Video Waterdrop Removal via Spatio-Temporal Fusion in Driving Scenes
The waterdrops on windshields during driving can cause severe visual obstructions, which may lead to car accidents. Meanwhile, the waterdrops can also degrade the performance of a computer vision system in autonomous driving. To address these issues, we propose an attention-based framework that fuses the spatio-temporal representations from multiple frames to restore visual information occluded by waterdrops. Due to the lack of training data for video waterdrop removal, we propose a large-scale synthetic dataset with simulated waterdrops in complex driving scenes on rainy days. To improve the generality of our proposed method, we adopt a cross-modality training strategy that combines synthetic videos and real-world images. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method can generalize well and achieve the best waterdrop removal performance in complex real-world driving scenes.
Design of High-Quality Reflectors for Vertical Nanowire Lasers on Si
Nanowires (NWs) with a unique one-dimensional structure can monolithically integrate high-quality III-V semiconductors onto Si platform, which is highly promising to build lasers for Si photonics. However, the lasing from vertically-standing NWs on silicon is much more difficult to achieve compared with NWs broken off from substrates, causing significant challenges in the integration. Here, the challenge of achieving vertically-standing NW lasers is systematically analyzed. The poor optical reflectivity at the NW/Si interface results severe optical field leakage to the substrate, and the commonly used SiO2 or Si2N3 dielectric mask at the interface can only improve it to ~10%, which is the major obstacle for achieving low-threshold lasing. A NW super lattice distributed Bragg reflector is therefore proposed, which is able to greatly improve the reflectivity to >97%. This study provides a highly-feasible method to greatly improve the performance of vertically-standing NW lasers, which can boost the rapid development of Si photonics.
Finding Frequent Entities in Continuous Data
In many applications that involve processing high-dimensional data, it is important to identify a small set of entities that account for a significant fraction of detections. Rather than formalize this as a clustering problem, in which all detections must be grouped into hard or soft categories, we formalize it as an instance of the frequent items or heavy hitters problem, which finds groups of tightly clustered objects that have a high density in the feature space. We show that the heavy hitters formulation generates solutions that are more accurate and effective than the clustering formulation. In addition, we present a novel online algorithm for heavy hitters, called HAC, which addresses problems in continuous space, and demonstrate its effectiveness on real video and household domains.
HiCD: Change Detection in Quality-Varied Images via Hierarchical Correlation Distillation
Advanced change detection techniques primarily target image pairs of equal and high quality. However, variations in imaging conditions and platforms frequently lead to image pairs with distinct qualities: one image being high-quality, while the other being low-quality. These disparities in image quality present significant challenges for understanding image pairs semantically and extracting change features, ultimately resulting in a notable decline in performance. To tackle this challenge, we introduce an innovative training strategy grounded in knowledge distillation. The core idea revolves around leveraging task knowledge acquired from high-quality image pairs to guide the model's learning process when dealing with image pairs that exhibit differences in quality. Additionally, we develop a hierarchical correlation distillation approach (involving self-correlation, cross-correlation, and global correlation). This approach compels the student model to replicate the correlations inherent in the teacher model, rather than focusing solely on individual features. This ensures effective knowledge transfer while maintaining the student model's training flexibility.
Multivariate Density Modeling for Retirement Finance
Prior to the financial crisis mortgage securitization models increased in sophistication as did products built to insure against losses. Layers of complexity formed upon a foundation that could not support it and as the foundation crumbled the housing market followed. That foundation was the Gaussian copula which failed to correctly model failure-time correlations of derivative securities in duress. In retirement, surveys suggest the greatest fear is running out of money and as retirement decumulation models become increasingly sophisticated, large financial firms and robo-advisors may guarantee their success. Similar to an investment bank failure the event of retirement ruin is driven by outliers and correlations in times of stress. It would be desirable to have a foundation able to support the increased complexity before it forms however the industry currently relies upon similar Gaussian (or lognormal) dependence structures. We propose a multivariate density model having fixed marginals that is tractable and fits data which are skewed, heavy-tailed, multimodal, i.e., of arbitrary complexity allowing for a rich correlation structure. It is also ideal for stress-testing a retirement plan by fitting historical data seeded with black swan events. A preliminary section reviews all concepts before they are used and fully documented C/C++ source code is attached making the research self-contained. Lastly, we take the opportunity to challenge existing retirement finance dogma and also review some recent criticisms of retirement ruin probabilities and their suggested replacement metrics.
Fast and Accurate Langevin Simulations of Stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley Dynamics
Fox and Lu introduced a Langevin framework for discrete-time stochastic models of randomly gated ion channels such as the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) system. They derived a Fokker-Planck equation with state-dependent diffusion tensor $D$ and suggested a Langevin formulation with noise coefficient matrix $S$ such that $SS^\intercal=D$. Subsequently, several authors introduced a variety of Langevin equations for the HH system. In this paper, we present a natural 14-dimensional dynamics for the HH system in which each \emph{directed} edge in the ion channel state transition graph acts as an independent noise source, leading to a $14\times 28$ noise coefficient matrix $S$. We show that (i) the corresponding 14D system of ordinary differential \rev{equations} is consistent with the classical 4D representation of the HH system; (ii) the 14D representation leads to a noise coefficient matrix $S$ that can be obtained cheaply on each timestep, without requiring a matrix decomposition; (iii) sample trajectories of the 14D representation are pathwise equivalent to trajectories of Fox and Lu's system, as well as trajectories of several existing Langevin models; (iv) our 14D representation (and those equivalent to it) give the most accurate interspike-interval distribution, not only with respect to moments but under both the $L_1$ and $L_\infty$ metric-space norms; and (v) the 14D representation gives an approximation to exact Markov chain simulations that are as fast and as efficient as all equivalent models. Our approach goes beyond existing models, in that it supports a stochastic shielding decomposition that dramatically simplifies $S$ with minimal loss of accuracy under both voltage- and current-clamp conditions.
Cyclinac Medical Accelerators Using Pulsed C6+/H2+ Ion Sources
Charged particle therapy, or so-called hadrontherapy, is developing very rapidly. There is large pressure on the scientific community to deliver dedicated accelerators, providing the best possible treatment modalities at the lowest cost. In this context, the Italian research Foundation TERA is developing fast-cycling accelerators, dubbed 'cyclinacs'. These are a combination of a cyclotron (accelerating ions to a fixed initial energy) followed by a high gradient linac boosting the ions energy up to the maximum needed for medical therapy. The linac is powered by many independently controlled klystrons to vary the beam energy from one pulse to the next. This accelerator is best suited to treat moving organs with a 4D multi-painting spot scanning technique. A dual proton/carbon ion cyclinac is here presented. It consists of an Electron Beam Ion Source, a superconducting isochronous cyclotron and a high-gradient linac. All these machines are pulsed at high repetition rate (100-400 Hz). The source should deliver both C6+ and H2+ ions in short pulses (1.5 {\mu}s flat-top) and with sufficient intensity (at least 108 fully stripped carbon ions at 300 Hz). The cyclotron accelerates the ions to 120 MeV/u. It features a compact design (with superconducting coils) and a low power consumption. The linac has a novel C-band high gradient structure and accelerates the ions to variable energies up to 400 MeV/u. High RF frequencies lead to power consumptions which are much lower than the ones of synchrotrons for the same ion extraction energy. This work is part of a collaboration with the CLIC group, which is working at CERN on high-gradient electron-positron colliders.
RIANN -- A Robust Neural Network Outperforms Attitude Estimation Filters
Inertial-sensor-based attitude estimation is a crucial technology in various applications, from human motion tracking to autonomous aerial and ground vehicles. Application scenarios differ in characteristics of the performed motion, presence of disturbances, and environmental conditions. Since state-of-the-art attitude estimators do not generalize well over these characteristics, their parameters must be tuned for the individual motion characteristics and circumstances. We propose RIANN, a ready-to-use, neural network-based, parameter-free, real-time-capable inertial attitude estimator, which generalizes well across different motion dynamics, environments, and sampling rates, without the need for application-specific adaptations. We gather six publicly available datasets of which we exploit two datasets for the method development and the training, and we use four datasets for evaluation of the trained estimator in three different test scenarios with varying practical relevance. Results show that RIANN outperforms state-of-the-art attitude estimation filters in the sense that it generalizes much better across a variety of motions and conditions in different applications, with different sensor hardware and different sampling frequencies. This is true even if the filters are tuned on each individual test dataset, whereas RIANN was trained on completely separate data and has never seen any of these test datasets. RIANN can be applied directly without adaptations or training and is therefore expected to enable plug-and-play solutions in numerous applications, especially when accuracy is crucial but no ground-truth data is available for tuning or when motion and disturbance characteristics are uncertain. We made RIANN publicly available.
Property-based Polynomial Invariant Generation using Sums-of-Squares Optimization
While abstract interpretation is not theoretically restricted to specific kinds of properties, it is, in practice, mainly developed to compute linear over-approximations of reachable sets, aka. the collecting semantics of the program. The verification of user-provided properties is not easily compatible with the usual forward fixpoint computation using numerical abstract domains. We propose here to rely on sums-of-squares programming to characterize a property-driven polynomial invariant. This invariant generation can be guided by either boundedness, or in contrary, a given zone of the state space to avoid. While the target property is not necessarily inductive with respect to the program semantics, our method identifies a stronger inductive polynomial invariant using numerical optimization. Our method applies to a wide set of programs: a main while loop composed of a disjunction (if-then-else) of polynomial updates e.g. piecewise polynomial controllers. It has been evaluated on various programs.
Item-Language Model for Conversational Recommendation
Large-language Models (LLMs) have been extremely successful at tasks like complex dialogue understanding, reasoning and coding due to their emergent abilities. These emergent abilities have been extended with multi-modality to include image, audio, and video capabilities. Recommender systems, on the other hand, have been critical for information seeking and item discovery needs. Recently, there have been attempts to apply LLMs for recommendations. One difficulty of current attempts is that the underlying LLM is usually not trained on the recommender system data, which largely contains user interaction signals and is often not publicly available. Another difficulty is user interaction signals often have a different pattern from natural language text, and it is currently unclear if the LLM training setup can learn more non-trivial knowledge from interaction signals compared with traditional recommender system methods. Finally, it is difficult to train multiple LLMs for different use-cases, and to retain the original language and reasoning abilities when learning from recommender system data. To address these three limitations, we propose an Item-Language Model (ILM), which is composed of an item encoder to produce text-aligned item representations that encode user interaction signals, and a frozen LLM that can understand those item representations with preserved pretrained knowledge. We conduct extensive experiments which demonstrate both the importance of the language-alignment and of user interaction knowledge in the item encoder.
Noise-Robust Voice Conversion by Conditional Denoising Training Using Latent Variables of Recording Quality and Environment
We propose noise-robust voice conversion (VC) which takes into account the recording quality and environment of noisy source speech. Conventional denoising training improves the noise robustness of a VC model by learning noisy-to-clean VC process. However, the naturalness of the converted speech is limited when the noise of the source speech is unseen during the training. To this end, our proposed training conditions a VC model on two latent variables representing the recording quality and environment of the source speech. These latent variables are derived from deep neural networks pre-trained on recording quality assessment and acoustic scene classification and calculated in an utterance-wise or frame-wise manner. As a result, the trained VC model can explicitly learn information about speech degradation during the training. Objective and subjective evaluations show that our training improves the quality of the converted speech compared to the conventional training.
