kenaka adakhala mphunzitsi ",politics,Online news +en5196,One of his first political acts was to become a vegetarian in protest at a policy that forced Africans to go to a separate window at butchers’ to buy meat,Chimodzi mwazochita zake zandale zoyamba chinali kukhala wosadya masamba potsutsa mfundo yomwe idakakamiza anthu aku Africa kuti apite kukagula nyama pawindo lapadera paogulitsa nyama ,politics,Online news +en5197,"Two years later he was imprisoned, with hard labour, for distributing leaflets that the authorities deemed subversive","Zaka ziwiri pambuyo pake anaikidwa m’ndende, ndi ntchito yolemetsa, chifukwa chogaŵira timapepala tomwe akuluakulu a boma ankaona kuti ndi ogwetsa zinthu ",politics,Online news +en5198,"Disillusioned with what he saw as the failure of his party to take a stronger line on the rights of indigenous Africans, Kaunda set up his own party, the Zambian African National Congress","Atakhumudwitsidwa ndi zomwe adawona kuti ndi vuto la chipani chake kuti atengere ufulu wa ku African, Kaundian African National Congress Congress",politics,Online news +en5199,Within a year it was banned and Kaunda was back in prison. His incarceration turned him into a radical,Pasanathe chaka chinaletsedwa ndipo Kaunda analinso kundende. Kutsekeredwa kwake kunamupangitsa kukhala wopambana ,politics,Online news +en5200,"By 1960 he had become the leader of the new United National Independence Party (Unip) and, fired with enthusiasm following a visit to Martin Luther King in the US, he began his own programme of civil disobedience which involved blocking roads and burning buildings","Pofika m'chaka cha 1960 adakhala mtsogoleri wa chipani chatsopano cha United National Independence Party (Unip) ndipo, atakwiya kwambiri atapita kukacheza ndi a Martin Luther King ku US, adayambitsa pulogalamu yakeyake yosamvera anthu yomwe idakhudza kutseka misewu ndikuwotcha nyumba ",politics,Online news +en5201,Kaunda started with the great advantage of leading an African state with a stronger economic base than any of its neighbours but there was a shortage of native Zambians who had the skills and training to run the country,Kaunda adayamba ndi mwayi waukulu wotsogolera dziko la Africa lomwe lili ndi maziko olimba pazachuma kuposa ena onse oyandikana nawo koma kunali kusowa kwa nzika zaku Zambia zomwe zinali ndi luso komanso maphunziro oyendetsa dzikolo,politics,Online news +en5202,"In 1969, at huge cost, he nationalised the copper mines, which accounted for 90% of the country’s foreign exchange earnings","Mu 1969, pamtengo wokwera kwambiri, adatulutsa migodi yamkuwa, yomwe idapeza 90% ya ndalama zakunja zadzikolo ",politics,Online news +en5203,"But the price of copper collapsed, imported oil prices soared, and the economy, already weakened, was soon in serious trouble","koma mtengo wamkuwa unagwa, mitengo yamafuta ochokera kunja idakwera, ndipo chuma, chomwe chidayamba kuchepa, posakhalitsa chidalowa m'mavuto akulu",politics,Online news +en5204,"In contrast, he remained a staunch defender of the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s policy of land reform, under which white farmers were driven from the country, resulting in economic meltdown","Mosiyana ndi zimenezi, iye anayikirabe kumbuyo ndondomeko ya mtsogoleri wa dziko la Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe pa nkhani yokonzanso ndondomeko za malo, pomwe alimi achizungu anathamangitsidwa m’dzikolo, zomwe zinachititsa kuti chuma chisokonekere ",politics,Online news +en5205,"“I’ve been saying it all along, please do not demonize Robert Mugabe. I’m not saying the methods he’s using are correct, but he was put under great pressure","Ndakhala ndikunena izi, chonde musamachite ziwanda Robert Mugabe. Sindikunena kuti njira zomwe akugwiritsa ntchito ndi zolondola, koma adakakamizidwa kwambiri ",politics,Online news +en5206,"The cracks began to appear in Kaunda’s rule in late 1980. There were reports of an attempt to overthrow his government, and a dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed over much of the country","Ming’aluyi idayamba kuonekera muulamuliro wa Kaunda chakumapeto kwa 1980. Panali malipoti ofuna kugwetsa boma lake, ndipo lamulo loti achoke madzulo mpaka m’bandakucha anaikidwa m’madera ambiri m’dzikolo",politics,Online news +en5207,"More than 20 people died in three days of rioting, and the security forces stormed the campus of Zambia University and closed it down to stifle unrest","Anthu opitilira makumi awiri amwalira zipolowe mkati mwa masiku atatu, ndipo achitetezo adalanda pasukulu ya Zambia University ndikutseka kuti aletse zipolowe",politics,Online news +en5208,Kaunda was coming under increasing pressure both from inside Zambia and from the wider world to introduce real democracy. Eventually he agreed and called elections on 31 October 1991,Kaunda anali kukumana ndi zovuta zambiri kuchokera mkati mwa Zambia ndi padziko lonse lapansi kuti akhazikitse ufulu wodzilamulira yeniyeni. Pambuyo pake adavomera ndikuyitanitsa chisankho pa 31 October chaka cha 1991,politics,Online news +en5209,"From the moment that campaigning began, it was clear that he was in trouble, and there was little surprise when the voters rejected him in favour of the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, led by Frederick Chiluba","Kuyambira pomwe kampeniyi idayamba, zidawonekeratu kuti ali pamavuto, ndipo sizinadabwe pomwe ovota adamukana ndikutsatira chipani cha Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, motsogozedwa ndi Frederick Chiluba",politics,Online news +en5210,But he still had great influence in Zambia and the new government perceived him as a threat,Koma adali ndi chikoka chachikulu ku Zambia ndipo boma latsopanolo lidamuwona ngati chiwopsezo,politics,Online news +en5211,"Kaunda was arrested on charges of treason in 1997, although the new government was forced to back down after international pressure. A later attempt to have him declared stateless was eventually thrown out by the courts","Kaunda adamangidwa pamilandu youkira boma mu 1997, ngakhale boma latsopanolo lidakakamizika kubwelera pambuyo pokakamizidwa ndi mayiko akunja. Pambuyo pake, mabwalo amilandu adakana kuti anene kuti sanalinso mzika ya dzikolo",politics,Online news +en5212,"He turned his attention to the fight against HIV and Aids and was the first African leader to publicly admit that one of his sons, Masuzyo, had died of an Aids-related disease","Adatembenukira kunkhondo yolimbana ndi HIV ndi Edzi ndipo anali mtsogoleri woyamba ku Africa kuvomereza kuti mmodzi mwa ana ake aamuna, Masuzyo, adamwalira ndi matenda okhudzana ndi Edzi",politics,Online news +en5213,"A prolific writer, he published a number of books advancing his ideology of African Socialism, which was picked up by other African leaders including Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana and Julius Nyerere in Tanzania","Mlembi waluso, adasindikiza mabuku angapo opititsa patsogolo malingaliro ake a African Socialism, omwe adatengedwa ndi atsogoleri ena aku Africa kuphatikiza Kwame Nkrumah ku Ghana ndi Julius Nyerere ku Tanzania",politics,Online news +en5214,He also played an accomplished guitar player and composed liberation songs which he played as he travelled the country to drum up support for the campaign against colonial rule,Ankaimbanso katswiri woyimba gitala ndipo adapekanso nyimbo zachipulumutso zomwe ankayimba pamene ankayendayenda m'dziko lonselo pofuna kulimbikitsa ndawala yolimbana ndi ulamuliro wa atsamunda,politics,Online news +en5215,But his economic policies turned a country that had huge earnings potential into a state in which poverty remained widespread and life expectancy was among the lowest in the world,Koma ndondomeko zake zachuma zidasintha dziko lomwe lidali ndi mwayi wopeza ndalama zambiri kukhala dziko lomwe umphawi udali wofala komanso chiyembekezo chokhala ndi moyo chinali pakati pa otsika kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi ,politics,Online news +en5216,"Russian and Ukrainian troops have been locked into a fierce battle for the frontline town since mid-October. Russia is thought to have suffered ""significant"" losses in this time",Asitikali aku Russia ndi Ukraine akhala akumenyera nkhondo yoopsa ya tawuni yakutsogolo kuyambira pakati pa October. Dziko la Russia likuganiziridwa kuti lawonongeka kwambiri panthawi imeneyi,politics,Online news +en5217,A Ukrainian army spokesperson said that Russian troops were refusing to attack Ukrainian positions near Avdiivka because of heavy losses and that there had been mutinies in some units,Mneneri wankhondo waku Ukraine adati asitikali aku Russia akukana kuwukira malo aku Ukraine pafupi ndi Avdiivka chifukwa chakuwonongeka kwakukulu komanso kuti pakhala zigawenga m'magulu ena ,politics,Online news +en5218,"""Russia's mobilised forces remain under-trained, under-equipped and unprepared for combat, as was the case during their failed winter offensive last year","'Asitikali ankhondo aku Russia amakhalabe osaphunzitsidwa bwino, alibe zida komanso osakonzekera kumenya nkhondo, monga momwe zinalili panthawi yachisanu yomwe idalephera chaka chatha",politics,Online news +en5219,"However, future aid to Ukraine is in doubt following the election of Republican Mike Johnson as speaker of the US House of Representatives earlier this week","Komabe, thandizo lamtsogolo ku Ukraine likukayikitsa kutsatira chisankho cha Republican Mike Johnson kukhala spikala wa Nyumba ya Oyimilira ku US koyambirira kwa sabata ino",politics,Online news +en5220,Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022,Mtsogoleri wa dziko la Russia Vladimir Putin adayambitsa kuwukira kwathunthu ku Ukraine mu mwezi wa February chaka cha 2022,politics,Online news +en5221,"The Russian defence ministry has been recruiting prisoners to fight in Ukraine, apparently taking over from the Wagner mercenary group which was the first to adopt the practice last year","Unduna wa zachitetezo ku Russia wakhala ukulemba akaidi kuti akamenye nkhondo ku Ukraine, zikuoneka kuti akutenga udindo wa gulu lankhondo la Wagner lomwe linali loyamba kuchita mchitidwewu chaka chatha",politics,Online news +en5222,"Such army units are commonly known as Storm-Z, the letter Z being one of the symbols of Vladimir Putin's so-called ""special military operation"" against Ukraine. It is also the first letter of the Russian word ""zek"", or ""inmate""","Magulu ankhondo oterowo amadziwika kuti Storm-Z, chilembo Z kukhala chimodzi mwazizindikiro za zomwe Vladimir Putin adachita "ntchito yapadera yankhondo" motsutsana ndi Ukraine. Ilinso chilembo choyamba cha liwu la Chirasha loti 'zek', kapena 'wandende'",politics,Online news +en5223,The name Storm-Z is unofficial and can be applied to a range of Russian army units active in different parts of Ukraine,Dzinali Storm-Z silovomerezeka ndipo lingagwiritsidwe ntchito kumagulu angapo ankhondo aku Russia omwe amagwira ntchito m'malo osiyanasiyana a Ukraine,politics,Online news +en5224,There are also indications that members of other army units can be sent to Storm-Z detachments as punishment for violations such as insubordination or drunkenness,Palinso ziwonetsero zosonyeza kuti mamembala a magulu ena ankhondo atha kutumizidwa kumagulu a Storm-Z ngati chilango chophwanya malamulo monga kusamvera kapena kuledzera ,politics,Online news +en5225,"Last year, Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin - known as ""Putin's chef"" - was allowed to recruit in prisons after tens of thousands of Russian troops were killed in Ukraine","Chaka chatha, mtsogoleri wa Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin - yemwe amadziwika kuti 'Chef wa Putin' - adaloledwa kulowa m'ndende ataphedwa masauzande ankhondo aku Russia ku Ukraine",politics,Online news +en5226,"He personally visited numerous jails to promise convicted criminals that they would be able to go home free, and with their convictions removed, after six months of fighting for Wagner in Ukraine - if they survived","Iye mwini adayendera ndende zambiri ndikulonjeza zigawenga kuti atha kupita kwawo mwaufulu, ndipo zigamulo zawo zitachotsedwa, patatha miyezi isanu ndi umodzi akumenyera Wagner ku Ukraine - ngati apulumuka ",politics,Online news +en5227,"The group, which employed experienced mercenaries as well as convicts, proved itself as a capable fighting force in locations such as the eastern Ukrainian town of Bakhmut","Gululi, lomwe limagwiritsa ntchito asilikali odziwa zambiri komanso omangidwa, linasonyeza kuti ndi gulu lankhondo lamphamvu m'madera monga tawuni yakum'mawa kwa Ukraine ya Bakhmut",politics,Online news +en5228,"But then Prigozhin very publicly escalated his criticism of Russia's top brass, accusing them of incompetence and of deliberately starving Wagner of ammunition","Koma kenako Prigozhin adakweza poyera kutsutsa kwake kwapamwamba kwambiri ku Russia, kuwaneneza kuti sangakwanitse komanso kuti Wagner wadala mwadala zida zankhondo ",politics,Online news +en5229,"Two months after staging a short-lived mutiny, Prigozhin died in a plane crash in August 2023 together with Wagner's other top commanders","Patangotha ​​​​miyezi iwiri atayambitsa zipolowe kwakanthawi kochepa, Prigozhin adamwalira pa ngozi ya ndege mu August 2023 pamodzi ndi akuluakulu ena a Wagner ",politics,Online news +en5230,Reports from Russia suggest that the defence ministry has taken over from Wagner as a recruiter of inmates for the war against Ukraine,Malipoti ochokera ku Russia akusonyeza kuti unduna wa zachitetezo walanda udindo wa Wagner ngati wolembera akaidi omwe akugwira ntchito yolimbana ndi dziko la Ukraine,politics,Online news +en5231,"""Prisoners sign contracts with the defence ministry, and after completing them they can go home or continue serving","'Akaidi amasaina ma contract ndi unduna wa chitetezo, ndipo akamaliza amatha kupita kwawo kapena kukapitiriza kutumikira",politics,Online news +en5232,Russia is thought to have suffered heavy casualties in its repeated attempts to capture more Ukrainian land,Dziko la Russia likuganiziridwa kuti lidavulala kwambiri poyesa kulanda malo ambiri aku Ukraine ,politics,Online news +en5233,"Even though the Russian military has not confirmed or denied recruiting convicts, there are numerous indications of them being sent to units known as Storm-Z","Ngakhale asitikali aku Russia sanatsimikizire kapena kukana kulemba anthu omangidwa, pali zambiri zomwe zikuwonetsa kuti atumizidwa kumagulu omwe amadziwika kuti Storm-Z",politics,Online news +en5234,"It doesn't matter if you're a contract soldier, if you've been mobilized or if you are even a convict. No, we're like family,"" Bandit told the paper. ""I just hope the defence ministry does what it promised and secures a pardon for me.""","Zilibe kanthu ngati ndinu msilikali wa mgwirizano, ngati mwalimbikitsidwa kapena ndinu womangidwa. Ayi, tili ngati banja,' Bandit adauza nyuzipepalayo. 'Ndikungokhulupilira kuti unduna wa chitetezo uchita zomwe unalonjeza ndipo undikhululukire.'",politics,Online news +en5235,"In practice, this appears to mean that they are often readily deployed without much consideration for their chances of survival","M'malo mwake, izi zikuwoneka kuti zikutanthauza kuti nthawi zambiri amatumizidwa mosavuta popanda kuganizira zambiri za mwayi wawo wokhala ndi moyo",politics,Online news +en5236,"""People can simply go berserk because they're being treated like dispensable meat which deserves no sympathy. And this attitude is in reality not uncommon",'Anthu amatha kungochita manyazi chifukwa akutengedwa ngati nyama yotayika yomwe siyenera kumvera chisoni. Ndipo maganizo amenewa si achilendo,politics,Online news +en5237,"""We packed quickly. We took our livestock - cows, dogs, ducklings - and our equipment: milking kits and a generator,"" she says. ""We had to leave all our other possessions behind, they were all lost.""","'Tinalongedza mwachangu. Tidatenga ziweto zathu - ng'ombe, agalu, ana abakha - ndi zida zathu: zida zoberekera mkaka ndi jenereta,' akutero. 'Tidayenera kusiya katundu wathu yense, zonse zidatayika.'",politics,Online news +en5238,"The 52-year-old farmer and her husband Vasyl had devoted their lives to their herd of two dozen cows, which they had raised from calves, and did everything they could to save them","Mlimi wazaka makumi asanu ndi ziwiri ndi mwamuna wake Vasyl adapereka moyo wawo ku ng'ombe khumi ndi ziwiri, zomwe adaweta ku ng'ombe, ndipo adachita chilichonse chomwe akanatha kuti apulumutse ",politics,Online news +en5239,"It took just five more hours for the water to engulf their whole farm. Their village, Afanasiivka, is 70km (45 miles) north of the dam and there are signs of damage everywhere","Zinangotengera maola enanso asanu kuti madziwo awononge munda wawo wonse. Mudzi wawo wa Afanasiivka, uli pamtunda wa makilomita makumi asanu ndiawiri kumpoto kwa damulo ndipo pali zizindikiro za kuwonongeka kulikonse",politics,Online news +en5240,"Svitlana shows us water marks inside a barn, close to the ceiling, and explains that most of the hay she and her husband had prepared to feed their cows over the winter was destroyed. So was their other animal feed","Svitlana amatisonyeza zizindikiro za madzi m’khola, pafupi ndi denga, ndipo akufotokoza kuti udzu wambiri umene iye ndi mwamuna wake anakonzekera kudyetsa ng’ombe zawo m’nyengo yozizira unawonongeka. Chimodzimodzinso ziweto zawo zina",politics,Online news +en5241,"""The water rose by six metres, but at least the farm building survived,"" she says. ""Only the floor got washed away but the walls are still standing.""","'Madzi anakwera ndi mamita sikisi, koma nyumba ya famuyo inapulumuka,' akutero. 'Pansi pokha ndi madzi koma makoma adakalipo.'",politics,Online news +en5242,"Somehow, she's not disheartened. ""Maybe we will take out another loan, we will mow some hay for the cows or buy some more. We will make it, rest assured.""","Mwanjira ina, iye sanakhumudwe. 'Mwina titenga ngongole ina, tizicheka udzu wa ng'ombe kapena tigule wina. Tidzakwanitsa, khalani otsimikiza.'",politics,Online news +en5243,"Her optimism is shared by another farmer we meet who shows us round the ruins of his home in the village, 10km (six miles) away","Chiyembekezo chake chikufanana ndi mlimi wina yemwe tidakumana naye yemwe akutiwonetsa mabwinja a nyumba yake kumudzi, makilomita khumi (ma milosi asanu) ",politics,Online news +en5244,"The water reached the roof of his house and destroyed his crops. Before the flood he grew wheat, barley and sunflowers. And this isn't the first time he has had to start again","Madziwo anafika padenga la nyumba yake n’kuwononga mbewu zake. Chigumula chisanachitike, iye analima tirigu, balere ndi mpendadzuwa. Ndipo aka sikanali koyamba kuti ayambirenso",politics,Online news +en5245,Parents have been told they must move their families to safety from 31 settlements in the southern Kherson and eastern Donetsk regions. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian,Makolo auzidwa kuti akuyenera kusamutsa mabanja awo kupita kumalo otetezeka kuchokera kumidzi makumi atatu ndichimodzi kum'mwera kwa Kherson ndi kum'mawa kwa Donetsk. Aliyense wosakwanitsa zaka khumi ndi zisanu lkudzanso zitatu ayenera kutsagana ndi kholo kapena womulera,politics,Online news +en5246,Ukraine has ordered such evacuations before when fighting has intensified. Officials say many children are living under near constant shelling and insist it's now far too dangerous for them to remain at home,Ukraine idalamula kuti anthu asamuke m'mbuyomu pomwe ndewu zakula. Akuluakulu ati ana ambiri amakhala movutitsidwa ndi zipolopolo mosalekeza ndipo ati tsopano ndizowopsa kwa iwo kukhala kunyumba ,politics,Online news +en5247,Accompanied by police officers - with the power to force families to flee - they're now going door to door to persuade parents to leave with their children,Motsagana ndi apolisi - ali ndi mphamvu zokakamiza mabanja kuthawa - tsopano akuyenda khomo ndi khomo kukanyengerera makolo kuti achoke ndi ana awo,politics,Online news +en5248,Kyiv has promised families safe passage to safer parts of the country where they'll be given free accommodation and places at schools and nurseries,Kyiv yalonjeza mabanja kuti adutsa motetezeka kupita kumadera otetezeka mdziko muno komwe akapatsidwa malo ogona aulere komanso malo amasukulu,politics,Online news +en5249,Getting the families out is a difficult and dangerous task carried out by emergency workers and volunteers,Kutulutsa mabanja kunja ndi ntchito yovuta komanso yowopsa yochitidwa ndi ogwira ntchito zadzidzidzi ndi odzipereka ,politics,Online news +en5250,"The female lion, named Aysa, was pregnant when she was abandoned at a private zoo in the Donetsk region at the start of Russia's invasion","Mkango waukazi, wotchedwa Aysa, unali ndi pakati pamene unasiyidwa kumalo ena osungira nyama m’chigawo cha Donetsk kumayambiriro kwa kuwukira kwa Russia ",politics,Online news +en5251,"She was moved to another facility in Ukraine, where she gave birth to cubs Teddi, Emi and Santa","Anasamutsidwira ku malo ena ku Ukraine, kumene anabala ana Teddi, Emi ndi Santa",politics,Online news +en5252,"Yorkshire Wildlife Park said it was working to get permission to move the lions to the UK before Christmas. All four are currently at Poznan Zoo in Poland, where they have been temporarily rehomed. The park said it wanted to be able to make a difference to the lions' lives","Yorkshire Wildlife Park idati ikuyesetsa kuti ipeze chilolezo chosunthira mikango ku UK Khrisimasi isanakwane. Onse anayi pakali pano ali ku Poznan Zoo ku Poland, komwe abwezeretsedwako kwakanthawi. Pakiyi idati ikufuna kusintha moyo wa mikango ",politics,Online news +en5253,"Earlier this month, the park announced the death of the 14-year-old lion Simba due to ongoing age-related health issues","Kumayambiriro kwa mwezi uno, pakiyi idalengeza za imfa ya mkango wazaka khumi ndi zinayi Simba chifukwa cha matenda okhudzana ndi ukalamba ",politics,Online news +en5254,"It said: ""Lion Country here at Yorkshire Wildlife Park was built as a welfare facility and now we're in a position where we can offer a home to these poor lions and hope that we can make a difference to their lives",Linati: 'Lion Country kuno ku Yorkshire Wildlife Park inamangidwa ngati malo othandizira anthu ndipo tsopano tili pamalo oti titha kupereka nyumba kwa mikango yosaukayi ndikuyembekeza kuti titha kusintha miyoyo yawo,politics,Online news +en5255,"The entertainment blogger had been queuing in the biting cold with hundreds of others for six hours, long after the polls should have closed","Wolemba zachisangalaloyo adakhala pamizere kuzizira koopsa ndi ena mazana ambiri kwa maola asanu ndi limodzi, patatha nthawi yayitali zisankho zikadatsekedwa ",politics,Online news +en5256,"People gave us blankets, hot tea, cookies. The hospitality of residents in that area was incredible!"" said the 26-year-old of his long wait to vote","Anthu anatipatsa zofunda, tiyi wotentha, makeke. Kuchereza kwa anthu okhala m'derali kunali kodabwitsa!' wazaka makumi awiri ndi zisanu ndi chimodzi zakubadwa akudikirira kuti avote ",politics,Online news +en5257,"At one point, a group of women broke into song. At another, a local company delivered heaps of free food. The firm was so inundated with donations the next day from grateful Poles, it began redirecting the cash to charity","Panthawi ina, gulu la akazi linathyola nyimbo. Pa nthawi ina, kampani ina ya m’deralo inabweretsa milu ya chakudya chaulere. Kampaniyo idadzazidwa ndi zopereka tsiku lotsatira kuchokera kwa a Poles othokoza, idayamba kutumiza ndalamazo ku zachifundo",politics,Online news +en5258,"We're building our future and I think a lot of young people understood that,"" the blogger told me from Wroclaw","Tikumanga tsogolo lathu ndipo ndikuganiza kuti achinyamata ambiri adamvetsetsa izi,' wolemba mabulogu adandiuza kuchokera ku Wroclaw",politics,Online news +en5259,"He didn't want to reveal who he voted for but was ""happy with the way things turned out."" ""The queue was long and painful because it was so cold. But the people made it a cool experience.""",Sanafune kuulula yemwe adamuvotera koma 'anakondwera ndi momwe zinthu zidayendera.' 'Mzerewu unali wautali komanso wopweteka chifukwa kunali kozizira kwambiri. Koma anthu anachipanga kukhala chokumana nacho chabwino.',politics,Online news +en5260,The major parties didn't pay particular attention to the youth vote during an extremely negative election campaign,Zipani zazikuluzikulu sizinalabadire chidwi ndi voti ya achinyamata panthawi yachisankho choyipa ,politics,Online news +en5261,"The high turnout, including at polling stations overseas, was just one sign of how engaged Poles were with this election","Kuchuluka kwa anthu, kuphatikizapo m’malo oponya mavoti kutsidya lina la nyanja, chinali chizindikiro chimodzi chabe chosonyeza kuti a Poland anali otanganidwa ndi chisankhochi",politics,Online news +en5262,There was also a concerted effort to make sure that every ballot cast for the opposition would count,Panalinso khama lalikulu loonetsetsa kuti voti iliyonse ya otsutsa iwerengedwe,politics,Online news +en5263,"So opposition parties are already making their plans. Once a new government is in place, abortion is one of the hot issues they'll have to contend with","Ndiye zipani zotsutsa zikupanga kale mapulani awo. Boma latsopano likakhazikitsidwa, kuchotsa mimba ndi imodzi mwazovuta zomwe ayenera kulimbana nazo",politics,Online news +en5264,"They got a mandate from a society that wants this so I don't know what else there is to discuss,"" said Anna, dismissing the idea that reforming the abortion law would be tough","Apatsidwa udindo ndi gulu lomwe likufuna izi ndiye sindikudziwa zomwe tikambirane,' adatero Anna, akutsutsa lingaliro loti kukonzanso lamulo lochotsa mimba kungakhale kovuta",politics,Online news +en5265,"She was arrested again on Wednesday and charged with failing to register as a foreign agent, which carries a jail term of up to five years","Anamangidwanso Lachitatu ndikuimbidwa mlandu wolephera kulembetsa ngati agent wakunja, yemwe amakhala kundende mpaka zaka zisanu",politics,Online news +en5266,"Authorities charged her with failing to register as a foreign agent and with collecting information on behalf of foreign governments, according to Tatar Inform, a local state news site","Akuluakulu adamuimba mlandu wolephera kulembetsa ngati wothandizila wakunja komanso kusonkhanitsa zidziwitso m'malo mwa maboma akunja, malinga ndi Tatar Inform, tsamba lofalitsa nkhani m'boma ",politics,Online news +en5267,"While there has been some targeting of power facilities in recent weeks, this has been the longest gap since the attacks began in early October","Ngakhale kuti pakhala pali kulunjika kwa malo opangira magetsi m'masabata aposachedwa, uku kwakhala kusiyana kwakutali kwambiri kuyambira pomwe ziwopsezo zidayamba kumayambiriro kwa October",politics,Online news +en5268,"""It takes them that long to get a number of precision weapons together before they can mount a packaged event strike,"" was how one official put it earlier this week","'Ziwatengera nthawi yayitali kuti apeze zida zingapo zolondola bwino asananyalanyaze zochitika,' ndi momwe mkulu wina ananenera kumayambiriro kwa sabata ino",politics,Online news +en5269,"Military analysts will pore over the latest data, looking for what Russia's choice of weapons indicates about Moscow's tactics and remaining stocks","Ofufuza zankhondo azifufuza zomwe zachitika posachedwa, kufunafuna zomwe zida zankhondo zaku Russia zikuwonetsa pazanzeru za Moscow ndi masheya otsala ",politics,Online news +en5270,"Before today's attacks, observers had begun to wonder whether Russia would persist with a strategy that doesn't appear to be working","Ziwawa zamasiku ano zisanachitike, owonera anali atayamba kukayikira ngati dziko la Russia lipitilizabe ndi njira yomwe ikuwoneka kuti sikugwira ntchito ",politics,Online news +en5271,"Despite the enormous damage inflicted on Ukraine's power grid over the past six months, the country has not been brought to its knees and most Ukrainians have long since become accustomed to power cuts, inconvenience and the occasional danger","Ngakhale kuwonongeka kwakukulu komwe kunachitika pa gridi yamagetsi yaku Ukraine m'miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yapitayi, dzikolo silinagwade ndipo anthu ambiri aku Ukraine adazolowerana ndi kudula kwamagetsi, zosokoneza komanso zoopsa zina ",politics,Online news +en5272,"Ukraine's engineers have successfully kept power flowing across the country, despite losing scores of transformers, switches and other key components of the country's infrastructure","Mainjiniya a ku Ukraine adasunga bwino mphamvu zamagetsi m'dziko lonselo, ngakhale ataya ma transformer ambiri, masiwichi ndi zida zina zofunika kwambiri pakumanga dzikolo ",politics,Online news +en5273,"In Kyiv and other cities, street lights have recently been switched back on, offering relief to pedestrians used to making their way along darkened pavements with only their mobile phones to light the way","Ku Kyiv ndi mizinda ina, magetsi amsewu adayatsidwa posachedwa, ndikupereka mpumulo kwa oyenda pansi omwe amayenda m'misewu yamdima ndi mafoni awo okha kuti awutse njira",politics,Online news +en5274,"I can't leave her,"" Hanna tells us over the phone. ""She said she wanted to sleep in her own bed. She's 71 and has problems with her legs. If she stays alone, she can't get water or wood for heating.""","Sindingathe kumusiya,' anatero Hanna pafoni. 'Anati akufuna kugona pabedi lake. Ali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndi ziwiri kudzanso chimodzindipo ali ndi vuto ndi miyendo yake. Akakhala yekha sapeza madzi kapena nkhuni zotenthetsera. ",politics,Online news +en5275,"Most people have fled. There's been fighting here since 2014, but since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of last February, the population has shrunk from more than 30,000 to just over 1,000","Anthu ambiri athawa. Pakhala kumenyana kuno kuyambira 2014, koma kuyambira chiyambi cha kuwukira kwa Russia mu February watha, chiwerengero cha anthu chatsika kuchoka pa zikwi makumi atatu kubwera ongodutsa pa chikwi chimodzi.",politics,Online news +en5276,"""Windows and doors are broken everywhere,"" says Hanna. ""With attacks every day, it's difficult to fix them because they get broken again every day.""","'Mawindo ndi zitseko zathyoka paliponse,' akutero Hanna. 'Ndikuukira tsiku ndi tsiku, zimakhala zovuta kuzikonza chifukwa zimaswekanso tsiku ndi tsiku.' ",politics,Online news +en5277,"""There are no places where you can hide in case of an attack… if you hear a whistle, you don't have enough time to get to safety.""","'Palibe malo obisalako ngati ataukiridwa ... mukamva mluzu, mulibe nthawi yokwanira yopita kuchitetezo.'",politics,Online news +en5278,"Maryna, a nurse in her 40s, volunteers at the facility and moved in after the doors and windows of her home were blown off in an attack. But even in the relative safety of the basement, she says, she doesn't get much sleep","Maryna, namwino wazaka zake za m'mammakumi anayi, odzipereka pamalopo ndipo adalowamo zitseko ndi mazenera a nyumba yake ataphulitsidwa. Koma ngakhale pachitetezo chaching'ono cha chipinda chapansi, akuti, samagona tulo ",politics,Online news +en5279,"Getting people out of the town is difficult and dangerous. A special police unit known as the White Angels leads the evacuations, though they sometimes find it hard to persuade people to leave","Kutulutsa anthu mutawuniyi ndizovuta komanso zowopsa. Apolisi apadera omwe amadziwika kuti White Angels amatsogolera anthu othawa, ngakhale nthawi zina zimawavuta kunyengerera anthu kuti achoke ",politics,Online news +en5280,"""There are constant attacks on the town and nearby villages. Launched from either artillery, multiple rocket launchers or aviation - guided aerial bombs, missiles. They attack the town and villages, houses where people live","Pali kuwukira kosalekeza kwa tawuni ndi midzi yoyandikana nayo. Zoyambitsidwa kuchokera ku zida zankhondo, zowombera ma roketi angapo kapena ndege - mabomba apamlengalenga owongolera, zoponya. Amaukira tawuni ndi midzi, nyumba zomwe anthu amakhala ",politics,Online news +en5281,"""There was a park, a boulevard. There were a lot of shops. We planted trees. It was very beautiful here. We had a cultural centre, a lot of festivals and celebrations.""","'Panali paki, bwalo laling'ono. Panali masitolo ambiri. Tinabzala mitengo. Kunali kokongola kwambiri kuno. Tidali ndi likulu la chikhalidwe, zikondwerero ndi zikondwerero zambiri. ",politics,Online news +en5282,"She hopes, one day, to return. But, sheltering in the devastation of her hometown, she fears there'll be nothing left to come back to","Iye akuyembekeza, tsiku lina, kubwerera. Koma, pobisalira m'mudzi wakwawo, akuwopa kuti sipadzakhalanso chilichonse choti abwerere ku",politics,Online news +en5283,"Russia insisted that its motives were purely humanitarian, claiming it evacuated hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children to protect them from danger, with top officials scorning the indictment at the time","Russia idanenetsa kuti zolinga zake zinali zothandiza anthu, ponena kuti idasamutsa ana masauzande ambiri a ku Ukraine kuti awateteze ku ngozi, pomwe akuluakulu aboma adanyoza chigamulocho panthawiyo",politics,Online news +en5284,"However, getting the children out of Russia has not been straightforward. In at least one case a child had to travel home via Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland","Komabe, kutulutsa ana ku Russia sikunakhale kolunjika. Nthawi zina mwana anayenera kupita kunyumba kudzera ku Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania ndi Poland",politics,Online news +en5285,"One of the four children to be returned, a seven-year-old, was reunited with his grandmother on Friday and arrived in Ukraine on Monday","Mmodzi mwa ana anayi oti abwezedwe, wazaka zisanu ndi ziŵiri zakubadwa, anakumananso ndi agogo ake Lachisanu ndipo anafika ku Ukraine Lolemba",politics,Online news +en5286,"The other three children, also reunited with their families, are expected to arrive in Ukraine later on Monday or Tuesday","Ana ena atatuwo, ogwirizananso ndi mabanja awo, akuyembekezeka kufika ku Ukraine mtsogolomu Lolemba kapena Lachiwiri",politics,Online news +en5287,"They are among thousands of Ukrainian children who Kyiv says were forcibly separated from their families, taken across the border into Russia and faced an active effort to strip them of their Ukrainian identity","Ndiwo m'gulu la ana masauzande ambiri aku Ukraine omwe Kyiv akuti adalekanitsidwa ndi mabanja awo mokakamizidwa, ndikuwoloka malire ndi Russia ndipo adayesetsa kuwachotsa ku Ukraine ",politics,Online news +en5288,"""We are encouraged by the commitment and openness shown by both sides throughout the process, which we sincerely hope will lead to more initiatives aimed at de-escalating tensions and building trust between the two parties,"" she added","Tili olimbikitsidwa ndi kudzipereka ndi kumasuka komwe kwasonyezedwa ndi mbali zonse ziwiri panthawi yonseyi, zomwe tikukhulupirira moona mtima kuti zidzabweretsa njira zowonjezereka zochepetsera mikangano ndi kulimbitsa chikhulupiriro pakati pa magulu awiriwa; anawonjezera ",politics,Online news +en5289,"So electoral politics are beginning to bite into Ukraine's support. So too are other issues, whether the global cost-of-living crisis or the climate emergency","Chifukwa chake ndale zachisankho zikuyamba kuluma thandizo la Ukraine. N’chimodzimodzinso ndi nkhani zina, kaya zavuto la kukwera mtengo kwa moyo wapadziko lonse kapena zadzidzidzi zanyengo",politics,Online news +en5290,Western leaders insist they have the stamina to stay the course and show more strategic patience than Russia expects,Atsogoleri aku Western amaumirira kuti ali ndi mphamvu zopitiliza maphunziro awo ndikuwonetsa kuleza mtima kwambiri kuposa momwe Russia imayembekezera ,politics,Online news +en5291,So Ukraine is playing a long game. Key figures within the government have long anticipated that Western support might soften over time. They have been ready for the vagaries of transatlantic electoral cycles,Kotero Ukraine ikusewera masewera aatali. Ziwerengero zazikulu m'boma zakhala zikuyembekezera kuti thandizo lakumadzulo litha kufewetsa pakapita nthawi. Iwo akhala okonzeka kusinthika kwa zisankho za transatlantic cycle ,politics,Online news +en5292,"Such a shelter will allow thousands of children to continue their in-person education safely even during missile threats,"" he said","Malo ogona otere adzalola ana masauzande ambiri kupitiriza maphunziro awo aumwini mosatekeseka ngakhale pamene akuwopseza ndi mizinga,' adatero",politics,Online news +en5293,"Ukraine says more than 360 educational facilities have been destroyed and over 3,000 damaged since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022",Ukraine ikuti malo ophunzirira opitilira mazana atatu ndi mamkumi asanu ndilimodzi kudzanso limodzi awonongedwa ndipo opitilira zikwi zitatu awonongeka kuyambira pomwe dziko la Russia lidayamba kuwukira mu chaka cha 2022,politics,Online news +en5294,Many of those pupils have been forced to attend classes in underground metro stations and other makeshift shelters - often without proper heating,Ambiri mwa ophunzirawa amakakamizika kukaphunzira m'masiteshoni apansi panthaka ndi m'malo ena obisalamo - nthawi zambiri opanda zotenthetsera,politics,Online news +en5295,"And he stressed that the city authorities ""will not reduce educational expenditure by a single hryvnia [Ukraine's currency] this year or next year, despite the lack of budget funds""","Ndipo adatsindika kuti akuluakulu a mzindawo 'sadzachepetsa ndalama zamaphunziro ndi hryvnia imodzi [ndalama ya Ukraine] chaka chino kapena chaka chamawa, ngakhale kusowa kwa ndalama za ndondomeko ya chuma'",politics,Online news +en5296,"The mayor gave no details on when the underground school would open, and how many pupils would be able to study there","Meya sananene kuti sukulu ya mobisa idzatsegulidwe liti, komanso ndi ana angati amene adzaphunzire kumeneko ",politics,Online news +en5297,"Last month, more than 1,000 Kharkiv pupils started their new school year at five underground stations that were turned into the so-called ""metro-schools""","Mwezi watha, ophunzira opitilira chikwi chimodzi ku Kharkiv adayamba chaka chawo chatsopano chasukulu pamasiteshoni asanu apansi panthaka omwe adasinthidwa kukhala masukulu otchedwa 'metro-schools'",politics,Online news +en5298,"The students are ferried by buses, and study in two shifts: the early one starts at 09:00 local time, followed by the late one at 13:00. Police and rescuers are on duty at each underground station","Ophunzirawo amanyamulidwa ndi mabasi, ndipo amaphunzira m’masinthidwe aŵiri: yoyambilira imayamba 9 koloko nthaŵi yakumaloko, kenaka wochedwayo 1 koloko masana. Apolisi ndi opulumutsa anthu ali pa ntchito pa siteshoni iliyonse yomw eimayenda pansi",politics,Online news +en5299,"Politics sometimes is loosely defined as the struggle for the control, determination and distribution of a country’s resources","Ndale nthawi zina zimatanthauzidwa mwachisawawa ngati kumenyera ulamuliro, kutsimikiza ndi kugawa chuma cha dziko ",politics,Online news +en5300,"Going by this definition, one can understand why politicians spend a lot of their time and money outdoing each other, trying to convince people to vote for them so that they form the next government","Kutengera tanthauzoli, munthu atha kumvetsetsa chifukwa chomwe andale amawonongera nthawi ndi ndalama zawo zambiri potengera anzawo, kuyesa kukopa anthu kuti awavotere kuti apange boma lotsatira ",politics,Online news +en5301,"When Malawi attained multiparty politics in the early 1990s, political leaders created an air of mistrust between members of the ruling side and those in opposition","Pamene dziko la Malawi lidapeza ndale za zipani zambiri kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m’ma 1990, atsogoleri a ndale adayambitsa kusakhulupirirana pakati pa aphungu ndi otsutsa ",politics,Online news +en5302,This was exacerbated by the government side’s public utterances that those that support its agenda stand to benefit from developmental projects in their constituencies,Izi zidakulirakulira pomwe mbali ya boma idalankhula kwa anthu kuti iwo omwe ali kumbali yawo apindule ndi ntchito zachitukuko m’madera awo,politics,Online news +en5303,Being in control of the country’s resources gave them the illusion of thinking they could sideline others from sharing what belonged to all,Kulamulira chuma cha dziko kunawapangitsa kuganiza kuti akhoza kusiya ena kugawana zomwe zili zonse,politics,Online news +en5304,"Some members of Parliament left their parties in opposition and joined the government benches in search for development of the areas they represented. Now the question is, did the sought after development really take place in the areas of those that changed sides? Were such moves warranted for the affected areas to register any changes?","Kulamulira chuma cha dziko kunapatsa aphungu ena a Nyumba ya Malamulo kusiya zipani zawo zotsutsa ndi kulowa m’mabenchi a boma pofuna chitukuko cha madera omwe amaimira. Tsopano funso nlakuti, kodi chitukuko chofunidwa chidachitikadi kumadera omwe adasintha? Kodi kusuntha koteroko kunali koyenera kuti madera okhudzidwawo alembetse kusintha kulikonse?",politics,Online news +en5305,"Here, a working coalition was entered into by the two parties and some Aford members were given ministerial posts while others were given lucrative positions in government. A position of second vice-president was quickly created for the Aford leader, too, but the association was short-lived","Apa panachitika mgwirizano wogwilira ntchito pamodzi ndi zipani ziwirizi ndipo ena a ku Aford adapatsidwa maudindo a unduna pomwe ena adapatsidwa maudindo abwino m’boma. Udindo wa wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko wachiwiri udakhadzikitsidwanso mwachangu ndikupelekdwa kwa mtsogoleri wa Aford, koma mgiwirizano wawo unali wosakhalitsa",politics,Online news +en5306,"The relationship went sour and the parties parted ways, but some Aford members clung to their ministerial positions claiming national duty call",Ubale udavuta ndipo zipanizo zidasiyana koma mamembala ena aku Aford adakakamira udindo wawo wa unduna ponena kuti dziko lonse liyenera kuyitanidwa ,politics,Online news +en5307,"A classic example of how opportunistic and crafty people can be for political survival purposes. It needs be said loudly and clearly, that you need not be a government hand clapper for your area to taste development of any kind","Chitsanzo chodziwika bwino cha momwe anthu otengera mwayi komanso achinyengo angakhalire pazifukwa zandale. Zikuyenera kunenedwa mokweza komanso momveka bwino, kuti simuyenera kukhala wowomba m'manja aboma kuti dera lanu lilawe chitukuko chamtundu uliwonse",politics,Online news +en5308,"The mere fact that your area has a development need and that you have forwarded that to the attention of the floor, objective decisions should be made to address that need. We all belong and should, therefore, have a share in what our country can offer","Kungoti dera lanu lili ndi zosowa zachitukuko komanso kuti mwatumiza kwa anthu, zisankho zoyenera ziyenera kupangidwa kuti zithetse vutoli. Tonse ndife ndipo tiyenera kukhala ndi gawo pa zomwe dziko lathu lingapereke ",politics,Online news +en5309,"It is said that a servant cannot be greater than the master and in politics, voters are the masters. Development should not be politicized because by the end of the day, people who vote are the ones that suffer the most while those they entrusted to bring about change in their areas benefit","Akuti kapolo sangakhale wamkulu kuposa mbuye wake ndipo mu ndale, ovota ndi ambuye. Chitukuko chisalowe ndale chifukwa pakutha kwa tsiku anthu ovota ndi amene amavutika kwambiri pomwe omwe adawapatsa udindo wobweretsa kusintha mmadera awo amapindula",politics,Online news +en5310,"The forthcoming elections are unique in the sense that, again for the first time in the multiparty dispensation, Malawi shall hold tripartite as opposed to general elections which comprised presidential and parliamentary polls. What makes it tripartite is the inclusion of local government polls","Chisankho chomwe chikubwerachi ndi chapadera chifukwa kwa nthawi yoyamba mu ulamuliro wa zipani zambiri, dziko la Malawi lidzakhala ndi magawo atatu kusiyana ndi zisankho zomwe zinkakhala ndi atsogoleri a dziko ndi aphungu. Chomwe chikupangitsa kuti pakhale patatu ndikuphatikizira zisankho za maboma ang'ono",politics,Online news +en5311,Sometimes I wonder what constitutional crime a president can commit to warrant removal by impeachment,Nthawi zina ndimadabwa kuti ndi mlandu wanji womwe mtsogoleri wa dziko angachite kuti achotsedwe mwachisawawa,politics,Online news +en5312,"In Malawi, where development is highly politicized and sold as proof of a successful tenure of office, the last thing a ruling party would want is to have councilors loyal to the “enemy” in opposition managing development at the grass roots",Ku Malawi komwe chitukuko chili ndi ndale ndipo chimagulitsidwa ngati umboni woti chipani cholamula chingafune ndi kukhala ndi makhansala okhulupilika kwa “mdani” poyendetsa chitukuko m’mabwalo ,politics,Online news +en5313,There is also the empowered office of the traditional authority which now gets as much as K50 000 honorarium per month,Palinso ofesi yopatsidwa mphamvu ya mafumu yomwe tsopano imalandira ndalama zokwana zikwi makumi asanu a Malawi Kwacha pamwezi,politics,Online news +en5314,"The chief, who is forced to support government of the day, is the big eye over various development committees at the grassroots level and, like the MP, also has a big say on development at the district level","Mfumuyi, yomwe ikukakamizika kuthandizira boma lamasiku ano, ndi diso lalikulu pa makomiti osiyanasiyana achitukuko Mmidzi ndipo monga phungu, alinso ndi maganizo akulu pankhani zachitukuko muma khonsolo ",politics,Online news +en5315,Both the MP and the traditional authority have jurisdiction over much bigger areas than the ward councillor. Not only that; the two have more resources and are better incentivized than the councilor,Onse phungu ndi mafumu ali ndi ulamuliro pa madera akuluakulu kuposa phungu wa ward. Osati zokhazo; awiriwa ali ndi zinthu zambiri ndipo amalimbikitsidwa kuposa phunguyo ,politics,Online news +en5316,"Latvian MPs agreed to allow the transfer of state-owned cars to the Ukrainian military and hospitals. Late last year, Latvia changed the law so that drivers found with three times the legal limit could have their vehicles seized and sold by the government","Aphungu aku Latvia adagwirizana kuti alole kusamutsidwa kwa magalimoto aboma kupita ku asitikali aku Ukraine ndi zipatala. Chakumapeto kwa chaka chatha, dziko la Latvia lidasintha lamuloli kuti madalaivala omwe adapezeka kuti ali ndi malire owirikiza katatu magalimoto awo alandidwa ndikugulitsidwa ndi boma ",politics,Online news +en5317,The change in the law led to a surge in confiscations that filled state compounds in Latvia in a matter of weeks,Kusintha kwa lamuloli kudapangitsa kuti anthu ambiri azilanda kulanda zomwe zidadzaza maboma ku Latvia pakatha milungu ingapo,politics,Online news +en5318,"As a result, authorities pledged to hand over two dozen cars a week to Twitter Convoy, a Latvian charity that sends donated vehicles to Ukraine","Zotsatira zake, aboma adalonjeza kuti apereka magalimoto khumi ndi awiri pa sabata kwa Twitter Convoy, bungwe lachifundo ku Latvia lomwe limatumiza magalimoto operekedwa ku Ukraine",politics,Online news +en5319,"""No-one expected that people are drunk-driving so many vehicles. They can't sell them as fast as people are drinking. So that's why I came with the idea - send them to Ukraine",Palibe amene ankayembekezera kuti anthu akuyendetsa magalimoto ochuluka chonchi ataledzera. Sangagulitse mofulumira monga momwe anthu amamwa. Ndicho chifukwa chake ndinabwera ndi lingaliro - kuwatumiza ku Ukraine,politics,Online news +en5320,"Investigators, together with criminologists and forensic experts, are conducting an examination of the bodies of the dead, police added on social media","Ofufuza, pamodzi ndi ofufuza milandu ndi akatswiri azamalamulo, akufufuza mitembo ya anthu omwe anamwalira, apolisi adawonjezera pa social media",politics,Online news +en5321,"""The Russians have inflicted more terror on Kharkiv's peaceful population,"" he added. Police officers inspect a postal distribution center of Nova Post company hit by Russian missiles","A Russia achititsa mantha kwambiri anthu amtendere a Kharkiv,anawonjezera. Apolisi amayendera malo ogawa positi a kampani ya Nova Post yomwe yaphulitsidwa ndi zida zaku Russia",politics,Online news +en5322,"President Zelensky said a rescue operation was continuing, with emergency services working at the scene","mtsogoleri wa dziko Zelensky adati ntchito yopulumutsa anthu ikupitilira, ndi ogwira ntchito zadzidzidzi akugwira ntchito pamalopo",politics,Online news +en5323,"Russia has not yet commented on the alleged strike, but has previously denied targeting civilians during its invasion of Ukraine","Dziko la Russia silinayankhulepo kanthu pa zomwe akuti zanyanyala ntchito, koma m'mbuyomu lakana kuti likufuna kulimbana ndi anthu wamba panthawi yomwe linkaukira dziko la Ukraine",politics,Online news +en5324,"The north-eastern city was heavily bombed during the first weeks of the war in February 2022. Meanwhile in the south, Ukraine has been waging a counter-offensive campaign since June. But the counter-offensive has so far proven slow, bringing only limited territorial gains","Mzinda wa kumpoto chakum'maŵa unaphulitsidwa kwambiri ndi mabomba m'masabata oyambirira a nkhondo mu February chaka cha 2022. Panthawiyi kum'mwera, dziko la Ukraine lakhala likuchita kampeni yolimbana ndi nkhondo kuyambira June. Koma zotsutsana nazo zawoneka pang'onopang'ono mpaka pano, zikubweretsa phindu lochepa chabe ",politics,Online news +en5325,"Abstaining from the official celebration of independence, Gandhi visited the affected areas, attempting to alleviate distress","Popewa chikondwerero cha ufulu wodzilamulira, Gandhi adayendera madera omwe adakhudzidwa, kuyesa kuchepetsa nkhawa",history,Online news +en5326,"In the months following, he undertook several hunger strikes to stop the religious violence. The last of these was begun in Delhi on 12 January 1948 when he was 78","M'miyezi ingapo yotsatira, iye ananyanyala kudya kangapo kuti athetse chiwawa chachipembedzo. Zomaliza mwa izi zidayamba ku Delhi pa 12 January 1948 pomwe anali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndiziwiri kuonjezera zisanu ndizitatu",history,Online news +en5327,The belief that Gandhi had been too resolute in his defense of both Pakistan and Indian Muslims spread among some Hindus in India,Chikhulupiriro chakuti Gandhi anali wolimba mtima kwambiri poteteza Asilamu aku Pakistan ndi a ku India chinafalikira pakati pa Ahindu ena ku India,history,Online news +en5328,"Although he only had been a clerk in the state administration and had an elementary education, Karamchand proved a capable chief minister","Ngakhale anali kalaliki m'boma komanso anali ndi maphunziro a pulayimale, Karamchand anali nduna yayikulu ",history,Online news +en5329,"During his tenure, he married four times. His first two wives died young, after each had given birth to a daughter, and his third marriage was childless","Paulamuliro wake, anakwatira kanayi. Akazi ake awiri oyambirira anamwalira ali aang’ono, aliyense atabereka mwana wamkazi, ndipo ukwati wake wachitatu unali wopanda mwana",history,Online news +en5330,"Writing many years later, Mohandas described with regret the lustful feelings he felt for his young bride: ""even at school I used to think of her, and the thought of nightfall and our subsequent meeting was ever haunting me","Polemba zaka zambiri pambuyo pake, Mohandas anafotokoza modandaula za chilakolako cha mkwatibwi wake wachinyamatayo: ‘Ngakhale kusukulu ndinkakonda kum’ganizira, ndipo lingaliro la kugwa kwausiku ndi msonkhano wathu wotsatira linali kundivutitsa maganizo. ",history,Online news +en5331,"He later recalled feeling jealous and possessive of her, such as when she would visit a temple with her girlfriends, and being sexually lustful in his feelings for her","Pambuyo pake anakumbukira kuchitira nsanje ndi kukhala naye, monga pamene ankapita kukachisi ndi atsikana ake aakazi, ndi kukhala ndi chilakolako chogonana ndi iye ",history,Online news +en5332,"Gandhi, then 16 years old, and his wife of age 17 had their first baby, who survived only a few days. The two deaths anguished Gandhi. The Gandhi couple had four more children, all sons","Gandhi, yemwe panthaŵiyo anali ndi zaka khumi ndizisanu ndichimodzi zakubadwa, ndi mkazi wake wazaka khumi ndi zisanu ndiziwiri anali ndi mwana wawo woyamba, amene anapulumuka kwa masiku oŵerengeka okha. Imfa ziwirizi zidakhumudwitsa Gandhi. Banja la Gandhi linali ndi ana ena anayi, onse ana aamuna ",history,Online news +en5333,"His mother was not comfortable about Gandhi leaving his wife and family, and going so far from home. Gandhi's uncle Tulsidas also tried to dissuade his nephew. Gandhi wanted to go","Amayi ake sanali omasuka kuti Gandhi asiye mkazi wake ndi banja lake, ndikupita kutali kwambiri ndi kwawo. Amalume ake a Gandhi a Tulsidas anayesanso kuletsa mphwake. Gandhi amafuna kupita",history,Online news +en5334,"To persuade his wife and mother, Gandhi made a vow in front of his mother that he would abstain from meat, alcohol and women. Gandhi's brother Laxmidas, who was already a lawyer, cheered Gandhi's London studies plan and offered to support him","Pofuna kunyengerera mkazi ndi mayi ake, Gandhi analumbira pamaso pa amayi ake kuti asadye nyama, mowa ndi akazi. Mchimwene wake wa Gandhi, Laxmidas, yemwe anali loya kale, adakondwera ndi maphunziro a Gandhi ku London ndipo adadzipereka kuti amuthandize",history,Online news +en5335,"Despite Gandhi informing them of his promise to his mother and her blessings, he was excommunicated from his caste. Gandhi ignored this, and on 4 September, he sailed from Bombay to London, with his brother seeing him off","Ngakhale Gandhi adawauza za lonjezo lake kwa amayi ake ndi madalitso ake, adachotsedwa m'gulu lake. Gandhi sananyalanyaze izi, ndipo pa 4 September, adachoka ku Bombay kupita ku London, ndi mchimwene wake atamuwona akuchoka ",history,Online news +en5336,"Gandhi's time in London was influenced by the vow he had made to his mother. He tried to adopt ""English"" customs, including taking dancing lessons","Nthawi ya Gandhi ku London idakhudzidwa ndi lumbiro lomwe adalonjeza amayi ake. Anayesa kutengera miyambo ya 'Chingerezi', kuphatikizapo kuphunzira kuvina",history,Online news +en5337,"However, he did not appreciate the bland vegetarian food offered by his landlady and was frequently hungry until he found one of London's few vegetarian restaurants","Komabe, sanayamikire chakudya chopanda masamba chimene mwini mwini nyumbayo ankamupatsa ndipo nthawi zambiri ankamva njala mpaka pamene anapeza malo odyera ochepa a ku London omwe amadya zamasamba",history,Online news +en5338,"Allinson had been promoting newly available birth control methods, but Hills disapproved of these, believing they undermined public morality. He believed vegetarianism to be a moral movement and that Allinson should therefore no longer remain a member","Allinson wakhala akulimbikitsa njira zolerera zomwe zinalipo zatsopano, koma Hills sanagwirizane nazo, poganiza kuti zimasokoneza makhalidwe a anthu. Iye ankakhulupirira kuti kudya zamasamba ndi gulu la makhalidwe abwino kotero kuti Allinson sayenera kukhalabe membala ",history,Online news +en5339,"He sat in the train station, shivering all night and pondering if he should return to India or protest for his rights. He chose to protest and was allowed to board the train the next day","Anakhala m’siteshoni ya sitima, akunjenjemera usiku wonse n’kumaganizira ngati angabwerere ku India kapena kutsutsa ufulu wake. Adasankha kuchita ziwonetsero ndipo adaloledwa kukwera sitima mawa lake",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5340,"In another incident, the magistrate of a Durban court ordered Gandhi to remove his turban, which he refused to do. Indians were not allowed to walk on public footpaths in South Africa. Gandhi was kicked by a police officer out of the footpath onto the street without warning","Pankhani ina, woweruza ku bwalo lamilandu laku Durban analamula kuti Gandhi amuvule nduwira, zomwe iye anakana. Amwenye sankaloledwa kuyenda m’njira za anthu onse ku South Africa. Gandhi anathamangitsidwa ndi wapolisi mumsewu popanda chenjezo ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5341,"He was an early figure in the resistance to colonialism in Nyasaland (Malawi), opposing both the treatment of Africans working in agriculture on European-owned plantations and the colonial government's failure to promote the social and political advancement of Africans","Iyeyu anali munthu woyamba kukana ulamuliro wa atsamunda ku Nyasaland (Malawi), kutsutsana ndi nkhanza zomwe anthu aku Africa omwe amagwira ntchito zaulimi m'minda ya azungu komanso kulephera kwa boma la atsamunda kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha anthu a ku Africa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5342,"For the first 12 years of his ministry after his return to Nyasaland, Chilembwe encouraged African self-respect and advancement through education, hard work and personal responsibility","Kwa zaka khumi ndi ziwiri zoyambilira za utumiki wake atabwerera ku Nyasaland, Chilembwe adalimbikitsa Afirika kudzilemekeza ndi kupita patsogolo kudzera m’maphunziro, kugwira ntchito molimbika ndi udindo waumwin",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5343,"His activities were initially supported by white Protestant missionaries, although his relations with Catholic missions were less friendly","Zochita zake poyamba zinachirikizidwa ndi amishonale achizungu Achipulotesitanti, ngakhale kuti maunansi ake ndi mishoni Achikatolika sanali aubwenzi ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5344,"After 1912, Chilembwe developed closer contacts with local independent African churches, including Seventh Day Baptist and Churches of Christ congregations, with the aim of uniting some or all of these African churches with his own mission church at the centre","Pambuyo pa chaka cha 1912, Chilembwe adalumikizana kwambiri ndi mipingo yodziyimira payokha ya mu Africa, kuphatikiza mipingo ya Seventh Day Baptist ndi Churches of Christ, ndi cholinga chogwirizanitsa mipingo ina kapena yonseyi ndi mipingo yake yomwe ili pakatikati ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5345,"Some of Chilembwe's congregation had formerly been Watchtower followers and he maintained contact with Elliot Kamwana, but the influence of Watchtower's millennial beliefs on him is minimised by most authors except the Lindens","Ena a mpingo wa Chilembwe kale anali otsatira a Nsanja ya Olonda ndipo anapitirizabe kulankhulana ndi Elliot Kamwana, koma olemba ambiri anachepetsa mphamvu ya zikhulupiriro za zaka chikwi za Nsanja ya Olonda kupatulapo a Lindens",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5346,"Although the vast majority of those found guilty of rebellion and sentenced to death or to long terms of imprisonment were members of Chilembwe's church, a few other members of the Churches of Christ in Zomba were also found guilty","Ngakhale unyinji wa anthu omwe anapezeka olakwa ndi kuweruzidwa kuti aphedwe kapena kukhala m’ndende kwa nthawi yaitali anali a mpingo wa Chilembwe, ena ochepa a mipingo ya mpingo wa khristu ku Zomba anapezeka olakwa",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5347,"In its first decade, the mission developed slowly, assisted by regular small donations from his American backers, and Chilembwe founded several schools, which by 1912 had 1,000 pupils and 800 adult students","M'zaka khumi zoyambirira, ntchitoyi idakula pang'onopang'ono, mothandizidwa ndi zopereka zazing'ono zochokera kwa omwe amamuthandizira ku America, ndipo Chilembwe adayambitsa masukulu angapo, omwe pofika 1912 anali ndi ophunzira chikwi chimodzi ndi akulu akulu mazana asanu ndiatatu",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5348,"He preached the values of hard-work, self-respect and self-help to his congregation and, although as early as 1905 he used his church position to deplore the condition of Africans in the protectorate, he initially avoided specific criticism of the government that might be thought subversive","Analalikira za kuyika patsogolo kulimbikira ntchito, kudzilemekeza ndi kudzithandiza kumpingo wake ndipo, ngakhale kuti kale mu 1905 adagwiritsa ntchito udindo wake ku mpingo kuti awononge chikhalidwe cha anthu a ku Africa mu chitaganyamu, poyamba adapewa kutsutsa kwenikweni boma kuti. zitha kukhala zosokoneza ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5349,"However, by 1912 or 1913, Chilembwe had become more politically militant and openly voiced criticism over the state of African land rights in the Shire Highlands and of the conditions of labour tenants there, particularly on the A. L. Bruce Estates","Komabe, pofika m’chaka cha 1912 kapena 1913, Chilembwe anali atayamba kulimbana ndi ndale ndipo anadzudzula poyera za ufulu wa malo a mu Africa muno ku mapiri a Shire komanso mmene amakhalira anthu ogwira ntchito kumeneko, makamaka ku AL Bruce Estates ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5350,"There is very little direct evidence of what Chilembwe did preach although, at least in his first decade in Nyasaland, his main message was of African advancement through Christianity and hard work","Pali umboni wochepa kwambiri wa zomwe Chilembwe analalikira ngakhale m’zaka khumi zoyambirira ku Nyasaland, uthenga wake waukulu unali woti Africa ipite patsogolo kudzera m’chikhristu ndi kugwira ntchito molimbika ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5351,"However this evidence is ambiguous, and Chilembwe's activities have been more closely related to the Ethiopian movement of African churches breaking away, often with black American backing","Komabe umboniwu nzosamveka, ndipo zochita za Chilembwe zakhala zikukhudzana kwambiri ndi gulu la Ethiopia la mipingo ya ku Africa yomwe idachoka, nthawi zambiri ndi thandizo la anthu akuda aku America",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5352,"Relatively few local Africans remained on the estates when the owners introduced labour rents, preferring to settle on Crown Land where customary law entitled them to use (sometimes overcrowded) land belonging to the community, or to become migrant workers","Ndi anthu ochepa chabe aku Africa omwe adatsalira m'magawowo pomwe eni ake adabweretsa lendi, amakonda kukhazikika ku Crown Land komwe malamulo achikhalidwe amawalola kugwiritsa ntchito malo (nthawi zina odzaza) omwe amakhala a anthu ammudzi, kapena kukhala antchito othawa kwawo ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5353,"However, planters with large areas of available land but limited labour could engage migrants from Mozambique (who had no right to use community lands) on terms that Nyasaland Africans found unacceptable","Komabe, obzala omwe ali ndi malo akuluakulu koma osagwira ntchito zochepa amatha kugwiritsa ntchito anthu ochokera ku Mozambique (omwe analibe ufulu wogwiritsa ntchito minda ya anthu) malinga ndi zomwe anthu a ku Nyasaland Africa adawona kuti ndi zosavomerezeka ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5354,Alexander Livingstone Bruce held the considered view that educated Africans had no place in colonial society and he opposed their education,Alexander Livingstone Bruce anali ndi lingaliro loti Afirika ophunzira alibe malo m'gulu la atsamunda ndipo amatsutsa maphunziro awo ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5355,"He also recorded his personal dislike for Chilembwe as an educated African; he considered all African-led churches were centres for agitation, and prohibited their being built on the Magomero estate","Adalembanso kuti sakonda Chilembwe ngati munthu wophunzira wa ku Africa; adawona kuti mipingo yonse yotsogozedwa ndi Africa ndi malo oyambitsa zipolowe, ndipo adaletsa kumangidwa panyumba ya Magomero",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5356,"Although this prohibition applied to all missions, Chilembwe's mission was the closest; it became a natural focus for African agitation, and Chilembwe became the spokesman for African tenants on the Bruce Estates","Ngakhale kuti chiletsochi chinali pa mishoni zonse, cholinga cha Chilembwe chinali choyandikira kwambiri; Izi zidakhala zongochitika mwachilengedwe ku zipolowe za mu Africa, ndipo Chilembwe adakhala mneneri wa ma lendi aku Africa ku Bruce Estates",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5357,"Chilembwe provoked confrontation by erecting churches on estate land, which Livingstone burned down because he considered them as centres for agitation against the management and because they made potential claims on estate land.","Chilembwe adayambitsa mikangano pomanga mipingo pa malo a estate, omwe Livingstone adawotcha chifukwa amawawona ngati malo oyambitsa chipwirikiti kutsutsana ndi oyang'anira komanso chifukwa amakadandaula za malo.",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5358,"Chilembwe was angered by Livingstone's refusal to accept the worth of African people, and also frustrated by the refusal of the settlers and government to provide suitable opportunities or a political voice to the African ""new men"", who had been educated by the Presbyterian and other missions in Nyasaland or in some cases had received a higher education abroad. A number of such men became Chilembwe's lieutenants in the rising","Chilembwe anakwiya ndi kukana kwa Livingstone kuvomereza kufunika kwa anthu a mu Afirika, komanso anakhumudwa ndi kukana kwa atsamunda ndi boma kupereka mwai woyenera kapena mawu andale kwa 'amuna atsopano' a ku Africa, omwe adaphunzitsidwa ndi Presbyterian ndi ena. mishoni ku Nyasaland kapena nthawi zina adalandira maphunziro apamwamba kunja. Anthu angapo otere adakhala azembe a Chilembwe pakudzuka",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5359,"Although in his first decade at P.I.M., Chilembwe had been reasonably successful, in the five years before his death, he faced a series of problems in the mission and in his personal life","Ngakhale kuti m’zaka zake khumi zoyambirira ku PIM, Chilembwe adachita bwino, zaka zisanu asanamwalire, adakumana ndi zovuta zambiri muutumwi komanso m’moyo wake ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5360,"From around 1910, he incurred several debts at a time when mission expenses were rising and funds from his American backers were drying up. Attacks of asthma, the death of a daughter, and his declining eyesight and general health may have deepened his anger and alienation","Kuyambira cha m'ma 1910, adakhala ndi ngongole zingapo panthawi yomwe ndalama zaumishonale zinali kukwera ndipo ndalama zochokera kwa omuthandizira ake aku America zinali kuuma. Matenda a mphumu, imfa ya mwana wamkazi, ndi kufooka kwa maso ndi thanzi labwino zingakhale zinakulitsa mkwiyo wake ndi kudzipatula ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5361,"The sources cited above agree that, after 1912 or 1913 the series of social and personal issues mentioned increased Chilembwe's bitterness toward Europeans in Nyasaland, and moved him towards thoughts of revolt and genocide","Magwero omwe tawatchula pamwambawa akuvomereza kuti, pambuyo pa zaka za1912 kapena 1913 nkhani zingapo zomwe zatchulidwazi zinawonjezera mkwiyo wa Chilembwe kwa Azungu a ku Nyasaland, ndipo zinamupangitsa kuti aganizire za kuwukira ndi kupha anthu ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5362,"However, they treat the outbreak and effects of the First World War as the key factor in moving him from thought to planning to take action, which he believed it was his destiny to lead, for the deliverance of his people","Komabe, amaona kuphulika ndi zotsatira za nkhondo yoyamba yapadziko lonse monga chinthu chofunika kwambiri chomusuntha kuchoka ku malingaliro kupita kukukonzekera kuchitapo kanthu, zomwe amakhulupirira kuti ndi tsogolo lake kutsogolera, kuti anthu ake apulumutsidwe",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5363,"The Governor decided to deport Chilembwe and some of his followers, and approached the Mauritius government asking them to accept the deportees a few days before the rising started","Bwanamkubwayo adaganiza zochotsa Chilembwe ndi ena mwa otsatira ake, ndipo adapita ku boma la Mauritius kuwapempha kuti alandire anthu omwe adathamangitsidwa kutangotsala masiku ochepa kuti chiwuka chiyambe",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5364,"The censoring of Chilembwe's letter appears to be the trigger moving him from conspiracy to action. He began the detailed organisation for a rebellion, gathering together a small group of Africans, educated either at the Blantyre Mission or the schools of the independent, separatist African churches in the Shire Highlands and Ncheu District, as his lieutenants","Kuwunikiridwa kwa kalata ya Chilembwe kukuwoneka kuti ndikomwe kudamupangitsa kuti asapange chiwembu kuti achitepo kanthu. Iye adayambitsa bungwe la zigawenga zomwe adasonkhanitsa kagulu kakang'ono ka anthu aku Africa, omwe adaphunzira ku Blantyre Mission kapena masukulu a mipingo yodziyimira pawokha, yodzipatula ku Shire Highlands ndi Ncheu monga alangizi ake ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5365,"In a series of meetings held in December 1914 and early January 1915, Chilembwe and his leading followers aimed at overturning colonial rule and supplanting it, if possible","Pamisonkhano yotsatizana yomwe idachitika mu December 1914 ndi kumayambiriro kwa January 1915, Chilembwe ndi omutsatira ake ankafuna kugwetsa ulamuliro wa atsamunda ndi kuuchotsa ngati nkotheka",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5366,"However, it is possible that he learnt of his intended deportation, and was forced to bring forward the date of his revolt, making the prospects of its success more unlikely, and turning it into a symbolic gesture of protest","Komabe, n'zotheka kuti adaphunzira za kuthamangitsidwa kwake, ndipo adakakamizika kubweretsa tsiku lachigawenga chake, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti chiyembekezo cha kupambana kwake chisakhale chotheka, ndikuchisintha kukhala chizindikiro chotsutsa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5367,"When he brought forward the date of the Shire Highlands rising, Chilembwe was unable to ensure that it could still be coordinated with the planned rising in the Ntcheu District, which was therefore largely abortive","Pamene adanena za tsiku lomwe mapiri a Shire akukwera, Chilembwe sanathe kuwonetsetsa kuti zikugwirizanabe ndi kukwera kwa kukwera m'boma la Ntcheu, zomwe zidachotsa mimba ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5368,"The aims of the rising remain unclear, partly because Chilembwe and many of his leading supporters were killed, and also because many documents were destroyed in a fire in 1919","Zolinga za kuwukako sizikudziwika, mwina chifukwa Chilembwe ndi omutsatira ambiri adaphedwa, komanso chifukwa zolemba zambiri zidawonongeka ndi moto mu chaka cha 1919",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5369,"However, use of the theme of ""Africa for the Africans"" suggests a political motive rather than a purely millennial religious one","Komabe, kugwiritsiridwa ntchito kwa mutu wakuti 'Africa kwa Afirika' kukusonyeza cholinga cha ndale m'malo mwa chipembedzo cha zaka chikwi ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5370,"The first part of Chilembwe's plan was to attack European centres in the Shire Highlands on the night between 23 and 24 January 1915 to obtain arms and ammunition, and the second was to attack European estates in the same area simultaneously","Gawo loyamba la dongosolo la Chilembwe linali loti akawukire malo a ku Ulaya ku Shire Highlands usiku wa pakati pa 23 ndi 24 January 1915 kuti atenge zida ndi zida, ndipo yachiwiri inali yomenyana ndi madera a ku Ulaya m’dera lomwelo ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5371,"Most of Chilembwe's force of about 200 men were from his P.I.M congregations in Chiradzulu and Mlanje, with some support from other independent African churches in the Shire Highlands","Asilikali ambiri a Chilembwe omwe anali amuna pafupifupi mazana awiri anali ochokera ku mipingo yake ya PIM ku Chiradzulu ndi Mlanje, mothandizidwa ndi mipingo ina yodziyimira payokha ya mu Africa ku Shire Highlands",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5372,"It is uncertain if Chilembwe had definite plans in the event of failure; some suggest he intended to seek a symbolic death, others that he planned to escape to Mozambique","Sizikudziwika ngati Chilembwe anali ndi zolinga zenizeni zitakanika; Ena amati akufunafuna imfa yophiphiritsa, ena amati akufuna kuthawira ku Mozambique ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5373,"The first and third parts of the plan failed almost completely: some of his lieutenants did not carry out their attacks, so few arms were obtained, the Ncheu group had failed to form and move south, and there was no mass support for the rising","Gawo loyamba ndi lachitatu la dongosololi linalephera pafupifupi kwathunthu: ena mwa ankhondo ake sanachite zigawenga, kotero zida zocheperapo zidapezeka, gulu la Ncheu silinathe kupanga ndikusunthira kumwera, ndipo panalibe chithandizo chambiri cha kukwera ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5374,"The attack on European estates was largely one on the Bruce estates, where William Jervis Livingstone was killed and beheaded and two other European employees killed","Kuukira kwa madera a ku Ulaya kwakukulukulu kunali kumodzi pa madera a Bruce, kumene William Jervis Livingstone anaphedwa ndikudulidwa mutu ndipo antchito ena awiri a ku Ulaya anaphedwa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5375,"Three African men were also killed by the rebels; a European-run mission was set on fire, a missionary was severely wounded and a girl died in the fire. Apart from this girl, all the dead and injured were men, as Chilembwe had ordered that women should not be harmed","Amuna atatu a ku Africa anaphedwanso ndi zigawenga; mishoni ya ku Ulaya inatenthedwa, mmishonale anavulazidwa kwambiri ndipo mtsikana anafa pamoto. Kupatula mtsikanayu, onse amene anafa ndi ovulala anali amuna monga momwe Chilembwe analamula kuti akazi asavutitsidwe ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5376,"On 24 January, which was a Sunday, Chilembwe conducted a service in the P.I.M. church with Livingstone's impaled head prominently displayed","Pa 24 January, lomwe linali Lamulungu, Chilembwe adachita mapemphero mu mpingo wa PIM pomwe mutu wa Livingstone wopachikidwa ukuwonekera mowonekera ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5377,"However, by 26 January he realised that the uprising had failed to gain local support. After avoiding attempts to capture him and apparently trying to escape into Mozambique, he was tracked down and killed by an askari military patrol on 3 February","Komabe, pofika 26 January adazindikira kuti kuwukirako kudalephera kupeza chithandizo chapafupi. Atapewa zofuna kumugwira komanso akuyesa kuthawira ku Mozambique, adamupeza ndipo adaphedwa ndi gulu lankhondo pa 3 February",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5378,"An assistant magistrate that had inspected Chilembwe's body informed the government inquiry that he had been ""wearing a dark blue coat, a coloured shirt and a striped pyjama jacket over the shirt and grey flannel trousers","Wachiwiri kwa woweruza milandu yemwe adayendera mtembo wa Chilembwe adauza boma kuti 'adavala malaya akuda, malaya achikuda komanso malaya amizeremizere pajama ndi buluku lotuwa. ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5379,Most of Chilembwe's leading followers and some other participants in the rising were executed after summary trials under martial law shortly after it failed,Ambiri mwa otsatira a Chilembwe ndi ena omwe adatenga nawo mbali pachiwonetserocho adanyongedwa pambuyo pozenga milandu yachiwembu yomwe idalephera posakhalitsa ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5380,"The total number of those killed is unclear, because extrajudicial killings were carried out by European members of the Nyasaland Volunteer Reserve. The government also shut down Chilembwe's Providence Industrial Mission. The PIM remained inactive until 1926, when it reopened under the leadership of former student Daniel Sharpe Malekebu","Chiwerengero chonse cha anthu omwe anaphedwa sichikudziwika, chifukwa kupha anthu mopanda chilungamo kunachitika ndi mamembala a ku Ulaya a ku Nyasaland Volunteer Reserve. Boma linatsekanso bungwe la Chilembwe la Providence Industrial Mission. PIM idakhalabe yosagwira ntchito mpaka 1926, pomwe idatsegulidwanso motsogozedwa ndi wophunzira wakale Daniel Sharpe Malekebu",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5381,"A Commission of Enquiry into Chilembwe's uprising was appointed and, at its hearings in June 1915, the European planters blamed missionary activities while European missionaries emphasised the dangers of the teaching and preaching by independent African churches like those led by Chilembwe","Bungwe lofufuza za kuukira kwa Chilembwe linasankhidwa ndipo, pamisonkhano yawo mu June 1915, olima a ku Ulaya anadzudzula ntchito zaumishonale pamene amishonale a ku Ulaya anagogomezera kuopsa kwa kuphunzitsa ndi kulalikira kwa mipingo yodziyimira payokha ya mu Africa monga yomwe inkatsogoleredwa ndi Chilembwe",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5382,"Several Africans who gave evidence complained about the treatment of workers on estates, but were largely ignored. The official enquiry needed to find causes for the rising and it blamed Chilembwe for his mixture of political and religious teaching, but also the unsatisfactory conditions on the A L Bruce Estates and the unduly harsh regime of W. J. Livingstone","Anthu angapo aku Africa omwe adapereka umboni adadandaula za momwe amachitira antchito pamagawo, koma sananyalanyazidwe. Akuluakuluwo adafunsanso kuti apeze zomwe zidayambitsa vutoli ndipo idadzudzula Chilembwe chifukwa chosakaniza ziphunzitso za ndale ndi zipembedzo, komanso momwe zinthu ziliri pa AL Bruce Estates komanso ulamuliro wovuta wa WJ Livingstone",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5383,"The enquiry heard that the conditions imposed on the A L Bruce Estates were illegal and oppressive, including paying workers poorly or in kind (not in cash), demanding excessive labour from tenants or not recording the work they did, and whipping and beating both workers and tenants. The abuses were confirmed by Magomero workers and tenants questioned by the Commission in 1915","Kafukufukuyu adamva kuti zomwe zidaperekedwa ku AL Bruce Estates zinali zosaloledwa ndi lamulo komanso zopondereza, kuphatikiza kulipira antchito mopanda phindu kapena mwachifundo (osati ndalama), kukakamiza ogwira ntchito mopitilira muyeso kapena kusalemba ntchito yomwe adagwira, ndikukwapula ndi kukwapula onse ogwira ntchito komanso alendi. Nkhanzazo zidatsimikiziridwa ndi ogwira ntchito ku Magomero ndi alendi omwe adafunsidwa ndi Commission mu chaka cha 1915",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5384,"Livingstone alone was blamed for these unsatisfactory conditions, and the resident director of the A L Bruce Estates, who had absolute control over estate policy and considered that educated Africans had no place in colonial society, escaped censure","Livingstone yekha ndi amene anaimbidwa mlandu chifukwa cha zinthu zosasangalatsazi, ndipo mkulu wa bungwe la AL Bruce Estates, yemwe anali ndi mphamvu zonse pa ndondomeko ya malo ndipo ankaona kuti anthu ophunzira ku Africa alibe malo m'gulu la atsamunda, adathawa kudzudzulidwa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5385,"The concept that the only appropriate relationship between Europeans and Africans was that of master and servant was at the heart of colonial society, led by the landowners","Lingaliro lakuti ubale wokhawo woyenera pakati pa Azungu ndi Afirika unali wa ambuye ndi antchito unali pamtima pa gulu la atsamunda, motsogozedwa ndi eni malo ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5386,"This concept may have been what Chilembwe aimed to fight against with his schools and self-help schemes, and ultimately why he turned to violent action","Lingaliro limeneli lingakhale lomwe Chilembwe ankafuna kulimbana nalo ndi sukulu komanso njira zodzithandizira, ndipo pamapeto pake adayambitsa ziwawa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5387,"After Chilembwe was killed, Ida took care of the two sons until her death amidst the 1918 influenza outbreak, where afterwards, they were under the care of their grandmother until she herself died in 1922","Chilembwe ataphedwa, Ida anasamalira ana aamuna awiriwa mpaka imfa yake mkati mwa mliri wa chimfine mu 1918, ndipo pambuyo pake, iwo anali m’manja mwa agogo awo aakazi mpaka pamene iye mwini anamwalira mu 1922",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5388,"They were then entrusted into the hands of the Blantyre Mission and government as orphans. Charlie and Donald struggled to live up to their father's legacy; Charlie spent his last years at Blantyre working as a sweeper until his death in 1971, while Donald, struggling to find work, largely vanishes from the historic record in the 1930s","Kenako adawaika m’manja mwa mishoni ya Blantyre komanso boma ngati ana amasiye. Charlie ndi Donald anavutika kuti akwaniritse cholowa cha abambo awo; Charlie anakhala zaka zake zomaliza ku Blantyre akugwira ntchito yosesa mpaka imfa yake mu 1971, pamene Donald, yemwe ankavutika kuti apeze ntchito, amasowa mbiri yakale ya zaka za m'ma 1930",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5389,"The Arab Spring or the First Arab Spring was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s","Arab Spring kapena First Arab Spring inali mndandanda wa zionetsero zotsutsana ndi boma, zipolowe ndi zigawenga zomwe zidafalikira kumadera ambiri a Arabu kumayambiriro kwa 'zaka za ma 2010",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5390,"It began in Tunisia in response to corruption and economic stagnation. From Tunisia, the protests then spread to five other countries: Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain","Zinayamba ku Tunisia poyankha katangale komanso kusokonekera kwachuma. Kuchokera ku Tunisia, ziwonetserozi zidafalikira kumayiko ena asanu: Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria ndi Bahrain",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5391,"Rulers were deposed or major uprisings and social violence occurred including riots, civil wars, or insurgencies","Olamulira adachotsedwa paudindo kapena zipolowe zazikulu ndipo ziwawa zidachitika kuphatikiza zipolowe, nkhondo zapachiweniweni, kapena zigawenga",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5392,"Sustained street demonstrations took place in Morocco, Iraq, Algeria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman and Sudan","Ziwonetsero zokhazikika mumsewu zidachitika ku Morocco, Iraq, Algeria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman ndi Sudan",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5393,A major slogan of the demonstrators in the Arab world is 'the people want to bring down the regime',Chilankhulo chachikulu cha ochita ziwonetsero m'maiko a Arabu ndi 'anthu akufuna kugwetsa boma' ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5394,"The wave of initial revolutions and protests faded by mid-2012, as many Arab Spring demonstrations were met with violent responses from authorities, pro-government militias, counterdemonstrators, and militaries","Kuchuluka kwa ziwonetsero zoyamba ndi ziwonetsero zidazimiririka pofika pakati pa chaka cha 2012, pomwe ziwonetsero zambiri za Arab Spring zidakumana ndi ziwawa kuchokera kwa akuluakulu aboma, magulu ankhondo ochirikiza boma, otsutsa, ndi asitikali ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5395,These attacks were answered with violence from protesters in some cases. Multiple large-scale conflicts followed such as the Syrian civil war. Regimes that lacked major oil wealth and hereditary succession arrangements were more likely to undergo regime change,Izi zidayankhidwa ndi ziwawa za ochita ziwonetsero nthawi zina. Mikangano yayikulu ingapo idatsata monga nkhondo yapachiweniweni yaku Syria. Maboma omwe analibe chuma chachikulu chamafuta ndi makonzedwe olowa m'malo mwa cholowa anali ndi mwayi wosintha boma ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5396,"A power struggle continued after the immediate response to the Arab Spring. While leadership changed and regimes were held accountable, power vacuums opened across the Arab world","Kulimbana kwamphamvu kunapitilira pambuyo poyankhapo nthawi yomweyo ku Arab Spring. Ngakhale kuti utsogoleri unasintha ndipo maulamuliro adayankhidwa, kusowa kwa mphamvu kunatsegulidwa m'mayiko onse achiarabu ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5397,"Ultimately, it resulted in a contentious battle between a consolidation of power by religious elites and the growing support for democracy in many Muslim-majority states","Pamapeto pake, zidapangitsa kuti pakhale nkhondo yolimbana pakati pa kuphatikizika kwa mphamvu ndi akuluakulu achipembedzo komanso kulimbikitsa ufulu wodzilamulira m'maiko ambiri achisilamu ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5398,"The early hopes that these popular movements would end corruption, increase political participation, and bring about greater economic equity quickly collapsed in the wake of the counter-revolutionary moves by foreign state actors in Yemen","Chiyembekezo choyambirira chakuti magulu otchukawa athetsa katangale, kuchulukitsa kutenga nawo gawo pazandale, ndikubweretsa chilungamo chachikulu pazachuma chinagwa mwachangu chifukwa cha zotsutsana ndi zosintha zamayiko akunja ku Yemen",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5399,"As of May 2018, only the uprising in Tunisia has resulted in a transition to constitutional democratic governance","Pofika mwezi wa May 2018, zipolowe zokhazokha ku Tunisia zapangitsa kusintha kwa ulamuliro wa ufulu wodzilamulira ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5400,Recent uprisings in Sudan and Algeria show that the conditions that started the Arab Spring have not faded and political movements against authoritarianism and exploitation are still occurring,Zipolowe zaposachedwa ku Sudan ndi Algeria zikuwonetsa kuti zomwe zidayambitsa Arab Spring sizinathe ndipo magulu andale otsutsana ndi ulamuliro wankhanza ndi kuponderezana zikuchitikabe,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5401,"As of 2021, multiple conflicts are still continuing that might be seen as a result of the Arab Spring. The Syrian Civil War has caused massive political instability and economic hardship in Syria, with the Syrian pound plunging to new lows","Pofika chaka cha 2021, mikangano ingapo ikupitilirabe zomwe zitha kuwonedwa chifukwa cha Arab Spring. Nkhondo Yapachiweniweni ku Syria yadzetsa kusakhazikika pazandale komanso mavuto azachuma ku Syria, pomwe pound ya Syria idatsika kwambiri ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5402,"The world watched the events of the Arab Spring unfold, ""gripped by the narrative of a young generation peacefully rising up against oppressive authoritarianism to secure a more democratic political system and a brighter economic future""","Dziko lapansi lidawona zomwe zikuchitika ku Arab Spring zikuchitika, 'atagwidwa ndi nkhani ya m'badwo wachinyamata womwe ukuukira mwamtendere motsutsana ndi ulamuliro wopondereza wopondereza kuti ateteze dongosolo la ndale la ufulu wodzilamulira komanso tsogolo labwino lazachuma'",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5403,"The Arab Spring is widely believed to have been instigated by dissatisfaction, particularly of youth and unions, with the rule of local governments, though some have speculated that wide gaps in income levels and pressures caused by the Great Recession may have had a hand as well","Arab Spring ambiri amakhulupirira kuti idachititsidwa ndi kusakhutira, makamaka kwa achinyamata ndi mabungwe, ndi ulamuliro wa maboma am'deralo, ngakhale ena amaganiza kuti mipata yayikulu pazachuma komanso zovuta zomwe zidabwera chifukwa cha kuchepa kwakukulu kwachuma mwina zidathandiziranso. ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5404,"Numerous factors led to the protests, including issues such as reform, human rights violations, political corruption, economic decline, unemployment, extreme poverty, and a number of demographic structural factors, such as a large percentage of educated but dissatisfied youth within the entire population","Zinthu zambiri zomwe zidapangitsa ziwonetserozi, kuphatikiza nkhani monga kusintha, kuphwanya ufulu wachibadwidwe, katangale pazandale, kuchepa kwachuma, kusowa kwa ntchito, umphawi wadzaoneni, ndi zinthu zingapo zomwe zimayenderana ndi kuchuluka kwa anthu, monga kuchuluka kwa achinyamata ophunzira koma osakhutira pakati pa anthu onse. ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5405,"Catalysts for the revolts in all Northern African and Persian Gulf countries included the concentration of wealth in the hands of monarchs in power for decades, insufficient transparency of its redistribution, corruption, and especially the refusal of the youth to accept the status quo","Zomwe zidayambitsa kuwukira m'maiko onse aku Northern Africa ndi Persian Gulf ndi kuphatikiza chuma m'manja mwa mafumu omwe ali ndi mphamvu kwazaka zambiri, kusawonekera bwino pakugawikana kwake, katangale, makamaka kukana kwa achinyamata kuvomereza momwe zinthu ziliri ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5406,Other analysts blamed the rise in food prices on commodity traders and the conversion of crops to ethanol. Yet others have claimed that the context of high rates of unemployment and corrupt political regimes led to dissent movements within the region,Akadaulo ena ati kukwera kwa mitengo yazakudya kumakhudza amalonda komanso kusandutsa mbewu kukhala ethanol. Komabe ena ati chifukwa chakuchulukira kwa ulova ndi maboma andale zachinyengo zidapangitsa kuti m'chigawochi mukhale anthu osagwirizana ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5407,"In the wake of the Arab Spring protests, a considerable amount of attention focused on the role of social media and digital technologies in allowing citizens within areas affected by ""the Arab Uprisings"" as a means for collective activism to circumvent state-operated media channels","Kutsatira ziwonetsero za Arab Spring, chidwi chochuluka chidayang'ana gawo lazachikhalidwe cha anthu komanso matekinoloje a digito kulola nzika zomwe zakhudzidwa ndi 'zipolowe zachiarabu' ngati njira yolumikizirana pamodzi kuti azembe njira zoulutsira nkhani zoyendetsedwa ndi boma ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5408,"The influence of social media on political activism during the Arab Spring has, however, been much debated. Protests took place both in states with a very high level of Internet usage (such as Bahrain with 88% of its population online in 2011) and in states with some of the lowest Internet penetration",Chikoka chawailesi yakanema pazandale pa nthawi ya Arab Spring chakhala chikutsutsana kwambiri. Zionetsero zidachitika m'maboma omwe amagwiritsa ntchito intaneti kwambiri (monga Bahrain yomwe ili ndi 88% ya anthu pa intaneti mu 2011) komanso m'maiko omwe ali ndi intaneti yotsika kwambiri ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5409,"The use of social media platforms more than doubled in Arab countries during the protests, with the exception of Libya. Some researchers have shown how collective intelligence, dynamics of the crowd in participatory systems such as social media, has immense power to support a collective action—such as foment a political change","Kugwiritsa ntchito malo ochezera a pa Intaneti kuwirikiza kawiri m'mayiko achiarabu panthawi ya zionetsero, kupatulapo Libya. Ofufuza ena awonetsa momwe nzeru zophatikizira, mphamvu za unyinji m'machitidwe otenga nawo gawo monga ochezera a pa TV, zili ndi mphamvu zazikulu zothandizira gulu - monga kuyambitsa kusintha kwa ndale ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5410,Social networks were not the only instrument for rebels to coordinate their efforts and communicate. In the countries with the lowest Internet penetration and the limited role of social networks,Sikuti malo ochezera a pa Intaneti ndi njira yokhayo imene zigawenga zinkathandizira kuti aziyesetsa kulankhulana. M'mayiko omwe ali otsika kwambiri pa intaneti komanso gawo lochepa la malo ochezera a pa Intaneti ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5411,"Tunisia experienced a series of conflicts during the three years leading up to the Arab Spring, the most notable occurring in the mining area of Gafsa in 2008, where protests continued for many months","Tunisia idakumana ndi mikangano ingapo pazaka zitatu zotsogola ku Arab Spring, zomwe zidadziwika kwambiri mdera la migodi ku Gafsa mu chaka cha 2008, pomwe ziwonetsero zidapitilira kwa miyezi yambiri ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5412,"These protests included rallies, sit-ins, and strikes, during which there were two fatalities, an unspecified number of wounded, and dozens of arrests","Zionetserozi zidaphatikizapo zionetsero, zokhala m'malo, ndi sitiraka, pomwe padapha anthu awiri, ovulala omwe sanatchulidwe, komanso omangidwa ambiri",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5413,"In Egypt, the labor movement had been strong for years, with more than 3,000 labor actions since 2004, and provided an important venue for organizing protests and collective action","Ku Egypt, gulu la ogwira ntchito linali lamphamvu kwa zaka zambiri, ndi ntchito zopitilira zikwi zitatu kuyambira chaka 2004, ndipo zidapereka malo ofunikira pokonzekera zionetsero ndi zochitika zonse ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5414,"An hour later he doused himself with gasoline and set himself afire. His death on 4 January 2011brought together various groups dissatisfied with the existing system, including many unemployed persons, political and human rights activists, labor and trade unionists, students, professors, lawyers, and others to begin the Tunisian Revolution","Patatha ola limodzi anadzithira mafuta a agalimoto ndipo anaziwotcha. Imfa yake pa 4 January 2011 idabweretsa pamodzi magulu osiyanasiyana osakhutira ndi dongosolo lomwe lidalipo, kuphatikiza anthu ambiri osagwira ntchito, omenyera ufulu wandale ndi ufulu wachibadwidwe, omenyera ufulu wa anthu ogwira ntchito ndi ogwira nawo ntchito, ophunzira, maprofesa, maloya, ndi ena kuti ayambitse Revolution ya Tunisia ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5415,"Even though the Islamists were certainly present during the uprisings, they never determined the directions of these movements—after all, there was hardly any central leadership in any of the uprisings","Ngakhale Asilamu analipo panthawi ya zipolowezo, iwo sanadziwe momwe maguluwa adayendera, ngakhale kuti panalibe utsogoleri wapakati pa zipolowezo ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5416,"Some Islamist groups initially were even reluctant to join in the protests, and the major religious groups in Egypt initially opposed the revolution","Magulu ena achisilamu poyamba sanafune kuchita nawo zionetserozo, ndipo magulu akuluakulu achipembedzo ku Egypt poyambirira adatsutsa kuwukirako",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5417,"The Arab Spring caused the ""biggest transformation of the Middle East since decolonization"". By the end of February 2012, rulers had been forced from power","Arab Spring idadzetsa 'kusintha kwakukulu ku Middle East kuyambira kuchotsedwa kwaukoloni'. Pofika kumapeto kwa February chaka cha 2012, olamulira anali atakakamizidwa kuchoka pampando. ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5418,"During this period, several leaders announced their intentions to step down at the end of their current terms","Panthawiyi, atsogoleri angapo adalengeza kuti akufuna kusiya maudindo awo kumapeto kwa nthawi yomwe ali pano",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5419,"Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir announced that he would not seek reelection in 2015 (he ultimately retracted his announcement and ran anyway), as did Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose term was to end in 2014, although there were violent demonstrations demanding his immediate resignation in 2011","mtsogoleri wa dziko wa Sudan Omar al-Bashir adalengeza kuti safuna kusankhidwanso mu 2015 (mapeto ake adachotsa chilengezo chake ndikuthamangirabe), monga adachitira Prime Minister waku Iraq Nouri al-Maliki, yemwe nthawi yake idayenera kutha mu 2014, ngakhale panali ziwonetsero zachiwawa zomwe zimafuna. kutula pansi udindo wake mu 2011",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5420,The geopolitical implications of the protests drew global attention. Some protesters were nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize,Zotsatira za geopolitical za ziwonetserozi zidakopa chidwi padziko lonse lapansi. Otsutsa ena adasankhidwa kuti alandire Mphotho ya Mtendere ya Nobel 2011,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5421,"The protests in Bahrain started on 14 February, and were initially aimed at achieving greater political freedom and respect for human rights; they were not intended to directly threaten the monarchy","Zionetsero ku Bahrain zinayamba pa 14 February, ndipo poyamba cholinga chake chinali kupeza ufulu wochuluka wa ndale ndi kulemekeza ufulu wa anthu; iwo sanali kufuna kuopseza ufumu mwachindunji",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5422,"Lingering frustration among the Shiite majority with being ruled by the Sunni government was a major root cause, but the protests in Tunisia and Egypt are cited as the inspiration for the demonstrations","Kukhumudwa komwe kwachitika pakati pa ma Shiite omwe akulamulidwa ndi boma la Sunni kunali chifukwa chachikulu, koma ziwonetsero za ku Tunisia ndi Egypt zikutchulidwa kuti ndizolimbikitsa ziwonetserozo",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5423,"The protests were largely peaceful until a pre-dawn raid by police on 17 February to clear protestors from Pearl Roundabout in Manama, in which police killed four protesters","Ziwonetserozi zidali zamtendere mpaka mbandakucha wa apolisi pa 17 February kuti achotse ziwonetsero ku Pearl Roundabout ku Manama, pomwe apolisi adapha ochita ziwonetsero anayi ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5424,"Following the raid, some protesters began to expand their aims to a call for the end of the monarchy. On 18 February, army forces opened fire on protesters when they tried to reenter the roundabout, fatally wounding one","Kutsatira chiwembuchi, anthu ena ochita zionetsero anayamba kukulitsa zolinga zawo n’cholinga chofuna kuthetsa ufumuwo. Pa 18 February, asilikali adawombera anthu ochita ziwonetsero pomwe adayesa kulowanso pamalo ozungulira, omwe adavulaza kwambiri",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5425,The following day protesters reoccupied Pearl Roundabout after the government ordered troops and police to withdraw,Mawa lake anthu ochita ziwonetsero adalandanso Pearl Roundabout boma litalamula asilikali ndi apolisi kuti achoke ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5426,"Subsequent days saw large demonstrations; on 21 February a pro-government Gathering of National Unity drew tens of thousands, whilst on 22 February the number of protestors at the Pearl Roundabout peaked at over 150,000 after more than 100,000 protesters Marched there and were coming under fire from the Bahraini Military which killed around 20 and injured over 100 protestors","Masiku otsatira adawona ziwonetsero zazikulu; pa 21 February, Msonkhano wochirikiza boma wa National Unity adakoka masauzande ambiri, pomwe pa 22 February kuchuluka kwa ochita ziwonetsero ku Pearl Roundabout kudafika pachimake pa anthu zikwi zana limodzi ndi makumi asanu pambuyo pa ziwonetsero zopitilira zikwi zana limodzi zomwe zidaguba kumeneko ndipo zidawotchedwa ndi Asitikali a Bahrain omwe adapha. pafupifupi makumi awiri ndi kuvulaza owonetsa oposa zana limodzi",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5427,"The police response has been described as a ""brutal"" crackdown on peaceful and unarmed protestors, including doctors and bloggers. The police carried out midnight house raids in Shia neighbourhoods, beatings at checkpoints, and denial of medical care in a ""campaign of intimidation""","Kuyankha kwa apolisi kwafotokozedwa ngati 'nkhanza' yolimbana ndi ziwonetsero zamtendere komanso zopanda zida, kuphatikiza madotolo ndi olemba mabulogu. Apolisi adachita zigawenga zapakati pausiku m'malo oyandikana nawo a Shia, kumenyedwa pamalo ochezera, komanso kukana chithandizo chamankhwala mu 'kampeni yowopseza' ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5428,"More than 2,929 people have been arrested, and at least five people died due to torture while in police custody","Anthu opitilira zikwi ziwiri, mazana asanu ndi anayi kudzanso makumi awiri ndi asanu ndi anayi amangidwa, ndipo anthu osachepera asanu amwalira chifukwa chozunzidwa ali m'manja mwa apolisi",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5429,"On 23 November 2011, the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry released its report on its investigation of the events, finding that the government had systematically tortured prisoners and committed other human rights violations","Pa 23 November 2011, bungwe loona za ufulu wa anthu ku Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry lidatulutsa lipoti lake lofufuza zomwe zachitika, likupeza kuti boma lidazunza akaidi mwadongosolo komanso kuphwanya ufulu wina wa anthu",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5430,"It also rejected the government's claims that the protests were instigated by Iran. Although the report found that systematic torture had stopped, the Bahraini government has refused entry to several international human rights groups and news organizations, and delayed a visit by a UN inspector. More than 80 people had died since the start of the uprising","Yakananso zomwe boma linanena kuti ziwonetserozi zidayambitsidwa ndi dziko la Iran. Ngakhale lipotilo lidapeza kuti kuzunzidwa mwadongosolo kwasiya, boma la Bahrain lakana kulowa m'mabungwe angapo omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe wapadziko lonse lapansi ndi mabungwe azofalitsa nkhani, ndikuchedwetsa ulendo wa woyendera UN. Anthu oposa makumi asanu ndi atatu amwalira chiyambireni zipolowezo ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5431,"Even a decade after the 2011 uprisings, the situation in Bahrain remained unchanged. The regime continued suppression against all forms of dissent","Ngakhale zaka khumi pambuyo pa ziwonetsero za 2011, zinthu ku Bahrain sizinasinthe. Boma lidapitilira kupondereza anthu onse osagwirizana.",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5432,"Years after the demonstrations, the Bahraini authorities are known to have accelerated their crackdown. They have been targeting human rights defenders, journalists, Shiite political groups and social media critics","Zaka zingapo pambuyo pa ziwonetserozi, akuluakulu a boma la Bahrain amadziwika kuti afulumizitsa kusokoneza kwawo. Iwo akhala akulimbana ndi omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe, atolankhani, magulu a ndale achi Shiite komanso otsutsa pazama media",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5433,"The aftermath of the uprising that took place in Egypt was deemed to turn out successfully. However, a December 2020 report published by PRI's The World, the Egyptian government increased its executions by more than twofold","Zotsatira za zipolowe zomwe zidachitika ku Egypt zidawoneka kuti zidayenda bwino. Komabe, lipoti la December 2020 lofalitsidwa ndi PRI's The World, boma la Egypt lidawonjezera kuphedwa kwake mopitilira kawiri ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5434,"As a result, the government put to death approximately 60 people. This included human rights activists who were arrested in November 2020","Chifukwa cha zimenezi, boma linapha anthu pafupifupi makumi asanu ndi limodzi. Izi zikuphatikiza omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe omwe adamangidwa mu November 2020",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5435,"Anti-government protests began in Libya on 15 February 2011. By 18 February, the opposition controlled most of Benghazi, the country's second-largest city","Zionetsero zotsutsana ndi boma zinayamba ku Libya pa 15 February 2011. Pofika 18 February, otsutsa ankalamulira kwambiri Benghazi, mzinda wachiwiri waukulu kwambiri m'dzikoli ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5436,"The government dispatched elite troops and militia in an attempt to recapture it, but they were repelled. By 20 February, protests had spread to the capital Tripoli, leading to a television address by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who warned the protestors that their country could descend into civil war","Boma linatumiza asilikali apamwamba komanso asilikali kuti akagwirenso asilikaliwo, koma anawakaniza. Pofika pa 20 February, zionetsero zidafalikira ku likulu la Tripoli, zomwe zidapangitsa kuti Saif al-Islam Gaddafi alankhule pawailesi yakanema, yemwe adachenjeza ochita ziwonetserozo kuti dziko lawo litha kulowa m'nkhondo yapachiweniweni",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5437,"The rising death toll, numbering in the thousands, drew international condemnation and resulted in the resignation of several Libyan diplomats, along with calls for the government's dismantlement","Chiwopsezo chokwera cha anthu ophedwa, okwana masauzande ambiri, chidadzudzula mayiko ambiri ndipo zidapangitsa kuti akazembe angapo aku Libya atule pansi udindo, komanso pempho loti boma lichotsedwe ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5438,"Amidst ongoing efforts by demonstrators and rebel forces to wrest control of Tripoli from the Jamahiriya, the opposition set up an interim government in Benghazi to oppose Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's rule","Pakati pa ziwonetsero ndi zigawenga zomwe zikupitilira kulanda Tripoli ku Jamahiriya, otsutsa adakhazikitsa boma laling'ono ku Benghazi kuti litsutse ulamuliro wa Colonel Muammar Gaddafi",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5439,"However, despite initial opposition success, government forces subsequently took back much of the Mediterranean coast","Komabe, ngakhale kuti chitsutsocho chinapambana poyamba, asilikali a boma adabwereranso ku gombe la Mediterranean ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5440,"The forces were driven back from the outskirts of Benghazi, and the rebels mounted an offensive, capturing scores of towns across the coast of Libya","Asilikali adabwezeredwa m'mphepete mwa Benghazi, ndipo zigawengazo zidachita zonyansa, zomwe zidalanda matauni ambiri kudutsa gombe la Libya",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5441,"The offensive stalled however, and a counter-offensive by the government retook most of the towns, until a stalemate was formed between Brega and Ajdabiya, the former being held by the government and the latter in the hands of the rebels","Kuukiraku kudayima, ndipo kutsutsana ndi boma kudalandanso matauni ambiri, mpaka chipwirikiti chidakhazikitsidwa pakati pa Brega ndi Ajdabiya, yemwe kale anali m'boma ndipo womalizawo m'manja mwa zigawenga ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5442,"Focus then shifted to the west of the country, where bitter fighting continued. After a three-month-long battle, a loyalist siege of rebel-held Misrata, the third largest city in Libya, was broken in large part due to coalition air strikes","Kenako maganizo anasamukira kumadzulo kwa dzikolo, kumene kumenyana koopsa kunapitirira. Pambuyo pa nkhondo yomwe yatenga miyezi itatu, anthu okhulupirika adazinga mzinda wa Misrata, womwe ndi mzinda wachitatu waukulu kwambiri ku Libya, udasweka chifukwa cha kuukira kwa mgwirizano wa mgwirizano wa ndege ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5443,"The four major fronts of combat were generally considered to be the Nafusa Mountains, the Tripolitanian coast, the Gulf of Sidra, and the southern Libyan Desert","Mbali zinayi zazikuluzikulu zankhondo nthawi zambiri zimaganiziridwa kuti ndi mapiri a Nafusa, gombe la Tripolitanian, Gulf of Sidra, ndi Chipululu chakumwera cha Libyan ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5444,"In late August, anti-Gaddafi fighters captured Tripoli, scattering Gaddafi's government and marking the end of his 42 years of power","Chakumapeto kwa August, zigawenga zolimbana ndi Gaddafi zidalanda Tripoli, ndikubalalitsa boma la Gaddafi ndikuzindikira kutha kwa zaka zake makumi anayi ndi ziwiri zaulamuliro ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5445,"Many institutions of the government, including Gaddafi and several top government officials, regrouped in Sirte, which Gaddafi declared to be Libya's new capital","Mabungwe ambiri aboma, kuphatikiza Gaddafi ndi akuluakulu angapo aboma, adasonkhananso ku Sirte, komwe Gaddafi adalengeza kuti ndi likulu latsopano la Libya",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5446,On 23 October 2011 Tunisians voted in the first post-revolution election to elect representatives to a 217-member constituent assembly that would be responsible for the new constitution,Pa 23 October 2011 anthu a ku Tunisia anavota pachisankho choyamba pambuyo pakugalukira boma kuti asankhe owayimilira ku msonkhano wa anthu mazana awiri kudzanso khumi ndi zisanu ndi ziwiri omwe adzakhale ndi udindo wokonza malamulo atsopano ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5447,"On 26 January 2014 a new constitution was adopted. The constitution is seen as progressive, increasing human rights, gender equality, and government duties toward people, laying the groundwork for a new parliamentary system and making Tunisia a decentralized and open government","Pa 26 January 2014 lamulo latsopano linavomerezedwa. Lamuloli likuwoneka kuti likupita patsogolo, likuchulukitsa ufulu wachibadwidwe, kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, komanso ntchito zaboma kwa anthu, kuyala maziko a dongosolo latsopano lanyumba yamalamulo ndikupanga Tunisia kukhala boma lomasuka komanso lomasuka ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5448,"On 26 October 2014 Tunisia held its first parliamentary elections since the 2011 Arab Spring and its presidential election on 23 November 2014, finishing its transition to a democratic state","Pa 26 October 2014 Tunisia idachita zisankho zake zoyambirira zanyumba yamalamulo kuyambira 2011 Arab Spring ndi zisankho zake zamtsogoleri wa dziko pa 23 Novembara 2014, ndikumaliza kusintha kwawo kukhala dziko la ufulu wodzilamulira ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5449,"On 23 September, three months since the assassination attempt, Saleh returned to Yemen abruptly, defying all earlier expectations","Pa 23 September, miyezi itatu kuyambira pomwe adayesa kupha, Saleh adabwerera ku Yemen mwadzidzidzi, kutsutsa zomwe zidalipo kale",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5450,"Although the long-term effects of the Arab Spring have yet to be shown, its short-term consequences varied greatly across the Middle East and North Africa","Ngakhale zotsatira za nthawi yayitali za Arab Spring sizinawonekere, zotsatira zake zazifupi zimasiyana kwambiri ku Middle East ndi North Africa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5451,"In Tunisia and Egypt, where the existing regimes were ousted and replaced through a process of free and fair election, the revolutions were considered short-term successes","Ku Tunisia ndi Egypt, komwe maulamuliro omwe analipo adachotsedwa ndikulowedwa m'malo ndi chisankho chaufulu ndi chilungamo, zosinthazo zidawonedwa ngati kupambana kwakanthawi ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5452,"This interpretation is, however, problematized by the subsequent political turmoil that emerged, particularly in Egypt. Elsewhere, most notably in the monarchies of Morocco and the Persian Gulf, existing regimes co-opted the Arab Spring movement and managed to maintain order without significant social change","Kutanthauzira uku, komabe, kumavutitsidwa ndi zipolowe zandale zomwe zidayamba, makamaka ku Egypt. Kwina konse, makamaka m'mafumu a Morocco ndi Persian Gulf, maulamuliro omwe analipo adasankha gulu la Arab Spring ndipo adatha kusunga bata popanda kusintha kwakukulu kwachikhalidwe",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5453,One of the primary influences that have been highlighted in the analysis of the Arab Spring is the relative strength or weakness of a society's formal and informal institutions prior to the revolts,Chimodzi mwazinthu zazikulu zomwe zawonetsedwa pakuwunika kwa Arab Spring ndi kulimba kapena kufooka kwa mabungwe aboma komanso osakhazikika zipolowe zisanachitike ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5454,"Also crucial was the degree of state censorship over print, broadcast, and social media in different countries","Chofunikiranso chinali kuchuluka kwa kuwunika kwa boma pazosindikiza, kuwulutsa, komanso pazama TV m'maiko osiyanasiyana ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5455,Strong authoritarian regimes with high degrees of censorship in their national broadcast media were able to block communication and prevent the domestic spread of information necessary for successful protests,Maulamuliro amphamvu aulamuliro omwe ali ndi magawo akulu akuwunika pazofalitsa zawo zowulutsira dziko adatha kuletsa kulumikizana ndikuletsa kufalikira kwapanyumba kwa zidziwitso zofunika kuti ziwonetsero zichite bwino ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5456,"Countries with greater access to social media, such as Tunisia and Egypt, proved more effective in mobilizing large groups of people, and appear to have been more successful overall than those with greater state control over media","Maiko omwe ali ndi mwayi wogwiritsa ntchito malo ochezera a pa Intaneti, monga Tunisia ndi Egypt, adachita bwino kwambiri kulimbikitsa magulu akuluakulu a anthu, ndipo akuwoneka kuti achita bwino kwambiri kuposa omwe ali ndi ulamuliro wochuluka wa boma ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5457,Although social media played a large role in shaping the events of revolutions social activism did not occur in a vacuum. Without the use of street level organization social activists would not have been as effective,Ngakhale kuti chikhalidwe cha anthu chinathandiza kwambiri pakupanga zochitika za revolutions social activism sizinachitike popanda kanthu. Popanda kugwiritsa ntchito mabungwe omenyera misewu omenyera ufulu wa anthu sakadakhala othandiza ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5458,"Even though a revolution did take place and the prior government has been replaced, Tunisia's government cannot conclude that another uprising will not take place. There are still many grievances taking place today","Ngakhale kuti kusintha kunachitika ndipo boma lapitalo lasinthidwa, boma la Tunisia silingaganize kuti zipolowe zina sizichitika. Pali zodandaula zambiri zomwe zikuchitika lero",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5459,"Due to tourism coming to a halt and other factors during the revolution and Arab Spring movement, the budget deficit has grown and unemployment has risen since 2011","Chifukwa cha zokopa alendo zomwe zayima komanso zinthu zina panthawi ya Revolution ndi Arab Spring, kuchepa kwa ndondomeko ya chuma kwakula ndipo kusowa kwa ntchito kwakwera kuyambira 2011",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5460,"Still to this day, in countries affected by the Arab Spring, there is great division amongst those who prefer the status quo and those who want democratic change","Mpaka lero, m'mayiko omwe akukhudzidwa ndi Arab Spring, pali kugawanika kwakukulu pakati pa iwo omwe amakonda zomwe zilipo komanso omwe akufuna kusintha kwaufulu wodzilamulira",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5461,As these regions dive ever deeper into political conflict time will show if new ideas can be established or if old institutions will still stand strong,Pamene maderawa akulowera mozama kwambiri mu nthawi ya mikangano ya ndale iwonetsa ngati malingaliro atsopano angakhazikitsidwe kapena ngati mabungwe akale akadali olimba ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5462,The largest change from the pre-revolution to the post-revolution was in the attempt to break up political elites and reshape the geopolitical structure of the middle east,Kusintha kwakukulu kwambiri kuchokera ku chisinthiko chisanachitike mpaka chisinthiko chinali chofuna kusokoneza anthu apamwamba andale ndikukonzanso mawonekedwe apakati apakati apakati ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5463,It is speculated that many of the changes brought on by the Arab Spring will lead to a shifting of regional power in the Middle East and a quickly changing structure of power,Zikuganiziridwa kuti zosintha zambiri zomwe zidabweretsedwa ndi Arab Spring zipangitsa kusintha kwa mphamvu zachigawo ku Middle East ndikusintha mwachangu mphamvu ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5464,"The support, even if tacit, of national military forces during protests has also been correlated to the success of the Arab Spring movement in different countries","Thandizo, ngakhale lopanda phokoso, la asilikali ankhondo adziko panthawi ya zionetsero zakhala zikugwirizananso ndi kupambana kwa gulu la Arab Spring m'maiko osiyanasiyana ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5465,"In Egypt and Tunisia, the military actively participated in ousting the incumbent regime and in facilitating the transition to democratic elections","Ku Egypt ndi Tunisia, asitikali adatenga nawo gawo pochotsa boma lomwe lidalipo komanso kuthandizira kusintha zisankho zaufulu wodzilamulira ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5466,"Countries like Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, exhibited a strong mobilization of military force against protesters, effectively ending the revolts in their territories; others, including Libya and Syria, failed to stop the protests entirely and instead ended up in civil war","Mayiko monga Saudi Arabia, kumbali ina, adawonetsa kulimbikitsa mphamvu zankhondo zotsutsana ndi otsutsa, kuthetsa bwino zigawenga m'madera awo; ena, kuphatikiza Libya ndi Syria, adalephera kuyimitsa ziwonetserozo kwathunthu ndipo m'malo mwake zidathera pankhondo yapachiweniweni",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5467,The support of the military in Arab Spring protests has also been linked to the degree of ethnic homogeneity in different societies,Thandizo la asitikali pa zionetsero za Arab Spring lalumikizidwanso ndi kuchuluka kwamitundu yosiyanasiyana m'magulu osiyanasiyana ,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5468,"In Saudi Arabia and Syria, where the ruling elite was closely linked with ethnic or religious subdivisions of society, the military sided with the existing regime and took on the ostensible role of protector to minority populations","Ku Saudi Arabia ndi Syria, komwe akuluakulu olamulira anali ogwirizana kwambiri ndi magawo amitundu kapena azipembedzo, asitikali adagwirizana ndi boma lomwe lidalipo ndipo adatenga udindo wodzitchinjiriza kwa anthu ochepa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5469,"The presence of a strong, educated middle class has been noted as a correlate to the success of the Arab Spring in different countries","Kukhalapo kwa gulu lolimba, lophunzira lapakati kwadziwika ngati cholumikizira chakuchita bwino kwa Arab Spring m'maiko osiyanasiyana ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5470,"Countries with strong welfare programs and a weak middle class, such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan, as well as countries with great economic disparity and an impoverished working class did not experience successful revolutions","Maiko omwe ali ndi mapulogalamu amphamvu a umoyo wabwino komanso ofooka apakati, monga Saudi Arabia ndi Jordan, komanso mayiko omwe ali ndi kusiyana kwakukulu pazachuma komanso anthu osauka omwe sanachitepo bwino kusintha ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5471,"The strength of the middle class is, in turn, directly connected to the existing political, economic, and educational institutions in a country, and the middle class itself may be considered an informal institution","Mphamvu za anthu apakati, nawonso, zimalumikizidwa mwachindunji ndi mabungwe omwe alipo andale, azachuma, ndi maphunziro m'dziko, ndipo gulu lapakati palokha limatha kuwonedwa ngati bungwe losakhazikika ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5472,"In very broad terms, this may be reframed in terms of development, as measured by various indicators such as the Human Development Index: rentier states such as the oil monarchies of the Persian Gulf exhibited less successful revolutions overall","Mwanjira zambiri, izi zitha kusinthidwanso malinga ndi chitukuko, monga momwe zimayesedwera ndi zisonyezo zosiyanasiyana monga Human Development Index: mayiko obwereketsa monga ma monarchies amafuta aku Persian Gulf adawonetsa kusintha kosapambana konse ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5473,"The bloodiest, most vicious, and most pertinent struggles occur squarely inside the Sunni world. Sectarianism is a politically expedient fable, conveniently used to cover up old-fashioned power struggles, maltreatment of minorities, and cruel totalitarian practices","Kulimbana kokhetsa magazi, koyipa kwambiri, komanso koyenera kwambiri kumachitika mkati mwa dziko la Sunni. Mipatuko ndi nthano yothandiza pazandale, yomwe imagwiritsidwa ntchito mosavuta kubisa mikangano yakalekale, kuchitira nkhanza anthu ang'onoang'ono, ndi machitidwe ankhanza ankhanza ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5474,The deadliest incident of civil unrest in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein resulted in its Prime Minister being replaced,Chochitika choopsa kwambiri cha zipolowe ku Iraq kuyambira pomwe Saddam Hussein adagwa zidapangitsa kuti Prime Minister wake alowe m'malo,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5475,"Sustained civil disobedience in Sudan resulted in the overthrow of president Omar al-Bashir in a military coup d'état, the Khartoum massacre, and the transfer of power from a military junta to a combined military–civilian Sovereignty Council that is legally committed to a 39-month transition to democracy","Kusamvera malamulo kwa anthu ku Sudan kudapangitsa kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko Omar al-Bashir agwetsedwe pampando wankhondo, kupha anthu ambiri ku Khartoum, komanso kusamutsidwa mphamvu kuchokera ku gulu lankhondo kupita ku bungwe lophatikizana lankhondo ndi Civil Sovereignty Council lomwe ladzipereka mwalamulo ku bungwe lolamulira. Kusintha kwa miyezi 39 kupita ku ufulu wodzilamulira ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5476,"Some observers and social analysts remarked, however, that the issue of social justice remained a rhetoric or was marginalized","Ena owonera komanso openda za chikhalidwe cha anthu adanena, komabe, kuti nkhani ya chilungamo cha chikhalidwe cha anthu idakhalabe yongopeka kapena idanyozedwa ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5477,"Different social forces played a crucial role in matters related to social demands and achieving social justice. ""This role varies between those who advocate these demands and those who reject them, according to the social nature of each of these forces.""","Magulu osiyanasiyana a anthu adachita mbali yofunika kwambiri pazinthu zokhudzana ndi zofuna za anthu komanso kukwaniritsa chilungamo cha anthu. 'Udindo uwu umasiyana pakati pa omwe amalimbikitsa zofunazi ndi omwe amazikana, malingana ndi chikhalidwe cha chikhalidwe chilichonse cha mphamvuzi.'",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5478,"""Bread, freedom and social justice"" were the main slogans of the Arab revolutions. But although social and economic demands were raised, ""they were pushed aside in the political arena, and more attention was given to issues such as the transfer of power arrangements, the constitution first, the elections first, democratic transformation and the religious-secular conflict","'Mkate, Ufulu ndi Chilungamo' chinali mawu akulu a Chibrable. Koma ngakhale zidakonzedwa kuti zikhale zachitukuko komanso zachuma zidawukitsidwa, 'adaziika chidwi chachikulu ndi zovuta monga kusamutsa mphamvu, zisankho zoyambirira, mikangano yachipembedzo",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5479,"Attempts to bring about radical changes, by punishing and excluding a large part of the old elite, are not possible by democratic means, because such efforts elicit a strong reaction – a counterrevolution – leading to violence and repression","Kuyesera kubweretsa kusintha kwakukulu, kulanga ndikupatula gawo lalikulu la anthu osankhika akale, sikutheka ndi njira zaufulu wodzilamulira, chifukwa zoyesayesa zotere zimapangitsa kuti anthu achitepo kanthu - kutsutsa - kubweretsa chiwawa ndi kuponderezana ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5480,"Just a week before the beginning of the uprising, the sample of 2,956 people expressed that achieving justice and political stability, lowering prices, having access to clean drinking water, and providing comfortable transportation topped the list of changes they desired for their country","Patangotsala sabata imodzi kuti zipolowe ziyambe, zitsanzo za anthu zikwi ziwiri, mazana asanu ndianayi kudzanso makumi asanu ndi zisanu ndi chimodzi (2,956) zidawonetsa kuti kukwaniritsa chilungamo ndi bata landale, kutsitsa mitengo, kupeza madzi akumwa aukhondo, komanso mayendedwe abwino ndizomwe zidapangitsa kusintha komwe akufuna m'dziko lawo ",history,Online/Wikipedia +en5481,"The demands of the genuine grassroots movements are unlikely ""to be attained through a peaceful process – one without violence and the violation of the human rights of many",Zofuna za magulu enieni apansi panthaka sizingatheke 'kukwaniritsidwa mwamtendere - popanda chiwawa komanso kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu ambiri,history,Online/Wikipedia +en5482,"The continuing HIV pandemic, starting in 1981, has infected and led to the deaths of millions of people around the world. Emerging and improved pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) treatments that aim to reduce the spread of the disease have proven effective in limiting the spread of HIV alongside combined use of safe sex methods, sexual health education, needle exchange programmes, and sexual health screenings","Mliri wa HIV womwe ukupitilira, kuyambira mu chaka 1981, wapatsira ndikupangitsa kufa kwa mamiliyoni a anthu padziko lonse lapansi. Njira zochiritsira zomwe zikubwera komanso zotsogola za pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) ndi post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) zomwe cholinga chake chochepetsa kufalikira kwa matendawa zatsimikizira kuti zimathandizira kuchepetsa kufala kwa kachirombo ka HIV limodzi ndi kugwiritsa ntchito njira zogonana zotetezeka, maphunziro azaumoyo, singano. kusinthana ma pologalamu, ndikuwunika thanzi la kugonana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5483,"Efforts to find a HIV vaccine are ongoing whilst health inequities have left certain population groups, like trans women, as well as resource limited regions, like sub-Saharan Africa, at greater risk of contracting HIV compared with, for example, developed countries","Zoyesayesa zopezera katemera wa HIV zikupitilira pomwe kusalingana kwaumoyo kwasiya magulu ena a anthu, monga trans women, komanso madera ochepa, monga sub-Saharan Africa, ali pachiwopsezo chotenga kachilombo ka HIV poyerekeza ndi mayiko otukuka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5484,"The outbreak of COVID-19, starting in 2019, and subsequent declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the WHO is a major pandemic event within the early 21st century","Kuphulika kwa COVID-19, kuyambira mu chaka cha 2019, komanso kulengeza kwa mliri wa COVID-19 ndi WHO ndi mliri waukulu kumayambiriro kwa zaka za zana la makumi awiri ndi chimodzi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5485,"Causing global disruptions, millions of infections and deaths, the pandemic has caused suffering throughout communities. The pandemic has also seen some of the largest logistical organisations of goods, medical equipment, medical professionals, and military personnel since World War II that highlights its far-reaching impact","Kuyambitsa chisokonezo padziko lonse lapansi, mamiliyoni a matenda ndi kufa, mliriwu wadzetsa mavuto m'madera onse. Mliriwu wawonanso mabungwe akuluakulu ogulitsa katundu, zida zamankhwala, azachipatala, ndi asitikali kuyambira Nkhondo Yachiwiri Yapadziko Lonse yomwe ikuwonetsa zomwe zakhudza kwambiri ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5486,Why should the care of mothers and children need major consideration and be part of every programme that is taking care of people’s health? The important considerations and justifications include:,N’chifukwa chiyani chisamaliro cha amayi ndi ana chiyenera kuganiziridwa kwambiri ndi kukhala mbali ya pulogalamu iliyonse yosamalira thanzi la anthu? Zolinga zazikulu ndi zomveka ndi izi: ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5487,"Maternal mortality is an adverse outcome of many pregnancies. Miscarriage, induced abortion, and other factors, are causes for over 40 percent of the pregnancies in developing countries to result in complications, illnesses, or permanent disability for the mother or child","Imfa za amayi oyembekezera ndi zotsatira zoyipa za amayi ambiri oyembekezera. Kupita padera, kuchotsa mimba kochititsidwa ndi zinthu zina, ndi zinthu zina, n’zimene zimachititsa kuti amayi oposa makumi anayi pa zana alionse amene ali ndi pakati m’mayiko osauka abweretse mavuto, matenda, kapena kulemala kosatha kwa mayi kapena mwana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5488,"About 80 percent of maternal deaths in are directed obstetric deaths. They result ""from obstetric complications of the pregnant state (pregnancy, labour, and puerperium), from intervention, omissions, incprrect treatment, or from a chain of eventsresulting from any of the above","Pafupifupi ma peresenti makumi asanu ndi atsatu ya imfa za amayi oyembekezera zimafa mongoyembekezera. Izi zimabwera chifukwa cha zovuta zapakati pamimba (pakati, kubereka, kubereka), chifukwa cholowererapo, kulephera, kusamalidwa bwino, kapena zochitika zambiri zobwera chifukwa cha zilizonse zomwe zili pamwambazi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5489,Most pregnant women in the developing world receive insufficient or no prenatal care and deliver without help from appropriately trained health care providers. More than 7 million newborn deaths are believed to result from maternal health problems and their mismanagement,Amayi ambiri oyembekezera m'mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene salandira chithandizo chokwanira kapena salandira chithandizo chokwanira ndipo amabereka popanda thandizo kuchokera kwa azaumoyo ophunzitsidwa bwino. Amafa obadwa kumene opitilira ma miliyoni asanu nidawiri akukhulupirira kuti amayamba chifukwa cha zovuta za amayi oyembekezera komanso kusamalidwa bwino ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5490,"Poorly timed unwanted pregnancies carry high risks of morbidity and mortality, as well as social and economic costs, particularly to the adolescent and many unwanted pregnancies end in unsafe abortion","Mimba yosayembekezereka imakhala ndi chiwopsezo chachikulu cha kudwala ndi kufa, komanso zowonongera pazachuma, makamaka kwa achinyamata komanso mimba zambiri zapathengo zimatha kuchotsa mimba mwangozi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5491,"Poor maternal health hurts women's productivity, their families' welfare, and socio-economic development. Large number of women suffer severe chronic illnesses that can be exacerbated by","Kupelewera kwa thanzi la amayi kumasokoneza ntchito za amayi, ubwino wa mabanja awo, ndi chitukuko cha chikhalidwe ndi zachuma. Amayi ambiri amadwala matenda osachiritsika omwe amatha kukulitsidwa ndi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5492,"Infectious diseases like malaria are more prevalent in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women (most common in the first pregnancy). In addition, an increasing number of pregnant women are testing positive for the human immunodeficiency virus","Matenda opatsirana monga malungo amafala kwambiri mwa amayi apakati kusiyana ndi amayi omwe sali oyembekezera (ofala kwambiri pa mimba yoyamba). Kuonjezera apo, amayi oyembekezera akuchulukirachulukira akuyezetsa kuti ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5493,"In Sub-Saharan Africa, 3 million women are estimated to be infected with the AIDS virus and a woman with HIV has a 25 to 40 percent chance of passing the infection on to her fetus in the womb or at birth","Ku sub-Saharan Africa, amayi miliyoni atatu akuti ali ndi kachilombo ka Edzi ndipo mkazi yemwe ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV ali ndi mwayi wapakati pa makumi awiri ndiasanu mpaka makumi anayi peresenti ya kupatsira kachilomboka m'mimba mwake kapena pobadwa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5494,Many women suffer pregnancy-related disabilities like uterine prolapse long after delivery due to early marriage and childbearing and high fertility,Amayi ambiri amavutika ndi zolemala zobwera chifukwa cha pakati monga kuchulukira kwa chiberekero pakapita nthawi yayitali atabereka chifukwa cholowa m'banja ndi kubereka komanso kubereka kwakukulu,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5495,Nutritional problems are severe among pregnant mothers and 60 to 70 percent of pregnant women in developing countries are estimated to be anaemic. Women with poor nutritional status are more likely to,Mavuto a zakudya m’thupi ndi aakulu kwambiri kwa amayi oyembekezera ndipo makumi asanu nid chimodzi mpaka maperesenti makumi asanu ndiziwiri ya amayi apakati a m’mayiko otukuka kumene akuti ali ndi vuto la kuchepa kwa magazi m’thupi. Amayi omwe ali ndi vuto lodya zakudya zopatsa thanzi nthawi zambiri amakhala ndikuthekera,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5496,deliver a low-birth -weight infant,kobereka mwana wobadwa - wolemera pang'ono ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5497,"Majority of perinatal deaths are associated with maternal complications, poor management techniques during labour and delivery, and maternal health and nutritional status before and during pregnancy","Imfa zambiri za oyembekezera zimayenderana ndi zovuta za amayi oyembekezera, kusamalidwa bwino pa nthawi yobereka ndi yobereka, komanso thanzi la amayi ndi kadyedwe kamene kamakhalapo asanabadwe komanso ali ndi pakati ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5498,"The large majority of pregnancies that end in a maternal death also result in fetal or perinatal death. Among infants who survive the death of the mother, fewer than 10 percent live beyond their first birthday","Mimba yochuluka yomwe imathera pa imfa ya amayi imabweretsanso imfa ya mwana wosabadwayo kapena wobereka. Mwa makanda amene amapulumuka imfa ya amayi, ochepera ma peresenti khumi amakhala ndi moyo kupyola tsiku lawo loyamba lobadwa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5499,"Ante partum haemorrhage, eclampsia, and other complications are associated with large number of perinatal deaths each year in developing countries plus considerable suffering and poor growth and the development of those infants who survive","Kutaya magazi m'mimba, eclampsia, ndi zovuta zina zimagwirizanitsidwa ndi chiwerengero chachikulu cha imfa za obereketsa chaka chilichonse m'mayiko osauka kuphatikizapo kuvutika kwakukulu ndi kukula kosauka komanso kukula kwa makanda omwe apulumuka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5500,"Development impairments among children due to poor management during labour and delivery. Low birth weight babies. Because many women are fed less, marry early, carry a heavy workload, and spend a considerable portion of their lifespan in pregnancy and lactation, they are exposed to persistent low nutritional status and high-energy expenditure","Kuwonongeka kwa chitukuko pakati pa ana chifukwa chosasamalidwa bwino panthawi yobereka komanso yobereka. Ana obadwa ochepa thupi. Chifukwa chakuti amayi ambiri amadyetsedwa mochepa, amakwatiwa msanga, amagwira ntchito yolemetsa, ndipo amakhala ndi nthawi yochuluka ya moyo wawo ali ndi pakati ndi kuyamwitsa, amakumana ndi vuto losadya zakudya zopatsa thanzi komanso kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zambiri ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5501,"This predisposes mothers to bear low-birth-weight infants. Women often lack access to relevant information, trained providers and supplies, emergency transport, and other essential services","Izi zimapangitsa kuti amayi athe kubereka makanda ocheperako. Amayi nthawi zambiri samapeza chidziwitso chofunikira, othandizira ophunzitsidwa bwino ndi zida, zoyendera mwadzidzidzi, ndi zina zofunika ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5502,Cultural attitudes and practices impede women's use of services that are available. Children whose earliest years are faced by hunger or disease or whose minds are not stimulated by appropriate interaction with adults and their environment will experience grave and negative consequence throughout their lives-and so does society as they would be less contributory member,Zikhalidwe ndi zikhalidwe zimalepheretsa amayi kugwiritsa ntchito ntchito zomwe zilipo. Ana omwe zaka zawo zoyambirira amakumana ndi njala kapena matenda kapena omwe malingaliro awo salimbikitsidwa ndi kugwirizana koyenera ndi akuluakulu ndi malo omwe amakhala nawo adzakhala ndi zotsatira zoipa komanso zoipa m'miyoyo yawo yonse-ndi momwenso anthu amachitira monga momwe angakhalire mamembala ochepa ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5503,"Given the magnitude of these problems and the interventions available, much has not been done. Most of these problems are silent. They remain, to a large extent, uncounted and unreported. Maternal and child health programmes should focus on addressing these problems, clarifying policy and program alternatives and identifying cost-effective health-related program interventions that are likely to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality","Poganizira kukula kwa mavutowa komanso njira zomwe zilipo, zambiri sizinachitike. Ambiri mwa mavutowa sakhala chete. Iwo amakhalabe, kumlingo waukulu, osawerengeka ndi osanenedwa. Mapologalamu azaumoyo wa amayi ndi ana akuyenera kuyang’ana kwambiri kuthana ndi mavutowa, kulongosola ndondomeko ndi njira zina zamapologalamu komanso kupeza njira zothanirana ndi mavuto azaumoyo zomwe zingachepetse kudwala komanso kufa kwa amayi ndi ana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5504,"These outlined issues do not only show the importance of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) care to the health of mothers and children or their immediate problems. Rather, they show the role and necessity of MCH care in the welfare of the family, the community and the country as a whole","Nkhani zomwe zafotokozedwazi sizimangowonetsa kufunikira kwa chisamaliro cha Umoyo wa Amayi ndi Mwana (MCH) paumoyo wa amayi ndi ana kapena mavuto omwe abwera posachedwa. M'malo mwake, amawonetsa udindo ndi kufunikira kwa chisamaliro cha MCH paumoyo wabanja, dera komanso dziko lonse ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5505,"Thus, MCH care an issue that has to be addressed in terms of national productivity and futurity of a country","Choncho, MCH ikusamala nkhani yomwe iyenera kuyankhidwa pazachitukuko ndi tsogolo la dziko ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5506,"The specific objectives of MCH Care focuses on the reduction of maternal, perinatal, infant and childhood mortality and morbidity and the promotion of reproductive health and the physical and psychosocial development of the child and adolescent within the family","Zolinga zenizeni za MCH Care zimayang'ana kwambiri pakuchepetsa kufa kwa amayi, obadwa, makanda ndi ana komanso kudwala komanso kupititsa patsogolo uchembere wabwino komanso chitukuko cha mwana ndi m'maganizo m'banja ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5507,"The major determinants of maternal morbidity and mortality include pregnancy, the development of pregnancy-related complications, including complications from abortion and, the management of pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period","Zomwe zimayambitsa matenda ndi imfa za amayi ndi monga kutenga pakati, kukula kwa mavuto okhudzana ndi mimba, kuphatikizapo mavuto obwera chifukwa chochotsa mimba komanso, kusamalira mimba, kubereka, ndi nthawi yobereka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5508,"However, a lot of factors contribute to the low health status of women in the developing countries including Ethiopia. These factors include: Socio economic development of the country has serious Impact on morbidity and mortality","Komabe, pali zinthu zambiri zomwe zimapangitsa kuti amayi azikhala ndi thanzi labwino m'maiko omwe akutukuka kumene kuphatikiza Ethiopia. Zinthu izi zikuphatikiza: Kutukuka kwachuma m'dziko muno kuli ndi vuto lalikulu pa matenda ndi imfa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5509,"Poor agricultural development results in inadequate household food and has direct influence on nutritional status of mothers. Maternal death often has a number of interlined causes, which may start as early as birth or in early childhood","Kusayenda bwino kwaulimi kumabweretsa kusowa kwa chakudya chokwanira m'nyumba ndipo kumakhudza kwambiri thanzi la amayi. Imfa ya amayi nthawi zambiri imakhala ndi zifukwa zingapo zomwe zimayenderana, zomwe zimatha kuyambira ali mwana kapena ali mwana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5510,"For example, a girl who is not fed properly during her early years will be stunted and therefore more likely to have obstructed labour. Also, a woman’s risk of dying from infection and haemorrhage is increased considerably when being malnourished","Mwachitsanzo, mtsikana amene sadyetsedwa moyenera ali wamng'ono adzakhala wopunthwitsa ndipo amakhala ndi mwayi wolepheretsa kubereka. Komanso, chiopsezo cha amayi chomwalira ndi matenda ndi kutaya magazi chimawonjezeka kwambiri akamasowa chakudya",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5511,"Poor sanitary environment, poor housing, unsafe and inadequate water, adverse social and physical environment. Access to health services. Lack of access to modern health care services has great impact on increasing maternal death. Most pregnant women do not receive antenatal care; deliver without the assistance of trained health workers etc","Malo opanda ukhondo, nyumba zosoŵa, madzi osatetezeka ndi osakwanira, kusakhala bwino kwa malo okhala ndi chilengedwe. Kupeza chithandizo chaumoyo. Kulephera kupeza chithandizo chamankhwala chamakono kumakhudza kwambiri kufa kwa amayi oyembekezera. Amayi ambiri oyembekezera salandira chisamaliro cha oyembekezera; perekani popanda thandizo la azaumoyo ophunzitsidwa bwino ndi zina ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5512,"In many countries women have poor education and 2/3 of illiterate adults are women. Poor education of women has to be given serious consideration. Because denial of education indicates that women are denied the role they can play in decision-making and decreases the extent of contribution to their lives, family and community","M’maiko ambiri akazi saphunzira bwino ndipo 2/3 mwa akuluakulu osaphunzira ndi akazi. Maphunziro operewera a amayi ayenera kuganiziridwa mozama. Chifukwa kukana maphunziro kumasonyeza kuti amayi amakanidwa udindo womwe angachite popanga zisankho komanso kuchepetsa momwe angathandizire pa moyo wawo, banja lawo ndi dera lawo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5513,"Education is proved to have significant effect on women's health and reproductive behaviour through its influence on age at marriage, contraception and health care use, and awareness of risks and danger signs","Maphunziro amakhudza kwambiri thanzi la amayi ndi uchembere wabwino kudzera m'zaka za m'banja, kulera ndi kugwiritsa ntchito chithandizo chamankhwala, komanso kuzindikira zoopsa ndi zizindikiro zake ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5514,"Reproductive and health behaviour involves, for example, the age at which a woman becomes pregnant, whether the pregnancy is wanted, and what kind of health care the woman seeks","Khalidwe la uchembele ndi thanzi limakhudza, mwachitsanzo, zaka zomwe mayi amatenga, ngati akufuna kutenga pakati, ndi chithandizo chamankhwala chomwe mayiyo akufunafuna",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5515,"Women's income, access to household resources, and power to make decisions influence their ability to seek and utilize health services. Political commitment is crucial to allocate the available resources and to provide services which are accessible to those most in need","Ndalama zomwe amayi amapeza, kupeza zinthu zapakhomo, ndi mphamvu zopangira zisankho zimakhudza kuthekera kwawo kufunafuna ndi kugwiritsa ntchito chithandizo chamankhwala. Kudzipereka kwa ndale n'kofunika kwambiri kuti pakhale ndalama zomwe zilipo komanso kupereka chithandizo chomwe chingapezeke kwa osowa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5516,"The health and wellbeing of women is related and highly influenced with their social status. “Poor, Powerless, Pregnant” This is the status of women as labelled by a global survey in 1988","Thanzi ndi moyo wa amayi zimagwirizana ndipo zimakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi chikhalidwe chawo. “Osauka, Opanda Mphamvu, Oyembekezera” Umu ndi mmene akazi alili monga mmene kafukufuku wina wapadziko lonse anachitika m’chaka cha 1988",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5517,"Large number of women (about 50%) and girls in the world live under conditions that threaten their health, deny them a choice about child bearing, limit their educational attainment, restrict their economic participation and fail to guarantee them equal rights as compared to men","Chiwerengero chachikulu cha amayi (pafupifupi 50%) ndi atsikana padziko lapansi amakhala pansi amakumana ndi zinthu zomwe zimawopseza thanzi lawo, imawakaniza chisankho chokhudza kubereka ana, kuchepetsa maphunziro awo, kuletsa kutenga nawo gawo pazachuma komanso kulephera kuwapatsa ufulu wofanana poyerekeza ndi amuna. ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5518,Maternal mortality is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy irrespective of the site and duration of pregnancy from any acutely related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes,Imfa za amayi amatanthauzidwa ngati imfa ya mayi ali ndi pakati kapena pasanathe masiku makumi anayi kuphatikizapo awiri kuchotsa mimba mosasamala kanthu za komwe kwachokera komanso nthawi yomwe ali ndi pakati chifukwa chokhudzana kwambiri ndi mimba kapena kasamalidwe kake koma osati mwangozi kapena mwangozi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5519,Maternal mortality is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age in most of the developing world,Imfa za amayi ndizomwe zimayambitsa imfa pakati pa amayi a msinkhu wobereka m'mayiko ambiri omwe akutukuka kumene,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5520,"Globally, an estimated 500,000 women die as a result of pregnancy each year. It is the statistical indicator, which shows the greatest disparity between developed, and developing countries","Padziko lonse, amayi pafupifupi zikwi masana asanu amamwalira chifukwa cha mimba chaka chilichonse. Ndi chizindikiro cha ziwerengero, chomwe chikuwonetsa kusiyana kwakukulu pakati pa mayiko otukuka, ndi omwe akutukuka kumene",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5521,"Maternal mortality in developing countries is given least attention, despite the, fact that almost all of the suffering and death is preventable with proper management","Imfa za amayi oyembekezera m'mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene sizikunyalanyazidwa, ngakhale kuti pafupifupi kuvutika ndi imfa zonse zingatheke poyang'anira bwino ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5522,"Maternal mortality constitutes a small part of the larger maternal morbidity and suffering, because for every maternal death there are a lot of women suffering from acute and chronic illnesses during pregnancy, delivery and 6 weeks after","Imfa za amayi oyembekezera ndi gawo laling'ono lazovuta zazikulu za amayi oyembekezera, chifukwa pa imfa ya amayi aliwonse pali amayi ambiri omwe amadwala matenda opweteka kwambiri panthawi yomwe ali ndi pakati, pobereka komanso masabata asanu ndi limodzi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5523,"Most of the deaths, 99%, are in developing countries the magnitude of maternal death is very high in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where material mortality ratios (material deaths per 100,000 live births) may be as much as 200 times higher than those in industrial countries","Imfa zambiri, 99%, zili m’maiko otukuka kumene chiŵerengero cha imfa za amayi oyembekezera ndichokwera kwambiri ku Sub-Saharan Africa ndi South Asia, kumene chiŵerengero cha imfa zakuthupi (imfa zakuthupi pa ana zikwi zana limodzi obadwa amoyo) chikhoza kukhala chokwera kuŵirikiza mazana awiri kuposa. omwe ali m'mayiko ogulitsa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5524,"This is widest disparity in human development indicators yet reported. This difference is further expressed when comparing lifetime risk of women: one in every 21 women in Africa dies of complications of pregnancy, delivery, or abortion, while with only one in every 10,000 in Northern Europe","Uku ndiko kusiyana kwakukulu kwa zizindikiro za chitukuko cha anthu zomwe zanenedwabe. Kusiyana kumeneku kumasonyezedwanso poyerekezera chiwopsezo cha moyo wa akazi: mmodzi mwa amayi makumi awiri ndi mmodzi aliwonse mu Afirika amamwalira ndi mavuto a kutenga mimba, kubereka, kapena kuchotsa mimba, pamene mmodzi yekha mwa zikwi khumi aliwonse ku Northern Europe",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5525,"The risk of maternal mortality is also related to the mother’s previous health and nutritional status, issues of gender discrimination, and access to health services. Adolescent pregnancy carries a higher risk due to the danger of incomplete development of the pelvis, and there is a higher prevalence of hypertensive disorders among young mothers","Kuopsa kwa imfa za amayi kumakhudzananso ndi thanzi la amayi ndi kadyedwe kake kameneka, nkhani za kusankhana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi komanso kupeza chithandizo chamankhwala. Mimba yachinyamata imakhala ndi chiopsezo chachikulu chifukwa cha chiopsezo chosakwanira kukula kwa chiuno, ndipo pali kufalikira kwa matenda oopsa kwambiri pakati pa amayi achichepere ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5526,Frequent pregnancies also carry a higher risk of maternal and infant death. Concern for maternal mortality is not only for the mother’s life,Kutenga mimba pafupipafupi kumakhalanso ndi chiopsezo chachikulu cha imfa ya amayi ndi makanda. Kudetsa nkhawa kwa imfa ya amayi sikungokhudza moyo wa amayi okha,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5527,"It is related to the health and deaths of the seven million newborns who die annually as a result of material health problems and the health and socio-economic impact on children, families, and communities","Zimakhudzana ndi thanzi ndi imfa za ana obadwa kumene mamiliyoni asanu ndi awiri omwe amamwalira chaka chilichonse chifukwa cha mavuto a thanzi komanso thanzi komanso chikhalidwe chachuma pa ana, mabanja, ndi madera",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5528,"Infection is prevalent among the disadvantaged and risk increases by factors like anaemia, malaria, goitre, and malnutrition. Maternal infection is a serious problem as a result of the vicious cycle caused by low caloric intake, heavy workload and infection","Matendawa ali ponseponse pakati pa ovutika ndipo chiopsezo chimawonjezeka ndi zinthu monga kuchepa kwa magazi, malungo, goiter, ndi kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi. Matenda a amayi ndi vuto lalikulu chifukwa cha nkhanza zomwe zimachitika chifukwa cha kuchepa kwa caloric, kulemetsa ntchito komanso matenda ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5529,"It is also compounded by pregnancies at young age and too many pregnancies too close together. Poverty also perpetuates the problem through illiteracy, poor sanitation, inadequate housing (crowding), and Inadequate and unsafe water","Zimaphatikizidwanso ndi mimba ali aang'ono komanso mimba zambiri zoyandikana kwambiri. Umphawi umalimbikitsanso vutoli chifukwa cha kusaphunzira, ukhondo, kusowa kwa nyumba (kuchulukana), komanso madzi osakwanira komanso opanda chitetezo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5530,Puerperal sepsis occurs following long and complicated deliveries and it is rare in uncomplicated spontaneous delivery. Sepsis is also very common after unsafe abortion. Usually sepsis is fatal when the mother’s condition is compromised due to difficult labour and severe bleeding,Puerperal sepsis imachitika pambuyo pobereka kwautali komanso kovuta ndipo sikochitika pobereka mosavutikira. Sepsis imakhalanso yofala kwambiri pambuyo pochotsa mimba mopanda chitetezo. Nthawi zambiri sepsis imapha mayi akamadwala chifukwa chogwira ntchito movutikira komanso kutaya magazi kwambiri,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5531,Majority deliver at home and expose to poor sterile procedure; assistance by Untrained person during delivery; vaginal examination with unclean hands during delivery and number of vaginal examination,Ambiri amaperekera kunyumba ndikuwonetsa njira zosabala; kuthandizidwa ndi munthu wosaphunzitsidwa panthawi yobereka; kuyezetsa nyini ndi manja odetsedwa pobereka komanso kuchuluka kwa maliseche ake ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5532,Prolonged labour (the larger it lasts the greater the risk); duration of ruptured membrane before delivery (increase chance of the liquor to become infected); Use of Instruments to assist delivery; Caesarean section specially in ruptured uterus,Kugwira ntchito kwa nthawi yayitali (kuchuluka komwe kumakhala kowopsa kwambiri); nthawi ya kusweka kwa nembanemba asanabadwe (kuwonjezera mwayi wa mowa kuti utenge kachilombo); Kugwiritsa Ntchito Zida zothandizira kupereka; Kaisareya makamaka mu chiberekero chosweka ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5533,Effective strategies to prevent sepsis include: Improvement in standards of hygiene in routine care; Keeping interventions and vaginal examinations to a minimum,Njira zogwirira ntchito zopewera sepsis zikuphatikizapo: Kupititsa patsogolo miyezo ya ukhondo mu chisamaliro chachizolowezi; Kusunga zoyeserera komanso kuyezetsa ukazi kukhala osachepera ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5534,"Provision of “clean delivery” for all women. Basic aseptic technique is simple in facilities with adequate supplies of water, soap and disinfectant","Kupereka “kubereka koyera” kwa amayi onse. Njira yoyambira aseptic ndiyosavuta m'malo okhala ndi madzi okwanira, sopo ndi mankhwala ophera tizilombo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5535,One of the primary aims of trained birth attendant training programs throughout the developing world is to promote clean delivery in the home through deduction and provision of basic supplies such as: sterile razor blades and washable plastic sheets,Chimodzi mwa zolinga zazikulu za maphunziro a olera ophunzitsidwa bwino m'mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene ndi kulimbikitsa kubereka kwaukhondo m'nyumba mwa kuchepetsa ndi kupereka zinthu zofunika monga: lumo losabala ndi mapepala apulasitiki otsuka ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5536,"It is, however, difficult to ensure cleanliness in all deliveries, particularly where access to clean water is limited. Referring women with pre-term prolonged rupture of membranes (longer than 12 hours) to a referral-level facility for assessment","Komabe, nkovuta kuonetsetsa ukhondo m’njira zonse zoberekera, makamaka kumene kupeza madzi aukhondo kuli kochepa. Kutumiza amayi omwe ali ndi zotupa za nembanemba (zotalika maola opitilira khumi ndiawiri) kupita kumalo otumizira kuti akawunike ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5537,Transferring women with prolonged labour (longer than 12 hours) to a referral- level facility. Evacuating retained placental fragments promptly,Kusamutsa amayi omwe ali ndi ululu wowawa nthawi yayitali (opitilira maola khumi ndiawiri) kupita kumalo otumizira anthu. Kuchotsa zidutswa za placenta nthawi yomweyo ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5538,"Early detection and timely use of antibiotics for postpartum sepsis reduces the risk of mortality or long-term sequelae. Therefore, educating trained birth attendants, women, their families, and community health workers to recognize the early signs of sepsis and seek medical care may be lifesaving","Kuzindikira koyambirira komanso kugwiritsa ntchito maantibayotiki munthawi yake kwa postpartum sepsis kumachepetsa chiopsezo cha kufa kapena kutsata kwanthawi yayitali. Choncho, kuphunzitsa akulera ophunzitsidwa bwino, amayi, mabanja awo komanso ogwira ntchito zachipatala kuti azindikire zizindikiro zoyambirira za sepsis ndikupeza chithandizo chamankhwala kungapulumutse moyo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5539,Scheduling timely postpartum visits may also be useful. Postpartum care to detect infection is as important for those who deliver in institutions as it for those who deliver at home,Kukonzekera maulendo obwera pambuyo pobereka kungakhalenso kothandiza. Chisamaliro cha postpartum kuti muzindikire matenda ndi chofunikira kwa omwe akuperekera m'mabungwe monga momwe amaperekera kunyumba ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5540,"Women in hospitals are often discharged within less than two days, so that the first signs of infection may only appear after they have left","Amayi m'zipatala nthawi zambiri amatulutsidwa pasanathe masiku awiri, kotero kuti zizindikiro zoyamba za matenda zitha kuwonekera akangochoka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5541,Malaria is cause of severe underweight during birth and 3 million infants are affected in Africa. It is common at first pregnancy. During pregnancy the risk of getting malaria increases two times and the risk for cerebral malaria is high,Malungo ndi omwe amayambitsa kuchepa thupi kwambiri pobadwa ndipo makanda ma miliyoni atatu amakhudzidwa ku Africa. Ndi zofala pa mimba yoyamba. Pa nthawi yomwe ali ndi pakati chiopsezo chotenga malungo chimachuluka kawiri ndipo chiopsezo cha malungo muubongo chimakhala chachikulu,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5542,"During pregnancy malaria is also the cause of severe anaemia, spontaneous abortion, pre mature labour, still birth, and low birth weight. Wherever malaria is common pregnant women should take anti malarial","Pa nthawi ya mimba malungo ndi amenenso amayambitsa kuperewera kwa magazi m'thupi kwambiri, kuchotsa mimba mwachisawawa, ntchito yobereka mwana asanakhwime, kubala akadali, komanso kubadwa kochepa. Kulikonse kumene malungo ali ofala amayi oyembekezera ayenera kumwa mankhwala oletsa malungo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5543,tablets throughout pregnancy,mapiritsi pa nthawi yonse ya mimba,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5544,"Anaemic women due to malaria face risk during child bearing, less tolerance to blood loss (bleeding), risk for anaesthesia and operative delivery, poor pregnancy outcome, bleeding, illness, and death during delivery, still birth, poor foetal growth","Amayi omwe ali ndi vuto la malungo amakumana ndi chiopsezo pa nthawi yobereka, kusalolera kutaya magazi (kutuluka magazi), chiopsezo chopwetekedwa mtima ndi kubereka, kuperewera kwa mimba, kutuluka magazi, matenda, imfa panthawi yobereka, kubadwabe, kusakula bwino ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5545,"Sexually transsimited diseases and pelvic infections have grave consequence on mother and child. They can result from Sexual activity, Poor obstetric and gynaecological practices specially associated with Induced abortion, spontaneous abortion and childbirth","Matenda opatsirana pogonana ndi matenda a m'chiuno amakhala ndi zotsatira zoopsa kwambiri kwa mayi ndi mwana. Zitha kuchitika chifukwa chogonana, kusabereka bwino komanso kubereka kwa amayi komwe kumakhudzana makamaka ndi kutaya mimba, kuchotsa mimba mwachisawawa komanso kubereka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5546,"Fatality depends on the type of organism and the organs affected. Its effects and complications include: tubal scarring leading to infertility, Ectopic pregnancy, Pre mature rupture of membrane, Congenital anomalies such as blindness, and mental retardation etc.","kumwalira/ imfa ya mtundu wa chamoyo zimatengera ndi ziwalo zomwe zakhudzidwa. Zotsatira zake ndi zovuta zake ndi monga: kuwonongeka kwa chubu komwe kumayambitsa kusabereka, Ectopic pregnancy, Kuphulika kwa nembanemba asanakhwima, Kubadwa kwachilendo monga khungu, ndi kusokonezeka maganizo ndi zina.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5547,The spread of AIDS is increasing and rapid specially in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries putting stress on the already strained health care system.,Kufalikira kwa Edzi kukuchulukirachulukira ndipo mwachangu makamaka ku sub-Saharan Africa ndi mayiko ena omwe akutukuka kumene akuika nkhawa pazithandizo zamankhwala zomwe zawonongeka kale.,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5548,"According to the WHO estimate16,000 people are infected every day and there are 3 million infected women and it is becoming a serious threat and alarmingly increasing in pregnancy","Malinga ndi kuyerekezera kwa WHO, anthu zikwi khumi ndi zisanu kudza chimodzi amadwala matendawa tsiku lililonse ndipo pali amayi ma miliyoni atatu omwe ali ndi kachilomboka ndipo izi zikuwopseza kwambiri komanso kuchulukirachulukira pakati pa mimba ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5549,"AIDS is expected to be the major cause of maternal mortality. Poverty is also related with AIDS and as a cause of death. Some of the reasons are: Poor health care, Poor availability of drugs for protection of immunity and increasing survival Immunity, Crowding (increases transmission)","Edzi ikuyembekezeredwa kukhala choyambitsa chachikulu cha imfa za amayi oyembekezera. Umphawi umakhudzananso ndi Edzi komanso chifukwa cha imfa. Zina mwa zifukwa ndi izi: Kusakhazikika kwaumoyo, Kusapezeka kwa mankhwala oteteza chitetezo cha mthupi komanso kuonjezera chitetezo cha mthupi, Kuchulukana (kuchulukitsa kufala)",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5550,Malnutrition further lowers immunity for common diseases like water borne infections etc.,Kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi kumachepetsanso chitetezo chokwanira ku matenda omwe wamba monga matenda obwera chifukwa cha madzi ndi zina.,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5551,The following statement clearly reflects the current state of poverty in the developing countries and their inability to combat AIDS,Mawu otsatirawa akusonyeza bwino mmene umphaŵi ulili m’mayiko amene akutukuka kumene komanso kulephera kwawo kulimbana ndi AIDS ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5552,If the cure for AIDS were a single glass of clean water most of the HIV positive people in Africa would still be dead,Ngati mankhwala a Edzi akanakhala kapu imodzi ya madzi oyera ambiri mwa anthu amene ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV mu Afirika akadamwalirabe,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5553,"There is an urgent need for increased understanding of magnitude of the epidemic and its local and global dimension. Promotion of action & sound policy at a national level is mandatory to prevent transmission and to focus on children, family, and community","Pakufunika kofunika kuti timvetsetse kukula kwa mliriwu komanso momwe mliriwu ukukulira. Kukwezeleza kachitidwe & mfundo zomveka bwino m'dziko lonselo ndikofunikira kuti tipewe kufala komanso kuyang'ana kwambiri ana, mabanja, ndi anthu ammudzi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5554,"Health education at all levels and due attention to address specific problems such as religious and cultural issues (e.g. where people can’t speak of condom, and sexuality)",Maphunziro a zaumoyo m'magulu onse ndi chisamaliro choyenera kuthana ndi zovuta zina monga zachipembedzo ndi chikhalidwe (monga momwe anthu sangayankhule za kondomu ndi kugonana),health and wellbeing,onliine +en5555,"Promote abstinence before marriage or faithfulness to one partner, Screen blood, Reduce mother to child transmission","Limbikitsani kudziletsa musanalowe m'banja kapena kukhulupirika kwa wokondedwa m'modzi, Kuyezera magazi, Kuchepetsa kufala kwa matenda opatsirana kwa mayi kupita kwa mwana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5556,Unsafe Abortion is a pregnancy terminated by untrained and un skilled persons. It increases risk of death 250 times and its complication is a major direct cause of death among women in reproductive age group,Kuchotsa Mimba Mosatetezedwa ndi mimba yomwe imathetsedwa ndi anthu osaphunzitsidwa komanso opanda luso. Zimawonjezera chiopsezo cha imfa kokwana mazana awiri ndi makumi asanu ndipo zovuta zake ndizomwe zimayambitsa imfa mwachindunji pakati pa amayi omwe ali ndi zaka zobereka ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5557,Whatever the type of abortion (spontaneous or induced abortion) the events and the care received determine whether the abortion is safe or unsafe,Kaya kuchotsa mimba kwamtundu wanji (kuchotsa mimba kwadzidzidzi kapena kochititsidwa) zochitika ndi chisamaliro cholandiridwa zimatsimikizira ngati kuchotsa mimbayo kuli kotetezeka kapena kosatetezeka,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5558,"Even though spontaneous abortion can occur in 10-15% of known or suspected pregnancies, it is less fatal than unsafely induced abortion because usually mothers tend to go to a health institution for spontaneous abortion","Ngakhale kuchotsa mimba mwachisawawa kumatha kuchitika mwa maperesenti apakati pa khumi ndi khumi ndi chimodzi ya oyembekezera omwe amadziwika kapena omwe akuganiziridwa kuti ndi oyembekezera, sikupha kwambiri ngati kuchotsa mimba modzidzimutsa chifukwa nthawi zambiri amayi amakonda kupita kuchipatala kukachotsa mimba mwachisawawa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5559,"Age is an important determinant whether a pregnancy be unwanted and therefore aborted, for choice of abortion and extent of the resulting clinical manifestations","Zaka ndizomwe zimatsimikizira ngati mimba ili yosafunidwa ndipo chifukwa chake idzachotsedwa, posankha kuchotsa mimba ndi kukula kwa zizindikiro zake ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5560,"In Africa complications are seen among young, unmarried girls, students, and dropouts usually as a result of Ignorance, fear, that lead to denying pregnancy symptoms until they become unmistakable","Mu Afirika zovuta zimawonedwa pakati pa atsikana achichepere, osakwatiwa, ophunzira, ndi osiyira sukulu kaŵirikaŵiri monga chotulukapo cha Umbuli, mantha, zimene zimatsogolera ku kukana zizindikiro za mimba kufikira zitakhala zosadziŵika ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5561,"As a result pregnancy advances and leads to complicated abortion in many developing countries, for young boys and girls there is less access to relevant information about reproductive health and less or no access to contraception","Zotsatira zake, mimba imakula kwambiri ndipo imachititsa kuti kuchotsa mimba kukhale kovuta m’mayiko ambiri amene akutukuka kumene, kwa anyamata ndi atsikana aang’ono sapeza mwayi wodziwa zambiri zokhudza uchembele ndi ubereki komanso njira zolerera zochepa kapena kusowa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5562,"Women seek abortion when pregnancy occurs in circumstance such as severe hardship, insufficient income or intense socio economic deprivation","Azimayi amachotsa mimba pamene ali ndi pakati pazochitika zovuta kwambiri, kusapeza ndalama zokwanira kapena kuchepa kwakukulu kwachuma ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5563,Myths & taboos prevent using contraception or value fertility. Many cultures in Africa disapprove contraception for single & unmarred women,Nthano zimalepheretsa kugwiritsa ntchito kulera kapena kufunika kwa chonde. Zikhalidwe zambiri ku Africa zimatsutsa kulera kwa amayi osakwatiwa ndi osakwatiwa,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5564,"Lonely women such as widows, separated are expected to remain celibate, and pregnancy is regarded as a major violation of traditional norms","Azimayi osungulumwa monga akazi amasiye, olekana amayembekezeka kukhala osakwatiwa, ndipo kutenga mimba kumaonedwa ngati kuphwanya kwambiri miyambo ya makolo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5565,High-risk groups for complicated abortion commonly are adolescents. This is supported by many studies in different countries. In Kenya 79% unmarried women in one study had history of complicated abortion and among these 60% were schoolgirls or unemployed and 43% were found to be adolescents,Magulu omwe ali pachiwopsezo chachikulu chochotsa mimba movutirapo nthawi zambiri ndi achinyamata. Izi zimathandizidwa ndi maphunziro ambiri m'maiko osiyanasiyana. Ku Kenya maperesenti makumi asanu ndiawiri ndi mphambu zisanu ndi zinayi ya akazi osakwatiwa pa kafukufuku wina anali ndi mbiri yochotsa mimba movutirapo ndipo mwa awa maperesenti asanu ndi chimodzi anali atsikana asukulu kapena osagwira ntchito ndipo maperesent makumi anayi ndi kuonjezerapo atatu adapezeka kuti ndi achinyamata ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5566,"However, many studies also showed women of all ages and walks of life use induced abortion.","Komabe, kafukufuku wambiri adawonetsanso kuti azimayi amisinkhu yonse komanso azikhalidwe zosiyanasiyana amachotsa mimba chifukwa chotengera.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5567,"Strategies to Combat Abortion Related Morbidity and Mortality include Improving family planning services bring dramatic change, Education and counselling helps to decrease unwanted children","Njira Zothana ndi Matenda ndi Imfa Zokhudzana ndi Kutaya Mimba zikuphatikizapo Kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zakulera kumabweretsa kusintha kwakukulu, Maphunziro ndi uphungu zimathandiza kuchepetsa ana osafunika",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5568,"Unwanted pregnancy - causes psychosocial problems even when pregnancy is terminated. It can cause rejection of Infant, baby battering, baby dumping & infanticide.","Mimba yapathengo - imayambitsa mavuto amalingaliro ngakhale pamene mimba yatha. Zitha kuyambitsa kukanidwa kwa Makanda, kumenyedwa kwa ana, kutaya ana & kupha makanda.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5569,Access to information is very minimal for adolescents due to illiteracy and taboos which make it difficult to talk about sex with parents (even parents are the least informed in many circumstances). Sex education in the carricula and such an intervention needs the co-operation of all concerned,Kupeza chidziwitso ndi kochepa kwambiri kwa achinyamata chifukwa chosaphunzira komanso zoletsa zomwe zimapangitsa kuti zikhale zovuta kukambirana za kugonana ndi makolo (ngakhale makolo sadziwa zambiri nthawi zambiri). Maphunziro okhudza kugonana m'ma carricula ndi kuchitapo kanthu kotero kukufunika mgwirizano wa onse okhudzidwa,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5570,Female Genital Mutilation (Female Circumcision) Female circumcision or female genital mutilation (high acceptance for this name) is one of the serious causes of maternal morbidity and mortality,Kudula maliseche (Kudulidwa kwa Akazi) Mdulidwe wa akazi kapena kudulidwa kwa akazi (kuvomerezedwa kwakukulu kwa dzinali) ndi chimodzi mwa zifukwa zomwe zimayambitsa matenda ndi imfa za amayi ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5571,Female genital mutilation (FGM) is carried out as cultural and religions requirement to ensure chastity until marriage or to initiate a girl in to a women’s life. FGM is practiced in 27 countries in Africa,Kudula maliseche (FGM) kumachitidwa ngati chikhalidwe ndi zipembedzo zomwe zimafunikira kuonetsetsa chiyero mpaka m'banja kapena kuyambitsa mtsikana ku moyo wa amayi. FGM ikuchitika m'mayiko makumi awiri ndi mphambu zisanu ndi ziwirimu Africa ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5572,"FM occurs through removal of the hood or the fold of the skin over the clitoris or the excision of the clitoral prepuce only. Excision (modified circumcision), removing the entire clitoris part of or inner labia minora","FM imachitika pochotsa hood kapena kupindika kwa khungu pamwamba pa clitoris kapena kudulidwa kwa clitoral prepuce kokha. Kudula (modified mdulidwe), kuchotsa mbali zonse za clitoris kapena mkati mwa labia minora",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5573,"Radical circumcision or Infibulation is the removal of clitoris, labia minora and part of L. Majora. Raw sides of the vulva are either stitched or pinned together and the thigh and legs are tied together to seal the organ Only a pea sized hole is left for urination and menstrual flow. i.e. Closing Labia and result in blocking the birth canal, which causes obstructed labour. It is practised all along the Red sea coast Afar, Somali and, Djibouti","Mdulidwe wokhazikika kapena kudula ndi kuchotsedwa kwa clitoris, labia minora ndi gawo la L. Majora. Mbali zaiwisi za maliseche amasokedwa kapena kulumikizidwa pamodzi ndipo ntchafu ndi miyendo amamanga pamodzi kuti adinde chiwalo Chokhacho ndi bowo lalikulu la nandolo lomwe limatsalira pokodza komanso kutuluka kwa msambo. mwachitsanzo Kutseka Labia ndi kutsekereza njira yoberekera, zomwe zimayambitsa kuledzera kotsekeka. Amagwiritsidwa ntchito m'mphepete mwa nyanja ya Red Sea Afar, Somali ndi, Djibouti",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5574,Reduction of FGM is a top priority of the policy. Because practicing FGM is a gross violation of human rights!,Kuchepetsa ma FGM ndichinthu chofunikira kwambiri mu ndondomekoyi. Chifukwa kulera ndikuphwanya ufulu wachibadwidwe!,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5575,"Problems associated with fgm include Pain - during FGM and marriage, Emotional scar on her sexuality, Rejection for marriage, Infection (Tetanus, HIV/AIDS etc), Haemorrhage, acute anaemia, Retention of urine","Mavuto okhudzana ndi fgm ndi monga Ululu - panthawi ya kuswana ndi m'banja, Zipsera zamaganizo pa kugonana kwake, Kukanidwa m'banja, Kutenga kachilombo (kafumbata, HIV/AIDS ndi zina), Kutaya magazi, kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi, Kusunga mkodzo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5576,"Injury to urethra, anus, rectum and vaginal wall, Chronic pelvic sepsis leading to infertility, Mutilation during marriage when failed to penetrate the choice is to mutilate to gain access.","Kuvulaza mkodzo, kuthako, kunkhome ndi khoma la nyini, Matenda a mkodzo omwe amachititsa kuti munthu asabereke, Kudula m'banja mukalephera kulowa m'chisankho ndiko kudula kuti mupeze.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5577,For most women in the developing world the luck of regular access to modern health services greatly contributes to the increased morbidity and mortality,Kwa amayi ambiri m'mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene mwayi wopeza chithandizo chamakono nthawi zonse umathandizira kwambiri kuwonjezereka kwa matenda ndi imfa ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5578,"Most mothers receive insufficient family planning advice and ante natal care or none at all and deliver without access to skilled obstetrical care when complications develop. Even in countries with relatively well-developed health systems, preventable maternal illness and death persist because of inadequate management of the complications of pregnancy","Amayi ambiri amalandila upangiri wosakwanira wakulera komanso kusamalidwa kwa mawere kapena kusalandira nkomwe ndipo amabeleka popanda mwayi wopeza chithandizo chaukadaulo pakagwa mavuto. Ngakhale m'mayiko omwe ali ndi machitidwe azaumoyo otukuka, matenda otetezedwa ndi imfa za amayi zimapitirirabe chifukwa cha kusasamalira bwino mavuto a mimba ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5579,"Family Planning (FP) is a means of promoting the health of women and families and part of a strategy to reduce the high Maternal Mortality Rates, Infant Mortality Rates, and Child Mortality Rates","Kulera (FP) ndi njira yolimbikitsira thanzi la amayi ndi mabanja komanso njira imodzi yochepetsera kuchuluka kwa imfa za amayi oyembekezera, kufa kwa makanda, komanso kufa kwa ana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5580,Preventing maternal mortality by reducing exposure to pregnancy and therefore to risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth in the event of wanted births,Kupewa kufa kwa amayi pochepetsa kukhudzidwa ndi mimba komanso kuopsa kokhala ndi pakati komanso kubereka pakachitika mwana wofunidwa,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5581,"Preventing pregnancy and abortion when pregnancy is unwanted. Based on the above factors family planning programmes can be taken as the means to offer the service, to all who desire it, the opportunity to determine when to have children, the number of their children and spacing of births","Kupewa mimba ndi kuchotsa mimba pamene mimba safuna. Kutengera zomwe zili pamwambazi mapologalamu olerera atha kutengedwa ngati njira yoperekera chithandizo kwa onse ochifuna, mwayi wodziwa nthawi yobereka, kuchuluka kwa ana awo komanso kasiyana kakubadwa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5582,"Accordingly, information about FP should be made available in order to promote access to FP services to all individuals desiring them. Many reports indicate that contraceptive prevalence often rises among older, higher parity women, or those at greatest risk of abortion","Chifukwa chake, chidziwitso chokhudza FP chiyenera kupezeka kuti athe kulimbikitsa mwayi wopeza chithandizo cha FP kwa anthu onse omwe akufuna. Malipoti ambiri akuwonetsa kuti kufalikira kwa njira zakulera nthawi zambiri kumakwera pakati pa azimayi achikulire, omwe ali ndi chiopsezo chachikulu chochotsa mimba ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5583,"There is also a high prevalence in contraceptive use among more educated, urban women with better access to services","Palinso kuchulukirachulukira kwa njira zolerera pakati pa amayi ophunzira kwambiri, akumidzi omwe ali ndi mwayi wopeza chithandizo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5584,"Even though family planning programs have raised awareness and contraceptive use throughout the developing world, there is considerable unmet need for contraception. In many of developing countries it was found that between 10 - 40 percent of married women of reproductive age want to avoid a birth but are not using any type of contraceptive methods","Ngakhale kuti ndondomeko za kulera zathandiza anthu kudziwa zambiri komanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zolerera m'mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene, pali kufunika kolerera kosakwanira. M’maiko ambiri otukuka kumene anapeza kuti pakati pa maperesent khumi ndi makumi anayi ya akazi okwatiwa a msinkhu wobala amafuna kupeŵa kubadwa koma sagwiritsira ntchito njira iriyonse ya kulera ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5585,Any person male or female who can conceive or cause conception regardless of age or marital status is eligible for family planning services including family planning counselling and advice,Munthu aliyense wamwamuna kapena wamkazi amene angathe kutenga pathupi kapena kuyambitsa pakati posatengera zaka kapena banja ali oyenera kulandira chithandizo cha kulera kuphatikizapo uphungu ndi uphungu ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5586,"Justifications for the Provision of FP Services include decrease fertility rate, population growth; reduce maternal deaths by spacing or preventing pregnancy","Zifukwa za Kupereka Ntchito za FP zikuphatikiza kuchepa kwa chonde, kuchuluka kwa anthu; kuchepetsa imfa za amayi potalikirana kapena kupewa mimba",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5587,"It is reported to bring 20% reduction in maternal deaths; reduce too early, too late, too close too many pregnancies; reducing risk of unwanted pregnancies and illicit abortion; brings immense benefits to children","Akuti akubweretsa kuchepetsa maperesenti makumi awiri ya imfa za amayi oyembekezera; kuchepetsa msanga, mochedwa, pafupi kwambiri ndi mimba zambiri; kuchepetsa chiopsezo cha mimba zosafuna ndi kuchotsa mimba moletsedwa; zimabweretsa phindu lalikulu kwa ana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5588,"It helps to avoid closely spaced, frequently ill children, Low Birth Weight new borns, and, slow growth of children; Improve family welfare; Increase sustainable growth and decrease dependency ratio; Help infertile couple","Kumathandiza kupewa kukhala motalikirana, ana omwe amadwala pafupipafupi, ana obadwa kumene onenepa kwambiri, komanso kukula pang'onopang'ono kwa ana; Kupititsa patsogolo moyo wabanja; Kuchulukitsa kukula kokhazikika ndikuchepetsa kudalira; Thandizani banja losabereka",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5589,"Types of Family Planning Methods include natural methods such as breast feeding as a contraceptive, abstinence, withdrawal (Coitus interrupts), periodic abstinence methods or safe days","Mitundu ya Njira Zolerera ndi monga njira zachilengedwe monga kuyamwitsa monga njira yolerera, kudziletsa, kusiya (Coitus imasokoneza), njira zodziletsa nthawi ndi nthawi kapena masiku otetezeka",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5590,"Technical methods of FP include hormonal methods, mechanical and chemical methods, post coital contraception","Njira zaukadaulo za FP zimaphatikizapo njira zamahomoni, makina ndi mankhwala, kulera kwapambuyo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5591,Permanent contraception includes female and male sterilization. Family planning choices are often the first element of primary health care that can be made available in a resource poor setting,Kulera kosatha kumaphatikizapo kulera kwa amayi ndi abambo. Zosankha zakulera kaŵirikaŵiri zimakhala chinthu choyamba cha chithandizo chamankhwala choyambirira chomwe chingathe kupezeka m'malo opanda thandizo ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5592,Provision of basic non-clinical contraceptives requires minimal skill and can be handled by community-based providers with appropriate training,Kupereka njira zolerera zosakhala zachipatala kumafuna luso lochepa ndipo zitha kuthandizidwa ndi opereka chithandizo m'madera omwe ali ndi maphunziro oyenera ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5593,"The risk/benefit ratio of using methods such as oral contraceptives is in favour of nearly all women in such a setting, and a variety of cost-effective, distribution systems can be set up, from social marketing to community-based distribution programs focused on vulnerable groups","Chiŵerengero cha chiopsezo / phindu la kugwiritsa ntchito njira monga njira zolerera m'kamwa ndizogwirizana ndi pafupifupi amayi onse omwe ali m'malo otere, ndipo njira zosiyanasiyana zogawira ndalama zingathe kukhazikitsidwa, kuchokera ku malonda a chikhalidwe cha anthu kupita ku mapologalamu ogawa anthu omwe amayang'ana kwambiri. magulu osatetezeka",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5594,"Methods vary in their clinical effectiveness, and couples vary in the degree to which they make proper use of them. There has been a gradual shift toward more effective and more long-term methods, especially sterilization","Njira zamatenda zimasiyanasiyana, ndipo maanja amasiyana malinga ndi momwe amazigwiritsira ntchito moyenera. Pakhala kusintha pang'onopang'ono kunjira zogwira mtima komanso zanthawi yayitali, makamaka kutsekereza ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5595,"Worldwide, female sterilization is the leading method and now accounts for about half of all contraceptive use, but regional comparisons show substantial variations in method acceptance.","Padziko lonse lapansi, kulera kwa amayi ndiyo njira yotsogola ndipo tsopano ikugwiritsiridwa ntchito pafupifupi theka la njira zonse zolerera, koma mafananidwe a m'madera amasonyeza kusiyana kwakukulu m'kuvomereza njira.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5596,"Although contraceptive methods are not without risk, the risks tend to be small, balanced by some health benefits, considerably outweighed by the risks of pregnancy and childbirth, and dwarfed by the risks of unsafe abortion","Ngakhale njira zolerera zilibe chiopsezo, kuopsa kwake kumakhala kochepa, kogwirizana ndi ubwino wina wa thanzi, mopambanitsa kwambiri ndi zoopsa za mimba ndi kubereka, komanso kuchepetsedwa ndi kuopsa kwa kuchotsa mimba kosatetezeka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5597,The health benefits and risks of each method vary by the individual circumstances and the medical condition of the user; careful counselling of users by family planning providers can further reduce the risks,Ubwino waumoyo ndi kuopsa kwa njira iliyonse zimasiyana malinga ndi momwe munthu alili komanso matenda a wogwiritsa ntchito; kulangizidwa mosamala kwa ogwiritsa ntchito ndi olera kungathandize kuchepetsa chiopsezo,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5598,"Always remember that contraceptive use has no direct effect on the risk of death once pregnant; therefore, if all women were equally likely to adopt effective methods of contraception, irrespective of age, parity, and","Nthawi zonse kumbukirani kuti kugwiritsa ntchito njira zolerera sikukhudza chiwopsezo cha imfa akakhala ndi pakati; Choncho, ngati amayi onse ali ndi mwayi wotsatira njira zolerera, mosasamala kanthu za msinkhu, kusiyana, ndi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5599,"other determinants of obstetric risk, increasing contraceptive prevalence would not change the risk of death once pregnant","Zina zomwe zingayambitse chiopsezo cha kubadwa, kuchuluka kwa kulera sikungasinthe chiopsezo cha imfa kamodzi pa mimba",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5600,"A decline in fertility also means that first births, which are riskier, will increase as a proportion of all births. This means that increasing contraceptive prevalence could, in theory, actually lead to an increase in the maternal mortality ratio, even though the maternal mortality rate and lifetime risk of maternal mortality decline.","Kutsika kwa kubereka kumatanthauzanso kuti kubadwa koyamba, komwe kumakhala koopsa, kumawonjezeka monga gawo la obadwa onse. Izi zikutanthauza kuti kuchulukitsidwa kwa kufalikira kwa njira zakulera kungapangitse kuti chiwerengero cha imfa za amayi oyembekezera chiwonjezeke, ngakhale kuti chiwerengero cha imfa za amayi oyembekezera komanso chiopsezo cha imfa ya amayi oyembekezera chikuchepa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5601,"Abortion is the major cause of death among reproductive age women in many developing countries. The fact that women do resort to primitive abortion, even knowing it to be unsafe, is evidence of their strong desire to prevent unwanted, unplanned births","Kuchotsa mimba ndiko kumayambitsa imfa yaikulu pakati pa amayi a msinkhu wobereka m'mayiko ambiri omwe akutukuka kumene. Mfundo yakuti akazi amatengera kutaya mimba kwachikale, ngakhale akudziwa kuti ndikosayenera, ndi umboni wa chikhumbo chawo champhamvu chopewa kubadwa kwapathengo, kosakonzekera ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5602,"Women known to have had abortions are therefore likely to accept contraception, and should be targeted in family planning efforts","Azimayi odziwika kuti anachotsapo mimba amalola kulera, ndipo akuyenera kutsata njira zakulera ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5603,"On-site delivery of post-abortion family planning, including the provision of initial counselling and contraceptive methods following abortion, is essential","Kufikitsa pa malo potengera kulera khomo ndi khomo pambuyo pochotsa mimba, kuphatikizirapo kupereka uphungu ndi njira zolerera pambuyo pochotsa mimba, nkofunika ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5604,Family planning increases the standard of health and quality of life. It is cost effective more than many other health and social interventions,Kulera kumakulitsa mulingo wa thanzi ndi moyo wabwino. Ndiwotsika mtengo kuposa njira zina zambiri zaumoyo ndi chikhalidwe ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5605,"Ante Natal Care (ANC) is the care given to pregnant mothers that they have safe pregnancy and healthy baby. It also helps in minimizing complications of pregnancy, labour the post-partum and neonatal periods","Ante Natal Care (ANC) ndi chisamaliro choperekedwa kwa amayi oyembekezera kuti ali ndi pakati otetezeka komanso mwana wathanzi. Zimathandizanso kuchepetsa zovuta zapakati pa mimba, kubereka pambuyo pa kubereka ndi nthawi yobereka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5606,"The purpose of ANC is to care for pregnant mothers and to have all births attended by trained health workers, and to identify pregnancies where risk is high and provide special care for the mother and the infant","Cholinga cha ANC ndikusamalira amayi oyembekezera komanso kuti onse obadwa azipezeka ndi azaumoyo ophunzitsidwa bwino, komanso kuzindikira oyembekezera omwe ali pachiwopsezo chachikulu komanso kupereka chisamaliro chapadera kwa mayi ndi mwana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5607,There is a large body of evidence from routine statistics and special studies to suggest that women who have received prenatal care experience lower rates of maternal mortality,Pali umboni wochuluka wochokera ku ziwerengero zanthawi zonse ndi maphunziro apadera osonyeza kuti amayi omwe adalandira chisamaliro choyembekezera amamwalira ocheperako ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5608,"Components of prenatal care should include haemoglobin measurement and correction of anaemia, blood pressure measurement (to help detect hypertensive disorders of pregnancy), and the diagnosis and treatment of reproductive tract infections (especially sexually transmitted diseases) and urinary tract infections","ntchito zosamalira pakati/zimene zili mu chisamaliro cha pakati kuphatikizapo kuyeza kuchuluka kwmaagazi ndikukonza za kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi, kuyeza kwa magazi (kuthandiza kuzindikira matenda oopsa a mimba), komanso kuzindikira ndi kuchiza matenda a ubereki (makamaka matenda opatsirana pogonana) ndi matenda a njira mkodzo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5609,"Depending on local prevalence levels, it may also be necessary to prevent, screen for, and treat malaria and other infectious or parasitic diseases. Immunization against tetanus, which has benefits for both mother and infant, is an essential component of prenatal care throughout the developing world","Kutengera kuchuluka kwa momwe mungakhalire, zingafunikirenso kuti aletse, screen, ndikuchiritsa malungo ndi matenda ena opatsirana kapena a parasitic. Katemera wotsutsana ndi tetanus, yomwe ili ndi mapindu kwa mayi ndi khanda, ndizofunikira posamalira mwakale padziko lonse lapansi zomwe zatukuka",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5610,Ante natal care can also play a role in identifying danger signs or predicting complications around delivery by screening for risk factors and arranging for appropriate delivery care when indicated,Chisamaliro cham'mimba chingathandizenso kuzindikira zoopsa kapena kulosera zovuta zomwe zingachitike panthawi yobereka poyang'ana zomwe zingawopsyezedwe ndikukonzekera chithandizo choyenera ngati chasonyezedwa,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5611,"Risk assessment has proven most useful in the prediction of obstructed or prolonged labour based on height and previous poor obstetric history (for example, caesarean section, still birth)","Kuunika kwachiwopsezo kwatsimikizira kukhala kothandiza kwambiri pakulosera za kubereka kolephereka kapena kwanthawi yayitali kutengera kutalika komanso mbiri yakale yosauka yobereka (mwachitsanzo, opaleshoni, kubadwa akadali)",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5612,A history of previous postpartum haemorrhage or retained placenta may be indicative of a woman at risk,Mbiri yakale yakukha magazi kwanthawi yayitali pambuyo pa kubereka kapena kusungidwa kwa placenta kungakhale chizindikiro cha mayi yemwe ali pachiwopsezo ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5613,of postpartum haemorrhage. Mothers have to be encouraged to register for ANC as soon as they,cha mavuto amagazi obwera kamba ka kubereka. Amayi akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa kuti akalembetse ku ANC ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5614,know they are pregnant,akangodziwa kuti ali ndi mimba,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5615,"Activities during the first ante natal care visit include diagnose pregnancy, history taking, physical examination, laboratory examination, hemoglobin measurement, test for syphilis is one of the important tests to be done irrespective of any condition provided that the facilities are available","Zomwe zimachitika paulendo woyamba wosamalira oyembekezera zimaphatikizira kuzindikira kuti ali ndi pakati, kutenga mbiri, kuyezetsa thupi, kuyezetsa magazi, kuyeza hemoglobin, kuyezetsa chindoko ndi chimodzi mwazinthu zofunika kuyesedwa mosasamala kanthu za vuto lililonse malinga ngati malowo alipo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5616,Because syphilis has a grave impact on the foetus then on the new born. Immunisation: give Tetanus Toxoid injection. If first time repeat after one month,Chifukwa chindoko chimakhudza kwambiri mwana wosabadwayo ndiye kuti amakhudzanso wakhanda. Katemera: Perekani jakisoni wa Tetanus Toxoid. Ngati nkoyamba mubwereze pakatha mwezi umodzi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5617,Pre-pregnancy weight and weight gain in pregnancy are both critical and additive in their effect on pregnancy outcome. Equal emphasis should be given to assuring that both are normal,Kulemera kwa thupi mimba isanakhale komanso kuwonjezera kulemera nthawi ya mimba ndizofunikira kwambiri komanso zowonjezera pa zotsatira za mimba. Kutsindika kofanana kuyenera kuperekedwa pakutsimikizira kuti zonse nzabwino ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5618,"A pregnant mother has to have weight measurement a month apart, anytime during the second or third trimester. A gain of less than one kg per month is the danger signal, with no weight gain or weight loss being even more severe and calling for immediate action, such as food supplementation directly for the woman","Mayi woyembekezera ayenera kuyeza kulemera kwake pakatha mwezi umodzi, nthawi iliyonse mu gawo lachiwiri kapena lachitatu la pakati. Kuchulukitsa kochepera kilogalamu imodzi pamwezi ndi chizindikiro chowopsa, ndi kusanenepa kapena kuwonda kukhala chiopsezo chachikulu ndipo ziyenera kuthetsedwa mwachangu monga nkudzera kuwonjezera chakudya kwa mayiyo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5619,"Mothers should be weighed and counselled at the available opportunity present either during prenatal care or when they bring their children for immunization or growth monitoring, Arm circumference is the most feasible measurement to implement","Amayi ayezedwe ndi kupatsidwa uphungu pa mwayi ukapezeka panthawi yoyembekezera kapena akabweretsa ana awo kuti adzalandire katemera kapena kuwunika kakulidwe kake, circumference ya mkono ndiyeso yotheka kuigwiritsa ntchito ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5620,The same cut-off point can be used to identify undernutrition in or out of pregnancy and ranges from 21-23.5cm depending on the country or region. Because of the simplicity of arm circumference technology,Mulingo wolekezerawu ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuzindikira kunyentchera nthawi yamimba kapena mimba palibe ndipo imyambira 21 kufika 23.5cm kutengera ndi dziko kapena dera. Chifukwa cha kusavuta kwa kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka njira zamakono zoyezera kukula kwa nkono,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5621,"Which requires only an inexpensive tape, women can measure each other in their own homes","Zomwe zimangofunika chida choyezera chotsika mtengo, amayi amatha kuyezana paokha mmakomo mwawo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5622,Risk approach is a managerial tool for health services to identify people at risk as early as possible and intervene in order to reduce the risk. What is the basic concept behind this approach?,Njira zounika ziopsezo ndi chida chakayendetsedwe ka ntchito za umoyo kofufuzira anthu omwe ali pa chiopsezo mwansanga ndikuwathandiza pofuna kuchepetsa chiopsezocho. Kodi nsanamira zazikulu za chidachi ndi chani?,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5623,"All women in reproductive age group are vulnerable to disease, death and disability. However, all women are not equally vulnerable and this approach helps to identify mothers who are at a higher risk than others with a lesser risk","Amayi onse amsinkhu wobereka ali pachiwopsezo cha matenda, imfa ndi ulumali. Komabe, amayi onse sali pachiwopsezo chofanana ndipo njirayi imathandiza kuzindikira amayi omwe ali pachiwopsezo chachikulu kuposa ena omwe ali pachiwopsezo chochepa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5624,The main objective of the at risk approach is the optimal use of existing resources for the benefit of the majority. It attempts to ensure a minimum of care for all while providing guidelines for the diversion of limited resources to those who most need them,Cholinga chachikulu cha chida chounika chiopsezochi ndi kugwiritsa ntchito kotheratu zinthu zomwe zilipo kuti anthu ambiri apindule. Chimafunitsitsa kuonetsetsa kuti anthu onse akulandira thandizo la mulingo wovomerezeka kwinaku chikupeleka ndondomeko zakupatula zinthu kupita kwa omwe akufunika thandidzo lalikulu koposa,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5625,That means to care for all but to pay special attention to those in greatest need. The diversion of limited resources to those who most need them. Detection of risk factors requires knowledge of the characteristics associated with poor outcomes and the ability to recognise and measure them,Zimenezo zikutanthauza kusamalira onse koma kupereka chisamaliro chapadera kwa awo osoŵa kwambiri. Kupatutsidwa kwazinthu zochepa kwa omwe amazifuna kwambiri. Kuzindikira ziopsezo kumafunikira kudziwa makhalidwe okhudzana ndi kusachita bwino komanso kuthekera kozindikira ndi kuyeza mulingo wa kusachita bwinowo,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5626,"The aim of prenatal care is to assess the risk of complications in later pregnancy, labour or delivery and arrange for a suitable level of care","Cholinga cha chisamaliro cha oyembekezera ndikuwunika kuopsa kwa zovuta mukakhala ndi pakati, kubadwitsa kapena kubereka ndikukonzekera chisamaliro choyenera ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5627,"Though many systems of risk scoring of varying levels of complexity have been devised, most of the major problems which can lead to maternal mortality cannot be predicted with sufficient accuracy, except in the case of obstructed or prolonged labour","Ngakhale njira zambiri zowunikira zoopsa zamitundu yosiyanasiyana zidapangidwa, zovuta zazikulu zomwe zingayambitse kufa kwa amayi oyembekezera sizinganenedweratu molondola, kupatula ngati ntchito yolephereka kapena yayitali ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5628,"In addition, risk approach for maternity care can only work if all women are screened by adequately trained personnel, and if appropriate referral services are acceptable and within their reach geographically, logistically and financially","Kuonjezera apo, chida chounika chiopsezo kwa amayi oyembekezera chingagwire ntchito pokhapokha amayi onse atapimidwa mokwanira ndi ogwira ntchito ophunzitsidwa bwino, ndipo ngati nkoyenera atumizidwe kukapimidwa ku zipatala zina zimene zili mudera lomwelo, polingalira mayendedwe ndi ndalama zawo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5629,"Even where the risk approach works, however, the need for emergency care is not eliminated due to the unpredictability of many complications.","Ngakhale kumene chida chounika ziopsezo chimagwira ntchito, komabe, kufunikira kwa chithandizo chadzidzidzi sikuchotsedwa chifukwa nkovuta kulosera mavuto ambiri omwe angadze",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5630,"A history of prolonged labour in a multigravida with or without adverse outcomes, and short stature in relation to the local norms, are strong risk factors for obstructed labour","Mbiri yotenga nthawi yayitali kuti achire kwa mzimayi yemwe wakhalapo ndi mimba kopitilira kamodzi pali kapena palibe zovuta, ndiponso kuchepa msinkhu poyerekeza ndi mmene ziyenera kukhalira ndi ziopsezo zazikulu za kuvutika pochira",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5631,Cut off points for height and for number of previous births must be selected based on local circumstances to ensure that the maximum proportion of those who may develop problems are identified without overwhelming service capacity,Malire a mulingo wa msinkhu ndi chiwerengero cha ana obadwa mbuyomu zisankhidwe potengera mmene zinthu ziliri panthawiyo pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti gawo lalikulu la anthu omwe angapezeke ndi vuto ladziwika popanda kusokoneza kagwiridwe kantchito,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5632,"Some health care systems have established the feasibility of providing maternity waiting homes for women with high-risk pregnancies, where they can wait for the onset of labour close to a health care facility well prepared to handle obstetric problems, without occupying the limited number of hospital beds","Ndondomeko zina zaumoyo zakhazikitsa mwayi wa zithando/chidikiro kwa amayi omwe ali ndi ziopsezo zazikulu pa mimba zawo, kumene angathe kuyembekezera kuyamba kwa kubereka, pafupi ndi chipatala chomwe chakonzekera kuwathandiza pamavuto awo, popanda kudzadzitsa malo ogona odwala ochepa omwe alipo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5633,"Anaemia is very prevalent among women in developing countries, as a result of iron and/or folate deficiency and of malaria and other parasitic diseases","Kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi kwakula kwambiri pakati pa amayi m'mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene, chifukwa cha kusowa kwa iron ndi/kapena folate komanso malungo ndi matenda ena a tizilombo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5634,Anaemia contributes to maternal mortality by making women more susceptible to infection and less able to withstand infection or the effects of haemorrhage,Kuperewera kwa magazi m'thupi kumawonjezera kumwalira kwa amayi chifukwa kumapangitsa amayi kugwidwa ndi matenda mosavuta komanso kusapilira kumatenda kapena zotsatira za kutha kwa magazi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5635,"Anaemia is known to give rise to considerable long term morbidity in women, and at extreme levels may be associated with low birth weight","Kuperewera kwa magazi m'thupi kumadziwika kuti kumayambitsa kudwaladwala kwanthawi yayitali kwa amayi, ndipo vuto likakulitsa limakhudza kubadwitsa ana opepuka kulemera",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5636,"Anaemia during pregnancy may be aggravated by malaria, hookworm infection, and schistosomiasis. Death from anaemia results from heart failure, shock, and infection due to lowered resistance","Kuperewera kwa magazi m’thupi panthaŵi yapakati kungakulitsidwe ndi malungo, matenda a nyongolotsi, ndi likodzo. Imfa ya kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi imabwera chifukwa cha kulephera kwa mtima, kudzidzira kwa thupi ndi matenda chifukwa cha kuchepa kwa mphamvu zophelera matenda mthupi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5637,"Effective prevention depends ultimately on lifelong nutrition of girls and women, and thus on agricultural and economic factors and food distribution patterns within communities and families. It can, however, be detected and treated simply and effectively during pregnancy","Kupewa kogwira mtima kumadalira makamaka pa zakudya za moyo wa atsikana ndi amayi, ndipo motero pazaulimi ndi zachuma komanso njira zogawira chakudya m'madera ndi mabanja. Komabe, zitha kuzindikirika ndikuthandizidwa mosavuta komanso moyenera pa nthawi yapakati ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5638,"Though the use of routine iron and folate supplementation in pregnancy has been abandoned in industrial countries where anaemia and subclinical deficiency are rare, this approach almost certainly has a place in areas where they are common; acceptable doses of inexpensive oral supplements can prevent anaemia from developing or treat mild to moderate disease","Ngakhale kuti kugwiritsidwa ntchito kwachitsulo chokhazikika ndi folate supplementation pa mimba kwasiyidwa m'mayiko ogulitsa mafakitale kumene kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi ndi kuchepa kwa subclinical kumakhala kosowa, njira iyi pafupifupi imakhala ndi malo m'madera omwe amapezeka; Mlingo wovomerezeka wamankhwala amkamwa otsika mtengo ungalepheretse kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi kapena kuchiza matenda ocheperako ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5639,"Supplements may, however, produce unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and constipation, and compliance may be poor, especially in the absence of symptoms of anaemia, or where symptoms are accepted as normal in pregnancy","Zowonjezera, komabe, zimatha kubweretsa zotsatira zosasangalatsa, monga nseru ndi kudzimbidwa, ndipo kutsata kungakhale koyipa, makamaka ngati palibe zizindikiro za kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi, kapena pamene zizindikiro zimavomerezedwa ngati zachilendo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5640,"Iron can be given intra-muscularly or intravenously to ensure compliance and avoid gastro-intestinal side effects, but haemoglobin does not rise any more rapidly through this form of administration than through adequate oral therapy","Iron imatha kuperekedwa kudzera m'mitsempha kapena kudzera m'mitsempha kuti iwonetsetse kuti ikutsatira ndikupewa zotsatira zoyipa za m'mimba, koma hemoglobini sikukwera mofulumira kudzera m'njira imeneyi kusiyana ndi kumwa mankhwala okwanira m'kamwa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5641,"Blood transfusion as a treatment for anaemia is discouraged because of the serious dangers of blood borne infection of, notably, HIV, malaria, syphilis, and hepatitis B","Kuthiridwa mwazi monga chithandizo cha kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi kumalepheretsedwa chifukwa cha kuopsa koopsa kwa matenda opatsirana m'magazi, makamaka, HIV, malungo, chindoko, ndi chiwindi B",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5642,"Pregnant women are sexually active and at risk of sexually transmitted disease, including HIV/AIDS. In prenatal care, screening and treatment for syphilis is routine and is a cost-effective intervention","Amayi oyembekezera amakhala ndi chilakolako chogonana ndipo ali pachiwopsezo chotenga matenda opatsirana pogonana, kuphatikiza HIV/AIDS. Pokalandira chisamaliro cha mayi wapathupi, kupima komanso kuchiza chindoko ndi zimachitika nthawi zonse ndipo ndipo ndi thandizo losaononga ndalama",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5643,"Many studies in developing countries have demonstrated high prevalence levels of both syphilis and gonorrhoea in pregnant women, leading to considerable long-term morbidity in women, and to congenital disease and prenatal mortality","Kafukufuku wambiri m'maiko omwe akutukuka kumene awonetsa kuchuluka kwa matenda a chindoko ndi chinzonono mwa amayi apakati, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti amayi azitha kudwala kwakanthawi, komanso kudwala matenda obadwa nawo komanso kufa kwa ana asanabadwe ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5644,"Researchers estimate that of those women, who are currently pregnant, 10 to 15 percent have syphilis and two-thirds of all these pregnancies have an adverse outcome","Ofufuza akuyerekeza kuti mwa amayi omwe ali ndi pakati pakali pano, ma peresent khumi kulekezera khumi ndiasanui ali ndi chindoko ndipo magawo awiri mwa atatu mwa oyembekezera onsewa amakhala ndi zotsatirapo zoipa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5645,"Reliable screening tests exist for both syphilis and gonorrhoea, as do safe, effective treatments. Screening can be conducted in the clinic while women are attending and treatment started immediately","Kuyezetsa kodalirika kulipo kwa chindoko ndi chinzonono, monganso mankhwala otetezeka, ogwira mtima. Kuyezetsa magazi kutha kuchitidwa ku chipatala amayi akupezeka ndipo chithandizo chinayambika nthawi yomweyo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5646,"Unfortunately, screening and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases are not often regarded as core components of prenatal care and may only be available in special clinics. Despite the serious logistic obstacles, effective screening, treatment and contact tracing programs for all pregnant women is rewarding","Tsoka ilo, kuyezetsa ndi kuchiza matenda opatsirana pogonana sikumawonedwa ngati chigawo chachikulu cha chisamaliro cha usana ndipo chikhoza kupezeka muzipatala zapadera. Ngakhale pali zopinga zazikulu, kuwunika kogwira mtima, chithandizo ndi kutsata omwe ali ndi pakati kumapindulitsa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5647,Women are at higher risk of AIDS because the two predominant modes of transmission of HIV infection are sexual and prenatal,Amayi ndi omwe ali pachiwopsezo chachikulu chotenga Edzi chifukwa njira ziwiri zomwe zimafala kwambiri zimapatsira kachilombo ka HIV ndi kugonana ndi usana.,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5648,"Trained Traditional Birth Attendants (TTBAs) are important and helpful in advising and referring during pregnancy and delivery. Because TTBA’s can easily identify problems such as young primigravida, previous pregnancy problems;","Azamba ophunzitsidwa ntchito yawo ndiofunika ndikuthandiza polengeza ndikulemba pa nthawi yapakati komanso kubereka. Chifukwa TTBA ikutha kumvetsetsa zovuta monga achinyamata achichepere, mavuto am'mbuyomu;",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5649,Short stature (depending on local norms of risk); bleeding before or during labour; pre mature rupture of membrane,Kutalika kochepa (malingana ndi ziwopsezo zakumaloko); magazi asanayambe kapena panthawi yobereka; kusweka kwa membrane,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5650,TBAS - assist 60% -80% deliveries throughout the world are called by different,Kutalika kochepa (malingana ndi ziwopsezo zakumaloko); magazi asanayambe kapena panthawi yobereka; kusweka kwa membrane,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5651,"One of the primary aims of trained birth attendant training programs throughout the developing world is to promote clean delivery in the home through deduction and provision of basic supplies such as: sterile razor blades and washable plastic sheets. It is, however, difficult to ensure cleanliness in all deliveries, particularly where access to clean water is limited","Chimodzi mwa zolinga zazikulu za maphunziro a olera ophunzitsidwa bwino m'mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene ndi kulimbikitsa kubereka kwaukhondo m'nyumba mwa kuchepetsa ndi kupereka zinthu zofunika monga: malezala osabala ndi mapepala apulasitiki othyoka. Komabe, ndizovuta kuonetsetsa ukhondo m'madera onse otumizira, makamaka kumene mwayi wopeza madzi aukhondo uli wochepa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5652,The most elementary knowledge in delivery care is clean hands; clean delivery service; clean cutting of the cord,Chidziwitso choyambirira cha chisamaliro chobereka ndi manja oyera; utumiki wopereka ukhondo; kudula kwa chingwe ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5653,"Placing the baby at the mother’s breast even before umbilical cord is cut. One of the primary aims of trained birth attendant training programs throughout the developing world is to promote clean delivery in the home through deduction and provision of basic supplies such as sterile razor blades and washable plastic sheets. It is, however, difficult to ensure cleanliness in all deliveries, particularly where access to clean water is limited","Kuyika mwana pachifuwa cha amayi ngakhale pamaso pa chingwe cholumikizira. Chimodzi mwazinthu zofunika kwambiri pophunzitsa mtumiki wophunzitsidwa za ku Frage Padziko lonse lapansi ndikulimbikitsa kutumiza koyenera m'nyumba chifukwa cha kuchotsera ndi kupereka zinthu zosatsutsika monga masamba osatsutsika. Komabe, nkovuta kuwonetsetsa kuti mukufalikira konse, makamaka kumene kupeza madzi oyera kumakhala kochepa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5654,"Educating trained birth attendants, women, their families, and community health workers to recognize the early signs of delivery problems including sepsis is a very important activity to save the life of the mother and the new born","Kuphunzitsa oyamwitsa ophunzitsidwa bwino, amayi, mabanja awo, ndi azaumoyo ammudzi kuti azindikire zizindikiro zoyamba za vuto lobereka kuphatikizapo sepsis ndi ntchito yofunika kwambiri yopulumutsa moyo wa mayi ndi wakhanda ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5655,"In developed countries, deaths under age the age of five constitute only a very small proportion of all deaths, while in many developing countries deaths of young children constitute a large share of total deaths","M’maiko otukuka kumene, imfa za ana aang’ono osakwanitsa zaka zisanu zimapanga chiŵerengero chochepa kwambiri cha imfa zonse, pamene kuli kwakuti m’maiko otukuka kumene imfa za ana aang’ono zimapanga chiŵerengero chachikulu cha imfa zonse",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5656,About 40% of all deaths in developing countries are deaths of children under age 5 and nearly 30% of all deaths in the world are deaths of young children in developing countries,Pafupifupi 40 peresenti ya imfa zonse m’maiko otukuka kumene ndi imfa za ana osapitirira zaka 5 ndipo pafupifupi 30 peresenti ya imfa zonse padziko lapansi ndi imfa za ana achichepere m’maiko osatukuka ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5657,"The difference in deaths of young children in developed and developing countries shows that the majority of causes are preventable. Accordingly, the major causes of death are infectious, parasitic, respiratory and diarrhoeal diseases which are easily preventable in the developed world","Kusiyana kwa imfa za ana aang’ono m’maiko otukuka ndi otukuka kumene kumasonyeza kuti zoyambitsa zambiri n’zopeŵeka. Chifukwa chake, zomwe zimayambitsa imfa ndi matenda opatsirana, tizilombo toyambitsa matenda, kupuma ndi kutsekula m'mimba zomwe zimapeŵeka mosavuta m'mayiko otukuka ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5658,"For example, deaths from many of the most common childhood diseases are preventable through immunisation. Research in many contrives has consistently indicated a strong inverse relationship between female education and child mortality","Mwachitsanzo, imfa za matenda ofala kwambiri aubwana zimapeŵeka polandira katemera. Kafukufuku m'mabungwe ambiri awonetsa kuti pali mgwirizano wamphamvu pakati pa maphunziro a amayi ndi imfa ya ana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5659,"Diarrheal diseases are serious illnesses, widespread in developing countries. In virtually all developing countries diarrhea! diseases are among the five leading causes of death in children under five and, in many countries the leading cause of death in children","Matenda otsekula m'mimba ndi matenda oopsa, ofala m'mayiko osauka. Pafupifupi mayiko onse otukuka kumene akutsekula m'mimba! Matenda ali m'gulu la zinthu zisanu zomwe zimapha ana azaka zosachepera zisanu ndipo m'mayiko ambiri ndi amene amapha ana ambiri",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5660,Diarrhoea is defined is the passage of three or more loose or watery stools in 24 hours. Diarrhoea which lasts for more than 14 days is called persistent diarrhoea,Kutsekula m'mimba kumatanthauzidwa kuti ndi kutuluka kwa chimbudzi chamadzi katatu kapena kuposerapo m'maola makumi awiri ndi anayi. Kutsekula m'mimba komwe kumatenga masiku opitilira khumi nidanayi kumatchedwa kutsekula m'mimba kosalekeza,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5661,"Diarrhoea is most common in children, especially those between 6 months and 2 years of age. It is also common in infants under 6 months who are drinking cow's milk or infant feeding formulas. In addition to bringing death, diarrhea is also a significant contributor to malnourishment in those children who survive","Kutsekula m'mimba kumafala kwambiri kwa ana, makamaka omwe ali pakati pa miyezi isanu ndiumodzi ndi zaka ziwiri. Amakhalanso ofala kwa makanda osapitirira miyezi isanu ndi umodzi omwe amamwa mkaka wa ng'ombe kapena njira zoyamwitsa makanda. Kuwonjezera pa kubweretsa imfa, kutsekula m’mimba kumathandizanso kwambiri kuti ana amene apulumuka apulumuke.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5662,"Diarrhea acts through increased malabsorption, reduced food intake caused by loss of appetite and food withdrawal, and fever to deprive children of needed nourishment","Kutsekula m'mimba kumachitika chifukwa chakuchulukirachulukira kwa malabsorption, kuchepa kwa chakudya komwe kumachitika chifukwa chakusowa chidwi komanso kusiya kudya, komanso kutentha thupi komwe kumalepheretsa ana kudya ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5663,Diarrhoea is worse and more common in children with undernutrition. Malnutrition is an important element of diarrhea. Many children in developing countries are malnourished,Kutsekula m'mimba kumakula kwambiri ndipo kumakhala kofala kwambiri mwa ana omwe ali ndi vuto loperewera zakudya m'thupi. Kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi ndi chinthu chofunikira kwambiri pakutsegula m'mimba. Ana ambiri m’mayiko osauka alibe chakudya chokwanira,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5664,"Frequent episodes of diarrhea contribute to malnutrition because appetite diminishes, feeding is interrupted, and absorption of nutrients is reduced. Malnourished children then become more vulnerable to infections, creating the potential for a vicious cycle of malnutrition and infection","Kutsekula m'mimba pafupipafupi kumapangitsa kuti pakhale kusowa kwa zakudya m'thupi chifukwa chilakolako chimachepa, kudya kumasokonekera, komanso kuyamwa kwa michere kumachepa. Ana osoŵa zakudya m'thupi ndiye kuti amakhala pachiwopsezo chotenga matenda, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti pakhale vuto la kusowa kwa zakudya m'thupi komanso matenda",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5665,"Malnutrition is a contributing cause in approximately one-third of all child deaths. In developing countries, 12% of children under age 5 suffer from acute malnutrition and that almost 40% suffer from chronic malnutrition","Kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi ndizomwe zimayambitsa pafupifupi gawo limodzi mwa magawo atatu a imfa za ana onse. M’mayiko osauka, ana khumi ndiawiri pa zana alionse osakwanitsa zaka asanu amadwala matenda opereŵera m’thupi ndipo pafupifupi ma peresenti makumi anayi amadwala matenda opereŵera m’thupi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5666,"Other factors that contribute to death due to diarrhoea include: short birth interval, acute respiratory tract infections (ARI), measles, and malaria etc","Zifukwa zina zomwe zimayambitsa kufa chifukwa cha matenda otsekula m'mimba ndi izi: kubadwa kwakanthawi kochepa, matenda owopsa amtundu wa kupuma (ARI), chikuku ndi malungo etc",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5667,Unsanitary birth procedures and a mother's unclean hands or breasts represent potential sources of contamination to the newborn Infant but these are slight compared to those encountered as the child grows and begins to drink water and eat weaning foods,Njira zoberekera mwauve komanso manja odetsedwa a mayi kapena mabere amaimira zinthu zomwe zingatengere matenda kwa mwana wakhanda koma izi ndizochepa poyerekeza ndi zomwe zimachitika mwana akamakula ndikuyamba kumwa madzi ndi kudya zakudya zoyamwitsa ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5668,"The primary source of bacterial contamination is human feces. The agents may be transmitted to the child in a variety of ways including direct contact with feces through another person's dirty hands, direct contact through the child crawling on unclean surfaces;","Gwero lalikulu la kuipitsidwa ndi mabakiteriya ndi ndowe za anthu. Mankhwalawa amatha kufalikira kwa mwanayo m'njira zosiyanasiyana, kuphatikizapo kukhudzana mwachindunji ndi ndowe kudzera m'manja akuda a munthu wina, kukhudzana mwachindunji ndi mwanayo akukwawa pamalo odetsedwa;",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5669,"Indirectly through contaminated water which is then transmitted to the child through drinking water, bottle formula, or weaning foods, or indirectly through hand transmission during preparation of weaning foods","Kudzera m'madzi oipitsidwa omwe kenako amapatsira mwana kudzera m'madzi akumwa, mkaka wa m'botolo, kapena zakudya zoyamwitsa kuyamwa, kapena kudzera m'mapatsirana pamanja pokonza zakudya zoyamwitsa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5670,"Perhaps the most prolific source of infection is weaning foods. If the child does not recover, prolonged or severe diarrhea will usually lead to dehydration, which is the main cause of death due to diarrhea","Mwinamwake gwero lofala kwambiri la matenda ndilo zakudya zosiya kuyamwa. Mwanayo akapanda kuchira, kutsekula m’mimba kwa nthawi yaitali kapena koopsa nthawi zambiri kumayambitsa kutaya madzi m’thupi, zomwe n’zimene zimapha chifukwa cha kutsekula m’mimba",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5671,"Mortality caused by dehydration from diarrhoea is the largest single contributor to the mortality of young children Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) can treat 85 to 95 percent of cases of dehydration from watery diarrhea in all age groups Oral rehydration therapy does not cure diarrhea, but prevents dehydration, which leads to death. ORT largely replaces intravenous therapy, which requires trained personnel, sterile fluids, and expensive equipment","Imfa zomwe zimadza chifukwa cha kutaya madzi m'thupi chifukwa cha kutsekula m'mimba ndizomwe zimayambitsa kufa kwa ana ang'onoang'ono Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) imatha kuchiza ma peresenti makumi asanu ndiatsatu mpakana makumo asanu ndianayi kudzanso asanu ya anthu omwe amataya madzi m'thupi chifukwa cha kutsekula m'mimba m'magulu onse. kuchepa madzi m'thupi, zomwe zimatsogolera ku imfa. ORT nthawi zambiri imalowa m'malo mwa mtsempha, womwe umafunika anthu ophunzitsidwa bwino, madzi osabala, ndi zida zokwera mtengo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5672,"ORT is simpler to administer, and much less expensive. This makes it less dependent upon highly trained health workers and fixed facilities, and compensates more quickly for nutritional loss due to diarrhea","ORT ndiyosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito, komanso yotsika mtengo. Izi zimapangitsa kuti asadalire ogwira ntchito zachipatala ophunzitsidwa bwino komanso malo okhazikika, ndikubwezera msanga zakudya zomwe zatayika chifukwa cha kutsekula m'mimba ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5673,"Disease some of the factors that need emphasis in prevention of diarrhea are: adequate feeding during and after diarrhea. Episodes, including breast milk, diluted formula, and regular foods given to children","Matenda Zina mwa zinthu zomwe zikufunika kutsindika popewa kutsekula m'mimba ndi izi: kudyetsa mokwanira panthawi yotsekula m'mimba komanso pambuyo pake. Ndime, kuphatikizapo mkaka wa m'mawere, mkaka wosungunuka, ndi zakudya zomwe zimaperekedwa kwa ana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5674,To demonstrate and encourage parents to prepare and give home-made fluids; support of breastfeeding for its immunological properties and because it reduces the risk of exposure to contaminated substances,Kuwonetsa ndi kulimbikitsa makolo kukonzekera ndi kupereka madzi opangidwa kunyumba; kuthandizira kuyamwitsa chifukwa cha mphamvu zake zoteteza thupi komanso chifukwa kumachepetsa chiopsezo chokhala ndi zinthu zowonongeka,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5675,Improved weaning practices; clean water (though not completely safe or available); proper food storage and clean feeding utensils; proper sanitation in and around the house including children’s crawling and play grounds and proper disposal of the stools of infants and young children and use of latrines;,Kupititsa patsogolo machitidwe oletsa kuyamwa; madzi oyera (ngakhale kuti sali otetezeka kwathunthu kapena opezeka); kusungirako chakudya choyenera ndi ziwiya zodyeramo zoyera; ukhondo mkati ndi mozungulira nyumbayo kuphatikizapo malo okwawira ana ndi osewerera komanso kutaya zimbudzi za ana akhanda ndi ana ang'onoang'ono ndi kugwiritsa ntchito zimbudzi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5676,"Personal hygiene including mothers’ practice of washing hands before breast-feeding after return from toilets. Immunization such as against measles. Health education programs which build upon an understanding of traditional practices and beliefs to promote positive changes with mothers, health personnel, and community leaders","Ukhondo wamunthu kuphatikizapo mchitidwe wa amayi kusamba m'manja asanayamwitse akabwerako ku chimbudzi. Katemera monga chikuku. Maphunziro a zaumoyo omwe amalimbikitsa kumvetsetsa miyambo ndi zikhulupiriro zolimbikitsa kusintha kwabwino ndi amayi, ogwira ntchito zachipatala, ndi atsogoleri ammudzi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5677,"Malaria is a major cause of illness and death in Sub-Saharan Africa. Although persons of all ages can get malaria, two groups are at high risk: children under five years of age and pregnant women","Malungo ndi omwe amayambitsa matenda komanso imfa ku sub-Saharan Africa. Ngakhale kuti anthu amisinkhu yonse amatha kudwala malungo, magulu awiri ali pachiopsezo chachikulu: ana osapitirira zaka zisanu ndi amayi apakati ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5678,"To reduce the effects of malaria on these high-risk groups, certain types of treatment are necessary. For pregnant women it is important to provide prophylactic treatment with drugs such as chloroquine in order to prevent the risk of abortion of the fetus or low birth weight of the neonate","Pofuna kuchepetsa zotsatira za malungo pamagulu omwe ali pachiwopsezo chachikulu, mitundu ina yamankhwala ndiyofunikira. Kwa amayi apakati ndikofunikira kupereka chithandizo chamankhwala ndi mankhwala monga chloroquine kuti apewe chiopsezo chochotsa mimba kapena kubadwa kwa mwana wochepa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5679,"In areas where malaria is endemic, it is recommended that ""presuptive"" treatment be given to young children, that is, to treat all young children with drugs when it appears that the fever is due to malaria and that the child will respond to treatment with chloroquine (or other appropriate medications in the case of chloroquine-resistant areas)","M’madera amene malungo ali ponseponse, tikulimbikitsidwa kuti ana aang’ono aperekedwe mankhwala ‘odziyerekezera’, kutanthauza kuti apatse ana aang’ono onse mankhwala ngati zikuoneka kuti malungowo abwera chifukwa cha malungo komanso kuti mwanayo alandire chithandizo. chloroquine (kapena mankhwala ena oyenera m'malo osamva chloroquine)",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5680,Promotion and protection of breastfeeding is a fundamental aspect of preventing vitamin A deficiency. Breast milk is virtually the only source of vitamin A the first few months for many infants and often continues to be one of the most important sources through age two,Kulimbikitsa ndi kuteteza kuyamwitsa ndi chinthu chofunikira kwambiri popewa kuchepa kwa vitamini A. Mkaka wa m'mawere ndi pafupifupi gwero lokhalo la vitamini A m'miyezi ingapo yoyambirira kwa makanda ambiri ndipo nthawi zambiri amakhalabe amodzi mwamagwero ofunikira mpaka zaka ziwiri ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5681,"Without breast milk, newborns can maintain optimal vitamin A for no more than a few weeks. Although vitamin A concentration in human milk are dependent on the mother s vitamin A status, vitamin deficiency is rare among breastfed infants, even in parts of the world where vitamin A deficiency is endemic","Popanda mkaka wa m'mawere, makanda amatha kukhala ndi vitamini A wokwanira kwa milungu ingapo. Ngakhale kuti kuchuluka kwa vitamini A mu mkaka wa munthu kumadalira mmene mayi alili ndi vitamini A, kuchepa kwa vitamini A n’kosowa kwambiri kwa makanda oyamwitsa, ngakhale m’madera ena a dziko kumene kusowa kwa vitamini A kuli kofala",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5682,Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for 4 - 6 months and continued breastfeeding with complementary foods thereafter should form part of any dietary intervention to improve vitamin A status.,Kulimbikitsa kuyamwitsa mkaka wa m'mawere kwa miyezi inayi kulekezera isanu ndiumodzi ndikupitiriza kuyamwitsa ndi zakudya zowonjezera pambuyo pake kuyenera kukhala gawo lazakudya zilizonse kuti thupi likhale ndi vitamini A. ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5683,In both developed and developing countries children should be placed at the centre stage in all development thinking and implementation,M’maiko otukuka ndi omwe akutukuka kumene ana ayenera kukhala patsogolo pa kaganizidwe ndi kakulidwe kake ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5684,Because care for children is related with: future investments as children are the future of the nation; Strong belief as ours and others culture give high value for having children; Future health because national productivity depends on today’s children,Chifukwa chisamaliro cha ana chimakhudzana ndi: ndalama zamtsogolo monga ana ndizo tsogolo la dziko; Chikhulupiriro cholimba monga chikhalidwe chathu ndi ena chimapereka phindu lalikulu lokhala ndi ana; Tsogolo labwino chifukwa zokolola za dziko zimadalira ana amasiku ano,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5685,One of the most neglected services which is often forgotten is screening. It is a very important activity which has to be carried out every day in all institutions delivering child health services,Chimodzi mwazinthu zosasamalidwa zomwe nthawi zambiri zimayiwalika ndikuwunika. Ndi ntchito yofunika kwambiri yomwe ikuyenera kuchitika tsiku lililonse m'mabungwe onse opereka chithandizo chaumoyo wa ana ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5686,"There is an immense benefit for children, as well as to their mothers, by the brief assessment (history and physical examination) at every visit to the clinic","Pali phindu lalikulu kwa ana, komanso kwa amayi awo, mwa kuunika mwachidule (mbiri ndi kuyezetsa thupi) paulendo uliwonse wopita kuchipatala",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5687,"Screening is an important tool to avoid “missed opportunities. The need for vaccination, growth monitoring as well as mothers’ need in terms of antenatal care, family planning etc. can be easily identified","Kuwunika ndi chida chofunikira kuti mupewe 'mwayi wophonya. Kufunika kwa katemera, kuwunika kakulidwe komanso zosowa za amayi pankhani ya chisamaliro cha oyembekezera, kulera ndi zina, zitha kudziwika mosavuta",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5688,Immunisation is the process of protecting a person from a specific disease. It is protection of a susceptible host from a specific disease by administration of a living modified agent; a suspension of killed organism; an attenuated toxin,Katemera ndi njira yotetezera munthu ku matenda enaake. Ndi chitetezo cha munthu amene atengeka ku matenda enaake popereka chithandizo chamoyo; kuyimitsidwa kwa chamoyo chophedwa; toxin yochepetsedwa ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5689,Immunisation decreases susceptibility by producing antibodies or sensitised cells to fight the agent and its product,Katemera amachepetsa kutengeka popanga ma antibodies kapena maselo odziwitsidwa kuti amenyane ndi wothandizira ndi mankhwala ake,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5690,Herd immunity indicate that large proportion of people in a certain community are immune. The implication is when there are few susceptibles the natural infection cannot keep going in the community and incidence goes down to a low leve,Kusatetezedwa kwa ng'ombe kumasonyeza kuti anthu ambiri m'dera linalake satetezedwa. Tanthauzo lake ndi pamene pali zochepa zomwe zingayambitse matenda achilengedwe sangathe kupitirizabe m'deralo ndipo zochitika zimatsikira pansi ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5691,Immunisation to be effective in controlling communicable disease 75% of the population and 75% of new-borns have to be vaccinated. Discontinuing vaccination programs have serious risk of causing an epidemic,atemera kuti athe kuthana ndi matenda opatsirana maperesenti makumi asanu ndiawiri kudzanso asanu ya anthu ndi maperesenti akumi asanu ndiawiri kudzanso asanu ya ana obadwa kumene akuyenera kulandira katemera. Kusiya katemera ali ndi chiopsezo chachikulu choyambitsa mliri ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5692,"Maintaining cold chain is one of the very few important activities that should be conducted, without any exception, by all concerned in the manufacturing of vaccines and delivery of immunization services","Kusunga unyolo wozizira ndi chimodzi mwazinthu zofunika kwambiri zomwe ziyenera kuchitidwa, popanda kusiyanitsa, ndi onse okhudzidwa popanga katemera ndi kupereka chithandizo cha katemera ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5693,Cold chain is the equipment and people that ensure vaccine potency by keeping vaccine cold all the way from the manufacturer to the child/mother or the consumer,Cold chain ndi zida ndi anthu omwe amawonetsetsa kuti katemera ali ndi mphamvu posunga katemera kuzizira kuyambira kwa wopanga kupita kwa mwana/mayi kapena ogula ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5694,The important and guiding concept behind cold chain is once vaccine potency is lost it cannot be regained,"Lingaliro lofunikira komanso lotsogola kumbuyo kwa unyolo wozizira ndikuti mphamvu ya katemera ikatha ikatha, sangabwezedwe ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5695,Using a vaccine that has lost potency is considered to cheat the mother and to leave the infant unprotected and exposed for diseases and disability and possibly to death,Kugwiritsa ntchito katemera amene watha mphamvu amaonedwa ngati kubera mayi komanso kusiya khanda lopanda chitetezo komanso lopanda chitetezo ku matenda ndi kulumala mwinanso kufa ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5696,Growth is a continuous process from conception to physical maturity. There is always normal growth whenever nutrition and environment are good for Age,Kukula ndi njira yopitilira kuyambira pa kutenga pakati mpaka kukhwima mwakuthupi. Pamakhala kukula kwabwinobwino nthawi zonse zakudya ndi chilengedwe zikakhala zabwino kwa Zaka ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5697,"When these conditions are satisfied growth rate is the same for well nourished & healthy. Always to follow and know that growth is satisfactory should be given a priority rather than only try to prevent malnutrition. When children are growing they become taller, fatter, heavier, grow out of their clothes""","Pamene zofunikura izi zakwaniritsidwa kukula kwake ndi chimodzimodzi kwa odyetsedwa bwino ndi athanzi. Kutsatira nthawi zonse ndikudziwa kuti kukula ndikokhutiritsa kuyenera kuyikidwa patsogolo m'malo mongoyesa kupewa kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi. Ana akamakula amakhala aatali, onenepa, onenepa kwambiri, amatuluka zovala zawo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5698,The first 5 years are a crucial period in the development of a child. Brain development is almost wholly completed by age 2 and malnutrition peaks at around 24 months of age,Zaka zisanu zoyambirira ndi nthawi yofunika kwambiri pakukula kwa mwana. Kukula kwaubongo kumakhala kotheratu pofika zaka ziwiri ndipo kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi kumafika pachimake pakatha miyezi makumi awiri kudzanso inayi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5699,"This implies the need for early interventions of health, nutrition, cognitive stimulation, and socialization programs etc.","Izi zikutanthawuza kufunikira kochitapo kanthu koyambirira kwaumoyo, zakudya, zolimbikitsa zamaganizo, ndi mapulogalamu ochezera anthu ndi zina.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5700,We have to measure their length to know how tall and thickness to know how fat they are. As growth is an increase in size and weight one has to measure their weight and to be certain measure has to be taken regularly,Tiyenera kuyeza kutalika kwake kuti tidziwe kutalika kwake ndi makulidwe ake kuti tidziwe momwe alili onenepa. Popeza kukula ndikuwonjezeka kwa kukula ndi kulemera kwake munthu amayenera kuyeza kulemera kwake ndipo kuti atsimikizidwe kuti muyeso uyenera kutengedwa pafupipafupi ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5701,"Preschool Education Program’s major purpose is to improve young children's capacity to develop and learn. The programme can focus on improving parents' teaching and child care skills, delivering services directly to the children","Cholinga chachikulu cha Pulogalamu ya Maphunziro a Ana aang'ono ndi kupititsa patsogolo luso la ana aang'ono kuti akule ndi kuphunzira. Pulogalamuyi ikhonza kukulitsa luso la kaphunzitsidwe ndi kasamalidwe ka makolo, kupereka chithandizo kwa ana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5702,"Improving the child care services available in the community; the most effective programs combine basic nutrition and health care services with activities designed to stimulate the children's mental, language, physical, and psychosocial skills which are mutually reinforcing","Kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zosamalira ana zomwe zikupezeka mdera; mapulogalamu ogwira mtima kwambiri amaphatikiza zakudya zoyambira ndi chithandizo chaumoyo ndi ntchito zolimbikitsa ana kuti azitha kukulitsa luso lawo lamalingaliro, chilankhulo, thupi, ndi malingaliro omwe amathandizirana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5703,Many studies and programmes have shown that enhancing the experience of children particularly disadvantaged children from their youngest years significantly improves their potential for growth and development throughout life,Kafukufuku ndi mapulogalamu ambiri awonetsa kuti kukulitsa luso la ana ovutika kuyambira ali aang'ono kumathandizira kwambiri kukula kwawo ndi chitukuko m'moyo wonse ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5704,"School children, mostly, in the developing world, are one of the population groups who constitute the largest segment in population. By virtue of their number, children are entitled to a major share of the community health services","Ana asukulu, makamaka, m’maiko otukuka kumene, ali m’gulu la magulu a anthu amene amapanga gawo lalikulu la chiŵerengero cha anthu. Chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwawo, ana ali ndi ufulu wopeza gawo lalikulu lazaumoyo m'madera ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5705,"During this period, there are rapid physical, mental and emotional changes; hence there is a great need for health supervision and guidelines","Panthawi imeneyi, pali kusintha mofulumira kwa thupi, maganizo ndi maganizo; chifukwa chake pakufunika kuyang'anira bwino zaumoyo ndi zitsogozo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5706,"The school going child experiences group living outside the home, learns to adjust in the community and is exposed to hazards of infection in a mixed community","Gulu la ana opita kusukulu amakumana kunja kwa nyumba, amaphunzira kuzolowera m'deralo ndipo amakumana ndi zoopsa za matenda m'magulu osiyanasiyana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5707,"School children constitute a large segment of population in any country. Well-defined target group at one place, with the help of teachers so that their health status, growth and development can be monitored easily","Ana asukulu amapanga gawo lalikulu la anthu m'dziko lililonse. Gulu lodziwika bwino lomwe lili pamalo amodzi, mothandizidwa ndi aphunzitsi kuti thanzi lawo, kukula kwawo ndi chitukuko chawo ziwonedwe mosavuta",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5708,Children learn healthy habits in school based on the health education received at school from teacher and other health professionals and thus spread the message of healthy living in the community where they live and grow,Ana amaphunzira makhalidwe abwino kusukulu potengera maphunziro a zaumoyo omwe amalandira kusukulu kuchokera kwa aphunzitsi ndi akatswiri ena azaumoyo ndipo motero amafalitsa uthenga wamoyo wathanzi m’dera limene amakhala ndikukula,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5709,"A child who is not well cannot derive the full advantage of the education imparted at school. Early detection of defects in growth and development, vision, hearing, speech, and behavioural problems; correction will help the child to overcome the handicap and thus contribute better to the community where he lives","Mwana amene sali bwino sangapindule mokwanira ndi maphunziro operekedwa kusukulu. Kuzindikira msanga zolakwika za kukula ndi chitukuko, masomphenya, kumva, kulankhula, ndi mavuto a khalidwe; kudzudzulidwa kudzathandiza mwanayo kuthetsa chilemacho ndipo motero amathandizira bwino dera lomwe akukhala",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5710,"Ensure achievement of children's potential to the fullest possible extent for effective physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and social living as adults","Kuwonetsetsa kuti ana akwanitsa kukwanilitsa momwe angathere kuti akhale ndi moyo wathanzi, m'maganizo, mwanzeru, m'malingaliro ndi m'magulu akamakula",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5711,Enable children to achieve highest possible performance. Prepare children for smooth transition from childhood to adulthood with minimal health risk encountered through adolescence. Promote community health through parent-teacher-pupil interaction.,Thandizani ana kuti azitha kuchita bwino kwambiri. Konzekerani ana kuti asinthe kuchoka paubwana kupita ku ukalamba ndi chiopsezo chochepa cha thanzi chomwe amakumana nacho akamakula. Limbikitsani umoyo wa anthu ammudzi kudzera mu kucheza kwa makolo ndi aphunzitsi ndi ana.,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5712,"Adolescence is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood in which the body develops in size, strength, and reproductive capability. It is a period with abstract thinking and social relationships more from family base to a wider society","Unyamata ndi nthawi ya kusintha pakati pa ubwana ndi uchikulire momwe thupi limakula kukula, mphamvu, ndi kubereka. Ndi nthawi yokhala ndi malingaliro osamveka komanso maubwenzi ambiri kuyambira pamabanja kupita kumagulu ambiri ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5713,Adolescents need Psychosocial support and material support; need opportunity and independent experiment and achievement. But the problem is to balance between support and opportunity,Achinyamata amafunikira thandizo la Psychosocial ndi chithandizo chakuthupi; amafunikira mwayi ndi kuyesa kodziyimira pawokha komanso kuchita bwino. Koma vuto ndikulinganiza pakati pa chithandizo ndi mwayi ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5714,Adolescent Health care is a paradox. Why? Because this group is the healthiest group in every society and on the other hand it is highly suffering from problems related to behaviour,Chisamaliro cha Adolescent Health ndi chododometsa. Chifukwa chiyani? Chifukwa gululi ndilo gulu lathanzi m'madera onse ndipo kumbali ina likuvutika kwambiri ndi mavuto okhudzana ndi khalidwe,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5715,There is an increasing interest in adolescent health care? Why Shift of attention from infectious cause to behavioural cause-relevance to adolescents,Kodi pali chidwi chowonjezeka pazaumoyo wa achinyamata? Chifukwa chiyani kusuntha kwa chidwi kuchokera pazifukwa zopatsirana kupita kumayendedwe -zofunikira kwa achinyamata ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5716,"Changes in socio-cultural and demographic characteristics such as urbanisation, decreasing influence of extended family resulting in decreased traditional support and control system","Kusintha kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu monga kukula kwa mizinda, kuchepa kwa chikoka cha mabanja okulirapo zomwe zimapangitsa kuchepa kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi njira zowongolera ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5717,Ease of social and sexual constraints and exposure to unhealthy situations and substances. Size of adolescents population; Lengthening of adolescent period – wide range between individual’s age of puberty and marriage,Kumasuka kwa zopinga za chikhalidwe ndi kugonana komanso kukhudzana ndi zinthu zopanda thanzi komanso zinthu. Kukula kwa chiwerengero cha achinyamata; Kutalikitsa nthawi yaunyamata - zaka zambiri zakutha msinkhu ndi ukwati ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5718,"Health problems of adolescents are related with problems during infancy and childhood and adolescence such as nutritional problems, physical stress, and pregnancy","Mavuto a thanzi la achinyamata amakhudzana ndi mavuto ali akhanda ndi ubwana komanso unyamata monga mavuto a zakudya, kupsinjika maganizo, ndi mimba ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5719,"For example, nutrition need increases during adolescence and adolescent girls need more after they have started to have mensuration","Mwachitsanzo, kusowa kwa zakudya kumawonjezeka paunyamata ndipo atsikana amafunikira zambiri akayamba kusamba",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5720,"Health problems of adolescents is highly related with behavior which is voluntary. The major problems include: unwanted pregnancy, illicit abortion Adolescent pregnancy is one of the major causes of maternal mortality","Mavuto azaumoyo a achinyamata amakhudzana kwambiri ndi machitidwe omwe amangodzifunira. Mavuto akuluakulu ndi monga: mimba yosafunidwa, kuchotsa mimba molakwika Mimba yaunyamata ndi imodzi mwazinthu zomwe zimayambitsa imfa za amayi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5721,"Sexually transmitted diseases, and AIDS; drug and alcohol abuse; risk of accidents; risk taking behaviour (adventure); these behavioural problems expose adolescents to illness in later life, poor performance at school, suicide, sexual precocity","Matenda opatsirana pogonana, ndi AIDS; kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala osokoneza bongo ndi mowa; chiopsezo cha ngozi; khalidwe lotengera zoopsa (zosangalatsa); mavuto amenewa amaika achinyamata ku matenda akamakula, kusachita bwino kusukulu, kudzipha, chizolowezi chogonana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5722,"In prevention of diarrhea, especially among small infants breast-feeding plays the major and important role. Breast milk plays an important role in both the prevention and treatment of infant diarrhea","Popewa kutsekula m'mimba, makamaka pakati pa ana ang'onoang'ono kuyamwitsa kumagwira ntchito yayikulu komanso yofunika. Mkaka wa m'mawere umagwira ntchito yofunika kwambiri popewa komanso kuchiza kutsekula m'mimba kwa ana",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5723,"From a prevention viewpoint, breast milk provides a natural immunity and is generally safe from contamination. From a treatment viewpoint, breast milk, when given during Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT), helps provide extra water in addition to the salts in ORT, and helps restore the nutritional status of the child","Malinga ndi kapewedwe, mkaka wa m'mawere umapereka chitetezo chachilengedwe ndipo nthawi zambiri ndi wotetezeka ku matenda. Malinga ndi chithandizo, mkaka wa m'mawere ukaperekedwa pa Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT), umathandizira kupereka madzi owonjezera kuwonjezera pa mchere wa ORT, ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5724,"The increasing use of formula feeding by mothers, particularly in urban and semi urban areas is considered one of the leading causes of diarrhea, and malnutrition","Kuchulukirachulukira kwa kadyetsedwe ka amayi, makamaka m'matauni ndi m'matauni kumadziwika kuti ndi chimodzi mwazomwe zimayambitsa matenda otsekula m'mimba, komanso kusowa kwa zakudya m'thupi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5725,"Many mothers adopt formula feeding because of its flexibility and ease of use, freeing them to work. Others are convinced by the aggressive marketing campaign of commercial formula companies and by the appeal or modernity that bottle-feeding has come to represent","Amayi ambiri amatengera kuyamwitsa mkaka wowawasa chifukwa chakuti ndi wosavuta kuugwiritsa ntchito, zomwe zimawalola kugwira ntchito. Ena amakhutitsidwa ndi kutsatsa kwaukali kwamakampani opanga ma formula amalonda komanso chifukwa chokopa kapena masiku ano kuti kuyamwitsa botolo kwadzayimilira",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5726,"Most poor mothers have no safe water to mix with the formula, and have problems to properly maintain bottle sterility, and often dilute the formula to make it last longer. These actions increase the likelihood of bacterial contamination and reduce the nutritional benefit of the product","Amayi ambiri osauka alibe madzi abwino kuti asakanize ndi mkaka, ndipo amakhala ndi vuto losunga bwino ukhondo wa botolo, ndipo nthawi zambiri amasungunula mkaka kuti ukhale wautali. Zochita izi zimachulukitsa mwayi woipitsidwa ndi mabakiteriya ndikuchepetsa phindu lazakudya la mankhwalawa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5727,"As a response to this growth in improper bottle-feeding, a campaign has been launched worldwide to promote continued breastfeeding and to develop appropriate weaning foods for children","Chifukwa cha kukula kwa kuyamwitsa m'botolo mosayenera, ntchito yolimbikitsa kuyamwitsa mkaka wa m'mawere yakhazikitsidwa padziko lonse lapansi komanso kupanga zakudya zoyenera zoyamwitsa ana ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5728,"Advantages of breast-feeding include naturally suited to needs and digestion of infants; needs no preparation, less work for mother; ready on demand; inexpensive; clean; right temperature & concentration; contains protective elements for infant;","Ubwino woyamwitsa ndi wogwirizana mwachibadwa ndi zosowa ndi chimbudzi cha makanda; safuna kukonzekera, ntchito yochepa kwa amayi; okonzeka pakufunika; zotsika mtengo; woyera; kutentha koyenera & ndende; lili ndi zinthu zoteteza mwana wakhanda; ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5729,"Infant benefits from cuddling and close contact with mother; may delay conception, (however is not reliable as a contraceptive); helps uterus of mother return to normal size","Mwana wakhanda amapindula ndi kukumbatirana ndi kukhudzana kwambiri ndi amayi; akhoza kuchedwetsa kutenga pakati, (komabe sizodalirika ngati njira yolerera); kumathandiza chiberekero cha mayi kubwerera mwakale",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5730,Disadvantages of breast-feeding includes severely malnourished mother who breastfeeds is depriving both herself and her child of vital nutrients,Kuipa koyamwitsa kumaphatikizapo mayi woperewera zakudya m’thupi amene amayamwitsa akuzimana iyeyo ndi mwana wake zonse zomanga thupi ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5731,"It is generally held that ""breast milk alone, from adequately nourished mothers, is sufficient food for infants up to six months of age","Nthawi zambiri zimachitika kuti 'mkaka uzikhawo, kuchokera amayi okwanira okwanira, ndi chakudya chokwanira kwa azaka mpaka miyezi isanu ndi umodzi.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5732,"After six months, breast milk is a valuable supplement to weaning food. The actual weaning period varies from one culture to another","Pambuyo pa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi, mkaka wa m'mawere umakhala wothandiza kwambiri pakuyamwitsa chakudya. Nthawi yeniyeni yoletsa kuyamwa imasiyanasiyana kutengera chikhalidwe ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5733,"Supplemental feeding can be introduced almost immediately after birth in some cultures. It is more common that at three to five months, mothers will start introducing weaning foods, yet in some cultures weaning may be delayed until the ninth or tenth month","Kudyetsa kowonjezera kumatha kuyambika atangobadwa kumene m'madera ena. Nthawi zambiri pakatha miyezi itatu kapena isanu, amayi amayamba kuyambitsa zakudya zoyamwitsa, komabe m'madera ena kuyamwa kumatha mpaka mwezi wachisanu ndi chinayi kapena wakhumi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5734,In addition to identifying existing weaning schedules it will be necessary to look at the kind of weaning foods and the way in which they are prepared,Kuphatikiza pa kuzindikiritsa ndandanda yomwe ilipo kale pakufunika kuyang'ana mtundu wa zakudya zoyamwitsa ndi momwe zimakonzedwera,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5735,When discussing with mothers about weaning the following points has to be considered cooking temperature which destroys bacteria; reducing the time between food preparation and child feeding,Pokambirana ndi amayi za kuyamwitsa mfundo zotsatirazi ziyenera kuganiziridwa kutentha kwa kuphika komwe kumawononga mabakiteriya; kuchepetsa nthawi yokonzekera chakudya ndi kudyetsa ana,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5736,Hand-washing before food preparation which will reduce bacterial contamination; Use of clean or boiled water when possible. Weaning food can be prepared from food items available at home,Kusamba m'manja musanakonze chakudya chomwe chingachepetse kuipitsidwa ndi mabakiteriya; Kugwiritsa ntchito madzi oyera kapena owiritsa ngati nkotheka. Zakudya zoyamwitsa zitha kukonzedwa kuchokera ku zakudya zomwe zimapezeka kunyumba,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5737,"Weight management is a sensitive topic. Nevertheless, the measurement is often used as a marker to inform medical decisions or for someone's personal interest","Kuwongolera kulemera ndi mutu wovuta. Komabe, muyeso nthawi zambiri umagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati cholembera kudziwitsa zisankho zachipatala kapena zofuna za wina ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5738,"But for many wheelchair users, accessing scales has proved near impossible. The last time I was weighed was about 22 years ago, I think I was about 15 years.""","Koma kwa ambiri ogwiritsa ntchito njinga za olumala, kupeza masikelo kwakhala kosatheka. Nthawi yomaliza yomwe ndinapimidwa sikelo inali zaka makumi awiri ndi ziwiri zapitazo, ndikuganiza kuti ndinali ndi zaka khumi ndizisanu.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5739,"As a result, now aged 37, Lizzie has been through three successful pregnancies, all without knowing how her body was adapting or how her baby was growing","Zotsatira zake, Lizzie, yemwe tsopano ali ndi zaka makumi atatu ndi zisanu ndiziwiri, wakhala ndi pakati pa atatu opambana, onse osadziwa momwe thupi lake likusinthira kapena momwe mwana wake amakulira ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5740,"She has a degenerative muscle-related impairment and uses a wheelchair. This makes weighing herself on traditional bathroom scales, which require you to stand still and independently on a small platform, a challenge - although she has given it a go","Ali ndi vuto lofooka lokhudzana ndi minofu ndipo amagwiritsa ntchito njinga ya olumala. Izi zimadzipangitsa kudziyesa pamiyeso yachibafa yachikhalidwe, yomwe imafunikira kuti muyime pompo ndikudziyimira pawokha papulatifomu yaying'ono, zovuta - ngakhale wachitapo kanthu",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5741,There is equipment out there to help wheelchair users. Chair scales enable someone to sit on a seat which records their weight.,Pali zida zomwe zimathandizira ogwiritsa ntchito njinga za olumala. Masikelo a mipando amathandiza munthu kukhala pampando womwe umalemba kulemera kwake.,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5742,It means many disabled people are going without this benchmark a lot of the population take for granted,Zikutanthauza kuti anthu olumala ambiri akupita popanda choyimira ichi chomwe ambiri amachiwona mopepuka ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5743,"""There's a lot of things that we use weight for in health - anaesthetics and drug dosing - and just to keep an eye on it as well for someone's general health",'Pali zinthu zambiri zomwe timagwiritsa ntchito kulemera kwa thanzi - mankhwala ochititsa dzanzi komanso kumwa mankhwala osokoneza bongo - ndikungoyang'anitsitsa thanzi la wina ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5744,"During pregnancy for example, if someone was losing weight I, as a doctor, would actually be really quite concerned,""","Mwachitsanzo, panthawi yomwe ali ndi pakati, ngati wina akuonda ine, monga dokotala, ndingakhale ndi nkhawa, '",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5745,"Although people can keep across their weight by feeling how their clothes fit, Georgie says this can be inaccurate, especially when clothes are rarely tailored with wheelchair users in mind","Ngakhale kuti anthu amatha kulimbana ndi kulemera kwawo poona momwe zovala zawo zimakwanira, Georgie akuti izi zingakhale zolakwika, makamaka ngati zovala sizimapangidwa kawirikawiri ndi anthu oyenda panjinga ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5746,"""You're not using your big leg muscles anymore so you're not burning as many calories and access to actually exercising as a disabled person is less than I would like it to be.""",'Simukugwiritsanso ntchito minofu yanu yayikulu yamyendo kotero kuti simukuwotcha ma calories ambiri ndipo mwayi wochita masewera olimbitsa thupi ngati munthu wolumala ndi wocheperapo kuposa momwe ndikanafunira.',health and wellbeing,onliine +en5747,"She had her right leg amputated a year ago due to dystonia, which causes uncontrolled and sometimes painful muscle movements","Anadulidwa mwendo wakumanja chaka chapitacho chifukwa cha dystonia, yomwe imayambitsa kusuntha kosalamulirika komanso nthawi zina kowawa kwa minofu",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5748,"She is trying to lose weight, but was last weighed at her local amputee clinic six months ago","Akuyesera kuti achepetse thupi, koma anamuyeza komaliza ku chipatala cha anthu odulidwa ziwalo miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yapitayo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5749,"""Every [medical] appointment you go to you're told 'you've got to lose weight'. But we're not helped, nobody's telling me how","'Panthawi iliyonse [yachipatala] yomwe mumapita mumauzidwa kuti 'muyenera kuchepetsa thupi'. Koma sitinathandizidwe, palibe amene akundiuza momwe",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5750,"Gillian says losing weight has become even more important to her since the amputation. ""I don't want to be putting so much weight through my left leg because I don't want to cause any problems there",Gillian akuti kuonda kwakhala kofunika kwambiri kwa iye kuyambira pomwe adadulidwa. 'Sindikufuna kukhala ndikulemera kwambiri pamwendo wanga wakumanzere chifukwa sindikufuna kuyambitsa mavuto pamenepo,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5751,"She says she would like to be weighed weekly to ""know which direction I'm heading in"".",Akuti akufuna kuti azipimidwa mlungu uliwonse kuti 'adziwe komwe ndikulowera'.,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5752,"Gillian can get weighed at the amputee clinic, but it's not somewhere she can just drop into plus she relies on patient transport which can involve a lot of waiting aroundMore generally, there seems to be little information out there on how Gillian, Lizzie and their medical teams can measure weight and access scales.","Gillian akhoza kuyezedwa ku chipatala cha anthu odulidwa ziwalo, koma si kwinakwake komwe angangogwera komanso amadalira zoyendera za odwala zomwe zingaphatikizepo kudikira mozunguliraMore zambiri, zikuwoneka kuti pali zambiri zambiri kunja uko za momwe Gillian, Lizzie ndi zamankhwala awo. magulu amatha kuyeza kulemera ndi masikelo.",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5753,"Gillian wonders if more simple solutions could be found, such as doctor surgeries clubbing together to buy accessible scales for the local area","Gillian akudabwa ngati mayankho osavuta angapezeke, monga maopaleshoni adotolo akumangirirana pamodzi kuti agule masikelo ofikirika amderalo ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5754,"Her next appointment at the amputee clinic is fast approaching and, unlike many people, she's looking forward to getting on the scales and seeing what progress she has made with losing weight","Kukumana kwake kotsatira ku chipatala cha anthu opundukako kukuyandikira kwambiri ndipo, mosiyana ndi anthu ambiri, akuyembekezera kufika pa sikelo ndikuwona momwe apitira patsogolo pakuchepetsa thupi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5755,"""After that it won't be until Christmas that I get weighed, and then it could be another six months.""","'Zikatero sipadzafika Khrisimasi kuti ndikayesedwe, ndiyeno ikhoza kukhala miyezi isanu ndi umodzi.'",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5756,"Long colds"" can be a thing in the same way that ""long Covid"" is, with some people experiencing prolonged symptoms after an initial infection","Chimfine chachitali 'chikhoza kukhala chinthu chofanana ndi' Covid wautali', pomwe anthu ena amakhala ndi zizindikiro zazitali atadwala matenda oyamba ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5757,"Common long cold symptoms included a cough, stomach pain and diarrhea","Zizindikiro zodziwika bwino za chimfine nthawi yayitali ndi chifuwa, kupweteka m'mimba komanso kutsegula m'mimba",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5758,"People who recently had Covid were more likely to report problems with smell and taste, brain fog, dizziness and sweating than people who had prolonged symptoms after a cold or flu","Anthu omwe posachedwapa anali ndi Covid amatha kunena kuti ali ndi vuto la fungo ndi kukoma, chifunga muubongo, chizungulire komanso thukuta kuposa anthu omwe amakhala ndi zizindikiro zazitali pambuyo pa chimfine kapena chimfine ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5759,"""As research into long Covid continues, we need to take the opportunity to investigate and consider the lasting effects of other acute respiratory infections","'Pomwe kafukufuku wa Covid wautali akupitilira, tifunika kutenga mwayi wofufuza ndikuganizira zotsatira zokhalitsa za matenda ena opumira m'mapapo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5760,"""These 'long' infections are so difficult to diagnose and treat, primarily because of a lack of diagnostic tests and there being so many possible symptoms","Matenda 'atali'wa ndi ovuta kuwazindikira ndi kuchiza, makamaka chifukwa chosowa zoyezera komanso pali zizindikiro zambiri ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5761,""" For the first time ever, more than one in 10 people in Japan are now aged 80 or older","Kwa nthawi yoyamba, anthu oposa khumi ku Japan tsopano ali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndiatatu kapena kuposerapo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5762,Japan has one of the lowest birth-rates in the world and has long struggled with how to provide for its ageing population,Dziko la Japan ndi limodzi mwa mayiko omwe amabadwa otsika kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi ndipo lakhala likuvutika ndi momwe angathandizire okalamba ake ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5763,"It has the world's oldest population, measured by the proportion of people aged 65 or up. In Japan, those aged over 65 are expected to account for 34.8% of the population","Dzikoli lili ndi anthu akale kwambiri padziko lonse, poyerekezera ndi chiwerengero cha anthu azaka makumi asanu ndizhimodzi kuonjezera asanu kapena kuposerapo. Ku Japan, azaka zopitilira makumi asanu ndichimodzi ndimphambu akuyembekezeka kuwerengera maperesenti makumi atatu nkanthu kena kokwana zisanu ndizitatu ya anthu ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5764,The country's elderly employment rate is among the highest across major economies - workers aged 65 or more make up more than 13% of the national workforce,Chiwerengero cha anthu okalamba m’dziko muno chili m’gulu la anthu ochuluka kwambiri m’mayiko onse azachuma - ogwira ntchito azaka mkumi asanu ndichimodzi kudzanso zisanu kapena kuposerapo ndi opitirira ma peresenti khumi ndiatatu ya ogwira ntchito m’dzikolo,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5765,But this has done little to relieve the burden on the country's social security spending,Koma izi sizinathandize pang’ono pothetsa mtolo wa ndalama zoyendetsera dziko lino,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5766,"Japan has approved a record budget for the next fiscal year, in part due to rising social security costs","Dziko la Japan lavomereza ndondomeko ya chuma ya chaka chamawa, mwa zina chifukwa chakukwera mtengo kwa chitetezo cha anthu ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5767,"Efforts to boost its birth rates have also met with little success amid the growing cost of living, and notoriously long working hours","Zoyesayesa zokulitsa kuchuluka kwa kubadwa kwake sizinachite bwinonso chifukwa cha kukwera mtengo kwa moyo, komanso nthawi yayitali yogwira ntchito ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5768,"Birth rates are slowing in many countries, including Japan's neighbours, but the problem is particularly acute in Japan","Chiŵerengero cha ana obadwa chikuchepa m’maiko ambiri, kuphatikizapo oyandikana nawo a Japan, koma vuto ndi lalikulu kwambiri ku Japan",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5769,"The country was estimated to have had fewer than 800,000 babies born last year - the lowest number since records began in the 19th century",Dzikoli akuti linali ndi ana osakwana zikwi mazana asanu ndiasatu omwe anabadwa chaka chatha - chiwerengero chochepa kwambiri kuyambira zaka za m'ma khumi ndizisanu ndizinayi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5770,However authorities remain hesitant about accepting migrant workers as a solution to falling fertility,Komabe akuluakulu akukayikira kuvomereza ogwira ntchito osamukira kumayiko ena ngati njira yobwenzeretsera chonde ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5771,"Last year, China's population fell for the first time since 1961, while South Korea has reported the lowest fertility rate in the world","Chaka chatha, chiwerengero cha anthu ku China chinatsika koyamba kuyambira 1961, pamene South Korea yanena kuti chiwerengero cha chonde chochepa kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5772,"A mum-of-two has said nipple tattoos have allowed her to ""feel complete"" following a double mastectomy",Mayi wina wa ana awiri wati kujambula m'mawere kwamulola kuti 'amve kuti watha' kutsatira mastectomy awiri ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5773,"""It's vital for those men and women who fought breast cancer to have this final step to make them feel whole or even complete, because it has a significant impact on their mental health","'Ndikofunikira kuti abambo ndi amai omwe adalimbana ndi khansa ya m'mawere akhale ndi sitepe yomaliza yowapangitsa kukhala athanzi kapena amphumphu, chifukwa zimakhudza kwambiri thanzi lawo lamaganizo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5774,"""Unfortunately, there is a huge waiting list and sometimes the outcome may not be the one they desire. I have a great desire to help people","'Mwatsoka, pali mndandanda waukulu wodikira ndipo nthawi zina zotsatira sizingakhale zomwe iwo akufuna. Ndine wofunitsitsa kuthandiza anthu",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5775,"The Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee said: ""Waiting times in north Wales have been reported as around two months but are longer in south Wales",The Welsh Health Specialized Services Committee idati: 'Nthawi zodikirira kumpoto kwa Wales zanenedwa ngati miyezi iwiri koma ndizotalikirapo kumwera kwa Wales,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5776,Police officers are not trained to deal with mental health - it's not their fault',Apolisi saphunzitsidwa kuthana ndi matenda amisala - si vuto lawo',health and wellbeing,onliine +en5777,I think the police do a good job in some aspects but when it comes to them dealing with mental health they're just not trained and it's not the officers' fault,Ndikuganiza kuti apolisi amagwira ntchito yabwino pazinthu zina koma zikafika pankhani yokhudzana ndi matenda amisala sakhala ophunzitsidwa bwino komanso si vuto la apolisi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5778,"It comes after a report by the police watchdog found that responding to mental health-related incidents is limiting Police ability to prevent, investigate and detect crime","Zimabwera pambuyo poti lipoti lochokera kupolisi lidapeza kuti kuyankha pazochitika zokhudzana ndi matenda amisala ndikuchepetsa mphamvu ya Apolisi popewa, kufufuza ndi kuzindikira umbanda",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5779,"""So if the police had to be called to come out it would have escalated it even though they are there to de-escalate the situation",Ndiye ngati apolisi akanati aitanidwe kuti atuluke zikanakula ngakhale alipo kuti achepetse vutoli,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5780,"""It's just not fair on the person, it's not fair on the officers that are having to deal with it - there just needs to be more support around the full mental health situation and it can't be left to the police","'Sizachilungamo kwa munthuyo, sibwino kwa apolisi omwe akukumana nawo - pamafunika chithandizo chochulukirapo pazochitika zonse zamaganizo ndipo sizingasiyidwe kwa apolisi",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5781,"We don’t want to close our toilets, but this is the first of many tough decisions we will have to make over the coming months in order to protect our statutory services such as waste collection and support for the homeless and vulnerable","Sitikufuna kutseka zimbudzi zathu, koma iyi ndi zisankho zoyamba mwazovuta zomwe tifunika kupanga m'miyezi ikubwerayi kuti titeteze ntchito zathu zovomerezeka monga kutolera zinyalala ndikuthandizira osowa pokhala ndi omwe ali pachiwopsezo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5782,"This is increasingly challenging, stressful and isolating as the number of public toilets declines. Access to toilets should be treated as a public health issue by governments across the world","Izi zikuchulukirachulukira zovuta, zodetsa nkhawa komanso zodzipatula pomwe kuchuluka kwa zimbudzi za anthu zikuchepa. Maboma padziko lonse lapansi aona kuti kupeza zimbudzi ndi nkhani ya umoyo wa anthu ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5783,"Despite labels on bottles of Kombucha or Kumbucha drinks displaying that they are non-alcoholic beverages, independent laboratory analyses found samples of the purported ‘health’ drinks with alcoholic contents","Ngakhale pali zilembo pamabotolo a zakumwa za Kombucha kapena Kumbucha zosonyeza kuti si zakumwa zoledzeretsa, ma labotale odziyimira pawokha amasanthula zida zomwe zimatchedwa 'zaumoyo' zomwe zili ndi mowa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5784,We collected three samples from three different manufacturers of Ginger Kumbucha or Kombucha by Central Region-based companies and Kombucha Divide imported from Zambia,Tidatolera zitsanzo zitatu kuchokera kwa opanga atatu osiyanasiyana a Ginger Kumbucha kapena Kombucha ndi makampani aku Central Region ndi Kombucha Divide yochokera ku Zambia,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5785,"Our investigations, therefore, found that some of the Kombucha or Kumbucha health drinks on the market have higher alcoholic content than Castel Malawi Limited products such as Carlsberg Green, Castel and Kuchekuche beers","Kafukufuku wathu, adapeza kuti zakumwa zoledzeretsa za Kombucha kapena Kumbucha pamsika zili ndi mowa wambiri kuposa zida za Castel Malawi Limited monga Carlsberg Green, Castel ndi moŵa wa Kuchekuche",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5786,"Though manufacturers of the drinks were elusive on their products’ alcoholic content in view of the analysis, the Competition and Fair Trading Act, however, stipulates that any conduct likely to mislead the public on a product attracts a fine or even a prison sentence","Ngakhale opanga zakumwazo sadanenepo za zomwe adamwazo chifukwa cha kuwunikaku, lamulo la Competition and Fair Trading Act, komabe, likunena kuti machitidwe aliwonse omwe angasokeretse anthu pazamankhwala amakopa chindapusa kapena kundende ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5787,"She said currently there is no Malawi standard applicable to Kombucha or Kumbucha and the bureau’s assessments only focus on safety parameters such as contaminants and labelling, including the declaration of the alcohol content","Iye adati pakali pano palibe mulingo wa Malawi womwe ukugwira ntchito ku Kombucha kapena Kumbucha ndipo kuunika kwabungweli kumangoyang'ana zachitetezo monga zowononga ndi zolemba, kuphatikiza kulengeza mowa womwe uli ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5788,Introduction of products on the market is subject to certification by the MBS as provided by the MBS Act,Kukhazikitsidwa kwazinthu pamsika kukuyenera kutsimikiziridwa ndi MBS monga momwe zaperekedwa ndi MBS Act,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5789,"Once a specific product standard is developed and ready for use, assessment of alcohol content shall form part of the criteria used for making certification decisions for this product","Mulingo wazinthu zinazake ukapangidwa ndikukonzekera kugwiritsidwa ntchito, kuwunika kwa mowa kumakhala gawo limodzi mwazomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zisankho zachiphaso cha mankhwalawa ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5790,"Asked in an interview last Wednesday how the companies measure the products’ actual contents to ensure they match with what is declared on the label, one of the manufacturers’ general manager could not give details on the matter","Anafunsa pa nkhani yofunsidwa Lachitatu latha momwe makampani amawerengera zomwe zalembedwazo kuti zitsimikizire kuti zikugwirizana ndi zolembedwa, imodzi mwa oyang'anira",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5791,But efforts to speak to him on Thursday proved futile as the phone could not be reached on several attempts,Koma zoyesayesa zoyankhulana naye Lachinayi sizinaphule kanthu chifukwa foni sinkapezeka mobwerezabwereza,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5792,"On the other hand, another Central Region-based manufacturer official refused to give details through mobile phone","Kumbali ina, mkulu wina wogwira ntchito m'chigawo chapakati adakana kupereka zambiri kudzera pa foni yam'manja",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5793,"He said the Competition and Fair Trading Act (CFTA) prohibits enterprises from engaging in conduct that is likely to mislead the public “as to the nature, price, availability, characteristics, suitability for a given purpose, quantity or quality of any products or services","Iye adati lamulo la Competition and Fair Trading Act (CFTA) limaletsa mabizinesi kuchita zinthu zomwe zitha kusokeretsa anthu “zachilengedwe, mtengo, kupezeka, mawonekedwe, kuyenerana ndi cholinga, kuchuluka kapena mtundu wazinthu zilizonse kapena ntchito. ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5794,Any person who violates this provision is liable to a fine and also the requisite products are not expected to continue being sold to consumers,Munthu aliyense wophwanya izi ali ndi vuto komanso zinthu zofunika sizikuyembekezeka kupitiliza kugulitsidwa kwa ogula,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5795,"Among others, one of the ginger health drink claims to help those with stroke and kidney problems, prevents cancer and diabetes, improves eyesight and reduces high blood pressure","Mwa zina, chakumwa chimodzi cha ginger health amati chimathandiza omwe ali ndi vuto la sitiroko ndi impso, chimateteza khansa ndi matenda a shuga, chimapangitsa maso komanso kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa magazi ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5796,"He noted that most of the herbals, including drinks claimed to be healthy, are not controlled and that some traders may add some conventional medicines which are harmful","Iye adati mankhwala azitsamba ambiri, kuphatikizapo zakumwa zomwe amati ndi zathanzi, saziletsa ndipo amalonda ena amatha kuwonjezera mankhwala wamba omwe ndi oopsa",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5797,"They can add viagra in there, but they can’t declare it on the label. So, people consuming products they are not sure of what they contain is harmful because you don’t know what it will do to the liver, kidney and even the brain","Iwo akhoza kuwonjezera viagra mmenemo, koma iwo sangakhoze kulengeza izo pa chizindikiro. Chifukwa chake, anthu omwe amamwa zinthu zomwe sakudziwa kuti zili ndi chiyani ndi zovulaza chifukwa simudziwa zomwe zingachite pachiwindi, impso ngakhalenso ubongo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5798,He noted that a high amount of alcohol intake generally compromises people’s thinking capacity and causes anxiety,Iye adati kumwa mowa wambiri nthawi zambiri kumasokoneza kuganiza kwa anthu ndipo kumayambitsa nkhawa ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5799,"So, if a patient is consuming alcohol knowingly or unknowingly, the alcohol is capable of interacting with the medical drug that the patient is taking. Sometimes the alcohol enhances the activity of that particular drug","Choncho, ngati wodwala akumwa mowa mwakudziwa kapena mosadziwa, mowa umatha kugwirizana ndi mankhwala omwe wodwalayo akumwa. Nthawi zina mowa umawonjezera mphamvu ya mankhwalawo",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5800,So that has a danger to a patient in a way that you are increasing the drug effect to the patient when the body is expected to have a lower effect. These can lead to situations that are similar to drug overdose,Kotero izo ziri ndi ngozi kwa wodwala potengera kuti mukuwonjezera mphamvu ya mankhwala kwa wodwalayo pamene thupi likuyembekezeka kukhala ndi mphamvu zochepa. Izi zingadzetse zotsatira zofanana ndi kukhala ndi mankhwala opyola muyezo mthupi,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5801,Consumers Association of Malawi executive director John Kapito expressed shock that some products provide misleading information to consumers,Nkulu oyanganira bungwe la Consumers Association of Malawi John Kapito adasonyedza kudabwa ndimmene katundu wina amaperekera uthenga osokoneza kwa ogula,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5802,He observed that the Kumbucha/Kombucha case can be a tip of the iceberg as there might be products that provide false information on the cover and he asked both MBS and CFTC to ensure that consumers are protected,Iye adawona kuti nkhani ya Kumbucha/Kombucha ikhoza kukhala nsonga chifukwa pakhoza kukhala zinthu zomwe zimapereka chidziwitso chabodza pachikuto ndipo adapempha a bungwe la MBS ndi CFTC kuti awonetsetse kuti ogula akutetezedwa,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5803,"A lawyer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, claimed that he was once fined K50 000 by Traffic Police after a breathalyzer showed intake of more than recommended alcohol, yet he had drunk two bottles of Kombucha Ginger juice","Loya wina yemwe sadatchulidwe dzina lake wati nthawi ina adamulipiritsa chindapusa cha makwacha zikwi makumi asanu ndi apolisi apamsewu atawonetsa kuti wamwa mowa wopitilira muyeso, koma adamwa mabotolo awiri a Ginger juice wa Kombucha",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5804,Girls Activists Youth Organisation (Gayo) is taking sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to the youth in rural communities in Mchinji through fairs,Bungwe la Girls Activists Youth Organisation (Gayo) likupeleka thandizo la umoyo wa kugonana ndi uchembere (SRH) kwa achinyamata akumidzi ku Mchinji kudzera mu ziwonetsero,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5805,"Some young people in Mchinji District are grappling with sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancies and early marriages. It is imperative, therefore, that we engage the youth in SRH issues","Achinyamata ena m’boma la Mchinji akulimbana ndi matenda opatsirana pogonana, mimba zosakonzekera komanso kukwatiwa ali adakali aang’ono. Choncho ndikofunikira kuti achinyamata azichita nawo nkhani za SRH",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5806,He said: “Some youths have contracted sexually transmitted infections while others have reported unplanned pregnancies,Iye anati: “Achinyamata ena atenga matenda opatsirana pogonana pamene ena amanena kuti atenga mimba yosakonzekera,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5807,"These fairs are crucial as they provide essential services, including HIV testing, voluntary male medical circumcision, contraceptives and general counselling to the youth","Ziwonetserozi ndi zofunika kwambiri chifukwa zimapereka chithandizo chofunikira monga kuyezetsa HIV, mdulidwe mwakufuna kwa amuna, njira zakulera komanso uphungu kwa achinyamata ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5808,I am pleased that we had an SRH fair in our community where we accessed various services,Ndine wokondwa kuti tinali ndi chiwonetsero cha SRH mdera lathu komwe tidapeza mautumiki osiyanasiyana ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5809,Banda said the fairs simplified access to SRH services compared to visiting healthcare facilities,Banda adati ziwonetserozi zidachepetsa mwayi wopeza chithandizo cha SRH poyerekeza ndi kuyendera zipatala ,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5810,"During the SRH fair held at Chankhanga Primary School in T/A Kapondo, the youth enjoyed a number of activities, including football and netball matches, acrobatics and dances","Pachionetsero cha SRH chomwe chinachitikira pasukulu ya Chankhanga Primary kwa T/A Kapondo, achinyamata adasangalala ndi zochitika zosiyanasiyana monga mpira ndi netiboli, masewero ndi magule ",health and wellbeing,onliine +en5811,Mchinji is one of the districts where young people drop out of school due to unplanned pregnancies and early marriages,Mchinji ndi limodzi mwa maboma omwe achinyamata amasiyila sukulu chifukwa cha mimba zosakonzekera komanso kukwatiwa adakali ang'ono,health and wellbeing,onliine +en5812,"In an interview yesterday, the group’s chairperson Arnold Kaonga said the current structure is too small as it is just used for outreach under-five and antennal services","Poyankhulana dzulo, wapampando wa gululi a Arnold Kaonga adati dongosolo lomwe lilipo pano ndi laling’ono kwambiri chifukwa limangogwiritsidwa ntchito pophunzitsa anthu azaka zapakati pa zaka zisanu ndi za antenna ",health and wellbeing,online +en5813,He said it is costly for mothers and pregnant women to travel to either Mpata Health Centre or Karonga District Hospital whenever a healthcare officer misses the monthly outreach programme,Iye adati amayi ndi oyembekezera amakwera mtengo kupita ku Mpata Health Centre kapena ku chipatala cha Karonga pomwe wachipatala akaphonya ndondomeko ya mwezi ndi mwezi,health and wellbeing,online +en5814,"Therefore, we want to raise K60 million to upgrade Kasano clinic to a health centre","Choncho, tikufuna tipeze ndalama zokwana ma miliyoni asanu amodzi kuti chipatala cha Kasano chikwezedwe kukhala chipatala ",health and wellbeing,online +en5815,We have concluded preparations at village level and the district council has given us a go-head to start the fund-raise on October 1 to 15 2023,Tamaliza zokonzekera kumudzi ndipo khonsolo yachigawo yatilola kuti tiyambe ntchito yosonkhanitsa ndalama pa October 1 mpaka 15 2023,health and wellbeing,online +en5816,Group village head Mwenenguwe said eight villages under his jurisdiction are ready to provide building materials such as bricks and dambo sand to the project,Mkulu wa m’mudzi mwawo Mwenenguwe adati midzi isanu ndi itatu yomwe ili m’manja mwake ndiyokonzeka kupereka zipangizo zomangira monga njerwa ndi mchenga wa dambo pa ntchitoyi,health and wellbeing,online +en5817,People from the eight villages have provided a piece of land and 150 000 bricks for the project. We are also ready to fetch dambo sand and water for the construction of the health facility,Anthu a m’midzi isanu ndi itatuyi apereka malo ndi njerwa 150 000 zogwirira ntchitoyo. Takonzekanso kukatunga mchenga wa dambo ndi madzi omanga chipatala,health and wellbeing,online +en5818,A communication from Karonga District Council acting director of administration Martin Mkandawire has permitted the group to cycle to raise funds for the project,Mkulu wogwirizira ntchito m’boma la Karonga a Martin Mkandawire walola gululo kuyenda njinga kuti lipeze ndalama zothandizira ntchitoyi,health and wellbeing,online +en5819,Investing in Early Years Project (IEYP) has donated 186 bicycles to care group promoters in Mchinji District to ease their mobility as they visit communities to ensure they send their children to early learning institutions,Bungwe la Investing in Early Years Project (IEYP) lapereka njinga zana limodzi ndimakumi asanu ndiatatu kudzanso mphambu zisanu ndichimodzi kwa olimbikitsa magulu a chisamaliro m’boma la Mchinji kuti asamayende bwino pamene akuyendera madera pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti akutumiza ana awo m’masukulu aang’ono,health and wellbeing,online +en5820,"Speaking in an interview on Wednesday during the handover in Traditional Authority Mlonyeni, Mchinji district principal nutrition, HIV and Aids officer Davie Panyani said the promoters were previously failing to go to hard-to-reach areas with nutrition messages","Polankhula Lachitatu popereka chithandizo kwa Traditional Authority Mlonyeni, mkulu wa za kadyedwe ka HIV ndi Edzi m’boma la Mchinji Davie Panyani adati olimbikitsa m’mbuyomu amakanika kupita kumadera ovuta kufikirako ndi uthenga wa kadyedwe kake",health and wellbeing,online +en5821,He said: “The bicycles will help ease mobility challenges when promoters travel to communities to meet the care groups under their leadership.,Iye anati: “Njingazi zithandiza kuchepetsa mavuto oyenda bwino akamapita kumadera osiyanasiyana kukakumana ndi magulu osamalira anthu omwe akuwatsogolera.,health and wellbeing,online +en5822,The care group promoters will regularly meet with their care groups and conduct learning sessions with cluster leaders so that nutrition and health messages are delivered to beneficiary households on time,Olimbikitsa gulu la chisamaliro amakumana nthawi zonse ndi magulu awo osamalira ndikuchita magawo ophunzirira ndi atsogoleri ammagulu kuti mauthenga azaumoyo ndi thanzi aziperekedwa kwa mabanja opindula pa nthawi yake,health and wellbeing,online +en5823,"Panyani said the care group model is an innovative approach primarily used in international development settings to promote social and behavioural change through supported peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, mainly among mothers","Panyani adati chitsanzo cha gulu la chisamaliro ndi njira yatsopano yomwe imagwiritsidwa ntchito polimbikitsa kusintha kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi makhalidwe awo kudzera mu kugawana nzeru kwa anzawo, makamaka pakati pa amayi ",health and wellbeing,online +en5824,“The model has been instrumental in disseminating critical information about nutrition and health practices in communities in the district,“Mchitidwewu wathandiza kwambiri pofalitsa uthenga wofunikira pazakudya ndi thanzi m’madera a m’bomalo,health and wellbeing,online +en5825,"One of the care group promoters, Brenda Deusi of Tsamphare Village, thanked IEYP for the bicycle","M’modzi mwa olimbikitsa gulu losamalira anthu, Brenda Deusi wa m’mudzi mwa Tsamphare, anathokoza bungwe la IEYP chifukwa cha njinga yo",health and wellbeing,online +en5826,She said: “We were facing problems reaching out to care groups as some are in hard-to-reach areas,Iye anati: “Tinkakumana ndi mavuto ofikira magulu osamalira anthu chifukwa ena ali m’madera ovuta kufikako,health and wellbeing,online +en5827,“The bicycles will motivate us to work hard to ensure people understand the importance of sending their children to early learning institutions,“Njingazi zitilimbikitsa kuti tigwire ntchito molimbika kuti anthu amvetsetse kufunika kotumiza ana awo kusukulu zamaphunziro achichepere ,health and wellbeing,online +en5828,"The project seeks to improve utilisation of early childhood development services, with a specific focus on nutrition, stimulation and early learning","Ntchitoyi ikufuna kupititsa patsogolo kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ntchito zachitukuko cha ana ang'onoang'ono, makamaka pazakudya, kulimbikitsa komanso kuphunzira adakali aang'ono",health and wellbeing,online +en5829,"As of 16 January, Malawi had 26,263 cholera cases and 852 deaths","Pofika pa 16 January, dziko la Malawi linali ndi anthu zikwi makumi awiri ndi asanu ndilimodzi kudzanso mazana atatu a kolera ndipo anthu mazana asanu ndiatatu kudza makumi asanu kuphtikizirapo awiri okufa",health and wellbeing,online +en5830,Health experts attribute the outbreak to inadequate funding for water and sanitation sector. Studies show Fecal matter detected in drinking water,Akatswiri azaumoyo akuti mliriwu wayamba chifukwa chosowa ndalama zokwanira zamadzi ndi ukhondo. Kafukufuku akuwonetsa kuti chimbudzi chapezeka m'madzi akumwa ,health and wellbeing,online +en5831,"Malawi’s worsening cholera crisis is the result of long-term neglect of the country’s water supplies and water testing is urgently needed, specialists say","Vuto la kolera lomwe likukulirakulira m’Malawi ndi chifukwa chonyalanyaza kwa nthawi yaitali madzi a m’dziko muno komanso kuyezetsa madzi n’kofunika mwachangu, akadaulo ati",health and wellbeing,online +en5832,"Malawi has been dealing with a cholera outbreak since March 2022 with 26,263 confirmed cases in 27 districts and 852 deaths as of this week (16 January), according to an update from the country’s Ministry of Health","Dziko la Malawi lakhala likulimbana ndi matenda a kolera kuyambira mwezi wa march 2022 pomwe anthu zikwi makumi awiri ndi asanu ndilimodzi kudzanso mazana atatu apezeka ndi matendawa m’maboma makumi asanu ndiawiri kuophatikizirapo awiri ndipo anthu mazana asanu ndiatatu kudza makumi asanu kuphtikizirapo awiri afa kuyambira sabata ino pa 16 January, malinga ndi zomwe unduna wa zaumoyo m’dziko muno unanena.",health and wellbeing,online +en5833,"Cholera is a water-borne disease caused by a bacterium, which propagates due to poor maintenance of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) systems","Kolera ndi matenda obwera chifukwa cha madzi obwera chifukwa cha tizilombo toyambitsa matenda, amene amafala chifukwa chosasamalira bwino madzi, ukhondo ndi ukhondo (WASH) ",health and wellbeing,online +en5834,"It results in watery diarrhoea and vomiting, and can lead to severe dehydration, kidney injury or death","Zimayambitsa matenda otsekula m'mimba ndi kusanza, ndipo zimatha kutaya madzi ambiri, kuvulala kwa impso kapena imfa ",health and wellbeing,online +en5835,“It is sad to note that Water Sanitation and Hygiene has not been prioritised for decades,“Ndi zachisoni kudziwa kuti Ukhondo wa Madzi ndi Ukhondo sunakhale patsogolo kwa zaka makumi ,health and wellbeing,online +en5836,“The current challenges in fighting infectious diseases such as cholera and COVID-19 is mainly as a result of the past negligence of the sector,“Mavuto omwe akukumana nawo polimbana ndi matenda opatsirana monga kolera ndi COVID-19 abwera makamaka chifukwa cha kusasamala kwa gululi ,health and wellbeing,online +en5837,"The Water and Environmental Sanitation Network recommended that funds are spent urgently to step up activities such as massive awareness campaigns on preventative measures, water quality monitoring, testing and chlorination","Bungwe la Water and Environmental Sanitation Network lidalimbikitsa kuti ndalama zigwiritsidwe ntchito mwachangu pofuna kupititsa patsogolo ntchito monga kampeni yodziwitsa anthu za njira zopewera kupewa, kuwunika momwe madzi alili, kuyezetsa ndi kuthira chlorine ",health and wellbeing,online +en5838,"There was a need to check all the sources of drinking water in order to know which ones are polluted, and enhance sanitation and hygiene in schools and markets, and distribute sanitisers","Panafunika kuyang'anitsitsa magwero onse a madzi akumwa kuti adziwe omwe ali oipitsidwa, komanso kupititsa patsogolo ukhondo ndi ukhondo m'sukulu ndi m'misika, komanso kugawa mankhwala oyeretsa ",health and wellbeing,online +en5839,“We need to ensure functional sewage systems in the management of human wastes in growing urban areas and not septic tanks,“Tiyenera kuonetsetsa kuti zimbudzi zikuyenda bwino posamalira zinyalala za anthu m’madera omwe akukulirakulira m’matauni osati m’matanki amadzi.,health and wellbeing,online +en5840,Malawi’s ministry of health regularly shares updates on the latest figures on the Cholera outbreak,Unduna wa za umoyo m’Malawi umafotokoza pafupipafupi za momwe matenda a kolera yafalikira ,health and wellbeing,online +en5841,"Septic tanks are heavily polluting underground water, leading to outbreaks like cholera when such water is consumed","Zimbuzi zikuwononga kwambiri madzi apansi panthaka, zomwe zimadzetsa miliri ngati kolera pamene madzi otere amwedwa",health and wellbeing,online +en5842,"City authorities, January 3, closed the Wakawaka vegetable market in the capital Lilongwe after finding it lacked toilets and proper water for handwashing",Akuluakulu a mzindawu pa January 3 adatseka msika wa masamba wa Wakawaka mu mzinda wa Lilongwe atapeza kuti mulibe zimbudzi komanso madzi osamba m'manja ,health and wellbeing,online +en5843,The country’s taskforce on Coronavirus and Cholera on 6 January issued a statement appealing to the public and private sector and international organisations for support the fight against the nationwide cholera outbreak,Komiti yapadera mdziko muno yogwira ntchito zothana ndi matenda a coronavirus ndi kolera pa 6 January adapereka chikalata chopempha nthambi za boma ndi mabungwe omwe si aboma komanso mabungwe amayiko akunja kuti athandizire polimbana ndi mliri wa kolera m'dziko monse muno,health and wellbeing,online +en5844,This donation is timely as we are stepping up our efforts in fighting the outbreak amid [a] shortage of medicines and supplies,Thandizoli lafika munthawi yake pamene tikulimbikira kulimbana ndi mliriwu pomwe pali kusowa kwa mankhwala ndi katundu ,health and wellbeing,online +en5845,We will continue to support the Ministry of Health to scale–up the cholera response,Tipitiliza kuthandizira unduna wa zaumoyo kuti uwonjezere ntchito zothana ndi kolera ,health and wellbeing,online +en5846,"On the surface, the cholera outbreak makes no sense in a country in which, according to Malawi’s 2022 voluntary national review report on the sustainable development goals (SDG), 87.9% of the population have access to improved sources of drinking water and 80% have access to improved sanitation","Kungoyang’ana pamwamba chabe, kufalikira kwa kolera nkosamvetsetseka m’dziko muno, malinga ndi lipoti la Malawi voluntary national review on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) la chaka cha 2022, anthu 87.9 mwa 100 aliwonse ali ndi mwayi wopeza madzi aukhondo akumwa ndipo anthu 80 pa 100 aliwonse ali ndi mwayi wopeza zipangizo za ukhondo zoyenera",health and wellbeing,online +en5847,"Water quality in Malawi has long been a concern, especially in high-density urban areas","Madzi m’Malawi muno akhala akudetsa nkhawa kuyambira kale, makamaka m’matauni omwe muli anthu ochuluka zedi ",health and wellbeing,online +en5848,"Water tests conducted by the Lilongwe Water Board in the country’s capital found that the water is contaminated with faecal coliforms, a form of bacteria found in human or animal waste, making it unsafe for human consumption. The board says the contamination was from pit latrines",kuyeza madzi komwe bungwe la Lilongwe Water Board lidachita mu likulu la dzikolo adapeza kuti madziwa ali ndi tizilombo toyambitsa matenda tomwe timapezeka mu ndowe za anthu ndi zinyama zomwe zimapangitsa kuti madziwo akhale osayenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi anthu. Bungweli likuti kuipitsidwaku kudachokera kuzimbudzi zokumba,health and wellbeing,online +en5849,"While some investments have been made to improve water sanitation access, these have not been made to withstand the impacts of climate change","Ngakhale kuti zitukuko zina zapangidwa pofuna kupititsa patsogolo mwayi wopeza madzi aukhondo, izi sidzinakonzedwe kuti zipilire kuzotsatira zakusintha kwa nyengo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5850,"In January 2022, Malawi was one of the countries affected by tropical cyclone Ana and a Malawi government assessment indicated that for the WASH sector, 54 000 latrines collapsed and about 340 boreholes were destroyed in the disaster","Mu January 2022, dziko la Malawi linali limodzi mwa mayiko omwe anakhudzidwa ndi mphepo yanamondwe yotchedwa Ana ndipo kafukufuku wa boma la Malawi aona kuti pa gawo la madzi ndi ukhondo, zimbudzi 54000 zidagwa ndipo zitsime 340 zidawonongeka pa ngoziyi",health and wellbeing,online +en5851,"The World Bank estimates that during tropical cyclone Idai, which hit Malawi in March 2019, about 190 000 sanitation units were damaged and 211 000 people were left with restricted water access","Bungwe la World Bank likuyerekeza kuti pa nthawi ya namondwe wa Idai, yomwe inagunda dziko la Malawi mu march 2019, nyumba zaukhondo zokwana zikwi mazana asanu ndianayi zidawonongeka ndipo anthu zikwi mazana awiri kudzanso khumi ndilimodzi adali ndi mwayi wochepa wopeza madzi",health and wellbeing,online +en5852,The gains made towards attainment of 2030 SDG targets on water and sanitation are being eroded,Zopindula zomwe zidapangidwa pokwaniritsa zolinga za zikwi ziwiri kuphatikizapo makumi atatu za SDG pazamadzi ndi ukhondo zikuwonongeka ,health and wellbeing,online +en5853,There is a need for the Malawi government to strive for balance and sustain functionality of water and sanitation facilities which may require a greater investment,Pakufunika kuti boma la Malawi liyesetse kuti pakhale bata komanso kuti zithandizo za madzi ndi ukhondo ziziyenda bwino zomwe zingafunike ndalama zambiri ,health and wellbeing,online +en5854,Water and sanitation stakeholders hope that this trend will continue and will help in Malawi’s efforts to end the cholera outbreak,Anthu ogwira nawo ntchito paza madzi ndi ukhondo akuyembekeza kuti izi zipitilira ndipo zithandiza Malawi kuti athane ndi mliri wa kolera,health and wellbeing,online +en5855,Improving access to clean drinking water and sanitation is a sure way to improving the health of nations and preventing the spread of communicable diseases such as cholera,Kupititsa patsogolo mwayi wopeza madzi akumwa aukhondo ndi njira yaukhondo ndi njira yotsimikizika yopititsira patsogolo thanzi la mayiko komanso kupewa kufalikira kwa matenda opatsirana monga kolera,health and wellbeing,online +en5856,"With only seven years to go before the 2030 SDGs mark, we cannot continue to lose lives to preventable diseases","Kwatsala zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri zokha kuti chizindikiro cha 2030 SDGs chichitike, sitingapitilize kutaya miyoyo chifukwa cha matenda omwe angapewedwe ",health and wellbeing,online +en5857,We need more financing for the sector which would result in more climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure,Tikufuna ndalama zambiri zothandizira ntchitoyi zomwe zingapangitse kuti madzi ndi ukhondo athe kuthana ndi nyengo ,health and wellbeing,online +en5858,"Then, on March 15, the cyclone hit, bringing mudslides, landslides, and flooding to a country already vulnerable to system failure and disease","Kenako, pa March 15, chimphepocho chinagunda, kubweretsa matope, kusefukira kwa nthaka, komanso kusefukira kwa madzi kudziko lomwe linali lomwe lili pachiwopsezo cha kulephera kwadongosolo ndi matenda",health and wellbeing,online +en5859,"While searches are ongoing, chances of finding survivors are “slim” according to Malawi’s Department of Disaster Management Affairs","Pamene kufufuza kuli mkati, mwayi wopeza anthu opulumuka ndi “wachepa” malinga ndi nthambi yoona za masoka a m’Malawi ",health and wellbeing,online +en5860,"Sungeni Ajala, a mother of two young children, says as the rains increased over the weeks, her family’s house began collapsing, with water reaching inside the home and eventually washing it away entirely","Mayi wa ana ang’onoang’ono aŵiri, Sungeni Ajala, akuti mvula itayamba kugwa m’masabata, nyumba ya kwawo idayamba kugwa, madzi akulowa m’nyumbamo ndipo pamapeto pake adawakokolola",health and wellbeing,online +en5861,"“By the time we were running away most of our property, including the chickens, had been washed away,” Sungeni says","“Panthawi yomwe timathawa katundu wathu wambiri, kuphatikizapo nkhuku, zinali zitakokoloka,” akutero Sungeni ",health and wellbeing,online +en5862,We only managed to salvage a few clothes. My priority was my life and my children lives,Tinangokwanitsa kupulumutsa zovala zochepa. Cholinga changa chinali moyo wanga ndipo ana anga amakhala ,health and wellbeing,online +en5863,"We don’t wait until a cyclone hits to start taking action. We have a preparedness action plan in place that outlines the actions we will take, knowing that each cyclone and its conditions are different","Sitidikira mpaka namondwe afike kuti tichitepo kanthu. Tili ndi dongosolo lokonzekera lomwe limafotokoza zomwe tidzachite, podziwa kuti namondwe aliyense ndi zotsatira zake zimakhala zosiyana",health and wellbeing,online +en5864,"In Malawi, we facilitate a humanitarian partnership network of local organizations. The objective was to strengthen local capacity to be ready for a timely response in terms of a disaster","Ku Malawi, timathandizira mgwirizano wothandiza anthu m'mabungwe apafupi. Cholinga chake chinali kulimbikitsa mphamvu za m'deralo kuti zikhale zokonzeka kuyankha pa nthawi yake pakagwa tsoka",health and wellbeing,online +en5865,We’ve been working with them for the last year and supporting them in training village disaster committees on the same,Takhala tikugwira nawo ntchito kwa chaka chatha ndikuwathandizira pophunzitsa makomiti azatsoka m'midzi momwemo,health and wellbeing,online +en5866,"About ten days before we expected the cyclone, we supported these organizations to send early warning messages to the communities that would be affected","Pafupifupi masiku khumi tisanayembekezere chimphepocho, tidathandizira mabungwewa kutumiza mauthenga ochenjeza anthu omwe akhudzidwa",health and wellbeing,online +en5867,These warning messages ensure that communities can prepare shelter and evacuation centers for those who will be displaced,Mauthenga ochenjezawa akuwonetsetsa kuti madera akukonzekera malo ogona ndi othawa kwawo omwe athawitsidwa ,health and wellbeing,online +en5868,"We know, because of Cyclone Ana which hit Malawi in 2022, that delivering humanitarian aid to these areas will be very difficult if a flood occurs, so when we anticipated the cyclone, we had to deliver humanitarian items to a nearby warehouse where they could easily be distributed","Tikudziwa, chifukwa cha mphepo yanamondwe ya Ana amene anafika dziko la Malawi mu 2022, kuti kupeleka thandizo ku madera amenewa kudzakhala kovuta kwambiri ngati madzi atasefukira, choncho pamene tinkayembekezera kufika kwa namondweyu, tinatumiza katundu wothandizira anthu okhuzidwa kumalo osungira oyandikira maderawa kuti athe kugawidwa mosavuta",health and wellbeing,online +en5869,"Over the past several months, the Southern Africa region has experienced multiple emergencies","M'miyezi ingapo yapitayi, dera la Kumwera kwa Africa lakumana ndi zovuta zadzidzidzi zingapo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5870,"We didn’t have the means to access these areas by boats or helicopters, so we had to wait for external aid from Zambia and South Africa, who provided these logistics","Tinalibe njira zofikira maderawa pa mabwato kapena ndege za helikoputala, choncho tinayenera kudikirira thandizo lakunja kuchokera ku Zambia ndi South Africa, omwe adapereka zida izi",health and wellbeing,online +en5871,"Access has been very complex, and we’ve had to wait. During this time, we prioritized distributing non-food items that were easier to store in warehouses than food items since we needed to deliver these by helicopter or boat to people in affected areas","Kufikira kwakhala kovutirapo kwambiri, ndipo tidayenera kudikirira. Panthawiyi, tidayika patsogolo kugawa zinthu zomwe sizinali za chakudya zomwe zinali zosavuta kuzisunga m'malo osungiramo zinthu kuposa zakudya popeza tinkafunikira kutumiza izi ndi helikopita kapena boti kwa anthu omwe akhudzidwa ",health and wellbeing,online +en5872,"We distributed Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene kits [WASH] which is a priority, especially as the country is facing a cholera outbreak and cyclones and floods pose an additional risk for the spread of this disease","Tidagawa zida zothandizira madzi ndi ukhondo zomwe ndi zofunika kwambiri, makamaka pamene dziko lino likukumana ndi mliri wa kolera ndipo mvula yamkuntho komanso kusefukira kwa madzi kumabweretsa chiopsezo chowonjezera kufala kwa matendawa",health and wellbeing,online +en5873,"There are larger WASH kits delivered to entire communities and smaller kits delivered to households. These kits contain buckets, chlorine, hand soap, laundry soap, toothbrushes, and toothpaste","Pali zipangizo za madzi ndi ukhondo zikuluzikulu zomwe zimaperekedwa kumadera onse ndi zida zazing'ono zomwe zimaperekedwa kunyumba. Zida zimenezi zili ndi zidebe, chlorine, sopo wa m’manja, sopo wochapira, mswachi, ndi mankhwala otsukira mano",health and wellbeing,online +en5874,We also provide information on sanitation and hygiene to help prevent outbreaks such as cholera,Timaperekanso chidziwitso chaukhondo ndi ukhondo kuti tipewe matenda monga kolera,health and wellbeing,online +en5875,"We also provide dignity kits for women and girls, which include underwear, reusable sanitary pads, and African cloth","Timaperekanso zida za ulemu kwa amayi ndi atsikana, zomwe zimaphatikizapo zovala zamkati, zodzikongoletsera, komanso chitenge",health and wellbeing,online +en5876,These are essential for women as many have likely fled their homes with just the clothes on their backs,Izi ndi zofunika kwa amayi chifukwa mwina ambiri athawa mnyumba zawo atavala zovala kumbuyo ,health and wellbeing,online +en5877,Evidence shows that women and girls face additional challenges in case of emergencies,Umboni ukuwonetsa kuti amayi ndi atsikana amakumana ndi zovuta zina pakagwa mwadzidzidzi,health and wellbeing,online +en5878,"In the case of a cyclone, displaced women and girls stay in evacuation centers which are common spaces with boys and men who they are not familiar with","Pakachitika chimphepo chamkuntho, amayi ndi atsikana omwe adasamutsidwa amakhala m'malo opulumukira omwe ndi malo omwe ali ndi anyamata ndi abambo omwe sakuwadziwa ",health and wellbeing,online +en5879,This poses an additional risk in terms of sexual and gender-based violence,Izi zimabweretsa chiopsezo choonjezera pa nkhanza zogonana komanso nkhanza zochitirana potengera chibadwidwe,health and wellbeing,online +en5880,"At a family level, evidence shows that gender-based violence can spike in stressful situations, such as experiencing a disaster where the family has lost their home and assets","Pamabanja, umboni ukusonyeza kuti nkhanza za pakati pa amuna ndi akazi zimatha kuchulukirachulukira panthawi yamavuto, monga kukumana ndi ngozi zogwa mwadzidzidzi pomwe banjalo lataya nyumba ndi katundu",health and wellbeing,online +en5881,"We need to raise awareness on this. Psychosocial support is important for anyone in an emergency situation as this is traumatic, especially for women and girls who face additional risks","Tiyenera kudziwitsa anthu za izi. Kupeleka uphundundikofunika kwa aliyense amene ali pangozi chifukwa izi ndizopweteka, makamaka kwa amayi ndi atsikana omwe amakumana ndi ziopsezo zina ",health and wellbeing,online +en5882,"With Cyclone Freddy, most evacuation centers are schools, so children are losing time in classrooms","Ndi namondwe wa Freddy, malo ambiri othawirako ndi sukulu, kotero ana akutaya nthawi yawo yokhalira mkalasi",health and wellbeing,online +en5883,"When schools reopen, families will prioritize boys going back to school, so the dropout rate for girls is expected to increase","Sukulu zikatsegulidwanso, mabanja ayika patsogolo anyamata kuti abwelere kusukulu, kotero kuti chiwerengero cha atsikana osiyira sukulu panjira chikuyembekezeka kukwera ",health and wellbeing,online +en5884,"Sometimes, because families have lost everything, they may decide to marry off their daughters as the income or assets they gain from this child marriage can sustain the family","Nthawi zina, chifukwa mabanja amakhala ataya kalikonse, amatha kuganiza zokwatitsa ana awo aakazi popeza kuti ndalama kapena katundu yemwe amapeza amawathandiza pabanja pawo",health and wellbeing,online +en5885,"As a result, child marriages and teenage pregnancies increase in disasters","Zotsatira zake, maukwati a ana ndi mimba za achinyamata zikuchulukirachulukira pakagwa ngozi zadzidzidzi ",health and wellbeing,online +en5886,"These challenges are why we do a rapid gender analysis with the government of Malawi, which surveys girls and women","Mavutowa ndi chifukwa chake timachita kafukufuku wofulumira wa jenda ndi boma la Malawi, lomwe limafufuza atsikana ndi amayi ",health and wellbeing,online +en5887,The data we gather in these surveys inform us to design and implement long-term support relevant to girls and women who will be dealing with the impact of this emergency for a long time to come,Zomwe timapeza mukafukufuku ameneyu zimatidziwitsa mmene tingakonzere ndi kupelekera thandizo lanthawi yayitali lokhudzana ndi atsikana ndi amayi omwe akukumana ndi zovuta zadzidzidzi kwa nthawi yayitali ,health and wellbeing,online +en5888,IsraAID’s emergency response team has arrived in Malawi and has begun its cholera prevention program in the southern city of Blantyre,Ogwira ntchito zothandiza ngozi zadzidzidzi la IsraAID lafika m'Malawi ndipo ayamba kugwira ntchito yothandiza kuoewa cholera mumzinda wa Blantyre kuchigawo chakummwera,health and wellbeing,online +en5889,"Located in the heart of the region affected by Cyclone Freddy, the team of experts in Health and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene will set up cholera prevention points at centers for internally displaced people, as the country faces a major outbreak of the disease","Gulu la akatswiri azaumoyo ndi madzi aukhondo lomwe lili mkati mwa chigawo chomwe chakhudzidwa ndi mphepo yamkuntho ya Freddy, akhazikitsa malo opewera kolera m'malo omwe anthu othawa kwawo amakhala, pomwe dziko lino likukumana ndi vuto lalikulu la mliriwu",health and wellbeing,online +en5890,"The team will focus on providing safe drinking water, hygiene supplies, prevention and treatment for early signs of cholera, and a referral system to cholera treatment centers","Gululi liganizira kwambiri za kupereka madzi akumwa abwino, zaukhondo, kupewa komanso kuchiza matenda a kolera, komanso njira yotumizira anthu ku zipatala za kolera",health and wellbeing,online +en5891,"Cyclone Freddy, the longest lasting cyclone in recorded history, made its second landfall on March 12, bringing torrential rains, flooding, and mudslides to southern Malawi","Namondwe wa Freddy, yemwe anali wotalikitsitsa mumbiri ya anamondwe, anafikanso dziko muno pa 12 March, ndikubweretsa mvula yosaneneka, kusefukira kwa madzi komanso kukoloka kwa nthaka kuchigawo chakummwera",health and wellbeing,online +en5892,"The country, which was already coping with a deadly cholera epidemic, is facing renewed fears of a double emergency","Dzikoli lomwe linali likulimbana ndi mliri woopsa wa kolera, liri ndi nkhawa zokhala ndi ngozi ziwiri",health and wellbeing,online +en5893,"On March 24th, the Government of Malawi declared that search and rescue operations had been completed, and humanitarian efforts are now focused on cholera prevention and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene interventions","Pa 24 March, boma la Malawi lidalengeza kuti ntchito yosaka ndi kupulumutsa anthu yatha, ndipo ntchito yothandiza anthu tsopano ikuyang'ana kwambiri pa kupewa kolera komanso njira zamadzi, zaukhondo, ndi ukhondo",health and wellbeing,online +en5894,"After an emergency like Cyclone Freddy, lack of access to hygiene supplies and safe drinking water are the leading causes of cholera’s spread","Pambuyo pa ngozi yadzidzidzi ngati namondwe wa Freddy, kusowa kwa zinthu zaukhondo ndi madzi akumwa abwino ndizomwe zimayambitsa kufalikira kwa kolera",health and wellbeing,online +en5895,We are dedicated to providing Malawi’s most vulnerable populations with the resources and knowledge they need to stop the spread of the disease and build resilience in the face of future health crises,Ndife odzipereka kupatsa anthu omwe ali pachiwopsezo chambiri m'Malawi ndi zinthu zomwe akufunikira kuti athetse kufalikira kwa matendawa komanso kukhala olimba mtima pokumana ndi mavuto azaumoyo ,health and wellbeing,online +en5896,"This response is a unique collaboration, between health and water experts, and with professionals from our missions in South Sudan and Kenya joining the team","Yankho ili ndi mgwirizano wapadera, pakati pa akatswiri azaumoyo ndi madzi, komanso akatswiri ochokera ku mishoni zathu ku South Sudan ndi Kenya kulowa nawo gulu ",health and wellbeing,online +en5897,Cholera has been endemic in Malawi since 1998 with seasonal outbreaks reported during the rainy season (November through May),Kolera yafala m’Malawi kuyambira m’chaka cha 1998 pomwe miliri ya mvula yayamba kugwa (November mpaka May) ,health and wellbeing,online +en5898,"However, the current outbreak has extended through the dry season, with cases being reported since March 2022","Komabe, mliri wapano wakula munyengo yachilimwe, ndi opezeka ndi nthandayi kudziwika kuyambira March 2022",health and wellbeing,online +en5899,"In light of the ongoing rainy season, wide geographical spread, and a consistently high case fatality rate (CFR) of above 3%, the ongoing cholera outbreak was declared a public health emergency by the Malawi government on 5 December 2022","Poganizira nyengo yamvula yomwe ikupitirirabe, kufalikira kwa malo, komanso kuchuluka kwa anthu omwe amwalira ndi matenda a kolera omwe akupitilira 3 peresenti, boma la Malawi lidalengeza kuti mliri wa kolera womwe ukupitirirabe ndi vuto la thanzi la anthu pa 5 December 2022",health and wellbeing,online +en5900,"Currently, the large geographic spread and the high number of reported cases in the country are stretching all capacity to respond to the outbreak, increasing the risk of serious public health impact","Pakali pano, kufalikira kwakukulu kwa malo komanso kuchuluka kwa matenda komwe kwanenedwa mdziko muno kukukulitsa mphamvu zonse zothanirana ndi mliriwu, zomwe zikuwonjezera chiopsezo cha thanzi la anthu",health and wellbeing,online +en5901,"The outbreak in Malawi is occurring against a backdrop of a surge in cholera outbreaks globally, which has constrained the availability of vaccines, tests, and treatments","Mliri wa matenda a kolera m’Malawi muno ukuchitika chifukwa cha kuchulukirachulukira kwa matenda a kolera padziko lonse lapansi, zomwe zalepheretsa kupezeka kwa katemera, kuyezetsa ndi mankhwala ",health and wellbeing,online +en5902,"With a sharp increase of cases seen over the last month, fears are that the outbreak will continue to worsen without strong interventions","Ndi kuchuluka kwakukulu kwa milandu yomwe yawonedwa mwezi watha, mantha ndi akuti mliriwu upitilirabe kupitilira popanda kulowererapo mwamphamvu ",health and wellbeing,online +en5903,"The current outbreak started in March 2022 from Machinga district following tropical storm Ana (January 2022) and Cyclone Gombe (March 2022) which caused floods leading to the displacement of a population with low pre-existing immunity and had lack of access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene","Mliriwu udayamba mu march 2022 kuchokera m'boma la Machinga kutsatira mvula yamkuntho yotchedwa Ana (January 2022) ndi Cyclone Gombe (march 2022) yomwe idadzetsa kusefukira kwa madzi komwe kudachititsa kuti anthu omwe anali ndi chitetezo chocheperako komanso osapeza madzi abwino, ukhondo, ndi ukhondo",health and wellbeing,online +en5904,The outbreak was mainly limited to the flood-affected areas in the southern region until August 2022 when it spread to the northern and central parts of the country,Mliriwu udangochitika kumadera omwe adakhudzidwa ndi kusefukira kwa madzi kuchigawo chakummwera mpaka mu August 2022 pomwe udafalikira kumpoto ndi pakati pa dzikolo,health and wellbeing,online +en5905,"Since December 2022 cases have spread back towards the south of the country with all regions affected including Blantyre and Lilongwe, the two main cities of the country","Kuyambira December 2022 matendawa afalikira kumwera kwa dziko lino ndipo zigawo zonse zakhudzidwa kuphatikiza Blantyre ndi Lilongwe, mizinda ikuluikulu iwiri ya mdziko muno",health and wellbeing,online +en5906,It is mainly linked to inadequate sanitation and insufficient access to safe drinking water,Izi zimakhudzidwa makamaka ndi kusapezeka kwaukhondo komanso kusapezeka kwa madzi abwino akumwa ,health and wellbeing,online +en5907,"It is an extremely virulent disease that can cause severe acute watery diarrhoea resulting in high morbidity and mortality, and can spread rapidly, depending on the frequency of exposure, the exposed population and the setting","Ndi matenda owopsa kwambiri omwe angayambitse kutsekula m'mimba kwambiri komwe kumayambitsa matenda ambiri komanso kufa, ndipo kumatha kufalikira mwachangu, kutengera kuchuluka kwa kuwonekera, kuchuluka kwa anthu komanso malo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5908,Cholera affects both children and adults and in its’ severe form can be fatal within hours if untreated,Kolera imakhudza ana ndi akulu ndipo ikafika poipa imatha kupha pakangotha ​​maola ochepa ngati sichinachizidwe,health and wellbeing,online +en5909,The incubation period is between 12 hours and five days after ingestion of contaminated food or water,Nthawi yokuti iyambe kuponetsa zizindikiro ili pakati pa maola khumi ndiawiri ndipo patatha masiku asanu pambuyo pakulowetsa chakudya kapena madzi odetsedwa ,health and wellbeing,online +en5910,"Most people infected with Cholera do not develop any symptoms, although the bacteria are present in their faeces for 1-10 days after infection and are shed back into the environment, potentially infecting other people","Anthu ambiri omwe ali ndi matenda a Kolera sakhala ndi zizindikiro zilizonse, ngakhale mabakiteriya amakhala m'ndowe pakati pa tsiku limodzi kapena masiku khumi akalowa mthupi ndipo amatsitsimutsidwanso m'malo omwe amatha kupatsira anthu ena ",health and wellbeing,online +en5911,"Most people who develop symptoms have mild or moderate symptoms, while a minority develop severe forms of the disease with acute watery diarrhoea and vomiting leading to severe dehydration","Anthu ambiri omwe amayamba zizindikiro amakhala ndi zizindikiro zochepa kapena zochepa, pamene ocheperapo amayamba kukhala ndi mitundu yambiri ya matendawa ndi kutsegula m'mimba ndi kusanza zomwe zimapangitsa kuti madzi awonongeke kwambiri ",health and wellbeing,online +en5912,Cholera is an easily treatable disease. Most people can be treated successfully through prompt administration of oral rehydration solution,Kolera ndi matenda ochizika mosavuta. Anthu ambiri amatha kuchizidwa bwino popereka msangamsanga wa oral rehydration solution ,health and wellbeing,online +en5913,"The consequences of a humanitarian crisis – such as disruption of water and sanitation systems, or the displacement of populations towards inadequate and overcrowded camps – can increase the risk of cholera transmission, should the bacteria be present or introduced","Zotsatira zavuto lothandizira anthu - monga kusokonekera kwa madzi ndi ukhondo, kapena kusamutsidwa kwa anthu kupita kumisasa yosakwanira komanso yodzaza ndi anthu - zitha kukulitsa chiopsezo chotenga kolera, ngati mabakiteriya apezeka kapena kuyambitsidwa ",health and wellbeing,online +en5914,Detection of cases at community and health facilities levels continue. Rapid response team established in each districts continue to investigate cases,Kupezeka kwa milandu m'madera ndi zipatala kukupitilirabe. Gulu loyankha mwachangu lomwe lakhazikitsidwa m'maboma aliwonse likupitiliza kufufuza milandu ,health and wellbeing,online +en5915,"Data collection and analysis is ongoing, and situation reports are being produced and published regularly. Deep-dive epidemiological analysis of the cholera situation is ongoing","Kusonkhanitsa ndi kusanthula chiwelengero kukuchitika, ndipo malipoti a momwe zinthu zilili akupangidwa ndikufalitsidwa pafupipafupi. Kusanthula mozama za matenda a kolera kukupitilira ",health and wellbeing,online +en5916,"Data collection tools have been harmonized, printed and distributed to all districts. More tools are being printed to meet the rising demand of reporting with the high volume of cases","Zida zosonkhanitsira deta zagwirizana, kusindikizidwa ndikugawidwa kumaboma onse. Zida zinanso zikusindikizidwa kuti zikwaniritse kukwera kwa kufunikira kwa malipoti ndi kuchuluka kwamatendawa",health and wellbeing,online +en5917,The Ministry of Health with support from WHO and partners have strengthened community-based surveillance for early detection of cases through the utilization of community health volunteers,Unduna wa Zaumoyo mothandizidwa ndi WHO ndi anzawo alimbikitsa kalondolondo wa anthu ammudzi kuti adzindikire msanga matendawa kudzera pogwiritsa ntchito anthu odzipereka ammudzi,health and wellbeing,online +en5918,Lilongwe district which is one of the most affected districts has initiated integrated community interventions to interrupt transmission and reduce cholera-related deaths,Boma la Lilongwe lomwe ndi limodzi mwa maboma omwe akhudzidwa kwambiri ndi vutoli ayambitsa njira zogwirizanirana ndi anthu kuti aletse kufala kwa matenda ndi kuchepetsa imfa zobwera chifukwa cha kolera ,health and wellbeing,online +en5919,The same interventions have been implemented in six high-burden districts and then rolled out across all the districts,Njira zomwezi zachitikanso m’maboma asanu ndi limodzi olemedwa kwambiri kenako m’maboma onse ,health and wellbeing,online +en5920,The recruitment and deployment of surveillance officers and data analysts in high-burden districts to improve reporting and data quality is ongoing,Ntchito yolemba ndi kutumiza maofesala ndi owunika ma data m'maboma omwe ali ndi zolemetsa zambiri kuti apititse patsogolo malipoti ndi upangiri wa data akupitilira ,health and wellbeing,online +en5921,"Currently a team of local and international surge staff is in country to support strengthening of information management, surveillance and data management","Pakadali pano gulu la ogwira ntchito zachipatala m'dziko muno ndi mayiko ena ali mdziko muno kuti athandizire kulimbikitsa kasamalidwe ka zidziwitso, kuyang'anira ndi kasamalidwe ka data",health and wellbeing,online +en5922,"The team continues to produce information products in form of daily and weekly situation reports, maps detailing case and mortality burden, location of cholera treatment centers (CTCs)/ cholera treatment units (CTUs), profiling of deaths by age group, location and treatment facilities they are occurring to guide targeted interventions","Gululi likupitilizabe kupanga zidziwitso monga momwe zakhalira tsiku lililonse komanso sabata iliyonse, mamapu akuwonetsa kuchuluka kwa anthu omwe amwalira, komwe kuli malo opangira chithandizo cha kolera (CTCs)/mayunitsi a kolera (CTUs), mbiri ya anthu omwe amafa ndi zaka, malo ndi zipatala. iwo amatsogolera njira zomwe zikuwatsogolera ",health and wellbeing,online +en5923,"Supportive supervision visits are being conducted on infection prevention and control and water, sanitation, and hygiene in CTCs in three districts","Kuyendera koyang'anira kothandizana ndi kapewedwe ka matenda ndi kuwongolera ndi madzi, ukhondo ndi ukhondo m'ma CTC m'maboma atatu",health and wellbeing,online +en5924,"Main areas mentored on include patient segregations according to severity of disease during care in the CTC, handling of inserted devises, waste management, linen management, management of chlorine, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), management of guardians, and environmental cleaning","Madera akuluakulu omwe amalangizidwa akuphatikizapo kulekanitsa odwala molingana ndi kuopsa kwa matenda panthawi ya chisamaliro mu CTC, kasamalidwe ka zida zoyikidwa, kasamalidwe ka zinyalala, kasamalidwe ka nsalu, kasamalidwe ka chlorine, kugwiritsa ntchito zida zodzitetezera (PPE), kasamalidwe ka alonda, ndi kuyeretsa chilengedwe",health and wellbeing,online +en5925,"The teams also visited three communities in the three districts to assess WASH, including sanitary inspections of water sources, sanitation facilities, safe water accessibility, household water chlorination and conducted health education in communities","Maguluwa adayenderanso madera atatu m’maboma atatuwa kuti akawunike ntchito za madzi ndi ukhondo, kuphatikiza ukhondo wa malo ochokera madzi, ukhondo wa zimbuzi, kupezeka kwa madzi abwino, kuthira chlorine m'madzi m’nyumba komanso maphunziro a zaumoyo m’madera ",health and wellbeing,online +en5926,"Ongoing community field visits to assess WASH, including sanitary inspections of water sources, sanitation facilities, safe water accessibility, household water chlorination and conducted health education in communities","Zopitilira muyeso wa minda yopitilira kufufuza, kuphatikiza mawonekedwe aukhondo amadzi, malo otetezedwa, madzi otetezeka, kusilira masitima apabanja m'magulu a madera a madera.",health and wellbeing,online +en5927,WHO is supporting the Ministry of Health in increasing laboratory testing capacity and diagnostics to continue to monitor incidence in all affected areas with a focus on early detection and confirmation of new cases in unaffected areas,WHO ikuthandizira Unduna wa Zaumoyo powonjezera kuthekera kwa koyeza ndi kupima mma laboratory kuti lipitilize kuyang'anira zochitika m'madera onse omwe akhudzidwa ndikuyika chidwi pozindikira msanga komanso kutsimikizira odwala atsopano m'malo omwe sanakhudzidwe,health and wellbeing,online +en5928,Community and national radios are being used for spreading awareness in the affected communities and spreading message for cholera prevention,Mawayilesi ammudzi ndi adziko lonse akugwiritsidwa ntchito pofalitsa chidziwitso mmadera omwe akhudzidwa komanso kufalitsa uthenga wa kupewa kolera,health and wellbeing,online +en5929,Local leaders and health-based leaders have been engaged by health promotion officers with support from Red Cross,Atsogoleri amderalo ndi azaumoyo akhala akukambirana ndi akuluakulu azaumoyo mothandizidwa ndi Red Cross,health and wellbeing,online +en5930,"Districts authorities have been communicated to write letters to churches, chiefs and local community structures to strengthen cholera prevention measures in the community and during gatherings","Akuluakulu a m’maboma auzidwa kuti alembe makalata ku mipingo, mafumu ndi mabungwe a m’madera pofuna kulimbikitsa njira zopewera matenda a kolera m’dera komanso pamisonkhano ",health and wellbeing,online +en5931,"Knowledge, Attitude and Perception survey has been conducted in Blantyre, Salima Nkhatabay to understand the drivers of the cholera outbreak and guide targeted interventions in the affected communities","Kafukufuku wa nzeru, kaganizidwe ndi malingaliro pa zinthu wachitika mu mzinda wa Blantyre, Salima Nkhatabay pofuna kumvetsetsa zomwe zimayambitsa matenda a kolera komanso kutsogolera anthu omwe akhudzidwa ndi vutoli",health and wellbeing,online +en5932,Provision of mobile latrines in the cholera treatment camps and installation of prefabricated latrines in five camps,Kupereka zimbudzi zoyenda m’misasa ya chithandizo cha kolera komanso kukhazikitsa zimbudzi zopangira kale m’misasa isanu ,health and wellbeing,online +en5933,Households in the affected districts are being sensitized on WASH promotion including water treatment and hand hygiene,Mabanja m’maboma omwe akhudzidwawo akuphunzitsidwa za madzi ndi ukhondo kuphatikizapo kusamala madzi ndi ukhondo wa m’manja,health and wellbeing,online +en5934,House-to-house chlorination is ongoing in affected communities in all the districts,Kuthira chlorine nyumba ndi nyumba kukupitilira m’madera omwe akhudzidwa ndi vutoli m’maboma onse,health and wellbeing,online +en5935,Water quality monitoring tests have been donated by UNICEF and have been distributed across the districts to strengthen water quality surveillance,Zoyezetsa zowunika za madzi zaperekedwa ndi bungwe la UNICEF ndipo zagawidwa m’maboma m’maboma onse pofuna kulimbikitsa kaundula wa madzi ,health and wellbeing,online +en5936,There is a continued risk for further increase in the number of cases and international spread,Pali chiwopsezo chopitilira pa kuchulukirachulukira kwa nthendayi ndikufalikira padziko lonse lapansi,health and wellbeing,online +en5937,Confirmed cases have been reported across the border in Mozambique and the risk for cross-border transmission between Malawi and Mozambique remains high during the current outbreak,"Matendawa apezekanso kunja kwa malire a dziko lino, ku Mozambique, ndipo chiwopsezo chofalikira pakati pa Malawi ndi Mozambique chidakali chokwera pakufala kwatsopanoku",health and wellbeing,online +en5938,"The country has experience in controlling cholera outbreaks. However, due to concurrent outbreaks (polio, COVID-19), the large geographic spread of the outbreak (with cases reported in all districts) and the high case numbers, the current burden is overstraining existing national response capacity and resources as well as the capacity of partners’ support","Dzikoli lili ndi luso lothana ndi matenda a kolera. Komabe, chifukwa cha miliri yomwe yachitika nthawi imodzi (poliyo, COVID-19), kufalikira kwakukulu kwamiliriwu mmadera ochuluka (ndi kupezeka ndi matendawa m'maboma onse) komanso kuchuluka kwa anthu omwe ali ndi matendawa, chipsinjo chomwe chilipo pano chikusamwitsa kuthekera pa ntchito zonse zothana ndi matendawa mdziko muno ndi zioangizo zogwilira ntchito komanso kuthekera kwa magulu othandiza",health and wellbeing,online +en5939,"In addition, there are multiple ongoing large cholera outbreaks worldwide. This is stretching limited global stocks of cholera supplies and Oral Cholera Vaccination (OVC), which limits available resources for Malawi and the region","Kuphatikiza apo, padziko lonse lapansi pali mliri waukulu wa kolera womwe ukupitilira. Izi zikuchepetsa kuchuluka kwa katundu wa kolera padziko lonse komanso katemera wa Oral Cholera Vaccination (OVC), zomwe zimachepetsa chuma cha dziko la Malawi ndi dera lino ",health and wellbeing,online +en5940,There is an urgent need to improve access to safe water sanitation and hygiene,Pakufunika kupititsa patsogolo mwayi wopeza madzi aukhondo ndi ukhondo ,health and wellbeing,online +en5941,"WHO recommends improving access to safe drinking water and sanitation infrastructure, improving access to proper and timely case management of cholera cases as well as improving infection, prevention, and control in healthcare facilities","WHO ikulimbikitsa kupititsa patsogolo mwayi wopeza madzi abwino akumwa ndi zimbudzi, kuwongolera njira zothanirana ndi matenda a kolera moyenera komanso munthawi yake komanso kuwongolera matenda, kupewa komanso kuwongolera zipatala ",health and wellbeing,online +en5942,Promotion of preventive hygiene practices and food safety in affected communities are the most effective means of controlling cholera,Kulimbikitsa ukhondo ndi chitetezo cha chakudya m'madera omwe akhudzidwa ndi vuto la kolera ,health and wellbeing,online +en5943,Targeted public health communication messages are a key element for a successful response,Mauthenga olankhulirana paumoyo wa anthu omwe akuwunikiridwa ndi chinthu chofunikira kwambiri pakuyankhira bwino,health and wellbeing,online +en5944,OCV should be used in conjunction with improvements in water and sanitation to control cholera outbreaks and for prevention in targeted areas known to be at high risk for cholera,OCV iyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito limodzi ndi kukonza madzi ndi ukhondo pofuna kuthana ndi kubuka kwa cholera komanso kupewa kumadera omwe akudziwika kuti ali pachiwopsezo chachikulu cha cholera,health and wellbeing,online +en5945,"Delay in health-seeking behaviour, and limited community sensitization can lead to treatment delays and increased deaths, as well as an underestimation of the scale of the outbreak (cases and related deaths)","Kuchedwerako pamakhalidwe ofunafuna thanzi, komanso kuchedwetsa pang'ono kwa anthu ammudzi kungayambitse kuchedwa kwa chithandizo ndi kuchuluka kwa imfa komanso kunyalanyaza kukula kwa mliri( matenda ndi imfa zake) ",health and wellbeing,online +en5946,"WHO recommends Member States to strengthen and maintain surveillance for cholera, especially at the community level, for the early detection of suspected cases and to provide adequate treatment and prevent its spread","Bungwe la WHO limalimbikitsa mayiko omwe ali mamembala kuti alimbitse ndi kusungabe kalondolondo wa kolera, makamaka kwa anthu ammudzi, kuti azindikire msanga anthu omwe akuganiziridwa kuti ali ndi matenda a kolera komanso kupereka chithandizo chokwanira ndikuletsa kufalikira kwake ",health and wellbeing,online +en5947,"Like many low-income families, she and her two children are forced to get their drinking water supplies from contaminated rivers that are spreading the disease in a country where about one in three households lacks access to safe drinking water","Monga mabanja ambiri osauka, iye ndi ana ake aŵiri amakakamizika kutunga madzi akumwa oipa ammitsinje imene ikufalitsa matendawa m’dziko limene pafupifupi nyumba imodzi mwa zitatu ilibe madzi abwino akumwa",health and wellbeing,online +en5948,The water from (communal) taps doesn't come regularly but is also expensive. So sometimes we fetch from some streams or rivers and dams,Madzi a pampopi (agulu) samabwera nthawi zonse komanso ndi okwera mtengo. Ndiye nthawi zina timakatenga ku mitsinje kapena mitsinje ndi madamu,health and wellbeing,online +en5949,"We have been advised by the health workers to apply chlorine or boiling water before drinking,"" she said, adding she does not always treat water but was using chlorine handed out by health officials to help curb the current disease outbreak","Achipatala atilangiza kuti tithire chlorine kapena madzi owiritsa tisanamwe,’ adatero iye, akuwonjezera kuti sathira madzi nthawi zonse koma amagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala a chlorine omwe amaperekedwa ndi azaumoyo pofuna kuthana ndi miliri yomwe ikubwera ",health and wellbeing,online +en5950,"While the epidemic has brought fresh urgency to calls to improve water and sanitation access, they remain out of reach for many in Malawi, one of the world's poorest and least-developed nations","Ngakhale kuti mliriwu wabweretsa changu chatsopano chofuna kupititsa patsogolo mwayi wopeza madzi ndi zimbudzi, iwo sakufikira anthu ambiri m'Malawi, lomwe ndi limodzi mwa mayiko osauka komanso osauka padziko lonse lapansi ",health and wellbeing,online +en5951,Households that do not have water piped into their homes usually either use boreholes or buy supplies from kiosks,Mabanja omwe alibe madzi oponyedwa m'nyumba zawo nthawi zambiri amagwiritsa ntchito zibowo kapena kugula zinthu m'makioski ,health and wellbeing,online +en5952,"In the southern district of Phalombe, Enifa Ngalawa, a 26-year-old sales agent, said they drink water from a shared tap fed by untreated water from a nearby mountain. Her three-year-old daughter has had diarrhea dozens of times since last year","M’boma la chigawo chakumwera kumwera kwa Phalombe, Enifa Ngalawa wa zaka makumi awiri ndizisanu kudzanso chimodzi, yemwe ndi wogulitsa malonda, adati amamwa madzi a pampopi yomwe amathiridwa ndi madzi osathiridwa a m’phiri lapafupi. Mwana wake wamkazi wazaka zitatu wakhala akutsegula m’mimba kambirimbiri kuyambira chaka chatha ",health and wellbeing,online +en5953,"""The water coming out from the tap is very dirty. My daughter has been having diarrhea almost every week to the extent that she stopped going to a nursery school last term,"" she said","'Madzi otuluka pampopi ndi akuda kwambiri. Mwana wanga wamkazi wakhala akutsegula m’mimba pafupifupi mlungu uliwonse mpaka anasiya kupita kusukulu ya anazale teremu yatha,’ adatero ",health and wellbeing,online +en5954,The wealthy do not draw water from shallow wells or in streams where sewage and water flow,Anthu achuma satunga madzi m’zitsime zosazama kapena m’mitsinje mmene zimbudzi ndi madzi zimatuluka ,health and wellbeing,online +en5955,"Volunteers will help identify communal water points for water quality testing and decontamination, provide purification chemicals to households, and support the construction of new toilets and handwashing facilities","Odzipereka azithandizira kuzindikira malo omwe madzi amayendera kuti athe kuyezetsa komanso kuchotseratu kuwonongeka kwa madzi, kupereka mankhwala oyeretsera m'mabanja, ndikuthandizira kumanga zimbudzi zatsopano ndi malo osamba m'manja",health and wellbeing,online +en5956,"There are also particular challenges in tackling poor hygiene and disease in slums and other low-income urban areas, where clean water is sometimes unavailable","Palinso zovuta zina pothana ndi ukhondo ndi matenda m'malo osawoneka bwino komanso madera ena opeza ndalama zochepa, komwe madzi aukhondo nthawi zina sapezeka ",health and wellbeing,online +en5957,"The reason is that (local people) couldn't afford water from the kiosks, and some were closed because of debts with the water board and water association users","Chifukwa chake n’chakuti (anthu a m’derali) sakanatha kupeza madzi m’makioskowo, ndipo ena adatsekedwa chifukwa changongole ndi a bungwe loona za madzi ndi madzi omwe amagwiritsa ntchito madzi ndi madzi ",health and wellbeing,online +en5958,"Many have been using untreated water, including from rivers and wells","Ambiri akhala akugwiritsa ntchito madzi osayeretsedwa, kuphatikizapo a mitsinje ndi zitsime",health and wellbeing,online +en5959,Many households on the outskirts of urban areas rely on water kiosks operated by community-based Water User Associations (WUAs) under a government mandate,Mabanja ambiri kunja kwa madera akumidzi amadalira malo osungiramo madzi omwe amayendetsedwa ndi Community-based Water User Associations (WUAs) molamulidwa ndi boma ,health and wellbeing,online +en5960,"The kiosks are intended to be affordable for low-income households, and their water supply tariff is heavily subsidised compared to standard household or commercial rates","Ma kioskswa amapangidwa kuti azikhala otsika mtengo kwa mabanja omwe ali ndi ndalama zochepa, ndipo mtengo wawo woperekera madzi ndi wocheperako poyerekeza ndi wamba kapena wamalonda ",health and wellbeing,online +en5961,"Low-income customers are paying more for water at kiosks than people with household connections,"" it said, adding that many of the poorest families ration water or turn to unsafe water sources","Makasitomala omwe amalandila ndalama zochepa amalipira kwambiri madzi m'makioski kuposa omwe ali ndi mabanja,' idatero, ndikuwonjezera kuti mabanja ambiri omwe ali osauka kwambiri amamwetsa madzi kapena amapita kumalo osungira madzi opanda chitetezo",health and wellbeing,online +en5962,Associations can also incur debts to the water boards that supply them if their sales income does not cover the cost of staff salaries,Mabungwe athanso kubweza ngongole ku ma board amadzi omwe amawapereka ngati ndalama zomwe amagulitsa sizikulipira malipiro a antchito,health and wellbeing,online +en5963,Poor construction of sanitary facilities and a widespread lack of awareness of health safety messages are exacerbating infection risks in poor urban districts,Kusamangidwa bwino kwa malo aukhondo komanso kusowa kwa chidziwitso cha uthenga wachitetezo chaumoyo kukuwonjezera chiopsezo cha matenda m'maboma osauka akumatauni ,health and wellbeing,online +en5964,Controlling behaviours and practices has proven to be difficult in high-density areas,Kuwongolera makhalidwe ndi machitidwe kwakhala kovuta m'madera omwe ali ndi anthu ambiri ,health and wellbeing,online +en5965,"For instance, it is not easy to control people when disposing waste ... especially in low income and high density areas where the facilities are either not available or the people don't follow the rules","Mwachitsanzo, si ntchito yapafupi kuwongolera anthu potaya zinyalala ... makamaka m'madera osauka komanso omwe kuli anthu ochuluka komwe zipangizo kulibe kapena anthu satsatira malamulo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5966,"In Makhetha, a dense township on the outskirts of Blantyre, 30-year-old Flone Yobe frantically pushed herself into the queue of community members struggling to get water from a kiosk","Ku Makhetha, tauni yowirira yomwe ili kunja kwa mzinda wa Blantyre, Flone Yobe wazaka 30 adakankhira pamzere wa anthu ammudzi omwe amavutikira kutunga madzi pakiosk",health and wellbeing,online +en5967,"She said supplies could be erratic, and the vendor had run dry for almost the past two weeks","Anati zinthu zitha kusokonekera, ndipo wogulitsa analibe pafupifupi masabata awiri apitawa",health and wellbeing,online +en5968,It's been difficult to get water and we've ended up going to the rivers as water officials distributed extra supplies to families from a storage tank,Zativuta kupeza madzi ndipo tidamaliza kupita ku mitsinje pomwe oyang'anira zamadzi adagawira mabanja zinthu zina kuchokera mu tanki yosungira,health and wellbeing,online +en5969,"And there are growing fears that the disease could spread further now that the rainy season when it usually breaks out in Malawi, has begun","Ndipo pali mantha omwe matendawo amatha kufalitsa tsopano kuti nyengo yamvula ikayamba ku Malawi, itayamba",health and wellbeing,online +en5970,"In addition, most of these households cannot afford to pay for water from waterboards for both drinking and domestic use","Kuonjezera apo, ambiri mwa mabanjawa sangakwanitse kulipirira madzi a m’zibowo zamadzi kuti amwe komanso azigwiritsa ntchito pakhomo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5971,"They, therefore, prioritize safe water for drinking only and unsafe water for other uses, which leads to contamination of foods and utensils and also contamination of the available safe water","Choncho, amaika patsogolo madzi abwino auklhondo kuti amwe okha komanso madzi opanda ukhondo pa ntchito zina zomwe zimadzetsa kuipitsidwa kwa zakudya ndi ziwiya komanso kuipitsidwa ndi madzi abwino omwe alipo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5972,"The other reason for the high numbers of cholera cases in these cities is the high number of people who rely on piece works, and these rely on foods sold in markets where hygiene and sanitation conditions are compromised","Chifukwa china chomwe chikuchulukirachulukira kwa matenda a kolera m’mizindayi ndi chiwerengero chachikulu cha anthu amene amadalira ntchito zazing’ono, ndipo awa amadalira zakudya zogulitsidwa m’misika kumene ukhondo ndi ukhondo uli m’mavuto",health and wellbeing,online +en5973,"In response, the government has delayed by two weeks the opening of schools in the two cities and surrounding areas. Malawi opened the 2022 academic year on January 3","Poyankhapo, boma lachedwetsa ndi ma sabata awiri kutsegula kwa sukulu m’mizinda iwiriyi ndi madera ozungulira. Malawi idatsegula chaka chamaphunziro cha 2022 pa January 3",health and wellbeing,online +en5974,"Minister of Health says in a statement that opening schools in the two cities would affect containment efforts for the outbreak, considering that cholera is passed from one person to another through contaminated food, water and inadequate sanitation facilities, a feature that exists in school settings","Unduna wa Zaumoyo wati kutsegulidwa kwa masukulu m'mizinda iwiriyi kungakhudze ntchito yosungirako mliriwu, poganizira kuti kolera imafalikira kuchokera kwa munthu kupita kwa wina kudzera m'zakudya, madzi ndi zimbudzi zosakwanira, zomwe zimachitika m'masukulu ",health and wellbeing,online +en5975,"The converging of learners, especially in the nursery, primary and secondary schools, increases the chances of uncontrolled spread of the vibrio bacteria that causes cholera disease","Kusonkhana kwa ophunzira makamaka ku nazale, pulayimale ndi sekondale, kumawonjezera mwayi wofalikila kosalamulirika kwa tizilombo ta vibrio toyambitsa matenda a kolera ",health and wellbeing,online +en5976,"During the two weeks delay, the government will be conducting a thorough assessment and improving the water and sanitation situation in the schools in both cities","Pakuchedwa kwa sabata ziwirizi, boma likhala likuwunika mozama ndikuwongolera mkhalidwe wa madzi ndi ukhondo m’masukulu m’mizinda yonseyi",health and wellbeing,online +en5977,"For a national response, among other measures, the government says it will be opening more treatment centres in the cholera hotspots, employing more staff in the treatment centres, intensifying hygiene promotion and undertaking water quality assessments in targeted areas","Kuti dziko liyankhe, mwa zina, boma lati litsegula malo ambiri ochizirako matenda a kolera, kulemba ntchito antchito ambiri m’zipatala, kulimbikitsa ukhondo ndi kuyezetsa bwino madzi m’madera omwe akuwaganizira ",health and wellbeing,online +en5978,"In November last year, Malawi rolled out the oral cholera vaccination reactive campaign targeting 2.9 million people aged one year and above","M’mwezi wa November chaka chatha, dziko la Malawi lidakhazikitsa kampeni yolimbana ndi katemera wa kolera wa oral polimbana ndi anthu opitilira 2.9 miliyoni azaka zachaka chimodzi kupita kupitilira.",health and wellbeing,online +en5979,"Today, Lusitana, age 4 years, is an energetic and engaging child. She loves to play with her home-made dolls. She recently started nursery school and is excited to sing the “calendar” song she learned about the months of the year","Masiku ano, Lusitana, wazaka 4, ndi mwana wokangalika komanso wachikoka. Amakonda kusewera ndi zidole zake zopangidwa kunyumba. Posachedwapa adayamba sukulu ya nazale ndipo ali wokondwa kuyimba nyimbo ya "kalendala" yomwe adaphunzira yokhudza miyezi ya chaka",health and wellbeing,online +en5980,"Since she got her vaccine, she’s never had malaria, and she’s a happy and healthy child,” Gilimbeta said","Chilandilireni katemerayu, sanadwalepo malungo, ndipo ndi mwana wosangalala komanso wathanzi,” adatero Gilimbeta",health and wellbeing,online +en5981,"Gilimbeta is now expecting her 3rd child, who she anticipates will follow her sister in receiving the full 4-dose malaria vaccine regimen","Gilimbeta tsopano akuyembekezera mwana wake wachitatu, yemwe akuyembekeza kuti atsatira mlongo wake polandira mlingo wonse wa 4 wa katemera wa malungo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5982,"In a country where malaria remains a leading cause of child illness and death, Lusitana’s future could have been very different","M’dziko limene malungo akadali oyambitsa matenda ndi imfa za ana, tsogolo la Lusitana likanakhala losiyana kwambiri",health and wellbeing,online +en5983,"On a recent morning, Grace walked in Gilimbeta’s footsteps. She left her home early to start the 40-minute walk to the health facility, traveling down a single-lane dirt road surrounded by maize fields","Tsiku lina m'mawa, Grace adayenda m'mapazi a Gilimbeta. Ananyamuka kunyumba kwawo molawirira kukayamba ulendo wa mphindi 40 kupita kuchipatala, akuyenda mumsewu wafumbi wanjira imodzi wozunguliridwa ndi minda ya chimanga",health and wellbeing,online +en5984,"With her youngest daughter, Beauty, swaddled on her back, Grace greeted neighbors and friends along the way, avoiding the puddles left behind by the previous night’s heavy downpour","Ndi mwana wake wwamngono omaliza, Beauty, atamubereka kumsana kwake, Grace anapeleka moni kwa oyandikana nawo nyumba a ndi abwenzi m’njira, kupeŵa matope omwe anasiyidwa ndi mvula yamkuntho usiku wapitawu",health and wellbeing,online +en5985,"Despite the risk of showers, she was determined not to miss Beauty’s monthly health check to have her weighed, examined and vaccinated. On this day, Grace had brought Beauty to receive her 3rd dose of the malaria vaccine","Ngakhale anali pachiwopsezo chamvula, adatsimikiza mtima kuti sadzaphonya fano laumoyo wa pamwezi kuti athetseke, adayesedwa ndi katemera. Patsikuli, Grace adabweretsa kukongola kulandira katemera wachitatu wa katemera wa malungo ",health and wellbeing,online +en5986,"I’ve been affected by malaria, and so have my older children,” explains Grace. “Every time a child or parent is sick, the whole house is affected - I can’t go to work, my husband can’t go to work","Ndadwala malungo, komanso ana anga okulirapo,” akufotokoza motero Grace. “Nthawi zonse mwana kapena kholo likadwala, nyumba yonse imakhudzidwa - sindingathe kupita kuntchito, mwamuna wanga sangapite kuntchito",health and wellbeing,online +en5987,I can see a big difference [since Beauty was vaccinated]; the other children get [malaria] but [Beauty] doesn’t,Ndikutha kuona kusiyana kwakukulu [kuchokera pamene Beauty analandira katemera]; ana enawo amadwala [malaria] koma [Kukongola] samatero,health and wellbeing,online +en5988,"On her way to the clinic, Grace stopped to chat with Wezzie Phiri, a community health worker. In addition to her work at the health center, Wezzie is responsible for visiting families like Grace’s at home to provide health information and ensure that children keep up with the routine immunization schedule","Popita ku chipatala, Grace anaima kuti acheze ndi Wezzie Phiri, wogwira ntchito zachipatala m'deralo. Kuwonjezera pa ntchito yake ya kuchipatala, Wezzie ali ndi udindo woyendera mabanja monga a Grace kunyumba kuti awadziwitse za umoyo ndi kuonetsetsa kuti ana akutsatira ndondomeko ya katemera ",health and wellbeing,online +en5989,"In the years since the malaria vaccine was first introduced in the area, Wezzie has noticed a difference in the community","M’zaka zimene anayambitsa katemera wa malungo m’deralo, Wezzie waona kusintha pakati pa anthu. ",health and wellbeing,online +en5990,"I have 2 girls,” she said. “The 1st one, she never received the vaccine. But with my little one, she finished the 4 doses and I can see the difference","Ndili ndi atsikana awiri,” adatero. "Woyamba, sanalandire katemera. Koma ndi kamng'ono kanga kameneko, adamaliza madozi 4 ndipo ndikuwona kusiyana kwake",health and wellbeing,online +en5991,"With the older one, it used to be a struggle, because every 2 months she used to get sick with malaria. But with the little one, she has finished all the vaccines and it has been good","Ndi wamkulu, zinkakhala zovuta, chifukwa amadwala malungo kamodzi pa miyezi iwiri iliyonse. Koma ndi kamng'onoyo, wamaliza katemera onse ndipo zakhala zabwino",health and wellbeing,online +en5992,The Kawale health center in the Lilongwe district is in an area where the malaria vaccine recently became available as part of childhood vaccination. Access to the malaria vaccine has quickly come to be a normal part of the vaccination programme,Zipatala za Kawale m’boma la Lilongwe zili m’dera lomwe katemera wa malungo adayamba kupezeka posachedwapa ngati njira imodzi yopezera ana. Kupeza katemera wa malungo kwakhala njira yabwino kwambiri yopezera katemera,health and wellbeing,online +en5993,"“Mothers value the malaria vaccine and are coming forward with their babies to receive it,” said Dr Mike Chisema","Amayi amayamikira katemera wa malungo ndipo akubwera ndi ana awo kuti adzalandire,” adatero Dr Mike Chisema",health and wellbeing,online +en5994,"Over the last two decades, many countries have moved from malaria control toward malaria elimination","M’zaka makumi aŵiri zapitazi, mayiko ambiri achoka paulamuliro wa malungo n’kuyamba kuthetsa malungo.",health and wellbeing,online +en5995,"However, some sub-Saharan African countries, like Malawi, have recently seen a reversal in malaria control progress with reported increases in confirmed malaria cases","Komabe, maiko ena a kum’mwera kwa chipululu cha Sahara, monga Malawi, posachedwapa awona kusintha kwa kayendetsedwe ka malungo pomwe akuti anthu omwe ali ndi malungo akuwonjezeka ",health and wellbeing,online +en5996,This may be the result of inadequate access to effective malaria control interventions by key population groups that perpetuate transmission,Izi zitha kukhala chifukwa kuchepa kwa mwayi opezera njira zothanirana ndi malungo ndi magulu akuluakulu a anthu omwe amalimbikitsa kufala kwa malungo,health and wellbeing,online +en5997,This study aimed to assess the barriers to accessing malaria treatment among school-aged children (SAC) in Malawi,Kafukufukuyu anali ndi cholinga chowunika zolepheretsa kupeza chithandizo cha malungo kwa ana a zaka zakusukulu (SAC) m’Malawi ,health and wellbeing,online +en5998,"It is very difficult because in this community, we only have one health facility and there are always so many people that we take much time to access the services at the hospital",Ndizovuta kwambiri chifukwa mdera lino tili ndi chipatala chimodzi chokha ndipo nthawi zonse anthu amakhala ochuluka moti timatenga nthawi kuti tipeze chithandizo kuchipatala,health and wellbeing,online +en5999,The other challenge we face is that there are always long queues at the hospital hence a long waiting time. This is also a barrier to us,Vuto lina lomwe timakumana nalo ndi loti nthawi zonse pamakhala mizere yaitali ku chipatala kotero kumakhala nthawi yayitali yodikirira. Ichinso ndi chotchinga kwa ife,health and wellbeing,online +en6000,"When we go to the hospital, they attend to you late and no proper order is there as they say the one who got there early gets treatment first instead of differentiating that this is a school child and should be attended to first",Tikapita kuchipatala amatisamalirani mochedwa ndipo palibe dongosolo loyenera poti amati amene wafika mwachangu amalandila kaye chithandizo mmalo mosiyanitsa kuti uyu ndi mwana wasukulu ndipo akuyenera kuthandizidwa kaye,health and wellbeing,online +en6001,Parents/guardians agreed with the SAC that there are always long queues at the facility and attributed this to the fact that the health facilities serve a huge catchment population,Makolo kapena oyang'anira anthu anagwirizana ndi SAC kuti nthawi zonse pamakhala mizere ya anthu yayitali pamalopa ndipo anati izi zimachitika chifukwa chakuti chipatalachi chimathandiza madera omwe kuli anthu ochuluka kwambiri,health and wellbeing,online +en6002,"At our health centre, there are always long queues because they help so many people and you have to wait for a long period of time in order to get the treatment for your child",Ku chipatala kwathu kumakhala mizere yayitali choncho timakhala pa nzele kudikira kwa nthawi yayitali kuti ulandilre chithandizo cha mwana wako.,health and wellbeing,online +en6003,Sometimes the condition of the child reaches its severe stages just because of the time you spend on long queues waiting to access the treatment,Nthawi zina matenda a mwana amafika povuta chifukwa chakutalika kwa nthawi imene timakhla pa nzele kuti tipeze chithandizo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6004,"They reported that they are required to be in school uniform and also carry a letter from the head-teacher requesting that the child be assisted urgently. With this, they are given priority to access the services enabling them to promptly return to school","Anafotokoza kuti amayenera kumavala makaka a sukulu komanso kutenga kalata kwa mphunzitsi wamkulu kupepha kuti mwana athandizidwe mwamsanga. Chifukwa cha za izi, amapatsidwa mpata kuti athandizidwe zimene zimapeleka mwayi kuti abwelere ku sukulu mwachangu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6005,"When we are sick and if you want to get treatment quickly at the hospital, then you better get a letter from school and wear a [school] uniform, if you do not wear a uniform then you do not receive treatment quickly, you go back they tell you to stand on the line [queue] if not then you have to go back","Pamene wadwala ndipo ukufuna kupeza chithandizo mwachangu ku chipatala, umayenela kutenga kalata ku sukulu komanso kuvala makaka a sukulu. Ukakhala sunavale makaka sukulu sumalandira chithandizo mwansanga, amakuuza ukakhale pa nzele ndipo ukapanda kutero amakubweza.",health and wellbeing,online +en6006,"It sometimes happens that you are in a school uniform but you do not have a letter from the teacher, they then send you back to get a letter from your school teacher","Nthawi zina zimachita kuti wavala makaka a sukulu koma ulibe kalata yochokokera kwa aphunzitsi, amakubweza kuti ukatenge kalata kwa aphunzitsi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6007,"They write you a letter and you show the doctor that letter and the doctor assist you, only when you have a letter from the teacher it is when you are assisted as a student",Amakulembera kalata ndipo kalata imeneyi umaonetsa a dotolo ndipo a dotolo amakuthandiza. Pokhapokha uli ndi kalata yochoka kwa aphunzitsi ndipamene umathandizidwa ngati mwana wa sukulu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6008,It always becomes a challenge when you visit the health facility without a letter from the school,Zimakhala zovuta nthawi zonse pamene wapita ku chipatala opanda kalata ya kusukulu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6009,"You are not given any priority at the hospital, only when you go to school and get a letter, be in school uniform then it is when you will be assisted quickly","Sumathandizidwa mwachangu ku chipatala pokhapokha wapita ku sukulu kukatenga kalata, wavala makaka a sukulu, apa ndipomwe umathandizidwa mwachangu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6010,"Urgent access to services often depends on how seriously sick they are. When the health care providers saw that the child was not severely ill, they sent them back to join the queue","Kulandira chithandizo mwachangu zimatengera ngati akudwala kwambiri. Opeleka chithandizo kuchipatala ataona kuti mwanayo sanadwale kwambiri, anabweza kuti akakhale pa nzele.",health and wellbeing,online +en6011,"Other people waiting in the queue at times expressed anger if they saw that students receiving priority services, regardless of their school uniform and accompanying letters. As a result, some just give up and leave without accessing the services",Nthawi zina anthu ena amene ali pa nzere anaonetsa mkwiyo pamene anaona mwana wa sukulu akuthandizidwa mwachangu ngakhale kuti mwanayo wavala zovala zakusukulu komanso ali ndi kalata. Zikatero ena amazisiya ndikumapita kwawo osalandira chithandizo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6012,"When you get the health passport and you get the letter from school too and you find that there are more patients at the hospital and you do not seem to be seriously sick, you are sent to be on the queue","Ukatenga bukhu lakuchipatala komanso watenga kalata ya ku sukulu, ukapeza kuti kuchipatala kuli anthu ambiri odwala ndipo iweyo sukuoneka kuti wadwala kwambiri, amakubweza kuti ukakhale pa nzere.",health and wellbeing,online +en6013,"Even when you get to the facility with the letter and in school uniform, some people you find on the queue at the facility shout at you saying you are not the only person who is sick","Ngakhale wafika ku chipatala ndikalata komanso wavala makaka a sukulu, anthu ena amene wapeze pa nzere amakukuwila kunena kuti siiwe wekha amene ukudwala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6014,Lack of medication at the health facilities was mentioned as one of the barriers to accessing malaria treatment by both parents,Kusowa kwa mankhwala muzipatala kunatchulidwa ndi makolo onse awiri ngati chinthu zimodzi chimene chikulepheletsa kupeza mankhwala amalungo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6015,"It was reported that people sometimes visited the health facilities to access treatment, but were told to buy the medicines from private facilities or pharmacies","Anafotokoza kuti nthawi zina anthu akapita kuchipatala kukapeza chithandizo, koma anauzidwa kuti akagule mankhwala kuzipatala zolipira kapena kumalo kogulitsira mankhwala",health and wellbeing,online +en6016,"However, due to economic challenges, families were not always able to buy the medicines","Ngakhale zili choncho, chifukwa chamavuto azachuma, mabanja samakwanitsa kugula mankwala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6017,"It sometimes happens that the results from malaria test are positive and when you go to get the drugs, you are told that LA [Artemether-Lumefantrine] is not in stock and you need to go and buy yet you do not have money to purchase",Nthawi zina zimachitika kuti zotsatira za malungo zaonetsa kuti kuti uli ndi malungo ndipo ukapita kuti ukatenge mankhwala amakuwuza kuti mankwala amalungo kulibe ndipo ukuyenela ukagule chonsecho ulibe ndalama yogulira.,health and wellbeing,online +en6018,"When you go to the hospital, they tell you that they do not have anti-malaria drugs and you have to buy but most of the times parents do not have the money to buy us the medicine","Ukapita kuchipatala amakuwuza kuti alibe mankhwala amalungo ndipo amakuwuza ukagule, koma nthawi zambiri makolo samakhala ndi ndalama yoti akatigulire mankhwala",health and wellbeing,online +en6019,"Sometimes they tell us that there are no testing kits, while medicines are readily available at that moment","Nthawi zina amatiwuza kuti kulibe zipagizo zoyesera, koma panthawiyo amakhala kuti makhwala alipo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6020,So they cannot give you malaria treatment since they did not test for malaria. So they are not sure if it is malaria,Choncho sangakupatse chithandizo cha malungo chifukwa sanakuyese malungo. Choncho sakudziwa ngati ali malungo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6021,We are just told that we should come back on another day because as of now they do not have malaria test kits but maybe on the other day we will find that they have been delivered,Amatiuza kuti tizabweleso tsiku lina chifukwa pa nthawi imeneyo alibe zipangizo zoyesela malungo koma mwina tsiku lina tizapeza kuti abweletsa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6022,"People also reported that the long distance between their homes and the health facilities was particularly challenging. Some facilities have large catchment areas, which resulted in people having to travel long distances for treatment","Anthu ena anafotokoza kuti mtunda wautali pakati pamanyumba awo kukafika ku chipatala ndivuto lina lapadela. Zipatala zina zili ndi malo akulu amene amathandiza, izi zimapangitsa kuti anthu aziyenda mtunda wautali kukapeza chithandizo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6023,"The challenge was amplified when the patient’s condition was critical, and required transportation to the facility. Due to these long distances, community members at times opted to just buy medications from the shops","Mavutowa amakula kwambiri pamene wodwala ali wakayakaya ndipo akufunika kuti mayendedwe wopita kuchipatala. Chifukwa chakutalika kwa mtunda, anthu am’mudzi amangosakha kugula mankhwala mu ma okala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6024,"Some other children might be living far from the hospital and that their parents might not be able to take them to the hospital; to escort them to the hospital, and for that reason, they just stay [without accessing malaria treatment]","Ana ena amatheka kuti amakhala kutali ndi chipatala ndipo makolo awo sangakwanitse kuwatengera kuchipita, kuwepelekeza kuchipatala nde chifukwa chimenecho amangokhala osapeze chithandizo cha malungo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6025,Long-distance to the health facility and the presence of rivers makes it difficult for children in such locations to access health services during the rainy season as most rivers over flood and children fail to cross,Kutalika kwa mtunda kukafika ku chipatala komanso kupezeka kwa mitsinje kumapangitsa kuti ana akumadera amenewo avutike kupeza chithandizo kuchipatala mu nthawi ya mvula chifukwa mitsinje yambiri yasefukila ndiye ana amalephera kuwoloka.,health and wellbeing,online +en6026,Some people reported that their access to malaria treatment was impeded by factors related to providers such as provider attitude and service hours not being convenient to people,Anthu ena anafotokoza kuti kupeza chithandizo cha malungo kunaphijidwa chifukwa cha zinthu zina monga khalidwe lawopoleka chithandozo komanso nthawi yothandizila sikhala yoganizira anthu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6027,People described that poor health care provider attitudes acted as a barrier to accessing treatment at the facilities,Anthu anafotokoza kuti kusowekela khalidwe kwa anthu opeleka thandizo chinali chiphinjo kuti apeze chithandizo ku zipatala.,health and wellbeing,online +en6028,It was reported that some providers were rude and did not treat the patients with the respect they deserved. The providers became irritated when patients presented a torn health passport,Anafotokozera kuti opeleka chithandizo ena anali a mwano komanso samathandiza odwala mwaulemu wowayenera. Othandizawa amanyasidwa pamene odwala wapatsa buku lakuchipatala lon’gambika.,health and wellbeing,online +en6029,Health provider attitude is another problem we face. They don’t care about the sick and they are always harsh when delivering the services,Khalidwe la opeleka chithandizo ndi vuto lina limene timakumana nalo. Samalabadila za odwala ndipo amakhala akhanza akamapeleka chithandizo,health and wellbeing,online +en6030,We are always worried that they will shout at us when we seek health services. So you are always worried when going to a health facility,Nthawi zonse timakhala odandaula kuti atilallatira kutifuna kupeza chithandizo. Ndiye nthawi timakhala odandaula tikamapita ku chipatala.,health and wellbeing,online +en6031,I heard that some doctors throw away health passports whenever you are failing to explain your problem,Ndinamva kuti madotolo amataya buku lakuchipatala la odwala pamene akukanika kufotokoza mavuto omwe ali nawo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6032,"In some cases, students became ill while at school, but when they brought their school letter to the health facility, providers refused to see them if they did not also have their health passport","Nthawi zina, ana asukulu akadwalira ku sukulu ndipo abweletsa kalata ya kusukulu kuchipatala,opeleka chithandizo amakana kuwaona ngati sanabweletse buku lakuchipatala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6033,"This sometimes happened because the facility was close to the school, while their homes were far away, making it difficult to go home and collect their health passport","Izi zimachitika chifukwa chipatala chili pafupi ndi sukulu pamene kunyumba ndikutali, kotero kupangitsa kukhala kovuta kukatenga buku la kuchipatala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6034,"When it happens that you fall ill while at school and you do not have your health passport with you, the teachers write you a letter but when you get there at the hospital, they deny you the services and you have to go back home","Zikachitika kuti wadwala uli ku sukulu komanso sunatenge buku lakuchipatala, aphunzitsi amakulembera kalata koma ukafika kuchipatala amakana kukuthandiza ndipo umapita kunyumba.",health and wellbeing,online +en6035,Parents concurred that health workers were at times unapproachable and unwilling to assist irrespective of the severity of the situation,Makolo anavomeleza kuti opeleka chithandizo cha zaumoyo nthawi zina amakhala osafikilika komanso osafuna kuthandiza posalingalira mmene zilili zinthu..,health and wellbeing,online +en6036,"In some cases, patients were sent back home and told to come the next day for the service, even when the facility was officially open for service, and regardless of the patient’s condition","Nthawi zina, odwala amabwezedwa kunyumba osatengera mmene alili odwala ndipo amauzidwa kuti abweleso tsiku lotsatira ngakhale kuti chipatala chinali chotsegula muthawi yokhanzikitsidwa yothandizira anthu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6037,"Participants, parents/guardians and community stakeholders, reported that factors related to COVID-19 further hindered patients’ access to malaria treatment and prevention","Otenga nawo gawo, makolo komanso anthu am’mudzi anafotokoza kuti zinthu zokhudzana ndi COVID-19 zinapangitsanso kuti odwala apeze chithandizo cha malungo komanso kupewa kwake.",health and wellbeing,online +en6038,"These factors included the inability to follow COVID-19 preventive measures, a shift in focus from malaria to COVID-19, and fear of contracting and undergoingCOVID-19 test at the facility","Zinthu zina mwaizo zinali kulephela kutsatira njira zopewela COVID-19, kusiya kulabadira kwambiri za malungo ndikuyamba za COVID-19 komanso kuwopa kutenga ndi kuyezetsa COVID-19 kuchipatala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6039,"Participants observed that COVID-19 preventive measures, such as the requirement to wear face masks, hindered access to services",Otenga nawo gawo anawona kuti njira zopewela COVID-19 monga kuvala chotchingira kumaso zimaphinja kapezedwe kachithandizo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6040,People who did not own masks were unable to access malaria treatment services in the facilities,Anthu amane analibe zotchingira kumaso samatha kupeza chithandizo cha malungo kuchipatala,health and wellbeing,online +en6041,"Additionally, the stock-out of medical supplies and drugs in the facilities was attributed to the impact of COVID-19","Kuonjezera apo, kutha kwa zipangizo za chipatala komanso mankhwala zinadza chifukwa cha COVID-19",health and wellbeing,online +en6042,The introduction of the rule where those without face masks should not enter hospitals has resulted in those people who find difficulties in breathing when putting on a mask at risk of not getting health assistance when they fall sick,Kubweletsa lamulo lakuti amene alibe chotchingira kumaso asalowe muchipatala kunapangitsa kuti amene amavutika kupuma akavala chotchingira kumaso akhale pachiopsezo chosalandira chithandizo kuchipatala akadwala.,health and wellbeing,online +en6043,There are some people who cannot afford to buy face masks so they are told to go back without accessing the services,Pali anthu ena amene sangakwanitse kugula zotchingira kumaso ndipo amauzidwa kuti abwelero osalandila chithandizo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6044,"To access health services is also a challenge with this COVID-19. Like in our hospitals, drugs are not available. We heard that most of the drugs come from abroad like India and other countries and airplanes are not coming as such it is difficult to get drugs in our hospitals","Ndikovuta kuti upeze chithandizo malingana ndi COVID-19. Monga kuchipatala chathu, mankhwala kulibe. Tinamva kuti mankhwala ambiri amachoka kunja monga dziko la india ndi maiko ena ndipo ndege sizikubwera ndiye pachifukwa ichi ndikovuta kuti kukhale mankhwala kuzipatala zanthu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6045,The parents also added that health providers have shifted their focus and effort from prevention and treatment of malaria to COVID-19,Makolowo anawonjezelapo kuti opeleka chithandizo anachotsa chidwi ndi mphamvu zawo pa kuteteza ndi kuchiza malungo ndikuyamba za COVID-19,health and wellbeing,online +en6046,"They explained that most activities intended for malaria control were suspended. For example, the outreach and village clinics for treating malaria cases in the community were no longer happening","Anafotokoza kuti ntchito zambiri zimene zimayenera zikhale zochepetsela malungo zinaimitsidwa. Mwachitzanzo, chipatala choyendayenda komanso chipatala cha m’mudzi chochzila malungo mu madera sizimachitikaso.",health and wellbeing,online +en6047,"Aerobic exercise, which speeds up your heart rate and breathing, is important for many body functions",Masewera olimbitsa nthupi amene amathamagitsa mtima komanso kupuma ndizofunika pantchito zambiri mu thupi.,health and wellbeing,online +en6048,"It gives your heart and lungs a workout and increases endurance. If you're too winded to walk up a flight of stairs, you need to see your doctor for a medical evaluation",Izi zimapangitsa kuti mtima komanso mapapo zizipanga masewera olimbitsa thupi komanso kuonjezera kupilira. Ngati mukumva kutopa kukwera masitepe mukuyenera kukumana ndi dotolo kuti akuoneni umoyo wanu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6049,"If it's just because you are deconditioned, then you will need more aerobic exercise to help condition your heart and lungs and get enough blood to your muscles to help them work efficiently","Ngati kuli kuti mwaguga chabe, ndiye kuti mukuyenera masewera olimbitsa thupi kuti mukhonze mtima komanso mapapo anu kuti mupititse magazi okwanira kuminyewa yanu kuti igwire ntchito moyenera.",health and wellbeing,online +en6050,"Aerobic exercise also helps relax blood vessel walls, lower blood pressure, burn body fat, lower blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and boost mood","Masewera olimbitsa thupi amathandinzanso kuti mupumitsa makoma amisepha imene mumadutsa magazi, kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa magazi, kuchotsa mafuti amuthupi, kuchepetsa shuga muthupi, kuchepetsa kutupa komanso kupanga kuti ukhale osangalala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6051,"Combined with weight loss, it can also lower ""bad"" cholesterol levels. Over the long term, aerobic exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer, depression, and falls","Kuphatikiza kuchepa thupi, izi zikhoza kutsitsa mafuta oipa muthupi. Pakapita nthawi yayitali, masewera olimbitsa thupi amachepetsa chiopsezo cha matenda a mtima, kufa kwa ziwalo,khansa ya m’mabere komanso yam’matumbo, kukhumudwa ndi kugwa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6052,"Aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity. Try brisk walking, swimming, jogging, cycling, dancing, or classes like step aerobics","Yesetsani kuti pa sabata mukupanga ntchito yolimbitsa thupi kwa phindi zana limodzi ndi makumi asanu. Yeselani kuyenda, kusambira, kuthamanga, kupalasa njinga, kuvina kapena kukhala nawo mu gulu lopanga masewera olimbitsa thupi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6053,"As we age, we lose muscle mass. Strength training builds it back. Regular strength training will help you feel more confident and capable of daily tasks like carrying groceries, gardening, and lifting heavier objects around the house","Tikamakula, minyewa yathu imapepuka ndipo masewera obweletsa mphamvu amabwezeletsa. Masewera obweletsa mphamvu amathandiza kuti uzikhala ozikhulupilira wekha komanso wakuthekela kugwira ntchito za tsiku ndi tsiku monga kunyamula zakudya ndizogwiritsira ntchito, kulima, kunyamula zinthu zolemela pa khomo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6054,"Strength training will also help you stand up from a chair, get up off the floor, and go upstairs","Masewera obweletsa mphamvu amathandiza kuti muyimilire pa mpando, kudzuka pansi komanso kukwera masitepe.",health and wellbeing,online +en6055,"Strengthening your muscles not only makes you stronger, but also stimulates bone growth, lowers blood sugar, assists with weight control, improves balance and posture, and reduces stress and pain in the lower back and joints","Kulimbitsa minyewa yanu sikukupangitsani kukhala amphamvu kokha ayi, koma kuthandizila kuti mafupa azikula, kuchepetsa shuga, kuthandiza kuchepetsa thupi, kuthandiza kuima ndi kukhala bwino komanso kuchepetsa nkhawa ndi kupweteka kwa nsana komanso mokumana mafupa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6056,It's important to feel some muscle fatigue at the end of the exercise to make sure you are working or training the muscle group effectively,Ndzofunika kuti uzimva kupweteka minyewa mukamaliza kupanga masewera olimbitsa thupi kuti mukhaledi kuti mukugwira ntchito kapena kuti mukulimba minyewa yonse bwino.,health and wellbeing,online +en6057,Stretching helps maintain flexibility. We often overlook that in youth when our muscles are healthier. But aging leads to a loss of flexibility in the muscles and tendons,Kudziongola kumathandizira kusamasuka. Nthawi zina sitiikapo chidwi tili achichepere pamene minyewa ili ya thanzi. Koma kukula kumapangitsa kuti kumasuka mu minyewa kuchepe.,health and wellbeing,online +en6058,"Muscles shorten and don't function properly. That increases the risk for muscle cramps and pain, muscle damage, strains, joint pain, and falling, and it also makes it tough to get through daily activities, such as bending down to tie your shoes","Minyewa imafupika ndipo sigwira ntchito bwino. Izi zimapangitsa zimaonjezera chiopsezo cha kukokana kwa minyewa, kupweteka, kuonongeka kwa minyewa, kupweteka kwa mokumana mafupa komanso kugwa. Komanso zimapangitsa kuti tizakhale zovuta kuti kugwira ntchito za tsiku ndi tsiku monga kuwelama kuti umange thambo za nsapato.",health and wellbeing,online +en6059,"Likewise, stretching the muscles routinely makes them longer and more flexible, which increases your range of motion and reduces pain and the risk for injury","Chimodzimodzi, kudziwongola minyewa mowilikiza kumapangitsa kuti ikhale italiitali komanso yomasuka kuwonjezera mmene mungameyendere komanso kuchepetsa ululu ndi chiopsezo chakuvulala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6060,Aim for a program of stretching every day or at least three or four times per week,Khalani ndi ndondomeko yomadziwongola tsiku lili lonse kapena katatu kapena ka kanayi pa sabata.,health and wellbeing,online +en6061,"Warm up your muscles first, with a few minutes of dynamic stretches—repetitive motion such as marching in place or arm circles. That gets blood and oxygen to muscles, and makes them amenable to change",Tethetsani minyewa yanu kaye kwa phindi zochepa podziwongola mbalimali zonse- mobwelezabweleza monga kuguba malo amodzi kapena kuyendetsa manja mozungulira. Izi zimatenga magazi komanso mphweya kupititsa kuminyewa ndikupangitsa kuti omasuka ndikusitha.,health and wellbeing,online +en6062,"Then perform static stretches (holding a stretch position for up to 60 seconds) for the calves, the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and the muscles of the shoulders, neck, and lower back","Kenako dziwongoleni katumba, mtsepha wa tchafu, hipi ,minyewa ya m’mikono komanso phewa, khosi ndi m’musi mwa nsana mutaima malo amodzi kwa masekondi makumi asanu ndili khumi limodzi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6063,"However, don't push a stretch into the painful range. That tightens the muscle and is counterproductive","Ngakhale zili choncho, osaziongola modutsa muyezo. Izi zimapangitsa kuti minyewa ilimbe ndipo sizipindula",health and wellbeing,online +en6064,"One of the easiest, no-equipment, most convenient forms of exercise you can do is going on a walk","Mwanjira zina, imodzi imene ili yosavuta, yosafuna zida imene mungapange ndikuyenda.",health and wellbeing,online +en6065,"It may sound simple, and it really is! All you need is a pair of supportive walking shoes and a solid trail, and the rest is really up to your creativity","Zimamveka ngati zosavuta, ndipo zindosavutadi! Chimene mungafune ndi nsapato zoyenera komanso njira yolimba zinazo zitengera inu kuti muzipanga bwanji.",health and wellbeing,online +en6066,"Whether you only have five minutes to spare, or you have time for five miles, you can tweak your routine to best fit your schedule and lifestyle","Kaya muli ndi phindi zisanu zokha kapena nthawi yokwanira mtunda okwana ma mile asanu, mukhoza kusitha mmene mungapangire kuti zigwirizane ndi nthawi komanso mmene mmakhalira umoyo wanu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6067,"What more could you ask for in a productive form of physical activity? We spoke with an expert who breaks down the best benefits of walking every day, along with how many steps you actually need","Ndichaniso china chomwe mungafune kumbali yokhala waphindu pa masewera olimbitsa thupi?. Tinayakhula ndi wakadaulo amene amagawa ubwino woyenda tsiku lina lilolonse, kuphatikizaponso ma sitepe amene mukuyenera kuyenda.",health and wellbeing,online +en6068,"Truth be told, any amount of movement you give yourself each day is healthy. You've likely heard about the ""10,000 steps per day"" recommendation provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)","Chilungamo chinenedwe, mulingo uliwonse woyenda umene mumazipatsa tsiku lili lonse ndiwabwino. Mwina munavapo za masitepe 10000 pa tsiku zimene anatsimikizira ndi a bungwe lochepetsa ndi kupewa matenda.",health and wellbeing,online +en6069,"If weight loss is your goal, you may want to up this amount of physical activity, taking into consideration your diet and other lifestyle factors","Ngati cholinga chanu kuli kuchepa thupi, ndiye kuti mukuyenera kuwonjezera ntchto yolimbitsa thupi, poganizilanso manyedwe ndi mmene mumakhalira umoyo wanu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6070,"Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither should any new aggressive exercise routine be. Start small, and work up to the total daily steps that feel best for you and your body. It's always wise to check in with a healthcare professional and a certified personal trainer before starting any new fitness regimen","Mzinda wa Rome sunamangidwe tsiku limodzi, chimodzimodzi inu, mmene mukulimbitsira thupi kusakhale kodzizunza. Yambani pan’gonopan’gono ndipo yendani masitepe amene mukhoza kukwanitsa. Ndichanzeru nthawi zonse kuyakhulana ndi mkadaulo wa zaumoyo komanso okuthandizirani masewera olimboits thupi musanayambe masewera olimbitsa thupi ena ali onse.",health and wellbeing,online +en6071,"So lace up your sneakers, and let's get started learning all of the wonderful benefits of walking every day","Ndiye mangani thambo za nsapato zanu, yambani kuphunzira ubwino onse woyenda tsiku ndi tsiku.",health and wellbeing,online +en6072,"As you age, it's important to be mindful of your muscle strength and bone density. ""As a weight-bearing exercise, walking can help maintain bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It also tones muscles, especially in the legs and abdomen","Mukamakula, mukuyenera kuganizira mphanvu za minyewa yanu komanso kulemera kwa mafupa. Njira imodzi yozilimbitsira kulemera kwanu, kuyenda kukhoza kuthandizira kulemera kwa mafupa komanso kuchepetsa chiopsezo chothyoka mafuta. Izi zimathandizanso kukhoza minyewa makamaka amu miyendo komanso pamimba.",health and wellbeing,online +en6073,"By walking every day, you can really improve your gastric motility. ""It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who suffer from digestive issues such as constipation",Kuyenda tsiku ndi tsiku mukhoza kuthandiza kusuthasutha kwa m’mimba. Zikhoza kukhala zothandiza makamaka kwa anthu amene amavutika ndikugayika kwa zakudya mu thupi monga kulimba kwa zinthu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6074,Establishing a regular walking habit can strengthen and offer lubrication to the muscles that support your joints,Kukhanzikitsa kuyenda kwa pafupipafupi kukhoza kulimbitsa komanso kusalalitsa minyewa imene imathandizira pokumanilana mafupa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6075,Walking can really improve your physical functioning and be an excellent pain reducer if you have arthritis. It can also put you at a lower risk of falling,Kuyenda kukhoza kuthandizira mmene thupi lanu likugwilira ntchito komanso ndi njira yachibwino yochepetsera ululu ngati uli ndi nyamakazi. Ikhoza kuchepetsanso chiopsezo choti ugwe.,health and wellbeing,online +en6076,Walking can be a seamless yet incredibly productive tool if you want to lose weight or manage your weight,Kuuyenda kukhoza kukhala kosavuta koma ndi chida chothandiza kwambiri pamene ukufuna kuchepa thupi kapena kukhala pa mlingo wabwino.,health and wellbeing,online +en6077,"It's an easy, natural calorie burner. Read tells us, ""While walking might not burn as many calories as more intense exercises like running or cycling, it still provides a steady calorie burn which can accumulate over time","Ndi njira yosavuta, njira yachilengedwe yochotsela mafuta osakhala bwino mu thupi. Zowelenga zimafotokozera kuti” ngakhale kuyenda sikungachotse mafuta oyipa mu thupi pofananiza ndi ntchito zofuna mphamvu zambiri monga kuthamanga kapena kupalasa njinga, kuyenda kumapelekabe njira yochotsera mafuta woipa thupi yokhazikika.",health and wellbeing,online +en6078,The more quality work you can fit into your session—no matter its length—the fitter you’ll be. Here’s how you can use the time you have more wisely for more gains in fewer hours,Ntchito yabwino imene mungakhazikitse- olo ingachepe- muzakhala mphamvu. Umu ndi momwe mungagwiritsire ntchto nthawi yanu mwanzeru kuti mupindule mu nthawi yochepa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6079,So the answer to how long your workouts need to be depends on how long you’ve been exercising to reach the volume you’re lifting now,Yankho lafunso ya nthawi imene mukuyenera kuchita masewera olimbiits thupi zimatengera kuti wakhala ukupanga kwa nthawi yochuluka bwanji komanso kulemera kwa zinthu zimene mukunyamulazo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6080,"To get stronger and bigger, you’ll need to do more workout volume, week over week and month over month—a concept called progressive overload","Kuti mukhale amphamvu komanso aakulu thupi, mukuyenera kumanyamula zolemera sabata ndi sabata ndi mwezi uliwonse- njira imene imatchulidwa kunyamula zolemera potsogozana.",health and wellbeing,online +en6081,"If you are untrained and just starting, or if you haven’t trained in a while, you don’t need much time","Ngati muli osaphunzitsidwa kapena mukungoyamba kumene kapena mwatenga nthawi musanalimbitse thupi, sizimafuna nthawi yayitali.",health and wellbeing,online +en6082,"In fact, some beginners do too much, he says, putting in long workouts that leave them too sore to train again in the days that follow","Akunena kuti mwachilungamo chake, ambiri oyamba kumene amapanga zambiri, amapanga masewera olimbitsa thupi nthawi yayitali zimene zimapangitsa kuti amve kuwawa kotero kuti sayeselanso mawa lake.",health and wellbeing,online +en6083,"But the more advanced you get, you’re just going to have to accumulate more high-quality volume","Koma mukazolowera , ndipamene mumayamba kunyamula zambiri zolemera.",health and wellbeing,online +en6084,Alternating between two exercises that use opposing muscles is a classic way to do more work in less time,Kupanga maserwera olimbitsa thupi awiri pogwiritsa ntchito minyewa yoyan’ganana ndi njira imene umapanga ntchito yambiri ku nthawi yochepa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6085,"Fortunately, there's hope for preventing and maintaining brain health. One effective method of keeping the brain active and sharp is through brain exercises for memory","Mwamwayi, pali chiyembekezo potetezera ndi kusamalira ubongo. Njira imodzi kuti ubongo ukhale otakataka komanso wakuthwa ndikupanga masewero aubongo wokumbukira zinthu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6086,"These exercises are for boosting brain power, memory game and deep thinking skills. Let's take a look at some of the top brain exercises for memory that will level up your brain level and keep the mind on fire","Masewera amenewa ndiwochulukitsira mphamvu za ubongo, masewera okumbukilira komanso njira zoganizira mwakuya. Tiyeni tiwone masewera aubongo apamwamba othandizira kukumbukira zinthi amene akhoza kupanga ubongo wanu wapamwamba.",health and wellbeing,online +en6087,"These brain exercises for memory can be helpful in memorizing names, dates, phone numbers and other vital information","Masewera awubongo okumbukira zinthu amenewa amathandizira pokumbukira maina, masiku, nambala za lamya komanso muthenga ena wofunikira",health and wellbeing,online +en6088,"Getting enough quality sleep is very important for overall health and brain power. If you don't get enough sleep, it can seriously mess with your thinking skills and memory game","Kugona tulo labwino komanso lokwanira ndizofunikira ku umoyo komanso mphamvu za ku ubongo. Ngati simukugina mokwanira, zikhoza kusokoneza kaganizidwe komanso masewera okumbukira zinthu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6089,"Sleep is when the brain puts memories together and does important maintenance. If you're lacking sleep, you might have a hard time remembering things, staying focused and thinking straight","Nthawi yogona ndipamene ubongo umaika zinthu zonse pamodzi komanso kulongosola zofunika. Ngati mukusowa tulo, mukhoza kumavutika kukumbukila zinthu, kukhala wa masophenya komanso kuganiza mwabwino.",health