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5HK4JCTmQI4.txt | New York we say TW Tua TW Tua with haly
Welch brother wait I like that white
girl accent you
really I want to see a rat so bad here I
can't stand it pook Pooky is your man
whoa I have to confess something to you
man as always talk to is brought to you
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don't forget to use code talk Tua when
you sign up welcome back to talk TOA
better original we got Miss Hannah
burner and today we're at the bolero and
Time Square this is is I've never
recorded a pod in this kind of space
this is pretty cool also I like these
Game of Throne chairs dude there's a
whole dope ass like bowling alley over
there we have moose and then we got Miss
Hannah today I love how Moose came
before me I'm just kidding well see I
got a thinking I was like moose is a
bigger person so moose is the star of
the show very very handsome boy it moose
he's a good boy it moose good moose
shall we I love how I've I'm taking
charge right now shall we begin with
your shoe Choice the first thing you
said when I sat down down you go these
my funeral boots these are my funeral
boots cheet print boots see normally you
wear like black to a funeral but what's
your outfit it can't be just black I
mean you got to think about it you
really got to put this into perspective
you can't just have like a whole black
outfit and no color you got to have
something that compliments your outfit
why not cheatah print boots okay I get
it I guess maybe there needs to be like
a a Happy Spirit in the room or
something you got people over here
crying and them crying oh cute boots go
back to crying you know yeah yeah it
the tension out of the room I feel like
how many funerals have you been to I
actually try to avoid
funerals I just so you don't ever get to
wear the boots I've been like three
funerals or you get kicked out cuz you
walk in with cheetah boots and they're
like you have no respect for this
person's life well you know I know the
person they probably would lik my boots
too so true true I love I mean who
thought of the whole idea of like
wearing white when you get married
wearing black when people die it seems
kind of like basic it does it's like
played out like who playing that it's so
true it's like chy I want to know who
like picked the days of the week too
like Wednesday where'd you come up with
that like do you ever think about
that kind of stuff are you high I wish
ston I do I think about too much
that's my problem I do think that it's
up how they spelled Wednesday
like who was like wedes day yeah I
didn't want to put you on the spot but
wedes day is up who was like
let's put an n in there just to up
every elementary school kid trying to
pass and they all end and why too how'
they do that the day
part the day thing we got to change some
stuff girls that's why I sat you here
today we have to make some changes yeah
what kind of changes should we start
with you know what I want to know
because this is some fish out of water
you're in New York City what what
do you like or dislike about New York
City um actually I do have one big um
problem this is my third time I've been
here and I have yet to see a rat
I want to see a rat so bad here I can't
stand it so rats only go towards people
with bad energy so you saw the TIC toac
going around saying the Rats of what's
the quote the
rats they're taking birth control
they're saying the rats are controlling
the city or whatever apparently we to we
heard from your producer that they're
giving rats birth control so that rats
can't they're giving rats abortions
abortions are rapid they have a voice
they're up I say it's it's the rat's
choice if the rats want to want a
boarding rat body their choice not their
joice exactly so if these rats cuz we
don't need no more rat also have you
ever seen a rat baby have you saw a baby
pigeon those are not real
do you know what they say though if like
a crazy person starts coming for you
kiss them your
pants that is the one they're not going
to that's the one I don't know why you
went towards kissing I mean that was
crazy that crazy thing to say what do
you do after you your pants you
like pull it out like throw it at you
got a freaking out more than they're
trying to freak you out it's like at the
bar if a guy's hitting on you and you're
just like and he'll leave you alone
that's when you fart on and dip you fart
you talk about astrology and you did
yeah you say Leo get out of here they
Leo yes are Leo obviously oh Pisces oh
emotional I'm are you crying right now
I'm not emotional I am sensitive wait
can I ask
Chelsea how has she changed has she
become a monster yes no I'm just Kidd
I she demanded these fancy chairs she
made you sit in the small one yeah what
the hell is this that had nothing to do
with me yeah that was that was her team
that was freaking go she a team at least
you got a pretty white boot beside you
yeah that's true that's true you have a
boot we these on Broadway next week Play
B damn I hate we can't go on Broadway no
more who said we got you get recognized
too even by yourself yeah but okay this
is this is going to sound offensive can
you yodel
I don't know I don't think I've ever
tried it can you
yodel I feel like you give me yodling
Vibes Mason
Ramsey few I have read that somewhere
like that's Mason Ram's older sister I'm
like man y'all he's killing it no
he is he messaged me actually he's like
dude please like a collab of some kind
he's so cute my thing is so I'm
originally from Brooklyn New York and
like I'm like a city kid like City rat
like I'm one of the rats that you want
to meet I don't know anything about the
country I don't like I don't know
country music but I appreciate it I love
different cultures but like if I'm in
nature for too long I get scared CU like
they don't have Bas they don't have
hospitals they don't have
hospitals we have a hospital hospital we
have a hospital though yeah but if you
got like a Shard of glass in your
eye they're going to tell you
you're okay like so serious that's like
country actually there's a comedian
that's very funny Ryan Hamilton who
talks about about New Yorkers how we're
always like if you can make it here you
can make it anywhere but he's like but
take a New Yorker out of New York and we
can't make it like I couldn't make it in
your town I'd freak I can't drive I
don't have a driver's license wait taxi
you don't have a driver's license no why
what it's a long
story also when I handle southern people
I started talking Southern this is who I
am now I'm trying to fit in with the
girls and she's got the camo pants on
water pants cuz I was like she'll she'll
accept me if I wear these
C but this is the thing I I actually got
my driver's license at 24 but I hit the
curb at the end like I ramm the curb and
my dad was like you shouldn't give it to
her but the person already pass me then
it expired during Co I didn't know how
to re get it and now and then I tried
and I failed my test so like I'm I'm
saving the environment by not driving
I've been talking to you for five
minutes and I'm absolutely amused with
you wait that's the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me I'm so amused
with you you really don't have a
driver's license no girl you just work
hard and you talking enough and you
get a driver you know that's fair that's
a fair point they men love driving you
around I can drive to an extent just not
on the interstate I love how you're like
I have a license but I can't drive yeah
see at least I'm not legally allowed
you're out here in these streets I am
allowed and I also run over curbs like
that's why I drive us everywhere this
don't don't don't be fooled by her
we were getting our nails done a few
weeks ago in Nashville left there she's
driving my car cuzz her car said kapi it
just no more so I'm like oh you can
drive my car whatever I love K I have to
say that more often the whole left side
of my car went and went back down I was
like what the was that and she just
kind of looked at me and smiled I was
like that was a sidewalk what do you
have a trck yeah do you have a truck
what do you think I drive oh wait that's
a good question I feel like you drive
jeep what is the most atrocious car a
white girl d a white girl can wear or
drive excuse me I'm New Yorker I don't
know anything about cars
what do you have um have you not ever
seen like the allegations of these cars
like the girls that drive it are
feral like white trash like white trash
chaotic can't drive worth as
they'll hit anything is it like a
Corolla I don't know anything about cars
a Nissan Ultima oh that just tight that
is a curb stomping ass and I feel like
you just have like gelx nails all over
the floor like that's just what I
Envision my car actually stays really
clean unless she's has been in it oh
okay that some time my car is dirty wait
so are you living in Nashville now it's
an hour south of Nashville oh so you're
still you haven't done the move to the
city oh no I won't you're not City
that's like taking you and putting you
out in the Boondocks see and that's what
we're going to do that's what we planned
you know I've never I've never been
fishing I've never been
hunting I've never been I don't really
hunt either I don't like killing stuff I
don't like killing stuff I think it's
bad like going fishing that shit's fun
do you put the fish back you eat them I
mean it depends I've been clamming
what that's some that's some Northeast
claming clamming you get in this
mud and you get a rake and then you just
clam and cl mud they live in mud do you
eat them yeah should I try one have you
ever had a clam no I'm scared of them we
have to do like a haly goes around
trying food that isn't grits actually I
don't eat grits you don't eat grits I
love grits I don't like grits I think
they're just like strange looking do you
know how I learned about Grits my cousin
Vinnie Vinnie have you watched my cousin
and Vinnie
uhuh who's Vinnie wait am I aging myself
Vinnie hacker
what we remake with Vinnie hacker my
cousin Vinnie is this movie I don't even
know if it's so it's such a beautiful
movie what's the name of it it's called
my cousin Vinnie oh but anyway they
sheat I thought that you actually had a
cousin named Vinnie no it's just a movie
it's just a movie I highly recommend
five stars but yeah it's it's a very
good movie but that's how I learned
about grits when I go in the South I
drink sweet tea and that gets me
upwe that's like crack cocaine
the sweet tea I feel like people drink
it at home but they're not like crazy
about it like it's it's more of like a
stereotype it's just like a I don't know
cuz I water hot chicken too have you
ever heard of Nashville's Hot Chicken
yeah I have never went out of my way to
get hot chicken I don't think she has
either yeah know question are you guys
considered the south or the middle South
South I say never eat soggy yeah
sth never eat soggy waffles first I want
to thank you for having a Yankee on the
Pod she doesn't know she doesn't know
what I'm talking about no I just had
like a brain fart for a minute I was
like I a know why she just said that
second of all how do you guys feel about
losing the
war what Civil
War to me oh we lost a civil war to you
yeah you all took the
L are you over it we're a little
uneducated don't know what you're
talking about um no there was a war with
North North South oh and it's kind of
crazy cuz you guys I feel like we're
better at fighting but somehow the north
won you're so educated no I don't know
anything about the war except the north
my friend was from Arkansas pigu AR Pig
I love Arkansas actually Arkansas is did
I say it funny say water water so the
way I do this pod if it if we were from
New York we say talk Tua talk Tua with
haly Welch talk Tua we're talking
today welcome New Jersey Tri State
Brooklyn Stan Island let's go let's talk
some today you ready let's go I
what's your favorite pizza
cheese I like cheese
pizza say I want to walk to the store to
get some coffee I to walk to the store
to get some coffee
your oh my white girl that's Harley wait
you sound like Ariana Grande
she I am Grande I talk like this now
wait I like that wake girl accent you
really so I've come to conclusion when
people come to me and they're like are
you that girl I'm like what are you
talking about they're like they they
immediately get scared if you dyed your
hair brown and you talk like that you'd
be good you could be
aogo like I don't see any problem with
it do
you it actually terrifies me when she
talks like that cuz she looks like she's
about she's like a Karen she's about to
be like can I play a speak to the
manager exactly mine wasn't good
store we just figured out I could do
that like a few months ago like I had no
idea I could do that this is out
here I'm her manager now do sorry doing
charity out here unnecessarily amount
she's about to get a Nobel PE Peace
Prize she's in the Peace Court she's
doing something this girl is giving back
and she doesn't have to so shout out to
you well thank you I just want to put
that out there there you ever see those
girls in like the pageants like what's
one thing you can change about the world
and they're like World Peace that's me
that is so me how do we feel
about Pooky having chest hair I
personally do not like chest hair I
don't like it touching me so I make
Pooky like shave it off I like when
pooki uses the chairman Pro Electric
full shaver it's the latest Innovation
at manscaped what makes the shav is so
amazing it's the ultimate tool that
brings a luxury and professional shave
right to his bathroom and it's kind of
fun I you should like shave his chest
for him can you use it in the shower
heck yeah it's waterproof you can use it
in the shower it comes with two skin
safe blad heads it even comes with a
travel loog it's perfect for business
shrimps and weekend getaways with Pooky
so if you're looking for a thoughtful
and practical gift that he'll actually
use in love the chairman Pro is a way to
go get 20% off in free shipping with the
code to at that's 20% off
in free shipping with the code tah the chairman Pro is the way
to go I have to confess something to you
man I knew it I knew I I was waiting for
it to come out I knew it was too good to
true so hay was talking about how she's
like I I don't want to talk to men
anymore and I have to tell you something
no I'm just kidding but it is about men
it is about men you hate them too look
some of them are good and some of them
are not and it's important to not get
rosecolor glasses but in terms of the HW
Tua thing
I hate spit
what I just have to tell you because I
feel like we're connecting and we can be
different in some ways but I'm going
stay real with you that be okay you and
Whitney are different some ways and
y'all hit it off exact because we're
both you know we like to have fun we
like to person too thank you because my
thing is I don't know what it is about
spit it's like it's I'm like I don't
want you to spit it's kind of nasty if
you think about it I don't want him but
he can put his tongue all up in me but I
don't want him spitting on me and I I'm
not gonna spit on him because you know
like when you're little you like lick
your arm and you smell it and you're
brother yeah brother so that I'm like
adult but then like if he spit I'm like
just use some Loop yeah do you
you she a spit she's she spits do you
ever run out of
spit I mean put it this
way if you ever get Cott in moue real
bad you're like trying to swiitch it up
I hate it when I'm cotton mouth that
means like my lips are shriveling up
turn I'm like oh where's my
chapstick you got to get there's nothing
together until I have Chapstick on do
they have Lube in
Tennessee yes they I'm sure they do I
mean I've personally never looked for it
but it's funny cuz I was doing crowd
work with this girl who's like younger
at the age of myself but she was like
I've never used Lube before and like
look I'm as what as they come like you
but a little Lube helps you know in the
beginning when you're a little like
nervous or like you're running out like
a little Lube just gets everything
flowing better and I was late to the
Lube game and I realized I just want a
promoter for the girls listening who may
be like me who don't love I don't like I
don't want to slip on my own spit now
that I'm thinking about it you know you
put that lube like in my shoe right what
are you talking about I was in her
bedroom the other night and we were in
this hotel a few months ago and they
have like little care bundles you know
is that what you call you know like how
they give you like little samples of
stuff like sitting on the bathroom
seeing something cond it was like a
little bag and it said kind of you guys
in so was it a brothel no it was Soho
were you getting sex traffick no
no but anyhow they had like these little
plastic things of like lube and they
were so squishy they just felt like
Orbee beads you know and I was like well
let's take it it felt like a what
like it was squishy know like slime kind
of or bead like you know how it's
squishy how do you know what an Orbee
bead is dude that's what my childhood
was I used to B I was like granny please
get me these new color of Orbeez
please she goes Orbeez beads are my
favorite they're my religion they're
what I do everything for like they're
just so soft and they're squishy I need
to look at the or I'm a texture person I
like fing on but they're squishy
and how this Lube it's like in a
little packaging that big yeah I guess
she was cleaning out her suitcase all
night and just tossed it and it went in
my shoe so that's where it kind of
stayed there's some that go hot and cold
I don't need all that that just freaks
me out it would me too like why does my
Cooter taste like bananas I don't get
that that's just not right with me like
I will be like don't spit on me but then
like I'll eat tuna fish from
7-Eleven you know that kind of freak
that's the kind of freak I am do you
have a guilty pleasure for like nasty
food I love nasty food I do too I'm a
sucker for something just I'll also try
anything like if you say it's good I'll
try it you eat caviar you know that sh
is like you don't come across it that
much I try to stay away from it now that
I know what it looks like I will not
how is it chasing you how often
cavar oh cuz you're in some rich
right now they try to give you caviar
yeah like we'll go out to dinners and
stuff for like business and I see stuff
like the sushi we had I would love to be
flying the wall one of your business
centers so you're married right yeah but
it's off brand like I don't talk about
it a lot it's just like a side thing
that happened while I was while I was
living my life it happened it just
happened if you guys have any
relationship questions by the way cuz
I'm married people think I know
everything and I can answer well I have
High Hopes in you that you know
everything how' you meet this
fell o so he's a comedian so he giggled
you out of your draws that's what it is
laughter was is the only way to no if
he's there's other ways to get me on my
drawers but laughter is sustainable like
yeah if I feel like relationships are
just like a conversation for a long time
you ever like like someone you get all
excited but then you're like sitting on
the couch with them and you're like I'm
not interested in anything you're saying
yes you know you don't like how they
breathe you need someone that makes you
laugh and I'm not saying you have to be
the comedian but make someone that that
has good chemistry that you could be
stupid with yeah I cannot be with like a
serious man he's going to be like funny
you know yeah and and there's a
confidence that comes with a guy that
doesn't take himself too seriously and a
girl who doesn't take herself too
seriously that's hot that's confident
that's why your video blew up you think
that's hot yeah I do that's good because
it's like you're you're just being
yourself and being Comfort comfortable
in your skin so how long have You' been
married I'm a baby two years just two
years but he so yeah I was in I was
doing cold calling sales mhm but I loved
comedy so I'd go to comedy shows and I
actually saw him perform at the comedy
seller way like seven years ago and I
was like this guy's hot but like I'm not
going to talk to him and he lived in
Ireland oh he's Irish he's from New York
but he's Irish and he when he was 14 he
was naughty he was being crazy so his
parents shipped him off to Ireland where
like they're even better at drinking
which is hilarious so he went to the
major leagues of drinking and became a
comedian there um but yeah irish guys
are fun does he have like an accent he
has like a mix like he'll say Irish
stuff and a queen's accent that's so
cute but um during Co I got into comedy
and we followed each other and during Co
he came back to Long Island and I was in
Long Island during Co and he just dm'd
me I was like do you want to get coffee
and it's like a best friend like you
meet them and you're just like oh I want
to spend all my time with this person
and it was like real quick but it was
right after I was like 29 single live
with my parents four cats four cats it
was it was getting like dark
aesthetically like people would be like
you're not doing well and my mom being
like is there something wrong and I was
like no one got away and like I'm
actually I feel like when you're at the
point where you go oh being single is
better than being with the wrong dude is
when the right energy comes towards you
you manifested that I manifested that I
but I feel like in my 20s it's a lot of
like figuring out who you like how you
feel comfortable like like be yourself
who the is that I don't know I'm
becoming myself my brain isn't even
fully formed in my 20s not to you know
but it's true no that's okay I learn
something new every day about myself
that that's okay I learn something new
almost every day hey Chelsea do you
remember when we went to Matt R yes that
was so much fun I just love going to
Live Events let me get on my phone and
go to the game time app and we can look
and see which event we want to go to
next oh can you see when Dosh is coming
to Nashville I heard she was going on
tour yeah that sounds like a good idea
you know what I love about game time you
can see the view from the seats before
you buy the tickets here look we got to
get those seats and game time has a new
feature it's called Game Time picks that
makes getting tickets for this event so
much easier I love using game time to
find tickets it's so simple it sounds
like it helps to filter everything so
you can see the deal so much quicker yep
and that's what's cool about it even if
we don't get these tickets today we can
get them last minute at her concert
that's great while we're in New York
City should we look and see what we can
do tonight let's do it but first
everyone needs to go download the game
time app create an account use the code
talk to and get $20 off your first
purchase term Supply create an account
and redeem code t a l k t ah for $20 off
download game time today what time is it
game time you're he's a little bit older
than you right oh yeah he's older so I'm
33 he's 48 he's mature thank you why do
you think an older man's better I have a
lot of thoughts on this and I do have to
preface this when I met this man when I
was in my 30s my brain was fully formed
I was financially independent enough
that I wasn't going to depend on him for
anything as you should and I knew what I
wanted and so when I met him in my 30s
it was like he's pre-trained he's been
yelled at by of previous girls so I
don't have to train him because I'm not
a caretaker like that he's confident in
his own stuff so he's not going to be
comparing to me or or weirdly um
competitive with me and older guys like
I listen to them when they talk because
they actually know stuff but I do have
to say in your early 20s I don't like
you with like guys in their 40s
because they could be a
little I don't love I I didn't mean to
side eye you like I do that but like
like I I like guys in your 30s when
you're in your 20s cuz at some point
guys in your 40s I'm like why are they
talking to girls whose brains aren't
fully formed yet yeah and also like are
girls their own age see them for who
they are and that's why they're going
for younger girls my man's a little bit
older but he's not that much older I
like a little bit older yeah he's like
24 yeah cuz let's be honest the maturity
emotional maturity I'd say like me and
my husband are the same is he romantic
he's romantic in like and like he'll do
anything to make me laugh a and he's
romantic and
like he like he's protective of me I
don't trust guys who are too like on
paper romantic like if a guy gets me
flowers too much or he's writing me love
letters I think he's cheating don't put
that in the back of my head I'm
just say I don't put that in the back my
head you all the stories of girls who
get murdered or they um they get cheated
on they always go he used to leave me
love letters every morning about how
great I am and I go he's
overcompensating babe what is some of
your worst and best research stories
when dating I dated a lot athletes with
CTE do you know what CTE is I don't like
the way it sounds I know it's not going
to be good what is that it's notd I know
you were thinking SCD it's not SCD whoa
whoa but they do have scds
too and you hit that it's not good so
like I love football shout out my
fantasy football team it's not good for
men like football's not good for men
they're like Gladiators and they're
risking their mental capacity of being
chase a ball to Chase the ball and they
make money but like do you really care
to make money when you came from a
sentence or you get you start punching
walls for no reason I'm just raising
awareness out here on these streets but
um athletes I dated a athlete um and
yeah he was Dumb and I joked he wanted
me to go to Bible study all the time and
I was like you can't read so how are you
studying the Bible and I wasn't going to
teach him how to read because I'm busy I
have stuff to do you're you're he really
couldn't read you're 21 years old I'm
not teaching you how to read it just
some of them he was very good at
football I feel like you're the man in
all your relationships that's how it
should be though it's funny I feel like
I just have a I was raised very like not
like oh you're a princess I was raised
like you're in control yeah just be
hardworking be smart be kind yeah so
like I'm not trying to I'm just
me and that's all you can be well I like
you I like you a lot and I like you too
I like you too who's funnier is it you
or your husband we I feel like we both
have to find each other like the
funniest the good thing is when we met
during Co we got engaged before we even
saw each other do stand up before so
like I fell in love with this man's
humor off stage like when he's on stage
that's him performing and he's great at
what he does but like there's a lot of
comics that are so funny on stage but
offstage I'm like you're depressing me
you know like they just have bad energy
or some people are really funny but they
don't see your humor you need someone
people always like oh I I want a girl
who laughs at my jokes I want a guy who
laughs at my jokes too I want stay a guy
who never laughed at my jokes he'd have
to go like he was handsome and funny and
successful and everyone like loved me
with him but when I was alone with him I
felt not funny I need to come to one of
your shows I would love to have you
that' be so fun I would love to have you
so how do you pick somebody out of the
crowd you want to like pick on that is
such a good question I want to know cuz
I was watching you last night and you
picked on Kevin poor Kevin bless his
heart bless his heart I smell fear in
the audience I don't know what it is as
a comic you're not just giving a speech
it's like a dance like you're giving me
energy I'm giving you energy and
sometimes you'll sense the boyfriend
who's a little nervous and I actually
want them to like me so how I do is I
build them up I break them down I build
them up and we go on this journey but
like I like a guy who's wearing
something weird or like if they're if
you're doing anything that I could start
off with I'm coming for you and with
comedy you have to be quick to see like
if they're going to bring it or you're
on to the next one but like if a guy's
like holding a girl's hand a certain way
what about like the street interviews
how do you pick out those kind of people
I love you know so that's why I love
your street interview so much because I
I got a lot of my career from Street
interviews but mine was with I'd be
hanging out at the standup club and I
would get the mail Comics outside and
I'd be like don't try to be funny I'm
going to ask these funny questions just
be vulnerable and let me riff with you
so you targeted men so I targeted the
men yeah and they it was great
because I got to ask them they were my
friends so I could like lean in and ask
them like really vulnerable things so I
knew them all I thought they're random
man I did at first try to do random man
I said to Comics I don't want you to
like make this into a joke like I want
it to be raw but the these guys not
everyone wants to be on camera like
they'll be like smoking sigs drunk next
day I'd get e emails like take take this
down and I just want to film people who
want to be on camera cuz like even yours
like if the next day you're like I was
drunk I didn't want you to put that up
they have to take it down oh no no they
don't did you try to get it down yeah I
did and now I'm getting a bunch of
for it but at the end of the day I don't
have any hate in my heart towards those
boys no just they do their thing I'll do
mine I do have to say sometimes the
painful things that are hard like I like
how you leaned into it and and you it
took me a minute it yeah it took me a
minute and a lot of people have viral
moments and not everyone runs with it so
I'm proud of you well thank you it took
like two or three weeks before I was
like you know what I was like he's not
going to take it down I was like I might
as well get the over this so I
did and also we come from a generation
with it's very empowering to talk about
sex obviously like I think there's some
older Generations that are like oh like
it's disgusting it's whatever I go on
stage and I talk about sex so girls feel
less alone and girls are prepared I talk
about losing your virginity on stage and
how about exper cuz and people could be
like oh she's dirty I'm not dirty I'm
talking about it so some mean it's real
though it's normal I don't
understand feels alone it's not a big
deal and also speaking as like I don't
know I feel like the South could be a
little more traditional but like to me I
was like she's a comedian and she didn't
know it yet but like you just made
people laugh and you were being SP
awareness about talking about sex is
important people want us to not talk
about sex so so people can control you
yeah they're out here controlling us no
but seriously if girls never talk we
don't know if his dick is bad if we're
not gossiping if we're not gossiping
about the dick your friend could be
getting fingered on the side of her leg
her whole life yeah left lip left lip
you got to sit down and be like no you
know he should be doing this and that
and you could do that and have you tried
that and see they should appreciate that
more yes and it's so much fun like after
your friend gets back like at the end of
the night from like a date or something
I love getting all the tea from it's the
best tell me one tell me one tell me one
Chelsea tell
me that's all girls talk about if you
want to know but I think it's
important that we talk about stuff so
I'm proud of you I think it is too we
need to normalize it like Chelsea yay
put up I a gonna say that
I I actually want to know what you're
about to say you remember what I told
you the other day oh my
God I'll tell you after I cannot say
that on camera she's a B I could tell
look at her she's a real one
she didn't know what to say when I was
telling her about this other day so me
and Pooky we had like a little pook
Pookie's your man Pookie's my officially
my man first
off oh I didn't even tell you guys heck
me okay so no they were going on a date
I tell you what he walked in and I was
like damn girl damn I was like
Pooky you look so snazzy and he was like
thanks he's like I got to show you
something and he showed me his phone and
it was like he had balloon bons all over
his room he had a sign that said m m
wait so your first date is the first
time he asked you to be his girlfriend I
love that it's it was so cute I
up so background story I've known this
man for like three years oh he's playing
hard to get and I love a good game I'm
always out the you he made it worth it I
guess he got so mad at me I ruined it I
turned the fan on cuz we went to his
apartment he tricked me he had his
friend call him and he was like hey I
need my lunch box it's like at your
house and he was like oh okay we're
going to go get it and I was like okay
that's fine Chelsea's still acting about
doing her thing you know that's fine we
go back to his apartment and he turns on
the lights and I was like his bedroom
door is shut I was like the he
hiding up in there his door ain't never
shut I was like something's cooked I
open that door and I swung it open I
would turn the lights on I turned the
fan on and all those balloons just whoos
gone it was still cute though I I do
like if every time you go to his place
he has new balloons that's not a good
sign but I like him taking a moment for
a beautiful part of the relationship so
proud of Ito he had like rose petals on
like a on the bed and a little heart
shape and then a big bouquet of roses in
pie is the most southern name I've
ever heard that's what you call you
actually know what Pooky is it's like an
atrocious fart it's
it's know wait my favorite thing about
southern names is the grandmas how you
always call him like mimma MMA M like we
call them grandma like Nana or grandma
that's it in the north it's Nana or
Grandma if they're Italian they're Nana
if they're not Italian they're Grandma
well I have granny I have a Nana um I
did have a m all everyone has what do
you got mamal
PA Pat
Paul yeah one of the
grandpas both my grandparents are dead
but like my granny's ex-husband that I
always claim to be my granddad is POA
he's POA but I did have a papy and a
papy yeah papy War overalls it just
makes sense about papy Election Day is
coming up on November 5th and there's a
website send the talk that
makes registering to vote very easy it's
a nonpartisan meaning they don't care
who you're voting for they just want to
ensure you can vote head over to send
the talk and they'll help you
sign up register and check if you're all
set you can also text talk to 33022 to
learn more that's t a l k33 022 see if I
was president we'd have no issue I'm
just not old enough that's the only
problem yeah but we'd have mandatory
smoke sessions we've talked about this
before 12:00 p.m. every day and then the
crime rate's going to drop you know
because everyone's asleep watching TV or
they're eating the only problem we're
going to face food shortage this is this
is a standup bit that was your first
standup bit and you you say if I was
president that gets a laugh I'm going to
have everyone of smoke breaks little
you can make a joke about be like not um
smoking crack that was that was my nanny
or whatever my mama that's my mama
that's my mom we don't recommend we're
smoking weed and then you go into and
then you end it with the food shortage
hilarious that's your first bit babe we
got it I I'm trying to be funny I'm
being serious and that is what you're
you're that kind of person when you try
to be funny you'll throw yourself off
just be serious cuz you're a funny
person if we're talk talk about being
funny people I I saw the bit you done
about queefs can we talk about that for
a minute actually this my favorite bit
thank you for bringing it up I love that
how' you come up with that no it was she
actually FKS but she just blames it on
queef because what do you know smells
okay if this you blame it on the dog
obviously there's always a dog in the
room I don't know why moose did you do
this moose the what if there's not a dog
in the room if there's not dog oh I'm
sorry I was I was just referencing at
you but if we ever fart in room it's you
I'm sorry and I apologize for putting it
on you but that's what you look like you
would have a a smelly fart cuz we're
dainty women my thing so it was actually
me and my podcast host for giggly Squad
we were talking about queefing and how
it's messed up how guys will be like you
queefed and we were like stop saying I
queefed you queefed me like you're
pumping me with air like a pool toy like
you put it on to me I was just sitting
here like a basketball and like
yes I'm so tight that the air got
trapped and made a sound down but that's
not my fault that you didn't anticipate
that and then I was saying yeah what but
whenever I I'm gassy so like
occasionally you know you're trying to
push out orgasm and occasionally you
push out a little little fart you're
holding or you know what you will not
have to fart all day and the second you
start doing doggy you're like why do I
not have to fart and you gota like
clench your butthole you got to clench
it and you can't clench an orgasm it's a
whole thing so I say if you accidentally
fart you go I sorry I queefed and dudes
don't know what queefs are anyway so you
get away with it
like e did you
fart did you guys he that you smell that
girls Gaslight F like that's our gas
late like we will blame anyone else and
if he's like no I didn't it's like well
who else could it be not me exactly I'm
the one wor I'm like do you smell that
what the is that whole time it's my
I do have to say when I start
drinking beer and you know like you're
dancing and they're you're just shaking
the beer in your stomach and then
obviously I have like the worst beer
fart and it's never me it's always the
dude behind me I'm like what the that's
disgusting bro get this out
of here came to the bathroom right now
he needs to change his underwear yeah
but I also I'm not the I'm not the far
police like if I smell something I don't
try to like you know there people who
are like who done it who done it I never
do that cuz a lot of time it's me so I'm
not trying to be like the second it's
not me I don't want to come for other
people because I know how scary it is
when it is you we actually need an
answer from you we were talking about
this was it last night or this morning
I don't know what is it pissing oh
no when SC is it f what is it what is it
we need to know I it's 2024 and
scientists still haven't figured this
out no one gives a about women
they're like oh we don't care this we do
we we care I think well it's from the
pee hole right I don't know I don't I
have no idea think there's some pee but
it's not PE pee like it doesn't smell
like pee PE I think it's it's it's like
milk 2% pee is a little like if you ever
get the urge to pee do you just squirt
do it you're like like what if it is
piss and it's like bright yellow what do
you do then smells like
asparagus it's through three wreath
right yeah so you know what you do I
just squirted in the bathroom before
PA I like how you put that and why
aren't you president that's what
I've been saying and no one's listening
to me well I'll be your running mate
I'll be your Vice I'll be your VP I'll
just be the hype girl on the back
shaking my ass dude you literally got
this and I'll be like we got City we got
country we're bringing the North and
South together right now bring red and
blue together to make purple today at
hakua it does make purple we couldn't
see your ass by the
way anyways I have a game
out for October it's called ghost or NW
okay all right so I'm going to ask you a
few questions and
say if you ghost him or you know you got
you got it okay I'm Pro ghost all
right call you baby nah no I like that
like that I like that I like that a lot
yeah I like that I thought you I thought
you didn't like baby I don't like baby
girl okay I feel like I like baby girl
that's a new one that's important yeah
baby girl means he's like baby girl did
you ever watch that movie it's like 365
days and it's like you did and he's like
baby girl that's what done it for me I
was like get get the out take your
and get out now I I couldn't stand
that calls you the wrong name in bed
ghost ghost that one actually I'd
probably beat his ass then ghost
him that's probably how that would go
also I love how little you are when you
say I'm a beat his ass like she she's
Nimble I could break you like well see I
don't fight fair I'm going to pick up
what I can find like a lamp or like a
table a microwave I'm fix it pop you in
the hand and then I'm going to Sprint
away after you're
unconscious I'm scared
that's that was some straight you need a
WWWE I think it be fun yeah but manager
put that in she's fighting jojoo okay
I'm excited I love you Jojo and okay
wait this is a good one you send him to
go pick up pads and he comes back with
diapers I'm not go see him because
that's just a man I'm gonna say no
because Jamie asked us if we wanted
regular or if we were feeling sporty
today so oh yeah
hypocrite it is cuz like I don't know my
favorite is to ask him to get you um the
Super tampons or asking the difference
between a super tampon and a regular
tampon they never know that they'll
always be like one of them is like
powerful super uh exactly like the ultra
ones are like what does that mean like
is it the size it just means they don't
have sisters They Don't Care About Women
okay the next one's posting thirst traps
ghost if he's posting thirst traps ghost
yeah like why are you doing that like
when they're posting pictures in the
mirror with their show off and they're
like yeah I'm like get out who sent you
yeah I don't know if they're even
attracting girls at that point oh what
about long toenails no and no I I more
prefer no long fingernails because it
means if he's fingering you it's like
saw three saw three I ghosted a man once
because his toenail scratched me we were
going to sleep like after that i' never
talked to I remember that that was
probably very imature me exact same
reason no but it says a lot about him
he's not if he's not taking care of his
toes how's he going to take care of your
Jelly Bean do you have a Alter
Ego um yeah I think when I'm on stage
what's her name name
um I think it's like um Hannah berer
Hannah ber that's the ultra ego's name
yeah that's my my diva monster name okay
Hannah berer because people be like is
it burner and I go ber she when I'm
famous on berer she's a man eater oh
Haley also has a who's your old you
go so we've recently established that I
also have another one we've figured this
one out the other night
Harriet we have Harley Harley's the bad
one that you want to beat with like a
chair or something she's really and
Harriet's just Good Vibes like you want
to be around Harriet Harriot is just a
peach then what is
haey we're still figuring that out and
that you'll see on the next podast
podcast of talk Tua when we delve a
little deeper into Haley
psyche Haley is actually experiment
seven like I I don't know I couldn't
tell you what Haley is Haley's an alien
I'm actually you just pull off your mask
and we like Adam Sandler alien's
actually like in my middle name haly's
vagina's name is Big Martha big Martha
name for your I'm obsessed with that
um Lotus Flower Bomb Lotus bom that is
the winner right there thank you it's
aot of help Chelsea name hers yeah how
about you come up with a name for mine
cuz she's trying to name mine
Doug does Doug not sound like a good
name no that just sounds dirty that's
not I think a Doug I think I like the
gremlin what about
okay I like mosquito it grows on me you
want to see my little mosquito
what the
you could have a comedic
three-way with with two other
right who would it be I would say can I
pick can I do a four-way sure damn more
than wasn't enough Ali Wong Chelsea
Handler Whitney and
me okay fair enough that should be
entertaining as
he a Bard why this um I'm not going
to say Matt rif because Pooky will smack
me on the back of the neck with a wait
how are you guys doing we're good who
her and Matt RI for her and
boie um well I try not to talk about him
Pooky gets jealous uh sorry Pooky yeah
I'm not gonna say Matt R for this
because he will actually whoop my ass
he's very insecure about Matt R yeah I
mean there's only a pillow on my bed
oven but whatever
all right I'm still there now what's one
moving bed that makes a man go crazy oh
what's a moving man that makes moving
man a moving man that makes a b crazy oh
um I've heard everything you can think
of so don't be creative I'm trying to
make it cuz like you can't just say
doggy um you ever heard the cork
screw I said the same thing I said the
same thing you got to rotate you got to
spin on that dick rap for you know oh
when you're doing a I don't give hand
jobs I'm a grownup um yeah grow up you
can do it yourself at this point you do
it better than me I'm not also my
fingers are like literally Nubs I'm not
giving hand jobs um figure it out it
guys they want you to give an Oscar
performance about how about their dick
you know you've never seen a dick like
this but to get there it's fun to be
like like put in just like this is the
most insane experience ever happen and
it's also like manifesting like then you
start actually feeling like oh this is
actually great and then like it's all
mental so I think the best thing you
could do in bed is like be mentally
present like don't be thinking about
your taxes or thinking about that email
you didn't respond to like try to be
present in the moment with him and his
dick all right y'all now that we're a
month into the NFL season I can
confidently tell you one thing better
pick has me out here loving football For
the First Time and Forever when you got
a chance to win a thousand times your
money watch football it's impossible not
to love it I have no idea who's winning
the Super Bowl but I do know one thing
when you pull that crumply old dollar
bill out of your ass and put it into a
better pck lineup that is fun
download better right now make a lineup
and I dare you to tell me it doesn't
make your NFL Sundays a thousand times
more fun download better play better
pics so you're telling me I can't be
thinking about like something to eat
after no that's my biggest issue I'm
like Taco Bell sounds so good
it's like n no we've been no we've been
there but that's like the best sex is
when you literally like time stops you
have to be relaxed you have to be turned
on also you can you can um manifest
while you masturbate you heard of that
masturbation manifestation when you
orgasm if you think about something you
want it's like the most top Tier Energy
to put into the universe so you
go you just pop that thing I got you I
got you you go I want to call her D okay
so we to get some stones out and some
crystals and you could orgas them with a
stone in you that's some La though
I haven't done that I would wind up
sucking that thing up and it would be
gone you don't have to put in your mouth
I wasn't talking about my
mouth I wasn't talking about oh you got
coat well anyway if you have if you get
any Stones stuck in you I am not to
blame you wouldn't come fish it out with
a headlamp that was some white trash
you just
said well thank you Hannah for coming
and thank you Bolero for having us in
here y go like comment subscribe to talk
to with Haley Welch follow wherever you
get your podcast while you're watching
this take a picture and tag me and tell
me who you want next tag me and talk to
him and I'll be sure to repost I'm
really excited about my new Merchant if
you want some for yourself go to shop.
better. apppp and one more time shop.
better. apppp
[Music] |
1J6VVBoKtVk.txt | do you know that Jimmy Carter is set to
appear on the T Tua with Haley Welsh and
someone please tell me who Jimmy Carter
is but get a load of this okay she's
going to bump on that thing oh that's
going to be a new thing what if Matt R
came in and asked you to date him that's
my man that's going to that's going to
tape into the daddy issues oh Jesus so
what was your messiest breakup like it's
so messy that it's like humiliating like
the cops were involved
I'm really excited about my new Merchant
if you want some for yourself go to
shop. better. apppp and one more time
shop. better doapp hello there and
welcome to episode three of talk
TOA I'm Haley and I'm Chelsea and our
special guest of the day come on in here
girl our girl Caitlyn bristo
how are you guys we're how are you heck
yeah you got your cup over there don't
you oh my gosh E I saw water first water
yeah e nobody fish have sex in that we
don't drink
that that's a good way to put it I
learned many things from working in a
restaurant and it's all the like cheesy
on liners that guys would use and
they're like oh I don't want that fish
have sex and that and I was like well
I'm going to recycle that one wait used
to work in a restaurant too yes 11 years
I worked in the restaurant Biz which is
how I came to have a love for one wine
cuz I had to teach servers about wine
knowledge so now I'm like you know it's
called research and development what
kind of restaurant did you work in it
was like I I can't compare it to
anything in America it was Canada and it
was basically like um like a high-end
chilies if you came to my table and you
like served me food I'd be hitting on
you the whole time you would yeah really
definitely would be were you like a
server or bartender um both I had to do
server bartender and then go into
management which I had no business doing
cuz I was probably just drinking wine
out of one of these fair enough we got
you a little gift wait you did we do I
was about to just tell you how proud I
am of you I'm so proud of you I love you
I get HED to a merch oh yeah you do [ __ ]
wait till you read the shirt you got to
read the shirt
okay I need to talk to a therapist well
I do that quite often actually do you
really oh my gosh I've got listen I've
I've got a the thank you well of course
I've got a therapist I've got a life
coach I've got a spiritual coach I've
got um I've got it all I am locked and
loaded with tools yet still I'm 39 and
not married what does a spiritual coach
do um oh we go through
visualizations we like go into our
selves um it's I talk to my inner child
it's it's quite
ridiculous talk to your inner child yeah
you guys are still kids though that's
why you can't do it oh if I
saw I'd be like who the [ __ ] gave you
those bangs
[ __ ] bangs are always a bad idea yeah
I'm kind of myself what would you say to
your younger self if you could if you
could tell her one thing yeah what would
if I could tell my inner child one thing
I'd be like make dick jokes make dick
jokes we need a hat that says that yes
cuz I make those too I don't know why
it's not normalized like there's bigger
problems out in the world why are you
worried about me cracking a do a a do
yeah a dooke a dick joke there you go
you just made a new thing yeah that's a
new thing now do that's merch put it on
a t-shirt right now yeah do so you like
making dick jokes too don't you I do I'm
like I'll never forget I was I when I
was The Bachelorette so many years ago
I'll never forget this guy coming up to
me and he said honestly I think you're
just here to make up with dudes and make
fart jokes and I was like Fair I'd be
like who sent you how do you know that I
was like that's that's actually valid
point I love a fart joke so how did you
feel on The Bachelorette like you got
like so many men throwing themselves at
you it's the only time that you walk
into a room and just like 30 men stand
up and clap for you and I really took
that in like I was like be in the moment
Caitlyn W every time I walked into a
room they just stand up and clap for me
and I'd be like oh my God and then you
get a little too used to it yeah it's
okay but it was fun for like five
minutes and then I hate hurting people's
feelings so I was just constantly like
disappointing people that I actually I'm
still friends with a lot of the guys
though good though yeah you wouldn't go
back and do it again if you could um no
see I always say if I was on one dating
show I would do the bachelor The
Bachelorette like I couldn't do love
island or anything like that I don't
think I could do The Bachelorette
there's too many men and I'm like I
don't know I think I don't think I can
focus on so many men coming up to me
like get away from me you know there's
too many of you go on but this is why
you are you this is why you are you you
would make the most entertaining season
I feel like that franchise have has done
the same format for what like 35 years
we need to mix it up get you in there
who you're like you're like I don't like
affection yeah get away from me it' be
hilarious the guys would want you so
much more but I just I think I'm s what
about what about being on The Bachelor
like competing with com back you did
that didn't you competing against other
girls I was like the girl that was there
to make friends all the girls are like
I'm not here to make friends that's what
I would be like I have some of my best
friends out of it and I remember people
like getting like all the girls got
pretty attached to each other and when
they would go home people would start
crying and I would be like guys we're
here to get rid of people like this is a
good thing like you're still here but it
was interesting like a lot of um
estrogen in one room you would think it
would be really caddy I thought we were
going to have a boring season because we
all got along and then editing as a
beautiful thing and I watched it back
and I was like oh damn damn when did
that happen I feel like if I was on that
I'd be more concerned like about the
female friendships yeah like sure
there's men but I'm not here for you I'm
here for the women you know yeah you're
girls girl power I think we need more
girls girls we need more girls girls
people like to think I'm not a girls
girl but I really am deep down I just
make inappropriate jokes I think you're
a girls girl I really am we're top in a
pod we in a podcast that's kind of funny
yeah you probably made that joke before
but it's okay okay wait can we go back
to what you said you're dating somebody
do people know this uh well I wouldn't
say dating just yet is this Pooky is
Pooky shut the heck up that's my man no
it is that is my man officially what if
Matt re came in and asked you to date
him would he be your X-Men oh [ __ ]
you're putting me on the spot here I'm
sorry I love you Matt but I'm going have
to kick your ass to the curb I'm soling
my tell her about the plans um that he
had for you
Sunday no
I he you plans can I say it
yes it's not it's not bad it's not this
is I just talked about editing we can
edit this out later are you talking
about Mr Pinky no I'm not okay that's
what I thought you were going you just
brought it up Mr Pinky yeah that's what
I thought you were going with us I was
like Chelsea shut your mouth no no no no
so we were planning on introduce me to
Mr Pinky I want to know
no oh my God I can sit here guys so this
weekend we were going to go out of town
and he was like oh Dam dang I wish you
weren't going on town I was going to ask
you to be my girlfriend and take me on a
date and I was like supposed to say that
though sir you still have time I'm kind
of glad you did though cuz now I can
like prepare myself for it cuz I like oh
can I get back to you in about 3 days
you know but with Pooky I have so many
questions but with Pooky you will be
affectionate you cuz I know you don't
like affection it weirds me out still
cuz I'm not used to it but you're
obsessed with him oh yeah but you don't
want Mr Pinky in your
butt that's what I'm assuming it
I want to tell you who Mr Pinky is so
bad can you I can't I mean it's kind of
like you could I'm trying to it's say
penis no oh I'll tell you after I was
going to say that would be an
nickname okay you tell me later Jesus
Christ sorry we're already going there
but no he makes me feel like I can be
like a a girl I don't have to be like
you know like a I don't have to be tough
are you ever going to introduce him to
the world she's gatekeeping Pooky you
gatekeep him as long as you can you
think I should private relationships
till the end I'm one day I'm just going
to be pregnant and married and people be
like what that's yeah where'd he come
from be because honestly you have so
much going for you and you don't want
all the noise to be coming in and
focused on your relationship let that be
your little um I like to call it a um
what did my therapist call it oh an
inside treat an inside treat let him be
your inside treat you share so much with
everybody and you're so wonderful and
you've got this Talent of just being
your authentic self just hang on to that
and then have Pooky on the side and keep
that your little inside treat and then
everyone will be talking about it my
biggest thing I was like we should bring
him on a podcast and then I got to think
blow out his face and do the like warped
voice cuz I'm I'm a jealous person and
the first person I seen his DM talking
about you're hot I'm I'm going to have
to go to war this is another reason you
can't introduce him to the world if
you're jealous really really jealous do
you think do you think that's an age
thing cuz I was really jealous at your
age too did you get over it I did I
don't think I have a jealous bone in my
body now like I'm almost turned on if
somebody's flirting with the
guy yeah you belong on a psychiatric W
that is a fact yes but no okay maybe I'm
taking it too far but I just I'm like I
don't know I think that's because I have
therapists maybe I should get eight
therapists and I won't be it's taking me
10 years to build up this confidence and
it's still lacking if I was to like see
another woman bat their eyes at him I'm
going to have to strangle her until she
like fall out the floor turning purple
no like and I'm like that with her too
like Men start flirting with her I'm
like go on somewhere get get back go get
go on get that's not how you been lately
well I like that one miss Chelsea what's
going on yeah you didn't have to bring
that up she's trying to set me up with
pooky's friend well that would be the
ideal situation I know best friends
dating best friends I feel like it's
forc kind of ain't nobody forcing
nothing you been his friend first
I like him he won me over he so I was an
[ __ ] to him and then he was an
[ __ ] back to me I was like okay I
like that he can take the heat I was
like yes yeah you want the give and take
kuki give and take yeah oh I am so
intrigued by this we click pretty good
you and Pooky yeah Oh I thought you were
talking about me I was like you do I'm
such a drama queen so we joke around we
have kind of like the same sense of
humor he told me to leave the other
night and I was like okay I got up and I
got every bit of my [ __ ] and walked out
to my car and I was like turning back I
was like I know he's going to come out
here and get me but you got all the way
to your car and he he still ain't he
running out committed to the bit he like
wait I knew what I was doing I just
wanted to see if You' come get me oh yes
you're I [ __ ] this I hope you always
have this I hope you guys are like 90 on
your porch just like still making jokes
being in love and maybe by then you'll
be open to intercourse you know that Tik
Tok it's like a people put like the old
people filter on yeah it's like I a
never seen you move like that you know
that's going to be all that will be that
already is you I'm such an old soul um
you really are I've always thought that
about you from knowing you for like a
week but does he look does he resemble
Matt R because a lot of people go after
their celebrity crushes feature wise
dark hair let be
little okay who's your celebrity
crush I feel like I don't have one I
feel like you do you like Raleigh green
I do like Raleigh green a oh I'm
interviewing him soon nuh yeah do you
want to come yeah okay I'll just come
there and stare at he's going to be on
my podcast next week you guys can come
two times I want to figure out your
celebrity crush you've never had like a
you've never had like a dream about a
celebrity where you're like that was too
real and it no oh have you so I actually
had a dream about Matt r a few weeks ago
and it like traumatized me a little bit
like I pushed the pillow Plum off my bed
for a few days I was like don't look at
me I was like brother get get on
somewhere you know why what so I had a
dream it was like after one of his shows
and it was like the hallway like I guess
where they get ready backstage and stuff
like that after one of his shows
everybody else already left besides like
the janitors and stuff they're cleaning
and then they all disappeared okay and
then the lights like got dimmed like
everything was going on like what's
going on here you know did Endless Love
come on no oh no this [ __ ] like had me
[ __ ] up I woke up sweating oh was like
bad yeah oh this man he come out and he
was like just give me a minute you know
I'll be right back I was like oh okay he
comes back and he's like looking at me
awful weird so I was like okay I need to
get away from him I start running from
him and hiding this closet and there's a
bunch of dead girls in this closet when
I get in it he's like killed you know
I'm like what the [ __ ] he opens the door
and finds me and I like Dart in between
his legs and run out and then I'm in a
corn field somehow and then he runs out
with a axe and starts like cutting on my
ankle and I was like what the [ __ ] and
it was so vivid too like I see my ankle
like getting split open the fact that
this was 3 weeks ago and you could can
tell me this it scares yes that's the
only like dream there's like a few
certain dreams I've ever had my whole
life I can remember but that it [ __ ]
me up I remember that's cuz you ate a
jar of pickles the night before I
probably did probably had Munchies or
something they say do you smoke
weed oh no she doesn't what I mean you
got to eat your Greenies smoke your
Greenies you
know you're just you got to get your GRE
in somehow she was like you know what
we're going to live longer and I was
like why she was like like we smoke our
greens and we eat them I was like yeah
but our brain's going to be like rotted
by the time we're old you know what I
see your point because you'll just be
chill and stress is the number one
factor in like illness so you're just
chilling it's
either you don't smoke weed and you go
see a the do you smoke weed I once in a
blue moon I that's why you see a
therapist that's why you see a therapist
which one though see multiple that's so
you are just the cutest well thank you
yeah sometimes I just you really you are
too thanks you're more of like the
silent Thunder like you're like sweet
and and more quiet and no that's what I
mean silent Thunder like she's really
she's going to like she'll throw down if
she ask you what what do you have to say
about that she's not really
quiet maybe like on cameras and stuff C
are different they make me nervous
sometimes they still make me nervous too
really yeah do you think you're going to
get used to it I think I've adjusted to
it a little bit better than I have yeah
since like the first episode we've done
yeah and I've also only talked to women
after that so oh men intimidate me
really they intimidate me pretty bad you
know you know how I get and we did this
on my podcast but I want to dig deeper
why do they intimidate you my daddy I'm
going to say oh God I a going to say
that everybody going watch this [ __ ]
well that's real if that's we don't have
to go there but that's real but you you
think like it's something I just don't
like talking to them
maybe I connect with women more I have
mommy issues like I think of you as like
a mother I'm like Mom a wait I love that
I used to be really insecure about my
age and like getting older and you just
said that and I realized that I've
evolved as a woman because I just took
that as a compliment good but I'm I'm I
will be your mother we need your secrets
like how do you look like that in your
39 well thank you I um you want me to
tell you yeah okay one I have severe
severe body dysmorphia So when you say
that I'm like you're just saying that to
make me feel good I don't look good I
wouldn't toot your horn if it didn't
deserve a good toot wow I'm I'm pretty
blunt like you had ugly shoes and
everybody else is like oh your shoes are
cute I keep my mouth shut I wouldn't lie
to you you know what I believe you thank
you for saying that um I I used to have
a really tough relationship with food
and my body I never like suffered this
is what I say I never had like an eating
disorder but I had had disordered eating
so I thought like don't don't like eat
this they count calories like you know
what I mean I did a lot of work around
it and now I'm like I eat so much and I
work out so hard and it I do it for
mentally over physically and my favorite
saying is um like work on the inside and
the outside will fall into place because
I think I've just done so much work on
myself mentally and physically to like
feel good and feel strong and when I was
I don't know 30 I think 30 was when I
picked somebody on The Bachelorette and
he was a personal trainer and I went uh
oh I got to watch my relationship with
my body like he was very active and very
like ripped and ate properly and I could
feel it like stirring things up for me
but I just you know called one of my
therapists and now I I do things to feel
good mentally instead of physically and
that side just falls into place I'm
going to need your workout routine um
okay well I'll give it to you I go to
berries twice a week Berry's boot camp
shout out give me free
classes I can't afford it just kidding
um I heavy heavy lift twice a week and
then I Pilates once a
okay so I'm I'm laughing because my arms
are so
pathetic and my spray tan is really
coming off right now I was oh look at it
can you zoom in on that I got blood work
done today my spray T our Pet's heads
are falling off look at this free T um
dude we got like the same arm yours is
bigger than mine though but but get a
load of this okay okay she's going to
bump on that thing oh that's going to be
a new thing
[ __ ] please don't zoom in on my terrible
spray tan I was just in the south of
France and I got the most aggressive
spray tan and now it's coming off and I
I saw that you were in a bikini picture
and I was scrolling I was like holy
[ __ ] [ __ ] I was like Wow squats I
said double tap did you I did did you
double tap my butt that's very nice seen
it I I I have learned to
um get past my body dysmorphia and just
like own it because I that to me I'm
like people could look at me and be like
that's silly but like it doesn't matter
if it's silly or not that's my brain
it's like it's like a chemical imbalance
and so I try and lean in sometimes but
like do you have you realized yet at
21 that going through phases of your
cycle have you learned about it yet
like mean your follicular phase I could
be pronouncing that so wrong a folicular
lual phase what that oh okay this is
where you got to this is where work with
your team on this schedule things in
your week where you're feeling like
you're thriving you're excited you have
energy take the week off when you're on
your period like schedule your life
around your phases of your period and
it's I'm not kidding it'll change your
life now I'm a little bit of a [ __ ]
when I'm on mom but she is concerning
when she's on her you the [ __ ] out of me
where were we at New York but the thing
is I don't like I'm not a [ __ ] to you I
just go silent I'm like and when she
does speak you're like yeah that's you
just got to understand her face the
first few days you know there's got to
be an app for this sure where friends
can share
their this sounds crazy to people and
I'm like I don't know what your
demographic is of your listeners are
they Young old all I think there's a
little bit of everything in there how
wonderful do you know how great this is
for you it's it's pretty cool oh
like what that is like um aism yeah that
halis I just Wing everything but but
that's relatable well thank you I I feel
like um the the least favorite people I
come across in life for the calculated
ones and I like when people are just
winging it and doing their best and
being themselves I'm going to make this
part really simple you only need eight
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have a nice and easy day winning up to a
thousand times your money I don't know
what it is but I connect energetically
okay this is where the spiritual coach
comes in I just connect like
energetically with certain people and I
literally feel connected to you to as
like I want to protect like you're just
special souls and U just mommy issues
easy on that well I've got them too do
you really look just sign the adoption
papers and adopt me look my inner child
no I'm just kidding I'm I'm just kid
but it's I will I'll adopt you will you
really but I get 10% of everything you
make that's okay as long as you prom to
make cookies with me I'll bake the [ __ ]
out of cookies with you I just want to
buy you a Mother's Day gift oh well wait
let's make this a thing okay I'll get
you one every year I don't like do you
do um do you and Pooky do like your
what's it called uh five love languages
do you know what they are I'm easing
into this whole relationship thing I've
had two boyfriends my whole life
definitely you're definitely not um like
um physical touch we know that do you
like sometimes it's okay he's the first
one that I've actually seen you be okay
with like touching you a like I'll look
over and Haley has her feet like sitting
on his lap and I'm like who the [ __ ] is
she yeah it's strange I'm telling you he
just puts me my little feminine ARA and
you knew him before all of this yeah is
he so proud of you that's going to oh
that's going to tap into the daddy
issues oh
Jesus this is why I need to take you
under my wing I'm I'll be your therapist
I'll be your mom I'll be your therapist
I'll be your dad I'll be your
relationship me all the time that's
amazing he's a little Peach good don't
expect like the bar is in hell for 21
year olds I feel like like they don't
know who they are how old he's older too
he's 24 so he's older she's he's
older oh Lord I I like like older for me
I I could get down with 40 plus I
understand but I'm not taking anything
younger than 40 these days I don't like
them young no cuz then you got to teach
them how to act and then everything else
like or you get them before they're
corrupted yeah I but yeah I like I like
somebody who's been through some [ __ ]
maybe someone who's divorced I like a
little trauma all yeah a little trauma
cuz like they'll know where I'm coming
from where you're coming from yeah they
understand certain stuff they's small te
trauma and there's big tea trauma and
we've all got something everybody got a
little what how could I put that
everybody's got a little junk in the
trunk you know skeletons in the claw I I
think those are two very different
things okay junk in the trunk is a great
way though to describe I don't have any
junk in the trunk let me junk in the
trunk and skeletons in the closet um
sure what are the five things you're
telling me about oh love languages yeah
what is that I bet everybody that's
listening right now is like please don't
talk about the five love languages
everybody beats the dead horse until
it's in its next life and then beats it
again with five love languages but it's
physical touch words of affirmation
gifts quality time and acts of service
well you didn't put food on
there that that's one of my biggest Love
Languages add it to the sixth you this
is why you're unique your love language
is food I mean most women I'm sure
there's some that are like hard to
please but like most of them I've met
they're really not hard to please all
you got to do is feed us and tell us
we're pretty that's it oh
well okay what's something that a man
can do for you you're just like a marry
me you know go to
therapy no that's a good one that is a
good one go to Y and
um okay and um don't take shirtless
selfies you don't like those I mean it
depends I don't want to date I can't do
that I'm literally like flexing my butt
cheeks on Instagram and then not being
like but don't do a shirtless photo I
don't I just want a guy who like uses
um uh social media in a way like I love
what you're doing because you're like
I'm me but I'm also I'm talking about
things that are important to me and I'm
just it's not too serious like it's it's
not that deep I'm not a serious person I
and that's but that's you I like if
somebody's serious I just want people to
be themselves and I want them to um just
not try and be somebody else fair enough
yeah fair enough that's a good way of
put it nobody's ever said that out loud
I don't think I've never heard it out
loud well you've only done three
yeah maybe some episode 58 or something
that's I'm trying to think of how many
podcast episodes I've done and I i' I've
done it for eight years and I don't know
how many I'm at but so you're really
comfortable at it but my biggest
insecurity is how many times I repeat
myself cuz I'm like I don't remember
what I said 3 weeks ago we just watched
one we watched you were on the you up
Podcast oh Lord what was our question we
had for is is okay you were talking
about um when you breaking up with
someone and he lived with you yeah yes
yeah how do you how do you break up with
someone who lives with you your house
that was your house right oh yes um what
do you say do you say pack up your tube
socks and your gym bag and get out of my
house you know what do you say to that
it makes it a little easier though
because they don't have anything there
so they can just their clothes and get
the [ __ ] out I just was like Hey you hul
do you do brand
deals I'd like to make some money no I'm
just kidding I'm I'm joking everybody's
G to take that seriously but uh yeah no
I just somebody asked me the other day
two questions that stood out to me on my
q&as on Instagram the other day one was
um I've been with this guy for 5 years
how do I break up with him I know he's
not my person and I was like do not wait
any longer because it's so easy to put
it off and it just gets worse and it's
like do him a solid favor too it's not
just for you you're doing him a favor
whether he sees it in the moment or not
he will eventually he'll find the person
he's supposed to be with and he'll go oh
this is why this happened
that's what I think you should be a
therapist maybe a what they call him a
marriage counselor you'd be so
good I'd also give really terrible
advice sometime I'd be like a like a
6040 like 60% of the time I'd give good
advice and 40 I'd be like just kick his
ass to the cardb ju basically just don't
waste time you know yeah you're just
prolonging the inevitable and nobody has
time for that so what was your messiest
breakup like o I'm curious it's so messy
that it's like humiliating like the cops
involved would you did you hit him over
the head with a bottle nope there was no
no violence it was just me having an
epic meltdown no violence no girl you
got to tap in with that crazy [ __ ] you
got going on I'm not I mean I'm I'm
verbally a little bit crazy sometimes
not anymore understand not anymore look
you're growing I am I am an evolved
woman look at you go I'm so
proud but I honestly was I'm mortified
at the my messiest breakup was me having
a breakdown because I'd completely lost
myself to this person I just thought he
was my whole world and I didn't try and
do anything for myself I gave up
everything for him and his dreams and I
lost friendships and I was just like an
absolute I was 97 lbs in a shell of
myself and got addicted to Valium and I
was like having major issues and the
cops were called because I was having
such a bad meltdown that they thought
something bad was happening how old were
you too old to be having an epic was it
like racing or anything no I was I'm 39
and this was I think I was 26 um but
again too old to be having a childlike
temper tantrum which
also I went on wow this Wine's Wine's
kicking in I went on uh I went on meds
for for this and I realized holy [ __ ] I
actually have hormonal depression and
anxiety and I will ruin relationships um
around that time of the month um so I
I've got it under control thank God but
it was so messy and I was so humiliated
and I thought he would never leave me
and he and he left me that night and
then the next day I get a message on my
phone and he was like you got to you got
to move out and I was like what am I
going to do I had $5 in my bank account
I had no apartment I had no friends I
had no I had not gone to school for
anything no career like I had nothing I
had to move in with my parents and I was
like I am a [ __ ]
loser um and then I rebuilt my life back
up I'd have gave you a pet on the back
if IID have seen you thank you may I
read you a quote my phone's over there
it was something
like yes give me so the quote really
aligns with what I'm talk not the sticky
does the same thing it's okay has the
same thing as me every time octo buddies
okay I have little prints all over my
radio from
yours okay life doesn't end when you
have to tear it all down and start over
that's when better things fall into
place so let me tell you this if
anybody's hitting rock bottom or feeling
like they can't go on with anything this
is literally The Rock Bottom is when the
magic happens and when you can build
yourself back up and show yourself your
resilience and your strength we are not
meant to be happy people all the time
except I think you're happy all the time
oh no you're full of [ __ ] I'm bipolar
they can go anywhere we are literally
supposed to experience range of emotions
as human beings and people are always
like are you happy are you happy I'm
like depends on the day depends on the
time of the month depends on the hour
and we are just supposed to but when you
build yourself back up that's where the
confidence and resilience and character
is built and I just feel like everything
like when that happened to me for me I
literally thought my life was over and
then two years later I worked so hard on
myself I started going to therapy I got
a call from The Bachelor I became The
Bachelorette I won Dancing With the
Stars I started my own podcast I started
my own wine label and it was all things
that I had written on my vision board
when I was 23 a so just if anybody needs
a little see everything happens for a
reason I was just about to say that I
bet you look back and you laugh at it
now oh cuz you're like huh I'm way up
here now and I us to be down here yes I
I was there I I was way down there and
now I just feel like I'm where I where
I'm supposed to be you on top of the
world well I don't know about that but
patient people think manifesting is like
I'm just going to do this and it'll
happen for me tomorrow it's patience and
hard work and that's what you ladies are
doing and I'm really proud of you yeah
you're exactly where you're supposed to
be kiss your nose don't butter me up
like that I could kiss your nose I could
can I talk about this uh text message I
just got yes Haley when the hell did you
have Bobby Lee on the podcast what
this is funny hold on somebody text you
that it's not who is it that's Kim
J hey it was far away in
my you're done you're
done what's he doing in my podcast room
without me in it who does is that
photosop who does this editing yes it's
photo I don't know did you have him on
your podcast no I don't think do you
know who that is I cannot believe I just
said that how is she getting all these
guests my face says it on the
picture do you even know who I am I know
about you I don't know who he is who is
that what does he do
he's honestly I don't know I've just
seen him with Trump before that's all I
know about
him he's the leader of North Korea yeah
I knew he was something something big oh
and I actually done a zoom in North
Korea a few weeks weeks ago huh hey my
dogs are from South Korea so lot lot of
lot of stuff happening yeah oh wow that
was a moment that I'll never forget
thank you for that dude who photosho
that that does such a good job I am
unwell but you brought up Dancing with
the Stars yeah so nice Circle back a yes
let's Circle back from that right there
actually Circle back Queen you did it
anyhow like this I wish people talked
about my podcast like this this is
incredible incredible [ __ ] though
like if you read them you're like ouch
you need [ __ ] that's thank you for
the downloads [ __ ] yeah I think he
gives me character cuz now I'm just like
yes stick your tongue out stick Mr Pinky
out I love how you handle it though no
you're going to piss yourself when I
you okay can I read a couple yeah go
ahead somebody said I sold my house so I
could watch talk Tua on my 115 inch TV
wait if you sold your house then how you
going to have electricity up you're I'm
thinking too much this that was funny
I'll give you props there brother Logan
Turner 79 Logan Turner Logan Turner
you're a crafty
fellow not you know what that one was
fine do you have one they said born too
late to explore earth born too early to
explore the universe born in time to
explore Prime talk TOA that's I just got
brain R I did do you get that not really
no I don't I don't get that one either
do you know that Jimmy Carter is set to
appear on The Talk Tua with Haley Welch
can someone please tell me who Jimmy
Carter is I'm Canadian so no just
kidding I'm Canadian and I know who he
is he's who is he well he's 99 years old
I mean it's kind of
fair hook him up with Granny hook him up
with Granny wait he got money she won't
want him unless he's got money no I'm
I'm so serious if he thing if his foot
in the grave and Granny is always said
she does not want a man unless he's
loaded rich and he's old as dirt Jimmy
one foot in the grave and the other on a
banana pillow slips right in we found
her perfect match if you were to take
one guess name sound familiar if you
were to
take if you were to take one guess who
Jimmy Carter is just like what he does
99 years old big deal is he a porn star
what I don't know there's a little bit
of everything out in the world I don't
know 99-year-old porn star there is a
thing for everything I'm telling you
okay take one more who the hell is
paying to watch a 90 okay you are right
actually there was no internet let's see
what else does he do a big deal 99 years
old everyone in the world probably knows
him I don't know is he like the oldest
alive am I right
no wait do you know who he is me yeah
yeah oh he was the president oh that's
why I said false Canada doesn't have
presidents he wasn't the president of
Canada but nice s like false
that's I I love that you like found a
loophole there to be like but you guys
have Prime Ministers and I didn't know
that until here recently you remember
those girls in the bathroom at that bar