Fictitious Play in Markov Games with Single Controller
Certain but important classes of strategic-form games, including zero-sum and identical-interest games, have the fictitious-play-property (FPP), i.e., beliefs formed in fictitious play dynamics always converge to a Nash equilibrium (NE) in the repeated play of these games. Such convergence results are seen as a (behavioral) justification for the game-theoretical equilibrium analysis. Markov games (MGs), also known as stochastic games, generalize the repeated play of strategic-form games to dynamic multi-state settings with Markovian state transitions. In particular, MGs are standard models for multi-agent reinforcement learning -- a reviving research area in learning and games, and their game-theoretical equilibrium analyses have also been conducted extensively. However, whether certain classes of MGs have the FPP or not (i.e., whether there is a behavioral justification for equilibrium analysis or not) remains largely elusive. In this paper, we study a new variant of fictitious play dynamics for MGs and show its convergence to an NE in n-player identical-interest MGs in which a single player controls the state transitions. Such games are of interest in communications, control, and economics applications. Our result together with the recent results in [Sayin et al. 2020] establishes the FPP of two-player zero-sum MGs and n-player identical-interest MGs with a single controller (standing at two different ends of the MG spectrum from fully competitive to fully cooperative).
A Bayesian Approach to Policy Recognition and State Representation Learning
Learning from demonstration (LfD) is the process of building behavioral models of a task from demonstrations provided by an expert. These models can be used e.g. for system control by generalizing the expert demonstrations to previously unencountered situations. Most LfD methods, however, make strong assumptions about the expert behavior, e.g. they assume the existence of a deterministic optimal ground truth policy or require direct monitoring of the expert's controls, which limits their practical use as part of a general system identification framework. In this work, we consider the LfD problem in a more general setting where we allow for arbitrary stochastic expert policies, without reasoning about the optimality of the demonstrations. Following a Bayesian methodology, we model the full posterior distribution of possible expert controllers that explain the provided demonstration data. Moreover, we show that our methodology can be applied in a nonparametric context to infer the complexity of the state representation used by the expert, and to learn task-appropriate partitionings of the system state space.
Cooperative Estimation of 3D Target Motion via Networked Visual Motion Observer
This paper investigates cooperative estimation of 3D target object motion for visual sensor networks. In particular, we consider the situation where multiple smart vision cameras see a group of target objects. The objective here is to meet two requirements simultaneously: averaging for static objects and tracking to moving target objects. For this purpose, we present a cooperative estimation mechanism called networked visual motion observer. We then derive an upper bound of the ultimate error between the actual average and the estimates produced by the present networked estimation mechanism. Moreover, we also analyze the tracking performance of the estimates to moving target objects. Finally the effectiveness of the networked visual motion observer is demonstrated through simulation.
Lower bounds for testing graphical models: colorings and antiferromagnetic Ising models
We study the identity testing problem in the context of spin systems or undirected graphical models, where it takes the following form: given the parameter specification of the model $M$ and a sampling oracle for the distribution $\mu_{\hat{M}}$ of an unknown model $\hat{M}$, can we efficiently determine if the two models $M$ and $\hat{M}$ are the same? We consider identity testing for both soft-constraint and hard-constraint systems. In particular, we prove hardness results in two prototypical cases, the Ising model and proper colorings, and explore whether identity testing is any easier than structure learning. For the ferromagnetic (attractive) Ising model, Daskalakis et al. (2018) presented a polynomial time algorithm for identity testing. We prove hardness results in the antiferromagnetic (repulsive) setting in the same regime of parameters where structure learning is known to require a super-polynomial number of samples. In particular, for $n$-vertex graphs of maximum degree $d$, we prove that if $|\beta| d = \omega(\log{n})$ (where $\beta$ is the inverse temperature parameter), then there is no polynomial running time identity testing algorithm unless $RP=NP$. We also establish computational lower bounds for a broader set of parameters under the (randomized) exponential time hypothesis. Our proofs utilize insights into the design of gadgets using random graphs in recent works concerning the hardness of approximate counting by Sly (2010). In the hard-constraint setting, we present hardness results for identity testing for proper colorings. Our results are based on the presumed hardness of #BIS, the problem of (approximately) counting independent sets in bipartite graphs. In particular, we prove that identity testing is hard in the same range of parameters where structure learning is known to be hard.
Navier--Stokes equations on the $\beta$-plane: determining modes and nodes
We revisit the 2d Navier--Stokes equations on the periodic $\beta$-plane, with the Coriolis parameter varying as $\beta y$, and obtain bounds on the number of determining modes and nodes of the flow. The number of modes {and nodes} scale as $cG_0^{1/2} + c'(M/\beta)^{1/2}$ and $cG_0^{2/3} + c'(M/\beta)^{1/2}$ respectively, where the Grashof number $G_0=|f_v|_{L^2}^{}/(\mu^2\kappa_0^2)$ and $M$ involves higher derivatives of the forcing $f_v$. For large $\beta$ (strong rotation), this results in fewer degrees of freedom than the classical (non-rotating) bound that scales as $cG_0$.
Optical characterization of size- and substrate-dependent performance of ultraviolet hybrid plasmonic nanowire lasers
Nanowire-based plasmonic lasers are now established as nano-sources of coherent radiation, appearing as suitable candidates for integration into next-generation nanophotonic circuitry. However, compared to their photonic counterparts, their relatively high losses and large lasing thresholds still pose a burdening constraint on their scalability. In this study, the lasing characteristics of ZnO nanowires on Ag and Al substrates, operating as optically-pumped short-wavelength plasmonic nanolasers, are systematically investigated in combination with the size-dependent performance of the hybrid cavity. A hybrid nanomanipulation-assisted single nanowire optical characterization combined with high-throughput PL spectroscopy enables the correlation of the lasing characteristics to the metal substrate and the nanowire diameter. The results evidence that the coupling between excitons and surface plasmons is closely tied to the relationship between substrate dispersive behavior and nanowire diameter. Such coupling dictates the degree to which the lasing character, be it more plasmonic- or photonic-like, can define the stimulated emission features and, as a result, the device performance.
Robots and COVID-19: Challenges in integrating robots for collaborative automation
Objective: The status of human-robot collaboration for assembly applications is reviewed and key current challenges for the research community and practitioners are presented. Background: As the pandemic of COVID-19 started to surface the manufacturers went under pressure to address demand challenges. Social distancing measures made fewer people available to work. In such situations, robots were pointed at to support humans to address a shortage in supply. An important activity where humans are needed in a manufacturing value chain is assembly. HRC assembly systems are supposed to safeguard coexisting humans, perform a range of actions, and often need to be reconfigured to handle product variety. This requires them to be resilient and adaptable to various configurations during their operational life. Besides the potential advantages of using robots the challenges of using them in an industrial assembly are enormous. Methods: This mini-review summarizes the challenges of industrial deployment of collaborative robots for assembly applications. Applications: The documented challenges highlight the future research directions in human-robot interaction for industrial applications.
Dual Defense: Adversarial, Traceable, and Invisible Robust Watermarking against Face Swapping
The malicious applications of deep forgery, represented by face swapping, have introduced security threats such as misinformation dissemination and identity fraud. While some research has proposed the use of robust watermarking methods to trace the copyright of facial images for post-event traceability, these methods cannot effectively prevent the generation of forgeries at the source and curb their dissemination. To address this problem, we propose a novel comprehensive active defense mechanism that combines traceability and adversariality, called Dual Defense. Dual Defense invisibly embeds a single robust watermark within the target face to actively respond to sudden cases of malicious face swapping. It disrupts the output of the face swapping model while maintaining the integrity of watermark information throughout the entire dissemination process. This allows for watermark extraction at any stage of image tracking for traceability. Specifically, we introduce a watermark embedding network based on original-domain feature impersonation attack. This network learns robust adversarial features of target facial images and embeds watermarks, seeking a well-balanced trade-off between watermark invisibility, adversariality, and traceability through perceptual adversarial encoding strategies. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Dual Defense achieves optimal overall defense success rates and exhibits promising universality in anti-face swapping tasks and dataset generalization ability. It maintains impressive adversariality and traceability in both original and robust settings, surpassing current forgery defense methods that possess only one of these capabilities, including CMUA-Watermark, Anti-Forgery, FakeTagger, or PGD methods.
The Interpreter Understands Your Meaning: End-to-end Spoken Language Understanding Aided by Speech Translation
End-to-end spoken language understanding (SLU) remains elusive even with current large pretrained language models on text and speech, especially in multilingual cases. Machine translation has been established as a powerful pretraining objective on text as it enables the model to capture high-level semantics of the input utterance and associations between different languages, which is desired for speech models that work on lower-level acoustic frames. Motivated particularly by the task of cross-lingual SLU, we demonstrate that the task of speech translation (ST) is a good means of pretraining speech models for end-to-end SLU on both intra- and cross-lingual scenarios. By introducing ST, our models reach higher performance over baselines on monolingual and multilingual intent classification as well as spoken question answering using SLURP, MINDS-14, and NMSQA benchmarks. To verify the effectiveness of our methods, we also create new benchmark datasets from both synthetic and real sources, for speech summarization and low-resource/zero-shot transfer from English to French or Spanish. We further show the value of preserving knowledge for the ST pretraining task for better downstream performance, possibly using Bayesian transfer regularizers.
A Review of Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning: Techniques, Applications and Challenges
Uncertainty quantification (UQ) plays a pivotal role in reduction of uncertainties during both optimization and decision making processes. It can be applied to solve a variety of real-world applications in science and engineering. Bayesian approximation and ensemble learning techniques are two most widely-used UQ methods in the literature. In this regard, researchers have proposed different UQ methods and examined their performance in a variety of applications such as computer vision (e.g., self-driving cars and object detection), image processing (e.g., image restoration), medical image analysis (e.g., medical image classification and segmentation), natural language processing (e.g., text classification, social media texts and recidivism risk-scoring), bioinformatics, etc. This study reviews recent advances in UQ methods used in deep learning. Moreover, we also investigate the application of these methods in reinforcement learning (RL). Then, we outline a few important applications of UQ methods. Finally, we briefly highlight the fundamental research challenges faced by UQ methods and discuss the future research directions in this field.
The Use of Minimal Spanning Trees in Particle Physics
Minimal spanning trees (MSTs) have been used in cosmology and astronomy to distinguish distributions of points in a multi-dimensional space. They are essentially unknown in particle physics, however. We briefly define MSTs and illustrate their properties through a series of examples. We show how they might be applied to study a typical event sample from a collider experiment and conclude that MSTs may prove useful in distinguishing different classes of events.
TimeTraveler: Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting
Temporal knowledge graph (TKG) reasoning is a crucial task that has gained increasing research interest in recent years. Most existing methods focus on reasoning at past timestamps to complete the missing facts, and there are only a few works of reasoning on known TKGs to forecast future facts. Compared with the completion task, the forecasting task is more difficult that faces two main challenges: (1) how to effectively model the time information to handle future timestamps? (2) how to make inductive inference to handle previously unseen entities that emerge over time? To address these challenges, we propose the first reinforcement learning method for forecasting. Specifically, the agent travels on historical knowledge graph snapshots to search for the answer. Our method defines a relative time encoding function to capture the timespan information, and we design a novel time-shaped reward based on Dirichlet distribution to guide the model learning. Furthermore, we propose a novel representation method for unseen entities to improve the inductive inference ability of the model. We evaluate our method for this link prediction task at future timestamps. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate substantial performance improvement meanwhile with higher explainability, less calculation, and fewer parameters when compared with existing state-of-the-art methods.
