Update of Argentina's net emissions goal to 2030
Buenos Aires, October 2021
Subject: Update of the net emissions goal to 2030 of the Argentina's Second NDC)
Argentina has signed and ratified the Paris Agreement, submitting the ratification document on September 21st, 2016. Therefore, the reviewed contribution presented in November 2016 replaced the intended National Determined Contribution (iNDC) according to paragraph 22nd of the Decision 1 / CP .21.
In December 2020, aligned to the request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, our Second NDC was submitted, committing to the goal of not exceeding the net emission of 359 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in 2030 . The proposed goal is absolute, unconditional and applicable to all sectors of the economy, in compliance with article 4.4 of the Paris Agreement.
Argentina remains fully committed to ambitious national and global climate action to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, and has put the environmental and climate agenda at the center of its public policies priorities.
Based on the best science available and recognizing the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances, during the 2021 Leaders' Summit on Climate, our president Alberto Fernández announced an upgrade in the mitigation ambition of 2 percentage points. That represents a reduction in the limit to emissions of 27.7% compared to the First NDC submitted in 2016.
The aim of this letter is to formally inform the UNFCCC secretariat that Argentina's updated goal is to not exceed the net emission of 349 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in 2030. This is the only modification made to the Second NDC submitted in December 2020.
In terms of transparency, this submission includes the new text for goals chapter 5 "Goals" and a retrofitted version of title 6.2 from chapter 6 of our Second NDC "Information necessary for Clarity, Transparency and Understanding" in compliance with paragraph 4.8 of the Paris Agreement and with the provisions of paragraph 7 of decision 4 / CMA.1.
The Argentine Republic will not exceed the net emission of 349 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in the year 2030, applicable to all sectors of the economy. By 2030, Argentines will have knowledge of the adverse effects of climate change, the corresponding adaptation measures, and will have built capacities that allow them to respond in solidarity to the urgent challenge of protecting the planet. The climate policy of the Argentine Republic will have managed to increase the adaptation capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce the vulnerability of the different social, economic and environmental sectors, through measures that will prioritize communities and social groups in vulnerable situations and will incorporate the gender approach and intergenerational equity. All of this will be with a view to contributing to sustainable development, building a more equitable, just and caring society and achieving a response to climate change that is adequate and compatible with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
The Argentine Republic's contribution to global efforts, based on the best available science, is both ambitious and equitable. However, it is relevant to note that both the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement establish that developed country Parties should take the initiative in combating climate change and its adverse effects through the provision and mobilization of financial resources. new and additional, including resources for technology transfer.
In this sense, the Argentine Republic reaffirms the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capacities, as referenced in Principle 7 of the 1992 Rio Declaration, Articles 3 and 4 of the UNFCCC and the preamble of the Paris Agreement. This principle is, in turn, taken up and reaffirmed by its climate change law.
In this sense, the policies and actions required to achieve the goal of this contribution will be implemented without prejudice to the use of the financial mechanisms provided by the Convention. Although the implementation of this Second NDC is not contingent on international support, Argentina understands that the support that developed countries can provide to fulfill their national ambition will generate significant global benefits.