that were telling us that I was like
what wait that should be a book remember
those girls in the bathroom and then you
just say what they say to you in the
bathroom what else did they tell T
something else too I could tell they're
from Canada they're from uh did they
recognize you yeah they're really nice
well yeah they're
Canadian where were they from it's from
T McCrae calary yeah oh yeah that's my
celebrity crush right there t MC oh me
too actually I love I didn't a lie when
I seen that video she just come out with
I started questioning my sexuality you
know what I was like why do I want to
see her naked that's very valid what
about Fletcher who's that I my other
celebrity am I a lesbian my other
crush I kind of want to see a picture oh
God I thought you'd never ask okay can
we actually get Jimmy Carter on the
though dude if you got that would be I
would die when was he
president I understand why you wouldn't
know that I can barely tell you who AB
Lincoln is what if she could be your
Pooky let me see Fletcher well then
she's going to have to compete with
Chelsea oh wow well if if granny can't
date Jimmy Carter could she be the
Bachelorette where is she like you where
you're like I couldn't be The
Bachelorette or would she work it she
would she' make you funny thing have you
thought about this maybe been on the
bachor I can't no no no granny oh granny
yeah I don't know she kind of hates men
she's in her like I hate men I wonder
where you get it Granny's very
independent though yeah like granny got
that thing was she ever married she's
been married two times oh and her
ex-husband my Papa he was in the
backyard in his little cabin stop
they're friends though she does his
laundry for him you are a walking
show yeah or podcast whatever park trash
like I can't I no no no well my favorite
show from Canada is Trailer Park Boys
but can I just say like like I am so
excited for people to get to know you on
this podcast because it's like you see
one thing and then you go why did that
person get a platform and then you get
to know you and you go this girl
deserves a platform well thank you not
many people say that oh I mean it thank
you I mean it I'm not trying to you
might be my new
celebrity I'm working really hard for
this mom rooll yeah over time that's
okay I'll get you like a apron and we
can like wear matching ones you know
it's like Mom of the year like on your
apron we can go bake cookies and stuff
literally I'm I'm going to take this too
seriously though I am too I'll be
waiting for you on
Christmas the serious red we absolutely
will I'll buy you presents it'll be wine
but I'm okay with that I know you're
okay with that I'm so okay with that all
it's yours can't wait to take on this
new role wow my mom I'll be your I'll be
your aunt my aunt okay what do you guys
say aunt aunt I say Aunt Auntie okay
Auntie aun aune K yeah it's got a ring
to it a I like it a you guys oh I want
to like hold hands and sing
Kumbaya Kumbaya you don't know the song
Johny and them say
ma that that's not the same as just
it I tried what do they have Hanukkah
you don't I like I've heard a song about
Hanukkah it's probably Adam Sandler
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$100,000 the Mets we got to talk about
it oh what did you ever say that with
the Mets what did you do with the Met oh
gosh you know what yeah that's when I
wanted to hug you oh when you threw it
the first pitch yeah so me and Chelsea
started out that day actually and we're
pretty excited to go through the first
pitch but we didn't know she's going to
be like catching it yet yeah so we were
like okay whatever yeah and then we get
there and they're like oh you know she's
going to catch your ball and I was like
oh that makes me feel even better
because I'm probably going to crack her
in the head with the ball that's exactly
how this is gonna go and but no never
cracked her in the head nothing she
called it she done pretty good she you C
it like the scariest part I was like
okay throwing it I'm not worried
about icon I wasn't prepared for that
either wow the whole team and everybody
else was like like so nice the whole day
and they had like this program for their
vet dogs did you see like anything about
it I never heard anything about it so I
was like huh we should like do some
awareness for that cuz I've never heard
anything about it more people should
then go donate to that it's a good cause
so we done like a big ordeal for that
donated to them had a really good day
whole team was nice the people we met
we're nice and then we leave and I see
everybody like posting stuff they're
like why the [ __ ] is she
here okay yeah but they're saying that
but the Mets have been on a winning
streak ever since you threw out the
first pitch yeah and Grimace is saying
he's the reason for the winning stre
what's the Grimace who the hell is
Grimace that's my question isn't he the
McDonald's guy oh like the shake like
theen no the grimaces the purple H I
know y I really don't know okay wait is
G is Grimace the mascot for the Mets he
was he's coming back oh I think I should
be the masot you should definitely be
the Mas good luck charm you're their
good luck charm what can I say but how
sad don't you just feel like here this
is my thought process because you're
literally bringing awareness to uh dog
rescue and like saving animals and
people will find whatever they want to
find wrong with what you're doing but
like really successful happy people
don't have time to bring other people
down so like let's just say a little
like tease and peas to the haters cuz
that's sad you know teas and peas at the
end of the day the way I've started
saying it everybody's going to have
something to say at the end of the day
great I might as well do whatever I want
to I feel like it says more about them
than it does you it does cuz I mean I
was only there to like raise awareness
for like the program they have going on
and I still got [ __ ] on for but like at
the end of the day I done it for the
dog at the end of the day always do it
for the dogs not the people I know you
have two rescue dogs two of them from
South Korea South Korea how'd you get
them over here they had to go on a
flight and I don't want to talk about it
because thinking of them under a plane
it was the only way to get them here I
can't um never again now they fly first
class but go on first class in case you
didn't know so I started a fund here
recently and it's called pause Across
America cuz I'm passionate about animals
not even just dogs it could be a guinea
pig if you got a guinea pig that's sick
I feel that but I feel like dogs need a
little more love they can't speak up for
their themselves they can't I'm going to
use what I got right now to do good with
it hell yeah and more people need to see
that you're doing that so that's I don't
think they care
no like at the end of the day the most
comments I've been reading they're like
why she got a platform well I'm doing
something good with mine why don't you
have one yeah that please just keep
reminding yourself that you're doing
the people man it's sad it's really sad
and you know what just any hate just
send them the
link do that set up a program that' be
good where if there's haters that say
like set up negative words in your
program I'll show you the software and
if they say these negative things it'll
just directly DM them a link to help
your funds how do we do that I'll set it
up for you by the way M's got you the
link for Haley's Foundation is going to
be in the description below amazing I'll
donate woohoo will you really of course
all right Madam I got one more question
for you can I put on my hat for this one
go for it what's one moving bed that
makes a man go crazy oh what is one move
in bed that I'm like thinking of all my
10 moves that I'm going through
okay you know what it is it's the cork
screw you guys know the cork
screw you got to elaborate on that all
the men in the room do you know the cork
what take it he knows green shirt
knows the cork screw the quietest one
I've not heard a peep out of all day no
answer to this it's it's am I allowed to
say this yeah I mean it so a good
oldfashioned hand job don't
underestimate a good old-fashion hand
job that's not at all what I was
thinking and the cork screw
is so you hit the top top and go down to
the bottom that's brilliant where' you
come up with
that wa I'm 39 I bet your mom works
mysterious ways too doesn't it honestly
when you say like my brain goes one way
everybody else goes this way I'm like
samies like we're in the same boat we're
both over here and everybody else is
over there which is where I want to be
it's okay okay it's a fun s you're with
us too oh yeah okay you got a dirty hat
hey that hat looks good on you does I
was like she looks good in red I was
like she's going to have the red that
bikini I seen you in was red so I was
like well I'm gonna this is what I'm
wearing out tonight oh is it
thumbnail this just
kidding that is one for the book I can't
wait for Pooky to experience the cork
screw oh by the way Mr Pinky lives in
the sock drawer if you didn't know
oh is that worse than a finger up the
ass like that's
okay that's necessary a woman with a
woman with needs you said that like the
M on hot right
now if you want more go like comment
subscribe to talk to with Haley Welch
follow wherever you get your podcast
while you're watching this take a
picture and tag me and tell me who you
want next tag me and talk TOA and I'll
be sure to repost
[Music] |
DRhiNWu0jF8.txt | I have big energy yeah okay never laid
eyes on a before don't do it I'm not do
you hot to actually yeah see it's not
just for the strip people all right
what's the craziest date you've ever
been on I spent like 60 Grand in one
weekend on this girl just to get laid
and it didn't work
what hey y' welcome back to talk to a
better original download better play
better pic smash that subscribe button
so you get notified for every episode
and while you're at it leave me a
comment and share this episode with a
friend the dogs had the day off today
and I'm very upset about it but you can
still go and donate to my charity PA
Across America the link is in the
description below hello and welcome back
to talk t with Haley Welch and you know
we got Chelsea Bradford over here we
have JoJo sea what's up thank you for
having me well thank you for coming
whoever came up with this name also is
literally genius you're looking at her
thank you thank you yeah that's really
good it's really really good I think
somebody commented and she's like I like
that and I was like kind of growed on
me it was like the t-shirts if she don't
talk to I don't want to talk to her I
was like that's good that's good yeah
what was the other one you get me that
was a possible one yeah I mean talk to
it is good talk to it is good it's good
cuz I'm talking to it you know so you've
been on a whirlwind haven't you me yeah
always so what's like the latest thing
you've been on up too well this morning
I was in Atlanta that's been that was
fun um just there though for my my
girlfriend she was teaching there and
had a dinner there so I went to go
support her be with her um man what am I
what am I up to right now I'm prepping
for a movie right now um which is really
fun I A Jojo movie excuse me hold the
[ __ ] up I'm really excited about it f
for a movie I've got I've been in the
recording studio I've got got a couple
new songs I really really enjoy um
there's there's like 28 in my like back
pocket but there's like these three
right now that we just recorded that I'm
really stoked about um I'm doing this
big it's a big charity event Industry
dance Awards it's for the it's for the
dance community and the dance world but
it benefits dancers against cancer and
I'm choreographing the opening number
for it which has like 70 people in it so
it's it's a headache but in the best way
possible what's the movie going to be
about you're stuck Onie so excited um I
can't really talk too much about it but
I'll it's very deep it's very drama and
it is about two things I'll say this
it's about an experience that I've never
gotten to have which I'm excited about
and it's also about a horrific traumatic
experience that I did go through when I
was very very young and so I'm kind of
excited to tell that story on screen so
it's like I get something that I've been
through and something that I haven't
been through all at once this is going
to be fun I'm excited to watch and I get
to be gay in it so that's good there you
go I always get afraid that I'm going to
have to play a straight person I'm like
I can't do it you don't think you could
I mean if I had to I could but I think
if I had to kiss a man I would like lose
it yeah you're not missing anything I'm
not missing you're not missing anything
coming from you yeah you're not missing
much okay I mean I'll take it so I mean
you got to like worry about too much
tongue you know them spitting in your
mouth and slobbering they're [ __ ]
gross half them them don't even brush
their teeth e e yeah you're not missing
much but yet you like them yeah I do
don't I guess I'm nasty
[ __ ] that works all right let me live
your Mimosa she is not drinking orange
juice for anyone that was wondering that
is orange juice there's no way that's
only orange juice it's okay maybe
there's like a little extra in there too
sure maybe so I saw what was it called
that you just done and you had like a
little golden outfit oh yeah the um lady
gun the lady gun cover shoe yes I bet
that was fun wasn't it it so no actually
actually I have I for some reason photo
shoots are really tough for me I I'm I'm
I hate I hate like a hype up to myself
but I'm I'm good at photo shoots like I
can I can do the job but they're very
mentally a big big struggle for me in my
career and so the day always involves a
cutie little like ah I'm so inside my
brain right now um and it happened that
day and it was I ended up being fine I
got through the day and it was so worth
it cuz the pictures turned out so sick
um it was definitely something I've
never seen before like the Bulge dude
why the [ __ ] did you get that stone
bulge Stone bulge
is I seen it like two days ago and I was
like I oh she's got a dick no it was
very iconic though she doesn't we were
just given a little a little spice a
little little genderbend a little you
can be anything you want to be a little
you're damn right you know it's just
kind of SP spice it up a little it's
it's kind of like back in the day and
Harry Styles wore a dress obviously
wearing a bulge is a little different
than wearing just a dress but you stuck
out I think you should do more of that
though and I think it just kind of is
like one thing about me is I like to be
for the people that are different for
the people that don't fit in and for the
people who are just unafraid to take
risks and I feel like being that person
I have to go as far as I possibly can't
into the risk Zone you know what I mean
I have to explore the risk Zone to like
see what it's like how with like the
hate from it oh it's brutal um yeah I
get it's tough what' you say I get you
there yeah it's really hard people
people are just dicks hey Chelsea you
want to see a magic trick I'm going to
turn this dollar into a th nuh okay
watch you ready uh what are you doing
I'm making a lineup on better pcks duh
you can turn $1 into 1,000 simply by
making eight pics and done see we're
locked in for this Sunday let me show
you how to turn $1 into 1,000 download
better and play better pics I mean
there's there's multiple ways that I
deal with it and there's multiple ways
that I don't let it get to me and
there's multiple ways that it does get
to me yesterday for example what' you
say please share No it's it's it's
hysterical I I posted this dance video
two days ago and it blew up and people
loved it and it did really good and
people were very supportive of it and
it's kind of rare in my career these
days so I was like Wow posted it from a
different angle same same video from a
different angle horrific comments like I
I privated the video cuz I was like this
is so stupid I'm not letting them float
but literally the the video the first
angle I'll read you the top three
comments okay top three comments are in
school cuz those are my friends um I
don't think everyone realizes that the
cringe part was just a marketing tactic
before she's fire comment number one
this is the JoJo we asked for comment
number two this is the JoJo we like to
see number three JoJo eight moment sorry
but this eight don't lie y'all okay
these are all those comments I posted
the same exact video different
angle top three
comments hey I have okay this is this is
I don't know if this is somebody trying
to be offensive or funny but it's
definitely offensive and not funny at
all but hey I have autism too and it's
nice to see people spreading awareness
of people with our condition sending
hugs and they're saying that in like a a
dick tone not in like a funny tone you
know what I mean or or in like a like
actual like like if someone was to say
like hey I think it's cool that you're
spreading dyslexia [ __ ] yeah I have
dyslexia you know what I mean and but it
like sure um the spider on my floor at
3:00 a.m. this was shown to me against
my will um I would probably also scream
not because I liked it it was fine till
the end well that was something not
coming back like a boomerang the floor
is a victim the same video from a
different angle and so it's like that
makes no sense it made no sense I even
looked at your phone I'm nosy as [ __ ] I
apologize but it was definitely the same
video it was like one to the side and
then like one right in front of her no I
also understand being the nest person
ever I straight up told my girl and I
was like I will never go through your
phone cuzz I think something's wrong I
will go through your phone cuz I'm just
curious I'm nosy I don't know the hot
gossip is like yeah what are you
chatting with your mom about I'm just
curious I just want to know I literally
don't care you could literally say like
I am so over my girlfriend right now
yada yada Y and you can talk [ __ ] about
me and i' be like no I asked for it like
I don't think you're cheating on me I
don't think I'm not stalking you I just
genuinely am curious like what food did
you eat today and I know you took a
picture of it so I'm just going to go
look and like you get bored of your own
phone like I want to see something
different that's why I look at her Tik
Tok all the time like can I play on your
phone like you got any games that I
don't have literally H yeah but now
dealing with dealing with the [ __ ]
it's it's just the territory you know
what I mean and I've gotten to a point
in my life where I have a really good
group of people around me and my best
friends are my favorite people in the
world and I didn't have them a year ago
they came into my life in this hectic
year post Karma
in who I am now and for them to be in my
life they wouldn't be in my life if I
wasn't a good human you know what I mean
and so no matter what the world says I
have this bubble of people that I to
hold on to so so tightly and um yeah
wouldn't wouldn't trade for the world so
they they they kind of keep me keep me
on my toes keep you in line a little bit
they do they do they keep me stable they
keep me happy I just had this thing
happen at my house um the other day in
my backyard uh
I can talk about it cuz it makes a lot
more sense Happ your backyard yeah it
just makes a lot more sense basically
gunshots went off in my like my backyard
leads up to someone's front yard and in
their front yard and so it was very
scary I was very scared I was in a
shooting when I was a kid so it was very
like ah traumatizing but then I posted
on my close friends like oh my God like
I don't know what's going on right now
like I can't talk to anybody cuz I'm
just going to scare everybody but like
here's the video here's what just
happened this and every every single and
it's like 12 people on there but all 12
reached out and was like call me like
I'm here for you until like seeing that
I really had people like rally around me
when I really needed it like again it
was that same thing of like damn I
really have good people around me you
need more of that L like the negative
[ __ ] I guess yeah yeah they keep me they
keep me happy that's good they're good
they're good people I love I got a
little group like that do you I do it's
good keep them close then you got all
the haters and [ __ ] like what you got
they're still watching so at the end of
the day you win they still watching we
laughing all the way to the bank all the
way to the bank that's what I always say
say it again we're laughing all the way
over to the
bank I love it so like your car right
here yeah when are you going to take me
for r in it okay so that car I actually
don't have anymore but I have a
different one with my face on is your
face on it I have a different one with
my face dude how do you even like get
that how the hell do I get one you just
have it wrapped it's actually fairly
easy you any car wrap company can do it
um yeah that that was my car I actually
just gave that one to my cousin I took I
took the wrap off of it I definitely
took the wrap off of it I think we
should have left your face on it yeah
here you go um no we didn't want people
to egg it for her like lash at tires or
anything so we we we fixed it up um but
yeah so they my family has it now um but
yeah I have a Lamborghini now that has
my [ __ ] yeah look at you out here
driving a Lambo haly you got to get you
one of those I can barely Drive yeah
it's hle oh you don't drive not very
much I mean look out here driving is the
hardest thing to do I can't do it out
here yeah no it's not I can't drive on
the interet at home where it's not as
busy but out here I'm like oh I'm
getting brain [ __ ] looking at all yeah
know it's so bad it's so bad out here
she's like
a get us there yeah you do get us there
but do you drive are you from there no
no no I'm from Tennessee too but she can
drive on the interstate which I cannot
but now when she's driving my [ __ ] is
biting the seat while she's driving but
we always get to where we need to be how
long important part six or seven years
oh wow yeah so like high school yeah and
then her sister and then my other best
friend we're like a little friend group
cute that's my [ __ ] right there I don't
a podcast with them hi ladies this
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how's your music going pretty solid um
no complaints I got new new [ __ ] I've
recorded a bunch of new ones um new
songs I'm very excited I kind of I kind
of like Cara was like my [ __ ] like that
was like a song that I wanted to have
the other round that I put
out I kind of got influenced to put out
by a lot of of different people and it
wasn't necessarily My Kryptonite and so
I have like taken my second to be like
no I want to release my kryptonite like
I want to find what my [ __ ] is and put
that together and do that so I've taken
the time now to do that and so carel was
not your [ __ ] Karma was my [ __ ] after
Karma though I released a couple more
songs and I love them don't get me wrong
but they're just not yeah with guilty
pleasure choose your fighter balance
baby and yesterday's tomorrow's today
and I really like the songs but they're
just not Karma and they're not the new
ones you know what I mean there there
was just some sort of like people around
me liked this one people around me like
that one and they don't really go
together and it kind of just we kind of
chucked them out and like hoped for the
best and I don't like to do stuff like
that you know I like to really put some
thought and effort behind it you had me
and my whole friend group when you come
out with Karma like walking around the
house just [ __ ] singing it so pchy it
like sticks in the back of your brain
and it out I'll take I was like I was
like get out do you write any of the
songs yourself so the song yesterday's
tomorrow's today I'm a writer on and the
song guilty pleasure I'm a writer on but
choose your fighter Karma and
um oh [ __ ] me I'm balance baby there it
is those three I did not write um but
then the ones that are coming out I'm a
writer on mostly all of them so what is
your guilty
pleasure my guilty pleasure probably my
sweet girlfriend so had that come to be
an item I was getting that look you gave
me a perfect to like swap yeah be my
guest no I I love her and I she's
literally my favorite thing to talk
about so please ask away anything you
want to know have you been together um
it's it's so cutie and baby just over
two months just over two months and
you're already like Head Over Heels I
mean Head Over Heels I'm the same
[ __ ] way you see Pooky out there oh
is you're the first person to actually
meet Pooky his name is Pooky we'll go
with Pooky we call him Pooky we call him
Pooky how long have you and Pooky been
I'm looking at you for an answer um
they've been accentuation for a long
time like a year maybe right how long
like a year it's definitely been longer
than that that's three years yeah three
three years yeah and you're official now
we might as well be there's like really
not a label on it like he isn't that why
you flew him out so it was like supposed
to be made official yesterday was that
the point let's not get into this
conversation Chelsea I'm just going to
look at you don't look at me this is all
you right there yeah yeah okay he hasn't
necessarily like asked but we're
together if that makesense yeah like you
would if like if you were to introduce
me to him You' be like oh this is my
boyfriend like you would but like you
you guys haven't really even though he
asked yeah it's fine there there's
another reason leave [ __ ] men alone
stay away from him stay away don't worry
I'm I'm locked down um have you ever had
a boyfriend yeah I was uh so my first
kiss was with a boy and and after we
were together for like a cutie month
like talking but never official um and
then a couple months later I had a first
boyfriend his name was Mark he was
precious it was Mark Thomas was it it
was not Mark Thomas Mark Thomas I I was
like wait a [ __ ] minute Mark Thomas
did try it though for a while with me he
tried it for a very long time he kept
wanting to hang out and I was like yeah
let's go bulling he was like come on can
we cuddle and cuz it was at the time
like kids would cuddle that's so sick
and I was like or we could just go
bowling he was like have a bowling and
cuddle I was like what about laser tag
like how about laser tag and cuddle I
was like no clearly if a man wants to
ever text me like let's cuddle I'm going
to throw up like eight [ __ ] times
Honestly though I like if I didn't have
the best girlfriend in the whole wide
world and I was a single Pringle and I
hadn't found her yet and someone text me
to cuddle I'd be like be my [ __ ]
guest please where are we meeting like I
would love it so you're a cuddler you
big spoon or little
spoon big SP I like to be little I like
to be little I like to be baby and take
cuz I okay so my girlfriend explains it
really really well I have big dick
energy yeah all kind of [ __ ] like I do
like I walk into a room and it's like I
have I have it yeah yeah and it's it's
unable people have tried to be like no
you don't no I do like you got big dick
energy I will say thank you like it's
it's not a good thing it's not a bad
thing it's just a thing and but when it
comes like time and it's just like just
me I'm at home I have a switch
and it's like a little softy behind
closed doors no it's like my dick gets
soft and I'm just
like like it's like a light switch goes
off immediately and my girlfriend always
jokes she's like I never expected that
to happen she's like I thought you were
going to be that like like a hard ass
you know hard ass all the time yeah and
and and not
like like just like it's literally big
dick energy like she was like I didn't
expect that to go away at some point but
it does um so I'm definitely I'm
definitely baby spoon Vibe but I will be
big spoon like when we fall asleep we
fall asleep as me Big Spoon she cuddles
into me but if we're cuddling and just
watching a movie like get your arm
around me I'm nuzzling into you and I'm
like seven inches taller than her so
it's aw dude as soon as you like walked
out on the porch and I looked over and
saw you there I was like oh her dick is
big thank you thank you I pride myself
in it oh are you a top or bottom what do
think probably a top all right I'll take
are you so are you
both oh he's shaking his head so I I
have been a bottom for a very long time
I definitely definitely was like always
bottom like always never [ __ ] around
being top like always bottom but then in
my most recent and bestest relationship
ever I have dabbled into top land and
fun but I I don't know I
I prefer being bottom yeah I'm
definitely like no I have to but now
you're comfortable being top but like I
so I'm it's I don't like being a top and
this isn't me toting my own horn this is
just me like straight up giving fact I'm
a really good top cuz I know what I like
as a bottom yeah so I can be a really
good top cuz I'm like oh I would want
this you know what I mean she got it so
I can I can be a good top and that's I
don't know I'm I'm I'm getting I'm so
excited for my question at the end it's
ridiculous oh my God I'm so scared no
you shouldn't be scared I'm so excited
for it can we jump so what's one moveing
bed that makes a woman go
crazy yeah oh my gosh be thinking about
that in the back of your head what's
one I
mean there there's a
lot what's your
favorite like what's my go like my like
well I answer my M was that right there
actually H uh yeah one can be directed
towards men and one can be directed
towards oh I've never slept with a man I
myself on that one no [ __ ] way never
slept with a man what I know me neither
yeah yeah I've never that's kind of cool
though yeah I've never touched a dick
I've never sucked a man I've never
hawked two wood TI you're not missing
much never needed to I feel like women
are like cleaner than men too though for
sure so we got like The Best of Both
absolutely absolutely okay okay I can I
can say my thing I'm a big teaser I love
a good tease like what you doing you
biting on their ear what you doing yeah
just like teasing around like hey I know
exactly what you want but I'm not going
to give it to you I'm going to get
really really close to giving it to you
really close but I'm not going to give
it to you oh it's my favorite and it
makes the girls oh it makes I can't say
girls I can say girl I can say s I'm I
mean I head over heels for Miss DEA this
girl has what's her name DEA DEA that's
cute I've never heard how' did you guys
meet so we met because we were filming a
TV show together oh and she was she was
actually a contestant on the show and I
was a judge on the show um and so yeah
she did she did the show I did the show
we weren't we weren't allowed to talk on
the show so we weren't friends but the
first time that I ever spoke to her as
judge she was actually having a
showmance with somebody else on the show
and I was like so how are you and his
name is Anthony so I was like how are
you and Anthony and the first thing she
ever said to me was good you want to
know something funny and I was like yeah
of course like it's funny Vibes right
now it's the first time we ever spoke
she was like week one the producers who
asked me who I had a crush on and I said
you I was like I really thought you were
going to tell me okay I'm going to go so
I ran away whatever show ends and then
whatever cut to a few months later um
she's still in a relationship I actually
started a relationship with somebody
else from the show um didn't work out
her relationship didn't work out and
then we slowly kind of became friends
and I was like o this is dangerous
territory cuz like she said she liked me
I like I could see myself falling for
her she's a beautiful girl and obviously
during the show like I didn't let myself
have any thoughts towards
yeah keep my head down doing my job and
whatever but then we started to become
friends and one thing led to another and
yeah now she's my sweet sweet girlfriend
we started dating like two months after
the show um started airing so I feel
like if you'd like marry her you'd have
like a sick ass engagement like photo
shoot oh like like you do something like
no man has ever [ __ ] done and I would
always do it up like maybe you should do
like a what do they call those things a
hot air balloon yeah that could be good
that' be pretty [ __ ] hot air balloon oh
I can't wait I can't we got cutie
promise rings and like it made me be
like so it's just mine's just simple um
but they're both engraved so in the
engravement in mind says forever Crush
cuz she I always get scared she always
had like a fever crush on me like she's
tall and smells good but I was like
that's going to go away and so she we
put forever crush and mine's that way I
remember that it's never going away and
then hers says no running because she
always thinks that I'm going to just
wake up one day and like run yeah and
I'm not it's not going to so what do you
do to keep like the relationship alive
you like get her
flowers I'm a I'm very romantic I I I'm
a flower girl I'm a gift girl I'm like
I'm an overly thoughtful girl I never
would have guessed that either talk Tua
is brought to you by better piic better
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better pics like I feel like you're who
you are cuz of your childhood too and
you were doing like dancing dance Dance
Moms I definitely had a different
childhood um but I kind of I kind of am
scared to like let my brain develop more
and get older cuz I'm like damn what am
I going to realize that I can't
understand yet about my childhood and I
think even when I have kids I'm going to
have some realization of like
oh I my childhood wasn't like this you
know what mean so I'm definitely afraid
of my brain getting more mentally mature
because of that reason but I had a great
childhood you know what I mean like I I
watched you [ __ ] thank you I'm honored
so are you still friends with any of the
girls me and colani are really good
friends yeah we've always been good
friends um love her then oddly um Gia is
like one of my best friends in the whole
world the girl who did the choreography
and of course Abby I'm still tight with
Abby I love watching her stuff she's the
best she's so fun she's so entertaining
I want to meet her you should I want
made her is she that intense off camera
or is it okay now that I'm older she's
not intense she's not scary I mean I
respect the [ __ ] out of her so I would
never do anything to make her get to the
scary point in life and she mind you who
you are yeah exactly she had a big
impact with that I feel like for sure I
mean look everything with my childhood
wasn't normal like I was working as an
18-year-old when I was nine and not even
18y old 20 something year old when I was
nine and it it like I was in charge of
people on a world tour when I was 15
like that's not normal a 15-year-old
isn't supposed to be 60 people's boss
you know what I mean and so it's I've
definitely I've definitely had a very
different childhood something that's
like a little wrong that happened when I
was a
kid there's like there's so much [ __ ]
but there's nothing you know what I mean
it's like there's not one big like ah
this happened to me which I'm lucky
about cuz I think a lot of child stars
that actually is the case where they're
like this happen and I'm [ __ ] up
because of this you know what I mean but
I I didn't really have that I had a good
family around me and I always had older
friends I feel like you had like growups
and everything you wanted to though for
sure I always I've always been really
mature even from before I was in the
industry like I I originally got pulled
out of school because I couldn't be with
kids my own age I always had friends
that were older than me I never was it's
a good thing though it's great I'll yeah
like mentors are a little bit M mentors
is that is that how you say wait you had
like a crazy childhood I had very [ __ ]
up childhood really yeah damn I'm a
granny baby what's that like like my
granny raised me a wait same as my
girlfriend yeah her grandma raised her
yeah yeah oh you better watch her then
you better watch her then it's coming
from me is your granny good my granny is
good as gold good she's awesome I
wouldn't trade that girl for
a I wouldn't trade her for a big taco
platter you would well I love food you
like to eat B look one thing that I
always tell my girlfriend is that maybe
it's not fair right and you see people
with a normal Mom and Dad right and you
want that you crave that that's normal
it was always really awkward on like
Mother's Day and then all my friends
like oh I can't hang out you know I got
to do something for mothers I'm like ah
well [ __ ] okay [ __ ] me then what am I
supposed to do today exactly I never had
to celebrate it yeah which now that I
look at it I'm glad she's the way she is
cuz I wouldn't be who I am without her
your life would be complet completely
different I feel like I'd be
a I don't even want to say normal girl
like I don't know I feel like I'd be
different if I did have a mom everything
would be different your food that you
like would be different your nails that
you get would be I mean everything would
be different the universe truly
does protect you in weird ways that we
as humans can't understand and it's so
hard but
you when thing that I've learned with
her is that she had a grandma that made
the choice to raise her and I think you
might have a similar situation where
your grandma didn't have to you know
what I mean h no she didn't have to and
so you have somebody that loves you like
even Beyond a mother or fatherly love
because they chose to be your mother you
know what I mean they chose to be she
made me appreciate things like a lot
more too though cuz like I had to work
for everything I had before all this
[ __ ] happened is she like a sweet granny
like a sweet old lady or is she like a
like young hip granny she she is sweet
don't throw her the she's definitely a
little country twangy granny yeah she
takes no [ __ ] off of anybody Apple
doesn't fall from from the tree yeah
you're exactly right y I'm so curious as
your story can you share any you don't
have to it's remember earlier when we
were like I'm just nosy like I'm just
it's less nose it's more like curious
cuz you seem I mean my dad he's he's
around but like not as much as he could
be I guess he's been around a whole lot
more this year but before that he was
always doing his own thing and which I
grew up like that so I find it like
strange when he'd like stay the night
with us and stuff like that I'm like
granny why does he stay the night with
us this is a girl household you know so
granny is his mom yes got it and then my
mom she's a drug addict she's been an
addict my whole life and
then my nana God bless that woman that
girl's a hoot she's like one of those
nanas that's like crazy you know like
there's UFOs in the scy that's that's my
Nana love love Nana though love Nana's a
hoot but eh I don't know Granny's raised
me it's your life and it's not normal
but it's your normal you know what I
mean it is my normal what the [ __ ] is
normal at this point you're damn right
nothing but you got a good granny that
took you in did her biggest I blame her
for having this accent too probably yeah
like if I would had like a m actually I
Blame You Stephanie [ __ ]
you is Stephanie your bile mom's name
yes yeah like if You' have just up and
raised me I wouldn't have an accent and
sound like towater hey we love the
towater accent yeah you wouldn't you
would not you literally would not have
this podcast tell her what we did to
that guy we got beside at the at the red
light oh there was like a billboard with
like the new toer movie and haly rolls
the window down and she's like look it's
me and he looked up and he was like oh
that does look just like
you was like [ __ ] you it was so funny I
like rolling down my window at people
they're like sto in traffic and talk I
got a new game for you to play then what
is it sing a song that they will
definitely know you have to look at the
person you have to assess the situation
you have to sing a song get them to sing
with you but the hard part is like it
has to be a song that you know they will
know easiest with old white people
saying Sweet Caroline they got you
oh or Don't Stop Believing by Journey
like you can you can really know your
crowd so fun what is that song off white
chicks we've been singing oh they making
my way
down yeah that's a good one that is such
a good one what are you going to be for
Halloween uh girlfriend and I are trying
to decide right now she wants to be
Waffle House workers I'm kind of down
okay um we we really don't know though
nobody has ever done that that I know up
I think you should do that just like
kind of kind of fun I don't know you're
looking at Joe Dirt and Kid Rock yep
literally that's our costumes fun yeah
you ever watch Jo
dirt you need to watch it I look just
like it when my hair is wet
all right like a mullet kind of I'm on
it I'll watch it oh Jojo I heard you had
an alter ego uh radical Rick radical
Rick that's what it was ratty Daddy I do
daddy the rickster the trickster so does
um radical Rick only come out when
you're like drunk like wasted yeah ratty
ratty so one thing that we learned about
me is I can slam alcohol like nobody's
business I can down it like it's like
like Fireball like it's bad like I my
tolerance is crazy on my 21st birthday
the night before we got like hammered at
midnight so I was technically 21 so we
got hammered and then the day of my
birthday we were drinking around the
world at Disneyland and okay so the for
context I did these videos in Disneyland
right but it I edited down from the 24
hours the 30 seconds of me being the
like most sloppy everyone that was there
with me though that day was like how are
you standing like I I drank everyone saw
me like take a sip of alcohol for the
video you didn't see me finish it though
everything I had that day I finished cuz
I was this the Disney it was the Disney
day yeah I remember seeing that finish
everything but then what happens is it's
my brother's birthday at midnight so my
birthday is on the 19th his is on the
20th so we have to Rally until his
birthday I'm on my feet all night long
didn't throw up I drank everything cuz I
was like I'm just going to throw it up
at night yeah didn't throw up anything
also had Mono so I didn't recognize
being hung over I just felt still sick
with mono like I everyone I went with um
my best friend G flip their like tour
crew came with us and so all of them are
like Ries and it's
like I was with people that can pounce
on my I was a tler Cameron Tyler can
pound some alcohol as with my brother he
can pound some alcohol and everyone was
like how are you okay right now like how
are you not sloppy how I used to be like
that like it was scary so now I stay
away before my birthday say this year
I've never got hung over like in my
entire life never been hung over I wake
up still drunk but I don't feel bad now
this past year since my birthday I can
wake up and I got like a little bitty
headache but the day after my birthday
oh my God it was awful was it oh H so
bad I stayed in my room with like the
curtains black I did not come out of my
bedroom till like 9:00 that night when I
come to your house like I got us wine
and pizza I was like alcohol keep it
away from me yeah no it's not the pocket
now I only drink when I'm on stage
watched something that says you like
Fireball I do I drink Fireball on stage
oh I love fuckb so I did it's so fun I
did a shot of Tios on stage and that was
fun got the crowd riled up then I was
like I want to do Fireball so I can get
the crowd to sing Fireball and so now I
get the crowd to sing Fireball and I
take a shot fun that is genius your
concerts do look like a lot of fun we
started to get tickets at one time do we
not okay that looks like fun okay
anytime y'all want to come I got you oh
we got to go we definitely got to go
never get a ticket that sounds like so
much fun it is fun I keep the concert
fun I keep the audience entertained I
make sure everyone's having a good time
it's does it not make you nervous being
on stage no it doesn't it sends me into
a spiral I don't know it's the feeling
of you would rather do literally
anything else in the world but you are
not going to you're going to do this
thing that you deathly terrified of but
you would rather do anything else it's
that feeling it is that feeling it is
that feeling like when I done Zach Brown
I was like oh my God or it's the feeling
of man I really hope something happens
right now so I don't have to do this I
feel like I tried to sit there and
manifest something happen they're like
oh actually what would happen if I just
like tripped down the stairs and broke
my arm and couldn't go I think we done
it for me Zack Brian wasn't so bad but
then we done Rock to South and evidently
there's like a video there's like oh
nobody clap for the hot Tua girl that
went on stage everybody I could see clap
for me so like
I are so stupid like ignorant they look
for anything I saw it was you that your
video was like people are saying I have
15 minutes of fame so I'm going to spend
all of it doing good I loved that video
good I feel like there's not enough of
it though no at all and you're you're
also doing something like thank you like
you you were kind of designed to have 15
minutes right like that's like the
pocket of the world that we live in but
you have made it into something I mean I
didn't ask for any of this [ __ ] and I've
went my whole life without anything that
I have now so why wouldn't I get back
right yeah that's cool I feel like it's
a good cause and like animals they can't
ask for it like hey I need help they
can't do that so like I wanted to go out
and do something that good you know and
maybe some homeless people too yeah that
don't chase me down the street with a
stick um and yell at me happen it's only
in La though it's definitely only here
cuz I've never had that kind of like
interaction um I have some rapid fire
questions for both of you to answer
rapid fire she's about to cook us no I'm
not these are actually interesting all
right what's the craziest date you've
ever been on oh my God I spent this is
so bad I spent like six Grand in one
weekend on this girl just to get laid
and it didn't
no you didn't know this yes you did it
was right after Dancing with the Stars
you know who it was
with said I'm St after Dancing with the
Stars like yeah I episode after the
season so it was right after me and my
best friend met I didn't realize that's
what I wanted but I literally was just
horny like I thought I was just trying
to have a girlfriend NOP I was just
horny how old were you okay 18 yeah
that's that yeah yeah it was a fetus
yeah do you know this person I mean I
was like halfway public with her but
like not really no but I Courtside
Lakers Backstage Disney Security First
tickets did you end up getting laid nope
[ __ ] and you still didn't get [ __ ]
laid still didn't get laid were you not
um I was confused she became my
girlfriend as well she was like she was
like I don't if that's a little no she
was this was on day two she was like I
don't do things unless like someone's my
girlfriend as we're making out so I was
like want to be my girlfriend she said
yes thought I was going to get laid then
get she still didn't let you crack What
the fu then she told me that she loved
me and I for sure looked her right back
and I was like I love you
too we we've honestly we have laughed
about it now we have laughed about it
now she reached out she was she she was
trouble when when we broke up obviously
we were both just young and dumb and so
she reached out I was like hey looking
back sorry I was a big when we broke up
like we weren't even together I didn't
know right and I was like yeah you
really didn't but I feel like you have
like a [ __ ] boy ego I [ __ ] love it I
for sure I had a player phase I had a
player phase I did I don't anymore I'm
so out I'm so [ __ ] tied down to miss
Decay like I I am so head over heels for
this girl I would give anything for her
I would do anything for her it's dude I
better be invited to the wedding h of
course cuz I'm like yeah that's her she
used to be a player she used to be a
[ __ ] boy I got her I definitely from
like like the time I was 18 to 19 I was
for sure a little I thought that'd be so
much fun though it was it was I used to
play this game like if I slide into a
Mas lesbians DM like how long till
they'll hit me back like yeah Election
Day is coming up on November 5th and
there's a website send the talk
that makes registering to vote very easy
it's a nonpartisan meaning they don't
care who you're voting for they just
want to ensure you can vote head over to
send the talk and they'll help
you sign up register and check if you're
all set you can also text talk to three
3022 to learn more that's t a l k
33022 anyways you're a crazy date you
know I think I've maybe been on two or
three dates out of my life and I don't
think any of them were ever crazy Pooky
need to step up P has not took me on a
date Pooky needs to get his [ __ ]
together Pooky is getting rebuked of
Pooky term he's getting pooy for right
now he's getting thank you JoJo please
call him that please call him that take
her on a real date give her a real title
be a man exactly he did show up at my
house don't talk to him unless he does
that um actually we talked about this
the other night I don't know what it is
I don't know if it's like his beautiful
blue eyes he has and like the long
eyelash combo he intimidates the [ __ ]
out of me he always has like for years
since I've known him I went to do the HW
Tu the other night now if I'm [ __ ] up
out of my mind I can do it no problem
have no issue but the other night I
looked at him and I was like oh no I
went down to do it and that one ey
monster looked at me brother I tell you
what I about [ __ ] lost it I was like
nope nope and happening so like you just
couldn't I couldn't so
okaying from the most gay girl in the
entire world who has never laid eyes on
a dick before don't do it I'm not never
never sucked a dick before wouldn't even
know where to
begin I thought you could do it oh I I
could for sure I feel like you could do
it will I no JoJo with the pitball Jaws
but so you you go viral right off of
saying this
thing is it really like it's really a
thing you do yeah I mean I can do it if
I'm not intimidated but he intimidates
me and you just like now if I do not
give a [ __ ] about this dude and I'm just
in it for like you know the hit and run
you know I'm like oh no problem you know
and you just suck the dick and go
yeah when did this start like when were
like when's a good time to say this
he's okay sorry
Damie you're fine yeah he's
fineo like my ex-boyfriend he's actually
the one I don't even want to say this
out loud you know who I'm talking Bal
yeah yeah he's the one that he taught me
how to do it so you said spit on it not
even really I figured that out for
myself but like he taught me how to suck
a dick I was like what the [ __ ] what the
[ __ ] you want me to do I mean like this
thing's looking at me in my eye what am
I going to do with it you have to have a
partner that like kind of teach teaches
you what feels good so he taught you so
then at what point were you about to
suck a man off and you looked at him and
said I don't think I've ever said it out
loud you've never been like I don't
think I've ever said it out loud like HW
to you know I think you have I think I
definitely need to I think you have I
think you're
lying so like do you Haw to actually
yeah see it's not just for the St people
this is my point Pro very inclusive
sometimes a little a little spit can go
a long way yeah I agree I don't think I
make a verbal like with it but I like
you definitely should in the name of me
I kind of like let it like drool out of
my mouth I guess my girlfriend's going
to kill me
um um I think there's another Rapid Fire
coming is this one's a one of my
favorites actually so Haley's vagina is
named big Martha okay do you have a name
for yours I think we're about to okay
let's see I wish my girlfriend was on
the right now Frank Frank Frank the Tank
you got big Martha and Frank the
Tank can it be cuter can it be Frankie
the tank Frankie Frankie the tanky Frank
that works Frank the Tank Frank Chelsea
what we try to name yours Doug Doug
that's what you try to name why are all
these men's names yeah I don't know what
should we name them I mean I got big
Martha Biola I feel like I'm Sally Sally
Sally yeah like it's giving clean clean
Sally clean Sally nothing special but
like and she tried name him on Doug
that's that sounds
disgusting want to meet
Doug all
right CH I got another one for you um
let's do the celebrity crush one that is
a good question I've been dying to know
that mine is it tap McCrae no what so I
grew I grew up with Tate um we were
friends back when we were like [ __ ]
hell 10 or 11 um we danc not together at
the same Studio but on like convention
so we would be at the same conventions
together and she was like the mini best
dancer of the year and I knew all the
faculty so we were just kind of like
around each other by default um and yeah
she's very sweet girl definitely don't
have a crush on her I do [ __ ] she come
out with that new video it's okay I'm K
you know that one and I saw like her
boobs pressed against the window I
started questioning my sexuality I was
like H I want to see her naked like
really [ __ ] bad like I was on a spaz
about it for like days I was like I just
need to see I just need to see one time
I definitely didn't think that but I'm
sure you're not alone in thinking that
have you seen the video yeah she's the
thing about t is she's gorgeous she's
beautiful girl yeah
um okay celebrity questions are always
hard for me because I am said celebr
celebrity so having said celebrity crush
it's like not a stretch you know what I
mean it's like kind of let me start off
by saying my girlfriend she's she was on
a TV show that's the correct answer
growing up my celebrity crush were
always boys um zo Zack Efron Ross Lynch
Zack Efron probably Ross Lynch when I
was a kid yeah oh he's fine and F let me
just lay it in you want to know who mine
was Tyler Cameron putting a good word
for me right now literally just text
from him that's where I checked my phone
from I see him tomorrow I'm so excited
I'm jealous I'm coming with you was
there one girl who kicked off your
coming out or gay
Awakening um yeah my my first girlfriend
so she she was gay um she we were best
friends she' come out to me and then I
fell for her like no other but she hated
when her friends fell for her so I was
like ah I'm being said friend that's
doing this but it turns out she was
falling for me even harder than I was
falling for her and then she became my
first girlfriend of nine months um came
out with her she was my first
relationship real relationship she's the
one who I definitely had sweet puppy
love for we're still homies to the day
um just didn't work out we dated like
literally okay we dated twice but we
were together like six times um it's
great human being but yeah she
definitely was the one that made me be
like o was it tough when you come out uh
the people around me were great so not
really publicly yeah but I feel like at
the end of the day everybody's going to
have something to say of course so yep
this like May having [ __ ] podcast
everybody's got an issue with it you
still watching
exactly um do you have any wildest fan
interactions oh my God so
many um so many there's this one that
always stands out to me I was on this
cruise ship and cruise ship hallways are
this big and these two people came up to
me and they were like Star Struck and
they stood there and I was trying to get
through in the hallway and they just
kept like Crossing me standing there and
it's just random cutie little one
um when I found out that Miley Cyrus was
a fan of mine that's made me [ __ ] my
pants I would my [ __ ] my pants myself
when she knew my name I couldn't even
say her name back and I was like you're
literally my favorite human and I can't
think which you kind of had like the
switch like her is that what inspired
you to like yeah that's one thing I
really admire about her like every phase
she's had that she's went through like
you know Hannah Montana then like she
went a little crazy cut her hair and now
she's like back to like her wholesome
self I love her I never once stopped
liking her I was like I [ __ ] love you
you do you sister thing I do inspired by
her Miley like we can't stop that's what
that kind of like reminds me of you you
had your haircut too didn't you at one
point yeah because of her there you go
yep I want to show you cuz she hasn't
seen it either I don't know oh wait she
on SNL last time you were evidently hell
yeah that's it well it was someone
impersonating her
was it Chloe I feel like Chloe could
pull that off he was he made such a big
honor that really is such a big honor oh
my God it's sometimes hard cuz you're
like are they making fun of me that's a
[ __ ] honor I mean I get that a lot
like the making fun of me thing yeah no
SNL doing it next level cuz the thing is
with SNL is it's they think every single
person in America knows who you are and
so that's why they can do that [ __ ] yeah
big big big honor have they done you
yeah they did a full Karma skip back in
when Karma came out oh my gosh yeah that
but [ __ ] honor were you're like so
the same girl that did you that's who I
was like did Chloe play it cuz CH chlo's
the blond one you know what I mean and
so she plays they've done a couple of
Jojo things but when Karma did they did
like a six minute me being interviewed
on their new segment as the karma beast
and it was I mean it's again it's an
honor had either of you watched SNL at
all before being on the show CU you guys
are young I barely I'm I'm in my 30s and
I barely I barely watched it growing up
I mean I I've known it you know what I
mean like I know about it but not like
when I texted you last night saying
you're on SNL did you know what I was
talking about I didn't even see where
you texting me I was in I ain't going to
lie I was hot as [ __ ] watching Netflix I
was minding my business you smoke me I
have do you like it no what do you
trip no I just really like to be in
control and my life is so
unpredictable and if I'm ever like like
needed or something happens and I'm high
and I can't leave or help or fix it or
whatever I would just I hate it that's a
good way to put it maybe I should think
like that yeah it's just like being
sober I'm too I'm too much of a like
helpful mhm person that like I can't you
probably go to therapy I saw a podcast
you done and you were like you only
drunk like four times yeah Power to you
my brother I don't like being
sober you don't like being sober I mean
I like being sober some times other
times I'm like I need a drink I need a
hit you know Chuck that [ __ ] up you
don't Vape either do you no don't ever
pick it up I have I my vocal cords are
[ __ ] up so I have one vocal cord that
is completely ruptured don't know what
it means but basically one vocal cord
works so how normal people have two
they're both white I have one that is
white and one that is bright red and so
I can't [ __ ] up my lungs there are
because my cords already [ __ ] up don't
do it y you're going to get halfway up
them out and be like yeah does that not
like affect you like singing no really
bad yeah but hey you're doing it
though hey I will take over and
SN okay JoJo what's your biggest turn
on better yet before I ask this question
what is your real [ __ ] name cuz I
Wikipedia it and I'm not very sure what
it is Joel Joel okay there's like five
or 10 different ones and I was like what
yeah Joel Joon C was my real name Jo my
biggest turn on is
just like
literally start making out with me like
just anytime any place I'm I'm like a do
it at the right time right place type of
girl but like I always want it like it I
I fall when I'm falling for and I I want
it when it's wanted you know what I mean
and so like with my girlfriend like
literally I could be like uploading
Snapchats and she could like get on top
of me and start making it out and
instantly I will be like I mean get like
boner like lady boner yeah exactly [ __ ]
yeah know somebody else has one of those
oh that's actually what my ick list is
called Lady B it's like ladyboner turn
offs Val it's like my ick list what are
your men icks I only have one I have two
icks for men for men for men okay women
I have no ex long toenails sicken me
disgusting um I have
plenty I have two for men peeling an
orange what picture a man peeling an
orange you got [ __ ] no yeah I never
thought about that do you have any eggs
for girls no no okay just me okay
basically we're targeting men
um like ending a jump rope whether it's
getting stuck tripping stopping
something with a jump rope what if
you're good at jump rope as a guy at
some point you have to end them
but so if you saw a guy doing like the
spins and like the crossover
and you be as soon as stop second he
ends it's like why the [ __ ] did you stop
interesting like I think that's out I
love those I never thought that let me
see I'll feeling out a jump rope and
peeling oh oh I'm sorry about peeling an
orange if they're peeling it for like
their wife or their kid [ __ ] adorable
but it's peeling an orange for
themselves oh yeah it's like cut it up
pick a different fruit I don't
know thought about that one so there was
this guy damn fellas we oranges anymore
I guess it's over I don't think I've
told this sick yet so there was this guy
we hung out with like when this first
happened and like it was like a a
friendship Vibe well at least my side it
was but like he's how can I say this
without like calling him out he's
getting into country music and stuff
like that this [ __ ] was like
singing in my ear and I was like can you
stop when JoJo thank you for coming ah
thank you for having me
woohoo word up go like comment subscribe
to talk to with Haley Welch follow
wherever you get your podcast while
you're watching this take a picture and
tag me and tell me who you want next tag
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8kGRtHafKJA.txt | I saw something one day it was like The
Simpsons predicted me and I was like
okay I I was on The Simpsons what I did
the show called Dancing with the Stars
you dance oh yeah oh yeah so you make
people's ears bleed you chase people
with a knife yep you have a second
thoughts yet hear me out okay fire away
okay you got cookies
pickles what's the best advice she's
told you shut the up
word so would you invest in it no no
that was
quick so I get that Mark Cuban's a
genius and he's good with money and all
that all these big business moves but
why doesn't he just play better pics
Chelsea did you know that you can win up
to 2,000 times your money on better pics
no way yeah all NFL season long you can
literally turn $10 into 20,000 all
season long the business world's cool
and all but me I just play better pcks
hit some 2,000 x l up S and have a ton
of fun winning Money download better and
play better picks if you want to win
2,000 times your money download better
play better picks hello and welcome back
to talk to I got Miss Chelsea and then
Cuban give him a clap are you guys going
to the fight tonight you for the fight
yeah cool you going that's you know I
was going to but my son's got a um a
basketball game it's his first game of
the season and so we were both going to
go he's 15 and I was like and I've know
Mike a little bit and so they invited me
to sit down and everything I gotta go to
his game you know you team Mike that M
oh yeah I mean I know um I always get
Logan to Jake I'll tell you my Logan and
Jake story quick so um when they were um
15 or six no it was 18 they emailed me
and they were telling me all about their
business and I'm like this sucks and I
literally told I gave them advice like
here's what you should be doing and
everything and we went we started going
back and forth and they started giving
me [ __ ] you know the little Paul
Brothers you know free all the tattoos
and all the [ __ ] right and so gave him
my advice as best as I could and you
know I I don't think they ended up going
into that business but when I did um
Jake's I always get the two which
Logan's got the podcast right both both
which one's fighting tonight J Jake is
fighting so I was on Logan's podcast
right so and I I still have the email so
we looked it up and we were going back
and forth at it so yeah so that's my
history with them going back it's crazy
like kids will email me adults whatever
just asking for businesses device and so
if I can help them you know just like we
kind of talked you know yeah that help
whole why not yeah yeah but I try to
help where I can hear me out okay fire
away okay you got poooky
pickles yeah bet you
do hey you know it could work out of
Tennessee you guys make pickles in
Tennessee so would you invest in it no
no that was great that was you know what
I'm not investing in anything named
Pickle after a guy it's just
okay fair enough fair enough not going
to happen but would you at least try one
oh yeah I love pickles okay so what if
we change the name yeah you know pickles
is a tough business we had someone come
on Shark Tank and they had this pickle
business and they did okay but um
because anybody can make pickles it's
actually supposed to increase in the
next four years the pickle industry yes
like you literally did that research
yeah I'm a little prepared a little bit
prepared right well see I learned
something new already no you know just
because it's a big industry also means
there's a lot of competition yeah yeah
if it's 16 billion you know and you got
pookies pickles coming in you got to
have an angle like you GNA pray Pooky
around and you know have have your guy
just go sell his pickle
everywhere you have a different way of
putting that thank you you know I didn't
look at it that way I'm glad you put it
that way you know but hey if good
pickles and you just got start somewhere
you know and you got you got the
platform to sell it you think that's
your audience the pickle audience I
guess so yeah okay we say you give it a
try so you like just do like you know um
like a poll and just say would you buy
Pooky pickles you got a better
name not really it's actually a good
name I just can't invest it's actually a
great name it's actually I mean you know
your boyfriend is pickle so you got
something to to talk about and and you
know yuck it up about all the time and
so you can always have a reason to talk
about it and when you have a good reason
to talk about your product that's always
a good thing but I just would feel
comfortable no I'm not the same way now
you put it that way because I don't want
to be selling my man's pickle you put it
that way but you should be it's cool
right because that's the hard part with
the product a lot of time particularly
when you're in a 13 Going to6 billion
dollar market right you want to be to
give people a reason to talk about it
and if your boyfriend wasn't named
Pooky you know if it goes bad you can
give another nickname you know I need
you to come up with a
name man pickles ain't
um Haley
Chelsea chelse deal yeah eat my pickles
eat my pickle I don't know you know po
pickles actually is a good so you had
any other ideas for her to like come up
with her own product what would it be
hear me out granny panties no I mean
there you go you got you got an audience
right that loves you and so that's
that's the whole thing I mean something
that I think you know just from the
outside look in right I think why you've
been so successful is that you're
authentic you know you no for real for
real you are who you are right you smile
you know you don't try to push things on
people you don't you know some people
are always on you know you've been
around those people now where they're
just like always like they have this
image they trying to to put out there
and they're not just them just not
themselves and when you talk to them
it's hard to talk to those people
because they're always thinking about
what angle they have to take and what
angle you're trying to take but I don't
get that sense from watching the the
podcast and you know just just little
interactions we've had you're authentic
and that's you want to find things that
you like and products that you love and
you like or that you want something that
you think you need that um people that
you know would relate to because then
it's easy for you to sell it you know
hey I came up with this it's because I
needed it and I love it and I'm sharing
it with you not because I'm trying to
you know sell zillions of them I hope I
do but because if I need it there's a
good chance that all the people who
follow me here need it
yeah yeah so when you get along those
lines then then you start finding things
that really work you know it's like
where all the companies I've ever had
that have been successful have come from
solving a problem or having a product
that works out really that people really
need um you know I started after that
job as a bartender I started a a
computer company while I was still
sleeping on the floor broke where I help
people learn how to use their PCS and
wrote software form and then um after
that I started this company called
audionet which was the very first
streaming company it started like right
there across the street no yeah so it
was like we went to Indiana University
and go hoers and there was no way to
listen to Indiana basketball games down
here in Dallas so it's like okay I'm I'm
the tech geek can I figure out a way to
do it and that's how the whole streaming
business started and then grew that you
know and sold it and did really well
with it um started the first all highdef
TV network because I saw a highdef demo
I was like that shit's cool you know
back when you know now a big screen TV
like we got up there is nothing right
you can buy it for a couple hundred
dollar but back then people thought it
was too expensive but I was like okay
it's going to change and then you know
now um I've got a drug company Cost Plus
drugs because the whole industry is just
[ __ ] up you know so when we looked at
that industry it was like okay nobody
really knows what medications cost
anymore like for your grandma or you
know your whoever right she's she's G
and she doesn't know what they cost you
know she doesn't know if she can buy for
less than her deductible more than her
deductible and people stress about all
that I mean everybody stresses you don't
know what your costs are going to be so
if you go to cost plusus you
put in the name of the medication if if
it's one of the 2500 we carry we show
you our cost we show you we only mark it
up 15% and more often than not the price
is going to be really really low and
it's just blown up I mean it's just gone
nuts but the the bigger point is like if
you find find something that's important
to you or find something that you can do
because you guys are so authentic you
can make it work and because you're so
interactive you know you talk to people
you're out around people you're you're
Fe you're hearing feedback from people
that's the best spot to be in because
they'll tell you you know just like when
people ask you about because people are
pitching you [ __ ] all the time now yeah
you guys hear it all day every day and
you'll tell them what you think you know
or you'll just like you know I'm the
same way no that's not for me or I don't
want to be in that business this but if
it you know if it hits a cord it's like
[ __ ] that's not a bad idea and that's
how great businesses start is it not get
on your nerves people like pitching you
all the time you know it did for a
little bit but I figure it's just like a
good problem to have yeah you know
because I've been on both sides you know
I've been where I've come home and the
lights are turned off and my credit
cards are cut up and the bill collectors
are calling and that sucks you know and
just being on this side now yeah it's
nice you know and I fig you know since
I've been on both sides if if I can help
somebody and give them some feedback but
now now sometimes though like you know
I'm in the John somewhere at a game or
whatever you're Mark Cuban hey I got
this idea like wash your
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like what what do you do if you're 22 25
years old you know it's hard you know
finding the job you want is harder um
putting together a career that you know
makes you feel confident is harder and
then talking when everybody's just
looking down right is just a lot harder
because I mean like media's always been
media but now everybody's on their you
know like me I'm on Tik Tok I'm on
Instagram but I'm married I'm good right
how' you meet your wife um at the gym at
the gym where where I just was this
morning yeah Premier Club um I I play
play pickup a lot and um one of my
buddies was dating her sister sister and
she was like yeah so she's like you got
to meet this hot girl and she was on the
bike I'm like
okay and walked up said said hi you know
saw her again asked her out now we've
been married 22 years three kids what
was your first date like um our first
date was um going to this
restaurantbar and you know how guys have
a thing right where they've got their
their approach so my thing was to buy a
bottle of champagne
and just like I figured you know but
that's good though yeah but it wasn't
the it was it was good champagne wasn't
like oh my God champagne but um and just
sit there and you know because then
every time she said something
interesting or I was lying and
pretending it was interesting you know
you you can click your glasses right oh
that's really cool D D um so that was
the first one and then we went to the
movie Liar Liar um with Jim Carrey way
back when um and so that's kind of like
when if it really first clicked 22 years
you got any kids 15 18 and 21 so my
youngest is Jake he's um a freshman in
high school my middle one's uh Lissa
she's a senior my oldest is Alexa she's
a Vanderbilt good deal yeah it's really
cool they're great kids thank most of
the time what's she going to school for
um right it's econ it's behave a
behavioral thing but I think she wants
to get into business but like like I
tell all of them um you don't have to
have the answers right now you just you
you know just try different things you
just never know what's going to hit and
just find find the things You' like to
do you know you don't you're 22 you
don't know [ __ ] right I think Maddie
back there needed to hear
that she's back there shaking her hand
like okay yeah so yeah so it's cool you
know but it's
it's it's easy to like give advice but
it's obviously they have to be the ones
that live it and it's not hard being my
kid I mean it's not easy being my kid
either you know because it's like oh
yeah you're rich you know and oh you're
and they think they got to live up to
you yeah and this and that right and
it's just like I feel bad a lot and you
know I try to get them to talk about it
and they're just no you know but but
because they're typical like one's 21
with the other two are teenagers and
it's like they're they're just going to
we just try to let them be themselves
and grow into the people they need to
grow into but it's it's still it's not
easy for them so did you grow up in like
a wealthy family no hell no neither me
neither no no like my um neither one of
my parents went to college grw in Pitt
and um I know you guys had whiz um on so
I was born maybe three blocks away from
whiz where he was born not the same time
obviously but but about three blocks
away in um Squirrel Hill and um but my
dad did upholstery on cars and chairs so
if there was a rip in the seat you would
take it to where he worked my mom just
did odd jobs and bounced around my mom
was 20 when I was born um and so it was
just you know my dad I mean we we had a
good family don't get me wrong I mean we
want to change it for the world but it
you know wasn't like everything was easy
you know it was like if I'm in the
shower too long they're yelling at me I
understand that yeah right and just all
the the normal family stuff but we had a
great family I have two younger brothers
um they both followed me down here to
Dallas and you know the rest is history
heck yeah does everybody else live in
Dallas with you um my two brothers um
and pretty much it you know my parents
died a few years ago but um I've got
cousins still in Pittsburgh but that's
it I mean it's just my local family and
then my my wife's in-laws heck yeah so
out of everything what made you just say
Texas was it that's where I'm going to
live at yeah just because I mean I had
friends I had a place to stay and my car
would make it I had an old Fiat with a
hole in the floorboard and literally
like every 60 miles you had to put oil
in and all that kind it was one of those
cars you know if you hit a certain speed
limit it started to shake some you guys
never had to deal with that heavy I have
yeah she doesn't get her oil change
though so that's excuse so yeah so it
was just like click and pouring in um
but it was my car could make it I want
to go someplace warm it wouldn't make it
to La um and so it wouldn't make it to
Miami so I had my friends down here and
they were like it's cool you know econom
is's good the women are are nice um get
your ass down here and I thought you
know I got a job pretty fast working at
a club called alons as a bartender and
barback um and stayed in it it was a
[ __ ] hul I mean can you imagine six guys
in a three-bedroom AP apartment yeah oh
yeah probably could yeah it's nasty as
hell right it's just nasty smelly but it
was like it it was great because now you
know we're all still really good friends
and everything and that group of Dallas
guys are still my good friends and I I
played rugby at Indiana um and so those
guys are still my best friends um so I
mean it's there's nothing like
spectacular about it if you would have
told me when I first moved here that all
this [ __ ] would happen to me I would
have laughed at you it was like just
like no [ __ ] way I mean it's just
like you know where you guys are at now
you know I mean like I count my lucky
stars every day because you know if you
have seen me growing up no way right if
you would seen me when I first got here
no way now I had my hustles you know
along the way like I opened up a bar
before I was old enough to drink at
Indiana um right across the street it
was it was right across the street from
Nicks um it was it was called mle's Pub
and it was I'm trying to think you know
you go across the street from Nicks and
there's the um above um the upstairs Pub
dunker yeah Dunkirk right yeah the
Dunkirk so when you were there so you
walked down the street and it was all
the wood that was my bar I opened that
up but yeah so I opened a bar on campus
um I took my financial aid money and
some well some my friends put in some
money and we opened up a bar and it was
great it so this is like why y'all were
in college while I was in college my
senior year yeah I bet that was fun God
it was out of control um but then I I
hadn't turned 21 wife I turned 21 after
we opened and it was like I let all my
friends in and we got busted and so they
shut that do it which is probably the
best thing that ever happened to me was
that your hangout spot oh yeah for sure
I had so much fun oh my god um but
anyways that's a different
conversation the senior year in college
yeah were you wild as a teenager as a
teenager no like if you would see
pictures of me like I'm 6'2 we'll find
out how tall I still am right um but
back then um like when I was 16 I was
510 I weigh more than I weighed more
than I do now um like I said my parents
didn't really have any money and I was
one time when I was playing um baseball
out in the street I was running down the
street after a ball bike was coming this
way didn't see it the handlebars hit me
right in the mouth and these two teeth
down here are caps they were cut in half
but my parents didn't have enough um
money to get me caps that were the same
color as my other teeth so no lie like
if you look at my senior picture I mean
like people used to go like this when I
smile so I mean if I showed you a
picture of me when I was 16 you'd be
like oh my I got to see one now I'm CU
to see one too you
picture this like I'll never ever live
this to hold on did you ever had braces
no I had braces for 5 years yeah that
they were rough how old are you I am 21
no when you had the braces I got them
when I was let's
see seventh grade
so 12 or 13 oh that's that's tough one
of the other you were brace face m space
yeah my needed some
help what kind of mistakes did you make
when you first started um well when I
first made money
um I was really conservative with it
which was good and bad like I told my
this guy I know was a stock broker for
Goldman Sachs and he took my account and
I had made $2 million after sell my
first business and I told him I wanted
to invest like a 60- year old man
because I didn't want to lose it because
I want my whole attitude like when I was
really grinding out that first business
micro Solutions I went seven years
without a vacation and so my whole thing
was was I want to be able to retire and
I didn't need to retire like big I
didn't need to Big Time it you know I
wanted I didn't care if I live like a
student forever literally I was cool
with it and so um I did two things I
bought a lifetime pass on American
Airlines where I literally for 125 Grand
me and somebody else could just take
this card and go to the American
Airlines counter and go anywhere they
they had a flight going they do that
they don't do it anymore um it was
insane I I'm not spending that much
money I'd be sick oh no no this cuz I
traveled a lot for work and stuff but
still it was like my that was my big
present to myself but like now if I were
in the same spot um with interest rates
at 5% I probably put most of it in a
money market account and just let it
earn the 5% um because you're young
right now and but you still want to just
you don't want to stress about it you
know so many people like they get a
broker and they put it in all these
different stocks and then you stress
about it like it goes up it's great but
if it goes down you're like oh [ __ ] you
know what am I going to do and I was
always at the attitude I don't want to
be in that position I want to have my
base and then you know I took you know
10% of it 15% of it and um just that's
what I put into stocks you know and put
it into just a stock like um the Dow
Jones or the SPX right these stock
indexes and then that's fine now most
people would tell you to do the opposite
most people would tell you to because
you're young and over a long period of
time the stock market is going to keep
on going up which is true you know and
but I was really risk avoidance I I just