Impact of spectral effects on photovoltaic energy production: A case study in the United States
The time averaged efficiency of photovoltaic modules in the field is generally lower than the efficiency measured in the laboratory under standard testing conditions due to the combined effects of temperature and spectral variability, affecting the bankability of power plant projects. We report correction factors to account for spectral effects ranging from -2% to 1.3% of the produced energy for silicon modules depending on location and collector geometry. In high irradiance locations, the energy yield advantage of trackers is underestimated by 0.4% if spectral sensitivity effects are neglected. We find a correlation between the locations most favourable for tracking, and those most favourable for multijunctions. As the photovoltaic market grows to a multi-terawatt size, these seemingly small effects are expected to have an economic impact equivalent to tens of billions of dollars in the next few decades, far out-weighting the cost of the required research effort.
Does the Great Firewall really isolate the Chinese? Integrating access blockage with cultural factors to explain web user behavior
The dominant understanding of Internet censorship posits that blocking access to foreign-based websites creates isolated communities of Internet users. We question this discourse for its assumption that if given access people would use all websites. We develop a conceptual framework that integrates access blockage with social structures to explain web users' choices, and argue that users visit websites they find culturally proximate and access blockage matters only when such sites are blocked. We examine the case of China, where online blockage is notoriously comprehensive, and compare Chinese web usage patterns with those elsewhere. Analyzing audience traffic among the 1000 most visited websites, we find that websites cluster according to language and geography. Chinese websites constitute one cluster, which resembles other such geo-linguistic clusters in terms of both its composition and degree of isolation. Our sociological investigation reveals a greater role of cultural proximity than access blockage in explaining online behaviors.
Counting rooted forests in a network
We use a recently found generalization of the Cauchy-Binet theorem to give a new proof of the Chebotarev-Shamis forest theorem telling that det(1+L) is the number of rooted spanning forests in a finite simple graph G with Laplacian L. More generally, we show that det(1+k L) is the number of rooted edge-k-colored spanning forests in G. If a forest with an even number of edges is called even, then det(1-L) is the difference between even and odd rooted spanning forests in G.
Automatic Detection of Cue Points for DJ Mixing
The automatic identification of cue points is a central task in applications as diverse as music thumbnailing, mash-ups generation, and DJ mixing. Our focus lies in electronic dance music and in specific cue points, the "switch points", that make it possible to automatically construct transitions among tracks, mimicking what professional DJs do. We present an approach for the detection of switch points that embody a few general rules we established from interviews with professional DJs; the implementation of these rules is based on features extraction and novelty analysis. The quality of the generated switch points is assessed both by comparing them with a manually annotated dataset that we curated, and by evaluating them individually. We found that about 96\% of the points generated by our methodology are of good quality for use in a DJ mix.
Deep Neural Networks for Multiple Speaker Detection and Localization
We propose to use neural networks for simultaneous detection and localization of multiple sound sources in human-robot interaction. In contrast to conventional signal processing techniques, neural network-based sound source localization methods require fewer strong assumptions about the environment. Previous neural network-based methods have been focusing on localizing a single sound source, which do not extend to multiple sources in terms of detection and localization. In this paper, we thus propose a likelihood-based encoding of the network output, which naturally allows the detection of an arbitrary number of sources. In addition, we investigate the use of sub-band cross-correlation information as features for better localization in sound mixtures, as well as three different network architectures based on different motivations. Experiments on real data recorded from a robot show that our proposed methods significantly outperform the popular spatial spectrum-based approaches.
A Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Rents in the San Francisco Bay Area
Urban transportation and land use models have used theory and statistical modeling methods to develop model systems that are useful in planning applications. Machine learning methods have been considered too 'black box', lacking interpretability, and their use has been limited within the land use and transportation modeling literature. We present a use case in which predictive accuracy is of primary importance, and compare the use of random forest regression to multiple regression using ordinary least squares, to predict rents per square foot in the San Francisco Bay Area using a large volume of rental listings scraped from the Craigslist website. We find that we are able to obtain useful predictions from both models using almost exclusively local accessibility variables, though the predictive accuracy of the random forest model is substantially higher.
Multi-SIM support in 5G Evolution: Challenges and Opportunities
Devices with multiple Subscriber Identification Modules (SIM)s are expected to prevail over the conventional devices with only one SIM. Despite the growing demand for such devices, only proprietary solutions are available so far. To fill this gap, the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is aiming at the development of unified cross-platform solutions for multi-SIM device coordination. This paper extends the technical discussion and investigation of the 3GPP solutions for improving mobile Terminated (MT) service delivery to multi-SIM devices. Implementation trade-offs, impact on the Quality of Service(QoS), and possible future directions in 3GPP are outlined.
Projective and Coarse Projective Integration for Problems with Continuous Symmetries
Temporal integration of equations possessing continuous symmetries (e.g. systems with translational invariance associated with traveling solutions and scale invariance associated with self-similar solutions) in a ``co-evolving'' frame (i.e. a frame which is co-traveling, co-collapsing or co-exploding with the evolving solution) leads to improved accuracy because of the smaller time derivative in the new spatial frame. The slower time behavior permits the use of {\it projective} and {\it coarse projective} integration with longer projective steps in the computation of the time evolution of partial differential equations and multiscale systems, respectively. These methods are also demonstrated to be effective for systems which only approximately or asymptotically possess continuous symmetries. The ideas of projective integration in a co-evolving frame are illustrated on the one-dimensional, translationally invariant Nagumo partial differential equation (PDE). A corresponding kinetic Monte Carlo model, motivated from the Nagumo kinetics, is used to illustrate the coarse-grained method. A simple, one-dimensional diffusion problem is used to illustrate the scale invariant case. The efficiency of projective integration in the co-evolving frame for both the macroscopic diffusion PDE and for a random-walker particle based model is again demonstrated.
Image Captioning at Will: A Versatile Scheme for Effectively Injecting Sentiments into Image Descriptions
Automatic image captioning has recently approached human-level performance due to the latest advances in computer vision and natural language understanding. However, most of the current models can only generate plain factual descriptions about the content of a given image. However, for human beings, image caption writing is quite flexible and diverse, where additional language dimensions, such as emotion, humor and language styles, are often incorporated to produce diverse, emotional, or appealing captions. In particular, we are interested in generating sentiment-conveying image descriptions, which has received little attention. The main challenge is how to effectively inject sentiments into the generated captions without altering the semantic matching between the visual content and the generated descriptions. In this work, we propose two different models, which employ different schemes for injecting sentiments into image captions. Compared with the few existing approaches, the proposed models are much simpler and yet more effective. The experimental results show that our model outperform the state-of-the-art models in generating sentimental (i.e., sentiment-bearing) image captions. In addition, we can also easily manipulate the model by assigning different sentiments to the testing image to generate captions with the corresponding sentiments.
MAP: Low-compute Model Merging with Amortized Pareto Fronts via Quadratic Approximation
Model merging has emerged as an effective approach to combine multiple single-task models, fine-tuned from the same pre-trained model, into a multitask model. This process typically involves computing a weighted average of the model parameters without any additional training. Existing model-merging methods focus on enhancing average task accuracy. However, interference and conflicts between the objectives of different tasks can lead to trade-offs during model merging. In real-world applications, a set of solutions with various trade-offs can be more informative, helping practitioners make decisions based on diverse preferences. In this paper, we introduce a novel low-compute algorithm, Model Merging with Amortized Pareto Front (MAP). MAP identifies a Pareto set of scaling coefficients for merging multiple models to reflect the trade-offs. The core component of MAP is approximating the evaluation metrics of the various tasks using a quadratic approximation surrogate model derived from a pre-selected set of scaling coefficients, enabling amortized inference. Experimental results on vision and natural language processing tasks show that MAP can accurately identify the Pareto front. To further reduce the required computation of MAP, we propose (1) a Bayesian adaptive sampling algorithm and (2) a nested merging scheme with multiple stages.
Dense Scale Network for Crowd Counting
Crowd counting has been widely studied by computer vision community in recent years. Due to the large scale variation, it remains to be a challenging task. Previous methods adopt either multi-column CNN or single-column CNN with multiple branches to deal with this problem. However, restricted by the number of columns or branches, these methods can only capture a few different scales and have limited capability. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective network called DSNet for crowd counting, which can be easily trained in an end-to-end fashion. The key component of our network is the dense dilated convolution block, in which each dilation layer is densely connected with the others to preserve information from continuously varied scales. The dilation rates in dilation layers are carefully selected to prevent the block from gridding artifacts. To further enlarge the range of scales covered by the network, we cascade three blocks and link them with dense residual connections. We also introduce a novel multi-scale density level consistency loss for performance improvement. To evaluate our method, we compare it with state-of-the-art algorithms on four crowd counting datasets (ShanghaiTech, UCF-QNRF, UCF_CC_50 and UCSD). Experimental results demonstrate that DSNet can achieve the best performance and make significant improvements on all the four datasets (30% on the UCF-QNRF and UCF_CC_50, and 20% on the others).
Plurals: individuals and sets in a richly typed semantics
We developed a type-theoretical framework for natural lan- guage semantics that, in addition to the usual Montagovian treatment of compositional semantics, includes a treatment of some phenomena of lex- ical semantic: coercions, meaning, transfers, (in)felicitous co-predication. In this setting we see how the various readings of plurals (collective, dis- tributive, coverings,...) can be modelled.
Unveiling the Journey of a Highly Inclined CME: Insights from the March 13, 2012 Event with 110$^\circ$ Longitudinal Separation
A fast and wide Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) erupted from the Sun on 2012-03-13. Its interplanetary counterpart was detected in situ two days later by STEREO-A and near-Earth spacecraft. We suggest that at 1 au the CME extended at least 110$^\circ$ in longitude, with Earth crossing its east flank and STEREO-A crossing its west flank. Despite their separation, measurements from both positions showed very similar in situ CME signatures. The solar source region where the CME erupted was surrounded by three coronal holes (CHs). Their locations with respect to the CME launch site were east (negative polarity), southwest (positive polarity) and west (positive polarity). The solar magnetic field polarity of the area covered by each CH matches that observed at 1 au in situ. Suprathermal electrons at each location showed mixed signatures with only some intervals presenting clear counterstreaming flows as the CME transits both locations. The strahl population coming from the shortest magnetic connection of the structure to the Sun showed more intensity. The study presents important findings regarding the in situ measured CME on 2012-03-15, detected at a longitudinal separation of 110$^\circ$ in the ecliptic plane despite its initial inclination being around 45$^\circ$ when erupted. This suggests that the CME may have deformed and/or rotated, allowing it to be observed near its legs with spacecraft at a separation angle greater than 100$^\circ$. The CME structure interacted with high-speed streams generated by the surrounding CHs. The piled-up plasma in the sheath region exhibited an unexpected correlation in magnetic field strength despite the large separation in longitude. In situ observations reveal that at both locations there was a flank encounter, where the spacecraft crossed the first part of the CME, then encountered ambient solar wind, and finally passed near the legs of the structure.
