{ "query": "Do YOU wear toe closed shoes without socks?", "pos": [ "Do you wear any toe closed shoes without socks?" ], "neg": [ "Can Adidas Stan Smith Shoes be worn without socks?", "What would be some extremely warm socks that can be worn with a barefoot style of running shoes?", "How do you wear your socks?", "Are wearing shoes good for your feet for running?", "What sort of person wears sandals with socks?", "How do I wear socks?", "Are vans, converse, keds, and other canvas shoes traditionally worn without socks?", "Are Converse shoes comfortable?", "Can I wear socks with boat shoes?", "Can men wear women’s shoes?", "Can men wear women's high heel shoes?", "Can we wear sports shoes with jeans?", "What are the most comfortable men's dress shoes?", "As I get older, my shoes (the cheapest) are not working anymore. Is there a popular brand that is known for keeping feet feeling good? (stand/walking)", "What color pants would you wear with these shoes?", "How do I lace open laced shoes?", "What are some shoes similar to Chuck Taylor shoes?", "Are you wearing socks right now?", "What do you do with your old running shoes?", "Shoes: What are great ways to clean white sneakers?", "Is it fine to wear socks while sleeping?", "How hard is it to walk in high-heeled shoes?", "What are the best socks for boat shoes?", "Are loafers supposed to be worn without socks?", "What are some ways to lace your shoes?", "What kind of shoes can you wear to college?", "Is it ever OK to wear brown shoes with black pants?", "How do you tie your shoes?", "How would I wear red and yellow without looking head to toe?", "What type of shoes are these?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I get meth out of my system in 3 days?", "pos": [ "So how can I get meth to be flush out of body in 2 hours before a urine drug test?" ], "neg": [ "What is the easiest and safest way to make meth?", "I did a shot of meth yesterday and I never have done it before. I have a drug test today so what's the best way to beat it?", "How come my arm has been numb for 5 days from the time I injected meth?", "How do I get an erection while using meth?", "How does it feel when you take a shot of meth?", "Can I pass a urine drug screen test on Monday, if I smoked a bowl of meth on Friday?", "When was meth legal?", "What does it feel like to try meth for the first time?", "How do you bake crystal meth out of water?", "What are the ways to produce stable and pure crystal Meth?", "How is meth cooked?", "How exactly does someone cook meth?", "How do you tell if you've missed by injecting meth?", "Will certo work for meth?", "Why do my hands and feet go numb and cold after I shoot meth?", "Why does my arm sting/go numb after shooting meth?", "Does certo work for meth?", "What amount of hits can you smoke of meth so not noticeable and how often?", "Is wet crystal meth not as good as dried out?", "Can Adderall replicate the high achievable with crystal meth?", "Are Adderall and meth the same?", "Where can I buy meth?", "I smoked a bowl of crystal meth on Friday. I'm 5'4\" and 187lbs. Will I be able to pass a urine drug test on Wednesday for drug court?", "How much profit will I make off a quarter ounce of meth?", "Why do I have a swollen arm after shooting meth?", "How is liquid meth converted into crystal?", "Can you mix meth with water- vape pen?", "Does long term drug use (meth) take sex drive away?", "Can hair dye help pass a hair follicle drug test for daily meth smokers?", "How is meth and crystal meth different according to science?" ] }
{ "query": "Is ice cream good to eat when you have a fever? Why or why not?", "pos": [ "Why is ice cream good for fever?" ], "neg": [ "Why is ice cream comforting?", "Is ice cream bad for a sore throat? Why or why not?", "Why is ice cream so comforting?", "Why do we use whipped cream in ice cream?", "Does eating ice cream alleviate colds?", "Is it ice-cream or ice cream?", "How is ice cream made?", "Are cakes better than ice creams?", "Can we eat ice cream when the weather is cold?", "What are the common toppings and sides for ice cream?", "How can we make vanilla ice cream more interesting?", "Can ice cream go bad, if stored for a long time?", "Why does ice cream melt? How can you keep it from melting?", "Why was ice cream invented?", "What's the most popular ice cream flavor?", "Is a hot bath good for a fever?", "Why do we eat ice cream when we are depressed?", "What is the medicine used to treat fever?", "How bad is it to eat ice cream at night?", "Do you love ice cream?", "Is eating ice cream every day unhealthy?", "Why does my heavy cream surpass whipped cream stage and separates into milk and butter?", "Is it better to treat a fever or allow it to run its course?", "What happens if I eat a litre of ice cream a day for a month?", "How do fever remedies work?", "What is the difference between, whipping cream, heavy cream, and fresh cream?", "Is there any difference between whipping cream and heavy cream?", "How can I make vanilla ice cream?", "What is whipped cream?", "Does Irish Cream go bad?" ] }
