oo-method-test / scripts /gen-training.py
Edward J. Schwartz
Pass function addresses to bat-ana
history blame
3.06 kB
#import json
import pandas
import re
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
gname = sys.argv[1]
bname = sys.argv[2]
oname = sys.argv[3]
linere = re.compile(r"symbol\(([^,]+), (func|method), '([^)]+)'\)\.")
anafile = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=os.path.basename(bname) + "_", suffix=".bat_ana")
ananame = anafile.name
def get_all_dis(addrs=None):
addrstr = ""
if addrs is not None:
addrstr = " ".join([f"--function-at {x}" for x in addrs])
subprocess.check_output(f"/data/research/rose/install-latest/bin/bat-ana {addrstr} --no-post-analysis -o {ananame} {bname} 2>/dev/null", shell=True)
output = subprocess.check_output(f"/data/research/rose/install-latest/bin/bat-dis --no-insn-address --no-bb-cfg-arrows --color=off {ananame} 2>/dev/null", shell=True)
output = re.sub(b' +', b' ', output)
func_dis = {}
last_func = None
current_output = []
for l in output.splitlines():
if l.startswith(b";;; function 0x"):
if last_func is not None:
func_dis[last_func] = b"\n".join(current_output)
last_func = int(l.split()[2], 16)
if not b";;" in l:
if last_func is not None:
if last_func in func_dis:
print("Warning: Ignoring multiple functions at the same address")
func_dis[last_func] = b"\n".join(current_output)
return func_dis
def get_dis_from_all_dis(addr):
if addr in all_dis:
return all_dis[addr]
return None
def get_dis(addr):
output = subprocess.check_output("/data/research/rose/install-latest/bin/bat-dis --no-bb-cfg-arrows --function %s --color=off %s 2>/dev/null | fgrep -v ';;'" % (addr, ananame), shell=True)
output = re.sub(b' +', b' ', output)
# print(output)
return output
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
#objs = []
df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['Binary', 'Addr', 'Name', 'Type', 'Disassembly'])
parsed_data = []
with open(gname, "r") as f:
for l in f:
if linere.match(l):
m = linere.match(l)
addr = m.group(1)
typ = m.group(2)
name = m.group(3)
#print([addr, typ, name])
all_addrs = set(x[0] for x in parsed_data)
all_dis = get_all_dis(all_addrs)
for addr, typ, name in parsed_data:
dis = get_dis_from_all_dis(int(addr, 16))
#objs.append((addr, typ, name, dis))
if dis is None:
dis = ""
typ = "notfound"
dis = dis.decode("utf8")
df = df.append({'Binary': bname, 'Addr': addr, 'Name': name, 'Type': typ, 'Disassembly': dis}, ignore_index=True)
if False:
df.to_csv(oname, index=False)
df.to_csv(oname, index=False)
#with open(jname, "w") as f:
# output = {"file": bname, "d": objs}
# json.dump(output, f)