Multispectral Fine-Grained Classification of Blackgrass in Wheat and Barley Crops
As the burden of herbicide resistance grows and the environmental repercussions of excessive herbicide use become clear, new ways of managing weed populations are needed. This is particularly true for cereal crops, like wheat and barley, that are staple food crops and occupy a globally significant portion of agricultural land. Even small improvements in weed management practices across these major food crops worldwide would yield considerable benefits for both the environment and global food security. Blackgrass is a major grass weed which causes particular problems in cereal crops in north-west Europe, a major cereal production area, because it has high levels of of herbicide resistance and is well adapted to agronomic practice in this region. With the use of machine vision and multispectral imaging, we investigate the effectiveness of state-of-the-art methods to identify blackgrass in wheat and barley crops. As part of this work, we provide a large dataset with which we evaluate several key aspects of blackgrass weed recognition. Firstly, we determine the performance of different CNN and transformer-based architectures on images from unseen fields. Secondly, we demonstrate the role that different spectral bands have on the performance of weed classification. Lastly, we evaluate the role of dataset size in classification performance for each of the models trialled. We find that even with a fairly modest quantity of training data an accuracy of almost 90% can be achieved on images from unseen fields.
Fast Encoding of AG Codes over $C_{ab}$ Curves
We investigate algorithms for encoding of one-point algebraic geometry (AG) codes over certain plane curves called $C_{ab}$ curves, as well as algorithms for inverting the encoding map, which we call "unencoding". Some $C_{ab}$ curves have many points or are even maximal, e.g. the Hermitian curve. Our encoding resp. unencoding algorithms have complexity $\tilde{O}(n^{3/2})$ resp. $\tilde{O}(qn)$ for AG codes over any $C_{ab}$ curve satisfying very mild assumptions, where $n$ is the code length and $q$ the base field size, and $\tilde{O}$ ignores constants and logarithmic factors in the estimate. For codes over curves whose evaluation points lie on a grid-like structure, notably the Hermitian curve and norm-trace curves, we show that our algorithms have quasi-linear time complexity $\tilde{O}(n)$ for both operations. For infinite families of curves whose number of points is a constant factor away from the Hasse--Weil bound, our encoding algorithm has complexity $\tilde{O}(n^{5/4})$ while unencoding has $\tilde{O}(n^{3/2})$.
Measuring Basic Load-Balancing and Fail-Over Setups for Email Delivery via DNS MX Records
The domain name system (DNS) has long provided means to assure basic load-balancing and fail-over (BLBFO) for email delivery. A traditional method uses multiple mail exchanger (MX) records to distribute the load across multiple email servers. Round-robin DNS is the common alternative to this MX-based balancing. Despite the classical nature of these two solutions, neither one has received particular attention in Internet measurement research. To patch this gap, this paper examines BLBFO configurations with an active measurement study covering over 2.7 million domains from which about 2.1 million have MX records. Of these MX-enabled domains, about 60% are observed to use BLBFO, and MX-based balancing seems more common than round-robin DNS. Email hosting services offer one explanation for this adoption rate. Many domains seem to also prefer fine-tuned configurations instead of relying on randomization assumptions. Furthermore, about 27% of the domains have at least one exchanger with a valid IPv6 address. Finally, some misconfigurations and related oddities are visible.
A Design of Scintillator Tiles Read Out by Surface-Mounted SiPMs for a Future Hadron Calorimeter
Precision calorimetry using highly granular sampling calorimeters is being developed based on the particle flow concept within the CALICE collaboration. One design option of a hadron calorimeter is based on silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) to detect photons generated in plastic scintillator tiles. Driven by the need of automated mass assembly of around ten million channels stringently required by the high granularity, we developed a design of scintillator tiles directly coupled with surface-mounted SiPMs. A cavity is created in the center of the bottom surface of each tile to provide enough room for the whole SiPM package and to improve collection of the light produced by incident particles penetrating the tile at different positions. The cavity design has been optimized using a GEANT4-based full simulation model to achieve a high response to a Minimum Ionizing Particles (MIP) and also good spatial uniformity. The single-MIP response for scintillator tiles with an optimized cavity design has been measured using cosmic rays, which shows that a SiPM with a sensitive area of only $\mathbf{1\times1~mm^2}$ (Hamamatsu MPPC S12571-025P) reaches a mean response of more than 23 photon equivalents with a dynamic range of many tens of MIPs. A recent uniformity measurement for the same tile design is performed by scanning the tile area using focused electrons from a $\mathbf{^{90}Sr}$ source, which shows that around 97% (80%) of the tile area is within 90% (95%) response uniformity. This optimized design is well beyond the requirements for a precision hadron calorimeter.
Transfer learning for time series classification
Transfer learning for deep neural networks is the process of first training a base network on a source dataset, and then transferring the learned features (the network's weights) to a second network to be trained on a target dataset. This idea has been shown to improve deep neural network's generalization capabilities in many computer vision tasks such as image recognition and object localization. Apart from these applications, deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have also recently gained popularity in the Time Series Classification (TSC) community. However, unlike for image recognition problems, transfer learning techniques have not yet been investigated thoroughly for the TSC task. This is surprising as the accuracy of deep learning models for TSC could potentially be improved if the model is fine-tuned from a pre-trained neural network instead of training it from scratch. In this paper, we fill this gap by investigating how to transfer deep CNNs for the TSC task. To evaluate the potential of transfer learning, we performed extensive experiments using the UCR archive which is the largest publicly available TSC benchmark containing 85 datasets. For each dataset in the archive, we pre-trained a model and then fine-tuned it on the other datasets resulting in 7140 different deep neural networks. These experiments revealed that transfer learning can improve or degrade the model's predictions depending on the dataset used for transfer. Therefore, in an effort to predict the best source dataset for a given target dataset, we propose a new method relying on Dynamic Time Warping to measure inter-datasets similarities. We describe how our method can guide the transfer to choose the best source dataset leading to an improvement in accuracy on 71 out of 85 datasets.
SoK: Anti-Facial Recognition Technology
The rapid adoption of facial recognition (FR) technology by both government and commercial entities in recent years has raised concerns about civil liberties and privacy. In response, a broad suite of so-called "anti-facial recognition" (AFR) tools has been developed to help users avoid unwanted facial recognition. The set of AFR tools proposed in the last few years is wide-ranging and rapidly evolving, necessitating a step back to consider the broader design space of AFR systems and long-term challenges. This paper aims to fill that gap and provides the first comprehensive analysis of the AFR research landscape. Using the operational stages of FR systems as a starting point, we create a systematic framework for analyzing the benefits and tradeoffs of different AFR approaches. We then consider both technical and social challenges facing AFR tools and propose directions for future research in this field.
Crowdsourcing with Fairness, Diversity and Budget Constraints
Recent studies have shown that the labels collected from crowdworkers can be discriminatory with respect to sensitive attributes such as gender and race. This raises questions about the suitability of using crowdsourced data for further use, such as for training machine learning algorithms. In this work, we address the problem of fair and diverse data collection from a crowd under budget constraints. We propose a novel algorithm which maximizes the expected accuracy of the collected data, while ensuring that the errors satisfy desired notions of fairness. We provide guarantees on the performance of our algorithm and show that the algorithm performs well in practice through experiments on a real dataset.
Understanding and Detecting Hallucinations in Neural Machine Translation via Model Introspection
Neural sequence generation models are known to "hallucinate", by producing outputs that are unrelated to the source text. These hallucinations are potentially harmful, yet it remains unclear in what conditions they arise and how to mitigate their impact. In this work, we first identify internal model symptoms of hallucinations by analyzing the relative token contributions to the generation in contrastive hallucinated vs. non-hallucinated outputs generated via source perturbations. We then show that these symptoms are reliable indicators of natural hallucinations, by using them to design a lightweight hallucination detector which outperforms both model-free baselines and strong classifiers based on quality estimation or large pre-trained models on manually annotated English-Chinese and German-English translation test beds.
Unsupervised Watertight Mesh Generation for Physics Simulation Applications Using Growing Neural Gas on Noisy Free-Form Object Models
We present a framework to generate watertight mesh representations in an unsupervised manner from noisy point clouds of complex, heterogeneous objects with free-form surfaces. The resulting meshes are ready to use in applications like kinematics and dynamics simulation where watertightness and fast processing are the main quality criteria. This works with no necessity of user interaction, mainly by utilizing a modified Growing Neural Gas technique for surface reconstruction combined with several post-processing steps. In contrast to existing methods, the proposed framework is able to cope with input point clouds generated by consumer-grade RGBD sensors and works even if the input data features large holes, e.g. a missing bottom which was not covered by the sensor. Additionally, we explain a method to unsupervisedly optimize the parameters of our framework in order to improve generalization quality and, at the same time, keep the resulting meshes as coherent as possible to the original object regarding visual and geometric properties.
Neuromorphic hardware as a self-organizing computing system
This paper presents the self-organized neuromorphic architecture named SOMA. The objective is to study neural-based self-organization in computing systems and to prove the feasibility of a self-organizing hardware structure. Considering that these properties emerge from large scale and fully connected neural maps, we will focus on the definition of a self-organizing hardware architecture based on digital spiking neurons that offer hardware efficiency. From a biological point of view, this corresponds to a combination of the so-called synaptic and structural plasticities. We intend to define computational models able to simultaneously self-organize at both computation and communication levels, and we want these models to be hardware-compliant, fault tolerant and scalable by means of a neuro-cellular structure.
Non-Hermitian dispersion sign reversal of radiative resonances in two dimensions
In a recent publication [Wurdack et al., Nat. Comm. 14:1026 (2023)], it was shown that in microcavities containing atomically thin semiconductors non-Hermitian quantum mechanics can lead to negative exciton polariton masses. We show that mass-sign reversal can occur generally in radiative resonances in two dimensions (without cavity) and derive conditions for it (critical dephasing threshold etc.). In monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides, this phenomenon is not invalidated by the strong electron-hole exchange interaction, which is known to make the exciton massless.
Infusing Collaborative Recommenders with Distributed Representations
Recommender systems assist users in navigating complex information spaces and focus their attention on the content most relevant to their needs. Often these systems rely on user activity or descriptions of the content. Social annotation systems, in which users collaboratively assign tags to items, provide another means to capture information about users and items. Each of these data sources provides unique benefits, capturing different relationships. In this paper, we propose leveraging multiple sources of data: ratings data as users report their affinity toward an item, tagging data as users assign annotations to items, and item data collected from an online database. Taken together, these datasets provide the opportunity to learn rich distributed representations by exploiting recent advances in neural network architectures. We first produce representations that subjectively capture interesting relationships among the data. We then empirically evaluate the utility of the representations to predict a user's rating on an item and show that it outperforms more traditional representations. Finally, we demonstrate that traditional representations can be combined with representations trained through a neural network to achieve even better results.
Robust Federated Learning for Wireless Networks: A Demonstration with Channel Estimation
Federated learning (FL) offers a privacy-preserving collaborative approach for training models in wireless networks, with channel estimation emerging as a promising application. Despite extensive studies on FL-empowered channel estimation, the security concerns associated with FL require meticulous attention. In a scenario where small base stations (SBSs) serve as local models trained on cached data, and a macro base station (MBS) functions as the global model setting, an attacker can exploit the vulnerability of FL, launching attacks with various adversarial attacks or deployment tactics. In this paper, we analyze such vulnerabilities, corresponding solutions were brought forth, and validated through simulation.