and wellbeing,online +en6090,"Memory loss and cognitive decline are common as we age, but that doesn't mean we're powerless",Kuiwala zinthu komanso kuchepa nzeru zimachulukira tikamakula koma izi sizitathauza kuti tilibe mphamvu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6091,"Doing brain exercises for memory loss, staying active and fostering curiosity can all aid in maintaining cognitive function and memory recall. Give the aforementioned exercises a shot, and keep your mind sharp as you grow older","Kupanga masewera awubongo okhuza kuiwala zinthu, kukhala otakataka komanso kukhala ndi chidwi zimathandiza kagwiridwe ntchito kaubongo komanso kukumbukira zinthu. Yeselani kupanga masewera awubongo amenewa ndipo pangani ubongo wanu kukhala wakuthwa pamene mukukula.",health and wellbeing,online +en6092,"Domestic abuse is the act of controlling or dominating a spouse, partner, boyfriend/girlfriend or family member. The abuse doesn't have to be physical – it may be emotional, sexual, verbal or financial in nature","Nkhanza zapakhomo ndi mchitidwe woletsa kapena kupondeleza mkazi, chibwenzi kapena wabanja limodzi. Kunzunzaku sikungakhale kumenya kokha- kukhoza kukhalaso mumaganizo,kugonana, mayakhulidwe kapena kwazachuma",health and wellbeing,online +en6093,"If you are being psychologically, emotionally or physically harmed, you are not alone. Statistics show that one in three women and one in three men have experienced abuse and domestic violence",Ngati mukuzunzidwa maganizo kapena kumenyedwa simuli nokha. Kafukufuku wawonetsa kuti mzimayi m’modzi mwa azimayi atatu komanso mzibambo m’modzi mwa azibambo atatu anachitilidwapo nkhanza komanso nkhanza za pakhomo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6094,"If you're looking for support, there are 5 abuse and domestic violence hotlines in Malawi. Reach out if this is happening: Your privacy online being invaded; You are being controlled by your partner/family member;","Ngati mukufuna chithandizo, pali nambala zisanu zokhudza khanza komanso khanza za pakhomo ku malawi. Afikireni ngati izi zikuchitika: chinsinsi chanu pamakina a intaneti chikuphwanyidwa, mukuletsedwetsa ndi bwenzi/wabanja limodzi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6095,"Feeling helpless, desperate, or emotionally numb; Your partner/family member humiliates you, insults you and puts you down; Your partner/family member hurts you or is threatening to hurt you","Kukhala osowa chochita kapena kusowa chochita m’mganizo; bwenzi/wabanja limodzi kumakuchititsa manyazi, kukutukwana komanso kukuwonera pansi; bwenzi/wabanja limodzi kukupweteka kapena kukuopseza kuti akupweteka",health and wellbeing,online +en6096,Your devices are being monitored or tracked by a partner/family member; Being forced to have sex or perform other sexual activities that you don’t want to,Zipangizo zako kumazilondoloza ndi bwenzi/wabanja limodzi; kukamizidwa kupanga zogonana kapena kupanga zinthu zina zokhudzana ndigonana pamene wusakufuna,health and wellbeing,online +en6097,Every case of abuse and domestic violence is unique. Every family and partnership has its own story,Nkhani iliyonse yozunzana komanso kuzunzana pakhomo ndiyakeyake. Banja komanso mgwirizano uliwonse uli ndi nkhani yake.,health and wellbeing,online +en6098,"It’s perfectly normal to feel conflicted and insecure about the whole situation. Going through it alone can be confusing and, importantly, dangerous",Ndizabwinobwino kukhala wotsutsika komanso osatsimikizika pa zochitikazi. Kudutsa muzimenezi wekha zikhoza kukhala zosokoneza komanso zowopsya.,health and wellbeing,online +en6099,"You are the one who will figure out what the best way out is for you as a person and in your circumstances. However, it is always easier to overcome such hardships with the right kind of support","Ndi iwe wekha amene ungapeze njira yabwino yothana nazo ngati munthu komanso zomwe ukukumana nazo. Komabe, zimakhala zosavuta kuthana ndi zovuta ngati pali thandizo loyenera.",health and wellbeing,online +en6100,"Consider contacting a helpline in Malawi for free, confidential help with abuse and domestic violence today","Ganizirani kulumikizana ndi thandizo lapa lamya mwaulere, losunga chinsinsi pa khanza komanso khanza zapakhomo lero.",health and wellbeing,online +en6101,Ministry of Health has missed the target to construct 900 health posts by 2022 as only 75 so far have been completed in the country,Unduna wazaumoyo walephera kufikira mlingo womanga zipatala zazing'ono zakumidzi zopelekera chithandizo chazaumoyo okwana 900 kufikila mu chaka cha 2022 ndipo 75 okha ndi amene amalizidwa mu dziko muno,health and wellbeing,online +en6102,The ambitious target was set in the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) II to build the new health posts in hard-to-reach areas for integrated provision of community services,Mlingo wapamwambawu unakhazikitsidwa mu ndodomeko ya zaumoyo kuti amange malo opelekera chithandizo chazaumoyo ku madera amene ndiwovuta kufikikako kuti ntchito zopeleka chithandzo zizichitikira limodzi.,health and wellbeing,online +en6103,Each health post was expected to serve three to five hard-to-reach catchment areas in line with the Ministry of Health’s goal for everyone to live within a five-kilometre radius of a health facility,Malo aliwonse opelekera chithandizo chazaumoyo amayenera kuthandiza madera atatu mpaka asanu amene ali ovuta kufikako. Ichi zinali chomwechi masophenya a unduna wazaumoyo kuti aliyense azikhala mu mlingo wamakilomita asanu chifupi ndi chipatala.,health and wellbeing,online +en6104,"A study that was conducted actually recommended 5 000 health posts, and they arrived at 900 after narrowing down to the critical numbers",Kafukufuku amene anapangidwa anawunikira kuti pakhala malo opelekela chithandizo chazaumoyo 5000 ndipo anafika pa nambala ya 900 atatstsa kumanambala wofunikira.,health and wellbeing,online +en6105,He said: “Citizens have a lot of hope in the 900 health posts that were promised as they will ease access challenges that some communities have,Ananena kuti: nzika za dziko zili ndi chiyemebekezo mu malo opeleka chithandizo cha zaumoyo 900 zomwe analonjezedwa chifukwa zimapeputsa mavuto opeza chithandizo mu madera ena.,health and wellbeing,online +en6106,"As civil society, we hold duty-bearers and government to account based on what has been laid down either through laws, strategic plans and policies","Ngati bungwe logwira ntchito ndi boma, tikuwayimba mlandu adindo komanso boma malingana ndizimene zinaikidwa mu malamulo, ndondomeko ndi malamulo ena.",health and wellbeing,online +en6107,This is why an explanation and justification for review can be appreciated rather than maintaining the same number,Pachifukwa ichi kufotokoza komanso kumasukira bwino kwa kusitha kukhoza kukhala kwabwino kusiyana ndikungokhala ndi nambala yomweyo,health and wellbeing,online +en6108,"We have a number of them in most districts, and some require just finishing with housing for health care workers and a few other things",Tili nawo ena muma boma ena ndipo ena akungofuna kumalizitsa ndi manyumba a anthu ogwira ntchito ya zaumoyo komanso zinthu zina.,health and wellbeing,online +en6109,"So, there is need for just some rehabilitation or maintenance to facelift the structures",Ndiye pakufunika kukhoza komanso kulongosola zina kuti malo asithe,health and wellbeing,online +en6110,That way we can also have as many health posts close to the 900-target opened within a short period,Zikatero tikhoza kukhala ndi malo ambiri opeleka chithandizo chazaumoyo kuyandikira nambala ya 900 munthawi yochepa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6111,"Whether it is going to be a new project or completing a stalled one, the impact is the same helping Malawians in such communities to access health care services","Kaya chikhala chitikuko chatsopano kapena kumalizitsa chomwe chinayima, zotsatira zake zikhala chimodzimodzi kuthandiza amalawi kumadera kumeneko kuti apeze cihthandizo cha chipatala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6112,"We have pushed harder on health financing so that we have more resources for health, which in turn can help in building those facilities",Talimbikira kwambiri ku chuma chothandizira za umoyo kuti tikhale ndi zipangizo za zaumoyo zomwe zithandizire kumanga malo amenewa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6113,"Every health facility requires electricity to power refrigerators that are used to store drugs and vaccines. Again, electricity is also needed to power nebuliser machines for asthma patients","Chipatala chilichinse chikufinika magetsi kuti apeleke mphamvu ku ma filinji amene amasungira mankhwala ndi katenera. Kubwelezanso, magetsi akufunika kuti apeleke mphamvu ku makina amene amathandiza anthu odwala asima.",health and wellbeing,online +en6114,"Additionally, plans to construct a maternity wing at the facility, which serves over 9 000 people, are being thwarted because there is no way a maternity service can be delivered without electricity","Mowonjezera, ndondomeko zomanga malo obelekera pa malowa chimene chimathandiza anthu oposa 9000 akuwoneledwa pansi chifukwa sizingatheke kuthandiza azimayi obeleka palibe magetsi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6115,But up to now we have not been connected despite making several follow-ups. This is affecting service delivery as members of staff cannot be motivated to stay in rural areas without electricity,Koma kufikila pano sanatilumikizire ngakhale takhala tikuyendela. Izi zikusokoneza kapelekedwe kachithandizo chifukwa anthu ogwira ntchito alibe chilimbikitso chokhalira kumudzi kopanda magetsi.,health and wellbeing,online +en6116,"However, when contacted on Friday for comment, Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi spokesperson Kitty Chingota Chinseu asked for a questionnaire which she did not respond to","Komabe, pamene tinalumikizana lachisanu ndi mneneri wa bungwe lowona za magetsi ku malawi la escom a Chitonga Chinseu anatifunsa ndandanda wa mafunso omwe sanatiyankhe",health and wellbeing,online +en6117,Malawi Government has been challenged to explore ways to increase public spending on health to achieve targets of maternal and child health services which are below the recommended threshold,Boma la Malawi lalimbikilitsidwa kuti lisake njira zowonjezera kagwiritsidwe ntchito chuma cha boma ku nkhani yazaumoyo kuti ifiikire uchembere komanso nthanzi la ana zimene zili pansi kwambiri poyelekeza mlingo okhazikitsidwa,health and wellbeing,online +en6118,"He said family planning financing is predominantly donor dependent, but donor financing towards the same is likely to diminish further considering the fragile world macroeconomic outlook",Ananena kuti ndalama zomwe zimagwira ntchito pa ntchito ya njira za kulera zimadalira kwambiri othandiza koma izi zikhoza kuchepa polingalira mmene chuma chadziko lonse lapansi chikuyendera.,health and wellbeing,online +en6119,"In recent years, the issue of health financing has been a thorny one with civil society organisations (CSOs) and donors proposing home-grown financing models","Mu zaka zina pakatipa, nkhani yachuma ku ntchito ya zaumoyo yakhala yovuta zimene zapangitsa mabungwe ogwira ntchito ndi boma koma othandiza pa chuma kubweletsa ganizo lopeza njira zopezera ndalama komkuno.",health and wellbeing,online +en6120,"Earlier this year, CSOs in the health sector proposed introduction of a national health fund to be financed by motorists because road accidents negatively impact the health budget","Kumayambilro a chaka chino, mabungwe ogwira ntchito ndi boma anapeleka ganizo lobweletsa thumba lachuma lazaumoyo limene ndalama zake zizichoka kwa anthu oyendetsa magalimoto chifukwa ngozi za pa nsewu zimakhudza kwambiri ndondomeko ya zachuma ya zaumoyo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6121,"Donors in the health sector provide 75 percent of Malawi’s total health budget, a situation the donors and other stakeholders have described as not sustainable","Othandiza pa ntchito zaumoyo amapeleka gawo lokwana 75 pa 100 lirilonse ku dongosolo lazachuma cha za umoyo, chithu chimene othandiza chuma anena kuti ndichosapitilira.",health and wellbeing,online +en6122,"This facility was great. It is where leprosy patients were being treated. Today, it is a shadow of its former self and has been reduced to a health centre instead of a rural hospital we all wanted it to be","Chipatala ichi chinali chabwino. Ndikumene odwala khate amathandizidwira. Lero, ndi mdima chabe mmene zinthu zinalili ndipo chinasanduka malo opelekera chithandizo kudera chabe mmalo mokhala chipatala chachikulu chakudera mmene anthu timkafunira.",health and wellbeing,online +en6123,"The facility is in dilapidated form with non-functional facilities, equipment, falling ceilings, loose electric wires, looted and abandoned staff houses","Chipatalachi sichili mwa kathu ndipo chili ndi zinthu zosagwira ntchito, zida, denga lokugwa,mawaya amagetsi omasuka komanso nyumba za anthu ogwira ntchito zolekekeldwa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6124,"As a hospital, our hands are tied and the only thing we can do is to transfer them,” said Chataika, but could not explain why they did not report the matter to police",Ngati chipatala manja anthu ndiwwomangika ndipo chimene tingachite ndikuwatumiza basi. Anatero Chataika koma sanene chifukwa chimene sanakafotozere ku polisi,health and wellbeing,online +en6125,Some institutions are not keen to report criminal activities and you wonder what could be their motivation for shielding people seemingly committing crimes,Malo ena samakhala ndi chidwi kuneneza zochitika za milandu ndipo umadabwa kuti cholinga chake chinali chani powabisa anthu oti akupalamula mulandu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6126,The district commissioner and district health and social services officer should seriously look into this issue as it may undermine provision of health services in the area,Mkulu waboma komanso mkulu wazaumoyo ndi oyan’ganira zamakhalidwe akuyenera kuyan’gana nkhani imeneyi chifukwa zikhoza kapelekedwe ka ntchito ka zaumoyo muderali.,health and wellbeing,online +en6127,"Nsanje District Hospital spokesperson George Mbotwa could not be reached for his comment, but in an earlier interview he confirmed that floods pose challenges to delivery of health services in the district",Mneneri wa chipatala chachikulu cha Nsanje a George Mbotwa sanafikilidwe kuti apeleke demanga komano kucheza koyamba anavomereza kuti madzi osefukila abweletsa mavuto kupititsa ntchtio ya za umoyo mu bomali.,health and wellbeing,online +en6128,"Of late, floods have been causing challenges at some health centres, causing the district health office to temporarily suspend their operations","Pakatipa, madzi osefukira abweletsa mavuto kumalo ena zipatala zakumadera kupangitsa kuti chipatala chachikulu ayimitse ntchito mmaderawa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6129,"Every year, we close the facility for a month or more due to floods and we refer our patients to the district hospital","Chaka chilichonse, timatseka chipatalachi kwa mwezi kapena kuposera apo chifukwa cha madzi osefukira ndipo odwala onse timawatumiza ku chipatala chachikulu ku boma.",health and wellbeing,online +en6130,"Some rivers here have changed their courses. We, therefore, need to drench their beds and divert their courses to prevent the floods","Mitsinje ina inasitha mmene madzi amayendela. Kutero,ife timayenera kuchotsa madzi m’mbali mwa ,mtsinje ndikuwapangira njira ina kupewa madzi osefukira.",health and wellbeing,online +en6131,"That aside, we need to build concrete dykes and close some gates around the facilities and open new ones","Kupatula izo, tikuyenera kumanga zotchingira madzi komanso kutseka njira kuzungulira chipatala kenako ndi kutsegula zina zatsopano.",health and wellbeing,online +en6132,"Health activists have, however, raised concern that government should find a lasting solution to the problem so that health service delivery is not compromised","Omenyera ufulu pankhani yazaumoyo, apeleka madandaulo kuti boma ikuyenera kupeza njira zokhazikika zamavutowa kuti ntchito yopeleka chithandizo cha zaumoyo chisasokonekere.",health and wellbeing,online +en6133,Pregnant mothers in Senior Chief Mwakaboko in Karonga District are travelling 20 kilometres (km) to Iponga following the closure of Ngana Health Centre two months ago due to poor hygiene,Azimayi oyembekezera kwa mfumu yayikulu Mwakaboko muboma la Karonga akuyenda mtunda wokwana makilomita 20 kukafika ku iponga kutsatira kutsekedwa kwa chipatala chachin’gono cha Ngana miyezi iwiri yapitayo chifukwa cha kusowa ukhondo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6134,"In an interview on Saturday, Ngana-Mwandambo Village Development Committee chairperson Costar Kamwela said the health centre was closed by healthcare workers after noticing poor hygiene conditions at the facility",Mukucheza kwanthu loweluka ndi mkulu wa gulu lowona zachitukuko m’mudzimu a Costar Kamwela ananena kuti chipatalachi chinatsekedwa ndi ogwira ntchito yazaumoyo ataona umve umene unali pamalopa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6135,"The closure has affected pregnant mothers who now travel 20km to Iponga Health Centre for antenatal services,” he said.","Kutsekaku kwasokoneza azimayi woyembekezera amene pano akuyenda mtunda okwana ma kilomita 20 kuti akapeze chithandizo cha za pakati,” anatero",health and wellbeing,online +en6136,"Kamwela said health workers at the facility downed their tools two months ago, citing poor sanitation and hygiene",Kamwela ananena kuti ogwira ntchito yazaumoyo pa chipatalachi anasiya kugwira ntchito miyezi iwiri yapitayo kamba ka ukhondo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6137,"The facility’s attendant went to Lilongwe for further studies and there was nobody to clean the place. This prompted health workers to down their tools, arguing that sanitation and hygiene were compromised",Osamalira pamalopa anapita ku lilongwe kusukulu ndipo panalibe wina aliyense wosamalira pa malopa. Izi zinapangitsa wogwira ntchtio kutula zida zawo pansi kufotokozera kuti ukhondo unasokonekera,health and wellbeing,online +en6138,"Sellina Mbukwa, a community member, said when they endure the 20km to Iponga Health Centre, they are told to proceed to Karonga District Hospital, because there is a health centre at Ngana","Sellina Mbukwa, munthu wa m’mudzi anati amapilira ndikuyenda mtunda wama kilomita 20 kupita kuchipatala cha iponga, amauziwa kuti apitile kuchipatala chachikulu cha karonga chifukwa kuli chipatala ku Ngana.",health and wellbeing,online +en6139,"He said: “At first, there was a water problem which we sorted out and later its attendant left. We failed to deploy another attendant because the road is impassable","Ananena kuti:” poyamba, kunali vuto la madzi limene linakhonzedwan ndipo kenaka otathindizira anachoka. Tinakanika kutumiza othandizira wina chifukwa nseu unali osadutsika.",health and wellbeing,online +en6140,"Instead, we made local arrangements to ensure that a community member covers the gap, which did not please healthcare workers","M’malo mwake, tinapanga dongosolo am’mudzi kuti anthu am’mudzi kuti athandizire zomwe sizinasangalatse ogwira ntchito ya zaumoyoyi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6141,The development is unfair to vulnerable patients. Healthcare workers should exhaust all remedial measures before closing health facilities,Ndongosolo limeneli ndilosakomera odwala. Ogwira ntchito za umoyo akuyenera kuyesa njira zonse asanatseke chipatala.,health and wellbeing,online +en6142,"A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer","Kudya koyenera kumathandiza kuteteza kunyetchera konse komanso matenda amgonagona monga shuga, matenda a mtima, kufa ziwalo komanso khansa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6143,"Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to health. Healthy dietary practices start early in life – breastfeeding fosters healthy growth and improves cognitive development, and may have longer term health benefits such as reducing the risk of becoming overweight or obese and developing NCDs later in life",Kusadya moyenera komanso kusagwira ntchito ndizimene zikupititsa patsogolo chiopsyezo ku umoyo. Kudya moyenela kumayambira moyambilira mu moyo- kuyamwitsa kumathandizira kukula kwabwino komanso kuthandiza makulidwe aubongo ndipo izi zimakhala ndi phindu ku umoyo monga kuchepetsa chiopsezo chokula thupi kwambiri komanso kukhala ndi matenda a mgonagona kumapeto a moyo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6144,"Energy intake (calories) should be in balance with energy expenditure. To avoid unhealthy weight gain, total fat should not exceed 30% of total energy intake (1, 2, 3)","Kudya zakudya zopatsa mphamvu zikuyenera kugwirizana ndi mmene tikuzigwilitsira ntchito mphanvuzo. Kuti tipewe kunenepa kudutsa mlingo, mafuta onse odyedwa sakuyenera kudutsa ma pelecenti 30 pa zonse zomwe zikudyedwa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6145,Consuming a healthy diet throughout the life-course helps to prevent malnutrition in all its forms as well as a range of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and conditions,Kudya zakudya zabwino moyo wako onse zimathandiza kupewa kunyetchera mu njira zonse komanso matenda amgonagona ndi mavuto ena.,health and wellbeing,online +en6146,"However, increased production of processed foods, rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to a shift in dietary patterns","Ngakhale zili choncho, Kuchuluka kwa kupanga zakudya zopangidwa, kutukuka kwa malo komanso kusitha makhalidwe kwapangitsa kuti pakhale kusitha mumadyedwe.",health and wellbeing,online +en6147,"People are now consuming more foods high in energy, fats, free sugars and salt/sodium, and many people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and other dietary fibre such as whole grains","Anthu tsopano akudya zakudya zambiri zomwe zili ndi mphamvu zochuluka, mafuta, shuga nsi mchere ndipo anthu ambiri samadya zipatso, masamba komanso zakudya za faiba monga chakudya chosachotsa chilichonse.",health and wellbeing,online +en6148,"The exact make-up of a diversified, balanced and healthy diet will vary depending on individual characteristics (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle and degree of physical activity), cultural context, locally available foods and dietary customs. However, the basic principles of what constitutes a healthy diet remain the same","Mlingo weniweni wa chakudya cha magulu onse komanso chabwino chimatengera mmene alili munthu monga zaka,wamuna kapena wamkazi, makhalidwe komanso mmene amapangira masewera olimbitsa thupi, chikhalidwe , zakudya zopezeka mosavuta komanso miyambo yamadyedwe. Ngakhale zili choncho ngodya zimene zili za madyedwe abwino ndizomwezo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6149,"A healthy diet includes the following: Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice)","Kudya kwabwno kumayenera kukhala ndi zinthu izi: zipatso, masamba, nyemba, mtedza komanso mbewu zosachotsedwa chilichose monga chimanga chosagaya, mapila, ma otsi, tiligu komanso mpuga.",health and wellbeing,online +en6150,"At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots","Kufikira magalamu 400 a zipatso, masamba pa tsiku kawiri, kupatula mbatatatesi, mbatata ya kholowa, chinangwa komanso zakudya za mizu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6151,"Free sugars are all sugars added to foods or drinks by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, as well as sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates","Shuga ndi shuga wopangidwa aliyense amene amaikidwa ku zakudya ndi wokonza, wophika kapena okudya, komanso ma shuga amene amapezeka mwachilenge mu uchi, madzi amuzipatso komanso zotsekemera zochoka kuzipatso.",health and wellbeing,online +en6152,"In the first 2 years of a child’s life, optimal nutrition fosters healthy growth and improves cognitive development. It also reduces the risk of becoming overweight or obese and developing NCDs later in life","Muzaka ziwiri zoyambilira mu umoyo wa mwana, mwadyedwe abwino amathandizira kukula kwabwino komanso kuthandiza kukula kwa ubongo. Zimachepetsa chiopsyezo chokhala okula thupi kwambiri kapena kukhala ndi matenda amgonagona munthu ukamakula.",health and wellbeing,online +en6153,"Advice on a healthy diet for infants and children is similar to that for adults, but the following elements are also important: Infants should be breastfed exclusively during the first 6 months of life","Malangizo amadyedwe abwino a ana obadwa kumene komanso ana ndiwofanana ndi anthu akuluakulu, koma zinthu izi zofunika: mwana obadwa kumene akuyenera kuyamwitsidwa mwakathithi miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yoyambilira.",health and wellbeing,online +en6154,"Infants should be breastfed continuously until 2 years of age and beyond. From 6 months of age, breast milk should be complemented with a variety of adequate, safe and nutrient-dense foods. Salt and sugars should not be added to complementary foods","Makanda akuyenera kuyamwitsidwa mosalekeza mpaka atafika zaka ziwiri kapena kupitilira. Kuchoka miyezi isanu ndi umodzi , mkaka wa m’mawere ukuyenera kuwonjezeredwa ndi zakudya zokwanira, zotetezeka komanso zathanzi. Mchere ndi shuga sizikuyenera kuphatikizidwa ku zakudya zowonjezerazi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6155,Fruit and vegetable intake can be improved by always including vegetables in meals; eating fresh fruit and raw vegetables as snacks; eating fresh fruit and vegetables that are in season; and eating a variety of fruit and vegetables,"Kudya zipatso ndi masamba kukhoza kulimbikitsidwa powonjezera masamba mu chakudya, kudya zipatso ndi masamba ngati zakudya zotolatola, kudya zipatso ndi masamba amene akupezeka mu nyengo imeneyo komanso kudya zipatso ndi masamba amagulumagulu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6156,"Limiting the consumption of baked and fried foods, and pre-packaged snacks and foods (e.g. doughnuts, cakes, pies, cookies, biscuits and wafers) that contain industrially-produced trans-fats","Kuchepetsa kudya zakudya zophika komanso zokazingidwa ndi zakudya zoikilatu mu jumbo monga mandasi, chigumu, bisiketi zimene zimkhala ndi mafuta woipa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6157,Most people consume too much sodium through salt (corresponding to consuming an average of 9–12 g of salt per day) and not enough potassium (less than 3.5 g),Anthu ambiri amadya mchere wambiri kuchokera ku mchere,health and wellbeing,online +en6158,"High sodium intake and insufficient potassium intake contribute to high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke",Kudya mchere wambiri ndi kusadya potaziyamu okwanira zimaonjezera kuthamanga kwambiri kwa magazi zimene zimakuika pa chiopyezo cha matenda a mtima komanso kufa kwa ziwalo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6159,Reducing salt intake to the recommended level of less than 5 g per day could prevent 1.7 million deaths each year,Kuchepetsa kudya mchere kufika mulingo woyenelera wa magalamu 5 pa tsiku kukhoza kuteteza ifa zokwana 1.7 miliyoni pa chaka,health and wellbeing,online +en6160,"People are often unaware of the amount of salt they consume. In many countries, most salt comes from processed foods (e.g. ready meals; processed meats such as bacon, salty snacks) or from foods consumed frequently in large amounts (e.g. bread). Salt is also added to foods during cooking or at the point of consumption (e.g. table salt)","Anthu samadziwa mulingo wa mchere umene amadya. Maiko ambiri, michere imachoka kuzakudya zopangidwa ku fakitale monga zakudya zophika kale, nyama monga khumba, zakudya zotolatola za mchere kapena kuchoka kuzakudya zimene zimadyedwa mu mlingo waukulu monga mkate. Mchere umaphatikizidwa kuzakudya pophika komanso pa nthawi yakudya.",health and wellbeing,online +en6161,"Salt intake can be reduced by limiting the amount of salt and high-sodium condiments (e.g. soy sauce, fish sauce and bouillon) when cooking and preparing foods;",Kudya mchere kukhoza kuchepetsedwa pochepetsa mlingo wa mchere komanso zokometsera zakudya tikamaphika ndi kukonza zakudya.,health and wellbeing,online +en6162,Not having salt or high-sodium sauces on the table; limiting the consumption of salty snacks; and choosing products with lower sodium content,"Kusakhala ndi mchere kapena kukhala ndi zokometsera zochuluka patebulo, kuchepetsa kudya zakudya zambiri za mchere komanso kusakha zakudya zochepa michere.",health and wellbeing,online +en6163,"Some food manufacturers are reformulating recipes to reduce the sodium content of their products, and people should be encouraged to check nutrition labels to see how much sodium is in a product before purchasing or consuming it",Opanga zakudya ena akukonzaso kapangidwe ka zakudya zawo kuti achepetse mchere mu zakudya zawo komanso anthu akulimbikitsidwa kuti aziwona zolemba pamapaketi kuti awone mchere umene uli zakudya asanagule kapena kudya.,health and wellbeing,online +en6164,"Sugars intake can be reduced by limiting the consumption of foods and drinks containing high amounts of sugars, such as sugary snacks, candies and sugar-sweetened beverages; eating fresh fruit and raw vegetables as snacks instead of sugary snacks","Kudya shuga wochuluka kwambiri kukhoza kuchepetsedwa pakudya zakudya ndi zakumwa zokhala ndi shuga monga zakudya zotolatola za shuga, zakumwa za shuga; kumadya zipatso ndi masamba ngati zakudya zotolatola osati zakudya zotolatola za shuga",health and wellbeing,online +en6165,"Diet evolves over time, being influenced by many social and economic factors that interact in a complex manner to shape individual dietary patterns","Madyedwe amasitha nthawi ndi nthawi, ndipo izi zimatsogozedwa ndi kakhalidwe komanso zachuma zimene zimagwira ntchito kukonza m’mene amadyera.",health and wellbeing,online +en6166,"These factors include income, food prices (which will affect the availability and affordability of healthy foods), individual preferences and beliefs, cultural traditions, and geographical and environmental aspects (including climate change)","Zinthu zimenezi ndi monga chuma, mitengo ya zakudya zimene zimakhudza kapazekedwe ndi kukwanitsa kugula zakudya chathanzi, makondamakonda a zakudya komanso zikhulupiliro, miyambo komanso malo ndi chilengedwe monga kusitha kwa nyengo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6167,"Therefore, promoting a healthy food environment – including food systems that promote a diversified, balanced and healthy diet – requires the involvement of multiple sectors and stakeholders, including government, and the public and private sectors","Ndiye, kulimbikitsa zakudya zathanzi monga ndandanda wa zakudya umene umalimbikitsa zakudya za magulumagulu komanso zakudya zabwino- zimafuna kugwira ntchito pamodzi kuphatikiza boma, anthu ndi mabungwe oskhala aboma.",health and wellbeing,online +en6168,Governments have a central role in creating a healthy food environment that enables people to adopt and maintain healthy dietary practices,Maboma ali ndi ntchito yopanga malo abwino okhudzana ndi madyedwe abwino zimene zingapangitse anthu kutsatira ndi kukhala ndi madyedwe abwino.,health and wellbeing,online +en6169,"Effective actions by policy-makers to create a healthy food environment include the following: Creating coherence in national policies and investment plans – including trade, food and agricultural policies – to promote a healthy diet and protect public health through increasing incentives for producers and retailers to grow, use and sell fresh fruit and vegetables","Ntchito ya opanga malamulo kukhadzikitsa ndondomeko ya zakudya yabwino imene zina mwa izo ndi izi: kubweletsa pamodzi malamulo komanso ndondomeko yopititsira patsogolo ntchito - monga malonda, zakudya komanso malamulo a zaulimi- kuti zilimbikitse madyedwe abwino komanso kuteteza umoyo wa anthu kudzera pakuwonjezera zokopa opanga ndi ogulitsa kuti azilima, kugulitsa zipatso ndi masamba.",health and wellbeing,online +en6170,"Reducing incentives for the food industry to continue or increase production of processed foods containing high levels of saturated fats, trans-fats, free sugars and salt/sodium","Kuchepetsa zokopela anthu amene amapanga zakudya kuti apitilize kapena kuonjezera kupanga zakudya zokhala ndi mafuta ambiri, shuga komanso michere.",health and wellbeing,online +en6171,"Encouraging reformulation of food products to reduce the contents of saturated fats, trans-fats, free sugars and salt/sodium, with the goal of eliminating industrially-produced trans-fats","Kulimbikitsa kupangaso kwa zakudya ktui zichepetse mafuta, shunga komanso michere ndicholinga chochotsa mafuta woipa popanga zakudya.",health and wellbeing,online +en6172,"Establishing standards to foster healthy dietary practices through ensuring the availability of healthy, nutritious, safe and affordable foods in pre-schools, schools, other public institutions and the workplace;","Kukhazikitsa mlingo kuti uthandize madyedwe abwino kudzera powonetsetsa kupezeka kwa zakudya zabwino, zanthazi, zotetezeka komanso zakudya zogulika ku masukulu, malo aboma komanso malo ogwira ntchito.",health and wellbeing,online +en6173,Encouraging consumer demand for healthy foods and meals through promoting consumer awareness of a healthy diet; developing school policies and programmes that encourage children to adopt and maintain a healthy diet;,Kulimbikitsa kufuna kwa zakudya zabwino kudzera kulimbikitsa kudziwa madyedwe abwino; kupanga malamulo asukulu komanso ndondomenko zolimbikitsa ana kutsatira ndikukhala ndi madyedwe abwino,health and wellbeing,online +en6174,"Educating children, adolescents and adults about nutrition and healthy dietary practices; encouraging culinary skills, including in children through schools;","Kuphunzitsa ana, amsikhu komanso anthu akuluakulu zokhudza zakudya za nthanzi ndi madyedwe abwino; kulimbikitsa maphikidwe monga kuphunzitsa ana ku sukulu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6175,"Supporting point-of-sale information, including through nutrition labelling that ensures accurate, standardized and comprehensible information on nutrient contents in foods with the addition of front-of-pack labelling to facilitate consumer understanding;",Kuthandizira pa mauthenga pamalo ogulitsira zinthu monga kulemba zimene zili mu zakudya kuti zilimbikitse uthenga owona komanso one okhudza zimene zili mu chakudya kuphatikiziranso kulemba patsogolo pa paketi kuti zithandizire kumvetsetsa kwa ogula.,health and wellbeing,online +en6176,Providing nutrition and dietary counselling at primary health-care facilities. Promoting appropriate infant and young child feeding practices through implementing policies and practices to promote protection of working mothers;,Kupeleka uphungu wa zakudya za nthazi komanso madyedwe abwino ku malo opeleka chithandizo cha za umoyo. Kulimbikitsa kadyetsedwe ka ana koyenera kudzera kukhazikitsa malamulo ndi njira kuti ziike patsogolo chitetezo cha amayi ogwira ntchito.,health and wellbeing,online +en6177,"Promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding in health services and the community, including through the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative","Kupititsa patsogolo, kuteteza ndikulimbikitsa kuyamwitsa mwakathithi kumalo opelekera chithandizo cha zaummoyo monga ndondomeko za chipatala za ana.",health and wellbeing,online +en6178,Eating a wide variety of healthy foods helps to keep you in good health and protects you against chronic disease," + Kudya zakudya zathanzi za magulu zimathandiza kuti ukhale ndi moyo wabwino komanso kukuteteza kumatenda anthawi yayitali",health and wellbeing,online +en6179,"Eating a well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups daily, in the recommended amounts",Kudya zakudya zamagulu zimatathauza kudya zakudya zamagulu asanu tsiku lililonse mu mlingo woyenelera,health and wellbeing,online +en6180,"It is also important to choose a variety of foods from within each food group. Takeaway foods, cakes, biscuits and soft drinks are examples of foods usually high in saturated fat, added salt or added sugars","Ndizofunika kusakha zakudya zosiyanasiyana za magulu mu magulu onse a zakudya. Zakudya zonyamula, chigumu, bisiketi, zakumwa zosaledzeletsa ndizitsanzo zazakudya zimene zimakhala ndi mafuta, michere ndi shuga wambiri.",health and wellbeing,online +en6181,"They should be considered as extras to your usual diet and only eaten occasionally and in small amounts. The recommended number of serves for each food group is different for children, teenagers, women and men","Zikuyenera kukhazikitsidwa ngati zongowonjezera kuzakudya zanthu za tsiku ndi tsiku nsipo zikuyenera kudyedwa apo ndi apo ndipo zochepa. Mlingo ovomelezeka pa magulu azakudya ndiwosiyana kwa ana, otha msikhu, amayi komanso abambo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6182,"Healthy eating means eating a wide variety of foods from each of the 5 major food groups, in the amounts recommended",Kudya kwathanzi kumatathauza kudya zakudya zosiyanasiyana za magulu asanu azakudya mu mulingo woyenera,health and wellbeing,online +en6183,"Eating a variety of foods from the 5 major food groups provides a range of nutrients to the body, promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of disease - as well as keeping your diet interesting with different flavours and textures","Kudya zakudya zosiyanasiyana za magulu asanu zimapeleka michere yosiyanasiyana ku thupi, kupititsa patsogolo thanzi komanso kuchepetsa chiopsezo cha matenda- komanso kupanga zakudya kukhala zosangalatsa ndi zokometsera.",health and wellbeing,online +en6184,Many of the foods that often feature regularly in modern diets do not form part of the 5 food groups,Zakudya zambiri zimene zimakhala muzakudya zimene zimakhala muzakudya sizimakhala za ma gulu asanu azakudya.,health and wellbeing,online +en6185,"No matter where you're starting, it's easy to make little changes to bring your eating closer in line with the dietary guidelines. Just focus on eating foods from the 5 major food groups and reducing your intake of occasional foods","Osatengera pamene ukuyambira, ndikosavuta kusitha ndikupanga madyedwe anu kukhala otsatira ndondomeko ya madyedwe abwino. Ingokhalani ndi chidwi kudya zakudya za magulu asanu komanso kuchepetsa kudya zakudya za apo ndi apo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6186,"Foods are grouped together because they provide similar amounts of key nutrients. For example, key nutrients of the milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives group include calcium and protein, while the fruit group is a good source of vitamins","Zakudya zimaikidwa mu gulu limodzi malinga ndi michere imene zimapeleka ku thupi. Mwachitsanzo, michere yofunika yochoka ku mkaka, yogati, tchizi komanso gulu lina monga michere yolimbitsa mafuta komanso yokulitsa, pomwe zakudya za zipatso zimapeleka michere ya ma vitamini.",health and wellbeing,online +en6187,"Eating a varied, well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the 6 food groups daily, in the recommended amounts",Kudya zakudya zosiyanasiyana komanso zamagulu zimatathauza kudya zakudya zosiyanasiyana kuchokera ku magulu asanu ndi limodzi mu mlingo woyenelera.,health and wellbeing,online +en6188,"Because different foods provide different types and amounts of key nutrients, it is important to choose a variety of foods from within each food group","Chifukwa zakudya zosiyana zimapeleka mitundu ndi mlingo wa michere, ndizofunika kusakha zakudya zosiyanasiyana mu gulu lililonse.",health and wellbeing,online +en6189,"As a bonus, choosing a variety of foods will help to make your meals interesting, so that you don't get bored with your diet","Ngati kachibanila, kudya zakudya zosiyanasiyana zimathandiza kuti zakudya zanu zikhale zosangalatsa kuti musadandaule ndi chakudya chanu",health and wellbeing,online +en6190,Some foods do not fit into the 6 food groups because they are not necessary for a healthy diet. These foods are called 'discretionary choices' (sometimes referred to as 'junk foods') and they should only be eaten occasionally,Zakudya zina sizimakhala mu gulu zisanu ndi limodzi a zakudya chifukwa sizofunika kumadyedwe abwino. Zakudya zimenezi zimatchedwa zongokonda chabe ndipo zimayenera kudyedwa apo ndi apo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6191,"They tend to be too high in saturated fat, added sugars, added salt or alcohol, and have low levels of important nutrients like fibre","Zimakhala ndi mafuta, shuga, michere komanso mowa wambiri ndipo zimakhala ndi mlingo ochepa wa michere yofunika.",health and wellbeing,online +en6192,"It's okay to have some of these foods now and then as an extra treat. But if these foods regularly replace more nutritious and healthier foods in your diet, your risk of developing obesity and chronic disease, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer, increases","Ndizabwinobwino kudya zakudya zimenezi mwa apo ndi apo kuzisangalatsa. Koma zakudya zimenezi zimachotsa zakudya za thanzi komanso zabwino mumadyedwe anu, chiopsyezo chonenepa kwambiri komanso matenda anthawi yayitali monga matenda a mtima, kufa ziwalo, shuga, komanso khansa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6193,"Think about how often you consume food and drinks prepared outside the home. If you’re doing this regularly, consider cutting back and focusing more on the 6 major food groups. That doesn’t mean you have to stop completely",Ganizirani zakudya zimene mumadya ndi kumwa kunja kwa nyumba yanu. Ngati izi mukupanga pafupipafupi chepetsani ndipo yambani kudya za magulu asanu ndi limodzi. Izi sizikutathauza kuti musiyiletu.,health and wellbeing,online +en6194,"Foods and drinks like soft drinks, cordials, biscuits, cakes and confectionary are high in added sugars and high in kilojoules. Sugar itself does not lead to diabetes. But added sugars can cause weight gain and being overweight increases a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes","Zakudya ndi zakumwa monga zakumwa zosaledzeletsa , zotsekemela kwambiri, chigumu ndimakhala ndi shuga wambiri. Shuga payekha sapangitsa kuti unenepe kwambiri koma shuga othilako amakulitsa thupi ndipo kukula thupi kwambiri kumaika chipyezo chokhala ndi matenda a shuga.",health and wellbeing,online +en6195,Sugar-sweetened drinks are the largest source of sugars in the diets for children. There is strong evidence of an association between increasing consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and the development of childhood obesity and tooth decay. That’s why eating foods and drinks with a high sugar content should be limited,Zakumwa zozuna ndizimene zimabweletsa shuga mu zakudya za ana. Pali umboni waukulu kulumikiza kumwa zakumwa zozuna kwambiri ndi kunenepa kwambiri kwa ana komanso kuwola mano. Ndichifukwa chake kudya zakudya za shuga wambiri zikuyenela kuchepetsedwa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6196,"To reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury, healthy men and women should drink no more than 10 standard drinks a week and no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day","Kuti tichepetse chiopyezo chokhudza matenda ndi kupweteka chifukwa cha mowa, abambo ndi amayi akuyenera kumwa zakumwa za mlingo oyenera osadutsa khumi komanso zinayi pa tsiku",health and wellbeing,online +en6197,"You might go about this by increasing the number of days in the week where you don’t drink alcohol, or alternating your alcoholic drinks with water. Children and pregnant or breastfeeding women should not drink alcohol",Mukhoza kuonjezera masiku pa sabata pamene simumamwa mowa kapena kumwa madzi. Ana komanso azimayi apakati komanso oyamwitsa sakuyenera kumwa mowa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6198,"The majority of our salt intake comes from packaged and processed foods we eat every day, like bread, processed meats and soups. Cutting back on takeaway foods will help reduce your salt intake","Michere yambiri imene timadya imachokera kuzakudya kopakilidwa zimene timadya tsiku ndi tsiku monga mkate, nyama ndi nsuzi. Kuchepetsa zakudya zogula kukhoza kuchepetsa kudya michere.",health and wellbeing,online +en6199,"Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. There are many varieties of fruit and vegetables available and many ways to prepare, cook and serve them",Zipatso ndi masamba zimakhala ndi michere yofunikira muthupi. Pali mitundu yambiri ya zipatso ndi masamba komanso njira zambiri mmene mungaphikire ndi kugawa zimenezi.,health and wellbeing,online +en6200,"A diet high in fruit and vegetables can help protect you against cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Eat 5 kinds of vegetable and 2 kinds of fruit every day for good health","Chakudya chokhala ndi zipatso ndi masamba ambiri zikhoza kuthandiza kuteteza khansa, shuga, matenda a mtima. Idyani magulu a masamba asanu komanso magulu awiri azipatso tsiku lilionse kuti mukhale a nthazi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6201,"When buying and serving fruit and vegetables, aim for variety to get the most nutrients and appeal. Preparation and cooking of fruit and vegetables","Pamene mukugula komanso kugawa zipatso ndi masamba, sakhani zosiyanasiyana kuti mupeze michere komanso kumveka kosiyanasiyana. Kukonza ndi kuphika kwa zipatso ndi masamba",health and wellbeing,online +en6202,"Vegetables are often cooked, although some kinds are eaten raw. Cooking and processing can damage some nutrients and phytochemicals in plant foods","Nthawi zambiri, masamba amaphikidwa, ngakhale ena mwa iwo amadyedwa osaphika. Kuphika komanso kusitha kumatha kuwononga michere yofunika mu zakudya zomera.",health and wellbeing,online +en6203,Suggestions to get the best out of your fruit and vegetables include at raw vegetables and fruits if possible,Ganizo lina kuti mupeze zonse zofunikira mu zipatso komanso masamba ndikuphatikiza masamba osaphika ndi zipatso pamene mungathe.,health and wellbeing,online +en6204,"Try fruit or vegetables pureed into smoothies. Use a sharp knife to cut fresh fruits to avoid bruising. Cut off only the inedible parts of vegetables – sometimes the best nutrients are found in the skin, just below the skin or in the leaves",Yeselani kusinja masamba kapena zipatso kuti zikhale za phalaphala. Gwiritsani ntchito mpeni kuti mudule zipatso kuti zisakhulike. Chotsani zonse zakumasamba zimene sizingadyeke- nthawi zambiri michere yofunika imakhala pansi penipeni pa khungu kapena mumasamba,health and wellbeing,online +en6205,"Once you’ve prepared and cooked your vegetables and fruit, spend some time on presentation. People are more likely to enjoy a meal if it’s full of variety and visually appealing, as well as tasty",Pamene mwakonza chakudya komanso kuphika masamba ndi zipatso pezani nthawi kuziika mwabwino. Anthu amasangalala ndi zakudya pakhala kuti pali zosiyanasiyana koamnso zowoneka bwino komanso zokoma,health and wellbeing,online +en6206,"Meals with others tend to include more foods from the 6 food groups. For example, people often report that they can’t be bothered cooking vegetables just for themselves","Zakudya za anthu ena zimakhala ndizakudya zambiri kuchokera ku gulu asanu ndi limodzi azakudya. Mwachitsanzo, anthu amanena kuti sanangadandaule kuphika masamba awo okha",health and wellbeing,online +en6207,Sit at the table to eat and enjoy your food without distractions like television. Television watching is associated with eating more discretionary choices like takeaway or convenience foods and fewer foods from the 6 food groups,Khalani pa tebulo ndikudya zakudya zanu opanda zosokoneza monga kanema. Kuwonera kanema kumalumikizana ndi kudya zakudya zongosangalatsa monga zogulitsa komanso zakudya zochepa kuchoka mu magulu asanu ndi limodzi,health and wellbeing,online +en6208,It also makes it much more difficult to recognise and respond to our body’s signals about hunger and fullness (satiety),Izi zimapangitsa kuti zikhale zovuta kudziwa ndikumvera zomwe thupi lathu likufuna zokhudza njala ndi kukhuta,health and wellbeing,online +en6209,Children and teenagers have special food needs because they are growing and developing. They also need extra energy for playing and being more active,Ana komanso otha msikhu amakhala ndi zakudya zofuna zapaderadera chifukwa amakhala akusitha ndi kukula. Amafunanso mphamvu zapadera kuti azisewela komanso kukhala otakataka,health and wellbeing,online +en6210,"Even though they need more energy, children have a smaller stomach capacity than adults and cannot eat the same serving sizes. However, you should encourage your children to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables","Ngakhale amafuna mphamvu zambiri, ana amakhala ndi mimba yochepa kusiyana ndi akuluakulu ndipo sangadye mofanana ndi anthu akuluakulu. Komabe, mukuyenera kulimbikitsa ana kumadya zipatso ndi masamba wosiyanasiyana",health and wellbeing,online +en6211,"By eating well, your children will have the energy they need to play, concentrate better, learn, sleep better and build stronger teeth and bones","Akamadya bwino, ana amakhala ndi mphamvu kuti azisewela, kukhala olimbikila, kugona bwino komanso kukhala ndi mano ndi mafupa olimba",health and wellbeing,online +en6212,Building good habits in their early years can also provide the protection of a healthy diet throughout their lives,Kukhala ndi makhalidwe abwino anakali ana zimapeleka chitetezo pa madyedwe abwino pa umoyo wawo onse,health and wellbeing,online +en6213,"Childcare and school lunchboxes, like meals and snacks at home, should continue to reflect the 6 food groups and not include discretionary foods and drinks",Zakudya zotenga kusukulu monga zakudya komanso zotolatola kunyumba zikuyenera kumakhala ndi magulu azakuya asanu ndi limodzi ndipo pasamakhale zakudya zongodyapo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6214,Suggestions to get the best out of your fruit and vegetables include eat raw vegetables and fruits if possible," + Malingaliro kuti tipezemo zonse zofunikira muzipastso komanso m'masamba indi kuphatikiza kudya masamba osaphika komanso zipatso ngati kuli kotheka",health and wellbeing,online +en6215,"Cut off only the inedible parts of vegetables – sometimes the best nutrients are found in the skin, just below the skin or in the leaves",Chotsani mbali zonse zamasamba zomwe sizingadyedwe- nthawi zina michere yofunika imakhala pansi pa khungu kapena mu masamba,health and wellbeing,online +en6216,"For instance, you may drink the same number of drinks on different occasions and have entirely different intoxication levels","Mwachitsanzo, mukhoza kumwa zakumwa zosiyana pamalo osiyana ndikukhala ndi michere yosiyanaso",health and wellbeing,online +en6217,It is safest to avoid drinking alcohol if you need to drive or operate heavy machinery,Ndikwabwimo kupewa kumwa mowa ngati mukufna kuyendetsa kapena kugwiritsa ntchito makina akulu,health and wellbeing,online +en6218,"Alcohol takes time to completely leave your system. After a night of drinking, you may still have alcohol in your body for several hours or even the next day","Mowa umatenga nthawi kuti uchoke mthupi. Mukakhala kuti munamwa usiku, mnthupi mumakhalabe mowa kwa mawola kapena tsiku linalo",health and wellbeing,online +en6219,"That's why it's important for learner and probationary drivers; and drivers of trucks, buses, trams and trains, to stick to a zero-blood alcohol limit","Ndichifukwa kuli kofunika kuti ophunzira kuyendetsa komanso oyendetsa ma galimoto akuluakulu, ma basi komanso ma sitima kukhala opanda mowa mu magazi awo",health and wellbeing,online +en6220,It is difficult to determine the exact amount of drinks to stay under the intoxication limit. You may get some idea by recording your drinks or testing yourself with a fully calibrated breath testing machine,Ndizovuta kudiwa mlingo wa chakumwa kuti usaledzere. Ukhoza kudziwa powelengela zakumwa kapena kuziyesa nokha pa makina oyesela mowa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6221,"Although breath testing machines are available commercially and in venues, they may give an incorrect reading if they are not calibrated properly which can be dangerous","Ngakhale makina oyesera mphweya akugwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri komanso mmalo ena, amatha kupeleka zotsatra zolakwika ngati sanawatchele bwino ndipo izi ndi zoopsya.",health and wellbeing,online +en6222,Reducing your alcohol intake or not drinking altogether can have immediate benefits to your health and lifestyle,Kuchepetsa kumwa mowa kapena kusiyilatu kumwa kumakhala ndi ubwino ku thupi komanso makhalidwe,health and wellbeing,online +en6223,"These include no hangover or dehydration, and reduced risk of alcohol poisoning; better sleep – alcohol is a depressant that slows down the nervous system and disturbs sleep patterns","Zina mwa izo ndi matsire, kusowa madzi mu thupi, kuchepa kwa chiopsezo cha poizoni; tulo labiwno- mowa ndi mankhwala amene amachedwetsa kugwira ntchito kwa misepha komanso kumasokoneza magonedwe.",health and wellbeing,online +en6224,"Even though alcohol can make you fall asleep quicker, the overall quality of sleep can be poor. If you binge drink, your melatonin levels can be affected for a week","Ngakhale kuti mowa umapangitsa kuti ugone mwamsanga komabe tulo lake silikhala labwino. Ukamamwa kwambiri, tulo lako limasokonekera kwa sabata",health and wellbeing,online +en6225,"Healthier skin – drinking alcohol can cause your skin to look and feel dehydrated, and can lead to things like redness and broken capillaries. Improved mental health – you may have more clarity, better concentration and more energy","Khungu labwino- kumwa mowa kumapangitsa khungu lanu kuti lioneke komanso kusowa madzi zimene zikhoza kupangitsa kufiila komanso kuduka kwa njira zodutsa magazi. Umoyo wabwino- ukhoza kumaona bwino, kukhala wachidwi komanso kukhala ndi mphamvu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6226,"Some alcoholic drinks contain loads of sugar and carbohydrates, and that means a lot of kilojoules (calories). Alcohol can also make you crave junk food or foods that are not as healthy (such as salty snacks)",Mowa wina umakhala ndi shuga ndi zopatsa mphamvu zambiri ndipo izi yimatathauza kuti umakhaa ndi mphanvu zambiri. Mowa umakupangitsaso kuti uzifuna zakudya zamafuta komanso zakudya zowipa kuthupi monga zotolatola za mchere kwambiri.,health and wellbeing,online +en6227,"Remember, you don’t always have to drink alcohol to have a good time. If you are looking to drink less at an event or on a night out, here are some strategies you can use to monitor and reduce your intake: don’t have pre drinks before you go out;","Kumbukilani kuti simukuyenera kumwa mowa kuti musangalale. Ngati mukufuna kumwa mowa ochepa ku mkumano, kumalo osangalala nazi njira zimene mungatsatire kuti muone komanso kuchepetsa kumwa, osamwa mowa musanapite ku mkumano",health and wellbeing,online +en6228,Set a drinking limit before the event and stick to it; Start with a non-alcoholic drink; eat before and while drinking to slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream,"Khazikitsani mlingo omwera musanapite ku mkumano ndipo tsatirani, yambani kumwa zosaledzeletsa kaye, idyani musanamwe komanso pamene mukumwa kuti muchedwetse kalowedwe ka mmowa mu magazi anu",health and wellbeing,online +en6229,Avoid salty snacks that make you thirsty and make you drink more; Make every second or third drink non-alcoholic; Try low-alcohol drinks.,"Chepetsani zakudya zotolatola za mchere zimene zimabweletsa ludzu ndipo zimapangitsa kuti muzimwa kwambiri. Pangani chakumwa chilichonse chachiwiri kapena chachitatu chosaledzeletsa, yeselani zakumwa zomwe zili ndi mowa ochepa",health and wellbeing,online +en6230,"Anyone can be affected by alcohol or other drug dependence. However, it can be difficult to recognise the signs of dependence",Wina aliyense akhoza kusokonekeza kudalira mowa komanso mankhwala. Komabe zikhoza kukhala zovuta kudziwa kuti zionetselo za zovutazi.,health and wellbeing,online +en6231,"Becoming dependent on alcohol or other drugs means you rely on a substance to feel good or normal, or to cope with everyday life",Kukhala odalira mowa kapena mankhwala zimatathauza kuti umadalira mankhwala kuti upeze bwino kapena kuti ukwanitse zinthu tsiku ndi tsiku,health and wellbeing,online +en6232,"If you continue to use alcohol or other drugs despite knowing the harmful consequences, you could have developed a dependence","Ukapitiliza kumwa mowa kapena mankhwala ngakhale ukudziwa kuipa kwa zotsatira zake, umakhala kuti wayamba kudalira izi",health and wellbeing,online +en6233,Some signs that you may have an alcohol or other drug problem are changed eating or sleeping habits; caring less about your appearance; spending more time with people who drink or use drugs to excess,"Zionetselo zina zowonets akuti uli ndi vuto la mowa komanso mankhwala ndi kusitha madyedwe kapena magonedwe, kusasamala maonekedwe ako, kukhala nthawi yambiri ndi anthu okumwa komanso ogwilitsa ntchito mankhwala moposa mlingo",health and wellbeing,online +en6234,"Losing interest in activities that you used to love; getting in trouble in school, at work or with the law; getting into more arguments with family and friends; friends or family asking you if you use alcohol or other drugs","Kusiya kukonda zimene umkapanga, kusokoneza ku sukulu, ku ntchito kapena malamulo; kuyamba kumakangana ndi abanja ndi anzanu; abanja kapena anzako kumakufunsa ngati umamwa mowa kapena mankhwala",health and wellbeing,online +en6235,Often it is family and friends who first recognise that a person they care about has an alcohol or drug problem,Nthawi zambiri ndi abanja komanso anzako amene amadziwa kuti munthu amene amamukonda ali ndi vuto la mowa kapena mankhwala,health and wellbeing,online +en6236,"They may have noticed them acting differently – being withdrawn, always tired, increasingly hostile or easily upset. They may ask the person straight out if they are using alcohol or other drugs","Akhoza kuona kuti munthu wayamba kupanga zinthu mosiyana, wotopa, wolusa kapena kukhumudwa. Akhoza kumufunsa munthuyo ngati akugwiritsa ntchito mowa kapena mankhwala",health and wellbeing,online +en6237,"If that happens to you, you might feel threatened or criticised. Try to remember that they’re trying to look out for your wellbeing. A positive first step would be to listen, reflect, and be honest with yourself about what they had to say","Ngati izi zachitikira iwe, ukhoza kumaona ngati ukuwopsezedwa kapena kudzudzulidwa. Yeselani kukumbukila kuti akungofuna kusamalira umoyo wanu. Chinthu choyamba chabwino ndikumvetsela, kulingalira kukhala owona mtima ndi iwe mwini pa zimene akufuna kunena",health and wellbeing,online +en6238,There is no particular type of person who becomes dependent on alcohol or other drugs. It can happen to anyone,Palibe munthu osakhika amene amkhala odalira mowa kapena mankhwala. Zikhoza kuchitikira wina aliyense,health and wellbeing,online +en6239,"What starts as occasional use of a drug or one prescription of pain-relieving medication, for example, can get out of control as time passes – especially in times of pain or stress","Zimene zimangoyamba ngati mukugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala patalipatali kapena kumwa mankhwala kuti uchotse ululu, mwachitsanzo, zimapezeka kuti zapitilira- makamaka nthawi imene nthawi yakumva kuwawa kapena kukhumudwa",health and wellbeing,online +en6240,"You may find you need bigger doses to get the same feeling or to lessen the pain. Eventually, you may depend on the drug to feel good or to get through your day","Umapezeka kuti ukufuna mlingo waukulu kuti upeze bwino kapena kuchepetsa ululu. Kenako, umadalira mankhwalawo kuti upeze bwino kapena kuti tsiku lidutse",health and wellbeing,online +en6241,Other signs that you are becoming dependent on alcohol or other drugs include having intense urges for the substance – this could be once a day or several times a day; needing more of a substance to get the same effect,"Zionetselo zina kuti ukuyamba kumadalira mowa kapena mankhwala ndi kufuna kwambiri mankhwala- izi zikhoza kukhala kamodzi kapena kambiri pa tsiku, kufuna mankhwala ochuluka kuti upeze bwino",health and wellbeing,online +en6242,"Spending money on the substance, even when you cannot afford it; cutting back on social or other activities; not meeting your work, family or study responsibilities","Kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama pa mankhwala, ngakhale pamene sungakwanitse, kuchepetsa kucheza ndi ena kapena zochitika zina;osakwanitsa ntchito, banja kapena maphunziro.",health and wellbeing,online +en6243,"Lying to people about your alcohol or drug use when they ask; doing things that are illegal so you can get the substance, such as stealing; taking risks such as driving when you are under the influence of the substance","Kunamiza anthu zamchitidwe wakumwa kapena kugwilitsa ntchito mankhwala akakufunsa; kupanga zinthu zolakwika kuti ugule mankhwala monga kuba, kupanga zinthu zoopsya monga kuyendetsa galimoto utagwilitsa ntchito mankhwala",health and wellbeing,online +en6244,Trying but failing to stop using the substance; experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop taking the substance,Kufuna kusiya kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala; kusafuna kusiya pamene ukafuna kumwa mankhwalawo,health and wellbeing,online +en6245,Cutting down on alcohol or other drugs is hard to do because repeated alcohol or drug use makes the body more dependent and changes the brain,Kusiya mowa ndi mankhwala ndikovuta chifukwa kugwiritsa ntchito mowa komanso mankhwala kumapangitsa thupi likhale lodalira mowa komanso kusitha ubongo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6246,Brain scans of people who are dependent on alcohol or other drugs often show changes in the areas of the brain that help you learn and remember and make decisions,"Kuwunika ubongo wa anthu amene amadalira mowa komanso mankhwala zimaonetsa kusitha muubongo umene umathandandiza kuphunzira, kukumbukira komanso kupanga ziganizo",health and wellbeing,online +en6247,The best thing you can do is to talk to someone you trust so you do not have to deal with this challenge alone,Chithu chofunika chomwe ungapange ndikuyakhula ndi munthu amene umamukhulupilira kuti muthane ndi vutoli,health and wellbeing,online +en6248,"As a general rule, it takes one hour for the body to break down a standard drink",Lamulo lodziwika ndilakuti zimatenga ola limodzi kuti mowa uchoke muthupi,health and wellbeing,online +en6249,"When handling Cholera deaths, request respectfully for a family representative. Always consider social, cultural, and religious beliefs and practices","Mukamagwira maliro a kolera, pemphani mwaulemu wa chibanja. Nthawi zonse, ganizirani kukhala limodzi, chikhalidwe komanso zikhulupiliro zachipembezo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6250,The family must be fully informed about the dignified burial process and their religious and personal rights. Ensure that they agree to all modifications of cultural practices before starting the burial,Abanja akuyenera kudziwitsidwa za mwambo oika maliro koamnso zachimbedzo komanso ufulu wa munthu. Wonetsetsani kuti zositha zonse pazachikhalidwe mwawadziwitsa munaike malliro,health and wellbeing,online +en6251,Propose to one or two family members to witness the preparation activities of the body of the deceased patient on behalf of the other family members,Pephani mmodzi kapena anthu awiri abanja kuti awonelele kukonza thupi la omwalira mmalo wa abanja,health and wellbeing,online +en6252,"Ask the family witness if there are any specific requests from the family or community, for example, about the personal belongings of the deceased","Afunseni mboni zabanja ngati pali pempho lina lililonse kuchokera ku banja, kumudzi monga katundu wamunthu womwalirayo",health and wellbeing,online +en6253,"Allow the family witness, family members to take pictures of the preparation and burial. The coffin is placed (delicately) on the platform of the vehicle that will serve as the hearse, usually the head towards the front","Lolani mboni za banja, achibale kujambula zithuzi pokonza komanso kuika malirowo. Bokosi limaikidwa mosalamala pa galimoto imene imakhala yonyamula maliro, nthawi zambiri munthu utaloza kutsogolo",health and wellbeing,online +en6254,"Respect the time of grieving, possibly with a speech about the deceased and religious songs (chants) to aid the departure of the deceased to the cemetery, according to local cultural and religious beliefs/habits","Lemekezani nthawi yolira, komanso zoyankhula za womwalirayo komanso nyimbo za mpingo kuti zithandizire pamene womalirayo akukaikidwa kumanda, tsatilani izi mwa mwambo komanso chipembedzo",health and wellbeing,online +en6255,"During the departure of the funeral procession to the cemetery, some family members might be on rear of the vehicle with the coffin","Nthawi imene maliro akupita kumanda, anthu ena abanja akhoza kuima pafupi ndi bokosi pa galimoto.",health and wellbeing,online +en6256,The other participants of the funeral may follow behind the car at walking pace. The body should be buried at least 50 meters from a water source and at least 1.5 meters deep,Ena okhala nawo pa maliropo akhoza kumalondola pambuyo pa gsalimoto akuyenda pan’gonopan’gono. Thupi likuyenera kukwilidwa ma mita makumi asanu kuchokera pamene pali madzi ndipo mita limodzi kupita pansi,health and wellbeing,online +en6257,"Manually carry the coffin or body bag to the grave, which is already prepared, followed by the funeral participants. Place the coffin or body bag into the grave","Nyamulani bokosi kapena thumba lamaliro kupita kumanda amene alongoseledwa kale, motsatilidwa ndi anthu opita ku maliro. Ikani bokosi kapena thumba la mu dzenje.",health and wellbeing,online +en6258,Respect the time required for prayers and funeral speeches. Family members and their assistants should be allowed to be close the grave,Lemekezani nthawi ya mapephero komanso zoyakhula pamaliro. Anthu abanja komanso othandizira akuyenera kuloledwa kukhala chifupi ndi mandawo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6259,Place an identification on the grave (name of the deceased and the date) and a religious symbol if requested. Clean hands using alcohol hand rub immediately after removing gloves,Ikani chizindikilo pa mandawo monga dzina lawomwalira ndi tsiku komanso chizindikilo cha mpingo ngati mwapephedwa. Sambani mmanja ndi zotsukira manja zokhala ndi mowa mukachotsa zotetezera manja,health and wellbeing,online +en6260,"Family and all persons attending the burial to clean hands with the burial. Avoid serving food at the funeral. If food is served, it should be eaten hot and hand washing should be compulsory before eating or preparing food","Abanja komanso anthu onse amene abwera kumaliro akuyenera kusamba mmanja. Pewani kupeleka zakudya kumaliro. Ngati chakudya chikupelekedwa, chikuyenrera kudyedwa chili chotetha komanso kuwumiliza kusamba manja asanadye kapean kukonza chakudya",health and wellbeing,online +en6261,A designated health worker present at the funeral gathering can be helpful in supervising and supporting the use of hygienic practices,Woimilira ntchito zaumoyo pamaliro akhoza kuthandiza kuyan’ganira komanso kuthandiza kuti njira za ukhondo zatsatidwa,health and wellbeing,online +en6262,"Avoid hand washing in a single common hand dipping bowel, instead all hand washing should be under running water","Pewani kusamba manja mu chosambila manja chimodzi, kusamba mmanja konse kukuyenera kukhala kogwiritsa ntchito madzi oyenda",health and wellbeing,online +en6263,"Parents and carers can encourage open and honest conversations with their child about relationships, sex and sexuality as early and as often as possible",Makolo ndi osamalira akhoza kulimbikitsa kucheza komasukilana koamnso kowona mtima ndi mwana wawo zokhudza zogonana anakali wochepa ndiposo mobweleza,health and wellbeing,online +en6264,Have casual and frequent conversations – don’t make it a formal lecture. Be honest and provide as much information that is suitable for their age,Khalani ndi macheza komanso kucheza pafupipafupi- osazipanga ngati maphunziro. Khalani owona mtima komanso kupeleka uthenga woyenera msikhu wawo,health and wellbeing,online +en6265,"Parents and carers, are one of the most influential role models for their children. When talking about relationships, sex and sexuality cover a broad range of topics. Establish ground rules about sexual behaviour in the home","Makolo ndi osamala ndi amene amakhala chitsanzo kwa ana awo. Mukamayakhula za ubwenzi, zogonana muzikamba zinthu zambiri. Khazikitsani malamulo panyumba zokhudzana ndi kugonana.",health and wellbeing,online +en6266,It is common for parents and carers to feel awkward or unsure when talking to their children about sex and sexuality. Avoiding the conversation will not stop young people from having sex or keep them safe,Zimachitikachitika kwa makolo ndi osamalira kukhala ndi manyazi komanso kusadziwa akamayakhulana ndi ana awo nkhani zazogonana. Kusacheza nawo ndi anthu achichepele sikungapangitse anthuwa kupanga chiwelewele kapena kuwateteza,health and wellbeing,online +en6267,"According to research, children and young people want to talk with their parents or carers about relationships, sex and sexuality","Zotsatsira za kafukufuku, ana ndi anthu achichepele amafuna kuyakhulana ndi makolo komanso osamalira nkhani za ubwenzi, chiwelewele",health and wellbeing,online +en6268,"We sometimes refer to these conversations as sex education, having 'the talk', or talking about the 'birds and the bees'. But it is much more than that","Timatchula mchezo umenewu kuti maphunziro azogonana, kuyakhulana kapena kuyakhula za mbalame ndi njuzi koma zimakhala zofunikira kwambiri kuposa zimenzo",health and wellbeing,online +en6269,"Having open and honest discussions where young people can receive accurate information about bodies, relationships, sex and sexuality helps them make safer choices in adulthood","Kukhala ndi macheza amasuka komanso owona mtima pamene anthu achichepere akhoza kumalandira uthenga wamatupi awo, ubwenzi, zachiwelewele zimathandizira kuti apange ziganizo zabwino akakula",health and wellbeing,online +en6270,"Many adults are unsure how to start, or may feel uncomfortable having these conversations. Avoiding the subject will not stop young people from having sex or keep them safe",Makolo ambiri samadziwa kuti kuti ayambira pati kapena kusamasuka kukambilana izi. Kupewa nkhaniyi sizingaletse anthu achichepele kupanga zogonana kapena kuwateteza,health and wellbeing,online +en6271,Open communication also allows adults to raise issues about their own values. Many adults feel awkward or unsure when talking with young people about sex. Confidence comes with time and practice,Kucheza momasuka zimalowa anthu akulu akuluakulu kubweletsa nkhani zazimene amakhulupilira. Anthu akuluakulu ambiri samakhala omasuka kapena kusadziwa kuyakhulana ndi anthu achichepele nkhani za chiwelewele. Kukhala omasuka kumabwera pakatha nthawi komanso kuyesela,health and wellbeing,online +en6272,Start conversations early and keep talking as your child gets older. Be the one they ask for advice. Answer questions as simply and directly as possible. Keep conversations casual. Use cues around you,Yambani kucheza nthawi yabwino komanso kumayakhulana pamene mwana akukula. Khalani munthu amene uphungu. Kumayakha mafunso mwachidule komanso mwachindunji. Pangani macheza anu kukhla omasuka. Gwiritsani ntchito zizindikilo zomwe mukuziona,health and wellbeing,online +en6273,"Be ready to talk about diversity of gender and sexuality. Find books, websites and other resources for ideas. Start conversations early in childhood and keep talking","Khalani okhonzeka kuyankhula zambiri za ukazi kapena mwamuna komanso zachiwelewele. Pezani mabuku, makina a intaneti komanso zipangizo za nzeru zina. Yambani kukambilana akadali ali wachichepele ndipo pitilizani kuyakhula.",health and wellbeing,online +en6274,"Children learn about relationships, sex and sexuality from the moment they are born. Very young children get messages from adults about their bodies. This includes words to describe their body parts and functions, concepts about public and private body parts and behaviours","Ana amaphunzira za ubwenzi, zogonana kuchokera pamene angobadwa. Ana achipepele amalandira mauthenga amatupi awo kuchokera kwamakolo awo. Mawu wofotokoza ziwalo zamatupi awo, kugwira ntchito, mawu okhudza ziwalo zobisika komanso makhalidwe.",health and wellbeing,online +en6275,It is common for young children to be open and curious about their bodies and those of others. Try to use correct terminology for private body parts. This helps to reduce anxiety and shame,Zimachulukila ana ochepa kukhala omasuka ndi chidwi pa matupi awo ndi anzawo ena. Yesani kugwiritsa ntchto mawu oyenera aziwalo. Izi zimachepetsa mantha komanso manyazi,health and wellbeing,online +en6276,"They will also gain confidence to ask questions and report to a trusted adult if something isn’t right. As your child gets older, continue these conversations as opportunities arise. It is best to be proactive rather than reactive",Amakhala ndi chidaliro kufunsa mafunso komanso kufotokoza kwa munthu wamkulu ngati chinachake sichili bwino. Mwana wanu akamakula amapitilza kumayakhula mwaayi ukapezeka. Zimakhala bwino kukhala watcheru.,health and wellbeing,online +en6277,"Start talking about things like puberty before changes start happening for your child. Healthy, respectful relationships before your child is likely to see pornography",Yambani kuyakhula zinthu monga kukula kusitha kusanafike kwa mwana wanu. Kucheza kwabwino kolemekezana mwana wanu amayamba kuyamba kuwonera kanema wolawula,health and wellbeing,online +en6278,"Safer sex practices before your child becomes sexually active. If children receive age appropriate information early, it means less anxiety for everyone later. If conversations haven't started as early as you might have liked, don’t panic – find an opportunity",Mchitidwe wogonana wodziteteza mwana wanu asanayambe zachiwelewele. Ngati mwana wanu wayamba kulandira uthenga wa msikhu wake nthawi yabwino zimachepetsa kuwopa nthawi ina.,health and wellbeing,online +en6279,"Research shows that young people who receive accurate, honest and comprehensive sex education are more likely to delay their first sexual experience and engage in safer sex practices","Kafukufuku waonetsa kuti anthu achichepere amene amalandira uthenga wa zogonana wa weniweni, wowona mtima amachedwa kupanga zachiwelewele komanso kupanga zogonana mozisamala",health and wellbeing,online +en6280,"Be the one they ask for advice on relationships, sex and sexuality. Be honest and approachable – encourage children to ask questions. If children understand that they will get an accurate answer, they are more likely to ask for advice at home","Khalani munthu amene angamafunse uphungu wa ubwenzi, zogonana. Khalani woona mtima komanso ofikilika- limbikitsani kufunsa mafunso. Ngati ana akumva amakhala ndi mayankho olondola, amafunsa maganizo kunyumba",health and wellbeing,online +en6281,"Keep conversations casual about relationships, sex and sexuality. Talking about relationships, sex, and sexuality doesn’t have to be formal. Integrate these topics into any conversation, so it becomes a normal part of life","Macheza amenewa azikhala womasuka zokhudza ubwenzi, zachiwelewele. Kuyakhula za ubwezi, zachiwelele sizimayenela kukhala zapamwamba. Ikani macheza amenewa mumacheza anu kenako zimakhala gawo la moyo wanu",health and wellbeing,online +en6282,"Young people often want short, direct answers to their questions. They can ask more questions as they arise. How to start conversations by using cues",Anthu achichepele amafuna mayankho achindunji kumafunso awo. Amafunsa mafunso ambiri akamacheza. Kuyamba kucheza kugwiritsa ntchito zizindikilo,health and wellbeing,online +en6283,"Use news, current affairs, social media, advertising, song lyrics, books, television, and movies as cues to start a conversation","Gwiritsani ntchito uthenga, malo amacheza, kutsatsa, nyimbo, mabuku, kanema komanso zowonela ngati zizindikilo kuti muzicheza.",health and wellbeing,online +en6284,You might also observe people around you or online to begin or continue your discussions. Young people may want to talk about diverse kinds of relationships and sexuality,Mukhoza kuona anthu ena komanso pamakina intaneti kuyamba kucheza kapena kupitiliza macheza. Anthu achichepele akhoza kufuna kuyamba kuyakhula zokhudza za maubwenzi komanso zogonana.,health and wellbeing,online +en6285,"Don’t wait for your child to ask questions, be proactive and begin the conversation. Use open-ended questions like, 'What do you think you would do in that situation?'. Use books, websites and other resources to explain concepts","Musadikile mwana wanu kuti afunse mafunso, khalani patsogolo kuyambitsa macheza. Gwiritsani ntchito mafunso otseguka monga “mukuganiza kuti mukanapanga bwanji pa nkhani imene ija”. Gwiritsani ntchito mabuku, makina a intaneti komanso zipangizo kufotokoza zochitika",health and wellbeing,online +en6286,"Start with picture books for young children to explain complicated ideas like conception and pregnancy. Older children may need help finding suitable, accurate resources",Yambani kugwirits ntchito mabuku azithuzi a ana kufotokoza zinthu zovuta monga kubeleka komanso pakati. Ana akuluakulu akhoza kufuna zipangizo zoyenera.,health and wellbeing,online +en6287,If children search for these topics on their own as they may find misleading facts or pornography. Be approachable and offer to look for suitable information together,Koma ngati ana akufufuza uthenga umenewu pawokha akhoza kumapeza uthenga olakwika kapena kanema olawula. Khalani ofikilika komanso sakhani mauthenga wofunika,health and wellbeing,online +en6288,"You may also want to discuss who else they could talk to if they feel reluctant to come to you (such as a trusted adult friend or relative). Preparing to talk to children about relationships, sex and sexuality","Mukhoza kufuna kukambilana ndi wina aliyense amene angayakhule naye ngati akukanika kubwera kwa inu monga wamkulu wokhulupilika. Kuwakonzekeletsa ana anu kuyakhula za ubwenzi, zachiwelewele",health and wellbeing,online +en6289,"The first step is to plan your approach before talking to children and young people about relationships, sex and sexuality","Njira yoyamba ndikukhoza ndondomeko yofikila musanayambe kuwayakhula ana komanso anthu achichepele nkhani za ubwenzi, chiwelewele.",health and wellbeing,online +en6290,You might like to try some of these suggestions: Discuss the topic with your partner or other adults involved in your child’s parenting. Decide on a consistent approach,Mukhoza kufunanso kutsatira izi: kambilanani ndi bwenzi lanu kapena akuluakulu amene akukhala nawo ana anu. Ganizirani mmene mungamapangire,health and wellbeing,online +en6291,"Decide what values and messages you want to communicate. Children won’t always know about your morals, values and beliefs unless you tell them. Be informed about relevant current affairs",Ganizirani zomwe mumakhulupira komanso uthenga umene mukufuna kufotokoza. Ana sangakhale akudziwa zinthu zabwino komanso zikhulupilro pokhapokha mutawauza. Adziwitseni zazimene zikuchitika,health and wellbeing,online +en6292,"Remember, the aim is to be open and honest about the topic – tell them if you feel embarrassed. Language around sexuality is changing. Be open to learning new words around identity, relationships and sexuality","Kumbukilani, cholinga ndikukhala omasuka komanso owona mtima pazimene mukukambilana- afotokozeleni kuti asapange manyazi. Chiyakhulo chokhudza nkhani za chiwelewele zikusitha.khalani omasuka kuphunzira mawu atsopano okhudza kudzidziwa, maubwenzi komanso zachiwelewele",health and wellbeing,online +en6293,Accept your child could have different views to your own. Suggested topics to talk about at different ages and stages,Vomelezani kuti mwana wanu akhoza kukhala ndi maganizo osiyana ndi inu. Bweletsani ganizo a zinthu zomwe mungakambilane pa zaka zosiyana,health and wellbeing,online +en6294,"It is common for young people to have an interest in adult things like sex. Answer questions with honest information that is suitable for their age. If your child is asking questions, they are probably ready for answers","Zimachitika kuti anthu achichepele kumafuna kupanga za akuluakulu monga kugonanana. Yankhani mafunso ndi uthenga woona mtima wokhudzana ndi msikhu wawo. Ngati mwana waanu akufunsa mafunso, amakhala kuti ali kale ndi mayankho",health and wellbeing,online +en6295,"Themes of consent, respect and help seeking are relevant to all ages. Remember, start conversations early and keep talking. Revisit topics throughout childhood and adolescence","Nkhani yokhudza kufunsa, kulemekezana komansoi kupepha chithandizo zokhudza zaka zonse. Kumbukilani , yambani macheza ana ali achichepere ndipo pitilizani kuyankhula nawo. Bwelerani kuzimenezi mu nyengo imene ali ana.",health and wellbeing,online +en6296,Body autonomy – teaching them about rights and consent (e.g. they are the boss of their body and they get to say what goes),M’mene limakhalira thupi- kuwaphunzitsa zaufulu komanso kufunsa asanapange chithu monga ndimabwana athupi lawo mmnene amanenera ena,health and wellbeing,online +en6297,"Public body parts – learning they have the right to choose which parts of their body are public. This may depend on certain factors (such as preference, culture or religion)","Ziwalo zomwe anthu ena akhoza kuona- kuphunzira kuti ali ndi ufulu wosakha ziwalo pa thupi lawo zimene athu akhoza kuwona. Izi zimatengela zinthu monga makondamakonda, chikhalidwe kapena chipembedzo",health and wellbeing,online +en6298,Private body parts and appropriate behaviour – such as part no one has permission to see or touch (such as wearing bathers at the local swimming pool),Ziwalo zobisika komanso makhalidwe abwino- monga ziwalo zimene munthu alibe ufulu owona kapena kugwira monga kuvala thaulo kumalo osambilira agulu,health and wellbeing,online +en6299,"Giving accurate names for private body parts – (such as penis, scrotum, vulva, breasts, anus). Getting help from people they trust when they are scared, worried or feel unsafe","Kupeleka maina oyenera aziwalo zobisika monga chokodzera, matumbo, kokodzera, bele, kobibila. Kupepha chithandizo kwa anthi amene amakhulupilira nthawi imene akuopa kapena osatetezeka",health and wellbeing,online +en6300,"By the end of primary school, young people should have a good understanding of how bodies work and change","Pamathelo amaphunziro aku pulayimale, anthu achichepele azikhala ndi kumvetsetsa mmene thupi limagwiira ntchito komanso kusitha.",health and wellbeing,online +en6301,"This includes knowledge about puberty and how babies are made. Don’t forget to discuss relevant changes in the opposite sex. The more accurate information children have, the less anxiety they will feel","Izi ndi monga maphuzilo okhudza kukula komaso mmene ana amabadwira. Osayiwala kukambilana kusitha kumene kumachitika kwa mamuna kapena mkazi. Uthenga kwa ukhala owona, ana samakhala ndi mantha",health and wellbeing,online +en6302,"In secondary school, the conversation should move more towards relationships. This includes information on respectful intimate relationships, pleasure and enjoyment","Ku sukulu ya sekondale, kukambilanaku kukuyenera kukhala kusuthila ku za ubwenzi. Izi ndi uthenga monga ubwenzi wolemekezana, kumva bwino komanso kusangalala",health and wellbeing,online +en6303,"Most young people will be interested sexual experiences as they move into adulthood. Provide sex-positive, accurate, honest and comprehensive information about relationships, sex, and sexuality. This will help your child make healthy, safe and positive choices","Anthu ambiri achichepele amakhala osangalatsidwa ndi zachiwelewele akamakula. Pelekani uthenga woyenera, wowona okhudza maubwenzi, zachiwelewele. Izi zimathandiza mwana wanu kuoanga chiganizo chabwino komano zopindula",health and wellbeing,online +en6304,Remember to listen to your child. It should be a series of discussions not a lecture. Be prepared for the possibility that they may not feel the same way or agree with you,Kumbukilani kumumvera mwana wanu. Kukuyenera kukhala kukambilana osati kumuphunzita. Khalani okonzeka kuti sangagwilizane nanu kapena kumvera mmene mukumvera inu,health and wellbeing,online +en6305,"Teenagers need to learn how to negotiate sexual experiences positively and responsibly. Ways to help your child make safe and informed sexual decisions include giving them accurate and easy-to-understand information about contraception, safer sex and sexually transmissible infections (STIs)","Anthu osakwana zakwa makumi awiri akuyenera kuphunzira kukambilana mmene zachiwelewele zimayendela komanso modzipeleka. Mmene mungamuthandizire mwana wanu kuti akhale otetezeka komanso kupanga ziganizo zoyenera zokhuza chiwelewele monga kuwapatsa uthenga wofunika komanso wosavuta kumvetsetsa zokhudza kulela, kugonana kodziteteza komanso matenda opatsilana pogonana.",health and wellbeing,online +en6306,Encourage them to talk about sex and the possible outcome with their partner. Identify ways to deal with unwanted sexual pressure (including peer pressure). Direct them to reliable sources of information to find answers to questions about sex,Alimbikitseni kuti azikambilana ndi bwezi lawo nkhani ya zogonana koamnso zotsatira zimene zingabwere. Kupeza njira zothanilana ndi njira zopewela kukamizana kugonana. Awonetseni ku mauthenga abwino kuti apeze mayankho okhudza zogonana.,health and wellbeing,online +en6307,Ensure they understand the importance of practising safer sex – Including external and internal condom use). Keep communication open. Sex and establishing ground rules at home,Wonetsetsani kuti akumvetsetsani kufunika kogonana modziteteza- monga kugwirits ntchito chishango. Kulumikizana komasuka. Kugonana komanso kukhazikitsa malamulo pakhomo,health and wellbeing,online +en6308,Most young people will become sexually active at some stage. Not allowing them to have sex at home will not stop them from having sex,Anthu ambiri achichepele amakhala ochita zogonana akafika pena pake. Kusaloleza kupanga zogonana zingiwaletse kupanga zoganana,health and wellbeing,online +en6309,Establish ground rules about sexual behaviour in your home – this may include whether to allow your child to have their partner in their bedroom or stay the night,Khazikitsani malamulo okhudza zogonana pakhomo- izi zikhoza kumulola mwana wanu kulowetsa kuchipinda kapena kugona kunyumba komko,health and wellbeing,online +en6310,The best time to decide on these rules is when you are talking openly about sex and before the situation arises,Nthawi yabwino yopangila chiganizo cha malamulowa ndikuyakhalana zazoganana nthawi yabwino nthawiyo isanafike,health and wellbeing,online +en6311,"Schools encourage an approach to sexuality education that involves teachers, parents and carers, and the school community","Masukulu amalimbikitsidwa kugwilitsa ntchito njira yamaphunziro a zogonana amene pamakhala aphunzitsi, makolo, opeleka chisamaliro komanso anthu apa sukulu",health and wellbeing,online +en6312,"A child can experience grief, anger, sadness and confusion over the breakup of their family. They may blame themselves. Find sources of emotional support for yourself, so that you have the strength to help your child","Mwana akhoza kukhala ndi chisoni, mkwiyo, kudandaula komanso kubalalika chifukwa chakusiyana mu banja lawo. Amaziona ngati apangitsa ndiiwo. Pezani zida zozithandizira kuti mukhale ndi mphamvu kuti muthandize mwana wanu",health and wellbeing,online +en6313,Avoid criticizing the other parent in front of your child. Family breakups are often difficult for children. Parents can help their kids by giving them honest explanations and emotional support,Chepetsani kudzudzula kholo linzanu pamaso pa mwana. Kusiyana kwa mabanja kumakhala kovuta makamaka kwa ana. Makolo akhoza kuthandiza ana awo popeleka uthenga wowona komanso kumathandizira maganizo awo,health and wellbeing,online +en6314,"Children of all ages experience a wide range of bewildering emotions when their parents separate or divorce. These may include sadness, anger, fear, jealousy and insecurity","Ana azaka zonse amakhala ndi maganizo pamene makolo awo asiyana kapena banja kutha. Izi zimakhala kudandaula, mkwiyo, kuopa, nsanje komanso kudzikaikila",health and wellbeing,online +en6315,Don’t underestimate your child’s capacity to understand what is going on around them. Trying to spare your child by not explaining to them what’s happening will only cause them more confusion,Osaphweketsa kuthekela kwa mwana kuti sangamvetsetse zimene zikuchitika. Kuyesela kumupatula mwana posamufotokozera chimene chikuchitika zimangitsa kuti abalalike kwambiri.,health and wellbeing,online +en6316,"If it is possible for both parents together to explain the situation simply, use words the child can understand","Ngati kuli kotheka, makolo nonse mufotokozeleni mwana zimene zikuchitika, gwiritsani ntchito mawu woti mwanayo amvetsetse",health and wellbeing,online +en6317,"You may have to explain several times before the child fully grasps what has happened to their family and what their future holds. Be aware that your child will want the family to stay as it is, so they may not want to hear what you are telling them","Mukhoza kuyenera kufotokoza mobweleza kuti mwana amvetsetse kuti chikuchitika ndi chani banjalo komanso kuti tsogolo lawo likhala lotanii. Dziwani kuti mwanayo amafuna kuti banjalo likhale mmene lili, ndiye sangamamve zimene mukunena",health and wellbeing,online +en6318,Children may think they or their behaviour are to blame for the breakup. It is important to keep reinforcing that this is not the case. Everyone grieves in different ways,Ana akhoza kuganiza kapena kuti khalidwe lawo ndilimene lapangitsa kuti asiyane. Ndizofunika kumulimbikitsa izi sizili choncho. Aliyense amalira mosiyasiyana,health and wellbeing,online +en6319,"Grief is the normal emotional response to the loss of something precious. Everyone grieves in different ways. Children, like adults, may grieve inconsistently, seeming fine one day, only to be very upset and depressed the next","Kumva chisoni ndi mmene timayakhira mmaganizo chinthu chofunika chikatayika. Aliyense amalira mosiyasiyana. ana , chimodzimodzi akuluakulu amalira mosiyana, amamoneka bwino tsiku lina kenako kukhala okhumudwa tsiku linalo",health and wellbeing,online +en6320,"Your child may have regular nightmares or difficulty sleeping – they may want to sleep with you; show out-of-character behaviour, such as temper tantrums; start to have difficulties with school work or not want to go to away from the family",Ana amayamba kukhala ndi maloto owopsya kapena kuvutika kugona- amafuna atamagona ndi inu; kuwonetsa khalidwe lolakwika monga kulusa; kuyamba kukhala ndi mavuto ku sukulu kapena kusafuna kuchoka pa nyumba,health and wellbeing,online +en6321,"Exhibit aggressive or withdrawn behavior; be more fearful than usual; cover up hurt through indifferent or cold behavior; develop problems with eating, such as going off their food or ‘comfort eating’",Amayamba kuonetsa khalidwe lovutitsa kapena kusiya kukhala ndi ena; kuyamba kumaopa kwambiri ; kusawonetsa kumva kuwawa poyamba makhalidwe ena; kuyamba kuvutika pakudya monga osadya kapena kudya kuti amve bwino chabe,health and wellbeing,online +en6322,"Have physical complaints, such as headaches; blame themselves for the breakup; blame the parent they are spending the most time with; worry excessively, particularly about family members who are upset","Kuyamba kudandaula za mthupi monga mutu kupweteka, kumaona ngati apangitsa ndiiwo kuti asiyane;kuwayimba mlandu makolo kuti akutaya nthawi yambiri ndi wina;kudandaula kodutsa muyezo makamaka achibanja amene akhumudwa.",health and wellbeing,online +en6323,"Regress to an earlier stage of development – for example, thumb sucking or bedwetting. Everyone needs support. Separation and divorce are emotionally difficult times for everyone",Amabweleraso kumakhalidwe akale monga kuyamwa chala kapena kukodza pogona. Aliyense amafuna thandizo. Kusiyana kapena kutha kwa banja ndikovuta mmaganizo kwa aliyense,health and wellbeing,online +en6324,"Sometimes, a parent can be so overwhelmed by their own pain that they are unable to support their child. The parent may fail to notice the child’s distress","Nthawi zina, ngati kholo limakhala lophinjika ndi kuwawa ndipo sangathe kuthandiza mwana wawo. Makolo akhoza kukanika kuona kuti mwana akuvutika",health and wellbeing,online +en6325,"They may also expect the child to emotionally support them, instead of the other way around. It is important to find support for yourself – through family members, friends or professionals – so that you can look after yourself and also feel strong enough to support your child","Akhoza kumayembekezela kuti mwanayo ndi amene akuyenera kuthandiza osati iwo kuthandiza mwanayo. Ndizofunika kupeza thandizo pawekha monga achibanja, anzanu kapena akadaulo- kuti muziyan’ganire nokha komanso kukhala nsanamila odalilika kwa mwana wanu.",health and wellbeing,online +en6326,"Your child may also need professional support and counselling. Explaining a breakup to your child. Ways of helping your child to understand what has happened include if possible, both parents should explain the breakup to the child, particularly when breaking the news",Mwana wanu akhoza kufunanso chthandizo komanso uphungu kuchokera kwa akadaulo. Kufotokozera mwana zakusiyana. Njira zothandizira mwana pazimene zachitika ngati kuli kotheka ndi monga; makolo onse kumufokozera mwana zakusiyanaku makamaka mukamamuuza koyamba.,health and wellbeing,online +en6327,"Reassure your child that the breakup is not their fault in any way and that both parents still love them. Tell your child, in as much detail as you can, about their new routine: where they will live, who will take them to school and so on","Mulimbitseni mtima mwanayo kuti kusiyanaku sichifukwa cha iwo ndi makolo nonse mumamukonda. Muuwezeni mwana wanu watchutchu, mmene zinthu zizikhalira: kumene azikakhala, amene azikasiya ku sukulu ndi zina zotero",health and wellbeing,online +en6328,It is a good idea to wait until you think they are ready to hear this information. Allow your child to ask as many questions as they want. Answer truthfully and honestly. It is OK to be upset,Ndiganizo labwino kudikila mpaka pamene mukuganiza kuti mwanayu ali okhozeka kumva uthengawu. Muloleni mwana kuti afunse mmene akufunila. Yakhani mwachilungamo ndimoona mtima. Ndizabwinobwino kukhala okhumudwa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6329,"Use age-appropriate language. As the child matures, you can explain the separation in more sophisticated ways. Be prepared to explain the separation to the child again and again","Gwiritsani ntchito chiyakhulo choyenera ndi msikhu wake. Pamene mwana akukula, mufotokozeleni zakusiyaniku mwatsatanetsatane. Khalani okonzeka kumufotokonzera mwana zakusiyanaku mobwelezabweleza.",health and wellbeing,online +en6330,"Seek professional advice if you feel it is necessary for yourselves or your child. Sometimes, it may be hard to find the right words for your child","Pezani uphungu kwa akadaulo ngati mukuoneka kuti ndizofunikira kwa mwana wanu. Nthawi zina, zimakhala zovuta kupeza mawu oyenera kwa mwana wanu",health and wellbeing,online +en6331,It can be helpful to say “Sometimes mums and dads stop loving one another. It's really sad when this happens.’,Zikhoza kukhala zothandiza kunena kuti “nthawi zina amayi ndi abambo amasiya kukondana. Ndipo zimakhala zovetsa chisoni izi zikachitika”.,health and wellbeing,online +en6332,"‘Dad/Mum has stopped loving me and doesn't want to go on living with me, but that doesn't mean he/she doesn't still love you and wants to go on seeing you. So we are going to work out how to make this happen","‘abambo/amayi asiya kundikonda ndipo sakufuna kumakhalaso ndi ine, koma izi sizikutathauza kuti iwo sakundikonda ndipo akufuna kumakuonabe. Ndipo tigwira ntchito kuti izi ziyende.",health and wellbeing,online +en6333,Encourage your child to talk about their feelings openly and as often as they want. Tell your child that it is OK to have a range of different feelings and suggest appropriate ways to express these feelings,Mulimbikitseni mwana kuyakhula momasuka m’mene akumvera momasuka komanso mmene akufunila. Muuzeni mwana wanu kuti ndizabwinobwino kumva mosiyana ndipo pelekani njira zimene akatulutsire kumvaku.,health and wellbeing,online +en6334,"This may include writing down feelings in a diary or releasing feelings through physical activity such as running or gardening. Share your own feelings – for example, cry together",Izi zikhoza kukhala kulemba mmene akumvera mu buku kapena kutulutsa mmene akumvera popanda ntchito zolimbitsa thupi monga kuthamanga kapena kulima. Nanuso fotokozani mmene mukumvera monga kulilira limodzi,health and wellbeing,online +en6335,Be prepared to constantly reassure the child of your love for them and the love of the other parent. Arrange as much contact with the absent parent as possible. Try to maintain some kind of regular routine to give your child a sense of security,Khalani okhonzeka kumamulimbitsa mtima mwana wanu zachikondi chimene muli nacho pa iwo komanso kholo linzanu. Khonzani mkumano ndi kholo limene palibepo nthawi yabwino. Yesetsani kukhazikitsa ndondomeko kuti mwana wanu asamakhale ndi nkhawa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6336,Remind your child that their painful feelings will lessen with time. Read child-oriented books on separation and divorce together. Don’t criticize the other parent,Mukumbutseni mwana wanu kuti kumva kuwawaku kumachepa ndi nthawi. Welengani mabuku a ana okhudza kusiya ndikutha kwa banja ndi mwanyo. Osadzudzula kholo linalo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6337,"A breakup is a painful event. Each parent may have grievances or complaints about the other. It is important that the child does not become involved in these grievances, as this adds further distress for the child",Kusiyana ndi chinthu chopweteka. Kholo lililonse limakhala ndi madando akholo linalo. Zikofunika kuti mwana asatenge nawo gawo pamadandowa chifukwa zimapangits kuti mwana azidandaulabe.,health and wellbeing,online +en6338,"Your child may feel pressured to disapprove of the other parent in order to secure your ongoing affection. Regardless of your feelings towards your ex-partner, your child still loves them and deserves an untainted relationship with them","Mwana wanu akhoza kukhala pa mpanipani kuti asamavomeleze zopanga za kholo linalo kuti apitilize kukondedwa ndi inu. Mosasamala mmene mukumvera za bwenzi lanu lakaleli, mwana wanu amawakondabe ndipo akuyenera kukhala ndi ubwenzi wabwino ndi iwo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6339,"Don’t criticize the other parent, their parenting style, household set-up or other things about their life. Don’t use your child to ‘spy’ on your ex-partner","Osadzudzula kholo linalo, maleledwe a mwana, mmene amapangira zinthu panyumba kapena zinthu zina mmoyo wawo. Osagwiritsa mwana kuti azipanga ukazipate kwa bwenzi lanu lakelo",health and wellbeing,online +en6340,Avoid criticizing the other parent in front of your child. Child safety is important,Pewani kudzuzula kholo linalo pamaso pa mwana. Chitetezo cha mwana ndichofunika,health and wellbeing,online +en6341,Schools are required to have strategies that are inclusive and promote participation and empowerment of all children,Masukulu akuyenera kukhala ndi njira zokhudza aliyense komanso kulimbikitsa kupanga nawo ndi kutukula ana onse,health and wellbeing,online +en6342,Contact your child’s school for more information about their learning program. It is often helpful for adults to know about relevant details of the program to continue discussions with children at home,Limikizanani ndi kumene amaphunzira mwana wanu zokhudza uthenga mmene amaphunzilira. Nthawi zambiri zimakhala zothandiza kuti makolo adziwe mwachindunji za madongosolo kuti apitilize kukambilana ndi mwana kunyumba,health and wellbeing,online +en6343,"Well-managed anger can be a useful emotion that motivates you to make positive changes. On the other hand, anger is a powerful emotion and if it isn’t handled appropriately, it may have destructive results for you and those closest to you","Mkwiyo osachitsa nawo zowipa umakhala ufunika kukulimbikitsani kuti mupange zabwino. Kwinaku, nkwiyo ndi maganizo amphamvu ndipo ngati sitinagwilitse bwino umatha kukhala ndizotsatira zoipa kwa iwe komanso anthu ena.",health and wellbeing,online +en6344,"Uncontrolled anger can lead to arguments, physical fights, physical abuse, assault and self-harm. Physical effects of anger. Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. Other emotions that trigger this response include fear, excitement and anxiety","Mkwiyo wosaletseka umayambitsa mikangano, ndewu, kunzuzana, kumenya ena komanso kuzipweteka wekha. Zotsatira za mkwiyo. Mkwiyo amapanga thupi kuti likhale tchelu kuti lithawe kapena kumenya. Maganizo ena amapngitsa izi ndi kuwopa, kusangalala komanso nkhawa",health and wellbeing,online +en6345,"The brain shunts blood away from the gut and towards the muscles, in preparation for physical exertion. Heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increase, the body temperature rises and the skin perspires","Ubongo umaletsa magazi kupita m’mimba ndikupititsa magaziwa ku minyewa, kukhozekela kugwira ntchito. Mtima, magazi, kupuma kumakhala kothamanga, thupi limetetha komanso umatuluka thukuta.",health and wellbeing,online +en6346,The constant flood of stress chemicals and associated metabolic changes that go with ongoing unmanaged anger can eventually cause harm to many different systems of the body,Kusefukira kosalekeza kwa mankhwala opsinja maganizo komanso kusintha kwa kagayidwe kachakudya komwe kumakhalapo ndi mkwiyo kumatha kuwononga machitidwe osiyanasiyana amthupi.,health and wellbeing,online +en6347,"Some of the short and long-term health problems that have been linked to unmanaged anger include: headache, digestion problems, such as abdominal pain, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, skin problems such as eczema, heart attack","Ena mwa mavuto azaumoyo anthawi yochepa komanso anthawi yayitali omwe amagwirizana ndi mkwiyo usayan’giniridwa ndi awa: mutu, vuto la kugayidwa kwa zakudya, monga kupweteka m'mimba, kusowa tulo, nkhawa, kupsinjika, kuthamanga kwa magazi, mavuto akhungu monga ziikanga, matenda amtima.",health and wellbeing,online +en6348,"If you feel out of control, walk away from the situation temporarily, until you cool down. Recognize and accept the emotion as normal and part of life. Try to pinpoint the exact reasons why you feel angry","Ngati mukuona kuti simungaziletse, chokaponi kaye kwa ka nthawi kochepa mpaka mutakhala bwino. Dziwani ndipo vomelezani kuti kuti maganizo ndi zabwinobwino ndipo ndi gawo limodzi la moyo. Yesani kufufuza chifukwa chenicheni chimene chikupangitsa kuti muzikwiya.",health and wellbeing,online +en6349,"Once you have identified the problem, consider coming up with different strategies for how to remedy the situation. Do something physical, such as going for a run or playing sport. Talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling","Pamene mwapeza vutolo, ganizanirani kupeza njira zothetsera vutoli. Chitani zinthu zofuna mphamvu monga kuthamanga kapena kusewera. Yakhulani ndi munthu amene mumamukhulupira za m’mene mukumvera.",health and wellbeing,online +en6350,"Many people express their anger in inappropriate and harmful ways, including anger explosions – some people have very little control over their anger and tend to explode in rages",Anthu ambiri amaonetsa mkwiyo wawo munjira zosayenera komanso zoopsya monga kukwiya mwadzidzi- anthu ena amakhala ndi mphamvu zochepa pa kuchepetsa mkwiyo wawo ndipo amatha kukwiya kwambiri.,health and wellbeing,online +en6351,"Raging anger may lead to physical abuse or violence. A person who doesn’t control their temper can isolate themselves from family and friends. Some people who fly into rages have low self-esteem, and use their anger as a way to manipulate others and feel powerful",Mkwiyo wambiri umayambitsa khanza za kuthupi kapena chiwawa. Munthu amene sadziletsa mkwiyo wawo akhoza kukhala mosiyana ndi abanja komanso anzawo. Anthu ena amakwiya kwambiri amadzionera pansi ndipo amagwiritsa ntchito mkwiyo wawo kupusitsa ena komanso kunzimva amphanvu,health and wellbeing,online +en6352,People who are stressed are more likely to experience anger. Numerous worldwide studies have documented that regular exercise can improve mood and reduce stress levels,Anthu amene apsinjika amakhala ndi mkwiyo. Makafukufuku ambiri pa dziko lapansi analemba kuti kupanga masewera olimibitsa thupi amasitha maganizo komanso kuchepetsa kupsinjika.,health and wellbeing,online +en6353,Expressing anger appropriately is a learned behaviour. Suggestions on helping your child to deal with strong feelings include leading by example. Let them know that anger is natural and should be expressed appropriately,Kuonetsa kwiyo bwinobwino ndikhalidwe loti umachita kuphunzira. Malingaliro othandizila mwana wanu kuthana ndi m’mene akumvera ndikukhala chitsanzo kwa iwo. Adziwitseni kuti nkwiyo ndi chilengedwe ndipo timameyenera kuutulutsa moyenera,health and wellbeing,online +en6354,Treat your child’s feelings with respect. Teach practical problem-solving skills. Encourage open and honest communication in the home,Khalani olemekeza m’mene akumvera mwana wanu. Aphunizitseni maluso amene angathetsele mavuto. Limbikitsani kulumikizana pa nyumbapo,health and wellbeing,online +en6355,"Allow them to express their anger in appropriate ways. Explain the difference between aggression and anger. Have consequences for aggression or violence, but not appropriately expressed anger",Aloleni kuti aonetse kukwiya kwawo munjira yoyenera. Afotokozeleni kusiyana kwa mavuvu komanso kukwiya. Khalani ndi zotsatira za mavuvu kapena chiwawa koma osati mkwiyo wabwinobwino,health and wellbeing,online +en6356,Teach your child different ways of calming and soothing themselves. You don't have to be a trained professional to support a young person experiencing suicidal thoughts. Take all suicide threats seriously,Mphunzitseni mwana wanu njira zosiyanasiyana zozidekhetsera komanso kuzitothoza. Simukuyenera kukhala waukadaulo kuti muthandize munthu wachichepele amene ali ndi maganizo ozipha. Atengeni maganizo ofuna kuzipha kuti ndiwofunikira.,health and wellbeing,online +en6357,"You can help by offering emotional and practical support, by listening and helping the person seek support",Mukhoza kuthandiza popeleka thandizo la m’maganizo komanso njira zina pakumvetsera koamnso kumuthandiza munthu amene akufuna chithandizo.,health and wellbeing,online +en6358,"Suicide can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, income and family background, but some young people are at greater risk of self-harm and suicidal behavior","Kuzipha kukhoza kusokoneza wina aliyense osatengera zaka, mwamuna kapena mkazi, mtundu, kumene akuchokera koma anthu achichepere amakhala pachiopsezo chachikulu kwambiri kuti akhoza kuzipweteka okha komanso kukhala ndi maganizo ozipha",health and wellbeing,online +en6359,Youth suicide affects families every day in Malawi and worldwide. It is the leading cause of death among young people,Kuphika kwa anthu achichepele kumasokoneza mabanja tsiku lina lililonse ku Malawi komanso dziko lonse pansi. Ndi njira imodzi yotsogola imene imabweletsaa imfa kwa anthu achichepele,health and wellbeing,online +en6360,"Although these numbers are alarming, the good news is that youth suicide is mostly preventable. Anyone, not just mental health professionals, can provide emotional and practical support to a young person experiencing suicidal thoughts","Ngakhale kuti chiwelengelochi chili chokwera , nkhani yabwino ndiyakuti kuzipha kwa anthu achichepele ndikopeweka. Aliyense osati akadaulo a umoyo wabwino wam’mutu akhoza kupeleka chithandizo kwa anthu achichepele amene ali ndi maganizo ozipha",health and wellbeing,online +en6361,"It is not always possible to know when someone is thinking about suicide but some of the possible warning signs include talking or writing about death or about feeling trapped with no way out; feeling hopeless and withdrawing from family, friends and the community","Sizimakhala zotheka nthawi zonse kudziwa pamene munthu akuganiza zozipha koma zina wachizizinsikilo zimakhala kuyakhula kapena kulemba za imfa kapena kumva kumangika osanga potulukila;kukhala opanda chiyembekezo komanso kusiya kukhala ndi abanja, anzake ndi anthu am’mudzi",health and wellbeing,online +en6362,"increasing drug and alcohol use; giving away personal possessions; doing dangerous, life threatening things; having delusions or hallucinations; regularly self-harming; significant change in mood","Kuchulutsa kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala komanso mowa;kugawa zinthu zake, kupanga zoopsya, zinthu zowopseza moyo, kukhala zimaloto komanso zilubwelubwe;kuzipweteka pafupipafupi komanso kusitha m’mene munthu amasangalira",health and wellbeing,online +en6363,Stress can contribute to suicide. A young person or teenager may experience an overwhelming and immediate stress or they may have stress that builds up over a long time,Kuphinjika kupangitsa kuti munthu aziphe. Munthu wachichepele akhoza kukumana ndi zophinja zodutsa msikhu wake kapena kuphinjika kwa nthawi yayitali,health and wellbeing,online +en6364,Stressful experiences that may contribute to or trigger suicide include loss of an important person through death or divorce; incest or child abuse; bullying at school or in the workplace; a sense of failure at school; a sense of failure in relationships; a relationship break-up;,Kukumana ndizophinja zimaonjezela kufuna kuzipha monga kumwalira kwa munthu wofunikira kapena kutha kwa banja;kugonana pachibale kapena kuzuzidwa uli mwana; kuzuzidwa ku sukulu kapena ku ntchito; kuziona ngati olephera kusukulu;kuziwona olephera muchibwenzi;kutha kwa chibwenzi .,health and wellbeing,online +en6365,"the experience of discrimination, isolation and relationship conflicts with family, friends and others because the young person is gay or lesbian; the recent suicide of a friend or relative, or an anniversary of a suicide or the death of someone close to them","Kusalidwa, kukhala wekha komanso kusagwirizana ndi abanja, azanko ndi ena chifukwa munthu wachichepele ndi wogonana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha; kuzipha kwa nzako kapena wachibale kapena kukumbukila kuzipha kapena imfa ya munthu ogwirizana naye",health and wellbeing,online +en6366,People who have attempted suicide before are very likely to try again. Those who have a history of self-harming are also at a higher risk of suicide. Supporting a young person who is experiencing suicidal thoughts,Anthu amene anafunapo kuzipha kawirikawiri amafuna atayeselaso. Anthu amene ali ndi mbiri yozipweteka ali pachiopsezo chofuna kuzipha. Kuthandiza anthu achichepele amene ali ndimaganizo ozipha,health and wellbeing,online +en6367,"You may be able to help a young person if you listen and encourage them to talk and show that you are taking their concerns seriously, tell or show the person that you care","Mukhoza kuthandiza anthu achichepelewa mukawavetsela ndikuwalimbikitsa kuti aziyakhula koamnso kuwonetsa kuti mukumvetsetsa zodandaula zawo, kuwauza kapena kuwaonetsa kuti muwalabadila",health and wellbeing,online +en6368,"Acknowledge their fears, despair or sadness; Provide reassurance, but do not dismiss the problem; Ask if they are thinking of hurting themselves or taking their own life, and if they have a plan","Dziwani zowopa zawo, kudandaula; alimbitseni mtima koma osaonela pansi madandaulo awo. Afunseni ngati akuganiza zozipweteka kapena kuzipha komanso ngati ali ndi ndondomeko",health and wellbeing,online +en6369,"Ensure they do not have access to lethal weapons or medications; Stay with the person if they are at high risk of suicide; Immediately tell someone else, preferably an adult",Wonetsetsani kuti sali chifupi ndi zida zoopsya kapena mankhwala. Khalani ndi munthuyu ngati ali pachiopsezo chozipha; nthawi yomweyo muuzeni munthu makamaka munthu wamkulu,health and wellbeing,online +en6370,"Seek help from professionals, and offer to provide support; Let them know where they can get support; Provide contact numbers and assist them to call if necessary",Pezani chithandizo kwa akadaulo komanso pelekani chithandizo; awuzeni kumene angapeze thandizo; pelekani manambala la lamya ndipo athandizeni kuimba ngati kuli koyenera,health and wellbeing,online +en6371,Myth: Young people who talk about suicide never attempt to take or actually take their own lives. They are just seeking attention,Nthano: anthu achichepele amene amakhula zozipha samayesela kuzipha. Amangokhala akufuna kudziwika,health and wellbeing,online +en6372,Fact: Anyone talking about suicide should always be taken seriously,Chilungamo: aliyense amene amayakhula za kuzipha akuyenera kumveredwa bwinobwino,health and wellbeing,online +en6373,"Myth: Once a person is intent on suicide, there is no way to stop them. They will be suicidal forever","Nthano: ngati munthu wakhazikitsa maganizo ozipha, palibe njira yomuletsera. Amakhala ndi maganizo ozipha mpaka kalekale",health and wellbeing,online +en6374,"Fact: Suicide can be prevented. If they receive the help they seek, they are less likely to attempt suicide","Chilungamo: kuzipha kukhoza kupeweka. Akalandira thandizo limene akufuna, sayesera kufuna kuzipha",health and wellbeing,online +en6375,Myth: Suicidal thoughts and behaviours are hereditary,Nthano: khalidwe ndi maganizo wofuna kuzipha amachokokera ku makolo,health and wellbeing,online +en6376,"Fact: While suicidal thoughts and behaviours tend to run in families, they are not hereditary. It is important for people experiencing suicidal thoughts to know that there are options other than ending their life","Chilungamo: ngakhale maganizo ndi khalidwe lofuna kuzipha limakhala pa banja, sikuti zichoka ku makolo. Ndizofunika kwa anthu amene ali ndi maganizo ozipha pali njira zina osati kuzipha",health and wellbeing,online +en6377,Myth: All suicidal young people are depressed,Nthano: anthu onse achichepere ofuna kuzipha amakhala ophinjika m’maganizo,health and wellbeing,online +en6378,"Fact: While depressed mood is common, this is not true for everyone who suicides","Chilungamo: ngakhale kuphinjika kumachulukira, izi siku aliysense amaganiza zozipha",health and wellbeing,online +en6379,Myth: A marked and sudden improvement in mental state following a crisis indicates the suicide risk is over,Nthano: munthu akakhala bwino mumaganizidwe ake kuchokera pamene wachokera mumaganizo wofuna kuzipha kumakhala kuti chiopsezo chofuna kuzipha chatha,health and wellbeing,online +en6380,"Fact: When there have been signs of a possible suicide attempt, a sudden improvement in mood may in fact indicate that the person has finally decided to take their own life","Chilungamo: pakakhala kuti pali zionetselo kuti munthu amafuna kuzipha, kusitha mumaganizidwe kumakhala kuti munthuyi wapanga chiganizo chozipha.",health and wellbeing,online +en6381,"Adoption can give a secure family life to children who, for various reasons, can’t live with their birth family","Adoption can give a secure family life to children who, for various reasons, can’t live with their birth family + Kutenga ndi kulera mwana wa munthu wina kumapeleka umoyo kwa mwanayo chifukwa sangakhale ndi banja limene anabadwira",health and wellbeing,online +en6382,"Today, 'open' adoption means that the birth parent or parents are encouraged to have contact with the child, as well as the opportunity to exchange information. The number of children placed for adoption each year is small","Masiku ano, kulera mwana wa munthu wina kumatathauza kuti kholo kapena makolo amalimbikitsidwa kumalumikizana ndi mwana koamnso kugawana uthenga. Ana amene amaikidwa kuti alelede chaka chilichonse ndiwochepa",health and wellbeing,online +en6383,The most important consideration in any adoption is the best interests of the child,Chinthu chofunikira kwambiri kuwonapo potenga kukalera mwana ndizikomera mwanayo,health and wellbeing,online +en6384,"Additionally, many past adoptions did not meet the standards of that time. Babies were sometimes taken from their mothers without informed consent","Mongowonjezera, kutenga ndi kulera mwana kwa kalekale sikumwanalitsa mlingo woyenera nthawi imeneyo. Ana amatengedwa kwa amayi awo popanga kutsimikiza kwenikweni",health and wellbeing,online +en6385,"The number of adoptions has decreased since the 1970s, because of the rise in social acceptance of single parent families, government benefits for single parents, and improved access to contraception and abortion","Kutenga ndi kumalera ana kwatsika kuchoka mu chaka cha 1970 chifukwa chakuvomeleza mabanja oyendetsedwa ndi kholo limodzi, zopundira zochoka ku boma kwa banja oyendetsedwa ndi kholo limodzi koamnso kugwiritsa ntchitp bwino njira zakulera komanso kuchotsa pakati",health and wellbeing,online +en6386,The background of the adopted child was usually kept secret. Now we know that this information is vital to a person’s sense of identity,Kumene achokera ana oleredwa kumakhala kwa chinsisi. Koma pano timadziwa kuti uthenga umenewo umakhala wofunikira kuti munthu azidziwe yekha,health and wellbeing,online +en6387,Many people affected by adoption find it beneficial to seek the records that were created at the time of the adoption. They may also want to find out how to locate family from whom they were separated by the adoption,Anthu ambiri wosokonekera ndi kuleledwa akhoza kupeza kuti ndizofunika kupeza uthenga umene unalembedwa nthawi imene amatengedwa kukaleledwa. Akhoza kufunanso kudziwa m’mene angapezere kumene anachokera,health and wellbeing,online +en6388,"For a range of reasons, a parent may consider placing their child for adoption. Some parents have made a clear decision about adoption. Others may need more information before they are confident to decide","Pazifukwa zambiri, kholo likhoza kufuna kusiya mwana kuti akaleledwe. Makolo ena anapanga chiganizo chawo chokhudza kutengedwa kwa ana kumakaleledwa. Ene akhoza kufuna uthenga wina asanapange chiganizo",health and wellbeing,online +en6389,"When a child placed for adoption has a disability or significant health issue, the case manager will support the family to access appropriate support services","Pamene mwana waikidwa kuti atengedwe akaleledwe ali ndi ulumali kapena mavuto nthupi mwawo, oyan’ganira nkhaniyo amathandizira banjalo kupeza chithandizo",health and wellbeing,online +en6390,"Mental illness is a general term for a group of illnesses that may include symptoms that can affect a person’s thinking, perceptions, mood or behaviour. Mental illness can make it difficult for someone to cope with work, relationships and other demands","Matenda aubongo ndid mawu ofotokozera matenda ambiri amene zizindikiro zake zikhoza kusokoneza maganizidwe, m’men amawonera zinthu, kusalangalala kapena kwalidwe. Matenga aubongo akhoza kupangitsa zinthu kukhala zovuta kugwira ntchito, zibwenzi komanso zinthu zofunikira",health and wellbeing,online +en6391,"The relationship between stress and mental illness is complex, but it is known that stress can worsen an episode of mental illness. Most people can manage their mental illness with medication, counselling or both","Mgwirizano umene ulipo pakati pakuphinjika mumaganizo komanso matenga aubongo ndiwosadziwika bwinibwino, koma ndizodziwika kuti kuphinjika kumakuza kudwalaku. Anthu ambiri akhoza kukwanitsa kusamalira kudwalaku pokumwa mankhwala, uphungu kapena zonse",health and wellbeing,online +en6392,"In the right context, negative emotions like anger, grief, sadness or jealousy are perfectly normal. Long lasting bouts of negative emotions can stop you enjoying life","Mundondomeko yoyenera, maganizo oyipa monda kukwiya, kulira, kudandaula kapena nsanje ndizabwinobwino. Kukhala ndi maganizo amenewa kwa nthawi yayitali kukhoza kukulepheletsa kusangalala moyo",health and wellbeing,online +en6393,Coping strategies can help to curb persistent negative feelings. Negative emotions can be described as any feeling which causes you to be miserable and sad,Njira zothetsera kukhala ndi maganizo amenewa kukhoza kuthandiza. Maganizo olakwika ndi maganizo ena aliwonse amene amapangitsa kuti munthu ukukhale ndi moyo woipa komanso odandaula,health and wellbeing,online +en6394,"These emotions make you dislike yourself and others, and reduce your confidence and self-esteem, and general life satisfaction","Maganizo amenewa amakupangitsa kuti usamazikonde wekha komanso ena, ndipo amachepetsa kuzidalira kwako komanso kudziwonera pansi komanso kukhala wokhutitsidwa ndi moyo",health and wellbeing,online +en6395,"Emotions that can become negative are hate, anger, jealousy and sadness. Yet, in the right context, these feelings are completely natural","Malingaliro amene akhoza kukhala olakwika ndi monga kudana ndi ena, mkwiyo, nsanje komanso kudandaula. Koma kundondomeko yabwinobwino malingaliro amenewa ndi umunthu ndithu",health and wellbeing,online +en6396,"Negative emotions can dampen our enthusiasm for life, depending on how long we let them affect us and the way we choose to express them. Holding onto negative emotions causes a downward spiral","Maganizo olakwika akhoza kuwononga chisangalalo cha moyo, potengera kuti tazisiya nthawi yayitali bwanji kuti zitisokoneze komanso m’mene tasakhira kuti tizionetsele. Kukakamira maganizo oipa kumayambitsa kuzionela pansi",health and wellbeing,online +en6397,"Negative emotions stop us from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. When this occurs, we tend to see only what we want to see and remember only what we want to remember","Maganzio oipa amatilepheletsa kuganiza komanso kukhala ndi khalidwe labwino ndikuona zinthu m’mene zilili. Izi zikachitika , timaona zimene tikufuna kuona basi komanso kukumbukira zimene tikufuna kukumbukira",health and wellbeing,online +en6398,"This only prolongs the anger or grief and prevents us from enjoying life. The longer this goes on, the more set the problem becomes",Izi zimatalikitsa kukwiya kapena kulira komanso kutikanitsa kusangala mu moyomu. Zikatenga nthawi yotalika limakhala vuto,health and wellbeing,online +en6399,"Dealing with negative emotions inappropriately can also be harmful – for example, expressing anger with violence. Emotions are complex reactions",Kuthana ndi maganizo olakwika munjira zosayenera ndiokowopsya-mwachitsanzo. Kuonetsa mkwiyo pochita ziwawa. Maganizo ndi zinthu zovuta,health and wellbeing,online +en6400,"Emotions are complex reactions involving many biological and physiological processes within our bodies. Our brain responds to our thoughts by releasing hormones and chemicals, which send us into a state of arousal. All emotions come about in this way, whether positive or negative","Maganizo ndi machitidwe ovuta omwe amakhudza zambiri zamoyo ndi m'matupi mwathu. Ubongo wathu umamvera maganizo athu ndikutulutsa mahomoni ndi makemikolo, zomwe zimatipangitsa kukhala atcheru. Maganizo onse amabwera motere, kaya zabwino kapena zoipa",health and wellbeing,online +en6401,It’s a complex process and often we don't have the skills to deal with negative feelings. That’s why we find it hard to cope when we experience them. How to deal with negative emotions,Ndizovuta kumvetsa ndipo tilibe maluso athandilana ndi maganizidwe osakhala bwinowa. Ndichifukwa chale ndiikovuta kuthana nazo tikakumana nazo. M’mene tingathanirane ndi maganizo oipa,health and wellbeing,online +en6402,There are a number of coping strategies to deal with negative emotions. These include don’t blow things out of proportion by going over them time and again in your mind,Pali njira zambiri zothanilana ndi maganizo oipa. Zina mwa izo ndi kusapanga zinthu osaganiza bwino pakulingalira za izi mobwelezabweleza,health and wellbeing,online +en6403,"Try to be reasonable – accept that bad feelings are occasionally unavoidable and think of ways to make yourself feel better. Relax – use pleasant activities like reading, walking or talking to a friend","Yesetsani kuganiza bwino-vomelezani kuti maganizo olakwika nthawi zambiri ndiwopeweka ndipo ganizani njira zimene mungakhalire omasuka- kugwirani ntchito zabwino monga kuwerenga, kuyenda kapena kuyakhula ndi nzanu",health and wellbeing,online +en6404,"Learn – notice how grief, loss and anger make you feel, and which events trigger those feelings so you can prepare in advance. Exercise – aerobic activity lowers your level of stress chemicals and allows you to cope better with negative emotions","Phunzirani- wonani m’mene kulira, kuluza komanso mkwiyo umakupangila koamnso ndi zinthu ziti zimene zimapangitsa maganizo amenewa ndicholinga chakuti mukhale okonzeka. Pangani masewela olimbitsa thupi- masewerawa amachepetsa khawa komanso kukupangitsani kuthana ndi maganizo oipa",health and wellbeing,online +en6405,Let go of the past – constantly going over negative events robs you of the present and makes you feel bad. Many women successfully combine breastfeeding and paid work,Iwalani zakale- kumaganiza zinthu zoipa zimene zinachitika zikulepheletsani kukhala m’moyowu ndi zikupangitsa kusamva bwino. Azimayi amakwanitsa kuyamwitsa mwakathithi komanso kugwira ntchito,health and wellbeing,online +en6406,"You need support from your employer, colleagues and family, and some flexibility in your working arrangements","Mumafunika chithandizo kuchokera kwa wokulembani ntchito, anzanu komanso abanja komanso kumasuka m’mene mungagwilire ntchito",health and wellbeing,online +en6407,"If you wish to continue breastfeeding after you return to paid work, you are legally entitled to support from your employer",Ngati mukufuna kupitiliza kuyamwitsa mukabwelera ku ntchito muli ndi ufulu wolandila chithandizo kuchokela kwa wokulembani ntchito,health and wellbeing,online +en6408,Some of the work-related obstacles to breastfeeding include early return to work – one study found that mothers who intended to return to work within 6 weeks of giving birth were less likely to start breastfeeding in the first place,Mwa zina zophinja pomelo antchito ukamayamwitsa ndi monga kubwelera kuntchito mwachangu- kafukufuku m’modzi waonetsa kuti azimayi ambiri amene amayembekezera kubwelera ku ntchito patatha masaba asanu ndi limodzi atabeleka sayambilatu kuyamwitsa mwana,health and wellbeing,online +en6409,"Inadequate facilities in the workplace – for example, lack of privacy or no access to a fridge. No lactation breaks – a mother needs breaks to express milk or go to feed her baby","Zipangizo zochepa kumalo antchito- mwachitsanzo,kusowa chinsinsi kapena kupanda fuliji. Kusakhala ndi mpumulo oyamwitsa- mayi amafunika mpumulo kuti ayamwitse kapena kumudyetsa mwana",health and wellbeing,online +en6410,"If you would like to continue breastfeeding after you return to work, ask your work supervisor, the equal employment opportunities officer, human resources manager or your union about your workplace’s breastfeeding policies. Try to do this before you go on parental leave","Ngati mukufuna kupitliza kuyamwitsa mukabwelera ku ntchito, afunseni okuyan’ganilani, opelekani mwayi ofana wa ntchito, oyan’ganira zakulemba ndi kuchotsa anthu pa ntchito kapena agulu lapatchito za malamulo oyamwitsira pa ntchito. Yesani kuchita izi musanapite kopuma kolera mwana",health and wellbeing,online +en6411,"Discuss with your employer your intention to continue breastfeeding, ideally before you go on parental leave","Kambilanani ndi wokulembani ntchito malingaliro anu ofuna kupitliza kuyamwitsa mwana, musanapite kopuma",health and wellbeing,online +en6412,"If you cannot go to your baby for feeds during working hours, decide how often you will need to express milk. The number of times per day will depend on the age and needs of your baby","Ngati simungakwanitse kuyamwitsa mwana nthawi ya ntchito, pangani chiganizo kuti muzipita kangati koyamwitsa. Mlingo wa patsiku woyamwitsira mwana umatengera zaka komanso zofuna za mwana",health and wellbeing,online +en6413,"Choose an appropriate method. Breastmilk can be expressed by hand or with a manual or electric breast pump. An electric pump with a double pumping kit is the fastest, which could make it the best choice for use at work",Sakhani njira yofunika. Mkaka wa m’mawere ukhoza kutulutsidwa pofinya ndi manja kapena kugwiritsa ntchito makina opopela mkaka. Makina opopela mkaka mawere onse ndiachangu kotero kuti ikhoza kukhaa njira yabwino yogwilitsa ntchito ku ntchito,health and wellbeing,online +en6414,"Look for childcare or a babysitter close to your work (rather than close to your home). That way, you may be able to visit the childcare centre during breaks to breastfeed your baby or else have the babysitter bring your baby to your workplace. Discuss these options with your employer and the baby’s carer",Fufuzani wosamalira mwana pafupi ndi ku ntchito kwanu kapena kufupi ndi kunyumba kwanu. Mukatero kuzakhala kotheka kupita kukamuona mwana nthawi yopuma kuti mukamuyamwitse kapena osamalira mwana kumubweletsa mwanayo ku ntchito kwanu. Kambilanani njira zonsezi ndi wokulembani ntchito komanso osamalira mwana,health and wellbeing,online +en6415,"It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against you (treat you differently or unfairly) because you are breastfeeding Try to negotiate a reasonable agreement first, but if your employer makes it difficult for you to continue breastfeeding, speak to your union representative",Ndizosaloledwa kuti olemba ntchito akusaleni kapena chifukwa mukuyamwitsa. Yesani kukambilana ndikugwirazana kaye koma ngati wokulembani ntchito akulimbitsa zinthu kuti mupitilize kuyamwitsa yakhulani ndi wa gulu loyan’ginira ogwira ntchito.,health and wellbeing,online +en6416,"While animals can be fun, they can also be dangerous. Always supervise your child around any animal. Teach your children to play safely with pets, and to avoid or respond to danger signs",Ngakhale kuti nyama zili zosangalatsa zikhoza kukhalaso zowopsya. Muyan’ganileni mwana wanu nthawi zonse pamene nyama. Aphunzitseni ana anu kusewela kwambino ndi zoweta komanso chepetsani kapena kuyankha zinthu zowopsya,health and wellbeing,online +en6417,"Know what to do in case of an emergency; many children love animals, enjoy close relationships and learn life lessons from their own pets. However, there are responsibilities and risks involved when children and animals are together","Dziwani zochita pamene pachitika zinthu zadzidzi; ana ambiri amakonda zinyama, kukonda maubwenzi komanso kuphunzira za moyo kuchokera ku ziweto. Komabe, pali zofunika kuchita ndi zowopsya pamene ana ndi zinyama ali limodzi",health and wellbeing,online +en6418,"It is important that children are taught the skills to behave safely around animals, and to prevent and recognize any problems that may arise",Ndizofunika kuti ana aphunzitsidwe maluso m’mene angakhalire pali nyama komanso kupewa ndi kudziwa mavuto amene angabwere,health and wellbeing,online +en6419,"You should teach children to always treat animals gently and calmly. Never hurt, tease, frighten, surprise or corner an animal. Always closely supervise children near animals, including pets","Mukuyenela kuwaphunzitsa ana kuti azikhala bwino ndi ziweto. Osazipweteka, kuzunza, kuziopseza, kuzidzidzimutsa kapena kuzitchinga. Nthawi zonse yan’ganirani ana pafupi ndi ziweto kuphatikizapo zoweta",health and wellbeing,online +en6420,"If this is not possible, then separate them. Separate children and animals including pets during noisy high-energy play, when food is present, and when the animal or child is sleeping. Never disturb an animal that is eating or sleeping","Ngati sikuli kotheka, asiyanitseni. Siyanitsani ana ndi nyama komanso ziweto nthawi yophokoso komanso, pamene pali chakudya komanso pamene nyama kapena mwana akugona. Osasokoneza nyama ikamadya kapena kugona.",health and wellbeing,online +en6421,"There is a proportion of children who are injured each year due to an incident with a dog. Children five years old or younger are most at risk and are most frequently bitten by their own or a friend’s dog, usually in or around the home",Pali mlingo wa ana amene amavulazidwa cha chili chonse ndizochitika ndi galu. Ana azaka zisanu kapena kuchepela apo amakhala pachiopsezo ndipo nthawi zambiri amalumidwa ndi galu wawo kapena wanzawo ali kunyumba,health and wellbeing,online +en6422,"Incidents are usually triggered by a child’s interaction with the dog during play, eating or when the dog is sleeping","Iziz zimachitika malinga ndi maseweledwe ndi galu pamene akusewera, kudya kapena pamene galu akugona",health and wellbeing,online +en6423,"Children always need constant, close supervision when near dogs, especially during play when children must be gentle with dogs. Teach children to leave a dog alone when it is sleeping or eating",Ana amafunika kuyan’ganilidwa akakhala pafupi ndi galu makamaka pamene akusewera ndipamene ana amayenera kukhala achisasati ndi galu. Aphuzitseni ana kumusiya galu pamene akugona kapena kudya,health and wellbeing,online +en6424,"Children must leave a dog alone when it lifts its lips, growls, backs away, raises the hair on its back or stares at you","Ana akuyenera kumusiya galu pamene galu mwanyamula lilime lake, kuhuwa, kubwelera m’mbuyo, kudzutsa tsitsi kapena kuyan’gana mosalekeza",health and wellbeing,online +en6425,"Teach children not to approach an unfamiliar dog, even if it looks friendly. Always have your child ask you and the dog owner if they want to pat a dog",Aphunzitseni ana kuti asamufikile galu wachilendo ngakhale pamene akuoneka wochezeka. Nthawi zonse aloleni ana akufunseni komanso mwini wa galu ngati akufuna kumugwira galu,health and wellbeing,online +en6426,"If a child is approached by an unfamiliar dog, teach the child to stand completely still, arms by their sides, hands in a fist, and not to run or scream, or make eye contact with the dog","Ngati mwana wafikilidwa ndi galu wachilendo, muphuzitseni mwana kuyima osasutha, manja ataika m’mbali, atakunga khonyo ndipo osathamanga kapena kukuwa kapena kuphana maso ndi galu",health and wellbeing,online +en6427,"Train the dog to obey commands such as sit, stay, drop and come. Never intervene between dogs that are fighting","Muphunzitseni galu kutsatsa malamulo monga kukhala, kusiya, kubwera. Osalowelera pamene agalu akumenyana",health and wellbeing,online +en6428,"When choosing a dog to be part of your family, research what breed will be best for your lifestyle and environment","Mukamasakha galu wakuti akhale ndi inu, fufuzani kaye mtundu wake kuti mudziwe galu woyenera makhalidwe anu ndikumene mumakhala",health and wellbeing,online +en6429,"Training, socializing with adults, children and other animals, and keeping your dog healthy are essential","Kuphunzira, kucheza ndi akuluakulu, ana komanso nyama ndi galu wanu kukhala wanthanzi ndizofunika",health and wellbeing,online +en6430,"Injuries from cats are mainly bites or scratches commonly on the head, neck or upper extremity, commonly causing puncture wounds that may become infected","Kupwetekeka chifukwa cha phaka makamaka kulumidwa kapena kukalidwa pamutu, pakhosi kapena kumtunda zimachititsa zilonda zomwe zimatha kusunga matenda",health and wellbeing,online +en6431,Cats have a lot of nasty bacteria on their teeth and claws. These teeth and claws are quite sharp. Any cat bites or scratches must be thoroughly washed and disinfected,Aphaka amakhala ndi tizilombo m’mano komanso zala zawo. Mano awo ndi zala ndimakhala zakuthwa. Polamidwa kapena kukalidwa ndi mphaka pakuyenela kutsikudwa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6432,Keep good hygiene by not allowing children access to litter trays or playing in garden beds that the cat uses for toileting. Keep cats out of a child’s nursery so that they do not have access to the cot,Kukhala ndi ukhondo poswaloleza ana kufikila pazinyala kapena kusewela padimba pamene phaka amabibila. Ikani aphaka mosayandikana ndi kumene amasewela ana kuti asafikile kosewelako,health and wellbeing,online +en6433,"Insects can sometimes be fascinating for children. Some children enjoy playing with and picking up insects. It is very important to teach your children that insects are not playthings, especially bees and wasps",Tizilombo nthawi zina timakhala todabwitsa kwa ana. Ana ena amakonda kusewela komanso kutola tizilombo. Ndizofunika kwambiri kuphunzitsa ana anu kuti tizilombo sitosewela nato makamaka njuchi ndi nyerere,health and wellbeing,online +en6434,"More importantly, make sure that your child does not put insects in their mouth, to avoid infections and stinging. Mosquito bites are very common among young children. As they are too young to be aware of this problem, it is most important to take precautions","Zofunikira kwambiri, wonetsetsani kuti mwana wanu sakuika tizilombo mkamwa kuti asatenge matenga komanso kulumidwa. Kulumidwa ndi udzudzu kumachulukila kwa ana. Chifukwa amakhala achichepere kuti adziwe vutoli, ndikoyenela kutsatira njira zotetezera zoyenera",health and wellbeing,online +en6435,"If a child is playing outside, always put some kind of protective cream or sprays on their bodies to keep them from being bitten","Ngati mwana akusewela panja, nthawi zonse adzoletseni mafuta owateteza kapena zowazila pathupi lawo kuwateteza kuti asalumidwe",health and wellbeing,online +en6436,"Teach children not to disturb or provoke venomous creatures, as they are likely to attack. Try to avoid walking through long grass and unsafe bushland when you have children with you",Aphunzitseni ana anu kusasokoneza zinyama za ululu zimene zikhoza kuwapweteka. Yesetsani osayenda mu udzu utaliutali komanso kutchire kosatetezeka pamene muli ndi ana,health and wellbeing,online +en6437,Dress children in closed-in shoes and long pants when in the bush and use insect repellents on children over 12 months,Amvekeni ana nsapato zotseka komanso mabuluku ataliatali pamene muli ku tchire komanso gwiritsani ntchito mankhwala othamangitsira tizilombo kwa ana oposera miyezi khumi ndi iwiri,health and wellbeing,online +en6438,"Soft drinks from a can or bottle should be drunk through a straw, as wasps and bees are attracted to the sweetness. Keep children away from insect nests",Zakumwa zosaledzeletsa za mubotolo zikueyenera kumwedwa kugwiritsa ntchito mapaipi chifukwa nyerere komanso njuchi zimatsata kuzuna. Aikeni ana anu motalikilana ndi malo atizilombo,health and wellbeing,online +en6439,"Some children have an allergic reaction to bee, wasp or ant stings. This may result in breathing difficulties and can be life threatening. A child can have a severe and sudden allergic reaction to an allergen – this is called anaphylaxis",Ana ena amakhala ndi ziwengo akalumidwa ndi ndi njuchi kapena nyerere. Izi zimapangitsa kuti azivutika kupuma ndipo zimatha kuopseza moyo. Mwana akhoza kukhala ndi vuto lalikulu komanso mwadzidzidzi kuzoyambitsa ziwengo - izi zimatchedwa anaphylaxis,health and wellbeing,online +en6440,"If you know a child to be allergic to stings, make sure they wear a medical alert bracelet or pendant and always carry prescribed medication","Ngati mukudziwa mwana ali nd ziwengo akalumidwa, wonetsetsani kuti amavala chizindikilo chapankono chakuchipatala kapena cholemba ndipo akuyenera kunyamula mankhwala",health and wellbeing,online +en6441,You may find a person or an issue upsets you so much that you lash out. Violence may also be a way to release frustration when you don't know what’s upsetting you,Pakhoza kukhala munthu kapena nkhani imene yakukhumudwitsani kuti mpaka muakalipa. Kupanga chiwawa ikhoza kukhala njira yochotsela kukhumudwa pamene sukudziwa chimene chikukumudwitsa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6442,"This can be dangerous to both you and others, and may result in criminal charges. To overcome violence, write a list of things that make you angry, for example, particular situations, people, moods, drugs or alcohol","Izi zikhoza kukhala zoopsya kwa inu komanso ena ndipo zikhoza kuyambila milandu. Kuti muthane ndi chiwawachi, lembani ndanda wa zinthu zimene zimakupangitsani kukwiya, mwachitsanzo zochitika, anthu, kusangalala, mankhwala komanso mowa",health and wellbeing,online +en6443,Think about ways to avoid these people or things and about ways to contain your violence. There are many people you can talk to who can help you overcome your feelings of wanting to lash out,Ganizirani njira zopewela anthu kapena zinthu ndi njira zothetsera chiwawa chanu. Pali anthu ambiri amene ungayakhule nawo kuti akuthandizeni kuthana ndi m’mene mukumvera pofuna kuphudzuka.,health and wellbeing,online +en6444,Everyone has arguments. Arguments can arise for any number of reasons including: you may be having trouble understanding someone else's thoughts on an issue,Aliyense amakhala ndi mikanganano. Mikanganano imatha kudza chifukwa cha zinthu zosiyanasiyana monga: utha kukhala ndi mavuto osamvetsetsa momwe munthu wina akuganizira pa nkhani.,health and wellbeing,online +en6445,"It may help to ask them questions about their point of view your values, goals or needs may conflict with those of someone else, you may not understand what other people are trying to say or do","Zikhoza kukhala zothandiza kufunsa m’mene iwo zinthu akuziwonela, m’mene umaonela zinthu, masophenya kapena zokhumba zako zikhoza kukhala zosagwirizana ndi munthu wina, sumangamvetse zomwe anthu ena akunena kapena kupanga",health and wellbeing,online +en6446,"Unresolved arguments can cause problems. They can cause confusion and feelings of resentment, stress and tension, sleeplessness, illness, family breakdowns or poor relationships, aggression or violence","Mikangano yosakambilana zitha kubweletsa mavuto. Zitha kudzetsa kubalalika,komanso kudanitsa, kuphinjika m’maganizo komanso mpungwepungwe, kuvuta kugona, kudwala, kusephanitsa zibale kapena kukhala maubwenzi owofoka, kupanga zinthu mwaukali kapena chiwawa",health and wellbeing,online +en6447,"When you have had an argument, it’s easy to stay angry or upset with the other person. If you don't resolve an argument with a person you see often, it can be a very uncomfortable experience",Mukakhala kuti munali ndi mikingano; ndizopheka kukhala wokwiya kapena kudandaula zamunthu wina uja. Ngati simunathane ndi mikangano ndi munthu amene mumaonana pafupipafupi; zitha kukhala zinthu zotangwanitsa.,health and wellbeing,online +en6448,"Talking to the person about your disagreement may or may not help. If you do approach them, make sure it’s in a helpful way. Stay calm, and communicate openly and honestly","Kuyakhulana ndi munthu za kusagwirizana kukhoza kukhala kothandiza kapena kosathandiza. Ngati mwawafikila, wonetsetsani kuti ndimothandiza. Khalani wodekha komanso lumikizanani momasuka ndimowona mtima",health and wellbeing,online +en6449,"If the person could be violent or abusive, it may be best not to approach them directly. You could talk to them over the phone to see if they are open to finding a solution to the argument","Ngati munthuyo akhoza kukhala wamavuvu kapena wankhanza, ndibwino kuwapewa. Mukhoza kuyakhula nawo pa lamya kuti muone ngati ali omasuka kupeza yankho la mkanganowo",health and wellbeing,online +en6450,"If you decide to do this, make sure there is someone you trust with you for support, and that you’re in a safe environment","Ngati mwapanga chiganizo kuti mupanga zimenezi, wonetsetsani kuti munthu amene mumakhulupilira nanu kuti akuthandizeni, ndipo kuti muli malo abwino",health and wellbeing,online +en6451,"Try and tell the person how you feel as a result of their opinion, but avoid trying to tell them how they feel. It is possible to agree to disagree",Yesetsani kumuza munthuyo m’mene mukumvera chifukwa cha maganizo awo koma pewani kuwauza m’mene mukumvera. Ndizotheka kugwirizana komanso kusagwirizana,health and wellbeing,online +en6452,You may need someone else to help you resolve the disagreement. You could ask a third person to act as a go-between and help you both get another view on the argument,Mukhoza kufuna munthu wina kuti akuthandizeni kuthetsa kusagwirazana. Mukhoza kupepha munthu wina kuti akhale ngati m’khala pakati ndikuthandiza kudziwa m’bali yanzako pozakanazo,health and wellbeing,online +en6453,"There are good reasons for dealing with arguments, including it will give you a sense of achievement and make you feel more positive. You may feel more relaxed, healthier and able to get a good night's sleep. You may develop stronger relationships. You may feel happier","Pali zifukwa zambiri zothanilana ndi mikingano, monga kukupangitsa kukwanilitsa chinthu komanso kukhala ndimaganizo abwino. Ukhoza kukhala omasuka, wanthanzi komanso kukhala ndi tulo labwino. Mumapanga maubwenzi abwino. Mukhoza kukhala osangalala.",health and wellbeing,online +en6454,"Sibling rivalry is normal. However, it can become a problem, particularly among children who are the same gender and close together in age",Maudani apachibale ndiabwinobwino. Komabe limakhala vuto pamene anawa ali amuna kapena akazi okhaokha koamnso kukhala oyandikilana zaka,health and wellbeing,online +en6455,"Fighting between young children usually decreases as they get older and learn more language, tolerance and social skills","Kumenyana kwa ana nthawi zambiri kumachepa akamakula komanso kuphunzira zilakhulo zambiri, kulolerana komanso kuphunzira maluso okhalira ndi anzawo",health and wellbeing,online +en6456,"Some siblings will get on with each other all through their lives, and some will have years of getting on and then years of not getting on. However, some siblings with different personalities, temperaments and other issues between them may never really like each other or be able to get on","Ana ena amagwirizana moyo wawo onse ndipo pamakhala zaka zogwirizana ndi zaka osagwirizana. Komabe, ana ena amakhala ndi khalidwe, kupsa mtima komanso zinthu zina pakati pawo ndipo sangakondane kweni kweni kapena kugwirizana",health and wellbeing,online +en6457,Competition is heightened in the case of identical twins. Being compared and contrasted with each other seems to encourage competition and rivalry,Kupikisana kumakula akakhala kuti ndi ana obadwa limodzi wowoneka mofanana. Kuwafananiza kundikusiyanitsa kumalimbikitsa mpikisano komanso kudana,health and wellbeing,online +en6458,"Low self-esteem, depression and jealousy are more likely if one child is out-performed by their brother or sister in some way. Studies have shown that a twin who is out-performed is likely to abandon an activity altogether to avoid direct competition, even if they show great potential themselves","Kuzionela pansi, kukhumudwa komanso nsanje zimachitika ngati mwana wina waposa m’chimwene wake kapena m’longo wake pachina chake. Kafufukufuku waonetsa kuti mwana obadwa limodzi amene waposedwa ndi zake amasiyilatu ntchito kupewa mpikisano ngakhale kuti akuonetsa kuthekela muchithucho",health and wellbeing,online +en6459,The arrival of a new sibling is one time when strong feelings of jealousy and displacement can occur in an older child,Kubwera kwa mwana wina kumabweletsa nsanje komanso kufuna kukhala pawokha kumachitika mwana akakhala wa mkulu,health and wellbeing,online +en6460,It is natural that they may feel threatened and jealous. The parental attention that used to be theirs is now shared with another,Ndichilengwedwe kuti aziwona kuwoopsezedwa komanso ansanje. Kufunidwa ndi kholo kumene kumakhala kuti ndi kwawo ayamba kugawana ndi wina,health and wellbeing,online +en6461,"An older child has a lot to cope with when there is a new baby. Sometimes, the baby uses their bassinet and other equipment, and even gets the older child's baby clothes","Mwana wokulirapo amadutsa muzambiri pakhala mwana obadwa kumene. Nthawi zina, mwana wobadwa kumeneyo amatenga zinthu ndi zipangizo zina zamwana winayo komanso kutenga zovala za ma mwana wokulirapoyo",health and wellbeing,online +en6462,"The older child can act out feelings through their behaviour. As parents, try to respond empathically to the child's feelings, not the behaviour. The child will need reassurance and support through this challenging time","Mwana wankuluyo amatha kuonetsa makhalidwe muzochiitika zawo. Ngati makolo, yesetsani kumvera m’menee mwanayo akumbera osati khalidwe lawo. Mwana amafuna chilimbikitso komanso chithandizo munyengo yovutayi.",health and wellbeing,online +en6463,"It is difficult to prepare children under 18 months of age for a new sibling, because their vocabulary and comprehension are limited",Ndizovuta kumukhozekeletsa mwana okwanira miyezi khuni isanu ndi itatu m’bale wawo chifukwa chiyakhulo kumakhala kochepekela,health and wellbeing,online +en6464,Children older than two years could be told about the new baby late in the pregnancy and reassured of their important place in the family,Ana okulirapo kudutsa zaka ziwiri amatha kuwuzidwa za mwana watsopano kumapeto kwa mimba komanso kulimbitsidwa mtima kufunikira kwawo mu banjali,health and wellbeing,online +en6465,"Try to make practical arrangements for the baby ahead of time, so that your toddler is used to the changes when their new sibling arrives",Yesetsani kupanga madongosolo a mwanayu nthawi isanakwane kuti mwana wakhanda akhale atazolowera mwana winayo akabwera,health and wellbeing,online +en6466,"If your child is still using the cot, consider promoting them to a bed as soon as possible. If you wait until the baby is born, your toddler may resent the new baby for stealing their cot","Ngati mwana wanu akugwiritsabe chikuku, ganizilani kumugonetsa pa kama nthawi yabwino. Ngati mudikila mpaka mwanayo atabadwa, mwana winayo akhoza kumadana naye kuti anamubela chikuku chake",health and wellbeing,online +en6467,"For some mothers, breastfeeding their older child as well as their new baby is natural and comfortable, and they may feel there is no need to wean the toddler. However, it is important to breastfeed the new baby first","Kwa azimayi ena, kuyamwitsa mwana wamkulu komanso mwana ongobadwa kumene ndizabwinobwino komanso otakasuka komanso sawona chifukwa chomuletsela mwana winayo kuyamwa. Komabe zimakhala zofunikira kuyamwitsa mwana obadwa kumeneyo kaye",health and wellbeing,online +en6468,"If you will be taking maternity leave or hiring a nanny, try to start these arrangements a number of weeks before the baby is due. This gives your toddler time to adjust","Ngati mungapamume pa ntchito mpaka mwana atabadwa kapena kupeza osamalira mwana, yambilatuni madongosolo amenewa masabata angapo mwanayo asanabadwe. Izi zimapeleka mpata kuti mwana winayo azolowele",health and wellbeing,online +en6469,"Make sure your toddler has ongoing activities outside the house– for example, consider starting them at playgroup or a similar activity. Involve your toddler before the birth; for example, talk about names for the baby, show them photographs of themselves as newborns and explain how the baby will need lots of help","Wonetsetsani kuti mwana wanu alli ndizochitika zina paja- mwachitsanzo, muyambitseni kumupitsa kumalo osewela kapena masewela ena. Muloleni mwana kutenga nawo mbali mwana winayo asanabadwe monga yambani kuyakhula za maina amwanayo, awonetseni zinthuzi za iwo atabadwa kumene komanso kufotokoza kuti mwana obadwa kumene amafuna thandizo",health and wellbeing,online +en6470,Your toddler may resent the new baby for taking up so much of your time and for not being big enough to play with,Mwanayo akhoza kumamukana mwana obadwa kumeneyo chifukwa chotenga nthawi yambiri komanso kusakhala wamkulu kuti akhoza kumasewera naye,health and wellbeing,online +en6471,"If given the opportunity, some toddlers may become rough with their new brother or sister. Suggestions to prevent this include: Recognize that this is a difficult time for your child. Be understanding, loving and nurturing","Ngati apatsidwa mwayi, ana ena amakhala akhanza ndi m’chimwene komanso m’chemwali wawoyo. Njira zina zopewera izi ndi monga kuzindikila kuti iyi ndi nyengo yovuta kwanayo. Kukhala ovetsetsetsa, okonda komanso ophunzitsa",health and wellbeing,online +en6472,"Remember that your child is acting out their feelings through their behaviour and needs your support. Acknowledge your child’s feelings and give them plenty of love, hugs and encouragement","Kumbukilani kuti mwana wanu akupanga izi chifukwa m’mene akumvera ndipo akufunika thandizo. Dziwani m’mene akumvera mwana wanu ndipo akondeni kwambiri, kuwakumbatira koamnso kuwalimbikitsa",health and wellbeing,online +en6473,"Praise gentle behaviour between your child and baby, and other behaviour you want to encourage. Show your child how you would like them to behave. Be a role model",Ayamikileni khalidwe limene awonetsa iwo pa mwana ndi makhalidwe ena amene mukufuna kuti apitilire. Awonetsenii m’mene mukufuna zazichitira. Khalani chitsanzo,health and wellbeing,online +en6474,Accept that your toddler's behaviour may revert to baby behaviour for a while as they struggle with their new situation and the feelings that go with it. Through this behaviour they may be trying to recreate the time when they were the only child and felt special,"Vomelezani kuti khalidwe la mwana wanu likhoza kupitaso kwa mwana winayo pakathawi chifukwa amakhala akuvutika ndi ,m’mene zinthu zilili komanso maganizo amene amabwera ndi izi. Kudzera mukhalidwe limeneli amatha kumayesela kupangaso zinthu m’mene zinthu zinalili ali wokha komanso kumva kukondedwa",health and wellbeing,online +en6475,"Promote the positives of no longer being the baby – such as being able to do things for themselves, make choices and do things the baby cannot. Offer your child special rewards or outings, so they realise there are some advantages to being the oldest child","Limbikitsani zabwino zonse zimene zimakhalapo pamene suli mwanaso= monga kupanga zinthu pawokha, kupanga zisakho koamnso kupanga zinthu zomwe mwana sangapange. Mpatseni mwana mphatso kapena kupoita koyenda, kuti adziwe kuti pali ubwino wokhala mwana wamkulu",health and wellbeing,online +en6476,"On rare occasions, sibling rivalry can become violent, with one child's physical behaviour harming the other on a regular basis. The child who engages in physically harmful behaviour is generally the sibling who has the greater power or status; for example, being older or bigger","Nthawi zinam kudana pachibaleku kumakhala kwa khanza, ndi khalidwe la mwana lomenya nzake kuvulaza nzake pafupi pafupi. Mwana amene amamenya nzake ndi amene amakhala ndi ndi mphanvu komanso kutsogola, mwachitsazo kukula",health and wellbeing,online +en6477,"The causes of family violence include deeply held beliefs about masculinity. Perpetrators tend to blame other people, alcohol or circumstances for their violent outbursts","Zimene zimachititsa khanza m'banja ndi kukhulupilira kwambiri zaumuna. Opangira nkhanza anzawo amakonda kuimba mlandu ena kuti wawapangitsa ndi munthu, mowa kapena nyengo zimene ali pa chiwawacho",health and wellbeing,online +en6478,"Perpetrators often minimise, blame others, justify or deny their use of violence or the impact of their violence. Perpetrators undergoing counselling for their violent behaviour need to recognise that regaining the trust of their family will take time, and that their partner has the right to end the relationship if they choose to","Opangira nkhanza anzawo achepetsa ena, kupeza mladu anzawo, kuziyakhulira mbali yawo komanso kukana kugwiritsa ntchito nkhanza kapena kuipa kwa nkhanza zawozo. Anthu amene amapingira nkhaza anzawo ndipo akulandila uphungu akuyenera kudziwa kuti zimatenga nthawi kuti anthu achibale ayambe kuwakhulupiliranso komanso kuti bwenzi lawo lili ndi ufulu othetsa ubwezi wawo ngati akufuna kutero",health and wellbeing,online +en6479,"Family violence (also called domestic violence) is the use of violence, threats, force or intimidation to control or manipulate a family member, partner or former partner. In such a relationship, there is an imbalance of power where abusive behaviour or violence is used to control others","Nkhanza za pakhomo ndikugwiritsa ntchito ziwawa, kuwopseza, kukamiza komanso kuwumiliza kapena kuputsitsa achibale, bwenzi kapena bwenzi lakale. Muubwenzi umenewu mumakhala kusiyana kwa mphamvu pamene khalidwe lozunza kapena chiwawa limagwiritsidwa kulamulira ena",health and wellbeing,online +en6480,"Not all family violence is caused by men, but research shows that men are most often the perpetrators of violence in domestic relationships, and women and children are often the victims","Sikhanza zonse zabanja amapangitsa ndi abambo, koma kafukufuku waonetsa kuti azibambo ndi amene amapanga nkhanza maubwenzi ndipo ana ndi amayi ndi amene amakhala ozuzidwa",health and wellbeing,online +en6481,"Family violence can occur in any kind of family relationship, including between couples, family members, and against people who are elderly or disabled","Ziwawa za pa banja zimatha kuchitika muubwenzi wina wuliwonse monga okwtirana, pachibale komanso anthum amene ali okalamba komanso wopuwala",health and wellbeing,online +en6482,"Although family violence can affect anyone, regardless of their social or economic status, or their racial and cultural background, some people are at greater risk, including women in regional or remote areas, young women, pregnant women and people living with disability","Ngakhale kuti nkhanza za banja zimachitikira wina aliysense osatengela m’mene amakhalira kapena chuma, kapena mtundu, chikhalidwe chawo, anthu ena amakhala pachiwopsezo chachikulu monag azimayi amene amakhala mu madera akumudzi, azimayoi achichepele koamnso anthu okhala ndi ulumali",health and wellbeing,online +en6483,"Gender inequality between men and women, including deeply held beliefs about masculinity, is a significant factor that contributes to the high rate of violence by men towards women in relationships",Kusiyanitsa pakati pa abambo komanso amayi kuphatikiza zikhulupiliro zaumuna zimapangitsa kwambiri nkhanza za amuna kuwachitila azimayi mumaubwenzi,health and wellbeing,online +en6484,"Masculinity refers to a set of practices, attitudes and behaviours that include the social norms and 'unwritten rules' about how to behave in society. Social expectations of men and boys are learnt through institutions, policies and laws","Umuna umatanthawuza mndandanda wa machitidwe, machitidwe ndi makhalidwe omwe akuphatikizapo chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi 'malamulo osalembedwa' okhudza momwe tiyenera kuchitira pagulu. Zimne zimayembekezeredwa pachikhalidwe kwa abambo ndi anyamata zimaphunziridwa kudzera m'mabungwe, ndi malamulo",health and wellbeing,online +en6485,"There is no such thing as a ‘typical’ perpetrator of family violence. However, researchers have found that perpetrators often use violence and emotional abuse to control their families, believe that they have the right to behave in whatever way they choose while in their own home","Palibe chinthu chotchedwa munthu obadwa kuchitira nkhanza m’banja. Komabe, ofufuza apeza kuti anthu ochita ochitila nkhanza ena nthawi zambiri amagwiritsa ntchito chiwawa ndi nkhanza pofuna kulamulira mabanja awo, amakhulupirira kuti ali ndi ufulu wochita chilichonse chimene akufuna akakhala kunyumba kwawo.",health and wellbeing,online +en6486,"They also hold certain beliefs about masculinity, including that a ‘real’ man should be tough, powerful and the head of the household","Amakhulupilanso za umuna kwambiri kuti mwamuna weni weni amayenela kukhala wovuta, wamphamvu komanso mutu wapakhomo",health and wellbeing,online +en6487,"They may believe that they should make most of the decisions, including about how money is spent believe that men are entitled to sex from their partners, don’t take responsibility for their behaviour and prefer to think that loved ones or circumstances provoked their behavior, make excuses for their violence – for example, they will blame alcohol or stress","Akhoza kumakhulupilira kuti akuyenera kupanga ziganizo monga m’ene ndalama zikuyenera kugwilitsidwira ntchito komanso kuti azibambo amayenera kupanga zogonana ndi bwenzi lawo, sanatenga udindo pa khalidwe lawo komanso amaganiza kuti khalidwe lawo limabwera chifukwa cha okondedwa awo,amapeza pothawila pa chiwawa chawo monga kunamizila mowa",health and wellbeing,online +en6488,"Adult and child victim-survivors who live with a perpetrator of family violence, live in a constant state of anxiety and fear. A perpetrator who is undergoing counselling for their violent behaviour needs to recognise that regaining the trust of their family, and the behaviour-change process, will take time","Anthu akuluakulu komanso ana amene anachitilidwirapo nkhanza amene amakhala ndi ochitila nkhanza zapabanja, amakhala ndi mantha komanso kuwopa. Ochitira ena nkhanza amene akulandira uphungu chifukwa cha khalidwe lawo la chiwawa akuyenera kudziwa kuti zimatenga nthawi kuti ayambe kululupilidwa ndi banja lawo ndipo kusitha khalidwe lawo kumatenga nthawi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6489,"They also need to accept that their partner has a right to end the relationship if they wish. People with a disability, especially women and girls, are twice as likely as other women and girls to experience violence","They also need to accept that their partner has a right to end the relationship if they wish. People with a disability, especially women and girls, are twice as likely as other women and girls to experience violence + Akuyenera kuvomelezaso kuti bwezni lawo lili ndi ufulu wothetsa ubwenzi wawo ngati akufuna. Anthu olumala makamaka azimayi ndi atsikana, ali pachiopsezo koposera kawiri kuchitilidwa nkhanza kuposa azimayi ndi atsikana ena",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6490,"If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, abuse or neglect there is help available","Ngati inuyo kapena wina amene mukudziwa kuti akuchitilidwa nkhanza, kapena kulekeleledwa chithandizo chilipo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6491,"People with disabilities are among some of the most vulnerable people in our society due to their dependence on others for care and support or because of social isolation, their place of residence or the nature of their disability","Anthu awulumali ali mu gulu limodzi la anthu amene ali pachiopsezo mu madera chifukwa chodalira ena pachisamaliro komanso chithandizo kapena chifukwa amasalidwa, malo amene amakhala kapena m’mene ulili ulumali wawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6492,"While anyone can experience violence, abuse or neglect, people with disabilities are at greater risk. And of all people with a disability, women and girls with disabilities are at even greater risk","Ngakhale kuti aliyense akhoza kukumana ndi chiwawa, khanza kapena kusiyidwa, anthu awulumali ali pachiopsezo chachikulu. Komanso pawonsewa anthu awulumali, azimayi ndi atsikana awulumali are ali pachiopsezo chachikulu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6493,"As a person with a disability, you have the rights to freedom, respect, equality and dignity. You have the right to live to your full potential, to have control over your own life and to live free from abuse or neglect","Ngati munthu waulumali, uli ndi ufulu, ulemu, mwayi komanso umunthu. Muli ndi ufulu kukwanilitsa masophenya anu, kukhala ndi ulamuliro pa moyo wanu komanso kukhala wa ufulu ku nkhanza komanso kusiyidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6494,"If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, abuse or neglect at the hands of an individual or an organisation, it is important to seek help","Ngari inu kapena munthu amene mukudziwa kuti akuchitilidwa chiwawa, nkhanza kapena kusiyidwa ndi munthu wina kapena bungwe, ndikofunika kusaka thandizo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6495,"Violent behaviour by a person towards another can include abusive behaviour that is physical, sexual, intimidating and forceful. People with a disability are more likely to experience violence from a carer or family member","Khalidwe la nkhanza kwa munthu wina ndi monga nkhanza zakuthupi, zogonana, kuwopseza kapena kukakamiza. Anthu awulumali amakumana ndi chiwawa kuchokera kwa wowasamala kapena wabanja limodzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6496,"The most commonly reported forms of violence experienced by women with a disability are psychological, physical, sexual abuse, controlling behaviour and economic abuse","Nkhanza zambiri zimene zimachitikira azimayi awulumali ndi zam’maganizo, kuthupi, zogonana, kulamulidwa koamnso kunzunzidwa pa chuma.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6497,"Abuse is when the actions of someone violates your human rights. Abuse can be physical, mental, psychological, sexual or even financial","Kunzunzana ndipamene zochitika munthu amazunziza ufulu wa munthu wina. Kunzuzana kukhoza kukhala kwa kuthupi, m’maganizo, malingaliro, zogonana komanso zachuma",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6498,Neglect is the failure by a service provider or a person caring for you to provide adequate care to you,Kusalabadila munthu ndikukanika kwaopeleka chithandizo kapena munthu osamalira kupeleka chithandizo chokwanira kwa inu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6499,"Women with disabilities are more often victims of violence and are less likely to know how to get help than women without disabilities. In fact, violence against women and girls with disabilities is twice as likely to occur when compared to women and girls without disabilities","Azimay awulumali nthawi zambiiri amakhala ochitilidwa nkhaza ndipo samadziwa kuti chithandizo achipeza bwanji kusiyana ndi munthu opanga ulumali. Muchilungamo, nkhanza kwa amayi ndi atsikana awulimali umachitika kwambiri pofananiza ndi amayi ndi atsikana opanda ulumali",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6500,Eating a wide variety of healthy foods helps to keep you in good health and protects you against chronic disease,Kudya zakudya zosiyanasiyana kumathandiza kuti ukhale ndi umoyo wabwino komanso kukuteteza kumatenda a nthawi yayitali,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6501,"Eating healthy food doesn’t mean giving up your favourite recipes. Some simple swaps and a little bit of planning can help you make life-long, healthy changes to your diet","Kudya chakudya chopatsa nthanzi sikutathauza kuti misiye kaphikidwe kokusangalatsani. Kusitha zina komanso kukonzekera kutha kuthandiza moyo wanu, chakudya cha nthanzi muzakudya zanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6502,"Scrub vegetables rather than peel them, as many nutrients are found close to the skin. When boiling vegetables, use a small amount of water and do not overboil them. Include more stir-fry recipes in your diet. Stir-fried vegetables are cooked quickly to retain their crunch (and associated nutrients)",Tsukani masamba osati kusenda chifukwa michere yofunika yambiri imapezeka pafupi ndi nkhungu. Mukamawilitsa masamba gwiritsani ntchito madzi ochepa komanso osawilitsa kwambiri. Khazikitsani zithu zambiri zongokazinga muchazakudya zanu. Masamba ongokazinga amaphikika machangu ndipo amakhala ndi michere yonse yofunikila,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6503,"Salt is hidden in many of our foods, but a high salt diet can contribute to a range of health problems including high blood pressure",Mchere umabisika mu zakudy zanthu zambiri koma mchere wambiri umaonjezera mavuto ambiri kuthupi monga kuthamanga kwambiri kwamagazi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6504,Don’t automatically add salt to your food – taste it first.,Osayikilatu mchere kuzakudya zanu- lawani kaye,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6505,"Add a splash of olive oil, vinegar or lemon juice close to the end of cooking time or to cooked vegetables – it can enhance flavours in the same way as salt","Thilani mafuta, zomveka ngati mandimu, madzi amandimu kumapeto pophika kapena kumasamba- izi zimathandizira kukoma m’mene umagwilira ntchito mchere",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6506,"You are less likely to overeat if you eat slowly and savour every mouthful. And remember small changes, big impact. Making small, gradual changes to your diet (rather than restrictive eating or crash diets) will help you adopt healthy eating habits",Simungathe kudya kwambiri ngati mukudya pan’gonopan’gono ndikumva bwino pamene mwaika zakudya mkamwa. Kumbukila kusitha kwapan’gono zotsatira zazikulu. Kusitha pan’gonopan’gono kuzakutthandizani kuti mukhale ndi makhalidwe abwino pakudya.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6507,"Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food and affects a large number of Malawians every year. Food can be contaminated when it is handled, stored or prepared incorrectly","Kuipitsidwa kwa chakuya kumadza chifukwa chakudya zakudya zowonongekha ndipo zimakhudza amalawi ambiri chaka chili chonse. Chakudya chikhoza kuwonongekha ngati chagwilidwa, kusungidwa kapena kukhozedwa mosayenera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6508,"Some foods have a higher risk of causing food poisoning, and some people are more at risk of getting food poisoning than others",Zakudya zina zimakhala pachiopsezo choyambitsa kuipitsidwa kwa chakudya ndipo anthu ena ali pa chiopsezo chakudya chakudya chowonongeka kuposa ena,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6509,"Food poisoning occurs when sufficient numbers of particular types of bacteria, or their toxins, are present in the food you eat. These bacteria are called pathogens",Kuipitsidwa kwa chakudya kumachitika pamene mlingo waukulu wa tizilombo kapena poizoni zili muchakudya chomwe mwadya. Tizilombo timeneti timatchedwa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6510,"Food contamination is not just limited to foods you may consider risky, such as chicken or fish. Prepared fruits, vegetables and salads can also be potentially dangerous","Kuipitsidwa kwa chakudya sikuchitika ku zakudya zokha zimene timaziona ngati zowopsya mongati nkhuku kapena nsomba. Zipatso zokhonzedwa bwino, masamba komanso masamba osaphika akhoza kukhalaso owopsya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6511,"Contaminated food will usually look, smell and taste normal. Food poisoning bacteria can grow and multiply on some types of food more easily than others","Zakudya zomwe zawonongeka nthawi zambiri zimaoneka, kumveka bwinobwino. Tizilombo towononga zakudya timakula ndikuchulukana pazakudya zina mosavuta kuposa zina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6512,"Potentially high-risk foods include raw and cooked meat - such as chicken and minced meat, and foods containing them; dairy-based products; eggs and egg products; cooked rice and pasta; prepared salads; prepared fruit - such as fruit salad","Zakudya zimene zili pachiopsezo kwambiri ndi nyama yosaphika komanso yophika monga nkhuku, nyama yogaya, zakudya zokhala ndi izi; zinthu zopangidwa kuchoka ku mkaka; mazira ndi zinthu zochoka kumazira; mpunga wophika; masamba osaphika; zipatso monga zipatso zosaphika",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6513,"Some people are more at risk of getting food poisoning than others. Take special care when buying, storing and preparing food for these people","Anthu ena ali pachiopsezo chakudya zakudya zapoizoni kuposa ena. Samalitsitsani mukamagula, kusunga komanso kukhoza chakudya cha anthu amenewa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6514,"Vulnerable groups include pregnant women, the elderly, young children, people with chronic illness","Magulu a anthu osatetezeka ndi monga azimayi apakati, okalamba, ana, anthu amatemba amgonagona",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6515,"Food poisoning bacteria can multiply very quickly, particularly in certain conditions. The factors that affect bacterial growth include time - in ideal conditions, one bacterium can multiply to more than 2 million in 7 hours;",Tizilombo topangitsa kuti zakudya ziwonongeke zimachulukana mwansanga makamaka pa nyengo zina. Zinthu zimene zimapangitsa kuti tizilombo tikule ndi nthawi- pa malo pabwino- kachilombo kamodzi kakhoza kubelekana kudutsa 2 miliyoni mu maola asanu ndi awiri,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6516,"temperature - food poisoning bacteria grow best in the temperature range between 5 °C and 60 °C. This is referred to as the temperature danger zone. This means that we need to keep perishable food either very cold or very hot, in order to avoid food poisoning",Kutetha kapena kuzizila- tizilombo towongonga chakudya timakula bwino pamalo pa digili 5 ndi 60. Apa pamatchedwa kuti pamalo pozizila kapena potetha poopsya. Izi zikutathauza kuti tikuyenera kusunga chakudya zoti zitha kuwonongeka pamalo pozizila kapena potetha kuti chakudya chisawonongeke,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6517,"Nutrients - most foods contain enough nutrients for bacteria to grow. This is especially the case with potentially high-risk foods such as dairy and egg products, meat, poultry and seafood","Michere yofunikila- zakudya zambiri zimakhala ndi michere yofunikila pakuti tizilombo timakula. Izi zimachitika zakudya zomwe zili pa chiopsyezo monga za mkaka, zamazira , nyama, zankhuku komanso zam’madzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6518,"Water - bacteria need water for their growth. Without water, growth may slow down or stop. That is why dried foods do not spoil","Madzi- tizilombo timafuna madzi kuti tikule. Opanda madzi, timachedwa kukula kapena kuimilatu. Ndichifukwa chake zakudya zoyanika ziwonongeka",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6519,"The symptoms of food poisoning may vary depending on the type of bacteria causing the illness. Symptoms can range from mild to very severe. Symptoms can occur almost immediately after eating, or a number of hours later, and they can last from 24 hours to 5 days",Zizindikilo zakuipitsidwa kwa zakudya zimatengera ndi mtundu wazilombo umene ukuyambitsa kudwala. Zizindikilo zikhoza koopsya pan’gono mpaka zoopsya kwambiri. Zizindikilo zimachitika pompopompo ukudya kapena patapita nthawi ndikhoza kutha maola 34 mpaka masiku asanu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6520,"When you get sick, you usually experience one or more of nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, headaches","Ukadwala, umamva kufuna kusanza, kupweteka m’mimba, kutsegula m’mimba, kuzanza, thupi kutetha komanso kupweteka mutu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6521,"If you experience symptoms and think you have food poisoning, see your doctor as soon as possible. It's also a good idea to report your illness to your local council or the Department of Health, so that the causes can be investigated","Ngati mukumva zizindikilozi ndipo mukganiza kuti mwana chakudya chowonongeka, pitani kuchipatala msanga. Ndi ganizo labwino kukafotokoza zakudwala kwanu ku boma kepena uduna woyan’ganira zaumoyo kuti zimene zapangitsa azifufuze",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6522,"This is particularly important if you think the illness is related to eating out at a restaurant or café, or to food purchased from a shop or takeaway outlet or indeed food collected from the wild",Izi ndizofunika kwambiri ngati mukuona kuti kudwala kukhoza kugwirizana ndikudya ku malo wogulitsira zakudya kapena kugula zakudya mu wokala kapena pogulitsa zakudya zotenga kapena zakudya zotenga kuncthire,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6523,"When you store food separate raw food from cooked food, and store raw food at the bottom of the fridge to avoid juices dripping onto, and contaminating, other food","Mukasunga zakudya, ikani mosiyana zakudya zaziwisi ndi zophika ndipo sunganiz zakudya zaziwisi pansi mu makina oziziltsira zinthu kuti madzi asadothele pachakudya china",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6524,Allow cooked foods to cool to room temperature (about 21 °C) before storing in the refrigerator. This should not take more than 2 hours - cooling will be quicker if you put hot food into smaller containers rather than leaving it in one large one,Lolani zakudya zophika kuti zizizile kaye kufika pa madigili 21 musanaike mu fuliji. Izi sizikuyenera kuti zidutse maola okwana 2- kuzizilitsa kumachitika mwachangu ngati mwaika chakudya mosungila mwamon’gono osati kuzisiya zonse muchachikulu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6525,This prevents the refrigerator temperature from rising and reduces the risk of bacterial growth in all food stored in the fridge,Izi ziteteza kuti m’malo mosungila zakudya musatethe komanso kuchepetsa chiopsezo chakukula kwa tizilombo pachakudya chonse zimene chakusungidwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6526,Passive smoking means breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke. The smoke drifting from a lit cigarette plus the smoke breathed out by a smoker is called second-hand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke,Kusuta usakudziwa zimatathanuza kupuma fodya ena akusuta. Utsi umachooka ku ndudu yoyatsidwa kuphatikiza ndi utsi wopumidwa ndi wosuta kumatchedwa kusuta kwachiwiri kapena kusuta kwachilengedwe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6527,Second-hand smoke is a serious health risk for both those who smoke and those who do not. Children are particularly at risk of serious health effects from second-hand smoke,Kusuta fodya kwachiwiri chiwopsezo chachikulu kwambiri pa moyo kwa amene amasuta ndi amene samasuta. Ana amakhala pachiwopsezo chachikulu pa moyo wawo chifukwa cha kusutaku,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6528,"In most indoor workplaces within the grounds of, and at and within 4 metres of an entrance to, all childcare centres, kindergartens (or preschools) and primary and secondary schools","Mu malo ambiri pamalopo, komanso pa ma mita anayu ndi malo olowela, malo onse osamalira ana komanso kusukulu za pulayimale komanso sekondale",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6529,"Tobacco smoke inside a room tends to hang in mid-air rather than disperse. Hot smoke rises, but tobacco smoke cools rapidly, which stops its upward climb. Since the smoke is heavier than the air, the smoke starts to descend",Utsi wafodya mu chipinda umakonda kukhala m’malere osachoka ayi. Utsi otetha umakwera m’mwamba koma uti wafodya umazizila chimene umapangitsa kuti usapite m’mwamba. Nde pakuti utsi ndiwolemela kuposa mpweya utsi umayamba kutsika,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6530,A person who smokes heavily indoors creates a low-lying smoke cloud that other householders have no choice but to breathe,Munthu amene amasutila mu nyumba amapingitsa mitambo ya utsi omwe anthu ena munyumbamo sasakha koma kuupuma,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6531,"Second-hand smoke has been confirmed as a cause of lung cancer by several leading health authorities. Exposure to second-hand smoke can trigger or worsen symptoms. Health risks of passive smoking – pregnant women and unborn babies. When a pregnant woman breathes in any tobacco smoke, her unborn baby is exposed to the chemicals in the smoke too","Kusuta fodya usakufuna kunatsimikizidwa mabungwe azaumoyo kuti kumapangitsa khansa ya m’mapapo. Kusuta fodya kungayambitse kapena kuonjezera zizindikiro. Chiopsezo chakusuta fodya - amayi apakati ndi ana osabadwa. Mayi woyembekezera akamapuma utsi uliwonse wa fodya, mwana wake wosabadwa amakumananso ndi mankhwala a muutsiwo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6532,"When a non-smoking pregnant woman is exposed to second-hand smoke in the home – for example, if her partner smokes – it increases the risk for early birth, still birth, low birth weight","Pamene mzimayi osasuta wakumana ndi utsi mu nyumba- mwachitsanzo, ngati bwenzi lake limasuta- zimaika pachiopsezo kuti akhoza kubeleka masiku asanakwane, kupititsa padera, mwana osalemela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6533,"Active smoking by men can damage their sperm. Some health problems may be due to a non-smoking mother breathing in second-hand smoke, or sperm damage from the father’s tobacco use, or both",Kusuta kowilikiza kwa amuna kumatha kuwononga ukala. Mavuto ena aumoyo akhoza kubwera chifukwa cha amayi osasuta pumuma utsi wafodya kapan ukala wowongongeka kuchokekera kwa bambo wosuta fodya kapena zonse,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6534,"These include lower fertility, birth defects including cleft lip or palate, childhood cancer including liver cancer.","Izi ndi zinthu monga kusabeleka, zochtika pobadwa kuphatiizapo kung'ambika kwa milomo kapena mkamwa, khansa ya ubwana kuphatikizapo khansa ya chiwindi.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6535,"Children are especially vulnerable to the damaging effects of second-hand smoke. Some of the many health risks include passive smoking is a cause of sudden unexpected death in infants, which includes sudden infant death syndrome and fatal sleep accidents","Ana ndi amene ali pachiopsezo chachikulu cha kusuta fodya. Zina mwa ziwopsezo moyo wabwini ndi monga kusuta fodya ndizomwe zimayambitsa kufa mwadzidzidzi kwa makanda, zomwe zimaphatikizapo kufa mwadzidzidzi kwa makanda komanso ngozi zakutulo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6536,"A child who lives in a smoking household for the first 18 months of their life has an increased risk of developing a range of illnesses of the lung, including bronchitis, bronchiolitis and pneumonia","Mwana amene amakhala m’banja losuta fodya kwa miyezi 18 yoyambirira ya moyo wake ali ndi chiwopsezo chachikulu chotenga matenda osiyanasiyana a m’mapapo, monga chibayo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6537,"They are also more prone to coughs, wheezing and glue ear (middle ear infections). Their lungs are weaker and do not grow to their full potential","Amakondanso kutsokomola, kupuma movutikira komanso phenga. Mapapo awo amakhalai ofooka ndipo sakula mokwanira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6538,"A child exposed to second-hand smoke in the home is more likely to develop asthma symptoms, have more asthma attacks and use asthma medications more often and for a longer period","A child exposed to second-hand smoke in the home is more likely to develop asthma symptoms, have more asthma attacks and use asthma medications more often and for a longer period + Mwana amene m’nyumba mwawo mumasutidwa fodya amakhala ndi zizindikiro za mphumu, amakhala ndi mphumu yambiri komanso amamwa mankhwala a mphumu pafupipafupi komanso kwa nthawi yayitali.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6539,"School-aged children of people who smoke are more likely to have symptoms such as cough, phlegm, wheeze and breathlessness","Ana azaka zopita kusukulu amene makolo awo amasuta amaonetsa zizindikilo monga kukhosomola, makhololo,kuvutika kupuma komanso kusowa mpweya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6540,"Children of people who smoke have an increased risk of meningococcal disease, which can sometimes cause disability or death","Ana a anthu amene amasuta amakhala pachiospezo chotenga matenda a meningococcal, amene nthawi zina amapangitsa ulumali kapena imfa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6541,"Health risks of passive smoking – partners who have never smoked. People who have never smoked who live with people who do smoke are at increased risk of a range of tobacco-related diseases and other health risks, including:",Zowopsa ku umoyo kwa kusuta- abwenzi amene sanasutepo. Anthu amene anasutapo amene amakhala ndi anthu amene amasuta akhala pachiopsezo chotenga matenda okhudzana ndi fodya komanso zowopseza umoyo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6542,Heart disease and stroke – second-hand smoke affects your blood vessels in several ways: It makes the blood more ‘sticky’ and likely to clot,Matenda a mtima komanso kufa ziwalo- kusuta kumasokoneza modutsa magazi munjira zosiyanasiyana: kumapangitsa magazi kukhala omata komanso kuundana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6543,"Passive smoking is associated with lower levels of antioxidant vitamins in the blood. Just 30 minutes of passive smoking can affect how your blood vessels regulate blood flow, to a similar degree to that seen in people who smoke Passive smoking over a long time may lead to the development of atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries by fatty streaks). Lung cancer – people who are exposed to second-hand smoke over a long time have a 20 to 30% higher risk of developing lung cancer","Kusuta fodya kumakhudzana ndi kuchepa kwa mavitamini m'magazi. Mphindi makumi atatu za kusuta zingakhudze momwe mitsempha yanu imayendetsela magazi, mofanana ndi momwe zimawonekera mwa anthu omwe amasuta Kusuta fodya kwa nthawi yaitali kungayambitse kuchepa kwa mitsempha ndi mafuta). Khansa ya m'mapapo - anthu omwe amasuta fodya kwa nthawi yayitali amakhala ndi chiopsezo chachikulu cha 20 mpaka 30% chokhala ndi khansa ya m'mapapo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6544,"There is increasing evidence that passive smoking may increase the risk of nasal sinus cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, larynx cancer, long and short-term respiratory symptoms, loss of lung function, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among people who do not smoke","Pali umboni wochuluka wosonyeza kuti kusuta fodya kungapangitse chiopsezo cha khansa ya m'mphuno, khansa ya m'kamwa, khansa ya pakhosi, khansa ya m'mphuno, zizindikiro za kupuma zovutika kupuma, kuchepa kwa mapapu, ndi matenda aakulu a m'mapapo pakati pa anthu omwe sasuta.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6545,"Your family and friends – a good reason to stop smoking. When you stop smoking, you are not only doing great things for your own health, but for your loved ones","Achibale anu ndi abwenzi - chifukwa chabwino chosiyira kusuta. Mukasiya kusuta, simukuchita zinthu zazikulu zokha za thanzi lanu, koma kwa okondedwa anu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6546,"You will protect your partner, children or other household members from becoming ill from second-hand smoke. You will have more energy and time to spend with your kids","Muzateteza wokondedwa wanu, ana kapena anthu ena apakhomo kuti asadwale ndi utsi wa fodya. Mudzakhala ndi mphamvu zambiri komanso nthawi yocheza ndi ana anu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6547,You will save a lot of money for you and your family. You are your child’s first role model – parents who stop smoking reduce the likelihood that their children will take up smoking later in life. What are your reasons to have a go at quitting?,Mudzasunga ndalama zambiri kwa inu ndi banja lanu. Inu ndinu chitsanzo choyamba cha mwana wanu - makolo amene amasiya kusuta amachepetsa mwayi woti ana awo adzayambe kusuta fodya akadzakula. Ndi zifukwa ziti zomwe zimakupangitsani kuti musiye?,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6548,"If you smoke but you are unwilling or unable to stop immediately, there are various ways to help protect the health of the people you live with","Ngati mumasuta koma simukufuna kapena simungathe kusiya nthawi yomweyo, pali njira zosiyanasiyana zothandizira kuteteza umoyowa anthu omwe mumakhala nawo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6549,Suggestions include make your home totally smoke-free. Always smoke outdoors and shut windows and doors so smoke doesn’t drift inside. Limiting your smoking to one or 2 rooms will not protect your family – tobacco smoke can easily drift through the rest of the house,Malingaliro kuphatikizapo kuti nyumba yanu ikhale kosasutira. Nthawi zonse muzisuta panja ndikutseka mawindo ndi zitseko kuti utsi usalowerere mkati. Kuchepetsa kusuta kwanu kuchipinda chimodzi kapena ziwiri sikungateteze banja lanu - utsi wa fodya ukhoza kuyenda mosavuta m'nyumba yonse.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6550,Make sure that visitors to your house smoke outdoors – that includes shisha as well as cigarettes. Make your car totally smoke-free. The other occupants will still be exposed to tobacco smoke even if the windows are open,Onetsetsani kuti alendo obwera kunyumba kwanu akusutila panja - zomwe zimaphatikizapo shisha komanso ndudu. Pangani galimoto yanu kuti ikhale isakhale malo osutira. Anthu ena azakhala akufikiridwa ndi utsi wafodyawo ngakhale mawindo ali otsegula,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6551,"Don’t allow smoking in any enclosed space where people who do not smoke spend time – for example, in the garage, shed, cubby house, boat or caravan","Musalole kusuta pamalo potseka pamene anthu osasuta amakhalapo- mwachitsanzo mokonzera magalimoto, pothawira dzuwa, munyumba, mubwato kapena nyumba yoyenda",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6552,Try to avoid taking children to outdoor areas where people are smoking and you can’t easily move away. Make sure that all people who look after your children provide a smoke-free environment,Yesetsani kupewa kuwatenga ana kumalo amene anthu akusuta komanso simungathe kuchokapo. Wonetsetsani kuti anthu onse amene amayan’ganira ana anu amakhala ndi malo osasutira,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6553,"Swimming is a popular low impact activity that is great for improving general health and wellbeing. However, swimmers have a responsibility to keep themselves and others safe and healthy","Kusambira ndi masewera wotchuka amene ali ofunikira kupititsa patsgolo moyo wanu ndi m’mene mulili. Komabe anthu osambila ali ndi udindo wokhala ndi umoyo wabwino,kuziteteza komanso ena",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6554,"Even in treated public pools where chlorine is able to kill most germs, chlorine cannot act straight away. Some germs can live in pool water for days after being introduced, and can still make you sick. It is important to do everything you can to keep the water clean","Ngakhale mumalo osambila agulu kumene mankhwala amatha kupha tizilombo, mankhwala samagwira ntchito pompopompo. Tizilombo tina timatha kukhala mumadzimo kwamasiku tikalowamo ndipo tikhoza kukudwalitsani. Ndizofunikira kupanga zothekera kuti madzi azikhala osamalika",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6555,Germs on your body can wash off and contaminate the water. You are more likely to be infectious when you are not feeling well yourself. Showering with soap before swimming will help keep contaminants out of the water,Tizilombo pathupi panu timachoka ndipo ndimaononga madzi. Mukhoza kutenga matenda pamene zimukumva bwino kale. Kusamba ndi sopo musanasambire kumathandiza kuchotsa zowononga madzi kuti zisalowe m’madzimu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6556,"Stay out of the pool if you have an infection. Even when you are recovering, stay out of the water until the infection has passed","Osalowa m’madzi ngati mukudwala. Ngakhale pamene mukuchira, osalowa m’madzi mpaka matenda atatha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6557,By following these simple steps you can make sure you help to keep pools clean and safe for everyone to swim in,Mukatsatira zinthu izi muzathandizila kukhala malo osambilira aukhondo komanso otetezeka kwa aliyense kuti akhoza kusambira,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6558,Tips for swimmers: Do not swim if you have had diarrhoea in the past 14 days. Shower and wash thoroughly (especially your bottom) before you swim. Wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet,"Uthenga kwa wosambila: osasambila ngati mumatsegula m’mimba masiku khumi ndi anayi apitawo, sambani ndipo tsukani kuthako musanasambile. Sambani m’manja bwinobwino mukachoka kuchimbudzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6559,Avoid swallowing water while swimming. Inform the pool operator if you become ill after swimming in the pool,Pewani kumeza madzi mukamasambila. Adziwitseni oyan’ganira malo osambila ngati mwadwala mutamaliza kusambila mu madziwo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6560,"Tips for parents: Keep an eye on your children at all times, and inform the lifeguard if you believe the pool water has become contaminated",Langizo kwa makolo: ayan’ganeni ana anu nthawi zonse ndipo dziwitsani woyan’ganira anthu ngati mukhulupilira kuti madziwo awonongeka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6561,"Take children on frequent toilet breaks, at least every hour. Check nappies every 30 to 60 minutes. Change nappies in nappy-changing areas. Do not change nappies by the poolside","Atengeleni anawo kuchimbudzi pakapita nthawi, makamaka pakatha ola limodzi. Yan’ganani matewela awo phindi 30 mpaka 60 zilizonse. Sithani matewera kumalo osithila matewera. Osasitha matewera pafupi ndi madziwo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6562,Wash your hands thoroughly after handling nappies. Children who have not been toilet trained should wear tight-fitting waterproof nappies,Sambani m’manja bwinobwino mukamaliza kugwira matewera. Ana amene sanaphunzitsidwe kugwiritsa ntchito chimbudzi avale matewera osalowa madzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6563,"It is estimated that for every child that drowns, another 10 are hospitalised for non-fatal drowning, and may have long-term effects such as permanent brain damage","Zawonetsa kuti pa mwana wina aliyense amene amamila, ana ena 10 amagonekedwa kuchipatala chifukwa chomila ndipo zimakhala zotsatira za moyo onse monga kuwonongeka kwa ubongo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6564,"Toddlers aged between one and 4 years are most at risk, because they are mobile and curious, but don’t understand the danger of water",Ana achaka chimodzi mpaka zinayi ali pachiopsezo chifukwa amakhala oyendayenda komanso kufuna kudziwa komanso samadziwa kuopsa kwa madzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6565,You can considerably reduce the risks by actively supervising your child around water at all times and teaching them to swim by enrolling them in swimming and water safety lessons,Mukhoza kuchepeza chiopsezochi powayan’ganira pamene ali pafupi ndi madzi nthawi zonse komanso kuwaphunzitsa kusambila powayambitsa maphunziro osambila komanso kudziteteza,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6566,"Taking precautions to reduce the risk of drowning around your home is also very important. A toddler or child can drown in 5 centimetres of water. Every exposed water source, no matter how shallow, poses a significant danger","Kutsatira njira kuti muchepetse chiwopsezo chomila pa nyumba panu ndizofunika. Mwana akhoza kumilamu madzi okwana ma sentimita 5. Malo aliwonse pamene pali madzi, ngakhale patakhala posamila, pamabweretsa chiwopsaezo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6567,"It is important to install barriers, such as pool gates and fencing around dams, to restrict access to water sources",Ndizofunika kuika zotchingila monga chitseko cha ku madzi komaso mpanda kumalo kumene kuli madzi kuti muletse kufikira madziwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6568,You should also learn resuscitation and lifesaving techniques so that you know what to do if you are faced with an emergency. Supervise your child around water,Mukuyenera kuphunzira njira zotsisimutsa komanso kuwombola moyo kuti muzizidziwa chochita mutakhala kuti mwakuma ndi zadzidzi. Yan’ganilani mwana wanu pafupi ndi madzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6569,"The most important preventive tactic is to actively supervise your child around water at all times. Active supervision means focusing all of your attention on your children all of the time, when they are in, on or around the water",Njira yofunikila kwambiri yopewela ndikukhala tcheru kumuyan’ganira mwana wanu akakhala pafupi ndi madzi nthawi zonse. Kumuyan’ganira kumatathauza kukakhala tcheru pa mwana wanu nthawi zonse pamene ali madzi kapena chifupi ndi madzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6570,"Supervision is not an occasional glance while you are busy with other activities, but being in constant visual contact with your child","Kuyan’ganira sikungoyan’gana mwa apo ndi apo uku mutanganidwa ndi zinthu zina, koma kumamuona mwana wanu kosalekeza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6571,Don’t assume they will splash and yell for help if they get into trouble. Twenty seconds is all it takes for a toddler to drown,Asaganiza kuti amenya madzi ndikukuwa kufuna thandizo akakhala kuti akumana ndi mavuto. Masekondi 20 okha mwana amamila,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6572,Children can take formal swimming instruction from the age of 4 years. Water safety skills make up part of the tuition,Ana akhoza kuyamba kusambila uku akumvera zochita akafika zaka zinayi. Maluso am’madzi amakhala gawo lama phunzirowa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6573,"Swimming programs are available for younger children and babies, but the emphasis is on building confidence and encouraging the child to enjoy water, rather than teaching them to swim","Maphunziro osambila alipo a ana komanso makanda, koma kwambiri ndikupatsa mphamvu ndi kuwalimbikitsa kuti azisangalala m’madzimo, osati kuwaphunzitsa kusambila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6574,"Children under 5 years of age may not be able to use their swimming skills in an emergency, so never rely on this to keep them safe","Ana osakwana zake zisanu sangathe kugwiritsa ntchito maluso osambilira pa zinthu zadzidzi, ndiye osawadalira kuti aziteteza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6575,"A flotation device is not a replacement for supervision. Always supervise your child when they are wearing their personal flotation device, in case they tumble upside down or slip through the vest",Chida choyandamila sichotsela kuyan’ganira. Nthawi zonse muyan’ganireni mwana pamene avala zida choyandamila kupangila kuti atembenuka kapena chavukamo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6576,Suggestions for reducing the risks of your child drowning in and around the home include: Always actively supervise your child in the bath. Never leave an older child to supervise the younger child in the bath,Maganizo ochepetsela chiopsezp kuti mwana asamile m’nyumba komanso panyumba: muyan’ganileni mwana malo osambila. Osamusiya mwana wamkulu kuti amuyan’ganire mwana wan’gono mosambila,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6577,Take your child with you if your telephone or doorbell rings while supervising your child in the bath. Empty baths and sinks immediately after use. Always keep the doors to the bathroom and laundry securely closed,Mutengeni mwana pamene lamya kapena belu lalira pamene mukumuyan’ganira mwana posamba. Chotsani madzi m’malo mosungila madzi mukangomaliza. Tsekani chitseko cha ku bafa komanso kochapira zovala nthawi zonse,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6578,"Use a nappy bucket with a tight-fitting lid, and keep the bucket closed at all times and out of your child’s reach. Cover ponds, birdbaths and similar water sources with mesh","Gwiritsani ntchito ndowa yachotsekela chogwila bwino ndipo isiyeni ndowayi yotseka nthawi zonse komanso posafikira mwana wanu. Tsekani mosungila madzi, mosambira mbalame komanso malo ena osungila madzi ndi chitetezo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6579,"Keep pet water bowls, aquariums and fish bowls well out of little children’s reach","Siyani malo osungila madzi aziweto, komanso mukhala nsoma posafikila ana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6580,"Conditions can change quickly. Don’t assume that a beach that was safe in the past is safe now, since the action of waves, weather and wind can influence depth and rips","Zinthu zimasitha mwachangu. Osaganiza kuti nyanja kunali kotetezeka kalekale nde kuti panonso kuli choncho. Chifukwa mafunde, nyengo komanso phepo zimasitha kuzama kwake",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6581,Only take your child to beaches with lifesaving patrols and make sure you and your child swim between the red and yellow flags,Mutengeni mwana wanu pokhapokha ndi osamala moyo ndipo wonetsetsani kuti mwana wanu akusambila pakati pa mbendera yofila ndi yachikasu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6582,"Learn how to spot and avoid rips and have knowledge and skills to get out of one, otherwise swim at a patrolled beach. Teach your child what to do if they get into trouble: remain calm, float and raise an arm to signal for help from a lifesaver or lifeguard","Phunzirani kuwona ndikupewa madzi amphamvu ndipo khalani odziwa ndi luso m’mene mungatulukile, ngati simungatero sambilani kumalo otetezeka. Phuzitsani mwana wanu zochita akapeza mavuto, kukhala odekha, kuyandama komanso kukweza mkono kupempha chithandizo kwa oyan’ganira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6583,"Understand and prepare for the conditions, and ensure your skills and activities are appropriate before deciding to enter the water. When supervising children and others around water, ensure activities and skills are appropriate for the conditions and their abilities.","Khalani odziwa ndikukonzera nyengo, ndipo wonetsetsani kuti maluso anu komanso ntchito zanu ndizoyenela musanapange chiganizo cholowa m’madzi. Pamene mukuyan’ganira mwana komanso ena pafupi ndi madzi, wonetsetsani kuti ntchito komanso maluso ndiwoyenera munyengoyo komanso kuthekera kwawo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6584,Read safety signs located at the beach and ensure you understand the local hazards and dangers,Werengani zizindikilo za chitetezo ku nyanja ndi wonetsetsani kuti mwamvetsetsa zowopseza komanso zowopsa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6585,"Throw in a twig to check how fast the river is flowing. River currents are often stronger than they appear. Remember, the current is stronger around the outside of a bend in the river","Ponyani kamtengo kuti muone m’mene mtsinje akuyendera. Mafunde amtsinje nthawi zambiri amakhala amphamvu kusiyana ndi m’mene akuwonekera. Kumbukilani, mafunde amakhala amphamvu kunja pamene madzi akukhota",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6586,Float on your back and travel downstream feet first to protect your head from impact with any objects if you are caught in a current. Angle your travel towards the shore,Yamandani cha nsana ndikuenda kopita madzi mapazi patsogolo kuti mututeteze mutu ku zotsazira ndi zinthu ngati mwakumana ndi amfunde. Wongolani mayendedwe anu kupita kumtunda,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6587,"Keep watch for trees, branches, rocks and rubbish. Submerged objects can be very dangerous. Always remember to enter the water feet first. River conditions can change rapidly due to heavy rainfall or the release of water from storage areas. An area that is safe in the morning can be dangerous in the afternoon","Khalani watcheru ndi mitengo, nthambi, miyala komanso zinyalala. Zinthu zoti zinamira zimakhala zowopsa. Kumbukilani nthawi zonse kulowa m’madzi ndi mapazi kaye. M’mene ulili mtsinje utha kusitha kwambiri chifukwa cha mvula ya mphamvu kapena kutsegulilidwa kwa madzi kuchokera kusungidwa. Malo amene ali otetezeka m’mawa akhoza kukhla owopsya masana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6588,Beware of changes in the floor surface and depth. Take care on riverbanks. They are often slippery and can crumble away. This may cause you to accidentally fall into the water,Khalani a tchelu ndikusitha kwa pansi komanso kuzama. Samalani m’bali mwatsinje. Nthawi zambiri mumakhala motelera ndipo mumagumuka. Izi zikhoza kupangitsa kuti mugwere mu madzi mwa ngozi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6589,"How to be safe at the lake: Be aware of water temperature. Cold water in lakes can be lethal. It is often much colder beneath the surface than you think. Suddenly getting into cold water can cause distress, shock and lack of mobility. If you feel cold, get out of the water straight away","M’mene tingakhalire otetezeka kunyanja: khalani osamala kutentha kapena kuzizila kwa madzi. Madzi ozizila amunyanja amakhala owopsa. Nthawi zambiri amakhala ozizira kwambiri pansi kusiyana ndi m’mene mukuganizila. Kulowa m’madzi mwadzidzii kukhoza kuyambitsa kuphinjika,kudabwitsika komanso kusayenda. Ngati mwamva kuzizila , tulukani m’madzi nthawi yomweyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6590,"Enter the water feet first. The bottom of lakes and rivers can be soft, uneven and changeable. Beware of submerged objects. Remember wind will cause choppy waves that make it dangerous to swim. Large lakes may look calm, but conditions can change quickly. Take care with floating toys on windy days, as you can easily be blown away from shore","Lowani m’madzi ndi mapazi kaye. Pansi pa nyanja ndi mitsinje pamakhala poewa, posafanana ndi posithasitha. Khalani watcheru ndi zinthu zomira. Kumbukilani kuti phepo izapangitsa mavunde amane amakhala owopsa kuti musambile. Mitsinje yambiri imaoneka yodekha., koma zochitika zimatha kusitha mwansanga. Khalani osamala ndi zoseweletsa zoyandama pa madiku kumene kuli phepo chifukwa mukhoza kusuthidwa mwachidule kuchoka ku mtunda",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6591,"Smoke from wood fires contains particles and gases that can reduce indoor and outdoor air quality, and potentially affect your health. Wood smoke is generated from wood heaters, incinerators, planned burns and bushfires","Utsi ochoka ku moto wakhuni umakhala ndi zinthu ndi mipweya zimene zimachepetsa ubwino wa mpweya wa mkati komanso panja ndipo utha kuwononga umoyo. Utsi wamitengo umapangidwa kuchokera potethetsera kugwiritsa ntchito mitengo, malo oyatsila zinyalala otetezeka, kuyatsidwa kwa moto kochita kukhoza komanso moto wakutchire",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6592,Wood smoke is a form of air pollution. Wood smoke is a complex mixture of particles and gases. These particles and gases are air pollutants,Utsi wa nkhuni ndi njira yowongongera mpweya. Utsi wa nkhuni umakhala ndi zinthu zosiyanasiya komanso mipweya. Tizinthu timeneti ndi mipweya zimaowonga mpweya,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6593,"Higher levels of air pollutants are usually generated during fire start up and when a fire is poorly managed – for example, when airflow to the heater is reduced, allowing wood to smoulder","Zinthu zowononga mpweya zimapangidwa moto umayaka kumene komanos pamene motowo sukusamalidwa- mwachitsanzo, pamene mayendedwe a mpweya achepa, kulola nkhuni kuzizilala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6594,"Higher levels of air pollution can occur where a heating appliance (such as a heater) is performing poorly, or when wood with high moisture content is burned",Kuwonongeka kwabiri kwa mpweya kukhoza kuchitika pamene chida chotethetsera sichikugwira ntchito bwino kapna pamene nkhuni zosauma zayatsidwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6595,"Exposure to wood smoke can occur either inside the home – from your own wood heater or outdoor smoke penetrating indoors; outside the home – where smoke from a wood heater or other source is released outside the home, affecting neighbours and the outdoor air in general","Kukhudzidwa ndi utsi wa khuni kutha kuchitika muli m’nyumba- kuchokera chothetsera cha nkhuni kapena utsi wapanja kulowa mkati; panja pa nyumba- pamene utsi wochokera ku chotethetsera cha nkhuni kapena zina watulitsidwa panja pa nyumba, kusokozena anthu amene atiyandikira komanso mpweya wapanja",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6596,Improperly installed heaters or clogged chimneys can increase the amount of air pollutants produced (inside the home) and increase the likelihood of health effects,Zotethetsera zimene sizinaikidwe bwino kapena chimuuni chotsokedwa zikhoza kuwonjezera mlingo wa zowononga mpweya zimene zikupangidwa mkati mwa nyumba komanso kuwonjezera zotsatira za moyo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6597,"Most healthy people recover quickly from exposure to wood smoke and do not suffer long-term effects, however any exposure to fine particles has the potential to affect health","Anthu ambiri a umoyo wabwino amachira mwansanga akakhudzidwa ndi utsi wa khuni ndi savutika ndi zotsatira kwa nthawi yayitali, komabe kukhudzidwa kuli konse ndi zinthu kuli ndi kuthekela kosokoneza moyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6598,"The degree of health effects that you may experience depends on how much smoke you are exposed to and for how long. Symptoms of smoke irritation include itchy eyes, runny nose, a sore throat, coughing","Mlingo wa zosokoneza moyo kumene mukhoza kukumana nako kumatengera kuti mwakhudzidwa ndi utsi wochuluka bwanji komanso nthawi yotalika bwanji. Zizindikilo za kudana ndi utsi ndi monga kuyabwa kwa maso, mamina, kupanga zilonda ku khosi, kukhosomola",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6599,"Smokers, frail older people, infants and very young children are also affected by wood smoke. There are a number of actions you can take to prevent or reduce the potential health effects of wood smoke","Anthu wosuta anthu okalamba wofooka, ana akhanda ndi ana ochepa msikhu kwambiri amasokozonezedwa ndi utsi wa khuni. Pali zinthu zingapo zimene mungachite kuti mupewe kapena kuchepetsa zimene zingabwere zowononga moyo chifukwa cha utsi wamitengo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6600,"Cold weather increases the risk of illness and death from coughs, lung and heart problems, falls, poor mental health During periods of cold weather, make sure you and the people you care for stay warm, well and safe. Check on older neighbours, friends and relatives, especially those living alone or with a health condition, to see how you can help. Make sure they have plenty of food, any medication they might need, and can get out and about","Nyengo yozizila yimawonjera chiwopsezo chakudwala komanso imfa chifukwa cha kukhosomola, mavuto amapapo ndi mtima, kugwa,matenda am’maganizo. Nthawi yozizila, wonetsetsani kuti komanso anthu amene mumawasamalira ndi wotethedwa, ali bwino komanso otetezedwa. yan'ganirani okalmaba amene mukukhala nawo pafupi, anzanu komanso achibale, makamaka amene akukhala okha kapena amene ali mavuto azaumoyo kuti muone m’mene mungawathandizire. Wonetsetsani kuti ali ndi zakudya zokwanira, mankhwala amene angafune komanso akhoza kutuluka ndikumapanga zina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6601,"To keep your home warm: If you are aged 65 years or over, or if you have low mobility or a health condition, heat your home to at least 18 °C. If you can’t heat all the rooms you use, heat the living spaces during the day and your bedroom just before you go to sleep","Kuti pakhomo panu pakhale potetha; ngati muli ndi zaka makumi asanu ndi chimodzi ndi asanu kapena kudzutsila apo kapena muli mumayenda payon’gono kepena kuvuvtika mthupi, tethetsani m’nyumba mpaka ma digili khumi limodzi ndi zisanu ndi zitatu. Ngati simungatethetse zipinda zonse, tethetsani malo amene mukukhala masana komanso kuchipinda musanapite kukagona",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6602,"Babies need to sleep in a room at a temperature between 16 and 20 °C. Close windows, curtains and blinds at night to keep heat in. Seal any gaps that let in draughts, especially around doors and windows, and insulate walls and ceilings where you can","Ana akuyenera kugona mu chipinda chakuti mukutetha pakati pa 16 mpaka 20. Tsekani mazenela, nsalu zapawindo komanso zotchingila dzuwa usiku kuti kutetha kusachoke. Tsekani min’galu yonse m’mene mumalowera phepo,makamaka muzitseko ndi mazenela komanso matani makoma ndi denga pamene mungakwanitse",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6603,"Heating your home can keep you warm and well, but is not without its risks. To make sure that you are heating your home safely this winter: Ensure you have working smoke detectors outside each sleeping area – test them monthly and change the batteries every year at the same time",Kutethetsa nyumba yanu kukhoza kukutethetsani komanso kukhala bwino koma sikuti kulibe zoopsya. Kuti muwonetsetse kuti mukutethetsa nyumba yanu motetezeka nthawi yozizila ino:wonetsetsani muli ndi zipangizo wonela utsi panja pa malo ogonera aliwonse- ziyeseni pamwezi ndipo sithani ma batile pachaka nthawi imodzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6604,"Make sure fireplaces, wood burning stoves, chimneys and flues are serviced regularly to prevent accidental fires. Be aware that landlords must keep your house in good repair including all gas and electrical appliances they provide","Wonetsetsani kuti malo oyatsila moto, mbaula zoyatsila khuni, chiwumuni komanso paipi yodutsamo utsi zikusamalidwa pafupipafupi kuti mupewe ngozi ya moto. Eni nyumba, khalani a tcheru kuti nyumba yanu ili bwinobwino monga zipangizo zoyendela mpweya komanso magesti",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6605,"Dress for the weather even indoors. Cotton, wool and fleecy fibres retain heat well. If you’re installing a new heating system or buying a new heater, choose energy efficient options if you can – select heating that is the right size for your home or the room you wish to heat","Valani molingana ndi nyengo ngakhale pamene muli mkati. Thonje, ulusi ndi ubweya umasunga kutetha bwino. Ngati mukuika njira ina yotethetsela kapena kugula makina ena otetsera, sakhani zogwiritsani ntchito bwino mphamvu ngati mungatero- sankhani kutethetsa kumene kuli koyenerana ndi nyumba yanu kapan chipinda chimene mukufuna kutethetsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6606,"Asthma triggers are substances, conditions or activities that lead to symptoms of asthma. Asthma symptoms include: difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath","Zinthu zoyambitsa mphumu ndi mankhwala, nyengo kapena ntchito zimene ziyambitsa zizindikilo ya mphumu. Zizindikilo za mphumu ndi monga: kuvutika kupuma, kukhosomola, kupuma mobanika, kusowa kwa mpweya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6607,These symptoms can become severe and lead to a life-threatening asthma emergency. Asthma symptoms can be triggered by substances that cause allergic reactions or by conditions or activities not related to allergies,Zizindikilo zimenezi zikhoza kukhala zowopsya kwambiri ndiponso kuyambitsa mphumu yadzidzi yoti ikhoza kuchotsa moyo. Zizindikilo za mphumu zikhoza kuyamba ndi mankhwala amene amayambitsa ziwengo kapena nyengo kapena ntchito yosagwirizana ndi ziwengozi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6608,Ask your doctor about how you can avoid or reduce exposure to triggers of your asthma symptoms. You should also ask your doctor to update your asthma action plan annually for adults and every 6 months for children with asthma,Afunseni adotolo m’mene mungapewele kapena kuchepetsa kukhudziwa ndi zinthu zimene zimayambitsa zizindikilo za mphumu. Mukuyenera kufunsaso adotolo anu kuti akonzeso zinthu zoyenera kuchita pa mphumu yanu pachaka kwa akuluakulu ndi miyezi isanu ndi umodzi kwa ana amene ali phumu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6609,"Allergies are a common cause of asthma symptoms. Most people identify more than one allergy but the symptoms experienced vary from person to person and can include hay fever, skin reactions, asthma or a life-threatening severe allergic reaction","Ziwengo ndi zimene zimayambitsa zizindikilo za mphumu. Anthu ambiri amakhala ndi ziwengo zoposera chimodzi koma zizindikilo zake zimasiyana pa munthu ndi zina zikhoza kukhala kutetha kwa thupi, matenda a pakhungu, phumu kapena ziwengo zowopseza moyo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6610,"If you are allergic to a substance that causes your asthma symptoms to flare up, you can take action to avoid or reduce exposure to the allergy trigger","Kuti muli ndi ziwengo ndi mankhwala amene amayambitsa zizindikilo za phumu kuti zikule, mukhoza kutengapo mbali kupewa kukhudzidwa ndi zimene zikuyambitsa ziwengozo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6611,"Allergy triggers that can lead to asthma symptoms include: dust mites, animal dander – especially from cats and dogs, mould spores – which can be worse at certain times of the year, pollen – from grass, weeds and trees and usually occurring seasonally, workplace substances – such as latex, wood dust or flour","Zoyambitsa ziwengo zimene zikhoza kuyambitsa zizindilo za phumu: thata zamufumbi,ubweya wa nyama-makamaka wa mphaka komanso galu,njere za nkhungu- zimene zimachulukila nthawi inayake ya chaka, njere- zochokera ku maudzu, udzu komanso mitengo ndipo izi zimachitika munyengo zina, mankhwala aku ntchito- monga latex, phumbi la matamba ndi ufa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6612,"Food allergies do not usually cause asthma themselves, but people with food allergies can be more susceptible to symptoms of asthma","Ziwengo zobwera chifukwa cha zakudya nthawi zambiri siziyambitsa mphumu, koma anthu amene ali ndi ziwengo za zakudya amakhala pachiwopsezo cha zizindikilo za phumu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6613,"Reducing exposure to substances that trigger your allergies and asthma symptoms is an important part of your asthma management. However, even with good allergy and trigger management, it is recommended you speak with your doctor about taking regular preventer medication to keep your asthma under control","Kuchepetsa kukhudzidwa ndi mankhwala amene amayambitsa ziwengo komanso zizindikilo za phumu ndi zinthu zofunikira m’mene mungasamalire phumu. Ngakhale, ndikusamalira ziwengo komanso zoyambitsa ziwengo, ndizoyenera kuti muyakhulane ndi dokotala wanu zokhudza kumwa mankhwala otetezera kuti phumu ichepetsedwe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6614,"Taking regular preventer medication is the most important part of asthma management. But being aware of and reducing exposure to your triggers, if you can, will help you get better control and confidence over your asthma","Kumwa mankhwala ozipewetsela ndi njira imodzi yofunika m’mene mungasamalire phumu. Koma kukhala odziwa komanso kuchepetsa kukhudzidwa ndi zinthu zoyambitsa, ngati mungathe, zikhoza kukuthandizani kuchepetsa komanso mphamvu ku phumu yanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6615,The best strategy to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction is to avoid contact with the type of animal that causes your allergy. This can be difficult if you have a pet or if you visit another household where there is a pet,Njira yabwino yochepetsera chiopsezo cha ziweno ndikupewa ndiyandikilana ndi nyama zomwe zimayambitsa ziwengo zanu. Izi zikhoza kukhala zovuta ngati muli chiweto kapena kukayendera nyumba imene kuli chiweto,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6616,"Choose bedding, such as mattress and pillow protectors, that are mite resistant and wash them regularly – this may be effective when used in combination with the above",Sakhani zotetezera zogonera monga matilesi ndi zotsamira zimene thata zisithakhalepo komanso kumazichapa pafupipafupi- izi zikhoza kukhala zothandiza pamene mukugwiritsa ntchito njira zonse,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6617,"In general, washing in hot water above 60ºC both kills dust mites and removes the allergic substance the mites produce. Drying items in a hot dryer will kill the mites once the clothes are dry, but will not remove the allergic substance","Kwambiri, kuchapa mu madzi otetha odutsa madigili makuni anu ndi limodzi kumapha thata komanso mankhwala oyambitsa ziwengo amene thata timatulutsa. Kuwumitsa zinthu mu chithu chomutsira chotetha kumapha thata pamene zovala zawuma koma sikuchotsa mankhwala oyambitsa ziwengo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6618,"Unfortunately, reducing exposure does not mean you will see an improvement in symptoms. Most studies have failed to show improvements in asthma from using strategies or products to get rid of or reduce contact with house dust mite allergens. It is better to focus on gaining control of symptoms by using asthma medications correctly","Mwatsoka, kuchepetsa kukhudzidwa sikutathauza kuti muwona kusitha muzizindikilo. Kafukufuku wambiri wakanika kuwonetsa kusitha kwa mphumu mukagwiritsa ntchito njira kapena zinthu zochotsera kapena kuchepetsa kukhudzana ndi thata zamufumbi zam’nyumba zobweletsa ziwengo. Ndi bwino kuganizira kasamalilidwe pogwilitsa ntchito mankhwala moyenera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6619,"The season for pollen allergies can last for several months and occurs when plants are flowering. The timing of your own personal allergy season will depend upon which plants you are allergic to, and when they flower","Nyengo ya ziwengo zodza chifukwa cha mbewu zitha kukhala miyezi ingapo ndipo zimachitika pamene mbewu zikupanga maluwa. Nthawi ya ziwengo zanu zimatengera mbewu zimene zimakubweletselani inu ziwengo, komanso pamene zikupanga maluwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6620,"Colds and viruses like COVID-19 or flu are a very common cause of asthma symptoms. After an airway infection, people with asthma are more likely to develop complications, such as pneumonia or bronchitis","Chimfine ndi ma virus ngati COVID-19 ndizimene zimayambitsa zizindikio za phumu. Mukhudwala matenda a njira zodutsa mpweya, anthu a mphumu amakhala pachiopsezo chokhala ndizopinga monga chibayo kapena chifuwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6621,"Taking medication regularly can be difficult. It can be easy to forget and many people dislike having to take medication, especially when they feel well and have no symptoms. But it is important to take your medication correctly and follow medical advice","Kumwa mankhwala pafupipafupi kukhoza kukhala kovuta. Kukhoza kukhala kotheka kuiwala ndipo anthu ambiri samakonda kumwa mankhwala, makamaka pamene akupeza bwino ndipo sipakuwoneka zizindikilo. Koma ndikofunika kuti muzimwa mankhwala moyenera ndimotsata malangzio achipatala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6622,"Ask your health professional for written instructions on the role of each medicine as part of your asthma action plan. Include details on how, when and how much to take, and what to do if symptoms get worse","Afunseni akadaulo azachichipatala malangizo ntchito yamankhwala ena aliwonse ngati gawo limodzi la kuthana ndi phumu. Ikani madongosolo monga m’mene, nthawi ndi mlingo womwera ndipo zoyenera kuchita zizindikilo zikafika povuta",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6623,It is very important that you inform your doctor and pharmacist that you have asthma when a new medicine is prescribed to you or when you are buying over-the-counter medication or complementary therapies,Ndizofunikira kwambiri kuwadziwitsa adokotala komanso opeleka mankhwala kuti muli ndi phumu pamene akupatsani mankhwala atsopano kapena pamene mukugula makhwala kapena chithandizo chowonjezera,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6624,"If you feel a particular medicine is making your asthma worse, treat your symptoms and contact your doctor immediately. Some medicines known to trigger asthma symptoms in some people include aspirin","Ngati mukuwona kuti mankhwala ena ake akupangitsani kuti phumu yanu ipitilire, kuchiza zizindikilo ndipo lumikizanani ndi adokotala anu mwachangu. Mankhwala ena amadziwika ndikuyambitsa zizindikilo za phumu ku anthu ena monga aspirin",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6625,An asthma flare-up (attack) can take anything from a few minutes to a few days to develop. It can be a very frightening experience. Anyone who is having an asthma attack needs immediate help,Kuyamba kwa mphumu kukhoza kutenga mphindi kapena masiku kuti kuchitike. Izizi zikhoza kukhala zinthu zowopsya. Aliyense amene mphumu yamuchitikira akuyenera chithandizo cha msanga,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6626,"The 4 steps of asthma first aid are: Sit the person comfortably upright. Stay calm and reassure them. Without delay, give the person 4 separate puffs of their blue/grey reliever medication","Njira zinayi zoothandizira mphumu ndi: kumukhazika munthu choima. Kukhala abata komanso kuwalimbitsa mtima. Osachedwa, mpatseni munthuyi mphweya unayi wa mankhwala awo a blue kapena grey ochepetsera ululu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6627,"If using an inhaler/puffer, this should be taken one puff at a time via a spacer. Ask the person to take 4 breaths in and out of a spacer after each puff of medication. Repeat until 4 puffs have been given","Ngati mukugwiritsa ntchito inhaler/puffer, mukuyenera kupuma mpweya kamodzi panthawi kugwilitsa ntchito spacer. Funsani munthuyo kuti apume mpweya kasanu akapuma mankhwala. Bwelezani mpaka kupuma kanayi kwapatsidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6628,Wait 4 minutes. Stay with the person – watch carefully and reassure them. Call for an ambulance at any time if you need to. Say that someone is having an asthma attack,Dikilani kwa mphindi zinayi. Khalani naye munthu- muyan’ganileni mwachidwi komanso kuwalimbitsa mtima. Itanitsani galimoto yachipatala nthawi ina iliyonse imene mukuyenela kutero. Awuzeni kuti wina akudwala mphumu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6629,"Bedbugs are small, wingless insects found all over the world. They are nocturnal parasites, which means they rest during the day and are active at night","Sizidzi ndizazin’gono, zopanda mapingo ndipo zimapezeka pa dziko lonse lapansi. Nditizilombo tausiku, kutathauza kuti timapuma masana ndipo timakhala totakataka usiku",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6630,"However, bedbugs are opportunistic and will bite in the day, especially if starved for some time. They feed on the blood of humans. Bedbugs prefer to hide in bedding and on mattresses where they have ready access to a source of food","Komabe, sikidzi zimasaka mwayi ndipo zimaluma patsiku, makamaka pamene zili ndi njala kwa nthawi. Zimadya magazi a anthu. Sikidzi zimakonda kubisala muzogonela komanso pamatilesi pamene zili ndi kupeza kwa chakudya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6631,"Bedbugs have highly developed mouth parts that can pierce skin. Their bite is painless. Some people do not react to the bites, but for others the bites can become itchy and swell into reddened weals","Sikidzi zili ndi ziwalo wazapamwa zokula bwino zimene zimatha kubaya khungu. Zoluma zawo siziwawa. Anthu ena samamva kalikonse akalumidwa, koma ena polumidwapo pamayambwa ndikutupa zofiila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6632,"Although bedbugs can harbour diseases in their bodies, transmission to humans is highly unlikely. They are not dangerous, unless a person is allergic to them. However, their presence can be distressing and their bites can be highly irritating","Ngakhale sikidzi zimasunga matenda muthuoi lawo, kupatsila matendawa ku anthu sizimachitikira. Siziwopsya,pokhapokha munthu amapanga ziwengo chifukwa cha izo. Komabe, kupezeka kwawo ndikowawa ndipo polumidwapo payabwa kwambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6633,"Bedbugs live exclusively on blood. They prefer human blood, but will feed on other mammals if necessary. Bedbugs are attracted to body heat and the carbon dioxide in expired air, which is how they find their host. Bedbugs commonly target the shoulders and arms",Sikidzi zimamwa magazi kuti zikhale moyo. Zimakonda magazi a anthu koma zimatha kumwaso magazi a nyama zina ngati kwafunikila. Sikidi zimatsata kutetha kwa thupi komanso mphweya wopumidwa apa ndipamene amepeza pokhala. Sikidzi zimakonda mapewa komanso manja,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6634,"During feeding, the bedbug’s proboscis (feeding organ) swings forward and downward to pierce the skin of the victim. Saliva (containing an anticoagulant) is then injected, which is the cause of an allergic reaction in some people","Nthawi yakudya, proboscis ya sikidzi imapita kutsogolo komanso pansi kuti ibowole khungu la munthu. Malovu okhala ndi anticoagulant amalowetsedwa zimene zimapangitsa ziwengo kwa anthu ena.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6635,"Bedbugs take around five to 10 minutes to feed. As the bedbug engorges with blood, its colouring changes from light brown to rust-red",Sikidzi zimatenga mphindi zisanu mpaka khumi kuti zidye. Pamene sikidzi ikudzadza ndi magazi imasitha mtundu kuchoka kuyera kotuwira kukhala yofoiila mwadzimbiri,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6636,"Common hiding spots for bedbugs include mattresses, particularly along the seams, bedding such as sheets and blankets, beneath loosened edges of wallpaper, between the cracks of wooden floors, in wall cracks or crevices, carpet, furniture, particularly in seams and cracks","M’malo mwambiri mobisala sikidzi ndi monga matilesi makamaka m’mbali, zofunda monga nsalu, maguza, pansi pa zomata pakhoma, pakati pa pansi pa matabwa, m'ming'alu ya makoma kapena m'ming'alu, kapeti, mipando, makamaka m'ming'alu.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6637,"Bedbugs often hide in luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture. They are most often found in dwellings with a high rate of occupant turnover such as hotels, motels, hostels, shelters and apartment complexes","Sikidzi nthawi zambiri zimabisala mukatundu, zovala, zogonela komanso mipando. Nthawi zambiri zimapezeka m’malo amene kumakhala anthu ambiri monga kumahotela, kogona, kopumila komanso kumanyumba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6638,"Any household can be invaded by bedbugs, but a high standard of hygiene can discourage bedbugs from spreading widely throughout a home","Nyumba iliyonse ikhoza kugwidwa ndi sikidzi, koma ukhondo umachepetsa sikidzi kufalikila m’nyumba monse",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6639,"The first indication of a bedbug infestation may be the presence of bites on family members. A thorough inspection of your premises, especially the common hiding spots, may also reveal the bedbugs themselves – however, due to their size, they are often hard to see;","Chizindikilo choyamba kuti kuli muli sikidzi ndi kulumidwa kwa anthu kunyumbako. Kuyan’gana modekha makamaka m’malo mobisala, kukhoza kuwonetsa sikidzi - komabe chifukwa cha kuchepa kwawo, ndikovuta kuti muzione",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6640,"small bloodstains from crushed bugs on sheets or mattresses; rusty or dark spots of bug excrement on mattresses, bedding or walls; an offensive, sweet, musty odour from their scent glands, which may be detected when infestations are severe","Madotho an’gonoan’gono amagazi a sikidzi zogoneledwa pa nsalu kapena matilesi; madotho adzimbiri kapena owoderapo a manyi asikidzi pa matilesi, zogonera kapena pakhoma; fungo lotsekemela, lamphamvu lochokera kwa ziwalo za sikidzi zikhoza kumapeza pamene pagwidwa sikidzi kwambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6641,"The bite of a bedbug has certain features, including large weals that reduce to a red mark, then gradually fade over a few days, itchiness, reddening of the skin, localised swelling, formation of blisters, small loss of skin tissue in some cases","Poluma sikidzi pamakhala ndi maonekedwe ake monga potupa pamene pamafila pakachepa ndipo pamasowa pakatha masiku angapo, kuyabwa, kufiira kwa khungu, kutupa, kupanga zotupatupa, kuchoka kwa khungu pan’gono nthawi zina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6642,"Bedbugs are not known to transmit any blood-borne diseases. However, the bites can be itchy and distressing","Sikidzi sizimadziwika ndikufalista matenda okhudza magazi. Komabe, zikaluma pamayabwa ndikusowetsa mtendere",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6643,Suggestions to treat bedbug bites include resist the urge to scratch. Use calamine lotion or anaesthetic creams to treat the itching. Wash the bites with antiseptic soap to reduce the risk of infection,Maganizo wochizila polumidwa ndi sikidzi ndi kusafuna kukanda pakamayabwa. Kugwiritsa ntchito mafuta a calamine kapena kirimu ochepetsa ululu kuti muchize kuyabwako. Tsukani polumidwapo ndi sopo kuti muchepetse matendawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6644,Apply an icepack frequently to help relieve swelling. Take pain-relieving medication if symptoms are severe. See your doctor if the bite develops an infection,Ikani madzi wouma mowilikiza kuti muthandizire kusiyitsa kutupa. Imwani mankhwala ochepetsa ululu ngati zizindindikilo ndizochuluka. Kumanani ndi adotolo ngati polumidwa papanga matenda,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6645,"High standards of hygiene and housekeeping alone are unlikely to control an infestation. However, keeping a house clean will reveal the presence of bedbugs at an early stage, making control easier and reducing the chance of widespread infestation","Mlingo waukhondo wapamwamba komanso kusamala m’nyumba kokha sikungathe kuletsa kugwidwaku. Komabe, kukhala waukhondo m’nyumba kukhoza kuwonetsa kuti muli sikidzi mwansanga, kupangitsa kuletsa kosavuta komanso kuchepetsa mwayi kuti zifalikire",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6646,"Some general suggestions to eliminate bedbugs include thoroughly wash, vacuum or clean all surfaces and bedding","Maganizo ena wothetsera sikidzi ndi monga kutsuka bwinobwino, kuchotsa mpweya kapena kutsuka malo onse komanso zogonela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6647,"Wash bedding and affected clothing where possible, using hot water. Dry in a clothes drier on a hot setting","Chapani zogonera ndi zovala zimene zakhudziwa pamene mungathe,ndi madzi otetha wumitsani mu chomutsila zovala pa malo potetha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6648,Spray common hiding spots with a surface pesticide registered to control bedbugs. Follow the label directions carefully. Do not treat bedding with pesticide,Popelani m’malo mobisala ndi mankhwala ovemelezeka kuti muchepetse sikidzi. Tsatirani kagwiritsidwe kake mosamala. Osathira mankhwala zogonera,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6649,"A qualified pest control operator can determine the extent of the infestation, then use registered pesticides to kill the bedbugs. Repeat visits may be necessary to ensure all bedbugs at various stages of the lifecycle have been eradicated","Opepera mankhwala wovomelezeka akhoza kudziwa mlingo wa kugwidwaku, ndipo gwiritsani ntchito mankhwala ovemelezeka kuti muphe zikidzi. Kubweleza kubweranso kukhoza kukhoza kukhala kofunikira kuti nsikidzi zonse pamalo pa moyo wawo zaphedwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6650,"Good hygiene practices, such as frequent house cleaning, should help to prevent any further infestations. However, vacuuming immediately after treatment should be avoided to make sure the residual pesticide is not removed","Unkhondo, monga kukhoza munyumba kawirikawiri, kukhoza kuthandiza kupewa kufalikira kwina. Komanbe, kupuputa mutangimaliza kuthira mankwala kukuyenera kupewedwa kuti mankhwala otsalira achotsedwe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6651,"Gardening is a relaxing and enjoyable form of exercise, but it can pose health risks. If you’re careful, you can enjoy the benefits of your garden in good health. Ignoring safety precautions and using the wrong tool for the job are common causes of gardening injuries","Kulima kumatayitsa nthawi ndi njira yopangira masewer othamangitsira thupi, koma zikhoza kukhalanso zowopseza moyo. Ngati muli osamala mukhoza kusangalala ndi ubwino wa kulima muli ndi moyo wabwino. Kunyalanyaza njira zozitetezera komanso kugwiritsa ntchito chida cholakwika pa ntchito ndizimene zimapangitsa kuvulala pa ntchito",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6652,"Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long trousers and a broad-brimmed hat. Common lawnmower injuries include open wounds and bone fractures involving the hands and feet. Eye injuries can also be caused by the mower blades flicking up debris such as sticks and stones","Valani malaya amanja atali, buluku lalitali komanso chisoti cha nkhonde. Kuvulala kumene kumachitikachitika pogwiritsa ntchito makina wotchetchera ndi mabala komanso kuthyoka mafupa a m'manja komanso mapazi. kuvulala maso kukhoza kuchitika chifukwa cha mipeni ya chotchetchera imene umanyamula zinyalala monga timitengo ngi miyala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6653,"Safety suggestions include wearing enclosed shoes when mowing the lawn, preferably safety boots with steel toecaps. Wear appropriate eye protection, such as safety goggles","Ziganizo zozitetezera ndi monga kuvala nsapato zotseka pamene mukutchetcha,maka majombo otetezeka okhala ndi chitsulo kutsogolo. Valani zotetezela maso zoyenelera monga magalasi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6654,"Wear long trousers, preferably made from a heavy fabric such as denim, to protect your legs against flying debris","Valani bukuku lalitali, maka lopangidwa kuchokera ku nsalu yolimba monga denim kuti muteteze miyendo yanu ku zinyayala zowuluka",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6655,"Take extra care when pulling the mower towards you or mowing on slopes, to avoid foot injuries. Lawnmowers can also cause burns. Be careful not to touch hot equipment parts",Khalani osamala ndithu mukakoka chotchetchela chifupi ndi inu kapena kutchetcha potsetseleka kuti mupewe ngozi za mapazi. Zotchetchela zikhoza kuyambitsaso kuwotcha. Khalani osamala posagwira malo achida amene ali otetha,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6656,"Always wear gardening gloves to protect your hands against cuts, soil, insect bites and skin irritants. Leather gloves offer protection against puncture injuries from thorns and bites (insect, snake, spider or rodent)","Valani magolovesi olimila m’munda kuti muteteze manja ku kuchekeka, dothi, kulumidza ndi tiziolombo komanso zoyabwa pathupi. Magolovesi achikopa amapeleka chitetezo ku kupwetekeka kobayika monga minga komanso kuliumidwa ndi tizilombo, njoka, kangaude ndi mbewa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6657,"Use appropriate tools for digging instead of your fingers (for example, a shovel or hand shovel). Buried objects such as tree roots, glass and metal can injure your hand, wrist or arm while digging","Gwiritsani ntchito zida zoyenera zokumbila osati zala zanu monga shovelo. Zinthu zokwililika monga mizu yamitengo, magalasi komanso zitsulo zikhoza kupweteka mkono wanu kapena dzanja pamene mukukumba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6658,Consult with your doctor about keeping your tetanus vaccination up to date. Cuts and puncture injuries carry a risk of tetanus. Choose your hand tools to suit you,Yakhulani ndi adotolo anu zokhudza katememela wa kafumbata akhale wapompano. Kuchekeka kapena kupwetekeka kwa bala mukakhala ndi chiopsezo cha kafumbuta. Sakhani zida zogwilira ntchito zokuyenerani,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6659,Avoid buying or using hand tools that feature ‘moulded’ handles that don’t fit your hand. Blisters muscle pain can occur if the finger grips on the handle are too small or too large for your hand,"Pewani kugula kapena kugwiritsa ntchito zida zokhala ndi zogwirila zowumbidwa zoti sizangakwane m’manja mwanu. Zotupa, kuwawa kwa minyewa kukhoza kuchitika ngati pogwirira zala ndi papan’gono kwambiri kapena papakulu kwambiri ndi dzanja lanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6660,"Keep your hand and wrist in a straight line when you use hand tools. Bending the wrist weakens your grip on the tool, which causes you to exert hand and arm muscles with greater force. This can cause fatigue and soft tissue injury","Dzanja lanu liwongoke munzere mukamagwiritsa zida za m’manja. Kupinda mkono wanu kumafooketsa magwiridwe achida, zimene zimakupangitsani kuti mugwiritse ntchito manja ndi minyewa ndi mphamvu zambiri. Izi zikhoza kupangitsa kutopa komanso kuvulala m’malo mofewa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6661,"Use rubber gloves when working with garden chemicals. Always inspect the rubber gloves for holes or tears before use. Always wear a mask and gloves when handling soil, compost or potting mix. Rinse gloves afterwards","Gwiritsani ntchito ma golovesi a labala pamene mukugwiritsa mankhwala akumunda. Yan’ganitsitsani magolovesi ngati pali mabowo kapena kun’gambika musanagwiritse ntchito. Valani chotchingila kumaso ndi ma golovesi pamene mukugwira dothi, manyuwa kapena kusakaniza dothi ndi zinthu zina. Puputani magolovesi mukamaliza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6662,"Water used for drinking needs to be safe to prevent disease and ill health. Private drinking water supplies from rainwater tanks, bores and dams need to be carefully maintained to prevent contamination","Madzi akumwa akuyenera kukhala osamalika kuti mupewe matenda. Madzi akumwa ochokera mosungila madzi a mvula, mijigo komanso madamu akuyenela kusamalidwa bwino kuti mupewe kuipitsidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6663,"Drinking water may become contaminated from a range of contaminating sources, including animal droppings, microbes from dead animals, chemicals, farm run-off, industrial or mining waste, urban pollution (such as stormwater) and sewage from leaking septic tanks, or other poorly-maintained onsite wastewater treatment systems","Madzi akumwa akhoza kuipitsidwa kuchokera ku zinthu zowononga, monga manyi anyama, tizilombo kuchoka mu nyama zakufa, mankhwala, zochoka ku munda, zoipa za mafakitale kapena migodi, kuwonongeka m’zinda monga madzi a mvulayamkutho komanso chimbudzi chotuluka mu thanki osunga chimbudzi kapena malo osasamalidwa wosamalira madzi oipa.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6664,"Private water supplies are also at high risk of contamination during and after bushfires, floods and other extreme weather events",Njira zopeleka madzi zapazokha ziliso pa chiwopsezo cha kuipitsidwa nthawi ya moto wakutchire komanso zinthu zina zowopsa za nyengo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6665,Some treatment of your drinking or domestic water may be required depending on its source and its risk of contamination,Kusamala madzi akumwa kapena ogwiritsa ntchito panyumba kumafunika potengera komwe achokera komanso chiwopsezo chokhala owonongeka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6666,The highest available quality water should be used for drinking. Levels of risk for possible water sources to be used for private drinking water supplies are shown in the image below,Madzi abwino kwambiri akuyenera kukhala akumwa. Mlingo wa chiopsezo cha kochokera madzi kuti agwiritsidwe ku kupeleka madzi apawokha zawonetsedwa muchithuzi chili pansichi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6667,"A risk assessment should be made before selecting which drinking water source best suits your situation. For example, rainwater tanks often provide a good quality source of drinking water","Mayeso owona za chiopsezo akueyenera kupangidwa musanasakhe malo amene pochoka madzi akumwa mogwirizana ndi makhalidwe anu. Mwachitsanzo, ma thanki amadzi amvula nthawi zambiri amapeleka madzi abwino akumwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6668,"Roofs and gutters can also be easily maintained so that good quality water enters the tank. Water should not be taken from rivers, creeks or dams and used as drinking or domestic water unless it has been treated to make it safe to use","Madenga komanso migwele ikhoza kusamalidwa kuti madzi abwino azilowa mu tank. Madzi sakuyenera kutengedwa ku mtsinje, kapena madamu ndikugwiritsidwa ntchito pakumwa kapena kugwiritsidwa ntchito pakhomo pokhapokha asamalidwa kupangitsa kuti akhale otetezeka kugwiritsa ntchito",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6669,"Private water supplies can also be contaminated by various chemicals or metals which, at elevated levels, can be harmful to your health","Madzi opelekedwa pawokha akhoza kuipitsidwa ndi mankhwala kapena zitsulo, zimene zikachuluka kwambiri zimakhala zoopsya kumoyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6670,"There are things you can do to make sure that your water supply remains free from contaminants. If you suspect your water supply is contaminated, use an alternative water supply for drinking","Pali zinthu zimene mungathe kuchita kuti madzi anu akhale opanda zowononga. Ngati mukuganizira kuti madzi anu awonongeka, gwiritsani ntchito madzi ena pakumwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6671,Contact the Environmental Health Officer at your local council or the Department of Health for advice. Laboratories can test your water for possible contaminants,Lumikizanani ndi wamkulu wazaukhondo wa m’boma lanu kapena ofesi ya zaumoyo kuti akupatseni malangizo. Malabolotale akhoza kuseya madzi anu kuti awone zowononga madzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6672,"If you carefully collect and store your own water for drinking, you can reduce the risk of contamination by sealing your water storage so animals, birds and sunlight cannot get in","Ngati mumatenga ndi kusunga madzi anu akumwa mosamala, mukhoza kuchepetsa chiwopsezo chowonenga pakutseka malo wosungila madzi kuti nyama, mbalame koamnso dzuwa lisalowe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6673,Collecting water only from clean roofs – not from roofs that have been recently painted or painted with lead-based paints or coated with tar. Installing fine-mesh screens on inlets and outlets to prevent mosquitoes entering,Kutenga madzi m’madenga osamalika oha- osati madenga amene apentedwa posachedwa kapena amene apentedwa ndi penti wamafuta kapena kumatidwa ndi phula. Kuika ka nsalu kototeteza polowela ndipotulukila kuteteza kuti udzudzu usalowe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6674,"Cleaning your roof, gutters and water tanks regularly. If your tank needs to be cleaned, get a professional tank cleaner","Kutsuka denga, mgwele ndi mosunga madzi pafupipafupi. Ngati mosungila madzi mukufunika kutsukidwa, pezani mkadaulo wotsuka mosungila madzi.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6675,"Never enter a tank. Tanks are confined spaces and are very dangerous; the risks include loss of consciousness, asphyxiation and death. Installing screens or filters between the supply and storage","Osayelekeza kulowa mosungila madzi. Mosungila madzi ndi malo ochepa ndipo owopsa;chiwopsezo ndi monga kukomoka, kubanika komanso imfa. Kuika zowonetsela ndi zosefera pakati pa zopeleka ndi zosungila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6676,Installing a ‘first flush’ diversion device – the first rain after a dry period contains most of the contaminants. Making sure surface run-off and leakage from sewage pipes and other drainage cannot enter your water storage,Kuika makina otulutsa madzi oyamba kulowa- madzi amvula oyambilira kusanagwe mvula nthawi yayitali amakhala ndi zowononga madzi zambiri. Wonetsetsani kuti madzi oyenda komanso ochucha kuchoka mu papaipi achimbudzi komanso modzutsa madzi sakulowa mosungila madzi anu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6677,Monitor and maintain your water supply. Regularly inspect and maintain your water supply system to make sure it is working effectively. Monitor your system by visually inspecting system components such as the tank and pipework; gutters and your roof if you have a rainwater tank; the pump if you have a groundwater supply,Yan’ganani ndi kusamala chobweletsa madzi anu. Yan’ganani pafupipafupi ndikusamala njira yobweletsera madzi anu kuti mukhale odziwa ngati ikugwira ntchito bwino. Yan’ganani njira yanu poyan’gana ndi maso zidangodango monga mosungila madzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6678,"Tanks, which should be inspected every two to three years for the presence of accumulated sediments. Some drinking water supplies will need to be disinfected",Musngila madzi mumene mukuyenera kuyan’ganiridwa pa zaka ziwiri mpaka zitatu zili zonse kuti muone zotsalira pansi. Zosungulira madzi zizayenera kuchitsa tizilombo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6679,"Groundwater from a shallow bore should be disinfected (typically using chlorine) in case the water has been contaminated with farm waste or leaking effluent from a septic tank. If your water is dirty or cloudy, you should filter it first because dirt particles can make disinfection ineffective","Madzi ochekera pansi ochoka mumjingo akuyenera kuchotsedwa tizilombo mkutheka kuti madzi awonongeka ndi zotsaka kumunda kapena zochucha mu chimbudzi. Ngati madzi ndiakuda kapena akhungu, mukiuyenera kusefa kaye chifukwa zakuda zotsalira zikhoza kupangitsa kuchotsa tizilombo kosagwira bwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6680,"People with weakened immune systems who source their drinking water from tanks, bores or dams should seek advice from their doctor as to what precautions should be taken in relation to using such water sources as drinking water (which may involve always boiling water prior to consumption)","Anthu amene chitetezo chawo ndichotsika amene amapeza madzi akumwa ku malo osungira madzi, mijingo kepana madamu akuyenera kufunsa uphungu kwa adokotala kuti ndi ndondomeko zomwe zikuyenera kutsatidwa pogwiritsa ntchito madzi ochokera mosungiramu zimene zimakhudza kuwilitsa madzi asanamwedwe.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6681,What to do if there’s a dead animal in the tank? A dead animal in your tank will not necessarily cause illness if you drink the water but it is best to take precautions,Kodi ndikuyenera kupanga chani pamene muli nyama yakufa mu malo osangila madzi. Nyama yakufa zingayambitse matenda ngati mwama madziwo koma ndikofunika kutsata ndondomeko,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6682,"If you tank needs to be cleaned, get a professional tank cleaner. Never enter a tank. Tanks are confined spaces and are very dangerous; the risks include loss of consciousness, asphyxiation and death","Ngati mosungila madzi mukuyenera kutsikidwa, pezani mkadaulo wotsuka mosungila madzi. Osalowa mosungila madzi. M’malo mosungila madzi ndi malo ochepa komanso mooopsa; chiopsezo ndi monga kukomoka, chifuwa komanso imfa.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6683,"Police have urged men in Chikwawa District to report gender-based violence (GBV), saying suffering in silence is pushing them to committing suicide. South East Police Region Commissioner Chikondi Chingadza said this on Tuesday during an awareness campaign on the importance of seeking help from victim support units","Apolisi auza azibambo a m’boma la chikwawa kuti azikanena za nkhanza kwa abambo ndi amayi, kunena kuti kuzunzika muchibisila zikukhalira iwo kuti azizipha. Mkulu wa apolisi wa chigawo cha kum’mwera kum’mawa a chikondi chingadza anena izi lachiwiri pamene mwambo ozindikilitsa kufunika kopepha thandizo ku malo othandiza anthu ovulala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6684,"She said despite women and children being the most vulnerable group, men also suffer GBV. “Most of the suicide victims are men because they choose not to report to anyone, but suffer in silence","Ananena kuti ngakhale amayi ndi ana kukhala gulu la zanthu osatetezeka, azibambo amachitiridwa nkhanza. Anthu ambiri amene amazipha ndi azibambo chifukwa amasakha kusafotokozera wina aliyense koma kumavutika muchibisila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6685,"That is why we encourage both men and women to always report or seek guidance from the victim support unit,” said Chingadza. Paramount Chief Lundu also urged men to report to victim support units when they face domestic violence. “Men should not feel embarrassed to report domestic violence to police,” he said."," + Ndi chifukwa chake timalimbikitsa amuna ndi amayi kuti nthawi zonse azinena kapena kupeza chitsogoleri ku malo othandizira wokhudzidwa, anatero a Chingadza. Mfumu yayikulu Lundu alimbikitsa abambo kuti azikanena ku malo othandizira wokhudzidwa akakumana ndi nkhanza za pankhomo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6686,"Maideni Fole, a Chikwawa resident, commended the police for encouraging men to report GBV. Sometimes men do not want to report about domestic violence because our cultural beliefs portray them as strong","A maideni fole amene amakhala ku chikwawa, anayamikira a police polimbikitsa azibambo kuti azifotokoza za nkhaza zomwe akukumana zano. Nthawi zina amuna samafuna kufotokoza ka nkhaza zapakhomo chifukwa zikhulupiliro zathu zimaonetsa iwo ngati amphamvu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6687,"Unfortunately, their failure to share their problems drives them to commit suicide,” he said. The European Union (EU) is supporting the Malawian Police Service to rehabilitate victim support units in the country","Mwachisoni, kukanika kwawo kufotokoza mavuto awo kumapangitsa kuti aziphe,” iwo anatero. Bungwe la maiko akuulaya akuthandiza a chitetezo a dziko la malawi kukhozaso malo othandizira anthu okhudzidwa mu dziko muno",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6688,"“My brothers couldn’t welcome me back home. They said it was no longer my home because my husband had paid dowry. They denied me a land to settle and grow crops,” she explains. M’Mbelwa calls for a holistic approach to end GBV","“Achimwene anga samandilandira kunyumba. Iwo amati pakhomopo sikwathuso chifukwa amuna anga anapeleka chiwongo. Anandikaniza malo okhala komanso wolimapo mbewu,” anafotokoza. M’mbelwa aphepha njira zonse kutheka GBV",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6689,"Chirwa wept, but tears did not solve her misery. She later reported the matter to the village head, who referred the case to Kampingo Sibande","Chirwa analira, koma misozi zithetse mavuto ake. Kenaka anakafotokoza nkhani amfumu a m’mudzi, amene anaipeleka nkhani kwa Kampingo Sibande",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6690,"“The traditional authority ruled in my favour. I now own three acres for commercial purposes,” she says. Chirwa’s story is a familiar example of gender-based violence against women in Mzimba","“ + Amfumu anagamula mlandu mokomera ine. Pano ndili ma ekala atatu ndizolinga zamalonda,” anatero. Nkhani ya chirwa is chitsanzo cha nkhanza zakwamuna kapena amayi zochitikira amayi ku mzimba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6691,"Statistics indicate that one in three women worldwide continue to experience physical or sexual violence. Mzimba Women Movement Forum chairperson Agretta Banda says women in the district face various gender-ralated abuses, including property grabbing, child marriage, defilement as well as physical assault","Zotsatira zawonetsa kuti mayi m’modzi mwa amayi atatu padziko lapansi amakumana ndi nkhanza zakuthupi komanso kugonedwa. Mkulu wa Bungwe la azimayi ku mzimba a agretta banda anena kuti amayi m’bomali amakumana ndi nkhanza monga kulandidwa katundu, maukwati ana, kugwirilidwa komanso kumenyedwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6692,"“We also have problems accessing loans from lending institutions because we do not own property. Our land and other property are grabbed whenever we are divorced or lose our partners,” she says","Timakhalaso ndimavuto kupeza ngongole ku malo obweleketsa ngongole chifukwa tilibe katundu. Malo athu ndi katundu amalandidwa pamene banja latha kapeza bwenzi lathu lamwalira,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6693,Gender activist Barbara Banda says it is possible to end GBV if women are financially empowered. Women face numerous challenges,"Olimbikitsa kuti pasamakhale kusiyana pakati amayi ndi abambo anena kuti ndizotheka kuthetsa GBV ngati amayi apatsidwa mphamvu pa chuma, amayi amakumana ndi mavuto ambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6694,"For instance, to get a loan, banks need collateral. But most property is usually not in the names of women. Women, therefore, find it difficult to access the loans,” she explains","Mwachitsanzo, kuti atenge ngongole, banki imafuna chikole. Koma katundu wambiri sali mudzina la amayi. Choncho amayi, amakupeza kovuta kuti apeze ngongole,” anafotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6695,"However, there remains a huge gap to achieve gender equality in the financial services sector","Komabe, pali kusiyana kwakukulu kuti tikwaniritse kuthetsa kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi amayi ku gawo lazachuma",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6696,"The study shows that the majority of women do not have formal financial services due to persistent barriers in accessing identification documents, mobile phones, digital skills, financial capability, as well as inappropriate products","Kafukufuku waonetsa kuti amayi ambiri alibe njira zokhazikika zazachuma chifukwa za zoletsa m’kapezedwe mapepala aunzika, lamya ya m’manja, maluso amakono, kukhala odziwa pa chuma komanso katundu wosayenera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6697,"The initiative seeks to expand opportunities for women micro, small and medium entrepreneurs to access financial services. The programme was conceived by women forums in Mzimba with support from the ministry, ActionAid, Airtel Malawi and Generation Equality partners through UN Women Malawi","Chochitikazi zikufuna kukulitsa mwayi wa zimayi abizinezi an’gonoan’gono kuti apeze chithandizo cha zachuma. Ntchitoyi inayambitsidwa ndi magulu amayi ku mzimba ndichithandizo cha unduna, Actionaid, airtel malawi koamnso generation equality kudzera mu bungwe la UN women malawi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6698,"The women will also be trained in different areas, including business management and life skills to eliminate violence against women and girls",Amayiwa azaphunzitsidwa mumadera osiyanasiyana kuphatikiza kayendetsedwe ka bizinezi komanso maluso a m’moyo kuti athetse nkhanza kwa amayi ndi atsikana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6699,"“Creating livelihood opportunities for women does not only enable them to have an equal opportunity to participate at all levels of society, but also serves to protect women and girls from violence by eliminating vulnerability,” she says",Kupanga mwayi wopeza chodalira tsiku ndi tsiku kwa amayi sikuwapatsa mwayi ofanana kutenga nawo mbali kokha koma,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6700,"“The programme will help close the gender gap that has existed for a long time in traditional financial service and open opportunities for in-depth discussion about gender equality and women empowerment,” she says","“ + Ntchitoyi ithandiza kuchepatsa kusiyana kumene kuli kwa abambo ndi amayi kumene kwakhala kukuchitika nthawi yatiyatali panjira yachinkhalidwe pachuma komanso mwayi kwa aliysense kuti pakhale kukaambilan kwakuya kwa kusasiyana pakati pa abambo ndi amayi komanso kutukula amayi” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6701,"“GBV is a universal problem that is rooted in unequal power dynamics and cuts across any frame of reference,” she says. The minister says inequality and discrimination remain the underlying causes of violence against women",GBV ndi vuto ladziko lonse limene mizu yake kusiyana kwa mphamvu ndipo zimakhudza zochitika zambiri.” anatero. Anduna ananena kuti kusiyana ndikusalana zikuyambitsabe nkhanza kwa amayi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6702,"“Breaking the cycle of violence against women and girls requires basic changes in terms of culture, attitude and beliefs, including changing prevailing notions of power and negative masculinities","“Kuphwanya m’chitidwe wozunza amayi ndi atsikana umafuna kusitha mu chikhalidwe, maganizidwe, zikhulupiliro monga kusitha maganizidw a mphamvu komanso umuna woyipa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6703,"She says women and girls living in poverty are more vulnerable to sexual exploitation, including trafficking. The minister says those who experience domestic or intimate partner violence have fewer options to leave violent relationships due to lack of income and basic resources",Ananena kuti amayi ndi atsikana amene ali mu umphawi ndiwo ali osatetezeka ku kunzunzidwa ku zachiwerewere monga kuzembetsedwa. Anduna ananena kuti anthu amene amakumana ndi nkhanza za pakhomo kapena muubwenzi amakhala ndi njira zochepa kuti akhoza kuchoka ubwenzi wankhanza umenewu chifukwa chakusowa ndalama komanso zinthu zogwiritsa ntchito,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6704,"Therefore, women’s economic empowerment is essential to achieving gender equality and addressing the structural barriers that restrict women’s ability to break the cycle of violence,” she says","Ndiye, kulimbikitsa amayi pachuma ndikofunika kukwanilitsa kusasiyana pakati pa abambo ndi amayi komanso kuthetsa ziphinjo zimene zimaletsa kuthekela kwa amayi kuthetsa nkhanza,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6705,"He says some men also face economic pressure and GBV, which pushes them to commit suicide. He explains: “Currently Mzimba is ranked number two after Dowa with high cases of suicide among men",Iwo ananena kuti abambo ena amakuman ndi ziphinjo za chuma komanso GBV zimene zimawapangitsa kuti aziphe. Aanafotokoza kuti boma la mzimba lili panambala yachiwri motsogozedwa ndi dowa pa nkhani abambo kuzipha,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6706,“Culturally a man is head of family and society expects them to have a strong character. This social expectation forces them to suffer in silence whenever they are abused by their spouses,"Pachikhalidwe chathu, abambo ndi mutu wa banja ndipo anthu amayembekezera iwo kuti olimba mtima. Kuyembekezedwa ndi anthu kumeneku kumawapangitsa kuvutika mwachibisila pamene apangilidwa nkhanza ndi akazi awo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6707,"She says: “Ever since I got married to him in 2014, I was living like a slave. He would shout at me and beat me up as he pleased","Anena kuti: “chichikwatileni ndi iye mu 2014, ndimakhala ngati kapolo. Amatheka kundilalatira ndikundimenya m’mene akondera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6708,"“Growing up, we were told to persevere in marriage, so I kept suffering in silence in the hope that one day, he would change and we would start living happily again, as husband and wife","Tikukula, timauzidwa kuti tizikhala wopilira m’banja, ndiye ndimavutika m’chibisila ndichiyembekezo kuti tsiku lina, azasitha ndipo tizayamba kukhalaso osangalala ngati mwamuna ndi mkazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6709,"The mother of three feared divorcing her oppressive husband would invite family members’ and community’s ridicule. But as Thauzeni prayed for a peaceful matrimonial home, her husband was up to more violence against her","Mayi wa ana atatu amawopa kuthetsa banja ndi mwamuna wawo chifukwa chankunyozeka kuchokera kwa anthu akubanja komanso anthu a m’mudzi. Koma pamene Thauzeni amapephelera mtendere mubanjala lawo, amuna awo amapangira nkhanza kwambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6710,"One fateful night in 2020, he joined Thauzeni in the bed on the pretext of making love. It, however, turned out to be the worst and the most painful moment of her life","Usiku wa tsoka mu chaka cha 2020, analowa kuchipinda ndi Thauzeni ndi cholinga choti agonane. Koma, zinachitika kuti tsiku loipa komanso lowawa m’moyo mwake",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6711,"“While pretending to remove his clothes, he fished out a sharp object and mutilated my genitals. I tried to push him away, but he overpowered me and still managed to cause grievous harm on my private parts. I believe he wanted to use them for rituals,” she recalls, battling to hold back tears","Akunamizila kuvula zovala zake, anatulutsa zinthu zakuthwa ndipo anadula maliseche anga. Ndinayesetsa kumukakha, koma anandingonjetsa ndipo anakwanilitsa kundipweteka maliseche anga. Ndikukhulupilira kuti amafuna akagwilitse ntchito kuzamankhwala,” akukumbukila, akuyeyetsa kubweza misozi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6712,"The following morning, Thauzeni sought some traditional medication to lessen the pain. Her burning desire to report the matter to police was frustrated by the prohibitive transport costs to the institution, which is some 20 kilometres away. Neither did she have the money to pay the chief to have her matter heard for possible referral","M’mawa otsatira, Thauzeni anapeza mankhwala achikuda kuti achepetse ululu. Chikhumbokhumbo chake choti akanene ku kunalepheleka chifukwa kuvuta kwa mtengo woyendela kukafika kumaloko, umene mtunda wake ndi makilomita 20. Ndiponso analibe ndalama zowalipila amfumu kuti amve nkhani yake kuti akaitule",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6713,Thauzeni is one of three women that experience physical and sexual violence in their lifetime in Malawi as estimated by the United Nations,Thauzeni ndi m’modzi mwa amayi atatu amene amakumana ndi nkhanza zakuthupi ndi zogonana mu moyo wawo ku malawi momwe aanayelekezera a bungdwe la maiko onse,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6714,"“Some of the walls of exclusion have been broken, but we cannot stop because equity and injustice are still hampered by continuing practices of misogyny, stereotype and patriarchy,” remarked Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former president of Liberia during the opening session of the conference which was held under the theme Growing and Glowing Against All Odds","Makoma ena akusala aphwanyidwa, koma sizingasiyike chifukwa chilungamo komanso kupanda chilungamo zikukanikitsidwa ndi mchitidwe kusala amayi, kusalana komanso makhalidwe woika amuna patsogolo,” ananena izi a Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, mtsogoleri was dziko la liberia potsegulira kum’mano umene umachitika pa mutu wakuti kukula ndi kuwala motsutsana ndi zovuta zonse",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6715,"Single but finally free, Thauzeni believes that without the intervention of the unit through Survivor Fund, she would still be living under the yoke of violence","Osatengedwa koma waufulu, Thauzeni amakhulupila kuti chipanda a uniti kulowelerapo kudzera mu survivor fund, akanakhala akukhala mu goli la khanza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6716,"“I am now back at my parent’s home as a single mother. However, I am grateful to Kalumo unitand Spotlight Initiative project for freeing me from violence and I hope that they assist other women in a situation like mine",Ndinabwelera ku nyumba kwa makolo anga ngati mayi osakwatira. Ndili othokoza kwa a kalumo uniti ndi spotlght intiative project pondiwombola ku khanza ndipo ndikuyembekezera kuti azithandiza amayi ena amene ali m’mavuto amene ndinali ine,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6717,"I will now take farming seriously and hope to engage in some income-generating activities to sustain my family,” she says","Tsopano ndiyamba kukhala ndi chidwi ndi ulimi komanso kuyembekezera kumapanga zinthu zobweletsa ndalama kuti zizithandizira banja langa, anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6718,"Since its inception in 2020, the project has benefitted 50 survivors of gender-based violence, all of them women and young girls in T/A Kalumo. Another 61 survivours were assisted through the Community Fund","Chiyambileni mu chaka cha 2020, nthitoyi yapindulira anthu makumi asanu ku nkhanza za amayi kapena abambo, onse amene ali amayi ndi abambo kwa mfumu yayikulu kalumo. Anthu ena opulumuka makumi asanu ndi limodzi anathandizidwa kudzera mu thumba la m’mudzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6719,"To continue bailing out survivours beyond the project’s lifespan, Malikebu says Kalumo unit has turned the Community Fund worth K1 7 million into a loan and savings scheme, with members ploughing back part of the profits into the fund","Kuti apitilize kuwombola anthu ngakhale ntchitoyi itatha, malikebu wanena kuti kalumo uniti yakwanilitsa thumba la m’mudzi lokwana ndalama zokwana 1,700,000 malawi kwacha mu ngongole komanso kusunga, ndi anthu kubweletsaso ndalama kuthumbali",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6720,"“We have seen the importance of supporting survivours with access to justice and medication and now we want to own the initiative so that it is sustainable, and it benefits more women and girls,” he says","Taona kufunika kothandiza anthu opulumuka ndi kupeza chilungamo ndi mankhwala ndipo tsopano tikufuna titenge chithuchi chikhale chopitilira pachokha komanso kuti chithandize amayi ndi atsikana ambiri,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6721,"Speaking on Wednesday during the commemoration of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, he said his office registers over 10 GBV cases a month on land issues","Poyakhula lachitatu pamene kunali mwambo chikumbutso cha masiku khuni asanu ndi limodzi olimbana ndi khanza kwa abambo ndi amayi, iwo ananena kuti ofesi yawo imalemba milandu khumi pa mwezi yokhudza nkhani za nkhanza pa nkhani za malo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6722,Said Ganya: “Women and children become victims of GBV after a husband dies because relatives grab their land. “We ask stakeholders to enforce land laws to address such cases.”,Anatero Ganya:” amayi ndi ana amakhala wokhudzidwa ndi nkhanza pamene abambo amwalira chifukwa achibale amatenda malo awo. Timapepha ogwira nawo ntchito kuti akhwitse malamulo a malo kuti athane ndi milandu imeneyi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6723,"However, Ntcheu District Council principal gender officer said high levels of illiteracy and poverty among women were some of the factors fuelling GBV cases in the district","Komabe, mkulu owona zakuti pasamkhale kusiya pakati amayi ndi abambo mu boma la Ntcheu wanena kuti kukula kwa kusaphula komanso uphawi pakati pa amayi ndi zinthu zina zomwe kupititsa patsogolo nkhani za nkhanza m’bomali",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6724,"She said: “For instance, this year, the district has been registering over 60 GBV cases per month due to high dependency rate among women","Ananena kuti:” mwachitsanzo, chaka chino, bomali lalemba milandu yoposa makumi asanu ndi limodzi pa mwezi chifukwa cha mlingo waukulu wa amayi umene ukudalra ena",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6725,“High levels of illiteracy and dependency syndrome among women make them vulnerable to GBV. We have introduced a number of economic interventions to empower the women economically,Kukula kwa kusaphunzira koamnso kudallira pakati pa amayi kumawapangitsa kutiakhale okhudzidwa ndi nkhanza. Takhazikitsa njira zazachuma zingapo kuti tilimbikitse amayi pachuma,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6726,Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) of Dedza Diocese programmes officer said strengthening community awareness on GBV is crucial in addressing the vice,Mkulu wa ma ntchito ku bungwe la katolika loyan’ganira za chilungamo ndi bata ku mpingo wa dedza wanena kuti kulimbikitsidwa kuphunzitsa anthu za nkhanza ndikofunikira pothetsa khanzazi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6727,"He said with interventions by other stakeholders, women and girls are now able to report GBV cases. The commemoration of 16 days of activism against GBV took place at Kandeu in T/A Ganya in the district","Ananena kuti njira zimene akhazikitsa ogwira nawo ntchito ena, amayi ndi atsikana akumakafotokoza za khanza. masiku khumi asanu ndi limodzi a mwambo okumbikila nkhanza unachitikila ku kandeu kwa mfumu yayikulu ganya mubomali",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6728,"Recently, the country registered a rise in GBV cases, a situation Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare Patricia Kaliati attributed to more reporting of cases","Posachedwapa, dzikoli lalembetsa kuchuluka kwa nkhanza, chithu chimene anduna zakuwona kuti pasamakhale kusiya pakati pa amayi ndi abambo, chitukuko cha m’midzi komanso umoyo wa anthu a patricia kaliati kuti izi zachitika chifukwa chofotokoza milanduyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6729,"This year marked the 30th anniversary of 16 days of activism which runs from 25 November to 10 December. This year’s localised theme is Orange Malawi: End Violence Against Women and Girls, Act Now","Chaka chino kunali kukondwelera zaka makumi atatu a masiku khumi asanu ndi limodzi umene umayamba pa 25 november mpaka 10 december. Mutu wa chaka chino ndi Orange malawi: kuthetsa khanza kwa amayi ndi atsikana, chitani tsopano",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6730,"Lately, the country has recorded worsening levels of gender-based violence (GBV). Men have gone wild and conspired against their own wives, nieces, and relatives. This has brought devastating impact on lives of the victims","Makono, dzikoli lakhala ndi mlingo woipa kwambiri wa nkhanza kw amayi kapena abambo. Amuna alowa chisawawa ndipo akuchitila chiwembu akazi awo, mphwawo komanso achibale. Izi zabweletsa zotsatira zowopsya mu miyoyo ya okhudzidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6731,"Catholic Bishop of Mangochi Diocese, Montfort Stima, whose diocese is not spared from the social ills, unequivocally chides the malpractices and calls on churches to step in and fight the cancer","Episkopi wa dayosisi ya Mangochi, Montfort Stima, amene dayosisi yawo sinapatulidwe ku matenda amenewa, anayakhulaposo motsutsana ndi makhalidwe ndipo aitana ma tchalitchi kuti atenga nawo gawo ndikuthana ndi khansa imeneyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6732,"To set the ball rolling, on Thursday the diocese through Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) under Tithetse Nkhanza Project funded by UKAid, distributed push-bikes to the project facilitators and mentors from T/A Chowe to ease their mobility when discharging their duties","Poyambitsa zinthu, lachinayi a episkopo kudzera mubungwe la katolika lowona za chilungamo komanso mtendere pansi pa chitukuko cha tithetse nkhanza yothandizidwa ndi UKaid apeleka njinga zakapalasa ku anthu oyendetsa ntchitoyi komanso alangizi a kwa mfumu yayikulu Chowe kuthanzira mayendedwe akamagwira ntchito yawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6733,"The Catholic Social Teaching (CST) promotes human dignity as every person was made in the image and likeliness of God. As such every person has a right to life, dignified life",Maphunzior a katolika amakhalidwe malimvikitsa umunthu kuti munthu wina aliyense analengedwa muchifaniziro cha mulungu. Choncho munthu wina aliyense ali ndi ufulu wokhala ndi moyo komanso moyo wa umunthu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6734,In that perspective no human rights abuse such as gender based violence should be condoned. CST compliments the Republican Constitution which is the supreme law of the land,Momwemo ufulu wamunthu sukuyenera kuphwanyidwa monga nkhanza kwa amayi kapena abambo zikuyenera kudzudzulidwa. CST lkuvomelezana ndi malamulo adziko amene ali malawi akulu adziko,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6735,"In an attempt to deal with GBV: Firstly, we have identified and empowered facilitators and mentors for both in and out of school boys and girls through capacity building to challenge harmful cultural practices that infringe upon the rights of women & girls such as forced early marriages, early pregnancies","Pofuna kuthana ndi GBV: poyamba, tapeza ndi kuphunzitsa anthu oyendetsa komanso alangizi kwa atsikana ndi anyamata opita kusukulu komanso osapita kudzela maphunziro kuti atsutse makhalidwe owopsya amene amaphinja mwaufulu a azimayi ndi atsikana monga mwaukwati okakamiza achichepere komanso mimba zachipere",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6736,"Secondly, the project in conjunction with T/A Chowe and the police intercepted an arranged Nikka between a teenager and a Sheikh. Thirdly, we have intensified sensitizations through radio programmes","Kachiwiri, ntchitoyi mogwirizana ndi mfumu yayikulu chowe ndi apolisi anakaletsa mwambo waukwati pakati pa mwana osakwana zaka makumi awiri ndi a shehe. Kachitatu tinalimbikitsa kudziwitsa anthu kudzera ntchito pawayilesi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6737,"Fourthly, we have engaged policy holders to fashion out measures/strategies that curb violence against women and girls (VAWG) such as by-laws and, lastly we have engaged duty-bearers on social norms, practices and power relations that violate the rights of women and girls","Kachinayi, tinagwirizana ndi opanga malamulo kuti aike malamulo othana ndi nkhanza kwa amayi ndi atsikana monga malamulo a m’mudzi ndipo komaliza tagwirizanaso ndi adindo pa zamakhalidwe, zochitika komanso mphamvu amene amaphanya ma ufulu amayi ndi atsikana[l1]",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6738,"The church is the voice of the voiceless as such it cannot give a blind eye to the atrocities perpetrated against humanity. Secondly, the church complements government efforts in various aspects including empowerment of the people",Tchalitchi ndi mawu kwa opanda mawu ndipo singatseke maso ku nkhanza zimene zikuchitikira anthu. Kachiwiri tchalitchi imathandizira ntchito za boma mu njira zosiyanasiyana monga kuwalimbikitsa anthu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6739,"Is there any unique thing you think churches can bring in as far as GBV fight is concerned? Yes, the holistic approach in prevention and response to the vice which take into account both spiritual and physical needs aiding healing in the process","Pali chithu chachilendo chimene mukuganiza kuti tchalitchi ikhoza kubweletsa pankhani zokhudza nkhanza?. Inde, njira ya zonse popewa komanso kupeleka mayankho ku mchitidwe woipawu umene amayan’gana uzimu komanso zofunan zathupi kuthandizira kuchira pakutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6740,What do you have to show as milestones since you started your interventions? The interception of the Nikkah involving a teenager and sheikh was one of the classic example we shall forever cherish as a big milestone,Kodi mukuyenera kuchita chani kuti muonetse zomwe mwachita chiyamibileni kulowerelapo? Kutsekereza ukwati wokhudza mwana wosakwana zaka makumi awiri chinali chitsanzo chimodzi chimene tizakhala tikunyadira ngati tachitapo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6741,"Again, the empowerment of both in and out of school as advocates of human rights promotion, the studies carried out to ascertain the nature, magnitude of VAWG vice and the engagement of the policy holders to curb issues of GBV, child marriages and other vices stand out as our milestones","Komanso, kulimbikitsa ana opita ku sukulu ndi wosapita ku sukulu kukhala olimbikitsa maufulu, kafukufuku amene anachtika wofuna kudziwa mtundu, kukula kwa kuipa kwa VAWG komanso kukumana ndi osunga malamulo kuti athetse nkhani za nkhanza, maukwati a ana komanso zoipa zina ndi zomwe takwanitsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6742,The social-economic impact of Covid-19 such as closure of school culminating in suspension of the project activities. The economic impact resulted in reduction of the deliverables and the targeted schools from eight to five in the impact areas,Kukhudzika pa chuma chifukwa cha Covid-19 monga kutseka kwa masukulu kunaimitsa ntchito za ntchitoyi. Zotsatira zokhudza za chuma kunapangitsa kuti zopeyenera kuchita zichepetsedwe komanso kuchepa kwa masukulu ogwira nawo ntchito kuchoka pa asanu ndi atatu kufika asanu mu malo mogwiramo ntchito,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6743,"However, in response, the project adapted virtual measures such as radio program and virtual meetings. Another calamity we faced is the upsurge in teenage pregnancies and early marriages in the district during the covid19 period","Komabe, pothana ndi zimenezi, ntchitoyi inapeza njira zamakono monga wayilesi komanso mikumano pa lamya. Vuto lina tinakumana nalo linali kuchuluka kwa mimba za ana achichepele komanso mabanja ana an’gonoan’gono mu bomali nthawi ya covid-19",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6744,"For three days, the beautiful faces of some of the country’s artists will be transformed into bloody and sorry looking sights as part of the ongoing 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (GBV)","Kwa masiku atatu, khope zokongola za anthu aluso zisithidwa kukhala zamagazi koamnso zomvetsa chisoni ngati mbali imodzi ya masiku khumi asanu ndi awiri othana ndi nkhanza kwa amayi kapena abambo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6745,The group of artists has been roped in to champion a campaign to create a vivid picture of the struggles that survivors of the vice face every time they have such encounters,Gulu la aluso aliika m’gululi kuti likhale patsogolo kuwonetsa chinthuzithuzi chenicheni zovuta zomwe anthu opulumuka ku mchitidwewu amakumana nazo nthawi zonse zikawachitikira,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6746,"“These effects create a visual representation of various forms of violence that take place in our communities and, as such, these effects can arouse emotions such as shock, remorse and shame in the minds of the perpetrators,” she said","Zotsazira zimapanga chiwonetsero za nkhanza zina zomwe zimachitika m’madela athu ndi zina, izi zikhoza kuwakhudza monga kudabwa komanso manyazi mu mitu ya opangila anzawo nkhanza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6747,Akimu said a change of mindset is crucial in the fight against GBV because people are able to relate to the experiences they have gone through or what they are going through when they see the image with such effects,Akiimu wanena kuti kusitha maganizidwe ndikofunika mu ntchito yolimbana ndi GBV chifukwa anthu amafananiza zomwe iwo adutsamo kapena zomwe akudutsamo akaona zithuzi ndi tsotsatira zake,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6748,"One of the participants of the campaign, social media influencer Cash Madam said GBV has left no space which is free from it as it is taking place in homes, schools, work and business spaces","M’modzi wa wotenga nawo gawo pa zochitikazi, wotchuka pa tsamba la mchezo cash madam ananena kuti GBV sinasiye malo kumene zikuchitika chifukwa zikuchitika kunyumba, sukulu, kuntchito komanso kopangila bizinezi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6749,She said: “It has been a humbling experience since I have had to step into the shoes of millions of victims. You hear stories about having scars and blood on their bodies. This experience has given me a chance to share the pain of all survivors around the world,Ananena kuti: zakhala zinthu zophunzitsa chifukwa anakhala m’malo mwa anthu mazanamazana wokhudzidwa. Umamva nkhani zokhala ndi zipsera komanso magazi pathupi lawo. Izi zandipatsa mwayi wogawana nawo ululu wa opulumuka padziko lonse,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6750,"Shonga said it is important that the campaign has included components that are addressing the issues from perspectives of both sexes. She said she hopes using their influence, Malawians will react positively to the messages","Shonga ananena kuti ndikofunika kuti kampeniyi inaikamo zinthu zomwe zikuthana ndi zochitika kwa amayi ndi abambo. Ananena kuti akuyembekezera kuti kugwiritsa ntchtio mphamvu zawo, amalawi ulandila bwino uthengawu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6751,"“Art is a powerful element in as far as shaping narratives is concerned and that is why we have converged various forms of art. This is with a view of coming up with a different dimension of a narrative which has a visual rhetoric because what people see, people believe,” he said","Luso ndi chinthu champhamvu positha ziinthu ndichifukwa taphatikiza za luso zosiyanasiyana. Izi zikutsatira ndi ganizo loti kubwera ndi mafotokozedwe osiyanasiyana zimene zili zowoneka chifukwa zomwe anthu awona, anthu amakhulupilira. anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6752,"Currently, there is a core group of 54 young men who will participate in the project until they graduate. We initially started with 20 young men, and then we have extended it to women as well, bringing the total to 54","Pakadali pano, pali gulu la anthu makinu asanu ndi anayi amene atenge nawo gawo mu polojekiti mpaka atamaliza. Tinayamba ndi achinyamata makuni awiri kenako tinafikila kwa amayi kufitkira nambala ya makinu asanu ndi anayi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6753,"However, other people can engage with us through our social media accounts on Facebook, instagram, Twitter and listen and watch our content on Soundcloud and Youtube","Komabe, anthu ena amatenga nawo gawo kudzela m’masamba a mchezo monga facebook, instagram, twitter komanso kumvetsera ndikuwonera zithu zathu pa soundcloud ndi youtube",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6754,We are now carrying out a number of outreach programmes in college campuses and secondary school and this will create another opportunity for people to engage with them,Pakali pano tikugwira ntchito yofikila anthu ku sukulu zawukachenjede komanso kusekondale ndipo izi zipeleka mwayi ku anthu kuti azipanga nawo nawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6755,"“We did a survey which revealed that men tend to abuse women when they realise that they do not have any financial resources of their own. “Due to this, women suffer abuse silently; hence, our intervention through trainings,” she said","Tinapanga kafufukufuku amene anapeza kuti amuna amakonda kunzuza amayi chifulkwa amadziwa kuti alibe chithandizo pa chuma pawokha. Pachifukwa cha ichi, amayi amafulalala m’chibisila; nidndichufukwa kuwombolaku kudzera m’maphunziro",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6756,"Apart from the training, the organisation also give the women start-up capital in form of materials. Increased cases of gender-based violence (GBV) have forced men to take part in fighting against domestic violence, according to police","Kupatira izi , bungweli lapelekaso katundu woyambira monga zipangizo. Kuchuluka kwa nkhanza za kwa amuna kapena akazi kwapangitsaso amuna kutenga nawo gawo patchito yolimbana ndi nkhanza,izi ndi momwe apolisi amennera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6757,"He said: “Our beloved relatives and families are exposed to various types of abuse and exploitation such as child trafficking, body parts mutilation, domestic abuses, abandonment and neglect, and sexual abuse such as rape.","Ananena kuti:”abale athu ndi mabanja okondedwa amakhudziwa ndi nkhanza zambiri komanso kuzunzidwa monga kuzembetsedwa, kudulidwa ziwalo, kuzizidwa pakhomo, kuleleledwa komanso kuzunzidwa pogonana monga kugwiliridwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6758,"Therefore, I urge each one of us to report any case of abuse to nearby police victim support units","Nidyer, ndikupepha aliyense wainu kuti tikafotokoza za nkhanza ku malo othandizira anthu okhudzidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6759,"Nsanje District Health Office (DHO) says it has started offering fistula services to women and girls in the district. Speaking in an interview on Sunday, Nsanje District director of health and social services said they trained health workers to help girls and women with fistula","Chipatala cha boma ananena kuti ayamba kupeleka chithandizo cha kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi kwa amayi ndi atsikana mu m’bomali. Poyakhula ndi atolankhani pa sabata, woyendetsa za umoyo komanso makhalidwe a anthu ananena kuti aphunzitsa wopeleka chithandizo cha umoyo kuti athandize atsikana ndi amayi amene ali ndi kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6760,"Now women and girls with fistula condition can receive services at the district hospital unlike in the past when we used to refer them to Bwaila Hospital in Lilongwe, thereby spending more money on transportation,” he said.","Pano amayi ndi atsikana a matenda a kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi akhoza kulandilandira chithandizo pachipatalachi kusiyana ndi kale pamene timawauza kuti apite ku chipatala cha bwaila ku lilongwe, pamene amaononga ndalama zabwiri kuyenda,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6761,"“No patient will be referred to Bwaila Hospital again because we are now able to carry out the services at the district hospital,” he said",Anena kuti palibe odwala amene azawuzidwa kuti apite ku chipatala cha bwaila chifukwa tikupanga chichilichonse pa chipatalachi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6762,"Another trained healthcare worker, Noah Vizyalona, a nurse, asked Nsanje DHO authorities to schedule days to take the services to hard-to-reach areas such as Muona, Fatima, Nthondo, Misamvu and Makhanga","Wophunzitsidwa wina wazaumoyo, noah vizyalona, namwino anapepha woyendetsa chipata cha nsanje kuti akhoze masiku kuti azikathandiza anthu amene ali kumadera ovuta kufikako ,monga muona, fatima, nthondo komanso makhanga",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6763,"“This initiative should be implemented in all districts in the country if we want to treat fistula cases,” he said. Nsanje resident Ethel Malunga commended the DHO for introducing fistula services at the district hospital","Ndondomeko imeneyo ikhazikitsidwe m’maboma onse mu dziko mu muno ngati tikufuna kuchiza matenda a kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi, anatero. A ethel malunga a m’boma la nsanje anayamikira chipatala cha nsanje pobweletsa chithandizo cha kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzipa chipatalachi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6764,"“However, we need non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders to conduct awareness campaigns on how women develop fistula and how the same can be avoided,” she said",Anena kuti akukhumba mabungwe omwe siaboma komanso ena ogwira nawo ntchito kuti apangitse ma kampeni ozindikilitsa m’mene amayi amayambira kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzindi m’mene angapewere,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6765,"She said: “I was really very happy when I fell pregnant for my fourth child. As a family, we had planned that this could be my last pregnancy since we already had three children “You can imagine the excitement I felt for having a last born child",Ananena kuti ndinali okondwa kwambiri pamen ndinali ndi mimba ya mwana wanga wachinayi. Ngati banja timapnga dongosolo kuti iyi ikhala mimba yanga yotsiliza chifukwa tinali tili ana kale atatu. Mukhoza kuganiza chimwemwe chomwe ndinali nacho chokhala ndi mwana omaliza,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6766,"She said: “Immediately after I gave birth, I discovered that I had lost some senses, especially when it came to urinating and defaecating",Ananena kuti atangobeleka anazindikila kuti samamva chilichonse makamaka pokodza ndiponyela,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6767,"“I could not even know when I wanted to urinate or defaecate, but I could only notice flies and bad odour and was covered by faeces and urine","Sindimadziwa pamene ndikufuna kukodza kapena kunyela, koma ndimangodabwa tchetche nd fungo loipa ndipo ndimapezeka ndili ndi manyi komanso mkodzo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6768,"“I started thinking that someone had bewitched me because of the new baby boy. With this in mind, I convinced myself that my problem could well be handled by traditional doctors",Ndinayamba kuganiza kuti munthu wina wandilodza chifukwa cha mwana wamwamuna amene ndinabeleka. Ndinaziuza ndekha kuti matendawa ackhoza kuchizika ndi adokotala azitsamba,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6769,"“We then went to various traditional healers to seek help, but it all ended in vain as the problem continued",Tinayenda kwa asin’ganga ambiri kusaka chithandizo koma sizinatheke ndipo vuto linapitilira,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6770,"Nyasulu said she could not figure out what was going on. She says she could not go to church, funerals and other social gatherings as some poked fun at her","Nyasulu akuti samadziwa kuti chikuchitika ndi chani. Akuti samapita ku tchalitchi, kumaliro komanso mikumano ya m’mudzi chifukwa anthu ena amaseka",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6771,"Her husband, Maliko, said he also faced stigma because of his wife’s condition. He said: “My fellow men mocked me and wondered why I was still staying with a woman who defaecated and smelt bad on her own","Amuna awo, maliko akuti amasalidwa chifukwa cha m’ene alili akazawo. Ananena kuti abambo anzanga amandiseka komanso kudabwa chifukwa chimene ndimakhalira ndi m’mayo wozinyelera komanos wonukha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6772,"Had it been that I was not strong enough, the family could have collapsed. It was really the lowest point of our lives as a family","Chikhala kuti sanali olimba mtima, banja bwenzi litatha. Zinali zokhudwa kwambiri kwa banja lathu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6773,"After exhausting all means to end the problem, Nyasulu and her husband decided to try the hospital. She said they approached health surveillance assistant Lucky Matemba","Titamaliza njira zonse zothanirana ndi vutoli,nyasulu ndi amuna ake anaganiza zokayesa kuchipatala. Anati anawapeza azaumoyo lucky matemba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6774,"The healthcare worker said: “After I interacted with her, I suspected fistula. But since matters of such nature are beyond my control, I referred her to a fistula disease coordinator at M’nyanja Health Centre","Azaumoyo anena kuti akuganizira kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzinditayakhula nawo. Koma chifukwa nkhani za mtundu umenewu zinali zodutsa ine, zinatumiza kwa oyan’ganira kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudziku chipatala chachin’gono cha m’nyanja",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6775,"She said: “Women should not get worried with fistula because it can be treated. This mostly happens during the time of giving birth if the child inside has grown bigger than the outlet. During birth, a child may panic in the process of trying to come out and this may cause fistula",Ananena kuti amayi asamaope kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi chifukwa ndiyochizika. Izi zimachitika kwabwiri nthawi yobeleka pamene mwana ndi wamkulu kwambiri kupoosa njira. Pobeleka mwana akhoza kupanga phuma potuluka ndipo izi zimayambitsa kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6776,“Women are encouraged to rush to the hospital to seek help than to go to traditional healers to avoid losing the unborn child and risking their lives,Amayi akulimbikitsa kuthamangila kuchipata kukapeza chithandizo osati kupita kwa asin’ganga kuti apewe kutaya mwana osabadwa komanso kuika moyo wawo pachiopezo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6777,"She also bemoaned discrimination, saying fistula patients are marginalised in some hospitals in the country","Anadzudzula kusalana, kunena kuti odwala kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi amasalidwa muzipatala zina mu dziko muno",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6778,"“Discrimination of people who are suffering from fistula is very common. To avoid this challenge, women that are suffering from the disease they should go and seek treatment from government hospitals where patients receive fair treatment for free","Kusala anthu amene akudwala kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi zimachitika kwambiri. Kuti tipewe vuto limeneli, amayi amene akudwala matendawa akuyenera kupeza chithandizo ku chipatsala cha boma kumene amapeza chithandizo chabwino komanso mwaulele",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6779,"At last, Nyasulu can have her dignity restored as a woman through early diagnosis and treatment of fistula. Although Marita Vula was in pain, she tried as much as possible to ignore it. The 28-year-old woman was experiencing her first labour pains. Vula had waited for this moment and couldn’t wait to be a mother","Tsopano, nyasulu ulemu wake wabwelera ngati mzimayi chifukwa chakudziwa ndikuchiza kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi. Ngakhale malita vula anali pa ululu anayesetsa ku kuiwala za izi. Mzimayi wa zaka makumi awiri zisanu ndi zitatu anayamba kumva ululu obeleka. Vula wakhala ukudikila nthawi iyi ndipo amayembekezera kukhala mayi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6780,"“When I got married, I stayed for three years without a child,” says Vula, from Kambola Village in Ntchisi. “In our culture, one is expected to have a child as soon as they get married","Nditakwatira , ndinakhala zaka zitatu opanda mwana, watero vula wa m’mudzi wa kambola mu boma la ntchisi. Mu chikhalidwe chathu, ndimayembekezela kukhala ndi mawa nditangokwatira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6781,"Try as they could, Vula could not get pregnant. This displeased her in-laws who wanted grandchildren. One day, her husband was tending their maize field. When he heard the news that her wife was in labour, he hurried back home. Since the hospital was too far, he took Marita to a traditional birth attendant to help her deliver","M’mene anayambila kuyesela, vula samatengabe pathupi. Izi sizinasangalatse apongozi ake amene amafuna chidzukulu. Tsiku lina pamene amuna awo anali kumunda wachimanga, ndipamene anamva kuti akazi wa akufuna kubeleka nidpo anathamangila kunyumba. Chifukwa kuchipatala kunali kutali atenga azamba akumudzi kuti amuthandize kubeleka",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6782,"“That was the only option we had that time,” recalls Vula, adding, “I didn’t see the labour coming that soon and hadn’t planned to travel to the hospital","Iyi inali njira yokhayo panthawiyo, akukumbukila vula, kuwonjezera apo sindimadziwa kuti ndibeleka nthawi ina iliyonse ndipo sindinapange madongosolo wopita ku chipatala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6783,"For hours, the traditional birth attendant tried to help Vula to deliver but without luck. In desperation, the traditional birth attendant prepared some herbs to help “push the baby out”. Instead, the herbs made her lose a lot of blood","Kwa nthawi yayitali, azambawa anayesetsa kuthadizira nyini kuti abeleke koma opanda mwayi. Pofuna kukwanilitsa, azambawo anapanga mankhwala achikuda kuti athindizire kukhalira mwana panja. Koma mankhwalawo anapangitsa kuti ataye magazi ambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6784,"My husband became worried and he rushed to the nearby village to hire a car,” she said. “When he came back, I had passed out. The next thing I remember was in a hospital. The look on my husband’s face told me that something terrible had happened",Mwamuna wanga anali ndi nkhawa ndipo anathamangila ku mudzi wapafupi kukabwereka galimoto: anatero. Pamene amabwera ndinali nditakomoka. Chithu zimene ndikukumbukila ndili m’chipatala. M’mene amawonekela mwamuna wanga ndinadziwa kuti chinachake chachitika,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6785,"Vula arrived at the hospital semi-conscious. Medical staff had to perform a caesarean section to save both mother and child. Unfortunately, the child didn’t make it",Vula anafika ku chipatala ali chikomokere. Achipatala anapanga opaleshoni kuti apulumutse mayi ndi mwana. Koma mwachisoni mwana sanakhale ndi moyo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6786,"“This was devastating news. I was looking forward to holding my child in my hands,” she says. Although Vula recovered well, she could no longer control her urine and she kept wetting herself. The prolonged labour caused her to develop a hole—obstetric fistula—between the birth canal and the bladder","Izi zinali zokhudza.ndimkayan’ganira kumunyamula mwana wanga,” anatero. Ngakhale vula anachila amakanika kusunga mkodzo ndipo amangozinyowetsa. Kuchedwa pobeleka kunakuza njira- kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi- pakati pa njira yobelekera komanso chikhodzodzo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6787,"“When I returned home, my husband’s attitude towards me changed,” she says. “He started sleeping in his own bed","Nditabwelera kunyumba, khalidwe la amuna anga linasitha,” anatero. Anayamba kugona pa kama lawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6788,"For eight months, nothing changed. Eventually, her husband disappeared only for Marita to learn that he had married in another village","Kwa miyezi isanu ndi atatu, panalibe chositha. Kenako, amuna anga anasowa kenaka ndinamva kuti anakwatira ku mudzi wina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6789,"“I was okay with him sleeping on another bed,” she says. “But running away from me was the last thing I expected from him. He was responsible for the pregnancy and I wouldn’t have developed a fistula if it wasn’t for him"," + Kunali kwabwinobwino kwa ine iwo kugona pa kama lina,” anatero. Koma kundithawa chinali chithu chomaliza kuchokera kwa iwo. Anali mwini wake wa mimbayo ndipo sindikadwala kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi chipanda iwo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6790,"With time, Vula learnt to accept her condition. One day, as she was listening to the radio, she heard a testimony of a woman successfully treated for fistula. She learnt that the operation was done at Bwaila Fistula Centre in Lilongwe","Ndi nthawi, vula anaphunzira kuvomeleza matenda awo. Tsiku lina, pamene amavera wayilesi, anamva nkhani ya nzimayi anachillitsidwa kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi. Anamva kuti opaleshoni kuchipatala cha kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi ku bwaila ku lilongwe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6791,Vula saved money for transport to seek treatment at the centre. The waiting list was long and she stayed at the centre for a month to get fistula repair,Vula anasunga ndalama zoyendela kuti akapeze thandizo. Anthu odikila anali ambiri ndipo anakhaa mwezi ku maloko akudikila kuti akhoze,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6792,"“The support I received from the fistula centre transformed my life,” says Vula, who is now a fistula ambassador in her community. “I have moved from being a social outcast to become one of the community’s respected tailors","Chithandizo chomwe ndinalandila ku malo ochizila kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi chinasitha moyo wanga,” akutero vula, amene ndi kazembe wa kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi mu dela lawo. Ndachoka kukhala osalidwa ndikukhala telala olemekeza mu derali",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6793,"“I am saving money to buy iron sheets for my house,” she says. “I have lived a difficult life and now I just want to make the best of what I have","Ndikusungila ndalama kuti ndigule malata anyumba yanga,” anatero. Ndakhala moyo wovutika ndipo pano ndikufuna kupanga zabwino ndi zomwe ndili nazo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6794,"In 2021, UNFPA successfully lobbied for the reopening of the Bwaila Fistula Centre after it was converted into a Covid-19 isolation centre","Mu chaka cha 2021, UNFPA inaneneza kutsegulaso kwa malo ochizira kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi ku bwaila pamene inasandutsidwa malo amatenda a covid-19",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6795,"The closing of the centre inconvenienced hundreds of women suffering from fistula from getting treatment. Since reopening, the centre, with support from the Spotlight Initiative, has successfully assisted 90 women suffering from fistula","Kutseka kwa malowa kunatakwanitsa azimayi zana odwala kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi kupeza chithandizo. Chitsegulireni,malowa, ndichithandizo chochokela ku spotlight iniative, akwanilitsa kuthandiza mayi makumi asanu ndi anayi odwala kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6796,"On a fateful Tuesday evening in 2017, the most of Elluby’s [not her real name] pride was forcefully taken away from her—she was defiled","Tsiku lomvetsa chisoni lachiwiri madzulo mu chaka cha 2017, umuthu wa elluby unachotsedwa- anagwililidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6797,"Elluby’s psychological trauma has been compound by the fact that she was later dealt with a double-blow of tasting positive to HIV, coupled with struggle with fistula",Matenda am’maganizo a elluby anawonjezeleka ndi chilungamo choti pataita nthawi anayenela kuthana ndi zinthu ziwiri kupezeka ndi kachilombo koyamvitsa edzi ndi kulimbana ndi matenda a kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6798,"As if that is not enough, Elluby cannot get justice on her defilement case after a medical report obtained at Nkhulambe Health Centre in Phalombe soon after the incident subsequently grew wings and flew away from police custody",Ngati izi ndizokwanira. Elluby sakupeza chilungamo pa nkhani yake patapezeka kuti chikalata chakuchipatala ku chipatala cha chichin’gono ku phalombe patangochtika izizi chinamela mapiko ndikuwuluka m’manja mwa apolisi.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6799,"Before the fateful day, Elluby, then seven years old, was in Standard 2 at one of the primary schools in the district. She used to be happy, just like any other child of her age, till some evil-minded man saw a woman in her","Lisanafike tsiku la tsokali, elluby ali ndi zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri, anali mu sitandande 2 ku sukulu ina m’bomalo. Anali wosangalala, ngati mwana wina aliyense wa msikhu wake, kufikila munthu wina wamaganizo ausatana anaona mzimayi mwa iye.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6800,"Her happiness was taken away by the selfish man who, for purposes of this story, we have called Adolf. He crowned the poor girl with this sadness, which seemingly has come to stay","Chisangalalo chake chinatengedwa ndi mwamuna odzikonda, pankhaniyi tamutchula kuti adolf. Anamuveka mwanayu chisoni, chimene chikuwoneka chinabwera kuzakhala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6801,"Elluby comes from a child-headed family and her elder sister, whom she calls mother, who we shall call Tisungane, is only 15","Elluby amachokela ku baja lomwe mutu wabanja ndi mwana ndipo mchemwali wake wamkulu, amene amawaitana kuti amayi, amene timutcule kuti tisungane ali ndi zaka khumi ndi zisanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6802,"It was Tisungane who narrated to us her younger sister’s ordeal. “I suspect that the man bribed the police, but since I am poor, what else can I do. I have accepted and dropped the case,” said Tisungane while fighting tears","Anali tisungane amene anatifotokozera zimene zinachitikila mchemwali wake wan’gonoyu. Ndikuganazira kuti abambowo anapeka chiphuphu kwa apolisi koma chifukwa ndine osauka ndikanachita chani. Ndinavomeleza ndipo nkhaniyi ndinaisiya ,” anatero tisungane uku akubweza misozi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6803,"Despite being arrested soon after committing the crime and stakeholders pushing for the law to take its course, two years on, Elluby’s case has stalled in the court, with some quarters claiming lack of evidence","Ngakhale kuti munthuyo anatsekeledwa atapalamula mulanduwu ndi ena kuthandizila kuti lamulo ligwire ntchito, padutsa zaka ziwiri, nkhani ya elluby sinalowe ku bwalo la milandu, ena ponena kuti chifukwa chakusowa umboni",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6804,"But there was evidence that after Elluby was allegedly defiled, she was rushed to Nkhulambe Health Centre in Phalombe where tests confirmed she was defiled and a medical report was issued to that effect","Koma panali umboni kuti elluby anagwiliridwa, anathamangila naye ku chipatala chachin’gono ku Nkhulambe m’boma la phalombe kumene anamuyesa ndikutsimikizila kuti wagwililidwa ndipo chikalata cha chipatala chinapelekedwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6805,"But to date, only police are better-placed to explain how the report grew wings from their custody. National Police spokesperson asked for more time to find out how Elluby’s medical report went missing in police hands","Koma mpaka pano, apolisi okha ndamene ali ndikuthekela kofotokoza m’mene kalata ya chipatala inamelera mapiko m’manja mwawo. Woyakhulira apolisi dziko lonse anapempha nthawi kuti afufuze m’mene kalata yachipatala ya elluby inasowela m’manja mwa apolisi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6806,"“There are a lot of cases of this nature, which have stalled in my court. I wish we could complete them and the victims see justice and those in the wrong, meet their fate,” he said","Pali nkhani zambiri za mtundu umenewu, zimene zinayima ku bwalo la milandu. Ndikanakonda tikanazimaliza ndipo okhudziwa apeze chilungamo ndi kuti olakwila aziwe tsoka lawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6807,"Chairperson for Nkhulambe area mother group, Chrissy Malikete, said stalling of cases at the courts as well as lenient sentences to offenders, and worse still corruption, are some of the setbacks in the fight","Wa mkulu wa gulu la amayi ku dela la Nkhulambe, chrissy malikete ananena kuti kuchedwetsa milandu ku bwalo la milandu koamsno kupeleka chilango chochepa kwa opalamula, komanso chinyengo ndi zina zimene zikubweza m’buyo ntchitoyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6808,"One of the youth and child rights organisations in the country, Youth Net and Counselling says what is happening in Phalombe demotivates players in the fight against GBV","Limodzi mwa mabungwe a achinyamata ndi maufulu a ana mu dziko muno, Youth net and counselling lanena kuti zimene zikuchitika ku phalombe zikufowoketsa ntchito yolimbana ndi GBV",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6809,"“What is difficult about asking the health facility to provide a duplicate report?” he asked, further urging the powers that be in police to intervene in the matter","Anafunsa kuti chovuta ndi chani kuwafunsa a chipatala kuti apeleke kalata ina yotsala, kuwonjezela kuti mphamvu za apolisi kulowelerapo pa nkhaniyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6810,Fistula repair surgeries are liberating women dehumanised by the treatable birth-related condition which leaves them disgraced and discriminated,Maopaleshoni okhoza matenda a fistula akuwombola amayi amene satengedwa ngati anthu kamba ka matenda apobeleka ochizika zimene zimawasiya amanyazi ndi wosalidwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6811,"It is sweltering in an overcrowded maternity section of Mulanje District Hospital at the bottom of the country’s largest mountain, an astonishing rock outcrop in the middle of postcard tea fields of the Southern Region","Ndi m’malo mwathukuta chipinda chobelekera chodzadza pa chipatala cha boma la mulanje pansi pa phiri lalikulu mudziko muno, mwala owoneka modabwitsa pakati pa munda wa tiyi ku chigawo cha ku ‘mmwera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6812,"Yet the heat—which easily leaves clinical staff, patients and guardians perspiring profusely—is not the reason Line Gwinya, 38, does not appear particularly happy as she sits by an open window in a 26-bed ward that houses up to 40 pregnant women a night, she says","Koma kutetha- kumene kumapangitsa ogwira ntchito zachipatala, odwala ndi osamalira odwala kutuluka thukuta kwambiri- sichifukwa chimene line gwinya wa zaka makumi atatu ndi asanu ndi atatu, sakuwoneka osangalala atakhala pafupi ndi zenela lotsegula mu chipinda cha anthu makumi awiri ndi asanu ndi limodzi limene limasunga anthu okwana makuni anayi pa usiku umodzi, anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6813,She is lucky to be perching on a bed in the lengthy hall where sights of women sleeping on the floor are not unusual,Ndi wamwayi kuti wakhala pa kama mu chipinda chachiikulu m’mene kuwona amayi atagona pansi sizodabwitsa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6814,A similar scene so shocked Tanzanian president John Magufuli that he sacked Muhimbili hospital chief when he made a surprise visit to the facility in Dar es Salaam three years ago,Zomwezi zinadabwitsa mtsogoleri wa dziko la tanzania john magufuli mpaka anachotsa ntchito wamkulu wachipatala cha muhimbili pamene apanga ulendo wodzidzimutsa pa chipatalachi ku dar es salaam zaka zitatu zapitazo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6815,"However, this too is not what depresses the woman from Mwetiheni Village in Traditional Authority Nkanda in the tea-growing district","Komabe, izi sizomwe zakhumuditsa m’mayi wochokera m’mudzi wa mwetiheni kwa mfumu yayikulu nkanda muboma lolima tiyili",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6816,"It is common to see patients and pregnant women in State-run hospitals lying on the floor—“and this did not begin yesterday,” she says","Zimachitika kupeza odwala ndi amayi oyembekezera mu zipatala za boma atagona pansi- ndipo izi sizanayambe dzulo,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6817,"Since 1996, Gwinya has three times spent days in similarly overcrowded maternity wards in anticipation to give birth and she has one child to show for it","Kuchoka chaka cha 1996, gwinya wakhala maulendo atatu mu ku chipinda chodzadza cha amayi oyembekezera akudikila kubeleka koma ali ndi mwana m’modzi yekha pazonsezi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6818,Her “worst tragedy” is that her second visit two decades ago left a hole in her birth canal. She has been leaking urine uncontrollably and her husband fled as he could not stand it,Tsoka lake lalikulu ndi ulendo wake wachiwiri zaka makumi awiri zapitazo unasiya denje mu njira yachibelekelo. Amachucha mkodzi mosalekeza ndipo amuna ake anathawa chifukwa sanakapilira,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6819,"“Being here brings to mind bitter memories of my futile attempts to have children,” she says with nostalgia in an interview in the packed ward. “My husband wanted us to have three children, but I have only one, born through a surgery in 1996","Kukhala muno kumabweletsa chikumbutso chowawa chakulephera kokhala ndi mwana,” anatero. Akuyakhulana akukumbukila mwachisoni mu chipinda chodzadzacho. Amuna anga amafuna titakhala ndi ana atatu, koma ndili ndi m'modzi, amene anabadwa pawopaleshoni mu chaka cha 1996",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6820,"I carried the pregnancy for 11 months. Two years later, I had a stillbirth after enduring another operation. I got pregnant again in 1999, but it was another operation and stillborn","Ndinanyamula pakati kwa miyezi khumi ndi umodzi. Patatha zaka ziwiri, ndinapita padera nditapilira opaleshoni. Ndinakhalaso ndi mimba chaka cha 1999, koma inali opaleshoni komanso kupititsa padera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6821,The two stillborns have left Gwinya weighed down by a sense of loss—all after going under the knife. But memories of the second pregnancy keep haunting her. She lost her dignity to the hole that developed after futile labour pains,Kubadwa kwa ana awiri omalira kwamusiya gwinya ali othodwa chifukwa cha kuluzaku-kumanso kuti anachita kupanga opaleshoni. Koma chikumbutso cha mimba ya chawiri ndimene imaiganizirabe. Anataya ulemu wake chifukwa cha dzenje limene linyamba chifukwa cha kupweteka pobelekapo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6822,"The hole, termed obsteric fistula, instantly turned her into a laughing stock in her rural community and everywhere she went","Bowo, limene likutchulidwa kuti kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi , linamupanga kukhala choseketsa mu mu mudzi mwawo komanso kulikonse kumene amapita",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6823,"“When I was told that a baby I had carried for nine months was born dead, I wept. I endured two operations. After the second one, I started leaking urine without control, an embarrassing condition I have lived with for 20 years,” she recounts","Pamene anandiuza kuti mwana amane ndinanyamula kwa miyezi isanu ndi inayi wabadwa omwalira,ndinalira. Ndinapilira ma opaleshoni awiri. Patatha yachiwiri, ndinayamba kuchucha mikodzo yoseletseka, matenda amene ndakhala nawo kwa zaka makumi awiri tsopano.” akukumbukila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6824,"Gwinya’s decades of shame came to an end last month, thanks to a campaign by United Nations Populations Fund to end fistula one surgery at a time","Zaka makumi awiri zamanyazi kwa Gwinya kunafika kumapeto mwezi watha, zikomo ku ndondomeko ya thumba la maiko lowona za kuchulukana kwa anthu kuti athetse kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi popanga opaleshoni imodzi imodzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6825,She was among 30 women admitted to Mulanje District Hospital’s two-week fistula treatment UNFPA organised with funding from Iceland International Development Agency (Iceida),Anali m’modzi mwa anayi makumi atatu amane anaikidwa m’chipatala cha boma la mulanje kwa masabata awiri kuti alandile chithandizo cha kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi chomwe anapangitsa ndi a UNFPA ndichithandizo cha ndalama zochokela ku Iceland International Development agency,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6826,These women were visibly happy to see the back of one of the most serious and tragic childbirth injuries,Azimayiwa anali okondwa kuwonaso kutha kwa kuvulala koopsa komanso komvetsa chisoni pobeleka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6827,"Fistula leaves women with puncture between the birth canal and bladder or rectum due to prolonged, obstructed labour",kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi imawasiya amayi ndi kun’gambika pakati pa njira ya chibelekelo ndi chikhodzodzo kapena konyelela chifukwa cha kuchedwa pobeleka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6828,“Getting healed will be like being born again. I have suffered for many years. I couldn’t participate in public life because I was leaking urine. I couldn’t go to funerals. I couldn’t go to church,Kuchilitsidwa zili ngati wabadwanso mwatsopano. Ndavutika kwa zaka zambiri. Sindimatenga nawo gawo zochita za gulu chifukwa zimachucha mikodzoo. Sindimapita ku maliro. Sindimapita ku tchalitchi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6829,"I couldn’t go to the market. Everywhere I went, people were sneeringly pointing at me, saying: ‘here comes the woman who wets herself like a baby in nappies’","Sindimapita ku msika. Kulikonse kumene ndapita, anthu amangondiloza, akunena kuti akubwera mzimayi amene amangozinyowetsa yekha ngati mwana ovala matewela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6830,“Some were even fanning their noses or spitting because I was emitting a foul smell. I sought assistance from numerous health facilities but they all gave me tablets and injections that did not change the situation,Ena amakupiza phuno zawo kapena kulavula chifukwa ndimatulutsa fungo lonukha. Ndisaka chithandizo ku zipatala zingapo koma onse amangondipatsa mankhwala ndi nyeleti zimene sizinasithe mavuto anga,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6831,"When I heard on radio that a foreign doctor was coming to repair fistulas, I hurried. I did not want to miss this one-off chance","Nditamva pa wayilesi za dokotala amene amabwera kuzakoza ma kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi , ndinafulumila. Sindimafuna kuti mwayi wakamodziwu undiphonye",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6832,"Admittedly, Gwinya could not wait to go back home and show everyone that the person they once despised is healed. “I want them to accept me as a woman like any other,” she said, feeling liberated at last","Movomeleza, gwinya amaona kuchedwa kuti apite kunyumba ndikuwonetsa aliyense kuti munthu amene amamunyozetsa uja wachilitsidwa. Ndikufuna andivomele ngati mayi wina aliyense, anatero ali womasulidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6833,"Her long search for a healing mirrors the plight of many people struggling with the chronic condition which leads to depression, social exclusion and deepening poverty","Kufufuza kwa chithandizo zikusonyezaso kwa ena amene akuvutika ndi matenda okhalitsa zimene zimapangitsa kuti akhale okhumudwa, azisalidwa komanso kusawukitsitsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6834,"She puts a human face to the silent problems which mainly affect poor women, especially in rural setting where health facilities are few and far apart despite the huge unmet need for quality healthcare services",Amakhala ndi khope yaumunthu kumavuto amene amakumana nawo amayi wosauka makaka ku mudzi kumene malo olandilira chithandizo cha zaumoyo ndi zochepa komanso zotalikilana ngakhale kuti khumbo la chithandzi cha zaumoyo chabwino sichikwanilitsa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6835,“One Malawian woman lived with fistula for 66 years. We thank donors for financial support towards restoring the dignity of a woman like her who suffers a lot and is usually made to feel as if it was of her own making,Mzimayi wina waku malawi anakhala ndi kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi kwa zaka makumi sanu ndi limodzi ndi asanu ndi limodzi. Tikuthokoza chithandizo cha ndalama chomwe chapelekedwa kubwezeletsaso ulemu wa amayo ngati iye amene amavutika kwambiri ndipo amapangidwa kukhala ngati izi anazipanga okha,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6836,"This is the story of Alice Sabuni, a rural woman in Blantyre District who lived with fistula since 1949, when she gave birth to her firstborn at age 17","Iyi ndi nkhani ya alice sabuni, mayi wa kumudzi mu boma la blantyre amene anakhala ndi kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi kuchoka chaka cha 1949 pamene anabeleka mwana wawo woyamba ali ndi zaka khumi limodzi ndi asanu ndi ziwiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6837,"The grandmother of 25 regained her smile in 2016, aged 83, when she travelled almost 100 kilometres (km) from her remote village to Mulanje Hospital where she had a successful repair surgery at a similar camp",Gogo wazidzukulu makuni awiri ndi zisanu anayambaso kusekelera mu chaka cha 2016 ali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndi atatu ndi zitatu pamene anayenda mtunda okwana makilomita zana limodzi kuchoka kumudzi kwawo kupita ku chipatala chachikulu cha mulanje kumene anakhala ndi opeleshoni yopambana kumalo komweko,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6838,"Sabuni counts herself lucky that her husband did not walk away. He stuck by her, supporting her to access treatment and overcome its devastating social impacts","Sabuni amazitenga wamwayi chifukwa amuna ake sanachoke. Anakhala naye limodzi, kumuthandiza kuti apeze thandzio komanso kuthana ndi zovuta zokumana nazo kukhala ndi anthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6839,"“I think this man loved me a lot because most men would not stay with a woman who had this condition. There were times people thought he had been bewitched,” she recounts","Ndikuganiza kuti mwamuna uyu anandikonda kwambiri chifukwa amuna sangakhale ndi mkazi amene ali ndi vuto limeneli. Panali nthawi pamene anthu amaona ngati andipangira matsenga, akukumbukira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6840,"Opening up about her major heartbreaks, she narrates: “It left a hole in my heart. Just a week after I started leaking urine, my husband left and married another woman","Akufotokoza za kusweka mtima kwake kwa kukulu, akufotokoza kunasiya bowo lalikulu mu mtima mwanga. Patatha sabata ndiyamba kuchucha mikodzo, amuna anga anandisiya ndikukakwatira mkazi wina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6841,"“I raised the baby single-handedly until 2004 when another man asked for my hand in marriage. I protested vehemently, telling him no sane man would love a leaky woman. But he insisted. I gave him a chance",Ndinalera ndekha mwana kuchoka mu chaka cha 2004 pamene mwamuna wina andifunsila banja. Ndinamukanila kwambiri kumuuza kuti palibe mwamuna waumunthu wake angakonde mayi ochucha. Koma anakakamila. Ndinampatsa mwayi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6842,The fistula survivor salutes her new spouse for walking side by side with her as she groped for medical treatment at various health centres,Wochila kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi akupeleka ulemu mwamuna wake watsopanoyu poyenda naye nthawi posaka chithandzio ku zipatala zosiyanasiyana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6843,"“He has been very supportive and loving. He works hard to ensure we do not starve as fistula made it almost impossible for me to do a small business to improve our livelihoods,” she said","Wakhala othandiza komanso okonda. Amagwira ntchto molimbikila kuti tisakhale ndi njala chifukwa kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi inapangitsa kuti ndisakwanitse kupanga malonda kuti moyo wathu usithe, anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6844,"Upon handing over the items to the patients, St Pius CWO secretary Pilira Songo said their visit to the hospital did not only benefit the patients but that the Christian grouping learnt more about fistula","Atamaliza kupeleka zinthu kwa odwala, mlembi wa st pius CWO pilira songo anena kuti kupita kuchipatala sikunathandize odwala okhawo komanso mkumano wa akhirisitu kuphunzila za kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6845,She said: “We agreed to come and cheer fistula patients here at the same time we wanted to learn more about fistula. We are happy that we have learnt about fistula from the nurses and shared some great moments with the patients,Ananena kuti agwirizana kuti abwera ndikuzacheza ndi odwala kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi komanso kuzaphunzira za kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi. Tili okondwa kuti taphunzira za kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi kuchoka kwa anamwino komanso takhala ndi nthawi yopambana ndi odwalawa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6846,"Speaking during a media orientation on fistula in Lilongwe last Wednesday, director of reproductive health Fannie Kachale said government is currently training health workers to repair obstetric fistula as it remains a major health problem in the country","Poyakhula ndi wofalitsa mawu pa nkhani ya kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi ku lilongwe sabata latha la chitatu, mtosogoleri wa zauchembere wabwino fannie kachale wanena kuti boma likuphunzitsa ogwira ntchito za umoyo kukhhoza kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi chifukwa ndi vuto lalikulu lazaumoyo mu dziko muno",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6847,"“We value this orientation knowing that when we give the media the right information, we will be able to create the much-needed awareness to the public hence help in reducing the problem,” said Kachale","Tikulemekeza chidziwitsochi kudziwa kuti pamene tapeleka uthenga wowona kwa ofalitsa nkhani, tipanga chizindikilitso chofunika ku anthu kenako kuthana ndi vutoli anater kachale",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6848,"She added that as obstetrics fistula remains a major health problem in the country, government continues to encourage women to attend anti-natal care early in their pregnancies to be examined if labour is progressing very well","Anawonjezera kuti kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi ndi vutobe lalikulu lazaumoyo mu dziko muno, boma likupitiliza kulimbikitsa amayi kuti azipita ku sikelo nthawi yabwino pamene ali ndi mimba kuti akaone ngati mimba yawo ikuyenda bwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6849,"Contrary to cultural norms whereby women’s reproductive issues are discussed among women secretly, Chalingana told the gathering, which comprised dignitaries from various government sectors and non-governmental organisations, that his wife Esther had fistula after the birth of their fifth child","Zosiyana ndi chikhalidwe pamene nkhani za uchembere wa amayi zimakambidwa mwa chinsinsi, chalingana anawuza mkumanowo, umene panali woyimila pa nthambi za boma komanso mabungwe oyima pawokha kuti esther anali ndi kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi atabeleka mwana wawo wachisanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6850,"Esther, a “survivor” of the condition medics call obstetric fistula, understands the emotions that it causes all too well. The condition has become so prevalent that doctors say something has to be done to stem it, fast","Esther, wopulumuka ku matenda amene achipatala ati kadzankodzo kapena kadzachimbudzi , amadziwa maganizo amene amapangitsa izi. Vutoli lakhazikika mpaka madokotala anena kuti china chake chikuyenera chichitike kuti lithetsedwe mwachangu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6851,"Prolonged labour and obstructed delivery—in most cases because the woman is unable to access medical care in time—puncture a hole between the birth canal and the excretory system, resulting in an abnormal connection",Kubeleka mochedwa- nthawi zambiri amayi amalephela kupeza chithandizo cha chipatala nthawi yabwino- kun’gambika bowo pakati pa njira yobelekera ndi njira yotulutsila zoipa kudzetsa kulumikizana kodabwitsa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6852,"People living with HIV may potentially face physical and emotional health issues as they age. However, with the appropriate interventions, lifestyle choices and integrated support from health care professionals and community groups, the impact of these challenges can be effectively managed","Anthu omwe ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV akhoza kukumana ndi mavuto akuthupi komanso a m’maganizo akamakula. Komabe, ndichithandizo choyenera, makhalidwe komanso chithandizo kuchokera kwa akadaulo a za umoyo komanso magulu a m’mudzi, zotsatira za zovutazi zikhoza kuthetsedwa bwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6853,"They had nothing to do and nowhere to seek help. Everyone in society regarded them as unimportant, they say","They had nothing to do and nowhere to seek help. Everyone in society regarded them as unimportant, they say + Akunena kuti analibe chochita china chilichonse komanso kunalibe kopeza chithandizo. Aliyense mu dela amawatenga osafunikila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6854,The mockery and hardship they were subjected to forced them to unite and form a group where they could discuss what to do for a living and prove to the world that disability is not inability,Kunenedwa ndi zovuta zimene amakumana nazo zinawakakha kuti abwele pamodzi ndikupanga gulu kumene amakambilana zomwe angapange kuti azithandize pa moyo wawo komanso kuliwonetsa dziko kuti ulumali si kulephera kuchita zinthu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6855,"Between 2019 and 2020, Amin from Mponda in Mangochi battled with bilharzia. The 39-year-old fisher says she was passing bloody urine and had pains when urinating","Pakati pa chaka cha 2019 mpaka 2020, amin wa kwa mponda amalimbana ndi likodzo. M’sodzi wa zaka makumi atatu asanu ndi anayi akuti amatulutsa magazi ndipo amamva ululu akamakodza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6856,"“So, I went to see a doctor where I was given the bilharzia drug. The drug made me nauseous and I developed diarrhoea. But I felt better in the end,” he recalls","Kenako, ndinapita kukamuna ndi adokotala kumene anandipatsa mankhwala alikodzo. Mankhwalawo anandipangitsa nselu ndipo ndimatsegula m’mimba koma ndinapeza bwino pamapeto pake,” akukumbukila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6857,"Sanudi, who has been fishing since he was 18, vowed not to quit fishing, notwithstanding the dangers of bilharzia. The lake, just like for many others, is a source of livelihood","Sanudi, amene wakhala akuwedza kuchokera pamene anali ndi zaka khumi limodzi zisanu ndi zitatu, analumbila kuti sazasiya kuwedza, osalimba ndi kuwopsya kwa likodzo. Nyanja, ngati kwa ena onse, ndikopezela chithandizo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6858,"“I need money to feed my family and to send my children to school. Fishing is the only way I know how to earn money,” he says","Ndimafuna ndalama zothandizira banja langa komanso kutumiza ana anga ku sukulu. Usodzi ndi njira yokhayo ndimadziwa yopezela ndalama,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6859,Bilharzia infection comes when one gets in contact with contaminated freshwater where snails that carry schistosomes live,Matenda alikodzo amabwera pamene munthu wakhudza madzi owonongeka amene muli nkhono zimene zimatenga kachilombo ka schistosomes,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6860,"World Health Organisation (WHO) says transmission happens when those suffering from bilharzia contaminate fresh water sources through urination or defaecation, which carries parasitic eggs that hatch in water",Bungwe lowona zaumoyo pa dziko lonse la pansi anena kuti kupatsilana kumachitika pamene odwlaa likodzo awononga madzi pakukodza kapena kunyela zimene zimatenga mazila a tizilombo kukaikila madzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6861,Studies indicate that fishers and those in remote areas who have no access to safe water sources are mostly at risk of contracting bilharzia,Kafukufuku wawonetsa kuti asodzi ndi ena okhala kumadera akumudzi amene alibe kotunga madzi abwino ali pachiopsezo chotenga likodzo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6862,"As one way of protecting people like Sanudi from bilharzia and HIV, Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust is identifying ways of delivering integrated bilharzia and HIV services to fishers","Ngati njira imodzi yotetezera anthu ngati sanudi ku likodzo komanso kachilombo ka matenda a edzi, malawi liverpool wellcome trust akupeza njira zopelekera chithandizo chophatikiza cha likodzo komanso kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a edzi kwa asodzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6863,"The trust is investigating the effects of using social networks, HIV self-test kits and beach clinic services under the creating demand for Fishermen’s Bilharzia and HIV Services study","Bungweli likufufuza zotsatira zogwilitsa kulumikizana kwa anthu, zipangizo zoyesera kwa chilombo koyambitsa matenda a edzi pawekha komanso chipatala cha ku nyanja pansi pa kafukufuku wofuna kubweletsa kufuna kwa asodzi chithandizo cha likodzo komanso kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a edzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6864,"He says bilharzia prevalence ranges widely, from as low as two percent to 50 percent in some fishing communities in Mangochi, according to the study’s preliminary findings","Akunena kuti kuchuluka kwa matenda alikodzo kumasiyanasiyana, kuchoka mapelesenti awiri kufikila makuni asanu mu dela ena owedza nsomba kumangochi malinga zinditsatira zoyamba zakafukufukuyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6865,Choko says that the study is an example of integration of services essential to maximise service provision to fishers often missed by conventional service delivery,Choko akunena kuti kafukufuku ndi chitsanzo cha kuphatikiza kapelekedwe kachithandizo kuti kuchukukitse kupeleka chithandizo kwa asodzi amene amaiwalidwa ku njira zopelekela chithandizo zokhazikika,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6866,"He explains: “For instance, when services are being offered, fishers are unavailable due to fishing during the day or night and some rest in between","Akufotokoza, “mwachitsanzo, pamene chithandizo chikupelekedwa, asodzi amakhala kuti kulibe chifukwa chowedza nsomba masana kapena usiku ndipo ena amapuma pakatipa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6867,"“Thus, having convenient services with added flexibility in terms of timing is essential to tackling these problems",Ndichifukwa chake kukhala ndi chithandizo chopezekelatu ndikumasuka makamaka nthawi ndikofunika pothetsa vuto limeneli,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6868,Mkumba beach village committee treasurer Bamusi Aladi says many fishers go for HIV and bilharzia testing and get treatment for the two conditions in the beach clinics,Msungi chuma wa gulu la m’bali mwa nyanja bamusi alasi anati asodzi ambiri amapita kukayezetsa kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a edzi komanso likodzo ndikutenga chithandizo cha matendawa pa kuchipatala cha m’bali mwa nyanja,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6869,"He admits that bilharzia affects the fishers, adding that eradicating it will help them to concentrate better on their economic activities","Akuvomeleza kuti likodzo limasokoneza asodzi, kuwonjezera kuti kuthana nalo kuthandiza iwo kuti akhale olimbikila pa ntchito zobweletsa ndalama",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6870,"“Fishers earn a lot from fish sales and other activities that take place on the shores. With that, they tend to go after different women, often sleeping with them without protection,” he says","Akunena kuti asodzi amapeza ndalama zambiri akagulitsa nsomba komanso ntchito zomwe zimachitika pa madzi. Ndi izi, amafunsira amayi wosiyanasiyana, nthawi zambiri kugonana nawo opanda chitetezo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6871,"“We have also noted that some fishers are not aware of their high exposure to bilharzia infections on the lake; hence, the study targeting them,” exolains Nyirenda.",Tapezanso kuti asodzi ena samadziwa ndikukhudzidwa kwawo kwa matenda a likodzo pa nyanja; ndichifukwa chake kafukufukuyi akutsata iwo. Anafotokoza nyirenda,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6872,"“Then we started conducting the mass drug administration countrywide. Before this, we were doing test and treat, whereby we would go to schools and test the children and give treatment to those infected with the disease","Kenako tinayamba kupeleka mankhwala kwa gulu dziko lonse. Tisanayambe izi, timayesa ndikuchilitsa, pamene timapita ku sukulu ndikuyesa ana ndikuwapatsa chithandizo kwa amene apezeka ndi matendawa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6873,"However, Juziwelo observes that those who did not receive the drug were also having problems, meaning that they too had the infection","Komabe, juziwelo anapeza kuti amene sanandile mankhwala anayamba kupezaso mavuto kutathauza kuti nawonso anali ndi matendawa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6874,"He says: “But following another mass drug administration conducted for almost five rounds and a follow up survey indicated that on average, 11 districts had moderate infection rates at about 30 percent","Akunena kuti,” potsatila kupeleka kwa mankhwala ena kwa gulu kumene kunachitika maulendo asanu komanso kafukufuku wotsatira anawonetsa kuti, maboma khumi ndi limodzi anali ndi matendawa mochepelako pa mlingo wa mapelesenti makumi atatu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6875,Juziwelo has since advised community members to ensure they use latrines and avoid open defaecation to reduce bilharzia infections in the country.,Juziwelo walangiza anthu amudelari kuti awonetsetse kuti akugwilitsa ntchito chimbudzi kupewa kuti asamanyele paliponse kuti achepetse matenda a likodzo mu dziko muno,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6876,"Since 2022 when Malawi discovered its first wild poliovirus in 30 years, the country has rolled out mass vaccination against the crippling disease that mostly affects children aged below five","Kuchoka chaka cha 2022 pamene dziko lamalawi linapeza ka chilombo koyambitsa poliyo mu zaka makumi atatu, dzikoli lipangitsa katemela wochuluka kuthana ndi matenda aulumali amane amakhudza ana a zaka zochepela zisanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6877,"The first case since the country announced kicking out polio was a three-year child in the capital city, Lilongwe",Matenda woyamba pamene dziko linalengeza kuchotsa poliyo anali mwana wa zaka zitatu ku mzinda waukulu ku lilongwe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6878,The shocker moved the Ministry of Health to roll out supplementary vaccination campaigns for every child aged below five,Zodabwitsanzi zinapangitsa unduna wa zaumoyo kuyamba kupeleka katemela owonjezela kwa mwana wina aliyense wazaka zisanu kutsika pansi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6879,"Now the campaign targets all children up to 15 years old following the detection of a 14-year-old polio case in Ndirande, a populous township in Blantyre City","Tsopanio kampeniyi ikufikila ana onse kufikila zaka khumi ndi zinasu kutsatila kupezeka kwa poliyo kwa mwana wa zaka khumi ndi zinayi ku ndirande, dela lodzadzana mzinda wa blantyre",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6880,"According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), polio is an incurable viral disease which attacks the nervous system and can cause total paralysis within hours among children under five years. The virus is transmitted mainly through hands, water or food contaminated by faecal matter","Malingana ndi bungwe lowona za umoyo pa dziko lonse lapansi, poliyo ndi matenda akachilombo osachizika amene amagwira misepha ndipo amapangitsa kuphunduka mu maola ochepa kwa ana azaka zochepela zisanu. Kachilomboka kamafalikira kudzera m’manja, madzi kapena chakudya chimene chakudzidwa ndi manyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6881,"“Children are the future [of our nation] and having a large population paralysed with their brains affected and or dead doesn’t bid for a very bright future; hence, the need for a positive response to the vaccines,” he states","Ana ndi tsogolo la dziko lanthu ndipo kukhala ndi chiwelengelo cha anthu opunduka ndi ubongo wawo kukhudzidwa kapena kufa sikuwonetsa tsogolo lowala, ndichifukwa chake kufunika kwa kulandila bwino katemelayu, anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6882,"Since poliovirus is transmitted through contaminated human stools found in food or water, this brings into question the country’s sanitation status, especially efforts to end open defaecation","Ndiye pakuti kachilombo kofalista matenda a poliyo kamafalikira kudzera manyi oipitsidwa wopezeka mu chakudya kapena madzi, izi zikubweletsa mafunso pa nkhani yaukhondo m’dziko muno makamaka ntchito yothetsa kunyela paliponse",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6883,"Several studies link poor sanitation to polio, intestinal worms and widespread diarrhoeal diseases, including typhoid, cholera and dysentery","Kafukufuku wambiri akulumikiza kusowa ukhondo ndo matenda a poliyo, njoka za m’mimba komanso kufalikila kotsegula m’mimba monga tayifoidi, cholera komanso kamwazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6884,"Last week, Blantyre district health office immunisation coordinator said the vaccination campaign is pivotal to safeguarding children in contact with contaminated stools due to poor hygiene","Sabata yatha, woyendetsa za katemela ku ofesi yazaumoyo ku blantyre wanena kuti kupeleka katemela ndikofunika kuti titeteze ana amene akhudzana ndi manyi oipitsidwa chifukwa chakusowekela ukhondo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6885,"“Community members have a role in improving the sanitation and hygiene practices and also get their children vaccinated to protect them from the paralysing disease,” she explained","Anthu akudela ali ndi udindo wopititsa patsogolo njira za chisamaliro komanso ukhondo komanso kutenga ana kuti alandile katemela kuti awateteze kumatenda a ulumaliwa,” anafotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6886,"In 2018, government adopted a community-led total sanitation to end open defaecation nationwide and reduce sanitation-related diseases that drain the national healthcare budget, which is hugely donor-funded","Mu chaka cha 2018, boma linayambitsa za ukhondo wotsogozedwa ndi anthu kuti athetse kunyela ku ntchire dziko lonse komanso kuchepetsa matenda odza kamba kosowa ukhondo zimene zimatenga thumba lachuma lazaumoyo lomwe limadalira chithandizo kwa wofuna kwabwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6887,"Amid mass vaccination campaigns targeting more than eight million children, the push to stop the spread of polio renews call to ramp up the fight against sanitation-fuelled disease. This falls in line with the global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) six on access to clean water and sanitation for all by 2030","Pamene kachatemera wochuluka akupelekedwa kwa ana oposa ma miliyoni asanu ndi atatu, kulimbikitsa kuthetsa kufalikila kwa poliyo kukuyambitsaso kuti tipititseso kulimba ndi matenda oyamba chifukwa chakusowa ukhondo. Izi zikugwilizana ndi zolinga za chitukuko chokhazikika nambala asanu ndi limodzi pa kupeza madzi abwino komanso ukhondo kwa aliyense pofika chaka cha 2030",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6888,National efforts to address the disease by vaccinating all children under the age of 15 need not exclude community efforts to close sanitation and hygiene gaps,Ntchito za dziko kuti athetse matendawa popeleka katemela kwa ana ochepela zaka khumi ndi zisanu sizikuyenera kuchotsa ntchito za anthu kuti achotse kupelewela kwa ukhondo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6889,"The vaccination campaign is slowed by myths and misconceptions. This prompted the Ministry of Health to train and engage community leaders, including chiefs and religious elites, to combat misinformation about the oral polio vaccine",Ntchito yopeleka katemelayi ikuchetsedwa ndi nthano ndi maganizo olakwika. Izi zinapangitsa unduna wa zaumoyo kuphunzitsa ndigwira ntchito ndi atsogoleri a m’madera kuphatikiza mafumu ndi atsogoleri amipingo kuti athane ndi uthenga wolakwikawu wokhudza katemela wa mkamwa wa poliyo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6890,"She says some guardians refuse to present their children to get vaccinated, citing repeated vaccination campaigns amid similar door-to-door immunisation exercises against Covid-19 and cholera",Akunena kuti oyan’ganira ana ena amakana kubweletsa ana awo kuti azalandile katemela. Kunena kuti makatemera obwelezabweleza ofanana ndiwoyenda m’makomo a covid-19 ndi cholera,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6891,The emergency campaigns run parallel to the routine immunisation for every child below five,Kampeni yadzidzi imeneyi ikuyenda mosiyana ndi katemera amene amapelekedwa kwa ana osakwana zaka zisanu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6892,"“Considering some of the parent and guardians are not aware of the benefits of such vaccines, convincing them is a challenge, especially in rural areas","Poganizira kuti makolo ndi oyan’ganira samadziwa kufunika kwa katemerayu, kuwwatsimikizila iwo za izi ndikovuta, makamaka mu madela akumudzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6893,"They require in-depth counselling to persuade them and help them understand the difference,” says Mtawali",Amtawali ananena kuti amafunika ukhungu wokhazikika kuwafokozera ndikuwathandiza kuti adziwe kusiyana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6894,Elen Nambota got her one-year-old baby vaccinated during the launch of the four-day polio vaccination campaign in Ndirande on July 12,Elen nambota anamulandilitsa mwana wawo wachaka chimodzi pamene kupeleka katemela wa masiku anayi amayamba ku ndirande pa 12 july,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6895,She says heeding dos and don’ts from the Ministry of Health is key to protecting children’s health,Ananena kuti kumvera zochita ndi zosachita kwa unduna a zaumoyo ndi kofunikira kuteteza umoyo wa mwana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6896,“I do not fear the vaccines because they protect us and our children from deadly disease outbreaks that threaten our future if we don’t adhere to the messages from the health workers,Sindimaopa katemela chifukwa amatiteteza ife komanso ana anthu kumulili wa matenda woopsya amene amaopseza tsogolo lathu ngati sitinatsatire uthenga wochoka kwa azaumoyo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6897,"Chiefs have applauded the integrated fight against cholera and Covid-19, saying it is helping to prevent the spread of the two diseases as well as promoting accessibility to the Covid-19 vaccines","Mafumu ayamikira ntchito yophatikizayi yolimbana ndi cholera komanso covid-19, kunena kuti zikuthandiza kupewa kufalikila kwa matenda awiriwa komanso kulimbikitsa kupezeka kwa katemela wa covid-19",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6898,"The Ministry of Health is implementing the project in collaboration with Unicef as part of the Tithetse Kolera m’Malawi campaign, officially launched by President Lazarus Chakwera last month in Lilongwe",Unduna mwa zaumoyo ukukhazikitsa ntchitoyi mogwilizana ndi unicef ngati ntchito imodzi yatithetse kolera m’malawi imene inatsegulilidwa ndi mtsogoleri wadziko lino lazarus chakwera mwezi watha ku lilongwe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6899,"Speaking in an interview on Wednesday during a media tour on cholera organised by Unicef, Senior Chief Chikumbu of Mulanje said the integration has allowed traditional leaders, who are part of the campaign, to reach more citizens with both cholera and Covid-19 messages at once","Poyakhula ndi atola nkhani lachitatu pamene amayendela ofalitsa mauthenga pa kolera imene imayendetsedwa ndi unicef, mfumu yayikulu chikumbu ya ku mulanje ananena kuti kuphatikiza kwa ntchitozi kwalola mafumu amene akutenga nawo gawo kuti afikile mzika zambiri ndi mauthenga a cholera komanso covid-19 pamodzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6900,"“Myths and misconceptions surrounded these diseases which contributed to their rapid spread. I took Covid-19 vaccine in the early days of the pandemic together with other 58 traditional leaders under my jurisdiction,” she said","Thano komanso zikhulupiliro zimene zazungulira matendawa zanapangitsa kuti matendawa afale kwambiri. ndi nalandila katemera wa covid-19 masiku oyambilira pamene matendawa amayamba ndi mafumu ena makumi asanu ndi asanu ndi atatu amene ali pa ulamuliro wanga,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6901,Group village head Kalanga from Traditional Authority Lundu in Blantyre held the collaboration between traditional leaders and health workers in the fight against the two diseases,Mfumu ya m’mudzi wa kalanga kwa mfumu yayikulu lundu ku blantyre ndi amene anachita mgwirizano pakati mafumu koamnso ogwira ntchito ya zaumoyo pa ntchioto yothana ndi matendawa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6902,"“As chiefs, we are helping in promoting sanitation and hygiene and making sure chlorine is being distributed in communities,” he said. Both Covid-19 and cholera are linked to hygiene and sanitation","Ngati mafumu, tikuthandiza kupititsa patsogolo ukhondo ndikuwonetsetsa kuti mankhwala a kololini akupelekedwwa mu madela, anatero. Matenda a covid-19 ndi kolera onse amalumikazana ndi kuzisamala komanso ukhondo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6903,"This young mother, with a one year and eight-month-old toddler, is on remand awaiting trial for an alleged murder. Funny, a Form Three dropout from Thekerani in Thyolo District, is behind prison walls with her child",M’mayi wachichepele wa mwana wa chaka chimodzi ndi miyezi isanu ndi atatu ali ku ndende kudikila mulandu wokupha. Funny amene analekela sukulu mu kalasi ya fomu 3 ku thekerani m’boma la thyolo ali ku ndende ndi mwana wake,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6904,"With no one to care for her child outside of prison, she is left with no choice but to raise her child while incarcerated","Palibe wina amene angamusamale mwanayu kunja kwa ndende, alibe chisankho koma kulera mwanayu ali wotsekeredwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6905,"Funny recounts her journey: “When schools closed due to Covid-19, I decided to go to town to look for piecework. “Unfortunately, during my quest for employment, I met a 27-year-old man who impregnated me","Funny akukambukila ulendo wake:” pamene ma sukulu anatsekedwa chifukwa cha covid-19, ndinaganiza zopita ku tawuni kukapeza maganyu. Mawatsoka, nthawi imene ndimasaka ntchito, ndinakumana ndi mwamuna wa zaka makumi awiri zinasu ndi ziwiri amene andipatsa mimba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6906,"“We began cohabiting at BCA Hills in Blantyre. Our relationship had its ups and downs. We would occasionally have disagreements, but sometimes we were fine", Tinayamba kukhala limodzi ku mapiti a BCA ku blantyre. Ubwenzi wathu unali ndi zabwino ndi zoipa zake. Nthawi zina sitimagwirizana koma nthawi zina tinali bwinobwino,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6907,"As time passed, Funny claims that the disagreements grew more frequent, and at one point, her husband broke her tooth","Patadutsa nthawi, funny akunena kuti mikangano inachuluka kwambiri ndipo nthawi ina, amuna ake anathyola dzino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6908,"She hesitated to leave, hoping for a change, but the situation did not improve. The fights escalated, leading to a fierce fight in February 2022, during which Funny’s husband beat her severely, resulting in the loss of another tooth","Anazengeleza zochoka, ndichiyembekezo kuti zisirha, koma zinthu sizinasithe. Kumenyana kunakula, kuyambitsa kumenyana koopsya m’mwezi wa february chaka cha 2022, pamene amuna a funny anamumenya kwambiri ndikumuchotsa dzino lina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6909,"In self-defence, she grabbed a knife and stabbed her husband in the chest. Tragically, her husband succumbed to the injuries, leading to Funny’s arrest for alleged murder","moziteteza , anatenga mpeni ndikubaya mwamuna wake pa mtima, mwatsoka, mwamuna wake anavulala kwambiri, zimene zinapngitsa kuti funny amangidwe kuti amafuna kumupha munthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6910,She was just 17 years old at the time and has since been on remand at Blantyre Prison awaiting trial. Tears stream down Funny’s face as she recalls the moment she entered Blantyre Prison,Anali ndi zaka khumi ndi zisanu ndi ziwiri panthawiyo ndipo kuchokela nthawi imeneyo wakhala ku ndende ku ndende ya blantyre kudikila kuzengedwa mlandu. Misozi imatsika pamaso pa funny akukumbukila nthawi imene analowa mu ndende ya blantyre,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6911,"She says: “We only receive one meal a day, consisting of nsima and cowpeas, cooked by male inmates",Akunena kuti amangolandila chakudya kamodzi pa tsiku imene imakhala nsima ndi nandolo yophikidwa ndi akaidi amuna,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6912,"“The nsima is often like porridge when we receive it, and we have to wait for it to harden. We wrap it in plastic along with the cowpeas to keep it warm and eat it later in the evening, even if it has gone bad","Nsima yake imakhala ya phalaphala ndiwpo tikamailanndila ndipo timayenera kuidikla kuti ilimbe. Timaikulunga mujumbo pamodzi ndi nandolo kuti ikhale yotetha ndikuidya nthawi ina chakumadzulo, ngakhale itawonongekeka",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6913,"“It’s heartbreaking, especially since my child has to grow up eating such an unbalanced diet.” In addition to these challenges, persistent water shortages at Blantyre Prison are a constant source of concern for Funny","Ndizokhudza kwambiri, makamaka chifukwa mwana wanga akukula akudya chakudya chakudya chosayenelera. Kuphatikizapo mavuto amenewa, kusowa kwa madzi ku ndende ya blantyre zimamudandaulitsa funny",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6914,"The prison can go for three weeks without water, which compounds the problem during menstruation. Funny explains: “To make matters worse, we lack access to sanitary pads","Ndenndyi imatha kukhala masabata atatu opanda madzi, ndipo vutoli limakula akakhala kuti akusamba, funny akufotokoza: kuti zinthu ziipireipire, timasowa mwayi opeza ma padi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6915,Three weeks without water means three weeks without bathing for both me and my child,Masabata atatu opanda madzi kumatathauza kuti masabata atatu osasamba ine ndi mwana wanga,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6916,"According to her, selected inmates are allowed to fetch water from a stream just outside the prison, but she claims that the water is unhygienic and unsuitable for drinking or bathing","Malingana ndi iye, akaidi ochepa chabe amaloledwa kukatunga madzi ku mtsinje umene uli paja pa ndendeyi, koma akunena kuti madziwa sakhala ukhondo komanso osayenera kumwa kapena kusamba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6917,"Overcrowding is yet another issue. In a congested space, Funny has to prioritise her child for space, often sleeping in a sitting position to ensure her child sleeps comfortably","Kudzadzana ndi nkhani ina. Mumalo odzadzana, funny amayenelera kuganizira kaye za malo amwana wake, nthawi zambiri kugona chokhala pansi kuti mwana agone bwinobwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6918,"Malata, 48, Thyolo District, who is on remand for alleged murder, shares similar grievances. She stands accused of murdering her former husband, who used to abuse her even after their marriage had ended","Malata wa zaka makuni anayi ndi zisanu ndi zitatu wa m’boma la thyolo ali ku ndende poganizilidwa kuti anapha munthu, nayeso akufotokoza mavuto omwewa, akumbidwa mulandu kuti anapha amuna ake akale, amene amamunzuza ngakhale pamene ukwati wawo utatha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6919,"Mefa recounts: “On one fateful day, my former husband came to my house drunk and attempted to harm me. I managed to escape and sought help from community policing members","Mefa akukumbukila:” tsiku lina latsoka, amuna anga akale anabwera kunyumba ataledzera ndikufuna kundipweteka.ndinakwanilitsa kuthawa ndi kupepha thandizo kwa avakabu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6920,"“When we returned, we found that my former husband had committed suicide by hanging. He was taken down by one of the community policing members","Pamene ndimabwelera, tinapeza amuna anga akalewa azipha okha pozimangilila. Anatsitsidwa ndi m’modzi wa vakabuwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6921,"However, her former in-laws suspected foul play and set fire to all the houses in the compound","Komabe, apongozi ake anaganizira zolakwika ndipo anayatsa nyumba zonse pamalopo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6922,"A day later, police arrested her based on postmortem results indicating that her former husband had died due to head injuries, not strangulation. Since then, she has described her time on remand as “hell on earth","Patatha tsiku limodzi, apolisi anamutsekela malinga ndi zotsatira zachipatala zimene zinawonetsa kuti amuna kae akalewa anamwalira chifukwa cha kuvulala m’mutu osati kuzimangalira. Kuchoka tsiku limenelo wafotokoza nthawi imene wakhala ku ndende gaena pa dziko lapansi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6923,"“We sleep in overcrowded spaces with poor ventilation, and we go for weeks without water. At times, there is even no food,” she says","Timagona m’malo odzadzana ndi mpweya woipa, ndipo timakhala masabata opanda madzi. Nthawi zina, sikumakhala chakudya,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6924,"Apart from the living conditions inside prison, Mefa’s primary concern is her 20-year-old disabled daughter, who is not being properly cared for outside the prison","Kupatula m’mene amakhalira ku ndende, dandalo la mefa ndi mwana wawo wa zaka makumi awiri amene ali waulumali ndipo sakusamalidwa bwino kunja kwa ndende",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6925,"She laments that even access to healthcare services is a challenge at times. Mulima explains, “When we fall ill, we have to inform the warders. However, they sometimes ignore our pleas, and we are taken to the prison health facility only when our conditions worsen","Akudandaula kuti kupeza chithandizo cha zaumoyo ndi vuto nthawi zina. Mulima akufotokoza,tikadwala. Timayenela kuwafotokozela oyan’ganila ndende. Komabe, nthawi zina samamvera madandaulo athu ndipo timatengeledwa ku chipatala cha ndende kumene matenda athu amapitilira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6926,"In addition to better food, she hopes that prison authorities will start providing sanitary pads to the female section of the prison, as it is a significant challenge","Kuphatikiza pa chakudya chabwino, ali ndi chikhulupiliro kuti woyan’ganira ndende ayamba kupeleka mapadi kwa gawo la amayi chifukwa ndi vuto lalikulu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6927,"Accused of allegedly murdering a man who had proposed love to her, she emphasizes the importance of sanitary pads, especially during prolonged water shortages in the prison","Wonamizilidwa kuti anapha mwamuna amene anafuna kumukwatira, anafotokoza kufunika kwa ma pad makamaka nthawi imene madzi akusowa mu ndendeyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6928,"Agnes says “Since we are not provided with sanitary pads, we resort to tearing up clothes and blankets, which we burn afterward","Agnes akuti” chifukwa sitipatsidwa ma pad, timan’gamba zovala ndi zofunda zimene timawotcha tikamaliza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6929,"Agnes, a mother of two, highlights that the living conditions in prisons often make the inmates ill. She expects that these issues will be addressed soon","Agnes, mayi wa ana awir, akuika poyela kuti makhalidwe mundendemu nthawi zina amapangitsa akaidi kudwala. Akuyembekezera kuti zithu zimenezi zikhozedwa pompano",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6930,"In 2019, the Centre for Human Rights Education Advice and Assistance (Chreaa) initiated a project to lobby for the inclusion of menstrual hygiene in the Malawi Prison Health Budget","Mu chaka cha 2019, CHREAA inyambitsa ntchito yachitukuko yofuna kulimbikitsa kuphatikiza nkhani za ukhondo pa msambo ku ndondomeko zachuma kundende",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6931,The organisation took this step after noting that many of the country’s female inmates could not afford sanitary pads,Bungweli linapanga izi litawona kuti akaidi akazi ambiri samakwanitsa kugula ma padi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6932,"The study revealed issues related to sanitation and hygiene, nutritional provision, access to healthcare services, and the needs of women and children in prison","Kafukufuku mawonetsa zinthu zokhudzan ndi ukhondo, madyedwe abwino, kupeza chithandizo cha zaumoyo, komanso zofuna amayi ndi ana ku ndende",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6933,"He points out that the courts often fail to consider the best interests of the child, particularly when the mother has to go to prison","Akuloza kuti bwalo lamilandu nthawi zambiri limakanika kuganizira mwana, makamaka pamene mayi akupita u ndende",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6934,"Mhango argues that children in prison with their mothers should receive special care, including special diets, recreation, education, and all basic necessities","Mhango wanena kuti ana amene ali ndi ku ndende ndi amayi akuyenera kulandila chithandizo chapadera, monga zakudya zoyenelera, malo osewelera komanso zina zofunikira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6935,"He further asserts that it is the State’s responsibility to ensure that these children are well-cared for when the mother has nobody to leave the child with. He concludes, “We can’t have children growing up in prison; it is inhuman","Akunenaso kuti ndi udindo wa boma kuwonetsetsa kuti ana amenewa akusamalidwa bwino pamene amayi alibe wina aliyense amene angamusiyile mwana. Akumalizitsa kuti sitingamakhale ndi ana okulilira ku ndende, siumunthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6936,"Efforts are being made to address the overcrowding and sanitation issues in prisons. However, the challenges faced by incarcerated mothers and their children are complex and multifaceted","Zoyesayesa zikuchitika kuti mavuto odzadzana ndi nkhani za ukhondo mu ndende zithe. Komabe, mavuto amene amakumana nawo amayi omangwidwa ndi ana awo ndi zovuta komanso zambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6937,"The conditions inside prisons often have far-reaching implications, not only for the inmates but also for their children who, through no fault of their own, find themselves growing up in this challenging environment","Makhalidwe mkati mwa ndende nthawi zambiri zimakhala ndizotsatira zambiri, osati kwa m’kaidi yekha komanso mwana amene silikhala vuto lawo amapezeka kuti akukulira mumalo ovuta",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6938,"While it is essential to ensure the safety and security of the society by incarcerating those who break the law, it’s equally vital to protect the rights and well-being of the children who, by circumstance, end up behind bars","Ngakhale zili zofunika kuwonetsetsa kuti chisamaliro ndi chitetezo kwa anthu onse pomanga amene amphwanya malamulo, ndizofunikaso kuteteza maufulu komanso umoyo wa ana amene amapezeka kuti ali ku ndende",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6939,One must consider that many of these children may have been born in prison or brought into this environment at a very young age,Tikuyenera kuganizila kuti ana ambiri zikhoza kuti ana amenewa anabadwira ku ndende kapena kukulira kumalo amene ali an’gono,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6940,Their formative years are spent within the confines of high walls and barbed wire. This not only affects their physical health due to limited access to adequate nutrition and healthcare but also has a profound impact on their emotional and psychological development,Zaka zawo zaubwana zimathera m’malire amipanda yayitaliti komanso ya waya. Iziz siziwasokonetsa umoyo wawo wakuthupi okha ayi chifukwa chosowa zakudya zabwino komanso zimakhala ndi zotsatila ku maganizidwe ndi makulidwe abongo wawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6941,"A child’s early years are crucial for their growth and development. They need a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Incarceration, with its inherent limitations, cannot provide this environment","Zaka zoyambilira za mwana ndizofunika pamakulidwe awo. Amafunikira malo owalelera abwino ndi wolimbikitsa kuthandizira thupi, maganizo komanso kukula mwa nzeru, kumangidwa, kumabwera ndi zoletsa zake ndipo sikupaleke malo amenewa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6942,"As one way of keeping girls in school, Malawi Girl Guides Association (Magga) is training mother care groups and youth mentors to sew reusable sanitary pads","Ngati njira imodzi yopangila kuti atsikana azikhala ku sukulu, bungwe la malawi girl guides association likuphunzitsa magulu amayi komanso alangizi achinyamata kusoka ma padi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6943,"Speaking after a review meeting with mother care groups and youth mentors, Magga project coordinator said it is unfortunate that a lot of girls continue to face challenges associated with menstrual hygiene","Poyakhula pamapeto a mkumano wowona kuti ntchito ikuyenda bwanji ndi magulu amayi ndi alangizi achinyamata, woyendetsa ntchitoyi ku magga wanena kuti zikhumudwitsa kuti atsikana ambiri akukumana ndi mavuto okhudza ukhundo pamene akusamba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6944,He said the challenges are more prevalent among girls because of lack of proper care. “We are training mother care groups and youth mentors how to sew reusable sanitary pads and distribute them in different zones where they are coming from and giving them guidance on how to counsel girls on menstrual hygiene,Ananena kuti mavutowa akuchulikila kwa atsikana chifukwa chosowa chisamaliro choyenela. Tikuwaphunzitsa ma gulu amayi komanso alangizi achinyamata kusoka ma padi oti akhoza kugwiritsa ntchito mobweleza ndikugawa m’madera komwe iwo amachokela komanso kuwapatsa malangizo m’mene angapeleke uphungu kwa atsiakana ena za ukhondo posamba,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6945,He said girls should not miss classes because of menstruation. Chipoka 2 Mother Care Group chairperson stressed the need of such trainings saying reusable pads are a life saver to girls in villages,Anati atsiana sakuyenela kukanika kulowa mkalasi chifukwa chosamba. Wamkulu wa gulu la amayi la chikopa 2 anatsindika kufunikila kwa maphunziro amenewa kunena kuti mapadi ogwiritsadwanso ntchto ndi othandiza kwambiri kwa atsikana m’mamidzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6946,"“The disposable pads are not affordable to every girl in our villages; hence, these reusable pads are more effective. Some girls were missing classes during their menses and this is changing the situation,” she said",Ananena kuti mapadi otayidwa akagwilitsidwa ntchito okwera mtengo kwa atsikana akumundzi; n’chifukwa chake ma padi ogwiritsidwanso ntchitowa ali abwino kwambiri. Atsikana ena samalowa mukalasi chifukwa cha kusamba ndipo izi zikusitha zinthu tsopano,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6947,Katema then urged mothers who hide information on menstruation to open up to their female children because times have changed,Katema anapepha amayi amene a abisa mauthenga okhudza kusamba kuti amasuke nawo ana akazi chifukwa nyengo zinasitha,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6948,A youth mentor from Ntika Primary School added that when parents are open it helps the girls to be open when it comes to asking about menstruation,Mlangizi wa chinyamaya ku sukulu ya pulayimale ya ntika anawonjezela kuti pamene makolo ali omasuka zimathandiza atsikana kumamasuka pofunsa zokhudza kusamba,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6949,The mother care groups and youth mentors were also trained on how to make menstrual bracelets as a symbol that menstruation is something not to be embarrassed of,Gulu la amayi komanso alangizi achinyamata anaphunzitsidwa m’mene angapangile zovala m’manja akamasamba ngati chizindikilo kuti kusamba sichithu chochititsa manyazi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6950,"Chiefs in Mzimba District have pledged to support menstrual hygiene to end stigma associated with menses, especially in schools",Mafumu mu boma la mzimba alonjeza kupeleka chithandizo cha unkhondo posamba kuti athetse kusalana kumene ku kumakhudzana ndikusamba makamaka kusukulu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6951,He said he will engage fellow traditional leaders to work with mother groups who support girls in schools with sanitary pads,Ananena kuti alumikizana ndi mafumu anzawo kuti agwire ntchito ndi magulu amayi amene amathandiza atsikana ndi ma padi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6952,"The chief also said he will mobilise resources to build change rooms in schools. It is no longer a taboo to discuss sexual health issues, including menstruation",Amfumuwo ananena kuti atolera zipangizo kuti amange zipinda zosithila m’ma sukulu. Sizonyaso kukambilana za za nkhan zokhudza ndi kugonana kuphatikiza kusamba,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6953,"“We are aware that many schools do not have change rooms, which forces girls to abscond classes during their menses","Tikudziwa kuti masukulu ambiri alimbe zipinda zosithila, zimene zimapangitsa atsikana kusalowa mukalasi pamene akusamba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6954,"Mzimba North District Education Office figures show that out of 284 schools in the district, only 53 have change rooms","Ma nambala a Ofesi yowona za maphanziro ku mzimba akuwonetsa kuti pa sukulu mazana awiri mphambu makumi asanu ndi atatu mphambu zisanu, ma sukulu makuni asanu ndi atatu okha ali ndizipinda zosithila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6955,"Deputy Minister of Education says the first step towards promoting menstrual hygiene among girls is not to regard it as a woman’s issue, but a developmental issue","Wachiwiri wa unduna wa maphunziro wanena kuti sitepe yoyamba kuyamba kulimbikitsa ukhondo posamba kwa atsikana sikuwona nkhaniyi ngati ya amayi okha, koma nkhani ya chitukuko",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6956,"Chang’anamuno said women and girls, especially those from poor communities, face disadvantage because they fail to access sanitary pads due to financial challenges","Chang’anamuno wanena kuti amayi ndi atsikana, makamaka ochokera kumadela osauka, amakumana ndi zoipa chifukwa amakaniza kupeza ma padi chifukwa cha mavuto azachuma",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6957,"“That is why government removed value added tax on sanitary pads to ensure they are available so that no girl should miss school,” she said","Ndichifukwa chake boma linachotsa nsonkho pa ma padi kuti azipezeka kuti mtsikana wina aliyense asakhale ku sukulu, anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6958,Belekanyama said there were myths surrounding menstrual hygiene which needed to be addressed,Belekanyama anati pali nthano kuzungulira ukhondo posamba zimene zikufunika kuthetsedwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6959,"“It has come to my knowledge that many young girls are missing school during their periods because of lack of pads and changing rooms in their schools,” he said","Ndadziwitsidwa kuti atsikana ambiri akukhala ku sukulu nthawi imene akusamba chifukwa chosowa ma padi komanso zipinda zosithila m’masukulu awo,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6960,"In an interview, Public health specialist Mary Shawa said it is high time parents started talking to their children about menstrual hygiene issues. “This will give children proper information on the issue,” she said.","Poyakhulana, katswiri wa zaumoyo wa anthu mary shawa ananena kuti ndi nthawi yabwino makolo kuyamba kuyakhulana ndi ana awo nkhani zokhudza ukhondo posamba. Izi zipeleka uthenga woyenela nkhaniyi,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6961,Menstrual Hygiene Day was commemorated under the theme ‘Break the Silence: End Menstrual Poverty’. A 20-year-old student disguised as Grace was jeered by her classmates when she menstruated in class at Kaliyeka Secondary School in Lilongwe,Tsiku la ukhondo posamba unakumbukilidwa pa mutu wakuti ‘kusakhala chete’: kuthetsa umphawi wa nsambo. Mwana wasukulu wa zaka makumi awiri amene anatchedwa grace anawowozedwa ndi ana ophunzira anzake pamene anayamba kusamba ali mukalasi ku sukulu yasekondale yakaliyeka ku lilongwe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6962,"The disgraced girl felt uncomfortable to return to school and stayed home for a whole school term, afraid to face her classmates","Mtsikana wochititsidwa manyaziyu sanamve bwino kuti abwelere ku sukulu ndipo anakhala kunyumba kwa telemu yonse, kuwopa kuwonana ndi ophunzira anzake",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6963,"“I decided not to go to school again after that embarrassment. When I returned to school, I couldn’t attend classes anymore when the monthly periods started,” states the girl, who stays with her grandmother","Ndinapanga chiganizo kuti ndisazapiteso kusukulu kamba kakuchititsidwa manyazi. Nditabwelera kusukulu, sindimalowaso mu kalasi ndikayamba kusamba,” anatero mtsikanayo amene amakhala ndi agogo ake",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6964,"Grace uses old clothes as she cannot afford sanitary pads. Her schoolmate, Mirriam, 24, knows the agony faced by schoolgirls during menstruation",Grace amagwiritsa ntchito zovala zakale chifukwa sangakwanitse kugula ma padi. Ophunzira nzake wa zaka makumi awiri ndi zinayo akudziwa kuwawa kumene amakumana nako atsikana asukulu nthawi imene akusamba,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6965,She says most of the girls choose to stay home—missing classes— when the monthly periods kick in,Akunena kuti atsikana ambiri amasakha kukhala kunyumba- kukhala ku sukulu- pamene msambo wayamba,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6966,"“Due to poverty, stigma and misconceptions of menstruation, girls are forced to miss classes,” she says. “Some girls even fall into risky sexual relationships in search of money to buy basics such as pads","Chifukwa cha uphawi, kusalidwa komanso uthenga wolakwika wa msambo, atsikana amawumilizidwa kusalowa mkalasi,” akutero. Atsikana ena amayamba kupanga zibwenzi zogonana zachipsezo pa moyo wawo kuti apeze ndalama kuti akagule ma zofunikila monga nsalu za msambo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6967,"For Mirriam, the risky decisions poor girls make expose them to sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancy and child marriage","Kwa mirriam, ziganizo zowopsa zomwe amapanga ataikana osauka zimawaika pachiopsezo kutenga matenda opatsilana pogonana, mimba yachichepele komanso maukwati a ana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6968,"“It’s a challenging decision, but it is poverty that pushes them into the trap of finding a boyfriend or a sugardaddy to support them,” she says","“ + Akunena kuti , ndichiganizo chovuta, koma ndi uphawi umene umawakakhila mu msampha wopeza chibwenzi kapena chidyamakanda kuti aziwathandiza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6969,"Mirriam and Grace were excited when Her Period, Her Pride trained 10 adolescent girls with disability at Muloza Primary School in sewing reusable sanitary pads using locally available resources","Mirriam ndi garce anali okondwa pamene nsambo wanga, choyadira chake anaphunzitsa atsikana wotha msikhu khumi aulumali pa muloza pulaimale sukulu posoka ma padi wogwiritsidwanso ntchito kugwilitsa ntchito zinthu zopezeka m\dera lawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6970,"The founder of the project, says the initiative targets adolescent girls and young women with disability to leave no one behind","Oyambitsa ntchitoyi, akuti ndondomekoyi akufikila atsikna otha msikhu ndi amayi achichepele awulumali kuti asasiye wina aliyense m’mbuyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6971,"“It is difficult for young women with disability to access sanitary pads. By empowering them to make reusable pads when they need them, we believe this will help them close the gap,” he says. The training also includes resource mobilisation skills","Ndizovuta kwa amayi achichepele awulumali kuti apeze ma padi. Powatukula kuti azipanga ma padi ogwiritsaso ntchito pamene akuwafuna, tikukhulupilira kuti izi zithandiza kuchepetsa vutoli, anatero. Maphunzirowa analiso amaluso opezela zinthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6972,"“We are protecting poor girls’ dignity so they don’t get disgraced by failure to achieve their menstrual hygiene,” he says","Tikuteteza ulemu wa atsikana wosawuka kuti asamachititsidwe manyazi pokaniza kukwanilitsa ukhondo posamba,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6973,"“Most parents in the rural areas cannot set aside K800 for their daughters’ sanitary pads. Their priority is food. As such, most learners stop schooling due to lack of basics,” he explains","Makolo ambiri kumadela akumudzi sanasunge ndalama yapadera yokwana 800 kwacha ya ma padi amwana wawo wa mkazi. Chinthu chofunika kwa iwo ndi chakudya. Pachifukwa ichi, ophunzira ambiri amasiya kupita ku sukulu chifukwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6974,"Her Period, Her Pride urges the government and its partners to start distributing sanitary pads free of charge to adolescent girls and young women who miss school for four to five days every month when menstruation begin","Nsambo wanga, chikondwelero changa lapepha boma ndi ogwila nalo ntchito kuti ayambe kupeleka ma padi aulele kwa atsikana otha msikhu komanso amayi achichepele amene amasiya kupita ku sukulu masiku anayi mpaka asanu mwezi uliwonse akayamba kusamba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6975,"“Previously, the schools used to register a lot of girl absentees during menstruation periods, but now the number is falling,” she explains","M’mbuyomu ma sukulu amalembetsa atsikana ambiri osabwela ku sukulu nthawi kusamba, koma pano nambalayi ikutsika,” akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6976,She says the reusable sanitary pads from locally available materials will ease access to the basic protective wear among vulnerable girls and young women,Akunena kuti nsalu za nsambo xogwilitsidwanso ntchitozi kuchokera ku zinthu zopezeka mosavuta zithandiza kuphweketsa kupeza zovala zozitetezera kwa atsikana ndi amayi achichepele,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6977,"“This is important project in promoting the welfare of a girl child. Indeed, there is a lot we have to do together with other stakeholders to address the gaps in menstrual hygiene, especially among poor girls and young girls,”","Ichi ndi chitukuko chofunika popititsa patsogolo umoyo wabwino wa atsikana. Inde, pali zambiri zimene tikuyenela kupanga limodzi ndi wogwila nawo ntchito kuti tithana ndi mipata imene ilipo pa ukhondo posamba, makamaka atsikana wosawuka ndi achichepele",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6978,New evidence from eight districts in Malawi shows the mushrooming of organisations promoting menstrual health and hygiene can improve lives and rights of women and girls if providers unite to make user-friendly products accessible,Umboni watsopano wa maboma asanu ndi atatu ku malawi akuwonetsa kuti kuchuluka kwa mabungwe wolimbikitsa umoyo wabwino posamba ndi ukhondo zikhoza kusitha miyoyo ndi ufulu wa amayi ndi atsikana ngati opeleka thandizo atabwera pamodzi kuti apange zinthu zosavuta kugwilitsa ntchito kupezeka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6979,"Since March, environmental health researcher Christabel Kambala spoke to schoolgirls, women, teachers, health workers and providers of menstrual health products to understand the type and acceptability of reusable sanitary pads currently in use","Kuchoka mwezi march, wakafukufuku wa umoyo wapokhala anthu christabel kambala anayakhula ndi atsikana asukulu, amayi, aphunzitsi, ogwira ntchito za umoyo komanso opeleka zipangizo za ukhondo posamba kuti adziwe mtundu komanso kapezekedwe ka mapadi wogwiritsidwanso ntchito amene akugwilitsidwa ntchito.