1. Quantifiable information on the reference point (with indication, if applicable, of a base year):
a) Reference years, base years, reference periods or other starting points; |
The Second NDC of the Argentine Republic presents an absolute target applicable to all sectors of the economy for 2030, so it does not use a reference year or period. |
b) Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the corresponding reference years, base years, reference periods or other starting points and, as appropriate, in the reference year; |
The Second NDC has an absolute goal, so there is no benchmark indicator. The NDC progress monitoring indicator will be the annual net emissions reported in subsequent National GHG Inventories. |
c) In the case of the strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6 of the Paris Agreement or of the policies and measures that integrate the contributions determined at the national level when paragraph 1 b) above does not apply, the Parties shall provide other relevant information; |
Does not apply to the Argentine Republic. |
d) Target relative to the benchmark indicator, expressed numerically, for example, as a percentage or amount of the reduction; |
It does not apply to the Argentine Republic, since an absolute goal is presented for 2030, applicable throughout all sectors of the economy. |
e) Information on the data sources used to quantify the reference points; |
It does not apply to the Argentine Republic, since an absolute goal is presented for 2030, applicable throughout all sectors of the economy. |
f) Information on the circumstances in which the Party may update the values of the benchmarks. |
The INGEI of the Argentine Republic will be updated based on the continuous improvement process in estimating GHG emissions and removals. It will include, among others, methodological updates, calculation of categories not included so far, improvements in the activity data and in the parameters used, such as, for example, in the Global Warming Power (GWP) values of the different gases. These improvements will be reflected in subsequent IBA, CN and future Biennial Transparency Reports (IBT). Updating the information will make it possible to improve the accuracy and quality of the estimate and to reflect transparently in the INGEI the country's mitigation efforts. |
2. Terms and / or periods of application: |
a) Term and / or period of implementation, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement ( CP / RA) (CMA); |
The application period is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2030. |
b) Whether it is a single-year goal or a multi-year goal, as appropriate. |
The Second NDC of the Argentine Republic presents a single goal for 2030 and includes, for information, an indicator of the expected emissions (372 MtCO2e) in the medium term in 2025, which is not part of the goal of this NDC. |
3. Scope and coverage: |
a. Goal overview; |
The Argentine Republic will not exceed the net emission of 349 MtCO2e in the year 2030. This is an absolute and unconditional goal for 2030, which covers the entire national territory 1 and all sectors of the economy. |
b. Sectors, gases, categories and reservoirs covered by the nationally determined contribution, which, where appropriate, comply with the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); |
The goal reaches the entire national territory 2 , considering all categories of sources of emission and sink reported in IBA 3, submitted to the UNFCCC in December 2019 3 , with its corresponding National Inventory Report (INI), estimated according to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. It also includes emissions and absorptions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and perfluorocarbons (PFC). |
c. How the Party has taken into account paragraph 31 c) and d) of decision 1 / CP.21; |
The goal will be applied to all the categories and gases reported in the last IBA 3 and its corresponding INI, where all the sectors, categories and subcategories of sources and sinks that occur in the country and for which they are got information. Tables 14 to 17 of IBA 3 (pages 109 to 113) describe the completeness, methodology and source of data by sector of the INGEI; in table 18 (page 117), the categories not estimated with their corresponding explanation; finally, in table 19 (page 119), those included in other categories. |
d. Secondary mitigation benefits resulting from adaptation measures and / or economic diversification plans of the Parties, with a description of the specific projects, measures and initiatives that are part of the adaptation measures and / or diversification plans. - economic fication of the Parties. |
For more information on mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation measures, see section 7.2.3, National adaptation measures - Sectoral Measures. |
4. Planning processes: |
a) Information on the planning processes that the Party has undertaken to prepare its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party's implementation plans, including, as appropriate: p> |
i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, with a gender perspective; |
On the planning and implementation process, see the Governance subsection and the Steering Axes section (pages 17 and 25, respectively). The absolute goal of this Second NDC of Argentina will be achieved through the implementation of a series of mitigation and adaptation actions throughout the economy, generated through the different work instances of the GNCC . This will allow the internalization of international commitments in local climate planning, in accordance with the terms and instruments established by the climate change law. |
ii. Contextual issues, including, but not limited to, as appropriate: |
ii. to. National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development, and poverty eradication; |
