Browse files
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This is a single (geo-)parquet file based on the 81 individual parquet files fro
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As it's just 10Gb, it's fairly easy to handle as a single file and can easily be queried over modern technologies like httpfs.
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## Ways to query the file
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If you just want to poke around in the data to get an idea of kind of places to expect, I'd recommend DuckDB.
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Huggingface has a DuckDB WASM console integrated but it's too slow (or runs out of memory) when run over the entire file. You can try it [here](*+FROM+train+WHERE+name+ILIKE+%27%25bakery%25%27%3B%0A)
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@@ -60,10 +60,64 @@ Then you can make use of good old pandas query operators and geospatial tools.
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E.g. looking for bakeries again.
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I was actually surprised that the string operator in pandas is that efficient! It only takes 11 seconds, so fairly fast for 100M rows!
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As it's just 10Gb, it's fairly easy to handle as a single file and can easily be queried over modern technologies like httpfs.
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## Ways to query the file & visualize the results
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If you just want to poke around in the data to get an idea of kind of places to expect, I'd recommend DuckDB.
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Huggingface has a DuckDB WASM console integrated but it's too slow (or runs out of memory) when run over the entire file. You can try it [here](*+FROM+train+WHERE+name+ILIKE+%27%25bakery%25%27%3B%0A)
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E.g. looking for bakeries again.
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I was actually surprised that the string operator in pandas is that efficient! It only takes 11 seconds, so fairly fast for 100M rows!
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But to be fair, the actual equivalent to ILIKE in pandas would be this query:
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gdf[gdf["name"].str.contains("bakery", case=False, na=False)]
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It yields exactly the same number of rows like the SQL command but takes 19 seconds, so - as expected - indeed much slower than DuckDB (especially considering that we just count the query time, not the loading time)
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### Example 4: Queried fully locally with Geopandas and visualized with Lonboard
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If you quickly want to visulize the data, Lonboard is a super convenient Jupyter wrapper for
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Install it with `pip install lonboard` and you're ready to go.
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import geopandas as gpd
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from lonboard import viz
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gdf = gpd.read_parquet("foursquare_places.parquet")
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bakeries = gdf[gdf["name"].str.contains("bakery", case=False, na=False)]
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It created a nice interactive map with tooltips.
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If you ask yourself: "Wait, how is it possible that there are so little bakeries in other countries than the US & UK?", just read on!
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## Motivation
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So why would I create this repo and duplicate the data if you can download it directly from AWS or Source Cooperative?
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It's mainly about convenience: many folks might just want to get an idea of the data and httpfs is perfectly suited for this purpose.
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However the ACTUAL reason why I'm doing this, is that I created a geospatial semantic search workflow for social media data, Overturemaps and other data sources.
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The idea is to use text embeddings and visulize the query similarity on a map. Just play with the apps here to get an idea, it's easier to understand once you tried it:
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- Geospatial Semantic Search for Instagram Data in Bonn, Germany:
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- Worldwide Geospatial Semantic Search for Overture Places:
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In the above example 4, where we are looking for bakeries around the world, it's clear that non-English-speaking countries probably do not necessarily name their bakeries "bakery" but e.g. in German "Bäckerei".
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So if we just search in the name column, we won't find it. That's the reason why Foursquare introduced categories!
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In the column `fsq_category_labels` we find `[Dining and Drinking > Bakery]` great right? Well, yes and no. Of course we can use it and we will get back some results.
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However, looking a bit closer, we can quickly see why these categories do not seem to work that well:
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Sometimes there are no categories and sometimes entries like `Beef&bakery` probably should have gotten more than one entry.
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So how can we solve this?
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