I wanted the peace of mind more than
anything else and like I said I was
willing to live like a student and to me
$2 million was more than I had ever seen
or could ever possibly imagine seeing
and you're probably in the same spot
right now yeah you know it's unusual
yeah right and it's just like so you
know find whatever it is that you feel
like okay this is my nest egg and just
put that in money market and while
interest rates are where they're at like
5% or whatever just let it make 5% a
year and it's not like it's going to
make you a killing but interest will
compound right it'll make 5% and 5% on
top of that and 5% on for as long as
interest rates are there and then once
you got that that Nest then start taking
new money that comes in like okay I just
did this sponsorship deal or I just
brought in you know um made money off of
this then you can put it into an you
know the SPX or a stock index and then
if it goes up or down whatever as long
as you keep on putting money in over
time it'll work out for you but I'm
always a big believer you want that Nest
a yeah because look it's a crazy world
and you just don't know when it could
just you know when you know one minute
you're rolling and the next minute
you're [ __ ] and I mean even I'm I mean
I'm I'm the luckiest [ __ ] on the
planet right and and that still still
scares me you know it's just just
because you just don't know what's going
to happen or you know somebody gets you
just don't know how old were you when
you hit a billion 40 39 39 39 hell yeah
hell yeah it was right what's the
craziest thing you've bought um two Jets
I knew it I knew it I was telling y'all
one of you I think it was Johnny I was
like he's gonna say a jet or something I
just know it yeah because like time is
like the the one thing you can't get
back yeah you know there's no amount of
money I can pay to be 21 years old again
that's true and just every every day
even though people think I act that way
sometimes but
um just every day I can save myself time
and pick up time you know and work on my
own time like when I sold that first
company I I didn't wear a watch again
until I got an eyew watch for workouts
you know because I always felt like if I
wore a watch I had to be on somebody
time you're on to something here you are
what was the first purchase you made
when you made money oh I got gry a new
vacuum cleaner you got a new vacuum
cleaner yeah it's got light on it it's
pretty cool that's even better don't
even use it what's the one thing you
want to buy La cows not opposed to that
either La cows mhm and a boat wait cows
to put in LA or oh a lake house oh a
lake house I said La cows I'm like okay
do they have cows in La no I don't think
they have cows in there that that's why
I was like okay that's that's cool I
didn't think they had horses there
either until they took me to go see some
and I was like what what I didn't think
it made sense where do you want a lake
housee at well it's not far from like
where we live at it's like an hour to
Winchester so it's nice I'm starting to
learn Tennessee a little bit now because
I go to Nashville my daughter's there
and just found out more about Gat
Gatlinburg Gatlinburg G Gatlin
Gatlinburg yeah with um Dolly world and
what else there um and all the mountains
and everything yeah yeah everybody likes
it they goes there um she wanted to be
able to drive up there um but she was um
had to De with her classes so we were
talking about that yesterday like yeah
Dollywood Dollywood yeah Dollywood
whatever yeah
yeah I like Tennessee I mean you think
you're going to stay there yeah I'm home
forever oh yeah do you ever go on
Broadway at all not anymore not anymore
yeah I mean because it's got to be crazy
now yeah it traumatized me a little bit
so back how do you think you would react
if your daughter was in Haley shoes I
would be cool with it you think so yeah
because it's not I mean people say stuff
um everybody does you know but how you
deal with it is the more important part
and you went with it like I remember you
know seeing interviews with you and
you're like I'm going to use my 15
minutes to the best I can yeah you know
I'm going to take advantage of this and
I'm gonna love every minute of it and
just the fact that you know you want to
love every minute of your
life that's amazing you know no for real
though right you know how how many
people do you guys run into that are
just pissed off of every at everything
right and there's something wrong and
it's somebody's excuse and whatever it
is but you know you know here you are
right and now you're turning it from 15
minutes into a business into you know a
brand Ian so if my daughter was able to
do that I mean the hard part just
because I'm sure you know there were
times when you questioned yourself I
still do day what do you question
yourself about I'm just like do I even
want to do this still is it worth it and
what do you think I don't know I'm kind
of conflicted about it why why do you
think it's not like I miss like having
like a quiet little life kind of but I
love everything I do every day so and
that's the cool part right and so you
know for me it's like every day is a new
opportunity there just because the one
thing that's constant in life has
changed you know and it's nice to have a
base like this you know but you know no
one says you have to do anything forever
yeah you know you'll pick your spots and
as new things come along I mean that's
been your whole life you know so far
where something's changed you've been
able to say okay I'm going with it and
most people you know don't have that
most people are like this is who I am or
this is what I expect or this is what's
expected of me and you've been like [ __ ]
that yeah that most people don't have
that skill most people don't have that
to that [ __ ] to them right seriously
you've got to be able to say [ __ ] it you
know because if you can't what you got
you know you got you got no place to go
and and so you know that's what that's
why I wanted to do the podcast because
you guys are like set in your own turf
and like when I like you're going to the
fight tonight you're just [ __ ] having
fun yeah that's what you're supposed to
do you know so I did the show called
Dancing with the Stars have you ever
heard of it you danced oh yeah oh yeah I
also I also co-wrote a country song
that's coming out no what yes yeah you
didn't know it yet it's being premiered
on Shark Tank next Friday you co-wrote
it co-wrote it with who um a guy named
Kevin Mack a country singer named Kevin
Mack so go to Spotify um hopefully by
the time this airs it'll all be up there
it's called one night one bar yeah are
you singing in it um I do in the live
version for Shark Tank um I just
harmonize I can't sing more [ __ ] curious
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sing a [ __ ] no
I don't think there's anything you can't
do at this point no there's a lot of
[ __ ] I can't do but I'm not afraid to be
embarrassed how far did you make it on
Dancing With the Stars I made it halfway
through I beat Floyd Mayweather no way
he's a
bro I got rhythm I got so Google Mark
cub and Dancing with the Stars I
actually people thought I was just gonna
be a stiff yeah you know and I got out
there and I Can Dance I Got Rhythm I
could see it I'm G have to go home and
watch that now yeah
see after I started watching on TV I
cannot do that scariest thing I've ever
done life the scariest thing because
when I did it it it was this a while
back it was live okay and this is when
TV audiences were a lot bigger 22
million people were watching and
absolutely it was just like the scariest
thing I have ever done in my life well
if I had thoughts of doing it that just
went out the window I would not be doing
the but but I you know like what I was
going to say is like if I I always ask
myself if I'm 95 and I look back is this
something I would have wish I would have
done or am I going to be pissed at
myself for not having done it that's
exactly what I told you too I was like
you're going to regret it where this
whole thing started was um he's got a
company called tickpick um which are
like picks for guitars that when you put
them on the the base of the guitar they
stick so tickpick yeah so when you're
playing right you don't drop him and all
that kind of stuff so he came on Shark
Tank and I did a deal with him and we
were we were talking and um I'm like you
know one of the things like i' I've had
movies nominated for Academy Awards I've
won an Emmy I've done all these things
that are crazy right but I've never
written a song and I've got this idea
for a song you want to do it with me
he's like what's the idea and I'm like
well when people walk up to me all the
time you know say hey Mark you know do
you remember me and my answer is always
aren't you that one girl from that one
night that one bar right that's all we
say it right and so I'm like we can turn
that into a song He's like that's a
great Chorus Line and then no it is I
like it yeah and then it's like I get
carried away by the look in your eyes
and that was like the the the core part
so there you go yeah did you guys like
it like cool cool you need to start
doing that more yeah well we'll see how
this one goes right but now it depends
so if it comes to hit I'm thinking y'all
I'm coming back Kevin Mack will come
back and play it live for y'all but yeah
so just like doing things that you're
not comfortable with you know because I
just asked him the question obviously
you know now you're in that position
where people will do things that they
might not have done for you before but
you you can't be afraid of it it's just
like you've got to have stuff like that
pookies pickles you ever
I'm sure you getting to do acting and
stuff like that so I do have one big
dream to be in a scary movie and just
get killed right it makes sense your
agent can do that stuff for you easily
yeah what are you going to do it I mean
I'm not opposed to it I really want to
you got to do it I'll connect you with
an agent if you're if your folks can't
do it like have you ever heard of the
movie shark NATO I've heard of it I'll
think yeah so like I love doing these
cameos and movies like so there's a
movie coming out I can't tell you the
name of it yet where Mark wahar shoots
me shoots you just shoots me and so it
was great because it was just a little
Cameo and so um we're sitting at a table
and he's talking to this guy and I'm I I
had been having lunch with him and he
walks up he starts talking this guy and
I'm like hey da d d d and all of a
sudden he just pulls out a gun bam and
just shoots you yeah the line by the guy
I was talking to you just shot Mark
cubin and so but the fun part was um
they had they had me die in different
ways you know so once does just like
that and the other time I had to just
fall and the other time you know dribble
[ __ ] out of my mouth and they had to squ
but it was a blast it was just so that
seems like it fun right um is there
anything on your bucket list you haven't
got to do yet you really want to do well
the song was like the the top of the
list yeah I mean just just you know it's
say [ __ ] it you know I just I don't want
to be afraid to do things the only thing
like I don't do is if I think my kids
will get pissed at me Mark we have a
perfect segment on the show that we're
starting to do it's called you should
have been there and I think you'd be
perfect for it cool let's go it's
sponsored by game time which is our
favorite place to get all sorts of
tickets and Live Events so what is your
most memorable game concert or any kind
of function you've just went to so mine
I know exactly the exact moment um it
was June 12th
2011 and there were 30 seconds left on
the clock we were in Miami and the Mavs
got up 10 against the the Miami Heat to
win the NBA championship and that was
the exact moment I knew we were going to
be NBA champions and that is my game
time moment it was just the most
incredible feeling ever ever because we
were The Underdogs nobody expected us to
win it was us versus LeBron and Dwayne
Wade and Chris Bosch and I just remember
just letting out the biggest scream in
the history of Screams just at that
moment so it was really cool and then
holding up that trophy man didn't suck
Johnny where's this card
at oh you got it
oh well here you go there's you a card
there you
go I had to go right next to my luuka
donic and Dirk nitzki and Michael Jordan
do you know who Luka donic is no I have
no idea who that is you follow
basketball at all no do you want to go
to an NBA game I mean I'm sure I could I
probably like it yeah I'll bring it to a
game okay blast so you're obviously
really good at giving advice who do you
go to for advice for yourself my wife
your wife a yeah um what's the best
advice she's told you shut the [ __ ]
um you know I mean but no she's really
cool she's I mean she obviously she
knows me really well now and um it's
more with kids like the thing that I
didn't expect in marriage is how we
divided up responsibilities
you know um I get like the money and the
business side of stuff obviously but
she's got her she's strict on everything
with the kids you know when they have to
be where and what they need to be doing
or not doing homework and because like I
come home from work or whatever I'm
doing and I'm like so have you guys done
your homework and they just roll their
eyes my wife is like homework like
homework it is yeah they know better so
it's cool so um no it's just yeah she's
she's my best friend for sure sure you
got any pits or anything um we have a
dog um tux um Australian mini Australian
Shepherd a and Tux is a smartass dog boy
he's smart they're very smart wait he's
a mini Australian Shepherd I have one
yeah but they're really smart right it's
just's so smart but they can figure out
anything except how to open the door
right like even if there's a little
crack in the door they won't figure out
how to open it up I tried training her
to close it cuz I hate like getting up
and she like bust up in the room but
she's not cing mhm what's your dog's
name Josie Josie Josie's naughty she
chases after skunks she's not naughty
she is naughty girl she gets out there
with the skunks and then she'll come up
in the house that's like um tux will
chased after squirrels yeah any squirrel
any raccoon anywhere but they're a dog
like that's what suppos to yeah they're
supposed to it yeah for sure tell them
about your dog M I just did Maggie oh
Maggie Maggie she my child your child
yeah she's like a little white crusty
dog yeah I wish she was ly you like put
it in a bag type dog I bet she would she
been a bag yeah I don't take her
anywhere though that's one of the first
things I done when I first like started
getting money and I got a foundation no
you know what I saw that because you
were you were help supporting different
animal shelters and stuff yeah which is
cool because most people don't think of
that for a long time pause Across
America pause Across America that's a
great name see you're good at names I
just need to go back to the bulletin
board for the pickles no you don't you
can't change your name that's my new
advice okay don't change the name I'm
not gonna invest because of the name but
I think the name is amazing see if you
get it going and you get any sales then
you come on Shark Tank they would love
to have you pitch it on Shark Tank
that'd be kind of fun it'd be really
really fun yeah millions of people watch
it and you get out there and you pitch
it and it'll just jack up sales for sure
you got you want to invent nobody ever
ask you what you want to come up with I
don't ever think about I really just
think about stuff for you no we need to
come on Chelsea stuff for you yeah you
got any ideas for me no I need you to
come up with the ideas it's going to
take me time I'll have to sit on it
were you have you guys been franman
since you were little uh seven or eight
years yeah somewhere in there in school
MH that's cool like in one class in
particular or you were the hot girls and
um well we cheered together go sense for
the most part we weren't in trouble yeah
her mama used to get on our ass like
every day well someone had to yeah
where'd you meet Pooky Pookie is
actually her cousin and her sister and
introduced us that's
nice and how long y'all been dating a
little over a month oh it's long term
right so you went back home to lock it
up okay yeah that's cool good for you
congratulations thank you that is really
cool so maybe you could do like some pet
clothes pet clothes for
Pooky yeah we put him in a dog collar
does Pooky have a yeah okay see there
you go now I know where your mind goes
right I'm not mad at you it's everywhere
yeah that's not a bad thing does he have
any pets so we just got a European Great
Dane we and his we well I say we but it
it was me and I just kind of hey he's
gonna live with you you know okay so
he's living with him right yeah that's a
big ass dog what is he still in
Tennessee yeah oh that was Dave oh there
go what's up
poie yeah we don't have to hide him
anymore yeah I don't have to hide him
anymore oh that's right you you find
your way nice to meet you yes to meet
too cats pull the chair it's a CO
looking guy right I I don't you know
whatever she likes man I don't care what
you mean a guy SC a little closer to you
I don't bite that's all right he does
bite actually don't show me your pickle
I don't plan on good that's a good
that's a good thing what do you think
about poopy's pickles I don't like it
anymore after I just looked at it the
way you explained it and now I'm like
what um I I really don't mind I just
whatever she wants I just do whatever I
just follow her smart man when you've
been dating month it's always just yes
well for the most part I don't
understand the word no when he tells me
no I'm like what then normally changes
his mind and gives in she likes to pinch
my ears a
lot was that your
idea nope did somebody do that to you
before um well when me and my brothers
would fight when we were little that was
like my only defense mechanism I guess
so I'd grab and buy ears until they
started bleeding and I just like till
they started bleeding yeah that's crazy
we were mean to each other but like like
real blood yeah like I'd grab him by his
ears and you can ask him till this day I
can call him now and he'll tell you I
know he wears a
hat I'm easy on his ears now my poor
brother he used to get it so bad for me
how old are your brothers so the middle
one he is 26 and then the oldest one is
40 40 yeah my daddy's old yeah Henry
yeah so there's three of you yeah the
oldest one's got a different Mama though
oh okay so you're the second set yeah
you and your brother that's cool though
he wouldn't ever mean though the oldest
one wouldn't no I mean why would he be
you like you know step sister I was
always the one that would like chase
them around the kitchen with a knife I
wasn't the one being
chased so you make people's ears bleed
and you chase people with a knife yep
you having second thoughts yet some days
some days some days it doesn't even get
it bad he's just dramatic no that's cool
seems like a great guy you are just
sensitive it's just sens what's to say
was you say party animal yes sir I plan
online when I get like 60 I'll put
retired over it no no you won't maybe I
probably cover it up before then
honestly I think you should get a leg
tattoo get a tattoo you got a tattoo no
tattoos what no tattoos I think you need
to get one tattoo poop does your
daughters have any tattoos no no no are
you like against it no it's not that I'm
against it I don't want them to get them
but I'm not against like when I grew up
like the people that had to tattoos were
like my dad and his friends because they
got him in the Navy and the Air Force
and all that so you know it wasn't cool
right it was to do something that your
parents were doing yeah so it was never
something I got into um I thought about
but it's just yeah because everybody
else has got him I'm like yeah that's my
reason not to yeah my dad talked me out
one I was gonna get like the barb wire
you I if I ever got a tattoo it was
going to be a heart and it was going to
here I'll come up with the ideas but I
what do you you know I was always like
your name here that way you can't go
wrong you can put anybody on it no just
your name here just say your name here
yeah your name here so how like how in
your mind how long they've been dating
you guys been
dating when when was the first time you
started dating um like
officially September 8th September 4th
of what year October for so you guys
were just you you guys were party
friends back home yeah um my dad is I
know friends is the word you call that
situation yeah yeah way to explain it
there you go that's cool Chelsea I need
to pause the podcast for just a minute
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said earlier so I'm going to say it
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download better play better pics
download better play better pics what
was like the most insane rumor you ever
read about yourself online oh my God so
many rumors um that I actually got sued
by somebody who said I did a sex tape
with Lamar odm Kim
Kardashian um one of one of one of the
other yeah um one of the other um Khloe
Kardashian Kardashian and somebody else
and then another one where somebody said
I had a kid with this lady and um they
would show pictures I was at the
American Music Awards and she took a
picture and I was in the background with
Damon John and this is you know baby
drama mama baby mama drama baby mama
drama yeah baby mama drama I'm like what
the [ __ ] you know it's just it comes
with the tur I saw something one day I
was like The Simpsons predicted me and I
was like okay you should try to be I I
was on The Simpsons what it was so cool
it was so much fun so much fun so um I
season eight no it was later than that
one of my time it was 2008 and they
asked me to do it and they just put me
in a box in this um audio um enclosure
and that my whole line was I'm out of my
mind right I'm out of my mind so kept on
saying just yell it and I would yell it
and they're like no you got to yell it
louder I'm like what and so the whole
time I just kept on screaming I'm out of
my mind and that was like my whole
Simpsons episode but it shows up and it
was also um Bart and the bees part of
that episode Barton the bees and so yeah
so Google it was so much fun like I
don't like if I get stuff that even if
it's stupid but it's just unique I'll do
it you know have you done any other like
little movie roles oh yeah yeah a ton of
them like which one was your
favorite shark NATO was my favorite Shar
NATO yeah I got to play the president um
I can see you being a president yeah I
could why don't you run no there's no
chance there's just no chance why don't
you run well I mean they put me on the
ballot did they not oh you got some
writing votes I'm not old enough to be
president oh that's right you got be the
world would just be at peace If I Was
President everybody would get along I
agree with that I agree with that yeah
you can be the the first gentleman
spooky the first
gentleman do you have a v process when
your daughter BRS home no I did
originally but that didn't go over well
oh my God the first date she ever went
went on um for my oldest she took her to
a Mavs game and they were sitting next
to each other and they both had a pair
of shorts on and I walked up to them and
she was 13 maybe and I I told the guy if
that skin touches that skin
and walked off she has never forgiven me
and then you talk about then you talk
about Dad [ __ ] right so one time I had
to go pick her up and she went with her
friends to a football game the high
school football
game and I'm like Alexis Alexis cubin
you need to take your medication we need
to put the ointment on before it spreads
gosh I like you're a cool dad to have I
think so they don't of course they don't
do they have like a what do you call it
I guess a specific allowance um yeah
yeah but and so my oldest blows right
through it I mean that' be mean yeah I
mean like I eat my money just like spend
whatever bags whatever my middle one
doesn't spend anything my youngest is
just like electronics and basketball
stuff um sports stuff so it's not too
bad he's young too yeah he's GNA like to
buy fun stuff yeah he he will you will
but it's like if it's it's not even so
much a new phone CU we talked about
getting a new phone and he wasn't
excited about it but like a new computer
new tech stuff he's into that or
basketball stuff basketball gear so it's
not too bad you make them do chores um
just like clean up after dinner but
that's no they don't even clean the room
or make their beds that's where we
failed miserably as parents I hate
washing the dishes that's the
worse so you got to me everybody put you
know wash the dish and push it in the
dishwasher I wish that's how your house
worked I'll get to his apartment and
there's like a sink full of dishes and
I'm like oh half time it's not mine it's
my roommates yeah how many roommates you
have uh right now I just have two but I
I tell her all the time like you don't
have to do that CU she'll tell me she's
like I'm deep cleaning your house I'm
like don't pick up their stuff though
because it's just not it's not ethical
it's not because guys you need to know
where your [ __ ] is exactly right because
you know those plates you left there so
when you're thinking about what you're
going to eat next you know what plate
you got available you know what Foods in
the kitchen you know what you know what
you can make right and then if you're
going to order something or whatever and
if someone [ __ ] with that it ruins like
life is out of alignment right well she
comes in every single day I mean it
doesn't matter if I've got stuff on the
floor even just if I take my work
clothes off when I come in she comes in
just cussing you need to pick up your
stuff you need to do this organiz sound
all right it's like I just got off work
I've been there since 6:00 that morning
it like upsets me if there's a mess
everywhere I
oh it drives me nuts so I just kind of
freak clean a little
bit I'm going to shut up on all that
now like other than that we do fine no
that's cool obviously for the most part
now me and her when we get together and
a hotel room it's awful but I don't mind
that me and her can share like the
nastiest room and I have no issues with
it no cuz it's cool right you're in a
hotel room someone's going to clean up
after you right you order room service
you get all the craziest [ __ ] you want
and then you like you go from oh we're
order room service to I wonder if I can
get something special Made For Me Right
can you guys do this and can you guys do
that then the milkshakes are coming and
the french fries you know well it's not
that good yeah see that's what you got
to try yeah you just got to take
advantage of that room service stuff
yeah because I'm not like a camping
person I'm a room service person like
get me what I want that's why I'm
staying at this hotel we venture out
too for the most part we like to explore
where do you guys go exploring let's see
where we go day we went like 30 minutes
and it was sketchy where we went the B
Daddy yeah the what the bow daddy the
bow daddy bold daddy it was really good
boil like your the B boing something
like cry daddies kind of Craw daddies I
like how you said that uh have you ever
had a seafood Bowl yeah I have actually
those are just my favor like the whole
steam bow of all the different you know
um crawfish and everything they bringing
it to you in like a bag yeah yeah yeah
and you just crack everything open and
if you're lucky you got Lobster in it
you got shrimp and everything yeah just
get all messy I get nasty oh I don't
care I don't care how nasty yeah put the
do you wear a bib sometimes depends on
what shirt I got you would you make him
wear a bib he does wear bib willingly I
have to put the bib on stuff is too many
I don't have to force him oh you get
like force him to do it you were so easy
please some things yeah I'm kind of like
that too you give me a bag of chips I'm
good to go yeah I'm good right I don't
there's like unless there's a good
reason to stress there's no reason to
stress you should be a
mentor like you need an app where you
can just give people advice you know
like an AI thing yeah maybe someday
what's something you think money can't
buy you my attitude is um if you're
happy when you're broke you're gonna be
really really really happy when you're
rich if you were miserable all the time
when you were broke there's a good
chance that money is not going to make
it's not going to fix your problems no
it's whatever you are you know whoever
you are as a person money just amplifies
that you know if you know because
there's some people that just don't ever
have like there's people like have more
money than me than I know that just
[ __ ] they don't have enough or they're
just working to try to get more I'm like
why you know just the time just you got
to enjoy all the [ __ ] you have because
one day you're 21 and the next day
you're 41 then the next day you're
[ __ ] 61 and just bam and so you just
you just got to take all those moments
and and just love them right um I think
you know if there's one thing that I I
think I've
done like I used to like car I told you
I had the Fiat had a target with the
hole in right and I just remember
driving um and just always Whenever
there was a sunny day and I do this to
do this to this day I just look up and
just say a little thank you because like
just be able to see a blue sky and know
that I'm in this position even when I
was broke right just I was in a position
where I can just appreciate the moments
because all those moments if you can add
them up if feel good but if you stress
about every little [ __ ] thing
that stress adds up too you know and and
I think that's what you've done good
right you don't seem to be a real
stressful person except when it comes to
cleaning up after him oh I'm a stressful
person are you really what do you stress
I just get overwhelmed you do yeah
sometimes like most part I'm good about
it though what what's what stresses you
the most
okay so say we're
going okay like the details of this week
and then next week this week we're here
and then next week we're in Hawaii all
the dates and stuff that get laid out in
front of me at once I'm like oh yeah but
you're just going to get up and go where
they tell you to go right yeah most of
time right that's what I do it's like
people are like trying to explain okay
you're GNA do this this this and like
look I trust you just tell me where to
be at what time that's all you got to
know same right right because you know
you've got good people around you you
just show up right and that's that's no
stress um the only time I really really
really stress two times one I'm
terrified of heights like yeah for real
like if you like I've been in there's
this place in Philadelphia where the
maps stay and they have an ele um an
elevator that's on the outside of the
building and it is just terrifying to me
like it's just the worst thing ever like
I fly in a plane no problem because it
feels stable but like just like it
started um when I was like 5 years old
and my dad took me to a baseball game
and he tried to take me our seats were
way up top and he said I just started
crying it makes me sick yeah I just
couldn't I couldn't deal with it that
the other thing is when people eat with
their mouth open like one of my best
friends in life like I can't go to
dinner with them I can't I can have
drinks I can go hang out with them but
if what about people smacking gum you
don't like that either difference yeah
same difference what kind of pet peeves
do you got pet peeves yeah
o yeah chewing with mouth open
definitely that's really car should she
get you know what kind of car I got what
kind of car you got I got a Kia really
Kia EV Kia are good cars I love it I
love it I had a Tesla too have a Tesla
and Kia is just easier to drive like
Tesla there's so many bells and whistles
and there's all these little all the
technical stuff which I like from a
technical perspective but you got to
think too much right and so you know
with Kia it's got all the benefits of a
EV but you know when you hit the turn
signal it's just just a turn signal you
know when you turn on the wish wipers
you don't have see that's what I want I
don't want nothing too high tech like I
want to be able to drive myself yeah and
because I drive myself all the time
these guys saw me pull up in my Kia it's
right outside right and um it's just
it's just an easy car easy car and I got
one of the little plug things at home so
I just plug it in at night you know no
one have to worry about it I it's not
like I drive it 400 miles but it's got
300 mile range easy peasy she needs her
a good car I do but it's a good car and
it's not expensive either yeah I mean
it's relatively
cheap she probably won't change the oil
in this one either probably not it'll
probably slow I just leave that to my
dad I leave all that St if you get an e
you don't got to worry about oil if I
what get an electron um electric vehicle
oh you got a point we just found that
out when was it yesterday the day before
yesterday what they didn't have oil yeah
she didn't know they have a motor or
nothing they didn't know battery I was
like I don't like those kind of cars you
don't like the EVS eh I could one it's
electronic that scares me no but it's
got It's got the pickup on these things
they're fast you driv they're fast oh my
God they are fast even myia it's like if
you put it in turbo mode you're gone
gone I got a Ultima my Ultima flow
that's nice yeah an altim one beses what
kind of car you got now Malibu kind of
truck you got I don't have a truck I
have a Jeep oh the same difference okay
yeah I'm going to buy a truck at the
beginning of year I'm just waiting for
the the market to come down a little bit
yeah I don't know what's you even know
what you
want probably a
Ford 250 250
yeah I see in a truck what's the
craziest car you have now now nothing
crazy I got the Tesla and the um um the
Kia but I had a
Lamborghini um but I just never drove it
because it drove like a Lamborghini yeah
you know it was really close to the
ground and then um I just and it was
loud which was fine but um I didn't get
anything from it right other than oh
that's a cool car like that doesn't do
anything for me um I owned a humer for a
while but that was just a pain ass it
was driving to a gas station every seven
minutes yeah um and I before I made a
lot of money my buddies and I every New
Year's Eve we would rent a Rolls-Royce
and you know just go out and find a date
we need yeah I think we should do that
we got pictures of us like we drove it
through um a Burger King Drive through
the best part of the whole life right we
went I think I forget the concept we
went to and we we're driving through and
I'm like we got to take a picture and
we've got pictures of me sitting on the
hood somebody else sitting on the top um
the doors open and our dates and
everything in a Drive-Thru it's like
that's the way you bur K drive a Burger
King drive-thru you know do you eat
Burger King not so much anymore no do
you like Whoppers
you know I used to be a Whopper guy I
love Whoppers I have no doubt you do I
love anything you put in front of me I'm
not picky no that's good though that
makes it easy yeah I'm not too picky
either I mean I can eat pretty much
everything I don't like like what do you
like what is it you were trying to get
me to eat that's a organ oh liver mush
I'm not eating that that sounds good
like liver is like not bad it's like a
it's a
Eastern typical like sausage you know
like brunsw you know brunsw that's
another same type of thing it's like in
a roll it's like this comes in a big
block in a big block yeah but you just
cut it up like sausage and you fry it
but it's literally like sausage it's
just a softer sausage that's cool I
would go for that I'm going to get her
to taste it but she won't do it I'm not
doing it she done told me it's an organ
I already know what it is if I know what
it is I won't eat it just put ketchup on
it ketchup ketchup makes everything good
I don't like ketchup oh you don't nope
oh we can't that's one thing I don't eat
I love tomatoes I don't eat ketchup
unless the fries are terrible then I
will eat ketchup like you typically
don't have ketchup on fries I eat ranch
okay I can understand Ranch do you put
fries in a
milkshake I I think you showed me that
I'm not opposed to it no that's like one
of the best things ever it's pretty good
like a wy's frosty yese yeah acts like a
spoon I know it's amazing I think it's
pretty good so I tell my kids since they
were little that that one of the alltime
rules you can always live by if you like
one thing and another thing and you put
those two Foods
together you're going to like it even
more I don't know if I can live by that
I'm worri about you took if you took his
liver mush and you took a Frosty and you
like just dipped it that Frosty would
make that liver mush
amazing yeah I'm just telling you it is
like you could take that rule to the
bank just think about that you're
lactose intolerant yeah unfortunately I
am lactose intolerant me too oh my God
but do you still eat ice cream I eat
anything with milk in it and I just
suffer cuz like I've went my whole life
it's you that you suffer I don't mind
like as a guy I mind if I'm farting
sitting on the toilet that's that's a
bonus every day right yeah what does he
say about it she she do not got to where
she'll poop around me yeah I stopped his
toilet up the other day yeah that is
like the King right there I come out and
my face is right I was like oh I have
bad news she said I stopped it up and
I'm telling you I walked in there and
seen that I know what to do you take a
picture no oh I definitely would have
taken a picture
went to Plumbing it was rough so he
locked his keys in his apartment and so
I had to go through the window and like
let him in just before the [ __ ] or after
the [ __ ] this is before I'm on the verge
of like [ __ ] myself at this point
cuz it is just that bad I got through
the window I unlocked the door and I
hauled ass I was gone there's Tower
marks after I got out of there oh she's
terrible about that every time she goes
she leaves a little streak and I'm like
I have the
brush she do one brush it'll be fine
she's the worst about that oh you
talking about driving streak no no the
streaks in the toilet like oh
like hay is the poop Master dude I'm
telling you it's it's rough when I get
in there she was she left I went to work
and she left that day I got home there
was a little surprise waiting for me in
the bment I sent her a picture I said
what is
this tce see but I know if that's there
I'm like haly's been here oh yeah it's
100% And she never shuts the door
doesn't turn the never shuts the door so
you'll just poop and everybody will just
watch poop I actually have like a shy
butthole I can't just like if I know
people are listening to me I'm like like
going to public bathrooms I don't like
doing that at all my bathroom's in my
bedroom so when she comes out she's just
not the type of person to turn the fan
on nor shut the door and have like a
little courtesy she just lets it air out
and just until it hits me in the mouth
while I'm laying on my bed oh my
God man it's rough out here it is really
rough out here but I have newfound
respect for you Hy thank you right thank
you skid marks for the win
do you do anything with crypto yeah I do
a lot with crypto actually I I've got a
[ __ ] ton of Bitcoin and ethereum and I
have some other stuff book .io um I've
um aaic they Chang the name of it but um
is another type and I got some
Dogecoin but yeah I've had most of it
for a long time and so it's worked out
really well for me oh yeah if I launch a
main coin can I give you some tokens
yeah I'll give you my wallet I'll give
you my wallet okay are you sure you
going to launch I don't know I'm not a
big a fan about mean coins I love crypto
but but you can make some money from it
there's no doubt about it no doubt about
it I'm very new to it and I'm still
learning what it is the Phantom wallet
do you know what that is of course so
evidently it gives you a 12-word
password right right your seat face yeah
well me and him I had to have him help
me put it on my phone I didn't know what
I was doing and you didn't write it down
or no you're [ __ ] yep they a good
drunk of money in there too is it really
y they told me while I was getting my
hair done done I was like what the [ __ ]
so so we're have to start over but you
can't get the password change
it there was a guy that lost like a [ __ ]
ton of Bitcoin way back when yeah yeah
it's on a hard drive he traded it for a
pizza how do you not he traed it for a
pizza no at the beginning yeah at the
beginning where early days of Bitcoin
you do you have crypto I do not Chelsea
gave away Maddy's pizza yesterday okay
it was a homeless lady sitting on the
side of the road and that's fair thank
you she was so mad at me like
like can I have a piece of pizza and I
kept walking and I stopped and I was
like we got to go back I was like we
have to CU you feel guilty right I'm the
same way I feel so we went back and she
had already like put her hands and I was
like just take it it's yours just take
it yeah right what are you goingon to do
yeah because if you're like a germaphobe
then you're like yeah I don't yeah I
can't do that so puts the hand in my
pizza box you can have it don't worry
about it yeah but you are the poop
yeah it's okay I have a new found
respect for you thank you I have a new
found how didd you just say that new
found respect for you
yeah I got one for you too there you
go hey y'all I hope you enjoyed the show
and if you haven't gotten yourself any
talk to a merch be sure to click the
link in the description below so we can
match tag me and talk to a while you're
watching the episode and let us know
what you think and before you go don't
forget subscribe to that thing
[Music] |
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w9sSw3oIhO8.txt | what is she say uhoh Here Comes granny
it was on the radio on the radio granny
listen to what I'm saying to you I was
like spit on it go to hell dude I love
Fireball it's like my spiritual calling
H this is a crazy conspiracy theory I
don't know if you've seen
this okay welcome to my front porch um
we got Maddie over here this has been my
best friend for 13 years you got you you
already know her I'm not even going to
introduce Chelsea you already know her
and then you got a Lista over here this
is Chelsea's sister this is our little
friend group right here this is
CQB we can't nobody knows no you will
never know what it means ever um nobody
knows we all been like a friend group
since high school what does it mean it's
top secret will die before I tell you
what it means we told you we'd have to
kill you there's one person we went to
high school with who just happened to
guess what it was you're watching this
keep your mouth shut keep your mouth
shut so the night it happens okay we
were all there from your perspective
okay I don't want to hear her
perspective anymore yeah I'm tired of
saying it too so y'all be my gu okay
okay I feel like we tell the story
differently yeah we definitely do you
you like to add details in there and I'm
like that didn't happen maybe it did I
don't know I was also little I you're
trying to get away from there too though
while I was standing there holding my
own okay so we were all there you were
there I was there except you weren't
there I weren't with like I wasn't with
y'all okay we're all at the CMA Fest we
all went together right but we sat
together yeah we all sat together um
then like after we were like oh yeah
let's go out you know and me and Haley
and Alyssa and Carly right yeah we're
just walking down Broadway Lys and Carly
like oh let's go to this bar I mean haly
like okay we're going to go Lolly
gagging down the street you know and
we're just walking and we see like two
dudes you know with like a big
flashlight and a camera and I was like
haly a camera and we would go over there
and I was like are you'all vlogging and
they was like no we do YouTube we're
like oh okay I was like do you'all mind
if we ask you a few questions we were
like never once told us what the
questions were those were the last
questions I was expecting to hear me and
you both was like oh what's your
favorite color mine's red you know
that's why I passed it to you and here
we are you set her up I did but hey I
felt bad at first but now I'm I'm proud
yeah y'all had to come get me after and
I remember I got in the car and you said
we messed up I said why you said we did
a street interview and I said what did
y'all say and you were like I don't even
know what we said I don't yeah I
literally I was but we were all
like yeah like I forgot about it I was
like it wasn't that bad that's what's
funny about it as soon as the first
video come out like the actual hotk to
we're like okay that's it seen it at
work and I facetimed each one of you I
was unconscious I got to get their raw
reactions to this video cuz I was dying
and Haley's like asleep
oh yeah she didn't even know we're all
like Kay's about to sit her pants and
then well at first it was like it wasn't
getting views at all and then by the
time she woke up it had like 500k yeah I
was uh oh and then I saw like 1.5 mil I
was like they we were like okay you know
it's going to blow over it was fun yeah
I thought it was going to be like a haha
couple hours later drops another video
yeah and I was like that was the only
part of the conversation that was funny
he keeps dropping more videos as like
the weeks go on and I'm like no I you
called me after he dropped the next one
and you were like Chelsea this is bad
you were like balling your eyes out and
I was like [ __ ] so I left work real
quick and I was like I'm coming over and
I came over and we didn't leave the
house for he dropped that second one
which one was it which one was the
second was what I love you pie or the
Cobb the cobwebs that's the one you were
the most worried about like I was
literally at my aunt and uncle's house
and I was like oh I want to go see their
Garden they took me down there say their
garden and everything else I got a
cousin from or cousin I get a call from
KK and I was like
what's she calling me for I was like
that can't be good Hunter calls her back
Hunter's my little blond-headed
curly-headed cousin he's my cousin not
my man get that right please and thank
you Snapchat stories drives me nuts um
and she's like there's another video and
I was like what could I have possibly
said I was like I don't remember I was
pretty damn drunk in that interview I
was like I don't know I was drinking
those slushies all day me and you both
were yeah I remember nothing it was like
some kind of
blue what was in it it was vodka right
it was like Tito it was
yeah it's pretty good we were drinking
them all evening you anyka and you said
these have nothing in there and they're
like I don't know what you want me to do
about it like put another shot in there
and you said I paid for it she did she
took him back she's like there's no
alcohol on this and they put another
shot off in there for us I went with Y
and I I was paying for it so I was like
I'm paying extra for this you better put
it in there exactly and then after they
released that one video where you could
really see my tongue that it was blue
after I've been drinking all day they're
like she sucked off Papa Smurf and I was
like well G okay you know but we were up
there and we got that phone call and KK
was telling us about this other video
and I was like are you [ __ ] me right
now like you're pulling my dick there's
no way there is no way in hell they done
post another video I don't remember
saying that hunter gets this video to
pull up and I'm
like I was like that is not good I was
like okay I got to get in my car and go
home cuz I'm about to have a nervous
breakdown me and Granny are on the way
home and I'm over here and there's a sad
song on the radio I'm like keep it
together granny has no idea what's
happening granny has no idea at this
point she's like why are you in such a
hurry I was like gr I I just need to get
in the car and go I was like I'm ready
to take a nap I need to take a shower I
was like I just I just need to go home
we get home I go in my room I was like
Jesus time either she didn't and when I
told her like about the whole thing it
was like a really when I told her I had
to explain it to her like three times
and she was like I don't get it and I
was like granny listen to what I'm
saying to you I was like spit on it and
she's like oh and I was like granny
Jesus Christ I was like don't say that
that I was like let me end up telling my
daddy you know whatever I'm going to
explain it to him to which he knew about
it but he didn't understand it either he
was like I don't [ __ ] get it but I
should have known somebody in my family
would have said something to his ass
before I did so he knew before you even
told him he's heard about it but he
didn't really know what it was so I was
like okay well I guess I'm going to have
to tell him then granny he gets here
she's like Haley come in here and tell
your daddy what you told me and I was
like oh Jesus Christ and he's hotheaded
too that's where I get it from so did
you tell your brother or did he ask you
about it first I told Austin about it
now Andrew I think he seen it at work
and he's like what the [ __ ] he texted
Austin he's like do you know our little
sister's like Tik Tok famous and he was
like yeah Tik Tok famous it's kind of
funny I didn't think it was big until my
dad was like awesome bu has at work show
meet you on Facebook you and Haley in
Nashville I was like oh did they it was
rough I literally locked myself in that
bedroom for like 2 weeks I went to work
and then I'd come straight home I
wouldn't even go to the store and get
gas I was like everybody and their mom
knows me around here I was like I can't
do it they're going
like yeah dressed in hats and hoodies I
didn't think it was getting bad until I
started seeing people like do merch that
said it and I was like what or like that
girl that pretended to be you oh yeah
like the one that was like trying to get
getting the benefit hey those people
done deep investigation though no they
did but they didn't well nobody really
know who you were so like yeah they they
didn't know your name I was okay with it
I was okay with it she I was like she's
claiming to be me yes sister you take
that that wasn't that wasn't haly W I
don't know who the hell that was you go
to D meet your attorney yeah shout out
your mama yeah shout out Mom I love you
shout out Mama D I love you telling my
dad was like an awkward conversation so
he's sitting here he's like mean mugging
the [ __ ] out of me while I'm telling him
and I'm like okay this is not going to
go good and I'm trying to get it out
where it doesn't sound as bad as it was
cuz at this point I was like this is
going to be a mess then you have granny
over here
just spit on it
hot to she doesn't even say hot to she's
hot toy I was like granny stop let me
let me finish telling him she's over
here okay spit on it I she's just over
here I'm over here like this trying to
tell him cuz I'm laughing trying to tell
him and he's getting mad cuz I want spit
it out and I'm like oh my [ __ ] God I
like all right Daddy I said it I said it
I was talking about spitting on dick
[ __ ] like it's just a joke though he
said I know not to take you [ __ ] I know
not to take you serious cuz you can
never tell what comes out of my mouth my
whole family has said
that know that I don't think anyone was
surprised when they seen the video
anyone that knows you everybody that I
spoke to about it like when it first
happened they're like that does not
surprise me that come out of your mouth
I'm like thank you even if you weren't
drinking and you were there like you
would say it if we were here yeah to
y'all I'm like scatter brain we can have
a conversation like this and if I see a
cow or something I'm going to jump to
that and I'm always going to have
something to say about something else
definitely the hardest part was like
coming out of my house after all this
happened I was like I'm embarrassed
death I cannot show my face anywhere I
was like mortified of it now I kind of
embraced it I wish I'd have done it
sooner I'd be like quit being a little
[ __ ] and get your ass up and go see
your attorney just do it and we did that
and did and you sat in that meeting with
me I do there's this man the other night
at dark spinley he tickled the [ __ ] out
of me he was like I what he how did he
word it you remember that older man and
I was
like I don't know what you're talking
about he's like I can't mistake that
country twang from anywhere he's like I
know it's you and I was
like surprise yes me what's the craziest
rumor I think I want to ask you guys
what's the craziest
shy let's talk about shy that's not a
rumor that was like real thing that
yesterday it wasn't even my Shir tussy
though that was the best com I've read
since this only start wasn't shuss
imagine waking up from a nap like you're
taking this really good ass nap I was
waiting on you to tell me if you're
staying within or if you're going home
so I was like all right I'm going to
take a nap my comforter is drying
whatever took me a little nap I wake up
I don't know how she timed it so good I
had like a bunch of messages and
everything else I was like what's this
about I wake up she facetimes me she's
like haly go to your Instagram I was
like what what is it she's like
shsy like people are talking about your
shirt tussy and she was like oh my God
she already knew what I was talking
about cuz we we seen it I was like why
does it look like that that's not right
all the comments were talking about it
and then someone said sure tussy and I
was like that is the best thing they
could have ever said no as soon as I
seen it I was like that's literally the
picture we said not to post no he
literally sent like a or he said are
these pictures above like good for the
post and I was like yeah those are good
you sent the ones I sent that picture
was not in there I did not send that I
would not have done that to you Jamie
you're done for so a shirt tussy is when
you have a fat Coter and your Coter
decides to take a bite out of your shirt
that's exactly what a shirt tussy is and
don't act like you haven't ever had one
or I've never seen that before actually
you're the first well hell it's better
than a camel toe it's basically the same
thing I think it's worse I don't know
I'd rather have a camel to the shirt it
least like you're wearing the pants and
it's not your
shirt I hate to say it but those lips
look too little to be
mine I hate to say it I was looking I
was like there a no way there's no way
in hell that's
mine what's that girl off me girl say
just because I have a WID set
vagina oh my God you keep saying what I
like in the backup pack of the cat
wait what' she say what I la in the back
I pack in the cat she didn't even know
what that means I was like Kay that
literally means
you no it
don't big Martha what yall know about it
who is that what you call her yeah yeah
her name is Big Martha
actually oh
God no she tried naming ours actually
she did she sat down she's said why
don't we name yours
Doug she went one by one trying to come
up with
no nobody thinks what I think stop what
you're doing right now I'm serious
whatever app you have open right now
close it whatever text you're reading
shut that down trust me I'm doing this
for you now take your finger and head
over to the App Store and download
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1,000 play better picks and hit those
1,000x lineup download better and play
better picks how did you guys meet so we
met in high school me and her have been
best friends since like third grade yeah
something like that third fourth and
then we survived two other friend groups
and we kind of kind of guess come to our
last destination best for last final
destination well we met in high school
we all cheered together yeah got into
some trouble together in cheer L bot
trouble actually no we met because I
made you take us home like that's how
we've been friends Chelsea we were
leaving school yeah cuz my sister left
me we I kind of knew you all before
though yeah we we knew each other same
grade yeah and we knew Jordan too but I
was supposed to go we were supposed to
go home with my sister and she left us
dished us out of the car so I was like
what am I supposed to do thank you H we
appreciate that can we hay ride with
y'all and I'm like yeah that's fine both
of them actually tried dating my brother
that was before I tried being your
friend that's how I met y'all y'all
Carson was my man Carson Was Your Man
Carson was Brooks man Carson belonged to
everybody he went through the whole gang
man yeah yeah that's he grew into his
ears though oh yeah he did have some big
ho ear yeah BL is hard no no I met you
before you had braces and we were just
little and my teeth done the Cha Cha
Slide to
the but I don't know I don't even know
how I became your friend that reminds me
I looked at my DM's last night and
somebody told me I need to buy veneers
for what I wore braces for 5 years and
then Ellie over there decided to eat my
retainer so I didn't get to wear it but
maybe like two weeks which I probably
wasn't going to wear it anyways but she
saved me the trouble this is actually my
daughter over here come here she doesn't
have a Daddy it's okay there's nothing
wrong with
that that's okay she needs to go put on
her Halloween jammies it never right do
they even fit her I don't know I haven't
put them on her yet I haven't brought
myself to it cuz I'm scared she's going
to like piss on me Pooky made her piss
the other night why I guess she got
excited she was like oh a handsome man
and like started pissing she don't get I
understand well yeah but you're not a
handsome man you're a handsome woman
handsome yeah you're handsome be yeah
our typical going out night was like
last night I ordered $80 worth of
dominoes just for us to like sit there
and like all devour it and then we'll
watch TV that's really all we do we play
UNO bu yeah that's what we do for fun
around here we normally drink wine too
with it if you can't tell she's drinking
out of the bottle that's a classy lady
right there the qu is not no the qu's
not in it either there's little pieces
just floating around it's okay it adds
character I think it adds character too
we prefer Barefoot too though it's cheap
we don't really go out all together
though I don't think we've ever all been
out together besides like the chat
Halloween party when oh man Halloween
last year was a blur to me my boots that
I bought like the same day to complete
my outfit they're like some really tall
like Gog go boot in go go
excuse me I love saying that so I got
tired of walking around in him my feet
were hurting so I took them off and I
was sitting beside Alyssa cuz you know I
just stir up at that point Fireball keep
it away from me uhuh I told him I said
one more shot and y'all taking care of
her I was not I fed her no I told y yall
give her one more and I'm done dude I
love Fireball it's like my spiritual
calling she's already like been over the
floor before there like the last one
dude I was having a ball before we even
left like your apartment I had so much
fun though until Pooky called yeah until
Pooky called he screaming and crying and
throwing up that's why I didn't like
Pooky me and Haley sat outside for like
45 minutes and she was like [ __ ] you
[ __ ] you just cussing him out and he
kept hanging up on her every time he was
literally out too and then she'd call
him again see I'm giving hope right here
you're like two or three yearlong
situationship can turn into something
more I'm giving hope to the delusional
girlies right now well the thing is I
blocked pooky's number before she even
started calling him again he was having
fun the same thing I was I'm just
dramatic except she was at a frat party
he was at a bar with his friends was
this Harley or Haley Harley came out
Harley comes out there's no you can talk
to her but she's not all there you got
to explain what Harley is Harley is your
Alter Ego that when I drink dark liquor
that is Harley yeah once Harley comes
out there's no going back until Harley
is done put down I got some Halloween
costumes of you my boy
what why are they in like a work suit
like what is that hot to jumpsuit
I think they should do like a mask I
think it should be like the outfit that
you wore that night I know what is up
with Johnny and them wanting to like
chop that up and sell it in little
pieces no one will ever get my Sheen
skirt I live by that thing no one will
ever get itar that it was $3 no one's
ever going to get it and your she top
let's talk about the time Haley punched
her ex in the face I actually smacked
face it smack it was like a
hard whack that's what I loved about him
though like me and him can be into it
and then like an hour later we're fine
like that was my favorite thing about
him no but no we were at the beach on
his senior trip I got secondhand
embarrassment I feel so bad we were in a
room full of all his friends and I don't
know if he was joking or not you can't
joke around with me too much cuz I'm
like really hotheaded and I take it a
little too far he bumps into me and
Spills Dr Pepper all down I had a reflex
and I rared back and I five starred him
right in his face and it got so quiet in
there that's not the first time she H
someone in the face yeah that was in
your name keep my watch name out your
[ __ ] mouth that's that's exactly it I
wasn't even there I no idea what was
going on you can say whatever you want
to like about me but when it comes to
them or like anybody else I'm really
close with just don't do that and it's a
concept they got really close at one
point in time and they were like really
good friends and I'm all about being a
good friend I try really hard to be a
good friend I always have and they're
pretty good friends too thank you yeah
of course but this girl she got really
close with us and
especially with her she got really close
with her and then we found out she was
texting her ex-boyfriend behind her back
and she's done been [ __ ] talking me at
this point so I'm like ah whatever you
know what you call me stupid idiot
whatever it was she called me that's one
thing but you're sitting here being a
good friend to her or think you are and
you're texting her man behind her back I
was like I got something for that ass I
got a FaceTime call and they was like
Hey so and so's texting him and I was
like okay like I'll text her and they
was like no don't say anything Haley's
going to handle it she's
I not to nobody believed me I I know
when I done it everybody's like H why'
you do that everybody in the room told
me to do it no I knew you were serious
nobody else thinks I'm serious right now
and then she that was the best face time
call I've ever got Wasing it on and
after you did it she was like Haley why'
you do that I was Alissa you told her to
y' know you tell Haley to do some things
some she be oh yeah like and she won't
actually do do it I was not expecting
her to actually do that I don't got
gassed up at that point I
ponytail told her boyfriend she's like
if you get a phone call it's cuz I beat
this bitch's ass he left she had even
been at the house for 10 minutes not
even 10 and he leaves gets right back to
his house hey can you come pick me up I
knew it come he said please tell me
you're not calling me for the reason you
said you would I was like yeah I am he
was like hey my [ __ ] and he come and
got me me and him click so good that was
bad you miss him that was like my best
friend so yeah not like that way it's
okay but like we were friends before
that we were really good friends before
that it's nothing but love over here
same way with that girl we don't have
issues or anything we're good after like
few weeks after that I don't know how
that come to be either but that was like
a we were like why are they it oh the
next day y'all were like best us it your
prti yeah we fine and me and look each
other we
said sometimes I think people need to
just get their asses handed to them
sometimes and then they get back on the
right path you know one and done type
girl this is a hell of a podcast set up
yeah the cow
field in case you're wondering where my
porch is it's out in BF bum [ __ ] Egypt
um there's literally a cow field over
there they're just I guess living their
best life quick show of hands if you
want to turn $1 into $1,000 listen up so
the last episode I told you about better
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predict how they're going to play and
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better and play better pick I don't know
if you guys have seen this yet it might
be a skill though naming
people former some people read hero this
is a this is a crazy conspiracy theory I
don't know if you've seen this wait till
y'all find out she's loky a former
Israel Soldier C how do you say that
cospl cosplaying a Southern bell after a
billionaire dad hired a PR firm to scrub
her past off the internet par
particularly her old Tik Tok where she
ain't even speak English let alone had a
fake ass southern accent a fake ass
southern accent you know there's times I
wish I didn't have an
accent let let me just see
that you hold my bottle
okay Trill bur who sent you H you're on
to me you're so good how'd you catch me
stupid ass people are so ignorant like
where do you sit here and come up with
this [ __ ] like out of the time of day
where do you have the time of day to sit
here and come up with [ __ ] like this I
wish I was a soldier I feel like it'd be
kind of fun I feel like going to the
Marines and stuff would be really fun I
feel like I could do it but I wouldn't I
wouldn't be serious in it spot like I
flip a tank over if I drove it you walk
up be like wait who am I supposed to
shoot that's exactly what you would do I
couldn't do that I walk out be like okay
he's kind of cute I don't want to shoot
him no you I don't want to kill him you
know know I be like I should hook him up
with Maddie I try to go over there and
like hook him up with MADD and he'd
shoot my ass I'd be
done internet particular how old Tik
Tock where she ain't she ain't even
speak English let alone had a fake ass
southern accent uh oh here comes granny
granny oh she can't even get in Granny's
here we're
broadcasting everybody this is Granny in
case you haven't met her this is where
my mouth comes from you're the best what
are you doing here me yeah nothing I
came to see you did you oh oh do I eat
enough we need to get this out here do I
eat enough what do you mean do you eat
enough do I eat enough how much do I eat
well I guess you eat till you get full
everybody says I need to eat more cuz
I'm shaped like a chopstick kind of n
you don't need you don't need to eat too
much more yeah you get fat we're
drinking that liquor that was in the
fridge what liquor y drunk no bun of
drunk have you tried this no get you a
sip it's got a cork screw in it but yeah
it's extra
flavor what is I know me the other day I
just kind of put it in the fridge I
didn't think nothing about it she said
whose liquor is that in the fridge and
liquor I went there and looked I was
like oh that's
wine ain't no liquor y'all drank all
that no I don't want none of that stuff
there's a cork FL floating around in it
do you drink wine granny nope I don't
drink period mhm that's how I live to be
80 years
old we told her she start smoking her a
joint she feel better what are your
secrets to youth how do you stay so well
I guess with all these Grand young young
ons and Grand Youngs you know You' got
got four young ons nine grand young and
I don't how many great grand Youngs i'
have to stop and count them were you
were you surprised when she got
famous she didn't tell me for a week I
think it was a little bit more than that
no it was longer than a week it was like
two is they say they know more than I do
I'm not going to tell her she was she
was scared to tell me she's afraid I'd
get on her for what she
said you thought it was funny I say I
bet you thought it was funny then I got
think about well I guess if she don't
say anymore or do anymore well I had got
nothing to worry about well
actually yeah I just heard the
last little remark you made which one
what was it something about something
being you something in a hole and
oh what
was I was on the
radio yes you hear radio you can blame
Johnny for that Johnny's like that's
funny say that you came up with it
though tell what you say so what's all
or how did I word it what's good for the
hole what's good for the hole and always
good for the
soul that was on the radio here tell
them about the telemarketers
what about tell them what you say to him
of make no that ain't what you say to
him that ain't very nice yeah and tell
marketers of us worry
the crap out of me look she's putting a
filter on now you ought to he early in
the morning filter
off bad
granny you know that movie Bad Grandpa
yeah got [ __ ] on bad granny i' hate to
the I got 18 one day 18
calls they drive her nuts oh gosh that
phone is always ringing yeah it drive
you nuts when you're trying to sleep in
at the ash crack of dawn too yeah I
don't blame you I'd say the same
thing what am I cooking why' you start
stud I said what do you say to the tele
markers quit [ __ ] calling
me go to
hell call somebody else every once in a
while I'm tired of you calling me what's
your favorite thing about Haley
don't look at me like that it's a smart
ass mouth ain't it H's this is my
granddaughter she stays here with me
takes care of
me oh shs don't don't sweet don't talk
about me like that sweet as I can be now
you're bluffing right there K this
[ __ ] she's making me look good that's
what I say she's just she's just my
granddaughter now put the camera and ask
her what she really says months
old yeah put the camera down and ask her
what she really thinks about me to cry I
know this story and it makes me
emotional too I don't know why but she's
very independent very independent word
that's out go ahead tell them you
independent too now you don't need a man
for [ __ ] tell
them well I guess that's why I had got
one you're damn right me and you both
great I know that's right now she's
always told me own thing we no man to do
it for do it yeah right now you have
always told me not to ever bring you a
man home unless he's got one foot in the
grave and the other on a banana pilling
that's right that's right and I ain't
seen one yet he's got a [ __ ] ton of
money so he can just slip right into his
grave and leave her all his
money now I live by that she tell them
all my secrets yeah it looks like it I'm
kidding now I'm the one money I don't
need a man for [ __ ] I just got one
because I got one do you like Pooky
I guess I hadn't met him but two or
three times but I guess Pooky is all
right you get married when did I what
age were you when you got married I was
17 years
old yeah I got a little bit to lose yeah
I did too I I wouldn't advis it yall
wait till you're about 37
37 what about never never I'd be better
what's Granny's alterg when she gets mad
huh grantha gran Brenda that's Brenda
Jane No when Granny gets mad she's
Brenda that ain't granny no more that's
Brenda amazing you Taco Bell let's get
you let's get yeah so here we have our
local Taco Bell this is my favorite
place to eat you could never offer me
Taco Bell I'm like ew no I'm not in the
mood for that I'm always down for Taco
Bell you want to buy hot freeze I've
never had one they're good we're taking
your Baja virginity with
you where she
be right with you what is she say so you
need Carol's raw reaction to a Baja
Blast mhm dude have you ever went to a
gas station and got like a Coke
freezy that's my [ __ ] so if you look to
the right right here this is where I was
working at it's my little spring Factory
oh a got very many people up in there
you worked inside there I see Trevor's
there that was my best buddy old pal I
just put Springs in a box and we shipped
them out I check them occasionally I
didn't like doing it I had to sit still
all day we're driving through Lewisburg
we're going to Cornersville to see where
we went to high school at they literally
had a tractor day people used to drive
tractors to [ __ ] every homecoming did
you drive a tractor to school hell no I
can barely drive a
car what do you call your car
Kirby why do you call them Kirby cuz I
run over a lot of Curves oh look at
these people planting trees okay and
they got B okay those are ghosts I was
going to say they got PL bags in their
[ __ ] trees remember they used to give
us the trees at school huh they didn't
ever give yall a tree hell no they
didn't give us a tree we were pouring
Corners well they wouldn't give us a
[ __ ] no thing of toilet paper to wipe
your ass on that's true or toilet paper
I swear to God that damn thin one little
poke through your finger now you got
[ __ ] on your finger going to graze that
[ __ ] up real good too maybe I should
make an ad tired of thin toilet paper
and walking around with skid marks in
your drawers after all day but You'
wiped nine times vote Haley for
president she'll fix that in your school
systems vote for Haley W and she's going
to spit on that [ __ ] campaign so
we're at our high school um we used to
cheer out here you don't got anything to
add W CS W CS go boogs I think have the
w foot are weading or no uh I got you
talk to her wait TI talk to her
subscribe to that thing this is Miss
Remy Jan and I've had her since she is a
baby she likes apples if you can't tell
she's going to give you a little
ASMR you like that yeah she likes that
and that's a wrap on this episode and I
hope you guys had fun hanging out with
me in my hometown and make sure you like
comment subscribe on this podcast
[Music] |
smpbjV1uIt4.txt | if I was to walk upstairs and see like a
going on I'd be like picture this Horror
Story you're like naked having and
there's people around you who are like
you could hear them talking about you
was he into toys yeah I mean he had
quite the collection should we talk
about like the alleged trafficking
tunnels that everybody's talking about
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by going to Rocket talk that's
rocket talk today we have
Frankie and then we got Apollo and then
miss Holly Madison
hi I love having the dogs here it's so
Zen Vibes it feels like a homie kind oh
it does don't knock don't put your snoot
in my
coffee wait wait you got to give her her
gift first oh I do I have a gift yes oh
my God I actually almost forgot oh my
God that's so cute
cute I love it talk to a 24 get out and
vote it has nothing on your hood do you
have on though yeah I have my Donald
Duck hoodie with the um it has the devil
horns so got spooky Donald I love that
yeah I come across something you have
it's like a what was it Playboy Martyrs
yeah I'm just to start watching that I'm
so curious about it yeah I I love doing
that show I love telling those stories
we just cover a bunch of murders took
place kind of within the Playboy world
it was such a big company there were so
many people that worked as bunnies in
the clubs across the country so you're
going to find you know stories Within
These people kind scary though it is
very scary because every story is so
completely different you know the
murders happen you know some of the
people we talk about that were in the
Playboy world were the perpetrators some
were the victims and we're recording the
third season now so it's like there's so
many stories did you ever get scared
while you were in The
Mansion um not about things like that
when when I was there it was more like
drama and it was a lot of competition
and a lot of like weird rules like you
couldn't leave the house after 9:00 and
things like that so it got really
depressing for me so it was more like
that kind of a thing I you know I felt
safe inside the Mansion like there was
security and you know it was a gated
property and things like that so I
didn't feel like I was in danger of
being murdered or anything well that's
good I mean to an extent so start I know
you could have like a few girlfriends
were you allowed to have like a
boyfriend or anything no no that was
totally against the rules a lot most of
the girls did though I think Bridget and
I were the only ones who didn't we just
weren't interested in dating around but
everybody else kind of did on the side
and kept it on the down low oh and
didn't tell him yeah but he would get
pissed if he found out like there was
right before I moved in there was a girl
who was having sex with one of the
Butlers on this couch that was like
there was this living room that would
turn into a movie theater like the big
screen would come down from theol
ceiling and there was this like tiger
print couch behind it and she was having
sex with this Butler on the couch and so
that was a big drama and Scandal and
then none of the girlfriends were
allowed to like fraternize with the
Butlers after that like we weren't
supposed to like hang out in the pantry
or like talk to them too much but would
happen if he did find out though people
would get kicked out and when I first
moved in I would see people like
somebody left to go like visit their
family but then another girl ratted the
out and said no she's really seeing a
boyfriend so all her stuff in her room
just got packed up in boxes and like
sent out the bat gate and like wasn't
allowed in and it was like this big like
shameful drama you know in that
community and it was like she's going to
get like DNA which stands for do not
admit but I didn't know that cuz I was
brand new and I was like DNA like are
they swabbing her DNA like what are they
doing with it so it just seemed so like
I was 22 when I moved in there and
everything just seemed so dramatic and
crazy and then I got to the point where
I was kind of terrified of like being
kicked out at any moment cuz I didn't
really have anywhere to go in La so it
was just a whole like Whirlwind I'm glad
I'm getting to ask you this because like
I would have assumed like all the girls
like stuck to together and they had each
other's backs but they would like tell
on each other 100% that's horrible it
got better over the years like it got to
the point where there were only three
girlfriends instead of seven and I
really started to take the initiative
because you know anytime somebody would
come to test for Playmate of the month
they would stay in the guest house at
the mansion and they would come out with
us and stuff so it got to the point when
a new girl would arrive I volunteered to
like give them tours and like show them
around and introduce myself so that kind
of got everything off on a better foot
and then everybody started becoming
friends and like getting along and there
wasn't really the competition but when I
first moved in it was an absolute
disaster it was just you know everybody
was trying to backstab the other one and
get the other one kicked out and it was
just a nightmare girls shouldn't be like
that yeah it's too much like especially
if like you're all together like y'all
need to stick together they're all
dating the same man right yeah yeah how
did that work not well not well I I get
very jealous I don't know about you but
I couldn't share a man yeah well I think
it started out everybody was okay with
it cuz everybody kind of gets into it as
like a transactional relationship
nobody's like thinking they're in love
or anything like that but he and I got
really you know codependent and in
meshed and it kind of just turned into a
relationship between Just Us near the
end and Bridget and Kendra were there
more for like the show and hanging out
and stuff so things got a little more
chill but in the beginning it was a
nightmare hetic yeah what was Hugh like
um he was a multifaceted character for
sure he was somebody that in the
beginning you know I really looked up to
and was like really impressed by cuz he'
done so much and accomplished so much
and he had such a community of friends
that just loved him and I just thought
he was like the greatest person ever but
then over the years my eyes started to
open with like how manipulative he was
with the girlfriends and you know there
was so much drama in the beginning and I
always just blamed it completely on the
other women and thought everybody else
was the problem and half was so great
but then as the years went by and one of
the reasons I decided to leave was it
just became more and more obvious to me
that was like loving that people were
like fighting or he thought it was
fighting over him and so he would kind
of like encourage it and stuff and other
girls would come back to me and like
tell me things that he said so that was
one of the reasons I left but so he was
playing y'all against one another
totally 100% I hate man yeah that right
there is like that makes me so mad Holly
when you girls come to the house or you
agree to do anything with Hugh at the
house or anything like that are you guys
under contract from that point on once
you're staying in the house no how does
that all work so like you could leave
and go get get a new job or like were
girls scared that they wouldn't be able
to book anything else if they left half
or kind of what was the deal with that
well the rule was we weren't supposed to
work like I kept my waitressing job when
I was there just cuz I was like I don't
know how this is going to work out like
I'm not going to you know ditch
everything but then a couple months into
it he got really jealous and told me I
had to quit the job so that was
something I wasn't really aware of when
I moved in I thought I could still go
out and audition and do different things
but then once you get there and once
you're in there and once you kind of
feel a little bit like this is your home
and you're a little bit financially
dependent on the situation you find out
well you're not supposed to work you're
not supposed to do this so then it gets
kind of tricky cuz you want to save up
and you want to like build a life for
yourself so it gets tricky like that but
we were never under any contract or
anything like that which is surprising
to a lot of people especially that he
didn't have people sign ndas but I feel
like he was so greedy to get laid and
get people up into his room that he
doesn't want something standing in
between that he's not like wait you have
to sign this first yeah you so you
couldn't even be your own person really
no uh-uh and what's the average age
range of these girls at the time in the
house like how old are you guys when
this is all happening I was 22 when I
moved in I think there was one other
girl who was my age and at the time the
other five girls were a little bit older
like more in their late
20s but women who were coming to try out
for Playmate and stuff they were usually
anywhere from like 18 to