Assessing Disease Exposure Risk with Location Data: A Proposal for Cryptographic Preservation of Privacy
Governments and researchers around the world are implementing digital contact tracing solutions to stem the spread of infectious disease, namely COVID-19. Many of these solutions threaten individual rights and privacy. Our goal is to break past the false dichotomy of effective versus privacy-preserving contact tracing. We offer an alternative approach to assess and communicate users' risk of exposure to an infectious disease while preserving individual privacy. Our proposal uses recent GPS location histories, which are transformed and encrypted, and a private set intersection protocol to interface with a semi-trusted authority. There have been other recent proposals for privacy-preserving contact tracing, based on Bluetooth and decentralization, that could further eliminate the need for trust in authority. However, solutions with Bluetooth are currently limited to certain devices and contexts while decentralization adds complexity. The goal of this work is two-fold: we aim to propose a location-based system that is more privacy-preserving than what is currently being adopted by governments around the world, and that is also practical to implement with the immediacy needed to stem a viral outbreak.
Comparative study and limits of different level-set formulations for the modeling of anisotropic grain growth
Four different finite element level-set (FE-LS) formulations are compared for the modeling of grain growth in the context of polycrystalline structures and, moreover, two of them are presented for the first time using anisotropic grain boundary (GB) energy and mobility. Mean values and distributions are compared using the four formulations. First, we present the strong and weak formulations for the different models and the crystallographic parameters used at the mesoscopic scale. Second, some Grim Reaper analytical cases are presented and compared with the simulation results, here the evolutions of individual multiple junctions are followed. Additionally, large scale simulations are presented. Anisotropic GB energy and mobility are respectively defined as functions of the misorientation/inclination and disorientation. The evolution of the disorientation distribution function (DDF) is computed and its evolution is in accordance with prior works. We found that the formulation called "Anisotropic" is the more physical one but it could be replaced at the mesoscopic scale by an Isotropic formulation for simple microstructures presenting an initial Mackenzie-type DDF.
A Magnetically and Electrically Powered Hybrid Micromotor in Conductive Solutions: Synergistic Propulsion Effects and Label-Free Cargo Transport and Sensing
Electrically powered micro- and nanomotors are promising tools for in-vitro single-cell analysis. In particular, single cells can be trapped, transported and electroporated by a Janus particle (JP) using an externally applied electric field. However, while dielectrophoretic (DEP)-based cargo manipulation can be achieved at high-solution conductivity, electrical propulsion of these micromotors becomes ineffective at solution conductivities exceeding 0.3mS/cm. Here, we successfully extended JP cargo manipulation and transport capabilities to conductive near-physiological (<6mS/cm) solutions by combining magnetic field-based micromotor propulsion and navigation with DEP-based manipulation of various synthetic and biological cargos. Combination of a rotating magnetic field and electric field resulted in enhanced micromotor mobility and steering control through tuning of the electric field frequency. conditions are necessary. In addition, we demonstrated the micromotors ability of identifying apoptotic cell among viable and necrotic cells based their dielectrophoretic difference, thus, enabling to analyze the apoptotic status in the single cell samples for drug discovery, cell therapeutics and immunotherapy. We also demonstrated the ability to trap and transport live cells towards regions containing doxorubicin-loaded liposomes. This hybrid micromotor approach for label-free trapping, transporting and sensing of selected cells within conductive solutions, opens new opportunities in drug delivery and single cell analysis, where close-to-physiological media
Watch This: Scalable Cost-Function Learning for Path Planning in Urban Environments
In this work, we present an approach to learn cost maps for driving in complex urban environments from a very large number of demonstrations of driving behaviour by human experts. The learned cost maps are constructed directly from raw sensor measurements, bypassing the effort of manually designing cost maps as well as features. When deploying the learned cost maps, the trajectories generated not only replicate human-like driving behaviour but are also demonstrably robust against systematic errors in putative robot configuration. To achieve this we deploy a Maximum Entropy based, non-linear IRL framework which uses Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNs) to represent the cost model underlying expert driving behaviour. Using a deep, parametric approach enables us to scale efficiently to large datasets and complex behaviours by being run-time independent of dataset extent during deployment. We demonstrate the scalability and the performance of the proposed approach on an ambitious dataset collected over the course of one year including more than 25k demonstration trajectories extracted from over 120km of driving around pedestrianised areas in the city of Milton Keynes, UK. We evaluate the resulting cost representations by showing the advantages over a carefully manually designed cost map and, in addition, demonstrate its robustness to systematic errors by learning precise cost-maps even in the presence of system calibration perturbations.
ExploitingWeb Service Semantics: Taxonomies vs. Ontologies
Comprehensive semantic descriptions of Web services are essential to exploit them in their full potential, that is, discovering them dynamically, and enabling automated service negotiation, composition and monitoring. The semantic mechanisms currently available in service registries which are based on taxonomies fail to provide the means to achieve this. Although the terms taxonomy and ontology are sometimes used interchangably there is a critical difference. A taxonomy indicates only class/subclass relationship whereas an ontology describes a domain completely. The essential mechanisms that ontology languages provide include their formal specification (which allows them to be queried) and their ability to define properties of classes. Through properties very accurate descriptions of services can be defined and services can be related to other services or resources. In this paper, we discuss the advantages of describing service semantics through ontology languages and describe how to relate the semantics defined with the services advertised in service registries like UDDI and ebXML.
Partition Sort Revisited: Reconfirming the Robustness in Average Case and much more!
In our previous work there was some indication that Partition Sort could be having a more robust average case O(nlogn) complexity than the popular Quick Sort. In our first study in this paper, we reconfirm this through computer experiments for inputs from Cauchy distribution for which expectation theoretically does not exist. Additionally, the algorithm is found to be sensitive to parameters of the input probability distribution demanding further investigation on parameterized complexity. The results on this algorithm for Binomial inputs in our second study are very encouraging in that direction.
Learning Credible Deep Neural Networks with Rationale Regularization
Recent explainability related studies have shown that state-of-the-art DNNs do not always adopt correct evidences to make decisions. It not only hampers their generalization but also makes them less likely to be trusted by end-users. In pursuit of developing more credible DNNs, in this paper we propose CREX, which encourages DNN models to focus more on evidences that actually matter for the task at hand, and to avoid overfitting to data-dependent bias and artifacts. Specifically, CREX regularizes the training process of DNNs with rationales, i.e., a subset of features highlighted by domain experts as justifications for predictions, to enforce DNNs to generate local explanations that conform with expert rationales. Even when rationales are not available, CREX still could be useful by requiring the generated explanations to be sparse. Experimental results on two text classification datasets demonstrate the increased credibility of DNNs trained with CREX. Comprehensive analysis further shows that while CREX does not always improve prediction accuracy on the held-out test set, it significantly increases DNN accuracy on new and previously unseen data beyond test set, highlighting the advantage of the increased credibility.
Seismic peak partcile velocity and acceleration response to mining faces firing in a light of numerical modeling and underground measurements
Extraction of the copper ore deposit in the Legnica-Glogow Copper Basin in Poland is usually associated with high seismic activity. In order to face this threats, a number of organizational and technical prevention methods are utilized, from which blasting works seem to be the most effective. A significant number of recorded dynamic events may be clearly and directly explained by the effects of this approach. It is also expected, that the simultaneous firing of a number of mining faces may provide the amplification of vibrations in a specific location chosen within the rock mass. For better recognition of a such process, formation of an elastic wave generated by the detonation of explosives in a single mining face have been evaluated using the numerical tools and verified by the field measurements of ground particle velocity and acceleration parameters, i.e. PPV and PPA parameters. The primary objective of presented paper was to find the bridge between numerical simulations of the time-dependent seismic particle velocity values induced by blasting and in situ measurements using seismic three component geophones
Harnessing Complexity: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in L-Shapes, Nanocrescents, and Split-Ring Resonators
We conduct systematic studies of the optical characteristics of plasmonic nanoparticles that exhibit C2v symmetry. We analyze three distinct geometric configurations: an L-type shape, a crescent, and a split-ring resonator. Optical properties are examined using the FDTD method. It is demonstrated that all three shapes exhibit two prominent plasmon bands associated with the two axes of symmetry. This is in addition to a wide range of resonances observed at high frequencies corresponding to quadrupole modes and peaks due to sharp corners. Next, to facilitate nonlinear analysis, we employ a semiclassical hydrodynamic model where the electron pressure term is explicitly accounted for. Employing this model enables us to rigorously examine the second-order angular resolved nonlinear optical response of these nanoparticles in each of the three configurations. For CW pumping, we explore properties of the SHG. Polarization and angle-resolved SHG spectra are obtained, revealing strong dependence on the nanoparticle geometry and incident wave polarization. For pulsed excitations, we discuss the phenomenon of broadband THz generation induced by the DFG. It is shown that the THz emission spectra exhibit unique features attributed to the plasmonic resonances and symmetry of the nanoparticles. The polarization of the generated THz waves is also examined, revealing interesting patterns tied to the nanoparticle geometry. To gain deeper insight, we propose a simple analytical theory that agrees very well with the numerical experiments. An expression for the far-field THz intensity is derived in terms of the incident pulse parameters and the nonlinear response tensor of the nanoparticle. The results presented in this work offer new insights into the linear and nonlinear optical properties of nanoparticles with C2v symmetry.
Machine Learning for Reducing Noise in RF Control Signals at Industrial Accelerators
Industrial particle accelerators typically operate in dirtier environments than research accelerators, leading to increased noise in RF and electronic systems. Furthermore, given that industrial accelerators are mass produced, less attention is given to optimizing the performance of individual systems. As a result, industrial accelerators tend to underperform their own hardware capabilities. Improving signal processing for these machines will improve cost and time margins for deployment, helping to meet the growing demand for accelerators for medical sterilization, food irradiation, cancer treatment, and imaging. Our work focuses on using machine learning techniques to reduce noise in RF signals used for pulse-to-pulse feedback in industrial accelerators. Here we review our algorithms and observed results for simulated RF systems, and discuss next steps with the ultimate goal of deployment on industrial systems.
Continuous optical-to-mechanical quantum state transfer in the unresolved sideband regime
Optical-to-mechanical quantum state transfer is an important capability for future quantum networks, quantum communication, and distributed quantum sensing. However, existing continuous state transfer protocols operate in the resolved sideband regime, necessitating a high-quality optical cavity and a high mechanical resonance frequency. Here, we propose a continuous protocol that operates in the unresolved sideband regime. The protocol is based on feedback cooling, can be implemented with current technology, and is able to transfer non-Gaussian quantum states with high fidelity. Our protocol significantly expands the kinds of optomechanical devices for which continuous optical-to-mechanical state transfer is possible, paving the way towards quantum technological applications and the preparation of macroscopic superpositions to test the fundamentals of quantum science.