Refer to the National Circumstances section and Guiding Principles (pages 12 and 25, respectively). |
ii. b. Best practices and experiences related to the preparation of the nationally determined contribution; |
The institutionalization of governance for the construction of climate policy in the Republic of Argentina was fundamental for the development of a Second NDC, which was agreed between institutions and federally. In this sense, the joint planning framework of climate policy through the GNCC provides continuity and stability to climate action in the short, medium and long term. Likewise, it is worth highlighting the efforts made to strengthen the capacities of government agents and the general public, in order to generate a more substantive participation in the preparation of the Second NDC. In this way, this consensual and federal version of the NDC could be achieved. |
ii. c. Other aspirations and contextual priorities recognized at the time of accession to the Paris Agreement; |
For the preparation of this NDC and for its future domestic implementation, the Guiding Axes, defined nationally in Section 4, have been taken into account. See page 25. |
b) Specific information applicable to the Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including the Parties that have agreed to act jointly and the terms of the agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement; |
Does not apply to the Argentine Republic. |
c) To what extent the Party has based the preparation of its nationally determined contribution on the results of the global balance sheet, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement; |
The Argentine Republic participated in the Talanoa Dialogues in 2018, and it is expected that the Second NDC of the Argentine Republic will be considered as an input towards the first World Balance, the results of which will be presented in 2023. The su- The NDCs will be fed both from subsequent national reports (IBA or IBT) and from the results of the World Balance. The relevance of this novel mechanism of progressive increase in ambition, proposed by article 14 of the Paris Agreement to contribute to achieving the fulfillment of the objectives of mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation, and thus being able to be up to date, is highlighted. height of the challenge of the climate crisis facing our planet. |
d) Each of the Parties with a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement consisting of adaptation measures and / or economic diversification plans that result in secondary mitigation benefits, in accordance with The provisions of Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement must present information on: |
i. How the economic and social consequences of the response measures have been taken into account when preparing the nationally determined contribution; |
The importance of the response measures leading to a just transition has been evaluated, incorporating it as a guiding principle. In this sense, it is considered important to address the specific needs and concerns of developing countries derived from the economic and social impact of the application of response measures, in line with article 4.8 of the UNFCCC and article 4.15 of the Agreement. from Paris. |
ii. The specific projects, measures and activities that will be carried out to contribute to mitigation co-benefits, including information on adaptation plans that also produce mitigation co-benefits, which may cover, inter alia, key sectors such as energy resources, water resources, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; as well as economic diversification measures, which can cover, among others, sectors such as industry and manufacturing, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agriculture and fishing . |
Not evaluated in the Second NDC of the Argentine Republic. |
5. Assumptions and methodological approaches, including those used to estimate and account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and, where appropriate, anthropogenic removals: |
a. The assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals corresponding to the Party's nationally determined contribution, in accordance with decision 1 / CP.21, paragraph 31, and the guidance on the rendering of accounts approved by the CP / RA (CMA); |
The Second NDC of the Argentine Republic will follow, for the accounting of its goal, an inventory-based approach for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide removals, in accordance with the IPCC Guidelines of 2006 and in accordance with the requirements of Decision 4.CMA / 1. |
b. The assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for the application of policies and measures or strategies in the contribution determined at the national level; |
The follow-up of the implementation of the goal of this Second NDC will be carried out through the INGEI, reported in the subsequent IBAs, CN and future IBTs. The robustness and transparency of the INGEI and the domestic monitoring of mitigation measures will be carried out through the National Information System on Climate Change, created through article 17 of the climate change law. |
c. If applicable, information on how the Party will take into account existing methods and guidance under the Convention to account for anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate; |
The Argentine Republic uses the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories in order to estimate all the categories that occur in the country and for which information was obtained. In this way, the principles of quality for the production of inventories proposed by the IPCC regarding completeness, transparency, coherence, comparability and accuracy are complied with. |
d. IPCC methodologies and measurement systems used to estimate emissions and the anthropogenic absorption of greenhouse gases; |