25 and there were girlfriends who were
like 18 19 at different times too did he
have like a certain age like say you get
to be 32 would he like kick you out if
you got to a certain age there wasn't
anything like that like he did have some
old older girlfriends at some point and
when I say older I mean like early 30s
so there wasn't like technically that
age range but I would see a lot in the
notes when it came to like women who
were trying out for Playmate like the
editors would write like oh she's 28
like that's like watch out like she
she's getting too old so so he liked him
young young yeah for
sure come on now I bet he had really
cool parties though yeah the parties
were super fun especially back then they
were really exclusive and hard to get
into and I was just like in college and
working at restaurant and some of the
girls at the restaurant like the really
cool ones got to go to those parties so
I thought that would be so cool to get
to go and I was working for Hawaiian
Tropic and one night at one of the
events he's doctor came and he wanted to
invite all the girls to the party so I
was so excited I got to go cuz I'd never
seen anything like it it was just this
huge beautiful party and you know you'd
see like different celebrities there and
people you recognize from TV and you
know it was the cool party in town
everybody wanted to go to and it was
hard to get in and back then like nobody
had cameras on their phones or anything
like that so everything felt very like
private and exclusive yeah and something
you could go tell your friends about the
next day that all changed when everybody
got smartphones then the parties were
not cool anymore and it's crazy how
something like that just makes such a
huge difference and ruins everything it
does ruin everything yeah did that kind
of changed do you think the entire
business model for Playboy once the
internet and smartphones came out cuz I
mean print is obviously kind of dead um
cuz I feel like back in the day no one
turned down Playboy now Haley turned
down Playboy like two days after her
video went viral and it's like I feel
like that's something that wouldn't have
happened in the early 2000s or before no
one said no I feel like I'm not
comfortable in my own skin like that but
anybody else can go out there and do it
cuz like I'm not against I like looking
at it I hate to say like the little
outfits and stuff I'm like oh that's
cool and I watched have you ever watched
The House Bunny yeah yeah yeah she was
in it who told me who told me she was in
the house bu what do you mean house you
ever watched I was in it for like a
couple scenes just briefly like we would
be like standing next to half and have a
few lines with him like I didn't have a
character or anything I was just kind of
playing myself I'm going to have to
watch that again I've watched it like 10
times and I never paid attention to that
they're like she was in it and I was
like where I was like oh she was
Shelly I had to do my research and then
it popped up last night what were we
watching and it popped up um there was a
scary movie that popped up like Scary
Movie 3 and then there was a house bu I
was like there's no way she was in Scary
Movie there's no way no I was in the
very beginning we had a scene with
Charlie Sheen Scary Movie 4 that was the
one I did not pay attention to [ __ ] I'm
learning so much I think it was right at
the beginning of the movie though it was
like the opening scene I think if I
remember correctly we're going to sit
down and watch those tonight and I'm
going to be looking for you I'm so
curious hey y'all I mentioned last
episode how easy better pick is to play
but I wanted to show you exactly how to
do it all you got to do is download the
better app on your phone then go in
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football Sunday just become a thousand
times more fun now Dam love better and
play better pics I went up to a thousand
times your money yeah should we talk
about like the alleged trafficking
tunnels that everybody's talking about
online yes okay so like I've been seeing
all these Tik toks that people have been
tagging me in because of course like the
whole P Diddy thing is breaking and his
house was a couple blocks down from the
Playboy Mansion like pretty close and
now everybody's saying that there's
trafficking tunnels underneath the two
houses and it's not true I I can tell
you where like the rumor got started but
it's this big rumor that's going around
so like in 2015 Playboy thought it would
be cool to like start this quirky little
rumor that there were like hidden
tunnels underneath the mansion that like
went to like some old 70s actors houses
and they had these like fake blueprints
drawn up and they were doing like these
tweets and stuff and it was for April
fools they did it like a couple days
before April fools but that was like
right before everybody kind of went
queing on and then people like latched
onto that rumor and people think it's
real and now that like the P Diddy thing
is breaking and his house is kind of
close by and there's the rumor there's
like the interviews with like jaguar
Wright and she's kind of like sitting
there I think speculating in this part
of the rumor where she's like talking
about well you know like Bill Cosby was
doing all this stuff at the Playboy
mansion and then you know there's
tunnels that go back and forth which I'm
sure is like she heard that like
everybody else heard it but now it's
like a thing that people are believing
and they're like Holly you have to speak
out about this and I'm like as far as I
know there were no tunnels and I was
snooping around every corner of that
[ __ ] house
I had a lot of time on my hands it's
like Beauty and the Beast when Belle was
like into the West Wing she not supposed
to be there like I was looking for
anything and everything I'd be curious
too though if I was in like a big house
like that I'd be like okay well what's
in here what's in there totally wasn't
there in the house yeah on the grounds
there was a zoo we had like monkeys and
different birds and things like that mhm
I forgot you wanted to ask her about
that yeah I did I heard it and I was
like there's no way so he just had like
his own Zoo yeah he had a zoo permit and
the person who bought the house now they
kind of like got the permit with the
house so the animals are still there and
stuff yeah I loved it there were like so
many exotic birds and things that I made
friends with and do they do anything
with the building anymore he's
renovating it yeah he's posted a couple
pictures I think he's doing a pretty
good job he's keeping like a lot of the
historic accuracy but like making it a
little bit nicer in some places did you
ever witness like anything weird in
there in the house I think I watched a
podcast you done and you said you walk
it was like when you first got there and
you w upstairs and they're having like a
orgy oh yeah I mean was that just like a
normal thing to see I like that's normal
is was it yeah that was like on the
schedule Wednesdays and Friday
Wednesdays and Fridays he had designated
days for it so what was like your
experience like first seeing that well I
was really really wasted so um the
memory is blotchy but yeah it's it's
crazy it's a lot of a lot of that and a
lot of I mean even everything from like
I saw ghost [ __ ] up there I saw like
weird people wandering around that to be
there yeah yeah and Bridget did too in
her room she saw a ghost if I was to
walk upstairs and see like a orgy going
on I'd be like I have to like rub my
eyes and like okay I did see that and I
just turn around and head out I I don't
I don't know how I'd take that yeah it's
it's a lot I think it'd be something to
just see like two people as it is I walk
in I'm like oh [ __ ] my bad and I shut
the door and go on but like 10 people I
don't know yeah yeah there was a lot
going on at all times for sure what kind
of ghost did you see in the Mansion well
the first one I saw was in the gym I was
working out and I saw a girl come out of
the tanning bedroom and like walk around
the corner and I was new to the house at
this time and I when I was done working
out I thought well I should go introduce
myself to her it's probably somebody
who's like testing for Playmates staying
out in the guest house and I went around
the corner and she was gone and I saw
there were like mirrored like dance
studio type walls in there and there was
like looked like a had out of a door and
that's the only place she could have
gone and disappeared to so I thought oh
that must be another like secret door
cuz while there might not be underground
tunnels from the Mansion as far as I
know there were kind of like secret
passages like within the house like if
you went down to the basement and like
cut under you could get to the gym cuz
the gym was like built underground and
that's how I had gone in one way and
then since I was new to the house and
saw this cut out I thought oh that must
be another I'll check that out later I
got to go do whatever so next time I was
in the gym I'm like I want to see where
this other secret passage goes so I go
and I pop the door open and it was just
a really shallow closet that was full of
stuff so I'm like where did that girl go
I never saw her again and then Bridget
saw an apparition in her room one night
she had just got a new puppy and it was
her her sister and this other girl were
in her bedroom and they all saw this
woman with like stringy black hair like
appear in the doorway to the bathroom
and then disappear and all three of the
girls saw it I would have packed my [ __ ]
out of I can't do that walked around
with some sage burning be gone that y so
creepy I wonder if they like died in
there I don't know if anybody died in
there but I don't feel like if somebody
has to die in a house for it to be
haunted I just feel like their energy
want wait did you share a room with any
of the other girls or did y'all all have
your own separate rooms um I mean it
depended on how many girls lived there
at the time for the most part girls had
their own rooms I shared a room with he
when I first moved in though for like a
couple days I lived in what would become
Bridget's room with one other girl there
were like three beds in there at the
time and then I had my own room down the
hall for a couple months and then I
moved in to have bedroom but for the
most part people had their own rooms I
think Bridget just liked having people
over and her room was always kind of
like the slumber party room made it more
homey yeah for
sure I'm glad you and Bridget stepped
together though yeah me too like I don't
think I would have got through it
without her because she was like the one
other girl who I felt like was sane for
a while until we started making more
friends and stuff so it's great to have
somebody like that that's kind of like
me and her I we've been together since
the beginning of this [ __ ] that's it's
going to end to yeah I think that's what
saves you you know when you're going
through like all this exposure and this
crazy wild ride it's like holding on to
your friends and your old friends that
know you how long have you been Bridget
in France 22 years it was just her
birthday yesterday and I did a I did one
of those posts with like in my story was
like happy Birthday Bridget my partner
and crime of and I'm counting back on
like 22 years damn it's crazy now that
Diddy's going down who do you think's
next I mean there's nobody that I
personally have info on everybody's
saying Jay-Z though oh I've seen that
too that's like the gossip him and Jay-Z
were friends though weren't they did he
I saw a thing where they were like I
think that's why people think he might
be the next go down as allegedly they
were like involved or something yeah I
saw something where it was talking about
him and Beyonce like covering it up for
Diddy yeah I've seen that too I don't
know what they're covering up though
like I mean everything's kind of out in
open I mean he likes his baby old people
have been asking me to comment like on
the tunnels specifically about the P
Diddy thing I never went to any of his
parties or anything like that I probably
I think I probably have a picture with
him somewhere like crossing paths at
like a nightclub you know I've been at
like dinners he's at but when you're
around somebody casually you don't see
like the down and dirty [ __ ] that you're
doing that they're doing you know what I
mean so they said he had like freak offs
too yeah that's what the baby oil was
for he bought it in bulk at Costco but
he buys everything in bulk so that's the
the defense they're using right now so
it's not that weird what are you going
to use that much baby oil for yeah
what's an adult e
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yeah that was great our seats were
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game time so it the parties at the
Playboy Mansion was there like a strong
buffer zone between
he's girlfriends you guys and like other
like let's say if a pro athlete walked
in and he thought you were cute and
wanted to talk to you would security put
an end to that right away if you guys
started fraternizing or how did that
kind of whole thing work I think so yeah
I mean there were some girls who would
like get around it or like exchange
numbers just kind of like on the low or
whatever but most guys wouldn't really
approach us if they saw that we were at
the table with Hef cuz they just kind of
knew like that's the boundary and when
people ask me about like you know crazy
[ __ ] I saw at the parties I didn't see a
lot of crazy [ __ ] at the parties because
you wouldn't think this but when people
were like around he like where he would
sit at the party people would behave a
lot cuz they wanted to be invited back
yeah like you'd kind of have to be at
the other end of the party without him
to kind of see like the crazy [ __ ] go
off I feel like that'd be kind of fun
yeah but you were always with hi so
that's probably why you never saw all
that crazy toally like I I went to
parties before I was with him I was
invited to some parties but even then
like I didn't see too much I would never
stay that late and I wouldn't see crazy
[ __ ] but then would hear other people
tell me about like what was going on at
the other end of the party so how did
you get to be like his favorite girl
like his main girlfriend I think part of
it was just my personality suited his a
lot like I like to stay in and watch
movies and you know I got really
involved in the magazine too I started
working as a photo editor so we bonded
over a lot of like common interest
things okay yeah I bet he was a nice
guy for well besides his manipulative
would you ever go back and do it again
you know people ask me that all the time
and it's a weird question to answer cuz
I don't know if they mean would you just
go back and like change it or would you
have to like put your Consciousness back
in your old body and like go relive it
in real time cuz if it was like relive
it in real time I don't think I'd want
to cuz there were so many like bad years
like things kind of got good when the
reality show started filming but that
was about halfway through my time there
and I wouldn't want to like redo it
again I would find something else to do
but as far as as far as like going back
and like changing anything that I don't
like or anything I find unsavory I
wouldn't do that because I feel like I
learned so much from it and I like where
I ended up and I feel like I can make
lemonade out of lemons so yeah so you
were still in the house when you started
doing your reality show what did you
think about it he loved it because he
loved attention he loved being famous he
loved staying relevant like you wouldn't
necessarily think that's the case cuz he
was such an iconic person you'd think
he'd kind of be secure in that but no no
like he loved going out and getting
attention at the nightclubs he just
loved all of that so when the show blew
up he was super into it in fact like
orgies and [ __ ] stopped because he
wasn't like he wasn't looking for like
the validation and trying to like get as
many go out to nightclubs and like as
many girls yeah but once he's getting
attention off the show he's he was like
so happy with that and so busy with that
that that was kind of like what
everything was all about did he have a
boat or anything he'd take y on no he
didn't have a boat yeah he wasn't into
leaving the house it was really hard to
even get him to travel like we started
traveling a little bit for the show but
it was only for the show like he it was
so hard to get him to travel before that
it was only for things like if the
magazine was having like it's 50th
anniversary and they want him in New
York like he'd go but it was really hard
to get him to leave the house he gives
me like mysterious bubs my he wears like
a trench coat or
something no I can totally see that like
he always tried to present himself like
he was such an open book and in a way he
was but in a way he wasn't too like he
had his ways of like you know treating
people behind closed doors and so yeah
very mysterious how old was he when you
got in the house
76 yeah super old yeah he got around
good too didn't
he oh oh wait like how do you mean like
not well I can't say physically cuz you
know you don't you mean like walk is he
able to walk down the stair yeah yeah no
he could like walk and stuff and like go
out go out to nightclubs and things like
that like he always complained about
back pain and things like that but I
feel like for a 75-year-old he's a
pretty young 75y old so he took care of
himself yeah did he let y'all go
shopping yeah I mean we were expected to
have go out all the time so we always
wanted different outfits and stuff and
we were given like a clothing allowance
of like $1,000 a week but we also really
wanted to save or at least I did cuz you
know I'm young and I'm trying to like
make a life for myself or whatever so
I'd always go like bargain shopping like
I wasn't when they first started filming
the reality show the producer was like I
know we have to film like a Beverly
Hills shopping spree I'm like are you
going to pay for it that's not my budget
like I would always try and save like at
least half of everything and then I'd go
shopping like downtown or on Melrose or
like really cheap places that's smart
though did any other girls try to save
like that I think so I think you know
Bridget and Kendra were both pretty
reasonable it was more like when I first
moved in the girls that were already
there were the ones that would go out
and like spend more on like designer
clothes and stuff and I'd buy a few nice
things here and there like a purse or
whatever but I also really tried to save
and like just get creative with my
clothes and stuff and buy stuff that I
liked but save money hey you can still
find cute stuff in the thrift store
totally always well besides the one
Johnny took us to the other night I was
like what in the hell is that yeah that
was weird you like that cat skirt I
found you should have got it I should
have yeah thrifting is so hit or miss we
don't really have a lot of thrift stores
where we're from we have like Goodwill
but there ain't [ __ ] in there and you
like it when you come
out like okay that that's
unusual pooky's older isn't he Pooky
pooky's not that old who's Pooky Haley
secret boyfriend a yeah you have a
mystery man I got a mystery I love
having a mystery man I'm talking to
somebody right now and I'm keeping him a
mystery man for as long as possible uh
when did we watch that podcast which one
I was so enthused I was sitting there
giggling cuz this girl was asking about
your boyfriend you're like oh we broke
up two weeks ago you were so nonchalant
about it I was sitting there giggling I
was like I need to be like that yeah
well it was a long time coming it was
like a 5year relationship that was like
really off and on so by the time we
finally broke up I was pretty like well
adjusted about it you like oh [ __ ] yes
yeah and we're still cool and like we
get along and stuff so it was a
non-dramatic breakup that's good how did
you like get out of it though caught him
cheating that's a pretty good excuse
that is a good excuse I think I've used
I was like I was mad about it but like I
was more mad for like the person I would
cuz when I found out he cheated it was
like it happened like a year ago and
like the girl had been done with it for
a while and she just kind of got this
like attack of conscience out of nowhere
to tell me so I was more like sad for
myself back then cuz I was thinking back
to that summer and like how in love I
was in that summer and how like we would
go on these vacations together and then
like the second my back was turned he
was with somebody else so I was more
like mad about that but i' have been
kicking myself in the ass too yeah but I
bet it was like a relief though when you
got rid of him yeah I mean I'm super
super busy so honestly like making time
for a relationship even if it's like
driving 20 minutes to go to his house
like it kind of frees up some time to be
real yeah you can start reading your a
book or can got to go see no man but you
got a new man now right talking to
somebody how's it going well we're still
in the talking stage I'm happy about it
for now good deal you got babies too
don't you I do I have an 11-year-old and
an 8-year-old oh
boys or girls a girl and a boy oh you
got the best of both words yeah they're
awesome they're like such perfect kids I
don't know how I got so lucky like I
don't have any drama with them just
trying to get them to do their homework
is like the most dramatic thing that is
definitely a hassle I hated doing
homework don't think I've done it half
the time I get there in class and I'm be
like yep yep it comes in handy having a
normal life like when you're a kid like
you just get to worry about being a kid
you don't have to worry about nothing
else I think so too like I'm so grateful
grew up in Alaska and it was just a lot
of like playing in the woods and things
like that so you grew up in Alaska yeah
I live what was your childhood like it
was very very isolated we lived um in
Southeast Alaska and by the time I was
in kindergarten we lived in a town a
really really small town but before that
we would live in like logging camps and
sometimes didn't even have running water
so it was a very Little House on the
Prairie and then by the time I was 10 we
moved to Oregon which I didn't like as
well that was very very normal but like
I missed being in Alaska I missed being
in nature and being like in this really
small town where everybody but I was
like undiagnosed autistic too so I had a
little bit of difficulty relating to
people and connecting with people and
somehow like being in a really really
small town just was so much more less
judgmental and being with the same
people my whole life was really helpful
so when did you get diagnosed just last
summer really how they diagnose it well
you have to do I did mine over Zoom I
finally found a doctor that did it cuz
it's really hard to find find a doctor
that will do it for adults and we did
like seven different sessions over zoom
and they do all kinds of like tests on
you and the tests are interesting it's
everything from questions to they'll
show you a picture of like people's eyes
and you have to tell them what
expression you think it is because
sometimes being on the Spectrum you have
a really hard time like reading people's
faces and they would do things like they
would did an appointment with my
ex-husband an appointment with my mom to
get their breakdown on how they had
experiences interacting with me or like
what they observed in my childhood or
being married to me so does it affect
your daily life or anything I felt like
it did but I didn't really understand it
I always thought that there was
something a little off with me like I
didn't understand why I was so
introverted or why I would have trouble
you know interacting with people I just
always thought well okay I'm like
different and some way and I didn't
really get it but now that I understand
what's going on it helps a lot and I
feel like I can adjust my behaviors and
kind of like overcome what's going on
like throughout my whole life they would
say like oh make eye contact and I know
that's something I was supposed to do
but I never really did it until I got di
yeah yeah that's crazy for me you know I
it wasn't a conclusion I came to it was
something that when I was getting a
divorce a few years ago my ex-husband
was talking to my mom about it about
just some of my behaviors and things and
she said that she always suspected I was
on the Spectrum she used the term
Asbergers which isn't like a term people
like to use anymore but it's term for
like high functioning autism and then I
looked online and was looking at what
the symptoms were and I thought this
sounds exactly like me so I became more
and more intrigued and I started talking
about it a little bit because when I
would you know share my story and
interviews I would look back on choices
I made when I was younger and knowing
what I know now about being on the
Spectrum those choices make a lot more
sense not that I'm trying to blame my
choices on being autistic but it makes
sense that I would feel like I can Bond
and be in love with like an older person
who's really good at like manipulating
and working people because when I was
younger I felt like I never connected to
guys my age at all so I always felt like
oh people don't like me or there's
something wrong with me and now I
finally met this man that understands me
you know but looking back I think it's
just I wasn't connecting because
neurologically I'm a little bit
different that's okay though but once I
started talking about that I thought I
really need to get a diagnosis because
it's not really responsible I think for
me to be going out and talking about
and I'm not putting down people who are
self-diagnosed because like I said it's
hard to find somebody who actually does
a diagnosis and I'm somebody who has
money and resources and things and it
was hard for me to find somebody um so
I'm not putting down self diagnosis but
I thought for me if I'm going to be out
here talking about it I should really
get a diagnosis and see what's up do you
have to get like medicine or anything
for it no I mean not for me that wasn't
a treatment I take willin for um
depression I'm pretty open about that
heck yeah I think people should be open
about that yeah oh I think so too I'm
all about talking about mental health
like I remember not so long ago just a
couple decades ago it was so stigmatized
or I remember like 10 years ago I was
dating this [ __ ] guy and I broke up
with him and I was messaging him to like
get some of my stuff back and he had
this new girlfriend who was really
jealous and like getting into his phone
and she was like writing me this really
mean text like slamming me and she's
like because when we broke up it was
like a public breakup so we had said was
cuz our schedules are different CU
that's kind of what you say when you're
just trying to be neutral not this guy's
a raging [ __ ] but this girl his new
girlfriend like sent me this long text
like slamming me and then she's like and
I know why you really broke up it's
because you're on anti-depressants at
the time I wasn't even on them I had
told him I had confided him that I had
been at one time and that wasn't why we
broke up but that's like him going out
and [ __ ] talking and trying to make me
sound like I'm crazy like I was on
anti-depressant at one point like [ __ ]
right off so I love talking about it
how's she going to put you down over
that like I would have shut up to our
house with like a sock with a rock in it
and I just went to town on her ass cuz
[ __ ] that it's just insecurity that's
all it is girls shouldn't be like that
at all I hope she listens to this and
she's like oops I know maybe she'll send
you like a letter and apologize I mean I
hopeful hopefully she's grown up Holly
I've seen you brought up Haley in one of
the recent podcasts I did I thought that
was really sweet that was sweet I saw
the bill Mah interview and I thought you
know I know for you how new this all is
and how intimidating interviews can be
and I just thought it was interesting
how you know his immediate idea for you
was to do a sex podcast which if you
wanted to do that absolutely nothing
wrong with that but I think it's
interesting how you know your viral
moment happened to be a funny comment
that was related to sex but because
you're a woman it's like people
automatically are like well you should
do only fans or you should do you know a
sex podcast but your comment was so
normal it was just such normal girl talk
and I feel like if a guy would have had
a viral moment over that people would
have been like oh you're so [ __ ]
funny you should just stand up girl for
you it's like only fans and sex podcast
so I just thought that was like a
interesting conclusion to come to and I
think I just think he could have kept in
mind a little bit how much older he is
than you and been a little more chill in
my opinion he used to make jokes about
me being a [ __ ] back in the Playboy
days so that was a lot of fun did he
ever go to the mansion all the time in
fact we choke about it on our pod
because we do a rewatch podcast about
girls next door and every time they show
a party Montage they're like they'll
have one of us comment in the
confessional there were so many
celebrities there and they always kind
of show the same people and it's always
like Bill Maher and Paris Hilton are the
two they always show but we just start
joking that like nobody's gone to his
imdp IMDb and like entered it but if you
entered all his guest spots on girls
next door it might rival like his other
C lug of stuff cuz it was a lot I feel
like such a dumbass like after I talked
to him nobody told me he liked younger
girls I tried to hook him up with my
granny no and he like looked at me like
I was [ __ ] crazy what I was talking
about and I remember him saying like oh
if you know anything about me and I'm
thinking what that you're so [ __ ]
cool you only date 20 year olds exactly
and I was like what does he mean by that
I was like what's he got against granny
what's wrong with Granny you know little
did I know he likes younger women I had
no idea and that like I had no idea who
I was going to talk to they're like like
yeah it's Bill how do you say his name m
mayor m m I was like oh okay this older
man we're going to hit it off cuz I I
blend in really good with old people I'm
an old soul and I live with my granny I
get there he took me for a spin I wasn't
ready for that well you know what you
handled it so well though you were so
composed and so chill and didn't say
anything regrettable so congratulations
I tried to I was fighting demons not to
hit that joint he had to he's like he
want that I like mm
no and then he gave me a history lecture
I hated history in high school so I was
sitting there I was like all right wrap
it up Bill wrap it up and it was just me
and him in his man cave like I couldn't
see anybody else and I was like oh well
I guess I could stare at the floor for a
minute yeah it's the worst when
interviews get awkward because their
long form like I remember back in the
day when I used to promote stuff it
would be like 15 minutes max you'd go
somewhere and then but now it's like if
you get stuck in an awkward interview
forget it yeah you're done for you just
got to sit there and listen to it guys
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easiest way to win up to a thousand
times your money when I was first
getting into the industry like I was 25
when our show first came out and when
you and back then it was so bad cuz back
then everyone wanted to be Howard Stern
and Howard Stern used to be so runchy so
you have to do these things called radio
tours I don't know if these are still a
thing cuz I've refused to do them for so
long but you're getting up at like 3:00
in the morning because you have to do
the east coast feed so you're tired and
you're drinking your coffee and you're
trying to be like excited to promote
your show and they patch you into
different radio stations across the
country like every 10 minutes or every
10 minutes or so and every radio host
wants to be Howard Stern so bad but
they're not as funny and they're not as
good at interviewing and when you're
like a girl who's dating and old man and
you live at the Playboy mansion and
you're promoting your like nude magazine
issue like the questions are so bad and
I feel like I got really good at
answering them and you know being funny
and doing it in a way that I thought
Heff and Playboy would like and whatever
but it was still pretty miserable and
very uncomfortable so I hated doing
press for the longest time hated it
hated it hated it but that's something
you felt like you had to do though to
get by 100 that's how you got into it so
I get that see any reason as to why
somebody should judge you for that
you're just trying to get by it's crazy
especially if I'm coming to the plate
like trying to have a sense of humor
about it like they could just roll with
that V they didn't want to yeah I've had
a few interviews that have made me kind
of uncomfortable do you remember the
Australian one yeah we cut it in the
middle of the interview we just closed
the laptop yeah really what were they
saying we prepped him by the way on what
not to do go ahead Haley he ended up
doing all they weren't supposed to ask
me anything like just provocative this
man looks at me we were in our hotel
room and I was on the computer I was
having such a good time the woman was so
kind and then you have this man he goes
so how many dicks would you say you spit
on I was like JY said oh [ __ ] no he
jumped up yeah it's really crazy how
people think you know like just because
I crack a joke like take it that it's
like a normal joke like people talk like
that it's normal it doesn't mean you're
like promiscuous or you have to be a sex
expert or that's the only thing you have
to talk about for the rest of your life
it's just so crazy how people react
things have really changed like you went
from Playboy and now we have only fans
like it's such a twist it's so crazy
like I was going to say like when you
got the Playboy offer what even is
Playboy now is it like only fans he said
that it would be fully closed and what
else nudity I don't I don't know still I
feel like there was like a catch to it
though so I was like no cuz like I like
the Playboy brand like clothing wise
like sweatpants and the hoodies I was
like yeah and I got to thinking I was
like there's probably a catch to that I
better not yeah and it's hard too
because sometimes even if you're doing
stuff that's not nude people will see
the brand and there's like a stigma to
it so it just depends on like how you
want to be perceived and things like
that just like fanfic I do fanfix and
everybody's like oh you sold your soul
to the devil that's only F right there
no it's not I'm not
naked I posted a like a lingerie picture
on my Instagram the other day and
somebody left a comment like you're
still selling your body I'm like I made
no money by posting like and what's it
to you if that's what you want to do and
what you want to post I know what's it
to anybody else it's so funny and I like
I went to go click their account to
perhaps block and it's one of those
accounts where they like obviously made
the account just so they can make that
comment and it's like I'm flattered at
this point you know they live in their
parents basement I have a lot of those
they're like you're ugly click on their
account and you're like I was it say
follow back in their profile pictures of
cat or like an anime character I'm like
okay you live in your parents basement
and you're like 50 okay I don't
understand people sometimes like keep
your negative stuff to yourself I know
it's it's so like nobody with anything
going on is leaving those comments
exactly they're miserable with their own
lobs totally you've had a few
interesting DMS haven't you yeah those
ones are I don't even like reading them
out loud can you do a couple just for
fun you want to read it out loud I can
read it no let him let him read the one
be upet if I read this I have it's going
to be in the past week so I get like
those group chat DMS and like they have
like funny names on them so I'm like
they're over in your request though like
on the other side right yeah and so I'm
intrigued by them because of the names
and I'm like okay okay that's kind of
funny and I like go to read I can't read
that on the podcast two naked women
sprawled Eagle in my DMs in the last two
weeks like I mean spraw Eagle you know
it's funny when girl like when my
girlfriends would tell me the wild [ __ ]
that guys say to them in my head I would
just be like I don't know about that you
know what I mean like are you just kind
of making it dramatic for the story to
be good I don't know anyone who talks
like that turns out everyone [ __ ]
talks like that after seeing both of
their DMS it's actually what goes to
their head I kind
of you should I think you should read
the one it's it's really it's really bad
Dam doesn't even want to read it there's
a guy who like pays to send me messages
on Cameo where he's just like talking
sexual stuff and I'm like keep keep
sending I mean yeah I'm not going to
engage but if you want to the catch to
the one like that DM me it was his
girlfriend's nudes I guess she sent to
him but he sent them to me he said this
is my girlfriend and I want to send this
to you that's poor form like how the
hell are you going to send your
girlfriend's Cooter over here to me I
don't want to see it that's that's yours
keep it to yourself why are you doing
her like that you know yeah that's bad
nudes etiquette you can never show then
we get how much did that guy ask us for
a threeway like
60k that's cheap nothing than
cute yeah I don't think you responded to
that did you what what what would I say
to that excuse me sir we need to forx
that number price please exactly that's
what I would have said I'm like that's
awful cheap buddy I had an only fans for
a while during pandemic yeah it wasn't
nude or anything it was just like bikini
and lingerie pictures but I got to a
point where I wasn't really comfortable
with it cuz the kind of like the
captions people want to write for you or
like the account manager wants to write
for you to like get people to click we
starting to get kind of embarrassing and
stuff like that so I stopped doing it
but I think it's great that people can
now like control their own images and
make their own money I just think for
anybody trying to get into that business
they should always keep in mind that
like the photos are probably going to
leak I feel like only only fans is a
little bit better than Playboy cuz y'all
couldn't have like a say so and this and
that and the other but only fans you can
post this you can take that down if you
want to it'll probably still be
somewhere but you can take it down yeah
run it yourself troll of it how long did
you do it for I had it up for two years
two yeah I feel like I could do like
finding I've had a lot of people ask me
for toe pictures I read something
somewhere where there's something in the
brain where for some people it's like
feet almost get confused with genitals
and this is like one of those fun facts
I feel stupid repeating cuz I know I'm
not saying it right so somebody at home
look that up so are you dating anybody
that is I wouldn't even say dating
talking to somebody that's like um how
can I put it in the public yeah in the
public eye probably probably yeah didn't
she used to date Chris
Angel yeah okay you rolled your eyes I
apologize for what I'm about to ask cuz
I'm actually kind of a Chris Ang I think
Magic's kind of cool um I like magic
magic yeah he's a famous used to date
like the most famous magician in the
world basically or one of the most
famous magicians did he ever pull you
like flowers out of his coat or anything
yeah I wanted to know like what kind of
cool [ __ ] does he do for his girlfriends
with the magic like does he like make
like bunny rabbits appear or like does
he do tricks for you for you or no not
with magic lots of jewelry and stuff
well what's the fun in that yeah is
there any like fun Trade Secrets we can
know about the I do I do know how all
the tricks are done but I don't want to
say CU I feel bad even though like I
know people have like revealed it before
like I know a lot of magicians and stuff
I feel bad when I was at celebrity poker
this little guy that sat bide me he was
Fringe he was so cute dude I should have
drug him home with me I would have paid
him just to like amuse me throughout the
day dude don't tell guy you have a
problem by the way with telling short
guys how adorable they are they hate
that I can't help it just so you know
cute if they're like ey level with me
I'm like a I just want to like give them
a little pat on the head or a noie or
something you ruin their week every time
you do that just so you know I think
there's nothing wrong with a short guy
and I get kind of weirded out when do
you ever see like Tik toks where girls
are like freaking out and they're like
gross I would never date a guy under six
too and I'm like calm down like guys
can't help it like that would be like
like if a guy was saying I would never
date a girl less than a C cup like
people be like you're [ __ ] gross
exactly I feel like it's kind of like
the same thing though cuz like women are
like oh I want date a short guy and then
you got most guys are like I don't like
girls yeah and like if that's your
preference whatever but like you never
know who you're going to meet and
connect with and like don't be a dick
about it online I personally love tall
women like hey
my best friend's sister she's like tall
as all get out I [ __ ] love her like I
don't imagine her being like any shorter
than that yeah I feel like she'd look
strange if she was any shorter and it's
like H big sister well when I was
growing up every girl wanted to be tall
cuz that meant you could be a model
exactly that was the myth anyway but now
my ex-boyfriend he was a little bit
shorter bless his heart he would get so
mad at me if I wore
heels when was it was it Junior it was
either prom it was one of our proms I
think it was my junior prom I wore heels
and I was like maybe this much taller
than him he had a [ __ ] I like take them
off I was like no no the pictures did
look awkward though I was like haly
you're going to have to like scch I Tri
he get so mad about that bless his heart
so you have a podcast with your friend
that was in the house with you right
yeah I do me and Bridget who's on girls
next door with me we do a rewatch
podcast where we talk about all the
episodes of the show and of course every
time we watch an episode we think of
like 50 crazy stories that happen so we
have a lot of fun with it did you guys
ever wear water bras or am I crazy water
bras no we didn't have water bras when I
was like in high school I had like a
Wonder Bra and I stuffed it and even
when I like got my first boyfriend like
I wouldn't really make out with him for
so long so I'm like I have to like
slowly take the bra down before he
discovers the deception and then by the
time I was in the Mansion I had my boobs
done so I didn't need like uh any kind
of like padding or anything like that
did he like recommend everybody having
their boobs done I had mine done
before um he didn't recommend it like
sometimes if there was like a playmate
that came along that tested he might say
something like oh you know she could
make it if she had her boobs done he
tried to do that once when I worked at
the studio and I'm like H I don't I
don't think you should really do that
did it hurt when you get them done yeah
it does you know you wake up and you
feel like an elephant is sitting on your
chest but it's not awful like I have a
pretty high pain tolerance and I was
kind of back up and doing things in a
couple days I wonder if I could go
through that I need a butt actually I
don't know if I'd look right if I had an
you got to be careful with the bbl's
yeah yeah I can't picture you with I
couldn't picture me with one either I
just think it look funny yeah sometimes
the BBL doesn't look like it fits on the
body like there's no like flow between
like the butt and the thighs sometimes
and yeah I'm just a little flat girl I
don't think I look right any other way
yeah I also think like natural's coming
back like I just know like as a guy and
all my friends like when we see I don't
know maybe like five six years ago if we
saw a group of girls with bbl's walk
into a restaurant we'd all be like oh
holy [ __ ] look at that now when we see
that we're like oh my God again another
BBL it's like enough already like
where's your real ass like that's like I
think the real stuff is making its way
back I don't know see I think men think
like that but me personally if I'm
walking down the street and I see a girl
with a big ass on her I'm going to look
I'm no better than a man I'm like God
and she knows exactly what I'm talking
about every time I do that she'll turn
and look she's like
wow yeah I'm no better than a man so
what was your best and your worst memory
from the Mansion it's so hard to narrow
it down I feel like I'm going to say
what I think they are and then an hour
from now I'm going like no it wasn't
that it wasn't that or or some fan is
going to call me out and be like you
lying [ __ ] you said this was your best
moment two weeks ago cuz there's always
people who you can have multiple ones
though okay so considering there could
be multiple I think one of my best
memories at the Mansion I mean one was
working at the studio I got to direct
the playmate pictorials for a couple
years and that job was just so fun and
so rewarding and everybody I worked with
was so amazing and it was fun getting to
know all the girls and and stuff so that
that and anytime we had like a rare
moment that was like a girl's day like
one of the trips I always talk about was
Bridget's sister Anastasia was turning
21 so we took her on this like road trip
up through California we went to San
Louis abiso and stayed at the Madonna
Inn and everybody got wasted and it was
so much fun so those are some of my
favorite memories worst memory I would
say is like anytime there was like group
sex with like the girls I didn't get
along with it was so awful cuz like
picture this Horror Story you're like
naked having sex and there's people
around you who are like you could hear
them talking [ __ ] about you and like
talking about your body and talking
about just it's it's like scenario yeah
you're better than me I probably would
have punched a [ __ ] in the nose I'm
like huh eat that now your nose is
crooked yeah so there's a lot of highs
and lows for sure those are probably
like off the top of my head my best and
worst so you had to be around girls that
were mean to you and had to have like
sex together yeah but you hated each
other yeah you're one tough ass woman
thanks you were one it's kind of
traumatizing because it's one of those
things you go into and like you know
when I was 22 I just thought I could
handle anything and like I was this
badass and you know I should be able to
like have sex like a man and nothing
matters and nothing hurts your feelings
but I just got in so way in way over my
head it was just crazy you are you're a
badass though I feel like like it shaped
you who you are to be like now 100% like
I learned so much from everything I have
fell off the arm of this chair like 10
times sitting over here I don't know
what's going on but yes I feel like
you're a really good person because of
what you've been through thank you of
course so what's the craziest room
you've heard about yourself oh that's
easy that I'm an MK Ultra beta slave and
the government has programmed me to like
be a spy who's also like a sex partner
and I have handlers I don't know about
I mean maybe maybe they brought me in to
like undo the Playboy world and I don't
know you know I have something similar
to that you remember that print off you
guys got me and it said I was a Ukraine
Soldier Israel sold and I I think I saw
that I like what the [ __ ] and they're
like yeah she's got a fake accent how'd
you know like I mean I think that rumor
was just something I came across online
at some point and this was like 10 years
ago when I first saw it and I clicked on
some link and then the link I clicked on
that was supposedly like all the detail
about like all the clues as to why I'm
an MK Ultra beta slave and I have Disney
princess programming whatever that is
and I was raised in Alaska on purpose
because they had to keep me isolated
away from other people and my name is
Holly because in Pagan religions the
holly tree is like something that like
protects you from evil like that's why
there's like a whole lore behind it like
Harry Potter's wand is made of Holly
like if you look in the so there's like
a whole they named it Hollywood they
named the land Hollywood because the
lady was supposedly a pagan and so it's
like there's all this lore so then I
click on the link that's going to tell
me more lore and then it says your IP
address has been blocked from seeing
this and I'm like they blocked me from
seeing my own lore my thing is how do
you have so much time in your day to
come up with [ __ ] like that and it's so
like descriptive too and like into
detail and I'm like people want to
believe the conspiracy so bad that's why
like the Playboy tunnel rumor took off
here's your conspiracy theory of the day
we live in a goldfish Bowl you know what
I I don't necessarily disbelieve that
with like Ali Stu have you ever seen
Tucker Carlson talk about like how he
knows the scoop on Aliens but he's like
not I became like kind of obsessed with
Tucker Carlson because I would see him
on my fyp and it would just be short
clips of him saying you know the aliens
I was briefed on the aliens but it's so
disturbing and it would like rock people
to the core so I can't tell anybody
which is giving me the impression like
he thinks he's the only person equipped
to handle this knowledge so then I kind
of became like fascinated with him but
like people have this theory that like
we're really a breeding ground and our
emotions are like an energy source for
certain aliens and we're like an ant
farm experiment so the Goldfish whole
thing could be a thing you know how we
see a goldfish like or better yet sea
monkeys you know you can just look at
them in their bowl they never know
what's going on outside the bowl we
don't know what's outside of space but
if there's something out there and we're
just in like a big goldfish Bowl that's
so true so was it hard exposing people
in your book and dealing with the
backlash from it yeah I mean the
backlash was really harsh cuz my book
came out in 2015 before the me too
movement was mainstream and people
didn't really understand why I would be
talking about like a casting couch being
problematic or why I would be talking
about like emotional abuse or
narcissistic relationships cuz people
weren't really talking about that in the
mainstream so much back then so the
backlash was crazy but also as far as
people who were in that world like I
knew that nobody in that world was ever
going to speak to me again except for
like a handful of close friends because
even before I wrote my book like if I
would be on social media and I would say
something that was just kind of neutral
about my Playboy experience and wasn't
like hyping it up to the gods people
would get pissy at me or unfollow me
people from that world so I'm like I I
can't do anything right I might as well
just tell the truth they're going to
have something to say regardless at the
end of the day so I think you should do
whatever you want to do totally but I
feel like you needed to expose a little
bit in the book so everybody understands
where you're coming from yeah cuz it was
like every day people would come up to
me and ask how's heft do you miss the
Mansion oh my God are you so sad you're
not there kind of a thing and I would
always like say nice things cuz I
thought that was the nice thing to do oh
everybody's good everybody's fine but it
gets to a point when you you have to do
that every day and you're living a lie
kind of it starts to make you sick and I
yeah I just have to like tell people how
it is and nobody came up to me asking
how's he after that good good they left
you alone about it you said them
straight what was your relationship like
with your family when you were in the
house oh I wanted to ask that too
um when I was in the house I didn't
really tell my family what was going on
like I told them I had moved in there
and they didn't really know what I was
doing I kind of left it vague and then
he had bought me a new car or leased me
a new car and then my dad came down flew
down to like take my old car back up cuz
they were going to give it to a friend
and I was giving him a tour of the
mansion and it was during the day he was
in the office and he goes oh so does he
actually live
here that that would have been my
reaction no dad so we never really
talked about stuff like that because I
you know after getting into that
relationship like I said I was in over
my head and it was a relationship that I
wasn't entirely comfortable with even
when the reality show cameras started
filming I wasn't really comfortable with
the idea of doing a show cuz I'm like
even though I've been here a couple
years like I don't even know how I feel
about this relationship I don't really
want to blast it yeah and even if you
would have told your family I feel like
they wouldn't have like got it they know
now though right yeah so what was their
when they like finally really talk about
it this is awkward I don't like I don't
think I'd be able to talk about it
either one of my cousins would be like
so what was it like like well everything
you can imagine that's about all I can
say totally now if you talk to like a
say a friend or something I'm sure you
could tell them but not your family oh I
can blast it to a pod on a podcast to a
million people but not my family I got
one more question for you what's one
move in bed that makes a man go crazy
well you go crazy move in bed that makes
a man go crazy you know what's funny is
there was this one time I don't know if
I'm going to narrow it down to one move
but there was this one time where I was
throwing a birthday party for Bridget
and somebody had told me that there was
this thing called like it's kind of like
back in the day they used to do this
thing called Tupperware parties where
people would come over and they'd sell
Housewives like Tupperware and they'd
show them like oh you can buy you know
this container for your food and I know
it sounds so weird by today's standards
but the way they would describe this
back then is like this is like a Tupper
party for sex toys so I thought how
funny if that that would be this party
and it's actually what we filmed for the
pilot of girls next door so it's like on
the DVD if anybody wants to look for it
and so these people came and they showed
us like all these sex toys and like this
is what you can buy and like this is
like what you put on your [ __ ] to
make it numb and just all this weird
[ __ ] but there was a book they had and
it was a book it was like a hundred
different sex moves and it was like
really good stuff like this is how you
make it feel like he's having a
threesome even if it's only with you and
I've tried looking for this book and I
can't I forget what it's called I can't
find it anywhere cuz I'm like I could
use a refresher course and don't even
try to search for it cuz I've tried to
search for it and when you search for
like sex tip books from like the 2000s
the ones you will find are so cringy and
I swear to God I'm not talking about any
of those it's like has cringey stuff in
it but there was this one book that I
swear had like really good [ __ ] in it
was he into sex
toys yeah I mean he had quite the
I mean did you get to use them on him or
I think he did back in the day I never
tried to use sex toys on him but I'm
like come here let me put this dildo up
ass OE thank you for coming you're
welcome Hey Y'all I hope you enjoyed the
show and if you haven't gotten yourself
any talk to a merch be sure to click the
link in the description below so we can
match tag me and talk to her while
you're watching the episode and let us
know what you think and before you go
don't forget subscribe to that thing
[Music] |
nb__56mzgKw.txt | I kind of like getting called white
trash I too I cuz it means we don't
really give a first time I smoked pot I
was like 9 years old really what the is
that oh my God okay what about this this
has been like the most hyped up reveal
ever I want to meet Pooky so bad 10
years from now my could be touching my
toes who knows that but not today my
brother this is hilarious I need to talk
to a therapist so who's your biggest
like celebrity crush I recently hooked
up with one of my celebrity crushes what
hey y'all welcome back to talk Tua a
better original I need you to hit the
Subscribe button so you get notified for
every episode and while you're at it
leave me a comment and share this video
with a friend how do you say your name
is it Dasha or like Desa it's neither
actually how H Dasha Dasha yeah like
Dash with an a my friends just call me
Dash I'm going to call you dash cuz you
call me dash dash we're friends hit the
dash hit the dash I was waiting for you
to dab no we're not doing
thatmore that was terrible how I just
okay anyhow so here you're in like a
little Whirlwind yeah yeah first off
congratulations thank you so much
congratulations so happy for you we're
watching it last night on well what were
we watching what do you call the awards
yeah the People's Choice people's
people's choice Country Awards were you
guys watching it live uh yeah soon no as
soon as we turned it on you won the
award I was like this is perfect I was
like no way yeah oh my God then I caught
a little glimp of Matt R walking by I
was like baby God God get your ass back
on camera so fun then Parker McCollum he
got up there I was like he's AER too
there's some Lookers in country for sure
I'm telling you man Riley green looker
hot that's Chelsea's man right there
that is my man really I wish you got
dibs on that one mhm mhm he's probably I
sure do so who's your biggest like
celebrity crush I recently hooked up
with one of my celebrity crushes which
is pretty cool we will talk about that
off camera cuz I'm yeah I just simply do
not want a soul to know but I will tell
you I mean hey props to you though
that's what I was saying thank you I
haven't I've been I don't think I've no
no have you yeah what's your what's your
did you did you stand oh you got Pooky
okay yeah wait loow me down here so you
have a Pooky I have a Pooky Pooky will
actually be here in probably like an
hour is he like and you guys are like
kind of dating or like almost we might
as well be it's just not like a label I
guess I like meat that's actually
cousin yeah that was my fa are you tring
no we're trying to like sell out her
whole family though cuz like we're
trying to hook Carol off with one of her
brothers oh that's perfect yeah yeah we
tried to hook her sister screaming exact
right okay I'm honestly for like friends
dating friends siblings or like family
members like I personally want my
friends to date my siblings I mean
they're already part of the family why
not just you know seal the deal exactly
but now py has been saying he wants to
go down to the courthouse and get
married instead of having a wedding so I
was like are you already talking about
that just is just okay I'm the Lulu like
we can go get married tomorrow don't try
to stop me Jamie sure I will do actually
no would never know I'd run off I'll go
to Vegas and get married I feel like
everybody does that I would do that we
should if I was in love enough I would
just be like [ __ ] it let's go you know
until he gets like one of those rings
out from like a gumball machine he's
like okay this is like get out of my
face come on get out my face I need a I
need a rock that like weighs my hand
down yeah me too I want to be so
obnoxious you like gold or silver gold
gold good choice I actually have a gift
for you really oh okay wait okay you're
actually like accepted into the country
music world now you know how like don't
rappers do it yeah that's what rappers
do when they get signed to a record like
are you chating me wait
wait wait or if you actually have a
bulldog to put this
on oh and it's pure gold
right I'm poor don't push my luck it's
like watching [ __ ] oh my God that's
actually out of my jewelry line you
sweet angel should I put oh I'm not done
I think you should put it on I love a
gold chain what's up y'all as always
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pics word my mom oh put my hair in it
but that's okay oh it looks kind of sick
gold I got chained y'all okay oh cute oh
I like these okay so this is your
jewelry line that you're I don't even
have earrings on
a launch for that we done pictures for
it today oh my gosh that's so fun well
here's your little box that goes with
your chain I didn't want to give you
that I was ashamed to even put that on a
bulldog this I think I think in the
right setting this could be really cool
I thinkg CER Dogers could be really sick
see if I went back to Wags and walks and
got the dog I wanted squash which I
probably will be doing if he's still
there next week when I go back he's
coming home with me how many dogs you
got I have one but he was like this
little pity this one wife lover here
what's his name who Mr oh heartley
heartley yeah that's heartley that's him
this one's named squash I'll have to
show you a picture of him but he's like
a little a little miniature bully I'd
say but he like grunts when he like
walks I was like you're coming home with
me you're coming home with me this is
hilarious I need to talk to a therapist
it's genius do you have a therapist I do
actually I just started damn and she's
like one for like artists because she
like her daughter's in the industry and
also she like her whole job is just
coaching artists like not lose your mind
basically okay so I was going to ask you
a question but you just answered it for
me I guess I could have asked that one
first I was going to say do you smoke
weed or do you like SE a therapist hell
yeah I smoke hell out of some green
ganja now I love some green ganja my ass
is from California come on my dad grow
that [ __ ] in the backyard what I'm
saying I mean I know a few people that
grow it but it's not legal in Tennessee
yeah can I say that on here don't come
hunt me down I will not tell I'm not
don't come hunt me down yeah I know I um
I only the first time I smoked weed was
in college though at Belmont in
Tennessee really don't hunt me down
first time I smoked pot I was like 9
years old really me and my bad wait yeah
what was your childhood like dude my
childhood oh that [ __ ] was rough let me
just tell you I'm a granny baby if that
tells you anything okay so your grandma
rais you yeah she gave me some character
a she also made it really easy to sneak
out and get into some [ __ ] I feel like
Granny's wouldn't really know things I
love you Granny if you're watching this
sorry you had to find out this way oh my
God so where were you when you were nine
smoking weed when I was nine smok how
you get there how do you smoke weed at 9
years old dude you got is that crazy I
was a little prud growing up not really
but like goody two shoes I was so scared
of breaking the rules I'm pretty sure we
smoked it out of like notebook paper too
what it was me and Brooke me and Brooke
had so one of my other childhood friends
that I had besides Maddie
I had Brooke Brooke she's like me but I
think she has like a few less brain
cells than I got God love her but I'd
always stay with her and her dads cuz
our dads used to be like friends they
knew each other like oh you know our
daughters know each other whatever so
we'd hang out sorry Mr Donnie if you're
watching this we did in fact smoke your
weed oh it was his that's so funny I
love you Donnie I'm sorry I mean hey
it's there and then he'd always ask
about we like what are you talking about
what is that oh my God we had notebook
paper and we'd roll it up and smoke it
you know that's kind of Genius I think
the first weed that I smoked was also my
dad's cuz it was just there I mean if
it's front you you're like and he wasn't
home and I was like well what's this do
you know yeah and you get high and
you're like huh the first time I got
like really high I was trying to make it
across campus back to my dorm and I
remember everything was in slow [ __ ]
motion I was like trying to make it up
three little steps to the next platform
and I was like the [ __ ] like how does
this work what is going on took me like
20 minutes to get home and it was like
right around the corner see sometimes I
still have a trip and I'm like I'm
hearing [ __ ] and I'm like no I just go
on but it's either a smoke or there's
anti-depressants there's no in between
are you in anti-depressants no no I
smoke weed for that yeah girl weed heels
not kills weed heels it's a medicine
somebody get me that on a t-shirt I
agree weed is a medicine it is I took
I'm not going to lie I'm a little high
right now but
just but just a little I I took a rip in
my friend's pen after the show he was
like a resin pin and he's like you want
to try this and I was like I'm not going
to say no what you know about that
cheesecake Delight we'll take her back
to our hotel oh yeah
okay three of us okay okay so you're
from California right yeah s lispo okay
how did s Louis Obispo
s yeah it's San space Louis space Obispo
s Louis Obispo yeah it's a hell of an
night Mark there but we call it slow
slow iow Maybe I need to go there I
think you should you should come to my
my headline show there October 18th we
got anything planned come let's go let's
go let's goad trip hours be fun fun yeah
I feel like I'm talking to a bro like
this isn't even [ __ ] real this is my
friend right here no lit girl like when
I met you today I was like okay she's
definitely going to be one of those
girls let's go shopping I was like oh
[ __ ] really okay yeah wait what was your
what would you think I was going to be
like like that like when I walked up I
was like okay I was like she's pretty I
was like something's cooked here I was
like she's like hey how are you you know
like oh hi high maintenance you know
just bougie and then I met you I was
like that is a [ __ ] bro right there I
was like that is nothing like I was
expecting I was relieved though cuz I'm
I'm a bro I like to go shopping and
stuff too not there's a balance for sure
but like I like a bro we clicked
instantly I know we did I think all of
us did you guys are really cool I knew I
was going to like you though dude what
about kid
ly he's he's dope what do you mean what
he me [ __ ] stroke today why me and I
a stroke we were sitting like in the
higher Parts watching you you went off
stage then here he comes and I look up
and she's on FaceTime with our other
best friend Maddie and she's sh know
what's going on I'm like what happened
kleroy was pointing at us and I was like
oh while he was saying it I was like
there ain't no [ __ ] way in hell this
is happening right now I was like
looking around to see if anybody else
was saying this [ __ ] I was like what the
[ __ ] I was like he's looking at us
Chelsea it was so bad did you wave I was
little twinkle hands I was singing to
him you said let me sing back yeah what
song did he do first I missed his first
two I think what was it it was um um
Stay Stay yeah it was stay he started po
at us and singing and I was like yeah he
played that too girls oh those are my
two favorites it one of those I love
he's so good I was looking so hard for T
McCrae I was like I know she's here
where the [ __ ] I scanning every row
where you at there's such a power couple
they are you like T McCrae I do she's
such a boss oh my God probably
like okay I got Britney Spears it's like
my biggest girl crush but she's right
under there yeah I feel like take takes
off who takes after Britney a lot like I
just love how she incorporates her like
dance background and she oh my God she's
so good I saw her performance at laap
paloa my job was like genuinely on the
floor the entire time I was like how do
you sound so good and look that good and
are just absolutely [ __ ] killing it
on stage like it's
crazy um wait I have a gift for
you do you want it I do want it I'm
scared of it what is it I was going to
bring you one but I literally only had
one in my
suitcase I'll probably steal hers anyway
country and you're ging it to one of the
you'd ever me you know from one to
another I got you
girl that should be like your motto from
one to another another takes one to no
one takes one to no one you're exactly
right mhm really does did you meet
anybody last night that just like
knocked your boat out of the water
um I've met most of those people before
Matt was Matt RI was the first person
first time I met him a he was pretty he
was pretty fly kendle's cool too who's
kall kindall from love Island I'd never
met him before he's a homie we had a fun
time yeah I'm not up to date in anything
that's like current going on it's okay
like the last bit I think I watched of
Love Island Harry jousy was still oh my
God that's the one you watched that was
like five six years ago yeah but I feel
you because I haven't watched it since
this current season I just never had
time and then all this started then I
really didn't have time but now Gossip
Girl I'll make time for that have you
ever watch Gossip Girl have I that's my
[ __ ] like Nate or do you like Nate is so
hot [ __ ] F oh [ __ ] no don't even put rap
boy don't even put Dan in this do you
know how Chuck is so Daddy but I think
my type is more Nate Nate is like my
yeah Chuck's your type I can see that
for you yeah I like ter but I'm glad we
like different men you know yeah it's a
it's probably a good thing so maybe it's
for the best you leave Mt alone I think
that's mine fair enough girl you got him
I was like wait when you went to cuz I
was he actually had asked me to be the
musical guest at his show in Nashville
but I was in Europe and that's the one
that you went to right what were the
Vibes like were you like lowy trying to
get it no no cuz you have py yeah that
but like in your heart you're like [ __ ]
I want to get it but now if Pooky
wouldn't there I'd have been spitting
game let me tell you I'm like all right
what color panties you got on boy a
funny man is really delicious I will say
he's sexy on top of it Jesus Christ
sorry py if you're watching this it's
okay can I have a refill on wine so were
you expecting to win last night no
literally to we like what the [ __ ] no I
was so happy for you I was like proud I
feel like a proud mom watching it I was
like I mean I know because like if you
think about Casey Musgraves Beyonce like
Mega [ __ ] Miranda Lambert who I [ __ ]
love she put on a hell of a show last
night she I'm was like her recap did you
guys watch that her icon award thing I
was oh my God she's so cool I want to do
something I was a kid she's like a bad
she's such a badass that's how you
should be yeah you know what yeah it
took me a minute to figure out fig it
out like I don't give a [ __ ] what nobody
has to say no at the end of day you need
to do what you want to do country cuz
they're going to have something to say
at the end of the day everyone always
has something to say like even if you're
doing right or wrong they're like I
[ __ ] hate her okay mhm it's crazy how
like mad people can be for like your
happiness and your success and I've like
learned that these past few months I'm
like wow I could be you know like you
donated all those like toys to the dog
shelter and like helped those animals
out and I'm sure there's people in your
comments being like this [ __ ] [ __ ]
is so fake she should die and you're
like what honestly it's got to the point
though where like kind of feels me I'm
like I know exactly I'm like you're
making getting so mad about honey that's
how you should be though I like you
definitely need to be that way yeah I
had to learn to be that way cuz like I
think you're doing good thanks and half
of the things that are considered
country nowadays should not be there I
think you deserve to be there thanks I
appreciate that a lot I think country is
a lot about like it's changing to
storytelling and songwriting it's
changing yeah and like the intention
behind I mean country music is so cool
because there's such a tight Community
around it and I've like learned that in
this past year I F you're in it though
oh yeah I'm deep in that I'm KN deep I'm
never leaving mm- have you got to see
Dan and Shan concert yet yes they're
[ __ ] awesome they are incredible talk
about songwriters so good I watched them
probably three or four times in concert
like I don't ever get tired of in
Tennessee do you want to get into acting
yeah me too do you want to get Taco Bell
oh my God you so that's literally
[ __ ] me yeah she don't have any brain
CS 30% chance it's already raining Paws
Across America is actually my fun that I
dip out of and I can donate to whatever
like animal shelter I want to just any
kind of animal related calls that I just
want to dip out to that's amazing I
definitely need to do some cat stuff
yeah I haven't got to catch yet yeah I
love cats and they're overp populated so
overpopulated really bad any way I can
help let me know very passion about the
same thing it makes me so sad seeing
animals on the street and stuff so did
it makes me like sick it makes me so
sick it's awful you're thirsty ain't you
buddy check out the link in the
description if you want to know more my
ex-boyfriend was there today huh he's a
homie though you invited your
ex-boyfriend yeah but he uh he knew my
brother before me like years before me
and I met him because he invested in my
brother's band and he was like this hot
millionaire and I dated him for a while
as one would so do you sing about him um
I really some of my last album was about
him a couple songs he knows what you're
one that blew up though that was about a
cheat next booyfriend right yeah so
how'd that happen well how'd you catch
that ass how I catch that ass so hot bro
you want me to show you go ahead okay
he's like really hot that's why I like
don't feel that much Shame about it cuz
like I kind of like the r flushed away
and I'm going to have to like smack you
in the back of the head okay no but he's
so hot okay ready so were you were you
Tripp oh my God thank you okay so um no
basically we met because oh God oh God
oh God he was in a music video of mine
this is his body we're not showing the
okay okay wait where's his face he looks
kind of weird in that but what the [ __ ]
is that oh my God [ __ ] is that what
this I that is a [ __ ] rat he looks
just like the rat off fear we have
different types what is that okay hot
hot okay hold on this is hot how is that
down this [ __ ] is getting serious right
here get on in there girl but basically
we met cuz he was the are in a music
video of mine like years ago he's got
Dumbo ears oh my God I know and my other
ex also had Dumbo ears I think of a
thing for ears or
something that's an ugly pickly [ __ ] do
you actually
not so scared I'm so scared he had and
he cheated now you had me at the body
basically so he was flying me out back I
was living in La at this time he was
flying me out to Nashville and he calls
me the day before for New Year he calls
me the day before and was like hey I
like slept with one of my friends last
night and I just like feel like maybe
you shouldn't come out and I was my dumb
ass was like no I still want to come
like I want to see you so bad I was so D
bad I was so in love see that's why you
need a friend like me and her we're
going to pop you in the back of him like
no no [ __ ] no bad dog see you body and
then you got to the face and I was like
said it must be your abs cuz it ain't
your face baby yeah I thought he was I
thought he was he's kind of cute he's he
was a good kisser too don't get me
started on your ex-boyfriend rat she
said he looked like the rat off FL way
too so it's okay look there's something
I share in com I feel like a lot of boys
look like the rat from I don't know how
that rat looks like every
boy should look into that yeah he's not
cute enough to cheat on you that's for
damn sureit but the thing is the hard
part though is we weren't officially
dating it was like a situationship we
were like together but he also
technically didn't do anything wrong
that was his point and I was like you're
right it's fine I was so stupid I don't
even want to talk about it I would never
let this fly now trust me this was me
two years ago this is baby 22-year-old
Dash okay she's different now she's a
now she's learned did you set his house
on fire or anything I thought about it I
wrote a song about setting his house on
fire I think you should yeah I don't
really care enough now to do it he like
genuinely gave me the my hit song like
thank you like literally thank you [ __ ]
we owe you one you know youone write a
song for Pooky
like a [ __ ] You song yeah no A [ __ ] You
song for Pooky no a love
py is so good to me wait what do you
want to write about what do you like
about him he's a pipe layer for a living
Piper actual job he's a pipe he lays
pipe for living that the wrong way I'm
such a [ __ ] he lays pipe for living
pip wait that would be a good hinge bio
like I lay pipe for a living it would
really good you like that you like that
blue collar [ __ ] huh
what can I say I hate
[ __ ] okay well we have to write a song
about it he's got big blue eyes and some
dark hair he's a
smartass okay I think that we should
kind of structure it have you heard dick
down in Dallas yeah you know I feel like
it should be like he's got big he's got
big heart and make it think that it's
going to be dick but it's heart okay
okay know one of those lyrics give me
what you got actually where's my guitar
at that's normally in this corner right
there hello oh oh you can play the
[ __ ] guitar I sure can honey it's not
tuned so but do now how would you know
that because I tried playing it the
other day and it was it's not it's not
see yeah maybe you just don't know how
to play it I think you don't know how to
play guitar I
don't you kind of upbeat
though what are you thinking what are
you thinking like go ahead you know what
you write me something I'll tell if I
hate it or love
okay okay he's got some big old
eyes and he loves the color
blue he lays PO for a
living and he no pun
intended okay and when he falls asleep
he always dreams of me and then he
uh I don't know anything else about him
he he's
maybe and we call him
poy he's
my and when
dooky dooky he still loves me and stop
up his toilet and I when I clock up his
toilet according to Haley it he doesn't
mind and he still loves me and this ass
mine that was gold that sold it right
there killed that [ __ ] thank you [ __ ]
killed that [ __ ] right there that was my
last Brain Cell writing a song just now
that's okay girls running off of four I
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better play better pics download better
play better pic what is the weirdest
thing you've ever done to like a
man in in in bed sexually like have you
done anything weird to like try to
impress a
guy have I done anything weird okay let
me sit here and think about this for a
minute or like to get the her his
attention or like made some crazy story
up I feel like you have some like weird
stories about like now if I'm with my
friends let me put it this way if I'm
out with my group of girlfriends they're
like oh Haley do this and I'm like okay
I'll do it I like you're the downit I
like barking hit man oh is said a cat C
and then I'm like it's like is it full
bark or are you kind of oh yep it's full
bark come here boy you know yeah come
here boy I had to hang my days up doing
that uhhuh besides this man that was
staring at us earlier when Johnny
dropped us off at the hotel his windows
were down and he could have like went he
was like pulling out of the hotel to
like I guess go wherever he was going he
was staring at me and Chelsea and we get
like right up on him like yeah you like
what you see don't you baby and I turned
around walked away you like this baby
don't you
he was a spooky looking fellow too yeah
I get barking when you're like okay bye
but I thought you meant like you're
trying to get a man in your pants and
you start barking both yeah understood
yeah you got you you know like I'm
actually like looking at him at I'm not
going to bark at him you unless it's
like Pooky yeah cuz it's kind of I
didn't going to say that we're like you
know really
like do you guys baby talk absolutely
[ __ ] not that sickens me is the line
I draw that is the line I [ __ ] draw I
mean like baby is pretty bad like baby
it's the how you say it though like babe
or like baby like come here but it's
like baby baby baby baby come here come
Jessica I think baby girl is kind of
cute baby girl come here baby girl or I
like when guys are like hey girl like
that baby girl but now like baby girl
like get out walk yourself out the door
yeah you're 24 aren't you I am how old
are you 21 oh my God you're making me
feel old Jesus Christ dude you don't
look old though that's like thanks you
know who she reminds me why you acting
like 24 is old it's not but like she's
older than us you don't look old yeah
you don't look 24 okay like that's a
compliment though I mean you're going to
look good when you're 60 thanks my mom's
pretty hot she's like 65 your mom is you
[ __ ] thing every I was
like I just want to paint she was I was
so mad at her last night because you
never elaborated on that why were you
mad at oh my God you guys okay actually
it wasn't y'all she was talking about it
when you left really sorry Mom I didn't
mean to tell on you it's okay no I
already called her out trust me sorry
Mom I love you so much but so last night
I won the award and obviously I was not
expecting that at all I was freaking out
I came backstage screaming me and my
whole team Katie and Avery we were just
screaming and then I go to get my CU I'm
crying too classic me I'm getting like
touched up backstage in the makeup
ladies and then I'm like oh I got to
face at my mom so I face at my mom
thinking that she's like watching it
live and I could be like oh my God that
[ __ ] was at dinner with her
[ __ ] friends drinking wine and
I said girl your daughter was the it's
the first time I've ever been nominated
for something ever even had the chance
to win something yeah and your ass isn't
glued in front of the TV I was so mad
she was telling somebody today I'm
pretty sure it was telling Alex I think
I remember who Alex there we go she was
telling Alex she's like yeah I don't
even watch TV that much oh my God s and