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6980,"The good news, according to findings presented on Thursday at the World Water Week in Sweden, is that the influx of reusable pads, even those made in schools by pupils and mother groups in schools, are restoring smiles on the face of girls and women who used to depend on old fabrics and blankets due to lack of affordable and user-friendly sanitary pads","Uthenga wabwino, malinga ndi zotsatira zimene zinapelekdwa lachinayi ku sabata lokumbukila madzi ku sweden , ndizakuti kudzadza kwa ma padi wogwilitsidwanso ntchito, ngakhale amene amapangidwa ndi ana asukulu ndi magulu amayi m’masukulu akubwezeletsaso chimwemwe pamaso pa atsikana ndi amayi amene amkadalira kugwilitsa ntchito zovala zakutha komanso zofunda chifukwa cha kusowa kwa ma padi otchipa komanso komanso osavuta kugwilitsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6981,"But the downside is that the country lacks a united front and policies to confront myths surrounding menstruation and ensure users get menstrual health management (MHM) services that are up to standard, said Kambala","Koma chovuta ndi chakuti dzikoli limasowa umodzi ndi malamulo othetsela thano zozungulira kusamba komanso kuwonetsetsa kuti anthu akupeza chithandizo cha ukhondo posamba zimene zili za mlingo wabwino, anatero kambala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6982,"“First of all, we don’t have guidance, policies, a technical working group and coordination in the menstrual health management sector. This means that interventions are fragmented and unregulated","Choyamba, tilibe utsogololeri, malamulo, gulu ogwira ntchito komanso kulumikizana pa gawo la kuyendetsa ukhondo posamba. Izi zikuthauza kuti chithandizo ndi chotayana komanso chosayendetsedwa bwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6983,"But MHM hinges on quality and desirable behaviours. If we don’t get quality issues right, it will defeat the purpose of improving the wellbeing of girls and women,” said the lecturer based at MUBAS","Koma MHM imaima pa zabwino komanso makhalidwe abwin. Ngati nkhani za ubwino sitipanga bwino, zigonjetsa cholinga chosithila umoyo wa atsikana ndi amayi,” anatero mphunzitsi wa ku MUBAS",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6984,"The second part of the study is underway to establish the status of the menstrual health sector, including the number of service providers, where they work and the quality of their work","Gawo lachiwiri la kafukufukuyi ikuchitika kuti adziwe pamene mbali ya ukhondo posamba ilili kuphatikiza nambala ya wopeleka chithandizo, kumene amagwira ntchito komanso ubwino wa ntchito yawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6985,"In February, the change agents formed an interim task force after conducting ‘a walk of pride” to Parliament where they petitioned the Women Parliamentary Caucus to put menstrual health high on the public health agenda","Mu february, ogwila ntchitoyi anapanga gulu logwira ntchito atapanga ulendo wosangalala ku nyumba ya malamulo kumene anakapeleka kalata ku gulu la amayi kunyumba ya malamulo kuti aike ukhondo posamba patsogolo pa ndondomeko yaza umoyo wa anthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6986,"The group will hold a national event in Lilongwe on September 20 where they will showcase how they are breaking the silence and taboos as women and girls keep experience shame, embarrassment and discomfort due to lack of affordable quality products, privacy and awareness","Gululi likhala ndi mwambo wa dziko lonse ku lilongwe pa 20 september kumene akawonetse m’mene akuthetsela kukhala chete komanso miyambo pamene amayi ndi atsikana akuchita manyazi komanso kusapeza bwino chifukwa chakusowa kwa zipangizo zabwino, chinsinsi komanso kudziwitsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6987,"This may be a topic that we may always put aside. We may take it for granted that we all practise hygiene. When it comes to this subject, no-one is a master",Iyi ndi nkhani imene tikhoza kumaisiya. Tikhoza kumaitenga ngati yocheza kuti tonse timapanga ukhondo. Koma tikafika pankhaniyi palibe amene ali odziwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6988,"We all are still learning. It, therefore, does us good to teach every member of our household, including children, hygiene practices. With help from different sources","Tikuphunzirabe. Choncho, zimatichitila ubwino kuphunzitsa aliyense pa nyumba kuphatikiza ana ukhondo. Ndithandizo lochokela kosiyanasiyana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6989,"They say kuongola mtengo nkulinga uli waung’ono. So, issues of hygiene are supposed to be instilled in children as young as babies","Amati kuongola mtengo nkulinga uli waung’ono. Ndiye, nkhani za ukhondo zikuyenera kukhazikitsidwa mwa ana ali an’gono",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6990,"Considering that babies put everything in the mouth, watching them and frequently discouraging this behaviour will instill some sense of cleanliness in them","Poganizila kuti ana amaika chilichonse mkamwa, kuwayan’ganila ndikuwaletsa khalidwe limeneli zizaika khalidwe la ukhondo mwa iwo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6991,"Hand washing prevents spread of germs and disease. We need to emphasize this to our house help and kids. If the latter are used to frequently washing hands before and after eating and after using the toilet, they will practise the same at school","Kusamba m’manja kumaletsa kufala kwa tizilombo komanso matenda. Tikuyenela kutsindika izi kwa othandizira pa nyumba pathu komanso ana. Ngati ana anazalowela kusamba manja asanayambe ndi akamaliza kudya komanso akachoka kuchimbudzi, akachitaso zomwezi ku sukulu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6992,Applying soap and rubbing all over the hands for at least 20 seconds. Don’t forget between fingers and thumbs and finger tips. Keep finger nails clean and short,Kupaka sopo ndi kupaka m’manja mose kwa masekondi makumi awiri. Musawaiwale pakati pa zala komanso chala chachikulu ndi zala. Makadaba azikhala oyela komanso afupi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6993,Discourage them from using unclean hand towels or towels in public toilets. Otherwise gastro intestinal bugs (diarrhoea and vomiting) from poor hand washing techniques will be order of the day,Aletseni kugwilitsa ntchito zopuputila zakuda kapana zopuputila kuzimbudzi za gulu. Mwinamwake tizilombo ta m’matumbo kutsegula m’mimba komanso kusanza chifukwa cha kusasamba m’amnja bwino,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6994,"Menstrual hygiene-Changing tampons and sanitary towels every four hours during menstruation and washing at least daily prevents body odour, infection, skin irritation and a rare but dangerous bacterial disease","Ukhondo posamba- kusitha ma tampuni ndi zopuputila pakatha maola anayi aliwonse pamene akusamba komanso kusamba tsiku ndi tsiku kupewetsa matenda, kuyabwa kwa pakhungu komanso matenda osadziwika koma owopsa atizilombo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6995,"Oral hygiene is vital to prevent bad breath, gum disease and dental carries. Ensure you brush just before bed to prevent build up of plaque","Ukhondo wa mkamwa ndi wofunika kuti tipewe kunukha mkamwa, matenda a khama komanso matenda a mano. Wonetsetsani kuti mukutsuka mano musanagone kuti mupewe kupanga zowola mkamwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6996,Washing underwear- teach them while they are young not to pile underwear. They need to wash it the moment they take it off before bathing. Provide laundry soap for them in the bathroom. Boys or girls the practice is the same,Kuchapa zovala mkati- aphunzitseni anakali an’gono kuti asamangosunga zovala mkati. Akuyenera kuchapa nthawi imene avula asanasambe. Apatseni sopo wochapila ku bafa. Anyamata ndi atsikana akuyenela kupanga zofanafana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6997,Teach them to arrange the room properly and wipe away dust and dirt. Everyday habits of the children are to be monitored by the parents,Aphunzitseni kulongosola kuchipinda kwawo komanso kuchotsa fumbi ndi zonyasa. Makhalidwe a tsiku ndi tsiku akuyenera kuyang’anidwa ndi makolo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6998,Traditional Authority (T/A) Malanda of Nkhata Bay has restricted sale of cooked foodstuffs at Chintheche Market to contain the spread of cholera in the district,Mfumu yayikulu malanda ya m’boma la nkhatabay aletsa kugulitsa zakudya zophika kuti achepetse kufalikila kwa kolera m’bomali,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en6999,"The ban, which came into effect on Saturday, comes along with several ultimatums, including asking community members in fishing camps to construct pit latrines within a week","Chiletsochi chimene chayamba kugwira ntchito lachiwelu, chadza ndi malamulo monga kuwafunsa anthu a m’mudzi kumalo owedzera nsomba kuti amange zimbudzi isanathe sabata imodzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7000,"In an interview on Saturday, Chief Malanda said he ordered his village heads to inspect fishing camps and households to monitor adherence to sanitation and hygienic practices. “Failure to adhere to these orders will invite penalties whose minimum is K10 000,” he said","Poyakhulkana la chiwelu, mfumu malanda anena kuti awalamula mafumu a m’mudzi kuti aziyan’ganila malo owedzera nsomba komanso kuti awone ngati akutsatira njira za unkhondo. Kulephera kutsatira malamulo amenwa azayenela kupeleka chindapusa chokwana 10,000 kwacha,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7001,The chief urged his subjects to monitor visitors coming from cholera hot spots. Chintheche Zone primary education adviser Peter Chirwa welcomed the chief’s ban on sale of foodstuffs and orders to construct toilets,Amfumuwo apepha wowatsira awo kuti aziwona alendo amene akuchokera m’malo m’mene muli kolera. Mlangizi wa maphunziro ku dela la chintheche peter chirwa analandila ganizo loletsa kugulitsa zakudya komanso kumanga zimbudzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7002,"“With the knowledge that schools are some of the places the disease can easily spread due to congestion, our office will restrict selling of food within school premises,” he said","“ + Ndi chidziwitso chakuti masukulu ndi malo amene matendawa akhoza kufalikila mosavuta chifukwa chodzadzana, ofesi yathu iletsa kugulitsa zakudya m’malo a asukulu,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7003,"“If resources are available to reach out to many areas, including those without confirmed cases, we can contain the spread of the outbreak,” he said","Ngati zipangizo zilipo kuti tikhoza kufikila madera ambiri, kuphatikiza amene atsikmikiza zamatenda, tikhoza kuchepetsa kufalikila kwa matendawa,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7004,"“We also encourage all food producers, including those in the hospitality industry such as restaurants and lodges to always observe hygiene,” Botha said, adding that the incident is a wakeup call to all stakeholders in the district’s health, trade and hospitality industries","Tikulimbikitsaso onse opanga zakudya kuphatikiza makampani ochezela alendo monga malo odyera ndi ogona kuti azikhala aukhondo, botha anatero kuphatikiza kuti zochitikazi ndi chidziwitso kwa onse ogwira nawo ntchito mu zaumoyo, malonda komanso kochezela anthun m’bomali",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7005,"The World Food Programme (WFP) in Malawi has halted food rations to nearly 700 refugee families, saying they were “self-sustaining”. But many of the delisted refugees say they rely on the monthly rations and argue the assessment process is flawed","Bungwe loyan’ganira la zakudya padziko lonse ku malawi ku malawi kuno lasiya kupeleka zakudya kwa mabanja okwana mazana asanu ndi awiiri, kunena kunenna kuti amazisamala okha. Koma ambiri amene awachotsawa akuti amadalira pa chakudya cholandila pa mwezichi ndipo anena kuti mayeso ndiwolakwika",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7006,"Mapendo Neema, her seven children, and an unemployed husband have been relying on monthly food rations at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa since 2016. Neema, a DRC refugee, feels her family is ‘buried alive’","Mapendo neema , ane asanu ndi awiri ndi amuna ake osagwira ntchto akhala akudalira chakudya cholandila pa mwezichi ku malo kwa anthu othawa kwawo ku dzaleka m’boma la dowa kuchokera chaka cha 2016. Neema , othawa kwawo mu dziko la DRC, akuwona kuti banja lawo alilikwilira lamoyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7007,They fled a rebel attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that she says left her a rape survivor and her parents dead,Anathawa kuwukila kwa zigawenga m’dziko la congo ndipo akuti anasiya wogwiliridwa ndi makolo ake atafa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7008,"With tears in her eyes, Neema says, “these children haven’t eaten anything since morning because of lack of food. And how do you think I will get the food to feed them in the absence of the food rations we receive from WFP? I just feel like my family is buried alive, really.”","Ndi misozi m’maso mwake, neema akuti,” ana amenewa sanadye kalikonse kuchoka m’mawa chifukwa chakusowa chakudya. Ndipo mukuganiza kuti chakudya ndichipeza bwanji kuti adye pamene palibe chakudya cholandira chimene timalandira ku WFP?. ndikungowona ngati banja langa alikwilira lamoyoo ndithu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7009,"The de-listed include 75-year-old Ramazani Tabu, who has lived in the camp since 2007 and can no longer work to help support her family of four","Amene achotsa pa mndandawu ndi Ramazani tabu, mayi wazaka makumi asanu ndi awiri ndi asanu, amene akhala akukhala ku maloku kuchoka chaka cha 2007 ndipo singagwirenso ntchito kuti azithandize banja lake la anthu nayi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7010,"She says, “When I came here, I was able to do tailoring because that’s what I was doing in the DRC. “But with old age and my diabetic condition I cannot do tailoring anymore, because whenever I am on the sewing machine, my nose starts bleeding due to high blood pressure","Akuti, pamen amabwera , amasoka chifukwa ndi zimene amapanga ku DRC. koma chifukwa chakukalamba ndi matenda ashuga, sindingakwanitseso kusoka chifukwa nthawi imene ndayamba ndakhala pa makina osokela, phuno yanga imayamba kutuluka magazi chi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7011,The WFP says it was forced to remove the families from receiving food rations after a 2020 assessment,Bungwe lowona zakudya padziko lonse lapansi lati linakakamizidwa kuchotsa mabanja kulandira chakudya atapanga mayeso a chaka cha 2020,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7012,"“There are many refugees here in Malawi who have been here a long time. They have found ways and means of making a living. So, we have done an assessment and we have found a group of those people who are food insecure and those people who are not.”","Pali anthu ambiri othawa kwawo kuno malawi amene akhala kuno nthawi yayitali. Apeza njira zopezela ndalama. Ndiye, tapanga mayeso ndpo tapeza kuti gulu la anthu amene akusowekera chakudya ndi amene sakusowekela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7013,But some of those who have been de-listed argue the assessment process was flawed because over half of those removed from food rations are poor and jobless,Koma ena amene achotsedwa pa mndandanda akudandayula kuti mayesowa sanali bwino chifukwa theka la amene achotsedwa pa gulu lolandila zakudya ndi osauka komanso osowa ntchito,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7014,"“Okay, with me you see the kind of house I am living in. The cement is broken, I can’t even have money. I cannot buy cement, yet I need money for food for my kids,” he said","Akunena kuti, chabwino, ine mukuona nyumba imene ndikukhala. Simenti ndiyakhutha, ndilibe ndalama. Sindingakwanitse kugula simenti, koma ndikufunika ndalama ya chakudya cha ana anga",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7015,Turnbull says the UN food agency will soon start hearing appeals from those who believe they were wrongly removed from food rations list,Turnbull akuti bungwe lowona zachakudya la UN liyamba kumva madandaulo kwa amene akukhulupilira kuti anachotsedwa mwangozi pa m’ndandanda wolandila chakudya,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7016,"“There are some conditions that we have in terms of economic vulnerability; changes in the breadwinner in the family; those sorts of things will be used to judge whether the people should go back into the list or not,” he said","Pali zinthu zina zimene tili nazo monga kusatetezeka pa chuma; kusitha kwa osamala pakhomo; zinthu ngati zimenezi zizagwititsidwa ntchio kupeleka chigamulo ngati munthu akuyenela kubweleranso pa ndandanda kapena ayi,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7017,"WFP officials say refugees taken off food rations can still benefit from non-food assistance at the camp, such as access to health care and opportunities for resettlement","Akuluakulu aku WFP ananena kuti othawa kwawo amene achotsedwa polandira chakudya akhoza kupindula kuchithandizo china chosakhudza chakudya, monga kupeza chithandizo cha umoyo komanso umwayi wokakhala kwina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7018,"It is midday and among those sitting in the tree shade is Patuma Maisoni, 18, the mother to Promise Banda who is in a mix of children eating food prepared by their mothers. Promise and her friend eat a meal made from locally available foodstuffs","Ndi pakati patsiku ndipo amene akhala pa pathunzi pansi pa mtengo ndi patuma maisoni wa zaka khumi sizanu ndi zitatu, mayi kwa promise banda amene ali ndi ana anzake kudya chakudya chokonzedwa ndi amayi wao. Promise ndi nzake akudya chakudya chopangidwa zakudya zopezeka mosavuta",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7019,"“Promise is a jovial and playful child though she hasn’t started schooling, she dazzles everyone. She easily makes friends with visitors,” says Maison","Promise ndi wosangalala komanso wosewela ngakhale kuti sanayambe kupita kusukulu, amadabwitsa aliyense. Amakhala chinzake ndi anthu obwela mosavuta,” akutero maison",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7020,"Watching Promise play with other children and adults, one would hardly guess the 20-months-old girl was once severely malnourished","Kumuona promise akusewera ndi ana ena komanso akuluakulu, wina sangaganize kuti ndi mwana wa miyezi makumi awiri amene anali wonyetchela kwambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7021,"Promise was born when Maisoni was in Form One. The baby weighed 3.2 kilogrammes (kg) and started eating hard food seven months after birth as exclusive breastfeeding was made difficult by hunger. Promise’s weight dropped to 2.5kg, which health workers consider unhealthy",Promise anabadwa pamene maisoni anali fomu 1. Mwanayu analemela ma kilogalamu 3.2 ndipo anayamba kudya zakudya zolimba patatha miyezi isanu ndi iwiri atabadwa chifukwa kuyamwitsa mwakathithi kunali kovuta chifukwa cha njala. Kulemela kwa promise kunatsika kufika ma kilogalamu 2.5 pamene ogwira ntchito zaumoyo amatenga kuti ndiopanda nthanzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7022,Narrates the single mother: “The baby was refusing to eat anything and I didn’t know how to get her to accept any food,Akufotokoa amayi ake.” mwanayi amakana kudya chilichonse ndipo sindimadziwa kuti ndipange bwani kuti alole chakudya china chili chonse,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7023,"“My girl looked so tiny and frail that not many wanted to touch her. They left her to me, leaving me in shame. I feared that she would die of malnutrition.” Not any longer","Mtsikana wanga amaoneka wochepa komanso wofooka ndipo anthu ambiri samafuna kumugwira. Anamusiyira ine, kundisiya ine ndi wa manyazi. Ndimaopa kuti amwalira chifukwa chakunyetchela,” koma pano ayi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7024,"When Promise was nine months old, Maisoni was approached by an old woman in the neighbourhood who introduced her to a nationwide project to scale up nutrition","Pamene promise anali ndi miyezi isanu ndi inayi, maisoni anafikilidwa ndi mayi wachikulire mu dela lawo amene anamudziwitsa za pilojekiti ya dziko yonse yopititsa madyedwe abwino patsogolo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7025,"Maisoni says the cooking group taught her to prepare nutritious porridge, now Promise’s favourite meal of the day, using flour from maize, groundnuts and beans to which she adds milk, eggs, crashed sun-dried cassava, meat soup and pumpkin leaves","Maisoni akuti gulu lophikali linamuphunzitsa kuphika phala lopatsa nthanzi, tsopano ndichakudya chokondedwa cha promise, kugwiritsa ntchito ufa wa chimanga, mtedza komanso nyemba kumene imaika mkaka, mazira, makaka, supu wa nyama ndi mkhwani",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7026,"“It was probably the best decision I made after giving birth. Our lives are no longer the same. The baby is now healthy. She weighs about 9.7kg,” she states","“ + Mwinaso chinali chiganizo chabwino chimene ndinapanga nditabeleka. Miyoyo yathu sim’mene inalili. Mwana ndi wathanzi tsopano. Amalemela ma kilogalamu 9.7,” akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7027,"The woman could not produce enough breast milk for her son when she was diagnosed with low blood pressure. The tragedy struck within the first six months of his life, when he was supposed to be exclusively breastfed","Mzimayiyu samatuluka mkaka wokwanira wa mwana wake wamwamuna pamene anamupeza ndi kutsika kwa magazi. Tsokali linabwela miyezi isanu ndi umodzi ya moyo wake, amayenela kuti ayamwitsidwe mwakathithi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7028,"When the woman was discharged, the family of four had to work harder to survive and feed the two children, especially Haroon who was on the brink of malnutrition","Pamene mayiyu anatulutsidwa kuchipata;a, banja la anthu anayi linayenela kulimbikila kuti likhale ndi moyo komanso kudyetsa ana awiri, makamaka haroon amene anatsala pan’gono kunyetchela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7029,"“We didn’t even have money to buy him infant formula milk sold in shops. When he was four months old, his health deteriorated, forcing my husband and I to take him to the hospital where health workers told us the child was on the brink of malnutrition.”","Tinalibe ndalama yoti tikhoza kumugulira mkaka wa ana umene umagulitsidwa mu mashopu. Ali ndi miyezi inayo, nthazi lake litsikilatu, kuwumiliza amuna anga ndi ine kumutengela ku chipatala kumene azaumuyo anatiuza kuti mwanayu akunyetchela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7030,Haroon’s situation worsened as Kajuwe’s condition did not seem to improve until Kajuwe’s mother started to feed the five-month-old with porridge from whole maize flour in a desperate attempt to avert malnutrition,Khalidwe la haroon linafikika povuta pamene khalidwe la kajuwe silimaoneka kuti likusitha mpaka pamene amayi ake a kajuwe anayamba kumudyetsa mwana wa miyezi isanuyo phala lochoka ufa wa chimanga chosakonola mwakusowa mtengo waogwila kuti apewe kunyetchela,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7031,"The quick fix often left the baby opening bowels. By the time she was nine months old, the damage had already been done. He couldn’t hold food in his stomach, leaving him thin and weak,” she recounts","Chithandizo cha changuchi chimapangitsa mwanayu kutsegula m’mimba. Pamene amafika miyezi isanu ndi inayi zinthu zinali zitawonongeka kale. Chakudya sichimakhadzikika mmimba mwake, kumusiya owonda ndiwofooka,” akukumbukila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7032,"The malnourished baby underwent nutritional rehabilitation routines at Mangochi District Hospital where health workers prescribed chiponde for the child. “Only then did his weight begin to improve. It rose from 5kg to 6kg,” she says","Mwana wonyetchalayo anayamba kulandila chithandizo cha madyedwe abwino ku chipatala cha boma cha mangochi kumene ogwira ntchito zaumoyo anampatsa chiponde cha mwana. “ sikulemela kokha kumene kunasitha. Kunakwera kuchoka ma kilogalamu asanu kufika asanu ndi limodzi,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7033,"Two months on, in January, heavy rains damaged a road to the hospital, incapacitating the couple from cycling back to Mangochi to replenish the peanut butter supplement","Patatha miyezi iwiri, mu mwezi wa January, mvula yayikulu inawononga nsewu wopita ku chipata;a, kulepheletsa banjalo kupalasa njinga kupita kumangochi kuwawonjezera chiponde",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7034,"She explains: “I gladly joined in and started preparing for my children nutritious porridge from combinations of locally available foodstuffs to include all the recommended food groups,” she explains","Akufotokoza: “ ndinalowa nawo ndipo ndinayamba kumakhonza phala la nthazi la ana anga pophatikiza zakuya zopezeka kwathu kuno kuti mukhale magulu azakudya wovemelezeka,” akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7035,"“At the start, the children used to refuse the new meal. But when I consulted nutritional promoters trained by Red Cross, I was told to give them baobab juice as an appetizer, which proved helpful.”","Poyamba, ana amakana chakudya chatsopanochi. Koma pamene ndinafunda maganizo kwa olimbikitsa madyedwe abwino amene anaphunzitsa ndi bungwe la red cross, anandiuza ndiziwapatsa madzi a malambe kuti akhale chilakolako chakudya, zimene zinawoneka zothandiza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7036,"A year on, the young woman continues to follow the tips from the cooking groups to diversify her household diets and keep the children health","Chaka chatha tsopano, mayi wachichepeleyu akupitliza kutsatira zinthu zochokela mu magulu ophika kuika zosiyanasiyana ku zakudya zawo komanso kuti ana akhale aumoyo wabwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7037,"The findings show that some three percent are wasted, 12 percent underweight and five percent overweight. However, the burden of malnutrition varies with parents’ education attainment","Zopezekazo zawoetsa kuti ma pelesenti atau ndi wonyetchela kwambiri, ma pelesenti makumi ndi awiri ndiwosalemela ndi mapelesenti asanu ndiwolemela moposa mulingo. Komabe, chiphinjo cha kunyetchela zimasiyana ndi maphunziro amakolo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7038,"He said: “A healthy nation begins right in the home. It should be a habit to always eat six food groups. This is why we expect people to have vegetable gardens, orchards and domestic animals","Akunena kuti, dziko laumoyo wabwino limayambila pakhomo. Chikuyenera kukhala chizolowezi kumadya zakudya za gulu asanu ndi limodzi. Ichi ndichifukwa timayembekezela anthu kumakhala ndi madimba amasamba, azipatso komanso ziweto",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7039,“These cooking demonstrations are part of the larger processes to ensure that communities adopt acceptable eating standards.”,Chiwonetselo cha maphakidwechi ndi gawo limodzi la njira yayikulu kuti anthu am’mudzi atengele madyedwe ovemelezeka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7040,Chingoli said it was pleasing that most communities in the district have hygiene and sanitation facilities as trained under one of Afikepo project’s components,Chingoli akuti zinali zosangalatsa kuti midzi yambiri mu bomali ili ndi malo aukhondo m’mene anaphuzitsilidwa mu gawo limodzi la chitukuko cha Afikepo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7041,T/A Kaluluma Care Group promoter Irene Foliano said the project has contributed a lot to the development of their area as most families know how to prepare nutritious meals from locally available resources,Irene Foliano amene ali mlangizi wakumudzi wamagulu oona zakadyedwe kabwino kwa mfumu yayikulu Kaluluma akuti ntchitoyi yawonjezela chitukuko mu dela lawo chifukwa mabanja ambiri amadziwa kukhoza chakudya cha nthanzi kuzinthu zopezeka m’dela lawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7042,"“I always encourage my followers to follow good nutrition practices and most households are a living testimony,” she said",Ndimalimbikitsa onditsatira anga nthawi zonse kuti azitsatira mayedwe abwino ndipo nyumba zambiri ndi umboni,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7043,"Esnat Chimatiro’s 18-month-old daughter, Hanifa, smiles while taking a peanut butter supplement used for treating severe wasting in children","Hanifa wa miyezi khumi isanu ndi itatu, mwana wa esna chimatiro wa hanifa, akusekela pamene akudya chiponde chogwilitsidwa ntchito kuchiza kunyetchela kwambiri kwa ana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7044,"The baby, born in January 2022, has been taking the ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) since she was six months old. She receives 14 packets every Friday at Kawinga Village Clinic near her home in Traditional Authority Chowe, Mangochi","Mwanayo, wobadwa ndi mu January mu chaka cha 2022, wakhala akudya chiponde, kuchokela miyezi isanu ndi umodzi. Amalandila ziponde khumi ndi zinayi lachisanu lililonse chipatala cha kumudzi ku kawinga kwa mfumu yayikulu chowe ku mangochi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7045,"“This is medicine,” says Chimatiro, cuddling the baby. “My second-born receives two RUTF packets per day. She takes one in the morning and another in the evening.”","Awa ndi mankhwala,” akutero chimatiro akukumbatira mwana. Mwana wanga wachiwiri amalandila chiponde chiwiri pa tsiku. Amadya china m’mawa, china madzulo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7046,"Hanifa does not eat more or less than prescribed by health surveillance assistant (HSA), who built the village clinic",Hanifa samadya chambiri kapena chochepa m’mene anatiuzila wothandizila azaumoyo amene anamanga chipatala cha m’mudzi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7047,"The village clinic has cut long walks to Mase Health Centre, where patients pay for services outside its service-level agreement with the Ministry of Health. A return motorcycle trip to the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) facility costs about K3 000","Chipatala cha m’mudzichi chachepetsa kuyenda mitunda yayitali kupita kuchipatala cha chachin’gono cha mase, kumene odwala amalipila kuti alandile chithandizo chimene sichili mgwilizanoo ndi unduna wa za umoyo. Njinga yamoto tobwelera kuchipatala cha CHAM imakwana K3000",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7048,"“The frequent trips would have made me poorer,” says Chimatiro. A year after being diagnosed with severe wasting, Hanifa, who weighed two kilogrammes at birth, looks healthier","Maulendo apafupipafupi akanandisaukitsa, akutero chimatiro. Patatha chaka pamene akumepeza ndi kunyetchela kwambiri, hanifa amene amalemela ma kilogalamu awiri pobabdwa akuwonetsa wanthanzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7049,"“I feared losing my daughter as she weighed just three kilogrammes nine months after birth. Thanks to the RUTF, she can afford a smile. She now plays with her sister. Before, she was weak and sickly,” says the relieved mother of two","Ndimawopa kutaya mwana wanga chifukwa amalemela ma kilogalamu atatu pa miyezi isanu ndi inayo atabadwa. Zikomo chifukwa cha chiponde, tsopano akhoza kumasekelera. Pano amasewela ndi mchemwali wake, pachiyambi anali wofooka komanso odwala,” akutero mayi wa ana awiriwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7050,"Hanifa’s recovery personifies the power of the two-sachets-per-day dose. Previously, some children were receiving over 80 packets a month, depending on body weight","Kuchila kwa hanifa kukuimila mphamvu za mlingo wa mapaketi awiri patsiku. M’mbuyomu, ana ena amalandila ma paketi woposa makumi asanu ndi atatu pa mwezi kutengela kulemela kwawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7051,"“The standard dose has made malnutrition treatment easy like any other dosage. I give Hanifa two sachets a day though she cries for more,” says Chimatiro. She promptly consults the HSA when she detects a change in Hanifa’s health","Mlingo wa wovomelezeka wapangitsa kuthandiza kunyetchela kosavuta ngati mlingo wina uliwonse. Ndimampatsa hanifa ma paketi awiri patsiku ngakhale amalira china,” akutero chimatiro. Nthawi yomweyo amafunsa maganizo kwa othandizila za umoyo akaona kusitha mu thanzi la hanifa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7052,"Simenti, who wanted to become a nurse, has found joy in delivering primary health care. Since 2017, the community health worker has been going village to village, delivering life-saving messages and supplies, including nutrition supplements, vaccines, modern family planning methods and water treatment chemicals","simenti , amene amkafuna kuzakhala n’anamwino, wapeza chimwemwe popeleka chisamaliro choyambilira cha chaumoyo. Kuchoka mu chaka cha 2017, wazaumoyo wa m’derali wakhala akuyenda mudzi ndi mudzi , kupeleka mauthenga wopulumutsa miyoyo ndi zofunikila monga zowonjezela pamadyedwe abwino, katemela, njira za makono zakulera komanso mankhwala osamalira madzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7053,"“I built the village clinic in 2019 because women in my area were shunning health services, including malnutrition treatment, due to long walks to Mase. Now they see me any time, even at night,” she states. Simenti says the standard dosage has reduced stock-outs and misuse of RUTF","Ndinamanga chipatala cha m’mudzichi mu chaka cha 2019 chifukwa amayi m’dera langa amakana chithandizo cha umoyo wabwino monga chithandizo cha kunyetchela chifukwa cha kutalika kwa mtunda kupita ku Mase. pano amandiona nthawi zonsem ngakhale madzulo,” akutero. Simenti akunene kuti mlingo woyenela wachepetsa kutha komanso kusagwilitsa ntchito bwino kwa chiponde",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7054,"“Most children were defaulting when RUTF was being dispensed at the distant Cham facility and it wasn’t easy to trace them and assess their health as I do when giving RUTF every week,” she recalls","Ana ambiri amasiya kubwela pamene chiponde chimapelekedwa kuzichipatala za mipingo zakutali ndipo zinali zovutirapo kuwalondola komanso kudziwa umoyo wawo ngati m’mene ndimapangila ndikamapeleka chiponde sabata iliyonse,” akukumbukila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7055,The HSA opened the village clinic after being trained not to store or dispense medicines and vaccines in the open,Wothandizila za umoyoyu anatsegula chipatala cha m’mudzi ataphunzitsidwa kuti asamasunge kapena kupeleka mankhwala ndi katemela atakhala pa mtetete,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7056,She approached village heads to construct a shelter for an under-five clinic then held in the open come rain or sunshine.,Anafikila amfumu a m’mudzi kuti amange chisakasa cha chipatala cha ana ochepela zaka zisanu zakubadwa zimene zimachitikila pa mtetete kubwele mvula kapena dzuwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7057,"A lukewarm community response moved her up to make 5 000 bricks, sheaf grass, buy plastic sheeting, and recruit local bricklayers to build the clinic on a piece of land she inherited from her parents","Kuyakha kosasangalatsidwa anthu kunamusutha kuti amawumbe njerwa zokwana zikwi zisanu, udzu wofolera, kugula pepala lokutila, komanso kulemba munthu womanga wa m’mudzi momo kuti amange chipatalachi pa malo amene anapatsidwa ndi makolo ake",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7058,"She narrates: “Before, many children were dying from treatable diseases like malnutrition because their parents couldn’t afford hospital trips","Akufotokoza:” pachiyambi, ana ambiri amamwalira ku matwnda ochizika monga kunyetchela chifukwa makolo samakwanitsa maulendo wopita kuchipatala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7059,"Some didn’t know that the Cham facility was dispensing RUFT free of charge while others were afraid of making off-pocket payments for treatment of opportunistic conditions,” Simenti narrates","Ena samadziwa kuti chipatala cha CHAM chimapeleka chiponde mwaulere pomwe ena amaopa ndalama zamuthumba mwawo akalandila chithanzi pamatenda obwera chifukwa cha matenda ena,” simenti akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7060,Now she sees no less than five children a day and refers critical cases to Mase health centre,Pano amathandiza ana osachepela asanu pa tsiku ndipo amatumiza matenda ovuta ku chipatala chachin’gono cha mase,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7061,"“The village clinic has dramatically improved follow-ups. When we give them RUTF, we also assess if the child is taking and assess any change.”","Chipatala cha m’mudzi chimenechi chathandiza kambiri kutsatira odwala. Tikapeleka chponde, timayesa ngati mwana akudya komanso kuwona kusitha kwina kulikonse",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7062,"Fieldworker Rita Kaunda coordinates nutrition activities in communities surrounding Mase, Malukula, Malombe, St Martin’s, Malombe and Chikole health centres","Ogwira ntchito kumadera rita kaunda amalumikizanitsa ntchito za madyedwe abwino ku madela ozungulira zipatala za zin’gonozin;gono za mase, malukula, molambe, st martin, malombe ndi chikole",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7063,She says many parents have embraced the weekly distribution that has eliminated off-pocket payments and malnourished children now get constant feedback,Akuti makolo ambiri achilandira kugawa kwa pa sabataku kumene kwachotsa kulipila ndalama zamnthumba mwawo komanso ana onyetchela akulandila zotsatira mowilikiza,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7064,"She explains: “In all six health facilities, we have observed little or no difference in how children receiving and responding to the standard distribution","Akufotokoza:” muzipatala zomwe zisanu ndi imodzi zang’onozing’ono, tapeza kusiya kochepa kapena kusasiyana m’mene ana akulandilira komanso akuvomelera ku mligo wakagawidwe koyenela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7065,"“Previously, some used to sell the packets because they felt it was too much. With the standard dose, they appreciate that RUTF is medicine to be taken as prescribed,” she says","M’mbuyomu,ena amagulitsa ma paketi chifukwa amaona ngati ndichambiri. Ndi mlingo woyenera, akuvomeleka kuti chiponde ndi mankhwala oyenera kumwedwa ndi mlingo wake,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7066,"And deaths from malnutrition are falling with weekly replenishments and checkups, says Kaunda. “The standard distribution and village clinics have simplified follow-ups. She brags: “No child in my zone has died from malnutrition since November 2022.”","Komanso imfa za kunyetchela zikutsika ndi kupeleka ndi kuyendela kwa pasabata, akutero kaunda. Mlingo wovomelezeka wopepela komanso chipatala cha m’mudzi kwaphweketsa kulondoloza.akudzitama:” palibe mwana anamwalira ndi kunyetchela mu dela langa kuchoka mwezi wa november mu chaka cha 2022",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7067,"Replenishing the weekly dose proved repelling and costly as my family thrives on hand-to-mouth piecework,” she says. “I had to leave home by 5am only to return around 3pm. I couldn’t afford to hitch a bicycle or motorcycle.”","Kukatenga mlingo wa sabata unali wobwezana m’mbuyo komanso wofuna ndalama chifukwa banja langa limadalira kugwira maganyu kuti upeze chakudya cha tsiku limenelo, akutero. Ndinkayenela kuchoka kunyumba cha m’ma 5 m’mawa kumabwelera cha m’ma 3 koloko. Sindimakwanitsa kukwela njinga yakapalasa kapena yamoto",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7068,"“Throughout the half-hour walk, I remembered the tiresome trip to Mkumba. The time and energy wasted would have been used to do piecework so that my children can afford a nutritious meal,” she says","Ndikuyenda mtunda wa mphindi makumi atatu, ndimakumbukira ulendo wotopetsa wopita ku Mkumba. Nthawi komanso zogwilitsidwa pamenepa ndikanatha kupanga ganyu kuti ana anga adye chakudya chanthanzi, “ akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7069,"The long travels over hills and valleys in the thick of Liwonde National Park discourage women from presenting children for malnutrition screening and treatment, Ojezi explains",Mtunda wautali wa m’mapiri ndi zigwa mkatimkati mwa thengo losungila nyama la liwonde limafowoketsa amayi kupita ana awo kawuni waku nyetchela komanso chithandizo. Akufotokoza ojezi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7070,She reckons families were getting poorer while spending valuable time and money on the rocky road that splits the protected forest,Akulingalira kuti mabanja amasaukilabe pamene awononga nthawi yofunika ndi ndalama pa nsewu wamiyala umene umagawa khalango yotetezedwayi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7071,"“Crossing the thick forest early in the morning or late in the evening is scary. The roaming wild animals or rapists can waylay you with no rescue in sight,” she explains","Kudutsa khalango yowililayi m’mawa kwambiri kapena madzulo mochedwa ndi kowopsa. Nyama zakutchire zoyendayenda kapena ogwilira akhoza kukugwetsa panjira opanda wokuwombola,” akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7072,"This includes training of front health workers and provision of essential supplies such as RUTF, therapeutic milk and tool kits for nutrition screening","Izi ndi monga kuphunzitsa okhala patsogolo kugwira ntchito ya zaumoyo komanso kupeleka zofunkila monga chiponde, mkaka komanso zida zowunikila kunyetchela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7073,"The community health worker also provides nutrition screening, immunisation and modern family methods alongside treatment for common killers of children such as malaria, pneumonia, coughs, eye problems and diarrhea","Opeleka chithandizo cha zaumoyo m’delali amawunika kunyetchela, katemela komanso njira zamakono zolelera kuphatikizapo chithandizo cha zokupha ana monga malungo, chimfine, chifuwa, vuto lamaso komanso kutsegula m’mimba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7074,"“I have been coming here every week since 2016. I use my personal motorbike. However, I pity the rural dwellers who used to travel longer, often on foot, to get to the health centre. To them, the health clinic under Mgawo Health Post is a huge relief,” he says.","Ndakhala ndikubwera kuno sabata iliyonse kuchoka chaka cha 2016. Ndimagwilitsa nchito njinga yanga moto. Ndimadandaula anthu akumudzi amene amayenda mtunda wautali, nthawi zambiri wapansi kuti afike ku kuchipatala chachin’gono. Kwa iwo chipatala pansi pa chipatala cha mgawo ndi mpumulo waukulu,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7075,"Men are breadwinners in most households in Malawi, but some of them take an active part in household affairs, particularly decisions around nutrition and food preparation. For many, these are considered a woman’s duties","Amuna ndi amene amaepeza ndalama m’makomo ambiri ku malawi, koma ena samatenga gawo pazochitika pakhomo, makamaka pachiganizo chokudya madyedwe abwino komanso kakhonzedwe ka chakudya. Kwa ambiri, izi amazitenga ngati udindo wa amayi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7076,"But a growing cadre of super dads such as Martin Nyirenda and Anderson Mbeye, from Traditional Authority Kaluluma in Kasungu, are rising against such stereotypes and actively participating in making decisions affecting their households’ food uptake, including children’s nutrition, sanitation and hygiene","Koma kuchuluka kwa abambo ogwira nctchito zimenezi monga martin nyirenda ndi anderson mbeye a kwa mfumu yayikulu kaluluma ku kasungu akutsutsa makhalidwe ngati amenewa ndipo akutenga nawo gawo popanga ziganizo zimene zikukhudza kadyedwe kwa chakudya pakhomo pawo monga nthanzi la ana, ukhondo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7077,The super dads are determined to go to the ends of the earth to provide for their families and ensure they are well-fed,Abambo abwinowa anapanga chiganizo chochita china chilichonse kuti apeze chithandizo ku banja lawo komanso kuti akudya bwino,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7078,They encourage fellow men to take an active role in promoting nutrition in their families,Akulimbikitsa abambo anzawo kutenga gawo kulimbikitsa madyedwe abwino m’ma banja lawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7079,"“It is a man’s responsibility to take part in household chores, especially when his wife is pregnant. Some problems can be avoided if a man takes part in domestic chores,” says Nyirenda","Ndi udindo wa abambo kutenga nawo gawo pa ntchito zapakhomo, makamaka pamene mayi ali ndi mimba. Mavuto ena akhoza kupewedwa ngati mwamuna akutenga nawo pantchito zapakhomo,” akutero nyirenda",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7080,"Afikepo project strives to end stunting in children aged below five years, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and adolescent girls","Chitukuko cha Afikepo chikufuna kuthetsa kukwinimbila kwa ana ochepela zaka zisanu, amayi oyembekezela, amayi oyamwitsa ndi atsikana otha msinkhu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7081,Moyo watering his vegetable garden. He is one of the men in their village leading by example on male involvement in household nutrition,Moyo akuthilira dimba lake lamasamba. Ndi m’modzi mwa amuna amene ali achitsanzo potenga nawo gawo pamadyedwe abwino pakhomo lawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7082,"“The target groups are often dominated by women,” he says. “But to end stunting, the father must also be involved. If you have the support of the head of the house, everything goes on smoothly.”","Gulu lofikilidwa nthawi zambiri limadzadza ndi amayi,” akutero.” koma kuti tithetse kukwinimbila, abambo akuyenera kutenga nawo gawo. Ukhala ndi chithandizo cha mutu la banja, chilichonse chimayenda bwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7083,"Mulenga envisages male involvement in helping men gain vital nutrition tips and participating in ending malnutrition, especially stunting, in their communities","Mulenga amaganizira kutenga nawo gawo kwa abambo pothandizira abambo ndi uthenga wofunikila wa madyedwe abwino ndi potenga mbaloi kuthana ndikunyetchela, makamaka kukwinimbila mu dera lawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7084,"“Women gain a lot of knowledge on nutrition from various groups they belong to, but most men don’t have that knowledge. As a result, they can’t understand why they need to eat six groups of food","Amayi amaphunzira nzeru pa madyedwe abwino kuchoka m’magulu asiyanasiyana amene alimo, koma abambo ambiri alibe nzeru zimenezi. Pachifukwa chimenechi, samamvetsetsa chifukwa chimene akuynela kudya zakudya m’magulu asanu ndi limodzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7085,"Mulenga says equipping a man with nutrition knowledge makes it is easier for him to take care of adolescents, under-fives, pregnant women and also breastfeeding mothers","Mulenga akuti akuphunzitsa abambo ndi nzeru za madyedwe abwino zimaphweketsa kuti iwo asamalire ana otha msikhu, ana ochepela zaka zisanu, amayi amimba, komanso amayi oyamwitsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7086,"Since Nyirenda joined the group in January, he has become a champion of good nutrition for his family. Apart from providing for them, he sometimes cooks and performs other household chores","Kuchoka pamene nyirenda analowela gululi mu mwezi wa January, wakhala katswiri wa madyedwe abwino ku banja lake. Kupatira kuwapezera zofunikila, nthawi zina amaphika ndikugwira ntchito zina zapakhomo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7087,"He explains: “There are some foodstuffs such as cooking oil or meat which a woman alone may not afford. So, if I don’t take care of the nutritional needs of my family and their hygiene, then who will?","Akufotokoza:” pali zakudya zina monga mafuta ophikila kapena nyama zimene mayi payekha sangakwanitse. Ndiye, ngati sindisamalira banja zofuna banja langa koamnso ukhondo wake, ndiye apange zimenezi ndani?",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7088,"“That’s why I find it important to take part. If my wife is sick, she doesn’t have to cook for the family when I am around, it is my duty to do so.”","Ndichifukwa chake ndimaziwona zofunika kuti nditenge nawo gawo. Ngati mkazi wanga wadwala, sayenela kuphikira banja lonse pamene ine ndilipo, ndi udindo wanga kutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7089,"Before men were engaged under the Afikepo Project, it was difficult to convince them to buy some foods. Now that they know the importance of six food groups, it’s not difficult to convince them to do so,” says Zimba","Abambo asanayambe kutenga nawo mbali mu chitukuko cha Afikepo, kunali kovuta kuwafotokozera kuti azigula zakudya zina. Pano amadziwa kufunika kwa magulu asanu ndi limodzi azakudya, sizovutanso kuwauza kuti atero;” akufotokoza Zimba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7090,"Life has not been easy for men such as Nyirenda and Mbeye, who are constantly ribbed by their friends, but they won’t let mockery stand between them and the nutrition and care their families need","Moyo sunakhale wosavuta kwa abambo ngati a Nyirenda ndi a Mbeye, amene nthawi zonse amakhala akusekedwa ndi anzawo, koma sakulola kusekedwa kuti kuime pakati pa iwo ndi madyedwe abwino ndi chisamaliro chomwe banja lawo limakhumba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7091,"For all we do for our families, some men say we are being controlled by our wives. But we try to sensitise them on the importance of male involvement in taking care of the health of their families,” says Mbeye, from Mkanda Village","Chifukwa timapangila mabanja athu, abambo ena amanena kuti tikulamulidwa ndi akazi athu. Koma timayesetsa kuwaphunzitsa ubwino wabambo kutenga nawo mabli posamalira umoyo wa banja lawo,” akutero mbeya wa m’mudzi wa mkanda",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7092,Members of the fathers’ groups encourage each other to participate in activities that promote good household nutrition,Anthu ena a mugulu la abambo amalimbikitsana kuti azitenga nawo gawo mu ntchito zolimbikitsa madyedwe abwino pakhomo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7093,"“As men, we need to help our women, especially when they are pregnant. A child needs supplementary foods to grow properly and it’s my duty as a father to provide that,” says Mbeye","Monga abambo, timayenela kuwathandiza amayi makamaka pamene ali ndi mimba. Mwana amafuna zakudya zowonjezela kuti akule bwimo ndipo ndi udindo wanga ngati bambo kupeleka zimenezo,” akutero Mbeye",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7094,The chief grew up being told that pregnant women and lactating mothers who eat eggs and meat risk giving birth to bald-headed crybabies. She wants this ended for the well-being of every child and woman,Amfunuwo anakula akuwuzidwa kuti amayi amimba komanso oyamwitsa amene amadya mazira ndi nyama ali pachiopsezo chobeleka mwana wa dazi olilalila. Akufuna izi zithe pofunila kukula kwabwino mwana wina aliyense komanso amayi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7095,"“As a leader, experience has taught me to serve and lead by example,” she says. “My people trust me because I do what I say instead of just telling them ‘do this’ or ‘don’t do that’. I make sure everyone lives happily and enjoys good health, including those who cannot speak or work for themselves","Monga mtsogoleri, zochitika zandiphunzitsa kuthandiza ndi kutsogolera mwachitsanzo,” akutero.” anthu anga amandikhulupilira chifukwa ndimachita zimene ndimanena m’malo mongowauza kuti chitani izi kapena musachitite izi. Ndimaonetsetsa kuti aliyense akukhala mosangalala ndi kukhala ndi umoyo wabwino kuphatikiza amene sangaziyakhulire kapena kuzigwilira ntchito",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7096,"TA Mpunga has become a firm cultural warrior tackling myths and misconceptions fuelling malnutrition among pregnant women, lactating mothers and children aged below five","Mfumu yayikulu mpunga yakhala womenyela chikhalidwe kulimbana ndi nthano komanso maganizo woipa zimene zimayambitsa kunyetchela pakati pamayi oyembekezera, amayi oyamwitsa ndi ana ochepela zaka zisanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7097,"She goes village to village alongside nutrition promoters to ensure children have a healthy start in life that guarantees their good health, mental growth, learning ability as well as better productivity and chances in life","Amayenda mudzi ndi mudzi pamodzi ndi olimbikitsa madyedwe abwino kuwonetsetsa kuti ana ali ndi umoyo wabwino akamakula zimene zimapeleka chitsimikizo cha umoyo wabwino, kukula m’maganizo, kuthekera kophinzira komanso kupindula ndi mwayi m’moyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7098,"“We cannot talk about healthy lives without healthy diets, so it’s unfair that myths and misinformation denied children and women diversified diets containing eggs and meat,” the chief states","Sitinganene za umoyo wabwini opanda osanena madyedwe abwino, ndiye sizabwino kuti nthano ndi mauthenga olakwika alepheletse ana ndi amayi zakudya zosiyanasiyana zokhala ndi mazila ndi nyama, amfumu anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7099,"“Before the rollout of Afikepo, we had many nutritional challenges, especially stunting. Many children were too small for their age because, to us, food was only nsima","Isanayambe afikepo, tinali ndi mavuto ambiri okhudzana ndi madyedwe abwino makamaka kukwinimbila. Ana ambiri anali ochepa mosagwilizana ndi msikhu wawo chifukwa kwa ife chakudya chinali nsima basi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7100,"We didn’t know the importance of diversified diets, skills to prepare nutritious meals from locally produced foods and the dangers of poor sanitation,” she explains","Sitimadziwa kufunika kwa madyedwe akasakaniza, maluso okhonera chakudya chopatsa nthanzi kuchokera ku zakudya zopangidwa m’dera lathu koamsno kuwopsa kwa kusowekela ukhondo,” akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7101,"TA Mpunga thanks Afikepo for training community-based volunteers who go door to door, sharing the importance of diversified diets from six food groups and sanitation",Mfumu yayikulu mpunga akuthokoza afikepo pophunzitsa othandizila ntchito kudelali amene amayenda khomo ndi khomo kugawa kufunika kwa zakudya zosiyanasiyana za magulu asanu ndi limodzi komanso ukhondo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7102,The nutrition promoters and cluster leaders also convene communal cooking demonstrations to teach women different ways to prepare nutritious meals,Olimbikitsa madyedwe abwino ndi otsogolera madela amakumananso kuchionetsero chophika kuti aphunzitse amayi njira zosiyanasiyana m’mene angaphikire chakudya chopatsa nthazi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7103,"“Thanks to the tireless volunteers, pregnant women now eat eggs without fear and food is no longer just nsima, which fills the stomach but offers less nutrients that they need to give birth to healthy babies,” explains the chief","Zikomo kwa othandizila ntchito osatopa, amayi amimba tsopano amadya mazira osaopa komanso chakudya si nsima yokha, imene imakhutitsa mimba koma imapeleka michere yochepa imene amafuna kuti abeleke mwana wathanzi,” akufotokoza amfumuwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7104,"Instead of just relying on meals from rain-fed crops whose yields keep dwindling amid climate change, TA Mpunga’s community now grows vegetables all year-round in their backyards and neighbouring wetlands","M’amlo mongodalira zakudya zochoka ku mbewu zodalira mbewu zimene zokolora zake zikuchepa chifukwa chakusitha kwa nyengo, dela la mfumu yayikulu mpunga limalimba masamba cha chonse mu madimba awo apakhomo ndi madimba oyandikila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7105,"The chief knows that mindset change does not occur overnight, but gradually. She states: “To combat the myths relayed from one generation to another, I tell village heads and village development committees to always remind people in their communities that it is time we challenged and modified harmful cultural beliefs","Mfumuyi akudziwa kusitha maganizo a anthu zikumachitika nthawi yochepa, koma pan’gonopan’gono. Akunena kuti:” kuti tithane ndi thano zimene zachoka m’badwo wina kufikila wina, ndimawauza mafumu am’mudzi komanso magulu achitukuko am’mudzi kuti aziwakumbutsa anthu nthawi zonse mmadela mwawo kuti nthawi yoyenela kuthana ndikusitha zikhulupiliro zowopsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7106,"“I personally meet resistant parents, especially fellow women, to discuss the benefits of eating diverse diets from six food groups.”","Ndimakumana ndi makolo ovuta ndekha, makamaka amayi anzanga, kuti tikambilane kufunika kodya zakudya zosiyanasiyana za magulu asanu ndi limodzi.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7107,"TA Mpunga also attends masanje, the community-based cooking demonstrations where she, among others, first got to taste fritters from ground soya beans as well as pigeon peas boiled together with meat and vegetables","Mfumu yayikulu mpunga imakhala nawo pa masanje, masanje akudera achiwonetsero chophika kumene iwo, ndi ena analawa koyamba zitumbuwa za soya wosinja komanso nandolo obwatitsidwalimodzi ndi nyama ndi masamba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7108,"“I still attend the cooking demonstrations because I learn a lot, especially the different recipes from locally available foodstuffs that we once took for granted","Ndimakhala nawobe pachiwonetselo chophikachi chifukwa ndimaphunzira zambiri, makamaka maphikidwe ogwilitsa ntchito zakudya zomwe zilipo zimene sitimazilabadila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7109,"When I go home, I put the lessons to good use so that my four-year-old grandson can grow well,” she says","Ndikapita kunyumba, ndigwilitsa ntchito zomwe ndaphunzira kuti chidzukulu changa chachimuna cha zaka zinayo chikule bwino,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7110,"“Additionally, food insecurity remains a challenge due to recurrent climatic shocks, health pandemics and poor water and sanitation.”","Kuwonjerapo, kusowa kwa chakudya ndi vutobe chifukwa kugwedezeka kobwelezabweleza kwa nyengo, mlili paumoyo wabwino komanso kusowekela madzi abwino ndi ukhondo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7111,He has since called for the right investments and scaling up of other social services to positively impact on improving children’s lives,Kuyambila pamenpo wapepha kuika chuma pa zinthu zofunika komanso kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zothandizira anthu kuti zikhudwe bwino kusitha miyoyo ya ana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7112,"“In Cyclone Freddy affected districts, communities have lost crops and livestock and might face challenges meeting their basic needs for food and health. Unicef anticipates this might further deteriorate the already fragile nutrition status of under-five children with increased severe acute malnutrition,” said Ndiaye","“ + Mumaboma amene akhudzidwa ndi phepo yanamodwe ya freddy, anthu ataya mbewu ndi ziweto ndipo akhoza kukumana nd mavuto kupeza zofunikira za tsiku ndi tsiku za chakudya komanso umoyo. Bungwe la unicef likuyembekezera kuti izi zikhoza kuwonjezera kutsika kwa manyedwe abwino ovuta kale a ana ochepela zaka zisanu ndi kuchuluka kwa kunyetchela kwambiri,” anatero ndiaye",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7113,"In a separate interview, Department of Nutrition, HIV and Aids director admitted that this year has been worse in terms of child malnourishment following the challenges as a result cholera, Cyclone Freddy and fertiliser supplies resulting from the Ukraine War","Pakuyakhulana kwina, oyendetsa dipatimenti ya madyedwe abwino, kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a edzi komanso matenda a edzi anavomeleza kuti chaka chino chakhala chovuta makamaka kunyetchela kwa na chifukwa cha zovuta chifukwa cha kolera, phepo ya namondwe komanso kapezekedwe ka feteleza kutsatira nkhondo ya ku ukraine",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7114,"“All this has affected production and food supplies which already puts people at risk,” he said","Zonsezi zasokoneza kapangidwe komanso kupezeka kwa chakudya zimene zaika kale anthu pachiopsezo,”anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7115,"According to Unicef, under-nutrition can have adverse effects on children such as susceptibility to infection, with high risk of deaths due to common childhood illnesses","Malinga ndi bungwe la unicef, kusowa kwa zakudya mnthupi kukhoza kukhala ndi zotsatira zowopsa kwa mwana monga kutengeka ndi matenda, ndi chiopsezo chachikulu cha imfa chifukwa cha matenda odziwika akuumwana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7116,"Pilirani Kachimanga, 39, grew up hearing that eggs are hazardous for pregnant women and lactating mothers",Pilirani kachimanga wa zaka makumi atatu asanu ndi anayi anakula akumva kuti mazira ndi owopsa kwa mayi wamimba komanso amayi oyamwitsa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7117,"During her first pregnancy 15 years ago, elderly women warned that she would give birth to a crybaby “as hairless as an egg” if she broke the taboo","Nthawi imene anali ndi mimba yake yoyamba zaka khumi zinasu zapitzo, amayi achikulire anamuwopseza kuti adzabeleka mwana oliralira wopanda tsitsi ngati dzira akachita zoletsedwazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7118,"“The thought of having a weepy bald-headed baby was terrifying, but I continued to eat eggs for my health and the unborn child,” she narrates. “Strangely, nothing peculiar happened. Instead, I looked healthier than my friends who believed the myths. My baby was born with greater weight","Ganizo lokhala ndi mwana woliralira wadzazi zinali zochititsa mantha, koma zinapitilizabe kudya mazira kupangila nthanzi langa komanso mwana wosabadwayo,” akutero. Modabwitsa, palibe chachilendo chimene chinachitika. M’malo mwake ndinawoneka wanthanzi kusiyana ndi anzanga amene ankhulupilira nthanozi. Mwana wanga anabadwa wolemela kwambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7119,"The fear of the unknown left many pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children malnourished in Traditional Authority (T/A) Mpunga, Chiradzulu, recalls Kachimanga","Kuwopa chosachidziwa kunasiya amayi ambiri amimba, amayi oyamwitsa ndi ana kukhala onyetchela kwa mfumu yayikulu mpunga ku chiladzulu, akukumbukila kachimanga",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7120,"Equally harmful was overreliance on nsima and porridge from maize flour, which contains scanty nutrients required for children’s growth","Zowopsa kwambibiriso kunali kudalra nsima ndi phala la ufa wa chimanga, zimene zimakhala ndi michere yochepa yofunikila kuti mwana akule",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7121,"The elders said a baby cannot live on breast milk alone though babies spoon-fed porridge had ballooned bellies, slow growth and low weight,” Kachimanga explains","Akuluakulu amkati mwana sangakhale pomwa mkaka wa m’mawere okha ngakhale ana odya phala amakhala ndi mimba zofufuma, kukula mochedwa komanso opepuka.” akufotokoza kachimanga",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7122,"She exclusively breastfed her three children for six months against the odds. “From 15-year-old Femia to seven-month-old Trinity, none of my three children suffered malnutrition,” Kachimanga brags","Amkayamwitsa mwakathithi ana ake atatu kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi motsutsana ndi zovuta zonse. Kuchokera femia wa zaka khumi ndi zisanu kufikila trinity wa miyezi isanu ndi ziwiri, palibe mwa ana anga atatuwa ananyetchelapo,” akudzitama kachimanga",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7123,"Ever-smiling Trinity, born on November 27 2022, personifies the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding. On May 27 2023, she introduced in her baby’s diet light complementary feeding, mostly porridge comprising a mix of ingredients from six food groups. They include groundnut flour, eggs, vegetable soup, pawpaw juice and other foodstuffs","Wongosekela trinity wobadwa pa 27 november chaka cha 2022, akuimila ubwino woyamwitsa mwakathithi. Pa 27 may 2023, anayambitsa chakudya chopepuka mu chakudya cha mwana wake, makamaka phala lokhala ndi zophatikikiza za magulu asanu ndi limodzi azakudya. Zikhoza kukhala msinjiro, mazira, supu wamasamba, madzi apapaya komanso zakudya zina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7124,"For six months, I kept hands off extra meals because breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients for a baby and her digestive system wasn’t well-developed to break hard food,” Kachimanga explains","Kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi,sindimagwira zakudya zina chifukwa mkaka wa m’mawere umakhala ndi michere yofunikila kwa mwana komanso mimba yake sinali yokhwima kuti iphwaye zakudya zolimba,” kachimanga akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7125,She learned to prepare the soft meal with a bit of everything from communal cooking demonstrations convened by nutrition promoters to popularise diversified diets and different ways to prepare nutritious meals from locally available foodstuffs,Anaphunzira kukhonza zakudya zofewa ndichilichonse zokochekela ku chiwonetselo chophika cha m’mudzi zimene zimene amabweletsa pamodzi ndi olimbikitsa madyedwe abwino kuti afalitse zakudya zosiyanasiyana komanso maphikidwe osiyanasiyana azakusya zopatsa nthanzi kuchokera kuzakudya zopezeka ku dela lawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7126,"Apart from the enriched porridge my daughter takes four times a day, I also learned how to prepare porridge from pumpkins and juice from pawpaws and sweet potato leaves,” Kachimanga states","Kupatula phala labwino limene mwana wanga wamkazi amadya kanayi patsiku, ndaphunziranso kukhoza phala lochoka ku maungu ndi madzi kuchoka kupapaya komanso kholowa,” akutero kachimanga",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7127,"The cooking lessons and door-to-door visits by the community-based volunteers have helped shatter myths and misconceptions fuelling malnutrition. During the sessions, promoters tell participants to eat more than just nsima","Maphunziro wophika komanso kuyenda khomo ndi khomo kwa othandizira ntchito am’dera zathandiza kuhetsa nthano ndi maganizo woipa zimene zimapititsa patsogolo kunyetchela. Pamaphunzilopa, opitsa patsogolo amauza ophunzira kuti azidya zambiri osati nsima yokha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7128,They show us many nutritious local foods that we can eat for our benefit and different ways of preparing them,Amatiwonetsa zakudya zambiri zopatsa nthazi zopezeka kwanthu komkuno zimene tikhoza kudya kuti zitithandize komanso njira zambiri m’mene tingakhonzele chakudya,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7129,"The volunteers work with village heads to promote recommended nutrition practices, sanitation and hygiene under Afikepo Project, funded by the European Union in partnership with Unicef, so that children can live healthy lives and reach their full potential","Ogwira ntchito modzipelekawa amagwila ntchito ndi mafumu a m’midzi kuti alimbikitse njira zamadyedwe abwino ovomelezeka, ukhondo pansi pa chitukuko cha Afikepo ndichithandizo cha ndalama zochoka ku mgwirizano wa maiko akuwulaya mogwirizana ndi bwungwe la unicef, kuti ana akhale ndi moyo wabwino ndikufikila kuthekela kwawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7130,"We don’t want any child to suffer from malnutrition and its debilitating effects, so we work closely with village heads to confront the myths and misconceptions,” Elias states","Sitimafuna mwana wina aliyense kuti avutike ndi kunyetchela komanso zotsatira zofowoketsa, choncho timagwira ntchito ndi afumu am’mudzi kulimbana ndi nthano komanso kuganiza kolakwika.” akutero elias",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7131,"Healthy children at play delight the volunteer who believes a healthy start in life boosts their growth, learning and productivity","Ana athanzi akusewela kumasangalatsa ogwila ntchito mongozipelekewa amene amakhulupilira kuti chiyambi chanthanzi chipitista kukula patsgolo, kuphunzira komanso kupindula",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7132,"We are creating a community free from malnutrition,” he explains. “Malawi needs healthy people to develop…When children are happy and free from preventable conditions, we are all happy,” he explains","Tikuapanga malo amene kulibe kunyetchela, akufotokoza. Malawi akufunika anthu athanzi ku atukuke… pamene ana ali osangalala komanso opanda matenda opeweka, timakhala osangalala,” akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7133,"The group also help combat sanitation-diseases that fuel malnutrition in children. “Before Cyclone Freddy struck in March this year, 177 households had latrines. However, 82 were destroyed by the torrents that poured for four days nonstop,” says Elias, one of the 20 health surveillance assistants at Thumbwe Health Centre","Gululi limathandizanso kuthana ndi matenda okhudza ukhondo amene amayambitsa kunyetchela mwa ana,”kusabwele mvula yanamondwe ya freddy mu march chaka chino, nyumba zana limodzi mphambu makumi asanu ndi awiri mphambu zisanu ndi ziwiri anali ndi zimbudzi, koma, makumi asanu ndi makumi atatu ndi ziwiri zinawonongeka ndi mvula yaphamvu imene inagwa masiku anayi osasiyam” akutero elias, m’modzi mwa othandizila ntchito za umoyo pa chipatala cha thumbwe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7134,"He says the community-based promoters, cluster leaders and village heads are the healthcare system’s ears and eyes in areas where they live","Akunena kuti olimbikitsa akumadela, atsogoleri amadela ndi mafumu ndi makutu ndi maso a njira za umoyo m’madela amene amakhala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7135,None of the 11 pregnant women and 22 under-five children in his zone was diagnosed with malnutrition in May,"None of the 11 pregnant women and 22 under-five children in his zone was diagnosed with malnutrition in May + Palibe mwa amayi khumi ndi limodzi komanso ana makumi awiri ndi awiri osakwana zaka zisanu anapezeka wonyetchela mu mwezi wa may",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7136,The future looks bright if we continue working together to have healthy children born of healthy mothers and protect every child from malnutrition he explains.,"Tsogolo likuwoneka lowala ngati titapitiza kugwira ntchito limodzi kuti tikhale ndi ana athanzi wobadwa kwa amayi athanzi komanso kuteteza mwana wina aliyense kuti asanyetchele,akufotokoza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7137,"As community health workers, we are too few to get to every household, but these people quickly alert us when they detect suspected malnourished children, sanitation gaps and myths","Ngati ogwila ntchito yopeleka chithandizo cha zaumoyo akudela, tilipo ochepa kuti tifikile nyumba ina iliyonse, koma anthu awa amatidziwitsa mwansana akapeza mwana womuganizira kuti ndiwonyetchela, kusowa ukhondo komanso nthano",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7138,Ministry of Health director of nutrition Felix Phiri says the ministry is finalising the review of the Nutrition Policy to be ready for use next January,"Ministry of Health director of nutrition Felix Phiri says the ministry is finalising the review of the Nutrition Policy to be ready for use next January + Woyendetsa ntchito zamadyedwe abwino kuunduna wa zaumoyo akuti unduwanu ukamalizitsa kuwonanso malamulo a ntchito za madyedwe abwino amene ayambe kugwilitsidwa ntchito mwezi wa January",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7139,"In an interview on the sidelines of a briefing ahead of the opening of a global Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) conference in Lilongwe on Monday, he said the review is covering gaps in the current policy to address nutritional challenges which the country is grappling with","Poyakhualana pambali pazokambilana pamene amatsegulira nkumano wa ulimi wa dziko lonse, madyedwe abwino ndi umoyo ku lilongwe lolemba , ananena kuti kuwonanso ndondomeko kutseka mavuto amene analipo mu ndondomeko imene ikugwilitsidwa ntchito pano kuti athetse mavuto amene dziko likulimbana nawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7140,"We are now at an advanced stage. We want to have it approved by the Cabinet by December so that by January 2024, we should be using it,” said Phiri","Tatsala pan’gono kumaliza. Tikufuna kuti likavomelezedwe ndi nduna za boma ikamafika december kuti imafika January 2024 tiyambe kugwilitsa ntchito,” akutero phiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7141,"Malawi developed the first National Nutrition Policy and Strategic Plan in 2007 with the goal to facilitate the improvement of the nutrition status of all Malawians with emphasis on children under five years, pregnant and lactating women, school aged children and other vulnerable groups such as people living with HIV and people affected by emergencies","Dziko la malawi linapanga ndondomeko yoyamba yoyendetsera ntchito nda madyedwe abwino mu chaka cha 2007 ndi cholinga ku chothandizira kusitha manyedwe abwino kwa a malawi onse kuyan’ganira kwambiri ana azaka osakwana zisanu, amayi oyembekezaa ndi amayi oyamwitsa, ana a zaka zopita ku sukulu ndi magulu ena anthu okhiudzidwa monga anthu okhala ndi kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a edzi anthu okhudzidwa ndi zinthu za dzidzidzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7142,The policy was reviewed in 2018 by formulating a multi-sectoral nutrition policy covering both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions,Ndondomekoyi imawonedwanso mu chaka cha 2018 kupanga ndondomeko ya magawo osiyanasiyana kukhudza za madyedwe abwino ndi ntchto zokhudza madyedwe abwino,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7143,One of the organisers of the conference Suneetha Kadiyala from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said scholars and researchers in all the three fields are expected to make presentations over the course of the four-day conference,M’modzi mwa opangitsa mkumanowo kuneetha kadiyala ochoka ku sukulu ya ku london yawona za unkhondo komanso mankhwala anati anthu ophunzira ndi akafukufuku mu ma gawo atatu onsewa akuyembezekeleka kufotokoza zinthu zawo masiku anayi a mkumanowu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7144,She said the 8th annual ANH conference will also provide linkages for further research and studies by the participants,Anati mkumano wa chisanu ndi zitatuwu uthandiza kulumikizitsa kufufuza kopiltiliza ndi kuphunzira kwa okhala nawo pa mkumanowu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7145,"The conference convenes the global community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working to address the most pressing challenges relating to food systems, climate change and health","Mkumanowu umabweletsa pamodzi anthu ofufuza pa dziko lonse, akadaulo komanso opanga malamulo kugwira ntchito yothana ndi mavuto ohudza njira za zakudya, kusitha kwa nyengo ndi umoyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7146,"Over 400 experts are expected to attend, both in-person and online, with the aim of sharing knowledge","Anthu oposa mazana anyi akuyembezeleka kukhala nawo, okha kapena pamakina a intaneti, ndicholinga chogawana nzeru",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7147,It is around 4pm on Saturday afternoon. The sun is setting at Kapeni evacuation camp located on a football field at Blantyre Teacher Training College in Blantyre,Ndi loweluka nthawi ya 4 kololo masana. Dzuwa likulowa ku malo kothawila anthu ku kapeni limene lili pa malo osewelera mpira ku sukulu yaaphunzitsi ku blantyre,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7148,"There are 476 people, over half of whom are under 18. They have just been relocated to the school ground from the Kapeni Demonstration Primary School classes where thousands spent nights and days since they escaped the ravaging effects of Cyclone Freddy on March 13. Now, they are relocated in tents provided by various donor organisations",Kuli anthu okwana mazana anayi mphambu makumi asanu ndi awiri mphambu zisanu ndi chimodzi amene tehka ndi a zaka zochepela khumi ndi mphambu zisanu ndi zitatu. Iwo asuthidwa kukasiyidwa ku bwalo la sukuluyi kuchoka pa sukulu ya pulayimale ya kapeni kumene anthu mazana akhala kumeneku usiku ndi usana chithawileni zotsatira za mvula yamkutho ya freddy pa 13 mwezi wa march. Pano aikidwa ku ma tenti opelekedwa ndi mabungwe othandiza osiyanasiyana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7149,"The survivors’ greatest need, is the lack of food. Little aid has trickled down to them, the survivors claim, despite being a few kilometers from the Department of Disaster Management (Dodma) regional office in Limbe","Chofuna cha anthu wopulumuka ndikusowa kwa chakudya. Chithandizo chochepa chokha chabwera kwa iwo, opulumukawo akutero, ngakhale ma ofesi owona za ngozi za dzidzidzi ali pafupi ku limbe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7150,Laureen Jackson has three children aged between six and nine in the camp. They are spending nights with 84 others in a tent,Laureen jackson ali ndi ana atatu azaka pakati pa zisanu ndi chimodzi kufika zisanu ndi zinayi ku camp ku. Akugona mu tentimu ndi anthu ena makumi anayi ndi zisanu ndi zitatu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7151,The situation has worsened with 17 other survivors who have been relocated from Manja evacuation camp down the road,Zinthu zafika povuta ndi anthu ena khumi ndi zisanu ndi ziwiri abweletsedwa kuzakhala kuchoka mu malo othawila anthu ku manja kungowoloka nsewu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7152,"But, that is not her major worry. She is most worried about the food situation at the camp. They had their last meal at lunch. That Saturday evening, they would have nothing but roast maize","Koma izi sidandaulo lake lalikulu, akudandaula nkhani ya chakudya pa malopa. Chakudya chomaliza chimene anadya chinali chamasana. Usiku wa pachiwelu usiku umene sadya china chilichonse koma chimanga chowotcha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7153,"Before he goes to school, I will take him for treatment for malnutrition. We got maize flour on Thursday last week and that was the day a health worker noted my son’s malnutrition and they said we have to go to the health centre the very day they are opening schools,” said the single mother","Asanapite kusukulu, ndimupititsa kuti akalandile chithandizo cha kunyetchela. Tinapeza ufa wa chimanga sabata yatha lachinayi ndipo ili linali tsiku limene ogwira ntchito za umoyo anawona kunyetchela kwa mwana wanga ndipo ananena kuti tikuyenela kupita ku chipatala tsiku limene akutsegulira sukulu,” anatero mayi okhala yekhayo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7154,"We are getting, at most, soya pieces and beans with no cooking oil. We lost everything in the floods and here we are, devastated,” she said","Tikulandila soya pisezi ndi nyemba zopanda mafuta. Tinataya chilichonse mu madio osefukila, tsopano tili pano. Othodwa,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7155,"Another survivor, 49-year-old mother of four Tinesi Mhango says she is worried by the food situation at the camp","Opulumuka wina, tinesi mhango, a zaka makuni anayi ndi zisanu ndi zinayi, mayi wa ana anayi akudandaula m’mene chakudya chilili pa malopa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7156,"We listen to the radio and hear of the so many donations made towards victims yet, nothing is getting to us. We are only dependent on food donations from well-wishers connected to our chief,” she said","Timamvetsela wailesi ndipo timamva za chithandizo chomwe chapelekedwa kwa athu okhudzidwawa, koma palibe chomwe chikubwera ka ife. Tikudalira chakudya cholandila chochokela kwa anthu akufuna kwabwino amene amadziwana ndi amfumu athu,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7157,"It is worrisome. We had three bags of beans and that only lasted three days. Besides, there was no cooking oil. Even more, there has been nothing from the government since March 13","Ndizodandaulitsa, tinali ndi matumba a nyemba atatu ndipo izi zinatha pa masiku atatu. Pambali pa izi, palibeso mafuta ophikila, palibe chimene chachoka ku boma kuchokela 13 mwezi wa march",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7158,"As a chief, I think government has left the duty to take care for the survivors to chiefs since they are the people’s guardians,” she said","Ngati mfumu, ndikuganiza kuti boma lasiyila ntchito yake yosamalira anthu wopulumukawa kwa mwa mafumu chifukwa ndi amene amasamalira anthuwa.” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7159,A Parliamentary Committee on Social and Community Affairs report on the food crisis in prisons has noted that reduced food rations in the 2022/23 National Budget could be the cause of a crisis which has seen one prisoner losing his life to malnutrition,Komiti ya nyumba yamalamulo yowna za makhalidwe ndi anthu mu kalata ya kusowa kwa chakudya ku ndende lawonakuti kuchepa kwa zakudya ku ndondomeko ya zachuma ya 2022/23 ndi zimene zapangitsa kusowaku zimene zapangitsa mkaidi m’modzi kumwallira kamba ka kunyetchela,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7160,"He said: “The food ration was covering maize, beans, with meat and at times fish in between, and that also includes salt and firewood, which was inadequate","Akuti,” chakudya chake chimakhala chimanga. Nyemba, ndi nyana ndipo nthawi zina nsomba ndipo izi m’makhalanso mchere ndi nkhuni zimene sizikwanila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7161,This meant that the food crisis in prisons would resurface if there was no other supply to cover February and March 2023—the period before the 2023/24 National Budget was passed to allocate resources to MPS,Izi zikutathauza kuti kusowa kwa chakudya mu ndende kuchitikaso ngati sipakhala kupelekedwa kwachakudya choti chigwile ntchito mwezi wa february ndi march chaka cha 2023- nthawi imene ndondomeko ya chuma ya dziko ya 20223/24 isanapeleke zipangizo ku MPS,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7162,"The committee also noted that even though the MPS had received the maize bailout from Admarc, they did not have enough funds to buy relish and firewood, such that the prisoners were eating nsima without relish, while some of them were adding sugar or salt in it, just to give it some taste","Komitiyi yawonanso kuti ngakhale MPS lidalandila thandizo la chimanga kuchoka ku admarc, analibe ndalama zokwanira zogulira ndiwo ndi nkhuni, ndipo akaidi amadya nsima yopanda ndiwo,ndipo ena amathila shuga kpena mchere kuti imvekeko bwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7163,"The committee recommended the amendment of the Malawi Prison Services Act to allow it to generate income using different means, such as charging government institutions for labour provided by the prisoners",Komitiyi yavomeleza kusithaso lamulo la ndende za ku malawi kuti azipeza ndalama pogwilitsa ntchito njira zosiyanasiyana monga kulipilitsa magawo ena aboma akagwilitsa ntchito akaidi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7164,"At the moment, the Act does not provide for charged labour, as prisoners provide labour to the government in various ways such as assisting city council’s sweeping exercises for free","Panthiwo ino, lamuloli silimanena zakulipilitsa, chifukwa akaidi amagwila ntchito kuthandiza boma munjira zosiyanasiyana monga kuthandiza woyan’ganila m’zimba posesa mwa ulele",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7165,"On his part, Mulanje Bale lawmaker Victor Musowa (Democratic Progressive Party) wondered how leaders feel to see prisoners going hungry","Mu gawo lake, wakunyumba ya malamulo wa mulanje bale anabadwa kuti atsogoleri amamva bwanji kumaona akaidi akukhala ndi njala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7166,"Following the nutrition crisis, the Malawi Human Rights Commission has written to the Prison authorities to comply with international obligations that guarantee prisoners’ nutrition","Kutsatira kusowa kwa zakudya zopatsa thanzi, bungwe lowona za maufulu a anthu kumalawi lalembela oyendetsa ndende kuti azitsatila ndondomeko za dziko lonse zimene zimapeleka chitsimikizo thanzi labwino la akaidi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7167,Frail young men chained to sickbeds at Thyolo District Hospital personify surging malnutrition feared to have claimed a life at Bvumbwe Prison last week,Mwamuna wachichepele odwala atamagililidwa tcheni ku chipatala cha thyolo akuwonetsa kukula kwa kunyetchela kumene kwapangitsa kuti munthu m’modzi amwalire ku ndende ya bvumbwe sabata yatha,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7168,The development coincides with a Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) probe into claims that inmates on anti-retroviral therapy at Zomba Central Prison in the old capital are surviving on their own stools,Zachitikazi zikugwilizana ndi zomwe bungwe lowona za maufulu a anthu limayan’gana kuti akaidi amene akulandila makhwala otalikitsa moyo ku ndende ya zomba ku likulu laboma lakale akudya manyi awo omwe.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7169,Prisoners at Bvumbwe with debilitating wasting say the once-a-day meals want of nutrition and related diseases have turned the correctional facility for young offenders into a torture chamber,Akaidi ku ndende ya bvumbwe amene aki wowonda komanso othelatu akuti chakudya kamodzi patsiku yopatsa thanzi komanso matenda okhudzana ndi izi zapangitsa malo osithila anthu ophwanya malamulo kukhala konzuzila anthu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7170,"The influx of patients with nutritional conditions could be a sign that “something is terribly wrong”, stated alarmed healthcare workers at Thyolo District Hospital","Kuchuluka kwa odwala ndi matenda wonyetchela ndi chizindikilo kuti china chake sichili bwino, akutero ogwira ntchio ya zaumoyo modabwitsika ku chipatala cha thyolo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7171,"One healthcare worker explained: “There are three prisons in Thyolo, but it is shocking that all the six patients admitted with severe and moderate malnutrition in the past two weeks came from Bvumbwe.”","Ogwira ntchito za umoyo akufotokoza:” kuli ndende zitatu ku thyolo, koma ndi zodabwitsa kuti odwala asanu ndi m’modzi amane anagonekedwa kuchiptala ndikunyetchela kwambiri komanso pan’gono masabata awiriwa anachoka kwa bvumbwe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7172,The caregivers implored prisons to stop serving a single diet for inmates and using food as punishment,Osamalira anapepha ndendeyi kuti isiye kupeleka chakudya cha gulu limodzi kwa akaidi komanso kusiya kugwilitsa ntchito chakudya ngati chilango,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7173,"Children need at least three nutritious meals because they are still growing, so do patients for treatment to work,” the source said. Life is hard","Ana amafuna zakudya zitatu zopatsa thanzi chifukwa amakhala akukula, chimodzimodziso odwala kuti mankhwala agwire ntchito.” anatero. Umoyo ukulimba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7174,"The hospital staff have since petitioned Thyolo district commissioner (DC) to fund a fact-finding team to assess the prison’s diet, sanitation, hygiene and affected population",Ogwira ntchito ku chipatala apempha bwana mkubwa wa boma la thyolo kuti apeleke ndalama ku gulu lofufuza chomwe chikuchitika pamadyedwe a kaidiwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7175,"Three patients admitted to Thyolo District Hospital lamented that sometimes they go to bed hungry, even when taken ill. They said the one-diet-fits-all arrangement has left about a third of the prison’s nearly 290 inmates with malnutrition","Odwala amene agonekedwe ku chipatala cha thyolo akudandaula kuti nthawi zina amagona ndi njala, ngakhale pamene akudwala. Akuti ndondomeko yachakudya chofanana kwa aliyense yapangitsa kuti kudutsa theka la ndende akaidi okwana mazana awiri mphambu makumi asanu ndi anai kukhala onyetchela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7176,"During a visit to the male ward at Thyolo District Hospital yesterday, 19-year-old Promise Kondowe was seen taking milk used to treat severe acute malnutrition with complications in children, apparently draining donor-funded supplies for patients aged below 15","Pokayendela chipinda chowodwala ku chipatala cha thyolo dzulo, anawona promise kondowe wa zaka 19 anamuona akumwa mkaka ogwilitsa ntchito kuchilitsa kunyetchela kwambiri ndi zotsatira zake kwa ana, pakali pano izi zikuwononga zipangizo zopelekedwa ndi othandiza zimene zimathandiza odwala ochepela zaka khumi ndi zisanu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7177,"Next to him was 22-year-old Evance Jamali, diagnosed with severe anaemia or insufficient iron in his bloodstream, who had just undergone a transfusion to replenish red blood cells","Woyandikana naye anali evance jamali wa zaka makumi awiri ndi ziwiri amene anampeza ndi malungo akulu kapena kuchepa kwa iron m’magazi, amene analandila magazi kuti abwezeletse magazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7178,"Across the aisle in the same ward was Ronex Stafford presented with anaemia and a bacterial infection called sepsis, the conditions medics attributed to poor nutrition","Across the aisle in the same ward was Ronex Stafford presented with anaemia and a bacterial infection called sepsis, the conditions medics attributed to poor nutrition + Kudutsa mukanjira mu chipinda chomwecho ndi ronex stafford amene ndi wokutha magazi komanso matenda otchedwa sepsis, matenda amene achipatala akuti amayamba chifukwa cha zakudya zopelewela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7179,"Life is hard,” muttered Kondowe, who is completing a two-year jail sentence for stealing a mobile phone in Blantyre, a crime he still denies. He was referred to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Qech) in Blantyre on Saturday when his situation worsened","Moyo ukuvuta,” akutero kondowe amene akumaliza zaka zake ziwiri ali ku ndende chifukwa chakuba lamya ku blantyre, mulandu umene amawukana. Anatumizidwa kuchipatala cha queens Elizabeth loweluka pamene anadwala kwambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7180,"She stated: “I implore the government to do something about this because we may lose more lives unless the torture happening at Bvumbwe Prison stops. If the government cannot feed and protect them, then just release them","Akuti,” ndikupempha boma kuti lichitepo kathu pa izi chifukwa tikhoza kutaya miyoyo yambiri pokhapokha kuzunza kumene kukuchitika ku ndende ya bvumbwe kutasiya. Ngati boma silikwanitsa kuwadyetsa komanso kuwateteza, ingowatulutsani",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7181,"His stature looking smaller than his age, Jamali said two of six cells at Bvumbwe Prison house more than 45 patients each, with malnutrition, scabies and malaria being the common diseases","Maonekedwe wowoneka an’gono kusiyana ndi zaka zake, jamali akuti zipinda ziwiri mwa zipinda zisanu ndi chimodzi ku ndende bvumbwe imasunga odwala oposa makumi anayi ndi asanu onyetchela, mphere komanso malungo kukhala matenda ochulukila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7182,"I came here with five others, but my colleagues have been referred to Qech,” he said. A pair was taken to Qech due to nutrition-related liver complications and other internal conditions","Ine ndinabwela ndi ena asanu, koma anzanga awatumiza ku Qech,” akutero. Awiri anatumizidwa ku Qech chifukwa cha zovuta za chiwindi zokhudzan ndi madyedwe abwino komanso zovuta zina za mthupi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7183,"The wasting teenagers interviewed in Thyolo had sores all over their bottoms, which they attribute to beatings by bullies called anyapala, who reportedly attack young inmates about to walk free","Achinyamata othelelatuwa amene anayakhula nawo ku thyolo anali ndi zilonda m’mmtako, zimene amanena kuti anamenyedwa ndi wonzuza anzawo omwe amatchedwa anyapala amene amamenya akaidi achichele amene atsala pan’gono kutuluka",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7184,"The critical patients in agony put a human face to the breakdown in prison nutrition, which spiked last October when inmates were going up to three days without a meal","Odwala kwambiri akumva ululu amapeleka chitsanzo m’mene madyedwe alili ku ndende, zimene zinafika povuta mwezi wa october pamene akaidi amakhala masiku atatu opanda chakudya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7185,"The monotonous prison diet, strictly nsima with beans or pigeon peas without salt and cooking oil, went on trial in 2009 when inmate Gable Masangano moved the High Court of Malawi to reaffirm that prisoners have a right to food, medical care, clothing and humane treatment","Chakudya cha gulu limodzi, nsima ndi nyemba kapena nandolo zopanda mchere ndi mafuta zinapita ku bwalo lamilandu mu cha chaka cha 2009, pamene mkaidi gable masangano anapita kubwalo lamilandu lalikulu ku malawi kuwadziwitsa kuti akaidi ali ndi ufulu wachakudya, chithandizo cha chipatala, zovala ndikusamalidwa ngati anthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7186,"In 2018, seven inmates on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment also petitioned the High Court to affirm their right to humane treatment, including nutritious food","Mu chaka cha 2018, akaidi asanu ndi awiri amene amamwa mankhwala a chifuwa chachikulu anapephaso bwalo lamilandu lalikulu kutsimikizila kuti ali ndi ufulu kuthandizidwa mwa umunthu kuphatikiza chakudya chopatsa thanzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7187,"When asked about the Bvumbwe situation, Chreaa executive director said the monotonous prison diet does not conform to the applicable standards, especially for persons requiring special meals such as patients and the youth","Atafunsidwa m’mene zilili ku thyolo,wamkulu ku Chreaa anati chakudya cha mtundu umodzi ku ndende sizimagwilizana ndi mlingo ovomelezeka makamaka kwa anthu amene akufunika chakudya chapadela monga odwala ndi achinyamata",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7188,He stated: “This is such upsetting news. It’s as if all the government promises of last year just fell apart,Anati:” iyi ndi nkhani yokhumudwitsa. Zili ngati malonjezo aboma achaka chatha angotayidwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7189,This is against Rule 22 of Nelson Mandela Rules which requires that every prisoner shall be provided with wholesome quality and well-prepared food of nutritional value adequate for health and strength by the prison administration at the usual hours of feeding. The obligation of taking care of prisoners is in the hands of prisons,Izi sizikutsatila lamulo makumi awiri ndi awiri a mandela amene amafuna kuti mkaidi wina aliyense azipatsidwa chakudya chabwinoo komanso chokhonzedwa bwino cha nthazi kuti akhale ndi umoyo wabwino ndi mphamvu chopelekedwa ndi oyendetsa ndende pa nthawi yake yopelekela chakudya. Udindo osamalilira akaidi uli m’manja wa ndende,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7190,"She said: “This is worrisome, considering that the right to food in prisons remains problematic not only in Thyolo, but nationwide. We have also received whistleblowers’ allegations that it’s happening at Mzuzu Prison","Aktuti:” izi ndizodandaulitsa, poganizila kuti ufulu wa chakudya mu ndende ndi vuto osati ku thyolo kokha koma dziko lonse. Talandilanso mauthenga kuti izi zikuchitikanso ku ndende za mzuzu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7191,"Just last week, our legal committee was in Zomba where it was investigating claims that prisoners on antiretroviral treatment are eating their own faeces. Of course, some of the claims were not true, but what is true is that the right to food is at stake","Sabata yatha yomweyi, komiti yathu yowona za malumulo ku zomba kumene imafufuza akaidi amene akumwa mankhwala otalikitsa moyo akudya manyi awo. Inde, zina mwa izi sizinali zowona, koma ndizowona kuti ufulu wachakudya uli pa chiwopsezo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7192,"However, the prison inspectors’ report released after mandatory visits to prisons and police cells in 2021 shows there were no improvements in food and nutrition due to skyrocketing food prices","Komabe, kalata ya oyan’ganira ndende imene inatulutsidwa atayendela ndende ndi kokhala odikilira mlandu ku polisi mu chaka cha 2021 zawonetsa kusasitha kwa chakudya ndi thanzi chifukwa chakukwela mitengo kwa zakudya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7193,"The failure to provide adequate food and medical care is a serious breach of national and international legal and policy instruments and amounts to a breach of human rights,” the report reads in part","Kukanika kupeleka chakudya chokwanira ndi chithandizo cha mankhwala ndi kuphwanya malamulo adziko komanso malumulo adziko lonse ndi kuphwanyaku kumathandauza kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu, kalatayo ikutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7194,Various stakeholders have blamed the prison decongestion on an archaic Prisons Act that does not provide room for decongestion,Ogwira ntchito ndi boma ambiri apeza wolakwa kudzadza kwa ndende chifukwa malamulo oyendetsela ndende amene sapeleka mwayi wotulutsila anthu kundende,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7195,"We have been raising awareness among pregnant and breastfeeding women on nutrition and healthy diets,” he says. “However, to sustain them on the path to recovery, we train them to grow and prepare locally available foods, such as the orange-flesh sweet potato, beans, groundnuts and other foodstuffs","Takhala tikudziwitsa ndi kuphunzitsa amayi amimba komanso amayi oyamwitsa za madyedwe abwino ndi zakudya zopatsa thanzi,” akutero. komabe , kuti tiwapange kuti achile, timawaphunzitsa kulima ndikukonza zakudya zopezeka ku dela lawo monga mbatata yofila mkati, nyemba, mtedza ndi zakudya zina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7196,"Malawi faces high levels of stunting that results from poor childhood diets and infections, with about 37 percent of children being too short for their age","Ku malawi kuli chiwelengelo chachikulu cha kukwinimbila chifukwa cha zakudya zopelewela muchakudya cha ana komanso matenda, pafupifupi ana makumi atatu ndi asanu ndi awiri pa zana limodzi amakhala afupi mosagwilizana ndi msikhu wawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7197,An estimated 56 00 children aged below five suffer acute malnutrition and only eight percent of children below two consume the minimum acceptable diet,Chiwelengelo cha ana okwana zikwi makumi asanu ndi zisanu ndi chimodzi ochepela zaka zisanu amakhala onyetchela kwambiri ndipo ana asanu ndi atatu mwa zana limodzi osakwana zaka ziwiri amadya zakudya zosafikila mlingo wabwino,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7198,"While stunting rates have gone down almost 10 percent since 2010, the height-for-age sign of malnutrition remains high as more than a third of the children are affected","Pamene kukwinimbila kukutsika ndi mapelesenti khumi kuchoka chaka cha 2010, chiwonetselo cha kutalika kolonga ndi zaka ndikokwerabe ndipo ana kuposa theka akukhudzidwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7199,"Childhood malnutrition in the country is made worse by impacts of recurrent climate shocks, including drought, hailstorms and flooding","Kunyetchela kwa ana mu dziko muno kumafika povuta chifukwa cha kubwelebwela kwa zodzidzimutsa pa nyengo monga chilala, mvula ya mphepo ndi kusefukila kwa madzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7200,"Without access to adequate food and nutrition, children under five are at high risk of acute malnutrition, which can result in irreversible setbacks to their development for the rest of their lives","Kupanda kukhala ndi chakudya chokwanila ndi chathanzi, ana ochepela zaka zisanu ali pachiwopsezo chonyetchela kwambiri zimene zikhoza kupangitsa zobweza m’mbuyo zosasithika pamakulidwe awo apa umoyo wawo onse",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7201,"Usually, when children fall sick with malnutrition, they are taken to the nearest health centre to receive Super Cereal Plus, a nutrient-rich, high-energy porridge flour","Nthawi zambiri, mwana akadwala ndikusowekela zakudya mnthupi, amatengeledwa ku chipatala chapafupi kuti akalandile ufa wa phala umene umakhala ndi mphamvu zambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7202,But some children with underlying issues can fall sick again after showing signs of recovery,Koma ana ena amene ali ndi zovuta zina amadwalaso atawonetsa zizindikilo kuti akuchila,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7203,"While Chrispine was being treated, his mother was involved in a women-led programme to learn how to grow and prepare nutritious food for her family through health and nutrition sessions conducted by health monitors","Pamene chripsine amathandizidwa, amayi anali m’gulu loyendetsedwa ndi amayi kuti aphunzile kulima ndi kukonza chakudya chopatsa thanzi kwa banja lake kudzela mkumano wa zaumoyo ndi madyedwe abwino umene amapangitsa oyan’ganira zaumoyo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7204,"This is where she got the vines of the orange-fleshed sweet potatoes she planted. Potato complements foodstuffs such as maize, soya beans and groundnuts which she grows on her farm","Uku ndi kumene anakatenga kholowa wa mbatata yofiila mkati imene anadzala. Mbatata zimathandizila chakudya monga chimanga, soya ndi mtendza umene amalima ku munda kwake",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7205,"From these, with the training she got at the hospital, Samson and her family of six have a rich and nutritious diet","Ku izi, ndizimene anaophunzira ku chipatala, samson ndi banja lake la anthu asanu ndi limodzi amakhala ndi chakudya chabwino ndi chathanzi.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7206,"Despite the restrictions on movement and gatherings, Samson has all nutritional solutions for her family right at her doorstep","Ngakhale pali zoletsa pamayendwe ndi kukumana, samson ali ndi zofunikila zonse za madyedwe abwimo za banja lake pakhomo pompo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7207,She says: “I make porridge and fritters from the potato and Chrispin likes it so much. It is delicious and full of nutrients. “I feed the entire family and they love it,Akuti: ndimapanga phala ndi zitumbuwa kuchoka ku mbatata ndipo chrispin amazikonda kwambiri. Ndizokoma komanso zopatsa thanzi. Ndimadyetsa banja lonse ndipo amazikonda,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7208,"With this potato and other crops I grow, Samson has enough food. Even with the baby, I do not go to the hospital for nutrition support,” she brags","Ndi mbatata zimene ndimalima ndi mbewu, samson ali ndi chakudya chokwanira. Ngakhale ndi mwanayi, sindimapita kuchipatala kukapeza chithandizo cha madyedwe abwino,” akudzitamandila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7209,Food preservation includes processes that make food more resistant to microorganism growth and slow the oxidation of fats,Kusunnga chakudya ndi kuchipanga chakudya kukhala chotetezeka kuti tizilombo tisakule komanso kuchepetsa kusithidwa kwa mafuta,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7210,"This slows down the decomposition and rancidification process. Food preservation may also include processes that inhibit visual deterioration, such as the enzymatic browning reaction in apples after they are cut during food preparation",Izi zimachepetsa kuwonongeka kwa chakudya komanso kusungunuka. Kusamala chakudya kukhoza kukhala njira zokanikitsa kuwongongeka kowonekalatu monga kusitha mtundu kwa ma apozi pamene adulidwa pokhoza chakudya,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7211,"By preserving food, food waste can be reduced, which is an important way to decrease production costs and increase the efficiency of food systems, improve food security and nutrition and contribute towards environmental sustainability. For instance, it can reduce the environmental impact of food production","Pakusunga chakudya, chakudya chotaidwa chimachepa, zimene zili zofunika pakuchepetsa chuma chopangila komanos kuwonjezela kagwilidwe ntchito ka njira za chakudya, kuthandizila kupezeka kwa chakudya ndi madyedwe abwino komanso kuthandizila kusamala chilengwedwe. Mwachitsanzo, zikhoza kuchepetsa kuwonongeka kwa chilengedwe popanga chakudya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7212,"Many processes designed to preserve food involve more than one food preservation method. Preserving fruit by turning it into jam, for example, involves boiling (to reduce the fruit's moisture content and to kill bacteria, etc.), sugaring (to prevent their re-growth) and sealing within an airtight jar (to prevent recontamination)","Njira zimene zinapangidwa zosungila chakudya zimakhudza njira zosungila chakudya zoposa imodzi. Kusunga zipatso popanga jamu, mwachitsanzo , kumakhala kuwilitsa kuti tichipetse madzi amene ali m’chipatsomo komanso kupha tizilombo, kuthila shuga kuteteza kukulaso komanso kutsekela mu botolo losalowa mphweya kuteteza kukhudzidwa ndi zinthu zowoletsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7213,Different food preservation methods have different impacts on the quality of the food and food systems,Njira zosungila chakudya zosiyanasiyana zimakhala ndi zotsatira pa ubwino wachakudya koamnso njira yazakudya,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7214,Some traditional methods of preserving food have been shown to have a lower energy input and carbon footprint compared to modern methods,Njira zina zakumudzi zosungila chakudya zawonetsa kuti zimafuna mphamvu yochepa ndizimatulutsa mphweya oipa wochepa kusiya ndi njira zamakono,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7215,Boiling liquids can kill any existing microbes. Milk and water are often boiled to kill any harmful microbes that may be present in them,Kuwilitsa madzi kumapha tizilombo. Mkaka ndi madzi nthawi zambiri amawalitsidwa kuti aohe tizilombo timene tili m’menemo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7216,"Burial of food can preserve it due to a variety of factors: lack of light, lack of oxygen, cool temperatures or desiccants in the soil","Kukwilira chakudya kuti chisungike malinga ndi zinthu zosiyanasiyana: kusowa kwa kuwala. Kupanda mphweya, kuzizila kapena zowumitsa za mudothi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7217,"Burial may be combined with other methods such as salting or fermentation. Most foods can be preserved in soil that is very dry and salty (thus a desiccant) such as sand, or soil that is frozen",Kukwilira kukhoza kuphatikizidwanso ndi njira zina monga kuthila mchere kapena kuwira. Chakudya chambiri chikhoza kusamalika mu dothi limene lili lowuma komanso lamchere monga mchenga kapena dothi lowumitsidwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7218,"Many root vegetables are very resistant to spoilage and require no other preservation than storage in cool dark conditions, for example by burial in the ground, such as in a storage clamp",Masamba ambiri amizu amakhala opilira kuti sangawonongeke koamnso samafuna kusamala kwina kupatula kuwaika mu m’dima monga kuwakwilira mudothi monga mulu wosungilamo zinthu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7219,"Sometimes meat is buried under conditions that cause preservation. If buried on hot coals or ashes, the heat can kill pathogens, the dry ash can desiccate, and the earth can block oxygen and further contamination. If buried where the earth is very cold, the earth acts like a refrigerator, or, in areas of permafrost, a freezer","Nthawi zina nyama imakwililidwa pamalo pamene pamangitsa kuti isungike. Ikakwiliridwa pa makala kapena phulusa, kutetha kumapha tizilombo, phulusa lowuma zikhoza kuwumitsa komanso dothi likhoza kuteteza mphweya kuti usalowe komanso kupitiliza kuwonongeka. Ngati yakwililidwa pansi pamene pali pozizila, dothi limagwira ntchito ngati fuligi kapena m’malo amaene kumauza, kuwumitsa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7220,"Canning involves cooking food, sealing it in sterilized cans or jars, and boiling the containers to kill or weaken any remaining bacteria as a form of sterilization",Kuika chakudya mu botolo kumakhudza kuika chakudya mubotolo losamalidwa bwimo komanso kuwilitsa botolo kuti muphe kapena kufowoketsa tizilombo totsalira ngati njira chotsela zoipa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7221,Foods have varying degrees of natural protection against spoilage and may require that the final step occurs in a pressure cooker,Chakudya chimasiyana mlingo wa chitetezo cha chilengwe pa kuwonongeka ndipo zikhoza kufunika kuti njira yomaliza ikhale mu poto ogwilitsa ntchito mpweya otetha,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7222,Food preserved by canning or bottling is at immediate risk of spoilage once the can or bottle has been opened,Chakudya chosungidwa mubotolo chimakhala pachiwopsezo chowonongeka pemene watsegula chitini kapena botolo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7223,Lack of quality control in the canning process may allow ingress of water or micro-organisms. Most such failures are rapidly detected as decomposition within the can cause gas production and the can will swell or burst,Kusowa chisamaliro poika zinthu muchitini zikhoza kupangitsa kulowa kwa madzi kapena tizilombo. Zambiri zolephelazi zimadziwika pamene zinthu zayamba kuwonongela ku chitinimo zikhoza kutulutsa mphweya ndipo zikhoza kutupa kapena kuphulika,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7224,"However, there have been examples of poor manufacture (underprocessing) and poor hygiene allowing contamination of canned food","Koambe, pali zitsanzo za kapangwidwe koipa koamnso kusowelekela unkhondo kupangitsa kukhudza ndi kuwonongeka kwa zakudya za muchitini",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7225,"Meat can be preserved by salting it, cooking it at or near 100 °C in some kind of fat (such as lard or tallow), and then storing it immersed in the fat","Nyama ikhoza kusamalika poiika mu mchere, kuiphika pa digili okwana kapena oyandikila zana mu mamafuta, kenako kuisunga mu mafuta",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7226,"These preparations were popular in Europe before refrigerators became ubiquitous. They are still popular in France, where the term originates. The preparation will keep longer if stored in a cold cellar or buried in cold ground",Njira zimenezi zinali zotchuka ku maiko akuwulaya ma fuliji asanapeze paliponse. Zimachitikikabe ku france kumene mauwa anachokela. Kukhozaku kumasunga chakudya nthawi yayitali ngati asunga malo wozizila kapena kukwila mu dothi lozizila,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7227,Cooling preserves food by slowing down the growth and reproduction of microorganisms and the action of enzymes that causes the food to rot,Kuzizilitsa kusamala chakudya pakuchedwetsa kukula ndi kuswana kwa tizilombo ndi ntchito za zinthu zopangitsa kuti chakudya chiwole,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7228,"The introduction of commercial and domestic refrigerators drastically improved the diets of many in the Western world by allowing food such as fresh fruit, salads and dairy products to be stored safely for longer periods, particularly during warm weather","Kubweletsa kwa ma filiji apakhomo komanso m’malo amalonda kunathandiza kusitha madyedwe ku maiko akumadzulo chifukwa zinaloleza kuti chakudya ngati zipatso, masamba ndi zinthu za mkaka zizisungika bwino kwa nthawi yotalikilapo, makamaka nthawi yotetha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7229,"Before the era of mechanical refrigeration, cooling for food storage occurred in the forms of root cellars and iceboxes. Rural people often did their own ice cutting, whereas town and city dwellers often relied on the ice trade","Isanafike nthawi yakuzizilitsa zinthu ndi makina, kuzizilitsa chakudya kumachitikila mu maenje komanso mabokosi amadzi ozizila, anthu akumudzi amadula madzi owuma awo, pamene anthu kumatawuni ndi mizinda amadalira malonda amadzi owuma",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7230,"Today, root cellaring remains popular among people who value various goals, including local food, heirloom crops, traditional home cooking techniques, family farming, frugality, self-sufficiency, organic farming, and others","Lero, kuika zinthu mudzenje kumachitikibe ndi anthu amene ali ndi zolinga zosiyanasiyana monga zakudya zopeka m’dera lawo, mbewu zakalekale, njira zophikira zamakolo, kulima kwa pakhomo, kuwumila zinthu, kudzidalira, ulimi wosagwilitsa ntchito mankwala amakono ndi zina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7231,"Freezing is also one of the most commonly used processes, both commercially and domestically, for preserving a very wide range of foods, including prepared foods that would not have required freezing in their unprepared state","Kuwumitsa zinthu ndi njira imodzi imene imagwilitsidwa ntchito, kumalo amalonda komanso pakhomo posunga zakudya zosiyanasiyana, monga zakudya zophikidwa kale zimene sizikanafunika kuwumitsidwa zisanakhonzedwe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7232,"For example, potato waffles are stored in the freezer, but potatoes themselves require only a cool dark place to ensure many months' storage","Mwachitsanzo, zakudya zofewa zochokela ku mbatata zimaika ikidwa mozizila, koma mbatata pazokha zimafuna malo ozizila komanso am’dima kuti zisungike miyezi yambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7233,"Cold stores provide large-volume, long-term storage for strategic food stocks held in case of national emergency in many countries","Malo ozizila wosungila zinthu amapeleka malo akulu, kwa nthawi yayitali posungila zakudya pa nthawi zinthu zadziko za dzidzi mu maiko ambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7234,Heating to temperatures which are sufficient to kill microorganisms inside the food is a method used with perpetual stews,Kutethetsa ku mlingo oti ukhoza kupha tizilombo mkati mwa chakudya ndi njira imene imagwilitsidwa ndi powilitsa chakudya chilichonse chomwe chapezeka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7235,"For most of the millions of people who get the flu each year in the U.S., the virus brings a few days of fever, body aches and weakness before it goes away","Mwa anthu zikwizikwi amene amadwala chimfine ku amelika, kalimboko kamadza ndi masiku angapo otetha thupi, kupweteka kwa thupi ndikufowoka chisanapite",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7236,"But for some, the influenza virus can lead to severe illness, hospitalization — even death","Kwa ena kachilombo kachimfine kayambitsa kudwala kwambiri, kupititsa kuchipatala- ena mpaka imfa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7237,Miller knows these risks all too well. This year marks a decade since serious complications from the flu led to a life-changing loss for the communications director,Miller akudziwa bwino kuwopsa kwa izi. Chaka chino zakwana zaka khumi kuchokera pamene zopinga zodza chifukwa cha chimfine zinabweletsa kusitha pa moyo wawo pamene anataya otsogolera za kulumikizana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7238,"At age 33, Miller was a healthy young woman when she came down with a sore throat and headache","Ali ndi zaka makumi atatu ndi zitatu, miller anali m’mayi wa thanzi pamene anayamba kumva kukhosi kupweteka ndi mutu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7239,"When her symptoms got worse, she went into urgent care for a chest X-ray, but it showed nothing alarming","Pamene zizindikilozi zinafika povuta, anapita kulandila chisamaliro kuti amujambule koma sizinawonetse zodabwitsa chinalichonse",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7240,Panic was the prevalent emotion yesterday as about 80 students from Lunzu Secondary School in Blantyre were rushed to Mlambe Mission Hospital following a suspected case of food poisoning,Mantha anagwila anthu dzulo pamene ana okwana makumi asanu ndi ndi atatu asukulu ya sekondale ya lunzu ku blantyre anathamangila nawo ku chipatala poganizila nkhani yakuwonongeka kwa chakudya,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7241,Parents and guardians rushed to the school and the hospital after news broke that some students had collapsed and were rushed to the hospital,Makolo ndi osamalira ana anathamangila ku sukulu ndi kuchipatala pamene nkhaniyi inadziwika kuti ana ena agwa ndipo awatengela kuchipatala,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7242,"Three of the students are being treated as in-patients after showing signs of vomiting and diarrhoea, according to the hospital’s healthcare worker","Ohunzila atatu akuwathandiza pachipatalachi atawonetsa zizindikilo zosanza, kutsegula m’mimba, izi ndi momwe wanenela wogwira ntchito za umoyo pachipatalachi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7243,She said: “We have diagnosed the students who were rushed here with acute gastroenteritis secondary to acute food poisoning,Akuti:” ana amene anathamangila nawo kuchipala tawapeza ndi matenda a gastroenteritis cihfukwa cha chakudya chowonongekachi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7244,"We suspect that they consumed food with chemicals. However, we have yet to get results from Blantyre District Health Office, who will run the tests to establish the exact chemical","Tikuganizila kuti anadya chakudya chamankhwala. Komabe, sitinalandire zotsatira kuchoka ku chipatala cha boma cha blantyre amene amapange mayeso kuti adziwe mankhwala eni eni",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7245,Mkwina said there were no casualties and that the condition of the students was not worrisome,Mkwina akuti palibe amene wamwalira ndipo m’mene alili ophunzirawa ndizosadandaulitsa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7246,She said: “Let me refute allegations that two students have succumbed to the condition. Most of the students have already been discharged.”,Akuti:” nditsutse zakuti ophunzira awiri amwalira chifukwa cha izi. Mwawophunzira ena atulutsidwa kale,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7247,"In a separate interview, Ministry of Education public relations officer Mphatso Nkuonera said the ministry had yesterday temporarily suspended all food services provided at the school","IPoyakhula mwapadela, wowona za maubale ndi anthu ku unduna wazamaphunziro a mphato nkuonera wati undunawu dzulo waletsa zakudya zonse zopezeka pa sukuluyi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7248,"“So far, some students have been affected, but most of them are responding to treatment well. Currently, three of the learners are still at the hospital waiting for further observation,” he said","Pofika pano, ophunzira ena akhudzidwa, koma ambiri mwaiwo akupeza bwino ndi chithandizo. Pakali pano, ophunzila awiri ali kuchipatala kudikilira kuti awawone bwino,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7249,"One of the parents, Patricia Tchayatchaya, whose daughter was among the affected students, said she complained of abdominal pains","M’modzi mwa makolo, a patricia tchayatchaya, mtsikana wawo amene ndi modzi mwawohudzidwawo, akuti amadandaula kupweteka m’mimba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7250,"“She told me that she started having stomach pains and opening bowels after consuming bitter nsima from the previous night,” she said","Akuti anayamba kumva kupweteka m’mimba ndikutsegula atadya nsima yowawa usiku wake,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7251,Another parent Davie Mateyu from Mpemba in Blantyre said his son collapsed but is recovering well,Kholo lina a davie mateyu aku mpemba ku blantyre akuti mwana wawo wam’muna anagwa koma akupeza bwino,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7252,Efforts to talk to the head teacher proved futile as his phone went unanswered while a questionnaire sent through Whatsapp was not responded to as we went to press at 6.30pm,Ntchito yofuna kuyakhulana ndi mphunzitsi wamkulu inawoneka yopanda phindu pamene lamya wawo simayakhidwa ndipo m’ndanda wamafunso umene tinatumiza pa WhatsApp sunayakhidwe pamene timapita kukasindikiza nkhani nthawi ya 6.30 madzulo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7253,"It is clear the commodity trader, Admarc competes against itself when it comes to playing with food. For years, maize rotting in Admarc has become so commonplace that one can be tempted to think there is a syndicate that benefits from the rot","Ndizachidziwikile kuti wogula ndi kugulitsa , admarc limapanga mpikisano lokha ikafika nkhani yoselewetsa chakudya. Kwa zaka tsopano, chimanga chakhala chikuwola ku admarc ndipo wina akhoza kuganiza kuti ndi zochita kukonza kuti apindule ndi chimanga chowolachi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7254,"Subtly put, Admarc is not only playing with food, it is also playing with the Malawi economy","Kuyankhula mwatchutchu, admarc sikusewela ndi chakudya ikusewela ndi chuma cha dziko la malawi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7255,"For years, maize rotting in Admarc’s hands has, sadly, been part of running of affairs there","Kwa zaka, kuwola kwa chimanga m’manja mwa admarc,mwachisoni ndi m’mene zinthu zimayendela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7256,"That year, Admarc sweet-coated the rotten maize as discoloured. It had to take the then chair for the committee Welani Chilenga to call the selling of rotten maize to Malawians was an insult. He was right, selling rotten discoloured maize is an insult to the populace","Chaka chimenecho, admarc inanena mokometsa kuti chimanga chowonongekachi ngati chositha mtundu. Zinachita kutengela mkulu wa komiti nthawi imeneyo welani chilenga kunena kuti kugulitsa chimanga chowonongeka kwa amalawi ndi chitonzo. Amanena zowona, kugulitsa chimnga chowonongeka chositha mtundu ndichitsonzo ku anthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7257,"Here, it gets interesting. Admarc attributed the rotten maize to the fact that they bought it with moisture levels that are recommended. This is interesting because we will get back to it","Appa, ndipamene zikusangalatsa. Admarc inanena kuti inagula chimanga chili ndi madzi mlingo woyenela. Izi ndi zosangalatsa chifukwa tibweleranso pa izi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7258,"What is sad is that Admarc was at the time selling the maize at K100 per kilogramme, lower than the K125 farmgate price at the time","Chomvetsa chisoni ndi chakuti, admarc pa nthawi imeneyo imagulitsa chimanga pa mtengo wa k100 pa kilogalamu, kuposa mtengo wa boma wogulira zinthu pa munda wa k125 panthawiyo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7259,How Admarc has survived all these years is a miracle greater than cooking oil that never runs dry from the bottle no matter how much you use,M’mene admarc imakhalira zaka zonsezi ndi chozizwitsa kuposa mafuta ophikira amene samtha ku botolo m’mene mwayambila kugwilitsa ntchito,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7260,"Round about that time, an assessment report of the grain reserves across the country done by donors led by the USaid revealed that almost 4 821 metric tonnes of maize was not in good condition 2 910.96 metric tonnes was characterised as dust and chaff, 410.5 metric tons having high aflatoxin levels and almost 1 500 metric tonnes was found to be no longer of use as it has been in silos for too long or has been too dry for consumption","Mu nthawi yomweyi, kalata yamayeso ya kosunga mbewu mu dziko lonse amene anapanga othandiza motsogoleledwa ndi USaid zinawonetsa kuti chimanga chokwana ma tani 4821 sichinali chabwino ndipo ma tani 2910.96 chinaikidwa ngati fumbi ndi zinyalala, ma tani 410.5 chinali ndi chuku chochuluka komanso ma tani 1500 chinapezeka kuti sichingagwilenso ntchito chifukwa chinakhalitsa mu silo kapena chinawuma kwambiri kuti sichingadyedwe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7261,The health hazards of the rotten maize is all clear. Some Malawians are forced to buy simply because they have no alternative food,Zowopysa ku moyo kwa chimanga chowola ndizodziwila. A malawi ena amakamizidwa kugula chifukwa alibe chakudya china,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7262,All this is coming out because Admarc this week came up with the same old song of rotten maize because they bought it with high moisture content,Zonsezi zikudza chifukwa admarc sabata ino inabwelanso ndi nyimbo yomwe ija ya chimanga chowola chifukwa anachigula chili ndi madzi ambiri,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7263,How Admarc thought repeating the same mistake would yield a different result will only bamboozle you,M’mene admarc imaganizila kubweleza vuto lomwe kuti zibweletsa zotsatila zina zikhoza kukupusitsa chabe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7264,Admarc board chair conceded 1 265 metric tonnes of maize that was bought between April and June last year was rotten,Wapampando wa admarc anavomeleza kuit chimanga ma tani 1265 chimene chinagulidwa pakati pa april ndi mwezi wa june chinali chowonongeka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7265,It is most unfortunate that the lot is part of the 5 000 metric tonnes they bought with a K253.1 million loan from local commercial banks. And Kusamba Dzonzi says that maize is not fit to be consumed even by animals,Ndikhumudwitsa chifukwa chimanaga chowonongekachi ndi gawo la chimanga chokwana ma tani 5000 chimene anagula ndi ndalama zokwana 253.1 miliyoni kwacha zimene anatenga ku ma banki. Akusamba dzonzi akuti chimangachi sichoyenela kudyedwa ngakhale nyama,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7266,"To say that Admarc is not only playing with food but also the country’s economy, therefore is not far from the truth. How will the loan be serviced?","Kunena kuti admarc sikusewela ndi chakudya koma chuma cha dziko, ndichilungamo. Ngongole imeneyi izabwezedwa bwanji?",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7267,"Next time, are we going to be surprised that Admarc is asking government for bailouts?","Nthawi ina , tizadabwitsika ndi admarc ikupempha boma kuti ayiwombole ku mavutowa?",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7268,This is a very sad development that the statutory corporation which must be on top of things to know that 30 percent of the country’s yield goes down the drain in post harvest losses,"Izi ndizomvetsa chiaoni kuti bungwe la boma limene likuyenela kukhala patsogolo kuyendetsa zinthu, kudziwa kuti mapelesenti makumi atatu azokolola za dziko zimataidwa pokolola",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7269,"Primarily, the average farmer or maize trader knows that high moisture content is one of the reasons maize rots. Sheer negligence can be the only reason for buying maize with high moisture content","Makamaka, mlimi kapena opanga malonda a chimanga amadziwa kuti chinyezi chambiri ndi chimene chimapangitsa chimanga kuwola. Kutayalila ndi chifukwa chokhacho chogulira chimanga cha chinyezi chambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7270,"Basically, when Admarc plays with maize, its power to supply falls, leaving poor Malawians to be at the mercy of other traders","Kwenikweni, admarc imasewela ndi chimnga, mphamvu yake yopeleka imatsika, kuwasiya amalawi osauka kudalira ogulitsa ena",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7271,"What happens, then, is that the price rises and with that comes an increase in the price of other goods","Zimene zimachitika kenako, ndikuti mitengo imakwela ndipo ndizimenezi kumakhala kukweraso kwa katundu wina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7272,Isn’t it time those playing with the staple at Admarc were brought to book? Repeating the same mistake several times has never been a coincidence. There is some rot at Admarc,Kodi sinthawi yoyenelera kuti amene akusewela ndi chakudya ku admarc adziwike? Kubeleza kulakwika komweko nthawi yambiri singozi. Pali kuwonongeka ku admarc,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7273,"Karonga District Hospital paediatric ward in-charge has appealed to well-wishers to support the ward with beddings, food and other necessities","Woyan’ganila chipinda cha ana ku chipatala cha karonga apempha akufuna kwabwino kuti athandize chipindachi ndi zogonela, chakudya ndi zinthu zina zofunikila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7274,He made the appeal on Tuesday when Karonga Prison female officers and wives of wardens donated assorted food items to the ward,"Ananena izi lachiwiri pamene ogwila ntchito akazi ndi akazi a woyan’ganila ku ndende ya karonga, anakapeleka zakuday zosiyana siyana kuchipindaku",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7275,"The donation has come at the right time because the ward does not have a number of basic things such as beddings, food and medical supplies,” said Kamwela","Chithandizochi chabwela munthawi yake chifukwa chipindachi chilibe zinthu zofunikila monga zogonela, chakdya ndi mankhwala, anatero kamwela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7276,"He, however, thanked the group for reaching out to the children’s ward with food items. A guardian, said she was happy with the food parcel she received","Komabe. Iwo anathokoza gululi chifukwa chofikila chipinda cha anachi ndi zakudya. Oyan’ganila, anati ndi okondwa ndi katundu wa chakudya amene alandila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7277,"She said they had not received any food, since her daughter was admitted to the hospital. Female officers and spouses of prison warders in the paediatrics ward","Anati sanalandile chakudya chilichonse, kuchoka pamene mwana wawo anamulowetsela mchipatalla. Maofesala akazi ndi akazi woyan’ganila ndende mu chipinda cha ana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7278,"May God bless these women for this kind gesture. Since we don’t receive food here, life is hard","Mulungu awadalitse amayi awa chifukwa chazabwinozi. Chifukwa sitilandila chakudya kuno, moyo ndi wovuta",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7279,"In an interview, Karonga district director of health and social services said the hospital is providing one meal a day but they are working towards providing two meals","Poyakhula, mkulu woyan’ganila za umoyo ndi chisamaliro cha anthu pa chipatala cha karonga ananena kuti chipatalachi chikupeleka chakudya chimodzi patsiku ndipo akugwila ntchito kuti ayambe kupeleka chakudya kawiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7280,"He said: “Previously, we were offering two meals per day. This was scaled down after prices of foodstuffs went up","Akuti:” m’mbuyomu. Timapeleka chakudya kawiri pa tsiku, izi zinachpetsedwa kutsatila kukwera mitengo kwa zinthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7281,"“Again, we are servicing old debts and once we settle them, we will start offering two meals a day.”","Mobweleza, tikubweza ngongole ndipo tikamaliza kubwenza, tiyambanso kupeleka chakudya kawiri pa tsiku",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7282,"On her part, Karonga Prison officer in-charge said the gesture was part of celebrating the country’s 59th Independence Anniversary","Mbali yawo, wamkulu woyan’ganila ndende ya karonga anati ntchitoyi ndi gawo lokondwelera zaka 59 zakudziimila palokha",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7283,"The bowl has good diversity messages on the rim, and tactile markings for age-appropriate portion sizes inside the bowl to address food quantity","Mbaleyi ili ndi mauthenga osiyanasiyana m’mbali mwake, komanso tizizindikilo towoneka zogwiritsa ntchito kudziwa mlingo wa chakudya malingana ndi zaka kufotokozera kuchuluka kwa chakudya",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7284,A handwashing symbol at the bottom of the bowl illustrates the importance of hand hygiene as part of good child feeding practices,Chizindilo chosamba m’manja pansi pa mbale zikuwonetsa kufunikila kokhala ndi ukhondo wa m���manja ngati gawo limodzi za mchitidwe wabwino podyetsa mwana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7285,The bowl and spoon she received are part of Unicef’s Complementary Feeding Bowl Project. The objective is to contribute towards improved quality of complementary foods for children under two-years-old,Mbale ndi sipuni zomwe analandila ndi gawo limodzi la bungwe la unicef mu chitukuko cha mbale za kadyedwe kowonjezera. Cholinga chake ndi kuthandizila kupititsa patsogolo ubwino wa zakudya zowonjezela za ana ochepela zaka ziwiri,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7286,"He explains that training has been done with frontline health workers such as health surveillance assistants (HSAs), promoters and cluster leaders in sanitation and hygiene so that communities can reduce diseases like cholera","Akufotokoza kuti kuwaphunzitsa kwachitika ndi anthu okhala patsogolo pa ntchito za umoyo monga othandizila za umoyo, olimbikitsa komanso atsogoleri a m’madela pa nkhani ya ukhondo kuti anthu kumadela achepetse matenda ngati cholera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7287,"The other training was complementary feeding. When a child reaches six months, they need additional food. Breast milk is not enough, so you need to add complementary foods that include the six food groups,” he says","Maphunziro ena anali madyedwe owonjezela. Pamene mwana wafika miyezi isanu ndi umodzi, amafuna chakudya chowonjezela. Mkaka wa m’mawere okha sukwanila, ndiye amafunika kuwonjezela chakudya chowonjezera chokhala ndi magulu asanu ndi limodzi azakudya,”akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7288,But the implementation of bowl-and-spoon is the real game changer in promoting nutrition for young children,Kukhazikitsa kwa mbale ndi sipuni kusitha zinthu polimbikitsa madyedwe abwino kwa ana an’gono,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7289,Then there is this bowl and spoon project where we want to improve the complementary feeding because surveys showed that we are not doing well on that,Ndiye pali chitukuko cha mbale ndi sipuni imene tikufuna kusitha madyedwe owonjezela chifukwa kafukufuku waonetsa sitikkuchita bwino pa izi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7290,"Targeted households are provided with a complementary feeding toolkit that comprises a spoon, a bowl, and a counselling card","Mabanja amene asakhidwa amapatsidwa zida zamadyedwe abwino zimene ndi sipuni, mbale ndi pepala la uphungu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7291,Unicef developed the complementary feeding bowl and spoon to give caregivers a simple tool to remember nutrition messages when preparing food for their children,Bungwe la unicef linakonza chitukuko cha mbale ndi sipuni pakadyedwe kowonjezela ngati chida chosavuta kwa opeleka chisamaliro kuti adzikumbukira mauthenga a thanzi pamene akukonza chakudya cha ana awo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7292,This will help ensure children receive a diverse and nutrient-dense diet at the right frequency,Izi zithandiza kuti ena akulandila chakudya chamagulu komanso chathanzi pa mlingo wabwino,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7293,"I’m still breastfeeding my baby exclusively and have also started providing her with porridge that includes a variety of nutritious foods. I am hopeful that my child will be healthy because of this,” she says","Ndikuyamwitsabe mwana wanga wakathithi ndipo ndayambaso kumupatsa phala limene lili ndi zakudya zopatsa nthazi. Ndikukhulupila kuti mwana wanga akhala wanthazi chifukwa cha izi,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7294,"The minimum measurements in the bowl aim to deal with under-nutrition. Whether it’s full, that’s not a problem, the problem is not having enough. Our focus is to prevent undernutrition,” he says","Mlingo wochepa mu mbalemu, cholinga chake ndi kuthana ndi madyedwe abwino wopelewera. Kaya yadzadza, sivuto, vuto ndikukhala ndi zochepa. Cholinga chathu ndikupewa madyedwe abwino opelewela,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7295,The spoon focuses on thickness of the food provided to the child. He says: “The bowl and the spoon help improve child nutrition because they remind the caregiver of the food groups she has to feed the child,Sipuniyi cholinga chake ndi ndikuwona kulimba kwa chakudya chimene chikupelekedwa kwa mwana. Akuti:” sipuni imathandizira thanzi la mwana chifukwa zimakumbutsa opeleka chisamaliro ma gulu azakudya amene akuyenela kumudyetsa mwana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7296,The bowl has boundaries that help the caregiver to measure the amount of food to give the child,Mbale imakhala ndi malire amene amathandiza opeleka chithandizo kuyesa mlingo wa chakudya womupatsa mwana,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7297,"The right amount of food for a specific age will help the child’s nutrition because the child will take the right quantity for their age. With the bowl and the spoon, you will provide the right quantity and quality to the child","Mlingo wabwino wa chakudya woyenela zaka za mwana uthandiza thanzi la mwana chifukwa mwana azidya mlingo oyenela zaka zawo. Mbale ndi sipuni, azipeleka mlingo woyenela komanso chabwino kwa mwana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7298,"As a health worker, Chirwa explains that the bowl and the spoon have simplified counselling about nutrition","Ngati wogwira ntchito za umoyo, chirwa akufotokoza kuti mbale ndi sipuni saphweketsa uphungu wa madyedwe abwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7299,"If all children have been given the right food in the right amounts prepared in the right manner, all of them will be healthy. And if a child in every household is healthy, it would reduce the disease burden in the area","Pakakhala kuti ana onse amapatsidwa chakudya choyenela pa mlingo wabwino chokonzedwa bwino, onse bwenzi ali athanzi. Ndipo ngati mwana wina aliyense ali wa nthanzi, zikhoz kuchepetsa chiphinjo cha matenda ku derali",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7300,"For the past week, government has been running an anti-rabies campaign by vaccinating for free all dogs across the country","Sabata yathayi, boma lakhala likulimbana ndi chiwewe popeleka katemera mwaulele kwa agalu onse mudziko muno",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7301,Rabies is an infection of the brain and is one of the fatal medical conditions whose deaths are under reported in the country,Chiwewe ndi matenda akuubongo ndipo ndi matenda owopsa amene imfa zake sizilembedwa mokwnila mu dziko muno,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7302,It is 100 percent preventable but once its signs begin to show there is no cure and the patient dies,"Ndi matenda opeweka kotheratu koma akakhala kuti zizindikilo zayamba kuwoneka, palibe mamkhwala ndipo odwala amamwalira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7303,Rabies is a serious public health problem in Malawi. Mainly it is also because death is 100 percent in those with rabies infection,Chiwewe ndi vuto lalikulu ku umoyo wa anthu kuno ku malawi. Kwambiri chifukwa imfa imachitika kwa amene akudwala chiwewe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7304,What are the first signs and symptoms of rabies in a human being and how long do they take to show?,Ndi zizindikilo ziti za chiwewe ku anthu ndipo zimatenga nthawi yotalika bwanji kuti ziwonekele?,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7305,"They are non specific. They include agitation, unusual movements, confusion and aggressiveness. They may have strange thoughts, convulsions or seizures and may paralyse","Sizimadziwika. Zina mwa izo ndi kupanga zachipwilikiti, kuyenda mosadziwika bwino, kubalalika ndi kulusa. Akhoza kukhala maganizo wowopsa, kukomoka ndipo akhoza kupha ziwalo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7306,The features above can be interspaced with seemingly looking normal in early stages of the disease,Zinthu zili pamwambapa zikhoza kutsakanikirana ndi maonekedwe a umunthu matendawa akamayamba kumene,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7307,"Later on, in advanced stages, they have fear of water and/or air blown on their face, termed as hydrophobia and aerophobia respectively. They then drift into unconsciousness and then death ensues soon after","Pakapita nthawi, vuto likakula, amakhala amantha ndi madzi kapena mpweya ukawuziridwa kunkhope kwawo, zomwe zimatchedwa kuti kuopa madzi ndiponso kuopa mweya motero. Kenako amakomoka ndipo ifa imadza pambuyo pake",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7308,"There is no specific period for the signs to begin showing because it depends on the distance from site of bite to the brain, the further away from the brain the longer it takes for the dog bite to show symptoms","Palibe nthawi yoikika pamene zizindikilo zimayamba kuwoneka chifukwa zimatengela mtunda kuchokela polimidwa kufika ku ubongo, kutalikilana ndi ubongo, kumatengaso nthawi kuti polumidwa ndi galu zizindikilo ziwoneke",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7309,"Bites in the feet can take months or rarely years. However, on average it takes about three months. Once the virus has been deposited in the flesh it attacks the local nerves then moves slowly through nerves heading towards the brain",Kulumidwa pa phanzi kukhoza kutenga miyezi kapena zaka koma sikawirikawiri. Komabe zimatenga pafupifupi miyezi itatu. Kufikila pamene kachilombo kakhazikika mu thupi kamagwila misepha kena kumayenda pan’gonopan’gono mumisepha kupita ku ubongo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7310,Once the virus reaches the brain it multiplies rapidly. Bites in the face or head may take only few days or weeks,"Pamene kachilombo kafika ku ubongo, kamachulukana mwansanga. Kulumidwa kunkhope kapena m’mutu kumatenga masiku kapena masabata ochepa chabe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7311,How would a person bitten by a dog quickly know that he or she has rabies? The best is not to wait to know you have rabies,Munthu wolumidwa ndi galu angadziwe bwanji mwansanga kuti iye ali ndi chiwewe? Njira yabwino sikudikila kuti mudziwe kuti muli ndi chiwewe,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7312,"As explained above once one starts showing features of rabies, it is too late. However, there are signs showing that a dog that has bitten a person has rabies","M’mene zafotokozeledwa m’mwambamu zikangoyamba kuwoneka zizindikilo za chiwewe, mwachedwa basi. Komabe, pali zizindikilo zowonetsa kuti galu amene waluma munthu ali ndi chiwewe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7313,"These include, but not limited to, the following: no provocation [a dog biting without being provoked], a dog that goes on to bite several other people, stray dogs [if the bite is more than just a scratch]. All these factors mean one must seek medical help immediately","Izi ndi monga koma sizichepela izi: wosamuyamba, galu kungoluma osamuputa, galu amene amangoluma anthu ambirimbiri,galu wongoyendayenda ngati polumidwapo sipongokala chabe. Zinthu zonsezi zimatathauza kuti munthu akuyenela kupeza chithandizo mofulumila",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7314,"How long would it take for a person who has started showing signs of rabies to die? Once a patient starts showing signs of rabies infection, death follows within two to three days, rarely one week","Zinatenga nthawi yotalika bwanji kwa munthu amene wayamba kuwonetsa zizindikilo za chiwewe kuti amwalire? Pamene wodwala wayamba kuwonetsa zizindikilo za matenda a chiwewe, imfa imadza pamasiku awiri kapena atatu, pena sabata imodzi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7315,"Is anti-rabies vaccine easily accessible in the country? Human rabies vaccine is not very readily available because it is very expensive. Animal rabies vaccine on the other hand is by far cheaper. Therefore, the best prevention is to vaccinate our dogs and cats","Katemela wa chiwewe amapezeka mosavuta m’dziko muno? Katemela wa chiwewe wa anthu samapezeka pompopompo chifukwa ndi odula kwambiri. Katemera wachiwewe wa ziweto ndiwotchipa kwambiri. Ndiye, njira yabwino yopewela ndi kupeleka katemela kwa agalu ndi amphaka",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7316,"How many patients succumb to rabies monthly or annually? No reliable data is available. Not all rabies deaths are reported, not all rabies deaths occur in health facilities and some rabies deaths are mistaken for other infections like malaria because some may not have the typical features","Ndi odwala angati amene amamwalira ndi chiwewe pa mwezi kapena pachaka?. Palibe uthenga odalilika. Si imfa zonse zachiwewe zimene zimalembedwa, si imfa zonse za chiwewe zimachitikila ku chipatala komanso imfa zina zachiwewe zimasokonezedwa ndi malungo chifukwa ena samaonetsa zizindikilo zodziwikazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7317,Because of these reasons we don’t know the true picture of rabies deaths that occur in Malawi,"Chifukwa cha izi, tilibe chithuzi cheni cheni cha imfa za chiwewe zimene zimachitika ku malawi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7318,"What remedy would you advise people to immediately do after a dog bite? One must do the following: clean the bite wound with lots of soap and water then clean with lots of spirit, if spirit is not available one can use any strong distilled alcohol like kachasu or midoli",Ndimakhwala anji amene mungalangize anthu akalumidwa ndi galu?. Munthu akuyenera kuchita izi: kutsuka chilondacho ndi sopo ndi madzi kenako ndikutsuka ndi sipiliti ngati sipiliti palibe munthu akhoza kugwiltsa ntchito mowa wamphamvu monga kachasu kapena midoli,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7319,"After doing this, the casualty must rush to the nearest health facility for anti-rabies vaccine. Why do dogs with rabies die after biting a person?","Akamaliza izi, olumidwayo akuyenela kuthamangila chipatala chomwe ali nacho pafupi kuti akalandile katemera wa chiwewe. Ndichifukwa chanimagalu achiwewe amamwalira akaluma munthu?",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7320,"Rabies is fatal in both humans and dogs. A dog biting is a sign that they have features of rabies infection, therefore the moment they start showing these features they die within a few days just like in humans","Chiwewe ndichowopsa kwa athu komanso agalu. Galu akamaluma ndichizindikilo kuli ali ndi chiwewe, choncho, nthawi imene wayamba kuwonetsa zizindikilozi amamwalira pamasiku ochepa ngati anthu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7321,Rabies deaths are under reported in Malawi. It is a very serious fatal medical condition but preventable. The main method of prevention is vaccination of dogs and cats,Imfa za chiwewe sizimalembedwa mokwanila ku malawi. Ndimatenga owopsa kwambiri koma wopeweka. Njira yeniyeni yopewela ndi katemera wa agalu ndi amphaka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7322,Those that can afford the vaccine should vaccinate themselves and family before being bitten by a dog,Amene angakwanitse kupeza katemelayu akabayitse iwo ndi banja lawo asanalumidwe ndi galu,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7323,"Unfortunately, majority of Malawians cannot afford this means of prevention. Treat every dog bite as a potential rabies bite unless if it is one’s own dog with a known history of up-to-date anti-rabies vaccination","Mwatsoka, amalawi ambiri sangakwanitse njira iyi yozitetezela. Tengani kuluma kwina kuli konse kwa galu ngati kwachiwewe pokhapokha ngati ali galu wanu amene ali ndi buku la katemela wachiwewe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7324,If it is a neighbour’s dog and they are certain about vaccination and you are able to observe the dog for at least 10 days then you can observe. If you choose to take this approach make sure that the moment the dog disappears you must seek medical help immediately,Ngati ali galu wawoyandikana nawo ndipo ali ndi chikhulupiliro kuti analandila katemela ndipo mukutha kumuwona galuyi kwa masiku khumi mukhoza kutero. Ngati mwasakha njira imeneyi wonetsetsani kuti galu akangosowa mupeze chithandizo chachipatala mosachedwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7325,If one was bitten by a dog it’s never too late to get anti-rabies vaccine as long as one doesn’t have features of rabies infection as earlier described,"Ngati munthu walumidwa ndi galu, simunachedwe kukalandira katemela wa chiwewe makamaka ngati simukuwonetsa zizindikilo za chiwewe m’mene tinafotokozera poyamba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7326,"In other words, if you were bitten by a dog several months ago and you never sought help then [for whatever reason] do so now and as long as no features of rabies have started to show the medical personnel should provide anti-rabies vaccine if the dog cannot be traced and the circumstances are very suspicious of a rabid dog bite","Kunena kwina, ngati unalumidwa ndi galu miyezi ingapo yapitayo ndipo sunakepeze chithandizo pazifukwa zanu pitani tsopano komanso ngati zizindikilo za chiwewe sizinayambe kuwoneka. Wachipatala akuyenela kupeleka katemela wachiwewe ngati galu sangalondolezedwe komanso pamene mukukayikila kuti mwalumidwa ndi galu wachiwewe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7327,If in doubt at all seek medical help. Don’t hesitate to seek second opinion if not satisfied by the advice given by the medical personnel,Ngati mukukayikila kapezeni chithandizo chachipatala. Musakayike kufunsa maganizo kwa ena ngati simunakhutire ndi malangizo omwe mwapatsidwa ndi ogwira ntchito zachipatala,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7328,"Chitipa district health officer (DHO) confirmed that health workers at the hospital are treating no less than six cases of dog bites every day, but ruled out a possible outbreak of rabies","Mkulu wachipala cha chitipa anatsimikiza kuti ogwira ntchito zaumoyo pachipatalachi akuthandiza anthu osachepela asanu ndi m’modzi olumidwa ndi agalu tsiku lililonse, koma anachotsa kuti kukhoza kukhala mlili wa chiwewe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7329,"Two people are said to have died of rabies, but the health officer said no laboratory tests were conducted to confirm the cause of death","Anthu awiri akuti anamwalira chifukwa cha chiwewe, koma mkulu wa zaumoyo anati sizinayesedwe kulabolotale kuti atsimikize chomwe chapangitsa imfayi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7330,"The cases are just too many in the out-patients department. Even the Veterinary Department had acknowledged an increase,” he said. The health office is still collecting information about the scare","Pali matenda ambiri kothandizila odwala. Ngakhaleso owona za nyama anavomeleza kuchulukaku,” anatero ofesi yazaumoyo ikutolelabe uthenga pa zowopsazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7331,Hospitals are on the receiving end as the sure way to control dogs lies in the hands of the Veterinary Department,"Achipatala ali kumapeto kongolandira, ali ndi chikulupiliro kuti njira yabwino yoletsa agaluwa ili m’manja mwa gawo loyang’anira nyama",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7332,"Karonga District is also referring its cases to Chitipa due to lack of anti-rabies vaccine, he said","Boma la karonga likumatumiza matenda ake ku chitipa chifukwa chakusowa katemera wa chiwewe, anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7333,"We have the vaccine, but it is not enough as people are still flocking to the hospital even with a small scratch,” he said","Tili naye katemera, koma osakwanira chifukwa anthu akubwera kuchipatala ngakhale ndi kukalidwa chabe,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7334,The Ministry of Health (MoH) says it is assessing reports of a scabies outbreak in some camps in Machinga district and has employed strategies to prevent the outbreak from spreading to other districts,Unduna wa za umoyo akuti ukuyan’gana uthenga wokhudza mlili wa phele ku malo ena okhala anthu mu boma la machinga ndipo akhazikitsa njira zopewela kufalaku ku maboma ena,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7335,Director of Preventive Health Services in the Ministry of Health has meanwhile encouraged communities to practice personal hygiene and seek immediate treatment for any suspected case,Wotsogolera ntchito ya yakupewa mu unduna wa za umoyo walimbikitsa anthu kuti azikhala aukhondo komanso kukapeza chithandizo akhala akukaikila mtendayi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7336,"Machinga DHO is implementing the same strategies we are implementing at national level. It’s an issue of personal hygiene, basically if one member of the family has been diagnosed with scabies, we recommend treatment for all members but because camps are overcrowded, we are treating everyone sharing a room with a suspected case including close contacts,” he said","Chipatala cha machinga chikukhazikitsa njira yomweyi imene tikukhazikitsa dziko lonse. Ndi nkhani yaukhondo, mwachidule ngati modzi pabanja wapezeka ndi phele, timalimbikitsa kuti banja lonse lilandile chithandizo koma chifukwa malo okhala anthu ndi odzadza. Tikupeleka chithandizo kwa aliyense amene akukhala m’chipinda chimodzi ndi odwalayo kuphatikizapo amene akukhala nawo pafupi,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7337,We are still assessing the situation but the cases have spread to other camps. The situation has been with us but having more people staying at one place has exacerbated the problem,Tikuwunikabe m’mene zithu zilili koma matendawa afalikila m’malo ena okhala anthu. Zinthuzi zakhala zilipo koma kukhala ndi anthu ambiri okhala malo amodzi kwakulitsa vutoli,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7338,"Proper hygiene practices are key in preventing scabies. We have been encouraging people to always wash their clothes with soup and dry them up in the sun, it’s unfortunate that most of the people are ignoring this,” he said","Ndondomeko zaukhondo zoyenera ndi njira yofunikila popewa mphele. Takhala tikuwalimbikitsa anthu kuti azichapa zovala ndi sopo ndikuziyanika pa dzuwa, ndizomvetsa chisoni kuti anthu sakutsatila izi,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7339,These scabies outbreaks are coming because of the inability of the members of the community to appreciate issues of hygiene as a primary cornerstone of good health. When people are failing to practice hygiene at a basic level then it becomes a problem,Kufala kwa phele kukubwera chifukwa chokanika kwa anthu a m’mudzi kutsatira ntchito za ukhondo ngati ngodya yoyambilira yaumoyo wabwino. Pamene anthu akulephela machitidwe wa ukhondo pa mlingo woyambila zimakhala zovuta,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7340,Stakeholders called for more investments in the health sector to bring more awareness on hygiene and behavior change as well as capacitate healthcare workers,Okhudzidwa anapepha ndalama ku gawo la zaumoyo kuti abweletse chindikilitso pa nkhani za ukhondo komanso kusitha kaganizidwe komanso kuwapatsa kuthekela ogwira ntchito za umoyo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7341,"He said: “When we look at diseases such as Covid-19, cholera, typhoid fever, scabies all these mean that we need a lot of awareness in communities and more investment in water, sanitation and hygiene","Anati:” tikaona matenda ngati covid-19, kolera, malungo, phele, matenda onsewa akutathauza kuti tikufunika chizindikilitso mu madela komanso ndalama zambiri pa ntchito ya madzi, ukhondo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7342,"According to the Ministry of Health, scabies symptoms may begin 3 – 6 weeks after first infestation, but as early as one day after re-infestation","Malinga ndi unduna wa zaumoyo, zizindikilo za phele zimayamba masabata atatu mpaka asanu ndi limodzi akagwidwa koyamba,koma tsiku limodzi akagwidwanso",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7343,The spread of scabies has also been exacerbated by the halting of mass drug administration campaigns against trachoma and onchocerciasis [elephantiasis] which also works against scabies,Kufalikila kwa phele kwa kwachulukila chifukwa chakusiya kwa makampeni wopeleka mankhwala ku gulu anthu oteteza ku n’gala ndi mtchetcha amene amagwilanso kuteteza matenda a phele,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7344,"As part of averting the further spread of the outbreak, he said the ministry is intensifying awareness messages to the public on the importance of observing high levels of personal hygiene which should include bathing using clean water","Ngati gawi loteteza kufala kwa matendawa, anati unduna ukulimbikitsa mauthenga ozindilitsa kwa anthu zaubwino otsatira njira pa ukhondo zimene zikuyenera kukhala kusamba kugwilitsa ntchito madzi oyela",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7345,"What needs to be done is to find out the bleeding group of these scabies and eliminate them. But communities need to do their part on hygiene practices,” he said","Zimene zikufunika kuchitika ndikupeza malo amene pakuchoka phelezi ndikuchotsa. Koma anthu mbali yawo akuyenela kutsata mtchitidwe wa ukhondo,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7346,"In recent years, the contagious itchy disease has been reported in various districts across the country which has mainly been attributed to poor hygiene levels and lack of access to clean water, among other causes","Mu zaka zapakitipa, matenda oyabwa opatsilanawa akhala ananedwa m’ma boma ambiri mudziko muno chifukwa cha kuchepa ukhondo komanso kusowekela madzi abwino kuphatikiza zoyambitsa zina",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7347,A new women’s collective is helping fishmongers diversify incomes as declining fish populations lead to increased sex-for-fish requests in Malawi,Gulu la amayi likuthandiza wogulitsa nsomba kusiyanitsa zopeza zawo chifukwa kuchepa kwa nsomba ku malawi kukupangitsa pempho logonana kuti kuti apeze nsomba,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7348,"For three consecutive days in October 2018, a fish monger disguised as Catherine went to Luwuchi fishing camp in Rumphi District along Lake Malawi to buy usipa","Kwa masiku atatu otsatizana mu october chaka cha 2018, wogulitsa nsomba dzina lake chatherine, dzina longomupatsa anapita kowedzela nsomba ku luwichi m’mbali mwa nyanja ya malawi m’boma la rumphi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7349,"On each occasion, the widow returned empty-handed as fishermen wanted sex with her in exchange, not money","Nthawi zonse, mayi wamasiyeyu amabwela opnda kwathu chifukwa asodzi amafuna agonane kuti asithane ndi nsomba osati ndalama",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7350,"I always refused, but then life was becoming harder for me and my three children. I desperately needed to make sales since the fish-selling business was my only source of income,” she says","Ndimakana nthawi zonse, koma moyo unayamba kuvuta kwa ine ndi ana anga atatu. Ndimafunitsitsa kumagulitsa chifukwa malonda ansomba ianli njira yokhayo yopezelala ndalama,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7351,"The next day the first fisherman demanded sex in exchange for usipa, she “had to comply”","Tsiku lotsatira, msodzi woyamba adafuna zogonana kuti tisithane ndi usipa, anangoyela kutsatira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7352,"The declining fish catches due to overfishing and climate change fuel transactional sex in lakeshore districts, experts say","Kugwira nsomba zochepa chifukwa cha kuwetsa kwambiri komanso kusitha kwa nyengo kumapangitsa khalidwe la chiwelele chosithana m’ma boma a m’mbali mwa nyanja, akadaulo akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7353,The practice is worse during the lean season around November and December when usipa catches are significantly low and competition is high,Khalidweli ndimakula nthawi imene nsomba ikusowa miyezi ya november ndi december pamene kugwila usipa kumatsika koamnso mpikisano umachuluka,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7354,"Frank, a fisher since 2012, admits that he knows many fishermen in Luwuchi who engage in transactional sex, alleging that some women also offer themselves to the fishers","Frank, msodzi kuchokera chaka cha 2012, akuvomela kuti adziwa asodzi ku luwichi amene amapanga chigololo cha msitho, kunena kuti amayi ena amazipeleka okha kwa asodziwa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7355,"Some don’t have the money at all, so they just say they will pay through sex,” he said","Ena samakhala ndi ndalama konse, ndiye amangoti apeleka kudzela kugonana,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7356,It is challenging to determine the exact number of fishers and fish vendors who engage in clandestine sex deals. Many cases go unreported,Ndizovuta kudziwa nambala yeniyeni ya asodzi ndi ogulitsa nsomba amene amapanga amagwilizana zogonana mwachibisila. Nkhani zambiri simamafotokozedwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7357,"But the sex-for-fish puts the participants at risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, says Rumphi district fisheries extension worker","Koma kugonana ndi kusithana ndi nsomba kumaika opangawo pa chiwopsezo cha matenda opatsilana pofonana kuphatikiza kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a edzi, akutero wogwila ntchito ku madela woyang’anila za nsomba m’boma la rumphi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7358,"Many fishers migrate from one fishing camp to the next. If they have the virus, they can bring it into a community or they can be infected during their travels,” he said","Asodzi ambiri amachoka kumalo owedzela nsomba ena kupita ena. Ngati ali ndi kachilombo, amaabweletsa m’mudzi kapena akhoza kutenga matenda muliyendamu,” anatero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7359,"Catherine dreamed of becoming a teacher, but she quit secondary school when she became pregnant at 21. Two years later, she began the fish-selling business","Catherine anali ndi maloto ozakhala mphunziti, koma anasiya sukulu yasekondala pamene anakhala ndi pathupi ali ndi zaka makumi awiri ndi chimodzi. Patatha zaka ziwiri anayamba malond ogulitsa nsomba",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7360,"In 2017, her husband, a clinical officer, died from malaria, leaving Catherine as the sole breadwinner. She felt helpless","Mu chaka 2017, amuna ake, amagwila ntchito yachipatala anamwalira chifukwa cha malungo kumusiya catherine kukhala wothandiza pakhomo. Ankasowa chochita",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7361,"When I didn’t make any sales or buy fish from the fishermen, my husband would take care of us,” she said. “After he died, I couldn’t stop selling fish because it was the only way I could make money.”","Ndikakhala kuti sindinagulitse kapena kugula nsomba kwa asodzi, amuna anga amatisamala,” akutero. Atamwalira, sindinakasiya kugulitsa nsomba chifukwa inali njira yokhayo yopangila ndalama",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7362,"In 2018, she began engaging in transactional sex just to access fish more easily and at a lower price","Mu chaka cha 2018, anayamba kupanga kugonana kwa nsitho kuti apeze nsomba mosabuta komanso pamtengo wotsika",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7363,"Women in fishing still have inferior roles, further leaving them prone to gender-based violence including sex for fish,” he said","Amayi kunkhani yowedza ali ndi ntchito zapansi, kuwonjezera kukhala pachiopsezo cha khanza kuphatikiza kugonana kuti apeze nsomba.” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7364,"We want to upgrade the value chain by constructing market sheds so that women can go buy fish there and not at the beach where they are susceptible to transactional sex,” he said","Tikufuna kukweza m’mene katundu amayendela pomanga malo ogulitsilamo malonda kuti amayi akhoza kumagula nsomba kumeneku osati m’mbali mwa nyanja kumene amakhala pa chiopsezo cha kugonana kwa nsitho,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7365,"She is grateful to not have contracted any diseases, even though she remains mentally scarred","Akuyamika kuti sanatenge matenda, ngakhale ali ndi manthabe",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7366,"I am just lucky … most of these fishermen like unprotected sex. They don’t care. I am ashamed,” he said","Ndine wamwayi chabe….azodzi ambiri amakonda kugonana kosaziteteza. Samasamala. Ndine wamanyazi,” akutero",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7367,"The HIV prevalence rate for Mangochi is 16.4 percent, according to NAC. This is above the national prevalence rate of 10 percent","Chiwelengelo chakufala kwa kachilombo ka koyambitsa matenda a a edzi chili pa mapelesenti 16.4, mlainga ndi NAC. izi zikudutsa kufala kwa dziko lonse chimene chili pa mapelesenti 10",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7368,"The campaign started on Friday with dissemination of condom use messages through comedies, music and dance as well as demonstrations on condoms","Kampeni inayamba lachisanu ndikugawa mauthenga m’mene tingagwilitsire kondomu kudzera masewero, nyimbo ndikuvina komanso chiwonetselero cha kondomu",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7369,The ‘Condomize Malawi’ campaign team in Mangochi moved from bottlestores in Cape Maclear where they interacted with sex workers and other night revellers to Makawa Trading Centre,Kampeni ya condomize malawi ku mangochi inachokoka kumalo omwela mowa ku cape maclear kumene anacheza ndi mahule ndi oyenda usiku kupita pamalo amalonda pa makawa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7370,There is so much stigma attached to condom use which reduces usage. This campaign will destigmatise condoms while disseminating messages that condoms prevent sexually transmitted infections but also unintended pregnancies,Pali kusala kwambiri kokhudzana ndikugwilitsa ntchito kondumu zimene zikuchepetsa kugwilitsa ntchito. Kampeni imeneyi ithetsa kusala makondomu pamene ikupeleka mauthenga akuti makondomu amateteza ku matenda opatsilana pogonana komanso mimba zosayembekezela,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7371,He added that ‘Condomize Malawi’ campaign would supplement a comprehensive sexuality education to engage youths at all levels in sexual and reproductive health matters,Anawonjezela kuti kampeni ya condomize malawi iwonjezela maphunziro a zogonana kugwira ntchito ndi achinyamata palipons pa nkhani zokhudza kugonana komanso umoyo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7372,Most governments need to strengthen public provisioning of comprehensive health protection with adequate financing,Maboma ambiri akuyenela kulimbitsa kupeleka chitetezo cha umoyo chokwanila ndi chuma chokwanila,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7373,"Meanwhile, healthcare costs have gone up due to more ill health, the rising costs of new medical technologies, privatization and less public procurement","Pakadali pano, ndalama zothandazila zaumoyo zakwera chifukwa cha matenda, kukwela kwa mitengo ya chipangizo za makono za chipatala, kukhala za anthu komanso kugula katundu waboma wochepa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7374,"Everyone – nations as well as families – faces more unexpected health threats, worsened by rising catastrophic and other medical expenses, more economic vulnerability, greater income insecurity, declining public provisioning, and costlier coping strategies","Aliyense - maiko komanso mabanja- amakumana ndi ziopsezo pa miyoyo zosayembekezela, zomwe zimavuta kamba ka kukwera mtengo kwa thandizo lachipatala, kusokonekera kwa chuma, kusakhala ndi njira zokhazikika zopezera chuma, kuchepa kwa thandizo lochokera ku boma, komanso kukwera mtengo kwa njira zina zopulimukira",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7375,"‘Premature’ death, disability and illness have meant losing billions of years of healthy life, largely due to preventable non-communicable diseases (NCDs)","Imfa zosayembekezela, kupuwala ndikudwala zatathauza kutaya mabiliyoni azaka za umoyo wabwino,kwambiri chifukwa cha matenda opeweka osapatsilana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7376,"Although they cause many health losses, relatively little public health spending goes to NCD prevention","Ngakhale zimapangitsa kuchepa wa thanzi, chuma chochepa cha boma pa nkhani yazaumoyo imapita ku ntchito zopewela matenda osapatsilanawa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7377,"Most countries, including in the developing world, have seen rising healthcare spending. But there is no direct relationship between health expenditure and wellbeing","Maiko ambiri kuphatikiza maiko osauka, awona kugwilitsa ntchito ndalama zambiri pa ntchito za umoyo. Koma palibe kulumikizana pakati pa kugwilitsa ntchito ndalama pa ntchito za umoyo ndi umoyo wabwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7378,"Hence, more spending does not ensure better outcomes, whereas appropriate public healthcare provisioning does","Choncho, kugwilitsa ntchto ndalama zambiri sizitathauza zotsatira zabwino, pamene chisamaliro chabwino chimakhala ndi zotsatira zabwino",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7379,"Although health spending has been rising in many developing countries, it has generally remained low in relation to income","Ngakhale kugwilitsa ntchito ndalama pa ntchito zaumoyo kwawera mu maiko oyamba kulemela, zakhalabe zotsika ndi ndalama zimene amapeza",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7380,"Government health services were already facing fiscal constraints before the pandemic. To cope with Covid, public health expenditure in many middle-income countries spiked","Ntchito za boma za umoyo zimakumana kale ndi zovuta pa chuma mlili usanabwele. Polimba ndi covid, kagwilitsidwe ntchito ka chuma pa ntchito ya za umoyo mumaiko maiko amene amapeze chuma chopelapo zinakwera",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7381,"Chronic underinvestment in public services has undermined healthcare overall. Many underfunded systems have nonetheless improved health conditions, reducing morbidity and mortality","Kuika ndalama zochepa kwa nthawi yayitali mu ntchito za boma zapitsa pansi ntchito za umoyo. Njira zambiri zolandila chuma chochepa zasitha miyoyo, kuchepetsa kudwala ndi imfa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7382,"Decent health outcomes, despite relatively low health spending, imply greater public expenditure ‘cost-effectiveness’ or efficiency","Zotsatila zabwino za umoyo, ngakhale ndi kugwilitsa ntchito kwa chuma chochepa, zikutathauza kugwilitsa chuma cha boma mosamala",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7383,"Nonetheless, much more could be achieved with better policies, increased spending and more appropriate priorities","Komabe, zambiri zikhoza kukwanilitsidwa ndi malamulo abwino, chuma chambiri ndi zofunikila zambiri",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7384,"Thus, reducing child and maternal mortality, besides improving sanitation and water supplies, have significantly raised life expectancy in developing countries","Motero, kuchepetsa imfa za ana ndi amayi,pambali popititsa patsogolo ukhondo ndi madzi, zasitha mlingo wamoyo ku maiko wotukuka kumene.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7385,"To enhance wellbeing, health systems must better protect people from current and future threats and challenges","Kuti tipititse umoyo wabwino, njira wa umoyo zikuyenela kuteteza anthu ku ziwopsezo zatsopano ndi zatsogolo ndi zovuta",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7386,"Better public healthcare financing – with absolutely and relatively more, but also more appropriate funding – seems most important",Kupeleka chuma ku ntchito za boma zaumoyo- ndi kupeleka ndalama zochuluka - kukuoneka kuti ndi kofunikira kwambiri,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7387,"Health promotion should involve more preventive efforts. By mainly focusing on curative interventions, most government spending and policy priorities neglect determinants of wellbeing, including inequities","Kupititsa patsogolo umoyo wabwino kukuyenela kukhudza kwabwiri ntchito zopewela. Poyan’ganira kwambiri ntchito yochilitsa, maboma ambiri amagwilitsa ntchito ndalama komanso malamulo ake saganizila zimene zimapangitsa umoyo wabwino kuphatikiza kusaweluzika",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7388,"To better address overall wellbeing, a more comprehensive and integrated approach should integrate health with related public policies","Kuti tikwanilitse umoyo wabwino, njira yogwilitsa ntchito zinthu zonse komanso kugwira ntchito pamodzi ikuyenela kupphatikiza umoyo ndi malamulo oyendetsela dziko ena",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7389,Health reform recommendations should prioritize governments’ major commitments – to the people and the international community – of ‘universal health coverage’ to ensure ‘health for all’,Kusithaso ntchito zaumoyo zikuyenela kuika patsogolo zimene boma likufuna kukwanilitsa- kwa anthu komanso gulu la lapadziko lonse la pansi- ntchito za umoyo zofikila aliyense kuti tikwanilitse umoyo wabwino wa aliyense,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7390,"Contraception does not determine choices about family size. Instead, it allows women and their partners to exercise that choice","Kulela sikumapeleka mwayi wosankha pakukula kwa banja. Koma, kumalola amayi ndi abwenzi awo kukhala ndi mwayi wopanga chisankho chimenecho",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7391,Research shows that women and their partners choose to have no or fewer children for a number of interrelated social and economic reasons,Kafukufuku waonetsa kuti amayi ndi abwenzi awo amasakha kusakhala kapana kukhala ndi ana ochepa pazifukwa za chikhalidwe komanso zachuma,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7392,"Rising costs of housing and education, the irreconcilable tension between the demands of career and parenting, lack of affordable, quality childcare, and gender norms that place an unequal burden of domestic work and childcare on women have all been shown to influence women’s and couples’ decisions whether or not to have children","Kukwela kwa mitengo yanyumba ndi maphunziro, kulimbirana kwa zofuna za ntchito ndikulera ana, kusowa kwa chisamaliro chotsika mtengo komanso chabwino cha ana komanso chikhalidwe chomwe chimayika udindo wambiri pa amayi pantchito zapakhomo ndi zosamalira ana zaonetsa kuti zimathandiza amayi kaoena banja kupanga ziganizo zokhala kapena osakhala ndi ana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7393,"Due to these socio-economic pressures, in most countries with low fertility, women are having fewer children than they would like","Chifukwa cha chiphinjo cha makhalidwe ndi zachuma, m’maiko ambiri kumene kochepa chonde, amayi akumakhala ndi ana ochepa kusiyana ndi m’mene angafunile",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7394,"For this reason, purposely restricting access to contraception as a government policy response to declining fertility does not work because it does not address the root causes of the decision by women and their partners to have fewer children","Pachifukwa ichi, kuletsa anthu kupeza njira za kulela ngati malamulo a boma kutsatila kutsika kwa chonde mwa anthu sizimagwila chifukwa simakhudza choyambitsa chiganizo cha amayi ndi abwenzi awo kuti akhale ndi ana ochepa",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7395,"Evidence from countries that have tried this approach shows that not only does it have little to no effect on the national birth rate but can lead to negative outcomes, too, such as increased maternal mortality and more abandoned children",Umboni wa m’amiko amene ayeselapo njira imeneyi zaonetsa kuti simakhala ndi zotsatila kapena zochepa pa mlingo wakubadwa mudziko koma zimakhala ndizotsatila zoipa monga imfa za amayi ndi ana osiyidwa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7396,"Governments in low fertility countries should, therefore, focus on addressing the gap between actual and desired family size and introduce a package of policies and investments that will reduce barriers to parenthood, improve family life and address gender inequality","Maboma amaiko amene kuli kukwera kwa chiwerengero cha anthu nkochepa, akuyenela kuyika chidwi pokonza kusiyana pakati pa mmene kukula kwa banja kuliri ndi mmene akufunira ndipo ayike malamulo ndi ntchito zomwe zingachepetse zotchinga pa ukholo, kupititsa patsogolo moyo wabanja komanso kuthana ndi kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7397,"For example, the availability of quality, affordable childcare, flexible work hours and paid parental leave can all improve working parents’ lives and such policies can help women and couples to have the number of children they desire","Mwachitsanzo, kupezeka kwa chisamaliro chabwino, chotsika mtengo, nthawi yomasuka yogwilira ntchito komanso malipiliro pamene munthu ali kutchuthichosamalira ana zikhoza kusitha miyoyo ya makolo ogwila ntchito ndipo malamulo ngati amenewa akhoza kuthandiza amayi ndi mabanja kukhala ndi chiwerengero cha ana omwe amafuna",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7398,"Even when governments do not formally restrict access to contraception as a response to low fertility, there is still a risk that a government in the grip of “demographic anxiety” over a declining fertility rate would start de-prioritising contraception as it shifts its attention to family-support policies","Ngakhale maboma sakhazitse kuletsa kupeza njira zakulelela kutsatira kuchepa kwa chonde, pali chiwopsezo kuti maboma kukhala ndi mantha akuchulukana kwa anthu kuposa kutsika kwa chonde mwa anthu akhoza kuyambaso kuika patsogolo njira za kulera akasuthika kumalamulo othandizila mabanja",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7399,"As a result of this, women and adolescent girls who need family planning to prevent an unintended pregnancy will find it more and more difficult to access the contraceptive method that best meets their needs","Pachifukwa ichi, amayi ndi atsikana otha msikhu akufunikila njira zakulera kuti apewe mimba zosakonzekela zizakhala zovuta kuti apeze njira zakulera zimene zili zoyenela ndizofuna zawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7400,"Access to contraception remains essential for women throughout their reproductive years, regardless of their fertility decisions","Kupeza njira za kulela ndikofunikila kwa amayi pa zaka zawo zakubeleka, osatengela chiganizo cha chonde chawo",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7401,"For couples who choose to have children, being able to decide on the spacing of births has both health and economic benefits","Kwa ma banja omwe asankha kukhala ndi ana, kuyika nthawi yokhalira ndi anawo zili ndi ubwino pa umoyo wabwino komanso pachuma.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7402,"It is recommended that women allow two-three years between births to ensure the best health outcomes for themselves and their child, and contraception allows them to do so",Ndikolimbikitsika kwa amayi kuti azikhala ndi mpata wazaka ziwiri kapena zitatu pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti thanzi lawo ndi lamwana ndilabwino ndipo njira zakulera ndizo zimathandizira izi.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7403,Lower income households can find it easier to manage the cost of raising a child when there is a two-three-year gap between births and parents can have more time to focus on the needs of individual children,Kwa mabanja opeza mochepekedwa ndikosavuta kusamalira ana awo pomwe akupeleka mpata wa zaka ziwiri kapena zitatu asadakhale ndi mwana wina poti makolo amakhala ndi nthawi yokhanira yosamalira mwana mmodzi.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7404,"These health, economic and social advantages of spacing of births with the support of contraception also benefit society as a whole",Kupeleka mpata ochulukirapo musadakhaleso ndi mwana otsatira ndi chithandizo cha njira zakulera kumathandizaso dera lonse.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7405,Contraception also plays an important role in allowing women and their partners who choose to have children to decide the total size of their family,Njira zakulera zimathandizaso mabanja omwe asankha kukhala ndi ana kusankha kukula kwa mabanja awo.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7406,"Whether a woman has one, two or three children, she will spend many years having the ability to conceive while not wanting to do so","Mzimayi kaya ali ndi mwana mmodzi, awiri kapena atatu, atha kukhala zaka zambiri zomwe atha kubeleka koma asakufuna kutero.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7407,"For example, if a woman has her first child at 25, chooses to have two more children and remains fertile until 42, she could experience 14 years where she is able to conceive but does not want to have any more children because her family is complete","Mwachitsanzo, ngati mzimayi wakhala ndi mwana oyamba ali ndi zaka 25 ndikusankha kukhala ndi ana ena awiri atha kukhalabe wachonde kudzafikira zaka 42 pomwe atha kukhala zaka 14 ndikuthekera kobeleka koma asakufuna kutero poti banja lake lidakwana.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7408,"What about young people who do not wish to start a family yet? In many societies, marriage and childbirth remain interlinked, but as the average age of marriage increases, young people can find themselves in relationships for an increasing number of years during which time they do not want to have a child","Nanga kwa achinyamata omwe sadaganize zokhala pabanja? M’madera ambiri, banja ndikukhala ndi mwana ndizolumikizana koma pomwe zaka zolowera m’banja zikuchulukirachulukira, achinyamata atha kukhala mma ubwezi kwa zaka zingapo koma osafuna kukhala ndi mwana",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7409,"Preventing an unintended pregnancy through contraception is better than responding to an unintended pregnancy through abortion. Increasing contraception awareness through age-appropriate sexuality education and ensuring contraceptive access through high quality, non-judgmental health services is vital to enabling adolescents and young adults to manage their individual reproductive choices",Kupewa mimba yosayembekezera pogwiritsa ntchito njira zakulera ndikwabwino kusiyana ndikuchotsa mimba. Kuwadziwitsa achinyamata zanjira za kulera kudzera munjira zosiyanasiyana potengera misinkhu yawo komanso kuonetsetsa kuti akupeza njirazi kudzera mu ntchito zapamwamba zopanda tsankho ndikofunika kuti achinyamata ndi akuluakulu ena akwanitse kuchita chisankho pazaubeleki wawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7410,"With the right policies and investment, we can build thriving, inclusive societies regardless of population size, and universal access to safe and effective contraception is essential for the health and well-being of those societies and the empowerment of women and girls to make choices about their own bodies and lives",Ndi njira zoyenera titha kumanga madera ochita bwino posatengera chiwelengero ndipo kuthekera kofikira njira zakulera ndikothandiza pa moyo wathanzi komanso kulimbikitsa amayi ndi atsikana kupanga ziganizo zoyenera pa matupi ndi miyoyo yawo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7411,He said the neglected facilities put the district at risk of disease outbreaks with deadly consequences on both human beings and animals,Iye anati madera olekeleledwa akuyika bomali pa chiopsezo cha miliri ya nthenda zoopsa pa miyoyo ya anthu komanso zinyama.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7412,"Dogs have easy access to the slaughterhouses where they scavenge for leftovers from animal carcasses, putting surrounding communities at risk of contracting diseases such as rabies,” he states",Agalu amakwana kufika kumalo ophera nyama komwe amadya zokhala zanyama kuyika pachiopsezo anthu a mmadera ozungulira chotenga matenda monga chiwewe.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7413,"Musopole said the dogs are likely to feed on infected carcasses, creating a conducive environment for disease transmission from animals to human beings","Musopole anati agalu atha kudya nyama yamatenda, kupangitsa dera kuti likhale malo omwe matenda atha kufala kuchoka kwa zinyama kupita kwa anthu.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7414,"According to district medical officer, Chitipa has registered a surge in people seeking treatment for rabies after being bitten by stray dogs","Malingana ndi wamkulu oyang’anira za umoyo m’bomali, boma la Chitipa lalandira anthu ochuluka kwambiri ofuna thandizo la chiwewe atalumidwa ndi agalu oyendeyenda.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7415,"Treatment for rabies is very expensive, for instance, we spend about K2 million on rabies vaccine annually,” she said","Thandizo la chiwewe ndilodula kwambiri, mwachitsazo, timagwiritsa ntchito ndalama yosachepera 2 million pa katemera wa chiwewe,” iwo anatero.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7416,Health and Rights Education Programme (Hrep) has asked health authorities to make pneumonia a public health priority,Health and Rights Education Programme (HREP) lapempha adindo azaumoyo kuyikapo mtima pofuna kuthana ndi nthenda ya pneumonia,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7417,Hrep has also called upon government and authorities to ensure that pneumonia vaccine and treatment are always available in health facilities as it is a right and not a privilege,HREP yafusaso boma ndi adindo kuonetsetsa kuti thandizo ndi katemera wa nthenda ya pneunomia zikupezeka mzipatala zaboma ndipo anthu akukhala ndi ufulu ozipeza.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7418,"Pneumonia can be prevented and cured. Yet, for too long, it has been the leading cause of global deaths among children. We know what to do and we have made great progress, but we must do more","Pneunomia ndiyopeweka komanso kuchizika. Komabe, kwa nthawi yayitali yakhala ikudzetsa imfa pakati pa ana. Tikudziwa choyenera kuchita ndipo tikuchita bwino, komabe titha kuchita kuposera pamenepo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7419,"Events on the day seek to raise awareness, promote prevention and treatment and generate action to fight the disease",Cholinga cha zodzachitika patsikulo ndikufuna kudziwitsa anthu kupewa ndi thandizo and kupeza njira zolimbilana ndi nthendayi.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7420,"Pneumonia is a form of acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs, making breathing painful and limiting oxygen intake. It is the most frequent cause of death in children under the age of five",Pneumonia ndi nthenda yomwe imagwira mapapo kupangitsa kupuma kukhala kovutirapo. Nthendayi ndiyomwe imapangitsa kwambiri imfa pakati pa ana osadutsa zaka 5.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7421,"In Sub-Saharan Africa, child pneumonia deaths account for an estimated 18 percent of under-five mortality of which three percent occur during the neonatal period","Mchigawo cha ku mmwera kwa Africa, nthenda ya Pneumonia imapangitsa imfa 18 pa imfa 100 zilizonse za pakati pa ana osadutsa zaka 5 ndipo imfa zitatu zimakhala za ana ongobadwa kumene.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7422,Incidences of pneumonia and the case-fatality rate are highest among infants and decline with increasing age,Imfa zodza kamba ka nthenda ya Pneumonia zimachulukira pakati pa ana ndipo zimachepa akamakula,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7423,"Malawi has over the past decade made significant progress reducing deaths in children under five; however, pneumonia remains the single biggest killer, taking the lives of an estimated 1 000 babies and young children in 2010","Kwa zaka khumi zapitazo dziko la Malawi lagwira ntchito yotamandika pothana ndi imfa zodza kamba ka nthenda ya Pneumonia pakati pa ana osadutsa zaka 5. Komabe, pneumonia ikadali nthenda yomwe ikupha ana kwambiri pomwe nthendayi idapha ana pafupifupi 1000 mu mchaka cha 2010.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7424,The disease is caused by rabies virus which is spread from animals to humans through infected saliva passing through bites and scratches,Nthendayi imadza kamba ka chiwewe chomwe chimapatsilidwa kuchoka ku zinyama kupita kwa anthu kudzera mmalovu pomwe munthu walumidwa kapena wakalidwa.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7425,"Most human exposures are from domestic dogs. The incubation period, the time between exposure to the virus and when signs and symptoms become evident, varies from one week to a year",Anthu ambiri amatenga nthendayi kwa agalu. Nthawi yomwe nthendayi ingaonekere imakhala pakati pa sabata imodzi mpaka chaka chathunthu.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7426,"There are two forms of rabies. There is furious rabies whereby the infected person shows signs of hyperactivity, excited behaviour and hydrophobia. Death follows a few days later resulting from failure of the heart and breathing system",Pali mitundu iwiri ya chiwewe. Mtundu oyamba ndi owopsa kwambiri omwe zizindikiro zak zimakakhala kufuntha. Imfa imadza masiku ochepa otsatira kapena kakusiya kugwira ntchito kwa mtima komanso kulephera kupuma.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7427,"The other form is called paralytic rabies which takes a longer course as compared to the furious form. In the paralytic form, paralysis gradually develops starting from the site of the bite or scratch then the infected person goes into coma which is followed by death",Mtundu wina wa chiwewe ndi omwe munthu odwala amaonetsa kupunduka kuchokera malo omwe walumidwa kapena kukalidwa ndipo odwalayu amakomoka kenako ndikufa.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7428,The most effective way to prevent rabies in people is by eradicating rabies in dogs,Njira yothandiza kwambiri kuteteza chiwewe mwa anthu ndikuthetsa chiwewecho mwa agalu.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7429,"There is also need for more community veterinary officers to provide veterinary services, including dog vaccination at community level",Paliso kufunika kwakulu kuti owona za umoyo wa ziweto azibaya katemera wa ziweto yu mmadera.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7430,The advertisement called on all uncircumcised men to voluntarily to go for male circumcision as a fight against HIV,Chidziwitsocho chayitanitsa abambo omwe sadapange m’dulidwe kuti akapange pofuna kuthana ndi HIV,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7431,"Towards the end of the advert a disclaimer: “remember that male circumcision efficacy is at 60 percent. So, always remember to use a condom!”",Komaliza kwa uthengawo kuli mawu achenjezo “kumbulikilana kuti chitetezo cha m’dulidwe ndichochepa chabe kotero kumbukilani kugwilitsa ntchito chishango!”,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7432,"“If male genital mutilation really worked, why do circumcised men here catch HIV and die?” “May be they are not professionally and voluntarily circumcised?” Jean joked",“Ngati m’dulidwe wa abambo umathandizadi kwathunthu nchifukwa chani azibambo odulidwa amatenga HIV ndikumwalira?” Jean anatero mopanga nthabwala.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7433,"Why has circumcision not resulted in reduced spread of HIV, here? Why does my simple question stand unanswered?” she asked",Nchifukwa chani m’dulidwe sukuchepetsa kufala kwa HIV kuno? Bwanji funso langa silikuyankhidwa? Iye anafunsa,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7434,"Circumcise and condomise! The campaign means health officials now acknowledge they initially misled Malawians about the importance of male circumcision,” Jean declared.","Mupange m’dulidwe komanso gwilitsani ntchito chishango! Uthenga uwu ukuonetsera kuti achipatala akuvomeleza kunamiza a Malawi ubwino wa m’dulidwe,” Jean adatero.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7435,"We believed there was no cure for HIV and we started behaving ourselves, then came ‘circumcise and ye shall be safe from HIV!’” she wondered",Tidakhulupilira kuti palibe mankhwala ochiza HIV ndikuyamba kudzisamala kenako akuti pangani m;dulidwe ndipo mutetezeka ku HIV! Iye adadabwa.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7436,"“What is ABC?” Jean asked. “Abstain, be faithful to one partner and condomise if you don’t trust each other!”","Kodi ABC nchani? Kudzaletsa, kukhala okhulupilika kwa wina ndi mzake komaso kugwilitsa ntchito chishango ngati simukukhulupilirana.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7437,"President Peter Mutarika says for the first in the history of Malawi, government will introduce a health insurance scheme for all public servants and will also explore possibilities of health insurance for all Malawians",President Peter Mutharika adati koyamba mu mbiri yadziko la Malawi boma liyambitsa insurance ya za umoyo kwa ogwira m’boma pomwe likuwunguzaso zoyamitsa insurance yi kwa a Malawi onse.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7438,"Crisis looms in the health sector as four months to the end of the 2022/23 fiscal year, some district health and social services (DHSS) offices have depleted their funding for procuring drugs",Zowopsa zikuyembekezeka kuchitika kumbali ya za umoyo pomwe kwatsala miyezi inayi kuti timalize chaka cha zachuma cha 2022/2023 ndipo ma office a za umoyo ndi chisamaliro cha anthu mma boma ena adamaliza kale ndalama zawo.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7439,The revelation came from a workshop organised by Central Medical Stores Trust (CMST) in Blantyre last week.,Izi zadziwika pa mkumano omwe anapangitsa ndi a Central Medical Stores Trust (CMST) ku Blantyre sabata latha.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7440,Some health facilities have been hit hard with drug shortages,Zipatala zina zikukhudzidwa kwambiri ndikusowa kwa mankhwala.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7441,"While the Ministry of Health has dispelled fears of a crisis, the development has created anxiety among stakeholders who have since urged government to treat the matter with seriousness and urgency it deserves","Pomwe unduna wa za umoyo wakayikira nkhawazi, izi zadzetsa kale nkhawa pakati pa okhudziwa omwe awuza boma kuyikapo mtima pa nkhani yi pofuna kuthana ndi bvuto losowa kwa mankhwala ku.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7442,"This means the affected district health offices cannot go to the CMST to procure drugs, which also means that they cannot prescribe in their units",Izi zikutanthauza kuti maboma okhudzidwa sangapite nawo ku Central Medical Stores Trust kukagula mankhwala,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7443,"Actually, this is worrisome because it is not the first time. Last year, some hospitals were also put in a similar situation three months towards the end of the year","Izi ndizodandaulitsa kamba koti aka sikoyamba. Chaka chatha, zipatala zina zidaliso mmavuto otere kutakhala miyezi itatu kuti chaka cha za chuma chithe.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7444,"But as Parliament, we reminded government that the heath sector was not being adequately funded, especially the drugs budget and needed to be increased","Koma ngati yamalamulo, tidakumbutsa boma kuti nthambi ya za umoyo sikupatsidwa ndalama zokwanira, makamaka ndalama zogulira mankhwala zikuyenera kuonjezeledwa.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7445,"The increase was made but it wasn’t much, and that is why we are in this situation again. However, we will use that same analog to press for more funding, so that the drugs budget is increased,” he said","Kuonjezera komwe kudachitika sikudali kokwanira ndipo nchifukwa chake tiliso mmavuto omwewa. Komabe, tigwilitsa ntchito njira zomwezo popempha thandizo lachuma kuti ndalama yogulira ndalama iwonjezeledwe,” iwo anatero.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7446,"For a long time, government has centralised aspects such as drug budget management to the extent that district hospitals have had human made drug stock-outs and shortages of essential medical supplies","Kwa nthawi yayitali, boma lakhala likuyika pamodzi ndalama zogulira mankhwala mpaka kufikira kuti mzipatala zina ma vuto akusowa kwa mankhwala ofunika kwambiri amakhala ochita kupangidwa.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7447,Depletion of health budgets surfaces at a time allocation to the country’s drug budget has been dwindling in the past four years amid shortages of essential drugs and supplies in public health facilities,Kuchepetsedwa kwa ndalama yokagwira ntchito za umoyo yabwera mu nthawi yomwe ndondomeko ya dziko yandalama zogulira mankhwala yakhalaso ikuchepetsedwa kwa zaka zinayi zotsatira pakati posowa kwa mankhwala ofunikira mzipatala za boma.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7448,"She observed that pregnant girls, teen mothers as well as their children seek medical attention frequently than mature mothers and their children, a development that put pressure to resources in public health institutions such as medical drugs as well as medical staff","Iwo anapeza kuti atsikana oyembekezera, amayi achichepere ndi ana awo amakafuna thandizo la chipatala pafupipafupi kuposa amayi okhwima ndi ana awo chinthu chomwe chikuthetsa nsanga zipangizo zachipatala komaso mankhwala ngakhale kuyika pa mpanipani ogwira ntchito mzipatalazi",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7449,"She said: “Each and every day the Ministry of Health is really doing a good job, but people say we don’t have medicine, maybe clinical officers have stolen the medicine, but no it’s because of the early marriages","Iwo anati “Tsiku lililose udindo wa za umoyo ukugwira ntchito yotamandika, koma anthu akuti tilibe mankhwala, mwina ogwira ntchito mzipatala akuba mankhwala, koma sichifukwa cha mabanja a ana ang’onoang’ono.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7450,One pays a lot of money but the standards of service delivery are very poor. That is why those on medical aid once they retire or resign from their jobs just fall away because it’s a waste of money,Munthu amalipira ndalama zambiri koma thandizo lake ndilosakhala bwino. Ichi nchifukwa chake iwo ali pa mgwirizano wa thandizo la za chipatala akasiya ntchito amangozisiya chifukwa nkutaya ndalama.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7451,He observed that the health insurance market was still immature resulting in lack of transparency and dubious health insurance claims,Iwo anapeza kuti msika wa ma insurance a za umoyo unali osakhwima zomwe zimapangitsa kusowa chilungamo,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7452,There is lack of transparency and accountability within the sector with no proper regulations and such malpractices put the lives of vulnerable patients who are in need of quality healthcare at risk because they cannot sustain the insurance,Pali kusowa chilungamo ku nthambiyi ndipo mchitidwe oyipawu ukuyika pachiopsezo odwala omwe akufunika thandizo la chipatala koma sangakwanitse insurance ya thandizo la mankhwala.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7453,Matemba said the other challenge was lack of public health insurance cover which makes the private health practitioners to flourish and take advantage of the market,Matemba anati bvuto lina ndikusowa kwa insurance ya za umoyo ya boma zomwe zikupangitsa a private kutengera mwayi,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7454,"Ministry of Health spokesperson said although the ministry has not officially received the research, they know the high premiums are as a result of the thin customer base",Ofalitsa nkhani ku unduna wa za umoyo wati ngakhale unduna wu siwudalandir kafukufuku iwo akudziwa kuti insurance ndiyodula kamba koti makasitomala ndi ochepa.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7455,If they had a wider customer base automatically that would make the premiums come to a reasonable level like it is in other countries where a lot of people subscribe to medical insurance policies and their premiums are quite manageable,Akadakhala ndi makasitomala ambiri zachidziwikire mtengo olipira insurance ukadakhala omvelera monga momwe ziliri mma boma ena komwe anthu ambiri amalipira insurance ya thandizo la chipatala.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7456,"So in Malawi, we have a very thin customer base because of, perhaps, low literacy levels in that not many people appreciate the benefits of health insurance but again the low income status, which even if one were to know the benefits, most of them could still not afford,” he said","Kotero ku Malawi kuno, tili ndi makasitomala ochepa kamba kakusadziwa ubwino wa insurance yi komanso kamba ka umphawi zomwe ngakhale anthu akadadziwa ubwino wake sangakwanitse kulipira,” iwo anatero.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7457,"On February 20 2017, 30-year-old Chrissy Phiri delivered her sixth born daughter in a bush at midnight on her way to the Kasungu district hospital","Pa 20 February mchaka cha 2017, Chrissy Phiri wazaka 30 adabeleka mwana wake wa nambala 6 patchire usiku pomwe amapita ku chipatala chachikulu cha boma la Kasungu.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7458,"She defied reality as she unilaterally underwent a baby delivery process in the middle of nowhere, while a hired young kabaza boy (bicycle peddler) waited for her at a stone-throw away distance",Iye adachita mosiyana ndimomwe zimakhalira nthawi zonse pomwe adabeleka mwana pa njira pomwe mnyamata wakabaza amadikilira pakamtunda ndithu.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7459,"She bore a baby boy but today she cannot afford to imagine the excruciating pain she went through the, she laments","Adabadwitsadi mwana wa mmuna koma lero sangakwanitse kuganizira za ululu omwe adamva, iye adadandawula.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7460,The boy is five years now and is doing standard one at one of the remotest Primary Schools in Traditional Authority Wimbe in Kasungu,Mnyamatayo ali ndi zaka 5 ndipo ali mukalasi loyamba pa imodzi mwa masukulu akumudzi kotheratu m’dera la mfumu yaikulu Wimbe m’boma la Kasungu.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7461,"Her narration to this report was emotional as tears snaked down her cheeks. She wonders why the government, through Kasungu Municipality and the district health office, is still not paying attention to the health challenges in the area",Kufotokoza kwake kudali komvetsa chisoni pomwe misozi imatsika mmasaya mwake. Iye amadabwa kuti nchifukwa chani boma kudzera ku Chipatala chachikulu cha Kasungu komaso ofesi za umoyo m’bomali saonetsa chidwi pa mavuto a zaumoyo omwe ali m’derali.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7462,"Nurses advise us to go and wait at the district hospital during the last trimester, but it’s impossible for most of us working on estates. Our supervisors don’t allow that. The only solution is to have a maternity facility nearby,” she bemoaned","Anamwino amatilangiza kupita kukadikilira kuchipatala cha ku boma miyezi itatu yakumapeto koma nzosatheka poti ambiri mwa ife timagwira ntchito mminda ya ma kampani. Mabwana athu salora zimenezo. Njira yokhayo yotheka ndikukhala ndi chipatala chochililako pafupi, iye anadandaula.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7463,"Phiri’s ordeal is a replica of a version shared by Dorica Zuze, from Disenti village in Nsanje.She is a mother of five",Nkhani ya Phiri ikufanana ndi ya Dorica Zuze wa mmudzi mwa Disenti m’boma la Nsanje yemwe ndi mayi wa ana 5.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7464,"The 35-year-old farmer worries that due to the emergence of Covid-19 pandemic, family planning services from hear nearby health center have been heavily compromised","Mlimi wa zaka 35 yu akudandaula kuti kamba kakudza kwa mliri wa covid-19, ntchito yopeleka njira zakulera pa chipatala chapafupi idasokonekera,",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7465,"She says if she had enough money, she could have resorted to visiting private clinics but her limited income does not allow such a “luxury.”",Iye anati akadakhala ndi ndalama zokwanira akadayamba kupita ku zipatala zomwe sizaboma koma kuchepekedwa kwake kukupangitsa izi kukhala zosatheka.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7466,"Her fears were justified. She is in fact vindicated. Recent research by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) shows that many governments across the world, including Malawi, are diverting funds meant for sexual reproductive health (SRH) and family planning to the Covid-19 fight",Nkhawa zake ndizoveka. Kafukufuku wa bungwe la United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) akuonetsa kuti mayiko ambiri kuphatikiza Malawi akutenga ndalama zomwe zikadagwira ntchito zina za umoyo kupatikizapo za uchembero wabwino kukagwira ntchito yothana ndi covid-19,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7467,"Apart from physically visiting several health centers and other public hospitals in both north and southern region of the country, as part of the project, this reporter also randomly appreciated the views and welfare of rural dweller to share their experiences in the access to healthcare in the country","Kupatula kuyendera zipatala zingapo ku mpto ndi ku mmwera kwa dziko lino, project ino inamvaso maganizo a anthu okhala madera akumudzi kuti timve zomwe amakumana nazo akufuna kupeza thandizo la chipatala mdziko muno.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7468,"Therefore, there is a need for policies such as intensifying mobile clinics, health cards for the less privileged to address the factors that contribute to this disparity in health care access",Choncho pali kufunika koyika ndondomeko zomwe ndi monga kuyambitsa zipatala zoyendayenda komanso zikalata za umoyo kwa iwo opeza mopelewera pofuna kuthana ndi vuto lakusiyana pakapezedwe kwathandizo la chipatala.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7469,"The difficulties arise because of long distances that are more than five kilometres from the nearest health facility and other physical barriers such as impassable rivers and mountains, he says","Mavutowa amadza kamaba ka mitunda itali-itali yemwe ndiyoposa ma kilometre asanu kuchoka pa chipatala cha pafupi komanso zifukwa zina monga mitsinje ndi mapiri omwe amapangitsa kuyenda kokhala kovuta,” iwo anatero.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7470,"Corroborating the reporter’s findings, the researcher also discovers that sometimes health personnel in Malawi are reluctant to live in remote areas as they prefer urban zones hence perpetuating the socioeconomic inequality in access to healthcare","Pogwilizana ndizonena za ofotokoza yu, opanga kafukufuku anapeza kuti nthawi zina ogwira ntchito za umoyo ku Malawi kuno amakana kukakhala mmadera akumudzi kwambiri pomwe amakonda kukhala mmatawuni zomwe zikupangitsa kuti pazikhala kusiyana pakapezedwe ka thandizo la chipatala pakati pa anthu a mtawuni ndikumudzi.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7471,"And such a skewed distribution of health personnel, according to our findings has a negative multiplier effects on other key factors of production hence affecting the domestic economy at large","Ndipo kusiyana kwa kagawidwe ka anthu ogwira ntchito za umoyo, malingana ndizomwe tapeza kuli ndi zotsatira zoyipa pa chitukuko zomwe zikusokoneza chuma chammakomo ambiri.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7472,"For example, it is revealed that the presence of socioeconomic inequalities in health care may mean that Malawi might have poor labour, in turn affecting economic development since labour is the fundamental factor of production","Mwachitsanzo, zadziwika kuti kusiyana kwakapezedwe ka thandizo la za umoyo mMalawi muno kungatanthauze dziko lizikhala ndi kuthekera kokhala ndi ogwira ntchito bwinobwino kochepa zomwe mmalo mwake zingakhudze chitukuko pa chuma",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7473,"However, given the difference in the spatial distribution of facilities, health posts, dispensaries, village clinics, mobile clinics and health surveillance assistances (HSAs) are used to provide health care at the community level","Komabe, ndikusiyana kwakagawide ka zipangizo za umoyo ku, zipatala za mmadera akumudzi, \ipatala zoyendayenda koma a za umoyo amagwiritsidwa ntchito kupeleka thandizo la chipatala kumadera.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7474,"But HSAs are responsible for a population of 1000 individuals in their area. Health centres and community hospitals, which are even larger than the former, are used to provide primary-level services",Koma a za umoyo ali ndi udindo ofikira chiwelengero cha anthu 1000 m’dera lawo. Zipatala za zing’onozing’ono komanso za mmadera zomwe zili zokulilapo zimapeleka thandizo pokulirapo chabe.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7475,"This inadequate budget allocation may have resulted in shortages of medical supply and human resource resources in public facilities, where less privileged people receive health care",Kagawidwe ka ndondomeko ya chuma kosakwaniraka nkuthaka kadakolozera kuchepa kwa kupezeka kwa zipangizo za umoyo mzipatala zaboma komwe anthu opeza mopelewera amakapezako thandizo la chipatala.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7476,"Even though Africa has had better economic growth in the recent past as compared to other regions, when African countries become richer, government spending on health does not automatically increase","Ngakhale kuti Africa wakhala akutukuka kwambiri pa chuma kusiyana ndimadera ena, pomwe mayiko aku Africa atukuka pachuma boma silimakwezabe chuma chokagwira ntchito zotukula za umoyo.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7477,"This has become a routine for me and my colleagues. Being a mother, I am happy that our children eat porridge at school. It improves their nutrition, school attendance and concentration in class,” says the mother-of-four, from Kapazanje Village","Ichi chasanduka chizolowezi kwa ine ndi anzanga. Kukhala mayi, ndine osangalala kuti ana athu akumadya phala kusukulu. Zikuthandiza thanzi lawo, kabweledwe ka ana kusukulu komaso kumvetsera bwino mkalasi,” anatero mayi wa ana anayi ochokera mmudzi wa Kapazanje.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7478,"Despite having to cook for about a thousand learners, Banda and her group are not chocked by smoke and deadly fumes that claim a life every eight seconds","Kusawelengera kuphikira ophunzira pafupifupi 1000, Banda ndi anzake sakutekeseka ndi utsi wamphamvu omwe ukumachotsa moyo mma second 8 aliwose.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7479,They use a cookstove that uses less fuelwood and emits less smoke than open fires,Iwo amagwilitsa ntchito mbaula yomwe imagwilitsa ntchito nkhuni zochepa ndikutulutsa utsi ochepa.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7480,We use three pieces of wood to cook and we do not face the hardships of cooking in a smoky kitchen,Timagwilitsa ntchito nkhuni zitatu pophika ndipo sitikumana ndimavuto ophikira mmalo a utsi.,health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7481,"We believe that everyone, who volunteers to make the national school feeding programme work, should be protected from toxic fumes. Once we get sick, we cannot cook for children anymore,” she says","Tikukhulupilira kuti aliyese odzipeleka kuthandizira kuti ndondomeko yopeleka chakudya kwa ophunzira mmasukulu itheke akuyenera kutetedza ku utsi owopsa. Pomwe tadwala sitingaphikireso ophunzirawa,” iwo anatero.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7482,"The rollout of the meals is credited with increasing enrolment, attendance, concentration and performance of learners in many primary schools countrywide","Kapelekedwe ka chakudya kakugwilizana ndikuchuluka kwa ophunzira, kabweledwe ka kusukulu, komanso chidwi cha ophunzira mkalasi msukulu za Primary mdziko muno.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7483,"I’m pregnant, but I still come to cook because I know I am safe and nothing can happen to me. The environment is good for a woman like me. I don’t fear for my life and that of the unborn baby,” she explains","Ndine oyembekezera koma ndimabwerabe kudzaphika chifukwa ndikudziwa ndine otetezedwa ndipo palibe chingandichitikire. Ndi malo abwino kwa munthu ngati ine. Sindidera nkhawa za moyo wanga ndi mwana ndikumuyembekezrayo,” iwo anafotokoza.",health and wellbeing,electronic media +en7484,In what month and year did you move here?,Kodi ndi mwezi komanso chaka chanji chimene munabwera kuno?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7485,"Just before you moved here, which district/city did you live in?","Musanabwere kuno, kodi mumakhala boma lanji/mzinda uti?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7486,"Just before you moved here, did you live in a city, in a town, or in a rural area?","Musanabwere kuno, kodi mumakhala ku mzinda, kutauni kapena kumudzi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7487,Why did you move to this place?,Kodi munabwera kuno chifukwa chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7488,In what month and year were you born?,Kodi munabadwa mwezi komanso chaka chanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7489,"How old were you at your last birthday? +","Kodi mwakwanitsa zaka zingati zakubadwa? + + ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7490,"In general, would you say your health is very good, good, moderate, bad, or very bad?","Kodi munganene kuti umoyo wanu mu zonse, ulibwino kwambiri, ulibwino, pakatikati, sulibwino kapena sulibwino kwambiri?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7491,Have you ever attended school?,"Kodi munapitako ku sukulu? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7492,"What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, secondary, or higher?","Kodi sukulu munalekeza ku pulaimale, sekondale kapena kupitilira apo? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7493,What is the highest grade/form/year you completed at that level?,"Kodi munamaliza kalasi yanji? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7494,"Now I would like you to read this sentence to me. + +Can you read any part of the sentence to me?","Tsopano ndikufuna mundiwerengere chiganizo ichi. + +Kodi mungathe kundiwerengera mbali imodzi ya chiganizochi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7495,"Do you read a newspaper or magazine at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?","Kodi mumawerenga nyuzipepala kapena magazini pafupifupi kamodzi pa sabata, kuchepera kamodzi pa sabata, kapena simuwerenga nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7496,"Do you listen to the radio at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?","Kodi mumanvera wayilesi kamodzi pa sabata, kuchepera kamodzi pa sabata, kapena simumvera nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7497,"Do you watch television at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?","Kodi mumawonera wayilesi yakanema pafupifupi kamodzi pa sabata, kuchepera kamodzi pa sabata, kapena simuwonera nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7498,Do you own a mobile phone?,Kodi muli ndi lamya ya m'manja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7499,Is your mobile phone a smart phone?,Kodi lamya yanu yam'manja ndi yamakono? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7500,Have you ever used the Internet from any location on any device? ,"Kodi munayamba mwagwiritsapo ntchito internet kuchokera kudera lina lililonse, kugwiritsa ntchito chipangizo china chilichonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7501,"In the last 12 months, have you used the Internet?","M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munagwiritsapo ntchito internet? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7502,"During the last one month, how often did you use the Internet: almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week, or not at all?","M'mwezi umodzi wathawu, munagwiritsapo ntchito internet: pafupifupi tsiku lililonse, kamodzi pa sabata, kuchepera kamodzi pa sabata, kapena simunagwiritse ntchito nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7503,What is your religion?,Kodi ndinu a chipembedzo chanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7504,What is your ethnic group?,Kodi ndinu a mtundu wanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7505,Now I would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndifunseni zokhudzana ndi ana onse omwe munabereka m'moyo wanu onse. Kodi munayamba mwaberekapo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7506,Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are now living with you?,Kodi muli ndi ana amuna kapena akazi omwe munabereka inuyo ndipo mumakhala nawo pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7507,How many sons live with you?,"Mumakhala ndi ana amuna obereka nokha angati? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7508,And how many daughters live with you?,"Nanga mumakhala ndi ana akazi obereka nokha angati? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7509,Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are alive but do not live with you?,Kodi muli ndi ana amuna kapena akazi omwe munabereka inuyo ndipo ali moyo koma simumakhala nawo pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7510,How many sons are alive but do not live with you?,"Ndi ana amuna angati omwe ali moyo koma simumakhala nawo pakhomo pano? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7511,And how many daughters are alive but do not live with you?,"Nanga ndi ana akazi angati omwe ali moyo koma simumakhala nawo pakhomo pano? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7512,"Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who was born alive but later died? For example, any baby who cried, who made any movement, sound, or effort to breathe, or who showed any other signs of life even if for a very short time?","Kodi munaberekapo mwana wamwamuna kapena wamkazi amene anabadwa ali moyo keneko nkumwalira? Mwachitsanzo, mwana amene atabadwa anaonetsa zizindikiro za moyo monga kutakataka, kulira kapena kuyesera kupuma, ngakhale kwa ka nthawi kochepa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7513,How many boys have died?,"Ndi ana amuna angati amene anamwalira? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7514,And how many girls have died?,"Nanga ndi ana akazi angati amene anamwalira? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7515,Just to make sure that I have this right: you have had in total this number births during your life. Is that correct?,Kungofuna kutsimikiza ngati ndalemba zolondola: munaberekapo ana okwana motero pamoyo wanu wonse. Ndi momwemo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7516,"Women sometimes have a pregnancy that does not result in a live birth. For example, a pregnancy can end in a miscarriage, an abortion, or the child can be born dead. Have you ever had a pregnancy that did not end in a live birth?","Nthawi zina azimayi amakhala ndi pakati pamene mapeto ake sabereka mwana wamoyo. Machitsanzo, kupita padera, kuchotsa pakati, kapena kubereka mwana omwalira. Kodi munayamba mwakhalapo ndi pakati pamene simunabereke mwana wamoyo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7517,"How many miscarriages, abortions, and stillbirths have you had?","Kodi munakhalapo ndi mimba zingati zomwe munapititsa padera, kuchotsa kapena mwanayo kupitilira?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7518,"Now I would like to record all your pregnancies including live births, stillbirths, miscarriages, and abortions, starting with your first pregnancy.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndilembe tsatanetsane wa mimba zonse kuphatikazapo ana omwe anabadwa ndi moyo, ana obadwa atamwalira/kupitilira, pakati pamene panachoka komanso pakati pomwe panachotsedwa, kuyambira ndi mimba yanu yoyamba. + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7519,"Think back to your first pregnancy. Was that a single pregnancy, twins, or triplets? ","Kumbukilani za mimba yanu yoyamba. Kodi inali ya mwana m'modzi, mapasa kapena atatu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7520,"Think back to your next pregnancy. Was that a single pregnancy, twins, or triplets? ","Kumbukilani za mimba yanu yotsatira. Kodi inali ya mwana m'modzi, mapasa kapena atatu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7521,"Was the baby born alive, born dead, or did you have a miscarriage or abortion?","Kodi mwana anabadwa wamoyo, anabadwa atamwalira, munapititsa padera kapena mimba inachotsedwa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7522,Was the first baby in this pregnancy born alive or born dead?,"Kodi mwana oyamba wa mimba imeneyi, anabadwa wamoyo kapena atamwalira?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7523,Was the next baby in this pregnancy born alive or born dead?,"Kodi mwana otsatira pa mimba imeneyi, anabadwa wamoyo kapena atamwalira?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7524,"Did the baby cry, move, or breathe?","Kodi mwanayo analira, kutakataka kapena kupuma?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7525,What name was given to the baby?,"Kodi mwana ameneyu anapatsidwa dzina lanji? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7526,Is Chikondi a boy or a girl?,Kodi Chikondi ndi wamwamuna kapena wamkazi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7527,"On what day, month, and year was Chikondi born?","Kodi Chikondi anabadwa tsiku, mwezi komanso chaka chanji?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7528,"On what day, month, and year did this pregnancy end?","Kodi mimba imeneyi inachoka tsiku, mwezi komanso chaka chanji?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7529,How long did this pregnancy last in weeks or months?,Kodi mimba imeneyi inakhala masabata kapena miyezi ingati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7530,Were there any other pregnancies before this pregnancy?,"Musanatenge mimba imeneyi, kodi panalinso mimba zina?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7531,Were there any other pregnancies between the previous pregnancy and this pregnancy?,Kodi panalinso mimba zina zili zonse pakati pa mimba za m'mbuyo ndi mimba imeneyi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7532,Have you had any pregnancies that ended since the last pregnancy mentioned?,Kodi mwakhalaponso ndi mimba zina zotsatira zomwe zinachoka pambuyo mimba yomaliza imene mwandifotokozerayi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7533,Is Chikondi still alive?,Kodi Chikondi adakali ndi moyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7534,How old was Chikondi at his last birthday?,"Kodi Chikondi anali ndi zaka zingati pamene amakumbukira tsiku lake lakubadwa? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7535,How old was Chikondi at her last birthday?,"Kodi Chikondi anali ndi zaka zingati pamene amakumbukira tsiku lake lakubadwa? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7536,Is Chikondi living with you?,"Kodi Chikondi amakhala ndi inu? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7537,How old was Chikondi when he died?,Kodi Chikondi anali ndi zaka zingati pamene amamwalira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7538,How old was Chikondi when she died?,Kodi Chikondi anali ndi zaka zingati pamene amamwalira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7539,"Did Chikondi have his first birthday? + +Exactly how many months old was Chikondi when he died?","Kodi Chikondi anali atakwanitsa chaka chake choyamba ? + +Kwenikweni, kodi Chikondi anali ndi miyezi ingati pamene amamwalira? + + ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7540,"Did Chikondi have her first birthday? + +Exactly how many months old was Chikondi when she died?","Kodi Chikondi anali atakwanitsa chaka chake choyamba ? + +Kwenikweni, kodi Chikondi anali ndi miyezi ingati pamene amamwalira? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7541,Are you pregnant now?,Kodi pakadali pano ndinu woyembekezera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7542,How many weeks or months pregnant are you?,Kodi mimba yanu ndi ya masabata kapena miyezi ingati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7543,"When you got pregnant, did you want to get pregnant at that time?","Pamene munatenga pathupi, kodi munkafuna kutenga mimba panthawi imeneyo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7544,Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any more children?,Kodi pa nthawiyo munkafuna mutakhala ndi mwana mtsogolo kapena simunkafuna kukhala ndi ana ena nkomwe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7545,Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any children?,Kodi munkafuna mutakhala ndi mwana mtsogolo kapena simunkafunaso kuzakhala ndi ana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7546,When did your last menstrual period start?,Kodi msambo wanu wotsiliza unayamba liti? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7547,"During your last menstrual period, what did you use to collect or absorb your menstrual blood? + +Anything else?","Pamene mumapanga msambo wotsiliza, kodi munagwiritsa ntchito zinthu zotani kuti musadziwonongere? + +Pali chinanso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7548,"During your last menstrual period, were you able to wash and change in privacy while at home?","Pamene mumapanga msambo wotsiliza, kodi munali ndi kuthekera kochapa ndi kusintha pa malo achinsinsi pamene munali pakhomo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7549,How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pamene munayamba kusamba koyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7550,"From one menstrual period to the next, are there certain days when a woman is more likely to become pregnant?","Kuyambira kusamba kwadusaku, kufikira msambo winawo, alipo masiku omwe mzimayi angathe kutenga pathupi mosavuta atagonana ndi mwamuna?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7551,"Is this time just before her period begins, during her period, right after her period has ended, or halfway between two periods?","Kodi masiku amenewa nkuti atatsala pang'ono kusamba, ali pakati posamba, atangomaliza kapena ali pakatikati pa misambo yotsatizana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7552,"After the birth of a child, can a woman become pregnant before her menstrual period has returned?",Kodi mayi angathe kutenga pathupi atabereka mwana koma asanayambenso kusamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7553,Now I would like to talk about family planning - the various ways or methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy.,Tsopano ndikufuna kukamba nanu nkhani zakulera -njira zosiyanasiyana zimene mwamuna ndi mkazi angagwiritse ntchito pofuna kuchedwetsa kapena kupewa kuti amayi asatenge pathupi.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7554,"Have you heard of Female Sterilization? +Women can have an operation to avoid having any more children.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya kutseka kwa amayi? + +Amayi amatseketsa kuti asaberekenso ana ena.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7555,"Have you heard of Male Sterilization? +Men can have an operation to avoid having any more children.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya kutseka kwa abambo? + +Abambo amatseketsa kuti asaberekenso ana ena.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7556,"Have you heard of IUD? +Women can have a loop or coil placed inside them by a doctor or a nurse which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya lupu? + +Amayi amaikidwa lupu muchiberekero ndi anamwino kapena adotolo kuti asatenge pathupi kwa chaka chimodzi kapena kuposera apo. .",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7557,"Have you heard of Injectables? +Women can have an injection by a health provider that stops them from becoming pregnant for one or more months.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya jakisoni? + +Amayi amabayitsa jakisoni ndi a zaumoyo popewa kuti asatenge pathupi kwa mwezi umodzi kapena kupitilira apo.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7558,"Have you heard of Implants? +Women can have one or more small rods placed in their upper arm by a doctor or nurse which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya pamkono? + +Amayi amaikidwa timachubu tiwiri kapena kuposera apo tamankhwala pa mkono ndi dotolo kapene namwino towateteza kuti asatenge pathupi kwa chaka chimodzi kapena kupitilira apo. ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7559,"Have you heard of Pill? +Women can take a pill every day to avoid becoming pregnant. ","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya mapilisi? + +Amayi amamwa mapilisi tsiku ndi tsiku kuti asatenge pathupi. ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7560,"Have you heard of Condom? +Men can put a rubber sheath on their penis before sexual intercourse.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya condom? + +Abambo amavala condom asanayambe kugonana ndi mkazi. ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7561,"Have you heard of Female Condom? +Women can place a sheath in their vagina before sexual intercourse.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya condom ya amayi? + +Amayi amayika condom ku njira ya abambo asanayambe kugonana ndi mwamuna. ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7562,"Have you heard of Emergency Contraception? +As an emergency measure, within 3 days after they have unprotected sexual intercourse, women can take special pills to prevent pregnancy.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya kumwa mapilisi olera mutagonana kale pasanathe masiku atatu? + +Amayi atagonana kale ndi mwamuna amatha kumwa mapilisi olera pasanathe masiku atatu owateteza kuti asatenge pathupi.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7563,"Have you heard of Standard Days Method? +A woman uses a string of colored beads to know the days she can get pregnant. On the days she can get pregnant, she uses a condom or does not have sexual intercourse.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya chingwe cha mikanda ya mitundu yosiyanasiyana? + +Amayi amagwiritsa ntchito chingwe cha mikanda ya mitundu yosiyanasiyana kuti azidziwa masiku womwe angathe kutenga pathupi. Ndipo m'masiku omwe angathe kutenga pathupi, iwo amagwiritsa ntchito condom kapenanso sagonana ndi mwamuna.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7564,"Have you heard of Lactational Amenorrhea Method? +Up to 6 months after childbirth, before the menstrual period has returned, women use a method requiring frequent breastfeeding day and night.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera ya kuyamwitsa mwakathithi? + +Amayi amayamwitsa mwana wawo mwakathithi masana ndi usiku akangobadwa kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi asanayambe kusamba.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7565,"Have you heard of Rhythm Method? +To avoid pregnancy, women do not have sexual intercourse on the days of the month they think they can get pregnant.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera imene amayi sagonana ndi amuna m'masiku ena? + +Pofuna kupewa kutenga pathupi, amayi sagonana ndi amuna m'masiku omwe iwo akuganizira kuti angathe kutenga pathupi.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7566,"Have you heard of Withdrawal? +Men can be careful and pull out before climax.","Kodi munamvapo za njira yakulera yomalizira kapena kutayira padera? + +Abambo amatayira kapena kumalizira padera nthawi yomwe akugonana.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7567,Have you heard of any other ways or methods that women or men can use to avoid pregnancy?,Kodi munamvapo za njira zina zakulera kuonjezera pa zomwe ndatchulazi zomwe amayi kapena abambo angagwiritse ntchito popewa kutenga kapena kupereka pathupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7568,Have you heard of any other ways or methods that women or men can use to avoid pregnancy?,"Kodi munamvapo za njira zina zakulera kuonjezera pa zomwe ndatchulazi zomwe amayi kapena abambo angatsate popewa kutenga kapena kupereka pathupi? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7569,Are you or your partner currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?,Kodi inu kapena amuna/abwenzi anu mukuchita chilichonse kapena kugwiritsa ntchito njira ina iliyonse yakulera pofuna kuchedwetsa kapena kupewa kutenga pathupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7570,"Are you or your partner sterilized? + +IF YES: Who is sterilized, you or your partner?","Kodi inu kapena amuna anu munatseketsa? + +Kodi anatseketsa ndindani pakati pa inu ndi amuna/abwenzi anu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7571,"Just to check, are you or your partner doing any of the following to avoid pregnancy: deliberately avoiding sex on certain days, using a condom, using withdrawal or using emergency contraception?","Ndikufuna nditsimikize, kodi inu kapena amuna/abwenzi anu mukupanga china chilichonse mwa izi pofuna kupewa kutenga pathupi; mwadaladala kupewa kugonana pamasiku ena, kugwiritsa ntchito condom, kugwiritsa ntchito njira yotaira pambali kapena kumwa mapilisi olera mutagonana kale pasanathe masiku atatu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7572,Which method are you using?,"Kodi padakali pano mukugwiritsa ntchito njira yanji yakulera? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7573,Now I'm going to show you two pictures. Please point to the picture that best matches what was used the last time you received your injectable.,"Tsopano ndikuonetsani zithunzi ziwiri. Chonde lozani chithunzi chimene chikufanana bwino ndi chomwe chinagwiritsidwa ntchito panthawi imene mumalandira jakisoni wa kulera komaliza. + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7574,"The last time you received your injectable, did you inject DMPA-SC/Sayana Press yourself or did a health care provider do it for you?","Panthawi yomaliza kulandira jakison, kodi munadzibaya nokha DMPA-SC/Sayana Press kapena wazaumoyo ndi amene anakubayani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7575,What is the brand name of the pills you are using?,"Kodi dzina la mapilisi akulera amene mukugwiritsa ntchito ndi chiyani? + +IF DON'T KNOW THE BRAND, ASK TO SEE THE PACKAGE.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7576,What is the brand name of the condoms you are using?,"Kodi dzina la ma condom amene mukugwiritsa ntchito ndi chiyani? + +IF DON'T KNOW THE BRAND, ASK TO SEE THE PACKAGE.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7577,In what facility did the sterilization take place?,"Kodi munakatseketsera kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7578,In what month and year was the sterilization performed?,Kodi ndi mwezi komanso chaka chanji chimene munatseketsa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7579,"Since what month and year have you been using this method without stopping? + +For how long have you been using this method now without stopping?","Kodi ndi mwezi komanso chaka chanji chimene mwakhala mukugwiritsa ntchito njira yakulerayi mosadukiza? + +Mwakhala nthawi yayitali bwanji mukugwiritsa ntchito njirayi mosadukiza?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7580,I would like to ask you some questions about the times you or your partner may have used a method to avoid getting pregnant during the last few years.,"Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi nthawi yomwe inuyo kapena amuna /abwenzi anu munagwiritsapo ntchito njira ya kulera pofuna kupewa kutenga pathupi m'zaka zochepa za mmbuyomu. + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7581,"Between event one in this month/year and event two in this month/year, did you or your partner use any method of contraception?","Pakati pa chochitika choyamba mu mwezi/chaka ichi ndi chochitika chachiwiri mu mwezi/chaka, kodi inuyo kapena amuna/abwenzi anu munagwiritsapo ntchito njira ina iliyonse yakulera?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7582,Which method was that?,Kodi imeneyo inali njira yanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7583,How many months after first one in month/year did you start to use the method?,"Panapita miyezi ingati patachitika chochitika choyamba mu mwezi/chaka kuti muyambe kugwiritsa ntchito njira ya njirayi? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7584,For how many months did you use the method continuously?,"Kodi munagwiritsa ntchito njira imeneyi kwa miyezi ingati mosadukiza? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7585,Why did you stop using the method?,Ndichifukwa chiyani munaleka kugwiritsa ntchito njira imeneyi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7586,"Have you used emergency contraception in the last 12 months? That is, have you taken special pills within 3 days after having unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy?","M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munagwiritsapo ntchito njira ya mapilisi apadera omwe amayi amamwa atagonana kale ndi mwamuna? Apa ndikutanthauza mapilisi apadera omwe amayi amamwa atagonana kale ndi mwamuna mosadziteteza pasanathe masiku atatu popewa pakati. ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7587,Have you ever used anything or tried in any way to delay or avoid getting pregnant?,Kodi munayamba mwagwiritsapo ntchito china chilichonse kapena kuyesera munjira ina iliyonse kuchedwetsa kapena kupewa kutenga pathupi? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7588,You first started using the method at this time. Where did you get it at that time?,"Munayamba kugwiritsa ntchito njirayi mu nthawi iyi. Kodi munaitenga kuti njira imeneyi panthawiyo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7589,"At that time, were you told about side effects or problems you might have with the method?","Pa nthawi imeneyo, kodi munauzidwapo za mavuto omwe mungakumane nawo ndi njirayi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7590,"When you got sterilized, were you told about side effects or problems you might have with the method?","Pa nthawi imene munatseketsa, kodi anakufotokozerani za mavuto omwe mungakumane nawo potsatira njirayi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7591,Were you told what to do if you experienced side effects or problems?,Kodi munauzidwapo zoyenera kuchita ngati mutakumana ndi mavuto okhudzana ndi njirayi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7592,"At that time, were you told about other methods of family planning that you could use?","Nanga panthawi imeneyo, munauzidwapo za njira zina za kulera zomwe mukadagwiritsa ntchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7593,"At that time, were you told that you could switch to another method if you wanted to or needed to?","Panthawi imeneyo, munauzidwako kuti mutha kusintha njira ya kulera imene mukugwiritsa ntchito kupita ku njira ina mutafuna kapena ngati pali pofunikira?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7594,Where did you obtain the method the last time?,"Nthawi yomaliza kukatenga njirayi, kodi munakatengera kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7595,Do you know of a place where you can obtain a method of family planning?,Kodi mukudziwa komwe mungakatenge njira ya kulera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7596,"In the last 12 months, were you visited by a fieldworker?","Mmiyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munayenderedwapo ndi mulangizi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7597,Did the fieldworker talk to you about family planning?,Kodi mulangiziyu anakuuzani zokhudza kulera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7598,"In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility for care for yourself or your children?","Pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munapitako ku chipatala kukalandira thandizo lanu kapena la ana anu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7599,"In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility for care for yourself?","Pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munapitako ku chipatala kukalandira chithandizo chanu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7600,Did any staff member at the health facility speak to you about family planning methods?,Kodi panali wina aliyense wa chipatala yemwe anakufotokozerani za kulera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7601,Now I would like to ask some questions about your pregnancies in the last 3 years.,"Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndimimba zonse zomwe mwakhala nazo mu zaka zitatu zapitazi. +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7602,"Now I would like to ask some questions about your pregnancies in the last 3 years. We will talk about each separately, starting with the last one you had.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi mimba zonse zomwe mwakhala nazo mu zaka zitatu zapitazi. +Tikamba za mimba iliyonse payokhapayokha, kuyambirra ndi mimba imene mwamalizira kukhala nayo.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7603,"When you got pregnant with Chikondi, did you want to get pregnant at that time?","Pamene munatenga mimba ya Chikondi, kodi munkafuna kutenga pathupi pa nthawi imeneyo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7604,"When you got pregnant with the pregnancy that ended at this time, did you want to get pregnant at that time?","Pa nthawi imene munatenga mimba imene munabereka kapena kupititsa padera/kuchotsa, kodi munkafuna mutatenga mimba nthawi imeneyo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7605,"Did you want to have a baby later on, or not at all?","Pa nthawiyo, kodi munkafuna mutakhala ndi mwana mtsogolo kapena simunkafuna kukhala ndi ana nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7606,How much longer did you want to wait?,Kodi munkafuna mutadikira kwa nthawi yayitali bwanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7607,Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy?,Kodi munaonana ndi wina aliyense kuti mulandire chithandizo cha amayi oyembekezera pamene munali ndi pathupipa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7608,"Whom did you see? + +Anyone else?","Munaonana ndi ndani? + +Pali winanso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7609,"Where did you receive antenatal care for this pregnancy? + +Anywhere else?","Kodi munakalandilira kuti thandizo la amayi oyembekezera pa mimba yomwe munali nayoyi? + +Pali kwinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7610,How many weeks or months pregnant were you when you first received antenatal care for this pregnancy?,Kodi munali ndi pathupi pa sabata kapena miyezi ingati panthawi yoyamba kulandira thandizo la amayi oyembekezera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7611,How many times did you receive antenatal care during this pregnancy?,Kodi munalandira kangati thandizo a amayi apakati panthawi yomwe munali oyembekezera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7612,"As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, did a healthcare provider do any of the following:","Ngati mbali imodzi ya thandizo lanu la amayi oyembekezera, kodi wa za umoyo anachita zina mwa zinthu izi:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7613,Measure your blood pressure?,Anakuyezani kuthamanga kwa magazi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7614,Take a urine sample?,Munapereka mkodzo kuti akauyeze?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7615,Take a blood sample?,Munapereka magazi kuti akawayeze?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7616,Listen to the baby's heartbeat?,Anamvetsera kugunda kwa mtima wa mwana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7617,Talk with you about which foods or how much food you should eat? ,Anakamba nanu za zakudya zoyenera kapena kuchuluka kwa zakudya zoti muzidya?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7618,Talk with you about breastfeeding?,Anakamba nanu zokhudzana ndi kuyamwitsa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7619,Ask you if you had vaginal bleeding?,Anakufunsani ngati munatayako magazi kumaliseche?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7620,"During this pregnancy, were you given an injection in the arm to prevent the baby from getting tetanus after birth?","Panthawi ya pathupipa, kodi munalandira jakisoni pamkono woteteza mwana ku matenda a kafumbata/kalongolongo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7621,"During this pregnancy, how many times did you get a tetanus injection?","Panthawi ya pathupipa, kodi jakisoni wa kafumbata munalandira kangati?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7622,"At any time before this pregnancy, did you receive any tetanus injections?","M'mbuyomu musanatenge pathupipa, kodi munalandilako jakisoni wokutetezani ku matenda a kafumbata /Kalongolongo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7623,"Before this pregnancy, how many times did you receive a tetanus injection? ","Kodi ndikangati munalandira jakisoni wa kafumbatayu musanatenge pathupipa? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7624,How many years ago did you receive that tetanus injection?,Papita zaka zingati chilandilireni jakisoni wa kafumbatayu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7625,How many years ago did you receive the last tetanus injection prior to this pregnancy?,Kodi papita zaka zingati chilandilireni jakisoni wa kafumbatayu musanatenge pathupipa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7626,"During this pregnancy, were you given or did you buy any iron tablets or iron syrup?","Kodi munalandira kapena kugula mankhwala a mapilisi kapena amadzi owonjezera magazi panthawi imene munali ndi pathupipa? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7627,"Where did you get the iron tablets or syrup? + +Anywhere else?","Kodi mankhwala owonjezera magazi amapilisi kapena a madziwa munawapeza kuti? + +Pali kwinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7628,"During the whole pregnancy, for how many days did you take the iron tablets or syrup?","Panthawi yonse ya pathupipa, kodi munamwa mankhwalawa kwa masiku angati? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7629,"During this pregnancy, did you take any medicine for intestinal worms?","Panthawi ya pathupipa, kodi munamwa mankhwala a njoka za m'mimba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7630,"During this pregnancy, did you receive food or cash assistance through a program targeting pregnant women?","Panthawi ya pathupipa, kodi munalandira thandizo la chakudya kapena ndalama kudzera mu ntchito/ndondomeko zothandiza amayi oyembekezera?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7631,"During this pregnancy, did you take SP/Fansidar to keep you from getting malaria?","Panthawi ya pathupipa, kodi munamwa mankhwala a SP/Fansidar okutetezani ku malungo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7632,How many times did you take SP/Fansidar during this pregnancy? ,Kodi munamwa mankhwala a SP/Fansidar kangati pa nthawi yomwe munali ndi pathupipa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7633,"Did you get the SP/Fansidar during any antenatal care visit, during another visit to a health facility or from another source?","Kodi munalandira SP/Fansidar ku chipatala pa nthawi yomwe mumakalandira thandizo la amayi oyembekezera, paulendo wina kapena munawapeza kwina? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7634,"Who assisted with the delivery of Chikondi? + +Anyone else?","Kodi anakubereketsani Chikondi ndi ndani? + +Pali winanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7635,"Who assisted with the delivery of the stillbirth you had at the time you mentioned? + +Anyone else?","Kodi anakubereketsani mwana amene anapitilira pa nthawi yomwe mwatchula ija ndi ndani? + +Palinso wina? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7636,Where did you give birth to Chikondi?,"Kodi Chikondi anabadwira kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7637,Where did you deliver this stillbirth?,"Kodi mwana opitilira ameneyu munaberekera kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7638,"Was Chikondi delivered by caesarean, that is, did they cut your belly open to take the baby out?",Kodi Chikondi anabadwa kudzera ceaser/kumpeni/anang'amba pamimba kuti abadwitse mwana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7639,"Was this stillbirth delivered by caesarean, that is, did they cut your belly open to take the baby out?",Kodi mwana opitilirayu anabadwa ndi ceaser/anang'amba pamimba kuti abadwitse mwana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7640,"After the birth, was Chikondi put on your chest?","Mutabereka, Kodi Chikondi anaikidwa pachifuwa panu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7641,Was Chikondi's bare skin touching your bare skin?,Kodi khungu la Chikondi linakhudzana ndi khungu lanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7642,How long after birth was Chikondi put on the bare skin of your chest?,"Panapita nthawi yayitali bwanji Chikondi atabadwa kuti ayikidwe pakhungu pachifuwa panu? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7643,"When Chikondi was born, was Chikondi very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small?","Pamene Chikondi anabadwa, kodi Chikondi anali wamkulu kwambiri, wamkulu kuposera pakatikati, wapakatikati, wam'ng'ono, kapena wam'ng'ono kwambiri?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7644,Was Chikondi weighed at birth?,Kodi Chikondi anayezedwa pa sikelo atangobadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7645,How much did Chikondi weigh?,Kodi Chikondi analemera bwanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7646,How long after Chikondi was delivered did you stay in the healthy facility?,Kodi munakhala m'chipatala cha nthawi yayitali bwanji mutabereka Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7647,"For the stillbirth you had, how long after the baby was born did you stay in the healthy facility?","Pa mwana amene anabadwa atamwalira, kodi munakhala nthawi yayitali bwanji m'chipatala mwana atabadwa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7648,"I would like to talk to you about checks on your health after delivery, for example, someone asking you questions about your health or examining you. + +Before you left the facility, did anyone check on your health?","Tsopano ndifuna ndikambe nanu zokhudza kukuwunikani/kukupimani pa umoyo wanu mutangobereka, mwachitsanzo wina kukufunsani mafunso a zaumoyo wanu kapena kukuyezani. + +Musanachoke komwe munaberekera,alipo wina aliyense anawunika/anapima umoyo wanu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7649,How long after delivery did the first check take place?,"Mutabereka, kodi panatenga nthawi yayitali bwanji kuti akuyezeni koyamba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7650,Who checked on your health at that time?,"Kodi ndi ndani amene anakuyezani za umoyo wanu pa nthawi imeneyo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7651,"Now I would like to talk to you about checks on Chikondi's health -- for example, someone examining Chikondi, checking the cord, or talking to you about how to care for Chikondi. + +Before Chikondi left the facility, did anyone check on Chikondi's health?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikambe nanu za kuyezedwa kwa umoyo wa Chikondi atangobadwa, mwachitsanzo wina kumuyeza Chikondi, kumuona pa mchombo,kapena kukamba nanu za momwe mungasamalire Chikondi. + +Chikondi asanachoke kumene anabadwira, kodi alipo wina aliyense amene anayeza za umoyo wa Chikondi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7652,How long after delivery was Chikondi's health first checked?,Kodi panatenga nthawi yayitali bwanji mutabereka kuti Chikondi amuyeze koyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7653,Who checked on Chikondi's health at that time?,"Kodi ndi ndani amene anayeza umoyo wa Chikondi nthawi imeneyo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7654,Now I would like to talk to you about what happened after you left the facility. Did anyone check on your health after you left the facility?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndikambe nanu za zimene zinachitika mutachoka komwe munaberekera . Kodi alipo wina aliyense amene anaonapo za umoyo wanu mutachoka komwe munaberekera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7655,How long after delivery did that check take place?,Kodi panatenga nthawi yayitali bwanji mutabereka kuti muonedwe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7656,Who checked on your health at that time?,"Kodi ndi ndani amene anaona za umoyo wanu nthawi imeneyo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7657,Where did the check take place?,"Kodi anakuyezerani kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7658,After Chikondi left the healthy facility did any health care provider or a traditional birth attendant check on Chikondi’s health?,"Chikondi atatuluka mchipatala, kodi wa zaumoyo wina aliyense kapena mzamba anayeza za umoyo wa Chikondi? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7659,How long after the birth of Chikondi did that check take place?,"Kodi panapita nthawi yayitali bwanji Chikondi atabadwa kuti amuyeze? + ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7660,Who checked on Chikondi’s health at that time?,"Kodi ndi ndani amene anayeza za umoyo wa Chikondi nthawi imeneyo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7661,Where did this check of Chikondi take place?,"Kodi kumuyeza Chikondi kumeneku kunachitikira kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7662,"I would like to talk to you about checks on your health after delivery, for example, someone asking you questions about your health or examining you. Did anyone check on your health after you gave birth to Chikondi?","Tsopano ndifuna ndikambe nanu zokhudzana ndi kuwunika/kupima umoyo wanu mutangobereka, mwachitsanzo wina kukufunsani mafunso okhuza umoyo wanu kapena kukuyezani. + +Musanachoke komwe munaberekera,kodi alipo wina aliyense anayeza za umoyo wanu mutabereka Chikondi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7663,"I would like to talk to you about checks on your health after delivery, for example, someone asking you questions about your health or examining you. Did anyone check on your health after you delivered the stillbirth?","Tsopano ndifuna ndikambe nanu zokhadzana ndi kuwunika za umoyo wanu mutangobereka, mwachitsanzo wina kukufunsani mafunso a za umoyo wanu kapena kukuyezani. + +Mutaberekera mwana opitirira, kodi alipo wina aliyense anawunika za umoyo wanu mutabereka?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7664,How long after delivery did the first check take place?,Kodi panatenga nthawi yayitali bwanji mutabereka kuti akuyezeni koyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7665,Who checked on your health at that time?,"Kodi ndi ndani amene anayeza umoyo wanu nthawi imeneyo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7666,Where did this first check take place?,"Kodi kuyezedwa koyamba kumeneku kunachitikira kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7667,"I would like to talk to you about checks on Chikondi's health -- for example, someone examining Chikondi, checking the cord, or talking to you about how to care for Chikondi. + +After Chikondi was born, did any health care provider or a traditional birth attendant check on Chikondi's health?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikambe nanu za kuyezedwa kwa umoyo wa Chikondi', mwachitsanzo wina kumuyeza Chikondi, kumuona pa mchombo,kapena kukamba nanu za momwe mungasamalire Chikondi. + +Chikondi atabadwa, kodi wa zaumoyo wina aliyense kapena mzamba anaunika za umoyo wa Chikondi? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7668,How long after the birth of Chikondi did that check take place?,Kodi panatenga nthawi yayitali bwanji atabadwa Chikondi kuti kuyezedwaku kuchitike?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7669,Who checked on Chikondi's health at that time?,"Kodi ndi ndani amene anawunika za umoyo wa Chikondi nthawi imeneyo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7670,Where did this first check of Chikondi take place?,"Kodi kuyezedwa kumeneku kwa Chikondi kunachitikira kuti koyamba? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7671,"During the first 2 days after Chikondi’s birth, did any health care provider do the following:","M'masiku awiri oyambilira atabadwa Chikondi, kodi wa zaumoyo wina aliyense anapangako izi:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7672,Examine the cord?,Kuyeza pa mchombo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7673,Measure Chikondi’s temperature?,Kuyeza kutentha kwa thupi kwa Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7674,Tell you how to recognize if your baby needs immediate medical attention?,Anakuuzani m'mene mungazindikilire ngati mwana wanu akufunika thandizo lachipatala?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7675,Talk with you about breastfeeding?,Anakamba nanu zokhudzana ndi kuyamwitsa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7676,Observe Chikondi breastfeeding to see if you are doing it correctly?,Anawonelera Chikondi akuyamwa kuti awone ngati mukumuyamwitsa moyenerera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7677,"During the first 2 days after the birth, did any healthcare provider do the following to you:","M'masiku awiri oyambilira mutabereka, kodi wa zaumoyo wina aliyense anapangako izi kwa inu:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7678,Measure your blood pressure?,Anakuyezani kuthamanga kwa magazi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7679,Discuss your vaginal bleeding with you?,Anakambilana nanu zokhudzana ndi kutaya magazi kumaliseche?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7680,Discuss family planning with you?,Anakambilana nanu zokhudza kulera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7681,Has your menstrual period returned since the birth of Chikondi?,Kodi munayambiranso kusamba chibadwireni cha Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7682,Has your menstrual period returned since the last pregnancy?,Kodi munayambiranso kusamba chichokeleni cha mimba yomalizayi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7683,Have you had sexual intercourse since the birth of Chikondi?,Kodi munayambiranso kugonana ndi mwamuna chibadwileni cha Chikondi,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7684,Have you had sexual intercourse since the last pregnancy?,Kodi munayambiranso kugonana ndi mwamuna chichokeleni cha mimba yomaliza? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7685,Did you ever breastfeed Chikondi?,Kodi munayamba mwamuyamwitsapo Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7686,How long after birth did you first put Chikondi to the breast?,Kodi panatenga nthawi yaitali bwanji Chikondi atabadwa kuti mumuike pa bere koyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7687,"In the first 2 days after delivery, was Chikondi given anything other than breast milk to eat or drink – anything at all like water, infant formula?","Pa masiku awiri oyamba mutabereka, kodi Chikondi munamupatsa chakumwa china chilichonse kupatulapo mkaka wa mmawere? China chilichonse monga madzi, mkaka wa ana",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7688,Are you still breastfeeding Chikondi?,Kodi Chikondi mukumuyamwitsabe pakadali pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7689,Did Chikondi drink anything from a bottle with a nipple yesterday during the day or at night?,Kodi Chikondi anamwa chilichonse kuchokera m'botolo loyamwitsira lokhala ndi nkhumbu/titi dzulo kapena usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7690,"Now I would like to ask some questions about vaccinations received by your children born in the last 3 years. We will talk about each separately, starting with the youngest.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi akatemera amene analandira ana anu obadwa mu zaka zitatu zapitazi? Tikamba za mwana wina aliyense payekhapayekha, kuyambira ndi wamng'ono?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7691,Do you have a card or other document where Chikondi's vaccinations are written down?,Muli ndi khadi kapena bukhu la ku sikelo la Chikondi momwe akatemera analembedwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7692,Did you ever have a vaccination card for Chikondi?,Kodi munayamba mwakhalapo ndi khadi kapena bukhu lasikelo la Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7693,May I see the card or other document where Chikondi's vaccinations are written down?,Ndingaone nawo bukhu la kusikelo la Chikondi momwe akatemera amalembedwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7694,"In addition to what is recorded on this document/these documents, did Chikondi receive any other vaccinations, including vaccinations received in campaigns or immunization days or child health days?","Powonjezera akatemera omwe analembedwa mbukhuli/mmabukhuwa, kodi Chikondi analandilaponso akatemera ena, kuphatikizapo akatemera a nthawi ya kampeni, masiku a katemera kapena masiku okumbukira umoyo wa ana? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7695,"Did Chikondi ever receive any vaccinations to prevent from getting diseases, including vaccinations received in campaigns or immunization days or child health days?","Kodi Chikondi analandilapo akatemera omuteteza ku matenda, kuphatikizapo akatemera onse omwe analandira nthawi ya kampeni, masiku a katemera kapena masiku okumbukira za umoyo wa ana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7696,"Has Chikondi ever received a BCG vaccination against tuberculosis, that is, an injection in the arm or shoulder that usually causes a scar?",Kodi Chikondi analandilako katemera wa BCG omuteteza ku matenda achifuwa chachikulu amene mwana amabayidwa jakisoni pa mkono/paphewa la kumanja ndipo amasiya chipysera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7697,"At or soon after birth, did Chikondi receive a Hepatitis B vaccination, that is, an injection in the thigh to prevent Hepatitis B?","Mutabereka kapena patapita nthawi pang'ono, kodi Chikondi analandilako katemera wa Hepatitisi B yemwe amabaya pa ntchafu oteteza ku Hepatitisi B?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7698,Did Chikondi receive it within 24 hours of birth? ,Kodi Chikondi analandira katemerayu m'maola 24 atangobadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7699,"Has Chikondi ever received oral polio vaccine, that is, about two drops in the mouth to prevent polio?",Kodi Chikondi anayamba walandilapo katemera wa polio wodonthezera mkamwa woteteza kupuwala kwa ziwalo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7700,Did Chikondi receive the first oral polio vaccine in the first 2 weeks after birth or later?,Kodi Chikondi analandilapo katemera woyamba wa polio pasanathe masabata awiri atabadwa kapena kupitilira apo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7701,How many times did Chikondi receive the oral polio vaccine?,Kodi Chikondi analandila kangati katemera wa polioyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7702,"The last time Chikondi received the polio drops, did Chikondi also get an IPV injection in the arm to protect against polio?","Nthawi yomaliza Chikondi kulandia katemera wa polio odonthezera mkamwa, kodi analandilaponso jakisoni wa IPV omutetezera ku matenda a polio?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7703,"Has Chikondi ever received a pentavalent vaccination, that is, an injection given in the thigh sometimes at the same time as polio drops?","Kodi Chikondi analandilapo katemera wa pentavalent, jakisoni yemwe amabaya pa ntchafu ndipo nthawi zina amaperekedwa pamodzi ndi katemera wa polio?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7704,How many times did Chikondi receive the pentavalent vaccine?,Kodi Chikondi analandira katemera wa pentavalentiyo kangati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7705,"Has Chikondi ever received a pneumococcal vaccination, that is, an injection in the thigh to prevent pneumonia?","Kodi Chikondi anayamba walandilapo katemera wa chibayo, yemwe amabaya pa ntchafu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7706,How many times did Chikondi receive the pneumococcal vaccine?,Kodi Chikondi analandira katemera wa chibayoyo kangati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7707,"Has Chikondi ever received a rotavirus vaccination, that is, liquid in the mouth to prevent diarrhea?",Kodi Chikondi analandilapo katemera wa rota wa mkamwa womuteteza ku matenda wotsekula mmimba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7708,How many times did Chikondi receive the rotavirus vaccine?,Kodi Chikondi analandira katemera wa rota kangati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7709,"Has Chikondi ever received a measles vaccination, that is, an injection in the arm to prevent measles?",Kodi Chikondi analandilapo katemera wa chikuku yemwe amabaya pa mkono womuteteza ku matenda a chikuku?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7710,How many times did Chikondi receive the measles vaccine?,Kodi Chikondi analandira katemera wa chikuku kangati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7711,"Has Chikondi ever received a typhoid vaccination, that is, an injection in the arm or thigh to prevent typoid fever?","Kodi Chikondi analandilapo katemera wa typhoid, yemwe amabaya pamkono kapena pantchafu oteteza ku matenda a tayifodi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7712,Where did Chikondi receive most of his/her vaccinations?,"Kodi Chikondi analandilira kuti akatemera ake ambiri? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7713,"Now I would like to ask some questions about the health of your children born in the last 5 years. We will talk about each separately, starting with the youngest.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi umoyo wa ana anu obadwa mu zaka zisanu zapitazi. Tikamba za mwana wina aliyense payekhapayekha, kuyambira ndi wamng'ono?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7714,"In the last 12 months, was Chikondi given any of the following: ","M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi Chikondi anapatsidwapo zina mwa zinthu izi:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7715,Iron tablets or syrup?,"Mankhwala owonjera magazi amapilisi kapena amadzi? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7716,"In the last 6 months, was Chikondi given a vitamin A dose like this/any of these?","M'miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yapitayi, kodi Chikondi anapatsidwako mulingo wa mamwedwe wa mankhwala ya vitamin A ngati uyu/zina mwa izi? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7717,"In the last 6 months, was Chikondi given any medicine for intestinal worms?","M'miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yapitayi, Kodi Chikondi anapatsidwa mankhwala ena aliwonse a njoka za m'mimba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7718,"In the last 3 months, has any healthcare provider or community health worker measured:","M'miyezi itatu yapitayi, kodi wa zaumoyo wina aliyense anayeza:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7719,Chikondi's weight?,Kulemera kwa Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7720,Chikondi's length or height?,Msinkhu wa Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7721,Around Chikondi's mid upper arm?,"Kuzunguliza tepi ya MUAC pa mkono wa Chikondi? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7722,Has Chikondi had diarrhea in the last 2 weeks?,Kodi Chikondi anadwalapo matenda otsegula m'mimba m'masabata awiri apitawa? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7723,"Now I would like to know how much Chikondi was given to drink during the diarrhea, including breast milk. Was Chikondi given less than usual to drink, about the same amount, or more than usual to drink? + +Was Chikondi given much less than usual to drink or somewhat less?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndidziwe kuti Chikondi anapatsidwa zakumwa zochuluka bwanji pamene anatsegula m'mimba, kuphakizapo mkaka wa m'mawere. Kodi Chikondi munampatsa zakumwa zochepera ndi momwe mumampatsira asanatsekule m'mimba, pafupifupi chimodzimodzi, kapena zochulukirapo? + + +Kodi Chikondi anapatsidwa zakumwa zochepa kwambiri kuyerekeza ndi zomwe amalandira masiku onse kapena zocheperapo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7724,"Now I would like to know how much Chikondi was given to drink during the diarrhea. Was Chikondi given less than usual to drink, about the same amount, or more than usual to drink? + +IF LESS, PROBE: Was Chikondi given much less than usual to drink or somewhat less?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndidziwe kuti Chikondi anapatsidwa zakumwa zochuluka bwanji pamene anatsegula m'mimba. Kodi Chikondi munampatsa zakumwa zochepera ndi momwe mumampatsira asanatsekule m'mimba, pafupifupi chimodzimodzi kapena zochulukirapo? + + +Kodi Chikondi anapatsidwa zakumwa zochepa kwambiri kuyerekeza ndi zomwe amalandira masiku onse kapena zocheperapo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7725,"When Chikondi had diarrhea, was Chikondi given less than usual to eat, about the same amount, more than usual, or nothing to eat? +Was Chikondi given much less than usual to eat or somewhat less?","Pamene Chikondi anadwala matenda otsegula m'mimba, kodi munampatsa zakudya zochepera ndi momwe mumampatsira asanatsegule m'mimba, pafupifupi chimodzimodzi, zochulukirapo kapena sanapatsidwe nkomwe? +Kodi Chikondi anapatsidwa zakudya zochepa kwambiri kuyerekeza ndi zomwe amalandira masiku onse kapena zocheperapo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7726,Did you seek advice or treatment for the diarrhea from any source?,Kodi munakafuna malangizo kapena mankhwala osegula m'mimba kuchokera kwina kulikonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7727,"Where did you seek advice or treatment? + +Anywhere else?","Kodi munakapeza kuti malangizo kapena chithandizo cha mankhwala? +Pali kwinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7728,Where did you first seek advice or treatment?,Kodi munakapeza kuti malangizo kapena chithandizo cha mankhwala koyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7729,Was Chikondi given any of the following at any time since Chikondi started having the diarrhea:,Kodi Chikondi anapatsidwa zina mwa izi nthawi ina iliyonse Chikondi anayamba kutsekulako?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7730,A fluid made from a special packet called ORS?,Mankhwala a Thanzi ORS a mpaketi obwezeretsa madzi mthupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7731,Other pre-packaged ORS liquid?,Mankhwala ena a ORS amadzi opangidwiratu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7732,Zinc tablets or syrup?,Mankhwala a Zinc wamapilisi kapena wamadzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7733,Homemade fluid?,Mankhwala opanga nokha kuchokera ku nyumba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7734,Was anything else given to treat the diarrhea?,Kodi anapatsidwanso china chilichonse kuti asiye kutsekula m'mimba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7735,Was anything given to treat the diarrhea?,Kodi anapatsidwa chilichonse kuti asiye kutsekula m'mimbako?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7736,"What else was given to treat the diarrhea? + +Anything else?","Kodi anapatsidwanso chiyani kuti asiye kutsekulako? + +Palinso china? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7737,"What was given to treat the diarrhea? + +Anything else?","Kodi anapatsidwa chiyani kuti asiye kutsekula m'mimbako? +Palinso china? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7738,Has Chikondi been ill with a fever at any time in the last 2 weeks?,Kodi Chikondi anatentha thupi panthawi ina iliyonse msabata ziwiri zapitazo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7739,"At any time during the illness, did Chikondi have blood taken from Chikondi's finger or heel for testing?","Pathawi ina ili yonse pamene Chikondi anatentha thupi, kodi anamutenga magazi kuchokera kuchala kapena kuchitendene kuti akawayeze?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7740,Were you told by a healthcare provider that Chikondi had malaria?,Kodi munawuzidwapo ndi azaumoyo kuti Chikondi wapezeka ndi malungo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7741,Has Chikondi had an illness with a cough at any time in the last 2 weeks?,Kodi Chikondi anadwalapo matenda a chifuwa panthawi ina iliyonse m'msabata ziwiri zapitazi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7742,"Has Chikondi had fast, short, rapid breaths or difficulty breathing at any time in the last 2 weeks?","Panthawi ina ili yonse msabata ziwiri zapitazi Chikondi ankapuma mofulumira, mochepekedwa mpweya, modukiza kuposa m'mene amapumira masiku onse komanso mobanika?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7743,Was the fast or difficult breathing due to a problem in the chest or to a blocked or runny nose?,"Kodi kupuma kofulumira kapena kubanikaku kumachitika chifukwa cha vuto la mchifuwa mwake,kutseka kwa mphuno kapena kutuluka mamina kwambiri?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7744,Did you seek advice or treatment for the illness from any source?,Kodi munakapeza malangizo kapena chithandizo cha matendawa kuchokera kwina kulikonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7745,"Where did you seek advice or treatment? +Anywhere else?","Kodi munakapeza kuti malangizo kapena chithandizochi? +Pali kwinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7746,Where did you first seek advice or treatment?,Kodi munakapeza kuti malangizo kapena chithandizo cha matenda koyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7747,How many days after the illness began did you first seek advice or treatment for Chikondi?,Kodi panapita masiku angati Chikondi atayamba kudwala kuti mukapeze koyamba malangizo kapena chithandizo cha matendawa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7748,"At any time during the illness, did Chikondi take any medicine for the illness?","Pa nthawi ina iliyonse imene Chikondi amadwala, kodi anapatsidwa mankhwala ena aliwonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7749,"What medicine did Chikondi take? +Any other medicine?","Kodi Chikondi anamwa mankhwala anji? +Pali mankhwala enanso + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7750,How long after the fever started did Chikondi first take an artemisinin combination therapy?,Kodi panapita nthawi yayitali bwanji Chikondi atatentha thupi kuti ayambe mankhwala a LA,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7751,"Now I would like to ask you about liquids that Chikondi had yesterday during the day or at night. Please tell me about all drinks, whether Chikondi had them at home, or somewhere else.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi zakumwa zomwe Chikondi anamwa dzulo, masana kapena usiku. Chonde mundiuze za zakumwa zonse anamwa Chikondi kunyumba kapena kwina kwake. ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7752,"Yesterday during the day or at night, did Chikondi drink: ","Dzulo masana kapena usiku, kodi Chikondi anamwako: ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7753,Plain water?,Madzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7754,"Infant formula such as Lactogen, S26, Nan, Infacare?","Mkaka wa ana monga Lactogen, S26, Nan, Infacare?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7755,How many times did Chikondi drink infant formula?,"Kodi Chikondi anamwa kangati mkaka wa anawu? + +.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7756,"Milk from animals, including fresh, packaged, or powdered milk?","Mkaka ochokera ku ziweto kuphatikizapo wokamidwa, woyikidwa m'mapaketi kapeni mzitini, kapena waufa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7757,How many times did Chikondi drink milk?,"Kodi Chikondi anamwa kangati mkakawu? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7758,Was the milk a sweet or flavored type of milk?,Kodi makawu unali wotsekemera kapena woyika zokometsera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7759,Was it a sweet or flavored type of drink?,Kodi zakumwazi zinali zotsekemera kapena zoyika zokometsera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7760,Cocoa or Milo?,Cocoa kapena milo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7761,"Fruit juice, squash, kapena Super Dip?","Zakumwa zochokera ku zipatso, squash kapena zosungunula?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7762,"Soft drinks such as Fanta, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Frozy, or energy drinks such as Red Bull?","Zakumwa zozizilitsa kukhosi monga Fanta, Cocakola, Sprite. Frozy kapena zakumwa zopatsa mphamvu monga Redbull?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7763,"Tea, coffee, or herbal drinks?","Tiyi, Khofi, kapena zakumwa zopangidwa kuchokera kuzitsamba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7764,Was the drink sweetened?,Kodi chakumwachi chinayikidwa zotsekemera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7765,Clear broth or clear soup?,Msuzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7766,Any other liquids?,Zakumwa zina zili zonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7767,What was the drink?,"Kodi chakumwa chimenechi chinali chiyani? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7768,Was the drink sweetened?,Kodi chakumwachi chiyikidwa zotsekemera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7769,"Now I would like to ask you about foods that Chikondi had yesterday during the day or at night. I am interested in foods your child ate whether at home or somewhere else. Please think about snacks and small meals as well as main meals. + +I will ask you about different foods, and I would like to know whether your child ate the food even if it was combined with other foods. Please do not answer ‘yes’ for any food or ingredient only used in a small amount to add flavor to a dish.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi zakudya zomwe Chikondi anadya dzulo masana kapena usiku. Ndili ndi chidwi pa zakudya zonse zomwe mwana wanu anadya, kunyumba kapena kwina kwake. Chonde ganizirani zazakudya zotolatola komanso zakudya zomwe anadya ngati chakudya chenicheni. + +Ndikufunsani zokhudza zakudya zosiyanasiyana, ndipo ndikufuna ndidziwe ngati mwana wanu anadya zakudya ngakhale zinali zophatikiza ndi zakudya zina. Chonde musavomere kuti mwana anadya zakudya zina kapena zinthu zina zophatikizidwa pang'ono ku zakudya ngati zokometsera.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7770,"Yesterday during the day or at night, did Chikondi have:","Dzulo masana kapena usiku, kodi Chikondi anadyako: ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7771,Yoghurt or chambiko? ,Yoghurt kapena chambiko? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7772,How many times did Chikondi have Yogurt or chambiko?,"Kodi Chikondi anadya kangati Yoghurt kapena chambiko?? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7773,Did Chikondi have any Yoghurt or chambiko as a/to drink? ,Kodi Chikondi anapatsidwa Yoghurt kapena chambiko kuti amwe/ngati chakumwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7774,Was it a sweet or flavored type of drink?,Kodi chakumwa chimenechi chinali chotsekemera kapena chinayikidwa zokometsera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7775,"Nsima, porridge, corn soy blend, rice, bread, buns, or spaghetti?","Nsima, phala, phala la soya, mpunga, buledi, banzi kapena spaghetti?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7776,"Carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside?","Carrots, maungu kapena mbatata za chikasu kapena zofiila nkati?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7777,"Potato, white sweet potato, cassava, kondole, green banana, or yam?","Mbatatesi, mbatata zoyera nkati, chinangwa, kondowole, nthochi zosapsa kapena chilazi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7778,"Any dark green leafy vegetables, such as pumpkin leaves, mustard leaves, rape leaves, cassava leaves, bean leaves or other masamba?","Masamba ena aliwonse obiliwira, monga m'nkhwani, chigwada, kholowa, chisoso, bonongwe, luni, khwanya, chitambe, cham'mwamba, sipinachi kapena masamba ena aliwonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7779,"Any other vegetables, such as tomatoes, okra, cucumber, cabbage, eggplant, or other vegetables?","Masamba ena aliwonse, monga kabitchi, therere, mpiru, repu,chineese, m'nkhaka kapena masamba ena?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7780,Ripe mango or ripe pawpaw?,Mango akupsa kapena papaya wakupsa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7781,"Any other fruits, such as banana, pineapple, guava, watermelon, orange, or other fruits?","Zipatso zina zilizonsse, monga nthochi, chinanazi, gwafa, mavembe, malalanje, ndi zipatso zina zotero?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7782,Fresh or dried fish or shellfish?,Nsomba za zaziwisi kapena zowuma kapena zikombe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7783,"Liver, kidney, or heart?","Chiwindi, imphsyo kapena mtima?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7784,"Sausages, polony, or bacon?","Sausage, polony, kapena ganda ya nkhumba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7785,"Any other meat, such as beef, goat, pork, chicken, mice, bush meat, or wild birds? ","Nyama ina iliyonse, monga nyama ya ng'ombe, nyama yambuzi, nyama ya nkhumba, nyama ya nkhuku, mbewa, nyama yakutchire kapena mbalame zakutchire?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7786,Eggs?,Mazira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7787,"Beans, chipere, cowpeas, pigeon peas, peas, ground beans, soya, or corn soy blend? ","Nyemba, chipere, khobwe, nandolo, sawawa, mzama, soya, ufa wa soya?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7788,"Groundnuts, groundnut butter, groundnut flour, macademia nuts, cashews, or pumpkin seeds?","Mtedza, chiponde, nsinjiro, mtedza wa makademiya, mtedza wa cashew kapena nthanga za maungu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7789,Cheese?,Cheese,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7790,"Flying ants, caterpillars, grasshoppers, locusts, mafulufute, or nkhululu?","Ngumbi, mphalabungu, ziwala, dzombe, mafulufute kapena nkhululu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7791,"Sweeties, chocolates, ice cream, or freezies?","Sweets, chocolates, ice cream, or freezies?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7792,Cakes or biscuits?,Makeke kapena mabisiketi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7793,"Crisps, chips, fried potato, fried cassava, doughnuts, zitumbuwa, or samosa? ","Mbatatesi youmitsa mmafuta, mbatatesi yokazinga mmafuta, mbatata zokazinga/mbalaga, chinangwa chokazinga, mandazi, zitumbuwa kapena samusa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7794,Red palm oil?,Mafuta a mawese?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7795,"Any other solid, semi-solid, or soft food?","Zakudya zina zilizonse zolimba, zolimba pang'ono kapena zofewa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7796,What was the food?,"Chakudyacho chinali chiyani? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7797,"Did Chikondi eat any solid, semi-solid, or soft foods yesterday during the day or at night? + +What kind of solid, semi-solid or soft foods did Chikondi eat?","Kodi Chikondi anadya zakudya zolimba, zolimbirako kapena zofewa dzulo masana kapena usiku? + +Kodi Chikondi anadya zakudya zolimba, zolimbirako kapena zofewa za mtundu wanji?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7798,"How many times did Chikondi eat solid, semi-solid, or soft foods yesterday during the day or at night?","Kodi Chikondi anadya kangati zakudya zolimba, zolimbirako kapena zofewa dzulo masana kapena usiku? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7799,"In the last 6 months, did any healthcare provider or community health worker talk with you about how or what to feed Chikondi?","M'miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yapitayi, kodi wazaumoyo wina aliyense anakamba nanu za mmene mungamudyetsere Chikondi kapena za zakudya zomwe mungamudyetse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7800,"The last time Chikondi passed stools, what was done to dispose of the stools?",Pamene Chikondi anachita chimbudzi komaliza kodi munakataya kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7801,"Now I’d like to ask you about foods and drinks that you consumed yesterday during the day or night, whether you ate or drank it at home or somewhere else. Please think about snacks and small meals as well as main meals. + +I will ask you about different foods and drinks, and I would like to know whether you ate the food even if it was combined with other foods. + +Please do not answer ‘yes’ for any food or ingredient only used in a small amount to add flavor to a dish.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi zakudya zomwe munadya dzulo masana kapena usiku, kaya munadya kunyumba kapena kwina kwake. Chonde ganizirani zazakudya zotolatola komanso zakudya zomwe munadya ngati chakudya chenicheni. + +Ndikufunsani zokhudzana ndi zakudya ndi zakumwa zosiyanasiyana, ndipo ndikufuna ndidziwe ngati munadya zakudya ngakhale zinali zophatikiza ndi zakudya zina. + +Chonde musavomere kuti munadya zakudya zina kapena zinthu zina zophatikizidwa pang'ono ku zakudya ngati zokometsera.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7802,"Yesterday during the day or at night, did you eat or drink:","Dzulo masana kapena usiku, kodi munadyako: ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7803,"Nsima, porridge, rice, bread, buns, chigumu, or spaghetti?","Nsima, phala, mpunga, buledi,banzi, chigumu, spaghetti?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7804,"Carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside?","Carrot, maungu kapena mbatata za chikasu nkati kapena zofila nkati?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7805,"Potato, white sweet potato, cassava,flour from cassava, green banana, or yam?","Mbatatesi, mbatata zoyera nkati, chinangwa, kondowole, nthochi zosapsa kapena chilazi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7806,"Any dark green leafy vegetables, such as pumpkin leaves, mustard leaves, rape leaves, cassava leaves, bean leaves or other masamba?","Masamba ena aliwonse obiliwira, monga m'nkhwani, mpiru, rape, chigwada, khwanya kapena masamba ena aliwonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7807,"Any other vegetables, such as tomatoes, okra, cucumber, cabbage, eggplant, or other vegetables?","Masamba ena aliwonse obiliwira, monga tomato, thelere, nkhaka, kabichi, mabilinganya, kapena masamba ena aliwonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7808,Ripe mango or ripe pawpaw?,Mango akupsa kapena papaya wakupsa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7809,"Any other fruits, such as banana, pineapple, guava, watermelon, orange, or other fruits?","Zipatso zina zilizonsse, monga nthochi, chinanazi, gwafa, mavembe, malalanje, ndi zipatso zina zotero?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7810,"Fish, including tilapia, usipa, utaka, or matemba?","Nsomba monga chambo, usipa, utaka kapena matemba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7811,"Liver, kidney, or heart?","Chiwindi, imphso kapena mtima?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7812,"Sausages, polony, or bacon?","Sausages, polony, kapena ganda ya nkhumba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7813,"Any other meat, such as beef, goat, pork, chicken, mice, bush meat, or wild birds?","Nyama ina iliyonse, monga nyama ya ng'ombe, nyama yambuzi, nyama ya nkhumba, nyama ya nkhuku, mbewa, nyama yakutchire kapena mbalame zakutchire?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7814,Eggs?,Mazira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7815,"Beans, chipere, cowpeas, pigeon peas, peas, ground beans, soya, or soya pieces?","Nyemba, chipere, khobwe, nandolo, sawawa, nzama, soya, soya pisesi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7816,"Groundnuts, groundnut butter, groundnut flour, macademia nuts, cashews, or pumpkin seeds?","Mtedza, chiponde, nsinjiro, mtedza wa makademiya, mtedza wa cashuwu kapena nthangala za maungu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7817,"Milk, cheese, yoghurt, or chambiko?","Mkaka, cheese, yoghurt kapena chambiko?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7818,"Flying ants, caterpillars, grasshoppers, locusts, mafulufute, or nkhululu?","Ngumbi, mphalabungu, ziwala, dzombe, mafulufute kapena nkhululu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7819,"Sweeties, chocolates, ice cream, freezies, cakes, or biscuits?","Sweets, chocolates, ice cream, freezies, cake, bisiketi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7821,"Crisps, chips, fried potato, fried cassava, mandazi, zitumbuwa, or samosa? ","Mbatatesi youmitsa mmafuta, mbatatesi yokazinga mmafuta, mbatata zokazinga/mbalaga, chinangwa chokazinga, mandazi, zitumbuwa kapena samusa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7822,"Fruit juice, squash, or Super Dip?","Zakumwa zochokera ku zipatso, squash kapena zakumwa zosungunula?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7823,"Soft drinks such as Fanta, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Frozy, or energy drinks such as Red Bull?","Zakumwa zozizilitsa kukhosi monga Fanta, Coca-cola, Sprite, Frozy kapena Zakumwa ngati RedBull?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7824,"Tea with sugar, coffee with sugar, cocoa or Milo, or flavored milk?","Tiyi wa shuga, khofi wa shuga, koko kapena Mayilo, Mkaka woika zokometsera?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7825,Red palm oil?,Mafuta a mawese?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7826,Any other liquids?,Zakumwa zina zilizonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7827,What was the drink?,Kodi zinali zakumwa zanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7828,Was the drink sweetened?,Kodi chakumwachi chinayikidwa zotsekemera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7829,Any other food?,Chakudya china chilichonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7830,What was the food?,"Kodi chinali chakudya chanji? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7831,Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married?,Kodi ndinu okwatiwa kapena mumakhala ndi mwamuna ngati muli pabanja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7832,Have you ever been married or lived together with a man as if married?,Kodi munakwatiwapo kapena kukhala limodzi ndi mwamuna ngati muli pabanja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7833,"What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced, or separated?","Kodi padakali pano ndinu amasiye, munalekana kapena munangonyanyalitsana chabe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7834,Do you have a marriage certificate or other document recognizing this marriage/union?,Kodi muli ndi chiphaso cha ukwati kapena chikalata china chilichonse chovomelezeka cha ukwati umenewu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7835,"What document or documents do you have? + +Any other document?","Kodi muli ndi chikalata kapena zikalata zotani? + +Pali chikalata chinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7836,Was this marriage ever registered with the civil authority?,Kodi ukwati umenewu unalembetsedwapo ku boma?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7837,Is your husband/partner living with you now or is he staying elsewhere?,Kodi panopa amuna/abwenzi anu akukhala pamodzi ndi inuyo kapena akukhala kwina?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7838,Please tell me the name of your husband/partner.,"Chonde ndiuzeni dzina la amuna/abwenzi anu. + +.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7839,Does your husband/partner have other wives or does he live with other women as if married?,Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu ali ndi akazi ena kapena amakhala ndi akazi ena ngati ali pabanja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7840,"Including yourself, in total, how many wives or live-in partners does he have?","Kuphatikizapo inuyo, kodi ndi akazi angati komanso ena omwe amakhala nawo ngati ali pabanja nonse pamodzi mulipo angati?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7841,"Are you the first, second, … wife?","Kodi inuyo ndinu mkazi woyamba, wachiwiri, kapena wachingati?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7842,Have you been married or lived with a man only once or more than once?,Kodi munakwatiwapo kapena kukhala ndi mwamuna ngati muli pabanja kamodzi kapena kupitirirapo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7843,In what month and year did you start living with your husband/partner?,Kodi ndi mwezi ndipo chaka chiti chimene munayamba kukhalira limodzi ndi mwamuna/chibwenzi chanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7844,Now I would like to ask about your first husband or partner. In what month and year did you start living with him?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni za mwamuna/chibwenzi chanu choyamba. Kodi ndi mwezi ndipo mchaka chiti chomwe munayamba kukhalira limodzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7845,How old were you when you first started living with him?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pamene munayamba kukhala m'nyumba imodzi ndi mwamuna ameneyu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7846,Now I’d like to ask you about your current husband/partner. In what month and year did you start living with him?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni za mwamuna/abwenzi anu amene mukukhala nawo panopa. Kodi ndi mwezi ndipo chaka chiti chomwe munayamba kukhalira limodzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7847,How old were you when you first started living with your current husband/partner?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pamene mumayamba kukhala m'nyumba imodzi ndi mwamuna/chibwenzi ameneyu/chimenechi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7848,"Now I would like to ask some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues. Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. If we should come to any question that you don't want to answer, just let me know and we will go to the next question. How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the very first time?",Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni zokhudzana ndi kugonana kuti ndimvetsetse bwino zinthu zina zofunikira pa moyo wa munthu. Ndikutsimikizireninso kuti mayankho omwe mupereke asungidwa mwachinsinsi ndipo sadzaululidwa kwa munthu wina aliyense. Ngati titafika pa funso loti simukufuna kuyankha mundiuze kuti tipite pa funso lotsatira. Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pomwe munagonana ndi mwamuna koyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7849,I would like to ask you about your recent sexual activity. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?,Ndikufuna ndikufunseni za kugonana kwanu ndi mwamuna komaliza. Kodi ndi liti munagonana ndi mwamuna komaliza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7850,"The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner do something or use any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?","Panthawi yomaliza kugonana ndi mwamuna ameneyu, kodi inu kapena bwenzi lanu munapanga china chilichonse kapena kugwiritsa ntchito njira ina ili yonse pofuna kuchedwetsa kapena kupewa kutenga pathupi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7851,Which method did you use?,"Kodi munagwiritsa ntchito njira yanji? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7852,"The last time you had sexual intercourse, was a condom used?","Panthawi yomaliza kugonana, kodi munagwiritsa ntchito condom?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7853,What is the brand name of the condom used?,"Kodi munagwiritsa ntchito condom ya mtundu wanji? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7854,From where did you obtain the condom the last time?,"Kodi ndikuti komwe munakapeza condom ulendo komalizaka? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7855,"What was your relationship to this person with whom you had sexual intercourse? + +Were you living together as if married?","Kodi panali ubale wanji pakati pa inu ndi mwamuna amene munagonana naye? + +Kodi panthawiyo mumakhalira limodzi ngati muli pabanja? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7856,"Apart from this person, have you had sexual intercourse with any other person in the last 12 months?","Kupatula mwamuna ameneyu, kodi pali winanso amene mwagonana naye m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7857,"The last time you had sexual intercourse with this second person, was a condom used?","Panthawi yomaliza kugonana ndi munthu wachiwiri ameneyu, kodi munagwiritsa ntchito condom?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7858,"What was your relationship to this second person with whom you had sexual intercourse? + +Were you living together as if married?","Kodi panali ubale wanji pakati pa inu ndi munthu wachiwiri amene munagonana nayeyu? + +Kodi panthawiyo mumakhalira limodzi ngati muli pabanja? + +.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7859,"Apart from these two people, have you had sexual intercourse with any other person in the last 12 months?","Kupatula anthu awiriwa, kodi munagonana ndi munthu wina aliyense m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7860,"The last time you had sexual intercourse with this third person, was a condom used?","Panthawi yomaliza kugonana ndi munthu wachitatuyu, kodi munagwiritsa ntchito condom?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7861,"What was your relationship to this third person with whom you had sexual intercourse? + +Were you living together as if married?","Kodi panali ubale wanji pakati pa inu ndi munthu wachitatu amene munagonana nayeyu? + +Kodi panthawiyo mumakhalira limodzi ngati muli pabanja? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7862,"In total, with how many different people have you had sexual intercourse in your lifetime?","Kuphatikiza onse pamodzi, kodi ndi anthu osiyanasiyana angati amene mwagonana nawo pamoyo wanu onse? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7863,"Now I have some questions about the future. After the child you are expecting now, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?","Tsopano ndili ndi mafunso a zamtsogolo. Mukachira pathupi muli napopa, kodi mudzafuna mutaberekanso kapena simudzafuna kuberekanso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7864,"Now I have some questions about the future. Would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?",Tsopano ndili ndi mafunso a zamtsogolo. Kodi mumafuna mutaberekanso kapena simufuna muberekanso?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7865,"Now I have some questions about the future. Would you like to have a child, or would you prefer not to have any children?",Tsopano ndili ndi mafunso a zamtsogolo. Kodi mumafuna mutabereka kapena simufuna mutabereka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7866,How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of another child?,"Kuyambira panopa, mukufuna kudikira nthawi yayitali bwanji musanaberekenso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7867,How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of a child?,"Kuyambira panopa, mukufuna kudikira nthawi yayitali bwanji musanabereke?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7868,"After the birth of the child you are expecting now, how long would you like to wait before the birth of another child?","Pathupi muli napopa mukadzachira, mudzakonda mutadikira nthawi yayitali bwanji musanaberekenso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7869,"You have said that you do not want another child soon. Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy? + +Any other reason?","Mwanena kuti simukufuna kuberekanso mwana wina posachedwapa. Mungandiuze chifukwa chake musakugwiritsa ntchito njira iliyonse yakulera kuti musatenge mimba? + + Pali chifukwa chinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7870,"You have said that you do not want any more children. Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy? + +Any other reason?","Mwanena kuti simukufuna kuberekanso ana ena. Mungandiuze chifukwa chake musakugwiritsa ntchito njira iliyonse yakulera kuti musatenge pathupi/mimba?? + + Pali chifukwa chinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7871,"You have said that you do not want a child soon. Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy? + +Any other reason?","Mwanena kuti simukufuna kubereka mwana posachedwa. Mungandiuze chifukwa chake musakugwiritsa ntchito njira iliyonse yakulera kuti musatenge pathupi/mimba? + + Pali chifukwa chinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7872,"You have said that you do not want any children. Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy? + +Any other reason?","Mwanena kuti simukufuna kubereka mwana. Mungandiuze chifukwa chake musakugwiritsa ntchito njira iliyonse yakulera kuti musatenge pathupi/mimba? + + Pali chifukwa chinanso? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7873,Do you think you will use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid pregnancy at any time in the future?,Kodi mukuganiza kuti mudzagwiritsa ntchito njira yolera kuti mupewe kapena kuchedwetsa kutenga pathupi mtsogolo muno?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7874,"If you could go back to the time you did not have any children and could choose exactly the number of children to have in your whole life, how many would that be?","Mutati mubwererenso m'mbuyo nthawi imene munalibe ana ndi kusankha kuchuluka kwa ana amene mungakhale nawo pa moyo wanu wonse, mukanakonda kukhala ndi ana angati? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7875,"If you could choose exactly the number of children to have in your whole life, how many would that be?","Mutati musankhe kuchuluka kwa ana amene mungakonde kubereka pa moyo wanu wonse, ndi ana angati mungakonde kukhala nawo? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7876,"How many of these children would you like to be boys, how many would you like to be girls and for how many would it not matter if it’s a boy or a girl?","Pa ana mwatchulawa, ndi angati mukanakonda kuti akhale amuna, nanga akazi angati, ndipo ndi angati amene simukanadandaula atakhala akazi kapena amuna?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7877,In the last 12 months have you:,"Pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7878,Heard about family planning on the radio?,Mwamvapo zakulera pa wayilesi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7879,Seen anything about family planning on the television?,Mwaonera kalikonse kokhudza kulera pawailesi ya kanema?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7880,Read about family planning in a newspaper or magazine?,Mwerenga zokhudzana ndi kulera m'nyuzipepala kapena m'magazini?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7881,Received a voice or text message about family planning on a mobile phone?,Mwaimbiridwa kapena kulandira uthenga wazakulera pa foni ya m'manja,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7882,"Seen anything about family planning on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?","Mwaona kalikonse kokhudzana ndi zakulera pamasamba anchezo monga facebook, X/Twitter kapena Instagram?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7883,"Seen anything about family planning on a poster, leaflet or brochure?","Mwaona kalikonse kokhudzana ndi zakulera pa zithunzi, timabuku kapena timapepala?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7884,Seen anything about family planning on an outdoor sign or billboard?,Mwaona kalikonse kokhudzana ndi zakulera pazikwangwani zikuluzikulu,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7885,Heard anything about family planning at community meetings or events?,Mwamva kalikonse kokhudza zakulera pamisonkhano kapena zochitika zammudzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7886,"Who usually makes the decision on whether or not you should use contraception, you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?","Kodi nthawi zambiri ndindani amene amapanga ziganizo zokhuzana kugwilitsa kapena kusagwilitsa ntchito njira zakulela, inuyo,amuna anu/chibwenzi chanu kapena mumagwirizana nonse awiri, kapena munthu wina wake wapandera?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7887,"When making this decision with your husband/partner, would you say that your opinion is more important, equally important, or less important than your husband’s/partner’s opinion?","Popanga chiganizo chimenechi ndi amuna anu/chibwezi chanu, kodi munganena kuti maganizo anu amakhala ofunikira kwambiri, ofunikira mofanana kapena osafunikira kuposa maganizo amuna anu /achibwenzi chanu? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7888,Has your husband/partner or any other family member ever tried to force or pressure you to become pregnant when you did not want to become pregnant?,"Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu kapena munthu wina wapabanja panu anayamba wayesa kukukakamizani kapena kukuumilizani kuti mukhale ndi pakati, pamene inu simunkafuna kukhala ndi pakati? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7889,"Does your husband/partner want the same number of children that you want, or does he want more or fewer than you want?","Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu amafuna kuchuluka kwa ana omwe inunso mumafuna, kapena amafuna ochuluka kapena ochepa kusiyana ndi m'mene inu mumafunira?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7890,How old was your husband/partner on his last birthday?,Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu akwanitsa zaka zingati zakubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7891,Did your husband/partner ever attend school?,Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu anapitako ku sukulu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7892,"What was the highest level of school he attended: primary, secondary, or higher?","Kodi sukulu analekezera ku pulaimale, ku sekondare kapena kupitilira apo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7893,What was the highest standard/form/year he completed at that level?,"Nanga anamaliza kalasi yanji? + + + + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7894,Has your husband/partner done any work in the last 7 days?,"Pa masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi amuna/abwenzi anu agwirapo ntchito ina iliyonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7895,Has your husband/partner done any work in the last 12 months?,"Pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi amuna/abwenzi anu agwirapo ntchito ina iliyonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7896,"What is your husband's/partner's occupation? That is, what kind of work does he mainly do?",Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu amagwira ntchito yanji? Ntchito yeniyeni imene amagwira ndi yotani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7897,"Aside from your own housework, have you done any work in the last 7 days?","Kupatula ntchito yanu ya pakhomo pano, mwagwiraponso ntchito ina iliyonse m'masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7898,"As you know, some women take up jobs for which they are paid in cash or kind. Others sell things, have a small business or work on the family farm or in the family business. In the last 7 days, have you done any of these things or any other work?","Monga mukudziwa, azimayi ena amagwira ntchito zomwe amalandira malipiro a ndalama kapena zinthu zina. Ena amagulitsa zinthu, kukhala ndi mabizinezi ang'onoang'ono kapenanso ulimi wa pabanja pawo mwinanso kuthandizira bizinezi ya pabanja pawo. M'masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi mwagwirapo ntchito imodzi mwa ntchito ndatchulazi kapena zinanso zomwe sindinatchule?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7899,"Although you did not work in the last 7 days, do you have any job or business from which you were absent for leave, illness, vacation, maternity leave, or any other such reason?","Ngakhale simunagwire ntchito pa masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi muli pantchito kapena muli ndi bizinezi imene simunapite chifukwa cha kudwala, kupita koyenda kwina kulikonse, tchuthi chifukwa chakubereka kapena pa chifukwa china chilichonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7900,Have you done any work in the last 12 months?,"Pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi mwagwirapo ntchito ina iliyonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7901,"What is your occupation? That is, what kind of work do you mainly do?",Kodi mumagwira ntchito yanji? Ntchito yeniyeni yomwe mumagwira ndi yotani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7902,"Do you do this work for a member of your family, for someone else, or are you self-employed?","Kodi ntchitoyi mukugwilira munthu wapabanja panu, kapena munthu wina kapena ndi yanuyanu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7903,"Do you usually work throughout the year, or do you work seasonally, or only once in a while?","Kodi nthawi zambiri ntchitoyi mumagwira chaka chonse, kapena imayendera nyengo, kapena mumagwira kamodzi pakanthawi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7904,Are you paid in cash or kind for this work or are you not paid at all?,"Kodi pantchitoyi mumalipidwa ndalama, kapena zinthu zina kapena simulipidwa nkomwe? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7905,"Who usually decides how the money you earn will be used: you, your husband/partner, or you and your husband/partner jointly?","Nthawi zambiri, kodi ndi ndani amalamulira kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ndalama zimene mumalandira: Kweni-kweni ndi inu, amuna/abwenzi anu kapena nonse mogwirizana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7906,"Would you say that the money that you earn is more than what your husband/partner earns, less than what he earns, or about the same?","Kodi munganene kuti ndalama zimene mumalandira inuyo ndi zochuluka kuposa zimene amuna/abwenzi anu amalandira, zocheperapo kapena mumalandira ndalama zofananirapo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7907,"Who usually decides how your husband's/partner's earnings will be used: you, your husband/partner, or you and your husband/partner jointly?","Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amene amalamulira kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ndalama zimene amuna/abwenzi anu amalandira: Kweni-kweni ndi inu, amuna/abwenzi anu kapena nonse mogwirizana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7908,"Who usually makes decisions about health care for yourself: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?","Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amakhala ndi ulamuliro pachisamaliro chokhudzana ndi umoyo wanu: Kweni-kweni ndi ndinu, amuna/abwenzi anu, nonse mogwirizana kapena wina wake wapadera?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7909,Who usually makes decisions about making major household purchases?,Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amene amapanga ziganizo pogula katundu ofunikila wa pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7910,Who usually makes decisions about visits to your family or relatives?,Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amapanga ziganizo zoyendera abale anu kapena anansi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7911,Do you own this or any other house either alone or jointly with someone else?,Kodi nyumba mukukhalayi ndiyanu kapena muli ndi nyumba ina kwina yoti ndiyanuyanu kapena yosonkhelana ndi munthu wina?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7912,Do you have a title deed or other government recognized document for any house you own?,Kodi muli ndi zikalata zosonyeza umwini wanyumba kapena mapepala aliwonse ovomelezeka ndi boma a nyumba ina iliyonse yomwe muli nayo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7913,Is your name on this document?,Kodi dzina lanu lilipo pa chikalata/mapepalawa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7914,Do you own any agricultural or non-agricultural land either alone or jointly with someone else?,Kodi muli ndi malo a zaulimi kapena malo ena aliwonse omwe ndi anu anu kapena ophatikizana ndi munthu wina?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7915,Do you have a title deed or other government recognized document for any land you own?,Kodi muli ndi zikalata/mapepala osonyeza umwini wa malo kapena mapepala aliwonse ovomelezeka ndi boma a malo ena iliwonse omwe muli nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7916,Is your name on this document?,Kodi dzina lanu lilipo pa chikalata/mapepalawa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7917,Do you have an account in a bank or other financial institution that you yourself use?,Kodi muli ndi buku la kubanki kapena mabungwe ena osunga ndalama amene inu mumagwiritsa ntchito?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7918,Did you yourself put money in or take money out of this account in the last 12 months?,kodi inuyo mwainu nokha mwasungapo kapena kutenga ndalama kuchokera ku buku lanu lakubanki pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7919,"In the last 12 months, have you used a mobile phone to make financial transactions such as sending or receiving money, paying bills, purchasing goods or services, or receiving wages? ","Pamiyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi mwagwilitsapo ntchito lamya lam'manja potumiza kapena kulandilila ndalama,kulipilila ma bill, kugulira katundu kapena zinthu kapena kulandililapo malipilo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7920,Do you have shares in NKHONDE?,kodi muli ndi ma share/gawo lanu la ndalama ku banki nkhonde?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7921,"In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations:","M'maganizo mwanu, kodi ndi koyenera kuti mwamuna adzimenya mkazi wake pa zifukwa izi:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7922,If she goes out without telling him?,Ngati nkazi wachoka pakhomo osatsanzika mwamuna wake?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7923,If she neglects the children?,Ngati sasamalira ana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7924,If she argues with him?,Ngati atsutsana ndi mwamuna/chibwenzi chake?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7925,If she refuses to have sex with him?,Ngati akana kugonana naye?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7926,If she burns the food?,Ngati wapseleletsa chakudya?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7927,Now I would like to talk about HIV and AIDS. ,Tsopano ndikufuna tikambilane za HIV ndi EDZI.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7928,Have you ever heard of HIV or AIDS?,Kodi munamvapo za HIV kapena EDZI?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7929,HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by having just one uninfected sex partner who has no other sex partners?,HIV ndikachilombo kamene kamayambisa matenda a EDZI. Kodi anthu angapewe kutenga kachirombo ka HIV pokhala ndi munthu m'modzi yekha wogonana naye amene alibe kachirombo ndipo sagonana ndi anthu ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7930,Can people get HIV from mosquito bites?,Kodi anthu angatenge kachirombo ka HIV polumidwa ndi udzudzu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7931,Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by using a condom every time they have sex?,Kodi anthu angapewe kutenga kachirombo ka HIV pogwiritsa ntchito condom nthawi iliyonse akamagonana ndi munthu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7932,Can people get HIV by sharing food with a person who has HIV?,Kodi anthu angatenge kachirombo ka HIV podyera limodzi ndi munthu yemwe ali ndi kachilombo koyambitsa EDZI?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7933,Is it possible for a healthy-looking person to have HIV?,Kodi nkotheka kuti munthu wooneka wa thanzi nkukhala ndi kachirombo ka HIV?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7934,"Have you heard of ARVs, that is, antiretroviral medicines that treat HIV? ","Kodi munamvapo za mankhwala ama ARV,omwe ndi mankhwala ochepetsa kuchulukana kwa kachilombo ka HIV m'thupi? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7935,Are there any special medicines that a doctor or a nurse can give to a woman infected with HIV to reduce the risk of transmission to the baby?,Kodi pali mankhwala ena aliwonse omwe dotolo kapena namwino angamupatse mayi yemwe ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa EDZI kuti ateteze mwana kutenga kachiromboka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7936,"Have you heard of PrEP, a medicine taken daily that can prevent a person from getting HIV?","Kodi munamvapo za PrEP, makhwala amene amamwedwa tsiku ndi tsiku kuti amuteteze munthu kuti asatenge kachilombo ka HIV?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7937,Do you approve of people who take a pill every day to prevent getting HIV?,Kodi mumavomereza zoti anthu azimwa mankhwala tsiku ndi tsiku kuti apewe kutenga kachilombo koyambitsa EDZI?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7938,Were you tested for HIV as part of your antenatal care while you were pregnant with Chikondi?,Nanga inuyo munayezetsapo HIV nthawi imene mumachita sikelo pomwe munali ndi mimba ya Chikondi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7939,Where was the test done?,"Kodi munakayezetsa kuti? + ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7940,Did you get the results of the test?,kodi munalandira zotsatira za kuyezetsaku?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7941,"Between the time you went for delivery but before the baby was born, were you tested for HIV?","Pakati panthawi yomwe munapita kokabeleka koma mwana asanabadwe, kodi munayezedwa HIV? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7942,Did you get the results of the test?,kodi munalandira zotsatira za kuyezetsaku?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7943,Have you been tested for HIV since that time you were tested during your pregnancy?,Kodi mwyezedwaponso za kachirombo ka HIV koyambitsa EDZI chiyezetsereni nthawi yomwe munali oyembekezera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7944,In what month and year was your most recent HIV test?,Kodi ndi mwezi komanso chaka chanji chimene munayezetsa za kachirombo koyambitsa EDZI komaliza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7945,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,kodi munayamba mwayezetsapo HIV?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7946,In what month and year was your most recent HIV test?,Kodi ndi mwezi komanso chaka chanji chimene munayezetsa kachirombo koyambitsa EDZI komaliza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7947,Where was the test done?,"Kodi munakayezetsa kuti? + ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7948,Did you get the results of the test?,Kodi munalandira zotsatira za kuyezetsaku?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7949,What was the result of the test?,Kodi zotsatila zakuyezetsaku zinali zotani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7950,In what month and year did you receive your first HIV-positive test result?,Kodi ndi mwezi komanso chaka chanji chimene munalandila zotsatila zoyamba kuti muli ndi kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a EDZI?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7951,"Are you currently taking ARVs, that is antiretroviral medicines? By currently, I mean that you may have missed some doses but you are still taking ARVs.","Kodi pakadali pano mumamwa ma ARV,amene ndi mankhwala ochepetsa kuchulukana kwa kachilombo ka HIV m'thupi? Ndikanena kuti ""pakadali pano"", ndikutanthauza kuti mwina nkutheka munadumphitsapo masiku ena osamwa koma mukumwabe mankhwala a ARV?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7952,How many times have you been tested for HIV in your lifetime?,"Kodi moyo wanu wonse, mwayezetsapo HIV kangati? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7953,Have you heard of test kits people can use to test themselves for HIV?,"Kodi munamvapo za zipangizo zomwe anthu angadziyezere okha pofuna kudziwa ngati ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa EDZI? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7954,Have you ever tested yourself for HIV using a self-test kit?,Kodi munaziyezapo nokha za kachirombo ka HIV pogwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zoziyedzera munthu yekha?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7955,Would you buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor if you knew that this person had HIV?,"Kodi mutazindikira kuti wogulitsa ndiwo za masamba ali ndi kachirombo ka HIV koyambitsa EDZI, mungamugule?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7956,Do you think children living with HIV should be allowed to attend school with children who do not have HIV?,Kodi mukuganiza kuti ana omwe ali ndi kachirombo ka HIV aziloledwa kuphunzira limodzi kusukulu ndi ana omwe alibe kachiromboka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7957,"Now I would like to ask you a few questions about your experiences living with HIV. + +Have you disclosed your HIV status to anyone other than me?","Tsopano ndikufunsani mafunso ochepa chabe okhuzana ndi momwe mwakhalila ndi kachilombo ka HIV + +Kodi munawuzapo munthu wina aliyense zokhudzana ndi zotsatila zanu za kachilombo ka HIV koyambitsa matenda a EDZI kupatula ine?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7958,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: I have felt ashamed because of my HIV status.,"Kodi mukugwirizana kapena kutsutsana ndi chiganizo ichi: + +Ndachitapo manyazi chifukwa chopezeka ndi kachirombo koyambitsa matenda a EDZI.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7959,"Please tell me if the following things have happened to you, or if you think they have happened to you, because of your HIV status in the last 12 months:",Chonde mundiwuzeko ngati zotsatilazi zinakuchitikilani kapena ngati mukuganiza kuti zinakuchitikilani chifuka chokhala ndi kachilombo ka HIV pamiyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7960,People have talked badly about me because of my HIV status.,Anthu amayankhula zoyipa zambiri za ine chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo koyambisa matenda a EDZI.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7961,Someone else disclosed my HIV status without my permission.,Munthu wina anawulula za mmene ndilili zokhuzana ndi kupezeka ndi kachilombo ka HIV popanda chilolezo changa.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7962,"I have been verbally insulted, harassed, or threatened because of my HIV status.","Ndayankhulidwapo mawu onyoza, kuzunzidwa, kapena kuwopsyezedwa chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo ka HIV",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7963,Healthcare workers talked badly about me because of my HIV status.,Anthu ogwira ntchito zachipatala anayankhulapo zoipa za ine chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a EDZI.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7964,"Healthcare workers yelled at me, scolded me, called me names, or verbally abused me in another way because of my HIV status.","Anthu ogwira ntchito zachipatala anandikuwa, anandikalipira, ananditchula mayina oyipa,kapena kundiyankhula zoipa chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a EDZI.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7965,I was fired from my work because of my HIV status,Ndinachotsedwa ntchito chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a EDZI.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7966,I was not hired because of my HIV status,Sindinalembedwe ntchito chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo ka HIV,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7967,I was not promoted because of my HIV status,Sindinakezedwe udindo pantchito chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a EDZI?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7968,My family was disassociated/dissolved because of my HIV status,Banja langa linatha chifukwa chokhala ndi kachilombo koyambitsa matenda a EDZI?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7969,"Apart from HIV, have you heard about other infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact?","Kupatula kachirombo ka HIV, kodi munamvapo za matenda ena opatsirana kudzera pogonana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7970,Have you heard about infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact?,Kodi munamvapo za matenda opatsirana pogonana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7971,"Now I would like to ask you some questions about your health in the last 12 months. During the last 12 months, have you had a disease which you got through sexual contact?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni za umoyo wanu pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi. Kodi pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, munatengapo matenda opatsirana pogonana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7972,"Sometimes women experience a bad-smelling abnormal genital discharge. During the last 12 months, have you had a bad-smelling abnormal genital discharge?","Nthawi zina azimayi amatulutsa chikazi chodadwitsa chomwe chimakhala chonunkha kwambiri. Pamiyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi mwakhalapo ndi chikazi chodabwitsa chonunkha kwambiri?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7973,"Sometimes women have a genital sore or ulcer. During the last 12 months, have you had a genital sore or ulcer?","Nthawi zina amayi amakhala ndi nsungu kapena kachilonda ku maliseche. Pamiyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi mwakhalapo ndi nsungu kapena kachilonda kumaliseche?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7974,"If a wife knows her husband has a disease that she can get during sexual intercourse, is she justified in asking that they use a condom when they have sex?","Ngati mkazi akudziwa kuti mwamuna wake ali ndi matenda omwe angampatsire pogonana, kodi nkoyenera kuti amuuze mwamuna wake kuti agwiritse ntchito condom panthawi yomwe akugonana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7975,Is a wife justified in refusing to have sex with her husband when she knows he has sex with other women?,Kodi ndikoyenera kuti mkazi adzikana kugonana ndi mwamuna wake ngati akudziwa kuti mwamunayo wagonana ndi akazi ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7976,Can you say no to your husband/partner if you do not want to have sexual intercourse?,Kodi mungathe kumukana mwamuna/bwenzi lanu ngati inu simukufuna kugonana naye?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7977,Could you ask your husband/partner to use a condom if you wanted him to?,Kodi mungathe kuwuza mwamuna/bwenzi lanu kuti mugwiritse ntchito condom pamene inu mukufuna kuti atero?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7978,"How long does it usually take in minutes to go from your home to the nearest healthcare facility, which could be a hospital, a health clinic, a medical doctor, or a health post?","Kodi zimakutengelani mphindi zingati kuchokela kunyumba kwanu kuti mukafike ku malo azaumoyo omwe muli nawo pafupi,chitha kukhala chipatala chachikulu,dotolo kapena chipatala chaching'ono?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7979,How do you travel to this healthcare facility from your home?,"Kodi mumagwilitsa ntchito njira yanji yamayendedwe kuti mukafike kumalo azaumoyo amenewa kuchokera pakhomo panu? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7980,Has a doctor or other healthcare provider examined your breasts to check for breast cancer?,Kodi adotolo kapena ena azaumoyo anayamba akuyezanipo mawere anu kuti awone ngati muli ndi khansa ya m'mawere? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7981,"Now I’m going to ask you about tests a healthcare worker can do to check for cervical cancer, which is cancer in the cervix. The cervix connects the womb to the vagina. To be checked for cervical cancer, a woman is asked to lie on her back with her legs apart. Then the healthcare worker will use a brush or swab to collect a sample from inside her. The sample is sent to a laboratory for testing. This test is called a Pap smear or HPV test. Another method is called a VIA or Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid. In this test, the healthcare worker puts vinegar on the cervix to see if there is a reaction.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni zokhudzana ndi zimene wa zaumoyo angachite popima khansa ya khomo lachibelekero. Khomo lachibelekero limalumikiza chibelekero ndi njira ya abambo. Kuti mupimidwe ku khansa ya khomo la chibelekero, mzimayi amauzidwa kuti agone chagada atasiyanitsa miyendo yake. Kenako wa zaumoyo amagwiritsa ntchito brush kapena zopukutira, kutenga zinthu pang'ono mkati kuti akapime. Zomwe zatengedwazo zimatumizidwa ku chipinda chopimira kuti akaziyeze. Kuyeza kumeneku kumatchedwa Papi kapena HPV. Njira ina imatchedwa VIA. Kupima kumeneku, wazaumoyo amaika vinegar pa khomo lachibelero kuti aone ngati patakhale kusintha kwina kulikonse.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7982,Has a doctor or other healthcare worker ever tested you for cervical cancer?,Kodi adotolo kapena ena azaumoyo anayamba akuyezanipo ngati muli ndi khansa ya khomo la chiberekelo? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7983,"Now I would like to ask you some questions on smoking and tobacco use. Do you currently smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi kusuta komanso kugwiritsa nchito fodya. Kodi mumasuta fodya tsiku lililonse, kapena masiku ena, kapena simusuta mkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7984,"On average, how many cigarettes do you currently smoke each day?","Mwapakatikati, kodi mumasuta ndudu zochuluka bwanji pa tsiku? +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7985,"Do you currently smoke or use any other type of tobacco every day, some days, or not at all?","Kodi pakali pano mumasuta kapena kugwilitsa ntchito ntundu uliwonse wa fodya tsiku lililonse, kapena masiku ena, kapena simusuta mkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7986,What other type of tobacco do you currently smoke or use?,"Kodi ndi mitundu ina iti ya fodya yomwe mumasuta kapena kugwiritsa nchito? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7987,"Now I would like to ask you some questions about drinking alcohol. Have you ever consumed any alcohol, such as beer, wine, spirits, Kachasu, Masese, or Chibuku?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi kumwa mowa. Kodi munayamba mwamwapo mtundu wina uliwonse wamowa monga uwu; vinyo, mowa wa Spirit kachasu, masese, kapena chibuku?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7988,"During the last one month, on how many days did you have an alcoholic drink?"," Kodi pa mwezi umodzi wathawu ndi masiku angati omwe munamwa mowa? + + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7989,"We count one drink of alcohol as one can or bottle of beer, one glass of wine, one shot of spirits, or one cup of or packet or scud or velemonti or chipanda. In the last one month, on the days that you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you usually have per day?","Timawerenga chakumwa choledzeretsa/mowa chimodzi ngati chitini kapena botolo lamowa, galasi limodzi lavinyo, toti imodzi ya spirit, kapena kapu imodzi, kapena sacheti, kapena scud kapena velemonti kapena chipanda. Pamwezi umodzi wapitawu, kodi pa masiku omwe munamwa chakumwa choledzeretsa, ndi zakumwa zingati zomwe mumamwa patsiku? + + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7990,"Many different factors can prevent women from getting medical advice or treatment for themselves. When you are sick and want to get medical advice or treatment, is each of the following a big problem or not a big problem:","Pali zinthu zambiri zomwe zimalepheretsa amayi kupeza malangizo kapena chithandizo chawo cha kuchipatala. Inuyo mukadwala ndipo mukafuna malangizo kapena thandizo la kuchipatala, kodi chinthu china chilichonse mwa izi ndi vuto lalikulu kapena ayi sivuto lalikulu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7991,Getting permission to go to the doctor?,Kupempha chilolezo chokakumana ndi dotolo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7992,Getting money needed for advice or treatment?,Kupeza ndalama yofunikira kuti mukalandire malangizo kapena thandizo kuchipatala?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7993,The distance to the health facility?,Mtunda okafikira kuchipatala?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7994,Not wanting to go alone?,Kusafuna kupita nokha?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7995,Are you covered by any health insurance?,Kodi muli pa insurance ina iliyonse ya zaumoyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7996,What type of health insurance are you covered by?,"Kodi muli pa insurance ya zaumoyo ya mtundu wanji? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7997,"Now I would like to ask some questions about human papillomavirus or HPV vaccinations that you have received. An HPV vaccine is an injection given in the left upper arm to girls between the ages of 9-14 years, as a protection against cervical cancer. In Malawi, the HPV vaccine is also commonly referred to as Cervarix/Gardasil and is commonly given at school/at a medical facility.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni zokhudzana ndi kachilombo komanso katemera wa human papillomavirus/HPV yemwe munalandirako. Katemera wa HPV ndi jakisoni yemwe amabayidwa pa phewa lakumanzere kwa atsikana azaka 9 kufika zaka 14, ndicholinga chowateteza kumatenda a khansa ya khomo la chiberekelo. Ku Malawi, katemera wa HPV amadziwika ndi dzina lakuti Cervarix/Gardasil ndipo amaperekedwa kwambiri m'masukulu komanso m'zipatala.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7998,"Have you ever received a vaccination against HPV, that is, an injection in the left upper arm to protect against cervical cancer? + +In Malawi, the HPV vaccine is also referred to as Cervarix/Gardasil and is commonly given at school/at a medical facility to girls between the ages of 9-14.","kodi munayamba mwalandirapo katemera wa HPV, ndi jakisoni amene amabaya pa phewa kuti mutetezeke ku matenda akhansa ya m'chiberekero? + +katemera wa HPV amadziwikanso ndi maina monga Cervarix/Gardasil ndipo amaperekedwa m'masukulu kapena m'zipatala kwa atsikana azaka zapakati pa 9 mpaka14 zakubadwa.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en7999,Did you ever receive an HPV vaccination card?,kodi munayamba mwalandirapo khadi ya katemera wa HPV?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8000,Did you receive one or two doses of the HPV vaccine?,kodi munalandirapo kamodzi kapena kawiri katemera wa HPV? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8001,Where did you receive your most recent HPV vaccination?,"kodi katemera wa HPV omaliza munakalandilira kuti? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8002,"I would like to ask you some questions about your children age 2-4 years who live with you. These questions are about certain things that they are currently able to do. Please keep in mind that children can develop and learn at a different pace. For example, some start talking earlier than others, or they might already say some words but not yet form sentences. So, it is fine if your child is not able to do all the things I am going to ask you about. You can let me know if you have any doubts about what answer to give."," Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhuzana ndi ana azaka za pakati pa 2 mpaka 4 zakubadwa amene amakhala ndi inu. Mafunsowa ndi okhuzana ndi zinthu zina zomwe pakadali pano amatha kuchita. Chonde mukumbukire kuti ana amakula ndi kuphunzira mosiyana. Mwachitsanzo, ena amatha kuyamba kuyankhula mwachangu kusiyana ndi anzawo, kapena angathe kuyankhula mawu koma osadziwa kupanga ziganizo. Choncho, palibe vuto lina lililonse ngati mwana wanu sakwanitsa kupanga zinthu zonse zomwe ndikufunsenizi. Mukhoza kundidziwitsa ngati mungakhale ndikukayikira kwina kulikonse zokhudzana ndi mayankho oti mundipatse.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8003,"Can Chikondi walk on an uneven surface, for example, a bumpy or steep road, without falling?","Kodi Chikondi angathe kuyenda pamalo osalingana, mwachitsanzo pansewu okumbika kapena otsetseleka, osagwa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8004,Can Chikondi jump up with both feet leaving the ground?,Kodi Chikondi amatha kulumpha ndi miyendo yonse m'mwamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8005,"Can Chikondi dress himself, that is, put on pants and a shirt, without help?","Kodi Chikondi amatha kuvala yekha kabudula kapena malaya, opanda chithandizo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8006,Can Chikondi fasten and unfasten buttons without help?,Kodi Chikondi amatha kumanga komanso kumasula ma batani opanda kuthandizidwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8007,"Can Chikondi say 10 or more words, like 'mama' or 'ball'?","Kodi Chikondi amatha kuyankhula mawu okwana khumi kapena kuposera apo, mwachitsanzo ""amayi"" kapena ""mpira""?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8008,"Can Chikondi speak using sentences of 3 or more words that go together, for example, ""I want water"" or ""The house is big""?","Kodi Chikondi amatha kuyankhula chiganizo cha mawu okwana atatu kapena kuposera apo, mwachitsanzo, ""Ine ndikufuna madzi"" kapena ""Nyumba ino ndiyayikulu""?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8009,"Can Chikondi speak using sentences of 5 or more words that go together, for example, ""The house is very big""?","Kodi Chikondi amatha kuyankhula chiganizo cha mawu okwana atatu kapena kuposa apo, mwachitsanzo, ""Nyumba ino ndi yayikulu kwambiri""?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8010,"Can Chikondi correctly use any of the words 'I', 'you', 'she', or 'he', for example, ""I want water"" or ""He eats rice""?","Kodi Chikondi amatha kugwiritsa ntchito molondola mawu monga awa ""ine, ""iwe"", ""uyu"", mwachitsanzo, ""ine ndikufuna madzi"" kapena ""uyu wadya mpunga""?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8011,"If you show Chikondi an object he knows well, such as a cup or animal, can he consistently name it? + +By consistently, we mean that he uses the same word to refer to the same object, even if the word used is not fully correct.","Mutamuonetsa Chikondi chinthu choti akuchidziwa, monga kapu kapena nyama iliyonse, kodi akhoza kutchula mosasinthasintha? + +Tikati mosasinthasintha, tikutanthauza kuti amagwiritsa ntchito mawu ofanana pakutchula chinthu chomwecho, ngakhale kuti mau akugwiritsidwa silolondola kwenikweni.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8012,Can Chikondi recognize at least 5 letters of the alphabet?,Kodi Chikondi amatha kuzindikira zilembo zisanu zamu alphabet?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8013,Can Chikondi write his name?,kodi Chikondi angathe kulemba dzina lake?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8014,Can Chikondi write her name?,kodi Chikondi angathe kulemba dzina lake?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8015,Can Chikondi recognize all numbers from 1 to 5?,kodi Chikondi angathe kuzindikira manambala kuyambira 1 mpaka 5?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8016,"If you ask Chikondi to give you 3 objects, such as 3 stones or 3 beans, does he give you the correct amount?","kodi mutamufunsa Chikondi kuti akupatseni zinthu zitatu, monga miyala itatu kapena nyemba zitatu, akhonza kukupasani zamulingo olondola?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8017,"If you ask Chikondi to give you 3 objects, such as 3 stones or 3 beans, does she give you the correct amount?","kodi mutamufunsa Chikondi kuti akupatseni zinthu zitatu, monga miyala itatu kapena nyemba zitatu, akhonza kukupasani zamulingo olondola?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8018,"Can Chikondi count 10 objects, for example, 10 fingers or 10 blocks, without mistakes?","kodi Chikondi angathe kuwerenga zinthu khumi, mwachitsanzo, zala khumi kapena zidina/njerwa khumi, mopanda kuphonyetsa? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8019,"Can Chikondi do an activity, such as coloring or playing with building blocks, without repeatedly asking for help or giving up too quickly?","Kodi Chikondi amatha kuchita masewero monga kuchekenera zinthu kapena kuseweretsa zidina, mopanda kupempha chithandizo kapena kunyanyala mwachangu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8020,"Does Chikondi ask about familiar people other than parents when they are not there, for example, ""Where is Grandma?""?","kodi Chikondi amatha kufunsa za anthu ena odziwika kupatula makolo ake pamene achokapo, mwachitsanzo ""Kodi agogo apita kuti?""",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8021,Does Chikondi offer to help someone who seems to need help?,Kodi Chikondi amadzipereka kuthandiza munthu wina yemwe akufunika chithandizo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8022,Does Chikondi get along well with other children?,Kodi Chikondi amakhala bwino ndi ana anzake?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8023,"How often does Chikondi seem to be very sad or depressed? Would you say: daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never?","kodi Chikondi amaoneka okhumudwa kwambiri kapena okhudzidwa kwambiri mwapafupifupi motani? Mukhoza kunena kuti tsiku ndi tsiku, kapena sabata ndi sabata, kapena mwezi ndi mwezi, kapena kangapo pachaka, kapena sizichitika?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8024,"Compared with other children of the same age, how much does Chikondi kick, bite, or hit other children or adults? Would you say: not at all, the same or less, more, or a lot more?","Kodi mukayelekeza ndi ana ena azaka zofanana naye, ndikangati komwe Chikondi amaponda, kuluma, kapena kumenya anzake kapena anthu ena akulu? Mungandiuze kuti: iyeyu sachita mkomwe, amachita mofanana kapena pang'ono, amachita kwambiri, kapena amachita moposera apo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8025,"Now I would like to ask you some questions about your brothers and sisters born to your biological mother, including those who are living with you, those living elsewhere and those who have died. From our experience in prior surveys, we know it may sometimes be difficult to establish a complete list of all the children born to your biological mother. We will work together to draw the most complete list and work to recall all your siblings. Could you please now give me the names of all of your brothers and sisters born to your biological mother.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi achimwene komano achemwali anu amene munabadwa nawo bere limodzi, khuphatikizirapo onse omwe mukukhala nawo, omwe akukhala kwina komanso omwe anamwalira. Potengera zomwe tinakumana nazo mu akafukufuku ena am'mbuyo, tikudziwa kuti nthawi zina zimakhala zovuta kutchula m'ndandanda wa ana wonse omwe munabadwa nawo bere limodzi. Tigwira tonse ntchito yolemba m'ndandanda komanso kukumbukira maina onse a anthu amene munabadwa nawo bere limodzi. Chonde ndipatseni maina onse achimwene komanso achemwali anu omwe munabadwa nawo kuchokera kwa mayi m'modzi. + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8026,"Please tell me, which brother or sister was born first? And who was born next?","Chonde ndiuzeni, ndi m'chimwene kapena m'chemwali uti yemwe anayamba kubadwa? Nanga otsatana naye ndi ndani? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8027,Any more brothers or sisters? ,Pali achimwene kapena achemwali ena owonjezera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8028,Are there any other brothers and sisters from the same mother that you have not mentioned?," +Kodi pali achimwene kapena achemwali ena omwe munabadwa nawo kuchokera kwa mayi m'modzi omwe simunawatchule?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8029,Sometimes people forget to mention children born to their biological mother because they do not live with them or they do not see them very often. Are there any brothers or sisters who do not live with you that you have not mentioned?,Nthawi zina anthu amayiwala kutchula mayina a ana omwe anabadwa nawo bele limodzi chifukwa chakuti samakhala nawo limodzi kapena chifukwa chakuti samaonana nawo pafupipafupi. Kodi pali achimwene kapena achemwali ena omwe samakhala ndi inu omwe simunawatchule? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8030,Sometimes people forget to mention children born to their biological mother because they have died. Are there any brothers or sisters who died that you have not mentioned?,Nthawi zina anthu amayiwala kutchula mayina a ana omwe anabadwa nawo bele limodzi chifukwa chakuti anamwalira. Kodi pali achimwene kapena achemwali omwe anamwalira amene simunawatchule?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8031,"Some people have brothers or sisters from the same mother but a different father. Are there any brothers or sisters born to your biological mother, but who have a different natural father, that you have not mentioned?","Anthu ena ali ndi achimwene kapenanso achemali awo obadwa kuchokera kwa mayi mmodzi koma bambo osiyana. kodi alipo achimwene kapena achemwali ena amene munabadwa kuchokera kwa mayi mmodzi, koma bambo osiyana omwe simunawatchule? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8032,"Just to make sure that I have this right: Your mother had in total --- births, excluding you, during her lifetime. Is that correct?","Mongotsimikizira kuti zomwe ndalembazi ndi zolondola: Mayi anu anabereka ana ___ kupatula inuyo, pamoyo wawo wonse. Kodi ndizolondola?.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8033,How many births did your mother have before you were born?,Kodi amayi anu anali atabereka kale ana angati panthawi yomwe mumkabadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8034,Is Tiyamike male or female?,Kodi Tiyamike ndi mamuna kapena mkazi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8035,Is Tiyamike still alive?,Kodi Tiyamike anakali ndi moyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8036,How old is Tiyamike?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi zaka zingati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8037,How many years ago did Tiyamike die?,Kodi papita zaka zingati chimwalilireni Tiyamike?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8038,How old was Tiyamike when he died?,"Kodi Tiyamike anali ndi zaka zingati panthawi yomwe ankamwalira? + +.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8039,How old was Tiyamike when she died?,Kodi Tiyamike anali ndi zaka zingati panthawi yomwe ankamwalira? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8040,Was Tiyamike pregnant when she died?,Kodi Tiyamike anali oyembekezera panthawi yomwe amamwalira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8041,Did Tiyamike die during childbirth?,Kodi Tiyamike anamwalira akubereka??,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8042,Did Tiyamike die within two months after the end of a pregnancy or childbirth?,Kodi Tiyamike anamwalira m'miyezi iwiri yoyambirila pathupi patangochoka kapena mwana atangobadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8043,How many days after the end of the pregnancy or childbirth did Tiyamike die?,Kodi Tiyamike anamwalira patapita masiku angati atabereka kapena patachoka pathupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8044,Was Tiyamike's death due to an act of violence?,Kodi imfa ya Tiyamike inachitika chifukwa cha mchitidwe wa nkhanza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8045,Was Tiyamike's death due to an accident?,Kodi imfa ya Tiyamike inachitika chifukwa cha ngozi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8046,"Now I would like to ask you questions about some other important aspects of a woman's life. You may find some of these questions very personal. However, your answers are crucial for helping to understand the condition of women in Malawi. Let me assure you that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone and no one else in your household will know that you were asked these questions. If I ask you any question you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will go on to the next question.",Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni zokhudzana ndi zinthu zina zofunika kwambiri pamoyo wa amayi. Ndikudziwa kuti ena mwa mafunsowa ndi okhudza zinthu zina zachinsinsi m'moyo wanu. Komabe mayankho anu athandiza kumvetsa mavuto omwe azimayi amakumana nawo m'Malawi muno. Ndikufuna ndikutsimikizireni kuti zonse zimene mundiyankhe zikhala zachinsinsi ndipo sizidzaululidwa kwa wina aliyense komanso palibe adzadziwe kuti inuyo munafunsidwa mafunso amenewa. Ngati ndakufunsani funso lomwe inuyo simukufuna kuyankha mundiuze kuti tipite pafunso lotsatira.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8047,You have said that you are not married and are not living with a man as if married. Are you currently in an intimate relationship with a man even though you are not living with him?,Mwanena kuti ndinu osakwatiwa komanso simukhala ndi mwamuna ngati muli pabanja. Kodi muli pa ubwezi wapamtima ndi mwamuna ngakhale simukhala naye limodzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8048,Have you ever been in an intimate relationship with a man even though you did not ever live with him? ,Kodi munakhalapo pa ubwezi wapamtima ndi mwamuna ngakhale simunakhalire naye limodzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8049,"Now, I am going to ask you about some situations that can happen between some women and their husband/male partner. ",Tsopano ndikufunsani zokhudzana ndi zimene zimachitika pakati pa azimayi ndi amuna/abwezi awo,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8050,Please tell me if these descriptions apply to your relationship with your last husband/male partner.,Chonde ndiuzeni ngati zimene ndikufunsenizi amuna/ abwenzi anu omaliza amakuchitirani/ankakuchitirani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8051,"How often did this happen during the last 12 months: often, only sometimes, or not at all?","Kodi zimenezi zimachitika pafupipafupi bwanji pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi. Zimachitika pafupipafupi, mwa apo ndi apo kapena sizimachitika mkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8052,He is/was jealous or angry if you talk/talked to other men?,Amachita/ankachita nsanje kapena kukwiya ngati mwalankhula ndi amuna ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8053,He was jealous or angry if you talked to other men?,Ankachita nsanje kapena ankakwiya ngati mwalankhula ndi amuna ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8054,He is jealous or angry if you talk to other men?,Amachita nsanje kapena kukwiya ngati mwalankhula ndi amuna ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8055,He wrongly accuses/accused you of being unfaithful?,Amakunenani/ankakunenani molakwika kuti ndinu osakhulupirika?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8056,He wrongly accused you of being unfaithful?,Ankakunenani molakwika kuti ndinu osakhulupirika?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8057,He wrongly accuses you of being unfaithful?,Amakunenani molakwika kuti ndinu osakhulupirika?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8058,He does/did not permit you to meet your female friends?,Samakulolani/sankakulolani kuti mzikumana/kucheza ndi amayi/akazi anzanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8059,He did not permit you to meet your female friends?,Sankakulolani kuti mudzicheza/kumankhala pamodzi ndi amayi anzanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8060,He does not permit you to meet your female friends?,Samakulolani kutimudzicheza/kumankhala pamodzi ndi amayi anzanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8061,He tries/tried to limit your contact with your family?,Samafuna/sankafuna kuti mudzilumikizana ndi abale anu pafupipafupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8062,He tried to limit your contact with your family?,Ankayetsesa kuchepetsa kulukimikizana ndi abale anu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8063,He tries to limit your contact with your family?,Amayesetsa kuchepetsa kulumikizana ndi abale anu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8064,He insists/insisted on knowing where you are/were at all times?,Amafunitsitsa/ankafunutsitsa kudziwa komwe muli nthawi zonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8065,He insisted on knowing where you were at all times?,Ankafunitsitsa kudziwa komwe muli nthawi zonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8066,He insists on knowing where you are at all times?,Amafunitsitsa kudziwa komwe muli nthawi zonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8067,Now I need to ask some more questions about your relationship with your last husband/male partner.,Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso ena okhudza ubale wa inu ndi amuna/abwenzi anu omaliza.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8068,Did your last husband/male partner ever:,Kodi amuna/ abwenzi anu omaliza amachita/ anachitapo izi:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8069,Say or do something to humiliate you in front of others?,Kuyankhula kapena kuchita kuchita zinthu kuti akuchititseni manyazi pamaso pa anthu ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8070,Threaten to hurt or harm you or someone you care about?,Kuopsyeza kuti akhoza kupweteka inu kapena m'bale wanu/m'nzanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8071,Insult you or make you feel bad about yourself?,Kukunyozani kapena kukupangisani kuti muzizimvela chisoni nokha?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8072,Did your last husband/male partner ever do any of the following things to you:,Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu omaliza anayamba apangapo zina mwa zinthu izi kwa inu:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8073,"Push you, shake you, or throw something at you?","Kukukankhani, kukugwedezani, kapena kukugendani ndi chinthu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8074,Slap you? ,Kukumenyani mbama?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8075,Twist your arm or pull your hair?,Kukupotokolani nkono kapena kukukokani tsitsi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8076,Punch you with his fist or with something that could hurt you?,Kukumenyani ndi chibakera kapena chinthu choti chitha kukuvulazani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8077,"Kick you, drag you, or beat you up?","Kukupondani, kukukokani kapena kukumenyani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8078,Try to choke you or burn you on purpose?,Kukufinyani pakhosi kapena kukuotchani mwadala?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8079,"Attack you with a knife, gun, or other weapon?"," Kukubayani ndi mpeni, kukuopsyezani ndi mfuti kapena chida chilichonse? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8080,Physically force you to have sexual intercourse with him when you did not want to?,Kukukakamizani kuti mugonane nawo pamene inu musakufuna?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8081,Physically force you to perform any other sexual acts you did not want to?,Kukukakamizani kuti muchite mchitidwe uliwonse wogonana pamene inu musakufuna?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8082,Force you with threats or in any other way to perform sexual acts you did not want to?,Kukukakamizani moopseza kuchita njira zina zogonana zomwe inu simukufuna?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8083,Did the following ever happen as a result of what your last husband/male partner did to you:,Kodi zinthu izi zinachitika/zinabwera potsatira zomwe amuna/abwenzi anu omaliza anakuchitirani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8084,"You had cuts, bruises, or aches?","Munatemeka, kusupuka ndiponso kumva kuphwanya m'thupi.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8085,"You had eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns?","Munavulala diso, kusemphana mafupa,kugujumuka ziwalo kapena kukhala ndi mabala a moto?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8086,"You had deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury?","Munali ndi mabala akuluakulu, kuthyoka mafupa, kuguluka/kuthyoka mano kapena kuvulazidwa kwa mtundu wina uliwonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8087,"Have you ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to physically hurt your last husband/male partner at times when he was not already beating or physically hurting you?","Kodi munawamenyako, kuwaomba khofi, kuwamenya theche kapena kuchita china chilichonse chomwe chinawavulaza amuna/abwenzi anu omaliza panthawi yomwe iwo sanakumenyeni kapena kukuvulazani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8088,Did your last husband/male partner drink alcohol?,Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu omaliza ankamwa mowa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8089,Does your last husband/male partner drink alcohol?,Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu omaliza amamwa ankamwa mowa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8090,"How often did he get drunk: often, only sometimes, or never?","Kodi ankaledzera pafupipafupi bwanji: kawirikawiri, nthawi zina kapena sanaledzerepo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8091,"How often does he get drunk: often, only sometimes, or never?","Kodi amaledzera pafupipafupi bwanji: kawirikawiri, nthawi zina kapena sanaledzerepo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8092,"Were you afraid of your last husband/male partner: most of the time, sometimes, or never?","Kodi munkawaopa amuna/abwenzi anu omaliza kawirikawiri, nthawi zina kapena simunkawaopa nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8093,"Are you afraid of your last husband/male partner: most of the time, sometimes, or never?","Kodi mumawaopa amuna/ abwenzianu omaliza: kawirikawiri, nthawi zina kapena simumawaopa nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8094,So far we have been talking about the behavior of your current/last husband/male partner. Now I want to ask you about the behavior of any previous husband or any other current or previous male partner that you may have ever had.,Takhala tikukambirana za makhalidwe a amuna/abwenzi anu apanopa/omaliza. Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni za makhalidwe a amuna/abwenzi anu omwe munali nawo m'mbuyomu kapena omwe muli nawo pano. ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8095,How long ago did this last happen?,Kodi izi zinachitika liti komaliza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8096,"Did any previous husband or any other current or previous male partner ever hit, slap, kick, or do anything else to hurt you physically?","Kodi amuna/abwenzi anu am'mbuyomu kapena ena aliwonse amene mulinawo pano anakumenyanipo, kukuwombani khofi, kukumenyani mateche kapena kukuchitirani china chilichonse chimene chinakuvulazani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8097,Did any previous husband or any other current or previous male partner physically force you to have intercourse or perform any other sexual acts that you did not want to?,kodi pali amuna anu akale kapena atsopano kapena achibwenzi anu amuna akale anakuumirizani kugonana nawo kapena kuchita mchitidwe uliwonse okhudzana ndi zogonana ngakhale inu simunkafuna? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8098,"Did any previous husband or any other current or previous male partner humiliate you in front of others, threaten to hurt you or someone you care about, or insult you or make you feel bad about yourself?","Kodi amuna anu akale kapena atsopano kapenanso chibwenzi chanu chakale anakuchititsani manyazi pamaso pa anthu ena, kukuwopsezani kuti akupwetekani kapena munthu yemwe mumamukonda, kapenanso kukutukwanani kapena kukuyankhulani mokunyozetsani? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8099,How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts that you did not want to by any current or previous husband or male partner?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pamene munakakamizidwa koyamba kupanga zogonana kapena mchitidwe uliwonse okhudzana ndi zogonana umene inuyo simumafuna kuchita ndi amuna/abwenzi anu atsopano/akale. ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8100,"Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to hurt you physically while you were pregnant?","Kodi munthu wina aliyense anayamba wakumenyani, kukuombani khofi, kukumenyani theche kapena kuchita china chake chokuvulazani panthawi yomwe munali ndi pathupi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8101,"Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? + +Anyone else?","Ndi ndani amene anachita izi kuti akuvulazeni panthawi imene munali oyembekezera? + +Aliponso wina? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8102,"From the time you were 15 years old, has anyone other than a husband or male partner, hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically? Remember, I do not want you to include any husband or any other male partner. ","Kuchokera pamene munali ndi dzaka 15 zakubadwa, alipo wina kupatula amuna anu kapena chibwenzi chanu, amene anakumenyani khofi, theche kapena kuchita chilichonse chokuvulazani? Kumbukirani, sindikufuna kuti muwerengerepo amuna anu kapena chibwenzi chanu. ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8103,"From the time you were 15 years old, has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?","Kuchokera pamene munali ndi dzaka 15 zakubadwa, alipo wina aliyense amene anakumenyani khofi, theche kapena kuchita chilichonse chokuvulazani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8104,"Who has hurt you in this way? + +Anyone else?","Ndindani amene anakuvulazani munjira yotereyi? + +Aliponso wina? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8105,"In the last 12 months, how often has this person/have these persons physically hurt you: often, only sometimes, or not at all?","M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munthu/anthu amenewa anakuowetekani pafupipafupi bwanji: kawirikawiri, nthawi zina kapena sizimachitika nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8106,"At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone other than any previous husband or any other current or previous male partner ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to? Remember I do not want you to include any husband or male partner. ","Panthawi ina iliyonse m'moyo wanu, muli mwana kapena mutakula, kodi alipo wina aliyense kupatula amuna anu akale, kapena abwenzi anu atsopano kapena akale, amene anakuumirizani mwanjira ina iliyonse kuti mugonane nawo kapena kupanga mchititidwe wina uliwonse ogonana pamene inu simumkafuna kutero? Kumbukilani kuti sindikufuna kuti muwerengere amuna anu kapena abwenzi anu aamuna?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8107,"At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?","Panthawi ina iliyonse m'moyo wanu muli mwana kapena mutakula, kodi alipo wina aliyense amene anakuumirizani mwanjira ina iliyonse kuti mugonane nawo kapena kupanga mchititidwe wina uliwonse ogonana pamene inu simumkafuna kutero? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8108,"How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts that you did not want to by anyone, not including any husband or any other male partner? ","Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pamene munakakamizidwa koyamba kupanga zogonana kapena mchitidwe uliwonse okhudzana ndi zogonana umene inuyo simumafuna, kupatula amuna/abwenzi anu aliwonse? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8109,How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts that you did not want to?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati panthawi yomwe munakakamizidwa kugonana ndi mwamuna koyamba kapena kupanga mchitidwe wina uliwonse ogonana pamene inu simumkafuna?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8110,"Who has forced you to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts that you did not want to? + +Anyone else?","Kodi ndi ndani anakukakamzani kuti mugonane naye kapena kupanga mchitidwe wina ulionse wogonana pamene inu simumkafuna kutero? + +Aliponso wina? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8111,"In the last 12 months, has anyone other than any previous husband or any other current or previous male partner forced you to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts that you did not want to?","M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi alipo wina aliyense kupatula amuna anu akale, kapena abwenzi anu atsopano kapena akale, amene anakuumirizani kuti mugonane nawo kapena kupanga mchititidwe wina uliwonse ogonana pamene inu simumkafuna kutero? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8112,"In the last 12 months, has anyone forced you to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts that you did not want to?","M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi alipo wina aliyense amene anakukakamirizani kuti mugonane nawo kapena mchitidwe wina uliwonse ogonana pamene inu simumkafuna kutero?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8113,"Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help?","Poganizira zomwe zinakuchitikirani pa zinthu zosiyanasiyana zimene takambiranazi, kodi munayeserapo kupeza thandizo? ",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8114,"From whom have you sought help? + +Anyone else?","Kodi thandizoli munafuna kwa ndani? + +Aliponso wina? + +",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8115,Have you ever told any one about this?,Kodi munayamba mwauzapo munthu wina aliyense za nkhani imeneyi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8116,"As far as you know, did your father ever beat your mother?","Monga momwe mukudziwira, kodi bambo anu anayamba amenyako amayi anu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8117,"Please give me the names of the persons who usually live in your household and guests of the household who stayed here last night, starting with the head of the household.",Mungandiuze mndandanda wa maina a anthu omwe nthawi zambiri amakhala pakhomo pano kuphatikizapo alendo onse amene anagona pano usiku wathawu kuyambira ndi mutu wa pakhomo pano,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8118,What is the relationship of Tiyamike to the head of the household?,Kodi pali ubale wanji pakati pa Tiyamike ndi mutu wa pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8119,Is Tiyamike male or female?,Kodi Tiyamike ndi wa mwamuna kapena wa mkazi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8120,Does Tiyamike usually live here?,Kodi Tiyamike amakhalitsa pano nthawi zambiri?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8121,Did Tiyamike stay here last night?,Kodi Tiyamike anagona pano usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8122,How old is Tiyamike?,Kodi Tiyamike wakwanitsa zaka zingati zakubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8123,Are there any other persons living in this household?,Kodi aliponso anthu ena omwe amakhala pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8124,Just to make sure that I have a complete listing: are there any other people such as small children or infants that we have not listed?,Ndingotsimikiza ngati ndalemba aliyense pakhomo pano: Alipo anthu ena pakhomo pano monga ana ang'ono kapena akhanda omwe sindinawalembe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8125,"Are there any other people who may not be members of your family, such as domestic servants, lodgers, or friends who usually live here?","Nanga aliponso ena omwe siachibale monga antchito, anthu ena ongopeza nawo malo ogona molipira kapena anzanu omwe nthawi zambiri amakhala pakhomo pano?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8126,"Are there any guests or temporary visitors staying here, or anyone else who stayed here last night, who have not been listed?",Nanga aliponso alendo ena aliwonse amene amakhala pano kapena wina aliyense amene anagona pano usiku wathawu koma sanalembedwe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8127,What is Tiyamike's current marital status?,Kodi pakadali pano Tiyamike's ndi okwatira / okwatiwa kapena amakhala limodzi ndi mkazi / mwamuna ngati ali pa banja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8128,What is your current marital status?,Kodi ndinu okwatira / okwatiwa kapena mumakhala limodzi ndi mkazi / mwamuna ngati muli pa banja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8129,Is Tiyamike's biological mother alive?,Kodi mayi ake a Tiyamike womubereka ali moyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8130,Is your biological mother alive?,Kodi amayi anu wokuberekani ali moyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8131,"Does Tiyamike's biological mother usually live in this household or was she a guest last night? + + What is her name?","Nanga mayi a Tiyamike womubereka amakhala pakhomo pano nthawi zambiri kapena anali mlendo chabe usiku wathawu? + + Dzina lawo ndi ndani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8132,"Does your biological mother usually live in this household or was she a guest last night? + + What is her name?","Nanga amayi okuberekani amakhala pakhomo pano nthawi zambiri kapena anali mlendo chabe usiku wathawu? + + Dzina lawo ndi ndani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8133,Is Tiyamike's biological father alive?,Kodi bambo ake a Tiyamike womubereka ali moyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8134,Is your biological father alive?,Kodi bambo anu wokuberekani alimoyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8135,"Does Tiyamike's biological father usually live in this household or was he a guest last night? + + What is his name?","Nanga bambo ake a Tiyamike womuberekani amakhala pakhomo pano nthawi zambiri kapena anali mlendo chabe usiku wathawu? + + Dzina lawo ndi ndani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8136,"Does your biological father usually live in this household or was he a guest last night? + + What is his name?","Nanga abambo anu okuberekani amakhala pakhomo pano nthawi zambiri kapena anali mlendo chabe usiku wathawu? + + Dzina lawo ndi ndani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8137,Has Tiyamike ever attended school or any early childhood education program?,Kodi Tiyamike anapitako ku sukulu kapena sukulu ya mkaka/m'mera mpoyamba/mkomba phala?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8138,Have you ever attended school or any early childhood education program?,Kodi munapitako ku sukulu kapena sukulu ya mkaka/m'mera mpoyamba/mkomba phala?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8139,What is the highest level of school Tiyamike has attended?,"Kodi Tiyamike sukulu analekeza ku pulaimale, kusekondale kapena kupitilirapo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8140,What is the highest level of school you have attended?,"Kodi sukulu munalekeza ku pulaimale, kusekondale kapena kupitilirapo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8141,What is the highest grade Tiyamike completed at that level?,Kodi Tiyamike anamaliza kalasi yanji kusukuluko?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8142,What is the highest grade you completed at that level?,Kodi munamaliza kalasi yanji kusukuluko?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8143,Did Tiyamike attend school or any early childhood education program at any time during the 2019-2020 school year?,Kodi chaka cha sukulu cha 2023-2024 Tiyamike anapitako ku sukulu kapena sukulu ya mkaka/m'mera mpoyamba/mkomba phala nthawi ina iliyonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8144,Did you attend school or any early childhood education program at any time during the 2019-2020 school year?,Kodi chaka cha sukulu cha 2023-2024 munanapitako ku sukulu kapena sukulu ya mkaka/m'mera mpoyamba/mkomba phala nthawi ina iliyonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8145,"During [this/that] school year, what level and grade is/was Tiyamike attending?","Chaka chino/chimenecho cha sukulu, kodi Tiyamike ali/adali kalasi yanji?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8146,"During this/that school year, what level and grade are/were you attending?","Chaka chino/chimenecho cha sukulu, kodi muli/munali kalasi yanji?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8147,"During this/that school year, what level and grade is/was Tiyamike attending?","Chaka chino/chimenecho cha sukulu, kodi Tiyamike ali / adali kalasi yanji?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8148,"During this/that school year, what level and grade are/were you attending?","Chaka chino/chimenecho cha sukulu, kodi muli/munali kalasi yanji?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8149,"Does Tiyamike have a birth certificate? + + + Has Tiyamike's birth ever been registered with the civil authority?","Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi chiphaso cha kubadwa? + + + Kodi atabadwa Tiyamike munamulembetsa mukaundula kwa adindo aboma?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8150,Does Tiyamike wear glasses or contact lenses to help them see?,Kodi Tiyamike amavala magalasi wothandizira kuwona?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8151,Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to help you see?,Kodi mumavala magalasi wothandizira kuwona?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8152,Does Tiyamike have difficult in seeing?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi vuto lakuona?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8153,Do you have difficult in seeing?,Kodi muli ndi vuto lakuona?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8154,Does Tiyamike have difficult seeing even if wearing glasses?,Kodi Tiyamike amakhalabe ndi vuto lakuona ngakhale akavala magalasi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8155,Do you have difficult seeing even if wearing glasses?,Kodi mumakhalabe ndi vuto lakuona ngakhale mukavala magalasi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8156,Does Tiyamike wear a hearing aid?,Kodi Tiyamike amagwiritsa ntchito chida chothandizira kumva?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8157,Do you wear a hearing aid?,Kodi mumagwiritsa ntchito chida chothandizira kumva?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8158,Does Tiyamike have difficult in hearing?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi vuto lakumva?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8159,Do you have difficult in hearing?,Kodi muli ndi vuto lakumva?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8160,"Does Tiyamike have difficulty in hearing, even if using hearing aid?",Kodi Tiyamike amakhalabe ndi vuto lakumva ngakhale akugwiritsa ntchito chida chothandidzira kumva?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8161,"Do you have difficulty in hearing, even if using hearing aid?",Kodi mumakhalabe ndi vuto lakumva ngakhale mukugwiritsa ntchito chida chothandidzira kumva?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8162,Does Tiyamike have difficult in walking or climbing steps?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi vuto loyenda kapena kukwera masitepe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8163,Do you have difficult in walking or climbing steps?,Kodi muli ndi vuto loyenda kapena kukwera masitepe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8164,Does Tiyamike have difficulty in speaking?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi vuto lakulankhula?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8165,Do you have difficulty in speaking?,Kodi muli ndi vuto lakulankhula?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8166,Does Tiyamike have difficulty learning new things or solving problems or remembering?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi vuto lophunzira zinthu zatsopano kapena kupeza mayankho amavuto kapena kukumbukira zinthu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8167,Do you have difficulty learning new things or solving problems or remembering?,Kodi muli ndi vuto lophunzira zinthu zatsopano kapena kupeza mayankho amavuto kapena kukumbukira zinthu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8168,Would you say that Tiyamike has experienced developmental delay,Munganene kuti Tiyamike anakumana ndi vuto lakuchedwa kukula?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8169,Would you say that you have experienced developmental delay?,Munganene kuti munakumana ndi vuto lakuchedwa kukula?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8170,Does Tiyamike have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi vuto lodzisamalira yekha monga kusamba kapena kudziveka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8171,Do you have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing?,Kodi muli ndi vuto lodzisamalira nokha monga kusamba kapena kudziveka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8172,Does Tiyamike have Albinism?,Kodi Tiyamike ndi wachialubino?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8173,Do you have Albinism?,Kodi ndinu achialubino?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8174,Does Tiyamike have Epilepsy or seizures?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi khunyu kapena amakomoka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8175,Do you have Epilepsy or seizures?,Kodi muli ndi khunyu kapena mumakomokakomoka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8176,Does Tiyamike have any other disability?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi ulumali wina uli wonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8177,Do you have any other disability?,Kodi muli ndi ulumali wina uli wonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8178,What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?,Kodi nthawi zambiri anthu a pakhomo pano madzi akumwa mumakatunga kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8179,What is the main source of water used by your household for other purposes such as cooking and handwashing?,Kodi nthawi zambiri madzi wogwiritsa ntchito zinthu zina monga ophikira ndi kusamba m'manja mumakatunga kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8180,Where is that water source located?,Kodi malo amene mumakatunga madziwa ali kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8181,"How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back?","Zimakutengerani nthawi yaitali bwanji kupita kumeneko, kutunga madzi ndi kubwerako?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8182,Who usually goes to this source to collect the water for your household?,"Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amakatunga madzi a pakhomo pano? + + + .",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8183,"In the last month, has there been any time when your household did not have sufficient quantities of drinking water when needed?","Kodi mwezi wapitawu, inalipo nthawi imene pakhomo pano panalibe madzi okumwa okwanila panthawi imene anafunika?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8184,Do you usually do anything to the water to make it safer to drink?,Kodi nthawi zambiri pali chomwe mumachita kuti madzi okumwa akhale aukhondo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8185,"What do you usually do to make the water safer to drink? + + Anything else?","Kodi nthawi zambiri mumachita chani kuti madzi akumwa akhale aukhondo? + + Pali chinanso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8186,What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use?,Kodi pakhomo pano nthawi zambiri mumagwiritsa ntchito chimbudzi chotani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8187,Do you share this toilet facility with other households?,Kodi alipo makomo ena omwe amagwiritsa nawo ntchito chimbudzichi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8188,"Including your own household, how many households use this toilet facility?",Kodi ndi makomo angati omwe amagwiritsa ntchito chimbudzichi kuphatikizapo khomo lanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8189,Where is this toilet facility located?,Kodi chimbudzi chimenechi chilikuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8190,Has your septic tank ever been emptied?,Kodi dzenje lachimbuzi chanu linapopedwapo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8191,Has your pit latrine ever been emptied?,Kodi chimbudzi chanu chokumba chinapopedwapo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8192,Has your composting toilet ever been emptied?,"Kodi chimbudzi chanu cha manyowa, manyowawo anayamba achotsedwapo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8193,"The last time the septic tank was emptied, was it emptied by a service provider?","Nthawi yomaliza kupopa dzenje lachimbudzi limeneli, kodi inapopedwa ndi akatswiri a za ntchito imeneyi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8194,"The last time the pit latrine was emptied, was it emptied by a service provider?","Nthawi yomaliza kupopa chimbudzi chokumba chimenechi, kodi chinapopedwa ndi akatswiri a za ntchito imeneyi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8195,"The last time the composting toilet was emptied, was it emptied by a service provider?","Nthawi yomaliza kupopa chimbudzi cha manyowa, kodi chinapopedwa ndi akatswiri a za ntchito imeneyi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8196,Where were the contents emptied to?,Kodi zochotsedwa muchimbuzimo zinakataidwa kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8197,"In your household, what type of cookstove is mainly used for cooking?","Kodi pakhomo pano, mumagwiritsa ntchito chipangizo chanji pophika?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8198,Does the stove have a chimney?,Kodi chipangizo chophikirachi chili ndi chumuni/chotulutsira utsi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8199,What type of fuel or energy source is used in this cookstove?,Kodi chipangizo chophikila chimenechi chimagwiritsa ntchito moto wa mtundu wanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8200,"Is the cooking usually done in the house, in a separate building, or outdoors?","Kodi nthawi zambiri mumaphikira m'nyumba, m'khitchini yomwe ili panja kapena panja?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8201,Do you have a separate room which is used as a kitchen?,Kodi muli ndi chipinda chapadera chomwe chimagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati khitchini?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8202,"What does this household use to heat the home when needed? + + What type of heater is the (electricity/gas) used in?","kodi pakhomo pano mukafuna kutenthesa mnyumba mumagwilitsa ntchito chani? + + + kodi ndi chida chanji chotenthesela mnyumba chimene magetsi/gasi amagwilitsa ntchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8203,Does it have a chimney?,kodi chili ndi chumuni/chotulutsira utsi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8204,What type of fuel or energy source is used in this heater?,Kodi chipangizo chotenthesela chimenechi chimagwiritsa ntchito moto wa mtundu wanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8205,"At night, what does your household mainly use to light the home?",kodi nthawi zambili pakhomo pano mumawunikila chani usiku?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8206,How many rooms in this household are used for sleeping?,Kodi pakhomo pano muli ndi zipinda zingati zomwe mumagwiritsa ntchito pogonamo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8207,"Does this household own any livestock, herds, other farm animals, or poultry?",Kodi pakhomo pano muli ndi ziweto?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8208,How many of the following animals does this household own?,Kodi muli ndi ziweto zingati mwa izi:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8209,Milk cows or bulls?,Ng'ombe zamkaka kapena zamphongo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8210,Other cattle?,Ng'ombe za mtundu wina uliwonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8211,"Horses, donkeys, or mules?","Hatchi, bulu",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8212,Goats?,Mbuzi,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8213,Sheep?,Nkhosa,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8214,Chickens ?,Nkhuku,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8215,Other poultry?,"Mtundu wina wa mbalame monga bakha, nkhunda, nkhukutembo, nkhanga?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8216,Pigs,Nkhumba,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8217,Does any member of this household own any agricultural land?,Kodi pakhomo pano alipo amene ali ndi malo ake ake a zaulimi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8218,How many hectares of agricultural land do members of this household own?,Kodi malo azaulimi a anthu onse apakhomo pano ndi akulu bwanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8219,Does your household have:,Kodi pakhomo pano muli ndi zinthu izi:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8220,Electricity?,Magetsi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8221,A radio?,Wailesi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8222,A television?,Wailesi ya kanema?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8223,A non-mobile telephone?,Foni ya m'nyumba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8224,A computer?,Kompyuta?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8225,A refrigerator?,Firiji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8226,Sofa set?,Mipando ya sofa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8227,Bed with mattress,Kama wokhala ndi matilesi ake?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8228,Torch,Nyale,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8229,Does any member of this household own:,Kodi pakhomo pano alipo amene ali ndi zinthu izi:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8230,A watch?,Wotchi,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8231,A mobile phone?,Foni ya m'manja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8232,A bicycle?,Njinga ya kapalasa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8233,A motorcycle or motor scooter?,Njinga ya moto?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8234,An animal-drawn cart?,Ngolo,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8235,A car or truck?,Galimoto,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8236,A boat with a motor?,Bwato la injini,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8237,A laptop?,Laptop,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8238,Does any member of this household have an account in a bank or other financial institution?,Kodi pakhomo pano alipo amene ali ndi buku laku banki kapena mabungwe ena osunga ndalama?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8239,"Does any member of this household use a mobile phone to make financial transactions such as sending or receiving money, paying bills, purchasing goods or services, or receiving wages?","Kodi pakhomo pano alipo munthu wina aliyene amene amagwilitsa ntchito lamya yammanja potumiza kapena kulandilila ndalama, kulipilila ma bilu, kugula katundu kapena tchito kapena kulalandililapo malipilo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8240,"How often does anyone smoke inside your house? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, less often than once a month, or never?","Kodi ndi kangati komwe wina aliyense amasuta fodya m'nyumba mwanu? Tinganene kuti ndi tsiku lililonse, sabata iliyonse, mwezi uliwonse, kosachepera kamodzi pa mwezi kapena sasuta mkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8241,Does your household have any mosquito nets?,Kodi pakhomo pano muli ndi ukonde wa udzudzu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8242,How many mosquito nets does your household have?,Kodi pakhomo pano maukonde a udzudzu alipo angati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8243,I would like to take a look at the nets. Can you show me the first net?,Ndimafuna nditawonako maukonde omwe muli nawo. Kodi mungandiwonetseko ukonde wanu woyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8244,I would like to take a look at the net. Can you show me the net?,Ndimafuna nditawonako ukondewo. Kodi mungandiwonetseko ukondewo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8245,Can you show me the next net?,kodi mungandiwoneseko ukonde wotsatira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8246,How many months ago did your household get the mosquito net?,Kodi papita miyezi ingati chipezereni maukonde a udzudzu pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8247,"Did you get the net through a mass distribution campaign, during an antenatal care visit, or during an immunization visit?","Kodi ukonde umenewu munakalandila nthawi ya kampeni ya zaumoyo, kusikelo ya amayi apakati kapena pokalandira katemera wa mwana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8248,Where did you get the net?,Kodi ukonde umenewu munawupeza kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8249,Did anyone sleep under this mosquito net last night?,Kodi alipo wina aliyense amene anagona mu ukonde wa udzudzu umenewu usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8250,Who slept under this mosquito net last night?,Ndi ndani amene anagona mu ukonde wa udzudzu usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8251,Who else slept under this mosquito net last night?,Ndindani wina amene anagonanso mu ukonde wa udzudzu usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8252,Who else slept under this mosquito net last night?,Ndindani wina amene anagonanso mu ukonde wa udzudzu usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8253,Who else slept under this mosquito net last night?,Ndindani wina amene anagonanso mu ukonde wa udzudzu usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8254,What was the main reason this net was not used last night?,kodi chifukwa chenicheni ndi chiyani chimene ukondewu sunagwilitsidwe ntchito usiku wathawu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8255,We would like to learn about the places that households use to wash their hands. Can you please show me where members of your household most often wash their hands?,Tikufuna kudziwa zamalo amene anthu amagwiritsa ntchito posamba m'manja m'makomo. Kodi mungandiwonetseko malo amene nthawi zambiri anthu pakhomo pano amagwiritsa ntchito posamba m'manja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8256,I would like to check whether the salt used in your household is iodized. May I have a sample of the salt used to cook meals in your household?,Ndikufuna kuyeza ngati mchere umene mumagwiritsa ntchito pakhono uli ndi ayodini. Kodi mungndipatseko mchere pang'ono umene mumagwiritsa ntchito pophika zakudya pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8257,In what month and year were you born?,Munabadwa mwezi ndipo chaka chiti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8258,How old were you at your last birthday?,Mwakwanitsa zaka zingati zakubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8259,Have you ever attended school?,Kodi munapitako kusukulu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8260,"What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, secondary, or higher?","Munalekeza ku pulaimali,sekondale kapena kupatilira apo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8261,What is the highest FORM/YEAR you completed at that level?,Mudamaliza kalasi yanji kusukuluko?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8262,"Now I would like you to read this sentence to me. + + + + Can you read any part of the sentence to me?","Tsopano ndikufuna kuti mundiwerengere chiganizo ichi. + + + Kodi mungathe kundiwerengerako ena mwa mau a m'chiganizo ichi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8263,"Do you read a newspaper or magazine at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?","Kodi mumawerenga nyuzipepala kapena magazini kosachepera kamodzi pasabata, mwakamodzikamodzi kapena simuwerenga nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8264,"Do you listen to the radio at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?","Kodi mumamvera wailesi kosachepera kamodzi pasabata, mwakamodzikamodzi kapena simumvera nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8265,"Do you watch television at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?","Kodi mumaonera wailesi yakanema kosachepera kamodzi pasabata, mwakamodzikamodzi kapena simuonera nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8266,Do you own a mobile telephone?,Kodi muli ndi lamya ya m'manja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8267,Do you use your mobile phone for any financial transactions?,"Kodi mumagwiritsa ntchito lamya yanu potumizira,kulandilira ndalama kulipilira kapena kugulira zinthu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8268,Do you have an account in a bank or other financial institution that you yourself use?,Kodi muli ndi bukhu la kubanki kapena mabungwe ena aliwonse azachuma lomwe mumaligwiritsa ntchito?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8269,Have you ever used the internet?,Kodi munayamba mwagwiritsa ntchito intaneti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8270,"In the last 12 months, have you used the internet?",Kodi mwagwiritsapo ntchito intaneti m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8271,"During the last one month, how often did you use the internet: almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week, or not at all?","Kodi pamwezi umodzi wapitawu, mwagwiritsa ntchito intaneti pafupifupi tsiku lililonse,kosachepera kamodzi pasabata,mwakamodzikamodzi kapena simunagwiritse nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8272,What is your religion?,Kodi ndinu achipembezo chanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8273,What is your tribe or ethnic group?,Kodi ndinu a mtundu wanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8274,"In the last 12 months, how many times have you been away from home for one or more nights?","Kodi m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, ndikangati komwe munachoka pakhomo pano kwa usiku umodzi kapena kupitilira apo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8275,"In the last 12 months, have you been away from home for more than one month at a time?","Kodi m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munachoka pakhomo pano kwa nthawi yopitilira mwezi umodzi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8276,"Now I would like to ask about any children you have had during your life. I am interested in all of the children that are biologically yours, even if they are not legally yours or do not have your last name. Have you ever fathered any children with any woman?",Tsopano ndikufuna ndidziwe za ana omwe mwabereka moyo wanu wonse. Ndili ndi chidwi ndi ana okhawo munabereka inuyo ngakhale sakukhala pano kapenanso sakutchulidwa ndi dzina lanu. Kodi munaberekapo ana ndi mzimayi wina aliyense?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8277,Do you have any sons or daughters that you have fathered who are now living with you?,Kodi muli ndi ana amuna kapena akazi omwe munabereka inuyo ndipo mumakhala nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8278,How many sons live with you?,Ndi ana amuna angati amene mumakhala nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8279,And how many daughters live with you?,Ndi ana akazi angati amene mumakhala nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8280,Do you have any sons or daughters that you have fathered who are alive but do not live with you?,Kodi muli ndi ana amuna kapena akazi amene munabereka inuyo ndipo simumakhala nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8281,How many sons are alive but do not live with you?,Ndi ana amuna angati omwe ali moyo koma simukukhala nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8282,And how many daughters are alive but do not live with you?,Ndi ana akazi angati omwe ali moyo koma simukukhala nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8283,"Have you ever fathered a son or a daughter who was born alive but later died? + + Any baby who cried, who made any movement, sound, or effort to breathe, or who showed any other signs of life even if for a very short time?","Kodi munaberekapo mwana wamwamuna kapena wamkazi amene adabadwa ndi moyo kenako nkumwalira? + + Apa ndikutanthauza kuti mwana amene atabadwa anaonetsa zizindikiro za moyo monga kutakataka, kulira, kupuma kapena zizindikiro zina zilizonse kenako nkumwalira patapita kanthawi kochepa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8284,How many boys have died?,Ndi ana amuna angati anamwalira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8285,And how many girls have died?,Nanga ndi ana akazi angati anamwalira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8286,Did all of the children you have fathered have the same biological mother?,Kodi ana onse munaberekawo mayi wawo owabereka ndi m'modzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8287,How old were you when your first child was born?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pomwe munabereka mwana wanu woyamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8288,How old were you when your last child was born?