Hybrid roles of adaptation and optimization in formation of vascular network
It was hypothesized that the structures of biological transport networks are the result of either energy consumption or adaptation dynamics. Although approaches based on these hypotheses can produce optimal network and form loop structures, we found that neither possesses complete ability to generate complex networks that resemble vascular network in living organisms, which motivated us to propose a hybrid approach. This approach can replicate the path dependency phenomenon of main branches and produce an optimal network that resembles the real vascular network. We further show that there is a clear transition in the structural pattern of the vascular network, shifting from `chive-like' to dendritic configuration after a period of sequenced adaptation and optimization.
DeepLSD: Line Segment Detection and Refinement with Deep Image Gradients
Line segments are ubiquitous in our human-made world and are increasingly used in vision tasks. They are complementary to feature points thanks to their spatial extent and the structural information they provide. Traditional line detectors based on the image gradient are extremely fast and accurate, but lack robustness in noisy images and challenging conditions. Their learned counterparts are more repeatable and can handle challenging images, but at the cost of a lower accuracy and a bias towards wireframe lines. We propose to combine traditional and learned approaches to get the best of both worlds: an accurate and robust line detector that can be trained in the wild without ground truth lines. Our new line segment detector, DeepLSD, processes images with a deep network to generate a line attraction field, before converting it to a surrogate image gradient magnitude and angle, which is then fed to any existing handcrafted line detector. Additionally, we propose a new optimization tool to refine line segments based on the attraction field and vanishing points. This refinement improves the accuracy of current deep detectors by a large margin. We demonstrate the performance of our method on low-level line detection metrics, as well as on several downstream tasks using multiple challenging datasets. The source code and models are available at https://github.com/cvg/DeepLSD.
Gauge-free electromagnetic gyrokinetic theory
A new gauge-free electromagnetic gyrokinetic theory is developed, in which the gyrocenter equations of motion and the gyrocenter phase-space transformation are expressed in terms of the perturbed electromagnetic fields, instead of the usual perturbed potentials. Gyrocenter polarization and magnetization are derived explicitly from the gyrocenter Hamiltonian, up to first order in the gyrocenter perturbation expansion. Expressions for the sources in Maxwell's equations are derived in a form that is suitable for simulation studies, as well as kinetic-gyrokinetic hybrid modeling.
Toward using GANs in astrophysical Monte-Carlo simulations
Accurate modelling of spectra produced by X-ray sources requires the use of Monte-Carlo simulations. These simulations need to evaluate physical processes, such as those occurring in accretion processes around compact objects by sampling a number of different probability distributions. This is computationally time-consuming and could be sped up if replaced by neural networks. We demonstrate, on an example of the Maxwell-J\"uttner distribution that describes the speed of relativistic electrons, that the generative adversarial network (GAN) is capable of statistically replicating the distribution. The average value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 0.5 for samples generated by the neural network, showing that the generated distribution cannot be distinguished from the true distribution.
Reassessing Claims of Human Parity and Super-Human Performance in Machine Translation at WMT 2019
We reassess the claims of human parity and super-human performance made at the news shared task of WMT 2019 for three translation directions: English-to-German, English-to-Russian and German-to-English. First we identify three potential issues in the human evaluation of that shared task: (i) the limited amount of intersentential context available, (ii) the limited translation proficiency of the evaluators and (iii) the use of a reference translation. We then conduct a modified evaluation taking these issues into account. Our results indicate that all the claims of human parity and super-human performance made at WMT 2019 should be refuted, except the claim of human parity for English-to-German. Based on our findings, we put forward a set of recommendations and open questions for future assessments of human parity in machine translation.
Using Non-Stationary Bandits for Learning in Repeated Cournot Games with Non-Stationary Demand
Many past attempts at modeling repeated Cournot games assume that demand is stationary. This does not align with real-world scenarios in which market demands can evolve over a product's lifetime for a myriad of reasons. In this paper, we model repeated Cournot games with non-stationary demand such that firms/agents face separate instances of non-stationary multi-armed bandit problem. The set of arms/actions that an agent can choose from represents discrete production quantities; here, the action space is ordered. Agents are independent and autonomous, and cannot observe anything from the environment; they can only see their own rewards after taking an action, and only work towards maximizing these rewards. We propose a novel algorithm 'Adaptive with Weighted Exploration (AWE) $\epsilon$-greedy' which is remotely based on the well-known $\epsilon$-greedy approach. This algorithm detects and quantifies changes in rewards due to varying market demand and varies learning rate and exploration rate in proportion to the degree of changes in demand, thus enabling agents to better identify new optimal actions. For efficient exploration, it also deploys a mechanism for weighing actions that takes advantage of the ordered action space. We use simulations to study the emergence of various equilibria in the market. In addition, we study the scalability of our approach in terms number of total agents in the system and the size of action space. We consider both symmetric and asymmetric firms in our models. We found that using our proposed method, agents are able to swiftly change their course of action according to the changes in demand, and they also engage in collusive behavior in many simulations.
High-accuracy calculation of black-body radiation shift in $^{133}$Cs primary frequency standard
Black-body radiation (BBR) shift is an important systematic correction for the atomic frequency standards realizing the SI unit of time. Presently, there is a controversy over the value of the BBR shift for the primary $^{133}$Cs standard. At room temperatures the values from various groups differ at $3 \times 10^{-15}$ level, while the modern clocks are aiming at $10^{-16}$ accuracies. We carry out high-precision relativistic many-body calculations of the BBR shift. For the BBR coefficient $\beta$ at $T=300K$ we obtain $\beta=-(1.708\pm0.006) \times 10^{-14}$, implying $6 \times 10^{-17}$ fractional uncertainty. While in accord with the most accurate measurement, our 0.35%-accurate value is in a substantial, 10%, disagreement with recent semi-empirical calculations. We identify an oversight in those calculations.
Model reduction for transport-dominated problems via online adaptive bases and adaptive sampling
This work presents a model reduction approach for problems with coherent structures that propagate over time such as convection-dominated flows and wave-type phenomena. Traditional model reduction methods have difficulties with these transport-dominated problems because propagating coherent structures typically introduce high-dimensional features that require high-dimensional approximation spaces. The approach proposed in this work exploits the locality in space and time of propagating coherent structures to derive efficient reduced models. Full-model solutions are approximated locally in time via local reduced spaces that are adapted with basis updates during time stepping. The basis updates are derived from querying the full model at a few selected spatial coordinates. A core contribution of this work is an adaptive sampling scheme for selecting at which components to query the full model to compute basis updates. The presented analysis shows that, in probability, the more local the coherent structure is in space, the fewer full-model samples are required to adapt the reduced basis with the proposed adaptive sampling scheme. Numerical results on benchmark examples with interacting wave-type structures and time-varying transport speeds and on a model combustor of a single-element rocket engine demonstrate the wide applicability of the proposed approach and runtime speedups of up to one order of magnitude compared to full models and traditional reduced models.
Local News Online and COVID in the U.S.: Relationships among Coverage, Cases, Deaths, and Audience
We present analyses from a real-time information monitoring system of online local news in the U.S. We study relationships among online local news coverage of COVID, cases and deaths in an area, and properties of local news outlets and their audiences. Our analysis relies on a unique dataset of the online content of over 300 local news outlets, encompassing over 750,000 articles over a period of 10 months spanning April 2020 to February 2021. We find that the rate of COVID coverage over time by local news outlets was primarily associated with death rates at the national level, but that this effect dissipated over the course of the pandemic as news about COVID was steadily displaced by sociopolitical events, like the 2020 U.S. elections. We also find that both the volume and content of COVID coverage differed depending on local politics, and outlet audience size, as well as evidence that more vulnerable populations received less pandemic-related news.
One-shot Marton inner bound for classical-quantum broadcast channel
We consider the problem of communication over a classical-quantum broadcast channel with one sender and two receivers. Generalizing the classical inner bounds shown by Marton and the recent quantum asymptotic version shown by Savov and Wilde, we obtain one-shot inner bounds in the quantum setting. Our bounds are stated in terms of smooth min and max Renyi divergences. We obtain these results using a different analysis of the random codebook argument and employ a new one-shot classical mutual covering argument based on rejection sampling. These results give a full justification of the claims of Savov and Wilde in the classical-quantum asymptotic iid setting; the techniques also yield similar bounds in the information spectrum setting.
Bayesian inference of network structure from unreliable data
Most empirical studies of complex networks do not return direct, error-free measurements of network structure. Instead, they typically rely on indirect measurements that are often error-prone and unreliable. A fundamental problem in empirical network science is how to make the best possible estimates of network structure given such unreliable data. In this paper we describe a fully Bayesian method for reconstructing networks from observational data in any format, even when the data contain substantial measurement error and when the nature and magnitude of that error is unknown. The method is introduced through pedagogical case studies using real-world example networks, and specifically tailored to allow straightforward, computationally efficient implementation with a minimum of technical input. Computer code implementing the method is publicly available.
On a conjecture of Talagrand on selector processes and a consequence on positive empirical processes
For appropriate Gaussian processes, as a corollary of the majorizing measure theorem, Michel Talagrand (1987) proved that the event that the supremum is significantly larger than its expectation can be covered by a set of half-spaces whose sum of measures is small. We prove a conjecture of Talagrand that is the analog of this result in the Bernoulli-$p$ setting, and answer a question of Talagrand on the analogous result for general positive empirical processes.
PhytNet -- Tailored Convolutional Neural Networks for Custom Botanical Data
Automated disease, weed and crop classification with computer vision will be invaluable in the future of agriculture. However, existing model architectures like ResNet, EfficientNet and ConvNeXt often underperform on smaller, specialised datasets typical of such projects. We address this gap with informed data collection and the development of a new CNN architecture, PhytNet. Utilising a novel dataset of infrared cocoa tree images, we demonstrate PhytNet's development and compare its performance with existing architectures. Data collection was informed by analysis of spectroscopy data, which provided useful insights into the spectral characteristics of cocoa trees. Such information could inform future data collection and model development. Cocoa was chosen as a focal species due to the diverse pathology of its diseases, which pose significant challenges for detection. ResNet18 showed some signs of overfitting, while EfficientNet variants showed distinct signs of overfitting. By contrast, PhytNet displayed excellent attention to relevant features, no overfitting, and an exceptionally low computation cost (1.19 GFLOPS). As such PhytNet is a promising candidate for rapid disease or plant classification, or precise localisation of disease symptoms for autonomous systems.
Turbulent channel flow of finite-size spherical particles with viscous hyper-elastic walls
We study single-phase and particulate turbulent channel flows, bounded by two incompressible hyper-elastic walls. Different wall elasticities are considered with and without a 10% volume fraction of finite-size rigid spherical particles, while elastic walls are modelled as a neo-Hookean material. We report a significant drag increase and an enhancement of the turbulence activity with growing wall elasticity for both single-phase and particulate cases in comparison with the single-phase flow over rigid walls. A drag reduction and a turbulence attenuation is obtained for the particulate cases with highly elastic walls, albeit with respect to the single-phase flow of the same wall elasticity; whereas, an opposite effect of the particles is observed on the flow of the less elastic walls. This is explained by investigating the near-wall turbulence of highly elastic walls, where the strong asymmetry in the magnitude of wall-normal velocity fluctuations (favouring the positive), is found to push the particles towards the channel centre. The particle layer close to the wall is shown to contribute to the turbulence production by increasing the wall-normal velocity fluctuations, while in the absence of this layer, smaller wall deformation and in turn a turbulence attenuation is observed. We further address the effect of the volume fraction at a moderate wall elasticity, by increasing the particle volume fraction up to 20%. Migration of the particles from the interface region is found to be the cause of a further turbulence attenuation, in comparison to the same volume fraction in the case of rigid walls. However, the particle induced stress compensates for the loss of the Reynolds shear stress, thus, resulting in a higher overall drag for the case with elastic walls. The effect of wall-elasticity on the drag is reported to reduce significantly with increasing volume fraction of particles.