then we looked up when you're were
performing she was up there like
clapping her hands and I was like that
so it so sweet I was like haly please
look at that and she was
like she loves my song way too drunk but
she's like it's so bad for your
reputation but I just love this song I
can't stop playing of that song you sng
it's like bye byby yeah bye byebye
that's it you killed that I [ __ ] love
that damn song thank you I was like
bopping my foot I was like it's better
crack inject it baby thank you do you
actually H Tua on on the wian how have
you ever actually gone started that
started to be something I told you all
ago then I was
like Bo's family watches this so I I'll
tell you tell later I don't think I told
well we can edit it out
too cut [ __ ] out Johnny don't look at me
f keep this in y' I went to do it the
other night but this man intimidates me
so bad that big ass oneeyed monster
looked me in my eyes and I was like I
went right back up
monster [ __ ] monster I
shut I swear to God sorry Jamie I'm like
traumatizing going be all over the
[ __ ] notes for this I think it's
really hot like just I mean you know
about the Gluck luck 9000 right yeah
yeah d i knows about
the e no I hate when he does that
earlier this week I was on Alex Cooper's
unwell tour I like opened it up as a
musical guest and I like met her and I
was like oh my God I [ __ ] love you
cuz I'm obsessed with her and I was
telling her about how she is literally
the reason that I do the performance I
do because of her straight up you look
up to her no the straight the first
thing I said to her and I was like I
love you so much by the way thank you
like I've gotten compl you all the time
for that too really no but I look up to
her that's like my role model yeah she's
really cool you like her you get along
really well she's she's a homie she's a
bro also name yeah I saw the she done
like a Tik Tok and it was like Nate
archal you know how like there's just
like looks like a kill if that man
looked at me I'd be off in the floor
done I'm about with him I think he's
sexy too but now CH got married no
really best that's my man I think you
like his attitude though cuz like are
you actually attracted to like his face
terrible man I don't know his face
sometimes in it I was like get me
pregnant right now get me pregnant right
now I liked his power sorry yeah none of
that right now we're just going to add
that in there little longer um yeah no
um I think his power that I really liked
in the show you know he just like told
Blair what to do and she never she never
listened but he was like honey and she's
like no [ __ ] he's like a boss man too
and I was like I like that [ __ ] he's a
businessman he's hardworking if you will
so did you like Blair a Serena more
Serena I was very conflicted I don't
know really which one I like more
sometimes like the [ __ ] Blair would do I
just wanted to cuz Blair was kind of a
mean girl yeah you know Serena like kind
of played along sometimes but just
because she get back at BL though so I
was like okay sera's real one and Blake
Lively is like one of my favorite
actresses of all time I agree but I
think the world disagrees with that
right now yeah did you see the movie she
was in I haven't had to watch it yet we
need to watch it I haven't seen it even
the commercials like make me tear up I'm
like oh my [ __ ] god do you read the
book I'm supposed to read it from her
it's so good it's just like the book too
is it I heard the movie is not like it
because they mad they love out bits and
pieces Awesome books are really good but
making just like the book okay I need to
watch it you do
maybe we should get [ __ ] up tonight
and then go watch well you're coming to
my house party right maybe maybe maybe
[ __ ] come maybe okay fine I'll have a
joint for you sold I'm in so to this
girl over here that's barefooted in my
chair dogs are out it's cuz my blister
is so ouchy that's okay dude same Uggs
will give you a blister look at this
[ __ ] you try wearing cowboy boots every
[ __ ] day of your life I had I had to
call it quits with that I'll wear them
maybe two or three times a week but
every day that's it mm no it was bad it
got to a point where my pinkies gave out
straight up I think they're broken and
they hurt so bad I talked to somebody
today of yours they said you have like
custom boots made yeah I was like what
the [ __ ] yeah I'm designing them right
now with this company called Alberta
boot company we did them for the ccma
performance I did like two weekends ago
um but now I'm like designing like
actual boots to come out with like
country on the bottom of them and oh
girl I got you I got you guys they're
really cute I'm going need a pair too
I'm only took like 5 to 10 days to make
to and I was like what the [ __ ] yeah I
gave Alex Cooper a custom pair they were
really yeah with an A on them what sign
are you do you hate that question you
were P
Pisces research yeah oh my God that's
exactly what I said to her last time I
was like she's a Pisces we're going to
click oh my God it's cuz we we're
sweeties yeah I can be a sweetie I can
be a sweetie but also do you have fire
in your and your big three yeah a little
bit me too I'm a little aggressive me
too we got some spice where sweet but
we're spice it's sweetheart until I'm
provoked and then I'm out to like I'm
sweetheart till I'm not yeah yeah you
matching tattoos too do we 444 I noticed
that your arm earlier yeah that's my
angel number to really it's always been
mine we're s sisters what the [ __ ] whoa
should we get married or like what's up
whoo now probably
not to come I was like oh [ __ ] you're
cooked truste gets a little jealous oh I
get jealous too though I out pretty hard
mhm do you have any AES mhm now what's
your biggest ones my thing like I'm a
big socially if you are just cringey or
like something happens like in a group
of people or if like you say something
and no one responds cuz no one really
wants to talk to you literally goodbye
literally no literally no I just can't
do it I can't do it I just imagine I
just imagine it like right then and
there like the guy you're talking to he
says something in a group of people and
that's me oh no I feel so bad for that
person though I know cuz we've all been
that person cuz it's me really the
happens you a lot my friend group they
just like take it and wi I'll listen to
you is I feel like it's you're and ala
okay going about day you know yeah cuz
you say some off-the-wall [ __ ] sometimes
but it's okay
i'ms me who I sometimes no response is a
response okay yeah communic H me with
your ass
no like that your ass what's over there
in your paper out what do you got in
your paper over there some questions for
you guys okay I'm actually I've been
wanting to ask this one cuz I feel like
you have a good story what's your
craziest going out story since getting
famous um haly you can answer this too
cuz I know you have some uh if you guys
ever go to Chicago and you go to welcome
to the farm and you meet a fellow named
Rudy [ __ ] you Rudy suck my left lip fart
the [ __ ] off um sorry I need to really
get that out of there I feel like a
burden has been lifted off of me but
anyhow this man allegedly slept with me
while I was doing business for this club
just an appearance I never once left
anybody's eye contact to go sleep with
this man and then I just happened to run
across an investor that works with
people I work with and he showed some
messages from Rudy saying he slept with
me and I was like oh first off this
[ __ ] was up to my nose like he
was that tall I swear to Jesus Rudy
shortman syndrome is so upsetting no
he's not but you know when we were there
we wanted them to have fun too cuz like
that's the whole point of work it's
supposed to be fun so we included like
all the bottle girls and stuff we're
like yeah come out here and dance with
us you know whatever after everybody
left cuz there wasn't anybody to like
attack us you know so I was like yeah
come out here and have fun this
[ __ ] kept saying take shots and
I was like I don't like tequila mm- he's
like oh don't be a [ __ ] take a shot and
I was like okay I never did I'd set it
down and I'd walk away and you know what
I do I do this yeah and then he messaged
Chelsea before all this and was like
being a [ __ ] pervert to Chelsea and I
was like okay that's OD yeah he was like
Hey girl let me fly you out and take you
on a real date and I said huh show Jamie
and them right away and then after that
then I saw that message like Jamie come
look at this he was mad everybody was
mad I [ __ ] up I'm so sorry e that's
okay he has um
how how should I put this like did he
short dick syndrome that's exactly what
did he think that he was just going to
get away with
you with you everything that goes on but
most of the time I do find out [ __ ] even
before all this [ __ ] happened like I'm
an FBI agent yeah like you liked a
girl's picture in 2019 I'm going to find
it I'm find it I'm I'm going to tell you
her [ __ ] social security number her
middle name where she lives her parents
middle names you know like girls are
good at that [ __ ] yeah I feel like more
girls should tap into that little crazy
s make him swallow an air tag H what's
it going to make him swallow an air tag
but anyhow to sum that up [ __ ] you Rudy
fair enough girl fair enough trying to
think of my craziest night out since
everything's happened Katie do you
remember anything
crazy oh i' oh uhoh oh she's I just felt
so hung over think about this story oh
God it's London it's June the sky is
balmy um um we get invited to go to the
box the infamous
box I had just signed my record deal and
I was celebrating and there was some
people from Warner out there and there
was another publisher friend who was
like trying to sign me he flew all the
way to London to try to sign me and so
basically when that happens they just
will give you anything you want whatever
dinner you want we this really lavish
expensive dinner I've had a few of those
it's so fun I love it it's so so good
it's so fun ordering the most expensive
thing ever and not having to pay for it
it's actually on him yeah exactly
exactly so then after he's like what do
you want to do and I was like well I've
always want to go to the box because
I've heard people like [ __ ] out crazy
things and you know it's just weird it's
weird and freaky and I was like [ __ ] it
I'm in London [ __ ] girl what I knew it
we talked about what I was actually
taking a [ __ ] today and I looked at
chela I was like I bet Doha takes
massive [ __ ] [ __ ] Co I mean yeah I
mean you're not wrong they call me big
diesel what did you
say I got the
Vib girl I was like she definitely
take or dairy and i' be cheating on that
sometime so like there nothing wrong
with that though just tell me be acting
up for sure that's what I'm saying oh
yeah I took a [ __ ] on the plane on the
way here and it was no the [ __ ] plane
yeah it was a plane [ __ ] so painful and
it was it was bad because it was at the
time of the flight where a lot of people
had to go to the bathroom and there was
like a line when it came out and I was
like this is so embarrassing because
everybody knows on this plane what I was
doing in there who did you fla yeah
Southwest okay wait you didn't finish
your story haly
got um so we go to the box okay and it's
right when my song I think this is in
London it was like my song was getting
really high in the UK chart so I was
like a little mini celebrity walking
around there and the girl at the front
she like knew I was coming in and so she
gave us like the table at the front and
like all the champagne and all these
dancers coming around and it was like
this whole big celebration right and
we'd already been drinking at dinner and
some like London influencers came over
random people started coming over and
like an hour in we had taken so many
shots so many glasses of champagne there
was a guy on stage literally [ __ ]
and eating it there was like no the
craziest stuff happens at this club you
do not understand and I was so drunk I'd
also just smoked a joint and it was like
weird boof London weed and so I was like
the [ __ ] is going on um he ate his [ __ ]
he ate his his his poop so there's a few
things that caught me in The Story So
Far right here okay this man's eating
his [ __ ] first off yeah second off you
smoke and drink at the same time yeah
you're a demon same I do that yeah a
little fun you can't overdo it though if
you overo it you're [ __ ] I always
overdo it and I'm
like like brain dead when I do it I'm
like what the [ __ ] no you can't you got
to do like a couple glasses and like a
little and then you're good I gotta
already have a buzz before I do it
though so what you do I it's better I
think you can't smoke and then drink I
think you have to drink and then hit a
little yeah you got toed you can do it
so what did he do did you like [ __ ] on
the floor and then just pick it up it
was messy there was like cake thrown
everywhere I like honestly blocked out
so I don't really remember the rest of
the show I just remember this man was
eating he had tits and a dick and he was
eating his poop and there was champagne
and lighters and everything everywhere
and then all of a sudden I wake up in my
hotel room and I was like oh my God so
that was one of the craziest nights I
need to smoke whatever the [ __ ] you're
smoking some weird London [ __ ] you do
not want it you do not want it also last
night was pretty fun yeah last night was
like kind of iconic we were at Whiskey
Row and it was me Machine Gun Kelly Rob
and kindall from love Island it was all
the Montana boys it was Matt rif it was
shaboozie your your husband um and I was
the only girl at the table which was
kind of fun cuz I was getting a lot of
attention from the boys so girl was
liking it I feel like I kind of eating
women never admit that I'm glad you do
[ __ ] yeah I mean if you're in the right
environment you're like oh I love this
yeah and like I'm growing down with all
of them like we're all just homies so
it's fun as [ __ ] but also they're like I
think I can say that too though it's not
like you're out here like jumping for
attention you're a [ __ ] bro we're bro
but also they can acknowledge that like
you're hot yeah I'm hot we can flirt but
it's kind of platonic at the same time
even though that was okay this one's
[ __ ] up my mom thinks I have cute toes
thank you I think you have cute toes you
and my mom love each other your mom's so
cute she's so cute I just want like
painter mommy yeah so last night was
pretty fun
yeah what you went to Whiskey rad right
yeah you know I've never got to see
anybody warm up before they go on stage
and like sing or anything like
personally now you today you started
doing like
some I ain't going to lie I was tripping
like a [ __ ] I was like what did
she say me me me me me I just watched
and I was
like I was like stuck watching you only
see that in like High School Musical and
[ __ ] but it's real turns out I didn't
think it was real I did see that in high
school what do you think people do
before they go on stage just like I
don't know I get [ __ ] up before I go
on I could show I couldn't do it oh no I
can't drink before my shows I get so
[ __ ] up start showing my titties fair
enough girl freaking in the IND 32 bees
man let's see him
girl 32 be 32
B was like
definitely acquired her as a friend I
was like I've seen her half naked today
I was like wow oh my God within 5
minutes I was straight up naked in my
trailer but I was like you guys whatever
yeah whatever props see my brother you
got a don't thank you I'm just saying
thank you so much I'm just saying I'm
really proud of my ass we have good
asses in my family all the girls in my
family have you pass some over here I'm
good girl I want mine but thank
you I TR if you give me some titty I'll
give you some ass okay fair trade you
know I mean you're going to get nice
titties I like how perky they
are I didn't going to say what I was
going to say what if you can stick a
finger down there no what I like yeah
let me take this shirt off and then
[ __ ] going to drop my next
album that's not true though I do have
some nice pery titties yeah you do I
just like saying that you know yeah I'm
like yeah I'm going to toss them over my
shoulders dude if you ever go get a
boobjob can I please go with you yeah
for sure I I think will but you want to
be in the room yeah what if they had a
view in the room would you watch the
surgery really I would I'd be there did
you like graay Anatomy I watched like
bits and pieces of it that's actually
what I wanted to do from the get-go
surgery girl I don't know if I trust you
to do surgery on me I'm going to be so
real when I first started getting
interested in like you know medical
school and [ __ ] like that that's before
I realized how expensive it was and I
was like oh you poor [ __ ] you can't
much time like do you really want to do
that in studying so like that's the
first thing that intrigued me I was like
huh trauma surgant I was like I like
that and then I got like a little bit
older and I was like m nah travel nurse
it is would that like freak you out like
having someone like head gashed in you
have to like go in there and fix it like
you like that [ __ ] so that doesn't
bother me the only thing as long as I
don't smell it I'm okay now if I smell
like so gross somebody [ __ ] on the floor
or something and I smell it I'm done I
will throw up you're such a [ __ ] girl I
am such a [ __ ] girl I need a sign that
says that actually [ __ ] girl like you
got all those girls on Tik Tok they're
like go piss girl no not me no I'm going
to take a [ __ ] right now so I've
actually like self diagnosed
um lactation I'm lactose
lactation and lactose are so different
yeah lact in tolerant any time I have
dairy I like [ __ ] my lact means your
titties are making milk you know that
right oh okay
lactose inser the for lactate here yes
here we go okay so lactose intolerant
yes I'm lactose intolerant too are you
really Dairy makes me [ __ ] my pants but
you got to think here it's the key to
staying skinny I mean heck that's I know
what I'm saying you can like hide any
kind of cracks the wind starts blowing
too hard You're Gone Gone Gone floating
away in the wind honey I have a place to
take you oh where's that stripper store
we went Johnny oh dude I had a [ __ ]
filled day in there the other night I
was like why you why' you think of me I
mean thank you but he said you like
skirts and stuff like mini skirts yeah
honestly they probably have some good
show clothes they definit low key cuz
you kind of want something a little bit
out there for shows you know that blue
jean outfit you tried on oh that would
look so cute on that
everything she put on like look so
normal I put it on I was like my cheeks
are falling out too huh she's more like
of a I'm going to be covered up I'll
wear a crop top you know don't have
nothing hanging out now me on the other
hand I love dressing like to I [ __ ]
love it I mean if you got it flaun it I
could agree cuz at one time in your life
you're not going to have it anymore
exactly 10 years from now my titties
could be touching my toes who knows that
but not today my brother so I want to
get out there and you know I can age our
Al holy [ __ ] I just
glitched I'm on SO little sleep right
um also it makes me really happy making
people mad about what I wear like one of
my favorite comments to get is people
being like skank you skank you're a [ __ ]
country music hates you cuz you're such
a [ __ ] and I'm like no they actually
[ __ ] love my ass cheeks hanging out
so do though suck that tell my billboard
charting song to gobble my [ __ ] like you
know has anyone been like not open arms
to you in the country music industry I
think the hardest win over has been fans
honestly like I have either fans [ __ ]
love me or they [ __ ] hate me and they
can't they like they hate that I'm in
country but it's good cuz it fuel right
and I feel like you understand that
they're mad that I'm pop country a lot
of like down the- middle bro country
fans are like [ __ ] off you're not
country yeah and I'm like well cool I
make pop music That's Country I make
country music that's pop like it's
doesn't really [ __ ] matter there's
good music and there's bad music if you
don't like it that's so fine but just
shut the [ __ ] up yeah and that's why
like the ward last night felt really
[ __ ] good cuz it was like a I eat my
dick you know it was literally gobble my
dick yeah it was it such a good we and H
both sitting there and I was like
oh yeah cuz like you deserve that you're
a young girl and you deserve that thanks
I couldn't tell you the last young girl
I know that has made it in like the
country industry yeah it's it's hard and
you're new to it so I'm like I'm kind of
rooting for you you know thanks it felt
it felt good I mean the country industry
has been so kind to me like seriously
all like the outlets and labels and
Publishers and like people just in the
industry I don't know I feel like they
they really [ __ ] with my songwriting and
me as a person and so they just like
have been really kind but the fans have
been really hard it's funny like the
fans have been the really hard part
about this that's kind of the same deal
with me like all the celebrities I've
met they are the nicest people you could
ever meet they're always just rooting
for you now you get to the fans they're
like [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] and
I'm like and you're like holy [ __ ] and
it's always the girls that have like
love one another
Christian Jon Jonah 942 you know you say
that cuz I had I have one of those that
commented on my stuff and I like clicked
your profile and it was like like a I
mean a Bible but like on the internet
was what her account was and I was like
Kayla Ashley's Mama Church goer and it's
like shut the like what are you talking
about now
crazy maybe 50-year-old old men in their
mom's basements that have no profile
picture yes and they have like 20
followers yes I'm like are you that
miserable with your life you have to
make somebody else let's think about
like why does that affect us like we
look at these people being like you're a
nobody you're nobody I'm never going to
meet you this doesn't affect my life at
all but that one comment gets our
attention so much more than the millions
being like you're so cool you're so
pretty I love your music all this stuff
I'm bad about that too you know it sucks
like I I don't you think about like well
what have I done to you you know yeah
like I'm just a girl doing like living
my dreams I have the balls to chase
after what I want to do with my life
like you in your parents' basement
you're having a broke down car so [ __ ]
you yeah Brad Steve's better than Brad
Brad's a hot name yeah Steve like Brad
Pit that's kind of something I look at
too though like when I do like my
Snapchat stuff and I like like swipe up
and see like the I guess replies mhm and
they'll like be funny some girl called
me a frog the other day and I was like
frog I was like frog no wait a minute
that's a new one would you ever swipe up
on someone's story and be like ug frog
like you would never do that I would
never do that either like what is wrong
with you like why are you so mad at how
like Su me I'm doing good and like
something good happened to me for once
in my life and you're so bitter you're
having to call me a [ __ ] frog girl
[ __ ] you a your greasy ass hair that's
right I seen that sh [ __ ] I seen that
[ __ ] wash your hair dry shampoo honey
exactly good day get out of my face yeah
it's kind of funny last night someone
was calling one of my friends fat from
the carpet and I oh girl clap back I'm
like there's some [ __ ] that I'm just
like literally no literally no um yeah
how often do you think you comment back
to people maybe like two times a week I
think it's funny when I do it I'm not
like intending to be like a [ __ ] or
anything sometimes I comment back like
really sarcastic things and I'm like oh
my God thank you so much or like no
that's the best way to do it yeah you
kind have to kill him with kindness like
she got this DM last night and it was
like so detailed and so he was like
please have me on the podcast so I can
get famous for a dumbass reason like
your friend did that was the very last
sentence after this long paragraph and I
was like okay I'm going give him props
that was pretty [ __ ] funny you're
like good ending cuz you expecting it
yeah how's your mental health
been ooh let's not go there um
well my mental health is always all over
the place but it gets worse when it
starts getting like colder out I guess
you can say but I I don't acknowledge it
I try not to like the more attention
attention attention I bring to it then
more I'm like like this morning I felt
it this morning everybody's like looking
at me they're like something's wrong
with her I was like oh my God [ __ ] quit
quit [ __ ] looking at me [ __ ] I felt
it this morning I also didn't have
coffee to like [ __ ] me up either so
sorry I said [ __ ] a lot there me too but
it's good for the most part until like
the seasons start changing and then I
get like down in the dumps a little bit
I don't know I get kind of quiet but has
like everything that's happened like
affected other than the season the
season I'm kind of chilling yeah damn
what about like since everything has
happened how has that affected your
mental okay since everything has
happened you've handled it pretty well
so like for the most part for the most
part roll off your shoulders that's the
I mean we just met today but I feel like
that's kind of your Vibe dump sometimes
like if you read like some mean [ __ ]
like on an off day you're like damn what
if they're right yeah then I'm like you
know what so what if their right [ __ ]
[ __ ] me up that's what where my head
goes and that's when I get really sad
I'm just like you get like too caught up
on yourself you're like damn I'm going
to be the reason I like like do I
actually suck at singing I'm like oh
[ __ ] am I just getting lied to
everything yeah yeah okay but that award
says a lot so you should never question
I am such a [ __ ] fan of Morgan
wallins if I could have like one feature
happen Morgan I I literally would make
it Morgan that would maybe I should
write like a breakup song together yeah
you know how to play the piano I sure do
I think you need to hit the piano in
this think so yes me and Morgan on piano
yeah I hate that my dogs are just out
andbe sorry maybe like you can like cast
like a love story after this yeah maybe
you can are you good at playing the
piano can you put your own horn about
that yeah I mean not not great but I can
totally my own maybe like you can win
him over you want me to Winan over I
don't know if I think he's that I mean I
think he's cute but I don't know if I
would go there I think there was other
people I would go for first but
also but
also oh oh is this the conversation for
after I want to tell you so much but I
cannot tell it on this
podcast we'll be back for y'all later
we'll be back for y'all
later we'll get to that after cuz I'm
I'm itching to enough somebody so good
I'm like no it's like really good tea if
you tell me Keith Urban I'm leaving like
I will walk out of this [ __ ] myself man
is married he's like he's like Dad to me
he and I performed together a couple
months ago yeah he performed he was like
the first big artist to reach out and
like hype me up like that yeah during
CMA Fest we sang Austin during a show he
it was sick he's so [ __ ] cool make me
cry I love that that's why last night
like he did a per I know oh my God last
night he performed on the show and I sit
in front row and no one was giving him a
standing ovation but like that was genu
my favorite performance of the night
he's such a good songwriter and I'm
standing there and we had a moment we're
pointing at each other and I was like
he's I love him so much he's worked
really hard to get where he's at yeah so
I don't know if I'm allowed to say this
like the media Pro lady we had yeah what
is it that one time she us us not to
speak on it what about good stuff though
huh like wait media trainer told you
what she's talking about Keith Urban
what about it like he's just worked
really hard to get where he's at like
he's such a pean and I just want to like
pinch him even more now where is he at I
want to meet this has been like the most
hyped up reveal ever I want to meet
Pooky so bad he kind of looks like a rat
a little bit oh oh you said my man looks
like a rat you know Jamie I'm just going
to lay this out here since she want to
throw that I
thought he said our ex's looked like
rats so yeah no mine yeah yeah I can't
what if Pooky looks like a rat what if
this whole time pooky's been the rat pie
is the rat Pookie is not a rat pie kind
of looks like me but there was like a
whole like article about how it's the
summer of rat boys yeah I feel like it
is because of Barry and like Timothy
shalamay Timothy looks like Flushed Away
rat oh yeah straight up but hot no he is
hot but like hot I never would have seen
that comparison if you wouldn't have
said isn't it is he still kie I doubt it
are they together I don't know them I
don't know I don't know
if I have no idea they were for like
together they were like it was like a
whole thing for a second and now it just
kind of piped down I feel like I haven't
seen anything about it though I feel
like it must be really hard as a mother
day what let me just go ahead and oh my
God I need more wine can I have a refill
dude we are [ __ ] soulmates yeah I
kind of like getting called white trash
I too I CU it means we don't really give
a [ __ ] which is like I know I'm white
trash and what about it yeah me too it's
all good I think it's healthy to be a
little white trash Oh I want to play uh
that game
uh dude I was sitting here thinking I
was like I think I've asked her
everything that I was wondering I was
like I wonder if anybody else has it but
now I want to play what you do my first
[ __ ] Mary kill is Zach Bryan Dirks
Bentley Morgan la Kill Dirks I got mine
[ __ ] Morgan Mary Zach that was exactly
the same that makes sense to me
no yes no Mary Dirks [ __ ] Dirks I'm
going to have to say Mary Dirks Bley cuz
he was such a little peanut and I loved
his daughter when I met her she was such
a sweet that mommy Vib she so cute I was
like I just want to like pet her little
head I just feel like he's older that's
what drew me back you know he is he is
older but he's he's dope I love he's a
nice guy so I'd marry him I'd have to
kill Zack Bryant and then I'd have to
marry Morgan no [ __ ] Morgan wall
actually would I catch something if I
didn't that probably
maybe no you can use protection it's all
good you know what having a itching and
burning Cooter [ __ ] Morgan m so what are
you do you're marrying no I'm gonna [ __ ]
him okay I know but if you okay fair
enough good um [ __ ] Mary kill Jess murf
tapate McCrae Sabrina Carpenter this
one's so this is so me but that's like
my top three those are like the it girls
of everything right now I love Jesse so
much I do too I w't know if I would
marry her though she
she's I think she be a little crazy but
in like a fun way yeah like she would
keep you on your toes oh defin you just
like [ __ ] mind right there I don't
know how to answer that I don't know if
you can guys okay fourway orgy that's my
next I don't want to answer it I can't
see orgy okay we're having a big orgy
right now yeah that's the answer for the
last one is orgy I'm like can't there's
option kill a single it's
ory girl um [ __ ] Mary kill kid looy
Bryce Hall m r uh oh you can answer for
spooky yeah you go ahead
I'd probably kill Bryce Hall first off
obviously Sor Bry I love you before I
say my answer
just kill I'm have to kill Bryce yeah I
love you Bryce but it's kid ly I'd
probably [ __ ] and I'd marry Matt R I
think that's my saying don't get mad I
think no I understand I understand my
brother my brother I get
it last one Miranda Lambert Taylor Swift
Dolly Parton Mary dolly
those are like my three favorite art
those are literally my
um oh
no um I mean Dolly I am really put on
the spot here I feel like I think Taylor
would be a really good
wife but Dolly would like cook you meals
mhm but Taylor would write love songs
she's got got a mighty
[ __ ] I think I would oh my God okay I
would kill Tyler I would kill Miranda
sorry I would kill
Dolly but not but just thinking
selfishly like I don't really want to
[ __ ]
her and I don't really want to marry her
and I feel like I'd marry Taylor and I'd
[ __ ] Miranda I think she'd be like a fun
one night thing you know I also agree
with that I'm going to have to oh you're
changing your answer now oh no no no no
no no I agree with you about [ __ ]
okay yeah I would have to do that cuz I
feel like she's like crazy you know yeah
give me that also Blake Shelton how'd
you lose that he [ __ ] fumbled but
also him and GW are really cute yeah
sometimes love doesn't work out for the
right reason and they're both remarried
and they seem really happy so Miranda's
remarrying yeah holy [ __ ] you girl yeah
and he's really cute so Blake
yes I would say so I'm going to give you
a clap my girl it was Taylor Swift okay
I'm going to have to marry Dolly I'm
going to [ __ ] Miranda and kill Taylor I
feel like a dick like also I don't want
to I'm not killing Taylor but also I
don't want to kill Dolly like yeah
Grandma I didn't want to kill Taylor
either like her old music like before
she owned it I hate to say that cuz like
now her new stuff I don't really listen
to it there was one that I really like
it all too well the 10-minute version I
[ __ ] red is my favorite album Maybe
of all time but other than that I
haven't listened to her new music I
think that her songwriting is what
stands out as an artist she's such a
good [ __ ] songwriter I'm so proud she
owns it now too though yeah it's so
awesome and I think like it's cool
seeing how it's like developed over the
years like her early stuff was so
youthful and her and now it's more like
mature and like she's in her 30s and
stuff exactly I think it's really cool
that she stayed true to that oh I did
have a bone to pick with you actually
who do you think I had a bone to pick
with you last night while I was watching
TV so you said the mother of country was
um sh Shia Twain Shia Twain yes I beg to
differ well dolly is the mother of
country I beg to differ who do you think
Reba McIntyre okay I'm a Reba girl okay
that's so valid love me I feel like
picking one mother is so not fair I feel
like there's like they've added things
to the pot to make country what it is
yes I feel like there's multiple I think
we were five mothers maybe we could
agree on Reba
Dolly Shia 100% let's see who else I
would even go Miranda I think Miranda
and Carrie Underwood and Carrie I could
not agree with more with that list I
like that that's a good list they're
mothers do you have anyone to add I
think y'all covered it actually that's
like yeah that's my [ __ ] right there cuz
it goes from like old you know older
generation to like a little bit newer to
like yeah a little newer but not too new
but like Miranda and Carri were like the
bad asses of like our parents generation
you know I feel like they're like you
got like a good one then you got like a
badass one like Miranda's a badass one
does not give a [ __ ] then Carrie's like
the little Sweetheart's a sweetie but
also is a spicy side like before he
cheats was kind of what I had in my head
when I was writing Austin cuz I was like
little red wagon and Before He Cheats
were like the two songs of like I need
my [ __ ] Revenge song I was so pissed
really I like kerosene I'm giving up rag
has so much attitude yeah okay yeah okay
no don't don't you can't ride in my
little web
wagon you cannot you're right I got one
more question for you what's one move in
bed that makes a man go crazy hot to
spit on that thing she gets it well
thank you dash for coming thanks for
having me haly of course we're going to
drop this [ __ ] mic go like comment
subscribe to talk to with Haley Welch
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while you're watching this take a
picture and tag me and tell me who you
want next tag me and talk to her and
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excited about my new Merchant if you
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[Music] |
bAN3KmTSy2Q.txt | come on Haley it's not that bad all
right it's time to get out of the bed
and quit rotting Haley get up all right
I'm ready to talk so I wanted to start
my podcast out here in Belfast Tennessee
where I was born at and where I've been
ever since until a few weeks ago and
everything changed no really I even
learned that you can't bring a box
cutter on a plane so we'll be talking
about all the crazy stuff that's
happened since I got into this mess and
the stuff that me and Chelsea like to do
before all this happened and I want you
guys to get to know me better than hwk
Tu no it's t like you really got to put
your emphas yeah you're not saying Tua
you're saying T you know like you got to
really put your back into T you know my
first guest is going to be somebody
that's very dear to me Miss Whitney
coming make sure you hit follow on talk
to or wherever you get your podcast
we're releasing episodes every Tuesday
and for those of you watching on YouTube
be sure you like comment and subscribe
subscribe to that
thing keep all this in this is great the
key to you is don't overthink anything
don't plan or plot
anything the key to your success is just
flying by the seat of your pants and
being exactly who you are that's why I
think me and you connect on a different
level I think so
too we both also find the same men in
their 20s attractive we have the same
type welcome back to talk Tua today I
got Miss Whitney Cummings youall already
seen her but she had to come back I love
her and then we got our two guest down
here in the floor we have heartley
Harley's a little blind but she still
gets around and then uhoh where R go
right here and then we have R down here
R is a little bit feisty but she likes a
calm environment so they're just going
to be hanging out with us and then we
got Chelsea over here and then we got
Jamie of course Jamie's one of the women
sure am we need a white man for
diversity exactly I agree I agree I got
you a little friendship bracelet I had
to put it on so I'd keep up lose it if
didn't babe come on like a big sister I
never had oh come on I love you oh this
makes my day thank you I H it off with
you so I had to have you back we really
did I I hope I just my nightmare would
to create any pressure for you I feel
like you're going through so much so
fast I feel like we connected and then I
was like let me just not put any
pressure on her she'll know where I am
if she needs me I went nervous talking
to you oh good cuz afterwards you did
Bill Maher you did I got a history
lection or lecture from him yeah how'd
that go I was
just the whole time it went right over
my head I hated history in school and I
was just well what's the point of
memorizing any history because we've now
learned that none of it was true it when
I grew up I don't know if this is even
what you learned in school I learned
that the Native Americans and the and
the pilgrims had a fun dinner that
that's that's what I got from I learned
that they put on their best shoes with
buckles and their best hat and they all
sat down and shared maze they had corn
and they had a cornicopia and it went
great and now didn't they have a turkey
too yeah they had a damn turkey so you
got lectured about history so you now
know what to not do while hosting a
podcast Christopher Columbus sail the
ocean blue in 1962
1492 okay he didn't teach me very
much I think the most history
until now has kind of been gossip right
yeah I mean it's kind of just like you
know what I mean well like I feel like
if I won to battle I'd be like not only
am I going to tell this story but I'm
also going to say like my opponent was
like f stupid like you know I'm going to
add insult to it too yeah yeah totally
CU he's not here to set the record St
right there was no way I mean people
like what if chachie PT like photoshop's
photos it's like we had paintings before
where the King was telling them what to
paint I mean that was probably worse
than Photoshop you might be right like
Mona Lisa so um you've had Jake Paul
you've had I don't know what order
you're going to do these in but you've
had Jake Paul on yes is that it yes so
far Jake's pretty wild he he's a little
spooky to talk to that's like a man you
know that's not like a little soft boy
you know it's easy to talk to that
that's a whole man right there so I was
like yeah you know I'm a little ass girl
over here talking to those grown man I
was like what I talk to him about you
know you knew him before right were you
a fan before yeah I watched him for a
few years and what do you noticing in
the difference between being a fan of
someone from afar and then meeting them
like is it what you expected he was
exactly what I expected like he lets on
like he's an and that's what I
like about him he owns up to that
he knows it that's I got respect for him
for that I like that I I can be an
too and he's comfortable with
controversy he's okay with it he's very
comfortable with that I think that's
like one of the most important skills
now is being comfortable with like
letting people project onto you and like
think you know like if you stand up for
yourself you're a if you like want
to win a fight you're an it's
like all right just project whatever you
want I know that my identity at a
certain point is kind of like a mixture
of who I am and what you project on to
me yeah I mean you can't pleas them all
either so no definitely not and then um
Matt r
met him in person thanks to you best
Wing man ever yeah shout out you
girlfriend now I got a pillow of him to
sleep with every night whatever that oh
that was a match made in heaven right
there let me just gone and tell you I
was reading all the comments like on our
post and they're like oh look it's like
the first look and they're like smiling
at each other you will never see me
smile at a man like that ever again in
my entire life let me just go on
and tell you you can ask her I died
please don't they didn't warn us they
come and got us like from the car and
then we walked around and they didn't
say he was like right there at the
Corner we were going around I
was like what the hell and I go around I
was like I was like oh no I haven't
prepared myself what to say to this man
he's like hey I was like she's like
don't look me in the eyes and he's like
okay dude he could have turned me to
Stone looking in I was like oh my God
don't look at me you're in La you can go
get BOTOX right now and look like a
stone whenever you want yeah that's
actually a good point there's Botox
everywhere most people get a little
myself I call it broox when I do it
really broox well
no um do you really get it here's
why guys look I'm not about to be on
trial here you do get BOTOX let
explain and Whitney you can back me up
here I don't get BOTOX anymore no hold
on the earlier you get it yep right so
when you start young you're actually
just getting rid of whatever wrinkles
would pop up so it's not like I'm going
every week and getting done it's
like I went a few times I actually went
again like last month but like for a
touchup but yeah where you get it I go
to Calabasas I got to like where oh
forehead and then feet right here but
here's the thing oh wow so you still
have some movement which is good you
should have more though here's the thing
number one if you're a girl and you get
BOTOX number one you're going to attract
pedophiles okay we're all trying to stop
shaving your vagina hair Don't Stop
Shaving your vagina hair I know where
the going with this don't stop I
real to grow it out and put I was dating
creeps the longest time and I didn't
realize I was baiting them by having a
bald and Botox of course okay I
okay thank you for that too the other
thing I want people to know when I'm
pissed off at them I want to know when
I'm mad and I realized that when I had
Botox I didn't have any wrinkles so I
would be like mad at somebody and they'd
be like anyway like they think I was
joking and I was like I'm serious and I
would have to subtitle my face because
they didn't have any wrinkles or
wrinkles they they convey information
see I have like a face I have
like a wrinkle going through here let me
see that's normal I honestly I'm going
to leave mine it Point wrinkles are a
sign of Youth yeah I agree that's why I
decided to just stop getting botx very
Rock of you yeah see I you know what I
do kind kind of want there's um you can
get BOTOX in your armpits so that you
don't sweat yeah yeah but the
dermatologist said to me uh okay so you
can get I think it's like 18 shots in
both one armpit 18 and 18 so that you
don't sweat but then he was like the
sweat does have to come out somewhere
and it usually comes out in
your and your poochi bana what the
in our poochi Bano preventative
that's why you grew it
out honestly at this point I like having
pubic care sweating wrinkles cuz it is
just my goal in life to attract straight
men and it really deters all the gay men
and I can't date any more gay men yeah
if you want to come over here and
Munch on this rug go for it boy yeah you
know yeah if a guy looks at pubes on a
vagina and is like never mind this is
you know he's a ass that's
exactly we're weed why you think that
way you make me want to grow mine out
and like finger wave it or something
yeah you got me re every damn thing
right now holy keep going something
else you know what it is there's just
something that happens when you get old
getting older is actually kind of
amazing you know I thought it would like
you know I would just like blow my head
off when I turned 40 or something you
know but there's something kind of
freeing about it you know because like
you quit caring yeah the guys that want
to date you they're like adults like you
know there's something really fun about
it I don't know I'm into it I like the
way you see that now I can't wait to get
older why not I mean I think it would be
fun it's kind of fun it's just sort of
like yeah there's veins on my leg but
like what about it whatever dude my leg
ankles are blue now I'm an avatar sick I
can you just have can you jump higher I
don't think I can jump at all yeah my
fake boobs have gotten too hard I your
boobs are fake mhm what the
yeah so it actually happened because and
can I tell you something about you I
think part of the reason people love you
so much cuz you know you're like like
like ghetto Dolly Parton or something
yeah i' say so that is a good comparison
right there I trailer
Swift trailer dolly or whatever it is is
that you there's this epidemic where
especially white women super privileged
white women we'll talk about how hard
their lives are and how like and when I
was at this Hollywood party the producer
hugged me too long and like we all have
to March because like a white woman was
uncomfortable you know my trauma and
you're like what was your drama and
they're like I had to move to Canada to
do this movie and you're just like
where's the like trauma used to be a
word that was reserved for like ER
nurses and like it was a thing where
like blood was involved and everyone
talking about their trauma and how they
get triggered and they like struggle
with anxiety and that meanwhile they're
like from Connecticut and whatever and
you just blew by the fact you're yeah
this is my family situation what move on
yeah what about it it's like I'm not
making this my thing it's like dark
humor too that's like how most people
deal with it but it's also I don't want
you to pity me and I'm not going to try
to be a victim in order to get attention
and like I'm fine I'll be okay yeah I've
accepted it why can't you accept
it laugh at it move on I'm not going to
bore the out of you guys talking
about how hard my life is everyone's
life is hard my mama left me and she
picked crack over me placed it here and
cow have you tried crack though if I
from what I understand it's it's better
than a kid yeah I've never seen an
unhappy crackhead neither of I don't
think I have either and they're like
Superman too that's it there was Lil
boozy did a video about crack he's he's
he talked about how fentol is like no
good he's like my crackheads like they
play basketball they're athletic they
can run they can fix a car like my
crackheads are doing well that's so
boozy of him yeah yeah you don't want to
fight a crackhead um I don't want to
fight a crackhead that's like fighting
with I souped up kangaroos like in
Australia they'll beat your ass yeah
up yeah they I don't know those
kangaroos they look the Jake Paul of
Australia those kangaroos just that's a
really good comparison right there
that's what he reminds me of like a
souped up and you don't want to
with him guys an animal but like so
that's something that is such a breath
of fresh air about you it is you know I
agree so I'm going to be real with you I
was never the biggest football fan I
honestly don't even get the rules that
much but what I do know is I like having
fun and winning money and better picks
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talk Tua and let's hit some lineups all
NFL season long it's crazy how I said
two words and I'm here isn't it it's
pretty wild it is it is pretty I wish I
have like jumped on it sooner though
jumped on what like all this like I was
scared to come out of my house the first
two weeks me her both we locked
ourselves in the bedroom that's
a normal healthy reaction I would like
oh my God I would be worried about your
psychological state if you were like yes
like here I I knew that would work like
that would be spooky yeah that would be
a little spooky just imagine if Chelsea
said HW Tua and not you that night I
would would Chelsea be sitting in that
chair I would not have dealt with it as
good as you did can we hear you say it
she don't give a it's her problem
she does not give a single one more
time I can't do it as good as do it you
do it no you do it hot T you got to put
like an emphasis on it like T you know
like really yeah say all right all
together hot t hot to hot to say it
aggressive like like like you're mad at
the dck you're mad at
H these girls have never seen a dick
Whitney calm down I know that's the will
you relax Dan Whitney Schneider you know
what I think you know what I think easy
broox um you know what I think we need
to do I think I think we need to like do
uh I don't know like a bar crawl where
we get you drunk and try to get you a
slogan I got something you could say we
got to get you a slogan does I feel like
we could do it if we just like go to
Nashville a couple nights just get
wasted oh we definitely could we could
just like sneak up on you and like send
like some crisis actor to interview you
and try to get something out what would
your Tim and D to do it again no I'm
sure they wouldn't have a problem they
wouldn't wonder what they're doing why
aren't you allowed to talk you're not
allowed to talk about maybe we are
why not I mean yeah it's like you know
well they might argue that you're making
money off of it and it oh but what about
that video they first posted when all
this started I didn't get any money
off of that yeah so that can suck my
left lip yeah you should definitely just
get the money if nothing else yeah they
they like launched a merch store the
next day Haley asked them to take the
video down she was like very depressed
about it and they just kind of like
you they blocked all my friends too and
we all have it like screenshotted too
like I messaged them I was like all
right you posted the one you got views
and everything else just stop you're
like horrifying me just quit and they
didn't stop either so they just kept
going I was like all right at this
point what else you going to
post picture of my ass crack go ahead go
ahead I don't give F I feel so bad about
it too cuz I was like holy I made
her answer that question and now she's
like beating herself up but hey now I'm
glad greatest assist of all time look at
us now Chelsea I cannot but it also it
was it was about the what you said but
it was also like your energy it was like
your essence like
vodka that's exactly how that works
vodka I drank plenty of vodka on camera
and I didn't become an overnight
sensation well see I say a bunch of
like that like around my friends I'm
just yeah how can I put it I talk out of
my ass a whole lot good but I'm open
with them I don't have any kind of issue
set in front of them but when I drink
Vodka I'll say it to anybody I think we
weirdly need more talking out of our ass
like I know that sounds insane because
everyone online seems like they're doing
that but I actually think it's the
opposite I think everyone is doing a bad
impression of them themselves or they're
repeating what they heard somebody else
say or they're so obsessed about their
brand or trying to do what you did
they're trying to get a catchphrase
going they're trying to get some brand
going and it feels so inauthentic so
artificial and it's so repellent and
then you just talked out of your ass and
it was something you know I had no
intention of that yeah that's but that's
why it worked everyone else was running
around with ention being like how do I
get famous off this how do I get viral
off this and you were just you know
they're in Nashville still like trying
to recreate it no one there's interviews
everywhere really yeah the idea that in
Nashville right now girls get dressed up
and get drunk to try to
like get filmed outside of a bar to get
your career is so funny to
me yeah they're just out there like hey
I'm going to do that CH choke anything
anything yeah there you go they're check
out to like see if it works going need
to get Chelsea drunk and give her a
microphone and see what she does what do
you think I don't know but let me ask
you you're I don't mean to say like your
generation like we you already kind of
on social media like uh not really okay
like here and there yeah how do you feel
on doing this do make you feel
uncomfortable I know I don't really care
okay good I feel good about it good good
good good it's just like I'd be reading
my DMs and I'm like oh my God I'm
posting these is this is my audience
right here I know it's freaky yeah big
question do you feel like guys try to
hit on you
like I don't mean about this I just mean
like you're now in a situation being
famous you now have to question
everybody that wants to be friends with
you or date you have you already felt
like there's a difference yeah I see it
yeah I tell them that all the time no
guy is just being nice it's not a it's
not a thing he just wants to you
that's about it well it's worse now I
would rather a guy do use me for my body
than for my Instagram and then so what
has been the most fun um like moment
where you're like okay this is worth it
okay so besides you like the one woman
that I've like been interviewed by was
Caitlyn Bristo I clicked with
her and her wine I would never shut up
about her wine her wine was a
okay so let me ask you I feel like
I feel like as you get older you start
to realize this you seem to know this
does your personality change based on
the liquor you're drinking like I'm a
different person vodka wine tequila uh
oh what's wine do wine kind of want to
hump the couch a little bit you speak
yourself and then dark liquor I could
probably find no wonder you're running a
dog rescue you behave like one yeah okay
dark liquor does what I could probably
fight a grizzly bear if I drink dark
liquor okay like
Fireball I I can't drink it anymore I
either drunk cry or I get like violent
like it's out of my hands imagine what
that video would have done like that's
where Harley come from that's my ultra
ego heartley Harley Harley Harley like
you got Haley and then you got
Harley just a straight up Nicki Minaj
over here she's got all her
personalities so Harley we see Harley
when Harley drinks liquor Brown not even
yeah I'd say brown liquor okay you can
testify that
champagne you say she's mean champagne
on champagne Oh Oh I thought you said is
she mean oh no you guys heard the same
thing I said champagne yeah I'm
ferocious as when I drink dark
liquor what about when you drink
champagne champagne's not too bad okay
like wine it's not too terrible either
unless I'm like drinking bottles of it
at a time something happened when I
turned like 25 where I could only drink
tequila like that's all I could only
drink tequila or else I was just texting
ex's I'm like posting things on you know
Twitter trying to get their attention
I'm like you know I looked I looked up
the Scientology ships huh back up posted
stuff on Twitter to get their attention
well you know when sometimes you're on
social media and you're like a little
like I just I'm not going to text my ex
but I'm going to like post a bunch of
photos that I think he'd see which will
get him to text me like just he's going
to be thinking
about no I know exactly what the
you mean embarrassing I've done some
like that yeah we're just childish
like I started having this magical
thinking where I'm like someone that I
don't even want to date someone that I
don't even want to get back together you
want attention I just want him to miss
me yeah you're not ever going to forget
about me Sor yeah I get
vengeful I want him to know how well I'm
doing I want to like whatever so I start
posting stuff I'm like what am I doing I
wake up the next morning I'm like oh God
I we are more like than you know by the
way that is a compliment yeah it is to
me not to you um so yeah so for me I was
okay tequila is kind of the only thing I
do at this point really I'll do wine
every now and then I would try Caitlyn's
wine I like vodka vodka I'm actually
pretty good on vodka I have fun when I
drink Vodka yeah vodka I'm like we need
to play charades now I get very like
we're competing at something so tell me
about this animal sanctuary this is
might save your psyche so it launched d
right it's Paws Across America nice and
for all the little dogs I'm taking a nap
I still can't find okay there's so what
is your strategy on how what dogs you
take which animals you take which you
don't so we're looking for like the ones
that are the worst in my opinion so
that's going to be like a big thing
we're doing looking for the ones that
need it most and then we'll get to the
little ones that they got it good but
they could still use it just the ones
that need it terribly bad nice and we're
doing one of those Sunday right um
Saturday and Sunday yeah okay so do you
want I'm going to give you my
unsolicited it's not even advice I'll
just share my experience um this is my
thing rescuing animals this is what I
care about kind of the most in life um I
uh do high-risk dogs um staffies I don't
like to say the word pit bull because
people like to take that you know make
it a bad word pulles get a bad
rap I have such a big bleeding heart
well pimples if they're raised by idiots
which many idiots want to have a pit if
they make a mistake they will do the
maximum amount of damage right Chihuahua
cocker spels they attack the most
frequently of any dog but they don't do
much damage so nobody cares right so a
piple does damage it's over right so
anytime there's a dumb dog there's a DB
person uh that's been uh uh dealing with
it so I have such a big bleeding heart
this is my thing I did get my ear bitten
off uh it's been sewn back on whoa uh by
a dog who the dog sewed it back on the
dog the dog seed it back silence so I
did uh I did get my ear bit now so all I
would say is protect your
head yeah protect this billion dollar
face uh so for me I guess in the
beginning I was so excited to actually
have resources to be able to save
animals that I like brought them all
into my house I was and I made the
mistake with the dog that bit my ear off
it was my fault anytime a dog attacks I
usually believe it's your fault or the
person who trained it fault or someone's
fault right um especially a staffy
because they always give warning right
they always give you two chances to back
off and change the circumstances right
if they attack it means they're fighting
for their life and they feel cornered or
they think they're protecting their
owner which is why um uh dog fighting
happens the way that they train them is
up it's really up what
they do so basically they breed um uh
the dogs to get it's basically survival
of you know the kindest yeah but also
the kindest because they're fighting for
their owner MH right so they're not
fighting to kill the other dog they
think they're protecting their owner so
the ones that are the nicest or the ones
that end up fighting and those right so
they're actually just like the sweetest
dogs they just it's disgusting what they
do but I had the dog sleep in my in the
bed and he was sleeping on my chest
which is a dominant move he hadn't been
impulse you know uh control trained yet
and I was on the ground and I pushed him
away and he just he just went to like
put you know their mouth is their hands
so in the beginning if they've been
taken from their mom too young which is
very common with abuse scenarios they
basically will just like grab your hand
to try to like pull you and he just
grabbed my ear and it just lob right off
you know so I just wish that when I was
in that situation where I was rescuing I
rescuing elephants and giraffes and
bears and you know anything I could
exotic animal trafficking as a whole
thing um we'll get to jokes in a second
guys just calm down um but I just found
myself in a situation where I was just
like I'm Dr do little I'm going to save
them all and then you know a lot of
crazy stuff happened do little is a good
way to put that yeah so there's times
where you just got to go like yes we're
rescuing this hris dog but like he's not
going to sleep in the bed with me until
I know more information about dog you
know so it's just like playing it safe
and having somebody really smart running
it that goes like okay I'm going to
respect the background of this dog
that's gone through this horrific stuff
and put it in a situation where it can
like acclimate slowly you know yeah so
like volunteers who like know how to you
know let dogs get comfortable around
humans before they like freak out and
make a mistake you know because
sometimes dogs that are that Abus they
make mistakes please tell me you named
that dog Spike
Tyson did you because that's a huge Miss
didn't named him Bango Bango Bango
grows my ear um so yeah so that was like
the thing I think like you have such a
big bleeding heart and as you can see
when it comes to like I'm sure all the
people coming out of the woodwork asking
you for this and that like I was the
person that as soon as I got any
resources I was so poor for so long I
was like here's this here's this ruined
everyone of my family relationships like
buying them cars and houses and health
insurance and then you know as Chris
Rock pulled me aside in the hallway when
I first started having anything I had I
did not understand what he was saying
like it did not compute to me he was
like when you lend someone money it's
only a matter of time before they start
to hate you fair enough and I was like
no what do you mean like this is going
to make my mom love me and this is going
to make this sibling nice to me finally
it's like doesn't work that way and then
I was like okay animals are safe there's
you can't love an animal too much you
know this is like exactly and they can't
help ourselves either yeah so that's why
I like doing it why do people start
hating you when you give them money
what's that why do people start getting
mad at you when you give them Mone well
resentful it's a couple things number
one I think it's like it's my thing is
it's always should be a gift it's not
alone it never can be alone because then
all of a sudden you become the per the
damn sword hanging over their head you
know where every time you know you see
them you're a reminder to them of the
thing they haven't given you or the
embarrassing thing they had asked for
where's my money at totally every
and then you see them and they're like
in a new pair of shoes and you're like
you know you can't really sit in they're
like no I just got someone gave me these
and they were on sale I went to Aldo and
they were like 20% off $40 like I have
your money but like I'm G to get I'm
gonna get you back don't worry and
you're like I don't you know I got to
the point where I was like it's just a
gift or I'm going to pay the bill
directly you know cuz I can't just give
you cash whatever and then I think it's
a matter of time before they start start
to hate you because then they start to
owe you and then the power dynamic they
gave you a power that you didn't want
you know what I mean I just wanted to
like help you out with your rent or help
you out with their this and then it's
like well now what about next month now
what about next month next month and
then you become this like you know
authority figure to them kind of thing I
think they and then we are generous so
it makes it even worse and then they
have to go like well if you gave me more
money I wouldn't be in the situation you
know I just need and you're just like
okay and you don't owe anybody that
I didn't I just figured that out like 20
minutes ago I have to go why am I doing
this kidding
kidding no it's true it's it's was
really hard for me to compute that but I
think people that are really generous
like that big hearts like you animals is
such a great place to start I agree they
can't talk back to you either exactly
well they do they do they communicate
they do but you don't understand them
half the time yeah yeah like they're
calling me a I don't know it I
don't understand humans half the time
you're like a dog calling me you're
calling me a I mean you're that's
literally yeah your definition a b dog
call the K all yeah really sit in the
floor and talk to a dog in a person all
day long yeah okay so you had fun with
Matt RI you had fun with Logan Paul what
have have you learned anything Jak Paul
what's that Jake Logan Oh God what same
diff same thing same diff they do look
like like really bad yeah they do right
I like them why do I like them there's
something I like the shamelessness of
them blunt I ALS they're blunt and you
know what else I like I appreciate and
this is the same with with Tana is like
people that grew up in public you might
kind of be one of them you know I was I
did too but not like this not like you
know it was more like TV like talk shows
and stuff like I like when someone makes
mistakes and it's like yeah I was a kid
I was an idiot I messed up and like I'm
going to keep going like you don't have
to like totally call it on your career
by the way just so you know I do not I
lasered I have no hair on my body I oh
so you were talking all this from
the outside is what I'm hearing freezing
rules for thee and not for me kind
of start to grow back it's like sort of
little Smithers hairs right now they're
kind of little ones that are kind of
growing back cuz my guy finally dating a
guy who's not gay and he said one day he
just floated by he's cool as by the
way he's so cool he is cool yeah he's so
cool he's so cool I it's it's I it took
me so long to realize that what I needed
in someone is someone that I'm in awe of
and someone that I CU respect to me is
the hottest thing I agree respecting the
person I agree I agree and we respect
nobody and nothing that's fair though
someone that makes me the best version
of myself because I think that I was
always like for whatever reason like
whether I learned this cuz I came with
grow up in a you know uh you know
pugnacious watching divorces and stuff I
thought that in relationships you were
supposed to fight with your person to
like show them how smart you were to
show them how strong you were like show
them you know you're calling me out
right now well CU we come from like when
we've been picked on a lot or you come
from a you know like a a tricky
dysfunctional home you're like I got to
prove how strong I am so no one gets
anything past me you know I got to make
sure you don't take advantage of me like
you on some level want them to maybe be
scared of you so they don't hurt you
like I think I was just trying to feel
safe or something or like make make them
respect me which we all know you can't
do that you earn respect you can't make
someone respect you and then I got with
this guy and I was just like I never
want to argue with you you win
everything like I just have so much
respect for him and I never feel the
need to pull that did you make him
swallow an air
tag I think Pokey needs to swallow an
air tag this is really really funny you
said you should do air tags that say
Pooky um this is really funny you said
this because I did date a guy who
swallowed an
earbud same thing kind of the same thing
did you get to like hear everything that
was going on I'd have been listening is
he talking to a is that what I'm
here sucking his dick and I just hear
voices through his stomach like a 50
Cent song you're like what the is
going on Mini man can you turn off Rogan
he's my friend um and so I literally was
like how do you know that story it's the
one thing I haven't shared publicly and
then I just did but yeah I'm I like but
it's also the first time I've been in a
relationship where I'm not thinking
about where he is I don't like I just
you trust him 100% not only that like
when we're not together I just like I'm
like I wonder what he's doing like I'm
like it's weird I'm like a fan and
that's how it should be I think so too
he gets you in like your little soft
girl era you don't have to be like a
hard ass gangster you know that's what
it is I'm in my gangster era yeah by the
way do it but I you know it's weird I
was dating this guy once uh athlete
professional athlete and I remember
because I guess just because what I do
and you know I thought if a guy wanted
to date me he wanted like a challenge
you know cuz guys say that a lot like
and I think they believe no guy who ever
said that I know I just want to let you
know right now no guy said that and I
think this is probably a guy being full
of trying to flirt or saying what I
think they think I would want to hear oh
I love a good challenge okay bring it on
guys say it here's the thing but I know
but guys don't hear what their guy
friends say to girls like you guys don't
know you know what I'm saying I always
have to tell my guy friends like you
know that your homies cry to us right
and that they you know it's a whole ass
thing so we see a different side of your
homies than you do and they'll be like I
want a girl who calls me out on my
they always say that I want a girl
that's like and when you do they're like
why would you say that I know and then 3
months in you're like hey why do you
have two phones and they're like why are
you attacking me oh yeah over here
talking about this you're with me
that's my friend yeah okay I damn oh
really and I said to him I was like we
were arguing about something and uh
again because I thought I had to like
prove I was smart or strong or something
like that and then I was like well I
thought you you know wanted a challenge
like I thought men wanted you know you
date me if you want a challenge and he
was like don't say it unless you want it
cuz I will give you a chall
what men would ever want to challenge
what man would ever want to challenge
and that like blew my mind but said it
though I thought it was my job to be a
challenge I thought you guys wanted yeah
you want a hard time I'll give you a
hard time well and also too we think
it's like are did you bust every guy's
balls this hard or is it just me and
then we start thinking and it's like so
who are all these guys that just kind of
got to like hook up with you and go on
with their life and not deal with any of
this I'm dealing with right now
so it just kind of puts it in
perspective and you're like damn I
can just maybe get I should maybe get
out of here like this I'm a little
a shame there's the door I do
think though it takes a while to figure
out who you are so it's hard to know
what you even want but I spent so much
time going like I'm going to go to
therapy to learn how to be this person
and I'm gonna you know go to I go to the
12ep meetings for something called
alanine growing up in alcoholic home
when with drug out of home I'm gonna
like learn how to be this and I'm going
to be more patient and I'm going to be
more this and I'm wear this pushup bra
and I'll wear these shoes and I'll act
this way and I'll laugh when he makes a
joke because I tend to not laugh a lot
at things because I'm a comic and
whatever I'm G to fake lot and then all
of a sudden I was like I don't need to
change anything about myself I just have
to be authentic and then I'll actually
attract the right person cuz when you're
pretending or you're trying to be
something you think they want you're
they're going to be attracted to a fake
version of you and then in 6 months or a
year you're going to be so exhausted
pretending that you're going to like
fall apart one day and just like they're
going to be like who's this person
you're like this is me you know this is
real me this isn't real me and they're
and you're not even in love with me
you're in love with who I'm pretending
to be and they're like why did you just
pretend to be someone for you play it
you got to give like a maybe a three
month free trial and be like oh sweet
little girl you know nothing whatsoever
then once you like get them in with a
hook you got them for good then you can
show them the real you yeah now we'll go
swimming and you'll see my face for real
and your bush who's my in your bush I
don't have a bush he's not worthy of
bush I don't know maybe I get a merkin
what's that it's a wig that's pubic
care that's a
thing um but are you dating anyone yet
are you on the apps who hell no I on the
app stay away from me men scare me no
Pookie is still in the picture he just
had and took me on a date
that's up when you told me that I
got upset yeah I know tell me about it
what do you mean what do you mean like
he's not took me on a date yet how long
have you been
hanging it's been like on and off for
like three years and you've never been
on an actual date we just like started
getting serious like a few months ago
and I still haven't been on a date I'm
gonna say something wild do it I'm on
his side hear me
out how old is he
24 here's what I'll say I'm on his side
by but he's doing something right by
accident not on purpose I think that you
going out right now it could uh make the
dynamic awkward oh my dude is a public
figure I'm when we we didn't go out in
public together for I mean we together I
mean truly a year we just started going
out in public together in the last like
couple and I'm so glad we didn't didn't
do it to I didn't know he was very
famous the guy that I'm with he's very
famous to people and I would have been
spooked early on so I just wouldn't want
him to see how famous you actually are
that's Pooky what yeah you know what I
mean they probably in or like to want to
have this romantic night and then you go
out and then you get demoralized or like
depressed because you can't just like
have this moment with him I mean I'm
sure you could there's a way to do it
you guys could get a boat or something
not hard to blaze or anything either all
you got to do is feed me yeah okay
that's it I know Taco Bell good to go
okay cute have you told him that he did
take me a Taco Bell okay well I ate more
than he did okay I was a lord ass
what does he do is he in Nashville so he
works in Nashville he does like
construction and stuff love it love it
he's like let him stay I love I love a
hardworking man got Calles on his how
you cook a meal so when he comes home
from his construction job there's food
waiting I mean I could do that I don't
know I'm weird like that like you got to
earn that from me okay I don't think
he's earned that just yet I just don't
there's this new thing where like I
don't know women that are like think
that they're empowered or like I'm a
feminist I don't cook on clean I'm like
no I like doing that I'm what do you do
yeah exactly that's are you just
like a hungry filthy what do you
you filthy what do you bring to the
table you know no I love to clean clean
is really fun but that might be cute to
like I me you could just like order in
for him or go pick up your we did
yesterday you know I haven't stayed the
night with him in a while she let him
stay at her house nice F sh I'm not
going to sit there and ask granny hey
Granny can my man stay the night that's
a conversation I'm not trying to have
look at me I just I don't know it weirds
me out fair enough so he can't sleep
over he could sleep in another room I
don't I don't think she'd care but I
just I don't want to have the
conversation all it is I don't mind that
I like that like that's granny granny
thinks I'm like a pimp you know you know
what I appreciate a moral compass yeah I
appreciate that I appreciate a capacity
for shame and embarrassment is the real
reason you haven't slept over at this
house is cuz you're scared to clog his
toilet in the morning is that what this
is really all about okay okay just cuz
we figured out that I'm what do you even
call it lactose intolerant lactose I am
full of both
ways yeah I probably wouldn't clog the
St but you got to just make a Starbucks
run or you know what I mean I always
have a plan when there's a
sleepover that's like tell your
plan you want to hear my plan it's
actually great I live right up
the block from here so if there's ever a
situation where I have to really
bad in them with the girl I always go oh
my God there's an emergency at the
office like someone stuck in the garage
I'll be right back just stay here I'll
be right back I love that people still
do phones like this yeah right like it
still works like that and then I'll just
come here when no one's here and just
come upstairs and and then go back
home and like yeah I had to let you know
my friend out of the garage everything's
fine let's go back to sleep that's what
I do I come here every time well see my
issue I'm sure his bathroom well his old
apartment I'm sure he's fixed to move
into his new one I don't know where his
bathroom is just yet but his other
bathroom it was like right in the
bedroom and you can hear me a mile away
when I'm in there holding on to the
freaking toilet seat in the damn wall
turn the shower that's myve the
shower it's just it's like a good
transition they won't know anything yeah
yeah that's smart so it's like you close
the door turn the shower on do your
have perfume in there with you but if
they have a fan that's better do you
remember that game I mentioned
beforehand where you can win up to a
thousand times your money Well turns out
it gets even better better picks is
offering a deposit match up to $200 and
a free pick for all new users so
basically if you put like $200 in they
match it that's 400 right there if you
haven't downloaded better and started
playing yet do it right now and get your
deposit match throw that thing in the
lineup and let's get a ton of money this
NFL season have you ever had to at
a man's house yeah I just I don't
even try to hide it okay we we got it we
got it we got the S bite it's going to
make her as famous as H holy too a
sign called with
Chelsea I'm in she's hot toast bit on
that thing I'm H on that
thing can we please get her a hat that
says on okay maybe on that
thing that respect just dab yeah I mean
that is Jamie what do you do oh I manage
spit girl and girl what do you do
two girls one cup was very PR you guys
missed the opportunity to represent
those hot tub girls I said this girl
post a Tik Tok and it was like yeah sure
hot Tu girl was like on to something but
she says she spits on it well I fart on
it and I was like what hilarious video
by the way yeah I'm friends with a lot
of male comedians farting porn is a big
thing where girls just fart and like a
quer it's like a fart out of their butt
queefing I'm sure is the thing too I
haven't I haven't dabbled in that yet
also by the way sorry to make such a
hairpin turn here I was given T tree oil
to give you for your warts who the
gave her that who the gave her I
hate that this is in my pocket is this
for genital warts or it's actually blue
waffle I'm kidding no I got a
little one on my foot I don't know what
the it's from probably the airport
before I figured out to wear socks in
that why do you look at me
like I'm in charge of the airports I
don't know what that nobody told me I
had take my shoes off at the at the TSA
oh yeah Haley's first flight ever
Whitney by the way her first flight she
ever went on was like 3 weeks ago now
maybe a month ago and mon so you had
never flown before you went viral no and
everything in my damn like carryon she
brought a knife actually it was two
knives and they got confiscated you
brought knives to the airport yeah you
got a little girl going out here
somewhere she's never been unarmed
you've lost your mind you
brought weapons into TSA in 2021 bam
what's this and I was like oh you could
keep it do you okay I know you don't
care that much about history but do you
know about
911 yeah did you ever hear about this I
mean this dude you going to the air that
is like Cat Williams level Bonkers dude
like this is like Dr Dre doesn't bring
knives to the airport I respect this so
they took your knives well I'm always
like in a panic if I'm like in a big
crowd of people I'm like watching what's
going on around me about people nowadays
you got to worry about people trying to
kidnap you and every thing else
trying to hurt you yeah you look exactly
like the girl in Taken I mean this is
like that's a good movie Easy kidnap
this is what traffickers look for it's
not hard to pick me up and toss me in a
van and scooch off with my ass
and there I go no more hot too for you
way train never coming back a box cutter
too yeah you had a box cutter Johnny got
rid of it I'll take that actually but
this isn't anything this isn't your h
Hollywood managers that get
BOTOX are giving you fake witch serum
for your War you got to go to CVS and
get like a Dr scholes thing to burn it
off no that's going to hurt it's not
going to hurt what's that this little
lady that was doing my first of all stop
going to Aran okay like we're not time
we're not going to be MC Hammer where
you make all this money and you get
successful and then you're going to Aran
and spending $200 on a burrito
it's crazy it's insane that I will never
not think I don't live in poverty
anymore like you ask me to go I don't
know shopping and spend $30 on a shirt I
say you're crazy as you should
cuz the more money you make the more
money you spend and when you get that
first tax bill you're going to realize
you don't have as much money as you
think I don't got a whole laid out of it
like the other day at our bank meeting
I'm a taxes are fixing to eat me up
but you're in Nashville is your primary
residence yeah so you're fine the amount