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pomwe mwana wanu womaliza anabadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8289,How old is your youngest child?,Kodi mwana wanu wamng'ono ali ndi zaka zingati zakubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8290,How old is your first child?,Kodi mwana wanu woyamba kubadwa ali ndi zaka zingati zakubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8291,What is the name of your youngest child?,Kodi mwana wanu wamng'ono dzina lake ndi ndani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8292,What is the name of your first child?,Kodi mwana wanu dzina lake ndani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8293,"When Tiyamike's mother was pregnant with Tiyamike, did she have any antenatal check-ups?",Pamene mayi ake a Tiyamike anatenga pathupi pa Tiyamike kodi anapita kukalandira chithandizo chilichonse kusikero ya amayi a pakati ali ndi pathupipa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8294,Were you ever present during any of those antenatal check-ups?,Kodi inuyo munayamba mwapita nawo pomwe amakalandila thandizo la amayi apathupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8295,Were you offered a test for HIV by the health provider during any of the antenatal check-ups?,Kodi munapatsidwa mwayi oyezetsa kuti mudziwe ngati muli ndi kachirombo koyambitsa EDZI ndi a zaumoyo nthawi ina iliyonse ngati gawo limodzi la sikelo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8296,"I don’t want to know the results, but were you tested for HIV at that time?","Sindikufuna kudziwa zotsatira, kodi inuyo munayezetsa ngati muli ndi kachilombo koyambitsa EDZI nthawi imeneyo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8297,Was Tiyamike born in a hospital or health facility?,Kodi Tiyamike anabadwira kuchipatala chachikulu kapena chaching'ono?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8298,"When a child has diarrhea, how much should he or she be given to drink: more than usual, about the same as usual, less than usual, or nothing to drink at all?","Pamene mwana akutsegula m'mimba kodi ayenera kupatsidwa zokumwa zochuluka bwanji: zochuluka kusiyana ndi nthawi zonse, chimodzimodzi mwa nthawi zonse, zochepera kusiyana ndim'mene mumampatsira nthawi zonse kapena osampatsa nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8299,Now I would like to talk about family planning - the various ways or methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy. Have you ever heard of family planning?,Tsopano ndikufuna kukamba nanu nkhani zakulera.Pali njira zambiri zimene mabanja komanso anthu okhalira limodzi ngati ali pabanja angatsatire kuti amayi asakhale ndi pathupi kapene kupewa kumene. Kodi munamvapo za njira za kulera ?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8300,Women can have an operation to avoid having any more children.,"Kutseka kwa amayi. + Amayi amatseka kuti asadzaberekenso.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8301,Male Sterilisation: Men can have an operation to avoid having any more children.,"Kutseka kwa abambo. + Abambo amatseka kuti asadzaberekenso.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8302,Women can have a loop or coil placed inside them by a doctor or a nurse which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.,"Kuikitsa lupu. + Amayi kuikidwa lupu m'chiberekero ndi dotolo kapena namwino kuti asatenge pathupi kwa chaka chimodzi kapena kupitirira.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8303,"Injectables. + Women can have an injection by a health provider that stops them from becoming pregnant for one or more months.","Kubaitsa jakisoni. + Amayi amabayitsa jakisoni ndi achipatala wowateteza kuti asatenge pathupi kwa mwezi umodzi kapena kupitirira apo.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8304,"Implants. + Women can have one or more small rods placed in their upper arm by a doctor or nurse which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.","Kuikidwa timachubu tamankhwala pamkono. + Amayi amaikidwa timachubu tamankhwala pamkono ndi dotolo kapena namwino towateteza kuti asakhale ndi pathupi kwa chaka kapena kupitirira apo.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8305,"Pill. + Women can take a pill every day to avoid becoming pregnant.","Mapilitsi. + Amayi amamwa mapilitsi kuti asatenge pathupi.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8306,"Condom. + Men can put a rubber sheath on their penis before sexual intercourse.",Condom: Abambo amavala condom asanayambe kugonana ndi mkazi.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8307,"Female Condom. + Women can place a sheath in their vagina before sexual intercourse.","Condom yamayi. + Amayi amaika condom kunjira ya abambo asanayambe kugonana ndi mwamuna.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8308,"Emergency Contraception. + As an emergency measure, within three days after they have unprotected sexual intercourse, women can take special pills to prevent pregnancy.",Amayi atagonana kale ndi mwamuna amamwa mapilisi olera pasanathe masiku atatu owateteza kuti asatenge pathupi.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8309,"Standard Days Method. A woman uses a string of colored beads to know the days she can get pregnant. On the days she can get pregnant, she uses a condom or does not have sexual intercourse.",Amayi amagwiritsa ntchito chingwe cha mikanda ya mitundu yosiyanasiyana kuti adziwe masiku otenga pathupi. M'masiku oti angatenge pathupi amagwiritsa ntchito condom kapena sagonana nkomwe.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8310,"Lactational Amenorrhea Method. + Up to six months after childbirth, before the menstrual period has returned, women use a method requiring frequent breastfeeding day and night.","Kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yoyambirira mwana atangobadwa, mayi asanayambe kusamba, amayamwitsa mwakathithi masana ndi usiku.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8311,"Rhythm Method. + To avoid pregnancy, women do not have sexual intercourse on the days of the month they think they can get pregnant.","Pofuna kupewa kutenga pathupi, amayi sagonana ndi amuna m'masiku omwe akuganiza kuti akhoza kutenga pathupi.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8312,"Withdrawal. + Men can be careful and pull out before climax.",Abambo amazula ndikutayira kapena kumalizira padera nthawi yomwe akugonana ndi mkazi.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8313,Have you heard of any other ways or methods that women or men can use to avoid pregnancy?,Kodi munamvapo za njira zina za kulera kuonjezera pa zomwe ndatchulazi zomwe amayi kapena abambo angatsate popewa kutenga/ kupereka pathupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8314,In the last few months have you:,M'miyezi ingapo yapitayi:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8315,Heard about family planning on the radio?,Munamvapo za kulera pawailesi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8316,Seen anything about family planning on the television?,Kuona za kulera pa wailesi ya kanema?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8317,Read about family planning in a newspaper or magazine?,Kuwerenga za kulera mu nyuzipepala kapena magazini?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8318,Received a voice or text message about family planning on a mobile phone?,Kulandila uthenga wa zakulera pa foni ya m'manja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8319,Read about family planning on the internet/website?,Kuwerenga za kulera pa internet/ website?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8320,Read about family planning on a poster?,Kuwerenga zakulera kuchokera nzinthunzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8321,"Read about family planning on clothing (i.e. cap. chitenji, t-shirt)?","Kuwerenga zakulera ku zolembedwa pansalu ( monga: chipewa, chitenje, malaya)?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8322,Heard about family planning in a drama?,Kumva za kulera kuchokera mu zisudzo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8323,"In the last few months, have you discussed family planning with a health worker or health professional?","M'miyezi ingapo yapitayi, munakambiranapo zakulera ndi azaumoyo kapena azachipatala?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8324,"Now I would like to ask you about a woman's risk of pregnancy. From one menstrual period to the next, are there certain days when a woman is more likely to become pregnant when she has sexual relations?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni za chiopsezo kwa mayi chotenga pathupi. Kodi kuyambira pamene mzimayi akusamba mpakana msambo winawo, alipo masiku omwe angathe kutenga pathupi mosavuta atagonana ndi mwamuna?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8325,"Is this time just before her period begins, during her period, right after her period has ended, or halfway between two periods?","Kodi masiku amenewa nkuti atatsala pang'ono kusamba, kapena ali pakati posamba, atangomaliza kapena ali patheka lamasiku odikira msambo wotsatira?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8326,"After the birth of a child, can a woman become pregnant before her menstrual period has returned?",Kodi mayi angatenge pathupi atabereka mwana koma asanayambe kusamba?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8327,I will now read you some statements about contraception. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with each one.,Tsopano ndikuwerengerani ziganizo zokhudzana ndi kulera. Munndiuze ngati mukugwirizana kapena kutsutsana nazo:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8328,Contraception is a woman’s concern and a man should not have to worry about it.,Kulera ndi nkhani yokhudza amayi ndipo abambo asamavutike nayo,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8329,Women who use contraception may become promiscuous.,Amayi amene amalera akhoza kuyamba chimasomaso/uhule.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8330,Are you currently married or living together with a woman as if married?,Kodi ndinu okwatira kapena mumakhala ndi mkazi ngati muli pabanja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8331,Have you ever been married or lived together with a woman as if married?,Kodi munakwatirapo kapena kukhala limodzi ndi mkazi ngati muli pa banja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8332,"What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced, or separated?","Kodi panopa ndinu amasiye, munalekana kapena munangonyanyalitsana chabe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8333,Is your wife/partner living with you now or is she staying elsewhere?,Kodi panopa mkazi/bwenzi lanulo likukhala pamodzi ndi inuyo kapena likukhala kwina?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8334,Do you have other wives or do you live with other women as if married?,Kodi muli ndi akazi kapena amayi ena omwe mumakhala nawo ngati muli pabanja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8335,"Altogether, how many wives or live-in partners do you have?","Kodi kuphatikiza akazi anu ndi ena omwe mumakhala nawo ngati muli pabanja, onse pamodzi alipo angati?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8336,Please tell me the name of your wife/the woman you are living with as if married.,Mungandiuze dzina la mkazi wanu /mkazi yemwe mumakhala naye ngati muli pabanja.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8337,Please tell me the name of each of your wives or each woman you are living with as if married.,Mungandiuze maina a akazi anu onse kapenanso akazi amene mukukhala nawo ngati muli pabanja.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8338,How old was Tiyamike on her last birthday?,Kodi Tiyamike ali ndi zaka zingati zakubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8339,Have you been married or lived with a woman only once or more than once?,Kodi munakwatirapo kapena kukhala limodzi ndi mkazi ngati muli pa banja kamodzi kapena kosachepera kamodzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8340,In what month and year did you start living with your wife/partner?,Ndi mwezi ndiponso chaka chanji chimene munayamba kukhala limodzi ndi mkazi/chibwezi chanu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8341,Now I would like to ask about your first wife/partner. In what month and year did you start living with her?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndidziwe zamkazi/chibwezi chanu choyamba.Ndi mwezi ndipo chaka chiti chimene munayamba kukhala limodzi ndi mkazi/chibwezi chomwe mumakhala nacho limodzi ngati banja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8342,How old were you when you first started living with her?,Munali ndi zaka zingati pomwe munayamba kukhala naye limodzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8343,"I would like to ask some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues. Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. If we should come to any question that you don't want to answer, just let me know and we will go to the next question. + + How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the very first time?","Tsopano ndikufuna ndifunse zokhudzana kugonana kuti ndimvetsetse zinthu zina zofunikira pa moyo wamunthu. Ndikutsimikizireninso kuti zomwe tikambirane pano zikhala zachinsisi. Ngati mukuona kuti simungathe kuyankha mafunso ena mundiuze kuti tipitilize ndi mafunso otsatira. + + Munali ndi zaka zingati pomwe munagonana ndi mkazi koyamba?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8344,Now I would like to ask you about your recent sexual activity. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi kugonanakwaposachedwapa. Ndi liti munagonana ndi mkazi komaliza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8345,When was the last time you had sexual intercourse with this person?,Ndi liti munagonana ndi mkazi ameneyu komaliza ?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8346,"The last time you had sexual intercourse with this person, was a condom used?","Panthawi yomaliza kugonana ndi mkazi ameneyu, munagwiritsa ntchito condom?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8347,Was a male or female condom used every time you had sexual intercourse with this person in the last 12 months?,Kodi mumagwiritsa ntchito condom ya abambo kapena ya amayi nthawi zonse mukamagonana ndi mkazi ameneyu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8348,"What was your relationship to this person with whom you had sexual intercourse? + + Were you living together as if married?","Kodi panali ubale wanji pakati pa inu ndi mkazi amene munagonana naye? + + Kodi panthawiyo mumakhalira limodzi ngati muli pabanja?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8349,How long ago did you first have sexual intercourse with this person?,Papita nthawi yaitali bwanji kuchokera pamene munagonana koyamba ndi mkazi ameneyu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8350,How many times during the last 12 months did you have sexual intercourse with this person?,Pamiyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi mwagonana kangati ndi mkazi ameneyu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8351,How old is this person?,Mkazi ameneyu ali ndi zaka zingati zakubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8352,"Apart from this person, have you had sexual intercourse with any other person in the last 12 months?","Kupatula mkazi ameneyu, pali winanso amene mwagonana naye m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8353,"In total, with how many different people have you had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months?",Kuphatikiza onse mwagonana ndi akazi angati pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8354,"In the last 12 months, did you pay anyone in exchange for having sexual intercourse?",M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapiyayi munayamba mwagonana ndi mkazi ndikumulipira?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8355,Have you ever paid anyone in exchange for having sexual intercourse?,Munayamba mwalipirapo mkazi chifukwa chogonana naye?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8356,"The last time you paid someone in exchange for having sexual intercourse, was a condom used?","Nthawi yomaliza kugonana ndi mkazi ndikumulipira, kodi munagwiritsa ntchito condom?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8357,Was a condom used during sexual intercourse every time you paid someone in exchange for having sexual intercourse in the last 12 months?,Kodi mumagwiritsa ntchito condom nthawi zonse mukamagonana ndi mkazi woti mumulipira m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8358,In the past 12 months have you given any gifts or other goods in order to have sex or to become sexually involved with anyone?,"M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, kodi munayamba mwapereka mphatso kapena zinthu zina kuti mulipire kugonana ndi mkazi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8359,Have you ever given any gifts or other goods in order to have sex or to become sexually involved with anyone?,Kodi munayamba mwaperekapo mphatso kapena zinthu zina kuti mulipire kugonana ndi mkazi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8360,"In total, with how many different people have you had sexual intercourse in your lifetime?",Kuphatikiza onse mwagonana ndi akazi angati pamoyo wanu wonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8361,You told me that a condom was used the last time you had sex. What is the brand name of the condom used at that time?,Mwandiuza kuti munagwiritsa ntchito condom panthawi yomaliza kugonana ndi mkazi. Kodi dzina la condom yomwe inagwiritsidwa ntchito panthawi imeneyo ndi chani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8362,From where did you obtain the condom the last time?,Ndikuti komwe munapeza condom komaliza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8363,The last time you had sex did you or your partner use any method other than a condom to avoid or prevent a pregnancy?,"Kupatula kugwiritsa ntchito condom, panthawi imene munagonana ndi mkazi komaliza, kodi inuyo kapena mkaziyo munagwiritsa ntchito njira ina iliyonse kuti mkaziyo asatenge pathupi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8364,The last time you had sex did you or your partner use any method to avoid or prevent a pregnancy?,"Panthawi imene munagonana ndi mkazi komaliza, kodi inuyo kapena mkaziyo munagwiritsa ntchito njira ina iliyonse kuti mkaziyo asatenge pathupi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8365,"What method did you or your partner use? + + Did you or your partner use any other method to prevent pregnancy?","Ndi njira yanji imene inu kapena mkaziyo anagwiritsa ntchito? + + Kodi pali njira inanso imene inu kapena mkaziyo anagwiritsa ntchito kuti asatenge pathupi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8366,Do you know of a place where you can obtain a method of family planning?,Kodi mukudziwa komwe mungakatenge njira yakulera?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8367,Is your wife/partner currently pregnant?,Kodi mkazi /chibwezi wanu ali ndi pathupi panopa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8368,"Now I have some questions about the future. After the child you and your wife/partner are expecting now, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?","Tsopano ndili ndi mafunso a zamtsogolo. Pambuyo pakubadwa mwana yemwe mkazi/chibwenzi chanu chikuyembekezera pano, mungadzafune kukhala ndi mwana wina kapena simudzafuna kukhala ndi ana ena?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8369,"After the birth of the child you are expecting now, how long would you like to wait before the birth of another child?","Pambuyo pakubadwa mwana yemwe mukuyembekezera pano, mudikira nthawi yayitali bwanji musanakhalenso ndi mwana wina?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8370,"Now I have some questions about the future. Would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?",Tsopano ndili ndi mafunso a zamtsogolo. Kodi mumafuna mutaberekanso kapena simufuna kuberekanso?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8371,"Now I have some questions about the future. Would you like to have a child, or would you prefer not to have any children?",Tsopano ndili ndi mafunso a zamtsogolo. Kodi mumafuna mutabereka kapena simufuna mutabereka nkomwe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8372,How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of another child?,Kodi kuchokera panthawi ino mukufuna kudikira nthawi yaitali bwanji mwana wina asanabadwe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8373,How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of a child?,Kodi kuchokera panthawi ino mukufuna kudikira nthawi yaitali bwanji musanabereke mwana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8374,Are any of your wives/partners currently pregnant?,Kodi akazi/zibwezi zanu alipo amene ali ndi pathupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8375,"Now I have some questions about the future. After the child/children you and your wives/partners are expecting now, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?","Tsopano ndili ndi mafunso a zamtsogolo. Akazi/aibwenzi anu akadzachira pathupi pomwe ali napopa, mungadzafune kuti aberekenso kapena asadzaberekenso ana ena?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8376,"If you could go back to the time you did not have any children and could choose exactly the number of children to have in your whole life, how many would that be?","Mutati mubwererenso m'mbuyo nthawi yomwe munalibe ana ndi kusankha kuchuluka kwa ana amene mungakhale nawo pamoyo wanu wonse, kodi mukanakonda kukhala ndi ana angati?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8377,"If you could choose exactly the number of children to have in your whole life, how many would that be?","Mutati musankhe ana omwe mungakonde kubereka pa moyo wanu wonse, ndi ana angati mungakonde kukhala nawo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8378,"How many of these children would you like to be boys, how many would you like to be girls and for how many would it not matter if it’s a boy or a girl?","Ndi angati mwa anawa mukanakonda akhala amuna, nanga akazi, nanga ndi ana ochuluka bwanji pamene simungalabade atakhala wamwamuna kapena wamkazi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8379,Have you done any work in the last seven days?,Mwagwirapo ntchito ina iliyonse pa masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8380,"Although you did not work in the last seven days, do you have any job or business from which you were absent for leave, illness, vacation, or any other such reason?","Ngakhale simunagwire ntchito pa masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi muli pantchito kapena muli ndi bizinezi kumene simunapite chifukwa muli patchuthi, kudwala, kupita koyenda kukapuma kapena pa chifukwa china chili chonse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8381,Have you done any work in the last 12 months?,Mwagwirapo ntchito ina iliyonse pamiyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8382,"What is your occupation? That is, what kind of work do you mainly do?",Mumagwira ntchito yanji? Ntchito yeniyeni yomwe mumagwira ndi yotani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8383,"Do you usually work throughout the year, or do you work seasonally, or only once in a while?","Kodi nthawi zambiri ntchitoyi mumagwira chaka chonse, kapena imayendera nyengo, kapena mumagwira kamodzi panthawi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8384,Are you paid in cash or kind for this work or are you not paid at all?,"Kodi pantchitoyi mumalipidwa ndalama, kapena zinthu zina kapena simulipidwa nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8385,"Who usually decides how the money you earn will be used: you, your wife/partner, or you and your wife/partner jointly?","Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amapanga chiganizo pa kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ndalama zimene mumalandira: Kwenikweni ndinu, akazi/abwezi anu kapena nonse mogwirizana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8386,"Who usually makes decisions about health care for yourself: you, your wife/partner, you and your wife/partner jointly, or someone else?","Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amapereka maganizo pa za umoyo wanu: Kwenikweni ndinu , akazi/abwezi anu kapena nonse mogwirizana kapena munthu wina?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8387,Who usually makes decisions about making major household purchases?,Kodi nthawi zambiri ndi ndani amapanga chiganizo pa zakugula zinthu zofunikira pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8388,Do you own this or any other house either alone or jointly with someone else?,Kodi nyumbayi komanso ngati pali nyumba ina ndi yanu kapena ndi yosonkherana ndi munthu wina?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8389,Do you have a title deed for any house you own?,Kodi muli ndi chikalata cha umwini pa nyumba iliyonse yomwe muli nayo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8390,Is your name on the title deed?,Kodi dzina lanu lilipo pa chikalata cha umwinicho?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8391,Do you own any agricultural or non-agricultural land either alone or jointly with someone else?,Kodi muli ndi malo a zaulimi kapena malo ena ali wonse omwe ndi anu kapena osonkherana ndi munthu wina?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8392,Do you have a title deed for any land you own?,Kodi muli ndi chikatala cha umwini cha malo anuwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8393,Is your name on the title deed?,Kodi dzina lanu lilipo pa chikalata cha umwinicho?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8394,"In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations:","Kodi m'maganizo anu, ndikoyenera kuti mwamuna adzimenya mkazi wake pazifukwa izi:",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8395,If she goes out without telling him?,Mkazi akamachoka osamutsanzika?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8396,If she neglects the children?,Ngati mkazi sasamalira ana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8397,If she argues with him?,Ngati mkazi atsutsa mwamuna wake?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8398,If she refuses to have sex with him?,Ngati mkazi akana kugonana naye?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8399,If she does not properly cook the food?,Ngati mkazi sanaphike bwino chakudya?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8400,Now I would like to talk about something else. Have you ever heard of HIV or AIDS?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndikambe za zinthu zina. Kodi munamvapo za HIV kapena AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8401,HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by having just one uninfected sex partner who has no other sex partners?,HIV ndi kachirombo komwe kamayambitsa AIDS. Kodi anthu angapewe kutenga kachilombo koyambitsa AIDS pokhala ndi munthu m'modzi yekha wogonana naye yemwe alibe kachirombo ndipo sagonana ndi anthu ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8402,Can people get HIV from mosquito bites?,Kodi anthu angatenge kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS polumidwa ndi udzudzu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8403,Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by using a condom every time they have sex?,Kodi anthu angapewe kutenga kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS pogwiritsa ntchito condom nthawi iliyonse akamagonana ndi munthu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8404,Can people reduce their chance of getting the AIDS virus by not having sexual intercourse at all?,Kodi anthu angapewe kutenga kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS posagonana ndi munthu aliyense?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8405,Can people get HIV by sharing food with a person who has HIV?,Kodi anthu angatenge kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS podyera limodzi ndi munthu yemwe ali ndi AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8406,Can people get HIV because of witchcraft or other supernatural means?,Kodi anthu angatenge kachirombo koyambitsa HIV kudzera mu ufiti kapena njira zina zamatsenga?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8407,Is it possible for a healthy-looking person to have HIV?,Kodi nkotheka kuti munthu wooneka wathanzi nkukhala ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8408,Can HIV be transmitted from a mother to her baby:,Kodi mayi yemwe ali ndi kachilombo koyambitsa AIDS angapatsire mwana wake matendawa:,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8409,During pregnancy?,Pomwe ali ndi pathupi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8410,During delivery?,Pomwe akubereka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8411,By breastfeeding?,Pomwe akuyamwitsa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8412,Are there any special drugs that a doctor or a nurse can give to a woman infected with HIV to reduce the risk of transmission to the baby?,Kodi pali mankhwala ena ali wonse omwe adokotala kapena anamwino angampatse mayi yemwe ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS kuti ateteze mwana kutenga kachilomboka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8413,"I don't want to know the results, but have you ever been tested for HIV?","Sindikufuna kudziwa zotsatira, kodi inuyo munayezetsapo kuti mudziwe ngati muli ndi kachilombo koyambitsa AIDS?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8414,How many months ago was your most recent HIV test?,Papita miyezi ingati chiyezetsereni HIV komaliza?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8415,"I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?","Sindikufuna kudziwa zotsatira, kodi anakuuzani zotsatira za kuyezedwako?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8416,"The last time you had the test, did you yourself ask for the test, was it offered to you and you accepted, or was it required by the health provider?","Pamene munakayezetsa komaliza, kodi munafuna nokha, kapena munapatsidwa mwayi kuti muyezetse, kapena kunali kofunikira ndi a zaumoyo?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8417,Where was the test done?,Kodi munakayezetsa kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8418,Do you know of a place where people can go to get an HIV test?,Mukudziwa malo komwe anthu angakayezetse kuti adziwe ngati ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8419,"Where is that? + + Any other place?","Ndikuti? + + Pali kwinanso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8420,Have you heard of test kits people can use to test themselves for HIV?,Kodi munamvapo za zipangizo zomwe anthu amadziyezera okha kuti adziwe ngati ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8421,Have you ever tested yourself for HIV using a self-test kit?,Kodi munayamba mwadziyeza kuti mudziwe ngati muli ndi HIV pogwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zoziyezera nokha?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8422,Would you buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor if you knew that this person had HIV?,Kodi mungagule ndiwo zamasamba kuchokera kwa ogulitsa mutazindikira kuti ogulitsayo ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8423,Do you think children living with HIV should be allowed to attend school with children who do not have HIV?,Kodi mukuganiza kuti ana omwe ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS adziloledwa kuphunzira limodzi ndi ana omwe alibe kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8424,Do you think people hesitate to take an HIV test because they are afraid of how other people will react if the test result is positive for HIV?,Kodi mukuganiza kuti anthu amanyalanyaza kukayezetsa ngati ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS chifukwa amaopa momwe anthu ena angamachitire nawo atadziwa kuti ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8425,"Do people talk badly about people living with HIV, or who are thought to be living with HIV?","Kodi anthu amayankhula moipa za anthu omwe ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS, kapena omwe akuwaganizira kuti ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8426,"Do people living with HIV, or thought to be living with HIV, lose the respect of other people?","Kodi anthu omwe ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS, kapena omwe amangoganiziridwa kuti ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS, sapatsidwa ulemu ndi anthu ena?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8427,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: I would be ashamed if someone in my family had HIV.,Kodi mukugwirizana kapena kutsutsana ndi maganizo otsatirawa: Ndikhoza kuchita manyazi ngati m'modzi wa m'banja mwanga atakhala ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8428,Do you fear that you could get HIV if you come into contact with the saliva of a person living with HIV?,Kodi mumakhala ndi mantha kuti mukhoza kutenga kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS ngati mutakhudza malovu a munthu yemwe ali ndi kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8429,"Apart from HIV, have you heard about other infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact?","Kupatula kachirombo koyambitsa AIDS, kodi munamvapo za matenda ena opatsirana pogonana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8430,Have you heard about infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact?,Kodi munamvapo za matenda opatsirana pogonana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8431,"Now I would like to ask you some questions about your health in the last 12 months. During the last 12 months, have you had a disease which you got through sexual contact?",Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi umoyo wanu m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi. M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi kodi munatenga matenda opatsirana pogonana?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8432,"Sometimes men experience an abnormal discharge from their penis. During the last 12 months, have you had an abnormal discharge from your penis?",Nthawi zina amuna amatulutsa umuna mosayembekezera. M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi inuyo munatulukapo umuna umenewu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8433,"Sometimes men have a sore or ulcer near their penis. During the last 12 months, have you had a sore or ulcer on or near your penis?","Nthawi zina amuna amatuluka nsungu kapena kachilonda ku maliseche. Pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi, mwakhalapo ndi nsungu kapena kachilonda kumaliseche?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8434,"The last time you had a sexually transmitted infection, did you seek any kind of advice or treatment?","Nthawi yomaliza kukhala ndi opatsirana pogonana, munakafuna chithandizo chilichonse cha uphungu kapena mankhwala?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8435,"Where did you go? + + Any other place?","Munakapeza kuti uphungu kapena mankhwala? + + Kulipo kwinanso?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8436,"If a wife knows her husband has a disease that she can get during sexual intercourse, is she justified in asking that they use a condom when they have sex?","Ngati mkazi akudziwa kuti mwamuna wake ali ndi matenda omwe angampatsire pogonana, kodi nkoyenera kuti amuuze mwamuna wake kuti agwiritse ntchito condom panthawi yomwe akugonana?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8437,Is a wife justified in refusing to have sex with her husband when she knows he has sex with other women?,Kodi ndikoyenera mkazi kukana kugonana ndi mwamuna wache atadziwa kuti mwamunayo akumagonana ndi akazi ena?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8438,"Some men are circumcised, that is, the foreskin is completely removed from the penis. Are you circumcised?","Amuna ena ndi odulidwa, ndikutanthauza kuchotsa chikopa chakutsogolo kwa maliseche abambo. Kodi ndinu odulidwa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8439,How old were you when you got circumcised?,Munali ndi zaka zingati pamene munadulidwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8440,Who did the circumcision?,Ndi ndani anakudulani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8441,Where was it done?,Munadulidwira kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8442,Now I would like to ask you some other questions relating to health matters. Have you had an injection for any reason in the last 12 months?,Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni mafunso okhudzana ndi za umoyo. M'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi kodi munalandirapo jakisoni pachifukwa china chilichonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8443,"Among these injections, how many were administered by a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist, a dentist, or any other health worker?","Mwa majakisoni amenewa, ndi angati munabaidwa ndi a dokotala, anamwino, a pharmacy, akumano kapena wina aliyense ogwira ntchito za chipatala?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8444,"The last time you got an injection from a health worker, did he/she take the syringe and needle from a new, unopened package?","Nthawi yomaliza kubaidwa jakisoniyo ndi ogwira ntchito za chipatala, kodi anatenga syringe ndi singano wosagwiritsidwa ntchito mupaketi yosatsegula?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8445,"Do you currently smoke tobacco every day, some days, or not at all?","Kodi pakali panopa mumasuta fodya tsiku ndi tsiku, masiku ena kapena simumasuta nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8446,"In the past, have you smoked tobacco every day?","Kodi m'mbuyomu, mwakhala mukusuta fodya tsiku ndi tsiku?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8447,"In the past, have you ever smoked tobacco every day, some days, or not at all?","Kodi m'mbuyomu, munakhala mukusuta fodya tsiku ndi tsiku, masiku ena kapena simunkasuta nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8448,"On average, how many of the following products do you currently smoke each day? Also, let me know if you use the product, but not every day.","Mwapakatikati, mumasuta ndudu zochuluka bwanji patsiku? Mundiuzenso ngati mumagwiritsa ntchito mtundu wina uliwonse wa fodya koma osati tsiku lirilonse.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8449,Manufactured cigarettes?,Ndudu zopangidwa ku fakitale?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8450,Hand-rolled cigarettes?,Ndudu zopichira pamanja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8451,Pipes full of tobacco?,Fodya wa mupayipi/kaliwo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8452,"Cigars, cheroots, or cigarillos?","Ndudu za Cigars, cheroots kapena cigarilos?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8453,Number of water pipe sessions?,Nambala ya fodya wa mpayipi wa madzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8454,Any others?,Mtundu wina uliwonse wa fodya?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8455,"On average, how many of the following products do you currently smoke each week? Also, let me know if you use the product, but not every week.","Mwapakatikati, ndimitundu yiti yafodya nditchuleyi mumasuta pamulungu? Mundiuzenso ngati mumagwiritsa ntchito mtundu uliwonse wa fodya koma osati sabata lirilonse.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8456,Manufactured cigarettes?,Ndudu zopangidwa ku fakitole?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8457,Hand-rolled cigarettes?,Ndudu zopichira pamanja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8458,Pipes full of tobacco?,Fodya wa mupayipi/kaliwo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8459,"Cigars, cheroots, or cigarillos?","Ndudu za Cigars, cheroots kapena cigarilos?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8460,Number of water pipe sessions?,Fodya wa mpayipi wamadzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8461,Any others?,Fodya wa mtundu wina uliwonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8462,"Do you currently use smokeless tobacco every day, some days, or not at all?","Kodi pakalipano mumagwiritsa ntchito fodya opanda utsi tsiku lirilonse, masiku ena kapena simumagwiritsa nkomwe?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8463,"On average, how many times a day do you use the following products? Also, let me know if you use the product, but not every day.","Mwapakatikati, mumagwiritsa ntchito kangati patsiku? Mundiuzenso ngati mumagwiritsa ntchito mtundu wina uliwonse wa fodya koma osati tsiku lirilonse.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8464,"Snuff, by mouth?",Fodya wa mkamwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8465,"Snuff, by nose?",Fodya wa mphuno?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8466,Chewing tobacco?,Fodya wotafuna?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8467,Any others?,Fodya wa mtundu wina uliwonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8468,"On average, how many times a week do you use the following products? Also, let me know if you use the product, but not every week.","Mwapakatikati, mumamagwiritsa ntchito kangati pasabata? Mundiuzenso ngati mumagwiritsa ntchito mtundu wina uliwonse wa fodya koma osati sabata lirilonse.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8469,"Snuff, by mouth?",Fodya wa mkamwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8470,"Snuff, by nose?",Fodya wa mphuno?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8471,Chewing tobacco?,Fodya wotafuna?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8472,Any others?,Fodya wa mtundu wina uliwonse?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8473,Are you covered by any health insurance?,Kodi ndinu otetezedwa ndi insurance ina iliyonse ya zaumoyo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8474,What type of health insurance are you covered by?,Kodi ndi mtundu wanji wa insurance ya zaumoyo yomwe ikukutetezani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8475,When were you born?,Kodi munabadwa liti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8476,How old are you?,Kodi mwakwanitsa zaka zinga za kubadwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8477,What is your relationship to the head of the household?,Kodi pali ubale wanji pakati pa inu ndi mutu wa pakhomo pano?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8478,What is your marital status?,Kodi pakali pano ndinu okwatiwa/okwatira kapena mumakhala limodzi ndi mkazi/mwamuna ngati muli pa banja?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8479,At what age were you first married/started living together?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pamene munakwatira/kwatiwa?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8480,What does your spouse/partner currently do? ,Kodi pakali pano amuna/akazi anu amachita chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8481,Do you have any children currently living with you? ,Kodi muli ndi ana amene mumakhaka nawo?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8482,How many?,Nanga ndi angati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8483,Do you have any other dependents? ,Kodi muli ndi anthu ena amene amadalira inu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8484,How many?,Nanga ndi angati?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8485,Have you always lived in this place?,Kodi mwakhala nthawi yonse ya moyo wanu mu dera lino?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8486,"Just before you moved here, where were you living?","Musanabwere kuno, kodi mumakhala kuti?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8487,What was the main reason for moving to your current residence?,Kodi chifukwa cheni cheni chinakupangitsani kusamukira ku dera lino ndi chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8488,Are you a national of Malawi?,Kodi ndinu mzika ya dziko lino la Malawi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8489,What is your country of origin,Kodi munachokera dziko liti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8490,"How would you describe your household's overall financial situation:-would you say you are well off, fairly well off, average, fairly poor or poor?","Kodi pa nkhani yokhuzana ndi chuma cha pakhomo pano munganene kuti :- ndinu wopeza bwino kwambiri, wopeza bwino, apakatikati, wosaukirapo, kapena wosauka?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8491,There are so many ways that people use to source money; what financial services do you personally use? ," Pali njira zambiri zomwe anthu amapezera ndalama, kodi inuyo ndi njira ziti zomwe mumagwiritsa ntchito kupezera ndalama?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8492,Business loans; emergency loans; consumption loans; savings; insurance; remittances/money transfer; usury; partner contributions,Ngongole ya bizinesi; ngongole za dzidzidzi; ngongole yogwiritsa ntchito pa khomo; ndalama zomwe mumasungila; insurance; ndalama zotumiziridwa; katapila; chipereganyu,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8493,"Who provides you with financial services/ what are your sources of financial services? Bank; Insurance company; micrifinance institutions; money transfer operators (money gram, Western Union); informal financial operators; usury; friends and relatives; other service providers (speficy)","Kodi ndi ndani amakupatsani chithandizo cha ndalama kapena ndi njira ziti zomwe mumapezera ndalama mwa zomwe nditchulezi? Banki, kampani za insurance; mabungwe obwereketsa ndalama; kampani zotumiza ndi kulandira ndalama, katapila; abwenzi ndi abale; njira zina (zitchuleni)",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8494,How are you covering unforeseen expenses?,Kodi mumatha bwanji kulipira zinthu zomwe zakugwerani mwadzidzidzi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8495,"Do you have any difficulty in seeing, even if wearing glasses?",Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina lirilonse la kuona ngakhale mutabvala magalasi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8496,"Do you have difficulty in hearing, even if using a hearing aid?",Kodi muli ndi bvuto la kumva ngakhale mutagwiritsa nchito zida zothandidzira kumva?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8497,Do you have any difficulty in walking or climbing steps?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse la kuyenda kapena kukwera masitepe?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8498,Do you have any difficulty in remembering or concentrating?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse lokhudzana ndi kukumbukira kapena la kutsatira zomwe zikukambidwa/chitika?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8499,Do you have any difficulty with self- care such as bathing or dressing?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse lokhudzana ndi kudzisamalira nokha monga kuzisamba kapena kuziveka?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8500,Do you have any difficulty in speaking?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse lokhudzana ndi kulankhula?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8501,What is the highest level of formal education that your father has successfully completed?,"Kodi abambo anu analekezera pati maphunziro awo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8502,What kind of work does or did your father usually do?,Kodi abambo anu kweni kweni amagwira / ankagwira ntchito yanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8503,What is the highest level of formal education that your father has ,"Kodi abambo anu analekezera pati maphunziro awo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8504,What kind of work does or did your father usually do?,Kodi abambo anu kweni kweni amagwira / ankagwira ntchito yanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8505,What is the highest level of formal education that your mother has successfully completed?,"Kodi abambo anu analekezera pati maphunziro awo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8506,What kind of work does or did your mother usually do?,Kodi abambo anu kweni kweni amagwira / ankagwira ntchito yanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8507,Have you ever attended school/training programme?,Kodi munapitako ku sukulu kapena kumaphunziro azantchito?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8508,Are you currently attending school/training programme?,Kodi pakali pano muli pa sukulu kapena ku maphunziro a zantchito?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8509,At what level are you currently studying/ learning?,"Kodi pakali pano muli pati ndi maphunzirowo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8510,What is your current level of formal education/training?,"Kodi pakali pano muli pati ndi maphunzirowo: ku pulaimale, sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8511,What do you plan to do after completing your current education programme?,Kodi mapulani (maplan) anu ndi wotani mukadzamaliza maphunziro anu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8512,What is the highest level of education you expect to complete?,Kodi mukuyembekezera mutaphunzira mpaka kudzamalizira / kudzalekezela kuti?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8513,What field are you studying/ do you expect to study ?,Kodi mukuphunzira / mukuyembekezera kudzachita maphunziro okhudza chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8514,What was the main reason for never starting your education/training?,Kodi chifukwa cheni cheni chomwe chinakupangitsani kuti musapite ku sukulu kapena kumaphunziro a zantchito chinali chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8515,What was the main reason for stopping your education/training?,Kodi chifukwa cheni cheni chomwe chinakupangitsani kuti musapitilize sukulu kapena maphunziro a zantchito chinali chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8516,What is your highest level of formal education/training completed?,"Kodi munalekeza ku pulaimale, Sekondale, university kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa ntchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8517,What is the qualification you attained?,"Kodi munalekeza ku pulaimale, Sekondale, university kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa ntchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8518,When did you finish/stop your formal education/training? ,Kodi ndi mwezi ndipo chaka chanji chomwe munamaliza maphunziro anu a sukulu kapena a zantchito?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8519,"I’m going to ask you to tell me more about your full history of economic activities. What we are interested in are your labour market-related activities such as paid or unpaid work, looking for work, or other activities such as time spent at home or looking after your family. As we need to get as complete a picture as possible, I'd like you to tell me about any spells you may have had in or out of paid employment. Please do not include periods of activity that are less than 3 months in time. Approximations are fine.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni kuti mundiuze mbiri yanu yokhudzana ndi mapezedwe anu a chuma, kwenikweni ndili ndi chidwi ndi ntchito zolipidwa ndi zosalipidwa zimene mumagwira. Komanso nthawi imene mwakhala mukufunafuna ntchito ndinso nthawi imene mumakhala pakhomo ndi kusamalira banja lanu. Apa ndingofuna kukhala ndi chithunzithuzi chokwanira cha zimene mumachita. Komanso ndikufuna mundiuze nthawi inailiyonse imene mumakhala osagwira ntchito",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8520,"I am going to read a list of activities. Thinking back, can you identify which of the following was your first activity during the period that you should have been in school?",Tsopano ndifuna ndi kuwerengereni mndandanda wa ntchito. Taganizira za m’mbuyo ngati zina mwa zintchitozi ndi zimene munachita koyamba pa mene mumayenera kukhala pa sukulu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8521,"Work for wage /salary with an self-employed work as unpaid family member engaged in an apprenticeship/internship available and actively looking for work engaged in training engaged in home duties including did not work or seek work for reasons other than home duties, disability, sickness etc.","Kugwira ntchito yolembedwa kugwira ntchito yodzilemba nokha kugwira ntchito yosalipidwa ya pa banja kugwira ntchito ngati mbali imodzi ya maphunziro kukhala wokonzeka ndi kufunafuna ntchito kupanga maphunziro a ntchito kugwira ntchito za pa khomo (kuphatikiza kusagwira kapena kusafunafuna ntchito pa zifukwa zina osati chifukwa cha kugwira ntchito za pakhomo, kulumala, kudwala ndi zina zotero.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8522,And on what date did you start doing that activity?,Ndi mwezi ndipo chaka chanji chomwe munayamba kugwira ntchito imeneyi?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8523,"I’m going to ask you to tell me more about your full history of economic activities. What we are interested in are your labour market-related activities such as paid or unpaid work, looking for work, or other activities such as time spent at home or looking after your family. As we need to get as complete a picture as possible, I'd like you to tell me about any spells you may have had in or out of paid employment",Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni kuti mundiuze mbiri yanu kuyambira pamene munamariza kwenikweni ndili ndi chidwi ndi ntchito zolipidwa ndi zosalipidwa zimene mumagwira. Komanso nthawi imene mwakhala mukufunafuna ntchito ndinso nthawi imene mumakhala pakhomo ndi kusamalira banja lanu. Apa ndingofuna kukhala ndi chithunzithuzi chokwanira cha zimene mumachita. Komanso ndikufuna mundiuze nthawi inailiyonse imene mumakhala osagwira ntchito.,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8524,Did you ever work while you studied (not including apprenticeship/ internship)?,Kodi munayamba mwagwirapo ntchito nthawi yomwe mumaphunzira sukulu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8525,What was your primary motivation in working while studying?,Kodi cheni cheni chomwe chinakupangitsani kuti mugwire ntchito kwinaku mukuphunzira chinali chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8526,Did you have any internship(s)/apprenticeship(s) with an employer as part of your education?,Kodi munagwirapo ntchito kwa anthu wolemba anzawo ntchito ngati mbali imodzi ya maphunziro anu?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8527,Could you please tell me the most important goal in your life? ,Kodi inuyo pa moyo wanu wonse mumafunitsitsa mutazachita chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8528,What was the main reason that you were absent from your job or business last week?,Kodi chifukwa chenicheni chimene simunagwirire ntchito m’masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa chinali chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8529,"Now I would like to ask you about the job/economic activity you had in the last seven days. This should include not just work done for wages but other activities as well such as agriculture activities, producing home-made goods, fetching water and collecting firewood meant for sale.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni za ntchito kapena zina zimene mumapanga m’masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawo. Chidwi changa kwambiri chili pa ntchito za kumunda ndi ntchito zina ngati kupanga zinthu zosiya-siyana, kutola nkhuni ngakhalenso kutunga madzi ndi cholinga chakuti mugulitse.",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8530,"During last week, did you do any of the following activities, even if only for one hour?","M’sabata yathayi, kodi mwagwirapo zina mwa ntchito zomwe nditchulezi, ngakhale munagwira kwa ola limodzi?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8531,"Run or do any kind of business, big or small, for yourself or with one or more partners? [Examples: Selling things, making things for sale, guarding cars, hairdressing, daycare business, taxi or other transport business, having a legal or medical practice, performing in public, having a public phone shop, barber, shoe shining, tailoring, etc.]","Kupanga bizinesi ina iri yonse yaying’ono kapena yayikulu mwa inu nokha kapena ndi azanu (monga kugulitsa zinthu, kupanga zinthu zogulitsa, kulondera galimoto, kukonza tsitsi, kusamalira ana, mtengatenga (kunyamula anthu kapena katundu pa galimoto), zamalamulo kapena za chipatala, zosangalatsa anthu, malo oyimbirapo lamya, yometa, kupukuta nsapato, utelala ndi zinazotero).",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8532,"Do any work for a wage, salary, commission or any payment in kind (including apprenticeship/internship (but excluding domestic work)? [Examples: A regular job, contract, casual or piece work for pay, work in exchange for food or housing]","Kugwira, ntchito ina ili yonse yolipidwa pa mwezi, ganyu, yolandira komishoni, kapena kulandira zinthu ngati malipiro (kuphatikizapo kuphunzira ntchito ngati mbali imodzi yamalipiro, koma kupatula ntchito za pakhomo)?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8533,"Do any work as a domestic worker for a wage, salary or any payment in kind?",Kugwira ntchito ina ili yonse ya pakhomo yolipidwa kapena kulandira zinthu zina ngati malipiro? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8534,"Help, without being paid, in any kind of business run by your household? [Examples: Help to sell things, make things for sale or exchange, doing the accounts, cleaning up for the business, etc.]","Kuthandizira bizinesi ina ili yonse ya pakhomo kwa ulere (monga kugulitsa zinthu, kupanga zinthu zogulitsa kapena za msintho, kuwerengera katundu ndi ndalama, kusamalira malo ochitira bizinesi)?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8535,"Do any work on your own (or your household’s) plot, farm, food garden, or help in growing farm produce for sale or in looking after animals intended for sale? [Examples: Ploughing, harvesting, looking after livestock]","Kugwira ntchito mwa inu nokha (kapena ya pakhomo panu) pa poloti, pa famu, munda wa zakudya kapena kuthandidza kulima mbewu zogulitsa, kapena kuweta ziweto zomwe cholinga ndi kudzagulitsa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8536,Do any construction or major repair work on your own farm plot or business?,"Kugwira ntchito ina ili yonse yomanga, kukonza pa famu panu kapena pa bizinesi yanu?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8537,"Catch any fish, crabs, wild animals or other food for sale?","Kugwira nsomba, kupha nyama za kutchire kapena chakudya china chiri chonse ndi cholinga choti mugulitse?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8538,"Even though you did not do any of these activities last week, did you have a job, business or other economic or farming activity that you are paid for and will definitely return to?","Ngakhale simunagwire ntchito ina ili yonse m’masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi muli pa ntchito, bizinesi, ulimi, kapena ntchito yoti mudzabwererako?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8539,What kind of work do you usually do in the main job/activity that you had last week?,"Pa masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi ntchito yanu imene munagwira nthawi yochuluka mumagwira ngati ndani?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8540,What are your main tasks or duties?,Kodi ntchito yeni yeni imene mumagwira ndi yotani ?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8541,"What kind of industry, business, service or activity is carried out at your place of work?",Kodi kumalo anu antchito mumachita/mumapanga chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8542,What are the main goods or services produced at your place of work or its main functions?,Kodi malo amene mumagwirako ntchito kweni kweni amachita/amapanga chiyani?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8543,Was your business/farm/activity (or the one where you worked) registered at the Ministry of Trade/Registrar of Companies/Civic Offices/DC Offices?,"Kodi bizinesi yanu, famu, kapena malo amene mumagwira ntchito ndi olembetsedwa ku unduna wa za malonda, bungwe la kaundula wa zamalonda, ofesi yayikulu ya mzinda kapena ofesi ya bwana nkubwa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8544,"In your job/activity, are you:",Kodi ku ntchito kwanu mumagwira ngati:- ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8545,Employee (working for someone else for pay in cash or in kind employer (employing one or more employees own‐account worker not member of a producers’ helping without pay in the business other (specify),Wolembedwa ntchito wolemba anzawo ntchito ntchito yodzilemba nokha ndipo simunalembe m’modzi wa anthu agulu lopangira bizinezi kapena ulimi pamodzi? Kuthandiza mosalipidwa pa bizinesi kapena famu (ulimi) yapakhomo kapena munthu wa banja lina? Ntchito zina,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8546,How many workers are employed in your business/farm/activity?,"Kodi ndi anthu angati amene analembedwa ntchito ndi bizinesi, famu kapena bungwe lomwe mumagwirako ntchito?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8547,"Are you currently employed on the basis of? A written contract, an oral agreement","Kodi ntchito mukugwirayi, mgwirizano wake unali, wolemberana pa pepala kapena wapakamwa?",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8548,Why is your contract or agreement of limited duration?,Kodi ndi chifukwa chiyani mgwirizano wanu wa ntchito uli ndi malire?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8549,What is the duration of your contract or agreement?,Kodi mgwirizano wa ntchito yanu ndi wautali bwanji?,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8550,Are you satisfied with your contract arrangement?,Kodi ndinu okhutitsidwa ndi mgwirizano wantchito imeneyi? ,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8551,You are satisfied with your contract situation because: It gives you the job security it gives you the flexibility the wage is high enough that you it provides you with an opportunity other reason (specify),"Ndinu okhutitsidwa ndi mgwirizano umenewu chifukwa cha chimodzi mwa izi:- Umakupatsani chitetezo choti umakupatsani kumasuka komwe mumafuna malipiro ake ndi okwera kwambiri oti umakupatsani mwayi odzitukula pa ntchito; chifukwa china, tchulani",health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8552,You are not satisfied with your contract situation because:,Simulii okhutitsidwa ndi mgwirizano umenewu chifukwa cha chimodzi mwa izi:-,health and wellbeing,Malawi demographic and health survey +en8553,Puberty is the process through which boys or girls undergo to become adults and sexually mature,Kutha msinkhu kumachitika pamene mnyamata kapena mtsikana wakhwima kuthupi,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8554,"Puberty in boys is characterized by chest widening in boys, growth of beard and pubic hair","Kutha msinkhu mwa anyamata kumadziwika bwino ndi kukula kwa chidale, kumera ndevu, komanso kumera mavuzi/tsitsi kumaliseche",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8555,Boys experience wet dreams and have strong sexual desires,Anyamata amakhala ndi maloto otulutsa umuna ndipo amakhala ndi chilakolako chogonana,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8556,Boys have strong deepened voice,Anyamata amazama mawu,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8557,"At puberty, breasts and hips in girls enlarge","Pakutha msinkhu, mawere ndi chiuno cha atsikana chimakula",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8558,Pubic hair starts to grow and they start to menstruate,Tsitsi limamera kumaliseche ndipo amayamba msambo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8559,Girls at puberty begin to have strong sexual desires and their voice softens,Atsikana pakutha msinkhu amakhala ndi chilakolako chachikulu chogonana ndipo mawu amasalala,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8560,"Myth: If a girl has sex while menstruating, she cannot become pregnant",Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Mtsikana akagonana ndi mwamuna akusamba sangatenge mimba,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8561,Myth:Period in girls is a disease and should be treated like any other diseases,Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Msambo ndi matenda ndipo akuyenera kuchizidwa ngati nthenda ina iliyonse,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8562,Myth: Girls on period should not cook ,Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Mtsikana yemwe akusamba sayenera kuphika zakudya pakhomo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8563,Myth: Girls on period should not attend prayers,Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Mtsikana yemwe akusamba sayenera kupita kumapemphero,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8564,Myth: A girl on period should not attend school,Chikuhulupiliro chabodza: Mtsikana sayenera kupita ku sukulu panthawi imene akusamba,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8565,Myth: Period makes a girl unclean or impure,Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Msambo umachititsa mtsikana kukhala wodetsedwa (unclean),health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8566,Myth: A girl on period should sleep in her own separate room,Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Mtsikana yemwe akusamba adzigona chipinda chakechake,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8567,Myth: Girls on period should not do any physical exercises,Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Mtsikana yemwe akusamba asamachite masewero olimbitsa thupi,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8568,Myth: A period should last exactly one week every month,Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Msambo ukuyenera kutha sabata imodzi pa mwezi uliwonse,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8569,"Myth: If a girl is on period and has sex, she cannot contract STIs including HIV/AIDS",Chikhulupiliro chabodza: Mtsikana akagonana ndi mwamuna akusamba sangatenge matenda opatsirana pogonana monga HIV/AIDS,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8570,"While puberty involves a series of biological or physical transformations, the process can also have an effect on the psychosocial and emotional development of adolescents","Pamene ziwalo zapathupi zikusintha, mnyamata kapena mtsikana amakhwimanso munzeru kapena kaganizidwe",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8571,"Characteristics of puberty in boys include chest widening, growth of beard; growth of pubic hair","Zizindikiro zakutha msinkhu mwa anyamata ndi monga kukula kwa chidale, kumera ndevu; kumera tsitsi kumaliseche",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8572,"Experiencing wet dreams, deepening voice, having strong sexual desires","Kuyamba kutulutsa umuna, kuzama kwa mawu, kukhala ndi chilakolako chogonana",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8573,"Characteristics of puberty in girls include breast enlargement, hip enlargement, growth of pubic hair","Zizindikiro zakutha msinkhu mwa atsikana ndi monga kukula mawere, kukula chiuno, kumera tsitsi kumaliseche",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8574,"Girls begin to menstruate, have strong sexual desires, the voice softens","Atsikana amayamba kuchita msambo, amakhala ndi chilakolako champhamvu chofuna kugonana, mawu amasalala",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8575,"Problems faced by adolescent girls at school include shortage of change rooms, shortage of water and soap within the available change rooms ","Mavuto okhuza msambo omwe atsikana amakumana nawo ku sukulu ndi monga kupelewera kwa zipinda zosinthiramo, kupelewera kwa madzi ndi sopo muzipinda zosinthiramo",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8576,Unavailability of hygienic menstrual materials ,Kusowa kwa nsalu za nsambo ku sukulu ,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8577,Girls feel shy to open up to their teachers when they start menstruating,Kuchita manyazi kufotokozera aphunzitsi pamene atha msinkhu kapena akusamba,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8578,Being bullied by boys for staining their uniforms when menstruating ,Kutonzedwa ndi anyamata pamene adziyipitsira zovala ,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8579,"Girls experience headaches, menstrual crumps, nausea as well as backaches when menstruating","Kumva kuwawa mutu, mmimba pamene akusamba",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8580,"Problems faced by adolescent girls at home include lack of privacy in the makeshift change rooms, unavailability of hygienic menstrual materials","Mavuto okhuza msambo omwe atsikana amakumana nawo ku nyumba ndi monga kusowa kwa kwa chinsinsi mchipinda choyembekezera chosinthira pamene akusamba, kusowa kwa nsalu za msambo",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8581,Girls feel shy to open up to their parents when they start menstruating,Atsikana amachita manyazi kuti amasukire makolo awo akayamba kuchita msambo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8582,"Girls experience headaches, menstrual crumps, nausea as well as backaches when menstruating","Atsikana amamva kuwawa mutu, kupweteka mmimba, nseru ndiponso kupweteka nsana pamene akusamba",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8583,"Being denied to participate in activities such as cooking, sporting and other personal interactions with friends/peers due to myths around menstruation","Kusaloledwa kutenga nawo mbali mu zochitika monga kuphika, kuchita masewero olimbitsa thupi ngakhalenso kuyenda chifukwa cha zikhulupiliro",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8584,Ways of mitigating menstrual related problems at school and at home,Mmene tingachepetsere kapena kuthetsera mavuto okhuza msambo omwe atsikana amakumana nawo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8585,"At school, making sure change rooms have water and soap at all times","Ku sukulu, kuonetsetsa kuti chipinda chosinthira chili ndi madzi ndi sopo zokwanira",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8586,Having adequate washrooms/change rooms at school,Kukhala ndi zipinda zosinthira zokwanira pa sukulu,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8587,Providing proper guidance and education about menstruation among the adolescent girls,Kupeleka uphungu wokhuza kutha msinkhu komanso msambo moyenera,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8588,Ensuring that schools have sanitary pads in stock at all times,Kuonetsetsa kuti msalu za msambo zilipo pasukulu,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8589,Ensuring that painkillers are available within the school at all times,Kuonetsetsa kuti mankhwala opha ululu (painkillers) akupezeka pa sukulu,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8590,Assign female teachers to coordinate menstrual hygiene management issues within the schools,Pakhale aphunzitsi oyendetsa ntchito zothandiza atsikana pamene atha msinkhu,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8591,Parents must provide proper guidance and education about menstruation among the adolescent girls,Kupeleka uphungu woyenera kwa atsikana pankhani za msambo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8592,Ensuring that girls have the full MHM kit to manage their menstruation,Kuonetsetsa kuti mtsikana ali ndi zipangizo zogwiritsa ntchito pamene akusamba,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8593,Girls should have proper rooms with privacy within their homes,Atsikana akhale ndi chipinda choyenera chosinthiramo pamene akusamba kunyumba kwawo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8594,Myths and misconceptions regarding menstruation , Zikhulupiliro zolakwika pankhani za msambo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8595,First myth is that a girl or a woman can't get pregnant during her period,Chikhulupiliro cholakwika choyamba ndi chakuti mtsikana kapena mzimayi sangatenge pakati nthawi imene ali mu msambo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8596,"Facts are that: Your chances of getting pregnant while on your period are slim, but they're still there",Zoona zake ndi zakuti kuthekera kotenga pakati nthawi imene mtsikana kapena mzimayi ali mu msambo kumakhalapo koma kuti ndikocheperako.,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8597,Your menstrual cycle happens because your body is preparing for pregnancy by releasing an egg and thickening the lining of your uterus. ,Msambo wako umachitika kamba koti thupi la limakhala likukonzekera zotenga pakati kotero kuti limatulutsa dzila komanso kukhwimitsa mmbali mwa chiberekero.,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8598,"Many people think that once your body sheds this lining, you can't get pregnant.","Anthu ambiri amaganiza kuti pamene ndondomeko yochotsa za mmbali mwachiberekerozi ikuchitika, mtsikana kapena mzimayi sangatenge pakati. ",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8599,"While it is technically true that you can't get pregnant while this is happening, sperm can live in your body for up to 5 days. ","Pamene ndi zoona kuti simungatenge mimba pamene mwagonana muli mu msambo, umuna umatha kukhala muthupi lamunthu wamkazi kwa masiku asanu.",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8600,That means that any sperm that enters your body can stay alive throughout your period as well as after - at which point it's completely possible for you to get pregnant. , Izi zikutanthauza kuti umuna womwe walowa mthupi ukhoza kukhala panthawi yonse yamsambo kapena kupitilira udakali moyo - pambuyo pa izi nzotheka kutenga mimba,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8601,"If you are having sex and don't want to get pregnant, use protection - whether you're on your period or not.","Ngati mukugonana ndi mwamuna koma simukufuna kutenga mimba, gwiritsani ntchito zishango, kaya mukusamba kapena ayi",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8602,"The second myth is that: You should avoid activities like exercise, cooking, visiting sacred places, playing with friends or going to school when you are on your period.","Chikhulupiliro chabodza chachiwiri ndi chakuti: Mtsikana apewe kuchita zinthu monga masewera olimbitsa thupi, kuphika, kupita kumalo achipembedzo, kusewera ndi anzake kapena kupita ku sukulu pamene akusamba",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8603,Fact: Stop using your period as an excuse to skip school or do household work. ,Zoona zake: Siyani kunamizira msambo kuti musapite ku sukulu kapena kugwira ntchito zapakhomo,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8604,Exercise helps relieve symptoms associated with your period. ,Kuchita masewero olimbitsa thupi nthawi imene mukusamba zimathandiza kuchepetsa mavuto omwe thupi limakuna nawo nthawi yomwe mukusamba,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8605,"It can make you feel better, concentrate more easily, and feel energized. It can also ease pain such as cramps, back pain, and headaches.","Masewero olimbitsa thupi amathandiza kuti mkazi yemwe akusamba akhale bwino, adziyika chidwi pachinthu komanso akhale ndi nyonga. Amachepetsa kupweteka kwa mmimba mwa msambo, kupweteka kwa nsana komanso mutu",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8606,The third myth is that: Your period should last exactly one week each month,Chikhulupiliro chabodza chachitatu ndi chakuti: Msambo ukuyenera kuchitika kwa sabata imodzi yokha pamwezi uli onse.,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8607,"Fact: Even if you're always on time, that doesn't mean your period will be. ","Choona: Ngakhale msambo udziyamba panthawi yake nthawi zonse, izi sidzikutanthauza kuti msambo udzichitika mofanana nthawi zonse",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8608,"Your body is unique, and so is your monthly cycle. For most women, periods last about 5 days and happen every 4 to 5 weeks. ","Dziwani kuti thupi lanu ndi losiyana ndi matupi a anzanu zomwe zikhoza kupangitsa ndondomeko ya msambo wanu kukhalanso yosiyina ndi ena. Kwa amayi ambiri, msambo umakhala masiku asanu ndipo umachitika pa sabata zinayi kapena zisanu zilizonse",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8609,But periods can be shorter or longer and more or less frequent - and they can change each month. ,"Koma masiku a msambo akhoza kutalika kapena kufupika, ukhoza kumasinthasintha ndipo ukhoza kumasintha mwezi uliwonse",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8610,"So always be prepared that your period can start at any time, often carry with you a sanitary pad. ","Kotero, khalani okonzeka kuti msambo ukhoza kuyamba nthawi iliyonse, tengani nsalu za msambo pafupipafupi",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8611,"Your period might come when you're not expecting it, and it's helpful to be prepared.",Msambo wanu ukhoza kuchitika pamene simukuyembekezera ndiye khalani okonzeka ,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8612,"Myth number 4: During periods, girls are impure. ",Chikhulupiliro chabodza chachinayi: Atsikana amakhala odetsedwa ngati ali mu msambo. ,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8613,Fact: Periods are just nature’s way of saying a girl is growing up.,Zoona zake ndi zakuti ndondomeko ya msambo ndi chilengwedwe yomwe imaonetsa kuti mtsikana wakula.,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8614,Myth number 5: Girls having their menstruation should sleep in separate rooms,Chikhulupiliro chabodza chachisanu: Atsikana amene ali mu msambo akuyenera kugona malo osiyana ndi anzawo.,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8615,Fact: Menstruation is not a disease and is not contagious. Menstruation cannot cause harm to anyone else in the room.,Choona chake ndi chakuti msambo si matenda ndipo samaptsirana. Msambo sungabweretse vuto lina lirilonse kwa anthu ena omwe ali nawo mchipinda chimodzi,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8616,Menstruation is not a disease!!!! Menstruation is not contagious!!!! ,Msambo si matenda. Msambo sapatsirana,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8617,Myth number 6: Any form of physical activity/exercise can disturb the menstrual flow,Chikhulupiliro chabodza chachisanu ndi chimodzi: Masewero olimbitsa thupi amasokoneza kabweledwe ka msambo.,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8618,Fact: Exercise and sports help relieve menstrual pain.,Dziwani kuti masewero olimbitsa thupi amathandizira kuchepetsa ululu omwe umadza pa nthawi yomwe mtsikana kapena mayi akusamba. ,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8619,MHM related messages to be printed on posters (each message to be accompanied by a relevant picture),Mauthenga okhuza msambo (uthenga uliwonse ukhale ndi chithunzi chake choyenera),health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8620,Menstruation is not a disease. I can still learn while menstruating ,Msambo simatenda. Ndingathe kuphunzira ngakhale ndili mu msambo.,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8621,"As a girl, I can participate in any sporting activities regardless of my period","Ife mtsikana, ndingathe kuchita masewera aliwonse pamene ndikusamba.",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8622,"As a boy, it is my responsibility to make sure that girls are not bullied and discriminated when menstruating","Ine mnyamata, ndi udindo wanga kuonetsetsa kuti atsikana sakusekedwa komanso kusalidwa pamene ali munsambo.",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8623,"As a community leader, I have the responsibility of ensuring that the schools within my communities have enough washrooms for our girls ","Ine ngati mtsogoleri wammudzi, ndili ndi udindo woonetsetsa kuti pa sukulu yathu pali zipinda zokwanira komanso za chinsinsi zosinthiramo atsikana pamene akusamba.",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8624,"As a parent, it is my responsibility to ensure that my daughter has all the necessaries materials to manage her menstruation","Ine ngati kholo, ndi udindo wanga kuonetsetsa kuti mwana wanga wamkazi ali ndi zonse zoyenera kugwiritsa ntchito pamene akusamba.",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8625,"As a member of mother group, it is my duty to ensure that girls within the schools are exposed right information on menstruation","Ngati membala wa Mother Group, ndi udindo wanga kuonetsetsa kuti atsikana akulangizidwa moyenera pankhani za msambo.",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8626,"As a female teacher, I encourage my female to attend classes even when they are menstruating ","Monga mphunzitsi wachizimayi, ndimalimbikitsa atsikana mkalasi mwanga kuti asamajombe chifukwa cha msambo",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene manual +en8627,Have you started experiencing menses?,Kodi unayamba kuchita msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8628,"If yes, for how long have you been experiencing menstruation?","Ngati ndichocho, wakhalala ukuchita msambo kwa nthawi yaitali bwanji?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8629,How many days does your monthly period last?,"Msambo wako pa mwezi, umachitika kwamasiku ochuluuka bwanji?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8630,Do you experience any health-related problems during your periods?,Kodi umakumana ndimavuto ena ali wonse amthupi nthawi imene ukusamba?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8631,"If yes, what exactly do you experience?",Ngati ndi choncho umakumana ndi mavuto anji?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8632,How do you manage these health-related problems?,Mavuto amenewa umathana nawo nawo bwanji? ,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8633,Do you feel comfortable discussing your menstruation with others?,Kodi umakhala omasuka kukambirana ndi anthu ena nkhani zokhudzana ndi msambo wako ndi anthu ena?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8634,"If yes, with who?","Ngati ndichoncho, umamamasukira ndani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8635,"If no, why?","Ngati sumakwanitsa kumasuka, ndi chifukwa chiyani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8636,Do you miss classes because of menstruation?,Kodi umajomba kusukulu kamba koti uli mumsambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8637,"If yes, what are the reasons","Ngati umajomba, zifukwa zake zimakhala zotani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8638,On average how many days do you stay out of school because of menstruation,"Chikatikati, pamwezi umajomba masiku angati kamba ka msambo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8639,Do you have access to menstrual hygiene management information?,Kodi uli ndi kuthekera kopeza mauthenga okhudzana ndi za msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8640,"If yes, where do you get such information?","Ngati ndichoncho, umawapeza kuti mauthengawo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8641,How would you rate the information you receive on menstrual hygiene management?,Mmene umaonera mauthenga okhudza msambo ndiofunikira kwa iwe?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8642,What challenges do you face when accessing menstrual hygiene management information?,Ndi mavuto anji omwe umakumana nawo ukafuna kupeza mauthenga okhudza msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8643,In your previous menstruation what sanitary materials /products did you use?,"Mu msambo wako womaliza, unagwilitsa ntchito zinthu zanji?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8644,Where did you get the sanitary materials /products you have mentioned?,Zinthu zomwe unagwilitsa ntchito mu nthawi ya msambo womalizawu unazitenga kuti?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8645,Do you know how to sew reusable sanitary pads?,Umatha kusoka ma nsalu za msambo? ,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8646,"If yes, where did you learn the skills from?",Luso losoka nsalu za msambo unaphunzira kuti?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8647,How many reusable sanitary pads do you have?,Pakali pano uli ndi ma nsalu zingati zamsambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8648,"On your heaviest day, how many times do you change sanitary materials? ","Tsiku limene ukuchita Msambo wochuluka, umasintha kangati nsalu zamsambo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8649,Where do you most often change your menstrual materials when you are at home?,"Munthawi imene uli kunyumba, kawirikawiri ukafuna kusintha nsalu zamsambo umasinthira kuti?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8650,Where do you most often change your menstrual materials when you are at school?,"Nanga ukakhala ku sukulu, kawirikawiri umasinthira kuti nsalu zamsambo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8651,Do you feel comfortable using reusable sanitary pads?,Kodi umakhala omasuka/kukhutira nthawi imene ukugwilitsa ntchito ma nsalu zamsambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8652,"If yes, why do you feel comfortable using the reusable sanitary pads?","Ngati umakhala omasuka, chifukwa chake ndi chiyani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8653,"If not comfortable, why?","Ngati sumamasuka pogwilitsa ntchito, ndichifukwa chiyani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8654,Have you ever used menstrual cups?,Unayamba wagwilitsako ntchito ma menstrual cups?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8655,Do you feel comfortable using menstrual cups?,"Ngati unagwilitsako ntchito, umakhala omasuka panthawi yomwe ukugwilitsa ntchito?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8656,"If yes, why do you feel comfortable using a menstrual cup?","Ngati sunagwilitseko ntchito ma menstrual cups, ndi chifukwa chiyani? ",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8657,"In comparison, between reusable sanitary pads and menstrual cups what is your preferred menstrual product?","Kufananiza pakati pa nsalu zamsambo ndi ma menstral cup, ndi njira iti imene umakhutira nayo kugwilitsa ntchito?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8658,"Why is this, your preferred menstrual product?",Njira imeneyi umayikonda chifukwa chani?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8659,What kind of toilet facilities do you use at school?,Kodi ku sukulu mumagwiritsa ntchito zimbuzi zamtundu wanji?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8660,"In your school, do girls and boys have separate toilet facilities?","Ku sukulu yanu, kodi atsikana ndi anyamata ali ndi zimbuzi zosiyana?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8661,Do the toilets have hand washing facilities?,Kodi zimbuzizo zili ndi malo osambira mmanja?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8662,What kind of hand washing facilities do you use?,Kodi mumagwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zosambira mmanja zamtundu wanji?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8663,Does your hand washing facility have water?,Kodi pamalo osambira mmanja pali madzi?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8664,Does your hand washing facility have soap?,Kodi pamalo osambira mmanja pali sopo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8665,For how long have you been operating as mother group members at this school?,Mwankhala mukugwira ntchito nthawi yaitali bwanji ngati a gulu la amayi?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8666,"As mother group, what activities do you carry out at this school?",Ndi ntchito zanji zomwe mumagwira ngati a gulu la amayi pa sukulu pano?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8667,What support do you receive from the community when carrying out your work?,Ndi thandizo lotani limene mumalandira kuchochera kudera kwanu mukamagwira ntchito zanu ngati a gulu la amayi?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8668,"As mother group, what activities do you carry out in relation to adolescence and menstrual hygiene management?","Inu ngati a gulu la amayi, ndi ntchito zanji zimene mumagwira zokhudza ndi chisamaliro cha atsikana pa nkhani zamsambo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8669,What menstrual related challenges do girls face in your school?,Kodi atsikana amakumana ndi mavuto anji okhudzana ndi msambo pa sukulu pano?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8670,How do you resolve such challenges?,Nanga mavuto amenewa mumathana nawo bwanji?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8671,What other structures in your school support girls on menstrual hygiene management?,Ndimagulu kapena makomiti ati pasukulu pano amene amathandizira atsikana pankhani za msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8672,What kind of support do such structures render to girls in the school? ,Ndi thandizo lanji lomwe makomiti kapena magulu amenewa amapeleka kwa atsikana pa sukulu pano?),health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8673,What impact do such activities have on girl education? (Support includes from mother groups and other structures),Ndikusintha kuti kumene mwakuona pamaphunziro a tsikana potsatira thandizo lonse lomwe lakhala likupelekedwa (Thandizo likuphatikiza lochokera ku gulu la amayi komanso magulu ena onse),health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8674,What challenges do the girls face when accessing sanitary materials?,Kodi atsikana amakumana ndi mavuto otani akafuna kupeza zipangizo zogwilitsa ntchito munthawi ya msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8675,How (where) do girls in your school access messages/information on menstruation?,"Mdera lino, atsikana amapeza kuti mauthenga okhuza msambo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8676,What challenges do the girls face when accessing information on menstrual hygiene management?,Atsikana amakumana ndi mavuto anji akafuna kupeza mauthenga okhuza msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8677,How do you resolve such challenges? ,Nanga mavuto amenewa mumathana nawo bwanji?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8678,Do you have a toilet?,Kodi muli ndi chimbuzi?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8679,"If yes, what kind of toilet facility do you use? (please observe)","Ngati muli nacho, kodi chimbuzi chanu ndi cha mthundu wanji? (Chonde onani)",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8680,Do you have hand washing facility?,Muli ndi malo osambira m’manja?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8681,What kind of hand washing facility do you use?,Kodi mumagwiritsa ntchito chida chanji posamba m’manja?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8682,Does your hand washing facility have water? (please observe),Kodi chosambira m’manja chanucho chili ndi madzi? (Chonde onani),health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8683,Does your handwashing facility have soap? (please observe),Kodi pamalo posambira m’manja pamakhala soap? (Chonde onani),health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8684,Do you know when your daughter is having monthly periods?,Kodi mumadziwa nthawi/masiku imene mwana wanu wamkazi akusamba?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8685,"If yes, who informs you?","Ngati ndichocho, ndani amakudziwitsani inu?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8686,"If no, why?","Ngati sichoncho, ndi chifukwa chiyani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8687,Do you have time to discuss with your daughter about her menstruation?,Kodi mumakambirana ndi mwana wanu nkhani zokhuza msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8688,"If yes, what exactly do you discuss?","Ngati ndichocho, ndi nkhani ziti zimene mumakambirana ndi mwana wanuyo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8689,"If no, why?","Ngati ayi, ndichifukwa chiyani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8690,How do you support your daughter on issues of menstruation?,Kodi mwana wanu wamtsikana mumamuthandiza motani pa nkhani za msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8691,Where does your daughter change her sanitary materials?,Kodi mwana wantsika amakasinthira kuti nsaru za msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8692,Do monthly periods make your daughter miss classes?,Kodi mwana wanu amajomba ku sukulu chifukwa cha msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8693,"If Yes, why?","Ngati ndichocho, ndichifukwa chiyani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8694,"If no, what support do you provide for her not to miss classes?","Kuti asamajombe, mumamuthandiza bwanji?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8695,What materials does your daughter use during her menstruation periods?,Amagwiritsa ntchito zinthu zanji pamene mwana wanu wamkazi ali mumsambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8696,Are you happy with the materials she uses?,Mumakondwera nazo zipangizo zimene mwanawanuyo amagwiritsa ntchito akamasamba?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8697,"If no C11, what materials would you feel comfortable for her?","Ngati simumakondwera nazo, mungakonde atamagwiritsa ntchito chiyani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8698,Can you list down changes that take place in boys and changes that take place is girls during adolescent stage?,Munganene kusintha kumene kumakhalapo pakati pa anyamata ndi atsikana pamene akutha msinkhu?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8699,"How do these changes affect boys and girls? i.e. relationships with peers, parent’s, education, as well as relationship with opposite sex","Kusintha kumeneku kumakhuza bwanji anyamata ndi atsikana? Mwachitsanzo maubale awo ndi anzawo, makolo, maphunziro awo komanso maubale ndi amuna",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8700,As boys how do you cope with the changes you experience?,"Ngati anyamata, mumathana nako bwanji ndi kusintha kumeneku?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8701,How do girls cope up with the changes?,Nanga atsikana amathana nako bwanji ndi kusinthaku?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8702,Section 2 focuses on boys’ knowledge on menstrual hygiene management and their support towards adolescent girls ,Gawo lachiwiri likuyang'ana nzeru za anyamata pankhani za msambo komanso thandizo lomwe amapeleka kwa atsikana otha msinkhu,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8703,What do you understand by the term period/menstruation?,Kodi msambo ndi chani?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8704,How do girls get affected by menstruation?,Kodi atsikana amakhuzika bwanji ndi msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8705,Where do you access information on menstruation?,"Mdera lino, anyamata amapeza kuti mauthenga okhuza msambo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8706,What challenges do you face when accessing information on menstruation?,Anyamata amakumana ndi mavuto anji akafuna kupeza mauthenga okhuza msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8707,Do boys and girls have equal access to information on menstruation?,Kodi anyamata ndi atsikana ali ndi kuthekera kofanana kopeza mauthenga okhuza msambo?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8708,"In your community, what activities are girls prevented from performing when they are in menses?","Mdera lino, ndi zochitika ziti zomwe atsikana amaletsedwa kuchita pamene ali mu msambo?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8709,What are the reasons for girls not performing such activities?,Ndi zifukwa ziti zomwe atsikana samachitira ntchito zimemezi?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8710,What is the current situation of bullying girls when they soil/stain their clothes with menses?,"Padakali pano, mchitidwe wotonza komanso kuseka atsikana amene adziwonongera panthawi yomwe ali mumsambo uli motani?",health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8711,What impact does the bullying have on such girls? ,Zotsatira za mchitidwe wotonza kapena kuseka atsikana pamene ali mu msambo zimakhala zotani?,health and wellbeing,menstrual health and hygiene survey +en8712,Parents of children with albinism have been urged to be allow their children to participate in self defence trainings for improved safety,Makolo a ana akhungu la chi Albino alimbikitsidwa kulola ana awo kutenga nawo pamaphunziro odziteteza,general,social media +en8713,Patricia made the call at Jenda where 21 children drawn from various areas in Mzimba District were being taught tactics of self defence and reporting abuse,Patricia ananena izi kwa a Jenda komwe ana 21 ochokera mmadera osiyanasiyana m’boma la Mzimba anaphunzitsidwa njira zodzitetezera komanso kuti azinena akachitilidwa nkhanza.,general,social media +en8714,Patricia said they would have loved to train more than 21 children but some parents reportedly bar their children from associating with others,Patrica anati akadakonda akadaphunzitsa ana oposera 21 koma makolo ena anakaniza ana awo kutenga nawo gawo,general,social media +en8715,"One of the parents, Fatima Ngoma, said such trainings are very important to young people with albinsm as the children can protect themselves from attacks without relying on parents, especially when they are alone","Mmodzi mwa makolo, Fatima Ngoma anati maphunziro ngati awa ndiofunika kwambiri kwa ana ang’onoang’ono omwe ali ndi khungu la chi albino kuti azitha kudziteteza pa nthawi yomwe ali okha.",general,social media +en8716,"There is commotion at Mzuzu prison as mourners are demanding an explanation on the death of one of the prison warders, who died last evening",Pali mpungwepungwe pa ndende ya Mzuzu pomwe anamalira akufuna kufotokozeredwa bwino za imfa ya mmodzi mwa asitikali andende yemwe wamwalira usiku watha.,general,social media +en8717,"A sister to the deceased claims his brother collapsed after he was confronted by officers who were in company of inmates, demanding him to move out from one of the newly constructed institution houses","Mchemwali wa malemu wa wati mchimwene wawo wamwalira atakwenyedwa ndi asitikali ena omwe anali ndi akayidi, pomukakamiza kuchoka mu imodzi mwa nyumba zomwe zamangidwa kumene pa malowa",general,social media +en8718,She says the deceased collapsed following the heated confrontation and he was pronounced dead at hospital,Iwo ati malemuwa anagwa kutsatira chimkulirano chomwe chinalipo ndipo analengezedwa kuti watisiya atangofika ku chipatala.,general,social media +en8719,"Speaking at a funeral ceremony this afternoon, family members and community members have demanded the prison officer in-charge (who is not present) to come and make a proper explanation regards to the cause of the death","Poyankhura pa mwambo wamaliro masanawa, akubanja awuza mkulu wa apolisi wa ndende yi kuti afotokoze moveka bwino chomwe chadzetsa imfayi.",general,social media +en8720,The community members have vowed that the body will not leave for burial (Kasungu) until the explanation is made,Anthu okhala mderali ati thupi la malemuwa silinyamuka kupita ku Kasungu komwe likayikidwe mmanja pokhapokha atafokozeredwa moveka bwino.,general,social media +en8721,Mzuzu University (Mzuni) students have apologized to Nation Publications Limited (NPL) Journalist whom they assaulted during their protest against fees hike last month,Ophunzira a sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Mzuzu University apepesa kwa mtolankhani wa Nation Publications Limited (NPL) yemwe anamukwenya pomwe iwo amapanga zionetsero zodana ndikukwezedwa kwa sukulu fizi.,general,social media +en8722,"As an academic institution championing the rights of students, we consider the humiliation you faced to be counter-productive to the freedom of the press which we as intellectuals ought to defend",Ngati sukulu ya ukachenjede yomwe imalekeza ufulu wa ophunzira taona kuti nkhanza zomwe mwachitilidwa ndizolekana ndikupititsa patsogolo ufulu owulutsa nkhani omwe ife tikuwuyikira kumbuyo.,general,social media +en8723,"The letter, copied to MISA Malawi chapter, seeks forgiveness from the media fraternity and reconciliation",Kalata yomwe yapitaso ku MISA Malawi ikupempha chikhululuko kuchoka ku nthambi ya zofalitsa nnkhani.,general,social media +en8724,A grouping of Civil Society Organisations have described the recurring cases of mysterious and brutal deaths in Malawi as a clear indicatication of profound security lapses,Mabungwe oyima paokha afotokoza kudzaso kwa nkhani za kuphedwa kwa anthu movetsa chisoni ngati chizindikiro cha kuchepa kwa chitetezo mdziko muno.,general,social media +en8725,"They fear if left unchecked, the prevailing situation will diminish investor confidence and erode citizens' trust in security agencies",Izi ndizodzetsa mantha ndizo zibweza mmbuyo ochita malonda ochokera kunja ndiposo nzika zisiya kukhala ndi chikhulupiliro mwa anzathu opeleka chitetezo.,general,social media +en8726,"One of the signatories who is also HRDC Vice Chairperson, argues the recent brutal killings of three people show that Malawi is in a security crisis",Wachiwiri kwa mkulu wa bungwe la Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) wati kuphedwa kwa anthu atatu koma kwachitika ku kwaonetsa kuti Malawi alibe chitetezo chokwanira,general,social media +en8727,But National Police spokesperson Peter Kalaya discloses they are making progress to arrest suspects of the Lilongwe's two infamous murder incidents,"Koma ofalitsa nkhani za polisi mdziko muno a Peter Kalaya ati iwo akupita patsogolo ndi ntchito yofuna kumanga omwe akuganiziridwa kuti ndiwo adapha anthu awiri mopanda chisoni m,u mzinda wa Lilongwe.",general,social media +en8728,The Ministry of Education says it is investigating a video clip in which learners were allegedly working in a teacher's field at Mpata primary school in Phalombe,Unduna wa za maphunziro wati ukupanga kafukufuku pa kanema yemwe akuonetsa ophunzira akulima mmunda mwa aphunzitsi awo pa sukulu ya primary ya Mpata ku Phalombe.,general,social media +en8729,The ministry's principal secretary says in a statement that they do not condone any form of child labor in schools,"The ministry's principal secretary says in a statement that they do not condone any form of child labor in schools + Mlembi wamkulu ku unduna wu wati salola mtundu uliwose ogeilitsa ntchito ana msukulu",general,social media +en8730,"Teachers are not supposed to use learners as laborers. This is against the Malawi Constitution, the Teachers Code of Conduct, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and relevant international labor laws,"" she said","Aphunzitsi sayenera kugwiritsa ntchito ophunzira ngati antchito. Izi ndizolekana ndi malamulo a dziko, komanso malamulo a dziko lonse lapansi,” iwo anatero.",general,social media +en8731,Police have arrested a conman who was allegedly operating various Facebook accounts and in the process duping innocent people of their hard earned money,Apolisi amanga munthu wina yemwe amatsekula a mchezo pa Facebook kugwilitsa ntchito mayina a eni ake pofuna kubera anthu ndalama.,general,social media +en8732,"Deputy national police spokesperson has confirmed the arrest of Precious (22) who is currently being kept at Lingadzi police station on charges of obtaining money by false pretence and defamation of character, among others",Wachiwiri kwa ofalitsa nkhani za polisi mdziko muno watsimikiza zakumangidwa kwa a Precious a zaka 22 omwe akusungidwa pa polisi ya Lingadzi pa milandu yobera anthu ndalama powapusitsa komanso kunyazitsa mbiri ya anthu mwa zina.,general,social media +en8733,"Apparently, using the above fake Facebook accounts he has allegedly swindled money from several people including men, who thought were dealing with a lady",Pogwilitsa ntchito masamba a mchezo abodza wa iwo abera ndalama anthu osiyanasiyana kuphatikizapo azibambo omwe amaganiza ngati akucheza ndi mkazi.,general,social media +en8734,"He used for example, pictures of innocent women without their consent, to entice his male victims","Mwachitsazo, iwo amagwilitsa ntchito zithuzi za amayi osalakwa popanda chilolezo pofuna kunamiza azibambo.",general,social media +en8735,"Calm is said to have restored in Ngamwani and Sitima villages, in the area of Senior Chief Kapichi in Thyolo where communities returned home the dead body of a man from the graveyard following allegations that the a certain elderly woman was behind the death",Bata labwelera mmidzi ya Ngamwani komanso Sitima mdera la mfumu yayikulu Kapichi ku Thyolo komwe anthu anabwezea mtembo kumudzi kuchoka kumanda pomwe zinaveka kuti mayi wina wachikulire ndiye anapha malemuwa.,general,social media +en8736,Village Headman Sitima has told Zodiak Online that the dead body has been laid to rest this night after discussions between police and relatives on the matter,Mfumu Sitima yawuza Zodiak kuti mtembowu wayikidwa mmanda usiku uno kutsatira zokambilana pakati pa apolisi ndi abale a malemuwa.,general,social media +en8737,"In the afternoon, the accused woman was being forced to bring back the dead person to life","Chakumasana, mayi oganizilidwa yu anakakamizidwa kudzutsa munthu wakufayu",general,social media +en8738,"Meanwhile, the chief says the relatives have also reportedly assured the accused of security. Earlier, Luchenza Police Officer In-charge told us officers were on the ground to gather the details","Pakadali pano, a mfumu ati achibale atsimikizira kuti mayi oganizilidwawa ndi otetezedwa ndipo palibe chomwe chiwachitikile. Wa mkulu wa polisi ya Luchenza anatiwuza kuti apolisi ali pakalikiliki ofuna kumva kutolera zambiri za nkhaniyi",general,social media +en8739,At least eight women have been confirmed dead in yesterday's road accident at Kapeska bridge in Nkhata-Bay after the vehicle they were traveling in plunged into the river on their return from mother's day celebration at Chintheche,Zatsimikizika kuti mayi osachepera 8 amwalira dzulo pa ngozi yagalimoto pa Mlatho wa Kapeska ku Nkhata Bay pomwe galimoto yomwe anakwera inagwera mu mtsinje akuchokera ku chikondwelero cha tsiku lokumbukira amayi ku Chintheche.,general,social media +en8740,Both Nkhata-Bay police spokesperson and Chintheche Rural Hospital In-Charge have confirmed the development,Mneneri wa polisi ya Nkhata Bay komanso Mkulu wa chipatala cha Chintheche atsimikiza za ngoziyi,general,social media +en8741,"Meanwhile, James says six other women and a male driver of a Toyota Hiace minibus which they were traveling in, John have been seriously injured and admitted to Nkhata-Bay district hospital","Pakadali pano, a James ati amayi ena 6 komaso John yemwe amayendetsa galimoto la mtundu wa Toyota Hiace lomwe amayendamo avulala kwambiri ndipo agonekedwa pa chipatala chachikulu cha m’boma la Nkhata Bay.",general,social media +en8742,"As police are trying to find particular details of the deceased and the injured, James says the 21-year old driver of the vehicle with 15 people on board, John Banda hails from Mbona village in Traditional Authority Kanyenda in Nkhotakota district","Pomwe a polisi akufufuza zambiri za ovulala ndi omwalira wa, a James ati oyendetsa galimoto yu ndi onse omwe anali pa ulendo wu amachokera mmudzi mwa Mbona mdera la mfumu yayikulu Kanyenda m’boma la NkhotaKota.",general,social media +en8743,A Woman in Dowa is alleged to have risen from the dead fourteen years after she was buried in the village graveyard,Mayi wina m’boma la Dowa akuti wadzuka kwa akufa patadutsa zaka 14 atayikidwa mmanda,general,social media +en8744,Village Headman Kweve from T/A Msakambewa has told Zodiak Online today that the woman died in 2006 days after she gave birth and has appeared in the village last night,Mfumu Kweye m’dera la mfumunyayikulu Msakambewa wawuza Zodiak lero kuti mzimayi yu adamwalira mchaka cha 2006 atangobeleka mdipo wapezekaso mmudzimu usiku wathawu,general,social media +en8745,This morning village folks rushed to the village headman's house to see by themselves the bizarre and suspect she was bewitched,Mmawa uno anthu a mmudzi anathamangira kunyumba ya mfumu kukadzionera okha malodzawa,general,social media +en8746,"The woman according to Village Headman Kweve is weak and developed long hair and she told the people that ""I was in the southern region with another woman from this village who died years back and she is still there”",Mayi yu malingana ndi a mfumu Kweye ndi ofooka ndipo ali ndi tsitsi litali-litali ndipo wawuza anthu kuti anali kummwera kwa dziko lino ndi mayi wina yemweso adamwalira zaka zingapo zapitazo ndipo akadali konko.,general,social media +en8747,"Meanwhile, Dowa Police spokesperson Sub-inspector says police are not aware of the development","Pakadali pano, ofalitsa nkhani za polisi ya Dowa wati apolisi sadadziwitsidwe za nkhaniyi",general,social media +en8748,"In a move aimed at accommodating citizens in the diaspora, Malawi enacted a law to provide for dual citizenship about three years ago","Mu njira yofuna kusasiya kunja nzika zomwe zili kunja kwa dziko lino, dziko la Malawi lidakhazikitsa lamulo kuti lizilola anthu kukhala ndiziphaso za mayiko awiri zaka zitatu zapitazo.",general,social media +en8749,"In these early stages of implementation of the law, there are indications that the policy could be another avenue through which government will bleed money","Mmasiku oymbilira okhazikitsa lamuloli, zikuonetsa kuti ndondomeko yi itha kuthandiza kwambiri dziko lino kutolera ndalama.",general,social media +en8750,The dual citizenship policy which Malawi started implementing less than two years ago has already started raising red flags as being potentially another corruption scheme within the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services,Ndondomeko yolola kukhala ndi ziphaso za mayiko awiri yi yayamba kale kuonetsa kuthekera koti itha kukhalaso njira yopititsa patsogolo mchitidwe wa katangale ku nthambi yowona za unzika komanso kulowa ndikutuluka kwa anthu mdziko muno.,general,social media +en8751,Over 400 applications are under currently scrutiny over fears that fees for their processing may have fallen into illegal pockets instead of the government’s Account Number One,Mapempho opitilira 400 akuwawunika kaye poganizira kuti ndalama zomwe zinapelekedwa kuti ntchitoyi ichitike zidalowa mmatumba osayenera mmalo mopita ku boma.,general,social media +en8752,"The matter has stirred the interest of Minister of Homeland Security, who has since ordered an audit of the payment process for all dual citizenships applications at the department",Nkhani yi yakodola chidwi cha unduna owona za chitetezo cha m’dziko omwe wati pakhale kufufuza kwa momwe ndondomeko yopelekaera ziphasozi ikuyendera ku nthambiyi.,general,social media +en8753,"After years of work on the dual citizenship policy, Parliament passed the relevant bill in December 2018. The President assented to the bill into law in March 2019","Patatha zaka ziwiri za ntchito yopanga ndondomeko yi, nyumba ya malamulo idadutsitsa bill pa 18 December mchaka cha 2018. Ndipo mtsogoleri wa dziko adavomeleza bill kukhala lamulo mmwezi wa March mchaka cha 2019.",general,social media +en8754,"As defined by the department, dual citizenship is the status where a person is concurrently regarded as a citizen of two countries","Monga nthambiyi idafotokozera, kukhala ndiziphaso ziwiri ndi pomwe munthu amakhala nzika mmayiko awiri osiyana.",general,social media +en8755,"According to the department, only Malawians by birth or descent are eligible to acquire dual citizenship","Malingana ndi nthambiyi, okhawo omwe ndi nzika za dziko la Malawi kudzera nkubadwa komaso kulondora kochokera makolo awo ndi omwe ali oyenera kukhala ndi ziphaso za unzika wa mayiko awiri",general,social media +en8756,"Persons who were naturalised, registered or conferred the citizenship of Malawi are not eligible for the Malawi dual citizenship, it says",Omwe adachita kupatsidwa unzika wa dziko lino siololedwa kukhala ndi ziphaso za mayiko awiri,general,social media +en8757,"The Department of Immigration says dual citizenship application in Malawi costs about $20,000 each","Nthambi yowona za unzika komanso kulowa ndikutuluka kwa anthu mdziko muno yati ndondomeko yotengera ziphaso za unzika wamayiko awiri ikufuna ndalama pafupifupi 20,000 za mdziko la America",general,social media +en8758,"“I have several applications for dual citizenship that need to be signed, but they are without receipts. I have since ordered the audit on the same,” he said.","“Pali mapempho ochuluka ofuna kukhala ndi ziphaso za mmayiko awiri zofunika kusayinira, koma zilibe umboni oti zidalipilidwa. Choncho ndalamula kuti pachitike kafukufuku,” iwo anatero.",general,social media +en8759,He said he has since asked the Department of Immigration to provide all necessary documents before he proceeds with the signing of the dual citizenship,Iwo anati kotero afunsa nthambi yowona za unzika komanso kulowa ndikutuluka kwa anthu mdziko muno kuti ipeleke zikalata zose zoyenelera asadapitilire kusayinira ziphaso zi,general,social media +en8760,"Further, he said the government also wants to review the security features on the citizenship certificate",Anawonjezeraso kuti boma likufuna kuwunikilaso zisonyezo zachitetezo pa ziphaso za unzika,general,social media +en8761,"“I would like the department to have a built-in system as opposed to the current manual system that is there for dual citizenship,” he said","“Ndikadakonda nthambiyi ikadakhala ndi njira ya makono kusiyana ndinjira yomwe ilipo pakali pano popeleka ziphaso za unzika wa mayiko awiri,” iwo anatero.",general,social media +en8762,"“What I know is that the money is used within the office, used by the officers. Officers are providing dual citizenship certificates with demanding proof of payment from the applicants,” said one of the sources","Chomwe ndikudziwa nchakuti ndalama zikugwilitsidwa ntchito mma ofesi momwemu ndi adindo. Adindo akumafusa umboni oti munthu walipira akamapeleka ziphaso,” watero mmodzi yemwe tinayankhula naye.",general,social media +en8763,"“Our department kicked off the processing of dual citizenship applications in January 2022, and the response has been very positive, considering that many who were compelled to renounce their Malawi citizenship because of the old law are now restoring it",Nthambi yathu idayamba kupeleka ziphanso zokhala nzika mmayiko awiri mmwezi wa January mchaka cha 2021 ndipo zinthu zakhala zikuyenda bwino kutengera kuti onse omwe adawusiya unzika wa dziko lino tsopano akutha kuwutengaso.,general,social media +en8764,"“Right now, over 200 Malawians have been given certificates identifying them as dual citizens,” Chiponde said","Tikunena pano, a Malawi oposa 200 apatsidwa ziphaso kuwavomeleza kukhala nzika za mayiko awiri,” anatero Chiponde.",general,social media +en8765,"He said right now, the amended citizenship law permits persons of full age and capacity to hold citizenship of another country in addition to their Malawi citizenship","Iwo ati pakali pano, lamulo lomwe lakhazikitsidwa kumene lokhudza unzika likulora munthu wa zaka zochuluka kukhala nzika ya dziko lina ngati ali kale nzika ya dziko la Malawi.",general,social media +en8766,"Citizenship issues in Malawi are governed by the 1966 Citizenship Act of the Laws of Malawi. The 1966 law permitted Malawians under the age of 22 to maintain dual citizenship. However, it limits persons of full age and capacity to be dual citizens","Nkhani yokhudza unzika ku Malawi zimayendetsa ndi lamulo la unzika la dziko lino la 1966. Lamuloli limalora a Malawi a zaka osaposa zaka 22 kukhalaso nzika ya dziko lina. Komabe, lamuloli silimalora a zaka zoposera 22 kukhalaso nzika ya dziko lina.",general,social media +en8767,"The Immigration Department is perpetually in the limelight with regard to the processing of passports where citizens are waiting for a long time, some as long as more than a year, to have their passport processed – alongside allegations of rampant corruption among officers there for one to have their passport processed",Nthambi yowona za unzika komanso kulowa ndikutuluka kwa anthu mdziko muno ikutenga nthawi yayitali kuti ipeleke ziphaso zaokhala nzika mmayiko awiri pomwe anthu akumadikira mpaka chaka kuti atenge ziphaso zawo pambali pakuganiziridwa kuti pakuchitika zachinyengo pa ntchito yopeleka ziphasozi.,general,social media +en8768,"Botswana, Eswatini, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe have already achieved the “95-95-95” targets","Mayiko a Botswana, Eswatini, Rwanda, Tanzania komanso Zimbabwe adakwanitsa kaye mulingo wa “95-95-95”",general,social media +en8769,"That means 95 percent of the people who are living with HIV knowing their HIV status, 95 percent of the people who know that they are living with HIV being on lifesaving anti-retroviral treatment, and 95 percent of people who are on treatment being virally suppressed",omwe ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV akumwa mankhwala otalikitsa moyo a ARV ndipo anthu 95 mwa anthu 100 omwe ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV omwe akumwa ma ARV chiopsezo cha kachilomboka mthupi mwawo ndichochepa.,general,social media +en8770,They could be remembered by future generations as those who put a stop to the world’s deadliest pandemic,Izi zidzakumbukilika ndi mibadwo ya mtsogolo ngati zitsazo kuti anakwanitsa kuyimitsa mliri owopsawu,general,social media +en8771,They could save millions of lives and protect the health of everyone. They could show what leadership can do.”,Akadapulumutsa miyoyo miyandamiyanda ndikuteteza ufulu wa aliyese. Akadaonetsa zomwe utsogoleri ungapange.,general,social media +en8772,The report highlights that HIV responses succeed when they are anchored in strong political leadership,Malipoti akuonetsa kuti kuthana ndi HIV kumatheka pomwe atsogoleri andale akuthandizapo kwambiri,general,social media +en8773,"In 2022, an estimated, 39.0 million people globally were living with HIV, 29.8 million people were accessing antiretroviral therapy, 1.3 million people became newly infected with HIV and 630 000 people died from Aids-related illnesses","Mchaka cha 2022, pafupifupi 39 miliyoni padziko lonse lapansi ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV, anthu pafupifupi 29 miliyoni amalandira ma ARV, anthu pafupifupi 1.3 miliyoni adali atatenga kumene kachilomboka ndipo anthu 630 000 adamwalira kamba ka EDZI",general,social media +en8774,"This means following the data, science, and evidence; tackling the inequalities holding back progress; enabling communities and civil society organizations in their vital role in the response; and ensuring sufficient and sustainable funding",Izi zimatanthauza kuti kutsatira zotsatirazi ndi umboni wake; kulimbana ndi kusagwilizana kukubwezera mmbuyo ntchito; kuwalora anthu komanso mabungwe kuchita kuthekera kwawo pa ntchitoyi; komaso kuonetsetsa kuti thandizo la ndalama likupelekedwa moyenera ndiposo mosalekeza,general,social media +en8775,"Progress has been strongest in the countries and regions that have the most financial investments, such as in eastern and southern Africa where new HIV infections have been reduced by 57 percent since 2010","Kupita chitsogolo kwakhalapo mmayiko amene amayikapo chuma chambiri pothana ndivutoli, monga mayiko a ku mmawa ndi ku mmwera kwa Africa komwe mliri wa HIV wachepetsedwa ndi ma pelesenti 57 kuyambira mchaka cha 2010.",general,social media +en8776,"Thanks to support for and investment in ending Aids among children, 82 percent of pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV globally were accessing anti-retroviral treatment in 2022, up from 46 percent in 2010","Tithokoze thandizo lomwe likupelekedwe pothetsa nthenda ya EDZI pakati pa ana, amayi 82 mwa 100 oyembekezera komaso oyamwitsa omwe ali ndi kachilombo ka HIV amapeza ma ARV kukwera kuchoka pachiwelengero cha anthu 46 pa anthu 100 aliwonse mchaka cha 2010.",general,social media +en8777,"This has led to a 58 percent reduction in new HIV infections among children from 2010 to 2022, the lowest number since the 1980’s","Izi zadzetsa kuchepa kwa anthu otenga nthenda ya EDZI ndi anthu 58 pa 100 aliwose pakati pa ana muzaka za 2010 mpaka 2022, chiwelenerochi ndichotsika zedi kuchoka mzaka za ma 1980.",general,social media +en8778,The end of Aids is an opportunity for a uniquely powerful legacy for today’s leaders. They could be remembered by future generations as those who put a stop to the world’s deadliest pandemic,Kutha kwa nthenda ta EDZI ndi mwayi okhala ndi mbiri yabwino kwa atsogoleri a lero. Atha kudzayamikilidwa mtsogolo ngati omwe adathetsa mliri owopsawu.,general,social media +en8779,They could save millions of lives and protect the health of everyone. They could show what leadership can do,Akadapulumutsa miyoyo miyandamiyanda ndikuteteza ufulu wa aliyese. Akadaonetsa zomwe utsogoleri ungapange.,general,social media +en8780,Progress in the HIV response has been strengthened by ensuring that legal and policy frameworks do not undermine human rights but enable and protect them,Kupita patsogolo pakuthana ndi HIV kwakhala kotheka poonetsetsa kuti ndondomeko zomwe zikuyikidwa zikulakwira ma ufulu achibadwidwe koma kuwateteza,general,social media +en8781,"Globally, 4,000 young women and girls became infected with HIV every week in 2022","Padziko lonse, amayi achichepere komaso atsikana adatenga kachilombo ka HIV sabata iliyose mchaka cha 2022.",general,social media +en8782,"There is an opportunity now to end Aids by increasing political will by investing in a sustainable response to HIV through financing what matters most: evidence-based HIV prevention and treatment, health systems integration, non- discriminatory laws, gender equality, and empowered community networks","Pano pali mwayi othetsa nthenda ya EDZI pochulukitsa thandizo la boma poyika njira zokhazikika zothanilana ndikachilombo ka HIV poyika ndalama pa zinthu zofunika kwambiri, thandizo lothana ndi kachilombo ka HIV lomwe lili ndi umboni, kulumikizitsa ntchito za umoyo, malamulo osasala gulu, kusasiyana pakati pa amayi ndi abambo komanso kulimbikitsa anthu.",general,social media +en8783,"President Lazarus Chakwera Friday launched the Affordable Input Programme (AIP) for the 2023 farming season in Kasungu, stressing that government has no plans of abandoning the programme",Mtsogoleri wa dziko Lazarus Chakwera lachisanu wakhazikitsa ndondomeko ya zipangizo za ulimi zotsika mtengo ya chaka cha 2023 ku Kasungu ndipo wati boma lilibe lingaliro yosiya ntchitoyi,general,social media +en8784,“There were some in this country who said that I should abandon the AIP because it had become too expensive,“Pali ena mdziko muno omwe akuti ndisiye ntchitoyi poti ikulowa mthumba kwambiri,general,social media +en8785,"“But I have never once considered this an option, because even though it is true that bringing fertilizer from abroad is so much more expensive now than it was three years ago it is not as expensive as the starvation of an entire nation","“Koma ine sindidaganizilepo za izi, chifukwa ngakhale zili zoona kuti kuyitanitsa feteleza kuchoka kunja kuli kolowa mthumba kuposa mmbuyomu siyodukla kwambiri kuyelekeza ndimavuto omwe tili nawo ngati dziko",general,social media +en8786,“It is not surprising to me that the people who say that the AIP should be abandoned all have one thing in common; they all have income security and can afford to buy food,“Sichodabwitsa kuti onse akuti ntchitoyi isiyidwe onse ali ndi chuma ndipo amakwanitsa kugula chakudya.,general,social media +en8787,"But in this country the number of people that have income security and can afford to buy their own food is just less than 5 percent,” Chakwera said","Koma chiwelengero cha anthu omwe ali ndi chuma ndipo amatha kudzipezera chakudya mdziko muno ndichochepa kwambiri,” anatero Chakwera.",general,social media +en8788,"According to Chakwera, AIP is not for those who are asking that it should be abandoned but it is for the poor Malawians who need to be supported for them to be food secure","Malingana ndi a Chakwera, ntchito ya AIP si ya omwe akuti isiyidwe koma anthu ovutika omwe akufunika thandizo kuti akhale ndi chakudya",general,social media +en8789,"‘I am directing you, Minister of Agriculture, to ensure that all the farming households that qualify to receive this fertilizer do so within the next 40 days,” Chakwera said","“Ndikulamulani a unduna a za ulimi kuti muonetsetse mabanja onse oyenera kulandira nawo zipangizo zotsika mtengozi akwanilitse kutero mmasiku makumi anayi otsatirawa,” watero Chakwera.",general,social media +en8790,"Additionally, Chakwera has ordered that within that period, the minister should be giving Malawians regular updates on the progress being made in the distribution of the fertilizer across the country","Kuonjezera apo, a Chakwera awuza ndunayi kuti iziwuza a Malawi mmene ntchitoyi ikuyendera dziko lonse la Malawi.",general,social media +en8791,"“You must also create a platform through which any technical problems that arise in the operation can be reported, resolved, and addressed in an open and transparent manner that builds confidence among Malawians that this programme is being done for their good and not to advance the selfish interests of any person",“Mutha kupangasonjira yoti vuto lililose lomwe lapezeka lizitha kukanenedwako ndikukozedwa mwachilungamo ndi kupelekeza chilimbikitso kwa a Malawi kuti ntchitoyi ikuchitika pofuna kuthandiza iwo osati kufuna kukwanilitsa anthu ena ochepa.,general,social media +en8792,"“Lastly, if you find any evidence that any public servant tries to engage in corrupt acts from their involvement in this programme, you must inform me immediately so that I can deal with them severely,” he said","“Pomaliza, ngati mwapeza umboni kuti adindo ena aboma akuyesa kupanga za katangale pa ntchitoyi mundidziwitse mwansanga kuti ndithane nawo,” iwo anatero.",general,social media +en8793,"The catastrophic effects of climate change are here: blistering and deadly heat waves are scorching Europe and the poles are melting, with sea-ice growth in Antarctica reaching unprecedented lows. Is there anything individuals can do about it?","Zotsatira zoopsa za kusintha kwa nyengo zatigwera; mpweya otentha kwambiri ukuomba ku Ulaya ndipo kumapeta kwa dziko madzi owuma akusunguka, ndipo kupangidwa kwa madzi owuma wa kukuchepa munyanja ya Antarctica. Chilipo chomwe tingapange pothana ndi izi?",general,social media +en8794,"The answer is a resounding yes. What we eat, in particular, matters a great deal. The claim that “cows are the new coal” may seem hyperbolic, but it is essentially accurate",Yankho ndi inde. Zomwe timadya zimakolozera kwambiri. Mawu oti ng’ombe ndi malasha atsopano ndiowona.,general,social media +en8795,"Roughly a third of all demand-side greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions are from food systems, and beef alone accounts for a quarter of emissions produced by raising and growing food",Kudutsa theka la mpweya oyipa omwe umapita mmwamba umachokera ku zakudya ndipo nyama ya ng’ombe imatulutsa theka la theka la mpweya wu kamba kakuchuluka kwa kufunika koweta ndikupanga nyama.,general,social media +en8796,"Moreover, the real price of animal-based meals does not reflect their carbon footprint and the resulting cost of mitigation efforts.",Komaso mtengo wa zakudya za nyama sumagwilizana kwenikweni ndi mtengo othanilana mavuto omwe zimadzetsa,general,social media +en8797,"Research shows that a shift toward plant-based diets, or to less environmentally harmful meats such as fish and chicken, would be better for people and the planet",Kafukufuku adaonetsa kuti kuyamba kudya zakudya zochokera ku zipatso kapena nyama zomwe siziononga kwambiri chilengedwe monga nsomba ndi nkhuku kungapindulire anthu ndi dziko lapansi.,general,social media +en8798,"Given this, default policies in restaurants, cafes and canteens could be a game changer. As powerful yet freedom-preserving “nudges,” they change the context of choice while still allowing individuals to decide","Kutsatira izi, kukonza ndondomeko mmalo ogulitsa zakudya zitha kukonza zinthu. Ngati njira yamphamvu komabe yopeleka ufulu atha kusintha zoyenera kusankhidwa uku akulorabe anthu kudzipangira ziganizo.",general,social media +en8799,"Built on insights derived from economics, consumer research, and decision science, such policies put people’s emotions, habits, biases and heuristics, social norms and preferences centre stage, and can be designed to mitigate climate change","Kumangidwa pa fundo za chuma, kafukufuku, sayasi, ndondomeko zotere zimayika zikhulupiliro ndi khalidwe la anthu pamodzi ndipo zitha kupangidwa kuti zithetse kusintha kwa nyengo",general,social media +en8800,There is no denying that consumers will need to switch to a more plant-based diet to reduce food systems’ greenhouse gas emissions,Chodziwikira tu ndichakuti anthu adzafunikabe kuyamba kudya kwambiri zakudya zochoka ku zomera pofuna kuchepetsa mpweya oyipa ochokera ku zakudya.,general,social media +en8801,He was often so swamped with work that he was sometimes unable to take on new customers for up to a month,Ankatangwanika kwambiri ndi ntchito kotero kuti ankakanika kulora makasitomala ena kwa mwezi,general,social media +en8802,"But in the last two weeks, the 35-year-old tailor’s pair of sewing machines have been idle because demand is dwindling. And now he is finding it hard to cater to the needs of his wife and one-year-old son","Pamasabata awiri apitawa, makina osokera atelala wina wa zaka 35 akungokhala chifukwa malonda kulibe. Pano akuvutika kupeza chiamaliro cha mkazi ndi mwana wake wa chaka chimodzi.",general,social media +en8803,"“The high cost of living has driven clients away,” he said, with a look of despair in his eyes. A month ago, two of his most loyal customers suspended orders indefinitely, telling him that they are now prioritising spending their earnings on basic needs","Kukwera mtengo kwa zinthu kwathawitsa makasitomala,” iye anatero mokhumudwa. Mwezi watha, awiri mwa makasitomala adathetsa mgwirizano wa ntchito yomwe amayenera kuwapangira pomuwuza kuti tsopano akufuna kugwilitsa ntchito ndalama zawo pa zosowa za tsiku ndi tsiku.",general,social media +en8804,"The rising cost of materials is also eating into the small profit margins for Kambale’s business, which is run on a shoestring budget",Kukweraso kwa mtengo wazogwiritsa ntchito kwadzetsa kuchepa kwa phindu lomwe amapeza,general,social media +en8805,"Since 2021, the country has been experiencing acute foreign currency shortages, a consequence of reduced exports, experts say. This has led to a scarcity of essential goods such as food, medicine, fertiliser and fuel","Kuchoka chaka cha 2021, dziko lino lakhala likusowa ndalama za mayiko akunja, kamba kakuchepa kwa katundu yemwe timagulitsa kunja malingana ndi a katswiri. Izi zapangitsa kuti zinthu zofunikira kwambiri monga chakudya, mankhwala, feteleza komaso mafuta a galimoto asowe.",general,social media +en8806,"Analysts like Betchani Tchereni, associate professor of economics and dean at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, say Malawi is still feeling the effects of Covid and the war in Ukraine on the global supply chain",A katswiri monga Brtchani Tchereni m’phunzitsi pa sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences wati dziko la Malawi likupitilirabe kumva kuwawa kwa zotsatira za covid-19 komaso nkhondo ya mayiko a Russia ndi Ukraine,general,social media +en8807,"Since the conflict began in February 2022, the price of bread has increased by at least 50 percent","Kuchoka pomwe nkhondo yi idayamba mmwezi wa February mchaka cha 2022, mtengo wa bread wakwera pafupipafupi ndi theka.",general,social media +en8808,"“The pandemic destabilised tobacco export and when the war started, the prices of chemical fertiliser skyrocketed, meaning that we couldn’t afford the quantities that we needed any more",“Mliri wu wasokoneza malonda a fodya ndipo pomwe nkhondo idayamba mitengo ya feteleza idakwera kutanthauza kuti sitingakwanitseso kugula mulingo omwe timafuna.,general,social media +en8809,"“This also came at a time global inflation in general went up, meaning that we couldn’t afford many imports. It further drained our forex and led to inflation,” he said","“Izi zidadzaso pomwe mitengo ya zinthu idakwera ndithu pa dziko lonse kutanthauza kuti sitingakwanitse kuyitanitsa katundu ochuluka kuchoka ku mayiko akunja kuchititsaso kuti ndalama yakunja ipitilire kusowa ndipo mitengo ya zinthu ikwere,” iwo anatero.",general,social media +en8810,"The High Court Commercial Division has granted a stay order to Illovo Sugar Malawi, stopping the Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC) from effecting its determination to reduce sugar prices pending appeal",Mbali yowona za chuma kubwalo lamilandu la High Court lapeleka chiletso ku kampani ya Illovo Sugar Malawi kuletsa bungwe la Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC) lomwe limaona kuti pasakhale kusiyana pamalonda kukhazikitsa chiganizo chotsitsa mtengo wa sugar podikilira appeal,general,social media +en8811,"The stay follows a determination by CFTC on August 23 this year, when it faulted Illovo Sugar Malawi for hiking sugar prices in October last year",Chiletsochi chikutsatira ganizo la bungwe la CFTC pa 23 August chaka chino pomwe lidati kampani Illovo idalakwitsa kukweza mtengo wa sugar mu October chaka chatha.,general,social media +en8812,"In its determination, CFTC resolved to issue an advisory note to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, as a policy holder, to compel Illovo to reduce sugar prices, taking into account that the company does not have a mandate to control smuggling using prices or other means","Mchiganizo chake, CFTC lidaganiza kupeleka langizo ku unduna wa malonda ngati opanga ndondomeko pofuna kukakamiza kampani ya Illovo kutsitsa mtengo wa sugar potengera kuti kampaniyi ilibe ndondomeko zothetsera kuzembetsedwa kwa sugar.",general,social media +en8813,"Truck drivers, who were on strike, have been promised increased pay from K140,000 to K300,000 per month","Oyendetsa magalimoto za mtundu wa truck alonjezedwa kuwakwezera malipiro kuchoka pa K140,000 kufika pa K300,000 pa mwezi",general,social media +en8814,"This was the resolution made after the drivers engaged in discussions with their employer, namely Transporters Association of Malawi, and Presidential Adviser on Political Affairs Ephraim Chivunde","Ganizoli linapangidwa kutsatira kuyankhulana kwa oyendetsa galimoto wa ndi owalemba ntchito a Transporters Association of Malawi, komaso mlangizi wa president pankhani za ndale a Ephraim Chivunde.",general,social media +en8815,“It was a very long meeting. We started around 11am and finished around 16:00hrs. We have agreed [on some things] and some of our demands have been met,“Unali nkumano wawutali. Tinayamba mma 11 mmawa ndikumaliza 4 koloko masana. Tagwilizana pa zinthu zina ndipo zina mwazofuna zathu zakwanilitsidwa.,general,social media +en8816,"“What we demanded is not what has been given but we are happy because the increase is reasonable. We bargained for K450,000 per month but they have given us K300,000 as take-home salary. As such, we are happy since we will continue engaging [with the authorities],” Tembo said","“Zomwe timafuna sizomwe tapatsidwa komabe takondwera ndizomwe tapatsidwa. Tinapempha K450,000 pa mwezi koma atipatsa K300,000 ngati malipiro. Choncho, ndife osangalala chifuka tipilira kukambilana ndi adindo,” anatero a Tembo.",general,social media +en8817,"Tembo said following the agreement, leaders of the truck drivers will inform the rest of the drivers who abandoned the trucks that were carrying fuel to go back where the vehicles are and drive them to destinations","A Tembo ati kutsatira mgwirizano wu, otsogolera oyendetsa magalimoto wa awuza anzawo omwe anangosiya magalimoto atanyamula mafuta kuti apite akatenge magalimoto wa akasiye koyenelera.",general,social media +en8818,"“We, as transporters, also had our own problems— problems we have been experiencing in this country. We are talking of problems such as loss of business and economic hardships but we have seen that our problems cannot be solved within a day and, as such, we had to reach an agreement","“Ngati onyamula katundu, tiliso ndi mavuto athu omwe takhala tikukumana nawo mdziko muno. Tikukamba mavuto monga kusowa kwa ntchito komaso mavuto a chuma koma tidaona kuti mavuto athu sangathetsedwe mosavuta choncho timangoyenera kugwilizana",general,social media +en8819,"“They had a meeting with government officials on Tuesday and they failed to agree. As such, today’s meeting was just a follow-up and I’m happy that we have reached an agreement",“Anali ndi mkumano ndi adindo a boma lachiwiri ndipo adakanika kumvana. Choncho mkumano wa lero unali ongotsatira ndipo ndine osangalala kuti tamvana chimodzi,general,social media +en8820,"“The President asked me to meet both of them to discuss and have the matter resolved. Both parties had their issues but we discussed and came up with solutions. Transporters have managed to raise the salaries and the drivers have promised to call off the strike,” he said","A president anandipempha kuti ndikumane nawo onse kuti tikambilane ndipo nkhaniyi ithetsedwe. Mbali zonse zinali ndi nkhani zawo ndipo tapeza mayankho. Onyamula katundu akwanitsa kukweza malipiro ndipo oyendetsa galimoto alonjeza kusiya kunyanyala ntchito, iwo anatero.",general,social media +en8821,"Malawi Thursday started experiencing what the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services has described as a heatwave, with temperatures expected to hit a peak of 44 degrees Celsius. The department indicates that the heatwave is expected to persist up to tomorrow",Lachinayi dziko lina layamba kulandira mpweya omwe nthambi yowona za nyengo ya Climate Change and Meteorological Services yafotokoza kuti ndi otentha kwambiri ndipo kutentha kufika mulingo wa degree 44. Nthambi yi yati zichitika mpaka mawa.,general,social media +en8822,"He said the high temperatures are due to direct heat energy from the sun, which is apparently overhead in Malawi",Iwo anati kutentha ku ndikamba ka kuotcha kochokera ku dzuwa lomwe lili pamwamba pa Malawi,general,social media +en8823,"The department has since advised citizens to take care of the elderly, children and those with pre-existing health conditions who are at risk of suffering serious health complications if exposed to extreme heat for a long period of time","Choncho nthambi yi yalangiza nzika kusamalira okalamba, ana komaso omwe ali ndi mavuto ndipo atha kudwala atakhala pa dzuwa kwa nthawi yayitali",general,social media +en8824,"“Climate change is real; let’s follow the advice that the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services has given: drink enough water even if you do not feel thirsty,” Usi said","“Kusintha kwa nyengo ndikowona; tiyeni titsate malangizo omwe nthambi yowona za nyengo yapeleka: imwani madzi ambiri ngakhale pomwe simukumva ludzu,” a Usi amayankhula motero.",general,social media +en8825,"Between October and November 2019, a heatwave also hit some parts of the Southern African Development Community and killed at least one person in Botswana","M'miyezi ya October ndi November mchaka cha 2019, kutentha kotere kudachitikaso mbali zina za ku mmwera kwa Africa ndipo kudapha munthu mmodzi ku Botswana",general,social media +en8826,"At that time, temperatures rose above 40 degrees Celsius, with Botswana and Zimbabwe recording elephant deaths in relation to heatwaves and drought",Panthawiyo kutentha kudadutsa mulingo wa ma degree 40 ndipo kutenthaku kudapha njobvu ku Botswana ndi Zimbabwe.,general,social media +en8827,"Fire has wiped out over 200 hectares of both young and mature trees in Mzimba’s Viphya Plantation, popularly known as Chikangawa, which is under Raiply Malawi concession. Thousands other hectares are said to be affected too",Moto waononga ma hekita 200 ya mitengo ing’onoing’ono mnkhalango ya Viphya ku Mzimba yomwe imatchedwa kuti Chikangawa yomwe ili pansi pa kampani ya Raiply. Ma hekita enaso miyandamiyanda akuti yawonongekaso,general,social media +en8828,Raiply Malawi Public Relations Officer Dalitso Chimwala said in an interview Wednesday that an assessment of the damage continues and that the number of hectares that have been destroyed may rise following the fast progress of the fire,"Oyankhulira kampani ya Raiply, Dalitso Chimwala lachitatu anati kafukufuku akuonetsa kuti chiwelengero cha malo omwe awonongeka chikwera.",general,social media +en8829,"Chimwala said the company suspects that poachers are behind the arson, which has wiped out trees planted between 2021 and 2023.",Chimwala wati kampaniyi ikuganizira anthu opha nyama ndi omwe amayambitsa moto omwe wakhala ukuononga mitngo pakati pa zaka za 2021 ndi 2023.,general,social media +en8830,"“It is a very huge loss to the company, which depends on trees for its survival. It is not only us as a company that are losing but communities surrounding us too because some of the affected areas are sources of water for many rivers, where people conduct irrigation farming,” Chimwala said","“Ndikuluwuza kwambiri ku kampani yomwe imadalira mitengo kuti ikhalapobe. Si ife tokha tikuluza komaso anthu okhala mmadera ozungulira chifukwa malo omwe awonongeka ndikomwe kumachokera madzi kupita ku mitsinje komwe alimi amapangako ulimi wa mthilira,” Chimwala watero.",general,social media +en8831,"Wednesday, Raiply Malawi officials and other stakeholders were locked in a meeting to brainstorm on ways of stopping the damage apart from usual activities Raiply undertakes to protect trees under its concession from bushfires",Lachitatu adindo a kampani ya Raiply ndi anthu ena okhudzidwa analowa mkanyumba komata pofuna kugundana mitu kuti apeze njira yothetsera kuonongekaku pamwamba pa ntchito zomwe a Raiply amapanga kale pofuna kuteteza mitengo yawo ku moto wa m’tchire,general,social media +en8832,"Among other things, the company has towers from where they monitor fires and a team of firefighters who patrol the entire concession","Mwa zina, kampaniyi ili ndi malo omwe amayang’anililako moto ndiposo ali ndi gulu mmalo awo onse lomwe limazimitsa moto.",general,social media +en8833,"“We have very little information about the fires at the forest but I can confirm that I have heard that they have caused huge damage. We will follow up on the matter and see how we can assist,”","“Tili ndi uthenga ochepa chabe pa za moto wu kunkhalango koma nditha kutsimikiza kuti waononga kosaneneka. Tiyilondoloza nkhani yi ndikuona mmene tingathandizire,”",general,social media +en8834,"This is not the first time for the company to be a victim of fires, including those allegedly sparked by mice hunters, poachers, sacked workers",Aka sikoyamba kuti kampaniyi ikhudzidwe ndi moto kuphatikizapo omwe umayambitsidwa ndi anthu opha mbewa komaso alenje anyama.,general,social media +en8835,Illegal timber sawyers are also sometimes fingered for the destruction of the forest apparently because they use fires to illuminate their pathways into the forest at night,Ocheka matabwa mopanda chilolezo nawoso nthawi zina amapangitsa kuonongeka kwa nkhalangoyi chifukwa amayatsa moto pofuna kuona moponda polowa mnkhalangoyi,general,social media +en8836,"That time, a total of 24 fires broke out in different parts of the company’s concession area","Pa nthawi yo, moto udayatsa mbali zosiyanasiyana za nkhalango yi ma ulendo 24",general,social media +en8837,"Five hundred refugees and asylum seekers are expected to be repatriated to their countries of origin next month, Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale Ng’oma has said",Anthu 500 othawa kwawo akuyembekezeka kubwelera kwawo mwezi wamawa. Nduna ya chitetezo cha mdziko a Ken Zikhale Ng’oma atero,general,social media +en8838,"He said Malawi fosters an environment that encourages voluntary return of asylum seekers and refugees whose circumstances in the country of origin have greatly improved, noting that the 1951 convention on the protection of refugees provides that no one is expected to be a refugee for the rest of their life",Iwo ati dziko la Malawi limalimbikitsa kuti nzika za mayiko enazi zizibwelera kwawo mwakufuna kwawo pomwe zinthu zasintha mmayiko awoponena kuti mgwirizano woteteza anthu oterewa omwe udapangidwa mchaka cha 1951 umati munthu sayenera kukhala mdziko la weni kufuna bata kwa moyo wake onse.,general,social media +en8839,He further told the meeting that limited resources are hampering the country’s daily operations in managing refugees,Iwo anapitilira kuwuza mkumanowu kuti kusowa kwa zipangizo kukusokoneza dziko lino kusamalira anthu othawa kwawo wa,general,social media +en8840,"The reduction in funding has also affected staff welfare, where an increment has not been made in the past seven years",Kuchepetsedwa kwa thandizo la chuma kwakhudzaso ogwira ntchitoyi pomwe kwa zaka 7 zapitazo sadakwezeledwe ndalama zomwe amalandira,general,social media +en8841,"With this, therefore, the Government of Malawi continues to appeal to partners for the provision of resources towards management and support of refugees and asylum seekers as it cannot provide all the support on its own",Kamba ka izi boma la Malawi lipitilira kupempha chithandizo cha zipangizo zowayenereza kuthandiza anthu othawa kwawo chifukwa boma palokha silingakwanitse,general,social media +en8842,"“We continue to make this call following plans to open a new camp to help decongest Dzaleka Refugee Camp for resettlement of all refugees in Malawi. This camp will be in the northern part of Malawi, which has a vast area for development,” he said","“Tipitiliza kupempha izi kutsatira ndondomeko yofuna kutsegula malo osungilako anthu ofuna pokhalawa koma adzasamutsidwire. Malo amanewa amangidwa ku mpoto kwa dziko lino komwe kuli malo ambiri opangapo chitukuko,” iwo anatero.",general,social media +en8843,"“The welfare of refugees should be a priority for Malawi. The government should make sure that it creates a conducive environment for refugees and adhere to refugee treaties that are deposited at the United Nations,",Umoyo wa anthu othawa nkhondo ukuyenera kumayang’anilidwa mwa chidwi kuno ku Malawi. Boma likuyenera kuonetsetsa kuti lapanga malo abwino komaso kutsatira fundo zosamalira anthuwa monga zidayikidwira ndi bungwe la United Nations.,general,social media +en8844,"However, there have been reports of corruption and underhand dealings on the issue of refugees","Komabe, pali malipoti oti pamachitika za katangale pa nkhani yokhudza anthu othawa kwawo wa",general,social media +en8845,"His coming to Malawi was facilitated by one of the refugees who has been living in the camp for many years, but his trip ended up in one of the hotels in Lilongwe",Kubwera kwawo ku Malawi kunatheketsedwa ndi mmodzi mwa anthuwa othawa kwawo yemwe wakhala pa malo osungidwilapo kwa zaka zingapo koma ulendo wawo unathera mu imodzi mwa malo ogona alendo ku Lilongwe.,general,social media +en8846,"“I paid the money because the officials promised that they would process my resettlement in Europe,” Kamana is quoted as saying","Ndidalipilira ndalamayo kamba koti adindo adalonjeza kulipira kukakhala kwanga ku Ulaya,” Kamana adatero",general,social media +en8847,Eight people have died while nine others sustained injuries after a vehicle they were travelling in fell into Mapalo River in Zomba District on Sunday,Anthu 8 amwalira pomwe ena 9 avulala galimoto yomwe amayendamo itagwera mu mtsinje wa Mapalo pa sabata ku Zomba,general,social media +en8848,Zomba Police Station deputy publicist Aaron Chilala said the accident happened at 21:30 hours along the Domasi-Malosa M3 Road,Wachiwiri kwa ofalitsa nkhani pa polisi ya Zomba Aaron Chilala ati ngozi yi inachitika usiku nthawi ya 9:30 mumsewu wa Domasi – Malosa M3.,general,social media +en8849,"Chilala said a Toyota Hiace, registration MH 8238, was involved in the accident while being driven by Pongola Imani— who was driving from Domasi heading to Malosa with 36 passengers on board",Chilala wati galimoto la mtundu wa Toyota Hiace yomwe nambala yake ndi MH 8238 yomwe amayendetsa ndi Pongola Imani inanyamula anthu 36.,general,social media +en8850,"“The passengers were coming from a wedding and, upon arrival at Mapalo Bridge, the driver lost control of the motor vehicle due to speeding",“Anthu okwezedwa amachokera ku madyelero a ukwati ndipo atafika pa Mlatho wa Mapalo oyendetsa anakanika kuongolera bwinobwino kamba koti amathamanga kwambiri.,general,social media +en8851,"It swerved to the extreme offside of the road, where it overturned once and landed in the river,” Chilala said","Galimoto li linakhotero kumbali kwa msewu koma inatembenuzika kamodzi ndikugwera mu mtsinje,” anatero Chilala.",general,social media +en8852,"“They sustained severe injuries and were pronounced dead upon arrival at Zomba Central Hospital,” Chilala said",“Anavulala kwambiri ndipo anatsimikizika kuti amwalira atangofika pa chipatala chachikulu cha Zomba.” anatero Chilala.,general,social media +en8853,He said nine other passengers escaped with injuries and are getting treated at the same facility,Iwo anatiso anthu ena omwe avulala akulandira thandizo la mankhwala pa chipatalachi,general,social media +en8854,"As the country inches deeper into the lean season, prospects of the maize situation do not suggest there could be any real redemption on the way quickly","Pomwe dziko likulowa munyengo yosawutsa, chiyembekezo choti nkupeza chimanga sichikuonetsa kuti kukhala zabwino cha pompano",general,social media +en8855,"Early this year, government said up to 4.4 million Malawians will need food aid in the lean season and assured that it has a response plan in place","Kumayambiliro a chaka chino, boma lidati pafupifupi a Malawi 4.4 miliyoni afunika thandizo la chakudya ndipo lidati anthu asade nkhawa poti njira zothetsera vutoli zidayika kale mmalo.",general,social media +en8856,But Malawi News can report that the country does not have such maize ready in its reserves at the moment,Koma Malawi News itha kunena kuti dziko lino lilibe chimanga mnkhokwe zake,general,social media +en8857,NFRA acting Chief Executive Officer has told us that the agency does not have adequate money to meet the deficit which Dodma needs.,Mkulu wa bungwe losunga chakudya la National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) watiwuza kuti iwo alibe ndalama kuti akwanilitse mulingo omwe bungwe loona ngozi zogwa mwadzidzidzi la DODMA likufuna,general,social media +en8858,“At the moment we have money that was an additional tranche from our budget allocation. We also have money that we received in August as drought insurance,Pakali pano tili chabe ndi ndalama yomwe idali yowonjezera pa ndondomeko ya zachuma. Tiliso ndi ndalama yomwe tidalandira mu August kuti idzatithandize nthawi ya chilala.,general,social media +en8859,"He added that the local maize is also fetching high prices ranging between K640 per kg and K1, 100 per kg since it is through competitive bidding","Anaonjezeraso kuti chimanga cha mdziko muno chikugulidwa pa mitengo yapakati pa K640 komaso K1,100 pa kilogalamu chifukwa pali mpikisano wa ogulitsa",general,social media +en8860,"To get a bit cheaper maize, Loga said government is in talks with Mozambique and Zambia to supply the country with maize","Kuti tipeze chimanga chotsika mtengo, Loga anati boma likuyankhulana ndi mayiko a Mozambique komaso Zambia kuti aligulitse dziko lino chimanga",general,social media +en8861,Information we have indicates that Zambia’s maize is being sold at 300 Malawi Kwacha per kilogramme,Uthengawo omwe tili nawo ndi oti chimanga cha ku Zambia chikugulitsidwa pa mtengo wa K300 pa kilogalamu,general,social media +en8862,"However, since it is government to government business, Zambia may want to be paid in US dollars","Komabe, chifukwa choti ndi malonda apakati pa mayiko, dziko la Zambia litha kudzafuna kuti lilipidwe ndi ndalama yadziko la America",general,social media +en8863,That brings in another formidable challenge as Malawi is already grappling with forex crisis that had led to acute fuel shortage in the country,Izi zikudzetsaso vuto lina poti Malawi akuvutika kale ndikusowa kwa ndalama yakunja zomwe zadzetsaso kuchepa kwa mafuta agalimoto mdziko muno.,general,social media +en8864,This means that the gross official foreign exchange reserves decreased to less than a month in August 2023 from just above one month in July 2023. The internationally recommended forex cover is three months,Izi zikutanthauza kuti ndalama zakunja zomwe zili mdziko zidachepa kufika pongokwanira mwezi umodzi mmwezi wa August kuchoka mmwezi wa July chaka chino. Dziko limayenera kuti lizikhala ndi ndalama zakunja zomwe zitha kukwanira miyezi itatu.,general,social media +en8865,"“Even if it comes to buying the maize abroad, we do not have money to meet the lean season deficit. Government has to come in and square that requirement,” Loga said","“Zikakhala zogula chimanga kumayiko akunja tilibe ndalama zotifikitsa mnyengo yosautsayi. Boma likuyenera libwelepo ndikukoza zomwe zikufunika,” anatero Loga.",general,social media +en8866,Chairperson of the Agriculture Committee of Parliament has since said the current food crisis is man-made,Kotero m’khalapampando wa komiti ya za ulimi m’nyumba ya malamulo wati kusowa kwa chakudya tili nako pano ndizofuna.,general,social media +en8867,"“We have been telling the government from day one to close the borders and stop any maize exports until we are sure of our balances, but they did not listen",“Takhala tikuwuza boma kuti atseke zipata kuti chimanga chisakagulitsidwe mayiko akunja kufikira pomwe titadziwa kuti ife tili ndi chakudya chokwanira koma sadatimvere.,general,social media +en8868,Now we are going to Mozambique and Zambia trying to buy the same maize that we sold them at a very cheaper price,Pano tikupita ku Mozambique ndi ku Zambia kuti atigulitse chimanga chomwe tidawagulitsa motsika mtengo kwambiri,general,social media +en8869,"“For us to get that maize which we sold in kwachas, we will have to pay in dollars. So now we are struggling with forex to buy fertilizer and fuel, where are we going to get forex for maize?","“Ife kuti tipezeso chimanga chomwe tidagulitsa kugwilitsa ntchito ndalama yathu tikuyenera kulipira ndalama ya dziko la America koma pakadali pano tikuvutika kugula feteleza ndi mafuta a galimoto, kodi ndalama zakunja tikazipeza kuti?",general,social media +en8870,"“Honestly, this is a man-made disaster that government has created. Government should take full responsibility for this crisis,” Suleman said","“Kunena moona, awa ndi mavuto omwe boma lidachita kupanga. Boma likuyenera kuvomeleza kusonkhezera mavuto awa,” anatero a Suleman",general,social media +en8871,"Government has been propagating the narrative that it has maize in Admarc depots for Malawians to buy at a cheaper price, compared to the one on the private market",Boma lakhala likunena kuti lili ndi chimanga mmisika ya ADMARC kuti a Malawi azigula pa mtengo wotsika kuyerekeza ndi mitengo ya ochita malonda mmisika,general,social media +en8872,"Currently, maize in many markets is selling at a retail price of an unprecedented K850 per kg which is beyond reach of millions of Malawians","Tikukamba pano, mmisika yambiri chimanga chikugulitsidwa pa mtengo wa K850 pa kilogalamu omwe ndi mtengo oti a Malawi ambiri sangakwanitse.",general,social media +en8873,The National Oil Company of Malawi (Nocma) says the fuel reserves are dry and the country is currently feeding from hand to mouth,Bungwe la National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA) lati nkhokwe za mafuta mdziko mulibe kanthu ndipo ngati dziko tikugwilitsa ntchito mafuta omwe akukhala kuti angofika kumene.,general,social media +en8874,"“The forex that is in the country is forex that belongs to the country. So we as Nocma and our partner Petroleum Importers Limited, will source this money from the commercial banks",Ndalama zakunja zomwe zili mdziko muno ndiza dziko lino ndipo ife a NOCMA ndi azathu a Petroleum Importers Limited tipeze ndalamazi kuchoka ku ma bank,general,social media +en8875,"Speaking at the briefing, government spokesperson and Minister of Information Moses Kunkuyu said government understands the challenges that people are facing and it is looking into every measure to ensure the fuel situation improves","Poyankhula kwa olemba nkhani, mneneri wa boma komaso nduna ya zofalitsa nkhani, a Moses Kunkuyu anati boma likuvetsetsa mavuto omwe anthu akukumana nawo ndipo akuyang’ana njira iliyose yotheka kuti mafuta agalimoto ayambe kupezeka.",general,social media +en8876,The country has been struggling with fuel shortage forcing motorists to spend nights on fuel queues,Dziko lino lakhala likuvutika nkhani ya mafuta kukakamiza eni magalimoto kumagona malo omwetsera mafuta.,general,social media +en8877,Some people on social media are suggesting that these cars are queuing for fuel which President Lazarus Chakwera is delivering,Anthu ena pa masamba a mchezo akuti magalimoto akundanda kufuna mafuta omwe a Lazarus Chakwera akupeleka.,general,social media +en8878,Others have satirized the situation by claiming that these vehicles are staging a public protest due to ongoing fuel shortages in Malawi on behalf of the hesitant and shy owners of these vehicles,Ena akunyodola zomwe zikuchitikazi ponena kuti galimoto zimenezi zikuchita zionetsero chifukwa chakusowa kwa mafuta komwe kukupitilira mMalawi muno mmalo mwa eni galimotozi omwe akukayikira komanso kuchita manyazi ,general,social media +en8879,"Opportunists, as usual, have hijacked the sporadic fuel scarcity situation. The situation is not as dire as the opposition and critics of this administration want Malawians to believe","Otengelapo mwayi, mwanthawi zonse apezelapo mwayi kusowa kwa pan’gonopan’gono kwa mafutaku. Zinthu sizili m’mene anthu otsutsa utsogoleri akufuna amalawi akhulupilire",general,social media +en8880,The situation is worsened by fuel pump station operators who are hoarding the fuel and those buying in jerrycans who have hijacked what could have been a not so dire situation. The government is not just standing with hands akimbo in resignation,Zinthu zikuvutaso chifukwa othila mafuta amene akusunga mafuta komanso amene akugula mafuta muzigubu amene apangitsa kuti zikhale zovuta m’mene sizimayenela kukhalira. Boma silikungokhala osapangapo kanthu,general,social media +en8881,The fuel situation will be back to normal soon just as we dealt with the electricity and water problems in the country decisively once and for all.,Nkhani ya mafuta zibwelera muchimake tikangothana ndi vuto la magetsi ndi madzi mu dziko koyamba ndi komaliza,general,social media +en8882,"As the erratic supply of fuel continues in Malawi, some motorists have asked the government to find urgent and long-lasting solutions to address the challenges.","Kusowa kwa mavuta kukupitilira ku malawi, anthu ena oyendetsa magalimoto apempha boma kuti lipeze njira zachangu komanso zokhazikika kuthana ndi mavutowa.",general,social media +en8883,"As we speak, fuel shortages have forced minibus operators to skyrocket the fares, with other people boarding lorries on their way to work.","Pamene tikuyakhula pano, kusowa kwa mafuta kwapangitsa oyendetsa ma minibus kukweza mitengo, ena kumakwela ma lole popita ku ntchito",general,social media +en8884,Reading Zodiak message on what MERA and RBM said about fuel situation. It's all NONSENSE. You cannot give a statement that you are failing your job because there is No Forex,Kuwelenga uthenga wa zodiak pa zimene MERA ndi RBM yanena zokhudza nkhani ya mafuta. Ndi zamkhutu. Simungapele mawu kuti mukukaniza kugwlila ntchito yanu chifukwa kulibe ndalama zakunja,general,social media +en8885,And RBM says the same statement that Malawi cannot buy fuel because we are having no forex. So why do these institutions exist?,Komanso RBM inanena mawu omwewo kuti malawi singagule mafuta chifukwa kulibe ndalama zakunja. Nde ndichifukwa chani mabungwe amenewa alipo?,general,social media +en8886,"Tell the nation the strategies you are putting in place to deal with the problem once and for good. Where are those who told DPP to move out of govt ""so that we get into government to fix things?""",Liwuzeni dziko njira zimene muika m’malo kuthana ndi vutoli koyamba ndi komaliza. Ali kuti amene anawuza DPP kuti ichoke m’boma kuti alowe m’boma kuti akhoze zinthu?”,general,social media +en8887,In other words this country's fuel problems will only be sorted out when forex is available but you don't know when. For us to reach Canaan some people must indeed feel the pain,M’mawu ena mavuto amafuta m’dzikoli azatha pamene ndalama zakunja zizayambe kupezeka koma sitikudziwa kuti ndi liti. Kuti tikafike ku kenani anthu ena kauyeneladi kumva kuwawa,general,social media +en8888,Chambo is entitled to his opinion but seems too confused. Says DPP performed because there was vibrant opposition led by Chakwera yet at the same time he says Chakwera inherited a broken economy made worse by the cyclone and Ukraine war,Chambo akuyenela kupeleka maganizo ake koma akuwoneka osokonezeka. Akuti DPP imagwila ntchito yake bwino chifukwa panali otsutsa amphamvu motsogozedwa ndi chakwera koma chakwera yemweyo akuti anapeza chuma chadziko chowonongeka zimene zafikaso povuta chifukwa cha mvula ya mkhutho ndi nkhondo ya ku ukraine,general,social media +en8889,..somehow he accuses opposition for being docile and he forgets that he is part of that opposition that is supposed to offer checks and balances,…mwanjira ina akuimba mlandu otsutsa pokhala ogona ndipo akuiwala kuti iye ndi gawo limodzi la wotsutsa amane akuyenela kupeleka cheke ndi mlingo,general,social media +en8890,Some of these people should be told that when they want favors they should do so with respect to their party,Anthu enawa akuyenela kuwuzidwa kuti ngati akufuna kukondeledwa akuyenela kuchita izi mokhudzana ndi chipani chawo,general,social media +en8891,We know it is pleasing to say bad things about DPP and win favor but is an economy bad when forex was available and selling at 750? Was the economy bad when fuel was at 750? Was the economy bad when bread was at 550?,Tikudziwa ndizosangalatsa kunene zintthu zoipa za DPP ndikukondedwa koma kodi chuma chadziko sichili bwino pamene ndalama zakunja zilipo ndikugulitsidwa pa K750? Kodi chuma sichinali bwino pamene mafuta anali pa K750? Kodi chuma sichinali bwino pamene mkate anali pa K550?,general,social media +en8892,We know some people get blinded and dumb when they face one who is controlling account number one,Tikudziwa anthu ena amakhala akhungu ndi osamva akamakumana ndi amene akuyendetsa akaunti nambala 1,general,social media +en8893,"The economic situation in Malawi doesn't need even a scientist to know that it is in bad shape.. even the president is now all over trying to run away from responsibility which is at capital hill. We now have a voyager, tourist all wrapped in one","M’mene chilili chuma cha dziko la malawi sichikufunanso wasayansi kuti tidziwe kuti sichili bwino.. Ngakhale a mtsogoleri wa dziko akthawa ntchito yake imene ili ku capital hill. Pano tili woyendayenda, wowona zachilendo kukhala m’modzi",general,social media +en8894,"He added that shortage of forex has forced suppliers to stop supplying fuel to the company. However, he was optimistic that from October 9, supply will improve","Anaphatikizapo kuti kusowa kwa ndalama za kunja zapangitsa opeleka mafuta kusiya kupeleka mafuta ku kampaniyi. Komabe, anali ndi chikhulupiliro kuti kuchokela pa 9 october zinthu zisitha",general,social media +en8895,"The Minister of Energy, Ibrahim Matola has assured Malawians that the fuel situation is expected to stabilize effective from next week","Nduna ya za mphamvu, ibrahim matola watsimikizila amalawi kuti mafuta akuyenela kukhazika kuchokela sabata yamawa",general,social media +en8896,Matola has told the press in Lilongwe that the development will follow meeting President Lazarus Chakwera is expected to hold with Presidents of Zambia and Mozambique; Hakainde Hichilema and Phillipe Nyusi respectively,Matola wauza atolankhani ku lilongwe kuti izi zichitika mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a lazarus chakwera akuyembekezeleka kukumana ndi atsogoleri maiko a zambia ndi mozambique; hakainde hichilema ndi phillipe nyusi,general,social media +en8897,Matola further told the press that government is working on coming up with a long solution to fuel challenge in the country,Matola anapitilia kuwuza atolankhani kuti boma likugwila ntchito yobweletsa njira yokhazikika yothana ndi vuto la mafuta m’dziko muno,general,social media +en8898,Malawi is battling with acute shortage of fuel characterized with gigantic queues in filling stations,Dziko la malawi likulimba ndikusowa kwa mafuta komwe kwawonetsedwa ndi mizere yayikulu m’malo mothiilira mafuta,general,social media +en8899,"Let the police and courts do their job professionally without hindrance through stupid political propaganda, rumours, innuendos, insinuations and gossip","Asiyeni achitetezo ndi bwalo lamilandu agwile ntchito yawo mwaukadalo opanda choletsa kudzera zokopa zopusa zandale, manon’gonon’gono, kutukwanizana ndi mabodza",general,social media +en8900,"The police are professionals in handling criminal matters, therefore they are the only ones mandated to speak on the matter involving the arrest of the suspect in Mr. Wittika murder","Achitetezo ndi akadaulo kugwila ntchito za upandu, ndiye ndi amene anapatsidwa lamulo loyakhula nkhani zokhudza kumanga oganizilidwa mlandu pa imfa ya bambo wittika",general,social media +en8901,"As the police have said, their initial investigations show that the murder was to do with love triangle gone wrong, therefore bringing in innocent individuals and politics in the matter is stupidity of highest order","M’mene ananela a chitetezo, kafukufuku wawo oyamba wawonetsa kuti kuphedwaku kunachitika chifukwa cha zachikondi zimene sizinayende bwino, ndiye kubweletsamo anthu oti sizikuwakhutsa komanso ndale ,ndiuchitsuli weni weni",general,social media +en8902,"Those spreading such rumours risk prosecution, using both defamation and character assassination laws as well as Cyber bullying laws","Amene akufalitsa mabodza ali pa chiwopsezo chozengedwa mlandu, kugwiritsa ntchito malamulo oipitsa mbiri ndikupha munthu komanso malamulo otonza anzawo pa makina a intaneti",general,social media +en8903,"I visited Nkula Power Station Yesterday, October 21, 2023, and earlier today, where EGENCO is carrying out maintainance works involving replacement of dislodged intake screens for Nkula B",Ndinayendela kopangila mphamvu ya magetsi ku nkula dzulo pa 21 october chaka cha 2023 koma lero chaku m’mawa kumene EGENCO ikukhonzanso kuphatikiza kubwezeletsa zolowetsa madzi zimene zinatsekeka ku Nkula B,general,social media +en8904,The team is working tirelessly to complete the work within the specified timeframe and I am impressed with the progress registered so far,Gululi likugwira ntchito molimbikila kuti amalize mu nthawi yoikika ndipo ndili okhutsidwa ndi zimene zachitika kufika lero,general,social media +en8905,"It was fascinating to interact with the divers, engineers and technicians working on site. I encouraged them to continue dedicating their work to national service","Zinali zosangalatsa kucheza ndi wosambilawa, mainjiniya komanso azaluso amene akugwila ntchito pamalopa. Ndinawalimbikitsa kuti apitilize kudzipeleka ku ntchito ya dziko",general,social media +en8906,"With this hard working spirit, I believe that the energy sector will continue to grow and develop thereby making it possible to achieve our aspirations for 2030 and 2063 as encouraged by His Excellency the President Dr Lazarus Chakwera","Ndi mtima wolimbikilawu, ndikukhulupilira kuti gawo la mphamvu zamagetsi lipitilila kukula ndi ndikutukuka potero kupanga zotheka kukwanilitsa chofuna za 2030 ndi 2063 m’mene analimbikitsa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino dr lazarus chakwera",general,social media +en8907,Our snap check has established that most filling stations are dry and fuel attendants have no idea when the commodity will be available,Mwakuona kwathu tapeza kuti m’malo othilira mafuta ambiri alibe mafuta ndipo othila mafuta sakudziwa kuti mafuta apezeka liti,general,social media +en8908,"The situation is now creating panic among motorists. For instance, Benjamin fears this may lead to a replica of last year's fuel crisis","M’mene zinthu zilili zikupeleka mantha kwa oyendetsa. Monga, benjamin akuwopa kuti izi zikhoza kubwelezanso kusowa kwa mafuta kumene kunachitika chaka chatha",general,social media +en8909,He calls on authorities to quickly address the problem before things get out of control,Akupempha adindo kuti athetse vutoli zinthu zisanafike povuta,general,social media +en8910,"She has also denied to comment on reports that the fuel the country has recently been using was being imported on loan. ""I cannot comment on that as of now since I don't know anything about it"", said Khonje","Anakanaso kupeleka ndemanga pa malipoti akuti mafuta amene takhala tikugwilitsa ntchito m’dziko muno anabwela pa ngongole. Sindiyakhulepo pa zimenezo pakali pano chifukwa sindikudziwa chilichonse,” anatero khonje",general,social media +en8911,"I have started my construction journey despite unstable income and financial hardship, now we are at foundation level","Ndinayamba ntchito yomanga ngakhale kuti ndinalibe njira yachuma yokhazikika komanso mavuto pa chuma, pano tili mlingo woika maziko",general,social media +en8912,Thanks a lot to this group for the motivation. Start with whatever you have and the path clears as you walk on it. Do not wait for the perfect conditions otherwise you will never get anything done,"Ndikuthokoza gululi pondilimbikitsa. Yambani ndi chilichonse chomwe uli nacho ndipo njira imaoneka ukayamba kuiyemda, osadikila kuti zinthu zikhale bwino mwina mwake sungapange chilichonse",general,social media +en8913,"Please, this is not a Nsanje District project, but for the whole country. And we know that chiefs' interaction with sitting presidents has not been that helpful. After all, the president must attend to many crises","Chonde, ichi sichitukuko cha boma la Nsanje lokha koma cha dziko lonse. Ndipo tikudziwa kuti kulumikizana kwa mafumu ndi atsogoleri a dziko sikunathandize konse. Izi zili choncho chifukwa mtsogoleri amayenela kuthana ndi mavuto ochuluka",general,social media +en8914,Chiefs are one of the group people derailing development in the country. They are hand clappers and promote patronage politics. Let's abolish chieftainship,Mafumu ndi gulu lmodzi lochedwetsa chitukuko mdziko muno. Amangowombela m’manja komanso kuthandizila ndale. Tiyeni tithetse ufumu,general,social media +en8915,Thanking him for our own money? He is our servant and it is his responsibility to develop this country. Majority of Malawians don't know the role of Malawi Government to her citizens,Kumuthokoza iye chifukwa cha ndalama zanthu zomwe? Ndi kawatchito wanthu ndipo ndiwudindo wake kutukula dzikoli. Amalawi ambiri samadziwa ntchito ya boma la malawi ku nzika zake,general,social media +en8916,It's our money and no need to go and visit the president just support his efforts to develop Malawi,Ndi ndalama zanthu ndipo palibe chifukwa chokamuwonela mtsogoleri wa dziko kuti akamuyamikile pa ntchito imene akuchita yotukula malawi,general,social media +en8917,Just book an appointment organize your transportation and accommodation ... It's as simple as that,"Pezani nthawi yokumana, longosolani mayendedwe anu ndi malo ndizosavuta choncho",general,social media +en8918,"The will be no compensation based on the Railway act of 1907"". That act is too old and out of date",Sipazakhala chipepeso malinga ndi lamulo la njanje la 1907. Lamuloli ndi loipa komanso lakalekale,general,social media +en8919,"The Members of Parliament, councilors and the Chiefs should have first advocated for the change of this act, so their subjects are compensated","Aphungu anyumba yamalamulo, makhansala ndi mafumu ankayenela kunenela kusitha kwa lamuloli kuti owatsatila azipepesedwa",general,social media +en8920,Do these chiefs know that we don't have forex in our country? I doubt they even know what forex is and its impact if it is deficient,Kodi mafumuwa akudziwa kuti tilibe ndalama zakunja mudziko muno?. Ndikukayika kuti akudziwaso kuti ndalama zakunja ndi chani komanso zotsatira zake ngati palibe,general,social media +en8921,This project is now set to start. I am also happy that a Malawian company with a reputation of doing quality jobs is the one doing this job.,Chitukukochi tsopano chikuyamba. Ndili okondwa kuti kampani yakumalawi ya mbili yabwino pogwira ntchito yotamandika ndi imene ikugwila ntchitoyi,general,social media +en8922,"I doubt the credibility of the contractor, will have sub-standard work","Ndikukayikila kuthekela kwa wogwila ntchitoyi, sazagwila ntchito yolongosoka",general,social media +en8923,Someone who claims to be leader of Opposition but can’t oppose well because he does fear losing government contracts,Munthu wina amene akuti ndi mtogoleri wotsutsa koma sakutsutsa bwino chifukwa akuwopa kuluza ma migwirizano ya ntchito,general,social media +en8924,Too much devaluation - let's invite white people to open mines to boost our economy. Everyone must also say No corruption in all departments,Kutha mphamvu kwa ndalama- tiyeni tiyitane anthu azatsegule migodi ndikutukula chuma cha dziko. Aliyense akuyenela kukana katengale mu ma dipatimenti onse,general,social media +en8925,"What matters is forex in our own country; anybody knows that is why some top officials from RBM are failing to say the fact when asked by different media houses; above all, these challenges are there due to lack of foreign exchange (poor leadership)","Chimene chili chofunika ndi ndalama zakunja mudziko lathuli; aliyense akudziwa kuti anthu ena amaundindo akukanika kunena chilungamo akafunsidwa ndi manyumba wofalitsa nkhani, zovuta zimenezi zilipo chifukwa cha kusowa kwa chuma cha maiko ena komanso kusowa utsogoleri",general,social media +en8926,Are we trying to say these filling stations are government owned or are they private owned stations? And if they are private owned why do we blame government since it's the station owners who have responsibility to have fuel availability in their filling stations? I Just want to understand,"Kodi tikunena kuti m’malo othilira mafutawa ndi aboma kapena ndi a anthu? Ngati ali a anthu, ndichifukwa chani tikuimba mlandu boma poti eni ake a malo othilira mafutawa ndi ntchito yawo kuti mafuta apezeke mu malpo othilira mafutawa? Ndingofuna ndi mvetsetse.",general,social media +en8927,Chakwera administration is terrible and uncompassionate. He doesn't pay attention at all to the crying of poor masses. He is trailing in the walk of a dictator,Utsogoleri wa chakwera ndi woipa komanso wopanda chifundo. Samalabadila kulira kwa anthu onse. Akuyenda motsatira mtsogoleri wa nkhanza,general,social media +en8928,"What does he mean the past few days?? It’s been like this for the past few years, not days","Akutathauza chani akati masiku ochepa apitawa?. Zakhala chonchi kwa zaka zingapo, osati masiku",general,social media +en8929,That’s one week consumption in a normal supply. With the current demand that will be taken over within 3 days. We have no long term solution,Ndikugwilitsa ntchito kwa sabata imodzi ngati akupezeka bwinobwino. Ndikufunika kwa mafuta kwa panoku zingotenga masiku atatu basi. Tilibe yankho la nthawi yayitali,general,social media +en8930,Why do they have to wait the situation critically reaches this stage. That's an insult to your own citizens and so annoying,Ndichifukwa chani akudikila kuti zinthu zifike povutitsitsa. Chimenechi ndi chitomzo kwa mzika komanso zokhumudwitsa,general,social media +en8931,We pray for wisdom for all businesses to prepare for times of high demand for their services,Tikupemphelera nzeru kwa opanga malonda onse kuti akhonzekele nthawi imene yofuna ntchito zawo,general,social media +en8932,It would have been better if Mr Kachaje did not speak. Such foolish statements erode his respect. As a nation is that the best we can do? What if the fuel shortage was used as leverage to boost economic growth? Where each citizen having felt the fuel shortage impact is motivated to contribute in safeguarding our forex?,"Zikanakhala bwino mr kachanje akanapanda kuyakhula. Mawu opusa omuchotsa ulemu. Ngati dziko, kodi ndizimee tinfachite? Bwanji kusowa kwa mafutaku kunakagwilitsidwa kuthandizila kutukula chumwa cha dziko lino? Kuti mzika iliyonse yokhudzidwa ndikusowa kwa mafutaku kulimbikitse kuteteza ndalama zamaiko ena?",general,social media +en8933,"Instead of a press conference, why not just take the fuel and put it in the filling stations?",Kusiyana ndi kumapeleka uthenga kwa wofalitsa nkhani. Osangotenga mafuta ndikukasiya ku malo othilira mafuta?,general,social media +en8934,"That's the result when you need public sympathy, you just talk even nonsense that you can’t attract public interest. Dirty games are playing internally, soon or later justice will prevail","Izi ndi zotsatira mukafuna anthu akumveleni chisoni, umangoyakhula zopusa zakuti sumakopa chidwi cha anthu. Masewela oipa oseweledwa mkati, pompano kapena patsogolo chilungamo chidziwika",general,social media +en8935,Those events were nicely advertised and Kachaje could know better that people will need great deal of fuel so that Kachaje and fellows could plan the supply accordingly. Please let's stop using such events as if they were unforeseeable/disasters,Nkhani zimenezi zinafalitsidwa bwino ndipo kachanje amadziwa bwino kuti anthu amafunika mafuta kuti kachanje ndi anzake anakapanga madongosolo moyenela. Chonde siyani kugwilitsa ntchito zinthu zimenezi ngati kuti simumadziwa kapena zadzidzi,general,social media +en8936,"I find it unbelievable that we deliberately misrepresent opportunities for the nation's economy as threats to it. Could it be that as a country, we are so accustomed to negativity or finger-pointing? They stifled local enterprises because they lacked foresight",Zimandivuta khulupilira kuti timasankha mwadala kufotokoza molakwika mwayi womwe dzikoli liri nawo pachuma ngati ziopsezo ku dziko. Mwina nkutheka ngati dziko tinazolowera kuona zolakwika kapena kulozana zala? Zinabwezeretsa mbuyo ntchito zamalonda zing'onozing'ono chifukwa panalibe kuunika zamtsogolo,general,social media +en8937,"Malawi is not ready to be identified as a country. It needs to be Eastern Province of Zambia or something, but not a country on its own",Malawi sali okonzeka kuti akhale dziko palokha. Akunifika akhale chigawo cha ku m’mawa cha dziko la zambia kapena zina koma osati dziko palokha,general,social media +en8938,"Instead of addressing the problem, they are busy making press briefing. If Lilongwe was busy during the weekend what went wrong with Mzuzu?","M’malo mothana ndi vutoli, akutanganidwa ndi kufotokozela wofalitsa uthenga. Ngati lilongwe anali otangidwa masiku opumawa chinavuta ndi chani mzuzu?",general,social media +en8939,"As far this can be true to be one of the contributing factors, then it means the institutions have poor planning. These were well known functions months ago, why didn't you plan for them? Lame excuses of incompetency","Zitakhala kuti izi ndizowona kuti ndizimene ndinapangitsa, zikutathathauza kuti bungweli ilili ndi ndondomeko zofoowoka. Izi zinali zochitika zodziwika kwa miyezi ingapo m’buyomu, ndichifukwa chani sakhonzekele? Zifukwa zopoila pakukanika kugwila ntchito",general,social media +en8940,"This is nonsense, how can a whole country blame a football match for shortages of fuel. Malawians be serious please","Izi ndi zamkutu, zingatheke bwanji dziko lonse kuimba mlandu masewelo a mpira pa kusowa kwa mafuta. Amalawi khalani ndichilungamo",general,social media +en8941,"There was no fuel in Karonga, no fuel in mzuzu and many other places in country, then we blame a show for the fuel shortage?","Kunalibe mafuta ku karonga, kunalibe mafuta ku mzuzu komanso malo ena mudziko muno, kenako tikaimbe mlandu mkumano woyimba pa kusowa kwa mafuta?",general,social media +en8942,As organizations that run important aspect of the country we there just making press briefings instead of sorting out this mess??? This is total failure,"Ngati mabungwe limene limayendetsa ntchito zofunikila mudziko, tikungopangitsa msokhano wa atolankhani mmalo moknza zinthu? Uku ndikukanika",general,social media +en8943,"Shameful leaders. Just two activities causing havoc! You ought to be serious. Mr Kachaje and Mr Matola just resign, if not then Mr President should fire you","Amtogoleri ochititsa manyazi. Zochitika ziwiri kupangitsa mpungwe pungwe. Mukuyenela kukhala siliyasi, mr kachaje ndi mr matola ingosiyani ntchito, mukakanika kutero mtsogoleri wa dziko angokuchotsani ntchito",general,social media +en8944,This means this country has shortage of fuel reserves. Government must work in building more fuel reserves. Just 2 hours’ events and all fuel is finished??,Izi zikutathauza kuti dziko lili mafuta ochepa muzitsime. Boma likuyenela kugwila ntchito yomanya malo osungila mafuta ena. Zochitika za maola awiri kenako mafuta kutha?,general,social media +en8945,When you choose someone to hold a position because you know his father or you belong to the same religion with one of the parents; please guys don't employ my son or my daughter because you know me. Let him work hard at school merit will work for him,"Muksankha munthu kuti akhale paudindo chifukwa mukudziwa abambo ake kapena mumapephera limodzi ndi m’modzi mwa makolowo, chonde osamulemba ntchito mwana wanga wa m’muna kapena wamkazi chifukwa mumandidziwa. Musiyeni alimbikile sukulu ndipo kuyenelera kuzagwila ntchito",general,social media +en8946,As a country that's a good development that the demand was high and that's a sign of fast economy having such activities in our country...to us it means we are not yet a country ready for such activities that portrays a fast economy country,Ngati dziko ndichithu chabwino kuti kufunika kunali kokwera ndipo ndichizindikilo kwa kuyenda kwa nsanga kwa chuma kukhala ndi zochitika za choncho mudziko lathu… kwa ife zimatathauza kuti dziko lathu silinakonzeke pa zochitikazi zimene zimatathauza dziko la chuma chothamanga,general,social media +en8947,We are such a small country that we don't need such activities for the fear that we will disrupt our minimal supply of fuel?,Ndife dziko lalin’gono kuti sitikufunika zinthu zochitika ngati izi kuwopa kuti tisokoneza mlingo wopelekela mafuta,general,social media +en8948,This is a lame excuse......does this reason require a press briefing? If fuel is available why can't we look at logistics on how to flood Lilongwe with fuel?,Izi ndi zowilingula zopusa… kuganiza kumene mpaka kuitanitsa msokhano wa wofalitsa mawu?. Ngati mafuta alipo nakha bwanji oskhoza mayendedwe mmene mungadzatsile lilongwe ndi mafuta?,general,social media +en8949,"These press briefings attract some allowances, if am wrong then it's fine","Msikhano ya atolankhaniyi inadza ndi malipiro, ngati ndikumana basi chabwino",general,social media +en8950,This behavior of standing in front of cameras and telling baseless answers to innocent Malawians must stop...don't take us for granted please,Khalidwe lomaima kutsogolo kwa kamela ndikufotokoza mayankho opanda phindu kwa amalawi osalakha zikuyenela zinthe.. Osatitengela kutiseweletsa chonde,general,social media +en8951,"Apparently, I am well informed that fuel is also scarce in Mzuzu because Giddes Chalamanda was performing at Grand Palace in Mzuzu","Pakali pano, ndawuzidwa kuti mafuta akusowaso ku mzuzu chifukwa giddes chalamanda amaimba ku grand palace ku mzuzu",general,social media +en8952,Police in Rumphi are keeping in custody six people on suspicion that they have been endangering the safety of people travelling on M1 road around Chiweta and Livistonia road,Achitetezo ku rumphi akusunga muchitokosi anthu asanu ndi awiri powaganizila kuti akhala akuika pa chiwopsezo chitetezo cha anthu oyenda mu nsewu wa ukulu wa M1 mozungulira nsewu wa chiweta ndi livistonia,general,social media +en8953,Public relations Officer for Rumphi Police Noel Kamchenga says the suspects were arrested yesterday and are being accused of mounting road blocks with intention to steal from people travelling on the two roads,Mkulu owona zamaubale a anthu ku polisi ya rumphi a noel kamchenga anene kuti oganizilidwawa amangidwa dzulo ndipo akuyimbidwa mlandu wotseka msewu ndi cholinga chobela anthu wodutsa misewu iwiriyi,general,social media +en8954,The suspects will soon appear before court to answer charges of intentionally endangering safety of persons which is contrary to section 237 of the penal code,Oganizlidwa mlanduwu pompano akawonekela ku bwalo lamilandu ndi mlandu kuwopseza chitetezo cha anthu mwadala zimene sizikgwilizana ndi gawo 237 lamalamulo,general,social media +en8955,This is great initiative. We need such collaborative initiatives across the country in designated zones on specific and established days. A great way towards healthy lifestyles,Iyi ndi ntchito yabwino. Tikufunika ntchito zogwilira limodzi mu dziko lonseli mu malo okhazikika pamasiku okhazikika. Njira yabwino kuti tikhale ndimiyoyo yabwino,general,social media +en8956,These things are happening where public transportation is owned by government and roads are worthy it,Zinthu zimenezi zikuchitika kumene kuyenda mayendedwe agulu kumayendetsedwa ndi boma komanso misewu ndiyoyenela,general,social media +en8957,And the officers from Road Safety Alert Foundation will park their cars near Lilongwe civic offices and walk to their office near Gemini. They will be convincing people that they walked from area 25. This is just another version of motivation speakers,Ndipo ogwila ntchito ku bungwe loyan’ganila chitetezo cha pa nsewu akaimika galimoto zawo pafupi ndi ma ofesi azophutsitsa ku lilongwe ndikuyenda kupita ku ntchito kwawo pafupi ndi Gemini. Azikawuza anthu kuti ayenda kuchoka ku dela la 25. Ili ndi gulu lina loyakhula kulimbikitsa anthu,general,social media +en8958,Hope the organizers have held wide consultations with stakeholders who will be affected by the initiative,Ndikuyembekezera kuti opangitsawa amfunsira bwino ndi ogwira nawo tchito ena amene akudzidwe ndi nthchitoyi,general,social media +en8959,"People use cars for different reasons while some won't have a problem, some will feel inconvenienced. Also the legality of stopping those who will choose not to be part of the initiative should be looked into","Anthu amagwilitsa ntchito galimoto pa zifukwa zosiyana pomwe sangakhale ndi vuto, ena atanganditsidwa. Komanso malamulo owaletsa amene sakufuna kutenga nawo gawo pa zochitikazi zikueyenela kuyan’ganidwa",general,social media +en8960,"I first read as ""Care Free Day"". I was so happy because I have quite a few squabbles I needed to settle with some few individuals, thought this was the time","Poyamba ndinawelenga kuti “tsiku losasamala”. Ndinali okondwa chifukwa ndinali milandu imene ndimayenela ndithane ndi athu ena, ndimaganiza kuti nthawi ija ndiimeneyi",general,social media +en8961,"Maulana has been charged with endangering the safety of passengers, exceeding carrying capacity, carrying unsecured goods, and operating without a road service permit""","Maulana amupeza ndi mlandu woopseza chitetezo cha anthu okwera galimoto, kudutsitsa mlingo wonyamulira, kunyamula katundu mosasamala ndi kuyenda pansewu opanda chikalata chachilolezo",general,social media +en8962,"On this one I don't blame the police, this guy need to be punished for his conduct","Pa ichi sindikuwaimba mlandu achitetezo, munthu uyu akufunika kulandila chilango pazimene wachitazi",general,social media +en8963,"I know the guy, very kind and God fearing man. Very unlucky I pray he gets fair justice and released as soon as possible","Ndikumudziwa munthuyi, munthu wabwino komanso wowopa mulungu. Wachitika tsoka, ndikupephela kuti alandile chigamulo chabwino ndikutulutsidwa mosachedwa",general,social media +en8964,"I've seen something like that in Mangochi, not at night but during the day, this one has only been arrested because a video went viral on social media otherwise those things are happening almost everyday","I've seen something like that in Mangochi, not at night but during the day, this one has only been arrested because a video went Ndaonapo zinthu ngati izi ku mangochi, osati madzulo koma masana, uyu yekha wamangidwa chifukwa kanema wake wapezeka pa tsamba la mchenzo koma zinthu zimenezi zikuchitika tsiku ndi tsiku.",general,social media +en8965,"We have laws everywhere as humans, after all that's what separates us from animals, well done Malawi Police","Timakahala ndi malumo paliponse ngati anthu, izi ndizimene zimatisiyanitsa ife ndi nyama, mwachita bwino polisi ya malawi",general,social media +en8966,I don’t know what traffic laws say on this considering that he wasn't arrested on the road,"Sindikudziwa kuti malamulo apa nsewu, poganizila kuti sanamangidwe pansewu",general,social media +en8967,"Here police seems has effected arrest using secondary evidence, is it applicable in as far as the case is concerned. They did not physically see the overloading vehicle. Can somebody school me on this please","Apa achitetezo akuwoneka kuti amumanga pogwilitsa ntchito ubwino opeza wina , ndizotheka maka m’mene ulili mlanduwu. Sanawone okha galimoto yopakila modutsa mlingoyi. Wina andiphunzitse za izi chonde",general,social media +en8968,"I hope my Malawi's road traffic laws should be revised. My friend was being fined by a police officer after hitting an un-road worthy Toyota Sienta which was overloaded with both people and goods, all the lights were not working","Ndiyembekezela malamulo apa nsewu kusithidwa. Mzanga amauzidwa alipile ndi achitetezo atagunda galimoto yosayenela kuyenda pa nsewu ya toyota sienta imene inali itadzadza ndi anthu komanso katundu, nyali zonse zisimagwila ntchito",general,social media +en8969,"To my surprise at the police station they released the car which was endangering the public, the unroadworthy sienta","Zodabwitsa ku polisi anaisiya galimotoyo imene imaika pachiwopsezo gulu, galimoto yosayenelayo",general,social media +en8970,"When we hear about accidents in this country it's all about those who are corrupted, all they want is money which they are given by those driving Sienta cars"," + Timamva zangozi mu dziko muno, ndi za onse amene ali achinyengo, chimene amafuna ndi ndalama zimene amapatsidwa ndi oyendetsa magalimoto a sienta",general,social media +en8971,A corrupted traffic officer is the same as those who drive unroadworthy vehicles and end up causing accidents which kill a lot of people. They are both killers,Wogwila ntchito wachinyengo ndiwosasiyana ndi amene akuyendetsa galimoto yosayenela kuyenda pa nsewu ndipo zimapangitsa ngozi zimene zimapha anthu ambirimbiri. Onsewa ndi akupha,general,social media +en8972,"If the arrest is based on social media pictures then the police are not being professional, very far. He was supposed to be caught in the act",Ngati kumumangaku kuli chifukwa cha zinthuzi za pa tsamba la mchezo ndiye apolisi zakugwila ntchito yawo moyenelera. Amayenela kugwidwa akupanga zimenezi,general,social media +en8973,"Someone is struggling to make life amidst economic hardships and you arrest him, what a cruel government? Release him, go and arrest armed robbers out there, rubbish!!!","Munthu wina akuvutika kuyesa kuzithandiza pakati pa zovuta za chuma ndipo inu mukumanga, boma lanji nkhanza? Musiyeni, pitani mukamange akuba, zauchitsilu!!!!",general,social media +en8974,This is more than Car abuse! As far as its capacity is concerned! No matter that it belongs to him but it can likely cause an accident due to an exceeding capacity! Let's always observe the laws of road safety please! Let the traffic police do their job accordingly please!,Apa ndikdutsa kuzunza galimoto.malinga ndikunyamula ndi mlingo wake! Osatengela kuti ndi yandani koma ikhoza kupangitsa ngozi chifukwa choyamula mopitilira. Tiyeni tiyesetse kutsatira malamulo apa nsewu chonde. Asiyeni oyan’ganira za pa nsewu agwile ntchito yawo chonde,general,social media +en8975,"This country is a joke, because of social media noise, where were they when he was passing through road blocks?","Dziko ili ndi lathabwala, chifukwa cha phokoso la patsamba la mchezo, anali kuti pamene amudutsa m’misewumu?",general,social media +en8976,"How did this noble person get arrested while I have clearly heard from the story that some traffic officers spotted the vehicle heavily loaded in the course of the night, so my initial question is how come that the men in uniform apprehended him when they had already knocked off?","Zinateheka bwanji kuti munthu wozilemekeza kuti amangidwe pamene ndamva kuti nkhaniyi kuti apolisi a nsewu anaiwona galimoyi inatapakila kwambiri usiku, ndiye funso loyamba ndikutheka bwanji amuna ovala zovala zakutchito anamugwila ataweluka kale ku ntchito?",general,social media +en8977,Do the traffic regulations allow policemen execute their normal duties during the night?,Kodi malamulo apa nsewu amalowa apolisi kugwila ntchito zawo usiku?,general,social media +en8978,Police you just know the offenses but your application on the same is inhuman. All these were done by the person on the same date and time hence the need for a single fine. The big fine will outrule the other and being served concurrently,Apolisi amadziwa milanduyi koma kugwilitsa ntchito kumakhala kopanda umunthu. Zonsezi zinachitika ndi munthu tsiku ndi nthawi yomweyo choncho amayenela alipile chindapusa chimodzi. Chindapusa chachukuluchi chichotsa zonse komanso zikuchitikila pamodzi,general,social media +en8979,We need sanity in all those routes. Aren’t there police officers for those routes? Question for another day. We need them to show us images for every apprehended vehicle to make sense and deter other road abusers who risk lives of passengers and other road users,Tikufunika kusamalira mu njira zimezi. Palibe apolisi a njira zimenezi? Funso latsiku lina. Tikufuna iwo atiwonetse zithunzi za galimoto yogwidwa ili yonse kuti zipeleke nzeru ndikuletsa ozunza pa nsewu amene amaika pachiopsezo moyo wa wokwela komanso ena ogwilitsa ntchito nsewu,general,social media +en8980,Someone educate me please! Has this man been arrested because of the traffic offences listed above or the video that went viral ignited some sparks at the police HQ and revealed that someone somewhere is sleeping on duty?,Wina andiphunzitse chonde. Kodi mwamuna watsekeledwa chifukwa cha mlandu walembedwa pamwambapa kapena chifukwa cha kanema amene anapezeka paliponse zinapangitsa mpungwepungwe kulikulu la polisi ndipo zawonetsa kuti wina amagona pa ntchito?,general,social media +en8981,This is a common practice in Mangochi and I trust that vehicle might have passed a police check point,Izi zimachitikachitika ku mangochi ndipo ndikukhulupilira kuti galimoto imeneyo inadutsa poima a apolisi,general,social media +en8982,"Shame on Mangochi police. These things happen every day in Mangochi, overloading and exceeding capacity are the order of the day in Mangochi, nothing strange here","Manyazi agwile polisi ya mangochi. Izi zimachitika tsiku ndi tsiku ku mangochi, kupakila moposa mlingo ndi kukweza anthu ambiri ndi m’mene zimakhalira ku mangochi, palibe chodabwitsa apa",general,social media +en8983,"He has been arrested because it was all over social media, but even if you go to Mangochi today you will board a Sienta with 12 passengers, they pass through a number of traffic officers scot-free including that roadblock at Chimwala. Mangochi traffic police jokes a lot in this country","He has been arrested because it was all over social media, but even if you go to Mangochi today you will board a Sienta with 12 Wamangidwa chifukwa inali pa tsamba la mchezo, koma ngakhale utapita ku mangochi lero mukakwela sienta ndi anthu ena khumi ndi awiri, amadutsa a polisi ambiri osagwidwa kuphatikiza potseka msewu pa chimwala. Polisi ya mangochi imapanga thabwala kwambiri mu dziko muno",general,social media +en8984,"This is not good, we also need to think of the owner of that car. We are struggling to have what we have today, that Sienta is money!! He deserves to be punished for this, we all need each other","Izi sizabwino, tikuyenela kuganizilaso mwini wake wagalimoto. Tikuvutika kuti tikhale ndi zimene tili nazo lero, sienta imene ija ndi ndalama. Akuyenela kulandila chilango, timafunana wina ndi nzake",general,social media +en8985,You mean the person has been arrested because of the video which went viral on social media and without that he could have been free by now....where were the police before the video?,Mukutathauza kuti munthu amumanga chifukwa cha kanema amene anali patsamba la mchezo ndipo chipanda kanemayu akanakhala mfulu… anali kuti apolisi asanabwele kanemayu?,general,social media +en8986,So you had to wait till someone posts on social media? Do you know how many foreign visitors are plying on that road to and from the lake and they witnessed that every day? So you are here today pretending to care,Ndiye amadikila kuti mpaka wina akuike pa tsamba la mchezo? Mukudziwa kuti ndi anthu angati amaiko ena amene amayenda nsewu umene uja kupita ndikubwera kunyanja tsiku lililonse? Ndiye muli pano kukhala ngati mukusamala,general,social media +en8987,"I think this person was not supposed to be arrested because he was born a genius, skillful man, how can a normal being load things like that and be able to move all along without causing any accident? Don't limit our thinking, if the white men had a limitation like that they would have never invented an aeroplane, ship and the parachute","Ndikuganiza kuti munthuyi samayenela kumangidwa chifukwa anabadwa wa nzeru, komanso waluso, zingatheke bwanji munthu kupakila katundu choncho koma ndikuyendetsa bwinobwino osapangitsa ngozi? Omayelekeza maganizo athu,kunakakhala kuti mzungu anali ndi malire choncho sakanapanga ndege, sitima komanso palachuti.",general,social media +en8988,"This is what we deserve, this country isn't a place to live, people are struggling outside there and police are also involved because it’s not his first time, trust me","Izi ndizimene zikutiyenera ife, dzikoli simalo okhala, anthu akuvutika komanso apolisi akukhudzidwa chifukwa sikoyamba, ndikhululupileni",general,social media +en8989,"The funny thing may be, for him to reach that place how did he pass the checkpoints? Perhaps he used uncharted paths? But I don’t think reaching that far he used uncharted ways throughout! Someone school me","Choseketsa ndi chakuti, kwa iye kuti akafike kumalo kumene amapita anadutsa bwanji m’malo oyima apolisi? Mwina anadutsa njira zatchire? Koma ndikukhulupilila kuti kuti akafike konseko sanagwilitse ntchito njira zozemba! Wina andiphunzitse",general,social media +en8990,This is Malawi. The guy is trying his best to hustle hard so that he can bring food on table and basic needs to him and his family,Kuno ndi ku malawi. Munthuyi akuyesetsa kulimbikila kuti akhoza kupeza chakudya ndizofuna zina kwa iye ndi banja lake,general,social media +en8991,Why don't you charge passengers also? Malawian passengers don't say no to transport even if the car is overloaded,Osazengaso mlandu okwelawo bwanji? Okwela aku malawi samakana mayendedwe ngakhale itakhala kuti yadzadza,general,social media +en8992,"Arrest traffic cops also because they stop a car, the driver will stop 100 metres away from them, and the driver will walk to them. Traffic cops are supposed to check the car not a driver walking to them. Traffic cops in Malawi work like a CEO of a company","Amangeni apolisi apa nsewuwo chifukwa akaimitsa galimoto, woyendetsa galimoto amaima mamita zana limodzi kutalikana ndi iwo, ndipo oyendetsa amayenda kuapeza iwo. Apolisi apa nsewu amayenela kuwona galimoto osati woyendetsa kuwalondola. Apolisi apa nsewu amagwila ntchito ngati bwana wa pa kampani",general,social media +en8993,"To the Police, the guy needed advice and fine not arrest, if he broke the rules it should be fine but arresting him cause his family to go hungry","Kwa apolisi, munthuyi amafunika malangizo ndi chindapusa osati kumumanga, ngati waphwanya malamulo akuyenela chindapusa osati kumumanga chifukwa banja lake likhala ndi njala",general,social media +en8994,"Most importantly, pay attention to the road while traveling, especially unknown roads at night. Sometimes, by the time we realize the spikes on the road, it's too late","Chofunika kwambiri, kumakhala watcheru pa nsewu mukamayenda, makamaka misewu yosadziwika usiku. Nthawi zina, pamene uziowona zobaya pa nsewu, umakhala wachedwa",general,social media +en8995,"I'm a retired police officer, I'm getting out of my truck armed to the teeth. They will know what I'm carrying, I intend to help them make better choices in life. I will pick up their spiked boards and throw them in the back of my truck. I hope this helps the next person on the road","Ndine wachitetezo wopuma, ndikutsika mu galimoto yanga ndi okonzeka. Adziwa chomwe ndanyamula, ndikufuna kuwathandiza kupanga chisankho chabwino m’moyo. Nditenga zobaya zawozo ndikuziponya mgalimoto mwanga, ndikhulupilira kuti izi zithandiza munthu wina pa nsewu",general,social media +en8996,"How’s that right shoulder looking, if you have the clearance, I’d move around the spike strip and accelerate out of there as fast as possible while scanning for a secondary strip of road for escape","Kodi phewa limenelo likuwoneka bwanji, ngati pali poyela, ndikhoza kuyenda mozungulira zobayazo ndikuthamangitsa kuchokapo mwansanga ndikuyan’gana zobaya zina pa nsewupa ndikuthawa",general,social media +en8997,"Before giving us tips on how to safely escape, you should first of all condemn this act then call on relevant authorities to be proactive. Don't be too soft on the authorities and assume that it is normal by going straight to give tips of escape","Musanatipatse malangizo m’mene tingathawire, choyambilira mukuyenela kudzudzula mchitidwe umenewu kenako ndikuwuza adindo oyenela kuti akhale atcheru. Osamawanyengelera adindo ndikuganiza kuti ndi zabwinobwino kungoyamba kupeleka maganizo m’mene tingathawile",general,social media +en8998,"Senior Resident Magistrate Wanangwa Nyirenda has committed the murder case involving Lester Maganga, 29, to High Court",Wogamula mlandu mwamkulu a wanangwa nyirenda apeleka mlandu wakupha okhudza lester maganga wa zaka makumi awiri asanu ndi anayi ku bwalo lamilandu lalikulu,general,social media +en8999,Nyirenda says the High Court will hear the case and other applications since the lower court has no such powers,Nyirenda wanena kuti bwalo lalikulu likamva mlanduwu koamnso zina chifukwa ma bwalo amilandu ena alibe mphamvu zimenezo,general,social media +en9000,"Earlier, the state asked the court to remand Maganga to Maula Prison for 90 days to allow the police complete their thorough investigations on the matter","Pachiyambi, boma linafunsa bwalo lamilandu kumusiya maganga ku ndende ya maula kwa masiku makumi asanu ndi anayi kuti alole apolisi kumalizitsa kufufuza pa nkhaniyi",general,social media +en9001,"However, lawyer for the accused, Innocent Kubwalo says he will file for a bail application to the High Court","Koma, woyimila mlandu woimbidwa mlanduyu, innocent kubwalo akuti akapempha belo kubwalo lamilandu lalikulu",general,social media +en9002,"On Sunday, police arrested Maganga, who is Personal Assistant to Information Minister, Moses Kunkuyu and charged him with murder contrary to Section 209 of the Penal Code","Lasabata, apolisi anamanga maganga amene amathandizira ntchito nduna ya mauthenga moses kumkuyu ndi kuimbidwa mlandu wakhupa zomwe sizigwilizana ndi gawo 209 la malamulo",general,social media +en9003,"If the lower court has no such powers, who brought the case to the lower court instead of the high court? Or is it a delaying tactic?","Ngati bwalo lamilandu lalin’gono lilibe mphamvu zimenezo, ndindani anapititsa mlanduwu ku bwalo lalin’gono osati lalikulu?, kapena ndi njira yochedwetsela?",general,social media +en9004,"To imagine two days ago he was just a free man, bad decisions are costly. Just put him in jail for 100 years without hearing his side and then bring him to court to hear his side and court will charge him life in prison and then he will die before finishing the first 100 years","Kuganiza kuti masiku awiri apitawa anali mfulu, ziganizo zoipa ndi zidula. Kumuika ku ndende kwa zana limodzi osamva mbali yake kenako kumubweletsa ku bwalo lamilandu kuti mumve mbali yake ndipo bwalo lamilandu likamugamula kuti akhale moyo wake onse ku ndende kenako akamwalira asanamalize zaka zoyamba zanazo",general,social media +en9005,Let's hope there are evidences beyond reasonable doubt that he committed the murder,Tiyeni tiyembekezele kuti pali umboni wokwanila kuti anaphadi munthu,general,social media +en9006,"Men of low esteem killing each other because of a girlfriend; So who will be dating the lady as him will be at Maula and his colleague murdered, and others will have conjugal right on her now as you are remanded for 90 days. Don't make a decision when you are angry","Abambo ambiri wodziwonela pansi akuphana chifukwa cha mkazi; ndiye amene akhale pachibwenzi ndi mkaziyu ndi ndani chifukwa iye akhala ali ku maula ndipo nzakeyo waphedwa, ndipo ena akakhala ndi mwayi ogonana naye pamene iwe uli ku ndende masiku makuni asanu ndi anayi. Osapanga chiganizo pamene wakwiya",general,social media +en9007,"Someone's son, father, brother, husband, nephew, uncle, in-law is a murderer. Macbeth once said,"" There's no art to judge the minds construction in the face"" Looks are deceptive","Mwana wa wina, abambo, achimwene,mphawo, atsibweni, apongozi. Macbeth ananena kuti,”palibe kumuimba mlandu maganizo ndi maso, maonekedwe apusitsa",general,social media +en9008,That means our man in uniform doesn't know murder case is supposed to be heard at high court...? Now 90 days for what reason?,Izi zikutathauza kuti anthu ovala zovala zapolisi samadziwa kuti mlandu wakupha munthu umayenela kukambidwa ku bwalo la milandu lalikulu? Tsopano masiku makumi asanu ndi anayi chifukwa chani?,general,social media +en9009,"It's been a week you still weeping? To all the teams that lost to Malawi none of them insulted her the way you guys are doing it what a shame, it's football guys just a game you win some, you lose some...Acceptance is the best medicine","Sabata yatha mukulilabe?. Kwa matimu amene analuza ndi malawi koma onsewa sanamunyoze m’mene anthu inu mukuchitila. Zamanyazi, ndimpira, umawina ena, umaluza…kuvomeleza ndi mankhwala abwino",general,social media +en9010,"On the list of famous legendary choir groups in the country, Katawa Singers cannot miss. Named after a township in Mzuzu, Katawa Singers designed and delivered the electronic gospel sound that dominated the country’s airwaves. Tracing the grouping birth in Katawa, it all started by accident","Pa m’ndanda wa makwaya otchuka mudziko muno, gulu la katawa silingalephere kukhalapo. Linapatsidwa dzina kutsatira mzinda wa mzuzu, gulu la katawa singers inapanga ndikubweletsa nyimbo ya uzimu zimene zinamveka paliponse. Kufufuza m’mene gululi linayambila ku katawa, inayamba mwangozi",general,social media +en9011,"It was hatched as a fundraising initiative for the construction of the new Presbyterian church in Katawa area in 1990 under the leadership of Allen Mtambo, Reverend Peter Mushanga, and the late Pickford Jungu",Linayamba ngati gulu lofuna kupeza ndalama zomangila tchalitchi cha katawa ku delali mu chaka cha 1990 pansi pawutsogoleri wa allen mtambo. Abusa peter mushanga ndi pickford jungu,general,social media +en9012,"They received a Yamaha keyboard from a foreign donor and what followed next is the result of the musicality, inventiveness and artistic sense of artists who quickly gained acclaim","TAnalandila keyboard ya yamaha kwa opeleka wadziko lina ndipo zimene zinabwela ndi mayimbidwe, nzeru komanso woimba amene anatchuka mosavuta",general,social media +en9013,"Since then, Katawa Singers have recorded a dozen releases, toured around Malawi, playing at festivals and prayer gatherings","Kuchoka nthawi imeneyo. Katawa singers ananajambula zimbale zambiri, anayendela malawi, kuimba pa mikumano yoyimba ndi mikumano yamapemphero",general,social media +en9014,The Mzuzu-based gospel singers have played a big role in Malawi’s gospel music revolution. It won’t be wrong to crown them ‘gospel music pioneers’,Gulu loyimba nyimbo za uzimu la ku mzuzuli linagwila ntchito yayikulu pakusitha nyimbo zauzimu ku malawi. Zikhoza kukhala zolakwika kusawatchula kuti oyambitsa nyimbo za uzimu ku malawi,general,social media +en9015,"The group made Malawi realise how gospel music should be shaped. No wonder they won several awards, including the Malawi Broadcasting Station (MBC) 50 years of broadcasting legendary gospel band award",Gululi linapangitsa malawi kuzindikila mmene nyimbo za uzimu zikuyenela kukhalira. Ndizosadabwitsa kuti anawina photo zambiri kuphatikiza mphoto ya waiyesi yowulutsa mawu ku malawi ya MBC ya zaka makumi asanu yakuwulutsa mawu kwaya yamawu auzimu,general,social media +en9016,"“After recording our songs with MBC, the demand for our songs grew. We received pressure asking us to come up with an album","Titamaliza kujambula nyimbo ndi MBC, kufuna kwa nyimbo zanthu kunakula. Tinapanikizidwa kuti tipange chimbale",general,social media +en9017,"We, therefore, released our first album at Baptist Media Centre in Blantyre in early 1992,” said the band chairperson Nthala in an interview with The Weekend Nation","Ife, kenako , tinatulutsa chimbale choyamba ku baptist media centre ku blantyre moyambilira mu chaka cha 1992,” anatero mkulu wa kwayayi nthala pamene amayakhula ndi nyuzi ya weekend nation",general,social media +en9018,"In 1993, Katawa released another album titled Chikondi Ndi Chanu, which has songs such as Ayehova Tawonani, Kolesykani, I have Wandered and Hlanat","Mu chaka cha 1993, katawa inatulutsa chimbale china chotchedwa chikondi ndi chanu, m’mene munali nyimbo ngati ayehova tawonani, kolesyakani,ndadabwa komanso hlanat",general,social media +en9019,"However, their sixth album released in 1996 is the one that band members say was more successful","Komabe, chimbale chawo chachisanu ndi imodzi chotulutsidwa mu chaka cha 1996 ndichimene agululi akuti chinali chopambana",general,social media +en9020,"“The sixth album was marvelous, we made huge sales compared to other nine albums we produced. Demand for its songs is still there,” said Nthala","Chimbale cha chisanu ndi chimodzi chinali chopambana, tinagulitsa kwambiri kusiyana ndi zimbale zina zisanu ndi zinayi zimene anatulutsa. Nyimbo zanthu zimafunidwabe,” akutero Nthala",general,social media +en9021,"The DVD also made strides having realised more sells. It composed of tracks collected from their old songs from various albums they produced. Meanwhile, the band has an office and a studio just within Mzuzu City","Chimbale cha DVD chinapangaso bwino. Munali nyimbo zimene zinali nyimbo zawo zakale kuchokela ku zimbale zosiyanasiyana zimene anatulutsa. Pakali pano, gululi lili ndi ofesi ndi malo ojambulira nyimbo mu mzinda wa mzuzu",general,social media +en9022,"To date as they celebrate their 33 years anniversary, Katawa has recorded a total of 11 albums and won several awards","Kufika tsiku lalero pamene akukondwelera zaka makumi atatu ndi zitatu, katawa yatulutsa zimbale zokwana khumi ndi chimodzi ndipo awina mphoto zambiri",general,social media +en9023,Katawa Singers is not only popular in Malawi; it also performed in a number of international festivals,Gulu la katawa singers siyodziwika ku malawi kokha; inakaimbaso kuzikondwelero zakumaiko akunja,general,social media +en9024,"In 1998, the band performed at a crusade in Lusaka Zambia, where they pulled a crowd and won a video recording deal at the University of Zambia where they recorded their first music video at Lundazi studio","Mu chaka cha 1998, gululi linakaimba ku mkumano wawoyimba ku lusaka zambia kumene kunali gulu ndipo anapeza mwayi wonjambula kanena kusukulu yawukachenjede ya zambia kumene anakajambula kanema yawo yoyamba ku malo ojambulira nyimbo ku lundazi",general,social media +en9025,"Having lost some of its members, the band has incorporated young talents, who are expected to sustain the band","Itataya ena mwa mamembala awo, gululi linaikamo aluso achichepele, amene akuyembezedwa kupititsa gululi patsogolo",general,social media +en9026,The band is working on another album after years of break scheduled to be released soon,Gululi ikugwila ntchito pachimbale china patatha zaka asanatulutse chimbale china chimene chitulutsidwe pompano,general,social media +en9027,"“As we celebrate 33 years of existence, we can comfortably say that the band is still intact. As explained, we have our own studio and the new album we intend to release shortly has been recorded at our studio,” said Nthala","Pamene tikukondwelera zaka makumi atatu ndi zitatu, tikhoza kunena kuti gululi lilibwinobwino. M’mene tafotokozera, tili malo ojambulira nyimbo ndipo chimbale chimene tikuyembekezera kutsulutsa chatsopanochi chajambulidwa ku nyumba yojambulira nyimbo yathu,” anatero Nthala",general,social media +en9028,"Asked the secret that has made the choir to remain intact to date, senior member Lupeska said members do not rely on the band for their living","Atafunsidwa chinsinsi chimene chapangitsa kuti kwayayi ikhalebe limodzi, membala wa gululi wa wamkulu lupeska anati samadalira gululi kuti apeze zofuna zawo",general,social media +en9029,"“We put serving God as priority. We don’t rely on the band for our living. This has made us to be together this long,” he said","Timatsogoza kutumikila mulungu. Sitimadalira gululi kuti tipeze zosowa zanthu. Ichi ndi chimene chatikhatiza pamodzi nthawi yatitali,” anatero",general,social media +en9030,"Malawi society is made up of diverse and intriguing social and cultural practices and activities that form a significant part of their existence and make us unique on the African continent and the world, as a whole",Anthu akumalawi ndi wosiyanasiyana komanso makhalidwe ndi zikhalidwe zosiyana ndipo ntchito zimene zimachitika zimakhala gawo lofunika lakupezeka kwawo ndipo izi zimatipanga kukhala osiyana mu kontinenti ya africa ndi dziko lonse lapansi,general,social media +en9031,"Interestingly, if people are given a chance to live again or chose between village and urban life, many people would go for the latter","Zosangalatsa, ngati anthu akanapatsidwa mwayi okhalanso kapena kusakha pakati pa kumudzi ndi moyo wakutawuni, anthu ambiri akanasakha wakutawuni",general,social media +en9032,"For obvious reasons, village life would be snubbed right away on the basis of many grounds such as the gruesome hardship which many people encountered and compounded their families during their childhood","Pazifukwa zodziwika, moyo wakumudzi ukanasalidwa pompopompo chifukwa cha zovuta zambiri zimene anthu anakumana ndikuphinja mabanja awo pamene anali ana",general,social media +en9033,"For example, many families went through hell in the village to raise their children who are now living comfortable lives in the cities and towns","Mwachitsanzo, mabanja ambri anadutsa muzovuta kumudzi kuti alere ana amene pano akukhala moyo wabwino kumizinda ndi kumatawuni",general,social media +en9034,Some parents would distil and sell the popular illicit liquor called kachasu to feed and raise school fees for their children,Makolo ena amatcheza mowa ndikugulitsa chakumwa chotchuka chotchedwa kachasu kuti adyetse komanso kupeza ndalama yolipila ku sukulu ya ana awo,general,social media +en9035,Whereas others used to share the same blanket with their siblings and sleep on a rugged mat in their small and dilapidated houses which could hardly accommodate a single bed,Pamene ena amafunda chofunda limodzi ndi abale awo ndikugona pa mphasa yon’gambika mu nyumba yawo yayin’gono komanso yakutha imene simumatheka kulowa kama logonapo munthu.,general,social media +en9036,"On the contrary, many would choose city or urban life where houses are decent and big, and access to social services like healthcare is easy","Mbali ina, ambiri akanasakha mzinda kapena moyo wakutawuni kumene nyumba ndizabwino komanso zazikulu, kupeza zinthu zofunikila monga chisamaliro cha umoyo ndichosavuta",general,social media +en9037,"However, there is one tangible reason most people love and want to associate themselves with the village life. It is a celebration of their cultural activities and childhood experiences","Komabe, pali chifukwa chimodzi chogwilika anthu ambiri amakonda komanso kuziika ndi moyo wakumudzi, ndizikondwelero za chikhalidwe chawo ndi chikumbukilo chaubwana wawo",general,social media +en9038,"Oh yes, there is no beautiful feeling to cherish than one’s social and cultural activities that made their childhood terrific and memorable","Inde, palibe choposa chosangalatsa mtima ngati kukumbikila kuposa zochita ndi chikhalidwe zimene zinapangitsa umwana kukhala wabwino ndiwosaiwalika",general,social media +en9039,"Visiting one’s old school and village, chatting with old childhood friends or enjoying local food such as mice (mbewa), ziwala/zitete (grasshoppers) and social activities are some of the things that made our childhood exciting and memorable","Kuyendela sukulu yako yakale ndi kumudzi, kucheza ndi anzako akuumwana kapena kudya zakudya zachikhalidwe monga mbewa, ziwala/zitete ndi zochitika zamakhalidwe ndi zinthu zina zimene zinapangitsa umwana wathu kukhala wosangalatsa komanso osaiwalika",general,social media +en9040,Food has a powerful cultural value which connects us to our childhood back in the days as well as village life,Chakudya chili ndi mphamvu muchikhalidwe chathu zimene zimatilumikizitsa ndi umwana wathu masiku amanewo komanso umuyo wathu wakumudzi,general,social media +en9041,"“In ancient history, our forefathers were preserving local food in anticipation of a looming hunger,” recounted Gogo Nansani of Mvera in Dowa","Mu mbili yakale, makolo anthu amasunga chakudya poyembekezela njala,” akakumbukila gogo nansani aku mvera boma la dowa",general,social media +en9042,"Unlike in the village where food stuffs like meat and vegetables are dried up to be preserved, people in urban areas use refrigerators today to preserve food for future use","Kusiyana ndi kumudzi kumene zakudya ngati nyama ndi masamba zimaumitsidwa kuti zisungike, anthu ku madela akutawuni amagwilitsa ntchito ma filiji lero kuti asunge chakudya kuti azagwilitse ntchito mtsogolo",general,social media +en9043,"Again, memories are still fresh how I used to drink cold water and thobwa (sweet brew) kept in beautifully moulded mtsuko (pot) in my village. Of course, I had also enjoyed masese (local opaque beer) kept in mbiya (big pot) at Chimphale’s local drinking spot in Lavu village","Mobweleza, chikumbutso chikalipo m’mene ndimkamwera madzi ozizila komanso thobwa losungidwa mtsuko wowumbidwa bwino ku mudzi kwathu. Ndamwapo masese wosungidwa mu mbiya pa malo omwela mowa achimphale mu mudzi wa lavu",general,social media +en9044,"Chimanga chokazinga (roasted maize), which we used to carry to school in plastic bottles, particularly those of cooking oil such as Covo and Kazinga, was also popular back in the days","Chimanga chokazinga chimene timatengela mu botolo la pulasitiki, makamaka amafuta ophikila monga covo ndi kazinga amene anali wotchuka nthawi imeneyo",general,social media +en9045,"Unlike today where children are given snacks, juices and soft drinks to take with them to school, the old generation of 1990s and 1980s used to eat and brag with roasted maize during break time","Kusiyana ndi lero pamene ana amapatsidwa zakudya zotolatola, zakumwa ndi zakumwa zosaledzeletsa kuti atenge kusukulu, m’badwo wa 1990 ndi 1980 amadya ndikupanga matama akamadya chimanga chokazinga pa nthawi yopuma",general,social media +en9046,"Whereas, those who were privileged to have been given or stolen some coins from their parents would buy zitumbuwa and mbajira (local pan cakes). However, those who were affording mandasi (doughnuts) and mpisu (chips) were regarded a real dons","Pamene, amene anali ndikuthekela kuti apatsidwa kapena kuba ndalama za ma siliva kwa makolo amatha kugula zitumbuwa ndi mbajira. Komabe, amene amakwanitsa mandasi ndi mpisu amatengedwa ngati madolo",general,social media +en9047,"During our time, wearing shoes at school during our time was not an easy feat for everyone. Majority were walking barefooted, but cladding those popular shorts with a buckle was a complete swag on its own","Mu nthawi yathu, kuvala nsapato ku sukulu sizanali zapafupi kwa aliyense. Gulu limayenda opanda nsapato koma kuvala makabudula otchuka okhala ndi zomangira zachitsulo kunali kutchena pakokha",general,social media +en9048,Old school and local swag can be incomplete without the mention of the popular traditional games and dances like chibisalirano (hide and seek) among others,Sukulu yakale ndi zamba zakumudzi sizokwanila tikapanda kutchula masewera otchuka akumudzi ndi kuvina monga chibisalirano ndi zina,general,social media +en9049,"There were also other popular activities like see-saw, relay race and arranged fights which were organised at the end of the school terms between rival groups","Kunali masewela ena otchuka monga nyende, kuthamanga komanso ndewu zochita kukhonza zimene zimakhozedwa tikamatsekela sukulu pakati pamagulu opikisana",general,social media +en9050,"However, many years down the line after many people had enjoyed a blissful lifestyle packed with unique and exciting traditional activities and food, it seems most of these things are on the verge of collapsing due to rapid lifestyle changes","Komabe, zaka zapita pamene anthu ambiri akhala atakondwela ndi moyo wodzadza ndi zochitika zosowa ndi zosangalatsa komanso chakudya, zikuwoneka kuti zinthu zimenezi zatsala pan’gono kutha chifukwa chakusitha kwa makhalidwe",general,social media +en9051,"Today, children and families are greatly influenced by technology and foreign cultures that are fast eroding their true Malawian identity","Masiku ano, ana ndi mabanja akukhudzidwa kwambiri ndi zamakono komanso chikhalidwe cha maiko ena zimene zikuwononga umalawi wawo",general,social media +en9052,"For example, these days children are exposed to lifestyles they watch on TV. For example, they play video games and imitate popular cartoons like Spider Man and, Tom and Jerry","Mwachitsanzo, masiku ano ana akukhudzidwa ndi makhalidwe amene amaonela pa kanema. Mwachitsanzo, amaselewa masewela apakanema ndikuyesela ziboliboli monga spiderman ndi tomu ndi jeli",general,social media +en9053,"Unfortunately, when they visit their village, be it in Molele in Thyolo, Dowa’s Mbedza or Enukweni in Mzimba, they appear more Western than their fellow Malawian children in the village","Mwatsoka, akapita kumudzi kwawo, kaya kwa molele ku thyolo, kwa mbedza ku dowa kapena ku enukweni ku mzimba amawoneka wachizungu kuposa ana achimalawi anzawo akumudzi",general,social media +en9054,"In terms of food, our society, particularly in urban settings, is consuming more of fast processed foods. Unless it is for health grounds, a small percentage enjoy local foods","In terms of food, our society, particularly in urban settings, is consuming more of fast processed foods. Unless it is for health grounds, a small percentage enjoy local foods + Kumbali ya chakudya, mumadera m’mene timakhalira, makamaka kumadela akutawini, akudya zakudya zambiri zokonzedwa mwachangu. pokhapokha ndichifukwa cha zaumoyo, gawo lochepa kwambiri limadya zakudya zopezeka zachikhalidwe",general,social media +en9055,"However, not all is lost as some individuals are dedicating their efforts towards promoting local activities and foods","Komabe, sikuti chilichonse chataika anthu ena akupeleka mphamvu zawo kupititsa patsogolo zochitika za lokolo ndi zakudya",general,social media +en9056,A grouping of creatives called Kuwala has also embraced an initiative called Malawi Night to promote traditional activities like games,Gulu la anthu aluso lotchedwa kuwala layambitsa zochitika zotchedwa malawi night kuti apititse patsogolo zochitika za chikhalidwe monga masewela,general,social media +en9057,"When I think of a great drama performance, what quickly comes to my mind are natural abilities in actors who are able to dramatize things and draw people’s attention","Ndikaganiza za masewelo abwino, zimene zimabwela m’mutu mwanga ndi maluso achilengedwe awochita zisudzo amene amapangitsa sewero ndikupangitsa chidwi anthu",general,social media +en9058,"I mean the alluring power of using body language such as gestures, facial expressions and significant devices that depict elements of life or characters, bring conflicts and emotions to life","Ndikutathauza mphamvu yokopa anthu kugwilitsa ntchito thupi monga manja, kumaso ndi zida zimene zimaonetsa umoyo kapena umunthu, kubwelets mikangano ndi maganizo",general,social media +en9059,"However, deficit of this charming creativity in the Chichewa drama world brings into picture the gap which one John Nyanga and Eric Mabedi, Malawi’s finest drama duo of Izeki ndi Jakobo","koambe , kusowa kwa luso lokopa mu chichewa mu mamasewelo zimabweletsa chithuzithuzi cha kupelewela kumene john nyanga ndi eric mabedi, opanga sewelo abwino kwambiri kumalawi kuno izeki ndi jakobo",general,social media +en9060,We must accept the fact that some people were simply born with incomparable gifts which appeal to the audience naturally. Their natural gifts such as composure and facial expression are just a wow factor in their art,Tikuyenela kuvomeleza kuti anthu ena anabadwa ndi maluso osiyana ndi ena amene amasangalatsa anthu mwachilengedwe. Maluso awo achilengedwe monga kuima komanso maonekedwe akhope zimakhala zodabwitsa anthu mu zaluso zawo,general,social media +en9061,"It dawned on me one day at Chichiri Shopping Mall, Blantyre, when I met the late drama legend Izeki and left me in dilemma whether he was in dramatic or serious mood. I greeted him and introduced myself as a journalist before asking for his phone number","Zinandidzidzimutsa tsiku lina pa malo amalonda pa chichiri ku blantyre, pamene ndinakumana ndi katswiri wopanga masewelo ndipo ndinali ndikuganiza kuti m’maganizo asewelo kapena anali akupanga zabwinobwino. Ndinampatsa moni ndi kumufotokozera kuti ndi mtolankhani ndisanafunse nambala yake ya lamya",general,social media +en9062,"However, in a flash of a moment amidst our conversation, Izeki’s gestures made me burst into laughter. And quickly he reacted: “Akulu, sizamaseratu izi.”","However, in a flash of a moment amidst our conversation, Izeki’s gestures made me burst into laughter. And quickly he reacted: “Komabe, pakathawi kochepa chabe tikucheza, m’mene amapangila manja izeki zinandipangitsa kuseka. Ndipo nthawi yomweyo anayakha “akulu, sizamasewelatu izi”",general,social media +en9063,I read from his facial expression that he was serious and I had to treat our conversation as such. From this day I got to realise that there is untold power in natural abilities that can never be stopped. Izeki ndi Jakobo were a marvel to watch,Ndimaona m’mene kumaso kwake kukuwonekela kuti akupanga zowona ndipo kucheza kwathu kunali kwachoncho. Kuchokela tsiku limeneli ndipamene ndinadziwa kuti muli mphamvu mu maluso obadwa nawo zimene sizingaletsedwe. Izeki ndi jakobo anali wosangalatsa kuwaonelera,general,social media +en9064,"In his own image, Izeki was created as drama. The way he walked, talked or looked, he was a complete artist. One could easily burst into laughter upon seeing him","Maonekedwe ake, izeki anapangidwa ngati sewelo. M’mene amayendela, kuyakhula kapena maonekedwe, anali waluso wachikwanekwane. Sikumakhala kovuta munthu kuseka akamuona",general,social media +en9065,"Mazunda said: “The two were simply natural actors. During rehearsals they could display a plot, but when shooting the actual video began they will have spiced it more than expected and producers could just let them flow",Mazunda anati: “ awiriwa anali azisudzo woselewera mwachilengedwe. Nthawi yoyeselera amangowonetsa m’mene zikakhalire koma pojambuka kanema weniweniyo amaonjezela zina zosayembezeleka ndipo ojambula amangowasiya kuti apitilize,general,social media +en9066,"“They picked at anyone and any topic with ease; their delivery was always top-notch. The duo was a marvel to work with, extraordinary to watch, pure geniuses at what they did, and the best comic duo this country has ever produced.”","Amsakha wina aliyense komanso nkhani ina iliyonse mosavuta: m’mene amapangila zinthu zinali zapamwamba. Awiriwa anali osangalatsa kugwira nawo tchito, wodabwitsa kuwonelera, anzeru pazimene amachita komanso gulu labwino kambiri limene dziko lino latulutsa",general,social media +en9067,"Well, to cut the story short, it has been seven solid years and two years since the country’s arts fraternity paid its last respect to the fallen commanding drama officers of Izeki and Jakobo, respectively","Kufipikitsa nkhani, zakwana zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri komanso ziwiri pamene anthu aluso m’dziko muno anapeleka ulemu wawo omaliza kwa atsogoleri a zamasewelo a izeki ndi jakobo",general,social media +en9068,Izeki died on May 22 in 2016 at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital after a long illness. Whereas Jakobo succumbed to Covid-19 related complications on August 2 2021 at Mwaiwathu Private Hospital in same commercial city of Blantyre,Izeki anamwalira pa 22 may mu chaka cha 2016 ku chipatala cha Queens Elizabeth central hospital atadwala nthawi yayitali. Pamene jakobo anamwalira chifukwa cha zopinga zobwela ndi covid-19 pa 2 august chaka cha 2021 ku chipatala cha mwaiwathu mzinda wamalonda omwewu wa blantyre,general,social media +en9069,"Izeki was buried at Henry Henderson Institute (HHI) Cemetery and Jakobo at Catholic Institute (CI) Cemetery in Blantyre, the city where they practiced and nurtured their comic talents","Izeki anaikidwa ku manda a henry henderson institute ndipo jakobo anaikidwa ku manda a catholic insititue ku blanytre, mzinda umene anapangila ndi kuphunzira maluso awo amasewelo",general,social media +en9070,"But many years since their demise, memories are still fresh about the duo’s humble beginnings and exploits at the then French Cultural Centre (FCC), where they used to organize drama performances and fill the venue for family entertainment. Indeed, people from all walks of life marveled at their ingenuity","Koma zaka zambiri zapita chimwalilireni koma tikukumbukilabe m’mene gululi linayambila ndi zimene anachita ku malo kumene nthawi imeneyo kumatchedwa french cultural centre kumene amapangitsa masewelo ndipo amadzadzitsa malowo kusangalatsa mabanja, inde, anthu ambiri amadabwitsika ndi maluso awo",general,social media +en9071,There is no denying that Izeki ndi Jakobo were exceptionally good and a force of reckon if their astonishing legacy is anything to go by,Palibe kutsutsa kuti izeki ndi jakobo anali abwino kwambiri komanso mphamvu yoyenela kuti mbiri yodabwitsa ndiyoyenela kuti kukhala paliponse,general,social media +en9072,"Today, many years after their death, the social media is still awash with video clips of the fallen drama kings to confirm their unwavering legacy","Lero, zaka zambiri zatha atamwalira, tsamba la mchezo imadabwitsabe ndi kanema wa mafumu asewelowa kutsimikiza mbiri yawo",general,social media +en9073,"Frankly speaking, the duo of Izeki ndi Jakobo will indisputably go down the memory lane as one of drama powerhouses which had left an indelible gap in Malawi’s theatrical circles as far as its stage magic and popularity are concerned","Kuyakhula mowona mtima, gulu la izeki ndi jakobo azakambukilidwa ngati opanga masewelo amphamvu zimene zisiye mpata waukulu ku malawi pa nkhani ya masewelo komanso kutchuka kwake",general,social media +en9074,"Many drama enthusiasts in the country attest to this, describing the fallen drama legends as irreplaceable due to its profound talent","Ambiri okonda masewelo mu dziko muno akuvomeleza za izi,kufotokoza kuti akatswiriwa omwaliwawa sangabwezletsedwe chfukwa cha luso lawo",general,social media +en9075,"“I haven’t attended any of Izeki’s stage performances. But I can tell from the video clips that I watch on social media that he was a rare character,” says Innocent Golowa, a resident of Biwi","Sinawonelelepo masewelo ena aliowonsw a izeki. Koma ndikhoza kunena kuti anali wosiyana ndi ena onse powona kanema amen ndimawonela tsamba la mchezo,”akuteri innocent golowa amene amakhala kwa biwi",general,social media +en9076,"Before his death, Izeki opened a prophetic ministry called Synagogue for Hope Church in Ndirande Township, Blantyre, where he was aswering to a new title as Prophet Z","Asanamwalire, izeki anatsegula tchalitchi chotchedwa synagogue for hope church ku dera ndilande ku blantyre, kumene amaykha dzina latsopano lakuti pulofeti z",general,social media +en9077,"They were the first duo to adapt my book Madzi Akataika into a performance. Since then they have been entertaining the country. So, his death marked a sad chapter of comedy and drama in the country,” once said Zingani","Anali anthu awiri oyamba kutenga buku langa madzi akataika ndikupanga sewelo. Kuchoka pamenepo akhala akusangalatsa dziko. Ndiye, imfa yake ikutathauza gawo lomvetsa chisoni la msangulutso ndi masewelo mudziko uno,” anayakhulapo zingani",general,social media +en9078,"The duo of Izeki ndi Jakobo, which also performed alongside Kwathu Drama Group, will remain in historical books as one of the country’s flag carriers of Chichewa drama","Uwiri wa izeki ndi jakobo, amene amapangaso zinthu ndi gulu la masewelo la kwathu, azakhala mu mabuku kuwakumbikila ngati amene ananyamula mbendela ya dziko pa masewelo achichewa",general,social media +en9079,"“I greatly miss Izeki ndi Jakobo because their acting was funny and extraordinary. How I wish God could bring them back to continue from where they left. May their souls continue to rest in peace,” said Deliweh Mpaka, a drama","Ndimasowa kwambiri izeki ndi jakobo chfukwa masewelo awo anali osangalatsa komanso apamwamba. Nkanakonda mulungu akanawabweletsanso kuti azapitilize pamene anasiyila. Mizimu yawo ipitilize kuwusa ndi mtendere,” deliweh mpaka wamasewelo",general,social media +en9080,"Izeki and Jakobo had several things in common, which cemented their duo and personal relationship. They were born in the same month and year. Izeki was born on June 13 1963, whereas Jakobo was born eight days later on June 21 1963","Izeki ndi jakobo anali nd zinthu zambiri zofanana, zimene zinalimbitsa uwiri wawo komanso ubwenzi. Anabadwa mwezi ndi chaka chofanana. Izeki anabadwa pa 3 june 1963, pamene jakobo anabadwa masiku asanu ndi atatu otsatila pa 21 june 1963",general,social media +en9081,It is not in my nature to bring issues so personal to me on such platforms. But at times you reach a level where one plus one does not add to two,Sindine munthu womabweletsa zinthu zaanthu ena ngati zimenezi pa malo ngati awa. Koma nthawi zina umafika pa mlingo pamene kuphatikiza chimodzi ndi chimodzi sikupanga ziwiri,general,social media +en9082,"Firstly, I have to admit my flaws before you appreciate. Like a majority of we men (not women), I am adventurous in other ways. When opportunities arise and when interest is insurmountable, I veer off the course and seek the goods elsewhere","Choyamba, ndikuyenela kuvomeleza zolakwa zanga musanandiyamikile. Ngati amuna ambiri, ndine oyendayenda mu njira zina. Pamene mwayi wapezeka ndipo kufuna ndikosaletseka, ndimasiya ndikusaka katundu kwina",general,social media +en9083,That is not to say I don’t appreciate the dish I have at home. Neither can I say the value of the quality is diminishing,Sindikunena kuti sindimayamikila chakudya chomwe ndili nacho kunyumba. Komanso sindinganene kuti ubwino wake ukutsika,general,social media +en9084,"Far from it. I am still a committed and loving husband. And when it comes to the bedroom service, I have never been questioned during our 13-year-old marital union","Kutali kwa za izi, ndine bambo odzipeleka komanso okonda. Ndipo ikafika ku ntchito yakuchipinda, sindinafunsidwepo mu zaka khumi ndi zitatu zimene ndakhalamu banja",general,social media +en9085,"But as all manly beings sometimes behave, I have recently found myself in the arms of some respectable beautiful damsel","Koma m’mene amachitila anthu amuna, posachedwapa ndazipeza ndekha m’manja mwa mtsikana wolemekeza wokongola",general,social media +en9086,I must confess the three-week romantic ride that we have gone through has been dizzying. This lady has given me the kind of services and treatment any man would dream of,Ndilape kuti masabata atatu achikondi chimene tadutsamo akhala abwino. Mkazi ameneyu wandipatsa chisamaliro ndi kundithandiza m’mene mwamuna aliyense angaganizile,general,social media +en9087,Now you may be wondering why I am writing you with all the superlatives I am heaping on my new catch,Tsopano mwina mukudabwa chifukwa chani ndikukulembelani ndi zapamwamba ndikukuwunjikilani za zonwe ndapeza tsopanoli,general,social media +en9088,"A few days ago, my wife was celebrating her birthday. Somehow I found myself checking the WhatsApp status of my secret dish","Masiku angapo apitawo, mkazi wanga amasangalira tsiku lake lakubadwa. Mwina ndinapezeka kuti ndikuwona pa sitetasi ya pa tsamba la mchezo la chakudya changa chamchibisilachi",general,social media +en9089,What my eyes met there was appalling. There she was; my wife in her unmistakable form. The accompanying caption showed the two have a tight connection for sure. I resisted the temptation to ask any question,"Zimene maso anga anawona zinali zodabwitsa. Awa, akazi anga m’mene alili. Mawu olembedwa motsatana chinthuzicho zimaonetsa kutu awiriwa pali kugwilizana ndithu. Ndinazibweza kuyesa kufunsa funso",general,social media +en9090,I now come before your widely revered counsel. Should I ask her about their relationship? Should I just silently walk away? Should I stick here and continue enjoying this grace?,Tsopano ndikubwera kwainu pauphungu wolemekezeka kwambiri. Ndikuyenela kumufunsa za ubwezni wawo? Kodi ndikuyenela kuchoka mwakachetechete? Kodi ndiyenela kukhalabe ndikupitiliza kusangalala ndi chisomochi?,general,social media +en9091,"You could be harder than this! You mean, for 13 solid years you don’t know your wife’s friends? That is being naïve!",Ukuyenela kukhala olimba kuposa apa! Ukutathauza kuti kwa zaka khumi ndi zitatu sukudziwa azinzako a mkazi wako?kumeneko ndikupanda pake!,general,social media +en9092,"And then, are you sure this side chick of yours doesn’t know who her friend’s husband is?","Komanso, ukutsimikiza kuti mkazi wako wanseliyu sakudziwa kuti mwamuna wanzakeyu ndi ndani?",general,social media +en9093,It never gets curioser! This side chick knows you. I will tell you just one thing: You are just delaying her chances of finding a proper man for her to marry,Chidwi sichingapose apa. Mkazi wachibwenziyu amakudziwani. Ndikuwuzani chithu chimodzi. Mukungomuchedwetsa mwayi opeza mwamuna wabwino wakuti amukwatire,general,social media +en9094,"I just don’t know what men look for. The other day, you can imagine, these other two men were pestering some lady that she should share contacts of her friend so that she can become their girlfriend! Imagine. For that matter, the woman they wanted for girlfriend was married to another man!","Sindimadziwa kuti amuna amafuna chani. Tsiku lina, ukhoza kungoganiza, abambo ena awiri amavutitsa mkazi wina kuti awapatse nambala ya lamya ya nzake wamzimayiyo kuti akhale chibwezi chawo! Tangoganizani. Komanso, mzimayi amafuna kuti akhale chibwenziyo anali pabanja ndi mwamuna wina",general,social media +en9095,What do men really want apart from courting disaster? Now you are in this circle and you have the nerve to ask me if you have to leave!,Kodi amuna amafuna chani kupatula tsoka pachibwenzi? Tsopano uli mu gulu ndipo ukundifunsa ngati ukuyenela kuchoka!,general,social media +en9096,"You are in a trap and you will be caught. By putting the photos on her status, she obviously knew you were one of the people who would see them","Uli mu gonga ndi ugwidwa. Poika zinthuzi zimenezo pa tsamba la mchezo yake, amadziwa kuti ukhala m’modzi mwa anthu amene awone",general,social media +en9097,"To leave both would be foolhardy. Last time I checked, the only reason a marriage should end is adultery. So, it can only be your wife who can move the courts for you to let her go","Kuti uchoke kukhla kupusa. Mukudziwa kwanga, chifukwa chokhacho banja likuyenela kutha ndichifukwa cha chigololo. Ndiye, zikhoza kukhala mkazi wanu amene akhoza kupita ku bwalo lamilandu kuti inu mumusiye",general,social media +en9098,"The dawn of technology, which has given birth to several digital innovations such as the popular Internet and social media, has brought about a significant impact on our society","Kubwela kwa zaluso, kwabweletsa zinthu zimbiri zaluso la za digito monga makina a inteneti wodziwika komanso tsamba la mchezo. Zakhudza kwakukulu m’mene timakhalira",general,social media +en9099,Of particular interest is the effect which the use of these technologies is having on certain cultural values and customs that have been practiced for a long time in our societies,Chopatsa chidwi ndi zotsatira zakugwilitsa ntchito zaluso zikukhala nazo pa zimene timaziika pamtima zachikhalidwe ndi miyambo zimene zakhala zikuchitika kwa nthawi yayitali mu magulu athu,general,social media +en9100,"For example, the use of social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik-Tok have tremendously changed the way families and relationships operate","Mwachitsanzo, kugwilitsa ntchito masamba a mchenzo monga whatsapp, facebook, twitter, instagram ndi tiktok zasitha kwambiri m’mene mabanja ndi maubwenzi amayendela",general,social media +en9101,"Today, our society has witnessed a significant shift on the way people used to interact. Perhaps, people, especially the youth, these days are more into Internet and social media-supported tête-à-têtes than physical ones","Masiku, magulu a anthu awona kusitha kwakukulu m’mene anthu amachezela. Mwina chifukwa, anthu makamaka achinyamata masiku ano akumakonda makina a inteneti ndi kucheza kwa pamasamba a mchezo osati kukamana",general,social media +en9102,New way of life: Young people sit together but ignoring each other while interacting with others via smartphones,Umoyo wina watsopano: anthu ambiri achichepele amakhala limodzi koma osalabadilana pamene akucheza ndi ena pa lamya,general,social media +en9103,"Apart from helping people to get news and information on what is trending in our society, social media is supporting people to cultivate and raise friendships online than in physical realm","Kupatula kuthandizi ena kupeza nkhani ndi mauthenga azimene zikuchitika m’madela, tsamba la mchezo likuthsandiza anthu kupanga chinzake pa makina a intaneti kuposa kukumana",general,social media +en9104,"Today, people in public spaces, including minibuses, are always glued to their smartphones chatting with friends, ignoring those sitting next to them","Masiku anu, anthu mu malo agulu kuphatikiza mu minibasi, amakhala ali pa lamya yawo kucheza ndi anzawo, kusalabadila amene akhala nawo chifupi",general,social media +en9105,"Indeed, fast-disappearing are the old habits and days where people could meet a stranger on the street and ignite a fruitful conversation as social media has hijacked all those perfect moments","Inde, zimene zikupita mwasanga ndi makwalidwe akale ndi masiku kumene anthu amatha kukumana ndi munthu wachilendo mu nsewu ndikuyamba kukambilana zinthu zakupsya chifukwa tsamba la mchezo latenga nthawi yabwino imene ija",general,social media +en9106,"There is no denying that today it is proving extremely hard to initiate a conversation with a person, especially women, in public spaces because people are always busy talking to someone on their WhatsApp or simply browsing exciting content on the Instagram, Tik Tok or YouTube","Palibe kukana kuti lero ndizovuta kwambiri kuyambitsa macheza ndi munthu, makamaka nzimayi, m’malo a gulu chfukwa nthawi zonse amakhala otanganidwa kuyakhula ndi munthu wina pa whatsapp kapena kuona zinthu zosangalatsa pa instagram, tiktok kapena youtube",general,social media +en9107,Dare to speak to a nice-looking guy or beautiful woman in public today and see if they are going to give you full attention,Yesela kuyakhula ndi mwamuna wooneka bwino kapena mkazi wokongola pa gulu masiku ano ndipo uwone ngati akulabadile konse,general,social media +en9108,"Unless it is your godsend day where you have been charmed by your ancestors to meet your promised friend whose phone is off due to the popular national wide electricity blackout or load-shedding, you are likely going to see them turning to their phones now and again","Pokhapokha likhale tsiku lako la mwayi pamene wayendeledwa ndi makolo kuti ukumane ndi nzako olonjedwa amene lamya yake yazima chifukwa cha kuthima magetsi kwa dziko lonse, zikhoza kuchitika kuti ukhoza kuwaona akuyan’gana lamya yawo patalipatali",general,social media +en9109,"If truth be told, the coming of digital technology, particularly the social media, has brought about a significant change in the way people interact","Chilungamo chinenedwe, kubwera ka zaluso, makamaka tsamba la mchezo, kwabweletsa kusitha kwakukulu m’mene anthu amachezela",general,social media +en9110,"For example, people are not giving full attention to physical conversations with their counterparts as they are always obsessed with their smartphones","Mwachitszanzo, anthu salabadila kwambiri kucheza kwa pamaso ndi maso ndi anzawo chifukwa amakhala kuti ndiwokonda lamya yawo",general,social media +en9111,"However, for someone with serious intentions like proposing, this tendency has proved to be a total turnoff. There is nothing that is boring as talking to someone whose attention is on their phones. Let alone approach someone who is putting on earpieces!","Koambe, kwa amene ali ndi zolinga monga kufunsila, khalidwe ili limakhala lochotsa chidwi. Palibe chinthu chosasangalatsa ngati kuyakhulana ndi munthu amene chidwi chake chili pa lamya. Nde akhaleso kuti waika zovelera m’makutu",general,social media +en9112,"Unlike in the past, where people could bump into a woman in public and propose right away or schedule a follow-up meeting to get to know them better, today what people are asking are WhatsApp numbers and handles of their social media accounts","Kusiyana ndi kale, pamene anthu amakumana ndi mkazi pa gulu ndikufunsira pompo kapena kugwilizana kuti akumanenso kuti adziwane bwinobwino, masiku ano chimene anthu akufunsa ndi nambala ya whatsapp kapena maina apa tsamba la mchezo",general,social media +en9113,"While some sections of society commended the coming of technology which has simplified communication, some believe that it has culturally weakened relationships and bonds, particularly among family members","Pamene magawo ena anthu anayamikila kubwela kwa tekinoloje kumene kuphweketsa kulumikizana, ena amakhalupilira kuti kunafowoketsa maubwenzi pachikhalidwe ndi umodzi, makamaka anthu abanja limodzi",general,social media +en9114,“Social media has diluted our cultural customs which provided strong foundations for our existence,“Masamba a mchezo asungunula chikhalidwe ndi miyambo zimene zinali msanamila yolimba yakupezeka kwathu,general,social media +en9115,"For example, in the past, before social media, family members could easily visit each other to spend quality time together and share old stories of sweet childhood","Mwachitsanzo, kalekale, kusanabwele masamba a mchenzo, anthu pabanja amayendelana ndikukhala ndi nthawi yabwino limodzi ndikugawana nkhani zakalekale za umwana wawo",general,social media +en9116,"Sometimes, you could even visit some of the historic places like your old primary school where you used to enjoy certain things to enrich your memories","Nthawi zina, umatha kuyendela malo okumbila zinthu monga ku sukulu yako yapulayimale kumene umasangala ndi zinthu zina kuti ukumbukile bwino",general,social media +en9117,"But today, some simply dial a WhatsApp video call to chat with their relations in the village. Of course, this has provided an instant mode of communication, but nothing can beat the value of physical interaction,” said Prisca Golowa, a resident of Biw, Lilongwe","Koma masiku ano, umangoimba lamya wa kanema kuti uyakhulane ndi achibale kumudzi. Inde, izi zabweletsa njira yolumukizilana yachangu, koma palibe chimene chipose kufunika kwa kucheza maso ndi maso,” anatero prisca golowa, okahala kwa biwi ku lilongwe",general,social media +en9118,"She said physical interaction among family members brings about rife and lively interface, which does not only create delightful moments but also cements relationships","Ananena kuti kucheza maso ndi maso pakati pa abale kumabweletsa moyo ndi malo osangalatsa, zimene sizibweletsa chisangalalo chokha komanso kulimbitsa maubwenzi",general,social media +en9119,She advised: “Social media should not make people lose their cultural values. They should still visit each other physically to interact and enjoy moments together,Analangiza kuti:” tsamba la mchezo silikuyenela kuwapangitsa anthu kuyiwala kufunika kwa chikhalidwe chawo. Akuyenelabe kumayendelana ndi kumacheza maso ndi maso ndikusangalala limodzi,general,social media +en9120,"For example, people should go to the village to visit their old friends and enjoy the local foods they used to eat when they were young","Mwachitsanzo, anthu azipita kumudzi kukaona anzawo akalekale ndilkusangalala ndi chakudya chachikhalidwe chimene amadya ali achichepele",general,social media +en9121,They should visit their grandmothers and ask them to re-count those interesting stories and tales they used to tell them,Akuyenela kukawona agogo awo akazi ndikuwafunsa kuti afotokozenso nkhani zosangalatsa ndi thano zimeen amkawafotokozera,general,social media +en9122,When it comes to courtship or managing relationships people in the past were on record to have been writing funny and exciting love letters and sending each other still photos either by hand or post office,"Zikafika podziwana ndi maubwenzi, anthu kalekale zimanenedwa kuti amakhala akulemba makalata oseketsa ndi makalata osangalatsa achikondi komanso kutumizilana zinthuzi pamanja kapena kotumizila zinthu",general,social media +en9123,Letters with such powerful disclaimer or opening taglines like “Kiss to Kiss” or “Open with smiles (mwetumwetu)” were the order of the day,Makalata amakhala ndi uthenga wamphamvu kapena mawu oyambila “kiss to kiss” kapena mwetumwetu zinali m’chimake nthawi imeneyo,general,social media +en9124,"However, the modern generation has different school of thought on handling things such as relationships","koma , m’badwo uno uli maganizo osiyana m’mene angapangile zinthu monga maubwenzi",general,social media +en9125,"They argue social media has simplified the way of life. With a simple click on the phone, then boom! You are able to stalk a woman or man and get to know them fully, including their relationship status, on social media","Amanena kuti masamba a mchezo anaphweketsa m’mene timakhalira m’moyomu. Ndikudina pa lamya, kena basi! Umatha kumuona mkazi kapena mwamuna ndikuwadziwa bwinobwino kuphatikiza ngati ali paubwenzi kapena ayi, pa masamba a mchezo",general,social media +en9126,The advent of online dating sites has also made life easier for some love seekers. “We are living in the modern times and we must accept that because things will not always be the same,Kubwela kwa malo masamba opezera abwenzi pa internet kwapangitsa moyo kukhala wosavuta kwa amene akusaka chikondi.” tiikukhala mu nyengo yamakono ndipo tikuyenela kuvomeleza kuti zinthu sizidzakhalanso chimodzimodzi,general,social media +en9127,"For example, internet is helping us to get in touch with our loved ones, including girlfriends and boyfriends, instantly","Mwachitsanzo, makina a intaneti akutithandzia kulumikizana ndi okondedwa athu, kuphatikiza zibwenzi mwachangu",general,social media +en9128,"These days, you do not have to wait for two or three weeks to hear from your loved one who is far away through a mail, but right away on WhatsApp or Facebook","Masiku ano, sukuyenela kudikila masabata awiri kapena atatu kuti umve kuchokela kwa okondedwa amene sali pafupi ndi kotengela kalata, koma pompo pa whatsapp ndi facebook",general,social media +en9129,"However, some commentators warned that the Internet boom has birthed online scammers who are taking advantage to swindle unsuspecting people and bring about mental health issues","Koma, oyakhula ena achenjeza kuti kubwera kwa makina a intaneti kwabweletsa anthu okuba pa makina a intaneti amene akutengelapo mwayi kubela anthu osalakwa ndikubweletsa matenda a m’maganizo",general,social media +en9130,There is always a thin line between comedy and reality. It is even more difficult to separate the two when the name NyaUyu pops up. The female comedian is known for various social media stunts that leave her fans with divided opinions,Pali kusiyana kwa sewelo ndi zenizeni. Ndizovuta kwambiri kusiyanitsa zinthu ziwirizi pamen mawu oti nyauyu abwela.,general,social media +en9131,"She wrote on her Facebook page: “…some quarters were appreciating what I was offering on the professional and business level, others whom I approached saw it as a chance to take advantage and disrespect me as a woman by asking for sex just so they be of help","Analemba tsamba la mchezo la facebook:”.... Anthu ena amayamikila zimene ndimapeleka pa ukadaulo komanso zamalonda, ena amene anandifikila anawona kuti ndi mwayi kutengelapo mwayi kundichotsa ulemu ngati mzimayi pondifunsa zogonana kuti athandizike",general,social media +en9132,"“I remember someone saying he can give me K10 million if I went to his room to have sex with him. I looked at this man and said so the idea doesn’t matter all you want is sex? And without shame, he said yes","Ndikukumbikila munthu wina akunena akhoza kundipatsa 10 miliyoni kwacha ngati ndingapite kuchipinda ndikugonana ndi iye, ndinamuyan’gana mwamuna ameneyu ndipo ndinamuuza kuti maganizowa sakuwaona ofunika koma chimene akufuna ndi kugonana? Ndipo mopanda manyazi anati eya",general,social media +en9133,The post has since attracted mixed reactions. Some of the fans sympathised with her while others doubted the validity of her claims,Zimene anaikazi zabweletsa maganizo osiyanasiyana. Omutsatila ena akugwilizana naye pomwe ena akukaikila ngati zomwe akunena ndizowona,general,social media +en9134,"“From the time I won this competition, I have had stints with three managements. Two of them tied sponsorship to sex,” she tells Society","Kuchokera pamene ndinapambana mpikisanowi, ndakhala ndi oyendetsa atatu. Awiri aiwo amafuna kundithandizaku kukhalepo chifukwa chakugonana,” anawuza anthu",general,social media +en9135,"“One of them made numerous promises, such as sponsorship for record deals, music production and music performances. I refused. And they bolted with the deals,” she adds. The musician claims that this experience has affected her psychologically","M’modzi mwa iwo analonjeza zambiri monga chithandizo cha chonjambula nyimbo, kupanga nyimbo komanso kuimba nyimbo, ndinakana. Ndipo analepheletsa izi,” anawonjezela. Woyimbayu akunena kuti zimene zinamusokoneza m’maganizidwe",general,social media +en9136,“That is the reason why I wrote on my Facebook page as a way of letting out something that has been eating me up for a long time. Why should I offer sex just for someone to help record my music?” she wonders,Ichi ndi chifukwa ndinalemba pa tsamba langa la mchezo la facebook ngati njira imodzi yotulutsila chimene chakhala kundisautsa kwa nthawi yayitali. Ndichifukwa chani munthu akundiuza kuti tigonane kuti andithandize kujambula nyimbo?” akudabwa,general,social media +en9137,"She, however, says most female artists do not officially report such offences to the union for proper redress","Komabe, akuti oimba ambiri achikazi samanena zinthu ngati zimenezi ku bungwe kuti awathandize",general,social media +en9138,"“As a union, we have platforms for musicians to report such exploitation. But at the moment, we don’t have any reported cases. We hear of such cases as rumours,” she says. Manong’a says most female artists remain in hiding for fear of victimization","Ngati bungwe, tili ndi malo a woimba kofotokozera kupezeleledwa kumeneku. Koma pakali pano, palibe nkhani ili yonse imene tinafotokozeledwa. Timamva nkhani zimenezi ngati mphekesela chabe,” akutero. Maonga akuti oimba ambiri amakhala ndi mantha kuwopa kukhala okhuzidwa",general,social media +en9139,"“But it is advisable to report to us as a union. We are their voice on various violations, including sexual abuse. They don’t need to fight such battles alone because it may expose them to further abuse,” she says","Koma ndi zoyenela kukafotoza kwa ife ngati bungwe. Ndife liwu ku zophwanya lamulo zambiri kuphatika nkhaza zogonana. Zakuyenela kulimbana nazo okha chifukwa zikhoza kuwaika chachiopsezo chozunzidwaso,” akutero",general,social media +en9140,"“I have come to realise why most people don’t come out when they face such, it’s because people fight the victims. It’s also sad that for me it’s fellow women who have come out so negative about it,” she says","Ndafika podziwa chifukwa anthu ambiri samabwela poyela akakumana ndi zimenezi, ndichifukwa anthu amalimbana ndi okhudzidwawo. Ndizomvetsa chisoniso kuti amayiso amene amakhala ndi maganizo olakwika pa izi,” akutero",general,social media +en9141,"Sexual Harassment, if tolerated for the sake of fame, may entrap women in a cycle of abuse, and give birth to degraded self-esteem and self-worth, from which they may never heal","Kuchitidwa chipongwe zogonana, kuzivomeleza izi chifukwa chakutchuka, zikhoza kuwasiya amayi ndi kuzunzidwa, komanso kubweletsa kudziwonela pansi ndi kuzichepetsa zimene sangachile.",general,social media +en9142,"Women may be at risk of negative coping mechanisms such as self-destructive behaviour, substance abuse or even suicidal ideations,” he says","Amayi akhoza kukhala pachiwopsezo kukhala ndi njila zolakwika za zothanilana nazo monga khalidwe loziwononga, kugwilitsa ntchito makhwala molakwika kapena kukhala ndi maganizo ozipha,” akutero",general,social media +en9143,"“In 2019 or thereabouts, there were two judgements of the High Court of Malawi to the effect that there is no need for corroboration in sexual offences to have a conviction","Mu chaka cha 2019 kapena nthawi imeneyi, panali zigamulo ziwiri ku bwalo la milandu lalikulu kuzotsatira kuti palibe kugwilizana pa milandu yogonana popeleka chigamulo",general,social media +en9144,"The learned Justices opined that historically women were disadvantaged by the rule on corroboration because they were not believed…. In short, the lady had all the rules at her disposal","Kuphunzila zigamulo m’mbuyomu zimaganizila kuti amayi kalekale zimawaipila by lamulo lokhudza kugwirizana chifukwa samakhulupildwa….mwachidule, amayi anali ndi malamulo onse kuti akhoza kugwilitsa ntchito",general,social media +en9145,"She says, as such, the ministry is in the process of developing a Sexual Harassment Policy to establish reporting structures and mechanisms of dealing with the vice","Akuti, chifukwa cha izi, unduna ukupanga lamilo lokhuzidwa kuzunzidwa zokhudza zogonana kuti akhazikitse njira zonenela kuthana ndi khalidwe loipali",general,social media +en9146,"She said: “Despite awareness campaigns on sexual harassment, there seem to be some cases that go unreported","Ananena kuti:” ngakhale kuti kwachita ma kampeni ozindilitsa za kuchitidwa chipongwe pa nkhani zokhudza kugonana, pali nkhani zina zimene sizifotokozedwa",general,social media +en9147,"There is a morbid and yet fascinating joke about coffin makers that goes around on social media and in other gatherings, where people have intercourse","Pali thabwala yosakhala bwino koma yodabwitsa yokhudza anthu opanga mabokosi imene imazungulila pa tsamba la mchezo ndi muzochitika zina, kumene anthu amagonana",general,social media +en9148,"The line often goes: Imagine the prayers of a coffin maker each night when they go to sleep. Indeed, it is not easy to stand in the shoes of someone who makes a living out of death","Mawuwa ndi otere: ganizilani pemphero la opanga mabokosi usiku wina uliwonse akamagona. Inde, sichinthu chapafupi kuganizila m’mapazi amunthu amene amadalira imfa kuti tithandizike",general,social media +en9149,"A coffin maker sees death besides its callousness and brutality. To them, death is something that puts food on their table and they cannot live without it","Opanga mabokosi amaoa imfa pambali kuti ilibe chisoni ndi nkhanza. Kwa iwo, imfa ndichithu chimene chimabweletsa chakudya pa tebulo lawo ndipo sangakhale opanda iyo",general,social media +en9150,"The point I am trying to make here is that, in order to understand certain things, we must try and imagine ourselves in the shoes of those who are on the other side","Zimene ndikufuna kufotokoza ndi zakuti, ndicholinga kuti timvetsetse zinthu zina, tikuyenela kuyesela ndi kuziganizila ife m’malo mwa amene zikuwachitikila",general,social media +en9151,"For most of us, the Covid pandemic, for example, was something that should have never happened. It was the worst experience in recent human history, where we saw hundreds of people losing their lives every day to the pandemic","Kwa ambiri a ife, mlili wa covid, mwachitsanzo sichinthu chimene chiyamayenela kuchitika. Inali nthawi yowawa ndi mbili ya anthu, pamene anthu amamwalira tsiku ndi tsiku chifukwa cha mliliwu",general,social media +en9152,"But for a coffin maker, they may also recall that time as the period in which they made a fortune. Some finished their building projects and others were able to boost their businesses because death was plenty and they made profits","Koma kwawopanga mabokosi, azakumbukila kuti inali nthawi imene anapanga ndalama zambiri. Ene anamaliza zitukuko zawo zomanga nyumba ndipo ena anapititsa patali malonda awo chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa imfa ndipo anapindula",general,social media +en9153,Defining something as good or bad directly depends on which side of the table you are sitting,Kufotokoza chinthu kuti ndichabwino kapena choipa zimatengela kuti uli mbali iti,general,social media +en9154,Now think about the business of selling coffins as a metaphor for the dirty game we call African politics,Tsopano ganizilani kuti malonda ogulitsa mabokosi kufananiza masewela woipa a ndale za ku afilika,general,social media +en9155,"In a country like ours, it is only wise for the powerless to regard politicians in power as coffin makers","Dziko ngati lathuli, ndizanzeru kwa anthu opanda mphamvu kuganizila andale olamula ngati opanga mabokosi",general,social media +en9156,These are people who thrive on the suffering of the masses. What are problems to most of us are actually opportunities to these people,Awa ndi anthu amene amachita bwino chifukwa cha kuvutika kwa anthu. Amene ndi mavuto kwa ife ndi mwayi kwa anthu amenewa,general,social media +en9157,"If we lived in a country where everything was in order, politicians would not be relevant, and they know it","Tinakakhala mu dziko limene chilichonse chinali m’malo ake, andale sakanakhala ofunika, ndipo amadziwa izi",general,social media +en9158,"Our politicians benefit from our suffering, and that is why they do not want to see an end to most of the problems that we could have dealt away with by now","Andalewa amapindula ndi kuvutika kwathu, ndipo ndichifukwa samafuna kuona mavuto akutha amene tikanathana nawo kufika pano",general,social media +en9159,"If you remember correctly, politicians made a lot of money during the Covid pandemic in allowances and other means. There are some who even stole billions of kwacha and they were never taken to task","Ngati mukumbukila bwino, andale anapanga ndalama zambiri nthawi ya mlili wa covid polandila malipilo ndi zinja zina. Pali ena amene anabaso mabiliyoni a ndalama ndipo sanayimbidwe mlandu",general,social media +en9160,Believe me that even cyclones Anna and Freddy were payoff points for some of our leaders and they made fortunes out of our deaths,Ndikhulupileni kuti ngakhale chimphepo cha anna ndi freddy anali malo olandilira a atsogoleri athu ndipo anapeza chuma chifukwa cha imfa,general,social media +en9161,"Even the hunger that we fail to address in this country is something that benefits politicians, and we must not dream of achieving food security anytime soon",Ngakhale njala imene timakanika kuthana nayo mu dziko muno ndi chithu chimene chimapindulila andalem ndipo tisalote kuti zitakwanitsa kukhala ndi chakudya chokwanila chapompano,general,social media +en9162,"As we speak, Admarc is said to be out of stock as it sold most of its maize to private traders just some months ago","Pamene tikuyakhula pano, admarc ikuti chimanga chatha chifukwa inagulitsa chimanga chake chambiri kwa anthu amalonda miyezi ingapo yapitayo",general,social media +en9163,Some investigators have speculated that the sales were deliberate and that the company will soon buy the same maize from these traders at a high price using our taxes,Wofufuza ena akuti kugulitsidwa kwa chimangaku kunali kwa dala ndikuti kampaniyi izagula pompano chimanga chomwecho kwa wogulitsa pamtengo wokwela kugwilitsa ntchito misokho yathu,general,social media +en9164,"And as you may rightly guess, most of these traders are politically connected (to be politically correct), or they are politicians (to be blunt)","Ndipo m’mene mungaganizile molondola, ambiri ogulitsa ndi kugulawa ndiwolumikizana ndi andale kapana ndi andale",general,social media +en9165,They know that the only way to make money is to create a situation where some Malawians have to die. History has it that most of those who have made supernormal fortunes did that in times of crises,Amadziwa kuti njira yokhayo yopangila ndalama ndikupanga mchitidwe umene amalawi ena akuyenela kufa. Mbili yawonetsa kuti ambiri mwa ena amene analemela kwambiri analemela nthawi ya zovuta,general,social media +en9166,"For years, most naïve Malawians have asked why a country like ours – blessed with myriad natural resources – fails to feed itself","Kwa zaka, amalawi ambiri osazindikila amfusa kuti ndichifukwa chani dziko ngati lathuli- lodalitsika ndi zinthu zambiri za chilengedwe- limakanika kudzidyetsa lokha",general,social media +en9167,"For decades, students in our institutions of higher learning have conducted research that makes recommendations to policy makers on food security","Kwa zaka zambiri, ophunzira ku masukulu awukachenjede akhala akufufuza ndipo amawunikila kwa opanga malamulo zakikhala ndi chakudya chokwanila",general,social media +en9168,Such proposals have been ignored and most of the knowledge generated here has been useful in other countries as we continue to suffer,Zofunsa zimenezi zakhala sikulabadilidwa ndipo nzeru zimene zapangidwa zagwilitsidwa ntchito ku maiko ena ife tikupitiliza kuvutika,general,social media +en9169,"Malawians must realise that our lack is self-inflicted. Politicians know exactly what to do to alleviate the suffering of people in this country, but they deliberately choose to do otherwise because they profit from our misery","Amalawi akuyenela kuzindikila kuti kusowa kwathu ndikozipangitsa. Andale amadziwa zoyenela kuchita kuti achepetse kuvutika kwa anthu mu dziko muno, koma amapangila dala chifukwa amapeza phindu mukuvutika kwathu",general,social media +en9170,The fact that these people have all the right things to say and all the solutions to our problems during political campaigns should tell you that they know exactly what they are doing,Zoona zake kuti anthuwa ali ndi zoyakhula zabwino zoti ayakhule komaso mayankho ku mavuto athu nthawi ya kampeni zikuyenela kukuuzani kuti amadziwa zimene akuchita,general,social media +en9171,The only way to make your dogs submissive is to let them know who is in charge. Feed them at your discretion. Withhold food from them. Make them feel that they need you. That is the typical Malawian politician for you,Njira yokhayo yopangila galu kukhala omvela ndikuwauza amene ali ndi ulamulo. Adyetseni pamene mwaganizila. Asungileni chakudya. Apangitse kumva kuti amakufunani inu. Ameneyo ndiye wandale wakumalawi ka inu,general,social media +en9172,"In the broader national discourse, including in the media itself, the real stories about the horrors of human trafficking are starkly missing",Nkhani zambri za dzikoli kuphatikiza ofalitsa nkhanim nkhani zenizeni zokhudza zowopsa kuzembanitsa anthu zikusowa,general,social media +en9173,"Yet, this is one of the worst evils of our time, which does not target animals or any other living thing but human beings themselves","Pomwe, ili ndi tchimo lowipa kwambiri mu nthawi yathu, zimene zikhudza nyama kapena china chilichonse chamoyo koma anthu",general,social media +en9174,We often talk of human trafficking as just some casual shifting of people from one place to another for exploitation that benefits the trafficker. It goes beyond that!,Timakamba kwambiri za kuzembetsa anthu ngati kuti ndikuchotsa anthu kuchoka malo ena kupita ena kuwagwilitsa kumene kumapindulira ozembetsayo. Zimapitilira pamenepo!,general,social media +en9175,"And the biggest horror is that it is happening right under our noses, despite that most people do not believe it actually exists. Yet, its physical and mental health effects are monumental","Ndipo kuwopsa kwambiri ndizakuti zikuchitika ife pafupi ndi ife, ngakhale kuti anthu ambiri samakhulupilira kuti zimachitika. Koma, zotsatira zake ku thupi ndi ubongo zimakhala zazikulu",general,social media +en9176,"Experts say human trafficking basically causes loss of basic human rights, disruption in families and severe mental health consequences, including anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. In extreme cases, it even leads to death","Akadaulo akuti kuzembetsa anthu kumayambitsa kutaya ufulu wachibadwidwe, kusokoneza mabanja komanso zotsatila zamatenda am’maganizo kuphatikiza kukhala wamantha, kuvutika m’maganizo. Zikavuta kwambiri, zimapangitsa imfa",general,social media +en9177,"We heard about that happening to 23-year-old lady from Mangochi District, who died in June this year in Oman where she was working as a domestic worker. It is said that she was abandoned and later dumped at a hospital by her employer",Tinamva zomwe zinachitika kwa mayi wa zaka makuni awiri ndi zitatu wa boma la mangochi amene anamwalira mu mwezi wa june chaka chino ku dziko la oman kumene amagwira ntchito za pakhomo. Zikunenedwa kuti sanalabadilidwe ndipo patapita nthawi anaponyedwa ku chipatala ndi womulemba ntchito,general,social media +en9178,"Many more Malawians, particularly women, are stuck in the West Asian country and they are reportedly working and living in horrible conditions, conditions that are akin to slavery","Amalawi ambiri, makamaka amayi, anakakamila ku dziko ku madzulo ku asia ndipo akuti akugwila ntchito ndikukhala malo oipa, malo ofanana ndi ukapolo",general,social media +en9179,"The problem is that at the point everything starts, the victims are barely aware of the horrors that lie ahead","Vuto ndilakuti pamene chilichonse chikuyamba, okhudzidwa samadwiwa zovuta zimene zili kutsogolo",general,social media +en9180,"They are promised a rosy world but end up working in brothels, abusive homes and other places not normally fit for human beings","Amalonjezedwa dziko labwino koma amapezeka akugwila ntchito malo achigololo, kumanyumba ankhanza ndi malo ena osayenela anthu",general,social media +en9181,Those of us who have been privileged to see and hear the real stories and experiences of human trafficking know that all hands need to be thrust on deck to deal with this criminal trade,Mwa ife amene takhala ndi mwayi kuwona ndikumva nkhani zimenezi ndi zomwe akudutsamo zokhudza kuzembetsedwa tikudziwa kuti tikufunika manja onse kuti tithane ndi malonda ophwanya malamulowa,general,social media +en9182,"A few months ago, a Malawian woman who was working in Oman said in a Facebook post that she had suffered abuses such as rape, torture and poor pay in that country","Miyezi ingapo, zimayi wakumalawi amene akugwila ntchito ku dziko la oman ananena pa tsamba lamchezo pa facebook kuti anachitilidwa nkhanza monga kugwilidwa, kumenyedwa ndi kulandila ndalama zopelewela mu dzikoli",general,social media +en9183,Those are said to be the experiences of many others who are trafficked out of Malawi,Izi ndi zimene zikunenedwa kuti anthu ena ambiri akukumana nazo amene anazembetsedwa kuchoka ku malawi,general,social media +en9184,"It is heartrending that in some cases, people who are in positions of authority and are, therefore, supposed to be at the forefront protecting Malawians from trafficking and other forms of abuse end up aiding traffickers","Ndizomvetsa chisoni nthawi zina, anthu amene ali m’maudindo wolamula ndipo akuyenela kukhala patsogolo kuteteza amalawi ku mchitidwe ozembetsedwawu ndi mchitidwe wina ochitilidwa nkhanza koma amapezeka kuti akuthandiza ozembetsawo",general,social media +en9185,"There are police officers, medical personnel, immigration officers and many more who have been implicated in human trafficking cases before","Pali ogwila ntchito yachitetezo, azachipatala, owona zalowa ndi zotuluka ndi ena ambiri amene akhudzidwa ndi mchitidwe wozembetsa m’mbuyomu",general,social media +en9186,"The problem is one of society’s biggest hidden dark secrets, though the truth is that it happens in plain sight, just that we often do not pay adequate attention","Vtuo ndi lakuti chinsinsi chachikulu pa malo, ngakhale kuti chilungamo chake ndichakuti zimachitika poyela, koma sitimalabadila konse",general,social media +en9187,It became clear during the event that some of the people we encounter on daily basis might be victims of this kind of modern-day slavery,Zinadziwika nthawi imene zimachitika kuti anthu ena amene timakumana nawo tsiku ndi tsiku ndiwokhudzidwa ndi ukapolo wapanowu,general,social media +en9188,Studies show that human trafficking is a global epidemic and one of the fastest growing crimes in the world,Kafukufuku wawonetsa kuti kuzembetsa anthu ndi vuto lalikulu dziko lonse ndipo ndi mlandu umene ukukula kwambiri pa dziko lapansi,general,social media +en9189,The challenge is that most of the people involved at the highest level have money and often bribe their way through the system to have people trafficked to their destinations,Vuto ndi lakuti anthu ambiri okhudzidwa a patsogolo kwambiri amakhala ndi ndalama ndipo amapeleka ziphuphu ku oyendetsa zinthu kuti anthu azembetsedwe kumene akupita,general,social media +en9190,"So, even those who are at the forefront in fighting human trafficking risk their lives daily because every effort they put in place is being monitored by big and organised systems that keep growing","Ndiye, olo agakhala kuti amene ali patsogolo kulimbana ndikuzembetsa anthu akuika moyo wawo pachiwopsezo tsiku ndi tsiku chifukwa ntchito imene akugwila ikyan’ganilidwa ndi njira zakizulu komanso zolongosoledwa bwino zimene zimapitilira kukula",general,social media +en9191,"They need all the necessary support and protection, because they are sacrificing their lives and those of their families in the course of their work","Amafuna chithandizo chofunika ndi kutetezedwa, chifukwa anthu akudzipeleka ndi mabanja awo pogwila ntchito yawo",general,social media +en9192,"Combating this evil trade, where some people view others as commodities, even if they are their children, neighbours, friends or co-workers, requires a strong response from all stakeholders","Kuthana ndi malonda woipawa, pamene anthu ena amaona ngati malonda, ngakhale kuti ndi ana, oyandikana nawo, anzawo, ogwira nawo ntchito, zimafuna kuyankha kwamphamvu kuchokela kwa ogwila nawo ntchito",general,social media +en9193,"The definition of human trafficking, as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit, indicates that many actors are involved in this criminal trade","Tathauzo la kuzembetsa anthu, ngati kulemba anthu, mayendedwe, kusutha, kusunga kapena kulandila anthu kudzera mu mphamvu, kuba kapena kunamiza, ndi cholinga chowagwilitsa ntchito kuti apeze phindu, zimaonetsa kuti anthu ambiri amatenga nawo gawo mu malonda oletsededwawa",general,social media +en9194,"Others could be doing it unknowingly, but if the law catches up with them, such ignorance will not exonerate them","Ena akhoza kumapanga asakudziwa, koma ngati lamulo lawapeza, kusadziwa kumene sikuzawapulumutsa",general,social media +en9195,"All in all, the horrible crime that is human trafficking is growing at an unprecedented rate, if reports by various organisations are anything to go by","Mwazonse, mulandu oipa umene ndikuzembetsa anthu ukukula pa mlingo wansanga, ngati malipoti a ambungwe akugwilitsidwa ntchito",general,social media +en9196,Our own brothers and sisters are stuck in hell of places where they had initially been promised paradise,Azichimwene ndi azichamwale anthu akakamila ku malo oipa kumene poyamba analonjezedwa kuti ndikwabwino kwambiri,general,social media +en9197,We can still prevent someone from becoming the next victim of human trafficking by reporting any suspected case to relevant authorities,Tikhoza kutetezabe munthu wina kukhala okhudzidwa ndi mchitidwe ozembetsa anthu pokaneneza okayikilidwa aliyense ku adindo oyenela,general,social media +en9198,"If Malawi were a football striker, that striker would have been a wasteful one. I mean, Malawi, the Warm Heart of Africa, has fluffed myriad opportunities to develop and catch up with African countries that are literally cruising— on the way to their own versions of Canaan","Akanakhala kuti malawi anali wosewela kutsogolo masewela ampira, wochinyayu akanakhala ophonya kwambiri. Ndikutathauza,malawi, the warm heart of africa, wataya mwayi yochuluka kuti atukuke ndi kufikila maiko ena aku africa amene akupita kutsogolo- paulendo wawo wopita ku kenani wawo",general,social media +en9199,"The truth is, both our leaders and us, citizens, want the best for Malawi. Those that claim to wish the country better than our leaders are definitely lying","Chilungamo ndi ichi, tonse, atsogoleri ndi ife, mzika, timafunila zabwino malawi. Amene amanena kuti kufunila zabwino dzikoli kuposa atsogoleri athu akunama",general,social media +en9200,"It would be in the best interest of our leaders for Malawi to develop, for they will, then, stand on podia and claim that they helped in transforming this country","Zikhoza kukhala chokhumba cha atsogoleri anthuwa kuti malawi atukuke, chifukwa, akatero adzaima patsogolo ndi kunena kuti anathandiza kusitha dzikoli",general,social media +en9201,"It just happens that, Malawi being a member of the global community, some of the things that happen elsewhere affect Malawi negatively","Zimangochitika kuti, malawi pokhala membala wa gulu la dziko lonse lapansi, zinthu zina zimene zimachitika kwina zimakhudza malawi moipa",general,social media +en9202,"A case in point is the issue of fertilizer. The fertilizer supply chain has been disrupted due to the Russia-Ukraine war. As such, other fertilizer suppliers have been reeling under pressure to fill in the gap-quite a tall order",Nkhani zolozapo ndi ya feteleza. Njira zoyendetsela kubweletsa feteleza zasokonezedwa ndi khondo ya russia ndi ukraine. Ndipo opeleka feteleza ena amakhala pachiphinjo kuti akwanilitse mpata wakufunikaku,general,social media +en9203,"Second-hand vehicle sellers have also been affected by the problem of forex shortage, just like fertilizer and fuel suppliers who import products they trade in","Ogulitsa magalimoto ogwilitsapo kale ntchito akhudzidwanso ndi kuchepa kwa ndalama maiko ena, mongaso feteleza ndi opelekela mafuta amene amabweletsa katundu amene amagulitsa",general,social media +en9204,"Now, Malawi does not manufacture forex. Far from it. If we talk about United States dollars, we do not call them (dollars) United States-something for nothing","Tsopano, malawi samapanga ndalama zakunja. Kutali ndi izo. Titati tiyakhule zandalama ya ku united state, sitimanena kuti madollars united states- chinachake pachabe",general,social media +en9205,"They have the name United States written all over them, meaning that, when it comes to United States dollar generation, there is nothing Malawi can do about it","Ali ndi dzina united states kulemembedwa paliponse, kutathauza kuti, zikafika pa ndalama ya ku united states, palibe chimene malawi angachitepo",general,social media +en9206,"In fact, the green buck is almost on demand worldwide, such that Malawi cannot claim exclusive rights over it. What am I talking about? I am talking about problems that can be beyond a country’s control","Mwachilungamo, ndalama ya mtundu wagilini ikufunidwa pa dziko lonse lapansi, kuti malawi sanafune ufulu wapadeladela pa iyo. Ndikunena chani? Ndikunena za mavuto amene amadutsa pamene dziko lingafikile",general,social media +en9207,"But, then, there are problems that can be under a country’s control. Yes; problems that can be controlled. A case in point is deforestation","Koma, pali mavuto ena amene amakhala pansi pa ulamuliro wake. Inde; mavuto akhoza kulamulidwa. Nkhani yoti tikhoza kuloza ndikudulidwa kwa mitengo",general,social media +en9208,"With requisite laws, errant citizens who go about felling down trees they did not plant can face the long arm of the law— and the trees can live happily thereafter","Ndimalamulo ofunika, mzika zolakwitsa amene amadula mitengo imene sanadzale akumana ndi malamulo- ndipo mitengoyi imkahala yosangalala mpaka kalekale",general,social media +en9209,"It adds that for most vulnerable citizens who are benefiting from social security programmes such as social cash transfer, they receive the funds after the designated period has expired","Zikuwonjezela kuti mzika zosateteza amene akuthandizika ndi ntchito zoteteza anthu pamakhalidwe monga kugawa ndalama , amalandila ndalama pakatha mlingo wathawi umene unaikidwa watha",general,social media +en9210,"This, according to the report, exposes the beneficiaries to loan sharks, who usually get the funds the moment the beneficiaries get the transfers","Izi, malinga ndi malipoti, zimawulitsa wopindulawa ku akatapila, amene amatenda ndalamazi nthawi imene wopindulawa anatenga ndalama",general,social media +en9211,"Wood was rated the biggest source of energy in the communities for cooking. The supremacy of wood energy in the communities is derived from the view that it is readily available to any household regardless of the poverty situation. The wood is sourced from family woodlots, community forests and protected forests,” it indicates","Nkhuni zinali gweru lalikulu lopeleka mphamvu kumadela pophikila. Ukulu wa mphamvu za nkhuni ku madela umachokela pakuti ndizopezekelatu kwa khomo linalililonse osatengela kuti pali umphawi. Nkhuni zimapezeka mitengo yapakhomo, khalango zam’mudzi komanso khalango zotetezedwa,” zikuwonetsa choncho",general,social media +en9212,"These are frustrating things, indeed. However, it will not do us good to point fingers at those we think are failing us","Izi zikutikhumudwitsa. Komabe, sizitipangila ubwino kuti tiloze zala iwo amene tikuganiza kuti akutilepheletsa",general,social media +en9213,"Findings of the report should give us food for thought; in terms of how, as bonafide citizens, we can do our part to ensure that we meet goals we can meet and make an effort to, in case we fail to meet some SDGs, not fall far off the mark","Zopeza za lipoti zikutipatsa zoti tiganize; makamaka mmene mzika , tikhoza kutengapo mbali kuwonetsetsa kuti takwanilitsa masophenya athu tikhoza kukumana ndikupanga zotheka, mwina talephela kufikikira ma SGDs, osati osafikilatu",general,social media +en9214,"What pains me, is that some people will be wishing that the country did not meet the goals— all in the name of self-serving interests.",Zimene zimandipweteka kambiri ndizakuti anthu ena samafuna kuti dzikolimlifikile masophenya ake- chifukwa cha zofuna zawo,general,social media +en9215,"They are a force to be reckoned with in the population; deaf people. As of 2018 national population census, Malawi has 377,000 deaf people. The figure could be greater now than then. Ironically, such people claim to be marginalized, if not ostracized, in the society","Ndi anthu amene akuyenela kuzindikilidwa; anthu wosamva. Mu chaka cha 2018 kaundula wadziko lonse, ku malawi kuli anthu osamva wokwana 377000. Nambalayi ikhoza kukhala yokwera pano kusiyana ndi kale.modabwitsa, anthuwa amanena kuti amasalidwa mu magulu",general,social media +en9216,"Ruvas— who did her primary school at Mary View in Nguludi, Chiradzulu, and secondary education at Providence in Mulanje District—claims that she had to overcome hurdles just to complete her education","Ruvas- amene anapanga maphunzilo ake akupulayimalae ku mary view ku guludi, boma lachiradzulu komanso sekondale yake ku providence ku mulanje- akuti anakumana ndi zovuta kuti amalize maphunziro ake",general,social media +en9217,"“Challenges I am referring to include communication barriers both in class and outside it. I also felt that despite my intelligence and perseverance, most of my specialist teachers lacked the understanding of deaf culture, attendant deaf rights and ethics","Zovuta zimene ndikunena ndi monga kuvutikika kulumikizana ndi ena mukalasi ndi kunja. Ndimanzimva kuti ngakhale ndi nzeru ndi kupilira kwanga, mphunizitsi audaulo anga ambiri samamvetsetsa ku chikhalidwe ndi maufulu a anthu osamva",general,social media +en9218,"For instance, they would often unknowingly impede my ability to fully grasp lessons by speaking without facing students, hindering my lip-reading","Mwachitsanzo, amalephela mwakusadziwa kuthekela kwanga komvetsetsa maphunziro posayan’gana ophunizra akamaphuniztsa, kundilepheletsa kuwerenga milomo",general,social media +en9219,"“Amidst these challenges, I sat Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations in 2022 with determination. However, without adequate communication support and an inclusive environment, I struggled to perform to my full potential and, as a result, failed the examinations,” she points out","Ngakhale ndi zovuta zimenezi, ndinalemba mayeso anga a fomu folo mu chaka cha 2022 motsimikiza mtima. Komabe, chifukwa cha kusowa kwa chithandizo polumikizana chokwanila ndi malo oyenela, sindikhonze malinga ndikuthekela kwanga, ndipo pachifukwa ichi, ndinalephela mayeso,” akunena choncho",general,social media +en9220,"Since then, she has been staying idle. “I want to go back to school and rewrite MSCE examinations","Kuchoka nthawi imeneyo, amangokhala,” ndimafuna nditabwelera ku sukulu ndikukalembanso mayeso a fomu folo",general,social media +en9221,"“However, I am yet to find an appropriate school. I will not relent until I pass the examinations and proceed to college or university so that I become a hotel chef,” Ruvas, resolve written on her face, says","Kombae, ndikufuzabe sukulu yabwino. Sindizasiya mpaka nditakhopza mayeso ndi kupita ku sukulu ya ukachenjede kuti ndikakhale ophikila zakudya anthu ku ma hotela,” khumbulo litalembedwa pa maso pake. akutero",general,social media +en9222,Her ordeal is evidence of some of the challenges that come about due to inaccessibility of sign language and sign language interpreters among the deaf community,Zomuchitikilazi ndi umboni wa zina mwamavuto amene amabwela chifukwa cha kusapezeka kwa chilakhulo cha manja ndi otathauzila chilakhulochi pakati pa anthu osamva,general,social media +en9223,"Sign language plays a crucial role in the lives of the deaf community, serving as their primary means of communication","Chilakhulo cha manja chimatenga mbali yatikulu kwambiri pamiyoyo ya anthu osamva, kuthandizira ngati njira yolumikizilana",general,social media +en9224,"However, barriers to accessibility persist in Malawi, limiting the ability of deaf individuals to freely communicate using sign language","Komabe, zoletsa kupeza za izi kukupitilira ku malawi, kuchepetsa kuthekela kwa anthu osamva kulumikizana mwaufulu kugwritsa ntchito chilankhulo cha manja",general,social media +en9225,"Growing up deaf in Malawi comes with other immense challenges, even for those who have managed to access education, as sign language is not widely and formally recognized","Kukula uli osamba ku malawi zimabwera ndi zovuta zambiri, khangale kwa amene anakwanilitsa kupeza maphunziro, chifukwa chilakhulo cha manja sichimadziwika paliponse",general,social media +en9226,"Despite his strong qualifications and capabilities, communication breakdown often caused him to miss out on job progression opportunities, tasks and important events","Ngakhale ndi kumuyeneleza ndi kuthekela kwake, kulephela kulumikizana zimamupangitsa kuti asapeze mwayi kupita pa tsogolo pa ntchito yake, zochita ndi zochitika zofunikila zina",general,social media +en9227,"In his career, he has encountered situations where crucial information or instructions were not effectively communicated to him due to the lack of awareness around deaf communication needs and the inability of people surrounding him to use and understand sign language","Mu ntchito yake, wakumana ndi zinthu pamene uthenga kapena malangizo sanafotokozeredwe kwa iye chifukwa chakusazindikila zofunika zofunika polumikizana ndi anthu osamva komanso kulephela kwa anthu omuzungulira kugwiritsa ndi kumvetsetsa chilakhulo chamanja",general,social media +en9228,"“For me, this has led to missed job opportunities and a sense of frustration and exclusion. These challenges extend beyond the career realm, as I often struggle to participate fully in social activities and at gatherings","Kwa ine, izi zpangitsa kuti ndiphonye mwayi wa ntchito, kundipangitsa kukhumudwa ndi kudzipatula. Zovuta zimenezi zimapita pa patali osati ku ntchito kwanga kokha, chifukwa zimavutika kukhala nawo ndi zinthu zochitika ndi anthu ndi mikumano",general,social media +en9229,"Without proper communication support, I often find myself missing out on important conversations and connections, leading to a sense of isolation,” he opens up","Ndikusowekela chithandizo choyenela polumikizana,, ndimapezeka kuti sindinamve za mchezo wofunikila ndi kulumikizana kupangitsa kuti kuganiza kuti ndili ndekha,” akufotokozela",general,social media +en9230,"He shared a story about his failed dream to become a police officer. “During my post-secondary education years, I applied to join the Malawi Police Service","Anagawana nafe nkhani yamaloto ake olepheleka ozakhala wazichitetezo. Nthawi imene anali atamaliza sukulu yake yakusekondale, ndinalembela kuti ndikalowe ku polisi",general,social media +en9231,"Having passed the aptitude test and been shortlisted to attend oral interviews, the panel came and I requested for a sign language interpreter, to no avail","Nditakhoza mayeso a maluso ndisakhidwa kuti ndikapanga mayeso apakwana, ndinafunda wopangitsa mayesowa za wotathauzila chilakhulo cha manja koma sanapezeke",general,social media +en9232,"I then requested for a written interview, a request that was denied. That is how I missed a job opportunity despite being fit and fulfilling all requirements,” he recollects","Kenako ndinapempha za mayeso olemba,ndipo pempholi linakanidwanso. Umu ndi mmene ndinalephelera kupeza mwayi wantchito ngakhale kuti ndinali woyenela ndi kukwanilitsa zofunika zonse,” akukumbukila",general,social media +en9233,"“For Malawi to attain the goal of a genuinely inclusive society, there is a need to fully guarantee the right to accessibility for deaf people through the wide use of sign language","Kuti malawi azakwanitse lmasophenya umodzi weniweni, pakufunika kukhala ndi chitsimiko ufulu wopeza zinthu kwa anthu osamva pogwilitsa ntchito chilakhulo cha manja paliponse",general,social media +en9234,"He further asserts that Malawi can only attain real inclusive development, as espoused in the Malawi 2063 agenda, if the deaf community is not left behind or excluded based on communication deficiencies","Akupitiliza kunena kuti malawi akhoza kukwilitsa chitukuko kwa onse, m’mene ananenela mu masophenya a 2063, ngati anthu osamva sakusiyidwa m’mbuyo kapena kusalidwa malinga ndizolepheletsa kulumikizana",general,social media +en9235,"While progress has been made at the international level, achieving inclusivity and respect for rights for deaf individuals requires more efforts","Ngakhale ntchito yabwino yachitika pa dziko lapansi, kukwanilitsa umodzi ndi kulemekeza maufulu a anthu osamva zikufinika ntchito yambiri",general,social media +en9236,"In its quest to ensure inclusivity at national level, Malawi is party to various international human rights instruments. Such international legal instruments play a crucial role in promoting the rights of deaf people worldwide by placing certain obligations on State parties","Pa ntchito imene kuti tiwonetsetse umodzi mu dziko muno, malawi ndi chipani cha zida za maufulu a anthu adziko lonse. Zida za maufulu za dziko lonse zimene zimatengapo mbali yayikulu kwambiri kupititsa patsogolo maufulu a anthu osamva padziko lonse pokhazikitsa zoyenela kukwanilitsa kwa maiko",general,social media +en9237,"The Constitution of Malawi is also very clear on non-discrimination and equality as this supreme law proscribes discrimination, stigma and exclusion on the basis of one’s disability or condition",Malamulo a dziko la malawi amanena momveka bwino za kusalana ndi kufanana chifukwa malamulo akuluwa amaletsa kusalana,general,social media +en9238,"As with all other annual celebrations in this country, it is mostly just about the day and nothing else. On days like these, beautiful speeches are made by men and women in elegant attire","Mofanana ndi zisangalalo za pachaka mu dziko muni, zimakhala za tsikulo basi osati zinaso. Pa masiku nagti awa, anthu amayakhula zinthu zabwino atavala zovala zabwino",general,social media +en9239,"Politicians and other policy makers come out to shine – to impress those of us watching on TV. After that, these people go back to their daily lives and continue conducting business as usual. It is an art we have mastered","Andale ndi opanga malamulo amawala- kufuna kukondweletsa amene akuwonenela kanema. Zikhatha izi, anthu amabwelera kuzochita zawo ndimachita zinthu ngati kale. Ili ndi luso limene takhala akadaulo",general,social media +en9240,One of the biggest problems that we face as a country is that we have more people who are good at talking and not acting,Vuto lalikulu imene timakumana nalo ngati dziko ndilakuti tili ndi anthu ongodziwa kuyakhula osati kuchita,general,social media +en9241,"Many are those who want to appear impressive but they have never impressed. We are talking about politicians who over-promise during campaigns, ministers who share grand visions for their ministries but never deliver, managers who have well-written plans for the improvement of their industries, but such plans end up gathering dust on top of some shelf that is never cleaned","Ambiri mwa iwo amafuna kuwona kuti akukwanilitsa koma sanakwanitsepo. Tikuyakhula za anthu andale amene amalonjeza zinthu zosatheka nthawi yakampeni, anduna amene amagwawana nafe maloto a unduna wawo koma sakwanitsa, oyendetsa ntchito amene amakhala ndi ndondomeko zolembedwa bwino zosithila gawo lawo la ntchito, koma ndondomeko zimenezi zimapezeka kuti zabwila fumbi pa shelefu pomwe sipasamalidwa",general,social media +en9242,"This has become the way of doing things in Malawi, and our tourism sector falls within this mess","Uku kwakhala kachitidwe ka zinthu ku malawi, ndipo gawo la zokopa alendo lili nawo mugulu limeneli",general,social media +en9243,"The Malawi Government has always made noise about investing in tourism for economic growth, but very little, if any, has gone towards that","Boma la malawi lakhala likupanga phokoso kuti aika ndalama ku ntchito zokopa alenda kuti zithandizile kutukula chuma, koma zochepa, ngati zilipo, zapita kuzimenezi",general,social media +en9244,Most of the people who have had a chance to see other parts of the world will testify that Malawi is sitting on gold when it comes to tourism,Anthu ambiri amene anakhala ndi mwayi owona malo mu dziko lapansi amavomeleza kuti dziko la malawi lakhalira golide pa nkhani yokhudza zokopa alendo,general,social media +en9245,This is a country with enormous potential that is just not utilized enough. People out there create artificial lakes and canals for tourist attraction because their gods did not bless them with any lakes that could bring them money,Ili ndi dziko limene lili ndikuthekela kwakukulu kumene sikugwilitsa ntchito bwino. Anthu kwina amapanga nyanja zawo ndi njira zodutsa madzi kuti akope anthu chifukwa milungu yawo sinadalitse ndi nyanja imene ikhoza kuwabweletsera ndalama,general,social media +en9246,"And here we are, watching Lake Malawi grow old while we continue to talk about how the lake can make us money","Koma ife tili pano, tikuwona nyanja ya malawi ikukula pamene tikupitiliza kuyakhula mmene nyanja imeneyi ikhoza kutipangila ndalama",general,social media +en9247,"There are places like Zomba Mountain that have potential for tourism, and the government, through the responsible ministry, has never thought of investing in this","Pali malo ngati mapiri a zomba amene ali ndi kuthekela kokopa alendo, ndipo boma, kudzela mu unduna waizi, sanaganizepo kuipa ndalama ku izi",general,social media +en9248,"People travel from as far as Blantyre just to listen to music on Mulunguzi dam, but they must be ready to relieve themselves in grass make-shift structures on the mountain","Anthu amachoka madela akutali ngati ku blantyre kukamvera nyimbo ku damu la mulunguzi, koma amayenera kukanyera mu timanyumba ta udzu ta pa phiripa",general,social media +en9249,"There is nothing there for tourists. This is a space that can have cable cars, fun parks, museums, art galleries and other facilities that can make the city and the country money. But those who make decisions do not think that far","Kulibe chilichonse chokopa alendo kumene kuja. Uku ndi ku malo kumene tikhoza kukhala ndi ndi galimoto zoyenda pa chingwe, malo osangalalira, malo osungilako zinthu zakale, zaluso ndi zinthu zina zimene zikhoza kupangira ndalama mzindawu ndi dziko. Koma amene ziganizo samafikila maganizo awo apa",general,social media +en9250,Most places that attract tourists in this country are privately owned and the government gets very little revenue from them,Malo ambiri amene amakopa alendo mu dziko muno ndi woyendetsadwa ndi anthu ndipo boma limapeza chuma chochepa kwa iwo,general,social media +en9251,A poor country like ours has to target its efforts towards collective wealth. The manner in which we have approached capitalism leaves very little room for those with nothing to be in a position of having something,"Dziko losawuka ngati lathuli likuyenela kuika mphamvu zanthu pa chuma cha tonse. M’mene timapangila malonda kuti ochepa okha aziyendetsa zinthu, izi sizipeleka gawo kwa iwo amene alibe chilichonse kuti akhoza kupeza kenakake",general,social media +en9252,"As it stands, the rich will continue to have it all while the poor will have no chance at improving their lives","M’mene zinthu zilili, olemela akupitilizabe kukhala nacho pamene osawuka alibe mwayi ositha miyoyo yawo",general,social media +en9253,The government of Malawi needed to be the first and biggest investor in tourism and in any other sector that we regard central to economic development,Boma lamalawi likufunika kukhala loyamba komanso woika ndalama kwakukulu ku ntchito zokopa alendo komanso ku gawo lina lililonse limene timalitenga lofunikira kutuluka chuma,general,social media +en9254,The government must invest public resources in its natural resources so that the returns from tourism serve the public more than it does private entities. That is the only way we can reclaim our days of glory,Boma likuyenela kuika chuma cha boma mu zinthu zachilengedwe kuti zobwela ku ntchito zokopa alendo zithandize anthu onse osati m’mene zimachitira zoyendetsedwa ndi anthu. Iyi ndi njira yokhayo tikhoza kubweleranso mchimake ngati kale,general,social media +en9255,"In 2023, it is sad to see that Malawi is still very wasteful when it comes to utilizing natural resources for economic development","Mu chaka cha 2023, ndizomvetsa chisoni kuti dziko la malawi ndilowonga ikafika nkhani ya zachilengedwe pa kutukula chuma",general,social media +en9256,Its people continue to live in dire poverty when the land has the potential to feed and nourish each one of us,Anthu ake amakupitiliza kukhala ndi mu umphawi wadzaoeneni pamene malo ali ndikuthekela kodyetsa ndi kusasalitsa aliyense wa ife,general,social media +en9257,All we get is the talk. We are very good at slogans and buzz words – telling the world of how beautiful our country is. But what have we done with that beauty?,Zimene timapeza ndi kuyakhula basi. Ndife abwino ma silogani ndi mawu osangalatsa- kuliwuza dziko za m’mene dziko lathu lilili lokongola. Koma tapanga chani ndikukogola kumeneku?,general,social media +en9258,We are good at dressing up and showing up for events that never benefit us in the end. Malawi is like that rich man in the village who is rumored to have all the money in the world but still walks around with torn clothes on bare feet,Timachita bwino pakuvala ndi kukaonekela ku zochita zimene sizitipindulira pamapeto pake. Malawi ali ngati olemela wa kumudzi amene anthu amati ali ndi ndalama zambiri koma amayenda ali ndi zovala zon’gambika osavala nsapato,general,social media +en9259,"Form One selection, university selection and Malawi School Certificate of Education examination results unveil discrimination in our public secondary schools","Zotsatila za mayeso wosakhila ana a fomu 1, masakhidwe akusulu ya ukachenjede ndi mayeso a fomu 4 zimawonetsa tsakho mu masulu aboma a sekondale",general,social media +en9260,"The system is rigged and it eliminates children living in poverty. As educators and policy makers renew their commitment to justice, equality and humanization, there is an urgent need to have conversations about desegregation and decolonization","Njirayi ndi yachinyengo ndipo imachotsa ana amene akukhala mu umphawi. Ngati ophunzitsa ndi opanga malamulo akusithanso kudzipelekwa kwawo ku chilungamo, kufanana, umunthu, pakufunika kwambiri kukhala ndi mchezo wa kulekekanitsidwa ndi kuchotsedwa ku utsamunda",general,social media +en9261,"Public secondary schools in Malawi must be run indiscriminately as community secondary schools. Grading public secondary schools is hypocritical, scandalous and undesirable","Sukulu zaboma ku malawi zikuyenela kuyendetsedwa mopanda tsakho ngati masulu asekondale a m’madera. Kuwerengela masuku asekondale a boma ndi kwachinyengo, mwamanyazi komanso kosafunikila",general,social media +en9262,"Two-tier, three-tier and four-tier systems in public secondary schools of the same country are an indication of a dehumanizing and retrogressive schooling system","Njira za magawo awiri, magawo atatu ndi magawo anayi ku sukulu za sekondale zaboma za mu dziko lomwelo ndichizindikilo chakusowa umunthu komanso njira yasukulu yosapita patsogolo",general,social media +en9263,The history of secondary education in Malawi acknowledges the indispensable role of missions in education but suggests that the country inherited a defective schooling system,Mbiri ya sukulu za sekondale ku malawi zimavomeleza ntchito yosatsukika za mmishonale ku nkhani ya maphunziro koma amaganiza kuti dziko linatengera njira za sukulu zosayenda bwino,general,social media +en9264,"From this inequitable introduction of secondary schools, policy makers and educators have failed to design and redesign a secondary school system that would include the masses","Kuchokela kusiyana kwa chidziwitso cha sukulu za sekondale, opanga malamulo ndi ophunzitsa akanika kupanga ndi kupangaso njira ya sukulu za sekondale imene ikhoza kukhala yanthu ambiri",general,social media +en9265,The funding and allocation of public resources including teachers has remained discriminate,Kupeleka chuma ndi kupeleka zinthu za boma kuphatikiza aphunzitsi zakhala zatsakho,general,social media +en9266,"Consequently, policy makers have reproduced a stratified and oppressive model of secondary education without attempting to interrupt and disrupt it","Chifukwa chake, opanga malamulo apangaso njira ya sukulu ya sekondale yogawa komanso yozunza osayesela kusokoneza izi",general,social media +en9267,"Yet, working for social justice demands disrupting policies that work for some while leaving others underserved","Koma, ntchito za chilungamo cha gulu chimafuna kusokoneza malamulo zimene zimagwila ntchito kwa ena kusiya ena kusithandizidwa",general,social media +en9268,A closer examination of several secondary schools will reveal how they started with public resources or how they are run with public funds but are inaccessible to children from struggling households,Kuyanganila kwambiri ma sukulu ambiri a sekondale ziwonetsa m’mene anayambila ndi zinthu za boma kapena m’mene amayendetsera ndi chuma cha boma koma samafikila ana ochokokera ku mabanja ovutika,general,social media +en9269,"Worrisomely, mainstream churches have not been spared from the syndrome of harnessing resources towards certain sections of the student population while trapping masses of children from struggling households in failing schools. This is a contradiction","Zodandaulitsa, ma tchalitchi odziwika sanaputulidwe ndi matenda wopeza zinthu kugwilitsa ntchito ku gulu la wophunzila ena pamene kuwasiya ana ambiri ochoka ku mabanja ovutika ku masukulu olephela. Uku ndikuzitsutsa",general,social media +en9270,"A deliberate effort from government, churches and the corporate world can create a public education system that does not discriminate","Khama la mwadala kuchoka ku boma, ma tchalitchi ndi makampani akhoza kupanga njira ya sukulu yopanga tsakho",general,social media +en9271,A great way to confront the discrimination is by creating indiscriminate public schools that are run as community secondary schools,Njira yabwino kuthana ndi tsakho ndikuchotsa tsakho mu sukulu zaboma amene amayendetsedwa ngati sukulu za sekondale za ku ma midzi,general,social media +en9272,"In his October 2020 encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti the Pope argues that to build a better, more just and peaceful world, we must live in fraternity as brothers and sisters","Mukalata yake ya mwezi wa october 2020 papa wapempha kuti tipange dziko labwino, lokomela aliyense ndi la mtendere, tikuyenela kukhala pa ubale ngati achimwene ndi alongo",general,social media +en9273,The Catholic bishops expressed the aspiration to see children from both affluent and struggling families receiving the same education,Ma bishop a akatolika awonetsa kufuna kuwona ana ochoka ku mabanja ochita bwino ndi ovutika kulandila maphunziro ofanana,general,social media +en9274,Who would wish to send their ward to a low-tier school while public resources are being directed towards other children in higher-tier schools?,Angafune ndani kutumiza ana a mdera lawo ku sukulu zapansi pamene zipangizo za boma zikupititsidwa kwa ana ena ku masukulu apamwamba?,general,social media +en9275,It must be emphasized that no one can be authentically advantaged through exploitation and dehumanization of others,Tikuyenela kutsindikila kuti palibe amene angakhale patsogolo podyera masuku pamutu ndi kuchotsa umunthu wa ena,general,social media +en9276,Discrimination is inherently evil and a society that perpetuates injustice shall be haunted by those very injustices,Tsakho ndi loipa ndi anthu amene amapangitsa kusowa chilungamo azavutika ndi amene sawapangila chilungamo,general,social media +en9277,"Children whose advantages come from disadvantaging others will have defective notions of social justice, will be ill prepared to solve inequities and bring about social change","Ana amene ubwino wake umabwela chifukwa sanapangile anzawo zabwino amakhala ndi maganizo woipa a chilungamo cha gulu, ndipo sazakhala okhonzeka kuthana ndi kusaweluzika ndikubweletsa kusitha kwa onse",general,social media +en9278,"To humanise all learners, Malawi needs indiscriminate community secondary schools",Kuti pakhale umuthu kwa ophunzila onse. Dziko la malawi likuyenela kuthetsa tsakho mu masukulu a sekondale,general,social media +en9279,"Before we know it, the year 2025 will be here. No, maybe I have let the vehicle of my imagination travel too far","tisakudziwa, chaka cha 2025 chikhala chafika. Ayi, mwina ndalolela galimoto yamaganizo kuti iyende kwambiri",general,social media +en9280,"Before we know it, some people with twisted minds will start verbally attacking others they perceive as political opponents. This has always been the case since 1994, when Malawians voted for multiparty politics","Tisakudziwa, anthu ena okhala ndi maganizo oipa ayamba kuyakhulira ena zoipa amene amaona ngati adani pa ndale. Izi zakhala chonchi kuchoka chaka cha 1994, pamene malawi inavotelela zipani zambirimbiri",general,social media +en9281,"Those that took over the wheels of power then made it a point to castigate political opponents at every turn. All of a sudden, political castigation became the new way of life",Amene anayamba kuyendetsa anawonetsetsa kuti kunzunza adani andale pali ponse. Mwadzidzi kuzunzana pa ndale kunakhala gawo limodzi la moyo,general,social media +en9282,"The good thing is, come 2025, when Malawians will go to the polls in September to elect councilors, lawmakers and a Head of State, that will no longer be the case. Why? The laws have changed. It is about issues, and not personalities, now","Chinthu chabwino ndi chakuti, kubwera 2025, pamene amalawi azakavote mu mwezi wa september kukasakha ma khansala, opanga malamulo ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko, sizikhalanso chimodzimodzi. Chufukwa chani? Malamulo anasitha. Ndikhudza zinthu tsopano osati m’mene alili munthu",general,social media +en9283,It is a criminal offence to incite violence or insult others. People can be arrested and prosecuted for [doing] that,Ndimulandu kuyambitsa ziwawa kapena kutonza ena. Anthu akhoza mungamidwa ndi kuimbidwa mulamdu akachita izi,general,social media +en9284,"Before making amendments to the Local Government, Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Act last year, anything that was said at the political podium was protected as nobody could take you to task","Asanasithe lamulo la maboma an’gono, nyumba ya malamulo ndi masankho a mtsogoleri wa dziko, chilichonse chimene chimanenedwa pa msokhano wa ndale zimatetezedwa chifukwa panalibe aliyense kukuimbani mlandu",general,social media +en9285,"“And, now, we are reminding political actors that the law has been revised. You can actually be prosecuted if your conduct at political podia is going beyond what the law permits","Ndipo, tsopano tikuwakumbutsa opanda ndale kuti malamulo asithidwa. Ukhoza kuimbidwa mlandu ngati m’mene wapangila zinthu pa msokhano wa ndale zikudutsa zimene malamulo amalola",general,social media +en9286,The message is loud and clear here. The days of dancing to the drums of foul-mouthed politicians is over,Uthengawu ndi womveka bwino. Masiku omavinila andale oyakhula zolakwika anatha,general,social media +en9287,"However, only one problem has been solved; namely that of verbal diarrhoea. There is another problem remaining, namely that of political violence","Komabe, ndi vuto limodzi lokha lomwe lathetsedwa; kuyakhula mosakhala bwino. Kwatsala vuto lina, limene lili chiwawa pandale",general,social media +en9288,"People have been trying to address the problem by coming up with requisite laws. In fact, the laws have paved the way for the creation of commissioners for the Malawi Peace and Unity Commission","Anthu akhala akuyesa kuthana ndi vutoli pobweletsa malamulo. Mwachilungamo chake, malamulo apangitsa kuti kupangidwe makomishonala a komishoni ya bata ndi umodzi",general,social media +en9289,"However, a year has elapsed without the appointing authority announcing names of the commissioners","Komabe, chaka chatha oyenela kukhanzikitsa maina a makominalawa",general,social media +en9290,"It was learned, at the conference, that the government has been taking the requisite steps to ensure that the peace law is actualized","Zinadziwika kuti, ku mkumanowo, boma lakhala likupanga njira zofunikira kuti liwonetsetse kuti lamulo la mtendere lakhazikitsidwa",general,social media +en9291,"Fine and well, but I feel that we are delaying some things too much, especially as we head towards the 2025 tripartite elections, when violence is likely to rear its ugly face— again. It is important that commissioners are appointed now","Chabwino, koma ndikuona ngati tikuchedwetsa zinthu kwambirii, makaka pamene tikuyandikila ku zisankho za patatu za 2025, pamene ziwawa zimachitika kwambiri- mobweleza. Ndizofunika kuti makomishanala aikidwe panopa",general,social media +en9292,"In modern workplaces, it is common to find workmates debating what is better between education and experience. It is an argument that has repeatedly pitted old-timers and the dewy-eyed fresh graduates","Mu malo ogwira ntchito masiku ano, ndimachitika kawirikawiri kupeza ogwira ntchito akukambilana kuti chofunika pakati pa sukulu ndi kudziwa chitnthu. Ndi mkangano umene wakhalapo pakati pa akale ndi wongomaliza sukulu kumene",general,social media +en9293,"Naturally, the old timers will say they are more valuable because they are more skilled at their jobs since they know the system in which they are operating better than everyone else","Mwa nthawi zonse, okhalitsa pa ntchito amanena kuti ndiwofunika kwambiiri chifukwa amakhala kuti ali ndi luso pa ntchito yawo chifukwa amadziwa njira zimene amachitira kuposa wina aliyese.",general,social media +en9294,The more educated and usually less experienced types would say technical and conceptual skills gained from their academic training make them better at driving change with a lower margin of error,Wophuniza kwambiri komanso opanda ukadaulo pa ntchito amati luso ndi kuwona zinthu mwa diso lina zimene anaophunzira ku sukulu zimawapangitsa kukhala abwino kubweletsa kusitha ndikusawonga zinthu,general,social media +en9295,Arguing whether education or experience is more important is rather simplistic and belies the complex nature of the reward systems in modern organizations,Kulimbana kuti maphunziro kapena ukadaulo ndi wofunika sizazin’gono choncho ndipo zimaonetsa kuvuta kwa njira zopelekela photo mu mabungwe amakono,general,social media +en9296,"In a functional and well-run organization, employers are rewarded based on their demonstrable skills","Ndi mabungwe ogwira ntchito bwino komanso oyendetsedwa bwino, ogwira ntchito amapatsidwa mphoto ndi maluso amene akuwonetsa",general,social media +en9297,"Above all else, employers prefer employees who can add value to their services and/or products. People who can perform according to the needs of the organization are bound to be more valuable to it","Pazonsezi, ogwira ntchito amafuna ogwira ntchito amene amabweletsa chofunikila pa zimene akuchita kapena katundu wawo. Anthu amene amatha kugwira m’mene bungwe likufunila ndi amene amakhala wofunikila",general,social media +en9298,"A higher level of education and experience can be the source of that skill, but it does not guarantee it. When people have a higher education, the assumption is that they are more skilled than those with lower levels of education","Maphunziro apamwamba ndi kukhala ndi ukadawulo zikhoza kukhala zobweletsa luso limeneli , koma sizitsimikizila za izi. Pamene anthu ali maphunziro apamwamba, malingaliro amakhala akuti ali ndi maluso ambiri kuposa amene ali ndi maphunziro ochepa",general,social media +en9299,"Likewise, employees who have worked longer for the organization are assumed to be more adept at doing their jobs within that system than the intern or fresh graduate who joined a few months ago","Chimodzimodzi, ogwila ntchito amene agwira ntchito pa bungwe kwa nthawi yayitali amaganizilidwa kuti amakhala ndikuthekela kogwira ntchito yawo molinga ndi njira zokhazikika kuposa ophunzira ntchito kapena womaliza sukulu kumene amene wangoyamba miyezi ingapo yapitayo",general,social media +en9300,"What really matters is the capacity to learn new skills. The ability to learn, unlearn and relearn skills and adapt to a dynamic work environment ultimately sets apart quality employees from the rest","Zimene zimafunika kwambiri ndi kuthekela kophunzila maluso atsopano. Kukhala ndi kuthekera kophunzira, kusiya kuphunzira zina ndi kuphunziraso maluso ena komanso kusitha ku malo antchito osithasitha amene amasiyanitsa ogwira ntchito abwino ndi ena",general,social media +en9301,A college graduate who joins the job market with no marketable skills is about as useful as an employee who has not learnt any new skills from their years of service,Omaliza sukulu yaukachenjede amene akusaka ntchio ndi maluso amene alibe maluso owufunikila ndiwofunikila ngati ogwira ntchito amene sanaphunzilepo luso lina lili lonse pa zaka zimene akhala akugwira ntchito,general,social media +en9302,"The trick for the management team, especially the line managers and the human resource, is to develop a criterion that will allow each member of staff to be rewarded depending on the value they bring to the organization","Ukadaulo kwa oyendetsa zinthu, makamaka oyendetsa zinthu amene ali patsogolo ndi olemba ndi kuchotsa anthu, ndikupanga njira imene izilora aliyense ogwira ntchito kupatsidwa mphoto malinga ndi kufunikila kumene amabweletsa ku bungwe",general,social media +en9303,"This is where the root of the problem lies. Most organizations do not have clear reward systems. That is why these debates usually resurface when it is time to promote individuals within the system, particularly when the promotion is tied to a higher salary and improved benefits","Apa ndi pamene pamayambila mavuto. Mabungwe amene alibe njira yeniyeni yopeleka mphoto. Ndichifukwa chake mikangano imabwela ikafikika nthawi yokweza maudinfo anthu pa ntchito, makamaka kukhala kuti kukwezaku kuti ndi malipilo okwera kapena ndizofunikila zina",general,social media +en9304,"In an ideal organization, human resources should have clear structures on how people get promoted. For example, a company can make a deliberate policy to promote individuals by a grade or notch depending on years of service and whether they upgraded their academic qualifications","Mu bungwe labwino. Olemba ndi kuchotsa anthu ntchito akuyenela kukhala ndi njira zokhazikika m’mene anthu azikwezeledwa maudindo. Mwachitsanzo, kampani ikhoza kukhazikitsa lamulo lokweza maudindo malingana ndi zaka zimene agwira ntchito komanso ngati anakweza maphunziro awo",general,social media +en9305,"Of course, the grades where the people are being promoted into should have clear key performance indicators that will be used to determine whether the individual is a good fit for the role or not. The key metric should be whether the individual can perform","Ine, mlingo umene anthu akukwezeledwa udindo uzikhala ndi ziwonetselo zakuti ntchito yawgwirika zimene zigwilitsidwa ntchito kupanga chiganizo ngati munthu ali woyenela pa udindo kapena ayi. Mlingo wabwino uzikhala kuti munthu akhoza kukwanitsa",general,social media +en9306,"If the reward system is arbitrary, it will lead to demotivating employees, underperformance or worse, high turn-over. Employees do not stay where they feel they are undervalued and underappreciated","Ngati njira yopelekela mphoto ndi yachisawawa, zikhoza kuwachotsa mphamvu ogwira ntchito, kusalimbikila kapena kuposa apa. Ogwira ntchito samakhala pamalo pamene akuwona kuti sakufinikila kapena kusayamikilidwa m’mene kukufinikira",general,social media +en9307,"That loyal employer who has dedicated their life to working for one organization, learning the system and finding ways of optimizing performance will lose interest if you bring an “educated” head who keeps going back to them to consult on how to work in that environment","Ogwira ntchito wokhulupilika amene wapeleka moyo kugwilira ntchito bungwe, kuphunzira njira za bungwe komanso kupeza njra zopititsila patsogolo kagwilirdwe ka ntchito amasiya kulabadila mukabweletsa mtsogoleri wophunzira amene amapita kwa iwo kukafunsira m’mene angagwilire ntchito pamalopo",general,social media +en9308,"Likewise, the graduates with higher-level technical competencies will lose interest if they are not fairly compensated for the work they bring to the table","Chimodzimodzi, omaliza sukulu kumene amene ali ndi kuthekela ndi luso amasiya kulabadila ngati sakupatsidwa mphoto malingana ndi ntchito imene akugwira",general,social media +en9309,"If a fresh graduate demonstrates high-level skills but is not fairly compensated, they will turn their attention to employers or enterprises that they feel will offer a better package","Ngati omaliza sukulu kumene akuwonetsa maluso abwino koma sakupatsidwa mphoto bwino, amayamba kuyan’gana kwa olemeba ntchito amene akhoza kuwapatsa malipilo abwino",general,social media +en9310,"Employers like to say they only pay depending on demonstrated value, but sometimes forget to honour the promise for fair value afterwards. No employee will cherish doing specialist work for an artisan’s wage","Olemba ntchito nthawi zambiri amati amalipila malingana ndi kufunikila kumene munthu waonetsa, koma nthawi zina amaiwala ndi kulemekeza zimenezi patsogolo pake",general,social media +en9311,One thing every employee and employer should understand is that labour is a transaction. Employees should be paid based on demonstrated skills,Chinthu chimodzi chimene ogwira ntchito ndi olemba ntchito akuyenela kudziwa ndi chakuti kugwila ntchito ndi msithano. Ogwira ntchito akuyenela kulipilidwa malinga ndi maluso amene awonetsa,general,social media +en9312,"If people, whether they are experienced, educated or both demonstrate high-level work, they should be compensated at that level. When that is clear in the organisation, people focus on the work","Ngati anthu, kaya ali ndi ukadawulo, kuphunzira kapena zonse akuwonetsa ntchito yapamwamba, akuyenela kupatsidwa mphoto molingana ndi izi. Pamene izi ziili zodziwika bwino pa bungweli, anthu ndi chidwi ndi ntchito",general,social media +en9313,Chioza said there is a shortage of textbooks in many primary schools in Malawi,Chioza anati pali kusowekela kwa mabuku ku sukulu za pulayamale ku malawi,general,social media +en9314,He said: “Textbooks will cover the gap as there is a shortage of textbooks. Our wish as the Ministry of Education is that every learner should have a book,Ananena kuti:” mabuku athetsa kusowaku chifukwa pali kuchepa kwa mabuku. Khumbo lanthu ngati unduna wazamaphunziro ndilakuti ophunzira aliyense akhale ndi buku,general,social media +en9315,"“Due to shortage of books, you will notice that one book is used by two, three or four learners; hence, the learners do not have enough time to use the books.”","Chifukwa cha kuchepa kwa mabuku, mudzaona kuti buku limodzi likugwiritsidwa ndi ophunzira awiri, atatu kapena anayi, ophunzirawa samakhala ndi nthawi yokwanila kugwiritsa ntchito bukuli",general,social media +en9316,He said: “We have been partnering primary schools in Kasungu for a number of years and it came to our attention a year ago when we visited some primary schools where we asked teachers to share with us the support they needed for their schools,Anena kuti:” takhala tikupanga mgwirizano ndi masukulu a pulayamile ku kasungu kwa zaka zingapo ndipo zinadziwika chaka chatha pamene tinakayendela sukulu ya pulayimale kumene tinafunsa aphunzitsi chithandizo chimene akufuna pa sukulu yawo,general,social media +en9317,“The teachers mentioned textbooks as one of the important resources that would improve performance among learners.”,Aphunzitsi anena mabuku ngati zipangizo zofunikila chimene zikhoza kusitha kakhonzedwe kwa wophunzirawa,general,social media +en9318,We congratulate the Malawi National Examinations Board (Maneb) on the well-managed 2023 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations,Tikufunila mafuno abwino bungwe loyendetsa mayeso m’dziko muno pa mayeso oyendetsedwa bwino a chaka cha 2023,general,social media +en9319,This is a step in the right direction as it points to tightened examination security and improvement in the general administration of the examination and enhances the credibility of Maneb and the country’s education system,Iyi ndi sitepe mu njira yolondola powonetsetsa kuti pali chitetezo pa mayeso komanso kupititsa patsogolo kayendetsedwe ka mayeso komanso kupititsa patsogolo kudalilika kwa maneb ndi maphunziro a dziko lino,general,social media +en9320,"However, the dismal performance of students in this examination has sparked fresh concerns among education experts, who are further concerned about results in community day secondary schools (CDSSs)","Komabe, makhozedwe omvetsa chisoni pa mayeso amenewa kwabweletsa chidandaulo pakati pa akadaulo amaphunziro, amenen akupitiira kukhudzidwa kwa zotsatira zamayeso mu masukulu asekondale akumudzi",general,social media +en9321,"If an honest assessment is made of the status of the country’s secondary schools in the past few years, no one ought to be surprised that four years after these poor performers enter secondary school, they are unable to perform well in the MSCE examinations","Ngati mayeso wowona mtima a m’mene masukulu asekondale a m’dziko muno alili, palibe amene angadabwitsike kuti patatha zaka zinayi pamene osakhoza bwinowa atapita ku sekondale, akulephelabe kukhoza bwino ku mayeso akusekondale",general,social media +en9322,"As the experts have observed, most schools lack learning materials, laboratories, qualified teachers and many other essentials that contribute to an enabling learning environment","Malinga m’mene awonela akadaulo. Masukulu ambiri amasowa zipangizo zophunzilira, aphunzitsi odziwa ntchito yawo ndi zina zambiri zimene zimapangitsa malo ophunzilira oyenela",general,social media +en9323,"From what the commentators have said, it is clear that this is a complex problem and requires a multidisciplinary approach","Kuchoka pazimene oyakhula anena, ndizachidziwikile kuti vutoli ndilalikulu ndipo lifunikira njira zopkhudza ambiri",general,social media +en9324,Improving student performance is a national imperative because the country cannot progress with an undereducated workforce. Where will the human capital come from to provide the goods and services that are necessary to drive economic development?,Kupititsa patsogolo makhonzedwe a wophunzira ndi zofunikila kwambiri ku dziko chifukwa dziko silingatukuke ndi anthu ogwira ntchito osaphunzira. Chuma cha anthu chichoka kuti kuti chipeleke katundu ndi zofiunikila zofunikila kupitsa patsogolo chuma ?,general,social media +en9325,"Government should, therefore, take the lead in the quest for solutions to the existing education challenges that analysts have laid bare","Boma likuyenela ,kukhala patsogolo kupeza mayankho ku mavuto amene alipo ndi ku nkhani yamaphunziro amene wofufuza abweletsa",general,social media +en9326,"Radical actions may have to be taken for swift results that aim at turning around the situation of CDSSs. Every Malawian child deserves access to quality education, therefore, CDSSs should not be treated as a dumping ground for the poor","Zochitika zazikulu zikuyenela kuchitikika kuti zibweletse zotsatira za changu zimene zingasithe m’mene zinthu zilili ku masekondale aku mudzi. Mwana aliyense wakumalawi amafunikila maphunziro abwino, ndye masekondale akumudzi sakuyenela kuhala kotayira anthu osawuka",general,social media +en9327,The country expects that this MSCE results will create food for thought for top brass at capital hill to interrogate the weaknesses in the education system and that serious attempts will be made that point to the way forward,Dziko likoli likuyembekezela kuti zotsatila ma mayeso aku sekondale zipangitsa kuti athu akuluakulu kulikulu la boma apeze kufowoka kumene kulipo m’maphunziro komaso kuyeseyesa kuchitika kupit chitsogolo,general,social media +en9328,She said: “This project resonates well with the Malawi 2063 Agenda which also looks at developing our youths for better participation in the country’s development,Ananena kuti:” ntchitoyi ikugwirizana bwino ndi malo a malawi a chaka cha 2063 amene akuyan’ganaso kutukula achinyamata kutenga nawo gawo bwino pa chitukuko cha dziko lino,general,social media +en9329,"Through the project, we have a duty to create a progressive citizenry capable of desiring, envisioning and constructing a future that is better and more inclusive than the past through improved youth skills in line with the MW2063","Kudzera mu ntchitoyi, tili ndi ntchito yopanga unzika wopita patsogolo wokhala ndikuthekela kufuna, kukhala ndi malo koamnso kukhoza tsogolo labwino komanso la aliyense kusiyana ndi m’mbuyo kudzela kupititsa maluso achinyamata mogwilizana ndi malawi 2063",general,social media +en9330,"He said a large part of the project will go toward making college and university more accessible to under-represented youth, including young women and adolescent girls, students with disabilities, students from community day secondary schools, rural areas and economically disadvantaged backgrounds","Ananena kuti gawo lalikulu la ntchitoyilipita ku ntchito yopanga masukulu awukachenjede kukhala wofikila achinyamata wosayimilidwa kuphatikiza amayi achichepele ndi atsikana otha msikhu, wophunzila aulumali, wophunzira wochoka ku sekondale za kumudzi, madera akumudzi ndi ochekela kochepekedwa ndi mwayi wochepa",general,social media +en9331,"He said: “For a true systems change, systems-level challenges require joint efforts by multiple stakeholders","Anena kuti:” kuti tisithe njira, zovuta mu njirazi zimafuna kugwira ntchito limodzi kwa otenga nawo gawo",general,social media +en9332,"My ministry will support the project by, among others, giving direction in its implementation and utilizing our convening power to bring together key system actors and nurture the type of broad and inclusive conversations necessary for addressing issues in the higher education ecosystem","Unduna wana uthandiza ntchitoyi mwazina monga, kupeleka njira pokhazikitsa ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zanthu kubweletsa pamodzi magulu ogwira nawo ntchito ndikhukhala ndi macheza wofunikila wothanilana ndi mavuto ku maphunziro awukachenjede",general,social media +en9333,District commissioners have decried the tendency by some politically-linked persons to shield errant officers in the local councils in the country from being disciplined/mabwana ,mabwana mkubwa anandaula ndi khalidwe la anthu ogwirizana ndi zipani amene amateteza ogwira ntchito ku maboma kuti asadzudzulidwe,general,social media +en9334,"During the meeting, district commissioners (DCs) and chief executive officers (CEOs) from councils decried the role of “an invisible hand which protects” errant officers","Pamkumano wa bwana mkumbwa maboma, akuluakulu oyendetsa maboma kuchokera ku maboma anadandaula gawo la dzanja losawoneka limene limateteza ogwira ntchito amene alakwitsa",general,social media +en9335,"In his contribution at the meeting, Machinga DC said some officers misbehave knowing that they will be protected, a situation which was making the DCs’ job difficult and compromising service delivery","Mukuwonjezera kwake pa mkumanowu, bwana mkubwa wa boma la machinga ananena kuto ogwira ntchito ena sawonetsa khalidwe labwino podziwa kuti atetezedwa, vuto limene limapangitsa ntchito ya bwana mkubwa yovuta komanso yosokoneza",general,social media +en9336,He said: “It is like some errant officers know that the punishment they can get is to be transferred to another council as an invisible hand is always there to protect them,Anena kuti:” zili ngati kuti ogwira ntchito olakwitsa amadziwa kuti chilango chimene akhoza kulandila ndikutumizidwa ku boma lina chifukwa dzana losawoneka limakhala lilipo kuwateteza,general,social media +en9337,"“We have never had intentions to deliberately preside over a system of failure, abuse of public resources or corruption. But most challenges coming out of local governments are not particularly by controlling officers","Sitimakhala ndi malingaliro woyan’ganira kulephereka kwa njira zogwilira ntchito, kugwilitsa ntchito molakwika zipangizo za boma kana ziphuphu. Koma zovuta zimene zikubwera kuchoka ku maboma an’gono sapangitsa ndi amene akuyendetsa ntchito",general,social media +en9338,"The DC said they are mandated to manage the human resource at council level, but sometimes they fall short of disciplining errant officers","Bwana mkubwayu anati ali ndi ulamulilo wolemba ndi kuchotsa anthu ntchito la boma, koma nthawi zina amalephela kudzudzula ogwira ntchito amene alakwitsa",general,social media +en9339,"“It is not that we lack the skills to deal with those issues, but because there are other forces that come into play to protect such errant officers. But we are glad that the Local Government Service Commission comes in to help,” he added","Sikuti timasowekela maluso wothanilana ndi mavuto amenewa, koma chifukwa pali mphamvu zina zimene zimateteza ogwira ntchito amenewa. Koma tili okondwa kuti bungwe la maboma an’gonoan’gono linathandizam,” anawonjezela",general,social media +en9340,He said: “No one and no authority at Capitol Hill is protecting errant officers. There is no such a situation where we have junior officers who work under the protection of an invisible hand,Ananena kuti:”palibe munthu komanso ulamuliro ku likulu la boma umene ukutereza wolakwitsawa. Palibe zinthu ngati pamene ogwira ntchito wa m’musi amagwira ntchito pansi pa chitetezo cha dzanja losawoneka,general,social media +en9341,All officers are under the charge of controlling officers and disciplinary measures are vested in them. The minister has always said that no one will be protected because of political reasons,Ogwira ntchito onse amakhala pansi pa ulamuliro wa ogwila ntchito otsogolera ndi njira zoweluzira zili mwa iwo. Ndunayi yakhala ikunena kuti palibe amene azatetezedwe chifukwa cha zifukwa za ndale,general,social media +en9342,"Mkweta said the ministry has also received reports that some controlling officers who stay outside their duty stations abscond work while others report to work while drunk and late, but are not being cautioned by the DCs and CEOs","Mkwetsa anati unduna walandilandiranso mauthenga kuti otsogolera amene amakhala kutali ndi malo ogwilira ntchito samapita ku ntchito ndipo ena amapita ku ntchito ataledzera komanso mochedwa, koma sadzudzulidwa ndi bwana mkubwa komanso CEOs",general,social media +en9343,He said: “DCs and CEOs need to show that they are in charge. They need to show that they are in control of the affairs at the council. Failure to discipline errant officers is a big anomaly.”,Ananena kuti:” DCs ndi CEOs akuyenera kuwonetsa kuti ndiwo ali ndi ulamuliro. Akuyenera kuwonetsa kuti ndiwo akuyendetsa zinthu pa bomapo. Kukanika kudzudzula ogwira ntchito wolakwitsa ndi vuto lalikulu,general,social media +en9344,These Sadc interventions are strategically linked to Malawi’s vision of creating an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant nation,Chithandizo cha bungwe la sadc ndizogwilrizana ndi maso mphenya a dziko lamawi lokhandzikitsa dziko la onse komanso dziko lodzidalira lokha,general,social media +en9345,"These efforts are aimed at facilitating acquisition of new knowledge by teachers and learners; increasing school enrolment of underserved populations, and supporting teaching and learning through investments in physical and digital infrastructure,” said the minister","Ntchito zimenezi zikukhazikika pothandizira kupeza nzeru kwa aphunzitsi ndi wophunzira; kuwonjezera chiwelengero cha gulu losathandiza, komanso kuthandizira kuphunzitsa ndi kuphunzira kudzera kuika chuma mu zinthu zogwirika komanso zamakono",general,social media +en9346,"The perennial budget deficits and government’s failure to disburse funds allocated to budget lines in the education sector could undermine the delivery of the budget, an analysis by stakeholders in the education sector shows","Kuchepekedwa kwa chaka chilichonse pa ndondomeko ya chuma komanso kulephera kwa boma kupeleka chuma chopelekedwa ku gawo lamaphunziro kukhoza kuyang’anira pansi kugwiritsa ntchito ndondomekoyi, kafukufuku wa othandizira ntchito mu gawo lamaphunziro wawonetsa.",general,social media +en9347,"He said: “The budget [as passed by Parliament] is just an aspiration by the government. What is finally disbursed will be dependent on what the government will have collected. From practice, we see a mismatch between the approved allocations and disbursements","Ananea kuti:” ndondomeko ya chuma yomwe yavomelezedwa ndi nyumba ya malamulo ndi khumbo la boma chabe. Zimene zimapelekedwa zimatengera zimene boma latolelera. Kuchokera muzimene zimachitika, timaona kusiyana pakati chuma choikidwa ndi chuma chopelekedwa",general,social media +en9348,"As per government policy, a new project cannot be initiated until the projects being implemented have been completed","M’mene lamaulo la boma limanenla, chitukuko chatsopano sichingayambe pokhapokha zitukuko zina zimene zikuchitika zitamalizidwa ",general,social media +en9349,"If Ministry of Finance will disbursed funds in time, current projects will be completed and new projects [construction of an inclusive education training facility which we proposed] can be implemented,” said Banda","INgati unduna wazachuma wapeleka chuma nthawi yabwino, mupojekiti amene akuchitika amalizidwa ndipo mapojekiti atsopano kumanga malo amaphunziro aliyense amene tinapepha akhoza kuyambidwa,” anatero banda",general,social media +en9350,"Likewise, disbursement on government-funded projects remained poor with only 64 percent (K2 billion) after contractors abandoned project sites over contractual disputes","Chimodzimodzi, kupeleka ndalama kuzitukuko za boma kunali kosapatsa chikoka pa 64% pamene ogwira ntchito ena anachoka kumalo awo ogwilira ntchito chifukwa chakusamvana pamgwirizano wantchito",general,social media +en9351,"While some Cyclone Freddy survivors in most camps need food, clothes and other items, their counterparts in Mangochi, say their immediate need is education for their children","Pamene opulumuka ku phepo ya freddy mu malo othawira anthu akufunika chakudya, zovala ndi zinthu zina, anzawo ena ku mangochi khumbo lawo ndi maphunziro a ana awo",general,social media +en9352,"Our immediate need is education for our children,” says Zione Chasauka from Mtalimanja Village in the district, who is at St. Augustine III Primary School camp","Khumbo lanthu pano ndi maphunziro a ana anthu,” akutero zione chasauka wa mudzi wa mtalimanha mubomali, amene ali kumalo okhala anthu ku sukulu ya puulayimale ya st augustine III",general,social media +en9353,Cyclone Freddy survivors collect water from a water bowser at one of the school camps in Blantyre,Wopulumuka ku mvula ya phepo ya freddy amatunga madzi mosungila madzi pa sikulu ina pomwe panathawila anthu ku blantyre,general,social media +en9354,"So, we want government, development partners and well-wishers to make efforts to move us out of these camps to go back to our homes so that we can easily manage our school-going children,” she adds","Ndiye, tikufuna boma, othandizira pachitukuko ndi akufuna kwabwino kuti agwire ntchito yotichotsa ku malo othawira anthu kuti tipite kunyumba zathu kuti tiksamalire bwino ana anthu wopita ku sukulu,” anawonjezera",general,social media +en9355,"There are no bathrooms here. We use toilets to bathe, but they are few to accommodate many of us here. The living conditions cannot sustain our dignified living,” she laments","Kulibe malo osambila kuno. Timagwiritsa ntchito chimbudzi kuti tisambe, koma zilipo zochepa kukwanira tonse. Makhalidwe ake sangatithandize moyo wathu ozilemekeza,” akudandaula",general,social media +en9356,"Chasauka, who has four school-going children, says she found herself at the camp following the collapse of her house by the natural calamity","Chasauka, amene ali ndi ana anayi wopita ku sukulu, akuti anapezeka ku malo wothawira anthu chifukwa cha kugwa kwa nyumba yake chifukwa cha mavuto a nyengo",general,social media +en9357,"It was a nightmare, water was all over my house and after sometime, we saw the house collapsing. We couldn’t rescue any property because doing so would have been risking our lives","Zinali zowopsa, madzi anali m’nyumba monse ndipo patapita nthawi, tinawona nyumba ikugwa. Sitinapulumutse katundu wina aliyense chifukwa tikanatero tikanayika moyo wathu pa chiwopsezo",general,social media +en9358,"This compelled us to come here and seek refuge. But since schools are opening soon, all that we want is to get back to our homes to restart our lives and prepare our children’s education,” she says","Izi zinatipangitsa kubwera kuno kuzawusa. Koma chifukwa sukulu zitsegukira pompano, chimene tikufuna ndikubwelera kunyumba zanthu ndikuyambiranso moyo wathu ndikuwakhonzekeletsa ana maphunziro awo.” akutero",general,social media +en9359,"Her counterpart, Ester, who is from the same area echoes the same, saying their children missed end-of-term two examinations, hence, the need to return home soon to prepare their children for the next school session","Anzawo, ester, amene amachokela dera lomwelo akunenanso zomwezo, kunena kuti ana awo sanalembe mayeso a telemu yachiwiri, choncho akuyenera kubwelera kunyumba pompano kuti akawakhonzekeletse ana awo gawo lasukulu limene likubwera",general,social media +en9360,"“Our priority number one is education. We don’t want anything else apart from helping us with resources that can see us back to our homes from where our children can easily go to school,” she stresses","Chinthu chomwe tikuika patsogolo ndi maphunziro. Sitikufuna chinalichonse koma kutithandiza ndi zipangizo kuti tibwelere ku nyumba zathu kumene sikukavuta kuti ana athu abwelere ku sukulu, “akutsindika",general,social media +en9361,"The unprecedented natural disaster ravaged people’s homes, property, crops and infrastructures such as roads, bridges and school blocks","Ngozi yogwa mwadzidzi imeneyi inawononga nyumba, katundu, mbewu ndi zomanga zina monga misewu, milato ndi masukulu",general,social media +en9362,The education sector remains one of the sectors that was dealt a heavy blow by the Cyclone Freddy,Gawo la maphunziro ndilo gawo limodzi limene linakhudzidwa kabwiri ndi mvula ya phepo ya freddy,general,social media +en9363,"Apart from disturbing classes towards the end of the second term, the cyclone demolished many school structures","Kupatula kusokoneza sukulu kupita kumapeto a telemu, mvula yaphepoyi imagwetsa zomanga za sukulu zambiri",general,social media +en9364,"It forced the survivors to seek refuge in schools, churches, mosques and other facilities before camps were established to house them","Zinakakamiza opulumuka kupeza malo m’ma sukulu, matchalitchi, mizikiti ndi malo ena malo othawira anthu asakhazikitsidwe kuti azikhalamo",general,social media +en9365,More than 20 schools in Mangochi are still providing shelter to cyclone survivors yet schools are set to re-open for third-term on April 17 2023,Masukulu opitiira makumi awiri ku mangochi akusungabe anthu amene anapulumuka ku mvula ya phepo koma masukulu akuyenela atsegulire telemu yachitatu mu mwezi wa april pa 17 chaka cha 2023,general,social media +en9366,"The situation is a serious cause for worry among the survivors in the camps, more so considering that some of the children will sit for the Malawi National Examination Board examinations","Vuto limene ndizopangitsa kuti anthu wopulumuka adandaule mu malo osangulira anthuwa, poganiziranso kuti ana ena akhala akulemba mayeso aboma a maneb",general,social media +en9367,"This is, perhaps, why Chasauka and Makiyi are opting for any material support that can see them going back to their homes as opposed to continue staying in the camps for the sake of receiving food or clothes","Ichi, mwina, ndichifukwa chasauka ndi makiyi akufuna chithandizo chinalichonse cha katundu amene angawathize kuti abwelere kunyumba zawo kusiyana ndi kupitiliza kukhala kumalo wosungila anthu kuti azilandira chakudya ndi zovala",general,social media +en9368,"However, Ministry of Education spokesperson says the ministry is working with other stakeholders to ensure that people who are camping in schools are relocated to other places to ensure no disturbance when schools re-open","Komabe, woyakhulira unduna wamaphunziro wati undunawu ukugwira ntchito ndiwothandizira ntchito ena kuwonenetsa kuti anthu amene akukhala ku masukuluwa asuthidwira ku malo ena kuti pasakhale chisokonezo masukulu akatseguliraso",general,social media +en9369,"Together with Dodma and other partners we have secured tents which we want to erect in districts which were hit by the cyclone,” he says",Limodzi ndi bungwe lowona za ngozi zogwa madzidzi la dodma ndi ogwira nawo ntchito ena apeza ma tenti amene akufuna kuika m’maboma amene anakhudzidwa ndi mvula phepoyi.” akutero,general,social media +en9370,"But Nkuonera laments that the devastation was huge, appealing to well-wishers to continue coming forward with assistance, especially in the education sector","Koma Nkuonekera akudandaula kuti kuwonengaku kunali kwakukulu, akupempha akufuna kwabwino onse kuti apitilize kupelek chithandzio makamaka ku gawo la maphunziro",general,social media +en9371,"As you are aware that we are coming from a history of other natural disasters such as Tropical Cyclone Ana, this cyclone Freddy and Gombe, we need more support from development partners and well-wishers,” he says","Monga mukudziwa kuti tikuchokeranso ku mbili ya ngozi zogwa madzidzi monga mvula ya phepo ana, iyi freddy ndi gombe, tikufunikira chithandizo kuchokera kwa ogwira nawo ntchito pa zachitukuko ndi ofuna kwabeino,” akutero",general,social media +en9372,"By now, in terms of camps, I thought they could have been constructed or erected to accommodate those people who are staying in schools, especially now that schools are opening next week,” he observes","Pofika pano, mokhudzan ndi malo othawira anthu, ndimaganiza kuti akhala amagwidwa kapena aimikidwa kuti kuzikhala anthu amene akukhala ku masukulu, makamaka kuti masukulu azitsegulira sabata yamawa, akuwona choncho",general,social media +en9373,"Nyirongo argues that there has been enough time since the disaster occurred, hence, wonders why people are still staying in schools","Nyirongo anena kuti nthawi yambiri yadutsa chichitikileni ngoziyi, choncho kaudabwa kuti anthu akukhalebe ku masukulu",general,social media +en9374,"To this end, Nyirongo asks the Ministry of Education to take a proper audit of what was been lost in the schools and how best to recover such losses","Kumapeto kwake, nyirongo akupempha unduna wa maphunziro kuti ulembere bwino zomwe zataika pa sukuluzi komanso kuti zinthu zimenezi zingapezedweso bwanji",general,social media +en9375,"The disaster damaged a lot of properties, including education facilities. What is needed now is to take a proper audit and, perhaps, avoid taking any stance that might further continue bruising education,” he advises","Ngoziyi inawononga katundu wambiri kuphatikiza katundu wasukulu. Chimene chifukunika ndi kulembela bwino komanso mwina kupewa kuchita zina zomwe zikhoza kupitiiza kuwononga maphunziro,” akulangiza",general,social media +en9376,President Lazarus Chakwera has ordered Minister of Agriculture Sam Kawale to ensure that all Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) depots in the country have enough maize stocks to help hunger-stricken families,Mtsogoleri wa dziko lazarus chakwera walamula nduna ya zaulimi sam kawale kuti awonetsetse kuti malo wogulitsira ndi wogulira mbewu a admarc ali ndi chimanga chokwanira chothandizira mabanja amene ali njala,general,social media +en9377,"The President has also condemned red-tape and bureaucracy in public service delivery, lamenting that such a vice is breeding corruption, especially now when many households are affected due to floods and dry spells","Mtsogoleriyu wadzudzula mtchitidwe woipa komanso maulamuliro pogwira ntchito za boma, kudandaula kuti khalidwe loipa limeneli likubweletsa ziphuphu, makamaka tsopano pamene makomo akukhudzidwa ndi madzi osefukira ndi n’gamba",general,social media +en9378,"He made the remarks at Kiwe and Mwenilondo primary school grounds in Karonga yesterday after inspecting crop fields at Sunifolo and Mwangolera villages, where dry spells affected rice and maize fields, rendering people helpless",Anayakhula izi ku pa bwalo la masewera la sukulu la kiwe ndi mwenilondo dzulo atamaliza kuyendera minda ya mbewu ku midzi ya sunifolo ndi mwagolera kumene n’gamba yawononga minda ya mpunga ndi chimanga kuwasiya anthu akusowa chochita,general,social media +en9379,"Chakwera noted that apart from rice, there was little or no hope for maize, tobacco and groundnuts, a situation traditional leaders said was being exacerbated by unavailability of maize in Admarc depots","Chakwera anawonanso kuti kupatula mpunga, palinso chiyembekezo chochepa kwa chimanga, fodya ndi mtedza, vuto limene mafumu ananena kuti likukulanso chifukwa chasowa kwa chimanga mu ma depoti admarc",general,social media +en9380,I have heard chiefs complain about unavailability of maize in Admarc depots. It is not right to waste too much time on committee meetings,Ndamva dandaulo la mafumu kudandula zakusapezeka kwa chimanga mu ma depoti a admarc. Sizofunikira kutaya nthawi pa misokhano ya makomiti,general,social media +en9381,"There is no need to wait when maize is available. I want you Minister of Agriculture [Sam Kawale] to ensure constant supply of maize and other food supplies in all Admarc depots,” he said","Sipakufunikira kudikira pamene chimanga chapezeka. Ndikufuna inu nduna ya zaulimi sam kawale kuwonetsetsa kuti pali kupezeka kwa chimanga ndi chakudya china mu ma depoti a admarc nthawi zone,” anatero",general,social media +en9382,"At Mwenilondo, Chakwera also warned against taking advantage of the situation for self-enrichment, urging all government officials to work with the district council so that there is smooth implementation of relief and recovery efforts","Kwa mwenilondo, chakwera anachenjezaso kupelezelapo mwayi pa vutoli kuti anthu azilemeletse, anapepha anthu ogwira ntchito za boma kugwira ntchito ndi maboma ktui pakhale kukhazikitsa kwabwino kwa ntchito za chithandizochi",general,social media +en9383,"In reference to distribution of relief items to survivors of Cyclone Freddy, the President said some misguided and unscrupulous individuals are taking advantage of the exercise to enrich themselves","Mogwirizana ndikugawa katundu wothandizira anthu opulumuka ku mvula ya phepo ya fredddy, mtsogoleriyu anena kuti anthu ena osochera komanso osakhulupilika akutengera umwayi ntchitoyi kuti azilemeletse okha",general,social media +en9384,"“Without irrigation, we cannot talk about ending food insecurity. We need to be harvesting water that is why I am happy to hear that the Japanese Government would want to help us with rehabilitation of Lufirya scheme, but also a dam, that is what we want,” he said","Kupanfa ulimi wamthilira, sitingamayakhule zakuthetsa njala. Tikuyenera kumakolora madzi ndichifukwa chake ndili okondwa kumva kuti boma la dziko la japan likufuna kutithandiza kukonzanso sikimu ya lufirya komanso malo osungila madzi, ndizimene tikufuna,” anatero",general,social media +en9385,"In 1994, Malawi started implementing the free primary school education pledge the UDF had made during its election campaigns","Mu chaka cha 1884, malawi linayambitsa sukulu ya pulayimale ya ulere, lonjezo limene chipani cha UDF chinanena munthawi ya kampeni ya zisankho",general,social media +en9386,"The influx of students into schools prompted the government to build new school blocks and train new teachers to match, somehow, the burgeoning school-going population","Kudzadza kwa ophunzira msukulu kunapangitsa boma kuti limange malo ophunzilira ena komanso kuphunzitsa aphunzitisi atsopano kuti akwanilitse mwina mwake, chiwelengelo cha ana chochuluka chopita ku sukulu",general,social media +en9387,"As this large primary school population graduated into secondary school, more secondary school spaces were needed","Pamene chiwelengero cha ophunzira ku pulayimale amapita ku sekondale, malo ambiri anafunika ku sekondale",general,social media +en9388,"Fresh schools were built; the number of MCCs [Malawi Correspondence Colleges], whose name changed to community day secondary, also increased","Masukulu atsopano anamangidwa; chiwelengo cha MCCs, amene maina awo anasithidwa kukhala sukulu za sekondale zakumudzi anachulukanso",general,social media +en9389,"A double-shift system, to accommodate twice the standard number of students, was implemented and is still successfully running",Kuphunzira masana ndi madzulo kukhazikitsidwa kuti akwanilitse mlingo woyenelera wa ophunzira umene unadutsa ndipo mpaka pano zikuyendabe bwino,general,social media +en9390,"Years later, universities had to expand, too, to absorb the large secondary graduates. Private universities were allowed to operate; some of which now provide similar or superior quality education. The number of university and college graduates has increased exponentially","Patapita zaka zingapo, sukulu zaukachenjede zinayenela kukulanso, kuti alandire ophunzira amene amaliza ku sekondale. Sukulu zaukachenjede za anthu zinaloledwa; zina mwa izo zimapeleka maphunziro ofanana kapena opamwamba. Nambala ya sukulu zaukachenjede sachulukanso kwambiri",general,social media +en9391,"However, this great leap in the numbers of primary school, secondary school, university, and college graduates does not seem to have brought with it the leap in quality that previous graduates exhibited at work","Komabe, pali kusiyana kwambirir kwa nambala ya sukulu za pulayimale, sekondale, sukulu zaukachenjede ndipo omaliza sukulu za ukachenjede sakuwonetsa kuti ubwino umene omaliza sukulu m’mbuyomu amaonetsa pa ntchito",general,social media +en9392,"These days, some, not all, secondary school graduates cannot even perform simple multiplication, subtraction, or addition of numbers without the aid of a calculator","Masiku ano, ena, osati onse, omaliza sukulu ku sekondale sangakwanitse kupanga masamu wochulukitsa, kuchotsera kapena kuphatikiza osagwilitsa ntchito makina opangila masamu",general,social media +en9393,"If you do not agree with our observation, please ask your recently graduated Malawi School Certificate of Education ward to multiply 99 x 9 or to subtract 77 from 1000. Give him or her 20 seconds to do so","Ngati simugwirizana ndi zimene tawona ife, chonde funsani omaliza sukulu kumene ku sekondale mu dera lanu kuti achalukitse 99 ndi 9 kapena kuchotsera 77 ku 1000. Mpatseni mphindi makumi awiri kuti apange izi",general,social media +en9394,"What is more bothering is the current crop of primary, secondary, and, disappointingly, even university graduates’ inability to write English correctly","Chimene chili chokhudza kwambiri ndi gulu la ophunzira aku pulayimale, sekondale komanso zomvetsa chisoni, ngakhale omaliza sukulu ku sukulu yaukachenjede’ kukanika kulemba chizungu bwinobwino",general,social media +en9395,"Some will, of course, protest that as an independent sovereign African nation, Malawi should not be puritanical about writing English as though the English themselves bother to write our languages correctly","Ena, inde, atsutsana nazo kuti ngati dziko lodziimira aku afilika palokha, Malawi silikuyenera kukhwimitsa malamulo polemba chizungu ngatiso eni ake azungu amalimbana ndi kulemba chizungu bwinobwino",general,social media +en9396,Why is this generation so bad at writing and performing simple calculations? Some speculate that our experiences in Malawi reflect international trends,Ndichifukwa chani m’badwo uno sukupanga bwino polemba ndi kupanga masamu? Ena anena kuti zomwe zomwe zikuchitika ku malawi zikufafana ndi zomwe zikuchitika padziko lonse lapansi,general,social media +en9397,Attention to good writing is down internationally. Others hold that the Malawi language curriculum has been diluted so much that quality is no longer an issue. Yet others feel our current problems are a result of teachers,Kukhala ndi chidwi kulemba bwino kwatsika pa dziko lonse lapansi. Ena amati maphunziro achizungu ku malawi asungunilidwa kwambiri kuti ubwino sinkhaniso. Koma ena akuwona ngati mavuto akuchitika panowa ndi chifukwa cha aphunzitsi,general,social media +en9398,"Teachers are not committed to teaching students. In the past, students were made to sweat to do good work","Aphunzitsi sakuikilapo mtima kuphunzitsa ophunzira. Kale, ophunzira amayenela kutuluka thukuta kuti agwire ntchito yabwino",general,social media +en9399,"Negative incentives, punishment, such as not going home until you got something right; being made to sit on the floor until you worked hard enough to merit to get back on the chair; being made to slash or sweep the school yard and, in extreme cases, being flogged or skamboked were a favourite means of forcing students to do well","Zolimbikitsa zoipa, chibalo, monga kusapita kunyumba pokhapokha ukhoze; kukhazikitsidwa pansi mpaka kufukila pamene walimbikira kwambiri kuti udzipezele malo pa mpando; kutchetcha kapena kusesa malo asukulu komanso, zikavuta kwambiri, kukwapulidwa ndi zinali njira zina zogwiritsidwa ntchito kupangitsa kuti wophunzira azipanga bwino",general,social media +en9400,"Sometimes, positive incentives, prizes, were also being administered to encourage students to do well","Nthawi zina, zolimbikitsa zabwino, mphoto, zimapelekedwa kulimbikitsa ophunzira kupanga bwino",general,social media +en9401,"However, teachers argue that in today’s Malawi, teachers are considered as lower-caste professionals","Komabe, aphunzitsi akunena kuti masiku ano ku malawi, aphunzitsi amatengedwa ogwira ntchito a pansi kwambiri",general,social media +en9402,"Parents storm schools shouting at teachers who reportedly shouted at their naughty children. Teachers are accused of verbal abuse, human rights abuses, this abuse, and that abuse","Makolo amapita kusukulu kukalalatila aphunzitsi amene ananeledwa kuti anakalipira mwana wosokoneza. Aphunzitsi amaimbidwa mulandu wozunza m’mayakhulidwe, kuphanya maufulu, kuzunza izi komanso kunzuza",general,social media +en9403,"So, teachers, too, do what most Malawians do, report for work, teach, give assignments or tests, mark, and wait for time to knock-off and go home in peace","Ndiye, aphunzitsi, amapanga zomwe a malawi amapanga, kupita kuntchito, kuphunzitsa, kupeleka ntchito kapena mayeso, ndikudikila nthawi yowelukila ndikumapita kunyumba mwa mtendere",general,social media +en9404,"And in peace wait for their monthly allowance (check their pay slips, civil servants do not receive salaries). Gone are the days of voluntary drilling of students to perfect them. And gone, too, is quality","Ndipo mwa mtendere wawo kumadikila malipiliro awo apamwezi, kuwona pepala lawo lamalipiro, ogwira ntchito m’boma samalandira malipiro. Anapita masiku amene kusula ophunzira kuwapanga kukhala opambana. Zinapitaso, ubwino",general,social media +en9405,"In brief, our esteemed leader of the delegation says standards of education are plummeting. Standards need to improve and get back to those golden days. As a nation, we need to do something about it","Mwachidule, mtsogoleri wathu wolemekezeka mwa alendo olemekezekawo anati mlingo wa maphunziro ukutsika. Mlingo ukuyenela uzisitha ndi kubwelera masiku akale a golide. Ngati dziko, tikuyenela kuchitapo kanthu",general,social media +en9406,"People of Matsukambiya Village, Traditional Authority Ngabu in Chikwawa District say they are failing to send their children to school due to lack of money to access transfer letters from the learners’ previous school","Anthu a m’mudzi wa matsukambiya,mfumu yayikulu Ngabu mu boma la chikwawa akuti akukanika kutumuza ana ku sukulu chifukwa cha kusowa ndalama kupeza makalata wosuthilra ophunzira kuchoka ku sukulu yawo yakale",general,social media +en9407,The people were relocated in January 2022 following the destruction of their village during Tropical Storm Ana-induced floods,Anthu anasuthidwa mu mwezi wa January chaka cha 2022 kutsatira kuwonongeka kwa mudzi wawo nthawi ya mvula yaphepo imene inapangitsa mafunde,general,social media +en9408,"In random interviews on Monday, the concerned parents said their children cannot continue going to their previous school due to long distance","Mukucheza kosasakha pa mande, makolo odandaulawo akuti ana awo sangapitilze kupita kusukulu yawo yakale chifukwa cha kutalika kwa mtunda",general,social media +en9409,One of the parents said her four children are not attending school because she has no money for processing their transfer letters,M’modzi mwa makolo akuti ana awo anayi sakupita ku sukulu chifukwa alibe ndalama kuti akapangitse kalata yowasuthira,general,social media +en9410,She said: “I am supposed to pay K1 000 for each child to have their transfers processed from Chimbiya Primary School to Jombo Primary School which is near our new village,Akuti:”ndikuyenera kupeleka 1000 kwacha ya mwana wina aliyense kuti makalata awo owasuthira kuchoka ku sukulu ya pulayimale ku chimbiya kupita ku sukulu yapulamaye ya jombo imene ili pafupi mudzi wathu,general,social media +en9411,"“Currently, most of us are yet to adapt to the new environment, so right now the priority is food.”","“Pakali pano, ambiri mwa ife sitinazolowere ku malo okhala atsopanoku, ndiye chofunikira kwambiri pakali pano ndi chakudya”",general,social media +en9412,A tour around the village during school day established that at least 500 children were just loitering as some of their parents were away doing piecework (ganyu) for food,Kuyendera mudziwu nthawi yasukulu zinapezeka kuti ana okwana mazana asanu amangoyendayenda pamene amkolo awo nali kogwira ganyu kuti apeze chakudya,general,social media +en9413,"Following the destruction of homes by floods in January 2022, Chikwawa District Council advised villages in flood-prone areas to relocate to safer places","Kutsatira kuwonongeka kwa nyumba chifukwa cha madzi osefukira mu mwezi wa January chaka cha 2022, boma la chikwawa linalangiza m’midzi imene ili m’malo osefukirawa kuti achoke akakhale malo ena abwino",general,social media +en9414,It is puzzling how Africa continues to develop educational policies without implementing them,Ndizodabwitsa m’mene maiko a ku africa amapangira malamulo oyendetsera maphunziro koma osawagwiritsa ntchito,general,social media +en9415,"There are several policies that, when implemented on the ground, would improve our educational quality, hence reducing unemployment","Pali malamulo ambiri, akuti akayamba kugwiritsidwa ntchito, akhoza kusitha ubwino wa maphunziro athu, choncho kuchepetsa kusowa ntchito",general,social media +en9416,The issue is that policies are developed by people who do not teach in classrooms and have little experience with how things work on the ground,Vuto ndi lakuti malamulo amapangidwa ndi anthu amene saphunzitsa mu kalasi ndipo amakhala ndi ukadaulo ochepa ndi m’mene zinthu zikuyendera,general,social media +en9417,"There will be a positive shift if only educators are involved. Our continent’s education system is deplorable. Students are praised for excelling in examinations, but not encouraged to develop their employability skills",Pazakhala kusitha kabwino pokhapokha ngati wophunzitsa atatenga nawo gawo. Njira za maphunziro mu kontinenti yathu ndi womvetsa chisoni. Wophunzira ambiri amatamandidwa pokhoza mayeso koma salimbikitsidwa kuti akhale ndi maluso kuti alembedwe ntchito,general,social media +en9418,"What does that reflect about us? In school, the curriculum focuses primarily on extrinsic motivation. This means learners perform because they merely want to impress, be rewarded or satisfy someone other than themselves","Zimenezi zimanena chani za ife? Ku sukulu, ndonfdomeko ya maphunziro athu zimayan’gana zolimbikitsa zapamwamba chabe. Izi zimatathauza kuti wophunzira amachita bwino chifukwa akufununa kuwongowenetsa, ndikupatsidwa mphoto kapena kusangalatsa wina osati iwo",general,social media +en9419,"Eventually, these students may not foster creativity or high levels of innovation. Educators need to focus on cultivating intrinsic motivation, an inner drive that the learner wants to explore all the possibilities by himself or herself; to be adventurous and successful","Kenako, wophunzira amenewa sangakhale ndi chidwi cha maluso. Ophunzitsa akuyenera kuyan’ganira kukhazikitsa zolimbikitsa zamkatikati, chikhumbokhumbo chimene chimapangitsa ophunzira kusaka kuthekera pawokha; kukhala wofunafuna ndi kukhala opambana",general,social media +en9420,"The learners have the potential to become entrepreneurs and job creators, but it is buried by existing educational policies","Wophunzira ali ndi kuthekela kukhala amalonda komanso olemba ntchito ena, koma izi zinakwiliridwa ndi malamulo oyendetsera maphunziro",general,social media +en9421,"Just like that, our education system makes our learners think like lifetime employees. We tend to focus on paper qualifications, not skills likely to contribute to the economy","Mwachoncho basi, njira za maphunziro athu zimapangitsa wophunzira kuganiza ngati kuti azalembedwa ntchito moyo wawo onse. Timakonda kuyan’gana kwambiri kuyenelezedwa kwa pepala osati maluso amene akhoza kuwonjezera pa chuma",general,social media +en9422,"Here, the educational system is structured in a way that makes Africa’s youthful majority not to think outside the box","Apa, njira za maphunziro zinapangidwa mu njira ina yake zimene zimapangitsa achinyamata aku africa kuti asamaganize za kunja kwa bokosi",general,social media +en9423,"We study courses not in line with our interests. We do not learn any special skills in school. There are no classes on emotional intelligence, stress management, investment and retirement plans, internships, entrepreneurship or self-discovery","Timaphunzira zinthu zimene zikikugwirizana ndi zimene timafuna. Sitimaphunzira maluso ena achilendo ku sukulu. Kulibe makalasi monga nzeru za nzamaganizo, kuzisamalira ukaphinjika, kuika chuma komanso ndondomeko pamene wasiya ntchito, kuphunzira kugwira ntchito, zamalonda kapena kudzidziwa wekha",general,social media +en9424,There are no educational counsellors to guide our decisions and little knowledge of work-life balance or networking,Palibe aphungu amaphunziro othandizira ziganizo zanthu komanso nzeru zochepa zokhudza kugawana nthawi pakati pa ntchito ndi moyo wathu kapena kulumikizana ndi ena,general,social media +en9425,"And this is where the unemployment growth among the youth begins. The scarcity of job opportunities for potential youthful minds completing school could either be a result of limited job vacancies, the presence of artificial intelligence playing that role, the years of working experience required, age and gender criteria","Ndipo apa ndipomwe kuchuluka kwa kusalembedwa ntchito kwa achinyamata kumayambira. Kusowa kwa mwayi wa ntchito kwa achinyamata amene ali ndi kuthekela kukhoza kukhala chifukwa cha kusowa kwa ntchito, kupezeka kwa nzeru zochita kupanga kwakhala kukuchita ntchito imeneyi, zaka zoyenera kukhala kuti umagwira ntchito, zaka komanso kuti ndiwe wam’muna kapena wamkazi",general,social media +en9426,This also happens when ratio of youth that are ready for the market exceeds the job opportunities in the market and salaries offered,Izi zimachitikanso pamene mlingo wa achinyamata amene ali okonzeka kukhala pa msika ukudutsa mwayi watchito komanso malipiro amene akupelekedwa,general,social media +en9427,"These factors leave many African youthful minds unemployed, leading to increased social vices and corruption","Zinthu zimenezi zimasiya achinyamata ambiri ku africa kukhala opanda ntchito, kupangitsa kuchuluka kwa makhalidwe oipa komanso katangale",general,social media +en9428,"There is really a need to move from regurgitation to application system. With this poor system, the yardsticks are way too low since there is little focus on life skills and classroom discipline","Pakufinikira kuchoka ku njira yoembera imene ili yobwelezabweleza. Ndi njira yoipa imeneyi,mlingo uli m’musi kwambiri chifukwa pali kuyan’ganira kochepa pa maluso am’moyo komanso khalidwe la mukalasi",general,social media +en9429,"This in return promotes obsession with academic qualifications, not skills. Therefore, students learn to obtain theoretical qualifications, leaving many graduating into unemployable citizens","Izi motsatira mwake zimapititsa patsogolo kukhala ofuna kuyenelezedwa pa maphunziro osati maluso. Choncho, wophunizira amaphunzira kuti akhale ndi kunelezedwa kwa pa pepala, kuwasiya iwo kumaliza sukulu kukhala mzika zoselembeka ntchito",general,social media +en9430,"Given the evidence of a high unemployment rate among the youth in Africa, it is safe to conclude that there is a negative relationship between the continent’s education system and unemployment rates","Ndi umboni wa mlingo waukulu wa achinyamata osalembedwa ntchito ku africa , ndizoyenela kunena kuti pali kusagwirizana pakati pa njira zamaphunziro zaku africa ndi mlingo wakusalembedwa ntchito",general,social media +en9431,"The education system and policies are failing to create the right relationships, affecting millions of young Africans","Njira za maphunziro ndi malamulo akukanika kupanga maubwenzi, akukhudza zikwizikwi za achinyamata aku africa",general,social media +en9432,"To a considerable measure, the educational system does not fit our environment. It has a significant gap that must be addressed as quickly as possible before matters worsen","Kuti ukhale muyezo woyenera, dongosolo la maphunziro sizimagwirizana ndi dera lathu. Zili ndi kusiyana kwakukulu kumene kukuyenera kuthana nako nthawi yabwino zinthu zisanafike povuta",general,social media +en9433,"We may adapt it to our environment by including foundation skills, or fundamental reading and numeracy abilities taught in elementary school, allowing people to get jobs that pay enough to meet their basic needs","Tikhoza kusitha kuti zigwirizane dera lathu pokhatikiza maluso asanamalira kapena kuwelenga kofunikira ndi kuthekela kowelengetsa masamu mu masukulu yapulaimale, kuwalora anthu kupeza ntchito za malipiro ochuluka kuti akwanilitse zofunikira pa moyo",general,social media +en9434,"These abilities are essential for more training and skill development, without which the prospects of finding a meaningful work or engaging in entrepreneurial activities are slim","Kuthekera kumeneku ndi zofunikira pa maphunziro owonjezera ndi kukuza maluso, kulephera kutero, mwayi wopeza ntchito yabwino kapena kupanga ntchito za zamalonda ndi wochepa",general,social media +en9435,"Analysis, communication, problem-solving, creativity, and leadership are all transferable skills once can use or apply to various circumstances","Kusathula, kulumikizana, kupeza mayankho, maluso ndi utsogoleri ndi maluso ena omwe akhoza kugwilitsa ntchito pa zinthu zosiyanasiyana",general,social media +en9436,"Apprenticeships and work-placement programmes also aid in the acquisition of technical and vocational skills in areas such as agriculture, computers, and construction","Kuphunzira ntchito komanso mapulogalamu wokuika pa ntchito zinathandizanso kupeza maluso a ntchiot mu ma gawo monga zaulimi, makopyuta ndi zomangamanga",general,social media +en9437,"Quality education entails having qualified teachers, sound curricula and, most importantly, a good learning environment","Maphunziro abwino amanena za kukhala ndi aphunzitsi odziwa ntchito yawo, ndondomeko yamaphunziro yabwino, komanso kofunikra kwambiri, malo ophunzilira abwino",general,social media +en9438,"As the head teacher narrated, the tiled roofs, which are also broken, have been falling on learners, threatening their lives, a development that has increased the number of learners dropping out of school","Ngati mphunzitsi wamkulu ananena, malata owumba, amene ali ophwanyika, akhala akumagwera ophunizira, kuwopseza moyo wawo, zochitika zimene zapangitsa kuti gulu la ophunzira lisiye sukulu",general,social media +en9439,"“The tiles are, as you can see, broken and since they are heavy, they fall on learners when there is a crack. Just months ago, they injured one of the learners, who was hospitalized for days on end after tiles broke his arm","Malata woumbawa, m’men mukuwonela ndi wophwanyika komanso chifukwa ndiwolemela, amagwera ophunzira pamene an’galuka. Miyezo ingapo yapitayo, anapweteka wophunzira wina, amene anagonekedwa ku chipatala kwa masiku chifukwa malata wowumbawa athyola mkono wake",general,social media +en9440,"The head teacher further said the broken tiles are disturbing classes as whenever there are heavy winds, learners are sent home to avoid a disaster","Mphunzitsi wamkulu anapitiliza kunena kuti malata owumbawa akumasokoneza makalasi kukhala phepo yayikulu, ophunzira amatumizidwa kunyumba kupewa ngozi",general,social media +en9441,"We cannot let children learn in those classes when there are heavy winds; that would be dangerous because the tiles are blown off by the winds and, in some cases, fall into the classroom","Sitingalore ana kuti aphunzire ku makalasi amenewo kukakhala phepo ya mphamvu; izi zikhoza kukhala zowopsa chifukwa malata wowumba amene awuluzika ndi phepo, nthawi zina, amagwera mu kalasi",general,social media +en9442,"So, to avoid accidents, we send the learners home, a thing that disturbs learning,” he said","Ndiye, kuti tipewe ngozi, timawatumiza ophunzira kunyumba, zinthu zimene zimasokoneza kuphunizra.” anatero",general,social media +en9443,A visit to the school also established that school authorities and parents have erected a grass structure which is being used as a classroom for standard 1 to 3 learners,Koyendela sukuluyi kunapezekaso kuti andindo apa sukulu ndi makolo aimika chisakakasa cha udzu chimene akugwilitsa ntchito ngati makalasi a ophunzira a sitandade 1 mpaka 3,general,social media +en9444,"According to the parents teacher association (PTA), the structure was erected to keep junior learners safe","Malingana ndi gulu la aphunzitsi ndi makolo, chisakasachi chinaikidwa kuti wophunzira ama kalasi an’gonoan’gono atetezedwe",general,social media +en9445,"They are little kids and having them in the tiled roofed classes may be putting their lives in serious danger because they can’t protect themselves in times of danger,” said a member of the PTA","Pali ana achichepele ndipo kuwaika mu kalasi ya malata woumba ndikuipa moyo wawo pa chiopsezo chifukwa zangaziteteze okha pamene pa nthawi ya zowopsa,” anatero membala wa PTA",general,social media +en9446,"According to the head teacher, the other reason they erected the grass structure was to beat the problem of shortage of learning space","Malingana ndi mphunzitsi wamkulu, anat chifukwa china chimene anamangira chisakasachi kunali kuthana ndi vuto lakuchepa kwa malo ophunzilira",general,social media +en9447,"“This, in the end, affects us as we fail to do well in examinations. First of all, we need to be safe for us to learn but learning in this type of environment affects us mentally","Izi, pamapeto pake, zimasokoneza ife chifukwa timakaniza kuchita bwino pamayeso. Choyamba, timafuna tizikhala otetezeka kuti tiphunzire koma kuphunzira malo ngati amenewa zimatisokoneza ife m’maganizo",general,social media +en9448,"He appealed to the authorities to help renovate the school, which is now chasing away many learners as they continue to drop out","Anapepha kwa aundindo kuti athandize kukonzanso sukuluyi, imene tsopano ikuchotsa ana ambiri chifukwa akupitiliza kusiya sukulu",general,social media +en9449,Government should help us. We really want to learn but this environment is not safe. A month cannot go without a roof tile accident,Boma litithandize. Tmafunitsitsa kuphunzira koma malo ake siachitetezo. Mwezi sungathe kusanachitike ngozi ya malata owumba,general,social media +en9450,"This is sad; we want to have this roof taken off and replaced with a steel roof. This roof is dangerous. One or two learners do not return to school after classes resume from a suspension,” he said","Izi ndi zomvetsa chisoni; tikifuna kuti denga limeneli lichoke ndikuika denga la malata. Ndenga ili ndi lowopsa. Wophunzira m’modzi kapena awiri samabwelera kusukulu akakhala kuti makalasi ayambaso,” anatero",general,social media +en9451,"The learners are no longer doing well since they miss most classes. I’m talking about the rainy season, when learners are sent home each time there is rainfall","Wophunzira sakupangaso bwino chifukwa samaphunzira nawo. Ndiyakhula za nthawi ya mvula, pamene ophunzira amatumizidwa kunyumba nthawi zonse kuli mvula",general,social media +en9452,"Sometimes when there is a dark cloud, teachers are afraid and just send the learners home. So, they are missing out on lessons,” Chawina said. Our visit to the school also established that the school structure had cracks","Nthawi zina kukhala mitambo yakuda, aphunzitsi amawopa ndipo amangowatumiza ophunzira kunyumba. Ndiye, amakhala kuti sakuphunzira nawao,” anatero chawina. Kuyendera kwathu ku sukuluyi tinapeza kuti mophunzira muli ndi min’galu",general,social media +en9453,Learners at the school also fear that school blocks may one day collapse due to serious cracks on the walls,Wophunzira pa sukuluyi amaopa kuti mophunzilira tsiku lina zizagwa chifukwa cha min’galu ikuluikulu m’makoma,general,social media +en9454,“It is pathetic to see the school in this condition in the 21 century. This school is in a dilapidated condition and can’t achieve quality learning outcomes,Ndizomvetsa chisoni kuwona sukulu ili chonchi mu zana la makumi awiri ndi limodzi. Sukuluyi sili bwino ndipo sitingakwanitse zotsatira zamaphunziro abwino,general,social media +en9455,"Learners here are being denied a quality learning environment. Something has to be done,” Msiska said","Wophunzira kuno sakukhala ndi malo ophunzira abwino. Chinthu china chake chikuyenela kuchitika,” anatero msiska",general,social media +en9456,"Once she is done with the reading, a question-and-answer session ensues between the teacher and learners as Phiri fires the questions and enthusiastic hands go up every time to provide the answers","Akakhala wamaliza kuwelenga, gawo la mafunso ndi myankho limayamba pakati pa aphunizitsi ndi wophunzira pamene phiri amapeleka mafunso ndipo mwachangu manja amakwezedwa kufuna kupeleka mayankho",general,social media +en9457,"Phiri instructs her class to applaud each response depending on how good it is; a passable answer gets one clap, a good one gets two, a better response receives metaphorical flowers, then there is the royal handclap (m’manja mwa amfumu), and, the pinnacle, clapping without malice (mopanda kaduka)","Phiri amauza kalasi yake kuti aziwombera m’manja yankho lililonse malingana ndi m’mene lilili; yankho lophoza limalandira kuwomba m’manja kamodzi, labwino limalandira awiri, labwino kwambiri limalandira lofanana ndi maluwa, ndiye pali m’manja mwa amfumum ndi pachimake, kuwombela manja mosalekeza",general,social media +en9458,Kennedy is one learner who receives the applause without malice and the glow on his face as he basks in the adulation of his peers is unmissable,Kennedy ndi wophunzira m’modzi amene amawombeledwa m’manja mosalekeza ndichasangalalo chimene chinali pamaso pake pamene anzake amamuwombera m’manja chimaoneka,general,social media +en9459,"I started this after enrolling in the mentorship programme because I was seeking ways to motivate my learners to participate in class,” Phiri explains","Ndinyamba izi tilowa mu pologalamu ya uphungu chifukwa ndi mafuna kupeza njira zolimbikitsira ophunzira anga kuti azitenga nawo gawo mu kalasi,” analongosola choncho phiri",general,social media +en9460,"To improve the efficiency of the education system and address these challenges, a mentorship programme is being implemented at a pilot level to motivate and retain teachers","Kuti dongosolo la maphunziro lichite bwino ndikuthana ndi mavutowa, pologalamu ya aphungu ikuyambitsidwa moyeselera kuti ilimbikitse ndi kutengaso aphunzitsi",general,social media +en9461,"Teachers are trained, given all the capacity and are deployed. They get into a school where they encounter ‘old’ teachers who have been doing things their way","Aphunzitsi amaphunzitsidwa, kupatsidwa kuthekela konse ndikutumizidwa. Amafika ku sukulu kukapeza aphunzitsi akalekale amene akhala kupanga zinthu mu njira yawo",general,social media +en9462,"At the end of the day, because this teacher is isolated, everything they learned in college disappears. And before you know it, they have picked all the bad habits of the other teachers,” Mwale says","Pamapeto pake, chifukwa aphunzitsi amakhala pawokha, chilichonse chimene anaphunzira ku sukulu yaukachenjede zimaiwalika. Ndipo posapita nthawi ayamba kutengela makhalidwe woipa aphunzitsi ena,” mwale akutero",general,social media +en9463,"One of the mentors is Margaret Nkhoma, who notes that the mentorship framework is about sharing ideas where mentors counsel others to maintain discipline in schools and improve the quality of education","M’modzi mwa aphunguwa ndi margaret NKhoma, amene akuwona kuti ndondomeko ya uphungu ndikugawana nzeru kumene aphungu amalangiza ena kukhala akhalidwe pa sukulu ndikusitha ubwino wamaphunziro",general,social media +en9464,"Despite a myriad of challenges confronting the school, such as high enrolment, shortage of teaching and learning materials and absenteeism and late coming of teachers and learners, the active participation of teachers (five are mentors and 25 are mentees) in the mentorship programme offers cause for optimism that they can turn the corner","Ngakhale pali zovuta zosiyanasiyana zokhudza sukuluyi, monga kuchuluka ophunzira, kuchepa kwa zipangizo zophunzitsira ndi zophuzilira ndi kusapita ku sukulu komanso kubwera mochedwa ka aphunzitsi ndi wophunzira, kutenga nawo gawo kwa aphunzitsi, asanu ndi aphungu, makuni awiri ndi asanu ndi wolandira uphungu mu pologalamu ya uphunguyi sikupeleka chiyembekezo kuti zinthu zikhoza kusitha",general,social media +en9465,She says one significant change brought about by the mentorship programme has been improved punctuality among teachers and learners,Akunena kuti kusitha kwakukulu kumene kwabwera chifukwa cha pologalamu ya uphunguyi kwasitha masungidwe a nthawi pakati pa aphunzitsi ndi wophunzira,general,social media +en9466,"“Teachers have changed. Before a teacher signs in the time book, they must show their lesson plans. They are sent back to do so if they have not prepared one before signing in","Aphunzitsi asitha. Aphunzitsi asanalembe mu buku la nthawi, akuyenela ndondomeko ya maphunzitsidwe awo. Ndipo amabwezedwa ngati sanalembe asanalembe mubukuli",general,social media +en9467,"If they don’t sign in, they are absent from work. And no one wants to be absent from work, so they prepare the lesson plans in advance,” Nkhoma says","Ngati salemba kuti abwera, amakhala kuti sanabwele ku ntchito. Ndipo palibe amene amfuna kuti asabwere ku ntchito, ndiye amalembelatu ndondomeko ya maphunzitsidwe nthawi yabwino,” nkhoma akutero",general,social media +en9468,"Learners, too, she says, have benefitted from the mentorship programme: “The learners are behaving better since we started mentoring them together with the teachers. We discuss it with them whenever they are not doing well in class","Wophunzira nawonso, akuti apindula ndi pologalamu ya uphunguyi. Wophunzirawa ayamba kukhala ndi khalaidwe labwino chiyambileni kupeleka uphungu kwa iwo kuphatikiza aphunzitsi. Timakambilana ndi iwo nthawi zonse pamene sakuchita bwino mu kalasi",general,social media +en9469,"For instance, teachers would go to class without lesson plans or schemes of work. But once we note such teachers, we call them aside to understand their problems. In the course of doing that, teachers change","Mwachitsanzo, aphunizitsi amapita ku kalasi opanda madongosolo a maphunziro kapena sikimu ya ntchito. Koma tikanowapeza aphunzitsi amenewa, timawaitanira pambali ndikumva mavuto awo. Pakuchita izi, aphunzitsi amasitha",general,social media +en9470,"On the part of learners, when they misbehave, we sit them down and tell them about the benefits of education, and we see them change","Ku mbali ya wophunzira, akakhala kuti akupanga khalidwe loipa, timakhala nawo pansi ndikuwauza za ubwino wa maphunziro ndipo timawona kusitha",general,social media +en9471,"There is no limit to the support we provide in the mentorship. Mentorship is all about approaches. Sometimes we use peer-to-peer mentoring if it works better,” Nyirenda says","Palibe malile pa chithandizo chimene timapeleka pa uphunguwu. Uphunguwu umatengela m’mene wachitikila. Nthawi zina timagwiritsa ntchito njira yopeleka uphungu pa iwo okha ngati ikugwira bwinobwino,” nyirenda akutero",general,social media +en9472,She concedes that one of the challenges she faced at the school was a general expression of indiscipline among staff and students,Akuvomeleza kuti vuto limodzi akukumana nalo pa sukulupa ndi kuwonetsa kupanda khalidwe la ogwira ntchito ndi wophunzira,general,social media +en9473,But one of the changes she has overseen with the mentorship programmes has been active community participation and an improved teacher and learner attitude towards education,Koma kusitha kumodzi kumene tawona ndi pologalamu ya uphunguyi kwakhala kutenga nawo gawo kwa anthu am’mudzi ndi kusitha khalidwe kwa aphunzitsi ndi wophunzira pa nkhani ya maphunziro,general,social media +en9474,"There is room for improvement, such as intensified mentorship programme through the online platform,” she says","Pali mwayi okonza, monga kulimbikitsa plogalamu ya uphunguyi kudzera mu makina intaneti,”akutero",general,social media +en9475,"We are hoping to start seeing some results or change of attitudes. But it will take a while for us to see revolutionary results, where teachers are motivated and interested in staying in the profession and pursuing their career growth","Tikuyembekezera kuyamba kuwona zotsatira kapena kusitha makhalidwe. Koma zitenga nthawi kuti tiwone zotsatira zazikulu, pamene aphunzitsi ndiwolimbikitsa ndi ofuna kukhala akadaulo komanso kutsatira kukula kwawo pa ntchito",general,social media +en9476,You do not become a super star overnight. You do not become an iconic corporate leader overnight. You do not become a celebrated and most-sought-after entrepreneur overnight,Sumkhala katswiri usiku umodzi. Sumkhala mtsogoleri wozindikilika wa malonda usiku umodzi. Sumakhala munthu wamalonda akondeleledwa ndi anthu amene akufuna usiku umodzi,general,social media +en9477,"It takes patience, humility, passion, drive and determination to start small, from humble beginnings","Timafuna kudekha, kuzichepetsa, chilakolako, ndikutsimikiza mtima kuyamba pan’gono, chiyambi chozichepetsa",general,social media +en9478,"When you have a dream, you become crazy. You make decisions that others may say: “Look at him or her; this is being crazy.” Never be taken back by such ideologies. Such people do not see what you are seeing","Ukakhala ndi maloto, umachita misala. Umapanga chiganizo zimene ena amati;”tamuoneni, kukhala wamisala. Osabwenedwa m’mbuyo ndi maganizo amenewa. Anthu amenewa samaona zimene iwe ukuwona",general,social media +en9479,"They are far from the vision that you have. Small as your beginning appears to be, keep on pushing forward","Ali kutali ndi masophenya amene uli nawo. Ngakhale chiyambi chitakhala chachin’gono,pitilizani kupita chitsogolo",general,social media +en9480,"Imagine, just imagine, the school registered six students and had seven teachers. Kadyamaliro believed that with time his dream would grow big. Less than a year later, students’ numbers at the school grew to 110","Taganizani, tangoganizani, sukulu inalembetsa wophunzira asanu ndi modzi ndi wophunzitsa asanu ndi awiri. Kudyamaliro akukhulupilira kuti ndi nthawi, maloto amenewa azakula. Pasanathe chaka chimodzi, chiwelengero cha wophunzira pasukulupa chinafika pa zana limodzi ndi khumi",general,social media +en9481,Accept to start small. Never give up. You may have two or three customers today. That is how big dreams start,Vomelezani kuyamba pan’gono. Osasiyira panjira. Ukhoza kukhala ndi wokugula awiri kapena atatu pa tsiku. Umu ndi m’mene maloto akulu amayambira,general,social media +en9482,"The tale remains the same. Day one: no customer. They only had a desk and chairs. They even doubted if things would work. Some months later, businesses pick up","Nkhani yake imakhala yomweyo. Tsiku loyamba: wopanda wokugula. Anali ndi tebulo ndi mpando wokha. Ankakaikira ngati zinthu zikhoza kuzayenda, miyezi ingapo itapita malonda anayamba kuyenda",general,social media +en9483,Take yourself away from the draining habit of comparing yourself with the fully established. Accept you are new on the market,Muzichotse mu khalidwe lochotsa mphamvu lomazifananiza ndi amkhalakale. Vomelezani kuti ndinu atsopano pa msika,general,social media +en9484,Start building your market share little by little. Find that distinctive aspect that will see you establishing yourself on the market. That becomes the business magic,Yambani kutenga gawo lanu msika pan’gono pan’gono. Pezani chithu chokusiyanitsani kuti mukhazikike pa msika. Chimenecho chimakhala mwayi wanu wa malonda,general,social media +en9485,"Some of the biggest businesses you see today started from garages. Some established produce sellers with great warehouses and transport infrastructure emerged from rural areas, transporting bags of produce on bicycles, one by one","Ma bizinesi ena akuluakulu amene mukuwaona lero anayambira musungira galimoto. Ena ogulitsa zokolora wokhazizikika ndi nyumba zosungilamo zinthu ndi mayendedwe anachokera ku madera akumudzi, amanyamula matumba a zokolora pa njira limodzilimodzi",general,social media +en9486,With determination and zeal they grew. You can hardly believe that they have such humble beginnings,Ndikulimba mtima ndi changu anakula. Simungakhulupilire kuti anayamira mozichepetsa chonchi,general,social media +en9487,Learn from the world of sports. Some of the cherished and established sporting icons started playing football or running barefoot,Phunzirani kukochekela kuzamasewera. Mwa anthu azamasewera onyadilidwa komanso okhanzikika anayamba kusewera kapena kuthamanga opanda nsapato,general,social media +en9488,"Now they are super stars. They would walk miles to the football ground or running track. All they had was hope that one day, they would make it and they did",Pano ndi akatswiri wotchuka. Amayenda mtunda wautali pa bwalo la mpira kapena njira yothamangira. Chimene anali nacho nfdi chikhulupiliro kuti tsiku lina azakwanilitsa ndipo anakwanitsadi,general,social media +en9489,"Now all we see is how rich they are, the vehicles they drive, the lifestyles they live. That opulence eventually obscures the humble beginnings they had","Tsopano timaona m’mene alili wolemera, magalimoto amene amayendetsa, moyo umene amakhala. Kulemelera kenako kumabisa chiyambi chochepa chimene anali nacho",general,social media +en9490,"When you are successful, when you have made it in life, your humble beginnings become an inspirational story. Let your humble beginnings today mark the writing of your inspiring story","Ukhala kuti ndiwe ochita bwino, pamene wakwanilitsa za m’moyo, chiyambi chako chozichepetsa imakhala nkhani yachilimbikitso. Lolelani kuti chiyambi chanu lero mukhale kuti mukulemba nkhani yanu yachilimbikitso",general,social media +en9491,Do not give up on what you are doing. The beginning may look uninspiring. You might even think that you will not make it. That is not true. You will make it,Osasiyira panjira zimene mukuchita. Chiyambi chake sichingakhale cholimbikitsa. Mukhoza kumaganiza kuti simukwanilitsa. Koma izi sizowona. muzakwanilitsa,general,social media +en9492,Sometimes we are victims of impatience. We want to start an initiative today and expect to become superstars overnight. It does not work that way,Nthawi zina timakhala odzidwa ndi kusadikila. Timafuna kuyamba zinthu lero ndikuyembekezera kukhala wotchuka usiku umodzi. Zisimaynda choncho,general,social media +en9493,"As you are working on your initiative, it is like you are polishing the diamond. Further beyond, you are going through a learning process. With time you master the trade you are in and eventually become a trade name","Pamene mukupanga zinthu zanu kuli ngati kunyezimilitsa diamondi. Kupita kutsogolo, mumayamba kuphunzira. Ndi nthawi mumakhala katswiri pa zochita zanu ndipo kenako mumakhala dzina lodziwika pa malonda anu",general,social media +en9494,Many great ideas have died the soonest they were tested all just because the initiative makers gave up easily,Maganizo ambiri amafa mwachangu akangopimidwa chifukwa eni ake amalekera mmalere mwachangu,general,social media +en9495,"Later, some people embarked on the same ideas and became successful. This is where resilience counts","Kenako, anthu ena anayamba kugwiritsa ntchito nzeru zomwe zija ndipo zinatheka. Apa ndi pamene kupilira kumafunika",general,social media +en9496,"To be a success story, you need a granite heart that does not break easily. You face disappointment after disappointment but you keep on moving. You trust the process","Kuti ikhale nkhani yopambana, mukuyenera kukhala ndi mtima wolimba ngati tsangalabwi umene sumasweka wamba. Mukakumana ndi zokhumudzwitsa motsogonaza umangopitilizabe kupita chitsogolo. Umakhulipilira momwe ukudutsamo",general,social media +en9497,"You surely know that one day, no matter how long it takes, your humble beginning shall be a cherished testimony","Umadziwa kuti tsiku lina, ngakhale zitatenga nthawi yochuluka motani, chiyambi changa chozichepetsa wuzakhala umboni wonyadilidwa",general,social media +en9498,You have probably heard of some men abandoning their wives as they migrate to South Africa for greener pastures,Mwina munamvapo za abambo ena amene anasiya akazi awo pamene amapita ku dziko la south africa kusaka moyo wabwino,general,social media +en9499,"The tales of runaway husbands are common in Mzimba and Mangochi, the main exporters of casual labour to the self-stylled Rainbow Nation","Nkhani za abambo othawa zimachitika kwambiri ku mzimba ndi mangochi, wotumiza ogwira ntchito zina zili zonse kupita ku dziko la utawaleza",general,social media +en9500,You may also have heard of single Malawian men in the southernmost African State who engage their friends and relatives back home to scout for suitors they have never met,Mukhoza kukhala munamvapo za amuna osakwatira aku dziko la south africa amene amalumikizana ndi anzawo ndi achibale ku mudzi kuti awapezele mkazi amene sanakumane nayepo,general,social media +en9501,"My husband left me with a two-month-old baby, promising me to join him there if he found a stable job, but he left me in the cold” she explains","Amuna anga anandisiya ndili ndi mwana wa miyezi iwiri, kundilonjeza kuti ndiwalondola akapeza ntchito yokhazikika, koma anangondisiya pa phepho,” akufotokoza",general,social media +en9502,It is now six years and the man has never returned to the woman holed up in the remote setting under Traditional Authority Khosolo,Tsopano patha zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi ndipo mwamunayu sanabwelele kwa mkazi wake amene akungokhala kumudzi kwambiri kwa mfumu yayikulu khosolo,general,social media +en9503,"He even stopped calling me and sending child support. When asked, he told me to return to my parents’ home. I just heard he married another woman in South Africa,” she recounts","Anasiyaso kuimba lamya komanso kutumiza chithandizo cha mwana. Nditamufunsa, anandiwuza ndibwelere kunyumba ya makolo anga. Ndangomva kuti anakwatira mkazi wina ku south africa,” akukumbukila",general,social media +en9504,The woman struggles to singlehandedly raise the child who is in Standard One at a public primary school in Khosolo,Mayiyu amavutika yekha kulera mwanayu amene ali mu kalasi ya sitandade 1 ku sukulu yaboma ya pulayimale kwa khosolo,general,social media +en9505,"My parents are now old and can’t take care of me and my child. They struggle to feed themselves,” she laments","Makolo anga pano ndiwokalamba ndipo sangakwanitse kundisamala ine ndi mwana wanga. Amavutika kuti azidyetse iwo,” akudandaula",general,social media +en9506,Nkhoma is just an example of several women in this plight fuelled by economic exodus,Nkhoma ndi chitsanzo cha amayi ambiri amene muli izi chifukwa cha kupita kosoka chuma kwina,general,social media +en9507,"Their southward trips personify an escape from the country’s massive youth unemployment. The International Labour Organisation of the UN reports that one in four Malawians aged 18 to 35 seek employment, but find none",Ulendo wawo olowela ku mwera umawonetsa kuthawa kusowa ntchito kwa achinyamata mudziko muno. Bungwe lowona za ntchito pa dziko lonse lapansi la UN akunena kuti m’modzi mwa amalawi anayi apakati pa zaka khumi ndi zisanu ndi zitatu mpaka makumi atatu ndi asanu amasaka ntchito koma saipeza,general,social media +en9508,"However, the march to South Africa has left women and girls suffering in silence at the hands of some migrants","Komabe, ulendo wopita ku south africa wasiya amayi ndi atsikana akuvutika mwakachetechete ndi osamukasamuka",general,social media +en9509,Inkosi ya Makosi M’Mbelwa says gender-based violence (GBV) fuelled by migration remains a “huge multi-faced problem” in his kingdom as some of the youth only return when they die,Inkosi ya makosi m’mbelwa ikuti nkhanza zochitika chifukwa wina ndi wamkazi kapena wam’muna zochitika chifukwa cha kusamuka ndi vuto lalikulu mu umfumu wake chifukwa achinyamata ena amangobwera atafa,general,social media +en9510,"“Our youthful citizens migrate to South Africa, but most of them come back as dead bodies,” he says, calling for fair treatment of women and children left behind","Mzika zathu zachinyamata zimapita ku south africam koma ambiri mwa iwo amabwela mitembo,” akutero, kuitanira kusamalidwa kabwino kwa ana ndi amayi wosiyidwawo",general,social media +en9511,"The Ngoni chief says the phenomenon requires diverse solutions, including job creation and access to business loans to nip the rising exodus in its bud","Mfumu ya ngoniyi akunena kuti zochitikazi zikufunikira mayankho osiyanasiyana, kuphatikiza kupanga mwayi wantchito komanso kupeza mwayi wangongole za malonda kuti tichepetse kuchuluka kwa maulendowa",general,social media +en9512,But the problem is that it takes a long time for youths to access the loans. “We need help from the government to soften conditions and ease access to the loans,Koma vuto ndi lakuti zimatenga nthawi kuti achinyamata apeze mwayi wa ngongole. Tikufunika chithandizo kuchokera ku boma kuti lichepetse zoyenela kuchitika komanso kupeza ngongole,general,social media +en9513,"“The abandoned women suffer psychologically as they have to deal with heartbreaks. They are also subjected to financial abuse as most of these men do not send any support,” she states","Amayi wosiyidwawa amavutika m’maganizo chifukwa amayenela kuthana ndi kuswedwa mtima. Iwowa amakhalaso okhudzidwa ku nkhanza ya za chuma chifukwa amuna ambiri samatumiza chithandizo china chili chonse,” akutero",general,social media +en9514,The women’s forum encourages the deserted women to join village savings and loan groups and livestock pass-on programmes to financially support themselves and their children in the absence of runaway husbands,Gulu la amayi limalimbikitsa amayi osiidwawa kuti alowe mu gulu la m’mudzi losunga ndi kubweleketsa ndalama komanso mapologalamu wopatsana ziweto kuti athandizike pa chuma ndi ana awo pamene palibe amuna awo amene anathawa,general,social media +en9515,"“For those experiencing psychological torture, we are reaching out to them with counselling services,” it says","Kwa amene akuzunzika m’maganizo tikuwafikira ndi uphungu,” akutero",general,social media +en9516,"Creating livelihood opportunities for women not only enables them to have an equal opportunity to participate at all levels of society, but also serves to protect women and girls from violence by eliminating economic vulnerability,” she says","Kupanga mwayi kuti amayi wopeza zosowa zawo ndi kukhala ndi moyo sumawapangitsa kuti akhale ndi mwayi otenga nawo gawo pachilichonse chochitika mu dera , koma imakhalaso njira yotetezera amayi ndi atsikana ku nkhanza pochotsa kukhala wokhudzidwa pa chuma,” akutero",general,social media +en9517,"The initiatives support targeted large-scale investments aimed at achieving significant impact in the lives of women and girls,” she says","Zochitikazi zimathandiza zamalonda zazikulu zimene cholinga chake ndikukwanilitsa kukhudza kofunika kwa miyoyo ya amayi ndi atsikana,” akutero",general,social media +en9518,"The main challenge affecting girls’ education is cultural beliefs that say girls are destined for marriage and not the classroom,” said Daka","Vuto lalikulu limene likusokoneza maphunziro atsikana ndi zikhulupiliro zimene zimati atsikana tsogolo lawo ndi banja osati mu kalasi,”akutero daka",general,social media +en9519,She said her sector is empowering communities through school governing bodies to put in place mechanisms to counter such beliefs,Akunena kuti gawo lawo likulimbikitsa madera kudzera mabungwe oyendetsa masukulu kuti aike njira zothanirana ndi zikhulupiliro zimenezi,general,social media +en9520,"We need to meet community members, traditional leaders and duty-bearers to discuss the issue,” he said","Tikufunika kukumana ndi anthu ku dera, mafumu ndi aundindo kukambilana za vutoli,” ananena choncho",general,social media +en9521,"Chivunga said sometimes girls face abuse as they search for basic needs, including school learning materials","Chivunga anati nthawi zina atsikana amakumana ndi nkhanza pamene akufufuza zofunikira za moyo wawo wa tsiku ndi tsiku, kuphatikiza zipangizo zophunzilira ku sukulu",general,social media +en9522,"“Therefore, the ministry has donated textbooks, markers, balls and other items to be distributed to needy students,” he said","Ndiye, unduna wamaphunziro wapeleka mabuku, zolembera, mipira ndi zipangizo zina kwa ophunzira wofunika thandizo,” anatero",general,social media +en9523,"“Girls engage in sexual relationships due to lack of guidance from their parents or lack of role models,” she said","Atsikana amapanga zibwenzi zogonana chifukwa cha kusowa utsogoleri kuchokera kwa makolo awo kapena kusowa zitsanzo,” anatero",general,social media +en9524,"During the open day, the ministry paraded female police and immigration officers as role models","Pa tsiku lachiwonetsero, unduna unayendetsa achitetezo komanso owona zolowa ndi kutuluka ngati zitsanzo",general,social media +en9525,"Over the years, pupils at Phanga Catholic Primary School in Nsanje have found it hard to learn during the rainy season","Muzakazi, wophunizra ku sukulu ya katolika ya pulayimale ya phanga ku nsanje kwakhala kovuta kuphunzira nthawi ya mvula",general,social media +en9526,"Tucked at about 200 metres from the Shire River at the Southern tip of Malawi, the school, in Mkango Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Tengani, has some of its classrooms flooded annually. This has been forcing authorities to close the school for the safety of learners","Kukhala pa mtunda ma mita mazana awiri kuchoka pa mtsinje wa shire ku m’mwera kwa dziko lamalawi, sukuluyi ili m’mudzi wa mkango, mfumu yayikulu tengani, makalasi ena amasefukila ndi madzi chaka chili chonse. Izi zimapangitsa adindo kuti atseke sukuluyi chifukwa chachitetezo cha wophunzira",general,social media +en9527,"When the rainy season comes, we know that we will stay home even if it is time to go to school. There are delays to open and unplanned closures of school due to floods,” says the Standard Eight learner","Nthawi ya mvula ikafika , timadziwa kuti tikhala kunyumba ngakhale ili nthawi yopita ku sukulu. Timachedwa kutsegulira sukulu komanso kutsekedwa kosakozekera chifukwa cha kusefukira kwa madzi,” akutero ophunzira wa sitadandade 8",general,social media +en9528,Teachers and learners always have to wait for days or weeks to start lessons even after floodwaters have receded,Aphunzitsi ndi wophunzira nthawi zonse amadikira masiku kapena masabata asanayambe maphunziro ngakhale nthawi yomwe madzi osefukira apita,general,social media +en9529,"The unfortunate development has become common with rampant environmental degradation that increased the school’s vulnerability to devastating disasters, according to the head teacher, Alfred Matiki","Zochitika zomvetsa chisonizi zakhala zikuchitika ndi kuwonongeka kwa chilengedwe kumene kwawonjezera kuika sukuluyi pachiwopsezo ngozi zowongonga, malinga ndi mphunziti wamkulu, alfred matiki",general,social media +en9530,He says the closures have been long as the school also provides refuge to households affected by floods in T/A Tengani,Akunena kuti kutseka kwakhala kwa nthawi yayitali pamene sukuluyi ikusunga mabanja amene anakhudzidwa ndi madzi osefukila kwa mfumu yayikulu tengani,general,social media +en9531,"Experiencing the disaster disturbed my life,” she recalls. “The two-week closure of school also affected my preparations such that I failed the mock exams when we resumed classes.”","Kukumana ndi ngozi zinasokoneza moyo wanga,” akukumbukira. Masabata awiri amene sukulu inatsekedwa kunasokoneza kukonsekera kwanga chifukwa cha ichi ndinalephera mayeso woyeselera pamene tinayambiranso kuphunzira",general,social media +en9532,"Society for Research in Child Development reports that children who have experienced a natural disaster may suffer long-term physical, psychological and educational deficits","Bungwe lofufuza za makulidwe a ana akupeleka uthenga wakuti ana amene anakumanapo ndi ngozi zakugwa mwadzidzi amavutika nthawi yayitali kuthupi, maganizo komanso kuchepekedwa pa maphunziro",general,social media +en9533,"It adds that they also experience depression symptoms such as feeling sad or losing interest in activities, and symptoms of anxiety such as fear and worries about safety","Akuwonjezera kuti akakhalanso ndizizindikilo za kuphinjika monga kukhala okhumudwa kapena kusasangalatsidwa ndi zochitika, zizindikilo za thumazi monga kuwopa komanso kudandaula za chitetezo chawo",general,social media +en9534,"Like other learners before us, we were to sit for the national examinations without completing the syllabus. This could put us at a disadvantage,” she laments","Ngati wophunzira ena m’mbuyomu, timayenera kulemba mayeso aboma osamaliza kuphunzira. Izi zikhoza kusatichitila ubwino,” akudandaula",general,social media +en9535,Child parliamentarians from Nkhoma and Chilenje education zones in Lilongwe have asked duty-bearers to improve access to quality education in the district,Aphungu anyumba yamalamulo achichepela ochoka ku nkhoma ndi chilenje ku lilongwe apempha adindo kuti asithe kupezeka kwa mapunziro abwino mu bomali,general,social media +en9536,They made the call on Wednesday during a children’s parliament session organized by World Vision Malawi in Lilongwe,Anayakhula izi la chitatu ku mkumano wa nyumba ya malamulo wa ana umene anapangitsa bungwe la world vision malawi ku lilongwe,general,social media +en9537,"Ethel Malizani, an opposition legislator, moved a motion to raise a concern on harmful cultural practices which fuel child marriages in rural areas","Ethel malizani, phungu wotsutsa, anapempha kuti ayakhule ndikubweletsa dandaulo la zikhalidwe zolakwika zimene zikupangitsa maukwati a ana ku madera akumudzi",general,social media +en9538,"She said: “Madam Speaker, we are afraid to say many learners are dropping out due to pregnancies and early marriages fuelled by harmful cultural practices. “Therefore, we demand that these cultural practices should be abolished.”","Ananena kuti:” madamu sipika, tikuwopa kuti wophunzira ambiri akusiyira sukulu panjira chifukwa cha mimba ndi mabanja amene akupititsidwa patsogolo ndi makhalidwe owopsa.” choncho, tikupepha kuti makhalidwe woipawa athetsedwe.”",general,social media +en9539,"John Victor, sitting on the government bench, asked the Minister of Education to increase funding for primary schools","John victor, okhala mbali ya boma, anapempha nduna yamaphunziro kuti awonjezele chuma kupita ku sukulu zapulayimale",general,social media +en9540,"“Rural schools lack basic facilities such as classrooms, toilets and potable water,” he said","Masukulu akumudzi amasowa zinthu zofunikira monga makalasi, zimbudzi ndi madzi akumwa,” anatero",general,social media +en9541,"On the other hand, Leader of Opposition Rafiki Fackson moved a motion on the security of learners with disabilities","Mbali inayo, mtsogoleri wotsutsa boma rafiki fackson anapempha kuyakhula ku chitetezo cha wophunzira ulumali",general,social media +en9542,She said the children’s Parliament is one of the initiatives they are using to build relevant life skills in children,Ananena kuti mkumano wa ana wa nyumba yamalamulo ndi njira imodzi imene akugwiritsa ntchito kuti akhale ndi maluso a umoyo mwa ana,general,social media +en9543,"“The programme teaches children about politics and electoral processes within their own context and enhances their curiosity to demand services from duty-bearers,” said Lombe","Pulogalamuyi imaphunzitsa ana za ndale ndi ndondomeko yamasankho mu dera gawo lawo ndikulimbitsa chidwi chawo kuti azipepha zinthu zofunika kwa adindo,” anatero lombe",general,social media +en9544,"The session was closed with an announcement from the Speaker Sleshtina Steven, who tackled rural electrification, saying it is what learners need to support their education","Mkumanowu unatsekedwa ndi zolengeza kuchoka kwa sipika sleshtina steven, amene anakhudza nkhani ya magetsi a m’madera, kunena kuti ndizimene ophunzira akufuna kuti athandize maphunziro",general,social media +en9545,"To the naked eye, the assumption can easily be made that children aged three to five are simply ‘playing’ and no-matter the experience, be it at home, kindergarten or school, a simple toy or activity will achieve the same opportunities and outcomes","Kungozionera pamwamba, malingaliro akhoza kupangidwa mosavuta kuti ana a zaka zitatu kufikira zisanu akungosewera ndi kudziwa zinthu, kaya ndi ku nyumba, sukulu yankombaphala kapena sukulu ya ana okulirapo, zoselewetsa ana kapena zochitika zikhoza kukwanitsa mwayi omwewu ndi zotsatira",general,social media +en9546,The term ‘playing’ can be dismissed without consideration for the fundamental learning opportunities happening within a young mind during this time,Mawu oti kusewela akhoza kunyadzitsidwa posaganizira nsanamira zopeleka mwayi wophunzilira kumene kumachitika m’maganizo a ana munthawi imeneyi,general,social media +en9547,"Given the right environment, climate and level of engagement, these early learning experiences can be crucial in positively starting a child’s interest and engagement in language, learning and investigating and provide the fundamental foundations from which all future learning and education will develop","Kukhala ndi malo abwino, kusitha kwa nyengo ndi kutenga nawo gawo, kukhala ndi mwayi wophunzira nthawi yabwino zikhoza kukhala zofunikira kubweletsa chidwi mwa ana komanso kutenga nawo gawo pa chilakhulo, kuphunzira ndi kufufuza ndi kupeleka nsanamira zimene kuphunzira nd maphunziro patsogolo akhoza kuyambirapo",general,social media +en9548,"The finely-tuned intricate workings of an early years setting in school, therefore, come as quite a shock to those not immersed in its rationale and pedagogy; even more so to a parent who is walking for the first time into this web of decision making about which setting will be best for their own child","Zochitika zovuta koma zochitika bwino mu zaka zoyambilira ku sukulu, choncho, zimabwera ngati zodzidzimutsa kwa iwo amene sakudziwa bwino mmene zimakhalira ndi maphunziro; komanso kwa makolo amene akuyamba kumene muziganizo zimenezi kuti malo ati amene ali abwino kwa mwana wawo",general,social media +en9549,"Increasing research, building on the child development theories by John Bowlby, BF Skinner and Jean Piaget and Albert Bandura, continues to show that children’s early learning experiences at this age directly link to their successes much later in life","Kuwonjezera kafukufuku, kuwonjezera pazimene malingaliro a makulidwe a ana a john bowlby, bf skinner, jean piaget ndi albert bandura, zikupitiliza kuwonetsa kuti kuphunzira kwa ana akanali achichepere pa zaka zimenezi zimagwirizana kwambiri ndi kukwaniritsa zinthu akakula",general,social media +en9550,"This research has meant that over time, significant emphasis has been placed on the importance of learning, progress and development of children between the ages of three and five and that parents are now more than ever paying careful attention to their child’s education at this stage","Kafukufuku akutathauza kuti pakapita nthawi, kutsindika kofunika kwambiri kwaikidwa pakufunika kwa kuphunzira, kupita chitsogolo ndi kukula kwa ana pakati pa zaka zitatu ndi zisanu ndi kuti makolo akukhala ndi chidwi kwambiri pamaphunziro a ana awo pa siteji imeneyi",general,social media +en9551,"For a parent, this can feel as if a tsunami is on the horizon. That each decision they may make, could in some way harm or deprive their child. That before they have embarked on their child’s educational journey, they may have messed it up","Kwamakolo izi zikhoza kuwoneka ngati tsunami akubwera moteromo. Kuti chiganizo chilichonse amapanga, chikhoza kuwononga kapena kumana mwana wawo. Kuti asanayambe sukulu mwana wawo, akhoza kukhala kuti asokoneza kale zinthu",general,social media +en9552,This feeling is completely understandable and can often be capitalized on by early years’ providers using it as a marketing tool. This is simply not the case. I do however agree that it can feel overwhelming,Izi ndizomvetsetseka ndipo nthawi zambiri opeleka chisamaliro amatengelapo mwayi kupanga malonda pa izi. Koma sizikhala choncho. Ndikuvomeleza koma kuti zikhoza kukhala zotopetsa,general,social media +en9553,"As parents, you are the experts about your child. You know them best and you are best-placed to take the information from the early years foundation stage settings around you and make informed decisions about your child’s first steps into education. You are in the driving seat and in control","Ngati makolo, ndinu akadaulo a mwana wanu. Mumawadziwa bwino ndipo muli poyenela kutenga uthenga wa zaka zawo ndikumene ali ndi kupanga chiganizo chabwino chokhudza ma sitepe pamaphunziro a mwana. Muli pa mpando woyendetsa ndikuwongolera",general,social media +en9554,The early years foundation stage sets the standards that all quality early years providers should meet to ensure children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe,Zaka zoyambilira za nsanamila zimaika mlingo umene opeleka chisamaliro akuyenera kutsatira kuti ana aphunzire komanso kukula bwino ndiponso kukhala anthanzi ndi otetezeka,general,social media +en9555,It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children are ‘school ready’ at the end of their time together and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for future progress through school and life,Zimalimbikitsa kuphunzitsa ndi kuphunzira kuti ana akhale okonzekera sukulu pamapeto pa nthawi yawo limodzi ndipo zimapatsa ana nzeru zosiyanasiyana ndi maluso amene apeleka nsanamira ya kupita chitsogolo ndi sukulu ndi moyo,general,social media +en9556,The early years foundation stage is based on four important principles that should shape practice in early years settings,Zaka zoyamba zasanamira zimatengera ndondomeko zinayi zimene zikuyenera kuchitika mu zaka zoyambilira,general,social media +en9557,"Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships","Mwana aliyense ndiwosiyana ndi nzake, amene akuphunzira komanso kukhala wopilira, akuthekela, wozikhulupilira komanso kudzidziwa. Ana amaphunzira kukhala amphamvu komanso odzidalira pawokha kudzera mu maubwenzi abwino",general,social media +en9558,"Children learn well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents or carers. That children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates","Ana amaphunzira bwino mu malo woyeneleza, kumene zokumana nazo zimatengela zimene akufuna ndipo pali pali mgwirizano waukulu pakati pa akadaulo ndi makolo kapena osamalira. Kuti ana akule ndi kuphunzira mu njira zosiyanasiyana komanso pa mlingo wosiyanasiyana",general,social media +en9559,"When considering what is best for your child, you should take these statements and your valuable knowledge about your child and begin thinking about what sort of setting will be best for them in the crucial coming months and years as they embark on their educational journey","Mukamaganizira chomwe chili chofunikira kwa mwana wanu, mukuyenera kutenga mawu amenewa ndi nzeru zanu zomwe mukudziwa za mwana wanu ndikuyamba kuganiza malo amene ali woyenera iwo mumiyezi yofunikira ndi zaka pamene akuyamba maphuziro awo",general,social media +en9560,"This is your decision and no one else’s! Take your time, ask questions, read and learn! There is no rush; focus on what feels right for you and your child","Ichi ndi chiganizo osati chawinaso! Tengani nthawi yokwanira, funsani mafunso, kuwelenga ndi kuphunzira. Palibe kuthamanga, ganizirani zomwe zili zolondola kwa inu ndi mwana wanu",general,social media +en9561,"“Since class attendance has improved, we have received reports that performance has also improved,” said Chulu","Kuti kulowa mu kalasi kwasitha, takandilaso malipoti kuti makhonzedwe nawonso asithanso,” anatero chulu",general,social media +en9562,"He urged schools that have not yet started the home-grown school meals programme to adopt the initiative. Learners come to school because they know they will not be hungry,” he said","Anaphepha masukulu amene sanayambe pologalamu yopeleka chakudya yawokha kuti nawonso ayambe. Wophunzira amabwera ku sukulu chifukwa akudziwa kuti sazakhala ndi njala,” anatero",general,social media +en9563,"However, the story is different in some remote areas where the right to education is constricted as people with albinism are denied this constitutional right due to threats they encounter on their way to and from school","Komabe, nkhaniyi ndiyosiyana kumadera ena akumudzi kwambiri kumene ufulu wawo wamaphunziro umachepa ngati anthu khungu la wualubino amakanizidwa ufulu wawo chifukwa zowopsa zimene amakumana nazo akamapita komanso kubwelera ku sukulu",general,social media +en9564,"Here is a story of three girls—two from Mangochi and one from Machinga districts in the Eastern region of Malawi, where cases of attacks on people with albinism have been rampant","Iyi ndi nkhani ya atsikana atatu- awiri aku mangochi ndipo m’modzi mu boma la machinga ku m’mawa kwa dziko lamalawi, kumene nkhani zogwira anthu akhungu la alubino kwakhala kukuchitika kwambiri",general,social media +en9565,"Some youngsters aspire to become medical doctors and nurses but their dreams are on the brink of destruction since, ironically they chose life and not death","Ana achichepele ena amafuna atazakhala adotolo ndi anamwino koma maloto awo ali pa chiwopsezo chifukwa, amasakha moyo osati imfa",general,social media +en9566,"On Wednesday, Catherine, a girl with albinism, attended classes at Kanjedza Primary School in Mchisa Village Traditional Authority (TA) Kawinga in Machinga and returned home safely","Lachitatu, catherine, tsikana wa khungu la wualubino, anapita ku kaphunizra ku sukulu ya pulayimale ya kanjedza ku mudziwa mchisa kwa mfumu yayikulu kawinga ku machina ndipo anabwelera kunyumba bwinobwino",general,social media +en9567,"Her dream was to become a medical doctor, breaking her family curse—claiming her family has not produced a doctor. “I want to be the first doctor in my family,” she says","Maloto ake anali kuzakhala dokotala, kuswa thembelero la banja lawo- kunena kuti banja lawo silinakhalepo ndi dokotala. Ndikufuna kuzakhala dotolo woyamba mu banja lathu,” akutero",general,social media +en9568,"Upon her return from school, the18-year-old who was in Standard Five, was busy washing clothes planning to return to school the following day. But little did Cathy, as she is fondly called by her mother, know it was her last day to go to school","Atachoka kusukulu, mwana wa zaka khumi zisanu ndi zitatuyi anali mu sitandade 5, anali atatanganidwa ndikuchapa zovala kukhonzekera kubweleranso kusukulu mawa lake. Koma samadziwa cathy,m’mene amamuyitanira mayi wake, kuti linali tsiku lake lomaliza kupita kusukulu",general,social media +en9569,"It was Thursday, at around 2am, when six men stormed Cathy’s house with an intention to abduct her","Linali lachinayi, nthawi ya 2 koloko m’mawa, pamene abambo asanu ndi modzi analowa m’nyumba ya cathy ndicholinga chomuba",general,social media +en9570,"Her mother, Chrissie said on that night, she heard dogs barking outside her house. She suspected something strange, but did not have the courage to go outside to check what it was","Amayi ake, chrissie anati usiku umenewo ana agalu akukuwa panja pa nyumba yawo. Anaganizira kuti china chake chowopsa koma analibe chilimbikitso kupita panja kukawona kuti ndichani",general,social media +en9571,"A minute later, our door made of grass was broken and it was that time that I saw six men entering my house with panga knives..,” Chrissie said as she fought back tears","Patatha phindi imodzi, chitseko chathu cha galasi chinasweka ndipo ndi nthawi imene ndinawona abambo asanu ndi modzi akulowa m’numba mwanga ndizikwanje….. Chrissie akufotokoza akubweza misozi",general,social media +en9572,"“I woke up, but seconds later I was kicked down, a man grabbed me by the neck, ordering me not to scream","Ndinadzuka, koma phindi zochepa ndipondedwa kuti ndikhale pansi, mwamuna anandigwira pa khosi, kundilamula kuti ndisakuwe",general,social media +en9573,"Turning the other side, I saw the other men tearing down the mosquito net where Cathy was sleeping in. They only took away Cathy. I witnessed the assailants covering my daughter’s mouth with something so that she could not scream,” she said","Kutembenukira mbali inayi, ndinawona abambo enawo akun’gamba chitetezo m’mene cathy amagona. Anangotenga cathy. Ndinawona achiwembuwa akutseka pakamwa pa mwana wanga ndichithu kuti asakuwe,” akutero",general,social media +en9574,"But the mother managed to scream for help, so neighbours came and chased the abductors for about 100 metres, after which, sensing danger, Cathy’s abductors dropped her and that was how she was rescued from the jaws of albino killers","Koma mayiwa anakuwabe kusaka chithandizo, ndipo oyandikana nawo anabwera ndikuyamba kuthamangitsa olandawo kwa ma mita zana, atawona kuti zavuta, omugwira cathy anamuponya pansi ndipo umu ndi m’mene anapulumutsidwira kwa anthu opha ma alubino",general,social media +en9575,"“I sustained bruises and experienced body pains,” said Cathy. “They were strong men with weapons, I knew that I was gone, I saw death…but God loved me,” she added","Ndinasupuka komanso ndimamva mthupi kupweteka,” anatero cathy. Anali abambo amphamvu azida, ndimadziwa kuti ndapita, ndinaiwona imfa…. Koma mulungu anandikonda ine,” akuwonjezera",general,social media +en9576,The case was reported to Machinga Police but until today no one has been arrested but Eastern Region police spokesperson assures that investigations are still underway,Mlanduwu unakafotokozedwa ku polisi ya machinga koma mpaka pano palibe amene wamangidwa koma woyakhulira polisi ku chigwawo cha ku m’mawa akutsimikizira kuti kufufuza kukuchitika,general,social media +en9577,"From that day, March 5 2015, Cathy, then 13 years old, made two painful decisions—quitting school and stop sleeping in her parent’s house","Kuchoka tsiku limenelo, pa 5 march chaka cha 2015, ali ndi zaka khumi ndi zitatu, anapanga chiganizo chowawa- kusiya sukulu komanso kusiya kugona m’nyumba yamakolo ake",general,social media +en9578,"It is about [three] kilometres to school, I knew these men would find a way of killing me and that’s why I decided to abandon school,” she said","Ndi mtunda wokwana ma kilomita atatu kukafika ku sukuli, ndimadziwa kuti abambo amenewa akanapeza njira kuti andiphe ndichifukwa chake ndinapanga chiganizo chosiya sukulu,” akutero",general,social media +en9579,"“It is a painful decision because my classmates will be sitting for Malawi Secondary Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations this year,” she said","Chinali chiganizo chowawa chifukwa ophunzira amzanga akhala akulemba mayeso chaka chino,” akutero",general,social media +en9580,"Cathy added that if security is granted, she can return to school to fulfil her dreams. Her story is similar to that of 23-year-old Lekeleni of Simika Village in T/A Chimwala, Mangochi","Cathy akuwonjezera kuti atalonjezedwa chitetezo, akhoza kubweleranso kusukulu kuti akwanitse maloto ake. Nkhani yake ndi yofanana ndi lekeleni wa zaka makumi awiri ndi zitatu wa m’mudzi wa simika, mfumu yayikulu chimwala ku mangochi",general,social media +en9581,"Her mother, named her Lekeleni because being an albino she knew people would be after her life, so the name is a message to albino killers to spare her daughter","Amayi ake anamutcha lekeleni chifukwa kukhala alubino amadziwa kuti anthu azalimbana ndi moyo wake, ndiye dzina lake ndi uthenga kwa okupha ma alubimo kuti amusiye mwana wawo",general,social media +en9582,"Evans has four daughters with albinism. Together with her husband, they have been under pressure to protect their children due to increasing cases of albino killings in the country","Evans ali andi atsinana anayi a khungu laalubino. Limodzi ndu amuna awo, akhala pa chiphinjo kuteteza ana awo chifukwa cha kukuchuluka kwa milandu yakupha ma alubino mu dziko muno",general,social media +en9583,"Lekeleni, a second-born in the family, is the only child who has gone far with education. Her dream has been to become a nurse","Lekelni, wachiwiri mu banjamo, ndi mwana yekhayo amene anapita patali ndi maphunziro. Maloto ake ndikuzakhala namwino",general,social media +en9584,She was schooling at Chiunda Community Day School in the same district where she rented a house close to the school,Amaphunzira ku sukulu ya sekondale ya kumundzi ya chiunda mu boma lomwelo kumene amakhala munyumba ya lenti chifupi ndisukulu,general,social media +en9585,"When she was in Form One, a plot was made to propose her for a relationship so that she could be killed upon visiting the house of her future husband. That was in 2014","Ali mu fomu 1, anamukhozera chiwembu kuti amufunsire chibwenzi kuti akamuphe akapita kunyumba kwa mwamuna wake watsogoloyo. Inali 2014",general,social media +en9586,Her mother said she was tipped by a well-wisher of the plan to kill her daughter,Amayi ake akuti anauzidwa ndi wakufuna kwabwino nda ndondomeko yofuna kuwaphera tsikana wawo,general,social media +en9587,"I followed her where she was staying. We had a meeting with the head teacher of the school and we resolved that she quits school,” said Evans","Ndinamulondola kumene amakhala. Tinali ndi mkumano ndi phunizitsi wa mkulu wa sukulu ndipo tinagwirizana kuti asiye sukulu,” akutero evens",general,social media +en9588,"Because of growing cases of albino killings, Lekeleni’s mother decided to move from Mangochi and relocate to Lilongwe where a Good Samaritan volunteered to send Lekeleni to school","Chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa milandu yopha ma alubino, amayi ake a lekeleni anapanga chiganizo chochoka mangochi kupita kukakhala ku lilongwe kumene wakufuna kwabwino anadzipeleka kuti amutumiza lekeleni ku sukulu",general,social media +en9589,"As fate would have it, when Lekeleni was in Form Three, the well-wisher started struggling financially and stopped paying her school fees. It was then that the mother decided to return to Mangochi where she is currently staying","Ngati zoikidwiratu, pamene lekeleni anali fomu 3, akufuna kwabwino aja anayamba kvutika pa chuma ndipo anasiya kumulipilira sukulu. Ndipamene amayi ake anapanga chiganizo chobwelera ku mangochi kumene akukhala tsopano",general,social media +en9590,"“Life was difficult in Lilongwe. I was begging to feed my children. I could spend two days without food and that’s when I decided to return to Mangochi,” she said","Moyo unali wovuta ku lilongwe, ndimapephetsa kuti ndidyetse ana anga. Timakhala masiku awiri opanda chakudya ndipamene ndingaganiza zobwelera ku mangochi,” akutero",general,social media +en9591,"“Lekeleni could not proceed with her school. I planned to go back to school but it was the same month when my older sister was attacked, so I decided to quit,” said Lekeleni. So her dream of becoming a nurse has been aborted","Lekeleni sakanapitiliza skulu. Ndinaganiza zobweleranso ku sukulu koma unali mwezi womwewo umene mchemwali wanga wanga anagwidwa, ndiye ndinaganiza zongosiya,” akutero lekeleni. Ndiye maloto ake ozakhala namwino anatayidwa",general,social media +en9592,"“My heart pains; my classmates today are in offices after completing their education, it could be me but life is so unfair,” she lamented","Mtima wanga umapwetekea; anzanga omwe ndimaphunzira nawo ali mu ma ofesi atamaliza maphunziro awo, ndikanakhala ine koma moyo ndi wabwino pena,” anadandaula",general,social media +en9593,"It is bad; parents cannot afford to escort their children daily to and from school. This is why many have decided to quit school to protect their lives. But, if government is failing to help us, what kind of Malawi are we building?” he said","Ndizoipa; makolo sangakwanitse kuwapelekeza ana awo kupita ndi kubwelera ku sukulu. Ichi ndi chifukw ambiri amapanga chiganizo chosiya sukulu kuti ateteze moyo wawo. Koma, ngati boma likukanika kutithandiza ife, ndimalawi wotani amene tikumanga? Ananena choncho",general,social media +en9594,"Another school drop-out Ellen, who comes from Kalonga Village in Sub-T/A Chiunda, Mangochi, feels like government doesn’t care about her case","Wosiya sukulu wina ellen, amene amachokera mudzi wa kalonga mfumu chiunda ku mangochi, akuwona ngati boma sililabadira za nkhani yake",general,social media +en9595,"Ellen, 22, was visited twice in 2017 by abductors who broke into the house she was sleeping in","Ellen wazaka makumi awiri ndi ziwiri, anayendeledwa ndi okuba anthu kwawiri mu chaka cha 2017 amene analowa m’nyumb a imene amagona",general,social media +en9596,"“I was lucky because I was not in the room which they entered. On that day, it was my parents who were sleeping in that room,” she said","Ndinali ndi mwayi chifukwa sindinalimuchipinda chimene analowa. Tsiku limeneli anali makolo anga amene anagona muchipinda chimenechi,” akutero",general,social media +en9597,"Her fear was that the abductors would follow her on her way to school so, Ellen, who also aspires to become a medical doctor, decided to quit school in Standard 8 while learning at Namitonga Primary School","Amawopa kuti kuti akuba anthuwa akanamulondola popita kusukulu, ndiye ellen amene amkafuna kudzakhala dokotala anaganiza zosiya sukulu ku sitandade 8 pamene amkaphunzira ku sukulu ya pulayimale ya namitonga",general,social media +en9598,"In 2018, a man proposed to marry her and she accepted but only to be disappointed after people mocked her husband-to-be","Mu chaka cha 2018, mamuna anamufunsira banja ndipo analola koma anakhumudwa pamene anthu amamuseka mwamuna wakeyo",general,social media +en9599,"“They mocked him that he is in a relationship with a government property and would be arrested anytime, and on those fears he dumped me,” she said","Anamuseka iye kuti pachibwenzi ndi katundu wa boma ndipo amangidwa nthawi ina iliyonse, ndipo pakuwopa izi, anamusiya,” akutero",general,social media +en9600,"So, on that basis it means that children with albinism are entitled to education, meaning that the State has the constitutional obligation to promote, protect and fulfil the right to education for children with albinism","Ndiye, pazimenezi tikutathauza kuti ana akhungu la wualubino ndiwofunika maphunziro, kutathauza kuti boma lili ndi udindo uwapititsa patsogolo, kuwateteza ndi kukwanilitsa ufulu wawo wa maphunziro wa ana alubino",general,social media +en9601,"“Under the current situation when children are dropping out of school because of fear of being attacked, it, therefore, requires State agencies to ensure that optimum protection is provided where it shall mean taking responsibility at the community level, social protection officer under ministry of gender to make sure that these children are going to school without fear of being attacked,” said Kondowe","Pazimene zikuchitikazi pamene ana akusiya sukulu chifukwa cha kuwopa kuchitidwa upandu, choncho zikufunika mabungwe aboma kuwonetsetsa kuti chitetezo chokwanira chikupelekedwa kumene kukutathauza kuti kukhala ndi udindo kumudzi, oteteza anthu pamakhalidwe pansi pa unduna wakuwona kuti pasamakhale kusiyana pakati pa amayi ndi abambo kuwonetsetsa kuti ana amenewa akupita kusukulu osakhala ndi mantah kuti apangidwa chifwamba,” anatero kondowe",general,social media +en9602,"Ministry of education spokesperson said government has done a lot to ensure that learners with albinism should not drop out of school but, despite reminders, he did not elaborate on the same","Woyakhulira Unduna wa maphunziro akuti boma lachita zambiri kuwonetsetsa kuti wophunzira amene ali ndi khungu la alubino asasiye sukulu koma ngakhale anakumbutsidwa, sanafotokozele za izi",general,social media +en9603,Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre (MHRRC) is implementing a two-year project being funded by the European Union (EU) through Christian Blind Mission (CBM) titled Cultivating Environment for the Promotion and Protection of Rights of Persons with Albinism (Ceppam),Bungwe la lowona za ufulu anthu likukhazikitsa ntchito ya zaka ziwiri ndi thandizo lochokera ku bungwe la mgiwirizano wa maiko aku ulaya kudzera Christian Blind Mission yotchedwa kukhala ndi malo wopititsa patsogolo ndikuteteza maufulu a anthu achi alubino,general,social media +en9604,The project’s overall goal is to promote and protect fundamental rights of persons with albinism after noticing that persons with albinism have suffered various degrees of attacks and discrimination contrary to what should have been the case in a democracy,Masophenya a ntchitoyi ndikupititsa patsogolo ndi kuteteza maufulu a anthu a alubino atawona kuti anthu akhungu la alubino avutia ndikupangidwa chiwemvu komanso kusalidwa mosagwirizana ndi m’mene kukhalira pa moyo waufulu,general,social media +en9605,"MHRRC programme officer Enock Chinkhuntha said in a democracy, every citizen should enjoy fundamental rights as enshrined in the Republican Constitution but also other regional and international human rights instruments","Oyan’ganira ma pologalamu ku MHRRC a enock chinkhuntha ananena kuti mu dziko la ufulu, mzika iliyonse ikuyenela kukhala nd ufulu m’mene amanenela malamulo a dziko komanso zowona maufulu a mzigawo ndi padziko lonse la pansi",general,social media +en9606,"“We are working with Malawi Police Service on the security issue and through our work, community policing structures have been set-up and MHRRC and its partners in this project are working with these structures to ensure that there is safety and security for persons with albinism,” he said","Tikugwira ntchito ndi polisi pa nkhani za chitetezo ndi mu ntchito yathu, apolisi a m’mudzi akhazikitsidwa ndipo MHHRC ndi ogwira nawo ntchito pa ntchitoyi akugwira ntchito ndi amenewa kuwonetsetsa kuti pali chitetezo cha anthu akhungu la alubino,” anayakhula choncho",general,social media +en9607,"Chinkhuntha said through this project, his organization has also engaged teachers in schools where there are learners with albinism to also ensure that their safety and security is prioritized","Chinkhutha akuti kudzera mupolejekiti imeneyi, bungwe lawo lagwiranso ntchito ndi aphunzitsi m’ma sukulu kumene kuli wophunzira a nkhungu la alubino kuti akhale otetezedwa",general,social media +en9608,"This, among others, included advising teachers to ensure that learners with albinism do not travel alone to and from school. They should be accompanied by responsible colleagues,” he said","Izi, kuphatikiza ndi zina, kunali kulangiza aphunzitsi kuwonetsetsa kuti wophunzira a khungu la alubino sakumayenda okha kupita ndi kubwelera ku sukulu. Akuyenera kumapelekezedwa ndi anzawo,” anatero",general,social media +en9609,Some duty-bearers in Nsanje have decried lack of community participation which is contributing to poor performance among leaners in national examinations in the district,Adindo ena ku boma la nsanje anadandula chifukwa chakusetenga nawo mbali kwa anthu a m’mudzi zimene zikupangitsa kuti wophunzira asamakhoze bwino mu mayeso aboma mu bomali,general,social media +en9610,"Speaking on Friday during an education stakeholders meeting at Nsanje Secondary School supported by Foundation for Civic Education and Social Empowerment (Focese), the district’s education manager said the district came last in the recent Primary School Leaving Certificate (PSLC) examinations results","Poyakhula la chisanu pa mkumano wa ogwira ntchito za maphunziro ku sukulu ya sekondale ya nsanje umene unathandizidwa ndi bungwe kuphunzitsa anthu komanso kutukula anthu, woyendetsa maphunziro wa bomali ananena kuti bomai linali lomaliza pa zotsatira za mayeso a sitandade 8",general,social media +en9611,"He said: Nsanje was the worst performing district. The greatest challenge facing education in the district is lack of community participation which includes chiefs, parents and local structure members","Ananena kuti: boma la nsanje ndi boma limene silinachite bwino. Vuto lalikulu kwambiri limen lukukumana ndi maphunziro m’bomali ndikusatenga nawo gawo kwa anthu a mdera kuphatikiza mafumu, makolo komanso ma membala a magulu a m’mudzi",general,social media +en9612,“We expect communites to encourage children to go to school. Deployment of children to do household chores is another serious challenge affecting education in Nsanje.”,Tikuyembekezera kuti anthu a m’dera kumalimbikitsa ana kupita ku sukulu. Kuwatumiza ana kuti azigwira ntchito zapakhomo ndi vuto lina limene likusokoneza maphunziro ku nsanje,general,social media +en9613,"In his remarks, Chief Malemia said some parents feel school is a long-term investment, as such, they do not encourage wards to work hard","Poyakhula, mfumu malemia anati makolo ena amawona ngati sukulu ndi kulowetsa ndalama kwa nthawi yayitali, pa izi salimbikitsa ana awo kulimbikira",general,social media +en9614,"“As a district, we feel completely down with the results coming from our schools. We are in a sorry state, if I may say, and we need to find a solution quickly,” he said","Ngati boma, takhumudwa ndi zotsatila zochoka ku masukulu athu. Tili muchisoni, ngati ndingayakhule, ndipo tikufunika kupeza yankho mwansanga,” anatero",general,social media +en9615,"On Friday 20th October 2023 there were unconfirmed reports making rounds in social media that one of Malawi's popular musicians Gwaladi Joe, has passed away allegedly through a suicide",Lachisanu pa 20 okutoba 2023 kunali ma lipoti osatsimikizira amene amazungulira pa tsamba la mchezo kuti woyimba mwotchuka ku malawi gwaladi joe wamwalira podzipha,general,social media +en9616,A voice note that was making the allegation gave a chilling first person account of Gwaladi Joe's alleged last movement's before he committed suicide,Uthenga wa mwawu umene umafotokoza zimenezi umafotokozela za mayendedwe a gwaladi joe asanadziphe,general,social media +en9617,"The allegations come barely a week after a video of a shirtless and barefooted Gwaladi apparently in a confused state is seen in a conversation with a driver of a lorry, a lady believed to be Gwaladi Joe's wife, is seen in the video trying to get the musician away from whatever he is up to, with little success","Zonenezazi zabwera pasanathe sabata pamene kanema wa gwaladi osavala malaya ndi nsapato atabalalika akuwoneka akuyakhula ndi woyendetsa galimoto, mzimayi amene amene akuyenera kukhala mkazi wa joe akuwoneka mu kanemayu kufuna kumuchotsa oyimbayu pazimene akuchita , koma osatheka",general,social media +en9618,It is probably against this background that it became so easy to believe that the news about Gwaladi Joe's passing,mwina ndichifukwa cha zochitikazi kuti zinakhala zosavuta kukhulupilira uthenga wakuti gwaladi Joe wamwalira,general,social media +en9619,The musician has been known to abuse alcohol and to misbehave under the influence of alcohol,Woyimbayu amadziwika kwambiri ndi kumumwa mowa kwambiri komanso kuwonetsa makhalidwe osakhala bwino akamwa mowa,general,social media +en9620,"Despite his battles with alcohol addiction and behaving in a manner that some have predicted will affect his popularity, Gwaladi Joe seems to be embraced by his loyal fans every time he makes public performances","Ngakhale ndi mchitidwe wake omwa mowa mwachidakwa komanso kupanga khalidwe limene ena anena kuti zisasokoneza kutchuka kwake, gwaladi joe amakondedwabe ndi womutsatira ake nthawi zonse akamaimba",general,social media +en9621,"A couple of months ago he was invited to go perform in South Africa, the tour was successful and upon his return he bought a motorcycle to the excitement of some but also to the fears of others","Miyezi ingapo yapitayo anaitanidwa kukaimba ku south africa, ulendowu unali wopambana ndipo pobwela anagula njinga yamoto chimene zinakondweletsa ena komanso ena anawopa",general,social media +en9622,He had once been lined up for a performance on Mibawa Televisions WSBet Saturday Night Live and did not turn up allegedly due to being drunk,Anayenela kukaimba usiku pa kanema wa mibawa pa pologalamu ya loweluka za WSbet ndipo sanapite chifukwa zinamveka kuti analedzera,general,social media +en9623,"Most people thought he had crossed a line that he should not have, and that his career was going down the drains but this was not to be",Anthu ambiri anaganiza kuti wadutsa mlingo umene samayenera kudutsa ndipo kuti tsogolo lake likuwonongeka koma izi sizinali choncho,general,social media +en9624,A few months later Gwaladi Joe held a hugely successful show on Mibawa Televisions WSBet Saturday Night,Miyezi ingapo itadutsa gwaladi joe anapanga mayimbwe opambana kwambiri pa kanema wamibawa,general,social media +en9625,There are serious indications that the news of Gwaladi Joe's death is fake. If it turns out that he is alive we will laugh at our pain and get angry at the person who pulled a prank on us,Pali chiwonetselo chachikulu kuti nkhani yakuti imfa ya gwaladi joe ndiyabodza. Zikakhala kuti ali moyo tizaseka kumva kuwawa kwathu ndikukhala okwiya ndi amene anapanga mabodzawa,general,social media +en9626,"However, what is not fake is the fact that he needs help and urgently so. Gwaladi Joe is a genius, albeit a broken one","Komabe, chimene sichili cha bodza ndi chakuti akufunika chithandizo mwachangu. Gwaladi joe ndi wa nzeru , osokonekera koma",general,social media +en9627,"A stitch in time serves nie, if we act now, we will be able to save Gwaladi Joe. While many have dismissed him as irresponsible, that assertion, true as it may be, does not take away the fact that he is one of Malawi's musical gems and the onus is on us not only to love, but love him enough to save him from doing himself and those who love him, harm","Kupewa kuposa kuchiza, tikachita pan, tizapulumutsa gwaladi Joe. Pamene ena anena kuti ndiwosasamala, zonena zimenezi zikhoza kukhala zowona koma sizikuchotsa chilungamo choti ndi woyimba modzi wabwino uku malawi kuno ndipo ndi udindo wathu osamukonda chabe, koma kumukondetsetsa kuti titeteze kuziwonomga yekha komanso amene amamukonda iye",general,social media +en9628,"We have lost too many artists as it is, just a few weeks ago we lost Ahoht Manje, today we will lay to rest the remains of Thomas Chibade, another musical giant in Zomba","Tataya aluso ambiri m’mene zililimu , masabata angapo apitawa, tataya ahoht manje, lero tikaika m’manda thomas chibabde, woyimba wina wodziwika wa ku zomba",general,social media +en9629,"Maybe it is time that we as a society, take a deep and hard look at how we can not only nurture, but preserve to borrow Thomas Chibade's our ""one and only love... Gwaladi Joe, let our love for him ""never die, let us love him each and every day""","Mwina ndi nthawi yakuti ife ngati anthu, kuyan’ganira m’mene tingasamalire, komanso kusamalira kuti tibwelekele thomas chinade chikondi chathu…. Gwaladi joe, kusalora kuti chikondi chathu chisafe, tiyeni timukonde tsiku ndi tsiku",general,social media +en9630,She lives on through what she imparted to us. We can only do her memory justice by using what she taught us. May she continue resting in peace,Ali moyobe kudzera muzimene anaika pa ife. Tikhoza kupangira chilungamo pomkumbukira pogwiritsa ntchito zomwe anatiphunzitsa. Mzimu wake upitilize kuwusa mu mtendere,general,social media +en9631,We need to have rehabilitation centers for such people in this country otherwise we are losing our young talented people due to alcohol and drug abuse,Tikuyenela kukhala ndi malo okonzera anthu ngati amenewa mu dziko muno koma tikapanda kutero tikutaya anthu achichepele aluso chifukwa chakumwa mowa mwauchidakwa ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala,general,social media +en9632,"A long and well-articulated piece of a tale. However, I am missing a point, how should Malawians help the Phalombe star? I have never come across any paragraph telling what support he is craving for.. moral, spiritual, financial....","Nkhani yayitali komanso komanso yofotokozedwa bwino. Komabe, ndikusowa china chake, kodi amalawi akhoza kumuthandiza bwanji kwa katswiri wa ku phalombeyu? Ndinaonepo zolembe zili zonse kufotokoza chithandizo chimene akufuna…makhalidwe, zauzimu, zachuma…….",general,social media +en9633,"An excellent narrative. May the beauty of this write-up incisively fire up people's own ingenuity in coming up with lovely solutions that may attempt to save Gwaladi Joe's life, before it's too late","Zofotokoza zabwino. Kukongola kwa zolembazi chikhale kudzutsa nzeru za anthu kubweletsa mayankho abwino wofuna kupulumutsa moyo wa gwaladi joe, tisanachedwe",general,social media +en9634,"Lessons should indeed be drawn from our beloved artists’ premature deaths. As fans, we have the duty, to align our beloved artists lives to true lifestyle values in anyway before they inexorably lose course. Help reclaim the artist's mental soundness through diverse approaches","Tikuyenera kupezapo phunziro pa imfa za oyimba athu okondedwawa. Ngati wowatsatira , tili ndi udindo, wolinganizitsa umoyo wa alusowa ndi ngodya za moyo wabwino mu njira iliyonse asanatayike. Tithandize kubwezeletsa umunthu wa alusowa kudzera munjira zosiyanasiyana",general,social media +en9635,That phenomenon of sailing coffins around the hospital should stop even mortuaries at the entrance to the hospital should also be forbidden,Zinthu zodabwitsa zoyendetsa mabokosi ku chipatala zikuyenera kulekeka ngakhale kosungila maliro polowa ku chipatala kukuyenela kukhala kwa,general,social media +en9636,His business thriving depends on the death of the patients. So because you want to make money you're deliberately killing others? What sort of wickedness and evil is that?,Malonda ake kuti ayende amadalira imfa za odwala. Ndiye chifukwa ukufuna kupanga ndalama ukupha anthu mwa dala? ku ipa mtima ndi usatana wa mtundu wanji umenewu?,general,social media +en9637,"It's quite unfortunate, disappointing, disturbing and disgusting how most of you found this to be funny, if this were to be in most countries where the legal system is much active and functioning, this guy is more likely to serve a life sentence for this evil act","Ndizomvetsa chisoni, zokhumudwitsa, zosokoneza komanso zonyasa kuti mukuziwona izi zoseketsa, akanakhala maiko ena kumene njira za malamulo ndizoyenda bwino komanso zogwira ntchito bwino, munthu uyu bwenzi ali kundende moyo wake onse chifukwa cha zoipazi",general,social media +en9638,"Imagine, if someone doesn't die you complain that the business isn't going well. When people are dying, that's when you rejoice that the business is booming...''What a business I can never do this devilish business..","Ganizarani, kuti munthu akhala kuti sanamwalire ukumadandaula kuti malonda sakuyenda. Pamene anthu akumwalira, ndipamene ukumasangalala kuti malonda akuyenda bwino… malonda anji, sindingapange malonda oipa amenewa",general,social media +en9639,This business can change your good personality automatically and end up becoming the devil himself for just wanting to see your business run,Malondawa akhoza kusitha umunthu wako mosavuta ndikupangitsa kukhala kukhala satana pofuna kuwona kuti malonda ako akuyenda,general,social media +en9640,Nearly every entrepreneur is going through a rough patch but cutting corners to make ends meet is no going to cut it,Pafupifupi wa malonda aliyense akukumana ndizovuta koma kudutsa njira zachidule kuti upeze thandizo siziyenda ayi,general,social media +en9641,"This post reminds me of an old friend of mine who was working in a mortuary, when once he found me with my friends and greeted me Hello CUSTOMER","Zimenezi zimandikumbutsa nzanga wakalekale amene amagwira ntchito kosungira mairo, atatipeza tsiku lina ndi anzanga anatilonjera kuti moni akasitomala",general,social media +en9642,Revoke his business license and they must not be a coffin shop nearer to any hospital,Mulandeni chiphaso chopangila malonda ndipo pasakhale pogulitsira mabokosi pafupi ndi chipatala,general,social media +en9643,"Last week I experienced my third pancreatic attack since December 2020. Yesterday at 10am I was discharged, all thanks to God, and unfortunately I had no money and couldn't reach some friends and family so due to the urgency I posted on my WhatsApp status where I asked for a loan from my PERSONAL contacts","Sabata yatha,ndinakhala ndinadwala matenda a kapamba kachitatu kuchokera mu mwezi wa december 20202. Dzulo nthawi ya 10 koloko ndinatulutsidwa muchipala, zikomo kwambiri mulungu, ndipo mwatsoka ndinalibe ndalama ndipo sindinakafikira anzanga ndi abanja langa ndye chifukwa cha kufunikira kwa izi ndinaika pa tsamba la mchezo pamene ndinapepha ngongole kwa anthu olumikizana nawo",general,social media +en9644,"Even though this was not meant to be public information in the manner it was released, nor was I consulted, I have been humbled and I'm very grateful for the incredible amount of messages and calls from my fans in Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, USA, UK, Kuwait, Australia and Canada etc","Ngakhale sizimayenela kukhala uthenga wopita kugulu m’mene unatulutsidwira, kapena kufunsidwa, ndakhala wozichepetsa ndipo ndili oyamika mauthenga ambiri ndi lamya kwawonditsatira ku malawi, kenya, south africa, usa, uk, kuwait, australia ndi canada",general,social media +en9645,"Since 7am today I have been on not less than 50 phone calls and hundreds of texts from concerned friends, family and fans and I am most humbled and grateful","Kuchokera nthawi ya 7 koloko m’mawa wa lero ndakhala pa lamya osachepera makumi asanu ndi mauthenga mazana kuchokera kwa anzanga okhudzidwa, abanja koma onditsatira ndipo ndiwodzichepetsa ndiyamika",general,social media +en9646,I have also received monetary gifts for my welfare even though I made it clear to all of them that the said hospital bill I requested assistance from my personal network had already been sorted,Ndalandiranso mphatso za ndalama za umoyo wanga ngakhale ndinanena poyela kuti ndalama zonse zofunikira ku chipatala zimene ndinapepha kwa anthu olumikizana nawo zalongosoledwa kale,general,social media +en9647,This makes the unsolicited help of these human angels who all prefer to remain anonymous even more meaningful to me. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for giving me strength in my time of temporary weakness,Izi zikupangitsa chithandzio chomwe anthu ngati angelo amene amasakha kuti asadziwike zindifonika kwambiri kwa ine. Ndikuwathokoza kuchoka pansi pa mtima wanga pondipatsa mphamvu pa nthawi imene ndinali wofowoka,general,social media +en9648,I would also like to assure you that I am no longer in mortal danger and I only dealing with pain that deserves as much rest as possible,Ndikufunanso kukudziwitsani kuti sindili pa chiwopsezo ndipo pano ndikungothana ndi ululu umene ukufuna kuti ndipume bwino,general,social media +en9649,That's why I felt it best to let everyone know simultaneously on the same platform most of you got the news from. Stay blessed and I'll see you soon. Through the music of course,Ndichifukwa ndinawona kuti ndimudziwitse aliyense adziwe pa tsamba la mchezo limene uthenga umenewu unachokoera. Khalani odalitsika ndipo tiwonana pompano. Kudzera munyimbo,general,social media +en9650,She said: “Government would like to assure the nation that it will continue reducing the current high student-teacher ratio to improve the quality of education across all education subsectors,Ananena kuti:” boma likufuna kukutsimikizira dziko kuti tipitiliza kuchepetsa chiwelengelo cha wophunzira ndi aphunzitsi kuti tipititse maphunziro patsogolo mu magawi onse amaphunziro,general,social media +en9651,"Nsapato said: “This is a good development and a step in the right direction. However, given that over 20 percent of teachers are untrained, especially those in community day secondary schools [CDSSs], there is need for intensive in-service training.”","Nsapato ananena kuti:” ichi ndi chitukuko chabwino komano sitepe mu njira yoyenera. Komabe, potengela kuti aphunzitsi makumi awiri pa zana aliwonse ndiwosaphunzitsidwa, makamaka amene ali ku sukulu za sekondale za kumudzi, pakufunika kukhala ndi maphunziro",general,social media +en9652,"On his part, Kondowe said government need to develop an elaborate recruitment plan that will ensure that each academic year there is a provision for consistent recruitment of teachers","Kumbali yawo, kondowe anati boma likuyenera kukhala ndi ndondomeko zolembela anthu zimene zizawonetsetse kuti chaka chilichonse cha maphunziro pali ndalama zolembera aphunzitsi ena",general,social media +en9653,"He said the newly recruited 1 000 teachers were insignificant, considering the gap in the current teacher to student ratio",Ananena kuti aphunzitsi chikwi omwe alembedwa pompano anali ochepa poganizira mpata umene ulipo pa aphunzitsi ndi wophunzira,general,social media +en9654,"“Government should also promote equitable deployment policies that favour the poor, considering that 90 percent of all under-qualified teachers are deployed to CDSSs that form two-thirds of all secondary schools in the country and mostly service poor children,” said Kondowe","Boma likuyenera kupititsa patsgolo malamulo osapanda sakho wotumizira aphunzitsi amene azakondele osauka, poganizira kuti mwaphuzitsi makumi asanu ndi anayi pazana lililonse la aphunzitsi osaphunzitsidwa bwino apititsidwa ku sekondale zakumudzi zimene ndizoduta theka za sukulu a sekondale ku malawi ndipo ambiri amathandzia ana osawuka,” anatero kondowe",general,social media +en9655,"Recently, a new study called on government to review its public service workers’ recruitment freeze and promotions policy as advised by international bilateral and multilateral institutions, if Malawi’s public service delivery is to improve","Chapompano, kafukufuku anawuza boma kuti liwoneso kalembedwe ka ogwira ntchito m’boma komanso malamulo okweza udindo m’mene analangizira mabungwe ogwira nawo ntchito adziko lonse lapansi, kuti kupeleka chithandizo cha boma kusithe",general,social media +en9656,"The study’s finding, showed that the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank warnings that the public sector wage bill would swell to unsustainable levels has led to government imposing a recruitment freeze and promotions at the cost of delivery of service","Zotsatira za kafukufuku, wawonetsa kuti bungwe la thumba la zachuma padziko lonse lapansi ndi banki yayikulu dziko lonse lapanso kudziwitsa kuti mlingo wa malipilo aboma ku ogwira ntchito ikukula kufikila mlingo wosakhazikika wapangitsa boma kuyimitsa kulemba anthu komanso kukweza maudindo anthu posaganizira kupeleka chithandizo kwa anthu",general,social media +en9657,"Raised by a single mother who depends on piecework, the Standard 8 pupil at Lipongwe Primary School usually lacks some basic needs","Kuleledwa ndi mayi okhala yekha amene amadalira maganyu, mwana sitandade 8 ku sukulu ya pulayimale ya lipongwe amasowa zinthu zofunikira tsiku ndi tsiku",general,social media +en9658,"Regina says: “I lack basic resources such as school uniform, exercise books, pads and pens. Above all, I am worried when I approach my period. Sometimes, I skip classes because I use rags and they don’t feel comfortable","Regina akuti amasowa zipangizo zofunikila monga zovala ku sukulu, makope, polembela ndi zolembera. Kuposa zonsezi, ndimadandaula ndikayandikira kuti ndisambe. Nthawi zina, sindimapita ku sukulu chifukwa ndimagwiritsa ntchito sanza ndipo simapeza bwino",general,social media +en9659,"Regina sometimes goes to school on an empty stomach because some people in her village, her family included, are experiencing some famine-like conditions","Regina nthawi zina amapita ku sukulu ali ndi njala chifukwa anthu ena ku mudzi kwawo, kuphatikiza banja lawo, akukumana ndi njala",general,social media +en9660,"Regina is an embodiment of child poverty in Malawi. She represents thousands of children who have to walk long distances, usually on rough dirt roads, to attend classes to enjoy their right to education, one of the fundamental child rights","Refina ndi chitsanzo umphawi umene ana amadutsamo ku malawi. Akuimira ana zikwi zikwi amene amayenela kuyenda mtunda wautali nthawi zambiri pa nseu wafumbi, kupit ku sukulu kusangalalira ufulu wamaphunziro, ufulu umodzi wa ana",general,social media +en9661,Regina’s uncle Madalitso is concerned that poverty has deprived his niece of role models who would have pushed her to achieve her dreams,Madalitso; Atsibweni a regina ndiwokhudzidwa kuti umphawi walepheletsa mphawo kukhala ndi zitzanso zomwe zikanamupangitsa kuti akwanilitse maloto ake,general,social media +en9662,He is afraid she might drop out of school or end up an unemployed single-parent who depends on piece work like her mother,Akuwopa kuti akhoza kusiya sukulu kapena kukhala kholo loima palokha losagwira ntchito lodalira maganyu ngati mayi ake,general,social media +en9663,“Getting a proper education goes beyond a school structure or qualified teachers. A lot of young girls have been forced to drop out of school because of poverty which has been exacerbated by hunger,Kupeza maphunziro abwino kumapitilira kungokhala ndi sukulu kapena aphunzitsi odziwa ntchito yawo. Atsikana ambiri achichepele akhala akukamizidwa kusiya sukulu chifukwa cha umphawi umene wapitaso patsogolo chifukwa cha njala,general,social media +en9664,"We hope that Regina takes our advice and continues with her education despite the challenges in her life,” says Chilumpha","Tili ndi chiyembekezo kuti regina amamvera malangizo athu ndikupitiliza ndi maphunziro ake ngakhale pali zovuta pa moyo wake,” akutero chilumpha",general,social media +en9665,"He says most of the children in the village, bar a few who are lucky to get scholarships, do not go beyond Standard Eight because their parents can’t afford to pay tuition fees at secondary school","Akuti ana ambiri kumudzi, ndiwochepa amene amakhala ndi mwayi opeza maphunziro aulere,sanadutsa sitandade 8 chifukwa makilo awo sangakwanitse kulira fizi ya kusekondale",general,social media +en9666,"But Chisomo Smart, a 17-year-old girl from the same area, is lucky to have had role models who motivated her. She completed secondary school and scored 28 points in her Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations","Koma chisomo smart wazaka khumi zisanu ndi ziwiri wa m’dera lomweli, ndiwamwayi kuti anali ndi zitszanso zimene zimamulimbikitsa. Anamaliza sukulu yake sekondale ndipo anakhoza ndi ma mapointi makumi awiri asanu ndi atatu pamayeso ake aboma a fomu 4",general,social media +en9667,"“My dad has been helpful. He escorted me to the boma where I met a few successful women such as nurses and doctors. At my school, we also had motivational speakers, and they helped shape my future,” she says","Abambo anga akhala othandiza. Amandipelekeza ku boma kumene ndinakakumana ndi amayi ochita bwino monga anamwino ndi adokotala. Ku sukulu kwathunso kumakhala woyakhula kutilimbikitsa ndipo anathandiza kuwongola tsogolo langa,” akuetero",general,social media +en9668,"But Chisomo, an aspiring medical doctor, is concerned that she might not achieve her dream because she cannot afford to pay for college","Koma chisomo, amene amafuna atazakhala dokotala, akudandaula kuti sangazakwanitse maloto ake chifukwa sangakwanitse kulipira ku sukulu yaukachenjede",general,social media +en9669,"I have been staying home for close to a year now. I wasn’t selected to a public university, but I have been applying to some private colleges","Ndakhala ndili kunyumba kuthamangira chaka tsopano. Sindinasakhidwe kupita kupita ku sukulu ya ukachenjede ya boma, koma ndakhala ndikulembera sukulu zina zaukachenjede zoyendetsedwa ndi anthu",general,social media +en9670,"Some offered me space to study, but my family cannot afford the tuition. I wish there was someone who could help me,” she said","Ena anandipatsa malo kuti ndikaphunzire, koma banja lathu silingakwanitse kulipira fizi. Ndikanakonda pakanakhala munthu wondithandiza,” akutero",general,social media +en9671,"Her father says he has tried his best to raise money to send her to college, but failed. Now, he is hoping well-wishers can help him","Abambo ake akuti ayesetsa kuti apeze ndalama kuti amutumize ku sukulu yaukachenjede, koma akanika. Tsopano, akuyembekezera akufuna kwabwino amene angathandize",general,social media +en9672,"He agrees with Chilumpha that poverty, and by extension, failing to progress with school will force young girls into early marriages and unemployment","Akugwirizana ndi chilumoha kuti umphawi, komanso kupitilira , kulephera kupitiliza sukulu zizakakamiza atsikana achichepere kuti alowe m’banja ali achichepele komanso kusowa ntchito",general,social media +en9673,"“When girls show an interest in education, it is best to support them because they face a lot of pressure. I am worried that my daughter is just wasting years at home. Some people have already started mocking her,” says Smart","Pamene atsikana awonetsa chidwi pa maphunziro, ndizofunikira kuwathandiza chifukwa amakumana ndi zophinja zambiri. Ndikundaula kuti mwana wanga mkazi akungotaya nthawi ali pankhomp. Anthu ena ayamba kale kumunena,” akutero smart",general,social media +en9674,"As a result, child poverty in Malawi has both immediate and long-term consequences, including the deprivation of education, shelter, health assistance and nutrition. These disadvantages affect an individual’s ability to rise out of poverty","Zotsatira zake, uphawi wa ana ku malawi uli ndi zotsatira zake za pompopompo komanso zamtsogolo kuphatikiza kusowa maphunziro, pokhala, chithandizo cha umoyo komanso madyedwe oyenera. Zoipazi zimasokoneza kuthekela kwa munthu kuti akhoza kuchoka mu umphawi",general,social media +en9675,"At 14, Tiyanjane from Ndenguma Village in Nsanje, dropped out of school because of poverty","Ali ndi zaka khumi ndi zinayi, tiyanjane wa m’mudzi mwa ndenguma ku nsanje, anasiya sukulu chifukwa cha umphawi",general,social media +en9676,"Her mother who depended on alms and piecework, struggled to meet the everyday needs of her three children","Amayi ake amene amadakira achifundo ndi maganyu, anavutika kuti akwanilitse zofunikira za tsiku ndi tsiku za ana awo atatu",general,social media +en9677,Tiyanjane says: “I was in Standard Four at Kapalakonje Full Primary School when my mother forced me to drop out and help her fend for the family,"Tiyanjane akuti,” ndinali mu sitandade 4 ku sukulu ya pulayimale ya kapalakonje pamene amayi anga anandikakamiza kuti ndisiye sukulu ndikuti ndikathandize kupezera banja lathu",general,social media +en9678,“Life was tough. I had to do back-breaking piecework for low pay while my friends were going to school.” Seven says worsening poverty prompted her to halt her first-born girl’s education,Moyo unali wovuta. Ndimkayenera kugwira maganyu wopweteka msana koma malipiro ochepa pamene anzanga amapita ku sukulu.” Seven akuti kukula kwa umphawi kunawapangitsa kuyimitsa maphunziro a mwana wawo wa mkazi woyamba,general,social media +en9679,"“I needed Tiyanjane to contribute in any way whatsoever to feed and support her siblings,” Seveni recalls","Ndimkafuna tiyanjane kuthandizira mu njira ina iliyonse kudyetsa ndi kuthandiza azibale ake,” akukumbukila seveni",general,social media +en9680,"With a K3 000, Tiyanjane started selling home-baked fritters in the neighbourhood and at her school. However, the business hardly generated enough revenue for the woman-headed family of four","Ndi ndalama yokwana K3000, tiyanjane anayamba kuphika zitumbuwa ku dera lathu komanso kusukulu kwawo. Komabe, malondawa samapeza ndalama zokwanira banja anthu anayi amene mutu wabanja kukhala mzimayi",general,social media +en9681,"“My siblings could go to school on an empty stomach because our little income wasn’t enough for two meals a day,” she says","Abale anga amapita ku sukulu ndi njala chifukwa ndalama zanthu zochepa sizimakwanira chakudya kawiri pa tsiku,” akutero",general,social media +en9682,"Says Star Circle chairperson Fortunate Mpasanje : “ As members of the star circle, we engage women such as Seveni to appreciate the importance of educating girls who are persistently at risk of getting pregnant and marrying young","Akutero wapampando wa star circle fortunate mpasnje:” ngati membala wa star circle, tikumagwira ndi amayi monga seveni kuti adziwe kufunika kophanzitsa atsikana amene amakhala pachiopsezo chokhala ndi mimba komanso kukwatira ali an’gono",general,social media +en9683,We acted swiftly to bring Tiyanjane back to school and empower her mother because we now understand that promoting girls’ education breaks a vicious cycle of poverty,Tikugwira ntchito mwachangu kuti timupitse tiyanjane kupita kusukulu komanso kulimbikitsa amayi chifukwa pano tikudziwa kupititsa atsikana maphunziro kuchotsa umphawi,general,social media +en9684,"Learned girls are more empowered, healthier and earn more than dropouts. This is necessary for building a bright future for themselves, their families, areas and country","Atsikana wophunzira amakhala wolimbikitsidwa, anthanzi komanso amapeza ndalama zambiri kuposa osiyira sukulu panjira. Izi ndizofunikira kukhoza tsogolo labwino laiwo, mabanja awo, kudera komanso dziko",general,social media +en9685,"Mpasanje says they persuade parents to learn, not to fend for their families. Seveni accepted to let her daughter return to school because “I wish her well”","Mpasanje akuti amalimbikitsa makolo kuti ana aphunizire, osati kupezera zofunikira mabanja awo. Seveni anavomera kulora mwana wawo wamkazi kubwelera kusukulu chifukwa “ndimamufunira zabwino”",general,social media +en9686,“I realised that denying her right to education was denying her a chance to acquire education and relevant skills so she can get a job to support herself and the family.”,Ndinazindikila kuti kumukaniza ufulu wa maphunziro kunali kumukaniza mwayi wopeza maphunziro ndikupeza maluso kuti akhoza kuzapeza ntchito kuti azazithandize yekha komanso banjali,general,social media +en9687,"“The teen pregnancy pushed me into a child marriage with a violent man in 2017 and my future looked bleak. Had the women from the star circle not rescued me, I would have been stuck in that hell,” she says","Kukhala ndi mimba ndili wachichepele zinandikakhira kulowa m’banja ndili mwana ndi mwamuna wankhanza mu chaka cha 2017 ndipo tsogolo langa limaoneka lakuda. Kunakakhala kuti amayi a star circle sanandipulumutse, ndikakhala ndili ku gahena,” akutero",general,social media +en9688,"Educated girls do not marry young, which reduces child marriages. School provides an opportunity to get a job that earns them money, giving them a say over their bodies and life. They will stand up against any form of abuse and exercise their rights freely,” she explains","Atsikana wophunzira samakwatira ali achipepele, zimene zimachepetsa maukwati a ana. Sukulu imapeleka mwayi wopeza ntchito imene imakupezetsa ndalama, zimene zimapeleka ufulu woyakhula pa thupi ndi moyo wawo. Amaziimira pa zozunza ndikwanilitsa ufulu wawo,” akufotokoza",general,social media +en9689,"Bankrolled by UN Women through UN Trust, the project has empowered communities to demand access to basic services from duty-bearers as a way of ending gender-based violence (GBV) that disproportionately affect women and girls","Ndichithandizo cha chuma kuchokera ku bungwe la UN women kudzera mu UN trust, ntchitoyi yalimbikitsa anthu a m’dera kupeza zofunikira kwa adindo ngati njira imodzi yothetsela nkhanza za amayi kapena abambo zimene zimasokoneza amayi ndi atsikana",general,social media +en9690,"We have raised awareness on human rights and ways to fight against physical, sexual, economic and psychological abuse. We want empowered women and increased school completion rate among girls for sustainable development here,” he says","Takwanilitsa kuzindikilitsa anthu za ufulu wachibadwidwe komanso njira zothanirana ndi nkhanza zakuthupi, zogonana ndi zamaganizo. Tikufuna kulimbikitsa amayi ndi kuwonjezera mlingo womaliza sukulu kwa atsikana ku nkhani ya chitukuko chokhazikika kuno,” anatero",general,social media +en9691,Group village head Mvundula says the community awareness initiative challenged him to ramp up measures to promote the welfare of women and girls,Mfumu ya m’mudzi wa Mvundula akuti ntchito yozindikilitsa anthu inawalimbikitsa kuti akhwimitse njira zopititsira patsogolo umoyo wa amayi ndi atsikana,general,social media +en9692,"“I have formulated child protection by-laws for girls to be in school, not in marriages or fending for their families. I have also refined and banned some harmful cultural practices to empower women for the area to be developed sustainably,” he says","Ndapanga malamulo am’mudzi oteteza ana kuti atsikana azipezeka ku sukulu, osati maukwati kapena kupezera zofuna pakhomo. Ndakonzaso ndi kuthetsa makhalidwe amakolo woipa kuti tilimbikitse amayi amu derali kukhala otukuka mokhazikika,” akutero",general,social media +en9693,"This will accelerate development because empowered women usually use their incomes to provide for their families. Such support goes a long way in ensuring children, especially girls become proactive citizens,” she says","Izi ziyendetsa chitukuko msanga chifukwa amayi wolimbikitsidwa nthawi zambri amagwiritsa ntchito ndalama zawo kuthandiza mabanja awo. Chithandizo ngati chimenechi chimafikira patali kuwonetsetsa kuti ana, makamaka atsikana akukhala mzika zolimbikira,” anatero",general,social media +en9694,I always rush home to breastfeed my baby because she endures four to five hours without milk during school days,Ndimathamangira kunyumba nthawi zonse kukayamwitsa mwana wanga chifukwa amapilira maola anayi mpaka asanu opanda mkaka masiku a sukulu,general,social media +en9695,"I effectively use the school hours to excel with my education so that I get a job to support my mother and baby with basic needs easily,” she says","Ndimagwiritsa ntchito bwino maola anga asukulu kuti ndikhoze maphunziro anga kuti ndizapeze ntchito kuti ndizathandize mayi anga ndi mwana ndizofunika pa moyo mosavuta,” akutero",general,social media +en9696,"Tiyamike, who aspires to become a secondary school teacher, says she is a victim of peer pressure during a five-month closure of schools in the country due to Covid-19 pandemic","Tiyamike, amene amafuna kuzakhala mphunzitsi wa kusekondale, akuti ndi wokhudzidwa ndi chiphinjo kuchoka kwa anzake nthawi imene sukulu zinatsekedwa kwa miyezi isanu mudziko muno chifukwa cha mliri wa covid-19",general,social media +en9697,"On March 23 2020, government closed schools as one of the measures to halt the spread of the coronavirus in the country. The schools remained closed until early September 2020",Pa 23 march 2020. Boma linatseka sukulu ngati njira imodzi yochepetsera kufala kwa kachilombo ka corona mudziko muno. Sukulu zinali zotsekedwa mpaka kumayambiliro kwa september 2020,general,social media +en9698,Says Tiyamike: “I thought school would never reopen again. Peer pressure made me careless about my future and I indulged in sexual relationships,Tiyamike akuti:” ndimaona ngati sukulu sizidzatseulidwanso. Chiphinjo chochoka kwa anzanga zinandipangitsa ndikhale osasamala za tsogolo langa ndipo ndinayamba zibwenzi zogonana,general,social media +en9699,I thought I was advancing in life just to fall pregnant which forced me to drop out of school. The boy [a Standard Seven learner] who impregnated me denied responsibility.”,Ndimaganiza kutsogola ndi moyo kenako ndinangokhala nazo ndi mimba zimene zinandipangitsa kusiya sukulu. Mnyamata wa sitandade 7 amene anandipatsa mimba anaikana mimbayi,general,social media +en9700,"While the mother group monitors the girls, I am terminating child marriages and enforcing child protection by-laws for communities to support girls’ right to education,” he says","Pamena gulu la amayi likuyan’ganira atsikanawa, ndikuthetsa maukwati a ana onse ndikukhwimitsa malamulo am’mudzi woteteza ana m’derali kuti tithandize ufulu wa atsikana pa maphunziro,” akutero",general,social media +en9701,"He says: “Empowering girls and giving teen mothers a second chance to be educated are crucial initiatives to break the vicious circle of poverty in communities. We are committed to strengthening quality, inclusive and equitable education for all",Akunena kuti:” kulimbikitsa atsikana ndi kupelekanso mwayi wina kwa amayia achitsikana kuti aphunzire ndi ntchito yofunikila kutthetsa umphawi mu madera. Tili ndi chidwi cholimbikitsa maphunziro abwino komanso a aliyense,general,social media +en9702,"The coronavirus (Covid-19) has exposed glaring gaps and inefficiencies in the country’s education system, with the government placing a panic button to ensure that the weaknesses do not lead to the further spread of the pandemic","Mliri wa covid-19 yaika pa m’mbalan’ganda kusiyana komanso kusagwira bwino ntchito kwa njira za maphunzirom, pamene boma lipanikizika kuti kufowokaku kusapangitse kupitilira kufalikira kwa mliriwu",general,social media +en9703,"Decongesting classrooms, which Lilongwe is doing to reduce the spread of the pandemic, is resulting in more hours of work for the already few teachers, but also calls for an increase in the number of classrooms","Kuchepetsa ophunzira mkalasi, zimene zikuchitika ku lilongwe kuchepetsa kufalikira kwa miliriwu, zikupangitsa kuwonjezera maola ogwilira ntchito kwa aphunzitsi ochepa kale, komanso zikufunika kuwonjezera malo ophunzilira",general,social media +en9704,"Even on the number of promises that they had made around the matter, things have stagnated. We have not made significant progress and if this is the manner in which things will be done, I don’t think the government will achieve anything it is promising such as drilling boreholes and establishing makeshift classrooms","Komanso pazimene analonjeza pa nkhaniyi, zambiri zayima. Sitinasuthe kwambiri ndipo ngati zinthu zizipangidwa chonchi, sindikukhulupilira kuti boma likwanilitsa chilichonse pa zomwe likulonjeza monga kubowola mijigo komanso kupanga makalasi odikilira",general,social media +en9705,We need to seriously look into these things and we expect the government to be bold enough and decisive on them,Tikuyenera kuyan’ganira zinthu zimenezi ndipo tikuyembekezera boma kukhala la mphamvu komanso kupanga chiganizo pa iwo,general,social media +en9706,Kondowe said the decision to extend closure of schools by two weeks came because government had done nothing during the three weeks to contain the situation in schools,Kondowe akuti chiganizo chowonjezera kutseka sukulu kwa masabata awiri chinabwera chifukwa boma silinapange chilichonse pa masabata atatu kuti asamalire mliriwu mu masukulu,general,social media +en9707,"“No effort was done to prepare schools for reopening. “This decision is a face-saver for proceeding with reopening could have exposed government. Very too little has been done to date; not even fumigating the premises,” he claimed","Palibe ntchito inachitika kukonzekeletsa masukulu kuti atsegulirenso. Chiganizo ndikusamala chifukwa kutsegulira kukanaika boma pa m’mbalan’ganda. Zochepa zinachitika kufikila tsiku la lero, olo kupopela mankhwala pa malopo,” anatero",general,social media +en9708,"Said Sharra: “In each report, these issues recur because we get them and never use that evidence to create education policies/ ","sharra anati:"" mu lipoti lina lililonse, nkhanizi zimapezeka chifukwa timazitenga ndipo sitimagwiritsa ntchito umboni kuti tipange malamulo amaphunziro",general,social media +en9709,"So, only when we start using this evidence, we will get some changes. Although the education sector gets over 20 percent of the National Budget, it is still not enough","Ndiye, pokhapokha tikyamba kugwiritsa ntchito umboni, tizaona kusitha. Ngakhale gawo la maphunziro limatenga mapelesenti opitilira makumi awiri pa ndondomeko ya chuma ya dziko, sizokwanirabe",general,social media +en9710,"The backlog, it says is either in terms of classrooms that need to be constructed or permanent classrooms that are in need of rehabilitation","M’mbuyo, zikuti ndi mbali ya makalasi imene ikuyenera kumangidwa kapena makalasi amene alipo akufunika kukhonzedwaso",general,social media +en9711,"I a m 22 years old and have a 28-year-old boyfriend with whom I’ve been going out with for the past year. He proposed to me, but I turned him down because I wish to first complete my studies",Ndili ndi zaka makumi awiri ndi ziwiri ndipo ndili ndi chibwenzi chachimuna cha zaka makumi awiri zisanu ndi zitatu amene ndakhala naye paubwenzi kwa chaka chimodzi chambuyomu. Anandifunsira banja koma ndinakana chifukwa ndikufuna nditamaliza maphunziro anga,general,social media +en9712,"We love each other so much, but his family is pushing him to marry and he doesn’t have any one in mind at the moment","Timakondana kwambiri, koma banja lakwawo likumukakamiza kuti akwatire koma sakuganizira wina aliyense pakali pano",general,social media +en9713,"Now, just imagine, he wants me to help him find ‘wife material’ because he says I understand him best. I find this ridiculous","Tsopano, tangoganizani, akufuna ine ndimuthandize kupeza mkazi wa banja chifukwa akuti ine ndimamudziwa bwino. Ndimaziona izi zosakhala bwino",general,social media +en9714,"I’m jealous and the very thought of it hurts me, even though he keeps telling me that I’m his forever. I still visit him, but I don’t know what to do to please him. Please help","Ndine wansanje ndipo kungoganiza za izi zimandipweteka, ngakhale amanena kuti ndine wake mpaka kalekale. Ndimayenderabe, koma sindikudziwa kuti ndipange chani kuti ndimusangalatse. Chonde ndithandizeni",general,social media +en9715,"It reminds me of some place in Mulanje, along the road from Chitakale heading to Phalombe. You certainly must be from somewhere there","Zimandikumbutsa malo ena ku Mulanje, m’mbali mwa nsewu wa chitakale tikamapita ku Phalombe. Inuyo ndithu mumachokera madera akumeneku",general,social media +en9716,"You know African roots are very potent and if you don’t want to lose this man of yours, the best you can also do is to let him have some love portion (kondaine) from the slopes of Mulanje",Mumadziwa mizu ya ku Africa ndi yamphamvu ndipo sumafuna utataya mwamuna wako. Chimene ungachite ndikumupatsa ka kondaine kochekera ku zigwa za Mulanje,general,social media +en9717,Why do I say so? This man is taking you for granted. He is pricking your heart while tramping on your mind,"Ndichifukwa chani ndikunena zimenezi? Mwamuna uyu akukutengela kuntoso. Akuseweletsa mtima wako, akupondeleza maganizo ako",general,social media +en9718,"Tell him outright that if he doesn’t want you, he should not come up with childish stunts to get you under your wrap","Muzueni chilungamo kuti ngati sakufuna, asabweletse masewera a chimwana kuti ukhale mchikutiro chake",general,social media +en9719,"Take care, by telling you to find him a woman, he is only telling you he doesn’t care about you. He is out to make a fool of you and how do you take that lying down? Let him swallow the venom of his own spleen","Samala, pokuwuza kuti umupezela mkazi, akuzuwuza izi chifukwa samasala za iwe. Akufuna kukuwonetsa uchitsiru ndipo ukulola zimenezi bwanji utangokhala pansi?. Musiye ameze piozini wa ndulu yake yomwe",general,social media +en9720,"In fact, if I were you, with or without juju, I would tell this fool of a man that the only wife material you find for him is yourself","Mwachilungamo, ndikanakhala iwe, ndi juju kapena ayi, ndikanamuuza mwamuna wauchitsilu ameneyu kuti mkazi wabanja amene umpeze ndi iweyo basi",general,social media +en9721,"And hey, by the way, why should a man be forced by a man to get married? It only shows that he comes from a family that stands on shaky grounds. What do they want to get out of his marriage?","Mwanjira ina, ndichifukwa chani mwamuna akukamizidwa ndi mwamuna kuti akwatire? Zikungowonetsa kuti amachokera kubanja limene lili logwedezeka. Akufuna apezemo chani mu banjalo?",general,social media +en9722,"Excuse my beliefs, but isn’t the Mulhako wa Alhomwe not just around the corner and we have to do what we got to do?",Pepani chifukwa chazikhulupiliro zanha. Koma kodi mulhako wa alhomwe suli pafupi kuchitika ndipo tikuyenera kuchita zimene tikuyenera kuchita?,general,social media +en9723,I wish somebody could make a short prayer for the vulnerable fuel attendants’ poor souls lest they do not make it to heaven because of a problem that is not of their own making,Ndikanakonda wina akanepephera pemphero lalifupi kwa mizimu yosauka ya othira mafuta wokhudzidwa kuti akalowe kuwamba chifukwa cha vuto limene sanapangitse ndi iwo,general,social media +en9724,"My lord, the failings of the Tokha government on fuel is creating monsters in fuel attendants and this is worrying me","Ambuye wanga, zolephera za boma la tokha pa mafuta agalimoto akupangitsa uchigawenga mu anthu othila mafuta ndipo izi zikundidandaulitsa",general,social media +en9725,Have you noticed that fuel attendants are now more prone to lies than they were before the crisis hit Nyasaland?,Munawona kuti othira mafuta tsopano ali pa chiopsezo chomanama kusiyana ndi pamene mlili usanafike ku nyasalad?,general,social media +en9726,"My lord, most attendants are now easily enticed to accept bribes by desperate motorists who just want to have their tanks filled to capacity regardless of the rationing","Ambuye wanga, othanzira ambiri tsopano akukopeka kumalandira chiphuphu kuchokera amagalimto amen akufuna kuti ma tanki awo adzadze posatengela mlingo wapan’gonopan’gono",general,social media +en9727,"My lord, the crisis has made most attendants corrupt and this is where I want you to step in and stem the tide","Ambuye wanga, kusowaku kwapangitsa othandiziriwa kukhala achinyengo ndipo apa ndi pamene ndikufuna inu mulowelelepo ndikuthetsa izi",general,social media +en9728,I don’t want to blame the attendants who have now forged a strange relationship with motorcyclists to operate illegal filling stations in ghettos because desperate times call for desperate measures,Sindikufuna kuimba mlandu othandizirawa amene apanga ubwenzi owopsa ndi anjinga zamoto kumayendetsa malo othilira mafuta awo osaloledwa mu ghetto chifukwa nthawi yovuta imafunaso njira zovuta,general,social media +en9729,"If I am to be religious, my lord, I will blame it on Tokha if the attendants are to be thrown into the lake of fire because the current administration has created a fertile ground for them to sin","Ngati ndili wachipembedzo, ambuye wanga, ndiimba mlandu tokha ngati othandizirawa akaponyedwe mu nyanja ya moto chifukwa chifukwa utsogoleri wa panowu wapanga malo achonde kuti iwo achimwe.",general,social media +en9730,"My lord, I have seen how some permanent secretaries have been forced to lie on behalf of the government on the Westgate mess and all those excesses","Mbuye wanga, ndawona momwe ma sekilitale okhazikika akukakamizidwa kunama mmalo mwa bomba pa chisawawa cha Westgate ndi zina zonse zowonjezerapo",general,social media +en9731,"It is at that function where we got to know that when it comes to reciting sweet-nothings that tinkle the ears of citizens on what had been planned to transform Nyasaland, Lazaro has no equal","Ndipaichi pamene tizindikira kuti ikabwera nkhati yokamba mawu ozuna omwe amasangalatsa makutu anzika pa ndondomeko zachitukuko zomwe zinapangidwa kusintha Nyasaland, Lazaro alibe wofana naye.",general,social media +en9732,"And till now it has all been talk, talk and more talk with little to show for. My lord, we need to see action and solutions on prevailing crises before we can talk about change coming to town. Yes it has been three years already","Mpaka pano zangokhala kuyankhula kuyankhula ndikungoyankhula popanda chochitika. Mbuye wanga, tikufuna kuwona zochitika komanso mayankho pamavuto omwe akuchitikawa tisanaone kusintha komwe kukubwera mu nzinda. Eya patha kale zaka zitatu",general,social media +en9733,"Meanwhile, I still believe fuel attendants should not be made scapegoats for the failures of big people. Their sins of commissions and omissions ought to be forgiven","Pakali pano, ndikukhulupilirabe kuti anthu othira mafuta a galimoto asakhale ponamizira pa kulephera kwa anthu akuluakulu. Machimo acholowapo ndikuduphitsa akuyenera kukhululukidwa ",general,social media +en9734,Malawi has been rated the highest on the list of countries that have registered cases of attempted digital fraud,Malawi yaikidwa patsogolo pa ndandanda wa mayiko omwe alembetsa umbava wa mma lamya,general,social media +en9735,"The development comes after, last year, the country was losing approximately K120 million monthly to mobile money fraud, according to the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra)","Izi zikudza pamene chaka chatha dziko lino lataya pafupifupi MK120,000,000 mwezi uliwonse kudzera mu umbava wa mma lamya, potengera ndi Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority ",general,social media +en9736,"The report further indicates that out of all digital transactions made by consumers in Malawi, 3.5 percent were suspected to be fraudulent attempts in the first half of this year",Lipotilo likuwonetsa kuti pazichitochito zose za digital zopangidwa ndi ogula M'malawi 3.5 pa zana iliyose amakayikilidwa kuti ndi a wu kamberembere mu theka la gawo loyamba la chaka,general,social media +en9737,"Recently, Macra revealed that K120 million is lost every month through mobile money fraud, noting that the issue must be addressed collectively and with urgency","Posachedwapo, Macra yayika poyera kuti k120 million imatayika mwezi uliwoanse kudzera mu ukambembere wa pa lamya ndalama,kuzindikira izi kuti izi zikuyenera kuwonedwa mwathuthu ndimwansanansanga",general,social media +en9738,"In Malawi, there is a huge surge in usage of digital platforms, especially mobile money, which has grown by 32.7 percent between 2022 and 2023","M'malawi muno, kugwiritsa ntchito zinthu za makono kwakula kwambiri makamaka kutumuza ndi kulandira ndalama pa lamya, komwe kwakwera ndi 32.7 pa 100 pakati pa zaka za 2022 ndi 2023",general,social media +en9739,This increase has been facilitated by the widening and deepened digitalization across Malawi,Kukweraku kwachitika ndikuchuluka komanso kuzama kwa zipangizo zogwiritsa ntchito zamakono mMalawi muno,general,social media +en9740,"However, this includes people with low digital literacy and exposure to the new medium,” he said","Komabe, izi zikuphatikiza anthu omwe ali ndi upangiri wochepa pa kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka njira zamakonozi komanso omwe aphunzira njira zina zatsopano, iye anatero",general,social media +en9741,The development comes at a time Macra and the Ministry of Education are reviewing the public primary and secondary school curricula to include digital literacy and digital citizenship elements so that all children attending public schools can acquire digital literacy skills from an early age,zochitikazi zikubwera pamene Macra ndi unduna wa zamaphunziro ukuunikanso ndondomeko yophunzitsira yaku primary andiku secondary za boma kuti aphatikizepo kudziwa za digital ndi unzika pa za digital kuti ana onse omwe akupita ku sukulu za boma apeze maluso a a digital kuchokera ali ana,general,social media +en9742,"“The strategy is now at ministry level and we believe [that] its rollout will help create a safe digital environment,” he said",Njira iyi tsopano ili ku unduna ndipo tikukhulupirira kuti kuyambitsidwa kwake kudzathandiza kupanga ubwino waza digital,general,social media +en9743,"If we do not regulate our internet, digital fraud will continue to increase. It’s just unfortunate that this is happening to our nation. We need to alert the community on how they should protect themselves from such fraud,” he said","Ngati sitiyiwongolela intaneti yathu, ukamberembere wa digital udzipitilira kukwera.Ndizovetsa chisoni kuti izi zikuchitika mu dziko lathuli. Tikuyenera kuchenjeza anthu momwe angadzitetezere pawokha ku ukamberembere oterewu. Iye adatero",general,social media +en9744,He said this is a lesson to Malawi to tighten security by putting in place requisite laws,Iye anat ili ndi phunziro ku Malawi kuti tikhwimitse chitetezo poika m'malo malamulo a poyambira,general,social media +en9745,"Charcoal helps to prevent soft shell eggs, increasing lifespan of hens and a longer laying period after adding charcoal to the chickens feed","Makala amateteza kukufewa kwachikhokho chamazira,kutalikitsa moyo wa thadzi komaso kutalikitsa nthawi yoyikila mazira mukaonjezerako makala ku chakudya.",general,social media +en9746,"Charcoal is also used traditionally to reduce diarrhea in chickens, and our ancestors relied on it as a way to prevent and remedy coccidiosis, a gut infestation of naturally occurring parasites in soil that can cause bloody stool and eventually death","Makala pachikhalidwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito kuchepetsa kutsekula mmimba ku nkhuku, makolo athu amadalira izi ngati njira yotetezera komaso kuchiza coccidios ndi njoka za m'mimba zochokera kutizilombo topangidwa mwachilengedwe mu donthi zomwe zingapangitse magazi mu ndowe nkutsatana ndi imfa ",general,social media +en9747,Charcoal reduces the smelly stuff in the coop when used as beddings improving their environment and creating a better fertilizer for your garden,Makala amachepetsa fungo loyipa mukhola zikagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati pogonera kupititsa patsogolo ukhondo ndikupanga feteleza wabwino waku munda kwanu.,general,social media +en9748,Charcoal can help to move worms and worm eggs out of the chickens body,Makala amathandizira kuchotsa ndikutulutsa mazira a njoka za mmimba mu thupi la nkhuku,general,social media +en9749,"I don't object the use of charcoal, now regarding the fact that charcoal is all but from different kinds of trees, doesn't this matter as poultry health is concerned? I mean some trees may have toxic substances","Sindikutsutsana ndikugwiritsa ntchito makala,koma kutengera mfundo yakuti makala ndi onse koma ndiochokera kumitengo yosiyanasiyana, kodi izi sizikuyenera kuzitengera pa umoyo wazambalame zoweta? Ndikutathauza kuti mitengo ina ili ndidziphe.",general,social media +en9750,What charcoal should you use? I bought charcoal from a chemist but was very expensive,ndimakala anji omwe ndikuyenera kugwiritsa ntchito? Ndinagula makala kwa kwa katswiri wamankhwala wina koma anali okwera mtengo zedi.,general,social media +en9751,I love that movie. My favorite actor. You made a lot of people happy. You did great. Gorgeous..she's aging gracefully..they even make a good couple,"Ndimayikonda kanema iyi. Wochita zisuzo wanga okondedwa. Udapangitsa anthu ambiri kusangalala. Unapanga zabwino. Zokongola, akukula mwa chisomo. Nkomwe komwe ndi banja lokhalana",general,social media +en9752,"I was in high school that time when I watched his movie..he is a real legend, funny guy even without talking just an action amazing person.. I salute you","Ndinali ndili ku sekondale panthawi yomwe ndinaonera filimuyo, ndikatakwe wapaka nthawi weniweni,munthu wosangalatsa ngakhale asanayankhule zochitika chabe basi munthu wabwino, ndakuvulira chipewa.",general,social media +en9753,"How you loved those movies! Watched them a thousand times!! This picture is beautiful with Jennipher and Jason, they both are great actors, and I enjoy all the movies that they starred in","Momwe umakondera ma kanema amenwo! Kuwonera kambirimbiri. Chithunzi ichi ndichokongola cha Jennifer ndi Jason, awiriwa ndi akaswiri a zisuzo, ndipo ndimakondwera ndi makanema onse omwe iwo anatenga nawo mbali",general,social media +en9754,When I was young I used to think that the reason why mom and dad sleep together is because of shortage of blankets in the house,Ndili mwana ndinkaganiza kuti chifukwa chimene mai ndi bambo anga amagonera limodzi chinali chifukwa chakuvhepekedwa kwa zofunda mnyumba ,general,social media +en9755,"I want my money on 1st, regardless of when you started staying in the house"". Whether it's 10th, 15th or but his money doesn't exceed 3rd of every month","Ndikufuna ndalama zanga pa tsiku loyamba posatengera nthawi yomwe unayamba kukhala mu nyumba, kaya ndi pa 10, pa 15, kapena ndalama yake sikudutsa kota ya mwezi uliwonse ",general,social media +en9756,"No visitors allowed, stay in your house no getting outside to have a fresh breath, no kids playing outside. As we speak I am moving out of this prison next week","Palibe alendo akuloledwa kukhala mu nyumba yako kapena kutuluka paja kukapitidwa mphepo, ana asasewere panja. Apa ndikunena pano ndituluka mu ndendeyi sabata lamawa.",general,social media +en9757,"I shouldn't wash in the bathroom, I should rather wash outside so I throw the water outside to prevent the soakway from being filled up",Ndisachapire ku bafa m'malo mwake ndichapire panja kuti nditayire madzi panja kuteteza njira ya madzi kuti ingadzadze.,general,social media +en9758,"I shouldn't let my Mum come there again, that's not my family house but what I did to her before moving out, she'll never forget","Nidsapangitse Amai kuti abwerenso kumeneko, limenero si nyumba la banja langa, koma zimene ndinamupangira ndisanatuluke, sadzaiwala.",general,social media +en9759,"Don't ever think this is your house, I heard you talking on the phone saying you are at your house, this is my house don't ever let me hear you say that again","Usaganizeko kuti iyi ndi nyumba yako, ndinakumva ukuyankhula pa lamya kuti uli kunyumba yako, ndisadzakumvenso ukuyankhula izi.",general,social media +en9760,"No kids allowed, then I said, ""Must I swallow them? Unfortunately, they're part of my body forever","Ana sakuloledwa, kenako ndinati ""Kodi ndiwameze? Mwatsoka ndi mbali la thupi langa mpaka kalekale.",general,social media +en9761,"My LandLady is a motherly type, within my first day of staying in her yard, I fell sick and was the one who has been taking care of me together with her family when I was admitted, no rules she gave me! She acts like my mother","Mwini nyumba wanga wa mkazi ndi mlera khungwa, mkatikati mwa masiku omwe ndiyamba kukhalako, ndinadwala ndipo ndi amene anandisamala pamodzi ndi banja lawo pamene ndinali mchipatala, palibe malamulo anandipatsa; amangokhala ngati mai anga.",general,social media +en9762,"Dont open the big gate (she even stays with the keys for the gate), park your cars at those paid carparks and not in my yard when actually there is more than enough parking space in her yard...and not even a single car in the yard","Usatsegule chipata chachikulu {Amachita kusunga makiyi a pachipata}, ikani magalimoto pa bwalo lolipiralo osati ku mpanda kwanga, ngakkhale kumpandako kuli malo okwanira kusungirako magalimote, koma kulibe ngakhale ndi imodzi yomwe. ",general,social media +en9763,"When you go out leave the keys to your room, it’s my property, I have a right to check your rooms","Ukamatuluka usiye makiyi kuchipinda kwako, ndi nyumba yanga, ndili ndi ufulu woyang'ana mu zipinda.",general,social media +en9764,"That is not my problem.... my problem is my sister left twin girls with me. I was feeding one and I took a break to read the comments a little, now I don't know which one has eaten","Limenero si bvuto langa, bvuto langa ndi mchemwali wanga,wandisiyira mapasa ake akazi. Ndinamudyetsa m'modzi kaye ndikupumira kuwerenga ndemanga, panopa sindikudziwa amene wadya.",general,social media +en9765,I need to meet that one person you dating because I don't want to see different faces in my yard and on Sundays we going to church so I assumed she thought I was her daughter so I stayed for one month,Ndikufuna ndikumane ndi munthu m'modziyo amene ukupanga naye chibwenzi chifukwa sindikufuna kuwona nkhope zosiyanasiyana pakhomo panga pano ndipo tsiku lasabata timapita kukachisi ndiye ndimayembekeza kuti amaganiza kuti ndine mwana wawo wa mkazi. Ndiye ndinakhala kwa mwezi umodzi.,general,social media +en9766,He said I must always reduce my radio volume because it takes up too much electricity when I play loud music,Iye anati ndikuyenera kumatsitsa volume ya wayilesi yanga nthawi zonse chifukwa imadya magetsi ambiri volume ikakhala yokwera kwambiri.,general,social media +en9767,My old tenancy agreement had a clause that said I wasn’t allowed to climb on the roof,Mgwirizano wanga wakale wokhala pa malo unali ndi gawo lomwe limanena kuti sindimaloledwa kukwera pa denga.,general,social media +en9768,"I wasn't allowed to play music, even in my car when I entered the yard, I was forced to switch it off","Sindimaloledwa kusewera nyimbo ngakhale mugalimoto mwanga ndikamalowa ku mpanda, ndimakakamizidwa kuzimitsa.",general,social media +en9769,"That I shouldn't use water in the house, I should go outside and buy after already paying for it in the house. Is that not crazy??",Kuti ndisamagwiritse ntchito madzi mu nyumba. Ndizipita kukagula madzi panja ngakhale ndinalipira kale m'yumba. Simisala imeneyi.,general,social media +en9770,Was told to stop using the complex horsepipe when we wash our car. It will only be used to cleaning floors.. that's when we applied for a bond and moved out. We were then asked why are we moving out,Ndinawuzidwa kuti ndisiye kugwiritsa ntchito hosipaipi ya pa malopo kutsukira galimoto. Izingogwiritsidwa ntchito potsukira pansi. Ndipomwe ndinafunsira bondi ndi kutuluka. Ndinafunsidwa ndikutuluka chifukwa chiyani.,general,social media +en9771,I was not allowed to use shower or washing machine after 8 pm.. most of the times I was getting home around that hour after commuting from work,Sindimaloledwa kugwiritsa ntchito shower kapena mashini ochapira zobvala ikangodutsa 8 koloko madzulo. Nthawi zambiri iyi ndi nthawi yomwe ndimafika kunyumba kuchokera kuntchito.,general,social media +en9772,"No roommate, no bringing of friends no coming late, no playing outside d compound, no cooking inside, no lights in the morning and afternoon except night","Wopanda mzanga wogona naye mu chipinda, wosabweretsa anzanga, wosabwera mochedwa, osasewera panja, osaphika panja, osayatsa magetsi mmawa, masana kupatula usiku wokha.",general,social media +en9773,"I wasn't allowed to have any pets, not even a gold fish because it would splash water onto the bench and water would stuff the bench up","Sindimaloledwa kukhala ndi ziweto zosangalatsa, ingakhale nsomba ya golide imene, chifukwa ingathe kuwazira madzi pa benchi ndi kudzadzitsapo.",general,social media +en9774,"I was asked to introduce my girlfriend either in person or photo and aside the person I will introduce, no other female is expected to visit me and I can never speak pidgin English in the compound all because of their kids","Ndinafunsidwa kuti ndiwawonetse bwenzi langa pamaso kapena chithunzi chake, kupatula pa ameneyu, pasadzabwerenso munthu wina aliyense wamkazi kudzandiwona. Ndisayerekeze kuyankhula chingerezi cha pigini chifukwa cha ana awo.",general,social media +en9775,"The theory that drunkards genuinely love and look out for each other at bars. This is in comparison to Christians who, apparently, are in sharp contrast to the drunkards. They are deemed to be meaner; a case of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Christians rarely want to help out","Nkhani yakuti anthu oledzera amakondani ndikuyanga'anirana mowona mtima ku malo omwera mowa.Izi ndikufananitsa ndi akhirisitu amene, nkomwenkomwe, ndiosiyaniranatu ndi zidakwa. Amatengedwa kuti ndi oyipa",general,social media +en9776,My observation in line with this theory is that churches have openly placed themselves in positions of negative scrutiny,M'kuwona kwanga polingana ndi nkhaniyi ndizakuti ma tchalitchianadziyika pozukuta molakwika.,general,social media +en9777,"For instance, the evident segregation among Christians themselves is enough to send tongues wagging. How do you have names for congregants according to the amount of money they give—such as bronze, platinum and gold?","Mwachitsanzo, umboni owonekeratu wakusankhana pakati pa akhilisitu iwo eni ndikokokwanira kudzetsa mabodza.Mungakhale bwanji ndi mayina kutengera ndi momwe amaperekera, monga bronze, platinum ndi gold",general,social media +en9778,Some even have seat allocation over the same and even offer positions in accordance to one’s financial muscle. Those under privileged are trodden upon and do not matter,Ena mwinaso amakhala ndi pokhala pochita kupatsidwa kutengera pazomwezo ndipo mwina kuwapatsanso udindo kutengera ndi kuthekera kwawo pazachuma.Omwe ali wopeza mochepekera amangoponderezedwa ndipo salabadiridwa.,general,social media +en9779,"And for the Pentecostals, meeting the overseer, founder or prophet is not for the poor. If they happen to be sick or troubled in any form, the best they can get from the people supposed to offer help is a request to fast and wait upon the Lord","Ndipo ku ma pentecostals, kukumana wankulu, oyambitsa kapena neneri sikwa anthu osauka.Ngati zachitika kuti wadwala kapena wasautsika munjira iliyonse, chomwe angapezeke chabwino kuchokera kwa anthu omwe amayenera kuwathandiza ndiku pemphedwa kuti asale kudya ndikudikira pa mulungu",general,social media +en9780,"For the big names, there is no hesitation or hindrance to meeting ‘men of God’. Why? Because they have ‘bought’ their way to higher. Is that live?","Kwa anthu odziwika, Palibe kuchedwa kapena zoletsa kukumana ndi 'munthu wa mulungu'.Chifukwa?chifukwa chakuti 'agula' njira yawo yaku tsogolo.Kodi uku nkukhala?",general,social media +en9781,"O these churches think people don’t see? Some even refuse to pray for anyone unless they commit to joining their church, pay tithe or chowinda. Nothing for free","Matchalitchi onsewa amaganiza ngati anthu samaona zimenizi?Ena amakana ndikomwe kupepherera winawake pokhapokha adzipereke joyine tchalitchi, kupereka chakhumi kapena chowinda. Palibe chaulere",general,social media +en9782,Take the drunkards on the other hand. They buy beers for strangers just for the company and laughter,Talingalirani zidakwa mbali inayi. Amawagulira mowa anthu osawadziwa pofuna kusangalala ndi kusonkhana ndi anzawo.,general,social media +en9783,Even a friend who is out of cash that day goes home staggering on someone else bill. Drunks even go to the extent of dropping someone at a place way off their trail,Ngakhale nzawo amene alibe ndalama amapita kunyumba ataledzera mowa womwetsedwa ndi anzawo. Anthu oledzera amatha kukasiya anzawo oledzera osiyana mbali yomwe amakhala ,general,social media +en9784,"They make sure one of their own gets home safe and sound. If they can’t drop him/her, they at least offer solutions. If food is bought, it is shared among all present regardless of who pays",Amawonetsetsa kuti mzawo wakafika ku nyumba bwinobwino. Ngatu sangakamutule kwao amapezabe njira. Akagula zakudya amadyera limodzi posatengera amene wagula.,general,social media +en9785,"Even a funeral of a drunk is well patronized and friends give generously towards the ceremony. They do not hesitate to help as long as they are able to, on whatever form",Ingakhale maliroachidakwa amasohanidwa bwino ndipo sachedwetsa kuthandiza bola ali ndikuthekera kotero munjira iliyose,general,social media +en9786,"Now, check the contrast. One church member will rudely scrutinize a new comer—eyeing them from top to bottom—as if they were a threat to their existence or positions","Tsopano, onani kusiyanaku.Munthu wina wa mpingo atha kumuzukuta munthu oyamba kumene, kuchokera pamwamba mpaka pansi, ngati kuti ndichiopsezo pakupezeka pawo kapena udindo",general,social media +en9787,Many are judgmental of other Christians and gossips are rife. What is in alcohol that makes people live amicably and what is in ‘holiness’ that makes it impossible to co-exist?,Ambiri ndiwo weruza a khirisitu anzawo ndipo mabodza ndi osazembeka. Kodi mu mowa muli chani chomwe chimapangitsa anthu kukhala mwantendere? Ndipo ndichiyero chanji chomwe chimapangitsa kukanika kukhalira limodzi?Ndi chifukwa chiyani,general,social media +en9788,"And when people do try to co-exist in churches, why should it be about survival of the richest? When will the poor get his/her time in churches comfortably without the fear of being taunted?","Ndipo pamene anthu akuyesera kukhalira pamodzi mu mpingo, ndi chifukwa chiyani zimakhal kupulumuka kwama khumutcha? Kodi ndi liti limene kaputhabuya wa m'kazi kapena wam'muna adzapeze nthawi mu kachisi yokhala mwantambasale opanda kusautsika?",general,social media +en9789,I am not condoning life in bars or claiming life there is by far the best. The issue here is about tolerance of one another which the bars seem to be doing good compared to the Christian sanctuaries that are segregating,Sindikuvomereza moyo wamu ma bala kapena kunena kuti moyo wakumeneko ndwabwino koposa.Nkhani apa ndiyakuti kuli kololerana wina ndi nzake kuma bala komwe kumachitika bwino kuyerekeza ndikuma kachisi,general,social media +en9790,"We see these things; hence, our talking about them. The idea is not to provide a good read, but bring changes. Can we do that please?","Timaowona zithu;kutsatira kwake, kuyankhula kwaife pazimenezi. Nkhani yake siyakuti ndingopereka zowerenga zabwino. Tingapange zimenezo?",general,social media +en9791,Young people sometimes take college rejection as a judgment on themselves— not just on their academic abilities but on who they are as a person,Anthu achichepere nthawi zina amatenga kukanidwa kutengedwa ku sukulu ya ukachenjede ngati kudziweruza kwaiwo mwini- osati paza kuthekera kwa maphuziro awo komaso kuti iwowo kuti ndi ndani ngati munthu,general,social media +en9792,"While getting depressed from not getting a slot in the public university system is usually temporary, sometimes it may have lasting effects for the somewhat high esteem that people hold for them","pamene tikukhala wokhumudwa pamene sitikupeza mpata ku sukulu za ukachenjede za boma nthawi zambiri ndizakanyengo kochepa,nthawi zina zitha kukhala ndizotsatira za nthawi yayitali, pakudziyenereza komwe munthu amakhala nako ",general,social media +en9793,"For the youth who struggle with self-esteem or negative thinking, such rejections can feel like one more thing that is not working in their life","Kwa achinyamata omwe amavutikira ndikudzienereza kapena maganizo oyipa,kukanidwa kumeneku chimene sichikugwira pa moyo wawo",general,social media +en9794,"And for those with existing anxiety or depression, a college rejection can make the symptoms worse",Ndpo kwa amene ali kale ndi nkhawa kapena madandawulo ,general,social media +en9795,"No doubt, failing to get into one’s dream college can undermine a student’s confidence and self-worth, easily leading to what is sometimes referred to as college rejection depression","Osakaiyikanso,kukanika kulowa ku sukulu ya ukachnjede yaku maloto kwako kutha kucheptsa kudzidzikhulupirira ndikudzi ikamo kwa mwana wa sukulu, mosavuta kuyambitsa chomwe chimatchedwa madandawulo wokanidwa",general,social media +en9796,"But as you will learn when you read her story, there is always a chance to try another door or a window if one door fails to open","Koma pamene ukuzindikira pomwe ukuwerenga nkhani yake, nthawi zonse pali mwayi woyesera khomo lina",general,social media +en9797,"There is no point standing on the closed door, hoping that somehow it will be opened, when all the while the world around you is still moving","Palibe nzeru kuyima pa chitseko chotsekedwa, kukhulupirira kuti chitsekelidwa, pamene nthwi yonsewo dziko likupitilira kuyenda",general,social media +en9798,Even more wonderful is that she went on to achieve much more than most public university graduates have—and all it took was determination and hard work,Ndipo chopambana kwambiri ndichakuti anapitiliza kukwaniritsa zambira kuposa otsiriza aku sukulu za ukachenjede za boma apnag- Zinagotenera kuyikapo ntima komanso kulimbikira.,general,social media +en9799,"So, from her we learn the importance of knowing your dreams, having goals and working hard to achieve them, just as she has","Ndiye, kuchokera kwa iyeyu tikuphunzirapo kufunikira kwakudziwa ma loto akondikukhala ndi cholinga kuti ukwaniritse monga wachitira iyeyu",general,social media +en9800,"There is always a good reason why one party to a relationship wants a break, and forcing them against it usually won’t take you anywhere","Nthawi zonse pali chifukwa choveka bwino chambali ina ya ubwezi chomwe chimafuna kuthetsa, ndiye kukakamiza kutsutsana nazo izi sizingakutengere kuli konse.",general,social media +en9801,"Yes, when it comes down to this, there is often a good chance that one party to the relationship is still on a high and hoping that somehow it will take a turn for the better","Inde, tikabwera pa izi, nthawi zambir pali umwayi wabwino wakuti mbali ina ya ubwezi imakhalabe ndi chikhulupiriro chochuluka kuti zinthu zisitha",general,social media +en9802,"However, hard as it may be, it is best to allow the other party the space they need in such cases, and if after some time you both feel you can continue building the relationship then you take it from there","Komabe,momwe zingakhalire zovuta,ndi bwino kuvomereza mbali inayo mpata omwe akufuna mu nthawi ngati izi. Ndipo patatha izi ngati mbali zonse mukunva ngati mutha kumanganso ubwenzi wanu muthano kutengera kuchokera pamenepa.",general,social media +en9803,Tough is when the suggesting partner knows that their heart has already moved but they have no easier way to tell you boldly that they want a break up,Zovuta ndi pamene bwenzi lomwe likupleka maganizolikudziwa bwino kuti mtima wawo wachokamo kale koma alibe njira yosavuta yokuwuzirani molimba mtima kuti akufuna kuthetsa ,general,social media +en9804,"So they suggest a break knowing that it will be milder on your heart than coming outright with a break up, and they hope you will heal through the break. So yes, it is best to accept it and even borrow a leaf from pessimists who are always prepared for the worst, and for them if things turn out well instead, it comes as a bonus","Ndiye amanena zakulekanako akudziwa kuti zikhala zapakatikati pa mtima wanu osati kubwera mokasuka , ndipo amakhulupirira kuti muchira mukulekanako. Ndiye, eya,ndi chabwino kuchivomereza ichi ndikuphunzira kwa anthu omwe amaona zithu mwa ubwino ndipo amazikhonzekeretsa ku zoipa, mmalo mwake chabwino chikachitika imakhala ngati banyira",general,social media +en9805,"The holidays are here, and this time for much longer, teen talks and mentorships can serve as worthwhile pass time on during the holidays. There will likely be more of such events, which you may wish to consider for your children","Tchuthi chafika, ndipo pakali pano chotalikirapo, misonkhani ya achinyamata yowalimbikitsa ikhoza kuthandiza kutayitsa nthawi panthawi yatchuthiyi. Zachidziwikire kudzakhala zochitika ngati izi zomwe mungakonde kulingalirapo za ana anu.",general,social media +en9806,"Many people at times dream and aspire to be different by attaining their wildest dreams, but at times motivation comes in short supply","anthu ambiri amalota ndikufuna kukhala osayina pokwaniritsa maloto awo ovuta, koma",general,social media +en9807,"I went into this profession because of my family background. My late grandfather was a truck driver and my father is a truck driver too. It always used to fascinate me when I saw them driving those big vehicles. I started seeing myself in their shoes eventually,” she said.","Ndinalowa mu ntchito imeneyi chifukwa cha mbiri laku banaj langa.Malemu agogo anga amuna anali woyendetsa truck.Zimakhala zondisangalatsa ndikawaona iwowo akuyendetsa galimoto zikuluzikulu. Ndinayamba kudziwona ndili ineyo mapeto ake, iye adatero",general,social media +en9808,"Although she initially appeared as if she would take a different career path, but her fate was sealed before she even realized it","Ngakhale kuti poyamba adawoneka kuti atenga njira ina ya ntchito, koma ",general,social media +en9809,"That qualification was not enough to dissuade her from her youthful dream and before long, she was lured into the transport trade","Tsamba lake silinali lokwanira kumulepheretsa ku maloto ake awunyamata ndipo posakhalitsa,iye anakopeka ndi malonda aza ntengatenga.",general,social media +en9810,"She said as part of her job, she is responsible for transporting goods, loading the vehicles, abiding by traffic laws, ensuring safe unloading of goods and delivery at different stations locally","Iye anati ngati mbali ya ntchito yake, ali ndi udindo wazamayendedwe a katundu,kutsatira malamulo a pamsewu, kuwonetsetsa kuti katundu akutsitsidwa moyenerera, ndi kusiyidwa malo osiyanasiyana mu dera momwemo.",general,social media +en9811,"The driver also has to inspect the mechanical state of the vehicle and perform preventive maintenance work. Additionally, we are also required to plan on routes we use so that we can get to our destinations safely and fast,” she said","Oyendetsayo amayeneraso kuyanga'na mwachidwi kagwiridwe ntchito ka galimoto ndikugwiranso ntchito yoyikhonzanso moyiteteza.Kuwonjezera, timayenera kukhonzekeratu njira zomwe tidutse kuti tikafike bwino ndi mwachangu kumalo omwe tikukathera, iye adatero.",general,social media +en9812,"Eunice was quick to praise the lucrative nature of the job, its security, countless opportunities and competitive benefits. The youthful truck driver also said having an updated knowledge is crucial","Eunice sanachedwe kuyamikira ubwino wa ntchito, chitetezo, mwai wosawerengeka ndi phindu losowa lopikisana nalo. Dalaiva wa chinyimatayo anena kuti kudziwonjezera nzeru za tsopano ndi kofunikira.",general,social media +en9813,She said that requires attending regular trainings to have the capacity to tackle certain problems they encounter on the road such as vehicle break downs,Iye ananena kuti ndi koyenera kupanga maphunziro pafupipafupi kuti ukhale ndikuthekera kothana ndi mabvuto ena amakumana nawo pa msewu monga kuwonengeka kwa galimoto.,general,social media +en9814,But how does she get on the stride in such unfamiliar territory as young woman? Eunice said the world has taken a tilt on how they perceive things and it is encouraging to see that women are being given their space on the table,Amakwanitsa bwanji kupita patsogolo mdera lachilendo ngati mzimai wachichepere. Eunice anati dziko lonse lapansi lasintha momwe limawonera zinthu ndipo ndizolimbikitsa kuwona azimai akupatsidwa mwai wopanga zithu zawo.,general,social media +en9815,"She said so far, the experience has been amazing and she feels good to be among the champions of breaking the barriers and stereotypes that have held back the womenfolk for long","Iye anati, pakali pano chakhala chinthu chosangalatsa pokhala mmodzi mwa anthu oyambirira kuchotsa zikhomo ndi chikhalidwe chodziderera chimene chakhala chikubwezeretsa azimai nthawi yayitali.",general,social media +en9816,"She said: “Women have been part of this industry for long, but they were being overlooked and undervalued. I am excited because now the industry is putting our voices out there and people are ready to hear our stories",Iye anati azimai akhala mbali ya ntchitoyi kwa nthawi yayitali koma samawerengedwa ndiponso amadeleredwa. Ndili ndi chimwemwe kuti tsopano madandu azimai akupita patali pantchitoyi ndipo anthu ali okonzeka kumva nkhani zawo.,general,social media +en9817,"Eunice said: “Women, just like anybody else, want to be safe and secure in the working environment, but sadly the industry does not guarantee that at the moment","Eunice anati, ""Azimai ngati munthu wina aliyense amafuna akhale pabwino ndi motetezedwa pa malo a ntchito, koma mwachisoni sizitsimikizika kuti zikhala choncho pa malo a ntchito.",general,social media +en9818,"She said on the roads, safety awareness is key to ensuring their safety. The driver said they are required to be conscious where they park their vehicles to minimize security threats","Iye anati pa msewu, chidziwitso cha chitetezo ndi chofunika kwambiri kuwonetsetsa kuti atetezedwe. A dalaiva anati azikhala ndi chikumbumtima pamene ayika galimoto zawo kuti achepetse chiwophyezo cha chitetezo.",general,social media +en9819,"I usually just do local trips because of the same security issues. There are a lot of reported rape cases and hijacks. As a precaution, I confine myself in Malawi rather than crossing the borders,” she said","""Nthawi zambiri ndimangopanga ma ulendo a mdera langa chifukwa cha nkhani ya chitetezo chomwecho. Pali nkhani zambiri zogwiriridwa ndi zolandidwa. Kupewa izi ndimakhala mu Malawi momuno, osatuluka kunja"", anatero.",general,social media +en9820,"Maybe because of her family background, she enjoys undivided support from her parents which has made it easy for her to settle in her career","Mwina chifukwa cha mbiri labanja lakwao, amalandira chithandizo chanthunthu kuchokera kwa makolo ake, ndi chifukwa chake anakhazikika pa ntchito yake.",general,social media +en9821,"When I made the decision to become a transporter, they were never shocked. They knew I always wanted to join the field. They have been very supportive throughout,” she said","Pamene ndinapanga chisankho cha wa zamtengamtenga, sanadzidzimuke. Ankadziwa kuti ndimafuna kukhala wa za mtengamtenga. Akhala akundithangatire nthawi zonse. She said.",general,social media +en9822,"She grew up exposed to truck drivers almost all her life. Her late grandfather and father used to take her on board when going to offload in certain districts during holidays at a very young age,” she said","Iye anakula akuwona woyendetsa ma truck moyo wake onse.Malemu agogo ake amuna ndi bambo ake amakonda kumutenga akamapita kukatsitsa katundu muma boma ena ali wachichepere, iye adatero.",general,social media +en9823,"She added; “We used to follow her whereabouts in the past, but now, since she has gained more experience and matured, we let her do what pleases her","Ananenso kuti, mbuyomu akhala akumulondola malo omwe ali, koma panopa popeza kuti wapeza ukadaulo wochuluka ndipo wakhwima, tinamusiya kuti apange zimene zikumusangalatsa. ",general,social media +en9824,Right now my duty is just to support her mentally when it comes to her personal life and not anything concerning her career because she handles it perfectly,Pakali pano ntchito yanga ndi kumuthandiza maganizidwe ikafika nkhani ya moyo wake osati china chilichonse chokhudza ntchito yake chifukwa akumakwanitsa kuzigwira mwa ukadaulo.,general,social media +en9825,Eunice said the career path she took should act as a statement to a lot of young girls and a reminder that they can do anything a man can do,"Eunice anati, njira yomwe anatenga ya ntchito yake ikhale ngati chidziwitso ndi chikumbutso kwa atsikana kuti atha kupanga china chilichonse chimene munthu wa mwamuna angapange.",general,social media +en9826,"We should always be strong when fighting for what we want. Do not let anyone look down on you unless they are admiring your shoes. Don’t become what you are because you failed school or you have some limitations. Be what you are because that is what you want,” she said","Tidzikhala olimbika nthawi zonse pamene tikumenyerera zomwe tikufuna. Osalola wina aliyense akuyang'anireni pansi pokhapokha akuyang'ana nsapato zako. Osakhala chimene uli chifukwa choti unalephera sukulu kapena uli ndi zolepheretsa. Ukhale chimene uli chifukwa choti ndi chimene ukufuna, anatero.",general,social media +en9827,"Our vision is to reach modern girls and women from cities and towns; to teach and preach to them about the beauty of God and praying. Modern women and girls are perceived to be busy people in society, who have little time or no time at all for God","Masomphenya athu ndi oti tifikire atsikana ndi azimai amakono ochokera mmizinda ikuluikulu ndi ing'onoing'ono; kuti tiwaphunzitse ndi kuwalalikira iwo za ubwino wa Mulungu ndi kupemphera. Atsikana ndi azimai amakono amaganiziridwa ngati otanganidwa mu mdera, amene ali ndi nthawi yochepa olo opandiratu nthawi pa za Mulungu.",general,social media +en9828,"The pastor, who is also an entrepreneur says her ministry wants to raise a generation of women, who apart from their careers, jobs, businesses, education must be fired up for God","Abusawo, amene alinso munthu wa za malonda ananena kuti utumiki wake akufuna ukuze m'bado wa azimai, umene kupatuka za ntchito, za malonda, za maphunziro akhale woyaka mwa Mulungu.",general,social media +en9829,She hosts business seminars and is a fashion designer. The business seminars equip girls with skills to do well at the market place,Amapangitsa misonkhano ya malonda ndi mmisili wa makono. Misonkhano ya malondayi imapereka maluso kwa atsikana akuti achite bwino pa msika.,general,social media +en9830,"Her aim is to make it a transformation haven for women and girls; and to preach beyond the borders of Malawi. She wants to impact women in secondary schools, universities, market place and offices","Cholinga chake ndi kupanga chinthu chosandulika, chapamwamba cha azimai ndi atsikana, ndi kulalikira kunja kwa Malawi. Akufuna kusintha miyoyo ya azimai ndi atsikana ama secondary sukulu,sukulu ya ukachenjede, misika ndi malo antchito.",general,social media +en9831,"Well, the name is just a reminder and motivation to girls and women that yes, they are beautiful and they can pray","Inde, dzinalo ndi chikumbutso ndi chilimbikitso kwa atsikana ndi azimai amene inde ali okongola ndi omwe angathe kupemphera.",general,social media +en9832,"Apart from teaching women about God and praying, the 36-year-old understands that there are many things happening that can let people down","Kupatula kuwaphunzitsa azimai zokhudza Mulungu ndi kupemphera, mzimai wa zaka makumi atatu ndi chisanu ndi chimodzi, amamvetsetsa kuti kuli zambiri zochitika zimene zingakhumudwitse anthu. ",general,social media +en9833,"While in school at the Catholic University of Malawi, Purity opened a tailoring and fashion designing shop. She has since been working with companies, non-governmental organization and ministers","Ali ku sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Catholic, Purity anatsekula malonda a utelala ndi umisiliwosoka zovala zamakono. Wakhala akugwira ntchito ndi makampani, ma bungwe omwe si aboma ndi nduna.",general,social media +en9834,"Apart from the tailoring business, I launched a cleaning services company this year. I also sell shoes and handbags online","Kupatula malonda a utelala, ndinayambitsa kampani yosamala pa malo chaka chino. Ndimagulitsa nsapato ndi zikwama pa masamba a internet",general,social media +en9835,"I want to encourage my fellow pastors that it’s time to work. God blesses the works of our hands. Let’s move and run away from the culture of begging, it despises the name of our great God that we serve,” she says","Ndikufuna kulimbikitsa abusa anzanga kuti ndi nthawi yoti tigwire ntchito. Ambuye amadalitsa ntchito za manja athu. Tiyeni tilekeni ndi kusiya chikhalidwe chopempha, zimanyazitsa dzina la Mulungu wa mphamvu zonse yemwe timamutumikira. Iye anatero. ",general,social media +en9836,The entrepreneur also hosts mental health sessions for women to open up on life’s challenges,Munthu wa malondayu amapangitsa maphunziro a matenda a mu ubongo kwa azimai kuti amasuke pazokhoma za moyo wawo.,general,social media +en9837,"I am a survivor of depression. It’s worth to call myself a survivor because depression is evil, beyond what we think about it. Coming out of depression is a great achievement","Ndinapuluka ku matenda a nkhawa. Ndikuyenera kudzitchula ndekha wopuluka chifukwa matenda a nkhawa ndi oipa, kuphyolera pamene ifeyo timawaganizira. Kupulumuka ku matenda a nkhawa ndi chinthu cha mtengo wapatali. ",general,social media +en9838,"I see that God deliberately took me through the process of depression to take mental issues seriously,” she says","Ndikuwona kuti Mulungu anachitira dala kundiyendetsa mu nyengo ya matenda a nkhawa kuti ndiziyikirapo mtima pa nkhani za matenda a nkhawa, iye anatero.",general,social media +en9839,"Purity introduced mental health sessions to prayer gatherings in 2022 September, restoring many lives in the process","Purity anayambitsa maphunziro a matenda a nkhawa ku msonkhano wa mapemphero mu 2022 mwezi wa September, kubwezeretsa miyoyo yambiri mu njira imeneyi.",general,social media +en9840,"“It was heartwarming how women opened up and spoke about mental health through their various encounters. I was alarmed, but helped us incorporated mental health talks in our meetings since then,” says the pastor","Zinali zogwira mtima momwe azimai amamasukira ndi kuyankhula zokhuza matenda amu ubongo kudzera mu zinthu zosiyanasiya zomwe adutsamo. Ndinali wodabwa, koma zinatithandizira kuphatikiza matenda a nkhawa pa zoyankhula za mikumano yathu kuchokera panthawi imeneyo. Abusawo akutero.",general,social media +en9841,The fashion designer grew up in a loving environment because her father fought hard to get his family the right education and shelter,Misili wa zamakonoyu anakula pa malo a chikondi chifukwa bambo awo amayesetsa kupezera banja lawo maphunziro oyenera ndi malo okhala.,general,social media +en9842,"But like any human being, Purity has met challenges in her life. The major challenge was with identifying her purpose, realizing who she was and what she wanted to become, working towards achieving her goals and overcoming the challenges","Koma ngati munthu wina aliyense, Purity wakumana ndi zobvuta pa moyo wake. Bvuto lalikulu linali kupeza cholinga cha moyo wake, kuzindikira kuti iye ndi ndani, ndipo kuti akufuna kukhala ndani, kugwira ntchito kuti akwaniritse zolinga zake, ndikupambana zobvutazo. ",general,social media +en9843,"Because of that, she found herself doing many things and not focusing on one thing","Chifukwa cha zimenezi, anapezeka kuti akupanga zinthu zambiri ndipo osalunjika pa chinthu chimodzi.",general,social media +en9844,"“And that led to delay in becoming who I truly am, accomplishing my goals and making strides in life","Ndipo izi zinadzetsa kuchedwa kuti ndikhale ine momwe ndili, ndikukwaniritsa zolinga zanga, ndikupita chitsogolo ndi moyo wanga.",general,social media +en9845,"“The other challenge I met growing up was with love relationships. I found myself in relationships that never worked out as some were mentally and physically abusive,” she adds","Bvuto lomwe ndinakumana nalo pamene ndimakula linali la za ma ubwezi a chikondi. Ndinapezeka mu ma ubwezi womwe sanagwire ndi komwe okuti ena anali ozunza mu maganizo ndi kuthupi, anawonjezerapo.",general,social media +en9846,But she admits that those relationships built the strong person she is today,Koma anabvomereza kuti ma ubwezi amenewa anamupanga kukhala munthu wolimba momwe alili lero.,general,social media +en9847,"“God entrusted me with his girls and women as their caretaker. It’s a big responsibility that I believe is only God who helps me execute the duties and responsibilities. Otherwise on my own, I cannot manage","Mulungu anandikhulupirira ine ndi atsikana ndi azimai ngati wowasamalira wawo. Ndi udindo wawukulu ndipo ndimakhulupirira kuti ndi Mulungu yekha amene amandithandiza kukwaniritsa ntchito ndi udindo. Kupatula apo pandekha, sindingakwanitse.",general,social media +en9848,"“These women look up to me and trust me as their leader. I am persuaded to pray, work and sharpen myself to be a better leader,” says Purity","Azimai amenewa amayang'ana kwa ine ndi kundidalira ngati mtsogoleri wawo. Ndimakakamizidwa kupemphera, kugwira ntchito ndi kudzisula ndekha kuti ndikhale mtsogoleri wabwino, Purity akutero.",general,social media +en9849,"“I spent my childhood and teenage years in Blantyre where I did my nursery, primary and secondary education at Lady Bird International High School and Kaphuka Private Secondary School","Zaka zanga za ku ubwana ndakhala ku Blantyre kumene ndinapanga sukulu ya mkomba phala, pulaimale, ndi maphunziro a sekondale ku Lady Bird International High School ndi ku Kaphuka Private Secondary School.",general,social media +en9850,"While waiting for the Malawi School Certificate of Education results, she did a graphic and advert designing certificate course at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences. She has a certificate in journalism from the Malawi institute of Journalism",Akudikira zotsatira za MSCE anapanga maphunziro a zojambula pa computer ndi kusatsa malonda ku Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences. Ali ndi setifiketi ya za utolankhani yaku MIJ.,general,social media +en9851,"Later, Purity applied at the Catholic University of Malawi to study education, but switched to social sciences. Much later, she also ditched social sciences for political leadership","Patsogolo, Purity adalembera ku Catholic University kuti akaphunzire za uphunzitsi, koma anasintha kupita ku Social Science. Apanso anasinthanso kupanga za Utsogoleri wa za Ndale.",general,social media +en9852,"“I believe in academic excellence because of my family background. I grew up with values that I still hold,” she says","Ndimakhulupirira kuchita bwino kwambiri pa maphunziro chifukwa cha mbiri ya banja lakwathu. Ndinakula ndi zikhulupiriro zimene ndili nazobe, akutero.",general,social media +en9853,She is also a netballer since her primary school days as it clears her mind and keeps her fit,Iye ndi woseweranso mpira wa manja kuchokera ku pulayimare sukulu chifukwa zimamupeputsa maganizo ndi kukhala wa mphamvu.,general,social media +en9854,"The story should not end at just protecting or promoting our women and girls—such as their rights, equality, education or gender-based violence","Nkhani isangothera chabe powateteza ndi kupititsa patsogolo azimai ndi atsikana - zinthu ngati ufulu wawo, kufanana pakati pa abambo ndi amai, maphunziro kapena nkhaza.",general,social media +en9855,"There is more to be done and let me start with the story about nudity. This topic is not new here and today, I bring a whole new dimension to it. I shall digress from the revenge porn matter and expound a little on what I wrote here recently","pali zambiri zoyenera kuchitika ndipo ndiyambe ndi nkhani ya umaliseche.Mutu uwu siwachilendo lero pano, ndabweretsa ngodya ina yatsopano pa ichi.Nidibwererako pango'no pa zolawula zobwezera ndikutambasulako pang'ono pazimene ndalemba apa",general,social media +en9856,"For those who missed it, my post was about the possibility of girls and women publishing their nudes for marketing purposes. All along, I have blamed men for publishing the nudes of their exes as revenge","Kwa amene munasemphana nayo, nkhani imene ndinaika inali yokhudza kuthekera kwa azimai ndi atsikana pakutulutsa zithunzi zawo zambulanda ngati malonda. Nthawi yonseyi, ndakhala ndikunena azibambo potulutsa zinthuzi zambulanda za zibwezi zawo zakale.",general,social media +en9857,I have cautioned women about sending their nudes to lovers because experience has shown that some of them tend to share those pictures when a relationship ends,Ndachenjeza azimai pazokhudza kutumiza zithunzi zawo za mbulanda kwa chikondi awo chifukwa nthawi zambiri zawonetsa kuti ena mwa iwo amagawa zithunzi zimenezi chibwezi chikatha.,general,social media +en9858,"Well, at the rate these nudes continue making rounds on social media, it may not be just men that are to blame. The women seem to be doing it out of their own free will; hence, my suspicion of it being a market gimmick","Inde, pa mlingo umenewu zithunzi za mbulandazi zimapitirira kutumizidwa pa masamba a mchezo, sizingakhale kuti ndi azibambo okha amene akuyenera kunenedwa. Azimai akukhala ngati akumapanga mwakufuna kwa okha, choncho, ndikukayikira kuti ndi chinthu chotsatsira malonda chabe",general,social media +en9859,"Now, women are undressing for money. They are being coerced into stripping at an agreed fee payable once the photos and videos are sent to the ‘buyer’","Tsopano, azimai akubvula chifukwa cha ndalama. Akumakopedwa kumabvula pa mtengo wokambirana ndikulipidwa ndalama zithuzi ndi makanema a maliseche awo akatumizidwa kwa ogula",general,social media +en9860,"I have seen conversations between buyer and seller, where the former calls the shots in terms of the kind of poses and expected outcomes",Ndawonapo zokambirana za pakati pa wogula ndi wogulitsa pamene wogulayo amayitanitsa mtundu wa mayimidwe a zithunzi ndi zomwe akuyembekezera kuwona.,general,social media +en9861,"Because of the financial promises, women are ready to bare it all; regardless of what the payer wants to do with their photographs","Chifukwa cha malonjezano a zachuma, azimai akumakhala okonzeka pa chilichonse posatengera zomwe wolipira akufuna kupanga nazo zithunzi zawozo.",general,social media +en9862,"Some have smiled all the way to the bank upon getting paid, only to get the shock of their lives once the photos leak","Ena amapita ku bank ndi chimwemwe atalipiridwa, ndikudzidzimutsidwa zithunzi zawo zitamwazidwa.",general,social media +en9863,"And can they blame the buyer for publishing his ‘property’. Other women have been duped. After the suggestive poses, they get nothing, with the supposed payer to blackmail them into paying him or risk exposure","Ndiye angathe kumunena wogulayo potulutsa katundu wake. Azimai ena apusitsidwa. Atauzidwa momwe angayimire pachithunzi salandira kena kalikonse, ndi uyo wonenedwa wogulayo amawapusitsa kuwalipira iwowo apo bi azimwaza kulikonse.",general,social media +en9864,"Last time I checked, selling one’s body and subjecting it to all manner of activity for a fee is prostitution. Britannica.com defines prostitution as the practice of engaging in relatively indiscriminate sexual activity, in general with someone who is not a spouse or a friend, in exchange for immediate payment in money or other valuables","Komaliza komwe ndinaona, kugulitsa thupi ndikulipereka kuzithu zili zonse zochitika polipilidwa ndi uhule.Britannica.com limafotokozera kuti uhule ndikudziika muzochitika zogonana ndi munthu winawake yemwe siwachikondi wako kapena nzako, posinthana ndi ndalama kapena zinthu zina pompopompo ",general,social media +en9865,"Women need more than knowing about their rights. Somebody should teach them about dignity. Selling one’s body is an undignified way of earning an income, especially when the pictures are leaked and go viral. Don’t just fall for empty promises for the love of money",Azimai akufunika kudziwa zambiri zoposera ufulu wawo. Munthu wina akuyenera kuwaphunzitsa zokhudza kudzipatsa ulemu. Kugulitsa thupi lako ndi njira yosadzipatsa ulemu wopezera ndalama makamaka pamene zithunzi zamwazidwa ndikufala. Osagwa chabe mumalonjezo chifukwa chokonda ndalama. ,general,social media +en9866,"I read and hear about endless stories of scammed victims. They vary and trust me, they will keep changing for as long as we live. I have discussed scammers before, but today; allow me to talk about love scams","Ndimawerenga ndikumva nkhani zosatha za anthu opusitsidwa. Amasiyana ndipo khulupirirani kuti adzipitirizabe kusintha nthawi zonse. Ndinayamba ndakambiranako ndi atambwali, koma, ndiloleni ndikambeko zokhudza atambwali achikondi.",general,social media +en9867,Almost gone are the days when someone will come to you directly to ask for money. The probable response would be a no,Masiku adapita pamene munthu angabwere kwa iwe ndi kupempha ndalama mwachindunji. Yankho lachidziwikire limakhala kukanizidwa.,general,social media +en9868,"To yield something, many feign situations that will prompt another to give a substantial amount of money, including death or sickness","Kuti apezepo chinachake, ambiri amanamizira kukhudzidwa mu chinachake chomwe chingapangitse wina kupereka mulingo wandalama ochulukirapo, kuphatikizapo imfa kapena matenda",general,social media +en9869,But perhaps the most outrageous is a love scam. Two people meet online and the scammer always initiates conversation. Scammers are very patient,Koma mwina kunamizidwa komwe kwakula kwambiri ndi chikondi. Anthu awiri amakumana pa masamba a mchezo ndipo nthawi zonse tambwali amayambitsa nkhani. Atambwali ndi odekha kwambiri.,general,social media +en9870,"After a while, a relationship develops and what remains is a meeting. We have heard about women conning men of money in the pretext of transport money only to embezzle it and get off line","Pakapita nthawi, ubwezi umakula ndipo chimatsala ndikukumana. Tinamvako zokhuza azimai kupempha azibambo ndalama mu dzina la ndalama yoyendera ndikuyiwononga kenaka ndikuchokapo pa masamba a mchezo.",general,social media +en9871,They may go to the extent of lying to the man about the expected day of their arrival only to keep him waiting at their agreed tête-à-tête,Ndipo amapitilizabe kunama kwa azibambo zokhudza tsiku limene akuyembekezeka kufika ndikudzangomudikiritsa patsiku lamkumano.,general,social media +en9872,"A recent case baffled me. An online relationship matured to a meeting. The lovers met and within minutes of their meeting, the relationship was consummated",Nkhani yongochitika kumene inandidzidzimutsa. Ubwezi wa pa masamba a mchezo unakula mpaka kufika ku mkumano. Achikondiwa anakumana ndipo patangotha mphindi zochepa anagonana. ,general,social media +en9873,"The scammer was the man and after several outings, he convinced her to make payments for their dates because his online outlets were ‘acting up","Tambwali anali mzibambo ndipo atayendera limondzi nthawi yayitali, anamunyengerera kuti alipire ndalama zake chifukwa njira zake zolipirira zimabalalika.",general,social media +en9874,"Before long, thousands of kwachas were spent, but he did not reimburse on time as she had to return to her base. Meanwhile, he has ‘disappeared’ without a trace","Pasanapite nthawi, ndalama zambiri zinagwiritsidwa ntchito koma sanabweze pa nthawi imene amabwerera kwawo. Pakalipano wasowa wosawonekanso.",general,social media +en9875,"She is confused and blaming herself for falling in love with this phantom. She wants her money, period",Wabalalika ndipo akudzinena yekha pogwa mchikondi ndi munthu wabodza. Akufuna ndalama zake basi.,general,social media +en9876,Dating sites are many and even without them; people have found love and are still finding it online. We cannot completely rule them out because some relationships are a product of surfing,Masamba a mchezo a ubwezi ndi ambiri komabe kupanda masambawa anthu akhala akupeza chikondi ndipo akupezabe pa masamba a mchezo. Sitingatsutsiretu zonse chifukwa ma ubwezi ena ndi zotsatira zosakasaka pa masamba a mchenzo.,general,social media +en9877,"Scammers are particularly rampant online. In the comfort of their homes, they lure unsuspecting victims to rooms for sex in the name of love. They lure people into deep emotions by being all lovey dovey when in reality they are simply playing with them","atambwali ndi ochhulukira makamaka pa online. Ali phee mmanyu'mba mwawo, amakopa anthu ochitidwa chipongwe osakaikira kuzipinda kuti agonane mudzina la chikondi.Amakopa anthu muchikondi chakuya pokhala achikondi koma zoona zake zokuti akungowasewera.",general,social media +en9878,"Please be careful. There is a syndicate out there robbing people. They will scam you as many have been, even abroad","Chonde khalani osamala. Pali kagulu kambava kunjaku komwe kakubera anthu. Akuchitani chipongwe ngati momwe achitidwira anthu ambiri, ngakhale kunja.",general,social media +en9879,People are investing in technology and will say things you want to hear. They feed on vulnerability and loneliness,Anthu akulowetsa ndalama mu zinthu zamakono ndipo amanena zinthu zomwe ukufuna kumva. Ndipo amakuuza zinthu zobvutika ndi zopukwa.,general,social media +en9880,"And because people fall in love, in becomes easy to part with their life’s savings or even go into debts to please this man or woman they hardly know","Ndipo chifukwa choti anthu amagwa mchikondi, zimakhala zosavuta kulolera kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama zomwe asunga pa moyo wawo kapena kugwa mu ngongole kuti asangalatse mzibambo kapena mzimai amene sakumudziwa bwinobwino.",general,social media +en9881,I have never been a fan of online dating and I am not here to judge. Love can be found anywhere. Just be careful,Sindinakhalepo wokondweretsedwa ndi masamba a mchenzo a ma ubwezi koma sindili pano kuweruza. Chikondi chitha kupezeka paliponse. Ingokhalani chabe osamala.,general,social media +en9882,"I have heard lovers lash out at each other, claiming to have been each other’s saviour. Words such as I am all you have, etc are some of the common venoms during quarrels","Ndamvapo achikondi akukalipirana akunena kuti akhala mpulumutsi kwa wina ndi mzake. Mau monga ine ndi zonse zomwe uli nazo, ndi zina zambiri. Awa ndi mau ena ogwiritsira ntchito pafupi pafupi mu nthawi ya mkangano.",general,social media +en9883,"Lovers will bring out a past or bad experience to spite one another. The lashes do not end at just bad experiences. They may include one’s paternity doubt or mistakes, subjecting children to ridicule in the process","A chikondi amakumbutsa zakale kapena nyengo zoipa ponyozana. Zimayenera kuti adzikhala malo oti munthu apeze ufulu chisangalalo, kukoma mtima, kumvetsetsa ndi mtendere.",general,social media +en9884,"A love is meant to bring the best in another. It is supposed to be a place where one finds comfort, pleasure, kindness, understanding and peace","Chikondi chikuyenera kubweretsa zabwino kwa wina ndi mzake. Chikuyenera kukhala malo amene munthu ungapeze ufulu, chisangalalo, kukoma mtima, kumvetsetsa ndi mtendere.",general,social media +en9885,"Ordinarily, a lover or partner should protect even the most outrageous offence. That is why we love each other in the first place, by accepting each other for who we are, strengths and weaknesses","Mwachizolowezi, wachikondi ayenera kuteteza mzake ngakhale atapalamula mlandu waukulu. Ndi chifukwa chake, choyamba timakondana wina ndi mzake, kuvomereza wina ndi mzake chimene tili, kuthekera kwathu komanso kufooka kwathu",general,social media +en9886,"People argue and by human nature, it is normal. But arguments are not places to bring out each other’s’ bad side or darkness","Anthu amakangana ndipo ndi pa umunthu, izi ndi zabwinobwino. Koma mikangano simalo abwino okumbutsira zoipa mbali yoyipa ya wina ndi mzake.",general,social media +en9887,They are not times to remind each other what we have done for the other or how ungrateful we feel the other is,Palibe nthawi yokumbutsana zimene tinapangirana kapena momwe tikumverera kuti munthu winayo ndiwosayamika.,general,social media +en9888,It is definitely not a time to remind one about his or her family feuds or capitalize on weaknesses. They are simply disagreements and misunderstandings over a situation which we can handle as adults,Chachidziwikire sinthawi yokumbutsana zokhudza mikangano ya kubanja kwake kapena kukulitsa zofooka. Ndikusagwirizana ndi kumvetsetsana chabe pa zinthu zomwe tikhonza kukambirana ngati akuluakulu.,general,social media +en9889,There is no need to dive deep in our pasts and open scars or wounds over just one argument,Palibe chifukwa chopitira mkatimkati mwa za mbuyo mwathui ndi kutsutsula mabala ndi mkangano umodzi wokha,general,social media +en9890,"When we love someone, we become privy to their inner most beings and secrets. We open up to each other and everything is laid bare for the other to see and hear because of the proximity we develop","Pamene takonda wina wake,timadziwa za nkati mwawo ndi zi nsisi. Timamasukirana ndipo chilichinse chimayikidwa pambalanganda kuti winayo awone ndikuva chifukwa chaku yandikana komwe kabuka.",general,online media +en9891,Some have opened up even about prior convictions or unsolved crimes. They do it out of love and trust,Ena anamasuka ngakhale asanapalamule kapena zamilandu yosakambidwa. Amapanga izi chifukwa cha chikondi ndi dama,general,online media +en9892,"Noone under the banner of a lover has the right to stand in the public square to scandalize the other, even if the object of their anger is a product of rape","Palibe wina aliyese mu dzina la chikondi ali ndi ufulu woyima pagulu ndikuyalutsa winayo, ngakhale itakhala kuti zotsatira za mkwiyo wawo ndiku gwiririra",general,online media +en9893,No one has the right to injure that person who opened up to them with the very information offered when affection was at its highest. There is no point to open such a can of worms just because we are angry,Palibe aliyese ali ndi ufulu wovulaza munthuyo amene anawamasukira ndi uthenga omwe anawapatsa iwo pamene chikondi chinafika pachimake. Palibe chifukwa chowululira zinthu zangati zimenezi zovuta chifukwa choti takwiya chabe.,general,online media +en9894,"When we decide to do things for people we love, it should be based on that- uncoerced. And when the other party steps on our toes, be civilized and don’t bring it up","Tikapanga chisankho chowapangira anthu omwe timawakonda zinthu, chinakhala chifukwa chokopedwa/chongereredwa. Ndipo ngati mbali yinayo yatiputa",general,online media +en9895,"It is absurd to assume that when you buy one a car, house or clothes, you become immune to their leaving you or angering you. It’s impossible","Ndizodabwitsa kumaganiza kuti ukagula galimoto, nyumba kaoena zovala, iwo sangakusiye kapena kukukwiyitsa. Nzosatheka",general,online media +en9896,"And because fights are inevitable, with or without gifts or good gestures, live with it. Do not place a notepad at your pillow to read out to your loved one when they err","Mikangano ndiyosazambeka, ndi mphatso kapena opanda mphatso kapena kuchitira zabwino, khalani choncho.Musasiye kalata kunsi kwa chogonetsapo mutu wanu kuti mumuwerengere okondedwa wanu akalakwitsa",general,online media +en9897,"Save yourself from the high blood pressure or disappointment. Buy the gifts with an open mind that someday, that person will disappoint you or even leave you",Dzipulumutseni nokha ku kukhumudwa kapena kuthamanga magazi.Ingogulani mphatso opanda maganizo aliwose kuti tsiku lina munthu ameneyo adzakukhumudwitsani kapena kukusiyani,general,online media +en9898,"Clara said through the award, she has realised that people and different stakeholders pay attention to what farmers and entrepreneurs are doing","Clara kudzera mu mphoto anati, wazindikira kuti anthu ndi anthu okhudzidwa ali ndichidwi ndizomwe alimi ndi amalonda akuchita.",general,online media +en9899,"She added that she is inspired when she sees her influence impacting the community, society and Malawi as a whole",Iye anawonjezera kuti ndiwolimbikitsika akaona kuti zotsatira zakuchita bwino kwake zikusitha midzi ndi madera ndi Malawi yese wathuthu,general,online media +en9900,She said:”This award is for every woman who is trying her best or is geared to do great things in this year because we all can do whatever we want and change the world.”,Iye anati; Mphoto iyi ndiya nzimayi aliyese amane akuyesetsa kapena ndiwochilimika kuti apange zithu za zazikulu chaka chino chifukwa tikhoza kukwanitsa chilichose ndikusitha dziko lina,general,online media +en9901,"She is also the founder for Amazing B Projects, a company that was established to give solutions to agricultural issues such as equipping farmers with improved horticultural skills",Iye ndiye anayamba kampani yotchedwa Amazing B Projects yomwe inayambitsidwa kuti izipeleka mayankho a nkhani za ulimi monga kuwapatsa alimi ndi ukadaulo wa ulimi wa zipatso,general,online media +en9902,"Through the projects, Clara has been using social media to influence young people and change people’s mindset about agriculture through trainings","Kudzera muntchito zachitukuko, Clara wakhala akugwiritsa ntchito masamba a m'chezo kulimbikitsa achinyamata ndikusintha kaganizidwe kawo pa zaulimi kudzera mmaphunziro",general,online media +en9903,"“We also do consultancy and production of farm produce such as honey processing, legumes, horticultural crops, fish farming focusing on fingerings multiplication, mushroom production and piggery","Timapanganso kafukufuku ndi ulimi monga kupanga uchi, mbeu za mtundu wa nyemba, kudzala dzipatso, kuweta nsoma makamaka ulimi wochulukitsa tiana tansomba, kulima Bowa ndi kuweta nkhumba",general,online media +en9904,"“I never knew about the passion I had for farming as a child. I remember removing tomato seeds each time I was asked to cook when I was young and I could plant behind the house as I always had a tiny garden of my own,” she narrated",Sinadziwe chidwi chomwe ndili nacho pa zaulimi ndili mwana. Ndikukumbukira ndili wang'ono ndimachotsa mbewu za tomato nthawi iliyonse imene ndimauzidwa kuti ndiphike ndili wang'ono. Ndimadzala kuseri kwa nyumba popeza nthawi iliyonse ndinali ndi kamunda kanga. Iye anafotokoza.,general,online media +en9905,Clara added that the inspiration of her agribusiness came from the challenges she faced in her life back then,Clara anawonjezera kuti chilimbikitso cha ulimi wa malonda chinabwera kuchokera ku mabvuto omwe anakumana nawo pa moyo wake mbuyomo.,general,online media +en9906,"She said:”I needed my independence and focus on my life. Since I was an agriculture graduate, I thought of using my skills rather than just staying home","Iye anati; ""ndimafuna kudziyimira pandekha ndi kuika chidwi pa moyo wanga. Popeza ndinali womaliza kuphunzira za ulimi ndinaganiza zogwiritsa ntchito luso langa kusiyana ndikungokhala kunyumba.",general,online media +en9907,"“The other inspiration was the supply and demand. Up to now, I don’t understand why we import some vegetables while we have water, good soils and am here to show Malawians that we can.”","Chinthu china chinandipatsa chidwi ndi kuchepa ndi kuchuluka kwa zinthu. Mpaka pano, sindimamvetsa chifukwa chimene timayitanitsa ndiwo za masamba pamene tili ndi madzi ambiri, dothi labwino. Ndili pano kudziwitsa a Malawi kuti tingathe.",general,online media +en9908,She explained: This was one of the greatest achievements in my career where I travelled to Botswana to represent all the youths in Malawi at a Sadc youth meeting,Iye anafotokoza: Ichi chinali chithu chopambana kwambiri pa ntchito yanga pamene ndinapita ku Botwana kukayimira achinyamata onse ku Malawi pa msonkhano wa chinyamata wa SADC.,general,online media +en9909,"“A lot has happened in my life and I cannot forget to mention International Labour Organisation [ILO] for granting me a borehole, solar driven irrigation system, water tanks, tower and pipes at my farm because of the impact to my community","Zambiri zachitika pa moyo wanga ndipo sindingaiwale kutchula bungwe la International Labour Organisation pondipatsa ine mjigo, zipangizo za nthirira zogwiritsa ntchito solar, ma thanki a madzi, msanja ndi mapaipi pa munda panga chifukwa chakusintha miyoyo ya anthu ke dera langa.",general,online media +en9910,Clara has created job opportunities in her community and taught many farmers new skills in agriculture and changed individuals’ mindset toward agriculture through her consultancies,Clara wapangangitsa mwai wa ntchito mu dera lake ndikuphunzitsa alimi ambiri maluso aza ulimi. Ndipo wasintha maganizidwe a munthu aliyense payekha payekha pazokhudza za ulimi podzera ku ntchito zake.,general,online media +en9911,"She is now happy to see many people venturing into agriculture for a living, which is also good for the country","Ndipo iye pano ndiwosangalala kuwona anthu ambiri akulowa mu za ulimi kuti apeze ndalama za tsiku ndi tsiku, chomwe chili chinthu chabwino ku dziko.",general,online media +en9912,The award winner is inspired every time people appreciate her work. That’s why she is determined to do more,Wopambana mphoto amalimbikitsa nthawi zonse pamene anthu akuyamikira ntchito yake. Ndi chifukwa chake ndiwofunitsitsa kupanga zambiri.,general,online media +en9913,"Looking back, Clara believes she is the person she is because of the dream she had back when she was younger","Kuyang'ana mbuyo, Clara akukhulupirira kuti ndi munthu yemwe alipanopa chifukwa cha loto limene anali nalo mbuyomu ali wang'ono.",general,online media +en9914,"In five years, her goal is to be the best producer of button mushrooms, become the biggest producer of horticultural crops and the biggest supplier in Lilongwe","Mu zaka zisanu, cholinga chake ndi choti adzakhale katswiri wolima bowa ndi kukhalanso wolima wamkulu wa mbewu za zipatso ndi woperekera wamkulu mu Lilongwe.",general,online media +en9915,“My journey hasn’t been easy at all because I have been investing all my business money and it’s tough,Ulendo wanga sindinayende moyera chifukwa ndakhala ndikulowetsa ndalama zanga zonse ndipo ndi zovuta. ,general,online media +en9916,"“I don’t have sponsors so I make sure I manage my money well and re-invest when I get profits for me grow. My helper is ILO,” she said","Ndilibe wondipatsa ndalama ndiye ndimayesetsa kugwiritsa ntchito bwino ndalama zanga ndipo ndizilowetsanso kwina ndikapeza phindu kuti ndipite patsogolo. Mthandizi wanga ndi ILO, iye anatero.",general,online media +en9917,"Even though she has reached this far, the farmer looks up to Dzombe who is doing well in agribusiness",Ngakhale iye wafika apa mulumiyu amayang'ana pa Dzombe amene akupanga bwino pa za malonda a ulimi.,general,online media +en9918,"Every time she looks at a helpless woman, she sees lack of empowerment, but she believes every woman can become great if empowered","Nthawi zonse akawona mzimai wobvutika amawona kusowa kupatsidwa mphamvu, koma iye amakhulupirira kuti mai wina aliyense atha kukhala wapamwamba ngati wapatsidwa mphamvu.",general,online media +en9919,She observed that some just lack confidence because many doubt they are capable of doing something big; adding that everyone can do even more than she has accomplished,Anawona kuti ena amangosowa chabe kudzikhulupirira chifukwa ambiri amadzikayikira kuti akhonza kupanga zazikulu; kuwonjezera kuti aliyense atha kupanga zambiri kuposera zomwe iye wakwanitsa.,general,online media +en9920,She beamed:”I would love to take this opportunity to encourage fellow women who are being abused and can’t speak for themselves,"Mwachisangalalo anati; ""Nditengereko mwai kuwalimbikitsa amai anzanga amene akuzunzidwa ndipo sangadziyankhulire"".",general,online media +en9921,"“You cannot be in that space forever; rescue yourself, seek help, be creative and don’t forget to be prayerful. It’s not bad to speak out and please talk to someone.”","Sungakhale pamalo amenewo mpaka kalekale: Dzipulumutse wekha, yang'ana chithandizo, mukhale waluso, ndipo osaiwala kukhala wopemphera. Sizoipa kuyankhula ndipo chonde yankhulani ndi wina wake.",general,online media +en9922,"If she had a chance to start all over in life, she would use social media more and opened a business page from the beginning to promote her work","Atapatsidwa mwayi woyambiranso moyo, atha kugwiritsa ntchito masamba a mchezo kwambiri ndikutsegula tsamba lamalonda kuchokera pachiyambi kuti apititse patsogolo ntchito yake.",general,online media +en9923,"I wouldn’t have gotten married soon after school. Instead, I would have given myself space to do what I am currently doing now,” she confessed",Sindikanakwatiwa nditangomaliza sukulu. Malo mwake ndikadzipatsa mpata ndekha wopanga zomwe ndikupanga pakali pano. Iye anawulula.,general,online media +en9924,"During her free time, she embraces beauty by going for professional makeup, hanging out, eating, listening to music and singing along with friends","Nthawi yake yopuma amakonda kupita kumalo odzikongoletsa, kucheza ndi anzake, kudya, kumvetsera nyimbo ndi kuimba nyimbo pamodzi ndi anzake.",general,online media +en9925,"Every time someone announces their interest in someone of the opposite sex, there are always people who play judge and the jury, condemning one from the other","Nthawi zonse pamene wina wake walengeza chidwi chofuna nyamata kapena mtsikana nthawi zonse pamakhala athu ofuna kukhala oweruza ndi ogamula, kum",general,online media +en9926,They claim to do that to ‘protect’ their close affiliate in the relationship. An inflow of information is exchanged between party to party about the couple in love,amanena kuti achita izi kuti ateteze anzawo kwambiri mu ubwenzi.Uthenga wankatikati umasinthanidwa pakati pa mbali ziwiri wokhudza anthu ali mu chikondi,general,online media +en9927,"There will be those who will discourage either of the two from pursuing their love interest for reasons best known to the bearer of the news. Of course, others offer some ‘positive’ news, especially where wealth is involved","Pamakhala ena omwe amagwetsetsa ulesi awiriwa kuti apitilize chikondi chawo pazifukwa zodziwa wokha onena khaniwo.Indedi, ena amapereka nkhani zabiwno makamaka ngati pali zokhudza chuma",general,online media +en9928,But who made anyone an expert in matters of the heart? Who are we to judge what or who anyone decided to fall in love with?,Koma ndindani anapanga winawake katswiri pankhani za mtima/chikondi? Ife ndindani kuti tiweruze kuti ndi chani kapena ndani amene muthu angalingalire kugwa naye mu chikondi.,general,online media +en9929,Do we know what attracts people to each other? Do we even understand how they met or their circumstances herein? Do we even know what binds the two?,kodi tikudziwa chomwe chinawakoka anthuwa kwa wina ndi nzake? kodi tikuvetsetsa momwe anakumanirana kapena chomwe chinachititsa pamenepo? Tikudziwa nkomwe chomwe chimawamanga pamodzi?,general,online media +en9930,"Love is mysterious, but even more so, blind. Many that are quick to judge and condemn are in failed relationships or alone","Chikondi ndichosamvetsetseka, koma koposera aposo, sichiona. Amiri omwe amaweruza ndikuwanena amakhala kuti ali okha kapena m'maubwezi okanika",general,online media +en9931,"Nobody understands why or how entity A ends up with entity B. On a personal note, many are still dumbfounded as to what they are still doing with the person that has taken them to hell and back. Still holding on to an obviously dead love which relations are tired of pumping sense over","Aliyense samvetsetsa ndikomwe chifukwa chomwe A wathera kwa B. Pansi pamtima, ambiri amadabwa kwambiri kuti akupangabe naye chani munthu yemwe waadutsitsa muzowawa zochuluka. Kupitilizabe kukhala mchikondi chakufa chomwe achibale atopa kuyikamo nzeru.",general,online media +en9932,"There are people with nothing to do, but muse over businesses that do not concern them. It is these holier than thous who overrate their opinions. Let lovers be. We cannot control everyone or their choices","Pali anthu omwe alibe zochita, koma kuzukuta zinthu zoti sizikuwakhudza. Ndi awa ofuna kuoneka abwino omwe amakokomeza maganizo awo Asyieni okondanawo akhale. Sitingaongolere aliyense kapena zisankho zawo",general,online media +en9933,"If one decides to date or marry someone double or triple their age, it is their choice. If one wants to marry an ex-con, so what? If a graduate picks a vendor, so what?","Ngati munthu akufuna kufunsira chibwezi kapena kukwatira munthu wamkulu kuposa msinkhu wake, uko ndikusankha kwake. Ngati akufuna kukwatira munthu amene anaimbidwako mlandu, ndiye chiyani. Ngati munthu womaliza sukulu ya ukachenjede kukwatira wogulitsa malonda ang'onoang'ono, ndiye?",general,online media +en9934,"If she or he picks a career bride or groom, leave them. If one wants that man or woman with plenty children, leave them. Love is blind and we can never know or understand why things happen. Don’t judge","Ngati wakwawa kapena kukwatira munthu wogwira ntchito, alekeni. Ngati wina akufuna mkazi kapena mwamuna wa ana ambiri, mulekeni. Chikondi sichisankha ndipo sitingadziwe komanso kumvetsetsa chifukwa chimene zithu zachitikira. Osaweluza. ",general,online media +en9935,"Its understandable girls face many challenges when growing up. Right in infancy, some have been defiled and sexual predators pursue them at almost every level of their growth",Ndizomvetsetseka atsikana amakumana ndi zobvuta zambiri akamakula. Tangoganizani ena anagwiriridwa ndipo owagwirirawo amawatsata pafupifupi pa msinkhu wawo wonse wokula.,general,online media +en9936,It is no wonder parents or guardians keep a closer watch and shorter leash on girls than boys. This is all in an effort to prevent unwanted pregnancies in adolescence and the trauma of sexual assault,Ndizosadabwitsa makolo kapena owayang'anira amakhala nawo pafupi ndi mwa cheru atsikana kusiyana ndi anyamata. Zonsezi ndikufuna kupewa mimba zosayembekezera mwa atsikana otha msinkhu komanso kuchitidwa chipongwe chogonedwa,general,online media +en9937,"It is a common understanding, too, that in poor households, preference for education goes to boys to economically empower them as future household leaders","Ndi zomvetsetsanso kuti makomo osauka, mwai wa maphunziro umapatsidwa kwa ana amuna kuti adzakhale odzidalira paza chuma ngati atsogoleri a mtsogolo a pakhomo.",general,online media +en9938,It is presumed that girls may forgo education on the premise that they will marry and will be taken care of by their husbands. Their education may be postponed or removed from household’s to-do lists altogether,Zimaganirizidwa kuti atsikana atha kukhala osaphunzira pa malingaliro akuti adzakwatiwa ndi kusamaliridwa ndi amuna awo. Ndiye maphunziro awo akhonza kusinthidwa kapena kuchotsedweratu pa ndandanda wa zochita pakhomo.,general,online media +en9939,"The above are just some of the many things that need correcting in our society. While the issues raised are true, we cannot continue postponing girls’ education in preference for boys","Za mwambamu ndi zinthu zochepa chabe pa zinthu zambiri zimene zikuyenera kukhonzedwa mu dera lathu. Pamene nkhani yabweretsedwayi ndi yowona, sitingapitilize kuyimitsa maphunziro atsikana pakukondera anyamata.",general,online media +en9940,"That is wrong, hence, the many interventions to correct the situation. After all; ‘If you educate a man, you educate an individual. When you educate a girl, you educate a nation,’ so goes the saying","Izi ndi zolakwika, ndi chifukwa chake, pali njira zambiri zokhonza zimene zikuchikazi. Ukaphunzitsa nyamata waphunzitsa munthu mmodzi. Ukaphunzitsa mtsikana waphunzitsa dziko,"" Mauwo akutero.",general,online media +en9941,Poverty in this country is at levels where many households do not have the option of educating one's child over the other based on gender. They just cannot afford to educate either,Uphawi mu dziko lino uli pakuti makomo ambiri alibe chisankho chophunzitsa mwana wina kuposa mzake posatengera kuti ndi wamkazi kapena wamwamuna. Sangakwanitse chabe kuphunzitsa aliyenseyo. ,general,online media +en9942,"Many boys are assumed to be preferred over girls, but the reality is contrary. Sadly, they are left to do piece jobs to survive and quit school","Anyamata ambiri amayesedwa kuti amakondedwa kuposa atsikana koma zoona zake ndi zosiyana. Mwachisoni, amasiyidwa kuti azichita maganyu kuti athandizike ndipo amasiya sukulu.",general,online media +en9943,"And because they are still young, they end up being exploited. Meanwhile, it is girls who are ushered in the world of education","Ndipo chifukwa chakuti akanali achichipere, amakathera kungogwiritsidwa ntchito chabe mwathangata. Pakali pano ndi atsikana amene akutsogozedwa pa nkhani ya maphunziro",general,online media +en9944,I want the nation to reconsider its stand. Let us incorporate every child because they all need help. The fact that a family would opt to educate one child over another speaks volumes about its needs,Ndikufuna dziko lilingalireponso pa mfundoyi. Tiyeni tiphatikize ana onse chifukwa onse akufuna chithandizo. Pa mfundo yokuti banja litha kusankha kuphunzitsa mwana mmodzi kulekana ndi wina ikutiuza zambiri zokhudzana zofunikira.,general,online media +en9945,"We are killing the boy who is left to the devices of his family who hardly can afford to fend for him. He is the one expected to marry and fend for his family in future and if not accorded the necessary resources, we are simply feeding to the vicious cycle of poverty","Tikupha mnyamata amene akusiyidwa ndizida zamakono za banja lak e lomwe silingakwanitse kumusakira.Ndi iyeyo amene akuyembekezeredwa kusakira banja lake mu tsogolo ndipo ngati sapatsidwa zipangizo moyenenerera,tikungopititsa patsogolo umphawi",general,online media +en9946,"Boys need a helping hand in the same manner girls do. Let us not assume. The reality of the ground speaks for itself. Many times as we are walking, driving or shopping, we meet people who strike conversations with us","Anyamata amafuna chithandizo ngati momwe atsikana amafunira. Tisamangoyesa. Zoona zake zimadziyankhulira zokha pa zomwe zikuchitika pa malo. Nthawi zambiri, tikamayendetsa kapena tikamagula zinthu timakumana ndi anthu amene amayambitsa nkhani ndi ife.",general,online media +en9947,Sometimes we initiate it and we do it all in the name of co-existing and simply treating each other as humans. It can be absurd and boring to ignore people around us,Nthawi zina timayambitsa ndife ndipo timapanga izi zonsezi kuti tikhalire pamodzi ndipo kungofuna kulemekezana ngati anthu. Zitha kukhala zomvetsa chisoni ndi zosasangalatsa kuti tisamalabadire anthu amene atizungulira.,general,online media +en9948,There is no malice intended in talking to each other and we should because it makes life easier,Palibe maganizo aliwonse oyipa pakulankhulana wina ndi mzake ndipo tizipanga chifukwa zimapangitsa moyo kukhala wofewa,general,online media +en9949,"But what if some conversations are meant to distract us? Well, I would not be surprised, but its’ pretty shocking. A friend was walking home from work the other day when she met a friendly young man who struck a conversation with her","Koma bwanji zitakhala kuti kucheza kwina ndikofuna kutisokoneza? Inde, sindingakhale odabwa, koma ndizodzidzimutsa kwambiri. Tsiku lina mzanga amapita kunyumba kuchokera ku ntchito pamene anakumana ndi mnyamata wamsangala amene anayamba kumuyankhulitsa.",general,online media +en9950,"The topic was the rains and biting economic situation. She noted another fellow approaching from the opposite side, but naturally, she must have felt at ease realizing the company of the seemingly friendly young man","Nkhani inali ya mvula ndi ululu pankhani zachuma pakadali pano. Anazindikira munthu wina akulunjika kuchokera mbali ina , koma mwachilengedwe, sanachite mantha pozindikira kuti anali limodzi ndi munthu wammuna wooneka wochezeka wachichepere",general,online media +en9951,"The next thing she woke up in a puddle of mud, dazed and robbed. It was only after she knocked at an elderly couple’s door that she learnt of the deep cuts at the back of her head and forehead","Kenako anadzuka mu chithope, woviviinyizidwa ndikuberedwa.Panali apo pokha pomwe anagogoda pakhomo la banja la chikulire pomwe anazindikira zakutemeka kwakuya ku nkhongo ndi pachipumi.",general,online media +en9952,"What seemed like a friendly chat turned out to be a deadly plan to attack her. One of the assailants was simply trying to gain her trust to prevent resistance or shouts for help. The robbers’ aim was for a swift, but successful mission. It worked","Zomwe zimaoneka ngati kucheza kwa chinzake chinasanduka plan ya upandu wakupha.Mmodzimwa a chiwembuwo amangofuna kuoezaso chikhulupiriro kuti apewe kulimbalimba kapena kufuulira thandizo.cholinga cha akubawo chinali chopanga changu, koma chotheka. Zinatheka /zinagwira",general,online media +en9953,"Cases of such distractions are many. Even when driving, there will be unsolicited lookouts helping motorists navigate corners or reversals","zosokoneza za ntundu umenewo ndizambiri.Ngakhaleso poyendetsa,Pamakhala othandizira kkuyanganira osapephedwa kuthandiza oyendetsa njinga za moto akamadutsa ma gulaye kapena ma futambuyo",general,online media +en9954,Don’t trust anybody. Not every Good Samaritan has good intentions. There are motives for everything and some are not good at all,Osakhulupirira wina aliyense. Simunthu wabwino aliyense amene ali ndi malingaliro abwino. Pamakhala zolinga palichonse ndipo zina sizabwino ndi komwe.,general,online media +en9955,"A word of caution. Be wary of any help, attention or conversation. Gone are the days when we would chat-up strangers. There is so much animosity and rage that strangers are holding grudges","Mau a chenjezo. Khalani atcheru pa thandizo, pa chidwi kapena zoyankhulana. Masiku ndi ocheza ndi anthu osawadziwa anatha. Pali kuzibisa kwambiri ndi ukali umene anthu osawadziwa akukhala ndi mkwiyo.",general,online media +en9956,They want what you have regardless of how long it took you to own it. They dislike progress. Guard your property and life with all you got,Amafuna chimene uli nacho posatengera nthawi imene watenga kuti ukhale nacho. Sakondwera ndi tsogolo. Samalirani kolimbika katundu ndi moyo wanu.,general,online media +en9957,The planting season is worse because thieves take advantage of the shielded pathways. Open fields are now havens for robbers,Nyengo yodzala mbeu ndi yoyipa chifukwa okuba amatengerapo mwayi mu njira pobisalamo. M'minda mwasanduka mokhalamo akuba.,general,online media +en9958,"I understand in some areas people are being attacked in broad day light. While one may decide to get home before 6 pm for safety, bear in mind that attackers can strike at any time","Ndikumva kuti malo ena anthu akumenyedwa masanasana. Ngakhale munthu ataganiza zopita kunyumba isanakwane 6 koloko ya madzulo, kumbukirani kuti zigawengazi zikhonza kukumenya nthawi iliyonse.",general,online media +en9959,"And because they move in groups, they have an added advantage anytime. They are precise in their game and know exactly where to strike for one to lose consciousness. If possible, move in groups","Ndichifukwa chakuti amayenda mu chigulu, amakhala ndi mwai nthawi iliyonse Iwo amapanga izi mwa chindunji ndipo amadziwa malo enieni okumenya kuti ukomoke. Ngati ndi kotheka mudziyenda mu magulu.",general,online media +en9960,"Sharon Chirwa is a God-fearing young woman with a big heart and passionate about improving the wellbeing of women and girls. On December 16 2022, she published a book titled Becoming a Wise and Noble Woman. In the book, she voices issues that women and girls face","Sharon Chirwa ndi mzimai wachichepere wowopa Mulungu wa mtima wabwino ndi wa chidwi pa nkhani zokhudza kupititsa patsogolo umoyo wa amai ndi atsikana. Pa 16th December 2022, anatulutsa buku mutu wake becoming a wise and noble woman. Mu bukhu limeneri, akuyankhula nkhani zimene azimai ndi atsikana amakumana nazo.",general,online media +en9961,"Sharon mentions divorce, loss of a loved one, abuse, harassment, spiritual issues and economic issues","Sharon watchulapo zakulena kwa banja, kutaya okondedwa, nkhaza, kuzunzidwa, nkhani za uzimu ndi za chuma.",general,online media +en9962,I want to bring back women lives and the joy of womanhood despite life challenges. I was inspired by the Wise and Noble Woman movement which I host,Ndikufuna kubwezeretsa moyo wabwino ndi chisangalalo cha umai posatengera zobvuta za moyo. Ndinalimbikitsidwa ndi wise and women movement yomwe ndinapangitsa.,general,online media +en9963,"I have been dealing with women and girls; and have learnt that as a woman, one has to work hard and choose to make her life better,” she said.","Ndakhala ndikupanga zinthu ndi azimai komanso atsikana ndipo ndaphunzira kuti ngati mzimai, ukuyenera kulimbikira kwambiri ndi kusankha kupanga moyo wake kukhala wabwino. Iye anatero.",general,online media +en9964,"Peace is a choice of how you deal with issues. If one is at peace with herself, she will not settle for less, but will keep moving knowing better days will come,” she said. The book targets everyone, including men, Christians and students","Mtendere ndi chisankho chomwe uzipangira zithu. Ngati munthu uli pa mtendere ndi iye mwini sakhazikika pazochepa, koma amayendabe chitsogolo pakudziwa kuti masiku abwino akubwera, Iye adatero. Bukhuli likufikira aliyense, kuphatikizapo abambo, akhristu ndi ana a sukulu. ",general,online media +en9965,"This is because through the disposition that people were created, we ought to understand each other and if we don’t, chaos begins","Izi ndi chifukwa chodzera mu chibadwa cha momwe munthu analengedwera, timayenera kumvetsetsana wina ndi mzake ndipo tikapanda kutero chisokonezo chimayambika.",general,online media +en9966,"Chaos in this case can be divorce, heartbreaks and frustrations. For example, if one has qualifications for a particular job and doesn’t find employment for years, what follows is frustration,” she beamed","Chisokonezo chitha kukhala kutha kwa banja, kusweka mtima ndi kukhumudwa. Mwachitsanzo, ngati munthu uli ndi kuthekera kwa ntchito ina yake, ndipo sakupeza ntchito kwa zaka zambiri, kutsatira kwake ndi kukhumudwa,"" Iye anatero.",general,online media +en9967,"Sharon said when one is frustrated; it damages peace; hence, triggering suicide, cheating, alcohol and drug abuse","Sharon anati pamene munthu wakhumudwa zimawononga mtendere, zotsatira zake zimapangitsa kudzipha, kunama, mowa ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ozunguza bongo mosakhala bwino.",general,online media +en9968,"She said understanding how people work and how they deal with issues is important; hence, the need to read the book",Iye anati pakumvetsetsa momwe anthu ndi momwe amapangira zinthu zawo ndikofunika: choncho ndikofunika kuwerenga bukhuli.,general,online media +en9969,"“It has been an awesome journey, yet stressful. This is my debut book and I needed support, not just financial support, but balance and experience,” said Sharon. The young woman loves to empower women, especially those who look down on themselves","Wakhala ulendo wosangalatsa kwambiri koma wotopetsa. Ili ndi bukhu langa loyamba ndipo ndikufuna chithandizo, osati chithandizo cha zachuma chokha koma kukhazikika ndi ukadaulo, Sharon anatero. Mzimai wachichepereyu amakonda kuwapatsa mphamvu azimai, makamaka kwa amene amadziyang'anira pansi.",general,online media +en9970,"“We teach each other how to become better. I believe everything we face in the physical life begins in the spirit realm,” she said","Timaphunzitsana wina ndi mzake momwe tingapangire bwino. Ndimakhulupirira kuti chimene timakumana nacho kumoyo wakuthupi chimayambira ku uzimu, Iye anatero.",general,online media +en9971,"Sharon observed that many women also struggle with love because marriages and relationships are distorted with cheating, abuse and greed","Sharon anawona kuti azimai ambiri amabvutikanso ndi chikondi chifukwa ukwati ndi ubwezi zinasandulizidwa ndikunama, nkhaza ndi dyera.",general,online media +en9972,"A woman is powerful and influential. Many times families go down when a woman goes down; churches remain idle when a woman gives up. Businesses crumble when a woman goes down. Once a woman tells her child something it always gets stuck in her,” she said","Mzimai ndi wamphamvu komanso wa chikoka. Nthawi zambiri mabanja samayenda bwino ngati mzimai sizikumuyendera; Matchalitchi amaima pamene mzimai wazitaya. Malonda amaphwasuka pamene mzimai walowa pansi. Pamene mzimai wauza mwana wake chinachake nthawi zonse chimasungika, Iye anatero.",general,online media +en9973,"So as a woman, I always teach my fellow ladies to know their worth and not let the world define who they are because Rome wasn’t built on a day,” she said","Ngati mzimai, ndimaphunzitsa nthawi zonse azimai anzanga kuti adzidziwa kuti ndiwofunikira ndipo kuti asalore kuti dziko liwanenere chimene ali, chifukwa …..",general,online media +en9974,Sharon said meeting different women with different experiences in life has been has been her greatest achievement,"Sharon anati, kukumana ndi azimai osiyanasiyana omwe ali ndi upangiri wosiyanasiyana mu moyo wake chakhala chinthu chopambana. ",general,online media +en9975,"I have made friendships with different families and individuals which is a great milestone for me because I also learn along the way,” she said",Ndapanga ubwezi ndi mabanja ndi anthu osiyanasiyana ndipo ichi chakhala chipambano kwa ine chifukwa ndimaphunziranso munjira imeneyi. Iye anatero.,general,online media +en9976,"This is not about the numbers, but the impact, influence and lives we change. I hope to extend in reaching out orphans and more girls and women, teaching them skills and training them to make their lives to be meaningful","Izi sizikukhudza kuchuluka koma zikukhudza kusintha, kupangitsa ndi miyoyo yomwe timasintha. Ndikuyembekezera kufikira ana amasiye ndi atsikana komanso azimai ambiri, kuwaphunzitsa maluso ndi kuwaphunzitsa kupanga moyo wawo kukhala watanthauzo.",general,online media +en9977,I aim to mend broken marriages and give them the true meaning of loving and being happy. I hope to speak for the voiceless and give hope to the hopeless,Ndili ndi cholinga chomanganso mabanja opasuka ndi kuwapatsa tanthauzo lenileni lachikondi ndi kukhala wosangalala. Ndili ndi chikhulupiriro choyankhulira kwa amene sangathe kudziyankhulira ndikuwapatsa chiyembekezo opanda chiyembekezo.,general,online media +en9978,"In the next five years, I hope to reach out to many people not only in Malawi, but the world at large. Influence is power and power is living,” she added","Mu zaka zisanu zikubwerazi, ndikuyembekezera kufikira anthu ambiri osati ku Malawi kokha kuno koma dziko lonse lapansi. Chikoka ndi mphamvu ndipo mphamvu ndi moyo.",general,online media +en9979,"The young woman disclosed her secret to success is minding her own business, connecting to the right people and staying focused","Mzimai wachichepereyu anawulula chinsinsi cha chipambano kuti ndikupanga zako, kulumikizana ndi anthu oyenerera ndi kukhala wachidwi.",general,online media +en9980,"Life is a mystery that is only covered by who surrounds you. If you move with foolish people, definitely foolishness becomes your portion","Moyo ndi chinthu chobvuta kumvetsetsa chomwe chimabisika ndi anthu omwe ali pafupi nawe. Ngati ukuyenda ndi anthu opusa, mwachidziwikire kupusa kumakhala mbali yako.",general,online media +en9981,"I make sure I cut off from all negative people in my life and rather focus on those who see a better part of me in my weakness. So each time I receive a critic, I use it for my betterment and continue moving, she said",Ndimawonetsetsa kudzichotsa kwa anthu opanda phindu mu moyo mwanga malo mwake ndimaika chidwi changa pa anthu omwe amawona mbali ya ubwino wanga mu zofooka zanga. Ndiye nthawi ina iliyonse ndalandira chidzudzulo ndimachigwiritsa ntchito kuti chindipindulire ndikupita chitsogolo. Iye anatero.,general,online media +en9982,"Her advice to women, especially girls is; that the choices they make will either make someone great or not",Malangizo ake kwa azimai makamaka atsikana: kuti chisankho chimene angapange chitha kuwapangiitsa akhale a pamwamba kapena ai.,general,online media +en9983,"Your life is in your hands so you have to move in your own lane. No situation comes to anyone without its intended purpose; you will overcome,” she said",Moyo wako uli m'manja mwako ukuyeneral kupanga zako. Palibe chinthu chomwe chimabwera chopanda cholinga: mudzapambana. Iye anatero.,general,online media +en9984,"Life without battles or challenges is like living in a void world. I believe in making impact and having connections as we solve puzzles of life. I also love to be with my family,” she said","Moyo wopanda nkhondo kapena zobvuta ulingati kukhala dziko lachimphanga. Ndimakhulupirira kuti kusintha miyoyo ndikukhala ndi zolumikiza tikamapeza mayankho a zobvuta za moyo uno. Ndimakonda kukhalanso ndi banja langa, Iye anatero.",general,online media +en9985,"About seven months ago I fell in love with a married man in Blantyre. I wasn’t bothered by his marital status, though",Miyezi isanu ndi iwiri yapitayo ndinagwa mchikondi ndi mwamuna wokwatira ku Blantyre. Ngakhale sidzimandikhudza kuti anali wokwatira,general,online media +en9986,"We were discreet in the early days of our relationship as we didn’t want to be found out. By and by, we threw caution to the wind and became carefree as we were careless",Tinkapanga mobisa masiku oyambiria a chibwezi chathu chifukwa sitinkafuna kuti tidziwike. Pang'ono ndi pang'ono tinayamba kulekerera ndipo sitinkalabadira.,general,online media +en9987,We dined together. We drank together. We cried together. We did everything together except living in the same house. He was my world and I couldn’t imagine a life without him,Tinkadya limodzi. Tinkamwa limodzi. Tinkalira limodzi. Tinkapanga chilichonse limodzi kupatula kukhala limodzi mu nyumba. Anali moyo wanga. Ndipo sindimatha kulingalira moyo wopanda iye,general,online media +en9988,"But his wife soon found out and she raised such a stink we decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. So we split up. It wasn’t long, though, before we were back together with more intensity. It made his wife angrier","Koma mkazi wake anadziwa ndipo anayamba kulalata, ndipo tinaganiza kuti ichi sichinali chinthu choyenera kuti tibvutike nacho. Ndiye tinalekana. Ngakhale sipanatenge nthawi, tinabwererananso mwa mphamvu. Ndipo izi zinakwiyitsa kwambiri akazi ake ",general,online media +en9989,She insulted me. She cursed me. She called me practically every minute of the day. She texted me every second. She threatened to bring down on me the full might of witchdoctors from Mozambique if I didn’t back off,Ananditukwana. Ananditemberera. Amandiyimbira lamya nthawi ina iliyonse tsiku lonse. Amandilembera mithenga nthawi iliyonse. Anandiwophyeza kuti ndiwona zobvuta ndi asing'anga a ku Mozambique ngati sindisiya.,general,online media +en9990,"She begged me as one woman to another, to let her have peace, but how I could leave such a sweet man?","Anandipempha ine ngati mkazi mzake, kuti ndimulole akhale pamtendere, koma ndingamusiye bwanji mwamuna wokomayu?",general,online media +en9991,"So I ignored her. With time she resigned to the fact that he was ours to share. We didn’t necessarily become friends, but she would call occasionally to ask if he was with me if he wasn’t picking her calls. Mostly he was and I would grudgingly give him my phone to talk to her",Sindinamulabadire iye. Pakupita kwa nthawi anasiya ndikubvomereza kuti ndi wathu ndipo tili pa mitala. Sikuti tinakhala abwezi koma mwapanthawi amandiyimbira kundifunsa ngati anali ndi ine akakhala kuti sakuyankha lamya. Ndipo nthawi zambiri amakhala ali ndi ine ndipo ndimamupatsa lamya kuti ayankhule naye.,general,online media +en9992,"Now you ask, what’s my problem? Well. A couple of weeks ago, she called me to ask if he was with me. I wasn’t. I hadn’t seen him for some time because he had told me he had some domestic chores which were eating up his time","Tsopano mukufunsa, kuti bvuto langa ndi chiyani? Inde. Masabata angapo apitawo, anandiyimbira kundifunsa ngati anali ndi ine. Sindinali naye. Ndakhala nthawi ndisanamuwonepo chifukwa anandiuza kuti ntchito zina zapakhomo zikumudyera nthawi yake. ",general,online media +en9993,Then she dropped a bombshell. Our man had been spending the past few weekends away from home and she had assumed I had been keeping him busy,Ndipo anawulula. Mwamuna wathuyu samakhala pakhomo pake kumapeto kwa masabata angapo ndipo amayesa kuti ineyo nda amene ndimamutagwanitsa. ,general,online media +en9994,"If he wasn’t spending time with either of us, then who could be keeping him busy. A little sleuthing revealed to me that our man had found fresh pleasures in the arms of another woman","Ngati sakupeza nthawi kukhala ndi ife, ndiye akumutagwanitsa ndi ndani. Kafukufuku wakuya anandiwonetsera kuti mwamuna wathu wapeza chikondi chatsopano kwa mzimai wina.",general,online media +en9995,"Now, my emotional investment in him is such that I can’t just walk away. I have wasted the best part of my years hanging by his every word",Tsopano maganizo anga amene ndalowetsapo pa iye sindingangowasiya. Wanditayitsa nthawi yanga yabwino pomumvera.,general,online media +en9996,"Before I made a bad situation worse, I come before you begging for advice and sanity. Should I tell his wife about his new catch? Should I confront him about his new flame? Is it time for me to call it a day?","Ndisanapange chisankho choipa kuyipitsitsa, ndikudza kwa inu kukupemphani malangizo ndi kuganiza koyenera. Ndiwawuze akazi ake za amene wapeza kumeneyu? Kodi ndimulalatire za amene wapeza kumeneyu. Kodi nthawi yoti ndithetse yakwana?",general,online media +en9997,The decision to call it a day is not yours to make. He already has made his bed and he is lying in it. Personal experience should inform you that telling him on his wife or confronting him will change nothing,Chisankho chothetsa sichopanga iweyo. Iyeyo wapanga kale chisankho kwa amene akufuna kukhala naye. Zomwe wadutsamo zikuyenera kukudziwitsa kuti kumuuza mkazi wake kapena kumulalatira sizingasinthe kanthu.,general,online media +en9998,What is it you want from him? Pension or severance pay? You are yesterday’s flavor,Kodi ukufuna chiyani kwa iyeyu. Ndalama zopumira kapena malipiro akupirira? Iwe ndiwe wake wakale.,general,online media +en9999,"Let the other girl be his wife’s headache. She is just the next step in his life. Give her time. She, too, will be crying like you soon",Musiye mtsikana winayo akhale mabvuto a mkazi wake. Iyenso ndiwosakhalitsa pa moyo wa mwamunayu. Ingompatsa nthawi mkaziyu. Iyeyunso akhala akulira pompano.,general,online media +en10000,"You can’t be righteous on account of having lost your place of favor. When two thieves break into the same property, professional courtesy demands that everyone takes away what each came for","Usakhale ngati woyera mtima chifukwa choti sukukondedwanso. Akuba awiri akalowa mnyumba imodzi, mwalamulo amauzidwa kuti aliyense atenge chithu chimene anabwerera.",general,online media +en10001,"At worse, you help out each other for a bigger score. But never raise an alarm for the other. So don’t play the security guard here","Zikabvuta, mumathandizana wina ndi mzake pachipambano chachikulu. Koma osayerekeza kuneneza mzako. Ndiye usakhale ngati mlonda apapa.",general,online media +en10002,"If, as it seems, you don’t want to let go of him, I would suggest you build alliances with the other women. You can form the Tonse Alliance with his new catch to make his wife more miserable or the Enimudzi Coalition with the wife to drive out the interloper","Ngati, momwe zikuwonekeramu, sukufuna kumusiya mwamanuyo ndingakulangize kuti upanga maubale nda azimai enawo. Utha kupanga mgwirizano ndi mkazi watsopano kuti umpangitse mkazi wake kumva kuwawa kwambiri kapena mgwirizano wa eni mudzi ndi mkaziyo kuti muthamangitse wolandayo.",general,online media +en10003,It is not uncommon to see parents refer to their children as best friends. Some will even give them a birthday eulogy depicting a child as their best friends,Zimachitika kuwona makolo akunena kuti ana awo ndi anzawo apamtima. Ena amafika poyankhula pa tsiku lakubadwa pakunena kuti mwana wawo ndi mzawo wapamtima.,general,online media +en10004,"Many even call their children sisters, twin or brother to affirm their friendship. Some even dress alike. Those of us who see and read get amused and wonder how this deep friendship really pans out between the person supposed to be the authoritative figure and subordinate","Ambiri amafika poyitana ana awo kuti achemwali, kapena achimwene kutsimikizira za chimzawocho. Ena amabvala zobvala zofanana. Ife amene timawona ndi kuwerenga timadabwatsika kuti chimzake chimenechi chimapangidwa bwanji pakati pa anthu amene amayenera kukhala olamula ndi olamuliridwa.",general,online media +en10005,It also begs the question; should parents be best friends with their children? What does it really mean to be best friends with someone? Should we confide in our eight-year olds?,Zimabweretsanso funso lokut: kodi makolo akuyenera kukhala pa chimzawo ndi ana awo. Kodi kwenikweni kukhala pa chimzake ndi munthu wina zimatanthauzanji. Kodi tikuyenera kumasukirana ndi ana athu a zaka zisanu ndi zitatu? ,general,online media +en10006,Urbandictionary.com describes a best friend as someone who is there for you through thick and thin. It’s someone who listens and understands you,Urbandictionary.com imafotokoza kuti chimzake ngati munthu wina wake amene amakhala nawe pa nthawi ya zobvuta. Ndi munthu wina wake amene amakumvera ndi kukumvetsetsa.,general,online media +en10007,"Someone you can call anytime about anything you feel you need to ‘tell’ or ‘vent’. It’s someone who will stand up for you in the times when you need it most, keep your secrets close and someone you can trust with your life","Munthu wina wake amene utha kumuyimbira nthawi ina iliyonse zokhudza chilichonse chomwe ukumva chomwe ukufuna kuti unene kapena kuyamba. Ndi munthu wina wake amene ayima nawe munthawi imene wamufunitsitsa, wosunga zinsinsi zako zapamtima komansoi wina wake amene ungamukhulupirire ndi moyo wako.",general,online media +en10008,They will support you in any decision you make even if it’s hard for them. It’s someone who is there for you as much as they can be and does and says whatever they can to up your mood in down times,Amakuthandizira pa chisankho chilichonse chomwe ungapange ngakhale zitakhala zobvuta kwa iwowo. Ndi munthu amene angakhale nawe munyengo ina iliyonse imene angathere ndipo amanga ndikunena chomwe chingakusangalatse panthawi imene wakhumudwa. ,general,online media +en10009,"There are plenty definitions on who a best friend is and their expected qualities. But if one sticks to his/her children for companionship, is that really the right direction?","Pali matanthauzo ambiri woti chimzake ndi chiyani ndi zinthu zoyembekezereka. Koma ngati wina akakamira ana ake paubwezi wozama, kodi iyi ndi njira yabwino. ",general,online media +en10010,"Do we tell our inner most matters to our children? Do we reveal those secrets to them in the name of oiling our friendship? What do some of those secrets do to our children, have we tried to find out?","Kodi tikuyenera kuwawuza ana anthu zinthu zapansi pa mtima wathu. Kodi tikuyenera kuwawuza ana zinsinsi zathu mudzina losangalatsa chimzake? Kodi zinsinsi zimenezi zimapanga chiyani kwa ana athu, kodi tinayesera kufufuza.",general,online media +en10011,"Otherwise, parents are to guide, mentor, celebrate and reprimand children for uprightness. And as they grow older, the children can advise parents or have an input towards a decision depending on their house rules and regulations. Otherwise some households do not permit children’s say","Apo bi, makolo akuyenera kutsogolera, kulangiza, kusangalalira ndi kulanga ana kuti akule bwino. Ndipo pomwe akukula, ana atha kulangiza makolo pakuyenera kuyikapo mfundo kutengera chisankho cha malamulo a pakhomo. Kupanda apo makomo ena saloleza ana kuyankhulapo.",general,online media +en10012,"My view remains that children cannot be our besties. We can be allies by virtue of daily and close interactions, but that is not to be construed as the kind of friendship we ought to find in other people outside family","Maganizo anga ndi akuti ana sangakhale amzako apamtima. Titha kukhala pa mgwirizano pa chifukwa chokhalira limodzi tsiku ndi tsiku pakuchezera limodzi, koma izi sizinganenedwe ngati chimzake chimene tingachipeze kwa anthu ena a kunja kwa banja lathu",general,online media +en10013,Guard that kind of interaction to avoid breaking boundaries and rules. Don’t compromise authority by twinning with children or calling them what they are not,Tetezani macheza amenewo kuti mupewe kudutsa malire ndi kuphwanya malamulo. Musasokeneze ulamuliro pokondanana ndi ana anu kapena kuwaitana maina amene asali.,general,online media +en10014,Don’t put children in awkward positions by telling them about that venereal disease or hatred you have for person A or B. Don’t mislead them by instruct activities they would ordinarily refuse so they can please their ‘bestie’,Osawayika ana anu pa mpanipani powauza za matenda opatsirana pogonana kapena chidani chomwe muli nacho pa munthu a kapena b. Osawotsokeretsa powauza kuchita zinthu zimene iwo pawokha sangachite ndiye amapanga asangalatse mzawo wa pamtima. ,general,online media +en10015,They should not feel guilty about making their own decisions outside you just because you claim to be their confidante. Raise them to be independent and make their own friends while you make yours. Period,"Iwo asamawone ngati alakwitsa popanga zisankho pawokha chifukwa choti inu mumadziyerekeza kuti ndinu omasukirana nawo. Akuzeni kuti akhale oima pawokha ndipo apeze anzawo omwe akufuna pomwe inunso mukepeza anzanu, basi.",general,online media +en10016,Many people get depressed when tired of trying and nothing is seen on the table. Tamara a 27-year-old single mother is a survivor who wanted to end her life because of depression,"Anthu ambiri amakhumudwa pamene atopa ndi kuyesera ndipo sawona chomwe chikuyenda. Tamara, mzimai wachichepere wa zaka makumi awiri, zisanu ndi ziwiri ndi wopulumuka amene ankafuna kuchotsa moyo wake chifukwa chokhumudwa.",general,online media +en10017,She turned her depression into a money-making endevour through her business which has created job opportunities for other people,Iye anasandutsa kukhumudwa kwake kukhala chinthu chopangira ndalama kudzera mu malonda ake amene wapanga mwai wa ntchito kwa anthu ena.,general,online media +en10018,Tamara is now the chief executive officer of Talaca Cleaning Services and Media Solutions,Tamara panopa ndi mkulu wa Talaca Cleaning Services ndi Media Solutions ,general,online media +en10019,"They provide cleaning service in offices, homes, they do car wash, maid services, laundry and media solutions such as videography, photography and graphic designing","Iwo amapanga zokonza malo antchito, manyumba, amatsuka magalimoto, antchito zapakhomo, kuchapa zobvala, za maunthenga a pamakina apa computer, monga photography, videography, ndi graphic design.",general,online media +en10020,She said the aim of the grouping is to create jobs that don’t require someone to have big qualifications or limit people because of lack of qualifications,Iye anati cholinga chenicheni cha gululi ndikupanga ntchito zomwe sizifunikira kuti munthu akhale ndi maphunziro apamwamba kapena kutsekeleza anthu chifukwa alibe maphunziro apamwamba.,general,online media +en10021,"Our job is fun and I enjoy it mostly because it’s something we are used to doing at home. I am also passionate about making other people’s lives easier,” she said",Ntchito yathu ndiyosangalatsa ndipo ndimasangalala nayo kwambiri chifukwa ndi chinthu chimene timakhala tikupanga kunyumba. Komanso ndimasangalitsidwa ndi kupanga moyo wa anthu ena kukhala wosabvuta. Iye anatero.,general,online media +en10022,"I was inspired to do business through prayer. It was a time when I lost my job; I got depressed and almost killed myself. I was broke, helpless, had no hope, until I decided to go and pick any job. That’s when I started mobile washing","Ndinalimbikitsidwa kupanga malonda kudzera mu pemphero. Inali nthawi yomwe ntchito yanga inatha; ndinakhumudwa ndipo ndinatsala pang'ono kudzipha. Ndinali osweka mtima, opanda chithandizo, opanda chiyembekezo, kufikira pomwe ndinaganiza kupita kukafunsira ntchito ina iliyonse. Ndipapene ndinayamba ntchito yochapa mu makomo.",general,online media +en10023,"To date, I have four employees and we have a place of our own. Our target is everyone, including non-governmental organisations, private institutions as well as the government,” she said","Pano, ndili ndi anthu antchito anai, ndipo tili ndi malo athuathu. Timagwira ntchito ndi aliyense, ma bungwe omwe Sali a boma, ma kampane, ngakhalenso mu boma, Iye anatero.",general,online media +en10024,"She added: Like I said, I am a survivor of depression. I expected a lot from people, yet I had a son to look after. I couldn’t provide for my son because I wasn’t independent, so, that’s why I chose business to create and fulfill my passion of creating jobs without limits.”","Anatinso, Momwe ndanenera muja, ndine opulumuka ku nkhawa. Ndinkayembekera zambiri kuchokera kwa anthu koma ndili ndi mwana wa mamuna woti ndimusamale. Sindinakwanitse kumupatsa mwana wanga zofunikira chifukwa sinali woima pandekha, ndiye, ndi chifukwa ndinasankha malonda opanga ndi kukwaniritsa khumbo langa lopanda ntchito zopanda malire.",general,online media +en10025,"Apart from the business, Tamara joined Uncle’s Ear group as one of the directors. Uncle’s Ear is a group of people who partnered to end suicide. It preaches about mental health, inspired by the high number of suicides in the country","Kupatula malonda, Tamala analowa Uncle's Ear Group ngati mmodzi wa wamkulu. Uncle's Ear Group ndi gulu la anthu amene aphatikizana kuthetsa mchitidwe wodzipha. Limaphunzitsa za matenda ozunguza bongo, limene lapangidwa chifukwa chochuluka kwa nkhani za zodzipha mudziko lino. ",general,online media +en10026,We need to create a world where people can talk about problems rather committing suicide. I work with people in my community by giving them the opportunity to join us,Tikuyenera kupanga malo oti anthu atha kukamba za mabvuto awo kusiyana ndi kudzipha. Ndimagwira ntchito ndi anthu mudera langa powapatsa mwayi woti tikhalire limodzi.,general,online media +en10027,"As someone who survived depression, I have always encouraged people not to choose jobs and expecting a lot from other people. I am in a mental health group that travels to do mental health talks,” she said","Ngati munthu wopulumuka ku nkhawa, ndakhala nthawi zonse ndikulimbikitsa anthu kuti asasankhe ntchito ndikuyembekezera zambiri kwa anthu ena. Ndili mu gulu la matenda ozunguza bongo lomwe limayenda kukaphunzitsa za matenda ozunguza bonga, iye anatero.",general,online media +en10028,"Tamara observed that self-discipline combined with honesty will open countless doors for anyone, adding that trust is the foundation of all relationships","Tamara anawona kuti ulemu kuphatikizai kukhulupirika kumatsekula makomo ambiri kwa aliyense, kuwonjezeranso kuti kukhulupirika ndi chiyambi cha ubale wonse.",general,online media +en10029,"She said despite her busy schedule, setting priorities, planning ahead and doing things in advance helps her in many ways. The entrepreneur hired other people to be her other hands, so she can focus on family when necessary","Iye anati ngakhale kuti ndi wotangwanika, kukhazikitsa zofunika, kukonzekera za mtsogolo, ndikupangiratu zinthu zimamuthandiza mu zinthu zambiri. Wa malondayu analemba nthito athu ena kuti akhale omuthandiza kuti akhale ndi mpata wosamala banja lake ngati mkotheka kutero.",general,online media +en10030,"Even though she has achieved a lot at a young age, she admitted to have made mistakes in the past that moulded her to be the woman she is now","Ngakhale wakwanitsa zinthu zambiri ali wachichepere, iye anabvomereza kuti anapangapo zolakwikwa mbuyomo zomwe zamuwumba kukhala mzimai yemwe ali pano.",general,online media +en10031,"And to parents, always pay attention to what a child loves to do or likes. It’s good to let a child do and follow their dreams. All we need to do is let them follow their dreams, guard them, create a space where children can always come to you and talk to you freely,” she said","Ndipo makolo, nthawi zonse amakhala ndi chidwi pa zomwe mwana amakonda kupanga. Ndizabwino kumusiya mwana kuti apange ndi kutsatira maloto ake. Zomwe tikuyenera kupanga ndi kuwalola kutsatira maloto awo, kuwateteza, kuwapatsa mpata omwe ana nthawi zonse akhonza kubwera kwa iwe ndi kuyankhula nawe mwa ufulu. Iye anatero.",general,online media +en10032,"In her free time, Tamara loves spending time with her 10-year-old son, shopping, swimming, listening to music and dancing","Pa nthawi yake yopuma, Tamara amakonda kucheza ndi mwana wake wa mamuna wa zaka khumi, kugula zinthu, kusambira, kumvetsera nyimbo ndi kubvina.",general,online media +en10033,"Many times, quarrelling lovers say many stupid things that have seen couples split or in serious trouble. When Jesus said in Luke 6:45 : “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks,” he clearly knew what we are capable of saying when angry","Nthawi zambiri achikondi okonda kukangana amanena zinthu zopusa zambiri zomwe zapangitsa abwezi kusiyana kapena kukhala mmabvuto. Pamene Yesu analankhula ku Luka 6:45: "" Munthu wabwino amatulutsa zinthu zabwino zosungidwa mumtima mwake"". Iye amadziwiratu zomwe timatha kuyankhula tikakwiya.",general,online media +en10034,Those are the moments either the truth comes out to hurt the other party or lies just to spite them. But there is one that I would like to talk about today. The moment women will shout on top of their voices that; “the baby is not even yours. It’s so so’s.”,Iyi ndi nthawi imene chilungamo chimatuluka kumvetsa kuwawa mbali ina kapena kunama kongufuna kumvetsa kuwawa. Koma pali chimodzi chimene ndikufuna kuyankhula. Pa nthawi imene mzimai akukalipa mokweza kuti: the baby is even yours. Ndi wakutiwakuti. ,general,online media +en10035,"Watching Paternity Court in recent times, I have observed that this sentence always comes back to bite the mother. A calculating man always uses this against the woman who no sooner that she utters these words, runs back to the same man for support","Kuwonera bwalo la milandu la mabanja pakali pano, ndawona kuti ganizoli nthawi zambiri limamubwerera mzimai. Nthawi zambiri mzibambo woganiza bwino amagwiritsa ntchito chimenechi powukira mzimai amene posakhalitsa amanena mawuwa, amabwereranso kwa nzibambo yemwe uja kukapempha chithandizo",general,online media +en10036,He will parade those remarks to everyone who cares to listen and even finds an excuse to cheat. Why? He claims to have been injured severely and looks for solace in the arms of another woman,Iye amangolengeza za mawuwa kwa aliyense amene akufuna kumva ndipo amapeza ponamizira kupanga chibwezi. Chifukwa chiyani? Iye amanena kuti wabvulazidwa moophsya and akuyang'ana mpumulo kwa mzimai wina.,general,online media +en10037,This is a man who will stop at nothing given this ammunition. Hospital and school visits immediately cease and he will demand she shoulders every responsibility on her own. Some will even demand a divorce or split-up,Uyu ndi bambo amene satekeseka akalandira mawu amenewa. Maulendo akuchipatala ndi ku sukulu amasiyika pompo ndipo amalamula mkaziyo kutenga udindo wonse yekha. Ena amalamula kutha kwa banja kapena kulekana. ,general,online media +en10038,"I understand that honest people are drunks, children and the angry. Drunkenness and anger throws caution to the wind and will spill the beans","Ndimadziwa kuti anthu achilungamo ndi oledzera, ana ndi munthu wokwiya. Kuledzera ndi mkwiyo kumabweretsa chenjezo ndi chilungamo pa malo.",general,online media +en10039,"But one ‘truth’ I find unforgivable is stripping man of his parental rights over a child or children. In the heat of the moment, we make utterances, some of which are strong enough to curtail an argument",Koma chilungamo chimodzio chimene ndimachipeza kuti ndi chosakhululukidwa ndikumuchotsa mzabambo ufulu wake wa ukholo pa mwana kapena ana. Pachimake cha mkangano timapanga mau ena oti ndi opweteka kwambiri oti amathetsa mkangano. ,general,online media +en10040,"Because no matter how stubborn, will immediately shut-up to reflect on the revelation. I can only imagine a man’s reaction the moment those words ring in a room during a quarrel","Ngakhale ungakhale wobvuta mtundu wanji, mwamsangamsanga umakhala chete kulingalira pa chomwe chawululikacho. Ndingolingalira momwe mzibamboyi angachitire pa nthawi imene mawuwa anenedwa muchipinda nthawi ya mkangano.",general,online media +en10041,"They must be deflecting enough to cause panic. But that brief moment of triumph by the woman, multiplies itself a hundredfold when the time to redeem herself and the child or children comes","Zimayenera kuwawa kwambiri kuti usowe mtendere. Koma pa mphindi yochepa imeneyi yakupambana kwa mzimai, kumadzichulukitsa kwambiri pamene nthawi yodzipulumutsa iye kapena ana ake yakwana.",general,online media +en10042,She will dance to his tune and bear humiliation on her back for days or years on end. The solution is simple. Tame that anger before it gets out of hand,Adzalamuliridwa ndi mzibamboyo ndipo pamapeto pake adzakhala wamanyazi kwa masiku kapena zaka. Yankho lake ndi losabvuta. Kuupeza mtima zinthu zisanafike pobvuta. ,general,online media +en10043,"And even in the midst of the hullabaloo, choose what to say. Claiming the paternity from his child or children should be the last straw. It deflects egos and viewed as unforgivable","Ndipo ngakhale mkatikati mwa mkangano, musankhe zonena. Kumunena nkhani za ubambo wa mwana kapena ana ake chidzikhala chinthu chomaliza. Zimachepetsa kudzimva ndipo chimatengedwa chosakhululukidwa.",general,online media +en10044,"It is criminal and unless you have the funds to prove otherwise, it can make or break— mainly break— the union. I would not blame any man who adjudicated his responsibilities as a father following such an utterance","Ndi mulandu ndipo pokhapokha uli ndi ndalama zotsimikizira, kumanga kapena kumasula - makamaka muphwasula- ubalewo. Sindingaloze chala munthu wina yemwe anathawa udindo wake ngati bambo potsatira zoyankhula zotere, ",general,online media +en10045,"In fact, nobody should. Imagine as a mother you wake up to being told that the baby you thought you carried in your womb for nine months and raised as your own was not yours. How would you take it?","Zoona zake, aliyense asapange. Tangoganizani ngati mzimai sukuyenera kungowuzidwa kuti mwana amene unanyamula mmimba kwa miyezi isanu ndi inayi ndikumukuza ngati wako sanali wako. Mungachilandire bwanji?",general,online media +en10046,"Every Saturday, teenage mothers who were withdrawn from marriages converge at Stella’s house at Waliranji Trading Centre in Mchinji. They undergo training in tailoring and designing. Some of the teen mothers sewing clothes during their free time","Loweruka lililonse, azimai achichepere amene anachotsedwa ku banja amakhala kunyumba ya Stella pa malo amalonda a Waliranji ku Mchinji. Iwo amaphunzitsidwa kusoka ndi luso lamakono la zobvala. Azimai ena chichepere kusoka zobvala nthawi yawo yopuma.",general,online media +en10047,"Stella, who is a child protection worker, is working with World Vision Malawi (WVM) in eliminating child marriages under the Bua Mtete Area Programme through the Bring Girls Back to School Campaign","Stella, amene ndi wogwira ntchito yoteteza ana, akugwira ntchito ndi World Vision Malawi kuthetsa maukwati a ana pansi pa Bua Tete Area Programme kudzera ku kampeni ya Bring girls back to School. ",general,online media +en10048,"By end 2021, the campaign had already withdrawn 44 girls from child marriages and these have since gone back to school","Pakutha chacha cha 2021, kampeniyi inali itachotsa kale atsikana makumi anayi ndi anayi kuchoka ku maukwati a ana achichepere ndipo anabwereranso ku sukulu.",general,online media +en10049,"I was driven into marriage because of poverty at home. My parents could not provide me with school materials; hence, I decided to drop out and marry,” she said.",Ndinatengekeka ndi ukwati chifukwa cha umphawi pakhomo. Makolo anga sankakwanitsa kundipatsa zipangizo za ku sukulu; ndiyeno ndinaganiza zosiya sukulu ndi kukwatiwa. Iye anatero.,general,online media +en10050,Magombo said Apatsa is one of the girls who opted for marriage after the parents failed to support her schooling,Magombo anati Apatsa ndi mtsikana mmodzi mwa atsikana omwe anasankha ukwati makolo atalephera kuwathandiza za school. ,general,online media +en10051,"Regrettably, teenage pregnancy, as various studies have revealed, is one of the major health and social problems affecting girls in Malawi","Modandaulitsa, mimba za a chichepere, kafukufuku wosiyanasiyana waulula kuti, ndi limodzi mwa mabvuto akulu a umoyo ndi kakhalidwe kwa anthu zomwe zikukhudza atsikana ambiri ku Malawi.",general,online media +en10052,"The main drivers of teenage pregnancy, according to the study, include early sex and marriage; low contraceptive use, low educational levels, low socio-economic status, lack of knowledge on reproductive and sexual health; gender inequity and physical/sexual violence","Chenicheni chimene chikupangitsa mimba za a chichepere kutengera kafukufuku, ndi kuphatikiza kuyamba zogonana ali achichepere ndi kukwatiwa; kugwiritsa njira zolera pang'ono, umbuli, umphawi, kusowa mauthenga okhudza uchembere ndi umoyo wa zakugonana; kusafanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi komanso nkhaza za kuthupi komanso zogonana.",general,online media +en10053,"The consequences of unplanned pregnancy on teenage mothers have been tragic and compromised their physical, psychological and socioeconomic wellbeing. Early motherhood can affect the psychosocial development of the infant","Zotsatira za mimba zosakonzekera kwa atsikana achichepere zakhala zowophya, zosachitira ubwino pamawonekedwa awo, maganizidwe, uphawi ndi moyo wathanzi. Uchembere wofulumira umakhala ndi chiwophyezo pa kakhalidwe ndi kakulidwe kwa mwana.",general,online media +en10054,"The children of teenage mothers are more likely to be born prematurely with a low birth weight, predisposing them to many other lifelong conditions",Ana a atsikana achichepere amakonda kubadwa nthawi yobadwira isanakwane ndi kulemera mocheperako ndikuwapangitsa kukumana ndi mabvuto mmoyo mwawo monse.,general,social media +en10055,"Daughters born to adolescent parents are more likely to become teen mothers themselves while sons are three times more likely to serve time in prison. On the other hand, teen pregnancy and motherhood can influence younger siblings","Ana akazi obadwa ku makolo achichepere nthawi zambiri nawonso amakhala makolo ali achichepere. Akakhala ana amuna nthawi zambiri ndikwapafupi kumangidwa. Kwinaku, mimba za achichepere ndi umayi zitha kupangitsa azing'ono awo kupanganso zomwezo.",general,social media +en10056,One study found that younger sisters of teen mothers were less likely to emphasize the importance of education and employment,Kafukufuku anapeza kuti azichemwali ang'ono a ntchembere yachichepere sangawone kufunika kwa maphunziro ndi ntchio.,general,social media +en10057,"They are likely to accept human sexual behaviour, parenting and marriage at younger ages, according to the study","Ndi osabvuta kubvomereza khalidwe la kugonana, ukholo ndi banja pa msinkhu wachichepere kutengera kafukufuku.",general,social media +en10058,Most of the teen mothers cite poverty and lack of parental support as drivers for their engagement in early sex and child marriages,Azimai achichepere ambiri amanena umphawi ndi kusowa upangiri wa makolo ngati zomwe zimangitsa kuti ayambe zogonana ndi kukwatiwa mwachangu.,general,social media +en10059,"But the biggest challenge is that, once withdrawn from marriages, we do not have the resources to assist them with materials to remain in school,” she narrated","Koma bvuto lalikulu ndi lakuti, pomwe atsikana achotsedwa ku banja, timakhala opanda zipangizo zowathandizira ndi zinthu zoti akhalebe ku sukulu. Iye anafotokoza.",general,social media +en10060,"She disclosed that over the past months, the girls, under Girls Success Campaign have managed to sew and sell clothes whose proceeds have been channeled towards payment of fees for underprivileged girls","Iye ananena kuti pa miyezi yapitayi, atsikanawa, pansi pa Girls Success Campaign akwanitsa kusoka ndi kugulitsa zobvala zomwe phindu lake lagwiritsidwa kulipira sukulu atsikana obvutika.",general,social media +en10061,She said the tailoring and designing course she has undergone has built her capacity to fend for herself,Iye anati maphunziro osoka ndi kupanga maluso amene wapanga amuthandiza kukhala ndi kuthekera kodzipezera yekha.,general,social media +en10062,"I no longer have to beg for toiletries because I earn something from patching peoples clothes. I am now able to buy my basic needs such as toiletries and clothes for my baby,” she said",Sindimapemphenso tizithu ting'onoting'ono chifukwa ndimapezeko kenakake posoka zobvala za anthu. Panopa ndikumakwanitsa kugula tizinthu ting'onoting'ono monga zobvala za mwana wanga. Iye anatero.,general,social media +en10063,"My mother has been single for some years now and has now started dating a new man. You see, my mother had me at a very young age, so we don’t differ as much in age","Amai anga akhala ali okha kwa zaka ndithu ndipo pano apeza mamuna wina. Mudziwa inu, mai anga anandibereka ine ali achichepere kwambiri, ndiye sitimasiyana kwambiri zaka.",general,social media +en10064,"This also makes us very close, because I feel like she is as much my sister as she is my mother","Izi zimatipangitsa kukhala omvana, chifukwa ndimawona ngati ndi mchemwali wanga osati mai anga.",general,social media +en10065,"So, a few days ago she asked me to meet this new man in her life, to assess him and tell her what I think about him","Ndiye, masiku apitawo anandiuza kuti ndikumane ndi mamuna amene apezawo, kuti ndiwone ndipo ndiwawuze zomwe nduganiza za iwowo.",general,social media +en10066,"To my dismay, when I met this man I instantly knew him, as remembered having a brief intimate relationship with him a few years ago","Chondidabwitsa koma nditakumana ndi bamboyu ndinamuzindikira pompopompo, kuti ndinapanga naye chibwezi nthawi yochepa mu zaka zapitazo.",general,social media +en10067,"He is my mother’s age, so he isn’t too old for me, I am not in love with him, but the day we met the old flames were rekindled in me","Ndi anthanga imodzi ndi amai anga, siakulunso kwambiri kwa ine, sindili nawo mchikondi, koma tsiku limene ndinakumana nawo kachikondi kanadzutsika mumtima mwanga.",general,social media +en10068,"I remembered the good times we had. I don’t know if he feels the same, but I don’t want to tell my mother about the past because I know she likes him a lot. At the same time, I have this fire inside me that wants him again, please help me",Ndinakumbukira nthawi zabwino zomwe tinali nazo Sindikudziwa ngati akumva zomwezo. Sindikufuna kuwawuza mai anga zokhudza kale chifukwa ndikudziwa kuti akumukonda bamboyo kwambiri. Koma nthawi yomweyo ndili ndi chikondi cha moto mkati mwanga chomufunanso bamboyu. Chonde ndithandizeni.,general,social media +en10069,"In fact, even in my married times I have met women I have dated and those that I had a short flings with. I have felt what you are feeling now, so don’t worry, I understands your situation","Zooazake,ngakhale muthawi yomwendakhala ndili pa banja ndakumana ndi azimayi omwe ndapangapo nawo chibwenzi komaso omwe nnangosangalala nawo nthawi yochepa. Ndakhala ndikumva momwe ukuvereramo, ndiye osadandaula, ndikuvetsatsa nyengo yako",general,social media +en10070,"You are not guilty of anything; you were with this man before he met your mother. Let your mother hear you out, it will be worse if she hears it from the man when you are her daughter she cares most about","Sunalakwitse chilichonse; bambo unayenda nawo asanakumane ndi mayi ako. Uwadziwitse mayi ako,zidzakhala zoipitsitsa akadzamva kuchokera kwa bamboyo pamene ndiwe mwana wawo okondedwa",general,social media +en10071,"Be honest with her and tell her how you feel about him, if your mother understands, she will let him go","Uwawuze chilungamo ndipo uwauze momwe ukuverea, ngati mayi ako angavetsese, amusiya",general,social media +en10072,"But my dear Patricia, be sure not to allow any man come between you and your mother, even your sister or cousin, it is not worth losing your family over a man that can be replaced","Koma okondedwa wanga Patricia, wonetsetsa kuti usalore bambo wina aliyese kubwera pakati pano iweyo ndi Mayi ako, ngakhaleso m'chemwali kapena msuwani, sizoyenera kutaya banja lako chifukwa cha bambo wina yemwe atha kubwezeretsedwa",general,social media +en10073,I met a girl recently who makes a living from prostitution. Her story was intriguing as it was annoying to a certain extent,Ndinakumana ndi m'tsikana wina posachedwapa yemwe amapeza ndalama kudzera mu uhule.Nkhani yake inali yokhudza koma yotopetsa mbali ina ndiposo kusamala gulu la azibale ake ,general,social media +en10074,Here was a young mother fending for her daughter and herself from sex work and also looking after a battalion of others in her extended family,apa paanli mzimayi wachichepere yemwe amasakira mwana wake komaso iye mwini kuchokera mu ntchito ya uhule ndiposo kusamala azibale ake ena abanja lina.,general,social media +en10075,"Because she is in town, her village people keep peeping into her pot for a share of her financial broth. They expect her help and I wonder whether they know her hassle. But even if they did, would they care?","Chifukwa ali ku tawuni, anthu akumudzi kwawo amakhalira kumupepha ndalamaamayembekezera thandizo lake ndipo ndimadabwa ngati amadziwa ntchito yake. Komaso ngakhale atadziwa zitha kuwkhudza?",general,social media +en10076,"There is so much expectation from our relations to the point of driving the benefactors berserk. We ought to help; it’s true, but with the full understanding of the beneficiaries",pamakhala chiyembekezo chambiri chomwe achibale amayembekezera kuchokera kwa ife mpaka amakwiyitsa othandizawo. Timayenera kuthandiza; izi ndizoona; koma ndikuvetsetsa kwathuthu othandizidwayo,general,social media +en10077,"We tend to exert so much pressure sometimes, pushing our help to the limit and into unconventional means of earning money","Nthawi zina timadzipanikiza kwambiri, nkhukhalira chithandizo chathu kuchimake ndiku njira zina zosayenera kupezera ndalama.",general,social media +en10078,"Out of desperation, people are driven to prostitution, crime or begging to rescue a situation at home. Those on the receiving end are good at making the demands, sometimes feigning some at the expense of the providers’ health, well-being and reputation","Paku zingwa,anthu amatengeka ku uhule,kupalamula kapena kupepha kuti pulumutse khomo.Olandirawo amangodziwa kulamula, ndipo nthawi zina kungonamizira kuyika pa chiswe moyo, moyo wabwino komaso mbiri yaa othandizayo",general,social media +en10079,"Worse still, society only sees and blames the one in a position of giving without trying to understand the attitudes of those in need","Choipibabe , anthu amangoona ndikunena munthu amene akuthandizayo osayesera kuvetsetsa za ozochitika omwe akupephawo",general,social media +en10080,"Somewhere deep down each one of us, there is a talent that can easily be built into something. If we sit around waiting for our brother, sister, uncle, aunt, mother of father to fend for us way into our adult lives and even marriages, we are wreckers of development","Pena pake nkati mwathualiyese mwa ife, pali luso ltha kupanga mosavuta china chake. Ngati tikungokhala kudikira m'chimwene, chemwali, malume, zakhali, mayi kapena bambo kuti atilondolera njira yaku ukulu kwathu ndipo ingakhale ukwati umene, ndife osokoneza chitukuko.",general,social media +en10081,"There are times when hassles just fail. You try one thing; it goes straight to the drain. You may lose your job, marriage or any form of livelihood","Pali nthawi ina yomwe kusokola kwathu kumalephera/kumakanika.Umayesera chinthu china; chimangolephereka. Utha kutaya ntchito, banja lako kapena chinachake paumoyo wako",general,social media +en10082,"You may be deported from that land which you hoped your dreams were built on. That is understandable and support systems such as family, friends and well-wishers come into play","Utha kuthamamngitsiwa kumalo amene umayembekezera kuti maloto ako akwaniritsidwira.Izi ndizovetsetseka ndipo anthu akuthandizira monga banja, anzako ndi akufuna kwbwino amalowapo",general,social media +en10083,But we should not condone those that simply want to milk an already thin cow and even brag about it. Let us encourage creativity and education,Koma tisalolere omwe amangofuna kutenga kwa munthu ovutika kale ndipo ndikumachitira nkumene matama.Tiyeni tilimbikitse luso komaso maphunziro,general,social media +en10084,"It still makes me wonder what the elders who send children off to early marriages think though, given all the challenges that come with marriage which clearly need someone who is mature enough to handle them","Zimandidabwitsabe zomwe amaganiza akuluakulu omwe amatumiza ana wo ku maukwati achichepere,kutengera zovuta zonse zomwe zimabwera ndi banja zimene chachidziwikire zimafuna winawake okhwima ndithu kuti athane nazo",general,social media +en10085,"What does it help to leave your child in someone’s care for the rest of her life-potentially an abusive marriage too, just so you can get one or two more cows or a few more Kwachas in your bank account?",zimathandiza chani kumusiya mwana wako pachisamaliro cha munthu wina pa moyo wake ose kothekeraso ku banja la nkhanza.Chikwa chongofuna chabe ng'ombe imodzi kapena ziwiri kapena tindalama towonjezera ku bank,general,social media +en10086,"Because of the selfishness of such parents, we have so many victims of early marriages in our societies, who do not have half the courage that this young woman had to leave such marriages","Chifukwa chakudzikonda kwa makolo ngati amenewa, tili ndi ochitidwa nkhanza ambiri m'ma ukwati a achichepere m'madera athu, amene alibe theka lakulimba mtima kwa ngati nzimayi wachichepere uyu yemwe ansiya ukwati oterewo",general,social media +en10087,"And these marriages, all they do is to keep them mired in a life of dependence which also leaves them prone to gender-based violence and in turn putting them at risk of contracting HIV","Ndipo maukwati amenewa, chimene chimachitika ndikupangitsa iwo kukhala moyo wodalirira wina chimene chimawapangitsa kukumana ndi nkhaza kwa amai ndi kuwapangitsa kukhala pa chiwophyezo chotenga matenda a HID Aids.",general,social media +en10088,The battle to ending child marriages is far from being won in Malawi where almost half of the girls marry before reaching 18.,Nkhondo yolimbana ndi maukwati a ana achichepere ikanali kutali kuti igonjetsedwe pamene theka la atsikana akukwatiwa asanakwane zaka khumi ndi zisani ndi mphambu zinai (18),general,social media +en10089,And there is a lot that needs to be done to end this vice so that girls are empowered and become independent just like our cover girl who is now a teacher and earning her own salary,Ndipo pali zambiri zofunika kuchitika pakuthetsa mchitidwewu kuti atsikana apatsidwe upangiri ndi kukhala odziyimira pawokha ngati momwe alili chitsanzo chathu yemwe ndi mphunzitsi amene akulandira ndalama zake.,general,social media +en10090,I feel the girls themselves need to understand the importance of education and the implications of early marriages to be able to resist them,Ndimaganiza kuti atsikana pawokha akuyenera kudziwa kufunika kwa maphunziro ndi zopinga za maukwati ofulumira kuti akhonza kuwapewa.,general,social media +en10091,"However, in a culture where we are taught to respect our elders, I also understand how hard it might be, to go against what the so called elders command","Komanso, mu chikhalidwe chimene timaphunzira kulemekeza achikulire athu, ndimadziwanso momwe zimabvutira kukhala osamvera zomwe achikulire athu alamula.",general,social media +en10092,But I suppose empowering them from a tender age would help them to stand up for themselves as they grow up and even to stand up to such elders who put them up for such ills,Koma ndikhulupirira kuti kuwapatsa mphamvu akanali achichepere kukhonza kuwathandiza kudziyimira pawokha pamene akukula msinkhu ndi kutha kuwatsutsa achikulirewa amene akuwaika pa mabvutowa. ,general,social media +en10093,"As women, we need to remember that our roles do not always have to end at being complementary to the men’s roles, but that we too can lead as the men complement our leadership","Ngati amai, tikuyenera kukumbukira kuti udindo wathu sumathera pokhala wothandizira udindo wa abambo, koma kuti tikhonzanso kutsogolera pamene abambo akuthandizira utsogoleri wathu.",general,social media +en10094,"If a young girl is empowered to lead, you can guarantee that she will always want to lead for the rest of her life, which is good, because then she’ll be able to represent and fight for the interests of others in her league","Ngati mtsikana wachichepere akupatsidwa mphamvu yotsogolera, mukhonza kutsimikiza kuti iye adzafuna kutsogolera mu moyo wake wonse, chimene chili chithu chabwino, chifukwa iye adzayimirira ndi kumenyera ufulu wa anzake a nthanga yake.",general,social media +en10095,Pamtondo Creative Social Enterprise founder and poet Luckier Chikopa has been imparting her skill to students with hearing challenges in marginalised schools through sign language,Wamkulu ndi Mlakatuli wa Pantondo Creative Social Enterprise Luckier Chikopa wakhala akugawa upangiri wake kwa ophunzira omwe ali ndi bvuto losamva mu masukulu osawerengedwa pogwiritsa ntchito kuwerenga ndi manja.,general,social media +en10096,"She also conveys the same skill to young women in the communities, bringing out issues that affect their lives through poetry, such as harmful cultural practices which lead to early marriages and school dropouts","Iye amaperekanso upangiri womwewo kwa atsikana achichepere mu madera, kubweretsa poyera zinthu zokhudza miyoyo yawo podzera mundakatulo, monga chikhalidwe choipa chakale chokwatiwa ali achichepere ndi kusiya sukulu panjira.",general,social media +en10097,"But before she jumped into poetry, she used to write short stories, for which she also received a national award while in secondary school in 2012","Koma asanayambe ulakatuli, iye ankakhala akulemba nkhani zifupizifupi/nthano,zomwe analandilapo mphoto za dziko ali ku sekondale mu 2012 ",general,social media +en10098,"Today, the Muslim girl turned Christian could not be any happier that her poetry has taken her to different events and festivals","Lero, M'tsikana wa chisilamu osithidw aku chikhirisitu anakli okondwa kwambiri kuti u lakatuli wamutengera mu zochitkita komanso vizangala zo siyanasiyana",general,social media +en10099,"From 2014 when I started writing and reciting poems, my audience loved me, and I got encouraged. I have been performing in different festivals and events around Malawi and internationally","Kuchokera 2014 pamene ndinayamba kulemba ndiku lakatula ndakatulo, anthu ondiwonera anandikonda, ndiposo kulimbikitsika.Nakhala ndikuonetsera muvizangala ndizochitika zosiyanasiyana kuzungulira m'Malawi komaso mayiko ena ",general,social media +en10100,"She also authored an audio album called Mwamuna ndi Mbalame (a man is a bird), which highlights the immoral behaviour of older men who ruin the futures of younger girls in exchange of sexual favours","Iye analembaso chimbale cha mau chotchedwa Mwamuna ndi mbalame , chomwe chimalongosola khalidwe loyipa la abambo a chikulire omwe amaononga tsogolo la atsikana posithana ndi chigololo",general,social media +en10101,“My poetry focuses on gender-based violence and harmful cultural practices. Poetry is the space that I use to express myself and I carry the voice of the voiceless,Ndakatulo zanga zagona pa nkhanza zpakati pa amayindi abambo ndi zikhalidwe zoyipa zomwe zimachitidwa. Ndakatulo ndi mpata omwe ndimagwiritsa ntchito kufotokoza momw ndikuvera ndikunyamula mawu kwa oapnda mau,general,social media +en10102,"I love it, especially when I am given an opportunity to perform to a larger audience,” she explains","Ndimazikonda,makamaka pamene ndapatsidwa mwayiuwonetsera ku gulu lowonera lalikulu, aiye akufotokoza ",general,social media +en10103,"The youthful poet also loves this art because it is rewarding. She says: “I get part of my finances through it. I also have an interesting audience in the deaf (people with hearing difficulties), and I am currently also putting my poems in braille to help students who are visually impaired,” she explains","Mlakatuli wachinyamatayu anayi amakonda lusoli chifukwa ndilopindulitsa.Iye akuti:ndimapeza gawo langa la chumu kudzera muzimenezi.Ndiiliso ndiowafikira ena osangalatsa mwa anthu osava, omwe amsvutiks kumva,pakali pano ndikuyikanso ndakatulo zanga mu braille kuti ndithandize a ulumali osawona, iye akufotokoza",general,social media +en10104,"But despite all the good things, there are also some challenges that they face in the industry. For female poets for instance, she points out that enough spaces need to be created where female poets can be included","Koma kupatula zinthu zonse zabwino, pali zovuta zina zomwe amakumana nazo mu ntchito yawo.Alakatuli achizimayi wachitsanzo, mpata okwanira ukuyenera kupangidwa okuti alakatuli achizimayi akhoza kumaphatikizidwa.",general,social media +en10105,"She is quick to point out though, that it must start with the female poets themselves, by having a passion and self-discipline in the industry","Iye sanachedwa kunena kuti, zikuyenera kuyamba ndi a lakatuli akazi iwo eni, pokhala ndi chikondi ndi kudzigwira pa ntchito yawo",general,social media +en10106,"Luckier argues that for a poet to deliver his/her work, there are many things involved that people do not see, including costumes, makeup, supporting artists, and rehearsals just to mention a few","Lukier akunena kuti mlakatuli atulutse ntchito yake, pali zithu zambiri zimene zimachitika zomwe anthu samaziwona, kuphatikizapo zovala, kudzikhoza kunkhope, aluso othandizira komaso zochita zokhonzekera kungotchulapo zochepa",general,social media +en10107,"A poet invests financially before the actual performance. So people have to respect the great work poets do,” she explains","Mlakatuli amalowetsa ndalama asanayambe kuwonetsera. Niye anthu akuyenera kulemekeza ntchito yabwino yomwe alakatuli amapanga, iye akufotokoza.",general,social media +en10108,"Apart from being a poet and a social entrepreneur, Luckier is also an electrical technician who studied electrical and electronics engineering","Kupatula kukhala Mlakatuli ndi wa zamalonda, Luckier ndi misili wa zamagetsi amene anaphunzira za electrial ndi electronics enginnering.",general,social media +en10109,"As a woman who is also in a technical field, the youthful poet admits that she has many challenges trying to prove to people that she can do just as well in a male dominated field","Monga mzimai amene alinso mu ntchito ya zamanja, Mlakakatuli wachichepereyu akubvomereza kuti ali ndi zokhoma zambiri powatsimikira anthu kuti akhonza kupanga bwino mu ntchito yomwe abambo akupanga.",general,social media +en10110,"I have lost great opportunities in the electrical field because of my gender, and it is heartbreaking,” she says","Ndataya mwai wawukulu mu ntchito za magetsi chifukwa choti ndine wamkazi, ndipo izi ndizowawa,"" iye akutero.",general,social media +en10111,"These trainings drove her to establish her own organisation—Pamtondo Creative Social Enterprise—an all-women non-profit that focuses on community issues such as climate change, energy solutions, education and women empowerment among others","Maphunzirowa anamupangitsa kuyamba bungwe lake - Pamtondo Creative Social Enterprise - Bungwe la amai okhaokha laulere limene limagwira ntchito mu dera monga za kusintha kwa nyengo, mphamvu za dzuwa, maphunziro ndi mphamvu kwa amai mwa zina.",general,social media +en10112,"However, it has been quite a ride for her to get to where she is today. Having lost both her parents at a young age, she has been raised in different households with different beliefs","Komabe, sichinali chapafupi kuti afike pamene alili lero. Atataya makolo ake ali wachichepere, iye analeledwa mu mabanja osiyasiyana ndi zikhalidwe zosiyanasiyana",general,social media +en10113,"With parental guidance from my brothers who supported my education financially and made sure that I never lacked, I can say my whole village raised me. I have lived half of my life as a Muslim but now I am a born-again Christian,” she says","Ndi upangiri wabwino kuchokera kwa achimwene anga amene anandithandiza pamaphunziro anga ndi chuma chawo ndikuwonetsetsa kuti sindimasowa kanthu, ndikhonza kunena kuti mudzi wonse unandilera ine. Kukula kwanga ndakhala ndi wopembedza wa chisilamu koma tsopano ndine mkhristu wobadwanso kwatsopano"". Iye akutero.",general,social media +en10114,"As a girl living in a normal household of a Malawian setting, she faced many challenges, and she is glad that she survived it all having experienced both village and city life","Monga mtsikana wokulirira ndi kukhala mu banja lachimalawi, anakumana ndi zokhoma zambiri, ndipo ndi wokondwa kuti anapambana atakhala mu moyo wa kumudzi ndi moyo wa ku tawuni.",general,social media +en10115,"There are many people who just love the social media. For them, everything and anything happening in their lives has to be shared with the world","Pali anthu ambiri amene amakonda masamba a mchezo. Kwa iwo, zonse ndi chilichonse chochitika mu moyo wawo dziko lonse limadziwa.",general,social media +en10116,Sometimes they even defy the common rule and law of protecting minors with their inclusion in some posts,Nthawi zina samalabadira ndi komwe lamulo loteteza ana achichepere mu nkhani zawo.,general,social media +en10117,"The public dissemination of otherwise private information ranges from birthdays of family members or friends, awards, academic qualifications, attainments, marriages, children’s academic achievements and other celebrations and accolades. That is the choice of posters","Kuulutsa kwa nkhani kwa aliyense zomwe zili zobisika zimayambira ku mauthenga a tsiku lobadwa la achibale kaya abwezi, mphotho, ziphaso za maphunziro, mphatso, maukwati, kupambana kwa ana pa maphunziro awo, zikondwerero zina ndi zipambano. Ichi ndi chisankho cha oika mauthenga.",general,social media +en10118,There is yet another group of people that guards their territories religiously. This kind does not value the sharing of ‘inside’ information with outsiders through any social media channel. They share intimate information with their inner circles and believe in the utmost privacy. That is their nature,Palinso gulu lina la anthu limene limasamala kolimba malire awo. Gulu ili silimakhala ndi chidwi chogawa zinsinsi zawo ndi anthu akunja kudzera mu masamba a mtundu uliwonse wa mchezo. Amauzana nkhani za chikondi pa chiweniweni ndipo amakhulupirira kusunga chinsinsi. Ili ndi khalidwe lawo.,general,social media +en10119,"However, such characters may become problematic in later years, especially when the two types described above fall in love and marry. The ‘noisy’ versus the ‘quiet’ are bound to clash because of the tendency to run marriages or relationships on social media","Ngakhale zili choncho, mchitidwe uwu umadzabvuta patsogolo, makamaka pamene mitundu iwiri ya anthu anenedwa mwambamo agwa muchikondi ndi kukwatirana. Olongolola ndi ofatsa sakhalira kukangana chifukwa cha mchitidwe wogwiritsa nthito masamba a mchezo poyendetsa mabanja kapenda maubwezi awo.",general,social media +en10120,"The husband complained that the wife, among other things, posts anything, even about their quarrels and disagreements","Mamuna anadandaula kuti mkazi wake, mwa zinthu zina, amaika china chilichonse, kaya ndi mikangano ndi kusagwirizana.",general,social media +en10121,"This couple may not be the only one caught up in this social media tug-of-war. There are many and while divorce may not be their tribulation, they face other profound issues","Silingakhale banja lokhali limene limakumana ndi zotere mu masamba a mchezo. Alipo ambiri ndipo pamene kutha kwa banja sikungakhale vuto lawo, amakumana ndi mavuto ena aakulu.",general,social media +en10122,I believe social media interactions ought to have limits. Some have made their lives predictable with social media posts—it becomes easy to know how their relationships are doing by simply checking their statuses,Ndimakhulupirira kugwiritsa ntchito masamba a mchezo kukuyenera kukhala ndi malire. Ena apanga miyoyo yawo kukhala pambalaganda chifukwa cha mauthenga a pa masamba a mchezo - ,general,social media +en10123,"The world becomes aware about their general mood, when they argue, make up and are treated like heaven","Dziko limayamba kudziwa za khalidwe lawo, pamene akangana, kugwirizana ndi kumva kukoma ngati kumwamba",general,social media +en10124,"One cannot disseminate their whole information about family, husband, children and friends—positive or negative—on social media. Again, you do not resolve your problems on social media like many people do","Sungalengeze mbiri yako yonse ya banja lako, mamuna, ana ndi abwezi - zabwino kapena zoipa - pa masamba a mchezo. Ndiponso sungathetse mabvuto ako onse pa masamba a mchezo monga momwe anthu ambiri amachitira.",general,social media +en10125,Too much exposure opens our lives to unwanted scrutiny and external interferences. And it’s no secret to many that the lives portrayed on social media do not at all tally with the reality on the ground,Kuika moyo wathu pambalanganda kumabweretsa maganizo oipa ndi matsoka ochokera kunja. Ndipo sichinsinsinso kwa athu ambiri kuti miyoyo imene timawonetsa kwa anthu pa masamba a mchezo ndiyosiyana kutalitali ndi mmene tilili mu mawonekedwe,general,social media +en10126,We pretend and practically live lives for others. Nobody’s life can be as perfect as portrayed on social media,Timanamizira ndipo timakhala miyoyo ya anthu ena. Palibe moyo umene ulibe zobvuta ngati momwe timawonetsa pa masamba a mchezo.,general,social media +en10127,"In short, let us not use social media as a means of getting back at others, embarrassing them or ‘living the life of luxury’ just so we can impress. There should be territories we need to safeguard","Mwachidule, tiyeni tipewe kugwiritsa ntchito masamba a mchezo ngati njira yoyambana ndi ena, kuwachititsa manyazi kapena kukhala moyo wapamwamba pakungofuna kudziwonetsera. Pakhale malire amene tikuyenera kuwateteza.",general,social media +en10128,Husbands are standing by their wives; that is the new trend. First it was gospel artist and pastor Mlaka Maliro’s open declaration that he was standing by his wife Bernadette in spite of the ‘lies’ being paraded about her,Amuna akukhala mbali ya akazi awo; umu ndi momwe zinthu zikuyendera. Woyimba wa nyimbo za uzimu komanso M'busa Mlaka Maliro anali munthu woyamba kuchitira umboni pokhala mbali ya mkazi wake Bernadetta posatengera mabodza omwe ankanenedwa okhudza iye.,general,social media +en10129,"He said: “Whatever you have heard, it is just a lie. But time is coming, I will react. I will tell the world the truth. If you touch my wife, you touch me. And I will come for you.”","Iye anati: ""Chilichonse chomwe mwamva, ndi bodza chabe. Koma nthawi ikubwera, Ndidzayankha. Ndidzauza dziko zoona. Ngati mugwira mkazi wanga, mwagwira ine. Ndipo mudzawona polokera. ",general,social media +en10130,Smith did not take kindly to the supposed joke and he angrily asked Rock to keep his wife’s name out if his mouth. It’s all very impressive,Smith sanakondwere ndi mchezowo ndipo mwaukali anamupempha Rock kuti asatchulenso dzina la mkazi wake pakamwa pake. Izi zonse ndi zokondweretsa.,general,social media +en10131,But why are these men getting the standing ovation by men and women alike as witnessed in social media circles for doing what women do all the time?,Koma ndi chifukwa chiyani amuna amenewa akulandira maulemu kuchokera kwa abambo ndi amai omwe mmene zikuwonetsedwera pa masamba a mchezo popanga zinthu zomwe azimai amapanga nthawi zonse.,general,social media +en10132,"Because they have done what two people who love each other are obliged to do, then it is all about acknowledging them?","Chifukwa apanga zimene anthu awiri okondana amayenera kuchita, ndiye ndi zoti abvomerezedwe? ",general,social media +en10133,"I have seen some women standing by their men after doing much more than cheating. They have stood by criminals, some committing even the most outrageous atrocities such as bedding their own children, in-laws, neighbours and mothers","Ndawonapo azimai ena akuima mbali ya amuna awo atapanga zinthu zambiri kuposa kunyenga. Aima mbali ya zigawenga, ena opanga zinthu zonyasa kwambiri ngati kugonana ndi ana awo, azilamu awo, anzawo ndi amai awo.",general,social media +en10134,"They have stood by pathological liars and habits, some of which have compromised families, reputations and careers. And when such happens, there always has to be something in it for the women, as society interprets. Usually, it is monetary","Ayima mbali ya anthu achizolowezi ndi nkhalidwe wonama, zina mwazomwe zawononga mabanja, chikhalidwe ndi ntchito. Pamene izi zichitika, pamakhala china chake cha amaiwa, mmene athu amawonera. Kawirikawiri izi zimakhala zachuma.",general,social media +en10135,"When a man does it, it is unconditional love and becomes instant news. When a woman does it, it is tied to material, financial or some form of gain","Pamene bambo apanga izi, ndi chikondi chopanda malire ndipo zimawanda. Pamene wamkazi apanga izi, zimakhudza zithu za mtengo wapatali, chuma kapena mtundu wina wa phindu.",general,social media +en10136,I understand that the two incidents are in the public domain because of the nature of players involved. There are indeed countless men who are standing by their wives off camera,Ndikudziwa kuti zochitika ziwirizi ndi zosabisika chifukwa cha khalidwe la amene akupangawo. Awa ndi abambo ambiri amene akuimpa pambali pa akazi awo mwachibisibisi.,general,social media +en10137,"I just want to bring to everyone’s attention that women, too deserve a pat on the back each time such instances happen","Ndikungofuna kukudziwitsani kuti azimai, nawonso akuyenera kuwayamikira nthawi iliyonse imene zinthu ngati zimenezo zichitika.",general,social media +en10138,"I encountered a situation of a child born out of wedlock. While his parents separated and living apart, he deserved his father’s support as he was living with his mother, the arrangement seemed problematic","Ndinakumanizanako ndi nkhani ya mwana wobadwa kwa mkazi wosakhala wa pabanja. Pamene makolo ake anasiyana ndipo sakhala limodzi, akuyenera kusamalilidwa ndi abambo ake pamene akukhala ndi amai ake. Izi zimabvuta ndithu.",general,social media +en10139,"Apparently, the father always dangles his monetary support to the mother as bait for her to comply to his sexual advance. When she declines, the child suffers","Kawirikawiri, abambo a mwana amaika chithandizao chandalama kwa amai a mwana ngati nyambo yopanga za chisembwere. Akakana, mwana amazunzika.",general,social media +en10140,"I know many such scenarios. There are men who want to exchange child support with intimacy from their baby mamas. When she declines, she is deemed rude and unfit to ‘partake’ in his ‘wealth’",Ndimadziwa zambiri zoterezo. Pali azibambo amene amasinthana chisembweere ndi chisamaliro cha mwana kuchokera kwa azimai a ana awo. Akangokana amasanduka wa mwano ndi wosayenera kulandira chithandizo cha ndalama zawo.,general,social media +en10141,"Every sane person gets concerned with the welfare of his children, legitimate or illegitimate. The sanity should drive any parent to want the best for them and look out for their well-being","Munthu aliyense amakhudzidwa ndi chisamaliro cha ana ake, kaya ndi obereka ndi mkazi wake kapena akuchibwezi. Chofunika ndikufulumiza makolo kuwapangira zabwino ndi kukhala ndi chidwi pa umoyo wawo. ",general,social media +en10142,"Whether couples are in good terms or not, it should not be the criteria to help children. There are ways aid can come through without the two crossing paths","Kaya anthu apa ubweziwa ali pa ubale wabwino kapena ai, ichi chisakhale chifukwa chosawathandiza ana. Pali njira zambiri zomwe chithandizo chingafike popanda anthu awiriwa kukumana.",general,social media +en10143,"And just because one party still has feelings for another, support cannot be a bait to lure him or her to doing something against their wishes","Ndipo ngati pali chifukwa choti mkazi kapena mamuna akanali ndi chilakolako cha wina, chithandizo sichingakhale nyambo yokakamiza mkazi kapena mamuna kupanga zinthu zomwe sakufuna",general,social media +en10144,"I am sure there will be ex-partners willing to rekindle old flames anytime, anyplace and anyhow. But respect must be accorded to those that diminish that flame which they may have rekindled with someone else or decide to remain flameless. But this business of dangling the support like a carrot to a horse must stop!","Ndili ndi chitsimikizo kuti anthu omwe ubwezi unatha akhonza kuyambiranso kukondana, pena paliponse ndi mwina mulimonse. Koma ulemu uperekedwe kwa amene chikondi chinatha ndipo anapeza chikondi kwa munthu wina ndipo anasankha kusakhala opanda chikondi. Koma mchitidwe wachibwanawu usapitilire.",general,social media +en10145,"It is good enough that either party allows raising the child together. This must not be likened to foolishness. Also, children must not be tools to torment baby daddies",Ndi bwinonso kwambiri kuti aliyense alole kulera mwana limodzi. Ichi chisafanane ndi kupusa ai. Ndiponso ana asakhale chida chozunzira abambo amene anawabereka.,general,social media +en10146,One cannot be using souls to get back at him or even come in between him and his new flame. Calls at midnight or awkward hours just to inform him about his child’s welfare are unacceptable,Osagwiritsa ntchito anthu ena kuti amunene kapena kusokoneza chibwezi chake chatsopano. Malamya a pakati pa usiku kapena nthawi yolakwika omudziwitsa za mwana wake ndi osaloledwa.,general,social media +en10147,"Remember, boundaries were set the moment the two of you broke up and went separate ways. Whether one party still loves another is no reason to cling on","Kumbukira, malire anakhazikitsidwa nthawi imene chibwezi chinatha ndipo munasiyana. Ngakhale wina akanakondabe mzake, palibe chifukwa chokakamira.",general,social media +en10148,Force has never been the answer. It can never retain a lost attention or love. It can never move any adult to doing things against their will,Kukamira chibwezi sikuthandiza. Chibwezi choti chinatha sichingayambenso. Sichingasunthe munthu wamkulu kupanga zinthu zosemphana ndi zimene akufuna. ,general,social media +en10149,"Let us learn to accept when love is over and move on. It may hurt, but nothing can be done expect pack up and leave. The only reason we would look back is for the sake of those love children","Tiyeni tiphunzire kubvomereza pamene chibwezi chatha ndi kupita chitsogolo. Zimawawa inde, koma palibe chomwe chingapangike koma kubvomereza ndi kupita chitsogolo. Chifukwa chimodzi chomwe chingangitse kuyang'ana mbuyo ndi ana a wachikondi wathuuyo basi.",general,social media +en10150,"It is futile to believe that because a child was born between a couple, then a forever is guaranteed. Never.","Ndi zosapindulitsa kukhulupirira kuti chifukwa choti mamuna ndi mkazi abereka mwana, ndiye kuti tsogolo la ukwati lilipo. Ndizosatheka.",general,social media +en10151,"In the past, I have written here about revenge porn. I targeted women for the mere reason that it is mainly their nudes that go viral in case a relationship falls out","Mbuyomu, ndalembapo zoyalutsa zithunzi za maliseche. Ndimanena azimai chifukwa chakuti ndi zithunzi zawo za maliseche zimene zimakhala poyera chibwezi chikatha.",general,social media +en10152,Some stupid men tend to release sex or nude photographs or videos of their ex-lovers to get back at them when dumped. Some equally stupid women fall in this trap over and over again for lack of judgement,Azibambo ena opusa amakonda kugawa zithunzi zogonana kapena zamaliseche kapena makanema a zibwezi zawo zomwe zinatha kufuna kuwayulutsa akasiyidwa. Azimai opusanso amapanga nawo izi..,general,social media +en10153,"Whatever the case, revenge porn is still rampant and something serious needs to be done about it","Mulimonsemo, kuyalutsana pogawa zithuni zamaliseche kukuchitika kwambiri ndipo pakufunika kuchitapo kathu.",general,social media +en10154,I have often wondered whether women were overly flexible about taking pictures of their nudes and sending them out to either lovers of would-be lovers. My quest for answers led to three possible scenarios,Ndakhala wodabwa kawirikawiri mmene azimai amamasuka kwambiri pojambula zithunzi zawo zamaliseche ndikuzitumiza kunja kwa okondeka awo kapena amene akufuna kukhala okondeka awo. Chidwi changa chofuna mayankho chandifikitsa pa mayankho atatu,general,social media +en10155,"Firstly, I have some across free givers. These will target men to either be in a relationship with or for financial gains","Choyamba, ndakumanapo ndi anthu opereka mwaulere. Awa amasankha azibambo kuti akhale nawo pa chibwezi kapena pongopezerapo ndalama.",general,social media +en10156,"To get their attention or entice them, they send still nudes or videos of themselves, offering the target ‘goodies’ when interested","Kuti awonetse chidwi chawo kapena kapena kuwakopa, amatumiza zithuzi zamaliseche kapena makanema amaliseche awo, kuwaonetsa osakidwawo zabwino zomwe angakazipeze akasangalatsidwa",general,social media +en10157,"I guess they believe that the fastest way to a man’s heart or pocket is through her bottom; hence, the free ‘gift’",Nduganiza kuti iwo amakhulupirira kuti njira yachidule yomukopa mtima mzibambo ndikudzera kumaliseche kwao; ndiye; mphatso yaulerere.,general,social media +en10158,The second category is those that get convinced by their partners to either make an intimate video together. Some are asked to send their nudes to lovers as a demonstration of their love,Gawo lina lachiwiri ndi amene amanyengereredwa ndi okondedwa awo kuti mwina apange kanema wachikondi limodzi. Ena amawuzidwa kuti atumize zithunzi zawo zambulanda kuti awonetsere chikondi chawo.,general,social media +en10159,"Foolishly, the exchange is done and some men share with friends who in turn share the world. Others will share once the girl dumps them","Mopusila, msinthowo umachitika ndipo azibambo ena amagwa kwa anzawo amene kenako amagawa kwa aliyense. Ena amagawa mtsikana akawasiya.",general,social media +en10160,"In other scenarios, these maybe be discovered by a wife or an irate lover in future and shared. Others are yet shared by gadget repairers who stumble upon nudes","Nthawi zina, izi zikhonza kuzindikiridwa ndi mkazi wawo kapena wachikondi wokhumudwa mtsogolo ndikuzigawa. Zina zimagawidwa ndi anthu okonza ma lamya akazipeza mu lamya.",general,social media +en10161,"The third category is where some film women secretly. They record intimate moments mostly for sinister reasons. And these reasons are for more than just sharing, but for blackmail or commercialization. And because others willingly show themselves in compromised positions, some men think every woman is gullible","Gawo lachitatu ndi pamene azimai amajambulidwa mwachinsinsi. Amajambula kawirikawiri nthawi yopanga zachikondi ndi cholinga choipa. Ndipo zifukwa izi ndizoposera kungogawa, koma kuwophyeza mofuna kupeza kena kake kapena kugulitsa. Ndipo chifukwa azimai ena amadzipezeketsa okha pamalo osayenera, azibambo ena amaganiza kuti azimai ndiwotengeka.",general,social media +en10162,"Women, it is time we asked ourselves whether men are out there to get us. Whoever said love was blind must have experienced every inch of this passionate animal","Azimai, ino ndi nthawi yoti tidzifunse ngati azibambo akutifunadi. Amene ananena kuti chikondi sichiwona nkhope, akuyenera kuti anadutsa mu chikondi chozama. ",general,social media +en10163,"This is a period when all senses cease to operate and love becomes our eyes, ears, noses, skin and all. It makes us do despicable acts, including standing before the camera naked to send to lovers or admirers. We do not think for a single moment about the repercussions of these actions","Iyi ndi nthawi yomwe maganizo a umunthu amasiyiratu kugwira ntchito ndipo chikondi ndi chomwe chimasanduka maso, makutu, khungu ndi chilichonsecho. Chitimangitsa kuti tipange zinthu zoipa kuphatikizapo kuima kutsogolo kwa kamera mbulanda kuti titumize kwa okondedwa kapena otisirira. Sitiganizakonso nkomwe zokhudza zotsatira kwa zinthu zomwe tikupangazo.",general,social media +en10164,"Whether persuaded or not, nudes must stop. We cannot blame others when they go viral. We cannot claim shame when we were wholly involved and participated","Kaya ndi kunyengereredwa kapena ai, zithuzi zambulanda zikuyenera kusiyidwa. Sitinganene anthu ena pamene zamwazidwa. Sitinganene kuti tili ndi manyazi pamene tinadzipereka ndi kudzikhuthula.",general,social media +en10165,"Apart from the third category mentioned here, we have control of our bodies and we should draw the line. Enough nudes have gone round to change our mindsets. Are we waiting for our own to go viral before we stop? Are we still that trusting?","Kupatula gawo lachitatu limene latchulidwa apa, tili ndi ulamuliro wathupi lathu ndi kuika malire. Zithunzi zambulanda zokwanira zamwazidwa zoti tisinthe maganizidwe. Kodi tikudikira kuti zinthuzi zambulanda zathu zimwazidwe kuti tisiye mchitidwewu? Kodi tikukhulupirirabe?",general,social media +en10166,We will never control what the other person does with what we share. But we can start by controlling what we share,Sitingathe kuletsa munthu wina zomwe angapange ndi zinthu zimene tamugayira. Koma titha kukwanitsa kudziletsa kugawa zinthu. ,general,social media +en10167,A man was recently convicted of defilement. His version of events claimed to have been in a sexual relationship with the minor who eventually reported him to police,Posachedwapa mzibambo anaimbidwa mulandu wogwirira. Kamvekedwe kankhani yake kanasonyeza kuti anali ps ubwezi ndi mtsikana wachichepere amene anakamunenera ku Police.,general,social media +en10168,"This was when he failed to meet her K5 000 fees demand one particular day. At this point, the girl realized she was a minor and reported him. The girl claimed otherwise, of course","Iyi ndi nthawi imene analemphera kuperaka K5000 yolipira sukulu tsiku lina. Pa nthawiyi, mtsikanayu anazindikira kuti anali wachichepere ndipo anakamunenera. Mtsikana amanana, mwachidziwikire.",general,social media +en10169,I have observed a tendency by some minors to ‘provoke’ men and cry wolf because of payment disagreements. They seem to be ok with a purported transaction only to turn on ‘clients’ when demanding for more money or are denied payment,Ndawona chikhalidwe cha atsikana achichepere 'choyamba' azibambo ndi kudandaula akasephana pa malipiro. Iwo amawonetsa kuti amasangalala ndipo amangosintha pomwe akufuna ndalama zambiri kapena akakana kuwalipira.,general,social media +en10170,"Let me make it clear here that I am not for stupid men soliciting sex from minors. Indeed, the law will continue to deal with any man who sleeps with minors, whether or not the minor initiated it","Ndiloleni ndinene tchutchu kuti sindili mbali ya azibambo opusa ofuna kugonana ndi atsikana achichepere. Zoona zake, lamulo lidzapitirira kuthana ndi mzibambo wogona ndi atsikana achichepere. Kaya wayambitsa kapena sanayambitse ndi iye.",general,social media +en10171,The minor— in case many of you are ignorant—does not owe the State an explanation when a defilement case is opened. She remains protected and no circumstance will justify that crime,Wachichepereyo - mwina ambiri mwa inu simukudziwa - sakufunika kufotoza china chilichonse pamaso pa bwalo la milandu mlandu wogwiriridwa ukatsegulidwa. Iye amakhalabe wotetezedwa ndipo palibe china chilichonse chingayikire kumbuyo mlanduwu. ,general,social media +en10172,"However, I am going to call a spade a spade. It is an open secret that many under-aged girls are roaming our streets in the night prostituting"," Komabe, ndinena chilungamo. Ndi chilungamo chodziwika kuti ambiri mwa atsikana achichepere akuzungulira misewu mwanthu kupanga uhule.",general,social media +en10173,"I am sure all— government, parents, rights groupings, churches etc—have seen it, but are turning a blind eye. They all wait to act when something has gone wrong or indeed a disgruntled ‘child’ has cried foul","Ndikudziwa onse - boma, makolo, magulu omenyera ufulu, matchalitchi ndi ena otero - amakhala ngati sakuwona koma akuwona. Iwo amadikira kupangapo kanthu pamene china chake chalakwika kapena pamene mwana wokwiyayo wawulula.",general,social media +en10174,"If they are the juveniles they claim to be, what do they do on the streets at odd hours? Where are their guardians and parents? Where are law enforcers because they cannot only apply the law one sided?","Ngati akunena kuti iwowo ndi ana, amachita chiyani misewu mu nthawi ya usiku? Kodi owang'anira ndi makolo awo amakhala kuti? Kodi anthu okhwimitsa malamula amakhala ali kuti? Chifukwa samangotsatira malamulo mbali imodzi.",general,social media +en10175,"This is to ascertain whether property was well secured before a break in and that it was not ‘laid bare’ for criminals to share the loot. In the same scenario, if sex predators are prosecuted, it is time the same law started securing these minors and guarding them jealously",Izi ndikutsimikizira kuti ngati katundu anali wotetezedwa bwino akuba asanalowe ndipo sanali pambalanganda kuti akubawo agawane. Zofanana ndizomwezi ngati zidyamakanda zikumangwidwa nthawi yakwana malamulo omwewa ayambe kuwateteza ndi kuwayang'anira kwambiri.,general,social media +en10176,It is time to stop the mere finger pointing when we have minors crowded on the streets offering sex for money,Nthawi yakwana yoti tisiye kumangolozana zala pamene tili ndi atsikana achichepere ochuluka misewu kusinthana chiwerewere ndi ndalama.,general,social media +en10177,Why not mount campaigns to remove these juveniles from the streets if the fight against rape or defilement is to be won?,Bwanji osapanga mdondomeko zowachotsa atsikana achichepere misewu ngati tikufuna pa nkhondo yolimbana ndi mchitidwe wogwiridwa.,general,social media +en10178,Is it not hypocritical to criminalize men who bed minors while allowing minors throng the streets for livelihoods? Are parents and society not supposed to take the responsibility of safeguarding children?,Kodi sikungonamizira kuyimba milandu azibambo amene amagona ndi atsikana achichepere pamene tikulola atsikana achichepere kukhala misewu yathu kuti apeze ndalama? Kodi makolo ndi anthu mu m'dera sakuyenera kutenga udindo woteteza ana? ,general,social media +en10179,"To stop a cold, one keeps warm and requires plenty of rest rather than feeding it more by going drinking in the cold for example",Mwachitsanzo munthu kuti athetse chimfine amayenera adzitenthetse ndipo amayenera kupuma kwambiri kulekana ndikupita kokumwa kukuzizira.,general,social media +en10180,"To stop defilement, it is not only about teaching girls what to do, but they ought to stop actions that will fuel it—such as going into the dead of the night to ‘chill’. Get these minors of the streets, even if it means criminalizing their street parades","Kuthetsa nkhaza zogwirira sikungophunzitsa atsikana zoti azichita, koma kuti asiye mchitidwe womwe ungakolezere izi - mwachitsanzo, kupita kochezera usiku. Achotseni atsikana achicheperewa misewu ngakhale zikutanthauza kuyendayenda kwawo kukhala milandu.",general,social media +en10181,"Malawi is above its neighbours when it comes to citizen’s accessibility to water, but scores poorly in hygiene and sanitation, a new report has shown","Dziko la Malawi lili pamwamba ku maiko oyandikana nalo pa nkhani yowonetseta kuti mtundu wa a Malawi ukupeza madzi, koma likuperewera kutalitali pankhani ya ukhondo ndi kasamaliridwe kapamalo, kafukufuku watsopano wasonyeza.",general,social media +en10182,An economist has since blamed the poor ranking on hygiene and sanitation on misuse of resources allocated to these sectors,Wazachuma wanena kuti kulephera kwa dziko la Malawi pa kafukufuku wa umoyo wabwino ndi ukhondo kwadza chifukwa chakusagwiritsidwa bwino kwa zipangizo zoperekedwa ku magawo amenewa,general,social media +en10183,"In an interview on Wednesday, Kankwamba said Malawi should not be celebrating that her people have better access to water as much of the country’s water is not potable","Polankhula pa tsiku lachitatu, Kankwamba anati dziko la Malawi lisakondwere kuti anthu ake ali ndi kuthekera kokhala ndi madzi ngakhale kuti madzi ambiri a m'dziko lathu si a mupayipi.",general,social media +en10184,"Kankwamba, an expert in agricultural and applied economics, observed that while many Malawians have access to water, much of it is not safe for consumption as it is contaminated with sewer and other toxic chemicals that result in diseases such as diarrhoea and cancer","Kankwamba, katswiri wa za ulimi ndi za chuma, wawona kuti a Malawi ambiri ali ndi kuthekera kokhala ndi madzi, amene ambiri mwaiwo Sali abwino kumwa chifukwa ndi osakanikitsns ndi madzi akuchimbudzi ndi mankhwala owophyeza chitetezo cha moyo wa munthu zimene zimabweretsa matenda monga kutsekula m'mimba ndi cancer.",general,social media +en10185,"The lecturer warned that if the country does not restructure its water infrastructure, it will continue to spend more on treatment while children are stunted due to poor health","Mphunzitsi wamkulu anachenjeza kuti ngati dziko silikonza zipangizo zake za madzi, lidzapitirira kuwononga ndalama zambiri pa mankhwala pamene ana akukula mopinimbira chifukwa cha kusowa moyo wathanzi.",general,social media +en10186,He said: “We need to seriously look at improving the infrastructure. We have cases in our cities where residents experience dry taps for over three days and nobody cares,"Iye anati, ""Tikuyenera kuwunikanso mwakuya kupititsa patsogolo infrastructure, Tili ndi madandu m'mizinda yathu komwe okhalamo amakumana ndikusiya kwa madzi kupitirira masiku atatu ndipo palibe amene zimamukhudza.",general,social media +en10187,"The aim was to tackle corrupt behaviours among stakeholders in the AIP, increase levels of awareness on corruption, investigate and prosecute corruption related cases, the ACB explained","Cholinga chinali kuthana ndi khalidwe lakatangale kumbali ya anthu okhudzidwa mu AIP, kuti adziwe zambiri za katangale, afufuze ndikumanga anthu okhudzidwa ndi milandu yakatangale, A ACB anafotokoza.",general,social media +en10188,The report recommended that “the ministry should ensure that bags for AIP inputs are labelled because this is very crucial in order to differentiate [AIP] fertiliser with commercial fertiliser to avoid cases where the AIP fertiliser is being sold to vendors on pretext that it is for commercial selling,Lipoti linapeleka malangizo kuti undunawu uwonetsetse kuti matumba a AIP adziyikidwa chizindikiro chifukwa izi ndizofunika kwambiri kuti adzisiyanitsa feteleza wa AIP ndi feteleza wogulitsa wamba kuti tipewe mchitidwe womwe feteleza wa AIP akugulitsidwa kwa ochita malonda ponena kuti ndi wamalonda.,general,social media +en10189,"“The ministry should consider opening many selling points so that people should not travel long distances to buy the AIP inputs, [government] should consider engaging suppliers in good time to avoid delays in supplying the inputs.”","Unduna ulingalire zotsekula malo ambiri ogulitsira kuti anthu asamayende ulendo wawutali kokagula zipangizo za AIP, (boma liganizire zokambirana ndi operekera katundu mu nthawi yabwino kuti lipewe kuchedwa koperekera zipangizo.",general,social media +en10190,The minister also thinly admitted that some of the suppliers were struggling to supply the commodities,A Nduna anabvomereza kuti anthu ena operekera katundu amabvutika kupereka katundu.,general,social media +en10191,"“This can only be implemented in an occasion where government buys all the fertilisers on its own but again this would require extra funds and with the already suffocated AIP budget, implementation of this would still face a hiccup",Izi zikhonza kuchitika pa nthawi imene boma ligula feteleza yense palokha komanso izi zifuna ndalama zina zapadera zowonjezera pa budget yobvutikira kale ya AIP. Kukwaniritsa izi kutha kupangitsabe kukumana ndi mabvuto.,general,social media +en10192,"On opening more selling points, Lungu said government had planned to double last year’s number but failure by some private contractors to supply the fertilisers had affected their plans","Potsekula malo ambiri ogulitsira, Lungu anati Boma linakonzekera kuchulikitsa chiwerengero cha chaka chatha koma kulephera kwa ma contractor a pulaiveti poperekera feteleza kunakhudza zokonzekera zawo.",general,social media +en10193,"On the need to vet suppliers, he argued that the ministry believes that it recruited the right suppliers despite most of them failing to fulfil their contractual obligations","Ndi cholinga chounika operekera, iye ananena kuti Unduna ukukhulupirira kuti unapeza operekera oyenera ngakhale ambiri aiwo analephere kukwaniritsa zomwe anagwirizana.",general,social media +en10194,The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is assessing if there is merit in investigating allegations that businessman Zuneth Sattar is paying school fees for some judges’ children,Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) ikufufuza ngati pali kusakondera pakufufuza zomwe zikumveka za wa malonda Zuneth Sattar kuti akulipirira sukulu an a awowereza milandu ena.,general,social media +en10195,ACB spokesperson said this on Thursday after Forum for National Development (FND) asked the bureau to probe the claims which social media influencer posted on his Facebook page last month,Mneneri wa ACB ananena izi lachinai atafunsidwa ndi a Forum for National Development (FND) kuti Bureau ifunse mwakuya zomwe zikukambidwa zomwe munthu wodziwika bwino wa pa tsamba la mchezo anaika patsamba lake mwezi watha. ,general,social media +en10196,Reads the letter in part: “The allegation undermines the impartiality and integrity of the Judiciary in Malawi. It is only prudent that this matter must be cleared,Gawo lakalatayo ikunena izi: Zonenedwazo zikuchephsya kusatenga mbali khalidwe lokhulupirika la mabwalo owereza milandu mu Malawi. Ndikoyenera kuti nkhaniyi ithetsedwe.,general,social media +en10197,He is one of the influential persons in Malawi in as far as opinion shaping is concerned and an allegation coming from such an individual cannot just be dismissed,Ndi mmodzi mwa anthu odziwika bwino mu Malawi potengera kusula kwa maganizo momwe kumakhalira ndipo zongonenazi kuchokera kwa munthu ngati ameneyu sikungangothetsedwa.,general,social media +en10198,“It is our considered view that he must be summoned to substantiate the claims and make a public disclosure of the justices that have been compromised,Ndi maganizo athu momwe tikuwonera kuti adulidwe chisamani kuti akapereke umboni pa zomwe zikunenedwazo ndipo ayike kugulu chilungamo chake chomwe chasokonokera.,general,social media +en10199,"In an interview on Thursday, ACB acknowledged receiving the FND letter and said the claims will be assessed before any action is taken","Pa zoyankhulana lachinai, ACB inabvomereza kulandira kalata ya FND ndipo zonenedwazi zikawunikidwa china chilichonse chisanachitike. ",general,social media +en10200,She said: “The bureau received this letter as a copy recipient. The bureau will review it as it does with all complaints. This is done to see if there is merit to warrant action by the bureau, Iye anati Bureau inalandira kalata ngati modzi wa olandira. Bureauyi iwunikira ngati momwe imachitira ndi madandaulo onse. Izi zimachitidwa kuti liwone ngati pali nkhani yoti ifufuzidwe ndi Bureau.,general,social media +en10201,Minister of Lands and Sattar’s business partner Ashok Nair were arrested in connection with alleged corrupt land deals,Nduna ya zamalo ndi wa malonda Sattar ndi mzake Ashok Nair anamangidwa pokhudzidwa ndi katangale wa malo.,general,social media +en10202,"Msukwa, who is also member of Parliament for Chitipa East (Malawi Congress Party), is suspected to have committed three counts of corrupt use of official power in relation to allocation of plots to Sattar, according to the particulars of his arrest warrant","Msukwa, amene ali Phungu wa nyumba ya malamulo wa Chitipa East (Malawi Congress Party), akuganiziridwa kuti anapalamula milandi itatu ya katangale pogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ya ntchito yake popereka malo kwa Sattar, malinga ndi momwe kalata yowamangira ikufotokozera.",general,social media +en10203,"Indeed ,as per observation, experience and other Christians’ testimonies, many churches— knowingly or unknowingly—tend to favour those with money in general without a bias towards tithing","Indedi, umu ndi momwe zimawonedwera, chizolowezi ndi maumboni a khristu ena, matchalichi ambiri - modziwa kapena kusadziwa - amakondera anthu omwe ali ndi ndalama posatengera kumbali ya chakhumi.",general,social media +en10204,"Let me share a personal experience. Sometime back, I decided to attend a certain Pentecostal church. As one of the few car owners and avid tithers, I was one of those given preferential treatment in terms of church positions and decision making","Ndiloleni ndikuuzeni zomwe ndadutsamo. Nthawi ina yake mbuyomu, ndinaganiza zokakhala nawo ku tchalichi ina ya Pentekositi. Ngati mmodzi wokhala ndi magalimoto ndiwopereka chakhumi mokhulupirika ndinali mmodzi wa anthu opatsidwa ulemu wapaderadera kumbali ya maudindo a kutchalichi ndi kupanga ziganizo.",general,social media +en10205,I remember being given anointing water and other anointing regalia for use to attain God’s favour. I was handpicked to head the finance department (something far from my calling),Ndikukumbukira nditapatsidwa madzi oyeretsedwa ndi malaya oyeretsedwa kuti ndigwiritse ntchito kupeza kukondera. Ndinangolozedwa kuti nditsogolere gawo lazachuma (kutalitali ndi maitanidwe anga). ,general,social media +en10206,In the pastor’s own words; “Those who did not give did not deserve them until they started giving,"Mukunena kwa Abusa; ""Amene sanapereke Sali woyenera kufikira atayamba kupereka.",general,social media +en10207,"Fast forward to yet another church, I was given leeway to the pastor based on my giving. While others were perpetually ignored or asked to pay for deliverance, mine came easy and I became friends with the founder. Of course, those who felt sidelined eventually left after complaining. I followed suit later","Nthawi inanso ku tchalichi kwina, ndinapatsidwa mwai wokumana ndi Abusa pakutengera ndi momwe ndimaperekera. Pamene ena samalabadiridwa kapena amawuzidwa kulipira mamasulidwe, a ine amabwera mosabvuta ndinakhala pachimzake ndi mwini tchalichi. Zoonadi, omwe amamva kusiyidwa patapita nthawi anachoka atadandaula. Nanenso ndinachoka.",general,social media +en10208,"Indeed, pastors rush to the aid of givers. When the so-called affluent call to be prayed for in case of illnesses or trouble, a battalion of pastors, deacons and their assistants rush to their side to offer prayers and encouragement because a ‘faithful’ one is in need","Indedi, azibusa amafulumira kuthandiza opereka. Pamene anthu ochita bwino apempha kuti apempheredwe panthawi ya matenda kapena mabvuo, Chinamtindi cha azibusa, atumiki, ndiwothandizira awo, amakhala mbali yawo powathangatira ndi mapemphere ndi mau achilimbikitso chifukwa ""wokhulupirikayo"" akufuna chithandizo.",general,social media +en10209,"When a less advantaged member of the flock calls, it’s usually endless excuses and they are usually told to wait until Sunday or for the next available pastor","Pamene wosauka wafuna chithandizo, nthawi zambiri pamakhala zifukwa zambirimbiri ndipo nthawi zambiri amawuzidwa kuti adikire mpaka la Mulungu kapena m'busa wina amene apezeke.",general,social media +en10210,Sometimes they are simply told: “Everything will be fine. All is well.” Many are uncompelled to help non-givers or the poor because prayers have become a business or merchandise,Nthawi zina amangowuzidwa kuti chilichonse chikhala bwino. Zili bwino. Ambiri sakhudzika kuthandiza osapereka kapena osauka chifukwa mapemphero asanduka malonda kapena zogulitsa.,general,social media +en10211,"Because without spelling it out, many pastors want favours, especially monetary to pray for someone","Kunena zoona, azibusa ambiri amafuna kukonderedwa makamaka pandalama kuti amupemphere wina wake.",general,social media +en10212,"These institutions will literally ignore an avid church member, one who can ably service a position, in preference for the rich","Matchalichiwa samalabadira mowonokeratu member wokhulupirika mutchalichi, amene angathe kuyendetsa udindo bwino pokondera wolemera.",general,social media +en10213,It is the myopia that the rich are intelligent or organized than the trekker who many believe will actually embezzle church funds,Ndikuganiza moperewere kuti olemera ndi anzeru kapena okhazikika kuposa mphawi amene ambiri amakhulupirira kuti akhonza kuwononga ndalama za tchalichi.,general,social media +en10214,"Stop this discrimination you so-called people of God. When one runs to you, it means they are seeking the face of God. Status should not matter and it should please God, master of all to reach out to everyone","Siyani tsankho inu otchedwa anthu a Mulungu. Pamene munthu abwera kwa inu zikuthanthauza kuti akufuna nkhope ya Mulungu ndipo momwe munthu alili chisakhale chifukwa ndipo izi zisangalatse Mulungu, Amene ali wamkulu wofikira wina aliyense.",general,social media +en10215,Giving or tithing is an act of obedience to God’s word and it should not be up to any of us to judge those that are not doing so. Let God be the judge,Kupereka ndi chakhumio ndi khalidwe lomvera mau a Mulungu ndipo chisakhale kwa wina aliyense wa ife poweruza amene sakupanga choncho. Mulekeni Mulungu akhale woweruza.,general,social media +en10216,"Our duty is to help and also usher as many as we can into His kingdom. God is no respecter of man. Money should not earn one some respect, church position or salvation. Let every gift be acknowledged because even the poor are an anointed part of the body of Christ","Udindo wathu ukhale kuthandiza ndi kulondolera ambiri ku Ufumu wa kumwamba momwe tingathere. Mulungu sapereka ulemu kwa munthu. Ndalama zisakhale zomupangitsa munthu kulandira ulemu, udindo wakutchalichi kapena chipulumutso. Lolerani kuti mphatso ina iliyonse ibvomerezedwe chifukwa ngakhale osauka ndi mbali yodzodzedwa ku thupi la Ambuye Yesu.",general,social media +en10217,I totally understand someone who chooses to remain silent and not report a perpetrator for fear of the abuse that mounts on victims,Ndikumvetsetsa kwambiri munthu amene amasankha kukhala chete ndikusakaneneza wopalamula kuwopa nkhaza kwa wodandaula.,general,social media +en10218,I understand the arrogance of some perpetrators when such a development happens and escalation of some crimes when no reports are made. Society tends to empower perpetrators while victimizing victims,Ndikumvetsetsa kudzikonda kwa opalamula ena pamene zinthu ngati zimenezo zachitika ndipo kupitirira kwa milandu ngati sanakanyozedwe. Anthu amapereka mphamvu kwa opalamula pamene pakulakwira wodandaula. ,general,social media +en10219,"Not long ago, my son was stitched on the side of his nose following an attack by fellow students at one of the universities","Sikale kwenikweni, mwana wanga wamamuna anasokedwa mbali ya mphuno yake kutsatira kumenyedwa ndi wophunzira mzake imodzi mwa sukulu za ukachenjede.",general,social media +en10220,"Nobody deserves such brutality under whatever circumstance. As his parents, our many obligation is to ensure his safety and protection at all cost",Aliyense sakuyenera nkhaza za mtundu umenewu mu njira ina iliyonse. Ife ngati makolo udindo wathu ndikuwonetsetsa chisamaliro ndi chitetezo chake nthawi iliyonse. ,general,social media +en10221,We jumped to the occasion and followed up the matter. The suspects were subsequently apprehended and are awaiting trial,Tinapita konko ndipo tinalondoloza nkhaniyo. Oganiniziridwawo anagwidwa ndipo akudikira chiwerezo.,general,social media +en10222,"Some friends to the suspects immediately reacted, blaming my son and his family for seeking justice. As far as they were concerned, we should have just let it go, sought apologies—which were never offered by the way as nobody accepted responsibility— and move on","Anzawo ena awoganiziridwawo anayankhulapo mwachangu, kumunena mwana wanga wamamuna ndi banja lake pofuna chilungamo. Kutengera momwe amaganizira, timayenera kungozisiya. Ndikungopempha chipepeso chimene aliyense sanapereke mkomwe chifukwa aliyense sanatenge udindo - ndipo anangopitiriza zawo.",general,social media +en10223,"They clearly undermined his physical and emotional pains, the sleepless nights, nightmares, disturbance to his family and classes he missed because to them, it was ‘one of those things’","Mwachidziwikire anaderera ululu wa mthupi ndi wa m'maganizo, kusowa kwa tulo, maloto oipa, kusokonokera kubanja lake ndi maphunziro omwe anaphonya chifukwa kwaiwowo chinali chinthu chozolowereka",general,social media +en10224,"Now, we are talking about three blows to the face and head with five glass bottles that bruised and scarred his beautiful face","Tsopano, tikunena za dzibakera zitatu kumutu ndi ku nkhope ndi mabotolo asanu amene anavulaza ndikumuchitsa ziphsyera ndi nkhope yake yokongola.",general,social media +en10225,"He requires counselling, several trips to the hospital, police and court appearance that perpetually remind him of the brutal attack, prayers to heal him and close family supervision. And then someone somewhere believes the perpetrators are suddenly the victims","Akufunikira ulangizi, maulendo angapo kuchipatala, ku polisi ndi kuwonekera ku bwalo la milandu zimene zimakhala zikumukumbutsa za nkhaza zimene anachitidwa mapemphero kuti amuchiritse ndikuwonedwa pafupi ndi achibale. Ndiye kenaka wina kwina kwake azikhulupirira kuti wopalamulayo mwadzidzidzi kuti wopalamulayo wakhala wolakwiridwa.",general,social media +en10226,"Some months ago, a young girl was allegedly defiled and impregnated by a relation. When news of the matter first broke out, the attention shifted to this poor girl, amid splashes of her photos on the social media","Miyezi yapitayo, mtsikana wachichepere anachitidwa nkhaza ndipo anapatsidwa mimba ndi wachibale. Pamene nkhaniyi inadziwika, chidwi chinasintha kwa mtsikanayi pakati pakufalitsidwa kwa zinthuzi zake pamasamba a mchezo. ",general,social media +en10227,"Many commented to the effect that she may have been provocative to the relation who was her guardian. Her dressing and conduct were brought under the spotlight, with the so-called experts claiming the uncle could not have done otherwise",Ambiri anapereka ndemanga kutsatira izi kuti mwina mtsikanayu anachita kumuputa dala wachibale amene amamuyang'anira. Mabvalidwe ndi zochitika zake zinapatsa anthu choyankhula. Otchedwa akatswiri ananena kuti amalume sakanachitira mwina.,general,social media +en10228,"Such examples are abound. However, it’s always easy for spectators to judge and blame. It’s only when one has gone through some form of victimization that one understands","Zitzanzo ngati zimenezi zimachulukira. Komabe, nthawi zonse ndikwapafupi kwa anthu ongowonerera kuweruza ndikunena. Ndi nthawi yokhayo imene munthu wadutsa munkhaza zina zake ndipomwe angamvetsetse.",general,social media +en10229,"But even before experiencing it, it’s always better to shut up and let a process take its course. If we believe in one party to a conflict, shut up and allow the due process to vindicate them","Komabe ngakhale asanakumane ndi izi, ndibwino nthawi zonse kukhala chete ndikuzileka zinthu zichitike mmene zikuyenera kuchitikira. Ngati tikukhulupirira mbali imodzi ya okangana khala chete ndipo lolerani kuti zochitika ziwaweruze iwo.",general,social media +en10230,It is unfortunate that the onus of job creation has been placed on the youth. Job creation is a macroeconomic issue and government has to show some effort towards enabling the youth to create sustainable businesses that can create jobs,Ndizomvetsa chisoni kuti udindo wopanga ntchito waikidwa kwa achinyamata. Kupezeka kwa ntchito ndi nkhani ya macroeconomic ndipo boma likuyenera kuwonetsa mphamvu pankhani yowonetsetsa kuti achinyamata kuti apange malonda okhazikika amene atha kulenga ntchito zambiri.,general,social media +en10231,"I have been fortunate enough to be in a sector of global interest, escalated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The world is digitizing and due to the pandemic, even young children understand how vital using and knowing how to use platforms is","Ndakhala ndi mwai waukulu kukhala mugawo lofunikira ladziko lapansi, limene lapititsidwa patsogolo ndi muliri wa Covid-19. Dziko lapansi likugwiritsa ntchito zida zamakono za uthenga, chifukwa cha muliri, ngakhale ana achichepere akumvetsetsa kufunika kogwiritsa ntchito ndikudziwa momwe angagwiritsire ntchito njirazo.",general,social media +en10232,"Nthanda observes that not all entrepreneurs have access to financing and resources to start and sustain businesses, hence, if the youth must create jobs for fellow youths, then government must put in place policies such as access to low interest loans and tax holidays, to enable them create and sustain those businesses","Nthanda akuwona kuti si onse amalonda amene angafikire za chuma ndi zipangizo kuti ayambe ndikupitiliza malonda, ndiyeno ngati achinyamata akufunika kupanga ntchito za achinyamata anzawo, boma likuyenera kuika m'malo malamulo monga kufikira ngongole za chiwongola dzanja chochepa ndi masiku opuma a msonkho, kuti akwanitse kupanga ndi kupitilizitsa patsogolo malonda awo.",general,social media +en10233,Her companies engage the youth through their two core training programmes namely the Nyenyezi Fellowship and the M’mawa Management Training,Ma kampane ake amagwiritsa ntchito achinyamata kudzera muzolinga zenizeni ziwiri zotchedwa Nyenyezi Fellowship ndi M'mawa Management Training.,general,social media +en10234,"A lot of efforts have been made by innovators, donors, non-governmental organisations [NGOs] and governments around Africa to close the digital divide","Ntchito yayikulu yapangidwa ndi azaluso opanga zinthu zamakono, donors, mabungwe omwe si aboma, ndi maboma amu Africa kuchepetsa kusiyana kwa kagwiritside ntchito ka zamakono.",general,social media +en10235,"It is our hope that through these efforts, youths are able to up their skills and compete for jobs in the digital revolution,” she says","Ndi chiyembekezo chathu kut kudzera mu ntchito zimenezi, achinyamata ali ndikuthekra kopititsa patsogolo maluso awo ndikupanga nawo mpikisano wa ntchito mukusintha kwa ntchito zamakono za macomputer. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10236,Apply for opportunities to upskill. Also be sure to make every hour you spend awake count. Boredom and time wasting should not be a part of your reality,Pezani njira zopititsa patsogolo luso. Muwonetsetse kuti ola lililonse lomwe muli m'maso lipindule. Ulesi ndi kutaya nthawi yanu chisakhale chisankho chanu.,general,social media +en10237,Society or community living demands consideration for others. This may come in form of sharing in cases where some have plenty than others,Kukhala pa mtundu kapena mu dera kumafuna kuganizira anthu ena. Izi zikhonza kubwera mu njira yimene ena ali ndi zambiri kuposa ena.,general,social media +en10238,A good upbringing or kind heart always demands that we share. It would be heartless to discard food that is left over or plentiful when there are people a few blocks away starving. It is the natural rule,Kuleredwa kwabwino kapena mtima wabwino umatilamula kugawa nthawi zonse. Kutha kukhala kuipa mtima kutaya makombo kapena chambiri pamene pali anthu ena oyandikana omwe akubvutika ndi njala. Ili ndi lamulo lachikhalidwe.,general,social media +en10239,"Now, the same natural rule applies to every other scenario. Because our communities consist of people from different backgrounds and upbringing, we all ought to be mindful of how certain decisions are made","Tsopano, lamulo lachikhalidwe lomwelo likugwira pena paliponse. Chifukwa madera athu amapangidwa ndi anthu osiyana kochokera ndi kokulira, ndipo tikuyenera kukhala oganizira mmene ziganizo zina zikupangidwira.",general,social media +en10240,"Certain things we assume to be acceptable may be offensive to some and for the purpose of harmony, we need to exercise caution","Zinthu zina zimene timayesa ngati ndizololedwa zitha kukhala zopalamulitsa kwa ena ndipo ndi cholinga chaumodzi, tikuyenera kukhala mosamala.",general,social media +en10241,"Of course, if we were to mind what others perceived of us and our decisions, we may never get anywhere. After all, it is absurd to believe we can please everyone","Inde, ngati timayenera kulabadira zomwe anthu ena amatiganizira ife ndi zisankho zathu, sitikanafika kwina kulikonse. Mkomwekomwe, ndizomvetsa chisoni kukhulupirira kuti tikhoza kusangalatsa wina aliyense.",general,social media +en10242,"Nonetheless, it is a fact that we cannot do certain things because of others. This comes into play, too when one is married, engaged, has children and because of extended families. Indeed, whatever each one of us does, it reflects positively or negatively on our families","Komabe, ndi mfundo yachidziwikire kuti sitingapange zinthu zina chifukwa cha ena. Izi zimabweranso, pamene munthu wakwatira, watomeredwa, pomwe uli ndi ana ndi chifukwa cha achibale. Indedi, china chilichonse chimene waife wapanga chimawunikira mwa ubwino kapena moipa pa mabanja athu.",general,social media +en10243,"A child cannot join his father and friends over a beer at home or elsewhere because once the fruits of the alcohol intake are realised, their actions may totally conflict",Mwana sangamwere limodzi mowa ndi abambo ake kapena anzawo kunyumba kapena kwina kwake chifukwa zitsatira zakumwa mowa atha kuwukirana pazochitika.,general,social media +en10244,They may end up saying or doing irreversible things that will dilute the respect and boundaries of a father and child,"Atha kuthera kuyankhula kapena kupanga zinthu zomwe sizingathe kubwerezeketsa, zinthu zimene zingachepetse ulemu ndi malire apakati pa bambo ndi mwana.",general,social media +en10245,"Again, a man may not take his date alongside certain friends to protect his intere+B510:B517st which he feels may come under compromise amid drunkenness","Chinanso, mzibambo sangatenge chibwezi chake pamodzi ndi anzake ena kuteteza zokonda zake zomwe akumva ngati zitha kusokenera pakati pa kuledzera.",general,social media +en10246,A man may not answer a knock on his door wearing just his boxer shorts because that is not the presentation he wants the visitors to see or determine his character,Mzibambo sangatsegule chitseko pamene wangobvala kabudula wamkati chifukwa si chithunzi chimene akufuna alendo awone ndi kudziwa chikhalidwe chake.,general,social media +en10247,"In the same manner, he cannot roam the corridors of his home in the same regalia to avoid diluting his authority and respect. As a bachelor living alone, he may just do that","Chimodzimodzinso, sangamayende mu korido ya nyumba yake ndi zobvala zomwezo kupewa kusulutsa ulamuliro wake ndi ulemu wake. Ngati ali wosakwatira woti akukhala yekha koma atha kupanga zimenezi. ",general,social media +en10248,"Women too, have to exercise caution in what they wear. Dressing explains the type of character one has and is always questionable if it’s not suitable for an occasion","Azimainso, akuyenera kukhala wosamala pazomwe amabvala. Kabvalidwe kamafotokoza mtundu wa khalidwe lomwe alinalo ndipo nthawi zonse limapereka mafunso ngati silili loyenera ndi zochitika.",general,social media +en10249,Imagine if each one of us woke up one morning and decided to do anything and everything we were was comfortable with,Tangoganizani ngati aliyense mwaife kungodzuka tsiku lina m'mawa ndikupanga chisankho chochita china chilichonse tili omasuka nacho kupanga.,general,social media +en10250,Thank God for society and communities that act as gatekeepers to what would otherwise have been a hullabaloo. None can escape society and tradition,Tiyamika Mulungu chifukwa chamagulu a anthu ndi madera amene amakhala ngati atetezi ku zinthu zimene zikanakhala zoipa. Palibe amene angazembe chikhalidwe.,general,social media +en10251,Remember when one of my sons was still in primary school. Parents protested about piles of homework their children and wards were getting,Kumbukira pomwe mwana wanga wamamuna anali ku pulaimare sukulu. Makolo anawukira kuchuluka kwa homework ya ana awo ndi anzawo yomwe amapatsidwa.,general,social media +en10252,The argument was that many parents are usually tied up with their own work and businesses to fully attend to and help the children,Mfundo inali yakuti makolo ambiri nthawi zambiri amakhala wotanganidwa ndi ntchito zawo ndi zochita zawo zimene amayenera apezeke ndi kuthandiza ana.,general,social media +en10253,They were sometimes too tired to even do the homework with the youngsters. The end result was the children getting punished through detentions for the failure to submit homework,Panali nthawi zina amakhala wotopa kwambiri ingakhale kuwathandiza homework ndi anawo. Mapeto ake ana amapatsidwa chilango chowawerutsa mochedwa ku sukulu chifukwa chokanika kupereka homework.,general,social media +en10254,"This meant staying on for another 30 minutes to an hour, delaying further their pick-up by the already busy parents, thereby igniting the vicious cycle further","Izi zimatanthauza kukhala nthawi yowonjezera mphindi makumi atatu mpaa ola, kuwonjezera kuchedwetsa kutengedwa ndi makolo otanganidwa kale, choncho kubwereza zinthu zosakhala bwino.",general,social media +en10255,And children by their nature will not open their school bags to do the work (only in exceptional cases) unless supervised or pushed,Ndipo ana muchilengedwe chawo samatsegula zikwama zawo za kusukulu kuti alembe (pokhapokha patabvuta) ndipo ngati akutsogoleledwa kapena kuwumilizidwa.,general,social media +en10256,"And schools will give two or more such work expecting parents to get involved. The idea is good as it allows students to keep busy by extending their school work and enthusiasm at home. It is meant to keep the young minds alert all the time, not only within learning premises","Ndipo masukulu amapereka zinthu ziwiri kapena zochulukirapo kwa ana kuyembekezera kuti athandizidwa ndi makolo. Mfundo iyi ndi yabwino chifukwa imapangitsa ophunzira kukhala otangwanika powonjezera ntchito yawo ya kusukulu ndi chisangalalo chapakhomo. Izi zimapangitsa kuti nzeru zawo zikhale zochangamuka nthawi iliyonse, osatu malo ophunzirira okha.",general,social media +en10257,"However, to pile up work for students is as good as tying down parents to the same. A few students will actually do the work on their own, let alone do it all without coercion","Komabe, kuwunjika ntchito kwa ophunzira ndi kwabwinonso ngati kuwapanikiza makolo ku zomwezo. Ophunzira ochepa ndi amene amagwira ntchito pa iwo okha, ngakhale kugwira ntchitoyo mosakakamizidwa.",general,social media +en10258,"In these modern times of trying to make ends meet, some return home very late and don’t have the time to check. And again, schools cannot assume that every parent is literate or at least able to do what they deem easy school work. Nothing should be taken for granted","Mu masiku amakono ofuna kudzipezera zofunikira, ena amabwera kunyumba mochedwa kwambiri ndipo alibe nthawi yowona. Ndipo sukulu sidzingapange chiganizo choti makolo onse ndi ophunzira, kapena ali ndi kuthekera kochita zimene akuganiza kuti ntchito ya sukulu yosavuta. Chisatengedwe mwachizoloweze",general,social media +en10259,Schools should strive to take the responsibility of teaching students enrolled there. Assuming that parents will be available and are capable of dealing with the pile of work is absurd,"Masukulu akuyenera kutenga udindo wophunzitsa ophunzira amene akuphunzira komweko. Kukhala ndi maganizo oti makolo adzipezeka ndipo ali ndi kuthekera kothandiza pa chintchitochi, ndi zomvetsa chisoni.",general,social media +en10260,Parents in my instance decided to engage the school by instilling the sense that school work should be the responsibility of teachers,Makolo kumbali yanga anaganiza zokambirana ndi sukulu powazindikiritsa kuti ntchito ya ku sukulu ndi udindo wa aphunzitsi,general,social media +en10261,"Parents are involved in encouraging students, checking their performance and discussing with teachers at appropriate forums. Not everyone can teach, hence, the different professionals","Makolo akukhudzidwa powalimbikitsa ana asukulu, kuwonetsetsa kachitidwe ndi kukambirana ndi aphunzitsi mwa bwalo oyenera. Si aliyense amene angaphunzitse, ndi chifukwa chake, pali ukatswiri wosiyanasiyana.",general,social media +en10262,Parents have their own work which they are comfortable with. Schools should not impose work on parents and punish children for it. Things and times have changed. They keep changing,Makolo ali ndi ntchito zawo zimene iwo akhoza kupanga mosavuta. Masukulu sakuyenera kupereka ntchito mokakamiza kwa makolo ndi kulanga ana pa ichi. Zinthu ndi nthawi zasintha. Ndipo zikusinthabe.,general,social media +en10263,"As per our custom, greeting neighbors or frequent passers-by along our homes has many connotations. For one, the gesture is considered a means of networking and rapport.","Mu chikhalidwe chathu, kuwalonjera okhala pafupi nafe kapena ongodutsa pafupi ndi nyumba zathu zili ndi kuipa kwake. Kwa wina, mchitidwewu umaganiziridwa ngati njira yodziwana kapena kulankhulana.",general,social media +en10264,"For many, the lack of greeting becomes offensive, especially when on the receiving end. In short, a greeting is a must and usually opens up the door to a few gossips","Kwa ambiri, kusapatsidwa moni kumatengedwa ngati chipongwe, kwenikweni kwa oyembekezerayo. Mwachidule, kupereka moni ndi koyenera ndipo nthawi zambiri zimapereka mpata wamijedo.",general,social media +en10265,"Last week while taking out the trash, I extended a greeting to some people within my vicinity and boom, a bomb landed on my lap. Without solicitation, I was let in on a little ‘secret’ making rounds about a step father defiling his 13-year-old","Sabata yatha pamene ndimatulutsa zinyalala, ndinapeleka moni kwa anthu ena omwe anali pafupi ndi dzidzidz, bomba linagwera pamiyendo panga. Mopanda kukayika, ndinauzidwa kachinsinsi komwe kamazungulira koti bambo wina amagonana ndi mwana wa zaka khumi ndi zitatu womupezamo",general,social media +en10266,"The girl in question happened to be watering a vegetable garden that her alleged defiler works on. Obviously, she wasn’t spared several glances in her direction as the subject of the ‘hot’ topic","Mtsikana akunenedwayu ankathilira munda wa ndiwo zamasamba pamene oganiziridwa kuti anamugwililira amagwira ntchito. Mwachidziwikire, sanamanidwe kuyang'anidwa komwe anali ngati mutu wofunika wazokambirana",general,social media +en10267,"The father too, was working a small distant from her. Meanwhile, her mother had just left for home and she, too was ‘dissected’ in the gossip","Bamboyonso amagwira chapatali pang'ono kuchokera pomwe anali. Zili motero, mayi ake anali atanyamuka kupita kunyumba ndipo iye, anasasulidwa ndi misecheyo",general,social media +en10268,"I was appalled. I wondered how true the story was and inquired how long this alleged atrocity had been going on. I was told it started while the girl was younger, probably nine. It transpired that the mother, her neighbors and the girl’s siblings are aware","Ndinali ozizwa. Ndinadabwa ngati nkhaniyi inali yoona ndipo ndinafunsa kuti mchitidwe woyipawu wakhala ukuchitika kwa nthawi yayitali bwanji. Ndinauzidwa kuti zinayamba pamene mtsikanayu anali wamng'ono, mwina ali ndi zaka zisanu ndi zinayi. Zinadziwika kuti amayi ake, oyandikana nawo ndi abale ake a mtsikanayu amadziwa",general,social media +en10269,"The woman apparently has five children from previous relationships. She met this man and together they have her sixth. And being the provider, she has confided to her friends that she cannot afford to lose him (the usual stories connected to such cases)","Mzimaiyo komano ali ndi ana asanu akunjira. Anakumana ndi mzibamboyu ndipo limodzi naye ali ndi mwana wa chisanu ndi chimodzi. Ndipo pokhala iye wosamala pa banjapo, iye anatsina khutu anzake powauza kuti sangayerekeze kuwasiya abambowo. (Nkhani za chizolowezi zokhuza nkhani zoterezo).",general,social media +en10270,"Sadly, those who seemed to have information pertaining to this act were unwilling to do anything about it. I implored on them to report, but they said it was none of their business","Mwachisoni, amene amawoneka ngati ali ndi chidziwitso ku zinthu izi sankafuna kuchitapo kanthu pa ichi. Ndinayesetsa kuwapempha kuti akawaneneze, koma anati izi sizili kuwakhudza. ",general,social media +en10271,"A man even chirped in to say that if it was his daughter, he would not have hesitated to deal with the suspect. As it was, the general consensus was that the mother would decide what she wanted to do and as long as she was fine with the ‘arrangement’, everyone else should be","Mzibambo anawonjezeranso pakunena kuti akanakhala kuti anali mwana wake wamkazi, sakananyalanyaza kukhaulitsa woganiziridwayo. Mmene zinalili, mgwirizano unali wakuti mai wake aganize chomwe akuna kuchita, ndipo ngati ali wokhutira ndi mchitidwewu, aliyense atero.",general,social media +en10272,"I believe there are many criminals within this area of crime concealment and while the focus is on the reporting, arresting and prosecuting these cases, there is a whole campaign that needs to be introduced to sensitise the public on its duty","Ndimakhulupirira kuti zilipo zigawenga zambiri mu mchitidwe wobisa uchigawenga ndipo pamene chidwi chili pakuneneza, kumanga ndi kuweruza milandi imeneyi, pali campaign yaikulu yomwe ikufunika kuyambitsidwa kuti idziwitse mtundu wa anthu pa udindo wake.",general,social media +en10273,"It should no longer be seen as meddling into the affairs of others, but a duty by every citizen to get involved. It is not the duty of parent or guardians only","Ichi chisawonekenso ngati kulowerera mu zinthu za ena, koma udindo wa aliyense kutengapo mbali. Si udindo wa makolo kapena achibale okha.",general,social media +en10274,"A family in Msundwe, Lilongwe, has been locked indoors for a year for fear of their lives after their religious beliefs enraged people in the area","Banja kwa Msundwe, Lilongwe, lakhala lotsekeredwa mu nyumba poteteza miyoyo yawo chifukwa cha zikhulupiriro za mpingo wawo umene unaphsyetsa mtima athu a muderalo.",general,social media +en10275,"In an interview this week, Dismus said he received a revelation from God that a strange tribe from a far away country would occupy and take over Msundwe. As such, he told people to stop investing and burying their dead in the area","Polankhula nawo sabata ino, Dismus ananena kuti analandira bvumbulutso lochokera kwa Mulungu kuti mtundu wa chilendo wochokera kudziko lakutali udzabwea kudzakhala kwa Msundwe. Ndiyeno, anthu asiye kupeza njira zodzipezera chuma ndi kuika matupi a achibale awo m'manda mu delalo. ",general,social media +en10276,"He said: “The threats caused the family to lock themselves up and they remained indoors for about a year. But on August 23 2021, the villagers were mobilizing to storm into the house to bring them out","Iye anati: ""Ziwophsyezo zinapangitsa banjali kudzitsekera ndipo anakhala mu nyumba mwawo pafupi kwa chaka. Koma pa 23 August, 2021, anthu am'mudzi anagwirizana zothyola nyumba kuti awatulutse.",general,social media +en10277,"“This caused village head Msundwe to report the matter to police. We rushed to the scene of the incident and found the family locked in the house and looking malnourished. In fact, they were unable to walk on their own",Ichi chinapangitsa a Mfumu Msundwe kukatula nkhaniyi ku Polisi. Tinathamangira kuzochitikazo ndipo tinapeza banjali lotsekeredwa m'nyumba likuwoneka lopanda thanzi. Amalephera ndi kuyenda komwe.,general,social media +en10278,"But the angry mob planned to follow them to Mpingu Police Unit so we also moved them to Area 3 Police Station here in Lilongwe,” he said. At the station, Dismus said the Covid-19 pandemic was sent by God to change the way people live","Koma anthu okwiyawa anakonza zowalondola ku Polisi Uniti ya Mpingu ndiye ife tinawachotsa ndikuwatengera ku Polisi Siteshoni ya ku Area 3 kuno ku Llongwe, ""iye ananena. Ali ku Siteshoni, Dismus anatinso mulili wa Covid-19 unatumizidwa ndi Mulungu kuti asinthe momwe anthu amakhalira. ",general,social media +en10279,"He said: “Instead of listening and following God’s instructions, they started calling us witches and threatened to stone us to death","Iye anati: ""Malo momvetsera ndi kutsata malamulo a Mulungu, anayamba kutitchula kuti ndife mfiti ndi kutiwophsyeza kuti atigenda mpaka kufa.",general,social media +en10280,"In fact, some people started throwing stones on the roof of our house. This is why we decided to stay in-doors for our safety","Ndipo, anthu ena anayamba kugenda miyala pa denga la nyumba yathu. Ichi ndi chifukwa chimene tinaganiza zodzitsekera m'nymba kuti tidziteteze.",general,social media +en10281,My parents blamed me for being responsible for her death and they told me never to step my foot in their compound again. I obliged. This is why I never bothered to check on them when they went missing,Makolo anga anandinena ine potenga mbali pa imfa yake ndipo anandiuza kuti ndisadzapondenso pakhomo pawo. Ndinamvera. Ichi ndi chifukwa chimene sindinalabadire pamene iwo anasowa. ,general,social media +en10282,"I can confirm we had the issue, but we have handed over the family to their immediate relations. I will not disclose the place for their safety,” she said","Ndikhonza kubvomereza tinali ndi bvuto, koma tapereka banjali kwa abale awo: Sindiulula malowo pakuteteza moyo. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10283,"So far we have trained farmers in beekeeping, fruit juice and jam making, and within the next three years we anticipate to register significant socioeconomic impacts","Kufikira pano taphunzitsa alimi ulimi wa njuchi ndi kupanga jamu, ndipo mu zaka zitatu zikubwerazi tikuyembekezera kiupindula kokulirapa pa social-economic impacts.",general,social media +en10284,"Currently working with three women clubs, Luhanga explains that some male community members have approached her, expressing interest to enroll after appreciating the programme being offered","Pakali apano kugwira ndi magulu achizimai atatu, Luhanga anafotokozera kuti magulu amuna ena mu derali anamupeza, kuwonetsa chidwi kulembetsa, atayamikira ma pulogalamu omwe akuperekedwa.",general,social media +en10285,"I am considering adding programs that cater to a wide range of farmers including youth and men. It is a hub after all, and the plan is to reach at least 1 000 farmers by the end of the fifth year,” she says","Ndikulingalira kuwonjezera mapulogalamu omwe amathandiza kwa alimi osiyanasiyana kuphatikiza achinyamata ndi azibambo. Ndi malo achiwonetsero chabe, ndipo cholinga ndi kufikira alimi osaposera chikwi. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10286,"However, while they look forward to growth that, among others, encompasses entering export markets, lack of materials to expand their activities is one of the bottlenecks they are facing","Komabe, pamene ali ndi chidwi chofuna kukulitsa ntchito zawo zomwe mwa zina zikuphatikiza kuyamba kutumiza katundu kumisika yakunja, kusowa kwa zipangizo kuti awonjezere ntchito zawo ndi chimodzi mwa zotsamwitsa akukumana nazo",general,social media +en10287,"Following her studies, the highly sociable young woman who loves travelling, meeting new people, making meaningful connections and learning new cultures, got several part time jobs as a research assistant before getting employed with the National Small Holder Farmers Association of Malawi (Nasfam)","kutsatira maphunziro ake, mzimai wachichepere wodzitsata kwambiriyu amene amakonda kuyenda, kukumana ndi athu atsopano, kulumikizana ndi anthu kwabwino, ndi kuphunzira zikhalidwe zatsopano, ndinapeza ntchito zambiri zongogwira pakanthawi ngati Research Assistant ndisanalembedwe ntchito ndi National Small Holder Farmers Association of Malawi (NASFAM). ",general,social media +en10288,"I was having challenges creating a win-win situation between the farmers I support and myself as a businessperson. This is because the model I adopted in my community was from donor-funded organisations; and being a sole proprietor, I was struggling to break even because most of my services were offered for free to members, from my personal resources. I had to restructure my business model to be sustainable in the long run,” she explains","Ndimakhala ndi zikhomo kupeza njira yopambana pakati pa alimi omwe ndimawathandiza ndi ine mwini ngati munthu wamalonda. Ichi ndi chifukwa cha njira imene ndinatsata mu dera langa linali lochokera ku mabungwe a kunja, ndipo pokhala wa malonda wodziyimira pandeka, ndimabvutika kuti ndipambane, chifukwa ndimaphunzitsa kwa ulele anthu amene ndimagwira nawo ntchito. Ndimagwiritsa ntchito katundu wanga. Ndinakonzanso kachitidwe ka malonda anga kuti ikhale yokhazikika. iye anafotokoza.",general,social media +en10289,"Although he accepted responsibility for the pregnancy, the older man soon left her without hope for support for the pregnancy and the unborn baby","Ngakhale anabvomera kuti mimba ndi yake, mzibambo wamkuluyi anamusiya nthawi yosakhalitsa opanda chiyembekezo cha chithandizo cha mimbayo ndi mwana wosabadwayo.",general,social media +en10290,"However, the family felt that this was unfair as terminating the pregnancy was necessary following the threat to Mellia’s mental and physical well-being","Komabe, akubanja anawona kuti ichi sichinali chilungamo ndipo kuchotsa mimbayo chinali chofunika kutsatira chiwophsyezo cha umoyo wamaganizo ndi wakuthipi la Mellia. ",general,social media +en10291,"He contends that the laws of the land are changed by the people of the land, and that currently stakeholders are the ones recommending what they have seen elsewhere and fighting for the same for people in the grassroots","Iye sanakhutire kuti malamulo a m'dziko amasinthidwa ndi anthu a m'dzikolo, ndipo pakalipano, anthu okhudzidwa ndi amene amabvomereza zimene awona kwina ndikumenyera ufulu anthu omwewa mu m'midzi mwao.",general,social media +en10292,"“We need to civic educate people—especially women as the ones involved—for them to see and understand what the problem is and the solutions. Women do not have to die. Once they have that picture, they will see the importance of this law and will push members of Parliament [MPs] in their areas to change it. When MPs are pushed by their people, they will not hesitate to do it,” Ngwale says","Tikuyenera kuwaphunzitsa anthu za udindo ndi ufulu wawo - makamaka azimai amene amakhudzidwa - kwa iwo kuwona ndi kuzindikira bvuto ndi chiyani ndi yankho. Azimai sakuyenera kumwalira. Akangozindikira ichi, adzadzindikira kufunika kwa lamulo ili ndi kufulumiza a phungu awo aku nyumba ya malawi (MPs) kusintha lamuloli. Pamene a Phungu a kunyumba ya Malamulo akakamizidwa ndi anthu awo, sadzakayika kuchita ichi. Ngwale akutero. ",general,social media +en10293,"From her humble beginnings as a charcoal and vegetable vendor, Mithi toiled to access a ladder to reach her dream life. She said since the death of her parents when she was in Standard Five, life proved to be a rough terrain for her","Kudzera kuchiyambi chodzipetsa pokhala wogulitsa makala ndi ndiwo zamasamba, Mithi analimbikira kufika patali pokwaniritsa maloto a m'moyo wake, Iye anati chimwalilireni makolo ake ali sitandade faifi, anakumana ndi zobvuta zambiri m'moyo mwake.",general,social media +en10294,"Eventually, she was forced into an early marriage thinking it could be a way out. However, things did not turn out according to her expectations","Posakhalitsa, iye anakakamizidwa kukwatiwa ali wachichepere ndi maganizo oti iyi ikhonza kukhala njira yopulumukirapo. Komabe, zinthu sizinachitike momwe anayembekezera.",general,social media +en10295,"I used to go door to door selling vegetables and charcoal. That was my life and that income is what sustained our household,” she said","Ndinkayenda khomo ndi khomo kugulitsa ndiwo zamasamba ndi makala Uwu unali moyo wanga ndipo ndalanazo ndi zimene zimatithandiza pa khomo pathu,"" Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10296,"By this time, things started changing for the better in our household. We reached a point where we could afford a decent meal. And from my earnings I managed to build two houses,” she said","Panthawiyi, zinthu zinayamba kusintha ku ubwino pa khomo pathu. Tinafika pa mulingo woti timatha kupeza chakudya chabwino. Ndipo kudzera ku ndalawi zomwe ndimapeza, ndinatha kumanga nyumba ziwiri. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10297,He has never lost sight of the struggles they went through which include gardening in people’s fields together with his wife. He said: “Sometimes it’s like a dream that we are here,"Iye sanaiwale zobvuta zomwe anadutsamo zomwe zili kulima m'minda mwa anthu pamodzi ndi mkazi wake. Iye anati: ""Nthawi zina zimakhala ngati maloto kuti tili pano"" ",general,social media +en10298,There was a time when things got so tough that I went to South Africa in search of greener pastures. Still things did not work out and I returned to reunite with my family,Panali nthawi ina pamene zinthu zinafika pobvuta ndipo ndinapita ku South Africa pofunafuna moyo wabwino. Komabe zinthu sizinayende ndipo ndinabwerera kudzakhala ndi banja langa.,general,social media +en10299,"“Right now there are endless accounts of females who dared to venture into these trades and are thriving. They have established their own businesses and are even employing others. In the process, they are aiding in the creation of the one million jobs","Pakali pano pali chigulu cha akazi omwe anayesera kupanga malondawa ndipo akupindula. Apititsa patsogolo malonda awo ndipo alembanso anthu ena ntchito. Pakudzera nyira imeneyi, akutha kuthandizira anthu miyandamiyana kupeza ntchito. ",general,social media +en10300,"She is a perfect example of daring women. The fact that she rose from the bottom is even more inspiring. She assessed her life as a vegetable seller and saw that it was not what she wanted to be and she took the necessary steps to change it,” she says","Iye ndi chitsanzo chapamwamba cha azimai olimba mtima. Umboni woti iye anayambira pansi ndi zopatsa chidwi kwambiri. Iye anadziyerekeza moyo wake ngati wogulitsa ndiwo zamasamba, ndipo anawona kuti uwu simoyo womwe amafuna kuti adzakhale, ndipo anachitapo kanthu kusintha izi. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10301,"There are plenty more out there who are in less pleasant situations, but lack the necessary motivation to change the narrative of their lives","Pali anthu ambiri kunjako omwe Sali m'malo abwino kwenikweni, koma akusowa upangiri wofunikira kusintha mbiri ya moyo wawo.",general,social media +en10302,"So this woman, desperate to save her ailing marriage, decided to speak to another who had just recruited a maid. Her concern was that her new maid was ‘young’ and she should opt for an older version to deter her husband from developing feelings for the maid","Ndiye mzimai ameneyu, kufunitsitsa kuti banja lake lisathe, anaganiza zoyankhula ndi munthu wina amene anangolembedwa ntchito mzimai wosamala pakhomo. Chimene chinamukhudza ndichakuti wachintchoyu anali ""wachichepere"" ndipo akuyenera kusintha ndi kulemba ntchito mzimai wachikulire kupewa kuti amuna ake akhonza kukhala ndi maganizo achisembwere pa wantchitoyu.",general,social media +en10303,"The woman, wife to a guard, apparently has had enough of hubby’s roving eye. She explained that not long ago, the husband had an affair with another maid near where he guards","Mzimaiyo, mkazi wa mulonda, zachidziwikire anatopa ndi khalidwe la chimasomaso cha amuna awo. Iye anafotokoza kuti osati pakalepo, amuna awo anapanga ubwezi ndi mzimai wosamala pakhomo pafupi ndi malo omwe amalondera.",general,social media +en10304,"The mother of four complained that her husband seemingly wanted to end their marriage for this maid and she feared losing him. Fast forward to two months, the man was at it again— charming a new maid nearby and the wife had advice for the employer. Fire the new maid to keep hubby’s zip up","Mzimai wa ana anayi anadandaula kuti mwamuna wake akuwoneka kuti akufuna kuthetsa banja chifukwa cha mzimai wosamala pakhomoyu ndi anali ndi mantha kuti aluza mwamuna wake. Patangopita pafupi miyezi iwiri, amuna ake anayambiranso - kunyengerera watchito wamkazi watsopano wapafupi ndipo mkazi wake analangizidwa ndi abwanawo. Amuchotse ntchito mzimai wa ntchitoyo kuti amuna ake asiye zachisembwere.",general,social media +en10305,I felt for the poor woman when I heard the story. She believes an older maid will keep husband dearest on the leash and in the marriage. This is the mistake many women make,Ndinamumvera chisoni mzimaiyo pamene ndinamva nkhaniyo. Iye amakhulupirira kuti wantchito wachikulire adzapangitsa mamuna wake wokondeka kukhala pa goli ndi kukhalabe pa ukwatiwo. Umu ndi momwe azimai amalakwitsira zinthu.,general,social media +en10306,We waste time looking for scapegoats as to why our husbands or boyfriends are cheating. We get so engrossed that we completely lose focus and blame the other woman. Do we ever consider the fact that we are the ones driving these men away?,Timataya nthawi kupeza zifukwa zimene azimuna athu ndi okondeka athu akuchita zachisembwere. Timatangwanika ndi maganizo mpaka kuluza nazo umunthu ndi kuyamba kumunena mkazi winayo. Kodi tinayamba talingalirako kuti ife ndi amene tipathamangitsa azimunawa?,general,social media +en10307,"For how long will we point the finger at woman one, two, three all the way up and believe we are perfect except for these other women?","Mpakana liti tikhala tikuloza chala pa mzimai modzi, awiri, atatu njira yonse ndikukhulupirira kuti ife tili abwino kuposa azimai enawa?",general,social media +en10308,"Clearly, this man is unstable and nobody seems satisfactory. They look, find and look some more. Meanwhile, we get busy creating hatred and opt for unprecedented means of dealing with his promiscuity by trying to run other people’s households, fighting competition or chasing him around","Mwachimvemve, bambo ameneyu Sali wokhazikika ndipo palibe ali wokhutitsidwa. Amayang'ana, amapeza ndipo amapitilira kuyang'ana kwambiri. Panopa, timakhala otangwanika kupanga zidani ndi kutsata njira zomwe sizinachitikepo pothana ndi chisembwere chake ndi kuyesera kulamulira mabanja a anthu, kulepheretsa mpikisano kapena kumuthamingitsa.",general,social media +en10309,"Woman, that will not work. No amount of policing will keep him on a leash. You need to accept the situation and decide to stay or go. Otherwise, you will be everyone’s enemy", izi sizingachitike. Palibe ulamiliro wokwanira womuika pa mpanipani. Ukuyenera kubvomereza zochitikazo ndi kupanga chiganizo chokhala kapena kuchoka. Apo bi udzakhala m'dani wa aliyense. ,general,social media +en10310,"I do not condone cheating. But man, if you have reasons to cheat on your wife or girlfriend, perhaps the communication aspect of the relationship is dead or never existed","Ine sindimabvomereza chisembwere. Koma mzibambo, ngati uli ndi zifukwa zochita uhule kwa mkazi wako kapena wachikondi, mwina kumvetsetsana kwa mbali zonse ndi kwakufa kapena palibe.",general,social media +en10311,"There should be reason you are straying. Anger has a way of breeding running statements just like alcohol does. There are utterances we speak such as you don’t bath, you are dirty, you are not fun anymore, you are always busy with your children or relatives and don’t pay attention to me, you are distant, etc","Pakuyenera kukhala chifukwa chomwe iwe ukukhala wosakhulupirika. Mkwiyo umayankhulitsa zosayenera monga momwe mowa uchitira. Pali mayankhulidwe amene timanena monga, iwe sumasamba, ndiwe wa umve, sukusangalatsanso, umatanganidwa ndi ana ako nthawi zonse kapena azibale ako. Sumalabadira za ine. Umadzisowetsa, etc.",general,social media +en10312,Are you sure you are the only one feeling these? Are these good enough reasons to cheat? You really believe the woman has not experienced the downside of the relationship? Has she opted to cheat? Can we not talk about these things amicably?,Kodi ukuyesa kuti ndiwe wekha amene ukukumana ndi izi? Kodi izi ndi zifukwa zokwanira kuchita zachisembwere? Kodi umakhulupiriradi kuti mkazi sanakumaneko ndi zokhumudwitsa pa chibwezichi? Nanga wasankha kodi kuchita zachisembwerenso? Kodi sitingakambirane zinthu izi mokondera wina aliyense?,general,social media +en10313,"Imagine if the woman, too, opted to cheat. Would you the man, simply accept it and move on with her in harmony? Is it easier to cheat than it is to communicate?","Talingalira ngati mzimaiyo, nayenso, anasankha kumuzembera mzake. Kodi iwe mzibambo, ungalore izi ndikupitirizabe kukhala naye mu chikondi? Ndikosavuta kodi kuzembera mzako kuposa kulumikizana?",general,social media +en10314,"Stop the blame game and deal with your issues without antagonizing others. If a relationship becomes an ongoing investigation, it isn’t worth it","Lekani mchitidwe wonenana ndi kupeza njira yothana ndi zanuzo posasowetsa mtendere ena. Ngati chibwezi chibwezi chisanduka milandu yofufuzidwa, palibe chilipo.",general,social media +en10315,"Every time Ruth looks at a single mother, she looks at her as a strong and courageous woman","Nthawi iliyonse Ruth akuyang'ana mzimai wodziyimira payekha, Iye amawona iye ngati mzimai wamphamvu ndi wolimba mtima.",general,social media +en10316,"Then she starts to wonder how that single mother is doing, how she’s coping and what kind of help or support she may need","Ndiye iye amayamba kudabwa momwe mzimai wodziyimira payekhayo akuchitira, momwe iye akukhala ndikuthekera ndi chithandizo chanji kapena upangiri womwe iye angafune.",general,social media +en10317,"Because of the passion she has for single mothers, especially those going through difficult times, she has launched an initiative for single mothers.","Chifukwa cha chidwi iye ali nacho pa azimai odziyimira pawokha, makamaka iwo amene akudutsa munyengo yowawa, iye wayambitsa upangiri wamphamvu wa azimai odziyimira pawokha.",general,social media +en10318,"A friend complained about his maid’s attitude months into her employment. She seemed indifferent, to him in particular. He wondered what crime he may have committed to his employee, especially as the one footing her salary","Mzanga anadandaula zomwe za kakhalidwe ka wantchito wake wamkazi patangopita miyezi ingapo chimulembereni ntchito. Iye samalabadira, makamaka kwa iye pa onse. Iye amadabwa kuti ndi choipa cha mtundu wanji anamulakwira wanchito wake, makamaka kuti iye ndi amene amamapatsa malipiro ake.",general,social media +en10319,It was until he walked on his wife complaining to her about his late nights and cheating tendencies that he understood her attitude. The maid automatically sided with the aggrieved party and took it upon herself to ‘deal’ with him,"Iye anamvetsetsa za khalidwe lake pamene anapezerera mkazi wake akumudandaulira wantchitoyi zobwera kunyumba nthawi yotayika ndi mchitidwe wake wachisembwere. Wantchitoyu mwachidziwikire anakhala mbali imodzi ndi mkazi wake, ndipo anadzitengera yekha udindo wothana naye.",general,social media +en10320,I have observed households that rope in maids totally into the family affairs. They will seek opinions and advices on situations and will sit down to analyze family members with them,Ine ndawona makomo ambiri omwe alowetsa antchito muzochitika zamabanja awo. Iwo amafuna mfundo ndi upangiri pa zochitika ndipo amakhala ndi nthawi yowunika achibale onse.,general,social media +en10321,"Perhaps after months of interactions, it may seem normal to assume some form of ‘relationship’ with the maids or even gardener","Mwina pakupita kwa miyezi pa kukambirana, zikhonza kuwoneka zosadabwitsa pakuganiza za mtundu wa ""chibale"" ndi antchito achizimaiwa kapenanso nyamata wosamala panja",general,social media +en10322,"I would like to differ. Workers are strangers and should remain such even when we bring them into our folds. They are there to do their jobs—cleaning, washing slashing, running errands and caring for the home","Inde sindigwirizana nazo. Antchito ndi si abale ndipo akuyenera kukhala choncho ngakhale pamene akukhala pakati pathu. Iwo ali pamenepo kugwira ntchito yawo - kusesa, kuchapa, kutchetcha, kutumikira ndi kusamala pakhomo.",general,social media +en10323,Other affairs are none of their businesses and they should not even poke their noses into them. They are meant to keep their employers secrets in the event that they get to know,Nkhani zina ndi zosawakhudza ndipo iwo sakuyeneranso kuyankhulapo pa izo. Iwo akuyenera kungosunga zinsinsi za abwana awo pamene amva kanthu kena.,general,social media +en10324,"If a wife decides to confide in a maid and the maid takes advantage of the situation to come between the couple, will she blame her?","Ngati mkazi wake aganiza zomuwulilira wantchito ndipo wantchitoyo atengerapo mwai wosokoneza banjali, kodi adzamunena iye?",general,social media +en10325,This is how these maids snatch men in the homes. They are given way too much information and shown the green light. These men are left ‘unprotected’ and some workers are vultures,"Umu ndi momwe antchito akaziwa amalanda amuna mumanyumbamu. Iwo amawuzidwa nkhani zochuluka ndikupatsidwa mwayi. Azibambowa moyo wawo umakhala pa mbalanganda, ndipo atchito ena ndi anthu oipa kwambiri.",general,social media +en10326,"They will seize any opportunity and before long, the people we assume to be friends turn their backs on us when we least expect. Mind you, they are in legions out there. They meet, strategize and implement","Iwo amapezerapo mwayi uliwonse ndipo posakhalitsa, anthu amene timawayesa kuti ndi anzathu amatichitira zoipa pa ife nthawi imene ife sitikuyembekezera. Chenjereni inu. Kuli asatana kunja kuno. Amakumana, amapangana ndi kukhazikitsa zinthu. ",general,social media +en10327,"Out of respect and to set boundaries, don’t allow workers to meddle into your family affairs; be it commenting, suggesting anything about your family members or otherwise","Potengera ulemu ndi kuika malire, musalole antchito kulowerera munkhani za pabanja panu; kaya kupereka kuyankhira, kupereka ndemanga pachina chilichonse chokhudza anthu a pabanja lanu, kapena chinachilichonse.",general,social media +en10328,The general manager will not interact with the receptionist. Think about that the next time you are tempted to share about the condoms you found in his back pocket with a maid,Wamkulu woyang'anira malo antchito samasukirana ndi woyang'anira alendo. Talingalira za nthawi imene wafuna kucheza za zishango zimene zapezeka munthumba mwake ndi wantchito wachizimai.,general,social media +en10329,"Let her find out for herself, but she should not dare come running to you to report and demean him. It’s just not in her place. She is just a mere maid","Musiyeni adzidziwe mwa iye yekha, koma asayerekeze kubwera kudzakuuza ndi kumuchotsera iye uleme. Sakuyenera kutero. Iye ndi wantchito chabe.",general,social media +en10330,"I have discussed here before about the tendencies by some women to splash money, gifts and general material to men with the attempt to purchase their love and affection"," Ndakambako pano nthawi ina yake za chizolowezi cha azimai ena chomwaza ndalama, mphatso ndi katundu kwa amuna ndi cholinga chofuna kupeza chikondi ndi ubwino wawo.",general,social media +en10331,"They dangle big wallets and promises of a fairy tale romance of fortune and luxury. Sadly, many fall for this, but the eventualities are not the subject matter today","Iwo amasiya poyera zikwama zawo za ndalama ndi kuwapatsa chitsimikizo cha chikondi cha mwayi wawo ndi moyo wosangalala. Mwachisoni, ambiri amatengeka ndi zimenezi, koma zotsatira zake si mutu wankhani yalero.",general,social media +en10332,"I would like to look at a similar scenario, but involving vulnerability instead. I am referring to women desperate to hold on to love or probably being schemed by devious men","Ndikuyenera kuona zinthu zofanana ndi izi, koma wokhudza kubvutika m'malo mwake. Ine ndipereka chitsanzo cha azimai amene akudzikakamiza kukhala pachibwezi kapena kuchitidwa chipongwe ndi azibambo oipa.",general,social media +en10333,"Recently, a friend told me her boyfriend of three years borrowed money from her. She has been a single mother for years and her two daughters are all grown up and working","Posachedwapa, mzanga anandiuza kuti bwenzi lake limene wakhala naye zaka zitatu anabwereka ndalama kwa iye. Iye wakhala mzimai wodziyimira payekha kwa zaka ndipo ana ake awiri ndi akuluakulu ndipo akugwira ntchito.",general,social media +en10334,She is still young and possibly looking for love and affection. The man in question took the money two months ago after promising to repay her within two weeks of the said month,Iye akanali wachichepere ndipo mwachidziwikire akufuna atapeza chikondi ndi chisamaliro. Mzibambo tikukamba apayu anatenga ndalamazo miyezi iwiri yapitayo atamulonjeza kuti abwenza ndalamazo pakatha masabata awiri a mwezi womwewo.,general,social media +en10335,Weeks have gone by and there is no word from him. She used money meant for her groceries and topped it up with a Village Savings and Loans to meet his need and please him,Masabata adutsa ndipo sanamve chilichonse kuchokera kwa iye. Iye anagwiritsa ntchito ndalama zogulira zinthu zake ndi kuwonjezera ndalama za thumba la Village Savings and Loans kuti akwanitse zofuna zake ndi kumukondweretsa iye.,general,social media +en10336,"Now months on, she is struggling to repay the grouping and interests keep rising. She doesn’t know what to do because all he does is promise to repay","Papitano miyezi yambiri, Iye akubvutika kubweza ku gulu ndipo ndalama ya chiwongola dzanja ikungokwererakwerera. Iye sakudziwa chochita chifukwa chimene iye amapangako ndikungolonjeza kuti abweza ndalamazo.",general,social media +en10337,"There are many women in similar boats, struggling to repay loans they took for their loved ones. Please, no amount of love displays will make a man reciprocate or stay","Pali azimai ambiri amene ali muzomwezi, kubvutika kubweza ngongole zimene iwo anatengera wokondeka awo. Chonde, palibe njira ina iliyonse yowonetsera chikondi imapangitsa mamuna kubwezera chikondi kapena kukhazikika.",general,social media +en10338,"If he loves you, he does and if not, well—you cannot force or change his mind. Let us learn to adjust and let go. Desperation is one emotional aspect that leads astray and often leaves many in tears","Ngati amakukonda, amakukonda ndipo ngati sichoncho, ee sungakakamize kapena kusintha maganizo ake.Tiyeni tiphunzire kusintha ndikuzitaya.Kuzingwa ndi imodzi mwazithu zomwe zimapangitsa maganizo obalalika ndi nthawi zambiri zimasiya ambiri mumisozi",general,social media +en10339,A caring man will be concerned about your welfare and will not want to hurt you. A careless one will not mind even when you are in trouble. They will not care to get you in trouble and problems,Mzibambo wosamala amakhudzidwa ndi umoyo wako wabwino ndipo sangafune kukukhumudwitsa. Wosasamala samalabadira ngakhale pamene iwe uli m'mabvuto. Iwo samalabadira kukuika mu mabvuto kapena kukukhumudwitsa,general,social media +en10340,My friend has apparently been in four different relationships in the past four years. They have all been fiascos. She keeps looking for love and the latest came with marriage promises,"Mzangayo mosabisa wakhala mu maubwezi osiyanasiyana anai mu zaka zinai zapitazo. Onsewo akhala osayenda. Iye amafunabe kupeza chikondi, ndipo womalizirayu anamulonjeza za ukwati.",general,social media +en10341,"He is only waiting to solve a list of issues before he finally commits to her. For her, that all she needed to hear and feels obligated to help him from time to time","Iye angodikira kuthana ndi zinthu zingapo asanapange chiganizo chokhazikika kwa iye. Kwa iye, ndichimene ankafuna kumva ndipo amafulumizidwa kumuthandiza nthawi zambiri.",general,social media +en10342,"Nothing wrong in that, but I think she needs to open her eyes to reality. This is a man who doesn’t support her in any way, but has the guts to ask for her help. He is not staying","Palibe cholakwikwa pa chimenechi, koma ndikuganiza kuti iye akuyenera kukhala wopenya ku zochitika. Uyu ndi mamuna amene samamuthandiza munjira ina iliyonse, koma alibe ndi manyazi omwe pomupempha chithandizo. Sakukhala.",general,social media +en10343,"One woman, in desperation to hold on to a lost love also decided to offer money to her husband whose was in the process of filing for divorce. She believed the money would hook him to her. It was all in vain","Mzimai wina, mozingwa pakukakamira pa chikondi chozilala nayenso anaganiza zopereka ndalama kwa mamuna wake amene anali mkati mothetsa banja. Iye anakhulupirira kuti ndalama zimupatsa chikoka. Koma izi sizinatheke.",general,social media +en10344,Let them go when it doesn’t seem to work. Use that money to re-build your lives or invest in something worthwhile. Love cannot be stopped or bought,Asiyeni ayende pamene zikuwoneka kuti sizingatheke. Gwiritsani ntchito ndalamazo pokonzanso miyoyo yanu kapena kuchitira chithu chaphindu. Chikondi sichiletsedwa kapena kugulidwa.,general,social media +en10345,"Many times, we all want to start on wellness. Few people want or will accept humble beginnings. Many, when offered a job in the lower ranks will whine and brag that their years in school did not determine such a small offer","Nthawi zambiri, tonse timafuna kuyambira pa umoyo wabwino. Anthu ochepa amafuna kapena amalola chiyambi chodzichepetsa. Ambiri, pamene apatsidwa ntchito ma udindo apansi ndipo amadandaula ndi kuyerekedwa kuti zaka zimene akhala ali pa sukulu sizingapangitse kuti apatsidwe kantchito kochepako. ",general,social media +en10346,"And because of this overrated mentality, some will jump from one place to the other in search of the so-called greener pastures","Ndipo chifukwa cha maganizidwe odzikuzawa, ena amakhalira kuyenda ku malo angapo kufunafuna kuti akhale pabwino.",general,social media +en10347,Students at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (Mubas) in Blantyre have decried escalating cases of attacks on students outside the campus,Ophunzira a ke Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (Mubas) ku Blantyre adandaula ndi kukula kwa khalidwe lobvulaza ophunzira kunja kwa Kampasi.,general,social media +en10348,"He said the students, mainly those who stay outside the campus, have been targeted by thugs and street-connected children along the Masauko Chipembere Highway","Iye anati ophunzirawa, makamaka iwo amene amakhala kunja kwa Kampasi, akhala akubvulazidwa ndi achifwamba ndi ana amasikini a mu Masauko Chipembere Highway.",general,social media +en10349,"“The attackers have been stealing money, smartphones, laptops and other things from the students","Achifwambawo akhala akuba ndalama, ma smartphones, laptops ndi zinthu zina za ana asukulu.",general,social media +en10350,"“We convened a meeting on Monday, when we came up with solutions such as holding patrols where, when we catch the thieves, we will either hand them over to police or see what to do with them. Students who reside outside the campus are the main target of the thugs","Tinayitanitsa mkumano lolemba, pomwe tinabwera ndi mayankho monga kulondera mmadera kumene, tikagwira mbava, tidzamupeleka mmanja mwa a police kapena tidzaona kuti tipanga naye bwanji. Amafuna ana a sukulu omwe amakhalira kunja kwa sukulu",general,social media +en10351,"“We only hear, through social media, about reports of attack as people do not come forth to report to us when they are attacked or see someone being attacked. We cannot arrest anybody because we need evidence.” Mchiza said","""Ife timangomva, kudzera munjira za pamasamba amchenzo, zokhudza nkhani a uchifwamba chifukwa anthu samabwera poyera kudzatifotokozera pamene iwo apangidwa zauchifwamba kapena pamene awona wina akupangidwa zauchifwamba. Ife sitingathe kugwira munthu chifukwa timafuna umboni wogwirika"". Mchiza anatero. ",general,social media +en10352,"In a related development, South-West Region Police has said that their leads are showing that a Mubas student who is receiving treatment after being attacked may have been attacked by fellow students","Pa zochitika zofananirapo, South-West Region Police anena kuti kafukufuku wawo akuwonetsa kuti wophunzira wa ku Mubasi amene amalandira chithandizo chamankhwala atapangangidwa zauchifwamba, ophunzira anzake ndi omwe anamupanga zauchifwambazi.",general,social media +en10353,"Spokesperson for the region said this after “noting that people, including those on social media, are pointing fingers at street-connected children as suspects","Mneneri wa Dera la Policeli ananena zimenezi ""atazindikira kuti anthu, kuphatikiza iwo a pamasamba amchezo, akuloza dzala kwa ana ongoyendayenda m'mizinda ndiomwe akupanga izi.",general,social media +en10354,It is true that a student from Mubas was attacked but speculation that he was attacked by street-connected children is far from the truth. We want to tell people that it is not street-connected children who committed this offence,Ndizoona kuti wophunzira wa ku Mubas anafwambidwa koma manong'onong'o oti anafwambidwa ndi ana ongoyendayenda m'mizinda ndi zabodza. Tikufuna kuwuza anthu kuti si ana ongoyendayenda m'mizinda amene anapalamula mulanduwu.,general,social media +en10355,"We are suspecting that he was attacked by fellow students because the incident happened within their campus, after [students had] an activity",Ife tikuganizira kuti iye anafwambidwa ndi anzake ophunzira nawo chifukwa nkhaniyi inachitika mkatikati mwa kampasi yawo ophunzirawa atangomaliza zochitika. ,general,social media +en10356,"We have been told that the victim wanted to sleep and that that is when he was attacked within the same campus. That is why we are suspecting that his fellow students might have done this and we are investigating the matter,” Mikuwa said","Ife tawuzidwa kuti wobvulazidwayu amafuna kugona ndipo iyi ndi nthawi yomwe anafwambidwa mkatikati mwa kampasi yomweyo. Ichi ndi chifukwa chimene tikuganizira kuti ndi anzake ophunzira nawo ndi amene anapanga ichi ndipo ife tikufufuza nkhaniyi, Mikuwa ananena.",general,social media +en10357,"Police Tuesday rounded up three women, including a police officer, for allegedly circulating false and malicious information on ongoing investigations into Lilongwe murder cases","A Police lachiwiri anagwira azimai atatu, pamodzi ndi wa ofesala wa Police, pofalitsa nkhani zabodza ndi zopanda umboni pa kafukufuku umene ukuchitika pa nkhani yopha anthu ku Lilongwe.",general,social media +en10358,"According to the clip, one woman is heard claiming that she got information from her workmate who is a friend of a detective in the Malawi Police Service","Momwe zikumvekera pa clip, mzimai modzi akunena kuti anapeza umboni wa nkhaniyi kuchokera kwa wogwira naye ntchito amene anali mzake wa police wofufuza nkhani mu bungwe la Malawi Police Service.",general,social media +en10359,Legal aid is open to all who cannot access legal services. The bureau has a constitutional mandate to represent anyone in any legal matter,Chithandizo kwa iwo amene sangakwanitse kupeza wowayimira ku milandu yawo chimapezeka kwa aliyense. Bureau imeneyi ili ndi undindo woyimirira wina aliyense ku milandu iliyonse.,general,social media +en10360,"The Constitution says: “Everyone has a right to legal representation in any legal matter, regardless of geographical status, position and location, the law doesn’t discriminate","Constitution yathu imanena kuti: ""Aliyense ali ndi ufulu woyimiriridwa ku milandu ina iliyonse, posatengera kochokera, udindo ndi malo, lamulo silimasankha",general,social media +en10361,Malawi Law Society (MLS) and Malawi Legal Aid Bureau (LAB) have launched a nationwide pro bono legal services scheme to enhance access to justice by providing lawyers to represent needy Malawians,Malawi Law Society (MLS) ndi Malawi Legal Aid Bureau (LAB) ayambitsa kampeni yadziko lonse ya sikimu ya chithandizo chaulere pa milandu yothandizira kupeza chilungamo pa kupereka maloya oyimirira a Malawi osauka.,general,social media +en10362,The scheme follows a resolution by MLS members during the society’s 2022 Annual General Meeting to develop a working framework to enhance lawyers’ nationwide involvement in pro bono legal services for LAB related work and judiciary referrals,Sikimuyi inakhazikitsidwa atagwirizana pa msonkhana wawukulu wapachaka cha 2022 wa membala a MLS kuti akonze ndondomeko ya momwe maloya angathe kutumikira athu dziko lonse mwaulere pa milandu yawo pa ntchito ya LAB ndi milandu yopatsidwa ndi a zamalamulo,general,social media +en10363,"He said: “So, far at least 50 legal practitioners have registered to be involved in the scheme. Under the scheme, a judicial officer who establishes that a litigant or an accused person who appears in court requires legal representation will be referring the person to any of the legal practitioners on the list of panelists","Iye anati: ""Kufikira pano ogwira ntchito zamalamulo okwana makumi asanu alembetsa mayina awo kuti atenge mbali mu ntchito imeneyi. Pansi pa ntchitoyi, wogwira ntchito yemwe angapeze kuti wosuma kapena woyimbidwa mlandu yemwe akuonekera kubwalo lamilandu akusowa omuyimira pa mlanduwo adzitumizidwa kwa ena mwa ogwira ntchito zamalamulo omwe ali pa ndandanda wawo",general,social media +en10364,"According to the Act, every lawyer is allowed to undertake pro bono work on his or her own and this is taken into account when MLS and LAB directors are allocating the pro bono work to them. The lawyer is required to perform at least 24 hours of pro bono hours yearly","He said ; pakali pano ogwira ntchito za malamulo osachepera makumi asanu alembetsa kutenga nawo mbali mu scheme. Pandi pa scheme, Judicial officer yemwe wayambitsa litigant imeneyo kapena oyimbidwa mulandu kubwalo la milandu akuyenera kuyimililidwa ndiwazamalamulo azipanga refer kwa munthu aliyese amene ali pa ndandanda wa pa panel.",general,social media +en10365,A legal practitioner who fails to perform pro bono work is by law required to pay MLS an amount determined by MLS with which MLS shall hire services of another legal practitioner to perform the work,Wogwira ntchito wazamalamulo amene walephera kupanga ntchito ya ulere pa malamulo akuyenera kulipira MLS mulingo wokonzedwa ndi MLS umene MLS adzapanga hire ma services a wina kuti apange ntchitoyo,general,social media +en10366,He said the scheme would also ensure that legal practitioners in private practice perform their public duty by contributing to access to justice through the scheme,Iye anati sikimuyi iwonetsetsanso kuti ochita za malamulo modziyimira pawokha akugwira ntchito yosalipidwa popereka njira yopeza chilungamo kudzera ku sikimuyi,general,social media +en10367,The bureau is by law mandated to grant legal aid in civil and criminal matters to persons whose means are insufficient to enable them to engage private legal practitioners and to other categories of persons where the interests of justice so require,Bureauyi motengera lamulo likupatsidwa mphamvu yopereka chithandizo chaulele choyimirira milandu ya chikhalidwe ndi yauchigawenga kwa anthu amene alibe kuthekera kodzipezera kapena kugwiritsa ntchito ochita malamula odziyimira pawokha ndi kwa magulu a athu ena kumene zoyenera chilungamo zimafuna..,general,social media +en10368,Legal aid is viewed as the provision of assistance to people who cannot afford legal representation and access to justice,Chithandizo chaulerere choyimirira milandu chimawonedwa ngati kupezeka kwa chithandizo kwa anthu amene sangakwanitse kupeza wowayimirira pa mulandu ndi kukhala ndi kuthekera kupeza chilungamo.,general,social media +en10369,"Legal aid is regarded as central in providing access to justice by ensuring equality before the law, the right to be represented by a lawyer and the right to a fair trial as provided by the Constitution of Malawi","Legal Aid imatengedwa ngati mzati popereka mwayi ofikira chilungamo poonetsetsa kufanana Pamaso pa lamulo, ufulu oyimiriridwa ndi lawyer ndi ufulu oweruzidwa mwa chilungamo womwe unapatsidwa ndi malamulo akulu a Malawi",general,social media +en10370,Its primary statutory mandate is to provide legal aid services to the indigent and vulnerable people in need of legal services,Cholinga cha lamulo lake larikulu ndikupereka chithandizo cha malamulo kwa osauka ndi anthu ovutika omwe akufuna chithandizo cha malamulo.,general,social media +en10371,"The bureau strives to be a lead actor in providing accessible, ethical, and high-quality legal aid services to vulnerable people in Malawi. It also provides civic education and information about the law to the public","Bureauyi ikulimbikira kuti ikhale yochita yotsogolre paku pereka kufikira,zakhalidwe, ndi ma service amalamulo apa mwamba kwa anthu ovutika mu Malawi.Imaperekaso maphunziro akuzindikira zithu komaso uthenga wa malamulo kwa gulu la anthu",general,social media +en10372,"Usually, legal fees for lawyers in private practice are exorbitant for an average Malawian whose income falls below the K100 000 taxable salary bracket. Such persons already find it hard to thrive in the current economy","Nthawi zambiri, Malipiro a zamalamulo kwa oyimira milandu omwe si aboma ndi okwera kwambiri kwa m'malawi wapakatikati yemwe ndalama yake yopeza sikudutsa k100,000.00 imene sidulidwa msonkho. Munthu ngati ameneyi amavutika ndikale kuchita bwino pachuma munyengo ngati izi",general,social media +en10373,"As such, fees for private lawyers expose such citizens to unnecessary financial hardship likely to push them into poverty. Private practice fees are only affordable by those with high income. Private practice law firms and practitioners target such elites","Mwa chomwecho,malipiro kwa ma lawyer a private amayika pambalanganda nzika ngati zimenezi ku zovuta za zachuma zosayenera mwachidziwikile kuwakakhira iwowo mu umphawi.malipiro aomwe akuanga za private ndiokwanitsidwa ndi omwe ali ndi ndalama zambiri. Ma law firm a private amalunjika anthu ngati amenewo",general,social media +en10374,"They aim at profit-making. Therefore, the legal fees are set to fulfil the capitalist objective, which impoverish and burden low-income earners","Iwo amayima popanga phindu.Choncho, legal fees amayikidwa kuti akwaniritse cholinga chopanga phindu,zomwe zimasaukitsa ndikupereka chiphsinjo kwa nthu opeza mochepekedwa ",general,social media +en10375,"Despite this harsh reality, everyone has a constitutional right to legal representation whether the legal fees is exorbitant or affordable","Kupatula kuzowawa zenizenizi, aliyese ali ndi ufulu wamalamulo akuloku imiriridwa kaya malipiro azmalamulo ndi okwera kwambiri kapena otsika ntengo",general,social media +en10376,The bureau hopes to open up district offices with an emphasis of helping and reaching out to those who dwell in districts to have access to good quality and affordable legal services,"Bureau ikuyembekezera kutsekula ma office m'boma ndikutsindika kothandiza ndikufikira omwe amakhala mu maboma kukhala ofikira ma legal services otsika mtengo,abwino ndi apa mwamba",general,social media +en10377,"Criminal cases include homicide, defilement, theft, forgery, burglary and defilement, just to mention a few","ma case a milandu ndikuphatikiza kupha,nkhanza,kuba,chinyengo, kuba kulowa mnyumba ndi nkhanza, kungotchulapo zochepa chabe",general,social media +en10378,"Civil cases include custody and maintenance, chieftainship wrangles, personal injury claims, land disputes, contract disputes, deceased estate and labour matters","milandu ya wamba ndi monga kusunga mokakamiza ndiku musamala,mikangano ya ufumu,zonena zovulaza munthu, mikangano ya malo, mikangano ya contract,malo amunthu omwalira ndi nkhani za ntchito",general,social media +en10379,"Currently, some of the benefits of legal aid in the country are depicted by its success stories such as assisting suspects access bail, offering clients in sentence education and helping them secure acquittals","pakali pano,zina mwa phindu la legal aid mu dziko lina amasonyezedwa ndi nkhni zopambana monnga kuthandiza oganiziridwa kufikira bail,kupereka maphunziro kwa ma client omwe akugwira ukaidi ndikuwathandiza kumasulidwa",general,social media +en10380,Whether an individual qualifies for legal aid depends on the type of case and the individual’s financial circumstances,kaya munthu akupanga qualify ku legal aid zimatengera pa ntundu wa mulandu ndi kapezedwe ka za chuma ka munthu,general,social media +en10381,"When a legal dispute kicks in, the big question is: Where can you get legal services in line with the constitutional right and requirement? Whether the answer is Legal Aid Bureau or private practice lawyers, the choice and discretion depends on one’s income","pamene mikangano ya milandu yabka, funso lalikulu ndilakuti; ndikuti komwe ndingapeze ma servicers amalamulo olingana ufulu wamumalamulo akulu ndizoyenereza kaya yankho ndi legal aid burea kapena ma lawyer opanga za private, chisankho kapena kufuna kutengera kapezedwe ka munthu",general,social media +en10382,Senior Chief Maganga of Salima District has warned his subjects against illegal sand mining along the shores of Lake Malawi. Maganga said the malpractice is jeopardising tourism activities in the area,Mfumu yayikulu Maganga ya boma la Salima yachenjeza anthu a m'dera lake kukolola mchenga mosatsata malamulo mu mphepete mwa nyanja ya Malawi. Maganga anati mchitidwe woipayu ukusokoneza ntchito zokopa alendo mu derali. ,general,social media +en10383,"The lake is one of the sources of the country’s revenue. Therefore, people should stop illegal mining to ensure that the natural beach is not destroyed,” he said","Nyanja ndi chimodzi mwa zinthu mwa zobweretsa chuma m'dziko. Kotero kuti, anthu asiye kukumba miyala ya mtengo wapatali mopanda chilolezo ndi kuwonenetsa kuti malo achilengedwe a mphepete mwa nyanja asawonengeke. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10384,"Salima is a tourism destination and we need to ensure that it is protected. We will work with traditional leaders to stop the malpractice. We will not allow illegal sand mining to destroy our beautiful beaches,” he said",Boma la Salima ndi malo okhazikika a zokopa alendo ndipo tikuyenera kuwonetsetsa kuti ali otetezedwa. Ife tidzagwira ntchito limodzi ndi mafumu poletsa mchitidwe woipawu. Ife sitidzalola kuti mchitidwe wokolola mchenga opanda chiphaso choyenera ndi kuwononga malo okongola a mbali mwanyanja. Iye anatero.,general,social media +en10385,We will stop the malpractice to maintain the beauty of the lake to attract more tourists,Ife tidzaletsa mchitidwe woipawu kuti kukongola kwa nyanja kupitirire kuti tikope alendo ambiri okonda zachilengedwe.,general,social media +en10386,"It is time Malawi took drastic and holistic approaches to addressing its economic concerns. The falling tobacco prices on the international market have been a major reason for forex scarcity. At the current trajectory, the cycle of poverty has no end in sight","Tsopano yakwana nthawi yoti Malawi itengere mwakuya komanso mwathunthu kafikiridwe kothana ndi nkhawa ya za chuma.Kugwa kwa mitengo ya fodya pa msika wakunja chakhala chifukwa chachikulu chomwe ndalama yakunja ikusowera. Pomwe tili pano, chizingiriro cha umphawi sichikuoneka mathero",general,social media +en10387,What remains for the poor Malawian farmer is to join cooperatives and supply the green gold to a few greedy companies who have buyers talking to them alone,Chimene chatsala kwa mlimi wosauka wachi Malawi ndikulowa mu ma cooperatives ndikuperekera golide wa greenyu ku mabungwe osakhutitsidwa amene ali ndi owagulirira ongodziyankhulira okhaokha.,general,social media +en10388,This is but a repeat of the tobacco story and it does not have a good ending. The objective to legalize cannabis was not to caress the ego of foreign companies exploiting locals while masquerading as investors,Iyi ndi nkhani koma yongobwereza ya fodya ndipo simakhala ndikutha kwabwino.Cholinga chololezera chamba sichinali kusangalatsa mtima wodzikonda wa kampani zakunja kwa dziko lino zomwe zimabera anthu wamba akunamizira kuti akudzakhadzikitsa ntchito zachuma,general,social media +en10389,Cannabis has been a commodity of trade and use in the country for much longer than the Cannabis Act. The crop’s potential to do well on the international market does not need sugar-coating from any clever pirate,Chamba chakhala chinthu chochitira malonda ndi kugwiritsidwa ntchito mu dziko kwa nthawi yayitali kuposa lamulo la chamba. Kuthekera kwa mbewuyi pakuchita bwino m'misika sikufunanso kuti tinamizidwe ndi anthu oipa akuba.,general,social media +en10390,Malawi produces one of the finest cannabis sativa. That is where we should start—harnessing its potential,Dziko la Malawi limalima mtundu wabwino kwambiri wa chamba. Apa ndi pamene tikuyenera kuyambira - kupititsa patsogolo kuthekera kwake.,general,social media +en10391,"At this rate, we will not have learnt any lesson yet from the tobacco fiasco that has only managed to keep poor farmers poorer and tobacco companies richer","Mpaka pano, ife sitiphunzirebe china chilichonse pano kuchokera ku mabvuto a ulimi wafodya kumene kwangopangitsa mlimi wosauka kusaukirabe ndikulemeretsa makampani ogula fodya.",general,social media +en10392,"If Malawi as a country is trying to diversify from tobacco to cannabis, then eliminate the broker between buyers and grower","Ngati Malawi monga boma likuyesetsa kuchoka ku ulimi wa fodya kupita ku ulimi wachamba, kotero muchotse woyimirira pakati pa wogula ndi wolima.",general,social media +en10393,Malawi’s cannabis is internationally acclaimed for medicinal and recreational purposes and is dubbed Malawi Gold,Chamba cha ku Malawi ndi chodziwika pa dziko lonse lakunja popangira mankwala ndi zakumwa zosangalatsa ndipo chimatchedwa golide wa ku Malawi.,general,social media +en10394,"However, the Act criminalizes the cultivation of recreational cannabis. Medicinal cannabis requires a pharmaceutical approach where every process is tracked and traced and requires testing for heavy metals and impurities","Komabe, lamulori chaika milandu kulima chamba chongozisangalatsira. Chamba cha mankhwala chimafunikira kuchifikira mwa pharmacutical kumene process iliyose ikuyenera kulondozedwa ndikuunikidwa ndipo imafunikira kuyesedwa zitsulo zolemera ndi zinyansi ",general,social media +en10395,"This requires laboratories and professional expertise, hence sells highly on the market. Malawi should, therefore, consider investing in laboratories and industries to process cannabis rather than building houses for members of Parliament","Izi zimafunikira ma laboratory ndi ukatswiri wama professional, ndi chifukwa chake imagulitsidwa mokwera kwambiri pa msika.Malawi ikuyenera,motsatira, kulingalila zolowetsa ndalama kuma laboratory ndima industry opanga process chamba kusiyana ndikuwamangira nyumba aphungu akunyumba ya malamulo",general,social media +en10396,"Industrial cannabis may be an easy grow for the Malawian farmer, but fetches less on the market. What cultivates easily without testing requirements but sells the highest is recreational cannabis. It is the country’s biggest illegal export","Chamba cha Industrial ndi chosabvuta kulima kwa mlimi wa ku Malawi, koma sichepereka phindu lalikulu pamsika. Chimene chimalimidwa popanda kufunikira kochiyesa koma chimagulitsidwa pa mtengo wokwera ndi chamba chimene chimabweretsa chisangalalo. Ichi ndi malonda akulu akunja kwa dziko koma oletsedwa.",general,social media +en10397,Malawi should legalize cannabis for recreational use. Open up to supply and demand rule where Malawian growers are allowed to cultivate cannabis freely without licenses,Malawi akuyenera kupereka chilolezo cholima chamba chobweretsa chisangalalo. Litsegule misika ndikuika lamulo lololeza alimi achimalawi kulima mwaufulu ndi mopanda chiphaso.,general,social media +en10398,"Government must play an active role in supporting the industry through research, infrastructure, allowing incentives and finding markets","Boma likuyenera kupeza njira zothandizira ulimiwu kudzera mukafukufuku, zithu zogwiritsira ntchito zamakono, kulola chipukuta misonzi ndipeza misika",general,social media +en10399,"Foreign investors must choose to invest in one sector. There should never be a situation where the same investor is a grower, processor, researcher and an exporter. That is monopolistic","Ochita zamalonda akunja akuyenera kusanka kukhazikitsa malonda mu mtundu umodzi. Pasadzapezeke mchitidwe woti wokhazikitsa malonda ake ndi yemweyonso wolima, wokonza, wofufuza ndi wogulitsa kunja. Uku ndikuphangira. ",general,social media +en10400,"Malawi cannot create an industry just to benefit a few people, let alone enact laws that benefit a few. It is against the social contract that seeks to harmonize and delegate government to work in the best interests of all people","Malawi sangakonze njira zobweretsa chuma zongopindulira anthu ochepa okha, kapena kukonzanso malamulo opindulira ochepa. Izi zikusemphana ndi udindo wa umunthu umene umafuna kubweretsa zinthu pamodzi ndi kulola boma kugwira ntchito mokomera anthu onse. ",general,social media +en10401,Policies should inform and avail equal access to economic opportunities through conducive policies and actions for development and self-actualization to avoid civil dissonance,Mfundo za boma zidziwitse ndikupezetsa mwayi wa chuma kudzera ndondomeko zopindula ndi ntchito za chitukuko ndi umwini wopezekeratu kupewa ziwonetsero zowukira boma.,general,social media +en10402,It is not enough to give people their right to vote if you cannot give them economic freedom as that voice is nothing if they are not economically independent,Sizokwanira kupatsa anthu ufulu wopanga chisankho ngati simungathe kuwapatsa mwai wodzipezera chuma chifukwa chisankhocho ndi chopanda ntchito ngati sangadziyimire pawokha pachuma.,general,social media +en10403,Why should we create laws that cushion a few rich to economically benefit and yet criminalize the poor for trying to benefit from the same?,Kodi tipangirenji malamulo okomera anthu ochepa olemera kuti apindule ndi chuma ndi kuimba mlandu wosauka poyesayesa kupindula kuchokera mu zomwezo.,general,social media +en10404,"A cannabis grower in America or South Africa is buying his mother her first home from the trade. Here in Malawi, a woman is hopeless, her young son was sentenced to eight years for selling cannabis to pull them out of poverty","Wolima chamba ku America ngakhale ku South Africa akugulira amai ake nyumba yawo yoyamba kudzera ku malondawa. Kuno ku Malawi, mzimai alibe chiyembekezo, mwana wake wa mwamuna wachichepere anagamulidwa kukagwira ukaidi kwa zaka zisanu ndi zitatu chifukwa chogulitsa chamba kuti awatulutse mu umphawi",general,social media +en10405,"A man walks free, he ably paid a K1 million fine for illegally cultivating cannabis. Yet another in the name of being an investor walks freely because he can afford a K10 million license to cultivate cannabis. Out there, countries are investing on cannabis returns while Malawi clings to old practices","Mamuna samangidwa, iye anangopereka mosabvutika chindapusa cha K1 miliyoni polima chamba opanda chilolezo. Komanso wina mu dzina la wokhazikitsa chuma ayenda mwa ufulu chifukwa ali ndikuthekera kolipira K10 million kuti apeze chiphaso cholimira chamba. Kunjako, maiko akutukuka kudzera muchuma chochokera mu chamba pamene Malawi akukakamira za chikale.",general,social media +en10406,Former Cannabis Regulatory Authority Chairperson believes Malawi has failed to grow her exports because of the failure to take advantage of the huge market for other crops such as cannabis on the international market,Wamkulu wakale wotsogolera bungwe la Cannabis Regulatory Authority amakhulupirira kuti Malawi walephera kupititsa patsogolo malonda ake akunja chifukwa cholephera kutengerapo mwai wa misika ikuluikulu ya mbewu zina monga chamba ku misika ya kunja.,general,social media +en10407,But what do we do in Malawi; we keep on burning the crop and arresting those people who are growing it. That’s literally burning forex. We are arresting people who could generate forex for Malawi,Koma kodi timapanga chiyani ku Malawi; ife timangowotchabe mbewuyi ndi kumamanga anthu amene akuilima. Uku ndi kuwotcha ndalama zakunja. Ife tikumanga anthu amene angabweretse ndalama zakunja za Malawi.,general,social media +en10408,"We had an investor who offered to buy the biomass, Malawi Gold Biomass at a minimum price of $350 per kg. That is locally grown, organic. What did we do, we arrested people,” he said","Tinapeza wamalonda wakunja amene anafuna kugula biomass, Gold Biomass wa Malawi pa mtengo wosachepera $320 pa kilogalamu. Amene akulimidwa mumuno, wachilengedwe. Tinapanga chiyani? Tinawamanga anthu. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10409,"Malawi is a place where we don’t have reliable information which can help us to make decisions. Am looking at information relating to stocks that we have available that we can export, where the real markets are and information on what exactly do those markets require",Malawi ndi malo amene sitimakhala ndi chidziwitso chogwirika chimene chingathandize ife kupanga chiganizo. Ndikuyang'ana pa chidziwitso chokhudza katundu amene ndiwopezekeratu amene tikhoza kutumiza kunja kumene kuli misika yeniyeni ndi chidziwitso chenicheni chimene misikayo imafuna.,general,social media +en10410,The strategy has four goals first of which is to make Malawi a producer of competitive products that are in demand in the region and beyond,Njirayo ili ndi zolinga zinayi choyamba mwaicho ndikupanga Malawi kugala opanga katundu yemwe akuchita bwino yemwe akufunidwa kwambiri mu chigawo chino ndikudutsa apo,general,social media +en10411,"The third goal is to make Malawi a diversified economy as we transition out of our reliance on tobacco as a major export earner; and the final goal is to make Malawi a sustainable sourcing destination, with more and more people buying from Malawi","Cholinga cha chitattu ndikupanga Malawi ya za chuma chosakaniza pomwe tikusitha kutuluka pakudalira fodya ngati chotumiza kunja chachikulu chaphindu;cholinga cha chinayi ndikupanga Malawi malo opezamo okhazikika, omwe anthu ochuluka kugula kuchoka ku Malawi",general,social media +en10412,"Over the years, stories of Malawi failing to meet export demands have been a common phenomenon","Pa zaka zambiri, mbiri za Malawi zolephera kukwaniritsa zofuna za misika yakunja zakhala zinthu zosadabwitsa.",general,social media +en10413,"As Malawi struggles to produce enough for the market, on one hand, the problem of shortage of forex continues to deepen on the other hand","Pamene Malawi akubvutika kupanga zinthu zambiri zopita kumisika, mbali ina imodzi, bvuto la kusowa kwa ndalama zakunja sikukutha ndipo kukupitirira mu njira ina.",general,social media +en10414,"At the end of the day, Malawi needs more hands in the export business for the country to find lasting solutions to the forex challenges which continue to riddle the economy","Pamapeto pa zonse, Malawi akufunika kukhala ndi abwezi ambiri pochita malonda ogulitsa katundu kunja kwa dziko kuti dzikoli lipeze njira zodalilika ku mabvuto akusowa kwa ndalama zakunja amene akupitilira kusokoneza chuma",general,social media +en10415,The bureau argues that most criminal matters in subordinate courts are prosecuted by non-legal practitioners who do not even possess the minimum legal qualifications that legal aid assistants have,Nthambiyi ikunena kuti milandu ya uchigawenga mu mabwalo a milandu ang'ono ikuzengedwa ndi anthu wamba amene alibiretu maphunziro angakhale ochepa a zamalamulo omwe othandizira oyimirira mwaulerere opalamula milandu akuyenera kukhala nawo,general,social media +en10416,"Paralegals are those with a certificate or diploma in law and in some cases, degree holders that are not admitted to the bar","Paralegals ndi amene ali setifiketi kapena diploma ya Malamulo ndipo nthawi zina, amene ali ndi degree ndipo sanapatsidwe chilolezo chochita zamalamulo.",general,social media +en10417,"Currently, legal aid assistants are not allowed to undertake legal representation even in situations where the case is being prosecuted by a lay magistrate","Panopa, othandizira oyimirira mwaulerere opalamula milandu samaloledwa kuyimirira opalamula miland ngakhale mu pa nthawi imene mulandu ukuzengedwa ndi Majesitereti wamba.",general,social media +en10418,"There is a growing number of legal practitioners being admitted to the Malawi Bar. The trend is likely to grow, given the disbandment of the University of Malawi by which we understand, more universities will be offering [law] degrees","Pali chiwerengero chokwera cha ogwira ntchito za malamulo amene akuloledwa kugwira ntchito zawo ku Malawi. Kusinthaku kukuwoneka kuti kukwera, kutsatira kugawanika kwa sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Malawi, ndi momwe tikumvetsedwa, masukulu a ukachenjede ambiri adzipereka ma degree a za malamulo. ",general,social media +en10419,MLS argues that it is not prudent to lower standards for legal representation of legally aided persons by allowing less qualified persons to represent them in court,MLS ikunena kuti sichanzeru kutsitsa muyezo wo imirira malamulo wa munthu othandizidwa mwa lamulo polola anthu ovomeresedwa pango'no kuwaimirira mu bwalo la milandu,general,social media +en10420,"The social status of the needy should not be entrenched by offering them, in the name of legal aid, less than the technical standard prescribed by the regulating right of audience before courts in the country","Kuchepekedwa kwa anthu osauka kusapangitse kuti apatsidwe, mu dzina la chithandizo cha malamulo, mulingo otsikirapo potengera ndi ndondomeko zoyikika za bungwe loona ufulu wolankhula pamaso pa bwalo a milandu m'dziko muno",general,social media +en10421,"He said their proposal has the backing of the Ministry of Justice, Judiciary and the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament","Iye anati ganizoli liyikidwa kumbuyo ndi unduna wa chilungamo, ogwira ntchito zamalamulo komanso komiti yoona zamalamulo kunyumba yamalamulo",general,social media +en10422,"The bureau, in its proposal to the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament, argues that if it were to be true of legal aid assistants [not being competent] then, no lay prosecutor should be allowed to prosecute nor should a lay magistrate preside over any matter as they would all not provide a service to the standard of a legal practitioner","Mthambiyi, mu ganizo lake lopita ku komiti yoona zamalamulo kunyumba yamalamulo, ikunena kuti zikanakhala ndi zoona kuti othandizira pankhani zamalamulo samadziwa ntchito yawo, omwe sanaphunzire ntchito zamalamulo sakuyenera kuloledwa kuzenga milandu kapena wozenga milandu kumabwalo aang'ono sakuyenera kuzenga nkhani iliyonse chifukwa sangathe kupeleka thandizo lolingana ndi wazamalumulo",general,social media +en10423,"The bureau argues in the proposal: “Secondly, it has been argued that allowing paralegals generally and legal aid assistants specifically would ‘eat’ into the market for legal practitioners. This argument lacks understanding of what market the proposal is focusing on","Nthambiyi, ikunena mu ganizo lake kuti: ""Kachiwiri, kwakhala kukukambidwa kuti kulola ma Paralegals mulimonse ndi ma Legal Aid Assistants mwachidziwikire zidzawonoga tsogolo la akuluakulu ochita za malamulo lopeza mwai ntchito. Ndi kovuta kumvetsa kuti kodi ganizo lawoli likulingalira malo ake ati ogwilira ntchito",general,social media +en10424,"As statistics will show, these are matters that are hardly attended to by legal practitioners across the country. The bureau’s service is to the people who cannot afford a private legal practitioner. The bureau attends to people that would, otherwise, be without legal representation","Chiwerengero chikuonetsa kuti, izi ndi nkhani zomwe sidzilabadilidwa ndi ogwira ntchito zamalamulo mdziko muno. Ntchito za mthambiyi zili kwa anthu omwe sangakwanitse kupeza owayimilira pa milandu ogula. Mthambiyi imathandiza anthu omwe, mwatchutchutchu, sakanakhala ndi owayimira pa mlandu",general,social media +en10425,Said Nthenda: “What the bureau is asking for is limited audience in the subordinate courts where cases are presided over by lay or graded magistrates. The system we have is too rigid,"Ananena Nthenda: ""Chimene nthambiyi ikupempha ndi omvera ochepa kwambiri mu mabwalo a milandu aang'ono kumene milandu imazengedwa ndi anthu wamba kapena woweruza wosaphunzira za malamulo kwenikweni. Mchitidwe umenewi ngosathandiza.",general,social media +en10426,"Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi Limited (Escom) says it is losing millions of kwacha in uncollected revenue due to illegal electricity connections, a development that is crippling its operations",Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom) akuti akutaya ma miliyoni ama Kwacha mu ndalama zosalipidwa chifukwa cha mchitidwe wolumikiza magetsi mwachinyengo. Mchitidweu umene sukupititsa patsogolo ntchito zake.,general,social media +en10427,Escom public relations manager said this on Friday when the power utility uncovered an alleged syndicate of illegal connections in Bangwe Township in Blantyre,Mneneri wa Escom wanena izi lachisanu pomwe bungwe la magetsili linazindikira za gulu lina lolumikiza magetsi mwachinyengo ku township ya Bangwe ku Blantyre.,general,social media +en10428,Escom carries out random inspections on their customers and tip-offs from members of the public which alerted us of illegal connections in this area,Escom imapanga kalondolondo wapatalipatali pa ma kasitomala awo manong'onong'o achinsinsi ochokera kwa anthu akufuna kwabwino kumene kunatidziwitsa ife za kulumikiza magetsi mwakuba mu derali.,general,social media +en10429,We have discovered that there were plenty of illegal connections where one person was connecting 20 customers. This is serious to us as Escom as we are losing a lot of money due to the malpractice,Ife tazindikira kuti pali kulumikiza magetsi kokuba kochuluka kwambiri kumene munthu m'modzi amalumikiza makasitomala makumi awiri. Ili ndi bvuto lalikulu kwa ife ngati Escom chifukwa tikutaya ndalama zambiri ndi mchitidwe woipawu. ,general,social media +en10430,One of the suspects had for the past two and a half years allegedly been using K1 000 worth of electricity units to supply power to 20 shops,"M'modzi mwa oganiziridwawo kwa zaka ziwiri ndi miyezi isanu ndi umodzi wapezeka akugwiritsa magetsi a K1,000 ndi kugawira masitilo okwana makumi awiri.",general,social media +en10431,Another culprit is alleged to have connected 10 houses and was receiving money as the electricity supplier. Chitosi said the second suspect will be charged with illegal meter by-pass and unmetered supply,Wopalamula wina anapezeka atalumikiza nyumba khumi ndipo amalandira ndalama ngati kampani yopereka magetsi. Chitosi ananena kuti woganiziridwa wa chiwiriyo adzayimbidwa mulandu wosagwiritsa meter ya magetsi ndikupereka magetsi aulere. ,general,social media +en10432,He appealed to customers who know or suspect that they might have been illegally connected to report to Escom,Iye anadandaulira makasitomala amene akudziwa kapena akukaikira kuti mwina analumikizidwa magetsi mwachinyengo kukanena ku Escom.,general,social media +en10433,"Malawi Police Service has released on bail, albeit without charges, three people arrested for allegedly establishing a parallel Lands office and selling plots to unsuspecting buyers using dubious documentation","Malawi Police Service yatulutsa pa belo, opanda kuzengedwa mulandu, athu atatu powaganizira kuti anakhazikitsa ma office achinyengo a Lands ndi kugulitsa ma puloti kwa anthu ogula mosazindikira pogwiritsa makalata a chinyengo.",general,social media +en10434,"He said: “It is true that together with police we arrested the three men. One of them, the lawyer, was arrested on Wednesday evening while the other two were arrested on Thursday evening. They will be charged soon and the police will be in a better position to indicate the charges against them","Iye anati: ""Ndi zoona kuti pamodzi ndi apolisi tinagwira azibambo atatuwo. M'modzi mwa iwo, wa zamalamula, anamagwidwa lachitatu madzulo ndipo awiri enawo lachinai madzulo. Iwo azengedwa mulandu posachedwa ndipo apolisi ndi amene ali ndikuthekera kosanja ndandanda wa milandu yawo.",general,social media +en10435,Mwandidya said the busting of the parallel Lands office has connected the missing links his ministry encounters daily as people complain about having their plots sold or one plot sold to more than one buyer,Mwandidya anati kubuka kwa ma office a malo osiyanasiyana kwalumikiza m'gwirizano osowa omwe unduna wake umakuna nawo tsiku ndi tsiku pomwe anthu amdandaula kukhala kuti malpot awo amagulitsidwa kapena plot imodzi kugulitsidwa kwa ogula apitilira mmodzi. ,general,social media +en10436,He said: “We have complaints often at our office where people complain of their plots being sold without their knowledge,"Iye anati: ""Ife timakhala ndi madandaulo nthawi zambiri ku maofesi athu amene amadandaula zogulitsidwa kwa mapuloti awo iwo asakudziwa.",general,social media +en10437,"Information corroborated with the ministry indicates that about six plots have since been confirmed to have been sold, but the proceeds were not remitted to the Malawi Government","Chidziwitso chogwirizana ndi Undunawo chikusonyeza kuti pafupifupi mapuloti asanu ndi imodzi ndi omwe atsimikizidwa kuti agulitsidwa, koma ndalama zake sizinaperekedwa ku boma.",general,social media +en10438,"He said: “This confirms that there is corruption in land transactions in Malawi which needs to be dealt with. There is need to revamp the land registry system, create an electronic one with various access authorities for various levels of officers","Iye adati: Izi zikutsimikizira kuti kuli katangale wambiri mu kachitidwe ka za malo m'Malawi zomwe zikufunika kuthana nazo.Pakufunika kudzutsanso system ya land registry, pangani ya electronic ya yoti adindo osiyanasiyana atha kuyifikira pa mulingo osiyanasiyana wama officer",general,social media +en10439,Silungwe observed that the current system is easy to tamper with because it is manual and that even junior officers can sign what would purport to be a bona fide title deed document,Silungwe anazindikira kuti njira yapanoyi ndi yosabvuta kuyisokoneza chifukwa ndi yapamanja ndipo ngakhale ofesala wa udindo wochepereko akhonza kusayina mopanda chikayiko chilichonse chikalata chotsimikizidwa cha umwini wa chinthu.,general,social media +en10440,"In the current busted syndicate, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development sources indicated that two of the rounded up suspects have strong connections with politicians","Mchitidwe wa chinyengo wangochitika kumenewu, Nkhani yochokera ku Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development ikutsimikiza kuti anthu awiri mwa anthu omwe anagwidwa ali pa ubale wamphamvu ndi anthu andale.",general,social media +en10441,The official also described as strange the release of the trio without being taken to court to be formally charged,A ofesalawa anafotokozanso kuti ndizodabwitsa zotulutsa atatuwo muchitokosi posawatengera ku bwalo la milandu kuti akazengedwe.,general,social media +en10442,"Issues of dubious land deals are not new in Malawi, especially in Lilongwe, as many people have complained of being duped","Nkhani zogulitsa malo mwachinyengo sizatsopano ku Malawi, makamaka ku Lilongwe, chifukwa anthu ambiri adandaula zopangidwa chipongwechi.",general,social media +en10443,Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) says while smuggling opaque beer into Malawi poses serious health risk; the malpractice is depriving government of tax revenues necessary for social services provision,"Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) akunena kuti pamene mchitidwe wozembetsa mowa polowa ku Malawi umadzetsa chiwophyezo pa umoyo wamunthu, mchitidwe woipawu ",general,social media +en10444,"In a published statement yesterday, MRA Commissioner General said the authority has observed some unscrupulous traders are smuggling opaque beer into the country","Mu chikalata chake chowulutsidwa dzulo, a MRA Commissioner General anati bungweli lazindikira kuti amalonda ena achinyengo akuzembetsa mowa mu dziko lino.",general,social media +en10445,He said the public tax collector has since intensified patrols and inspections in all business and trading centers of the country in order to seize any smuggled opaque beer with anybody caught to be punished in accordance with the Customs and Exercise Act,Iye anati Bungwe laboma loterera misonkhoyi yalimbikitsa tsopano kuyendera ndi kupanga kawuniwuni mu malonda ndi malo ochitira malonda a mu dziko lino ndi cholinga cholanda mowawu ndipo aliyense wogwidwa adzapatsidwa chilango mogwirizana ndi Exercise and Customs Act.,general,social media +en10446,"Smuggling and sale of opaque beer distorts market prices and creates unfair competition on the market. This is because smuggled beer is sold at low prices and as a result, the local beer industry will collapse leading to many people losing their jobs,” he said","Kuzembetsa katundu ndiku gulitsa mowa wa Opaque zimasokoneza mitengo ya misika ndipo imapangitsa mpikisano wokondera pa msika.Izi ndi chifukwa chakuti mowa ozembetsedwa umagulitsidwa pa ntengo otsika ndipo zotsatira zake industry yamowa wamwathu mommuno igwa kuchititsa anthu ambiri kutaya ntchito zawo, iye adatero",general,social media +en10447,"Last week, one of the beer manufactures Chibuku Products Limited (CPL) said it was not spared from smuggling adding the illicit sale of foreign Chibuku products has the effect of confusing buyers into thinking they are buying products of the company","Sabata latha, imodzi mwa makampane okonza mowa Chibuku Products Limited (CPL) anati iyonso yakhudzidwa ndi mtchitidwe wozembetsa mowawu kuwonjezerapo kugulitsa mozembera malamulo mowa wofanana wa kunja wa chibuku kuli ndi zotsatira zosokoneza ogula poganiza kuti akugula mowa wa kampaneyi",general,social media +en10448,"Those trading in these products do not pay taxes and do not pay for trading licenses. As a result, they are able to sell these products at far much lower prices than those of CPL, which are subject to licensing and tax","Iwo ochita malonda a mtundu uwu samalipira misonko ndiponso samalipira ziphaso zochitira malonda. Zotsatira zake, iwo amakhala ndikuthekera kogulitsa katunduyi pa mitengo yotsika kwambiri kusiyana ndi ya CPL, yomwe imagula chiphaso ndi kulipira msonkho.",general,social media +en10449,Legal practitioners do play a vital role in the administration of justice and preservation of the constitutional order in our nation,A ntchito za malamulo amagwira ntchito yotamandika pa ntchito yobweretsa chilungamo ndi kusunga malamulo akayendetsedwe ka dziko mu dziko lathu.,general,social media +en10450,"Over the years, a majority of practitioners have upheld their professional and ethical virtues, expected of this noble profession","Pakupita kwa zaka, ambiri mwa ogwira ntchitoyi asamala ukadaulo ndi chikhalidwe chabwino, zoyembekezereka mu ntchito yaulemuyi.",general,social media +en10451,"However, a case or two has been reported that a legal practitioner has embezzled client’s funds or indeed been involved in some professional misconduct","Komabe, chimodzi kapena ziwiri zakambidwapo kuti ogwira ntchito zamalamulowa asowetsa chuma cha client kapena mwachiwonekere akhudzidwa mu mchitidwe wosabvomerezeka mu ntchitoyi.",general,social media +en10452,"As a matter of fact, a majority of cases of professional misconduct reported to the Malawi Law Society (MLS) for disciplinary action do involve failure to account for clients’ funds or indeed in some instances, theft","Mwachidziwikire, nkhani zambiri zokhudza ukamberembere pa ntchitoyi kwadziwitsidwa ku Malawi Law Society (MLS) kuti afunsidwe, zimakhudza kulephereka kowerengetsera chuma cha Client, ndipo nthawi zina kuba kumene.",general,social media +en10453,The perception by the public has been that errant lawyers reported to MLS have not been dealt with decisively,Maganizo a gulu la anthu akhala akuti ma lawyer a errant anakapangidwa report ku MLS sanathane nawo molongosoka.,general,social media +en10454,"Just as medical doctors do take the Hippocratic Oath promising to take care of patients, the new Act prescribes an oath that legal practitioners must take before admission",Monga momwe amachitila ma doctor kutenga lumbiro la Hippocratic kulonjeza kusamala odwala.Lamulo la tsopano likulamula lolumbira la ogwira ntchito lizitengedwa asanayakhazikitsidwe.,general,social media +en10455,"In addition, the Disciplinary Committee is now given timeframes within which to dispense with matters, which is a period of 90 days. Previously, there was no timeframe leading to a backlog of cases","Powonjezera, Komiti yosungitsa mwamboyi imapatsidwa katalikidwe ka nthawi momwe angagamulire nkhani, imene ndi masiku okwana makumi asanu ndi anai. Nthawi yapitayo, panalibe malire a nthawi zomwe zimachititsa kukhala ndi nkhani zambiri zosakambidwa.",general,social media +en10456,"This was not helpful! The new Act has specified sanctions that the committee can met out and they include suspension, imposition of a fine, admonishment and advice to the Director of Public Prosecutions to institute criminal proceedings against the delinquent legal practitioner","Izi sizinali zothandiza. Chikalata cha malamulo atsopano chimene chili ndi njira zokhazikika zomwe komitiyo ingathe kupereka monga kuchotsedwa, kupereka chindapusa, kuchenjezedwa kwambiri ndikupatsa mphamvu kwa wa mkulu wa boma wozenga milandu kuyamba ndondomeko yotsegula mulandu wa mkulu wa zamalamulo wakamberembereyu.",general,social media +en10457,"There is now a presumption that where a lawyer receives money or other property from a client and fails to produce or account for the same, the court will convict him of embezzlement","Tsopano pali chitsimikizo choti pomwe woyimila wopalamula alandira ndalawi kapena katundu kochokera kwa woyimilidwa pa mlandu ndipo alephera kupereka kapena kuwerengetsera pa zimene analandirazo, bwalo la milandu lidzamuzenga mulandu wakuba. ",general,social media +en10458,This appears to be an appropriate response from the legislators considering the magnitude of the problem of embezzlement in the legal fraternity,Ili likukhala ngati yankho loyenera kuchokera kwa a zamalamulo potengera kuchuluka kwa vuto lokuba mu gulu la anthu ogwira ntchito za malamulo.,general,social media +en10459,Another frequent area of conflict between a practitioner and a client is justification of legal fees,Chinanso chimene chimadzetsa kusamvana pakati pa woyimira anthu pa mlandu ndi woyimiliridwa ndi malipiro ndi kufotokozera momveka bwino za malipiro awo,general,social media +en10460,"Often times, clients are disadvantaged as the practitioner has an upper hand. Where a client enters into an agreement in respect of legal fees, the new Act allows the client, within six months to challenge the agreement, in court, for being harsh, unconscionable, exorbitant or unreasonable","Nthawi zambiri, woyimilidwa pa mlandu amaponderezedwa pamene owayimila pa mlandu amakhala ndi mphamvu zambiri. Pamene woyimilidwa walowa mu mgwirizano pa ndalama zoti alipire, lamulo latsopanoli lamalola woyimilidwa pa mlandu, pasanathe miyezi isanu ndi umodzi, kutsutsa mgwirizanowu ku bwalo la milandu ponena kuti ndiwovuta, opanda umunthu, wokwera mtengo kapena wosamveka",general,social media +en10461,The High Court maintains the powers to discipline legal practitioners by striking them off the roll (disbarment); or suspending them for a period not exceeding two years or simply admonish them,Bwalo lalikulu lamilandu limakhalabe ndi mphamvu zolangila anthu ogwira ntchito za malamulo powaika pambali ; kapena kuwaimitsa kwanthawi yosapitirira zaka ziwiri kapena kungowachotsa.,general,social media +en10462,The fund is used to compensate persons who suffer loss as a result of theft committed by a legal practitioner or their employees. This will certainly alleviate the loss suffered through acts of misbehaving legal practitioners,Ndalama zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kupepesa anthu amene ataya katundu ngati zotsatira za kuba komwe kwapangidwa ndi anthu ogwira ntchito za malamulo kapena antchito awo. Izi mwachidziwikire zimachepetsa vuto lakutaya ndalala komwe kwadza kamba ka ogwira ntchito zamalamulo amakhalidwe oyipa,general,social media +en10463,Illegal water connections should not be treated with kid gloves and water boards need to stand up to stamp out the malpractices,Kulumikiza madzi mwachinyengo kusakhululukidwe ndipo mabungwe ogulitsa madzi akuyenera kuchilimika pothetseratu mchitidwe woipawu.,general,social media +en10464,Illegal water connections work to the disadvantage of water supplying institutions. If you can calculate the loss of water through such acts you will find that a lot of money is being wasted through illegal means,"Kulumikiza madzi mwachinyengo sikupindulira mabungwe opereka madzi. Ngati inu mungawerengetsere kubedwa kwa madzi kudzera njira imeneyi, inu mudzazindikira kuti ndalama zikuwonengeka pogwiritsa ntchito njira zosabvomerezeka.",general,social media +en10465,Confiscation and burning of illegal fishing nets from fishers unlawfully plying their trade in Lake Chilwa has been singled out as one of the effective ways to protect the remaining fish in the lake,Kulanda ndi kuwotcha maukonde achinyengo ophera nsomba kuchokera kwa asodzi omwe akupanga malonda awo osabvomeredwa mu nyanja ya Chilwa ndi chinthu chokhacho chimene chingathandize kuteteza nsomba zomwe zatsala mu nyanjayi.,general,social media +en10466,"He said due to the drying of the lake, WorldFish revived beach village committees and riverine village committees through traditional leaders and councilors by building their capacity on measures that need to be promoted for sustainable fishing practices","Iye anati chifukwa cha kuwuma kwa nyanja, a World Fish anayambitsanso ma beach village committees ndi ma riverine village committees kudzera kwa mafumu ndi makhansala powaphunzitsa kukhala ndi kuthekera pa njira zomwe zikufunika kupititsa patsogolo kawedzedwe ka nsomba kokhazikika.",general,social media +en10467,Chijere said they trained communities on the dangers of destroying breeding grounds for fish and the effects of using tiny fishing nets which pose a threat to fish species in the lake,Chijere anati iwo aphunzitsa magulu za kuwophsya kowononga malo ochulukitsira a nsomba ndi zotsatira zoipa zogwiritsa ntchito maukonde a nsomba ang'onoang'ono kumene kumadzetsa chiwophsyezo ku mitundu ya nsoma mu nyanjamo.,general,social media +en10468,"Upon realizing the cited dangers, the communities went into the lake and confiscated the illegal fishing nets. The burning of the impounded nets is a symbol of zero tolerance to illegal fishing,” he said","Pozindikira ziwophsyezo zatchulidwazi, maguluwa anapita kunyanja ndi kulanda maukonde a nsomba osabvomerezedwawo. Kuwotchedwa kwa maukonde olandidwawo ndi chizindikiro chosaloleratu kuwedza nsomba mosatsata malamulo. Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10469,Chijere said confiscation and burning of the illegal fish nets will be done during open and closed fishing seasons to change the mindset of fishers used to illegal fishing,Chijere anati kulanda ndi kuwotcha kwa maukonde a nsomba osabvomeredwawa kudzachitika nthawi yotsegula ndi yotseka nyengo yowedza nsomba posintha chizolowezi cha asodzi opha nsomba mosatsata malamulo.,general,social media +en10470,"A joint inspection exercise has busted an illegal cooking oil manufacturing firm in Limbe, Blantyre, which has been in operation for nine years, selling an uncertified product","Ntchito ya chipikisheni wothandizana wapezerera kampane yowenga mafuta ophikira mwachinyengo mu Limbe, Blantyre, imene yakhala ikugwira ntchito yake pa zaka zokwanira zisanu ndi mphambu zinai, kugulitsa chinthu chosabvomerezeka.",general,social media +en10471,"Hitherto, MBS, a government agency which is supposed to enforce standards, was not aware of the illegal activities of the firm, whose products could be hazardous to people","Mpaka pano, MBS, bungwe la boma limene likuyenera kulimbikitsa kapangidwe ka zinthu kobvomerezeka, silimadziwa za mchitidwe wosabvomerezekawu wa kampaneyi, zomwe katundu wake akhoza kukhala chiwophsyezo pa moyo wamunthu.",general,social media +en10472,"One of the employees at the oil manufacturing premises behind Limbe Market, who refused to disclose his name, said the cooking oil is supplied to businesspeople that operate restaurants in Blantyre, including vendors who fry Irish potato, as well as traders from Zomba, Mulanje and Thyolo","M'modzi mwa ogwira ntchito ku malo opangira mafuta ophikirawa kuseri kwa msika wa Limbe, amene anakana kutchula dzina lake, anati mafuta ophikirawa amagulitsidwa kwa anthu ochita malonda amene ali ndi malo ophika zakudya zogulitsa, kuwonjezerapo ochita malonda okazinga mbatatesi, ndi ochita malonda ochokera ku Zomba, Mulanje ndi Thyolo.",general,social media +en10473,"The employee, who was found manually purifying one of the drums by the time of the inspection, said the business, which is owned by a Mulanje-based businessperson was established in 2007 and manufactures cooking oil from soya beans","Wantchito, amene anapezeka akusungunula mafuta mu imodzi ya migolo pogwiritsa ntchito manja nthawi ya chipikisheni, anati bizinesiyi, imene mwini wake ndi wa ku Mulanje, inakhazikitsidwa mchaka cha 2007, imapanga mafuta ophikirawa kuchokera ku soya.",general,social media +en10474,"He said that on a good day, they sell up to six drums of oil at K540 per litre, depending on demand","Iye ananena kuti kukacha bwino, amagulitsa mpaka migolo isanu ndi umodzi wa mafuta pa mtengo wa K540 pa litre, kutengera momwe anthu achulukira.",general,social media +en10475,Their product seems to be a little cheaper as a one- litre bottle of cooking oil in a shop sells at around K1 500,"Katundu wawoyu akuwoneka wotsikako mtengo pang'ono chifukwa botolo la 1 litre la mafuta ophikira mu sitolo imagulitsidwa pa mtengo pafupifupi K1,500.",general,social media +en10476,"But in an interview on Monday, MBS director general, while admitting that they did not have a clue on the malpractice, said they will engage their legal team because the law does not allow such type of businesses to happen","Koma pa nthawi ya mchezo lolemba, mkulu wa MBS, pamene amabvomereza kuti iwo samadziwa chilichonse pa mchitidwe woipawu, anati iwo agwiritsa ntchito anthu awo azamalamulo chifukwa lamulo sililola mtundu wa malonda onga uwu udzichitika.",general,social media +en10477,"Now that we have discovered them, we are going to engage them to explain through our legal system. As MBS, we demand that all those who want to venture into such kind of businesses should register with us so that we properly assess their hygienic practices to ensure that we do not jeopardize the lives of the consumers,” he said","Tsopano poti ife tawapeza, Ife tikhala tikuwagwiritsa ntchito pofotokoza kudzera njira zanthu zamalamulo. Ngati MBS, tikupempha onse amene akufuna kuyamba malonda a mtundu umenewu, alembetse ndi ife kuti tikhoza kupanga kafukufuku woyenera pa nkhani ya ukhondo kuti titsimikize kuti sitikuika chiwophyezo pa moyo wa iwo ogula, iye anatero.",general,social media +en10478,"Chokazinga said by consuming this product, people risk their lives as it contains poisonous materials, adding that “even though they may seem cheap to buy on the market, they are actually the most expensive when it comes to dealing with complications arising from the consumption of such products”","Chokazinga anati pogwiritsa ntchito katundu uyu, anthu amaika miyoyo yawo pa chiwophyezo chifukwa katunduyu amapezeka ndi zinthu zowononga moyo, kuwonjezeranso kuti ""ngakhale kuti zimawoneka kuti ndi zotsika mtengo pogula pa msika, zowonadi zake izi ndizokwera mtengo kwambiri pamene tikuthana ndi zotsatira zobwera kamba kogwiritsa katundu monga ameneyu. ",general,social media +en10479,"He, however, said that court battles remain some of the greatest challenges that MBS is facing in its quest to flush out illegal manufacturers, saying last year alone, the bureau received four injunctions","Iye, ngakhale zili choncho, ananena kuti zobvuta za ku mabwalo a milandu zikukhalabe zina mwa zobvuta zazikulu zimene MBS ikukumana nazo mu khama lake lothana ndi amalonda opanga zinthu zachinyengo, ndikunena kuti chaka chatha choka, Bureauyo inalandira ziletso za milandu zokwana zinai.",general,social media +en10480,"Looking at the El Nino [phenomenon], one of the crops we are looking at is sorghum. As you know, it is a drought-tolerant crop and it is being tried in Nsanje","Powunika za nkhani ya El Nino (phenomenon), imodzi mwa mbewu imene ife tikuwunikapo ndi mawere. Monga mukudziwa, iyi ndi mbewu yopirira ku ng'amba ndipo ikudzalidwa ku Nsanje.",general,social media +en10481,Government has warned vendors against illegal buying of maize at Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) depots,Boma lachenjeza ochita malonda pa mchitidwe wogula chimanga mwachinyengo ku Agriltcutural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) depot,general,social media +en10482,"The warning comes at a time when the country is facing food shortage due to, among other things, floods that affected some parts of the country","Chenjezoli, likubwera pa nthawi imene dzikoli likukumana ndi mabvuto akuchepa kwa chakudya chifukwa cha, mwa zinthu zina, madzi osefukira amene anakhudza madera enda a dzikoli. ",general,social media +en10483,Admarc is rationing maize sales to 25 kilogrammes per person. But some vendors are reportedly conniving with officials to buy in bulk,Admarc yayika mulingo wa 25 kilogrammes pa malonda ake achimanga pa munthu aliyense. Koma zamveka kuti ochita malonda ena akupangana mwachinyengo ndi akuluakulu ogwira ntchito ku bungweli kugula chimanga chambiri.,general,social media +en10484,He has since urged communities to report to relevant authorities any suspicious conduct prevailing at the depots,Iye walimibikitsa magulu a anthu kukaneneza za mchitidwe uliwonse wokayikitsa wochitika pa ma depots ku mabungwe oyenera,general,social media +en10485,"What is happening is totally unacceptable because it is denying people access to food. May I ask the police to be on high alert and arrest anybody involved in the malpractice,” he said",Zimene zikuchitika ndi zosaloledwa konse chifukwa izi zikulepheretsa anthu kupeza chakudya. Ndikupempha a polisi akhale atcheru kwambiri ndi kugwira aliyense okhudzidwa ndi mchitidwe woipawu. Iye anatero.,general,social media +en10486,Member of Parliament (MP) for Phalombe complained that vendors are buying maize from the depots and selling it at exorbitant prices,Mphungu wa ku nyumba ya Malamulo (MP) wa ku Phalombe anadandaula kuti ochita malonda achimanga akugula chimanga mu misika ndi kugulitsa pamtengo wokwera kwambiri,general,social media +en10487,Nkhotakota Forestry Department on Saturday made a surprise raid in Dwambazi Forest Reserve where they destroyed Indian hemp and other crops planted by encroachers,Nkhotakota Forestry Departement pa tsiku loweruka anapanga chipikisheni chodzidzimutsa mu Dwambazi Forest Reserve kumene anawonoga chamba ndi mbewu zina zodzalidwa ndi anthu alowerera nkhalango.,general,social media +en10488,"Similar attempts to drive out the encroaching communities, particularly from traditional authorities Kanyenda and Kafuzira, have proven futile as encroachers continue breaking new ground","Mchitidwe wofanana ndi womwewu othamangitsa magulu olowerera malo otetezedwa, makamaka ochokera kwa ma Traditional Authority Kanyenda ndi Kafuzira, kwakhala kobvuta kamba koti anthu olowerera akupitiliza kulima malo atsopano ena.",general,social media +en10489,"The operation, jointly conducted with armed game rangers from African Parks which is managing Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve under a 20 year-long concession in a public private partnership arrangement, saw hundreds of hectares of Indian hemp, commonly called chamba, being destroyed while other crops such as beans, soya beans and maize were also slashed down","Chipikishenichi, chimene chikutika mothandizana ndi a game rangers ochokera ku African Parks amene akuyang'anira Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve m'malo mwaboma pa zaka zokwanira makumi awiri amene ali pa ngwirizano wa Private Public Partnership Arrangement, chinapangitsa ma hekitala ochuluka a Indian Hemp amene amatchuka ndi dzina loti ""chamba"" anawonongedwa pamene mbewu zina monga nyemba, soya ndi chimanga zinatchetchedwanso.",general,social media +en10490,"In an interview after the exercise, district forestry officer George Ziphophe said he is not happy with the rate at which the forest is fast being turned into a hotspot for cannabis cultivation","Pa nthawi ya mchezo atamaliza ntchitoyo, a District Forestry Officerr George Ziphophe anati iwo Sali okondwa ndi momwe nkhalango isanduka mwachangu kukhala malo a mtengo wapatali wolima chamba.",general,social media +en10491,"He said the forest is being targeted for cultivation because of its fertile soils. “There are a number of factors that compel these people to encroach into the forest. One such factor is fertility. The soils are very rich in mineral salts, hence, they do cultivate without fertilizer","Iye anati nkhalangoyi ikusankhidwa kukhala malo olima chifukwa cha nthaka yake yachonde. Pali zifukwa zambiri zimene zimapangitsa anthu amenewa kulima mu nkhalango yotetezedwa. Chimodzi mwa icho nthaka ya chonde. Dothi lake ndi lodzaza ndi michere yokulitsa mbewu, ndichifukwa chake amalima opanda kuthira feteleza.",general,social media +en10492,"Additionally, the moisture content is good such that they do farm in summer. But we cannot condone such illegal practice to prevail. We will take them head on,” he said","Kuwonjezerapo, kuchuluka kwa chinyotho ndi kwabwino kotero kuti amalima mu nyengo ya chilimwe. Koma sitingalekerere mchitidwe wopipawu kuti upitirire. Ife tiwakhawulitsa. Iye anatero. ",general,social media +en10493,"The Office of the Ombudsman has instituted investigations into complaints lodged by 69 individuals whose cases have stalled in courts without proper justification, some dating back to 23 years ago","Office ya Ombudsman yakhazikitsa kafukufuku mu madando operekedwa ndi anthu 69 omwe milandu yawo yakhalitsa mu mabwalo oweruza milandu, ina mpaka yatha zaka 23 zapitazo.",general,social media +en10494,"But Chief Justice said in an interview this week that apart from the Judiciary putting in place measures and mechanisms to ensure speedy delivery of judgements, Parliament passed into law the Courts Act that mandates judges to deliver rulings within 90 days failing which they will be disciplined","Koma a Chief Justice pa nthawi ya mchezo sabata ino anati kupatula a Judiciary kuika m'malo njira ndi ndondomeko pa kuwonetsetsa kuti milandu ikuweruzidwa mwachangu, Nyumba ya Malamulo yakhazikitsa lamulo la Court Act limene likulamula owereza kupereka chigamulo pasanathe masiku 90, ndipo kulephere kutero adzapatsidwa chilango.",general,social media +en10495,These developments come against the background of continued public discontentment over delayed justice in the courts in spite of repeated assurance from the Judiciary of putting in place strict measures for speedy justice delivery,Zochitikazi zikubwera kamba chifukwa cha kusakondwera kwa anthu pakuchedwetsa chiweluzo mu mabwalo a milandu ngakhale pali chitsimikizo chowirikiza chochokera kwa oweruza milandu pakuika m'malo ndondomeko zokhwima za kaweruzidwe ka milandu mwachangu.,general,social media +en10496,"As of 2019, about 6 766 people seeking justice through the Industrial Relations Court alone were yet to know their fate. Some of the cases were recorded at the court in 1999, according to published reports","Kuyambira mu chaka cha 2019, anthu okwana 6,766 ofuna chilungamo kudzera mu Industrial Relations Court yokha akudikirabe chiweruzo cha milandu yawo. Milandu ina inalembedwa m'chaka cha 1999, potsatira chikalata chosindikizika cha boma. ",general,social media +en10497,"The Office of the Ombudsman currently has 69 cases under investigations, where the respondent is the Judiciary. Some of the cases date back to 2 000","Office ya Ombudsman panopa ili ndi milandu yokwana 69 imene ikufufuzidwa, oyankha ake amene ali a Judiciary. Ina mwa milanduyi ndi ya m'chaka cha 2000.",general,social media +en10498,The cases are undergoing various complaints-handling processes in accordance with case-handling procedures within the office of the Ombudsman,Milanduyi ikudutsa m'malo angapo owunika madandu mogwirizana ndi malamulo a kawunikidwe ka nkhani mu office ya Ombusdman momwemo.,general,social media +en10499,"She, however, said the office was in continuous engagement with the Judiciary on the matters and has since made progress towards resolving the stalled cases","Iye, komabe, anati officeyo inalibe mu mgwirizano ndi a Judiciary pa nkhanizo ndipo yapitabe chitsogolo powunikanso milandu yokhalitsayi.",general,social media +en10500,"According to Pondani, all the complaints lodged with the Office of the Ombudsman are on civil matters and the cases in question are part of the routine complaints-handling the office carries out","Kutengera kwa Pondani, Madando onse omwe anaperekedwa ku office ya Ombudsman ndi zinthu zachiweniweni ndipo ma case ofunsidwa ndi gawo la madando a tsiku nditsiku omwe officeyi imathana nawo ",general,social media +en10501,"But the chief justice declined to disclose mechanisms his office has put in place, describing them as internal, but he insisted that they were making headway in clearing the backlog of the cases","Koma a Chief Justice anakana kuwulula ndondomeko zimene office yake yaika m'malo, kutanthauza kuti ndi zachiweniweni, koma iye anatsimikiza kuti akupita chitsogolo pothana ndi milandu yam'gonagonayo.",general,social media +en10502,Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament chairperson in an interview said it would be pleasing to note the Chief Justice living up to his word because the issue of delayed cases and judges delivering judgements within 90 days remains thorny,A Chairperson a Legal Affairs Committee ya nyumba ya malamulo mu mchezo anati chidzakhala chinthu chokondweretsa pakuwona a Chief Justice akuchita zomwe analonjeza chifukwa nkhani zochedwetsa milandu ndi kuchedwetsa chigamulo kuchokera kwa oweruza milandu pasanathe masiku 90 kukanali kobvutabe.,general,social media +en10503,"It has been our concern as well because justice delayed is justice denied. So we would want Malawians to get judgements on time. As a committee, we have been engaging the Judiciary but they have always been coming up with excuses","Ichi chakhala dandaulo lathunso chifukwa kuchedwa kwa chilungamo ndi kupha kumene. Ndiye tikufuna a Malawi alandire chiweruzo mu nthawi yoyenera. Ngati Committee, takhala tikukambirana ndi a Judiciary, koma nthawi zambiri akhala akupereka zifukwa. ",general,social media +en10504,"A human rights lawyer described the cases of delayed justice as unfortunate and a demonstration of gaps that exist in the justice delivery system, which have not been addressed for a long time","Lawyer wa za ufulu wafotokozera kuti kuchedwa kwa chilungamo ngati zovetsa chisoni ndipo chionetsero choti pali mpata mu chithuthu choperekera, zomwe sizinaonedwe kwa nthawi yayitali",general,social media +en10505,"This basically means so many rights and laws have been violated because people are failing to get redress from the courts that are not responding fully by way of speedy conclusion of the matters,” she said",Ichi makamaka chikutanthauza kuti maufulu ambiri ndi malamulo aphwanyidwa chifukwa anthu akulephera kupeza chipepeso kuchokera kumabwalo a milandu amene sakutsatira modzipereka pa nkhani yomaliza milandu mwachangu. Iye anatero.,general,social media +en10506,A human rights activist said people go to courts for speedy redress of their situations and if their cases take forever the status quo remains the same,Omenyera ufulu wachibadidwe anati anthu amapita ku mabwalo a milandu kuti alandire chipepenso mwachangu pa nkhani zawo ndipo ngati milandu itenga nthawi yayitali zinthu zikhalabe chimodzimodzi osasintha.,general,social media +en10507,It is surprising that at the moment judges are rushing into getting new cases yet they have in their trays cases dating back to 20 years ago,Ndi chinthu chodabwitsa kuti panopa oweruza milandu akuthamangira kulandira milandu yatsopano ngakhale mu matray mwawo muli milandu yakale yoposa zaka makumi awiri apitawa.,general,social media +en10508,That is why we have been advocating for the revamp of the case management system which would track old cases and flag out the lazy judges,Ichi ndi chifukwa chimene ife talimbikira kukonzanso case management system imene idzifufuza milandu yakale ndikuika pa mbalambanda oweruza milandu awulesi.,general,social media +en10509,He also urged authorities to advocate and enhance alternative dispute resolution settlement mechanisms to ensure that people have structures at community levels to address their concerns instead of rushing to courts that are already overwhelmed,Iye analimbikitsanso akuluakulu kubvomereza ndi kulimbikitsa njira zina zothetsera milandu ndondomeko ya chipepeso pa kuwonenetsa kuti athu ali ndi madongosolo ochitira zinthu ku malo amene akukhala ndi kuthandizidwa m'malo mothamangira ,general,social media +en10510,"In September last year, the Malawi Law Society (MLS) appointed a special task force to investigate alleged injustices at the High Court of Malawi in Lilongwe following alleged and an unjustified trend involving court users and judges","Chaka chatha mu mwezi wa September, a Malawi Law Society (MLS) anasankha special task force kuti afufuze nkhanza zimene zikuchitika ku High Court of Malawi, ku Lilongwe potsatira zomwe zikumveka ndi khalidwe lolakwika la pakati pa ogwiritsa ntchito mabwalo a milandu ndi oweruza milandu.",general,social media +en10511,"However, according to MLS President Patrick Mpaka, the probe was discontinued after the registrar of the High Court issued a strong letter disapproving the society’s effort to investigate delayed cases describing it as “an effort bordering on interference with the independence of the judiciary","Ngakhale zili choncho, kunena kwa MLS President a Patrick Mpaka, kufufuzaku kunayimitsidwa pamene a Registrar aku High Court anapereka chikalata champhamvu chosabvomereza chidwi cha bungweli kuchita kafukufuka pa nkhani yochedwetsa milandu ponena kuti, ""ichi ndi chidwi"" chofuna kukhala pafupi palowerera ufulu wa woima pa wokha wa Judiciary. ",general,social media +en10512,But he said when the issue was brought before his committee they summoned the Chief Justice and it was revealed that there are no mechanisms of disciplining judges,Koma iye anati pamene nkhaniyi inaperekedwa ku committee yake anaitana a Chief Justice ndipo zinaululika kuti palibe ndondomeko iliyonse yolangiza oweruza milandu. ,general,social media +en10513,"“He came to Parliament with his team from the Judicial Service Commission and when they were quizzed, it was discovered they don’t have any mechanism of disciplining wayward judges","Iye anabwera ku Nyumba ya Malamulo ndi gulu lake lochokera ku Judicial Service Commission ndipo pamene iwo anafunsidwa, zinadziwika kuti alibe ndondomeko iliyonse yolangira oweruza milandu odzikondawa.",general,social media +en10514,"Chinthenga said mosquito nets are designed to prevent mosquito bites and not for fishing as they catch all fish, including fish eggs on the shores","Chinthenga anati maukonde a udzudzu amapangidwa poteteza udzudzu kuti usalume ndipo osati kuwedzera nsomba chifukwa amawedza nsomba zonse, kuphatikiza mazira a nsomba a mphephete mwa nyanja.",general,social media +en10515,"Mosquito nets catch juvenile fish that could have been caught in future when they grow and sold at attractive prices,” he said","""Maukonde a udzudzu amagwira tinsomba tating'onoting'ono zimene zikanatha kuwedzedwa mtsogolo zitakula ndikugulitsidwa pa mtengo wabwino"", iye anatero.",general,social media +en10516,"Group village head Mbalu of Traditional Authority Mwambo, whose village is along the lake, acknowledged that most fishers use mosquito nets in the lake due to ignorance of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy (2016) which seeks to promote sustainable fisheries resource utilization and aquaculture development in the country","A Group Village Head Mbalu a mwa Traditional Authority Mwambo, umene mudzi wake uli mphephete mwa nyanja, anabvomereza kuti asodzi ambiri amagwiritsa ntchito maukonde a udzudzu chifukwa chosazindikira za National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy (2016) imene imafuna kupititsa patsogolo sustainable fisheries resource utilization ndi aquaculture development mu dziko lino.",general,social media +en10517,"Mbalu suggested that to reverse the situation, government, fishing communities, security agencies and the Judiciary should work together to fight the malpractice","A Mbalu anawunikira kuti mtchitidwewu kuti uthe, boma, magulu owedza nsomba, mabungwe achitetezo ndi a zamalamulo agwire ntchito limodzi kulimbana ndi mchitidwe woipawu.",general,social media +en10518,Malawi Police Service says it is investigating the sources of money and which banks the five women arrested on suspicion of forex externalization were involved with,Malawi Police Service ikunena kuti ikufufuza gwero la ndalama ndi ma bank atiwo azimai asanu anamangidwa powaganizira kuti akukhudzidwa ndi mtchitidwe wotulutsa ndalama zakunja.,general,social media +en10519,"He said: “Investigations are underway to establish the businesses involved, how long such transactions have been happening and how much was externalized and through which banks, but also the sources of money","Iye anati; ""Kafukufuku ali mkati kuti adziwe ndi malonda ati amene akukhudzidwa, zatenga nthawi yayitali bwanji mchitidwe umenewu ukuchitika ndi ndalama zochuluka bwanji zimene zatulutsidwa kunja kudzera ku mabank anji, komanso ndi komwe ndalama zikuchokera.",general,social media +en10520,This follows the arrest of five women at Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe last Wednesday who were found with 338 ATM cards suspected to have been used in externalizing forex,Izi zikutsatira kumangidwa kwa azimai asanu pa Kamuzu International Airport la chitatu sabata yatha amene anapezeka ndi ma khadi a ATM 338 amene akuwaganizira kuti amagwiritsidwa ntchito potulutsa ndalama zakunja.,general,social media +en10521,"He said the police suspect that the five women were working with big businesses in the country to launder money and externalize forex, and that banks were party to the illegal transactions","Iye anati a police akuwaganizira kuti azimai asanuwa amagwira ntchito limodzi ndi ochita malonda akuluakulu a m'dziko lino pakupeza ndalama mwachinyengo ndi kutulutsa ndalama zakunja, ndipo nawo mabank anali mbali imodzi ya mchitidwe wosabvomerezakawu.",general,social media +en10522,"The police spokesperson, however, said police they are yet to establish how much forex the five women externalized","Mneneri wa Polisi, komabe, anati a police akanali mkati wofufuza kachulukidwe ka ndalama zakunja zomwe azimai asanuwa anatulutsa.",general,social media +en10523,"Meanwhile, economic expert, posting on his social media page, feared that more people could be involved in such kind of forex externalization and money laundering","padakali pano, katswiri wa pazachuma, patsamba lake lamchezo, anali ndi mantha oti anthu ochuluka akhoza kukhudzidwa mu mchitidwe wotulutsa ndalama zakunja ndi kupeza ndalama pogwiritsa ntchito njira zosabvomerezedwa.",general,social media +en10524,"In an interview on Sunday, he said when externalization is done at such a large scale, supply of forex becomes low which in turn leads to devaluation of the kwacha","Pa mchezo pa tsiku lasabata, iye anati pamene ndalama zochuluka zakunja zitulutsidwa mwachinyengo, kapezedwe ka ndalama zakunja kamachepa zimene zimapangitsa ndalama ya Kwacha kuchepa mphamvu.",general,social media +en10525,"When devaluation happens, people who trade in forex benefit. However, consumers suffer more as they have to pay more for goods,” said the economic expert","Pamene kuchepa mphamvu kwa ndalama kuchitika, anthu omwe amapanga malonda a ndalama zakunja amapeza phindu. Komabe, anthu ogula amabvutika kwambiri chifukwa amalipira ndalama zochuluka pa katundu , anatero katswiri wa pazachumayu.",general,social media +en10526,"He further observed that this is not the first time that the country has recorded such a case; hence, called for a “very alert Fiscal Police” to curb the malpractice",Iye anazindikiranso kuti aka sikoyamba kuti dzikoli lapezeka ndi nkhaniyi; nchifukwa chake zikufunika kukhala ndi a Fiscal Police a changu kuti athane ndi mchitidwe woipawu.,general,social media +en10527,"Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) spokesperson expressed concern over the forex externalization, but he asked for a questionnaire to respond on the matter","Mneneri wa Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) anakhudzika pa mchitidwe wotulutsa ndalama zakunja, koma iye anapempha chikalata chamafunso kuti ayankhepo pa nkhaniyi.",general,social media +en10528,"Malawi is struggling with forex challenges, with the country’s forex reserves currently at about one month import cover","Dziko la Malawi likubvutika ndi mabvuto akusowa kwa ndalama zakunja, ndi kutengera kuti nkhokwe yathu ya ndalama zakunja ikungokwanira kulipira kwa mwezi umodzi katundu wa kunja.",general,social media +en10529,"The shortage of forex has made it hard for the country to import strategic commodities such as fuel, fertilizer and medical supplies","Kusowa kwa ndalama za kunja kwachititsa kuti dziko libvutike poyitanitsa katundu wofunikira kwambiri monga mafuta a galimoto, feteleza ndi mankhwala akuchipatala.",general,social media +en10530,"The advance payment for fertilizer to agents, according to farmers we have spoken to, was to ensure a smooth process than challenges previously faced in redeeming the commodity","Kuperekeratu kwa ndalama zogulira feteleza ku ma agents, kudzera kwa alimi omwe talankhulana nawo, kunali koti tikhale ndi ndondomeko yabwino osati mabvuto amene analipo mbuyomu polandira katunduyi.",general,social media +en10531,"But while we could not verify the exact number of beneficiaries affected by the arrangement, the K35 000 paid was for two bags of fertilizer and transport","Koma ngakhale ife sitinathe kutsimikiza nambala yeniyeni ya alimi osankhidwa okudzidwa ndi ndondomekoyi, K35,000 imeneyi inalipira matumba awiri a feteleza ndi ndalama yoyendera.",general,social media +en10532,"He said: “They are confused since they anticipated that by now they would have received the fertilizer and seed. So, as it is, they remain stranded.”","Iye anati; ""Iwo azunguzika mutu chifukwa iwo ankawona ngati kuti pofika pano akhala atalandira feteleza ndi mbewu. Ndiye, momwe ziliri, iwo akhalabe choncho.",general,social media +en10533,Mazingati said if they will not have the fertilizer by Monday beneficiaries will take to task the Ministry of Agriculture through the district council,Mazingati anati ngati iwo sakhala ndi feteleza pofika lolemba anthu osankhidwawa athana ndi Unduna wa zamalimidwe kudzera ku District council.,general,social media +en10534,"When we were making the payments we were told that we would easily access the fertilizer. We were told that we would not have to spend long hours in queues to redeem the inputs. But this is worrying that we have received nothing since we paid,” she said",Pamene tinkapereka ndalama tinawuzidwa kuti tidzapeza feteleza mosabvutikira. Ife tinawuzidwa kuti sitidzataya nthawi tili pa mzere kuti tipeze zipangizo zotsika mtengozi. Koma ichi chikutidandaulitsa popeza sitinalandire kalikonse chiperekereni ndalama. Iye anatero.,general,social media +en10535,He said: “This threatens the livelihoods and security of the affected farmers. We call on government to confirm if this practice is part of the official procedures in AIP delivery and to ensure that farmers that have been affected are promptly supported,Iye anati; Izi zikupereka chiwophyezo pa umoyo ndi chitetezo cha alimi okhudzidwawa. Ife tikupempha boma kuti lititsimikizire ngati mchitidwe uwu ndi gawo limodzi la ndondomeko zobvomerezeka mu kayendetsedwe ka AIP ndi kuwonenetsa kuti alimi okhudzidwawa akuthandizidwa mwachangu.,general,social media +en10536,"Also, the investment we made in the programme this year will also be put to waste. An opportunity lost where yet another potent policy tool is not achieving results due to poor management","Komaso, Investment yomwe tapanga mu programme chaka chinoipititsidwaso pachabe.Mwayi wotayika pamenechida cha policy ina yakuthekera siyikukwniritsa zotsatira zoyenera chifukwa chakayendetsedwe kosakhala bwino.",general,social media +en10537,"He said in an interview yesterday that his office’s legal opinions, as the chief legal adviser to government, are given out under strict lawyer-client confidentiality terms and always written and founded on a point of law, with legal authorities cited in some cases","Iye anati mu interview dzulo kuti maganizo a lamulo la office,ngati mulangizi wankulu wa zamalamulo wa boma, umaperekedwa pansi pa mgwilizano wa chinsisi wa lawyer ndi client ndipo nthawi zonse amalembedwa ndikuyambitsidwa kutengera pa lamulo ndipo adindo amalamulo kupangigwa cite nthawi zina",general,social media +en10538,"Nyirenda said: “At no point will I disown any of my legal opinions. These legal opinions are formulated after thorough legal researches and are based on legal principles. In some situations, we go as far as citing case authorities and even making reference to court judgements","Nyirenda anati 'munjira ina iliyonse sindikane maganizo anga pa zamalamulo. Maganizo pa malamulo amenewa akhadzikitsidwa potsatira kulingalira mozama kafukufuku wamalamulo ndipo atsamira pa nsanamira za malamulo. Mu zochitika zina, timapeleka zitsanzo za ena omwe anakambaponso nkhani ngati zimenezi ndipo kugwiritsanso ngati chitsanzo zigamulo zomwe zinapekedwa",general,social media +en10539,I have been made aware of the summoning of a principal secretary responsible for technical services in the Ministry of Agriculture before the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture last Wednesday where the tag phrase coming out is that I approved the deal,Ine ndawuzidwa za kuyitanidwa kwa a Principal Secretary oyang'anira za technical services mu Unduna wa za Malimidwe ndi komiti ya nyumba ya malamulo yoyang'anira zamalimidwe lachitatu lapita pamene yankho lawo limatanthauza kuti ineyo ndi amene ndinabvomereza za mchitidwewu.,general,social media +en10540,"He said it is common knowledge that the Ministry of Agriculture was dealing with politicians at that meeting and politics being what it is and for political expedience, the likelihood is high that the politicians that form that committee would ask questions aiming at getting responses their ears would want to hear","Iye anati ndi chachidziwikire kuti Unduna wa za Malimidwe +-magwira limodzi ndi andale pa msonkhanowo ndipo podziwa m'mene ndale zimakhalira ndi kuti apitilire kupanga zandale, ndi chinthu chachidziwikire kuti andale omwe ali mu komitiyi afunsa mafunso ndi cholinga chofuna kumva mayankho okomera iwo.",general,social media +en10541,"He said: “We demanded a report, but what we observed was they did not come prepared. We know the importance and urgency of the issue. We know Malawians are going to pay for this fertilizer","Iye anati: ""Ife tinawapempha report, koma chimene tinazindikira ndi chakuti iwo anabwera osakozekera. Ife tikudziwa zakufunika kwambiri kwa nkhaniyi. Ife tikudziwa kuti aMalawi ndi omwe alipire ndalama za feterezayu.",general,social media +en10542,"We want to know how this deal was done, how was it identified and who are local representatives of this firm","Ife tikufuna tidziwe momwe mchitidwewu unachitikira, momwe unasankhidwira ndi ndani achimalawi amene akuyimirira kampaniyi.",general,social media +en10543,"They are calling it barter trade, but why is government giving them sovereign guarantees? What are these clauses for that? If we fail to supply the produce government is going to pay? It does not make sense","Iwo akuti ndi malonda osinthana, koma ndi chifukwa chiyani boma likuwapatsa umwini wodziyimira pawokha? Kodi izi zikutanthauzanji? Ngati ife tilephere kupereka mbewuzo, kodi boma lidzalipira? Izi zilibe tanthauzo.",general,social media +en10544,"Contract documents indicated that government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, offered East Bridge Estate to supply the fertilizer. According to the documents, the ministry had been discussing with East Bridge East since late last year and the deal was concluded last month","Zikalata za Contract zikunena kuti Boma, kudzera ku Unduna wa za Malimidwe, linalola East Bridge Estate kuti apereke fetelezayo. Momwe makalata akunenera, Undunawo wakhala ukukambirana ndi East Bridge Estate kuyambira chaka chatha ndipo ndondomekoyi yamalizika mwezi watha.",general,social media +en10545,"However, it later transpired that in September 2022, Smallholder Farmers Fertiliser Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM) signed another contract with a foreign company dealing in oil and fish products to supply fertilizer, compelling the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture to summon the ministry","Komabe, zinadziwika kuti mu September 2022, Smallholder Farmers Fertiliser Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM) anasainalana contract inanso ndi kampani yakunja yomwe imawenga mafuta ndi kupanga katundu wochokera ku nsomba zimene zinachititsa Parliamentary Committee ya za Malimidwe kuitana ndi kufunsa Undunawu.",general,social media +en10546,Let me start with a disclaimer. I am not a Chilima supporter or indeed of any political party or candidate. In saying all that I want to say I am just using my birthright to express my views from a layman’s understanding on what I think is the position of the law on an interesting subject,Inde ndiyambe ndikukana. Inde sindili mbali imodzi ndi Chilima kapenanso wa chipani chilichonse kapenanso candidate. Ponena zonsenzi ndingofuna kugwiritsa ntchito ufulu wanga wachibadwidwe kunenapo maganizo anga ochokera kaganizidwe ka munthu wamba pa zimene ndikuganiza m'mene lamulo liliri pa nkhani yosangalatsayi.,general,social media +en10547,I want to join the current but trite debate on whether or not Vice-President Chilima is eligible to stand as a presidential candidate in 2025,Ine ndikufuna kutengapo gawo pa mtsutso wopanda pake womwe ukuchitika panowu ngati wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko Chilima ali woyenera kuyima pa udindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 2025,general,social media +en10548,The debate is likely to recur as we edge closer to the next Presidential elections in two years’ time,Mtsutsowu ukuwoneka kuti udzayambiranso pamene tikuyandikira masankho akubwerawa a mtsogoleri wa dziko mu zaka ziwiri zikubwerazi.,general,social media +en10549,"Chilima has served as State Vice-President for two consecutive terms. First, under the Peter Mutharika’s administration, from 2014 to 2019, extended to June 2020 by the Constitutional Court ruling","Chilima wagwira ntchito ngati wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko kwa maulendo awiri otsatizana. Poyamba, pansi pa ulamuliro wa a Peter Mutharika, kuchokera mu chaka cha 2014 kufika chaka cha 2019, ndikupitiriza mpaka chaka cha 2020 potsatira chigamulo cha bwalo la milandu lowona za malamulo. ",general,social media +en10550,The clause stipulates that the President shall hold office for five years from the date that his or her oath of office is administered,Lamulo limanena kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko adzagwira ntchito yake yake kwa zaka zisanu kuchokera tsiku lomwe walumbiritsidwa,general,social media +en10551,"The same clause states that the President, First Vice-President and Second Vice-President may serve in their respective capacities for a maximum of two consecutive terms","Lamulo lomweronso limanena kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko, wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko komanso wachiwiri kwa wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko akhonza kutumikira mu maudindo awo kulekezera ma maulendo awiri.",general,social media +en10552,"Both, politicians and their supporters are divided on the matter. So far, it looks like the majority of those who have taken the stand that Chilima will not stand as a presidential candidate in 2025 do not actually want the man to ascend to the high office","Onse, andale ndi anthu owatsatira awo agawanika pa mfundoyi. padakali pano, zikuwoneka ngati ambiri a iwo amene akubvomereza kuti Chilima sadzaima nawo pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko m'chaka cha 2025, sakufuna kuti munthuyi akwere pa mpando wa pamwambowu.",general,social media +en10553,"They are merely politicking and advancing their political wishes. If Chilima wants to present himself as a presidential candidate in 2025, nothing will bar him from doing so","izi ndi za ndale chabe ndkuonetsera zofuna zawo pa ndale. Ngati Chilima akufuna kudzipereka yekha ngati candidate wa president mu 2025, palibe chilichose chimgamutchinge kupanga choncho.",general,social media +en10554,"While he will be barred from standing as a vice-president—because of the Third Term issue—as a presidential candidate, Chilima will not be seeking a Third Term in office. He will be seeking a first term in office as State President of this country","Pamene adzaletsedwe kuyima ngati wachiwiri kwa presidemt- chifukwa cha nkhani ya third term-ngati candidate wa president, Chilima sangafune kukhalaso ka chitatu mu office. Afuna kuyima koyamba ngati President wa dziko lino",general,social media +en10555,Former president Bakili Muluzi was barred from seeking a third term in office because he had already served two maximum consecutive terms,M'tsogoleri wa dziko wakale Bakili Mulizi analetsedwa kufunaso kulowa mu office kachitatu chifukwa anali atagwira kale kwa zaka ziwiri zotsogozana,general,social media +en10556,Chilima has not served as State President of this country. It was on the same basis that former vice-president Justin Chimera Malewezi (may his soul continue resting in eternal peace) contested for the presidency in 2004 after he had served as State Vice-President of Malawi from 1994 to 2004 in the United Democratic front-led administration,Chilima sanagwirepo ntchito ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko mu dziko lino.Zinali kutengera zofanana zomwezi kuti wachiwiri wa mtsogoleri wakale wa dziko Justin Malewezi( Mzimu wake uwuse mu ntendere) anapikisano nawo pa utsogoleri wa dziko mu 2004 atagwira ngati wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wadziko kuchoker 1994 mpaka 2004 mu United Democratic front-led administration,general,social media +en10557,"If they don’t want to see his face on the ballot paper, they better come with another prank. Or better still they should start strategizing now about how they can floor him on the ballot","Ngati sakufuna kudzawona nkhope yake ballot paper, abwerre ndi bodza lina. Kapena mwinatu ayambe kupanga njira yina panopa zokhudza momwe angamuchotsere pa ballot",general,social media +en10558,Legal practitioners are aware of this and are not coming in the open to give their legal opinion because they don’t like providing pro bono services knowing very well they can make a killing out of this,Ogwira nthito zamalamulo akudziwa za izi ndipo sakutuluka poyera kupeleka maganizo awo chifukwa sakonda kupeleka upangiri wamalamulo mwaulele podziwa kuti akhoza kupha makwacha munkhanizi,general,social media +en10559,"But since there is no shortage of time wasters all around us, some people will still try to stop Chilima from contesting as a presidential candidate in 2025","Koma chifukwa sipasowa anthu otayitsa nthawi palipose, anthu ena ayesetsabe kumuyimitsa Chilima kupikisana nawo ngati candidate wa president mu 2025",general,social media +en10560,"Four years after Escom blocked ACB from probing a K1.4 billion procurement scam at the power utility, the bureau has now concluded its investigations and wants the suspects prosecuted","Patatha zaka zinayi ESCOM italetsetsa ACB kufufuza kuchokera pazautambwali ogula wa k1.4 billion kuzogula za mphavu zothandiza, bureay-yi yamalizitsa zofufuza ndipo likufuna oganiziridwa amangidwe",general,social media +en10561,"And on March 26 2020, Matemba approved a request from the investigator to proceed with prosecution of the suspects","Ndipo pa 26 March, 2020, Matemba inavomereza pempho kuchokera kwa ofufuza kuti apitilize kumuyimba mulandu oganiziridwa ",general,social media +en10562,"But, in an interview on Thursday, Matemba could neither confirm nor deny the contents of the memo, arguing that such correspondences are internal processes at the bureau, and not for public consumption","Koma atafunsidwa mafunso lachinayi, Matemba sanatsimike kapena kukana zomwe zalembedwa mukalatamo, ponena kuti anali makatala olemberana kuntchito kwawo ndipo sakuyenera kufika kunja kwa malo awo ogwilira ntchito",general,social media +en10563,"The public is interested in actions and not in what is happening or what we are doing internally in the ACB,” he said",Gulu likusangalatsidwa ndi zochitika osati zomwe zikuchitika kapena kapena zomwe tikuchita nkatikati mu ACB,general,social media +en10564,"Matemba also said ACB is yet to write the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), to seek authorization to prosecute the suspects as required by law. He could not also say why ACB has not yet written the DPP","Matemba ananena kuti ACB ilembera posachedwapa Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP),kufuna chilolezo choyimba mulandu oganiziridwawo momwe zikuyenerera mu malamulo. Komaso sananene kuti ndichifukwa chani sanalemberebe DDP.",general,social media +en10565,"According to the memo, ACB’s legal opinion to prosecute the suspects is, among others, based on witness statements as well as documents from witnesses secured when taking the statements","Kutengela memo-yo, maganizo a malamulo a ku ACB oyimba mulandu oganiziridwa ndi, mwaena mwa ziana,kutengera pa umboni wolemba komasoma document ochokera kwa mboni omwe anatengedwa pomwe amatenga statement",general,social media +en10566,"My legal opinion … shows that the procurement procedures were not followed when purchasing the goods. Analyze documents and witness statements included in the docket which show that there was indeed misprocurement,” reads part of the memo which was attached to a 20-page, legal opinion","Maganizo aga amalamulo.. Akuonetsa kuti ndondomeko yogulira sinatsatidwe pogula katundu. Document yozukutidwa ndi statement ya mboni inaphatikizidwa mu chikalata chofotokozera zoperekedwa kwa katundu yomwe ikuwonetsa kuti panalidi kusagula bwino, ikutero gawo la memo lomwe linaphatikizidwa ku masamba makumi awiri a legal opinion",general,social media +en10567,The probe followed a complaint ACB received on September 21 2016 from an informant that there was political interference in the manner the contracts as well as payment to suppliers of over K4 billion was made,"kufufuzako kunatsatidwa kulandira dando lomwe ACB linalandira pa 21 September,2016 kuchoka kwawo kwawodziwitsa kuti kuli kulowererapo pa ndale nira imene ma contract ndimalipiro zinapangidwira ",general,social media +en10568,"The complaint added that goods were supplied without proper documentation and that procedures were not followed, a development that led to the resignation of Escom director of finance Betty Mahuka","Dandaulo linaonjezera kuti katundu anaperekedwa opanda mapepala ndi dongosolo silinatsatidwe,zochitika zomwe zinachititsa kuti Escom director of finance Betty Mahuka",general,social media +en10569,But she said the bureau could not discuss the scope of the investigation to avoid prejudicing the process as investigations were ongoing,koma anati bureau sinakambirane zonse za zofufuza kuti apewe kukondera pamene zofufuzazo zinali zili nkati,general,social media +en10570,"With about a year to the 2025 deadline for eliminating child labour and all its worst forms, stakeholders in the labour sector have acknowledged the need for more efforts to reach the target","Pano ndipafupifupi chaka kuti tifike 2025 malire akuthetsa ntchito za ana ndi zonse zoyipitstsa zamachitidwe ena,anthu okhudzidwa mu gawo la zantchito avomereza kuti pakufunika mphavu zambiri kuti tifikire target ",general,social media +en10571,"The goal calls for the immediate and effective measures to end child labour in all forms by 2025 as well as eradicating forced labour; ending modern slavery and human trafficking; and eliminating the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers",Cholinga ndichomemeza ndikukhala ndijira zogwira bwino kuti tithetse ntchito za ana ya mitundu yonse chikamafika 2025 komaso kuthetsa nthcito yokakamiza ; kuthetsa ukapolo wamakono ndiku zembetsa anthu ndikuthetsa ntundu wankhanza oyipitsitsa kuphatikiza kulemba ndikugwiritsa ntchito asilikali achichepere,general,social media +en10572,"Among other things, Secretary for Labour Wezi Kayira noted that the implementation of ending child labour in agriculture; and strengthening the prevention and elimination of child labour, including its worst forms, forced labour, modern slavery","Mwazina, mlembi wa Labour Wezi Kayira anazindikira kuti kukhazikitsa ntchito za ana ku ulimi; ndikulimbikitsa kupewa ndikuthetsa ntchito za ana, ntchito zokakamiza, ukapolo wamakono",general,social media +en10573,"Our goal is to see zero percent of child labour in the country by 2025. And we are already late in our efforts, with only about one and a half years remaining. So, the government has to put much effort to ensure that they reach the target,” he said","Cholinga chathu ndikuti tione opanda percent iliyose pa ntchito ya ana mu dziko lino ikamati 2025. Ndipo tatha ntunda kale pa ntchito yathu,pamene pangotsala chaka ndi theka, choncho, boma likuyenera kuyika khama kuti lionetsetse kuti yafikira target, iye adatero",general,social media +en10574,"Nonetheless, he said, looking at the roadmap that has been developed, Malawi is going in the right direction where child labour will be eliminated from the agriculture sector which include the tea sector, the coffee sector and the tobacco sector","Komabe, iye anati, kuyanga'na chilondolelo chomwe chapangidwa, Malawi ikupita ku njira yoyenera komwe ntchito za ana zidzathetsedwe ku gawo la zamalimidwe kuphatikizapo ku tea, gawo ya coffee ndi gawo ya fodya",general,social media +en10575,"Asked where he is getting the confidence for meeting these targets, Makondetsa said: “more efforts are being put in place and as ILO, we are convinced that government is going to achieve this and make Malawi child labour free","Kufunsidwa kuti kudzikhulupilra kumeneko akutenga kuti pofikira ma target menewo, Makondetsa adati; Chidwi chambiri chikuikidwa mmalo ndipo ngati ILO,ndife okhutitsidwa kuti boma likwaniritsa zimenezi ndikupanga Malawi opanda ntchito za ana",general,social media +en10576,"We really have to work very hard, but looking at the commitment of the government, we are assured that this will be achieved"," Tikuyenera kulimbikira kwambiri ndithu, koma kuyanga'na kudzipereka kwa boma, tili otsimikizika kuti izi zitheka.",general,social media +en10577,She further pledged Ecam’s commitment to leading employers in the country to intensify the efforts to eliminate child labour and its worst forms,anapitiliza kulonjeza chithandizo cha Ecam pakudzipereka ktsogorera ogwira ntchito mu dziko lino kulimbikira kwmbiri ntchito yothetsa kugwira ntchito kwa na ndi maonekedwe ake oyipitsitsa,general,social media +en10578,"In cities and towns, talk is that street-connected children are little monsters with no regard for human dignity and life","m'mizinda ikuluikulu ndi yaying'ono, zokamba ndizoti ana oyendayenda mmisewo nditizigawenga tingo'noting'no omwe alibe ulemu wa umunthu ndi moyo",general,social media +en10579,"But this conception is a thorn in the flesh of the children, who claim to be suffering abuse themselves at the hands of law enforcers and have taken the bold action of reporting the ‘atrocities’ to the authorities","koma malingaliro awa ndi minga mu nnofu mwa ana, omwe akunena kuti amasautsika ndi nkhanza mmanja mwa okhwimitsa lamaulo ndipo atenga ganizo lilimba pokawaneneza pazankhanza kwa adindo",general,social media +en10580,"George [not real name], 14, became a street child after losing his parents to HIV and has been struggling to get food and shelter","George,osati dzina lake , khumi ndi zinayi,anakhala mwana woyendayenda m'misewu atataya makolo ake ku HIV ndipo wakhala akuvutika kupeza chakudya ndipokhala",general,social media +en10581,"To make matters worse, some of his parents’ relations grabbed the little property his parents left for him, leaving him and siblings destitute","Kupanga ziinthu kuvutiravutira, abale ena a makolo ake anaanda katundu ochepa yemwe makolo ake anamusiye iye, kumusiya iye ndi azibale ake opanda kanthu ",general,social media +en10582,"I had nowhere to go and, eventually, ended up in the streets, where I do piecework. For instance, I carry people’s luggage,” George says","Ndinalibe kulikonse kopita ndipo zotsatira zake ndinathera mu nsewu, momwe ndimapanga Maganyu. Mwachitsanzo, ndimanyamula katundu wa anthu;George anatero",general,social media +en10583,"Things have been working well until recently when, according to him, law enforcers started manhandling them","Zinthu zakhala zikuyenda bwino kufikila posachedwapa pomwe , kutengera kwa iyeyo, anthu amalamuloanayamba kuwagwila mwankhanza.",general,social media +en10584,There are several challenges we are facing at the hands of police such that we cannot even walk freely in town. It is as if we are irregular immigrants in our own country,Pali zovuta zambiri zomwe tikukumana nazo mmanja mwa a police monga kuti sitingayande momasuka m'town . Zili ngati kuti ndi obwera mu dziko lathu lomwe,general,social media +en10585,"Police are telling us not to be coming to town even when we want to come here [town] to buy commodities. They brand us as criminals,” he says","A police akutiuza ife kuti tisamabwere m'tawuni ngakhale tikafuna kugula zinthu.amatitenga ngati opalamula, iye akutero",general,social media +en10586,"The sentiments are corroborated by others. For instance, 15-year-old James [not real name] says he has, more than once, been chased from town by police","Zoyankhulazi zikutsimikizidwa ndi ena. Mwachitsanzo, James wa zaka 15 (dzina sititchula) akunena kuti kwa nthawi zoposa kamodzi wakhala akuthamangitsidwa kuchoka mumzinda ndi a chitetezo cha mdziko a boma",general,social media +en10587,"I am surprised that police have concluded that all street-connected children are criminals. This is hasty generalization,” he points out. He says they are now living in fear and cannot trust even the police","Ndili odabwa kuti a police amalizitsa malingaliro awo kuti ana onse oyendayenda m'misewu ndi opalamula.Izi ndikutengera chizolowezi, iye kutero. Iye akuti iwo panopa akukhala amantha ndipo sangakhulupirire ngakhale a police ",general,social media +en10588,"Recently, over 40 street-connected children were arrested around Limbe and Blantyre for allegedly taking part in robberies that have been reported in Blantyre and Lilongwe","Posachedwapa, ana oyendayenda m'misewu opitirira makumi anayi anamgidwa mu Limbe ndi Blantyre poganiziridwa kutengapo mbali pakuba komwe kunachitika mu Blantyre ndi Lilongwe",general,social media +en10589,"Following the development, a group of street-connected children have written a petition to the office of the Independent Complaints Commission (ICC), expressing concern over police brutality and other issues","Potsatira zochitikazi, gulu la ana oyendayendayenda m'misewu, yalemba kalata ya pempho kunthambi ya Independent Complaints Commission zokhudza nkhaza za apolice ndi nkhani zina",general,social media +en10590,"In the petition, they bemoan mass arrests irrespective of whether one was involved in a criminal activity or not, which they feel is a violation of their rights","Mu kalata yapempho,akudandaula kumangidwa kwa gulu posatengera kutiwina anatengapo mbali pa zochitika zopalamula kapena ayi,omwe akuva kuti ndikuphwanya ufulu wawo",general,social media +en10591,"It is unfair to paint all street-connected children as criminals and treat everyone as such. Use of excessive force during arrests, investigations and interrogations is another concern that we, as street-connected children, face","Ndizosakhala bwino kuwapaka ana ose oyemdayenda mmisewu ngati opalamula ndikuwapanga treat aliyese motelo.Kugwiritsa ntchito mphavu zowonjeza nthawi yowamanga,yofufuza ndikufusa izi ndi zina zomwe zikutikhudza, ngati ana oyendayenda mmisewu timakumana nalo",general,social media +en10592,"Many of us on the streets have stories of unwarranted aggression, verbal abuse and physical mistreatment at the hands of police,” the statement reads","ambiri mwa ife mu misewu tili ndi nkhani zopanda umboni, nkhazazamaganizo ndizakuthupi zosapangidwa treat bwino mmanja mwa apolice, statement-yo ikutero. ",general,social media +en10593,"They are demanding a thorough and unbiased investigation into the reported cases of police brutality, mass arrests and torture","Iwo akulamula kafukufuku otheratu ndi osakondera wama report ankhani za nkhanza za a police, kumanga kgulu ndi kuzunza.",general,social media +en10594,"The street-connected children are also demanding that they be provided with safe reporting mechanisms, for them to be reporting incidents of abuse without fear, in addition to safe housing so that they can have a roof on top of their heads and a sense of security","Ana oyendayenda mmisewi akulamulaos kuti apatsidwe chitetezo panjira yoneneza, kuti iwo azinena nkhani zochitidwa nkhanza mosaopa, kuphatikizapo nyumba zotetezeka kuti angakhale ndi malo abwino okhala komanso ndikuva kutetezeka",general,social media +en10595,"“Yes we have received it and we have opened a file to inquire into various allegations of police brutality and abuse,” Tukula explains","Inde tayilandira ndipo tatsegula file kufufuza zonenedwa zosiyanasiyana pankhani yokhudza nkhanza za apolice'', Tukula akufotokoza",general,social media +en10596,"I am not shocked that the children have taken that action based on the fact that there is a judgement where the court said street-connected children ought to be in foster homes and it made this very clear to the Ministry of Gender and asked it [the ministry] to take action,” she says",Ndine odabwa kuti ana atenga action kutengera kuti pali chiweruzo chimene bwalo la milandu lidanena kuti ana oyendayenda m'misewu kuti azikhala kumanyumba olera ndipo linayika poyera ku unduna waza gender ndipo linafusa undunawu kuti utenge mbali,general,social media +en10597,"The police need to collaborate with other stakeholders so that they must ensure that the children are put in safe homes, where, as per law, they can be monitored,” she explains","Police ikuyenera kugwira ndi anthu ena okhudzidwa kuti awonetsetse kuti ana ayikidwa malo otetezeka,kumene,kutengera malamulo, aziyanga'nilidwa",general,social media +en10598,She adds that police need to tread carefully on the issue of street-connected children,Iye anawonjezera kuti a police ayenera kuchita mosamala nkhani ya ana oyendayenda m'misewu,general,social media +en10599,"For example, they [police] should not be arresting and detaining children in cells because it is against the law. What the police are doing [by arresting and detaining street-connected children in cells] is being in contempt of court","Mwachitsanzo, apolice asamamange ndikusounga mokakamiza ana mu ma cell chifukwa ndizosephana ndi lamulo.Zomwe apolice akupanga ndikunyazitsa bwao la milandu",general,social media +en10600,"If there are some people who were tortured by police in the course of their [law enforcers’] duties, they are free to report that to the office of the officer-in-charge,” Sauka points out","Ngati pali anthu ena omwe anazunzidwa ndi a police munthawi yomwe amagwira ntchito yawo, ndiomasuka kuwaneneza kwa mkulu woyang'anira apolisi. Sauka watero",general,social media +en10601,The International Labour Organisation estimates that child labour affects 2.1 million children in Malawi aged five to 15,International Labor Organistion imaganizira kuti ntchito za ana zimakhudza 2.1 million ya ana m'Malawi azaka zisanu mpaka khumi ndi zisanu,general,social media +en10602,"In Blantyre City, a 13-year-old boy disguised as Mark is frequently seen selling fritters, freezes and thobwa (sweet beer) at Chirimba Market while his peers go to school. Mark was employed as a mobile vendor, last year","Ku mzinda waukulu Blanytre, mnyamata wazaka khumi ndi zitatu wa zibisa ngati Mark, amaonedwa nthawi zambiri akugulitsa mandasi, freezes ndi thobwa pa Chirimba pamene nthanga zake zili ku school. Mark analembedwa ntchito ngati vendor oyendayenda chaka chatha.",general,social media +en10603,"Every day, I wake up at 5.30 am to do household chores, then carry a cooler box full of sweet beer and a bucket of fritters to the market,” he explains. Mark only returns home when the commodities are sold out, he states","Tsikunditsiku, ndimadzuka 5.30 am kugwira ntchito zapakhomo, kenaa ndimanyamula cooler box yodzadza ndi thobwa ndibucket ya yamandasi. Mark anati amapita kunyumba zinthu znse zikatha",general,social media +en10604,"Similarly, Margret (not her real name) was brought to the city by her aunt who secured a job at a friend’s home for her","Mofanana, Margret (Osati dzina lake lenileni) anabweretsedwa ku mzinda wa ukulu ndi azakhali ake omwe anamupezera ntchito pakhomo lanzawo. Iye anafotokoza",general,social media +en10605,She now sells baobab fruit juice and water at Chirimba Bus Stop while classes are in session at the country’s most populous primary school nearby,Panopa amagulitsa juice wa malambe ndi madzi poyimira ma bus ku Chirimba pamene ma class ali nkati poyandikana ndi primarry yodzadza kwambiri mudziko ,general,social media +en10606,"My mother and three siblings aged six to eight in Zomba depend on my meagre pay of K13 000 a month. I send them money to buy food,” says Margaret","Mayi ndi azibale anga atatu azaka zisanu ndi chimodzi mpaka zisanu ndi zitatu ku Zomba amadalira pamalipiro anga ochepa a k13000.00 pa mwezi.Ndimawatumizira ndalama kuti agule chakudya, anatero Margret",general,social media +en10607,"Both Mark and Margaret cannot leave their jobs because their poor families depend on it. I don’t mind being out of school as long as I help my mother and siblings in the village,” Margaret states","Onse Mark ndi Margret sangasiye ntchito zawo chifukwa ma banja awo osauka madalira iwowo.Sindizitengera/sindidandaula kusapita ku school kuti ndi thandize mayi ndi azibale anga kumudzi, akutero Margret.",general,social media +en10608,Both of them refused to disclose the identity of their employers and the area where they live for fear of reprisals,Onsewa anakana kuwaulura owalemba ntchito ndi dera lomwe amakhala kuopa kulangidwa ,general,social media +en10609,"Lucy Stephano, a mobile vendor in Blantyre and surrounding markets, says the sight of young girls and boys vending goods is common","Lucy Stephano, vendor oyendayenda mu Blantyre ndi misika yozungulira, kuwona ana akazi ndi amuna kugulitsa katundu ndizotchuka.",general,social media +en10610,"Every day, I meet children as young as 10 who are employed to sell various foodstuffs and drinks while their age mates are in class","Tsiku lililose, ndimakumana ndi ana ochepa mpaka zaka makumi awiri omwe analembedwa ntchito yogulitsa zokudya zosiyasiyana ndi zakumwa pomwe nthanga zawo zili mu class",general,social media +en10611,"This constitutes any work that affects the child physically, morally, mentally, spiritually and deprives the child’s right to education,” he says","Izi zikuphatikizapo ntchito iriyonse yomwe imakhudza thupi la mwana, makhalidwe, maganizo,uzimu ndi kumulepheretsa mwna ufulu wamaphunziro,iye anatero",general,social media +en10612,"Child labour violates children’s right to education, health, leisure and development,” laments Kwenda","Ntchitoza ana zimawaphwanyira ufulu wamaphunziro, umoyo,kupuma ndi chitukuko, Kwenda anadandaula",general,social media +en10613,"Youth Net and Counselling (Yoneco) executive director says child laborers are often subjected to horrifying human rights violations, including sexual abuse for girls and initiation into criminal activities for boys","Youth Net and Counseling(Yoneco) excutive director akuti ana antchito nthawi zambiri amayikidwa pa chiopsezo chowaphwanyila ufulu, kuphatikizapo, nkhanza zogonedwa kwa atsikana ndikulowetsedwa mukupalamula kwa anyamata",general,social media +en10614,"He explains: “The children interact with people of different characters, including bad apples, who turn them into sexual objects and criminals","Iye akufotokoza, '' ana amcheza ndi anthu amakhalidwe osiyasiyana,kuphatikizapo anthu oyipa, omwe amawasandutsa zida zachiwerewere ndi milandu",general,social media +en10615,"Quite often, the children are threatened by their employers to go back home only when they have sold everything","Nthawi zambiri, anawa amawopsezedwa ndi owalemba ntchito kuti abwerere kunyumba pokhapokha atamaliza kugulitsa chirichonse",general,social media +en10616,"This takes a toll on their nutrition, health and peace of mind as they only eat and rest after the day’s work","Izi zimachita kuipa pa thanzi,umowo ndi ntendere wamuntima mwawo chifukwa amadya ndi kupuma pakutha kwatsiku la ntchito basi",general,social media +en10617,"We have been talking about child labor in tobacco and tea estates, but there are many children who grow up working as domestic workers,” he explains","Tikhala tikukamba za ntchito za ana kuma estate a fodya ndi tea, koma pali ana ambiri omwe anakula akugwira ntchito ngati wantchito wapakhomo,iye akufotokoza.",general,social media +en10618,The activist observes that Malawi has put more emphasis on ending cross-border child trafficking than the suffering of children taken from rural areas to work from homes in towns and cities,Womenyera ufuluyu akuona kuti dziko la Malawi layika chidwi pothetsa kuzembetsa ana kudutsa malire a dziko kusiyana ndi kuvutika kw ana omwe atengedwa kumidzi kukagwira ntchito mmakomo a mmizinda,general,social media +en10619,"However, child labour persists despite the deployment of district labour officers to rescue children trafficked for economic exploitation and ensure culprits face the law","Komabe, ntchito za na zikupitilirabe kupatula kuyika ma officer a labour mu ma boma kuti apulumutse ana ozembetesedwa kuti akagwire thangata ndikuonetsetsa kuti opalamula ayimbidwe mulandu",general,social media +en10620,Thyolo district labour officer says child labour is rampant in the district despite that tea estates no longer employ children,Officer wa za ntchito mu boma la Thyolo akuti ntchito za ana ndizochulukira mu bomali kupatula kuti kuma estate a tea samalembanso ana ntchito.,general,social media +en10621,Said Kaduya: “The child labour situation in Thyolo is not different from other districts. It is high and prevalent in most workplaces,Kaduya anati ; zochitika za ntchito za ana ku Thyolo sizosiyana ndizama boma ena. Ndizokwera komaso zochitikachitika/zotchuka,general,social media +en10622,"Households mostly like to employ young children to do domestic work and sell things for them such as fritters [mandasi], freezes and other snacks","Nthawi zambiri makomo amakonda kulemba ana kuti azipanga ntchito zapakhomo ndikuwagulitsira zinthu ngati mandasi, freezes ndi zosuwizira zina",general,social media +en10623,"He said the tea sector does not employ children, but their parents working or involved in tea production mostly instruct their children to sell snacks or drinks where tea pluckers are working","Iye anati gawo la tea silimalemba ana ntchito, koma makolo awo ndiwomwe amagwira ntchito kapena kupanga tea, nthawi zambiri amatuma ana awo kukagulitsa zosuwizila kapena tea komwe athyola tea akugwira ntchito",general,social media +en10624,He said: “Our role as TUM is to champion the education component where we are providing education support to children withdrawn from child labour and brought back to school,Iye anati;'' ntchito yathu ngati TUM ndikutsogolera mu gawo lama phunziro pomwe tikupereka support yamaphunziro kwa ana omwe achotsedwa kuchoka ku ntchito za ana kupitaso ku school,general,social media +en10625,"They include children combining work and education, children from child-headed families, teen mothers and those poor households","Amaphatikiza ntchito ndi maphunziro, ana ochokera ku mabanja otsogoleredwa ndi mwana,amayi achichepere ndi makomo osauka",general,social media +en10626,"During the open day, 170 vulnerable children received uniforms, best performing schools got awards while outstanding pupils were given learning materials","Tsiku chionetsero, ana ovutika zana limodzi makumi asanu ndiziwiri analandira ma uniform, mwana wa sukulu ochita bwino anlandira mphoto pemene anzeru analandila zipangizo zophunzirira",general,social media +en10627,"He said: “As you know, Misuku area has coffee plantations, so parents used to send their under-aged children to work in those plantations as a source of income","Iye anati ""monga mukudziwa, dera la Misuku liri ndi minda ya coffee, ndiye makolo ankakonda kutumiza ana awo achichepere kukagwira ntchito mminda imeneyo nagti njira yopezera ndalama""",general,social media +en10628,"However, the project is advocating the rights of children to education such that many households in Misuku know their children’s right to education and the bad side of child labour","Komabe, chitukukochi chikulimbikitsa kupititsa patsogolo ma ufulu a ana a maphunziro kuti makomo ambiri ku Misuku adziwe ufulu wa ana pa maphunziro ndikuipa kwa kugwiritsa ntchito zopyola msinkhu ana achichepele",general,social media +en10629,Mogha said they provide learning materials to some of the rescued children and give parents business capital so that they can support their children,Mogha anati amapereka zipangizo za ku sukulu kwa ana opulumutsidwa ndiku peleka kwa makolo mpamba uyambila malonda kuti azithandizira ana awo,general,social media +en10630,"Senior Chief Mwenemisuku said sensitisation campaigns under the project are helping to raise awareness among parents on various forms of child abuse, including child labour",Mfumu yayikulu Misuku inati misonkhano yophunzitsa anthu pansi pa chitukukochi kukuthandiza kukweza kuzindikira pakati pamakolo pa mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya kuzunza ana kuphatikizirapo kugwiritsa ntchito ana zopyola msinkhu,general,social media +en10631,"People in my area now understand that child labour is bad and there is an improvement as people know that when children engage in child labour, they will not become reliable citizens,” he said","Anthu tsopano mu dera langa akuvetsetsa kuti kugwuritsa ntchito ana ndi koipa ndipo pali kusintha anthu akudziwa kuti ngati ana alembedwa ntchito, sadzakhala nzika zodalirika",general,social media +en10632,"South Africa’s third biggest political party, the Economic Freedom Fighters, has held a protest outside the Israeli embassy in the capital, Pretoria","Chipani chachikulu chaku SouthAfrica, cha Economic Freedom Fighters,Chapanga zionetsero kunja kwa ofesi ya kazembe yadziko a Israel",general,social media +en10633,Party leader Julius Malema once again called for the closure of the embassy after saying Israel’s government had “no respect for humanity”,Mtsogoleri wa chipani ananenaso mobwereza kunenan kuti ofesi ya kazembe itsekedwe atayankhula kuti boma la Israel ilibe ulemu pa anthu,general,social media +en10634,Malema also urged retailers in the country to remove Israeli-produced goods from their shelves by the end of October,Malema adalamulaso anthu ogulitsa malonda kuti achotse malonda opangidwa ku Israel muma Shelf awo ukamatha mwezi wa Okotobala,general,social media +en10635,"If they don’t remove products from Israel, we’ll remove them ourselves. We don’t want Israeli products sold in South Africa, we don’t want food from people who have the blood of innocent people on their hands,” said Malema","Ngati sachotsa katundu waku Israel, tidwamuchotsa tokha.Sitikufuna katundu waku Israel kugulitsidwa mu SouthAfrica, sitikufuna zakudya za anthu amene ali ndi magazi a anthu osalakwa.",general,social media +en10636,Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) former director general Reyneck Matemba Monday frowned at procedures the graft-bursting body used to bring two witnesses from the United Kingdom (UK)’s National Crime Agency in his alleged corruption case,Mkulu wakale wa bungwe lothana ndi katangale a Rayneck Matemba lolemba anakwiya ndi ndondomeko zomwe bungweli likugwiritsa ntchito zobweretsa mboni ziwiri kuchiokera ku National Crime Agency yaku United Kingdom pa mlandu wake woganiziridwa zakatangale,general,social media +en10637,But the graft-busting body amended the charges and now accuses Matemba of failing to declare his interest in a board meeting which reviewed and granted a no-objection for the Malawi Police Service’s food ration contract,Koma bungwe lothana ndi katangaleli linasintha mlandu ndipo pano akumuyimba Matemba mlandu wolephera kuulula chidwi chake pamsonkhano wa akuluakulu womwe unaunika ndi kupeleka chilolezo chosakanidwa cha ntchito yogula zakudya ku Malawi Police Service,general,social media +en10638,"However, Matemba said ACB did not follow the right procedure when bringing the witnesses, saying procedure demands that the Attorney General writes the Home Office, which is the central authority of Mutual Legal Assistance in the UK, to facilitate the sharing of evidence among nations","Komabe, ACB siyinatsatire ndondomeko yoyenera pobweretsa mboni,ananena;ndondomeko imalamula kuti attorney general kulembera ku Home Office,yomwe ndipakatikati pa lamulo a Mutual Legal Assistance ku UK",general,social media +en10639,"Matemba told reporters outside the court Monday that his request for guidance from the court was based on sections 6 and 9 of the same Act, which address the issue of how evidence is transmitted and witnesses are used","Matemba anauza a tolankhani kunja kwa bwalo loweruzira milandu lolemba kuti pempho lake za momwe angapangire kuchokera ku bwalo la milandu linali lochokera pa gawo la chisanu n'chimodzi ndi chisanu n'zinayi la lamulo lomwero, lomwe limafotokozera pankhani ya momwe umboni uziperekeredwa ndi mboni zizigwiritsiridwa ntchito ",general,social media +en10640,"According to Matemba, he is the one who signed the agreement between the ACB and NCA and that what they agreed was sharing of intelligence and not evidence","Kutengera kwa Matemba, iye ndi amene ana sayinira m'gwirizano pakati pa ACB ndi NCA ndipo zomwe anagwirizana ndi zogawana nzeru osati umboni",general,social media +en10641,She said the ACB went through the AG’s office to request for formal use of evidence but that the AG is taking long to give responses,Iye anati ACB inadutsira ku Ofesi ya AG kupempha kugwiritsa ntchito umboni mu ndondomeko yoyenera koma a AG akutenga nthawi kuyankha,general,social media +en10642,"So, knowing that the formal channels are taking a while, we also realized that it is possible to use informal channels so we pivoted to use informal channels and the informal channels worked,” Rapozo said","Ndiye pozindikira kuti njira zoyenerera zikutenga nthawi, tinazindikiraso kuti kugwiritsa ntchitio njira zina ndikotheka ndiye tinasitha ku gwiritsa ntchito njira zina zosayikika, ndipo njira zosaikikazi zinagwira,Rapozo adatero",general,social media +en10643,"The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) Tuesday launched construction cost indices which will guide industry stakeholders in budgeting, pricing and cost-management in construction projects","National Construction Industry Council lachiwiri inatsekulira m'ndandanda wa mitengo omwe uziunikira anthu antchito zomanga popanga ndondomeko yakagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ndalama, kupanga mitengo komaso kolongosola za mitengo mu zomangamanga",general,social media +en10644,"NCIC Board Director said the cost indices will also address the issue of unrealistic bids, which often result in exorbitant contract sums which drain resources","NCIC Board Director anati nm,ndanda wa mitengowu uthandizira kunkhani ya mpikisano wamitengo yosalongosoka,zomwe nthawi zambiri zimabweretsa kukwera kwambiri kwa makontilakiti zomwe zimachepetsa zipangizo",general,social media +en10645,"The indices are coming at a time there has been an outcry from various stakeholders of unrealistically low bids, rendering contracts unattainable as well as unrealistically high bids resulting in exorbitant contract sums which drain resources","Miloziyi ukubwera pa nthawi yomwe pali kudandaula kuchokera kwa magulu ambiri otengapo mbali pa zikalata zopikisana zotsika mtengo, kupangitsa mgwirizano wa ntchito kukhala wosafikirika komanso wokwera mtengo mwachilendo zomwe zapangitsa kuti ntchito zidzigwiridwa pamitengo yokwera kwambiri zimene zikuwononga ndalama",general,social media +en10646,"She said in the absence of the cost indices, there have been unrealistic claims and price escalations that have lacked a basis for objective assessment and comparison","Iye anati chufukwa chakusowa kwa mlozo wa mitengo, pakhala pali kufuna kulipidwa kosamveka komanso mitengo yokwera kwambiri yomwe ilibe umboni kuti pakhale kufufuza koyenera komanso kufafaniza",general,social media +en10647,Kandodo added that the indices will help moderate budgeting and pricing of projects and managing costs on construction projects in order to ensure value for money in the infrastructure sector while ensuring quality and efficiency,"kandodo waonjezeranso kuti mlozowu uthandiza kuyendetsa ndondomeko zachuma ndi kukhadzikitsa mitengo ya ntchito zachitukuko ndi kusamala ndalama pa ntchito zomanga zitukuko ndi cholinga chofuna kuti ndalama iliyonse yogwira ntchito zomangamanga idzibweretsa phindu, ubwino komanso changu",general,social media +en10648,"Many projects are implemented under CDF [Constituency Development Fund] and you find different cost prices for similar projects. There is a need to bring sanity to the industry. So, please orient the councils","Zitukuko zambiri zimachitika pansi pa CDF ndipo umapeza mitengo yosiyanasiyana pa zitukuko zofanana. Pakufunika kubwezeretsa chilungamo pakagwiridwe kantchitozi. Ndiye chonde, azindikiritseni ogwira ntchito kukhonsolo",general,social media +en10649,Efforts to resuscitate the Malawi cotton industry have remained futile for over a decade witnessed by a downward trajectory in both production volumes and earnings from the crop,Ntchito yodzutsanso ulimi wa thonje mu Malawi wakhala osaphula kanthu kwa zaka kwaonedwa ndiku tsika konse kwakulima ndikupeza kuchokera ku mbewuyi,general,social media +en10650,"Authorities and stakeholders alike have miserably failed to replicate models implemented in 2012, which saw the country producing a record high 100,000 metric tonnes (mt) of cotton","Akuluakulu ndi anthiu okhudzidwa onsewa alephera kuoopsa kuchulukisa nira yomwe inayambidwa mu 2012, yomwe inaonetsa dziko mbiri yopanga thonje ochuluka 100,00 mt ",general,social media +en10651,"For instance, volume of earnings from cotton took a sharp fall in 2023 as output dropped by 48 percent, with the value facing a 41 percent slump","Mwachitsanzo, mulingo wazopeza zochuluka kuchoka ku thonje unagwa kwambiri mu 2023pomwe zotuluka zinztsika ndi 48 pa chikwi chilichose, ndi ndalama itagwa ndi 41%",general,social media +en10652,"However, prices of the commodity rose by 24 percent and closed at K720 per kilogramme (kg), higher than the K580 per kg farm gate price announced by the government at the start of the marketing season","Komabe, mitengo ya katundu unakwera ndi 24 pa 100 iliyose ndiku tseka pa K720/ Kg, kudutsa ntengo waku munda wa K580/kg wolengezedwa ndi boma kumayambiliro kwa nyengo yaulimi ya chaka",general,social media +en10653,"This ensured that farmers got inputs on time and the investment was easily recouped. In those days the country used to produce at least 50,000mt of cotton, according to Cotton Council of Malawi","Izipangitsa kuonetsetsa kuti alimi ali ndizolowetsa munthawi yabwino ndipo katundu amabwezeretsedwa mosavuta. Mu masiku amenewo alimi amakwnitsa kupanga thonje osachepera 50,00ml,izi ndikutengera khanso ya thonje la Malawi",general,social media +en10654,"It further indicates that around 250,000 farmers enjoyed the fruits of producing the crop but today around 30,000 farmers are still growing cotton","Zikupitiliza kusonyeza kuti alimi 250,000 anasangalala ndizipatso za ulimi wa mbewuyi koma lero alimi 30000 akulimabe thonje",general,social media +en10655,"In the 2000s, a liberalized market for cotton was introduced and volumes slightly increased to around 60,000mt","Muma 2000, Ufulu pa msika wa thonje unayambitsidwa ndipo mulingo unakwererapo kuchama 60, 000mt",general,social media +en10656,"The liberalization of the market saw private investors coming in to support the sector. However, there were no sustainable means of recouping the investments in the sector",Kupereka ufulu pazmalonda kunapangitsa private investors kubwera ndikuthandizira gawoli.Komabe Panalibe njira yokhazikika yobwezeretsanso katundu mugawoli,general,social media +en10657,This led to loss of investments through side buying and side selling activities leading to closure of business by those who failed to recover their investments. The trend continued from 12 ginners to four active ginners at present,Izi zinapangitsa kuluza katundu kudzera ku zochitika zugulira ndikugulitsira kumbali zomwe zidadzuetsa kutseka malonda ndi anthu omwe analephera kubwezeretsa katundu wawo. Mchitidwewu unapitilira kuchoka kwa opanga thonje makumi awri ndiziwiri ku anayi,general,social media +en10658,"She said fluctuating global cotton prices have affected the profitability of cotton farming such that farmers in Malawi have shifted their focus to other crops, such as sesame and soya, which have proven to be more profitable","Iye anati kutsika kwa mitengo ya thonje dziko lonse kwakhudza phindu la ulimi wa thonje kotero kuti alimi mu Malawi asitha chidwi chawo ku mbewu zina, monga ngati Sesama ndi Soya",general,social media +en10659,"When prices are low, farmers receive less income for their cotton, making it less attractive to grow","Pomwe mitengo ili yotsika, alimi amalandila ndalama zochepa pa thonje wawo, kuchepetsa chikoka chomulima",general,social media +en10660,"This, coupled with unreliable and high inputs costs, limited access to finance among farmers makes it more unattractive for smallholder farmers to continue producing cotton","Izi, kuphatikizana ndikukwera kwa ntengo wazolowetsa,kusakhala ndikuthera kopeza za chuma pakati pa a limi zimapangitsa kumachotseratu chikoko kwa alimi ango'noango'no kupitiriza kulima thonje.",general,social media +en10661,"Changes in weather patterns, including increased cyclones and unpredictable rainfall, have negatively impacted cotton production in Malawi. Unfavorable weather conditions have led to crop failure and reduced yields","Kusintha kwa nyengo, kuwonjezerapo namondwe ndikusapanganika kwa mvul, zakhudza moyipa ulimi wa thonje m'Malawi. Nyengo yosakhala bwino yapangitsa kukanika kwa mbewu ndikuchepa kwa zokolora ",general,social media +en10662,"Similarly, the lack of well-established marketing channels and limited access to international markets have hindered the growth of the cotton sector in Malawi","Chimodzimodzi, kusowa kwa nira ya misika yokhazikika ndikuchepekedwa kofikira misika yakunja zaphinja kukula kwa gawo la thonje m'Malawi ",general,social media +en10663,"This has resulted in limited opportunities for farmers to sell their cotton at competitive prices as ginners continue to withdraw from Malawi,” Luwanda said",Izi zapangitsa kuchepetsa mwayi wa alimi kugulitsa thonje wawo pa mitengo yopikisana pemene opanga thonje akupitiliza kutenga ku Malawi. Luwanda adatero ,general,social media +en10664,"She added that addressing the challenges requires a multi-faceted approach, including investment in research and development, improved access to inputs and credit, strengthening of market linkages, and implementation of climate-smart farming practices","Iye anawonjezera kuti kuthana ndi vutoli kukufunika kulifikira mwambiri, kuphatikizapo kulowetsa mu kafufuku ndikupita patsogolo/chitukuko, kupititsa patsogolo kufikira zolowetsa ndi ngongole, kulimbikitsa kulumikizana kwa misika ndikuyamba ulimi woteteza chilengedwe",general,social media +en10665,The council is also engaging medium to large scale farmers for increased seed cotton volumes in the country,Konsolo ikukambiranaso ndi alimi a pakatikati ndi alimi akulu paza kukuza mulingo wa mbewu ya thonje mudziko lino,general,social media +en10666,"In addition to this, growing of cotton under irrigation is now allowed and has been demonstrated and is supported by subsidiary regulations governing the sector","Kuwonjezera apo, kulima thonje kudzera mu nthirira ndikololedwa ndiposo kwaonetseredwa ndipo kukuthandiziridwa ndi malamulo oyendetsera gawoli",general,social media +en10667,When all said and done there is hope of restoring the lost glory of the crop to make a meaningful contribution to Malawi’s economy if the necessary stakeholders take the right action,pamene zonse za nenedwa nkutha pali chiyembekezo chobwezeretsanso ulemerero wotayika wambeyuyikuyipanga kukhala ya phinndu ku zachuma zaku Malawi ngati anthu okkudzidwawo atenga njira zoyenerera,general,social media +en10668,Chakwera said it has become a tendency in some quarters of the society for some government officials to deliberately delay a project so that the cost can be increased,Chakwera wanena kuti chasanduka chizolowezi kumbali ina ya anthu kwa ogwira ntchito mboma kuchedwetsa dala zitukuko kuti awonjezere mitengo,general,social media +en10669,"The President’s remarks follow the completion of the Northern Region Water Board (NRWB) project which the board says has been completed before the deadline, saving them money","Ndemanga ya a mtsogoleri wa dziko ikubwera kutsatira kumalizitsa kwa chitukuko cha Northen Region Water Board pomwe oyendetsa ntchito kunthambiyi akunena kuti yamalizidwa mwachangu kulingana ndi nthawi yomwe inaikidwira, kuwapulumutsira iwo ndalama",general,social media +en10670,"There are other officials somewhere and other workers somewhere who connive with some contractors to slow down a project, consequently raising the cost so that they should share [the money], but this has not been the story of Nkhata Bay,” he said","Pali ogwira ntchito ena kwinakwake komanso ogwira ntchito ena kwina omwe amapangana ndi ogwira ntchito kuti achedwetsae zitukuko, zotsatira zake kukweza mitengo kuti agawane ndalama, koma iyi si mmene inalili nkhani yaku Nkhatabay, iye adatero",general,social media +en10671,Chakwera then said Malawi has been off-track in the provision of water and adherence to sanitation standards despite getting warnings from the United Nations. He then said the coming in of the project is not a favor but a responsibility of the government,Chakwera kenako adati Malawi yakhala isakutsatira moyenera njira pakaperekedwe kamadzi ndikutsatira mlingo wa waukhondo ngakhale yalandira chenjezo kuchokera ku United Nations. Iye kenako anati kubwera kwa ntchitoyi sikukondera koma udindo wa boma,general,social media +en10672,"For a long time, the United Nations has warned that Malawi is seriously off-track to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 6, which calls for water and sanitation for all by 2030, yet very little was being done to get Malawi on track","Kwa nthawi yayitali, United Nations lachenjeza Malawi kuti yasepheratu njira yokumana ndi Sustainable Development Goal ya chisanu n'chimodzi, lomwe likumema madzi ndi ukhondo wa onse ikamafika 2023, koma zochepa chabe ndizomwe zachitika ",general,social media +en10673,"And, in this regard, the great people of Nkhata Bay have been among the most underserved in our country,” he said","Ndipo, kutengera izi,anthu abwino aku Nkahatabay akhala nawo gulu lotumikiridwa mochepa mu dziko lathu, iye adatero",general,social media +en10674,"It was sad that Nkhata Bay, a tourist attraction district, was one of the areas affected by cholera because of lack of potable water. We believe that this project will change the narrative,” he said","Zinanenedwa kuti Nkhatabay, boma lazokopa a lendo, Linali boma limodzi mwa madera omwe anakhudzidwa ndi cholera chifikwa chosowa madzi opezekeratu/amapaipi. Tikukhulupirira kuti izi zisitha nkhaniyi, iye adatero",general,social media +en10675,"Water and Sanitation Minister said her ministry will continue to invest in water development infrastructure to achieve SDG number six, which mandates countries to ease access to clean water and sanitation services","Nduna ya za za madzi ndi ukhondo inati ipitirizabe kulowetsa mu chituko cah madzi kuti ikwanitse SDG ya Chisanu n'chimodzi, yomwe imalamula mayiko kuphweketsa kapezedwe ka madzi a ukhondo ndizachisamaliro",general,social media +en10676,The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) has emphasized the need for mindset change among stakeholders in the construction sector in ensuring quality of infrastructure,National Construction Industry Council yatsindika pakufunika kosintha kaganizidwe pakati pa anthu okhudzidwa mugawo la zomangamanga pakuonetsetsa zomanga zapa mwamba,general,social media +en10677,This came out during the rolling out of Infrastructure Delivery Management Standards (IDMS) in Blantyre on Friday,Izi zinatuluka potsekulira Infrastructure Delivery Managent standards ku Blantyre lachisanu,general,social media +en10678,"The IDMS is a document that provides guidelines on how infrastructure projects should be conceived, planned, procured, designed, executed, operated and maintained as well as disposed of","IDMS ndi zolemba zomwe zikupereka tsatanetsatane wa momwe ma zitukuko zomangamanga ziyenera kubwelera, kukonzekeredwa, kugulidwa, kupangidwa, kukwaniritsidwa, kuyendetsedwa ndikusmalidwa ngakhalenso kusiyidwa ",general,social media +en10679,"NCIC Chief Executive Officer said the document was conceived after several gaps were identified in the sector, leading to poor infrastructure in the country","Mkulu wa NCIC adati zolembazi zinapangidwa patazindikiridwa mipata yambiri mu gawoli, Kupangitsa zomanga zosakhala bwino mudziko",general,social media +en10680,"We want to sensitize the stakeholders, hence this meeting. The purpose is that the stakeholders must know what they need to do when running their projects","Tikufuna kuphunzitsa anthu okhudzidwa, choncho, mkumanowu. Cholinga ndi chakuti anthu okhudzidwa azidziwa chochita poyendetsa chitukuko chawo",general,social media +en10681,"There are some components that will be turned into regulations; then, they will become enforceable and become mandatory for all players to adhere to,” Khonje said","Pakhala magawo ena omwe asandutsidwe malamulo; kenako, adzakhala okakamizidwa ndioyenera kuchitidwa ndi onse ndiotsatiridwa, adatero Khonje",general,social media +en10682,"We are also looking forward to having structures that reflect the development we should be having. Looking at these standards, I am impressed that these will provide proper guidelines in the construction sector,” Chinseu said","Tikuyanga'aniranso chitsogoolo chokhala ndizomanga zomwe zikupereka chithunzinthunzi cha chitukuko chomwe tikuyenera kukhala nacho.Kuyanga'na milingo imeneyi, ndine osangalala kuti izi zipeleka m'ndandanda oyenera mugawo la zomanga",general,social media +en10683,"These standards will go a long way in improving our teaching because we will include all that is included in those standards in our curriculum,” Mkandawire said","Milingoyi iyendera limodzi ndi kupititsa patsogolo maphunziro athu chifukwa ziphatikizidwa mu ndondomeko yophunzitsira, Mkandawire adatero.",general,social media +en10684,"After serving time, one is supposed to get out of prison. But dozens of Ethiopians remain stuck at Mzuzu Prison after finishing their jail terms","Akamaliza ukaidi,munthu akuyenera kutuluka kundende. Koma gulu la nzika zaku Ethiopia zajama kundende ya Mzuz zitamaliza kugiwra ukaidi wawo",general,social media +en10685,They finished serving their respective sentences but cannot be released into the society they were driven out of,Anamaliza kugwira ukayidi koma sangatulustidwe kumalo omwe adathamangitsidwe,general,social media +en10686,"The majority of these people, who got cornered as they transitioned through Malawi, reportedly intend to sneak into countries such as South Africa in search of greener pastures","Anthu amenewa ambiri, amane anapanikizidwa pomwe amadutsa Malawi, ziandziwika kuti amafuna kuthawira Mayiko ngati South Africa kusaka moyo wabwino",general,social media +en10687,"Our investigations found that Mzuzu Prison, which struggles with congestion challenges compounded by constant reception of irregular immigrants, received the first group of Ethiopians in June last year","Kafukufuku wathu wapeza kuti ndende ya Mzuzu, yomwe imavutika ndi vuto lothinana zodza ndi kulandira kosatha kwa olowa mdziko popanda chilolezo, analandira gulu loyamba la nzika za ku ethiopia mu June chaka chatha",general,social media +en10688,"At the Northern Region correctional facility, there are also those who have been on remand for over half a year, waiting for repatriation to their home countries","Ndende yachigawo chaku mpoto, kulinso ena ambiri omwe akhala akudikiria kuyimbidwa mulandu kopitilira theka lachaka, kudikirira kubwezedwa kumayiko awo",general,social media +en10689,We are keeping them because their government said they want to identify their people before taking them to their country,Tikuwasunga chifukwa boma lawo linati likufuna kuwazindikra anthu awo asanayambe awatenga ku dziko lawo,general,social media +en10690,"The problem is that others lie that they are from Ethiopia; that is why the Ethiopian Government wants to scrutinize them. Otherwise, we are supposed to repatriate them after they serve their sentences,” the minister said","Vuto ndilkauti ena amanama kuti ndi aku Ethiopia ; ndichifukwa chake boma la Ethiopia ikufuna kuwazukuta . Apo ayi , timangoyenera kuwabwezaatamaliza kugwira ukaidi wawo, iye adatero",general,social media +en10691,Ng’oma further suggested to civil society organization’s advocating for the rights of the prisoners to also invest in infrastructure for the conducive environment of prisoners,Ng'oma anapitiliza kuwathandiza maganizo ma bungwe owona zmakhalidwe a a nthu omwe amapititsa patsogolo ma ufulu a akaidi kuti alowetseso ndalma pa zomanga kuti akaidi akhale ndi malo abwino ,general,social media +en10692,Mhango said feeding and transporting illegal immigrants to their countries using government resources is also “not pleasing” as the money can be used for infrastructure and other developments in prisons across the country,Mhango adati kudyetsa ndikutumiza kumayiko awo anthu olowa dziko mopanda chilolezo pogwiritsa ntchito zipangizo za boma sizosangalatsa popeza ndalama zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito pazomanga ndizitukuko zina mu ndende zose mudziko,general,social media +en10693,"Some were in Malawi on immigration issues but it is us as the country who feel the pain,” Mhango said","Ena anali mu Malawi pankhani zokhudza kulowa ndikutuluka koma ndiife ngati dziko omwe timalandila ululu, Mhangao adatero",general,social media +en10694,"These people were supposed to be repatriated soon after finishing their sentences. Keeping them is like forcing them to be in prison without committing any crime. This is dangerous to our nation,” Ghambi said","Anthu amenewa amyenera kubwezedwe atangomaliza ukaidi wawo.Kuwasunga mu ngati kuwakakamiza kukhala mu ndende opanda mulandu uliwonse.Izi ndizoopsa ku dziko lathu, Ghambi adatero",general,social media +en10695,He advised the Malawi Government to release the Ethiopians and keep them at Dzaleka Refugees Camp to avoid breaking the law,Iye dalangiza boma la Malawi kutulutsa nzika zaku Ethiopia ndikuwasunga ku Dzaleka Refuges Camp kuti apewe kuphwanya malamulo,general,social media +en10696,"Officials at Mzuzu Prison recently revealed their fears of contracting Covid from irregular immigrants who keep being sent to the facility, with the majority of them having not received Covid vaccines","Ogwira ntchito am udindo ku ndende ya mzuzu posachedwapa anaulula nkhawa zawo zotengera Covid kuchoka kwa athu anthu obwera mwapatalipatali omwe akumakhalira kutumizidwa kumalowa, omwe ambiri mwa iwo sanalandile katemera wa Covid",general,social media +en10697,Several reports have indicated in the past that Malawi’s porous borders are major transit routes for refugees and irregular immigrants from other African countries such as Ethiopia,Ma lipoti ambiri awonetsa mbuyomu awonetsa kuti zipata zosalimba za Malawi ndi mipita ikuluikulu ya othawa kwawo ndi obwera apatalipatali kuchoka kumayiko ena ku afili monga Ethiopia ,general,social media +en10698,The discovery of 30 bodies in a mass grave in a forest in Mzimba in November last year sparked concerns of a migration crisis requiring immediate attention. The Immigration department said all the bodies were of Ethiopians,Kupezekakwa matupi makumi atatu mu dzenje lalikulu limodzi mu nkhalango ya Mzimba chaka chatha mu Novembala zinadzetsa malingaliro a vuto lalikulo lakulowa mudziko kuchokera mayiko ena aku a filika monga ngati Ethiopia,general,social media +en10699,"The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, confirmed that Malawi is a transit route for foreigners being trafficked to countries such as South Africa","United Nations Refugee agency, UNHRC, yatsimikiza kuti Malawi ndi mpita wa anthu obwera omwe abedwa ku maiko monga ngati South Africa",general,social media +en10700,"Random visits to some examination centers in the three cities confirmed that all preparatory activities such as organization of seating plans, distribution of identity cards and provision of security were all in place","Kuyendera kwahiponyeponye malo olembera mayeso ena mu mizinda itatu kwatsimikizira kuti zochitika zokhonzekeramonga kulongosola makhalidwe , kagawidwe k ziphaso ndikupereka chitetezo zinali mmalo mwake ",general,social media +en10701,Head teacher at Bwaila Secondary School in Lilongwe said his candidates were well prepared for the examinations,Mphunzitsa wankulu waku Bwaila Sekondae ku Lilongwe anati ana ake olemba mayeso anakhozekera mayeso bwino,general,social media +en10702,"Everything is in place here and we are expecting our students to perform well. We have 671 students who are sitting the examinations here,” he said","Chilichose chili mu chimake ndipo tikuyembekezera kuti ana athu a sukulu achita bwino.Tili ndi ana a sukulu 671 omwe akulemba mayeso kuno, Iye anatero.",general,social media +en10703,Lilongwe Girls Secondary School has 480 candidates who had gathered outside the examination hall by 8am in preparation for the Agriculture practical paper scheduled for 10am,Lilongwe Girls Secondary ili ndi ana 480 omwe akulemba mayeso omwe asonkhana panja pa holo yolembera mayeso mma 8 kukhozekera phunziro la zaulimi lomwe la ikidwa pa 10am,general,social media +en10704,There was tight security at all examination centers with candidates not being allowed to get closer to examination halls until the scheduled time,Panali chitetezo cholimba pamalo onse olembera mayeso pomwe olemba mayeso samaloledwa kuyandikira kufupi ndi holo yolembera mayeso mpaka nthawi yoyikidwa itakwana,general,social media +en10705,"I am ready for the examination. I have studied hard and our teachers did their best to prepare us,” Banda said","Ndakhozekera mayesowa. Ndawerenga kwambiri ndipo aphunzitsi anthu ayesetsa mbali yawo kutikhonzekeretsa, Banda anatero",general,social media +en10706,"Our school is ready for the examinations and so are the candidates. We have prepared two rooms for the practical part of the examination and we have not encountered any problems so far,” Mhone said","Sukulu yathu yakonzekera mayeso chimodzimodzi olemba mayeso.Takoza zipinda ziwiri za gawo la mayeso opima luso ndipo pakali pano sitinakumane ndi vuto lirilose"" Mhone anatero",general,social media +en10707,"Meanwhile, Malawi Prison Service has disclosed that 121 inmates will sit this year’s MSCE examination from last year’s 118","Pakali pano, Ndende ya Malawi yaulula kuti ili ndi akaidi 121 omwe akulemba mayeso a MSCE kuchoka pa 118 chaka chatha",general,social media +en10708,"Examinations in these centers have started on a good note but we are appealing to the general public to support us with various items so that inmates in all our prisons learn and write examinations in a conducive environment,” Shaba said",mayeso mmalo onse olembera ayamba bwino koma tikupepmpha anthu onse kuti atithandize ndi zinthu zosiyasiyana kuti akaidi athu aziphunzira ndikulembera mayeso malo abwino,general,social media +en10709,"Spot checks in Zomba revealed that candidates at Likangala, Zomba Urban and Masongola secondary schools were eagerly looking forward to the examinations","Kuyendera kusaonena ku Zomba kwasonyeza kuti olemba mayeso pa Likangala, Zomba Urban ndi Masongola Secondary School akuyembekezera mwachdwi mayesowa",general,social media +en10710,"There are 241 girls and 255 boys sitting the examination here and they are all set for the first practical paper. So we are all set. Examination papers have already arrived and security is tight,” Mbewe said",Pali atsikana 241 ndi a nyamata 255 omwe akulemba mayeso pano ndipo onse ndiokhonzeka kulemba pepala lawo loyamba la practical. Ndiye tose takonzeka.Ma pepala a mayeso afika kale ndipo chitetezo ndichokhwima,general,social media +en10711,"I am sure I will make it despite the fact that our schools were closed for a good number of days because of the effects of Cyclone Freddy, cholera and Covid-19,” Chikadza said","Ndukhulupirra kuti ndipambana kupatuka kuti sukulu yathu inatsekedwa kwa masiku angapo chifukwa chakukhudzika ndi namondwe wa Fredd, Cholera ndi Covid 19, Chikhadza anatero.",general,social media +en10712,"On Monday, Malawi National Examinations Board spokesperson said examination malpractices are punishable by law, hence the need for candidates, examination administrators and the general public to desist from such","Pa lolemba, m'neneri wa Malawi National Examinations Board wanena kuti khalidwe loyipa ku mayeso ndilo langidwa ndi malamulo, ndiye ndikufunikira kwa olemba mayeso,oyendetsa mayeso ndi anthu onse kuti apewe nchitidwewu",general,social media +en10713,Chiwaya said security for the examination is being jointly provided by Malawi Defence Force and Malawi Police Service personnel,Chiwaya anati chitetezo chikupelekedwa mothandizana ndi Malawi Defence Force ndi Malawi Police Service,general,social media +en10714,The appeal comes at a time when the five-month construction works which began on December 7 2022 have resumed after stalling last year,Pempholi likubwera panthawi imene mthcito yomanga ya miyezi isanu yomwe inayamba pa 7 December yaymbilaso itayima chaka chatha,general,social media +en10715,"As it is, an ambulance cannot reach Ngana Health Centre and small-scale farmers cannot take their produce to markets,” he said","Momwe zililimu, ambulansi siyingakafike kuchipatala chaching'ono cha Ngana ndipo alimi ang'onoango'no sangatenge zokolora zawo ku misika, iye adatero. ",general,social media +en10716,Ngana Health Centre health surveillance assistant said they fail to administer door-to-door health services such as immunisation when the river is full,Waza umoyo pa chipatala chaching'ono cha Ngana wanena kuti amalephera kugwira ntchito ya khomo ndi khomo monga katemera Mtsinje ukadzadza,general,social media +en10717,The mushrooming of construction firms in Malawi is partly a result of economic liberalization. The political transition in 1994 ushered in an era of democratic constitutional rights and freedoms which include the right to economic activity,Kuchuluka kwa makampani a zomangamanga m'malawi mbali ina ndi chifukwa cha ufulu wazachuma. Kusintha kwa ndale mu 1994 kunalowetsa m'bado wa ufulu mma lamulo ndikumasuka womwe unaphatikiza ufulu pantchito za chuma ,general,social media +en10718,"Construction companies have been registered ranging from small, medium to large entities. Infrastructure projects include construction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, school blocks, health facilities, office blocks and residential houses","Ma kamampani a zomangamanga alembetsedwa kuyambira ang'ono, apakatikati mpaka magawo akuluakulu. Zitukuko aomangamanga zikuphatikiza kumanga komanso kukonza misewu, milatho, zipinda zophunziliramo, zipatala zingo'nozingo'no, nyumba zogwiliramo ntchito ndi nyumba zokhala",general,social media +en10719,"While the proliferation of many actors is commendable, this has come with significant accountability challenges such that the construction sector is submerged in all manner of fraud, bribery and related malfeasance","Pomwe kulowelera kwa anthu ambiri ndikwabwino, izi zabweretsa mabvuto ena osachita zinthu poyera kotero kuti mthambi ya zomangamanga yagwa mmavuto monga kuba, ziphuphu ndi zina zonyansa",general,social media +en10720,"Nonetheless, the question is why transparency and accountability continue to elude the construction sector","Ngakhale zili chonchi, funso ndilakuti kuchita zinthu poyera kukusemphana ndi zochitika za mthambi ya zomangamangayi chifukwa chani?",general,social media +en10721,Why do we still have roads that turn into potholes less than 2 years of completion? Why do some bridges wash away at the slightest drop of rainfall?,Kodi ndi chifukwa chani tili ndi misewu yomwe imasanduka mayenje posatha zaka ziwiri itamaliza kumamangidwa.Kodi ndi chifukwa chiyani milatho imakokoloka kungogwa mvula pang'ono,general,social media +en10722,"How come Malawi still has school blocks with walls that collapse on unsuspecting learners at the smallest whisper of wind, and health facilities that give shoddy work its true meaning?","Zikutheka bwanji kuti ku Malawi kukadali ma buloko a sukulu omwe amagwera ana ophunzira omwe sakuganizirako ndi phepo yayingo'no , ndi zipatali zomwe zimapanga ntchito yosalongosoka izi ndizoona?",general,social media +en10723,Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) recently built houses with roofs that got blown off by a mere breath of a whirlwind in Lilongwe and Blantyre,Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) posachedwapo inamanga nyumba zomwe zinakanganuka malata ndikapephepo kakang'ono ku Blantyre ndiku Lilongwe ,general,social media +en10724,Malawi has some townships whose road infrastructure is medieval. The road in Manja township of Blantyre City is pathetic. Manja residents have issued petitions and protested,Malawi ali ndi mizinda ina yomwe ili ndi misewu yachikalekale. Nsewu wa mzinda wa Manja ku Mzinda wa Blantyre ndiwovetsa chisoni,general,social media +en10725,Yet they continue to walk and daily drive on the knife-sharp rocky and stone pavements. Some residents claim that funds for the road were allocated and disappeared,akupitilizabe kuyenda ndikuyendetsa pa nsewo wamiyala yosongoka ndinsewu wa miyala. Anthu ena okhalako akuti ndalama za nsewu zinaperekedwa ndipo zinasowa ,general,social media +en10726,"In Neno district, the residents continue to demand their right to development as the area has never seen a full tarmac road since the earth was created","Mu boma la Neno, anthu okhala kumeneko akupitirirabe kulamula ufulu wawo wa chitukuko pomwe dereali silinawonepo nsewu wose waphula chilengedwereni dziko",general,social media +en10727,"This is inspite of the rich agricultural activity as Neno produces succulent oranges and tangerines, irish potatoes, and such other niceties","Izi ndi kupatuka kulemera pazochitika za ulimipomwe Neno imalima ma olanje ndima tanjalini okoma,mbatatesi ndi zina zabwino zedi",general,social media +en10728,"Similarly, Nthalire in Chitipa is one of the worst corners in terms of bad roads in the Northern region. Nthalire is a bread basket yet farmers face huge logistical costs to transport produce and ferry farm inputs","Momwemonso, Nthalire ku Chitipa ndi imodzi mwa ngodya zoipitsitsa ponena za misewu yoipa m’chigawo cha kumpoto. Nthalire ndi dengu la mkate koma alimi akukumana ndi mavuto a za ndalama oyendetsera zokolola ndi zotengera zaulimi",general,social media +en10729,The Zomba-Jali-Phalombe-Chitakale road at some point started developing cracks and potholes even before it was completed,Msewu wa Zomba-Jali-Phalombe-Chitakale nthawi ina unayamba kupanga ming'alu ndi maenje ngakhale usanamalizidwe,general,social media +en10730,Perhaps the saddest story is about the Kasungu-Nkhotakota Road through the game reserve (Nkhufi Road) which literally got peeled off layer by layer until it degenerated into the current hazardous impassability,Kwambiri nkhani yomvetsa chisoni kwambiri ndi ya msewu wa Kasungu-Nkhotakota wodutsa m'malo osungira nyama (Msewu wa Nkhufi) womwe unagumuka mpaka kufika pochititsa mantha ku ngozi,general,social media +en10731,"Several factors can explain this sad state of affairs in the construction sector. However, paramount is the issue of corruption which takes toll beginning from the manner in which construction firms are registered","Pali zinthu zingapo zimene zingafotokoze mmene zinthu zilili zomvetsa chisoni m’gawo la zomangamanga. Komabe, chofunika kwambiri ndi nkhani ya katangale yomwe imawononga kwambiri kuyambira momwe makampani omanga amalembera",general,social media +en10732,Malawi has some contractors who have no slightest qualification in the industry. They own a company certificate yet with no clue of what are the correct types of soils for road construction,Dziko la Malawi lili ndi ogwira ntchito zomangamanga ena omwe alibe zoyeneretsa ndi pang'ono pomwe pantchitoyi. Ali ndi satifiketi yakampani koma osadziwa kuti dothi lolondola ndi liti pomanga misewu,general,social media +en10733,"Corruption in procurement, lack of transparency at the tendering stage, and award of bids to politically connected entities are aggravating factors","Ziphuphu pakugula zinthu, kusowa poyera panthawi yopereka mwayi wa ntchito , komanso kupereka ndalama ku mabungwe okhudzana ndi ndale ndi zinthu zomwe zikukulirakulira",general,social media +en10734,Some contracts are awarded based on bribes thereby compromising on infrastructure quality. At the height of the infamous 2013 cash gate scandal were contractors that existed on paper only,Ogwira ntchito zomangamanga ena amaperekedwa potengera ziphuphu potero amasokoneza luso la zomangamanga. Pachimake cha mbiri yoyipa ya 2013 pachipata chandalama anali makontrakitala omwe analipo pamapepala okha,general,social media +en10735,"Such grand corruption, high level fraud and thievery meant that public funds are spent on roads, bridges, schools, and health facilities that are never delivered","Ziphuphu zazikulu zoterozo, chinyengo chapamwamba ndi kuba zinatanthauza kuti ndalama za boma zimagwiritsiridwa ntchito m’misewu, milatho, masukulu, ndi zipatala zimene sizimaperekedwa konse",general,social media +en10736,Corruption in the construction sector continues to slow down economic progress and reversing developmental gains. Time has come to demand accountability and value for money,Ziphuphu m'gawo la zomangamanga zikupitirizabe kuchepetsa kupita patsogolo kwachuma ndi kubwezeretsa phindu lachitukuko. Nthawi yafika yofuna kuyankha komanso kufunika kwa ndalama,general,social media +en10737,Malawi should take strong anti-corruption action and institute solid accountability reforms targeting the construction sector,Dziko la Malawi liyenera kuchitapo kanthu polimbana ndi katangale ndikukhazikitsa ndondomeko zolimba za ntchito yomanga,general,social media +en10738,When were you born?,Kodi munabadwa liti?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10739,How old are you?,Kodi mwakwanitsa zaka zinga za kubadwa?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10740,What is your relationship to the head of the household?,Kodi pali ubale wanji pakati pa inu ndi mutu wa pakhomo pano?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10741,What is your marital status?,Kodi pakali pano ndinu okwatiwa/okwatira kapena mumakhala limodzi ndi mkazi/mwamuna ngati muli pa banja?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10742,At what age were you first married/started living together?,Kodi munali ndi zaka zingati pamene munakwatira/kwatiwa?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10743,What does your spouse/partner currently do? ,Kodi pakali pano amuna/akazi anu amachita chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10744,Do you have any children currently living with you? ,Kodi muli ndi ana amene mumakhaka nawo?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10745,How many?,Nanga ndi angati?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10746,Do you have any other dependents? ,Kodi muli ndi anthu ena amene amadalira inu?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10747,How many?,Nanga ndi angati?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10748,Have you always lived in this place?,Kodi mwakhala nthawi yonse ya moyo wanu mu dera lino?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10749,"Just before you moved here, where were you living?","Musanabwere kuno, kodi mumakhala kuti?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10750,What was the main reason for moving to your current residence?,Kodi chifukwa cheni cheni chinakupangitsani kusamukira ku dera lino ndi chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10751,Are you a national of Malawi?,Kodi ndinu mzika ya dziko lino la Malawi?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10752,What is your country of origin,Kodi munachokera dziko liti?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10753,"How would you describe your household's overall financial situation:-would you say you are well off, fairly well off, average, fairly poor or poor?","Kodi pa nkhani yokhuzana ndi chuma cha pakhomo pano munganene kuti :- ndinu wopeza bwino kwambiri, wopeza bwino, apakatikati, wosaukirapo, kapena wosauka?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10754,There are so many ways that people use to source money; what financial services do you personally use? ," Pali njira zambiri zomwe anthu amapezera ndalama, kodi inuyo ndi njira ziti zomwe mumagwiritsa ntchito kupezera ndalama?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10755,Business loans; emergency loans; consumption loans; savings; insurance; remittances/money transfer; usury; partner contributions,Ngongole ya bizinesi; ngongole za dzidzidzi; ngongole yogwiritsa ntchito pa khomo; ndalama zomwe mumasungila; insurance; ndalama zotumiziridwa; katapila; chipereganyu,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10756,"Who provides you with financial services/ what are your sources of financial services? Bank; Insurance company; micrifinance institutions; money transfer operators (money gram, Western Union); informal financial operators; usury; friends and relatives; other service providers (speficy)","Kodi ndi ndani amakupatsani chithandizo cha ndalama kapena ndi njira ziti zomwe mumapezera ndalama mwa zomwe nditchulezi? Banki, kampani za insurance; mabungwe obwereketsa ndalama; kampani zotumiza ndi kulandira ndalama, katapila; abwenzi ndi abale; njira zina (zitchuleni)",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10757,How are you covering unforeseen expenses?,Kodi mumatha bwanji kulipira zinthu zomwe zakugwerani mwadzidzidzi?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10758,"Do you have any difficulty in seeing, even if wearing glasses?",Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina lirilonse la kuona ngakhale mutabvala magalasi?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10759,"Do you have difficulty in hearing, even if using a hearing aid?",Kodi muli ndi bvuto la kumva ngakhale mutagwiritsa nchito zida zothandidzira kumva?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10760,Do you have any difficulty in walking or climbing steps?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse la kuyenda kapena kukwera masitepe?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10761,Do you have any difficulty in remembering or concentrating?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse lokhudzana ndi kukumbukira kapena la kutsatira zomwe zikukambidwa/chitika?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10762,Do you have any difficulty with self- care such as bathing or dressing?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse lokhudzana ndi kudzisamalira nokha monga kuzisamba kapena kuziveka?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10763,Do you have any difficulty in speaking?,Kodi muli ndi bvuto lina liri lonse lokhudzana ndi kulankhula?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10764,What is the highest level of formal education that your father has successfully completed?,"Kodi abambo anu analekezera pati maphunziro awo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10765,What kind of work does or did your father usually do?,Kodi abambo anu kweni kweni amagwira / ankagwira ntchito yanji?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10766,What is the highest level of formal education that your father has ,"Kodi abambo anu analekezera pati maphunziro awo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10767,What kind of work does or did your father usually do?,Kodi abambo anu kweni kweni amagwira / ankagwira ntchito yanji?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10768,What is the highest level of formal education that your mother has successfully completed?,"Kodi abambo anu analekezera pati maphunziro awo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10769,What kind of work does or did your mother usually do?,Kodi abambo anu kweni kweni amagwira / ankagwira ntchito yanji?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10770,Have you ever attended school/training programme?,Kodi munapitako ku sukulu kapena kumaphunziro azantchito?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10771,Are you currently attending school/training programme?,Kodi pakali pano muli pa sukulu kapena ku maphunziro a zantchito?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10772,At what level are you currently studying/ learning?,"Kodi pakali pano muli pati ndi maphunzirowo: ku pulaimale, Sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10773,What is your current level of formal education/training?,"Kodi pakali pano muli pati ndi maphunzirowo: ku pulaimale, sekondale, univesite kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa maphunziro a zantchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10774,What do you plan to do after completing your current education programme?,Kodi mapulani (maplan) anu ndi wotani mukadzamaliza maphunziro anu?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10775,What is the highest level of education you expect to complete?,Kodi mukuyembekezera mutaphunzira mpaka kudzamalizira / kudzalekezela kuti?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10776,What field are you studying/ do you expect to study ?,Kodi mukuphunzira / mukuyembekezera kudzachita maphunziro okhudza chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10777,What was the main reason for never starting your education/training?,Kodi chifukwa cheni cheni chomwe chinakupangitsani kuti musapite ku sukulu kapena kumaphunziro a zantchito chinali chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10778,What was the main reason for stopping your education/training?,Kodi chifukwa cheni cheni chomwe chinakupangitsani kuti musapitilize sukulu kapena maphunziro a zantchito chinali chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10779,What is your highest level of formal education/training completed?,"Kodi munalekeza ku pulaimale, Sekondale, university kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa ntchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10780,What is the qualification you attained?,"Kodi munalekeza ku pulaimale, Sekondale, university kapena kusukulu yophunzitsa ntchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10781,When did you finish/stop your formal education/training? ,Kodi ndi mwezi ndipo chaka chanji chomwe munamaliza maphunziro anu a sukulu kapena a zantchito?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10782,"I’m going to ask you to tell me more about your full history of economic activities. What we are interested in are your labour market-related activities such as paid or unpaid work, looking for work, or other activities such as time spent at home or looking after your family. As we need to get as complete a picture as possible, I'd like you to tell me about any spells you may have had in or out of paid employment. Please do not include periods of activity that are less than 3 months in time. Approximations are fine.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni kuti mundiuze mbiri yanu yokhudzana ndi mapezedwe anu a chuma, kwenikweni ndili ndi chidwi ndi ntchito zolipidwa ndi zosalipidwa zimene mumagwira. Komanso nthawi imene mwakhala mukufunafuna ntchito ndinso nthawi imene mumakhala pakhomo ndi kusamalira banja lanu. Apa ndingofuna kukhala ndi chithunzithuzi chokwanira cha zimene mumachita. Komanso ndikufuna mundiuze nthawi inailiyonse imene mumakhala osagwira ntchito",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10783,"I am going to read a list of activities. Thinking back, can you identify which of the following was your first activity during the period that you should have been in school?",Tsopano ndifuna ndi kuwerengereni mndandanda wa ntchito. Taganizira za m’mbuyo ngati zina mwa zintchitozi ndi zimene munachita koyamba pa mene mumayenera kukhala pa sukulu?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10784,"Work for wage /salary with an self-employed work as unpaid family member engaged in an apprenticeship/internship available and actively looking for work engaged in training engaged in home duties including did not work or seek work for reasons other than home duties, disability, sickness etc.","Kugwira ntchito yolembedwa kugwira ntchito yodzilemba nokha kugwira ntchito yosalipidwa ya pa banja kugwira ntchito ngati mbali imodzi ya maphunziro kukhala wokonzeka ndi kufunafuna ntchito kupanga maphunziro a ntchito kugwira ntchito za pa khomo (kuphatikiza kusagwira kapena kusafunafuna ntchito pa zifukwa zina osati chifukwa cha kugwira ntchito za pakhomo, kulumala, kudwala ndi zina zotero.",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10785,And on what date did you start doing that activity?,Ndi mwezi ndipo chaka chanji chomwe munayamba kugwira ntchito imeneyi?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10786,"I’m going to ask you to tell me more about your full history of economic activities. What we are interested in are your labour market-related activities such as paid or unpaid work, looking for work, or other activities such as time spent at home or looking after your family. As we need to get as complete a picture as possible, I'd like you to tell me about any spells you may have had in or out of paid employment",Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni kuti mundiuze mbiri yanu kuyambira pamene munamariza kwenikweni ndili ndi chidwi ndi ntchito zolipidwa ndi zosalipidwa zimene mumagwira. Komanso nthawi imene mwakhala mukufunafuna ntchito ndinso nthawi imene mumakhala pakhomo ndi kusamalira banja lanu. Apa ndingofuna kukhala ndi chithunzithuzi chokwanira cha zimene mumachita. Komanso ndikufuna mundiuze nthawi inailiyonse imene mumakhala osagwira ntchito.,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10787,Did you ever work while you studied (not including apprenticeship/ internship)?,Kodi munayamba mwagwirapo ntchito nthawi yomwe mumaphunzira sukulu?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10788,What was your primary motivation in working while studying?,Kodi cheni cheni chomwe chinakupangitsani kuti mugwire ntchito kwinaku mukuphunzira chinali chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10789,Did you have any internship(s)/apprenticeship(s) with an employer as part of your education?,Kodi munagwirapo ntchito kwa anthu wolemba anzawo ntchito ngati mbali imodzi ya maphunziro anu?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10790,Could you please tell me the most important goal in your life? ,Kodi inuyo pa moyo wanu wonse mumafunitsitsa mutazachita chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10791,What was the main reason that you were absent from your job or business last week?,Kodi chifukwa chenicheni chimene simunagwirire ntchito m’masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa chinali chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10792,"Now I would like to ask you about the job/economic activity you had in the last seven days. This should include not just work done for wages but other activities as well such as agriculture activities, producing home-made goods, fetching water and collecting firewood meant for sale.","Tsopano ndikufuna ndikufunseni za ntchito kapena zina zimene mumapanga m’masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawo. Chidwi changa kwambiri chili pa ntchito za kumunda ndi ntchito zina ngati kupanga zinthu zosiya-siyana, kutola nkhuni ngakhalenso kutunga madzi ndi cholinga chakuti mugulitse.",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10793,"During last week, did you do any of the following activities, even if only for one hour?","M’sabata yathayi, kodi mwagwirapo zina mwa ntchito zomwe nditchulezi, ngakhale munagwira kwa ola limodzi?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10794,"Run or do any kind of business, big or small, for yourself or with one or more partners? [Examples: Selling things, making things for sale, guarding cars, hairdressing, daycare business, taxi or other transport business, having a legal or medical practice, performing in public, having a public phone shop, barber, shoe shining, tailoring, etc.]","Kupanga bizinesi ina iri yonse yaying’ono kapena yayikulu mwa inu nokha kapena ndi azanu (monga kugulitsa zinthu, kupanga zinthu zogulitsa, kulondera galimoto, kukonza tsitsi, kusamalira ana, mtengatenga (kunyamula anthu kapena katundu pa galimoto), zamalamulo kapena za chipatala, zosangalatsa anthu, malo oyimbirapo lamya, yometa, kupukuta nsapato, utelala ndi zinazotero).",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10795,"Do any work for a wage, salary, commission or any payment in kind (including apprenticeship/internship (but excluding domestic work)? [Examples: A regular job, contract, casual or piece work for pay, work in exchange for food or housing]","Kugwira, ntchito ina ili yonse yolipidwa pa mwezi, ganyu, yolandira komishoni, kapena kulandira zinthu ngati malipiro (kuphatikizapo kuphunzira ntchito ngati mbali imodzi yamalipiro, koma kupatula ntchito za pakhomo)?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10796,"Do any work as a domestic worker for a wage, salary or any payment in kind?",Kugwira ntchito ina ili yonse ya pakhomo yolipidwa kapena kulandira zinthu zina ngati malipiro? ,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10797,"Help, without being paid, in any kind of business run by your household? [Examples: Help to sell things, make things for sale or exchange, doing the accounts, cleaning up for the business, etc.]","Kuthandizira bizinesi ina ili yonse ya pakhomo kwa ulere (monga kugulitsa zinthu, kupanga zinthu zogulitsa kapena za msintho, kuwerengera katundu ndi ndalama, kusamalira malo ochitira bizinesi)?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10798,"Do any work on your own (or your household’s) plot, farm, food garden, or help in growing farm produce for sale or in looking after animals intended for sale? [Examples: Ploughing, harvesting, looking after livestock]","Kugwira ntchito mwa inu nokha (kapena ya pakhomo panu) pa poloti, pa famu, munda wa zakudya kapena kuthandidza kulima mbewu zogulitsa, kapena kuweta ziweto zomwe cholinga ndi kudzagulitsa?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10799,Do any construction or major repair work on your own farm plot or business?,"Kugwira ntchito ina ili yonse yomanga, kukonza pa famu panu kapena pa bizinesi yanu?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10800,"Catch any fish, crabs, wild animals or other food for sale?","Kugwira nsomba, kupha nyama za kutchire kapena chakudya china chiri chonse ndi cholinga choti mugulitse?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10801,"Even though you did not do any of these activities last week, did you have a job, business or other economic or farming activity that you are paid for and will definitely return to?","Ngakhale simunagwire ntchito ina ili yonse m’masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi muli pa ntchito, bizinesi, ulimi, kapena ntchito yoti mudzabwererako?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10802,What kind of work do you usually do in the main job/activity that you had last week?,"Pa masiku asanu ndi awiri apitawa, kodi ntchito yanu imene munagwira nthawi yochuluka mumagwira ngati ndani?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10803,What are your main tasks or duties?,Kodi ntchito yeni yeni imene mumagwira ndi yotani ?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10804,"What kind of industry, business, service or activity is carried out at your place of work?",Kodi kumalo anu antchito mumachita/mumapanga chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10805,What are the main goods or services produced at your place of work or its main functions?,Kodi malo amene mumagwirako ntchito kweni kweni amachita/amapanga chiyani?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10806,Was your business/farm/activity (or the one where you worked) registered at the Ministry of Trade/Registrar of Companies/Civic Offices/DC Offices?,"Kodi bizinesi yanu, famu, kapena malo amene mumagwira ntchito ndi olembetsedwa ku unduna wa za malonda, bungwe la kaundula wa zamalonda, ofesi yayikulu ya mzinda kapena ofesi ya bwana nkubwa?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10807,"In your job/activity, are you:",Kodi ku ntchito kwanu mumagwira ngati:- ,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10808,Employee (working for someone else for pay in cash or in kind employer (employing one or more employees own‐account worker not member of a producers’ helping without pay in the business other (specify),Wolembedwa ntchito wolemba anzawo ntchito ntchito yodzilemba nokha ndipo simunalembe m’modzi wa anthu agulu lopangira bizinezi kapena ulimi pamodzi? Kuthandiza mosalipidwa pa bizinesi kapena famu (ulimi) yapakhomo kapena munthu wa banja lina? Ntchito zina,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10809,How many workers are employed in your business/farm/activity?,"Kodi ndi anthu angati amene analembedwa ntchito ndi bizinesi, famu kapena bungwe lomwe mumagwirako ntchito?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10810,"Are you currently employed on the basis of? A written contract, an oral agreement","Kodi ntchito mukugwirayi, mgwirizano wake unali, wolemberana pa pepala kapena wapakamwa?",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10811,Why is your contract or agreement of limited duration?,Kodi ndi chifukwa chiyani mgwirizano wanu wa ntchito uli ndi malire?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10812,What is the duration of your contract or agreement?,Kodi mgwirizano wa ntchito yanu ndi wautali bwanji?,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10813,Are you satisfied with your contract arrangement?,Kodi ndinu okhutitsidwa ndi mgwirizano wantchito imeneyi? ,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10814,You are satisfied with your contract situation because: It gives you the job security it gives you the flexibility the wage is high enough that you it provides you with an opportunity other reason (specify),"Ndinu okhutitsidwa ndi mgwirizano umenewu chifukwa cha chimodzi mwa izi:- Umakupatsani chitetezo choti umakupatsani kumasuka komwe mumafuna malipiro ake ndi okwera kwambiri oti umakupatsani mwayi odzitukula pa ntchito; chifukwa china, tchulani",general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10815,You are not satisfied with your contract situation because:,Simulii okhutitsidwa ndi mgwirizano umenewu chifukwa cha chimodzi mwa izi:-,general,malawi demographic and health survey +en10816,Flames opponents in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers have engaged an extra gear in preparations while Football Association of Malawi (FAM) is keeping fingers crossed for a financial breakthrough to get down to work,Omwe akupikisana nawo mu mpikisano wa chikho cha dziko lapansi cha World Cup cha 2026 atenga zida zowonjezera pokonzekera pomwe bungwe la Football Association of Malawi (FAM) likuyembekeza za chipambano cha chuma kuti chifike kuntchito,sports,online news +en10817,The Malawi National Football Team is scheduled to travel to Liberia to face the Lone Star in Monrovia before hosting the Carthage Eagles of Tunisia between November 13 and 23,Timu ya Malawi ya mpila wa miyendo National Football Team ikuyenera kupita ku Liberia kukakumana ndi Lone Star ku Monrovia isanakhale ndi Carthage Eagles yaku Tunisia pakati pa Novembara 13 ndi 23,sports,online news +en10818,Reads the statement in part: “[This] was after the committee was informed that there are no funds to support the Flames’ assignments,Amawerenga mawuwo mwa zina: “[Izi] zinali pambuyo poti komitiyo idadziwitsidwa kuti palibe ndalama zothandizira ntchito za Flames’,sports,online news +en10819,"Subject to funding, the Flames are expected to go into camp next week. It has been established that FAM, through Malawi National Council of Sports, has submitted a K540 million budget for the two matches","Kutengera ndi ndalama, Flames ikuyembekezeka kupita kumisasa sabata yamawa. Zadziwika kuti bungwe la FAM, kudzera ku Malawi National Council of Sports, lapereka ndalama zokwana K540 miliyoni pamasewera awiriwa",sports,online news +en10820,We already submitted the request to the Treasury and it needs to be approved by the Minister of Finance,Tidapereka kale pempholi ku Treasury ndipo likuyenera kuvomerezedwa ndi Nduna ya Zachuma,sports,online news +en10821,"But having foregone some competitions, we are of the view that they should get the funding. I like the spirit that FAM has displayed. They are trying their best, but it is now up to Treasury","Koma titaneneratu za mipikisano ina, tikuwona kuti akuyenera kupeza ndalamazo. Ndimakonda mzimu womwe FAM yawonetsa. Akuyesetsa momwe angathere, koma tsopano zili ku Treasury",sports,online news +en10822,"On the other hand, FAM is yet to finalize contractual negotiations for newly-appointed coach Patrick Mabedi although Nyamilandu said in an interview on Sunday that if everything goes according to plan, they expect him to start work on November 1","Kumbali ina, FAM isanamalize zokambilana za mgwilizano wa mphunzitsi yemwe wasankhidwa kumene Patrick Mabedi ngakhale Nyamilandu adanena poyankhulana Lamlungu kuti ngati zonse zikuyenda molingana ndi dongosolo, akuyembekeza kuti ayamba ntchito pa Novembara 1",sports,online news +en10823,"He said: “Having already missed out on playing a friendly match on the recent Fifa dates, the situation is not inspiring because our opponents have been busy on the ground","Anati: “Ataphonya kale kusewera masewera ochezeka pamasiku aposachedwa a Fifa, zinthu sizolimbikitsa chifukwa otsutsa athu akhala otanganidwa pansi",sports,online news +en10824,"Government and FAM need to step up their act, otherwise it could be recipe for disaster because at least by now, everything should have been in place considering that the games start in about three weeks","Boma ndi FAM akuyenera kuchitapo kanthu, apo ayi zitha kukhala njira yatsoka chifukwa pakadali pano, chilichonse chimayenera kukhalapo poganizira kuti masewerawa amayamba pafupifupi milungu itatu",sports,online news +en10825,FCB Nyasa Bullets host Kamuzu Barracks (KB) in a TNM Super League match at Kamuzu Stadium in Blantyre this afternoon fully aware that they have failed to beat the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) outfit in their last two encounters,FCB Nyasa Bullets ilandila Kamuzu Barracks (KB) pamasewera a TNM Super League pa Kamuzu Stadium ku Blantyre masana ano akudziwa kuti yalephera kugonjetsa Malawi Defence Force (MDF) m'masewera awo awiri omaliza,sports,online news +en10826,The first round encounter ended goalless at Civo Stadium in Lilongwe as both sides failed to unlock each other’s defense,Mpikisano woyamba udatha popanda zigoli pa Civo Stadium ku Lilongwe pomwe mbali zonse zidalephera kudzitsegulirana chitetezo,sports,online news +en10827,"In the 2022 TNM Super League season, the first round encounter ended in favour of Bullets with a narrow 1-0 victory. But the two sides shared spoils in the second round","Mu season ya 2022 TNM Super League, mpikisano woyamba udatha mokomera Bullets ndi chigonjetso chochepa cha 1-0. Koma mbali ziwirizi zidagawana zofunkha mgawo lachiwiri",sports,online news +en10828,This worked well in their last league match against Chitipa United as they scored two quick goals and went on to defend the goals to win 2-0,Izi zidayenda bwino pamasewera awo omaliza a ligi ndi Chitipa United pomwe adagoletsa zigoli ziwiri mwachangu ndikuteteza zigoli kuti apambane 2-0,sports,online news +en10829,"Remember we have been travelling a lot, so we wanted to start with high intensity so that we get an early goal and slow the pace down,” said Pasuwa","Kumbukirani kuti takhala tikuyenda kwambiri, kotero tinkafuna kuti tiyambe mwamphamvu kwambiri kuti tipeze cholinga choyambirira ndikuchepetsa liwiro,” adatero Pasuwa",sports,online news +en10830,The result eased the pressure off Bullets as they opened a three -point gap between them and second-placed rivals Mighty Mukuru Wanderers,Zotsatirazi zidachepetsa mphamvu ya Bullets pomwe idatsegula kusiyana kwa mapointi atatu pakati pawo ndi osewera omwe ali pamalo achiwiri Mighty Mukuru Wanderers,sports,online news +en10831,"We are having injuries in each and every game. So, I am fully focusing on managing the players because we still have a long way to go before wrapping up the season,” he said","Tikuvulala pamasewera aliwonse. Chifukwa chake, ndikuyang'ana kwambiri kuyang'anira osewera chifukwa tikadali ndi njira yayitali kuti titsirize nyengo,” adatero",sports,online news +en10832,Football Association of Malawi (FAM) has settled for Patrick Mabedi as Malawi National Football Team coach and offered him a two-year deal,Football Association of Malawi (FAM) yakhazikika pa Patrick Mabedi ngati mphunzitsi wa timu ya Malawi National Football Team ndipo yamupatsa contract ya zaka ziwiri,sports,online news +en10833,The association’s president Walter Nyamilandu said in an interview yesterday that this follows FAM emergency committee’s decision on Saturday to approve the Flames’ coach’s appointment,Mtsogoleri wa Association’s Walter Nyamilandu adati poyankhulana dzulo kuti izi zikutsatira ganizo la komiti yadzidzidzi ya FAM Loweruka lovomereza kusankhidwa kwa mphunzitsi wa Flames’,sports,online news +en10834,He said: “He will be free to choose his backroom staff with the approval of the executive committee.”,Anati: “Adzakhala omasuka kusankha antchito ake akumbuyo ndi chilolezo cha komiti yayikulu.”,sports,online news +en10835,Nyamilandu also said FAM will discuss the coach’s remuneration modalities with the Ministry of Youth and Sports as well as the Malawi National Council of Sports,Nyamilandu adatinso bungwe la FAM likambirana za malipiro a aphunzitsi ndi unduna wa zachinyamata ndi masewera komanso bungwe la Malawi National Council of Sports,sports,online news +en10836,"On whether they have set any targets, Nyamilandu said: “Our eyes are set on qualifying for the 2026 Africa Cup of Nations.”","Ngati akhazikitsa zolinga zilizonse, Nyamilandu adati: “Maso athu atsala pang'ono kulowa mu Africa Cup of Nations ya 2026.”",sports,online news +en10837,"He said: “It is good for continuity, but there is need to beef up his backroom staff with experts in some fields such as a performance analyst, who are crucial in the modern game","Anati: “Ndibwino kupitiliza, koma pakufunika kulimbikitsa ogwira ntchito kuchipinda chake chakumbuyo ndi akatswiri m'magawo ena monga wowunika magwiridwe antchito, omwe ali ofunikira pamasewera amakono",sports,online news +en10838,“North and West Africa are good examples of countries that have local coaches who have expatriate analysts as part of the backroom staff.”,“Kumpoto ndi ndi kumvuma kwa Africa ndi zitsanzo zabwino za mayiko omwe ali ndi makochi am'deralo omwe ali ndi akatswiri ochokera kunja monga gawo la ogwira ntchito kumbuyo.”,sports,online news +en10839,"The ex-Flames, Kaizer Chiefs and FCB Nyasa Bullets captain was Flames caretaker coach for five months after taking over from Romanian Mario Marinica, who was fired after a string of poor results","Mtsogoleri wakale wa Flames, Kaizer Chiefs ndi FCB Nyasa Bullets anali mphunzitsi wosamalira Flames kwa miyezi isanu atatenga udindo wa Mario Marinica waku Romania, yemwe adachotsedwa ntchito pambuyo pa zotsatira zoyipa zingapo",sports,online news +en10840,"Under Mabedi’s tutelage, the Flames did not lose in open play in eight matches, but they only won three and drew the rest","Motsogozedwa ndi Mabedi’s, Flames sinagonje pamasewera asanu ndi atatu, koma idangopambana atatu ndikutulutsa ena onse",sports,online news +en10841,"Malawi also reached the last four at the 2023 Cosafa Cup for the first time in two decades. Last month, FAM general secretary Alfred Gunda said they would first assess Mabedi before casting their net wider","Malawi idafikanso anayi omaliza pa 2023 Cosafa Cup koyamba mzaka makumi awiri. Mwezi watha, mlembi wamkulu wa FAM Alfred Gunda adati awunika kaye Mabedi asanawonjezere ukonde wawo",sports,online news +en10842,Enterprising centre Takondwa Lwazi says she opted to retire early from Malawi Queens because of little rewards,"Takondwa Lwazi, yemwe ndi malo ochitira zosangalatsa, wati adasankha kusiya ntchito yake msanga ku Malawi Queens chifukwa cha mphotho zochepa",sports,online news +en10843,"Lwazi, 31, resigned after the Netball World Cup in South Africa where the Queens finished on position seven. However, she is still playing for her club Blue Eagles","Lwazi, wa zaka 31, adatula pansi udindo wake pambuyo pa mpila wa manja wa Netball wolimbilana chikho cha maiko onse apansi, World Cup ku South Africa komwe Queens idamaliza pa nambala 7. Komabe, akusewerabe gulu lake la Blue Eagles",sports,online news +en10844,"Lwazi said the effort she put to the national team did not translate to what she was taking home. She disclosed that she was getting K5 000 training allowance per day, a package she said cannot sustain her living","Lwazi wati khama lomwe adachita ku timu ya dziko lino silinatanthauze zomwe amapita kwawo. Adawulula kuti amalandila ndalama zophunzitsira zokwana makwacha zikwi zisanu patsiku, phukusi lomwe adati silingamuthandize kukhala ndi moyo",sports,online news +en10845,"She, however, she will not rescind her decision even if the package is revised upwards","Komabe, sangachotse chigamulo chake ngakhale phukusilo litasinthidwa m'mwamba",sports,online news +en10846,"It will be good legacy that I took a bold step to open up and stand up to have the welfare of the national team players improved,” said Lwazi","Chidzakhala cholowa chabwino chomwe ndidachitapo kanthu molimba mtima kuti nditsegule ndikuyimilira kuti osewera a timu ya dziko apite patsogolo,” adatero Lwazi",sports,online news +en10847,"Reacting to her sentiments, Netball Association of Malawi general secretary Isaac Chimwala said the player is unpatriotic. He said players should be thankful for the platform they get for playing for the national team","Potengera maganizo ake, mlembi wamkulu wa bungwe la Netball Association of Malawi Isaac Chimwala wati osewerayu sakonda dziko lawo. Iye wati osewera akuyenera kuthokoza chifukwa cha malo omwe amapeza posewera timu ya dziko lino",sports,online news +en10848,I am surprised that she can come in the open and say that. Our players should understand that playing for the national team is not for money but pride,Ndikudabwa kuti akhoza kubwera poyera ndikunena zimenezo. Osewera athu akuyenera kumvetsetsa kuti kusewera timu ya dziko si ndalama koma chinthu chonyaditsa,sports,online news +en10849,"Players with serious intention to grow use the national team platform to secure deals with international clubs that pay well. I find the sentiments behind her quitting from national team very unpatriotic,” he said","Osewera omwe ali ndi cholinga chokulitsa amagwiritsa ntchito nsanja ya timu ya dziko kuti apeze mgwirizano ndi makalabu apadziko lonse omwe amalipira bwino. Ndimapeza malingaliro omwe adasiya ku timu ya dziko osakonda dziko lake,” adatero",sports,online news +en10850,The Queens interim coach Samuel Kanyenda has since indicated that she still need the services of Lwazi,Mphunzitsi wanthawi ya Queens Samuel Kanyenda wati akufunikabe ntchito za Lwazi,sports,online news +en10851,"He said he will include Lwazi in the national team that will start preparations for the Fast Five Series taking place in November in Australia. At the Netball World Cup, Lwazi was named best centre court player with the most feeds","Iye wati aphatikiza Lwazi mu timu ya dziko lino yomwe iyamba kukonzekera mpikisano wa maiko asanu otchedwa fast five series womwe udzachitike mu Novembala ku dziko la Australia. Pa mpira wa ntchembere mbaye wa dziko lonse, Lwazi adasankhidwa kukhala wosewera wabwino kwambiri pabwalo la masewela popeza mwimwayi ya mipira kwambiri",sports,online news +en10852,This is what we planned. We knew we were playing away and needed to score first and the boys did just that. It’s just unfortunate that KB equalized,Izi ndi zomwe tinakonza. Tinkadziwa kuti tikusewera kutali ndipo timafunika kugoletsa kaye ndipo anyamata adachita zomwezo. Ndizomvetsa chisoni kuti KB idagoletsa kuti zigoli zifanane,sports,online news +en10853,"You see, it was a very tough game. Our play was not that good. KB really came hard on us. But we blocked them","Monga mwaonera, anali masewera ovuta kwambiri. Sewero lathu silinali labwino choncho. KB idabweradi zovuta kwa ife. Koma tinawaletsa",sports,online news +en10854,The tournament is the President’s initiative aimed at raising funds for survivors of Cyclone Freddy and needy students from public universities,Mpikisanowu ndi malingaliro a mtsogoleri wa dziko omwe cholinga chake ndi kupeza ndalama zothandizira anthu omwe apulumuka ku namondwe wa Freddy ndi ophunzira osowa ochokera ku sukulu zaukachenjedwe zaboma,sports,online news +en10855,"Last Sunday, Chakwera trained at Mlambe Golf Course at Makokola Resort in Mangochi in preparation for the tournament and said he is eyeing prizes","Lamlungu lapitali, Chakwera adakakonzekera masewerowo bwalo la gofo laku Mlambe ku Makokola Resort ku Mangochi pokonzekera mpikisanowu ndipo adati akuyang'anira kupezapo mphoto",sports,online news +en10856,"He said: “This year, I am not only going to participate. I have set my eyes on the prizes","Iye anati: “Chaka chino, sinditenga nawo mbali kokha. Ndayang'aniranso kupambana pa mphoto",sports,online news +en10857,"The tournament will also provide us an ideal opportunity to meet potential sponsors and partners,” said Gondwe","Mpikisanowu utipatsanso mwayi wabwino okumana ndi othandizira komanso ogwira nawo ntchito,” adatero Gondwe",sports,online news +en10858,Bullets showed their urgency to score as early as the first five minutes when they hit the post twice through Ephraim Kondowe and Gomezgani Chirwa,Bullets idawonetsa kufulumira kwawo kugoletsa mphindi zisanu zoyambirira pomwe idagunda pamtengo kawiri kudzera mwa Ephraim Kondowe komanso Gomezgani Chirwa,sports,online news +en10859,"Though a goalless second half, Bullets enjoyed massive possession as they knocked the ball around with Chitipa just chasing their shadows","Ngakhale theka lachiwiri lopanda zigoli, Bullets idasangalala kwambiri pomwe idagwetsa mpira pomwe Chitipa adangothamangitsa mithunzi yawo",sports,online news +en10860,He said: “We were trying to manage the game. You know the boys are tired and in most cases we were trying to slow the game down,Iye anati: “Tinkayesa kuyang’anira masewerawo. Mukudziwa kuti anyamatawo anali otopa ndipo nthawi zambiri tinkafuna kuchedwetsa masewerawo,sports,online news +en10861,"The players gave out their best, it’s unfortunate that we conceded those early goals","Osewerawa adachita zomwe angathe, ndizomvetsa chisoni kuti tinachinyitsa zigoli kumayambiliro kwamasewerawo.",sports,online news +en10862,France-based Malawian women’s football star Tabitha Chawinga says she was thrilled with her team Paris Saint Germain’s (PSG) qualification into the Uefa Women’s Champions League group stage on Wednesday night after ousting Manchester United 4-2 on aggregate,"Katswiri wa mpira wamiyendo wa ku Malawi wa ku Malawi Tabitha Chawinga wati ndiwokondwa ndi timu yake ya Paris Saint Germain’s (PSG) kulowa mugulu la Uefa Women’s Champions League Lachitatu usiku atatulutsa Manchester United ndi zigoli zinayi kwa ziwir + i",sports,online news +en10863,"She said: “It was a great feeling knowing that we had sealed our slot in the group stages, which I reckon will be a great experience","Anati: “Zinali zomverera bwino podziwa kuti tasindikiza kagawo kathu m'magulu amagulu, zomwe ndikuganiza kuti zikhala bwino",sports,online news +en10864,We fought really hard as a team and playing in the group stages will be a great experience.,Tinamenya nkhondo molimbika ngati timu ndipo kusewera m'magulu amagulu kudzakhala kosangalatsa kwambiri.,sports,online news +en10865,It’s a different stage whereby the cream of Europe competes at the highest level and to be part of that will be an honour. I thank Almighty God for His blessings,Ndi gawo losiyana lomwe zonona za ku Europe zimapikisana pamlingo wapamwamba kwambiri ndikukhala nawo gawo lomwe lidzakhala ulemu. Ndikuthokoza Mulungu Wamphamvuyonse chifukwa cha madalitso Ake,sports,online news +en10866,"Some teams that will participate in the Salima Sugar National Netball League say the prizes are on the lower side surpassing what they will spend on logistics such as accommodation, food and transport","Matimu ena omwe atenga nawo mbali mu Salima Sugar National Netball League ati mphoto zili m’munsi kuposa zomwe azigwiritsa ntchito pogula zinthu monga malo ogona, chakudya ndi zoyendera",sports,online news +en10867,"One of the officials, who asked for anomity said: “All the teams expressed concern with the prize money because as a team, our budget, which includes accommodation and food for three days as well as transport is about K1.6 million","M'modzi mwa akuluakuluwo, yemwe adapempha kuti asokonezeke adati: “Magulu onse adawonetsa kukhudzidwa ndi ndalama zomwe adalandira chifukwa monga gulu, bajeti yathu, zomwe zimaphatikizapo malo ogona ndi chakudya kwa masiku atatu komanso zoyendera ndi pafupifupi K1.6 miliyoni",sports,online news +en10868,"That means even in the event that we win the cup, we’ll be left with about K400 000 and we ask ourselves, is it worth it? Even our sponsors have reservations","Izi zikutanthauza kuti ngakhale titapambana chikhochi, tidzatsala ndi pafupifupi makwacha okwana zikwi mazana anayi ndipo timadzifunsa tokha, kodi n’koyenera? Ngakhale othandizira athu ali ndi zosungitsa",sports,online news +en10869,She said they have resolved to negotiate that NAM should consider meeting some of the costs,Iye adati atsimikiza kukambirana kuti NAM iganizire zokwaniritsa zina mwa ndalama zofunikazo,sports,online news +en10870,"Then, on top of that, we have to pay registration fees. Things have gone up and It just doesn’t add up,” said the official","Kenako, pamwamba pa izo, tiyenera kulipira chindapusa cholembetsa. Zinthu zakwera ndipo sizimangowonjezera,” adatero mkuluyo",sports,online news +en10871,"And we are talking about some three years back when the cost of living was on the lower side. Maybe, the tournament should have been restricted to the top teams as per the sponsor’s concept of a national league,” she said","Ndipo tikukamba za zaka zitatu zapitazo pamene mtengo wa moyo unali wotsika. Mwina, mpikisanowu umayenera kungokhala m'magulu apamwamba malinga ndi lingaliro la yemwe watheketsa league ya dziko,” adatero",sports,online news +en10872,"We are trying approach well-wishers for assistance and we hope they will bail us out,” she said","Tikuyesera kuyandikira omwe akufuna thandizo ndipo tikukhulupirira kuti atitulutsa,” adatero",sports,online news +en10873,"Football Association of Malawi (FAM) has warned companies, organizations and individuals against exploiting the Scorchers image rights","Bungwe loyendetsa mpira wamiyendo la Football Association of Malawi (FAM) lachenjeza makampani, mabungwe ndi anthu kuti asagwiritse ntchito zithunzi za atsikana a Scorchers mopanda mopand akuwapindulitsa iwo eni",sports,online news +en10874,FAM commercial and marketing director Limbani Matola in interview said using the players’ images to promote organizations’ brands without the association’s approval is a violation,Woyang'anira zamalonda wa bnungwe la FAM Limbani Matola poyankhula ndiatolankhani adati kugwiritsa ntchito zithunzi za osewera’ kulimbikitsa mabungwe amtundu wa’ popanda chilolezo cha bungwe ndikuphwanya,sports,online news +en10875,He said: “Our humble request to companies and organizations is to avoid exploitation of the Scorchers image rights. They can congratulate the Scorchers without exploiting the image rights,Anati: “Pempho lathu lodzichepetsa kwa makampani ndi mabungwe ndikupewa kugwiritsa ntchito ufulu wazithunzi za Scorchers. Atha kuyamikira Scorchers popanda kugwiritsa ntchito ufulu wazithunzi,sports,online news +en10876,"This is happening at a time that the Scorchers are in desperate need for support. It’s an unfortunate that some people want to gain mileage without contributing in any way to the success of the team. This is not only illegal, but also immoral",Izi zikuchitika panthawi yomwe Scorchers akusowa thandizo. Ndizomvetsa chisoni kuti anthu ena akufuna kupeza mtunda popanda kuthandizira mwanjira iliyonse kuti timu ipambane. Izi sizololedwa mmalamulo komanso paumunthu sizabwino.,sports,online news +en10877,Matola said companies that want to promote their brands using the Scorchers players should follow the right procedure,Matola adati makampani omwe akufuna kukweza malonda awo pogwiritsa ntchito osewera a Scorchers akuyenera kutsatira njira yomwe idaikidwa.,sports,online news +en10878,"But for now we just want to caution the companies and organizations. Otherwise, as the team image rights holders, we can take them to task and they stand hefty penalties when it comes to litigation,” he said","Koma pakadali pano tikungofuna kuchenjeza makampani ndi mabungwe. Kupanda kutero, monga omwe ali ndi ufulu wamagulu, titha kuwatengera ndipo amakhala ndi zilango zazikulu pankhani yazamalamulo,” adatero",sports,online news +en10879,He said: “At this moment it is chaos because there is no clear and formal framework to govern sports image rights and that is wrong and disadvantages not only to the athlete but also their clubs and their nations,Iye anati: “Pakadali pano palichipwirikiti chifukwa palibe ndondomeko yomveka bwino komanso yovomerezeka yoyendetsera ufulu wazithunzi zamasewera ndipo ndizolakwika ndi zovuta osati kwa wothamanga okha komanso matimu a amakalabu awo ndi maiko awo,sports,online news +en10880,"Here in Malawi the trouble is that both athletes and maybe clubs are out of touch with how far the world has advanced and do not patent these rights or include them or necessary waivers in contracts, thus leaving themselves vulnerable","Kuno ku Malawi vuto ndi loti osewera komanso mwina makalabu sakugwirizana ndi momwe dziko lapitira patsogolo ndipo sapereka chilolezo cha maufuluwa kapena kuwaphatikiza kapena kuwachotsa mumgwirizano, motero amadzisiya okha pachiwopsezo",sports,online news +en10881,The Scorchers are keeping their fingers crossed that their meeting with President Lazarus Chakwera today will help sort out problems they face in their favorite sport,A Scorchers apindira zala zawo kuti msonkhano wawo ndi Mtsogoleri Lazarus Chakwera lero uthandizira kuthetsa mavuto omwe amakumana nawo pamasewera omwe amawakonda,sports,online news +en10882,The players have since suggested that they would appreciate if the government constructed a house for each player as a reward for their historic win of the Cosafa Women’s Championship on Sunday,Osewerawa anenapo kuti angayamike boma litamanga nyumba kwa wosewera aliyense ngati mphotho ya kupambana kwawo kwa mu mbiri ya Cosafa Women’s Championship Lamlungu,sports,online news +en10883,"As women football players, we have so many problems we feel will become history after we meet the President","Monga osewera mpira wa miyendo wa amayi, , tili ndi mavuto ambiri omwe tikuwona kuti adzakhala mbiri titakumana ndi mtsgogoleri wadziko lino",sports,online news +en10884,"In spite of that, we believe it will be a great motivation if the government, with the President’s directive, construct houses for us. This will forever remind us of this historic win,” she said","Ngakhale zili choncho, tikukhulupirira kuti zikhala zolimbikitsa kwambiri ngati boma, ndi chitsogozo chochokera kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko, litatimangira nyumba. Izi zidzatikumbutsa kwamuyaya za kupambana kwa mbiriyi,” adatero",sports,online news +en10885,"This year, the Cosafa event was the only tournament the Scorchers participated in after pulling out of other prestigious competitions such as the Women’s African Cup of Nations and the Olympics Qualifiers due to lack of funds","Chaka chino, chochitika cha Cosafa chinali mpikisano wokhawo womwe Scorchers adachita nawo atatuluka m'mipikisano ina yotchuka monga Women’s African Cup of Nations ndi Olympics Qualifiers chifukwa chosowa ndalama",sports,online news +en10886,"To participate at the Cosafa event, the Scorchers relied on the generosity of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri through his Goshen City Foundation, according to Football Association of Malawi (FAM) president Walter Nyamilandu","Kuti atenge nawo mbali pamwambo wa Cosafa, a Scorchers adadalira kuwolowa manja kwa Mtumiki Shepherd Bushiri kudzera mu bunghwe la Goshen City Foundation, malinga ndi mtsogoleri wa bungwe loyendetsa masewera ampira wamiyendo la Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Walter Nyamilandu",sports,online news +en10887,"We had exhausted all the funding for international events until a glimmer of hope appeared through Goshen City, which offered to pay the team’s air-tickets and other stuff","Tinali titamaliza ndalama zonse zochitira mipikisano yapadziko lonse lapansi mpaka chiyembekezo chinawonekera kudzera ku Goshen City, yomwe idapereka ndalama zolipirira matikiti a ndege ndi zinthu zina",sports,online news +en10888,"We pulled out of a number of tournaments and we were about to do the same with Cosafa Cup,” he said","Tidatuluka m'mipikisano ingapo ndipo tinali pafupi kuchita chimodzimodzi ndi Cosafa Cup,” adatero",sports,online news +en10889,We have nurtured this baby single-handedly for a long time but we need the support from the corporate to go further as the team has passed the litmus test,Takulira mwanayu yekha kwa nthawi yayitali koma tikufunika thandizo kuchokera kumakampani kuti tipite patsogolo popeza gulu lapambana mayeso a litmus,sports,online news +en10890,"A job well-done to you and congratulations to all the stakeholders who have played a role in making this victory possible, including the Ministry of Sports under my administration, the Malawi National Council of Sports, the Football Association of Malawi, Coach Lovemore Fazili and the technical staff","Ntchito yabwino kwa inu ndi zikomo kwa onse okhudzidwa omwe achitapo kanthu kuti chigonjetsochi chitheke, kuphatikizapo Unduna wa Zamasewera pansi pa utsogoleri wanga, malawi National Council of Sports, Football Association of Malawi, Coach Lovemore Fazili ndi akatswiri aukadaulo wampira",sports,online news +en10891,"So, from the bottom and on behalf of 20 million joyful hearts, thank you for proving that Malawi as a country is a winning team, and I wish you more success in the tournaments to come","Chifukwa chake, kuchokera pansi komanso m'malo mwa mitima yachisangalalo yokwana ma miliyoni makumi awiri, zikomo potsimikizira kuti Malawi ngati dziko ndi timu yopambana, ndipo ndikufunirani chipambano chochulukirapo pamipikisano yomwe ikubwera",sports,online news +en10892,The President also acknowledged the financial assistance the team got from Goshen City through Prophet Shepherd Bushiri which enabled the Scorchers to travel to Johannesburg for the tournament,Mtsogoleri wadzikoyu adavomerezanso thandizo lazachuma lomwe timuyi idalandira kuchokera ku Goshen City kudzera mwa Mneneri Shepherd Bushiri zomwe zidapangitsa kuti Scorchers ipite ku mzinda wa Johannesburg kukachita nawo mpikisanowu,sports,online news +en10893,"Most of the players here solely depend on their earnings from football which is not much. I would, therefore, like to ask you Mr. President to consider offering them jobs because with you, anything is possible,” she said","Osewera ambiri pano amangodalira zomwe amapeza kuchokera ku mpira zomwe si zambiri. Pachifukwa ichi, ndikufuna ndikufunseni Inu mtsogoleri kuti muganizire zowapatsa ntchito chifukwa kwa inu, chilichonse ndi chotheka,” adatero",sports,online news +en10894,"These girls are not motivated, they play the game out of passion and dedication. So, as a parent, please help us,” she said","Atsikanawa alibe chidwi, amasewera masewerawa chifukwa cha chilakolako komanso kudzipereka. Chifukwa chake, monga kholo, chonde tithandizeni,” adatero",sports,online news +en10895,And I also want to appeal to private sector companies to come in and support you because your exploits are a source of pride for all of us,Ndipo ndikufunanso kupempha makampani abizinesi kuti abwere kudzakuthandizani chifukwa zochita zanu zimanyadira tonsefe,sports,online news +en10896,"He said: “Our Scorchers are an example of what we can achieve as a country. This is the success you inspired in them. In these young girls, we see quality that you want to see in the citizens","Iye anati: “Scorchers ndi chitsanzo cha zomwe tingakwaniritse monga dziko. Uku ndiye kupambana komwe mudalimbikitsa mwa iwo. Mwa atsikana aang'ono awa, timawona khalidwe lomwe mukufuna kuwona mwa nzika",sports,online news +en10897,"The Scorchers will not get any prize money from the just-ended HollywoodBets Cosafa Women’s Championship as the tournament has had no sponsor for some time, it has been established","Scorchers sidzalandira mphotho iliyonse kuchokera ku HollywoodBets Cosafa Women’s Championship yomwe yangothetsedwa kumene chifukwa mpikisanowu sunakhalepo ndi othandizira kwakanthawi, wakhazikitsidwa",sports,online news +en10898,"He said: “The Cosafa Women’s Championship has no sponsor and the players were aware of that because even when they qualified for the 2021 edition final, they did not get any prize money","Iye adati: “Mpikisano wa Cosafa waamayi ulibe wothandizira ndipo osewerawo adadziwa izi chifukwa ngakhale atakwanitsa kumaliza mundime yomaliza kwa 2021, sanapeze ndalama zilizonse",sports,online news +en10899,"Nevertheless, FAM president said in an interview yesterday that the association was consulting on how best to reward the Scorchers","Komabe, mtsogoleri wa FAM adanena poyankhulana dzulo kuti bungweli likukambirana za momwe angaperekere mphoto kwa Scorchers",sports,online news +en10900,"Malawi won the tournament after beating Zambia 2-1 in the final on Suday in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was the first time for the Scorchers to win the regional showpiece since its inception in 2002","Malawi yapambana mpikisanowu itagonjetsa Zambia 2-1 mu final ya Suday ku Johannesburg, South Africa. Aka kanali koyamba kuti a Scorchers apambane chiwonetsero chachigawo kuyambira pomwe idakhazikitsidwa mu chaka cha 2002",sports,online news +en10901,"In its determination, the committee faulted the competitions subcommittee for not following set procedures when coming up with its determination on September 28 which fined the Nomads K24.5 million and declared that they lost the match 3-0","Mu kutsimikiza kwake, komitiyi idalakwitsa komiti yaying'ono yamipikisano chifukwa chosatsata njira zomwe idakhazikitsidwa pomwe idatsimikiza pa Seputembara 28 yomwe idalipira chindapusa cha Nomads ma miliyoni makumi awiri ndi asanu ndi theka kuti idagonja zigoli zitatu kwa du",sports,online news +en10902,"The committee therefore, sets aside all of the decisions that were made by the competitions subcommittee as communicated in its determination dated 28th September 2023","Chifukwa chake, komitiyi imayika pambali zisankho zonse zomwe zidapangidwa ndi komiti yaying'ono yamipikisano monga momwe idafotokozedwera pakutsimikiza kwake pa Seputembara 28, 2023",sports,online news +en10903,The disciplinary committee also called for consistency in the way the competitions subcommittee makes its decision on disputes,Komiti yoona zakhalidwe idapemphanso kuti pakhale kusasinthasintha momwe komiti yaying'ono yamipikisano imapangira chigamulo pamikangano,sports,online news +en10904,"In the same vein, the committee would like to encourage parties that seek to bring cases before it to ensure that they familiarize themselves with the previous decisions of the committee","Momwemonso, komitiyi ikufuna kulimbikitsa zipani zomwe zikufuna kubweretsa milandu patsogolo pake kuti zitsimikizire kuti zikudziwa bwino zomwe komitiyi idasankha",sports,online news +en10905,"This, in the committee’s view, was not an accident. It was a deliberate design to ensure that the ‘judges of FAM’ are properly distanced from the arena where football disputes are likely to originate","Izi, m'malingaliro a komiti, sizinali ngozi. Anali mapangidwe adala kuti awonetsetse kuti oweruza a FAM’ atalikirana bwino ndi bwalo lomwe mikangano ya mpira ingayambike",sports,online news +en10906,"FAM competitions and communications director said they will start all over the disciplinary process as advised by the disciplinary committee. “We will do as instructed,” he said","Woyang'anira mpikisano wa FAM ndi kulumikizana adati ayamba nthawi yonse yolanga monga momwe komiti yolangira idalangizira. “Tidzachita monga adalangizidwa,” adatero",sports,online news +en10907,"However, we have to obtain instructions on the further conduct of the matter given that it has been referred to the same competitions subcommittee that made the impugned decision","Komabe, tiyenera kupeza malangizo okhudza momwe nkhaniyi ikuyendera chifukwa idatumizidwa ku komiti yaying'ono yamipikisano yomwe idapanga chisankho chotsutsidwa",sports,online news +en10908,"I am speaking in my personal capacity that Nyamilandu should leave the stage. A good dancer knows how to leave the stage. We want new leadership,” Mussa, who served as Central Region Football Association (CRFA) vice chairperson, said","Ndikulankhula ndekha kuti Nyamilandu achoke pa nsanja. Wovina wabwino amadziwa kuchoka pa nsanja. Tikufuna utsogoleri watsopano,” Mussa, yemwe adatumikira ngati wachiwiri kwa wapampando wa Central Region Football Association (CRFA)",sports,online news +en10909,"Among other things, the grouping has also asked for sanity ahead of the Fam polls. Nyamilandu has served as Fam president for close to 20 years","Mwa zina, gululi lapemphanso kuti pakhale chilongosoko patsogolo pa zisankho za Fam. Nyamilandu wakhala mtsogoleri wa Fam kwa zaka pafupifupi makumi awiri",sports,online news +en10910,"However, Nyamilandu has not come out in the open to say whether he would seek re-election ahead of the polls","Komabe, Nyamilandu sanatuluke poyera kunena ngati angafunenso zisankho zisanachitike",sports,online news +en10911,"Again, current statutes allow him to contest for the post despite serving for close to 20 years. When contacted Monday, Nyamilandu said: “Everyone is entitled to his opinion.”","Apanso, malamulo apano amamulola kupikisana nawo paudindowu ngakhale atakhala zaka pafupifupi makumi awiri. Atalumikizidwa Lolemba, Nyamilandu adati: “Aliyense ali ndi ufulu ookhala ndimalingaliro ake.”",sports,online news +en10912,"However, Nyamilandu refused to disclose his stand when asked if he would seek re-election. “The time is not right for me to state my position,” he said","Komabe, Nyamilandu adakana kuulula atafunsidwa ngati angafune kusankhidwanso. “Nthawi si yoyenera kuti ndinene udindo wanga,” adatero",sports,online news +en10913,"But I think he is targeting the wrong person. Football has its constituency. If he wants his opinion to be heard, he should talk to affiliates,” Kaudza Masina said. All the positions will be up for grabs during the polls in December","Koma ndikuganiza kuti akulunjika munthu wolakwika. Mpira uli ndi chigawo chake. Ngati akufuna kuti maganizo ake amvedwe, alankhule ndi anzake, adatero” Kaudza Masina. Maudindo onse adzakhalapo panthawi ya zisankho mu December",sports,online news +en10914,Malawi Women’s National Football Team striker and captain Tabitha Chawinga continued with her impressive goal scoring prowess at Paris Saint Germain as she scored and provided one assist in a 4-0 victory over Lille Women on Saturday,Osewera wa timu ya Malawi Women’s National Football Team komanso captain Tabitha Chawinga adapitiliza ndi luso lake logoletsa zigoli ku Paris Saint Germain pomwe adagoletsa ndikupereka thandizo limodzi pakupambana zigoli zinayi kwa duu ndi team yaatsikana ya Lille Loweruka,sports,online news +en10915,"However, she has scored one goal in the Uefa Women’s Champions League after she scored in a 1-1 stalemate against Manchester United two weeks ago","Komabe, wagoletsa chigoli chimodzi mu Uefa Women’s Champions League atagoletsa 1-1 motsutsana ndi Manchester United milungu iwiri yapitayo",sports,online news +en10916,"“I have settled well in the team. I hope I will score more goals this season,” Tabitha said. Tabitha is on a season-long loan deal from Chinese side Wuhan Jiangda","“Ndakhazikika bwino mu timu. Ndikukhulupirira ndigoletsa zigoli zambiri nyengo ino,” Tabitha adatero. Tabitha ali pa ngongole yanthawi yayitali kuchokera ku timu yaku China Wuhan Jiangda",sports,online news +en10917,She has started well and I hope she will continue to perform according to expectations. We need more players to play in top leagues to have a strong national team,Wayamba bwino ndipo ndikhulupilira kuti apitiliza kuchita zomwe amayembekeza. Tikufuna osewera ambiri kuti azisewera mu ligi zapamwamba kuti akhale ndi timu yamphamvu yadziko,sports,online news +en10918,Saudi Arabia has been accused of human rights abuses and same-sex sexual activity is illegal. There are also concerns over women's rights in the county,Saudi Arabia yaimbidwa mlandu wophwanya ufulu wa anthu ndipo kugonana kwa amuna kapena akazi okhaokha ndikoletsedwa. Palinso nkhawa za ufulu wa amayi m’bomalo,sports,online news +en10919,Those plans were eventually abandoned by Fifa after the host nations expressed their disappointment with the idea,Zolinga izi zidasiyidwa ndi Fifa pambuyo poti mayiko omwe adakhala nawo adawonetsa kukhumudwa kwawo ndi lingalirolo,sports,online news +en10920,"Amnesty International Australia campaigner Nikita White said in February: ""It would be quite the irony for Saudi's tourism body to sponsor the largest celebration of women's sport in the world when you consider that, as a woman in Saudi Arabia, you can't even have a job without the permission of your male guardian","Wochita kampeni ku Amnesty International ku Australia Nikita White adati mu February: ""Zingakhale zodabwitsa kuti bungwe la zokopa alendo ku Saudi lithandizire chikondwerero chachikulu kwambiri chamasewera azimayi padziko lonse lapansi mukaganizira izi, monga mkazi ku Saudi Arabia, simungakhale ndi ntchito popanda chilolezo cha woyang'anira wanu wamwamuna",sports,online news +en10921,It is possible any Saudi bid could be up against England for the right to host the 2035 tournament,Ndizotheka kuyitanitsa kulikonse kwa Saudi kungakhale motsutsana ndi England kuti akhale ndi ufulu wochita nawo mpikisano wa 2035,sports,online news +en10922,Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in sport in recent years and has been accused of using events to 'sportswash' its reputation,Saudi Arabia yaika ndalama zambiri pamasewera m'zaka zaposachedwa ndipo ikuimbidwa mlandu wogwiritsa ntchito zochitika kuti 'zisokoneze' mbiri yake,sports,online news +en10923,"Women's rights campaigners have been imprisoned, despite some reform under crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, such as an end to the ban on women driving. The death penalty remains a possible punishment for same-sex sexual activity","Omenyera ufulu wa amayi amangidwa, ngakhale kusintha kwina pansi pa polonga Mohammed bin Salman, monga kutha kwa chiletso cha amayi kuyendetsa galimoto. Chilango cha imfa chimakhalabe chilango chotheka chifukwa cha kugonana kwa amuna kapena akazi okhaokha",sports,online news +en10924,"Several high-profile male players, including Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar, currently play in the Saudi Pro League","Osewera angapo odziwika bwino, kuphatikiza Cristiano Ronaldo ndi Neymar, amasewera mu Saudi Pro League",sports,online news +en10925,"Second-bottom Villa, who are yet to earn a point this season, and third-bottom Everton now await Chelsea before their Champions League campaign begins at Real Madrid on 15 November. On this form, anything less than maximum points from those games would be a shock","Villa wachiwiri, yemwe sanapezebe mfundo nyengo ino, komanso Everton yachitatu pansi tsopano akuyembekezera Chelsea kampeni yawo ya Champions League isanayambe ku Real Madrid pa 15 Novembala. Pa fomu iyi, chilichonse chocheperapo kuposa mapointi apamwamba pamasewerawa chingakhale chodabwitsa",sports,online news +en10926,"In the first half we were so disappointed with the result because we had the ball but couldn't score. I remember everyone saying we have to believe, because it is possible we can score three goals and that's what we did","Mu theka loyamba tidakhumudwa kwambiri ndi zotsatira zake chifukwa tinali ndi mpira koma sitinathe kugoletsa. Ndikukumbukira aliyense akunena kuti tiyenera kukhulupirira, chifukwa ndizotheka kuti titha kugoletsa zigoli zitatu ndipo ndi zomwe tidachita",sports,online news +en10927,"""The mental part at half-time was really important and we showed how good we can be."" What does she remember about beating the USA on penalties in the World Cup? ""This memory is one of those that will stay with me as long as I live, especially the last penalty kick. I couldn't watch it","""Gawo lamalingaliro pa nthawi yopumula linali lofunikira kwambiri ndipo tidawonetsa momwe tingakhalire abwino."" Kodi amakumbukira chiyani pomenya USA pazilango mu World Cup? ""Chikumbukirochi ndi chimodzi mwa zomwe zizikhala nane nthawi yonse yomwe ndikukhala, makamaka kuwombera komaliza. Sindinathe kuziwona",sports,online news +en10928,"""I felt really calm [for my penalty], I was not that nervous. The coach was asking who wanted to be the first one and I said I wanted to start","""Ndinadzimva kukhala wodekha [chifukwa cha chilango changa], sindinali wamantha. Mphunzitsiyo amafunsa yemwe akufuna kukhala woyamba ndipo ndinati ndikufuna kuyamba",sports,online news +en10929,"I was sure I wanted to take the first one. I believe in my team-mates but [then] you can't do anything, you're just standing there, nervous","Ndinali wotsimikiza kuti ndikufuna kutenga yoyamba. Ndimakhulupirira anzanga a timu koma [ndiye] simungathe kuchita kalikonse, mukungoyima pamenepo, wamantha",sports,online news +en10930,"""When I think back to when I was younger, I didn't dream about being a footballer. I [didn't think] it was a job you could have, you could not live on it. ""I thought that it was only boys [that] could have those dreams","""Ndikaganizira ndili wamng’ono, sindinkalota kukhala wosewera mpira. Ine [sindinaganize] kuti inali ntchito yomwe mungakhale nayo, simukanatha kukhalamo. ""Ndinkaganiza kuti ndi anyamata okha [omwe] angakhale ndi maloto amenewo",sports,online news +en10931,"""But so much has happened and if I knew how far you could reach as a football player, I would be crazy proud of my whole journey because it's been amazing. ""I never thought I could live this dream that I'm living at the moment.""","""Koma zambiri zachitika ndipo ndikadadziwa kuti mutha kufika pati ngati wosewera mpira, ndingakhale wopenga paulendo wanga wonse chifukwa zakhala zodabwitsa. ""Sindinaganizepo kuti ndingathe kukhala ndi maloto awa omwe ndikukhala nawo pakadali pano.""",sports,online news +en10932,"""My biggest role model was (Brazilian footballer) Marta. She came to Sweden when she was really young and started her professional career there","""Chitsanzo changa chachikulu chinali (wosewera mpira waku Brazil) Marta. Anabwera ku Sweden ali wamng'ono kwambiri ndipo anayamba ntchito yake kumeneko",sports,online news +en10933,"""She was so, so different in her technique, speed, dribbling. She was my biggest role model. I even named my cat after her, so she was a big part of me growing up, having someone to look up to","""Anali wosiyana kwambiri ndi luso lake, liwiro, kuthamanga. Iye anali chitsanzo changa chachikulu. Ndinamutchanso mphaka wanga dzina lake, choncho anali mbali yaikulu ya ine ndikukula, kukhala ndi munthu woti ndimuyang'ane",sports,online news +en10934,"""I remember my mum took me to women's games, they were maybe not that popular, but she was like 'we should watch women, it's something you can identify with'","""Ndikukumbukira kuti amayi anga adanditengera kumasewera achikazi, mwina sanali otchuka, koma anali ngati 'tiyenera kuyang'ana akazi, ndi zomwe mungadziwe'",sports,online news +en10935,"Barcelona captain Alexia Putellas: ""She understands how we play and how to win. She is very motivated and cares about helping the team, everyone can see that","Mtsogoleri wa Barcelona Alexia Putellas: ""Amamvetsetsa momwe timasewera komanso momwe tingapambane. Iye ndi wolimbikitsidwa kwambiri ndipo amasamala za kuthandiza gulu, aliyense akhoza kuona zimenezo",sports,online news +en10936,She shows that she has an incredible mentality when she comes in and performs in the most important game of the year,Amasonyeza kuti ali ndi maganizo odabwitsa akabwera ndikuchita masewera ofunika kwambiri a chaka,sports,online news +en10937,"Hess has decided the time is right to invest in sport; in women's cycling, to be exact, where the 68-year-old's intention is to make his eponymous squad the first British team in the Women's World Tour, and which he hopes will consistently win the Tour de France Femmes","Hess waganiza kuti nthawi ndi yoyenera kuyika ndalama pamasewera; mu kupalasa njinga akazi, kunena ndendende, kumene cholinga cha wazaka makumi asanu ndilimodzi kuonjezerapo zisanu ndi zitatu ndikupangitsa gulu lake lodziwika bwino kukhala gulu loyamba la Britain mu Women's World Tour, lomwe akuyembekeza kuti lidzapambana Tour de France Femmes nthawi zonse",sports,online news +en10938,Women's football has caught up [with the men's game] in a never expected way during the last five years - women's sport is on the way up. Having women competing on a professional level is a sign of change in society,Mpira wa azimayi wakula [ndi masewera aamuna] m'njira yosayembekezereka m'zaka zisanu zapitazi - masewera achikazi ali m'njira yokwera. Kukhala ndi akazi omwe akupikisana pamlingo waukadaulo ndi chizindikiro cha kusintha kwa anthu,sports,online news +en10939,"We didn't buy a team - we are building a team,"" Hess says. ""We feel we need to take care of our riders and invite them to take up studies while they race and create their own personalized consumer product. Under one condition - that they are active on social media","Sitinagule timu - tikumanga gulu, ""akutero Hess. ""Tikuwona kuti tikuyenera kusamalira okwera athu ndikuwaitanira kuti achite maphunziro akamathamanga ndikupanga zinthu zawo zomwe amakonda. Pansi pa chikhalidwe chimodzi - kuti akugwira ntchito pa malo ochezera a pa Intaneti",sports,online news +en10940,"This is what I think we are saying which is unique until other teams start doing it, which I hope happens","Izi ndi zomwe ndikuganiza kuti tikunena zomwe zili zapadera mpaka matimu ena ayambe kuchita, zomwe ndikuyembekeza kuti zichitika",sports,online news +en10941,Hess has tried to identify what all entrepreneurs desire - the crest of a wave which launches a sport into huge growth and money-making opportunities,Hess ayesa kuzindikira zomwe amalonda onse amafuna - chiwombankhanga chomwe chimayambitsa masewera pakukula kwakukulu komanso mwayi wopeza ndalama,sports,online news +en10942,Women's cycling is clearly on the up and is enjoying a huge boost in TV air time thanks to a requirement that races can only qualify as World Tour events if race organizers guarantee at least 45 minutes of live coverage,Kupalasa njinga kwa amayi kuli m'mwamba ndipo kukusangalala kwambiri ndi nthawi yowulutsa pa Kanema ya pa wayilesi chifukwa chofuna kuti mipikisano ingoyenera kukhala zochitika za dziko lonse ngati okonza mpikisano atsimikizira osachepera mphindi makujmi anayi ndi zisanu za kufalitsa kwamoyo,sports,online news +en10943,"For Hess, owning a cycling team is not an achievement in and of itself unless he manages it in an innovative way","Kwa Hess, kukhala ndi gulu loyendetsa njinga sikupambana kokha pokhapokha atayendetsa m'njira yatsopano",sports,online news +en10944,Growing up in a family of boys and men – who had all tried their hand at going professional – Nnadozie’s ambition to follow suit wasn’t greeted with unyielding enthusiasm. Quite the opposite,Kukulira m'banja la anyamata ndi amuna – omwe adayesa dzanja lawo popita ku akatswiri – Nnadozie’ chikhumbo cha Nnadozie chotsatira sichinalandiridwe ndi changu chosalekeza. Zosiyana kwambiri,sports,online news +en10945,"It wasn’t very good from my family. They never let me play, especially my dad,” the 22-year-old said","Zinali zabwino kwambiri kwa banja langa. Sanandilole kusewera, makamaka abambo anga,” wazaka 22 adatero",sports,online news +en10946,"Whenever I went to play soccer, he would always tell me: ‘Girls don’t play football. Look at me. I played football, I didn’t make it. Your brother, he played, he didn’t make. Your cousin played, he didn’t make it. So why do you want to choose this? Why don’t you want to go to school or maybe do some other things?’” Nnadozie recollected","Nthawi zonse ndikapita kukasewera mpira, amandiuza nthawi zonse kuti: ‘atsikana samasewera mpira. Yang'anani pa ine. Ndinasewera mpira, sindinathe. Mchimwene wanu, adasewera, sanapange. Msuweni wanu adasewera, sanathe. Ndiye mukufuna kusankha bwanji izi? Bwanji simukufuna kupita kusukulu kapena kuchita zinthu zina?’” Nnadozie anakumbukira",sports,online news +en10947,"Despite the cynicism, Nnadozie continued to play football to fulfill her dream of playing for Nigeria. Her mother was instrumental in keeping that hope alive, often taking Nnadozie to her auntie’s house where she could play freely without refute","Ngakhale kuti anali wosuliza, Nnadozie anapitirizabe kusewera mpira kuti akwaniritse maloto ake oti azisewera ku Nigeria. Amayi ake anathandiza kwambiri kuti chiyembekezocho chikhale chamoyo, ndipo nthawi zambiri ankatengera Nnadozie kunyumba ya azakhali ake kumene ankasewera momasuka popanda kutsutsa",sports,online news +en10948,The Nigerian goalkeeper rose to stardom after becoming the youngest-ever goalkeeper to keep a clean sheet at a Women’s World Cup back in the 2019,Wogwila mpila waku Nigeria adatchuka atakhala goloboyi wocheperako kwambiri kuti asunge tsamba loyera pa chikho cha dziko lonse cha World Cup ya amai mu 2019,sports,online news +en10949,"Only 19 years old at the time, Nnadozie played three games in France, showcasing confidence and authority on a level more commonly associated with seasoned professionals","Ali ndi zaka khumi ndimphambu zisanu ndi zinayi zokha panthawiyo, Nnadozie adasewera masewera atatu ku France, akuwonetsa chidaliro ndi ulamuliro pamlingo womwe umagwirizanitsidwa kwambiri ndi akatswiri odziwa bwino ntchito",sports,online news +en10950,"During the second game, when the coach told me I would be playing, I was very scared because I was still very, very young. I was crying","Pamasewera achiwiri, mphunzitsiyo atandiuza kuti ndisewera, ndinachita mantha kwambiri chifukwa ndinali ndidakali wamng'ono kwambiri. ndinali kulira",sports,online news +en10951,"Some of my teammates, they came to me and they were like: ‘Come on, you have to do this, we believe in you, God believes in you, so you have to believe in yourself","Ena mwa anzanga adabwera kwa ine ndipo adakhala ngati: ‘Bwerani, muyenera kuchita izi, timakhulupirira mwa inu, Mulungu amakukhulupirirani, kotero muyenera kudzikhulupirira nokha",sports,online news +en10952,"But, with the help of Nnadozie’s performances in goal, Nigeria finished second in the group, picking up two clean sheets along the way, before bowing out of the competition at the last 16 stage to European champion England","Koma, mothandizidwa ndi machitidwe a Nnadozie’s mu goli, Nigeria idamaliza yachiwiri mgululi, ikutenga ma ambala awiri oyera panjira, asanatuluke mumpikisano pagawo lomaliza la khumi ndi zisanu ndichimodzi kupita ku England ngwazi yaku Europe",sports,online news +en10953,"So in the last two years, we played against Canada and I made a mistake. There was a mistake from me and she scored. So during the World Cup, when she took the ball to take the penalty, I was like: ‘Not you again","Choncho m’zaka ziwiri zapitazi, tinasewera ndi Canada ndipo ndinalakwitsa. Panali cholakwika kuchokera kwa ine ndipo adagoletsa. Kotero pa World Cup, pamene adatenga mpira kuti atenge chilango, ndinali ngati: ‘Osati inunso",sports,online news +en10954,"Despite the initial pessimism, Nnadozie got down well to her left, parrying Sinclair’s penalty to safety, and rescuing a crucial point for Nigeria, without which the Super Falcons may have proved the pre-tournament sceptics right","Ngakhale kuti poyamba analibe chiyembekezo, Nnadozie anatsikira kumanzere kwake, kupereka chilango cha Sinclair’s ku chitetezo, ndi kupulumutsa mfundo yofunika kwambiri ku Nigeria, popanda zomwe Super Falcons mwina idatsimikizira okayikira asanayambe mpikisano",sports,online news +en10955,"To be honest with you, no pressure. Yes, pressure from the team, but for me personally, there is no pressure at all because when I’m calm, I understand myself more,” she said","Kunena zoona kwa inu, palibe kukakamizidwa. Inde, kukakamizidwa ndi gulu, koma kwa ine ndekha, palibe kukakamizidwa konse chifukwa pamene I’ndikhala chete, ndimadzimvetsa zambiri,” adatero",sports,online news +en10956,"After pleading with her manager to replace her fatigued teammate in goal, such was the brilliance of her performance, that her coach’s response was simply: “If you want to be in this team, then you have to be a goalkeeper","Atachonderera oyendetsa mpirawo wake kuti alowe m'malo mwa mnzake wotopa mu cholinga, uku kunali kumveka bwino kwa momwe amachitira, kuti kuyankha kwa mphunzitsi wake kunali kosavuta: “Ngati mukufuna kukhala mu timu iyi, ndiye muyenera kukhala ogwilampila",sports,online news +en10957,The rise of Nnadozie has run in tandem with the rise of female goalkeepers globally,Kutchuka kwa Nnadozie kwadza molingana ndi kutchuka kwa otchinga pagolo aakazi padziko lapanzi,sports,online news +en10958,"All I’m going to say to them is just keep being you, keep working hard,” she said. “Always do the right thing, even nobody’s watching you. It’s difficult when your parents don’t support you. What can you do?","Zomwe ndinganene kwa iwo ndizakuti apitilizane kukhala iwo, pitilizani kulimbikira, ”adatero. ""Nthawi zonse chitani zoyenera, ngakhale palibe amene akukuwonani. Zimakhala zovuta pamene makolo anu sakukuthandizani. Kodi mungatani? +",sports,online news +en10959,"But we just have to keep working hard and believe in yourself. One day, the skies will be your starting point","Koma tiyenera kupitiriza kugwira ntchito mwakhama ndi kudzikhulupirira tokha. Tsiku lina, ntambo udzakhala poyambira panu. + +",sports,online news +en10960,"Emotions ran high in England over the weekend after it was announced that Bobby Charlton, widely regarded as the country’s greatest soccer player, had died on Saturday at the age of 86","Zina zovetsa chisoi kwambi ku England kumapeto kwa sabata atalengezedwa kuti Bobby Charlton, yemwe amadziwika kuti ndi wosewera mpira wamkulu mdzikolo, wamwalira Loweruka ali ndi zaka 86. +",sports,online news +en10961,"Tributes were paid throughout the soccer world, with David Beckham and Prince William among those paying their respects to the World Cup winner, while pictures of the former Manchester United great adorned the front pages of England’s national newspapers","Malipiro anawonetsedwa kudziko lonse la mpira, David Beckham ndi Prince William m'modzi mwa omwe amapereka ulemu kwa wopambana World Cup, pomwe zithunzi za wamkulu wakale wa Manchester United zidakongoletsa masamba akutsogolo a nyuzipepala zaku England. +",sports,online news +en10962,"Charlton died peacefully in the early hours of Saturday surrounded by his family, according to a statement from his family, per the English Football Association","Charlton anamwalira mwamtendere m'mawa wa Loweruka atazunguliridwa ndi banja lake, mogwirizana ndi zomwe banja lake linanena, komaso ndi English Football Association.",sports,online news +en10963,"Sir Bobby was a hero to millions, not just in Manchester, or the United Kingdom, but wherever football is played around the world,” Manchester United said in the statement on Saturday, adding that he would be remembered as a “giant of the game.”","Sir Bobby anali ngwazi kwa anthu mazana mazana oambiri, osati ku Manchester kokha, kapena ku United Kingdom, koma kulikonse komwe mpira umaseweredwa padziko lonse lapansi, ""Manchester United idatero Loweruka, ndikuwonjezera kuti akumbukiridwa ngati ""katswiri pamasewera. .” +",sports,online news +en10964,"It all began with Sir Bobby. Sir Bobby was the reason I had the opportunity to play for Manchester United… I will be forever grateful to a man I was named after, someone I looked up to and was a hero to many around the world not just in Manchester and our country where he won the World Cup in 1966","Zonse zidayamba ndi Sir Bobby. Sir Bobby ndiamene anandithandiza kuti kuti ndipeze mwayi wosewera mtimu ya Manchester United… Ndikhala wothokoza mpaka kalekale kwa munthu yemwe ndinatchedwa dzina kuchokela kwa iye, munthu yemwe ndimkamuyang'ana komanso anali katswiri kwa anthu ambiri padziko lonse lapansi osati ku Manchester kokha ndi dziko lathu komwe komwe adapambana World Cup mu 1966. +",sports,online news +en10965,"He is not only regarded as one of England’s greatest sportsmen but as one of the finest soccer players of his era, alongside Pelé, Eusébio, Bobby Moore, Garrincha and Franz Beckenbauer. He won the Ballon d’Or in 1966 because of his excellence at that year’s World Cup","Sikuti amangoonedwa ngati m'modzi mwa ochita masewera olimbitsa thupi kwambiri ku England koma ngati m'modzi mwa osewera mpira wabwino kwambiri munthawi yake, pamodzi ndi Pelé, Eusébio, Bobby Moore, Garrincha ndi Franz Beckenbauer. Anapambana Ballon d'Or mu 1966 chifukwa cha luso lake pa World Cup ya chaka chimenecho. +",sports,online news +en10966,"While playing for England, Charlton became a record breaker. Predominantly playing as an attacking midfielder, he became England’s most capped player with 106 appearances and the country’s record scorer with 49 goals – both feats which have since been broken","Akusewera ku England, Charlton anasitha mbiri. Amasewera kwambiri ngati osewera wapakati, adakhala wosewera mpira kwambiri ku England pomwe adasewera masewera 106 komanso wochinya zigoli 49 - zonse zomwe zidasitha mbili ya masewela ampila wa miyendo. +",sports,online news +en10967,"England won the 1966 World Cup final with a 4-2 win against West Germany at Wembley Stadium, where Geoff Hurst scored a hat trick. Following Saturday’s news, Hurst referred to his former teammate as “one of the greats","England idapambana mu masewera achitsiliza a World Cup ya 1966 ndikupambana ndi zigoli 4-2 pomwe ankasewera nd timu ya West Germany pa Wembley Stadium, pomwe Geoff Hurst adagoletsa chigoli chapamwamba kwambili. Mogwilrizana ndi nkhani za Loweruka, Hurst adatcha mnzake wakale ""m'modzi mwa akatswiri pamasewerawa. +",sports,online news +en10968,Football Association of Malawi (Fam) has disclosed that it is not in a hurry to appoint Malawi Under-20 National Football Team coach due to the uncertainty of the Cosafa Youth Championship this year,"Bungwe la Football Association of Malawi (Fam) lati silikuchita changu kusankha mphunzitsi wa timu ya dziko lino ya Malawi Under 20 kaamba ka kusatsimikizika kwa mpikisano wa Cosafa Youth Championship chaka chino. +",sports,online news +en10969,This follows the appointment of Patrick Mabedi as Flames senior coach on a two-year deal. He is also the Under-20 coach,". +Izi zikutsatira kusankhidwa kwa Patrick Mabedi ngati mphunzitsi wamkulu wa Flames pa mgwirizano wazaka ziwiri, komaso ngati mphunzitsi wa Under-20",sports,online news +en10970,"Usually, the Cosafa Youth Championship takes place in December every year. However, Cosafa is yet to give an official update on the U-20 and U-17 tournament","Nthawi zambiri mpikisano wa Cosafa Youth Championship umachitika mwezi wa December chaka chilichonse. Komabe, bungwe la Cosafa likuyembekezeleka kulengeza za kusitha kwa masewera a U-20 ndi U-17",sports,online news +en10971,"Government, through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, supports the remunerations of the senior national football team coach as well as both U-17 and 20 boys’ national teams","Boma, kudzera mu Unduna wa Achinyamata ndi Masewera, likupereka malipiro a mphunzitsi wamkulu wa timu ya mpira wachinyamata komanso matimu a anyamata a U-17 ndi 20 + +",sports,online news +en10972,"Mabedi’s contract as U-20 coach is expected to expire next year just like his U-17 counterpart Deklerk Msakakuona, who is also Flames first assistant coach","mgwirizano wa ntchito ndi Mabedi ngati mphunzitsi wa U-20 ikuyembekezeka kutha chaka chamawa monganso mnzake wa U-17 Deklerk Msakakuona, yemwenso ndi wothandizira woyamba wa mphuzits wankulu wa timu ya Fuko ya malawi. +",sports,online news +en10973,"Mabedi was appointed U-20 coach on a one-year deal in 2020. However, Mabedi’s contract was extended for two more years last year. While in charge of the U-20, the team failed to go past the group stage","Mabedi adasankhidwa kukhala mphunzitsi wa U-20 pa mgwirizano wa chaka chimodzi mu 2020. Komabe, contract ya Mabedi idawonjezedwa kwa zaka zina ziwiri chaka chatha. Pomwe ankaphunzitsa U-20, timuyi idalephera kudutsa mu mpikisano wa mmagulu a matimu. +",sports,online news +en10974,"Last year, the junior Flames finished second in the group stage with six points from three matches","Chaka chatha, timu yaing’ono ya fuko idakhala yachiwiri mgululi ndi mapointi asanu ndi limodzi pamasewera atatu. +",sports,online news +en10975,"Silver Strikers coach Pieter de Jongh jetted back into the country on Thursday, but the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services has restricted him from discharging his duties due to lack of work permit","Mphuzitsi wa timu ya Silver Strikers a Pieter de Jongh, wabwelera mdziko muno Lachinayi, koma dipatimenti yowona za anthu olowa ndi kutuluka m'dzikolo ndi zaunzika, yamuletsa kugwira ntchito yake chifukwa chosowa chilolezo chogwira ntchitoyi. +",sports,online news +en10976,If you fail to comply with the terms of this notice you are liable to be removed from Malawi,"Ngati mukulephera kutsatira zomwe zili pachichikalatachi, ndiye kuti smukuyenelaso kukhala ku Malawi",sports,online news +en10977,"De Jongh, who left the country last month following the expiry of his work permit, was not available for comment yesterday","De Jongh, yemwe adachoka mdziko muno mwezi watha kutsatira kutha kwa chilolezo chawo chogwira ntchito, sadapezeke kuti ayakhulepo dzulo.",sports,online news +en10978,But Silver Strikers board spokesperson in an interview on Thursday said they will sort out the work permit issue within the stipulated period,"Koma mneneri wa komiti ya Silver Strikers poyankhapo pa msokhano wa atolakhani Lachinayi, adati athetsa nkhani ya chilolezo chogwirala ntchitoyi munthawi yomwe yakhazikitsidwa. +",sports,online news +en10979,He said: “Everything is under control. We allowed him to return because we are confident that the work permit will be ready within three days,Iye adati: “Zonse zili bwino”. Tinamulola kuti abwerere chifukwa tili ndi chikhulupiriro chakuti chilolezo chogwira ntchitoyi chikhala chitakozedwaso m’masiku atatu akuberawa.,sports,online news +en10980,"Instead, second assistant coach Peter Mgangira has been in charge of the team in the last two matches against Mighty Mukuru Wanderers in Airtel Top 8 and Civil Service United in TNM Super League which they both won","M’malo mwake, wachiwiri kwa mphunzitsi wa timiyi a Peter Mgangira wakhala akuyendetsa timuyi pamasewera awiri apitawa ndi Mighty Mukuru Wanderers mu Airtel Top 8 komaso Civil Service United mu TNM Super League yomwe, ndipo adapambana masewera osewa.",sports,online news +en10981,"FAM referees’ sub-committee has slapped referee Godfrey Nkhakananga with a four-month suspension for messing up last Saturday’s Airtel Top 8 quarter-final between Silver Strikers and Mighty Wanderers, leading to the abandonment of the match","Komiti yaing’ono ya a oyimbila masewera mpira mu FAM yapititsa ku tchuthi chokakamiza oyimbila mase a Godfrey Nkhakananga kwa miyezi inayi kamba kosokoneza masewera a ndime yachitatu a Airtel Top 8 Loweruka lapitali, pakati pa Silver Strikers ndi Mighty Wanderers zomwe zinapangitsa kuti masewerowo athere panjira.",sports,online news +en10982,"In his report, the Fifa referee admitted to have blown a whistle for an infringement, but allowed play to continue leading to Silver’s second goal which sparked protests from Wanderers players before the match was abandoned","Mu lipoti lake, woyimbila mpira wa Fifayu adavomera kuti adayimba mluzu kuti osewela andaphwanya lamulo, koma sanaimitse masewerawa mpaka pomwe timu ya Silver adagoletsa chigoli chake chachiwili, zomwe zidadzetsa zipolowe kwa osewera wa Wanderers masewerowo asanathe. +",sports,online news +en10983,"I blew the whistle and immediately after that, a goal was scored and I gave Silver an advantage, a goal","Nditangoimba wezulo ndipomweso timu ya Silver inamwetsa chigoli, zili ngati ndinapereka mwayi kwa timuyi.",sports,online news +en10984,He cited a 2018 World Cup qualifier between South Africa and Senegal in which the referee awarded a penalty for a non-existent handball and the referee was banned for life for match manipulation,"Iye adatchulapo za mpikisano wa World Cup wa 2018 wa pakati pa South Africa ndi Senegal pomwe woyimbila mpira adapereka penalti chifukwa chakuti osewera wina ankamuganizila kuti anasewra ndi manja zomwe zinali zabodza, ndipo woyimbirayo adaletsedwa kuti asadzyimbileso mawewelawa mpaka kale. +",sports,online news +en10985,"This match was replayed and Fifa found Joseph Lamptey guilty. So, it cannot be that the referee’s decision is final,” argued Gondwe","“Masewerawa adabwerezedwanso ndipo Fifa idapeza Joseph Lamptey wolakwa. Ndiye sizingakhale kuti ganizo la referee ndi lomaliza,” adatero Gondwe.",sports,online news +en10986,South Africa-based Malawian boxer Isaac ‘Golden Boy’ Chilemba has cancelled the boxing bonanza initially scheduled for this Saturday at Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe,"Osewera wa nkhonya amene anakakhazikika ndzko la South Africa a Isaac ‘Golden Boy’ Chilemba waletsa mpikisano wa masewera a nkhonya omwe umayembekezereka kuchitika Loweruka lino pa Bingu National Stadium mumzinda wa Lilongwe. + +",sports,online news +en10987,He said: “I am very disappointed that things couldn’t work and I apologize to all the boxers and others that were helping me for wasting their time,"Iye anati: “Ndakhumudwa kwambiri kuti zinthu sizinayenda bwino ndipo ndipepesa kwa osewera masewera a nkhonya ndi ena onse omwe amandithandiza chifukwa chokutaitsania nthawi yanu.” +",sports,online news +en10988,"I have faced a lot of hitches in my efforts to organize the event. First, the sponsor I secured there at home, pulled out just when it was looking all good","Ndakumana ndi zovuta zambiri poyesetsa kukonza mwambowu. Choyamba, wothandizira yemwe ndidapeza kumudzi, adandiuza kuti sandithanndizaso pazifukwa zosanveka bwino. +",sports,online news +en10989,"Then I secured another sponsor from the US, but we have had problems with one of the Malawian commercial banks regarding money transfer as there were a number of conditions we were asked to meet, including waiting for 21 days for the money to be transferred","Kenako ndidapezanso ondithandiza wina wa dziko la US, koma takumana ndi vuto ndi bank ina yaku Malawi lokhuza kusamutsa ndalama popeza panali zinthu zingapo zomwe tidafunsidwa kuti tikwaniritse, kuphatikiza kudikirira kwa masiku 21 kuti ndalamazo zitumizidwe. +",sports,online news +en10990,"The 36-year-old boxer said to make matters worse, his doctor has advised him to undergo an urgent surgery on his injured ribs, which forced him to pull out of his scheduled light heavyweight world title fight against undefeated Nigerian Mathew ‘Wiseman’ Obinna","Mnyamata wazaka 36 wa nkhonya wati zomwe zidapangitsa kuti zinthu ziipireipirebe, adotolo adamulangiza kuti akamuchite opaleshoni nthiti yomwe adavulala, zomwe zidamupangitsa kuti atuluke pankhondo yake yomwe adakonzekera kuti athane ndi nthiti yapadziko lonse lapansi yolimbana ndi Mathew 'Wiseman' Obinna waku Nigeria yemwe sanagonje. +",sports,online news +en10991,"However, he has committed to compensate the boxers with 10 percent of the fee they were each supposed to get","Komabe, wadzipereka kupatsa a nkhonyawa ndalama zokwana magawo khumi pa ndalama zomwe aliyese amayenela kulandila akachita nawa. +",sports,online news +en10992,It all comes to naught. Celebrated South Africa-based boxer Isaac ‘Golden Boy’ Chilemba will have to wait longer for his debut home fight as doctors have advised him to undergo a surgery,"Zonse zimapita pachabe. Osewera wankhonya yemwe ali mdziko la South Africa wodziwika bwino Isaac ‘Golden Boy’ Chilemba adikira kwanthawi yayitali kuti nkhondo yake yoyamba yapanyumba ifike pomwe madotolo amulangiza kuti akamuchite opaleshoni. +",sports,online news +en10993,"The 36-year-old injured his rib during a sparring session at his Johannesburg gym a fortnight ago, but was optimistic of getting doctors’ nod for the fight","Mnyamatayu wazaka 36 adavulala nthiti pa nthawi yamasewera olimbitsa thupi ku Johannesburg masiku awiri apitawa, koma anali ndi chiyembekezo kuti madokotala adzamuloora kumenya nawo nkhondoyi. +",sports,online news +en10994,"He said: “I am out of the fight as doctors have said I need a surgery on my ribs. It really pains that after all the preparations and after all that I have put in, it comes to this","Iye anati: “sindikulisewera nawo kamba ka kuti madodolo andiuza kuti, ndikufunika opaleshioni ya thiti. Ndizopweteka kuti ndinakozekela kwambili moti sndimayembekezela kuti nditha kudzalephela kuseweranawo kaamba ka vutoli. +",sports,online news +en10995,But I am afraid there is nothing I can do about it other than wait until after the surgery is done and I recover fully,"Koma ndikuwopa kuti palibe chimene ndingachite kupatulapo kudikira mpaka opaleshoniyo itatha ndiposo kufikila ndichira bwinobwino. +",sports,online news +en10996,Chilemba said he first suffered the injury in 2006 and it has been on-and-off until it recurred after the training session,"Chilemba adati adavulala koyamba mchaka cha 2006 ndipo akhala akuvutika ndi vutoli poti limati kuyamba ndikusiya, mpaka adayambiranso atamaliza kukonzekela. +",sports,online news +en10997,"He said the solace is that the eight other fights that have been organized by his Chilemba Boxing Promotions stable, will go ahead","Iye adati chitonthozo nchakuti ndewu zina zisanu ndi zitatu zomwe zakonzedwa ndi bungwe lake la Chilemba Boxing Promotions, zipitilira. +",sports,online news +en10998,"Said the boxer: “I know my fans will be hugely disappointed by this development, but they will still watch me fight there at home once I recover","Oseweya masewera a khonyayo anati,""ndikudziwa kuti otsatira nkhonya anga akhumudwitsidwa kwambiri ndi zomwe zikuchitika, koma adzindiwonaso ndikumenya nkhondo kunyumba ndikachira. +",sports,online news +en10999,"For now, I urge them to support the boxers that will fight on that day. We have lined up two other international title bouts and it will be full of thrills","Pakadali pano, ndikuwapempha kuti athandizire osewera nkhonya omwe adzamenye tsikulo. Tapanga masewero ineso awili apa apadziko lonse lapansi ndipo idzakhala yodzaza ndi zisangalalo. +",sports,online news +en11000,"He said: “We know that people wanted to see Chilemba in action, but the situation is beyond his control as he cannot fight in the state he is","Iye adati: “Tikudziwa kuti anthu ankafuna kumuona Chilemba akugwira akusewera, koma zinthu zafika povuto moti sangachitile mwina kuposa kusandenganawo gawo pa masewerawa. +",sports,online news +en11001,"The good thing is that there are eight other high-proflle fights, including two international bouts","Chosangalatsa ndichakuti pali ndewu zina zisanu ndi zitatu zabwinonso kwambiri, kuphatikiza mpikisano wa mayiko awiri.",sports,online news +en11002,He said: “World Athletics constitution does not allow political interference in national federations like Council has been doing. They are blocking everything to conduct an elective general assembly,"Anati: ""Bungwe la masewera olimbitsa thupi, sililola kulowerera ndale m'mabungwe amayiko monga momwe Council yakhala ikuchitira. Akuletsa chilichonse kuti achite msonkhano waukulu wosankha + +",sports,online news +en11003,This has affected athletics in the country. The delegation is coming to resolve this. There is also a huge risk of a ban if Council will continue to intervene. We just hope government is aware of this,"Izi zakhudza masewera othamanga mdziko muno. Nthumwi zikubwera kudzathetsa izi. Palinso chiopsezo chachikulu cha chiletso ngati Bungweli lipitiliza kulowererapo. Tikukhulupirira kuti boma likudziwa izi + +",sports,online news +en11004,"They should let us take part in the elections and the affiliates will decide who they want instead of Sports Council to dictate things,” he said","Atilole ife kuti titenge nawo mbali pachisankho ndipo ogwirizana nawo azisankha amene akufuna m’malo mwa Sports Council kulamula zinthu,” adatero. +",sports,online news +en11005,"Mwale said the ministry observed that the disagreement involves factions in the local athletics body itself, making it difficult for the body to come up with credible elections facilitated by council","Mwale adati undunawu udawona kuti kusamvanaku kukukhudza magulu amasewera a m’deralo, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti bungweli lipange zisankho zodalirika zoyendetsedwa ndi khonsolo. +",sports,online news +en11006,"If the camps in Malawi Athletics are resolved, it will become easier to hold credible elections. As long as the objective of their mission is to bring peace amongst Malawi Athletics for athletics to improve in this country, they are welcome","Ngati makampu a Malawi Athletics atathetsedwa, zidzakhala zosavuta kupanga zisankho zodalirika. Malingana ngati cholinga cha ntchito yawo ndikubweretsa mtendere pakati pa Malawi Athletics kuti masewera apite patsogolo m’dziko muno, ali olandiridwa. +",sports,online news +en11007,Ntopwa Super Queens’ coach James Sangala said in an interview on Sunday that they have rectified mistakes that led to their one-all stalemate against Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) in their opener and a 1-0 loss to defending champions Green Buffaloes of Zambia in their second fixture,"Mphuzitsi wa Ntopwa Super Queens James Sangala wanena poyankhulana Lamlungu kuti iwo akonza zolakwika zomwe zidapangitsa kuti asapusitsidwe ndi Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) pamasewera otsegulira komanso kugonja 1-0 ndi oteteza Green Buffaloes yaku Zambia. gawo lawo lachiwiri +",sports,online news +en11008,"We are aware of the prospects at hand and we are determined to have a strong finish in our group fixtures,” said Sangala","Tikudziwa zomwe tikuyembekezera ndipo tatsimikiza kuti timaliza mwaphanvu m'magulu athu,"" adatero Sangala. +",sports,online news +en11009,"We struggled a lot in our last two group matches in which we needlessly misplaced passes, made serious defensive errors and failed to convert scoring chances. We have worked on these areas and we hope for a strong finish as we face Double Action","Tinavutika kwambiri m'magulu athu awiri apitawa momwe tidaphonya mopanda chifukwa, tidalakwitsa kwambiri podzitchinjiriza ndikulephera kupeza mwayi wogoletsa. Tagwira ntchito pamaderawa ndipo tikuyembekeza kumaliza mwamphamvu pamene tikukumana ndi Double Action +",sports,online news +en11010,"Kumwenda might have finished the match on the losing side but was one of the match’s most outstanding players, according to a match report on Vixens’ website","Kumwenda mwina adamaliza masewerawo kumbali yomwe idagonja koma anali m'modzi mwa osewera ochita bwino kwambiri, malinga ndi lipoti lamasewera patsamba la Vixens. +",sports,online news +en11011,"It also acknowledges how Kumwenda held her own space, using her body and clever footwork to find her way closer to the post","Ikuvomerezanso momwe Kumwenda adagwirizira malo ake, kugwiritsa ntchito thupi lake komanso kupondaponda mwanzeru kuti apeze njira yoyandikira golo. +",sports,online news +en11012,"I think I was just really proud of the way the girls took on the challenge and the opportunity of coming here, they gave everything they could to that contest today","Ndikuganiza kuti ndinali wonyadira momwe atsikanawo adatengera zovuta komanso mwayi wobwera kuno, adapereka chilichonse chomwe akanatha pampikisanowu lero. +",sports,online news +en11013,"We couldn’t get the job done ultimately and finish it, but there was some super teamwork, the way they hung in and the work they did out there for each other","Sitikanatha kumaliza ntchitoyo, koma panali mgwirizano wapamwamba kwambiri, momwe amakhalira limodzi ndi ntchito yomwe adachitira wina ndi mnzake. +",sports,online news +en11014,"Public schools continue to lose land meant for sports facilities to new classrooms or encroachment while new schools are being established without sports facilities, a development that has affected the development of sports, our investigation has revealed","Sukulu zaboma zipitirizabe kutaya malo opangira masewera, mmalo mwakemalowo pakumangiwa zipinda zophuzilila, pamene sukulu zatsopano zikumangidwa opanda mwalo ochitila zamasewelo, zomwe zakhudza thambi ya zamasewelo, kafukukfuku wathu akutelo. +",sports,online news +en11015,"Noting deteriorating standards of sports in schools, the Ministry of Education recently directed that all schools should hold a ‘sports day’ once a week, but with schools lacking sports facilities and equipment, teachers from schools we talked to say implementation of this directive is impossible","Kutsatila kulowa pansi kwa masewera m’sukulu, unduna wa zamaphunziro posachedwapa udalamula kuti sukulu onse azikhala ndi ‘tsiku la masewera’ kamodzi pa sabata, koma popeza sukuluzi zilibe malo ndi zida zamasewera, aphunzitsi a m’masukulu omwe tidakambirana nawo ati kutsatira lamuloli n’kosatheka. +",sports,online news +en11016,"For instance, at Zingwangwa Secondary School, the school football ground which had a complete running track, was handed over to FCB Nyasa Big Bullets for stadium construction project","Mwachitsanzo, pa Zingwangwa Secondary School, bwalo la mpira lomwe linali ndi masewero onse, linaperekedwa kwa FCB Nyasa Big Bullets kuti malowa amangepo sitediyamu. +",sports,online news +en11017,"At Chimwembe in the district, a borehole was drilled on the piece of land meant for sports while at Chidoole the land was used to construct classrooms. We had acute shortage of school blocks,” says a teacher from the school","Pa Chimwembe m’bomali, padakumbidwa mjigo pamalo ochitira masewera, pomwe ku Chidoole pa malowa adamapangapo zipinda zophunzirira. Tinali ndi midadada yochepa kwambiri ya masukulu,” anatero mphunzitsi wa pasukulupo +",sports,online news +en11018,"He however, the situation deteriorated due to lack of coordination between the two ministries after sports was detached from the education ministry","Koma zinthu zidafika poipa chifukwa chosowa mgwirizano pakati pa maunduna awiriwa pambuyo poti zamasewera zidachotsedwa ku unduna wa zamaphunziro. +",sports,online news +en11019,"He said: “When sports and education were under one ministry, it was very easy to co-ordinate. But it is difficult for the ministry of sports to control sports in the Ministry of Education while the Ministry of Education was focusing on teaching and learning. Mwape said increase in enrollment in schools also affected sports","Iye anati: “Pamene masewera ndi maphunziro zinali pansi pa unduna umodzi, zinali zosavuta kugwirizanitsa. Koma ndizovuta kuti unduna wa zamasewera uziwongolera masewera mu unduna wa zamaphunziro pomwe unduna wa zamaphunziro umalimbikitsa ntchito yophunzitsa ndi kuphunzira. Adati kuchuluka Kwa kalembera m’sukulu kumakhudzanso masewera a mwape adatelo +",sports,online news +en11020,"He explained: “When free primary education was introduced, there was need to increase number of classrooms and some of them were constructed on sports grounds","Iye adalongosola kuti: “Maphunziro a pulaimale aulere atangoyamba, padafunika kuonjezera zipinda zophunzilila ndipo zina zidamangidwa pabwalo lamasewera. + +",sports,online news +en11021,"“Unfortunately, some of the schools that were constructed at that time had no provision for sports facilities in their designs.” He, however, said the two ministries are working together to improve sports facilities in schools","Tsoka ilo, msukulu zina zomwe adazimanga panthawiyo analibe malo ochitira masewera. Koma iye adati maunduna awiriwa akugwira ntchito limodzi pofuna kukonza malo ochitira masewera m’sukulu +",sports,online news +en11022,Mwape said: “It is pleasing to note that the two ministries are now working together to revamp sporting activities in schools,"Mwape adati: “N’zosangalatsa kudziwa kuti maunduna awiriwa akugwira ntchito limodzi kuti akonzenso zamasewera m’sukuluzi. +",sports,online news +en11023,"This will result in construction of sports facilities in schools that we do not have, renovation of dilapidated facilities and development of guidelines that will ensure that all new schools construction project include sporting designs","Izi zipangitsa kuti amange malo ochitira masewera m'sukulu zomwe zilibe, kukonzanso malo owonongeka komanso kukonza malangizo omwe awonetsetse kuti ntchito yomanga sukulu atsopanowa ikhale ndi malo amasewera. +",sports,online news +en11024,"He said the ministry has trained more than 1 800 sports teachers in sports administration and distributed sports equipment to sports disciplines such as football, netball, basketball and volleyball","Iye adati undunawu waphunzitsa aphunzitsi opitilira chikwi chimodzi ndi mazana asanu ndi atatu, oyendetsa masewera komanso kugawa zida zamasewera kumagulu amasewera monga mpira wamiyendo, wa ntchembembaye, basketball ndi volleyball. +",sports,online news +en11025,Malawi National Netball Team legend Mary Waya has stirred a heated debate following claims that some male coaches in African netball abuse their powers by enticing players into relationships,"Katswiri wa timu ya Malawi National Netball Team Mary Waya wadzutsa mkangano waukulu kamba koti aphuzitsi ena achimuna mu masewero a mpira ku Africa akugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zawo ponyengerera osewera kuti azichita nawo zibwenzi. +",sports,online news +en11026,She reportedly said women are pressured into relationships in the hope of securing selection. She told the publication that female players are made to feel “insecure” by coaches,"Ananenanso kuti amayi amakakamizidwa kuti azichita nawo zibwenzi ndi chiyembekezo choti adzasankhidwa. Adauzanso bukuli kuti osewera achikazi amadzimva kukhala ""osatetezeka"" ndi aphunzitsiwa.",sports,online news +en11027,"Most African teams have male coaches; so, that’s the biggest challenge. You will find that when you go to the competition, to the changing rooms, you feel insecure because of these male coaches","Matimu ambiri aku Africa ali ndi aphuzitsi achimuna; kotero, ndilo vuto lalikulu. Mudzapeza kuti mukapita ku mpikisano, kuzipinda zosinthira, mumamva kukhala osatetezeka chifukwa cha aphunzitsi achimunawa + +",sports,online news +en11028,"If they are female coaches, you feel safe because you have got a ‘mother’ near you. You know I am protected","Ngati ndi aphunzitsi achikazi, mumakhalaotetezeka chifukwa muli ndi 'mayi' pafupi ndi inu. Umadziwa kuti ndiwe wotetezedwa +",sports,online news +en11029,"With male coaches, we always look at them as our ‘fathers’ and then they easily tell us, ‘I’m not your father, if you want to go to the national team, you have to be my [girlfriend], so that you can be at the top of the team","Ndi aphunzitsi achimuna, nthawi zonse timawaona ngati 'abambo' athu, kenako amatiuza mosavuta kuti, 'Ine sindine abambo ako, ngati mukufuna kupita ku timu ya dziko, muyenera kukhala chibwenzi changa, kuti ukhale pamwamba pa timu +",sports,online news +en11030,"However, Waya’s remarks have attracted differing comments from netball pundits, with some faulting players for not knowing their wealth while others have proposed the introduction of guidelines to protect players from sexual harassment","Komabe mawu a Waya akopa maganizo osiyanasiyana kwa akatswiri ofufuza za mpira wa manja, pomwe osewera ena akulakwitsa posadziwa kufunika kwawo kwawo pomwe ena ati akhazikitsidwe malamulo oteteza osewera ku nkhanza zogonana. +",sports,online news +en11031,"In most cases, we have male coaches because they are the ones who show interest and pass well during examinations. However, there is a problem with some women because they tend to overlook female coaches but they respect male coaches","Nthawi zambiri, timakhala ndi aphunzitsi achimuna chifukwa ndi omwe amawonetsa chidwi komanso amakhoza bwino pamayeso. Komabe, pali vuto kwa amayi ena chifukwa amakonda kunyalanyaza aphunzitsi achikazi koma amalemekeza aphunzitsi achimuna +",sports,online news +en11032,"In my entire time as a player, there was never a time that some male coaches made advances on me. In this case, I cannot say anything because maybe she is speaking from experience","Munthawi yanga yonse monga wosewera mpira, panalibe nthawi yomwe aphunzitsi ena achimuna adandifunapo. Pamenepa, sindinganene chilichonse chifukwa mwina akulankhula zochokera m’zimene zinamuchitikira",sports,online news +en11033,"Each netball team is allowed seven players on the court. Each player is assigned a specific position, which limits their movement to a certain area of the court","Timu iliyonse ya netball imaloledwa osewera asanu ndi awiri pabwalo. Wosewera aliyense amapatsidwa malo enieni, omwe amalepheretsa kuyenda kwawo kumalo ena a bwaloli + +",sports,online news +en11034,"A ""bib"" worn by each player contains a one- or two-letter abbreviation indicating this position. Only two positions are permitted in the attacking shooting circle, and can therefore shoot for a goal","""chovala chomwe wosewera aliyense amavala chimakhala ndi chidule cha chilembo chimodzi kapena ziwiri chosonyeza malowa. Malo awiri okha ndi omwe amaloledwa mubwalo lowombera, motero amatha kugoletsa +",sports,online news +en11035,"Similarly, only two positions are permitted in the defensive shooting circle; they try to prevent the opposition from shooting goals","Mofananamo, malo awiri okha ndi omwe amaloledwa mu bwalo loiteteza; amayesa kuletsa kugoletsa +",sports,online news +en11036,"Other players are restricted to two-thirds of the court, with the exception of the centre, who may move anywhere on the court except for a shooting circle","Osewera ena amangokhala magawo awiri mwa atatu a bwalo, kupatula pakati, omwe amatha kusuntha kulikonse pabwalo kupatulapo bwalo logoletsera. +",sports,online news +en11037,"At the beginning of every quarter and after a goal has been scored, play starts with a player in the centre position passing the ball from the centre of the court","Kumayambiriro kwa kotala iliyonse ndipo chigoli chagoletsedwa, kusewera kumayamba ndi wosewera yemwe ali pakati kupeleka mpira pakati pa bwalo. +",sports,online news +en11038,Players can hold the ball for only three seconds at any time. It must be released before the foot they were standing on when they caught it touches the ground again,"Osewera amatha kugwira mpira kwa masekondi atatu okha nthawi iliyonse. Mpira ukuyenera phazi limene anaimirira lisanakhudzenso pansi +",sports,online news +en11039,Contact between players is only permitted if it does not impede an opponent or the general play,"Kukhudzana pakati pa osewera kumaloledwa pokhapokha ngati sikulepheretsa mdani kapena masewera + +",sports,online news +en11040,When defending a pass or shot players must be at least 90 centimetres (35 in) away from the player with the ball,Poteteza kupatsilana kapena osewera wogoletsa akuyenera kukhala osachepera 90 centimita kutali ndi wosewera amene ali ndi mpira.,sports,online news +en11041,"If illegal contact is made, the player who contacted cannot participate in play until the player taking the penalty has passed or shot the ball","Ngati kukhudzana kosaloledwa kwachitika, wosewera yemwe wakhudzana naye sangathe kutenga nawo gawo pamasewera mpaka wosewerayo wadutsa kapena kugoletsa mpirawo.",sports,online news +en11042,"If the ball is held in two hands and either dropped or a shot at goal is missed, the same player cannot be the first to touch it unless it first rebounds off the goal",". +Ngati mpirawo wagwiridwa ndi manja awiri ndikugwetsedwa kapena pachigoli chaphonyedwa, wosewera yemweyo sangakhale woyamba kuwugwira pokhapokha atauponya kaye. +",sports,online news +en11043,Clara Baer was a sports teacher living in New Orleans when she wrote to Naismith asking for a copy of the rules for his game of basketball,"Clara Baer anali mphunzitsi wamasewera omwe amakhala ku New Orleans pomwe adalembera Naismith kuti amupatse malamulo amasewera ake a basketball. + +",sports,online news +en11044,"Once she received them, they included a diagram of the court with lines across it which were meant to show the areas various players could best patrol","Atangowalandira, adaphatikizanso chithunzi cha bwalo lokhala ndi mizere yowongoka yomwe imayenera kuwonetsa malo omwe osewera osiyanasiyana angayende bwino. +",sports,online news +en11045,She misinterpreted the lines and believed they marked out restricted areas of play which players could not leave,"Adatanthauzira molakwika mizereyo ndipo adakhulupirira kuti adalemba madera oletsedwa omwe osewera sangachoke +",sports,online news +en11046,"Her mistake marks the beginning of netball. Baer's version for the rules of women’s basketball defined these areas as restricted zones, an error which then became ratified into the rules for women’s basketball in 1899 and proliferated","Kulakwitsa kwake ndi chiyambi cha mpira wa manja wa amayi. Mtundu wa Baer wamalamulo a basketball ya azimayi udafotokoza maderawa ngati madera oletsedwa, cholakwika chomwe chidavomerezedwa ndi malamulo a basketball ya azimayi mu 1899 ndikuchulukirachulukira. +",sports,online news +en11047,"From the start, it was considered socially appropriate for women to play netball; netball's restricted movement appealed to contemporary notions of women's participation in sports,","Kuyambira pachiyambi, zinkaonedwa kuti n’zoyenera kuti akazi azisewera mpira wa m’manja; Gulu loletsa za netball lidalimbikitsa malingaliro amasiku ano oti amayi azitenga nawo mbali pamasewera, +",sports,online news +en11048,Netball became a popular women's sport in countries where it was introduced and spread rapidly through school systems,"Masewera a mpira wa manja wa amayi udakhala masewera otchuka a azimayi m'maiko momwe idayambika ndikufalikira mwachangu kudzera m'masukulu +",sports,online news +en11049,Australia hosted New Zealand in the first international game of netball in Melbourne on 20 August 1938; Australia won 40–11,"Dziko la Australia lidalandira New Zealand pamasewera oyamba amtundu wa netball ku Melbourne pa 20 august mu chaka 1938; Australia idapambana 40-11 +",sports,online news +en11050,Efforts began in 1957 to standardize netball rules globally: by 1960 international playing rules had been standardized,"Ntchito inayamba mu 1957 kukhazikitsa malamulo a netibo padziko lonse lapansi: pofika m'chaka cha 1960 malamulo amasewera apadziko lonse anali atakhazikitsidwa. +",sports,online news +en11051,"England could learn from the mistakes in the past from the empty stands at Eastbourne. To get the right publicity and the right status desired, the game must emerge from the school playground","England idaphunzira kuchokera ku zolakwika zakale kuchokera m’malo opanda anthu ku Eastbourne. Kuti atchuke bwino komanso kuti akhale ndi udindo wofunikira, masewerawa ayenera kutuluka m'bwalo lamasewera kusukulu +",sports,online news +en11052,Netball should be part of a sports centre where social events could also be held. The World Netball Championships have been held every four years since then,Mpira wa Netball uyenera kukhala mbali ya malo ochitira masewera omwe amathanso kuchitikira. Mpikisano wa World Netball Championships wakhala ukuchitika zaka zinayi zilizonse kuyambira pamenepo,sports,online news +en11053,"The sport was created for girls and women and remains most popular among this demographic, with women's netball at elite and national levels receiving outside funding"," +Masewerawa adapangidwira atsikana ndi amayi ndipo akadali otchuka kwambiri pakati pa anthuwa, pomwe mpira wampikisano wa amayi wapamwamba komanso wamayiko akulandira ndalama zakunja. +",sports,online news +en11054,"Though male netball teams exist in some areas, men's and mixed-sex teams are largely self-funded","Ngakhale madera ena am'magulu ampira ampira wa manja wamuna, amuna ndi akazi okhaokha amakhala odzipezera okha ndalama +",sports,online news +en11055,Fast5 (originally called Fastnet) is a variation on the rules of netball designed to make games faster and more television-friendly,Fast5 poyamba umene umadziwika kuti Fastnet ndikusintha kwa malamulo a mpira wa manja wa amayi opangidwa kuti apangitse masewerawa mwachangu komanso osangalatsa pawailesi yakanema.,sports,online news +en11056,The World Netball Series promotes it to raise the sport's profile and attract more spectators and greater sponsorship,"World Netball Series imalimbikitsa masewerawa kuti akweze mbiri yamasewera ndikukopa owonerera ambiri komanso thandizo lalikulu. + +",sports,online news +en11057,"The game is much shorter, with each quarter lasting only six minutes and only a two-minute break between quarters","Masewerawa ndi aafupi kwambiri, ndipo gawo lililonse limatenga mphindi zisanu ndi chimodzi zokha ndikupumula kwa mphindi ziwiri pakati pa kotala +",sports,online news +en11058,"The coaches can give instructions from the sideline during play, and unlimited substitutions are allowed","Ophunzitsa amatha kupereka malangizo kuchokera pamzere panthawi yamasewera, ndipo kusitha osewela mopanda malire kumaloledwa +",sports,online news +en11059,"Netball has been adapted in several ways to meet children's needs. The rules for children are similar to those for adults, but various aspects of the game (such as the length of each quarter and and ball size) are modified","Masewera a mpira wa manja asinthidwa m'njira zingapo kuti akwaniritse zosowa za ana. Malamulo a ana ndi ofanana ndi a akulu, koma mbali zosiyanasiyana zamasewera monga kutalika kwa kotala lililonse ndi kukula kwa mpira zimasinthidwa. +",sports,online news +en11060,"Football is a family of team sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball to score a goal","Mpira ndi gulu lamasewera amagulu omwe amaphatikizapo, kumlingo wosiyanasiyana, kumenya mpira kuti agoletse chigoli +",sports,online news +en11061,After lunch all the youth of the city go out into the fields to take part in a ball game. The students of each school have their own ball; the workers from each city craft are also carrying their balls,"Akamaliza kudya chakudya chamasana achinyamata onse a mumzindawo amapita ku malo osewelelera kukasewera mpira. Ophunzira a sukulu iliyonse ali ndi mpira wawo; ogwira ntchito mumzinda uliwonse amanyamulanso mipira yawo +",sports,online news +en11062,"Older citizens, fathers, and wealthy citizens come on horseback to watch their juniors competing, and to relive their own youth vicariously: you can see their inner passions aroused as they watch the action and get caught up in the fun being had by the carefree adolescents","Nzika zachikulire, abambo, ndi nzika zolemera zimabwera atakwera pamahatchi kudzawonera achinyamata awo akupikisana, ndikukumbukiranso unyamata wawo mwachidwi: mutha kuwona zilakolako zawo zimadzutsidwa pamene akuwona zomwe zikuchitika ndikutengeka ndi zosangalatsa zomwe achinyamata o amakumana nazo. +",sports,online news +en11063,Football was adopted by a number of public schools as a way of encouraging competitiveness and keeping youths fit,"Mpira wa mpira umaseweredwa ndi masukulu angapo aboma ngati njira yolimbikitsira kupikisana ndikupangitsa achinyamata kukhala amphamvu. +",sports,online news +en11064,"Each school drafted its own rules, which varied widely between different schools and were changed over time with each new intake of pupils","Sukulu iliyonse inapanga malamulo akeake, omwe amasiyana kwambiri pakati pa masukulu osiyanasiyana ndipo amasinthidwa pakapita nthawi ndi mwana aliyense watsopano. +",sports,online news +en11065,Two schools of thought developed regarding rules. Some schools favored a game in which the ball could be carried while others preferred a game where kicking and dribbling the ball was promoted,Maganizo osiyana anayambika pankhani ya malamulo. Masukulu ena anakonda masewera omwe mpira ukhoza kunyamulidwa pamene ena ankakonda masewera omwe kukankha ndi kuponya mpira kumakwezedwa,sports,online news +en11066,The boom in rail transport in Britain during the 1840s meant that people were able to travel farther and with less inconvenience than they ever had before,"Kuchuluka kwa mayendedwe a njanji ku Britain m'zaka za m'ma 1840 kunapangitsa kuti anthu azitha kuyenda mtunda wautali komanso zovuta zochepa kuposa kale. + +",sports,online news +en11067,"Inter-school sporting competitions became possible. However, it was difficult for schools to play each other at football, as each school played by its own rules","Mpikisano wamasewera apakati pasukulu unatheka. Komabe, zinali zovuta kuti masukulu azisewera mpira chifukwa sukulu iliyonse inkasewera motsatira malamulo ake +",sports,online news +en11068,"The solution to this problem was usually that the match be divided into two-halves, one half played by the rules of the host","Njira yothetsera vutoli nthawi zambiri inali yakuti machesi agawidwe m'magawo awiri, theka lamasewera ndi malamulo a wopangitsa masewera +",sports,online news +en11069,"In Europe, early footballs were made out of animal bladders, more specifically pig's bladders, which were inflated. Later leather coverings were introduced to allow the balls to keep their shape","Ku Ulaya, mpira woyambirira unkapangidwa kuchokera ku chikhodzodzo cha nyama, makamaka chikhodzodzo cha nkhumba, chomwe chimapopedwa. Pambuyo pake zophimba zachikopa zinayambitsidwa kuti zilole mipira kuti ikhalebe mawonekedwe ake abwino +",sports,online news +en11070,"The need for a single body to oversee association football had become apparent by the beginning of the 20th century, with the increasing popularity of international fixtures","Kufunika kwa bungwe limodzi loyang'anira mpira wamagulu kunayamba kuonekera kumayambiriro kwa zaka za zana la makumi awiri, ndi kutchuka kwamasewera apadziko lonse lapansi. +",sports,online news +en11071,"The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in Paris on 21 May 1904.[127] Its first president was Robert Guérin. The French name and acronym has remained, even outside French-speaking countries","Bungwe la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) linakhazikitsidwa ku Paris pa 21 May 1904. Mtsogoleri wake woyamba anali Robert Guérin. Dzina lachi French ndi komanso chifupikitso chake zidakalipo, ngakhale kunja kwa mayiko osalankhula Chifalansa +",sports,online news +en11072,"Football has long been played informally on beaches, but the introduction of beach soccer was an attempt to codify rules for the game in 1992 by the founders of Beach Soccer Worldwide, a company set up to develop the sport and responsible for the majority of its tournaments","Mpira wakhala ukuseweredwa kale m'mphepete mwa nyanja, koma kukhazikitsidwa kwa mpira wa m'mphepete mwa nyanja kunali kuyesa kukhazikitsa malamulo amasewera mu 1992 ndi omwe adayambitsa Beach Soccer Worldwide, kampani yomwe idakhazikitsidwa kuti itukule masewerawa kuyang'anira masewera ambiriwa. +",sports,online news +en11073,"Beach football started in Brazil, more precisely at Rio de Janeiro. In 1950 the first official tournament was created to unite neighborhood small tournaments that happened since 1940","Mpira wakunyanja unayamba ku Brazil, ku ndende ku Rio de Janeiro. Mu 1950 mpikisano woyamba udapangidwa kuti ugwirizanitse zikondwerero zazing'ono zomwe zidachitika kuyambira 1940. +",sports,online news +en11074,A beach soccer field is a level sandy area smaller than a regular association football pitch. The field is cleared of pebbles and seashells along with any other objects which could injure a player,"Bwalo la mpira wam'mphepete mwa nyanja ndi gawo lamchenga laling'ono kuposa momwe mpira umachitira nthawi zonse. Malo osewelerawa amachotsedwa miyala ndi nkhono za m'nyanja pamodzi ndi zinthu zina zilizonse zomwe zingapweteke wosewera mpira +",sports,online news +en11075,"Each team consists of five players including the goalkeeper and an unlimited number of substitutions, from a selection of three to five players","Timu iliyonse imakhala ndi osewera asanu kuphatikizira goloboyi komanso olowa m'malo mopanda malire, kuchokera pa osewera atatu mpaka asanu. +",sports,online news +en11076,"Throw-ins and kick-ins mean the pace and flow of the game can be faster than regular football. Shoes and socks are not allowed; players must play in bare feet, although ankle guards are permitted","Kuponyera mkati ndi kumenyera mkati kumatanthauza kuti kuthamanga kwa masewera kukhale kofulumira kuposa mpira wamba. Nsapato ndi masokosi siziloledwa; osewera ayenera kusewera m'mapazi osavala kanthu, ngakhale zoteteza kanusu zimaloledwa +",sports,online news +en11077,Goal clearances (the equivalent of a goal kick) are taken by the goalkeeper using their hands to throw the ball and a goal cannot be scored directly from these. A game lasts 36 minutes and is split up into three 12-minute periods,"Kutchotsa mpira amapanga ndi okhala pa golo pogwiritsa ntchito manja ake kuponya mpira ndipo chigoli sichingagoletsedwe kuchokera pa izi. Masewera amatenga mphindi makumi atatu zisanu ndi chimodzi ndipo amagawidwa mu magawo atatu a mphindi khumi ndi ziwiri +",sports,online news +en11078,Beach soccer has two on-field referees who co-operatively referee the game. They are assisted by a third referee who acts in a manner similar to football's fourth official and a timekeeper,"Mpira wa m'mphepete mwa nyanja uli ndi woyimbira awiri apabwalo omwe amawongolera masewerowo mogwirizana. Amathandizidwa ndi woyimbira wachitatu yemwe amachita zinthu zofanana ndi wachinayi komanso wosunga nthawi. +",sports,online news +en11079,"As in football, yellow and red cards can be issued. Unlike in association football, the team can then bring on a substitute to replace the dismissed player after two minutes","Monga mu mpira, makhadi achikasu ndi ofiira amatha kuperekedwa. Mosiyana ndi mpira wina, timu imatha kubweretsa wolowa m'malo kuti alowe m'malo mwa wochotsedwayo pakatha mphindi ziwiri +",sports,online news +en11080,Goalkeepers may handle a back-pass from a teammate a maximum of once during their team's possession,"Ogwira pa golo amatha kuponya kumbuyo kochokera kwa mnzawo nthawi imodzi pomwe timu yawo ili nayo + +",sports,online news +en11081,"Do not let the myriad of rules pertaining to netball dissuade you from taking up the sport. At the core of it, netball is a game not unlike basketball that focuses on teamwork, passing and shooting","Musalole malamulo ambiri okhudzana ndi mpira wa manja wa amayi akulepheretseni kuchita nawo masewerawa. Pachimake chake, mpira wa manja wa amayi ndi masewera osasiyana ndi mpira wa basketball womwe umayang'ana kwambiri kugwira ntchito limodzi, kudutsa ndi kugoletsa +",sports,online news +en11082,Here are some of the basic rules of netball to get you acquainted with the sport,"Nawa malamulo ofunikira a mpira wa manja wa amayi kuti mudziwe zamasewera +",sports,online news +en11083,"Thus any attempt at intercepting or defending the ball must be made at length, or the move will result in a penalty pass to be awarded for obstruction","kuyesa kuletsa kapena kuteteza mpira kuyenera kupangidwa potalikira, kapena kusunthako kumapangitsa kuti pakhale chilango choperekedwa chifukwa cholepheretsako. +",sports,online news +en11084,"Using your hands to block a player off the ball is allowed as long as it is for the purpose of catching, deflecting or intercepting a pass, obtaining a rebound from an unsuccessful shot at goal, or signaling for a pass","Kugwiritsa ntchito manja anu kutsekereza wosewera mpira kumaloledwa bola ngati ndi cholinga chogwira, kupatuka kapena kulepheletsa kupatsirana, kubweza chifukwa kulephera kugoletsa kapena kuwonetsa kupatsirana. +",sports,online news +en11085,I think I have done my part and contributed as much as I could. It is time for new blood to take over. I have enjoyed my time with the Queens,"Ndikuganiza kuti ndachita mbali yanga ndipo ndathandizira momwe ndingathere. Yakwana nthawi yoti ena achicheper atenge ulamuliro. Ndasangalala ndi nthawi yanga ndi a Queens +",sports,online news +en11086,"We did everything for the nation and now it’s time to leave and let others take over,” she said this in a televised interview","Tidachitira zonse dziko lino ndipo tsopano ndi nthawi yoti tichoke ndikusiya ena kuti ayendetse ,""adatero poyankhulana pawailesi yakanema. +",sports,online news +en11087,"If a team has fewer than seven players because one or more players has deliberately left the field of play, the referee is not obliged to stop play and the advantage may be played, but the match must not resume after the ball has gone out of play if a team does not have the minimum number of seven players","Ngati timu ili ndi osewera osakwana asanu ndi awiri chifukwa osewera mmodzi kapena angapo achoka dala mubwalo, woyimbira samayenera kuyimitsa ndipo mwayi ukhoza kupitilizidwa, koma masewerawo asapitirire mpirawo utatuluka ngati timu ilibe osewera osachepera asanu ndi awiri +",sports,online news +en11088,"If the competition rules state that all players and substitutes must be named before kick-off and a team starts a match with fewer than eleven players, only the players and substitutes named on the team list may take part in the match upon their arrival","Ngati malamulo a mpikisano anena kuti osewera onse ndi olowa m'malo akuyenera kutchulidwa masewerawo asanayambike ndipo timu ikayamba masewero ndi osewera ochepera khumi ndi mmodzi, osewera okhawo ndi olowa m'malo omwe atchulidwa pamndandanda watimu ndi omwe angatenge nawo gawo pamasewerawo akafika. +",sports,online news +en11089,"The number of substitutes, up to a maximum of five, which may be used in any match played in an official competition will be determined by FIFA, the confederation or the national football association","Chiwerengero cha olowa m'malo, mpaka asanu, omwe angagwiritsidwe ntchito pamasewera aliwonse omwe akuseweredwa pampikisano wovomerezeka adzatsimikiziridwa ndi FIFA, kapena bungwe la mpira wadziko lonse. +",sports,online news +en11090,"If a team has not used the maximum number of substitutes and/or substitution opportunities, any unused substitutes and substitution opportunities may be used in extra time","Ngati gulu silinagwiritse ntchito wosewera ake onseolowa m'malo ndi/kapena mwayi wolowa m'malo, mwayi uliwonse wosagwiritsidwa ntchito ndi m'malo ungagwiritsidwe ntchito munthawi yowonjezera. +",sports,online news +en11091,"Where competition rules permit teams to use one additional substitute in extra time, each team will have one additional substitution opportunity","Kumene malamulo a mpikisano amalola kuti magulu agwiritse ntchito wolowa m'malo m'modzi mu nthawi yowonjezera, gulu lirilonse lidzakhala ndi mwayi wina wowonjezera +",sports,online news +en11092,"Substitutions may also be made in the period between full-time and the start of extra time, and at half-time in extra time – these do not count as used substitution opportunities","Kulowetsanso kumatha kuchitika pakati pomaliza masewero ndi kumayambiliro kwa nthawi yowonjezera, komanso pa theka la nthawi yowonjezera - izi siziwerengedwa ngati mwayi polowetsa wina",sports,online news +en11093,"To replace a player with a substitute, the following must be observed: the referee must be informed before any substitution is made;","Kuti osewera mpira asinthidwe m'bwalo la masewero, zotsatirazi zimayenera kutsatidwa: oyimbira ayenera kudziwitsidwa kusintha kusanachitike.",sports,online news +en11094,"must go immediately to the technical area or dressing room and takes no further part in the match, except where return substitutions are permitted","Akuyenera kupita kumalo a aziphunzitsi kapena ku chipinda chovalira ndipo satenga nawo gawo pamasewerawo, pokhapokha ngati osewera omwe atulutsidwa aloledwe kubwelera.",sports,online news +en11095,"if a player who is to be substituted refuses to leave, play continues. The substitute only enters during a stoppage in play; at the halfway line; after the player being replaced has left; after receiving a signal from the referee","ngati wosewera yemwe akuyenera kutuluka m'bwalo akukana, masewera amapitilirabe. Ndipo oyenera kulowetsedwayo amangolowa panthawi yomwe masewera ayimitsidwa; pamzere wapakati; ndi pamene osewera yemwe amatulitsidwayo amachoka; akalandira chizindikiro kwa oyimbira masewero",sports,online news +en11096,"The substitution is completed when a substitute enters the field of play; from that moment, the replaced player becomes a substituted player and the substitute becomes a player and can take any restart"," Kusintha osewera kumatsirizidwa pamene munthu yemwe akulowetsedwayo walowa m'bwalo lamasewera; kuyambira nthawi imeneyo, yemwe amasewera poyambayo amakhala kuti kwake kwatha ndipo yemwe walowa kumeneyo amakhala yemwe akuyenera kusewera ndipo amatha kusewera bwinobwino.",sports,online news +en11097,"All substituted players and substitutes are subject to the referee’s authority, whether they play or not","Osewera onse omwe atulutsidwa mmasewero kapena kulowa m'malo a wina ali pansi pa ulamuliro wa oyimbira masewero, kaya akusewera kapena ayi",sports,online news +en11098,Any of the players may change places with the goalkeeper if the referee is informed before the change is made,Osewera aliyense akhoza kusinthana malo ndi goloboyi ngati oyimbira masewero wadziwitsidwa kusinthaku kusanachitike,sports,online news +en11099,"If a substitution is made during the half-time interval or before extra time, the procedure must be completed before the match restarts","Ngati munthu walowetsedwa mu nthawi yopumulira kapena nthawi yowonjezereka isanakwane, ndondomekoyi imayenera kumalizidwa masewerawo asanayambenso.",sports,online news +en11100,"If the referee is not informed, the named substitute may continue to play, no disciplinary action is taken and the matter is reported to the appropriate authorities","Ngati oyimbira sanadziwitsidwe, munthu yemwe walowetsedwa kumene akhoza kupitiriza kusewera, palibe chilango chomwe chimaperekedwa ndipo nkhaniyi imaperekedwa kwa adindo oyenerera.",sports,online news +en11101,"If a player changes places with the goalkeeper without the referee’s permission, the referee allows play to continue, cautions both players when the ball is next out of play","Ngati osewera wasinthana malo ndi goli popanda oyimbira kudziwa, Oyimbirayo amalola kuti masewero apitirire, ndipo amawachenjeza osewera onsewo mpira ukangotsala pang'ono kutha.",sports,online news +en11102,"If, after a goal is scored and play has restarted, the referee realizes an extra person was on the field of play when the goal was scored, the goal cannot be disallowed","Ngati chigoli chagoletsedwa ndipo masewera ayambiranso, Oyimbirayo ndikuzindikira kuti osewera wowonjesera amasewera nawo m'bwalomo pomwe chigolicho chimagola, chigolicho sichikuyenera kukanidwa.",sports,online news +en11103,"If the extra person is still on the field the referee must stop play, have the extra person removed, restart with a dropped ball or free kick as appropriate"," Ngati munthu wowonjezerayo akadali m'bwalo, oyimbirayo ayenera kuyimitsa masewero, kuti munthuyo atulutsidwe, ndipo ayambenso mpirawo powuponya pansi kapena kusewera free kick.",sports,online news +en11104,The team captain has no special status or privileges but has a degree of responsibility for the behavior of the team,Wotsogolera osewera a timuyo alibe udindo kapena mwayi wapadera koma ali ndi udindo pa machitidwe a timuyo,sports,online news +en11105,"At 22, Hector Pardoe is every bit an athlete in his prime. Confident, motivated and in the kind of physical shape most can only dream of","Hector Pardoe ali ndi zaka 22 anali wothamanga wabwino mu nthawi yake. Wodzidalira, wolimbikitsidwa komanso wa thupi lomwe ambiri amaliganizira",sports,online news +en11106,"Proven, when he broke the record for swimming the length of Windermere this month. Smashed it, in fact, by eight minutes, after it stood for 26 years"," Zatsimikizika, pomwe adapanga mbiri yosambira nyanja yayitali kwambiri ya Windermere mwezi uno. Anakwanitsa izi mu mphindi zisanu ndi zitatu, nyanjayi itaima kwa zaka 26",sports,online news +en11107,But then Pardoe is an Olympic marathon swimmer - and hoping to compete at the Paris Games next year. Preferably without getting very ill trying to get there,Koma pano Pardoe ndi wochita nawo masewero osambira - ndipo akuyembekeza kudzapikisana nawo pa Masewera omwe adzachitikire ku Paris chaka chamawa. Kuyesetsa kukafika nawo kumeneko maka popanda kudwaladwala kwambiri,sports,online news +en11108,Pardoe's reason for swimming a 17km lake without a wetsuit (as the rules prevent you above 18.1 degrees) is to raise money for charity to help treat Windermere and the district's 15 other lakes,Chifukwa chomwe Pardoe anasambilira nyanja ya 17km popanda chovala chotenthetsa thupi (monga malamulo omwe amaletsa kupitirira madigiri 18.1) ndikupeza ndalama zogwilira ntchito zachifundo zothandizira Windermere ndi nyanja zina 15 za mchigawochi.,sports,online news +en11109,"He wants to swim those other 15 in the future ""and I don't want to experience poor water quality and sewage"""," Akufuna kusambira ndi ena 15 m'tsogolomu ""ndipo sindikufuna kuonaso madzi oyipa komanso nyasi""",sports,online news +en11110,"But raising awareness of water quality is something that is very important to Pardoe, and to many in his community","Koma kudziwitsa anthu za ubwino wa madzi ndi chinthu chofunika kwambiri kwa Pardoe, komanso kwa anthu ambiri ammudzi mwake",sports,online news +en11111,"At the Sunderland triathlon in July, 88 competitors fell ill after competing in the water","Pa mpikisano othamanga ku Sunderland mu Julayi, opikisana nawo 88 adadwala pamene amachita mpikisano m'madzi.",sports,online news +en11112,British Triathlon and the local water company confirmed the water had tested safe on the day of competition and no sewage was released,Oyendetsa mpikisano wothamanga ku Britain ndi kampani yamadzi yam'deralo inatsimikizira kuti madziwo adayesedwa ndipo anali otetezeka pa tsiku la mpikisano ndipo palibe nyasi zomwe zidapezeka.,sports,online news +en11113,"The issue of pollution has also been raised by athletes including windsurfer Sarah Jackson, who said England's south coast was like ""surfing through sewage"", and several competitors at the Henley Regatta complained of sewage in the River Thames","Nkhani ya kuonengeka kwa chilengedwe yakhudzanso othamanga kuphatikizapo woyang'anira za mphepo Sarah Jackson, yemwe adanena kuti gombe lakumwera kwa England linali ngati ""kusefukira kwa madzi ndi nyasi"", ndipo ena ambiri omwe amapikisana nawo pa Henley Regatta adadandaula chifukwa cha nyasi zomwe zili mumtsinje wa Thames.",sports,online news +en11114,"There were loads of dead, washed-up fish on the sand, and rats. Seeing dead rats and fish on the beach where you're racing; it can't be good - and that's the pinnacle of the sport","Pamchenga panali nsomba zambirimbiri zakufa, zotsukidwa, komanso makoswe. Kuwona makoswe akufa ndi nsomba mphepete mwa nyanja yomwe mukuchitira mpikisano wothamanga sizingakhale zabwino - ndipo pamenepo pamakhala pachimake pamasewera",sports,online news +en11115,"The 26-year-old has yet to receive a reply but has been heartened by the wider reaction to his move. ""I don't know if I was wanting a response","Mnyamata wazaka 26 sanalandilebe yankho koma wasangalatsidwa ndi momwe anthu achilandilira za kuchoka kwake. ""Sindikudziwa ngati ndimafunikaso yankho lina",sports,online news +en11116,The letter was Scottish Swimming's idea and I think it was a great one. I hope it can bring a certain degree of second thought,Kalatayo inali lingaliro lokhudza kusambira lomwe lidachoka ku Scott ndipo ndikuganiza kuti linali labwino kwambiri. Ndikukhulupirira kuti likhoza kubweretsa lingaliro lina lachiwiri,sports,online news +en11117,"Rather than closing pools instantly, maybe they will ask what the consequences are if they shut multiple facilities in one area","M'malo motseka malo osambalirawa, akuyenera kudziwa zotsatira zomwe zingachitike ngati atseka malo angapo mdera limodzi.",sports,online news +en11118,He pointed towards the huge spike in the cost of energy to maintain the facilities and how important it is to maintain what he insists are vital hubs,Adafotokozaso za kukwera kwamitengo yamagetsi kuti akonzere malowa komanso kufunikira kosamala zomwe ali nazo chidwi kuti ndizofunika kwambiri.,sports,online news +en11119,"People are always there to say congratulations when there's medals being won, but they disappear when pools need support to remain open,"" said Scotland's most decorated Commonwealth Games athlete with 13 medals","Anthu amakhalapo nthawi zonse kuyamikira mendulo zomwe wapambana, koma onse amasowa nthawi yomwe malo osambiliramo akufuna thandizo kuti atsekulidwe, ""adatero katswiri wodziwika mu mpikisano wa Commonwealth wa dziko la Scotland yemwe ali ndi mendulo 13.",sports,online news +en11120,"""It's the small communities, the local hubs it's these grass roots areas that will suffer"," “Ndi midzi ing’onoing’ono, madera akumaloko ndi madera ena omwe ali osadziwika kwenikweni omwe angavutike",sports,online news +en11121,I've been really vocal on it but that's only because of the position I'm in. I'd encourage any swimmer to speak out on it, Ndakhala ndikulankhula kwambiri pa zimenezi chifukwa cha udindo womwe ndili nawo. Ndipo ndimalimbikitsa wosambira aliyense kuti aziyika malingaliro ake.,sports,online news +en11122,"It doesn't matter if you've got lots of accolades or none within the sport, your voice matters and your opinion matters","Zilibe kanthu ngati muli ndi mbiri zambiri kapena ayi kumbali ya masewera, koma mawu anu ndi malingaliro anu ndizofunikira",sports,online news +en11123,Former professional swimmer Rebecca Adlington has announced she has had a miscarriage. The double Olympic gold medalist said she and husband Andy Parsons were given the news during a routine scan at 20 weeks, Katswiri wakale wosambira Rebecca Adlington walengeza kuti wapita padera. Katswiri yemwe adapambana mendulo yagolide ya Olimpiki kawiriyu adati iye ndi mwamuna wake Andy Parsons adauzidwa izi panthawi yomwe amakaunikitsa ma sabata 20 atakwana.,sports,online news +en11124,"The 34-year-old, who has a son and a daughter, had announced her pregnancy on 1 October. On Instagram, Adlington wrote: ""I don't really have the words right now but unfortunately we went for our 20-week scan this week and they found no heartbeat"," Mzimayi wazaka 34, yemwe ali ndi mwana wamwamuna ndi wamkazi, adalengeza kuti ali ndi pakati pa 1 October. Pa Instagram, Adlington adalemba kuti: ""Ndilibe mawu pakadali pano koma mwatsoka tidapita kokaunikitsa pa masabata 20 omwe akwana sabata ino atiuza kuti sanapeze kugunda kwamtima.",sports,online news +en11125,"I gave birth to our angel, Harper on Friday at 7pm. We held her, and had time with her. We will forever love her and remember her always","Ndinabereka mwana wathu okongola kwambiri Harper lachisanu 7 koloko usiku. Tinamugwira, ndipo tinali ndi nthawi yokhala naye. Tidzamukonda mpaka kalekale ndipo tidzamukumbukira nthawi zonse",sports,online news +en11126,"Prosecutors have closed a criminal case against Gianni Infantino - a decision the Fifa president called a ""victory"" for him and the organization"," Oweluza milandu atseka mlandu wokhudza a Gianni Infantino - chigamulo chomwe mtsogoleri wa Fifa adachitcha ""kupambana"" kwa iye ndi bungwe lonse.",sports,online news +en11127,Proceedings were opened against Infantino in July 2020 over an alleged secret meeting with Swiss attorney general Michael Lauber,Milandu yokhudza Infantino idatsegulidwa mwezi wa Julayi 2020 powaganizira zochititsa misonkhano yachinsinsi yomwe adakumana ndi mlangizi wa boma la Swiss pamilandu a Michael Lauber.,sports,online news +en11128,"Swiss prosecutors confirmed on Thursday their investigations ""invalidated"" suspicions against Infantino. Infantino said the allegations were made to ""attack his reputation","Wozenga milandu aku Swiss adatsimikiza Lachinayi kuti kufufuzidwa kwawo ""kudasemphana"" ndizomwe amaganizira Infantino. Infantino adati milanduyi idapangidwa ndicholinga choti ""iwononge mbiri yake",sports,online news +en11129,"This is a full and clear victory for me, for the new Fifa and for justice,"" Infantino added in a Fifa statement","Uku ndikupambana kwathunthu komanso kowonekeratu kwa ine, kwa Fifa yatsopano komanso chilungamo, ""adawonjezera Infantino mu kalata ya FIFA.",sports,online news +en11130,"Yes, 100 per cent. We can beat any team in the world when we're at our best, I actually believe that","Inde, ndikutsimikiza 100%. Tikhoza kugonjetsa timu iliyonse padziko lapansi ngati tikusewera bwino, ndimakhulupirira zimenezo",sports,online news +en11131,We're going to analyze this game and we're going to look to go there and win the game,Tikuyenera kuwaunikaso bwino masewerawa ndipo tiyang'ana ndikubwelera komweko ndipo tipambana masewerawa,sports,online news +en11132,This is where we want to be. We want to compete at this level. This is Newcastle United and we have to compete at this level,Apa ndi pamene tikufuna titafikira. Tikufuna kupikisana pamlingo uwu. Iyi ndi Newcastle United ndipo tikuyenera kupikisana pamlingo umenewu ndithu,sports,online news +en11133,We set out our targets at the start of the season and we want to reach them. We have a really tight group and a brilliant manager who will put us on the straight and narrow and we'll continue pushing. Newcastle midfielder Joe Willock has backed his side to beat any team in the world,Tidakhazikitsa zolinga zathu kumayambiriro kwa chikhochi ndipo tikufuna kuzikwaniritsa. Tili ndi timu yolimba kwambiri komanso mphunzitsi wanzeru yemwe angationetse njira yoyenera ndipo tipitiliza kukankha. Osewera pakati wa timu ya Newcastle Joe Willock adatero poyikira kumbuyo timu yake kuti ikhoza kugonjetsa timu iliyonse padziko lapansi,sports,online news +en11134,"Willock, 24, made his first appearance since May, having been out with a hamstring problem, as Newcastle were beaten 1-0 by Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League at St James' Park on Wednesday","Willock wa zaka 24, adasewera masewero ake oyamba kumayambiliro kwa mwezi wa May, kaamba ka vuto lakukokana kwa misempha ya mmwendo, pomwe Newcastle idakwapulidwa 1-0 ndi Borussia Dortmund mu Champions League ku St James' Park Lachitatu.",sports,online news +en11135,"Asked if he was still backing Newcastle to perform with a trip to Dortmund and Paris St-Germain away to come, Willock was confident","Atafunsidwa ngati akuthandizirabe Newcastle kuti achite nawo ulendo wopita ku Dortmund ndi Paris St-Germain kuti abwere, Willock anati ndi okhutira.",sports,online news +en11136,"Yes, 100 per cent. We can beat any team in the world when we're at our best, I actually believe that","Inde, ndikutsimikiza 100%. Tikhoza kugonjetsa timu iliyonse padziko lapansi ngati tikusewera bwino, ndimakhulupirira zimenezo",sports,online news +en11137,We're going to analyze this game and we're going to look to go there and win the game, Tikuyenera kuwaunikaso bwino masewerawa ndipo tiyang'ana ndikubwelera komweko ndipo tipambana masewerawa,sports,online news +en11138,"This is where we want to be. We want to compete at this level. This is Newcastle United and we have to compete at this level. ""We set out our targets at the start of the season and we want to reach them","Apa ndi pamene timafuna titafikira. Tikufuna kupikisana pamlingo uwu. Iyi ndi Newcastle United ndipo tikuyenera kupikisana ndithu. ""Tidapanga zolinga zathu kumayambiriro kwa chikhochi ndipo tikuyenera kuzikwaniritsa",sports,online news +en11139,We have a really tight group and a brilliant manager who will put us on the straight and narrow and we'll continue pushing, Tili ndi timu yolimba kwambiri komanso mphunzitsi wanzeru yemwe angatilunjikitse pa njira yoyenera ndipo tipitiliza kulimbika.,sports,online news +en11140,"While football provides an escape from tedium for many people around the world, for Kenya assistant coach William Muluya the sport has offered a very different kind of getaway, guiding him away from a violent life in which he saw friends and team-mates die in ""a hail of bullets"""," Ngakhale mpira umapulumutsa anthu ambiri padziko lonse lapansi, kwa mphunzitsi wothandizira timu ya Kenya William Muluya, masewerawa anapereka njira yosiyana kwambiri kwa iye, yomwe inamuombola ku moyo wachiwawa womwe adawona abwenzi ndi ena mwa osewera anzake akumwalira ""ndi zipolopolo zochuluka""",sports,online news +en11141,"Initially a promising young goalkeeper, the 37-year-old switched to coaching nearly two decades ago and now fulfils a dual role as head coach of Kenyan Premier League side Kariobangi Sharks as well as his role with the men's national team","Pachiyambi anali nyamata wodalirika, yemwe ali ndi zaka 37, anasintha kuyamba ntchito yophunzitsa zaka makumi awiri zapitazo ndipo tsopano akugwira ntchito ziwiri monga mphunzitsi wamkulu wa timu yomwe ikusewera mu Chikho cha Kenyan Premier League Kariobangi Sharks komanso udindo wake mu timu ya fuko ya abambo.",sports,online news +en11142,"But Muluya's life could have been very different. He grew up in the Nairobi neighbourhood of Dandora, home to the largest rubbish dump in the Kenyan capital, alongside a brother and friends who were part of criminal gangs","Koma moyo wa Muluya ukanakhala wosiyana kwambiri. Anakulira m'dera la Dandora ku Nairobi, komwe kuli malo aakulu kwambiri otaya zinyalala mumzinda wa Kenya, pamodzi ndi m'bale wake komanso anzake omwe anali m'gulu la zigawenga.",sports,online news +en11143,"During school holidays, many of my friends were killed in our neighbourhood,"" Mulaya recalls","Pa tchuthi cha sukulu, anzanga ambiri anaphedwa m’dera lathu,” adatero Mulaya pokumbukira",sports,online news +en11144,"""It was always painful seeing them lying in pools of blood. ""These are the people I grew up with. We did almost everything together. My brother had chosen the wrong ways and was in and out of jail"," ""Zinali zowawa kwambiri kuwawona atagona mu dziwe la magazi. ""Awa ndi anthu omwe tinakulira limodzi. Tinkachitira chilichonse pamodzi. Mchimwene wanga anasankha njira zolakwika ndipo anali kabwerebwere kundende",sports,online news +en11145,"""I saw criminal activities being planned in our house by my brother and some of my close friends",“Ndidaona mchimwene wanga komanso anzanga ena apamtima akukambirana zauchigawenga mnyumba mwathu,sports,online news +en11146,"""I knew when they were going for missions [and] the weapons they were going to use. But I wasn't willing to be part of it. They died under a hail of bullets'","""Ndinkadziwa pamene ankapita ku nkhondo [ndi] zida zomwe adzagwiritse ntchito. Koma sindinafune kukhala nawo limodzi. Iwo anafa ndi zipolopolo zochuluka.""",sports,online news +en11147,"The young Muluya appeared to have a golden touch, from the church where he served as an altar boy to the football pitch where he was handed a nickname linked to Nigeria legend Nwankwo Kanu","Tsogolo labwino la Muluya lidawoneka ali wamng'ono, kuchokera pomwe amatumikira ngati mnyamata wa guwa ku tchalitchi kupita ku bwalo la mpira komwe adapatsidwa dzina la munthu otchuka waku Nigeria Nwankwo Kanu.",sports,online news +en11148,"His coaching acumen was visible from those early days, as he constantly questioned the decisions of his own coaches at junior side Ajentos","Luso lake la uphunzitsi linkawoneka kuyambira masiku oyambirira, popeza nthawi zonse ankakonda kufunsa pa ziganizo zomwe mphunzitsi wake ankachita ali ku timu yaying'ono ya Ajentos.",sports,online news +en11149,"Muluya says coaching saved him from a life he could ""easily"" have pursued alongside his brother, Bernard Lugali","Muluya wati kuphunzitsa za masewero kudamupulumutsa ku moyo womwe akanatha kumachita limodzi ndi mchimwene wake, Bernard Lugali.",sports,online news +en11150,Football kept me busy in the time when I could have been in crime or serving as a tout,Mpira unandipangitsa kukhala wotanganidwa mu nthawi yomwe ndikanatha kumachita nawo zaupandu kapena kuchita nawo zauchigawenga,sports,online news +en11151,"At the Dandora dump, other boys were being taught how to handle guns and organize robberies as part of the fight between gangs who wanted control of Nairobi's public transport network","Pamalo otayirapo zinthu a Dandora, anyamata ena anali kuphunzitsidwa mmene angagwiritsire ntchito mfuti ndi kuchita za uchifwamba polimbana ndi gulu la zigaŵenga zimene zinkafuna kulamulira ntchito za mtengatenga ku Nairobi.",sports,online news +en11152,"""I saw my friends and brother doing those things and I was like, 'for me, to make it in life I don't need to get involved'. That's why I've never taken drugs all my life","""Ndinawona anzanga ndi mchimwene wanga akuchita zinthuzo ndipo ndinati, 'kwa ine, kuti ndipite patali ndi moyo sindikufunika kuchita nawo izi."" Ndichifukwa chake sindinagwiritsepo ntchito mankhwala ozunguza bongo moyo wanga wonse.",sports,online news +en11153,"While his brother Bernard survived and is now a reformed character, many of Muluya's childhood team-mates at Ajentos did not survive","Pamene mchimwene wake Bernard adapulumuka ndipo tsopano ndi munthu wosinthika, anzake ambiri a Muluya pa ubwana wake ku Ajentos sanapulumuke.",sports,online news +en11154,"""From a squad of around 30 players, there could only be five who are alive,"" he estimates. The other 25 died before they were even 20 - they all died under a hail of bullets."""," ""Kuchokera pagulu la osewera pafupifupi 30, pakhoza kukhala asanu okha omwe ali ndi moyo,"" Iye akuyerekeza. Ena 25 adamwalira asanakwanitse zaka 20 - onse adamwalira ndi zipolopolo.""",sports,online news +en11155,"Unlike his brother, Muluya was able to go to secondary school thanks to a football scholarship","Mosiyana ndi mchimwene wake, Muluya adatha kuchita Maphunziro a sekondale chifukwa cha chithandizo chochokera ku mpira",sports,online news +en11156,He began coaching other youngsters aged just 15 and also served as a referees administrator and community service representative,Anayamba kuphunzitsa achichepere ena azaka 15 zokha ndipo adagwiripaso ntchito ngati woyang'anira oyimbira masewero komanso woimira anthu ammudzi.,sports,online news +en11157,"His position and contacts meant he could even help those who fell victim to crime. ""I often served as a shield for those who would be mugged or robbed by my friends,"" he explains","Udindo wake ndi kulumikizana kwake kumatanthauza kuti atha kuthandiza ngakhale omwe akhudzidwa ndi milandu. “Nthaŵi zambiri ndinali chishango cha anthu amene aberedwa ndi anzanga,” iye akufotokoza motero",sports,online news +en11158,"""Many times, I heard people had been mugged and I went and got whatever had been stolen and returned it to them",“Nthawi zambiri ndimamva kuti anthu alandidwa katundu ndipo ndimakwanitsa kukatenga chilichonse chomwe chabedwa ndikubweza kwa eni ake.,sports,online news +en11159,"""I'm able to do it even today through the respect and recognition I've earned in the community through football.",“Nditha kukwanitsa kuchita izi ngakhale lero lomwe chifukwa cha ulemu ndi kuzindikirika komwe ndapeza kudzera mu mpira.,sports,online news +en11160,"After a spell as team manager at Mathare United, Muluya was handed his first senior managerial role seven years ago with the Sharks, winning promotion to the top flight in his first season","Atamaliza ntchito yake ngati mtsogoleri wa gulu la mpira la Mathare United, Muluya anapatsidwa udindo wake waukulu woyamba zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi zapitazo ndi ma Sharks, kupambana ndi kupititsidwa mugulu la magulu a mpira asanu ndi atatu oyambilira munyengo yoyamba ya mpira ",sports,online news +en11161,"It was a moment to cherish, playing in front of around 85,000 fans,"" he remembers. ""It will go down in the history of the team and the memories of the individuals who participated"," Inali nthawi yosangalatsa, kusewera pamaso pa anthu onditsatira pafupifupi 85,000,"" akukumbukira. ""Zilowa m'mbiri ya timu komanso kukumbukira anthu omwe adatenga nawo gawo",sports,online news +en11162,It was a big experience because it's a chance that you only get once in a lifetime, chinali chinthu chachikulu kwambiri chifukwa ndi mwayi omwe umapezeka kamodzi kokha m'moyo,sports,online news +en11163,"""He is coachable, hardworking, humble, patient, clever. He is an honest person, a risk-taker and also a good listener."""," ""Iye ndi wophunzitsika, wolimbikira ntchito, wodzichepetsa, woleza mtima, wanzeru. Ndi munthu woona mtima, woika moyo pachiswe komanso womvetsetsa.""",sports,online news +en11164,Muluya now tries to put a similar level of faith in his own youngsters at the Sharks. Coaching young players is a calling. The trust I put in them is key. In our current team we have three players who are still in high school and they are playing in the top league,Muluya tsopano akuyesera kuyika chikhulupiriro mwa achinyamata achichepere ku timu ya Sharks. Kuphunzitsa osewera achichepere ndi mayitanidwe. Chikhulupiriro chomwe ndimayika mwa iwo ndichofunika kwambiri. Mu timu yathu yapano tili ndi osewera atatu omwe adakali ku sukulu ndipo akusewera mu ligi yayikulu,sports,online news +en11165,"He is an experienced coach and has invested a lot in doing background checks of all the players,"" says Muluya, who contributes his own vast knowledge of Kenyan football alongside fellow assistant Ken Odhiambo","Ndi mphunzitsi wodziwa zambiri ndipo waika chidwi pofufuza osewera onse,” akutero Muluya, yemwe amathandizira mpira waku Kenya pamodzi ndi mzake Ken Odhiambo.",sports,online news +en11166,The trio are trying to rebuild the team following a nine-month Fifa ban because of government interference which ruled them out of the 2023 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers,Atatuwa akuyesera kumanganso timuyi kutsatira chiletso cha miyezi isanu ndi umodzi chomwe FIFA idawapatsa kaamba ka chisokonezo cha boma zomwe zidawapangitsa kuti asalowe nawo mu mpikisano wa mayiko amu Africa mchaka cha 2023.,sports,online news +en11167,"""We have identified the best talents available and the next step is to create a bond between them and make them work as a team. It is a process that needs consistency"," ""Tapeza osewera aluso kwambiri ndipo chotsatira ndikukhazikitsa ubale pakati pawo ndikuwapangitsa kuti azigwira ntchito mogwirizana. Ndi ndondomeko yomwe ikufunika kuti ikhale yokhazikika.",sports,online news +en11168,"With an Africa Cup of Nations set to be held on Kenyan soil for the first time in 2027 as part of a joint bid with Uganda and Tanzania, Muluya believes the national side can perform well and is relishing the prospect of making his own contribution","Pamene mpikisano wa Africa Cup of Nations wakonzedwa kuti udzachitikire ku Kenya kwa nthawi yoyamba mu 2027 ngati gawo limodzi la ubale wa dziko la Uganda ndi Tanzania, a Muluya akukhulupirira kuti timu ya fukoli ingathe kuchita bwino ndipo ali ndi chidwi chotenga nawo gawo pawokha.",sports,online news +en11169,"If someone's mother, girlfriend or kids were watching, who would not want to give their best performance?","Chikhala kuti amayi a wina, chibwenzi kapena ana ake amakhala akumuonelera, ndani amene sangafune kuti azichita bwino kwambiri?",sports,online news +en11170,"""I foresee Kenya doing well - and what an honour it will be serving as an assistant coach at such a historic moment."""," ""Ndikuwona tsogolo timu ya Kenya ikuchita bwino - ndipo ukhala mwayi waukulu kugwira ntchito ngati wothandizira mphunzitsi mu mbiri yosayiwalika.""",sports,online news +en11171,"Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag often reverts back to a simple demand when asked about players who are performing at a level below that required in a theatre as grand as Old Trafford. ""They need to step up,"" the Dutchman likes to say"," Mphunzitsi wa Manchester United Erik ten Hag nthawi zambiri akafunsidwa za osewera omwe sakuchita bwino ndipo sakufunikira ku Old Trafford. ""Ayenera kusintha ndi kumachita bwino,"" Mphunzitsi wa m'dziko la Dutch amakonda kufotokoza choncho",sports,online news +en11172,"In the Champions League against Copenhagen, on a night when United were honoring one of their greatest players and when the manager admitted ""victory is our only option"", two of his most criticized players certainly did step up","Mu masewera awo a Champions League ndi Copenhagen, usiku womwe United idalemekeza m'modzi mwa akatswiri ake komanso pomwe mphunzitsi wamkulu adavomereza kuti ""kupambana ndiye njira yathu yokha"", osewera ake awiri omwe adali wonyozeka adakwera kwambiri.",sports,online news +en11173,Harry Maguire and Andre Onana have been heavily scrutinized in recent times. Maguire lost captaincy in the summer and West Ham United had a bid for him accepted,Harry Maguire ndi Andre Onana akhala akuwunikidwa kwambiri mu nthawiyi. Maguire adachotsedwa ngati kaputeni ndipo mu nthawiyi timu ya West Ham United idapempha kuti imugule osewerayu,sports,online news +en11174,"The 30-year-old opted to remain at Old Trafford but, having slipped to fifth-choice central defender - behind left-back Luke Shaw - no-one was sure why","Osewera wazaka 30 adasankha kukhalabe ku Old Trafford, koma atazembera chisankho chokhala osewera wachisanu otchinga kumbuyo koma pakati kumbali ya ya otchinga kumbuyo koma kumanzere Luke Shaw - palibe amene anadziwa chifukwa chake.",sports,online news +en11175,Some uncertain moments in the first half for the England defender did nothing to suggest a revival for Maguire,"Zinthu zina zosayembekezereka mu gawo loyamba la masewerowa, otseka kumbuyo a timu ya England sanachite chilichonse chosonyeza kumutsitsimutsa Maguire",sports,online news +en11176,"The Cameroon goalkeeper's perceived strength is distribution, but against Copenhagen that was not in great evidence - with the two diagonal passes sent straight out of play in the first half","Wotchinga pagolo waku Cameroon amaona mphamvu mukugawana, koma popikisana ndi Copenhagen izi sidzimaoneka- ndikupatsirana kopingasa komwe kunatulutsa mpira mbwalo losewelera",sports,online news +en11177,"However, with 18 minutes remaining, it was Maguire who forced his way onto the end of Christian Eriksen's brilliant curling cross to the far post","Komabe, patatsala mphindi 18, anali Maguire yemwe adachotsa mpira wanzeru kuchokera kwa Christian Eriksen omwe adaombetsa chitsulo cha golo.",sports,online news +en11178,"And with the final action of the game, deep into added time, it was Onana who beat away Jordan Larsson's penalty to secure a first win of United's European campaign and keep their hopes of qualification for the Champions League last 16 alive","Ndipo kaseweredwe kawo mu mphindi zomaliza pamasewerawa, mkatikati mwa nthawi yowonjezera, anali Onana yemwe adachotsa penate ya Jordan Larsson kuti timu ya United ipeze chipambano koyamba mu European Campaign ndikukhala ndi chiyembekezo kuti akhoza kupikisana nawo mgulu la matimu 16 mu Champions League.",sports,online news +en11179,Onana does not appear to lack confidence but at times during his short United career he has blamed himself for errors that have either cost goals or put his team under pressure,Sikuti Onana siwodalilika koma kuti kutengera nthawi yochepa yomwe wakhala ku United amadziimba mlandu pazolakwa zomwe zakhala zikudzetsa zigoli kapena kuyika timu yake pamavuto.,sports,online news +en11180,"His clearing kicks against Copenhagen were poor but, as Ten Hag pointed out, he produced a brilliant save to deny Lukas Lerager before securing the win by saving the penalty taken by the teenage son of former Sweden and United striker Henrik. ""He showed personality,"" said Ten Hag","Maseweredwe ake powombola mpira akusewera ndi Copenhagen anali osakhala bwino, monga Ten Hag adanenera, adalepheretsa Lukas Lerager kugoletsa asanawombole penalty yomwe mwana wa ochinya zigoli wakale wa timu ya Sweden ndi United Henrik adasewera. “Anasonyeza umunthu,” anatero Ten Hag",sports,online news +en11181,"He knows that before, given the levels of what his skills are, he didn't match his skills and he could do better","Amadziwa kuti m'mbuyomu, chifukwa cha luso lake, sanathe kugwiritsa bwino luso lake koma akanatha kuchita bwino",sports,online news +en11182,Ten Hag complained on numerous occasions last season that Maguire did not produce the form for United he has shown on England duty,Ten Hag adadandaula kangapo kuti nyengo yatha kuti Maguire sanagwire ntchito ku timu ya United ngati momwe adachitira ndi timu ya England.,sports,online news +en11183,"He's much more proactive in possession, passing vertically, defending on the front foot, stepping in, and is very confident in duels,"" said Ten Hag","Amakhala wolimbikira kwambiri posunga mpira, kupatsira, kuteteza, kulowa mkati, ndipo ndi wodalirika pamasewera, ""adatero Ten Hag.",sports,online news +en11184,"It was a great experience playing against the top of the world's best players,"" says Van Vuuren, who like all of his team-mates was an amateur","Zinali zosangalatsa kwambiri kusewera ndi osewera apamwamba kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi, ""atero Van Vuuren, yemwe monga anzake onse a m'gulu lake sanali mkhalakale.",sports,online news +en11185,"Sport at that level is a mental thing. If you're going to be intimidated by a ball of 160 km/h, you don't belong.""","Masewera pamlingo umenewo chimakhala chinthu cha mmaganizo. Ngati mungawopsyezedwe ndi mpira omwe ukuthamanga 160 km / h, ndiyekuti simukuyenera zimenezo.""",sports,online news +en11186,"That meant that as the tournaments approached - unlike now, they were played at different times of the year - Van Vuuren had other things on his mind","Izi zikutanthauza kuti pamene mipikisano ikuyandikira - mosiyana ndi pano, masewero adaseweredwa nthawi zosiyanasiyana pachaka - Van Vuuren anali ndi zinthu zina m'maganizo mwake.",sports,online news +en11187,"I was a full-time doctor in private practice so that made it very difficult,"" he says. ""When I played rugby and cricket, I didn't get paid - I lost money - but I knew then that the sport would end one day"," Ndinali dokotala wogwira ntchito mwaumwini kotero kuti zimenezo zinapangitsa zinthu kukhala zovuta kwambiri,” iye anatero. “Ndikasewera rugby ndi cricket, sindinkalipidwa, ndinataya ndalama, koma ndidadziwa kuti tsiku lina masewerawa azatha.",sports,online news +en11188,"We were just amateurs, with a very good cricket team. It would have been better if we had beaten one or two big names, but we couldn't","Sitinali a katswiri, koma tinali ndi timu yabwino kwambiri ya cricket. Zikanakhala bwino tikanapambana timu imodzi kapena awiri akuluakulu, koma sitinathe kutero",sports,online news +en11189,"Namibia faced heavyweight opposition in that tournament, which was staged in Africa for the first time. After opening the tournament against co-hosts Zimbabwe, they met Pakistan, England, India, Australia and the Netherlands","Namibia idakumana ndi opikisana nawo a zitho kwambiri mu mpikisano womwe unachitikira ku Africa koyamba. Utayamba mpikisanowu adasewera ndi koyamba ndi Zimbabwe, adakumana ndi Pakistan, England, India, Australia ndi Netherlands",sports,online news +en11190,"He does not remember a time before he played both cricket and rugby, but it was the oval ball that was his primary love. Nonetheless, he made his international cricket debut first - winning his first cap in 1997, just three weeks before doing likewise in rugby","Sakumbukira nthawi yomwe adasewerapo cricket ndi rugby, koma unali mpira wozungulirawo womwe ankaukonda kwambiri. Komabe, adasewera koyamba pamasewera a cricket padziko lonse lapansi - ndipo adapambana chikho chake choyamba mu 1997, patangotsala milungu itatu kuti achite chimodzimodzi mu rugby.",sports,online news +en11191,"It was the start of a way of life that would involve regularly swapping between the sports, working out how to juggle his working life with his sporting life, and getting used to either gaining or losing weight","Chinali chiyambi cha moyo chomwe chimabweretsa kusinthana nthawi zonse pakati pa masewera, kufufuza momwe angasinthire moyo wake wa pantchito ndi moyo wake wamasewera, komanso kuzolowera kuchita zinthu zonenepetsa kapena kuchepetsa thupi.",sports,online news +en11192,"It was difficult being a very busy medical doctor and playing sport, especially two codes,"" he says. ""There was no time for watching TV, relaxing or anything like that - it was sport and work, and that was it","Zinali zovuta kukhala dokotala wotanganidwa kwambiri ndikumaseweraso masewera, makamaka zinthu ziwiri,"" iye anatero. ""Panalibe nthawi yowonera TV, kupumula kapena chilichonse chonga chimenecho - zinali masewera ndi ntchito basi, ndipo zinali choncho.",sports,online news +en11193,"I became very, very disciplined at managing my time and my diet, and that is one of the greatest things I've learned from sport - how to be disciplined","Ndinayamba kuyika chidwi kwambiri posamala nthawi yanga ndi zakudya zanga, ndipo ichi ndi chinthu chimodzi chofunikira chomwe ndaphunzira kuchokera ku masewera - momwe ndingakhalire wosamala.",sports,online news +en11194,"As one of few obstetricians then in Windhoek, he delivered 70 babies. And it was then he became aware of his own entry - into the annals of sporting history","Monga m’modzi mwa azamba ochepa panthawiyo ku Windhoek, yemwe anabereketsa ana 70. Ndipo m'pamene adazindikira za kulowa kwake mu mbiri yamasewera",sports,online news +en11195,"I didn't even know it was something special,"" he says. ""Then a journalist phoned me and said: 'Did you know that no-one else has ever played in a rugby and cricket World Cup, or even in two World Cups in different sports codes, in one year? I said I didn't, and then all of a sudden it became something","Sindinkadziwa n’komwe kuti chinali chinthu chapadera.” Kenako mtolankhani wina anandiimbira foni n’kunena kuti: ‘Kodi ukudziwa kuti palibe amene anasewerapo mpikisano wa Rugby ndi Cricket wa dziko lonse, kapenanso kusewera kawiri? m'magulu osiyanasiyana amasewera m'chaka chimodzi? Ndinati sindikudziwa, ndipo mwadzidzidzi chinakhala chinachake",sports,online news +en11196,"""The scan just showed everything was torn,"" he says. ""It was just utter, utter disappointment because physically I was in incredible shape, and I was so ready for that World Cup","""Kuyesako kumawonetsa kuti zonse zinali zong'ambika,"" iye anatero. ""Zinali zokhumudwitsa, zokhumudwitsa chifukwa thupi langa linali lowoneka bwino, ndipo ndinali wokonzeka kuchita nawo mpikisano wa dziko lonse (World Cup).",sports,online news +en11197,It was particularly cruel given he had missed the 1999 tournament after a row with Namibia's then coach,Zinali zodandaulitsa kwambiri chifukwa adaphonya mpikisano wa 1999 kaamba kosamvetsetsana ndi mphunzitsi wa Namibia panthawiyo.,sports,online news +en11198,"The nature of the tear meant his calf needed between six and eight weeks to recover, but Namibia's group games all fell within a three-week period","Mlingo wakudandaula kwake umafunikira pakati pa milungu isanu ndi umodzi kapena isanu ndi itatu kuti achire, koma masewera agulu la ku Namibia onse adayikidwa mkatikati mwa milungu itatu.",sports,online news +en11199,"""You can only control the controllables so I tried to just stay as positive as possible and rehab,"" Van Vuuren says. ""But I was sitting on the side, really wanting to play - and really wanting to fulfil the prophecy.""","""Mukhoza kukwanitsa kukonza zomwe zikhoza kukonzedwa kotero ndidayesetsa kukhalabe ndi chiyembekezo ndikuyambiranso,"" atero Van Vuuren. ""Koma ndinali nditakhala pambali, ndikufunitsitsa kusewera - komanso ndikufuna kukwaniritsa ulosi.""",sports,online news +en11200,"The pain was there but the levels were such I could actually make it onto the pitch. I said to the staff: 'I don't care what you do, I have to get on to the field"," Zowawa zinalipo koma kuthekera kunalipo koti ndimatha kufika pabwalo la zamasewero. Ndinauza antchitowo kuti: 'Sindikusamala zomwe mukuchita, ndiyenera kupita pa bwalo la zamasewero",sports,online news +en11201,"Angelina and my wife have been friends for about 20 years,"" says Van Vuuren. ""They met on a film set here in Namibia, and Angelina just became involved with what we do","Angelina ndi mkazi wanga akhala abwenzi pafupifupi zaka 20,” adatero Van Vuuren. ""Anakumana pafilimu yomwe inachitikira kuno ku Namibia, ndipo Angelina adangoyamba kuchita nawo zomwe timachita",sports,online news +en11202,"Low in the rankings, with minimal bank funds and no women's team when he assumed control, the prospects did not look good"," kukhala pa ndandanda otsika, ndi chuma chochepa komanso opanda timu ya azimayi pomwe adatenga ulamuliro, ziyembekezo zinali zosakhala bwino.",sports,online news +en11203,"I think, in that time, it was easier than now. It was never something big to me, but in the rest of the world it was an achievement. I was just lucky","Ndikuganiza kuti mu nthawi imeneyo, zinali zosavuta kuposa tsopano. Sichinali chinthu chachikulu kwa ine, koma mu dziko lonse chinali chipambano. Ndinali ndi mwayi basi",sports,online news +en11204,"Pantani was 34 years old, and could have been in the prime of his career; Lance Armstrong, a year and a half his junior, had won the last five Tours de France and would go on to win the next two","Pantani anali ndi zaka 34, ndipo akanatha kufika pamwamba pa luso lake; Lance Armstrong, wachinyamata wake wa chaka chimodzi ndi theka, adapambana maulendo asanu omaliza a Tours de France ndipo amayembekezera kupambana mipikisano iwiri yotsatira.",sports,online news +en11205,"But it's more than three years since the spotlight fell on Pantani, the man whose bandana, shaved head, nose stud and earrings earned him the nickname 'Il Pirata' - the Pirate","Koma padutsa zaka zitatu kuchokera pamene Pantani adawonekera, nyamaywuna yemwe anavala bandana, mutu mwake mometedwa, mphuno zake zili ndi ndolo anamupatsa dzina lakuti 'Il Pirata' - Pilato.",sports,online news +en11206,"Mid-morning, an increasingly disturbed Pantani has three phone conversations with reception. He's complaining of being bothered by people in the room next door - which is empty. The last time he calls them, just after 11:00, he asks staff to call the police","M'bandakucha, Pantani yemwe anali kusokonekera anali ndi zokambirana zitatu pafoni. Ankadandaula kuti akuvutitsidwa ndi anthu mchipinda choyandikana nacho - chomwe munalibe munthu. Nthawi yomaliza kuwaimbira foni, itangodutsa 11:00, amapempha ogwira ntchito kuti ayimbire apolisi",sports,online news +en11207,"Pantani had the classic climber's build - skinny, small, sharp cheekbones, and powerful lungs","Pantani anali ndi thupi la okwera mapiri- wochepa thupi, wamfupi, mafupa ammatsaya otukuka pang'ono komanso mapapo amphamvu kwambiri",sports,online news +en11208,"Leading the 1999 Giro d'Italia by more than five minutes with just two stages to go, his race had ended in ignominy, rather than victory"," Kutsogolera mpikisano wa Giro d'Italia wa 1999 ndi mphindi zopitilira zisanu ndi magawo awiri okha, mpikisano wake udatha mwamanyazi, m'malo mopambana.",sports,online news +en11209,"On the morning of the penultimate stage, he was escorted out of the team hotel by Italian police. He had failed a blood test, with the results suggesting he had been doping","M'mawa wina pa siteji yokongola kwambiri, adaperekezedwa kuchokera ku hotelo yomwe kunali timu yake ndi apolisi aku Italy. Analephera kuyezetsa magazi, ndipo zotsatira zake zimasonyeza kuti anali kumwa mankhwala ozunguza bongo",sports,online news +en11210,"From the hotel balcony, Pantani's team-mates had cheered their leader. Fans blocked the road in protest at his expulsion from the race","Kuchokera pakhonde la hotelo, anzake a Pantani adamulandira mtsogoleri wawo mokondwera. Otsatira ake adatseka msewu potsutsa kuchotsedwa kwake pa mpikisano",sports,online news +en11211,"I've returned from two big accidents, but this time, morale-wise, we've touched the bottom,"" said Pantani at the time","Ndapulumuka ku ngozi zazikulu ziwiri, koma ulendo uno, kunena zoona, tatsika pansi,” adatero Pantani panthawiyo.",sports,online news +en11212,This was the fork in the road that led Pantani to Rimini. His world was plunged into darkness that even he couldn't climb out of,ameneyu adali munthu yemwe anamutsogolera Pantani ku Rimini. Dziko lake linagwera mumdima moti ngakhale iye sakanatha kutulukamo,sports,online news +en11213,"Later that evening, after consulting the hotel's owner, the receptionist goes up to Room 5D on the pretext of providing fresh towels. Knocking on the door, there's no reply from inside","Pambuyo pake usiku womwewo, atakambirana ndi eni ake a hoteloyo, wolandira alendo anapita ku Room 5D ponamizira kukapereka matawulo ena. Atagogoda chitseko, mkati munalibe amene anayankha",sports,online news +en11214,"After another conversation with his boss, the receptionist tries again. He unlocks the door with a master key, forces aside the furniture that's been used to barricade the door from inside, and finds Marco Pantani lying by the bed on the room's mezzanine level, dead, in a pool of his own blood","Pambuyo pochezanso ndi abwana ake, wolandira alendoyo adayesanso. Amatsegula chitseko ndi kiyi wamkulu, ndikusunthira pambali mipando yomwe idagwiritsidwa ntchito kutsekereza chitseko mkati, ndipo adapeza Marco Pantani atagona pabedi mchipindacho, atamwalira, ali m'dziwe la magazi ake omwe.",sports,online news +en11215,"He left behind a legacy of glory, played out in front of an adoring public. But there are also questions. Because not everyone adored Pantani. Some may even have wanted him dead","Anasiya mbiri yaulemerero, yomwe inali yosilirika pamaso pa anthu. Koma panalinso mafunso. Chifukwa si onse amene ankasilira Pantani. Mwina ena ankafunaso kuti bola angofa",sports,online news +en11216,"As a youngster he didn't always mix well with other children, so a neighbour suggested to his parents that he joined the local cycling club. It was a recommendation that created one of the sport's greatest climbers","Ngati mwana nthaŵi zonse samagwirizana bwino ndi ana ena, chotero mnansi wina analangiza makolo ake kuti aloŵe m’kalabu yayendetsa njinga ya m’deralo. Anali malingaliro omwe adapanga m'modzi mwa okwera njinga ochita bwino",sports,online news +en11217,"Whether it was his fondness for eating Nutella, his refusal to wear a helmet or heart rate monitor, or his predilection for being out late at night singing karaoke when other riders were tucked up in bed, Pantani was different. He was an outsider","Kaya kunali kukonda kwake kudya Nutella, kukana kwake kuvala chipewa, chowunikira kugunda kwa mtima, kapena kusakonda kwake kukhala kunja usiku akuimba nyimbo za karaoke pamene okwera njinga ena anagonekedwa pabedi, Pantani anali wosiyana. Iye anali mlendo",sports,online news +en11218,"He wanted to do with his bicycle what an artist did with his paintbrush,"" said Pantani's biographer","Ankafuna kuchita ndi njinga yake zomwe wojambula amachita ndi burashi yake ya penti,"" adatero wolemba mbiri ya Pantani",sports,online news +en11219,"It wasn't just the success that had millions in his thrall, it was the way Pantani won. It was the style, the panache, the distinctive way he rode up mountains, hunched over the handlebars with his hands on the drops","Sikupambana kokha komwe kunadzetsa mamiliyoni ambiri mumasewera ake, koma ndi momwe Pantani adapambanira. Anali masitayelo, kachitidwe kake, njira yapaderadera yomwe ankakwelera mapiri, atatsamira pazitsulo ndi manja ake.",sports,online news +en11220,"It was the way he soared away from the rest, seemingly without breaking sweat. The Pirate rode with his heart on his sleeve - all or nothing, death or glory","Zinali mmene anawathawitra anzake, osatuluka thukutha. Wakubayu anathamanga ndi mtima wake wonse, zonse kapena osapeza kanthu, imfa kapena ulemelero",sports,online news +en11221,"I just thought, either it works, or I'm going to blow everything. I had no alternative. I had to see, to know who was the strongest,"" he said","Ndinangoganiza, kuti mwina zimagwira ntchito, kapena ndiononga chilichonse. Ndinalibe njira ina. Ndimayenera kuwona, kuti ndidziwe yemwe anali wamphamvu kwambiri, ""iye adatero",sports,online news +en11222,"At the 1994 Tour de France, Pantani smashed the record for the fastest ascent of Alpe d'Huez, a near-mythical climb into the heavens, up 21 tight hairpin bends","Pampikisano wa Tour de France wa 1994, Pantani adapanga mbiri yopalasa mothamanga kwambiri pokwera mu Alpe d'Huez, kukwera mmwamba, ngati akudutsa malo okhotakhota ka 21",sports,online news +en11223,"In 1995, he produced another exhilarating ride to break it again. In 1997, he came within four seconds of his own record. Those three rides up Alpe d'Huez have never been battered by any rider in the Tour de France","Mu 1995, adayambitsaso mpikisano wina wosangalatsa. Mu 1997, adabwera mkati mwa masekondi anayi kuchokera mu mbiri yake. Anthu atatuwa omwe akukwera mapiri a Alpe d'Huez sanagonjetsedweko ndi aliyense opalasa njinga mu Tour de France",sports,online news +en11224,"The race was in crisis and needed a hero. Enter Pantani, three minutes behind defending champion Ullrich in the yellow jersey","Mpikisanowu unali ovuta kwambiri ndipo unkafunika akatswiri. Atalowa Pantani, mphindi zitatu kumbuyo kwa katswiri oteteza chikhochi Ullrich yemwe anali mu jeze yachikasu",sports,online news +en11225,"On a cold, wet day in the Alps, Pantani turned the race on its head. Pantani attacked Ullrich on the Galibier, gaining almost three minutes, and flew down the other side of the mountain - taking risk after risk in what must have felt like apocalyptic weather","Patsiku lozizira komanso lamvula kumapiri a Alps, Pantani anausintha mpikisanowo mosayembekezereka. Pantani adamudutsa Ullrich pa Galibier, atapeza pafupifupi mphindi zitatu, ndikutsikira tsidya lina la phirilo - analolera kuziyika pachiwopsezo mu nyengo yomwe inkamveka ngati yoopsa kwambiri.",sports,online news +en11226,"In his wake, Ullrich played it safe, believing Pantani would crack on the final climb. He didn't","Atadzuka, Ullrich adasewera bwino, akukhulupirira kuti Pantani atha kukwera komaliza. Koma iye sanatero",sports,online news +en11227,"It didn't feel like it at the time, but 1998 would prove to be the summit of a career that plummeted unexpectedly 10 months later. Pantani had dominated the 1999 Giro, and looked sure to win with two stages to go, when he was ejected from the race","Sizimamveka ngati chonchi panthawiyo, koma chaka cha 1998 chidakhala gawo lalikulu la ntchito lomwe lidafika mosayembekezereka patatha miyezi 10. Pantani adalamulira Giro mu 1999, ndipo adawoneka kuti apambana ndi magawo awiri, ndi pomwe adatulutsidwa mumpikisano.",sports,online news +en11228,"Some cyclists who failed tests simply accepted the bans meted out to them as an occupational hazard, served their time, and resumed their career. Others, like Scotland's David Millar, became advocates for clean cycling","Opikisana a njinga ena amene analephera kuyezetsa anavomereza ziletso zomwe adapatsidwa monga chiwopsezo cha ntchito, anatsatira nthaŵi yawo, ndipo anayambiranso ntchito yawo. Ena, monga David Millar wa ku Scotland, anakhala m'modzi mwa wolimbikitsa za masewero wopalasa njinga",sports,online news +en11229,But for Pantani - only temporarily stood down from racing for failing a 'health check' - it was the beginning of the end. Those close to him say it was then that he started using cocaine on a regular basis, Koma kwa Pantani - adangoyima kwakanthawi kuti asapikisane nawo chifukwa chakulephera 'kuwunikitsa mthupi' - ichi chinali chiyambi chamathero. Oyandikana naye akuti apa ndipamene adayamba kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ozunguza bongo pafupipafupi,sports,online news +en11230,"When he had the test for haematocrit he was eventually banned for only 15 days, but it ended up complicating his whole life and he was never able to get over it. He was never the same again","Pamene adayezetsa magazi ake adayimitsidwa masewero kwa masiku 15 okha, koma izi zidasokoneza moyo wake onse ndipo sanathe kuzithetsa. Ndipo Iye sanalinso ngati kale",sports,online news +en11231,"Pantani, while retaining much of his popularity with the public, found himself constantly in dispute with the authorities - cycling's governing bodies and the Italian government - and became increasingly paranoid, convinced he was being unfairly targeted as cycling attempted to clean up its act","Pantani, ngakhale adakali wotchuka kwambiri ndi anthu, adapezeka kuti sakumvana ndi akuluakulu - mabungwe oyendetsa mpikisano wa njinga ndi boma la Italy - ndipo adayamba kunjenjemera, akukhulupirira kuti samaonedwa mwachilungamo ngati ochita nawo mpikisano wa njinga yemwe akufuna kusintha.",sports,online news +en11232,"He was treated in a drugs and depression clinic, and in October 2003 told his fans to 'forget about Pantani the athlete'","Analandira chithandizo ku chipatala cha mankhwala ozunguza bongo komanso nkhawa, ndipo mu October 2003 anauza omutsatira ake kuti 'aiwale za Pantani wothamanga.",sports,online news +en11233,"While on holiday in Cuba, Pantani scribbled in his passport; ""The champion I was exists no more,"" he wrote","Ali patchuthi ku Cuba, Pantani adalemba pasipoti yake; Iye analemba kuti: “Katswiri amene ndinali uja kulibenso",sports,online news +en11234,"""He is far from the man that I have become. If my fans still cheer me, it's not through affection, but of need of a personality"," ""Ali kutali ndi munthu yemwe ndinakhala pano. Ngati wonditsatira anga amandisangalalirabe, sikuti ndichifukwa cha chikondi, koma chifukwa cha umunthu.",sports,online news +en11235,"""I've been humiliated for nothing. For four years, I've been in every court. Rules, yes - but the same for everyone."""," ""Ndachititsidwa manyazi pachabe. Kwa zaka zinayi, ndakhalako m'khoti lililonse. Malamulo, inde - koma chimodzimodzi kwa aliyense.""",sports,online news +en11236,"Four months later he was dead, and those words became public knowledge after the passport was found in his hotel room","Patatha miyezi inayi anamwalira, ndipo mawu amenewo anadziwika kwa anthu onse pasipoti yake itapezeka m’chipinda ku nyumba yogona alendo (hotelo)",sports,online news +en11237,"His death was front-page news. At his funeral, his mother Tonina denounced the media who'd turned up, shouting: ""You're all to blame for my son's death. What are you doing here?"""," Imfa yake inali nkhani pa tsamba loyamba la nyuzipepala. Pamaliro ake, amayi ake Tonina adadzudzula atolankhani omwe adabwera, akufuula kuti: ""Nonse ndinu olakwa pa imfa ya mwana wanga. Mukuchita chiyani pano?""",sports,online news +en11238,An initial investigation into Pantani's death ruled he died of an accidental cocaine overdose. But it was not the final word on his demise,Kafukufuku woyamba pa imfa ya Pantani anatsimikizira kuti anafa chifukwa chomwa mankhwala ozunguza bongo mopyola mlingo. Koma amenewo sanali mawu otsiriza pa imfa yake,sports,online news +en11239,"A second inquiry began in 2016, prompted by Pantani's family's claims that he had been beaten by a group of men, forced to drink cocaine and murdered. It dismissed their theory as ""fanciful conjecture""","kafukufuku wachiwiri anayamba mu 2016, potsatira zomwe banja la Pantani linanena kuti iye adamenyedwa ndi gulu la zigawenga, kukakamizidwa kumwa mankhwala ozunguza bongo komanso kuphedwa. Zidatsutsa umboni omwe unalipo kuti anali ""malingaliro ongopeka""",sports,online news +en11240,"But in November 2021, it was sensationally announced that the Italian authorities were opening a third inquiry into events surrounding Pantani - his disqualification from the 1999 Giro, and his death five years later. Its particular focus was whether the mafia were involved. It was sparked by new evidence, uncovered almost by accident"," Koma mu Novembala 2021, zidadziwika kuti akuluakulu aku Italy akutsegula kafukufuku wachitatu pa nkhani yokhudza Pantani - kuchotsedwa kwake ku Giro 1999, ndi imfa yake patatha zaka zisanu. Cholinga chake chinali chofuna kudziwa ngati ma mafia anali okhudzidwa. Panadzanso umboni watsopano, ovumbulutsidwa mosayembekezera",sports,online news +en11241,"In 2016, there was a wiretapping by a police investigation completely unrelated to Pantani's case, in which one of the two guys having a conversation mentioned the involvement of the Naples mafia - the Camorra - in Pantani's death","Mu 2016, kafukufuku wa apolisi anali osemphana ndi mlandu wa Pantani, pomwe m'modzi mwa anyamata awiri omwe amakambirana adafotokoza za kukhudzidwa kwa mafia a Naples - Camorra - pa imfa ya Pantani.",sports,online news +en11242,Rumours of mafia involvement in Pantani's death - supposedly connected to the large amount of money the organized crime syndicate was set to lose on unlicensed gambling markets had he won the 1999 Giro - have persisted for years,Mphekesera zakukhudzidwa kwa magulu awupandu pa imfa ya Pantani - zomwe akuti zikugwirizana ndi ndalama zankhaninkhani zomwe gulu lazigawenga lidayenera kutaya pamisika yochitira njuga yosavomerezeka akadapambana 1999 Giro - zidapitilira kwa zaka zambiri.,sports,online news +en11243,"Now the police had stumbled on evidence that seemed to support the theory. There was also testimony from Fabio Miradossa, a dealer who had supplied Pantani with drugs towards the end of his life and got to know him","Tsopano apolisi anali anadabwa ndi umboni womwe udalipo kuti ukugwirizana ndi nkhaniyo. Panalinso umboni wochokera kwa Fabio Miradossa, yemwe amagulitsa mankhwala ozunguza bongo (cocaine) kwa Pantani kufikira kumapeto kwa moyo wake pomwe adamuzindikira.",sports,online news +en11244,"He's convinced that Marco did not die of natural causes. Miradossa said Pantani did use cocaine, but he was not such a user that would bring himself to death in a matter of a few days","Adatinyengelera kuti tikhulupilire zoti Marco sanafe imfa yoyenera. Miradossa adati Pantani adagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ozunguza bongo (cocaine), koma sanafike poti akhoza kuzipha m'masiku ochepa.",sports,online news +en11245,"When it came to Pantani's failed blood test at the 1999 Giro, a well-known criminal claimed his mafia contacts had foreseen the race's dramatic finale","Pomwe zinafika polephera kuyezetsa magazi kwa Pantani ku Giro mu 1999, chigawenga chodziwika bwino chinati omwe amalumikizana nawo adawoneratu tsogolo la mpikisanowo.",sports,online news +en11246,"If you have money, bet against Pantani because he's not getting to [the finish in] Milan"" was their reputed advice","Ngati muli ndi ndalama, betcheranani Pantani chifukwa safika potsiriza [Maliza] nawo ku Milan"" unali upangiri wawo wodziwika.",sports,online news +en11247,"Today, after this time, the possibility that the mafia may have altered the Giro d'Italia's results remains an open hypothesis. ""We have not been able to close as we would have liked. That is, by being able to exclude it","Lero, pambuyo pa nthawiyi, kuthekera kuti mafia wina akhoza kusintha zotsatira za Giro d'Italia likadali lingaliro. “Sitinathe kuthana nazo monga momwe timafunira, kuti, tikhoza kuzichotsa",sports,online news +en11248,"The commission had found ""several and serious"" anomalies around the blood sample taken at the 1999 Giro. They found that the test tube containing Pantani's blood had been marked with his name when, under rules imposed to guarantee riders' anonymity, it should have been only identifiable by a number to a select few officials","Komitiyi idapeza ""zolakwika zingapo"" zokhudza magazi omwe adatengedwa ku Giro mu 1999. Iwo anapeza kuti chubu choyezera chomwe chinali ndi magazi a Pantani chinali ndi dzina lake, malinga ndi malamulo operekedwa kuti atsimikizire kuti okwerawo sakudziwika, akuluakulu ochepa ndi omwe akadazindikira izi.",sports,online news +en11249,"The commission had also found that Pantani's blood sample was taken an hour earlier than indicated in a previous court case, opening a window of time in which his sample could have been tampered with",Nthambiyi idapezanso kuti magazi a Pantani adatengedwa patapita maola angapo kusiyana ndi zomwe zidanenedwa m'mbuyo ku bwalo lamilandu zomwe zidabweretsa chikayiko cha nthawi yomwe kuyezaku kudasokonezedwa,sports,online news +en11250,"By correctly placing the time of the sampling from Marco Pantani at 07:46, It is possible to manipulate the test tube,"" the commission stated","Poyika nthawi moyenera kuchoka kwa Marco Pantani pa 07:46, ndizothekaso kusintha chubu chomwe amagwiritsa ntchito poyezera,"" nthambiyi idatero.",sports,online news +en11251,"Of course, it could be that Pantani's test result was entirely self-inflicted. That the drug testers caught up with a doper","Inde, zikhoza kutheka kuti zotsatira za kuyezedwa kwa Pantani zinali zodzipangira yekha. Kuti oyesa mankhwala adapeza mankhwala ozunguza bongo",sports,online news +en11252,"However, some riders of that era were also adept at managing their haematocrit blood tests to stay within the prescribed limits, by dodging drug testers and timing their consumption of EPO","Komabe, wochita mpikisano a njinga ena a nthawi imeneyo analinso aluso poonetsetsa kuti akuyezetsa magazi kwa kuti asadutse malire omwe adayikidwa, popewa mankhwala komanso nthawi yomwe amamwa EPO.",sports,online news +en11253,"Pantani was highly unlikely to be a completely clean rider, but it seems he felt, on the day he was led out of his team hotel and out of the 1999 Giro, that he wasn't cheating any more than his rivals","Pantani sakanatha kukhala wokwera njinga wabwino, koma zikuwoneka kuti adamva, tsiku lomwe adatulutsidwa mu hotelo ya timu yake komanso mu 1999 Giro, kuti samkabera kuposa omwe amapikisana nawo.",sports,online news +en11254,The perceived injustice of being unable to complete the defense of his title in front of his home fans could have been the start of Pantani's downward spiral into cocaine addiction and isolation,Chisalungamo chomwe chikuwoneka kuti sanathe kukwanitsa kuteteza mbiri yake pamaso pa anthu omutsatira chikanakhala chiyambi cha Pantani pachizolowezi chogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ozunguza bongo (cocaine) komanso kudzipatula.,sports,online news +en11255,There are other anomalies around the circumstances of his death that have never been fully explained,Palinso zovuta zina zomwe zikukhudza imfa yake zomweso sizinafotokozedwe bwino,sports,online news +en11256,"But suicide had been ruled out at the time of Pantani's death - the coroner felt that if that had been his aim, Pantani would have used the prescription drugs that he had with him at the time","Koma kudzipha kunali koletsedwa pa nthawi ya imfa ya Pantani - wofufuza milanduyo adawona kuti chikanakhala kuti chinali cholinga chake, Pantani akanagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala omwe anali nawo panthawiyo.",sports,online news +en11257,"Upstairs was all tidy, no mess. But below was chaos. The room was turned upside down. I asked the hotel manager whether there were damages to be paid; he told me, 'No madam, nothing was broken, everything was simply disassembled'. What the hell were they looking for?","Mmwambamu mudali mwa dongosolo, popanda chisokonezo. Koma m’munsimu munali chipwirikiti. Chipindacho chidatembenuzika. Ndinafunsa woyang'anira hotelo ngati panali zowononga zomwe zimayenera kulipidwa; adandiuza kuti, 'Ayi mayi, palibe chomwe chaonongeka, zonse zidasokonekera'. Kodi anali kufunafuna chiyani?",sports,online news +en11258,"Perhaps the only certainty is that it, we and perhaps no-one apart from Marco Pantani will ever know for certain what happened inside that hotel room in Rimini. The truth may have died with the man, but the legend lives on","Mwina chilungamo chake ndi chokachi, palibe aliyense mwa ife kupatula Marco Pantani azadziwe chilungamo cha zomwe zidachitika mkati mwa chipinda cha nyumba yogona alendo ku Rimini. Chowonadi chingakhale chinafa limodzi ndi nzibamboyo, koma zosayiwalika zikupitilirabe",sports,online news +en11259,He came agonizingly close to doing it this year when he was pipped on the finish line in Bordeaux before a crash on stage eight forced him to abandon with a broken collarbone,Adatsala pang'ono kuchita izi chaka chino pomwe adafika pamzere wotsilizira wa mpikisano ku Bordeaux isanachitike ngozi atafika mu gawo lachisanu ndi chitatu yomwe idamukakamiza kuti asiye atavulala mafupa a phewa lake.,sports,online news +en11260,"All you can do is learn from good things you've done and bad things you've done, and put them into practice for shaping you for where you want to go","Zomwe mungachite ndikuphunzira kuchokera mu zabwino ndi zoyipa zomwe mwachita, ndikumazitsatira kuti zikuongolereni komwe mukufuna kupita.",sports,online news +en11261,"Cavendish is happy with what he has achieved in his career, too. If he does come back, it won't all be for that record","Cavendish nayenso ndi wokondwa ndi zomwe wapeza kudzera mu luso lake. Ngati angabwerenso, sizikhala chimodzimodzi ngati za mbiri imeneyo",sports,online news +en11262,"It's hard to feel anyone can relate to how you're feeling,"" he says. ""It was important to lay myself so open to show that to anybody who could be affected [in a similar way]","Nkovuta kuwona aliyense akugwirizana ndi mmene mukumvera,” iye anatero. “Kunali kofunika kukhala womasuka kotero kuti ndisonyeze zimenezo kwa aliyense amene angakhudzidwe [m’njira yofanana]",sports,online news +en11263,"Eight years and several victories into his glittering road cycling career, the 2016 Cavendish won four stages at the Tour for Dimension Data, before his mental health - and the team cohesion - began to spiral out of control","kwa zaka 8 ndi mphotho zingapo pa mipikisano yoyendetsa njinga, 2016 Cavendish adapambana magawo anayi pa mpikisano wa Tour for Dimension Data, asadapezeke ndi vuto la malingaliro angwiro - ndipo mgwirizano wagulu - zidayamba kusokonekera.",sports,online news +en11264,"It got to the point where he wasn't racing. He was just riding a bike. After losing his form, he over-trained and avoided eating correctly. Nothing worked, and eventually the depression affected his family life","Zinafika pa mlingo woti sankathamangaso. Iye ankangokwera njinga. Atataya mawonekedwe ake, adaphunziraso kwambiri ndikupewa kudya zakudya mwa ndondomeko. Palibe chimene chinathandiza, ndipo pamapeto pake kupsinjika maganizo kunakhudza moyo wabanja lake",sports,online news +en11265,"The key point is to show positivity towards where you can go. I never, ever want to deal what I've dealt with again. And I never want anybody to have to deal with these things",Mfundo yofunika kwambiri ndikuwonetsa ubwino kulikonse komwe mungapite. Sindikufunanso kuchita zomwe ndinazichita kale. Ndipo sindikufunaso kuti aliyense achite zimenezi,sports,online news +en11266,"It's not about feeling sorry. I don't feel sorry for myself - I'm very fortunate to have the life I have. But more fortunate to have the people around me that I have, and that's knowing I've had that support network, and that support network is a massive crutch and a massive safety blanket I guess","Sikuti ndikumva chisoni. Sindidzimvera chisoni - ndili ndi mwayi wokhala ndi moyo womwe ndili nawo. Koma mwayi waukulu ndi wokhala ndi anthu womwe andizungulira, ndikudziwa kuti ndakhala ndi ngodya zondithandizira, ndipo ndikuganiza kuti thandizo limeneli ndiye mkhwelero lalikulu lachitetezo.",sports,online news +en11267,"You never get 'better',"" he says. ""But if you can see positives and not look back… that's definitely the driving force to live the happiest life you can."" Cavendish sought help, and is better for it. Far better","Siungachite 'bwino', "" iye watero. ""Koma ngati mukuona zabwino ndipo simukuyang'ana m'mbuyo ... chimenecho ndiye chilimbikitso chokhalira ndi moyo wosangalala kwambiri."" Cavendish adapempha, ndipo ndi zofunika kwambiri pazimenezo.",sports,online news +en11268,"Cavendish wasn't offered much money to race, but his chance to perform with a team already built to complement his explosive riding style and jovial spirit was the spark","Cavendish sanapatsidwe ndalama zambiri kuti achite nawo mpikisano wothamanga, koma mwayi wake wosewera ndi timu yomwe imagwirizana ndi zochitika zake komanso nsangala zake ndi zomwe zidasintha zinthu",sports,online news +en11269,"He began to win again, culminating in another four Tour de France stage victories in 2021, taking him level with the mighty Merckx","Anayambanso kupambana kachikena, zomwe zidapangitsa kuti afike pachigonjetso china cha Tour de France mu 2021, ndipo izi zidamupangitsa kuti akhale nawo mgulu lodziwika bwino la Merckx.",sports,online news +en11270,"I know I think differently,"" he says. ""But for good and bad, I'm happy I think differently. ""If everybody thought the same, I don't think I'd be able to win as many bike races. But you're not really aware of it until you're much older","Ndikudziwa kuti ndimaganiza mosiyana,” iye akutero. Koma pa zabwino ndi zoyipa, ""Ngati aliyense angaganize chimodzimodzi, sindikuganiza kuti ndikanatha kupambana mipikisano yambiri yanjinga. Koma simungadziwe za izi mpaka mutakula.",sports,online news +en11271,"As a kid, I was always on a bike. It gives me an understanding more now seeing my own kids","Ndili mwana, nthawi zonse ndinkakwera njinga. Zimandipatsa kumvetsetsa kwambiri tsopano kuwona ana anga omwe akuchita choncho",sports,online news +en11272,He's very similar to how I was. I'm lucky I found racing because I love bikes and I'm fortunate now to have the opportunity to appreciate every pedal revolution I do,Amafanana kwambiri ndi momwe ndinaliri. Ndine wamwayi kuti ndapeza mpikisano chifukwa ndimakonda njinga ndipo ndili ndi mwayi tsopano woyamikira kupalasa kulikonse komwe ndimachita,sports,online news +en11273,"In those moments, nothing else matters. The nerves vanish. The emotional crash has yet to come. It's just her, a bike, and her competitors","Panthawi imeneyo, palibenso chilichonse chomwe chimakhala cha phindu. Mitsempha imaonongeka. Kusokonekera kwa malingaliro kukudzanso. Ndi iyeyo yekha, njinga, komanso opikisana naye",sports,online news +en11274,"But dreams don't always come true. Last year was a horrendous one for the 29-year-old. Injuries are part of sport. Sometimes they come in quick succession. Shoulder surgery, then a back fracture. Covid, concussion, a broken collarbone. Another operation","Koma sikuti nthawi zonse maloto amakwaniritsidwa. Chaka chatha chinali choyipa kwambiri munthu wina wazaka 29. Kuvulala ndi mbali ya masewera. Nthawi zina zimabwera motsatizana. Opaleshoni ya mapewa, kenako kuthyoka kwa msana. mliri wa Covid, kuvulala mmutu, kuonengeka kwa mafupa. Komanso opaleshoni zina",sports,online news +en11275,"Archibald was determined to return and represent Scotland at the Commonwealth Games but in late May, six weeks out from Birmingham, she ""went flying over the bonnet of a 4x4""","Archibald adatsimikiza zobwerera ndikuyimira dziko la Scotland pa Masewera a Commonwealth kumapeto kwa mwezi wa May, masabata asanu ndi imodzi atachoka ku Birmingham, ""adadutsa pamwamba pa boneti ya galimoto la 4x4""",sports,online news +en11276,Two burst ankles and a dented leg were the obvious consequence. But less apparent was the mental toll,Zotsatira zake zinali zodziwikiratu chifukwa cha kuvalala chidendene ndi kupindika kwa mwendo. Koma vuto la mmaganizo linali laling'ono kwambiri,sports,online news +en11277,"All cyclists get injured. All the time. My collarbones are not good. My hips are wrecked. My knees are useless… but I got to the point where I really wasn't coping,""","Onse okwera njinga amavulala. Nthawi zonse. Mafupa anga omwe olumikiza phewa ndi mabele sali bwino. Ntchafu zanga zaonongeka. Maondo anga alibe ntchito ... koma ndidafika pomwe sindimavetsetsa, """,sports,online news +en11278,"I ended up with a heart-rate response where I was just terrified all the time. It made training really hard and I was thinking, 'well, if I can't train, I can't do this, and it's all gone'. So I tapped out","Ndinamaliza ndiikumva kugunda kwa mtima pomwe ndinali ndi mantha nthawi zonse. Zinapangitsa zokonzekera zanga kukhala zovuta kwambiri ndipo ndimaganiza, 'chabwino, ngati sindingathe kukonzekera, ndiyekuti sindingathe kuchita izi, ndipo zonse zapita'. Ndiye ndatuluka",sports,online news +en11279,"Two days later, Archibald woke in their Glasgow flat to find him dead beside her. He had suffered a cardiac arrest in his sleep. He was 37","Patatha masiku awiri, Archibald adadzuka m'chipinda chawo ku Glasgow ndipo anamupeza atamwalira pafupi naye. Iye anali atadwala matenda a mtima nthawi yomwe anali atagona. Anali ndi zaka 37",sports,online news +en11280,"I tried and tried, and the paramedics arrived within minutes, but his heart stopped and they couldn't bring him back. Mine stopped with it,"" she wrote on Instagram the following day","Ndinayesa ndikuyesa, ndipo azachipatala anafika patangopita mphindi zochepa, koma mtima wake unasiya kugunda ndipo sanatheso kumubwezeretsa. Wangaso udasiya ndi zomwezo, ""adalemba pa Instagram tsiku lotsatira",sports,online news +en11281,"""When he left…"" Archibald begins, fighting back tears while talking to Hoy about Rab almost a year later. ""I got on the bike about three days afterwards and I realised I wasn't scared any more","""Pamene amachoka ..."" Archibald akuyamba, kulimbana ndi misozi pamene akuyankhula ndi Hoy za Rab pafupifupi patapita chaka chimodzi. “Ndinakwera njingayo pafupifupi masiku atatu pambuyo pake ndipo ndinazindikira kuti sindikuchitanso mantha",sports,online news +en11282,"The worst thing had happened and that anxiety had gone. There was just a total blankness, a pain that really overwhelmed it. ""Now I'm back to really relying on the sport as my one grounding thing.""","Chinthu choyipa kwambiri chidachitika ndipo nkhawa zidachoka. Panalibe kanthu kalikonse, zowawa zomwe zidali zazikulu kwambiri. ""Tsopano ndabwereranso kudalira kwambiri masewerawa ngati chinthu changa chokhazikika.""",sports,online news +en11283,That dream has been snatched away but Archibald has taken some slivers of solace from what lies immediately ahead,Maloto amenewo adalephereka ndithu koma Archibald watenga zotonthozera zina zomwe zikubwera mtsogolo.,sports,online news +en11284,"It will be painful, physically and mentally. It will be emotionally wrought. But it will be imbued with a meaning for her that it won't for almost any other competitor","Zidzakhala zopweteka, kuthupi ndi m'maganizo. Zidzakhala zogwira mtima. Koma zidzadzazidwa ndi tanthauzo kwa iye zoti sizinachitikepo ngakhale kwa opikisana wina aliyense",sports,online news +en11285,"""That's the toughest part about selecting international squads, and it's a reflection of the competition for places we now have as the sport continues to thrive following the exposure of last year's World Cup"," ""Ili ndiye gawo lovuta kwambiri posankha matimu a dziko lonse, ndipo zikuonetseratu mpikisano wamalo omwe tili nawo pano pomwe masewerawa akupitilirabe kukhala abwino chifukwa cha kachitidwe kathu ku World Cup chaka chatha.",sports,online news +en11286,"As an amputee, you avoid hills, you avoid rocks,"" says Milly Pickles. ""Because you can't feel your foot and you don't know what's going to happen.""","Monga munthu wolumala, umayenera kupewa mapiri, kupewa miyala,"" akutero Milly Pickles. ""Chifukwa simungalimve phazi lanu ndipo simukudziwa zomwe zingachitike.""",sports,online news +en11287,"Despite that, the 26-year-old did reach the finish line, becoming the first amputee to do so","Ngakhale zinali choncho, mtsikanayo wazaka 26 anafikadi kumapeto, ndipo anakhala olumala woyamba kutero",sports,online news +en11288,And Milly says she's never felt prouder - not least because she'd been unable to train until a week before the race,Ndipo Milly akuti sanadzitamande - makamaka chifukwa sanathe kuchita zokonzekera kwa sabata imodzi usanachitike mpikisano.,sports,online news +en11289,"A complication with her prosthetic had left her unable to walk for about three months, so Milly was ""shocked"" to even complete the challenge. ""It means the absolute world, because it's like I did the impossible,"" she says","Vuto lomwe anali nalo chifukwa cha luso lake lopangapanga linachititsa kuti asathe kuyenda kwa miyezi itatu, choncho Milly “anachita mantha” kuti amalize ntchitoyi. ""Zikutanthauza dziko lathunthu, chifukwa zili ngati ndidachita zosatheka,"" iye adatero",sports,online news +en11290,"Milly was 20 when she had to have her right leg amputated below the knee after she was electrocuted in an accident. ""It completely changed my life,"" she says","Milly anali ndi zaka makumi awiri pamene anadulidwa mwendo wake wakumanja pansi pa bondo atagwidwa ndi nyesi ya magetsi pa ngozi. “Zinasinthiratu moyo wanga"", iye anatero",sports,online news +en11291,"""You would think blades would be really good for it,"" says Milly. ""But the hill is so steep, you can't even push yourself into the running blade to then propel forward."" She opted instead for her ""walking leg"" which she says ""loves to twist a lot"""," Utha kuganiza kuti zinsonga zithakukhala zabwino pazimenezi; Milly adatero.'' Koma phiriro ndilalitali , sungadzikakhe wekha ku zinsonga zothamanga ndikuwolukira kutsogolo.Mmalo mwake anasankha dodo yoyendera yomwe anati imakonda ku",sports,online news +en11292,"Obviously I can't feel what I'm doing, so when I put my foot down I don't know if it's actually safe or not,"" says Milly. ""I was just having to really trust in my prosthetic leg","Mwachidziwikile sindingave zomwe ndikupanga,ndiye pomwe ndauyika mwendo wanga pansi, sindimadziwa ngatidi uli otetezeka kapena ayi; Milly akutero.",sports,online news +en11293,Milly also had to consider the best way to remain balanced. She says she slipped a few times but was focused on finding spots where fellow competitors had put their feet to help,Milly anayenera kuganizira njira yabwino kuti akhala pakatikati. Amagwa nthawi zina koma anali ndi chidwi kuwona pamene opikisana nawo anaika phazi lawo kuti athandizke,sports,online news +en11294,"Not having an ankle really limits me as well because if I was to fall, which I did, you can't really move your foot to save yourself,"" she says","Kusakhala ndi chidendene kumandiletsaso chifukwa ngati ndikagwa , ndipo ndi m'mene zinalili, sunayendetse phazi lako kuti uzipulumutse,"" akutero",sports,online news +en11295,"Milly completed the course in 17 minutes and 26 seconds and says: ""Your mind gives up before your body does - my mind is what got me through","Milly anamaliza mtundawo mu phindi zokwana khumi zisanu ndi ziwiri komanso masekondi makumi awiri asanu ndi limodzi:"" Maganizo ndi amene amakusiyitsa thupi lisanatero- maganizo anga anga ndi imene anandichitisa kuti ndimalize",sports,online news +en11296,"I was just so happy that I'd finished,"" she says. ""I've been crying for days, because I'm just so proud of myself","Ndinali osangalala kuti ndamaliza,"" akutero."" Ndakhala ndikulira kwa masiku, chifukwa ndikuzinyadalira kwambiri",sports,online news +en11297,"Despite the huge physical demands of the race, Milly tells she hadn't been able to train much beforehand - just six days, in fact","Ngakhale ndizofuna zambiri zambiri za mpikisanowu, Milly akunena kuti sanakonzere mokwanira- masiku asanu ndi limodzi basi, mwachilungamo",sports,online news +en11298,"Earlier this year she got a sore that took longer than expected to heal, meaning she couldn't wear her prosthetic, and therefore walk, for about three months. So when the event drew closer, she didn't feel super-prepared","Kumayambiliro a chaka chino, anali ndi chotupa chimene chinatenga nthawi ku chipole, kutathauza kuti sakanatha kuvala chidendene choikila, ndipo choncho kuyenda kwa miyezi itatu. Ndiye pamene zochitika zimayandikila, sanamazimva kukonzeka bwinobwino",sports,online news +en11299,"""Physically, I was weak,"" she says. ""I was not ready for it at all."" Milly says she couldn't stop crying as she approached the starting line and the realization of what faced her sunk in","Kuthupi, ndinali wofooka,"" akutero."" sindinali okhonzeka pa zonsezi."" Millly akuti samasiya kulira pamene amayandikira pomalizira ndipo chi zimene amakakumana nazo zinakhazikika",sports,online news +en11300,"She says: ""I just thought, 'What on earth am I about to do?' ""That's when it really hit me that I'm an amputee, I've got three toes on my human foot, I have not walked for three months this year… and I am about to do it","Akuti:"" ndimaganiza, ndikufuna ndipange chani?"" ndipamene zinandikhudza kuti ndine wopunduka, ndili ndi zala zitatu ku phazi langa, ndipo sindiyende kwa miyezi itatu chaka chino… ndipo ndikufuna ndiyende tsopano",sports,online news +en11301,Milly is planning to compete again next year - hopefully with a bit more training under her belt - to improve on her time. She also dreams of running a marathon in the future,Milly akuganizanso zopikisana nawo chaka cha mawa- nfdichiyembekezo cha kukonzekera kwambiri- kuti asithe nthawi yake. Akulingaliranso zothamanga kwambiri mtsogolo,sports,online news +en11302,I want prosthetics to be accepted like glasses. Having one leg is an asset in amputee football,ndkufuna zoikila zizivomelezedwa ngati magalasi. Kukhala ndi mwendo umodzi ndi chida mu mpira wamiyendo a anthu wolumala,sports,online news +en11303,"To take a step back, sit back, but then get ready for your comeback. There's so much life to live and I'm just grateful to be alive to live it,"" she says","bwelerani m'mbuyo pan'gono, pumani kaye, koma konzekerani kubwelera kwanu. Pali zochita zambiri m'moyowu ndipo ndili okhutira kuti ndili moyo,"" akutero",sports,online news +en11304,"We have so often seen people destroying other people. But we, in the rise and shine fraternity, believe that people can, and sometimes do, build other people","Nthawi zambiri takhala tikuwona anthu akuwononga anthu ena. Koma ife, mu gulu la kudzuka ndi kuwala, timakhulupilira kuti anthu akhoza kutha, ndipo nthawi zina amatha, kutukula anthu ena",sports,online news +en11305,Great achievers are products of efforts and generosity of other people. There is great joy in being of help and assistance to others. There is tremendous satisfaction in building other people into big professionals and into big achievers,anthu okwanilitsa zambiri ndi zotsatira za ntchito komanso kukoma mtima kwa anthu ena. Pali chikondwelero chachikulu ukathandiza ena. Pali kukhutitsidwa kwakukulu ukatukula anthu ena kukhala akadaulo komanso okwanilitsa zambiri,sports,online news +en11306,"But, what are some of the key attributes that can help you to become skilled at training others?","koma, ndi zinthu ziti zimene zili zofunika zimene zikhoza kuthandizira kuti mukhale waluso pophunzitsa ena?",sports,online news +en11307,First you need to understand the training needs of the person that you want to train. You need to know their current level of knowledge and skills as well as where they want to be and by when?,"choyamba, ukuyenera kudziwa zomwe akufuna kuphunzira munthu amene ukufuna kumuphunzitsa. Ukuyenera kudziwa mlingo wa kudziwa kwawo ndi maluso komanso pamene akufuna kudzakhala komanso liti?",sports,online news +en11308,"This will help you to train the person correctly and with the correct set of knowledge bits. At the same time, you need to understand yourself","izi zizakuthandizani kuti muphunzitse munthu molondola ndi nzeru zolondola. Pa nthawi yomweyiso, mukuyenera, kudzidziwa nokha",sports,online news +en11309,Understand what you know best and what you do not know very well. This will help you to only share knowledge that you know is good for those whom you are building,mvetsetsani zimene mumadziwa bwino komanso zimene simudziwa. Izi zizakuthandizani inu kuti sigawane nzeru zimene mukudziwa kuti ndizabwino kwa amene mukuwatukula,sports,online news +en11310,This will also help you to refer the people you train to others who can complement on training needs that you are not strong at. That way you will help the trainees to get the full training that they need,zizakuthandizaninso kuti muwatumize anthu amene mukuwaphunzitsa kwa ena amene angawonjezere zimene zikufunika pa maphunziro pazimene simuli a mphamvu. Mu njira imeneyi muzathandiza wophunzirawo kuti alandire maphunziro okwanira amene akuwafuna,sports,online news +en11311,You then need to agree the terms very clearly with the person you want to gloom into a higher and bigger professional,kenako mukuyenera kugwirizana bwinobwino malamulo ndi munthu amene mukufuna kutukula kukhala waukadaulo,sports,online news +en11312,"This will help the candidate to prepare for the training and coaching that you will be giving them. In this discussion, you need to agree the training goals and expected deliverables","izi zizathandiza wophunzirayo kukhozekera maphunzirowo komanso uphungu umene muzimupatsa. Muzokimbalana zimene, mukuyenera kugwirizana zimene mukufuna kukwanilitsa pa maphunziro komanso zimene mukuyembekezera kuphunzitsa",sports,online news +en11313,You also need to agree on the assignments that may be needed in the course of the training,mukuyenera kugwirizananso mayeso amene akhoza kufunikira pamene mukuphunzirapo,sports,online news +en11314,"Along the way, you need to build a good and appropriate communication channel. This will help the two of you to be able to comfortably discuss the training progress of the candidate and also this will help you to periodically have an effective discussion on what can be done better","pamene mukuchita izi, mukuyenera kukhala ndi njira zolumikizilana zabwino komanso zoyenera. Izi zizathandiza kuti awirinu kuti muzikambilana momasuka m'mene maphunziro akuyendera kwa wophunzirayo komanso izi zizakuthandizani mwapafupifupi kuti muzikambilana pa zimene zingapangidwe bwino",sports,online news +en11315,"Basically, this becomes the best way of enabling feedback to flow in both directions","mwachidule, iyi imakkhala njira yabwino yololera uthenga m'mene zinthu zikuyendera kupita mbali zonse",sports,online news +en11316,It is important that the delivery of your instruction to the people you are building into new professionals should be through various and different modes. Do not stick to one way of delivering your instructions,ndikofunika kuti njira zophunzitsira anthu amene mukukuza kukhala akadaulo atsopano zizikhala zambiri komanso njira zosiyanasiyana. Osakakamila njira imodzi yophunzitsira,sports,online news +en11317,"Also allow your training candidates to watch you in action, wherever possible. This challenges you to conduct yourself in an exemplary manner and in turn this helps you to develop professionally and grow personally",komanso lolani ophunzira kuti akuwoneni inu mukuchita pamene mukwanitse kutero. Izi zimakupangitsani kuti muzipanga zinthu zanu mwachitsanzo ndipo zimathandizira kuti mukule mukadaulo wanu komanso umunthu,sports,online news +en11318,Give the candidate all the necessary support required. Mobilize actual resources which may be needed,apatseni wophunzirawo chithanidizo chonse chofunikira. Bweletsani zipangizo pamodzi zimene zingafunike,sports,online news +en11319,"But also, where failure can occur, allow them to fail but in a controlled and expected manner to minimize impact such as loss of trust and credibility","komanso, pamene kulephera kungachitike, aloleni kuti alephere koma moletsa komanso moyembekezera kuti muchepetse zotsatira monga kutaya chikhulupiliro komanso kuvomelezeka",sports,online news +en11320,Work with them to reflect on the failures and mistakes to learn and draw the big lessons that make them better people for the future,gwirani nawo ntchito kuti muyan'ganenso zolephera ndi kulakwitsa kuti muphunzire kundikukhala ndi maphunziro akuluakulu zimene ziwapangitse kuti akhale anthu abwino mtsogolo,sports,online news +en11321,"Anyone who works and grows without monitoring and tracking their growth against the plan will not optimally achieve their true potential. There is therefore, an imperative need to constantly monitor progress of growth versus the plan","aliyense amene amagwira ntchito ndikukula osayan'gana ndi kutsatatira kukula kwawo malinga ndi ndondomeko yawo sangakwanilitse kufikila kuthekera kwawo. Choncho, pali kufunikira kuti muziyan'gana makulidwe malinga ndi ndondomeko",sports,online news +en11322,"A lot of people out there spend a lot of time and money working out plans to destroy others. But we, in the rise and shine fraternity, do not subscribe to such a practice","anthu ambiri amaononga nthawi ndi ndalama kupanga ndondomeko zowonongera ena. Koma ife, mu gulu kudzuka ndi kuwala sitimapanga nawo mchitidwe umenewu",sports,online news +en11323,"Rather, we believe that a human being can build and make another being to become bigger and better. Let us stand apart and help grow this new approach which help make the world a better place to live on","koma, timakhulupilira kuti anthu akhoza kukuza ndi kupanga wina kuti akhale wamkulu komanso wabwino. Tiyeni tikhale ozipatula ndikuthandiza njira ya tsopanoyi imene izathandizire kupanga dziko kukhala malo abwino kukhalamo",sports,online news +en11324,Remember to rise and shine as a builder and developer of other people’s talents. Good luck!,kumbukilani kudzuka ndi kuwala ngati womanga komanso okonza maluso a anthu ena. Zabwino zonse!,sports,online news +en11325,"Mpulula looked lost after the match, wondering how his charges, who were good enough to beat Mighty Wanderers 2-1 the previous day, could crumble like a deck of cards","mpulula amaoneka otayika atatha masewerowo, kudabwa kuti adani amene sanali abwino kwenikweni agonjetsa mighty wanderers zigoli ziwiri kwa chimodzi dzulo lake, akhoza kugwa choncho",sports,online news +en11326,"This is the worst performance of my career. I never experienced this even at Blantyre United. Not even in my entire life. There are no more words for me, Mpulula told MBC Radio Two FM Sports on Sunday","awa ndi masewera amene sitinachite bwino chiyembeleni ntchito yanga. Sindikumanepo ndi izi ngakhale ku gulu la mpira blanytre united. Sizinachitikeposo m'moyo wanga wonse. Palibeso mawu kuchokera kwa ine, Mpulula anawuza wayilesi ya yachiwri ya MBC ya gawo la mpira la sabata",sports,online news +en11327,There was no commitment; our attitude was wrong and the display was so poor. It was not to our high standard. I have to go back to the drawing board and talk to the players,"panalibe kudzipeleka, khalidwe lathu linali lolakwika ndipo zimene timaonetsa zinali zosakhala bwino. Siizinali ku mlingo wathu. Ndikuyenera kuwonaso ndondomeko zanthu ndi kuyakhula ndi osewera",sports,online news +en11328,"Our team is lacking motivation. We have financial problems. We are calling on our supporters to help us. This is their team, he pleaded","gulu lathu likusowa chilimbikitso. Tili ndi mavuto a zachuma. Tikuyatanira otithandiza kuti atithandize. Ili ndi gulu lawo, anachondelera",sports,online news +en11329,"Silver Strikers have not yet issued letters of termination of service to its fired technical staff; head coach Dan Dzinkambani, his assistant Meke Mwase and team manager Mike Chirwa","gulu la silver strikers silinapeleke kalata yochetsa ntchito kwa ogwira ntchito yoyendetsa zinthu, phunzitsi wamkulu dan dzinkambani, womuthandizira meke mwase komanso oyendersa gululi mike chirwa",sports,online news +en11330,A month and half have elapsed since Silver announced that the three had been suspended. The team’s general secretary Owen Munthali announced the news of Dzinkambani’s firing on December 6,mwezi ndi theka watha kuchokera pamene silver inalengeza kuti atatuwa awaimitsa. Mlembi wa gululi owen munthali analengeza za kuchotsa ntchito kwa dzinkambani pa 6 december,sports,online news +en11331,"But in an interview on Friday, Dzinkambani said the only letter he has is the notification of suspension","koma poyakhulana lachisanu, dzinkambani anati kalata imene ali nayo ndi chidziwitso choyimitsidwa ntchito",sports,online news +en11332,"We are all in the dark as to what our fate is. I only got a letter notifying me of my suspension two weeks ago. But I am yet to be officially communicated to about my firing,” said Dzinkambani","tonse tili mu mdima kuti tsogolo lathu ndilotani. Ine ndinangolandira kalata yondidziwitsa kuimitsidwa masabata awiri apitawo. Koma sanandiwuze zakuchotsedwa ntchito,"" anatero dzinkambani",sports,online news +en11333,"Immediately after their suspension, they were replaced by senior players, Itaye Nundwe, Sibusiso Padambo and Hellings Mwakasungura, who are still in charge of the team","atangoimitsidwa ntchito, anaikapo osewera akuluakulu itaye nundwe, sibusiso padambo ndi hellings mwakasungura amene akuyan'ganirabe gululi",sports,online news +en11334,"But in an interview yesterday, Munthali could not give reasons as to why the club has not yet issued letters of termination to the fired coaches","koma poyakhulana dzulo, munthali sanapele zifukwa chimene gululi silinapele makalata ochotsera ntchito aphunzitsiwa",sports,online news +en11335,"The issue has become very sensitive and I would not be comfortable to give reasons. The chairperson [McDonald Mafuta-Mwale] and the board chairperson Kelvin Mmangisa are better placed to comment as they are the ones handling the issue,” said Munthali","nkhaniyi ndiyovuta ndipo sindili omasuka kupeleka zifukwa. Wapambando mcdonald mafuta mwale ndi wapambando wotsogolera gulu kelvin mmangisa ndi amene ali kuthekela koikapo ndemanga chifukwa ndi iwo akuyendetsa nkhaniyi"" anatero munthali",sports,online news +en11336,"He, however, maintained that the firing of the three was an executive decision. It was a decision unanimously reached after an executive meeting. It was agreed that the three should be fired","komabe, iwo anena kuti kuchotsedwa kwa atatu chinali chiganizo chawoyendetsa. Chinali chiganizo chimenechi ndinabwera oyendetsa atakumana. Anagwirizana kuti atatuwa achotsedwe",sports,online news +en11337,"The topic now is very sensitive. I cannot say anymore as I do not know anything,” said Munthali","nkhaniyi ndi yovuta tsopano. Sindingayakhulenso chilichonse chifukwa sindikudziwa chilichonse,"" Anatero Munthali",sports,online news +en11338,"However, Dzinkambani expressed gratitude that he is still receiving his monthly salary and that the club is also taking care of his rent","komabe, Dzinkambani anathokoza kuti akulandilabe malipiro ake apa mwezi ndipo kuti gululi likuthandizanso kulipilira nyumba",sports,online news +en11339,"We are just waiting but the club has so far been fulfilling its contractual obligations and I am grateful for that. I will come back to you when everything has been finalised,” he said","tikungodikira koma gulu la mpirali likukwaniritsa zonse za mgwirizano wawo wa ntchito ndipo ndili othokoza chifukwa cha izi. Ndizakuyakhulaninso chilichonse chikamalizika,"" anatero",sports,online news +en11340,This is not the first time for the club to fire Dzinkambani. He also got the boot in July but was later reinstated until November,aka sikoyamba kuti gulu la mpirali limuchotse ntchito dzinkambani. Anachotsedwaposo mu mwezi wa july koma anamubwezeletsaso kufikira november,sports,online news +en11341,"Malawi football legends, through JK Productions, have raised K2.5 million for the match against their Zambian counterparts. The encounter is slated for David Kaunda Stadium in Zambia’s Eastern city of Chipata on Saturday","akatswiri akale osewera mpira wa miyendo ku malawi, kudzera mu JK productions, akwanitsa kupeza ndalaama zokwana 2,5000,000 kwacha pa masewera olimbana ndi anzawo a dziko la zambia. Kukumanaku kukachitika pa bwalo la masewero la david kaunda ku mzinda wa kum'mawa wa chipata loweluka",sports,online news +en11342,The money will cater for some logistics during the road trip to the neighbouring country,ndalamazi zithandizira mayendedwe pa ulendowu wopita ku dziko loyandikanali,sports,online news +en11343,This is a direct response to the request from the legends. They asked for our support and we felt it right and proper to come in and assist,ili ndi yankho pa zimene akatswiri akalewa anapempha. Anapempha thandizo lathu ndipo tinawona kuti ndichoyenera komanso chofunika kuti tibwelepo ndikuthandiza,sports,online news +en11344,"We believe this donation will help them cover some areas of need as they travel to Zambia,” Mwenechanya said","tikukhulipilira kuti thandizo limeneli lithandizira kukwanilitsa zinthu zina zofunika pamene akupita ku dziko la zambia,"" anatero mwenechanya",sports,online news +en11345,"Speaking after presenting a dummy cheque to the retired footballers, Eco Tek Managing Director Muhammad Patel said the donation is one way of giving back to the community","poyakhula kwawo atamaliza kupeleka pepala loyelekeza la ndalama kwa osewera mpira wamiyendo wopumawa, oyendetsa ntchito za eco tek a muhammad patel ananena kuti chithandizochi ndi njira imodzi yothandizira anthu",sports,online news +en11346,"We are a Malawian company and want to assist our legends. They dedicated their lives to representing Malawi during their playing days; so, we need to say thank you by giving them this kind of support,” Patel said","ndife kampani ya chimalawi ndipo tikufuna kuthandiza akatswiri athu wopumawa. Anapeleka miyoyo yawo kuimilira dziko la malawi nthawi imene amasewera, ndiye tikuyenera kuwathokoza powapatsa cihthandizo ngati chimenechi,"" akutero patel",sports,online news +en11347,The group’s vice chairperson and team manager Justin Saidi thanked the companies for their support,wapampando wachiwiri wa gululi yemwe ali woyendetsa gululi justin saidi anathokoza makampaniwa chifukwa cha thandizo lawo,sports,online news +en11348,"We are happy with the overwhelming response from the corporate world. Our appeal to other companies, organizations and individuals is that they should emulate Eco Tek’s kind gesture,” Saidi said","tili osangalala ndi chithandizo kuchokera kwa amalonda. Pempho lathu kwa makampani ena , mabungwe ndi anthu ndi lakuti akuyenera kuchita monga achitira a eco tek,"" anatero saidi",sports,online news +en11349,"At a time the country is reeling from a cholera outbreak, another healthy concern has emerged following revelations that over 20 toilets at Kamuzu Stadium are not working forcing spectators to continue using dilapidated and messy toilets","pa nthawi imene dzikoli likulimbana ndi mliiri wa cholera, vurto lina lazawumoyo ladziwika potsatira kuti zimbuzi makumi awiri ku bwalo lamasewera la kamuzu sakugwira ntchito kuwaumiliza owonera mpira kupitiliza kugwiritsa ntchito zimbuzi zosagwira ntchito komanso zonyasa",sports,online news +en11350,"Investigations show that 75 percent of the toilets at the 20,000 capacity venue are unusable, and are stinking and filthy posing healthy concerns","kafukufuku wawonetsa kuti ma pelesenti makuni asanu ndi awiri ndi zinasu za zimbudzizi pa malo okwanira anthu 20,0000 ndizosagwira ntchito, ndipo zimanukha komanso kubweletsa chiwopsezo pa umoyo",sports,online news +en11351,Disgusting images in our possession show un-cleaned toilets which can lead to cholera outbreaks and other waterborne diseases,zinthuzi zosanyasa zimene tili nazo zikuwonetsa zimbudzi zosasamalidwa zimene zikhoza kuyambitsa mliri wa cholera ndi matenda ena oyamba chifukwa cha madzi,sports,online news +en11352,The images show that people have been using some of those malfunctioning toilets due to a lack of alternatives,zinthuzizi zikuwonetsa kuti anthu akhala akugwiritsa ntchito zimbudzi zosagwira ntchito bwinozi chifukwa chakusowa njira zina,sports,online news +en11353,"Ironically, football authorities continue to fix games at the venue despite Football Association of Malawi (Fam) banning the stadium from hosting international matches and other elite matches over safety concerns","choseketsa, atsogoleri oyendetsa masewero a mpira wamiyendo akupitilizabe kumaikapobe masewero ngakhale kuti bungwe la masewera a miyendo ku malawi linaletsa malo wosewelerawa kuti pasamachitikeso masewera a dziko lonse la pansi ndi masewero ena apamwamba chifukwa cha nkhani yachitetezo",sports,online news +en11354,An ardent football fan has expressed concern over health issues regarding the stadium saying it poses huge risk not only to spectators at the Open Stands,okonda masewero wina wawonetsa kudandaula kwake pakhani ya umoyo zokhudza malo amasewerowa kunena kuti sizikuika pachiopsezo wowonelera okha,sports,online news +en11355,The state of toilets at the open stands is now unbearable. No one would be willing to go and help himself or herself there,m'mene zili zimbudzizi kumalo malo agulu ndizoovuta. Palibe angafune kupita ndikukazithandiza m'menemo,sports,online news +en11356,The sad thing about it is that over 20 toilets stopped working some years ago and people are forced to use these non-functional facilities because they simply cannot go anywhere,chomvetsa chisoni ndichakuti zimbudzi zopesera makumi awiri zinasiya kugwira ntchito zaka zingapo zapitazo ndipo anthu amakakamizidwa kugwiritsa ntchito zimbudzi zosagwira ntchito chifukwa sangapite kwina kuli konse,sports,online news +en11357,"He said at first when he visited the area, he thought it was a once-off thing but was shocked to discover that it was the same case after visiting the stadium on three occasions","ananena kuti, poyamba pamene anapita kumaloku amaganiza kuti zangochitika kamodzi koman anadabwa kupeza kuti zinali chonchobe maulendo atatu amene anapita ku bwalo la masewerawa",sports,online news +en11358,"However, Kamuzu Stadium Manager could neither confirm nor deny the bad state of the toilets at the stadium as she attributed the matter to lack of funds","komabe, oyendetsa bwalo la masewerali sanvomele kapena kukana za m'mene zimbudzi zilili ku bwalo la masewelaku ndipo ananena kuti izi zili choncho chifukwa chakusowa kwa chuma",sports,online news +en11359,Football fans in Mzuzu are set to continue missing out on elite matches after city mayor asserted that Mzuzu Stadium’s pitch needs enough time to recover before re-opening,okonda masewero a mpira ku mzuzu apiltiizabe kusawonela masewelo a mpira a pamwamba kutsatira chiganizo cha mfumu ya mzindawu kuti bwaloli likufunika nthawi yokwanira kuti libwelere m'chimake asanalitsegulirenso,sports,online news +en11360,Nyirenda made the remarks in response to threats by a group of concerned football lovers in the Northern city which is pressurising Football Association of Malawi (Fam) to re-open the stadium after closing it in August due to its poor state,Nyirenda ananena izi kutsatira chiwopsezo chimene anapeleka anthu okonda masewero a mpira ku zimba wa ku mpotowu kuwumiliza bungwe loyendetsa masewera a mpira ku malawi kuti atsegulenso bwaloli kuchokera pamene analitseka mu mwezi wa auguts chifukwa cha kuwonongeka,sports,online news +en11361,The fans have threatened to cause commotion during tomorrow’s TNM Super League match between Ekwendeni Hammers and FCB Nyasa Big Bullets at Rumphi Ground if Mzuzu Stadium is not re-opened,okonda masewerowa awopseza kuti akayambitza ziwawa pa masewera a mawa a super league apakati pa ekwendeni hammers ndi nyasa big bullets ku bwalo lamasewera ka rumphi ngati bwalo lamasewera la mzuzu silitsegulidwa,sports,online news +en11362,But Nyirenda said pitch maintenance is an exercise which requires time as it involves planting and watering of grass,koma nyirenda ananena kuti kukhonzanso malo osewelera mpira kumafuna nthawi chifukwa kumafunika kudzala ndi kuthilira kapinga,sports,online news +en11363,"We started with planting of grass and we are now watering it. This is a process which needs time. If we rush to re-open the stadium, we will end up with the same situation which forced Fam to close it","tinayamba ndikudzala udzu ndipo tsopano tikuthilira. Iyi ndi ntchito imene imafuna nthawi. Tikapupuluma kutsegulira bwalo la masewelari, tipezeka kuti takumanso ndi mavuto omwe omwe anapangitsa a FAM kuti atseke",sports,online news +en11364,"So people must bear with us. I know there is pressure out there to re-open the stadium but we want to do a good job,” he said","ndiye anthu akuyenera kupilira nafe. Ndikudziwa kuli chiphinjo kuti titsegulenso bwaloli koma tikufuna kugwira ntchito yabwino,"" anatero",sports,online news +en11365,We do not have the money to give them for inspection of the stadium. There is nothing of that sort in the letter that they wrote us when they banned our stadium,tilibe ndalama zoti tiwapatse kuti azawone bwalo la masewerali. Palibe chilichonse ngati chimenecho mukalata imene inatilembera pamene amatseka bwalo lamaserali,sports,online news +en11366,So we are not giving them any money for someone to come and inspect the stadium. We have done what they asked us to and what is remaining is the pitch,ndiye sitiwapatsa ndalama ili yonse kuti wina abwere kuti adzawone bwalo lamaseweroli. Tapnga chilichonse chimene anatiwuza kuti tipange ndipo chimene chatsala ndi posewelelapa,sports,online news +en11367,"They did the first inspection without using our resources and they should do the same now,” he said","poyamba anabwera kudzawona osagwiritsa zipangizo zanthu ndipo akuyeneranso kupanga chimodzimodzi tsopano,"" anatero",sports,online news +en11368,"We are now waiting for the council to schedule another inspection to determine if the shortfalls have been addressed so that the facility can be re-opened. As per our Club Licencing procedures on certification of facilities, we are supposed to conduct another inspection to establish if the shortfalls have been addressed","tikungodikira bwaloli kuti likonze tsiku lodzawonanso kuti awone ngati zopelewera zakhonzedwa kuti malowa atsegulidwenso. Malinga ndi ndondomeko yopelekera chiphaso kwa magulu amasewera pa kupekela chiphaso cha malo, tikuyenera kuwonanso ngati zopelewera zonse zakhonzedwa",sports,online news +en11369,“We have been in close contact with Mzuzu Stadium authorities and we have noted that they are making good progress in rehabilitating the facility,takhala tikulumikizana ndi oyendetsa bwalo la masewera la mzuzu ndipo tawona kuti akugwira ntchito yabwino kukhonzanso bwaloli,sports,online news +en11370,"On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, we advised them to schedule another inspection and they indicated that they would advise in due course","lachiwiri, pa 10 october 2023, tinawalangiza kuti akhoze tsiku lakuti tizawayendere ndipo anatiwuza kuti atiwuza",sports,online news +en11371,"Fam conducted the first inspection in July and outlined concerns such as the poor state of the pitch, unknown official authorized capacity, poor players’ tunnel, missing technical benches, poor condition of the perimeter fence, poor dressing rooms, absence of a public address system and a dilapidated scoreboard","bungwe la FAM linayendera koyamba mu mwezi wa july ndipo linapeleka madandaulo awo monga kusawoneka bwino kwa bwalo losewerera, mlingo wosadziwika wa anthu olowa m'bwalori, njira zowonongeka zodutsamo osewera, kusowa kwa mipando pokhala anthu oyendetsa masewero, mpanda oteteza wonongeka, malo osithira owonongeka, kusowa cha chimkweza mawu ndi chowonetsera zigoli chowonongeka",sports,online news +en11372,The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is still probing the Football Association of Malawi (Fam) despite signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the national football governing body,bungwe lolimbana ndi ziphuphu la anti corruption bureau likufufuzabe bungwe loyendetsa masewero a mpira la FAM ngakhale kuti analemberana mgwirizano ndi bungwe loyendetsa masewero a miyendo a dziko lonse,sports,online news +en11373,"ACB and Fam unveiled the MoU last week, at a time the anti-graft institution indicated that it was investigating the local football mother body","ACB ndi FAM anantulutsa mgwirizanowu sabata yatha,ndipo nthawi yomweyiso bungwe lowona za ziphuphu linawonetsanso kuti layamba kufufufuza bungweli",sports,online news +en11374,The bureau’s principal public relations officer said signing a MoU with ACB does not exempt the body from being investigated,owona ubale wa bungweli ndi anthu anena kuti kulemberana mgwirizanowu siteteza bungweli kuti lisafufuzidwe,sports,online news +en11375,"The signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the bureau and Fam, let alone any institution, does not mean ACB will not investigate alleged corrupt people and corrupt practices in such institutions. ACB has MoUs with institutions which it has also investigated and prosecuted,” Ndala said in an email response","kusainilana mgwirizanowu pakati pa ACB ndi FAM, komanso bungwe lina lililonse sikutathauza kuti ACB sizafufuza anthu amene akuwaganizira za ziphuphu kapena mtchitidwe wa ziphuphu mu ma bungwewa. ACB ili ndi mgwirizano ndi mabungwe amenenso awafufufuza ndi kuwazenga mlandu,"" anatero Ndala poyakha uthenga wa lamya",sports,online news +en11376,She clarified that the MoU with Fam is specifically regarding disseminating messages using the local football governing body platforms,anadziwisanso kuti mgwirizano ndi FAM ndiwokhudza kupeleka mauthenga pogwiritsa ntchito malo amasewera amene bungweli limayan'ganira,sports,online news +en11377,"It also involves establishing corruption resistant systems in Fam and capacity building of staff to ensure that they can prevent corrupt practices. We value our professionalism and independence. This MoU therefore does not in any way interfere with the ongoing investigations,” she said","izi zikhudzanso kukhazikitsa njira zopewera zinyengo ndi ziphuphu ku FAM komanso kuwaphunzitsa ogwira ntchito kuti awonenetsetse kuti akhoza kupewa mchitidwe wa chinyengo. Timalemekeza ukadaulo ndi kugwira ntchito patokha. Mgwirizano umenewu sungalepheletse mwa njira ina ili yonse ndi zofufuza zanthu,"" anatero",sports,online news +en11378,"Last month, ACB commenced investigations into Fam’s sponsorship of a nomination paper presentation ceremony by the presidential candidate of the then ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation Television (MBCTV)","mwezi watha, ACB inayamba kufufuza bungwe la FAM zokhudza kuthandizira chuma posakha mtsogoleri amene adzaimire pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko ku chipani cha DPP pa kanema dziko wa MBC",sports,online news +en11379,"In the build-up to the 2019 Tripartite Elections, Fam sponsored MBCTV’s live broadcast of former president Peter Mutharika’s nomination paper presentation to the Malawi Electoral Commission as DPP candidate","pokhonzekera zisankho za patatu za 2019, FAM inathandiza chuma kuti kanema wa dziko wa MBC awonetse pamene mtsogoleri wopuma wa dziko lino a peter mutharika amakapeleka mapepala ku bungwe loyendetsa zisankho m'dziko la malawi ngati woima nawo",sports,online news +en11380,"Then, some quarters questioned Fam’s neutrality as it only sponsored DPP for the live broadcast during the nomination paper presentation ceremony","nthawi imeneyo, ena anafunsa kusakhudziwa kwa FAM chifukwa anangothandiza DPP yokha powulutsa kanema pamene amakapeleka ma pepala ku mwambowu",sports,online news +en11381,FCB Nyasa Big Bullets Coach Kalisto Pasuwa was left disappointed with the performance of some of his key players in the 4-0 humiliating defeat to TP Mazembe of the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC) in the second leg of the TotalEnergies Caf Champions League at Stade Mazembe on Saturday,"mphunzitsi wa timu ya nyasa big bullets, a kalisto pasuwa anakhumudwa ndi kaseweredwe kwa osewera ake wofunikira pamene agnjetsedwa zigoli zinayu kwa 0 ndi timu ya tp mazembe ya dziko la congo mu chiwagawo cha chiwiri cha mpikisano wa totalenergies caf champions league pa bwalo la masewera la mazembe loweluka",sports,online news +en11382,"It was a game of mistakes. We gave away cheap goals but, again, most of the guys who made mistakes are dependable players and we expect them to do better","anali masewera azolakwika. Tinachinyitsa zigoli zopanda pake, koma ambiri amene anapanga zolakwikazo anali ndi osewera odalilika ndipo tikuyembekezera kuti achita bwino",sports,online news +en11383,"But we settled in the second half and tried to manage the ball but we were not doing enough to attack,” the Zimbabwean said","koma tinakhazikika mu chigawo cha chiwiri ndipo tinayesetsa kusunga mpira komanso sitimapita kutsogolo kwambiri,"" anatero mzika ya ku zimbabweyi",sports,online news +en11384,"Bullets were outplayed in the first half as they conceded four goals. They were vulnerable at the back, with Yamikani Fodya, Collins Okumu and Gomezgani Chirwa as the main culprits","timu ya bullets inaposedwa mu chigawo choyamba ndipo anachinyitsa zigoli zisanu. Anali wosatetezeka kumbuyo, pamene yamikani fodya, collins okumu ndi gomezgani chirwa anali wokhudzidwa",sports,online news +en11385,"During the match, the Zimbabwean featured some of the players out of position, including Kenyan Clyde Senaji in midfield and Precious Phiri as left back","Pa masewelowa, mzika ya dziko la zimbabwe inalowetsa osewera ena amene sanali malo awo monga mzika ya dziko la kenya clyde senanji kusewera pakati ndi precious phiri kusewera kumbuyo kumanzere",sports,online news +en11386,"For exiting the competition, Bullets have missed out on over K700 million as prize money for all group stage teams","chifukwa chotuluka mpikisanowu, bullets yaluza mwayi wandalama zokwana 700,000,000 malawi kwacha ngati mphoto za ma timu onse pa gululi.",sports,online news +en11387,Bullets are expected to arrive back in Malawi this morning on a chartered flight,Bullets ikuyembekezeleka kubwera ku malawi m'mawa wa lero pa ndege yobwereka,sports,online news +en11388,Netball Association of Malawi (Nam) is still operating in dark ages as it is yet to develop policies to help the association generate broadcasting rights and gate revenue,bungwe lowona masewera a mpira wa manja wa amayi ikugwirabe ntchito mu mdima chifukwa ilibe malamulo othandizira bungweli pa maufulu wowulitsira masewera komanso ndalama zopeza polowa pakhomo,sports,online news +en11389,"Despite reports from the World Netball indicating that the world netball governing body, World Cup hosts and participating teams receive broadcasting rights, Nam insists that it has never received its share from broadcasting rights","ngakhale pali mauthenga kuchokera ku masewera a manja a dziko kuwonetsa kuti bungwe loyendetsa masewera a mpira wa manja, dziko lopangitsa masewerawa komanso ma timu otenga nawo mbali amalandira ndalama za kuwulutsa kanema, NAM yanenets kuti sinalandirepo gawo lawo kuchokera ku maufulu wowulutsawa",sports,online news +en11390,Nam General Secretary Isaac Chimwala admitted that the association has no policy to guide it in terms of implementing broadcasting rights and gate revenue initiatives,mlembi wa bungwe la NAM isaac chimwala anavomeleza ktui bungweli lilibe malamulo woyenera kutsatilidwa pokhazikitsa maufulu powulutsa komanso ndalama zotolera pa khomo,sports,online news +en11391,"Time is ripe for us to develop guidelines to tap from gate revenue and broadcasting rights. We have noted that during international tournaments, the media broadcasts our matches and yet they have advertisers. We need to generate revenue through this adventure,” he said","nthawi yakwana tsopano kuti tipange malumulowa okhudza ndalama zotolera pakhomo komanso maufulu pa powulutsa kanema. Tawona kuti pa masewera a dziko lonse, wowulutsa kanema pa masewera athu ndi wolengeza malonda. Tikuyenera kupeza ndalama kudzera njira imeneyi,""anatero",sports,online news +en11392,"Chimwala said in absence of guidelines, Nam has been failing to implement gate fee initiative due to lack of proper structures","chimwala ananena kuti kupanda malamulo oyendetselawa, NAM yakhala ikukanika kukhazikitsa njira zotolera ndalama chifkukwa panalibe ndondomeko yabwino",sports,online news +en11393,"Most of the facilities do not allow us to charge as more sport associations use one venue at once. Maybe, we should develop a mutual understanding to give each other [associations] a chance to use the facility separately,” he said","malo ambiri samatilora kuti tizilipilitsa chifukwa malo ambiri amasewero timawagwiritsa ntchito kamodzi. Mwina, tikuyenera tikhazikitse kumvetsetsana kupeleka mwayi kuti azigiwiritsa ntchito malo pawokha,"" anatero",sports,online news +en11394,"It is disappointing having taught how to write a proposal they still expect us to draft for them and present to potential partners. Nowadays, broadcasting rights are one of the major revenues in sports besides kit sponsorship and gate revenue,” he said","Ndizokhumudwitsa kuti anaphunzitsidwa momwe angalembere malingaliro koma akuyembekezera ife kuti tiziwalembera ndikuwapereka kwa omwe angakhale ogwirizana nawo. Masiku ano, ufulu wowulutsa ndi imodzi mwazinthu zomwe zimabweletsa ndalama pamasewera kupatula kuthandizira zovala posewelera ndi ndalama zomwe zimapezeka polowa pakhomo,"" adatero.",sports,online news +en11395,"The event was a success as we had a huge turnout. It was a good platform for interaction and networking. We thank all companies that took part in the event,’’ he said","zochitikacho znali zopambana chifukwa tinali ndi anthu ambiri obwera. Inali nsanja yabwino yolumikizirana. Tikuthokoza makampani onse omwe adatenga nawo gawo pamwambowu,’’ adatero + +",sports,online news +en11396,"We want this to be taking place every year. We remain committed to promoting the well-being of all workers in the communication sector,’’ he said","Tikufuna kuti izi zizichitika chaka chilichonse. Tikukhalabe odzipereka kulimbikitsa moyo wabwino wa ogwira ntchito onse m'gawo lolumikizana,'' adatero +",sports,online news +en11397,"I am very happy with this initiative. This was a good opportunity for workers from the communication sector to interact and share ideas,’’ Washon said","Ndine wokondwa kwambiri ndi ntchitoyi. Uwu unali mwayi wabwino kwa ogwira ntchito ochokera m'mabungwe ofalitsa mauthenga kuti azilumikizana ndikugawana malingaliro,'' adatero Washon",sports,online news +en11398,"At the day-long event, employees from the communication sector competed in football, tug-of-war, netball, basketball, volleyball, bawo, pool, athletics","Pamwambowo watsiku lonse, ogwira ntchito m'bungwe loyankhulana adapikisana pamasewera a mpira, kukokerana, mpira wa manja wa amayi, mpira wa manja wa abambo, bawo, pool, ndi kuthamanga. + +",sports,online news +en11399,"At the time, Fam had distributed relief food packs to 2,490 regional league players and officials, including women’s football teams, to cushion them against effects of the Covid-19 pandemic","Panthawiyo, bungwe la Fam linali litagawa zakudya kwa osewera ndi akuluakulu 2,490, kuphatikiza matimu ampira wazimayi, kuti awateteze ku zotsatira za mliri wa Covid-19. ",sports,online news +en11400,"The food packs, which were distributed for seven months, were valued at K10,000 each",Chakudyachi chomwe chinagawida kwa miyezi isanu ndi iwiri zinali zokwana ndalama K10 000 iliyonse ,sports,online news +en11401,The soccer fraternity is in mourning following the passing on of former Premier Bet Wizards and Silver Strikers winger Thuso Paipi Friday at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre after a short illness,"Gulu la mpira wa miyendo lili pachisoni kutsatira imfa ya yemwe anali wosewera wa Premier Bet Wizards komanso Silver Strikers, Thuso Paipi Friday pa chipatala cha Queen Elizabeth Central (QECH) mumzinda wa Blantyre atadwala kwakanthawi kochepa.",sports,online news +en11402,"He then parted ways with the club he signed for in 2016. The deceased’s close relation, Thango Paipi, said the whole family is heartbroken with the sad news"," Kenako adasiyana ndi kalabu yomwe adasainira mchaka cha 2016. Mbale wa malemuyo, Thango Paipi, adati banja lonse ndilokhudzidwa ndi nkhani yomvetsa chisoniyi.",sports,online news +en11403,He was admitted at QECH on Wednesday following acute diarrhea and breathed his last on Friday morning. He has been sick for the past five months and it was on-and-off, Adagonekedwa ku QECH Lachitatu kutsatira kutsekula m'mimba ndipo adapuma mphweya wake womaliza Lachisanu m'mawa. Wakhala akudwala kwa miyezi isanu yapitayi ndipo zinali zobweleza bweleza ,sports,online news +en11404,"The situation worsened on Wednesday and we decided to take him to a dispensary in Ndirande where we were referred to QECH where he died,” Thango, himself a former MDC United winger, said","Lachitatu zinthu zidafika poipa ndipo tidaganiza zomutengera ku chipatala cha ku Ndirande komwe adatitumiza ku QECH komwe adamwalira,” adatero Thango yemwe adali wosewera wakale m’mbali wa MDC United. ",sports,online news +en11405,"We never heard anything like he was sick only to hear about his death today. This is really shocking. As someone who worked with him when he joined Silver in 2016, I am really downcast. May his soul rest in eternal peace,” Chimbali said","Sitinamvepo chilichonse ngati akudwala kungofikira kumva za imfa yake lero. Izi ndizodabwitsa kwambiri. Monga munthu yemwe adagwira naye ntchito pomwe adalowa nawo ku timu ya Silver mu chaka cha 2016, ndakhumudwa kwambiri. Mzimu wake uwuse mu mtendere wosatha,” adatero Chimbali ",sports,online news +en11406,"He had a great future in football and was a top talent. What a loss! He was a player who went through all the youth football systems to make his name at Premier Bet Wizards way back in 2016. May his soul rest in eternal peace,” Zakazaka said","Anali ndi tsogolo labwino mu mpira wa miyendo ndipo anali ndi luso lapamwamba. tatayika! Anali wosewera yemwe adadutsa mu mpira wa wachinyamata ndikufika podzipangira dzina lake ku Premier Bet Wizards mchaka cha 2016. Mzimu wake uwuse mumtendere wosatha,” adatero Zakazaka ",sports,online news +en11407,Silver then signed him on permanent terms after agreeing to pay K2.5 million to the defunct club for his services,|timu ya Silver ndi imene idamusayina mokhazikika atavomera kupereka ndalama zokwana za K2.5 miliyoni ku timu yomwe imasowekera ntchito zake.,sports,online news +en11408,This was after Fam had ruled that the player belonged to Wizards and that Silver should stop using him until transfer processes were completed, Izi zinali zitachitika pamene bungwe la Fam lidagamula kuti osewerayu ndi wa Wizards ndipo Silver asiye kumugwiritsa ntchito mpaka njira zosinthirana zonse zitatheka.,sports,online news +en11409,Thuso is survived by three children and will be buried at HHI Cemetery in Blantyre Saturday,"Thuso wasiya ana atatu ndipo aikidwa mmanda ku manda a HHI ku Blantyre Loweruka + +",sports,online news +en11410,"There are so many success stories of the Youth Games since they started. We are pleased that boys and girls from all walks of life took part in the event,” Madise said","Pali nkhani zambiri zopambana za Masewera a Achinyamata kuyambira pomwe adayambira. Ndife okondwa kuti anyamata ndi atsikana ochokera kosiyanasiyana adatenga nawo mbali pamwambowu,” adatero Madise ",sports,online news +en11411,"In addition, Madise appealed to the corporate world to support the Youth Games. Madise said some of athletes performed well during the 2022 African Union Sports Council Region Five Games due to the Malawi Youth Games","Kuphatikiza apo, Madise adapempha mabungwe kuti athandizire Masewera achinyamata. Madise adati ena mwa othamanga adachita bwino mchaka cha 2022 African Union Sports Council Region Five Games chifukwa cha masewero akumalawi achinyamata + +",sports,online news +en11412,The Malawi Youth Games serve as a vehicle for identifying and nurturing talent as all schools across the country take part,Mpikisano wa Malawi Youth Games ndi njira yodziwira ndi kutukula luso pamene masukulu onse mdziko muno akutenga nawo mbali ,sports,online news +en11413,"Netball Association of Malawi (Nam) is under panic, having been flooded with offers for the Malawi National Netball Team to take part in competitions and test matches later this year",Bungwe la Netball Association of Malawi (Nam) lati lili pa mpanipani kamba koti apemphedwa kuti timu ya dziko la Malawi ya mpira wa manja kuti ichite nawo mipikisano komanso masewero oyeserera kumapeto kwa chaka chino. ,sports,online news +en11414,"The development comes as a strain on Nam after the association exhausted its annual subvention from the government. Nam has received offers for test matches from England, Jamaica, Wales and Barbados","Chitukukochi chikubwera ngati vuto lalikulu kwa Nam pomwe bungweli lidamaliza gawo lake lachuma lochokera ku boma la pachaka. Nam yalandila zoyeserera ku England, Jamaica, Wales ndi Barbados ",sports,online news +en11415,"The Queens are also expected to take part in the Africa Netball Championship in Gaborone, Botswana, from November 26 to December 6","Timu ya Queens ikuyembekezekanso kutenga nawo gawo mu mpikisano wa Africa Netball Championship womwe udzachitikira ku Gaborone, Botswana, kuyambira pa November 26 mpaka pa 6 december ",sports,online news +en11416,"Nam General Secretary Isaac Chimwala confirmed the development, saying their plate was full with offers",Mlembi wamkulu wa Nam Isaac Chimwala adatsimikiza zachitukukocho ponena kuti mbale yawo yadzaza ndi zopemphedwa,sports,online news +en11417,"This is quite exciting. So far, the likes of Wales, England, Jamaica and Barbados have expressed interest in facing the Queens in test matches but they are yet to give us full details regarding the matches, venues and logistics","Izi ndizosangalatsa kwambiri. Pakadali pano, osewera ngati Wales, England, Jamaica ndi Barbados awonetsa chidwi chofuna kukumana ndi Queens pamasewera oyeserera koma sanatiuze zambiri zamasewera, malo ndi mayendedwe. +",sports,online news +en11418,"However, Chimwala said they will seek advice from the Malawi National Council of Sports on which competitions to join, having exhausted their allocation","Komabe, Chimwala wati apempha upangiri ku bungwe la Malawi National Council of Sports pamipikisano yomwe alowe nawo, pamene anamaliza gawo la chuma chawo. + +",sports,online news +en11419,"We cannot decide on our own. We will first present a proposal to the council for guidance before committing to the events,” he said","Sitingathe kupanga chiganizo patokha. Tipereka kaye ganizo ku khonsolo kuti lititsogolere tisanachite nawo zochitikazo,” adatero +",sports,online news +en11420,"Nam should hold fundraising events including dinner and dance, selling Malawi Queens branded merchandise,” she said","Nam ikuyenera kukhala ndi zochitika zopezera ndalama monga chakudya chamadzulo ndi kuvina, kugulitsa katundu wa Malawi Queens,” iwo adatero +",sports,online news +en11421,Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS) has called on the corporate world and individuals to construct infrastructure with the aim of helping in sports development across the country,"Bungwe la za masewero la Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS) lapempha mabungwe ndi anthu onse amalonda kuti amange zipangizo zogwirira ntchito ndi cholinga chothandizira chitukuko cha masewero m’dziko muno. +",sports,online news +en11422,Madise said he was impressed with what he saw at the privately-owned facility,"Madise adati anachita chidwi ndi zomwe adaziwona pamalowa omwe ali a anthu wamba +",sports,online news +en11423,"The standards of this facility are worth emulating. Of course, government has a duty to build sports infrastructure but it cannot do everything alone. The demands are many but resources are few","Muyezo wa malowa ndi woyenera kutengera. Zowona, boma lili ndi ntchito yomanga zida zamasewera koma silingachite chilichonse palokha. Zofuna ndi zambiri koma zipangizo zothandizira ndi zochepa +",sports,online news +en11424,"There is, therefore, a need to partner with the private sector including patriotic individuals like the owner of this facility. Private stadia are one way of complementing government’s efforts as well as providing social needs to local communities,’’ Madise said","Choncho, pakufunika kugwirizana ndi mabungwe wamba kuphatikizapo anthu okonda dziko lawo monga mwiniwake wa malowa. Mabwalo a anthu wambawa ndi njira imodzi yokwaniritsira zomwe boma likuchita komanso kupereka zosowa za anthu amderalo, '' adatero Madise.",sports,online news +en11425,He said there are several lessons that the sports fraternity needs to draw from Champion Stadium,"Iye wati pali maphunziro angapo omwe ochita masewerawa akuyenera kutenga pa malo osewelera a Champion + +",sports,online news +en11426,I do not think that there are many facilities in Malawi that can match Champion Stadium. The facility has standards which others must emulate,"Sindikuganiza kuti kuno ku Malawi kuli malo ambiri omwe angafanane ndi bwalo la Champion. Malowa ali ndi miyezo yomwe ena akuyenera kutengera +",sports,online news +en11427,"It is something we must all learn from as far as managing public facilities is concerned,’’ Madise said","Ndi chinthu chomwe tonse tiyenera kuphunzirapo pankhani yoyendetsera ntchito za boma,’’ adatero Madise +",sports,online news +en11428,"One person has built a good facility on his own. This is commendable. I am sure companies will support this great initiative,’’ he said","Munthu m’modzi wamanga malo abwino payekha. Izi nzoyamikirika. Ndikukhulupirira kuti makampani athandizira ntchito yayikuluyi, ""adatero +",sports,online news +en11429,"I want to turn the facility into a sports complex so that all sporting codes can use it. After completing the stadium, I will focus on the other facility for basketball, netball and volleyball,’’ Kabvina said","Ndikufuna kusandutsa malowa kukhala bwalo lamasewera kuti masewera onse azigwiritsa ntchito. Ndikamaliza bwaloli, ndiyang'ana kwambiri malo ena kuti akhale a mpira wa manja wa amuna, amayi,’’ adatero Kabvina. +",sports,online news +en11430,"Meanwhile, construction works are still in progress at the facility, where stands have already been erected","Padakali pano ntchito yomanga ikuchitikabe pamalopo, pomwe malo okhalapo amangidwa kale +",sports,online news +en11431,"Once completed, Champion Stadium is expected to host some of the high-profile matches in the country’s football","Ikamalizidwa, bwalo la Champion pakuyembekezeleka kuchititsa masewero apamwamba mumpikisano wa mpira wamiyendo mdziko muno +",sports,online news +en11432,"An unemployed Lilongwe-based man Edward Chikankheni has become the biggest Premier Bet online sports betting winner for the new football season, turning into an instant millionaire with K38 million","Bambo wina yemwe sali pa ntchito yemwe amakhala ku Lilongwe, Edward Chikankheni ndiye amene wapambana kwambiri pa Premier Bet pa juga ya pa intaneti pa nyengo yatsopano ya mpira, ndipo wasanduka munthu wandalama zikwi zikwi ndi ndalama zokwana 38 miliyoni. +",sports,online news +en11433,The new millionaire in town says he will invest the money in a car spare parts business. He said some of the money will go into a media business which his last-born son runs,"Munthu wa ndalama zikwi zikwiyu watsopanoyu mtawuniyi akuti ayika ndalamazo malonda azipangizo za magalimoto. Iye adati ndalama zina zidzalowa malonda yofalitsa nkhani yomwe mwana wake womaliza amayendetsa +",sports,online news +en11434,"I played two tickets. The first one lost with two games. It had the possibility of fetching K350 million after my K80 stake,” he said","Ndinasewera matikiti awiri. Woyamba adaluza ndi masewera awiri. Inali ndi mwayi wopambana ndalama zokwana 350 miliyoni pambuyo pa ndalama imene ndinaika yokwana 80 kwacha,” adatero +",sports,online news +en11435,"Whenever I have some little money, I find some time to go and bet. It is pleasing that God has finally answered my prayer and here I am with these millions","Ndikakhala ndi ndalama zochepa, ndimapeza nthawi yopita kukapanga juga. Ndizosangalatsa kuti Mulungu wayankha pemphero langa ndipo ndili pano ndi mamiliyoni awa +",sports,online news +en11436,"This win has inspired me to continue betting so that I win more money. My appeal to those who have never won before is that they should not lose hope because, one day, God will also answer their prayers,” he said","Kupambana kumeneku kwandilimbikitsa kupitiliza kupanga juga kuti ndipambane ndalama zambiri. Pempho langa kwa omwe sanapambanepo ndikuti asataye mtima chifukwa tsiku lina Mulungu adzayankhanso mapemphero awo,” adatero. +",sports,online news +en11437,"We are very happy to have produced yet another millionaire. This will encourage other players to come forward and play our game. However, we are also reminding our esteemed customers to bet responsibly","Ndife okondwa kwambiri kuti tapanganso munthu wa ndalama zikwi zikwi wina. Izi zilimbikitsa osewera ena kuti abwere patsogolo ndikusewera masewera athu. Komabe, tikukumbutsanso makasitomala athu kuti azibetcha mosamala +",sports,online news +en11438,"We have always advised that they should bet after sorting out all their needs. This is what we call responsible betting,” Sboity said","Nthawi zonse timalangiza kuti azibetcha akathana ndi zosowa zawo zonse. Izi ndi zomwe timatcha kubetcha koyenera,"" adatero Sboity +",sports,online news +en11439,Lingadzi Police have arrested two people for allegedly stealing toilet sink sets worth K2.7 million at Bingu National Stadium. Police have since recovered the items,"Apolisi a ku Lingadzi amanga anthu awiri pa milandu wakuba malo osambira m’manja a chimbudzi amtengo wokwana 2.7 miliyoni pa bwalo la masewera la Bingu. Apolisi apeza zinthuzo +",sports,online news +en11440,Lingadzi Police Station Public Relations Officer said the law enforcers launched an investigation into the issue after a video clip went viral on social media,"Mkulu wa apolisi ku Lingadzi wati akuluakulu aboma adayambitsa kafukufuku pankhaniyi pamene kanena wina anafalikira pa tsamba la mchezo +",sports,online news +en11441,"After interrogation, the arrested suspects took us to a businessman at Mtsiliza-Mboni Market. Follow-ups were made whereby 18 sets of sinks were recovered,” Zgambo said","Atafunsidwa mafunso, anthu omwe anamangidwawo anatitengera kwa munthu wamalonda pa Msika wa Mtsiliza-Mboni. Kutsatira kudachitika pomwe malo osambira m’manja okwana khumi asanu ndi atatu adapezanso,” adatero Zgambo",sports,online news +en11442,"It is not the first time for people to steal materials at the stadium, which was opened in 2017","Aka sikoyamba kuti anthu aziba zinthu pabwaloli lomwe linatsegulidwa mu chaka cha 2017 + +",sports,online news +en11443,"Despite making some promising attempts, the former Bidvest Wits star could not save Swallows from suffering their first defeat as City goalkeeper Darren Keet saved his dangerous free kick","Ngakhale adayesa bwino, katswiri wakale wa Bidvest Wits sanathe kupulumutsa Swallows kuti isagonjetsedwe koyamba pomwe goloboyi wa City Darren Keet adapulumutsa mpira wake wowopsa. +",sports,online news +en11444,"However, Mhango gave some positive aspects of the match, saying they worked hard despite the loss","Komabe, Mhango anawonetsa zabwino pamasewerawa ponena kuti adalimbikira ngakhale adagonjetsedwa +",sports,online news +en11445,"In the first place, I am happy to be part of this Swallows family. It was just unfortunate that we failed to win the game after putting in all our effort. I have no doubt that we will do better in our next match,” Mhango said","Poyamba, ndine wokondwa kukhala m’banja la Swallows limeneli. Zinali zomvetsa chisoni kuti tinalephera kupambana masewerowa tinaonetsa khama lathu lonse. Sindikukayika kuti tipanga bwino pamasewera athu otsatirawa,” adatero Mhango +",sports,online news +en11446,Champions Mamelodi Sundowns are topping the log table with six points after defeating Soweto giants Kaizer Chiefs 2-1 on Wednesday,"Timu ya Mamelodi Sundowns ili pamwamba pa mndandanda ndi mawelengero okwana asanu ndi limodzi itagonjetsa zimphona za ku Soweto Kaizer Chiefs zigoli ziwiri kwa chimodzi Lachitatu. +",sports,online news +en11447,"Tributes are pouring in for the late football administrator and player Henry ‘Kaka’ Chibowa, whose remains will be buried at Henry Henderson Institute (HHI) Cemetery today","Mwambo opeleka ulemu kwa woyang'anira mpira komanso wosewera Henry ‘Kaka’ Chibowa, yemwe mtembo wake wuikidwa m’manda ku manda a Henry Henderson Institute (HHI) lero. +",sports,online news +en11448,Mighty Mukuru Wanderers Board Secretary said they have lost one of the finest football administrators to have ever served at Lali Lubani road outfit,"Mlembi wa timu ya Mighty Mukuru Wanderers wati ataya m'modzi mwa otsogola otsogolera omwe anatumikilapo ku Lali Lubani road outfit. +",sports,online news +en11449,"We have lost a football genius. He shall forever be remembered for his contribution to Wanderers and to football development in general,” Gondwe said","Tataya katswiri wa mpira. Adzakumbukiridwa mpaka kalekale chifukwa cha zomwe anachita ku Wanderers komanso chitukuko cha mpira,” adatero Gondwe +",sports,online news +en11450,"Even at club level, he had a distinguished career at both Wanderers and Uniprint where he won trophies as general secretary. I worked with Chibowa at Fam and as workmates elsewhere and his language was all football. Malawi has lost a true definition of a football administrator,” Masina said","Ngakhale pamakalabu, anali ndi ntchito yabwino ku Wanderers ndi Uniprint komwe adapambana zikho ngati mlembi wamkulu. Ndinagwira ntchito ndi Chibowa ku Fam komanso kwina ndipo chilankhulo chawo chinali mpira. Dziko la Malawi lataya tanthauzo lenileni la oyendetsa masewera a mpira,” adatero Masina +",sports,online news +en11451,"At Uniprint, Kaka, as Chibowa, was called, made history alongside the coach Schubert Kuwali after inspiring the team to win the Kamuzu Cup at Civo Stadium in Lilongwe","Ku Uniprint, Kaka, monga amatchulidwira Chibowa, adasiya mbiri limodzi ndi mphunzitsi Schubert Kuwali atalimbikitsa timuyi kuti itenge Kamuzu Cup pa bwalo lamasewero la civo mumzinda wa Lilongwe. +",sports,online news +en11452,"Ironically, Uniprint were an average team but stunned star studded Wanderers through a Richard Sogoja golden goal. This was the first final in Malawi to be won through a golden goal,” he said","Zodabwitsa ndizakuti, Uniprint anali timu wamba koma adagonjetsa timu yapamwamba Wanderers kudzera pachigoli chagolide cha Richard Sogoja. Awa anali masewera oyamba ku Malawi kuti masewero apambanidwe ndi chigoli chagolide,” adatero iye +",sports,online news +en11453,Local football administrators and fans Wednesday gathered at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences mortuary where his body was taken to Njamba Township for a vigil,"Oyang'anira mpira wa m'dziko muno Lachitatu anasonkhana ku malo wosungira maliro a sukulu ya zaumoyo yaukachenjede ya Kamuzu komwe thupi lake linatengedwera ku tawuni ya Njamba kukakhala komwe kunali mwambo wa maliro. +",sports,online news +en11454,Netball Association of Malawi (Nam) has opened investigations into Malawi National Netball Team players for allegedly violating their code of conduct,Bungwe la mpira wa manja wa amayi la Netball Association of Malawi (Nam) latsegula kafukufuku wokhudza osewera a timu ya timu ya mpira wa manja wa amayi powaganizila kuti akuphwanya malamulo awo.,sports,online news +en11455,"This follows a video clip, which went viral on social media, soon after the team’s 62-39 loss to England at the just ended 2023 Netball World Cup finals in Cape Town, South Africa","zi zikutsatira kanema, yemwe adafalikira pamasamba a mchezo, timuyi itangogonja zigoli makuni asanu ndi limodzi ndi awiri ku zigoli makumi atatu asanu ndi anayi ndi England pamasewera omaliza a Netball World Cup 2023 ku Cape Town, South Africa. +",sports,online news +en11456,"In the video clip, Queens’ captain Jane Chimaliro was flanked by nine players while another one is believed to have been filming it","Mu kanemayu, wotsogolera osewera wa Queens Jane Chimaliro adatsagana ndi osewera asanu ndi anayi pomwe wina amajambula.",sports,online news +en11457,Chimaliro blamed shooter Mwawi Kumwenda for refusing to come in— two minutes before the second quarter ended— as a substitute after fellow shooter Joyce Mvula got injured,"Chimaliro adadzudzula wosewera kutsogolo Mwawi Kumwenda chifukwa chokana kulowa - patatsala mphindi ziwiri kuti gawo lachiwiri lithe - ngati wolowa m'malo pomwe wosewera mnzake wakutsogolo Joyce Mvula adavulala. + +",sports,online news +en11458,"Nam General Secretary Isaac Chimwala said they were investigating the players for allegedly breaching the code of conduct by going public, ignoring all necessary channels","Mlembi wamkulu wa Nam Isaac Chimwala wati akufufuza osewerawa kamba kophwanya malamulo poonekera poyera, kunyalanyaza njira zonse zofunika. +",sports,online news +en11459,"This calls for disciplinary action. We have opened investigations into the matter, now that the games are over","Izi zimafunika kuwadzudzula. Tatsegula kafukufuku pankhaniyi, popeza masewerawa atha +",sports,online news +en11460,"We are not happy with what happened and we do not condone that. We want to know who authorised that video and what the motive was,” he said","Sitikukondwera ndi zomwe zachitika ndipo sitikudana ndi zimenezo. Tikufuna kudziwa yemwe adavomereza kanemayo komanso cholinga chake, ""adatero +",sports,online news +en11461,"That is a disciplinary issue; we will not just let it go. When we go back home, we need a comprehensive report from Nam on the entire trip, including on disciplinary issues,” Madise said","Imeneyo ndi nkhani yofunika chilango; sitidzangozisiya. Tikabwerera kwathu, tikufuna lipoti lathunthu kuchokera kwa Nam pa ulendo wonse, kuphatikizapo za nkhani zonse zofunika kudzudzulidwa,” adatero Madise. +",sports,online news +en11462,The entire team was filmed sitting behind their captain while accusing Kumwenda of defying the coach’s instructions to replace injured Mvula,"Timu yonseyi idajambulidwa itakhala kumbuyo kwa wowatsogolera wawo uku akudzudzula Kumwenda kuti sanamvere malangizo amphunzitsi kuti alowe m'malo mwa Mvula wovulala. +",sports,online news +en11463,Chimaliro also defended the coach but centred her message on blaming Kumwenda and apologising for the team’s loss to England,"Chimaliro adamutetezanso mphunzitsiyu koma uthenga wake udali wodzudzula Kumwenda komanso kupepesa chifukwa chakugonja ndi timu yaku England. +",sports,online news +en11464,"The proceeds generated from the event will be dedicated to assisting the survivors of Cyclone Freddy, which hit the country earlier this year, causing widespread devastation and suffering","Ndalama zomwe zapezeka pamwambowu ziperekedwa kuthandiza omwe adapulumuka pa mphepo yamkuntho ya Freddy, yomwe idakhudza mdziko muno kumayambiliro kwa chaka chino, zomwe zidabweretsa chiwonongeko komanso kuzunzika kwakukulu. +",sports,online news +en11465,The race route will take participants on a scenic journey through the commercial city,"Njira yothamanga idzatengera otenga nawo mbali paulendo wowoma malo abwino kudutsa mumzinda wamalondawu +",sports,online news +en11466,"Over 70 athletes have registered to take part in the fifth edition of Blantyre 42.195km race Sunday, whose proceeds will go towards supporting Cyclone Freddy survivors","Othamanga opitilira makuni asanu ndi awiri alembetsa kuti atenga nawo gawo lachisanu la mpikisano wa ku Blantyre wamakilomita makumi anayi ndi awiri lamulungu , omwe ndalama zake zithandizira omwe adapulumuka pa phepo ya mkhutho ya Freddy. +",sports,online news +en11467,"The race’s noble cause extends beyond the realm of sports, as the proceeds generated from the event will be dedicated to assisting the survivors of Cyclone Freddy, which hit the country earlier this year, causing widespread devastation and suffering","Cholinga chabwino cha mpikisanowu chikupitilira nkhani ya masewera, chifukwa ndalama zomwe zidzapezeke pamwambowu zidzaperekedwa kuthandizira opulumuka pa phepo ya mkhutho ya Freddy, yomwe idakhudza dziko lino kumayambiliro a chaka chino, zomwe zidabweretsa chiwonongeko komanso kuvutika. +",sports,online news +en11468,"We already have 70 athletes registered and we expect more to join the ranks. The Blantyre Marathon has gained popularity over the years, and this edition is no exception,” he said","Tili kale ndi othamanga okwana makuni asanu ndi awiri omwe adalembetsa ndipo tikuyembekezera kuti ambiri alowa nawo. Mpikisano wothamanga wa ku Blantyre wadziwika kwambiri mu zaka zapitazi, ndipo gawo limeneli silopatulidwa,” adatero. +",sports,online news +en11469,The race route will take participants on a scenic journey through the commercial city,"Njira yothamanga idzatengera otenga nawo mbali paulendo wowona malo abwino kudutsa mumzinda wamalondawu +",sports,online news +en11470,Kylian Mbappe is not interested in meeting representatives of Al Hilal to discuss a move to Saudi Arabia,"Kylian Mbappe sakufuna kukumana ndi oimira Al Hilal kuti akambirane zosamukira ku Saudi Arabia +",sports,online news +en11471,PSG have given Al Hilal permission to speak to Mbappe after the Saudi club made a world-record €300m (£257m) offer for the player on Saturday,"PSG yapereka chilolezo kwa Al Hilal kuti ayankhulane ndi Mbappe kamba kakuti timu yaku Saudi yapereka ndalama zokwana €300m (£257m) pa osewerayu Loweruka. +",sports,online news +en11472,PSG insiders believe Mbappe is refusing to speak to Al Hilal because he has already agreed to move to Real Madrid as a free agent next summer when his contract expires,"Odziwa za PSG akukhulupirira kuti Mbappe akukana kulankhula ndi Al Hilal chifukwa adavomera kale kupita ku Real Madrid ngati waulere nthawi yachilimwe pomwe nthawi yake ikhale itatha. +",sports,online news +en11473,Al Hilal’s offer was subject to the agreement of a payment schedule and it was conditional on the signing of contracts between the clubs and between Mbappe and Al Hilal,Pempho la Al Hilal kudali kutsata mgwirizano wanthawi yolipira ndipo zinali zotengera kulembelana pamapangano pakati pa makalabu komanso pakati pa Mbappe ndi Al Hilal.,sports,online news +en11474,PSG believe at least five clubs are interested in signing Mbappe. The offer from Al Hilal is not the only one the French champions have received,"PSG ikukhulupirira kuti makalabu osachepera asanu akufuna kusaina Mbappe. Pempho lochokera ku Al Hilal si lokhalo lomwe katswiri wa ku France adalandira + +",sports,online news +en11475,"There is said to already be a “hot market” for the France captain, with the interested clubs including Chelsea, Manchester United, Tottenham, Inter Milan and Barcelona","Akuti pali kale ""msika wotentha"" kwa otsogolera osewera anzake waku France, ndi makalabu omwe ali ndi chidwi kuphatikiza Chelsea, Manchester United, Tottenham, Inter Milan ndi Barcelona. +",sports,online news +en11476,"PSG will listen to any offer and all proposals to sell Mbappe, and if it was left to the French champions they would just sell him to the highest bidder, although other clubs will struggle to come anywhere near Al Hilal’s offer","PSG imvera zomwe akupempha komanso malingaliro onse oti agulitse Mbappe, ndipo ngati zikanasiyidwa kwa osewera aku France akanangomugulitsa kwa omwe akupeleka ndalama zambiri, ngakhale makalabu ena azivutika kuti afikire chifupi ndi zomwe Al Hilal akufuna kupereka. +",sports,online news +en11477,"Malawi’s top short athlete Asimenye Simwaka is refusing to take her foot off the gas pedal as she came first in 200m and 400m during the World Athletics Championships qualifiers in Gaborone, Botswana on Thursday","Katswiri wamfupi wa Malawi Asimenye Simwaka sakubwelera m’mbuyo pomwe wakhala woyamba pa mpikisano wa mtunda okwana Mamita 200 ndi 400 ku mpikisano wa World Athletics Championships womwe unachitikira ku Gaborone, Botswana Lachinayi. + ",sports,online news +en11478,"As a coach I am impressed with their performance because I have assessed them. I know what training they require to improve,” he said","Monga mphunzitsi ndachita chidwi ndi momwe amachitira chifukwa ndawayesa. Ndikudziwa maphunziro omwe amafunikira kuti asinthe, ""adatero +",sports,online news +en11479,Beleaguered coach Peace Chawinga-Kaluwa has finally sued the Netball Association of Malawi (Nam) for what she termed as unlawful dismissal from the post of the Malawi National Netball Team head coach,Mphunzitsi watimu ya mpira wa manja wa amayi wasumila bungwe loyendetsa masewero a manja wa mayi la Netball Association of Malawi (Nam) Peace Chawinga-Kaluwa Kamba kakuchotsedwa ntchito kosatsatira malamulo ngati mphunzitsi wamkulu wat imu ya mpira wa manja ya dziko la malawi,sports,online news +en11480,Through her lawyers the former Queens centre court player on Friday dragged Nam to the Industrial Relations Court in a 15-page document seeking justice over contractual disputes," +Kudzera mwa maloya ake wosewera wakale pakati pa bwalo mu timu ya Queens Lachisanu adatengera Nam ku bwalo la milandu la za ntchito la Industrial Relations mu chikalata cha masamba khumi ndi asanu chofuna chilungamo pamikangano ya mgwirizano wa ntchito. +",sports,online news +en11481,Nam alleges that Chawinga-Kaluwa did not sign a contract extension with the national netball governing body,"Nam yati Chawinga-Kaluwa sanalembere mgwirizano yowonjezera nthawi yogwilira ntchito ndi bungwe loyendetsa mpira wa manja wa amayi mdziko muno. + +",sports,online news +en11482,"The matter is now in court,” he said. However, Kanyenda did not disclose how much Chawinga- Kaluwa is demanding as compensation","Tsopano nkhaniyi ili kubwalo lamilandu,” adatero. Koma Kanyenda sadanene kuti Chawinga- Kaluwa akufuna ndalama zingati ngati chipukuta misozi +",sports,online news +en11483,"However, the coach has sued Nam executive committee members for unlawful termination, procedural and substantive unfairness, constitutional provisions violation, defamation, constructive dismissal, breach of contract and discrimination","Komabe, mphunzitsiyu wasumira mamembala a komiti yayikulu ya Nam chifukwa chowachotsa mosaloledwa, kusatsata ndondomeko komanso kusachita chilungamo, kuphwanya malamulo, kunyoza, kuchotsedwa ntchito mosayenera, kuphwanya mgwirizano komanso tsakho. +",sports,online news +en11484,The conduct of the respondent [Nam] amounts to defamation. Conduct of the respondent amounts to breach of contract. Conduct of the respondent amounts to constructive dismissal,"Khalidwe la woyankhawo [Nam] likufanana ndi kuipitsa mbiri. Kayendetsedwe ka woyankhayo ndi kuphwanya mgwirizano wa ntchito. Machitidwe a woyankhayo akufikira pakuchotsedwa ntchito kothandiza +",sports,online news +en11485,"A declaration that the claimant was entitled to compensation and or damages to be assessed. A declaration that the respondent’s executive members are personally liable to pay damages or costs of compensation, among others,” the lawsuit reads","Chilengezo chakuti wodandaulayo ali ndi ufulu wolandira chipukuta misozi kapena zomuwonongera zikuyenera kuti ziwonedwe. Chilengezo chakuti akuluakulu a woyankhayo ali ndi udindo wolipira zowononga kapena zolipirira, pakati pa ena, ""mlanduwo ukuwerengedwa. ",sports,online news +en11486,The boxing fraternity is grieving following the death of Malawi Professional Boxing Control Board (MPBCB) Second Vice President and spokesperson Frank Chibisa,Gulu la nkhonya lili ndi chisoni kutsatira imfa ya wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri bungwe la nkhonya la Malawi Professional Boxing Control Board (MPBCB) Frank Chibisa. ,sports,online news +en11487,"Family representative said the family was saddened by the death. He was taken to the hospital in the morning [on Sunday]. He was having difficulties breathing and died while being assisted. Burial will take place on Tuesday in Zomba,” he said","Woimira banja adati banjalo lili lachisoni ndi imfayo. Anamutengera kuchipatala m’mawa lamlungu. amavutika kupuma ndipo wamwalira akuthandizidwa. Maliro achitika Lachiwiri ku Zomba,” adatero iye ",sports,online news +en11488,"We have been hit hard. We have lost a very important person in boxing. He used his resources to support boxing bodies and boxers. When it came to boxing, he helped in areas where he was not even involved","Takhudzidwa kwambiri. Tataya munthu wofunika kwambiri pa nkhonya. Amagwiritsa ntchito chuma chake kuthandizira mabungwe a nkhonya ndi osewera nkhonya. Pankhani ya nkhonya, ankathandiza m’madera amene sankachita nawo n’komwe",sports,online news +en11489,"Started serving in the board after he had promoted a lot of local and international fights. In most cases, he operated on losses but did not stop supporting boxing,” he said","Anayamba kugwira ntchito m'gululi atalimbikitsa ndewu zambiri za dziko muno komanso zamayiko ena. Nthawi zambiri, amachita osapindula kalikonse koma sanasiye kuthandizira nkhonya,” adatero + +",sports,online news +en11490,"Just last week, he called me to his residence to start planning boxing activities. We have lost a person who was supportive and honest. He sacrificed his resources for boxing,” he said","Sabata yatha, anandiyitana kunyumba kwawo kuti ndiyambe kukonzekera masewera a nkhonya. Tataya munthu amene anali wotithandiza komanso woona mtima. Amapereka chuma chake pamasewera a nkhonya,” adatero +",sports,online news +en11491,His death comes two weeks after the boxing fraternity lost legendary boxer and promoter Bester Saopa,"Imfa yake ikubwera patatha milungu iwiri gulu la nkhonya litataya katswiri wankhonya komanso wopititsa patsogolo Bester Saopa +",sports,online news +en11492,"For all the early promises following three consecutive wins in the opening matches, the Flames’ hope of reaching the Hollywoodbets Cosafa Cup final for the first time in 20 years, went up in smoke Friday","Pamalonjezo onse oyambilira atapambana katatu motsatizana m'masewero otsegulira, chiyembekezo cha Flames chofika komaliza mu Hollywoodbets Cosafa Cup kwa nthawi yoyamba m'zaka makumi awiri , kudataika Lachisanu. +.",sports,online news +en11493,So painful was to lose the match in post-match penalties after playing the entire second half with a numerical advantage after defender Motlomelo was sent off due to two yellow cards,"Zinali zowawa kwambiri kugonja masewerowa mu mapenate kumapeto amasewero atasewera gawo lonse lachiwiri ndi ali wochuluka pamene wosewera kumbuyo wa Motlomelo atatulitsidwa chifukwa chokhala ndi machenjezo awiri. +",sports,online news +en11494,"Flames interim coach Patrick Mabedi introduced goalkeeper Innocent Nyasulu for Brighton Munthali in a tactic meant to have a better penalty saver, but the move did not yield any positive result","Mphuzitsi Flames panthawiyi Patrick Mabedi analowetsa okhala pa golo Innocent Nyasulu kuchotsa Brighton Munthali mu njira yomwe amafuna kukhazika odziwa kugwira mpira kuponya koma kusithaku sikunaphule zotsatira zabwino. +",sports,online news +en11495,"We tried our best and we gave them a good run for their money. We had so many chances and we could have buried the game in regulation time but we lacked composure,” Mabedi said","Tinayesetsa momwe tingathere ndipo tinawapatsa masewero abwino malingana ndi ndalama zawo. Tinali ndi mwayi wochuluka ndipo tikadatha kumalizitsa masewerawa munthawi yake koma sitinakhazikike,” adatero Mabedi",sports,online news +en11496,"“We lost the game when we failed to utilize the numerical advantage and changing the goalkeeper was unnecessary as it has proved to have been a big gamble. Overall, the performance was good,’’ he said","""Tagonja masewerawa pamene tidalephera kugwiritsa ntchito mwayi kuti tinalipo wochuluka ndipo kusintha kwa wogwilira pa golo sikunali kofunikira chifukwa zawoneka kuti inali juga yayikulu. kwakukulu, maseweredwe athu anali abwino,'' adatero",sports,online news +en11497,"The Queens need support from well-wishers. Every individual and organization should do something to help as government alone cannot provide everything. The corporate world should, therefore, come in and complement the government in supporting the Queens","Ma Queens amafunikira thandizo kuchokera kwa akufuna kwabwino. Munthu aliyense ndi bungwe liyenera kuchitapo kanthu kuti lithandizire popeza boma lokha silingathe kupereka chilichonse. Chifukwa chake, makampani ayenera kubwera ndikuthandizira boma pothandizira ma Queens",sports,online news +en11498,She encouraged the players to continue aiming high and put the country on the map at the global showpiece," +Adalimbikitsa osewera kuti apitilize kuyang'ana patali ndikuyika dzikolo pamapu pamasewera apadziko lonse lapansi +",sports,online news +en11499,"Therefore, go and do the country proud as you always do. Lift the Malawi flag as high as you can through your performances,” Rudo said","Chifukwa chake, pitani mukagwire ntchito yonyaditsa dziko monga mumachitira nthawi zonse. Kwezani mbendera ya Malawi m’mwamba momwe mungathere kudzera m���masewero anu,” adatero Rudo +",sports,online news +en11500,"It is always nice to receive words of wisdom. At this moment, we need support from every stakeholder. Our preparations are going on well and we hope to do well in South Africa,” Kanyenda said","Nthawi zonse zimakhala zabwino kulandira mawu anzeru. Pakadali pano, tikufunika thandizo kuchokera kwa onse wotenga nawo mbali. Zokonzekera zathu zikuyenda bwino ndipo tikuyembekeza kukachita bwino ku South Africa,” Kanyenda adatero",sports,online news +en11501,"Double Olympic 800m champion Caster Semenya was discriminated against by rules which forced her to lower her testosterone levels in order to continue competing, the European Court of Human Rights has found","Katswiri wa wopambana kawiri pa mpikisano wa Olympic wa mtunda wokwana 800, Caster Semenya, adasalidwa ndi malamulo omwe adamukakamiza kuti achepetse mlingo testosterone wake kuti apitilize kupikisana nawo, Khothi Loona za Ufulu wa Anthu ku Europe lapeza. +",sports,online news +en11502,"Politics and sports or sports diplomacy describes the use of sport as a means to influence diplomatic, social, and political relations","Ndale ndi masewera kapena masewera kuthandizira kuyankhulana umafotokoza kugwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati njira yokhudzira ubale, chikhalidwe, ndi ubale pa ndale. +",sports,online news +en11503,Sports diplomacy may transcend cultural differences and bring people together. The use of sports and politics has had both positive and negative implications over history,"Kukambirana zamasewera kumatha kupitilira kusiyana kwa chikhalidwe ndikubweretsa anthu pamodzi. Kugwiritsa ntchito masewera ndi ndale kwakhala ndi zotsatira zabwino ndi zoipa pa mbiri yonse +",sports,online news +en11504,Sports competitions or activities have had the intention to bring about change in certain cases,"Mpikisano wamasewera kapena zochitika zakhala ndi cholinga chobweretsa kusintha pazochitika zina +",sports,online news +en11505,"In the case of Apartheid, sport was used to isolate South Africa and bring about a major overhaul in the country's social structure. While ethnicity, race, social class and more can cause division, sports is also said to help blend differences","Pankhani ya tsankho, masewera adagwiritsidwa ntchito kupatula dziko la South Africa ndikubweretsa kusintha kwakukulu kwa chikhalidwe cha dzikolo. Ngakhale mafuko, mtundu, chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi zina zikhoza kuyambitsa kugawanikana, masewera amatha kutathandiza kugwirizanitsa kusiyanaku. +",sports,online news +en11506,"Additionally, numerous athletes have sought political office such as Imran Khan and George Weah, some of them unsuccessfully, on either the national level or the sub-national current","Kuphatikiza apo, othamanga ambiri akufunafuna maudindo andale monga Imran Khan ndi George Weah, ena mwa iwo sanachite bwino, mwina pamlingo wadziko lonse kapena wapadziko lonse lapansi. +",sports,online news +en11507,Football stadiums in Europe have acted as both places of refuge as well as sites of terrorist attacks and political uprisings,Mabwalo amasewera a mpira ku Europe akhala ngati malo othawirako komanso malo omwe zigawenga zimaukira komanso zipolowe zandale,sports,online news +en11508,"With a coinciding sharp rise in popularity at a time of high political intensity, football became politicized","Ndikudziwika bwino kwa masewerawa panthawi yazandale, mpira udakhala chida chandale. +",sports,online news +en11509,"While many clubs don't have a fixed political identity, some clubs are known to have clear leanings; an example is supporters of Sunderland AFC predominantly lean to the political left and often sing ""The Red Flag"" during games","Ngakhale kuti makalabu ambiri alibe chidziwitso chokhazikika pa ndale, makalabu ena amadziwika kuti ali ndi kutsamila kodziwika; Chitsanzo ndi otsatira a Sunderland AFC omwe amatsamira kumanzere kwa ndale ndipo nthawi zambiri amaimba ""Mbendera Yofiira"" pamasewera. +",sports,online news +en11510,"I walked down Seventh Avenue and saw grown men weeping like children, and women sitting in the curbs with their head in their hands. All across the country that night when the news came out that Joe was knocked out, people cried","Ndinayenda mumsewu wa Seventh ndipo ndinaona amuna akuluakulu akulira ngati ana, ndipo akazi atakhala m'mphepete mwa msewu mutu uli m'manja. M'dziko lonselo usiku umenewo pamene nkhani inamveka yoti Joe wagwonjetsedwa, anthu analira +",sports,online news +en11511,"Schmeling was, however, welcomed home with a jubilant reaction. Hitler sent his wife flowers with the message: ""For the wonderful victory of your husband, our greatest German boxer, I must congratulate you with all my heart","Schmeling adalandiridwa kunyumba ndi chisangalalo. Hitler anatumiza maluwa kwa mkazi wake ndi uthenga wakuti: “Pachipambano chodabwitsa cha mwamuna wako, wankhonya wathu wamkulu wa ku Germany, ndiyenera kukuthokoza ndi mtima wanga wonse. +",sports,online news +en11512,This thought gave me the strength to succeed in this fight. It gave me the courage and the endurance to win this victory for Germany's colours,"Lingaliro limeneli linandipatsa mphamvu kuti ndipambane pankhonta imeneyi. Zinandilimbitsa mtima ndikupilira kuti ndipambanire makaka a dziko la Germany +",sports,online news +en11513,"Louis later recalled the pressure on him before the fight: ""I knew I had to get Schmeling good. I had my own personal reasons and the whole damned country was depending me","Pambuyo pake Louis anakumbukira chiphinjo chomwe anali nacho asanamenyane: ""Ndinadziwa kuti ndiyenera kumogonjetsa Schmeling bwino. Ndinali ndi zifukwa zanga zanga ndipo dziko lonse linali likudalira ine. +",sports,online news +en11514,"After earning the championship, Clay converted his religion to Islam, which instigated conflict with his boxing career. He also abandoned his name that was given to his slave ancestors and adopted Muhammad Ali","Atapambana mpikisanowu, Clay anasitha chipembedzo chake kukhala wachisilamu, zomwe zidayambitsa mikangano ndi ntchito yake ya nkhonya. Adasiyanso dzina lake lomwe adapatsidwa kwa makolo ake akapolo ndikukhala Muhammad Ali +",sports,online news +en11515,"On April 28, 1967, he refused to serve in the Army during the Vietnam War, stating religious reasons that it goes against the Qur'an's teaching","Mu chaka 1876, mwezi wa April pa 28, iye anakana kulowa usilikali pa nthawi ya nkhondo ya ku Vietnam, ndipo ananena zifukwa zachipembedzo zomwe zimatsutsana ndi chiphunzitso cha Qur'an. +",sports,online news +en11516,"He then became an icon of not only the civil rights struggle, but also the anti-Vietnam War movement. However, he was convicted of draft evasion, sentenced to five years in prison and stripped of his championship","Kenako adakhala mtsogoleri osati womenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe kokha, komanso gulu lodana ndi nkhondo yak u Vietnam. Komabe, adapezeka wolakwa chifukwa chozemba usilikali, adaweruzidwa kuti akhale m'ndende zaka zisanu ndikulandidwa mphoto zake zonse",sports,online news +en11517,"It was not until a lawsuit in 1970 that Ali redeemed his title. He would continue in historical boxing matches now known as Rumble in the Jungle in 1974 and Thrilla in Manila in 1975, defeating George Foreman and Joe Frazier, respectively","Kufikira pa mlandu wake mu chaka cha 1970 pamene Ali adatengaso mphoto yake. adapitiliza m'maseŵera ankhonya omwe tsopano amadziwika kuti Rumble in the Jungle mu chaka 1974 ndi Thrilla ku Manila mu chaka cha 1975, kugonjetsa George Foreman ndi Joe Frazier, motsatizana. + +",sports,online news +en11518,"In 2008, the England and Wales Cricket Board cancelled Zimbabwe's 2009 tour of England and suspended all bilateral relations between the two states in response to the situation regarding the 2008 Zimbabwean presidential election","Mu chaka cha 2008, bungwe la Cricket la England ndi Wales linaletsa ulendo woyendera dziko la Zimbabwe mu chaka cha 2009 ndipo linayimitsa mgwirizano wa mayiko awiriwa potengera zomwe zinkachitika pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu chaka cha 2008. +",sports,online news +en11519,"In 2021, Formula One announced that one of its event will be held in Saudi Arabia. The move has been criticized by many human rights group as example of Saudi Arabia ""sportswashing""","Mu chaka 2021, Formula One idalengeza kuti gawo limodzi mwazochitika zake zidzachitikira ku Saudi Arabia. Kusinthaku kwadzudzulidwa ndi mabungwe ambiri omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe ngati chitsanzo chowononga masewera ku Saudi Arabia +",sports,online news +en11520,"The move received mixed reaction among fans, some fans criticized the move as ironic as some races are still being held in countries with poor human rights record","Kusinthaku kwakhudza otsatira mosiyanasiyana , wotsatira ena adadzudzula izi ngati zodabwitsa chifukwa mpikisano ina ikuchitikabe ku maiko omwe alibe mbiri yabwino yaufulu wachibadwidwe. +",sports,online news +en11521,The Olympics were used as a method of hardening the German spirit and instilling unity among German youth,"Masewera a Olimpiki amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati njira yolimbilitsa mtima ndikukhazikitsa umodzi pakati pa achinyamata aku Germany +",sports,online news +en11522,"It was also believed that sport was a ""way to weed out the weak, and other undesirables","Ankakhulupiriranso kuti masewera ndi “njira yochotsera ofooka, ndi zina zosafunika +",sports,online news +en11523,"The politicization of sports have a quite long history in China. Since the 1970s, China has been using sport to boost its soft power as sporting nations","Ndale pa masewera ndi mbiri yokhazikika ku China. Kuyambira m'ma 1970, dziko la China lakhala likugwiritsa ntchito masewera kuti iwonjezere mphamvu zake ngati mayiko wochitsa masewera. +",sports,online news +en11524,"A study of elections has shown that the result of sports events can affect the overall results. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that when the home team wins the game before the election, the incumbent candidates can increase their share of the vote by 1.5 percent, while a loss had the opposite effect","Kafukufuku wa zisankho wasonyeza kuti zotsatira za zochitika zamasewera zikhoza kukhudza zotsatira zonse. Kafukufuku wofalitsidwa mu Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences anasonyeza kuti gulu la kunyumba likapambana maseŵerawo chisankho chisanachitike, ofuna kusankhidwawo akhoza kuwonjezera mavoti awo ndi 1.5 peresenti, pamene kuluza kukhoza kukhala ndi zotsatira zosiyana. +",sports,online news +en11525,"Though many believe that sport is apolitical and neutral, sport is intricately enmeshed within the larger socio-political context in which it operates","Ngakhale ambiri amakhulupirira kuti masewera ndi andale komanso osalowererapo, masewerawa amakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi chikhalidwe cha ndale momwe amachitikira. +",sports,online news +en11526,"Malaysian politicians have used the mass appeal of sports to garner votes, Deol noted. They often promise new stadiums and other sports infrastructure while campaigning","Andale aku Malaysia agwiritsa ntchito chidwi chachikulu chamasewera kuti apeze mavoti, adatero Deol. Nthawi zambiri amalonjeza mabwalo amasewera atsopano ndi zida zina zamasewera pomwe akumemeza anthu +",sports,online news +en11527,"Some ministers are the patrons or presidents of football associations. In Malaysia, sport is therefore closely linked to formal politics","Nduna zina ndi woyan’ganira kapena atsogoleri a mabungwe ampira. Ku Malaysia, masewera amalumikizana kwambiri ndi ndale +",sports,online news +en11528,"Looking at sport through a political lens means looking at who has access to sport and who does not. While sport is often regarded as an equalizer, it can only work this way if a conscious effort is made to ensure that all have equal access. Hence, understanding the politics of sport is essential to informing policy on sport access","Kuyang'ana masewera kudzera m'ndondomeko yandale kumatanthauza kuyang'ana omwe ali ndi mwayi wochita masewera ndi omwe alibe. Ngakhale kuti masewera nthawi zambiri amawonedwa ngati olinganitsa, amatha kugwira ntchito motere ngati ntchito yoyesetsa ikuchitika kuti onse akhale ndi mwayi wofanana. Chifukwa chake, kumvetsetsa ndale zamasewera ndikofunikira pakudziwitsa mfundo zamasewera +",sports,online news +en11529,"Sport can also be used to bring about peace in society. As Deol noted, sport has been the best solution to resolve racial tensions in Malaysia","Masewera atha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito kubweretsa mtendere pakati pa anthu. Monga Deol ananenera, masewera akhala njira yabwino yothetsera mikangano yamitundu ku Malaysia +",sports,online news +en11530,"He emphasized that instead of focusing only on elite athletes, sport at a grassroots level should be mobilized to become a vehicle for peace. Panelists emphasized, however, that in order for sport to achieve peace, it must be designed in a way to do so","Iye wanenetsa kuti m’malo mongoyang’ana ochita masewera apamwamba okha, masewera a mlingo wa pansi kwambiri akuyenera kukonzedwa kuti akhale njira ya mtendere. Koma akuluakulu aboma atsindika kuti, kuti masewera akhazikitse mtendere, akuyenera kukonzedwa m'njira yoti akwanitse izi.",sports,online news +en11531,"First, sport provides a stage for public visibility, attention, and awareness. For a politician, virtually all publicity is good. Appearing at an event, whether throwing out the first pitch of a big game or simply sitting in the stands is bound to attract cameras and a mention in the local newspaper","Choyamba, masewera amapereka mwayi ku gulu la anthu, chidwi, ndi kuzindikilitsa. Kwa wandale, pafupifupi kuwonekera kulikonse ndikwabwino. Kuwonekera pamwambo, kaya kupeleka bawlo la masewero poyambirira a masewero aakulu kapena kungokhala ku malo owonelera kumayenera kukopa wojambula ndi kutchulidwa m'nyuzipepala yakomweko. + +",sports,online news +en11532,"At the very minimum, sport provides a safe stage for a politician to remind the public of his/her existence","Pang'ono ndi pang'ono, masewera amapereka malo otetezeka kwa ndale kuti akumbutse anthu zakupezeka kwawo +",sports,online news +en11533,"Secondly and more significantly, sport can help solidify a politician’s reputation, identity, and social status. It can demonstrate that a politician is, at least on some level, just one of the guys","Kachiwiri komanso kowonjezereka, masewera angathandize kulimbitsa mbiri ya wandale, mbiri yake, komanso chikhalidwe chake. Zitha kuwonetsa kuti wandale ndi, pamlingo wina, m'modzi mwa anthuwo +",sports,online news +en11534,"When a politician appears at, say, a college netball game, it shows they share a common passion with the wider public. In the same way a political candidate drinking a beer at the local watering hole has become an obligatory photo-op, appearing at a sporting event proves he or she isn’t an elitist snob","Wandale akawonekera, titi, masewera a mpira wa ku sukulu yawukachenjede, zimawonetsa kuti ali ndi chidwi ndi gululo. Momwemonso munthu wandale yemwe amamwa mowa pamalo omwera mowa m'deralo amakhala chithunzi chovomerezeka, kuwonekera pamasewera kumatsimikizira kuti si munthu wamba. +",sports,online news +en11535,"And much like it is important that the candidate knows how to hold the pint glass in the photo-op at the bar, it is important the politician simply acts like an ordinary sports fan at the game","Ndipo monga kufunikira kuti wosankhidwayo adziwe momwe angagwirile botolo la mowa pazithunzi ku malo omwera mowa, ndikofunikira kuti wandale akhale ngati munthu Wamba wokonda masewerawo +",sports,online news +en11536,"Of course, sport, like the bar, has a long tradition as masculine space; sometimes it’s even characterized as a “refuge of masculinity.” This provides yet another barrier to women seeking success in the political realm, which itself can be seen as another of the “last refuges","Zoonadi, masewera, monga komwera mowa , ali ndi mwambo wokhazikika kuti ndi malo achimuna; nthawi zina amatchulidwanso ngati ""pothawirapo amuna."" Izi zimapereka chotchinga chinanso kwa amayi omwe akufuna kuchita bwino pazandale, zomwe zitha kuwonedwa ngati zina mwa ""zothawirako pomaliza."" +",sports,online news +en11537,"In any case, the manner in which sport provides the chance to connect with communities that bridge political and ideological divides makes it particularly appealing to those seeking public approval","Mulimonse momwe zingakhalire, momwe masewera amaperekera mwayi wolumikizana ndi madera omwe amayambitsa mikangano yandale ndi yandale zimapangitsa kukhala kosangalatsa kwambiri kwa omwe akufuna kuvomerezedwa ndi anthu. +",sports,online news +en11538,"This speaks to the third way in which sport is crucial to political leadership. Politicians love to be associated with the fun, positive energy associated with modern sports, not to mention the aura of excellence, excitement, and success","Izi zikukamba za njira yachitatu yomwe masewera ali ofunikira pa utsogoleri wa ndale. Andale amakonda kugwirizana ndi zosangalatsa, mphamvu zabwino zogwirizana ndi masewera amakono, komanso kupambana, chisangalalo, ndi kupambana. +",sports,online news +en11539,"These appearances work toward the creation of legitimacy, likeability, and credibility through the transference of the positive feelings associated with sports, especially those that are popular and successful","Mawonekedwewa amathandizira kuti pakhale kuvomerezeka, kufunidwa, ndi kudalirika kudzera pagawana malingaliro abwino okhudzana ndi masewera, makamaka omwe ali otchuka komanso opambana. +",sports,online news +en11540,"Sport provides a public activity that is often as much about the audience as the participants. In doing so, a basis for some sort of common, unified, and collective identity is provided","Masewera amapereka zochitika zapagulu zomwe nthawi zambiri zimakhala zokhudzana ndi wotenga nawo mbali. Pochita izi, maziko amtundu wina wodziwika, wogwirizana, komanso wagulu amaperekedwa +",sports,online news +en11541,"The president also used the event to craft and convey his unique, post-1960s vision of social justice and racial harmony","Mtsolgoleri wa dziko adagwiritsanso ntchito mwambowu kupanga ndikuwonetsa masomphenya ake apadera, pambuyo pa zaka za m'ma 1960 a chilungamo cha chikhalidwe cha anthu komanso mgwirizano pakati pa mitundu. +",sports,online news +en11542,"It was a vision that was based upon individual opportunity and a community in which individuals (not groups) were united around a common cause, had equal access to opportunity, and drew heavily if implicitly on the ideals about fair play, competition, hard work, and individual effort that circulate widely within the world of sport itself","Anali masomphenya omwe anali oziwika pa mwayi wa anthu komanso gulu lonse la anthu anali ogwirizana pazifukwa chofuna zofanana, anali ndi mwayi wofanana, ndipo anabwera pamodzi ndi malingaliro okhudza kusewera mwachilungamo, mpikisano, kugwira ntchito mwakhama, ndi kuyesetsa kwamunthu komwe kumafalikira kwambiri mu zamasewera",sports,online news +en11543,"It was a moving portrait, a stirring vision made all the more powerful by the fact that many who heard it thought of it as nothing more than a story about an all-American event and a set of ideals that any and every American could agree upon","Chinali chithunzi chochititsa chidwi, masomphenya ochititsa chidwi kwambiri chifukwa chakuti ambiri amene anamva nkhaniyi ankaganiza kuti si nkhani chabe ya zochitika za ku America komanso mfundo zimene aliyense wa ku America angagwirizane nazo. + + +",sports,online news +en11544,"It does not take a great imagination, only a sociological one, to see that sport is indeed a powerful political platform","Sizitengera kulingalira kwakukulu, kokha kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu, kuwona kuti masewera alidi nsanja yamphamvu yandale. +",sports,online news +en11545,"Sport is actively sought as a stage on which to be seen and solidify one’s public identity, political legitimacy, and leadership qualities","Masewera amafunidwa kwambiri ngati siteji yomwe angawonekere ndikulimbitsa kudziwika kwake pagulu, kuvomerezeka pazandale, komanso utsogoleri. +",sports,online news +en11546,"Sport is a powerful and important political force. But it is most powerful when people are least aware of it—when people believe that nothing important or unusual is going on; in other words, when the politics are hidden or masked, seen as natural or organic","Masewera ndi amphamvu komanso wofunika kwambiri pandale. Koma amakhala amphamvu kwambiri pamene anthu sakudziŵa—pamene anthu amakhulupirira kuti palibe chinthu chofunika kapena chachilendo chimene chikuchitika; mwa kuyankhula kwina, pamene ndale zabisika kapena, zikuwoneka ngati ndi m’mene zimakhalira +",sports,online news +en11547,"For politicians, this means that they must engage in a delicate dance because even as they use sport for a political purpose it is essential that sport retain its status as a somehow sacred or at least special space","Kwa andale, izi zimatanthauza kuti akuyenera kupanga zinthu zawo mosamala chifukwa ngakhale amagwiritsa ntchito masewera pazandale ndikofunikira kuti masewera azikhalabe ngati opatulika kapena malo apadera. +",sports,online news +en11548,"For the rest of us, trying to be aware of what is going on in order that we might participate in both politics and sports with our eyes open, as equals rather than as dupes subject to the manipulation and exploitation of others","Kwa tonsefe, kuyesera kudziŵa zimene zikuchitika kuti tithe kutenga nawo mbali m’zandale ndi zamasewera ndi maso athu, monga olingana m’malo mwawochitilidwa chinyengo amene ndi kudyeredwa masuku pamutu ndi ena. +",sports,online news +en11549,"All eyes will be on Lionel Messi, the world's greatest footballer, when he walks out with Barcelona in the Champions League final. If you watch carefully, you may see him crossing himself as he strides onto the pitch","Maso onse adzakhala pa Lionel Messi, wosewera mpira wamkulu padziko lonse lapansi, akakhale akulowa ndi Barcelona pamasewera omaliza a Champions League. mukayang'anitsitsa, mukhoza kumuwona akupanga chizindikiro cha mtamda pamene akulowa pabwalo +",sports,online news +en11550,"On the opposing side, Manchester United striker Javier Hernandez has been known to pray on the pitch","Kumbali inayo, osewera wa Manchester United Javier Hernandez amadziwika kuti amapemphera pabwalo la mpira +",sports,online news +en11551,"Messi and Hernandez are not the only footballers to reveal their beliefs during the pursuit of their sport. Real Madrid star Kaka has often talked about his faith, praying on the pitch and thanking God for his rapid recovery from a broken back","Messi ndi Hernandez si osewera okhawo omwe amawonetsa zomwe amakhulupirira panthawi yamasewera awo. Kaka yemwe ali katswiri wa Real Madrid nthawi zambiri amalankhula za chikhulupiriro chake, ampemphera pabwalo la mpira ndikuthokoza Mulungu chifukwa chochira msanga pamsana wothyoka. +",sports,online news +en11552,"Other sportsmen, from Muhammad Ali to Jonathan Edwards, the triple jumper, have also spoken about the power of faith. They believe in different theologies, but all would assert they have benefited from their convictions.","Osewera ena, kuyambira Muhammad Ali mpaka Jonathan Edwards, wodumpha katatu, akhala akuyakhulanso za mphamvu ya chikhulupiriro. Amakhulupirira ziphunzitso zaumilungu zosiyanasiyana, koma onse akhoza kunena kuti apindula ndi zikhulupiriro zawo. +",sports,online news +en11553,"As Ali put it in the build-up to his clash with George Foreman in 1974: ""How can I lose with Allah on my side?""","Monga Ali adanenera pokonzekera kukumana ndi George Foreman mu chaka cha 1974: ""Ndingagonje bwanji pamene Mulungu ali mbali yanga?"" +",sports,online news +en11554,Atheists will regard the idea that religion can make a difference to outcomes in sport as fanciful. But it is possible to put aside the issue of whether or not God exists and just examine the impact of faith on performance,"Osakhulupirira kuti kuli Mulungu amaona lingaliro lakuti chipembedzo chikhoza kupangitsa kusiyana kwa zotsatira zamasewera kukhala chongopeka. Koma ndizotheka kuyiyika pambali nkhani yoti Mulungu alipo kapena ayi ndikungoyang'ana momwe chikhulupiriro chimakhudzira maseweredwe +",sports,online news +en11555,"I always prepared my game with prayer. I committed all things to God, without worry. These prayers make me calmer and more secure and I forget the fear of losing. It resulted in good play","Nthawi zonse ndimakonzekera masewera anga ndi pemphero. Ndinapereka zinthu zonse kwa Mulungu, popanda nkhawa. Mapempherowa amandipangitsa kukhala wodekha komanso wotetezeka kwambiri ndipo ndimayiwala kuopa kuluza. Zimapangitsa kusewera bwino +",sports,online news +en11556,"All of which suggests that religious conviction really can boost performance, but only if you truly believe","Zonsezi zikusonyeza kuti kukhudzika kwachipembedzo kumatha kulimbikitsa ntchito, koma ngati mukhulupiriradi +",sports,online news +en11557,"Many believe that sport transcends politics. But it can also be used as a political tool to distract attention from human rights abuses, making sportspeople and fans complicit","Ambiri amakhulupirira kuti masewera amaposa ndale. Koma atha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito ngati chida chandale chosokoneza chidwi pakuphwanya ufulu wa anthu, kupangitsa osewera ndi wotsatira kukhala ogwirizana. +",sports,online news +en11558,This is ‘sportswashing.’ The Qatari government is hoping it can appropriate the positive associations fans have with football to elevate its own status on the international stage and distract from its ongoing human rights violations,"Uku ndi 'kutsuka masewera.' Boma la Qatar likuyembekeza kuti litha kutengera mayanjano abwino omwe okonda mpira ali nawo kuti akweze mbiri yake pamasewera apadziko lonse lapansi ndikuchotsa chidwi cha anthu pa kuphwanya kwawo ufulu wachibadwidwe. +",sports,online news +en11559,But what’s so bad about a country with a troubling human rights record supporting or hosting an unrelated sporting competition?,"Koma ndi chiyani choyipa chokhudza dziko lomwe lili ndi mbiri yovuta yaufulu wachibadwidwe kuthandizira kapena kuchititsa mpikisano wamasewera osagwirizana? +",sports,online news +en11560,"Does watching or travelling to that country to attend the competition make spectators complicit in human rights abuses? And shouldn’t sport be kept separate from politics? To answer these questions, we first need to be clear about what sportswashing is","Kodi kuonera kapena kupita kudzikolo kukachita nawo mpikisanowu kumapangitsa owonerera kuchita nawo kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu? Ndipo masewera sakuyenera kukhala osiyana ndi ndale? Kuti tiyankhe mafunsowa, choyamba tifunika kumveketsa bwino za kutsuka zamasewera ndi chiyani +",sports,online news +en11561,Sportswashing refers to states – sometimes individiuals or corporations – that seek to use sport to bolster their image by distracting from their wrongdoing,"Kutsuka pamasewera kumatanthauza mayiko - nthawi zina anthu kapena mabungwe - omwe amafuna kugwiritsa ntchito masewera kuti alimbikitse mawonekedwe awo pochotsa chidwi cha anthu pazolakwitsa zawo. +",sports,online news +en11562,It’s typically not just a matter of hosting games or supporting a national team but rather pumping money into sport specifically to change people’s attitudes about them,"Nthawi zambiri si nkhani yongochititsa masewera kapena kuthandiza timu ya dziko koma m'malo mwake kupeleka ndalama kumasewera kuti asinthe malingaliro a anthu pa iwo. +",sports,online news +en11563,"Sport is more than just entertainment. It exemplifies what many people believe to be noble or aspirational virtues: discipline, hard work, individual excellence, teamwork","Masewera si zosangalatsa chabe. Zimapereka chitsanzo cha zomwe anthu ambiri amakhulupirira kuti ndi zabwino kapena zokhumba zabwino: khalidwe, kugwira ntchito molimbika, kuchita bwino payekha, kugwira ntchito limodzi. +",sports,online news +en11564,"For spectators, sport generates intense feelings of belonging and a shared identity that verges on the sacred; a win for one’s team elevates oneself and one’s whole community. Sport also reaches a wide audience, including people who may not actively follow politics or world affairs","Kwa owonerera, masewerawa amapangitsa kuti anthu azidzimva kuti ndi ofunika kwambiri komanso kuti adzidziwika kuti ndi opatulika; kupambana kwa timu kumakweza munthu ndi gulu lonse. Masewera amafikiranso anthu ambiri, kuphatikiza anthu omwe samatsatira ndale kapena zochitika zapadziko lonse lapansi +",sports,online news +en11565,"There’s another upshot of sportswashing: given many people have powerful feelings about sport, if the majority of the news they hear about Qatar is connected to their beloved game, then their feelings for sport can bleed over into their impression of the country","Palinso chithunzithunzi china chakutsuka masewera: chifukwa anthu ambiri ali ndi malingaliro amphamvu pamasewera, ngati nkhani zambiri zomwe amamva za Qatar zikugwirizana ndi masewera omwe amawakonda, ndiye kuti malingaliro awo pamasewera amatha kutengera dzikolo.",sports,online news +en11566,"Once that positive connection with sport is established, it can come to clash with negative associations they have about human rights violations, causing cognitive dissonance, which describes a tension between two opposing ideas","Chiyanjano chabwinocho ndi masewera chikakhazikitsidwa, chimatha kutsutsana ndi mayanjano oyipa omwe amakhala nawo okhudza kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu, zomwe zimayambitsa kusokonezeka kwa chidziwitso, komwe kumafotokoza kusamvana pakati pa maganizo awiri otsutsana. + +",sports,online news +en11567,"Most people tend to dislike the feeling of dissonance and will seek to eliminate it, often by ejecting one of the dissonant thoughts. Sportswashing nations hope that the ejected thought is the one about human rights rather than sport","Anthu ambiri samakonda kukhala osokonezedwa ndipo amafunafuna kuthetsa izi, nthawi zambiri pochotsa limodzi la malingaliro osagwirizana. Mayiko otsuka masewera akuyembekeza kuti lingaliro lomwe lachotsedwa ndilokhudza ufulu wa anthu osati masewera +",sports,online news +en11568,"This is where sportswashing becomes ethically problematic. To the degree that it distracts from wrongdoing, such as human rights violations, it can contribute to the perpetuation of that wrongdoing","Apa ndipamene kutsuka masewera kumakhala kovuta. Kufikira kumlingo umene umadodometsa kuchita zoipa, monga kuphwanya ufulu wachibadwidwe, ukhoza kuwonjezera kuchitika kwa zolakwazo +",sports,online news +en11569,"Countries are often motivated to enact reforms when they experience pressure from other states, especially large democratic states that are reacting to internal public pressure. If the population is distracted by sport, then public pressure can wane","Mayiko nthawi zambiri amalimbikitsidwa kuti asinthe pamene akukakamizidwa ndi mayiko ena, makamaka mayiko akuluakulu a ufulu wa demokalase omwe akukhudzidwa ndi kukakamizidwa kwa anthu. Ngati anthu asokonezedwa ndi masewera, ndiye kuti kukakamizidwa ndi anthu kumatha kuchepa +",sports,online news +en11570,"But just because someone was not aware of, or chose to ignore, the political dimension of the sporting event, that doesn’t mean they are absolved of responsibility. Sadly, sportswashing makes anyone involved in it complicit to some degree","Koma chifukwa chakuti wina samadziŵa, kapena anasankha kunyalanyaza, mbali ya ndale ya zochitika zamasewera, zimenezo sizikutanthauza kuti iwo achotsedwa udindo. Chomvetsa chisoni n'chakuti kutsuka masewera kumapangitsa kuti aliyense amene akukhudzidwa nawo achitepo kanthu +",sports,online news +en11571,"There is an even greater ethical weight placed on the shoulders of sportspeople, who are often viewed as role models and whose behaviour can be seen to normalise certain values","Pali zolemetsa zokulirapo zomwe zimayikidwa pamapewa a anthu ochita masewera, omwe nthawi zambiri amawonedwa ngati zitsanzo komanso omwe khalidwe lawo limatha kuwoneka kuti limapangitsa kuti zinthu zizikhala bwino. +",sports,online news +en11572,"This is why we place such emphasis on sportspeople behaving responsibly on and off the field, such as in nightclubs or in their private relationships","Ichi ndichifukwa chake timagomezera kwambiri kuti ochita masewerawa azichita zinthu moyenera mkati ndi kunja kwabwalo la masewera, monga m'malo osangalalira ausiku kapena maubwenzi awo amseri. +",sports,online news +en11573,"If a sportsperson accepts money to participate in a sportswashed event, that sets a standard for others. And if they are aware of the ethically problematic nature of their hosts, then this opens them to a charge of hypocrisy","Ngati wosewera mpira avomereza ndalama kuti achite nawo masewera otsukidwawa, izi zimakhazikitsa muyezo kwa ena. Ndipo ngati akudziwa za zovuta za chikhalidwe cha omwe adawalandira, ndiye kuti izi zimawatsegulira mlandu wachinyengo.",sports,online news +en11574,"However, there are ways of pushing back against sportswashing. The first is to refuse to support it financially, such as by not buying tickets to the events or subscriptions to the coverage in the media","Komabe, pali njira zochepetsera kutsutsana ndi kutsuka masewerawa. Choyamba ndikukana kuthandizira pachuma, monga kusagula matikiti opita kuzochitikazo kapena kulembetsa kwa wofalitsa nkhani. +",sports,online news +en11575,"For some, this will mean missing out on watching a sacred sporting event, and it’s important not to understate how big a cost that might be for them","Kwa ena, izi zikutanthauza kuphonya kuwonera masewera opatulika, ndipo ndikofunikira kuti musachepetse kuti zikhoza kukhala zofunikira bwanji kwa iwo.",sports,online news +en11576,"However, if they choose to watch, they can consider how to reduce or nullify the impact of the sportswashing. That could involve informing themselves and others about the true state of affairs, reducing the informational distortion caused by sportswashing","Komabe, ngati asankha kuwonera, angaganizire momwe angachepetsere kapena kuthetseratu vuto la kutsuka pamasewera. Izi zingaphatikizepo kudzidziwitsa iwo eni ndi ena za momwe zinthu zilili, kuchepetsa kufalizitsa kwabodza kwa chidziwitso komwe kumachitika chifukwa cha kutsuka masewera.",sports,online news +en11577,"Sportspeople have an even greater responsibility but also a greater potential impact for good. Some have refused to participate in sportswashed events, such as golfer Tiger Woods, who reportedly turned down an offer in excess of $US 700 million to join the Saudi-backed LIV Tour","Osewera ali ndi udindo wokulirapo komanso zotsatira zake zabwino. Ena anakana kutenga nawo mbali pazamasewera, monga gofu Tiger Woods, yemwe akuti anakana mwayi wopitilira ndalama zokwana $ 700 miliyoni kuti alowe nawo ku mpikisano woyendetsedwa ndi Saudi.",sports,online news +en11578,"When states are involved in funding sport, then sport can no longer be said to be removed from politics. Through sportswashing it becomes a political tool","Pamene mayiko akukhudzidwa ndi kupeleka ndalama zamasewera, ndiye kuti masewera sangathenso kuti achotsedwe mu ndale. Kupyolera mu kutsuka masewera kumakhala chida chandale",sports,online news +en11579,"If we want to maintain sport as a pure and sacred pursuit, then we must consider how we choose to engage with it and how we might avoid or counteract the power of sportswashing to distract or normalize wrongdoing","Ngati tikufuna kusunga kuti masewera kukhala chinthu chopatulika komanso chopatulika, tiyenera kuganizira mmene timasankhira wochita nawo masewerawo ndi mmene tingapewere kapena kulimbana ndi mphamvu ya kutsuka maseŵera kuti tisokoneze kapena kusintha zoipa.",sports,online news +en11580,"We are now five days into one of the most controversial World Cups in footballing history. The controversy lies not in the football that has been played but the way in which the tournament is being used by its host, Qatar, a country with a limited footballing pedigree and a troubling human rights record","Tsopano tili ndi masiku asanu mumpikisano wa World Cup womwe anthu ambiri sakugwirizana nawo m'mbiri ya mpira. Mkangano suli pa mpira womwe waseweredwa koma momwe mpikisanowu ukugwiritsidwira ntchito ndi Qatar, dziko lomwe lili ndi anthu ochepa okonda mpira komanso mbiri yozunza maufulu a anthu.",sports,online news +en11581,The starkness of this case makes it a useful context against which to explore the relationship between sportswashing and democracy,"Kulimba kwa mlanduwu kumapangitsa kukhala kothandiza pofufuza ubale wapakati pamasewera ndi ufulu wa demokalase + +",sports,online news +en11582,"As a form of reputation laundering, sportswashing works to enhance the legitimacy of wrongdoers and shield them from the negative consequences of their conduct","Monga njira yochotsera zoipa, kutsuka maseŵera kumeteteza olakwawo kuti akhale ovomerezeka ndi kuwateteza ku zotsatirapo zoipa za khalidwe lawo. +",sports,online news +en11583,"In so doing, it can embolden a sportswasher to commit further wrongdoings and help perpetuate weak governance","Potero, kungathe kulimbitsa mtima wosambitsa masewera kuti achite zolakwa zina ndikuthandizira kulimbikitsa ulamuliro wofooka. +",sports,online news +en11584,"However, history suggests that such criticism tends to subside once the sport is underway - although at this early stage, it appears the World Cup in Qatar may buck this trend","Komabe, mbiri ikuwonetsa kuti kutsutsidwa kotereku kumachepa ngati masewerawa akupitilira - ngakhale pakali pano, zikuwoneka kuti World Cup ku Qatar ikhoza kuthana ndi izi. +",sports,online news +en11585,The immense size of the sports industry and the power of the individuals involved in sportswashing can leave the average fan feeling impotent,"Kukula kwamakampani oyendetsa masewera komanso mphamvu za anthu omwe akuchita nawo masewera otsuka masewera amatha kusiya okonda masewerawa kudzimva kuti alibe mphamvu. +",sports,online news +en11586,"However, scholars have recently argued that fan and athlete activism have an important role to play in resisting the phenomenon","Komabe, akatswiri anenapo posachedwapa kuti okonda masewerawa ndi wosewera ali ndi gawo lofunikira polimbana ndi zomwe zimachitika. +",sports,online news +en11587,"When fans and athletes draw attention to abuses, particularly from within the emotionally charged atmosphere of a stadium, they undermine this separation and limit the event’s ability to distract","Pamene wotsatira masewerawa ndi othamanga akuwonetsa zoipa za zankhanza, makamaka zomwe zimachitika m'bwalo lamasewera, amalepheretsa kulekanitsidwa ndikuchepetsa kuthekera kwa chochitikacho kusokoneza. + +",sports,online news +en11588,"The Oct. 10 election has been widely seen as a test of support for former soccer star Weah, 57, who was criticized in his first term by the opposition and Liberia’s international partners for not doing enough to tackle corruption","Chisankho cha Oct. 10 chikuwoneka ngati mayeso chothandizira katswiri wakale wa mpira Weah, wazaka zakubanda makuni asanu asanu ndi ziwiri, yemwe adadzudzulidwa mu nthawi yake yoyamba ndi otsutsa komanso ogwirizana ndi mayiko a Liberia chifukwa chosagwira ntchito yokwanira kuthana ndi ziphuphu.",sports,online news +en11589,"On his campaign trail, he asked voters for more time to fulfill his promise to rebuild the nation’s broken economy, institutions and infrastructure, pledging to pave more roads if reelected","Paulendo wake wochita kampeni, adapempha ovota nthawi yochulukirapo kuti akwaniritse lonjezo lake lokhonzanso chuma, mabungwe ndi zomangamanga, kulonjeza kuti adzakonza misewu yambiri ngati atasankhidwanso. +",sports,online news +en11590,"The minister was responding to a question on whether government is committed to finalize construction of the stadia for the two domestic football powerhouses, having once again been left out in the proposed 2022/23 National Budget","Ndunayi imayankha funso loti ngati boma likufunitsitsa kumaliza ntchito yomanga mabwalo amasewera a magulu awiri amasewera ampira, atasiyidwanso mu ndondomeko ya cha chaka cha 2022/23. +",sports,online news +en11591,He said in an interview on Saturday: “The projects will be reviewed and the outcome will be made available to the public as well as Bullets and Wanderers,"Iye adati poyankhulana Loweruka: “ntchitoyi aunikanso ndipo zotsatira zake zipelekedwa kwa anthu komanso Bullets ndi Wanderers. +",sports,online news +en11592,"Building stadiums for Bullets and Wanderers was not on our agenda. Nevertheless, we will proceed with the projects. We have not abandoned them, but how we will do that is a subject for another day","Kumanga ma bwalo la masewero la Bullets ndi Wanderers sizinali pa m’ndanda wathu. Komabe, tipitiliza ndi ntchitoyi. Sitinawasiye, koma mmene tidzachitire zimenezo ndi nkhani ya tsiku lina +",sports,online news +en11593,"He said: “Covid-19 and issues of the kwacha losing value means that the battle for resources to go to crucial social sectors will always overshadow the desire to fulfil political pledges made by any previous regime, not because they are not needed, but owing to resource challenges","Anatinso: “Covid-19 komanso kutsika kwa mphamvu kwa kwacha kukutanthauza kuti kulimbilana chuma kuti chipite kumagulu ofunikira nthawi zonse idzaphimba chikhumbo chokwaniritsa malonjezo a ndale omwe adalonjeza kale, osati chifukwa chosafunikira, koma chifukwa chakukumana ndi mavuto",sports,online news +en11594,"Mind you, the past regime talked about building a new stadium in Blantyre and designs of the infrastructure were produced, including the Kwacha Park location yet funds were not set aside for that","Tangoganizani, boma lidakambapo zomanga bwalo latsopano ku Blantyre ndipo zidapangidwa, kuphatikiza malo wochezelapo a Kwacha koma ndalama sizinapelekedwe kuti zitheke. + + +",sports,online news +en11595,"In addition, the Bullets and Wanderers projects, pledged by the past regime, hardly took off before a change of government happened. In other words, it was more of a political gimmick prior to elections than something serious","Kuonjezera apo, ntchito za bwalo la masewera la Bullets ndi Wanderers, omwe lidalonjeza boma lapitalo, siinayambe ngakhale pomwe boma lisanasinthe. Mwa kuyankhula kwina, zinali zandale zandale osati kuti zikhoza kuchitikadi +",sports,online news +en11596,"In December, Bullets unveiled plans to construct their own 20 000-capacity stadium in Mpemba, Blantyre along Chikwawa Road as part of their ambitious project to build the club’s village","Mu December, Bullets idatukutsa ndondomeko yomanga bwalo lawo lamasewera lokwana anthu 20 000 ku Mpemba, Blantyre m’mbali mwa msewu wa Chikwawa ngati imodzi mwantchito zawo zomanga mudzi wa timuyi. +",sports,online news +en11597,"The 13 hectares space, situated about seven kilometres outside Blantyre Central Business District, will also include office complex, two training pitches, hostels, club house and a conference centre","Dera la mahekitala khumi ndi atatu, lomwe lili pamtunda wa makilomita asanu ndi ziwiri kuchokera ku malo Blantyre Central Business District, liphatikizanso maofesi, mabwalo awiri ophunzirira, malo ogona, malo osangalira ndi malo ochitira misonkhano. +",sports,online news +en11598,"On why they were planning to construct a stadium when government already pledged to build one for them whose preliminary phase was already done, the People’s Team vice-president Fleetwood Haiya then said: “We are aware of government’s pledge but to avoid being caught off guard, we have thought it wise to build our own","Pazifukwa zomwe akhonzekera kumanga bwalo pomwe boma lidalonjeza kale kuti liwamangira lomwe gawo lake loyamba lidachitika kale, wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa timu yokonda anthuyi Fleetwood Haiya adati: , tawona kuti n’chanzeru kumanga chanthu",sports,online news +en11599,The use of sport to promote peace and development is not entirely new; the Olympics are a historic example of sport used for a higher purpose,Kugwiritsa ntchito masewera pofuna kulimbikitsa mtendere ndi chitukuko sichachilendo; Masewera a Olimpiki ndi chitsanzo chamasewera omwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito pazinthu zapamwamba,sports,online news +en11600,"However, until recently, sport has remained on the sidelines of mainstream humanitarian and development programming, considered a luxury in the context of other development objectives"," +Komabe, kufikira posachedwapa, masewera akhalabe pambali pa ntchito zothandizira anthu ndi chitukuko, zomwe zimaoneka ngati zongosalatsa chabe pofananiza ndi zachitukuko zina. +",sports,online news +en11601,"Now, though, there is a growing understanding that sport does not have to compete with other priorities but can","Tsopano, komabe, pali kumvetsetsa kokulirapo kwakuti maseŵera sakuyenera kupikisana ndi zinthu zina zofunika koma angathe +",sports,online news +en11602,actually be a means for addressing them,"kukhala njira yothanirana nawo +",sports,online news +en11603,"A nascent international movement is growing around the use of sport for development and peace, as evidenced by some of the following key events: In 2001, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) announced it would use sport to promote economic and social development","Gulu lomwe likukula padziko lonse lapansi likukula pankhani yogwiritsa ntchito masewera pachitukuko ndi mtendere, monga zikuwonetseredwa ndi zochitika zazikuluzikulu izi: Mu chaka cha 2001, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) idalengeza kuti idzagwiritsa ntchito masewera kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha zachuma ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu. +",sports,online news +en11604,Numerous other international conferences have moved the discussion forward. An International Working Group will spend the next four years identifying best practices and guidelines for sport for development and peace,"Misonkhano ina yambiri yapadziko lonse yapititsa patsogolo zokambiranazi. Gulu Logwira Ntchito Padziko Lonse likhala zaka zinayi zikubwerazi kupeza njira zabwino ndi malangizo amasewera pa chitukuko ndi mtendere +",sports,online news +en11605,The International Olympic and Paralympic Committees have both made commitments to support the use of sport for development and to improve the lives of people living in the most disadvantaged regions of the world,"Makomiti a International Olympic and Paralympic onse apanga malonjezano ochirikiza kugwiritsa ntchito masewera pachitukuko komanso kukonza miyoyo ya anthu okhala m'madera ovutika kwambiri padziko lapansi. +",sports,online news +en11606,"At the field level, donor agencies, international and indigenous humanitarian and development organizations, national and local governments, sports ministries and federations, Olympic and Paralympic Committees, leagues and clubs, schools, and individuals have generated a host of creative and effective ways to leverage the power of sport","M'magawo, mabungwe opereka ndalama, mabungwe apadziko lonse lapansi ndi achitukuko, maboma amayiko ndi ang'onoang'ono, maunduna ndi mabungwe amasewera, Makomiti a Olimpiki ndi Paralympic, ma ligi ndi makalabu, masukulu, ndi anthu pawokha apanga njira zambiri zolimbikitsira komanso zogwira mtima kugwiritsa mphamvu zamasewera +",sports,online news +en11607,Experts around the world have concluded that physical education is a critical component of a child’s overall education. It can improve body awareness and help a child develop healthy habits at an early age,"Akatswiri padziko lonse lapansi atsimikiza kuti maphunziro akuthupi ndi gawo lofunika kwambiri la maphunziro a mwana. zikhoza kupititsa patsogolo kuzizindikira kwa thupi lako ndi kuthandiza mwana kukhala ndi chizolewezi cha makhalidwe athanzi adakali wamng'ono +",sports,online news +en11608,There is also evidence that participation in physical education improves concentration and performance in academic courses,Palinso umboni wosonyeza kuti kutenga nawo mbali pa maphunziro a thupi kumapangitsa kuti munthu aziganizira kwambiri komanso kuchita bwino m’maphunziro a maphunziro,sports,online news +en11609,"Furthermore, such classes provide an opportunity to address broader health and safety issues and ensure that all children, including those with disabilities, have an opportunity to participate in sport","Kuphatikiza apo, makalasi oterowo amapereka mwayi wothana ndi nkhani zambiri zaumoyo ndi chitetezo ndikuwonetsetsa kuti ana onse, kuphatikiza amene ali ndi ulumali, ali ndi mwayi wochita nawo masewera. + +",sports,online news +en11610,"In spite of its known value, physical education routinely falls to the bottom of the priority list of governments and school systems working within limited budgets","Ngakhale kuti ndi phindu lake ndilodziwika bwino, maphunziro olimbitsa thupi nthawi zambiri amakhala pansi pa mndandanda wa boma ndi masukulu omwe amagwira ntchito ndi ndondomeko ya zachuma yochepa. +",sports,online news +en11611,"In the wake of war, disaster, or humanitarian crisis, sports programs can play an important role in relieving stress, healing emotional wounds, restoring a sense of normalcy, and creating an opportunity for healthy social interaction","Pambuyo pa nkhondo, Ngozi zogwa mwadzidzi, kapena kusowa kwa chithandizo ku anthu, ntchito za masewera zingathandize kwambiri kuthetsa nkhawa, kuchiritsa mabala a m'maganizo, kubwezeretsa moyo wabwino, komanso kupanga mwayi wocheza bwino ndi anthu. +",sports,online news +en11612,"In camps for refugees and internally displaced persons, where people are away from home and often have little to occupy their time, sports activities can be a welcome break from the monotony of day-to-day life and a rare opportunity to have fun","M'misasa ya anthu othawa kwawo, komwe anthu amakhala kutali ndi kwawo ndipo nthawi zambiri amakhala ndi nthawi yochepa, masewera amatha kukhala nthawi yabwino yopuma ku moyo watsiku ndi tsiku komanso mwayi wopeza zowasangalatsa. +",sports,online news +en11613,"As in other settings, sports activities have the added benefit of gathering people together and can be used as an opportunity to conduct public education activities","Monga m'malo ena, masewera ali ndi phindu lowonjezera la kusonkhanitsa anthu pamodzi ndipo angagwiritsidwe ntchito ngati mwayi wochititsa maphunziro kwa gulu. +",sports,online news +en11614,"The project fosters three key factors in the well-being of children: resilience, a meaningful connection to adults through the coaching relationship, and a sense of safety and security through regular activity","ntchitoyi imalimbikitsa zinthu zitatu zofunika pa umoyo wa ana: kulimba mtima, kugwirizana kwakukulu ndi akuluakulu kudzera muubwenzi wophunzitsa, komanso kukhala ndi chitetezo ndi chitetezo podzera muzochitika nthawi zonse. +",sports,online news +en11615,"Reconciliation and Peace Building: Because it is a common language that can bridge cultural, ethnic, and geographic divides, many initiatives use sport to promote the reconciliation of communities or nations in conflict","Kuyanjanitsa ndi Kupititsa patsogolo Mtendere: Chifukwa ndi chilankhulo chodziwika bwino chomwe chimatha kuthetsa kusiyana kwa chikhalidwe, mafuko, ndi malo, njira zambiri zimagwiritsa ntchito masewera kulimbikitsa kuyanjanitsa kwa madera kapena mayiko omwe akumenyana. +",sports,online news +en11616,"Programs may operate at a local level, creating ethnically mixed teams or clinics, for example. They may also operate on a national or regional level, promoting the interaction of people from different locations","Ntchito zikhoza kugwira ntchito mdera, kupanga magulu osakanikirana amitundu kapena zipatala, mwachitsanzo. Athanso kugwira ntchito pamlingo wadziko kapena zigawo, kulimbikitsa kuyanjana kwa anthu ochokera m'malo osiyanasiyana +",sports,online news +en11617,"Sport also plays a role in international diplomacy, helping establish communication within civil society that sometimes paves the way for political dialogue","Masewera amathandizanso pa zokambirana zapadziko lonse lapansi, kuthandiza kukhazikitsa kulumikizana pakati pa mabungwe omwe nthawi zina zimapanga njira ya zokambirana zandale. +",sports,online news +en11618,The project held the first soccer tournament in an ethnically divided district and today continues to hold a soccer tournament/ weekend camp every four months and an evening dialogue once a month,"Ntchitoyi inapangitsa mpikisano woyamba wa mpira m'chigawo chogawikana ndipo lero ikupitilizabe kuchititsa masewera a mpira / kumapeto kwa sabata miyezi inayi iliyonse komanso kukambirana cha ku madzulo kamodzi pamwezi. +",sports,online news +en11619,"Rehabilitation and Integration of Persons with Disabilities: The use of sport in rehabilitation began in veterans’ hospitals in Europe and the U.S. but today is practiced widely, including by organizations that provide rehabilitation services in war-affected and developing countries","Kukonzanso ndi Kuphatikizika kwa Anthu auwulumali: Kugwiritsa ntchito masewera pakukonzanso kunayamba m'zipatala zankhondo zakale ku Europe ndi US koma masiku ano zikuchitidwa paliponse, kuphatikiza ndi mabungwe omwe amapereka chithandizo chamankhwala m'maiko omwe akhudzidwa ndi nkhondo komanso omwe akutukuka kumene. +",sports,online news +en11620,"In addition to promoting physical rehabilitation, sports programs can have a significant impact on the emotional healing and social integration of persons with disabilities","Kuphatikiza pa kulimbikitsa kukonzanso thupi, ntchito zamasewera zikhoza kukhudza kwambiri machiritso amalingaliro komanso kuphatikizana ndi anthu awulumali. +",sports,online news +en11621,"They allow people to come together, share experiences, and build camaraderie. Such programs may form the basis for self-help groups or larger advocacy initiatives","Amalola anthu kubwera pamodzi, kugawana zomwe akumana nazo, ndi kupanga ubale. Nthito zotere zitha kukhala maziko amagulu odzithandiza okha kapena njira zazikulu zolimbikitsira +",sports,online news +en11622,"The participation of persons with disabilities in sport can also lead to a shift in public perception about disability, focusing attention on ability and commonality, rather than disability and difference","Kutenga nawo mbali kwa anthu olumala pamasewera kungayambitsenso kusintha kwa malingaliro a anthu okhudzana ndi awulumali, kuyang'ana kwambiri luso ndi kufanana, osati wulumali ndi kusiyana.",sports,online news +en11623,"To the extent possible, sports programs should encourage the integration of disabled and non-disabled participants","Momwe kungathekere, ntchito zamasewera ziyenera kulimbikitsa kuphatikiza kwa anthu awulumali ndi omwe alibe ulumali + +",sports,online news +en11624,"When such integration happens, many myths and prejudices are dispelled and barriers to inclusion pushed aside","Kuphatikizika koteroko kukachitika, nthano zambiri ndi tsankho zimathetsedwa ndipo zolepheretsa kuphatikizidwa zimaikidwa kumbali +",sports,online news +en11625,"Because of their ability to bring people together, stimulate confidence and teamwork, and attract public and media attention, sports programs serve as a useful tool for promoting social or policy change","Chifukwa cha kuthekera kwawo kobweretsa anthu pamodzi, kulimbikitsa kudalirana ndi kugwirira ntchito limodzi, komanso kukopa chidwi cha anthu ndi atolankhani, ntchito zamasewera zimakhala ngati chida chothandizira kulimbikitsa kusintha kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu kapena mfundo. +",sports,online news +en11626,"Disadvantaged groups, such as women or persons with disabilities, may have their first opportunity to gather","Magulu ovutika, monga amayi kapena anthu olumala, akhoza kukhala ndi mwayi wawo woyamba kusonkhana +",sports,online news +en11627,"organize around sports events. Sport can help people find a voice, both individually and collectively, that they then use to bring about change in their own lives and communities","konzekerani kukhala nawo pazochitika zamasewera. Masewera atha kuthandiza anthu kukhala ndi mawu, aliyense payekhapayekha komanso palimodzi, omwe amawagwiritsa ntchito kubweretsa kusintha m'miyoyo yawo komanso madera awo. +",sports,online news +en11628,"In Egypt, Save the Children uses team sports, in addition to reproductive health and literacy training, to build girls’ confidence and sense of opportunity so that they are better able to delay marriage until they are more mature","Ku Egypt, bungwe la Save the Children limagwiritsa ntchito masewera amagulu, kuphatikiza pa maphunziro a uchembere wabwino ndi kuwerenga, kulimbitsa kudzikhulupilira kwa atsikana komanso kukhala ndi mwayi kuti athe kuchedwa kulowa m'banja mpaka atakhwima. +",sports,online news +en11629,"Awareness Raising and Education: One of the most common uses of sport in the development arena is as a forum for conveying educational, public health, safety, environmental, or other messages","Kupititsa patsogolo Chidziwitso ndi Maphunziro: Chimodzi mwazinthu zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri pamasewera m'bwalo lachitukuko ndi ngati bwalo loperekera mauthenga a maphunziro, thanzi la anthu, chitetezo, chilengedwe, kapena mauthenga ena. +",sports,online news +en11630,"Sport may also be used to foster individual development and learning. Sports events may act as a magnet, drawing in people who can then be engaged in education sessions before or after an event","Masewera atha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha munthu payekha komanso kuphunzira. Zochitika zamasewera zitha kukhala zokopa anthu, zomwe zimakopa anthu omwe amatha kuchita nawo maphunziro asanachitike kapena pambuyo pake +",sports,online news +en11631,"In some cases, learning and information sharing are interwoven with sports activities themselves. Celebrity athletes, coaches, teammates, or other respected individuals may act as spokespeople to increase the receptiveness of the audience","Nthawi zina, kuphunzira ndi kugawana zidziwitso kumalumikizidwa ndi zochitika zamasewera. Othamanga otchuka, makochi, anzawo a timu, kapena anthu ena olemekezeka atha kukhala olankhulira kuti awonjezere chidwi cha omvera. +",sports,online news +en11632,"Through this program, a professional coach integrates HIV/AIDS prevention, family planning, and health messages into soccer training and competitions","Kudzera mu ntchitoyi, mphunzitsi waluso amaphatikiza kupewa HIV/Edzi, kulera, ndi mauthenga aumoyo pamaphunziro a mpira ndi mpikisano. +",sports,online news +en11633,"Trevor Dudley in Uganda created a sports league that teaches children to play hard, work as a team, and set goals. The purpose of the project is to provide children with an alternative learning environment to that found in the schools, here rote memorization is the standard","Trevor Dudley wa ku Uganda anayambitsa mpikisano wa zamasewera omwe limaphunzitsa ana kusewera molimbika, kugwira ntchito limodzi, komanso kukhala ndi zolinga. Cholinga cha ntchitoyi ndikupatsa ana malo ena ophunzirira kuposa omwe amapezeka m'masukulu, apa kuloweza pamtima ndiye muyezo. +",sports,online news +en11634,"Economic Development: Although it is an area that requires more attention and research, there is already plenty of evidence that sport can be used to spur economic development","Chitukuko Pachuma: Ngakhale ndi gawo lomwe likufunika chidwi komanso kafukufuku wambiri, pali umboni wochuluka wosonyeza kuti masewera angagwiritsidwe ntchito kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha zachuma. +",sports,online news +en11635,The construction and rehabilitation of sports facilities and development of sport for entertainment create employment and marketing opportunities,"Kumanga ndi kukonzanso malo ochitira masewera ndi chitukuko cha masewera osangalatsa kumabweretsa mwayi wopeza ntchito ndi malonda +",sports,online news +en11636,"The manufacturing of sports equipment also serves as a source of jobs. Furthermore, sports programs can be used as a training ground for a new work force, teaching skills that make young people more employable and productive","Kupanga zida zopangira masewera kumagwiranso ntchito ngati magwero a ntchito. Kuphatikiza apo, ntchito zamasewera zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati malo ophunzitsira antchito atsopano, luso lophunzitsa lomwe limapangitsa achinyamata kukhala olembedwa ntchito komanso kuchita bwino.",sports,online news +en11637,The International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Youth Sports Programme works in partnership with governments and the sports sector to support the skills building and employment of young people,"Bungwe la International Labour Organisation (ILO) pa ntchito ya masewera a achinyamata limagwira ntchito mogwirizana ndi maboma ndi gawo lamasewera kuti lithandizire kukulitsa maluso ndi ntchito kwa achinyamata. + +",sports,online news +en11638,"Workshop participants planned joint activities that would contribute to economic development and youth employment, including some that link sports events to the promotion of tourism","Otenga nawo gawo pamisonkhanoyo adakonza zochitika zomwe zingathandize kukulitsa kwachuma ndi ntchito za achinyamata, kuphatikiza zina zomwe zimagwirizanitsa zochitika zamasewera ndikulimbikitsa zokopa alendo. +",sports,online news +en11639,The following issues merit particular consideration by donors and implementers alike as they work to build responsible and effective programs that harness the power of sport for development and peace,"Zinthu zotsatirazi zikuyenera kuganiziridwa makamaka ndi opereka ndalama ndi omwe akukwaniritsa zomwe akuchita pamene akuyesetsa kupanga ntchito zodalirika komanso zogwira mtima zomwe akugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamasewera pachitukuko ndi mtendere. +",sports,online news +en11640,Sport is a feel-good activity. Seeing children playing and enjoying themselves is heartwarming and tends to elicit positive responses from observers,"Masewero ndi zochitika zosangalatsa. Kuona ana akusewera ndi kusangalala paokha ndi zopatsa chimwemwe kwambiri ndipo zimapangitsa anthu owonera kulabadira +",sports,online news +en11641,"But the mere fact that a program utilizes sport as a tool, or that participants are having fun, does not mean that the program is effective or deserving of scarce resources","Koma kungoti ntchitoyi imagwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati chida, kapena kuti otenga nawo gawo akusangalala, sizitanthauza kuti ntchitoyi ndi yothandiza kapena yofunikira kuti ikhale ndi zofunikira zochepa. +",sports,online news +en11642,"Implementers and donors need to carefully examine sports programs as they do other development activities to ensure that they have clearly defined objectives and plans that will lead to the fulfillment of those objectives, that they are cost-effective, and that they adhere to the highest standards of development practice","Othandizira ndi opereka ndalama ayenera kuyang'anitsitsa ntchito zamasewera pamene akugwira ntchito zina zachitukuko kuti atsimikizire kuti ali ndi zolinga zomveka bwino zomwe zingathandize kukwaniritsa zolingazo, kuti zikhale zotsika mtengo, komanso kuti azitsatira mfundo zapamwamba kwambiri pa machitidwe a nkhani za chitukuko +",sports,online news +en11643,"Elite sports programs and athletes have an important role to play in the overall development of sport. They supply role models and generate media coverage and funds that can be used to spark interest in, and support for, sports programs at the recreational level","Ntchito zamasewera osankhika komanso othamanga ali ndi gawo lofunikira pakukula kwamasewera. Amapereka zitsanzo amatsogolera zofalitsa mawa ndi ndalama zomwe zingagwiritsidwe ntchito kuyambitsa chidwi, ndikuthandizira, ntchito zamasewera. +",sports,online news +en11644,"But because elite or highly competitive sport has high entertainment value, and potentially economic value, it can be tempting to focus resources exclusively on these athletes and events","Koma chifukwa masewera osankhika kapena opikisana kwambiri amakhala ndi zosangalatsa zambiri, komanso phindu lazachuma, zitha kukhala kupangitsa kuti zipangizo zonse zikhale kwa othamanga ndi zochitika izi. +",sports,online news +en11645,"National governments, even those with very limited funds, may invest significantly in elite athletes because of the prestige that comes from winning international competitions","Maboma adziko, ngakhale omwe ali ndi ndalama zochepa kwambiri, akhoza kuyika ndalama zambiri kwa othamanga apamwamba chifukwa cha kutchuka komwe kumabwera chifukwa chopambana mipikisano yapadziko lonse. +",sports,online news +en11646,"For all of these reasons, donors and implementers should be careful to maintain a balance between their support for elite and recreational sports programs and to ensure that, when they do support elite athletes, others are benefiting, too","Pazifukwa zonsezi, opereka ndalama ndi ogwiritsira ntchito ayenera kukhala osamala kuti azikhala ndi mgwirizano pakati pa chithandizo chawo cha masewera apamwamba ndi osangalatsa komanso kuonetsetsa kuti, pamene akuthandizira othamanga apamwamba, ena akupindulanso. +",sports,online news +en11647,"While sport has an almost unique capacity to bring people together, if not executed with great care, sports activities sometimes divide or exclude people","Ngakhale masewera ali ndi mphamvu zapadera zosonkhanitsa anthu, koma ngati sakuchitika mosamala kwambiri, masewerawa nthawi zina amagawanitsa kapena kupatula anthu. +",sports,online news +en11648,"Because they have had less exposure to sport and therefore lack experience or confidence, or because social or cultural stereotypes and assumptions inhibit them, some groups of people are unlikely to participate in sports activities unless an active effort is made to involve them","Chifukwa chakuti sakonda kwambiri zamasewera kotero kuti alibe chidziwitso kapena kudzidalira, kapena chifukwa chakuti malingaliro a chikhalidwe zimawalepheretsa, magulu ena a anthu sangathe kutenga nawo mbali m'masewera pokhapokha ngati atayesetsa kuti awalowetse.",sports,online news +en11649,"This tends to be especially true of women, girls, and persons with disabilities. In many places, ethnic, religious","izi zimakhala choncho makamaka kwa amayi, atsikana, ndi anthu awulumali. M’malo ambiri, mafuko, achipembedzo +",sports,online news +en11650,cultural divisions may also lead to the exclusion of some people from sport,kugawanikana kwa chikhalidwe kungapangitsenso kuti anthu ena asatengeke nawo mbali pamasewera,sports,online news +en11651,"Ensuring that sports programs are inclusive necessitates that implementers treat participation as a process, not simply a desired outcome","Kuwonetsetsa kuti ntchito zamasewera ndi zaaliyense kumapangitsa kuti oyambitsa azitha kutenga nawo mbali ngati njira, osati zotsatira zomwe akufuna. + +",sports,online news +en11652,"Program planning should involve all key stakeholders, including potential participants, and should specifically address how to encourage the participation of women, girls, people with disabilities, or others who might typically be marginalized","Kukonzekera kwa ntchito kuyenera kukhudza onse omwe akhudzidwa, kuphatikiza omwe akuyenera kutenga nawo mbali, ndipo awonetsetse momwe angalimbikitsire kutengapo gawo kwa amayi, atsikana, awulumali, kapena ena omwe nthawi zambiri amakhala oponderezedwa. +",sports,online news +en11653,"This means taking into account which activities would be most interesting and appropriate for various groups of people, what times and locations would be most convenient, what types of special equipment or assistance might be required, whether or not special or separate training might be needed, and how to reach out to potential participants and get them involved","Izi zikutanthawuza kuganizira za ntchito zomwe zingakhale zosangalatsa komanso zoyenera kwa magulu osiyanasiyana a anthu, nthawi ndi malo omwe angakhale abwino kwambiri, ndi mitundu yanji ya zida zapadera kapena thandizo lomwe lingafunike, kaya maphunziro apadera kapena osiyana angafunike, ndi momwe mungafikire anthu omwe angathe kutenga nawo mbali ndikuwatenga kuti atenge nawo mbali +",sports,online news +en11654,"Likewise, in monitoring and evaluating programs, it is important to examine the participation, or lack thereof, of various groups and identify any ways in which a program may be unintentionally excluding people or simply failing to encourage their inclusion","Momwemonso, poyang'anira ndikuwunika ntchito, ndikofunika kuunika momwe magulu osiyanasiyana akutengera nawo mbali, kapena kusatenga nawo, ndikuzindikira njira zilizonse zomwe ntchitoyi ingathe kusankhira anthu mosadziwa kapena kulephera kulimbikitsa kuwalowa kukhala nawo. +",sports,online news +en11655,"While one-time events or clinics may have spark interest in sport or raise awareness of an issue, it should not be assumed that such programs will have a significant long-term impact or that they will naturally lead to long-term programs","Ngakhale kuti zochitika za nthawi imodzi kapena zipatala zingabweletse chidwi ndi masewera kapena kudziwitsa anthu za vuto linalake, tisaganize kuti ntchito yoteroyi idzakhala ndi zotsatira za nthawi yaitali kapena kuti idzapangitsa ntchito ya nthawi yaitali. +",sports,online news +en11656,"For example, bringing in international athletes for a one-week exhibition tour may raise awareness and get some people interested in a sport, but without follow-up and assistance with building the capacity of local organizations to institute regular activities, the tour may have limited sustained impact","Mwachitsanzo, kubweretsa othamanga ochokera kumayiko ena kuti azachite nawo ulendo wachiwonetsero wa sabata imodzi kukhoza kudziwitsa anthu ena ndikupangitsa anthu ena kukhala ndi chidwi ndi masewera, koma popanda kulondoloza komanso kuthandizidwa ndikulimbikitsa mabungwe am'deralo kuti akhazikitse zochitika pafupipafupi, ulendowu ukhoza kukhala chikoka chokhazikika +",sports,online news +en11657,Even ongoing programs and activities may not be sustainable if they are not carefully planned with that intent in mind,"Ngakhale ntchito zomwe zikuchitika zomwe zikuchitika sizingakhale zokhazikika ngati sizinakonzedwe bwino ndi cholinga chimenecho +",sports,online news +en11658,"As with other types of development programs, sports programs are more likely to be sustained if the program design addresses issues such as which local actors will manage and implement programs, how to maintain participation levels, and how to ensure on-going funding","Mofanana ndi mitundu ina yachitukuko, ntchito zamasewera amakhala okhazikika ngati makonzedwe a ntchitoyi athana ndi zinthu monga zomwe ochita m'deralo adzayendetse ndikukhazikitsa ntchitoyi, momwe angapitirizire kutenga nawo mbali, komanso momwe angathandizire kuti ndalama zipitirire kupezeka. +",sports,online news +en11659,"Some programs are not meant to be sustainable; they are instituted to provide some particular service or benefit only on a short-term basis. For example, an organization might establish a recreational sports program at a refugee camp to provide youth some level of normalcy in the midst of a chaotic situation","Ntchito zina sizimayenera kukhala zokhazikika; amakhazikitsidwa kuti apereke ntchito inayake kapena kupindula kwakanthawi kochepa. Mwachitsanzo, bungwe likhoza kukhazikitsa maseŵera osangalatsa kumsasa wa anthu othawa kwawo kuti athandize achinyamata kukhala ndi moyo wabwino pa nthawi yachisokonezo. +",sports,online news +en11660,"When people return home and the camp is closed, the sports program may also end. Even if a program such as this is not sustainable, though, there may be certain elements that could be sustained","Pamene anthu akubwerera kunyumba ndipo msasa watsekedwa, ntchito yamasewera ikhoza kuthanso monga ntchitoyi si yokhazikika, komabe, pangakhale zinthu zina zomwe zingapitirire +",sports,online news +en11661,"For example, coaches and referees might be trained and provided with basic equipment and support so that they can continue to organize activities after returning home","Mwachitsanzo, aphunzitsi ndi woyimbira masewera amatha kuphunzitsidwa ndikupatsidwa zida zofunika komanso chithandizo kuti athe kukapitiliza kupangitsa zochitika akabwerera kwawo. +",sports,online news +en11662,"At the very least, implementers should anticipate that some benefits of a sports program might have a lasting impact on the attitudes and practices of individual participants","Mosachepera chilichonse, oyambitsa ayenera kuyembekezera kuti zopindulitsa zina za ntchito yamasewera zitha kukhudza kwambiri malingaliro ndi machitidwe a omwe akutenga nawo mbali. +",sports,online news +en11663,"In designing programs, implementers should look for ways to help participants retain the benefits of their involvement and maintain healthy habits","Popanga ntchitoyi, oyambitsa ayenera kuyang'ana njira zothandizira ophunzira kuti asunge ubwino wa kutenga nawo mbali komanso kukhala ndi makhalidwe abwino. +",sports,online news +en11664,"Sometimes sports officials or participants hope that international donors will simply buy them new uniforms, shoes, and equipment—or renovate their facilities—and leave","Nthaŵi zina akuluakulu a zamaseŵera kapena otenga nawo mbali amayembekezera kuti opereka ndalama ochokera m’mayiko ena adzangowagulira makaka atsopano, nsapato, ndi zipangizo zatsopano—kapena kukonzanso malo awo—ndi kuwasiya. +",sports,online news +en11665,"While equipment and facilities are often desperately needed, and while it may occasionally be the case that such material support is all that is required to stimulate participation in sport, donors and implementers should be very cautious about simply providing material support and walking away","Ngakhale zida ndi zipangizo zimafunikira kwambiri, ndipo ngakhale nthawi zina zitha kukhala kuti thandizo la zinthu zotere ndizomwe zimafunikira kulimbikitsa kutenga nawo gawo pamasewera, opereka ndalama ndi omwe akuwyendetsa ntchito akuyenera kusamala kwambiri pakungopereka chithandizo chazipangizo ndikuchokapo. +",sports,online news +en11666,"If not incorporated into a broader strategy for increasing participation and for leveraging sport for particular ends, the provision of material support can end up being a waste of money, or worse still, creating harmful dynamics","Ngati sichiphatikizidwe munjira yokulirapo kutenga nawo mbali komanso kulimbikitsa masewera kuti akwaniritse zolinga zinazake, kupereka chithandizo chazipangizo kumatha kukhala kuwononga ndalama, kapena choyipitsitsa, kupangitsa mphamvu zowononga zinthu. +",sports,online news +en11667,Equipment may disappear into the hands of a few individuals or be sold on the open market. Facilities may be commandeered by a powerful few and unavailable to those people who lack political or financial influence,"Zipangizo zimatha kuthera m'manja mwa anthu ochepa kapena kugulitsidwa pamsika. Zothandizira zitha kulamulidwa ndi ochepa amene ali ndim phamvu koma osafikira kwa anthu omwe alibe mphamvu pandale kapena pachuma +",sports,online news +en11668,"To avoid such outcomes is not entirely easy and it requires that stakeholders (including participants) be fully aware of, engaged in, and invested in the broader program strategy","Kupewa zotsatirazi ndikosavuta kwenikweni ndipo pamafunika kuti okhudzidwa kuphatikiza omwe akutenga nawo mbali adziwe bwino, kutenga nawo mbali, ndikuyika ndalama zawo munjira zambiri za ntchitoyi. +",sports,online news +en11669,Implementers/ donors have a special responsibility to ensure that less powerful or traditionally marginalized people participate and have access to donated resources,"Othandizira/opereka ndalama ali ndi udindo wapadera wowonetsetsa kuti anthu omwe ali ndi mphamvu zochepa kapena oponderezedwa akutenga nawo mbali ndikukhala ndi mwayi wopeza zothandizira. +",sports,online news +en11670,Sports programs are vulnerable to abuse by people who see an influx of resources as an opportunity to improve their own financial situations,"Ntchito zamasewera zili pachiwopsezo cha kuzunzidwa ndi anthu omwe amawona kuchuluka kwazinthu ngati mwayi azilemeletsa pa moyo wawo wazachuma +",sports,online news +en11671,"To discourage corruption, programs should be carefully planned with all key stakeholders and maximum transparency should be maintained throughout the process","Pofuna kuchepetsa ziphuphu, ntchitozi zikuyenera kukonzedwa mosamala ndi onse okhudzidwa ndipo chilungamo chikuyenera kuchitika nthawi zonse +",sports,online news +en11672,"Budgets should be detailed and clearly tied to programmatic objectives. In some cases it may be prudent to provide only in-kind support, rather than direct grants","Ndondomeko ya zachuma ikuyenera kufotokozedwa mwatsatanetsatane ndikugwirizana bwino ndi zolinga ntchitoyi. Nthaŵi zina kungakhale kwanzeru kupereka chithandizo chazipangizo zokha, m’malo mopereka ndalama +",sports,online news +en11673,Rigorous monitoring is necessary to ensure that funds and materials are being used as planned. Any hint of corruption should be investigated and addressed immediately,"Kuyang'anira mozama ndikofunikira kuti ndalama ndi zida zigwiritsidwe ntchito monga momwe anakonzera. Malingaliro aliwonse achinyengo ayenera kufufuzidwa ndikuthana nazo mwachangu +",sports,online news +en11674,"For its many positive effects, sport also has the capacity to become a magnet for negative social behaviors, as well","Chifukwa cha zabwino zambiri, masewera amathanso kukhala okopa a makhalidwe oipaso +",sports,online news +en11675,"Highly competitive athletes sometimes turn to performance enhancing drugs, a practice that must be prevented and punished with strict rules and clear consequences","Othamanga omwe amapikisana kwambiri nthawi zina amayamba kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala owonjezera mphamvu, mchitidwe umene ukuyenera kupewedwa ndikupatsidwa chilango ndi malamulo okhwima ndi zotsatira zake. +",sports,online news +en11676,"Although they can be a forum for reconciliation and peace building, sporting events can also become a venue for violence and team rivalries can end up reinforcing social divisions","Ngakhale kuti atha kukhala malo woyanjanitsirana komanso kukhazikitsa mtendere, zochitika zamasewera zitha kukhalanso malo kumene kumene kumachitika chiwawa ndipo mikangano yamagulu imatha kulimbikitsa kugawanikana. +",sports,online news +en11677,"Programs need to be designed in such a way that activities are carried out on neutral ground, either geographically location or through the types of activities selected","Ntchito zikuyenera kupangidwa m'njira yoti zinthu zizichitika popanda kulowerera ndale, kaya ndi malo kapena kudzera mumitundu yazinthu zomwe zasankhidwa. +",sports,online news +en11678,"While it is usually relatively manageable to report on simple outputs like the number of events conducted, materials produced, or participants involved, measuring the impact of such programs on individuals and society usually proves to be far more difficult","Ngakhale kuti nthawi zambiri zimakhala zosavuta kupereka lipoti pazotsatira zosavuta monga kuchuluka kwa zochitika zomwe zachitika, zida zimene zapangidwa, kapena omwe atenga nawo mbali, kuyesa kukhudza kwa ntchito pa anthu nthawi zambiri kumakhala kovuta kwambiri.",sports,online news +en11679,"Dozens of organizations and programs around the world have tapped into the power of sport to promote development and peace. Until very recently, though, such projects have tended to be sporadic and isolated","Mabungwe ambiri ndi ntchito zambiripadziko lonse lapansi agwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamasewera pofuna kulimbikitsa chitukuko ndi mtendere. Komabe, kufikira posachedwapa, ntchito zoterozi zakhala zikuchitika apa ndi apo ndipo sizikhala zachilendo + +",sports,online news +en11680,"Over the past of the past few years, a movement has been building at the international level in support of sport for development and peace, bringing with it an unprecedented level of focus, coordination, and strategic thinking","M'zaka zingapo zapitazi, gulu lakhala likuchitika padziko lonse lapansi kuti lithandizire kutukula masewera ndi mtendere, zomwe zikubweretsa chidwi, mgwirizano, komanso kuganiza mwanzeru zomwe sizinachitikepo. +",sports,online news +en11681,The next step in this growth process is to fully link the movement taking place at the international level with practitioners and programs in the field—and to connect these actors on the ground with one another,"Chotsatira chotsatira pakukula uku ndikugwirizanitsa kwathunthu kayendetsedwe ka zochitikazi pa dziko lonse la pansi ndi akadaulo ndi ntchito ku gawoli- komanso kulumikizitsa otenga nawo +",sports,online news +en11682,"At the same time, there also remains significant work to be done to bring the worlds of sport and development together, to help each understand the mutual benefits of this relationship","Panthawi yomweyi, palinso ntchito yaikulu yoti ichitike kuti abweretse zamasewera ndi chitukuko pamodzi, kuthandiza aliyense kumvetsetsa ubwino wa ubalewu. +",sports,online news +en11683,"Finally, there is also room to work with private sector entities to bring them into partnerships that use sport to promote","Pomaliza, palinso mwayi wogwira ntchito ndi mabungwe amene Sali aboma kuti awabweretse mumgwirizano womwe umagwiritsa ntchito masewera kulimbikitsa. +",sports,online news +en11684,development and peace,"chitukuko ndi mtendere +",sports,online news +en11685,"While sports programs differ according to their objectives, they may also differ in approach. The following are some of the many ways in which organizations might choose to get involved in sports related programming","Ngakhale kuti ntchito zamasewera zimasiyana malinga ndi zolinga zawo, amathanso kusiyana ndi mmene amazipangira. Zotsatirazi ndi zina mwa njira zambiri zomwe mabungwe angasankhe kuchita nawo ntchito okhudzana ndi masewera +",sports,online news +en11686,"Successful sports development depends largely on effective partnership working between national governing bodies, local authorities, local sports clubs, local sport councils, land and venue owners as well as primary and tertiary educational institutions","Kutukuka bwino kwamasewera kumadalira kwambiri mgwirizano wogwira ntchito pakati pa mabungwe olamulira am’dzikolo, olamulira am'deralo, makalabu ampira omwe amasewera am'deralo, makonsolo amasewera am'deralo, eni malo ndi malo ochititsa masewera komanso masukulu apulaimale ndi awukachenjede. +",sports,online news +en11687,"Sports development initiatives may include creating or strengthening: opportunities to participate in sport, volunteer, coaching and coach education frameworks, school and community engagement programmes, projects targeting specific demographics, event management and fundraising strategies, entry level to elite performance pathways","Ntchito zachitukuko zamasewera zingaphatikizepo kupanga kapena kulimbikitsa: mwayi wochita nawo masewera, kudzipereka, kuphunzitsa ndi ndondomeko zophunzitsira aphunzitsi, ntchito za sukulu ndi anthu ammudzi, ntchito zokhudzana ndi chiwerengero cha anthu, kayendetsedwe ka zochitika ndi njira zopezera ndalama, mlingo wolowera kuchita kopambana. +",sports,online news +en11688,A tattered ball sails off the school football field. The game pauses; team captain Dima stops and strains his ears,"Mpira wong'ambika watuluka pa bwalo la mpira lasukulu. Masewera ayima; wotsogolera osewera anzake wa timu Dima anayima ndikutseka makutu ake +",sports,online news +en11689,"They are shelling again,” says the 14-year-old, motioning towards the sound of mortar explosions and machine guns firing somewhere on the horizon. The ball is quickly thrown back into play and the game goes on","Akuponyanso zipolopolo,” akutero mwana wazaka khumi ndi zinayi zakubadwayo, akulozera kumene kukuchoka phokoso la zophulika ndi mfuti zikuwombera penapake m’chizimezime. Mpirawo waponyedwanso mwachangu ndikuyamba kusewera ndipo masewera akupitilira +",sports,online news +en11690,"After four years of conflict, the sounds of war have become an all too familiar feature of childhood in Ukraine, not even remarkable enough to stop the players’ focused efforts","Pambuyo pa zaka zinayi za nkhondo, phokoso la nkhondo lakhala lodziwika bwino kwambiri paumwana ku Ukraine, osati zodabwitsa osalepheretsa kusewera. +",sports,online news +en11691,"We’re used to it,” comments Dima’s best friend, Ilia, 15, a serious boy. He adds that a bomb had recently exploded next to his house during heavy shelling. “Since the war broke out, it’s always like this","Tinazolowera, ""atero bwenzi lapamtima la Dima, Ilia, wazaka khumi ndi zisanu, mnyamata wachidwi kwambiri. Ananenanso kuti bomba lina linaphulikira posachedwapa pafupi ndi nyumba yakwawo pamene anawombelana kwambiri. “Kuyambira pomwe nkhondo idayamba, zinthu zakhala chonchi +",sports,online news +en11692,"Every evening, around five boys and one girl, aged 8 to 15, meet on the outskirts of Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, to play football. Their fans are their brothers, sisters and other younger children from the area","Madzulo aliwonse, pafupifupi anyamata asanu ndi mtsikana mmodzi, wazaka zisanu ndi zitatu mpaka khumi ndi zisanu, amakumana kunja kwa mzinda wa Donetsk, kum’maŵa kwa Ukraine, kukaseŵera mpira. Otsatira awo ndi abale awo, alongo ndi ana ena aang'ono ochokera kuderali +",sports,online news +en11693,"The field is one of the few places they can escape what’s happening around them, though the scars of war are pervasive: the walls of their nearby school bear the damage of shells that exploded here in 2015","Malowa ndi amodzi mwa malo ochepa omwe angathawe zomwe zikuchitika, ngakhale zipsera zankhondo zikufalikira: makoma a sukulu yawo yapafupi ndiwonongeka kwa zipolopolo zomwe zidaphulika pano mu 2015",sports,online news +en11694,"The children and their families live in an area known as Adminvillage, just a few kilometers from the ‘contact line’, a 500-kilometre strip of land that divides government and non-government-controlled areas. This is where fighting is the most severe","Anawa ndi mabanja awo amakhala m’dera lomwe limadziwika kuti Adminvillage, omwe uli pamtunda wa makilomita ochepa chabe kuchokera pa ‘malire’, malo okwana makilomita 500 omwe amagawanitsa madera olamulidwa ndi boma komanso omwe si aboma. Apa ndi pamene kumenyana kuli koopsa kwambiri + +",sports,online news +en11695,"Every week, a child is injured or killed on both sides of the contact line, according to data from 2017. Landmines, explosive remnants of war and unexploded ordnance are the leading cause of these child casualties. Many victims will live with lifelong disabilities","Sabata ili yonse, mwana amavulala kapena kuphedwa kumbali zonse pa malirepa, malinga ndi uthenga wochokera mu chaka cha 2017. Mabomba apansi, zotsalira zida zankhondo zophulika ndi zida zosaphulika ndizo zomwe zimayambitsa kuvulala kwa ana awa. Okhudzidwa ambiri adzakhala ndi zilema za moyo wawo wonse +",sports,online news +en11696,"Though Dima’s team is safe on their field, other children in Ukraine with a passion for football aren’t so fortunate. Landmines pollute many of the open spaces where children play, putting about 220,000 children at risk","Ngakhale gulu la Dima ndi lotetezeka pabwalo lawo, ana ena ku Ukraine omwe amakonda mpira alibe mwayi. Mabomba okwilirika amawononga malo ambiri omwe anawa amasewerera, zomwe zikuyika ana pafupifupi 220,000 pachiwopsezo. +",sports,online news +en11697,"Dima, 14 years old, dreamed of becoming a professional football player, but the conflict destroyed his plans. “I was attending a sports school for several years,” he says","Dima, zaka khumi ndi zinayi, ankafuna kukhala katswiri wosewera mpira, koma mkangano wunaononga zolinga zake. Iye anati: “Ndinkaphunzira kusukulu ya zamasewera kwa zaka zingapo +",sports,online news +en11698,"“I had to study one more year and then I would have a chance to enter the football academy of Shakhtar Donetsk FC. Then the war began, and we had to move to another city with my mom because of the shooting","""Ndinayenera kuphunziranso chaka chimodzi kenako ndikadakhala ndi mwayi wolowa nawo kusukulu ya mpira ku Shakhtar Donetsk FC. Kenako nkhondo inayamba, ndipo tinayenera kusamukira mumzinda wina limodzi ndi mayi anga chifukwa cha kuwombelanako +",sports,online news +en11699,"Then the war began, and me and my mom had to move to another city because of the shelling.” His mom works as a tram ticket collector","Kenako nkhondo inayamba, ndipo ine ndi amayi tinasamukira ku mzinda wina chifukwa cha zipolopolozo.” Amayi ake amagwira ntchito yotolera matikiti a sitima +",sports,online news +en11700,"The academy has now closed. “It’s been a while since then,” he says, sadly. “Now, football is simply a hobby for me.” He shows his passion on the field and as an avid supporter of FC Barcelona, a loyalty shared with most of his friends","Sukuluyi tsopano inatsekedwa. ""Pakhala nthawi yayitali kuchokera pamenepo,"" akutero, mwachisoni. ""Tsopano, mpira ndi chinthu chosangalatsa chabe kwa ine."" Amasonyeza chilakolako chake pa malo osewelera mpira komanso monga wotsatira timu FC Barcelona, kukhulupirika komwe kulipo iye ndi anzake ambiri +",sports,online news +en11701,"UNICEF also repairs damaged schools and kindergartens and distributes vital supplies, such as educational materials, furniture and sport equipment","Bungwe la UNICEF limakonzanso masukulu owonongeka ndi sukulu za ana ndikugawa zinthu zofunika, monga zida zophunzitsira, mipando ndi zida zamasewera. +",sports,online news +en11702,Children who play football together on the outskirts of Donetsk are all of different ages and from different grades. They met and became friends at the football field near their school,"Ana amene amasewera mpira pamodzi kunja kwa mzinda wa Donetsk onse ndi amisinkhu yosiyana komanso ochokera makalasi osiyanasiyana. Anakumana ndikukhala abwenzi pabwalo la mpira pafupi ndi sukulu yawo +",sports,online news +en11703,"On the field, Zhenia, the team’s female player, throws the ball back to her teammates. Her younger brother, 5 years old, is her most devoted fan. He comes to watch her play every evening. “What a trick!” he shouts","Pabwalo losewera mpira, Zhenia, wosewera wamkazi wa timuyi, akuponya mpira kwa anzake. Mchimwene wake wamng'ono, wazaka zisanu, ndi amene amamukonda kwambiri. Amabwera kudzamuwonelera akusewera madzulo aliwonse. ""Ndi njomba yanji!"" akufuula +",sports,online news +en11704,"Zhenia is 15. She has brought the ball today, which belongs to her older brother. He lives on the other side of the contact line. Although travel across the line is possible, it is riddled with checkpoints and long lines","Zhenia ali ndi zaka khumi ndi zisanu. Wabweretsa mpira lero, womwe ndi wa mchimwene wake wamkulu. Amakhala mbali ina ya mzere wa malirewo. Ngakhale kuyenda kudutsa mzerewu ndi kotheka, kumakhala kodzaza ndi moima mwambiri ndi mizere yayitali +",sports,online news +en11705,"The children play for several hours straight, splitting into small teams of three or four. It seems nothing can stop them. When thunderstorms and rain arrive, they simply take their sneakers off","Ana amasewera kwa maola angapo mosalekeza, akugawanika m'magulu ang'onoang'ono a atatu kapena anayi. Zikuwoneka kuti palibe chomwe chingawaletse. Mphepo yamkuntho ndi mvula zikafika, amangovula nsapato zawo +",sports,online news +en11706,"But the shelling starts getting louder. Caregivers like Dima’s grandmother, 67-year-old Liudmyla, begin arriving to escort the children home","Koma kuwombelana kukulirakulira. Osamalira ngati agogo a Dima, a Liudmyla wazaka makuni asanu ndi limodzi zisanu ndi ziwiri, akuyamba kufika kuti aziperekeza anawo kunyumba. +",sports,online news +en11707,"Dima’s life could have been completely different. He could have become a football player. But now all he sees around him is this small village, shelling and the war. Football is his only escape","Moyo wa Dima ukanakhala wosiyana kwambiri. Akadakhala wosewera mpira. Koma tsopano zonse zimene amaona pozungulra iye ndi mudzi waung’ono uwu, zipolopolo ndi nkhondo. Mpira ndi pothawira pake",sports,online news +en11708,"Millions of children are on the move. Some are driven from their homes by conflict, poverty or climate change; others leave in the hope of finding a better life","Ana zikwi zikwi ambiri akusuthidwa. Ena amathamangitsidwa m’nyumba zawo chifukwa cha mikanganoyo, umphaŵi kapena kusintha kwa nyengo; ena amachoka ali ndi chiyembekezo chopeza moyo wabwino + +",sports,online news +en11709,"Far too many encounter danger, detention, deprivation and discrimination on their journeys, at destination or upon return","Ambiri amakumana ndi zoopsa, kutsekeredwa m'ndende, kulandidwa komanso kusalidwa paulendo wawo, komwe akupita kapena pobwerera. +",sports,online news +en11710,"It doesn’t have to be this way. The suffering and exclusion of migrant and displaced children is not only unacceptable, but also preventable","Izi siziyenera kukhala chonchi. Kuzunzika ndi kuchotsedwa kwa ana othawa kwawo ndi othawa kwawo sikuli kovomerezeka, komanso kupeweka +",sports,online news +en11711,"A child is a child, no matter why she leaves home, where she comes from, where she is, or how she got there. Every child has the right to protection, care and all the support and services they need to thrive","Mwana ndi mwana, ziribe kanthu chifukwa chimene wachokera kunyumba, kumene wachokera, kumene iye ali, kapena mmene iye anafikira kumeneko. Mwana aliyense ali ndi ufulu wotetezedwa, kusamalidwa ndi chithandizo chonse chomwe akufunikira kuti achite bwino +",sports,online news +en11712,"Yet, too often migrant and displaced children face numerous challenges in transit, at destination and upon return, often because they have few – or no – options to move through safe and regular pathways whether on their own or with their families","Komabe, nthawi zambiri ana othawa kwawo komanso othawa kwawo amakumana ndi zovuta zambiri paulendo, popita komanso pobwerera, nthawi zambiri chifukwa amakhala njira zochepa - kapena opanda njira ina iliyonse- zomwe angasankhe kuti adutse njira zotetezeka komanso zanthawi zonse, kaya pawokha kapena ndi mabanja awo. +",sports,online news +en11713,"They may be forced into child labour, pressed into early marriage, exposed to aggravated smuggling, subjected to human trafficking, and put at risk of violence and exploitation","Atha kukakamizidwa kulowa ntchito ya ali ana, kukakamizidwa kulowa m'banja ali adakali aang'ono, kukumana ndi anthu ozembetsa monyanyira, kuzembetsedwa ndi anthu, komanso kukhala pachiwopsezo cha chiwawa ndi kudyeredwa masuku pamutu. +",sports,online news +en11714,"They often miss out on education and proper medical care, and don’t find it easy to feel at home in the communities they arrive in; trying to learn a new language and fit into a new culture can make things especially hard","Kaŵirikaŵiri samaphunzira komanso kusowa chisamaliro choyenera chamankhwala, ndipo samachipeza kukhala chosavuta kukhala bwino m’madera limene afikira; kuyesera kuphunzira chiyakhulo chatsopano ndi kulowa mu chikhalidwe chatsopano kungoza kupangitsa zinthu kukhala zovuta kwambiri +",sports,online news +en11715,These difficulties have lasting physical and psychological effects and can prevent children on the move from reaching their full potential. The challenges were compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic,"Zovutazi zimakhala ndi zotsatira zokhalitsa zakuthupi ndi zamaganizo ndipo zimatha kulepheretsa ana omwe ali paulendo kuti akwaniritse zomwe angathe. Mavutowa adakulitsidwa ndi mliri wa COVID-19 +",sports,online news +en11716,Children should be safe from violence and be able to grow up with their families. They shouldn’t have to miss school or be scared to visit the doctor,"Ana ayenera kukhala otetezedwa ku nkhanza komanso kuti akule ndi mabanja awo. Sakuyenera kusiya kupita kusukulu kapena kuchita mantha kupita kwa dokotala +",sports,online news +en11717,They shouldn’t be discriminated against because of where they come from. They should be able to feel at home – wherever they find themselves and wherever home is,"Asamasalidwe chifukwa cha komwe akuchokera. Ayenera kukhala omasuka - kulikonse komwe angapezeke komanso kulikonse komwe kuli kwawo +",sports,online news +en11718,"UNICEF works around the world to help protect the rights of migrant and displaced children. We provide life-saving humanitarian supplies in refugee camps. We run child-friendly spaces – safe places where children on the move can play, where mothers can rest and feed their babies in private, where separated families can reunite","Bungwe la UNICEF likugwira ntchito padziko lonse lapansi kuti liteteze ufulu wa ana osamutsidwa kwawo komanso othawa kwawo. Timapereka zothandizira pa umoyo m'misasa ya anthu othawa kwawo. Timayendetsa malo abwino kwa ana - malo otetezeka kumene ana amene ali paulendo amatha kusewera, kumene amayi amatha kupuma ndi kudyetsa ana awo mwamseri, kumene mabanja olekanitsidwa amakumananso. +",sports,online news +en11719,"UNICEF also collects, analyses and disseminates data and gathers evidence about the situation and individual experiences of children and young people on the move","Bungwe la UNICEF limasonkhanitsanso, kusanthula ndi kufalitsa uthenga komanso kusonkhanitsa umboni wokhudzana ndi momwe zinthu zilili komanso zochitika za ana ndi achinyamata omwe ali paulendo. +",sports,online news +en11720,We help keep families together. We work to end child immigration detention by helping governments put in place alternative community- and family-based solutions,"Timathandiza kuti mabanja azikhala pamodzi. Tikuyesetsa kuthetsa kutsekeredwa kwa ana obwera kuchokera kumayiko ena pothandiza maboma kukhazikitsa njira zina kupanga malo ena komanso mayakho oyenera mabanja. +",sports,online news +en11721,"We work with governments, the private sector and civil society. We empower children and youth on the move with cutting-edge solutions, partnering with them and making their voices heard","Timagwira ntchito ndi maboma, mabungwe omwe si aboma komanso mabungwe oima pawokha. Timalimbikitsa ana ndi achinyamata amene ali paulendo ndi njira zothetsera mavuto, kuyanjana nawo ndi kupanga kuti mawu awo amveke +",sports,online news +en11722,"The climate is changing everywhere, but uprooted children and young people – whether living in protracted displacement, refugee camps, urban slums or bustling mega cities – are among the most exposed to its impacts, with the least access to essential services to build resilience","Nyengo ikusintha kulikonse, koma ana ndi achinyamata omwe achotsedwa - kaya akukhala m'malo othawa kwawo, m'misasa ya anthu othawa kwawo, m'midzi kapena m'mizinda ikuluikulu yomwe ili ndi anthu ambiri - ndi ena mwa omwe akhudzidwa kwambiri ndi zovuta zake, osapeza mwayi wopeza chithandizo chofunikira kuti akhale ndi moyo wabwino. +",sports,online news +en11723,"Strengthening services and systems for children and young people who move, and ensuring safe migration is an option for children and young people affected by climate change, is essential","Kulimbikitsa ntchito ndi mchitidwe wa ana ndi achinyamata omwe akusutha, ndikuwonetsetsa kuti kusamuka kotetezeka ndi njira kwa ana ndi achinyamata omwe akukhudzidwa ndi kusintha kwa nyengo, ndikofunikira. +",sports,online news +en11724,"After all, safe and productive migration can be an important strategy in helping young people adapt. It is also critical that action is taken to minimize the risk of climate-related displacement, including by reducing global emissions and including children and young people on the move in resilience building efforts","Kupatula apo, kusamuka kotetezeka komanso kopindulitsa kungakhale njira yofunikira pothandizira achinyamata kuzolowera. Ndikofunikiranso kuti achitepo kanthu pofuna kuchepetsa chiopsezo cha kusamuka chifukwa cha nyengo, kuphatikizapo kuchepetsa mpweya woipa padziko lonse lapansi komanso kuphatikizapo ana ndi achinyamata omwe akuyenda pa ntchito zokhozanso njira zamakhalidwe abwino.",sports,online news +en11725,But children should not be viewed as passive bystanders in tackling these challenges. Children and young people uprooted can also be key agents for change,"Koma ana sayenera kuonedwa ngati ongoyang’ana chabe pothana ndi mavuto amenewa. Ana ndi achinyamata omwe achotsedwa kwawo athanso kukhala othandizira pakusintha kwa zinthu + +",sports,online news +en11726,"They have critical skills, experiences and ideas we need to better mitigate and adapt to climate change and must be partners in shaping solutions","Ali ndi maluso ofunikira, zokumana nazo ndi malingaliro omwe tikufunikira kuti tichepetse bwino ndikuthana ndi kusintha kwanyengo ndipo ayenera kukhala ogwirizana nawo pakukonza njira zothetsera mavuto. +",sports,online news +en11727,"It is an opportunity to build on football’s powerful and influential reach and for football organizations to work together to become agents of change by aligning messaging, strategies and operations with the aspirations of the SDGs","Ndi mwayi wokhoza mphamvu za mpira wa miyendo komanso wokopa komanso kuti mabungwe ampira kuti agwire ntchito limodzi kuti akhale othandizira kusintha polumikizana ndi mauthenga, njira ndi machitidwe ndi zokhumba za SDGs. +",sports,online news +en11728,This initiative inspires and guides the world of football - from grassroots clubs and NGOs to professional leagues and international confederations - to build on existing sustainability approaches and to implement SDG-related strategies that lead to behavioural change,"Ntchito imeneyi imalimbikitsa ndi kutsogolera zampira - kuyambira m'makalabu an’gonoan’gono ndi mabungwe omwe siaboma mpaka akatswiri ochita masewera olimbitsa thupi komanso mabungwe apadziko lonse lapansi - kuti akhazikitse njira zomwe zilipo zokhazikika ndikukhazikitsa njira zokhudzana ndi SDG zomwe zimabweretsa kusintha kwamakhalidwe. +",sports,online news +en11729,"Organised sport has many psychological and social benefits for children – even more than the physical activity during play. Researchers think this is because children benefit from the social side of being in a team, and from the involvement of other children and adults","Masewera okonzedwa bwino ali ndi ubwino wambiri wokhudza maganizidwe ndi chikhalidwe cha ana - kuposa kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi panthawi yamasewera. Ofufuza akuganiza kuti izi ndi chifukwa chakuti ana amapindula ndi mbali ya chikhalidwe cha kukhala mu timu, komanso kutenga nawo mbali kwa ana ena ndi akuluakulu. +",sports,online news +en11730,"Sport isn't just a good way to keep children's bodies healthy, but it also has psychological benefits and teaches them important life skills too","Masewera si njira yokhayo yabwino yopangira matupi a ana kukhala athanzi, komanso zimapindula m'maganizo ndipo amawaphunzitsanso maluso ofunikira pamoyo. +",sports,online news +en11731,The benefits of participating in sport go beyond learning new physical skills. Sport helps children develop better ways to cope with the highs and lows of life,"Ubwino wochita nawo masewera umaposa kuphunzira maluso atsopano akuthupi. Masewera amathandiza ana kukhala ndi njira zabwino zothanirana ndi zovuta za moyo +",sports,online news +en11732,"When they're playing sport, sometimes they will win, while at other times they will lose. Being a good loser takes maturity and practice. Losing teaches children to overcome disappointment, cope with unpleasant experiences and is an important part of becoming resilient","Pamene akusewera masewera, nthawi zina amapambana, ndipo nthawi zina amalephera. Kukhala wolephera wabwino kumafuna kukhwima ndi kuyesera. Kulephera kumaphunzitsa ana kuthana ndi zokhumudwitsa, kulimbana ndi zomwe akumana nazo zosasangalatsa ndipo ndi gawo lofunika kwambiri la kukhala olimba mtima. +",sports,online news +en11733,Playing sport helps children learn to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a healthy way. It also helps children develop patience and understand that it can take a lot of practice to improve their skills,Kusewera masewera kumathandiza ana kuphunzira kuugwira mtima ndikuwongolera malingaliro olakwika m'njira yabwino. Zimathandizanso kuti ana akhale oleza mtima komanso kumvetsetsa kuti pamafunika kuyeselera kwambiri kuti asithe maluso awo,sports,online news +en11734,"Children can then apply skills like perseverance and resilience in other areas of their life, including in the classroom at school and with other non-sporting hobbies. What are the social benefits of participating in team sports?","Ana atha kugwiritsa ntchito maluso monga kulimbikira ndi kulimba mtima m'mbali zina za moyo wawo, kuphatikizapo m'kalasi kusukulu ndi zina zomwe sosangala zosakhala zamasewera. Kodi ubwino wochita nawo masewera amagulu ndi chani? + +",sports,online news +en11735,"Playing in a team helps children develop many of the social skills they will need throughout life. It teaches them to cooperate, be less selfish, and to listen to other children","Kusewera m’timu kumathandiza ana kukhala ndi maluso ambiri amene angawafunikire pamoyo wawo wonse. Zimawaphunzitsa kuchita zinthu mogwirizana, kuti asakhale odzikonda komanso kumvera ana anzawo +",sports,online news +en11736,It also gives children a sense of belonging. It helps them make new friends and builds their social circle outside school,"Zimapangitsanso ana kukhala ndi mtima wakuti ali wolandilidwa. Zimawathandiza kupanga abwenzi atsopano ndikulimbikitsa machezedwe awo kunja kwa sukulu +",sports,online news +en11737,"An important part of playing in a team is accepting discipline. Playing sport means children are expected to follow rules, accept decisions and understand that they could be penalized for bad behavior","Mbali yofunika kwambiri yosewera mu timu ndiyo kuvomereza kukhala ndi khalidwe. Kusewera masewera kumatanthauza kuti ana amayenera kutsatira malamulo, kuvomereza zisankho ndi kumvetsetsa kuti akhoza kulangidwa chifukwa chalidwe loipa +",sports,online news +en11738,"It teaches them to take directions from the coach, referees and other adults. Sport also teaches them about teamwork. Are there other benefits to participating in sport?","Zimawaphunzitsa kuti azimvera malangizo kuchokera kwa mphunzitsi, oyimbira masewera ndi akuluakulu ena. Masewera amawaphunzitsanso za ntchito yam’magulu. Kodi pali ubwino wina wochita nawo masewera? +",sports,online news +en11739,Physical activity has been shown to stimulate brain chemicals (called neurotransmitters) that make you feel better. Playing sport regularly improves children's overall emotional wellbeing,"Zochita zolimbitsa thupi zawonetsa kuti zimalimbikitsa mankhwala aumubongo omwe amakupangitsani kumva bwino. Kusewera masewera pafupipafupi kumapangitsa kuti ana azikhala ndi maganizo abwino +",sports,online news +en11740,"Research shows a link between playing sport and self-esteem in children. The support of the team, a kind word from a coach, or achieving their personal best will all help children feel more confident","Kafukufuku akuwonetsa kugwirizana pakati pa kusewera masewera ndi kudzidalira kwa ana. chithandizo cha gulu, mawu achikondi wochokera kwa mphunzitsi, kapena kukwaniritsa zomwe angakwanitse zidzathandiza ana kudzidalira +",sports,online news +en11741,"What role do parents play in children's sports? To keep your child interested and enjoying sport, try to make it a positive experience for them. Focus on having fun, giving it a try and being active, rather than winning or losing","Kodi makolo ali ndi udindo wotani pamasewera a ana? Kuti mwana wanu asangalale ndi kusangalala ndi masewera, yesani kupanga malo abwino kwa iwo pamene akuchita masewera. Yang'anirani pa kusangalala, kuyesa ndi kukhala wokangalika, m'malo mopambana kapena kulephera +",sports,online news +en11742,"You can help your child develop a positive sporting attitude by praising the team's or other children's efforts, even if they don't win. Point out to your child how important it is to try and do their best","Mukhoza kuthandiza mwana wanu kukhala ndi maganizo abwino a masewera poyamikira khama la timu kapena ana ena, ngakhale pamene sapambane. Muuzeni mwana wanu kufunika koyesera ndikuchita zomwe angathe +",sports,online news +en11743,"Make sure comments from the sidelines are positive, and don't criticize children who make mistakes. Never abuse a team, umpire or other player","Onetsetsani kuti ndemanga zochokera mbalim’mbali ndi zabwino, ndipo musadzudzule ana omwe amalakwitsa. Osazunza gulu, kosapeleka chilango pamasewero kapena osewera ena +",sports,online news +en11744,Playing sport helps children learn to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a positive way. It also helps children to develop patience and understand that it can take a lot of practice to improve both their physical skills and what they do in school,"Kusewera masewera kumathandiza ana kuphunzira kuugwira mtima ndi kuwongolera malingaliro olakwika m'njira yabwino. Zimathandizanso ana kukhala oleza mtima komanso kumvetsetsa kuti pamafunika kuyeserera kwambiri kuti awonjezere luso lawo lakuthupi komanso zomwe amachita kusukulu. +",sports,online news +en11745,The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented disruption to the world and heavily impacted the lives of many people worldwide,"Mliri wa COVID-19 wadzetsa chisokonezo padziko lonse lapansi ndipo wakhudza kwambiri miyoyo ya anthu ambiri padziko lonse lapansi. +",sports,online news +en11746,"Children and young people have been particularly impacted and are facing a number of challenges: feeling isolated, losing access to their peer support networks, holding concerns about their own and their family’s health and wellbeing, and experiencing violence","Ana ndi achinyamata akhudzidwa kwambiri ndipo akukumana ndi zovuta zingapo: kukhala osungulumwa, kulephera kupeza njira zothandizira anzawo, kudera nkhawa za thanzi lawo ndi mabanja awo, komanso kukumana ndi nkhanza. +",sports,online news +en11747,"During this period, ChildFund Sport for Development developed Reconnect, a COVID-19 pivot curriculum which sought to provide opportunities for children to reconnect through sport and to equip them with skills to cope with change in a safe environment","Munthawi imeneyi, bungwe la ChildFund Sport for Development idapanga chida chotchedwa Reconnect, maphunziro oyambira a COVID-19 omwe ankafuna kupereka mwayi kwa ana kuti azitha kulumikizananso kudzera m’masewera komanso kuwapatsa luso lothana ndi kusintha komwe kuli kotetezeka.",sports,online news +en11748,"The former focuses on immediate response to provide children and young people with opportunities to drop-in access sport and learning activities in safe and structured settings that are highly adaptive to meet rapidly changing public health measures, while the latter is designed to maintain strong hygiene practices, but to focus learning on setting goals in times of uncertainty as part of a team","Ntchito yakaleyi imayang'ana pa kuyankha mwamsanga kuti awapatse ana ndi achinyamata mwayi wopeza masewera ndi maphunziro ophunzirira m'malo otetezeka komanso okonzedwa bwino kuti athe kukumana ndi kusintha kwaumoyo wa anthu, pamene apatsogolowa adapangidwa kuti azikhala ndi makhalidwe abwino a ukhondo. , koma kuyang'anira kwambiri kuphunzira pa kukhazikitsa zolinga mu nthawi zosatsimikizika monga ngati gawo la gulu +",sports,online news +en11749,"Through each stage of Reconnect, Coaches supported players and their communities by providing opportunities for physical activity and social interaction (while adhering to relevant government regulations), along with life skill learning opportunities","Kupyolera mu gawo lililonse la Reconnect, aphunzitsi adathandizira osewera ndi madera awo powapatsa mwayi wochita masewera olimbitsa thupi komanso kucheza nawo potsatira malamulo a boma, komanso mwayi wophunzira luso la moyo. + +",sports,online news +en11750,"“I am so pleased to meet with my friends again, because we couldn’t meet each other during the lockdown. I missed them and we could not talk to each other at all, despite being in the same village","""Ndili wokondwa kukumananso ndi anzanga, chifukwa sitimakumana panthawi yomwe sitimaloredwa kuyenda ndinawasowa ndipo sitinkayankhulana ngakhale pang’ono ngakhale kuti tinali m’mudzi umodzi +",sports,online news +en11751,"By setting goals, creating plans and supporting one another to achieve them, players can find ways to overcome feelings of helplessness or frustration brought on by the emotional and social impacts of COVID-19","Pokhazikitsa zolinga, kupanga ndondomeko ndi kuthandizana wina ndi mnzake kuti akwaniritse, osewera amatha kupeza njira zothanirana ndi malingaliro woganiza kuti alibe thandizo kapena kukhumudwa komwe kumadza chifukwa cha kukhudzidwa kwamalingaliro ndi zotsatira za COVID-19. +",sports,online news +en11752,"A majority of players successfully set a personal goal and stated that, after 10 sessions, they feel more confident to achieve the goal than they did at the beginning when they first selected their goal","Osewera ambiri adakhazikitsa bwino cholinga chawo ndipo adanena kuti, pakutha pa magawo khumi , akukhala wodzidalira kuti akwaniritse cholingacho kuposa momwe adachitira poyamba pomwe adasankha cholinga chawo.",sports,online news +en11753,"Some common examples of goals include achieving a higher grade at school, purchasing a bicycle, buying gift for someone and winning matches at the next tag-rugby competition","Zitsanzo zina zodziwika bwino za zolinga ndi monga kukhoza bwino kusukulu, kugula njinga, kugulira wina mphatso ndi kupambana masewero pa mpikisano wotsatira wa tag-rugby. +",sports,online news +en11754,"I’m really impressed with one of my player’s goal: to pass the university entrance examination once she finishes high school. Thanks to the skills she has learned, she reached out to her teacher and asked her for extra support after class","Ndachita chidwi kwambiri ndi cholinga chimodzi cha wosewera wanga: kuti apambane mayeso olowera kusukulu yawukachenjede akamaliza kusekondale. Chifukwa cha luso lomwe waphunzira, adafikira aphunzitsi ake ndikuwapempha kuti amuthandize akaweluka ku sukulu +",sports,online news +en11755,"Every session, Coaches monitored player behaviour and assessed whether there was evidence of negative and/or positive behaviours among the team","Gawo lililonse, Ophunzitsa amayang'anira machitidwe a osewera ndikuwunika ngati pali zowonetsa zili zonse kuti pakuchitika zoyipa komanso / kapena mchitidwe wabwino pakati pa gululi. +",sports,online news +en11756,"Negative behaviours include: teasing or yelling at other players, interrupting or talking over other players, and pushing in line/in front of other players","Makhalidwe oyipa akuphatikizapo: kunyoza kapena kukalipira osewera ena, kusokoneza kapena kulankhula modutsa osewera ena, ndikukankhira pamzere / kutsogolo kwa osewera ena. +",sports,online news +en11757,"Positive behaviours include: encouraging teammates during rugby activities and encouraging teammates during life skills discussions. The evidence, based on Coach observations across hundreds of sessions, shows a reduction in negative behaviours among players and an increase in positive, supportive behaviours from session 1 to session 10","Makhalidwe abwino ndi mong awa: kulimbikitsa osewera nawo panthawi yamasewera a rugby komanso kulimbikitsa osewera nawo panthawi yokambirana za maluso a moyo. Umboni, wozikidwa pakuwona kwa Mphunzitsi m'magawo mazana ambiri, ukuwonetsa kuchepa kwa mchitidwe woyipa pakati pa osewera komanso kuwonjezeleka kwa mchitidwe wabwino, othandizira kuyambira gawo loyamba mpaka gawo lachikhumi. +",sports,online news +en11758,"During most sports activity, there is a risk of physical injury, even when playing non-contact sports. Common injuries include sprains, pulled muscles and even broken bones","Pazochitika zambiri zamasewera, pamakhala chiwopsezo cha kuvulala pathupi, ngakhale posewera masewera osagundana. Kuvulala kwa nthawi zambiri ndikubinya, kukokeka minofu ngakhale kuthyoka mafupa +",sports,online news +en11759,"An injury might also mean an inability to work to support a family, as well as incurring healthcare costs, both of which can have a negative impact on families","Kuvulala kungatanthauzenso kulephera kugwira ntchito kuti uthandizire banja, komanso kuwononga ndalama zothandizira kupeza chithandizo cha chipatala, zomwe zingakhale ndi zotsatira zolakwika ku mabanja. +",sports,online news +en11760,"When it comes to sport, there is always competition! As teams compete against each other, there is a risk of conflict within and between teams","Pankhani yamasewera, pamakhala mpikisano nthawi zonse! Pamene magulu akupikisana wina ndi mzake, pamakhala chiwopsezo chamikangano pakati pa magulu +",sports,online news +en11761,"This conflict can lead to physical or verbal bullying or intimidation, resulting in negative physical or emotional impacts","Mkanganowu ukhoza kuyambitsa kupezerera anzawo mwakuthupi kapena mwamawu kapena kuwopsezana, zomwe zimabweretsa zotsatira zoyipa zakuthupi kapena malingaliro.",sports,online news +en11762,"By ensuring players and coaches practice these values both on and off the pitch, they understand why they need to respect others and also develop their communication skills","Powonetsetsa kuti osewera ndi ophunzitsa akutsatira izi pabwalo lamasewera ndi kunja kwabwalo lamesewera, amamvetsetsa chifukwa chomwe akuyenera kulemekeza ena ndikukulitsa luso lawo polumikizana. + +",sports,online news +en11763,"Another important part of our work is to reduce violence in communities. Pass It Back focuses on the development of specific social and emotional skills, including how to manage emotions and to manage conflict","Mbali ina yofunika kwambiri ya ntchito yathu ndi kuchepetsa chiwawa m’madera. Ntchito za Pass It Back zimayang'ana kwambiri pakukula kwa maluso enaake amakhalidwe komanso malingaliro, kuphatikiza momwe mungathanirane ndi malingaliro ndikuthana ndi mikangano +",sports,online news +en11764,"Coaches support this learning across competitions by using their strong relationships with players to ensure teams are enjoying their experience, regardless of results!","Wophuniztsa amathandizira kuphunziraku pamipikisano yonse pogwiritsa ntchito ubale wawo wabwino ndi osewera kuti awonetsetse kuti magulu akusangalala ndi zomwe akumana nazo, mosasamala kanthu za zotsatira! +",sports,online news +en11765,"My players have learned how to solve conflict peacefully, deal with negative pressure, and know where to look for help when in need. For me this is very important","Osewera anga aphunzira momwe angathetsere mikangano mwamtendere, kuthana ndi zipsinjo zoipa, komanso kudziwa komwe angapeze chithandizo pakafunika thandizo. Kwa ine izi ndizofunikira kwambiri +",sports,online news +en11766,"In any sport, coaches always have some level of power over players and most often players develop trust and confidence in their coaches. This creates risks around physical, verbal, or sexual abuse by coaches","M'masewera aliwonse, wophunzitsa amakhala ndi mphamvu pa osewera ndipo nthawi zambiri osewera amakhala ndi khulupilirana ndi chidaliro mwa aphunzitsi awo. Izi zimapangitsa kuti pakhale chiopsezo chakuzunzana pogwirana, poyakhula, kapena kugonana ndi aphunzitsi +",sports,online news +en11767,"In the past few years, a number of cases across the sports sector have become public and shone a light on the challenges that sports organizations face to proactively address these risks","M'zaka zingapo zapitazi, milandu ingapo m'magulu ambiri amasewera adziwika ndikuwunikira zovuta zomwe mabungwe amasewera amakumana awo kuti athe kuthana ndi zoopsazi. +",sports,online news +en11768,An open discussion and no-judgement environment is encouraged to help players share and talk about any negative issues they may be experiencing in their lives. This is supported by learning that helps players understand their own bodies and understand their rights,"Kukambirana momasuka komanso malo osaweruzana akulimbikitsidwa kuti athandize osewera kugawana ndi kukambirana za zovuta zilizonse zomwe akukumana nazo pamoyo wawo. Izi zimathandizidwa ndi kuphunzira komwe kumathandiza osewera kumvetsetsa matupi awo ndikumvetsetsa ufulu wawo +",sports,online news +en11769,"A clear reporting system is in place for players and coaches so that everyone knows what to do if they feel unsafe or needs support, both on and off the pitch","Pali ndondomeko yomveka bwino yoperekera malipoti ya osewera ndi aphunzitsi kuti aliyense adziwe zoyenera kuchita ngati akuwona kuti alibe chitetezo kapena akusowa thandizo, mkati ndi kunja kwa bwalo lamasewera. + +",sports,online news +en11770,Coaches are also trained to deal with any disclosures they receive from players in a professional and confidential way and to connect to services in their communities,Aphunzitsi amaphunzitsidwanso kuthana ndi zomwe abweletsa kuchokera kwa osewera mwaukadaulo komanso mwachinsinsi komanso kulumikizana ndi ntchito zina mdera lawo.,sports,online news +en11771,"Sport offers both benefits and risks for children but, when the latter is well-managed, young people can fully enjoy the many opportunities it provides, as is their right","Masewera amapereka ubwino ndi zoopsa zonse kwa ana koma, pamene zinazo zikasamalidwa bwino, achinyamata angasangalale mokwanira ndi mwayi wambiri omwe umabwera, monganso ndi ufulu wawo.",sports,online news +en11772,"Learning is often based on observation and imitation. Children learn many behavioral responses such as reaction to failure or how to respond to a coach or referee from their parents, their siblings, peers and sporting idols. They will also learn about a sport and its technical and tactical elements from similar observations","Kuphunzira nthawi zambiri kumakhazikika pakuwona ndi kutsanzira. Ana amaphunzira mayankho ambiri amakhalidwe monga momwe angayankhire akalephera kapena momwe angayankhire mphunzitsi kapena woyimbira masewera kuchokera kwa makolo awo, abale awo, anzawo ndi mafano pamasewera. Amaphunziranso zamasewera ndi luso lake komanso luso lawo powonera zomwezi",sports,online news +en11773,Observational learning is a valuable tool for aiding skill development. It occurs when watching sport (including in the backyard or at a club) or a sporting hero or mentor and then imitating techniques and mannerisms,Kuphunzira mwachidwi ndi chida chofunikira chothandizira kukulitsa luso. Zimachitika mukawonera masewera kuphatikiza kumbuyo kwa nyumba kapena ku kalabu kapena ngwazi yamasewera kapena mlangizi ndikutengera luso ndi machitidwe.,sports,online news +en11774,A common trait of elite athletes is to be a ‘true scholar’ of the sport. They diligently observe and study sporting idols competing and try to mimic their techniques or routines. Sometimes they even imagine they are their sporting idol,Khalidwe lodziwika bwino la othamanga apamwamba ndilo kukhala 'wophunzira weniweni' wa masewerawo. Amayang'anitsitsa ndi kuphunzira amene amafuna kudzakhala akamasewera popikisana ndikuyesera kutsanzira luso lawo kapena machitidwe awo. Nthawi zina amangoganiza kuti ndi iwo ndi amene akufuna kudzakhalawo pamasewera,sports,online news +en11775,"Foster observational learning by allowing children to watch sport live or on television. Allow them to imitate the techniques, routines and mannerisms of their positive sporting idols or contemporaries. Support their scholarly interest and craving for information for a sport","Limbikitsani kuphunzira mwachidwi polola ana kuwonera masewera pamene zikuchitika kapena pa kanema. Aloleni kuti atsanzire njira, machitidwe ndi a mafano awo abwino amasewera kapena amasiku ano. Thandizani chidwi chawo chamaphunziro ndi kufunitsitsa kudziwa zambiri zamasewera + +",sports,online news +en11776,"Be a positive role model! Always endeavor to provide the appropriate behavior modelling to children and young people. Consider the way you react to success and failure, show respect to coaches and officials, demonstrate good sportsmanship, respect and integrity, exhibit good character and upholding personal excellence and a strong work ethic","Khalani chitsanzo chabwino! Nthawi zonse yesetsani kupereka chitsanzo choyenera kwa ana ndi achinyamata. Ganizirani momwe mumachitira mukapambana ndi kulephera, sonyezani ulemu kwa wophunzitsa ndi akuluakulu, sonyezani khalidwe pamasewera abwino, ulemu ndi umphumphu, kusonyeza khalidwe labwino ndi kulimbikitsa kupambana kwanu ndi khalidwe labwino pa ntchito. +",sports,online news +en11777,"Except for early specializing-sports such as gymnastics, resist the temptation to encourage specialisation in one sport too early","Kupatula masewera oyambilira monga masewera olimbitsa thupi, pewani kuyesedwa kulimbikitsa kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi msanga kwambiri. +",sports,online news +en11778,"Sampling a large range of sports during childhood and continuing to play several sports, until adolescence, is likely to maximize the development of a full range of sporting skills; promote adaptability of skills and all-body coordination and control; enhance the possibility of later senior sporting success; minimize the likelihood of overuse injuries","Kufufuza masewera ambiri paubwana ndi kupitiriza kusewera masewera angapo, mpaka paunyamata, ndizotheka kukulitsa luso la masewera; kulimbikitsa kusinthika kwa luso ndi kulumikizana ndi kuwongolera thupi lonse; kuonjezera mwayi wochita bwino m'tsogolomu; kuchepetsa mwayi wovulazidwa mopitirira muyeso",sports,online news +en11779,"You can encourage children to try out a few sports, organized and unorganized; allow them to work out which sports they are good at and which ones they like the most; allow them to decide which sport they want specialize in","Mukhoza kulimbikitsa ana kuyesa masewera angapo, okonzeka komanso osakonzedwa; aloleni kuti adziwe kuti ndi masewera ati omwe ali akuchita bwino komanso omwe amawakonda kwambiri; aloleni kuti asankhe masewera omwe akufuna kukhala katswiri +",sports,online news +en11780,It is well accepted that practice is important in developing sporting skills. But the quality and type of practice is more important than quantity alone. Executing and refining the same complement of sporting skills is vital,"Ndizovomerezeka kuti kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi ndikofunikira pakukulitsa luso lamasewera. Koma khalidwe ndi mtundu wa machitidwe ndi ofunika kwambiri kuposa kuchuluka kokha. Kuchita ndi kukonzanso luso lofanana la masewera ndikofunikira +",sports,online news +en11781,"Encourage children to practice their sporting skills in an ecological manner, for example, practice the full complement of skills within a context similar to that in competition","Limbikitsani ana kuti aziyesela luso lawo lamasewera mogwirizana ndi chilengedwe, mwachitsanzo, kuyelekza luso lokwanira m’mkhalidwe wofanana ndi wa mpikisano. +",sports,online news +en11782,"Encourage children to embrace practicing under varying constraints (differing environmental conditions, under time pressure etc). This enhances skill progression and robustness, adaptability and coping skills and it can also be fun and challenging","Limbikitsani ana kuti ayambe kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi pa zovuta zosiyanasiyana monga kusiyana kwa chilengedwe, kupanikizika kwa nthawi ndi zina. Izi zimathandizira kupita patsogolo kwa luso ndi kulimba, kusinthika ndi luso lothana nazo komanso zimatha kukhala zosangalatsa komanso zovuta. +",sports,online news +en11783,Athletic training and academic study are interrelated. Both are two sides of one coin. Sports in education are an integral part of the curriculum. It helps to shape a person’s personality and contributes to their holistic development,"Maphunziro a masewera ndi maphunziro zimagwirizana. Zonsezo ndi mbali ziwiri za zochitika zofanana. Masewera mu maphunziro ndi gawo lofunikira la maphunziro. Zimathandiza kupanga umunthu wa munthu ndipo zimathandiza kuti kukula kwawo kukhale kokwanira +",sports,online news +en11784,"In some ways, this subject is a demonstration of all the disciplines that one has learned in school. Every sport has its foundations in math and physics","Mwanjira zina, phunziroli ndi chisonyezero cha maphunziro onse amene munthu waphunzira kusukulu. Masewera aliwonse ali ndi maziko ake masamu ndi sayansi +",sports,online news +en11785,"Although many subjects are taught in the classroom, sports and physical education offer students an opportunity to be outside and exercise, as well as learning a wide range of skills","Ngakhale kuti maphunziro ambiri amaphunzitsidwa m’kalasi, masewera ndi maphunziro a thupi amapereka mwayi kwa ophunzira kukhala kunja ndi kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi, komanso kuphunzira maluso osiyanasiyana. +",sports,online news +en11786,These are just a few of the many benefits that your child will enjoy when they get more involved in sports and physical activity,"Izi ndi zinthu zochepa chabe mwa mapindu ambiri amene mwana wanu angasangalale nawo akadzayamba kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi komanso kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi +",sports,online news +en11787,"Outdoor sports are great for kids and can help with your fitness. Regular exercise can help you build a strong heart, bones and lung function","Masewera wochitira kunja ndi abwino kwa ana ndipo amatha kukuthandizani kukhala olimba. Kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi nthawi zonse kungakuthandizeni kukhala ndi mtima wolimba, mafupa ndi mapapo ogwira ntchito +",sports,online news +en11788,"It also helps prevent chronic diseases. Sport can help with diabetes management, weight loss, blood circulation and stress reduction. The combination of cerebral and physical development allows for the strengthening and toning of bones and muscles through sports","Zimathandizanso kupewa matenda osatha. Masewera angathandize kuthana ndi matenda a shuga, kuchepetsa thupi, kuyenda kwa magazi komanso kuchepetsa nkhawa. Kuphatikiza kukula kwa ubongo ndi thupi kumathandiza kulimbikitsa ndi kulimbitsa mafupa ndi minofu kudzera mu masewera",sports,online news +en11789,"Through sports, students learn how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. Sports can help prevent obesity and promote healthy eating habits. Sports encourage young people to eat more vegetables and fruits","Kupyolera mu masewera, ophunzira amaphunzira kufunika kokhala ndi moyo wathanzi. Masewera angathandize kupewa kunenepa kwambiri komanso kulimbikitsa kudya moyenera. Masewera amalimbikitsa achinyamata kudya masamba ndi zipatso zambiri +",sports,online news +en11790,"They are less likely than their peers to become obese, and they are more likely grow up to be active adults","Amakhala pachiwopsezo chochepa kusiyana ndi anzawo kukhala onenepa, ndipo amakula kukhala akuluakulu okangalika +",sports,online news +en11791,Both communicable and not-communicable disease prevention is possible through physical activity and sports. Sports are therefore cost-effective strategies to improve the health of the general population in both developed and developing countries,"Kupewa matenda opatsirana komanso osapatsana ndikotheka kudzera muzochita zolimbitsa thupi komanso masewera. Choncho masewera ndi njira zotsika mtengo zopititsa patsogolo thanzi la anthu ambiri m'mayiko otukuka ndi omwe akutukuka kumene +",sports,online news +en11792,"Sport isn’t all about winning. Rather, it is about achieving goals and working as a team. Friendly competition is what most sports are aiming for. Physical Education teachers have to harness the natural competitiveness and joy of sport to help students enjoy and learn to play peacefully and gain confidence","Masewera sikupambana kokha. M'malo mwake, ndi kukwaniritsa zolinga ndi kugwira ntchito monga gulu. Mpikisano waubwenzi ndi womwe masewera ambiri amayang'ana. Aphunzitsi a Maphunziro Olimbitsa Thupi amayenera kugwiritsa ntchito mpikisano wachibadwidwe komanso chisangalalo chamasewera kuti athandize ophunzira kusangalala ndi kuphunzira kusewera mwamtendere ndikukhala olimba mtima.",sports,online news +en11793,"A coach’s encouragement words or scoring the winning goal for their team can boost confidence in a child. As a character trait, children must have high self-esteem. Sport can instill a spirit of perseverance and will carry that over to their academic careers"," Mawu olimbikitsa a wamkulu owingolera masewelo coach’ kapena kugoletsa chigoli chopambana kwa timu yawo kungalimbikitse chidaliro mwa mwana. Monga khalidwe, ana ayenera kukhala odzidalira kwambiri. Masewera amatha kulimbikitsa mzimu wolimbikira ndipo amapititsa patsogolo maphunziro awo",sports,online news +en11794,Each team needs a leader whether they are playing with the national team or a small group of friends. Students are given the opportunity to be a leader as they mature,Timu iliyonse imafunikira mtsogoleri kaya akusewera ndi timu ya dziko kapena kagulu kakang'ono ka anthu ocheza nawo. Ophunzira amapatsidwa mwayi wokhala mtsogoleri akamakula,sports,online news +en11795,"This helps them become confident and able to make decisive and informed decisions. These skills can be improved through sports, which require that decisions are made and communicated to the other members of the team frequently for the greater good","Izi zimawathandiza kukhala odzidalira komanso okhoza kupanga zisankho zotsimikizika komanso zanzeru. Malusowa amatha kuwongoleredwa kudzera mumasewera, zomwe zimafuna kuti zisankho zipangidwe ndikudziwitsidwa kwa mamembala ena a timu pafupipafupi kuti apindule kwambiri",sports,online news +en11796,"When hiring new employees, businesses are looking for people who can work in a team environment. As they move up the corporate ladder, their leadership experience will be more important","Polemba antchito atsopano, malonda, akufunafuna anthu omwe angagwire ntchito limodzi. Pamene akukwera makwerero amakampani, luso lawo la utsogoleri lidzakhala lofunika kwambiri",sports,online news +en11797,Effective teams are made up of people who can work well together. Physical education is often the first exposure to teamwork for children,Magulu omwe amachita bwino amapangidwa ndi anthu omwe amatha kugwirira ntchito limodzi bwino. Maphunziro olimbitsa thupi nthawi zambiri amakhala oyambankuwawonetsera ana kugwira ntchito limodzi ndi anzawo,sports,online news +en11798,Many teams believe that the whole team is more important than each individual. Your child will be able to participate in a team effort and see firsthand the importance of success,Magulu ambiri amakhulupirira kuti gulu lonse ndi lofunika kwambiri kuposa munthu aliyense payekha payekha. Mwana wanu adzatha kutenga nawo mbali muzochita zamagulu ndikudziwonera yekha kufunika kopambana,sports,online news +en11799,Underrated is the aspect of sport that involves failure. You must be disciplined and persistent to succeed in life. Athletics is one way to do this. The sport’s fundamental character with clearly defined losers and winners results in natural highs. This is something that young athletes must be ready for later in their lives,Kuchepsa ndi mbali ya masewera yomwe imaphatikizapo kulephera. Muyenera kukhala wolangidwa komanso wolimbikira kuti mupambane m'moyo. Masewera othamanga ndi njira imodzi yochitira izi. Makhalidwe ofunikira amasewera omwe ali ndi olephera komanso opambana omwe amafotokozedwa momveka bwino amabwera Kamba ka chilengedwe. Ichi ndi chinthu chomwe othamanga achichepere ayenera kukhala okonzeka mtsogolo m'miyoyo yawo,sports,online news +en11800,"Sport is a great way to show that hard work pays off. To succeed in any endeavor, you will need persistence and a never say die attitude","Masewera ndi njira yabwino yosonyezera kuti kugwira ntchito molimbika kumapindulitsa. Kuti muchite bwino pa chilichonse, mudzafunika kulimbikira komanso kuti musanene kuti mufa chifukwa cha masewero amenewa",sports,online news +en11801,"Through sports, your youngster will see the importance of persevering in order to achieve one’s goals","Kupyolera mu masewera, mwana wanu adzawona kufunika kopirira kuti akwaniritse zolinga za masomphenya awo",sports,online news +en11802,"Sport activities teach discipline which can be beneficial in all areas of life. Through sports, students learn tactical, mental and physical training. Students can focus better and have a clearer vision","Masewera amaphunzitsa mwambo womwe ungakhale wopindulitsa m'mbali zonse za moyo. Kupyolera mu masewera, ophunzira amaphunzira luso, maganizo ndi thupi. Ophunzira amakhala oganiza patali komanso kukhala ndi masomphenya omveka bwino",sports,online news +en11803,These traits are essential for academic success. Students who take part in sports and exercise can be successful at academics,Makhalidwe amenewa ndi ofunikira kuti maphunziro apambane. Ophunzira omwe amachita nawo masewera olimbitsa thupi amatha kuchita bwino pamaphunziro,sports,online news +en11804,Sport is good for your physical and mental health. They also help develop leadership skills and equip them with the ability to set goals and build character,Masewera ndi abwino kwa thanzi lanu lakuthupi ndi m'maganizo. Amathandizanso kukulitsa luso la utsogoleri ndikuwapatsa mwayi wokhazikitsa zolinga ndikumanga umunthu,sports,online news +en11805,Participating in sports can lead to higher self-esteem and better social interaction. It also helps students have a positive outlook on life,Kuchita nawo masewera kungayambitse kudzidalira komanso kuyanjana bwino ndi anthu. Zimathandizanso ophunzira kukhala ndi malingaliro abwino pa moyo,sports,online news +en11806,"Through sports, children learn about ethics, responsibility, trust, and morality. A person can deal with all the twists and turns of life more gracefully if they have a spirit of sportsmanship","Kupyolera m’maseŵera, ana amaphunzira za makhalidwe abwino, udindo, kukhulupirirana, ndi makhalidwe abwino. Munthu akhoza kuthana ndi zotsamwitsa zonse za moyo nkuusintha mwachisomo ngati ali ndi mtima wochita masewera",sports,online news +en11807,"They will have positive values and a positive outlook, which will make them less likely to succumb to social ills. Research shows that students who are involved in sports have higher grades and more self-confidence. They also graduate faster","Adzakhala ndi makhalidwe abwino ndi kaonedwe kabwino ka zinthu , zomwe zingawapangitse kuti asagonjetsedwe ndi mavuto a anthu. Kafukufuku akuwonetsa kuti ophunzira omwe amachita nawo masewera amakhala ndi zotsatira zapamwamba komanso odzidalira kwambiri. Amamalizanso maphunziro awo mofulumira",sports,online news +en11808,There are many benefits to sport that go far beyond the physical. The academic success of a child can be significantly affected by their participation in sports and exercise,Pali maubwino ambiri pamasewera omwe amapitilira thupi. Kupambana kwamaphunziro kwa mwana kungakhudzidwe kwambiri ndi kutenga nawo mbali pamasewera ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi,sports,online news +en11809,"Incorporating sports education into the school curriculum has many benefits. It teaches students teamwork and discipline. It helps children be more polite in everyday life. Regular exercise keeps people healthy and fit, which protects them from diseases like obesity and arthritis","Kuphatikizira maphunziro amasewera mu maphunziro asukulu kuli ndi ubwino wambiri. Amaphunzitsa ophunzira kugwirira ntchito limodzi ndi mwambo. Zimathandiza ana kukhala aulemu m’moyo watsiku ndi tsiku. Kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi nthawi zonse kumapangitsa anthu kukhala athanzi komanso oyenera, zomwe zimawateteza ku matenda monga kunenepa kwambiri komanso nyamakazi",sports,online news +en11810,It helps students overcome all obstacles and learn how to deal with them. Physical activity promotes growth and improves mental and physical health. Many of these events are essential for physical development,Zimathandiza ophunzira kuthana ndi zopinga zonse ndikuphunzira momwe angathanirane nazo. Kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi kumalimbikitsa kukula komanso kumapangitsa thanzi labwino m'maganizo ndi m'thupi. Zambiri mwa zochitikazi ndizofunikira pakukula kwa thupi,sports,online news +en11811,"Participation in sports is a part of the school curriculum and children who do so grow up to become more physically fit. They become more outgoing and communicative, and are more competitive and stronger","Kuchita nawo masewera ndi gawo la maphunziro a sukulu ndipo ana omwe amatero amakula kuti akhale olimba. Amakhala ochezeka komanso olankhulana, ndipo amakhala opikisana komanso amphamvu",sports,online news +en11812,Their confidence increases and they are more open to meeting new people and different situations. This instills in children a sense that hard work is a virtue from an early age,Chidaliro chawo chimawonjezeka ndipo amakhala omasuka kukumana ndi anthu atsopano ndi zochitika zosiyanasiyana. Zimenezi zimachititsa ana kuganiza kuti kugwira ntchito molimbika ndi khalidwe labwino kuyambira ali wamng’ono,sports,online news +en11813,"One of the problems that a lot of sports teams have to deal with is insufficient funding. In most cases, men's teams are the ones to obtain the lion's share of sponsorships and television contracts","Limodzi mwamavuto omwe magulu ambiri amasewera amakumana nawo ndi ndalama zosakwanira. Nthawi zambiri, magulu aamuna ndi omwe amapeza gawo la lalikulu la zothandizira ndi makontrakitala a kanema wawayilesi",sports,online news +en11814,"The vast majority of businesses are unwilling to provide financial assistance to female athletes, and those who do so see it more as a moral obligation than an investment opportunity","Amalonda ambiri safuna kupereka thandizo la ndalama kwa othamanga achikazi, ndipo omwe amachita izi amawona ngati udindo wamakhalidwe abwino kuposa mwayi wopeza ndalama",sports,online news +en11815,Women's athletics are progressing and have the potential to achieve greater heights if they receive adequate financial support,Masewera aakazi akupita patsogolo ndipo ali ndi kuthekera kokwera kwambiri ngati alandira thandizo lokwanira lazachuma,sports,online news +en11816,"By expanding support for women's sports, the economic disparity can be narrowed and closed. As a direct consequence of this, additional opportunities for female athletes to compete will become available","Pokulitsa chithandizo chamasewera amayi kusiyana kwachuma kumatha kuchepetsedwa ndikutsekedwa. Chifukwa cha izi, mwayi wowonjezera wa othamanga achikazi kuti apikisane udzakhalapo",sports,online news +en11817,The way in which the media portrays sports and athletes contributes to the formation of detrimental gender stereotypes. Sports Media has a tendency to portray female athletes as women first and athletes second when reporting on their accomplishments,Momwe ma kanema a wayilesi amawonetsera masewera ndi othamanga amathandizira kuti pakhale malingaliro owononga amuna ndi akazi. Anthu owonetsa za mpira ali ndi chizolowezi chowonetsa othamanga achikazi ngati azimayi oyamba komanso othamanga achiwiri pofotokoza zomwe akwaniritsa,sports,online news +en11818,"In order to increase the visibility of women in sports, collaborative organizations and the media can use their influence and voice, take action, and demonstrate leadership by addressing inequalities in sports and journalism. This will help increase the visibility of women in sports","Pofuna kuonjezera kuwonekera kwa amayi pamasewera, mabungwe ogwirizana ndi ofalitsa nkhani angagwiritse ntchito mphamvu zawo ndi mawu awo, kuchitapo kanthu, ndikuwonetsa utsogoleri pothana ndi kusagwirizana kwa masewera ndi utolankhani. Izi zithandiza kukulitsa kuwonekera kwa amayi pamasewera",sports,online news +en11819,"The assumption that men are better athletes than women should be abandoned. Especially if we are to make progress toward gender equality in sports. People frequently believe that men are more powerful, better at sports, and faster than women","Lingaliro lakuti amuna ndi othamanga bwino kuposa akazi ziyenera kusiyidwa. Makamaka ngati tikufuna kupita patsogolo pakufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera. Nthawi zambiri anthu amakhulupirira kuti amuna ndi amphamvu kwambiri, amachita bwino pamasewera, komanso amathamanga kuposa akazi",sports,online news +en11820,"This is not always the case because women, for instance, have a lower risk of injury. And they typically perform better than when competing in athletic events","Izi sizili choncho nthawi zonse chifukwa amayi, mwachitsanzo, amakhala ndi chiopsezo chochepa chovulala. Ndipo nthawi zambiri amachita bwino kuposa akamapikisana pamasewera othamanga",sports,online news +en11821,"The objective of gender parity must be pursued in a strategic manner by sporting organizations, governing bodies like the international Olympic committee","Cholinga cha mgwirizano pakati pa amuna ndi akazi chiyenera kutsatiridwa mwanzeru ndi mabungwe amasewera, mabungwe olamulira monga komiti yapadziko lonse ya Olimpiki",sports,online news +en11822,"If a woman puts in the same amount of effort as a man, she should be entitled to the same participation opportunities, financial assistance, prize money, and privileges that the man would get","Ngati mkazi achita khama lofanana ndi la mwamuna, ayenera kukhala ndi mwayi wotenga nawo mbali, thandizo la ndalama, ndalama za mphotho, ndi mwayi umene mwamuna angapeze",sports,online news +en11823,Sports programming for women and girls needs an organizational framework in order to create a lasting impact,Mapulogalamu amasewera a amayi ndi atsikana amafunikira dongosolo la bungwe kuti apange zotsatira zokhalitsa,sports,online news +en11824,"Sports programmes must ensure that women and girls are represented on their board. They are treated equitably, have access to funds, and are included in the process of making decisions and setting goals","Mapulogalamu amasewera akuyenera kuwonetsetsa kuti amayi ndi atsikana akuimiridwa pagulu lawo. Amachitidwa moyenera, ali ndi mwayi wopeza ndalama, ndipo amaphatikizidwa popanga zisankho ndikukhazikitsa zolinga",sports,online news +en11825,Mixed versus single-sex sports activities; team versus double versus single sports; are all examples of categories of sports that successful sport programming for women and girls has given great attention to,Masewera osakanikirana ndi amuna kapena akazi okhaokha; timu motsutsana ndi masewera awiri motsutsana ndi amodzi; zonse ndi zitsanzo za magulu amasewera omwe mapulogalamu opambana amasewera a amayi ndi atsikana apereka chidwi kwambiri,sports,online news +en11826,The establishment of female sports participation and integrating sports into everyday life can be helped by giving these factors careful,Kukhazikitsidwa kwa kutenga nawo mbali pamasewera achikazi ndikuphatikiza masewera m'moyo watsiku ndi tsiku kungathandizidwe popereka zinthu izi mosamala,sports,online news +en11827,"Complaints of discrimination and harassment in sports groups can be collected using a platform that is user-friendly, secure, and anonymous. The act of coming forward to disclose unfair practices can be scary. Therefore, it is crucial that the whistleblower's identity should not be shared","Madandaulo a tsankho ndi kuzunzidwa m'magulu amasewera amatha kusonkhanitsidwa pogwiritsa ntchito nsanja yomwe imakhala yosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito, yotetezeka, komanso yosadziwika. Mchitidwe wobwera kudzaulula zinthu zopanda chilungamo ukhoza kukhala wowopsa. Choncho, m'pofunika kwambiri kuti munthu amene waululira mluzu asagawidwe",sports,online news +en11828,It is imperative that women's teams receive the same level of support as is given to men's teams. This is an excellent tactic for advancing the cause of gender equality in sports and encouraging female athletes to compete,Ndikofunikira kuti matimu azimai alandire chithandizo chofanana ndi chomwe chimaperekedwa kumagulu azibambo. Iyi ndi njira yabwino kwambiri yopititsira patsogolo cholinga cha kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera komanso kulimbikitsa othamanga achikazi kuti apikisane,sports,online news +en11829,"When talking about gender equality on social media, it is important to be cautious and to use language that is inclusive. It is also essential to make an effort to collect resources and data on the many ways in which other people are working to advance gender parity in sports","Polankhula za kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pa matsamba a mchezo a pa Intaneti, ndikofunika kukhala osamala komanso kugwiritsa ntchito chinenero chophatikizana. Ndikofunikiranso kuyesetsa kusonkhanitsa zothandizira ndi uthenga panjira zambiri zomwe anthu ena akuyesetsa kupititsa patsogolo kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera",sports,online news +en11830,"Nadia Nadim’s striking life story brought her from Afghanistan to a refugee camp in Denmark, then on to career as an elite footballer and, now, a qualified doctor. She is also UNESCO Champion for Girls’ and Women’s Education","Mbiri yochititsa chidwi ya Nadia Nadim’moyo inam’bweretsa kuchokera ku Afghanistan kupita ku msasa wa anthu othawa kwawo ku Denmark, kenako n’kupita kukagwira ntchito ngati katswiri wa mpira wapamwamba ndipo, tsopano, anali dokotala woyenerera. Iyenso ndi katswiri wowona bungwe la atsikana la UNESCO Girls’ ndi Women’s Education",sports,online news +en11831,"After growing up in a country where women were not allowed to leave the house without a male relative, Nadia Nadim fought adversity and discrimination in order to pursue her dreams","Atakulira m’dziko limene akazi sankaloledwa kutuluka m’nyumba popanda wachibale wamwamuna, Nadia Nadim analimbana ndi mavuto ndi tsankho kuti akwaniritse maloto ake",sports,online news +en11832,Her experience of losing freedom under the Taliban and living in poverty in a refugee camp in Denmark fueled her intense desire to succeed. Football saved me from being this poor outsider kid and made me get accepted,Zomwe adakumana nazo pakutaya ufulu pansi pa a Taliban komanso kukhala muumphawi mumsasa wa anthu othawa kwawo ku Denmark zidamulimbikitsa kuti apambane. Mpira unandipulumutsa kuti ndisakhale mwana wosauka wakunja ndipo unandipangitsa kuti ndivomerezedwe,sports,online news +en11833,"Once her family’s asylum request was granted by Denmark, where girls are empowered to play sports, Nadim’s professional career took off","Pempho la chitetezo cha banja lake litaperekedwa ndi Denmark, kumene atsikana amapatsidwa mphamvu zochitira masewera, ntchito yaukatswiri ya Nadim’ inayamba",sports,online news +en11834,"Today, Nadim has become a role model for many girls and women who aspire to emancipate and unleash their potential against gender norms and discrimination","Masiku ano, Nadim wakhala chitsanzo kwa atsikana ndi amayi ambiri omwe akufuna kumasula ndi kumasula zomwe angathe motsutsana ndi chikhalidwe cha amuna ndi akazi komanso tsankho",sports,online news +en11835,"With the ongoing deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan, violence and instability have prevented many women and girls from accessing schools and education","Chifukwa cha kuwonongeka kwa chitetezo ku Afghanistan, chiwawa ndi kusakhazikika kwalepheretsa amayi ndi atsikana ambiri kupeza sukulu ndi maphunziro",sports,online news +en11836,More recently the attitude of Taliban leaders toward female education is seriously impacting the enrollment of female students and their opportunities for success,Posachedwapa malingaliro a atsogoleri a Taliban pa maphunziro achikazi akukhudza kwambiri kulembetsa kwa ophunzira achikazi komanso mwayi wawo wopambana,sports,online news +en11837,"Too many girls and women around the world are still held back by social norms and traditional school practices that limit their educational right and opportunities. Yet, their education is the most powerful investment to make for society’s collective future","Atsikana ndi amayi ambiri padziko lonse lapansi akadali oletsedwa ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu komanso miyambo ya kusukulu yomwe imachepetsa ufulu wawo wamaphunziro ndi mwayi wawo. Komabe, maphunziro awo ndi ndalama zamphamvu kwambiri zopangira tsogolo la anthu",sports,online news +en11838,"During the Covid-19 pandemic, school closures have exacerbated girls’ and women’s unpaid care work, limiting the time to learn at home","Panthawi ya mliri wa Covid-19, kutsekedwa kwa masukulu kwakulitsa ntchito yosamalira atsikana osalipidwa, ndikuchepetsa nthawi yophunzira kunyumba",sports,online news +en11839,"Without schools as safe spaces, adolescent girls are at increased risk of gender-based violence, early marriage and unintended pregnancy, as well as sexual exploitation and abuse","Popanda sukulu monga malo otetezeka, atsikana achichepere ali pachiopsezo chowonjezereka cha nkhanza za amuna ndi akazi, kukwatiwa adakali aang’ono ndi kutenga mimba mosakonzekera, limodzinso ndi kugwiriridwa ndi kuzunzidwa",sports,online news +en11840,The positive impact that sports can have on the emancipation of young girls and women has been acknowledged for decades,Zotsatira zabwino zomwe masewera angakhale nazo pa kumasulidwa kwa atsikana ndi atsikana zakhala zikuvomerezedwa kwa zaka zambiri,sports,online news +en11841,"Participating in sports can help break-down gender stereotypes, improve girls’ and women’s self-esteem and contribute to the development of leadership and strategic thinking skills","Kutenga nawo mbali m'masewera kungathandize kuthetsa malingaliro omwe si amuna kapena akazi okhaokha, kupititsa patsogolo kudzidalira kwa atsikana ndi amayi ndikuthandizira kukulitsa utsogoleri ndi luso loganiza bwino",sports,online news +en11842,Women in sport break down the misperception they are weak or incapable. The fact that certain political or religious groups wish to continue to prohibit or restrict the practice of women or the presence of women in stadiums testifies to the importance and social influence of sport,Azimayi omwe ali pamasewera amathetsa malingaliro olakwika kuti ndi ofooka kapena sangathe. Mfundo yakuti magulu ena andale kapena achipembedzo akufuna kupitiriza kuletsa kapena kuletsa mchitidwe wa akazi kapena kupezeka kwa akazi m’mabwalo amasewera kumachitira umboni kufunika ndi chisonkhezero cha anthu pamasewera,sports,online news +en11843,"It was thanks to the Iran-Spain match during the 2018 FIFA World Cup that the Iranian women were able, for the first time since 1979, to officially enter the stadiums. This is an example of sport – football, in this case – as an accelerator of social change in favor of the freedom of young girls and women","Zinali chifukwa cha masewera a Iran-Spain pa 2018 FIFA World Cup kuti akazi aku Iran adatha, kwa nthawi yoyamba kuyambira 1979, kulowa m'mabwalo amasewera. Ichi ndi chitsanzo cha masewera – mpira, mu nkhani iyi –Izi azikuwonjezerani kusintha chikhalidwe mokomera ufulu wa atsikana ndi atsikana",sports,online news +en11844,"We were smuggled to Denmark, where I lived in a refugee camp for six months. One day I saw a young girl play football. I knew what it was, but I had never seen girls play","Tinazembetsedwa ku Denmark, kumene ndinakhala mumsasa wa othaŵa kwawo kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi. Tsiku lina ndinaona mtsikana akusewera mpira. ndinkadziwa kuti chinali chiyani, koma ndinali ndisanaonepo atsikana akusewera",sports,online news +en11845,"I didn’t even know it was something I could do. When I saw this girl play, I was like, wow! I want to play this game. Now I’m here","Sindimadziwa kuti ndi zomwe ndikanatha kuchita. Nditaona mtsikanayu akusewera, ndili osangalatsidwa Ndikufuna kusewera masewerawa. Tsopano pano ndili pano",sports,online news +en11846,"She began playing for local teams in Denmark and made her debut with the national team in 2009, going to play with high profile teams such as Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain","Anayamba kusewera matimu aku Denmark ndipo adayamba kusewera ndi timu ya dziko mu 2009, kukasewera ndi matimu apamwamba monga Manchester City ndi Paris Saint-Germain",sports,online news +en11847,"To support girls and women like Nadia Nadim, UNESCO has kickstarted programs to enforce their right for girls and women to participate in physical education, physical activity and sports at all levels","Pofuna kuthandiza atsikana ndi amayi monga Nadia Nadim, UNESCO yayambitsa mapulogalamu okhazikitsa ufulu wawo kuti atsikana ndi amayi azichita nawo maphunziro a thupi, masewera olimbitsa thupi ndi masewera pamagulu onse",sports,online news +en11848,"These missions also aim to protect participating girls and women from harassment, misconduct and abuse, as well as use sport to promote gender equality and empower girls and women","Ntchito zi zikufunanso kuteteza atsikana ndi amayi omwe akutenga nawo mbali ku nkhanza, komanso kugwiritsa ntchito masewera pofuna kulimbikitsa kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi komanso kupatsa mphamvu atsikana ndi amayi",sports,online news +en11849,"I was told women don’t play football and that there were other things set out for me. I should learn to cook, I should prepare to be a wife. That was the life people were expecting for me. I said that wasn’t true. So I started playing football","Ndinauzidwa kuti akazi samasewera mpira komanso kuti pali zinthu zina zomwe zandikonzera. Ndiphunzire kuphika, ndiyenera kukonzekera kukhala mkazi. Umenewo unali moyo umene anthu ankandiyembekezera. Ndinanena kuti zimenezo zinali zoona. Choncho ndinayamba kusewera mpira",sports,online news +en11850,There are still a lot of differences and a lot of inequalities. Most people are interested in the men’s game and don’t have a clue about what’s happening on the women’s side,Palinso kusiyana kwakukulu ndi kusagwirizana kwakukulu. Anthu ambiri ali ndi chidwi ndi masewera amuna ndipo sadziwa zomwe zikuchitika kumbali ya akazi,sports,online news +en11851,"But that’s changing. From when I started until now, there’s been a huge change in the women’s game and that’s in the right direction. If you want change, you have to use your voice. It’s going to happen, but it won’t happen overnight","Koma izo zikusintha. Kuyambira pomwe ndidayamba mpaka pano, pakhala kusintha kwakukulu pamasewera a azimayi ndi izi m'njira yoyenera. Ngati mukufuna kusintha, muyenera kugwiritsa ntchito mawu anu. Zidzachitika, koma si kuti zingangochitika",sports,online news +en11852,"Women only get 4% of sports media coverage, and of that coverage, their physical appearance, family life and love life are referenced more than their athletic ability, while men are depicted as powerful, independent and valued as athletes","Azimayi amangopeza maperesenti anayi ya nkhani zamasewera, ndipo pazofalitsazo, mawonekedwe awo, moyo wabanja komanso moyo wachikondi zimatchulidwa kuposa luso lawo lamasewera, ngakhale amuna amawonetsedwa ngati amphamvu, odziyimira pawokha komanso amtengo wapatali ngati othamanga",sports,online news +en11853,"This is due to the low percentage of women in sports journalism. Even though this field has become more accessible to women, numbers show that there is still a noticeable gap","Izi zili choncho chifukwa cha kuchepa kwa chiwerengero cha atolankhani pamasewera achizimai. Ngakhale kuti gawoli lakhala lofikirika kwambiri kwa amayi, ziwerengero zikuwonetsa kuti padakali kusiyana kwakukulu",sports,online news +en11854,"Currently, a low percentage of sports broadcasters are women, while the number of women who enter into sports journalism is still relatively low. This particular area of reporting remains a predominantly male-dominated specialty in countries all over the world","Pakali pano, chiwerengero chochepa cha owulutsa zamasewera ndi akazi, pamene chiwerengero cha amayi omwe amalowa mu utolankhani wa masewera akadali otsika. Malo operekera malipoti awa akadali apadera omwe amalamulidwa ndi amuna m'maiko padziko lonse lapansi",sports,online news +en11855,"While playing as a professional footballer, Nadim decided to pursue studies in the medical field. She has since graduated from Aarhus University in Denmark with a medical degree","Akusewera ngati katswiri wa mpira, Nadim adaganiza zoyamba maphunziro azachipatala. Kuyambira pamenepo wamaliza maphunziro awo ku sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Aarhus ku Denmark ndi digiri ya zamankhwala",sports,online news +en11856,Nadim’s profile as a professional athlete will help her acquire a platform to raise awareness about the lack of medical resources in many countries around the world,Mbiri ya Nadim’s monga katswiri wothamanga idzamuthandiza kupeza nsanja yodziwitsa anthu za kusowa kwa chithandizo chamankhwala m’maiko ambiri padziko lonse lapansi,sports,online news +en11857,"I am going to have a platform as a doctor so I can reach out to people who are in need. I love playing football, but I always wanted to give something back. Being able to do it as a doctor is going to be different than what I’ve been doing as a footballer","Ndikhala ndi nsanja ngati dokotala kuti ndizitha kufikira anthu osowa. Ndimakonda kusewera mpira, koma nthawi zonse ndinkafuna kubwezera chinachake. Kutha kuchita ngati dokotala kudzakhala kosiyana ndi zomwe ndakhala ndikuchita ngati mpira",sports,online news +en11858,"Yet, for many women attempting a career in science there are many hurdles to overcome, and that even before they attempt to balance work and family life","Komabe, kwa amayi ambiri omwe amayesa ntchito ya sayansi pali zopinga zambiri zomwe angathe kuzigonjetsa, komanso kuti ngakhale asanayese kulinganiza ntchito ndi moyo wabanja",sports,online news +en11859,"Often, a male-dominated culture prevents some women from even considering leadership positions in academia or from being satisfied with their achievements","Nthawi zambiri, chikhalidwe cholamulidwa ndi amuna chimalepheretsa amayi ena kuganiza za utsogoleri m'masukulu kapena kukhutitsidwa ndi zomwe achita",sports,online news +en11860,"Even though women have made major progresses towards increasing their participation in higher education, they are still under-represented in these fields","Ngakhale kuti amayi apita patsogolo kwambiri kuti awonjezere kutenga nawo mbali pa maphunziro apamwamba, iwo sakuyimiridwabe m'magawo awa",sports,online news +en11861,"The continued marginalization and under-utilization of women’s talents, expertise and resources across the world represents a serious loss of opportunity for society as a whole, not just for the women who are left by the wayside","Kupitirizabe kuchepetsedwa ndi kusagwiritsidwa ntchito bwino kwa luso la amayi, ukatswiri ndi chuma padziko lonse lapansi zikuyimira kutaya kwakukulu kwa mwayi kwa anthu onse, osati kwa amayi okha omwe amasiyidwa m'mbali mwa njira",sports,online news +en11862,"Keep believing in yourself, even though there is going to be a lot of people telling you not to. And secondly, remember always to have a dream","Pitirizani kudzikhulupirira nokha, ngakhale pakhala anthu ambiri akukuuzani kuti musatero. Ndipo chachiwiri, kumbukirani nthawi zonse kukhala ndi Malo omwe mufuna kudzakwaniritsa",sports,online news +en11863,"Because these are the things that have always been with me. First of all, I dreamt. And secondly, I believed my dreams would come true","Chifukwa izi ndi zinthu zomwe zakhala ndi ine nthawi zonse. Choyamba, ndinalota. Ndipo chachiwiri, ndinakhulupirira kuti maloto anga adzakwaniritsidwa",sports,online news +en11864,The Covid-19 crisis has disproportionately affected women. They are on the frontline of the pandemic while conservative forces attempt to undermine the rights acquired after decades of progress,Vuto la Covid-19 lakhudza kwambiri amayi. Iwo ali kutsogolo kwa mliriwu pomwe magulu ankhondo amayesa kusokoneza ufulu womwe wapezedwa patatha zaka zambiri akupita patsogolo,sports,online news +en11865,"Against this backdrop, the full participation of women in social, cultural and economic development – and in democratic processes at all levels – is a moral imperative, a matter of human rights and a political priority of the highest order","Potsutsana ndi izi, kutenga nawo mbali kwathunthu kwa amayi mu chitukuko cha chikhalidwe, chikhalidwe ndi zachuma – komanso mu ndondomeko za demokalase pamagulu onse – ndizofunikira pamakhalidwe, nkhani ya ufulu wachibadwidwe komanso patsogolo pazandale zadongosolo lapamwamba",sports,online news +en11866,"One of the most debatable topics in the sports industry is gender equality. While some believe that women are not capable of competing with men on the same playing field, others feel that the playing field is not level, to begin with","Imodzi mwamitu yomwe ingakambidwe kwambiri pamakampani amasewera ndi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi. Ngakhale kuti ena amakhulupirira kuti akazi sangathe kupikisana ndi amuna pabwalo limodzi, ena amaona kuti bwalo lamasewera silili lofanana, poyambira",sports,online news +en11867,"Women have been fighting for equal rights in sports for decades, and most sports news shows that the battle will continue as long as female athletes are denied the same opportunities as men","Azimayi akhala akumenyera ufulu wofanana pamasewera kwa zaka zambiri, ndipo nkhani zambiri zamasewera zimasonyeza kuti nkhondoyi idzapitirirabe malinga ngati othamanga achikazi akukanidwa mwayi wofanana ndi amuna",sports,online news +en11868,"It’s not just a matter of gender equality, but also making sure that women can reach their full potential in sports. Female athletes have made enormous strides in sports over the past few decades","Sikuti ndi nkhani yongofanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, komanso kuwonetsetsa kuti amayi atha kukwaniritsa zomwe angathe pamasewera. Ochita masewera achikazi apita patsogolo kwambiri pamasewera pazaka makumi angapo zapitazi",sports,online news +en11869,There’s still so much work to be done before true gender equality is achieved in sports. Here are some of the unequal treatment that female athletes face,Pali ntchito yochuluka yoti ichitike kuti kufanana kwenikweni pakati pa amuna ndi akazi kutheke m'masewera. Nazi zina mwazosagwirizana zomwe othamanga achikazi amakumana nazo,sports,online news +en11870,"Generally, sports have for a long time been perceived as male activities. This has alienated most women who wish to participate in sports. The remaining question is: how can gender equality be promoted in the sports industry? There are many ways to achieve this","Nthawi zambiri, masewera akhala akuwoneka ngati amuna kwa nthawi yayitali. Izi zasokoneza amayi ambiri omwe akufuna kuchita nawo masewera. Funso lotsalalo ndilakuti: Kodi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi kungalimbikitsidwe bwanji m'makampani amasewera? Pali njira zambiri zokwaniritsira izi",sports,online news +en11871,"There needs to be more female representation in leadership roles within the sports industry. This includes coaching positions, front office jobs, and refereeing/umpiring roles","Payenera kukhala oyimira akazi ambiri mu maudindo a utsogoleri mkati mwa makampani amasewera. Izi zikuphatikiza maudindo ophunzitsira, ntchito zakutsogolo, ndi maudindo oyimbira mpila wa amuna ndi akazi",sports,online news +en11872,"When women are visible in these types of positions, it sends a message that the sports industry is committed to gender equality. This is one of the few ways to get more women interested in sports","Azimayi akawoneka m'maudindo amtunduwu, amatumiza uthenga kuti makampani amasewera adzipereka kuti azifanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi. Iyi ndi imodzi mwa njira zochepa zopezera amayi ambiri chidwi ndi masewera",sports,online news +en11873,One of the biggest problems facing women’s sports teams is a lack of funding. This is due to the fact that most sponsorships and television contracts go to men’s teams. This needs to change if we want to see more gender equality in sports,Limodzi mwamavuto akulu omwe matimu amasewera a azimayi ndi kusowa kwandalama. Izi zili choncho chifukwa ndalama zambiri zothandizira ndalama komanso makontrakitala a wailesi yakanema zimapita kumagulu amuna Izi zikuyenera kusintha ngati tikufuna kuwona kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera,sports,online news +en11874,Women’s sports teams need to be given the same opportunities as men’s teams when it comes to funding,Magulu amasewera a mpira wa amayiakuyenera kupatsidwa mwayi wofanana ndi wa matimu a men’s pankhani ya ndalama,sports,online news +en11875,"Increase Media Coverage. Coverage is simply not where it needs to be when it comes to women’s sports. This is likely due to the fact that there are fewer opportunities for women to play sports than men. Nevertheless, the media needs to do a better job of promoting women’s sports","Onjezani Kufalitsa kwa Media. Kufalikira sikuli komwe kumayenera kukhala pankhani yamasewera achikazi. Izi mwina zili choncho chifukwa pali mwayi wochepa woti amayi azisewera masewera kusiyana ndi amuna. Komabe, atolankhani akuyenera kuchita ntchito yabwino yolimbikitsa masewera a azimayi",sports,online news +en11876,"This can be done by giving equal coverage to men’s and women’s games, as well as hiring more female sports reporters","Izi zitha kuchitika popereka chidziwitso chofanana ku masewera a amuna ndi akazi, komanso kulemba ntchito atolankhani aakazi ambiri",sports,online news +en11877,"One of the best ways to promote gender equality is to first stop assuming that men are superior athletes, compared to women. This may seem obvious, but sometimes, it’s not the case","Imodzi mwa njira zabwino zolimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi ndikusiya kaye kuganiza kuti amuna ndiapamwamba kuyerekeza ndi akazi. Izi zingawoneke zoonekeratu, koma nthawi zina, sizili choncho",sports,online news +en11878,"Men are often perceived to be better at sports than women because they have more muscle mass, which makes them stronger and faster","Amuna nthawi zambiri amaonedwa kuti ndi abwino pamasewera kusiyana ndi akazi chifukwa ali ndi minofu yambiri, zomwe zimawapangitsa kukhala amphamvu komanso othamanga",sports,online news +en11879,"But this isn’t always factual! Women have different strengths and weaknesses than men, for example, they tend to be less likely to injure themselves, so sometimes, they can beat men in sports","Koma izi sizowona nthawi zonse! Azimayi ali ndi mphamvu ndi zofooka zosiyana ndi amuna, mwachitsanzo, amakonda kudzivulaza okha, choncho nthawi zina amatha kumenya amuna pamasewera",sports,online news +en11880,"Just as you would support men’s teams, support. girls’ and women’s teams. This is a way of motivating women as well as promoting gender equality in sports","Monga momwe mungathandizire magulu amuna, thandizani Atsikana’ ndi magulu aakazi Iyi ndi njira yolimbikitsira amayi komanso kulimbikitsa kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera",sports,online news +en11881,"Give them attention just like you do men’s sports. You might also consider joining a club, going to games, and attending sports events for all genders as a way of promoting sports gender equality","Apatseni chidwi monga momwe mumachitira masewera aamuna. Mutha kuganiziranso zolowa nawo kalabu, kupita kumasewera, komanso kupita kumasewera amtundu uliwonse ngati njira yolimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi",sports,online news +en11882,"If you are teaching sports to young children, be careful not to apply gender stereotypes through your comments or expectations","Ngati mukuphunzitsa zamasewera kwa ana ang'onoang'ono, samalani kuti musagwiritse ntchito malingaliro olakwika a amuna kapena akazi kudzera mu ndemanga zanu kapena zomwe mukuyembekezera",sports,online news +en11883,"For instance, don’t assume that girls are less athletic than boys. Similarly, don’t assume that boys are not interested in certain sports. If there’s a group of kids who enjoy playing sports together, both genders need to participate equally","Mwachitsanzo, musaganize kuti atsikana ndi othamanga kwambiri kuposa anyamata. Mofananamo, musaganize kuti anyamata alibe chidwi ndi masewera ena. Ngati pali gulu la ana omwe amakonda kusewera limodzi, amuna ndi akazi ayenera kutenga nawo mbali mofanana",sports,online news +en11884,"It’s also important for teachers to avoid making general assumptions about boys and girls and how they play differently on the fields l, particularly when it comes to competitiveness. This will ensure that these young sportspeople grow in an environment with equal opportunities",Ndikofunikiranso kuti aphunzitsi apewe kuganiza za anyamata ndi atsikana komanso momwe amasewerera mosiyana makamaka pankhani ya mpikisano. Izi zidzaonetsetsa kuti achinyamatawa akukula m'malo omwe ali ndi mwayi wofanana,sports,online news +en11885,"Many brands may shy away from investing in women’s sports and those that do, think it’s the right thing to do but don’t see it as an investment","Malonda ambiri amatha kupeŵa kuyika ndalama m'masewera a azimayi ndi omwe amachita, amaganiza kuti ndi chinthu choyenera kuchita koma osachiwona ngati chowabweretsera ndalama",sports,online news +en11886,"This perception should change, because women’s sports are growing and have the potential to achieve higher levels, with the right support","Lingaliro ili liyenera kusintha, chifukwa masewera a amayi akukula ndipo ali ndi kuthekera kokwaniritsa milingo yapamwamba, ndi chithandizo choyenera",sports,online news +en11887,"By investing more in women’s sports, the economic gap is reduced. This creates more opportunities for women to participate in sports","Poika ndalama zambiri m’maseŵera a akazi, kusiyana kwachuma kumachepetsedwa. Izi zimapanga mwayi wochuluka kwa amayi kutenga nawo mbali pamasewera",sports,online news +en11888,"Another way to promote gender equality in sports is to have great role models, especially for young girls. Role models show what’s possible and inspire others to achieve their dreams. In the world of sports, both genders need strong role models that they can look up to","Njira ina yolimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera ndikukhala ndi zitsanzo zabwino, makamaka kwa atsikana achichepere. Zitsanzo za maudindo zimasonyeza zomwe zingatheke ndikulimbikitsa ena kuti akwaniritse maloto awo. M'dziko lamasewera, amuna ndi akazi amafunikira zitsanzo zamphamvu zomwe angayang'ane nazo",sports,online news +en11889,"If you have been placed in a position to teach sports, or you are a sportsperson, remember you are a leader, a role model, so try to seek out resources and information on how other people are promoting gender equality in sports","Ngati mwaikidwa kuti muphunzitse zamasewera, kapena ndinu katswiri wamasewera, kumbukirani kuti ndinu mtsogoleri, chitsanzo, chifukwa chake yesani kufunafuna zothandizira ndi chidziwitso cha momwe anthu ena akulimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera",sports,online news +en11890,"Be careful, be careful with what you share on social media about gender equality, because you need to be sensitive to other people’s views and opinions. Use inclusive language while addressing gender equality issues","Samalani, samalani ndi zomwe mumagawana pazama TV zokhudzana ndi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, chifukwa muyenera kukhala okhudzidwa ndi malingaliro ndi maganizo a anthu ena. Gwiritsani ntchito chilankhulo chophatikizana pokambirana nkhani zokhudzana ndi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi",sports,online news +en11891,One method for engaging reluctant readers is to provide books and activities that connect to their interests and passions. Making this connection is especially helpful when introducing nonfiction reading materials to students,Njira imodzi yochitira chidwi owerenga monyinyirika ndiyo kupereka mabuku ndi zochitika zomwe zimagwirizana ndi zokonda ndi zokonda zawo. Kupanga kulumikizana uku ndikothandiza makamaka poyambitsa zida zowerengera zabodza kwa ophunzira,sports,online news +en11892,"Many students enjoy sports, and using sports heroes in lessons and activities is an excellent way to match student interest while developing literacy skills","Ophunzira ambiri amasangalala ndi masewera, ndipo kugwiritsa ntchito ngwazi zamasewera m'maphunziro ndi zochitika ndi njira yabwino kwambiri yofananira ndi chidwi cha ophunzira ndikukulitsa luso lotha kuwerenga",sports,online news +en11893,"In today's world, environmental sustainability has become a global concern. It has become more apparent that concerted actions are required to tackle the negative consequences of climate change and the deterioration of the natural environment","M'dziko lamakono, kusunga chilengedwe kwakhala vuto lalikulu padziko lonse lapansi. Zakhala zoonekeratu kuti zochita zogwirizana zimafunika kuthana ndi zotsatira zoipa za kusintha kwa nyengo ndi kuwonongeka kwa chilengedwe",sports,online news +en11894,"Sport is a powerful tool that can raise awareness, promote sustainable practices, and create positive impacts on the environment","Masewera ndi chida champhamvu chomwe chingathe kudziwitsa anthu, kulimbikitsa machitidwe okhazikika, ndikupanga zotsatira zabwino pa chilengedwe",sports,online news +en11895,"Organizations working in sports for development have a vital role in imparting knowledge and skills to young people, athletes, and communities on environmental education and sustainability in their programs","Mabungwe omwe amagwira ntchito m'masewera achitukuko ali ndi gawo lofunikira popereka chidziwitso ndi luso kwa achinyamata, othamanga, ndi madera pa maphunziro a zachilengedwe ndi kukhazikika m'mapulogalamu awo",sports,online news +en11896,"For example, programs that incorporate eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable energy sources, recycling, and reducing carbon emissions, can create a long-lasting positive impact on the environment","Mwachitsanzo, mapulogalamu omwe amaphatikiza njira zokomera zachilengedwe, monga kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zongowonjezedwanso, kubwezeretsanso, ndi kuchepetsa kutulutsa mpweya wa kaboni, atha kubweretsa zotsatira zabwino kwa nthawi yayitali pa chilengedwe",sports,online news +en11897,Sport can also be an effective tool in combating threats to the environment. A healthy lifestyle and physical activity are encouraged through sports,Masewera angakhalenso chida chothandiza polimbana ndi zoopsa zomwe zingawononge chilengedwe. Kukhala ndi moyo wathanzi komanso kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi kumalimbikitsidwa kudzera mumasewera,sports,online news +en11898,"It can promote sustainable modes of transportation, such as cycling or walking, which can reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. Furthermore, sports can inspire individuals and communities to take action on environmental issues, through volunteering, activism, and community engagement","Itha kulimbikitsa njira zoyendera zokhazikika, monga kupalasa njinga kapena kuyenda, zomwe zingachepetse kutulutsa mpweya wa kaboni ndikuwongolera mpweya wabwino. Kuphatikiza apo, masewera amatha kulimbikitsa anthu ndi madera kuti achitepo kanthu pazachilengedwe, kudzera modzipereka, kuchitapo kanthu, komanso kuchitapo kanthu ndi anthu",sports,online news +en11899,"Conversely, sporting events may also generate adverse effects on the environment. Major sporting events, such as the Olympics or World Cup, can generate significant amounts of waste, energy use, and carbon emissions","Mosiyana ndi zimenezi, zochitika zamasewera zingayambitsenso kuwononga chilengedwe. Masewera akuluakulu, monga Olimpiki kapena World Cup, amatha kuwononga kwambiri, kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu, komanso kutulutsa mpweya",sports,online news +en11900,"To mitigate these negative impacts, sports organizations and event planners can adopt sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly transportation","Pofuna kuchepetsa mavutowa, mabungwe amasewera ndi okonza zochitika amatha kugwiritsa ntchito njira zokhazikika, monga kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zongowonjezwdwa, kuchepetsa zinyalala, komanso kulimbikitsa mayendedwe okonda zachilengedwe",sports,online news +en11901,"Athlete voices can also be utilized to raise awareness and advocate for environmental causes. Athletes can use their platform to draw attention to environmental issues, promote sustainable practices, and engage with fans and communities","Mawu othamanga atha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito kudziwitsa anthu komanso kulimbikitsa zomwe zimayambitsa chilengedwe. Othamanga amatha kugwiritsa ntchito nsanja yawo kuti awonetsere chidwi pazachilengedwe, kulimbikitsa machitidwe okhazikika, komanso kucheza ndi mafani ndi madera",sports,online news +en11902,"However, challenges such as limited funding and resources, lack of awareness and education, and limited stakeholder engagement must be overcome","Komabe, zovuta monga ndalama zochepa ndi zothandizira, kusowa chidziwitso ndi maphunziro, ndi kukhudzidwa kochepa kwa okhudzidwa ziyenera kuthetsedwa",sports,online news +en11903,"Collaboration with relevant stakeholders such as civil societies, the private sector, and to a larger extent the governments can create innovative solutions, leverage resources, and share best practices","Kugwirizana ndi okhudzidwa nawo monga mabungwe a anthu, mabungwe apadera, komanso mokulirapo maboma atha kupanga njira zatsopano zothetsera mavuto, kugwiritsa ntchito chuma, ndikugawana njira zabwino",sports,online news +en11904,"Access to relevant data, tools, and networks is essential for evidence-based programming, monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge sharing. Innovative solutions such as technology, gamification, and social media can be utilized to engage audiences and promote sustainable behaviors","Kupeza deta yoyenera, zida, ndi maukonde ndikofunikira pakupanga mapulogalamu ozikidwa pa umboni, kuyang'anira ndi kuwunika, komanso kugawana chidziwitso. Mayankho atsopano monga ukadaulo, masewera, ndi malo ochezera a pa Intaneti atha kugwiritsidwa ntchito kukopa anthu ndikulimbikitsa machitidwe okhazikika",sports,online news +en11905,"In conclusion, sports can make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability, but it requires the collective effort of all stakeholders","Pomaliza, masewera angathandize kwambiri kuti chilengedwe chikhale chokhazikika, koma chimafuna kuyesetsa kwa onse okhudzidwa",sports,online news +en11906,"Sports organizations, athletes, governments, and civil society must work together to adopt sustainable practices, leverage the power of sports, and create a sustainable future for all","Mabungwe amasewera, othamanga, maboma, ndi mabungwe a anthu ayenera kugwirira ntchito limodzi kuti atsatire njira zokhazikika, kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamasewera, ndikupanga tsogolo lokhazikika kwa onse",sports,online news +en11907,There is a tremendous amount of confusion as to how physical education can benefit and support student-athletes,Pali chisokonezo chachikulu cha momwe maphunziro akuthupi angapindulire ndikuthandizira othamanga ophunzira,sports,online news +en11908,"Although viewed as nearly an elective class, we now know that physical education is more valuable than ever, thanks to research on exercise and learning","Ngakhale kuti timawonedwa ngati pafupifupi kalasi yosankha, tsopano tikudziwa kuti maphunziro akuthupi ndi ofunika kwambiri kuposa kale lonse, chifukwa cha kafukufuku wa masewera olimbitsa thupi ndi kuphunzira",sports,online news +en11909,"Physical education is a growing area of interest in long-term athletic development today, and we outline what you should know if you are a coach or sports performance professional","Maphunziro akuthupi ndi gawo lomwe likukulirakulira pakukula kwamasewera anthawi yayitali masiku ano, ndipo tikufotokoza zomwe muyenera kudziwa ngati ndinu mphunzitsi kapena katswiri wamasewera",sports,online news +en11910,"Formal physical education is the core of athletic development, but common misconceptions can cause either confusion or unrealistic expectations of the curriculum and the instructors","Maphunziro akuthupi okhazikika ndiye maziko a chitukuko cha masewera, koma malingaliro olakwika omwe amapezeka amatha kuyambitsa chisokonezo kapena ziyembekezo zosayembekezereka za maphunziro ndi aphunzitsi",sports,online news +en11911,"Physical education (P.E.) is an important component of student development. It should be seen as a small part of athlete development, but not a responsibility for maximizing sports performance","Maphunziro olimbitsa thupi (PE) ndi gawo lofunikira pakukula kwa ophunzira. Iyenera kuwonedwa ngati gawo laling'ono lachitukuko cha othamanga, koma osati udindo wokulitsa masewera olimbitsa thupi",sports,online news +en11912,"Where physical education ends and athletic development begins is a grey area, but we do know that as an athlete begins competing in sports, the role of P.E. diminishes as the athlete advances","Kumene maphunziro a thupi amatha ndipo chitukuko cha masewera chimayamba ndi malo otuwa, koma tikudziwa kuti pamene wothamanga akuyamba kupikisana pamasewera, udindo wa PE umachepa pamene wothamanga akupita patsogolo",sports,online news +en11913,"P.E. is aligned with student health as well, so the responsibility of curriculums is to meet the needs of the complete person, not just act as a funnel for sports teams","PE imagwirizananso ndi thanzi la ophunzira, kotero udindo wa maphunziro ndi kukwaniritsa zosowa za munthu wathunthu, osati kungokhala ngati njira yamagulu amasewera",sports,online news +en11914,"P.E. should be seen as a small part of athlete development, but not a responsibility for maximizing sports performance","PE iyenera kuwonedwa ngati gawo laling'ono lachitukuko cha othamanga, koma osati udindo wopititsa patsogolo masewera",sports,online news +en11915,"Eventually, a child develops into a young adult, and priorities change from fundamentals with coordination to lifelong wellness","M’kupita kwa nthaŵi, mwana amakula n’kukhala wachikulire, ndipo zinthu zofunika kwambiri zimasintha kuchoka pa mfundo zofunika kwambiri n’kukhala ndi thanzi labwino kwa moyo wake wonse",sports,online news +en11916,"How many responsibilities exist beyond general exposure to coordination is still unknown, but childhood obesity is evidence that more activity beyond sports is needed","Ndi maudindo angati omwe alipo kuposa kukhudzana ndi mgwirizano sakudziwikabe, koma kunenepa kwambiri kwaubwana ndi umboni wakuti ntchito zambiri zopitirira masewera ndizofunikira",sports,online news +en11917,"The most vital component of physical education is teaching the student to control their body in time and space. Most of early childhood is grasping simple coordination that serves as a foundation for later stages, specifically sports and fitness","Chinthu chofunika kwambiri pa maphunziro a thupi ndi kuphunzitsa wophunzira kulamulira thupi lawo mu nthawi ndi malo. Nthawi zambiri ubwana umagwira kulumikizana kosavuta komwe kumakhala maziko am'tsogolo, makamaka masewera ndi kulimbitsa thupi",sports,online news +en11918,"Childhood physical development should also focus on manipulating objects and learning basic activities such as catching, throwing, and other forms of movement skills","Kukula kwa thupi laubwana kuyeneranso kuyang'ana kwambiri pakuwongolera zinthu ndikuphunzira zinthu zofunika monga kugwira, kuponya, ndi mitundu ina ya luso loyenda",sports,online news +en11919,"As students develop the ability to coordinate their body with simple tasks, the demands are increased through interaction with other students and challenges","Pamene ophunzira akukulitsa luso logwirizanitsa thupi lawo ndi ntchito zosavuta, zofunazo zimawonjezeka kupyolera mu kuyanjana ndi ophunzira ena ndi zovuta",sports,online news +en11920,"In physical education, the progression of a student is gradual, starting with very basic movements in near isolation to more sophisticated coordination with games and sports. As competence is attained with the basics, new priorities such as fitness and performance are introduced","M'maphunziro akuthupi, kupita patsogolo kwa wophunzira kumachitika pang'onopang'ono, kuyambira ndi mayendedwe oyambira pafupi ndi kudzipatula kupita ku mgwirizano wapamwamba kwambiri ndi masewera ndi masewera. Pamene luso likukwaniritsidwa ndi zoyambira, zofunikira zatsopano monga kulimbitsa thupi ndi magwiridwe antchito zimayambitsidwa",sports,online news +en11921,"Currently, the experts are discovering that those participating in multiple sports are succeeding later, but it’s unknown whether competing in multiple sports is merely an indication of talent rather than development","Pakadali pano, akatswiriwa apeza kuti omwe akuchita nawo masewera angapo apambana pambuyo pake, koma sizikudziwika ngati kupikisana pamasewera angapo ndi chizindikiro chabe cha talente osati chitukuko",sports,online news +en11922,"Much of physical education is about learning, but fun and creativity are also part of the human experience. Coaches should be aware that P.E. is not just about teaching movement skills; it’s also part of preparing students for adulthood beyond sports","Maphunziro ambiri akuthupi ndi okhudza kuphunzira, koma zosangalatsa ndi luso zilinso mbali ya zochitika zaumunthu. Aphunzitsi ayenera kudziwa kuti PE sikuti imangophunzitsa luso loyenda; ndi gawo lokonzekeretsa ophunzira kuti akhale achikulire kuposa masewera",sports,online news +en11923,"General games that are less athletic and more leisurely are important, as general activity is a component of fitness","Masewera omwe sakhala othamanga kwambiri komanso omasuka ndi ofunikira, chifukwa zochitika zambiri zimakhala zolimbitsa thupi",sports,online news +en11924,"In addition to simple recreational activities, games that are not highly competitive but keep score are a welcome balance for managing stress","Kuphatikiza pa zosangalatsa zosavuta, masewera omwe sali opikisana kwambiri koma amasunga zigoli ndi njira yolandirika yothanirana ndi nkhawa",sports,online news +en11925,"Recreational games support wellness, and are lifelong pursuits because they are not high-risk or high-burnout activities. While recreational games are connected to exercise, they tend to be less formal and more geared to enjoyment than just to the health benefits","Masewera achisangalalo amathandizira kukhala ndi thanzi labwino, ndipo amakhala moyo wonse chifukwa sakhala pachiwopsezo chachikulu kapena otopa kwambiri. Ngakhale kuti masewera osangalatsa amalumikizidwa ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi, amakhala osakhazikika komanso okonzekera kusangalala kuposa kungopeza thanzi",sports,online news +en11926,Recreational play and recreational activities embrace the joy of movement without the focus on winning,Masewero osangalatsa ndi zosangalatsa zimakumbatira chisangalalo chakuyenda popanda kuyang'ana pa kupambana,sports,online news +en11927,"Recreational games may involve participating in sports or could be activities that have no competitive theme at all. It should be noted that the choice of what constitutes “recreational” is highly individual, as each adult will have preferences based on their lifestyle and personality","Masewera achisangalalo angaphatikizepo kuchita nawo masewera kapena kukhala zochitika zomwe zilibe mutu wampikisano konse. Tiyenera kudziwa kuti kusankha zomwe zimapanga “recreational” ndi munthu payekha, popeza wamkulu aliyense adzakhala ndi zokonda malinga ndi moyo wawo komanso umunthu wake",sports,online news +en11928,"As a student advances to adulthood, the transition from simple recreation to the responsibility of health and fitness begins","Pamene wophunzira akupita ku uchikulire, kusintha kuchokera ku zosangalatsa zosavuta kupita ku udindo wa thanzi ndi kulimbitsa thupi kumayamba",sports,online news +en11929,"Therefore, a focus on lifelong exercise and nutrition is now the new standard with most scholastic curriculums. As a child matures, the focus on sports formally decreases, so the expectations of youth sports should be adjusted as a student gets to high school age","Chifukwa chake, kuyang'ana kwambiri pakuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi kwa moyo wonse komanso zakudya zopatsa thanzi tsopano ndiye mulingo watsopano wokhala ndi maphunziro ambiri amaphunziro. Mwana akamakula, chidwi cha masewera chimachepa, choncho ziyembekezo za masewera a achinyamata ziyenera kusinthidwa pamene wophunzira afika msinkhu wa kusekondale",sports,online news +en11930,"Even in middle school, children start to participate in wellness programs and recreational activities instead of sporting games, so adjustments should be considered with performance programs","Ngakhale kusukulu ya pulayimale, ana amayamba kutenga nawo mbali m’maprogramu a umoyo wabwino ndi zosangalatsa m’malo mwa maseŵera amasewera, chotero masinthidwe ayenera kuganiziridwa ndi maprogramu a kachitidwe",sports,online news +en11931,"As the curriculum evolves into fitness to ward off childhood obesity, the worry is that the sporting culture will decline","Pamene maphunziro akusintha kukhala olimba kuti athetse kunenepa kwaubwana, nkhawa ndi yakuti chikhalidwe chamasewera chidzachepa",sports,online news +en11932,"A highly effective physical education program aims to develop physical literacy through the acquisition of skills, knowledge, physical fitness, and confidence","Pulogalamu yophunzitsa zolimbitsa thupi yogwira mtima kwambiri ikufuna kukulitsa luso la thupi mwa kupeza maluso, chidziwitso, kulimbitsa thupi, ndi chidaliro",sports,online news +en11933,"These core principles are implemented through sport participation, sports skill development, knowledge of physical fitness and health, as well as mental health and social adaptation","Mfundo zazikuluzikuluzi zimakhazikitsidwa kudzera mukuchita nawo masewera, chitukuko cha luso la masewera, chidziwitso cha kulimbitsa thupi ndi thanzi, komanso thanzi la maganizo ndi kusintha kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu",sports,online news +en11934,"Recent research has also explored the role of physical education for moral development in support of social inclusion and social justice agendas, where it is under-researched, especially in the context of disability, and the social inclusion of disabled people","Kafukufuku waposachedwapa wafufuzanso ntchito ya maphunziro a thupi pa chitukuko cha makhalidwe abwino pothandizira kuphatikizika kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi ndondomeko za chilungamo cha anthu, kumene sizifufuzidwa bwino, makamaka ponena za kulemala, ndipo kuphatikizidwa kwa anthu olumala",sports,online news +en11935,Many physical education classes utilize technology to assist their pupils in effective exercise. One of the most affordable and popular tools is a simple video recorder,Maphunziro ambiri olimbitsa thupi amagwiritsa ntchito ukadaulo kuthandiza ophunzira awo kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi. Chimodzi mwa zida zotsika mtengo komanso zodziwika bwino ndi chojambulira chosavuta cha kanema,sports,online news +en11936,"With this, students record themselves, and, upon playback, can see mistakes they are making in activities like throwing or swinging Studies show that students find this more effective than having someone try to explain what they are doing wrong, and then trying to correct it","Ndi izi, ophunzira amadzijambula okha, ndipo, posewera, mutha kuwona zolakwika zomwe akupanga muzochita monga kuponya kapena kugwedezeka Maphunziro akuwonetsa kuti ophunzira amapeza izi kukhala zogwira mtima kuposa kukhala ndi wina kuyesa kufotokoza zomwe akuchita zolakwika, ndiyeno kuyesera kukonza izo",sports,online news +en11937,"In England, pupils in years 7, 8, and 9 are expected to do two hours of exercise per week. Pupils in years 10 and 11 are expected to do one hour of exercise per week","Ku England, ophunzira azaka 7, 8, ndi 9 akuyembekezeka kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi maola awiri pa sabata. Ophunzira azaka 10 ndi 11 akuyembekezeka kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi ola limodzi pa sabata",sports,online news +en11938,"Governments require that all students in grades 1 through 8, including those with special needs, be provided with opportunities to participate in a minimum of twenty minutes of sustained, moderate to vigorous physical activity each school day during instructional time","Maboma amafuna kuti ophunzira onse a sitandade 1 mpaka 8, kuphatikiza omwe ali ndi zosowa zapadera, apatsidwe mwayi wochita nawo mphindi zosachepera makumi awiri, zokhazikika, kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi pang'ono kapena mwamphamvu tsiku lililonse la sukulu panthawi yophunzitsa",sports,online news +en11939,These results show that most physically inactive women feel neither the desire nor the need to engage in an activity,Zotsatirazi zikusonyeza kuti amayi ambiri omwe sachita masewera olimbitsa thupi samva chikhumbo kapena kufunika kochita zinthu,sports,online news +en11940,This lack of interest in closely linked to family obligations and responsibilities that have been regarded for decades as women’s duties,Kupanda chidwi kumeneku kumagwirizana kwambiri ndi udindo wabanja ndi maudindo omwe akhala akuwonedwa kwa zaka zambiri ngati ntchito za amayi,sports,online news +en11941,Women who do not participate in physical activities or sport are generally very busy with family and domestic matters,Azimayi amene sachita nawo masewera olimbitsa thupi kapena masewera nthawi zambiri amakhala otanganidwa kwambiri ndi nkhani za m'banja ndi zapakhomo,sports,online news +en11942,"Taking care of children, seeing to the upkeep of the house and the management of the household are regarded as women’s prime activities during their free time","Kusamalira ana, kuyang'anira kusamalira nyumba ndi kasamalidwe ka banja kumawonedwa ngati ntchito zazikulu za amayi panthawi yawo yopuma",sports,online news +en11943,"These family responsibilities are particularly signi­ficant obstacles to the participation in sports among women from working-class backgrounds or ethnic minorities, where the gender-based division of domestic tasks is particularly pronounced","Maudindo apabanjawa makamaka ndi zolepheretsa kuchita nawo masewera pakati pa azimayi ochokera m'magulu ogwira ntchito kapena mafuko ang'onoang'ono, pomwe magawo okhudzana ndi jenda amawonekera makamaka",sports,online news +en11944,"Slightly more men than women are employed in sport, either working in sport-related occupations in the sport sector (for example professional athletes, professional coaches) and outside the sport sector (for example school sports instructors), or in non-sport occupations in the sport sector (for example receptionists in ­fitness centers)","Amuna ochulukirapo kuposa akazi amalembedwa ntchito zamasewera, mwina amagwira ntchito zokhudzana ndi masewera m'gawo lamasewera (mwachitsanzo akatswiri othamanga, ophunzitsa akatswiri) ndi kunja kwa gawo lamasewera (mwachitsanzo aphunzitsi amasewera akusukulu), kapena ntchito zopanda masewera m'gawo lamasewera (mwachitsanzo olandila alendo ku ¬malo opangira zolimbitsa matupi)",sports,online news +en11945,The same trend applies to men and women who engage in voluntary work that supports sporting activities. Roles occupied by men and women in sport tend to be different,Mchitidwe womwewo umagwiranso ntchito kwa amuna ndi akazi omwe amagwira ntchito yodzifunira yomwe imathandizira masewera. Maudindo omwe amuna ndi akazi amakhala nawo pamasewera amakhala osiyana,sports,online news +en11946,"In the voluntary sector, men are more likely than women to occupy the role of coach/trainer or referee or official. Conversely, more men than women tend to be responsible for administrative tasks while both sexes are equally involved in supporting day-to-day club activities and in providing transport","M'gawo lodzipereka, amuna ndi omwe amatha kukhala mphunzitsi/mphunzitsi kapena woweruza kapena oyimbira masewero kuposa amayi. Mosiyana ndi zimenezi, amuna ambiri kuposa akazi amakonda kukhala ndi udindo woyang'anira ntchito pamene amuna ndi akazi amatenga nawo mbali pothandizira zochitika za tsiku ndi tsiku za makalabu komanso kupereka mayendedwe",sports,online news +en11947,"Despite the fact that sport promotes ethical values, fair play and integrity, violence also occurs in the sporting context","Ngakhale kuti masewera amalimbikitsa makhalidwe abwino, kusewera mwachilungamo komanso kukhulupirika, chiwawa chimapezekanso pamasewera",sports,online news +en11948,"In some cases, violence is directed against a person because of their gender (including gender identity or expression)","Nthawi zina, nkhanza zimaperekedwa kwa munthu chifukwa cha jenda (kuphatikiza kudziwika ndikudzionetsera kuti ndi mwamuna kapena mkazi)",sports,online news +en11949,"This phenomenon is understood as gender-based violence and may include sexual harassment and abuse, sexual assault, physical or emotional-psychological violence","Izi zimamveka ngati nkhanza zochitiridwa nkhanza pakati pa amuna ndi akazi ndipo zingaphatikizepo kuzunzidwa ndi kuzunzidwa, kugwiriridwa, nkhanza zakuthupi kapena zamaganizo",sports,online news +en11950,"These forms of gender-based violence are not mutually exclusive; they actually overlap. In sport, gender-based violence usually stems from abuses of power relations facilitated by an organizational culture that ignores, denies or fails to prevent such behaviors","Mitundu iyi ya nkhanza za amuna ndi akazi sizosiyana; iwo kwenikweni amalumikizana. M'masewera, nkhanza za amuna ndi akazi nthawi zambiri zimachokera ku kugwiritsa ntchito molakwika maubwenzi amphamvu omwe amatsogoleredwa ndi chikhalidwe cha bungwe chomwe chimanyalanyaza, kukana kapena kulephera kupewa makhalidwe otere",sports,online news +en11951,"Even if some improvement has been achieved in high-level sporting events, sportswomen are still a lot less visible than men and their performances are still undervalued in the media","Ngakhale kusintha kwina kwachitika m'maseŵera apamwamba, akazi amasewera akadali osawonekera kwambiri kuposa amuna ndipo maseweredwe awo akadali osalabadilidwa pakaulutsidwe ka nkhani",sports,online news +en11952,"There is also an unbalanced portrayal of women and men in the media, which often contributes to the perpetuation of gender stereotypes (for example, often asking women athletes about their families or focusing on their looks)","Palinso kusiyana pa kaonetsedwe ka amayi ndi abambo mnyumba zoulutsir amawu zomwe nthawi zambiri zimathandizira kuti anthu aziganiza kuti ndi amuna kapena akazi okhaokha (mwachitsanzo, nthawi zambiri amafunsa othamanga azimayi za mabanja awo kapena kuyang'ana kwambiri mawonekedwe awo)",sports,online news +en11953,"This sends a strong message that female sports and athletes are secondary to male sports, a message that must be rectified at every opportunity","Izi zimatumiza uthenga wamphamvu wakuti masewera achikazi ndi othamanga ndi achiwiri kwa masewera aamuna, uthenga womwe uyenera kukonzedwa nthawi iliyonse",sports,online news +en11954,"Women are under-represented in sports media at all levels (as journalists, reporters, commentators, editors, etc.). Lack of coverage of women’s sporting events (types and numbers of events covered, time slots, etc.)","Azimayi sayimiriridwa pang'ono m'ma TV pamagulu onse (monga atolankhani, atolankhani, olemba ndemanga, akonzi, ndi zina zotero). Kusafotokoza za zochitika zamasewera za akazi (mitundu ndi kuchuluka kwa zochitika zomwe zafotokozedwa, mipata ya nthawi, ndi zina zotero)",sports,online news +en11955,"Women and men are more likely to be covered if they perform in “appropriate” sports (for example, girls and women doing gymnastics or men boxing)","Azimayi ndi abambo amatha kuphimbidwa ngati achita masewera a “appropriate” (mwachitsanzo, atsikana ndi amayi omwe akuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi kapena amuna ankhonya)",sports,online news +en11956,"Women’s sport is more likely to be commented on with “matter-of-fact” language, and attracts less footage and fewer interviews","Masewera a Women’s satha kuyankhulidwa kwambiri ndi chilankhulo cha “matter-of-fact”, ndipo amakopa zithunzi zochepa komanso zoyankhulana zochepa",sports,online news +en11957,"The approach to women’s sports emphasizes physical appearance and shifts the focus from skills to looks (for example, “sexy” poses in magazines)","Njira yochitira masewera a amayi imagogomezera maonekedwe a thupi ndikusintha maganizo kuchokera ku luso kupita ku maonekedwe (mwachitsanzo, “dama” imayika m’bukhu la magazini)",sports,online news +en11958,"Still a high level of attention to women’s personal lives and families reaffirming traditional roles (for example, male athletes seldom asked about their spouse or their spouses being presented as trophies)","Akadali ndi chidwi chachikulu pa moyo wa amayi ndi mabanja omwe akutsimikiziranso maudindo achikhalidwe (mwachitsanzo, othamanga achimuna samafunsa kawirikawiri za mwamuna kapena mkazi wawo kuti aperekedwe ngati zikho)",sports,online news +en11959,Female athletes are less interviewed directly (tendency to interview coaches or entourage who speak on their behalf),Othamanga achikazi samafunsidwa mwachindunji (chizoloŵezi chofunsa aphunzitsi kapena gulu lomwe limalankhula m'malo mwawo),sports,online news +en11960,"Develop education and training of athletes and coaches on how to communicate with the media and, more broadly, control the rights of an ethical and appropriate use of their names and images","Konzani maphunziro ndi maphunziro a othamanga ndi makochi a momwe angalankhulire ndi atolankhani komanso, mokulirapo, kuwongolera ufulu wogwiritsa ntchito bwino mayina ndi zithunzi zawo",sports,online news +en11961,"Develop educational material on gender stereotypes in sport for the media and for journalism schools. Make sure that all marketing and advertising at sporting events stay clear of gender stereotypes and the sexualisation of athletes (for example, avoid women in miniskirts handing out prizes or all-female cheerleading during half-times)","Konzani maphunziro okhudzana ndi kusagwirizana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera atolankhani komanso m'masukulu atolankhani. Onetsetsani kuti malonda onse ndi malonda pazochitika zamasewera sakhala opanda malingaliro a amuna ndi akazi komanso kugonana kwa othamanga (mwachitsanzo, pewani amayi ovala masiketi ang'onoang'ono kuti apereke mphoto kapena cheerleading ya akazi nthawi zonse)",sports,online news +en11962,"Assign responsibility within the organization to improve media coverage of the under-represented gender. For example, request your press officer to do­ne a communications strategy aimed at raising the pro­le of female athletes in your sport","Perekani udindo m'bungwe kuti lipititse patsogolo kufalitsa nkhani za jenda lomwe silikuyimiridwa pang'ono. Mwachitsanzo, pemphani mkulu wanu atolankhani kuti apange njira yolumikizirana yomwe cholinga chake ndi kukweza ntchito ya othamanga achikazi pamasewera anu",sports,online news +en11963,"Develop contacts with the media and supply them with feature stories, images, statistics related to women’s sport","Konzani kulumikizana ndi atolankhani ndikuwapatsa nkhani, zithunzi, ziwerengero zokhudzana ndi masewera a azimayi",sports,online news +en11964,"Promote (female and male) role models in your sport (for example, via social media Raise awareness of what constitutes gender bias and stereotyping. For example, develop education and training for sports organizations’ board members on how to counter negative stereotypes in sport, draft codes of conduct and set up effective procedures to handle complaints","Limbikitsani (akazi ndi amuna) zitsanzo pamasewera anu (mwachitsanzo, kudzera pawailesi yakanema Dziwani zomwe zimapanga kukondera kwa amuna kapena akazi komanso malingaliro olakwika. Mwachitsanzo, pangani maphunziro ndi maphunziro a mabungwe amasewera, perekani mamembala a board momwe angathanirane ndi malingaliro oyipa pamasewera, kulemba malamulo amakhalidwe ndikukhazikitsa njira zogwirira ntchito zothanirana ndi madandaulo",sports,online news +en11965,"As much as possible, ensure that both male and female athletes/sports/events are represented in a balanced way in all communication (comments, stories, images, websites, social media, etc.)","Momwe mungathere, onetsetsani kuti othamanga amuna ndi akazi/masewera/zochitika zikuimiridwa moyenera muzoyankhulana zonse (ndemanga, nkhani, zithunzi, mawebusaiti, malo ochezera a pa Intaneti, ndi zina zotero)",sports,online news +en11966,This campaign focuses on portraying female sporting champions whose paths defy the idea that certain sport disciplines are reserved for men,Kampeniyi ikuyang'ana kwambiri kuwonetsa akatswiri amasewera achikazi omwe njira zawo zimatsutsana ndi lingaliro lakuti masewera ena amasungidwa amuna,sports,online news +en11967,"On the other hand, it highlights the persistent inequalities and barriers to regular physical activity for women. Involve residents, club members, pupils in schools and students and women and men of all ages to examine how opportunities can be tailored to their needs","Kumbali inayi, ikuwonetsa kusagwirizana kosalekeza ndi zolepheretsa kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi nthawi zonse kwa amayi. Phatikizani anthu okhala, mamembala a makalabu, ana asukulu ndi ophunzira ndi amayi ndi abambo azaka zonse kuti awone momwe mwayi ungakwaniritsire zosowa zawo",sports,online news +en11968,"Take positive measures to ensure full and effective equality between users of all backgrounds; for example, provide the same quality and availability of venues for female and male teams","Chitanipo kanthu kuti muwonetsetse kuti pali kufanana kwathunthu ndi kothandiza pakati pa ogwiritsa ntchito amitundu yonse; mwachitsanzo, perekani khalidwe lofanana ndi kupezeka kwa malo a magulu aakazi ndi amuna",sports,online news +en11969,Provide childcare or children’s activities at the same time as the parents’ activities. Support the creation of female teams in male-dominated sports,Perekani ntchito zosamalira ana kapena za ana nthawi imodzi ndi zochitika za makolo’. Thandizani kukhazikitsidwa kwa magulu achikazi m'masewera olamulidwa ndi amuna,sports,online news +en11970,"Ensure that public sport infrastructures are equally distributed between male and female users (access, quality). Expand mixed sports at every level and work to promote mixed sports for all age groups (reaching out to players, awareness raising)","Onetsetsani kuti zida zamasewera zapagulu zimagawidwa mofanana pakati pa ogwiritsa ntchito amuna ndi akazi (kufikira, mtundu). Kwezani masewera osakanikirana pamlingo uliwonse ndikugwira ntchito yolimbikitsa masewera osakanikirana azaka zonse (kufikira osewera, kudziwitsa anthu)",sports,online news +en11971,"Look at ways to integrate a gender-sensitive approach to the training content. For example, in training on coaching skills, reflect on the skills that are actually needed in technical but also human terms: the techniques for passing on knowledge to learners but also the softer skills such as empathy, the capacity to listen, understand and motivate, which can make a difference","Yang'anani njira zophatikizira njira yokhudzana ndi kusasiyanitsa pakati pa amuna ndi akazi ndi zomwe zili mu maphunziro. Mwachitsanzo, pophunzitsa luso la kuphunzitsa, ganizirani za luso lomwe likufunika kwenikweni muukadaulo komanso mawu aumunthu: njira zoperekera chidziwitso kwa ophunzira komanso maluso ofewa monga chifundo, kuthekera komvera, kumvetsetsa ndi kulimbikitsa, zomwe zingapangitse kusiyana",sports,online news +en11972,"Do not hesitate to plan a session on specifi­c gender-related barriers, for example issues that a female coach can face in order to be accepted by a male team",Musazengereze kukonzekera gawo la zolepheretsa zokhudzana kusasiyanitsa pakati pa amuna ndi akazi. Mwachitsanzo nkhani zomwe mphunzitsi wachikazi angakumane nazo kuti avomerezedwe ndi gulu lachimuna,sports,online news +en11973,"Specific gender equality training should be organized, such as training for certifi­ed coaches focusing on developing gender-sensitive coaching techniques","Maphunziro apadera okhudzana ndi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi ayenera kukonzedwa, monga kuphunzitsa makochi Ali ndi masamba ololezedwa omwe amayang'ana kwambiri kupanga njira zophunzitsira zomwe zimakhudzidwa ndi jenda",sports,online news +en11974,Ensure that the training includes speci­fic content on preventing and combating gender-based violence in sport,Onetsetsani kuti maphunzirowa akuphatikiza maphunziro othandiza kupewa komanso kuthana ndi nkhanza zomwe zimachitika pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera,sports,online news +en11975,The Government has been called upon to create a specific fund which will create jobs within sport and increase participation in physical activity across all elements of society,Boma lapemphedwa kuti likhazikitse thumba lapadera lomwe lidzakhazikitse ntchito mkati mwamasewera ndikuwonjezera kutenga nawo mbali pazochita zolimbitsa thupi m'magulu onse a anthu,sports,online news +en11976,Research among sporting bodies has indicated that jobs could be created immediately and help to stop the drain of talent and resource that is currently being lost to emigration,Kafukufuku pakati pa mabungwe amasewera awonetsa kuti ntchito zitha kupangidwa nthawi yomweyo ndikuthandizira kuletsa kutha kwa luso ndi zida zomwe zikutayika pakusamuka,sports,online news +en11977,"2,000 young people graduate each year with a sports related qualification but despite the rapid growth of sport as a business driver, most are currently forced to leave the country to further their ambitions","Achinyamata a zikwi ziwiri amamaliza maphunziro awo chaka chilichonse ndi ziyeneretso zokhudzana ndi masewera koma ngakhale kuti masewera akukula mofulumira monga oyendetsa malonda, ambiri pakali pano akukakamizika kuchoka m'dzikoli kuti apititse patsogolo zolinga zawo",sports,online news +en11978,In pure economic terms everything points to the sense of greater Government involvement in public health through smarter investment in public sport,M'mawu abwino azachuma chilichonse chikuwonetsa kukhudzidwa kwakukulu kwa Boma pazaumoyo wa anthu kudzera mukuyika ndalama mwanzeru pamasewera okondedwa ndianthu,sports,online news +en11979,The problem lies in perception with sport being seen as a major business in its own right and therefore somehow less deserving of Government support than other areas such as the arts or indeed other areas of business,Vutoli lagona pakuwona kuti masewera akuwoneka ngati malonda yayikulu mwaokha ndipo motero mwanjira ina sakuyenera kuthandizidwa ndi Boma kuposa madera ena monga zaluso kapena zina magawo amalonda,sports,online news +en11980,"Employment in sport over recent years has grown at more than 50% higher than in accountancy and the submission focus on employment is cleverly targeted to highlight the economic value, never mind the physical value of creating a fitter and healthier nation","Ntchito zamasewera m'zaka zaposachedwa zakula kuposa 50% kuposa momwe amawerengera ndalama ndipo kuyang'ana kwambiri pantchito kumayang'aniridwa mwanzeru kuti awonetse phindu lazachuma, osadandaula za phindu lakuthupi lopanga dziko lathanzi komanso lathanzi",sports,online news +en11981,The longer term benefits of fitness and health exist beyond the life cycle of a Government in a democracy but jobs within local communities are an immediate concern which sport can help address,Ubwino wanthawi yayitali wolimbitsa thupi ndi thanzi ulipo kupitilira moyo wa Boma mu demokalase koma ntchito m'madera akumidzi ndizodetsa nkhawa zomwe masewera angathandize kuthana nazo,sports,online news +en11982,"As its influence grows, there’s an escalating curiosity to explore the wider economic ramifications of this industry, especially as an increasing number of states and nations opt to regulate and levy taxes on sports betting ventures","Pamene chikoka chake chikukula, pali chidwi chochulukirachulukira chofufuza momwe chuma chikuyendera pamakampaniwa, makamaka pamene mayiko ndi mayiko akuchulukirachulukira asankha kuwongolera ndi kukhometsa misonkho pamabetcha amasewera",sports,online news +en11983,"Sports betting significantly impacts job creation in regions where it is legalized. Legalized sports betting creates direct job opportunities within the industry, including positions such as oddsmakers, sportsbook operators, customer service representatives, and risk analysts. The demand for these roles grows as the industry grows","Kubetcha pamasewera kumakhudza kwambiri kukhazikitsidwa kwa ntchito m'magawo omwe amavomerezedwa. Kubetcha kovomerezeka pamasewera kumapanga mwayi wantchito mwachindunji m'makampani, kuphatikiza maudindo monga osamvetseka, oyendetsa mabuku amasewera, oyimilira makasitomala, ndi openda zoopsa. Kufunika kwa maudindowa kumakula pamene makampani akukula",sports,online news +en11984,"Beyond the core sports betting operations, there is a ripple effect on other industries. This includes hospitality, security, finance, and technology jobs indirectly linked to sports betting","Kupitilira pa kubetcha kwakukulu kwamasewera, pamakhala zovuta pamafakitale ena. Izi zikuphatikizapo kuchereza alendo, chitetezo, ndalama, ndi ntchito zamakono zomwe zimagwirizanitsidwa ndi kubetcha pamasewera",sports,online news +en11985,"With the rise of online sports betting platforms, technology plays a crucial role in job creation. This includes software development, cybersecurity, and customer support positions","Ndi kukwera kwa nsanja zobetcha pamasewera pa intaneti, ukadaulo umagwira ntchito yofunika kwambiri pakupanga ntchito. Izi zikuphatikiza chitukuko cha mapulogalamu, chitetezo cha matsamba a intaneti, ndi malo othandizira makasitomala",sports,online news +en11986,"Legalizing sports betting necessitates the creation of regulatory bodies and legal frameworks, leading to legal and compliance jobs within government agencies and law firms specializing in gaming law","Kulembetsa kubetcha mwalamulo kwamasewera kumafuna kukhazikitsidwa kwa mabungwe owongolera ndi malamulo, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti pakhale ntchito zamalamulo ndi zotsatiridwa ndi mabungwe aboma ndi makampani azamalamulo omwe amagwira ntchito zamalamulo amasewera",sports,online news +en11987,"Tourism is a key aspect of the economic impact of legalized sports betting. The industry can attract tourists, boost local economies, and stimulate growth in various sectors"," nkhani yo zakopa alendo ndi gawo lofunikira kwambiri pazachuma pakubetcha kovomerezeka kwamasewera. Makampaniwa amatha kukopa alendo, kulimbikitsa chuma cham'deralo, komanso kulimbikitsa kukula m'magawo osiyanasiyana",sports,online news +en11988,"Tourists who visit sports betting events or destinations require accommodations, leading to increased bookings for local hotels and motels","Alendo omwe amayendera zochitika za kubetcha pamasewera kapena kopita amafunikira malo ogona, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti mahotela am'deralo ndi ma motelo achuluke",sports,online news +en11989,"Restaurants and bars near sports betting venues experience a surge in customers during major sporting events, contributing to their revenue","Malo odyera ndi mipiringidzo pafupi ndi malo obetcha amasewera amakumana ndi kuchuluka kwamakasitomala pazochitika zazikulu zamasewera, zomwe zimathandizira kuti apeze ndalama",sports,online news +en11990,"Tourists may explore local attractions, boosting revenue for museums, parks, and other regional recreational facilities","Alendo amatha kuyang'ana zokopa zakomweko, kukulitsa ndalama zosungiramo zinthu zakale, malo ochezera ndi malo ena osangalalira am'deralo",sports,online news +en11991,"Hosting major sporting events, such as the World Cup, can significantly boost tourism. Sports betting adds an extra layer of excitement for tourists attending these events","Kuchititsa zochitika zazikulu zamasewera, monga chikho cha pa dziko lonse la pansi cha World Cup, kumatha kulimbikitsa kwambiri zokopa alendo. Kubetcha pamasewera kumawonjezera chisangalalo kwa alendo obwera ku zochitika izi",sports,online news +en11992,"Sports betting venues often include bars, restaurants, and entertainment options. The attractions can draw visitors, particularly those seeking a vibrant nightlife and entertainment scene","Malo obetcha pamasewera nthawi zambiri amakhala ndi mipiringidzo, malo odyera, ndi zosangalatsa. Zokopa zimatha kukopa alendo, makamaka omwe akufuna malo osangalatsa ausiku komanso zosangalatsa",sports,online news +en11993,"The economic impact of sports betting extends to the overall health of local economies, including revenue generation and support for small businesses","Mavuto azachuma pakubetcha pamasewera amafikira ku thanzi lazachuma zakomweko, kuphatikiza kupanga ndalama ndikuthandizira amalonda ang'onoang'ono",sports,online news +en11994,"Governments typically impose taxes on sports betting revenue. The taxes contribute to state and local coffers, providing public services and infrastructure development funds","Boma nthawi zambiri limaika msokho pa ndalama zimene zimapezeka pa njuga. ndalamazi zimawonjezela thumba la chuma la boma komanso maboma an'gono, kuthandizira ntchito za boma komanso chuma cha chitukuko cha zomangamanga",sports,online news +en11995,"In some regions, revenue generated from sports betting is earmarked for specific purposes, such as education or healthcare. The allocation can have a targeted and positive impact on these sectors","mu gawo ena, ndalama zochokera ku masewera a njuga zimakhazikitsidwa ndi cholinga chake chenicheni, monga maphunziro komanso chithandizo cha umoyo. kukhazikitsidwaku kukhoza kukhala ndi zotsatira zabwino ku magawowa",sports,online news +en11996,"Increased tax revenue from sports betting can improve public services, including schools, roads, and healthcare facilities, benefiting the broader community","kuwonjeza msokho pa ndalama zochokera ku njuga zikhoza kuthandiza ntchito za boma, kuphatikiza masukulu, misewu ndi malo achipatala, kuthandizira anthu ambiri.",sports,online news +en11997,"Since the legalization of sports betting, small businesses have witnessed a remarkable upswing in their fortunes. In particular, local sports bars and restaurants have reported increased foot traffic on game days, translating to a rise in overall revenue","kuchokera pamene njuga inavomrelezedwa, amalonda an'gonoang'gono zinthu zasitha mwabwino. makamaka, malo omwera mowa amene amaonetsa mpira, malo ogulitsa chakudya afotokoza kuti kukumabwera anthu pa masiku amene kuli masewera, zimene zikutathauza kuchuluka kwa ndalama.",sports,online news +en11998,"Additionally, local merchandise stores selling team paraphernalia have enjoyed an uptick in sales. ","kuwonjezalapo, amalonda ogulitsa zovala zamasewero asangalalaso ndi kukwera kwa zogulitsidwa",sports,online news +en11999,"Furthermore, ancillary businesses such as transportation services and local accommodations have benefited, with a reported increase in bookings and rides on major sporting event days."," Kuonjezerapo, othandizira malonda monga a mtengatenga ndi mtokoma komanso malo ogona anthu apindula, ndipo chiwerengero cha anthu ofunsa malo ogona kapena mayendedwe chokwera pamasiku a zochitika zamasewero. ",sports,online news +en12000, The ripple effect of sports betting legalization has invigorated the small business sector in unprecedented ways,Kusintha kwa zinthu chifukwa choyika malamulo ovomereza juga kwadzutsa ntchito zamalonda zing'onozing'ono mwa njira zopsatsa chidwi,sports,online news +en12001,"Effective regulatory frameworks are necessary to ensure the integrity of the sports betting industry. Licensing authorities are critical in overseeing operators, enforcing compliance, and protecting consumers","njira zoyenelera ndizofunika kuwonetsetsa kuti pakhala chilungamo pa gawo la njuga. Adindo opeleka chiphaso ndiwofunikira kuyan'ganira oyendetsawa, kulimbikitsa kutsatira malamulo ndikuteteza ogula",sports,online news +en12002,Careful consideration of tax rates and revenue allocation mechanisms is vital to maximize the economic benefits while minimizing potential negative social consequences,malingaliro ofunikira pa misokho ndi njira zoikira ndalama ndizofunikira kuti zikuze ubwino pachuma pamene tikuchepetsa zotsatira zolakwika ku anthu,sports,online news +en12003,The normalization of sports betting can positively and negatively affect gambling culture. It’s important to balance promoting responsible gambling and fostering a healthy interest in sports,kuvomelezedwa kwa njuga pa masewera zikhoza kukhala ndizotsatirsa zabwino komanso zoipa pa khalidwe la njuga. ndizofunika kulimbikitsa kupanga njuga mosamala ndi kulimbikitsa kukhala ndi chikhumbokhumbo pa masewera,sports,online news +en12004,"Public opinion on sports betting varies widely, and efforts to reduce stigma and promote understanding of the industry’s economic benefits can influence the regulatory landscape","maganizo a anthu njuga pa masewera zimasiyanasiyana, ndipo ntchito yofuna kuchepetsa kusalana ndikulimbikitsa kumvetsetsa kufunika pa chuma kwa gawoli zikhoza kupangitsa kusitha kuyang'anira ",sports,online news +en12005,Understanding the demographic groups most impacted by sports betting and its consequences can guide targeted interventions and support programs,kudziwa gulu la anthu limene lakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi ndi njuga zapa maweswera komanso zotsaitra zake zikhoza kutsogolera kupeleka zithandizo,sports,online news +en12006,The relationship between sport and religion has dated back to the earliest civilizations and has continued to evolve as society has developed into the modern civilization that we now live in,kugwirizana kwa masewelo ndi chipembedzo zikufumira kwa anthu akalekale ndipo zakhala zikupitilira zikupitilira kusintha pamene anthu akusintha zochitika makono omwe tikukhala,sports,online news +en12007,"The ways in which sport structures beliefs, values and behaviors is often compared to the ways in which religion teaches important values and lessons","njira zimene masewero amaikira zikhulupiliro, ngodya ndi makhalidwe simafanizidwa ku njira zimene chipembedzo chimaphunzitsira ngodya ndi maphunziro",sports,online news +en12008,"In fact, the message that both religion and sport teach us are similar, using symbols to communicate important values and lessons","mwachilangamo chake, uthenga wa chipembedzo ndi masewera umatiphunzitsa zofanana, kugwiritsa ntchito zizindikilo polimikizana ngodya ndi maphunziro wofunikira",sports,online news +en12009,"In modern times, athletes are no longer seen as gods per se, but are still highly revered as the epitome of discipline, determination, and dedication","mu nthawi yamakono ino, osewera masewera sawonedwa ngati milungu, koma amaonedwa kuti amakhala ndi khalidwe, kulimbikila ndi wodzipeleka",sports,online news +en12010,"Even when sport is not a part of religious ritual, it can be metaphorically linked to religion as a symbol of strife and setting elusive goals for life","ngakhale pamene masewero sali gawo la chipembedzo, zikhoza kukhala zolumikizana ndi zizindikiro za kulimbikira ndi kukhazikitsa masophenya paumoyo",sports,online news +en12011,"In Islam, Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) often encouraged Muslims to practice sport such as swimming to maintain our body health, strengthen the body for when needed and engage in activities that bring enjoyment and relaxation. Such activities ultimately bring balance which leads to a sense of fulfillment in one’s life","mu chipembedzo cha chisilamu, mneneri muhammed mtendere ukhale kwa iye nthawi zambiri amalimbikitsa asilamu kupanga masewero monga kusambira kuti akhale ndi thupi la thanzi, kulimbitsa thupi pamene zikufunika komanso kugwira nchito zimene zimawasangalatsa ndi kupuma. zochita zimenezi zimabweletsa kukhala chimodzi kumene kumapangitsa kukhutira mu moyo wa munthu",sports,online news +en12012,"We welcome all ages from toddlers to adults to engage with the community and participate in keeping our bodies healthy, able and balanced","timalandira anthu a zaka zosiyanasiyana monga ana akhanda kufikira akuluakulu kuti azikhala nawo ndi gulu komanso kuchita nawo kuti matupi awo akhale ndi athanzi, akuthekera ndi moyenera",sports,online news +en12013,"Sports, is a multi-billion dollar business and thus a lucrative one which makes it prone to corruption. A basic aspect of corruption in sports is that it is multifaceted and manifested in many ways","masewera, ndi malonda andalama zakhanikhani ndipo abwino kwambiri amene amapangitsa kuti akhale pa chiwopsezo cha katangale. njira yochepa chabe pa katangale pa masewero zimakhala zosiyanasiyana ndipo zimaonekera munjira zosiyanasiyana",sports,online news +en12014,The dream to succeed and the developments in medicine and its techniques led to athletes looking for ways to enhance their performance to win a medal in the Olympics or a trophy in a competition,maloto ofuna kupambana ndi kutukuka pa nkhani ya mankhwala ndi njira zina zapangitsa ochita masewera kupeza njira kuti apite kuchita kwawo kuti apambane mphoto kapena mendulo ku masewera a olympic komanso pampikisano,sports,online news +en12015,"Athletes that compete at the top-level keep searching for ways to get an edge over their competitors in order to achieve glory, success, respect and money","wochita masewera amene amapikisana pa mlingo wotsogola amafufuza njira kuti awapose anzawo kuti akhale opambana, kulemekezedwa ndi ndalama",sports,online news +en12016,"The doping phenomenon is more common when it comes to the Olympics, mostly because of the close cooperation between Government officials and the medical staff of each country","khalidwe lochulukitsa mphamvu limachitika kwambiri ku masewero a olympics, chifukwa nthawi zambiri chifukwa chakugwira limodzi ntchito aboma komanso achipatala adziko lina lililonse",sports,online news +en12017,"Politics don’t stay out of this phenomenon, unfortunately. The involvement of politicians makes the issue even more complicated mainly because of the connection of high profile individuals","ndale sizimalephela kupezekapo pa izi, mwachisoni. kutenga nawo gawo anthu andale kumapangitsa zinthuzi kukhala zovuta chifukwa zimakhudza anthu a mlingo wapamwamba kwambiri",sports,online news +en12018,Governments usually use the veil of secrecy to hide corruption scandals in order to protect themselves from public exposure and loss of political credibility,boma nthawi zambiri limagwiritsa ntchito njira za chinsinsi pobisa nkhani ziphuphu kuti aziteteze kusawonekela ku anthu komanso kutaya chikhulupiliro,sports,online news +en12019,"Furthermore, looking into the Calciopoli and other match-fixing scandals, the main concern is that match-fixing and illegal betting take more than one person to be arranged","kuwonjezera apo, tikayan'gana za calciopoli ndi nkhani zina zosokoneza masewera, chodandaulitsa kwambiri ndichakuti kuti kusokoneza masewera komanso njuga yosaloledwa zisimafuna munthu m'modzi yekha kuti kuti zipangidwe",sports,online news +en12020,"During a research I launched recently while working on the issue of match fixing, I interviewed several footballers that play in European clubs regarding the reasons behind match-fixing","pamene ndimapanga kafukufuku amene ndakhazikitsa pompano pamene ndikugwira ntchito zokhudza kusokoneza masewera, ndiyakhula ndi osewera mpira wa miyendo amene amasewera ma timu a ku ulaya zokhudza zifukwa zimene zimapangitsa kusokoneza zotsatira za masewera",sports,online news +en12021,"The conclusions I reached came as a surprise. The primary reason, mostly in Eastern Europe, is that footballers have to “survive”. And what do they mean by “survive”?","zotsatira zimene zimene ndinapeza zinali zodabwitsa. chifukwa chenicheni, makamaka ku m'mawa kwa ku ulaya ndichakuti osewera mpira wamiyendo amayenera kukhala ndi moyo. ndipo akutathauza chani akati kukhala ndi moyo?",sports,online news +en12022,"Most clubs, especially second-tier ones and below, are not able to pay salaries after the first half of the season. That happens usually because of lack of financial planning on the club’s side, with the annual budget of the club being rather unrealistic and not facts-based","ma timu ambiri, makamaka amene ali mu gawo lachiwiri ndikutsika m'musi, sakwanitsa kulipila malipiliro pakatha gawo loyamba la masewerawo. izi zimachitika chifukwa chakusowa kwa ndondomeko pa chuma ku mbali ya timuyi, zimene zimachitika chifukwa cha ndondomeko ya chuma imene imakhala yosalondola komanso yopanda umboni",sports,online news +en12023,"Normally clubs, especially the ones belonging to the second-tier and below, do not analyze the risk factors or even consider the worst-case scenario","nthawi zambiri matimu makamaka amene ali mu gawo la chiwiri komanso lapansi, samayan'gana zachiwopsezo kapena kuganizira kuti zinthu zitavuta",sports,online news +en12024,"The financial risk in combination with the uncertainty of sports, usually leads to economic instability within clubs","chiwopsezo pa chuma ndikuphatikiza kusadziwika wa masewero, zimapangitsa kusakhazikika pa chuma mu ma timu",sports,online news +en12025,"The urgent need to find the resources to pay at least the players’ salaries, is one of the reasons that lead clubs in the search of a fast and easy access to money which can lead to match fixing","kufuna kupeza zofunikira mwasanga kuti apeleke malipiro a wosewera , ndifukwa chimodzi zimene chimapangitsa kuti ma timu afufuze njira za changu komanso zosavuta kupeza ndalama zimene zimapangitsa kusokoneza zotsatira za masewera",sports,online news +en12026,"To control corruption in sports, there is a growing demand for specific legislative and policy responses. Other nations use existing fraud or anti-corruption legislation, and a few rely on conspiracy offences","kuti tichepetse ziphuphu mu masewera, pali kufunikira kokhanzikitsa gawo ndi malamulo. maiko ena amagwiritsa ntchito malamulo amene alipo kale othetsera katangale ndi ziphuphu ndipo ena ochepa amadalira mphekesera",sports,online news +en12027,"FIFA and UEFA also took several steps recently, to prevent officials and athletes from fixing games, through new legislation and cooperation with government and international organizations","bungwe la FIFA ndi UEFA akhala akupanga njira zina posachedwapa, kuti ateteze oyendetsa masewera komanso osewera kuti asasokoneze zotsatira za masewero, kudzera mu malamulo atsopano ndikugwira ntchito limodzi ndi boma komanso mabungwe adziko lonse la pansi.",sports,online news +en12028,"An example of these initiatives is the agreement signed between FIFA and INTERPOL aiming to educate and train key actors in football on how to recognize, resist and report attempts to corrupt or fix matches and to better prepare law enforcement on how to investigate and cooperate in corruption or match-fixing related cases","chitsanzo china ntchito ndi mgwirizano wa FIFA ndi INTERPOL akufuna kudziwitsa ndi kuphunizitsa anthu otsogolera ku masewero a mpira m'mene anadziwire, kupewa ndikuwulula zaziphuphu kapena kasokoneza zotsatirsa za masewero komanso kukhozekera bwino kulimbikitsa malamulo ndi kugwira ntchito limodzi pa katangale ndi zosokoneza zotsatira zamasewera",sports,online news +en12029,"Corruption in sports has existed since the beginning of time and it’s difficult to tackle. We probably cannot extinguish match-fixing, illegal betting or doping, but more can be done at a national level and international level to limit the exposure of athletes and other sports officials","katangale mu masewera wakhala alipo kuchokela pachiyambi ndipo ndizovuta kuthetsa izi. mwina sitingathetse kusokoneza zotsatira pa masewera, njuga yosaloledwa kuwonjezera mphamvu, koma zambiri zikhoza kuchitika pa mlingo wa dziko komanso pa dziko lonse la pansi kuti achepetse chiwopsezo cha wosewera ndi anthu ena oyendetsa masewero",sports,online news +en12030,Such steps could be the education of athletes and sports officials and more severe and readily enforceable sanctions,njira ngati zimenezi zikhoza kukhala maphunziro kwa wosewera ndi woyendetsa masewero komanso kukhala zovuta ndi zolimbikitsa ,sports,online news +en12031,"Most importantly, however, all relevant stakeholders need to understand that the only way to tackle corruption in sports and achieve some sort of progress, is through coherent, coordinated and decisive action","mofunikira kwambiri, komabe, aliyense wotenga nawo mbali akyenera kudziwa kuti njira yokhayo yothana ndi katangale pa masewero ndikukwanilitsa zinthu ndikugwira ntchito limodzi.",sports,online news +en12032,"The modern athlete normally follows his or her own religious tradition in a private manner. This does not mean, however, there is no connection between religion and sport",wochita masewera amasiku ano nthawi zambiri amatsatira chikhalidwe cha chipembedzo chawo mwachibisira. izi sizikutathauza kuti palibe mgwirizano pakati pa chipembedzo ndi masewero,sports,online news +en12033,"On the contrary, religious and quasi-religious behavior is commonly found in the sport environment, including superstitious rituals of athletes and fans, prayer in sporting areas, and application of non-Christian practices in sports psychology consulting","mosiyana, chipembedzo ndi kutsatira chipembedzo pan'gono kumapezeka mu masewero kuphatikiza zikukhulupiliro za osewera komanso owatsatira, mapemphero mu malo osewelera komanso kugwiritsa ntchito zikhululpiliro zomwe sizali zachikhilisitu mu ukadaulo wa masewero",sports,online news +en12034,"Furthermore, deeper values and meanings can be attributed to sport activities as a kind of nonreligious spirituality","kuwonjezepo, ngodya zokhazikika ndi kudziwika kukhoza kuwonjezera ku zochitika za masewera ngati uzimu osakhudzana ndi mapephero.",sports,online news +en12035,"It is possible to observe an increasing interest in the religious and spiritual aspects of sports in the new millennium, which can be seen in the establishing of specific professions like sport psychologists or chaplains, as well as university centers for the study of religion and spirituality in sport",ndizotheka kuwona kuchuluka kwa kuwonetsa chidwi ku chipembedzo komanso uzimu ku mbali ya masewero mu m'badwo watsopanowu zimene zikuwoneka pokhazikitsa ntchito zapadera monga aphungu pa masewera kapena olalika komanso malo a sukulu zaukachenjede ophunzilira za chipembedzo ndi uzimu mu masewero,sports,online news +en12036,"Religion, spirituality, and sport is a growing discipline in sport psychology. Various commonalities between sport and religion can be observed in the principles behind religious festivities, such as those realised on Sundays and holy days that include many rituals, rites, spectacles, and symbols","chipembedzo, uzimu komanso masewero ndi gawo limodzi limodzi limene likukula mu maganizidwe pa masewero. pali kufanana kwakukulu pakati pa masewero ndi chipembedzo zimene zimawoneka muzotsatira zikondwelero za chipemphedzo monga zimene zimachitika lasabata ndi masiku wopatulika kuphatikiza miyambo, chipembedzo ndi zizindikilo",sports,online news +en12037,"Some athletes and spectators have declared that sport is their religion. However, sport is not a religion because it does not center on a supernatural being, creator, or sustainer of life","wochita masewero ena ndi wowonelera analumbira kuti masewero ndi chipembedz chawo. komabe, masewero sichipembedzo chifukwa sichimakhudza umulungu, wolenga kapena wopeleka moyo",sports,online news +en12038,"Therefore, for a deeper and more genuine understanding of the association between sport and religion, it is necessary to observe it in the wider context","Choncho, kuti timvetsetse bwino komanso kukhala ndi kumvetsetsa bwino kugwirizana kwa masewero ndi chipembedzo, ndizofunika kuwona izi mbali zingapo",sports,online news +en12039,"Such interest is strongly connected to concern for the individual personal experience. It is quite clear, however, that this psychological approach has stemmed from psychologists’ prolonged interest in experiences that are visible in religion and mysticism","chidwi chimenechi chimenechi chimalumikizana kwambiri ndi kudandala kwa zimene amakumana nazo anthu. ndizodziwikiratu, komabe kuti njira yotsatira malingaliro inachokera kwa aphungu amalinagliro amene ali ndi chidwi ndi zokumana nazo zimene zimawoneka kuchipembedzo",sports,online news +en12040,"Specific feelings, like trembling and amazement, were visible in people going through religious experiences, and a combination of fear and attraction was identified in the human connection to the sacred and holy","zochitika zina monga kunjenjemera komanso kudabwitsika, zimawoneka kwa anthu amene amadutsa muziwonetsero za chipembedzo ndikuphatikiza ndi mantha komanso kuitanira zinadziwika kulumikiza umunthu kuuzimu ndi zopatulika",sports,online news +en12041,"These uncommon moments involve a feeling of intense happiness, excitement, and ecstasy, without fears or tensions, and are felt also as a distance from one’s self and a unity with the world; they are not supernatural but natural, human, and accessible to anyone","zochitika nthawi imeneyi zimakhudza kusangalala kwambiri, kukondwera kopanda kuwopa kapena kulimbana ndipo zimadziwika podzichotsa wekha komanso umodzi ndi dziko, siumulungu koma anthu wamba ndipo opezekera kwa wina aliyense",sports,online news +en12042,"Peak experiences in sport are characterized as great, unique moments when the athlete has no control over their occurrence; the athlete is completely absorbed and immersed in the activity without having to consciously think while being in total control of the situation","kusangalala kwambiri pa masewero kumawonedwa kopambana komanso kosiyana pamene wochita masewera sakuzilabadira, pamene osewerayu ali m'masewerawa osaganizira kukhala opangitsa zinthu",sports,online news +en12043,"For example, mountain biking and other intense leisure activities lead to feelings of joy and self-fulfillment, a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life, and extended self","mwachitsanzo, kupala njinga m'mapiri komanso masewera ena ofuna mphamvu zambiri zimene zimapangitsa kukhala osangalala komanso kukhutitsidwa, kukhala ndi cholinga m'moyo komanso kudzidziwa wekha",sports,online news +en12044,"With activities that take place in wilderness settings, the natural beauty and distance from the pressures, people, distractions, and concerns of the human-made world can trigger peak experiences of awe and wonder that emulate individual spiritual expression","ndizochitika zimene zimapangikila ku tchire, kukongola kwa malo komanso kusiyana ndizotangwanitsa, anthu wokusokoneza komanso kukhudzidwa ndi dziko lopangidwa ndi anthu zikhoza kupangitsa kuzizwa kwambiri zimene zimafanana ndi umunthu pauzimu",sports,online news +en12045,The sport environment is very predisposed to accept repetitive and ritualistic superstitious behavior as part of sport activities,malo opangira masewera amakhudzidwa kuti avomeleze khalidwe la matsenga mobwelezebweleza ngati gawo limodzi la zamasewera,sports,online news +en12046,"Superstitious behavior falsely and irrationally links two unrelated events as the product of magic and paranormal superpowers and implies that athletes or fans can influence this power via specific food, clothing, fetishes, and so on","khalidwe la matsenga limalumikizitsa mwabodza komanso mosaganizira zochitika zosagwirizana ngati zotsatira za matsenga komanso mphanvu zoposa anthu ndipo zimatathauza kuti ochita masewera kapena otsatira akhoza kulimbikitsa mphamvu zimenezi kudzera muchakudya, zovala, matsenga zina zotero",sports,online news +en12047,"Superstitious behavior often takes the form of bizarre rituals involving certain dress, like wearing only a “lucky” pair of socks, jersey, or underwear or the same swimming goggles during a game; food, such as chewing one specific type of gum or eating poultry before every game; or other activities, like talking to the goalposts while on the ice, sitting in certain seats, not shaving, taking ice baths before a game, listening to a certain song before an event, or using magical charms or talismans","khalidwe la matsenga nthawi zambiri limakhala muzipembedzo zosiyanasiyana zokhudza kavalidwe kakekake monga kuvala masokosi amwayi, malaya kapena panti kapena magalasi osambilira omwewo pa masewera, chakudya monga kutafuna mtundu umodzi wa chungamu kapena kudya nkhuku asanayambe masewera kapena zochitika zina, monga kuyakhula ndi zitsulo za magolo ali pa madzi wouma, kukhala malo ena ake, kusameta, kusamba madzi ozizila kwambiri asanayambe masewera, kumvetsera nyimbo zina zake kusanayambe zochitika kapena kugwiritsa ntchito zinthu zamatsenga",sports,online news +en12048,"Different sports report some commonalties in superstitious rituals; however, each sport also has specific rituals that correspond with personalities and personal belief system",masewera osiyanasiyana amafotokoza zinthu zofanana zokhudza zochitika za mafano; komabe masewero ena aliwonse ali ndi zipembedzo zake zimene zimagwirizana ndi umunthu komanso zimene munthu amazikhulupiira,sports,online news +en12049,"Such rituals are used to decrease feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, shame, and embarrassment and to cope with pressure","zipembedzo zina zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kuchepetsa kukhala ndi mantha, zosadziwika, manyazi komanso kukhumudwitsidwa ndikuthana ndi zipsinjo",sports,online news +en12050,"They can help those who wish to have a feeling of control in uncertain, unstable situations, although there is no logical influence or causal link between the behavior and the performance","izi zikhoza kuthandiza amene akufuna kukhala ndi maganizo kuti zinthu zili m'manja mwawo nthawi yosadziwika zinthu, ngakhale palibe kugwirizana kwenikweni pakati pa khalidwe ndi kuchita zinthu",sports,online news +en12051,Superstitious rituals can be personalized for an individual athlete or may be team-generated and performed by the larger group,zipembedzo zamafano zimatengera munthu wochita masewero kapena timu yonse ndikuchitika ndi gulu,sports,online news +en12052,"Not only athletes themselves but also fans perform superstitious behaviors, with more behaviors emerging the more highly identified fans are with the team and game outcome","siwochita masewero okha komanso owatsatira amene akhoza kupanga khalidwe la matsenga, ndi makhalidwe ambiri kuchitika kwa otsatira amene amakhala ndi odziwika ndi timu yawo komanso zotsatira zamasewero",sports,online news +en12053,"Praying is a religious, not a magic or superstitious, behavior. Through prayer, athletes try to transcend the profane everydayness into a more sacral, holy sphere to contact God","kupemphera ndi chipembedzo, si khalidwe la matsenga. kudzera mupemphero, ochita masewero amayesera kukhala oyera komanso kukhala chimodzi wolumikizana ndi mulungu",sports,online news +en12054,"For athletes, prayer is used especially before as well as during and after a competition, and the frequency of prayer increases as the importance of the performance increases","kwa wosewera, mapemphero amagwiritsidwa ntchito bwino asanayambe komanso akamaliza mpikisano, ndipo mlingo wopempherawu umawonjezeleka malingana ndikuwonjezeleka kwa masewerawa",sports,online news +en12055,"Prayer is not only a personal and private silent activity but also a collective and collegiate ritual; it can be decidedly public, for example, over a loudspeaker, through team participation at religious services prior to games, or prayer circles at sporting events","Pemphero sichinthu za munthu m'modzi kapena zopanga mwachibisila komanso ndi zochitika za pamodzi ndi mapemphero obweletsa pamodzi; zikhoza kukhala za pagulu, mwachitsanzo, kugwiritsa ntchito chimkweza mawu, kudzera kutenga nawo mbali pa mapemphero masewera asanayambe kapena magulu wopemphera nthawi ya zochitika za masewera",sports,online news +en12056,"The purpose of a chaplain’s work is spiritual care, regardless of whether the recipients are believers. A chaplain should be able and willing to provide spiritual care to everybody","cholinga cha ntchito cha wopempheletsa ndikupeleka chisamaliro cha uzimu, osatengera kuti olandilawo ndi wokhulupilira. wopempheletsa akuyenera kukhala komanso wofuna kupeleka chisamaliro cha uzimu kwa aliyense",sports,online news +en12057,"Sport chaplains focus on people in sport, for example, athletes, coaches, trainers, managers, and members of their families","wophunzitsa masewera akuyenera kuyan'ganira anthu pa masewero, mwachitsanzo, wochita masewero, aphunzitsi, woyendetsa zinthu komanso anthu a banja lawo",sports,online news +en12058,Sport chaplaincy plays a key role in a system of “holistic support” within elite sporting organizations to produce technically proficient athletes and good role models,uphunzitsi wa masewero umagwira ntchito yofunikira kwambiri popeleka chithandizo magawo onse mu abungwe ochita masewera kuti apange osewera abwino komanso kukhala chitzanzo kwa ena ,sports,online news +en12059,"However, many sport organizations, clubs, and professional sport programs use the services of volunteer or paid sport chaplains","komabe, mabungwe ambiri a masewera, ma timu ndi ntchito za masewera apamwamba amagwiritsa ntchito wogwira ntchito modzipeleka kapena aphunzitsia a masewera olipilidwa.",sports,online news +en12060,"Thus, sport chaplaincy can be best described as an emerging profession, and there is a practical need to further define the responsibilities of sport chaplains and establish criteria and qualifications for full professionalization","ndiye, uphinzitsi wa masewera ukhoza kufotokozedwa ngati ntchito imene ikuyamba kumene ndipo pali kufunika kwina kofotokozeranso udindo wamphunzitsi wa masewera komanso kukhazikitsa njira komanso zoyeneleza kukhala waukadaulo weniweni",sports,online news +en12061,"Despite the lack of evidence, the data available for Scotland does suggest that people with a Muslim faith are less likely take part in sport, with particularly low levels of sports participation among Muslim women","ngakhale pali kusowa umboni, uthenga umene ulipo wa dziko la scotland ukunena kuti anthu wokhulupilira chisilamu samatenga nawo gawo kwambiri pamasewero, ndichiwelengero chochepa kupanga nawo masewero makamaka azimayi achisilamu",sports,online news +en12062,Research conducted with Muslim girls in the school environment has demonstrated that the girls were put off participating in sporting activities to the point where some were skipping classes. Clothing requirements and changing facilities were the main barriers,kafukufuku amene anachitika ndi atsikana achisilamu mu malo asukulu waonetsa kuti atsikana amaletsedwa kupanga nawo masewera kufikila mlingo wakuti ena samalowa mu kalasi. zovala zofunikila ndi malo wosithila zinali zina mwaziphinjozi,sports,online news +en12063,"Stories have been told about how in the past, for example in the late 1970s and through 1980s, various sporting teams from Malawi used to perform quite well at local and international events","nkhani zafotokozedwa mmene m;mbuyomu, machitsanzo, mu zaka za 1970s kufikila1980s, ma timu amasewero ambiri ku malawi amachita bwino kwambiri mudziko komanso zochitika pa dziko lonse la pansi",sports,online news +en12064,"Those that saw the glory of the old days reminisce, for instance, of the national football team that performed wonders in regional soccer tournaments such as the East and Central Africa Challenge cup and the Africa Cup of Nations","amene anawona ulemelero wakalewu akhoza kukumbukila, mwachitsanzo, timu ya mpira wamiyendo ya dziko imene inapanga zodabwitsa ku mpikisano wa mpira wa miyendo wa chigawo monga mpikisano wa kum'mawa komanso pakati wa ku africa komanso chikho cha ku africa",sports,online news +en12065,"The same was true about Malawi teams’ record at different track and field athletic tournaments. In recent times, the country’s performance in sports is just a pitiful shadow of its old past. The question is, what went wrong?","izi zinali chomwecho cha matimu a ku malawi ku magawo osiyanasiyana komanso mpikisano wothamanga. mu nthawi yatsopanoyi, kuchita bwino kwa dziko pankhani yamasewera ndi zomvetsa chisoni ndi m'mene zinalili kale. Funso mkumati chinalakwika ndi chani?",sports,online news +en12066,Corruption in sport seems to evade many discussions about corruption in Malawi. I have tried very hard to remember any one meeting where corruption risks in sport have been raised as an issue in the country’s anti-corruption agenda,katangale pa masewera waoneka kuti akukhalapo pa zokambilana za katangale kuno ku malawi. ndayesera kukumbukira ku mikumano pamene chiwopsezo cha katangale watchulidwapo ngati vuto mu ntchito zolimbana ndi katangale mu dziko muno,sports,online news +en12067,"Interestingly, even research reports on the state of corruption in Malawi do not cite corruption in sport as an issue to be included in the country’s anti-corruption agenda","zosangalatsa ndizakuti, ngakhale kafukufuku wawonetsa kuti m'mene alili katangale ku malawi samatchula katangale mu masewera ngati vuto loyenera kuikidwapo pa ntchito yolimbana ndi katangale",sports,online news +en12068,One may be tempted to think that the corruption risks in our sports sector do not exist or that perhaps corruption in sport has no effects at all on the economy or the general welfare of people,wina akhoza kenyengedwa kuti chiwopsezo cha katangale mu gawo la masewera palibe kapena katangale mu masewera alibe zotsatira pa chuma komanso kakhalidw ka anthu,sports,online news +en12069,"Over the years the world of sport has evolved to be big business. In Malawi, a lot of money is spent to support sporting disciplines such as soccer, netball and boxing","mu zakazi masewera akhala malonda akulu kwambiri. ku malawi, ndalama zambiri zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kuthandizira magawo amasewera monga mpira wamiyendo, wamanja komanso khonya",sports,online news +en12070,"The corporate world also spends money sponsoring various sports systems, institutions and events. A lot of money flows through activities such as construction of sporting infrastructure, procurement of equipment, issuing of broadcasting rights, branding, sale of sports merchandise and of athletes","azamalonda nawoso amagwiritsa ndalama kuthandizira masewera ambiri, mabungwe komanso zochitika. ndalama zambiri zimapita ku ntchito monga kumanga malo amasewera, kugula zipangizo, kupeleka maufulu akanema, kudziwitsa kugulitsa zovala pa otsatira masewera komanso osewera",sports,online news +en12071,Big money and big business is often associated with high risks of theft and corruption,ndalama zambiri komanso malonda akuluakulu amalumikizana ndi chiopsezo cha kuba komanso katangale,sports,online news +en12072,"In recent times, at global level, sport governing bodies and administrators have increasingly been accused of abuse of power, fraud, embezzlement and vote rigging during elections for leadership in sport governing bodies","mu nthawi yapanoyi, pa dziko lonse lapansi, mabungwe oyendetsa masewera komanso oyendetsa zinthu akakhala akuyimbidwa milandu yogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zawo molakwika, chinyengo, kuzembetsa komanso kubela masankho pa nthawi yazisankho za utsogoleri ku mabungwe woyendetsa masewero",sports,online news +en12073,"The world of sport has also been frequently entangled in allegations of bribes, match fixing, money laundering and other scandals","gawo la masewero lakhudzidwanso ndi za katangale, kusitha zotsatira za masewero, kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama zopezeka mu njira zolakwika ndi zochitika zina",sports,online news +en12074,"While efforts have been made to introduce reforms in the governance of sport, fighting corruption in sport will be a long haul affair","ngakhale pakhala ntchito yofuna kubweletsa kusitha kayendetsedwe ka masewero, kulimbana ndi katangale mu masewera zizakhala zositha zambiri",sports,online news +en12075,"In dealing with matters of corruption in any sector it is always important to consider the nature of governance systems of the particular sector. In Malawi just like in other parts of the world, sport organizations are governed on the principle of autonomy, meaning that they operate with very limited external oversight or “interference”","kuthana ndi katangale mu gawo lililonse ndikofunikira kuganizira m'mene ulamuliro umayendera mu gawo limenelo. ku malawi monga ma gawo ena adziko lapansi, mabungwe oyendetsa masewero amayendetsedwa pawokha kutathauza kuti amagwira ntchito opanda kuwunikilidwa",sports,online news +en12076,This is irrespective of the fact that a lot of sport organizations or entities benefit from the support provided by governments or other public institutions,izi zizitengera kuti mabungwe oyendetsa masewera amapindula ndichithandizo chimene chimapelekedwa ndi boma komanso mabungwe ena aboma,sports,online news +en12077,Corruption risks exist in Malawi sport. A report identified limited accountability and transparency as one of the factors limiting performance of Malawian athletes,chiwopezo cha katangale zimachitika pa masewera ku malawi. uthenga wapeza kuti pali kusowa kokhala ndi udindo komanso chilungamo ngati zinthu zimene zikupangitsa kuti wosewera masewero akumalawi asachite bwino,sports,online news +en12078,The report also cited claims of favoritism whereupon coaches or sports administrators want to be praised in order for an athlete to be featured in a game or to be selected to participate at big sporting events,lipotili lafotokozanso kukondela pamene wophunzitsa kapena oyendetsa masewera amafuna azipembedzedwa ndi cholinga chakuti awayambitse masewera kapena kusakhidwa kuti akhale nawo pa zochitika za masewera.,sports,online news +en12079,Stories are rampant about the suspicious conduct of elections in leadership positions of various sport organizations,nkhani ndi zambiri zokhudza kayendetsedwe kodabwitsa ka zisankho za atsogoleri mu mabungwe ambiri oyendetsa masewero,sports,online news +en12080,"Further, Malawi sport is not spared from allegations of match fixing, embezzlement of revenue from sport events and abuse of sponsorship funds from various bodies","kuwonjezera apo, masewero akumalawi akhudzidwanso ndi phekesera zositha zotsatira za masewero,kusokoneza chuma chopezeka pa masewero komanso kugwiritsa ntchito molakwika ndalama zothandizira zochokera ku mabungwe ena",sports,online news +en12081,The public and all relevant stakeholders must start asking questions around accountability and transparency in sport just like it is done with all other areas of public interest,boma ndi ena wogwira nawo ntchito akuyenera kuyamba kufunsa mafunso okhudza udindo komanso kusabisa mu masewero monga zimachitikira mu ma gawo ena aboma,sports,online news +en12082,The issue of autonomy in the organization of sport should not be an excuse for the sport sector to be spared from being held accountable in the manner of conducting the affairs of sport,nkhani yoima pawokha mubungweli isakhale nkhani kuti gawo la masewero lipatulidwe pofuna kukhala awudindo m'mene amayendetsera masewero,sports,online news +en12083,"In fact, an ideal case for a country like Malawi would be where sport governing institutions must start presenting reports to parliament, or any public oversight body, providing an account on the management of sport","mwachilungamo chake, mmene zimayenera kukhalira kuno ku malawi ndikukhala ndi bungwe loyendetsa masewero kuyamba kumakapeleka malipoti ku nyumba yamalamulo kapena ku bungwe lina lililonse loyang'anira, kufotokozera m'mene zinthu zikuyendetseredwa ku masewero",sports,online news +en12084,Perhaps such a system will assist in understanding why the performance of most sporting disciplines in Malawi is pathetic despite the investments made,mwina njira zimenezi zikhoza kuthandiza kumvetsetsa chifukwa chimene kugwiridwe ntchio kali komvetsa chisoni ngakhale kuti chuma chikumapelekedwa,sports,online news +en12085,"Sadly, as stated, governance of sport does not operate by the same rules. Until sport organizations can be subjected to the same rules of good governance the sector will continue operating with very high risks of mismanagement of resources, retention of bad and corrupt leaders and most importantly, stagnation in the development of sport","zomvetsa chisoni, kayendetsedwe ka masewero sikayenda ndi malamulo omwewa. pofikira kuti mabungwe oyendetsa masewera azayambe kugwiritsa ntchito malamulo abwino oyendetsera zinthu tipilizabe kugwira ntchito ndi chiwopsezo chakusagwiritsa bwino zipangizo, kubwelezanso atsogoleri akatangale, kukhala pamodzimodzi pa nkhani za kukuza masewero",sports,online news +en12086,"There is need, therefore, to open up candid conversations about the governance of sport in Malawi and its bearing on sport development and the general welfare of the people","pakufika, choncho, kuyamba kukhala ndi macheza owona mtima oyendetsera masewera ku malalawi komanso m'mene izi zimadalira kutukuka kwa masewero komanso umoyo wa anthu onse",sports,online news +en12087,"The social, economic and political benefits from sport are many but these can only be realized in an environment where resources availed for sport are not abused by sport organizations that operate with limited scrutiny or accountability","zopindula za makhalidwe, chuma komanso za ndale ndizambiri koma izi zikhoza kuchitika pamalo pamene zipangizo zimene zulipo sizikugwiritsidwa ntchito molakwika ndi mabungwe oyendetsa masewero amene akugwira ntchito moyan'ganidwa bwino ndi udindo",sports,online news +en12088,"Further, the sport sector should be protected from degenerating into an arena for illicit wealth creation by networks of crooks masquerading as sports administrators or sponsors","kuwonjezera apo, gawo la masewera likuyenera kutetezedwa ku zinthu zowononga zofuna kupanga chuma mu njira zolakwika ndi kulumikizana kwa anthu osokoneza amene amakhala ngati oyendetsa komanso othandiza",sports,online news +en12089,2022 continued to see fixtures outside of the top two tiers of domestic soccer heavily targeted for manipulation,chaka cha 2022 kunapitilizika kuwona mipikasano ya kunja kwa magawo awiri akulu a mpira wamiyendo wa dzikolino akukhudzidwa ndi kusithidwa kwa zotsatira,sports,online news +en12090,"This counters the historic global trend, where manipulation had predominantly affected the top two tiers, and most specifically the second tier, though it is consistent with the trend witnessed in 2021","izi sizikugwirazana ndi m'mene zinthu zimayendera pa dziko lonse la pansi, pamene kusokoneza kwakhala kukuchitika magawo awiri apamwamba, komanso gawo lachiwiri, ngakhale zachitika izi mpaka cha cha 2021",sports,online news +en12091,"Indeed, in many countries the first tier of national domestic competition is not a viable option for match-fixers to realistically target, as higher wages for players act as a built-in deterrent, whereas preventative measures such as player education and due diligence are also more abundant at the top levels of competition","inde, maiko ambiri, gawo loyamba la mpikisano wa dziko sikutheka kuti ukhale njira kwa osokoneza zotsatira masewero chifukwa ndalama zochuluka zimene amalandira osewera zimakhala zikuwaletsa komanso njira yotetezera monga maphunziro kwa wosewera komanso kutsatira zofunikira zimachitika pa mlingo waukulu wa masewerawa",sports,online news +en12092,"Indeed, below the top two tiers, many competitions continue to have a lack of integrity protections in place such as player education, while lower financial rewards continue to skew the risk/reward to the extent that some players view the potential bribes that match-fixers are able to offer as more attractive","inde, gawo lachiwiri lapamwamba likupitilizabe kukhala losowa chitetezo pa chilungamo mu malo monga maphunziro kwa osewera, pamene ndalama zochepa zimene amalandira zikupitliza kuipa pachiopsezo kufikira kuti osewera ena amaona ziphuphu zimene osokoneza zotsatira amapeleka kukhala zabwino",sports,online news +en12093,"Late and/or reduced payments – and non-payments – of salaries are also reasons why this trend persists, in part due to the economic issues affecting many countries","malipiro ochepa komanso ochedwa- komanso kusalandira malipilo ndizifukwa chifukwa izi zikuchitikabe, gawo lina kukhala la nkhani za chuma zimene zakhudza maiko ambiri",sports,online news +en12094,"Overall, approximately 52% of suspicious matches came from the third tier or lower, including regional leagues and youth competitions","moomba mkota, pafupifupi masewero makumi asanu ndi awiri amene anali odabwitsa anali a gawo lachitatu kapena lotsikilapo kuphatikiza mpikisano wa mzigawo ndi wachinyamata",sports,online news +en12095,"This is not unexpected, given that first half markets were also targeted in around 50% of suspicious matches, and because the opening 15 minutes continues to be the time period most affected by suspicious betting patterns globally","izi sizoyembezekeleka, podziwa kuti misika ya yachigawo choyamba pafupifupi theka la masewero odabwitsa komanso chifukwa mphundi khumi ndi zisanu zoyambilira zimakhala zokhudzidwa kwambiri nfi juga yodabwitsa madziko lonse lapansi",sports,online news +en12096,"Finally, match officials were highlighted for their potential involvement in many suspicious matches due to the betting analysis indicators and their actions on the field","pomaliza, oyendetsa masewero anatchulidwapo kukhala otenga nawo mbali pa masewero odabwitsa malingana ndi ziganizo za juga komanso zochitika zawo pasewerelapo",sports,online news +en12097,Combined result manipulations continue to be the most common method of manipulation globally. This involves a team losing by a minimum margin of goals and also ensuring a certain number of goals are scored,kuphatikiza kusokoneza zotsatira zikupitilirabe kukhala njira yosdziwika zosokonezera zotsatira padziko lonse lapansi. izi zimakhudza timu ina kugonja ndi zigoli zochepa kwambiri komanso kuwonetsetsa kuti zigoli zingapo zachinyidwe,sports,online news +en12098,"2023 will almost certainly see a continuation in the level of suspicious match numbers witnessed in 2022, and likely an overall increase","mu chaka cha 2023 zikhala zinthu zikupitilira pa masewero okaikitsa mmene zinachitikira mu chaka cha 2022, ndipo zichulukira",sports,online news +en12099,Economic uncertainties around the globe and the financial ramifications of it will continue to affect sports teams and athletes,kusadziwika kwa zachuma pa dziko lonse la pansi komanso zopindula pa chuma zimenezi zipilizabe kusokoneza ma timu amasewera komanso osewerawa,sports,online news +en12100,"Furthermore, the still lacking integrity protections across large swathes of global sport organizations, as well as a lack of investigative appetite and resources where match-fixing is known to be occurring will ensure that these trends unfortunately continue","kupitilira apo, kusowa kwa chitetezo pa chilungamo pa mabungwe amasewero pa dziko lonse lapansi komanso kusafuna kufufuza ndi zipangizo pamene zikuwoneka kuti zotsatira za masewero zikuchitika ziwonetsetsa kuti zochitikazi zikupitililbe",sports,online news +en12101,"As in recent years, soccer will continue to see the highest level of suspicious matches. It is also very likely that basketball will remain the second highest sport in terms of suspicious match numbers globally","mu zakazi, mpira wamiyendo wapilira kukumana ndi mlingo waukulu wamasewera odabwitsa. ndizachidziwikire kuti masewera a manja amuna akhalabe achiwiri pa mlingo wa masewero osokonezedwa pa dziko lonse la pansi",sports,online news +en12102,It is also likely that the number of match-fixing incidents in Africa will continue to rise as they have done in recent years,ndizothekanso kuti mlingo wa zochitika zokhudza kusokoneza zotsatira za masewero ku africa wupitlira kukwera mmene zakhalira mu zaka zingapo pakatipa,sports,online news +en12103,"Some types of match manipulations are not always visible in traditional, major betting markets, as match-fixers attempt to hide their activity, so account-level data in combination with Artificial Intelligence is vital to prevent this","njira zina zosokonezera masewera sizimakhala zowonekera ku anthu, misika yopangira juga chifukwa osokoneza zotsatira za masewera amayesera kubisa zochitika zawo, kuphatikiza uthenga ndi nzeru zamakono ndizofunikira kuthetsa izi",sports,online news +en12104,"Match-fixing cases in lower-level competitions should likely rise outside of the major sports, much as they did in 2022, with basketball following the soccer trend of high levels of suspicious match numbers at lower levels of competition","kusitha zotsatira za masewera mu mupikisano in'gonoin'gono ikueyenera kukwera kunja kwa masewero akuluakulu m'mene zinachitikira mu chaka cha 2022, pamene mpira wa manja wa amuna unakhala wachiwiri kutsatira mpira wamiyendo kukhala pa mlingo wa masewero odabwitsa pa mlingo ochepelapo pa mpikisanowu",sports,online news +en12105,"Athletes, players and match officials nearing the twilight of their career will continue to face the temptation to engage in match-fixing, as their main income stream from sport nears its natural conclusion","osewera, komanso oyendetsa masewera amene akuyandikila kumathelo pa ukadaulo pa ntchito yawo apilira kukumana ndizoyesa zambiri kuti apange nawo zosokoneza zotsatira, chifukwa ndalama zimene amapeza ku masewero zimakhala zikupita kumapeto ",sports,online news +en12106,"For those who chose to follow this path, it can include organizing fixes themselves, or working with match-fixing syndicates as a facilitator who approaches athletes they already have relationships with","kwa amene asakha kuti adutsa njira imeneyi, zikhoza kukhala kumazisokonezera okha, kapena kugwira ntchito ndi wosokoneza masewera ngati amene amampeza osewera uja amene ali ndi ubwenzi nawo kale",sports,online news +en12107,This will present one of the biggest risks in terms of the spread of match-fixing in the years ahead,izi zimapeleka chiwopsezo chachikulu makakama pa kufalikira kwa kusokoneza zotsatira za masewero mu zaka zimene zikubwerazi,sports,online news +en12108,Sport programmes associated with nutrition and agriculture can complement programmes that tackle hunger and support education,ntchito za masewero zokhudzana ndi madyedwe abwino komanso zaulimi zikhoza kuthandizira kuthana ndi njala komanso kuthandizira maphunziro,sports,online news +en12109,Beneficiaries can be educated and engaged in sustainable food production and balanced diets. The spirit of sport is linked to the nutrition and wellness of a community or individual; this connection between sport and health can be used to highlight inefficiencies in the global food supply chain,"othandizikawa akhoza kuphunzitsidwa komanso kugwira nawo ntchito pa kapangidwe chakudya koyenera komanso chakudya chamagulu onse. uzimu wa masewera umalumikazana ndi madyedwe abwino komanso umoyo wabwino wa anthu, kulumikizana kumeneku pakati pa masewero ndi umoyo wabwino ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuwunikira kusowekera kwa kupezeka kwa chakudya dziko lonse lapansi",sports,online news +en12110,"The world currently produces more than enough food to feed everyone. Up to one third of food produced for consumption is wasted each year, however, due to spoilage; recovering just half of what is lost or wasted could feed the planet","dziko lapansi pakali pano limapanga chakudya chokwanira kudyetsa aliyense. ndipo kuposa theka la chakudya chimene chimapangidwa chimawonongeka chaka chili chonsem komabe chifukwea chakuwonongeka, kubwezeletsa theka lachakudya chimene chataika chikhoza kudyetsa dziko lonse la pansi",sports,online news +en12111,"Vulnerable countries, communities and individuals are able to connect to community services through sport-based outreach programmes, which instill a sense of hope in situations that may otherwise seem hopeless","maiko amene ali pachiwopsezo, madera komanso anthu akumalumikizana ndi othandizira ntchito ku madera kudzera ntchito za maserewa,zimene zimakika chiyembekezo pamene pakuwoneka kuti palibe chiyembekezo",sports,online news +en12112,"Sport and recreational activities provide a release for people struggling with day-to-day challenges, allowing them to take their minds off of what they are facing",masewero komanso zochitika zina zolimbitsa thupi zimapeleka mpumulo kwa anthu amene akuvutika ndi mavuto a tsiku ndi tsiku kuwalola kuti asiye kuganiza zomwe akukumana nazo,sports,online news +en12113,"A sense of pride can be felt when a country that is facing hunger, food insecurity or other turmoil comes together to support its athletes and team","kukhala ndi mtima wokwanilitsa zikhoza kumveka pamene dziko limene likukumana ndi njala, kusowa kwa chakudya kapena zovuta zina akhoza kubwera pamodzi kuthandiza osewera komanso timuyi",sports,online news +en12114,"The core mission of The Jack Brewer Foundation (JBF Worldwide) is to provide relief to communities around the world suffering from extreme poverty and hunger, using sport as its catalyst",cholinga chenicheni cha Bungwe la Jack brewer foundation ndikupeleka chithandizo kwa anthu pa dziko lonse la pansi amene akuvutika ndi njala komanso umphawi wadzawoneni kugwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati njira imodzi,sports,online news +en12115,"JBF Worldwide has raised funds to send meals to those in extreme famine areas and assists in providing clean water, food, medical care and education to children around the world","JBF worldwide lapeza chuma ktui atumize chakudya ku madera amene akukumana ndi njala ya dzawoneni komanso kuthandiza kupeleka madzi abwino, chakudya, thandizo la chipatala ndi maphunziro pa dziko lonse la pansi.",sports,online news +en12116,Local partnerships have also enabled JBF Worldwide to bring food and shelter to those closer to home. The Foundation’s ongoing mission is to provide communities with the resources they need to maintain children’s safety and ensure their healthy upbringing,mgwirizano ndi anthu akudera wathandizaso bungwe la JBF worldwide kupeleka chakudya kwa iwo amene ali chifupi ndi kunyumba. bungweli likufuna kupeleka zipangizo kuti zithandizire kusamalira ana komanso kuwonetsetsa kuti akukula bwino,sports,online news +en12117,"Since its inception in 2006, the Foundation has been mobilizing professional athletes to bring awareness and recognition to the issues of hunger and food insecurity, among others","kuchokera pamene zinayambira ku chaka cha 2006, bungweli lakhala likusokhanitsa osewera aukadaulo kuti adziwitse komanso kudziwitsa nkhani za njala komanso kusowa kwa chakudya mwa zina",sports,online news +en12118,"Their ongoing efforts in every community have strengthened food security and improved quality of life through medical aid and disaster relief, education programmes, cultural exchanges, and sport-for-development initiatives, while striving to “empower from within”","ntchito zawo mu madera ambiri zathandiza kulimbikitsa kupezeka kwa chakudya komanso kusitha miyoyo kudzera chithandiza chazamoyo ndi ngozi zogwa mwadzidzi, maphunziro, kudziwa chikhalidwe cha ena komanso chitukuko chobwela chifukwa cha masewero uku akulimbikitsa anthu komko",sports,online news +en12119,"The first-ever Global Ambassadors delegation arrived in Malawi in 2008, providing an opportunity to capture the attention of the country’s youth and educate them about nutrition","gulu loyambilira la akazembe linafika ku malawi mu chaka cha 2008, kupeleka mwayi kwa achinyamata mudziko lino komanso kuphunzitsa za madyedwe abwino",sports,online news +en12120,"The delegation used sport as a tool to unite and engage with the community. In partnership with the One World Play Project and Chevrolet, it donated over 11,000 footballs and hosted a friendly youth football match and other organized sporting activities","akazembewa anagwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati chida kulumikizitsa anthu komanso kugwira ntchito ndi anthu a m'dera. ndi mgwirizano ndi bungwe la world play project komanso chevrolet , anapeleka mipira yokwana 11,000 ndikupangitsa masewera opimana mphamvu achinyamata komanso kupangitsa zochitika zina",sports,online news +en12121,"As a former professional athlete, I can attest to the fact that sport can help reduce stigma and increase self-esteem, self-confidence and social skills, all of which lead to increased employability","ngati wosewela wa akale waukadaulo, ndikupeleka umboni kuti masewero akhoza kuchepetsa kusalana komanso kuwonjezera kuzikhulupilra, maluso ocheza ndi ena zimene zimawonjezera kulembedwa ntchito",sports,online news +en12122,"Using sport as a catalyst for social change, peace and development, especially as it pertains to ending hunger and achieving global food security, has always been a passion of mine","kugwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati njira yosithila makhalidwe a anthu, bata ndi chitukuko, makamaka chifukwa chofuna kuthetsa njala ndikukwanilitsa kupezeka kwa chakudya pa dziko lonse la pansi zakhala zokhumba zanga kwa nthawi yayitali",sports,online news +en12123,Women are the focal point of our efforts because their progress continues to be impeded by local cultural beliefs and practices that prevent them from contributing towards the economic livelihood of their villages,amayi ndi amene amakhala wofikilidwa pa ntchito zanthu chfukwa kutsogola kwawo kumaletsedwabe ndi zikhulupilro ndi zochita zimene zimawaletsa kutengapo gawo pa chuma pa miyoyo yawo mu midzi yawo,sports,online news +en12124,"We believe that progress must begin with the mother, and this initiative provides the means for these women to empower themselves, their families and their villages","timakhulupilira kuti kusitha kukuyenera kuyamba ndi mayi, ndipo ntchito imeneyi imapeleka njira kwa amayi amene wa kuti azitukule okha, mabanja awo komanso mudzi wawo",sports,online news +en12125,The sports nutrition line will offer an additional mode of providing meals and services to the children for every product bought commercially in the United States,madyedwe abwino pamasewera adzapeleka mwayi owonjezera kupeleka chakudya komanso ntchito zina kwa ana pa chinthu chilichonse chomwe chagulidwa ku united states,sports,online news +en12126,"It is important to understand that nutrition and wellness are the basis for sport, incorporated in ways to instill healthy lifestyles, but also to rally together communities in support of a common denominator","ndizofunikira kumvetsetsa kuti madyedwe abwino komanso umoyo wabwino ndi zifunikira pa masewera, kuphatikizira mu njira zokhazikitsa umoyo wabwino komanso kubweretsa limodzi madera kuthandizana ndi chinthu chimodzi",sports,online news +en12127,"When considering sport as a physical activity, cautions must be taken when working towards addressing goal 2 as it is clear that when an individual is malnourished, sport wouldn’t be recommendable","pamene tikuganizira za masewero ngati ntchito yofuna mphamvu, tikuyenera kuchenjera pamene tikugwira ntchito kuthana ndi cholinga chimenechi chifukwa ndizodziwika kuti anthu amene ali onyetchera sangalolodwe pa masewera",sports,online news +en12128,"In relation to the condition of obesity, particularly in youth, sport and physical activities are recommended in order to lead to healthier bodies and physical abilities","moilingana ndi vuto la kunenepa kwambriri, makamaka kwa achinyamata, masewero ndi zolimbitsa thupi zimalangizidwa kuti anthu akhale athanzi komanso akuthekera",sports,online news +en12129,There are examples where sports based programs are designed to encourage youth to be physically active as well as more aware and knowledgeable about healthy lifestyle choices,pali chitsanzo pamene ntchito zokhudza masewera zimapoangidwa kukhala zolimbikitsa achinyamata kuti akhale azitho komanso odziwa ndi ozindikira m'mene angakhalire ndi makhalidwe amoyo wabwino,sports,online news +en12130,A large part of adopting healthy lifestyles concerns the types and quantities of food and beverages which are consumed and the sport based programs provide the youth and their families with this type of vital information and often access to more nutritious foods,ngati gawo limodzi lofuna kukhala ndi makhalidwe abwino amadyedwe abwino zimatengera mtundu ndi kuchuluka kwa chakudya ndi zakumwa zimene zikudyedwa komanso ntchito za masewero zimene zikupeleka kwa achinyamata ndi mabanja ndi uthenga wofunikilawu komanso kupeza chakudya cha thanzi,sports,online news +en12131,"When used as a tool for mobilization of resources and funds, sport-based initiatives and campaigns can support vulnerable communities who don’t have access to adequate and nutritious foods","pamene yagwiritsidwa ngati chida chopezela zipangizo ndi ndalama, ntchito za masewero komanso kampeni zikhoza kuthandiza madera wovutika amene alibe chakudya chokwanira komanso cha thanzi",sports,online news +en12132,"In this way, the sport aspect is not the main activity but rather has the function to bring attention or resources to an issue","mu njira imeneyi, masewero si zochitika zofunikira kwambiri koma kukhala ndi ntchito yobweletsa kudziwa ndi zipangizo pavuto lina lake",sports,online news +en12133,"Sport institutions and stakeholders, such as teams and leagues can work towards addressing food waste by setting up better systems and working towards environmental sustainability by sourcing food from sustainable and responsible local producers","mabungwe oyendetsa masewero ndi ena wothandizira, monga matimu, mpikisano akhoza kugwira ntchito limodzi kuthana ndi kuwonongeka kwa chakudya pokhazikitsa njira zabwino komanso kugwira ntchito zosamalira chilengwedwe popeza chakudya chochokera kwa opanga chakudya moyenerela komanso audindo wawo",sports,online news +en12134,"Sports teams can make responsible societal decisions around their food consumption and sourcing which can ultimately influence their fans, other clubs and sponsors to follow suit"," ma timu opanga masewera akhoza kutengapo gawo kupanga chiganizo m'mene angadyere chakudya komanso kupeza zimeneso zikhoza ku wasitha wowatsatira , ma timu ena komanso othandizira akhoza kutsatira",sports,online news +en12135,"For example, there are football clubs which have moved towards offering vegetarian and vegan foods in their stadiums during football matches in line with their overall sustainability strategies",mwachitsanzo. pali matimu ena ayamba kusuthira kuyamba kupeleka chakudya chamasamba mu malo osewelera mpira nthawi ya masewera amiyendo mogwirizana ndi njira zosamalira zawo,sports,online news +en12136,"Individual athletes can also use their platforms to create more awareness about nutritious food choices, healthy behaviors around food and physical activity and support organizations and initiatives working to address global hunger and malnutrition","osewera ena amatha kugwiritsa ntchito malo awo kudziwitsa anthu zakusakha zakudya zabwino, makhalidwe abwino monga chakudya ndi zolimbitsa thupi kuthandiza mabungwe ndi ntchito zina amene akugwira ntchito yothana ndi njala ya dziko lonse la pansi komanso kunyetchera",sports,online news +en12137,"Months ago, it seemed unthinkable that the hunger and passion of football fans for the game would be tempered in the middle of a season by a global health crisis","miyezi ingapo yapitayo, sizinali zoganizilika kuti njala komanso chikhumbokhumbo cha otsatira masewera a moira wamiyendo akhoza kuimitsidwa pakati pa masewerowa chifukwa cha mavuto a zamumoyo dziko lonse",sports,online news +en12138,"But, as we became accustomed to a life without football, the true nature of our most basic needs became even more apparent","koma, tinazolowera kukhala moyo opanda masewera a mpira wamiyendo, zofuna zanthu zinezeni zinadziwika nthawi imeneyi",sports,online news +en12139,"While the beautiful game plays its part in the sustenance of our being, food is the essence of daily life and the bedrock of our cultures and communities – and something that on this World Food Day, many will unfortunately go without","pamene masewera okongolawa amatenga gawo lalikulu paumoyo wathu, chakudya ndichofunikira pa umoyo wathu wa tsiku ndi tsiku ndipo ndi nsanamila ya chikhalidwe chathu ndi madera thu- koma pa tsiku lokumbikira chakudyali, ambiri ena akhala opanda chakudya",sports,online news +en12140,"Preserving access to safe and nutritious food is, and will continue to be, an essential part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for poor and vulnerable communities who are hit hardest by the pandemic and resulting economic shocks","kusamalira kupeza chakudya chabwino komanso chopatsa thanzi kupitilira kukhala gawo lofunikira kuthana ndi mliri wa covid-19, makamaka kwa madera osawuka komanso okhala pachiwopsezo amene akhudzidwa kwambiri ndi mliriwu ndikupangitsa kuti akhudzidwe pa chuma",sports,online news +en12141,"Together, the power of football and knowledge of food solutions can go a long way towards ending hunger. ","Pamodzi, ndi mphamvu ya mpira wa miyendo komanso kudziwa mayankho a zakudya kukhoza kuthandiza kwakukulu kuthetsa njala.",sports,online news +en12142,"From the network of football-based community organizations Common Goal has partnered with, here are just a few examples of the many initiatives around the world harnessing the power of football to achieve Global Goal 2: Zero Hunger, fight food insecurity, and promote sustainable agriculture","Kuchokera ku kulumikizana kwa mabungwe a m'dera wokhudza masewero yomwe Common Goal yapanga nawo ubale, izi ndi zitsanzo zochepa chabe zakugwiritsa ntchito mpira wa miyendo pofuna kukwaniritsa cholinga chachiwiri: Pasakhale njala, kuthana ndi kusowa kwa chakudya komanso kulimbikitsa ulimi wabwino",, +en12143,"Its Food for Sport Nutrition programme is a 12-week training programme, based at a local school, teaching valuable lessons in organic food production, nutrition and life skills. The aim of the project is to introduce the basics of nutrition and growing organic vegetables at home","ntchito ya chakudya pa masewera ndi maphunziro a masabata khumi ndi awiri amene akuchitikira pa sukulu ku dera amene akuphunzitsa maphunziro wofunikila pa ulimi wa chakudya osagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala, madyedwe abwino koma maluso am'moyo. cholinga cha ntchitoyi ndikudziwitsa za madyedwe abwino ndikulima masamba osagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala pakhomo",sports,online news +en12144,"With little or no access to education and employment opportunities, young people are often forced into a life of crime in what has sadly become a feasible route to provide for themselves","ndi maphunziro ochepa komanso kupanda maphunziro ndi mwayi wantchito, anthu ambiri amapangitsidwa kukhala ndi moyo wa milandu umene imakhala njira yofuna kuzithandizira",sports,online news +en12145,"Noticing fatigue, a lack of energy, and malnutrition forcing young people to skip playing the game they love, Pasión Petare initiated a youth municipal football league to guarantee at least one meal for players, every single day","kuwona kutopa, kusowa mphamvu komanso kunyetchera kukukakhira achinyamata kusiya kusewera masewera amene amakonda, bungwe la pasion petare linayambitsa mpikisano wa achinyamata kuti wosewera azidya chakudya patsiku lina lili lonse",sports,online news +en12146,"""The cases in which young people fainted during training due to lack of adequate nutrition were common",nkhani zimene achinyamata amakomoka nthawi yoselera masewela chifukwa cha kusowekera madyedwe abwino zinali zochulukira,sports,online news +en12147,"Due to the current situation, many families cannot feed the boys three meals a day and we decided to intervene","malingana ndi m'mene zinthu zilili pano, mabanja ambiri sangakwanitse kudyetsa anyamata awo katatu patsiku ndipo tinaganiza zotengapo mbali",sports,online news +en12148,"It was when we launched the program, in which we seek to give young people a plate of balanced food at the end of each training session, since many suffer from malnutrition, and to motivate both children and their families to continue participating in the practice of soccer looking for a better future for all","ndipamene tinayambitsa ntchito imeneyi, imene tikufuna kupeleka chakudya cha magulu onse kwa achinyamata pamapeto pa masewero, chifukwa ndi wonyetchera komanso kuwalimbikitsa ana ndi mabanja awo kuti apitilize kutenga nawo gawo kupanga nawo masewera ampira kuti akhale ndi tsogolo labwino ",sports,online news +en12149,More than one million children live on the streets in Cameroon. This is mostly due to the economic downturn taking place in the region in the late 80s and early 90s,ana oposa chikwi chimodzi amakhala mumzinda wa cameron . izi zimachitika makamaka chifukwa cha kuvuta kwa za chuma kumene kukuchitika ku derali mu zaka za 80s ndi kumayambiliro kwa zaka za 90s,sports,online news +en12150,"United Action for Children (UAC) uses the power of football to mobilise children and young people, particularly rurally-based, to channel their energy towards productive initiatives – thereby helping them become actors of development in their respective communities","bungwe la United action for children limagwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ya mpira wa miyendo kubweletsa ana ndji achinyamata pamodzi makamaka kumadera akumudzi, kuti agwiritse ntchito mphamvu zawo ndi ntchito zopindulitsa- kenako kukhala ogwira ntchito pa chitukuko ku madera awo",sports,online news +en12151,"As part of its social enterprise programme for young people, UAC has set up a mobile food restaurant and poultry farm","ngati gawo limodzi la ntchito yathandizira achinyamata, bungwe la UAC lakhazikitsa malo ogulitisira chakudya oyendayenda komanso munda wa nkhuku",sports,online news +en12152,"With support from local partners, they aim to set up a bigger poultry structure, including their own piggery","ndithandizo lochokera kwa abwenzi akuderali, ali ndi cholinga chokhazikitsa khola la nkhuku lalikulu, kuphatikizanso ulimi wa nkhumba",sports,online news +en12153,"The strain on the young people often increases the likelihood of them joining gangs and can lead to drug addiction, teenage pregnancies as well as recruitment by armed groups","kuphinjika kwa achinyamata nthawi zambiri kumachulukitsa mwayi olowa nawo magulu oipa zimene zimapangitsa kuti ayambe kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala, mimba ali achichepele komanso kulowa nawo magulu ankhondo",sports,online news +en12154,"Originally started as a football school in 2006, Tiempo de Juego now uses a range of sport, cultural and recreational activities to protect and support children in the most vulnerable areas of Colombia","mmene anaitchulira kuti sukulu ya mpira wa miyendo mu chaka cha 2006, tiempo de juego imagwiritsa ntchito masewero, chikhalidwe ndi zochitika za zolimbitsa thupi kuti ateteze ndikuthandiza ana amene ali pachiwopsezo ku colombia",sports,online news +en12155,"In Haiti, when a young person joins the GOALS programme, not only do they attend classes to improve their literacy skills, have access to clean drinking water, and participate in community projects, they also receive a free meal","ku haiti, pamene wachinyamata walowa mu ntchito ya GOALS, samalowa mukalasi mokha kuti asithe maphunziro awo koma amakhala ndi mwayi wa madzi akumwa abwino komanso kutenga nawo gawo pa ntchito za mdera, amalandiranso chakudya chaulere",sports,online news +en12156,"Following the recent natural disasters that have left destruction and devastation in their wake, the island struggles with poverty and high rates of unemployment","chifukwa cha ngozi zogwa mwadzidzi zimene sawononga zinthu, chilumbachi chikuvutika ndi umphawi ndi mlingo waukulu wosowa ntchito",sports,online news +en12157,"With numerous villages throughout Haiti without schools, paved roads, electricity, or water, grassroots organisation GOALS Haiti took on the mission of helping young people realise their full potential despite such obstacles – starting with healthy meal","ndi midzi yambiri ku haiti alibe masukulu, misewu yabwino, magetsi kapena madzi, mabungwe akudera ngati GOALS anayamba ntchito yothandiza achinyamata kukwanilitsa maluso awo ngakhale pali zovuta- kuyamba ndichakudya cha hthanzi",sports,online news +en12158,"Through the draw of football, the organization is also engaging its players in agronomy through its community gardens, where they plant and cultivate everything from tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, and lettuce","kudzera kuitanira masewero a mpira, bungweli likugwiranso ntchito ndi ogwiira ntchito za ulimi zakudimba kudzera madimba akudera kumene amadzala komanso kulima chilichonse monga tomato, kabichi, tsabola ndi masamba a letesi",sports,online news +en12159,"In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, those with disabilities in Sierra Leone were disproportionately affected. Inflated food prices across the country, accompanied by a loss of income due to informal work practices being brought to a halt by the imposed lockdown, meant in-house food cultivation provided much needed food security","pamene panayamba mliri wa covid-19, amene ali ndi ulumali ku sierra leone anakhudzidwa kwambiri. kukwera mitengo ya chakudya mu dzikolo kuphatikiza kusowa kwa ndalama chifukwa cha ntchito zosalongosoka zimene zinabwela chifukwa cha kuletsa anthu kuyenda, zimene zinatathauza kuti chakudya cholimidwa pakhomo zimapeleka chakudya chofunikila pakhomopo",sports,online news +en12160,"Football, however, helped change the mindset of both players themselves and members of their community towards them – addressing gaps in social infrastructure for amputees by providing trauma recovery, addressing misconceptions of disabilities, promoting peace, and helping amputees reintegrate into society","komabe, mpira wamiyendo, unathandiza kusitha maganizo a wosewera ndi anthu aku derali kwa iwo- kuthetsa kusiyana kumene kunalipo pa zipangizo zofunikila kwa awulumali powapatsa chithandizo, kuthetsa mauthenga wolakwika awulumilari, kulimbikitsa mtendere komanso kuthandiza wopunduka kukhalanso nawo gawo la anthu mudera",sports,online news +en12161,"And now one team has expanded into 350 players, with both men’s and women’s teams, and six official seven-a-side teams","ndipo tsopano timu imodzi yachuluka kukhala ndi osewera okwana mazana atatu ndi makumi asanu, ndi oyendetsa asanu ndi limodzi kupanga timu ya asanu ndi awiri",sports,online news +en12162,"Young people still face significant access gaps to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services. These gaps are underpinned by stigma, discrimination, punitive laws and policies, violence and entrenched societal and gender inequalities which hinder engagement of and access to care for young people","achinyamata amakumana ndi zovuta zambiri kupeza chithandizo chopewela kachilombo ka HIV komanso chithandizo. kusiyana kumeneku zimachitika chifukwa cha kusalana, malamulo olakwika, chiwawa komanso kusiyanitsa pakati pa amuna ndi akazi zimene zimapangitsa kuti ena asatenge nawo gawo kuti apeze chithandizo cha achinyamata",sports,online news +en12163,"This year's World AIDS Day, under the theme ""Equalize"", is an opportunity to raise awareness about the HIV inequities faced by youth and demonstrate innovative ways to share HIV related information and services with them","tsiku lokumbukira matenda a edzi a chaka chino, pansi wa mutu wa wakufananiza, ndi mwayi wofuna kudziwitsa za kusiyana pa chithandizo cha HIV zimene zimakumana achinyamata komanso kuwonetsa njira zamakono zogawanirana uthenga wokhudza HIV komanso njira kwa iwo",sports,online news +en12164,"Sports that promote inclusion and empowerment, particularly on football pitches, are being used in Africa to inform and engage youth in HIV and sexual and reproductive health rights information and services","masewer akhoza kulimbikitsa kubweretsa pamodzi komanso kulimbikitsa , makamaka pa malo osewera mpira wa miyendo, akugwiritsidwa ntchito ku africa kuphunzitsa ndikugwira ntchito ndi achinyamata za HIV, zogonana ndi ufulu wauchemebele wabwino ndi chithandizo ",sports,online news +en12165,"Trained football coaches, games teachers and community leaders use fun, interactive football sessions with inbuilt health messaging with their players","aphunzitsi wophunzitsidwa bwino, aphunzitisi amasewero ndi atsogoleri a m'madera amagwiritsa ntchito znjira zosangalatsa ,mauthenga aumoyo ndi wosewera awo",sports,online news +en12166,"During football sessions and tournaments, players are also able to access sexual health services, including HIV testing, condoms and other contraception, and referrals to further clinical services","nthawi ya maphunziro a mpira wamiyendo ndi mpikisano, wosewera ali ndi kuthekera kopeza chithandizo cha umoyo wabwino kuphatikiza kuyese kachilombo ka HIV, chishango ndi njira zina zolelela komanso kutumiza kuchithandizo chachipatala",sports,online news +en12167,"Trained football coaches, games teachers and community leaders use fun, interactive football sessions with inbuilt health messaging with their players","aphunzitsi wophunzitsidwa bwino, aphunzitisi amasewero ndi atsogoleri a m'madera amagwiritsa ntchito znjira zosangalatsa ,mauthenga aumoyo ndi wosewera awo",sports,online news +en12168,"Our participants can come here any time they want. If things are not good at home, they can come here and talk to us. It’s a friendly environment for our participants where we use soccer as a tool to do different activities to give them life skills","otenga nawo mbali akhoza kubwera nthawi imene akufuna. ngati zinthu sizili bwino kunyumba , akhoza kubwera kuzayakhula nafe. ndimalo abwino kwa otenga nawo gawo kumene timagwiritsa ntchito mpira wamiyendo ngati chida kupanga zinthu zosiyanasiyana kuwapatsa maluso m'moyo",sports,online news +en12169,"Kids come for soccer but end up leaving with knowledge about how to make better choices for themselves, their life, and their future",ana amabwelera mpira koma amapezeka achoka ndi nzeru m'mene angapangire ziganizo zabwino zaiwo pa moyo wawo komanso tsogolo lawo ,sports,online news +en12170,Youth engagement is one of the key characteristics of high-quality health services for adolescents. It is essential that the meaningful participation and engagement of young people are encouraged and that young people are empowered to take center stage in accessing services,Kugwira ntchito ndi achinyamata ndi njira imodzi yoplekera chithandizo cha umoyo kwa achimanyata otha msikhu. ndizofunika kuti kutenga nawo gawo kwa achinyamata kukulimbikitsidwa kuti achimanyata alimbikitsidwe kukhal patsogolo kupeza chithandizo chimenechi,sports,online news +en12171,"Grassroot Soccer has helped me to realize that I have a hero inside me to help me overcome all challenges I am facing. I have learned that I don’t need society to choose a life for me, but I have the power to write my own story","Mpira wamiyendo wa kumudzi wandithandiza kuzindikira ukatswiri wanga kundithandiza kuthana ndi zovuta zimene ndikukumana nazo. Ndaphunzira kuti sindikuyenera kulolera gulu kundisakhalira moyo umene ndikuyenera kukhala, koma ndili mphamvu kulemba nkhani yanga yomwe",sports,online news +en12172,All of which means that a recent trend for promoting sustainability at sporting events has the potential to deliver a huge impact for sports fans,Zonsezi zikutathauza kuti zochitika pakatipa zofuna kulimbikitsa kukhazikika pa zochitika pa masewero zili ndi kuthekera kubweletsa zofunikira kwa otsatira masewero,sports,online news +en12173,"So, just what is the live sporting event industry doing to reduce its impact and enhance its sustainability practice? Let’s take a closer look at some key major events","ndiye, kodi zochitika za masewerawa zikupanga chani pochepetsa kukhudzidwa komanso kulimbikitsa ntchito zokhalitsa?. tiyeni tiyan'gane mwachifatse mwa zina zochitikazi",sports,online news +en12174,This included efforts such as building the athletes’ village out of sustainable and locally sourced wood and using alternative fuel sources for all vehicles,nthcito zimenezi zikuphatikiza ntchito monga kumanga mudzi wa osewera kugwiritsa ntchito matamba opezeka ku dera komanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zina zamafuta ku magalimoto,sports,online news +en12175,All food served to fans at the stadium came in fully compostable containers and any food waste that could not be composted was used to generate steam power to heat buildings in downtown Minneapolis,chakudya chonse chopelekedwa kwa otsatira masewera ku malo owonelera mpira zimakhala mu mbale zosithika kukhala dothi komanso chadya chonse chotaidwa zimene sizingasithidwe kukhala dothi zimagwiritsidwa kupanga mphamvu ya thuzi imene imatethetsa nyumba ku mzinda wa minneapolis,sports,online news +en12176,"However, aiming for a more sustainable sporting event is not always easy. Sports events by their nature involve a lot of people travelling to arenas and then occupying the same space, which can make limiting carbon footprints and dealing with waste difficult. So, let’s look at the key areas of making any event more sustainable"," komabe, kufuna kupangitsa masewero okhazikika sichithu chosavuta. zochitika zambiri zamasewero m'mene zilili zimakhudza anthu ambiri amene amapita ku kumalowa ndikukhala malo omwewo zimene zimapangitsa kuchepetsa mphweya woipa komanso kuthana zinyalala kukhala kovuta. ndiye, tiyeni tiwone malo amene tingapange zochitikazi zokhazikika",sports,online news +en12177,"Fans at sporting events need to be fed and watered, which can produce a huge amount of waste. Organizers can choose to work with sustainable local providers, which has a positive impact across the board",wotsatira masewero ku zochitika za masewero amayenera kudya komanso kupatsidwa madzi zimene zikhoza kupangitsa zinyalala zambiri. oyendetsa akhoza kusakha kugwira ntchito ndi opeleka chithandizo chokhazikika zimene zikhoza kukhala ndizotsatira kwa onse,sports,online news +en12178,"Host cities for major sporting events are often required to provide a raft of high-level facilities, including stadia and event spaces, as well as training facilities, accommodation and more","mizinda yopangitsa zochitika za masewero nthawi zambiri amafunika kukhala ndi zingapizo zapamwamba kuphatikiza malo amasewera komanso malo wopangira zochitika komanso malo okhonzekera masewera, malo ogona ndi zina zambiri",sports,online news +en12179,The governing bodies that run both international and domestic sport have not always been willing or able to make use of their unique position of power and influence,mabugwe oyendetsa amene amayendetsa masewera padziko lonse lapansi komanso mudziko samakhala akufuna kapena kuthekera kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ndi kusitha ena.,sports,online news +en12180,With global audiences in the billions and fans in the stadiums totaling tens of millions each year it is not just the immediate impact of sustainable practice but the power to act as a catalyst for wider change that is truly exciting,ndi anthu wonenela ambiri pa dziko lonse lapansi mu ma biliyoni komanso owonelera ku malo wowonera mpira zikukwanitsa ma miliyoni makumi makumi chaka chilichonse sizikuchitika ndi zotsatira za zochita zokhazikika koma mphamvu zopanga kukhala opangitsa kusitha zimene zili zosangalatsa kwambiri,sports,online news +en12181,Events and organizations on a smaller scale do not always find it easy to action the changes they need to be more sustainable in how they operate,zochitika ndi mabungwe pa mlingo wawun'gono nthawi zonse samapeza zosavuta kupanga zinthu kusitha kumene amakufuna kuti zikhale zokhazikika ndi mmene amapanagira zinthu zawo,sports,online news +en12182,"And while there are people that post things without knowing, or caring, of the repercussions, some use it for good by calling attention to issues in their community or in society","pamene pali anthu amene amaika zinthua asakudziwa kapena kusasamala za zotsatira zake, ena amagwiritsa ntchito izi pa zinthu zabwino poitanira pa ziinthu za kudera kwawo kapena anthu ena",sports,online news +en12183,Twitter has become a popular platform for athletes to raise awareness of causes or foundations important to them,tsamba la mchezo la twitter lakhala lodziwika kwa osewera podziwitsa za ntchito kapena mabungwe amene ali wofunika kwa iwo,sports,online news +en12184,"While Watt used social media to help raise awareness and money for damages caused by a hurricane, others used their platform to get people talking about social injustices","pamene watt amagwiritsa ntchito tsamba la mchezo kudziwitsa anthu komanso kupeza ndalama zothandizira mvula yowononga, ena amagwirutsa ntchito tsambali kulowa anthu kulakhula zakusowa chilungamo pakati apa anthu",sports,online news +en12185,It was quickly met with both criticism and praise; from both fans as well as other athletes. It’s not just professional athletes that use social media as a way to get the word out,mwachangu zinakumana ndi kupembedzedwa komanso kudzudzulidwa ndi otsatira komanso osewera ena. siwosewera mwaukadaulo okha amene amagwiritsa tsamba la mchezo kupeleka mawu awo,sports,online news +en12186,Social media is a quick and easy way for people to get the word out about things. One tweet could be retweeted and seen by many in a matter of minutes,tsamba la mchezo ndi njira yachangu komanso yosavuta kwa anthu kuti azilumikizana za zinthu. uthenga ina ukhoza kufalitsidwaso ndikuwonedwa ndi ena mu phindi zochepa chabe,sports,online news +en12187,"Social media has the power to help spread the word, good or bad, to many in an instant. And athletes have been some at the forefront of using that power to help promote causes and help make for a better tomorrow",tsamba la mchezo lili ndi mphamvu lofalitsa uthenga woipa ndi wabwino kwa anthu ambiri mu nthawi yochepa. ndipo osewera amenewa akhala patsogolo kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zawo kulimbikitsa ntchito komanso kuthandizira kupanga tsogolo labwino,sports,online news +en12188,"Although it seems that there is no relationship between road safety and sport, we think there is, and that the values that drive us have a lot in common","ngakhale zikuwoneka palibe kugwirizana pakati pa chitetezo pa nsewu ndi masewero, tikuganiza kuti zilipo ndipo zinthu ngodya zimene timatsatira ndizofanana",sports,online news +en12189,"Together we can do it.” And this is one of the great values of sport,” he points out. The proceeds go to projects to raise awareness and prevent road accidents","tonse zikhoza kukwanilitsa,"" ndipo iyi ndi ngodya yofunikira pasewera,"" akufotokozera. ndalama zopezeka kumeneku zimapita ku ntchito zodziwitsa ndikupewa ngozi za pa nsewu",sports,online news +en12190,"Many celebrities have encouraged people to put on their running shoes to have a fun day, yes, but also to make people understand that seatbelts must always be worn and distractions avoided, that we must never drink and drive, and, obviously, that we must not use our cellphone while driving, since it multiplies by four the risk of suffering an accident","anthu wotchuka ambiri alimbikitsa anthu kuti avale nsapato zawo zothamangira kuti akhale ndi tsiku losangalatsa komanso kudziwitsa ena kuti lamba wamugalimoto akuyenera kumangidwa ndipo zosokoneza zikuyenera kupewedwa, kuti sitikuyenera kumwa ndikuyendetsa komanso tisagwiritse ntchito lamya pamene tikuyendetsa chifukwa timachulukitsa ndi zinayi chiwopsezo chovulala pa nthawi yangozi",sports,online news +en12191,"If our work contributes to avoiding a single victim, it will have been worth it. Undoubtedly, this earnest work must spread —there are similar, smaller, events—and demonstrate that the values of sport can create “responsible citizenship” on the road","ngati ntchito yathu ipangitsa kupewetsa munthu modzi wokhudzidwa, ndiye kuti ndiyofunika. mosakaikira, ntchito imeneyi ikuyenera kufalikira-pali zochitika zimbiri zochepa zofanana ndi izi komanso kuwonetsa ngodya za masewero zimene zimapangitsa mzika zotenga udindo pa msewu",sports,online news +en12192,One of the most identifiable features of communities in sub-Saharan Africa is a large proportion of young people,Chinthu chimodzi chodziwitsa mosavuta madera aku Africa ndi chiwelengero cha anthu achichepele,sports,online news +en12193,"Sport, as a gateway to participation, has been linked as a strong tool to engage young people to take interest in works of foreign aid programmes across Africa","masewero, ngati njira yotenga nawo mbali yalumikizidwa kukhala chida chofuna kugwira ntchito anthu achichepele kufuna pa ntchito za maiko ena ku africa",sports,online news +en12194,"More recently, HIV/AIDS has become a significant focus for many ‘sport-in-development’ organizations. The convening nature of sport to communicate information about HIV in a non-discriminatory, non-threatening and age-appropriate manner is seen as a practical and effective tool to tackle HIV/AIDS","pakatipa, HIV/AIDS yakhala ikuyan'ganidwa pa ntchito zambiri za masewero zamabungwe. kukumana kwa masewero kulumikizana mauthenga za HIV okhudza kusasalana, kusawopeza komanso yokhudza zaka zoyenera zikuwoneka zochitika komanso zothekera kuthana ndi HIV/AIDS",sports,online news +en12195,"When children and youths participate, they gain leadership skills, self-confidence and other life skills that can be used in other areas of life","pamene ana ndi achiyamata kutenga nawo gawo, amapeza maluso awutsogoleri, kuzikhulupilira komanso maluso amumoyo zimene zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ku mbali zina zamoyo",sports,online news +en12196,"It is these life skills that they have gained from sports that makes them get up and say ‘let me go try this, let me go try that’. These are the indirect ways that sports can fight poverty","maluso amoyo amenewa zimene apeza ku masewera zimene zimapangitsa iwo kudzuka ndikunena kuti tiyeni tikayesere, ndiyese kupanga izi. zizi ndi njira zina za masewero zothana ndi umphawi",sports,online news +en12197,"When they first began, almost all of the boys were sniffing glue, a common drug here because it is inexpensive and the boys say it distracts them from the horrors of their lives","Pamene anayamba, pafupifupi anyamata onse amasuta glue, mankhawala owand kunoku chifukwa ndiogulika ndipo anyamata ananena kuti amawaiwalitsa zovuta za moyo wawo",sports,online news +en12198,"This extremely addictive substance is a huge issue for the population of street kids (estimated in the thousands) in Kisumu. Since the boys started actively playing football, they were training on a daily basis and playing matches on the weekend, they have ALL stopped using glue","Makhwala ochititsa chibaba kwambiriwa ndi nkhani yayikulu kwa anaoyenda m'misewu( mazanamazana kungoganizira) ku Kisumu.Pomwe anyamata anayamba kusewera mpira molimbikira,amakhonzekera tsiku ndi tsiku ndikusewera mipikisano kumapeto kwasabata, onse anasiya kugwiritsa ntchito glue",sports,online news +en12199,They realized that football was more important to them than drugs and they have kicked the habit. Some of them have also started to communicate with relevant authorities about being able to go back to school or find their families,Anazindikira kuti mpira wa miyendo unali ofunikira kwa iwo kusiyana ndi mankhwala ozunguza bongo ndipo alisiya khalidwelo.Ena mwa iwo ayamba kulumikizana ndi a dindo oyenera zakuthekera kobwereranso ku school kapena kupeza ma banja awo.,sports,online news +en12200,Football proved to be the motivating factor in their lives which allowed them to have a future and gain control of their lives once again,Mpira wa miyendo watsimikizira kuti ndichinthu cholimbikitsa pa mowo wawo chomwe cha walola iwo kukhalaso ndi tsogolo ndikukhalaso ndi ulamuliro pamoyo wawo,sports,online news +en12201,"Sport is a strong tool to center community development around, as it acts as a focal point around which the community can gather","Masewera olimbitsa thupi ndi chida cha mphamvu choyikira pamodzichitukuko chadera, chifukwa amakhala ngat pakatikati pomwe dera litha kukumaniranapo",sports,online news +en12202,"Sporting events and activities bring out a diverse group of community members, creating a forum around which socialization, community spirit, camaraderie and fun can develop","Zochitika za masewera olimbitsa thupi zimabweretsa pamodzi ma gulu osiyanasiyana a mudera, kupanga gulu lochezerana, mtima wokhalira limodzi ,kukhulupirirana komaso kusangalala kutha kukula",sports,online news +en12203,"Sport creates access to opportunities and a platform for voices of all ages to contribute to a greater cause. A sporting platform can teach a community how to work together to organize an event, democratically elect an executive sports committee and to create access and opportunities for all","Masewera olimbitsa thupi amapanga kufikira mwayi ndipo ndi malo oyankhulira kwa misinkhu yose pachithu chochitika chachikulu.Malo a masewera olimbitsa thupi atha kuphuniztsa anthu momwe angagwirire ntchito limodzi kuti alongosole zochitika, kusankha mwaufulu komiti yayikulu yoyendetsera masewera olimbitsa thupi ndikupanga kufikira mwayi kwa aliyense",sports,online news +en12204,"Sport can be used in a broad context to teach life skills, to create a safe environment within which sensitive issues can be discussed, to create access to information and to reinforce the value of the words team and community","Masewera olimbitsa thupi atha kugwiritsidwa ntchito kwakukulu kuphunzitsa ma luso amoyo, kuti apange malo abwino omwe nkhani zovuta zingamakambidwe,kupanga kufikira ma uthenga ndikulimikitsa kufunikira kwa mau a timu komaso gulu la anthu opanga zimodzi",sports,online news +en12205,"Using sport as an access point creates an ideal opportunity through which a community can look to identify important issues, collaborate towards collective processes, and build the overall capacity of the community","Kugwiritsa ntchito masewera olimbitsa thupi ngati polowera /poyambira imapangitsa mwayi oyenera omwe dera ungayanga'ane kuti upeze nkhani zofunikira,kugwirira ntchito limodzi ndikudzimanga munzeru ngati dera",sports,online news +en12206,"One of the great problems of developing communities is the very high numbers of youths in the communities. I would argue that the only three approaches to engage young people are through sports, Arts (music, drama) and I suppose religion","Vuto limodzi lalikulu mu ma dera omwe akutukuka ndi kuchuluka kwa achinyamata m'maderamo. Ndinganene kuti njira zitatu zokhazo zofikira a chinyamata ndikudzera muma sewera olimbitsa thupi, Art( Nyimbo, masewera) nduganizaso za uzimu",sports,online news +en12207,One of the things we know about sport is that it is exceptionally powerful but it does not engage all youths. There is youth who loath and despise sporting activities. They are not physically good and they don’t really enjoy it,Chinthu chimodzi chomwe timadziwa chokhudza masewera olimbitsa thupi ndichakuti ilindi mphavu zapaderadera koma siyitengetsa mbali achinyamata onse.Pali achinyamata omwe samafuna ndipo ama chepsa/nyazitsa zochitika za masewera olimbitsa thupi. Omwe sali aphamvu ndipo samasangalatsidwa nawo.,sports,online news +en12208,"Some youth are engaged in both drama and sports, some just sport and some drama. Whilst sport is powerful (we have to take into account that) it generally excludes those who are not physically talented","Achinyamata ena amatenga mbali muzonse masewero ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi,ena masewera olimbitsa thupi okha ndi ena masewero.Pamene masewera olimbitsa thupi ali ndi mphavu(tikuyenera kulingalira kuti) nthawi zambiri imachotsa omwe asli ndi ludo lakuthupi",sports,online news +en12209,We would argue that the locals are exceptionally knowledgeable about their own needs and ways to get things done in their communities; I would argue that they are quite often not well informed about the range of possibility that they could be using as they have not seen programmes done elsewhere,Tikunena kuti anthu eni ake okha ndi amene amadziwa zokhudza zofuna zawo ndi njira zimene angazikwanitsire mu madera awo; ndikutero kuti iwo nthawi zambiri samadziwitsidwa ndandanda wazothekera zomwe angagwiritse ntchito chifukwa sanaonepo ma programme akupangidwa kwina,sports,online news +en12210,They might not know the alternate ways of doing things. We have external experts who have wealth of knowledge about alternate approaches of ways things could be done in different environments and know nothing about the local situation,Nkutheka sangadziwe njira zina zopangira zinthu.Tili ndi akwatsiri ena akunja omwe ali ndi nzeru zakuya mu njira zosinayasiyana zomwe zinthu zingapangidwire munyengo zosiyana koma osadziwa kuti zinthu kuderako zili bwanji,sports,online news +en12211,"So for us, we believe it to be a true partnership development in which the external experts can provide a wider perspective on how things can operate and the locals can provide wealth of information about how they might make their particular process work in their own environment","Kwa ife, tikukhulupirira kutindi ubale owona wa chitukuko umene a katswiri akunja omwe angathe kupereka ukadaulo waukulu momwe tingapangire zitnthu ndi anthu eni ake atha kuupereka uthenga wambiri umene angapangire zinthu zawo tsatanetsatane wa momwe zimagiwirira mu malo awo",sports,online news +en12212,There are cases where sports and development programmes have led to an increase in tension within a community,Pali nthawi zina pamene masewera ndi chitukuko zabweretsa kulitsa chidani mu dera,sports,online news +en12213,It is therefore absolutely critical that not only do they take part in the decision making but that they are also informed about what their sports-in-development intervention can be about and the effects of sports-in-development interventions are,Ndipo choncho ndizofunikira kwambiri kuti sakuyenera kungotenga mbali popanga ziganizo zokha komaso kuti akuwuzidwa zokhudza zomwe zingakhale zitukuko mu masewera awo ndi zotsatira za zichitochito za chituko cha masewera olimbitsa thupi,sports,online news +en12214,These things need to be clearly communicated. The local people themselves need to take part in the community development and they also need to be well informed about their options before the sport-in-development interventions are implemented,Zinthu izi zikuyenera kufotokozeredwa bwinobwino.Anthu eni ake akuyenera kutenga mbali pa chitukuko cha dera ndipo akuyeneranso kudziwitsidwa zokhudza mpata wosankha tisanakhazikitse zichitochito za chitukuko cha masewera olimbitsa thupi,sports,online news +en12215,"Participants may cheat in order to unfairly increase their chance of winning, or in order to achieve other advantages such as financial gains","Otenga mbali atha kunama kuti achulukitsa mosakhala bwino mwayi wawo opambana, kuti akwaniritse mwayi wina monga wopeza zachuma.",sports,online news +en12216,"The widespread existence of gambling on the results of sports events creates a motivation for match fixing, where a participant or participants deliberately work to ensure a given outcome rather than simply playing to win","Kufala kwa juga potsatira zochitika za masewera olimbitsa thupi zimapangitsa kulimbikitsa kukonza mwadala zotsatira za masewera, pomwe opikisana mwadala amasewera kuti akwaniritse zotsatira zomwe zikufunika posati kusewera kuti apambane",sports,online news +en12217,"The competitive nature of sport encourages some participants to attempt to enhance their performance through the use of medicines, or through other means such as increasing the volume of blood in their bodies through artificial means","Kuchita bwino kwambiri kwa poyerekezana ndi zina kwa masewera olimbitsa thupi kumalimbikitsa otenga mbali ena kuyesera kupititsa patsogolo machitidwe awo kudzera mukugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala, kapena kugwiritsa ntchito njira zina ngati monga kuwonjezera magazi mu thupi lawo pogwiritsa ntchito njira zina zopangidwa ndi anthu. ",sports,online news +en12218,"Violence in sports involves crossing the line between fair competition and intentional aggressive violence. Athletes, coaches, fans, and parents sometimes unleash violent behavior on people or property, in misguided shows of loyalty, dominance, anger, or celebration","Chipolowe ku masewera olimbitsa thppupi kumakhudza kupyola mulingo pakati pa mpikisano wabwinobwino ndi chipolowe choyambira dala.Othamanga, aphunzitsi azamasewero, otsatira ndi makolo nthawi zina amayambitsa khalidwe la zipolowe pa anthu kapena katundu, mwakusokeretsedwa kuwonetsera kukhulupirika,ulamuliro, mkwiyo kapena chikondwerero",sports,online news +en12219,Rioting or hooliganism by fans in particular is a problem at some national and international sporting contests,Chipolowe ndi chisokonezo ndi otsatira makamaka ndi vuto ku mipikisano amasewera olimbitsa thupi a dziko momuno ndi kunja,sports,online news +en12220,Female participation in sports continues to rise alongside the opportunity for involvement and the value of sports for child development and physical fitness,kutenga mbali kwa azimayi ku masewera olimbitsa thupi kukukwera kuphatikizapo kutengapo mbali ndi kuikapo chidwi pa masewera akukula kwa ana ndi mphvu,sports,online news +en12221,"Despite increases in female participation during the last three decades, a gap persists in the enrolment figures between male and female players in sports-related teams","Kupatuka kukwera potenga mbali kwa azimayi mu mazana atatu apitawo, mpata ukukhalapobe pa kuchuluka kwakalembetsedwe pakati pa osewera achizimayi ndi a chizibambo mu mama timu amasewera olimbitsa thupi",sports,online news +en12222,"Youth sport presents children with opportunities for fun, socialization, forming peer relationships, physical fitness, and athletic scholarships","Masewera olimbitsa thupi a ana ndi mwayi wachisangalalo, kuchezerana, kupanga ma ubale a unthanga, kudzilimbitsa thupi, ndima scholarship azothamanga kulimbana ndi malonda a mankhwala ozunguza bongo.",sports,online news +en12223,Activists for education and the war on drugs encourage youth sport as a means to increase educational participation and to fight the illegal drug trade,Woyankhulapo pa za maphuniziro ndi nkkhondo ya mankhwala ozunguza bongo akulimbikitsa achinyamata masewera olimnitsa thupi ngati njira yopititsira patsogolo kutenga mbali pamaphunizro ndi ,sports,online news +en12224,"Disabled sports also adaptive sports or parasports, are sports played by people with a disability, including physical and intellectual disabilities","Masewera olimbitsa thupi a anthu olumara, amaseweredwa ndi anthu omwe ali ndi ulumari, kuphatikizapo ulumari wakaganizidwe",sports,online news +en12225,"As many of these are based on existing sports modified to meet the needs of people with a disability, they are sometimes referred to as adapted sports","Zambiri mwazimenezi zikutengera pa masewera olimbitsa thupi omwe alipo kale nkungopangidwaso kuti afikire zofuna za anthu a ulumari,ndipo nthawi zina amanenedwa kuti adaptive sports",sports,online news +en12226,"However, not all disabled sports are adapted; several sports that have been specifically created for people with a disability have no equivalent in able-bodied sports","Komabe, simasewera onse olimbitsa thupi amene ali osinthidwa ndi cholinga;masewera ambiri apangidwira anthu a ulumari ndipo alibe ofanizira awo kwa anthu a lunga ",sports,online news +en12227,"The competition element of sport, along with the aesthetic appeal of some sports, result in the popularity of people attending to watch sport being played. This has led to the specific phenomenon of spectator sport","kanthu kampikisano ka masewera olimbitsa thupi, pamodzi ndi chikoka cha masewera ena olimbitsa thupi,zimabweretsa kutchuka kwa anthu ndikudzaonera masewera olimbitsa thupi omwe akuseweredwa. Izi zayambitsa chithu china cha awonerera masewera olimbitsa thupi",sports,online news +en12228,"Both amateur and professional sports attract spectators, both in person at the sport venue, and through broadcast media including radio, television and internet broadcast","Osewera onse oyamba kumene ndi a professional amakoka owonera, onse owonera pamaso ku malo osewerera, ndikudzera ku nyumba zowulutsira mau monga wayilesi, kanema ndi owulutsira pa internet",sports,online news +en12229,"Both attendance in person and viewing remotely can incur a sometimes substantial charge, such as an entrance ticket, or pay-per-view television broadcast","Koma kuwonera konse kwapa maso kapena kutali nthawi zina zitha kupangitsa mtengo wofunikira, monga ma ticket olowera, kapena mtengo olipira poonera nthawi iliyose pa kanema",sports,online news +en12230,"It is common for popular sports to attract large broadcast audiences, leading to rival broadcasters bidding large amounts of money for the rights to show certain events","Ndizotchuka kuti masewera owanda amakhala ndichikoka chokopa anthu owulutsa mawu ambiri, kuchititsa kuti owolutsa mau opikisana nawo kutchula ntengo waukulu wandalama kuti apeze ufulu owulutsa zochitika zina",sports,online news +en12231,"The popularity of spectator sport as a recreation for non-participants has led to sport becoming a major business in its own right, and this has incentivized a high paying professional sport culture, where high performing participants are rewarded with pay far in excess of average wages, which can run into millions of dollars","Masewera olimbitsa thupi otchuka okonda kuwoneredwa ngati kopumilako kwa osatenga mbali kwapangitsa kuti masewera olimbitsa thupi akhale malonda akulu pawokha,izi zalimbikitsa kuti khalidwe lamalipiro okwera akumasewera olimbitsa thupi komwe otenga mbai ochita bwina akumapatsidwa malipiro okwera kwambiri odutsa katikati yamalipiro, omwe amafika mazanamazana a ndalama zaku America",sports,online news +en12232,"Technology plays an important part in modern sport. It is a necessary part of some sports (such as motorsport), and it is used in others to improve performance. Some sports also use it to allow off-field decision making","Njira zamakono zimatengapo gawo lofunikira pa masewera olimbitsa thupi makono ano. Ndi gawo lofunikira pa masewera ena olimbitsa thupi monnga msewera anjinga za moto,ndipo imagwiritsidwa ntchito pa kupititsa patsogolo machitidwe ake.Masewera ena olimbitsa thupi imagwiritsidwa ntchito kupanga ziganizo kunja kwa bwalo.",sports,online news +en12233,"The increase in technology has also allowed many decisions in sports matches to be taken, or reviewed, off-field, with another official using instant replays to make decisions","Kupita patsogolo kwa technology kwapangitsa zisankho zambiri kuti zichitidwe mu masewero a mpira, kapena kuunikidwaso, kunja kwa bwalo, ndima official ena pogwiritsa ntchito kuseweredwa kachikena kwa pompopompo kuti apange chiganizo",sports,online news +en12234,"In some sports, players can now challenge decisions made by officials. In Association football, goal-line technology makes decisions on whether a ball has crossed the goal line or not","Ku masewera ena, osewera atha kutsutsa ziganizo zopangidwa ndi ma official. Ku Association ya mpira wamiyendo,technology ya goal-line imapanga chisankho choti ngati mpira wadutsa mzere kapena ayi",sports,online news +en12235,"Research suggests that sports have the capacity to connect youth to positive adult role models and provide positive development opportunities, as well as promote the learning and application of life skills","Kafukufuku wanena kuti masewero a ali ndikuthekera kolumikiza achinyamata kwa akuluakulu achitsanzo chabwino, ndikupereka umwayi wakukula kwa bwino,komanso kupititsa patsogolo kuphunizra ndikugwiritsa ntchito luso la moyo",sports,online news +en12236,"In recent years the use of sport to reduce crime, as well as to prevent violent extremism and radicalization, has become more widespread, especially as a tool to improve self-esteem, enhance social bonds and provide participants with a feeling of purpose","Muzaka zimenezi kugwiritsa ntchito masewera olimbitsa thupi pochepetsa milandu, komaso kupewa chipolowe chopyola muyezo ndi kusitha kwamaganizo, zakhala zochulukirapo, makamaka ngati chida chokuzira kudzikhulupirira kwathu, kukulitsa kulumikazana kwathu kwa umunthu ndikupatsa otenga mbali kudziva moyo wacholinga",sports,online news +en12237,"There is no high-quality evidence that shows the effectiveness of interventions to increase sports participation of the community in sports such as mass media campaigns, educational sessions, and policy changes","Palibe zotsimikizira zapamwamba zoonetsera kugwira kwa zichitochitozi kuti za pititsa patsogolo kutengapo mbali kwa nthu pa masewera olimbitsa thupi monga campaign yowuza gulu,gawo lamaphunziro,kusitha ma policy",sports,online news +en12238,"Nationalism is often evident in the pursuit of sport, or in its reporting: people compete in national teams, or commentators and audiences can adopt a partisan view","Unzika nthawi zambiri umaonekera popanga za msewera olimbitsa thupi, kapena muma report ake: anthu amapikisana mu ma national team, kapena onenerera ndi owonerera atha kutenga mbali yosapotera",sports,online news +en12239,"Violence in sports usually refers to violent and often unnecessarily harmful intentional physical acts committed during, or motivated by, a sports game, often involving excessively violent or potentially illegal physical contact beyond the normal levels of contact expected while playing the sport","Chipolowe nthawi zambiri kumasewra olimbitsa thupi chimatanthawuza chipolowe ndi nthawi zambiri zolinga zosafunikira zomwe zimachitidwa mowonetsera munthawiyo, kapena zolimbikitsidwa ndi mpikisano wamasewera, nthawi zambiri okhudza athu antopola kapena kuthekera kokhudzana kosaloledwa kudutsila mulingo wabwinobwino wogundana mu masewera",sports,online news +en12240,"These acts of violence can include intentional attempts to injure a player or coach by another player or coach, but can also include threats of physical harm or actual physical harm sustained by players or coaches by fans","Mchitidwe wa ziwawa utha kuphatikizapo kuyesa mwadala kuvulaza osewera kapena mphunzitsi ndi osewera nzake kapena mphunzitsi, komaso zitha kuphatikizapo kuwopsezedwa kovulaza thupi kapena kuvulazidwa kwenikweni kwa osewera kapena mphunzitsi ndi ochemelera",sports,online news +en12241,"Athletes sometimes resort to violence, in hopes of injuring and intimidating opponents. Such incidents may be part of a strategy developed by coaches or players","Anthu ochita zamasewero nthawi zina amachita zazipolowe, pokhulupilira kuti apweteke ndikuopseza mdani. Zinthu ngati zimenezi zimakhala ngati mbali yadongosolo lopangidwa ndi mphunzitsi kapena osewera",sports,online news +en12242,"In boxing, unruly or extremely violent behavior by one of the contestants often results in the fighter breaking the rules being penalized with a points reduction, or, in extreme cases, disqualification","Mu nkhonya,khalidwe losaweruzika kapena chisokonezo ndi mmodzi mwa opikisana nthawi zambiri zimadzetsa omenya kuswa malamulo ndikulangidwa pochotseledwa ma points, kapena, nthawi zina, kuimitsidwa ",sports,online news +en12243,"Outlawed tactics in boxing include hitting the opponent on the back of the head, under the belly during clinching, and to the back. Other tactics that are outlawed, but less seen, are pushing an opponent extremely hard to the floor, kicking, or hitting repeatedly after the round has ended","Kachitidwe kena koletsedwa mu nkhonya kakuphatikiza kumumenya m'dani ku nkhongo, pansi pa mimba nthawi yosinthana zibakera, ndikumbuyo. Zina zoswa malamulo koma zowonedwa mochepa ndikukankhila pansi mwamphavu mdani, kumuponda kapena kumumenya mobwerezabwereza ndime yankhonya itatha kale",sports,online news +en12244,Violence may also be related to nationalism or as an outlet for underlying social tensions. It is often alcohol-related,Chipolowe zimagwilizanaso ndi unzika kapena potulitsira kusagwirizan kwa anthu. Nthawi zambiri zimagwirizana ndi kuledzera,sports,online news +en12245,At least five fans were dragged from the field at Atlanta–Fulton County Stadium in handcuffs after participating in a bench-clearing brawl,Otsatira osachepera asanu akokedwa kuchoka mu bwalo la zamasewera la Atlanta-Fulton ali mu unyolo atatengapo mbali pochita ndewu yochotsa ena pamipando,sports,online news +en12246,"Fans started rioting when the home team, seemingly on the way to victory, underwent a dramatic batting collapse","Otsatira anayamba kupanga chipolowe pomwe timu ya pakhomo,muonekeratu ku pita ku chipambano, ",sports,online news +en12247,"When the fans remained throwing projectiles and damaging stadium facilities, the match was called off and awarded to Sri Lanka (who went on to win the World Cup)","pomwe anthu otsatitira anapitilizabe kugenda ndiznthu ndiku ononga bwalo, mpikisano unayimitsidwa ndipo mphoto inaperekedwa kwa Sri Lanka ( omwe anapitilira ",sports,online news +en12248,"Appalled by violence that marred the FDH Bank Cup quarter-final between Silver Strikers and Nyasa Big Bullets at Silver Stadium in Lilongwe a week ago, Ministry of Youth and Sports on Friday summoned stakeholders to a meeting","Podabwitsika ndi zipolowe zomwe zinasokoneza gawo lachipulula la FDH Bank Cup pakati pa Silver Strikers ndi Nyasa Big Bullets pa bwalo la masewro la Silver ku Lilongwe , nduna ya zamasewero lachisanu inayitanitsa onse okhuzidwa ku msonkhano",sports,online news +en12249,"The meeting, held in Lilongwe at the ministry headquarters, drew Football Association of Malawi (FAM), Malawi National Council of Sports and Malawi Police Service","Nkumanowo, omwe unachitika ku likulu ya unduna ku Lilongwe, unayitanitsa Football Association of Malawi, Malawi National Council of Sports ndi Malawi Police Service",sports,online news +en12250,"The ministry’s director of sports confirmed the development, saying the Ministry of Sports was shocked by the incident which have a potential to scare away sponsors","Mtsogoleri wa za masewera ku unduna wa masewera olimbitsa thupi watsimikizira zazochitikaz, kunena kuti unduna wazamasewero unali odabwa ndizomwe zinachitikazo zomwe zili ndikuthera kuthamangitsa othandiza",sports,online news +en12251,He said: “We wanted to find out from stakeholders why there is sudden surge in violence and find a lasting solution. Sports venues should not be places where people risk losing lives. That is not sport,"Iye anati' Timafuna tidziwe kuchokera kwa anthu okhudzidwa kuti ndi chifukwa chani kuli kukula kwa dzidzidzi kwazipolowe ndikupeza mayankho okhalitsa. Mabwalo amasewero asamakhale malo omwe anthu akuyika moyo wawo pachiswe, iye adatero",sports,online news +en12252,"Ndalama kept a tight lid on the deliberations during the meeting, saying a joint press statement will be issued by the stakeholders","Ndalama anayika patsogolo mfundo zokhwima pomwe amalingalira zofunikra pa nthawi ya mkumanowo, akunena kuti press statement itulutsidwa ndi anthu okhudzidwa ",sports,online news +en12253,"It was an important meeting as it explored how we can combat the vice which is threatening our game. We thank the ministry for calling the meeting,” he said","unali nkumano ofunikira chifukwa chakuti unawunikira momwe tingathanirane ndi khalidwe loyipa omwe ukuyika pachiwopsezo masewera athu.Tikuthokoza unduna poyitanitsa mkumanowu, iye adatero",sports,online news +en12254,The violence at Silver Stadium left several Nyasa Big Bullets supporters and officials with various injuries,Chipolowe pa bwalo la masewera la Silver chasiya ochemelera mpira ndi oyang'anora masewero a Nyasa big bullets ambiri atavulala mosiyansiyana,sports,online news +en12255,"Gunda said disciplinary proceedings will go ahead, regardless of the outcome of the stakeholders’ meeting","Guunda ananena kuti zokambirana zofuna kuwalanga zipitilira, posatengera zotsatira za mkumano wa anthu okhudzidwa ",sports,online news +en12256,He said: “This meeting was very crucial. But it doesn’t replace the disciplinary process,Iye adati '' nkumanowu unali ofunikira kwambiri.Koma sikubwezeretsa zochitika za ulemu,sports,online news +en12257,"Meanwhile, Bullets have extended an olive branch to Silver to avoid further retaliation to the violence","Pakali pano, Bullets yapempha mtendere ku Silver pofuna kupewa kubwezeredwa paziwawa zomwe zinachitika",sports,online news +en12258,“We are ready to meet your leadership including supporters anytime and find amicable solution that will bring peace to our beautiful game,' Tili okonzeka kukumana ndi atsogoleri anu kuphatikizapo ma sapota nthawi iliyose ndikupeza mayankho movetsetsana zomwe zibwezeretse ntendere kumasewera anthu okongolawa,sports,online news +en12259,"Lack of division of responsibilities during matches is the main cause of violence at matches, a Fifa report compiled by United Kingdom-based safety and security experts Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) has revealed","Kusowekera kugawana ma udindo bwinobwino nthawi ya mpikisano ndi chopangitsa chenicheni cha zipolowe nthawi ya mpikisano,Feport lomwe linapangidwa ndi Fifa ku United Kingdom ya Safety and security experts Sports Ground Safety yanena choncho",sports,online news +en12260,"The world football governing body’s report states that there is lack of clearly defined responsibilities for all stakeholders during matches, as a result, no one takes responsibility for security. Police and stewards are crucial in curbing violence","Report la Nthambi ya mpira ya dziko lonse lapansi lanena kuti kusowekera ma udindo uwonekeratu kwa anthu onse okhudzidwa nthawi ya mpikisano, zotsatira zake,palibe amene amatenga udindo wachitetezo. A police ndi okhanzikitsa bata ndi ofunikira kwambiri kutetezera chipolowe",sports,online news +en12261,The Fifa consultants have since recommended that there be clearly defined responsibilities of all stakeholders with one officer in command on the match day,Ma consultant a FIFA apereka maganizo okuti pakhale ma udindo owonekeratu a anthu onse okhudzidwa ndi officer mmodzi olamulira pa tsiku la mpikisano,sports,online news +en12262,Fifa engaged the firm to inspect Malawi stadiums safety and security following a stampede that killed eight people during Independence Day celebrations on July 6,FIFA inauza bungweli kuti liunike ubwino ndi chitetezo pa mabwalo osewelera ku Malawi potsatira chipwirikiti chomwe chidapha anthu asanu ndi atatu patsiku lokondwelera kulandira ufulu la 6 July,sports,online news +en12263,"FAM General secretary said standard practice is that stadium owners provide security during matches, however, in Malawi this is not applicable","Mlembi wankulu wa FAM adati mulingo wa eni ake a ma bwalo a mpiri ndioti apereke chitetezo nthawi yamasewero, komabe, izi sizimachitika m'Malawi",sports,online news +en12264,"He said: “In normal circumstances, stadium owners are responsible for safety and security at matches. The understanding is that the home team owns the stadium. Unfortunately, in Malawi, teams do not own stadiums","iye anat, pazochitika za bwino bwino, eni ma bwalo a zamasewero ali ndi udindo wakusamalika ndi chitetezo nthawi ya mpikisano. Kuvetsa kwake ndikwakuti timu yapakhomo imatenga umwini bwalo la mpira. Mwatsoka, ku Malawi,ma team samatenga umwini wamabwalo",sports,online news +en12265,That is why there is the blame game on who should take responsibility where there is lack of the same,ichi ndichifukwa pali kumangolozana zala pa amene akuyenera kutenga udindo pomwe pakusowekera zomwezi,sports,online news +en12266,"As a body mandated to run football in the country, we take full responsibility of anything that happens at a match because we are answerable to Fifa,” he said","ngati mbali yomwe yinapatsidwa mphavu yoyendetsa masewera a mpira wa miyendo mu dziko, tikutenga udindo ose wathuthu pachilichonse chochitika ku masewera a mpira",sports,online news +en12267,"Football violence and hooliganism at football matches has of late escalated, with no solution at hand","Zipolowe ndi mankhalidwe osokoneza pa mipikisano ya masewera wa mpira wa miyendo panopa wakwera, wopanda mayankho ",sports,online news +en12268,"While in the past the violence and hooliganism was between rival supporters, this time there is a systematic and organized violence perpetrated by home teams","Pomwe mbuyomu zipolowe ndi makhalidwe osokoneza amakhala pakat pa ma sapota a mbali zopikisana, pakali pano zipolowe ndizolukidwa ndikupangidwa bwino ndi anthu ongolowerera a matimu a pakhomo",sports,online news +en12269,But Banda said all efforts to curb football violence and hooliganism will be in vain if police and stewards do not come to the party,Koma Banda anati ntchito yofuna kuthetsa ziwawa ndi chisokonezo zipita pachabe ngati a police ndi okhunzikitsa bata mpira sabwera kutengapo mbali.Umapeza kuti kuli kusokonekera kwa chitetezo koma pamene ndi mmodzi yemwe wamangidwapo,sports,online news +en12270,He said: “Stewards and police are key in maintaining order at matches. But they fail us. Some end up watching the match instead of doing their job. ,Iye anati; Okhazikitsa bata ndi achitetetezo ndi ofunikira kwenkweni pokhanzikitsa dongosolo ku mpikisano. Koma samatithandiza .Ena amathera kuwonera mpira mmalo moti apange ntchito yawo.,sports,online news +en12271,You find that there has been security breach yet not a single person has been arrested,Mupeza kuti ena agonjetsa chitetezo koma chonsecho palibe ndi mmodzi womangidwapo,sports,online news +en12272,"For example, in a case of Wanderers vs Mzuni match, a hired police officer responded that he was a traffic police officer so he cannot get involved in arresting supporters for misconduct","Mwachitsanzo,kumbali yamasewera a Wanderers ndi Mzuni , wapolisi yemwe analembedwa anati iye ndiwapansewu ndiye sangalowererepo pomanga ochemelera mpira opanga zosokoneza",sports,online news +en12273,He said: “What we lack is the system and a process to move as designed without physical presence of authorities,Iye anati: chomwe tikusowekera ndi chithuthu ndi ndondomeko yiti iyende momwe inapangidwila popanda kupezekapo kwa adindo,sports,online news +en12274,"When things move because of presence, we should know that it is fear that is driving the process and not the system. For instance, supporters are not supposed to be at the dressing room area, yet we see this in Malawi!","Pamene zinthu zikuyenda chifukwa chakupezekapo, tizingodziwa kuti ndi mantha omwe akuyemdetsa ndipo osati chithuthu.Mwachitsanzo, ma sapota samayenera kupezeka ku malo ovalira, komabe timaziona izi ku Malawi!",sports,online news +en12275,We tolerate matters that are not supposed to be there in the first place. We cannot be discussing in pre match meeting about supporters at dressings rooms. We should be ashamed of ourselves,Timalorela zinthu zomwe sizimayenera kukhalapo nkomwe. Sitingamakambirane za ma sapota kumikumano yochitika usanayambe masewero kuchipinda chovalira.Tizikhala ndi manyazi patokha,sports,online news +en12276,"Should there be any pockets of violence, we will make an announcement that will negatively affect the game of football,” said Matonga","Pakadza pezekanso ka gawo ka zipolowe, tidzapanga zolengeza zomwe zidzakhudza moyipa masewera ampira wa miyendo, adatero Matonga",sports,online news +en12277,KB team manager yesterday said they have recovered from the recent loss to their ‘brothers-in-arms’ and will be out to settle the scores,Mkulu woyendetsa timu ya KB dzulo anati abwezeretsa kugonja kwaposachedwapa kwa 'abale awo' ndipo atuluka kuti akhazikitse bata zigoli,sports,online news +en12278,This will be a different game altogether and we are geared for the match. We lost to Mafco recently because there was an element of excitement after a remarkable run that saw us with the Carlsberg Cup and finishing the first-round of the league at the top,awa adzakhala masewera osiyanilanatu ndipo tili okhozekera pa mpikisano umenewu.Tinaluza ku Mafco posachedwapo chifukwa panali ka mtima kachisangalalo titachita bwino kwambiri pa carlsberg cup ndikumaliza gawo loyamba la league pa mwamba.,sports,online news +en12279,"I am also optimistic that fans will watch an exciting game of football between two quality sides. We know how Mafco play and we are prepared for them,” said Shaba","Nili ndimalingaliro abwino kuti otsaira adzawonera masewera mpikisano wapira wamiyendo osangalatsa pakati pa mbali za anamandwa.Tikudziwa momwe MAFCO imasewerera ndipo tawakhozekera, adatero Shaba",sports,online news +en12280,He dismissed suggestions that KB have lost the grip they had in the first-round,Iye sadatengere maganizo akuti KB yataya mangolomera omwe anali nawo mu gawo loyamba,sports,online news +en12281,"We are aware that our friends will come out with all their guns blazing, but we know how to approach the game,” said Gondwe","Tili ozindikira kuti anzathu abwera atakonzeka kwambiri,koma tikudziwa momwe tingafikire masewerowo, Gondwe adatero.",sports,online news +en12282,"At the moment, the situation is calm and we have an assurance that our safety will be guaranteed, but we do not want to take any chances because anything can happen at the football match. We are still monitoring the state of affairs","Pakali pano, kwachitika bata ndipo tili ndi kutsimikinzika kuti chittezo chathu ndichotsimikizika, koma sitikufuna kutengerapo mwayi uliwose chifukwa chilichonse chitha kuchitika pa mpikisano wa mpira.",sports,online news +en12283,"However, Mwenda said the Flames managed to get the feel of the match venue yesterday morning","Komabe, Mwenda adati Flames inakwanitsa kudziwa mmene malo osewelera aliri dzulo mmamawa",sports,online news +en12284,He confirmed that the demonstration by an Islamic group called Uamsho had turned violent on Saturday,Iye anatsimikizila kuti ziwonetsero ndi gulu la asilamu lotchedwa Uamsho zinasanduka chipolowe loweruka,sports,online news +en12285,"Rioters threw stones as police fired tear gas and water cannons in Stone Town, the capital of the semi-autonomous Tanzanian archipelago. Small groups of protesters were still on the streets on Sunday","anthu azipolowe adagenda miyala pomwe a police amaponya utsi okhetsa misonzi ndi madzi a mphavu ku Stone Town, mzinda waukulu wapakatikati paa ndandanda watizilumba ku Tanzania ",sports,online news +en12286,Uamsho supporters clashed with police on Saturday after they marched on a police station following the arrest of one of their leaders,Ma sapota a Uamsho anakangana ndi apolisi loweluka atakhamukila ku polisi kamba komanga atsogoleri awo.,sports,online news +en12287,Increasing football violence and hooliganism on the domestic scene could be attributed to Sulom and FAM’s failure to enforce a government blueprint for nipping the malpractice in the bud,Kukwera kwazipolowe ndi ziwawa zochitika pakhomo zitha ukuttengedwa kuti ndikulephera kwa sulom ndi FAM kuti lilimbikitse boma kutsatira dongosolo lothetsa mchitidwe oyipawu,sports,online news +en12288,It has established that this season witnessed an upsurge in reported top-flight football hooliganism and cases of violence; a recipe for scaring potential sponsors and fans. There were eight reported cases as opposed to five last season,Zazindikirika kuti Nyengo imeneyi kwaonedwa kukwerama report a zipolowe ndi ziwawa ku mpira wa miyendo;Chithu chothawitsa othekera kuthandiza ndi otsatira .Pali mareport case okwanira asanu ndi atatu poyerekeza ndi asanu nyengo yapitaiyi,sports,online news +en12289,"The increase coincides with the football authorities’ laissez faire attitude towards a blueprint the then Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, through a task force, produced in April 2005 titled ‘Operating Manual for Curbing Hooliganism and Related Violence at Sports Venues","`Kukweraku kukulingana ndi ulamuriro waku mpira wamiyendo ' wongosiyirana ndondomeko panthawi imeneyo unduna wa chinyamata, masewero ndi chikhalidwe, kudzera mu task force, yopangidwa mu 2005 mutu wake ‘Operating Manual for Curbing Hooliganism and Related Violence at Sports Venues'",sports,online news +en12290,"The report strongly recommended that entry tickets should be sold several days before the match, sale of alcohol within and near the premises of the game should be discouraged, and stopped forthwith and all perpetrators must be brought to book","Lipotili linapeleka maganizo akuti ma ziphaso zizigulitsidwa masiku ambiri tsiku la mpira lisanafike, kugulitsa mowa nkatikati kapena pafupi ndi malo omwe pali masewero zisamalimbikitsidwe, ndipo ziletsedwe kupita mtsogolo ndipo onse ochita izi aziyankha mulandu.",sports,online news +en12291,"Possession of items such as glass bottles, green maize and anything capable of being thrown into the football pitch or stands must be discouraged","kukhala ndi zithu ngati mabotolo a galasi,chimanga chachiwisi ndi chilichose chomwe chingathe kuponyedwa mu bwalo la mpira wamiyendo zayenera kuletsedwa",sports,online news +en12292,"It further declared that “all entrants to the stadium and main facility must be searched prior to their entry and prohibited substance such as alcohol, Indian hemp, or intoxicating drugs must be confiscated and the culprits arrested","Ndipo inapitiliza kulengeza kuti ' onse olowa ku bwalo la mpira ndi mkati mwenimweni azichitidwa chipikisheni asanalowe ndipo zinthu monga mowa, chamba kapena mankhwala ozunguza bongo zidzilandidwa ndipo omwe apezeka nazo adzimangidwa ",sports,online news +en12293,"The football authorities have also failed to apply the suggestion that any person other than players, team leaders and match officials accessing dressing rooms and areas around the changing rooms be barred before and after matches","Adindo a mpira wamiyendo alepheranso kugwiritsa ntchito maganizo a munthu aliyese amene asali osewera, atsogoleri a team ndi ma official a mpikisano kufikira zipinda zovalira ndi malo ozungulira kutsekedwa mpikisano usanachtike komaso utachitika",sports,online news +en12294,Fans also move freely on all terraces against the report’s recommendation that “movement of spectators should be restricted to areas within the same stand,Otsatira masewero a mpira amayendaso momasuka kumalo okhalapo motsutsana ndi malangizo akuti kuyenda kwa owatsatira kukhale pamalo okhawo omwe amakhala,sports,online news +en12295,The clubs also take the blame for not adhering to a recommendation to introduce membership and identification cards for their supporters,Magulu a mpira avomereza kulakwa kwawo posatsatira malangizo obweretsa chiphatso cha umembala komanso chiphaso cha umwini kwa owatsatira,sports,online news +en12296,"Most of the recommendations were implemented, but for others, there were limitations. I can accept that as a football nation we somehow relaxed. The plan is there for the implementors","Zomwe zidavomerezedwa zinapangidwa, koma zina, panali zotchinga. Ndivomereze kuti ngati dziko la mpira wamiyendo ,penapake tinatayirira. Ndondomeko ilipo kwa anthu okhanzikitsa",sports,online news +en12297,"It seems people drifted into the comfort zone, but when we feel there is need to enforce this, we will tell the associations,” Ndalama noted","Zikuwonetsa kuti anthu anamasuka, koma ngati tikumva kuti pakufunika kukhwimisa lamulo, tidzayiuza asociation, ndalama adaunikira",sports,online news +en12298,Preliminary assessments show that at least 70 seats were damaged following vandalism that occurred at Bingu National Stadium (BNS) in Lilongwe on Saturday during the Airtel Top 8 quarter-final first leg between Silver Strikers and Mighty Mukuru Wanderers,Kauniuni wapoyambirira waonetsa kuti mipando yosachepera makumi asanu ndi awiri inawonongedwa potsatira kusakaza komwe kunachitoka ku Bingu National Stadium ku Lilongwe Loweruka panthawi ya masewero amu Airtel Top 8 a ndime yachipulula pakati pa matimu a Silver Strikers ndi Mighty Mukuru Wanderers,sports,online news +en12299,Government condemns in strongest terms the unruly scenes and destruction of property that took place at BNS in Lilongwe on Saturday,Boma likudzudzula kwakukulu khalidwe losaweruzika ndikusakaza katundu lomwe lina chitika ku bwalo la za maserewa ku BNS loweruka ku Lilongwe,sports,online news +en12300,"Much as the ministry understands that football is an emotional game and fans are an integral part, the behaviour displayed at the stadium is retrogressive, unacceptable and uncivilized","Ngakhalebe kuti unduna ukuvetsetsa kuti masewera a mpira wa miyendo ndiwokhudza malingaliro ndipo otsatira ndi mbali yofunikira kwambiri, khalidwe lomwe linaonetsedwa ku bwalo lazamasewero ndilo bwezera m'mbuyo, losavemerezedwa komaso lachikale",sports,online news +en12301,"Katopola said acts of this nature puts many lives at risk and tarnishes the image of the sponsors, who compliment government’s efforts to develop sports in this country",Katopola adati mchitidwe oterewu umayika miyoyo pa chiswe ndipo umayipitsa mbiri ya ma siponsa omwe amathandizira ntchito ya boma yo pititsa ppatsogolo masewera olimbitsa thupi mu dziko muno,sports,online news +en12302,"He said: “If it [the facility] is vandalized and closed, or condemned, the Malawi National Football team will be playing all its home matches outside the country","Iye anati ngati bwalolo lawphwanyidwa/lawonongedwa ndipo latsekedwa, kapena silinavomelezedwe, timu ya mpira wa miyendo ya Malawi izi sewera masewera ake onse a pakhomo kunja kwa Malawi.",sports,online news +en12303,This will deprive citizens of their right to football entertainment and economic development of the country that come from the sports industry,Izi zilepheretsa nzika kudyelera ufulu wawo wa chisangalalo cha mpira wamiyendo ndi chitukoko cha zachuma chomwe chimabwera kuchokera ku ntchito zamasewero,sports,online news +en12304,We look forward to a thorough enquiry and that those found guilty should be heavily punished and made to pay for maintenance of damaged property at the BNS,"Tikuyanga'nira kufufuza kotheratu ndipo omwe apezeke olakwa alangidwe kwambiri ndipo alipire pokonzetsa katundu woonongeka ku BNS, ",sports,online news +en12305,“FAM would like to inform all stakeholders that investigations are in progress to ascertain what happened and ensure that appropriate measures are taken,FAM ikudziwitsa magulu onse okhudzidwa kuti kufufuza kukupitilira kuti paeze chomwe chinapangitsa kuti awonetsetse kuti njira zoyenerera zopewere zikutengedwa ,sports,online news +en12306,What did the security officers do? Have they arrested anyone? How do you conclude that they are Wanderers supporters or fans?,kodi ma officerwo anapanga chani?amangapo aliyese? Mumangirira bwanji kuti anali ma sapota a wanderers kapena otsatira? ,sports,online news +en12307," I doubt if those are our fans. If indeed they are our fans, we have systems and procedures that we follow in order to discipline them","Ndikukayika ngati awa ali otsatira athu.Ngati ndi zoona kuti awa ndi otsatira athu, tili ndi jira zomwe timatsatira powalanga ",sports,online news +en12308,"Pamene Yesu anavumbula kwa ophunzira ake mathero a Yerusalemu ndi zochitika za kudza +kwachiŵiri, iye ananeneratunso chokumana nacho cha anthu ake kuyambira panthaŵi imene iye +ayenera kuchotsedwa kwa iwo, kufikira kubweranso kwake mu mphamvu ndi ulemerero kaamba ka +chipulumutso chawo","When Jesus revealed to His disciples the fate of Jerusalem and the scenes of the second advent, He foretold also the experience of His people from the time when He should be taken from them, to His return in power and glory for their deliverance.",religion,SDA Book +en12309,"Kuchokera ku Azitona Mpulumutsi anawona namondwe watsala pang’ono +kugwa pa mpingo wa utumwi, ndipo, polowa mkati mozama m’tsogolo, diso lake linazindikira +namondwe woopsa, woononga umene unali kudzamenya pa otsatira ake mu mibado ikudza ya mdima +ndi mazunzo","From Olivet the Saviour beheld +the storms about to fall upon the apostolic church; and penetrating +deeper into the future, His eye discerned the fierce, wasting tempests +that were to beat upon His followers in the coming ages of darkness and +persecution",religion,SDA Book +en12310,"M’mawu achidule oŵerengeka, a matanthauzo owopsa, iye ananeneratu za gawo limene +olamulira a dziko lapansi adzapereka ku mpingo wa Mulungu","In a few brief utterances of awful significance He foretold +the portion which the rulers of this world would mete out to the church +of God",religion,SDA Book +en12311,"Otsatira a Kristu +ayenera kuyenda m’njira yofananayo ya kunyozeka, chitonzo, ndi kuvutika imene Mbuye wawo +anayenda nayo","The followers of Christ must tread the +same path of humiliation, reproach, and suffering which their Master +trod",religion,SDA Book +en12312,"Udani umene unabuka pa Muomboli wa dziko lapansi, udzaonekera kwa onse amene +ayenera kukhulupirira dzina lake","The enmity that burst forth against the world’s Redeemer would be +manifested against all who should believe on His name.",religion,SDA Book +en12313,"Mbiri ya mpingo woyamba imachitira umboni kukwaniritsidwa kwa mawu a Mpulumutsi. Mphamvu +zapadziko lapansi ndi gehena zidadzipangira okha motsutsana ndi Khristu mu umunthu wa otsatira +ake.","The history of the early church testified to the fulfillment of the +Saviour’s words. ",religion,SDA Book +en12314,"Mphamvu +zapadziko lapansi ndi gehena zidadzipangira okha motsutsana ndi Khristu mu umunthu wa otsatira +ake","The powers of earth and hell arrayed themselves +against Christ in the person of His followers",religion,SDA Book +en12315,"Chikunja chinawoneratu kuti ngati uthenga upambana, akachisi ake ndi maguwa ake +adzasesedwa; Choncho anaitanitsa asilikali ake kuti awononge Chikhristu. ","Paganism foresaw that +should the gospel triumph, her temples and altars would be swept away; +therefore she summoned her forces to destroy Christianity. ",religion,SDA Book +en12316,"Moto wa chizunzo +unayatsidwa.","The fires of +persecution were kindled.",religion,SDA Book +en12317,"Akristu analandidwa katundu wawo, nathamangitsidwa m’nyumba zawo. Iwo “anapirira +nkhondo yaikulu ya masautso","Christians were stripped of their possessions +and driven from their homes",religion,SDA Book +en12318,"Iwo “anapirira +nkhondo yaikulu ya masautso",They “endured a great fight of afflictions,religion,SDA Book +en12319,"Iwo “anayesedwa m’zotonza, ndi kukwapulidwa, ndi +kumangidwanso, ndi kutsekeredwa m’ndende","They “had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment.” + +",religion,SDA Book +en12320,"Ziŵerengero zazikulu +zinasindikiza umboni wawo ndi mwazi wawo.",Great numbers sealed their testimony with their bloo,religion,SDA Book +en12321,"Olemekezeka ndi akapolo, olemera ndi osauka, +ophunzira ndi mbuli, anaphedwa mofanana popanda chifundo.","Noble and slave, rich and poor, learned and ignorant, were alike slain +without mercy.",religion,SDA Book +en12322,"Zizunzo zimenezi, kuyambira pansi pa Nero pafupifupi nthaŵi ya kuphedwa kwa Paulo, zinapitirizabe +ndi ukali waukulu kapena wocheperapo kwa zaka mazana ambiri. ","These persecutions, beginning under Nero about the time of the +martyrdom of Paul, continued with greater or less fury for centuries",religion,SDA Book +en12323,"Akristu anaimbidwa mlandu +wabodza waupandu wowopsa koposa, ndipo ananenedwa kukhala ochititsa masoka aakulu—njala, +miliri, ndi chivomerezi. ","Christians were falsely accused of the most dreadful crimes and declared +to be the cause of great calamities—famine, pestilence, and earthquake.",religion,SDA Book +en12324,"Pamene iwo anakhala zinthu za chidani chofala ndi kukaikira, atolankhani +anaima okonzeka, kuti apeze phindu, kupereka osalakwa.","As they became the objects of popular hatred and suspicion, informers +stood ready, for the sake of gain, to betray the innocent. ",religion,SDA Book +en12325,"Anatsutsidwa monga opandukira ufumuwo, +adani achipembedzo, ndi owononga anthu","They were +condemned as rebels against the empire, as foes of religion, and pests +to society. ",religion,SDA Book +en12326,"Anthu ambiri anaponyedwa ku zilombo kapena +kutenthedwa amoyo m’mabwalo amasewera","Great numbers were thrown to wild beasts or burned alive in +the amphitheaters",religion,SDA Book +en12327,"Ena anapachikidwa; ena anakutidwa ndi zikopa za +nyama zakuthengo, naponyedwa m’bwalo la maseŵera kuti agaludwe ndi agalu. ","Some were crucified; others were covered with the +skins of wild animals and thrust into the arena to be torn by dogs",religion,SDA Book +en12328,"Chilango chawo +nthawi zambiri chinkapangidwa kukhala chosangalatsa chachikulu pamaphwando apagulu","Their +punishment was often made the chief entertainment at public fetes",religion,SDA Book +en12329,"Kulikonse kumene anathaŵirako, otsatira a Kristu ankasakidwa ngati zilombo zolusa.","Wherever they sought refuge, the followers of Christ were hunted +like beasts of prey",religion,SDA Book +en12330,"Iwo +anakakamizika kufunafuna kobisika m’malo abwinja ndi apululu","They were forced to seek concealment in desolate +and solitary places.",religion,SDA Book +en12331,"“Osauka, osautsidwa, ozunzidwa; +amene dziko lapansi silinawayenera; adayendayenda m’zipululu, ndi m’mapiri, ndi m’mapanga, ndi m’ +mapanga a dziko lapansi","“Destitute, afflicted, tormented they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in +dens and caves of the earth",religion,SDA Book +en12332,"M’mandamo munali malo okhala anthu +masauzande ambiri.","The catacombs afforded +shelter for thousands.",religion,SDA Book +en12333,"Pansi pa mapiri kunja kwa mzinda wa Roma, makonde aatali anali atakhomedwa +pa nthaka ndi miyala; misewu yamdima ndi yocholoŵana inafalikira makilomita ambiri kupyola +mpanda wa mzindawo.","Beneath the hills outside the city of Rome, long +galleries had been tunneled through earth and rock; the dark and intricate +network of passages extended for miles beyond the city walls",religion,SDA Book +en12334,"M’malo obisalamo mobisa awa, otsatira a Kristu anaika akufa awo; ndipo +panonso, ataganiziridwa ndi kuletsedwa, adapeza nyumba","In these +underground retreats the followers of Christ buried their dead; and here +also, when suspected and proscribed, they found a home",religion,SDA Book +en12335,"Pamene Wopereka Moyo adzadzutsa +amene amenya nkhondo yabwino, ofera chikhulupiriro ambiri chifukwa cha Kristu adzatuluka m’ +mapanga amdimawo.","When the +Life-giver shall awaken those who have fought the good fight, many a +martyr for Christ’s sake will come forth from those gloomy caverns",religion,SDA Book +en12336,"Pansi pa chizunzo choopsa, mboni za Yesu zimenezi zinasunga chikhulupiriro chawo chosadetsedwa. +Ngakhale kuti analandidwa chitonthozo chirichonse, atatsekeredwa kutali ndi kuwala kwa dzuŵa, +kupanga nyumba yawo mumdima koma waubwenzi pachifuwa cha dziko lapansi, iwo sanadandaule. +.","Under the fiercest persecution these witnesses for Jesus kept their +faith unsullied. Though deprived of every comfort, shut away from the +light of the sun hough deprived of every comfort, making their home in the dark but friendly bosom of the +earth, they uttered no complaint.",religion,SDA Book +en12337,"Ndi mawu achikhulupiriro, kuleza mtima, ndi chiyembekezo, iwo analimbikitsana kupirira umphaŵi ndi +masautso","With words of faith, patience, and hope +they encouraged one another to endure privation and distress",religion,SDA Book +en12338,"Kutayika kwa dalitso lililonse la padziko lapansi sikukanawakakamiza kusiya chikhulupiriro +chawo mwa Khristu","The loss +of every earthly blessing could not force them to renounce their belief in +Christ. ",religion,SDA Book +en12339,"Mayesero ndi chizunzo zinali chabe njira zowafikitsira kufupi ndi mpumulo wawo +ndi mphotho yawo.","Trials and persecution were but steps bringing them nearer their +rest and their reward.",religion,SDA Book +en12340,"Mofanana ndi atumiki akale a Mulungu, ambiri ‘anazunzidwa, osalola kuwomboledwa, kuti akalandire +kuuka kopambana.","Like God’s servants of old, many were “tortured, not accepting +deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection.",religion,SDA Book +en12341,"Amenewa anakumbukira mawu a Mbuye wawo, kuti pozunzidwa +chifukwa cha Kristu anakondwera kwakukulu; pakuti mphotho yawo idzakhala yaikulu Kumwamba; +pakuti chotero aneneri adazunzidwa pamaso pawo","These called to mind the words of their Master, that when persecuted +for Christ’s sake, they were to be exceeding glad, for great would be +their reward in heaven; for so the prophets had been persecuted before +them.",religion,SDA Book +en12342,"Anakondwera kuti anaŵerengedwa kukhala +oyenera kuzunzika chifukwa cha chowonadi, ndipo nyimbo zachipambano zinakwera kuchokera pakati +pa malawi ong’ambika","They rejoiced that they were accounted worthy to suffer for the +truth, and songs of triumph ascended from the midst of crackling flames",religion,SDA Book +en12343,"Poyang’ana m’mwamba mwa chikhulupiriro, anawona Khristu ndi angelo +atatsamira pamwamba pa mipanda ya Kumwamba, kuyang’ana pa izo ndi chidwi chachikulu, ndi +ponena za kukhazikika kwawo ndi chivomerezo. ","Looking upward by faith, they saw Christ and angels leaning over the +battlements of heaven, gazing upon them with the deepest interest and +regarding their steadfastness with approval.",religion,SDA Book +en12344,Zoyesayesa za Satana zowononga mpingo wa Kristu mwa chiwawa zinali chabe,"In vain were Satan’s efforts to destroy the church of Christ by +violence.",religion,SDA Book +en12345,"Mkangano waukulu +umene ophunzira a Yesu anapereka miyoyo yawo, sunathe pamene onyamula mbendera okhulupirika +ameneŵa anagwa pa malo awo. ","The great controversy in which the disciples of Jesus yielded +up their lives did not cease when these faithful standard-bearers fell at +their post",religion,SDA Book +en12346,"Mwa kugonjetsedwa anagonjetsa. Antchito a Mulungu anaphedwa, +koma ntchito yake inapita patsogolo pang’onopang’ono.","By defeat they conquered. God’s workmen were slain, but +His work went steadily forward.",religion,SDA Book +en12347,"Uthenga Wabwino unapitirira kufalikira, ndipo +chiwerengero cha otsatira ake chinawonjezeka","The gospel continued to spread and the +number of its adherents to increase",religion,SDA Book +en12348,"Inaloŵa m’madera amene sanali kufikako, ngakhale +kwa ziwombankhanga za Roma","It penetrated into regions that were +inaccessible even to the eagles of Rome",religion,SDA Book +en12349,"Mkristu wina, akumachitira umboni ndi olamulira achikunja amene +anali kusonkhezera chizunzocho kuti: “Mutizunze, kutisautsa, ndi kutisautsa; Kuipa kwanu kumayesa +kufooka kwathu, koma nkhanza zanu zilibe phindu. Ndi kuitana kokulirapo kuti tibweretse ena ku +kunyengerera kwathu.","Said a Christian, expostulating +with the heathen rulers who were urging forward the persecution: You +may “kill us, torture us, condemn us.... Your injustice is the proof that we are innocent Nor does your cruelty ... avail you It was but a stronger +invitation to bring others to their persuasion. ",religion,SDA Book +en12350,"Pamene tikudulidwa kwambiri, m'pamenenso timaphukanso. Mwazi wa +Akhristu ndi mbewu","“The oftener we are mown +down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is +seed.",religion,SDA Book +en12351,Anthu zikwizikwi anatsekeredwa m’ndende ndi kuphedwa; koma ena anaphuka kudzaza malo awo.,"Thousands were imprisoned and slain, but others sprang up to fill +their places.",religion,SDA Book +en12352,"Ndipo iwo amene adaphedwa chifukwa cha chikhulupiriro chawo adatetezedwa kwa Khristu, ndipo +adawerengedwa kwa iye ngati agonjetsi. ","And those who were martyred for their faith were secured +to Christ and accounted of Him as conquerors. ",religion,SDA Book +en12353,"Iwo anamenya nkhondo yabwino, ndipo anayenera kulandira +korona wa ulemerero pamene Khristu adzabwera. ","They had fought the +good fight, and they were to receive the crown of glory when Christ +should come.",religion,SDA Book +en12354,"Mazunzo amene iwo anapirira anabweretsa Akristu +pafupi wina ndi mnzake ndi kwa Mombolo wawo","The sufferings which they endured brought Christians +nearer to one another and to their Redeemer.",religion,SDA Book +en12355," Chitsanzo chawo chamoyo ndi umboni wakufa zinali +umboni wokhazikika wa chowonadi; ndipo, kumene kunali kosayembekezereka, nzika za Satana zinali +kusiya utumiki wake, nalowa pansi pa mbendera ya Kristu.","Their living example and +dying testimony were a constant witness for the truth; and where least +expected, the subjects of Satan were leaving his service and enlisting +under the banner of Christ.",religion,SDA Book +en12356,"Choncho Satana anaika zolinga zake kuti achite nkhondo mopambana kwambiri ndi boma la Mulungu, +poika mbendera yake mu mpingo wachikhristu. ","Satan therefore laid his plans to war more successfully against the +government of God by planting his banner in the Christian church.",religion,SDA Book +en12357,"Ngati otsatira a Kristu akananyengedwa, ndi +kutsogozedwa ndi kusakondweretsa Mulungu, ndiye kuti mphamvu zawo, kulimba mtima, ndi kulimba +kwawo zikanalephera, ndipo iwo akanagwa mosavuta.","If +the followers of Christ could be deceived and led to displease God, then +their strength, fortitude, and firmness would fail, and they would fall an +easy prey.",religion,SDA Book +en12358,"Mdani wamkuluyo tsopano anayesetsa kupeza mwaluso zimene analephera kuzipeza mwaukali. +.","The great adversary now endeavored to gain by artifice what he +had failed to secure by force. ",religion,SDA Book +en12359,"Chizunzo chinatha, ndipo m’malo mwake munaloŵedwa m’malo ndi zokopa zowopsa za kutukuka +kwakanthaŵi ndi ulemu wadziko","Persecution ceased, and in its stead +were substituted the dangerous allurements of temporal prosperity and +worldly honor. ",religion,SDA Book +en12360,"Olambira mafano anatsogozedwa kuti alandire mbali ya +chikhulupiriro Chachikristu, pamene iwo anakana chowonadi china chofunika.","Idolaters were led to receive a part of the Christian faith, +while they rejected other essential truths. ",religion,SDA Book +en12361,"Iwo anadzinenera +kuvomereza Yesu monga Mwana wa Mulungu, ndi kukhulupirira mu imfa ndi kuuka kwake; koma +analibe kutsutsika kwa uchimo, ndipo sanamve kufunikira kwa kulapa kapena kusintha kwa mtima.","They professed to accept Jesus +as the Son of God and to believe in His death and resurrection, but they +had no conviction of sin and felt no need of repentance or of a change of +heart. ",religion,SDA Book +en12362,"Ndi zololera zina kumbali yawo, iwo anapereka lingaliro lakuti Akristu ayenera kulolera, kuti onse +agwirizane pa nsanja ya chikhulupiriro mwa Kristu. ","With some concessions on their part they proposed that Christians +should make concessions, that all might unite on the platform of belief +in Christ. +",religion,SDA Book +en12363,"Tsopano mpingo unali m’mavuto aakulu. Kundende, kuzunzidwa, moto, ndi lupanga zinali madalitso +poyerekezera ndi zimenez, nalengeza kuti sangagonje.","Now the church was in fearful peril. Prison, torture, fire, and sword +were blessings in comparison with this. Some of the Christians stood firm, declaring that they could make no compromise.",religion,SDA Book +en12364,"Ena anavomereza +kulolera kapena kuwongolera mbali zina za chikhulupiriro chawo, ndi kugwirizana ndi awo amene +analandira mbali ya Chikristu, akumafulumiza kuti ichi chingakhale njira ya kutembenuka kwawo +kotheratu","Others were in favor of yielding or modifying some +features of their faith and uniting with those who had accepted a part of +Christianity, urging that this might be the means of their full conversion.",religion,SDA Book +en12365,"Imeneyi inali nthawi yowawidwa mtima kwambiri kwa otsatira a Khristu okhulupirika. Mu +chobvala cha Chikhristu chonyengezera, Satana anali kudzilowetsa yekha mu mpingo, kuti aipitse +chikhulupiriro chawo, ndi kutembenuzira malingaliro awo ku Mawu a choonadi.","That was a time of deep anguish to the faithful followers of Christ. Under +a cloak of pretended Christianity, Satan was insinuating himself into the +church, to corrupt their faith and turn their minds from the word of truth.",religion,SDA Book +en12366,"Akristu ambiri pomalizira pake anavomera kutsitsa miyezo yawo, ndipo mgwirizano unapangidwa +pakati pa Chikristu ndi chikunja. ","Most of the Christians at last consented to lower their standard, +and a union was formed between Christianity's and paganism",religion,SDA Book +en12367,"Ngakhale kuti olambira mafano ankadzinenera kukhala +otembenuzidwa, ndi kugwirizana ndi tchalitchi, iwo anakakamirabe ku kulambira kwawo mafano, +akungosintha zinthu zimene amazilambira kukhala mafano a Yesu, ngakhalenso za Mariya ndi oyera +mtima","Although +the worshipers of idols professed to be converted, and united with the +church, they still clung to their idolatry, only changing the objects of +their worship to images of Jesus, and even of Mary and the saints.",religion,SDA Book +en12368,"Chotupitsa chonyansa cha kulambira mafano, chotero chinabweretsedwa m’tchalitchi, +chinapitiriza ntchito yake yonyansa.","The +foul leaven of idolatry, thus brought into the church, continued its baleful +work. ",religion,SDA Book +en12369,"Ziphunzitso zosalongosoka, miyambo yachikhulupiriro, ndi +miyambo ya kulambira mafano zinaloŵetsedwa m’chikhulupiriro chake, ndi kulambira kwake. ","Unsound doctrines, superstitious rites, and idolatrous ceremonies +were incorporated into her faith and worship. ",religion,SDA Book +en12370,"Pamene +otsatira a Kristu anagwirizana ndi olambira mafano, chipembedzo Chachikristu chinaipitsidwa, ndipo +tchalitchi chinataya chiyero chake ndi mphamvu zake. ","As the followers of Christ +united with idolaters, the Christian religion became corrupted, and the +church lost her purity and power",religion,SDA Book +en12371,"Komabe, panali ena amene sanasocheretsedwe +ndi chinyengo chimenechi","There were some, however, who were +not misled by these delusions",religion,SDA Book +en12372,"Iwo anasungabe kukhulupirika kwawo kwa Mlembi wa choonadi, ndipo +analambira Mulungu yekha","They still maintained their fidelity to the +Author of truth and worshiped God alone.",religion,SDA Book +en12373,Pakhala pali magulu aŵiri pakati pa odzinenera kukhala otsatira Kristu. ,"There have ever been two classes among those who profess to +be followers of Christ. ",religion,SDA Book +en12374,"Pamene gulu lina likuphunzira +za moyo wa Mpulumutsi, ndi kufuna mowona mtima kukonza zofooka zawo ndi kugwirizana ndi +Chitsanzo, gulu lina limapewa choonadi chowonekera, chothandiza chimene chimavumbula zolakwa +zawo","While one class study the Saviour’s life and +earnestly seek to correct their defects and conform to the Pattern, the +other class shun the plain, practical truths which expose their errors",religion,SDA Book +en12375,"Ngakhale mu chikhalidwe chake chopambana, ndipo mpingo sunapangidwe kwathunthu owona, +angwiro, ndi owonamtima.","Even in her best estate the church was not composed wholly of the true, +pure, and sincere. ",religion,SDA Book +en12376,"Mpulumutsi wathu anaphunzitsa kuti iwo amene amachimwa mwadala +sayenera kulandiridwa mu mpingo; komabe iye anadzigwirizanitsa ndi iyemwini anthu amene ali +olakwa m’makhalidwe, ndipo anawapatsa iwo mapindu a chiphunzitso chake ndi chitsanzo chake, kuti +iwo akakhale ndi mwaŵi wa kuwona zolakwa zawo ndi kuzikonza izo","Our Saviour taught that those who willfully indulge in +sin are not to be received into the church; yet He connected with Himself +men who were faulty in character, and granted them the benefits of His +teachings and example, that they might have an opportunity to see their +errors and correct them",religion,SDA Book +en12377,"Pakati pa atumwi khumi ndi +awiriwo panali wachinyengo.",Among the twelve apostles was a traitor,religion,SDA Book +en12378,"Yudasi adalandiridwa osati chifukwa cha zofooka za chikhalidwe chake, +koma ngakhale zili choncho.","Judas was accepted, not because of his defects of character, but notwithstanding them",religion,SDA Book +en12379,"Iye analumikizidwa ndi ophunzira, kuti, kupyolera mu malangizo ndi +chitsanzo cha Kristu, iye akakhoza kuphunzira chimene chimapanga makhalidwe a Chikristu, ndipo +chotero kutsogozedwa kuwona zolakwa zake, kulapa, ndi, mwa chithandizo cha chisomo +chaumulungu, kuyeretsa moyo wake. “pakumvera choonadi"," He was +connected with the disciples, that, through the instruction and example +of Christ, he might learn what constitutes Christian character, and thus +be led to see his errors, to repent, and, by the aid of divine grace, +to purify his soul “in obeying the truth.",religion,SDA Book +en12380,"Koma Yudasi sanayende m’kuunika +kololedwa mwachisomo kumuunikira",But Judas did not walk in the light so graciously permitted to shine upon him,religion,SDA Book +en12381,"Mwa kudziloŵetsa mu uchimo, iye anaitana ziyeso za Satana. +Makhalidwe ake oipa anadzakula. ","By indulgence in sin he invited the temptations of Satan.His evil traits of character +became predominant. ",religion,SDA Book +en12382,"Anapereka maganizo ake ku ulamuliro wa mphamvu za mdima, +anakwiya pamene zolakwa zake zinadzudzulidwa, ndipo motero anatsogozedwa kuchita upandu +woopsa wakupereka Mbuye wake.","He yielded his mind to the control of the powers +of darkness, he became angry when his faults were reproved, and thus +he was led to commit the fearful crime of betraying his Master",religion,SDA Book +en12383,"N’chimodzimodzinso ndi onse amene amayamikira zoipa chifukwa +chodzinenera kuti ndi oopa Mulungu, amadana ndi anthu amene amasokoneza mtendere wawo mwa +kutsutsa njira yawo yauchimo. ","So +do all who cherish evil under a profession of godliness hate those who +disturb their peace by condemning their course of sin",religion,SDA Book +en12384,"Pamene mpata wabwino waperekedwa, iwo, monga Yudasi, +adzapereka awo amene anafuna kuwadzudzula chifukwa cha ubwino wawo","When a favorable +opportunity is presented, they will, like Judas, betray those who for their +good have sought to reprove them. +",religion,SDA Book +en12385,"Atumwi anakumana ndi anthu a mu mpingo amene ankadzinenera kuti ndi opembedza pamene iwo +ankakonda zoipa mobisa. ","The apostles encountered those in the church who professed +godliness while they were secretly cherishing iniquity",religion,SDA Book +en12386,"Hananiya ndi Safira anachita mbali ya onyenga, akunamizira kupereka +nsembe yathunthu kwa Mulungu, pamene mwasiriri anali kudzimana gawo lawo"," Ananias and +Sapphira acted the part of deceivers, pretending to make an entire +sacrifice for God, when they were covetously withholding a portion for +themselves",religion,SDA Book +en12387,"Mzimu wa +chowonadi unavumbulutsa kwa atumwi khalidwe lenileni la onyengawa, ndipo ziweruzo za Mulungu zinachotsa mpingo chikangacho pa chiyero chake","The Spirit of truth revealed to the apostles the real character +of these pretenders, and the judgments of God rid the church of this +foul blot upon its purity",religion,SDA Book +en12388,"Umboni wozindikirika uwu wa Mzimu wozindikira wa Khristu mu mpingo unali wowopsa kwa +achinyengo ndi ochita zoipa.","This signal evidence of the discerning Spirit +of Christ in the church was a terror to hypocrites and evildoers",religion,SDA Book +en12389,"Iwo sakanatha kukhalabe motalikirana ndi awo amene anali, m’ +chizoloŵezi ndi mkhalidwe, oimira okhazikika a Kristu; ndipo pamene ziyeso ndi chizunzo zinafikira +otsatira ake, awo okhawo amene anali ofunitsitsa kusiya zonse kaamba ka chowonadi anakhumba +kukhala ophunzira ake. ","They +could not long remain in connection with those who were, in habit +and disposition, constant representatives of Christ; and as trials and +persecution came upon His followers, those only who were willing to +forsake all for the truth’s sake desired to become His disciples",religion,SDA Book +en12390,"Chotero, malinga ngati chizunzo chinapitirira, tchalitchicho chinakhalabe +choyera. ","Thus, as +long as persecution continued, the church remained comparatively pure",religion,SDA Book +en12391,"Koma pamene ilo linatha, otembenuka anaonjezedwa amene sanali owona mtima +kwenikweni ndi odzipereka, ndipo njira inatsegulidwa kuti Satana apeze chopondapo","But as it ceased, converts were added who were less sincere and devoted, +and the way was open for Satan to obtain a foothold.",religion,SDA Book +en12392,"Koma palibe mgwirizano pakati pa Kalonga wa kuwala ndi kalonga wa mdima, ndipo sipangakhale +mgwirizano pakati pa otsatira awo","But there is no union between the Prince of light and the prince of +darkness, and there can be no union between their followers.",religion,SDA Book +en12393,"Pamene Akristu anavomera kugwirizana ndi iwo amene anali +atatembenuzidwa theka lachikunja kuchoka ku chikunja, iwo analoŵa m’njira yopita kutali kwambiri +ndi choonadi. ","When +Christians consented to unite with those who were but half converted +from paganism, they entered upon a path which led further and further +from the truth.",religion,SDA Book +en12394,"Satana anasangalala kuti anakwanitsa kusocheretsa otsatira a Khristu ambirimbiri. +","Satan exulted that he had succeeded in deceiving so +large a number of the followers of Christ",religion,SDA Book +en12395,"Kenako anabweretsa mphamvu zake kuti zithe kupirira kwambiri zimenezi, ndipo anawauzira kuti +azizunza amene anakhalabe okhulupirika kwa Mulungu. ","He then brought his power +to bear more fully upon these, and inspired them to persecute those +who remained true to God",religion,SDA Book +en12396,"Palibe amene anamvetsetsa bwino lomwe +mmene angatsutse chikhulupiriro chowona Chachikristu monga mmene anachitira aja amene kale +anali kuchitetezera; ndipo Akristu ampatuko ameneŵa, kugwirizana ndi mabwenzi awo omwe sanali +achikunja, analunjikitsa nkhondo yawo motsutsana ndi mbali zofunika kwambiri za ziphunzitso za +Kristu.","None understood so well how to oppose +the true Christian faith as did those who had once been its defenders; +and these apostate Christians, uniting with their half-pagan companions, +directed their warfare against the most essential features of the doctrines +of Christ. +",religion,SDA Book +en12397,"Zinafunikira kulimbana kotheratu kwa awo amene akanakhala okhulupirika kuima nji polimbana ndi +chinyengo ndi zonyansa zimene zinali zobisika mu zovala zonyansa ndi kuloŵetsedwa mu mpingo. +","It required a desperate struggle for those who would be faithful +to stand firm against the deceptions and abominations which were +disguised in sacerdotal garments and introduced into the church",religion,SDA Book +en12398,Baibulo silinavomerezedwe kukhala muyezo wa chikhulupiriro. . ,"The +Bible was not accepted as the standard of faith. ",religion,SDA Book +en12399,"Chiphunzitso cha ufulu +wachipembedzo chinatchedwa mpatuko, ndipo ochichirikiza anali kudedwa ndi kuletsedwa","The doctrine of religious +freedom was termed heresy, and its upholders were hated and proscribed.",religion,SDA Book +en12400,"Pambuyo pa mkangano wautali ndi wowopsa, okhulupirika ochepawo anaganiza zothetsa mgwirizano +wonse ndi mpingo wampatuko ngati akanakanabe kudzimasula ku bodza ndi kupembedza mafano. +","After a long and severe conflict, the faithful few decided to dissolve +all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself +from falsehood and idolatry.",religion,SDA Book +en12401,"Iwo anawona kuti kulekana kunali kofunika kotheratu ngati akanamvera Mawu a Mulungu. +","They saw that separation was an absolute +necessity if they would obey the word of God",religion,SDA Book +en12402,"Sanalimbika mtima kulekerera zolakwa za kupha miyoyo yawo, napereka chitsanzo chimene chidzaika +pachiwopsezo chikhulupiriro cha ana awo ndi ana a ana awo. ","They dared not tolerate +errors fatal to their own souls, and set an example which would imperil +the faith of their children and children’s children",religion,SDA Book +en12403,"Kuti atetezere mtendere ndi umodzi iwo +anali okonzeka kupanga kulolera kulikonse kogwirizana ndi kukhulupirika kwa Mulungu; koma iwo +analingalira kuti ngakhale mtendere ukanagulidwa mopambanitsa pa nsembe ya mfundo +zachikhalidwe. ","To secure peace and +unity they were ready to make any concession consistent with fidelity to +God; but they felt that even peace would be too dearly purchased at the +sacrifice of principle",religion,SDA Book +en12404,"Ngati umodzi ukhoza kutetezedwa kokha mwa kulolerana ndi choonadi ndi +chilungamo, ndiye kuti pakhale kusiyana, ngakhale nkhondo. ","If unity could be secured only by the compromise +of truth and righteousness, then let there be difference, and even war",religion,SDA Book +en12405,"Kukanakhala bwino kwa mpingo ndi dziko lapansi ngati mfundo zimene zinasonkhezera miyoyo +yokhazikika imeneyo zikanatsitsimutsidwa m’mitima ya odzitcha anthu a Mulungu. Pali +kusayanjanitsika kochititsa mantha pankhani ya ziphunzitso zomwe zili mizati ya chikhulupiriro +chachikhristu. ","Well would it be for the church and the world if the principles +that actuated those steadfast souls were revived in the hearts of God’s +professed people",religion,SDA Book +en12406,"Lingaliro likukulirakulira, kuti, pambuyo pa zonse, izi sizofunikira kwenikweni. +","There is an alarming indifference in regard to the +doctrines which are the pillars of the Christian faith",religion,SDA Book +en12407,Akristu oyambirira analidi anthu apadera. ,"The early Christians were indeed a peculiar people. +",religion,SDA Book +en12408,"Makhalidwe awo opanda cholakwa ndi chikhulupiriro chawo +chosagwedera zinali chidzudzulo chosalekeza chimene chinasokoneza mtendere wa wochimwayo. +","Their blameless deportment and unswerving faith were a continual reproof that disturbed +the sinner’s peace",religion,SDA Book +en12409,"Ngakhale kuti anali ochepa m’chiŵerengero, opanda chuma, udindo, kapena maina aulemu, iwo anali +owopsa kwa ochita zoipa kulikonse kumene makhalidwe awo ndi ziphunzitso zinadziwika.","Though few in numbers, without wealth, position, or +honorary titles, they were a terror to evildoers wherever their character +and doctrines were known",religion,SDA Book +en12410," Chotero +iwo anadedwa ndi oipa, monganso Abele anadedwa ndi Kaini wosaopa Mulungu","Therefore they were hated by the wicked, +even as Abel was hated by the ungodly Cain",religion,SDA Book +en12411,"Chifukwa chomwe Kaini adapha Abele adachitanso omwe adafuna kutaya choletsa cha Mzimu Woyera, adapha anthu a Mulungu. "," For the same reason that +Cain slew Abel, did those who sought to throw off the restraint of the +Holy Spirit, put to death God’s people.",religion,SDA Book +en12412,"Ndi chifukwa chomwecho chimene Ayuda anakana ndi kumpachika Mpulumutsi,—chifukwa chiyero ndi chiyero cha khalidwe limeneli chinali chidzudzulo chosalekeza ku kudzikonda kwawo ndi chivundi."," It was for the same reason +that the Jews rejected and crucified the Saviour—because the purity and +holiness of His character was a constant rebuke to their selfishness and +corruption",religion,SDA Book +en12413," Kuyambira m’masiku a Kristu mpaka pano, ophunzira ake okhulupirika akhala akudedwa ndi kutsutsidwa ndi anthu amene amakonda ndi kutsatira njira zauchimo"," From the days of Christ until now His faithful disciples have +excited the hatred and opposition of those who love and follow the ways +of sin",religion,SDA Book +en12414,Uthenga wabwino ndi uthenga wa mtendere,The gospel is a message of peace.,religion,SDA Book +en12415,"Chikhristu ndi dongosolo, lomwe, litalandira ndi kumvera, likanafalitsa mtendere, mgwirizano, ndi chisangalalo padziko lonse lapansi"," Christianity +is a system which, received and obeyed, would spread peace, harmony, +and happiness throughout the earth. ",religion,SDA Book +en12416,Chipembedzo cha Khristu chidzagwirizanitsa anthu onse amene amavomereza ziphunzitso zake,"The religion of Christ will unite in +close brotherhood all who accept its teachings.",religion,SDA Book +en12417,"Inali ntchito ya Yesu kuyanjanitsa anthu ndi Mulungu, ndipo motero kwa wina ndi mzake"," It was the mission of +Jesus to reconcile men to God, and thus to one another.",religion,SDA Book +en12418,"Koma dzikoli likulamulidwa ndi Satana, mdani woipitsitsa wa Kristu. Uthenga wabwino umapereka kwa iwo mfundo za moyo zomwe ziri zosemphana kotheratu ndi zizolowezi ndi zokhumba zawo, ndipo amawuka ndi kuwupandukira."," But the world +at large are under the control of Satan, Christ’s bitterest foe. ",religion,SDA Book +en12419,"Uthenga wabwino umapereka kwa iwo mfundo za moyo zomwe ziri zosemphana kotheratu ndi zizolowezi ndi zokhumba zawo, ndipo amawuka ndi kuwupandukira","The gospel +presents to them principles of life which are wholly at variance with +their habits and desires, and they rise in rebellion against it. ",religion,SDA Book +en12420,"Amadana ndi chiyero chomwe chimavumbulutsa ndi kutsutsa machimo awo, ndipo amazunza ndi kuwononga omwe angawalimbikitse zonena zake zolungama ndi zopatulika.","They hate the purity which reveals and condemns their sins, and they persecute and destroy those who would urge upon them its just and holy claims.",religion,SDA Book +en12421,"Ndi m’lingaliro limeneli—chifukwa chowonadi chokwezeka chimene chimabweretsa, chimachititsa chidani ndi mikangano—momwe uthenga wabwino umatchedwa lupanga",It is in this sense—because the exalted truths it brings occasion hatred and strife—that the gospel is called a sword.,religion,SDA Book +en12422,"Ulamuliro wachinsinsi umene umalola olungama kuzunzika ndi anthu oipa, wakhala wosokoneza +kwambiri anthu ambiri amene ali ofooka m’chikhulupiriro","The mysterious providence which permits the righteous to suffer +persecution at the hand of the wicked has been a cause of great perplexity +to many who are weak in faith",religion,SDA Book +en12423,"Ena ali okonzeka kutaya chidaliro chawo mwa Mulungu, chifukwa amavutika ndi anthu otsika kwambiri kuti achite bwino, pomwe abwino ndi oyera amasautsidwa ndi kuzunzidwa ndi mphamvu zawo zankhanza","Some are even ready to cast away their +confidence in God because He suffers the basest of men to prosper, while +the best and purest are afflicted and tormented by their cruel power. ",religion,SDA Book +en12424,"Kukufunsidwa kuti, Kodi ndimotani mmene, yemwe ali wolungama ndi wachifundo, amenenso ali ndi mphamvu zopanda malire, angalolere kupanda chilungamo ndi kuponderezana koteroko?","How, +it is asked, can One who is just and merciful, and who is also infinite in +power, tolerate such injustice and oppression? ",religion,SDA Book +en12425,? Ili ndi funso lomwe tilibe chochita,"This is a question with +which we have nothing to do. ",religion,SDA Book +en12426,"Mulungu watipatsa umboni wokwanira wa chikondi chake, ndipo sitiyenera kukayikira ubwino wake chifukwa chakuti sitingamvetse mmene Yehova amachitira zinthu.","God has given us sufficient evidence +of His love, and we are not to doubt His goodness because we cannot +understand the workings of His providence.",religion,SDA Book +en12427,"Saiwala kapena kunyalanyaza ana ake; koma amalola oipa kusonyeza makhalidwe awo enieni, kuti aliyense amene akufuna kuchita chifuniro chake asanyengedwe ponena za iwo","He does not forget or neglect His children; but He permits the wicked to reveal their true character, that none who desire to do His will may be deceived concerning them.",religion,SDA Book +en12428,"Ndiponso, olungama aikidwa m'ng'anjo ya masautso, kuti iwo eni ayeretsedwe; kuti chitsanzo chawo chitsimikizire ena za chenicheni cha chikhulupiriro ndi umulungu; ndi kuti mayendedwe awo osalekeza adzudzule osapembedza ndi osakhulupirira"," Again, the righteous are placed in the furnace of affliction, that they themselves may be purified; that their example may convince others of the reality of faith and godliness; and also that their consistent course may condemn the ungodly and unbelieving",religion,SDA Book +en12429,"Mulungu amalola oipa kuti zinthu ziwayendere bwino, ndi kuulula udani wawo pa iye, kuti pamene iwo akadzadzaza muyeso wa mphulupulu zawo, onse adzaone chilungamo chake ndi chifundo chake pakuwononga kwawo kotheratu. .","God permits the wicked to prosper and to reveal their enmity against Him, that when they shall have filled up the measure of their iniquity all may see His justice and mercy in their utter destruction. ",religion,SDA Book +en12430,"Tsiku lakubwezera lifulumira, pamene onse amene analakwira chilamulo chake, napondereza anthu ake, adzawachitira zolungama zawo; pamene mchitidwe uliwonse wa nkhanza kapena kupanda chilungamo kwa okhulupirika a Mulungu udzalangidwa ngati kuti unachitidwa kwa Kristu iye mwini.","The day of His vengeance hastens, when all who have transgressed His law and oppressed His people will meet the just recompense of their deeds; when every act of cruelty or injustice toward God’s faithful ones will be punished as though done to Christ Himself",religion,SDA Book +en12431,Palinso funso lina lofunika kwambiri lomwe liyenera kuchititsa chidwi mipingo yamasiku ano,There is another and more important question that should engage the attention of the churches of today,religion,SDA Book +en12432,"Nangano, n’chifukwa chiyani chizunzo chikuoneka kuti chikugona kwambiri?","Why is it, then, that persecution seems in a great degree to slumber? ",religion,SDA Book +en12433,"Chifukwa chokha n’chakuti tchalitchi chatsatira mfundo za dziko, choncho sichikudzutsa chitsutso chilichonse",The only reason is that the church has conformed to the world’s standard and therefore awakens no opposition. ,religion,SDA Book +en12434,Chipembedzo chimene chilipo m’tsiku lathu sichiri cha khalidwe loyera ndi loyera limene linasonyeza chikhulupiriro chachikristu m’masiku a Kristu ndi atumwi ake,The religion which is current in our day is not of the pure and holy character that marked the Christian faith in the days of Christ and His apostles. ,religion,SDA Book +en12435,"Ziri kokha chifukwa cha mzimu wonyengerera ndi tchimo, chifukwa Zoonadi zazikulu za Mawu a Mulungu zimaganiziridwa mosasamala, chifukwa muli umulungu wofunikira wochepa mu mpingo, kuti Chikhristu mwachiwonekere chikutchuka kwambiri ndi dziko","It is only because of the spirit of compromise with sin, because the great truths of the word of God are so indifferently regarded, because there is so little vital godliness in the church, that Christianity is apparently so popular with the world. ",religion,SDA Book +en12436,"Pakhale chitsitsimutso cha chikhulupiriro ndi mphamvu za mpingo woyamba, ndipo mzimu wa chizunzo udzatsitsimutsidwa, ndipo moto wa chizunzo udzayatsidwanso.","Let there be a revival of the faith and power of the early church, and the spirit of persecution will be revived, and the fires of persecution will be rekindled. +",religion,SDA Book +en12437,"Mtumwi Paulo, m’kalata yake yachiŵiri kwa Atesalonika, ananeneratu za mpatuko waukulu umene ukadzetsa kukhazikitsidwa kwa ulamuliro wa papa","The apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, foretold +the great apostasy which would result in the establishment of the papal +power",religion,SDA Book +en12438,"Ngakhale pa tsiku loyambirira limenelo iye anawona, zikuloŵerera m’tchalitchi, zolakwa zimene zikanakonzekeretsa kutukuka kwa upapa.","Even at that early date he saw, creeping into the church, errors that would prepare the way for the development of the papacy",religion,SDA Book +en12439,"Pang'ono ndi pang'ono, poyamba mwachinsinsi