For the Second NDC, the Global Warming Potential (GWP-100) is used with the values of the Second IPCC Assessment Report as a metric, without prejudice to being able to update it in the future, in accordance with Decision 18 / CMA.1 (paragraph 37) and in line with what is detailed in section 1.f. |
e. Assumptions, methodologies and specific approaches for each sector, category or activity, consistent with the guidance of the IPCC, as appropriate, including, where appropriate: |
i. Ei. The approach used to address emissions and subsequent absorption, resulting from natural disturbances on exploited lands; |
It does not apply to the Argentine Republic, since they were not estimated in the INGEI reported in the IBA 3. |
ii. The approach used to account for emissions and absorption resulting from harvested wood products; |
It does not apply to the Argentine Republic, since they were not estimated in the INGEI reported in the IBA 3. |
iii. The approach used to address the effects of the age structure of forests. |
It does not apply to the Argentine Republic, since they were not estimated in the INGEI reported in the IBA 3. |
f. Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, if applicable, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, indicating: |
i. How the benchmarks, baselines and / or benchmarks are constructed, including, where appropriate, specific benchmarks for each sector, category or activity, noting, for example, key parameters, assumptions, the definitions, methodologies, data sources and models used; |
Although Argentina's Second NDC was not constructed from baselines or reference levels, the assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the Determined Contribution at the National Level and estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, in order to guarantee the transparency of the document. Within the framework of the GNCC, the work to project emissions and removals was coordinated by the Secretariat for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation and carried out in conjunction with the technical staff of the enforcement agencies, who provided the modeling of the explanatory variables. These are key variables that account for the greatest changes in the level of GHG emissions in the different sectors of the country. These include population, gross domestic product, energy supply and demand, cattle stocks, agricultural production, and land use change. The projection of emissions and removals for 2030 was carried out using a simplified model consistent with the methodology and sources of emissions and removals estimated in the INGEI 2016, reported in IBA 3 in December 2019. In the INI of the IBA 3, reported in March 2020, contains the details of the methodology and the emission factors used in the modeling. To obtain the projections, various technical workshops were held to increase the ambition of the trajectories and maintain coherence and consistency between the different sectors. Each sector of the INGEI was modeled separately, and then the results were integrated and aggregated by the technical team of the National Directorate of Climate Change. In the case of the variables related to the energy sector, the same energy demand and supply models used for national energy planning were used. A growing demand for consumption by the population was contemplated, with energy efficiency measures in all sectors, a significant increase in the percentage of renewable energy and distributed generation, and a higher production of natural gas in absolute and relative terms. regarding oil production. In the transportation subsector, active policies were taken into account to increase the efficiency and use of natural gas and electricity. In turn, cutting with biofuels was included. For the PIUP sector, a slight increase in emissions is expected, given the growth of GDP. Compliance with the Kigali amendment for hydrofluorocarbon gases was contemplated. Regarding waste, a growth is projected in the percentage of urban solid waste disposed of in sanitary landfills, as well as in the capture of the methane that it originates. These measures would make it possible to maintain relative constancy in the sector's emissions. In the livestock subsector, a slight increase in emissions was seen, mainly driven by higher bovine, poultry and pig production. In the case of bovine livestock, an increase in production efficiency was contemplated. For agriculture, an increase in emissions is also expected due to increased production as a result of the use of fertilizers and improved crop yields. The decrease in emissions from the Forestry and Other Land Uses subsector stems from a strong boost to forest plantations and a drastic reduction in deforestation. A unified economic growth percentage was used for all sectors, which is consistent with the country's recovery and a sustained increase in population. |
ii. For NDCs containing non-greenhouse gas components, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to those components, as appropriate; |
Does not apply to the Argentine Republic. |
iii. For climate forcers included in nationally determined contributions that are not covered by IPCC guidelines, information on how climate forcers are estimated; |
Does not apply to the Argentine Republic. |
iv. Additional technical information, if necessary; |
Does not apply to the Argentine Republic. |
g. The intention to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, if applicable. |
The Argentine Republic reserves its national position and decision-making in relation to the possible use of any market mechanism that may be established under the Paris Agreement, until negotiations on Article 6 are concluded. of the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC. Until then, any operation that involves emission reduction units achieved in Argentine territory, both public and private, must be registered and have the express authorization of the National Government and, unless expressly provided otherwise, all emission reductions in the national territory will be counted towards the achievement of the NDC goal. |