of money I not terrible but it's it's
they Bend us over out here on the West
Coast yeah so it's it helped me when my
business manager told me any amount of
money you have you have half whatever
number you see you have half right with
agents managers you're paying everyone
you know and then anytime you look at
what something costs just multiply by
three and that's how much it really
costs so this sweater is $50 oh my God
it's actually you have to earn 150 to be
able to afford it that'ss so that really
helped me because every time I leave
Aran to get groceries I'm like that was
a laptop who the do I beat up on
taxes um well if there's a next round of
January 6 I feel like you'd fit right in
storming the capital I feel like you
just take that pillow where it as a hat
and you just go in and let them know I'm
sick of you and I'm sick of your
yeah yeah I like how you think
I finally have money and I don't get
keep any of it now back to arowana that
that was a Croc of here's the thing
some of the food is good it's not
$20 for a smoothie good well aran's like
my favorite nightclub in the city the
the one good thing about that place is
that's just you'll find the best looking
women maybe on planet Earth ever all bad
but what but they're bad with
money bad with money so if you
go to aana and you see a hot chick that
is a red flag cuz they're in debt
from buying Haley Bieber come smoothie
whatever the that is that's why
it's so expensive Haley if you didn't
know what's in there oh not you're smoo
do you know what I'm saying I mean look
a lot of men that are gold digg they
want to be gold digg that's the that's
the thing that gets tricky a lot of them
you're like why is all your photos your
watches and your cars like this is what
you're leading with this is what you
want you know it's transactional you're
using her for her body she's using her
for your money it seems like I don't
know if I could ever do that though I'd
have to make him like put a bag over his
head or something cuz let a old man try
to kiss man I'm going to Sucker Punch
that right in the mouth
that well the whole point of making
money is that you never have to be in a
relationship you don't want to be in the
best thing about having money as a woman
is you get to date broke guys they're so
much better at sex they're so much nicer
yeah you get to date like a painter how
about like you though I don't want
anybody like getting close to me like
that either yeah dude but then if it's a
good person it's actually a good thing
is what I'm learning now I it's got to
be careful I think it's good to be
really careful I don't think you can
move slow enough I think we we've I
think every relationship I look back on
I'm like if I just move a little slower
I would have realized like we're just
meant to be homies we should have just
been friends and we like started
sleeping together and then you get
chemically addicted then and then you're
I've been in so many situations where
I've I love someone but I don't like
them I'm like I'm chemically addicted to
you like I love you but I don't want to
hang out with you I don't like talking
to you real what my ex-boyfriend
that that's kind of how that went I love
you but I don't like you we have to be
homeless too you know yeah me and him
were really good friends before that
though yeah yeah what does your new guy
uh think of all this Pooky yeah I asked
him yesterday I was like I bet you
you're on top of the world don't you and
he was like I don't know I don't really
think about it much and I was like well
I mean I don't act any different than I
did before of course of course it's
you're just going to work but he's on a
little pedestal now come on it's good
that he's not from here cuz an LA boy
would take that he'd be posting
everything oh I'm dating Hawk too I mean
it would be he get humbled very quick
well here's the problem with LA you're
from La I'm from here yeah you're one of
the few though here's the thing I don't
think it's the people from La I think
it's the people that come to LA and they
you the people that grow up here don't
care about famous people they're like
we've seen it all I went to high school
with them you know you know so it's the
people the people that move to LA are
all the prom queens the people that go
out of their way to seek Fame and
they're obsessed with it right that's
what I like about here the one thing I
do like about being here it's too big
but you can walk down the street and
everybody just does not pay exactly I
love it no one cares cuz everyone thinks
they're the celebrity please take the
spot by the way oh my God Kathy Griffin
does the funniest thing I don't know if
you know she's a a comedian like you
know she talks about celebrities you
know she did this show called life on
the D list sort of big comedian and um
uh she got in a lot of trouble because
she held up a head of trump and it was
kind of a whole Saga during the pandemic
the point is she has this really funny
thing where she says say congratulations
to anyone on the street in LA and they
will say thank you and I was like oh
come on whatever she's like no no try
try it like as a famous person like she
would just we were on Hollywood
Boulevard and just some random person
she was like Hey Hey congratulations
some random girls 25 was like thank you
so much thank you like she probably went
on a commercial audition that day like
everyone everyone in their head is like
famous and doing so well like if
somebody famous says to you
congratulations and you're like oh
thanks what did I tell you arlier I was
like I like how it smells up here and
she was like what do you mean by that I
was like well it smells like pot and it
also smells like crusted dreams I kind
of lik it you're coming at a la is now
just kind of this weird like Black
Mirror simulation now it's like China's
bought every building and it's all just
like weird empty like moneya laundering
schemes like kind of like s like you're
missing like The Standard Hotel and like
House of Blues is closed down it's kind
of a weird vibe did you grow up here or
no no no no I'm DC I'm like Virginia
yeah but it's like Jim balushi died at
the sh like people were just dying all
the time it was sick um you know with
John John John Belushi look all white
men look the same as me agree agree and
oh yeah Jim Belushi is Yes dear right or
that's his brother right that's not the
BL brother it's the younger brother John
balushi is a legend right right we get
it we got it let's you no yeah John John
balushi is the one that died okay at the
chat ront and then Walkin wait which is
the Phoenix river river river is the one
that died I can flate Brothers I don't
think more than one sibling should be
famous Alec and Stephen and Billy I
can't I couldn't pick them out in the
lineup to save my life so how did how
did you get roped into this just like
how did you start out
bad childhood yeah um like every
Entertainer my parents were alcoholics
and ignored me I mean I'm not even I'm
not even really joking because when
people ask me they're like what did you
do to get this and I'm like I did start
with a very big like god-sized hole that
was like trying to get approval from
alcoholics you know I was trying to make
alcoholics laugh I was trying to make
people on drugs like calm down and stop
yelling and I was trying to keep the
mood light because everyone was fighting
and you know that's kind of what standup
is you go in front of a bunch of drunk
people and you try to make them laugh
and cheer them up you know so I I you
know when people say like I want to get
to stand up I'm like okay like you know
let's first make sure your childhood was
terrible you know we even joke a friend
of mine is a comedian Annie Letterman
and uh she talks about like you know
going through like childhood trauma and
stuff and we joke that like if you've
been like molested as a girl it's like
doping in sports it's like you have an
advantage like the more trauma you have
the funner you end up being um but I you
know you know studied theater and
college and all that kind of stuff I you
know I've studied journalism as well
which I journalism used to be this thing
where um individuals would tell the
truth about what was happening in the
world um it ended like 10 years ago um
but uh you know now the news is actually
fiction and all media is documentaries
that are the truth it's so completely
flipped um but studying journalism I
think was kind of my way subconsciously
like like being a comedian you're kind
of like a silly journalist in a way
you're like talking about current events
you're trying to like investigate things
and figure things out and you know um
it's also a little bit like being a
lawyer like I always say in comedy you
say something that's not true and then
you prove it you know like I was like do
I want to be lawyer do I want to be a
journalist and um you know I remember I
got an internship at a news station
again the news used to be this thing
where people would tell the truth about
events so I got a internship at a news
station and they let me read the
teleprompter to like make a video to
like send around to try to get like a
job or something and they let me read
the local news which local news is
always insane right it's always like is
lead poisoning your children find out
after the break was it something with
lettuce a few weeks ago a the like a
like the dirty ass lettuce yeah
everybody's getting sick from it I like
what the totally at all things but
they're just trying to keep you watching
so there's like a sensational and insane
as possible and all the men are in drag
the women are in Black that's what big
sugar wants you to think that lettuce is
bad for you big sugar yeah it's it's
alloy by Big Sugar big lettuce Su hit
big big lettuce is taking a
massive hit yeah and so I was reading it
and it was some like horrible story
about a kid that got kidnapped and you
know something just awful and they show
a picture of the kid and it was I mean
look when you grow up the way you know
you grow up the way I grew up like
horrible things we just have to laugh
you know it's that's the best way to
deal with it though it's how we cope
does it mean I'm happy that a kid
disappeared do I but it was like oh this
kid you know ran away from home and and
they showed the picture and he was a
bigger kid and I was like you know
whoever kidnapped him must be very
strong like I was just like making jokes
you know what I mean I'm like oh would
kidnap him like whatever he's I get why
I couldn't run away like I just kept
making jokes and they were so
horrified and I I have a sense of humor
I'd be sitting there smacking my knee
laughing like a let me just go on and
tell and I was just like I guess like
like objective journalism is just not
for me and you know I have like
emotional dyslexia when you grow up with
horrible things you use humor to cope so
it's like people that laugh in funerals
and that you know feel uncomfortable
when things are fun you know I hope have
to go to a funeral together cuz I cannot
sit beside you my God we'll just be like
at least we'll be crying not not like
laugh step we're you'd be surprised how
many people like my dad's funeral we
were dying laughing like it's just like
I that's how a funeral should be I feel
like if I di that's how I want my
funeral to be I think so too skip around
my casket do something I don't give fck
oh dude I want to do so many pranks at
my funeral I want have a closed casket
and then have like someone jump out I
like want to have them like like fly my
body in there's so many things like like
my funeral I'm like I cannot wait to die
so I can do a wild funeral I want like a
dance party at mine yeah and then I want
like a big green screen like all my best
moments I'm gon to be like butt chugging
a beer or something I don't know
I want to go out with a bang remember me
like this don't remember me like dead as
my casket you know you're going
to live for a really long time I feel
like yeah you're like something ever
happens to me I don't want to live
through you through me yeah how do you
know if you're in love with
somebody don't look at me man don't look
this way way mean I don't know
love's a strong word it is a strong word
I'm not like a lydy kind of person I
don't like talking about you think that
now you're a lot like me just was like
that I was like that too I love the
thought of that but but a dog you've
never met I love you exactly like that
was how I was too exactly but I do think
most you know I think a lot of people
jump to it too fast you know I think and
you're probably you know you with hold
which is like oh Buster back get the
up that's okay cuz I also think
that like love it's a word you can't
take back and also once you bring that
into it I always my guy makes fun of me
about it because I'm so unromantic like
this but it's just because I don't you
know I've said I love you before and I
didn't know what I was saying I've heard
I love you before but didn't feel loved
which is so confusing and I think a lot
of times that phrase is just used to
like shut you up it's just like but I
love you but I love you and you're I
love you too but I feel like you're
trying to shut me up you know when like
you're arguing with someone they like I
love you okay I and you're just like
yeah shut up that's it yes right and um
but I but I love you but then you would
have done that thing that now you're
saying I love you to try to erase it it
happen like this is you know and so I
told my dude I was like don't tell me
you love me I'll let you know when you
love me yeah I'll let you know when I
feel loved I got one more question for
you uh what is your biggest turn
on dude I
love a trashy tattoo and I
honestly preferably another woman's name
a te
a Trina I bet you like bite on it don't
you I I want there to be a mole like
like a girl's face like a hot girl
there's a mole with like a hair coming
out of it I'm like could you shake could
you pluck the mole coming out of the
girl's face I love a like like a
cancelled tattoo that's like a Redskins
like a chief you know what I mean just a
word you're not allowed to say anymore
just Cleveland Indians just I love a
Neo-Nazi prison tattoo like that's not
you must have loved American history act
that gets you in the mood
doesn't it Whitney just a Cosby Show
tattoo I love bad tattoos I love a bad
tattoo on a man with his together
now so you mean to tell me if Pooky has
a tattoo on his leg right here it says
party and why it Embrace that Jesus
that's a bad
tattoo yes that is my last Brain Cell
right there yes specifically I love that
I think a lot of women are like I hate
bad tattoos whatever let them remember
their mistakes you don't have to remind
them of their mistakes they're right
there and every time that you go let me
check your phone and he's like you're
annoying he can look down at that tattoo
and be like remember how dumb I used to
be when he was a frat boy
remember I used to date Trina Trina
there you go now you bite Trina's name
who tried to fight my mom yeah I'm doing
better and they're grateful for you well
Whitney thank you for coming I hope
there's something usable in here have so
much in okay good good good I hope
you're happy I feel like we just this is
what a podcast is I always leave a
podcast being like was that anything but
like it's just it's a normal
conversation two people kicking it you
damn right I love you dude I love you
too I'm so I this is going to sound come
off patronizing I'm not going to say I'm
proud of you for getting famous or what
don't do that I have mommy issues I feel
like you're grooming me right now okay
grooming you I like that you I might be
the only person in Hollywood that
doesn't groom anyone I don't groom
myself look at my
um so no I'm proud of the people you've
surrounded yourself with thank you cuz
that makes or breaks you mentally
financially six everything so you have
amazing taste in humans a and by the way
the best thing to do is have dogs around
humans cuz if you don't have good taste
in humans your dogs will tell you they
definitely will so I'm glad that you
have dogs around they're having a little
good time theirselves I would say on
that note I hate to take up any more
your T I love you that's what people
from the South say when they want you to
stop talking
I don't want to take up any more of your
that was by the way that was like like
bless your heart adjacent that is bless
your heart adjacent right there Whitney
thank you for being out here I love you
too you for being on here than
guys wasn't Whitney just such a peach if
you want more go like comment subscribe
to talk to with Haley Welch follow
wherever you get your podcasts while
you're watching this take a picture and
tag me and tell me who you want next tag
me and talk TOA and I'll be sure to
[Music] |
Oy9SkqUDCl4.txt | what's the craziest thing you've seen
her do I went to a mental hospital
instead of rehab I think hilling killer
is not real oh yeah love that you tell
me this is blonde and if and they Let
Her Fly PL she's getting a she's getting
she get yeah she's getting a little bit
mixed up so do you have your hookup with
Matt no okay I'm just asking I don't
know you should put those behind a pay
wall honey that's what I was thinking
you didn't have too many lovely words
about you but now I'm saying kiss my ass
hey y'all and welcome back to another
episode of talk
Tua you got moose again today and then
we got Miss Briana and then we got Grace
and thank you valo for having us up in
here again hey hey guys hey how we doing
long time no see that's I'm saying I've
never seen she has nice to meet you guys
nice me to meet you too I like your
outfit you got like Halloween Vibes
going on Halloween Vibes jail Vibes
whatever you
want we got PR
lately oh my God this sweet you ready
yeah that was I Tri s on
everyone's [ __ ] talk to her what's it
say does it say something I need to talk
to a therapist yeah okay talk to is a
really good name for the podcast I was I
was very that's all her right there oh
that a girl it's really good we have
like a few different ones like what what
else did you guys was you get me
and then there was this one what was the
other one sweet tea 16 minutes I'm smart
ass like you know the 15 minutes of fame
like 16 I like that I like that honestly
the 15 minutes of fame has lasted a very
long time I to I knew it was you called
it before anybody yeah shout out to you
you pulled her out of hiding I know that
was crazy you really did I just kind of
popped out that day I know she just
showed up and hey what's up here we go
that's probably one of the best concerts
I've been to too that was still my
favorite day that was such a good day do
you guys still live in Tennessee M okay
so you're still just out there and you
travel yeah whenever it's time to get up
and go we just kind of get on a plane
and just carry on then we go back home
wow and you still live with Grandma oh
yeah of course nobody Cooks like her I
saw the chicken you see the chicken I
didn't I didn't catch the Chicken kicken
chicken you you raising them to eat them
oh no I couldn't do that now my granny's
mama she used to like ring chicken heads
and like cook them Oh I thought you
meant for funsies I'm like that's Fox
man I couldn't do that my granny
probably could though how do you ring a
chicken's head you just cut it off like
you swing them around until their neck
breaks wow like it's awful watch be a
better way to do it it's like the most
humane way I guess like where they don't
suffer oh s having a
blast a
little his neck just kind of like snaps
in half then he's just done for then
he's on the dinner table later wow okay
wait granny that no her mama did I never
got to me her I'm glad I couldn't watch
a chicken grow up and then eat it that
made me feel so bad i' like I watched
him grow up you know it's like cows too
I couldn't do that either no we just eat
them we don't kill them so how did you
guys meet oh God want to tell us a story
of how we met how we met uh listen it
doesn't really paint me out in the best
light not going to lie it's okay I was
uh well should I take it from here yeah
we'll go back and forth we'll go back
and forth all right so I uh I was kind
of the the queen of the tomboys I was
kind of ruling the school it was fifth
grade and uh I had all my buddies I was
kind of calling the shots and then one
day inws Briana from the city and uh I
knew my rain was over so I found
something I didn't like about her and
that was uh her flannel and I told
everyone [ __ ] this girl in the flannel
we're not going to be [ __ ] with her
we're not going to be we're not going to
be entertaining that and I tried to turn
everyone against her and it kind of uh
went the opposite way
ready to make all these new friends I
have my flannel on I was so excited
about it and then I go to the schoolyard
and at [ __ ] recess Grace is staring
across like across the schoolyard at me
like this and she like she had double D
titties already she was already hit
puberty so young like she was like I
thought she was the principal or
something I'm like what the is she going
to [ __ ] kill me and then I was like
why doesn't this girl like me and they
were like she doesn't like your flannel
I was like that's mean so yeah I'm going
to steal all your friends so what I
learned from that don't wear a flannel
to school don't get targeted yeah I
don't know what it was I just had to
look for something I didn't like and I
was like I guess I don't really like our
flannel that much flanel what's that you
wear flannel I haven't rocked one ever
since just to you know stay loyal to my
word you got to stand on business right
there yeah yeah yeah I've only seen you
in flannel like twice but then um and
then then we weren't friends and you
were in my Facebook messages for a long
time yeah trying to reconcile yeah I was
I was like dude I feel like we got off
in the wrong foot like I feel like we
should really hang actually love your
flannels I actually love your flannels
like dude like I don't know I don't know
what I was thinking because like she had
all my friends now so uh I was like dude
I feel like we really got to work this
out dude and uh I was just Facebook
messaging her like a little too much
like at the time I didn't know what uh
restraining or order was but you
probably I probably should have had one
because we were only 10 yeah you're only
10 only 10 years old you you just wanted
a new friend yeah than so y'all been
friends for a while yeah well and then
then we um went on a camping trip
together cuz no one else was around so I
said finally Grace we can hang out and
then we became Inseparable after that
yeah yeah so how long have you been
friends 15 almost 16 years yeah yeah
damn since 10 all right y'all big
announcement it's time for the reveal
and now I'm not talking about Pooky I'm
talking about the best offer for this
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meet high school high school yeah she
moved to my school and started dating
one of my friends sorry brother sorry
you were I was like she was like a [ __ ]
I was like I'm I'm not going to talk to
her and my other friend said the same
thing I was like I'm not speaking to her
she's going to be a [ __ ] and she
thought we were weird yeah well they all
talked to my brother so I was like these
freaking [ __ ] trying to get with my
brother and then yeah we passed him
around I was like actually like them
your brother's your brother's the the
the rag doll of the so they went to
different schools and he was like
texting like my whole friend group like
we had like four or five different girls
and he'd take his turns just going
around like through all of us and then
they moved so I was like well [ __ ]
everybody's done had her brother so then
we got stuck at school one day and then
her and her sister took me and my other
friend home and then we just kind of
clicked from there then you became
besties and now you guys I feel like
haven't separated since everything blew
up with the video we're not going too
either yeah I can't do anything by
myself that's fair we were the same way
when we first started I said you're
coming and we never stopped so wait were
you in school yeah so it was it was 2020
so I was going to take a semester off
and I was like that day I was going to
buy a car cuz I was like saving all
summer to buy a car and it was a stick
shift and I cried um can't drive I
[ __ ] hate stick shift it's it it
actually makes me upset anyways it was
when I got there it was a stick shift
and I would just sat there and while
while my my dad wrote it he's like I can
teach you how to do it what I don't know
why I'm telling that part but anyways I
was I was going to buy a car that day I
called him call did you really call him
I called him okay all right I got this
thing with my dad she always has to tell
me to call him because we you know we
don't really get along
anyways I don't feel like we need
anything I know dude well anyways I
didn't buy the car that day but thank
God because Brianna called me and she
said do you want to move to New York
with me and I said absolutely I just
like without even thinking I was like
yeah I got nothing going on your [ __ ] up
and was like like we we like
realistically planned a day that we were
both GNA move at the same time but yeah
like for the most part kind just where
you originally from we're both from
Boston we moved well I moved for bar
stool and then Grace also moved and then
she started working for barol too Bar's
a barcel is down the street is down the
street yeah I told you after yeah it's
on Seventh half and I go see Dave yeah
me and him need to have a nice chat yeah
he didn't have too many lovely words
about you no he said something about who
cares what I have to say excuse me Dave
you tell him excuse me Dave who cares
what you have to say Dave yeah exactly
Dave I do I actually do he he he he
writes my
checks he writes my checks so you didn't
care I care immensely what he has to say
tell but fair I understand I'm just
saying I want it on record that I care
what he has to say I think we got off on
the wrong foot when you asked me if I'd
give him the hawk or no and I said no I
told you he was going to come
it's just it's nothing personal he's
just older I don't look at him like that
I never said he was a terrible person no
no no but now I'm saying kiss my ass
Dave um see what see what happened DP
man see what happened and like the
Donald Trump there everyone was like
sitting on they was like oh she won't
suck Donald Trump's dick she hates them
like I was like just cuz you said no
Hawk like what like it's nothing against
them I don't guess it's just they're old
men I don't want to spit on their dick
you know that's the only [ __ ] catch
with it that's I don't think anyone
wants to really get up all in Donald's
junk I don't no dude after I watched the
Family Guy episode like with Donald
Trump in it I was a little scared of him
like did you see it like he like being
like a creep to Meg yeah I was like what
the [ __ ] I was like is he really like
that I think so yes or it's a cartoon I
keep seeing all sorts of like edits of
him on TI to and they crack me up yeah
he he went on what the nek podcast yeah
yeah yeah it's crazy all these
presidents are going on podcast is on
call Daddy yeah it is just it's Nuance
it's a new world it's crazy she's get a
bunch of [ __ ] for that too isn't she
Alex Cooper is yeah anytime you dip into
politics um kamla's husband wanted to
come on our podcast we said no thank you
not for any political reasons we're just
not the guys for that we just we're just
that's my thing I can't talk about it I
don't know enough about it to talk about
it I don't want like an idiot be like ha
yeah run for president yeah
we were just like not our not our stick
not yeah not our stick it's not monkeys
we would have yeah yeah it's different
but I don't I don't know if we can
conduct that honestly if I'm being
completely honest what she was like in
high school that's all we care about for
anybody that's all we ask people like
when even when like we had Dave on our
podcast we were like so what were we
like in high school and he's like who
cares what was Dave like in high school
um it sounds like he said he was the
same the same yeah people in lockers
baseball guy smoking cigarettes yeah no
he hates cigarettes I don't know if he
smoked cigarettes he hates cigarettes
hat bet wore a leather
jacket they I think it was the opposite
of what you were
thinking I think he just like like
playing baseball and picture of him did
you show you a picture of him oh yeah we
have high school Dave pictures we asked
his mom for pictures cuz um we had him
on our live show and we like surprised
him with all these like baby pictures
and he was like how the hell did you get
these yeah yeah okay the thing with him
I feel like he's nice off camera
yeah I I could so see that like I seem
like he's genuine but then camera's on
and he's like let me talk my [ __ ] I
think even on camera he's not even
trying to be mean he's just brutally
honest which is I respect that why I
love him a lot like even if he's not
right he's just stands by what he says
so I think I could well he had me a
little confused because he took up for
me for like the Mets thing that went on
what what explain I threw out the first
pitch at the Mets game when was it like
a month or two ago that's it for like
charity that like I mean sure I got to
throw out the was it a good throw she
called it so that's all that mattered I
was scared I was going to like in the
head with a baseball but I didn't but I
donated to their charity they had going
on there and I was like oh you know
that's a good thing to go to so we went
to their game you know done stuff with
their charity and then they let us s out
the first pitch I got [ __ ] on by the
Mets fans and then Dave took up for me
he was like oh she's doing like a good
thing like how are y'all being like
[ __ ] about it and I was like maybe he
does like me and then he said something
about how he does not ever want to on
this podcast no I think he does like you
I think he thinks the same thing about
BFFs he's like why does anyone want to
listen to us either way I think he's
just like podcast or oversaturated I
don't think he meant it in a hurtful way
I think he just is a very abrasive man
and he gets a little
misunderstood maybe yeah but I think he
does like you because he said that about
he loves anything charitable he does a
lot of charity work too he does I would
never guess it yeah I know people think
he's really bad but he's
not they we might could be friends maybe
yeah I think you guys could be friends
I'll write him a letter in the mail yeah
get my friend I could send him a
friendship Bret send him oh he would
love that he'd probably like what the
[ __ ] is this and just toss it out that's
what I do he's a Swifty so he would he
would like that he is not a Swifty yes
we need a verser on Dave yeah this seems
like yeah we got to get him on here I
feel like yeah we I need sit down and
conversate with him yeah he's a very big
Swifty like die hard Swifty would have
not have guessed that I wouldn't have
either you didn't know about his ER
erator jacket M so he had what even is
this he made a jacket for Taylor Swift's
concert it's hand painted like all of
the erors and he passed it around to
every single show it went to every
single concert like even across into
like Paris and stuff so he's a Fang girl
yeah he's a fan girl I love that wait so
what do he do like give it to someone or
like they would mail it they would find
someone at like one show and then mail
it to the next show and like mail it it
went everywhere that's kind of
Sisterhood of the Traveling Dave's
jacket yes exactly yeah
are you guys fan girls of anything
anybody I'm not a Swifty uh I like her
old music I haven't listened to her new
music a whole lot yeah she's got like
one song I think it's all too well like
the 10minute version I really like that
one that's a that's a banger I like it I
could never get on that train yeah I
like Mega
[ __ ] you like Mega Moroni
yes I don't do country music what I'm
sorry music um yeah my music tastes is
either indie house I like either
chilling or going absolutely crazy yeah
I don't think you're a guy I want guess
yeah would you guess she likes RB R&B
yeah that was my first guess I was like
yeah she likes my backup danc at pants
R&B you kind of like R&B I guess I'm R&B
yeah I like R&B like R&B of course I do
I know so do you like
music I don't really know I like folk
music I don't listen to country
music yeah I don't think even considers
that country music what no he's like a
different breed of cruncher music like I
don't know how to explain his music but
it's like I don't know but I'm not
listening to like I mean I used to
listen to Luke Bryan yeah like Luke
effici and every day when I was a kid I
loved Luke Bryan but there's not a day
where I'm getting in the car and like
throwing on a [ __ ] Luke com song what
no I'd rather I love Luke like Morgan
Walland is there's not no way you really
Wallen no but it's not that I don't like
them I don't like that music music yeah
yeah fair enough political answer you
ever get in the car and just turn on
Zach's music like yeah this is my man no
no no it's weird it's weird crazy yeah
Boston Boston girl moose was sniffing
all up on yeah you should have brought
Boston I know that have been such a good
idea she's kind of crazy though BL you
have any pets I don't I'm lonely okay
yeah I I'm thinking about getting pets
do you have any pets yeah I
um I have three dogs oh wow yeah uh what
are their names I got Maggie Kota and
Josie oh yeah Maggie's my child wow what
pets I never heard about this you're
thinking of getting pets you're lying on
camera I'm just like you know I just
what would you get a squirrel I can see
you having a finger monkey what the [ __ ]
the [ __ ] you ever seen finger monkeys
fing monkey I could actually see you
finger on my face R&B in the back
that'd be
perfect finger monkeys are adorable
aren't they illegal finger monkey I
think they are illegal oh do I have a
phone I'll look it up for you you I
didn't even
know oh Chinchilla's bounce off the wall
she would kill it she hates that [ __ ] I
ha she hates hamsters and like stuff
like that that's my apologies I've
killed my hamsters too finger I've had
like three or four different hamsters
they all die tragic ways well I have
like cuteness aggression like it's so
little and they just look at you you
want to squeeze it to death and kill it
that's a finger monkey
you let's go back to that you squeezed
to death your hamster to kill it uh well
I have like a cuteness aggression do
y'all have that oh I do to my dog I'm
like you just want punch in face I yeah
I don't know squeeze maybe that's what
kills me we'll get off like a plane or
something we're in that airport and
we'll see like little kids in front of
us I'm like they're so cute I just want
to kick the [ __ ] out of them we want to
kick the [ __ ] out of them for other
reasons what is this kids oh hey I don't
like kids either
entirely never wanted to be that lady I
like a cute kid there's very specific
kids are cute there's just those little
kids that like turn purple when they cry
and they're just like sticky and [ __ ]
which will probably be our kids yeah or
like they got like Cheeto puff dust on
their fingers and they're like touching
you that makes me sick like don't touch
me yeah yeah I want to get like a little
stick and like SWAT them away or
something I'm like please don't touch me
certain kids that are okay I'm more of
an animal gal yeah same you guys too I
feel like you've been doing a lot of um
charity with animal rescues and shelters
and stuff I got a fun called pause
Across America that's really cool wow
it's fun I mean they can't speak up for
theirselves and ask for help yeah it's
true y'all done any charity work for
like the hurricane victims or anything a
barel is doing one yeah so we're selling
a shirt Caleb Presley we talk about
Caleb a lot but it's awesome Caleb
Presley works at bar stool and he's from
like in the towns that got affected in
North Carolina so he sold a shirt
through bar stool where all the proceeds
go towards um the victims of Helen so
we've just been reposting and helping
that and then I just did um shows with
uh our girl Whitney whitne um Whitney
comings um in South Carolina North
Carolina both of those shows she put um
all the profits to a charity a good
woman she's a good lady she rocks she's
like a mom yeah she the way she she was
talking about you it felt like Mom likee
she was like I just you know I just
wanted to take her my wi I love that
woman she's so sweet are you speaking of
witty are you all geared up for uh
Nashville I thought y'all got me out of
that oh Johnny where are
you I think you should do it I think you
should do it too especially cuz you
committed man yeah well I got to
thinking about it and then The more I've
watched like of like standup act I'm
like I can't [ __ ] do that I can't get
on stage like when I done that with Zach
I almost [ __ ] myself like I don't know
how I got up there and didn't cry I was
like what the [ __ ] it is scary is that
not scary y'all I think it's scary but
then you do it and then you know I'm be
like tough crowd and I'd walk off the
stage and then but you could like you
could like feed into the um the you know
crowd work part of it like if somebody
yells something I feel like you'd be
pretty fiery and like hit them back with
quick I feel like that's the best part
yeah I feel like that would be kind of
fun but I'd have to watch my mouth I
probably get in trouble no no no you
can't comic how do you pick somebody out
of the crowd you want to like mess with
um usually if they yell something out
like what if they're just sitting there
if they're just sitting there I don't
know it's it's you know who not to pick
on because there's some people if you
start picking on them you know they're
going to actually get their feelings
hurt I I usually try to go with uh like
white dudes so do you got you a
boyfriend or anything no no what about
you you got you got Pooky yeah tell us
about Pooky well and who the [ __ ] is
it is it Matt
R pukie is actually very uh he's
intimidated by Matt yeah okay so do do
you have your hookup with
Matt no okay I'm just asking I don't
know I I need to ask these questions if
that man was like all right go to the
bedroom and get naked i' probably really
like you know I'd probably spaz
out yeah it would never happen so you
have a boyfriend though Pooky yeah as a
Friday oh that's adorable so he's from
Nashville he's like how farill Spring
Hill I don't know is that in and around
the area it's just around the area
around Nashville yeah so oh sorry you're
not from Nashville I meant to say
Tennessee but he's just a he's not a
social media guy I mean he has social
media but he don't like post or nothing
like that private on everything too gosh
he's not like Jake Paul no no BL is
heart no that a good
comparison would you ever date someone
in the public eye though I mean they'd
really have to wow me I feel like we'd
be in like competition or something like
that or they'd have like a big ego and
I'd have to Humble them really quick
like oh yeah I'm the [ __ ] no you're not
yeah I I said on camera when was that
[ __ ] you Ru the day I said on BFFs that
I would never date anyone famous ever
literally never wanted to and then it
kind of just happened so what changed
mind I don't know I wish it I I don't
take famous people but how did you end
up with Zach we I went to one of his
shows and then we made a podcast episode
about him or about the show and then he
dmed me on Instagram oh so he hit you
through the DM he's SL in the DMS yeah
but it's I think it's better for the
mental to not date someone famous so
yeah I don't think I could do it yeah
it's a lot it's okay I got poy how do
you deal with that though like all the
rumors about him we didn't post each
other for a while and then I was on tour
and stuff I don't know the internet's
crazy and they run with stuff and I
don't ever defend myself online so it
kind of just spirals into like a
snowball because I think it's stupid to
feed into it or like anything there's
rumors every new rumor every week of
something yeah I agree yeah so I've come
to the conclusion that internet will
believe like anything yeah because I do
too yeah I believe everything I see
online so what was it we seen the other
day oh
$750 oh the Camala thing they're like
she donated $750 and she was wearing a
belt that like cost more than that me
and her were like what the [ __ ] and then
we told Pooky about it he's like y'all
two are dumb and I was like what do you
mean we yeah you guys are gble like us
yeah yeah what about you dating life
yeah um I'm very private when it comes
to my dating life okay no she's not yes
I am no you're not I'm trying to be but
you have a big ass mouth oh yeah let her
let her let her I I will talk about this
so I went on a date for like the first
time in like a year since like my last
relationship right I get home from the
Daye it went so good
right we went we went out to eat he
talked to my dad before the date and
everything like it was sweet yeah he was
very nice and then um I get home and I
get text from my ex that like I haven't
talked to in like months I was like what
a [ __ ] coincidence I ain't talked to
this man forever and he would text me
the day I go on a date I was like that
[ __ ] in the walls that's what
I'm saying he can feel it he can feel on
his nuggets I'm
[ __ ] did you answer no good I didn't
understand what she sent me I was like
what the [ __ ] she sent me a screenshot
of her messages for I was like I don't
get it I was like Chelsea what am I
looking at she said look at the unsaved
number I said I looked I said oh no I
that [ __ ] in the wall like did
he text you wanting to hang out or yes
he was like let's go watch or he asked
me if I want to go watch some movie or
something it's not even out yet what the
[ __ ] that m not even out yet not even
out yet commercial I was like what the
[ __ ] it don't come out till the 18th so
me and puky were on a date the other
night right right and I just get to
looking around while we're waiting on
our food you know I mean we weren't
conversating or anything I looked around
there's this guy beside us he was eating
ribs and I looked over and every bit of
it was like in his beard like chunks it
was sick oh I hate when that happens to
guys imagine having to sit there and
look at it you know what he needs what
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shipping with the code to at that's 20% off in free
shipping with the code tah at you got a crush oh they
said you have a boyfriend I said no you
have a crush though what you said it on
the podcast you have a crush I don't um
you're not going to it's not a real
person talk about yeah like there's no
yeah it's just a crush it's just um I'm
usually an open book but I really got
nothing for you guys on the crushing
part you have celebrity crush I uh uh no
nope I just yeah no nothing at the
moment I need a crush is what I'm saying
I need a crush crushes get you through
the day you more fun when you have a
crush um well my my type was um it was
like you know big strong like guys guys
and now I'm I'm I'm more uh I like I
like the the little Tutti Frutti guys
with a lot of tattoos now I've I've
switched it up yeah she used to like men
that were covered in tattoos and scary
and UFC fighters yes yeah that was her
and Irish Irish I love irish guys like
from Ireland like with the accent the
accent yeah I got to than for accents
too I understand you you would you said
a UFC fighter right yes what is that
Fell's name that's been messaging me all
week that Ali boy Sean Shan that's my
cousin no [ __ ] I'm let me hook you
up wait that's your cousin no but I tell
people it is I should get hooked up yeah
really I can put you on he has a kid
don't he so was he was he dming you dude
he's so nice he's just conversating he's
like what are you doing was he like
didn't he like 5,000 times before he
said anything when I said he first like
dm' me I had like five Miss calls from
him and I was like what the [ __ ] calling
you yeah like on Instagram I didn't even
know you could [ __ ] do that I was
like call him back right now yeah I'm
like hey Sean what you doing he just had
some kind of hip surgery oh bored and
oh yeah Bliss his heart well do you all
have more of a girl audience or guy
audience we have um if you check my
Instagram it's 94% women yeah oh yeah
how the [ __ ] all girls our ours is all
girls all Girls Tik Tok is like 88%
girls no we we only have men that hate
us cuz we we aren't very like I don't
know um men don't like usone yeah yeah
which I love but men love you or hate
you guys you have a a male Centric
audience my Instagram is like 80% male
and 10% women which before everything it
was like nothing but girls and like it
was like the other way around yeah and
then Haley decides to H in and my
phone's like I'm sorry brother I didn't
I didn't know what's it like have is it
a lot of creepy men do you like having a
male audience a man messaged her talking
about skull [ __ ] her oh well oh well
you know just and how did that make you
feel I wanted to crawl in a hole Yeah I
think you need this hat I had a fun to
it there I read you the one I had
screenshotted this one says hey I have a
question can I buy you socks I love you
body and feets I will sniffing your
socks please answer me have a nice day
you're so beautiful wow nice
toes okay all right a that's a foot
guy skull [ __ ] and foot stuff I feel
like she might have it worse maybe
somehow yeah maybe I get a lot of [ __ ]
about my toes yeah like I don't
understand what it is I have really you
show your toes a lot I try not to but
now at this point I'm just like ah
whatever if you want to see you should
put those behind the pap W honey that's
what I was thinking and then get some
money off of not can donate it to
charity there you go e money Fe money
yeah feet money feeds the kids it does
it does yeah did men come up to you guys
in real life a lot this one specifically
last night I could have karate chopped
him in the throat this boy come up to me
last night and he's like can I get a
picture with you and go go was like
what' you tell him she said if you
donate to this homeless man sitting
right next to yeah like give him some
money and he was like yeah okay took a
picture with this little [ __ ] walked
away and I was like hey aren't you going
to give him any money he was like No And
I was like [ __ ] you first rule of thumb
never do the service before you get paid
yeah you got a good point yeah you live
and you learn what you guys have to do
on a girl's night get wasted yeah get
wasted uh get emotional get emotional we
don't really get emotional though
shrooms you guys ever tried shrooms
should I try shrooms AB [ __ ] lutely
scared of them don't be do whatever you
want well actually I'm not going to push
on you but had a awful trip never never
telling people to do them but I'm like
if you try them you probably like them
do you recommend doing it in like a big
setting or like a a small setting small
setting outside yeah outside outside
touch grass yeah listen to music we go
stargazing yeah perfect that'd be kind
of fun I feel like I'd have a bad trip
though but people think we like trip
balls we just like take a little bit
we're not crazy it's just we we don't do
them to like the walls melt my cousin
you met like the first time the little
curly haded one yes first time he done
him he had like monkeys chasing him and
[ __ ] oh oh yes that might have been acid
yeah that's how I figured out about you
yeah I always talked about you and I was
like well who is that and then I started
watching and I was like okay I see how
your cousin he's doing good no monkeys
chasing him not that I know that's good
I like to hear that not that I know
bless what do you guys do on a girl's
night same thing but except the
shrooms we get high don't get us wrong
yeah we'll probably do like a face mask
maybe watch some TV or oh we ordered
like five dinners H we order five
dinners oh we order five dinners that's
our favorite this is a mail-based
audience yeah I me pillow fights oh my
go sometimes we
kiss it's CRA about boys what is your
wildest girls night like us two together
I mean that's just like that just like
every night for years yeah what the
craziest thing we've done what's the
craziest thing you've seen her do cuz I
know she's done some [ __ ] yeah I'm just
looking at her I know she has I mean one
of the craziest things I've seen her do
that is like kind of not just like every
other week that she does was the boxing
match what oh yeah that was CRA she did
a she trained for a month and fought in
rough and rowdy against a random
opponent who ended up being a fan from
Louisiana and she like got into a boxing
ring in an arena where it was
pay-per-view people paid to watch it and
one yeah but it was crazy it was just
like I couldn't that was one of the
craziest things I saw yeah no that was
actually insane um only a month to prep
I really only did it to go sober for
like a month and then I realized oh [ __ ]
like I actually have to fight in the
boxing match so I mean I I got the blood
from my cousin Shuan but uh obviously
won cuz Champions run in the family but
um yeah it was crazy and then I had a
panic attack when I got off that was
crazy too I thought was going to die I
kind of lost my mind a little bit but
then I started like um partying again
and I accidentally went to the wrong
building building I went to a mental
hospital instead of rehab yeah walked to
the wrong one so I've I've had the fuzzy
socks the grippy socks grippies yeah the
head was everybody needs to have grippy
socks at least one time in their life
yeah I mean no I wouldn't recommend um
you like it in there no I feel like I'd
like it cuz it's like quiet yeah it was
driving to me crazy you couldn't even
poop with the door closed Noe oh yeah
you take too long pooping and then they
come right in like I'm not killing
myself I'm just taking a [ __ ] it was the
worst have you ever fought anyone for
her um I
have recently kind of in Santa Monica oh
yes I did yes actually yeah yeah some
guy was being a [ __ ] [ __ ] so we to
remember that was crazy we went to the
People's Choice Awards and um after we
still in our dresses well I'm still in
my dress and then we have like uh we're
all wearing matching um therapist
sweatshirts went to Jak
and then we go to this college bar and
some prick we're in full Glam full Glam
like literally just came the from the
award show and we're at this bar and
some prick was like saying some crazy
[ __ ] um he was being homophobic he was
being homophobic first and foremost and
then um he had a lot to say about you in
the press and so as as he like rapy [ __ ]
towards like gross
disgusting and like he walked by you
flipped his hat off his head and I did
cuz he said something to me or he
flipped off and then the best move ever
is to just hit the hat off the head they
don't know what to do their hair he was
like balding I like that sucks buddy and
then I don't know what happen he said
something really strong after that
something like that really got me all
[ __ ] fired up yeah and it was like
directed towards both of us I think and
he walked away 10 minutes had gone by
and I was like dude I'm [ __ ] fum and
I can't like [ __ ] relax I can't I
cannot let this go so I ran up after him
and just started clocking him out of
nowhere time had passed fully but I just
it was like a it was a movie she was
going so hard for him every punch Miss
missed thank God because we didn't get
like arrested over it but the cops did
come and uh he was going to press
charges and then what what it turned out
being was uh he just wanted me to
apologize to his face and the whole time
I'm saying I'm not apologizing to him
I'm not apologizing to him he walks up
going Grace you have to apologize you
have to apologize and then he comes over
and I'm like hey I'm so sorry she goes
she's not apologizing to you because the
way he was looking at her I was like no
you know what don't apologize to this
[ __ ]
prick she ended up apologizing humbling
that was this year that's crazy I know
that feels like so long ago doing that
[ __ ] lost we lost our you lost your
phone that night lost my phone that
night um also I was I I used a stylus
for the first time and you have to
return all that stuff and uh I woke up
in the morning didn't have a phone
hopped right on the plane and stylus was
like you
stole that jewelry it's very expensive
and I'm like oh well no I didn't no I
did not I just um I had a bad night I
almost went to jail lost my phone um and
yeah and then I mailed it back and it
was fine but for the moment there I was
um I was looking at jail time twice
Chelsea do you remember when we went to
the Matt R show and how much fun that
was yes that was so much fun let me show
you the game time app so we can look at
and see which event we want to go to
next oh we can see when Dash is coming
to Nashville I heard she was going on
tour yeah that's a good idea you know
what I love about game time you can see
the view from the seats before you buy
the tickets look I'll show you right now
those look good and game time has a new
feature it's called Game Time picks it
makes getting tickets for these events
so much easier yeah I heard it helps you
filter everything so you can see the
deals quicker yeah exactly even if we
don't want to get these DOA tickets
right now there's last minute deals so
we can get our tickets up to the start
of the event and even an hour after they
start wow that's great while we're in
New York City we should look and see
what we can do tonight yeah I'm down
let's do it okay everyone should go
download the game t Time app create an
account and use code talk Tua for $20
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again create an account and redeem code
t a l k t a that's for $20 off download
game time today what time is it game
time what time is it game time what is
the most fun thing that you guys have
done together since like blowing up we
judged a bikini contest that was fun
that was really fun you did a bikini
contest judged one you judged one I Jud
Hooter pageant before did a what a
Hooter's pageant I hated it I didn't
know I was going to actually be judging
and I was just like I can't give anyone
lower than a nine because that's how we
felt we was like 10 10 10 and then like
she looked at us funny zero like yeah
the one that won with us she turned
around and she like immediately looked
at me and she like winked at me and [ __ ]
was like Rising me up and I was like all
right that's the win right there you got
to cater to the audience I [ __ ] love
it I had so much fun I love being like
around like a big group of women like
yeah yeah it's some um do you guys have
like is there anything you guys really
want to do together like coming up like
we're planning our girls trip in
November going to Hawaii we're going
surfing oh [ __ ] yeah there you go guys I
can't swim worth the [ __ ] but I'm going
to try there you go you can't swim not
very well okay I just kind of like get
tired and then I just start sinking can
you swim yeah I can swim okay teach you
to swim she likes water though I'm not
crazy about water love being in the
water like when I go to the beach I want
to go swimming like yeah I don't want
die though I'm always down to play
mermaids yeah in the shallow end in the
shallow you old your nose oh well yeah
shut up
that's my favorite thing about her I
want to go scuba diving too I think
that'd be fun I think my lungs would ex
implode yeah implode like that I can't
even snorkel cuz my lungs are so bad
from smoking yeah I got popcorn lung too
absolutely oh yeah you got into a fist
fight she [ __ ] someone in the face for
me actually what happened tell us the
story you want to tell it this time you
got it I like it when you tell it I mean
she's been a bad friend she's texting
Chelsea's ex-boyfriend behind her back
like violating Girl Code you don't do
that you know we're all really close now
if it's just somebody you talk to you
know that's one thing but like one of
your friends doing that man hey what she
said when we were talking about it in
the other one I'm not watching that [ __ ]
oh yeah we brought it up in a podcast
and one of my friends that I cheered
with said something to her they're like
oh did you like are they talking about
you cuz like we didn't say her name yeah
and the girl was like I don't know I'm
not watching that [ __ ] or something like
that do you guys still talk to her are
you still friends with her I mean I'm
cool with her I don't have any issues
with her or anything but I you beat her
up she got snuck two different times so
she had her Vape in her hand like snuck
snuck like I mean she door and I crep
around the door and popped her in the
face two different times oh snuck up on
but sneak this you got to take your
Vapes so you got like the little long
sticky ones we used to have his like um
they look like cylinders they're like
it's like the Kang B
those yes yes little circle ones they're
like a little long yeah I put it in my
fist and I just oh like brass knuckles
you crazy
[ __ ] all right she didn't hit her once
but she went back for I was like you
know what that felt so good the first
time I'm going to do it again and she
didn't retaliate nope she's like why
would you do that and I was like what
the [ __ ] do you mean why' I do that you
know why I didn't taking him lunch
behind her back her mom snitched on her
for that her mom snitched on her mom
told I was at her house and she was like
oh did you tell Chelsea that you brought
so and so lunch the other day and I was
like no she didn't tell me that oh I I
was like heated I was like you know I'm
just I call my sister and I was like
please come get me right now I was going
to say did you stay and have complete
the I was like what the [ __ ] she got
snuck up on well that was later yeah I
wasn't even there either I was at the
beach oh [ __ ] and this girl first off
she was wearing my clothes when I seen
the video I was like she's in my whole
like her outfit is from my closet and
she was just trying to [ __ ] your
ex-boyfriend wow and you guys were
friends close yeah we were really close
damn has this podcast um caused a lot
any any more tiffs back home yeah back
home with every anyone yeah do you guys
talk about like personal stories at all
besides that I don't think so do people
back home like you guys since all of
this or they like coming out of the
woodwork I feel like everyone at home
supported that's they are for so cool
but then you got girls and guys you went
to school with and you've never spoke
twice too or you didn't even like in
school and they're texting you I love
you you love me have you ever been in a
fight uh yeah actually I have it was for
one of my other friends too see you guys
are loyal [ __ ] I know are y'all girls
girls absolutely I think there should be
more of them I what what woman would say
no I've actually met a few that would
probably say they are girls girls but
they're not yeah see I think anyone
who's running around saying there
they're a girls girl is not cuz you
don't running saying anything about
yourself my friend dated a guy I do not
find him attractive in any way I'm like
e that's a rat I don't like him we don't
have the same types either though who
you two me yeah yeah yall have any shows
you're interested in right now I
actually haven't watched the I watched
Monsters the Menendez brothers but
that's it that's the only thing I've
finished that in like three days me too
what's some of the weirdest things
you've seen in New
York quite a while you'll start your
morning off with um you know a a variety
of homeless people and some of which are
you're not sure if they're taking a nap
or taking a forever nap you know so
that's a great way to start your day um
trying to think you you'll see men um
[ __ ] on the street I've seen so many
people just take their pants off and
[ __ ] right in front of you we've saw
that and you can't look away yeah like
you're just like it's hard to look away
from it is really hard to look away from
you don't see that every day you see a
lot yeah it's so really just a lot of
crazy people on the street like freaking
out I've seen I saw a guy the other week
um in Washington Square Park he made
like a hook out of metal like this and
he put a chain at the end of it and he
was like whipping people with it like
just for bystanders and he was coming
towards me and I ran I felt humiliated I
was like but I you know I'm I'm going to
get out of this alive what the [ __ ] and
he's always chilling there it's crazy
yeah there was a [ __ ] dude with like
a pipe in his hand that was an LA yeah
he was like he was walking passes at
first and I was like Haley just no eye
contact so you know we're just like
chilling he like stops and like we just
walk past him he stops turns around
starts walking our way with this [ __ ]
pipe in his hand like Y at us I started
running a little bit Haley's dropping
her [ __ ] and I was like not the [ __ ]
time we sto picked up all my [ __ ] then
we ha ass we were [ __ ] gone yeah
there a lot of a lot of scary people on
the street yeah but you know it's um
without it it's boring like I I hate I
when I leave New York I'm like oh this
I'm bored like I I love that's when I go
back home there's no one sit on the is
nice even though it's really scary but
when you go home and you live in
Suburbia for a while you're like why do
I feel so ugly and then you come back to
New York and a crackhead calls you
beautiful and you're like I needed that
like that what about that one in La that
likes you he's always there
too one yes it's every time we walk past
him well I was walking by myself this
time and he was like damn girl you're
beautiful and I was like thank you sir
and I'm like acting like I'm on the
phone you know so I just like keep
walking and then he's like can we get
married and I was like no no no that's
okay and you know I'm just keep walking
I was like this motherfucker's about to
jump on me he's always sitting in the
same spot too with his sign and it says
it says marry me Chelsea Mar me Chelsea
beat for Trump is that what it is I
don't [ __ ] know I try to he has a
shopping buggy he sits beside too and he
always just like turns around in his
little lawn chair and just looks at us
walking by never says nothing she's
alone and then he'll say something he's
a nice fell I mean he hasn't provoked me
or anything yeah you never know yeah
Election Day is coming up November 5th
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we normally stay in like the same hotel
and then the office is like maybe a
street over so I have to cross the
street then go over he's like right on
the curb right there Goa have you ever
got a place together yeah when we first
lived here um we lived in a really
really small apartment there's this big
you could touch it y I have a picture of
me like actually wingspan could touch
just my bed fit in the room the bathroom
was the sink was this big you could put
your foot in the tub the toilet and your
head in the sink at the same time oh
yeah yeah you want to play toilet twist
there it was $3,000 right um two two
okay we gotal and then we left yeah oh
yeah was expensive holy [ __ ] do you live
by yourself now I do do you not get
lonely um no of course I do thank you so
much for bringing it up
yeah I don't know I travel too much or
goldfish to take care of animals so you
on any dating apps I am I'm on uh I'm on
the weight list fori for the last three
years so that's been really f cool um
and then keep yelling it maybe they'll
let you on well I think the thing is
you're not supposed to talk about it and
every time I come on I'm like [ __ ]
riot won't let me on oh so now you're
banned I think I'm banned on a black
life whatever nobody here's the thing
about Rya are you guys on Rya no I I
didn't even know you had to get on a
weit list to be on a dating app well
you're usually supposed to but um I
think there's a glitch in the system
there's a glitch cuz I signed up during
like Co and it's actually four years
now going on five get on Tinder no well
Tinder for children yeah the difference
what's Rya like um Rya is for
celebrities that's why I really wanted
to get on there oh then that makes sense
but I'm not there yet clearly on
the not like there's regular people on
it's like people in it's through
referrals so like you'll get like I I'm
may or may not have 40 referrals that
they don't care about but that's fine um
and you to to get on you need a referral
and then that's that and tenders for
children and hinge is the one I'm I I'm
playing with and it's just it's it's
hard out here man there's another one
called bumble bumble yeah that's where
the women have to talk first and it's
just like I'm not really I can't really
be doing that there's also um have you
guys heard of this one Fields no what
was that okay you guys got to love this
one this is this is your clickbait
Fields is like kink like Kinks that
people have so it's like it's kind of
like grinder in the sense of like people
everyone's kind of like there to like
[ __ ] in the sense um but there are all
kind of different Kinks um that people
can just like pick and choose and that's
oh you said Kinks Kinks said
KS I love [ __ ] I was like what kind
of cakes carrot cakes look all kinds of
cakes you know find your favorite cake
um no Kinks and it's crazy yeah yeah do
you have one no I've just been hearing
about it in the streets I'm invested
[ __ ] off everyone's jokes about it out
do you have a kink I uh no I uh nope
about you
h i mean like a man that acts right that
turns me on there you go there you go
good answer you got one um respects his
mother that's a kink but not D mother
these are classy women respects his
mother that's a good what's your king me
mhm ah firefighter Navy SEAL something
like that love a man in uniform yeah
yeah can't argue with that talk to is
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pigs okay so I got questions for you
guys to answer I'm not going to be
answering what about you no what the
hell okay okay okay thank you not fair
have to thank you all right um okay you
call Planned Bri listeners degenerates
what should we call the talk to a
listeners princesses
princesses you know I'm not opposed to
that I kind of like that cuz they're all
men or that's funny yeah yeah princesses
little ladies what is degenerates what
does that mean like Ellen degenerate oh
my God yes yes exactly yeah we got it
right from Ellen it was exact we stole
her last name yeah it was that we were
Ellen heads core and core until she got
all bad
no what the [ __ ] you think they're being
for real she like oh I love that oh
you're not being serious I'm so [ __ ]
gble I need that you're going to get
eaten alive in this industry I probably
will I'm very
go or maybe it's good okay um what's
your favorite conspiracy theory
oh currently you have the yummy one oh
yeah the the I got down a Tik Tok Rabbit
Hole where um Justin Bieber wrote yummy
the song in the music video to show his
time being abused as a child oh and um
young yummy is actually young me have
you heard any conspiracy theories about
yourself oh yes that um we drink each
other's blood what what she's like what
oh yeah that one yeah that was crazy
they [ __ ] and they won't stop with
that I know won't and they say they say
we do it in in privacy and um in the bar
bathroom in the bartool
bathroom ell started that not too much
on my boy not too much on my
boy my favorite conspiracy theory you
reminded me I think Helen killer is not
real oh yeah love that cuz you're
telling me this [ __ ] is blind and deaf
and they let her fly a [ __ ] plane
write a book like and write a she don't
even know language she's getting a she's
getting she getting yeah she's getting a
little bit mixed up I thought Helen
killer flew a [ __ ] plane ailia yeah
have yall seen like the blood vials and
stuff like Megan Fox and MGK have yeah
those are [ __ ] crazy I met this girl
the other night instead of this her and
her that scared me her and her boyfriend
have like these little vials like it's a
necklace and her toenails in it that's
[ __ ] up that's a
bit that's crazy that's love I don't
know I'll get it where I can if I have
to do that then fine
would you'all wear each other's toenail
necklaces um not particularly no I don't
think do that either no that girl was
Dam me she was like we need to have a
girl's night make sure you go her
toenails out and we can make [ __ ]
friendship necklaces I was like I
thought I was just like buzzed up and I
was like there's no way she's been like
serious right sure enough she was the
other one messaged me too and I was
like okay what actress would you choose
to portray yourself in a movie I'll
answer for RNA Aubrey Plaza who is it
she would pick Lindy Lohan I would do
Aubrey Plaza yes I could see that 100%
who would you pick Aubrey Plaza okay
love her who would you
pick Cindy lohoo girl dude I've been
told that a million times like even
before all this [ __ ] happened I've
always been told that she you Cindy looo
you don't look like Cindy Lou you look
like the actress that plays her I don't
know her name gorgeous gorgeous where
are you no Cindy Lou is actually the one
who doesn't have the crazy nose in that
movie yeah cuz she's still a baby oh
she's the only one who's normal can see
the gge for really is your I don't know
who I would pick everyone says I look
like Addison Ray but I don't know if I'd
want her to play me in a movie she is an
actress she is she's not bad yeah what's
one move in bed that makes a man go
crazy oh God I don't know Grace boys
stick a stick a finger in their ass I
like that one that's that's my favorite
answer yet that is the best
one um pun
face get back to next year still looking
to find the answer can't don't you have
to have the same answer every
time okay I would just assume it would
be HW Tua why would you assume that know
it's crazy that's [ __ ] what is wrong
with you I can't believe I just assume
she's out of her [ __ ] mind I'm sorry
for her okay that's okay I'm so sorry
gosh we need to get you a slogan no she
[ __ ] on it no that's no she didn't agree
to that yeah I I'm sorry for her I don't
know what's her problem
we had a guy come up to us the other day
he's like I know you he's like you're
the spit on it girl and that's the [ __ ]
on it girl me and her [ __ ] lost it I
blame Whitney for that one yeah that was
all Whitney yeah that yeah was it's okay
it's okay well thank you ladies for
coming for having course bye guys bye
hey y'all I hope you enjoyed the show
and if you haven't gotten yourself any
talk to a merch be sure to click the
link in the description below so we can
match tag me and talk to her while
you're watching the episode and let us
know what you think and before you go
don't forget subscribe to that thing
[Music] |
epjtyXfFOc0.txt | what's the most insane celeb that's been
in your DMs okay I should have broke
when little baby sent me a cowboy Emoji
pretty much calling us the next play and
Socrates so what the [ __ ] does that mean
we're like philosophers essentially do
you know who they are no yeah why don't
theyve like me what I do to him I don't
think you did anything to Dave and I
don't think Dave doesn't like
you I think that's the reason like why I
haven't like hard lunch spoky just cuz
you don't have trust I don't cuz I'm
telling you the first person to hit him
up I'm telling you I'm going to have
stroke you to put you bana
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only hello and welcome back to talk to
you bunch of Haw suckers this so we are
I like sucker all right you got you call
your no you you were pitching it before
to me I think it works um I don't I
don't name or like classify my people as
anything just you know it can be named
their name I guess their parents gave
them or whatever okay so you don't
consider yourself one consider myself a
a h [ __ ] what I even call it Haw sucker
a Haw sucker a hawk sucker I guess I
would need to know the definition before
I could really claim myself like a
listener I guess a listener of the Pod
yeah cuz know Hawk you know do you
TOA I don't listen to it either okay I
really don't I'm being so [ __ ]
serious when it comes out it makes me
feel better to say that I haven't
listened to an episode yet no that's
okay but maybe this will be the first
one I listen to cuz I'm in it okay that
probably be the last to though right we
don't know we don't know maybe you'll
have me on again for a third time and
then I'll listen to it okay you got me
there my bad you scared the [ __ ] out of
me the first time no it's okay we're
doing a second uh take I guess at this
right yeah we got it this time right
yeah we'll figure it out we'll figure it
out I guess I was making her nervous or
something it's just the concept you're
man I don't like talking to men no I get
it I get it men are scary if you could
pick between a man and a bear right yeah
and I'm G to pick the [ __ ] Bear yeah
I get it I get it crazy thing that was
trending why would you ever pick a bear
you will die exactly that's the point
you would rather die than have the
possibility that it could just be a good
man and help you out of the forest or
something yeah Fair no any woman can
walk through the door and I can talk all
day long to him but now a man m I don't
know about that I thought you had
Whitney on We Love Whitney you like
Whitney she's great she's great no I
like watch the podcast well I saw the
promo oh yeah saw I saw a bunch of uh
posts online about people saying it was
like the best podcast of all time and
they were like dropping everything they
were doing to go and watch it yeah I
actually also saw a picture I guess you
guys released a picture maybe of me and
you I don't know yeah it's like in a
little intro thing okay so yeah you guys
posted a picture of me you and I also
saw a it was like a collage I guess or
like a slideshow whatever you want to
call it but um it had like a million
likes and it was like a picture of me
and you and it slowly faded into like PL
and Socrates I believe and it was like
pretty much calling us the next Plato
and Socrates so what the [ __ ] does that
mean we're like philosophers essentially
do you know who they are
no all right what is that I have I'm not
even going to lie I have no idea what
he's talking about either wow maybe you
guys should listen to some of the
philosophers and then you guys would
come with some more in-depth stuff for
talk Tua wait you mean a philosopher
like Shakespeare
well Shakespeare was something more of
like you know a play like he would write
plays you know okay then what's what's a
philosopher a philosopher is someone
that like they they're they're pretty
much just someone that thinks about like
Grand things you know like they're
they're someone that's like thinking
about these like theories and they think
about life me chelse are
philosophers okay well we get stoned we
start thinking about stuff you all right
yeah yeah yeah yeah so I think a lot of
people think they're philosophers when
they get stoned I think that's a pretty
common thing when you get yes think yeah
I mean you're not a philosopher you
don't know that I'm not a philosop I
think we're philosophers philosophers
here yeah you're supposed to agree with
me through everything
sorry she's getting in trouble for that
later she's going to sit in the corner
actually do you watch yourself like on
the internet um I tend not to I tend not
to I feel like I usually post my stuff
and then to move on from it fair enough
yeah I understand you read your comments
no no not at all maybe like the first
four just whatever's at the top and then
again kind of move on you read a lot of
comments I mean a few there's some funny
ones in there that make me laugh then
there's some other ones that just make
me mad yeah yeah see I feel like it's
like ah why why go in there you're never
going to find like a comment section
full of love right I mean sometimes you
will not if you look hard you're always
find if you look pretty hard you w but
you know so what about you you went from
like wiggle [ __ ] you know and now
you're here so how' you get from there
talk to her I mean life um so uh yeah I
uh I started doing social media I was as
you tokened it wiggle [ __ ] I guess
Dave Tok token did that but um was doing
that went on tour started Sway With all
the boys and then had beef with a kid
named Lil huie made a diss track Dave
said about that that's crazy and tweeted
about it I got him on my Instagram live
we started doing my podcast now we built
out a production company me and Chris
who you guys met earlier Venture fun
doing a bunch of stuff you said Dave
yeah I know I moved from Dave to Chris
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better pics Dave I'm going to send him a
friendship bracelet do you think he'd
accept it I think he'd open the
package okay fair enough yeah yeah maybe
should write him like a a handwritten
letter or something yeah that could be a
little more personal yeah why don't Dave
like me what I do to him
um I don't think you did anything to
Dave and I don't think Dave doesn't like
you I think he just gave you
like good strategy on what to do with
like the podcast he kind of sent me for
like a little spin cuz like he liked me
for a minute then he didn't then he
liked me and then he didn't I think he
just said like if I was
running Haley's social and I was running
her her career if she came to bar and
she signed there that wouldn't have been
the first thing I would have done is
post make her do a podcast on her own
okay fair enough you know what I'm
saying so so you think we'd be friends
yeah I think you guys would be friends
I'm going to send him a friendship I
think he'd be nothing but nice to you
has he ever hurt your feelings um I
think I think I've been I've been pretty
lucky where I've been able to stay clear
of Dave's uh wrath wrath yeah that's a
great great word to use there um I've
been able to stay clear of it but um I
think Brie kind of is on the receiving
end a little bit more than I am for for
where Dave's Corrections Go versus me or
Brie you should have Grace as the other
guests on the bf b she comes on a lot I
feel like she's like our
token uh like replacement forever's not
there like if I'm not there if Bri isn't
there or Dave isn't there we always get
Grayson and then Grace is she's like
yeah she's she's the bench player for us
she's the bench player for us you know
what I mean she's the six man that comes
in MVP she intrigued me she can say
anything with a straight face and just
like mean it and we'll all be over here
like this trying not to laugh I don't
understand how she does that she's so
serious too would like her responses so
I was like can I laugh at this oh like
the Mendes Brothers thing yes I was
like what do you think about that the
Mendes brothers and like the whole thing
about it um I mean I haven't really
watched any of the documentaries or
evidently the documentary has like
nothing to do with like the real case
okay yeah no I haven't watch anything
about it I haven't read anything about
the case I've just seen the edits of the
guy that everyone's like freaking out
about that's white boy of the month the
the I don't know the one that's like
Mafia blah blah blah blah blah I thought
we were close or whatever the hell he
says in the edit when Mafia um but I
just see that I've seen that and that's
about it so I don't really have a take
on it I guess you need to watch it
that's your assignment okay I'll go you
need to go home and watch it yeah
that'll be what I do next I was about to
say something but I can't say that you
can say whatever you
want you can always edit this you might
be gay after you watch it me personally
when I was watching I was like whoa it
made you want to be gay you're G okay
okay I thought you yeah um I I certainly
hope not that would suck for me and
Gabby in our future um where is that
girl I was hoping you'd bring her yeah
yeah she's out of friends right now
she's like out with uh she has like a a
church group so I think they're all like
hanging out and doing stuff you really
bagged Betty I I really did I'm so where
did you meet her at I met her at my
birthday 21st birthday um I knew she was
coming from Brazil to La so I was like
hey why don't you come to my birthday
she came through and that was rest
history met her that night and then
about a week maybe after I'd met her at
my birthday probably less than that
there's no way I played it that cool and
waited that long um I probably text her
like the next day or two days after but
uh texted her and was like Hey me and my
friends are going to DAV and Busters you
should come had not asked any of my
friends to go to dve Busters yet I was
just waiting for her response she said
yes so then I was like all right boys
we're going to dve and Busters and we
went there there met up with her and
that was kind of like our first time
hanging out and we just kept going out
to these like fun little things that I
would try to plan for us to do and then
I asked her to be my girlfriend fair
enough Gabby always on social media yeah
yeah I mean as long as I've known her
but she's been on social media I think
since she was 13 14 pretty much same AG
not like when youall started dating that
was you like introducing her to the
world no no no no no she she hadn't
spent a lot of time in LA but she had
been on social media like she already
had n 10 million followers on social
media on Tik Tok I guess when I had met
her so she was doing just fine on her
own do you have to worry about like me
and DM and her not really I mean I have
a relationship that I have trust in you
know what I mean so people DM her all
the time people DM me I mean we both
don't really go into our DMS that often
so I think it's just something that's
like she's never given me a reason to
worry or never giving me a reason to not
trust her so why I think that's the
reason like why I haven't like hard
lunched Pooky just cuz you don't have
trust it's not even that I just don't
want all these girls like messaging him
and [ __ ] cuz like he fine man that's my
man of course yeah and when you open it
up when you open up to the world you
know there's going to be like vindictive
women that are just going to hit them up
you got people that are like that yeah
of course on every side you're always
going to have that I mean there's going
to be people that are going to hit him
up just to see if they can get a
response to post on social media to make
you feel a certain way you know what I
and I would feel a certain way I'd
probably show up to somebody's house
with like a bat or something cuz I mean
I'm a crash out case I'm just waiting
yeah yeah I mean I guess that's a little
PSA to the people probably don't DM her
guy or she's going to show up with a bat
at your house be bad for you be bad for
you as well I mean I'd smile in my mug
shot yeah you'd be doing your podcast
through a phone you know that' be funny