AnySR: Realizing Image Super-Resolution as Any-Scale, Any-Resource
In an effort to improve the efficiency and scalability of single-image super-resolution (SISR) applications, we introduce AnySR, to rebuild existing arbitrary-scale SR methods into any-scale, any-resource implementation. As a contrast to off-the-shelf methods that solve SR tasks across various scales with the same computing costs, our AnySR innovates in: 1) building arbitrary-scale tasks as any-resource implementation, reducing resource requirements for smaller scales without additional parameters; 2) enhancing any-scale performance in a feature-interweaving fashion, inserting scale pairs into features at regular intervals and ensuring correct feature/scale processing. The efficacy of our AnySR is fully demonstrated by rebuilding most existing arbitrary-scale SISR methods and validating on five popular SISR test datasets. The results show that our AnySR implements SISR tasks in a computing-more-efficient fashion, and performs on par with existing arbitrary-scale SISR methods. For the first time, we realize SISR tasks as not only any-scale in literature, but also as any-resource. Code is available at https://github.com/CrispyFeSo4/AnySR.
Revisiting Structured Variational Autoencoders
Structured variational autoencoders (SVAEs) combine probabilistic graphical model priors on latent variables, deep neural networks to link latent variables to observed data, and structure-exploiting algorithms for approximate posterior inference. These models are particularly appealing for sequential data, where the prior can capture temporal dependencies. However, despite their conceptual elegance, SVAEs have proven difficult to implement, and more general approaches have been favored in practice. Here, we revisit SVAEs using modern machine learning tools and demonstrate their advantages over more general alternatives in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. First, we develop a modern implementation for hardware acceleration, parallelization, and automatic differentiation of the message passing algorithms at the core of the SVAE. Second, we show that by exploiting structure in the prior, the SVAE learns more accurate models and posterior distributions, which translate into improved performance on prediction tasks. Third, we show how the SVAE can naturally handle missing data, and we leverage this ability to develop a novel, self-supervised training approach. Altogether, these results show that the time is ripe to revisit structured variational autoencoders.
Sparse trace tests
We establish how the coefficients of a sparse polynomial system influence the sum (or the trace) of its zeros. As an application, we develop numerical tests for verifying whether a set of solutions to a sparse system is complete. These algorithms extend the classical trace test in numerical algebraic geometry. Our results rely on both the analysis of the structure of sparse resultants as well as an extension of Esterov's results on monodromy groups of sparse systems.
MarginNCE: Robust Sound Localization with a Negative Margin
The goal of this work is to localize sound sources in visual scenes with a self-supervised approach. Contrastive learning in the context of sound source localization leverages the natural correspondence between audio and visual signals where the audio-visual pairs from the same source are assumed as positive, while randomly selected pairs are negatives. However, this approach brings in noisy correspondences; for example, positive audio and visual pair signals that may be unrelated to each other, or negative pairs that may contain semantically similar samples to the positive one. Our key contribution in this work is to show that using a less strict decision boundary in contrastive learning can alleviate the effect of noisy correspondences in sound source localization. We propose a simple yet effective approach by slightly modifying the contrastive loss with a negative margin. Extensive experimental results show that our approach gives on-par or better performance than the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the introduction of a negative margin to existing methods results in a consistent improvement in performance.
Newtonian noise limit in atom interferometers for gravitational wave detection
In this work we study the influence of the newtonian noise on atom interferometers applied to the detection of gravitational waves, and we compute the resulting limits to the sensitivity in two different configurations: a single atom interferometer, or a pair of atom interferometers operated in a differential configuration. We find that for the instrumental configurations considered, and operating in the frequency range [0.1-10] Hz, the limits would be comparable to those affecting large scale optical interferometers.
Adapt-and-Adjust: Overcoming the Long-Tail Problem of Multilingual Speech Recognition
One crucial challenge of real-world multilingual speech recognition is the long-tailed distribution problem, where some resource-rich languages like English have abundant training data, but a long tail of low-resource languages have varying amounts of limited training data. To overcome the long-tail problem, in this paper, we propose Adapt-and-Adjust (A2), a transformer-based multi-task learning framework for end-to-end multilingual speech recognition. The A2 framework overcomes the long-tail problem via three techniques: (1) exploiting a pretrained multilingual language model (mBERT) to improve the performance of low-resource languages; (2) proposing dual adapters consisting of both language-specific and language-agnostic adaptation with minimal additional parameters; and (3) overcoming the class imbalance, either by imposing class priors in the loss during training or adjusting the logits of the softmax output during inference. Extensive experiments on the CommonVoice corpus show that A2 significantly outperforms conventional approaches.
Integral Representations and Quadrature Schemes for the Modified Hilbert Transformation
We present quadrature schemes to calculate matrices, where the so-called modified Hilbert transformation is involved. These matrices occur as temporal parts of Galerkin finite element discretizations of parabolic or hyperbolic problems when the modified Hilbert transformation is used for the variational setting. This work provides the calculation of these matrices to machine precision for arbitrary polynomial degrees and non-uniform meshes. The proposed quadrature schemes are based on weakly singular integral representations of the modified Hilbert transformation. First, these weakly singular integral representations of the modified Hilbert transformation are proven. Second, using these integral representations, we derive quadrature schemes, which treat the occurring singularities appropriately. Thus, exponential convergence with respect to the number of quadrature nodes for the proposed quadrature schemes is achieved. Numerical results, where this exponential convergence is observed, conclude this work.
Large population limit for a multilayer SIR model including households and workplaces
We study a multilayer SIR model with two levels of mixing, namely a global level which is uniformly mixing, and a local level with two layers distinguishing household and workplace contacts, respectively. We establish the large population convergence of the corresponding stochastic process. For this purpose, we use an individual-based model whose state space explicitly takes into account the duration of infectious periods. This allows to deal with the natural correlation of the epidemic states of individuals whose household and workplace share a common infected. In a general setting where a non-exponential distribution of infectious periods may be considered, convergence to the unique deterministic solution of a measurevalued equation is obtained. In the particular case of exponentially distributed infectious periods, we show that it is possible to further reduce the obtained deterministic limit, leading to a closed, finite dimensional dynamical system capturing the epidemic dynamics. This model reduction subsequently is studied from a numerical point of view. We illustrate that the dynamical system derived from the large population approximation is a pertinent model reduction when compared to simulations of the stochastic process or to an alternative edgebased compartmental model, both in terms of accuracy and computational cost.
Modeling Latent Sentence Structure in Neural Machine Translation
Recently it was shown that linguistic structure predicted by a supervised parser can be beneficial for neural machine translation (NMT). In this work we investigate a more challenging setup: we incorporate sentence structure as a latent variable in a standard NMT encoder-decoder and induce it in such a way as to benefit the translation task. We consider German-English and Japanese-English translation benchmarks and observe that when using RNN encoders the model makes no or very limited use of the structure induction apparatus. In contrast, CNN and word-embedding-based encoders rely on latent graphs and force them to encode useful, potentially long-distance, dependencies.
Industrial Forecasting with Exponentially Smoothed Recurrent Neural Networks
Time series modeling has entered an era of unprecedented growth in the size and complexity of data which require new modeling approaches. While many new general purpose machine learning approaches have emerged, they remain poorly understand and irreconcilable with more traditional statistical modeling approaches. We present a general class of exponential smoothed recurrent neural networks (RNNs) which are well suited to modeling non-stationary dynamical systems arising in industrial applications. In particular, we analyze their capacity to characterize the non-linear partial autocorrelation structure of time series and directly capture dynamic effects such as seasonality and trends. Application of exponentially smoothed RNNs to forecasting electricity load, weather data, and stock prices highlight the efficacy of exponential smoothing of the hidden state for multi-step time series forecasting. The results also suggest that popular, but more complicated neural network architectures originally designed for speech processing, such as LSTMs and GRUs, are likely over-engineered for industrial forecasting and light-weight exponentially smoothed architectures, trained in a fraction of the time, capture the salient features while being superior and more robust than simple RNNs and ARIMA models. Additionally uncertainty quantification of the exponential smoothed recurrent neural networks, provided by Bayesian estimation, is shown to provide improved coverage.
Kolmogorov-Arnold Network for Satellite Image Classification in Remote Sensing
In this research, we propose the first approach for integrating the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) with various pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models for remote sensing (RS) scene classification tasks using the EuroSAT dataset. Our novel methodology, named KCN, aims to replace traditional Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) with KAN to enhance classification performance. We employed multiple CNN-based models, including VGG16, MobileNetV2, EfficientNet, ConvNeXt, ResNet101, and Vision Transformer (ViT), and evaluated their performance when paired with KAN. Our experiments demonstrated that KAN achieved high accuracy with fewer training epochs and parameters. Specifically, ConvNeXt paired with KAN showed the best performance, achieving 94% accuracy in the first epoch, which increased to 96% and remained consistent across subsequent epochs. The results indicated that KAN and MLP both achieved similar accuracy, with KAN performing slightly better in later epochs. By utilizing the EuroSAT dataset, we provided a robust testbed to investigate whether KAN is suitable for remote sensing classification tasks. Given that KAN is a novel algorithm, there is substantial capacity for further development and optimization, suggesting that KCN offers a promising alternative for efficient image analysis in the RS field.
All you need are a few pixels: semantic segmentation with PixelPick
A central challenge for the task of semantic segmentation is the prohibitive cost of obtaining dense pixel-level annotations to supervise model training. In this work, we show that in order to achieve a good level of segmentation performance, all you need are a few well-chosen pixel labels. We make the following contributions: (i) We investigate the novel semantic segmentation setting in which labels are supplied only at sparse pixel locations, and show that deep neural networks can use a handful of such labels to good effect; (ii) We demonstrate how to exploit this phenomena within an active learning framework, termed PixelPick, to radically reduce labelling cost, and propose an efficient "mouse-free" annotation strategy to implement our approach; (iii) We conduct extensive experiments to study the influence of annotation diversity under a fixed budget, model pretraining, model capacity and the sampling mechanism for picking pixels in this low annotation regime; (iv) We provide comparisons to the existing state of the art in semantic segmentation with active learning, and demonstrate comparable performance with up to two orders of magnitude fewer pixel annotations on the CamVid, Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC 2012 benchmarks; (v) Finally, we evaluate the efficiency of our annotation pipeline and its sensitivity to annotator error to demonstrate its practicality.
Simulation studies on the design of optimum PID controllers to suppress chaotic oscillations in a family of Lorenz-like multi-wing attractors
Multi-wing chaotic attractors are highly complex nonlinear dynamical systems with higher number of index-2 equilibrium points. Due to the presence of several equilibrium points, randomness and hence the complexity of the state time series for these multi-wing chaotic systems is much higher than that of the conventional double-wing chaotic attractors. A real-coded Genetic Algorithm (GA) based global optimization framework has been adopted in this paper as a common template for designing optimum Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers in order to control the state trajectories of four different multi-wing chaotic systems among the Lorenz family viz. Lu system, Chen system, Rucklidge (or Shimizu Morioka) system and Sprott-1 system. Robustness of the control scheme for different initial conditions of the multi-wing chaotic systems has also been shown.