6. How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in light of its national circumstances: |
a. How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in light of its national circumstances; |
The Argentine Republic understands that an approach to the concepts of equity, justice and ambition must be made in light of its national circumstances and on the basis of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capacities. |
b. Fairness considerations, including a reflection on fairness; |
The equity, justice and ambition of this Contribution are analyzed from various perspectives, understanding that there is no single indicator that can accurately reflect a globally equitable, fair and ambitious distribution of the efforts of the Parties. In the case of Argentina, the factors that explain the profile and trend of its emissions and removals do not respond to merely population or economic aspects, so the emission intensity indicators do not fully address equity, justice and ambition of the country's efforts. Likewise, as a developing country and vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, the Argentine Republic has the responsibility to promote actions and policies to achieve a sustainable, inclusive and balanced development model, in such a way that it guarantees not to leave anyone back and is consistent with the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. Although the country's emissions have increased in absolute terms compared to 1990, there is a decrease in the historical trend of recent years, after reaching a peak in 2007. This represented a maximum share of 0.95 % 4 with respect to total global emissions for the same period. On the other hand, if we take 2005 as a reference, a reduction in net emissions is observed 5 of 4.3% in 2010 and of 9.6% in 2016. Given that policies and measures to respond to climate change must take into account the circumstances of each country and be articulated with national development priorities, it is considered that the Second NDC of the Argentine Republic is fair, equitable and ambitious, since:
Argentina, in addition to considering the three central dimensions of mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation, understands that the concepts of ambition, justice and equity imply the need for plans and policies to be inclusive and take into account transversal contributions that allow promoting synergies in climate action. In line with this, the Second NDC advances in the design of a transversal approach to the gender dimension throughout the sectors, as well as notions aimed at guaranteeing the just transition of the workforce. Likewise, it is proposed to deepen the role of education as a motor of social change and to consolidate a robust link with the scientific and technological system as a source of knowledge and possible tools to tackle climate change. |
c. How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement; |
The Second NDC of the Argentine Republic represents an improvement compared to the update of the first NDC of 2016 since it presents an absolute goal that is 27.7% more ambitious and unconditional. Likewise, the current goal was estimated using a model based on INGEI 2016, reported in IBA 3, which represents a substantial improvement compared to INGEI 2014, corresponding to IBA 2 and used as the basis for estimating the goal. previous. This improvement in the quality of the inventories consists of a significant increase in the area represented, improvements in the calculation method and the emission factors used, greater coherence in the time series, a greater number of sources and sinks included - for example, emissions associated with the use of lubricants, greases and paraffin waxes, and of products as substitutes for substances that deplete the ozone layer—, among others 7 . In turn, it represents an improvement in terms of the transparency of the information included when reporting, according to the requirements of the Katowice guidance of Decision 4 / CMA.1 on Clarity, Transparency and Comprehension ( ICTU). Finally, this Second NDC incorporates new sections of Guiding Axes, Means of Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation, which facilitate the understanding of the goal in light of the country's national circumstances. |
d. How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement; |
The Second NDC of the Argentine Republic presents an absolute goal for all sectors of the economy. |
e. How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement. |
Does not apply to the Argentine Republic. |
7. The way in which the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention, stated in its article 2: |
a. The way in which the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention, set forth in its Article 2; |
The Second NDC of the Argentine Republic, as detailed in sections 6.a and 6.b, is fair and ambitious, and reflects that the country's efforts are in line with the inputs and recommendations provided by the science, with collective efforts to achieve the objective of the Convention enunciated in its article 2 and with the purpose of the Paris Agreement, in the light of national capacities and circumstances. Likewise, it reflects national priorities for sustainable development in the long term, depending on the means of implementation necessary to implement it. Finally, in line with this objective and in accordance with the invitation of the Paris Agreement in its article 4.19 and in decision 1 / CP.21, paragraph 35, the Argentine Republic will present its Strategy of Long-Term Development with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions. |