wouldn't be a video podcast anymore but
um wait so does this mean you're never
going to go public with them no I really
W to I'm just I don't know I get really
jealous does he feel weirded out that
you don't want to go public with him no
he kind of agrees he's like
understanding about it he's like I
understand now his dad his dad's
excited I don't know how I feel about
that I feel like that might be more sus
on his part that he doesn't care he's
got a point you know what should I do I
don't know I mean like he's like no no
it's fine you don't have to post about
me and like say that we're a thing
that's kind he's like understanding
though he's like I get it like don't
rush it or anything so I'm like okay I
more you don't want him out there cuz I
don't cuz I'm telling you the first
person to hit him up I'm telling you I'm
going to have a stroke basically all my
comments have been saying like Pookie's
in it for the money do you give him
money hell no I don't give him
money I'd be spoiling him but he don't
ask for it like has his lifestyle really
changed since he started dating you I
mean he gets spoiled it's like a bilda
bear I think it's kind of
fun he gets you gave him a builda bear
is that what you're saying I mean did
give but that's not is that is that all
you spoiled him with cuz I can tell you
if that's it he's not in it for the bag
no I mean like if I go somewhere and I
see something I'm like oh pooky would
like that I'm going to get it for him
you know okay it's like consider it so
like what's the most expensive thing you
got him PA boots probably a pair of
boots that wasn't too bad though those
Tennessee tickets that was also your man
so don't get on my ass about that yeah
but we're not talking about me we're
talking about you how you going to put
me on the spot when I pay for your man's
ticket too don't don't even go there
yeah that was all you right there yeah
so not only do I spoil my man I spoil
hers too that's good well I mean that
was only for the game and the hotel well
Airbnb I feel like he's not in it for
the B he's not I think he's not in ask
he's not asking for anything and it's
a then I think he's not in for the bag
yeah I agree I think you're safe all the
comments keep eating him up though and
he's like you're safe hard launch it you
should just do it without asking him one
time yeah you just post him in the
middle of the night he wakes up to it
the next morning he like what the [ __ ]
he' love that I bet You' really he
probably would yeah until I have
comments like you know how you can read
them like when you swipe up on Snapchat
yeah I'd be sick I'd probably be in my
room throwing up oh never I just
wouldn't read the comments but they're
so fun to look at like there's some
funny on not if you're going to be
throwing up I posted this one today and
it what did I caption it it was funny it
was tasted by Sabrina Carpenter and me
and Chelsea were singing it and I was
like this song has like got crack in it
and somebody stood up and said what was
it something about my mom I was laughing
my ass off I was like that's [ __ ] up
but it's funny I would have been a
really good story if you remembered the
joke hold on I will pull this out and
read it I will pull this out and read it
it cuz it cracked me up I read it while
IO I said this song is more addictive
crack this one says your mom didn't
think so
oh I thought it was funny yeah I thought
it was really funny you can laugh I'm
not going to like cry does your mom do
crack yeah oh that makes it way funnier
see thank you thank you I didn't know
that I didn't know that going into the
joke so damn does your mom do crack no
she's she's pretty straight cut I mean
um I don't think she really ever even
smoked in her life like weed nothing
yeah she's pretty chill she's like a she
she'll drink but that's about it good
deal I'm happy for you thank you thank
you y That's why you don't have a lot of
but yeah don't flex on me or anything
yeah it's okay come from an intact
household ain't that great how old are
you I'm 22 22 oh he's not much older
than us no how old are you oh you're
younger oh 21 we're babies wow look at
that it's beautiful
beautiful Have you listened to gla's new
album no no I'm not the I'm not the
biggest glorilla
fan do you look at me and think like oh
this guy listens toor I feel like
everybody can get ratchet to glorilla
like I don't understand how you can't no
I I mean I could probably get right as
you said to glorilla um I just think
that's yeah not say get ratchet H get
ratchet oh get ratchet yeah no I um I
don't get ratchet to glorilla what do
you get ratchet to what do I get ratchet
to I tend not to get ratchet um but uh I
guess if I'm getting ratchet to
something ratchet where are you from you
ain't from here I'm from Toronto Canada
yeah what are you doing here you invited
him um well no no not like necessarily
in here what are you doing in the United
States yeah uh so I do social media um
you know Tik Tok Instagram YouTube
and that that pretty much took me out to
LA um I feel like this is the best place
to do it so does your family live here
no they all live back in Toronto still
when do you go see them holidays
birthdays summertime I usually make a
trip fair enough yeah I try to get back
like three times a year that's usually
the number I'm getting back like three
times and it's good what' you say you're
from Toronto Toronto yeah you know T
McCrae uh yeah yeah okay I'm going to
backtrack here because Haley's going to
start pulling random questions out of
her ass am um when you how did you hard
launch Gabby how did I hard launch Gabby
um how did I hard launch Gabby he said
cheese took a picture of her like when
was the first time y'all went public
together yeah I mean we had like posted
together for a while before I would say
like we were as I don't know like as
hard as you can get before it's a hard
launch I guess like we were like posting
a lot as we were like hanging out um I
think it was probably on my podcast I
think I probably said it on my podcast
that would have been the place where I
would have said it is like the first
time like oh yeah I so Gabby and like
probably told the story about me like
being all giddy and like excited and
going to this dinner and not being able
to say it at the dinner whole dinner
goes by I'm like nervous I don't get it
out I'm like okay I'll do it at the car
when we get to the car we get to the car
I don't do it again I like we get in the
car ride I'm like thinking about the
whole car ride home like 20 minutes I'm
like I got to ask I got to ask I got to
ask didn't ask and then like we're
getting out of the car I was like all
right I'm not going back into my house
until I asked this girl to be my
girlfriend like I can't do it so I get
her of the car first and like walk
around to open her door open her door
and she walks out and then I was like
hey do you want to be my girlfriend I
pretty much like word vomited it out do
you want to be my girlf and then yeah
like it was so fast and then she was
like yes like of course like at this
point she had already been to my house
in Canada she had seen like she had
visited with my parents she knows my
brother my sister like it was like a
pretty safe bet that I was going to get
a yes my sister had told me like dude
you got to ask already she wants like
this is like she's going to say yes have
you ever been told n like have you ever
asked a girl out and she was like no
that's a good question to ask because
personally if a man's asking me to be
his girlfriend to his face I can't tell
him no right right uh I'm going be like
yes I'm wait till I get home like okay
I'll change my mind yeah no I I mean I
guess I've never asked a girl out and
they've said no but I've also not asked
out that many girls I would say like to
be my girlfriend that's only happened
three times in my life so I've only had
this will be my third boyfriend yeah
yeah so I guess I just haven't asked
that many times maybe if I keep swing
and the percentages will change but I'm
hoping that I can just stay where I'm at
like I'm just hoping to no more swing
retire from the game and no more
swinging be good be good how long do you
plan to date her before you asked to
her um I guess that that can change with
many different things right like I don't
know where I'm going to be in two years
I don't know where I'm going to be in
four but um I think in my mind when I
was younger IID always had it teed up
like 28 to 30 is probably the age I want
to get married and then have a kid at
like like right away pretty much right
after that so eight years from now yeah
yeah yeah so you don't want to be a d no
I'm still going to look really good at
30 are you certain you got a skincare
routine uh no but I'm certain um I just
yeah I just think I I think I'll have it
I think I'll still be good at 30 I think
me and Pooky are going to run off to
Vegas and get married we've been talking
about it you said bitiful I said that's
beautiful I'm not I'm not glorilla I'm
not glorilla
I don't speak like gorillo and I don't
listen to her music but I have seen the
clips of her speaking and I do like how
she speaks it is kind of sad we're
trying to get her on that would be great
I'm so excited for her that be great
yeah that'd be beautiful who's your
favorite guest you've had on so far um
for mine um I probably go with like I
think one of my tops is theovon I think
he's just uh he's just his humor gets me
so I think uh when he he came on it was
just the most enjoyable like I was just
laughing the most you know I feel like I
laugh a lot with him too yeah yeah like
that's my long lost
brother we need to get him on too I'll
holler at him don't worry yeah I could
see that being that would be a good
little Duo you and Theo that would work
great I'd be very scared of what would
come out in this room Chelsea I really
want to go to a rod wave concert I'm
dying to see him in person oh yes we
need to go you should go to that app oh
the game time app yes yeah that's a good
idea but you know what I love about game
time you can see the view from your
seats before you buy the tickets do
these look good oh yeah those look good
and game time also has this new feature
it's called Game Time picks it makes
getting tickets for these events so much
easier oh yeah I've heard about it it
sounds like it helps to filter
everything so you can see the deals
quicker yep exactly but you know what's
cool about it even if we don't want to
get these tickets right now there's last
minute deals up to the start of the
event and even an hour after it starts
well we're in LA right now we should go
look for Dodgers tickets let's do it
everyone should go download the game
time app an account and use code talk
Tua for $20 off your first purchase
terms apply again create an account
redeem code t a l k t ah talk TOA for
$20 off that's talk TOA for $20 off
download game time today what time is it
game time what time is it game time so
you guys are like officially dating then
yeah yeah just no hard launch no hard
launches yet wow dang have gotten so
complicated huh you posted a few with
them but face BL out oh
God cold that's very cold would you be
offended if somebody did that I mean I
would feel like it was like a gas
station robbery video that was just
posted on me if my face would blurred
out yeah I think the thing with you
people were like who the hell is Pooky
so it's just like funny for you to be
like it's kind of I feel like become a
character because even the last time
when we did this the first time you were
talking about like the Pooky or whatever
you're calling him um a lot so I feel
like it's almost become like a character
for people now like people know about
this like imaginary not imaginary it's
real but you know what I'm saying I get
that a lot though that think is
imaginary or it's Chelsea which you kind
of fit the description do you and your
girlfriend live together uh pretty much
um so I have a place in Woodland Hills
and then she has a place in like Beverly
West Hollywood area um but uh she is not
there often she is not there often she's
probably at my
place 29 out of 30 days a month I would
say so yeah but I mean I like it it's
great for me I get to see her every
morning and every night it's my favorite
time cook for cook for pretty much every
single day look could you go I wish poy
could cook I love cooking I think that's
that's something I'll always do like my
parents did that a lot when I was
growing up I feel like that was a big
part of our like uh just like a big
component to our family like having
homecooked meals was a big thing and
spending time together at the kitchen
table was a big thing um so for me like
when I think about like oh you know like
getting married or like where I'm going
to be at that point in 68 years like I
want to be cooking dinners every night
for my family I think that's like the
most fun thing to do I think being able
to cook six times a week then have like
one night where it's like maybe a little
bit easier or something like throw in
the oven you know but um yeah no if I
could cook every night I would what kind
of food do you cook for her she likes
pasta a lot pasta's like pasta yeah
that's that's a new one I never heard
that before pasta you've never heard of
the dish pastaa well yeah no in Canada I
guess we just say pasta oh yeah yeah but
um yeah people usually get a giggle out
of that but pasta um I I do that a lot I
think her main thing is pasta I like
steak a lot so I try to cook steak as
much as I can um we do a couple
different things like she's trying to
get like a lot of protein and not too
many calories right now so like the
other day I did like uh devil egg
Burgers which were kind of like a nuts
recipe but pretty good tasting actually
it was just like instead of a burger
like you're making tiny little Patti
and then you're using debled eggs as the
Buns instead of buns which gives you
more protein less calories you kind of
intrigued me with the whole debled egg
burger it's actually really good you got
me and her over here looking at each
other like I really didn't think I was
going to like it much and then I made it
for her and I tried one and I was like
yeah I'm probably going to make like
four of those for me right now so okay
you might have to send me the recipe
yeah yeah yeah I can DM it to you okay
yeah yeah I got it off Instagram so all
right I have a few rapid fire questions
for you guys all right let's do it you
ready yeah all right what's the most
insane cele that's been in your
DMs do you want to go first or do you
want me to go first okay I should have
broke when little baby sent me a cowboy
Emoji did he slide into your DMs though
not like that I don't know sh shano M
thre me for a spin too yeah he actually
video called you didn't he yeah and I
was intoxicated that night that's when
we were in Nashville and I was jumping
over fences oh yeah so I didn't see it I
don't know what he wanted either huh I
mean the craziest I guess the one that
sticks out I think it was probably
because it was like one of the first big
ones like back in like 2019 or something
like that uh 2020 cila Cabo D and that
was crazy just again like it was like I
just got into La so that was nuts but it
was like she was asking
for me to do something for like one of
her siblings or something like that it
was I think it was like a birthday shout
out it was something like easy and
simple like that but yeah yeah we listen
to her when she was in Fifth Harmony she
she kills it I like I like Sumer music
now all great yeah I probably would have
[ __ ] my pants if she dm' me too yeah
have you had any celebrities like
actually slide into your DMs like
hitting on you yeah yeah I guess who I
mean I already gave one I don't even to
throw another one the bus she was just
wanting something yeah but it don't
matter Gabby's the Gabby's the only one
that matters to me so oh yeah sorry
don't need to talk about love you
Gabby yeah I'm with you I don't need to
answer that either I got a man too tell
them set them straight let's go I'm just
she going get us in trouble yes exactly
poking the bear over we get cussed out
after thisis we should just send them
we'll just send Gabby and Pokey to her
exactly oh
okay you can deal with the w the second
questions on here I didn't write this
one okay you did she did she did you did
all right it's just good to know who
we're pointing blame at which one of
your friends would you set me up
with Anthony who the hell is Anthony I
love Anthony he's like my roommate and
he's single so am I stupid who is that
he was one of those you got a picture of
him um I mean I could go to like his
Instagram yeah show me a picture of him
I need to see what I'm looking at here
Chelsea guess what what is it this time
did you know you can bet on the election
like you can bet on who's going to be
president yeah it's this new app called
CI no way I got to see this for
myself oh my gosh you can bet on
different events too who do you think
the favorite is for president right now
let me check it out
it says right here that Trump's winning
by 60% but you can also bet by each
state I got to get Pooky in on this he's
going to lose his mind oh yeah he loves
to bet evidently it's legal in all 50
states so that means we can do it in
Tennessee too I feel like this would be
fun for me and Pooky to do and win some
money oh don't forget to show granny you
already know she's going to love this
but when I run for president are you
going to bet on me like I've been
talking about hell yeah I am I have one
sick ass campaign slogan too oh Haley
tell everyone about your code first for
everyone watching this sign up and use
my code talk TOA and the first
500 bets that deposit $100 get a free
$20 credit and back to my slogan what
y'all think about two ply or Dy upgrade
that toilet paper and give your ass a
love it deserves looking at his
Instagram right now yeah sorry I'm being
nosy it's okay I had to see who I'm
looking at here you think um you know
who he is I mean I just had to look at
him um I guess I would have to meet him
that's makes sense yeah oh yeah this is
my proposal for you pal so are you going
back in November um undecided but maybe
if the proposal is good enough okay I
bet you $1,000 I kick your ass and I
stay in longer have you been playing a
lot um no I haven't thought about poker
since like last time yeah but then I
seen you got done before I did and then
the little fell beside me he was like
this can go on for eight hours and I was
like 8 hours I can't do that so I was
like all in I didn't have [ __ ] in my
hand I was like okay bye nice um if you
want to $1,000 on the next one if I'm
there I'll give you $1,000 if you stay
longer than me yeah this is on better by
the way you're probably going to smoke
me at it yeah now I'm going to have to
start I feel like you didn't try the
last time no not not that I it's not
that I didn't try I think it's just like
a lot of times that those I don't play
as safe as I necessarily would or I like
I'll just like shove more just because
it's like free money who's better at it
you or Bryce I think Bryce is better at
it I think so too yeah yeah yeah I think
like when we were both playing a lot I
don't know cuz I'd beat him quite a bit
but now he he play that's like I feel
like he does that every single day so
I'd give that to him I don't want to sit
at a table with him he's going to rob me
blonde I wouldn't be scared to sit at a
table with him I don't want to do it I
kind of like playing against him still I
love but you're you're probably good too
though so it's like competition uh I'm
trash at it I think it's more just like
because we're friends the playing field
ends up leveling a little bit because we
both get inside each other's heads you
know where it's like if I was a random
and he was a random and we were at our
skill set he'd probably beat me every
time that's what you think I think yeah
you've played with stany this past time
right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I've
played with him he's better than you
Anne he no no you don't think so no I
don't think so he is helping me he was
helping you yeah man well that makes
sense has a on you that's why he was
helping stny yeah no he cracks me up
when I see his like Instagram feed and
he's got like a different nice big
bootied girl on his bed or doing or
doing like videos and he cracks me up
yeah he's a funny lad he's a funny lad I
agree yeah you got anything else Chelsea
um I wasn't done my questions if you
guys want keep sorry we're yappers it's
the slowest rapid fire every I know
that's what I'm saying we had two
questions in the last 10 minutes um
what's your most embarrassing High
School memory o I'm curious to know what
you were like in high
school were you [ __ ] in school no not
at all um I wasn't cool enough to be an
[ __ ] in school uh let's think most
embarrassing moment probably like kids
like um like playing my like musically
onto the Smartboard I would say that's
have to be like a top embarrassing
moment for me you brought up musically
you got to do the thing for us I there's
no chance but get maybe if maybe if
somehow you guys had convinced me to
drink wine before this you might have
gotten one but I tried know I mean I
offered could sent an Uber it's okay
it's okay okay yeah I would have sent
you an Uber home there's a lot I I know
which something you ever went crowd
surfing in high school yeah
um not like in the school I guess but
can I consider that I mean it is like
UCA camp yeah what's embarrassing about
that that that wasn't embarrassing you
were living your best life I like
disappeared when they found me I was
just yeah it seems like a pretty cool
story I don't know what's something bad
i' done I don't think it's bad I think
embarrassing well embarrassing what's
something embarrassing i' done okay next
question okay yeah next question I don't
know how did you tell Gabby you loved
her first oh how tell Gabby I loved her
first um do you do you want to go first
or do you want me to go first you got it
cool um it'd be weird if you told Gabby
you loved her uh love you Gabby I think
it was the first time was it was when it
was before we were dating actually and
we had I brought her to my hometown we
were in the bedroom that I like grew up
in and we were like just kind of joking
around fooling around whatever and she
had said something or made some joke to
me and I kind of just slipped out after
she said it like I laughed I was like I
love you and I just kind of
paused and then she was like what and I
was like no nothing nothing nothing and
kind of just brushed it off but that was
probably the first time I said it yeah
so actually I took Gabby to the beach
and then I took I'm
kidding I'm kidding yours sounded way
more romantic than mine at the start of
that mine was just in the bedroom I took
her to the beach and told her that's
beautiful what'd she say she was like I
love you too of course oh wow Haley
actually told Pooky she loved him before
he told her dude I was [ __ ] hammered
in a hotel okay well that's he didn't
say it back little oh yeah that was the
mic drop right there no kidding and then
you bought him a Build-A-Bear this is
like months like before okay you had to
earn the Bild which that was hardly
speaking it wasn't it wasn't me right so
I was a little drunk hey that's all
right but anyhow you get the idea yeah a
little early love you never hurt nobody
hopefully I don't know probably has but
you know didn't hurt you it's like one
of those things that happens like you
got to go home to like your home girls
the next time be like y' i' done
something bad yeah they're like oh no
what' you do and I told him they're like
oh yeah it's a tough one yeah it's a
tough one to rec but now he said it
first this time that's good and then I
was like huh now you're back on the
playing field yeah yeah we're good now
Chelsea I got something I got to tell
you what so pooky's back is hairy and I
don't know how to tell them you know
what you can get for him what the
chairman Pro oh from right
right it's one that comes with two
interchangeable blade heads right right
yeah I've heard about that but if he
wants even more Precision on the right
side of the bracket there's a Precision
lock so he's able to achieve a more
precise shave it even comes with a
travel lock perfect for those business
trips or getaways and an LED spotlight
to ensure a precise shave every time oh
and don't forget it's waterproof so you
can use in the shower the ultimate tool
that brings the luxury of a professional
shave right here whether he loves a
clean smooth shave or prefers to keep
that rugged 5:00 shadow the chairman
Pros way to go so if you're looking for
a thoughtful and practical gift that
he'll actually use in love get 20% off
and free shipping when you use the code
Tua at that's tah Tua at you heard it tah Tua you
should have pulled the card back on him
and laughed in his face I did I would
have done I did I was in your driveway I
hoped your mom got it on [ __ ] camera
like the little camera that's on your
porch I was like surely to God she's got
that she's got to I was like what and I
just kind of looked at him and I was
like I love you too I turned around I
walked in the house and that's why I was
like yo all right next question what's
something people are generally surprised
to find out about you when they meet
you um genuinely I feel like the first
thing people always say is like oh
you're taller than I thought I think
that's like the first thing people say
when they meet
me I think about as [ __ ] was very
demanding I'm just like six five people
just think I'm I feel like you're the
high expected you to be but I'm not like
super tall or anything I think it's just
people think I'm like 5'9 they just
think I'm Bryce's height but you got
answer I don't know I've had a lot of
people tell me that I'm actually nice
like when they make me in that's always
a tough one right CU I used to get like
right from doing social media people
used to be like oh you're actually like
a normal person and I'm like
yeah obviously I'm nice unless it's like
5:00 in the morning at an airport and
you're asking for a picture while my
hair's on this side of my head and I'm
in my pajamas yeah I'm like get away
from me yeah I think when we first met
you I expected you to be like a
douchebag I didn't just cuz I knew you
from Tik Tok see I think that's what a
lot of people think and then they'll be
like and yeah so they're like oh you're
normal and I'm like yeah I guess you
didn't well actually yeah you did scare
the [ __ ] out of me last time you were in
here so I'm not even going to say that I
won't like I wouldn't even look at you I
was like it's just a thing with men I
don't know I don't like talking to men
Fair men suck like what am I going to
talk to you about sports you into sports
I I am actually into sports what are you
into football hockey basketball those
are probably the top three what you
think about baseball yeah it's not
really my thing not mine either yeah I
asked to play when I was younger my dad
said no I'm not going to bring you to
sport so you can sit in the outfield for
three hours and I was like all right
he's got a point Y there's a lot of dirt
too white
pants doesn't doesn't go well I agree
mom didn't want to do all that laundry
you don't do your own
laundry well not when I was like four
and going to go play baseball okay okay
fair enough yeah my parents don't even
live in the same country as me so yes I
still don't do my own laundry I mean
someone does that for me but I will do
my laundry every once in a while just
once in a while yeah you know I mean
it's a thought that counts at least you
do it sometimes and you know how to do
it yeah I know how to I mean I know how
to throw a bundle of clothes into the
washer and throw a tide podt in and
click go like it's not that some men
can't do that you'd be very
surprised surpris can't wash his own
clothes one of our friends from home
he's not like but that's that's a skill
you need to have and I'm proud you have
it thank you yeah I'm glad I can click
two buttons and pick things up fair
what's one slang word from your hometown
that the other wouldn't know you you go
first I got to think about this for a
second um do you know what Y is wait do
you know what a ute is a what like way
you no a you like a young a young like a
little a little kid yeah y call them
yous like a you like you're just kind of
sunning someone when you say that like
that would be like saying like I don't
know like
junior or something like that like it's
kind of the same like you call him like
a little a you it's just like putting
someone under you I feel like it's like
being like you're a you like you're a
little kid chill I never heard that it's
like a Toronto slang thing okay fair
enough what you know about Yonder like
Over Yonder okay you do know that maybe
what's another word I can give
him I don't know I got nothing put the
cricket sound over this please
please I was thinking that but I was
like I don't know you know you know what
a poochie bana
is what pooi bana P pooi bana is this
like an actual word or is this something
you've made up with your friend
something I've made up okay well yeah
I'm not going to know what that means
your cooter okay you know what a cooter
is yeah okay say I mean that say the
word Cooter yeah okay I thought you'd
have like a funny way of saying it no
like you did [ __ ] Pasta Pasta I'm
going to start saying pasta yeah you
like this kind of trending in the states
that's another word you could have used
pasta well you know what past is now I
do when you said it I was like I would
said past you would have been like I I
can't put together what that is yeah
exactly past I was like man all right
what's the next one what's the last lie
you told the last lie I told um y'all
are about to eat my ass up actually what
remember what I was telling you about
earlier the last lie I told was yeah
that's that's my cousin in my phone what
was the last lie I told um I don't know
I don't know if I have like a recent lie
okay be lying often like that do you lie
a lot sometimes when I got to okay fair
fair well that's all I told actually was
when they said are you okay when you
were coming up I was like no no actually
I said yeah I didn't I what did you say
I think you asked me that you're like
are you okay told me no one of yall
asked me that and I was like yeah I'm
okay I think when I walked in here
someone asked like if I was excited and
I said
you I'm kidding I'm kidding you want
that was a joke that that was a joke um
I mean yeah I don't know if I have a
last lie I probably like saying I got a
bogey today on a hole that I got a
double bogey playing golf maybe
something like that you play golf I love
golf I don't see you playing golf oh I
play it probably at least once a week
are you good H I'm all right just like
middle I would say this has like been
the first this summer has been the first
time I've really really been like oh I'm
going to play though set you and py up a
golf match he plays mm nice know what he
shoots don't ask me anything about golf
please don't it's all good I'll figure
it out when I'm on the course with them
okay fair enough fair fair Election Day
is coming up on November 5th 30% of
registered voters don't turn out to vote
and only 23% of people under 30 voted in
the last election how are we supposed to
have a say in our future if we're not
showing up at the polls don't be another
Nosh statistic hit up send the
talk now to register to vote it's
nonpartisan meaning they don't care who
you're voting for they just want to
ensure you can vote head over to send
the talk and they'll help you
sign up register and check if you're all
set you can also text talk to a 33022 to
learn more that's t a l k 2 33022 what's
your most controversial opinion or hot
tap um I'm going to I don't know I guess
I got a lot of uh slack for this
recently but like milk goes amazing with
pizza what disgusting yeah like eating
pizza with a glass of milk unreal you
drink white milk by itself all the time
yeah I would drink white milk any moment
of the day morning nighttime lunch I
pretty much have it with anything as
well but I'm just saying with pizza it's
really good maybe it's just a mean cuz
I'd be [ __ ] my brains out oh well
that just sounds like you're like
lactose intolerant yeah see and before
like we even figured that out just white
milk by itself I will not drink it
unless like there's been an Oreo in it
right the Oreo needs to be in it for to
drink the glass yeah cuz like adds a
little flavor to it and it don't taste
like milk no no I feel like it does I
really don't think it does whatsoever
unless you're like I don't know leaving
the Oreo in you drink straight white
milk straight milk I'll drink it out of
the out of the jug do you do that no I
can't say I do either I think a lot of
people don't maybe but that's why I said
I think I I get SLA that that's
definitely something that needs to be
disgusted all right let's do I have one
I don't know I'm not not really into
that kind of [ __ ] what
you're not into hot takes I mean what's
something I feel strongly opinionated
about I don't know I ain't into that
[ __ ] I don't know having opinions [ __ ]
that noise that's my heart take I have
no opinions I normally keep my opinions
to myself unless it's going to like one
or them so I don't know what something I
feel so strong about I know maybe you're
like anti-h handicap parking spaces
that'd be hot take okay what's something
that like most people agree with that
you have an opposite opinion over I
don't know I don't know what I'm
feeling maybe who you're voting for that
could be a hot take
no she told me to keep my mouth shut um
yeah let's not get on to that
actually I'm Canadian I don't have to
vote I don't even I just figured that
out this year y'all have like a what do
you call it a minister prime minister
yeah that's weird it's kind of cool
though I didn't know y'all done that and
then we met that girl in the bathroom in
New York she was from
Toronto and what was her relationship to
the prime minister so we were talking
about like our Vapes she was like we
don't have like Vapes here with like
flavors in and I was like why not she's
like oh the Prime Minister doesn't allow
and I was like prime minister I was like
what the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah
I thought y'all had president there I'm
no no we don't we don't I don't get out
much if you can't tell we also have
provinces instead of
States man just like Plato and Socrates
me and you you're gonna have to sit down
and educate me some more sometime yeah
someone needs to yeah probably you're
going to be sitting right there with me
I'm still trying to think of one so
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what you order cheeseburgers at maxican
restaurants oh yeah cheeseburgers at
Mexican restaurants you know what I can
get behind that you agree yeah I can get
behind that I feel like most of their
like American food they have is better
than their actual Mexican food huh like
our one we have like I'm just not a big
Mexican food guy so like I can get
behind the fact that you order a burger
I've been in like the mood for it it's
like Chinese too she can eat it every
day I can't okay no we're not aligned we
we we're not aligned anymore Chinese is
always good I agree Chinese is good all
the time and it's good cold and like
it's better the next day oh I'll take it
out the fridge just I'll run it cold
give me that cold chow I'll muck that up
you eat cold noodles I will yes that's
foul I don't like choose to eat them
cold I don't order it and put it in the
fridge and wait it's just like you know
if there's left over I'll still eat it
now if I got the munchies real bad I
could probably do that oh 100% but now
if I'm just
sober it seems like there's been a lot
of nose for you when you're sober and
you may need to expand on that a little
bit more yeah maybe there's something
there that you need to figure out just
for you you know you shouldn't always be
saying no unless you're not sober or
maybe like you shouldn't be saying yes
to things just because you're not sober
too you know okay you got me uh no I
just just trying to leave you with
something you know you like cold pizza
yeah I like cold pizza yeah cold pizza
is good okay we agree on something there
let's leave it at that okay do you have
like an outro for this thing or I don't
know are you still figuring that part
out we can make one up on the spot pasta
any bye hey y'all I hope you enjoyed the
show and if you haven't gotten yourself
any talk to a merch be sure to click the
link in the description below so we can
match tag me and talk to her while
you're watching the episode and let us
know what you think and before you go
don't forget subscribe to that thing
[Music] |
QtDQnM1Fkmg.txt | do you have like a certain type in man
like lookwise if you looked at my track
history it would look like you literally
just like walked into the DMV if I tell
you I love you you better say it back I
don't say that [ __ ] to just anybody you
know like that's there's an archetype of
guy that that is and it's like just
insecure little boy yeah what's the
craziest thing you've done for a man
well first of all the like the Clinton
situation like I knew that was happening
and still was with him what one moveing
bed that makes a mano crazy oh God
that's like
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welcome back to talk to her today's
guest is Miss Brooke over here can I get
a clap
for and then we got Stevie down here
that just about nipped off my finger for
a treat um heartley of course and then
Charlie hello
hello so what you
doing I'm nervous I'm scared what are
you nervous for I haven't I just like
never go on podcasts I feel like or
other podcasts that aren't mine so
I people talk to let's have some wine
I'm like yes I had to I feel like it's
tradition you have to have wine when
you're sitting in here though I do and I
just like envisioned like me meeting you
for the first time and we had to be
drinking that makes sense that does make
sense it makes a lot of sense besides
the other night when we went out that
that was harri that yeah Harriet came
out has anyone else ever invited you on
like their podcast yeah I mean I've gone
on a lot of podcasts but I haven't in
like a long time and I always drink
before yeah no matter what I don't know
why I I do it literally as my job and I
still like I'm scared cuz when I'm
drinking I feel like I can yap yap away
me too Chelsea has a dog that looks just
like this one her name is Maggie I have
a dog cat or cat dog like a cat that
acts like a dog that's okay I'll see him
where you dress it in clothes I do I
have to dress him in clothes or he won't
he literally he's he can rearrange
Furniture he's only s PBS and he's so
ferocious and horrible and awful and I
him you dress him in clothes yeah like
he thinks he can't move cuz cats are
like scared to like like he like topples
over when he wears it so if we need to
like cook or something we'll put his
little Lakers jersey on a I love that I
saw one where you put like a hat on him
yeah I put a i he has a little like wife
beater I don't think we're I don't think
we're supposed to say wife beater
anymore or he has like a little tank top
and he looks anymore I don't know well I
guess I mean if you think about it it's
like oh why did you agree to come on
here first of all because I'm your
biggest fan um I literally am so
obsessed with you I feel like I
gravitate toward anyone who like not
like not to be rude but everyone you get
like a lot of like hate on the internet
I feel like not
like just because it's like people are
like upset that you like blew up so
quickly and so it made me like love you
more because I'm like you just take it I
cannot take hate I hate it yeah I mean
sometimes I take it and other times I'm
just like [ __ ] you you know no but I
love it you ran with it and now like
didn't you just like start an app yeah
it's called the Pooky app see that's
like that's C like I'm just like I love
that you like Sease the moment and you
I'm upset talk Tu a best name ever who
came up with that by the way that one
right there you're a genius thank you I
always thought it was like going to be
like like somebody like brought it to
you that's like that's so funny and tana
like tana and I literally fought over
you she's like she thinks that you hate
her I love Tana that's the one person I
was like okay if I meet anybody I got to
meet T I know that I saw you say that in
a video like at the poker tournament and
I was like she loves you she's like no
she's ignoring me why does she think
that well now we know it's a
misunderstanding but I think it's like
just like Lost in Translation somewhere
but like I think we play phone tag like
she'll ignore me for 3 days and I'll
ignore her for like a week cuz I don't
ever check my phone I feel like both of
y'all are just all over the place yeah
we are she's hard to get a hold of and
she's hard to get in a room I can't
remember where she was when I was
texting her a few weeks ago she's on
vacation somewhere was she in Paris um
maybe Hawaii oh mhm no it was Hawaii no
it was Paris Paris she was in Paris did
she not go to Paris that's what I
thought I thought wasis maybe was Hawai
I don't know T goes everywhere I don't
know she goes everywhere I never know
where she is you should go to the poker
tournaments with her I can't play poker
she keeps like wanting to teach me how
to play but I've never I've never played
and I feel like she keeps going just
play in the tournament I'm like you
don't start playing poker in a
tournament yeah you
can't hard I didn't really yeah like you
you learned in the tournament or you
like like learned and immediately did
the I learned a few things before I went
but I didn't know exactly what I was
doing so I just kind of winged it I had
more fun just being there sitting at the
table talking to all these people I've
never met that's the fun part but I
don't know I just I'm hoping for like
beginner's luck but I also just feel
like I don't want to be embarrassed what
was that I was like 50th out of 80 out
yeah I know you did a lot better than
I but then the guy beside me I can't
remember which one it was I think it was
the guy who had the weird glasses on
what was his
name he was helping me out I don't think
he was supposed to but he I'd be
cheating well I didn't know what the
[ __ ] I was doing I was like well can I
lay this down he was like yeah you can
lay that down I was like okay whatever
you know he's helping me out well you
did well that's better than I would have
done I would have gotten out immediately
and then he said it last like up to 8
hours so I was like [ __ ] this I want to
go mingle so I put like all in and I was
like I know I ain't got nothing cuz like
my cards didn't go together and they're
like oh you're out and I was like you
sacrificed her spot on purpose that's so
me I'm like I got to go I went to a
movie premiere last night and like I was
literally 20 minutes into the movie and
I'm thinking like how am I going to tell
my friend next to me that I'm leaving
like I can't I cannot sit through this
and you went sing Gladiator too yeah it
was it was really good but I got too
drunk and I was like spinning and I was
like I have to go but those are the
worst like when you get into bed and you
got the spins I nor have to like open my
eyes and like up no I cannot hang like a
you how old are you 21 oh my God how old
are you 21 oh oh my God I would do
anything to be 21 again when I was 21 I
could drink like a [ __ ] tank but now
I'm not kidding I had maybe like three
glasses of champagne and I was throwing
up all night what throwing up all this
morning how old are you 20 I'm about to
be 28 when is your birthday not um in a
couple days the 26th happy
birthday but I'm like when I you it's
people say it and you don't believe it's
it's like oh I can drink forever but I
swear like the 25 Mark you can just like
no longer do it I'm just not much of a
drinker I don't guess really I mean I
can be but I have to be like I was about
say crowd or something like if I'm just
watching a movie or something at home I
can't drink or anything but if I'm out
like boogieing at a party or something
now I can I feel like that's everyone
right no I'm I almost like prefer to
drink in like a really like calm setting
like just your I don't either I I didn't
know if I imagined it or
not I don't know what that was I just
seen him Flow Away like what the [ __ ]
was that that I think it was a
flea wait they can't fly can they please
yeah they jump well I don't know I
figured out this year roaches can fly
what yeah roaches can fly I don't want
to know that information to be honest
I'm scared of bugs I got to do my
research when starts flying at me I'm
gone I feel like you would be want to
kill a bug like if I were to tell you
there was a bug you'd be like oh I got
it now if it's a spider that's okay but
a bug I'm probably going to sit on the
floor and cry is a spider not a bug yeah
it is it's an insect I think wait is
isn't it no it's a it's
an you know what you beat me too but I
was so excited to share that
fact I don't know what a ranade it is I
think it means they have eight legs or
something ew like a centipede mhm I
think centipede has like a thousand legs
oh those are sick goals yeah those are
sick I'm not a big bug person I'm not
either is anybody no I would hope not
all right y'all I'm trying to get
Chelsea to lock her man down before
Christmas damn let's not talk about
dating life please what are you getting
Pooky I think I'm going to get him some
new work boots for Christmas and maybe
like some more shirts and such he need
some more pants I tell you that much oh
that's sweet I like that now I know
you're not like officially with your
man's just yet but here's what I'm
thinking we get in a chairman prob
electric full shaver cuz I know that man
is woolly he's got to be that way he can
get a nice clean and smooth shave okay
or he can keep a rugged 5:00 shadow and
just match Pooky which do you prefer you
like that clean cut or some like some
little bit of both as long as he uses
manscape I'm cool with it the whole
thing's so easy to use and it's
waterproof it's got a travel lock on it
too for when he's traveling like on a
business trip or even just so we can get
away you know oh yeah plus both of the
interchangeable blad heads are skin safe
and they're designed to reduce skin
irritation and razor burn that way the
skin stays smooth and comfortable so it
sounds like when I make it official I
should get one for my man too yeah of
course why not but if he's a real man he
should already have one so if you're
looking for a thoughtful and practical
gift he'll actually use in love the
chairman Pro is the way to go get 20%
off in free shipping with the code Tua that's 20% off and free
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bundles so if you're 21 plus check out
our link for Via in the description what
are your thoughts on rodents though like
I don't mind them I feel bad for them me
too I had a mouse in my I lived in a
sorority house and it was like an old
house so obviously you have like rodents
there was a mouse in my room and I was
so excited about it I was like I was
like we cannot trap him he was so cute
and I'm like I swear to God he was like
animated he had like big ears huge ears
and like people were like there were
talks of him for weeks everyone's like I
think like there's a mouse in the house
I swear I've been hearing it and I and
you've been hanging out with them hang
out I was sitting so quiet in my room
one day and all of a sudden I saw him
peek over my trash can I was like oh my
God like he he's first of all the cutest
thing I've ever seen I called my house
Mom and I was like listen to me I saw
the mouse we cannot kill the mouse like
he's so cute please do not kill the
mouse she's like I promise I won't kill
the mouse a couple days later I'm
sitting at my desk typing away and I go
to sit on my foot like I stand up to sit
on my foot and there's a mouse trap on
my foot like one of the sticky inhumane
ones those are so sad yeah exactly and
I'm like I canot not believe this woman
whatever the mouse is already
attached literally so the mouse is stuck
to your foot the mouse trap and the
mouse are stuck to my foot and now I'm
look and he's still alive so I [ __ ]
scream bloody murder and everyone comes
to rescue the mouse I'm so mad at my
house Mom I'm like how dare you cuz at
least like do like a Humane trap where
you like Snap its Little Neck and then
he like doesn't suffer so all of us
every girl in the house took the mouse
outside on the little trap used allive
oil toy to get him off the little um
trap finally got him off and I swear to
God you guys I sound like I'm making it
up Hawk comes like from the sky and
him it sounds like a madeup story I'm
like nobody is ever going like if people
hadn't witnessed it nobody would believe
me that would have traumatized me so bad
it was the I was I never forgave her
Wendy my house Mom cter days that's so
an aunt named Wendy I understand so you
were in a sorority I was what school did
you go to uh you have
U what is that uh Unity of Arizona
Arizona honestly Virginia University of
Arizona it's like one of the biggest
party schools so that's where you grew
up right yeah oh what was your home life
like oh I'm like not the best honestly
but agree wait I'm a I'm a granny kid
too are you really yeah I was watching
your uh Clips earlier and I was like oh
my God we can relate yeah we're going to
click good did you for like did you
always live with your grandparents or
just it's like after I was N9 months old
I live with my granny start living with
yours when I was 9 years old so kind
kind of different yeah we got it working
out here but it's the best did you like
it I love it me too I still live with
her really yeah I love that I love my gr
wait where do you live it's like an hour
south of Nashville oh my God I feel like
you're like more country than most
people I like meet from
Nashville like you're you sound more
country than honestly any other person
I've ever met in my entire life like
it's like more south than Nashville is
that possible
yeah it's kind of out in the Boondocks
we don't have really much we got like a
a Taco Bell and McDonald's that's all
you need in my just got a Zach we did
just get a Zach be though what's a Zach
be what never heard of Z that's my
favorite chicken joint really yeah you
haven't ever had Zach be no I haven't
wait so where are you originally from
from I'm from Arizona it's like they
don't have we like cosplay country over
there oh no zxp no chicken joints
honestly y have wait we've been to
Arizona like Scott still yeah that's
like around where I'm from okay it's hot
there too hot yeah it was really hot
there you still close to your granny I a
well she has dementia so
she like is non-verbal now but bless her
heart but I go home and like I still go
home to my grandparents me and my
grandpa are super close and they're so
sweet they've been together since they
were 13 oh yeah 13 years old they've
been together they got married when they
were 19 and he's so cute he like he
takes care of her she's like like she
she can't like walk speak or do anything
now so he like puts her little hair in a
ponytail and her nails are always red
cuz her nails were always red like my
whole life and he paints them for her
it's so cute that's adorable it's like
horrible and sad but so cute I want to
get married immediately you're seeing
someone right now right I am I just
how's it going it's going really well
it's my first healthy relationship in my
entire life now I heard a story earlier
today in which I heard the story before
but I didn't know it was you the whole
Clinton Kane guy yeah I did not know
that was you it was
unfortunately that traumatized you any
it traumatized me completely that's just
bizarre it that man I don't I don't know
the most insane thing I've ever been
through but that was my last serious
relationship and that was like over two
years ago or like almost 3 years ago but
you got a healthy relationship now right
yes it's like I've never met or I've
never like you know when like like
someone really wants to be with you
right and you obviously just like don't
want to be with that person that's what
I do every single time you sound just
like me we actually talked about getting
high T night and having a pros and cons
list and figuring out what she's got
going on over here yeah you listen to me
it's like a Canon event when you're
young like when I was 21 that was like
my thing I'm like ew you like me I've
got to go yes and I've also know nothing
but toxic relationships so I'm like he's
good I'm scared I got go I'm in a
healthy relationship wait good for you
that honestly you're ahead of the game
at 21 it took me so long and like a
million people can tell you but until
you like learn it for yourself like
you're just not going to it's just going
to keep happening but I finally like I
went into this and I was like he's too
sure about me and I like it scared you a
little bit it did it scared me cuz I was
like like I know that the progression of
this is like we just date immediately
and there will be nothing wrong with him
and that like freaked me out but I was
like let me just try it one time and
it's like the best thing I ever did I
was like okay thank God I felt that way
too so how did you meet him um he's just
like a mutual friend or we had a mutual
friend but he was in a relationship for
a long time and so he never came around
I just like heard talks of him and then
we finally met and I immediately was
like please date me a that's sweet what
do he do to like be romantic every he
just he makes my life so much easier he
cooks and he cleans and he's so like
he's such like a
housewife we know who he is if said no
okay which I love also that's a good
thing I had a phase of like wanting to
be with the talent don't I don't dream
of it yeah I like well I just wanted
someone with like a long like a exciting
life and like that usually comes with
like being an artist being mhm like a
comedian or whatever it was and it it
never end comi never every person I've
everal to about is always like don't
date someone that's like a celebrity or
like yeah like it's just hor and like
I'm I have a problem with like adapting
my life to somebody else's so if they're
doing something like crazy and exciting
it's like I don't have time to do
i' rather just like and I like you would
always be like comparing yourself to him
you know yeah and especially if you're
both like in the publica it makes guys
insecure like I I would never feel weird
about like a guy having like success but
guys always feel weird about girls
having success it's weird cough cough
Zack Bryan yeah wait what are you guys's
thoughts on Zack Bryan why am I talking
like I'm country now like I'm literally
cosplaying that [ __ ] I don't know that
[ __ ] [ __ ] me up a little bit cuz like
I like them two together but he didn't
have to go and do all that to her and I
was such a big fan girl of Zack bran
like it was crazy now I'm like I'm
depressed I'm his biggest fan like I he
would he was like my number one artist
on Spotify I like I was gagged when
browna started dating him and he blocked
me first of all I like and I went to go
like my boyfriend sent me his Instagram
the other day cuz I was like can I try
like check something really quick
blocked me why I don't know Tik Tok is
like what do you say [ __ ] me for yeah
have you you you know I could go check
has he ever have you ever talked about
him on a podcast well yes but he blocked
me he blocked me beforehand but I think
just because like I had met him through
bana so I think anyone even like
slightly affiliated with ban he blocked
but I was like I wonder if he blocked me
I caught a stray I'm going to go look
now if you've ever spoken about him he's
your block we did speak about him when
we had Brion and I think that's when
like things were like rough between it
was like nobody knew that they were
broken up at that time and I think she
kind of like alluded to it she was like
I wish I never dated someone famous yes
and I was like something's up so I like
felt asking personally bad to say about
him his team was really good to us when
we done like the Revival thing with him
oh you did that yeah oh how fun this the
whole team was like really good to us
but now him I never actually had a
conversation with him like to his face
to where I could tell you if he was nice
or not I did and I thought like we had
like this amazing night I went to
Cleveland to do planb live and he was
was there and I was like I I didn't know
he was going to be there and I'm his
biggest fan so I was like oh [ __ ] oh
[ __ ] and best night ever he was so nice
I thought that they were like great and
apparently he's The Biggest Loser of all
time that's what I'm saying it was just
too similar to the Clinton situation for
me to not be like oh I hate this man
exactly like that's there's an archetype
of guy that that is and it's like just
insecure little [ __ ] [ __ ] boy yes
and I can't get behind it we're we're
about to be blocked after this podcast I
don't give a [ __ ] already blocked like
[ __ ] like yeah what changed y'all's
taste in
men I don't honest to God I feel like
the last time I really went through it I
was like please if you love yourself at
all do not put yourself in this position
again and it's like you know when you
know something's going to be bad and you
do it anyway yeah I've been there in one
of those but I don't know well you had
like you and Pooky had like a long like
startup kind of you have like one of the
very very few situationships into
relationship tropes cuz that never
happens for literally anybody except for
you it was worth waiting for though yeah
like I I knew there was some good behind
him so I'm getting it all now I guess
see he's a little Peach I love that
though cuz it was like I don't know I I
just like every situationship I've ever
been in I obviously want it to turn in a
Rel to a relationship and it obviously
never did and so I love to see somebody
else live my dream this is the first one
I've succeeded in I'm glad the other
ones didn't work out
it worked out the way it did I'm glad it
did too I have never seen her ever act
like that towards a man like you know
you see people in like public that hold
hands and I'll kiss and [ __ ] that makes
me want to throw up and die but like if
he does it to me I'm like [ __ ] okay you
know that's always I was always so
miserable seeing everyone else happy and
now that I'm happy I'm like like I'm
like that's why can't even get mad at
her cuz I'm like I get it yeah I get it
she's happy I like usually I would be
like okay well why would you want to be
was someone who like wasn't sure about
you right away but I loved like what he
said about like how he like wanted to
make sure that he like he could give you
exactly what you wanted I'm likey went
over the audience I completely subscribe
to the idea that a guy should be more
into the girl and like I agree I it's I
love my boyfriend I'm obsessed with my
boyfriend but I like one time a girl
told me she was she's married and like
happily married and she was like marry
the guy who likes you more than you like
him and I feel like it started out that
way and now I'm just like so obsessed
with him good when did you tell him you
loved him I I told you I it's
historically in every relationship I've
ever been in I've always said it first I
can't help it if I know I'm going to
tell you yeah and I can't shut the [ __ ]
up but I I did exactly what you did I
was drunk oh
God I I vaguely remember it and I wish I
didn't but like I was like I have secret
I I he he's like what the [ __ ] is your
secret and then I told I love you and I
told him like literally so early on into
our relationship but we had a majorly
accelerated relationship to but he said
it back right yeah Pooky didn't say it
backi didn't say it back no the first
time I said it he was like what the [ __ ]
did this [ __ ] just say to me well but
didn't you didn't you say it when you
guys were like not dating yeah and we
were also hammered and having sex yeah
sometimes okay that's don't say that go
go his mama watches this you said it
yeah you already you already said it
it's fine yeah I had that happen to me
and so you don't usually assume that
someone means it cuz it's like obviously
your judgment is clouded in that moment
so I probably wouldn't have said it back
either if someone said it to me in that
situation fair enough but I don't I
don't think anything's weird about the
girl saying it first normally me trying
to like normalize I'm like I don't
either but I just can't bring myself to
it really like I can't I have to like
beat her when she's like about to leave
or something like okay I'm bye I love
you you she like I tell you guys I love
you all time you didn't say I love you
no I say all the time to y'all half the
time I don't ever hear it and I'm like
did you say it and you're like yeah I
said it and I'm like okay and I'll go on
about my day I get so offended if I tell
you I love you you better say it back I
don't say that [ __ ] to just anybody you
know I agree I think every time I've
ever said I love you to someone I am
very confident that they love me back I
wouldn't say it if I didn't think they
loved me back that's like me looking at
this guy over
here I love
you response I'm afraid of getting we
didn't get very far answer do you have
like a certain type in man like
lookwise if you looked at my track
history it would look like you literally
just like walked into the
DMV like it I've never that every guy is
so like different from one another it's
like I can't believe I've even found
people that okay same I was like I feel
like I don't have a set type either it's
like all over the place I don't but it's
cuz I usually don't date for looks same
so it like could really be anybody yeah
and sometimes I wish I was dating for
looks trying to think I'm like do I have
a certain type do
I um they all had like dark hair like
blue eyes besides that's a type besides
that one yeah buzz cut you had a buzz
cut I love a buzz cut well he ended up
get is that what you call that a buzz
cut are you talking about we can cut
that out a cut that out are is that what
you're talking about well he has dark
hair but Haley drove him crazy to the
point where he shaved his head
that is so
admirable he's we're
still okay terms I think for the most
part so I don't think I drove him too
[ __ ] crazy I mean he's still keeping
it bald did he tell you that or was like
it was like implied it was like right
after they like ended things the next
time I seen him I was like I texted
Haley and I said he's bald and she was
like what and I was like he bald or
buzzcut cuz those are just like
different seen them I've seen him from
AAR saw like this [ __ ]
yes I was like he's cuz he used to have
a head full hair and next time I seen
him I was like this [ __ ] made him shave
his head honestly so me though like
every time I get out of a relationship I
have to have like a drastic change to my
whole person but I also changed my like
I hate to admit this but in all my
relationships until this one I've
changed my entire personality to match
them so it's like I was just like
literally riding horses like thinking I
was country in my last relationship it's
like I didn't need to do all that dude I
seen that on your like Instagram you
I I liked it so I committed to the bit
and like I still love horses and stuff
but I did that fully for a man what's
the craziest thing you've done for a man
um well first of all the like the
Clinton situation like I knew that was
happening and still was with him for
like a good month I feel like every girl
has that dulu yeah when you're just like
I yeah I'm going stick beside him try to
make it work you know yeah but why like
that was like no that that that was too
[ __ ] far that right there would have
got him a brick over the head from my
end but I would I I needed somebody to
talk some sense into me but I couldn't
tell my friends so we friends like that
that need some serious help with the men
they pick but it's I feel like it's a
normal stage everyone goes through it
yeah but also if you're lying to your
friends ever get rid of that guy cuz
it's like yeah that's how I know every
single time like if I am embarrassed to
tell my friend something like I should
not be with that person I'm trying to
convince myself that my one friend that
I have is is just going back to the same
guy until she gets tired of him and then
she's just going to like give him the
boot but I I don't know if we're going
to get there Chelsea wait what are your
guys' thoughts on like the theory like
go back and tell you hate him I think
you should do say that every time like
yes that's what we tell our friends feel
that way I've done it but my problem is
I'm not confident enough that I can make
like ever hate them do you keep in touch
with your ex or anything I I don't I
can't think of one ex that would even
still be in the same room as me to be
that's fair enough like are you on bad
terms all of them but like every
relationship that I've had has been like
a real extreme like circumstance where
it's like I feel like neither one of the
two I know about are like your fault
though you I mean I feel too but also
it's like at what point am I the problem
you know like how many times can
something like that happen and it's like
wait maybe it's you I don't think it's
you well thank you well I think it's my
choices like I think I'm like again I
was was going for these guys that I I
was like this is going to be a huge mess
I should do this you did it for the plot
I did the plot but then I got like real
like trauma in the process it happens I
don't talk to either one of mine I mean
I'm not on bad terms with them or
anything but I don't talk to him either
it's like you know you shouldn't cuz
you're in hell yeah I'm happy over here
keep that [ __ ] away from me yeah I
don't want my boyfriend talking to any
of his exes and I will I'll avoid mine
too although like I guess that's not
even by choice like you let your
boyfriend have girlfriends yeah oh yeah
I think I'm okay with it too as long as
I know they're just girlfriends now if I
see something else in there you done
four uhuh I this is like my first time
I've ever been in a relationship it felt
like you have to wor really trust him
yeah I agree with that I'm usually like
a go through their following look at
every single like Photo they've ever
posted see if he's liked them and when
all the tag photos like that's me that's
what I was telling her last night Pooky
said his phone down beside me and I
heard him over there snoring I was like
looking at the phone looking at the TV
looking at the phone looking at the TV
and I was like I trust him I roll over
and went to bed I didn't even look at it
a good for that's how you know why so
why are you keeping your new man a
secret is there like a reason or he just
like I don't feel like he's a secret I
posted him oh like did you people know
who he is I no people don't know like
like I guess I thought we were asking
like if he was like known but oh yeah no
I like I post his face like I don't care
if people see him he's just like kind of
private like his Instagram's private he
doesn't want like he wouldn't come to
the Gladiator Premiere he's like
absolutely not like I just don't he
doesn't want anything to do with it
which is like such a green flag to me
you've influenced me me and Pooky had a
chat yesterday about like if he needs to
make his Instagram private and I was
like you know what no I trust you
whatever but then again I got my doubts
it's not like a him thing I'm worried
about it's just I don't know it's just
other women messaging him and then I got
something on my Snapchat story today and
it was like yeah pooky's been texting
this uh friend of his as girlfriend
that's [ __ ] there was one I saw in
the comments it was like Kelby looks
like a gay Mr Beast oh yeah I saw that
and I was like what the [ __ ] does that
mean I don't even think he looks like Mr
Beast wait kby is that py
maybe what k e l b y Kelby Kelby Kelby
you sounded so country when kby Kelby
it is kale that's such a cute name
though everyone sits on it too I'm like
that's so cute I love that name do you
guys think you'll name like your kids n
something normal or no no I'm going to
name mine after my best friend oh like
mlay it's going to be after Maddie
that's so cute I want kind of like a boy
name though like we were talking about
earlier though like Blake I like that
like Blake mlay don't be steal my
[ __ ] baby name names just for like a
girl I haven't thought about boy names I
don't I only think about girl names too
but I have I have a cat Nam Murphy and I
even though her name is Murphy I my
firstborn will be named Murphy no matter
what Murphy I love that and I'm going to
have Murphy and Murphy for however many
years Murphy is still alive I love that
that is golden you haven't thought about
any kid names have you I only think
about like boy names really okay what
you get like this is y'all going to be
like what the [ __ ] but I like Rigsby no
I think it's so cute I don't see I knew
she was going to make that face no I was
thinking I was like that's off of
something isn't it I think so I think I
heard it somewhere and I was like that's
so cute that is cute I I feel like I've
heard that somewhere too I had like I
hate when people start doing like crazy
spellings though and it'll be like
Bailey and it's like b a y l e g i h oh
[ __ ] yeah I'm almost how fun when she
sign my birth certificate mind that no
people spell Haley that way but it's
like you know when like it'll be like
Amberly and it's like and it's spelled
with like l e i g h and it's got like
some other [ __ ] in and I'm like what
yeah IM being a teacher and you're
asking a kid like how do you spell your
name baby oh oh Blake b l c k e y just
yeah whatever El
s and you know what I should have
thought about that before I made that
comment did you ever watch the secret
live of Mormon Ms I haven't watched it
but people always say I look like one of
the girls you do who is it I can't
remember her name you look like one of
them though she does like a never
watched it you look kind of like Demi
she's a bad [ __ ] I will say that she's
a [ __ ] I've never SE I've never seen her
but I got into it I come from like a
pretty Mormon area like a lot there was
a lot of Mormons in my school we had
like Seminary at my
school I like that show I it's just so
interesting I was like there's no way
all this [ __ ] goes on in there I know
and like do you think it's like do you
think like the the traditional Mormon
Community is like really offended by the
show I haven't actually seen it so like
probably I could they're probably yes
I'm sure they probably knew by then that
they were like Jack
Mormon do what like if you just I don't
know go crazy or whatever they like
disown you I know the menites do it I
had a girl my my high school she was
like one of my close friends but she was
dating a Mormon guy converted then she
like went on this like crazy drug binge
converted again and it was like back and
forth and I was like at what point are
they like you cannot come back yeah like
and you can't be like revered like
you're supposed to be like a virgin yeah
but then they like do soaking like have
you heard about
soaking I found your friend what
he's in my is not that dude he was over
here sitting with
me oh he's he's probably so [ __ ] up
swimming in there oh poor God at least
you died drunk what did what did forget
Mormons oh have you heard about soaking
uh-uh where they like like a guy will
like enter a woman and then they just
stay still and because there's no like
actual thrusting it's not legal they
just sit there yeah they just sit there
and like there's rumors that sometimes a
third party will shake the bed so that
it's like they're not personally making
any movements but like the world is
moving and so therefore they no but it's
a thing the do that have you not heard
of the bed sheet Theory no evidently
they cut a hole in it like so they can't
see each other and they like put it over
the woman and then they put their pecker
in the hole and I I don't get I'm so
serious that's all granny reads like her
smut books it's like Amish smut books I
swear to you there's like 10 in the
couch I'm so serious what's a smut book
like a like a dirty book did you not
ever read that book Icebreaker uh-uh
that [ __ ] was dirty I really like that
book hear me out need to read it I love
when a book is like a little like crazy
but then it's like if anyone's read read
it I'm like afraid to be in the airport
and they like know I'm like lowkey
reading like a porno I always get
paranoid somebody like looking over my
shoulder if I'm in like public me too or
if you're watching like a scary movie on
or like a like sexy movie on the plane
or you got skip it just so pretend I'm
not watching there's nothing worse than
like when I'd be watching like a movie
in my bedroom if it was like a rainy day
outside you know it was like a little
cool outside and I'd be watching all the
50 Shades movies and Granny would open
the door I'd just I'd pause that
[ __ ] I'd be like yes granny and
it be paused at the nastiest part and
she's like what the [ __ ] is that and I'm
like ah I don't know some movie that
come on I love it it's just prob watches
those too though she reads the gr lik
her soap operas she loves those and
there's nothing more sexual than a soap
opera honestly yeah that's kind of gross
E I just thought about that gr gr
Granny's a girl too yeah yeah she
probably had she probably had a HW Tua
face I need to ask her that she probably
smacked me in my
mouth M her heart that's so interesting
to think I don't even like to think
about that I don't want to think about
it either cuz like sometimes she'll go
like she's divorced my papa and so he
like lives in our backyard and his
little cabin but sometimes he'll go
she'll go up there me like you can't get
rid of me yeah he's just up there he
don't ever bother nobody he always waves
at us you know carries on about his
business with his little dog but
sometimes she'll go up there and I can't
ever find her and she'll be up there for
a while she's like oh he cooked me
breakfast did he did he cookie breakfast
granny Honestly though I like I don't I
think I'm with her on that one I think
that's okay I don't want to think about
it though like honestly I get it yeah
and it's just convenience right in your
backyard don't you ever say that to me
about my granny I hope my ex husband
loves me enough to move in my
backyard well there were still married
when he moved in the backyard oh well
that's how you know and then he went to
prison for a few years cuz he shot okay
I better not say that happened to
everybody honestly yeah he's just a
little goofy we still love him though
yeah I don't have a family member that
hasn't been to prison not even one I
feel like I have a bunch that's been
like in and out of jail me too it's like
a right of
passage I agree except for me I'm the
only one who hasn't been to prison I
either yeah I you think I think I'd have
a good time in prison honestly my mom
went to federal prison and she loved it
in there it's like
Camp I wonder my mom's ever been to
federal prison I know she's been to jail
a lot Jail jail sucks I think jail sucks
and state prison sucks but federal
prison like you have iPads and like hair
salons that'd be kind of fun though yeah
exactly and like free food no rent
time I'm like prison's amazing sometimes
I like lowkey like want my mom to go to
prison I'm like that would be so good
for her bless her yeah but Martha
Stewart went
there Martha Stewart
what Haley don't she cook yeah she
cooked what she was cooking up she was
cooking up some she was cooking up some
uh illegal stock information she went to
prison for like tra like like she was
owned like a bunch of stock in a company
I think and then they were about to go
under something and she sold like
mysterious like she had in a tip like
she they told her like listen like you
should sell and she did and then she
went to prison for it which
honestly like I would do if somebody
tipped me off and was like oh you're
about to lose a bunch of money I would
have done it too but it's like honestly
same but also like how can you control
if someone gives you the tip or not like
what if they just told me that and now I
just had to do it but she only went for
like a year but it was like one of her
biggest things she got like Martha
Stewart got cancelled and then she
wasn't back
until she like I mean she lost like
billions of dollars had to sell her
company but then she did the Justin
Bieber roast honestly you have to just
watch her documentary that's not where
I'm getting all this inform podcast I
don't know if Martha would come on the
canceled podcast but Martha you're
welcome if you want to come I would die
I'm obsessed with her so are you excited
about coming back from being canceled
yeah I mean if I don't know if there's
such a thing as coming back from being
cancelled but like I'm I'm hopeful I try
you got any tips to keep us away from it
um I don't know I don't if I knew how to
stay away from it I would have hopefully
not been canceled to begin with but fair
enough yeah I mean Tana's like really
helpful in it she'll like talk to me
about it cuz obviously she's been
canceled a million times and she's like
like there's just nothing you can do you
know what I mean I just don't see Tana
not getting canceled it's [ __ ] Tana
she says anything she thinks of that's
what I like most about her though yeah
and she's like she's got tougher skin
than I do so she's like you just can't
you know what I mean like it's your job
like you have to keep keep pushing you
know what I mean so that's kind of what
I've done but
she like I don't know she's
inspirational she's like they call her
like cockroach of the internet cuz she
just like she just won't
go she's like she's like your grandpa
she's like me in a relationship really
cancelled like she's well you have to be
like if if some like you have to say
like oh I'm cancel like you have to
disappear to be canceled and she just
hasn't in history so she was kind of
like helpful in that she was like well
just keep posting like there's just
nothing you can do I freaking love her
she's amazing when I met her at poker
and where did I mean right was it the
bathroom mhm I love that woman as soon
as I laid eyes on her I was like
ah oh my god dude she's perfect she is
perfect I'm obsess with her I feel like
she's like people like because she's
known to be like a face tuner I feel
like people assume that she's not going
to be like yeah and you see her in
person and she looks like she's been
face tuned in person she pisses me off
like get out of face like you look
perfect she serves every bit of it she
got ass face titty she got it all man I
know when she's smart and she's rich and
she's everything [ __ ] yeah you just
can't beat Tana you can't and there's
also no one like her no there really
isn't how did you guys meet we just met
at a random party and like her whole
group is all influencers so I just like
kind of
like we like ended up there one day and
never left so was it like was it her
podcast or did you guys started out
together it was her podcast but she had
called me the day of and was like will
you just be on the first episode and it
was like it was originally three of us
me her and our friend Hunter and then I
just was on every episode after that and
so were you nervous I was so nervous
like in the beginning I'm sure you guys
have experienced it too but like exactly
in the beginning it's just like you
don't it's not natural like like it
feels strange like even if it is like a
conversation with your best friend it
feels like weird because it's like
there's camera that's exactly how it was
for us especially cuz we wasn't like in
the influencer world like we we were not
used to any of it it's strange and still
like we struggle a little bit like it's
admirable that you guys have like guests
like we can't have guests cuz like
neither of us are good well she's better
than I am but like we struggle with like
interviewing and not talking over a
guest and like we just suck at it so we
try to just do only
that's what we want to do we want to do
like a podcast with just us like an
episode at least yeah you should like
sprinkle them in cuz like sometimes when
people like want to just watch you like
if someone comes in that they don't know
they're not interested in the episode
you know what I mean like a lot of
people tell us too like we want to hear
what y'all have to say and we're
like you should and that's when you like
really like exactly like when it's just
us like you'll get so much funny [ __ ]
out of Haley and like everyone will love
it that's the thing like it's every the
best market for podcasts is like best
friend conversations I feel like at
least in our experience like when we
have a guest on every single time
without fail it could be like the best
guest ever in our opinion and the
comments will be like we want solo
episodes [ __ ] yeah I saw Tana do one I
think she was in Hawaii one time and she
done like on her balcony on her phone I
was like I envy this woman she can do it
anywhere she's just so entertain she can
make a story out of anything it's like
the most amazing thing in the world what
was that her and her boyfriend were for
Halloween I was giggling they were
Avatar and oh yeah yeah and Corbin blue
whatever his character's name was chadad
oh yes I do remember seeing that I saw
it and I was like all right they win
they won it they were so funny they
dressed up as Avatar because they like
um they got caught up watching Avatar
porn what which I didn't know that I
didn't know it existed but apparently
there's like pretty much everything you
could possibly imagine out there so
there's a lot of sick things on the
internet but I just can't IM like is
there really a market for that like are
there people who are searching like
Avatar porn I mean apparently yeah how
think of that though did you ever have
you obviously had class with like all
the football players and [ __ ] do you
know what nugget porn is is it little
people it's sick it's what was it was
nugget porn the one with no limbs or was
it the no it's little people they showed
me one with no limbs one time like it
was just these two people they had no
limbs and they were like I don't I don't
even know what you call that they they
couldn't you know do nothing you know
what some people like that [ __ ] so but
it seems like almost so specific cuz
it's like how many people in the world
don't have limbs right and then out of
those people how many want to get into
the adult film
industry so it's really special actually
there's a lot of weird [ __ ] on the
oh well did you say Mike Tyson's cheeks
I did do you guys think that was
intentional I thought it was funny I
thought it was hilarious I thought it