Analysis of Coupled Scalar Systems by Displacement Convexity
Potential functionals have been introduced recently as an important tool for the analysis of coupled scalar systems (e.g. density evolution equations). In this contribution, we investigate interesting properties of this potential. Using the tool of displacement convexity, we show that, under mild assumptions on the system, the potential functional is displacement convex. Furthermore, we give the conditions on the system such that the potential is strictly displacement convex, in which case the minimizer is unique.
Wasserstein t-SNE
Scientific datasets often have hierarchical structure: for example, in surveys, individual participants (samples) might be grouped at a higher level (units) such as their geographical region. In these settings, the interest is often in exploring the structure on the unit level rather than on the sample level. Units can be compared based on the distance between their means, however this ignores the within-unit distribution of samples. Here we develop an approach for exploratory analysis of hierarchical datasets using the Wasserstein distance metric that takes into account the shapes of within-unit distributions. We use t-SNE to construct 2D embeddings of the units, based on the matrix of pairwise Wasserstein distances between them. The distance matrix can be efficiently computed by approximating each unit with a Gaussian distribution, but we also provide a scalable method to compute exact Wasserstein distances. We use synthetic data to demonstrate the effectiveness of our Wasserstein t-SNE, and apply it to data from the 2017 German parliamentary election, considering polling stations as samples and voting districts as units. The resulting embedding uncovers meaningful structure in the data.
Representation of Federated Learning via Worst-Case Robust Optimization Theory
Federated learning (FL) is a distributed learning approach where a set of end-user devices participate in the learning process by acting on their isolated local data sets. Here, we process local data sets of users where worst-case optimization theory is used to reformulate the FL problem where the impact of local data sets in training phase is considered as an uncertain function bounded in a closed uncertainty region. This representation allows us to compare the performance of FL with its centralized counterpart, and to replace the uncertain function with a concept of protection functions leading to more tractable formulation. The latter supports applying a regularization factor in each user cost function in FL to reach a better performance. We evaluated our model using the MNIST data set versus the protection function parameters, e.g., regularization factors.
Extracting thin film structures of energy materials using transformers
Neutron-Transformer Reflectometry and Advanced Computation Engine (N-TRACE ), a neural network model using transformer architecture, is introduced for neutron reflectometry data analysis. It offers fast, accurate initial parameter estimations and efficient refinements, improving efficiency and precision for real-time data analysis of lithium-mediated nitrogen reduction for electrochemical ammonia synthesis, with relevance to other chemical transformations and batteries. Despite limitations in generalizing across systems, it shows promises for the use of transformers as the basis for models that could replace trial-and-error approaches to modeling reflectometry data.
Document-level Relation Extraction with Cross-sentence Reasoning Graph
Relation extraction (RE) has recently moved from the sentence-level to document-level, which requires aggregating document information and using entities and mentions for reasoning. Existing works put entity nodes and mention nodes with similar representations in a document-level graph, whose complex edges may incur redundant information. Furthermore, existing studies only focus on entity-level reasoning paths without considering global interactions among entities cross-sentence. To these ends, we propose a novel document-level RE model with a GRaph information Aggregation and Cross-sentence Reasoning network (GRACR). Specifically, a simplified document-level graph is constructed to model the semantic information of all mentions and sentences in a document, and an entity-level graph is designed to explore relations of long-distance cross-sentence entity pairs. Experimental results show that GRACR achieves excellent performance on two public datasets of document-level RE. It is especially effective in extracting potential relations of cross-sentence entity pairs. Our code is available at https://github.com/UESTC-LHF/GRACR.
Production of Gadolinium-loaded Liquid Scintillator for the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
We report on the production and characterization of liquid scintillators for the detection of electron antineutrinos by the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment. One hundred eighty-five tons of gadolinium-loaded (0.1% by mass) liquid scintillator (Gd-LS) and two hundred tons of unloaded liquid scintillator (LS) were successfully produced from a linear-alkylbenzene (LAB) solvent in six months. The scintillator properties, the production and purification systems, and the quality assurance and control (QA/QC) procedures are described.
Fairness Constraints in Semi-supervised Learning
Fairness in machine learning has received considerable attention. However, most studies on fair learning focus on either supervised learning or unsupervised learning. Very few consider semi-supervised settings. Yet, in reality, most machine learning tasks rely on large datasets that contain both labeled and unlabeled data. One of key issues with fair learning is the balance between fairness and accuracy. Previous studies arguing that increasing the size of the training set can have a better trade-off. We believe that increasing the training set with unlabeled data may achieve the similar result. Hence, we develop a framework for fair semi-supervised learning, which is formulated as an optimization problem. This includes classifier loss to optimize accuracy, label propagation loss to optimize unlabled data prediction, and fairness constraints over labeled and unlabeled data to optimize the fairness level. The framework is conducted in logistic regression and support vector machines under the fairness metrics of disparate impact and disparate mistreatment. We theoretically analyze the source of discrimination in semi-supervised learning via bias, variance and noise decomposition. Extensive experiments show that our method is able to achieve fair semi-supervised learning, and reach a better trade-off between accuracy and fairness than fair supervised learning.
Satisfiability problems on sums of Kripke frames
We consider the operation of sum on Kripke frames, where a family of frames-summands is indexed by elements of another frame. In many cases, the modal logic of sums inherits the finite model property and decidability from the modal logic of summands. In this paper we show that, under a general condition, the satisfiability problem on sums is polynomial space Turing reducible to the satisfiability problem on summands. In particular, for many modal logics decidability in PSPACE is an immediate corollary from the semantic characterization of the logic.
Non-isomorphic Inter-modality Graph Alignment and Synthesis for Holistic Brain Mapping
Brain graph synthesis marked a new era for predicting a target brain graph from a source one without incurring the high acquisition cost and processing time of neuroimaging data. However, existing multi-modal graph synthesis frameworks have several limitations. First, they mainly focus on generating graphs from the same domain (intra-modality), overlooking the rich multimodal representations of brain connectivity (inter-modality). Second, they can only handle isomorphic graph generation tasks, limiting their generalizability to synthesizing target graphs with a different node size and topological structure from those of the source one. More importantly, both target and source domains might have different distributions, which causes a domain fracture between them (i.e., distribution misalignment). To address such challenges, we propose an inter-modality aligner of non-isomorphic graphs (IMANGraphNet) framework to infer a target graph modality based on a given modality. Our three core contributions lie in (i) predicting a target graph (e.g., functional) from a source graph (e.g., morphological) based on a novel graph generative adversarial network (gGAN); (ii) using non-isomorphic graphs for both source and target domains with a different number of nodes, edges and structure; and (iii) enforcing the predicted target distribution to match that of the ground truth graphs using a graph autoencoder to relax the designed loss oprimization. To handle the unstable behavior of gGAN, we design a new Ground Truth-Preserving (GT-P) loss function to guide the generator in learning the topological structure of ground truth brain graphs. Our comprehensive experiments on predicting functional from morphological graphs demonstrate the outperformance of IMANGraphNet in comparison with its variants. This can be further leveraged for integrative and holistic brain mapping in health and disease.
Tunable Magnets: modeling and validation for dynamic and precision applications
Actuator self-heating limits the achievable force and can cause unwanted structural deformations. This is especially apparent in quasi-static actuation systems that require the actuator to maintain a stable position over an extended period. As a solution, we use the concept of a Tunable Magnet. Tunable magnets rely on in-situ magnetization state tuning of AlNico to create an infinitely adjustable magnetic flux. They consist of an AlNiCo low coercivity permanent magnet together with a magnetizing coil. After tuning, the AlNiCo retains its magnetic field without further energy input, which eliminates the static heat dissipation. To enable implementation in actuation systems, the AlNiCo needs to be robustly tunable in the presence of a varying system air-gap. We achieve this by implementing a magnetization state tuning method, based on a magnetic circuit model of the actuator, measured AlNiCo BH data and air-gap flux feedback control. The proposed tuning method consists of 2 main steps. The prediction step, during which the required magnet operating point is determined, and the demagnetization step, where a feedback controller drives a demagnetization current to approach this operating point. With this method implemented for an AlNiCo 5 tunable magnet in a reluctance actuator configuration, we achieve tuning with a maximum error of 15.86 "mT" and a minimum precision of 0.67 "mT" over an air-gap range of 200 "{\mu}m". With this tuning accuracy, actuator heating during static periods is almost eliminated. Only a small bias current is needed to compensate for the tuning error.
Transient measurement of phononic states with covariance-based stochastic spectroscopy
We present a novel approach to transient Raman spectroscopy, which combines stochastic probe pulses and a covariance-based detection to measure stimulated Raman signals in alpha-quartz. A coherent broadband pump is used to simultaneously impulsively excite a range of different phonon modes, and the phase, amplitude, and energy of each mode are independently recovered as a function of the pump-probe delay by a noisy-probe and covariance-based analysis. Our experimental results and the associated theoretical description demonstrate the feasibility of 2D-Raman experiments based on the stochastic probe schemes, with new capabilities not available in equivalent mean-value-based 2D-Raman techniques. This work unlocks the gate for nonlinear spectroscopies to capitalize on the information hidden within the noise and overlooked by a mean-value analysis.
Risk-aware Adaptive Virtual CPU Oversubscription in Microsoft Cloud via Prototypical Human-in-the-loop Imitation Learning
Oversubscription is a prevalent practice in cloud services where the system offers more virtual resources, such as virtual cores in virtual machines, to users or applications than its available physical capacity for reducing revenue loss due to unused/redundant capacity. While oversubscription can potentially lead to significant enhancement in efficient resource utilization, the caveat is that it comes with the risks of overloading and introducing jitter at the level of physical nodes if all the co-located virtual machines have high utilization. Thus suitable oversubscription policies which maximize utilization while mitigating risks are paramount for cost-effective seamless cloud experiences. Most cloud platforms presently rely on static heuristics-driven decisions about oversubscription activation and limits, which either leads to overloading or stranded resources. Designing an intelligent oversubscription policy that can adapt to resource utilization patterns and jointly optimizes benefits and risks is, largely, an unsolved problem. We address this challenge with our proposed novel HuMan-in-the-loop Protoypical Imitation Learning (ProtoHAIL) framework that exploits approximate symmetries in utilization patterns to learn suitable policies. Also, our human-in-the-loop (knowledge-infused) training allows for learning safer policies that are robust to noise and sparsity. Our empirical investigations on real data show orders of magnitude reduction in risk and significant increase in benefits (saving stranded cores) in Microsoft cloud platform for 1st party (internal services).
Counterexample-Guided Repair of Reinforcement Learning Systems Using Safety Critics
Naively trained Deep Reinforcement Learning agents may fail to satisfy vital safety constraints. To avoid costly retraining, we may desire to repair a previously trained reinforcement learning agent to obviate unsafe behaviour. We devise a counterexample-guided repair algorithm for repairing reinforcement learning systems leveraging safety critics. The algorithm jointly repairs a reinforcement learning agent and a safety critic using gradient-based constrained optimisation.