ndi mwachete, ndiyeno momveka bwino pamene chinawonjezeka mu mphamvu ndikupeza ulamuliro wa malingaliro a anthu, chinsinsi cha kusayeruzika chinapititsa patsogolo ntchito yake yachinyengo ndi mwano. Mosaoneka bwino, miyambo yachikunja inalowa m’tchalitchi chachikristu. ","Little by little, at first in stealth and silence, and then more openly as it increased in strength and gained control of the minds of men, “the mystery of iniquity” carried forward its deceptive and blasphemous work. Almost imperceptibly the customs of heathenism found their way into the Christian church. ",religion,SDA Book +en12440,Mzimu wonyengerera ndi wofanana unaletsedwa kwa kanthaŵi ndi mazunzo owopsa amene mpingo unapirira pansi pa chikunja,The spirit of compromise and conformity was restrained for a time by the fierce persecutions which the church endured under paganism. ,religion,SDA Book +en12441,"Koma pamene chizunzo chinatha, ndipo Chikristu chinaloŵa m’mabwalo amilandu ndi m’nyumba za mafumu, chinaika pambali kuphweka kodzichepetsa kwa Kristu ndi atumwi ake kaamba ka kudzikuza ndi kunyada kwa ansembe ndi olamulira achikunja; ndipo m’malo mwa zofunika za Mulungu, iye analoŵa m’malo nthanthi ndi miyambo ya anthu.","But as persecution ceased, and Christianity entered the courts and palaces of kings, she laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ and His apostles for the pomp and pride of pagan priests and rulers; and in place of the requirements of God, she substituted human theories and traditions. ",religion,SDA Book +en12442,"Kutembenuka mwadzina kwa Constantine, kuchiyambi kwa zaka za zana lachinayi, kunadzetsa chisangalalo chachikulu; ndipo dziko, litaphimbidwa ndi mawonekedwe a chilungamo, linayenda kulowa mu mpingo","The nominal conversion of Constantine,in the early part of the fourth century, caused great rejoicing; and +the world, cloaked with a form of righteousness, walked into the +church ",religion,SDA Book +en12443,Tsopano ntchito ya ziphuphu inapita patsogolo mofulumira,Now the work of corruption rapidly progressed.,religion,SDA Book +en12444,"Chikunja, ngakhale chikuwoneka kuti chagonjetsedwa, chinakhala wogonjetsa","Paganism, +while appearing to be vanquished, became the conqueror",religion,SDA Book +en12445,Mzimu wake unkalamulira mpingo. ,Her spirit controlled the church,religion,SDA Book +en12446,"Ziphunzitso zake, miyambo, ndi zikhulupiriro zake zinaphatikizidwa m’chikhulupiriro ndi kulambira kwa odzitcha otsatira Kristu","Her doctrines, ceremonies, and superstitions were incorporated into the faith and worship of the professed followers of Christ",religion,SDA Book +en12447,Kugwirizana kumeneku pakati pa chikunja ndi Chikristu kunatulukapo m’kutukuka kwa “munthu wauchimo” wonenedweratu mu ulosi kukhala wotsutsa ndi kudzikweza pamwamba pa Mulungu,"This compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the +development of “the man of sin” foretold in prophecy as opposing and +exalting himself above God. .",religion,SDA Book +en12448,"Dongosolo lalikulu la chipembedzo chonyenga limenelo ndi ntchito yaikulu ya mphamvu ya Satana, —chionetsero cha zoyesayesa zake zakukhala pampando wachifumu kuti alamulire dziko lapansi mogwirizana ndi chifuniro chake",That gigantic system of false religion is a masterpiece of Satan’s power—a monument of his efforts to seat himself upon the throne to rule the earth according to his will. ,religion,SDA Book +en12449,Nthaŵi ina Satana anayesa kupanga pangano ndi Kristu,Satan once endeavored to form a compromise with Christ. ,religion,SDA Book +en12450,"Anadza kwa Mwana wa Mulungu m’chipululu cha mayesero, ndipo, namuwonetsa maufumu onse a dziko lapansi ndi ulemerero wawo, anadzipereka kupereka zonse m’manja mwake ngati iye akanavomereza ukulu wa kalonga wa mdima","He came to the Son of God in the wilderness of temptation, and showing Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, offered to give all into His hands if He would but acknowledge the supremacy of the prince of darkness. ",religion,SDA Book +en12451,"Kristu anadzudzula woyesa wodzikuza, namkakamiza kuchoka",Christ rebuked the presumptuous tempter and forced him to depart.,religion,SDA Book +en12452,"Koma Satana amakumana ndi chipambano +chokulirapo popereka ziyeso zofananazo kwa munthu", But Satan meets with greater success in presenting the same temptations to man. ,religion,SDA Book +en12453,"Kuti upeze zopindula za dziko ndi ulemu, tchalitchicho chinatsogozedwa kufunafuna chiyanjo ndi chichirikizo cha anthu aakulu a dziko lapansi, ndipo pokhala atakana Kristu motero, anasonkhezeredwa kugonjera woimira Satana, bishopu wa Roma.","To secure worldly gains and honors, the church was led to seek the favor and support of the great men of earth; and having thus rejected Christ, she was induced to yield allegiance to the representative of Satan—the bishop of Rome",religion,SDA Book +en12454,"Chiri chimodzi cha ziphunzitso zazikulu za Chiroma chakuti papa ndiye mutu wowonekera wa mpingo wapadziko lonse wa Kristu, wopatsidwa ulamuliro waukulu pa mabishopu ndi abusa m’madera onse a dziko lapansi.Kuposa pamenepo, papa wadzikuza ndi maina aulemu a Umulungu.","It is one of the leading doctrines of Romanism that the pope is the visible head of the universal church of Christ, invested with supreme authority over bishops and pastors in all parts of the world. More than this, the pope has been given the very titles of Deity",religion,SDA Book +en12455,"Chotero kudzinenera komweko kosonkhezeredwa ndi Satana m’chipululu cha mayesero kukusonkhezeredwabe ndi iye kupyolera mu Mpingo wa Roma, ndipo ziŵerengero zazikulu ziri zokonzeka kumpereka iye ulemu","The same claim urged by Satan in the wilderness of temptation is still urged by him through the Church of Rome, and vast numbers are ready to yield him homage.",religion,SDA Book +en12456,Mulungu sanaperekepo umboni m’ Mawu ake kuti wasankha mwamuna aliyense kukhala mutu wa mpingo,God has never given a hint in His word that He has appointed any man to be the head of the church.,religion,SDA Book +en12457,Chiphunzitso cha ulamuliro wa apapa chimatsutsana mwachindunji ndi ziphunzitso za m’Malemba,The doctrine of papal supremacy is directly opposed to the teachings of the Scriptures,religion,SDA Book +en12458,Papa sangakhale ndi mphamvu pa mpingo wa Khristu kupatula mwa kulanda,The pope can have no power over Christ’s church except by usurpation,religion,SDA Book +en12459,"Achiroma alimbikira kubweretsa motsutsana ndi Aprotestanti mlandu wa mpatuko, ndi kulekanitsidwa mwadala ndi mpingo woona. Koma milandu imeneyi ikukhudza iwo okha",Romanists have persisted in bringing against Protestants the charge of heresy and willful separation from the true church,religion,SDA Book +en12460,Koma milandu imeneyi ikukhudza iwo okha,But these accusations apply rather to themselves.,religion,SDA Book +en12461,Satana ankadziwa bwino lomwe kuti Malemba Opatulika akathandiza anthu kuzindikira chinyengo chake ndi kupirira mphamvu zake,Satan well knew that the Holy Scriptures would enable men to discern his deceptions and withstand his power.,religion,SDA Book +en12462,"Zinali mwa Mawu kuti ngakhale Mpulumutsi wa dziko lapansi anakana kuukira kwake. Pa kuukiridwa kulikonse, Kristu anapereka chishango cha choonadi chamuyaya, nati, “Kwalembedwa.", It was by the word that even the Saviour of the world had resisted his attacks.,religion,SDA Book +en12463,"Pa kuukiridwa kulikonse, Kristu anapereka chishango cha choonadi +chamuyaya, nati, “Kwalembedwa.” Ku ganizo lirilonse la mdaniyo, iye anatsutsa nzeru ndi mphamvu +ya Mawu. "," At every assault, Christ presented the shield of eternal truth, saying, “It is written.” To every suggestion of the adversary, He opposed the wisdom and power of the word.",religion,SDA Book +en12464,"Kuti Satana apitirizebe kulamulira anthu, ndiponso kuti akhazikitse ulamuliro wa papa, ayenera kuwasunga m’chimbulimbuli cha Malemba"," In order for Satan to maintain his sway over men, and establish the authority of the papal usurper, he must keep them in ignorance of the Scriptures. ",religion,SDA Book +en12465,"a. Baibulo likanakweza Mulungu, ndi kuika anthu omalirira pamalo awo enieni; chotero chowonadi chake chopatulika chiyenera kubisidwa ndi kuponderezedwa.",The Bible would exalt God and place finite men in their true position; therefore its sacred truths must be concealed and suppressed. ,religion,SDA Book +en12466,Mfundo imeneyi inatengedwa ndi mpingo wa Roma. Kwa zaka mazana ambiri kufalitsidwa kwa Baibulo kunali koletsedwa,This logic was adopted by the Roman Church. For hundreds of years the circulation of the Bible was prohibited.,religion,SDA Book +en12467,"Anthu analetsedwa kuliŵerenga kapena kuliika m’nyumba zawo, ndipo ansembe opanda makhalidwe abwino ndi ansembe ankamasulira ziphunzitso zake kuchirikiza zikhulupiriro zawo","The people were forbidden to read it or to have it in their houses, and unprincipled priests and prelates interpreted its teachings to sustain their pretensions. ",religion,SDA Book +en12468,"Chotero papa anafikira pa kuzindikiridwa pafupifupi padziko lonse kukhala wachiŵiri kwa Mulungu padziko lapansi, wopatsidwa ulamuliro pa Tchalitchi ndi Boma","Thus the pope came to be almost universally acknowledged as the vicegerent of God on earth, endowed with authority over church and state.",religion,SDA Book +en12469,"Wozindikira zolakwa atachotsedwa, Satana anagwira ntchito mogwirizana ndi chifuniro chake. ","The detector of error having been removed, Satan worked according +to his will",religion,SDA Book +en12470,Ulosi unalengeza kuti upapa uyenera “kulingalira kusintha nthaŵi ndi malamulo.” [ Danieli 7:25 .] Ntchito imeneyi sinachedwe kuyesa,Prophecy had declared that the papacy was to “think to change times and laws.,religion,SDA Book +en12471,"Kuti apatse otembenuka kuchokera kuchikunja kukhala choloŵa m’malo cha kulambira mafano, ndipo motero kuchirikiza kuvomereza kwawo mwadzina kwa Chikristu, kulambira mafano ndi zotsalira za mafano kunaloŵetsedwa m’kulambira kwachikristu","To afford converts from heathenism a substitute for the worship of idols, and thus to promote their nominal acceptance of Christianity, the adoration of images and relics was gradually introduced into the Christian worship",religion,SDA Book +en12472,"pomalizira pake linakhazikitsa dongosolo limeneli la kulambira mafano. Kuti amalize ntchito yonyansayo, Roma anaganiza zochotsa m’ chilamulo cha Mulungu lamulo lachiŵiri, loletsa kulambira mafano, ndi kugawa lamulo lakhumi, kuti asungitse chiŵerengerocho.","To +complete the sacrilegious work, Rome presumed to expunge from the +law of God the second commandment, forbidding image worship, and +to divide the tenth commandment, in order to preserve the number.",religion,SDA Book +en12473,Mzimu wololera ku chikunja unatsegula njira yopitirizabe kunyalanyaza ulamuliro wa Kumwamba. ,The spirit of concession to paganism opened the way for a still further disregard of Heaven’s authority,religion,SDA Book +en12474,"Kusintha kumeneku sikunayesedwe poyera poyamba. +M’nthawi ya atumwi, Akhristu onse ankasunga Sabata loona",This change was not at first attempted openly. In the first centuries the true Sabbath had been kept by all Christians. ,religion,SDA Book +en12475,"Anachitira nsanje ulemu wa Mulungu, ndipo, pokhulupirira kuti lamulo lake silingasinthe, anasunga mwachangu kupatulika kwa malangizo ake","They were jealous for the honor of God, and, believing that His law is immutable, they zealously guarded the sacredness of its precepts. ",religion,SDA Book +en12476,"Koma mochenjera kwambiri, Satana anagwiritsa ntchito anthu ake kuti akwaniritse cholinga chakecho",But with great subtlety Satan worked through his agents to bring about his object. ,religion,SDA Book +en12477,"Kuti chidwi cha anthu chitchulidwe ku Lamlungu, chinapangidwa chikondwerero cholemekeza kuuka kwa Khristu","That the attention of the people might be called to the Sunday, it was made a festival in honor of the resurrection of Christ.",religion,SDA Book +en12478,"Utumiki wachipembedzo unkachitikira pa icho; komabe linalingaliridwa kukhala tsiku lachisangalalo, Sabata lochitidwabe mopatulika","Religious services were held upon it; yet it was regarded as a day of recreation, the Sabbath being still sacredly observed.",religion,SDA Book +en12479,"Kuti akonzeretu njira ya ntchito imene anaikonza kuti ikwaniritse, Satana anatsogolera Ayuda, Kristu asanabwere, kuti asenzetse Sabata ndi zigamulo zokhwima kwambiri, kupangitsa kusunga kwake kukhala cholemetsa.","To prepare the way for the work which he designed to accomplish, Satan had led the Jews, before the advent of Christ, to load down the Sabbath with the most rigorous exactions, making its observance a burden. ",religion,SDA Book +en12480,"Tsopano, atapezerapo mwayi pa kuwala konyenga kumene iye anachititsa kuti ichi chiwonekere, iye anachinyoza icho monga bungwe lachiyuda","Now, taking advantage of the false light in which he had thus caused it to be regarded, he cast contempt upon it as a Jewish institution. ",religion,SDA Book +en12481,"Pamene Akristu anapitiriza kusunga Lamlungu monga phwando lachisangalalo, iye anawatsogolera, pofuna kusonyeza kudana kwawo ndi Chiyuda, kuti achite Sabata kukhala kusala kudya, tsiku lachisoni ndi lachisoni","While Christians generally continued to observe the Sunday as a joyous festival, he led them, in order to show their hatred of Judaism, to make the Sabbath a fast, a day of sadness and +gloom ",religion,SDA Book +en12482,"Kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m’ma 300, mfumu Constantine inapereka lamulo lakuti Lamlungu likhale phwando la anthu onse mu Ufumu wonse wa Roma",In the early part of the fourth century the emperor Constantine issued a decree making Sunday a public festival throughout the Roman Empire. ,religion,SDA Book +en12483,"Tsiku la dzuŵa linali kulemekezedwa ndi anthu ake achikunja, ndipo linali kulemekezedwa ndi Akristu; inali lamulo la mfumu kugwirizanitsa zinthu zosemphana zachikunja ndi Chikristu",The day of the sun was reverenced by his pagan subjects and was honored by Christians; it was the emperor’s policy to unite the conflicting interests of heathenism and Christianity. ,religion,SDA Book +en12484,"Analimbikitsidwa kuchita zimenezi ndi mabishopu a tchalitchicho, amene, mosonkhezeredwa ndi chikhumbo, ndi ludzu lamphamvu, anazindikira kuti ngati tsiku limodzimodzilo likasungidwa ndi onse aŵiri Akristu ndi akunja, zikanalimbikitsa kuvomereza mwadzina kwa Chikristu kwa akunja; ndipo motero kupititsa patsogolo mphamvu ndi ulemerero wa mpingo","He was urged to do this by the bishops of the church, who, inspired by ambition and thirst for power, perceived that if the same day was observed by both Christians and heathen, it would promote the nominal acceptance of Christianity by pagans and thus advance the power and glory of the church. ",religion,SDA Book +en12485,"Koma pamene kuli kwakuti Akristu anatsogozedwa pang’onopang’ono kuona Lamlungu kukhala ndi mlingo wa kupatulika, iwo amasungabe Sabata loona monga lopatulika la Yehova, nalisunga momvera lamulo lachinayi","But while many God-fearing Christians were gradually led to regard Sunday as possessing a degree of sacredness, they still held the true Sabbath as the holy of the Lord and observed it in obedience to the fourth commandment. ",religion,SDA Book +en12486,"Wonyenga wamkuluyo anali asanamalize ntchito yake. Anatsimikiza mtima kusonkhanitsa dziko lachikristu pansi pa mbendera yake, ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zake kupyolera mwa wachiwiri wake, papa wonyada amene anadzinenera kukhala woimira Kristu.","The archdeceiver had not completed his work. He was resolved to gather the Christian world under his banner and to exercise his power through his vicegerent, the proud pontiff who claimed to be the representative of Christ. T",religion,SDA Book +en12487,"Kupyolera mwa akunja otembenuzidwa theka, ansembe ofuna kutchuka, ndi atsogoleri a matchalitchi okonda dziko, iye anakwaniritsa chifuno chake. ","Through half-converted pagans, ambitious prelates, and world-loving churchmen he accomplished his purpose. ",religion,SDA Book +en12488,"Mu lamulo +lachinayi, Mulungu wavumbulutsidwa monga Mlengi wa kumwamba ndi dziko lapansi, ndipo +mwakutero amasiyanitsidwa ndi milungu yonse yabodza","In the fourth commandment, God is revealed as the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and is thereby distinguished from all false gods.",religion,SDA Book +en12489,Chinali ngati chikumbutso cha ntchito yolenga kuti tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri linayeretsedwa monga tsiku lopuma kwa munthu, It was as a memorial of the work of creation that the seventh day was sanctified as a rest day for man. ,religion,SDA Book +en12490,Linalinganizidwira kusunga Mulungu wamoyo nthaŵi zonse pamaso pa anthu monga magwero a moyo ndi chinthu cholemekezedwa ndi kulambiridwa,It was designed to keep the living God ever before the minds of men as the source of being and the object of reverence and worship. ,religion,SDA Book +en12491,"Satana amayesetsa kutembenuza anthu kusiya kumvera Mulungu, ndi kumvera malamulo ake; chotero iye amatsogolera zoyesayesa zake makamaka motsutsana ndi lamulo lija limene limasonya kwa Mulungu monga Mlengi","Satan strives to turn men from their allegiance to God, and from rendering obedience to His law; therefore he directs his efforts especially against that commandment which points to God as the Creator.",religion,SDA Book +en12492,Apulotesitanti tsopano akulimbikitsa kuti kuuka kwa Khristu Lamlungu kunapangitsa kuti likhale Sabata lachikhristu.,"Protestants now urge that the resurrection of Christ on Sunday made +it the Christian Sabbath.",religion,SDA Book +en12493,"Koma umboni wa m’Malemba ulibe.Palibe ulemu wotero umene Kristu kapena +atumwi ake anapatsidwa panthaŵiyo",But Scripture evidence is lacking. No such honor was given to the day by Christ or His apostles.,religion,SDA Book +en12494,M’zaka za zana lachisanu ndi chimodzi upapa unali utakhazikika,In the sixth century the papacy had become firmly established. ,religion,SDA Book +en12495,"Mpando wake wa mphamvu unakhazikitsidwa mu mzinda wachifumu, ndipo bishopu wa Roma analengezedwa kukhala mutu wa mpingo wonse. Chikunja chinali chitapereka malo kwa upapa","Its seat of power was fixed in the imperial city, and the bishop of Rome was declared to be the head over the entire church. Paganism had given place to the papacy.",religion,SDA Book +en12496,"Akristu anakakamizika kusankha, kaya kusiya kukhulupirika kwawo ndi kuvomereza miyambo ya papa ndi kulambira, kapena kutaya miyoyo yawo m’ndende kapena kuphedwa ndi chikwanje, chikwanje, kapena nkhwangwa ya mdindo","Christians were forced to choose either to yield their integrity and accept the papal ceremonies and worship, or to wear away their lives in dungeons or suffer death by the rack, the fagot, or the headsman’s ax. ",religion,SDA Book +en12497,Kwa zaka mazana ambiri mpingo wa Khristu udapeza pothawirako paokha komanso mobisika,For hundreds of years the church of Christ found refuge in seclusion and obscurity,religion,SDA Book +en12498,Kulowa kwa Mpingo wa Roma ku ulamuliro kunasonyeza chiyambi cha Mibadwo Yamdima. ,The accession of the Roman Church to power marked the beginning of the Dark Ages. ,religion,SDA Book +en12499,"Pamene mphamvu zake zinkawonjezeka, mdima unakula. Chikhulupiriro chinasamutsidwa kuchoka kwa Kristu, maziko enieni, kupita kwa papa wa Roma. ","As her power increased, the darkness deepened. Faith was transferred from Christ, the true foundation, to the pope of Rome. ",religion,SDA Book +en12500,"M’malo modalira Mwana wa Mulungu kaamba ka chikhululukiro cha machimo ndi chipulumutso chamuyaya, anthu anadalira papa, ndi kwa ansembe ndi ansembe amene iye anawapatsa ulamuliro.","Instead of trusting in the Son of God for forgiveness of sins and for eternal salvation, the people looked to the pope, and to the priests and prelates to whom he delegated authority. ",religion,SDA Book +en12501,"Iwo anaphunzitsidwa kuti papa anali mkhalapakati wawo wapadziko lapansi, ndi kuti palibe amene akanafikira Mulungu koma kupyolera mwa iye, ndipo, kupitirira, kuti iye anaima m’malo a Mulungu kwa iwo, ndipo chotero anayenera kumvera kotheratu. ","They were taught that the pope was their earthly mediator and that none could approach God except through him; and, further, that he stood in the place of God to them and was therefore to be implicitly obeyed. ",religion,SDA Book +en12502,Kupatuka pazifukwa zake kunali chifukwa chokwanira kaamba ka chilango chowawa kwambiri kuchezeredwa pa matupi ndi miyoyo ya olakwa. ,A deviation from his requirements was sufficient cause for the severest punishment to be visited upon the bodies and souls of the offenders. ,religion,SDA Book +en12503,"Chotero maganizo a anthu anapatutsidwa kuchoka kwa Mulungu kupita kwa anthu ochimwa, olakwa, ndi ankhanza, osatinso, kwa kalonga wa mdima iyemwini, amene anagwiritsa ntchito mphamvu yake kupyolera mwa iwo. Tchimo lidabisika ndi chovala chachiyero. ","Thus the minds of the people were turned away from God to fallible, erring, and cruel men, nay, more, to the prince of darkness himself, who exercised his power through them. Sin was disguised in a garb of sanctity. ",religion,SDA Book +en12504,"Malemba akaponderezedwa, ndipo munthu amadziona ngati wamkulu, tiyenera kuyang'ana kokha chinyengo, chinyengo, ndi kusaweruzika konyozeka. Ndi kukwezedwa kwa malamulo a anthu ndi miyambo, kunawonekera chivundi chimene chimatulukapo chifukwa choika pambali chilamulo cha Mulungu.","When the Scriptures are suppressed, and man comes to regard himself as supreme, we need look only for fraud, deception, and debasing iniquity. With the elevation of human laws and traditions was manifest the corruption that ever results from setting aside the law of God. ",religion,SDA Book +en12505,Amenewo anali masiku angozi kwa mpingo wa Khristu. Onyamulira miyezo okhulupirika analidi ochepa,Those were days of peril for the church of Christ. The faithful standard-bearers were few indeed. ,religion,SDA Book +en12506,"Ngakhale kuti chowonadi sichinasiyidwe popanda mboni, komabe panthaŵi zina zinkawoneka kuti zolakwa ndi zikhulupiriro zidzafalikira kotheratu, ndipo chipembedzo chowona chidzathamangitsidwa padziko lapansi.","Though the truth was not left without witnesses, yet at times it seemed that error and superstition would wholly prevail, and true religion would be banished from the earth. ",religion,SDA Book +en12507,"Uthenga Wabwino sunawonekere, koma mitundu yachipembedzo idachulukitsidwa, ndipo anthu adalemedwa ndi ziletso zokhwima","The gospel was lost sight of, but the forms of religion were multiplied, and the people were burdened with rigorous exactions. ",religion,SDA Book +en12508,"Iwo anaphunzitsidwa osati kungoyang’ana kwa papa monga mkhalapakati wawo, koma kudalira ntchito zawo zawo kutetezera uchimo. Maulendo aatali opembedza, kulapa, kulambira mafano, kumanga matchalitchi, tiakachisi, ndi maguwa ansembe, kupereka ndalama zambiri ku tchalitchi—ntchito zimenezi ndi zina zambiri zofanana nazo zinalamulidwa kutsitsimula mkwiyo wa Mulungu kapena kupeza chiyanjo chake. ; monga ngati kuti Mulungu ali ngati anthu, kukwiyitsidwa ndi zing’onozing’ono, kapena kutonthozedwa ndi mphatso kapena machitidwe a kulapa!","They were taught not only to look to the pope as their mediator, but to trust to works of their own to atone for sin. Long pilgrimages, acts of penance, the worship of relics, the erection of churches, shrines, and altars, the payment of large sums to +the church—these and many similar acts were enjoined to appease the +wrath of God or to secure His favor; as if God were like men, to be +angered at trifles, or pacified by gifts or acts of penance! ",religion,SDA Book +en12509,"Mosasamala kanthu za kuipa kumeneko kunali kofala, ngakhale pakati pa atsogoleri a Tchalitchi cha Chiromi, chisonkhezero chake chinawonekera mowonjezereka.","Notwithstanding that vice prevailed, even among the leaders of the Roman Church, her influence seemed steadily to increase. .",religion,SDA Book +en12510,"Chakumapeto kwa zaka za zana lachisanu ndi chitatu, apapa anapereka kunena kuti mu mibado yoyamba ya mpingo mabishopu aku Roma anali ndi mphamvu yauzimu yomweyo imene iwo ankaiganizira tsopano. ","About the close of the eighth century, papists put forth the claim that in the first ages of the church the bishops of Rome had possessed the same spiritual power which they now assumed. ",religion,SDA Book +en12511,"Kuti atsimikizire zonenazi, njira zina ziyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuti ziwonetsere kuti ali ndi ulamuliro; ndipo izi zidanenedwa mwachangu ndi atate wake wabodza. ","To establish this claim, some means must be employed to give it a show of authority; and this was readily suggested by the father of lies. ",religion,SDA Book +en12512,"Zolemba zakale zinapangidwa ndi amonke. Zigamulo za makhonsolo asanamvedwe zinapezedwa, kutsimikizira kuti papa anali wamkulu pa chilengedwe chonse kuyambira kalekale. Ndipo mpingo umene unakana choonadi, unavomereza mwadyera mabodza amenewa","Ancient writings were forged by monks. Decrees of councils before unheard of were discovered, establishing the universal supremacy of the pope from the earliest times. And a church that had rejected the truth greedily accepted these deceptions",religion,SDA Book +en12513,"Atatopa ndi kulimbana kosalekeza kolimbana ndi chizunzo, chinyengo, kusayeruzika, ndi chopinga china chirichonse chimene Satana akanalinganiza kulepheretsa kupita patsogolo kwawo, ena amene anali omanga okhulupirika anataya mtima; ndipo chifukwa cha mtendere ndi chitetezo pa chuma chawo ndi miyoyo yawo adapatuka kuchoka ku maziko owona."," Wearied with the constant +struggle against persecution, fraud, iniquity, and every other obstacle +that Satan could devise to hinder their progress, some who had been +faithful builders became disheartened; and for the sake of peace and +security for their property and their lives, they turned away from the +true foundation. ",religion,SDA Book +en12514,"Mzimu umodzimodziwo wa chidani ndi kutsutsa chowonadi wasonkhezera adani a Mulungu m’nyengo iriyonse, ndipo kukhala maso ndi kukhulupirika kofananako kwafunikira mwa atumiki ake.","The same spirit of hatred and opposition to the truth has inspired the enemies of God in every age, and the same vigilance and fidelity have been required in His servants ",religion,SDA Book +en12515,"Mawu a Kristu kwa ophunzira oyambirira amagwira ntchito kwa otsatira ake mpaka kumapeto kwa nthaŵi: “Chimene ndinena kwa inu ndinena kwa onse, Dikirani.",The words of Christ to the first disciples are applicable to His followers to the close of time,religion,SDA Book +en12516,"Mdima unkaoneka ngati ukukulirakulira. Kulambira mafano kunakhala kofala kwambiri. Makandulo anali kuyatsidwa pamaso pa mafano, ndipo mapemphero anali kuperekedwa kwa iwo. ","The darkness seemed to grow more dense. Image worship became more general. Candles were burned before images, and prayers were offered to them. ",religion,SDA Book +en12517,Miyambo yosamveka komanso yokhulupirira malodza inali yofala. Malingaliro a anthu anali olamuliridwa kotheratu ndi zikhulupiriro kotero kuti kulingalira pakokha kunkaoneka ngati kwasiya mphamvu zake. .,The most absurd and superstitious customs prevailed. The minds of men were so completely controlled by superstition that reason itself seemed to have lost its sway. ,religion,SDA Book +en12518,"Pamene kuli kwakuti ansembe ndi mabishopu iwo eniwo anali okonda zosangalatsa, achiwerewere, ndi achinyengo, zikanangoyembekezereka kuti anthu amene anayang’ana kwa iwo kaamba ka chitsogozo akanamira mu umbuli ndi kuipa","While priests and bishops were themselves pleasure-loving, sensual, and corrupt, it could only be expected that the people who looked to them for guidance would be sunken in ignorance and vice",religion,SDA Book +en12519,"Sitepe lina m’malingaliro apapa linatengedwa, pamene, m’zaka za zana la khumi ndi chimodzi, Papa Gregory VII analengeza ungwiro wa Mpingo wa Chiroma","Another step in papal assumption was taken, when, in the eleventh century, Pope Gregory VII proclaimed the perfection of the Roman Church. ",religion,SDA Book +en12520,"Zina mwa mfundo zimene iye ananena zinali zonena kuti tchalitchicho sichinalakwitsepo, ndiponso sichidzalakwa, malinga ndi zimene Malemba amanena. ","Among the propositions which he put forth was one declaring that the church had never erred, nor would it ever err, according to the Scriptures. ",religion,SDA Book +en12521,Koma umboni wa m’Malemba sunatsagana nawo.,But the Scripture proofs did not accompany the assertion. ,religion,SDA Book +en12522,"Kenako papa wonyadayo ananena kuti ali ndi mphamvu zochotsa mafumu, ndipo ananena kuti palibe chilango chimene akanatha kubweza munthu aliyense, koma kuti anali ndi ufulu wosintha zosankha za ena onse","The proud pontiff also claimed the power to depose emperors, and declared that no sentence which he pronounced could be reversed by anyone, but that it was his prerogative to reverse the decisions of all others",religion,SDA Book +en12523,"Fanizo lochititsa chidwi la mkhalidwe wankhanza wa wochirikiza kusalakwa ameneyu linaperekedwa m’kusamalira kwake mfumu ya Germany, Henry IV","A striking illustration of the tyrannical character of this advocate of infallibility was given in his treatment of the German emperor, Henry IV. ",religion,SDA Book +en12524,"Chifukwa chodzionetsera kunyalanyaza ulamuliro wa papa, mfumuyi inagamulidwa kuti yachotsedwa mu mpingo ndi kuchotsedwa pampando wachifumu. ","For presuming to disregard the pope’s authority, this monarch was declared to be excommunicated and dethroned. ",religion,SDA Book +en12525,"Pochita mantha ndi kuthaŵa ndi ziwopsezo za akalonga ake omwe, amene analimbikitsidwa kupandukira iye ndi lamulo la papa, Henry anaona kufunika kwa kupanga mtendere wake ndi Roma. ","Terrified by the desertion and threats of his own princes, who were encouraged in rebellion against him by the papal mandate, Henry felt the necessity of making his peace with Rome. ",religion,SDA Book +en12526,"Pamodzi ndi mkazi wake ndi wantchito wokhulupirika, iye anawoloka Alps m’nyengo yachisanu, kuti akadzichepetse pamaso pa papa","In company with his wife and a faithful servant he crossed the Alps in midwinter, that he might humble himself before the pope. ",religion,SDA Book +en12527,"Atafika ku nyumba yachifumu imene Gregory anathawirako, anam’tengera m’bwalo lakunja popanda alonda ake, ndipo kumeneko, m’nyengo yozizira koopsa, ali maliseche kumutu ndi m’mapazi, ndipo atavala momvetsa chisoni, anayembekezera chilolezo cha papa","Upon reaching the castle whither Gregory had withdrawn, he was conducted, without his guards, into an outer court, and there, in the severe cold of winter, with uncovered head and nakedfeet, and in a miserable dress, he awaited the pope’s permission to come +into his presence",religion,SDA Book +en12528,"kubwera pamaso pake. Mpaka pamene adapitiriza masiku atatu kusala kudya ndi kuulula, pamene papa adadzichepetsa kuti amukhululukire. Ngakhale pamenepo zinali zongodalira kuti wolamulirayo adikire chilolezo cha papa asanayambitsenso chizindikirocho kapena kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zachifumu.","Not until he had continued three days fasting and making confession, did the pontiff condescend to grant him pardon. Even then it was only upon condition that the emperor should await the sanction of the pope before resuming the insignia or exercising the power of royalty",religion,SDA Book +en12529,"Ndipo Gregory, mokondwera ndi chipambano chake, anadzitama kuti inali ntchito yake ‘kugwetsa kunyada kwa mafumu.","And Gregory, elated with his triumph, boasted that it was his duty to pull down the pride of kings",religion,SDA Book +en12530,"Ndi kusiyana kwakukulu chotani nanga pakati pa kunyada kosalekeza kwa papa wodzikuza ameneyu ndi kufatsa ndi kudekha kwa Kristu, amene amadzionetsera yekha monga akuchonderera pa khomo la mtima kuvomereza, kuti alowe kubweretsa chikhululukiro ndi mtendere, ndi amene anaphunzitsa ophunzira ake. , “Aliyense amene afuna kukhala woyamba mwa inu, akhale kapolo wanu.”","How striking the contrast between the overbearing pride of this haughty pontiff and the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who represents Himself as pleading at the door of the heart for admittance, that He may come in to bring pardon and peace, and who taught His disciples:",religion,SDA Book +en12531,Zaka mazana akupita patsogolo zinawona kuwonjezeka kosalekeza kwa zolakwika mu ziphunzitso zoperekedwa kuchokera ku Roma,The advancing centuries witnessed a constant increase of error in the doctrines put forth from Rome. ,religion,SDA Book +en12532,"Ngakhale upapa usanakhazikitsidwe, ziphunzitso za anthanthi achikunja zinali ndi chisonkhezero chachikulu m’tchalitchi",Even before the establishment of the papacy the teachings of heathen philosophers had received attention and exerted an influence in the church,religion,SDA Book +en12533,"Ambiri amene ankadzinenera kutembenuka anamamatirabe ku ziphunzitso za nzeru zawo zachikunja, ndipo sanangopitiriza kuphunzira iwo eni okha, komanso anaulimbikitsa kwa ena monga njira yofutukula chikoka chawo pakati pa achikunja","Many who professed conversion still clung to the tenets of their pagan philosophy, and not only continued its study themselves, but urged it upon others as a means of extending their influence among the heathen. ",religion,SDA Book +en12534,Chotero zolakwa zazikulu zinaloŵetsedwa m’chikhulupiriro Chachikristu. Chachikulu kwambiri pakati pa zimenezi chinali chikhulupiriro chakuti munthu ali ndi moyo wosakhoza kufa mwachibadwa ndi kuzindikira kwake imfa. ,Serious errors were thus introduced into the Christian faith. Prominent among these was the belief in man’s natural immortality and his consciousness in death. ,religion,SDA Book +en12535,Chiphunzitso chimenechi chinayala maziko pamene Roma anakhazikitsa kupembedzera oyera mtima ndi kulambiridwa kwa namwali Mariya. ,This doctrine laid the foundation upon which Rome established the invocation of saints and the adoration of the Virgin Mary.,religion,SDA Book +en12536,"Kuchokera mu izi kunabukanso chiphunzitso champatuko cha chizunzo chamuyaya kwa osalapa pomalizira pake, chimene chinaloŵetsedwa m’chikhulupiriro chaupapa poyambirira","From this sprang also the heresy of eternal torment for the finally impenitent, which was early incorporated into the papal faith.",religion,SDA Book +en12537,"Kenako njira inakonzedwa kuti ayambitsenso njira ina yachikunja, imene Roma anaitcha kuti purigatoriyo, ndipo anaigwiritsa ntchito kuopseza anthu ambiri osakhulupirira ndi okhulupirira malodza. ","Then the way was prepared for the introduction of still another invention of paganism, which Rome named purgatory, and employed to terrify the credulous and superstitious multitudes",religion,SDA Book +en12538,"Ndi mpatuko umenewu umatsimikiziridwa kukhalapo kwa malo ozunzika, m’mene miyoyo ya anthu osayenerera chiwonongeko chamuyaya iyenera kulangidwa chifukwa cha machimo awo, ndipo pamene imasulidwa ku chidetso, imaloledwa Kumwamba.","By this heresy is affirmed the existence of a place of torment, in which the souls of such as have not merited eternal damnation are to suffer punishment for their sins and from which, when freed from impurity, they are admitted to heaven ",religion,SDA Book +en12539,Panafunikanso njira ina yopeka kuti Roma apindule ndi mantha ndi makhalidwe oipa a otsatira ake.,Still another fabrication was needed to enable Rome to profit by the fears and the vices of her adherents. ,religion,SDA Book +en12540,"Izi zidaperekedwa ndi chiphunzitso cha ma indulgences. Kukhululukidwa kwathunthu kwa machimo, akale, apano, ndi amtsogolo, ndi kumasulidwa ku zowawa zonse ndi zilango zomwe zinaperekedwa, zinalonjezedwa kwa onse amene adzalowe mu nkhondo za papa kuti afutukule ulamuliro wake wanthawi yochepa, kulanga adani ake, kapena kuwononga iwo omwe adalimba mtima. amakana ukulu wake wauzimu. ","This was supplied by the doctrine of indulgences. Full remission of sins, past, present, and future, and release from all the pains and penalties incurred, were promised to all who would enlist in the pontiff’s wars to extend his temporal dominion, to punish his enemies, or to exterminate those who dared deny his spiritual supremacy.",religion,SDA Book +en12541,"Anthuwo anaphunzitsidwanso kuti popereka ndalama ku tchalitchi akhoza kudzimasula okha ku uchimo, ndiponso kumasula mizimu ya anzawo amene anamwalira amene anali m’malawi amoto ozunzika. Mwa njira zotere Roma anadzaza nkhokwe zake, nachirikiza kukongola, kunyada, ndi kuipa kwa odzinamizira oimira Iye amene analibe potsamira mutu wake","The people were also taught that by the payment of money to the church they might free themselves from sin, and also release the souls of their deceased friends who were confined in the tormenting flames. ",religion,SDA Book +en12542,"Mwa njira zotere Roma anadzaza nkhokwe zake, nachirikiza kukongola, kunyada, ndi kuipa kwa odzinamizira oimira Iye amene analibe potsamira mutu wake","By such means did Rome fill her coffers and sustain the magnificence, luxury, and vice of the pretended representatives of Him who had not where to lay His head",religion,SDA Book +en12543,Lamulo la m'Malemba la mgonero wa Ambuye linali litalowetsedwa m'malo ndi nsembe yopembedza mafano ya misa. ,The Scriptural ordinance of the Lord’s Supper had been supplanted by the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass,religion,SDA Book +en12544,"Ansembe achipapa ananamizira, mwa kung’ung’udza kwawo kopanda nzeru, kutembenuza mkate wamba ndi vinyo kukhala thupi lenileni ndi mwazi wa Kristu. ","Papal priests pretended, by their senseless mummery, to convert the simple bread and wine into the actual “body and blood of Christ.",religion,SDA Book +en12545,"Mwachidziŵitso chamwano, iwo anadzinenera poyera mphamvu ya “kulenga Mulungu, Mlengi wa zinthu zonse","With blasphemous presumption, they openly claimed the power of creating God, the Creator of all things.",religion,SDA Book +en12546,"Akristu onse anafunidwa, pa imfa, kuvomereza chikhulupiriro chawo mu mpatuko woipawu, wonyoza Kumwamba. Khamu la anthu amene anakana anawotchedwa","Christians were required, on pain of death, to avow their faith in this horrible, Heaven-insulting heresy",religion,SDA Book +en12547,Khamu la anthu amene anakana anawotchedwa,Multitudes who refused were given to the flames.,religion,SDA Book +en12548,"M'zaka za m'ma 1300 inakhazikitsidwa, yomwe inali yoopsa kwambiri mwa injini zonse za apapa, - bwalo la Inquisition.",In the thirteenth century was established that most terrible of all the engines of the papacy—the Inquisition. ,religion,SDA Book +en12549,"Kalonga wa mdima ankagwira ntchito limodzi ndi atsogoleri a utsogoleri wa apapa. M’misonkhano yawo yachinsinsi, Satana ndi angelo ake ankalamulira maganizo a anthu oipa, pamene m’ngelo wa Mulungu wosaonekayo anaima, akutenga mbiri yochititsa mantha ya malamulo awo oipa, ndi kulemba mbiri ya zochita zoipa kwambiri moti sizingaonekere kwa anthu. ","The prince of darkness wrought with the leaders of the papal hierarchy. In their secret councils Satan and his angels controlled the minds of evil men, while unseen in the midst stood an angel of God, taking the fearful record of their iniquitous decrees and writing the history of deeds too horrible to appear to human eyes",religion,SDA Book +en12550,Upapa unali wolamulira dziko lonse. Mafumu ndi mafumu ankagwadira malamulo a papa wachiroma,Popery had become the world’s despot. Kings and emperors bowed to the decrees of the Roman pontiff. ,religion,SDA Book +en12551,"Zoikidwiratu za anthu, ponse paŵiri kwa nthaŵi ndi kwamuyaya, zinaoneka kukhala pansi pa ulamuliro wake. ","The destinies of men, both for time and for eternity, seemed under his control.",religion,SDA Book +en12552,"Kwa zaka mazana ambiri ziphunzitso za Roma zinali kulandiridwa mokulira ndi mosabisa, miyambo yake inkachitidwa mwaulemu, mapwando ake kaŵirikaŵiri. ","For hundreds of years the doctrines of Rome had been extensively and implicitly received, its rites reverently performed, its festivals generally observed.",religion,SDA Book +en12553,"Atsogoleri ake achipembedzo analemekezedwa ndi kuthandizidwa mowolowa manja. Chiyambire pamenepo, Tchalitchi cha Roma sichinafike kuulemu, ulemerero, kapena mphamvu zokulirapo.","Its clergy were honored and liberally sustained. Never since has the Roman Church attained to greater dignity, magnificence, or power",religion,SDA Book +en12554,Koma masana a upapa anali makhalidwe abwino padziko lapansi pakati pausiku,But “the noon of the papacy was the midnight of the world. ,religion,SDA Book +en12555,". Malemba Opatulika anali pafupifupi osadziwika, osati kwa anthu okha, komanso kwa ansembe. ","The Holy Scriptures were almost unknown, not only to the people, but to the priests.",religion,SDA Book +en12556,"Monga Afarisi akale, atsogoleri aupapa ankadana ndi kuunika kumene kukavumbula machimo awo. ","Like the Pharisees of old, the papal leaders hated the light which would reveal their sins.",religion,SDA Book +en12557,"Lamulo la Mulungu, muyezo wa chilungamo, litachotsedwa, iwo anali ndi mphamvu zopanda malire, ndipo anachita zoipa mosadziletsa.","God’s law, the standard of righteousness, having been removed, they exercised power without limit, and practiced vice without restraint. ",religion,SDA Book +en12558,"Chinyengo, dyera, ndi katangale zinali zofala. Anthu sanachite upandu uliwonse umene akanapezera chuma kapena udindo.","Fraud, avarice, and profligacy prevailed. Men shrank from no crime by which they could gain wealth or position. ",religion,SDA Book +en12559,Nyumba zachifumu za apapa ndi ansembe zinali ziwonetsero za makhalidwe oipa kwambiri.,The palaces of popes and prelates were scenes of the vilest debauchery. ,religion,SDA Book +en12560,Ena mwa mapapa olamulirawo anali ndi mlandu waupandu woipa kwambiri kotero kuti olamulira adziko anayesa kuchotsa akuluakulu a tchalitchi ameneŵa kukhala zilombo zoopsa kwambiri moti sangalekerere. ,Some of the reigning pontiffs were guilty of crimes so revolting that secular rulers endeavored to depose these dignitaries of the church as monsters too vile to be tolerated. ,religion,SDA Book +en12561,"Kwa zaka mazana ambiri ku Ulaya kunalibe kupita patsogolo m’maphunziro, zaluso, kapena chitukuko. Kupuwala kwamakhalidwe ndi nzeru kunagwera Matchalitchi Achikristu","For centuries Europe had made no progress in learning, arts, or civilization. A moral and intellectual paralysis had fallen upon Christendom.",religion,SDA Book +en12562,"Pakati pa mdima umene unakhala padziko lapansi m’nyengo yaitali ya ulamuliro wa papa, kuunika kwa choonadi sikunathe kuzimitsidwa kotheratu.","Amid the gloom that settled upon the earth during the long period +of papal supremacy, the light of truth could not be wholly extinguished. +",religion,SDA Book +en12563," M’mibadwo yonse munali mboni za Mulungu—anthu amene ankakonda kwambiri chikhulupiriro mwa Kristu monga mkhalapakati mmodzi yekha pakati pa Mulungu ndi munthu, amene ankaona kuti Baibulo ndilo lamulo lokha la moyo, ndiponso amene anayeretsa Sabata loona.","In every age there were witnesses for God—men who cherished faith in Christ as the only mediator between God and man, who held the Bible as the only rule of life, and who hallowed the true Sabbath. ",religion,SDA Book +en12564,"Kodi dziko lili ndi ngongole zochuluka bwanji kwa amuna awa, obadwa nawo sadzadziwa. Ananenedwa kuti ndi ampatuko, zolinga zawo zinatsutsidwa, anthu otchulidwa m’ nkhaniyi ankanyozedwa, zolembedwa zawo zinaponderezedwa, zinaimiridwa zabodza, kapena zinadulidwa ziwalo. ","How much the world owes to these men, posterity will never know. They were branded as heretics, their motives impugned, their characters maligned, their writings suppressed, misrepresented, or mutilated. ",religion,SDA Book +en12565,"Komabe iwo anaima nji, ndipo kuyambira ku mibadwomibadwo anasunga chikhulupiriro chawo mu chiyero chake, monga cholowa chopatulika cha mibadwo yakudza","Yet they stood firm, and from age to age maintained their faith in its purity, as a sacred heritage for the generations to come.",religion,SDA Book +en12566,"Mbiri ya anthu a Mulungu mu mibadwo ya mdima imene inatsatira ulamuliro wa Roma, inalembedwa Kumwamba. ","The history of God’s people during the ages of darkness that followed upon Rome’s supremacy is written in heaven, but they have little place in human records. ",religion,SDA Book +en12567,"Koma ali ndi malo ochepa m’zolembedwa za anthu,Pali zizindikiro zochepa chabe za kukhalapo kwawo zomwe zingapezeke, kupatulapo milandu ya ozunza awo","Few traces of their existence can be found, except in the accusations of their persecutors.",religion,SDA Book +en12568,Unali lamulo la Aroma kuti athetse kusagwirizana kulikonse pa ziphunzitso kapena malamulo ake. ,It was the policy of Rome to obliterate every trace of dissent from her doctrines or decrees.,religion,SDA Book +en12569,"Chilichonse champatuko, kaya anthu kapena zolemba, chinawonongedwa.","Everything heretical, whether persons or writings, she sought to destroy.",religion,SDA Book +en12570,"Kusonyeza kukayikira kumodzi, funso lokhudza ulamuliro wa ziphunzitso za apapa, kunali kokwanira kutaya moyo wa olemera kapena osauka, apamwamba kapena otsika.","Expressions of doubt, or questions as to the authority of papal dogmas, were enough to forfeit the life of rich or poor, high or low. ",religion,SDA Book +en12571,Roma anayesetsanso kuwononga mbiri yonse ya nkhanza zake kwa anthu otsutsa. Mabungwe a Papa analamula kuti mabuku ndi zolemba zomwe zili ndi zolemba zoterozo ziyenera kutenthedwa ndi moto.,Rome endeavored also to destroy every record of her cruelty toward dissenters. Papal councils decreed that books and writings containing such records should be committed to the flames ,religion,SDA Book +en12572,"Ntchito yosindikiza isanayambike, mabuku anali ochepa m’chiŵerengero, ndipo m’njira yosayenera kusungidwa; chotero panali zochepa zolepheretsa Achiroma kukwaniritsa cholinga chawo","Before the invention of printing, books were few in number, and in a form not favorable for preservation; therefore there was little to prevent the Romanists from carrying out their purpose.",religion,SDA Book +en12573,Palibe mpingo m’malire a ulamuliro wa Aroma umene unasiyidwa kwa nthaŵi yaitali wosasokonezeka m’kusangalala ndi ufulu wa chikumbumtima. ,No church within the limits of Romish jurisdiction was long left undisturbed in the enjoyment of freedom of conscience,religion,SDA Book +en12574,Apapa atangopeza mphamvu anatambasula manja ake kuphwanya onse amene anakana kuvomereza ulamuliro wake; ndipo mipingo ina inagonjera ku ulamuliro wake,"No sooner had the papacy obtained power than she stretched out her arms to crush all that refused to acknowledge her sway, and one after another the churches submitted to her dominion.",religion,SDA Book +en12575,"Ku Great Britain, Chikristu choyambirira chinali chitakhazikika kwambiri",In Great Britain primitive Christianity had very early taken root,religion,SDA Book +en12576,"Uthenga wolandiridwa ndi a Britons m'zaka 100 zoyambirira, sunaipitsidwe ndi mpatuko wa Chiroma. ",The gospel received by the Britons in the first centuries was then uncorrupted by Romish apostasy,religion,SDA Book +en12577,"Chizunzo chochokera kwa mafumu achikunja, chimene chinafikira ngakhale ku magombe akutali ameneŵa, chinali mphatso yokhayo imene matchalitchi oyambirira a Britain analandira kuchokera ku Roma. ","Persecution from pagan emperors, which extended even to these far-off shores, was the only gift that the first churches of Britain received from Rome",religion,SDA Book +en12578,"Akristu ambiri, akuthaŵa chizunzo ku England, anathaŵira ku Scotland; kuchokera pamenepo chowonadi chinapititsidwa ku Ireland, ndipo m’maiko onse ameneŵa chinalandiridwa ndi chisangalalo","Many of the Christians, fleeing from persecution in England, found refuge in Scotland; thence the truth was carried to Ireland, and in all these countries it was received with gladness",religion,SDA Book +en12579,"Pamene Saxon anaukira Britain, chikunja chinayamba kulamulira. ","When the Saxons invaded Britain, heathenism gained control",religion,SDA Book +en12580,"Ogonjetsawo adanyozedwa kuti alangizidwe ndi akapolo awo, ndipo Akristu anakakamizika kuthawira kumapiri ndi kumapiri a kuthengo. ","The conquerors disdained to be instructed by their slaves, and the Christians were forced to retreat to the mountains and the wild moors",religion,SDA Book +en12581,"Komabe kuwalako, kobisika kwa kanthawi, kunapitirizabe kuyaka. ","Yet the light, hidden for a time, continued to burn.",religion,SDA Book +en12582,"Ku Scotland, zaka zana pambuyo pake, chinawala ndi kuwala komwe kunafikira kumaiko akutali. ","In Scotland, a century later, it shone out with a brightness that extended to far-distant lands",religion,SDA Book +en12583,"Kuchokera ku Ireland kunabwera Columba wopembedza ndi antchito anzake, amene, atasonkhanitsa okhulupirira omwazikana pa chisumbu chayekha cha Iona, anachipanga ichi kukhala maziko a ntchito yawo yaumishonale.","From Ireland came the pious Columba and his colaborers, who, gathering about them the scattered believers on the lonely island of Iona, made this the center of their missionary labors",religion,SDA Book +en12584,"Pakati pa alaliki ameneŵa panali wosunga Sabata la Baibulo, ndipo chotero chowonadi chimenechi chinayambitsidwa pakati pa anthu. ","Among these evangelists was an observer of the Bible Sabbath, and thus this truth was introduced among the people",religion,SDA Book +en12585,"Sukulu inakhazikitsidwa ku Iona, kumene amishonale anatuluka, osati ku Scotland ndi England kokha, komanso ku Germany, Switzerland, ndipo ngakhale Italy","A school was established at Iona, from which missionaries went out, not only to Scotland and England, but to Germany, Switzerland, and even Italy.",religion,SDA Book +en12586,"Koma Roma anali atayang'ana maso ake ku Britain, ndipo adatsimikiza kuti alibweretsa pansi paulamuliro wake.","But Rome had fixed her eyes on Britain, and resolved to bring it under her supremacy",religion,SDA Book +en12587,M’zaka za zana lachisanu ndi chimodzi amishonale ake anayamba kutembenuza Asaxon achikunja.,In the sixth century her missionaries undertook the conversion of the heathen Saxons,religion,SDA Book +en12588,"Iwo analandiridwa ndi chiyanjo ndi akunja onyada, ndipo ananyengerera zikwi zambiri kunena chikhulupiriro cha Chiroma.","They were received with favor by the proud barbarians, and they induced many thousands to profess the Romish faith.",religion,SDA Book +en12589,"Pamene ntchitoyo inkapitirira, atsogoleri apapa ndi otembenuzidwa awo anakumana ndi Akristu oyambirira. Kusiyanitsa kochititsa chidwi kunaperekedwa. ","As the work progressed, the papal leaders and their converts encountered the primitive Christians. A striking contrast was presented.",religion,SDA Book +en12590,"Zotsirizirazo zinali zosavuta, zodzichepetsa, ndi za m’malemba m’makhalidwe, chiphunzitso, ndi makhalidwe, pamene zoyambazo zinasonyeza kukhulupirira malodza, kudzitukumula, ndi kudzikuza kwa upapa. ","The latter were simple, humble, and Scriptural in character, doctrine, and manners, while the former manifested the superstition, pomp, and arrogance of popery",religion,SDA Book +en12591,Kazembe wa Roma anafuna kuti matchalitchi Achikristu ameneŵa avomereze ukulu wa papa wamkulu. ,The emissary of Rome demanded that these Christian churches acknowledge the supremacy of the sovereign pontiff,religion,SDA Book +en12592,"Anthu a ku Briteni anayankha mofatsa kuti anafuna kukonda anthu onse, koma kuti papa analibe kuyenera kwa kukhala wamkulu m’tchalitchi, ndipo akanapereka kwa iye kokha kugonjera kumene kunali kuyenera kwa wotsatira aliyense wa Kristu","The Britons meekly replied that they desired to love all men, but that the pope was not entitled to supremacy in the church, and they could render to him only that submission which was due to every follower of Christ",religion,SDA Book +en12593,"Kuyesera mobwerezabwereza kunapangidwa kuti ateteze kukhulupirika kwawo kwa Roma; koma Akristu odzichepetsa ameneŵa, atadabwa ndi kunyada kosonyezedwa ndi nthumwi zake, anayankha mosasunthika kuti palibe amene amadziŵa mbuye wina koma Kristu. ","Repeated attempts were made to secure their allegiance to Rome; but these humble Christians, amazed at the pride displayed by her emissaries, steadfastly replied that they knew no other master than Christ",religion,SDA Book +en12594,Tsopano mzimu woona wa upapa unawululidwa.,Now the true spirit of the papacy was revealed.,religion,SDA Book +en12595,"Mtsogoleri wachiroma anati, “Ngati simulandira abale amene amabweretsa mtendere, mudzalandira adani amene adzakubweretserani nkhondo. ","Said the Romish leader: “If you will not receive brethren who bring you peace, you shall receive enemies who will bring you war.",religion,SDA Book +en12596,"Ngati simugwirizana nafe kusonyeza Asaxon njira ya moyo, mudzalandira kwa iwo chilango cha imfa. ","If you will not unite with us in showing the Saxons the way of life, you shall receive from them the stroke of death",religion,SDA Book +en12597,Izi sizinali ziwopsezo zopanda pake.,These were no idle threats,religion,SDA Book +en12598,"Nkhondo, chiŵembu, ndi chinyengo zinagwiritsiridwa ntchito pa mboni zimenezi kaamba ka chikhulupiriro cha Baibulo, kufikira pamene matchalitchi a Britain anawonongedwa, kapena kukakamizidwa kugonjera ulamuliro wa papa","War, intrigue, and deception were employed against these witnesses for a Bible faith, until the churches of Britain were destroyed, or forced to submit to the authority of the pope",religion,SDA Book +en12599,"M’maiko amene sanali kulamuliridwa ndi Roma, kwa zaka mazana ambiri munali magulu a Akristu amene anakhalabe opanda chinyengo cha apapa.",In lands beyond the jurisdiction of Rome there existed for many centuries bodies of Christians who remained almost wholly free from papal corruption.,religion,SDA Book +en12600,"Iwo anazunguliridwa ndi chikunja, ndipo m’kupita kwa zaka anakhudzidwa ndi zolakwa zake; koma iwo anapitiriza kuona Baibulo monga lamulo lokha la chikhulupiriro, ndipo anamamatira ku zambiri za chowonadi chake.",They were surrounded by heathenism and in the lapse of ages were affected by its errors; but they continued to regard the Bible as the only rule of faith and adhered to many of its truths.,religion,SDA Book +en12601,"Akhristu amenewa ankakhulupirira kuti chilamulo cha Mulungu sichipitirizabe, ndipo ankasunga Sabata la lamulo lachinayi. ",These Christians believed in the perpetuity of the law of God and observed the Sabbath of the fourth commandment,religion,SDA Book +en12602,"Matchalitchi amene amatsatira chikhulupiriro ndi mchitidwe umenewu, analipo ku Central Africa ndi pakati pa Aarmeniya a ku Asia",Churches that held to this faith and practice existed in Central Africa and among the Armenians of Asia,religion,SDA Book +en12603,"Koma mwa amene anatsutsa kuloŵerera kwa ulamuliro wa papa, Awadensi ndiwo anali patsogolo.","But of those who resisted the encroachments of the papal power, the Waldenses stood foremost",religion,SDA Book +en12604,"M’ dziko lomwelo limene upapa unakhazikika, m’menemo bodza lake ndi ziphuphu zake zinakanidwa kotheratu. ","In the very land where popery had fixed its seat, there its falsehood and corruption were most steadfastly resisted",religion,SDA Book +en12605,Kwa zaka mazana ambiri matchalitchi a Piedmont anakhalabe odziimira paokha; koma nthaŵi inafika pomalizira pake pamene Roma anaumirira kugonjera kwawo. ,For centuries the churches of Piedmont maintained their independence; but the time came at last when Rome insisted upon their submission,religion,SDA Book +en12606,"Pambuyo pa kulimbana kosagwira ntchito kolimbana ndi nkhanza zake, atsogoleri a matchalitchi ameneŵa monyinyirika anavomereza ukulu wa ulamuliro umene dziko lonse linawoneka kukhala likulemekeza. Komabe,","After ineffectual struggles against her tyranny, the leaders of these churches reluctantly acknowledged the supremacy of the power to which the whole world seemed to pay homage",religion,SDA Book +en12607,panali ena amene anakana kugonjera ulamuliro wa papa kapena wansembe. ,"There were some, however, who refused to yield to the authority of pope or prelate",religion,SDA Book +en12608,"Anatsimikiza mtima kukhalabe okhulupirika kwa Mulungu, ndi kusunga chiyero ndi kuphweka kwa chikhulupiriro chawo. Kulekana kunachitika. ",They were determined to maintain their allegiance to God and to preserve the purity and simplicity of their faith. A separation took place,religion,SDA Book +en12609,"Iwo amene anamamatira ku chikhulupiriro chakale tsopano anachoka; ena, kusiya Alps kwawo, anakweza mbendera ya chowonadi m’maiko akunja; ena anathaŵira ku mapiri akutali ndi matanthwe a m’mapiri, ndipo kumeneko anasunga ufulu wawo wolambira Mulungu","Those who adhered to the ancient faith now withdrew; some, forsaking their native Alps, raised the banner of truth in foreign lands; others retreated to the secluded glens and rocky fastnesses of the mountains, and there preserved their freedom to worship God",religion,SDA Book +en12610,Chikhulupiriro chimene kwa zaka mazana ambiri chinali kugwiridwa ndi kuphunzitsidwa ndi Akristu a Awadensi chinali chosiyana kwambiri ndi ziphunzitso zonyenga zoperekedwa ku Roma.,The faith which for centuries was held and taught by the Waldensian Christians was in marked contrast to the false doctrines put forth from Rome,religion,SDA Book +en12611,"Chikhulupiriro chawo chachipembedzo chinazikidwa pa mawu olembedwa a Mulungu, dongosolo loona la Chikristu. ","Their religious belief was founded upon the written word of God, the true system of Christianity.",religion,SDA Book +en12612,"Koma alimi odzichepetsawo, m’malo awo obisalamo obisika, otsekeredwa kutali ndi dziko, ndi okakamizika kugwira ntchito ya tsiku ndi tsiku pakati pa zoŵeta zawo ndi minda yawo yamphesa, iwo eni anali asanafike pa chowonadi motsutsa ziphunzitso ndi mipatuko ya mpingo wampatuko. ","But those humble peasants, in their obscure retreats, shut away from the world, and bound to daily toil among their flocks and their vineyards, had not by themselves arrived at the truth in opposition to the dogmas and heresies of the apostate church",religion,SDA Book +en12613,Chawo sichinali chikhulupiriro chatsopano Chikhulupiriro chawo chachipembedzo chinali cholowa chawo chochokera kwa makolo awo.,Theirs was not a faith newly received. Their religious belief was their inheritance from their fathers,religion,SDA Book +en12614,"Iwo anamenyera chikhulupiriro cha mpingo wa atumwi, “chikhulupiriro chimene chinaperekedwa kamodzi kwa oyera mtima.” ","They contended for the faith of the apostolic church,—“the faith which was once delivered unto the saints",religion,SDA Book +en12615,"“Mpingo wa m’chipululu,” osati olamulira onyada omwe anaikidwa pampando wachifumu wa likulu la dziko lapansi, unali mpingo weniweni wa Kristu, wosunga chuma cha choonadi chimene Mulungu wapereka kwa anthu ake kuti aperekedwe ku dziko lapansI","The church in the wilderness,” and not the proud hierarchy enthroned in the world’s great capital, was the true church of Christ, the guardian of the treasures of truth which God has committed to His people to be given to the world.",religion,SDA Book +en12616,"Zina mwa zoyambitsa zazikulu zimene zinachititsa kulekanitsidwa kwa mpingo woona kuchokera ku Roma, chinali chidani cha mpingo womalizirawo pa Sabata la Baibulo. Monga momwe ulosi unaneneratu, ulamuliro wa apapa unagwetsera pansi choonadi.","Among the leading causes that had led to the separation of the true church from Rome was the hatred of the latter toward the Bible Sabbath. As foretold by prophecy, the papal power cast down the truth to the ground.",religion,SDA Book +en12617,"Lamulo la Mulungu linapondedwa pansi pa fumbi, pamene miyambo ndi miyambo ya anthu inali yokwezeka.","The law of God was trampled in the dust, while the traditions and customs of men were exalted",religion,SDA Book +en12618,Mipingo imene inali pansi pa ulamuliro wa apapa inakakamizika koyambirira kulemekeza Lamlungu monga tsiku lopatulika.,The churches that were under the rule of the papacy were early compelled to honor the Sunday as a holy day.,religion,SDA Book +en12619,"Pakati pa kulakwa ndi zikhulupiriro zomwe zinali zofala, ambiri, ngakhale a anthu oona a Mulungu, anazunguzika kotero kuti pamene ankasunga Sabata analeka kugwira ntchito Lamlungunso","Amid the prevailing error and superstition, many, even of the true people of God, became so bewildered that while they observed the Sabbath, they refrained from labor also on the Sunday",religion,SDA Book +en12620,. Koma zimenezi sizinakhutiritse atsogoleri apapa.,But this did not satisfy the papal leaders,religion,SDA Book +en12621,"Iwo sanafune kuti Lamlungu lokha liyeretsedwe, koma kuti Sabata lidetsedwe; ndipo adawadzudzula ndi chilankhulidwe champhamvu amene adalimba mtima kuchilemekeza. ","They demanded not only that Sunday be hallowed, but that the Sabbath be profaned; and they denounced in the strongest language those who dared to show it honor",religion,SDA Book +en12622,Kunali kokha mwa kuthaŵa ulamuliro wa Roma m’pamene aliyense akanamvera lamulo la Mulungu mwamtendere,It was only by fleeing from the power of Rome that any could obey God’s law in peace,religion,SDA Book +en12623,Awadensi anali anthu oyamba mwa anthu onse a ku Ulaya kupeza Baibulo lomasulira Malemba Opatulika. ,The Waldenses were among the first of the peoples of Europe to obtain a translation of the Holy Scriptures,religion,SDA Book +en12624,"Zaka mazana ambiri Chikatolika chisanachitike, iwo anali ndi Baibulo lolembedwa pamanja m’chinenero chawo.",Hundreds of years before the Reformation they possessed the Bible in manuscript in their native tongue,religion,SDA Book +en12625,"Iwo anali ndi chowonadi chosaipitsidwa, ndipo zimenezi zinawapangitsa kukhala zinthu zapadera zaudani ndi chizunzo. ","They had the truth unadulterated, and this rendered them the special objects of hatred and persecution",religion,SDA Book +en12626,"Iwo analengeza Mpingo wa Roma kukhala Babulo wampatuko wa Apocalypse, ndipo pangozi ya miyoyo yawo iwo anaimirira kutsutsa kuipa kwake. ","They declared the Church of Rome to be the apostate Babylon of the Apocalypse, and at the peril of their lives they stood up to resist her corruptions",religion,SDA Book +en12627,"Pamene kuli kwakuti, pansi pa chitsenderezo cha chizunzo chopitirizabe kwanthaŵi yaitali, ena analolera kusiya chikhulupiriro chawo, akumalola pang’onopang’ono mapulinsipulo ake apadera, ena anagwiritsitsa chowonadi. M’mibadwo yamdima ndi yampatuko, panali Awadensi amene anakana ukulu wa Roma, amene anakana kulambira mafano monga kupembedza mafano, ndi amene anasunga Sabata lowona. ","While, under the pressure of long-continued persecution, some compromised their faith, little by little yielding its distinctive principles, others held fast the truth.",religion,SDA Book +en12628,Pansi pa namondwe woopsa wa chitsutso iwo anakhalabe ndi chikhulupiriro. ,Under the fiercest tempests of opposition they maintained their faith,religion,SDA Book +en12629,"Ngakhale kuti analasidwa ndi mkondo wa Savoyard, ndi kupsyezedwa ndi agalu achiroma, iwo anaima mosatekeseka kaamba ka Mawu a Mulungu ndi ulemu wake ","Though gashed by the Savoyard spear, and scorched by the Romish fagot, they stood unflinchingly for God’s word and His honor",religion,SDA Book +en12630,"Kuseri kwa linga lalitali la mapiri, —m’mibadwo yonse, malo othaŵiramo ozunzidwa ndi kuponderezedwa, Awadensi anapeza pobisalira. Kumeneku kuunika kwa choonadi kunapitirizabe kuyaka pakati pa mdima wa m’Nyengo Zapakati. ",Behind the lofty bulwarks of the mountains—in all ages the refuge of the persecuted and oppressed—the Waldenses found a hiding place,religion,SDA Book +en12631,"Kuno, kwa zaka chikwi, mboni za chowonadi zinasunga chikhulupiriro chakale.",Here the light of truth was kept burning amid the darkness of the Middle Ages,religion,SDA Book +en12632,"Mulungu anakonzera anthu ake malo opatulika aulemerero, oyenererana ndi choonadi champhamvu choperekedwa ku chikhulupiriro chawo. Kwa akapolo okhulupirika amenewo, mapiri anali chizindikiro cha chilungamo chosasinthika cha Yehova. Analozera ana awo pamwamba pawo mu ulemerero wosasintha, ndipo analankhula kwa iwo za Iye amene palibe kusintha kapena mthunzi wotembenuka, amene mawu ake ngokhalitsa ngati mapiri osatha. Mulungu analimbitsa mapiri, nawamanga m’ chuuno mwawo ndi mphamvu; palibe mkono koma uwo wa mphamvu zopanda malire ukanakhoza kuwachotsa iwo mmalo mwawo. Momwemonso adakhazikitsa lamulo lake, maziko a boma lake Kumwamba ndi padziko lapansi. Dzanja la munthu likhoza kufikira anthu anzake ndi kuwononga miyoyo yawo; koma mkono umenewo ukakhoza kuzula mapiri pamaziko awo, ndi kuwaponya m’ nyanja, monga momwe ungasinthire lamulo limodzi la chilamulo cha Yehova, kapena kufafaniza limodzi la malonjezo ake kwa awo amene amachita chifuniro chake. Pokhala okhulupirika ku malamulo ake, atumiki a Mulungu ayenera kukhala olimba ngati mapiri osasintha","God had provided for His people a sanctuary of awful grandeur, befitting the mighty truths committed to their trust",religion,SDA Book +en12633," Kwa akapolo okhulupirika amenewo, mapiri anali chizindikiro +cha chilungamo chosasinthika cha Yehova. ",To those faithful exiles the mountains were an emblem of the immutable righteousness of Jehovah.,religion,SDA Book +en12634,"Analozera ana awo pamwamba pawo mu ulemerero wosasintha, ndipo analankhula kwa iwo za Iye amene palibe kusintha kapena mthunzi wotembenuka, amene mawu ake ngokhalitsa ngati mapiri osatha. ","They pointed their children to the heights towering above them in unchanging majesty, and spoke to them of Him with whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning, whose word is as enduring as the everlasting hills",religion,SDA Book +en12635,"Mulungu analimbitsa mapiri, nawamanga m’ chuuno mwawo ndi mphamvu; palibe mkono koma uwo wa mphamvu zopanda malire ukanakhoza kuwachotsa iwo mmalo mwawo.",God had set fast the mountains and girded them with strength; no arm but that of Infinite Power could move them out of their place.,religion,SDA Book +en12636,"Momwemonso adakhazikitsa lamulo lake, maziko a boma lake Kumwamba ndi padziko lapansi. ","In like manner He had established His law, the foundation of His government in heaven and upon earth",religion,SDA Book +en12637,"Dzanja la munthu likhoza kufikira anthu anzake ndi kuwononga miyoyo yawo; koma mkono umenewo ukakhoza kuzula mapiri pamaziko awo, ndi kuwaponya m’ nyanja, monga momwe ungasinthire lamulo limodzi la chilamulo cha Yehova, kapena kufafaniza limodzi la malonjezo ake kwa awo amene amachita chifuniro chake.","The arm of man might reach his fellow men and destroy their lives; but that arm could as readily uproot the mountains from their foundations, and hurl them into the sea, as it could change one precept of the law of Jehovah, or blot out one of His promises to those who do His will",religion,SDA Book +en12638,"Pokhala okhulupirika ku malamulo ake, atumiki a Mulungu ayenera kukhala olimba ngati mapiri osasintha","In their fidelity to His law, God’s servants should be as firm as the unchanging hills.",religion,SDA Book +en12639,"Mapiri amene anamanga zigwa zawo zotsika anali umboni wosalekeza wa mphamvu ya kulenga ya Mulungu, ndi chitsimikiziro chosalephera cha chisamaliro chake chotetezera.","The mountains that girded their lowly valleys were a constant witness to God’s creative power, and a never-failing assurance of His protecting care",religion,SDA Book +en12640,Alendo achipembedzo amenewo anaphunzira kukonda zizindikiro zosalankhula za kukhalapo kwa Yehova. ,Those pilgrims learned to love the silent symbols of Jehovah’s presence,religion,SDA Book +en12641,Sanabwezedwe konse chifukwa cha zovuta za gawo lawo; sanali osungulumwa pakati pa mapiri aokhawo. ,They indulged no repining because of the hardships of their lot; they were never lonely amid the mountain solitudes,religion,SDA Book +en12642,Iwo anathokoza Mulungu kuti anawapatsa malo opulumukirako ku mkwiyo ndi nkhanza za anthu. ,They thanked God that He had provided for them an asylum from the wrath and cruelty of men.,religion,SDA Book +en12643,Iwo anasangalala ndi ufulu wawo wolambira pamaso pake. ,They rejoiced in their freedom to worship before Him.,religion,SDA Book +en12644,"Kaŵirikaŵiri akamathamangitsidwa ndi adani awo, mphamvu ya mapiri inali chitetezo chotsimikizirika.","Often when pursued by their enemies, the strength of the hills proved a sure defense",religion,SDA Book +en12645,"Kuchokera kumapiri okwezeka ambiri iwo ankayimba matamando a Mulungu, ndipo magulu ankhondo a Roma sanathe kutsekereza nyimbo zawo zoyamikira","From many a lofty cliff they chanted the praise of God, and the armies of Rome could not silence their songs of thanksgiving",religion,SDA Book +en12646,"Choyera, chosavuta, ndi chachangu chinali umulungu wa otsatira Kristu ameneŵa. Mfundo za choonadi zimene ankaziona kukhala zofunika kwambiri kuposa nyumba ndi minda, mabwenzi, achibale, ngakhale moyo weniweniwo. ","Pure, simple, and fervent was the piety of these followers of Christ. The principles of truth they valued above houses and lands, friends, kindred, even life itself",religion,SDA Book +en12647,Mfundo zimenezi anazifuna ndi mtima wonse kukhomereza m’ mitima ya achichepere.,These principles they earnestly sought to impress upon the hearts of the young,religion,SDA Book +en12648,"Kuyambira ali aang’ono achichepere anaphunzitsidwa m’Malemba, ndi kuphunzitsidwa kulemekeza zonena za lamulo la Mulungu.",From earliest childhood the youth were instructed in the Scriptures and taught to regard sacredly the claims of the law of God,religion,SDA Book +en12649,Mabaibulo anali osowa; chotero mawu ake amtengo wapatali anasungidwa m’chikumbukiro.,Copies of the Bible were rare; therefore its precious words were committed to memory,religion,SDA Book +en12650,Ambiri adatha kubwereza zigawo zazikulu za Chipangano Chakale ndi Chatsopano. ,Many were able to repeat large portions of both the Old and the New Testament,religion,SDA Book +en12651,Malingaliro a Mulungu anali ogwirizanitsidwa mofanana ndi malo okongola a chilengedwe ndi madalitso odzichepetsa a moyo wa tsiku ndi tsiku. ,Thoughts of God were associated alike with the sublime scenery of nature and with the humble blessings of daily life.,religion,SDA Book +en12652,Ana aang’ono anaphunzira kuyang’ana moyamikira kwa Mulungu monga wopereka chiyanjo chilichonse ndi chitonthozo chirichonse,Little children learned to look with gratitude to God as the giver of every favor and every comfort.,religion,SDA Book +en12653,"Makolo, ngakhale kuti anali achikondi ndi achikondi, ankakonda ana awo mwanzeru kwambiri moti n’ kulephera kuwazolowera kuchita zinthu zodzisangalatsa. Pamaso pawo panali moyo wa mayesero ndi mavuto, mwina imfa yofera chikhulupiriro","Parents, tender and affectionate as they were, loved their children too wisely to accustom them to self-indulgence",religion,SDA Book +en12654,"Iwo anaphunzitsidwa kuyambira paubwana kupirira zowawa, kugonjera ku ulamuliro, komabe kuganiza ndi kuchita zinthu mwa iwo eni. ","They were educated from childhood to endure hardness, to submit to control, and yet to think and act for themselves.",religion,SDA Book +en12655,"Poyambirira kwambiri anaphunzitsidwa kukhala ndi mathayo, kusungika m’kulankhula, ndi kumvetsetsa nzeru ya kukhala chete. ","Very early they were taught to bear responsibilities, to be guarded in speech, and to understand the wisdom of silence",religion,SDA Book +en12656,"Liwu limodzi lopanda nzeru lololedwa kuti ligwe m'makutu a adani awo, likhoza kuyika pachiwopsezo moyo wa wolankhula wokha, komanso miyoyo ya mazana a abale ake; pakuti monga mimbulu imasaka nyama zawo adani a chowonadi analondola awo amene analimba mtima kudzinenera ufulu wa chikhulupiriro chachipembedzo","One indiscreet word let fall in the hearing of their enemies might imperil not only the life of the speaker, but the lives of hundreds of his brethren; for as wolves hunting their prey did the enemies of truth pursue those who dared to claim freedom of religious faith.",religion,SDA Book +en12657,"Awadensi anataya kulemera kwawo kwa dziko chifukwa cha chowonadi, ndipo moleza mtima analimbikira kaamba ka chakudya chawo. ","The Waldenses had sacrificed their worldly prosperity for the truth’s sake, and with persevering patience they toiled for their bread.",religion,SDA Book +en12658,Malo onse olima pakati pa mapiri anakonzedwa bwino; zigwa ndi mapiri opanda chonde anapangidwa kuti apereke zokolola zawo. ,Every spot of tillable land among the mountains was carefully improved; the valleys and the less fertile hillsides were made to yield their increase,religion,SDA Book +en12659,Chuma ndi kudziletsa kwakukulu kunapanga gawo la maphunziro omwe ana adalandira monga cholowa chawo chokha. ,Economy and severe self-denial formed a part of the education which the children received as their only legacy,religion,SDA Book +en12660,"Iwo anaphunzitsidwa kuti Mulungu amalinganiza moyo kukhala chilango, ndi kuti zokhumba zawo zikanatha kuperekedwa kokha mwa ntchito yaumwini, mwa kulingalira, chisamaliro, ndi chikhulupiriro.","They were taught that God designs life to be a discipline, and that their wants could be supplied only by personal labor, by forethought, care, and faith",religion,SDA Book +en12661,"Ntchitoyi inali yotopetsa ndi yotopetsa, koma inali yabwino, zomwe munthu amafunikira mu mkhalidwe wake wakugwa, sukulu imene Mulungu waipereka kuti amuphunzitse ndi kukula"," The process was laborious and wearisome, but it was wholesome, just what man needs in his fallen state, the school which +God has provided for his training and development",religion,SDA Book +en12662,"Ngakhale kuti achinyamata adalimbikitsidwa kugwira ntchito ndi zovuta, chikhalidwe cha luntha sichinanyalanyazidwe. ","While the youth were inured to toil and hardship, the culture of the intellect was not neglected",religion,SDA Book +en12663,"Iwo anaphunzitsidwa kuti mphamvu zawo zonse n’za Mulungu, ndi kuti zonse zinayenera kuwongoleredwa ndi kutukulidwa kaamba ka utumiki wake.","They were taught that all their powers belonged to God, and that all were to be improved and developed for His service",religion,SDA Book +en12664,"Matchalitchi a Vaudois, muukhondo ndi kuphweka kwawo, ankafanana ndi matchalitchi a m’nthawi ya atumwi. .","The Vaudois churches, in their purity and simplicity, resembled the church of apostolic times",religion,SDA Book +en12665,"Pokana ukulu wa papa ndi mbusa, iwo ankaona kuti Baibulo ndilo lokhalo lolamulira lalikulu, losalephera. ","Rejecting the supremacy of the pope and prelate, they held the Bible as the only supreme, infallible authority",religion,SDA Book +en12666,"Abusa awo, mosiyana ndi ansembe olemekezeka a ku Roma, anatsatira chitsanzo cha Mbuye wawo, amene “sanabwere kudzatumikiridwa, koma kudzatumikira","Their pastors, unlike the lordly priests of Rome, followed the example of their Master, who “came not to be ministered unto, but to minister",religion,SDA Book +en12667,"Anadyetsa nkhosa za Mulungu, kuzitsogolera ku msipu wobiriwira ndi akasupe amoyo a Mawu ake opatulika.","They fed the flock of God, leading them to the green pastures and living fountains of His holy word",religion,SDA Book +en12668,"Kutali ndi zipilala za ulemerero wa anthu ndi kunyada, anthu anasonkhana, osati m’ matchalitchi okongola kapena matchalitchi aakulu, koma pansi pa mithunzi ya mapiri, m’zigwa za Alps, kapena, m’nthaŵi ya ngozi, m’malo ena amiyala, kuti amvetsere.Mawu a choonadi ochokera kwa atumiki a Khristu. ","Far from the monuments of human pomp and pride the people assembled, not in magnificent churches or grand cathedrals, but beneath the shadow of the mountains, in the Alpine valleys, or, in time of danger, in some rocky stronghold, to listen to the words of truth from the servants of Christ",religion,SDA Book +en12669,"Abusa sanangolalikira uthenga wabwino, koma ankachezera odwala, kuphunzitsa ana katekisimu, kuchenjeza olakwa, ndi kulimbikira kuthetsa mikangano ndi kulimbikitsa mgwirizano ndi chikondi cha pa abale. ake","The pastors not only preached the gospel, but they visited the sick, catechized the children, admonished the erring, and labored to settle disputes and promote harmony and brotherly love",religion,SDA Book +en12670,"M’nthaŵi zamtendere iwo anachirikizidwa ndi zopereka zaufulu za anthu; koma, mofanana ndi Paulo womanga mahema, aliyense anaphunzira ntchito kapena ntchito imene, ngati kuli kofunika, kudzipezera zochirikizira ","In times of peace they were sustained by the freewill offerings of the people; but, like Paul the tentmaker, each learned some trade or profession by which, if necessary, to provide for his own support.",religion,SDA Book +en12671,"Abusa awo analandira malangizo. Pamene kuli kwakuti chisamaliro chinaperekedwa ku nthambi za maphunziro wamba, Baibulo linapangidwa kukhala phunziro lalikulu. ","From their pastors the youth received instruction. While attention was given to branches of general learning, the Bible was made the chief study",religion,SDA Book +en12672,"Mauthenga Abwino a Mateyu ndi Yohane anawasunga pamtima, limodzi ndi Makalata ambiri. Anagwiritsidwanso ntchito kukopera Malemba.","The Gospels of Matthew and John were committed to memory, with many of the Epistles. They were employed also in copying the Scriptures",religion,SDA Book +en12673,"Mipukutu ina inali ndi Baibulo lathunthu, ndipo ina inali ndi zilembo zachidule chabe, ndipo anthu amene anatha kufotokoza Malembawo anawonjezerapo mafotokozedwe osavuta a malembawo. ","Some manuscripts contained the whole Bible, others only brief selections, to which some simple explanations of the text were added by those who were able to expound the Scriptures",religion,SDA Book +en12674,Motero zinabweretsedwa chuma cha choonadi chobisidwa kwanthaŵi yaitali ndi awo amene ankafuna kudzikweza pamwamba pa Mulungu.,Thus were brought forth the treasures of truth so long concealed by those who sought to exalt themselves above God,religion,SDA Book +en12675,"Mwa ntchito yoleza mtima, yosatopa, nthaŵi zina m’mapanga akuya, amdima a dziko lapansi, mwa kuunika kwa miuni, Malemba opatulika analembedwa, vesi ndi vesi, mutu ndi mutu. ","By patient, untiring labor, sometimes in the deep, dark caverns of the earth, by the light of torches, the Sacred Scriptures were written out, verse by verse, chapter by chapter",religion,SDA Book +en12676,"Motero ntchito inapitirira, chifuniro chowululidwa cha Mulungu chikuwala ngati golide woyenga; chowala kwambiri, chomveka bwino, ndiponso champhamvu kwambiri chifukwa cha mayesero amene anakumana nawo chifukwa cha zimenezi, ndi okhawo amene akanatha kuzindikira amene anali kugwira ntchitoyo. .","Thus the work went on, the revealed will of God shining out like pure gold; how much brighter, clearer, and more powerful because of the trials undergone for its sake only those could realize who were engaged in the work",religion,SDA Book +en12677,Angelo ochokera Kumwamba anazungulira antchito okhulupirikawa,Angels from heaven surrounded these faithful workers.,religion,SDA Book +en12678,"Satana anali atalimbikitsa ansembe apapa ndi ansembe kuti akwirire Mawu a choonadi m’zinyalala za kulakwa, mpatuko, ndi zikhulupiriro, koma m’njira yodabwitsa kwambiri anasungidwa osaipitsidwa ku mibadwo yonse ya mdima.","Satan had urged on the papal priests and prelates to bury the word of truth beneath the rubbish of error, heresy, and superstition; but in a most wonderful manner it was preserved uncorrupted through all the ages of darkness",religion,SDA Book +en12679," Ilo silinanyamule chidindo cha munthu, koma chizindikiro cha Mulungu. Anthu akhala osatopa m’zoyesayesa zawo za kubisa tanthauzo losavuta, losavuta la Malemba, ndi kuwapangitsa iwo kutsutsana ndi umboni wawo; koma, monga chingalawa pa kuya kwa mafunde, Mawu a Mulungu amaposa namondwe amene amawopseza ndi chiwonongeko. .","It bore not the stamp of man, but the impress of God. Men have been unwearied in their efforts to obscure the plain, simple meaning of the Scriptures, and to make them contradict their own testimony; but like the ark upon the billowy deep, the word of God outrides the storms that threaten it with destruction",religion,SDA Book +en12680,"Monga momwe mgodiwo uliri ndi mitsempha yolemera ya golidi ndi siliva yobisika pansi pa nthaka, kotero kuti onse ayenera kukumba amene akatulukira nkhokwe zake za mtengo wapatali, chotero Malemba Opatulika ali ndi chuma cha chowonadi chimene chimavumbulidwa kokha kwa wofunafuna wakhama, wodzichepetsa, wapemphero.","As the mine has rich veins of gold and silver hidden beneath the surface, so that all must dig who would discover its precious stores, so the Holy Scriptures have treasures of truth that are revealed only to the earnest, humble, prayerful seeker",religion,SDA Book +en12681,"Mulungu anakonza Baibulo kuti likhale buku la phunziro kwa anthu onse, paubwana, unyamata, ndi unyamata, ndi loti liziphunziridwa nthawi zonse. Iye anapereka Mawu ake kwa anthu monga vumbulutso la iye mwini.","God designed the Bible to be a lessonbook to all mankind, in childhood, youth, and manhood, and to be studied through all time. He gave His word to men as a revelation of Himself",religion,SDA Book +en12682,Choonadi chilichonse chatsopano chomwe chazindikirika ndikuwulula kwatsopano kwa Mlembi wake. ,Every new truth discerned is a fresh disclosure of the character of its Author,religion,SDA Book +en12683,"Kuphunzira Malemba ndiko njira yoikidwa ndi Mulungu kubweretsa anthu muubale wapafupi ndi Mlengi wawo, ndi kuwapatsa chidziŵitso chomvekera bwino cha chifuniro chake. ",The study of the Scriptures is the means divinely ordained to bring men into closer connection with their Creator and to give them a clearer knowledge of His will,religion,SDA Book +en12684,Ndi njira yolankhulirana pakati pa Mulungu ndi munthu,It is the medium of communication between God and man.,religion,SDA Book +en12685,"Pamene kuli kwakuti Awadensi ankawona kuopa Yehova monga chiyambi cha nzeru, iwo sanali osawona kufunika kwa kuyanjana ndi dziko, chidziŵitso cha anthu ndi moyo wokangalika, m’kukulitsa maganizo ndi kufulumizitsa malingaliro.","While the Waldenses regarded the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom, they were not blind to the importance of a contact with the world, a knowledge of men and of active life, in expanding the mind and quickening the perceptions",religion,SDA Book +en12686,"Kuchokera m’masukulu awo a m’mapiri ena achichepere anatumizidwa ku masukulu a maphunziro a m’mizinda ya France kapena Italy, kumene kunali malo okulirapo ophunzirira, kulingalira, ndi kupenyerera zomwe zili mu Alps kwawo.","From their schools in the mountains some of the youth were sent to institutions of learning in the cities of France or Italy, where was a more extended field for study, thought, and observation than in their native Alps",religion,SDA Book +en12687,"Achichepere otumidwa chotero anakumana ndi ziyeso, anaona kuipa, anakumana ndi amithenga amachenjera a Satana, amene anasonkhezera pa iwo mipatuko yochenjera kwambiri ndi chinyengo chowopsa koposa. ","The youth thus sent forth were exposed to temptation, they witnessed vice, they encountered Satan’s wily agents, who urged upon them the most subtle heresies and the most dangerous deceptions",religion,SDA Book +en12688,Koma maphunziro awo kuyambira ali ana anali a khalidwe lowakonzekeretsa kaamba ka zonsezi.,But their education from childhood had been of a character to prepare them for all this.,religion,SDA Book +en12689,"M’masukulu amene ankapita, sankayenera kuuza munthu aliyense zakukhosi. ","In the schools whither they went, they were not to make confidants of any",religion,SDA Book +en12690,"Zovala zawo zinali zokonzedwa bwino kotero kuti anabisa chuma chawo chopambana, mipukutu yamtengo wapatali ya Malemba. ",Their garments were so prepared as to conceal their greatest treasure—the precious manuscripts of the Scriptures,religion,SDA Book +en12691,"Izi, zipatso za miyezi ndi zaka za kuvutikira, anazinyamula, ndipo, pamene anatha kutero popanda chikayikiro chosangalatsa, iwo mochenjera anaika gawo lina m’njira ya awo amene mitima yawo inawonekera kukhala yotseguka kulandira chowonadi.","These, the fruit of months and years of toil, they carried with them, and whenever they could do so without exciting suspicion, they cautiously placed some portion in the way of those whose hearts seemed open to receive the truth",religion,SDA Book +en12692,"Kuchokera pabondo la amayi awo achichepere a Awadensi anaphunzitsidwa ndi cholinga chimenechi; anazindikira ntchito yawo, naichita mokhulupirika. ",From their mother’s knee the Waldensian youth had been trained with this purpose in view; they understood their work and faithfully performed it,religion,SDA Book +en12693,Mzimu wa Khristu ndi mzimu waumishonale,The spirit of Christ is a missionary spirit.,religion,SDA Book +en12694,Chikhumbo choyamba cha mtima watsopano ndikubweretsa enanso kwa Mpulumutsi.,The very first impulse of the renewed heart is to bring others also to the Saviour,religion,SDA Book +en12695,Umenewu unali mzimu wa Akristu a mtundu wa Vaudois.," Such was +the spirit of the Vaudois Christians",religion,SDA Book +en12696,"Iwo ankaona kuti Mulungu ankafuna zambiri kwa iwo osati kungosunga choonadi m’matchalitchi awo; kuti udindo waukulu unakhala pa iwo, kuti kuunika kwawo kuwalikire iwo amene anali mumdima; mwa mphamvu yamphamvu ya Mau a Mulungu anafuna kuthetsa ukapolo umene Roma anaika.",They felt that God required more of them than merely to preserve the truth in its purity in their own churches; that a solemn responsibility rested upon them to let their light shine forth to those who were in darkness; by the mighty power of God’s word they sought to break the bondage which Rome had imposed,religion,SDA Book +en12697,"Atumiki a ku Vaudois anaphunzitsidwa kukhala amishonale, aliyense amene ankayembekezera kulowa muutumiki ankafunika choyamba kuti aphunzire zambiri monga mlaliki.","The Vaudois ministers were trained as missionaries, everyone who expected to enter the ministry being required first to gain an experience as an evangelist",religion,SDA Book +en12698,Aliyense anali woti akatumikire zaka zitatu m’gawo lina la mishoni asanayang’anire tchalitchi cha kunyumba. ,"Each was to serve three years in some mission field before taking charge of +a church at home",religion,SDA Book +en12699,"Utumiki umenewu, wofuna kudzimana ndi kudzimana poyamba paja, unali mawu oyamba oyenerera a moyo wa abusa m’nthaŵi zija amene anayesa miyoyo ya anthu. ","This service, requiring at the outset self-denial and sacrifice, was a fitting introduction to the pastor’s life in those times that tried men’s souls",religion,SDA Book +en12700,"Achichepere amene analandira kudzozedwera ku ofesi yopatulika sanawone pamaso pawo, osati chiyembekezo cha chuma cha padziko lapansi ndi ulemerero, koma moyo wovutikira ndi wangozi, ndipo mwinamwake tsoka la wofera chikhulupiriro. ","The youth who received ordination to the sacred office saw before them, not the prospect of earthly wealth and glory, but a life of toil and danger, and possibly a martyr’s fate",religion,SDA Book +en12701,"Amishonalewo anatuluka awiriawiri, monga Yesu anatumiza ophunzira ake. ","The missionaries went out two and two, as Jesus sent forth His disciples",religion,SDA Book +en12702,"Ndi mnyamata aliyense kaŵirikaŵiri ankagwirizanitsidwa ndi mwamuna wachikulire ndi wodziŵa zambiri, wachichepereyo akutsogoleredwa ndi mnzake, amene anali ndi thayo la maphunziro ake, ndi malangizo amene anafunikira kulabadira. Ogwira ntchito limodzi ameneŵa sanali pamodzi nthaŵi zonse, koma nthaŵi zambiri ankakumana kaamba ka pemphero ndi uphungu, motero kulimbikitsana m’chikhulupiriro","With each young man was usually associated a man of age and experience, the youth being under the guidance of his companion, who was held responsible for his training, and whose instruction he was required to heed",religion,SDA Book +en12703," Ogwira ntchito limodzi ameneŵa sanali pamodzi nthaŵi zonse, koma nthaŵi zambiri ankakumana kaamba ka pemphero ndi uphungu, motero kulimbikitsana m’chikhulupiriro","These colaborers were not always together, but often met for prayer and counsel, thus strengthening each other in the faith",religion,SDA Book +en12704,"Kukadadziwitsa za cholinga cha ntchito yawo zikadawatsimikizira kugonja kwake; chotero anabisa +mosamalitsa khalidwe lawo lenileni",To have made known the object of their mission would have ensured its defeat; therefore they carefully concealed their real character,religion,SDA Book +en12705,"Mtumiki aliyense anali ndi chidziŵitso cha ntchito kapena ntchito inayake, ndipo amishonalewo ankazenga mlandu wa ntchito yawo mobisa chifukwa cha ulendo wakudziko. Kawirikawiri ankasankha wamalonda kapena wogulitsa."," Every minister possessed a knowledge of some trade or profession, and the missionaries prosecuted their work under cover of a secular calling. Usually they chose that of merchant or peddler.",religion,SDA Book +en12706,"Ankagula zinthu zabwino ndiponso zodula monga silika, zingwe, ndi miyala yamtengo wapatali, zimene panthawiyo sizikanatha kugulidwa mosavuta, ndipo potero ankapeza polowera kumene akananyansidwa nazo. ","They carried silks, jewelry, and other articles, at that time not easily purchasable save at distant marts; and they were welcomed as merchants where they would have been spurned as missionaries",religion,SDA Book +en12707,Nthaŵi yonseyi mitima yawo inakwezedwa kwa Mulungu kaamba ka nzeru yopereka chuma chamtengo wapatali kuposa golidi kapena miyala yamtengo wapatali. ,All the while their hearts were uplifted to God for wisdom to present a treasure more precious than gold or gems.,religion,SDA Book +en12708,"Iwo mobisa ankanyamula makope a Baibulo, athunthu kapena mbali zina zake, ndipo nthaŵi iliyonse pamene mpata unapezeka, ankakopa chidwi cha makasitomala awo ku malembo apamanja ameneŵa. .","They secretly carried about with them copies of the Bible, in whole or in part; and whenever an opportunity was presented, they called the attention of their customers to these manuscripts",religion,SDA Book +en12709,"Kaŵirikaŵiri chidwi cha kuŵerenga Mawu a Mulungu chinali kudzutsidwa, ndipo mbali ina inasiyidwa mokondwera kwa awo amene anafuna kuilandira","Often an interest to read God��s word was thus awakened, and some portion was gladly left with those who desired to receive it",religion,SDA Book +en12710,"Ntchito ya amishonale ameneŵa inayamba m’zigwa ndi m’zigwa za m’munsi mwa mapiri awoawo, koma inapitirira kutali ndi malire amenewa. ","The work of these missionaries began in the plains and valleys at the foot of their own mountains, but it extended far beyond these limits",religion,SDA Book +en12711,"Ndi mapazi amaliseche ndi zobvala zokala ndi zothimbirira paulendo monga zinali za Mbuye wawo, iwo anadutsa m’mizinda ikuluikulu, nalowa kumaiko akutali. Kulikonse anamwaza mbewu yamtengo wapataliyo. ","With naked feet and in garments coarse and travel-stained as were those of their Master they passed through great cities and penetrated to distant lands. +Everywhere they scattered the precious seed",religion,SDA Book +en12712,"Mipingo inaphuka m’njira yawo, ndipo mwazi wa ofera umboni unachitira umboni chowonadi","Churches sprang up in their path, and the blood of martyrs witnessed for the truth.",religion,SDA Book +en12713,Tsiku la Mulungu lidzavumbulutsa zotuta zolemera za miyoyo yosungidwa ndi ntchito za amuna okhulupirika ameneŵa.,The day of God will reveal a rich harvest of souls garnered by the labors of these faithful men,religion,SDA Book +en12714,"Ophimbidwa ndi mwakachetechete, Mawu a Mulungu anali kuyenda m’Dziko Lachikristu, ndi kukumana ndi kulandiridwa kosangalatsa m’nyumba ndi m’mitima ya anthu","Veiled and silent, the word of God was making its way through Christendom and meeting a glad reception in the homes and hearts of men.",religion,SDA Book +en12715,"Kwa Awadensi Malemba sanali chabe mbiri ya zochita za Mulungu ndi anthu m’nthaŵi zakale, ndi chivumbulutso cha maudindo ndi ntchito za masiku ano, koma kuvumbulutsidwa kwa zoopsa ndi ulemerero wa mtsogolo.","To the Waldenses the Scriptures were not merely a record of God’s dealings with men in the past, and a revelation of the responsibilities and duties of the present, but an unfolding of the perils and glories of the future",religion,SDA Book +en12716,"Iwo ankakhulupirira kuti mapeto a zinthu zonse sanali patali; ndipo pamene anaphunzira Baibulo ndi pemphero ndi misozi, iwo anachita chidwi kwambiri ndi mawu ake amtengo wapatali, ndi thayo lawo la kudziŵitsa ena chowonadi chake chopulumutsa. ","They believed that the end of all things was not far distant, and as they studied the Bible with prayer and tears they were the more deeply impressed with its precious utterances and with their duty to make known to others its saving truths",religion,SDA Book +en12717,"Anaona dongosolo la chipulumutso likuwululidwa momveka bwino m’masamba opatulika, ndipo anapeza chitonthozo, chiyembekezo, ndi mtendere pokhulupirira Yesu.","They saw the plan of salvation clearly revealed in the sacred pages, and they found comfort, hope, and peace in believing in Jesus",religion,SDA Book +en12718,"Pamene kuunikako kunawalitsa kumvetsetsa kwawo ndi kukondweretsa mitima yawo, iwo analakalaka kuthira nyali zake pa awo amene anali mumdima wa zolakwa za papa","As the light illuminated their understanding and made glad their hearts, they longed to shed its beams upon those who were in the darkness of papal error",religion,SDA Book +en12719,"Iwo anawona kuti motsogozedwa ndi papa ndi ansembe, makamuwo mopanda phindu anali kuyesetsa kupeza chikhululukiro mwa kusautsa matupi awo chifukwa cha tchimo la miyoyo yawo. ","They saw that under the guidance of pope and priest, multitudes were vainly endeavoring to obtain pardon by afflicting their bodies for the sin of their souls",religion,SDA Book +en12720,"Pophunzitsidwa kudalira ntchito zawo zabwino kuti ziwapulumutse, iwo anali kudziyang’anira okha, maganizo awo akukhazikika pa chikhalidwe chawo chauchimo, akudziona okha akukumana ndi mkwiyo wa Mulungu, akuvutitsa moyo ndi thupi, koma osapeza mpumulo. ","Taught to trust to their good works to save them, they were ever looking to themselves, their minds dwelling upon their sinful condition, seeing themselves exposed to the wrath of God, afflicting soul and body, yet finding no relief",religion,SDA Book +en12721,Chotero miyoyo yachikumbumtima inamangidwa ndi ziphunzitso za Roma. ,Thus conscientious souls were bound by the doctrines of Rome,religion,SDA Book +en12722,"Anthu zikwizikwi anasiya abwenzi ndi achibale, ndipo anakhala moyo wawo m’zipinda za masisitere. ","Thousands abandoned friends and kindred, and spent their lives in convent cells.",religion,SDA Book +en12723,"Mwa kusala kudya mobwerezabwereza ndi kukwapulidwa koopsa, pa maulonda apakati pausiku, mwa kugwada kwa maola otopa pa malo ozizira, achinyezi a malo awo oipa, maulendo aatali achipembedzo, mwa kulapa kochititsa manyazi ndi kuzunzika kochititsa mantha, zikwi mopanda phindu zinafuna kupeza mtendere wa chikumbumtima. ","By oft-repeated fasts and cruel scourgings, by midnight vigils, by prostration for weary hours upon the cold, damp stones of their dreary abode, by long pilgrimages, by humiliating penance and fearful torture, thousands vainly sought to obtain peace of conscience",religion,SDA Book +en12724,"Poponderezedwa ndi lingaliro la uchimo, ndi kuzunzika ndi mantha a mkwiyo wobwezera wa Mulungu, ambiri anazunzika mpaka chilengedwe chotopa chinatha, ndipo popanda kuwala kumodzi kapena chiyembekezo, anamira m’manda","Oppressed with a sense of sin, and haunted with the fear of God’s avenging wrath, many suffered on, until exhausted nature gave way, and without +one ray of light or hope they sank into the tomb",religion,SDA Book +en12725,"Awadensi ankalakalaka kunyemera miyoyo yanjala imeneyi mkate wa moyo, kuwatsegulira mauthenga amtendere m’malonjezo a Mulungu, ndi kuwalozera kwa Kristu monga chiyembekezo chawo chokha cha chipulumutso.","The Waldenses longed to break to these starving souls the bread of life, to open to them the messages of peace in the promises of God, and to point them to Christ as their only hope of salvation",religion,SDA Book +en12726,"Chiphunzitso chakuti ntchito zabwino zingateteze ku kuswa lamulo la Mulungu, iwo ankachikhulupirira kukhala chozikidwa pa bodza. ",The doctrine that good works can atone for the transgression of God’s law they held to be based upon falsehood,religion,SDA Book +en12727,Kudalira koyenera kwa umunthu kumasokoneza malingaliro a chikondi chosatha cha Khristu. ,Reliance upon human merit intercepts the view of Christ’s infinite love,religion,SDA Book +en12728,Yesu anafa monga nsembe ya munthu chifukwa chakuti fuko la uchimo silingachite kalikonse kudzionetsera kwa Mulungu. ,Jesus died as a sacrifice for man because the fallen race can do nothing to recommend themselves to God,religion,SDA Book +en12729,Ubwino wa Mpulumutsi wopachikidwa ndi kuuka kwa akufa ndiwo maziko a chikhulupiriro cha mkhristu. ,The merits of a crucified and risen Saviour are the foundation of the Christian’s faith,religion,SDA Book +en12730,"Kudalira kwa mzimu pa Khristu kuli kwenikweni, ndipo kulumikizana kwake ndi iye kuyenera kukhala koyandikira, monga momwe nthambi ndi thupi, kapena nthambi ndi mpesa","The dependence of the soul upon Christ is as real, and its connection with Him must be as close, as that of a limb to the body, or of a branch to the vine",religion,SDA Book +en12731,"Ziphunzitso za apapa ndi ansembe zidatsogolera anthu kuyang'ana pa chikhalidwe cha Mulungu, ngakhalenso cha Khristu, monga chokhwima, chachisoni, ndi choletsa.","The teachings of popes and priests had led men to look upon the character of God, and even of Christ, as stern, gloomy, and forbidding.",religion,SDA Book +en12732,Mpulumutsi anaimiridwa kukhala wopanda chifundo ndi munthu mu mkhalidwe wake wakugwa kotero kuti unkhoswe wa ansembe ndi oyera mtima uyenera kupemphedwa. ,The Saviour was represented as so far devoid of sympathy with man in his fallen state that the mediation of priests and saints must be invoked,religion,SDA Book +en12733,"Iwo amene maganizo awo anaunikiridwa ndi Mawu a Mulungu analakalaka kuloza miyoyo imeneyi kwa Yesu monga Mpulumutsi wachifundo, wachikondi, atayima ndi manja otambasula akuitanira onse kuti abwere kwa iye ndi kulemedwa kwawo kwa uchimo, chisamaliro chawo ndi kutopa kwawo.","Those whose minds had been enlightened by the word of God longed to point these souls to Jesus as their compassionate, loving Saviour, standing with outstretched arms, inviting all to come to Him with their burden of sin, their care and weariness",religion,SDA Book +en12734,"Analakalaka kuchotsa zotchinga zimene Satana anaunjika kuti anthu asaone malonjezano, ndi kubwera molunjika kwa Mulungu, kuulula machimo awo, ndi kulandira chikhululukiro ndi mtendere.","They longed to clear away the obstructions which Satan had piled up that men might not see the promises, and come directly to God, confessing their sins, and obtaining pardon and peace",religion,SDA Book +en12735,Mmishonale wa Vaudois anafutukula mwachidwi choonadi chamtengo wapatali cha uthenga wabwino kwa anthu ofunsa mafunso.,Eagerly did the Vaudois missionary unfold to the inquiring mind the precious truths of the gospel,religion,SDA Book +en12736,Mosamala anatulutsa mbali zolembedwa bwino za Malemba Opatulika,Cautiously he produced the carefully written portions of the Holy Scriptures,religion,SDA Book +en12737,"Chinali chimwemwe chake chachikulu kupereka chiyembekezo kwa munthu womvera chikumbumtima, wokanthidwa ndi uchimo, amene ankangoona Mulungu wobwezera, woyembekezera kupereka chilungamo. Ndi milomo yonjenjemera ndi misozi, nthaŵi zambiri atagwada, iye anatsegulira abale ake malonjezo amtengo wapatali amene amavumbula chiyembekezo chokha cha wochimwayo. Chotero kuunika kwa chowonadi kunaloŵa m’maganizo ambiri amdima, kukutembenuzira m’mbuyo mtambo wamdima, kufikira Dzuwa la Chilungamo linaŵala mu mtima ndi kuchiritsa m’miyala yake. Kaŵirikaŵiri zinali choncho kuti mbali ina ya Malemba iŵerengedwe kaŵirikaŵiri, womvetserayo akufunitsitsa kuti ibwerezedwe, monga ngati angatsimikizire kuti wamva bwino lomwe. Makamaka kubwerezabwereza kwa mawu ameneŵa kunali kokhumbitsidwa mwachidwi: “Mwazi wa Yesu Kristu Mwana wake utisambitsa kutichotsera uchimo wonse.” [ 1 Yohane 1:7 .] “Monga Mose anakweza njoka m’chipululu, chotero Mwana wa munthu ayenera kukwezedwa, kuti yense wakukhulupirira iye asatayike, koma akhale nawo moyo wosatha.","It was his greatest joy to give hope to the conscientious, sin-stricken soul, who could see only a God of vengeance, waiting to execute justice",religion,SDA Book +en12738," Ndi milomo yonjenjemera ndi misozi, nthaŵi zambiri atagwada, iye anatsegulira abale ake malonjezo amtengo wapatali amene amavumbula chiyembekezo chokha cha wochimwayo.","With quivering lip and tearful eye did he, often on bended knees, open to his brethren the precious promises that reveal the sinner’s only hope",religion,SDA Book +en12739,"Chotero kuunika kwa chowonadi kunaloŵa m’maganizo ambiri amdima, kukutembenuzira m’mbuyo mtambo wamdima, kufikira Dzuwa la Chilungamo linaŵala mu mtima ndi kuchiritsa m’miyala yake. ","Thus the light of truth penetrated many a darkened mind, rolling back the cloud of gloom, until the Sun of Righteousness shone into the heart with healing in His beams",religion,SDA Book +en12740,"Kaŵirikaŵiri zinali choncho kuti mbali ina ya Malemba iŵerengedwe kaŵirikaŵiri, womvetserayo akufunitsitsa kuti ibwerezedwe, monga ngati angatsimikizire kuti wamva bwino lomwe. ","It was often the case that some portion of Scripture was read again and again, the hearer desiring it to be repeated, as if he would assure himself that he had heard aright",religion,SDA Book +en12741,Ambiri sananyengedwe ponena za zonena za Roma,Many were undeceived in regard to the claims of Rome,religion,SDA Book +en12742,Anaona kuti kuyimira pakati kwa anthu kapena angelo n’kwachabechabe m’malo mwa wochimwa.,They saw how vain is the mediation of men or angels in behalf of the sinner.,religion,SDA Book +en12743,Chitsimikizo cha chikondi cha Mpulumutsi chinkawoneka mopambanitsa kwa ena mwa anthu osauka okankhidwa ndi mphepo yamkuntho kuti asazindikire.,The assurance of a Saviour’s love seemed too much for some of these poor tempest-tossed souls to realize,religion,SDA Book +en12744,"Chitonthozo chimene chinabweretsa chinali chachikulu kwambiri, chigumula cha kuwala chinawalira iwo, kotero kuti anawoneka ngati akutengedwa kupita Kumwamba. ","So great was the relief which it brought, such a flood of light was shed upon them, that they seemed transported to heaven",religion,SDA Book +en12745,Dzanja lawo linayikidwa mokhulupirika mdzanja la Khristu; mapazi awo anabzalidwa pa Thanthwe la Mibadwo.,Their hands were laid confidingly in the hand of Christ; their feet were planted upon the Rock of Ages,religion,SDA Book +en12746,Kuopa imfa konse kunathetsedwa. Iwo akanakhoza tsopano kusilira ndende ndi fagot ngati potero akanalemekeza dzina la Muomboli wawo,All fear of death was banished. They could now covet the prison and the fagot if they might thereby honor the name of their Redeemer,religion,SDA Book +en12747,"M’malo obisika Mawu a Mulungu anabweretsedwa ndi kuŵerengedwa, nthaŵi zina kwa munthu mmodzi, nthaŵi zina kwa gulu laling’ono limene linali kulakalaka kuwala ndi choonadi.","In secret places the word of God was thus brought forth and read, sometimes to a single soul, sometimes to a little company who were longing for light and truth",religion,SDA Book +en12748,Nthaŵi zambiri usiku wonse unkatha motere. ,Often the entire night was spent in this manner,religion,SDA Book +en12749,Kudabwitsidwa ndi kusilira kwa omvera kukanakhala kwakukulu kotero kuti mtumiki wachifundo sanali kukakamizidwa kaŵirikaŵiri kuti asiye kuwerenga mpaka pamene kumvetsa kwake kunatha kumvetsa nkhani ya chipulumutso,So great would be the wonder and admiration of the listeners that the messenger of mercy was not infrequently compelled to cease his reading until the understanding could grasp the tidings of salvation,religion,SDA Book +en12750,"Chikhulupiriro chinagwira lonjezolo, ndipo kuyankha kwachisangalalo kunamveka, “Sipadzakhalanso maulendo aatali oyenda; sikudzakhalanso maulendo opweteka opita ku malo opatulika. ","Faith grasped the promise, and the glad response was heard: “No more long pilgrimages to make; no more painful journeys to holy shrines",religion,SDA Book +en12751,"Ndikhoza kubwera kwa Yesu monga ndiliri, wochimwa ndi wosayera, ndipo sadzakana pemphero la kulapa. ‘Machimo ako akhululukidwa kwa iwe.’ Anga, ngakhale anga, akhululukidwe!","I may come to Jesus just as I am, sinful and unholy, and He will not spurn the penitential prayer. ‘Thy sins be forgiven thee.’ Mine, even mine, may be forgiven!”",religion,SDA Book +en12752,"Mphepo ya chisangalalo chopatulika ikadzaza mtima, ndipo dzina la Yesu likakwezedwa ndi chiyamiko ndi chiyamiko. ","A tide of sacred joy would fill the heart, and the name of Jesus would be magnified by praise and thanksgiving.",religion,SDA Book +en12753,"Miyoyo yachimwemwe imeneyo inabwerera ku nyumba zawo kukafalitsa kuwala, kubwereza kwa ena, monga momwe akanatha, chokumana nacho chawo chatsopano; kuti adapeza Njira yowona ndi yamoyo. ","Those happy souls returned to their homes to diffuse light, to repeat to others, as well as they could, their new experience; that they had found the true and living Way",religion,SDA Book +en12754,Panali mphamvu yachirendo ndi yozama m’mawu a m’Malemba amene analankhula mwachindunji ku mitima ya iwo amene anali kulakalaka choonadi. ,There was a strange and solemn power in the words of Scripture that spoke directly to the hearts of those who were longing for the truth,religion,SDA Book +en12755,"Linali liwu la Mulungu, ndipo linapereka kukhudzika kwa iwo amene anamva.","It was the voice of God, and it carried conviction to those who heard",religion,SDA Book +en12756,"Mtumiki wa chowonadi adamuka; koma maonekedwe ake a kudzichepetsa, kuona mtima kwake, khama lake ndi changu chakuya, zinali nkhani zonenedwa kawirikawiri.","The messenger of truth went on his way; but his appearance of +humility, his sincerity, his earnestness and deep fervor, were subjects +of frequent remark",religion,SDA Book +en12757,"Nthawi zambiri omvera ake sanamufunse kumene anachokera, kapena kumene ankapita..",In many instances his hearers had not asked him whence he came or whither he went,religion,SDA Book +en12758,"Iwo anali atathedwa nzeru, poyamba modabwa, ndipo pambuyo pake ndi chiyamikiro ndi chisangalalo, kotero kuti sanaganize zomufunsa","They had been so overwhelmed, at first with surprise, and afterward with gratitude and joy, that they had not thought to question him.",religion,SDA Book +en12759,"Atamuuza kuti apite nawo kunyumba kwawo, iye anawayankha kuti ayenera kuyendera nkhosa zotayika za gulu la nkhosa. ","When they had urged him to accompany +them to their homes, he had replied that he must visit the lost sheep of +the flock",religion,SDA Book +en12760,Kodi angakhale mngelo wochokera Kumwamba? anafunsa,Could he have been an angel from heaven? they queried.,religion,SDA Book +en12761,M’zochitika zambiri mthenga wa chowonadi sanawonekenso.,In many cases the messenger of truth was seen no more,religion,SDA Book +en12762,"Iye anali atapita ku maiko ena, moyo wake unali wotopetsa m’dzenje losadziŵika, kapena mwina mafupa ake anali kuyera pamalo pamene anachitira umboni choonadi. ","He had made his way to other lands, or he was wearing out his life in some unknown dungeon, or perhaps his bones were whitening on the spot where he had witnessed for the truth ",religion,SDA Book +en12763,Koma mawu amene anasiya sakanatha. ,But the words he had left behind could not be destroyed.,religion,SDA Book +en12764,Iwo anali kuchita ntchito yawo m’ mitima ya anthu; zotulukapo zodalitsidwa zidzadziŵika bwino mu Chiweruzo chokha,They were doing their work in the hearts of men; the blessed results will be fully known only in the judgment,religion,SDA Book +en12765,"Amishonale a Awadensi anali kuukira ufumu wa Satana, ndipo mphamvu za mdima zinadzutsa kukhala maso kwambiri. ","The Waldensian missionaries were invading the kingdom of Satan, and the powers of darkness aroused to greater vigilance",religion,SDA Book +en12766,"Khama lililonse lopititsa patsogolo choonadi linkaonedwa ndi kalonga wa zoipa, ndipo anachititsa mantha a nthumwi zake.","Every effort to advance the truth was watched by the prince of evil, and he excited the fears of his agents",religion,SDA Book +en12767,Atsogoleri a papa anawona chizindikiro cha ngozi ku ntchito yawo chifukwa cha ntchito za apaulendo odzichepetsa ameneŵa. ,The papal leaders saw a portent of danger to their cause from the labors of these humble itinerants,religion,SDA Book +en12768,"Ngati kuunika kwa chowonadi kukanaloledwa kuwalitsa mosadodometsedwa, kukachotsa mitambo yolemera yachisomo imene inaphimba anthu; ","If the light of truth were allowed to shine unobstructed, it would sweep away the heavy clouds of error that enveloped the people",religion,SDA Book +en12769,"ukanatsogolera maganizo a anthu kwa Mulungu yekha, ndipo potsirizira pake ukawononga ukulu wa Roma",It would direct the minds of men to God alone and would eventually destroy the supremacy of Rome,religion,SDA Book +en12770,"Kukhalapo kwenikweni kwa anthu awa, okhala ndi chikhulupiriro cha mpingo wakale, unali umboni wokhazikika wa mpatuko wa Roma, ndipo chifukwa chake unalimbikitsa chidani chowawa kwambiri ndi chizunzo. .","The very existence of this people, holding the faith of the ancient church, was a constant testimony to Rome’s apostasy, and therefore excited the most bitter hatred and persecution.",religion,SDA Book +en12771,Kukana kwawo kusiya Malemba kunalinso cholakwa chimene Aroma sakanalekerera. ,Their refusal to surrender the Scriptures was also an offense that Rome could not tolerate,religion,SDA Book +en12772,Anatsimikiza mtima kuwafafaniza padziko lapansi. ,She determined to blot them from the earth,religion,SDA Book +en12773,Tsopano nkhondo zamtanda zoopsa kwambiri zolimbana ndi anthu a Mulungu zinayambika m’nyumba zawo zamapiri. ,Now began the most terrible crusades against God’s people in their mountain homes,religion,SDA Book +en12774,"Ofufuza milandu anathamangitsidwa, ndipo kaŵirikaŵiri chochitika cha Abele wosalakwayo anagwa pamaso pa Kaini wakuphayo","Inquisitors were put upon their track, and the scene of innocent Abel falling before the murderous Cain was often repeated",religion,SDA Book +en12775,"Mobwerezabwereza minda yawo yachonde inapasulidwa, nyumba zawo zokhalamo ndi nyumba zopemphereramo zinasesedwa, kotero kuti kumene kunali minda yotukuka ndi nyumba za anthu osalakwa, olimbikira ntchito, kunatsala chipululu chokha. ","Again and again were their fertile lands laid waste, their dwellings and chapels swept away, so that where once were flourishing fields and the homes of an innocent, industrious people, there remained only a desert",religion,SDA Book +en12776,"Monga momwe chilombo cholusacho chikukwiyitsidwa kwambiri ndi kukoma kwa mwazi, chotero ukali wa apapa unayatsidwa kukulira kokulirapo ndi mazunzo a mikhole yawo.","As the ravenous beast is rendered more furious by the taste of blood, so the rage of the papists was kindled to greater intensity by the sufferings of their victims",religion,SDA Book +en12777,"Zambiri za mboni zimenezi za chikhulupiriro choyera zinatsatiridwa kudutsa mapiri, ndi kusakidwa m’zigwa zimene zinabisika, zotsekeredwa ndi nkhalango zamphamvu, ndi nsonga za miyala","Many of these witnesses for a pure faith were pursued across the mountains and hunted down in the valleys where they were hidden, shut in by mighty forests and pinnacles of rock",religion,SDA Book +en12778,Palibe amene akanaimbidwa mlandu wokhudza makhalidwe abwino a gulu loletsedwali. . ,No charge could be brought against the moral character of this proscribed class.,religion,SDA Book +en12779,"Ngakhale adani awo anawalengeza kukhala anthu amtendere, abata, ndi opembedza","Even their enemies declared them to be a peaceable, quiet, pious people",religion,SDA Book +en12780,Cholakwa chawo chachikulu chinali chakuti iwo sanalambire Mulungu mogwirizana ndi chifuniro cha papa. ,Their grand offense was that they would not worship God according to the will of the pope,religion,SDA Book +en12781,"Chifukwa cha upandu umenewu, kunyazitsidwa kulikonse, chipongwe, ndi kuzunzika kulikonse kumene anthu kapena adierekezi akanayambitsa anaunjikira pa iwo.","For this crime every humiliation, insult, and torture that men or devils could invent was heaped upon them",religion,SDA Book +en12782,"Pamene Roma panthaŵi ina anatsimikiza kuwononga mpatuko wodedwawo, ng’ombe inaperekedwa ndi papa","When Rome at one time determined to exterminate the hated sect, a bull was issued by the pope, condemning them as heretics, and delivering them to slaughter",religion,SDA Book +en12783,"Sanaimbidwe mlandu monga aulesi, kapena osawona mtima, kapena osalongosoka; koma kunalengezedwa kuti iwo anali ndi maonekedwe aumulungu ndi opatulika amene ananyengerera “nkhosa za khola loona.” ","They were not accused as idlers, or dishonest, or disorderly; but it was declared that they had an appearance of piety and sanctity that seduced “the sheep of the true fold",religion,SDA Book +en12784,"Chotero papa analamula “kuti mpatuko wanjiru ndi wonyansa wa mpatuko,” ngati akana kulapa, “ayenera kuphwanyidwa ngati njoka zaululu.","Therefore the pope ordered “that malicious and abominable sect of malignants,” if they “refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes",religion,SDA Book +en12785,"Kodi mkulu wodzikuza ameneyu anayembekezera kukumananso ndi mawu amenewo? Kodi ankadziwa kuti iwo analembedwa m’mabuku a Kumwamba, kuti akumane naye pa Chiweruzo?","Did this haughty potentate expect to meet those words again? Did he know that they were registered in the books of heaven, to confront him at the judgment?",religion,SDA Book +en12786,Ng’ombe imeneyi inapempha mamembala onse a mpingo kuti alowe nawo pankhondo yolimbana ndi ampatuko.,This bull called upon all members of the church to join the crusade against the heretics,religion,SDA Book +en12787,"Monga chosonkhezera kuchita nawo ntchito yankhanza imeneyi, “inaleka zowawa ndi zilango zonse za tchalitchi, zachisawawa; idamasula onse amene adalowa m'gulu la nkhondo, kulumbiriro kulikonse kumene akanalumbira; idavomereza udindo wawo pa chuma chilichonse chomwe akanachipeza mopanda lamulo, ndikulonjeza chikhululukiro cha machimo awo onse kwa amene ayenera kupha wopanduka aliyense.","As an incentive to engage in this cruel work, it “absolved from all ecclesiastical pains and penalties, general and particular; it released all who joined the crusade from any oaths they might have taken; it legitimatized their title to any property they might have illegally acquired; and promised remission of all their sins to such as should kill any heretic",religion,SDA Book +en12788,"Ilo linathetsa mapangano onse ochirikiza a Vaudois, linalamula antchito awo apakhomo kuti awasiye, linaletsa anthu onse kuwapatsa chithandizo chirichonse, ndipo linapatsa mphamvu anthu onse kutenga katundu wawo.” .","It annulled all contracts made in favor of Vaudois, ordered their domestics to abandon them, forbade all persons to give them any aid whatever, and empowered all persons to take possession of their property",religion,SDA Book +en12789,Chikalatachi chikuwulula momveka bwino mzimu wa mbuye kuseri kwa zochitikazo. ,This document clearly reveals the master spirit behind the scenes,religion,SDA Book +en12790,"Ndi kubangula kwa chinjoka, osati mawu a Khristu, amene akumveka mmenemo","It is the roar of the dragon, and not the voice of Christ, that is heard therein",religion,SDA Book +en12791,"Atsogoleri apapa sakanatha kugwirizanitsa makhalidwe awo ndi muyezo waukulu wa lamulo la Mulungu, koma anaimika muyezo kuti ugwirizane ndi iwo eni, ndipo anatsimikiza mtima kukakamiza onse kugwirizana ndi zimenezi chifukwa Roma anafuna. ","The papal leaders would not conform their characters to the great standard of God’s law, but erected a standard to suit themselves, and determined to compel all to conform to this because Rome willed it",religion,SDA Book +en12792,Zowopsa zowopsa kwambiri zidapangidwa. ,The most horrible tragedies were enacted,religion,SDA Book +en12793,Ansembe ndi apapa achinyengo ndi amwano anali kugwira ntchito imene Satana anawaika. ,Corrupt and blasphemous priests and popes were doing the work which Satan appointed them,religion,SDA Book +en12794,Chifundo analibe malo mu chikhalidwe chawo. ,Mercy had no place in their natures,religion,SDA Book +en12795,"Mzimu umodzimodziwo umene unapachika Kristu, ndi umene unapha atumwi, womwewo umene unasonkhezera Nero womva ludzu la mwazi kutsutsana ndi okhulupirika m’tsiku lake, unali pa ntchito yochotsa padziko lapansi awo amene anali okondedwa a Mulungu.","The same spirit that crucified Christ and slew the apostles, the same that moved the blood-thirsty Nero against the faithful in his day, was at work to rid the earth of those who were beloved of God.",religion,SDA Book +en12796,Mazunzo amene anazunzika kwa zaka mazana ambiri pa anthu owopa Mulungu ameneŵa anapirira nawo ndi chipiriro ndi kukhazikika kumene kunalemekeza Muomboli wawo.,The persecutions visited for many centuries upon this God-fearing people were endured by them with a patience and constancy that honored their Redeemer,religion,SDA Book +en12797,"Mosasamala kanthu za nkhondo zamtanda zolimbana nawo, ndi kupha mwankhanza kumene iwo anachitidwako, iwo anapitiriza kutumiza amishonale awo kukamwaza chowonadi cha mtengo wapatali.","Notwithstanding the crusades against them, and the inhuman butchery to which they were subjected, they continued to send out their missionaries to scatter the precious truth",religion,SDA Book +en12798,"Iwo anasakidwa mpaka kufa; komabe mwazi wawo unathirira mbewu zofesedwa, ndipo sizinalephere kubala chipatso."," They were hunted +to death; yet their blood watered the seed sown, and it failed not of +yielding fruit",religion,SDA Book +en12799,"Motero Awadensi anachitira umboni za Mulungu, zaka mazana ambiri Luther asanabadwe. ",Thus the Waldenses witnessed for God centuries before the birth of Luther.,religion,SDA Book +en12800,"Atamwazikana m’maiko ambiri, iwo anabzala mbewu za Kukonzanso kumene kunayamba m’nthaŵi ya Wycliffe, kunakula mozama ndi kuzama m’masiku a Luther, ndipo kuyenera kutsatiridwa mpaka kumapeto kwa nthawi ndi iwo amenenso ali ololera kuzunzika. zinthu za “Mawu a Mulungu, ndi umboni wa Yesu Khristu.","Scattered over many lands, they planted the seeds of the Reformation that began in the time of Wycliffe, grew broad and deep in the days of Luther, and is to be carried forward to the close of time by those who also are willing to suffer all things for “the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ",religion,SDA Book +en12801,Kukonzanso kusanachitike panali nthawi zina koma makope ochepa kwambiri a Baibulo omwe analipo; koma Mulungu sanalole kuti Mawu ake awonongedwe kotheratu. ,"Before the Reformation there were at times but very few copies of the Bible in existence, but God had not suffered His word to be wholly destroyed",religion,SDA Book +en12802,Choonadi chake sichinayenera kubisidwa mpaka kalekale.,Its truths were not to be forever hidden,religion,SDA Book +en12803,Iye akanatha kumasula mosavuta mau a moyo monga momwe akanatha kutsegula zitseko za ndende ndi kumasula zitseko zachitsulo kuti amasule antchito ake. ,He could as easily unchain the words of life as He could open prison doors and unbolt iron gates to set His servants free.,religion,SDA Book +en12804,"M’maiko osiyanasiyana a ku Ulaya, amuna anasonkhezeredwa ndi mzimu wa Mulungu kufunafuna chowonadi monga ngati chuma chobisika. ",In the different countries of Europe men were moved by the Spirit of God to search for the truth as for hid treasures,religion,SDA Book +en12805,"Motsogoleredwa ndi Malemba Opatulika, iwo anaphunzira masamba opatulika mwachidwi kwambiri. Iwo anali okonzeka kuvomereza kuunikako, pa mtengo uliwonse kwa iwo eni. ","Providentially guided to the Holy Scriptures, they studied the sacred pages with intense interest. They were willing to accept the light at any cost to themselves",religion,SDA Book +en12806,"Ngakhale kuti sanaone zinthu zonse bwinobwino, anathandizidwa kuzindikira mfundo zambiri za choonadi zimene zinakwiriridwa kwa nthaŵi yaitali.","Though they did not see all things clearly, they were enabled to perceive many long-buried truths",religion,SDA Book +en12807,"Monga amithenga otumidwa Kumwamba iwo anapita, akumadula maunyolo a zolakwa ndi zikhulupiriro, ndi kuitana kwa iwo amene anali akapolo kwa nthawi yaitali kuti awuke ndi kutsimikizira ufulu wawo","As Heaven-sent messengers they went forth, rending asunder the chains of error and superstition, and calling upon those who had been so long enslaved, to arise and assert their liberty.",religion,SDA Book +en12808,"Kupatulapo pakati pa Awadensi, Mawu a Mulungu anatsekeredwa kwa zaka zambiri m’zinenero zodziŵika kwa ophunzira okha; koma nthawi inali itakwana yakuti Malemba amasulidwe, ndi kuperekedwa kwa anthu a m’mayiko osiyanasiyana m’chinenero chawo.","Except among the Waldenses, the word of God had for ages been +locked up in languages known only to the learned; but the time had +come for the Scriptures to be translated and given to the people of +different lands in their native tongue",religion,SDA Book +en12809,"Dziko linali litadutsa pakati pausiku. Maola amdima anali akutha, ndipo m’mayiko ambiri munaonekera zizindikiro za m’ bandakucha","The world had passed its midnight. The hours of darkness were wearing away, and in many lands appeared tokens of the coming dawn",religion,SDA Book +en12810,". John Wycliffe anali wolengeza za kukonzanso, osati ku England kokha, koma kwa Matchalitchi Achikristu onse. ","” John Wycliffe was the herald of reform, not for England alone, but for all Christendom.",religion,SDA Book +en12811,"Kutsutsa kwakukulu kotsutsana ndi Roma komwe adaloledwa kunena, sikunali koyenera kutsekedwa. Chionetsero chimenecho chinayambitsa nkhondo imene inadzachititsa kuti anthu, matchalitchi, ndi mayiko atuluke","The great protest against Rome which it was permitted him to utter was never to be silenced. That protest opened the struggle which was to result in the emancipation of individuals, of churches, and of nations.",religion,SDA Book +en12812,"Wycliffe anaphunzira zambiri, ndipo kuopa Yehova kunali chiyambi cha nzeru. ","Wycliffe received a liberal educatioon, and with him the fear of the +Lord was the beginning of wisdom",religion,SDA Book +en12813,Anadziwika ku koleji chifukwa cha kukhulupirika kwake komanso luso lake lodabwitsa komanso maphunziro abwino.,He was noted at college for his fervent piety as well as for his remarkable talents and sound scholarship,religion,SDA Book +en12814,Mu ludzu lake la chidziŵitso anafuna kudziŵa nthambi iliyonse ya maphunziro. ,In his thirst for knowledge he sought to become acquainted with every branch of learning,religion,SDA Book +en12815,"Iye anaphunzitsidwa nzeru za maphunziro, malamulo a tchalitchi, ndi malamulo a boma, makamaka a dziko la kwawo. ","He was educated in the scholastic philosophy, in the canons of the church, and in the civil law, especially that of his own country",religion,SDA Book +en12816,M'ntchito zake pambuyo pake phindu la maphunziro oyambirirawa linawonekera. ,In his after labors the value of this early training was apparent.,religion,SDA Book +en12817,Kudziŵa bwino nzeru zongopeka za m’nthaŵi yake kunamtheketsa kuvumbula zolakwa zake; ndipo mwa kuphunzira kwake malamulo a dziko ndi a tchalitchi anali wokonzeka kuchita nawo nkhondo yaikulu yomenyera ufulu wa anthu wamba ndi wachipembedzo. ,A thorough acquaintance with the speculative philosophy of his time enabled him to expose its errors; and by his study of national and ecclesiastical law he was prepared to engage in the great struggle for civil and religious liberty.,religion,SDA Book +en12818,"Ngakhale kuti ankatha kugwiritsira ntchito zida zotengedwa m’ Mawu a Mulungu, iye anali ataphunzira nzeru za m’masukulu, ndipo ankamvetsa machenjerero a anyamatawo.","While he could wield the weapons drawn from the word of God, he had acquired the intellectual discipline of the schools, and he understood the tactics of the schoolmen",religion,SDA Book +en12819,Mphamvu ya luso lake ndi kukula ndi kukwanira kwa chidziwitso chake zinalamula kuti abwenzi ndi adani alemekezedwe. ,The power of his genius and the extent and thoroughness of his knowledge commanded the respect of both friends and foes,religion,SDA Book +en12820,Otsatira ake anaona ndi chikhutiro chakuti msilikali wawo ndiye anali patsogolo pakati pa anthu otsogola a mtunduwo; ndipo adani ake analetsedwa kunyoza njira yokonzanso povumbula umbuli kapena kufooka kwa wochichirikizako,His adherents saw with satisfaction that their champion stood foremost among the leading minds of the nation; and his enemies were prevented from casting contempt upon the cause of reform by exposing the ignorance or weakness of its supporter.,religion,SDA Book +en12821,"Wycliffe adakali ku koleji, anayamba kuphunzira Malemba. ","While Wycliffe was still at college, he entered upon the study of the Scriptures",religion,SDA Book +en12822,"M’nthaŵi zakalezo, pamene Baibulo linalipo kokha m’zinenero zakale, akatswiri anakhoza kupeza njira yopita ku kasupe wa chowonadi, amene anatsekeredwa kwa magulu osaphunzira. ","In those early times, when the Bible existed only in the ancient languages, scholars were enabled to find their way to the fountain of truth, which was closed to the uneducated classes.",religion,SDA Book +en12823,Chotero njira inali itakonzedwa kale kaamba ka ntchito yamtsogolo ya Wycliffe monga wokonzanso zinthu. ,Thus already the way had been prepared for Wycliffe’s future work as a Reformer,religion,SDA Book +en12824,"Amuna ophunzira anali ataphunzira Mawu a Mulungu, ndipo anapeza choonadi chachikulu cha chisomo chake chaulere chikuwululidwa. M’ ziphunzitso zao anafalitsa cidziŵitso ca coonadi ici, ndipo anatsogoza ena kutembenukira kwa Olaula Amoyo","Men of learning had studied the word of God and had found the great truth +of His free grace there revealed.",religion,SDA Book +en12825,"Panthaŵiyi n'kuti akusowa kwambiri, moti maphunziro ake asukulu kapena ziphunzitso za tchalitchi sizikanatha kukhutiritsa.","Heretofore he had felt a great want, which neither his scholastic studies nor the teaching of the church could satisfy",religion,SDA Book +en12826,M’Mawu a Mulungu adapeza zomwe adazifuna m’mbuyo mwachabe.,In the word of God he found that which he had before sought in vain. ,religion,SDA Book +en12827,"Apa iye anawona dongosolo la chipulumutso likuwululidwa, ndipo Khristu atayikidwa ngati woyimira yekhayo woimira munthu. Anadzipereka yekha ku utumiki wa Khristu, ndipo anatsimikiza mtima kulengeza choonadi chimene anachipeza",Here he saw the plan of salvation revealed and Christ set forth as the only advocate for man. He gave himself to the service of Christ and determined to proclaim the truths he had discovered. ,religion,SDA Book +en12828,"Mofanana ndi anthu osintha zinthu, Wycliffe sanadziwiretu kumene idzamufikitse. ","Like after Reformers, Wycliffe did not, at the opening of his work, foresee whither it would lead him. ",religion,SDA Book +en12829,Sanadzipangire dala kutsutsana ndi Roma.,He did not set himself deliberately in opposition to Rome. ,religion,SDA Book +en12830,Koma kudzipereka ku chowonadi sikukanangomubweretsa iye kutsutsana ndi bodza. ,But devotion to truth could not but bring him in conflict with falsehood.,religion,SDA Book +en12831,"Pamene anazindikira momvekera bwino zolakwa za apapa, m’pamenenso anali kufotokoza mowona mtima chiphunzitso cha Baibulo. ","The more clearly he discerned the errors of the papacy, the more earnestly he presented the teaching of the Bible. ",religion,SDA Book +en12832,"Iye anawona kuti Roma anali atasiya Mawu a Mulungu chifukwa cha miyambo ya anthu; iye mopanda mantha anatsutsa ansembe kuti anachotsa Malemba, ndipo anafuna kuti Baibulo libwezeretsedwe kwa anthu, ndi kuti ulamuliro wake ukhazikitsidwenso mu mpingo.","He saw that Rome had forsaken the word of God for human tradition; he fearlessly accused the priesthood of having banished the Scriptures, and demanded that the Bible be restored to the people and that its authority be again established in the church. ",religion,SDA Book +en12833,"Iye anali mphunzitsi wokhoza ndi wakhama, ndi mlaliki waluso, ndipo moyo wake watsiku ndi tsiku unali chisonyezero cha chowonadi chimene iye ankalalikira. ","He was an able and earnest teacher and an eloquent preacher, and his daily life was a demonstration of the truths he preached. ",religion,SDA Book +en12834,"Chidziŵitso chake cha Malemba, mphamvu ya kulingalira kwake, kuyera kwa moyo wake, ndi kulimba mtima kwake kosasunthika ndi kukhulupirika kwake, zinampangitsa kulemekezedwa ndi chidaliro chonse. ","His knowledge of the Scriptures, the force of his reasoning, the purity of his life, and his unbending courage and integrity won for him general esteem and confidence. ",religion,SDA Book +en12835,"Anthu ambiri anali osakhutitsidwa ndi chikhulupiriro chawo choyambirira, pamene anawona kusayeruzika kumene kunali kofala mu Tchalitchi cha Roma, ndipo iwo anatamanda ndi chisangalalo chosabisikira chowonadi chimene chinawonedwa ndi Wycliffe; koma atsogoleri aupapa anadzazidwa ndi mkwiyo pamene anazindikira kuti wokonzanso ameneyu anali kupeza chikoka chachikulu kuposa chawo","Many of the people had become dissatisfied with their former faith as they saw the iniquity that prevailed in the Roman Church, and they hailed with unconcealed joy the truths brought to view by Wycliffe; but the papal leaders were filled with rage when they perceived that this Reformer was gaining an influence greater than their own.",religion,SDA Book +en12836,"Wycliffe anali wozindikira bwino zolakwa, ndipo mopanda mantha analimbana ndi nkhanza zambiri zololedwa ndi ulamuliro wa Roma.","Wycliffe was a keen detector of error, and he struck fearlessly against many of the abuses sanctioned by the authority of Rome. ",religion,SDA Book +en12837,"Pamene anali kuchita monga wansembe wa mfumu, iye anakana molimba mtima kupereka msonkho umene papa ananena kuchokera kwa mfumu ya ku England, ndipo anasonyeza kuti kutengeka kwa ulamuliro wa papa pa olamulira akudziko kunali kosagwirizana ndi kulingalira ndi vumbulutso. ","While acting as chaplain for the king, he took a bold stand against the payment of tribute claimed by the pope from the English monarch and showed that the papal assumption of authority over secular rulers was contrary to both reason and revelation.",religion,SDA Book +en12838,"Zofuna za papa zinakwiyitsa kwambiri, ndipo ziphunzitso za Wycliffe zinasonkhezera anthu otsogola a mtunduwo. ","The demands of the pope had excited great indignation, and Wycliffe’s teachings exerted an influence upon the leading minds of the nation. ",religion,SDA Book +en12839,"Mfumu ndi olemekezeka anagwirizana kukana zonena za papa za ulamuliro wanthawi yochepa, ndi kukana kupereka msonkho. ",The king and the nobles united in denying the pontiff’s claim to temporal authority and in refusing the payment of the tribute. ,religion,SDA Book +en12840,Chotero nkhonya yogwira mtima inakanthidwa motsutsana ndi ukulu wa apapa mu England,Thus an effectual blow was struck against the papal supremacy in England. Another evil against which the Reformer waged long and resolute battle was the institution of the orders of mendicant friars. ,religion,SDA Book +en12841,"Abale aŵa anadzadza mu England, +akumadzetsa vuto pa ukulu ndi kulemerera kwa mtunduwo","These friars swarmed in England, casting a blight upon the greatness and prosperity of the nation.",religion,SDA Book +en12842,". Makampani, maphunziro, makhalidwe, onse anamva chikoka chofota. Moyo wa amonke wa ulesi ndi umphawi sunali chabe kuwononga chuma cha anthu, koma unabweretsa ntchito yothandiza m’chipongwe. ","Industry, education, morals, all felt the withering influence. The monk’s life of idleness and beggary was not only a heavy drain upon the resources of the people, but it brought useful labor into contempt.",religion,SDA Book +en12843,"Achinyamatawo anali otaya mtima komanso achinyengo. Ndi chisonkhezero cha afriars ambiri adakopeka kulowa mnyumba ndikudzipereka ku moyo wa amonke, ndipo izi osati popanda chilolezo cha makolo awo, komanso popanda kudziwa kwawo, komanso motsutsana ndi malamulo awo. ","The youth were demoralized and corrupted. By the influence of the friars many were induced to enter a cloister and devote themselves to a monastic life, and this not only without the consent of their parents, but even without their knowledge and contrary to their commands. ",religion,SDA Book +en12844,"Mmodzi wa atate oyambirira a Tchalitchi cha Romish, akumasonkhezera zonena za chipembedzo cha monastic pamwamba pa thayo la chikondi chaubwana ndi ntchito, anali atalengeza kuti: “Angakhale atate wako atagona pakhomo pako, akulira ndi kulira, ndipo amako akakusonyeza iwe thupi limene uli nalo. ndi mabere amene anakuyamwitsa, penya kuti uwapondereze, ndi kupita pomwepo kwa Khristu.” ","One of the early Fathers of the Roman Church, urging the claims of monasticism above the obligations of filial love and duty, had declared: “Though thy father should lie before thy door weeping and lamenting, and thy mother should show the body that bore thee and the breasts that nursed thee, see that thou trample them underfoot, and go onward straightway to Christ.”",religion,SDA Book +en12845,"“Mwa nkhanza yoipitsitsa imeneyi,” monga momwe Luther pambuyo pake anaitchulira, “kukonda kwambiri mimbulu ndi wankhanza kuposa Mkristu ndi munthu,” mitima ya ana inali yolimba kutsutsana ndi makolo awo. ","By this “monstrous inhumanity,” as Luther afterward styled it, “savoring more of the wolf and the tyrant than of the Christian and the man,” were the hearts of children steeled against their parents.—Barnas Sears, The Life of Luther, pages 70, 69. ",religion,SDA Book +en12846,"Momwemonso atsogoleri apapa, monga Afarisi akale, anasandutsa lamulo la Mulungu kukhala lopanda ntchito ndi miyambo yawo. ","Thus did the papal leaders, like the Pharisees of old, make the commandment of God of none effect by their tradition.",religion,SDA Book +en12847,"Motero nyumba zinasanduka bwinja, ndipo makolo analandidwa chitaganya cha ana awo aamuna ndi aakazi.",Thus homes were made desolate and parents were deprived of the society of their sons and daughters.,religion,SDA Book +en12848,"Ngakhale ophunzira a m’mayunivesitewo ananyengedwa ndi zikhulupiriro zabodza za amonke, ndipo ananyengedwa kuti agwirizane ndi malamulo awo. e",Even the students in the universities were deceived by the false representations of the monks and induced to join their orders.,religion,SDA Book +en12849,"Ambiri pambuyo pake analapa sitepe iyi, powona kuti anaipitsa miyoyo yawo, ndipo anabweretsa chisoni pa makolo awo; koma atasala kudya mumsampha, kunali kosatheka kuti iwo apeze ufulu wawo. ","Many afterward repented this step, seeing that they had blighted their own lives and had brought sorrow upon their parents; but once fast in the snare it was impossible for them to obtain their freedom. ",religion,SDA Book +en12850,"Makolo ambiri, poopa kusonkhezeredwa ndi amonke, anakana kutumiza ana awo aamuna ku mayunivesite. ","Many parents, fearing the influence of the monks, refused to send their sons to the universities.",religion,SDA Book +en12851,Panali kutsika kwakukulu kwa chiwerengero cha ophunzira omwe anapezeka pa malo akuluakulu a maphunziro. ,There was a marked falling off in the number of students in attendance at the great centers of learning. ,religion,SDA Book +en12852,"Masukulu analefuka, ndipo umbuli unali ponseponse.Papa anapatsa amonkewo mphamvu zomvetsera kuulula ndi kukhululukira.","The schools languished, and ignorance prevailed. The pope had bestowed on these monks the power to hear confessions and to grant pardon. ",religion,SDA Book +en12853,"Ichi chinakhala gwero la zoipa zazikulu. Pofuna kukulitsa zopindula zawo, abusawo anali okonzeka kupereka chikhululukiro kotero kuti zigawenga za kufotokoza zonse zinapita kwa iwo, ndipo chifukwa chake, kuipa koipitsitsa kunakula mofulumira.","This became a source of great evil. Bent on enhancing their gains, the friars were so ready to grant absolution that criminals of all descriptions resorted to them, and, as a result, the worst vices rapidly increased. ",religion,SDA Book +en12854,"Odwala ndi osauka anasiyidwa kuti azunzike, pamene mphatso zomwe zinayenera kuthetseratu zofuna zawo zinapita kwa amonke, omwe ndi ziwopsezo ankafuna zachifundo za anthu, akumatsutsa chinyengo cha omwe ayenera kuletsa mphatso ku malamulo awo. ","The sick and the poor were left to suffer, while the gifts that should have relieved their wants went to the monks, who with threats demanded the alms of the people, denouncing the impiety of those who should withhold gifts from their orders. ",religion,SDA Book +en12855,"Mosasamala kanthu za kudzinenera kwawo kwa umphaŵi, chuma cha ansembe chinali kuwonjezereka mosalekeza, ndipo nyumba zawo zokongola ndi matebulo apamwamba zinapangitsa kuti umphaŵi wawo ukukula wa fuko uwonekere. ","Notwithstanding their profession of poverty, the wealth of the friars was constantly increasing, and their magnificent edifices and luxurious tables made more apparent the growing poverty of the nation. ",religion,SDA Book +en12856,"Ndipo pamene adali kuthera nthawi yawo m’zinthu zabwino ndi zokondweretsa, adatumiza m’malo mwawo anthu mbuli, amene amangonena nthano, nthano ndi nthano zoseketsa anthu, ndikuwapangitsa kukhala achinyengo kwambiri a amonke. ","And while spending their time in luxury and pleasure, they sent out in their stead ignorant men, who could only recount marvelous tales, legends, and jests to amuse the people and make them still more completely the dupes of the monks.",religion,SDA Book +en12857,"Komabe ma friars anapitirizabe kugwiritsitsa makamu a zikhulupiriro, ndipo anawapangitsa iwo kukhulupirira kuti ntchito zonse zachipembedzo zinali kuvomereza ukulu wa papa, kupembedza oyera mtima, ndi kupereka mphatso kwa amonke, ndipo izi zinali zokwanira kuti atetezedwe. iwo malo Kumwamba","Yet the friars continued to maintain their hold on the superstitious multitudes and led them to believe that all religious duty was comprised in acknowledging the supremacy of the pope, adoring the saints, and making gifts to the monks, and that this was sufficient to secure them a place in heaven",religion,SDA Book +en12858,"Amuna ophunzira ndi opembedza adagwira ntchito pachabe kubweretsa kukonzanso m'madongosolo awa amonke; koma Wycliffe, mozindikira momveka bwino, anakantha muzu wa choipacho, nalengeza kuti dongosolo lenilenilo linali labodza, ndipo liyenera kuthetsedwa.","Men of learning and piety had labored in vain to bring about a reform in these monastic orders; but Wycliffe, with clearer insight, struck at the root of the evil, declaring that the system itself was false and that it should be abolished.",religion,SDA Book +en12859,"Kukambitsirana ndi kufunsana kunali kudzuka. Pamene amonke ankayendayenda m’dzikolo, n’kumagulitsa zimene Papa wawakhululukira, anthu ambiri anakayikira zoti angathe kugula chikhululukiro ndi ndalama, ndipo ankakayikira ngati sayenera kupempha chikhululukiro kwa Mulungu m’malo mwa papa wa ku Roma. ","Discussion and inquiry were awakening. As the monks traversed the country, vending the pope’s pardons, many were led to doubt the possibility of purchasing forgiveness with money, and they questioned whether they should not seek pardon from God rather than from the pontiff of Rome. ",religion,SDA Book +en12860,"Osawerengeka anada nkhaŵa ndi chipwirikiti cha abusawo, amene umbombo wawo unawoneka wosakhutiritsidwa. “Amonke ndi ansembe a Roma,” iwo anatero, “akutidya ngati kansa. ","Not a few were alarmed at the rapacity of the friars, whose greed seemed never to be satisfied. “The monks and priests of Rome,” said they, “are eating us away like a cancer. ",religion,SDA Book +en12861,"Mulungu ayenera kutipulumutsa, apo ayi anthu angawonongeke. ","God must deliver us, or the people will perish. ",religion,SDA Book +en12862,"Kujatikizya bukkale bwabo, aaba basyomeka balo bakaamba kuti bakali kutobela cikozyanyo ca Mufutuli, bakaamba kuti Jesu naa basikwiiya bakwe bakagwasyigwa akaambo kakugwasyilizya bantu. ","To cover their avarice, these begging monks claimed that they were following the Saviour’s example, declaring that Jesus and His disciples had been supported by the charities of the people.",religion,SDA Book +en12863,"Kudzinenera kumeneku kunadzetsa chivulazo ku cholinga chawo, pakuti kunatsogolera ambiri ku Baibulo kudziphunzirira iwo eni chowonadi, chotulukapo chimene mwa ena onse sichinali chokhumbidwa ndi Aroma. Malingaliro a anthu analunjikitsidwa kwa Gwero la choonadi, chimene chinali cholinga chake kubisa","This claim resulted in injury to their cause, for it led many to the Bible to learn the truth for themselves—a result which of all others was least desired by Rome. The minds of men were directed to the Source of truth, which it was her object to conceal.",religion,SDA Book +en12864,"Wycliffe anayamba kulemba ndi kufalitsa mathirakiti otsutsa ansembewo, komabe, osati kufunafuna zambiri zotsutsana nawo kotero kuti aitanitse maganizo a anthu ku ziphunzitso za Baibulo ndi Mlembi wake. ","Wycliffe began to write and publish tracts against the friars, not, however, seeking so much to enter into dispute with them as to call the minds of the people to the teachings of the Bible and its Author. ",religion,SDA Book +en12865,"Iye analengeza kuti mphamvu ya kukhululukidwa kapena kuchotsedwa ali nayo papa pamlingo wokulirapo kuposa wa ansembe wamba, ndi kuti palibe munthu amene angachotsedwedi m’tchalitchi pokhapokha ngati atadzibweretsera chitsutso cha Mulungu choyamba.","He declared that the power of pardon or of excommunication is possessed by the pope in no greater degree than by common priests, and that no man can be truly excommunicated unless he has first brought upon himself the condemnation of God.",religion,SDA Book +en12866,"Palibenso njira inanso yogwira ntchito imene iye sakanatha kugwetsa nsalu yaikuluyo ya ulamuliro wauzimu ndi wanthawi imene papa anaukhazikitsa, ndi mmene miyoyo ndi matupi a anthu mamiliyoni ambiri anagwidwa ukapolo.",In no more effectual way could he have undertaken the overthrow of that mammoth fabric of spiritual and temporal dominion which the pope had erected and in which the souls and bodies of millions were held captive.,religion,SDA Book +en12867,"Kachiŵirinso Wycliffe anaitanidwa kutetezera ufulu wa korona Wachingerezi motsutsana ndi kuloŵerera kwa Roma; ndipo atasankhidwa kukhala kazembe wachifumu, anakhala zaka ziwiri ku Netherlands, pamsonkhano ndi akuluakulu a papa. ","Again Wycliffe was called to defend the rights of the English crown against the encroachments of Rome; and being appointed a royal ambassador, he spent two years in the Netherlands, in conference with the commissioners of the pope. ",religion,SDA Book +en12868,"Kumeneko anabweretsedwa m’kulankhulana ndi atchalitchi ochokera ku France, Italy, ndi Spain, ndipo anali ndi mwayi woyang’ana m’mbuyo, ndi kupeza chidziwitso cha zinthu zambiri zimene zikanabisidwa kwa iye ku England.","Here he was brought into communication with 84 ecclesiastics from France, Italy, and Spain, and he had an opportunity to look behind the scenes and gain a knowledge of many things which would have remained hidden from him in England",religion,SDA Book +en12869,Anaphunzira zambiri zomwe zingathandize kuti ntchito yake ipite patsogolo. Mwa oimira a bwalo la apapa ameneŵa anaŵerenga mkhalidwe weniweni ndi zolinga za utsogoleri. ,He learned much that was to give point to his after labors. In these representatives from the papal court he read the true character and aims of the hierarchy.,religion,SDA Book +en12870,"Anabwerera ku Mangalande kukabwereza ziphunzitso zake zakale momvekera bwino ndi changu chokulirapo, akumalengeza kuti kusirira, kunyada, ndi chinyengo zinali milungu ya Roma","He returned to England to repeat his former teachings more openly and with greater zeal, declaring that covetousness, pride, and deception were the gods of Rome.",religion,SDA Book +en12871,"M’mathirakiti ake ena iye anati, ponena za papa ndi osonkhanitsa ake: “Iwo amakoka m’dziko lathu chuma cha anthu osauka, ndi magiredi masauzande ambiri pofika chaka, a ndalama za mfumu, za masakramenti ndi zinthu zauzimu, umenewo ndi mpatuko wotembereredwa. wa chisimoni, ndipo amapangitsa Matchalitchi Achikristu onse kutsimikizira ndi kusunga mpatuko wake. ","In one of his tracts he said, speaking of the pope and his collectors: “They draw out of our land poor men’s livelihood, and many thousand marks, by the year, of the king’s money, for sacraments and spiritual things, that is cursed heresy of simony, and maketh all Christendom assent and maintain this heresy.",religion,SDA Book +en12872,"Ndipo ndithudi, ngakhale ufumu wathu unali ndi phiri lalikulu la golide, ndipo palibe munthu wina amene anatengako koma yekha wonyada uyu, wosonkhanitsa wansembe wachidziko, pakupita kwa nthawi phiri ili liyenera kuthetsedwa; chifukwa achotsa ndalama m’dziko lathu, ndipo satumizanso kanthu koma temberero la Mulungu chifukwa cha usimoni wake.","And certes though our realm had a huge hill of gold, and never other man took thereof but only this proud worldly priest’s collector, by process of time this hill must be spended; for he taketh ever money out of our land, and sendeth nought again but God’s curse for his simony.”",religion,SDA Book +en12873,"Atangobwerera ku England, Wycliffe analandira kuchokera kwa mfumu kumusankha kukhala mkulu wa bungwe la Lutterworth. ","Soon after his return to England, Wycliffe received from the king the appointment to the rectory of Lutterworth. ",religion,SDA Book +en12874,Chimenechi chinali chitsimikiziro chakuti mfumuyo siinakhumudwe ndi kuyankhula kwake kwachimvekere. ,This was an assurance that the monarch at least had not been displeased by his plain speaking.,religion,SDA Book +en12875,"Chisonkhezero cha Wycliffe chinaoneka m’kuumba zochita za khoti, limodzinso ndi kuumba chikhulupiriro cha mtunduwo","Wycliffe’s influence was felt in shaping the action of the court, as well as in molding the belief of the nation.",religion,SDA Book +en12876,"Mabingu a papa posakhalitsa anaponyedwa pa iye. Ng’ombe zamphongo zitatu zinatumizidwa ku England, —ku yunivesite, kwa mfumu, ndi kwa ansembe, —onse akulamula kuti achitepo kanthu mwamsanga ndi motsimikiza kuti aletse mphunzitsi wa mpatuko.","The papal thunders were soon hurled against him. Three bulls were dispatched to England,—to the university, to the king, and to the prelates,—all commanding immediate and decisive measures to silence the teacher of heresy.",religion,SDA Book +en12877,"Komabe, ng’ombezo zisanafike, mabishopu, mwa changu chawo, anaitana Wycliffe pamaso pawo kuti akazengedwe mlandu. "," Before the arrival of the bulls, however, the bishops, in their zeal, had summoned Wycliffe before them for trial. ",religion,SDA Book +en12878,"Koma awiri a akalonga amphamvu mu ufumu anatsagana naye ku bwalo la milandu; ndipo anthu, akuzungulira nyumbayo ndi kuthamangira mkati, anawopsyeza oweruza kotero kuti mlanduwo unaimitsidwa kwa nthawiyo, ndipo analoledwa kupita njira yake mwamtendere. ","But two of the most powerful princes in the kingdom accompanied him to the tribunal; and the people, surrounding the building and rushing in, so intimidated the judges that the 85 proceedings were for the time suspended, and he was allowed to go his way in peace. ",religion,SDA Book +en12879,"Patapita nthaŵi pang’ ono, Edward III., amene muukalamba wake ansembe anali kufunitsitsa kusonkhezera wokonzansoyo, anamwalira, ndipo mtetezi wakale wa Wycliffe anakhala wolamulira wa ufumuwo","A little later, Edward III, whom in his old age the prelates were seeking to influence against the Reformer, died, and Wycliffe’s former protector became regent of the kingdom.",religion,SDA Book +en12880,Koma kufika kwa zigamulo za apapa kunaika ku England konse lamulo loletsa kumangidwa ndi kutsekeredwa m’ndende kwa wopandukayo.,But the arrival of the papal bulls laid upon all England a peremptory command for the arrest and imprisonment of the heretic. ,religion,SDA Book +en12881,Miyezo imeneyi inaloza pamtengowo. Zinkawoneka zotsimikizirika kuti Wycliffe anayenera kukhala msampha wa kubwezera kwa Roma. ,These measures pointed directly to the stake. It appeared certain that Wycliffe must soon fall a prey to the vengeance of Rome.,religion,SDA Book +en12882,"Imfa sinabwere kwa wokonzansoyo, koma kwa papa amene analamula kuti awonongedwe. Gregory XI. anafa, ndipo atsogoleri achipembedzo amene anasonkhana kaamba ka mlandu wa Wycliffe, anabalalika.","Death came, not to the Reformer, but to the pontiff who had decreed his destruction. Gregory XI died, and the ecclesiastics who had assembled for Wycliffe’s trial, dispersed. ",religion,SDA Book +en12883,Chitsogozo cha Mulungu chinapitirizabe kugonjetsa zochitika kuti zipereke mwayi wa kukula kwa Kukonzanso. ,God’s providence still further overruled events to give opportunity for the growth of the Reformation.,religion,SDA Book +en12884,Imfa ya Gregory inatsatiridwa ndi kusankhidwa kwa apapa aŵiri otsutsana. ,The death of Gregory was followed by the election of two rival popes.,religion,SDA Book +en12885,"Maulamuliro aŵiri otsutsana, aliwonse akudzinenera kukhala osalephera, tsopano anadzinenera kumvera. ","Two conflicting powers, each professedly infallible, now claimed obedience.",religion,SDA Book +en12886,"Aliyense adayitana okhulupirika kuti amuthandize pomenyana ndi mzake, kukakamiza zofuna zake mwamwano woopsa kwa adani ake, ndi malonjezo a mphotho Kumwamba kwa omutsatira ake. ","Each called upon the faithful to assist him in making war upon the other, enforcing his demands by terrible anathemas against his adversaries, and promises of rewards in heaven to his supporters. ",religion,SDA Book +en12887,Zimenezi zinafooketsa kwambiri mphamvu za upapa,This occurrence greatly weakened the power of the papacy. ,religion,SDA Book +en12888,"Magulu otsutsanawo anali ndi zonse zomwe akanatha kuchita kuti aziukirana, ndipo Wycliffe anapuma kwa kanthawi. ","The rival factions had all they could do to attack each other, and Wycliffe for a time had rest. ",religion,SDA Book +en12889,"Kunyoza ndi kutsutsa kunali kuwuluka kuchokera papa kupita kwa papa, ndipo mitsinje ya mwazi inatsanuliridwa kuchirikiza zonena zawo zotsutsana. ","Anathemas and recriminations were flying from pope to pope, and torrents of blood were poured out to support their conflicting claims. ",religion,SDA Book +en12890,"Upandu ndi zonyansa zinasefukira m’tchalitchi. Pakali pano wokonzansoyo, mu kupuma mwakachetechete kwa parishi yake ya Lutterworth, anali kugwira ntchito mwakhama kuti aloze amuna ochokera kwa apapa omwe anali kulimbana kwa Yesu, Kalonga wa mtendere","Crimes and scandals flooded the church. Meanwhile the Reformer, in the quiet retirement of his parish of Lutterworth, was laboring diligently to point men from the contending popes to Jesus, the Prince of Peace. The schism, with all the strife and corruption which it caused, prepared the way for the Reformation by enabling the people to see what the papacy really was. In a tract which he published, On the Schism of the Popes, Wycliffe called upon the people to consider whether these two priests were not speaking +the truth in condemning each other as the anti-christ",religion,SDA Book +en12891,"Wycliffe, mofanana ndi Mbuye wake, analalikira uthenga wabwino kwa osauka. ","Wycliffe, like his Master, preached the gospel to the poor. ",religion,SDA Book +en12892,"Posakhutira ndi kufalitsa kuunikako m’nyumba zawo zonyozeka m’parishi yakeyake ya Lutterworth, iye anatsimikiza kuti kuyenera kutengedwa ku mbali iriyonse ya England. ","Not content with spreading the light in their humble homes in his own parish of Lutterworth, he determined that it should be carried to every part of England. ",religion,SDA Book +en12893,"Kuti akwaniritse zimenezi analinganiza gulu la alaliki, amuna osavuta, odzipereka, amene ankakonda choonadi ndipo sankafuna chilichonse choposa kuchikulitsa.","To accomplish this he organized a body of preachers, simple, devout men, who loved the truth and desired nothing so much as to extend it. ",religion,SDA Book +en12894,"Amuna amenewa adapita kulikonse, naphunzitsa m’misika, ndi m’misewu ya mizinda yayikulu, ndi m’milaga. ","These men went everywhere, teaching in the market places, in the streets of the great cities, and in the country lanes. ",religion,SDA Book +en12895,"Iwo anafunafuna okalamba, odwala, ndi osauka, ndipo anatsegulira iwo uthenga wabwino wa chisomo cha Mulungu","They sought out the aged, the sick, and the poor, and opened to them the glad tidings of the grace of God",religion,SDA Book +en12896,"Monga pulofesa wa maphunziro a zaumulungu ku Oxford, Wycliffe ankalalikira Mawu a Mulungu m’ maholo a payunivesiteyo. ","As a professor of theology at Oxford, Wycliffe preached the word of God in the halls of the university. ",religion,SDA Book +en12897,"Iye anapereka chowonadi mokhulupirika kwa ophunzira pansi pa chilangizo chake, kotero kuti analandira mutu wa “Dokotala wa Uthenga Wabwino.” ","So faithfully did he present the truth to the students under his instruction, that he received the title of “the gospel doctor.” ",religion,SDA Book +en12898,Koma ntchito yaikulu kwambiri pa moyo wake inali kumasulira Malemba m’Chingelezi.,But the greatest work of his life was to be the translation of the Scriptures into the English language. ,religion,SDA Book +en12899,"M’nkhani yakuti “Choonadi ndi Tanthauzo la Malemba,” iye anafotokoza cholinga chake cha kutembenuza Baibulo, kotero kuti munthu aliyense mu England akaŵerenge, m’chinenero chimene anabadwiramo, ntchito zodabwitsa za Mulungu","In a work, On the Truth and Meaning of Scripture, he expressed his intention to translate the Bible, so that every man in England might read, in the language in which he was born, the wonderful works of God.",religion,SDA Book +en12900,Koma mwadzidzidzi ntchito yake inaimitsidwa. ,But suddenly his labors were stopped.,religion,SDA Book +en12901,"Ngakhale kuti anali asanakwanitse zaka makumi asanu ndi limodzi, kugwira ntchito kosalekeza, kuphunzira, ndi kuukiridwa kwa adani ake, zinali zitafotokoza mphamvu zake, ndipo zinamukalamba msanga. ","Though not yet sixty years of age, unceasing toil, study, and the assaults of his enemies had told upon his strength and made him prematurely old.",religion,SDA Book +en12902,Anagwidwa ndi matenda oopsa.,He was attacked by a dangerous illness.,religion,SDA Book +en12903,"Nkhanizo zinabweretsa chisangalalo chachikulu kwa ansembe. Tsopano iwo anaganiza kuti alapa momvetsa chisoni choipa chimene iye anachichita tchalitchicho, ndipo iwo anathamangira ku chipinda chake kuti akamve ku chivomerezo chake. ","The tidings brought great joy to the friars. Now they thought he would bitterly repent the evil he had done the church, and they hurried to his chamber to listen to his confession",religion,SDA Book +en12904,"Oimira a magulu anayi achipembedzo, pamodzi ndi akuluakulu anayi a boma, anasonkhana ponena za munthu woganiziridwayo wakufayo..","Representatives from the four religious orders, with four civil officers, gathered about the supposed dying man",religion,SDA Book +en12905,"“Inu muli nayo imfa pamilomo yanu,” iwo anatero; “Mukhudzidwe chifukwa cha zolakwa zanu, ndipo mubwezere pamaso pathu zonse zimene mwanena kuti zitipweteke.”","You have death on your lips,” they said; “be touched by your faults, and retract in our presence all that you have said to our injury",religion,SDA Book +en12906,"Wokonzansoyo anamvetsera mwachete; Kenako adauza mtumiki wake kuti amunyamule pakama pake, ndipo adawayang'anitsitsa pamene adayimilira kudikirira kukana kwake. , ndi kulengeza zoipa za ansembe.” Atadabwa ndi kuchita manyazi, amonkewo anatuluka m’chipindamo mofulumira","The Reformer listened in silence; then he bade his attendant raise him in his bed, and, gazing steadily upon them as they stood waiting for his recantation, he said, in the firm, strong voice which had so often caused them to tremble:",religion,SDA Book +en12907,"Atadabwa ndi kuchita manyazi, amonkewo anatuluka m’chipindamo mofulumira","Astonished and abashed, the monks hurried from the room.",religion,SDA Book +en12908,Mawu a Wycliffe anakwaniritsidwa. Iye anakhala ndi moyo kuti aike m’manja mwa anthu a mtundu wake zida zamphamvu koposa zonse zolimbana ndi Roma; ,"Wycliffe’s words were fulfilled. He lived to place in the hands of his countrymen the most powerful of all weapons against Rome—to give them the Bible, the Heaven-appointed agent to liberate, enlighten, and evangelize the people. ",religion,SDA Book +en12909,Panali zopinga zambiri ndiponso zazikulu zimene zinali zofunika kupirira kuti ntchito imeneyi ikwaniritsidwe. ,There were many and great obstacles to surmount in the accomplishment of this work. ,religion,SDA Book +en12910,"Wycliffe analemedwa ndi zofooka, anadziŵa kuti zaka zoŵerengeka zokha za ntchito zinamtsalira, iye anawona chitsutso chimene ayenera kukumana nacho; koma, molimbikitsidwa ndi malonjezo a Mawu a Mulungu, iye anapitabe patsogolo popanda chodetsa nkhaŵa","Wycliffe was weighed down with infirmities; he knew that only a few years for labor remained for him; he saw the opposition which he must meet; but, encouraged by the promises of God’s word, he went forward nothing daunted. ",religion,SDA Book +en12911,"Mu mphamvu zonse za luntha lake, wolemera m’chidziŵitso, iye anali atasungidwa ndi kukonzedwa ndi chisungiko chapadera cha Mulungu kaamba ka ichi, ntchito yake yaikulu koposa. ","In the full vigor of his intellectual powers, rich in experience, he had been preserved and prepared by God’s special providence for this, the greatest of his labors. ",religion,SDA Book +en12912,"Pamene kuli kwakuti Matchalitchi Achikristu onse anali odzala ndi chipwirikiti, wokonzansoyo, m’bwalo lake la ku Lutterworth, wosalabadira chimphepo chimene chinawomba kunja, anadzipereka ku ntchito yake yosankhidwa","While all Christendom was filled with tumult, the Reformer in his rectory at Lutterworth, unheeding the storm that raged without, applied himself to his chosen task. At last the work was completed—the first English translation of the Bible ever made. ",religion,SDA Book +en12913,Mawu a Mulungu anatsegulidwa ku England. Wokonzansoyo sanaope tsopano ndende kapena mtengo. ,The word of God was opened to England. The Reformer feared not now the prison or the stake. ,religion,SDA Book +en12914,Iye anali ataika m’manja mwa anthu achingelezi kuwala koyenera kuzimitsidwa.,He had placed in the hands of the English people a light which should never be extinguished.,religion,SDA Book +en12915,"Popereka Baibulo kwa anthu a m’dziko lake, iye anachita zambiri kuti athyole maunyolo a umbuli ndi kuipa, kumasula ndi kukweza dziko lake, kuposa zimene zinatheka chifukwa cha kupambana kwanzeru kwambiri m’mabwalo ankhondo","In giving the Bible to his countrymen, he had done more to break the fetters of ignorance and vice, more to liberate and elevate his country, than was ever achieved by the most brilliant victories on fields of battle.",religion,SDA Book +en12916,"Luso la kusindikiza linali losadziŵikabe, kunali kokha mwa ntchito yapang’onopang’ono ndi yotopetsa kuti makope a Baibulo achulukitsidwe.","The art of printing being still unknown, it was only by slow and wearisome labor that copies of the Bible could be multiplied. ",religion,SDA Book +en12917,"Chidwi chopeza bukulo chinali chachikulu kwambiri, moti ambiri anadzipereka ndi mtima wonse m’ntchito yolilemba, koma zinali zovutirapo kuti okoperawo akwaniritse chifunocho. Ena mwa anthu olemera kwambiri ogula zinthu analakalaka Baibulo lonse.","So great was the interest to obtain the book, that 88 many willingly engaged in the work of transcribing it, but it was with difficulty that the copyists could supply the demand. Some of the more wealthy purchasers desired the whole Bible.",religion,SDA Book +en12918,"Ena anangogula gawo lokhalo. Nthaŵi zambiri, mabanja angapo ankagwirizana kugula kope. ","Others bought only a portion. In many cases, several families united to purchase a copy. ",religion,SDA Book +en12919,Motero posapita nthaŵi Baibulo la Wycliffe linafika m’nyumba za anthu,Thus Wycliffe’s Bible soon found its way to the homes of the people. The appeal to men’s reason aroused them from their passive submission to papal dogmas. ,religion,SDA Book +en12920,"Tsopano Wycliffe anaphunzitsa ziphunzitso zapadera za Chipulotesitanti, —chipulumutso mwa chikhulupiriro mwa Kristu, ndi kusalakwa kokha kwa Malemba. ","Wycliffe now taught the distinctive doctrines of Protestantism—salvation through faith in Christ, and the sole infallibility of the Scriptures. ",religion,SDA Book +en12921,"Alaliki amene iye anawatuma anafalitsa Baibulo, limodzi ndi zolembedwa za wokonzanso, ndipo mopambana kwambiri kotero kuti chikhulupiriro chatsopanocho chinavomerezedwa ndi pafupifupi theka la anthu a ku England","The preachers whom he had sent out circulated the Bible, together with the Reformer’s writings, and with such success that the new faith was accepted by nearly one half of the people of England. The appearance of the Scriptures brought dismay to the authorities of the church. ",religion,SDA Book +en12922,"Tsopano anayenera kukumana ndi bungwe lamphamvu kwambiri kuposa Wycliffe, bungwe limene zida zawo sizikanawathandiza kwenikweni. ",They had now to meet an agency more powerful than Wycliffe—an agency against which their weapons would avail little.,religion,SDA Book +en12923,"Panthaŵiyi kunalibe lamulo ku England loletsa Baibulo, chifukwa linali lisanasindikizidwepo m’chinenero cha anthu. ","There was at this time no law in England prohibiting the Bible, for it had never before been published in the language of the people. ",religion,SDA Book +en12924,"Pambuyo pake malamulo oterowo anakhazikitsidwa ndi kutsatiridwa mwamphamvu. Panthaŵiyi, mosasamala kanthu za kuyesayesa kwa wansembe, panali mwaŵi wa nyengo wa kufalitsidwa kwa Mawu a Mulungu.Apanso atsogoleri a chipapa anakonza chiwembu choletsa mawu a wokonzansoyo","Such laws were afterward enacted and rigorously enforced. Meanwhile, notwithstanding the efforts of the priests, there was for a season opportunity for the circulation of the word of God. Again the papal leaders plotted to silence the Reformer’s voice.",religion,SDA Book +en12925,"Pamaso pa makhoti atatu motsatizana anamuitana kuti akazengedwe mlandu, koma osapindula.","Before three tribunals he was successively summoned for trial, but without avail. ",religion,SDA Book +en12926,"Poyamba sinodi ya mabishopu inalengeza kuti zolemba zake n’zampatuko, ndipo, atapambana mfumu yachichepereyo, Richard II., kumbali yawo, iwo analandira lamulo lachifumu lotsekera m’ndende onse amene ayenera kusunga ziphunzitso zotsutsidwazo","First a synod of bishops declared his writings heretical, and, winning the young king, Richard II, to their side, they obtained a royal decree consigning to prison all who should hold the condemned doctrines. ",religion,SDA Book +en12927,"Wycliffe adachita apilo ku sinodi ku Nyumba ya Malamulo; iye mopanda mantha anazenga mlandu wa atsogoleri achipembedzo ku khonsolo ya dziko lonse, ndipo anafuna kusintha nkhanza zazikulu zimene tchalitchicho chinavomereza. Ndi mphamvu zokhutiritsa iye anaonetsa kulanda ndi katangale wa mpingo waupapa. ",Wycliffe appealed from the synod to Parliament; he fearlessly arraigned the hierarchy before the national council and demanded a reform of the enormous abuses sanctioned by the church. With convincing power he portrayed the usurpation and corruptions of the papal see.,religion,SDA Book +en12928,Adani ake anasokonezedwa.,His enemies were brought to confusion.,religion,SDA Book +en12929,"Mabwenzi ndi omuchirikiza Wycliffe anakakamizika kugonja, ndipo kunayembekezeredwa ndi chidaliro kuti wokonzansoyo mwiniyo, mu ukalamba wake, yekha ndi wopanda mabwenzi, adzagwadira ku ulamuliro wophatikizidwa wa korona ndi nduwira. ","The friends and supporters of Wycliffe had been forced to yield, and it had been 89 confidently expected that the Reformer himself, in his old age, alone and friendless, would bow to the combined authority of the crown and the miter.",religion,SDA Book +en12930,Koma m’malo mwa izi apapa anadziwona okha kugonjetsedwa. ,But instead of this the papists saw themselves defeated. ,religion,SDA Book +en12931,"Nyumba yamalamulo, yodzutsidwa ndi mapempho osonkhezera a Wycliffe, inathetsa lamulo lozunza, ndipo wokonzansoyo analinso ndi ufulu","Parliament, roused by the stirring appeals of Wycliffe, repealed the persecuting edict, and the Reformer was again at liberty.",religion,SDA Book +en12932,"Kachitatu anazengedwa mlandu, ndipo tsopano pamaso pa khoti lalikulu la tchalitchi mu ufumuwo.","A third time he was brought to trial, and now before the highest ecclesiastical tribunal in the kingdom. ",religion,SDA Book +en12933,Apa palibe chisomo chimene chingasonyezedwe ku mpatuko.,Here no favor would be shown to heresy.,religion,SDA Book +en12934,"Pano pomalizira pake Roma akanapambana, ndipo ntchito ya wokonzansoyo idzaimitsidwa. ","Here at last Rome would triumph, and the Reformer’s work would be stopped. ",religion,SDA Book +en12935,"Adaganiza choncho apapa. Ngati akanatha kukwaniritsa cholinga chawo, Wycliffe akanakakamizika kunyalanyaza ziphunzitso zake, kapena akanangochoka m’khoti chifukwa cha moto woyaka","So thought the papists. If they could but accomplish their purpose, Wycliffe would be forced to abjure his doctrines, or would leave the court only for the flames. ",religion,SDA Book +en12936,Koma Wycliffe sanabwerere m’mbuyo; sakanatha kudzipatula.,But Wycliffe did not retract; he would not dissemble. ,religion,SDA Book +en12937,"Iye anasungabe ziphunzitso zake mopanda mantha, ndipo anakana zoneneza za amene ankamuzunza. ",He fearlessly maintained his teachings and repelled the accusations of his persecutors. ,religion,SDA Book +en12938,"Potaya kudziona, udindo wake, wa chochitikacho, anaitana omvera ake pamaso pa bwalo lamilandu laumulungu, nayesa kuphatikizika kwawo ndi chinyengo chawo mu miyeso ya chowonadi chamuyaya. ","Losing sight of himself, of his position, of the occasion, he summoned his hearers before the divine tribunal, and weighed their sophistries and deceptions in the balances of eternal truth. ",religion,SDA Book +en12939,Mphamvu ya Mzimu Woyera inamveka mu chipinda cha msonkhano. ,The power of the Holy Spirit was felt in the council room. ,religion,SDA Book +en12940,“Malodza ochokera kwa Mulungu adali pa omvera.,A spell from God was upon the hearers. ,religion,SDA Book +en12941,Iwo ankaoneka kuti analibe mphamvu zochoka pamalopo,They seemed to have no power to leave the place. ,religion,SDA Book +en12942,"Monga mivi yochokera kuphodo la Yehova, mawu a wokonzansoyo analasa mitima yawo. ","As arrows from the Lord’s quiver, the Reformer’s words pierced their hearts. ",religion,SDA Book +en12943,"Mlandu wa mpatuko, umene iwo anamubweretsera iye, iye ndi mphamvu yokhutiritsa anabwerera pa iwo okha. ","The charge of heresy, which they had brought against him, he with convincing power threw back upon themselves. ",religion,SDA Book +en12944,Nanga n’cifukwa ciani analimba mtima kufalitsa zolakwa zao?,"Why, he demanded, did they dare to spread their errors? ",religion,SDA Book +en12945,"Kuti apeze phindu, anagulitsa cisomo ca Mulungu?“Muyesana ndi yani,” iye pomalizira pake anati, “mulimbana ndi ndani? Ndi munthu wokalamba ali m’ +mphepete mwa manda?—Ayi! ndi chowonadi, chimene chili champhamvu kuposa inu, ndipo +chidzakulakani. Ndimo nanena, naturuka m’mbungano, ndimo palibe m’modzi wa otsutsana naye +anayesa kuletsa","For the sake of gain, to make merchandise of the grace of God? “With whom, think you,” he finally said, “are ye contending? with an old man on the brink of the grave? No! with Truth—Truth which is stronger than you, and will overcome you. So saying, he withdrew from the assembly, and not one of his adversaries attempted to prevent him.",religion,SDA Book +en12946,"Ntchito ya Wycliffe inali itatsala pang’ono kutha, mbendera ya choonadi imene ananyamula kwa nthawi yaitali inali itatsala pang’ono kugwa m’manja mwake; koma anayeneranso kuchita umboni wa Uthenga Wabwino. Choonadi chinayenera kulalikidwa kuchokera ku malo amphamvu kwambiri a ufumu wachinyengo. ",Wycliffe’s work was almost done; the banner of truth which he had so long borne was soon to fall from his hand; but once more he was to bear witness for the gospel. The 90 truth was to be proclaimed from the very stronghold of the kingdom of error. ,religion,SDA Book +en12947,"Wycliffe anaitanidwa kuti akazengedwe mlandu ku khoti la apapa ku Roma, limene kaŵirikaŵiri linakhetsa mwazi wa oyera mtima. ","Wycliffe was summoned for trial before the papal tribunal at Rome, which had so often shed the blood of the saints. ",religion,SDA Book +en12948,"Iye sankaona zoopsa zimene zinkamuopseza, komabe akanamvera mayitanidwewo, chikadapanda kuti kunjenjemera kwa ziwaloko kukanamulepheretsa kuyenda ulendowo.","He was not blind to the danger that threatened him, yet he would have obeyed the summons had not a shock of palsy made it impossible for him to perform the journey.",religion,SDA Book +en12949,"Koma ngakhale kuti liwu lake silinamveke ku Roma, iye anatha kulankhula ndi kalata, ndipo anatsimikiza kuchita zimenezi","But though his voice was not to be heard at Rome, he could speak by letter, and this he determined to do. ",religion,SDA Book +en12950,"Kuchokera ku utsogoleri wake wokonzanso zinthuyo analembera papa kalata, imene, ngakhale kuti inali yaulemu m’mawu ndi yachikristu mumzimu, inali kudzudzula mwamphamvu kudzikuza ndi kunyada kwa apapa. ","From his rectory the Reformer wrote to the pope a letter, which, while respectful in tone and Christian in spirit, was a keen rebuke to the pomp and pride of the papal see. ",religion,SDA Book +en12951,"“Indetu ndikondwera,” iye anatero, “kutsegula ndi kulengeza kwa munthu aliyense chikhulupiriro chimene ndili nacho, makamaka kwa bishopu waku Roma; chimene ine ndikuganiza kuti chiri cholondola ndi chowona, iye mofunitsitsa adzatsimikizira chikhulupiriro changa chonenedwacho, kapena ngati chiri cholakwa, achikonzenso chomwecho. ","“Verily I do rejoice,” he said, “to open and declare unto every man the faith which I do hold, and especially unto the bishop of Rome: which, forasmuch as I do suppose to be sound and true, he will most willingly confirm my said faith, or if it be erroneous, amend the same. ",religion,SDA Book +en12952,"Choyamba, ine ndikukhulupirira kuti Uthenga Wabwino wa Khristu ndi thupi lonse la chilamulo cha Mulungu…. Ndimapereka ndikugwira bishopu waku Roma, popeza iye ali wolowa mmalo wa Khristu pano pa dziko lapansi, kuti akhale womangidwa koposa anthu onse lamulo la Uthenga Wabwino. ","“First, I suppose that the gospel of Christ is the whole body of God’s law.... I do give and hold the bishop of Rome, forasmuch as he is the vicar of Christ here on earth, to be most bound, of all other men, unto that law of the gospel. ",religion,SDA Book +en12953,"Pakuti ukulu wa ophunzira a Khristu sunakhale mu ulemu wadziko lapansi kapena ulemu, koma mukutsatira Khristu pafupi ndi ndendende mu moyo wake ndi makhalidwe ake.... Khristu pa nthawi ya ulendo wake wachipembedzo pano anali munthu wosauka kwambiri, wonyozeka ndi wotaya mtima. kulamulira dziko lonse lapansi ndi ulemu","For the greatness among Christ’s disciples did not consist in worldly dignity or honors, but in the near and exact following of Christ in His life and manners.... Christ, for the time of His pilgrimage here, was a most poor man, abjecting and casting off all worldly rule and honor....",religion,SDA Book +en12954,"“Palibe munthu wokhulupirika amene ayenera kutsatira papa iyemwini, kapena aliyense wa amuna oyera mtima, koma m’zimene iye watsatira Ambuye Yesu Kristu. Pakuti Petro ndi ana a Zebedayo, pofuna ulemu wa dziko lapansi, wotsutsana ndi mapazi a Kristu, adakhumudwa, ndipo chifukwa cha zolakwazo sayenera kutsatiridwa.“Papa ayenera kusiya ku ulamuliro wadziko ulamuliro wonse wanthawi ndi ulamuliro, ndipo kuteroko +asunthire ndi kulimbikitsa atsogoleri ake onse; pakuti Kristu anateronso, makamaka ndi atumwi ake","“No faithful man ought to follow either the pope himself or any of the holy men, but in such points as he hath followed the Lord Jesus Christ; for Peter and the sons of Zebedee, by desiring worldly honor, contrary to the following of Christ’s steps, did offend, and therefore in those errors they are not to be followed.... “The pope ought to leave unto the secular power all temporal dominion and rule, and thereunto effectually to move and exhort his whole clergy; for so did Christ, and especially by His apostles. ",religion,SDA Book +en12955,"“Ngati ndalakwa m’zilizonse za mfundo zimenezi, ndidzagonjera modzichepetsa kuwongolera ngakhale imfa, ngati pakufunika kutero. Ngati ndikanatha kugwira ntchito molingana ndi chifuniro changa ndi chikhumbo changa mwa ine ndekha, ndithudi ndikanadziwonetsera ndekha pamaso pa bishopu waku Roma. Koma Ambuye wabwera kwa ine mosiyana ndi ine, ndipo wandiphunzitsa kumvera Mulungu koposa anthu","Wherefore, if I have erred in any of these points, I will most humbly submit myself unto correction, even by death, if necessity so require; and if I could labor according to my will or desire in mine own person, I would surely present myself before the bishop of Rome; but the Lord hath otherwise visited me to the contrary, and hath taught me rather to obey God than men.”",religion,SDA Book +en12956,"Pomaliza iye anati: “Tiyeni tipemphere kwa Mulungu wathu, kuti asonkhezere papa wathu, Urban wachisanu ndi chimodzi, monga anayamba, kuti iye ndi atsogoleri achipembedzo ake atsatire Ambuye Yesu Kristu m’moyo ndi m’makhalidwe, ndi kuti phunzitsani anthu mogwira mtima, ndi kuti iwonso aziwatsata mokhulupirika momwemo","In closing he said: “Let us pray unto our God, that He will so stir up our Pope Urban VI, as he began, that he with his clergy may follow the Lord Jesus Christ in life and manners; and that they may teach the people effectually, and that they, likewise, may faithfully follow them in the same",religion,SDA Book +en12957,"Chotero Wycliffe anapereka kwa papa ndi makadinala ake kufatsa ndi kudzichepetsa kwa Kristu, kusonyeza osati kwa iwo eni okha komanso kwa Dziko Lachikristu lonse kusiyana pakati pa iwo ndi Mbuye amene iwo anadzinenera kukhala oimira ake.","Thus Wycliffe presented to the pope and his cardinals the meekness and humility of Christ, exhibiting not only to themselves but to all Christendom the contrast between them and the Master whose representatives they professed to be. ",religion,SDA Book +en12958,Wycliffe ankayembekezera kuti moyo wake udzakhala wofunika chifukwa cha kukhulupirika kwake. ,Wycliffe fully expected that his life would be the price of his fidelity,religion,SDA Book +en12959,"Mfumu, papa, ndi mabishopu anagwirizana kuti akwaniritse chiwonongeko chake, ndipo zinali zotsimikizirika kuti miyezi yoŵerengeka ingam’gwetse pamtengo. Koma kulimba mtima kwake kunali kosagwedezeka. ""N'chifukwa chiyani mukulankhula za kufunafuna korona wa kufera chikhulupiriro kutali?"" adatero.","The king, the pope, and the bishops were united to accomplish his ruin, and it seemed certain that a few months at most would bring him to the stake. But his courage was unshaken. “Why do you talk of seeking the crown of martyrdom afar?” he said. ",religion,SDA Book +en12960,"“Lalikirani uthenga wabwino wa Khristu kwa ansembe odzikuza, ndipo kufera chikhulupiriro sikudzalephera. Chani! Ndikhale ndi moyo ndikukhala chete? ... Ayi! Lolani kugunda kugwe. Ndikuyembekezera kubwera kwake","“Preach the gospel of Christ to haughty prelates, and martyrdom will not fail you. What! I should live and be silent? ... Never! Let the blow fall, I await its coming.",religion,SDA Book +en12961,"Munthu amene kwa moyo wonse anaima molimba mtima poteteza chowonadi, m’ngozi ya tsiku ndi tsiku ya moyo wake, sanayenera kugwera m’nkhokwe ya chidani cha adani ake. Wycliffe sanafunepo kudzitchinjiriza, koma Yehova ndiye anali mtetezi wake; ndipo tsopano, pamene adani ake anatsimikiza kuti adzawalanda, dzanja la Mulungu linamchotsa kutali ndi iwo.","The man who for a whole lifetime had stood boldly in defense of the truth, in daily peril of his life, was not to fall a victim of the hatred of its foes. Wycliffe had never sought to shield himself, but the Lord had been his protector; and now, when his enemies felt sure of their prey, God’s hand removed him beyond their reach. ",religion,SDA Book +en12962,"M’tchalitchi chake ku Lutterworth, pamene anali pafupi kupereka mgonero, anagwidwa ndi manjenje, ndipo m’kanthaŵi kochepa anataya moyo wake","In his church at Lutterworth, as he was about to dispense the communion, he fell, stricken with palsy, and in a short time yielded up his life. God had appointed to Wycliffe his work",religion,SDA Book +en12963,"Mulungu anapatsa Wycliffe ntchito yake. Iye anaika mawu a choonadi m’kamwa mwake, ndipo anamuikira mlonda kuti mawu amenewa abwere kwa anthu. ","He had put theword of truth in his mouth, and He set a guard about him that this +word might come to the people",religion,SDA Book +en12964,"Moyo wake unatetezedwa, ndipo ntchito zake zinatalikitsidwa, mpaka maziko a ntchito yaikulu ya Kukonzanso anaikidwa.","His life was protected, and his labors were prolonged, until a foundation was laid for the great work of the Reformation.",religion,SDA Book +en12965,Wycliffe anachokera ku mdima wa Nyengo Zamdima. Palibe amene anapita patsogolo pake amene akanatha kuumba dongosolo lake lokonzanso zinthu.,Wycliffe came from the obscurity of the Dark Ages. There were none who went before him from whose work he could shape his system of reform.,religion,SDA Book +en12966,"Ataukitsidwa monga Yohane Mbatizi kuti akwaniritse ntchito yapadera, iye anali wolengeza wa nyengo yatsopano. ","Raised up like John the Baptist to accomplish a special mission, he was the herald of a new era",religion,SDA Book +en12967,"Komabe m’dongosolo la chowonadi limene anapereka munali umodzi ndi kukwanira kumene okonzanso amene anamutsatira sanapitirire, ndipo ena sanafikirepo, ngakhale patapita zaka zana limodzi. ","Yet in the system of truth which he presented there was a unity and completeness which Reformers who followed him did not exceed, and which some did not reach, even a hundred years later",religion,SDA Book +en12968,"Maziko otambalala ndi akuya anayalidwa, maziko ake anali olimba ndi owona, moti sanafunikire kumangidwanso ndi amene anadza pambuyo pake","So broad and deep was laid the foundation, so firm and true was the framework, that it needed not to be reconstructed by those who came after him",religion,SDA Book +en12969,"Gulu lalikulu limene Wycliffe anayambitsa, limene linali kumasula chikumbumtima ndi luntha, ndi kumasula amitundu omangidwa kwa nthaŵi yaitali ku galimoto yachipambano ya Roma, linali ndi kasupe wake m’Baibulo. ","The great movement that Wycliffe inaugurated, which was to liberate the conscience and the intellect, and set free the nations so long bound to the triumphal car of Rome, had its spring in the Bible",religion,SDA Book +en12970,"Apa panali gwero la mtsinje wa dalitso, umene, monga madzi a moyo, wakhala ukuyenda mu mibadwo kuyambira zaka khumi ndi zinayi. ","Here was the source of that stream of blessing, which, like the water of life, has flowed down the ages since the fourteenth century",religion,SDA Book +en12971,"Wycliffe anavomereza Malemba Opatulika ndi chikhulupiriro chenicheni monga chivumbulutso chouziridwa cha chifuniro cha Mulungu, lamulo lokwanira la chikhulupiriro ndi machitidwe. ","Wycliffe accepted the Holy Scriptures with implicit faith as the inspired revelation of God’s will, a sufficient rule of faith and practice",religion,SDA Book +en12972,"Iye anaphunzitsidwa kuona Mpingo wa Roma monga ulamuliro waumulungu, wosalakwa, ndi kuvomereza ndi ulemu wosakayikitsa ziphunzitso ndi miyambo yokhazikitsidwa ya zaka chikwi; koma iye anapatuka kwa zonsezi kumvera Mawu opatulika a Mulungu.","He had been educated to regard the Church of Rome as the divine, infallible authority, and to accept with unquestioning reverence the established teachings and customs of a thousand years; but he turned away from all these to listen to God’s holy word",religion,SDA Book +en12973,"Umenewu unali ulamuliro umene iye analimbikitsa anthu kuuvomereza. M’malo mwakuti mpingo ulankhule kupyolera mwa papa, iye analengeza ulamuliro woona wokhawo kukhala liwu la Mulungu lolankhula kupyolera m’Mawu ake. ","This was the authority which he urged the people to acknowledge. Instead of the church speaking through the pope, he declared the only true authority to be the voice of God speaking through His word",religion,SDA Book +en12974,"Ndipo sanaphunzitse kokha kuti Baibulo liri vumbulutso langwiro la chifuniro cha Mulungu, koma kuti Mzimu Woyera ndiwo womasulira wake wokha, ndi kuti munthu aliyense, mwa kuphunzira kwa ziphunzitso zake, ayenera kuphunzira ntchito yake kwa iyemwini. ","And he taught not only that the Bible is a perfect revelation of God’s will, but that the Holy Spirit is its only interpreter, and that every man is, by the study of its teachings, to learn his duty for himself",religion,SDA Book +en12975,Potero iye anatembenuza malingaliro a anthu kuchoka kwa papa ndi Mpingo wa Roma kupita ku Mawu a Mulungu.,Thus he turned the minds of men from the pope and the Church of Rome to the word of God,religion,SDA Book +en12976,"Wycliffe anali mmodzi mwa anthu osintha zinthu kwambiri. M’kuzama kwa luntha, m’kumveka bwino kwa ganizo, m’kulimba kusunga chowonadi, ndi kulimba mtima kuchichinjiriza, iye analingana ndi ochepa amene anadza pambuyo pake. ","Wycliffe was one of the greatest of the Reformers. In breadth of intellect, in clearness of thought, in firmness to maintain the truth, and in boldness to defend it, he was equaled by few who came after him.",religion,SDA Book +en12977,"Chiyero cha moyo, khama losatopa m’kuphunzira ndi m’ntchito, kukhulupirika kosavunda, ndi chikondi chonga cha Kristu ndi kukhulupirika mu utumiki wake, zinazindikiritsa woyamba mwa okonzanso. ","Purity of life, unwearying diligence in study and in labor, incorruptible integrity, and Christlike love and faithfulness in his ministry, characterized the first of the Reformers. ",religion,SDA Book +en12978,Ndipo izi mosasamala kanthu za mdima wa nzeru ndi kuipa kwa makhalidwe a m’badwo umene adatulukamo,And this notwithstanding the intellectual darkness and moral corruption of the age from which he emerged.,religion,SDA Book +en12979,"Makhalidwe a Wycliffe ndi umboni wa mphamvu yophunzitsa, yosintha ya Malemba Opatulika. ","The character of Wycliffe is a testimony to the educating, transforming power of the Holy Scriptures.",religion,SDA Book +en12980,Ndi Baibulo limene linamupanga iye chimene iye anali. Kuyesera kumvetsetsa zoonadi zazikulu za vumbulutso kumapereka kutsitsimuka ndi nyonga ku mphamvu zonse. ,It was the Bible that made him what he was. The effort to grasp the great truths of revelation imparts freshness and vigor to all the faculties. ,religion,SDA Book +en12981,"Imakulitsa malingaliro, imanola malingaliro, ndipo imakhwimitsa chiweruzo. ","It expands the mind, sharpens the perceptions, and ripens the judgment. ",religion,SDA Book +en12982,"Kuphunzira Baibulo kudzakulitsa ganizo, malingaliro, ndi chikhumbo chilichonse monga momwe phunziro lina lililonse lingathere. ","The study of the Bible will ennoble every thought, feeling, and aspiration as no other study can.",religion,SDA Book +en12983,"Zimapereka kukhazikika kwa cholinga, kuleza mtima, kulimba mtima, ndi mphamvu; chimayenga khalidwe, ndi kuyeretsa moyo. ","It gives stability of purpose, patience, courage, and fortitude; it refines the character and sanctifies the soul.",religion,SDA Book +en12984,"Kuphunzira Malemba mwakhama ndi molemekeza—kuchititsa kuti maganizo a wophunzirayo agwirizane ndi maganizo opanda malire—kungapatse anthu a kudziko anthu anzeru ndiponso anzeru kwambiri, komanso a mfundo za makhalidwe abwino, kuposa zimene anthu odziwa bwino amaphunzira. maphunziro omwe filosofi yaumunthu imapereka. “Poloŵa kwa mawu anu,” akutero wamasalmo, “paunikira; zimandipatsa luntha","An earnest, reverent study of the Scriptures, bringing the mind of the student in direct contact with the infinite mind, would give to the world men of stronger and more active intellect, as well as of nobler principle, than has ever resulted from the ablest training that human philosophy affords",religion,SDA Book +en12985,"Ziphunzitso zimene zinaphunzitsidwa ndi Wycliffe zinapitirizabe kufalikira kwa kanthaŵi; otsatira ake, otchedwa Wycliffites ndi Lollards, sanangodutsa mu England, koma anamwazikana kupita ku maiko ena, atanyamula chidziŵitso cha uthenga wabwino. ","The doctrines which had been taught by Wycliffe continued for a time to spread; his followers, known as Wycliffites and Lollards, not only traversed England, but scattered to other lands, carrying the knowledge of the gospel.",religion,SDA Book +en12986,"Tsopano mtsogoleri wawo atachotsedwa, alalikiwo anagwira ntchito mwakhama kwambiri kuposa poyamba, ndipo miyandamiyanda inakhamukira kudzamvetsera ziphunzitso zawo. Ena mwa olemekezeka, ngakhale mkazi wa mfumu, anali m'gulu la otembenuka mtima.","Now that their leader was removed, the preachers labored with even greater zeal than before, and multitudes flocked to listen to their teachings. Some of the nobility, and even the wife of the king, were among the converts.",religion,SDA Book +en12987,"M’malo ambiri munali kusintha kodziŵika bwino m’makhalidwe a anthu, ndipo zizindikiro za kulambira mafano za Chiroma zinachotsedwa m’matchalitchi. Koma posakhalitsa mkuntho wachisoni wa chizunzo unawomba pa awo amene analimba mtima kuvomereza Baibulo monga chitsogozo chawo. ","In many places there was a marked reform in the manners of the people, and the idolatrous symbols of Romanism were removed from the churches. But soon the pitiless storm of persecution burst upon those who had dared to accept the Bible as their guide.",religion,SDA Book +en12988,"Mafumu achingelezi, ofunitsitsa kulimbikitsa mphamvu zawo mwa kupeza chichirikizo cha Roma, sanazengereze kupereka nsembe okonzansowo. ","The English monarchs, eager to strengthen their power by securing the support of Rome, did not hesitate to sacrifice the Reformers.",religion,SDA Book +en12989,"Kwa nthawi yoyamba m’mbiri ya England, mtengowo unalamulidwa motsutsana ndi ophunzira a uthenga wabwino. ",For the first time in the history of England the stake was decreed against the disciples of the gospel.,religion,SDA Book +en12990,"Kufera chikhulupiriro kunapambana kufera chikhulupiriro. Oimira choonadi, oletsedwa ndi kuzunzidwa, amangotsanulira kulira kwawo m'makutu a Ambuye wa Sabata","Martyrdom succeeded martyrdom. The advocates of truth, proscribed and tortured, could only pour their cries into the ear of the Lord of Sabaoth. ",religion,SDA Book +en12991,"Posakidwa monga adani a tchalitchi ndi oukira ufumu, iwo anapitiriza kulalikira m’malo obisika, kupeza malo okhalamo mmene akanathaŵira m’nyumba zonyozeka za osauka, ndipo kaŵirikaŵiri akubisala ngakhale m’mapanga ndi m’mapanga","Hunted as foes of the church and traitors to the realm, they continued to preach in secret places, finding shelter as best they could in the humble homes of the poor, and often hiding away even in dens and caves",religion,SDA Book +en12992,"Mosasamala kanthu za ukali wa chizunzo, chitsutso chabata, chodzipereka, chowona mtima, choleza mtima chotsutsa kuipa kofala kwa chikhulupiriro chachipembedzo chinapitiriza kwa zaka mazana ambiri kunenedwa. Akristu a m’nthaŵi yakaleyo anali ndi chidziŵitso chochepa cha chowonadi, koma anaphunzira kukonda ndi kumvera Mawu a Mulungu, ndipo anavutika moleza mtima chifukwa cha mawuwo. Mofanana ndi ophunzira a m’nthawi ya atumwi, ambiri anataya chuma chawo cha m’dzikoli chifukwa cha Khristu.","Notwithstanding the rage of persecution, a calm, devout, earnest, patient protest against the prevailing corruption of religious faith continued for centuries to be uttered. The Christians of that early time had only a partial knowledge of the truth, but they had learned to love and obey God’s word, and they patiently suffered for its sake. Like the disciples in apostolic days, many sacrificed their worldly possessions for the cause of Christ. ",religion,SDA Book +en12993,"Awo amene analoledwa kukhala m’nyumba zawo, anachinjiriza mokondwera abale awo opitikitsidwa, ndipo pamene iwonso anathamangitsidwa, analandira mokondwera maere a opitikitsidwawo. ","Those who were permitted to dwell in their homes gladly sheltered their banished brethren, and when they too were driven forth they cheerfully accepted the lot of the outcast. ",religion,SDA Book +en12994,"Zikwi, nkowona, kuchita mantha ndi ukali wa ozunza awo, anagula ufulu wawo pa nsembe ya chikhulupiriro chawo, ndipo anatuluka m’ndende zawo, atavala miinjiro ya olapa, kukafalitsa kukana kwawo. ","Thousands, it is true, terrified by the fury of their persecutors, purchased their freedom at the sacrifice of their faith, and went out of their prisons, clothed in penitents’ robes, to publish their recantation. ",religion,SDA Book +en12995,"Koma chiŵerengerocho sichinali chaching’ono—ndipo pakati pawo panali amuna a fuko lolemekezeka limodzinso ndi odzichepetsa ndi onyozeka—omwe anapereka umboni wopanda mantha wa chowonadi m’zipinda zandende, mu “Lollard towers,” ndipo mkati mwa chizunzo ndi lawi lamoto, akusangalala. kuti anawerengedwa oyenera kudziwa “chiyanjano cha masautso Ake","But the number was not small—and among them were men of noble birth as well as the humble and lowly—who bore fearless testimony to the truth in dungeon cells, in “Lollard towers,” and in the midst of torture and flame, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to know “the fellowship of His sufferings.",religion,SDA Book +en12996,"Apapa anali atalephera kuchita chifuniro chawo ndi Wycliffe m’nthaŵi ya moyo wake, ndipo chidani chawo sichikanatha kukhutitsidwa pamene thupi lake linapumula mwakachetechete m’manda. ","The papists had failed to work their will with Wycliffe during his life, and their hatred could not be satisfied while his body rested quietly in the grave. ",religion,SDA Book +en12997,"Mwa lamulo la Bungwe la Constance, zaka zoposa makumi anayi pambuyo pa imfa yake mafupa ake anafukulidwa ndi kuwotchedwa poyera, ndipo phulusa linaponyedwa mu mtsinje woyandikana nawo. ","By the decree of the Council of Constance, more than forty years after his death his bones were exhumed and publicly burned, and the ashes were thrown into a neighboring brook",religion,SDA Book +en12998,"“Mtsinje,” akutero wolemba wina wakale, “anapereka phulusa lake ku Avoni, Avoni mpaka Sevene, Seveni ku nyanja yopapatiza, ndi kunyanja yaikulu;","This brook,” says an old writer, “hath conveyed his ashes into Avon, Avon into Severn, +Severn into the narrow seas, they into the main ocean",religion,SDA Book +en12999,"ndipo chotero phulusa la Wycliffe ndilo chizindikiro cha chiphunzitso chake, chimene tsopano chamwazika padziko lonse lapansi.” ","And thus the ashes of Wycliffe are the emblem of his doctrine, which now is dispersed all the world over",religion,SDA Book +en13000,Adani ake sanazindikire tanthauzo la nkhanza zawozo,Little did his enemies realize the significance of their malicious act,religion,SDA Book +en13001,"Munali kupyolera m’zolemba za Wycliffe kuti John Huss, wa ku Bohemia, anatsogozedwa kuleka zolakwa zambiri za Chiroma, ndi kuloŵa pa ntchito yokonzanso. ","It was through the writings of Wycliffe that John Huss, of Bohemia, was led to renounce many of the errors of Romanism and to enter upon the work of reform.",religion,SDA Book +en13002,"Chotero m’maiko aŵiri ameneŵa, olekana mofala, mbewu ya chowonadi inafesedwa.","Thus in these two countries, so widely separated, the seed of truth was sown. ",religion,SDA Book +en13003,Kuchokera ku Bohemia ntchito inafalikira kumaiko ena. Malingaliro a anthu anali olunjika ku Mawu a Mulungu omwe anaiwalika kalekale. ,From Bohemia the work extended to other lands. The minds of men were directed to the long-forgotten word of God,religion,SDA Book +en13004,Dzanja la Mulungu linali kukonza njira ya Kukonzanso Kwakukulu,A divine hand was preparing the way for the Great Reformation.,religion,SDA Book +en13005,Uthenga wabwino unabzalidwa ku Bohemia koyambirira kwa zaka za zana lachisanu ndi chinayi. ,The gospel had been planted in Bohemia as early as the ninth century. ,religion,SDA Book +en13006,"Baibulo linatembenuzidwa, ndipo kulambira kwapoyera kunachitika m’chinenero cha anthu. ","The Bible was translated, and public worship was conducted, in the language of the people. ",religion,SDA Book +en13007,"Koma pamene mphamvu ya papa inakula, chotero Mawu a Mulungu anabisika.","But as the power of the pope increased, so the word of God was obscured. ",religion,SDA Book +en13008,"Gregory VII., amene anadzikakamiza “kugwetsa kunyada kwa mafumu,” nayenso anali ndi cholinga chosandutsa anthu ukapolo, ndipo motero ng’ombe yamphongo inaperekedwa yoletsa kulambira poyera m’chinenero cha Chibohemia.","Gregory VII, who had taken it upon himself to humble the pride of kings, was no less intent upon enslaving the people, and accordingly a bull was issued forbidding public worship to be conducted in the Bohemian tongue. ",religion,SDA Book +en13009,"Papa ananena kuti “Mulungu anakondwera kuti kulambira kwake kuchitidwe m’chinenero chosadziwika, ndi kuti kunyalanyaza lamulo limeneli kunayambitsa zoipa zambiri ndi mpatuko.” "," The pope declared that “it was pleasing to the Omnipotent that His worship should be celebrated in an unknown language, and that many evils and heresies had arisen from not observing this rule.”—Wylie, b. 3, ch. 1.",religion,SDA Book +en13010,"Chotero Roma analamula kuti kuunika kwa Mawu a Mulungu kuzimitsidwa, ndi kuti anthu atsekedwe mumdima. ",Thus Rome decreed that the light of God’s word should be extinguished and the people should be shut up in darkness. ,religion,SDA Book +en13011,Koma Kumwamba kunali kutapereka mabungwe ena kuti mpingo usungidwe.,But Heaven had provided other agencies for the preservation of the church. ,religion,SDA Book +en13012,"Ambiri a Awadensi ndi Albigenses, mosonkhezeredwa ndi chizunzo kuchokera m’nyumba zawo ku France ndi Italy, anadza ku Bohemia. ","Many of the Waldenses and Albigenses, driven by persecution from their homes in France and Italy, came to Bohemia.",religion,SDA Book +en13013,"Ngakhale kuti sanayese kuphunzitsa poyera, anagwira ntchito mwakhama mobisa.","Though they dared not teach openly, they labored zealously in secret. ",religion,SDA Book +en13014,Motero chikhulupiriro chowona chinasungidwa kuyambira zaka zana kufikira zaka zana,Thus the true faith was preserved from century to century. ,religion,SDA Book +en13015,"Asanafike masiku a Hus, munali amuna ku Bohemia amene anadzuka kuti adzudzule poyera kuipa kwa mpingo ndi kutayirira kwa anthu. Ntchito yawo inachititsa chidwi anthu ambiri. ",Before the days of Huss there were men in Bohemia who rose up to condemn openly the corruption in the church and the profligacy of the people. Their labors excited widespread interest. ,religion,SDA Book +en13016,"Mantha a maulamuliro anadzutsidwa, ndipo chizunzo chinatsegulidwa kwa ophunzira a uthenga wabwino.","The fears of the hierarchy were roused, and persecution was opened against the disciples of the gospel.",religion,SDA Book +en13017,"Atathamangitsidwa kukalambira m’nkhalango ndi m’mapiri, anasaka ndi asilikali, ndipo ambiri anaphedwa.","Driven to worship in the forests and the mountains, they were hunted by soldiers, and many were put to death. ",religion,SDA Book +en13018,"Patapita nthawi, kunalamulidwa kuti onse amene achoka pa kulambira kwachiroma atenthedwe. ",After a time it was decreed that all who departed from the Romish worship should be burned.,religion,SDA Book +en13019,"Koma pamene Akristu anapereka moyo wawo, iwo ankayembekezera kupambana kwa ntchito yawo. ","But while the Christians yielded up their lives, they looked forward to the triumph of their cause.",religion,SDA Book +en13020,"Mmodzi wa awo amene anaphunzitsa kuti “chipulumutso chikapezeka kokha mwa chikhulupiriro mwa Mpulumutsi wopachikidwa,” analengeza pamene anali kufa, “","One of those who “taught that salvation was only to be found by faith in the crucified Saviour,” declared when dying: “",religion,SDA Book +en13021,"Mkwiyo wa adani a chowonadi tsopano watipambana ife, koma sudzakhala kwamuyaya; padzauka mmodzi wa anthu wamba wopanda lupanga kapena ulamuliro, ndipo sadzamulaka iye. ","The rage of the enemies of the truth now prevails against us, but it will not be forever; there shall arise one from among the common people, without sword or authority, and against him they shall not be able to prevail.",religion,SDA Book +en13022,"Nthawi ya Lutera inali idakali kutali; koma wina anali kuwuka kale, amene umboni wake wotsutsa Roma ukasonkhezera amitundu","Luther’s time was yet far distant; but already one was rising, whose testimony against Rome would stir the nations. ",religion,SDA Book +en13023,"John Huss anali wobadwa wonyozeka, ndipo mwamsanga anasiyidwa mwana wamasiye ndi imfa ya atate wake. ","John Huss was of humble birth, and was early left an orphan by the death of his father.",religion,SDA Book +en13024,"Amayi ake oopa Mulungu, poona maphunziro ndi kuopa Mulungu monga chuma chamtengo wapatali kwambiri, anafuna kupeza cholowa chimenechi kwa mwana wake.","His pious mother, regarding education and the fear of God as the most valuable of possessions, sought to secure this heritage for her son. ",religion,SDA Book +en13025,"Huss adaphunzira pasukulu yachigawo, kenako adakonzedwanso ku yunivesite ya Prague, ndikuvomerezedwa ngati wophunzira wachifundo. ","Huss studied at the provincial school, and then repaired to the university at Prague, receiving admission as a charity scholar. ",religion,SDA Book +en13026,"Anatsagana ndi amayi ake paulendo wopita ku Prague; wamasiye ndi wosauka, iye analibe mphatso ya chuma cha dziko kuti apereke kwa mwana wake, koma pamene iwo anayandikira pafupi ndi mzinda waukulu, iye anagwada pansi pafupi ndi ana amasiye, ndipo anapempha iye dalitso la Atate wawo wa Kumwamba. ","He was accompanied on the journey to Prague by his mother; widowed and poor, she had no gifts of worldly wealth to bestow upon her son, but as they drew near to the great city, she kneeled down beside the fatherless youth and invoked for him the blessing of their Father in heaven. ",religion,SDA Book +en13027,Amayiwo sanazindikire mmene pemphero lake lidzayankhidwira,Little did that mother realize how her prayer was to be answered.,religion,SDA Book +en13028,"Ku yunivesite, Huss posakhalitsa anadzisiyanitsa ndi ntchito yake yosatopa ndi kupita patsogolo kofulumira, pamene moyo wake wopanda cholakwa ndi khalidwe lake lofatsa, lopambana linampezera ulemu wapadziko lonse.","At the university, Huss soon distinguished himself by his untiring application and rapid progress, while his blameless life and gentle, winning deportment gained him universal esteem. ",religion,SDA Book +en13029,"Anali wotsatira moona mtima wa Tchalitchi cha Romish, ndipo ankafunafuna ndi mtima wonse madalitso auzimu amene mpingowo umati umapereka. ",He was a sincere adherent of the Roman Church and an earnest seeker for the spiritual blessings which it professes to bestow. ,religion,SDA Book +en13030,"Pa chochitika cha chisangalalo, iye anapita kukaulula machimo, anapereka ndalama zoŵerengeka zomalizira m’sitolo yake yochepa, naloŵetsamo m’zigumbezo, kuti akakhale ndi phande m’mapemphero amene analonjezedwa.","On the occasion of a jubilee he went to confession, paid the last few coins in his scanty store, and joined in the processions, that he might share in the absolution promised.",religion,SDA Book +en13031,"Atamaliza maphunziro ake a kukoleji, iye analowa unsembe, ndipo, mwamsanga kufika paudindo, posakhalitsa anagwirizana ndi bwalo lamilandu la mfumu"," After completing his college course, he entered the priesthood, and rapidly attaining to eminence he soon became attached to the court of the king",religion,SDA Book +en13032,Anapangidwanso kukhala pulofesa ndipo pambuyo pake mkulu wa yunivesite kumene adaphunzira. ,He was also made professor and afterward rector of the university where he had received his education,religion,SDA Book +en13033,"M’ zaka zoŵerengeka wophunzira wachifundo wodzichepetsayo anakhala wonyada m’dziko lake, ndipo dzina lake linali lodziŵika ku Ulaya konse","In a few years the humble charity scholar had become the pride of his country, and his name was renowned throughout Europe.",religion,SDA Book +en13034,Koma munali m’gawo lina pamene Hus anayamba ntchito yokonzanso zinthu. ,But it was in another field that Huss began the work of reform. ,religion,SDA Book +en13035,Patapita zaka zingapo atalandira malangizo a wansembe anasankhidwa kukhala mlaliki wa tchalitchi cha ku Betelehemu. ,Several years after taking priest’s orders he was appointed preacher of the chapel of Bethlehem,religion,SDA Book +en13036,"Woyambitsa tchalitchi chimenechi anachirikiza, monga chinthu chofunika kwambiri, kulalikidwa kwa Malemba m’chinenero cha anthu. ","The founder of this chapel had advocated, as a matter of great importance, the preaching of the Scriptures in the language of the people",religion,SDA Book +en13037,"Ngakhale kuti Roma anatsutsa mchitidwe umenewu, unali usanatheretu ku Bohemia. ","Notwithstanding Rome’s opposition to this practice, it had not been wholly discontinued in Bohemia.",religion,SDA Book +en13038,"Koma panali kusadziŵa kwakukulu kwa Baibulo, ndipo kuipa koipitsitsa kunali kofala pakati pa anthu amitundu yonse.","But there was great ignorance of the Bible, and the worst vices prevailed among the people of all ranks",religion,SDA Book +en13039,"Zoipa zimenezi Huss anazidzudzula mosalekeza, kuchonderera Mawu a Mulungu kuti alimbikitse mfundo za choonadi ndi chiyero zimene anaziphunzitsa","These evils Huss unsparingly denounced, appealing to the word of God to enforce the principles of truth and purity which he inculcated",religion,SDA Book +en13040,"Nzika ya Prague, Jerome, amene pambuyo pake anakhala wogwirizana kwambiri ndi Huss, pobwera kuchokera ku England, anadza ndi zolemba za Wycliffe. ","A citizen of Prague, Jerome, who afterward became so closely associated with Huss, had, on returning from England, brought with him the writings of Wycliffe",religion,SDA Book +en13041,"Mfumukazi ya ku England, imene inatembenuzidwira ku ziphunzitso za Wycliffe, inali mfumukazi ya ku Bohemia, ndipo kupyolera mu chisonkhezero chakenso ntchito za wokonzansoyo zinafalitsidwa kwambiri m’dziko lakwawo. ","The queen of England, who had been a convert to Wycliffe’s teachings, was a Bohemian princess, and through her influence also the Reformer’s works were widely circulated in her native country",religion,SDA Book +en13042,"Ntchito izi Huss anawerenga ndi chidwi; ankakhulupirira kuti mlembi wawo anali Mkristu woona mtima, ndipo ankakonda kuvomereza kusintha kumene iye ankalimbikitsa. ",These works Huss read with interest; he believed their author to be a sincere Christian and was inclined to regard with favor the reforms which he advocated,religion,SDA Book +en13043,"Kale, ngakhale kuti sankadziwa, Hus anali atalowa m’njira imene inali yoti idzamutsogolere kutali ndi Roma","Already, though he knew it not, Huss had entered upon a path which was to lead him far away from Rome",religion,SDA Book +en13044,"Pafupifupi nthaŵi imeneyi kunafika ku Prague alendo aŵiri ochokera ku England, amuna ophunzira, amene analandira kuunikako, ndipo anabwera kudzakufalitsa m’dziko lakutali limeneli. ","About this time there arrived in Prague two strangers from England, men of learning, who had received the light and had come to spread it in this distant land",religion,SDA Book +en13045,"Kuyambira ndi kuwukira kwapoyera ukulu wa papa, posakhalitsa anatonthola ndi aulamuliro; koma pokhala osafuna kusiya chifuno chawo, adatengera njira zina. ","Beginning with an open attack on the pope’s supremacy, they were soon silenced by the authorities; but being unwilling to relinquish their purpose, they had recourse to other measures",religion,SDA Book +en13046,"Pokhala aluso komanso alaliki, iwo anayamba kusonyeza luso lawo.","Being artists as well as preachers, they proceeded to exercise their skill.",religion,SDA Book +en13047,"Pamalo otseguka kwa anthu onse adajambula zithunzi ziwiri. Umodzi unaimira kuloŵa kwa Kristu mu Yerusalemu, “wofatsa, nakwera pa bulu” ndi kutsatiridwa ndi ophunzira ake atavala zobvala zapaulendo ndi mapazi aumaliseche. ","In a place open to the public they drew two pictures. One represented the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem,“meek, and sitting upon an ass”and followed by His +disciples in travel-worn garments and with naked feet ",religion,SDA Book +en13048,"Chithunzi chinacho chimasonyeza gulu la papa, papa atavala mikanjo yake yolemera ndi nduwira zachifumu zitatu, atakwera pa kavalo wokongoletsedwa mochititsa kaso, wotsogozedwa ndi oimba malipenga, ndipo akutsatiridwa ndi makadinala ndi ansembe ovala monyezimira","The other picture portrayed a pontifical procession—the pope arrayed in his rich robes and triple crown, mounted upon a horse magnificently adorned, preceded by trumpeters and followed by cardinals and prelates in dazzling array",religion,SDA Book +en13049,Uwu unali ulaliki womwe unakopa chidwi cha magulu onse. Khamu la anthu linabwera kudzayang’ana zojambulazo. ,Here was a sermon which arrested the attention of all classes. Crowds came to gaze upon the drawings,religion,SDA Book +en13050,"Palibe amene akanalephera kuŵerenga makhalidwe abwino, ndipo ambiri anachita chidwi kwambiri ndi kusiyana pakati pa kufatsa ndi kudzichepetsa kwa Kristu Mbuye, ndi kunyada ndi kudzikuza kwa papa, wodzitcha mtumiki wake.","None could fail to read the moral, and many were deeply impressed by the contrast between the meekness and humility of Christ the Master and the pride and arrogance of the pope, His professed servant",religion,SDA Book +en13051,"Panali chipwirikiti chachikulu ku Prague, ndipo alendowo patapita nthawi anaona kuti n’koyenera, kuti atetezeke, achoke.","There was great commotion in Prague, and the strangers after a time found it necessary, for their own safety, to depart.",religion,SDA Book +en13052,Koma phunziro limene anaphunzitsa silinaiwale. ,But the lesson they had taught was not forgotten. ,religion,SDA Book +en13053,"Zithunzizo zinakhudza kwambiri maganizo a Hus, ndipo zinam’tsogolera ku phunziro lozama la Baibulo ndi zolemba za Wycliffe. ",The pictures made a deep impression on the mind of Huss and led him to a closer study of the Bible and of Wycliffe’s writings.,religion,SDA Book +en13054,"Ngakhale kuti sanakonzekere, ngakhalebe, kuvomereza masinthidwe onse ochirikizidwa ndi Wycliffe, iye anawona bwino lomwe mkhalidwe weniweni wa upapa, ndipo ndi changu chokulirapo anadzudzula kunyada, chikhumbo, ndi kuipa kwa maulamuliro","Though he was not prepared, even yet, to accept all the reforms advocated by Wycliffe, he saw more clearly the true character of the papacy, and with greater zeal denounced the pride, the ambition, and the corruption of the hierarchy.",religion,SDA Book +en13055,Kuchokera ku Bohemia kuwala kunafikira ku Germany; chifukwa cha zisokonezo za pa yunivesite ya Prague zinachititsa kuti mazana a ophunzira a ku Germany achoke.,"From Bohemia the light extended to Germany, for disturbances in the University of Prague caused the withdrawal of hundreds of German students. ",religion,SDA Book +en13056,"Ambiri a iwo analandira kuchokera kwa Hus chidziŵitso chawo choyamba cha Baibulo, ndipo pobwerera anafalitsa uthenga wabwino m’ dziko la makolo awo","Many of them had received from Huss their first knowledge of the Bible, and on their return they spread the gospel in their fatherland. ",religion,SDA Book +en13057,"Uthenga wa ntchito ku Prague unaperekedwa ku Roma, ndipo posapita nthaŵi Hus anaitanidwa kukaonekera pamaso pa papa. ","Tidings of the work at Prague were carried to Rome, and Huss was soon summoned to appear before the pope. ",religion,SDA Book +en13058,Kumvera kunali kudziika pangozi ku imfa yotsimikizirika.,To obey would be to expose himself to certain death. ,religion,SDA Book +en13059,"Mfumu ndi mfumukazi ya ku Bohemia, yunivesite, anthu olemekezeka, ndi akuluakulu a boma, anagwirizana m’ kudandaulira kwa papa kuti Hus aloledwe kukhalabe ku Prague, ndi kuyankha ku Roma ndi wachiwiri wake. ","The king and queen of Bohemia, the university, members of the nobility, and officers of the government united in an appeal to the pontiff that Huss be permitted to remain at Prague and to answer at Rome by deputy. ",religion,SDA Book +en13060,"M’malo movomereza pempho limeneli, papa anapitiriza kuzenga mlandu ndi kudzudzula Huss, ndipo kenaka analengeza kuti mzinda wa Prague unali woletsedwa","Instead of granting this request, the pope proceeded to the trial and condemnation of Huss, and then declared the city of Prague to be under interdict.",religion,SDA Book +en13061,"M'zaka zimenezo chiganizochi, nthawi zonse chikatchulidwa, chinkachititsa mantha.","In that age this sentence, whenever pronounced, created widespread alarm. ",religion,SDA Book +en13062,"Miyambo imene inatsagana nayo inakonzedwa bwino kuti igwetse mantha kwa anthu amene amaona papa monga woimira Mulungu mwiniyo, wokhala ndi makiyi a Kumwamba ndi gehena, ndipo ali ndi mphamvu yoitanira ziweruzo zakuthupi ndi zauzimu. ","The ceremonies by which it was accompanied were well adapted to strike terror to a people who looked upon the pope as the representative of God Himself, holding the keys of heaven and hell, and possessing power to invoke temporal as well as spiritual judgments.",religion,SDA Book +en13063,"Ankakhulupirira kuti zipata za Kumwamba zinali zotsekedwa kudera lomwe linakanthidwa ndi choletsa; kuti kufikira zitakondweretsa papa kuchotsa chiletsocho, akufa anatsekeredwa m’nyumba zachisangalalo.","It was believed that the gates of heaven were closed against the region smitten with interdict; that until it should please the pope to remove the ban, the dead were shut out from the abodes of bliss.",religion,SDA Book +en13064,"Chifukwa cha tsoka loopsali, mautumiki onse achipembedzo anaimitsidwa. ","In token of this terrible calamity, all the services of religion were suspended.",religion,SDA Book +en13065,Mipingo inatsekedwa. Ukwati unachitikira m’bwalo la tchalitchi. ,The churches were closed. Marriages were solemnized in the churchyard,religion,SDA Book +en13066,"Anthu akufa, amene anakanidwa kuikidwa m’manda m’malo opatulidwa, anaikidwa m’manda, popanda miyambo ya kumanda, m’ngalande kapena m’minda. ","The dead, denied burial in consecrated ground, were interred, without the rites of sepulture, in the ditches or the fields.",religion,SDA Book +en13067,"Chotero ndi miyeso yomwe inakopa malingaliro, Roma anayesa kulamulira zikumbumtima za anthu","Thus by measures which appealed to the imagination, Rome essayed to control the consciences of men",religion,SDA Book +en13068,"Mumzinda wa Prague munali chipwirikiti. Gulu lalikulu linatsutsa Hus monga woyambitsa masoka awo onse, ndipo linafuna kuti iye aperekedwe ku kubwezera chilango kwa Roma.",The city of Prague was filled with tumult. A large class denounced Huss as the cause of all their calamities and demanded that he be given up to the vengeance of Rome.,religion,SDA Book +en13069,"Pofuna kuthetsa namondweyo, wokonzansoyo anachoka kwa kanthaŵi kupita kumudzi kwawo..","To quiet the storm, the Reformer withdrew for a time to his native village",religion,SDA Book +en13070,"Polembera mabwenzi amene anawasiya ku Prague, iye anati: “Ngati ndachoka pakati panu, ndikutsatira malangizo ndi chitsanzo cha Yesu Khristu, kuti asapatse mwayi anthu oipa kuti akopeke. pa iwo okha chitsutso chamuyaya, ndi kuti asakhale chifukwa cha masautso ndi mazunzo kwa opembedza. ","Writing to the friends whom he had left at Prague, he said: “If I have withdrawn from the midst of you, it is to follow the precept and example of Jesus Christ, in order not to give room to the ill-minded to draw on themselves eternal condemnation, and in order not to be to the pious a cause of affliction and persecution",religion,SDA Book +en13071,"Ndapumanso chifukwa cha mantha kuti ansembe osapembedza apitirizebe kuletsa kulalikidwa kwa Mawu a Mulungu pakati panu; koma sindinakusiyeni kukana chowonadi chaumulungu, chimene, mothandizidwa ndi Mulungu, ndili wololera kufa.” ","I have retired also through an apprehension that impious priests might continue for a longer time to prohibit the preaching of the word of God amongst you; but I have not quitted you to deny the divine truth, for which, with God’s assistance, I am willing to die.",religion,SDA Book +en13072,"Hus sanasiye ntchito yake, koma anayendayenda m’ maiko ozungulira, kulalikira kwa makamu ofunitsitsa. Motero njira zimene papa anagwiritsa ntchito pofuna kupondereza uthenga wabwino, zinachititsa kuti uthengawo ufutukuke kwambiri. “Sitingachite kalikonse kotsutsana ndi chowonadi, koma chokana chowonadi","Huss did not cease his labors, but traveled through the surrounding country, preaching to eager crowds.",religion,SDA Book +en13073,"""Maganizo a Huss, panthawiyi ya ntchito yake, akuwoneka kuti anali malo a mkangano wowawa. ","“The mind of Huss, at this stage of his career, would seem to have been the scene of a painful conflict",religion,SDA Book +en13074,"Ngakhale kuti tchalitchicho chinafuna kumugonjetsa ndi mabingu ake, iye sanasiye ulamuliro wake. ","Although the church was seeking to overwhelm him by her thunderbolts, he had not renounced her authority.",religion,SDA Book +en13075,"Mpingo wa Roma udakali kwa iye mkwatibwi wa Khristu, ndipo papa anali woimira ndi woyimira Mulungu. ","The Roman Church was still to him the spouse of Christ, and the pope was the representative and vicar of God",religion,SDA Book +en13076,"Chimene Huss anali kulimbana nacho chinali kugwiritsira ntchito molakwa ulamuliro, osati mfundo yeniyeniyo.","What Huss was warring against was the abuse of authority, not the principle itself.",religion,SDA Book +en13077,Izi zinayambitsa mkangano waukulu pakati pa kukhudzika kwa kumvetsetsa kwake ndi zonena za chikumbumtima chake. ,This brought on a terrible conflict between the convictions of his understanding and the claims of his conscience.,religion,SDA Book +en13078,"Ngati ulamulirowo unali wolungama ndi wosalakwa, monga momwe iye ankaukhulupirira, zinatheka bwanji kuti adzimve wokakamizika kuukana?","If the authority was just and infallible, as he believed it to be, how came it that he felt compelled to disobey it? ",religion,SDA Book +en13079,"Kumvera, iye anawona, kunali kuchimwa; koma n’chifukwa chiyani kumvera mpingo wosalakwa kuyenera kuyambitsa nkhani yoteroyo?","To obey, he saw, was to sin; but why should obedience to an infallible church lead to such an issue? ",religion,SDA Book +en13080,Ili linali vuto lomwe sakanatha kulithetsa; uku kunali kukaika kumene kunkamuzunza iye ola ndi ola. ,This was the problem he could not solve; this was the doubt that tortured him hour by hour. ,religion,SDA Book +en13081,"Chiyerekezo chapafupi cha yankho, chimene iye anatha kupanga, chinali chakuti izo zinachitika kachiwiri, monga kale mu masiku a Mpulumutsi, kuti ansembe a tchalitchi anakhala anthu oipa, ndipo anali kugwiritsira ntchito ulamuliro wawo wovomerezeka kaamba ka kuswa lamulo. mapeto. .","The nearest approximation to a solution which he was able to make was that it had happened again, as once before in the days of the Saviour, that the priests of the church had become wicked persons and were using their lawful authority for unlawful ends.",religion,SDA Book +en13082,"Zimenezi zinam’pangitsa kutengera chitsogozo chake, ndi kulalikira kwa ena m’malo mwawo, mfundo yakuti malangizo a m’Malemba, operekedwa mwa kuzindikira, ayenera kulamulira chikumbumtima; m’mawu ena, kuti Mulungu amalankhula m’Baibulo, osati mpingo wolankhula kupyolera mwa ansembe, ndiwo chitsogozo chosalakwa","This led him to adopt for his own guidance, and to preach to others for theirs, the maxim that the precepts of Scripture, conveyed through the understanding, are to rule the conscience; in other words, that God speaking in the Bible, and not the church speaking through the priesthood, is the one infallible guide. ",religion,SDA Book +en13083,"Patapita nthaŵi chisangalalo cha ku Prague chitachepa, Hus anabwerera ku tchalitchi chake ku Betelehemu, kukapitiriza ndi changu chokulirapo ndi kulimba mtima kulalikira Mawu a Mulungu. ","When after a time the excitement in Prague subsided, Huss returned to his chapel of Bethlehem, to continue with greater zeal and courage the preaching of the word of God. ",religion,SDA Book +en13084,"Adani ake anali okangalika ndi amphamvu, koma mfumukazi ndi akuluakulu ambiri anali mabwenzi ake, ndipo anthu ambiri anali kumbali yake. Poyerekeza ziphunzitso zake zoyera ndi zokwezeka ndi moyo wake woyera ndi ziphunzitso zonyansa zimene Aroma ankalalikira, ndi dyera ndi khalidwe lotayirira limene iwo ankachita, ambiri ankaona kuti ndi ulemu kukhala kumbali yake","His enemies were active and powerful, but the queen and maComparing his pure and elevating teachings and holy life with the degrading dogmas which the Romanists preached, and the avarice and debauchery which they practiced, many regarded it an honor to be on his side.",religion,SDA Book +en13085,"Mpaka pano Huss anayima yekha mu ntchito zake; koma tsopano Jerome, amene ali ku England anavomereza ziphunzitso za Wycliffe, anagwirizana nawo m’ntchito yokonzanso zinthu. ","Hitherto Huss had stood alone in his labors; but now Jerome, who while in England had accepted the teachings of Wycliffe, joined in the work of reform.",religion,SDA Book +en13086,"Awiriwo anali ogwirizana m’miyoyo yawo pambuyo pake, ndipo mu imfa sanayenera kugawanikaLuso lanzeru, kulankhula bwino ndi kuphunzira—mphatso zimene zimakomera anthu ambiri—zinali +nazo pamlingo wapamwamba kwambiri ndi Jerome; koma mu mikhalidwe imeneyo yomwe imapanga +mphamvu yeniyeni ya khalidwe, Hus anali wamkulu. ","The two were hereafter united in their lives, and in death they were not to be divided. +Brilliancy of genius, eloquence and learning—gifts that win popular +favor—were possessed in a pre-eminent degree by Jerome; but in +those qualities which constitute real strength of character, Huss was the +greater",religion,SDA Book +en13087,"Chiweruzo chake chodekha chinatumikira monga choletsa mzimu wopupuluma wa Jerome, amene, ndi kudzichepetsa kwenikweni, anazindikira kufunika kwake, namvera uphungu wake. Pansi pa ntchito yawo yogwirizana kukonzanso kunakulitsidwa mofulumira kwambiri","His calm judgment served as a restraint upon the impulsive spirit of Jerome, who, with true humility, perceived his worth, and yielded to his counsels. Under their united labors the reform was more rapidly extended",religion,SDA Book +en13088,"Mulungu analola kuunika kwakukulu kuwalira m’maganizo a amuna osankhidwa’wa, kuwavumbulutsira iwo zolakwa zambiri za Roma; koma sanalandire kuunika konse kumene kunayenera kuperekedwa ku dziko. ","God permitted great light to shine upon the minds of these chosen men, revealing to them many of the errors of Rome; but they did not receive all the light that was to be given to the world. ",religion,SDA Book +en13089,"Kupyolera mwa ameneŵa, atumiki ake, Mulungu anali kutsogolera anthu kuchoka mumdima wa Chiroma; koma panali zopinga zambiri ndi zazikulu kukumana nazo; ","Through these, His servants, God was leading the people out of the darkness of Romanism; but there were many and great obstacles for them to meet, and He led them on, step by step, as they could bear it. ",religion,SDA Book +en13090,"Sanakonzekere kulandira kuwala konse nthawi imodzi. Mofanana ndi ulemerero wonse wa dzuŵa la masana kwa awo amene akhala mumdima kwa nthaŵi yaitali, zikanasonyezedwa, zikanawachititsa kutembenuka. ","They were not prepared to receive all the light at once. Like the full glory of the noontide sun to those who have long dwelt in darkness, it would, if presented, have caused them to turn away. ",religion,SDA Book +en13091,"Chotero iye anaulula izo kwa atsogoleri, pang'onopang'ono, monga izo zikanalandiridwa ndi anthu. Kuyambira zaka zana kufikira zaka zana antchito ena okhulupirika anayenera kutsatira, kutsogolera anthu kupitirizabe panjira yokonzanso","Therefore He revealed it to the leaders little by little, as it could be received by the people. From century to century, other faithful workers were to follow, to lead the people on still further in the path of reform.",religion,SDA Book +en13092,Magawano mu mpingo anapitirizabe,The schism in the church still continued. .,religion,SDA Book +en13093,"Apapa atatu tsopano anali kulimbirana ulamuliro, ndipo mikangano yawo inadzaza Dziko Lachikristu ndi upandu ndi chipwirikiti.","Three popes were now contending for the supremacy, and their strife filled Christendom with crime and tumult.",religion,SDA Book +en13094,"Posakhutira ndi kutukwana, anayamba kugwiritsa ntchito zida zosakhalitsa. Aliyense ankamuzungulira kuti agule zida ndi kupeza asilikali. Inde ndalama ziyenera kukhala nazo; ndipo kuti apeze izi, mphatso zonse, maudindo, ndi madalitso a mpingo anaperekedwa kuti agulitse. ","Not content with hurling anathemas, they resorted to temporal weapons. Each cast about him to purchase arms and to obtain soldiers. Of course money must be had; and to procure this, the gifts, offices, and blessings of the church were offered for sale",religion,SDA Book +en13095,"Ansembe nawonso, akutsanzira akuluakulu awo, anatembenukira ku chisimoni ndi nkhondo kuti achepetse adani awo, ndi kulimbikitsa mphamvu zawo. ","The priests also, imitating their superiors, resorted to simony and war to humble their rivals and strengthen their own power. ",religion,SDA Book +en13096,"Ndi kulimba mtima kowonjezereka kwa tsiku ndi tsiku, Hus anabingulira motsutsana ndi zonyansa zimene zinaloledwa m’dzina la chipembedzo; ndipo anthuwo anaimba mlandu atsogoleri achiroma poyera kuti ndiwo anayambitsa mavuto amene anawononga Matchalitchi Achikhristu.",With daily increasing boldness Huss thundered against the abominations which were tolerated in the name of religion; and the people openly accused the Romish leaders as the cause of the miseries that overwhelmed Christendom,religion,SDA Book +en13097,Kachiŵirinso mzinda wa Prague unawoneka ngati uli pafupi ndi mkangano wakupha.,"The city was again placed under interdict, and Huss withdrew to his native village.",religion,SDA Book +en13098, Umboni woperekedwa mokhulupirika kuchokera ku tchalitchi chake chokondedwa ku Betelehemu unatha. ,The testimony so faithfully borne from his loved chapel of Bethlehem was ended. ,religion,SDA Book +en13099,"Anayenera kulankhula kuchokera pamlingo waukulu, ku Matchalitchi Achikristu onse, asanapereke moyo wake monga mboni ya chowonadi","He was to speak from a wider stage, to all Christendom, before laying down his life as a witness for the truth. ",religion,SDA Book +en13100,"Pofuna kuthetsa zoipa zimene zinkasokoneza anthu a ku Ulaya, akuluakulu a bungweli anaitanitsa msonkhano ku Constance.","To cure the evils that were distracting Europe, a general council was summoned to meet at Constance. ",religion,SDA Book +en13101,"Bungwelo linaitanidwa, mwa kufuna kwa mfumu Sigismund, ndi mmodzi wa apapa atatu opikisanawo, John XXIII","The council was called at the desire of the emperor Sigismund, by one of the three rival popes, John XXIII. ",religion,SDA Book +en13102,"Kufuna kuti pakhale msonkhano kunali kosayenera kwa Papa Yohane, amene khalidwe lake ndi mfundo zake sizikanatha kufufuzidwa, ngakhale ndi ansembe olekerera makhalidwe monga momwe analili atsogoleri achipembedzo a m’nthaŵi imeneyo. ","The demand for a council had been far from welcome to Pope John, whose character and policy could ill bear investigation, even by prelates as lax in morals as were the churchmen of those times. ",religion,SDA Book +en13103,"Iye sanayerekeze, komabe, kutsutsa chifuniro cha Sigismund","He dared not, however, oppose the will of Sigismund",religion,SDA Book +en13104,"Zinthu zazikulu zimene bungweli liyenera kuchita zinali kuchiritsa magawano mu mpingo, ndi kuchotsa mpatuko. ",The chief objects to be accomplished by the council were to heal the schism in the church and to root out heresy. ,religion,SDA Book +en13105,"Chotero otsutsa apapa aŵiriwo anaitanidwa kukaonekera pamaso pake, limodzinso ndi wofalitsa wamkulu wa malingaliro atsopanowo, John Huss. ","Hence the two antipopes were summoned to appear before it, as well as the leading propagator of the new opinions, John Huss.",religion,SDA Book +en13106,"Oyambawo, poganizira za chitetezo chawo, sanapezekepo pamaso pawo, koma anaimiridwa ndi nthumwi zawo.","The former, having regard to their own safety, did not attend in person, but were represented by their delegates. ",religion,SDA Book +en13107,"Papa Yohane, ngakhale kuti anali wodziŵika kuti ndiye woimira bungweli, anafikapo ali ndi zokayikitsa zambiri, akumakayikira cholinga chachinsinsi cha mfumu yoti amuchotse paudindo wakeyo, ndiponso akuwopa kuti adzaimbidwa mlandu chifukwa cha zoipa zimene zinachititsa manyazi tiara, komanso milandu imene inachititsa kuti mfumuyo iwonongeke. anali ataziteteza izo. ","Pope John, while ostensibly the convoker of the council, came to it with many misgivings, suspecting the emperor’s secret purpose to depose him, and fearing to be brought to account for the vices which had disgraced the tiara, as well as for the crimes which had secured it.",religion,SDA Book +en13108,"Komabe iye analowa mu mzinda wa Constance ndi ulemu waukulu, kumene kunali atchalitchi audindo wapamwamba kwambiri, ndipo anatsatiridwa ndi gulu la akuluakulu apabwalo. ","Yet he made his entry into the city of Constance with great pomp, attended by ecclesiastics of the highest rank and followed by a train of courtiers. ",religion,SDA Book +en13109,"Atsogoleri onse achipembedzo ndi akuluakulu onse a mumzindawo, pamodzi ndi khamu lalikulu la anthu, anapita kukamulandira Iye. ","All the clergy and dignitaries of the city, with an immense crowd of citizens, went out to welcome him.",religion,SDA Book +en13110,"Pamwamba pa mutu wake panali denga lagolide, lonyamulidwa ndi oweruza akuluakulu anayi. ","Above his head was a golden canopy, borne by four of the chief magistrates. ",religion,SDA Book +en13111,"Wolandira mlendoyo ananyamulidwa pamaso pake, ndipo madiresi olemera a makadinala ndi olemekezeka anapanga chionetsero chochititsa chidwi","The host was carried before him, and the rich dresses of the cardinals and nobles made an imposing display. ",religion,SDA Book +en13112,Panthawiyi nkuti munthu wina wapaulendo akuyandikira Constance. Huss ankadziwa zoopsa zomwe zinkamuopseza. ,Meanwhile another traveler was approaching Constance. Huss was conscious of the dangers which threatened him.,religion,SDA Book +en13113,"Anasiyana ndi anzake ngati kuti sadzakumana nawonso, ndipo anapita ulendo wake akumva kuti akumufikitsa pamtengo. ","He parted from his friends as if he were never to meet them again, and went on his journey feeling that it was leading him to the stake. ",religion,SDA Book +en13114,"Ngakhale kuti analandira njira yodzitetezera kwa mfumu ya Bohemia, ndipo analandiranso imodzi kuchokera kwa mfumu Sigismund pamene anali paulendo wake, iye anapanga makonzedwe ake onse polingalira za kuthekera kwa imfa yake .M’kalata yopita kwa mabwenzi ake ku Prague iye anati:","Notwithstanding he had obtained a safe-conduct from the king of Bohemia, and received one also from the emperor Sigismund while on his journey, he made all his arrangements in view of the probability of his death. In a letter addressed to his friends at Prague he said:",religion,SDA Book +en13115,"“Ndikuchoka, abale anga, ndi khalidwe losungika kwa mfumu, kukakumana ndi adani anga ochuluka ndi akufa.... ","“My brethren, ... I am departing with a safe-conduct from the king to meet my numerous and mortal enemies....",religion,SDA Book +en13116,"Ndikudalira kotheratu mwa Mulungu wamphamvuyonse; mwa Mpulumutsi wanga; Ndikhulupirira kuti adzamva mapemphero ako achangu, kuti adzaika nzeru yake ndi nzeru zake mkamwa mwanga, kuti ndikanize iwo; ndi kuti adzandipatsa Mzimu wake Woyera kuti undilimbitse m’chowonadi chake, kotero kuti ndiyang’anizane ndi kulimbika mtima, mayesero, ndende, ndipo, ngati n’koyenera, imfa yankhanza. ","I confide altogether in the all-powerful God, in my Saviour; I trust that He will listen to your ardent prayers, that He will infuse His prudence and His wisdom into my mouth, in order that I may resist them; and that He will accord me His Holy Spirit to fortify me in His truth, so that I may face with courage, temptations, prison, and, if necessary, a cruel death. ",religion,SDA Book +en13117,"Yesu Kristu anazunzika chifukwa cha wokondedwa wake; ndipo chifukwa chake tiyenera kuzizwa kuti adatisiyira ife chitsanzo chake, kuti ife tokha tipirire ndi chipiriro zinthu zonse ku chipulumutso chathu? Iye ndi Mulungu, ndipo ife ndife zolengedwa zake; Iye ndiye Yehova, ndipo ife ndife akapolo ake; ndiye Mbuye wa dziko lapansi, ndipo ife ndife anthu onyozeka; Nanga n’cifukwa ciani sitiyenela kuvutika, makamaka pamene kuvutika kuli ciyeretso kwa ife? ","Jesus Christ suffered for His well-beloved; and therefore ought we to be astonished that He has left us His example, in order that we may ourselves endure with patience all things for our own salvation? He is God, and we are His creatures; He is the Lord, and we are His servants; He is Master of the world, and we are contemptible mortals—yet He suffered! Why, then, should we not suffer also, particularly when suffering is for us a purification?",religion,SDA Book +en13118,"Chotero, okondedwa, ngati imfa yanga iyenera kupereka ulemerero wake, pempherani kuti ibwere mofulumira, ndi kuti andithandize kuchirikiza masoka anga onse mosalekeza. ","Therefore, beloved, if my death ought to contribute to His glory, pray that it may come quickly, and that He may enable me to support all my calamities with constancy.",religion,SDA Book +en13119,"Koma ngati nkwabwino kuti ndibwerere kwa inu, tipemphere kwa Mulungu kuti ndibwerere wopanda banga, ndiko kuti, kuti ndisatseke ngakhale lemba limodzi la choonadi cha Uthenga Wabwino, kuti ndisiyire abale anga chitsanzo chabwino. kutsatira. ","But if it be better that I return amongst you, let us pray to God that I may return without stain—that is, that I may not suppress one tittle of the truth of the gospel, in order to leave my brethren an excellent example to follow",religion,SDA Book +en13120,"Mwina, chifukwa chake, simudzawonanso nkhope yanga ku Prague; koma chifuniro cha Mulungu Wamphamvuyonse chikafuna kundibwezeretsa kwa inu, tiyeni tipite patsogolo ndi mtima wokhazikika m’chidziŵitso ndi chikondi cha chilamulo chake","Probably, therefore, you will nevermore behold my face at Prague; but should the will of the all-powerful God deign to restore me to you, let us then advance with a firmer heart in the knowledge and the love of His law.",religion,SDA Book +en13121,"M’kalata ina, kwa wansembe amene anakhala wophunzira wa uthenga wabwino, Hus analankhula modzichepetsa kwambiri ponena za zolakwa zake, akudziimba mlandu kuti anasangalala kuvala zovala zamtengo wapatali, ndiponso kuti anali atawononga maola ambiri m’ntchito zazing’ono. Kenako anawonjezera machenjezo okhudza mtima awa:","In another letter, to a priest who had become a disciple of the gospel, Huss spoke with deep humility of his own errors, accusing himself “of having felt pleasure in wearing rich apparel and of having wasted hours in frivolous occupations.” He +then added these touching admonitions:",religion,SDA Book +en13122,"“Mulole ulemerero wa Mulungu ndi chipulumutso cha miyoyo zikhazikike m’maganizo mwanu, osati kukhala ndi mapindu ndi chuma. ","May the glory of God and the salvation of souls occupy thy mind, and not the possession of benefices and estates.",religion,SDA Book +en13123,"Chenjerani ndi kukongoletsa nyumba yanu koposa moyo wanu; ndipo koposa zonse, perekani chisamaliro chanu ku nyumba yauzimu.","Beware of adorning thy house more than thy soul; and, above all, give thy care to the spiritual edifice",religion,SDA Book +en13124,"Khalani olungama ndi odzichepetsa pamodzi ndi aumphawi, ndipo musawononge chuma chanu m’madyerero. Kodi inu simukuyenera kusintha moyo wanu ndi kupewa zochulukira, ine ndikuwopa kuti inu mudzalangidwa koopsa, monga ine ndekha…. ","Be pious and humble with the poor, and consume not thy substance in feasting. Shouldst thou not amend thy life and refrain from superfluities, I fear that thou wilt be severely chastened, as I am myself....",religion,SDA Book +en13125,"Inu mukudziwa chiphunzitso changa, pakuti inu munalandira malangizo anga kuyambira pa ubwana wanu; chifukwa chake sikuthandiza kwa ine kukulemberaninso. ","Thou knowest my doctrine, for thou hast received my instructions from thy childhood; it is therefore useless for me to write to thee any further.",religion,SDA Book +en13126,"Koma ine ndikulumbirirani mwa chifundo cha Ambuye wathu, kuti musanditsanze ine m’zachabechabe zomwe mwandiona ndikugweramo.” ","But I conjure thee, by the mercy of our Lord, not to imitate me in any of the vanities into which thou hast seen me fall.",religion,SDA Book +en13127,"Pachikuto cha kalatayo anawonjezera kuti: ""Ndikukulamula, bwenzi langa, kuti usathyole chisindikizo ichi, mpaka mutapeza chitsimikizo chakuti ndafa","On the cover of the letter he added: “I conjure thee, my friend, not to break this seal until thou shalt have acquired the certitude that I am dead",religion,SDA Book +en13128,"Paulendo wake, Huss kulikonse adawona zisonyezo za kufalikira kwa ziphunzitso zake, ndi chisomo chomwe cholinga chake chinali kuwonedwa.","On his journey, Huss everywhere beheld indications of the spread of his doctrines and the favor with which his cause was regarded",religion,SDA Book +en13129,"Anthu anasonkhana kudzakumana naye, ndipo m’mizinda ina oweruza ankapita naye m’misewu yawo.","The people thronged to meet him, and in some towns the magistrates attended him through their streets.",religion,SDA Book +en13130,"Atafika ku Constance, Huss anapatsidwa ufulu wonse.","Upon arriving at Constance, Huss was granted full liberty",religion,SDA Book +en13131,Ku chitetezo cha mfumu kunawonjezeredwa chitsimikiziro chaumwini cha chitetezo cha papa. ,To the emperor’s safe-conduct was added a personal assurance of protection by the pope,religion,SDA Book +en13132,"Koma mophwanya zilengezo zaulemu ndi zobwerezabwereza zimenezi, wokonzansoyo m’kanthaŵi kochepa anamangidwa, ndi lamulo la papa ndi makadinala, naponyedwa m’dzenje lonyansa","But, in violation of these solemn and repeated declarations, the Reformer was in a short time arrested, by order of the pope and cardinals, and thrust into a loathsome dungeon",religion,SDA Book +en13133,"Papa, komabe, kupindula pang'ono ndi chinyengo chake, posakhalitsa adamangidwanso m'ndende yomweyo.","The pope, profiting little by his perfidy, was soon after committed to the same prison.",religion,SDA Book +en13134,"Iye anali atatsimikiziridwa pamaso pa bungwelo kukhala wopalamula milandu yoipitsitsa, kuwonjezera pa kupha, chisimoni, ndi chigololo, “machimo osayenera kutchulidwa.”","He had been proved before the council to be guilty of the basest crimes, besides murder, simony, and adultery, “sins not fit to be named",religion,SDA Book +en13135,"Kotero bwalo lokha linanena; ndipo potsirizira pake adalandidwa tiara, naponyedwa m'ndende. ","So the council itself declared, and he was finally deprived of the tiara and thrown into prison",religion,SDA Book +en13136,"Otsutsa apapa nawonso anachotsedwa, ndipo papa watsopano anasankhidwa","The antipopes also were deposed, and a new pontiff was chosen.",religion,SDA Book +en13137,"Ngakhale papa mwiniwakeyo anali ndi mlandu wamilandu yokulirapo kuposa imene Hus anaimbidwapo ansembe, ndi imene iye anafuna kukonzanso, komabe bungwe lomwelo limene linanyozetsa papa linapitiriza kuphwanya wokonzansoyo. ","Though the pope himself had been guilty of greater crimes than Huss had ever charged upon the priests, and for which he had demanded a reformation, yet the same council which degraded the pontiff proceeded to crush the Reformer. ",religion,SDA Book +en13138,Kuikidwa m’ndende kwa Hus kunadzetsa mkwiyo waukulu ku Bohemia.,The imprisonment of Huss excited great indignation in Bohemia. ,religion,SDA Book +en13139,Akuluakulu amphamvu adalankhula ku khonsoloyi akutsutsa mwamphamvu mkwiyowu. ,Powerful noblemen addressed to the council earnest protests against this outrage. ,religion,SDA Book +en13140,"Mfumuyo, yomwe inali yamwano kulola kuswa lamulo lotetezedwa, inatsutsa mlandu wake. ","The emperor, who was loath to permit the violation of a safe-conduct, opposed the proceedings against him.",religion,SDA Book +en13141,Koma adani a wokonzansoyo anali oipa ndi otsimikiza mtima. ,But the enemies of the Reformer were malignant and determined. ,religion,SDA Book +en13142,"Iwo analimbikitsa tsankho la mfumuyo, mantha ake, changu chake pa tchalitchi.","They appealed to the emperor’s prejudices, to his fears, to his zeal for the church. ",religion,SDA Book +en13143,"Iwo anabweretsa zotsutsana zazitali kutsimikizira kuti iye anali “womasuka kotheratu wosasunga chikhulupiriro ndi wampatuko,” ndi kuti bungwe, pokhala pamwamba pa mfumu, “linakhoza kummasula iye ku mawu ake.” Motero anapambana","They brought forward arguments of great length to prove that “faith ought not to be kept with heretics, nor persons suspected of heresy, though they are furnished with safe-conducts from the emperor and kings",religion,SDA Book +en13144,"Pokomoka ndi matenda ndi kutsekeredwa m’ndende—pakuti chinyontho, mpweya woipa wa m’ndende +yake unabweretsa malungo amene anatsala pang’ono kutha moyo wake—Hus potsiriza +anabweretsedwa pamaso pa bungwe. ","Enfeebled by illness and imprisonment,—for the damp, foul air of his dungeon had brought on a fever which nearly ended his life,—Huss was at last brought before the council.",religion,SDA Book +en13145,"Wodzazidwa ndi unyolo anaima pamaso pa mfumu, amene ulemu wake ndi chikhulupiriro chabwino zinaperekedwa kuti amuteteze.","Loaded with chains he stood in the presence of the emperor, whose honor and good faith had been pledged to protect him. ",religion,SDA Book +en13146,"M’kati mwa kuzengedwa mlandu kwake kwanthaŵi yaitali iye anachirikiza chowonadi mwamphamvu, ndipo pamaso pa nduna zosonkhana za Tchalitchi ndi Boma, iye ananena chionetsero champhamvu ndi chokhulupirika chotsutsa kuipa kwa atsogoleri achipembedzo. ","During his long trial he firmly maintained the truth, and in the presence of the assembled dignitaries of church and state he uttered a solemn and faithful protest against the corruptions of the hierarchy.",religion,SDA Book +en13147,"Atauzidwa kuti asankhe ngati angasiye ziphunzitso zake kapena kuphedwa, iye anavomereza zimene zidzachitikire wofera chikhulupiriroyo","When required to choose whether he would recant his doctrines or suffer death, he accepted the martyr’s fate.",religion,SDA Book +en13148,"Chisomo cha Mulungu chinamuchirikiza. M'milungu ya masautso yomwe idadutsa chigamulo chake chomaliza chisanachitike, mtendere wa Kumwamba unadzaza moyo wake.","The grace of God sustained him. During the weeks of suffering that passed before his final sentence, heaven’s peace filled his soul. ",religion,SDA Book +en13149,"“Ndikulembera kalata iyi,” iye anatero kwa bwenzi lake, “m’ndende, ndi dzanja langa lomangirira, kuyembekezera chilango changa cha imfa mawa.... ","“I write this letter,” he said to a friend, “in my prison, and with my fettered hand, expecting my sentence of death tomorrow.... ",religion,SDA Book +en13150,"Pamene, mothandizidwa ndi Yesu Kristu, tidzakumananso mu mtendere wokoma. ","When, with the assistance of Jesus Christ, we shall again meet in the delicious peace of the future life, you will learn how merciful God has shown Himself toward me, how effectually He has supported me in the midst of my temptations and trials",religion,SDA Book +en13151,"za moyo wamtsogolo, mudzaphunzira mmene Mulungu wasonyezera chifundo kwa ine—mmene wandichirikizira mogwira mtima m’mayesero ndi m’mayesero anga",In the gloom of his dungeon he foresaw the triumph of the true faith. ,religion,SDA Book +en13152,"Atabwerera m’ maloto ake ku tchalitchi cha ku Prague kumene analalikira uthenga wabwino, anaona papa ndi mabishopu ake akuchotsa zithunzithunzi za Kristu zimene anajambula pamakoma ake. ","Returning in his dreams to the chapel at Prague where he had preached the gospel, he saw the pope and his bishops effacing the pictures of Christ which he had painted on its walls. ",religion,SDA Book +en13153,"Iye anabvutika kwambiri ndi kuona; koma tsiku lotsatira chisoni chake chinasinthidwa kukhala chisangalalo, pamene adawona ojambula ambiri akubwera kudzasintha ziwerengerozo mwaunyinji ndi mitundu yowala. ",“This vision distressed him: but on the next day he saw many painters occupied in restoring these figures in greater number and in brighter colors. ,religion,SDA Book +en13154,"Ntchito yawo itatha, ojambulawo anafuula kwa khamu lomwe linasonkhana mwachidwi ponena za iwo, “Tsopano lolani apapa ndi mabishopu abwere! Sadzawafafanizanso konse! Anatero wokonzansoyo, pamene anali kulongosola maloto ake, ","As soon as their task was ended, the painters, who were surrounded by an immense crowd, exclaimed, ‘Now let the popes and bishops come; they shall never efface them more!”’ Said the Reformer, as he related his dream: ",religion,SDA Book +en13155,"“Ndiri wotsimikiza kuti chifaniziro cha Kristu sichidzathetsedwa. Afuna kuliwononga, koma lidzasindikizidwanso m’mitima ya anthu ndi alaliki abwino koposa ine","“I maintain this for certain, that the image of Christ will never be effaced. They have wished to destroy it, but it shall be painted afresh in all hearts by much better preachers than myself",religion,SDA Book +en13156,"Kwa nthawi yotsiriza, Hus anabweretsedwa pamaso pa bungwe. ","For the last time, Huss was brought before the council.",religion,SDA Book +en13157,"Unali msonkhano waukulu ndi wonyezimira, —mfumu, akalonga a ufumuwo, nduna za mfumu, makadinala, mabishopu, ndi ansembe, ndi khamu lalikulu lomwe linabwera monga owonerera zochitika za tsikulo. ","It was a vast and brilliant assembly—the emperor, the princes of the empire, the royal deputies, the cardinals, bishops, and priests, and an immense crowd who had come as spectators of the events of the day. ",religion,SDA Book +en13158,Kuchokera m’mbali zonse za Dziko Lachikristu zinasonkhanitsidwa mboni za nsembe yaikulu yoyamba imeneyi m’kulimbana kwanthaŵi yaitali kumene ufulu wa chikumbumtima unayenera kusungidwiramo,From all parts of Christendom had been gathered the witnesses of this first great sacrifice in the long struggle by which liberty of conscience was to be secured.,religion,SDA Book +en13159,"Ataitanidwa kaamba ka chigamulo chake chomaliza, Huss analengeza kukana kwake kukana, ndipo akuyang’ana molunjika pa mfumu imene mawu ake oipa anaphwanyidwa mopanda manyazi, iye analengeza kuti mwa kufuna kwake iye anaonekera pamaso pa bwalo la akulu, ","Being called upon for his final decision, Huss declared his refusal to abjure, and, fixing his penetrating glance upon the monarch whose plighted word had been so shamelessly violated, he declared: ",religion,SDA Book +en13160,"Chigamulo chitatha kunenedwa, mwambo wochotsera ulemu unayamba","Sentence having been pronounced, the ceremony of degradation began. ",religion,SDA Book +en13161,"Mabishopu anaveka mkaidi wawo chizoloŵezi chonyansa, ndipo pamene anatenga mwinjiro wansembe, anati: “Ambuye wathu Yesu Kristu anafundidwa ndi mwinjiro woyera mwamwano, pamene Herode anam’perekeza pamaso pa Pilato. ","The bishops clothed their prisoner in the sacerdotal habit, and as he took the priestly robe, he said: “Our Lord Jesus Christ was covered with a white robe, by way of insult, when Herod had Him conducted before Pilate",religion,SDA Book +en13162,"Atalimbikitsidwanso kubweza mawuwo, anayankha, natembenukira kwa anthuwo, nati, Nanga ndidzapenya kumwamba ndi nkhope yanji? Kodi ndingaone bwanji khamu la amuna amene ndawalalikira uthenga woyera? ","Being again exhorted to retract, he replied, turning toward the people: “With what face, then, should I behold the heavens? How should I look on those multitudes of men to whom I have preached the pure gospel?",religion,SDA Book +en13163,"Ayi; Ndimaona chipulumutso chawo kuposa thupi losauka ili, loikidwa ku imfa tsopano.”","No; I esteem their salvation more than this poor body, now appointed unto death.",religion,SDA Book +en13164,"Zovalazo zinachotsedwa chimodzi ndi chimodzi, bishopu aliyense akunena kuti watemberera pamene anali kuchita mbali yake ya mwambowo.","The vestments were removed one by one, each bishop pronouncing a curse as he performed his part of the ceremony",religion,SDA Book +en13165,"Potsirizira pake, korona kapena nduwira, yomwe inajambula zithunzi zowopsya za ziwanda, ndipo zolembedwapo, ""Arch-Heretic,"" anaikidwa pamutu pake. “","Finally “they put on his head a cap or pyramidal-shaped miter of paper, on which were painted frightful figures of demons, with the word ‘Archheretic’ conspicuous in front",religion,SDA Book +en13166,"” iye anatero, “ndidzabvala korona wa manyazi uyu chifukwa cha Inu, Ambuye Yesu, amene munavala korona waminga chifukwa cha minga","said Huss, ‘will I wear this crown of shame for Thy sake, O Jesus, who for me didst wear a crown of thorns.”",religion,SDA Book +en13167,"Atavala zimenezi, ansembewo anapereka moyo wake kwa Satana","When he was thus arrayed, “the prelates said, ‘Now we devote thy soul to the devil.",religion,SDA Book +en13168,"Tsopano anaperekedwa kwa akuluakulu a boma, ndipo anatengedwa kupita kumalo ophedwa","He was now delivered up to the secular authorities and led away to +the place of execution. ",religion,SDA Book +en13169,"Gulu lalikulu linatsatira, mazana a amuna atanyamula zida, ansembe ndi mabishopu atavala mikanjo yawo yamtengo wapatali, ndi anthu okhala ku Constance. ","An immense procession followed, hundreds of men at arms, priests and bishops in their costly robes, and the inhabitants of Constance.",religion,SDA Book +en13170,"Pamene anapachikidwa pamtengo, ndipo zonse zitakonzekera kuti moto uyatsike, wofera chikhulupiriroyo analimbikitsidwanso kuti adzipulumutse yekha mwa kuleka zolakwa zake. “Zolakwa zanji,” anatero Huss, “ndidzakana? Sindikudziwa kuti ndine wolakwa. ","When he had been fastened to the stake, and all was ready for the fire to be lighted, the martyr was once more exhorted to save himself by renouncing his errors. “What errors,” said Huss, “shall I renounce? I know myself guilty of none.",religion,SDA Book +en13171,"Ndikuitana Mulungu kuti achitire umboni kuti zonse zimene ndalemba kapena kulalikira zakhala ndi cholinga chopulumutsa miyoyo ku uchimo ndi chitayiko; ndipo, chotero, mokondwera kwambiri ndidzatsimikizira ndi mwazi wanga chowonadi chimene ndinalemba ndi kulalikira","I call God to witness that all that I have written and preached has been with the view of rescuing souls from sin and perdition; and, therefore, most joyfully will I confirm with my blood that truth which I have written and preached",religion,SDA Book +en13172,"Pamene malawi amoto anamuyakira iye, anayamba kuimba kuti, “Yesu, Inu Mwana wa Davide, mundichitire chifundo,” ndipo anapitirizabe mpaka mawu ake anatonthozedwa mpaka kalekale","When the flames kindled about him, he began to sing, “Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me,” and so continued till his voice was silenced forever",religion,SDA Book +en13173,"Ngakhale adani ake anakhudzidwa mtima ndi khalidwe lake lamphamvu. Waupapa wachangu, akulongosola kuphedwa kwa Hus, ndi kwa Jerome, yemwe anamwalira mwamsanga pambuyo pake, anati: ","Even his enemies were struck with his heroic bearing. A zealous papist, describing the martyrdom of Huss, and ofJerome, who died soon after, said",religion,SDA Book +en13174,“Onse aŵiri anadzisungitsa m’maganizo nthaŵi zonse pamene nthaŵi yawo yomalizira inayandikira. ,Both bore themselves with constant mind when their last hour approached,religion,SDA Book +en13175,Anakonzekera moto ngati akupita kuphwando laukwati. ,They prepared for the fire as if they were going to a marriage feast,religion,SDA Book +en13176,"Sanamve kulira kowawa. Pamene lawi lamoto linayamba, anayamba kuyimba nyimbo; ndipo kusowa kwa moto kukanalepheretsa kuyimba kwawo","They uttered no cry of pain. When the flames rose, they began to sing hymns; and scarce could the vehemency of the fire stop their singing",religion,SDA Book +en13177,"Pamene thupi la Huss linali litadyedwa kwathunthu, phulusa lake, ndi nthaka yomwe iwo anapumirapo, anasonkhanitsidwa ndi kuponyedwa mu Rhine, ndipo motero ananyamulidwa kupita ku nyanja. ","When the body of Huss had been wholly consumed, his ashes, with the soil upon which they rested, were gathered up and cast into the Rhine, and thus borne onward to the ocean",religion,SDA Book +en13178,Anthu amene ankamuzunzawo ankaganiza kuti achotsa choonadi chimene ankalalikira. ,His persecutors vainly imagined that they had rooted out the truths he preached,religion,SDA Book +en13179,Sanalote pang’ono kuti phulusa lotengedwa kunyanja tsiku limenelo lidzakhala ngati mbewu zomwazika m’maiko onse a dziko lapansi; kuti m’maiko osadziŵika ukabale zipatso zochuluka mu mboni za chowonadi. ,Little did they dream that the ashes that day borne away to the sea were to be as seed scattered in all the countries of the earth; that in lands yet unknown it would yield abundant fruit in witnesses for the truth,religion,SDA Book +en13180,Mawu omwe adalankhula mu holo ya khonsolo ya Constance adadzutsa mawu omwe akanamveka m'mibadwo yonse ikubwera.,The voice which had spoken in the council hall of Constance had wakened echoes that would be heard through all coming ages.,religion,SDA Book +en13181,"Hasi kunalibenso, koma chowonadi chimene iye anafera sichikanatha konse.","Huss was no more, but the truths for which he died could never perish",religion,SDA Book +en13182,"Chitsanzo chake cha chikhulupiriro ndi kulimbikira zikanalimbikitsa miyanda ya anthu kuchirimika pachowonadi, poyang’anizana ndi chizunzo ndi imfa. ","His example of faith and constancy would encourage multitudes to stand firm for the truth, in the face of torture and death",religion,SDA Book +en13183,Kuphedwa kwake kunasonyeza dziko lonse nkhanza zosaneneka za Roma. ,His execution had exhibited to the whole world the perfidious cruelty of Rome,religion,SDA Book +en13184,"Adani a choonadi, ngakhale kuti sanachidziwe, anali kupititsa patsogolo cholinga chimene iwo mopanda pake ankafuna kuchiwononga","The enemies of truth, though they knew it not, had been furthering the cause which they vainly sought to destroy.",religion,SDA Book +en13185,Komabe mtengo wina uyenera kukhazikitsidwa ku Constance. ,Yet another stake was to be set up at Constance,religion,SDA Book +en13186,Magazi a mboni ina ayenera kuchitira umboni choonadi. ,The blood of another witness must testify for the truth.,religion,SDA Book +en13187,"Jerome, atatsanzikana ndi Hus pa ulendo wake wopita ku bungweli, anamulimbikitsa kuti alimbe mtima komanso kuti achite zinthu molimba mtima, n’kunena kuti ngati angagwe m’mavuto alionse, iye mwini adzawulukira kukathandiza.","Jerome, upon bidding farewell to Huss on his departure for the council, had exhorted him to courage and firmness, declaring that if he should fall into any peril, he himself would fly to his assistance",religion,SDA Book +en13188,"Atamva za kuikidwa m’ndende kwa wokonzansoyo, wophunzira wokhulupirikayo anakonzekera nthaŵi yomweyo kukwaniritsa lonjezo lake. anadyetsedwa mkate ndi madzi","Upon hearing of the Reformer’s imprisonment, the faithful disciple immediately prepared to fulfill his promise",religion,SDA Book +en13189,"Popanda chitetezo, adanyamuka ndi mnzake m'modzi kupita ku Constance.","Without a safe-conduct he set out, with a single companion, for Constance.",religion,SDA Book +en13190,"Atafika kumeneko anali wokhutiritsidwa kuti anangodziika yekha kungozi, popanda kuthekera kochita kalikonse kaamba ka chipulumutso cha Huss. ","On arriving there he was convinced that he had only exposed himself to peril, without the possibility of doing anything for the deliverance of Huss",religion,SDA Book +en13191,"Iye anathawa mumzindawo, koma anamangidwa pa ulendo wobwerera kwawo, ndipo anamubweretsanso omangidwa m’matangadza ndi m’manja mwa gulu la asilikali. ","He fled from the city, but was arrested on the homeward journey and brought back loaded with fetters and under the custody of a band of soldiers",religion,SDA Book +en13192," Anaponyedwa m’dzenje, namangidwa ndi unyolo pamalo amene anazunzika kwambiri, ndipo anadyetsedwa mkate ndi madzi ","He was thrown into a dungeon, chained in a position which caused him great suffering, and fed on bread and water. ",religion,SDA Book +en13193,"Patapita miyezi ingapo nkhanza zimene anaikidwa m’ndende zinam’bweretsera Jerome matenda amene anaika moyo wake pangozi, ndipo adani ake, poopa kuti angawathaŵe, anam’chitira nkhanza kwambiri, ngakhale kuti anakhala m’ndende kwa chaka chimodzi. ","After some months the cruelties of his imprisonment brought upon Jerome an illness that threatened his life, and his enemies, fearing that he might escape them, treated him with less severity, though he remained in prison for one year",religion,SDA Book +en13194,Imfa ya Hus sinabwere monga momwe apapa ankayembekezera. ,The death of Huss had not resulted as the papists had hoped.,religion,SDA Book +en13195,"Kuphwanyidwa kwa khalidwe lake lotetezedwa kunadzutsa mkuntho waukali, ndipo monga njira yotetezereka bungwelo linasankha, m’malo mowotcha Jerome, kumkakamiza, ngati kuli kotheka, kubweza m’mbuyo. .","The violation of his safe-conduct had roused a storm of indignation, and as the safer course, the council determined, instead of burning Jerome, to force him, if possible, to retract. ",religion,SDA Book +en13196,"Iye anabweretsedwa pamaso pa msonkhano, ndipo anapereka njira ina yoti asiye kapena kufera pamtengo.","He was brought before the assembly, and offered the alternative to recant, or to die at the stake.",religion,SDA Book +en13197,"Imfa pa chiyambi cha kumangidwa kwake ikanakhala chifundo, poyerekezera ndi zowawa zowawa zomwe adakumana nazo; koma tsopano, atafooketsedwa ndi matenda, ndi kulimba kwa nyumba yake ya ndende, ndi kuzunzika kwa nkhawa ndi kukayikakayika, kulekana ndi abwenzi ake, ndi kukhumudwa ndi imfa ya Huss, mphamvu ya Jerome inatha, ndipo adavomera kugonjera ku bungwe. . ","Death at the beginning of his imprisonment would have been a mercy in comparison with the terrible sufferings which he had undergone; but now, weakened by illness, by the rigors of his prison house, and the torture of anxiety and suspense, separated from his friends, and disheartened by the death of Huss, Jerome’s fortitude gave way, and he consented to submit to the council.",religion,SDA Book +en13198,"Iye analumbira kumamatira ku chikhulupiriro cha Chikatolika, ndipo anavomereza zochita za bungwelo potsutsa ziphunzitso za Wycliffe ndi Hus, kupatulapo, “chowonadi chopatulika” chimene iwo anaphunzitsa","He pledged himself to adhere to the Catholic faith, and accepted the action of the council in condemning the doctrines of Wycliffe and Huss, excepting, however, the “holy truths” which they had taught",religion,SDA Book +en13199,"Mwa kuchita zimenezi, Jerome anayesa kuletsa mawu a chikumbumtima ndi kuthaŵa chiwonongeko chake. ",By this expedient Jerome endeavored to silence the voice of conscience and escape his doom,religion,SDA Book +en13200,Koma ali yekhayekha m’ndendemo anaona bwinobwino zimene anachita. ,But in the solitude of his dungeon he saw more clearly what he had done,religion,SDA Book +en13201,"Iye analingalira za kulimba mtima ndi kukhulupirika kwa Huss, ndipo mosiyana anasinkhasinkha za kukana kwake iye mwini chowonadi. Iye analingalira za Mbuye waumulungu amene iye anadzipereka yekha kutumikira, ndi amene chifukwa cha iye anapirira imfa ya pa mtanda.","He thought of the courage and fidelity of Huss, and in contrast pondered upon his own denial of the truth",religion,SDA Book +en13202,"Asanabwezere chitonthozo, pakati pa zowawa zake zonse, mu chitsimikizo cha chiyanjo cha Mulungu; koma tsopano chisoni ndi kukaikira zinazunza moyo wake. "," Before his +retraction he had found comfort, amid all his sufferings, in the assurance +of God’s favor; but now remorse and doubts tortured his soul",religion,SDA Book +en13203,Iye ankadziwa kuti zinthu zinanso ziyenera kuchotsedwa asanakhale pamtendere ndi Roma. ,He knew that still other retractions must be made before he could be at peace with Rome,religion,SDA Book +en13204,Njira imene ankadutsamo ikanathera pa mpatuko wotheratu. ,The path upon which he was entering could end only in complete apostasy,religion,SDA Book +en13205,Lingaliro lake linatengedwa: kuti athawe nthawi yachidule ya masautso sakakana Mbuye wake,His resolution was taken: To escape a brief period of suffering he would not deny his Lord.,religion,SDA Book +en13206,Posakhalitsa anabweretsedwanso pamaso pa bwalo la akulu. Kugonjera kwake sikunakhutiritse oweruza ake. ,Soon he was again brought before the council. His submission had not satisfied his judges,religion,SDA Book +en13207,"Ludzu lawo la mwazi, lomwe linalili ndi imfa ya Hus, linafuula kaamba ka ozunzidwa atsopano. ","Their thirst for blood, whetted by the death of Huss, clamored for fresh victims",religion,SDA Book +en13208,Kungopereka chowonadi mosadzichinjiriza kokha pamene Jerome akanapulumutsa moyo wake. ,Only by an unreserved surrender of the truth could Jerome preserve his life.,religion,SDA Book +en13209,"Koma adatsimikiza kulumbira chikhulupiriro chake, ndi kutsatira m'bale wake wofera chikhulupiriro kumoto",But he had determined to avow his faith and follow his brother martyr to the flames. ,religion,SDA Book +en13210,"Iye anakana kukana kwake koyambirira, ndipo, monga munthu wotsala pang’ono kufa, anafunikira mwaŵi wa kudzitetezera.","He renounced his former recantation and, as a dying man, solemnly required an opportunity to make his defense.",religion,SDA Book +en13211,"Poopa zotsatira za mawu ake, ansembewo anaumirira kuti angotsimikizira kapena kukana kuti milandu imene ankamunenezayo ndi yoona.","Fearing the effect of his words, the prelates insisted that he should merely affirm or deny the truth of the charges brought against him.",religion,SDA Book +en13212,Jerome anatsutsa nkhanza ndi kupanda chilungamo koteroko.,Jerome protested against such cruelty and injustice. ,religion,SDA Book +en13213,"“Mwanditsekera m’ndende yochititsa mantha kwa masiku mazana atatu kudza makumi anayi m’kati mwa zonyansa, zonyansa, zonunkha, ndi kusoŵa kotheratu kwa chirichonse. Pamenepo munditurutsa pamaso panu, ndi kutchera khutu kwa adani anga, koma munakana kundimvera. Ngati muli anzeru ndithu, ndi zounikira za dziko lapansi, chenjerani kuti musachimwire chilungamo. ","“You have held me shut up three hundred and forty days in a frightful prison,” he said, “in the midst of filth, noisomeness, stench, and the utmost want of everything; you then bring me out before you, and lending an ear to my mortal enemies, you refuse to hear me.... If you be really wise men, and the lights of the world, take care not to sin against justice.",religion,SDA Book +en13214,"Koma ine ndine munthu wofooka; moyo wanga ndi wofunika pang'ono; ndipo pamene ndikudandaulirani kuti musapereke chiweruzo chosalungama, ndidzinenera ndekha mocheperapo kuposa inu","As to me, I am only a feeble mortal; my life is but of little importance; and when I exhort you not to deliver an unjust sentence, I speak less for myself than for you",religion,SDA Book +en13215,"Mawu a Jerome anadabwitsa ndi kuchita chidwi, ngakhale adani ake.","The words of Jerome excited astonishment and admiration, even in his enemies",religion,SDA Book +en13216,"Kwa chaka chathunthu anatsekeredwa m’ndende, osatha kuŵerenga ngakhalenso kuona, m’mazunzo aakulu akuthupi ndi nkhaŵa zamaganizo. ","For a whole year he had been immured in a dungeon, unable to read or even to see, in great physical +suffering and mental anxiety.",religion,SDA Book +en13217,Komabe mfundo zake zinaperekedwa momveka bwino komanso mwamphamvu ngati kuti anali ndi mwayi wophunzira. ,Yet his arguments were presented with as much clearness and power as if he had had undisturbed opportunity for study.,religion,SDA Book +en13218,Analozera omvera ake ku mzere wautali wa amuna oyera amene anatsutsidwa ndi oweruza opanda chilungamo.,He pointed his hearers to the long line of holy men who had been condemned by unjust judges.,religion,SDA Book +en13219,"Pafupifupi m’badwo uliwonse pakhala anthu amene, pamene akufuna kukweza anthu a m’nthaŵi yawo, ananyozedwa ndi kuthamangitsidwa, koma amene m’nthaŵi zamtsogolo asonyezedwa kukhala oyenerera ulemu. ","In almost every generation have been those who, while seeking to elevate the people of their time, have been reproached and cast out, but who in later times have been shown to be deserving of honor. ",religion,SDA Book +en13220,Kristu mwiniyo anaweruzidwa monga wochita zoipa pa khoti la anthu osalungama,Christ Himself was condemned as a malefactor at an unrighteous tribunal.,religion,SDA Book +en13221,"Pakubweza kwake, Jerome wavomereza chilungamo cha chiweruzo chotsutsa Huss; tsopano analengeza kulapa kwake, nachitira umboni za kusalakwa ndi chiyero cha wofera chikhulupiriro.","At his retraction, Jerome had assented to the justice of the sentence condemning Huss; he now declared his repentance and bore witness to the innocence and holiness of the martyr.",religion,SDA Book +en13222,"“Ndinam’dziŵa John Huss kuyambira ali mwana,” iye anatero. “Iye anali munthu wolemekezeka koposa, wolungama ndi woyera mtima; iye anaweruzidwa, ngakhale anali wosalakwa….","“I knew him from his childhood,” he said. “He was a most excellent man, just and holy; he was condemned, notwithstanding his innocence....",religion,SDA Book +en13223,"Inenso—ine ndiri wokonzeka kufa. Sindidzabwerera m’mbuyo pamaso pa mazunzo amene adandikonzera ine ndi adani anga ndi mboni zabodza, amene tsiku lina adzayankha mlandu wa chiwerewere chawo pamaso pa Mulungu wamkulu, amene palibe chimene chingamupusitse","I also—I am ready to die: I will not recoil before the torments that are prepared for me by my enemies and false witnesses, who will one day have to render an account of their impostures before the great God, whom nothing can deceive",religion,SDA Book +en13224,"Podzinyozetsa kaamba ka kukana kwake chowonadi, Jerome anapitiriza kuti: “Pa zolakwa zonse +zimene ndinachita kuyambira ubwana wanga, palibe imodzi imene imandilemera m’maganizo +mwanga, ndi kundichititsa chisoni chachikulu, monga chimene ndinachita m’moyo uno. malo oopsa, +pamene ndinavomereza chiweruzo chosalungama choperekedwa kwa Wycliffe, ndi wofera +chikhulupiriro woyera, John Huss, mbuye wanga. ","In self-reproach for his own denial of the truth, Jerome continued: “Of all the sins that I have committed since my youth, none weigh so heavily on my mind, and cause me such poignant remorse, as that which I committed in this fatal place, when I approved of the iniquitous sentence rendered against Wycliffe, and against the holy martyr, John Huss, my master and my friend. ",religion,SDA Book +en13225,"Inde, ndibvomereza kuchokera mu mtima mwanga; ndi kulengeza ndi mantha kuti ndinagwa mochititsa manyazi, pamene, chifukwa cha mantha a imfa, ndinatsutsa ziphunzitso zawo. ","Yes! I confess it from my heart, and declare with horror that I disgracefully quailed when, through a dread of death, I condemned their doctrines.",religion,SDA Book +en13226,"Choncho ndikupempha Mulungu Wamphamvuyonse kuti andikhululukire machimo anga, ndipo makamaka limeneli, loipa kwambiri kuposa onse.” ","I therefore supplicate ... Almighty God to deign to pardon me my sins, and this one in particular, the most heinous of all.” .",religion,SDA Book +en13227,"Posonya kwa oweruza ake, iye ananena mwamphamvu kuti: “Munatsutsa Wycliffe ndi Hus, osati chifukwa cha kugwedeza chiphunzitso cha tchalitchi, koma chifukwa chakuti iwo anatsutsa motsutsa zonyansa za atsogoleri achipembedzo,—kunyada kwawo, kunyada kwawo, ndi zoipa zonse. a ansembe ndi ansembe. ","Pointing to his judges, he said firmly: “You condemned Wycliffe and John Huss, not for having shaken the doctrine of the church, but simply because they branded with reprobation the scandals proceeding from the clergy—their pomp, their pride, and all the vices of the prelates and priests",religion,SDA Book +en13228,"Zinthu zomwe atsimikizira, ndi zosatsutsika, ndimaganizanso ndikuzinena monga iwo","The things which they have affirmed, and which are irrefutable, I also think and declare, like them.” ",religion,SDA Book +en13229,"Mawu ake anasokonezedwa. Ansembewo, akunjenjemera ndi ukali, anafuula kuti, “Tikufuna umboni winanso wotani?” ","His words were interrupted. The prelates, trembling with rage, cried out: “What need is there of further proof? ",religion,SDA Book +en13230,"Mosakhudzidwa ndi chimphepocho, Jerome anafuula kuti: “Bwanji! muyesa kuti ndiopa kufa?","We behold with our own eyes the most obstinate of heretics!” Unmoved by the tempest, Jerome exclaimed: “What! do you suppose that I fear to die? You have held me for a whole year in a frightful dungeon, more horrible than death itself.",religion,SDA Book +en13231,"Mwandichitira nkhanza koposa Mturuki, Myuda, kapena wakunja, ndipo mnofu wanga wavunda ndi mafupa anga; koma sindidandaula; pakuti kulira kumakhala munthu wamtima ndi mzimu; koma sindingathe kusiya kufotokoza kudabwa kwanga ndi nkhanza zazikulu chotero kwa Mkristu.","You have treated me more cruelly than a Turk, Jew, or pagan, and my flesh has literally rotted off my bones alive; and yet I make no complaint, for lamentation ill becomes a man of heart and spirit; but I cannot but express my astonishment at such great barbarity toward a Christian.. ",religion,SDA Book +en13232,Kachiŵirinso mkuntho waukali unaphulika; ndipo Jerome anathamangira kundende. ,"Again the storm of rage burst out, and Jerome was hurried away to prison.",religion,SDA Book +en13233,"Komabe panali ena mumpingomo amene mawu ake anawakhudza kwambiri, ndipo ankafuna kupulumutsa moyo wake.Adachezeredwa ndi akuluakulu ampingo, ndipo adamupempha kuti adzipereke ku bungweli ",Yet there were some in the assembly upon whom his words had made a deep impression and who desired to save his life. He was visited by dignitaries of the church and urged to submit himself to the council. ,religion,SDA Book +en13234,Zoyembekeza zabwino koposa zinaperekedwa kwa iye monga mphotho ya kukana kutsutsa kwake Aroma.,The most brilliant prospects were presented before him as the reward of renouncing his opposition to Rome. ,religion,SDA Book +en13235,"Koma mofanana ndi Mbuye wake, pamene anapatsidwa ulemerero wa dziko, Jerome anakhalabe wolimba.Iye anati: “Munditsimikizire m’Malemba kuti ndalakwa, ndipo ndidzalumbirira","But like his Master when offered the glory of the world, Jerome remained steadfast. “Prove to me from the Holy Writings that I am in error,” he said, “and I will abjure it.”",religion,SDA Book +en13236,"“Malemba Opatulika!” anafunsa mmodzi wa oyesa ake kuti, “Kodi zonse ziyenera kuweruzidwa ndi iwo? ","“The Holy Writings!” exclaimed one of his tempters, “is everything then to be judged by them? ",religion,SDA Book +en13237,Ndani angamvetse izo mpaka mpingo utatanthauzira izo?,Who can understand them till the church has interpreted them?” ,religion,SDA Book +en13238,“Kodi miyambo ya anthu ndiyoyenera chikhulupiriro kuposa Uthenga Wabwino wa Mpulumutsi wathu?” Adayankha choncho Jerome. ,“Are the traditions of men more worthy of faith than the gospel of our Saviour?” replied Jerome. ,religion,SDA Book +en13239,"“Paulo sanadandaulire iwo amene anawalembera kumvera miyambo ya anthu, koma anati, Fufuzani m’Malemba.","“Paul did not exhort those to whom he wrote to listen to the traditions of men, but said, ‘Search the Scriptures.”’ “Heretic!” was the response, “I repent having pleaded so long with you. I see that you are urged on by the devil",religion,SDA Book +en13240,Chilango chanthawi yayitali chotsutsa chinaperekedwa pa iye. Iye anatsogozedwa kupita kumalo omwewo amene Hus anaperekerapo moyo wake.,Erelong sentence of condemnation was passed upon him. He was led out to the same spot upon which Huss had yielded up his life,religion,SDA Book +en13241,"Anayamba kuyimba m'njira yake, nkhope yake idawala ndi chisangalalo ndi mtendere. "," He went singing on his way, his countenance lighted up with joy and peace. ",religion,SDA Book +en13242,"Kupenya kwake kunali kwa Kristu, ndipo kwa iye imfa inataya zoopsya zake. ","His gaze was fixed upon Christ, and to him death had lost its terrors. ",religion,SDA Book +en13243,"Pamene wakuphayo, atatsala pang’ono kuyatsa muluwo, anatuluka pambuyo pake, wofera chikhulupiriroyo anafuula kuti, “Bwerani kutsogolo molimba mtima; patsani moto pamaso panga. ","When the executioner, about to kindle the pile, stepped behind him, the martyr exclaimed: “Come forward boldly; apply the fire before my face. ",religion,SDA Book +en13244,"Ndikadakhala ndi mantha, sindikadakhala pano.Mawu ake omalizira, amene anawalankhula pamene malawi amoto ankamuzungulira, anali pemphero. +“Ambuye, Atate Wamphamvuyonse,” iye anafuula motero, “ndichitireni chifundo, ndi kukhululukira +macimo anga; Mawu ake anatha, koma milomo yake inapitiriza kuyenda m’pemphero.","Had I been afraid, I should not be here.” His last words, uttered as the flames rose about him, were a prayer. “Lord, Almighty Father,” he cried, “have pity on me, and pardon me my sins; for Thou knowest that I have always loved Thy truth",religion,SDA Book +en13245,"Mawu ake anatha, koma milomo yake inapitiriza kuyenda m’pemphero.Pamene moto udatha ntchito yake, phulusa la wofera chikhulupiriro, ndi nthaka yomwe iwo +adakhazikikapo, adasonkhanitsidwa, ndipo, monga a Huss, adaponyedwa mu Rhine.","His voice ceased, but his lips continued to move in prayer. When the fire had done its work, the ashes of the martyr, with the earth upon which they rested, were gathered up, and like those of Huss, were thrown into the Rhine.",religion,SDA Book +en13246,"Choncho adaonongeka onyamula kuunika okhulupirika a Mulungu. Koma kuunika kwa chowonadi chimene iwo analengeza,—kuunika kwa chitsanzo chawo chaungwazi—sikunathe kuzimitsidwa. ",So perished God’s faithful light bearers. But the light of the truths which they proclaimed—the light of their heroic example—could not be extinguished. ,religion,SDA Book +en13247,Momwemonso anthu angayesetse kulibweza dzuwa panjira yake kuti ateteze mbandakucha wa tsiku limenelo lomwe linali litayamba kuwopseza dziko lapansi.Kuphedwa kwa Hus kunayatsa lawi la mkwiyo ndi mantha mu Bohemia,As well might men attempt to turn back the sun in its course as to prevent the dawning of that day which was even then breaking upon the world. The execution of Huss had kindled a flame of indignation and horror in Bohemia.,religion,SDA Book +en13248,Anthu a mtundu wonse anamva kuti iye wagwidwa ndi nkhanza za ansembe komanso chinyengo cha mfumu. ,It was felt by the whole nation that he had fallen a prey to the malice of the priests and the treachery of the emperor. ,religion,SDA Book +en13249,"Ananenedwa kuti anali mphunzitsi wokhulupirika wa choonadi, ndipo bungwe limene linagamula kuti aphedwe linaimbidwa mlandu wakupha. ","He was declared to have been a faithful teacher of the truth, and the council that decreed his death was charged with the guilt of murder.",religion,SDA Book +en13250,Ziphunzitso zake tsopano zinakopa chidwi kwambiri kuposa kale lonse. ,His doctrines now attracted greater attention than ever before. ,religion,SDA Book +en13251,Malinga ndi malangizo a papa zolembedwa za Wycliffe zinatsutsidwa kumoto. ,By the papal edicts the writings of Wycliffe had been condemned to the flames.,religion,SDA Book +en13252,"Koma awo amene anali atapulumuka chiwonongeko tsopano anatulutsidwa m’malo awo obisala, ndi kuphunzira mogwirizana ndi Baibulo, kapena mbali zake zotere zimene anthu akanatha kuzipeza, ndipo motero ambiri anatsogozedwa kuvomereza chikhulupiriro chokonzedwanso","But those that had escaped destruction were now brought out from their hiding places and studied in connection with the Bible, or such parts of it as the people could obtain, and many were thus led to accept the reformed faith. ",religion,SDA Book +en13253,"Opha Hus sanayime mwakachetechete ndikuwona kupambana kwa cholinga chake. Papa ndi mfumu anagwirizana kuti athetse gululo, ndipo magulu ankhondo a Sigismund anaponyedwa ku Bohemia","The murderers of Huss did not stand quietly by and witness the triumph of his cause. The pope and the emperor united to crush out the movement, and the armies of Sigismund were hurled upon Bohemia.",religion,SDA Book +en13254,"Koma wowombola anaukitsidwa. Ziska, yemwe atangoyamba kumene nkhondoyo adakhala wakhungu kotheratu, komabe yemwe anali m'modzi mwa akazembe amphamvu kwambiri azaka zake, anali mtsogoleri wa a Bohemians.","But a deliverer was raised up. Ziska, who soon after the opening of the war became totally blind, yet who was one of the ablest generals of his age, was the leader of the Bohemians.",religion,SDA Book +en13255,"Kudalira thandizo la Mulungu ndi chilungamo cha cholinga chawo, kuti anthu adalimbana ndi magulu ankhondo amphamvu kwambiri omwe angabweretsedwe motsutsana nawo. ","Trusting in the help of God and the righteousness of their cause, that people withstood the mightiest armies that could be brought against them. ",religion,SDA Book +en13256,"Mobwerezabwereza mfumuyo, ikukweza magulu ankhondo atsopano, inaukira Bohemia, kuti iipidwe mwamanyazi.","Again and again the emperor, raising fresh armies, invaded Bohemia, only to be ignominiously repulsed. ",religion,SDA Book +en13257,"A Hus adakwezedwa pamwamba pa kuopa imfa, ndipo palibe chomwe chingawatsutse.","The Hussites were raised above the fear of death, and nothing could stand against them.",religion,SDA Book +en13258,"Zaka zingapo pambuyo pa kutsegulidwa kwa nkhondo, Ziska wolimba mtima adamwalira; koma malo ake anadzadzidwa ndi Procopius, yemwe anali mkulu mofanana wolimba mtima ndi waluso, ndipo m'mbali zina mtsogoleri wokhoza kwambiri","A few years after the opening of the war, the brave Ziska died; but his place was filled by Procopius, who was an equally brave and skillful general, and in some respects a more able leader.",religion,SDA Book +en13259,"Adani a Abohemia podziwa kuti wankhondo wakhunguyo anali atafa, anaona kuti unali mwayi wabwino kuti abweze zonse zimene anataya.","The enemies of the Bohemians, knowing that the blind warrior was dead, deemed the opportunity favorable for recovering all that they had lost. ",religion,SDA Book +en13260,"Papa tsopano analengeza za nkhondo yamtanda yolimbana ndi Ahus, ndipo kachiwiri’nso gulu lankhondo lalikulu linayambika ku Bohemia, koma kugonjetsedwa kowopsa. ","The pope now proclaimed a crusade against the Hussites, and again an immense force was precipitated upon Bohemia, but only to suffer terrible defeat.",religion,SDA Book +en13261,"Nkhondo ina yamtanda inalengezedwa. M’maiko onse a papa a ku Ulaya, amuna, ndalama, ndi zida zankhondo zinaleredwa.","Another crusade was proclaimed. In all the papal countries of Europe, men, money, and munitions of war were raised.",religion,SDA Book +en13262,"Makamu ambiri anakhamukira ku muyezo waupapa, akumatsimikizira kuti pamapeto pake ampatuko Achihusi adzatha.","Multitudes flocked to the papal standard, assured that at last an end would be made of the Hussite heretics.",religion,SDA Book +en13263,"Pokhala ndi chidaliro cha chipambano, gulu lankhondo lalikululo linaloŵa ku Bohemia. Anthuwo anasonkhana kuti awaletse. ","Confident of victory, the vast force entered Bohemia. The people rallied to repel them. ",religion,SDA Book +en13264,Ankhondo awiriwo anayandikirana mpaka pakati pawo panali mtsinje wokha. ,The two armies approached each other until only a river lay between them. ,religion,SDA Book +en13265,"Ogwirizanawo anali opambana kwambiri m’chiŵerengero, komabe m’malo mopita patsogolo molimba mtima kuti aukire Ahus, iwo anaima ngati kuti alodza, akuwayang’ana mwakachetechete. ","“The crusaders were in greatly superior force, but instead of dashing across the stream, and closing in battle with the Hussites whom they had come so far to meet, they stood gazing in silence at those warriors. ",religion,SDA Book +en13266,Kenako mwadzidzidzi mantha odabwitsa anagwera wolandira alendowo. ,Then suddenly a mysterious terror fell upon the host. ,religion,SDA Book +en13267,"Popanda kumenya nkhonya mphamvu yamphamvuyo inathyoka ndi kubalalika, monga ngati yachotsedwa ndi mphamvu yosaoneka. ","Without striking a blow, that mighty force broke and scattered as if dispelled by an unseen power. ",religion,SDA Book +en13268,"Ziŵerengero zambiri zinaphedwa ndi gulu lankhondo la Hussite, limene linathamangitsa othaŵawo, ndipo zofunkha zazikulu zinagwera m’manja mwa opambanawo, kotero kuti nkhondoyo, m’malo mwa kusauka, inalemeretsa Abohemia","Great numbers were slaughtered by the Hussite army, which pursued the fugitives, and an immense booty fell into the hands of the victors, so that the war, instead of impoverishing, enriched the Bohemians. ",religion,SDA Book +en13269,"Zaka zingapo pambuyo pake, motsogozedwa ndi papa watsopano, nkhondo ina inayambikanso. Monga kale, amuna ndi njira zinatengedwa kuchokera ku maiko onse aupapa a ku Ulaya..","A few years later, under a new pope, still another crusade was set on foot. As before, men and means were drawnfrom all the papal countries of Europe ",religion,SDA Book +en13270,Zazikulu zinali zolimbikitsa zomwe zidaperekedwa kwa iwo omwe ayenera kuchita nawo bizinesi yowopsa iyi. ,Great were the inducements held out to those who should engage in this perilous enterprise,religion,SDA Book +en13271,Kukhululukidwa kotheratu kwa milandu yoipitsitsa kunali inshuwaransi kwa wankhondo aliyense. , Full forgiveness of the most heinous crimes was ensured to every crusader. ,religion,SDA Book +en13272,"Onse amene anafa m’nkhondoyo analonjezedwa mphotho yolemera Kumwamba, ndipo amene anapulumuka anali kudzatuta ulemu ndi chuma pabwalo lankhondo. ","All who died in the war were promised a rich reward in heaven, and those who survived were to reap honor and riches on the field of battle. ",religion,SDA Book +en13273,"Apanso gulu lalikulu lankhondo linasonkhanitsidwa, ndipo kuwoloka malirewo analoŵa ku Bohemia. ","Again a vast army was collected, and, crossing the frontier they entered Bohemia. ",religion,SDA Book +en13274,"Magulu ankhondo a Hussite anagwera m’mbuyo pamaso pawo, motero amakokera oukirawo kutali ndi kutali m’dzikolo, ndi kuwatsogolera kuŵerengera chipambano chimene anapambana kale.","The Hussite forces fell back before them, thus drawing the invaders farther and farther into the country, and leading them to count the victory already won.",religion,SDA Book +en13275,"Pomaliza gulu lankhondo la Procopius linayimilira, ndipo, kutembenukira kwa adaniwo, adapita kukamenyana nawo. ","At last the army of Procopius made a stand, and turning upon the foe, advanced to give them battle. ",religion,SDA Book +en13276,"Ankhondo a zamtanda, tsopano azindikira kulakwa kwawo, anagona mumsasa wawo kudikirira kuyamba. ","The crusaders, now discovering their mistake, lay in their encampment awaiting the onset.",religion,SDA Book +en13277,"Pamene mkokomo wa mphamvu yoyandikirayo unamveka, ngakhale Ahus asanaoneke, mantha anagweranso ankhondo a Mtanda. ","As the sound of the approaching force was heard, even before the Hussites were in sight, a panic again fell upon the crusaders. ",religion,SDA Book +en13278,"Akalonga, akazembe, ndi asilikali wamba, atataya zida zawo, anathawira mbali zonse.","Princes, generals, and common soldiers, casting away their armor, fled in all directions.",religion,SDA Book +en13279,"Mosaphula kanthu, nthumwi ya papa, yemwe anali mtsogoleri wa kuwukirako, anayesetsa kusonkhanitsa magulu ake owopsa ndi osalongosoka. ","In vain the papal legate, who was the leader of the invasion, endeavored to rally his terrified and disorganized forces. ",religion,SDA Book +en13280,"Ngakhale kuti anachita khama kwambiri, iyenso anasesedwa ndi anthu othawathawa. Kugonjetsa kunatha, ndipo zofunkha zazikulu zinagweranso m'manja mwa opambanawo","Despite his utmost endeavors, he himself was swept along in the tide of fugitives.",religion,SDA Book +en13281,"Kugonjetsa kunatha, ndipo zofunkha zazikulu zinagweranso m'manja mwa opambanaw.","The rout was complete, and again an immense booty fell into the hands of the victors",religion,SDA Book +en13282,"Chotero nthaŵi yachiŵiri gulu lankhondo lalikulu, lotumizidwa ndi maiko amphamvu kwambiri a ku Ulaya, khamu la amuna olimba mtima, okonda nkhondo, ophunzitsidwa ndi okonzekeretsedwa kunkhondo, anathawa popanda kumenyedwa, pamaso pa otetezera a fuko laling’ono ndi lofooka kufikira tsopano.","Thus the second time a vast army, sent forth by the most powerful nations of Europe, a host of brave, warlike men, trained and equipped for battle, fled without a blow before the defenders of a small and hitherto feeble nation.",religion,SDA Book +en13283,Apa panali chiwonetsero cha mphamvu yaumulungu. ,Here was a manifestation of divine power. ,religion,SDA Book +en13284,Oukirawo anakanthidwa ndi mantha auzimu.,The invaders were smitten with a supernatural terror. ,religion,SDA Book +en13285,"Iye amene anagonjetsa makamu a Farao m’Nyanja Yofiira, amene anathamangitsa magulu ankhondo a Midyani pamaso pa Gideoni ndi mazana atatu, amene mu usiku umodzi anagwetsa magulu ankhondo a Asuri wonyadayo, anali atatambasulanso dzanja lake kufooketsa mphamvu. wa wopondereza. ","He who overthrew the hosts of Pharaoh in the Red Sea, who put to flight the armies of Midian before Gideon and his three hundred, who in one night laid low the forces of the proud Assyrian, had again stretched out His hand to wither the power of the oppressor",religion,SDA Book +en13286,"Atsogoleri apapa, potaya mtima kuti adzagonjetsa mwankhanza, pomalizira pake anagwiritsa ntchito zokambirana. ","The papal leaders, despairing of conquering by force, at last resorted to diplomacy.",religion,SDA Book +en13287,"Mgwirizano unaloŵetsedwamo, kuti pamene kuli kwakuti kunena kuti anapereka kwa Abohemia ufulu wa chikumbumtima, kunawaperekadi iwo mu mphamvu ya Roma. ","A compromise was entered into, that while professing to grant to the Bohemians freedom of conscience, really betrayed them into the power of Rome.",religion,SDA Book +en13288,"A Bohemian anatchula mfundo zinayi monga mkhalidwe wa mtendere ndi Roma: Kulalikira kwaufulu kwa Baibulo; ufulu wa mpingo wonse wa mkate ndi vinyo pa mgonero, ndi kugwiritsira ntchito lilime la amayi polambira Mulungu; kuchotsedwa kwa atsogoleri achipembedzo pa maudindo ndi maulamuliro onse; ndipo pa milandu ya upandu, makhoti amilandu amapatsidwa mphamvu pa atsogoleri achipembedzo ndi anthu wamba.","The Bohemians had specified four points as the condition of peace with Rome: the free preaching of the Bible; the right of the whole church to both the bread and the wine in the communion, and the use of the mother tongue in divine worship; the exclusion of the clergy from all secular offices and authority; and, in cases of crime, the jurisdiction of the civil courts over clergy and laity alike. ",religion,SDA Book +en13289,"Akuluakulu a papa anavomera kuvomereza nkhani zinayizo, koma n’kunena kuti ufulu wozifotokoza, wosankha tanthauzo lake lenileni, ukhale wa tchalitchi. ","The papal authorities at last “agreed that the four articles of the Hussites should be accepted, but that the right of explaining them, that is, of determining their precise import, should belong to the council—in other words, to the pope and the emperor",religion,SDA Book +en13290,"Pamaziko amenewa pangano linalowetsedwamo, ndipo Roma anapindula mwachinyengo ndi chinyengo zimene analephera kupeza mwa mkangano; pakuti, kuyika kutanthauzira kwake kwake pa nkhani za Hussite, monga pa Baibulo, iye akanakhoza kupotoza tanthauzo lake kuti ligwirizane ndi zolinga zake","On this basis a treaty was entered into, and Rome gained by dissimulation and fraud what she had failed to gain by conflict; for, placing her own interpretation upon the Hussite articles, as upon the Bible, she could pervert their meaning to suit her own purposes.",religion,SDA Book +en13291,"Gulu lalikulu ku Bohemia, powona kuti likupereka ufulu wawo, silinathe kuvomereza mgwirizanowu.","A large class in Bohemia, seeing that it betrayed their liberties, could not consent to the compact",religion,SDA Book +en13292,"Mikangano ndi magawano zinayamba, zomwe zinayambitsa mikangano ndi kukhetsa mwazi pakati pawo. ","Dissensions and divisions arose, leading to strife and bloodshed among themselves",religion,SDA Book +en13293,"Pamkangano uwu Procopius wolemekezeka adagwa, ndipo ufulu wa Bohemia unawonongeka","In this strife the noble Procopius fell, and the liberties of Bohemia perished.",religion,SDA Book +en13294,"Sigismund, wopereka Huss ndi Jerome, tsopano anakhala mfumu ya Bohemia, ndipo, mosasamala kanthu za lumbiro lake lochirikiza ufulu wa Abohemia, iye anapitiriza kukhazikitsa upapa. ","Sigismund, the betrayer of Huss and Jerome, now became king of Bohemia, and regardless of his oath to support the rights of the Bohemians, he proceeded to establish popery",religion,SDA Book +en13295,Koma anapindula pang’ono chifukwa chogonjera ulamuliro wa Roma. Kwa zaka makumi awiri moyo wake unali wodzala ndi zovutirapo ndi zowopsa. ,But he had gained little by his subservience to Rome. For twenty years his life had been filled with labors and perils,religion,SDA Book +en13296,"Ankhondo ake anali atawonongedwa ndipo chuma chake chinathetsedwa ndi kumenyana kwa nthawi yaitali ndi kosapindulitsa; ndipo tsopano, atalamulira chaka chimodzi, iye anamwalira, akusiya ufumu wake pamphepete mwa nkhondo yapachiweniweni, ndipo anapereka kwa mbadwa dzina lotchedwa ndi mbiri yoipa","His armies had been wasted and his treasuries drained by a long and fruitless struggle; and now, after reigning one year, he died, leaving his kingdom on the brink of civil war, and bequeathing to posterity a name branded with infamy",religion,SDA Book +en13297,"Zipolowe, mikangano, ndi kukhetsa mwazi zinatenga nthaŵi yaitali.","Tumults, strife, and bloodshed were protracted",religion,SDA Book +en13298,"Kachiŵirinso magulu ankhondo akunja anaukira Bohemia, ndipo mikangano ya mkati inapitiriza kudodometsa mtunduwo. ","Again foreign armies invaded Bohemia, and internal dissension continued to distract the nation. ",religion,SDA Book +en13299,Iwo amene anakhalabe okhulupirika ku uthenga wabwino anazunzidwa koopsa. ,Those who remained faithful to the gospel were subjected to a bloody persecution.,religion,SDA Book +en13300,"Pamene abale awo akale, akuloŵa m’chigwirizano ndi Roma, anakulitsa zolakwa zake, awo amene anamamatira ku chikhulupiriro chakale anadzipanga iwo eni kukhala tchalitchi chapadera, chotenga dzina la “United Brethren.”","As their former brethren, entering into compact with Rome, imbibed +her errors, those who adhered to the ancient faith had formed themselves +into a distinct church, taking the name of “United Brethren.”",religion,SDA Book +en13301,Mchitidwewu udatengera matemberero ochokera m'magulu onse.,This act drew upon them maledictions from all classes. ,religion,SDA Book +en13302,Komabe kulimba kwawo kunali kosagwedezeka. ,Yet their firmness was unshaken. ,religion,SDA Book +en13303,"Atakakamizika kuthaŵira m’nkhalango ndi m’mapanga, iwo anasonkhanabe kuti aŵerenge Mawu a Mulungu ndi kugwirizana m’kulambira kwake","Forced to find refuge in the woods and caves, they still assembled to read God’s word and unite in His worship. ",religion,SDA Book +en13304,"Kupyolera mwa amithenga otumizidwa mwamseri m’maiko osiyanasiyana, anaphunzira kuti kuno ndi uko kunali ovomereza chowonadi akutali—ochepa mu mzinda uno ndi oŵerengeka mmenemo, chinthu, monga iwo eni, cha chizunzo; ndipo pakati pa mapiri a Alps panali mpingo wakale, wokhazikika pa maziko a Malemba. Luntha limeneli linalandiridwa ndi chisangalalo chachikulu, ndipo makalata anatsegulidwa ndi Akristu Awadensi","Through messengers secretly sent out into different countries, they learned that here and there were “isolated confessors of the truth, a few in this city and a few in that, the object, like themselves, of persecution; and that amid the mountains of the Alps was an ancient church, resting on the foundations of Scripture",religion,SDA Book +en13306,Brain,Ubongo,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13307,Scalp ,Khungu la Mutu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13308,Skin ,Khungu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13309,Kidney(s) ,Impsyo,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13310,Oesophagus ,kholingo,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13311,Mouth ,mkamwa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13312,Tongue,lililme,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13313,tooth/teeth ,dzino,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13314,Bone/bones ,fupa/mafupa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13315,Throat ,kum'mero,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13316,Muscle ,nofu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13317,Hip ,msukunyu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13318,Waist ,chiuno,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13319,Body/bodies,Thupi/matupi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13320,Nipple ,nsonga ya bere/khumbu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13321,Jaw ,Nsagwaada,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13322,Gums ,usinini,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13323,Anus,malo achimbudzi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13324,Spleen ,kapamba,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13325,Bodyfluids,Madzi otuluka mthupi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13326,Blood vessels/nerves/veins,Misempha,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13327,Pus,Mafinya,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13328,Sit ,Khala,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13329,Stand,yimirira,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13330,Squat,Njuta,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13331,Kneel,gwada,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13332,Walk,yenda,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13333,Run,thamanga,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13334,Lie down,kugona,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13335,Lean on,tsamira,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13336,crawl ,kwawa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13337,bend ,welama,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13338,fall ,Kugwa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13339,How are you?,Muli bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13340,I’m fine. / I’m not fine.,Ndili bwino./ Sindili bwino.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13341,Did you sleep well?,Mwadzuka bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13342,I slept well / I did not sleep well,Ndagona bwino. / Sindinagone bwino.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13343,"My name is Dr Zefa Kamiza, I’ve come to help you today","Dzina langa ndi Dr. Zefa Kamiza, ndabwera ndikuthandizeni lero",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13344,"My name is Zefa Kamiza, I’m a third year medical student, I’ve come to help you today","Dzina langa ndi Zefa Kamiza, ndili mu chaka chachitatu cha maphunziro a udokotala, ndabwera kudzakuthandizani lero.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13345,Will you allow me to ask you some questions?,Mundilora kuti ndikufunseni mafunso angapo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13346,We are doing research on HIV prevention will you allow us to ask you some questions?,Tikupanga kafukufuku yokhudzana ndi kudziteteza ku matenda a HIV. Mutilora kuti tikufuseni mafunso angapo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13347,What is your name?,Dzina lanu ndi ndani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13348,What is your surname?,Dzina labambo anu ndi ndani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13349,How old are you? / When were you born?,Muli ndi zaka zingati? / Munabadwa liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13350,Where do you live?,Mumakhala kuti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13351,Do you work? What do you work as?,Mumagwira nchito? Mumagwira nchito yanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13352,Are you married?,Muli pa banja?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13353,What is your religion?,Mumapemphera mpingo wanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13354,What seems to be the problem?,Chikukuvutani ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13355,Why have you come to see me today?,Mwabwera kuno chifukwa chani lero?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13356,How can I help you today?,Ndikuthandizeni bwanji lero?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13357,Where is the problem?,Vuto ili pati/kuti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13358,Can you point out where the problem is?,Mutha kuloza ndi chala pomwe vuto ili?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13359,When did the problem start?,Vuto ili inayamba liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13360,What is wrong with the child?,Chikumuvuta mwana ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13361,When did this start?,Izi zinayamba liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13362,How does it feel?/ How do you feel?,Zikumamveka bwanji? / Mukumamva bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13363,"Did it come/start suddenly, or gradually?","Zinabwera/zinayamba mwadzidzidzi, kapena pang’onopang’ono?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13364,How does the pain feel?,Ululu/Kupwetekako ukumamveka bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13365,Is it constant or does it come and go?,"Ululu umakhalapo nthawi zonse, +kapena umachepako/kusiya nthawi +zina?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13366,Do you know how it started?,"Mukudziwa m’mene zinayambira? +/Zinayamba bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13367,What were you doing when it started?,"Mumatani pamene izi +zinayamba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13368,"Is the pain deep inside or at the surface? +","Ululuwo ukumveka mkati, kapena +pamwamba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13369,"Does it wake you up from sleep? +","Zimakudzutsani kutulo? /Mumalephera +nawo kugona?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13370,"Are you able to perform other tasks? +","Mukumatha kumagwira nchito zina +ndi zina?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13371,"Is it only there? Or there are/you feel it +somewhere else? +","Ndi pomwepo basi? Kapena +zilipo / zikumamveka malo ena?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13372,"How many times a day does it happen? +",Zimakuchitikirani kangati pa tsiku?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13373,"Have you seen any change since it +started? +","Mwaona kusintha kulikonse chiyambileni +mpaka pano?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13374,"Is there anything else that you feel or see in +that area other than what you told me? +","Pali china chilichonse chomwe mukumva +kapena chimene mukuwona pa malo amenewo +kupatula zimene mwandiuzazo?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13375,"Is there anything that makes that area better? +","Pali china chake chimene chimapangitsa +ululu uchepe?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13376,"Have you taken any oral or topical medication +for this? +","Mwamwa kapena mwazola mankhwala aliyense +okuthandizani pa zimenezi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13377,"Is there anything that makes it worse? +","Pali china chilichonse chomwe +chimapangitsa kuti malo amenewo +akusowetseni mtendere?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13378,"Have you gotten any help since this started? +","Mwalandilako thandizo lililonse chiyambileni +vutoli?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13379,"How bad is the pain? +",Ululuwo ndi waukulu bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13380,"Is it worse at night or in the morning? +","Ululu amakusowetsani mtendere usiku +kapena mmamawa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13381,"Have you lost or gained weight since? +","Mwawonda kapena +mwanenepa chiyambire?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13382,"Is there anything else that you feel in your +body other than what you told me? +","Pali china chilichonse chomwe mukumva +mthupi kupatula zomwe +mwandiuzazi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13383,"What do you think you’re sick of? +","Mukuganiza kuti mukudwala +chani?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13384,Have you ever been admitted in hospital?,Munagonekedwapo m’chipatala?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13385,Do you have asthma?,Mumadwala mphumu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13386,Mphumu inakugundikizani liti?,W h e n w a s y o u r l ast asthma attack?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13387,D o y o u h a v e a n i nhaler?,Mumagwiritsa nchito mankhwala opumila?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13388,D o y o u h a v e a l l e rgies?,Chilipo chimene chimakuwengani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13389,D o y o u h a v e h y p ertension?,Mumadwala BP?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13390,W h a t h a s b e e n y our highest or lowest blood pressure?,BP yanu yokwera kwambiri kapena yotsikitsitsa imakwana bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13391,"Have you ever had cancer? +",Munadwalapo khansa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13392,"H a v e y o u e v e r h ad a stroke? +",Munayambapo mwakhala ndi sitiroko?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13393,"H a v e y o u e v e r h ad any heart problems? +",Munakhalako ndi vuto la mtima?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13394,"How were you treated? +",Munathandizidwa bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13395,"W e r e y o u h e a l e d ? +",Munachira?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13396,"Have you ever had an operation? +",Munapangidwapo operashoni?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13397,"D i d y o u h a v e a n y issues after treatment? +","Munakhalapo ndi mavuto ena chipangileni +operashoni?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13398,"Do you have a disability? +",Muli ndi ulumali uliwonse?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13399,"Were you born like that or was it an accident? +",Munabadwa choncho kapena inali ngozi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13400,"Do you have TB? +",Mumadwala matenda a TB?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13401,"Do you have diabetes ? +",Mumadwala matenda a shuga?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13402,"Do you have HIV ? +",Mumadwala nthenda ya HIV?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13403,"Have you ever tested for HIV? +","Munayamba mwa yedzetsapo nthenda ya +HIV?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13404,"Do you get tested often? +",Mumayedzetsa pafupi pafupi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13405,"When were you diagnosed with this disease? +",Anakupezani ndi nthenda iyi liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13406,"Have you ever had a seizure/epilepsy? +",Munadwalapo matenda akugwa/khunyu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13407,"Have you ever fainted? +",Munayambapo mwa komoka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13408,"Has your brain ever been tested? +",Ubongo wanu unayezedwapo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13409,"Do you take any medication at home? +","Mumamwa mankhwala aliwonse +kunyumba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13410,"Which medicine? +",Mankhwala anji/ati?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13411,"What is the medication for? +","Mankhwalawo ndi okuthandizani +vuto lanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13412,"How many do you take per day? +",Mumamwa angati pa tsiku?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13413,"Do you take them often? +",Mumamwa pafupi pafupi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13414,"In the morning, afternoon and evening?","Mamawa, masana ndi madzulo?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13416,When did you start taking the medication?,Munayamba kumwa mankhwalawo liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13419,Does the medication make you drowsy?,Mankhwalawo amakupangitsani tulo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13421,Does the medication need you to take food?,Mankhwalawo amafunikira kuti mudye?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13422,"Do you use topical or intravenous +medication? +","Mumagwiritsa nchito makhwala odzola +kapena makhwala odzibaya nokha?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13423,"Has the doctor ever increased or +decreased your medication?","aDokotala anyamba akuuzani kuti +muwonjezere kapena muchepetse kumwa +mankhwala amenewa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13424,"Have you noticed any effect that the +medication has on you? +","Mankwhalawo mukamwa mukumawona +chovuta chilichonse?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13425,"Does anyone help you take the medication? +","Alipo amene amakuthandiza kumwa +mankhwalawo?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13426,"Do you believe the medication has actually +been helping? +","Mukukhulupilira kuti mankhwalawo +akumakuthandizanidi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13427,"Do you take any herbal medication? +",Mumamwa mankhwala azitsamba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13428,"Do you know what is in the herbal +medication? +","Mukuziwa chimene anaphatikiza +mumankhwala azitsambawo?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13429,"Do you use topical herbal medication? +","Mumagwiritsa nchito mankhwala odzola +azitsamba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13430,"Where did you get the medication? +",Mankhwalawo munawatenga kuti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13431,"When did you stop taking the medication? +",Munasiya kumwa mankhwalawo liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13432,"Do you have any genetic diseases in your +family? +","Muli ndi matenda akumtundu ku banja +kwanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13433,"Are your parents still here/alive? +Makolo anu alipo/ali ndi moyo?",Makolo anu alipo/ali ndi moyo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13434,What did your parents pass away from?,Makolo anu anamwalira ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13435,"Have any of your family members been +hospitalized? +","Alipo mbanja mwanu amene +anagonekedwa m’chipatala?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13436,"Why were they hospitalized? +",Anagonekedwa chifukwa chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13437,"Has anyone in your family been diagnosed +with diabetes? +","Alipo mbanja mwanu amene +anapezeka ndi matenda a shuga?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13438,"When were they diagnosed with this disease ? +",Anawapeza nawo liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13439,Who do you live with at home?,Mumakhala ndi ndani kunyumba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13440,How many people do you live with?,Mumakhala ndi anthu angati?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13441,Do you drink alcohol?,Mumamwa mowa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13442,How many bottles per day?,Mumamwa ma botolo angati pa tsiku?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13443,Do you smoke?,Mumasuta fodya?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13444,How many cigarettes per day?,Mumasuta ndudu zingati pa tsiku?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13445,"Do you smoke Marijuana? +",Mumasuta chamba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13446,"When did you stop smoking? +",Munasiya kusuta liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13447,Do you exercise?,Mumatengapo gawo mumasewero olimbitsa thupi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13448,Do you take walks everyday?,Mumapita kokayenda tsiku lililonse?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13449,Are you able to bath on your own?,Mumakwanitsa kuzisambisa nokha?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13450,Does anyone help you dress?,Alipo amene amakuthandizani kuvala?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13451,Do use clean water at home?,Mumagwiritsa ntchito madzi awukhondo kunyumba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13452,Do you use mosquito nets?,Mumagwiritsa nchito ukonde wa udzudzu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13453,What do you eat in a day?,Mumadya chani pa tsiku?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13454,Are you eating enough vegetables?,Mukumadya zamasamba mokwanira?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13455,Do use clean water at home?,"Mumagwiritsa ntchito madzi awukhondo +kunyumba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13456,"Where do you collect your water ? +",Mumatunga madzi anu kuti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13457,"Do you wash your beddings often with soap? +","Mumachapa zogonera/zofundira zanu +pafupi pafupi ndi sopo?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13458,"Do you wash your hands after using the +toilet?","Mumasamba m’manja mukachokera +kuchimbudzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13459,"Do you wash your hands before eating? +",Mumasamba m’manja pofuna kudya?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13460,"Have you travelled recently? +",Mwayenda ulendo wautali posachedwapa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13461,"What did you do there? +",Mumakatani kumeneko?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13462,"When was your last period? +",Munasamba komaliza liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13463,"How long are your periods? +",Mumasamba kotalika masiku angati?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13464,"How many pads do you use in a day? +",Mumasintha kangati patsiku?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13465,Are you pregnant?,Ndinu oyembekezera?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13466,How many pregnancies have you had?,Munakhala ndi mimba zingati?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13467,Have you had a pregnancy test?,Mwayezesapo mimba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13468,"Are you using any contraceptives? Which +ones?",Muli pa mankhwala olera? Atiwo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13469,Are you on menopause?,Munasiya kusamba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13470,I have been feeling nauseous,Ndikumamva nseru,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13471,I have been vomiting,Ndikumasanza,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13472,I have been sweating,Ndikumatuluka thukuta,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13473,I dont have strength,Ndilibe mphamvu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13474,I have been feeling weak,Ndikumafooka,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13475,I have been having headaches,Ndikumadwala mutu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13476,I have not been sleeping well,Sindikumagona bwino,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13477,I have not been sleeping enough,Sindikumagona mokwanira,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13478,I have been feeling itchy,Ndikumamva kuyabwa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13479,I have been feeling really hot/having a fever,Ndikumamva kuthentha kwambiri,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13480,I have been feeling really cold/having chills,Ndikumamva kuzirira kwambiri,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13481,I have been feeling dizzy,Ndikumapanga chizunguliro,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13482,I have been feeling itchy,Ndikumamva kuyabwa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13483,I have been shaking,Ndikumanjenjemera,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13484,I have been having night sweats,Ndikumatuluka thukuta kwambiri usiku,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13485,I have been feeling thirsty,Ndikumakhala ndi ludzu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13486,I have lost weight,Ndachepa thupi /Ndawonda,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13487,I have gained weight,Ndanenepa/ ndawonjezera thupi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13488,I dont have strength,Ndilibe mphamvu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13489,I have a swelling/mass,Ndili ndi chotupa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13490,How does the pain feel?,Ululuwo ukumamveka motani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13491,I choked,Ndinatsamwidwa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13492,Sharp ,kulatsa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13493,Squeeze ,kufinya,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13494,stabbing ,kubaya,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13495,Burn ,kuwotcha,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13496,Biting ,kuluma,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13497,Tingling ,kunyerenyeza,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13498,Pressure/heavy ,kulemera,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13499,Shock,kugwida ndi shoko,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13500,Tightness,Kupanika/kumangika,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13501,Cutting ,kucheka,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13502,Tearing ,kung'amba,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13503,Numbness,dzanzi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13504,Heavy ,kulemera,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13505,Beaten up ,Kumenyedwa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13506,pain,Kuwawa/ululu/kupweteka,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13507,Extreme pain ,Kupwanya,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13508,Are you having any chest pain?,Muli ndi ululu uliwonse nchifuwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13509,Are you having heart palpitations?,Mukumva ngati mtima wanu ukuthamanga?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13510,Do you feel dizzy?,Mukumva chizungulire?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13511,Have you been fainting?,Mukumakomoka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13512,Are you feeling heaviness in your chest?,Mukumva kulemera nchifuwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13513,Are you feeling tightness in your chest?,Mukumva kupanika/kumangika nchifuwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13514,Do you feel burning in your chest?,Mukumva kuwotcha nchifuwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13515,Do you feel piercing in your chest?,Mukumva kubaya nchifuwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13516,Do you feel like you don’t have air?,Mukumva ngati mpweya ukupelewela?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13517,Are you experiencing breathlessness?,Mukubanika kupuma?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13518,Is there anything that triggers your,Chilipo chimene chikukupangitsani kuti,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13519,breathlessness?,muzibanika?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13520,Do you breathe fresh air at home or at work,Mumapuma mpweya wa bwinobwino kunyumba kapena ku ntchito,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13522,Do you stay with anyone that smokes?,Mumakhala ndi wina aliyense amene amasuta?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13523,How long are you able to walk or do things until you become breathless,"Mumatha kukwanitsa kuyenda kapena +kugwira nchito kwa nthawi yayitali bwanji +musanabanike?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13524,How many pillows do you use?,Mumatsamira ma pilo angati?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13525,What distance can you walk before being breathless,Mumayenda mtunda wautali bwanji musanayambe phuma,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13526,Does it take you a long time to recover,Zimatengera nthawi yayitali bwanji kuti musiye kubanika,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13527,Are you coughing?,Mukutsokomola?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13528,Is your cough productive?,Mukutsokomola makhololo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13529,Do you have chest pain when coughing?,Mumakhala ndi ululu nchifuwa potsokomola?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13530,"Have you noticed any sputum when +coughing? What color? + +","Mwawonako makhololo +mukamatsokomola? +Ndi a mtundu wanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13531,"How much sputum have you been +coughing up? +","Mumatulutsa makhololo ochuluka +bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13532,"Do you see blood in your sputum +when coughing? +","Mumawona magazi m’makhololo +mukamatsokomola?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13533,"Have you noticed a change in your voice? +","Mwawonako kusintha kwa mawu anu +kapena kusasa mawu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13534,"Have you heard any sound coming +from your chest? +","Mwamvako phokoso lililonse kuchokera +nchifuwa mwanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13535,"Are you wheezing when breathing? +",Mukumatulutsa phokoso popuma?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13536,Do you have a soar throat?,Muli ndi zilonda kukhosi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13537,"Have you had a recent cold? +",Mwadwalapo chinfine posachedwapa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13538,"Do you taste any blood when coughing? +","Mukamatsokomola mumamva magazi +mkamwa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13539,"Are you having any difficulty swallowing? + +",Mukumavutika kumeza?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13540,"Are you having any pain on swallowing? +",Mukumamva kupweteka pomeza?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13541,"Are you still able to eat hard/soft foods? +",Mukumatha kudya zokudya zolimba/zofewa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13542,"Did you feel like something is stuck in your throat? +",Mukumamva ngati chinthu chakukhalani pa khosi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13543,"Have you noticed any change in your appetite? +","Pali kusintha pakadyedwe kanu pa +zakudya?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13544,"Have you been eating more/less? +",Mukumadya kwambiri/pang’ono?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13545,"Do you get bloated during or after eating? +","Mukumadzadza mpweya mmimba +mukamadya kapena mukamaliza kudya?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13546,"Have you been burping a lot? +",Mukumageya kwambiri?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13547,"What was the last thing that you ate? +",Munadya chani komaliza?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13548,"Is it possible that the last thing that you +ate was not prepared well? +","Mwina chakudya chomwe mwadya +komalizira sichinakonzedwe +bwino?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13549,"Have you been passing a lot of gas/wind? +","Mwakhala mukutulusa mpweya +ochuluka?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13550,"Have you been vomiting? +",Mwakhala mukusanza?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13551,"Have you been vomiting blood? +",Mwakhala mukusanza magazi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13552,"What does your vomit look like? +","Zimene mukusanzazo zimaoneka +bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13553,"How much have you been vomiting? +",Mukumasanza zochuluka bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13554,"Is your vomit foamy? +",Mukumasanza za thobvu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13555,"Have you noticed a change in your bowel +habits?","Mwawonako kusintha kwina kulikonse pa +pa chimbuzi chanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13556,"Have you been constipated? +",Mmimba mwanu mwamangika?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13557,"Have you been having diarrhea? + +",Mukumatsegula mmimba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13558,"How does the feces smell? + +","Mafungo achimbuzi chanu +akumamveka bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13559,"Do the feces have blood? + +","Chimbuzi chanu chikumakhala cha +magazi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13560,"Have you noticed any bleeding around +your anus? + +","Mwawonako mukutulusa magazi malo +anu ochitira chimbuzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13561,"Do you have warts or masses around +your anus? +","Muli ndi zilonda kapena zotupa malo +anu ochitira chimbuzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13562,"Have you noticed any tearing around +your anus? + +","Mwawonako kung’ambika kumalo +anu ochitira chimbuzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13563,"Have you had any pain while using the +toilet? + +","Mumamva ululu uliwonse pochita +chimbuzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13564,"Has there been anything that has +penetrated your anus? +","Kalipo kenakalikonse kanalowapo +malo anu ochitira chimbuzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13565,"What does the color of your feces look +like? +","Mtundu wa chimbuzi chanu +chimaoneka bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13566,"Is the feces more or less than usual? +","Panopa mukumapanga chimbuzi +chambiri kapena chochepera momwe +mumapangira?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13567,"How does the feces smell? + +","Mafungo achimbuzi chanu +akumamveka bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13568,"Do the feces have blood? +","Chimbuzi chanu chikumakhala cha +magazi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13569,"Are the feces hard(solid or soft(watery)? +","Chimbuzi chanu chikumakhala +cholimba kapena cha madzimadzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13570,"Can you control when you want to go to +the toilet or do you have accidents? +","Mumatha kuzigwira kudikira nthawi ya +chimbuzi ikwane kapena +chimangopezeka chimbuzi chayamba +kutuluka yokha?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13571,"Have you noticed a change in taste? +","Mwawonako kusintha kukoma kwa +chakudya?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13572,"Do you have pain on urination? + +","Mukumamva kuwawa po kodza/potaya +madzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13573,"How often are you urinating? +",Pa tsiku mumataya madzi kangati?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13574,"How much urine comes out, is it more +or less than usual? +","Mumakodza nkodzo ochuluka bwanji? +Ndiwocholukirako kapena ocheperako kuposa +nthawi zonse?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13575,"Are you urinating blood? + +",Mukumakodza magazi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13576,"What is the color of your urine? +","Mtundu wa mkodzo wanu umakhala +wotani?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13577,"Is it amber? +",Ndi wa chikasu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13578,"Is it clear? + +",Ndi wa madzi madzi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13579,Is it cloudy?, Umakhala oyera ngati wa nkhungu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13580,Is it the urine sticky?,Nkodzowo umamata?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13581,"Are you able to control when you urinate +or do you have accidents along the way? +","Mumatha kugwira chikhodzodzo chanu +kapena mumadzikodzera?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13582,"Are you drinking a lot of water? +",Mukumwa madzi ochuluka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13583,"Do you leak urine when you cough or +sneeze? +","Mumatulusa nkodzo mukatsokomola +kapena mukayetsemula?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13584,"Do you feel incomplete urination +immediately after visiting the toilet? +","Mukangotha kukoza mumamva kuti +nkodzo uja sunathetsete mukufunabe?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13585,"Do you squeeze hard when passing +urine? +","Mumakakamiza nkodzo? +OR +Mumafinya kwambiri kuti nkodzo +utuluke?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13586,"Do you leak urine during or after sex? +","Mumatuluka nkodzo pogonana kapena +mukamaliza kugonana?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13587,"Do you urinate on yourself? +",Mumakodzedwa/Mumadzikodzera?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13588,"Do you leak urine during or after exercise? +","Mukamapanga masewero olimbitsa +thupi mikodzo yanu +imatuluka/imadontha/imachucha?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13589,"Is there any discharge or anything +abnormal coming out of your +private area? +","Mwawonako madzi kapena zachilendo +zikutuluka malo anu obisika?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13590,"What color is the discharge? +","Zotulukazo zimakhala za mtundu +wanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13591,"Is what’s coming out thick or thin? +","Zotulukazo zimakhala za madzi +madzi kapena zolimba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13592,"Does it have a smell? +",Zimamveka fungo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13593,"Have you noticed a change in your erectile +function? +",Mwawonako kusintha podzuka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13594,"Is there any offensive odour coming +from your private area? +","Mukumamva fungo +lonunkha kuchokera malo anu obisika?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13595,"Have you noticed any pimples/ +masses or anything abnormal on your +private area?","Mwaonako ziphuphu/zotupa +kapena china chilichonse chodabwitsa +malo anu obisika?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13596,"Is your pubic hair itching? +",Tsitsi lanu lakumusi limayabwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13597,"Have you noticed a change in size of +your penis? +","Mwawonako kusintha kakulidwe kwa +chokodzera chanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13598,"Are you able to feel aroused? (So that +you sleep with a man?) +","Mumatha kukhala ndi chilakolako? +(Kuti mugone ndi abambo?)",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13599,"Are you sexually active? +",Mukugonana ndi wina aliyense?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13600,"How many sexual partners do you have? +",Muli ndi abwenzi ogona nawo angati?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13601,"Do you have pain during sex or after? + +","Mumamva ululu pogonana, kapena +mukatha kugonana?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13602,"Do you bleed during sex or after? +","Mumatuluka magazi pogonana, kapena +mukatha kugonana?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13603,"Have you been raped/abused? + +",Munagwililidwapo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13604," +Have you been tested for cervical cancer? +","Munayezesapo khansa yakhomo +yachibelekero?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13605,"Do you use cosmetics in your private +area? +","Mumagwiritsa nchito mankhwala ena +aliwonse kumalo anu obisika?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13606,"Do you have period pain? +","Mumamva ululu uliwonse +mukamasamba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13607,"Do you have any other symptoms on +your menstrual cycle? +","Pali zina zomwe mumamva m’thupi +mwanumo mukamasamba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13608,"Are you able to work on your menstrual +cycle? +","Mumatha kugwira nchito mukakhala +mukusamba?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13609,"Have you had any trouble conceiving? + +",Munali ndi vuto liilonse potenga mimba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13610,"Was the child born premature or late? + +","Mwana anabadwa matsiku asanakwane +kapena anabadwa atapitilira masiku?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13611,"Did you give birth naturally or C-section? + +","Munachira bwino bwino kapena +munabelekera operashoni?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13612,"Were you sick during the pregnancy? + +",Mumadwala muli ndi mimba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13613,"What was the weight of the baby? +",Mwana anabadwa ndi sikero yanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13614,"Did you breast feed? Are you breastfeeding? +",Mumayamwisa? Mukuyamwisa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13615,"Does the child have problems with breastfeeding? +",Mwanayu amakhala ndi vuto lililonse poyamwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13616,"Has the child had any vaccinations? +",Mwanayu analandilapo katemera aliyense?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13617,"Is the child breathing properly? +",Mwanayu akumapuma bwinobwino?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13618,"Have you noticed anything abnormal +about the child? +","Mwawona china chilichonse chodabwitsa pa +mwanayu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13619,"Does the child stutter a lot? +",Mwanayu ali ndi chibwibwi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13620,"Have you noticed any change in behavior of +the child? +","Mwawonako kusintha kwina kulikonse kwa +chikhalidwe cha mwanayu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13621,"Has the child started eating food or is +he/she still drinking breastmilk? +","Mwanayu wayamba kudya chakudya +china kapena akuyamwabe bere?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13622,"What food are you feeding the child? +",Mumamudyetsa chakudya chanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13623,"Hard or soft foods? +",Zokudya zolimba kapena zofewa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13624,"Is the baby crying more than usual? +","Mwanayu akumalira mopyolera +m’mene amalilira kapena akulira +chimodzimodzi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13625,"Has the child started crawling? +",Mwanayu wayamba kukwawa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13626,"Has the child started walking? + +",Mwanayu wayamba kuyenda?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13627,"Has the child started speaking? +",Mwanayu wayamba kulankhula?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13628,"Is the child able to stand on his/her +own? +","Mwanayu akumatha kuyima pa +yekha?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13629,"Is the child able to interact properly +with his/her friends? +","Mwanayu akumatha kusewera bwino +bwino ndi anzake?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13630,"How does the urine of the child look? +","Mkodzo wa mwana umawoneka +bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13631,"How does the stool of the child look? +","Chimbuzi cha mwana chimaoneka +bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13632,"Have you ever had an abortion? Why? + +","Munayambapo mwatchotsapo +pakati? Chifukwa chani?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13633,"Where did you get your abortion? + +",Munachotsera kuti mimba yanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13634,"When did you notice yellowing of the +skin on the child ? + +","Munawona kusintha kwa khungu la +mwanayu kubwera chikaso liti?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13635,"When did you notice yellowing of the +eyes on the child ? +","Munawona kusintha kwa maso a +mwanayu ali ndi chikaso liti?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13636,"Do you feel pressure in your eyes? +",Mumamva kulemedwa mmaso?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13637,"Do you feel pain when blinking or +moving your eyes? +","Mumamva kupweteka mukamaphetira +kapena mukamayendetsa maso?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13638,"Do you feel like you have sand or +something else in your eye? +","Mumamva ngati muli ndi mchenga +kapena zinthu zina maso mwanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13639,"Have you noticed your eye twitching? +","Mumamva maso anu akuphetira +kapena kusinzina mosadziwika bwino?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13640,"Are you able to see colors well? +","Mumawona mitundu osiyanasiyana +bwino bwino?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13641,"Do your eyes feel dry or moist? +","Mumamva maso anu kukhala owuma +kapena onyowa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13642,"Do you have problems closing your +eyes? +",Mumavutika kutseka maso anu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13643,Are you having difficulty hearing?,Muli ndi vuto lakumva?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13644,Do you hear ringing in your ears?,Mumamva ma belo mmakutu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13645,Is there any discharge coming out from your ears?,Makutu mwanu mukumatuluka mafinya?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13646,Have you noticed a buildup of earwax?,Mwawonako kuchuluka kwa phula makutu mwanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13647,Are your ears sensitive to noises?,Phokoso limakusowetsani mtendere m’makutu mwanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13648,Do you use cotton buds?,Mumagwritsa nchito tonje kupukutira makutu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13649,Do you use earphones? Do you listen to music loudly?,Mumayika zomvetserera nyimbo mmakutu? Mumamvera nyimbozo mokweza?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13650,Do you have hearing aids?,Muli ndi zida zokuthandizani kumva?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13651,Do you see a change when you wear your hearing aids?,Mumawona kusintha mukavala zida zokuthandizani kumva?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13652,Do you play the radio or tv on high volume?,Mumayika wailesi kapena kanema wanu mokweza mukamagwiritsa ntchito?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13653,Do you feel like you lose balance alot?,Mumamva chizungulire pafupi pafupi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13654,Do you have problems with your sense of smell?,Muli ndi vuto kumva fungo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13655,Is your nose blocked?,Mphuno zanu ndizotseka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13656,Have you been sneezing?,Mukuyetsemula?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13657,Does your nose feel like it’s burning?,Mukumva kuwotcha mphuno zanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13658,Is there mucus or anything abnormal coming from your nose?,Mphuno mwanu mumatuluka mamina kapena china chilichonse chodabwitsa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13659,Do you breathe with your mouth?,Mukumapumira mkamwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13660,Do you snore?,Mumaliza nkonono?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13661,Are you having difficulty closing your mouth?,Mukuvutika kutseka pakamwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13662,"Have you noticed any change in your +salivation? (More or less)","Mwawonako kusintha malovu anu +amkamwa? (Kuti akuchuluka kapena +akuchepa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13663,Are you having any pain when speaking?,Mukumva kupweteka polankhula?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13664,Have you noticed hoarseness in your voice?,Mawo anu akusasa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13665,Are you having difficulty swallowing?,Mukumavutika kumeza?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13666,"Do you feel like there’s something stuck +in your throat/neck? +","Mukumva ngati chinachake chaima +kummero/kukhosi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13667,Do you have a sore throat?,Muli ndi zilonda ku khosi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13668,Do you have a mental illness? ,Muli ndi vuto la mu ubongo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13669,"Is there anything that bothers you a +a lot? + +","Chilipo chimene chimakuvutani +kwambiri?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13670,What makes you anxious/stressed?,Chimakupatsani nkhawa ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13671,Have you ever hurt yourself or someone else?,Munazivulazapo kapena kumuvulaza munthu wina?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13672,Is everything okay at home?,Chilichonse chilibwino kunyumba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13673,Do you feel sick when you don’t drink?,Mumadwala mukakhala kuti simunamwe mowa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13674,Do you drink alcohol excessively or illegal substance abuse?,Mumamwa mowa kapena mumagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ozunguza ubongo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13675,Are you irritable when you don’t drink?,Mumamva kusowa mtendere mukakhala kuti simunamwe?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13676,Do you feel sorry for yourself when you drink?,Mumazimvera chisoni mukamamwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13677,Does anyone make you feel that drinking is wrong?,Alipo amene amakuzindikilitsani kuti kuti kumwa mowa ndikoyipa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13678,Do you see yourself with a future?,Mumaziwona kuti muli ndi tsologo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13679,Do you think of hurting yourself or others?,Mumaganiza kuti muzivulaze nokha kapena kuwavulaza anthu ena?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13680,Have you ever done something that has risked your life?,Munapangapo china chilichonse chimene chinayikitsa moyo wanu pa chiswe?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13681,Have you ever thought of killing yourself?,Munayambapo mwaganiza zozipha?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13682,Have you noticed yourself being more irritated?,Mumakhala munthu osowa mtendere?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13683,Have you ever been raped or abused?,Munagwiliridwapo?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13684,What do you do to cope with anxiety?,Mumatani kuti musakhale ndi nkhawa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13685,Do you remember being treated badly as a child?,Mukukumbukira muli mwana ngati mumapangidwa nkhanza?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13686,Do you get violent when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol?,Mumakhala munthu ovutitsa kwambiri mukakhala kuti mwasuta kapena mwamwa mowa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13687,Does your drinking cause problems with your work or family?,Kumwa mowa kumakupangitsani kuti muzikhala ndi mavuto ku nchito kapena mbanja lanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13688,How do you feel about yourself?,Mumazimva bwanji?/Mumaziwona bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13689,Do you look down on yourself?,Mumaziyanganira pansi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13690,Do you feel guilt or shame?,Mumamva kuti mwalakwa kapena mumamva manyazi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13691,Do you think that you have a purpose?,Mukuganiza kuti muli ndi cholinga?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13692,Do you hear voices that other people can’t hear?,"Mumamva mawu ena, amene anthu ena sangamve?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13693,Do you see things that other people can’t see ?,Mumawona zinthu zimene anthu ena sangawone?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13694,What are you worried about?,Mukudandaula chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13695,Do you think of killing yourself?,Mumaganiza kuti muziphe nokha?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13696,"Do you feel that someone is there +but you can’t see them? +","Mumamva ngati pali munthu koma +simukumuwona?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13697,"Are you easily distracted when you are +doing something? +","Mumasokonezeka mukakhala kuti +mukupanga zinthu zina ?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13698,"Do you get confused a lot? +",Mumabalalika kwambiri?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13699,"What is your mood on most days? +",Mumamva bwanji nthawi zonse?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13700,"Do you feel angry, happy, tired? +","Mumakwiya, mumasangalala, +mumakhala otopa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13701,"Have you argued with someone +recently? +","Mwakangana ndi munthu +posachedwapa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13702,"Do you hold grudges? +",Mumasunga mangawa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13703,"Do you think that someone can hear +your thoughts? +","Mumaganiza kuti alipo amene amatha +kukumverani zimene mukulingalira?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13704,"Do you think your thoughts are yours? +","Mumaganiza kuti malingaliro amene +mukulingalira ndi anu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13705,"Do you think someone takes away your +thoughts? +","Mumaganiza kuti alipo wina amene +amakuchotserani malingaliro?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13706,"Do you think someone controls your +thoughts? +","Mumaganiza kuti alipo wina amene +amalamulira mmalo mwanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13707,"D o you think that you are a real person? +","Mumaganiza kuti ndinu munthu +weni weni?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13708,"Do you think the world is real? +","Mumaganiza kuti dziko lapansi +lilipodi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13709,"What do you dream of? +",Mumalota chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13710,"What makes you happy? +",Chimakusangalasani ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13711,What makes you angry?,Chimakukwiyitsani ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13712,"What makes you cry? +",Chimakulizani ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13713,"Are you worried for your safety? +",Mumadandaula chitetezo chanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13714,"Have you ever tried killing your self? +",Munayesela kuzipha nokha?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13715,"Do you think people would miss you if +you died? +","Mukuganiza kuti anthu adzakusowani +mukadzafa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13716,"Is there anyone in your family that has +ever gone mad? +","Mbanja mwanu alipo amene +anadwalapo misala?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13717,"What are your day to day activities? +",Tsiku ndi tsiku mumapanga chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13718,"Are you sleeping well? +",Mukumagona bwinobwino?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13719,"Do you know where you are right now? +",Mukudziwa kumene muli pano?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13720,"How did you get here? +",Munafika bwanji kuno?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13721,"What is the day today? +",Lero ndi tsiku lanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13722,Have you been fainting?,Mukumakomoka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13724,Have you been having seizures?,Mukumagwa? /Mumagwayigwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13725,"Do you remember that you are having a +seizure while you are having a seizure? +","Mumakumbukira kuti mwagwa muli +chigwere?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13726,"What happened before you had the seizure? +",Chinachitika ndi chani musanagwe?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13727,"How were you feeling before the +seizure? +",Mumamva bwanji musanagwe?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13728,What were you feeling after the seizure?,Mumavma chani mukatsitsimuka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13729,"Do you know what happens to your +body while you are seizing? + +","Mumazindikira zimene thupi lanu +limapanga mukagwa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13730,"Do you feel tingling in your arms and +legs before the seizure? +","Mumamva kunyerenyesa mikono ndi +miyendo musanagwe?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13731,"Do you find that you have bitten your +tongue after you stop having a seizure? +","Mumazindikira kuti mwaziluma lilime +mukatsitsimuka?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13732,"Do you see darkness or stars before +having a seizure? +","Mumawona chidima kapena nyenyezi +musanagwe?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13733,"Do you lose bowel or bladder control while +having a seizure? +",Mumaziyipitsira mukagwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13734,"Does the patient stare into space often and +not respond to you calling them? +","Amawoneka kuti angoyimitsa maso awo +chikhalire, kapena osakuyakhani pamene +akugwa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13735,"Does the patient’s eyes roll back? +",Maso awo amatembenuka m’mene akugwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13736,"Does the patient jerk their limbs while +having a seizure? +","Amagwedeza mikono kapena miyendo +akamagwa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13737,Does the patient make noises while having a seizure?,Amapanga phokoso akamagwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13740,Are you able to feel that someone or something has touched you?,Mumatha kumva ngati winawake kapena chinachake chakukhuzani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13744,How long does the seizure usually last ?,Zimatenga nthawi yayitali bwanji akagwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13747,Do you smell or taste anything unusual before losing consciousness?,Mumamva fungo lachilendo kapena kumva makomedwe achilendo mkamwa musanagwe?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13748,"Are you able to remember things? +Recent and also the past?", mumakumbukira zinthu? Za kale ndi za tsopano?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13749,"Do you sometimes have difficulty +speaking? + +","Nthawi zina mumakhala ndi vuto +kuyankhula?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13750,"Do you feel dizzy sometimes? +",Nthawi zina mumamva chizungulire?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13751,"Are you able to feel that someone or +something has touched you? +","Mumatha kumva ngati winawake +kapena chinachake chakukhuzani?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13752,"Have you recently hit your head? +",Munazimenyetsa mutu? Munagwapo ndi mutu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13753,"Have you become more forgetful? +",Mukumayiwala pafupi pafupi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13754,"Do you have stiffness in your joints? +","Mukumva kumangika mokumana +mafupa mwanu? Mukumva kumangika m’mene mafupa +anu amalumikizana?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13755,"Do you have any stiffness in your +muscles? +",Mukumva kumangika minyewa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13756,"Do your bones or your muscles feel +weak? +","Mafupa kapena minyewa yanu +zimamva kutopa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13757,"Are your muscles in pain? +",Minyewa yanu ikupweteka?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13758,"Are you able to stretch the muscles +in your arm? +","Mukumatha kutambasula minyewa yanu +m’mikono yanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13759,"Are you able to stand for a long time? +",Mukumatha kuyima nthawi yayitali?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13760,"Are you able to walk? For How long? +","Mukumatha kuyenda? Nthawi yayitali +bwanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13761,"Do you use crutches? +",Mumagwiritsa nchito ndodo yoyendera?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13762,"Have you noticed any swelling in your +legs or arms? +",miyendo kapena mikono yanu ikumatupa ?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13763,"Are you able to stand on your own? Or +does someone need to help you? +","Mukumatha kuyima nokha? Kapena ndi +thandizo la munthu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13764,"Are you able to write? +",Mukumatha kulemba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13765,"Does your arm shake when you are using it or +does it also shake when it’s at rest? +","Mikono yanu imanjenjemera/imagwedela +mukamayigwiritsa nchito kapenanso +mutangokhala?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13766,"Have you noticed any abnormal body +movements? +","Kuli kusintha kulikonse +kodabwitsa kwaziwalo mthupi mwanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13767,"Have you noticed any change in color +of your skin? +","Mwawonako kusintha mtundu wa +nkhungu lanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13768,"Has this wound been failing to heal? +",Balali silikupola?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13769,"Is your skin oily or dry? +","Nkhungu lanu ndi la mafuta kapena +ndi lowumilako?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13770,"Have you noticed a change in color of +your hair? +","Mwawonako kusintha mtundu wa +tsitsi lanu? Tsitsi lanu lachibadidwe limawoneka +m’mene likuwonekelamu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13772,"Have you noticed redness of your skin? +",Mwawonako kufira kwa nkhungu lanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13773,"Have you noticed your hair falling out? +","Mwawonako tsitsi lanu likumathothoka +lokha?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13774,"Have you noticed hair growth where you +don’t usually grow hair? +","Mwawonako kumera tsitsi malo amene +simumamera tsitsi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13775,"Are you in the sun a lot? +",Mumawothera dzuwa kwambiri?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13776,"What lotions and soap have you been +using? +","Mumadzola mafuta anji komanso +mumasambira sopo wanji?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13777,"When did you start using the lotion/soap? +","Munayamba kugwiritsa nchito mafutawa +/sopoyu liti?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13778,"Have you been using lightening creams? +","Mumagwiritsa nchito mafuta oyeretsa +khungu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13779,"Is your skin peeling off? +",Khungu lanu likusuwa?Mukusuwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13780,"Has a rash appeared? +",Mwatuluka nsungu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13781,"Has the rash been spreading? +","Nsunguzo zikufalikira madela +ena pa khungu po?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13782,"Have you seen the mass grow in size +since it appeared? +","Mwawonako chotupacho chikukula +chiyambileni?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13783,"Has the appearance of the mass changed +since it appeared? +","Mwawonako kusintha kwa +mawonekedwe chachotupacho +chiyambileni?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13784,"Has the mass always been hard? +","Chotupacho mcholimba +chiyambileni?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13785,"Have you been in contact with someone +with the same skin condition? +","Mwawonapo winawake ali ndi vuto la +khungu ngati lanulo?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13786,"Did you get burnt? +",Munapsyako?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13787,"How did you get burnt? +",Munapsya bwanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13788,Is there anything that bit you?,Mwalumidwa?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13789,"Do you have a lot of dandruff on your +head? +",Muli ndi nfundu zambiri mmutu mwanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13790,"How many times do you bath a day? +",Mumasamba kangati pa tsiku?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13791,"Did you pop the pimple yourself? +",Munaphulitsa chiphuphucho nokha?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13792,"Did pus come out when the pimple +popped? +","Munatuluka mafinya m’mene +munaphulitsa chiphuphucho?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13793,"What do you cut your nails with? +",Mumawenga zala zanu ndi chani?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13794,"When did the color of your nails change? +",Zikhadabo zanu zinasintha mtundu liti?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13795,Malaria ,Malungo,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13796,Influenza ,Chinfine,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13797,Schistosomiasis ,Likodzo,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13798,Rabies,Chiwewe,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13799,Smallpox ,Nthomba,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13800,Measles ,Chikuku,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13801,Gonorrhea ,Chizonono,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13802,Pneumonia ,Chibayo,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13803,Mumps ,Masagwidi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13804,Plague,Mulili,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13805,Tetanus ,Kafumbata,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13806,Syphillis ,Chindoko,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13807,Arthritis ,Nyamakazi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13808,Hay fever ,Chigwagwa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13809,Lice ,Nsabwe,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13810,Scabies ,Mphere,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13811,Hemorrhoids(piles),mudzi,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13812,Warts ,Mauka,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13813,Acne (pimples) ,Ziphuphu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13814,Blisters ,Matuza,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13815,Blackheads/skin tags,Njerewere,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13816,Eczema ,zikanga,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13817,Keloids,Chiphyera chotupa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13818,Cyst ,Chotupa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13819,Ulcer,zilonda za pa khungu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13820,Wound ,Bala/chilonda,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13821,Mass ,Chotupa,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13822,Boil ,chithupsya,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13823,Scar ,Chiphyera,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13824,Scales ,Mamba,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13825,Ringworm ,Zipere,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13826,Urticaria ,Zidzolo,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13827,Rash ,Nsungu,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13828,"I would like to perform a general exam on you to check if everything is fine. It will involve me touching +and looking at different areas of your body, I will also be using different instruments. If at any point you +want me to stop, you can let me know. +","Ndikufuna ndikuyezeni thupi lanu kuti ndiwone ngati thupi lanu lilibwino, ndikhala +ndikukuyang’anani, kukukhudzani, kukugwirani komanso ndi kuyang’ana madela osiyanasiyana pa +thupi lanu. Ndigwiritsa nchito zipangizo zosiyanasiyana, ngati mukuwona kuti ndisapitilize +kukuyezani ndiwuzeni kuti ndisiye pa kukweza nkono kapena kuyankhula.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13829,What is the date today?,Lero ndi tsiku lanji?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13830,Do you know where you are right now?,Mukudziwa kumene muli pano?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13831,"Do you know why you are here? +",Mukudziwa chimene mwaberera kuno lero?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13832,"Do you know what year we are in? +",Mukudziwa chaka chimene tili lero?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13833,"I will now be touching your head +",Ndikugwirani m’mutu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13834,"I will now be touching your face +",Ndikugwirani nkhope.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13835,"Close your eyes tight and open them +again. +",Tsekani maso mofinyika ndikuwatsegulanso.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13836,"Can you open your eyes against my +resistance? +","Mutha kutsegula maso anu ngakhale ndawa +gunda chonchi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13837,"Can you raise your eyebrows? +",Mungathe kukweza zikope zanu za mwamba?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13838,"Can you smile? +",Mungathe kumwetulira?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13839,"Can you bite down your teeth? +",Mungathe kuluma mano anu pakamodzi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13840,"Can you open your mouth? Close it. +",Mungathe kutsegula mkamwa mwanu? Tsekani.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13841,"Can you open your mouth against my +resistance? +","Mungathe kutsegula mkamwa mwanu, +ngakhale ndakutsekani?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13842,"Relax your jaw, so that I tap your +chin. +","Fewetsani masagwidi anu ndi masaya +anu kuti ndikhudze nawo chibwanocho?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13843,"Close your eyes, I will use this cotton on +your face to touch you, tell me everytime +you feel I’ve touched you. +","Tsekani maso, ndigwiritsa nchito thonje +kukhudza nkhope yanu, ndipo mundiwuze +ngati mukumva kena kalikonse pamene +ndakukhuzani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13844,"Close your eyes, I will use this object on +your face to touch you, tell me everytime +you feel I’ve touched you. +","Tsekani maso, ndigwiritsa nchito ichi +kukhudza nkhope yanu, ndipo mundiwuze +ngati mukumva kena kalikonse pamene +ndakukhuzani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13845,"Does it feel the same on both sides? +",Zikumveka chimodzimodzi mbali zonse?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13846,"I will pull your eyelids down, look up, +look down, look to the side. +","Ndigwira nawo zikope zanu, muyang’ane +pansi, muyang’ane mmwamba, muyang’ane +kumbali.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13847,"Follow the movement of my finger with your +eyes, keep your head straight. +","Mutsatire chala changachi ndi maso anu, +musasunthe mutu wanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13848,"Can you cover one eye with your hand and +read these letters on the line with your +other eye? +","Phimbani diso limodzi, ndi dzanja +lanu, ndipo muwerengele diso linalo +malembo awa?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13849,"I will now shine a light in your eye. +",Ndiunikako mmaso mwanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13850,"Can you look over there and then look over +here? (at my pen) +","Muthakuyang’ana uko, ndikuyang’ananso +kuno?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13851,"Can you cover one eye with your hand, +can you see my fingers? Tell me when +you see they have disappeared. +","Phimbani diso limodzi ndi dzanja lanu, +mukuwona zala zanga zi? Mundiwuze +mukawona kuti zabisika.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13852,"Look to the side, I will now use a +cotton to touch your eye. +","Yang’anani kumbali, ndigwiritsa +nchito thonje kukhudza diso lanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13853,"I will insert this otoscope inside your ear to +see inside. +","Ndilowetsa nawo ka chida aka nkhutu +mwanu kuti tiwunike mo.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13854,"I will close one ear, and I will speak in the +other ear and you should repeat what I’m +saying. +","Nditseka khutu lanu limodzi ndipo +munditsatizire chimene ndikunena +mu khutu lanu linali.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13855,"Can you hear the sound of this +tuning fork? +",Mukumva kulira kwa chidachi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13856,"I will put this instrument (tuning fork) +behind your ear, then beside your +ear and you should compare which is +the loudest. +","Ndiyika chidachi kuseli kwa khutu +lanu, ndi kutsogolo kwa khutu lanu +ndipo mufananiza kuti mbali imene +likumveka kulira kwambiri ndi litiro.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13857,"I will place this instrument (tuning fork) +in the middle of your forehead and let +me know which ear you hear it the +loudest, or if it’s the same in both ears, +and tell me when you stop hearing the +sound. +","Ndiyika chidachi pa chipumi chanu, +ndipo mundiwuze khutu limene +chikumveka kwambiri ndi liti, kapena +ngati chikumveka chimodzimodzi +makutu onse. Mundiwuzenso +chikasiya kulira.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13858,"I will now look inside your nose with this +light. +","Ndiunika nawo nkati mwa mphuno +mwanumo.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13859,"Close your eyes, I will put something +under your nose and you should tell me +what you are smelling. +","Mutseke maso anu, ndiyika chinthu +pansi pa mphuno yanu ndipo +mundiwuze kuti mukumva fungo lanji",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13860,"Block one nostril and breath in and out +with your nose. +","Mutseke mphuno imodzi nde +muzipumira yinayo, nkati ndi kunja.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13861,"Open your mouth and move your +tongue side to side. +","Tsegulani pakamwa, nde mugwedeze +lilime.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13862,"Open your mouth and raise your tongue. +","Tsegulani pakamwa, nde mukweze +lilime mwamba.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13863,"Relax your tongue and cheeks. +",Fewetsani lilime ndi masaya anu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13864,"Say “aaah” +",Nenani “aah”,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13865,"I will touch your uvula (back of throat), +you will feel like vomiting or feel +uncomfortable. +","Ndikhudzanawo kummeroko, nde +apa mumva ngati mukufuna +kusanza kapena kusowa mtendere.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13866,Lift your head.,Kwezani mutu mwamba.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13867,Turn your head to the side.,Tembenuzani mutu wanu kumbali uku.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13868,"Turn your head to the side +against my resistance. +","Tembenuzani mutu wanu kumbali +uku ngakhale ndakugwirani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13869,"Lift your shoulders against my +resistance. +","Kwezani mapewa anu ngakhale +ndakugwirani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13870,"will now touch the lymph nodes in your neck +to check for any swelling. +","Ndigwira nawo masagwidi anu kuti ndimveko +ngati muli ndi zotupa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13871,"Breathe in and out while I +touch the blood vessels in your neck. +","Pumirani mkati ndi kunja pamene ndikugwira +nawo misempha ya pa khosi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13872,"Roll up your sleeves of your shirt, I +want to test the function of your arms +and your hands +","Pindani mikono ya malaya anu mwamba, +kuti ndiwone nawo mikono yanu ndi manja +anu kuti zikugwira ntchito bwanji.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13873,"Spread your fingers. +",Tambasulani zala zanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13874,"I will check the blood flow in your hands +and fingers +","Ndiwonako mmene magazi akuyendera +mmanja ndi muzala zanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13875,"I will squeeze your finger a little bit +",Ndifinya chala chanu pang’ono.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13876,"I will pinch your hand a little bit +",Nditsina dzanja lanu pang’ono.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13877,"Can you put your fingers like this? +",Mutha kuyika zala zanuzi chonchi?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13878,"With your finger, touch your nose, then +touch my finger then your nose again. +","Ndi chala chanu, mukhuze mphuno +yanu, kenako mukhuze chala changa +kenakonso mukhuze mphuno yanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13879,"Can you relax your arm/hand, I will move +it around myself. +","Fewetsani mkono wanu,/dzanja lanu +ndikhala ndikuyiyendetsa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13880,"Can you extend your arms and close your +eyes, I will apply resistance but try to +keep them in the same place. +","Mutambasule mikono ndi kutseka maso, +ndiyesela kuyika mphamvu zanga koma +inu muyesetse kukhazika mikono yo malo +amodzi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13881,"Put both hands on your thighs and make +them face down at the same time, then +face up at the same time and do this as +fast as possible. +","Muyike manja anu pa ntchafu zanu +ndikuwatembenuza kuyang’ana pansi +ndikuwatembenuzanso kuyang’ana +mwamba kwa nthawi imodzi ndipo +mupange mwachangu pamene +mungathele.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13882,"Squeeze my hand as hard as possible. +","Finyani dzanja langa ndi mphamvu zanu +zonse.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13883,"Push my hand while I push yours. +","Kankhani dzanja langa pamene +ndikukankha lanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13884,"Bend your arm. +",Pindani mkono wanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13885,"Can you make a fist? +",Mutha kukunga bakera?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13886,"Drop your wrist. +",Gwetsani dzanja lanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13887,"Close your eyes and tell me if I’m moving +your finger/toe up or down. +","Tsekani maso anu, mundiwuze ngati +ndikukweza chala chanu mwamba kapena +ngati ndikutsitsa chala chanu pansi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13888,"I will put this instrument on your arm +can you feel the vibrations of it? +Tell me when it stops vibrating. +","Ndiyika chidachi pamkono wanu, mukumva +kunjenjemela kwa chidachi? Mundiwuze +chikasiya kunjenjemela.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13889,"Close your eyes I will use this cotton to touch +your arm, tell me everytime you feel I’ve touched +you. +","Tsekani maso, ndigwiritsa nchito thonje +kukhudza mkono wanu, ndipo mundiwuze +ngati mukumva kena kalikonse pamene +ndakukhuzani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13890,"Close your eyes I will use this object to +touch your arm, tell me everytime you +feel I’ve touched you. +","Tsekani maso, ndigwiritsa nchito chinthu +ichi kukhudza mkono wanu, ndipo mundiwuze +ngati mukumva kena kalikonse pamene +ndakukhuzani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13891,"Does it feel the same on both sides? +",Zikumveka chimodzimodzi mbali zonse?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13892,"will tap you with this instrument here +to test your reflexes +","Ndikukhuzani ndi chidachi kuti ndiyeze +kamvedwe kanu kutengera chidachi",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13893,"Can you remove the top half of +your clothes (shirt) so that I can listen +to your heart, and breathing as well as +touching you to see if there are any +abnormalities, is that okay with you? +","Mungavuleko kumtundako kuti ndimve +mtima wanu, komanso kuti ndiwone +mapumidwe anu, ndigwiranawonso +mchifuwamo kuti ndiwone ngati kuli +vuto lililonse, mundilora kutero?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13894,"Do you feel pain anywhere on your +chest? +","Mukumva ululu paliponse mchifuwa +mwanu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13895,"I will now use my stethoscope to listen +to your heart. +","Ndimvetsera nawo mtima wanu ndi +chidachi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13896,"I will tap on your chest using my hands. +","Ndiguguda nawo pachifuwa panu ndi +manja anga.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13897,"will hold your chest, please take deep +breaths in and out. +","Ndigwirako pachifuwapa, nde +muzipumira mkati ndi kunja",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13898,"Breathe in, breathe out.","Pumirani mkati, pumirani kunja.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13899,Hold your breath.,Gwirani mpweya.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13900,Take deep breaths in and out with your mouth while I listen to your chest,"Pumirani kwambiri mkati ndi kunja ndi kamwa lanu, pamene ndikumvetsera mtima wanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13901,Turn around so that I listen to your back.,Tembenukani ndimvetsereko ku msana.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13902,"I would like to perform a breast exam on +you to assess any abnormalities, I will be +looking and touching your breasts, there +will be a nurse with us so that you are more +comfortable, then you will take off your top +and bra, when you are done you can cover +yourself with a sheet. Is that okay? +","Ndikufuna kuyeza mabere anu, kuti ndiwone +ngati pali vuto lililonse, ndikhala ndikukhuza +komanso kuyang’ana mabere anu. Pakhala +namwino amene angatithangathire +mukumasuka kwanu. Ndiye muvule malaya +ndi kamisolo yanu, mukatha +muzivindikira ndi chofunda ichi. Mutilora +pa zimenezi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13903,"Do you have any problem with any one of +your breasts? +",Muli ndi vuto ndi bere lina lililonse?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13904,"Put your hands on your waist. +",Ikani manja anu mchiuno.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13905,"Lean forward. +",Welamani.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13906,Lie on your back.,Gonani chagada,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13907,"Put your hands above your head +and put your shoulders back. +","ikani manja anu ku mutu, ndipo +mukankhile mapewa anu kumbuyo.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13908,"Put your hand behind your head while +while I feel your breast. +","Muyika dzanja lanu kuseli kwa mutu +wanu pamene ndikukhuza bere lanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13909,"Make your chest tense. +",Tawumitsani chifuwa chanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13910,"Lift your arm so that I look +at your armpit. +","Kwezani mkonowo, kuti ndiwone +nawo kunkhwapa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13911,I will now squeeze your nipple.,Ndikufinyani nsonga ya bere.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13912,"I would like to perform an abdominal exam on +you to assess any abnormalities, I will be +looking, touching and listening to your +abdomen, lift up your shirt to only expose +your abdomen. (Cover your top) +","Ndikufuna kuyeza pa mimba panu, kuti +ndiwone ngati pali vuto lililonse, ndikhala +ndikukhuza komanso kuyang’ana ndi +kumvetsera pa mmimba po. +Mukwezeko malaya mwamba kuti +ndingowona pamimba pokhapa. +(Kuntundako, phimbani)",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13913,"Do you feel pain anywhere on your +abdomen before I start? +","Mukumva ululu ulionse pa mimba +ndisanayambe?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13914,"Lie down on your back and put your hands to +the side. +","Gonani chagada, ndi kuyika mikonoyo +mbali.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13915,"I will listen to the sounds of your stomach +with my stethoscope. +","Ndimvetserako maphokoso ammimba +mwanu ndi chida ichi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13916,"I will touch your abdomen now. +",Panopa ndikhuza pa mimba panu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13917,"Breathe in and out while I touch your +abdomen. +","Pumirani mkati ndi kunja pamene +ndikukhuza pa mmimba panu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13918,"Do you feel pain when I touch you here? +","Mukumva ululu uliwonse pamene +Ndakukhuzani/ndakugwirani?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13919,"I want to perform an abdominal exam to +feel the position of the baby, to hear the +baby’s heart best and to measure your +abdomen. I will be touching, looking and +listening to your abdomen. Is this ok? +","Ndikufuna kuyeza pa mmimba panu, kuti +ndiwone kuti mwana wagonamo bwanji, +komanso kumva kuti mtima wa mwana +ukugunda bwanji ndi kuyeza kukula kwa +mimba yanu. Ndikhala ndikukukhuzani, +kuyang’ana komanso ndikumvetsera, +mimba yanu. Mundilora pa zimenezi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13920,"Do you feel pain anywhere on your +abdomen before I start? +","Mukumva ululu ulionse pa mimba +ndisanayambe?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13921,"I want to perform an exam of your back +It will involve me touching your back +your legs, and feet. Can you +remove your shirt? +","Ndikufuna kuyeza msana wanu, +ndikhala ndikukhuza, komanso kugwira +msana wanu miyendo yanu ndi +mapazi anu. Mungavuleko malaya +anu?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13922,"Do you have any problem with your +back? +",Muli ndi vuto lililonse ndi msana wanu?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13923,"Let your chin touch your chest. +",Gunditsani chibwano chanu pachifuwa chanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13924,"Lift up your head. + +",Kwezani mutu wanu mwamba.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13925,"Move your head to the side. +",Gwedezani mutu wanu kumbali.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13926,"While you are standing touch your left +knee with your left hand. +","Muli chiyimilire khudzani bondo lanu +la kumanzere ndi dzanja lanu la +kumanzere.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13927,"Bend down and touch your toes. + +","Welamani, ndikukhuza zala zamapazi +anu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13929,"Bend backwards. +",Pindani msana wanu kumbuyo.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13930,"While you are seated, fold your arms +and turn your upper body to the +side. +","Muli chikhalire, pindani mikono yanu +ndikutembenuza thupi lanu kumbali. +Lift your leg up. +Kwezani mwendo wanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13931,"I will lift your leg, tell me if you feel +any pain. +","Ndikweza mwendo wanu, mundiwuze +ngati mukamva ululu uliwonse.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13932,"I want to perform an exam to check the +function of your hips. It will involve me +touching your hips, legs and feet. Can you +remove your bottoms? +","Ndikufuna kuyeza msukunyu wanu, +ndiwone kuti ikugwira nchito bwanji, +ndikhala ndikukhuza, komanso kugwira +msukunyu wanu miyendo yanu ndi +mapazi anu.Mungavuleko, chovala +chanu chakumusiko?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13933,"Walk from here to there. Turn around then +come back.","Yendani kuyambira apa, mukafike apo. Mutembenuke ndikubweleranso.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13934,"Relax your legs I will move them, around +myself.","Fewetsani miyendo anu, ndikhala ndikuyiyendetsa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13935,"Lie on your back. +",Gonani chagada.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13936,"Lie on your stomach. +",Gonani chafufumimba.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13937,"Hold my hands, Stand on one leg. +","Gwirani manja anga. Mupondele +mwendo imodzi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13938,Stop.,Siyani.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13939,Stand on the other one.,Mupondele winawo.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13940,"Bend your knees to your chest. +","Pindani mabondo anu afike +pachifuwa panu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13941,"Extend one leg. +",Tambasulani mwendo imodzi.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13942,"I want to perform an exam to check the +function of your legs. It will involve me +touching your legs and feet. Can you +remove your bottoms? +","Ndikufuna kuyeza miyendo yanu, kuti +ndiwone kuti ikugwira nchito bwanji, +ndikhala ndikukhuza miyendo yanu ndi +mapazi anu. Mungavuleko, chovala +chanu chakumusiko?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13943,"I will touch your legs and feet. +",Ndikhuza nawo mapazi ndi miyendo.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13944,"Walk from here to there. +",Yendani kuyambira apa mukafike apo.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13945,"Lift your leg against my resistance. + +","Kwezani mwendo wanu, ngakhale +ndikuwukakamizila pansi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13946,"Use your feet to push against my hands. +","Tayeserani kukankha dzanja langa ndi +phazi lanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13947,"Come back. + +",Bwererani.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13948,"Walk on your tip toes. + +",Yendani ndi zala zanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13949,"Try to walk on your heels. + +",Yeselani kuyenda ndi zitendeni.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13950,"Try to walk with one foot in front of the other. +","Yeselani kuyenda ndi phazi lanu kutsogolo +la phazi linalo.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13951,"Put your feet together and close your eyes. + +","Muyike mapazi anu pakamodzi, ndi +kutseka maso.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13952,"I will bend your knee and you should try to +extend it. + +","Ndipinda bondo lanu, nde inu muziyesela +kuyiwongola.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13953,"Keep your toes up against my resistance. + +","Tayesani kukweza zalazo ngakhale +ndikuzikakamizila pansi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13954,"I will hit your knee with this instrument. + +","Ndiguguda nawo mabondo anu +ndi chidachi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13955,"Take the heel of your leg, and put it on +your other knee and stroke the rest of your +leg and then bring it back to your knee +again. +","Tengani chitendeni chanu, ndi kuchiyika +pa bondo la mwendo winawo, nde musisita +mwendowo kuyambira pabondo +ndikuzafika ku phazi ndi chitendeni chanu, +ndikuzabwezeretsanso.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13956,"I will be assessing your private areas as well +as the areas surrounding it, to see if there +are any abnormalities, there will be a nurse +so that you are comfortable. +Take off your bottoms if you are ready. +","Ndikufuna kuyeza malo anu obisika, +komanso ndi malo ozungulira pamenepo. +Kuti tiwone ngati pali vuto lina lililonse. +Pakhala namwino amene +angatithangatire mukumasuka kwanu. +Nde ngati mwakonzeka muvule kumusiko",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13957,"I will now start touching. + +",Ndiyamba kugwira nawo.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13958,"I will shine a light on your testicle to check +for any fluid. +","Ndiunika nawo pa chida chanu kuti +ndiwone ngati pali madzi ena aliwonse.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13959,"I want to take a sample of cells from the +walls of your womb to check for any +abnormalities/to test for cervical cancer +I will insert this inside you. You will feel that it’s +entering, then I will open it inside you and you will +feel that its opening. Which is when I will take the +sample using this swab. It will be uncomfortable but +it won’t be painful. You may experience light bleeding +afterwards but it’s nothing to be worried +about. +","Ndikufuna nditenge nawo zokayeza kuchokera +makhoma anjira yachiberekero chanu. Kuti +tikaone ngati pali vuto lina lililonse/ +tikuyezeni khansa yakhomo lachiberekero. +Ndilowetsa chidachi nkati mwanu. Mumva +kuti chikulowa, kenako ndichitsegula +mkati mwanu, mumva kutseguka. Ndipamene +nditatenge zokayeza, ndi thonje ili. +Chikusowetsani mtendere, koma sizoti +chikhala cha ululu. Tikamamaliza mutha +kuona kuti mwataya magazi pang’ono, koma +sizodandaulitsa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13960,"There will be a nurse so that you are comfortable. +Take off your bottoms if you are ready. +","Pakhala namwino amene atithangatira +mukumasuka kwanu. +Nde ngati mwakonzeka muvule kumusiko.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13961,"Do you understand what I’ve said? +",Mwamvesetsa zimene ndanena?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13962,"Lie on your back, bend your knees and try to +be as relaxed, don’t be tense. +","Gonani chagada, pindani miyendo yanu +mwamba, muyesetse kuti mumasuke, +musakhale omangika.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13963,I’m putting it in.,Ndikuchilowetsa.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13964,I’m turning it.,Ndikuchitembenuza,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13965,I’m opening it.,Ndikuchitsegula,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13966,"I want to assess your vagina, uterus +and ovaries it will involve me touching +you and inserting two fingers inside +while pressing on your abdomen. +","Ndikufuna kuyeza nawo kumaso +kwanu, chibelekero chanu ndi mazila +anu amchibelekerowo. Ndikhala +ndikukukhuzani, komanso izi +zifunikira kuti ndi lowetse zala +zanga ziwiri zi nkati, ndikukhuza +mimba yanu nthawi imodzi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13967,"There will be a nurse so that you are +comfortable. Take off your bottoms if +you are ready. +","Pakhala namwino amene +atithangatira mukumasuka kwanu. +Nde ngati mwakonzeka muvule +kumusiko.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13968,"will now insert my fingers while +pressing on your abdomen. +","Ndikulowesa zala zanga, pamene +ndikukhudza mimba yanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13969,Can you cough?,Mutha kutsokomola?,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13970,"I will insert a finger into your anus to +check for any abnormalities, it +shouldn’t be painful but you might feel +uncomfortable. If you are ready, you +can remove your bottoms. +","Ndikufuna kulowetsa chala malo anu +achimbuzi kuti tiwone ngati kuli vuto +lina lililonse, simumva kupweteka +koma zikhoza kukusowetsani +mtendere.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13971,"There will be a nurse so that you are +comfortable. Take off your bottoms if +you are ready. +","Pakhala namwino amene +atithangathira mukumasuka kwanu. +Nde ngati mwakonzeka muvule +kumusiko.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13972,"Lie down on your side and bring +your knees towards your chest. +.","Mugone chambali, nde mabondowo +mupindire pachifuwa",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13973,I am inserting my finger.,Ndikulowetsa chala changa.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13974,Try to squeeze my finger.,Tayesani kufinya chala changachi.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13975,"I want to insert a needle in your arm +so that I take blood from you. +","Ndikufuna kukubayani pankono +kuti nditenge nawo magazi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13976,"I want to give you medicine by +injecting you. +","Ndikufuna kukupatsani +mankhwala mukudzera njira +yokubayani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13977,"want to insert a plastic tube that +transports medication and fluids into +your blood vessel. +","Ndikufuna ndikuyikeni chubu cholandilira +mankhwala ndi madzi, m’misempha +mwanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13978,"I want to measure your urine output/ +I want to drain your urine. This will +involve me inserting a tube into your +bladder through your private part/ +what you use to urinate. +","Ndikufuna kuyeza mkodzo wanu,/ +Ndikufuna nditulutse nkozo wanu. +Nde ndilowetsa ka chubu aka, +muchikhodzodzo chanu, kudzera +mmalo anu obisika/mchokodzera +chanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13979,I want to take your urine.,Ndikufuna nditenge mkodzo wanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13980,Open your legs.,Tsegulani miyendo yanu.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13981,"I will wipe you down here with +this antiseptic. +","Ndikupuputani kumusiku ndi +mankhwalawa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13982,"You should wipe the area that +you use to urinate with this antiseptic. +","Mupukute chokodzera chanu ndi +mankhwalawa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13983,"You should urinate in here. Wait +for some urine to come out +before letting it drop into the +cup, when you feel you are almost +done urinating, you should remove +the cup, and leave the rest of the +urine to fall in the toilet. +","Mukodze umu. Mudikire kuti +mkodzo uyambe kutuluka kaye +musanawuwankhe ndi chikapuchi. +Mukamva kuti mwasala pang’ono +kumaliza kukodza, muchotsa +kapuyo,ndikusiya mkodzo +womaliza kuti ugwere mchimbudzi",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13984,"I will now take your blood pressure, +I will put this around your arm. +Don’t move, don’t speak, and don’t +fold your legs. It will get tight +around your arm,but it’s nothing to +worry about. +","Ndikufuna ndiyeze kuthamanga +kwa magazi anu, ndikuvekani ichi +pankono panu. Musasunthe, +musayankhule, musapinde +miyendo. Chinthuchi chithina, +koma sizodandaulitsa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13985,"I will prick your finger with this needle +and take a little blood to check the +amount of glucose in your body. +","Ndikubayani pa chala, nditenga +magazi anu pang’ono, ndikufuna +ndiwone kuchuluka kwa shuga +mthupi mwanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13986,"I want to check your oxygen +levels, I will put this on your +finger to measure. +","Ndikufuna ndiwone kuti mpweya +wanu ndiwochuluka bwanji, nde +ndiyika choyezerachi pa chala +chanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13987,"I want to put this oxygen mask on +you to help you breathe. +","Ndikufuna ndikuvekeni ichi kuti +chizikupatsani mpweya kuti +chidzikuthandizani kupuma.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13988,"We want to put this tube through your +nose so that it goes to your stomach +to help you eat since you are having +problems/so that we drain your stomach. +","Tikufuna kuyika chubu ichi chimene +titazeletse mphuno mwanu kukafika +mmimba, chizikuthandizilani kudya +chifukwa cha vuto limene muli nalo/ kuti +tichotse madzi mmimba mwanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13989,"We want to assess your heart beat +using this machine, we will put sticky +pads on your chest, arms and legs. +It won’t hurt. +","Tikufuna kumva mmene mtima wanu +ukuyendera, nde tikumatani izi, +pachifuwa panu, komanso ndi mikono +yanu ndi miyendo yanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13990,"I will put this thermometer under your +armpit I want to measure your temperature. +","Ndiyika nawo chida ichi, ku nkhwapa ndikufuna +ndiyeze kutentha kwa thupi lanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13991,"Close it. (your armpit) +",Panani. (ku nkhwapa),Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13992,"Please put your stool in this +cup, it will help us in finding out what’s +wrong. +","Ndikupemphani kuti mukayike chimbuzi +chanu umu, chitithandiza kupeza +matenda akukuvutani.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13993,"Cough in here, we want to test +your sputum. +","Mutsokomole umu, tikufuna +kuyeza makhololo anu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13994,"We want to test whether or not +you have asthma, can you blow as +hard as you can into this tube. +","Tikufuna tiwone ngati mumadwala +mphumu, nde mupumire kunja +kwambiri umu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13995,"We want to see what’s going on in your +intestines /we want to remove an +obstruction,so we will insert a tube +inside you, through your anus. +","Tikufuna tiwone zimene zikuchitika +matumbo mwanu/Tikufuna tichotse +chimene chikutseka mmatumbo +mwanu, nde tilowetsa chubu chokafika +kumenekokudzera malo anu +achimbuzi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13996,"We want to insert a tube through your +mouth to your oesophagus/to your +stomach to see whats going on there. +We want to remove the obstruction. +","Tikufuna kulowetsa chubu mkamwa +mwanu, chokafika kukholingo +lanu/kummimba mwanu +kuti tiwone zimene zikuchitika +kumeneko. +Tikufuna tichotse chikutsekacho.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13997,"We want to scan you to see what’s in +your body to help diagnose you. When +we scan please don’t move your body. +","Tikufuna tijambule nkati mwa thupi +lanu, zitithandiza kupeza zimene +mukudwalazo. Tikamakujambulani +musasunthe.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13998,"I want to monitor your baby using this +machine, it won’t hurt. +I will put cold gel on your abdomen +so that I can see inside. +","Ndikufuna kumuwunika mwanayu +kugwiritsa ntchito chida chowunikira, simumva +kupweteka. Ndiyika mafuta ozizila +pamimba panu, kuti ndithe kuwunikira +mkatimo.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en13999,"We want to test your +breasts so you will remove your bra +and put your breast on this +machine and it will be compressed so that +we take a picture with the x-ray, it might +be painful but not for long. +","Tikufuna tiyeze mabere anu. Nde +muvula kamisolo yanu, +ndikuwayika mabere anu pa chida +chojambulirachi, chikufinyani, mumva +kupweteka +pang’ono koma pa ka nthawi kochepa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14000,"I want to measure your height and weight +Can you stand up straight and put your +feet against the wall. You can now step +on the scale. +","Ndikufuna kuyeza kutalika kwanu, +ndikuyeza kulemera kwanu. Muyimilile +ndikugunditsa zitendeni zanu pakhoma. +Pondani pa sikelo.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14001,"We want to test the fluid in your lungs. +We will use a needle to penetrate your +ribs to get the fluid. We will inject you +with anesthesia so that you don’t feel pain. +","Tikufuna tiyeze madzi amene ali mmapapo +anu. Tikubayani mu mthithi zanu, kuti +titenge madziwo. Tisanatelo, tikubayani +ndi mankhwala ochotsa ululu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14002,"Since the baby is premature and it’s +ability to keep warm is not developed +this machine will help the baby keep +warm. +","Chifukwa mwana wabadwa masiku +osakwana, sangathe kuzitenthetsa +yekha nde timusunga mmachinimu +kuti azimva kuthentha.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14003,"As you can see baby is jaundiced, +so we want to put the baby in this +machine to get rid of it +","Mmene mukuwonela +mwanayu wabadwa ndi chikasu, nde +timuyika mumachini mu, kuti +chimuchotse chikasu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14004,"We want to put a breathing tube into +your mouth so that it goes to your lungs +to help you breathe. +","Tikufuna tikuyikileni chopumila +mkamwa, nde chikafika ku mapapo +anu, kuti chikuthandizeni kupuma.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14005,"You don’t have enough blood. Are you +okay with receiving blood +","Mulibe magazi okwanira. Mutha +kulandira magazi?",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14006,"I want to close up your wound. I will +use a needle and thread. +","Ndikufuna nditseke bala lanu. +Ndigwiritsa ntchito singano ndi ulusi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14007,"I want to put a cast on your leg because +you broke your leg. +","Ndikuyikani chikhakha pa mwendo +wanu chifukwa mwatchoka fupa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14008,"We want to do surgery on you so that +we repair this part of your body. + +","Tikufuna tikupangeni operashoni, +kuti tikonze mbali iyi ya thupi lanu.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14009,"We want to do surgery on you so that +we implant a device in you. + +","Tikufuna tikupangeni operashoni, +kuti tiyike chida chokuthandizani +nkati mwanumo.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14010,"We want to do surgery on you so that +we get a biopsy from your intestines +so that we test it. +","Tikufuna tikupangeni operashoni, +yokuchotsani ka nyama kuchokera +matumbo anu kuti tikayezetse.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14011,"We have the results of your scan, this +was not expected but we are sorry to say +you have a tumor. +","Tili ndi zotsatira pa zimene tinakujambulani +sitinayembekezere izi, koma pepani +takupezani ndi chotupa.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14012,"This was not the news you were expecting +to hear, I’m so sorry. We will do more tests +and maybe surgery. +","Pepani kuti izi sizimene mumayembekezera +kumva. Tikuyezani zina zambiri, komanso +mwina tikupangani operashoni.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14013,"We have tested you for everything but +we have not found you with any disease. +There is nothing more that we can do. +","Takuyezani chilichonse, koma sitinakupezeni +ndi nthenda lililonse. Pepani, palibe china +chimene tingapange kuposa izi.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14014,"We are sorry to say, we did all that we +could, he has passed away. +","Pepani, tinayesesa +mbali yathu, koma atisiya.",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14015,"He just stopped breathing. +",Anangosiya kupuma.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14016,"The disease spread too much. +","Matendawo anafalikira +kwambiri",Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14017,"He lost a lot of blood. +.",Anataya magazi ochuluka,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14018,"His body was too weak. +",Thupi lake lina fooka kwambiri.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14019,"His heart stopped beating. +",Mtima wake unasiya kugunda.,Medical ,Book of medical terms +en14020,"We tried to revive him but it didn’t +work. +","Tinayesa kumupulumusa koma +sizinatheke.",Medical ,Book of medical terms