was like an office bit but then
everyone's like Netflix is going to get
sued like yeah I saw that but I think it
was intentional like why else would his
cheeks just be out I keep seeing Tik
toks of him and I just want to give him
a hug I seen him in a bumblebee costume
and I was like stop did you watch his
Barbie unboxing when he had the little
Strawberry Shortcake dog he's like so
sweet and he's so sweet it was depressed
did you guys watch well of course you
did you were you there mhm I was so sad
how fun it was so much fun but I hated
watching him get hit cuz I'm like he's
he's older that was your and Pookie's
first outing together right yeah for the
most part besides like Target and stuff
but we weren't together cuz me and you
sat together and then him and Maddie sat
in the box thingy together so I don't
know I feel like the effects didn't hit
like they should have cuz he he wasn't
with me the whole time but we were still
walking around with them at the event
yeah did you not hear that crowd when we
were getting on the
golf hilarious scared me does this
overwhelm him like all
I think he eats it up personally he
likes it he likes a littleit he's
excited I think everybody does so yeah
you're lying if you say you don't like
it like in some capacity it's exciting
and it's fun I mean [ __ ] when all this
[ __ ] first started happening with me I
was like okay that's [ __ ] you already
had Pooky for like years at that point
right so was that so I would have felt
so [ __ ] I would have been like check
this one out look what I did I was
excited hey also he was involved right
didn't you say like didn't you say it in
the video which one Pooky like in the
hot love you p where's a hat at
for oh [ __ ] I got you a present my dumb
ass oh my God I'm glad I said that oh my
God this is the best day of my life I'm
going to wear this every day and it
literally looks like what I'm wearing
right now I knew the color oh that
matches perfectly it does match perfect
oh my God I'm so excited I think I left
mine at your house what's the most
embarrassing online moment you've
well I know mine go ahead what is it
maybe we getting can
oh yeah getting canell or
um honestly like everything was
like I don't know do you have
one I'm going to
say that video you know the one where I
was singing Mega [ __ ] song Oh yeah and
everybody said I'm pigeon toad [ __ ]
y'all I thought it was the cutest video
so mean were that's now I have I
literally have one you made me think of
one my Glam bot okay I was so excited
about my Glam bot I thought that up and
it was on like the most it was literally
like there was a compilation of the most
awkward Glam Bots and I was on it and I
was like I posted it like I grid posted
it myself like I liked it that much and
then everyone was like oh I hate that I
too like you post something you feel so
good about everybody's like what the
[ __ ] is this and you're like like that I
had a big forehead like
dude evidently I got a lazy eye I ain't
got a lazy eye I just got a twitch I
have a twitch too it's just when you
smile too hard you just it goes little
yeah that's okay you're just really
happy I take it back the most
embarrassing video is the one they
posted me this weekend when I was on the
[ __ ] Dance Floor [ __ ] that [ __ ] that
wasn't even embarrassing it was [ __ ]
hilarious you should never be
embarrassed to be fine exactly thank you
I was boogieing Chelsea said I know our
jacket's coming
off that [ __ ] was funny what's something
that recently humbled you
oh is it the same yeah
probably honestly the internet just
humbles me every single day like I'll
feel good about myself and then I'll
check like my comments and it'll be like
this is the most awkward person like
even just last night I was so like
excited at the Gladiator Premiere I was
like feeling so good and everyone's like
why are her arms always like that and
I'm like how do you even do wrong arms
like I'm glad we're not the only ones
that get [ __ ] like that like it's just
at the fight so excited like I
understand something that's valid like
you're upset about something like valid
but I literally there was a video the
other day about how I was blinking too
hard in the Jeffree Star Episode dude I
love you honestly they were
right but
like the internet literally just picks
out anything they can find wrong with
you but you'll click on their profile
picture and it's like them like just
cheesing in their mom's basement or
something my favorite is and I'm sure
you get this too but it's follow back
yes like why why are you writing like
horrible things about me and then
following me and you follow like 30
people it's really just people who are
unhappy with themselves exactly I never
written a hate comment and I exactly the
only time I get that way is when I see
something and my comments I don't like
about like my friends or something like
I saw about Grace o Ali A few weeks ago
that [ __ ] tore me up I was in the
comments eating that [ __ ] it pissed me
off so bad and she's like literally like
the best person I've ever she's such a
sweetheart like I don't understand how
anybody couldn't like her and I read
something and it really just it's just
miserable people miserable people just
want to make other people miserable but
Grace M's like actually my favorite
person exactly like she's just happy to
[ __ ] be there leave her the hell
alone so yeah humbling internet is there
any celebrity that you guys would use as
a hall
pass I'm content with my man and that is
my answer that is my answer right there
I ain't get I'm like [ __ ] that's not my
answer saying I'm totally kidding but I
just had this conversation last night
cuz uh pal has Paul Mescal is in
Gladiator and he's so did you watch like
do you know Paul Mescal no he's like
he's new to me cuz I like just only have
seen him in normal people but I knew he
was going to be there last night and I
was straight up told my boyfriend I'm
like check it out I'm going for Paul and
he's like go have fun like he's so
secure he's like okay I would never
actually do anything cuz I love him
but he like I
mean I love I me he's so hot you ever
seen uh what's his name Ian summer
holder oh yes of course you watch
Vampire Diaries [ __ ] yeah I love Vampire
Diaries I guess that'd be mine okay so
good but like as Damon
yeah like that please okay let's
see is there anyone you'd get in the box
and ring with oh [ __ ] honestly like I've
thought about like knowing how much
money they make I'm like [ __ ] I'll fight
someone that's what I'm saying beat my
ass for 20 million hell I don't give a
damn should we fight each other and just
like contractually like I'd laugh my ass
off we would have it's got to be
somebody I actually hate though I no but
like I would too many people would rally
behind you out would get insecure like
no they'd probably behind you I like
especially like the fighting Community
they would be like H like so excited
they got one time to boo me though and
I'm going to cry I would thing I don't
have Tough Enough skin for it but I
don't either if for the for the right
payout I will fight any I'll fight Mike
Tyson at this point you know hell yeah
me too
who would you fight Chelsea you no I'm
just [ __ ] I'm just you know you would
I wouldn't I couldn't actually I say I
would but I wouldn't Chelsea's got
Jojo Jojo would beat my ass
Joo JoJo would I be it knocked out in
the first three seconds she could go
like one I really like could take all of
us H she was even a sweetheart she is
and I I [ __ ] with Jojo I her too she's
gone back and forth like I get confused
sometimes Chelsea holiday season's
coming up you know what would be
exciting to have for it what $100,000
for gift shopping nothing too big if
only there was a way to make $100,000 so
I can get every gift I could possibly
want and ideally making that 100K while
having fun and watching sports oh wait
better pic is only pick on fantasy app
where you can win $100,000 all NFL
season long you're one better pick line
up away from winning
$100,000 download better make an 100K
lineup and go have the best holiday
season in your life download better play
better picks she she came on
cancelled um I had like a minute where I
was like I don't know if I'm on team
JoJo but she really wanton me back
lately no yeah that was me at first it
was like before I met her like I was
like I don't know she kind of scares me
then I met her and I was like wait I I
[ __ ] with you I think she's just like a
brilliant business person like I think
she's 10 steps ahead and we all just
like didn't get it until we got it you
know what I mean and how she deals with
hate like I love it that's how she won
me over I was like she gets hate on on
she gets hated on like every day like I
always see something on Tik Tok of her
and it's just [ __ ] mean but she's
still out here having fun with it and
she's happy so much richer than all of
us and I just you know I it has a car
with her face on it I think she has four
cars with her face on it dude I want to
drive one she told me I could yeah she
has I think to cancel she brought her
Lambo truck with her face on it that is
so sick JoJo is so swag she's just
marches the beat of Her Own Drum all
right I got one more question for you
what's one moveing bed that makes a
mango crazy oh see I should have been
prepared for this question and I'm so
scared of
it I don't know I'm like so I'm known
for like being and I hate to say this
but I'm like such a just like lay there
like dead fish that's
me that's my like normal move I I have
no HW Tua in me I've got it takes a real
woman to admit that though and you know
what I'm not ashamed of it and there is
a market for that and I'm TI I'm tired
of people coming for me for it because
some people just like that like it's
normal I think missionary is so I'm like
[ __ ] I'm proud it takes a real woman to
that um yeah I don't know if I have a
good idea she wins she wins at all the
question what was the what was the trick
that Tana was talking about on FaceTime
oh God that's like
it's something I discovered by accident
and it's so mortifying but it's not even
something in bed it's like literally a
masturbation situation but on tour like
I was in a real extenuating circumstance
no I understand don't explain yourself
to me how [ __ ] understand it was like
a it honestly it was an emergency okay
and and the like I used a vibrator on
the toilet like not even like not
obviously while I was going to the
bathroom but like there was nowhere to
go I couldn't be in the shower cuz the
shower was flooding and I just sat on
the toilet and it was like actually a
life-changing experience and I should be
ashamed to admit that but it was so
life-changing that I would be doing
everyone a disservice to not tell you
about it so just try don't knock it till
you try it sitting up you don't have to
be on the toilet but the toilet is
convenient cuz there's a
hole You you got to be the funniest
[ __ ] I've ever met no but I'm
not kidding and now and now it's like
how do I explain this to a man because
it's like I have to be sitting up
because no like laying it just is isn't
the same thing so I'll be upright
and that's just it and it it's I go I I
told T this and it's like I I don't know
how to say this without being offensive
but I go complete Stephen Hawking
like like
paralyzed because it's like I literally
move and you know
what that's my that's my um one one move
that make you go crazy that's her hot
take yeaha and I've said too
much wow well thank you for coming on
talk to we will definitely not forget
you thank you so much for T we will see
you next right hey y'all I hope you
enjoyed the show and if you haven't
gotten yourself any talk to a merch be
sure to click the link in the
description below so we can match tag me
and talk to her while you're watching
the episode and let us know what you
think and before you go don't forget
subscribe to that thing
[Music] |
4sEcfGHc5QE.txt | do you want to make $50,000 on the
biggest fight of the year the Jake Paul
Mike Tyson fight is finally here and
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picks for five questions on Paul Tyson
if you go five for five you're taking
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know [ __ ] about boxing but even I can
answer these questions one of them is
literally will somebody get their ear
bit off in this fight uh obviously
getting the better app in Play Welcome
Back to talk Tua I got Chelsea here and
I know you're expecting a big episode
but you're just going to have to wait a
minute for us to Yap how are you feeling
are you nervous I'm a little nervous I'm
not going to lie I think I'm nervous for
you too so you're feeling nervous yeah
just a little bit oh me are you feeling
more scared or excited I'm a little bit
of both I'd say what about the jealousy
part I know I know that's why you didn't
want to reveal them cuz you didn't want
other female seeing well I trust him and
as long as he don't do no [ __ ] then
I guess we're good is there anything
else you're worried
about okay let me just put it out there
I got one time to see like one of those
remakes of him you know how they done
Josh in the episode they made like a
remake of I got one time to see one of
those Pooky and I'm losing my [ __ ] what
do they call it like a and just in case
you don't know what I'm talking about
I'm supposed to be revealing Pooky in
this episode but no really if I see one
of those like thirst traps I like to Ed
someone's going to make one now just cuz
you said that exactly I probably
shouldn't have said that but I got one
time to get on Tik Tok and see it on my
for you page and I'm going to lose my
[ __ ] Chelsea I have a question before he
comes in here what who do you like more
me or Pooky honestly you thank you I
it's I knew you going to say that no
that that answer better be the same when
he comes in here I think he knows that
you've been here beforehand you know
well Chelsea how are you feeling are you
a little nervous excited cuz your
cousin's about to be revealed to the
world um I think I'm excited for y'all
you're not nervous um I'm a little
nervous but what are you nervous about
for you
yeah I feel for you but other than that
I support it I support you
guys don't even look at it huh I hope he
just don't even look at it look at what
the DMS yeah are you happy not having to
hide him from the world now I mean yeah
I'm pretty excited cuz now I can just
blast it on my Snapchat store whenever I
want to really you don't have to cover
him up with a little Emoji
now exactly right I post our son
together Bucky but before him that's
terrible Bucky is my y''s child yeah y'
are parents now we were going to bring
him but he has a tendency to [ __ ] like
eight times in a row right in the floor
so we didn't bring him he's still
learning he is learning that's oh Bucky
is a dog in case you didn't know
that he's a Great Dane he's not a FID
actor what's your love life looking like
man we ain't talking about my love life
I feel like we need to I feel like
that's something everybody want to know
or at least on my Snapchat St I like to
keep it private I don't want to talk
about my love life I talk about feel bad
cuz if that's how you feel then that's
obviously how I'm going to feel I should
have kept it private no no no no no cuz
like what Chelsea says that's what I
agree with and that's what I do that's
how this works but you are your own
person you should have your own opinions
no cuz if I like a shirt and I think
it's cute and you're like that's [ __ ]
ugly then I'm going to be like yeah
you're so right that's [ __ ] idiot
well that's different that's totally
different you've already talked about
this man to the world so people know
he's a thing but why don't you bring up
your man cuz I don't want to you're
embarrassed of him no no ashamed of him
I'm just kidding no no no I'm just
kidding no I think when it's private is
the best way to go cuz you keep sorry
I'm not helping you you're not helping
anything Chelsea but mine's like so
fresh that like you know keep it
private easing it in there though yeah
yeah it ain't nothing just yeah that's
I'm just seeing how it is right now yeah
yeah would you ever invite him on to
talk to her you know good and damn well
he would love to be on here yeah no I
wouldn't do that a I feel like he' know
how to carry a conversation no he would
do good he'd do great but he's like one
of the girls kind of yeah definitely are
you surprised I'm finally revealing
Pooky yeah I am actually I am too I
think I thought you were going to hide
him forever oh I planned on it but then
they brought up the idea of revealing
him and he was just excited about it and
I think that's what kind of like weighed
in on me and I was like okay well he's
excited about it I mean I might as well
why do you think he's excited he was
just excited because you know like you
think he's excited do you think he's
excited for the attention that he's
going to get or do you think he's
that people are going to know that's
your man I think it's because people are
going to know that's my man and he gets
to like be included in like a big part
of my life you know I think he's excited
about it so I was like all right
whatever whatever Pooky wants Pooky get
it's whatever so I swallowed my pride
but that's good you should no if it was
up to me I'd have hit him forever would
nobody know about him which I think
people at the Tennessee game seen him
and they were like no yeah he's been out
in public with us before yeah I go out
in public with him a lot and people
never like hey is that Pooky no someone
has before are you talking about the guy
that called you doie
yeah he said spit on that thing it SP on
that thing okay there was this guy where
were we at Los Angeles
yeah think yeah we were in Los Angeles
and we had like a whole like day and
Pooky was there with us and we rode
scooters on the side of the road and we
kept trying to find like a place to go
get like a back massage but I don't know
how every single one in the same day we
just booked up and did not have an
appointment they were closing early we
got such a shitty day so mad about that
but anyhow we were walking down the
street after we parked these scooters
and this man walks up to us and he was
like I know you and I was like okay he
was like yeah you're bit on that thing
and she [ __ ] on that
thing that was the first time I've ever
heard that I was at loss for you got
Pooky just over here standing like what
he yeah I was not expecting that I don't
think I was
expecting yeah he asked him he was like
is that Pooky yeah he was like yeah and
he was like hell yeah you're the man he
was like everyone wants to be you right
now any of the people that have come up
to me while he was like standing beside
me I'm like yeah that's Pooky in case
you didn't know so like uh-uh and I'm
like yeah I mean it's not a big deal or
anything but they've never like just
come off and asked or anything I think a
bunch of people are expecting him to be
like you no well me yeah you not real
yeah they either think it's me or they
think it's like another influencer or
someone else on social media what was a
redheaded guy everybody said I've been
with Sam darnold I don't know who that
is let me tell you one thing about Sam
darnold he's redheaded which nothing
against them but me personally I do not
want a redheaded baby like it I don't
know what it is have you ever now that
I'm thinking about have you ever seen a
red head with brown
eyes I think they all have brown eyes
right belly zerman have brown eyes there
was also a rumor going around the you're
dating Zack Brian Zack
bran okay it's a bad time for that rumor
to come out it is a bad time for that
rumor to come out I mean it's like I
said I'm here for the girls Miss Bri did
not deserve that and I stand on that I
agree I think it's kind of [ __ ] up
really I feel really bad for her I did
she respond to your message I don't know
I've I sent her a message too and I
don't think she responded to it she's I
don't expect her to she's probably
getting a lot but I hope she takes a
good time to heal yeah no she's going to
have the biggest glow up ever just she
is she going to find her a good man she
will what' you think about the diss
track oh that [ __ ] Beacon I I loved
every second of that diss track I did
too I hate to say it I kind of felt bad
cuz they were making fun of like his
appearance but yeah if Pooky did you
dirty we making a diss track or what no
no if it was anybody else probably I
will I'm not doing it yeah Chelsea can
make a diss track but I'm not going to
be part of it I'm one of those you know
whatever cuz I hate to say this but if
anything was to ever happen it's
probably going to be my fault so you
don't need to make a diss track if I'm
the one that did some [ __ ] that's
true yeah yeah I know who knows he might
Blindside me or something and go out and
cheat I don't know I don't think I think
he will
if he does if he does We're Coming For
That Ass what are you most excited about
with harun and him I just want to show
the people that I can pull a bad [ __ ]
you know my man is a bad [ __ ] and I'm
proud of it that's my arm candy right
there I'm so proud of him I think that's
like the baddest [ __ ] I think I've ever
pulled to be honest yeah probably do you
think he's proud he pulled you [ __ ] I
don't [ __ ] know why he tells me every
day he's like you're so pretty I'm like
who is you lying to a all right Chelsea
let's bring him in here are you nervous
oh God I feel every bit of blood
freaking rush into my head right now
it's okay you'll be okay Pooky where are
you come on we don't
bite yay
y the moment the world's been waiting
for hello and welcome to talk to I
thought I was supposed to say hello
first I guess that works supposed to do
from there what do you mean what was I
supposed to say right
there was great how are you feeling I'm
feeling all right how are you feeling
are you nervous H not really are you a
little bit you look a little nervous do
I my cheeks red very it's a vodka
yeah what you got going on over there
Justin you're not nervous and like the
slightest bit not really really not at
all you're a liar I swear I'm not going
to lie my [ __ ] is gripping the SE
right now I can tell
well did you ever think you'd be sitting
here no but then again for a while I
didn't want to be because I like my
little small town life I don't like
being around a lot of people that's
understandable yeah me too but now look
where I'm
at I like your sweater who got you that
my mom I'm just kidding take it back
kind of match the Christmas tree yeah
well hello everyone um this is Pooky
this is Kelby right here this is my hot
piece of of Assa drag around with me
every day nice to meet
everybody I'm just kidding me is a hot
piece of
Assa what you got to say
anything happy Birthday Dad yes happy
birthday pety love you birthday all
right can we get into these questions
over here all right Kelby what did you
think about it when you saw the first
like hotk Tu video excuse me hwk to
since I don't say it right
anymore um well I didn't really know
what to say I just know that I woke up
one morning
to a Snapchat from you that said you're
going to see something this morning that
you probably don't want to see just
disregard it and then I opened up my Tik
Tok and there it was all over the place
did you think you were a Pooky you told
me I was yeah I did but did you believe
me well I didn't for the longest time
until you went on that one podcast and
said he had the long lashes and the blue
eyes then I knew it was me so she could
have been talking about
me I should have just come out and said
it was Chelsea yeah I'm better looking
oh y kind of look like I can pass for
like brother and sister I think we are
second cousin well I mean that don't
mean anything though yeah we just
figured out the other day that we're
like really close cousins last night
last night yeah we figured out we're
second cousins we didn't even know it
it's my let's see how was it my dad's
mom's brother is your dad yeah yeah it
was a very long process trying to
explain to Chelsea how it worked I
didn't Le said so I'm going to be your
ant if we get
married I'm love to be your aunt I'm be
oh I come to tit yeah [ __ ] that
no I think it'd be fun it would so how
would that work if we got married are we
cousins no no not
you Alabama no that would make me and
Haley cousins right by marriage Yeah by
marriage still be cousins Yeah by
marriage damn that means you can't marry
Hunter who me yeah why would I marry
Hunter my cousin Hunter why would I do
that I mean that was last resort she got
a man so we can be kin to you H well if
that falls through I mean I still want
to be kin to her somehow fair enough
well what about us Hunter's my cousin by
the way yeah what about so you're saying
we're not going to fall through we're
not going to fall through Pooky I got a
surprise for you nothing you do
surprises me anymore game time's hooking
us up we're going to be able to get some
good tickets here you pick pick your top
three and then I'll pick out of those
can it be a game a concert I can choose
anything yeah so we can either go to the
UFC Fight Night next month we can go to
the WWE this Friday night or we can go
to Monster Jam Saturday night I'm
picking Monster Jam
Monster Jam it is yeah and you already
know I'm checking the view from the
seats before we arrive game time makes
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buying tickets with Game Time download
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terms apply again create an account
redeem code TK T ah for $20 off your
first purchase maybe bring your man too
if he been acting right download game
game time today Pooky what time is it
game time what time is it game time what
do you think y'all are going to fall
through something's going to happen feel
like falling through means you're going
to work out is that not right yeah Oh I
thought falling gone yeah like yeah
that's how I thought no I think we'll be
fine she just loses the attitude a
little [ __ ] well you have some working
to do yourself he also has an attitude
no she says I have sass you do have sass
he is he's s gives me sass I was the
unass man until I met this woman
that's valid okay that is valid I can't
be mad at that but you you are a sassy
man yeah you are you are who you are you
surround yourself
around so I guess we all sassy he got me
there let's get back to it what did you
think when you saw the Tik Tok video at
first I was like she's drunk as [ __ ] you
already knew I know you personally and
like you're used to be like a very state
of yourself kind of quiet girl and just
to see that video I was like what the
[ __ ] it's cuz she was with me yeah
Chelsea actually bought me drinks all
night so you can blame her she might not
be the best influence dude Chelsea's
such a bad influence she always puts me
up to doing [ __ ] and always do it but
when do you have the most fun when iel
I'm not mad when does she end up in the
most trouble with Chelsea exactly it's
something we can tell memories yeah we
can tell our kids this you can't make
memories in prison yeah do you know your
aunt Chelsea helped me jump a fence when
I was drunk one time at a
concert she gave me a boost and flipped
me over I did and I would do it again I
would too I'd jump over it
yeah after after you saw the video did
you view her differently you know it was
Harley didn't you so yeah when I first
saw the video I I texted her and then
she was kind of like crying and stuff so
I didn't want to add to the hurt and ask
her to keep pushing forwards yeah so you
know all about it you locked yourself in
the room with me for weeks hell yeah I
did I told you we're in this together
terrible time was I even seeing you then
I don't think actually we don't need to
bring that up no actually I don't think
y'all were like like serious whenever we
did the video I mean he was trying to
get there but I was being like a [ __ ]
cuz I mean he's been playing hard to get
with me for three years so it's not
playing hard to get for three years and
I'll get i'll get to that later I
finally get to save my P couldn't be
more happier I love me a good game of
Chase it's not even a game of CH
apparently if it lasted three [ __ ]
years it wasn't even a game of Chase I
thought it was longer than three years
no we
started hooking up last year that was
the first year so y'all were sneaky
links before anything not really sneaky
links we did it very public it was in a
parking lot okay
so okay but y y'all weren't like talking
like wanting to get in a relationship
you were just cracking it well see me I
was like yeah I'mma kick every [ __ ] to
the curb for this man but damn taking it
serious act right but he had said she
was taking it serious but there was also
sides on her side where she wasn't
showing okay but you weren't taking it
serious so it was valid for her to you
know are you being so hard to get with
me hm so I was I mean I know why but you
need to tell the people why um so um
don't say her name so last year I was
actually in a relationship for right
around two and a half years nobody knows
that of course cuz Haley did not bring
that up so everybody just thinks I'm a
sorry sack of [ __ ] U we broke up I think
last March and it was just kind of like
a dirty breakup so the last couple
months after that before I started
actually like considering Haley I was
more working on myself and working on
like being able to bring her what she
needed for herself to where I didn't
want to bring the hurt on to her a stop
so like after I figured that out I was
like okay well fair enough but I'm also
an impatient [ __ ] and when I want
something I want something like right
then in there you yeah see I'm over here
thinking the whole time oh he didn't
take her serious until she blew up
online that's what I was thinking so
that's what the whole internet think
that's what that see every day but
that's just you can believe what you
want at the end of the day I mean I know
what I feel in my heart and that I love
Haley so like that's just that period
yeah going a three-year Chase just
kidding don't do that one man's trash is
another man's treasure all right what
was y'all's first impressions of each
other when y'all first
met um what was that I think the first
time we ever met so I pulled up to Sonic
and I looked to my left and Alysa was in
the car right Alissa ch's sister so I
seen my cousin so I was like let me go
say hey and then Haley happened to be in
the car and then I don't necessarily
know where it went from after that
Snapchatting though before that before
that yeah I don't know how I got it was
it you that gave me a snap no Alyssa did
oh so Alyssa gave me a
Snapchat for her Snapchat or did you ask
for his snat I ask for she I think you
added me no cuz she slit up on her story
and you're like who is that maybe it was
me I I'll take the blame I don't care
anyhow so we snapchated for a while
whatever and then this man got a
girlfriend whatever blocked me and I was
like okay whatever and then when they
break up he to unblock me and then
Snapchat me for a while then they get
back together during this breakup she
had specified so the world doesn't think
I'm just a piece of sorry trash during
this breakup she had specified that she
did not want me back so at this point I
was like okay I'm going to pursue myself
forward so I hit up Haley and then I
asked the second option I asked her what
she was doing that night so she was like
nothing so she made me drive all the way
to Lewisburg curious about a zimp or RI
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only we sat in the parking lot at
Walmart for like I don't know and just
yapped for like three hours and then
turns out I I swear somebody was in the
car when I got there so I look in the
back seat and I'm looking around I'm
like nobody's in this car come to find
out there was somebody in the car her
friend KK is in the back friend that's
my cousin her cousin KK is in the back
floorboard under a blanket and she sat
there for 3 hours and didn't make one
peep I never knew she was there is a g
that's what I'm saying KK's always got
my back on [ __ ] KK kalissa whatever hell
you want to call I would have been back
there giggling dude I never knew was
time put someone in your back cupboard
of your car while you guys were on your
first dat I was scared I didn't want to
go by myself you just like covered her
up he started kissing me and then like
by the time I looked over I saw KK
peeking up from under the covers looking
at me stop I swear and she kept looking
back there so that's why I was like
confused I like somebody back there but
I swear KK was hid so and she's so small
like she she is she is tin she hid back
there perfect and I swear and she we
left and it was like 2 weeks later she
finally told me that somebody back no it
was years Kelby cuz you blocked me not
long after that yes it was you didn't
know that for years all right fair
enough we got back together me and my EG
so but at the time listen I had deep
love for that girl so I couldn't just
give that up if she wanted me back I'm a
fighter I got to do what I got to do no
fair enough but now it's we're we're
done I only give like 10 chances and
then I'm done I know you
agree yeah what number am I on what what
number am I on you're good you haven't
done anything okay on a serious note how
do you feel about the people sliding
into her DMS now um it really depends on
the person and what they say so like
that right famous people can come into
the conversation I really don't care
it's more of like I don't necessarily
know I'm a very jealous person I'll say
it that's okay what's mine is mine
that's just at the end of the day and
people can agree disagree whatever I
agree but
it don't necessarily bother me when they
say it to her like what they say it's
regardless like if she feels the need to
text them back and I understand like the
concept like it can be business but it's
not that's not used to me right I'm not
used to that so like business like
Chelsea I figured out what was wrong
yesterday oh there was nothing wrong
yesterday was it Bailey no he's full of
[ __ ] so we went to Soho house yesterday
and we seen Bailey Zimmerman his band at
the bar did that make you feel a certain
way when he came up got to get though
like I've listened to his music since
he's been like a thing yeah it's not
even like a a crush type thing it's like
a holy [ __ ] I listen to him all the time
like and I get that yeah I understand
that but it wasn't it wasn't me that
that got him upset I just feel like
Bailey he may have not been if he is if
he wasn't I apologize over friendly
person he was very very flirtatious okay
that's his personality he's like and I
understand that's okay just don't be
flirty with my lady that's perfectly
fine yeah
I at times I like when he's jealous but
over Bailey Zimmerman I [ __ ] love
that man's music I've listened to it for
years like that was something I was so
tickled about I didn't really take him
as being flirty I feel like he's just
like a up and happy I mean it did throw
me off at one point when he said
something you weren't there for that and
I'm not going to bring it up but I let
me here I was like what did he say is it
when Johnny said that he's being very
sweet or very no he's like so you do
have a boyfriend I was like yes which he
said Bailey said himself that he was
talking to a girl so it's not like he
was hitting on you that was my defense
too know that watch
yourself okay but did I or did I not
call up Maddie madd's my best friend if
you yeah she was pitching another friend
to the whole time I wanted to hook MADD
up with him I was like Maddie I was like
I got you dude you know cuz like me and
Maddie share like the same interest like
you know we love his music but she just
loves him you know to an extent but I
was trying to help her out but like this
is the thing he was he was a nice guy
thing so if if this was me in my shoe
say some lady that you don't even know
say I'm I'm at dinner and a girl I know
is at the bar and I invited her over and
she's sitting I'm like Haley come meet
my girlfriend that I know you walk in
there you going to slap her you're going
to slap me and slap her okay well he's
got a fair point but the way I see it
I'm like okay you know it's just like a
friend I still don't see it like that
cuz he's he's a celebrity like he's and
before all this [ __ ] happen I chop liver
yeah you are
no but like before all this [ __ ]
happened like Bailey Zimmerman that's
the [ __ ] that got me through college
like that's all I listen to I listen to
Bailey Zimmerman yes exactly and I text
you I was like dude come meeting me's so
nice he ain't flirting with me
[ __ ] sat down in a chair talking
about some no listen but stand correct
that I was disgusting I just got off
work and I literally came with the
thought that I was just picking Haley up
and going home and she's like come
inside Soho and the lady at the front
desk makes me feel like I'm poor I walk
up and I'm like ma'am I'm here to see
Haley and she's like well I don't know
you and I'm like I understand that I'm
just here I got to go in there she's
right there and she's like well I can't
let you in I'm like she's like this is a
private business or whatever it is me
off a little bit and I was like okay she
was like have a seat right there and
text hay and she'll come get you I'm
just like am I that poor like I can't
even get in see that's how I think of it
though like they don't like a membership
place you have to walk in with someone
that's a member okay let me clear this
up what you do for work and I apologize
to the ones that I've told wrong and the
people that he works with that have
clowned him it's just something with
pipes that's all I know and so I said a
pipe layer okay can you please specify
what you actually do for work since I
had it wrong branching off that actually
came into work one day and all the guys
at work were like oh so you're a pip
layer now and I was like no no listen I
swear on my life I didn't say that I
told her a plumber so I'm a plumber for
the local
572 but I am not a pip player I not a
pip player he always tells me stuff
about pip so I just kind of
assumed you need to get that
no what do they call you at work Pooky I
have no identity anymore everywhere I go
is Pooky Pooky Pooky Pooky Blackwell so
do you have a nickname for Haley
[ __ ] word that's a good that's not
what you call me what's my name in your
princess that's gross don't don't mad
you ain't got this I don't want my man
call me Princess for one I like it I
like people worship in the ground I
welome hey princess no that's gross what
if he calls you big say that though big
head yeah I like that I feel like I just
call you Harley she calls her Charlie
dumbass call her Charlie all the time I
call her Charlie yeah is that all I call
you I think that is all I call you I'm
like Charlie were you surprised with how
Haley's handled everything since coming
out of hiding um yeah cuz like I said at
the very beginning um I never
anticipated on her actually coming
through with it because she was always
like I said that quiet person but like I
am proud of her cuz I mean she has
turned her life around and I don't know
necessarily like your whole full
backstory I know pieces of it from like
your childhood and stuff but I mean you
really turned your life around and made
a good name for yourself so I'm really
am proud of you well thank you that
tapped into my daddy issues right there
you that was sweet did you prepare for
this like did you script these
question you're doing I just happened to
look through last night but I'm just
just a sweet person I like what do you
mean to me yeah that's another question
why why are you so mean to me is it cuz
you think I'm going to steal your [ __ ]
from you or what what is you say like
why y want to bump lips you go right
ahead don't blame me what' you say if
you want to bump lips do it don't I'll
outside what minut he
said why a [ __ ] minute can we say
bro Carol that is not what he's meaning
no he's talking about whacking bushes
no it's like a real thing people you
took it too far it was not supposed to
go that far but I mean I've kissed her
and everything but like Mak everybody
kisses their homies like I ain't kissing
none of my homies said you let him grope
you yeah no that was that was Austin
that's not me that is you but let him do
it I was not looking Johnny calls me
sexy yeah he
does how' haly convince you to be on
talk to her I actually had to like be
convinced to do it he was excited to do
it so it was more you want to do it
that's the only reason I did it it's cuz
he was excited to do it well she was at
my house and Johnny had facetimed us and
we were she he was talking about how
would you feel coming on the podcast and
I was like you know I'll do it it's more
for Haley cuz like if she can Branch off
from this and get like higher up views
or whatever that may be I'm going to do
that for her so would you ever do social
media like getting the opportunity for I
don't know if I'd ever do social media
itself like if I could do what Haley
does and just travel and not have to
deal with the social media part probably
but I'm fairly I'm very family oriented
and I don't like being aart from my
family very long yeah me too so that's
just one of those things yeah I said the
same thing and Haley leaves me like at
least two weeks out of the month I'm
just sitting there at my house I have
nothing to do yes you do you have Bucky
okay but majority of the time we're gone
she's talking to you so what what's your
mama and daddy think about all this I
know your daddy's like the number one
talk to my dad actually got a we love
you py my dad actually got some like
little thing sent to him it was like a
little plaque and it said like one of
the top talk to a listeners and then so
my dad's like my dad loves it my dad
eats it up my dad post her so we took it
my dad took a picture with her on his
front porch and I he took the picture or
picture so he had to blur it out my face
SE so he posted that and it got like a
lot of love and he always asked about
Haley he's like when's Haley doing this
we're supposed to go to a cookout this
weekend for his birthday and then my mom
my mom actually hasn't met her yet but
that's just one of those things where
you know you don't want to bring anybody
to your mom so like I got to make sure
Haley is the desired one because I
thought the last one was and I brought
around my mom and it just like I look
like a fool so it's just my mom's
somebody special to me that you just
want some to know well I brought you to
my granny I love Granny I'm telling you
don't nobody just yeah that was a big
step I was actually really surprised
when you did I was surprised when she
said come over to the house I was like
what that's that's when I knew you were
the only man to stay the night with me
and I I don't think I meant to stay the
night that night I had just fallen
asleep I was over there and then I was
supposed to go home I believe but I I
couldn't that's cuz Haley drags me out
after work sometimes and I get up at
4:30 every morning she keeps me out till
about 12:00 I try to leave at 9:00 and
then she's like 9:30 and I'm like okay
then she's like 10 I'm like okay 10:30
and then it just keeps continuing the
process and when I try to leave she just
latches on to me won't let go you should
be appreciative of that though I am very
appreciative I'm not like that with
anybody well right bye see you later I
leave for a reason I want to be there if
I could stay there I would do your best
Haley impression my best Haley
impression it just depends hot I'm just
kid you really put the two in there I'm
just kidding shut the [ __ ] upit are you
nervous to meet granny not really
grandparents love me just women in
general like older women they love me
just cuz I I'm I have that southern
charm to where I'm like very respectful
and stuff like that so just typically
older women seem to like me and that is
what she said about you that you're very
man orome and you're just a nice boy now
what' you think about my daddy DD Henry
I like Old Henry Henry's a character he
don't remember my name he just calls me
that boy when's the time you're going to
bring her around your
mom um my mom asked me all the time
she's like you're ashamed of us and I'm
like no Mom it's not even that like my
mom doesn't understand the reason I do
it but I plan on doing it here soon I
just haven't had the time because every
time Haley comes to my house for some
odd reason we just don't end up leaving
the bed we bed rot and watch movies all
weekend and I never actually get out of
the actual house so I plan on doing it
um probably around Thanksgiving I'd say
because we always have like a big
Thanksgiving dinner it'll probably be at
my house this year so but that's going
to be meeting the whole family right
yeah she'll meet everybody I ain't got
that big of a family down there
times because I'm not missing Granny's
devil eggs well we do we have devil eggs
we don't do Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving
we always usually do like the weekend or
the weekend after so everybody can be
there you're never going to be riding
horses then right well that weekend I
already told Mom we're not doing it then
we're doing it you said the weekend
though or the weekend after okay the
weekend after is fine but the weekend of
we're going to be horse riding right
riding horse can you picture him on a
horse [ __ ]
no we're going out with Hunter him and
Hunter are going to hit it off have you
met Hunter yet yes they were all at work
one day and if I'm in their house I get
so [ __ ] bored by myself so I'll start
cleaning [ __ ] you know how I get I get
upset when I see a mess I made his bed
for him you know how like you flick the
comforter to like start making it m tell
me why a pair of eyelashes flew out and
like sucked to my
leg that doesn't even surprise me sorry
Carol telling you that speaking on that
one day I was Haley had left my house
and I was at work and she text me and
she said I left you a gift and I was
like what's the gift I get home there's
one eyelash sitting on my pillow I was
like what is this and I K you know I
took a nap and I woke up and it was
stuck to the side of my face there you
go you're carrying her you're carrying
her love with you you think same thing
that I do I was like man how did anybody
react to like the video do they send it
to you what um yeah and no it depends so
like I get some friends that'll send it
to me because they know it's me so
they'll say even your podcast now
they'll send me videos and they're like
go Pooky go you and stuff like that I
don't have any friends that would be
necessarily mean just because they know
you're mine so I wouldn't necessarily
recommend it because like I said I'm
very overprotective of you and it
probably wouldn't be a good day for
them I think it gave it away when I said
the party animal tattoo on your the
party animal definitely gave it away I
had so many people text me that
afternoon and was like I saw your party
animal tattoo people I haven't talked to
in 5 years have been hitting me up since
high school and they're like so when you
going on the talk to a pod and I'm like
how do you know these things like who
are you people have given you a a lot of
[ __ ] for not taking me on a date people
give me [ __ ] a lot for a lot of things I
haven't done so like for starters the
whole I led you on for three years but
now everybody knows that I was in a
relationship for two of those years so
that wasn't just me leading you on let
me cook here
okay you me up you can back me up hold
on you were in a relationship for the
two years you were talking to her when
that would break up I was like number
one and my stupid ass I'd always [ __ ]
add him back ONN
here we go it was one time that happened
after that we broke up for good and it's
been Haley since period the world just
thinks I'm some sorry sack of [ __ ] well
I thought you were a sorry sack of [ __ ]
until you said all this so that's what
I'm saying nobody knows it's cuz she
never brought it up you didn't cuz I
agree with myself first date what's the
first official date y'all been on um so
the first official date I took her to
Alexander and then but that whole day I
just got off work that more afternoon
and then I ran to Party City I got
balloons and then I ran to Walmart I got
flowers and then I went home I blowed up
60 Balloons by mouth with a straw I tied
them all up put them in my floor put
this little decoration down and then I
she made me drive all the way to
Lewisburg to pick her up instead of
driving to my house cuz it was closer
for me I drove I drove all the way to
Lewisburg picked her up took her to
dinner and then I had to make like a an
observation I was like how would I get
her back to my house because she wasn't
staying at my house that night so I had
called my buddy I text my buddy Shane
and I was like dude I need an excuse to
go to my house and he was like okay I
got you and he made the worst excuse
possible he said I forgot my lunch box
can you bring it to me come on and I was
like dude I just in my head cuz I put it
on speaker and I was like can you care
if we go to my house she was like No And
then I already had like my friends um
kayy and Brooke they were at my house at
that point putting the rest of the
decorations together cuz I didn't have
have time so they're at my house setting
all this up so I already have all this
plan on the loop and she has no idea
none this is happening okay you tell me
that he has his friend on speaker phone
and he's talking about he needs his
box Lunch Box his lunch box really bad
and I was like that's really [ __ ]
weird but I never thought any more of it
I was like I was about to say her it
probably went right over yeah that's
what I thought I was no I was oh him oh
when so when we walked through the door
my door was shut and I didn't know that
so I was trying to figure out how to get
her to the front door first my door cuz
I couldn't go in there first so I walked
to the kitchen and like did a little
Spin and then she took off to the left I
was like okay here we go and of course
she ruined it like she said she soon she
walked in my light switch is the first
one not the second one she took the
second one turned my ceiling fan on
blows my balloons everywhere and then
she turns the light on she turns around
tells me to get on the bed I'm like whoa
like okay watch out now so so um yeah I
was actually really really nervous when
we walked I wasn't until we you didn't
even get to ask her out so just like get
on the bed and then it's official like
well yeah I asked her at that point I
was like so what are you going to say
you know how I am I'm not [ __ ]
serious I was like get on the bed okay
what about um the first time Haley said
I love you why didn't you say it back so
Love's just one of those things we were
both drunk she had asked me to come to
the up there to that hotel that night
she got me absolutely slaughtered so
fast because she was pouring me double
shots of vodka and red bulls and so we
went up to the room and then she starts
making a scene she's yelling that's the
night I found about the Uso daddy so
she's cussing and yelling and blah blah
blah the neighbors are getting mad
they're they're knocking on our door
telling us to shut up or they're going
to call room service and get us kicked
out and she's screaming at them trying
to open their door and I'm just like
Haley chill out mad trying to open the
neighbor door [ __ ] yeah they called the
people up there to come what did they
say he said there I I kind of got aside
of it cuz we walked back up we went
downstairs to find her earrings that
Derek bought her yes Dereck did buy me
those earrings I lost one I was so
[ __ ] pissed off about it actually so
we walked down to the bar and looked
around walked back up and the little bus
boy was standing there whatever his name
or whatever you call him and I was like
y'all are getting a noise complaint I
was like sir we haven't said a thing and
he was like I haven't heard anything the
whole time I've been here and I'm like
of course you haven't we've been
downstairs but I didn't say that he was
just like okay so when Haley told me she
loved me it was it was weird because we
was in the middle of we was in the
middle of like some intercourse right so
it was she looked me right in the eyes
and she's on top of me and I'm she's
like I love you and I'm like
whoa love is just one of those things
you don't say unless you mean it did it
throw you off guard yes so bad he
laughed in my face he laughed at her he
laughed in my face now that's [ __ ] up
now when he said I love you did you
laugh in his face yeah she did I did but
I was sober I sober when he said and I
was like what all right Pooky the people
need to know how did you like your
chairman Pro Electric full shaver and
did I do a good job shaving your chest
well you missed a bunch of spots and I
had to go back and redo it myself but I
do like the shaver though I like it
better than anything else I've ever
tried I bet you were glad those
interchangeable blad heads were skin
safe huh oh yeah it could have been very
messy if it wasn't see people I take
care of my man that's probably the
nicest gift I've got him besides builda
bear so take notes from Pooky over here
and get your man the chairman Pro
electric full shaver that way your man
won't be walking around all woolly it's
the best option because it's waterproof
and really easy to use oh yeah even
Haley figured out how to use the thing
how often do you need to shave your
chest oh well it just depends on what
you're looking for sometimes I shave
once a week sometimes like not a week
you can use it daily or you can let it
grow out for 5 days then use it how
often do you use that thing whenever you
tell me to it's perfect for travel too
it has a travel lock and it has 75
minutes of charge time well it doesn't
take me that long to shave my chest
that's wonderful so you better bring
that bad boy with us when we go to the
fight this week sounds good to me it's
going Wherever I Go wonderful but from
here on out I'm going to shave my own
chest so if you're looking for a
thoughtful and practical gift that he'll
actually use in love the chairman Pro is
the way to go get 20% off and free
shipping with the code Tua
that's T ah Tua that's 20% off and free
shipping with the code Tua
that's Tua t u a h how'd you know you
loved me it was to the where water park
wasn't it I would say to the point where
what I would say the times that every
time we spent together like we would
hang out and stuff like that on the way
home like there was just like every day
that I didn't want to be with Haley so
like even like the next day I'd ask hey
you want to come to my house or hey she
would text me hey do you want to come to
my house I'd be like yes yes yes like it
was just one of those things where I
knew Haley was the person for me and
after everything we've been through and
like when all this blowed up she showed
me her vulnerable side and that was just
kind of like her breaking down to me and
showing me that I'm her person so I just
gave her my all and I'm her person are
youall ready for Rapid Fire yes Chelsea
how about we bring up rapid fire I would
like rapid fire okay are you ready this
for both of us yeah well some of them's
like just for you and some of them just
for her will you let us know I want to
specify Haley did not know my hair color
for the longest time she said long blue
or blue eyes and long black hair yeah my
hair is brown she say that long
eyelashes and black hair and we've been
together for 3 years is it not black
it's brown okay well maybe I'm color
blonde if I don't ever get married would
you guys let me move in with you well we
already subjected to Maddie living with
us so if you want to share a bunk with
her you're no you get your own bedroom
okay and then his mom's going to live in
the back yard where do you'all see the
relationship going in five years five
years we going to be married and popping
out like nine kids what do you mean nine
kid no not nine kids we had this talk
the other night we was like it was just
one of those intrusive thoughts where
you're just like how many kids do you
actually want I feel like two
two is like the the happy medium and
then like if you can handle two from
there you keep going but in 5 years I
definitely hope to be married have a kid
or at least two kids one kid two kids um
have our own house and just living life
who knows what could be in store okay
you above us in our little attic yeah
what are you going to name your kids
Harley Harley definitely not no I would
want to S like M clay after Maddie I
thought about that I was like I got to
have a kid Nam clay I don't really get
into the baby names just whatever she
want wants to do or de who knows can we
name her alen [ __ ] you don't you be
telling people my middle name I hate
that [ __ ] I think it's cute I hate it
such an old name I just found out her
middle name like this year cuz like she
has never ever brought that up in the
last known I open I don't think I knew
like the first year we were friends
either yeah that's what I'm saying I
don't openly tell people my middle name
I hate that [ __ ] so Bucky that's our
shared child but I'm trying to like ease
Ellie into the way of like having
another daddy you know Ellie needs a dad
she does does she not Ellie was
abandoned she was that's why she needs a
dad exactly I consider myself her father
okay now Bucky on the other hand Bucky
he's so naughty I like Bucky but Bucky
has gotten to where I just I don't like
to smell a pee I don't like pooping my
floor and then Haley wants this dog and
she texts me she's like hey can we get
this great day and I'm like you know
what if you want him I'll get him we can
do it and then she just drops them off
my house and then she wants to go take
around the the United States and just
leave with me I can't help it though and
I go to work and I come home and I have
to clean up some of the most obsc [ __ ]
my saying I have the weakest stach I go
out and I got to do what I got to do for
work you just go to work and you come
home every day you don't have to travel
or nothing I can't help that you want to
switch what do you mean you take Bucky
if I could I would no tell me why what
day was it was it yesterday yesterday we
walked in and there was just like skidm
all over the floor but I've seen him one
day I came out of my room and he was
Lally rolling around the floor with his
mouth and then ate it I was just like
you know what Buck get my B again
Chelsea something really big happened
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piic decided a th000 x payouts just
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this is officially the easiest way to
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okay I have another
question um who do you think I would
side with in an argument obviously me I
would say me because you have sided with
me I have but that's cuz you were in the
wrong I was in the wrong for that but I
feel like you're more of a Down to Earth
and you'll choose whoever is right yes
exactly I agree with that which is the
way when I was in the wrong you agree
with him you're like all right you need
to make that right I was like tell you
when you're wrong so you learn from it
and I'm not gonna support you and
everything as much as I want to but well
the way I said I'm delusional and I'm
Gonna Make You Feel delusional this is
why we're opposite like if you're in the
wrong say you I don't know you had to or
you with [ __ ] donkey and trick I
don't know whatever you got going on I'm
gonna be like yeah chel I was like yeah
you didn't do anything wrong you know
you do no wrong in my
eyes yeah that's not a good thing you
need to tell me when I'm doing wrong I
don't want to tell you that what's the
most romantic thing you've done for him
I would say the most romantic thing was
probably the boo basket it had couple
pair of skippies in it it had uh it tell
them what skippies are Skippy or
underwear so your skippies I said the
same [ __ ] so it came with it had that in
it it had a pair of no it did not have a
pair of shorts it actually
had the it had sleeping pajamas it had a
sweater in it this sweater actually but
Jack I've not been able to wear this cuz
har Haley's very jealous and will not
let me wear it anyway no it's not that I
don't want you to ruin your good sweater
it's white you see how white that is I
don't want you to ruin it like you
wanted to wear it to that concert you sp
beer on I recall you saying I don't want
no other woman seeing you in
that that's what I
remember G but she say she doesn't I
don't tell her what to wear it's where
I'm wrong and she's right and I just go
okay well he tells me what I can and
can't wear where when well was that
comment you made yesterday about my
boobs being out that's cuz the whole
titty was sitting there purged up on
your man that's what I'm saying though I
mean I'm only
young be there you know no like I'm only
young one time these [ __ ] going
to be touching my kneecaps that a mean
everybody else got to see them just
me okay now you don't see me going
around my old Slinger ring now well
that's different no it ain't imagine me
walking around just floating okay I see
that pair of gray sweatpants yep y okay
I can see that but still gray sweatpants
nude no skippies I have a good question
who is your celebrity
crush celebrity crush I would say
Jennifer Aniston right is Jennifer
Aniston okay so if Jennifer Aniston was
to talk to you to your face do you think
I get mad me and Jennifer you and me are
on two different levels of life but it
doesn't matter though she was to talk to
you stat my status are twoo different I
am a nobody compared to her I see
Jennifer like what's up and she's going
to be like oh hey and then she's going
to go on her about her day she ain't
going to think of me twice ever in her
entire life she might I mean [ __ ] if I
seen that face in that fat ass you got
I'd be like damn I can't get him out of
my mind I talk about your fat ass but it
there I'm gonna walk out of
here all right we need to address it
what about Matt rif what I don't I don't
know I know why you feel that way but I
don't know if we need to tell people why
you feel that way I'd rather not okay
that's fine I can go into it like
yeah I feel like Matt Matt rif was just
one of those things where it's like in
my own self I don't like you fondling
over another man and you come and tell
me every second of the day oh my God
Matt rif this oh my God Matt rif that
and you have a pillow of him and then
every time I come over I throw that son
[ __ ] off the bed he going to play with
me actually no I threw it away the other
day I'm PR I didn't tell you that did I
okay let me just break it down no don't
break it down I not say
it you can J around with me sometimes
other times you can't and he looked at
me one day and he was like I'm gonna go
get some Bitties Bitties is implying
[ __ ] and you that that's something I
just don't take like you know would you
take that light if a man was to look at
you I was like I'm going to get some
Bitties this weekend while you're gone
out of town like you won't have any clue
about it right I said I was kidding
right after you you hot
takes I think the Earth is round that's
a fact some people think it's a flat
Earth since I'm revealing Pooky I also
have to reveal the Pooky app which has
like a bunch of different features you
can measure how tall a man actually is
in his pictures he sends you just in
case he tells you he's like I don't know
6'4 and he's actually 5'8 no offense are
you 5'8 5'11 okay 5'11 excuse me uh it
has like a date night idea so you can
necessarily you can type where you're
going to be at that night and what
location you're going to be in and it
actually give you like ideas and places
around that you can actually go on like
that typical date night for that desired
location it's not really a a dating app
it's more of like a a tool app to help
you find your significant Pooky so let's
find out where we're eating
tonight so first thing it's going to ask
you is the location we are in Nashville
and then it's going to ask for your date
number so this would be date number what
let's go
two technically yes but like we do
things all the time we go on dates all
the time so we'll just go to so it says
it's probably going to tell us to go on
a picnic
then it waits it says give me the
response and it like and it gives you a
bunch of descriptions and a bunch of
answer choices one through whatever like
the first one is a picnic at Centennial
Park the second is live music at the
Bluebird Cafe and it tells you exactly
what is at the Bluebird Cafe and then
the next one is the art crawling
downtown Nashville gives you a
description of what you can actually see
there Centennial Park Chelsea likes
reconnecting with nature CH everywhere
yeah like our adopted child Chelsea is
our adopted child okay now do you want
to live in the Attic or do you want like
an added-on bedroom why the [ __ ] would I
choose an attic over a bedroom you know
some people have some snazzy addicts
yeah they do they have like the little
have you saw those like the Baroni kind
of they have like a what callums shut
the [ __ ] up Barn bonium however the hell
you say it you know how they have like a
loft kind of do you want a loft or do
you want like a whole bedroom I don't
know we'll figure it out Chelsea I think
you definitely need to use that for you
and your man because I'm curious to know
what zodiac is if he's a Gemini turn
around and run the opposite way let me
just go on you a Taurus terrible men
along with a Gemini men so it says based
on the provided birthdays your zodiac
sign is a Taurus and the other person
zodiac sign is an Aries let's assess the
compatibility potential Dynamics between
a Taurus and an Aries and then it's
going to give you like a compatibility
overview so it says Elemental influence
a Taurus is an earth sign known for
being grounded practical and reliable a
fire sign all right it's going way too
fast let it let it load all of them cuz
it's just scrolling down right now I
can't keep up I'm nervous there's like a
very thing very says conclusion and it
says like they just got to wait for it
to get down there but it gives you like
challenges and everything else I feel
like he's a good guy challenges y'all
probably facing y like relationship and
all kinds of crazy things relationships
that's crazy I haven't got that far
don't scare communication Bas is your
skills I'm excited I hope y'all get
married yeah okay are it's very fresh
right now so you're pushing it way too
far ex still it's still though he's like
a good guy he's not done probably one
thing that I think is wrong I don't know
I just got high hopes for you because
like I know how the last one was so it
says about you and such said man that
while Taurus and Aries have different
approaches to life their relationships
can be dynamic and fulfilling if both
parties are willing to appreciate and
learn from each other's differences by
embracing their complimentary qualities
and working through challenges with with
patience and understanding they can
create a balanced and harmonous Rel
partnership word word to my mama so y
just got to get qualities nice so
recently last night I put a poll on my
Instagram story wanting to know what
kind of questions you have for Pookie
and here are the questions that we have
so far does he treat you like a
queen don't look at me he definitely
does he puts up a lot of [ __ ] that I
probably wouldn't if I was a man okay
was it love at first sight I mean for my
end yeah I mean you look at that scrum
dilicious ass man i' be like you know so
like y'all were going to blast me for it
so like at First Sight you're probably
why that [ __ ] tee so big no I mean I
always like haly was just one of those
things where I developed loved over a
past period of time I love her now so it
was not love for at First
Sight thank you Chelsea when was your
kiss in the car in the oh man no let's
not talk about that question me first
met could not
kiss [ __ ] you when she used to kiss me
it was so fast I couldn't keep up and I
was like who like slow it down a little
bit tiger shut the [ __ ] up I still make
jokes about Chelsea are you getting
tired of being known as just the
boyfriend I don't really care I'm either
way I'm going to do my life myself so
this is my significant other how is he
handling your Fame I think he handles it
pretty good for the most part
unless he's there in the moment when I'm
talking to other men like for like
purposes but I mean you could say the
same thing about me how do you feel
about the name Pooky I don't mind Pooky
I mean everybody calls me Pooky now it's
just I don't have an identity anymore
but that's okay do you know what Pooky
really means though cter no it's like a
terrible God awful fart why would you
call me that I don't know that's just
that's just kind of what it was I didn't
know what Pooky meant until like after I
started calling you that and then people
were like do you know what that means I
was like no what and they're like a a
foul odored smelling fart fair enough
I'll take it I don't care that's okay
are you bringing Pooky to the fight well
of course Chelsea how do you feel about
the fight I'm excited who you rooting
for Tyson sorry I agree with that Pooky
what about you who am I siding with yeah
I gotta go big mic word you think he's
going to buy his ear off probably so a
few days ago I talked to Jake Paul and
you guys will see that we have a little
beef and here it is hello Mr Jake Paul
hello hello thank you for having me I'm
I'm ready to talk to
you no pun intended right yeah no n
intended there well thank you for coming
on my cringey podcast hey I I don't
think it's cringey I really like where
you guys are going with the science and
the history of civilization and just
being able
to explore and break down barriers of
human philosophy I still don't even know
what philosophy means you're not helping
your case yeah I'm really not it's okay
right right right well it's amazing to
be here thank you well of course thank
you for coming on yeah I think we had to
delete the last one right that we did
I'm sure it still exists somewhere I was
as drunk as a skunk yeah you walked off
of it it's okay I didn't walk off did I
walk off I didn't kicked the microphone
over and said [ __ ] this
podcast I feel like I should get up and
do that sometimes yeah you should some
of the most viewed podcasts ever when
the guest leaves I should do that so if
you want me to leave if you ever want me
to leave I mean I can do it again if you
want no that's okay don't do that okay
you stay here and you talk to me like a
man got it yeah man man yeah there you
go you got it you can't run away this
time how's training going you know it's
going really good man it's going really
really good I'm I'm really strong really
excited and I've just been having fun
you know it's it's all of it is very
surreal so I'm enjoying Camp as much as
possible and you know just uh
heavyweight Vibes it's been difficult
sparring 300 lb guys multiple times a
week but when I get in there with Mike
he's going to feel light so how does it
feel to be like a first-time fat ass I
mean heavyweight yeah no it uh it feels
really good thank you for the compliment
and you know honestly that's probably
the nicest thing someone's said to me in
a minute and it feels good I love eating
Donuts Crispy Cream I saw you eating KFC
chicken exactly and and you name it I'll
eat it so there's not anything you want
to eat can't can't think of anything
honestly now how long did it take to put
the fat suit on that uh was like 2 hours
and it's it's pretty it's a pretty
miserable process but taking it off is
worse because it like rips your skin off
and then your skin is basically like
covered in glue for the next four days
but it's insane how many people thought
that [ __ ] was real I mean it looked real
until I got told it was and I thought it
was real that's not good you should
probably just look deeper into things
maybe a little bit when you're scouring
the the internet yeah I'm a gble I want
to keep it on for probably like what 8
hours we filmed a bunch of videos like
all of those videos that I uploaded were
all filmed in in one day so that's good
pretty efficient are you nervous about
the fight a little bit yeah as it gets
closer to me the nerves and the emotions
and everything continue to rise and
Tyson's looking really strong I seen a
video of him hitting the bag the other
day and he's got power he's got speed
he's got combinations he's going to the
body so it's it's nerve-wracking
especially being in the heavyweight
division where he's going to have a lot
p a lot of power and some maybe power
that I'm not used to how old is he now
he's 58 he's 58 yes he looks good for
his age he does he he moves like a 35y
old and it's crazy right like I fight
Mike Perry who who's like
32 and this you know version of Mike
Tyson's going to be exponentially more
difficult than Mike Perry Mike Perry
scared me a little bit yeah he's a
violent guy Jak can you give us any
hints on your walk out like what you're
wearing yeah this outfit that I've made
for the fight is the most expensive
fight outfit in the history of boxing
it's $1
million so what the [ __ ] uh it costs a
pretty penny and it's very shiny that's
the hints I will give but for the walk
out I'm going to be driving in a certain
vehicle to the
ring which is going to be pretty cool
but the rest you're going to have to
wait and see the the song is sort of
related to Mike Tyson's career in a film
that he did uh oh I'm scared of that I
hope it's better than the the DAR Vader
mask what what did I wear a Darth Vader
mask didn't you wear a Darth Vader mask
was it not Dar Vader or am I stupid no
it was like Gladiators well when we went
it was like Batman or something like
that I don't [ __ ] know yeah yeah that
was well people people I saw like a
super viral Tik Tok of them hating on
the that the recent outfit what kind of
outfit was I thought it was kind of cool
but it was like a gladiator outfit I
mean I thought it was pretty pretty cool
thank you you and my
mom my girlfriend and and and Haley
thought it was cool so I mean that's all
you need right you a list right there
that's all you need don't worry yes how
much are they paying you for this fight
a lot of a lot of
daero uh it's it's pretty crazy boxing
is a very lucrative sport but um
it's it's up there um I get I've said in
the media but then they get mad at me
for saying it so I'm not allowed to say
it but it's it's up there in the eight
figures okay props to you now what's
this about you think JoJo SE would whoop
my ass H she would
yo JoJo siwa is lethal first of all
second of all that's that's my sister
basically uh we're we're tight like this
yeah people don't know I seen a Tik Tok
and it's like Jojo was missing I think
she's hiding from me you know where
at I don't know but you definitely don't
want the smoke with her you're very you
know feminine and and Tiny and she is a
Dancer with rhythm and she has this
masculine presence and she would she
would literally end your end your life
JoJo siwa would murder you yeah when she
come in here and I saw how like wide her
shoulders were I was like oh no yeah
yeah I don't know she's explosive like
you know those dance moves like you get
hit with one of those and it's game over
yeah i' be cooked after I actually don't
even think you could fight a
cold fight who a cold oh [ __ ] what do
you mean by
that like you couldn't crack an egg
he's really on your ass right now this
is why she's sitting on Tyson's side are
you are you going to bet on Tyson so I
think I am going to bet on Tyson but I
want to make like a side bet with you
okay what's the side bet okay so if you
win when I win you have to get a better
tattoo but if Tyson wins then I'll get a
talk to a tattoo okay I'm fair I'm fair
with that all right deal I'll shake your
hand from across
the actually we hand hug
thank you I appreciate that a whole lot
are you the type of person to like spit
on your hand for
handshakes depends if I like you or not
I'd probably spit directly in your eye
if I didn't like you right do you spit
in your hand when you shake hands no no
I just thought cuz of like the whole the
hawk Tua thing I didn't I think spit
like on a hand is a little yeah it's a
little much like if I was to shake her
hand I'm not going to spit on it and
shake her hand you know that's dirty
hope not like I don't know where her
mouth's been I don't know where my
mouth's been actually I do know where my
mouth's been but you know you get the
idea germs yeah ger I'm I'm a germaphobe
actually fun fact people don't know that
about me I don't I don't like to touch
people's hands like I'm always doing
fist bumps and stuff I feel privileged
you touched my hand when you gave me a
hand hug like like just now you know
we've hand hugged before yeah I don't I
don't know if I remember that but that's
okay don't worry I'm sanitized I don't
like germs either okay good good yeah
germ germs are nasty people are nasty I
I know what people do you know they're
in there using the restroom and don't
wash you all nasty wiping their noses
and stuff and then they're just like
going around or they could be picking a
wedgie out of their ass and just sayy
how are you you know dirty exactly a lot
of people don't shower it's it's crazy
it's it's a it's a
pandemic what are y'all laughing at does
one of you not
shower no seriously people people will
do like a every other day shower it's
wild that's like way more common than
you think that's
dirty yeah they make shower in a can
didn't we find some at Ulta yeah we did
I don't understand what you spray it on
though no it was like wipes you just
wipe yourself no there was a spray too
oh maybe you should come out with some
for like your W brand yeah a quick
shower in a can shower a shower a shower
in your hand for people that don't
shower get get W and we can make like
the smell of it roses that's good wake
up and smell the roses yeah that's
that's good marketing I think we're
getting we're going to need to do this
hey um are you the first YouTuber to
fight a real boxer yes like I I think
KSI fought a boxer with who like was
like 0 and
four but I'm the first one to fight a
boxer with a winning record and fight
multiple ones
and and then fighting Mike Tyson
obviously was 55 wins but
um a and in an actual professional bout
ksis was an exhibition so it doesn't
count on his record how old are you I'm
27 do you fight anybody like your own
age I fought Mike Perry I fought Ryan
Borland I fought Andre August I fought
Gibb I
fought who else um so many people that
th those people were all my around my
age but yeah then there still be the
hate of oh fight someone your own age
because people are brain dead actually
and they don't look at the actual facts
which is probably why a lot of people
are voting for Cala Harris but um it's a
sad world out there what are you going
to do if Mike Tyson bites your ear so I
actually have some titanium ear
covers that's smart for the fight I
think you need to put pepper spray on
your ears that's a good idea honestly
that's that's a genius idea Haley you
you are special let me tell you you are
I could have told you you are different
and that's why I like you that's genius
I'm texting my assistant right now get
some bear pepper spray hey uh Marco even
better Marcos can you please give me
some uh bear pepper spray the most
deadly one
perfect he wants to bite you here give
him a little taste of that there you go
that'll just be burning maybe even some
maybe even sprinkle some like ghost
pepper hobino sauce on there you know
you got a point it's not hard feelings
if I sit on his side right no no I I'm
super excited for you to get a better
tattoo oh [ __ ] where you going to get it
at yeah that's a really good question I
need to start considering that is it
true you're having mark cubin on the
show yeah
why' you say is that a good or a bad
thing I feel like this is a trick
question you know I think we're going to
start like a few companies together he's
definitely a good businessman he's got
to teach me about business what are some
ideas about the businesses that y'all
are going to start what was it we were
trying to think of was it pickles pick I
like pickles I want to come out with my
own pickles I love pickles I'll send you
some samples in the mail I want to get
the Pickled Jimmy John sandwich me too
sorry I just got so excited
I've been saying it all over TI I need
that actually but pickles is a
definitely an untapped Market you could
you could do some damage in the in the
pickle Arena and and honestly it kind of
plays into your your brand you know like
what do you mean
not well cuz like hey wait a minute that
just went over my [ __ ] head wait a
damn minute what do you mean by
that um no it's it's like you you got
famous for basically saying like spit on
that thing and then that thing resembles
a pickle yeah yeah it kind of makes
sense you got a point if you C if you
came up with a clever name like talk Tua
the the pickles would fly off the
shelves and then we we make we make it
into another meme where people are
watching the podcast eating lunch and
eating the pickles the dickle pickles
dickle pickles would you invest in it
yes okay we'll get back to this another
time I'm ready I'm I got it I got cash
ready to invest into the pickles good
deal brother thank you for
coming hey thank you for coming thank
you for thank you uh thanks
for talking to you TOA talk toing me
there you go thank you for having me on
so yeah that's why betting on Mike Tyson
but any who how do you guys feel about
it um I think Mike's going to win just
solely because he has more experience
than Jake does I mean Jake's quick and
he's young but at the end of the day I
think Mike's got it I don't know I feel
like it could go either way I feel like
it go either way too but I'm putting my
hopes in Mike same but he is old and
is a very good fighter so I don't know
he is a very good fighter but I don't
know Mike Tyson he's supposed to be like
the legend though yeah you survive talk
to her how do you feel I feel good
honestly I wasn't nervous coming into
this um feel like we got a lot of things
that need to be cleared up or specified
and cleared up I'm glad I got that out n
know that the world knows I'm not a
sorry sack of [ __ ] yeah Chelsea you
shing with
tomorrow you're all right I guess all
right fair enough you want to shopping
tomorrow for what you got to have an
outfit for the fight oh yeah yeah I
probably will okay you got to get you a
tux too not a tux suit suit I the same
[ __ ] all
day [ __ ]
thing hey y'all I hope you enjoyed the
show and if you haven't gotten yourself
any talk to a merch be sure to click the
link in the description below so we can
match tag me and talk to a while you're
watching the episode and let us know
what you think and before you go don't
forget subscribe to that thing
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