{ "query": "Is it a sin to be Muslim?", "pos": [ "Is it a sin or bad to be a Muslim?" ], "neg": [ "Is being Muslim a race or a religion?", "What is it like to be a Muslim woman?", "How does it feel to be a Indian Muslim?", "Can I be Christian and Muslim?", "What is it like to be an Indian Muslim?", "What is the necessity to be a Muslim in a non Muslim country?", "Is Islam good or bad ?", "As a Muslim, why do you think I should accept Islam?", "What is it like to be gay and a Muslim?", "How do I convert a Muslim into a Christian?", "Is Islam a religion or not?", "Can you be with a Muslim without having to convert?", "Should I hate muslims?", "What do you think about Muslims?", "How can I be a good muslim girl?", "If you are Muslim, do you believe non-Muslims will go hell?", "What do you think of Muslims?", "Is it necessary for an Hindu boy to convert to be a Muslim in order to marry a Muslim girl?", "How are good and bad determined in islam?", "Why are you a Muslim and how did you come to Islam?", "Why should I accept Islam?", "How do you feel as a Muslim when reading the Bible?", "What is the worst sin according to Qur'an?", "What's it like to have an observant Muslim cofounder?", "What is the fate of Muslims?", "What's it like for a Muslim to leave Islam and convert to some other faith?", "Is masturbating a sin in islam?", "Are all non Muslims going to hell according to Quran? Do you believe that?", "Can I get my virgins in paradise if I become a Muslim now?", "How can you convert over to a Muslim?" ] }
{ "query": "How will Indian GDP be affected from banning 500 and 1000 rupees notes?", "pos": [ "What will be the repercussions of banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on Indian economy?" ], "neg": [ "How soon would India's GDP cross 10 Trillion USD and India's Per Capita Income cross the 10,000 USD respectively?", "How does the elimination of Indian 100 rupee note ($6.00 USD) affect daily life?", "When is India going to cross 20000 USD GDP per capita with the current population explosion?", "Will Indian rupees value increase against dollar from 9/11/2016?", "What are the top risks (positive and negative) that could disrupt world economy in next 3, 5 and 10 years?", "What are the effects of unemployment in India?", "What is the future of India's economy in next ten years?", "How does the American economy affects Indian economy?" ] }
{ "query": "What are mastrubation for boys?", "pos": [ "What are mastrubation techniques for boys?" ], "neg": [ "Is masturbation for a boy harmful?", "What are some effective techniques of female masturbation?", "How do boys feel after masturbation?", "What are the pros and cons of masturbation?", "What are the different ways of masturbating?", "Does masturbation stunt height in male teen?", "Is masturbation okay for girls?", "What is masturbation for girls especially Indian Girls?", "How harmful or unhealthy is masturbation?", "Does masturbation stunt height growth in male teenagers?", "How do I increase the pleasure of masturbation?", "How can a young man of 20 years stop masturbation?", "How does daily masturbation effects?", "How does masturbation affects the body?", "What are harms and advantages of masturbation?", "What are the merits and demerits of masturbation?", "How did you discover masturbation?", "What are the side effects of masturbation?", "What are the side effects of masturbation?", "How can I enjoy masturbation?", "What are the best ways to stop or reduce the frequency of masturbation?", "How was your first masturbation experience?", "Is male masturbation in a group normal?", "Is masturbation good or does it do harm?", "How often should teenage boys masturbate?", "What different ways can I masturbate?", "How does it feel during masturbation?", "Does masturbation leads to any harmful affects?", "What does the Bible say about masturbation?", "Does masturbation in males lead to sexual infertility?" ] }
{ "query": "How do you get an ATM into service mode?", "pos": [ "How do I get to an ATM to go in to Service mode?" ], "neg": [ "How do I use an ATM machine?", "How do ATMs work?", "How does an ATM machine work?", "How can I hack any ATM machine?", "How can you use a credit card at an ATM machine?", "How do I apply for a new ATM in SBI without internet banking?", "What is the procedure to rent a place to a bank to set up its ATM machine?", "How do I get money fast from ATM?", "How do you deposit a paycheck on an ATM machine?", "What is an ATM?", "How do you get a cash advance through an ATM?", "What is ATM?", "What are some ways to deposit a check at an ATM?", "How do l apply a ATM card with my bank account?", "What is an ATM card number?", "How do ATM machines work internally?", "How do you deposit cash at an ATM?", "I have a shop and I have to give it for bank ATM machine?", "How can you deposit a check at any ATM?", "What are some ways to deposit cash at an ATM?", "Can I change phone number of SBI via ATM?", "What are common problems with ATM machines?", "How do you deposit cash in the ATM at Bank of America?", "Can I apply for a SBI ATM card online?", "ATM services would be back to normal?", "How do I deposit a check at a Bank of America ATM?", "How can I deposit cash in a Bank of America ATM?", "How do you make deposits in an ATM machine? Is it easy to do so?", "How does ATM transaction work?", "How do you deposit a check at a Wells Fargo ATM?" ] }
{ "query": "What are things that Indians happy?", "pos": [ "What are the things that make Indians happy? (Enough of what makes us sad)" ], "neg": [ "What are some things that make Indians sad?", "What are things that make Indians sad?", "What things make Indians sad?", "India: What are things that make Indians sad? And what are you doing about it?", "India: What are things that make Indians sad?", "What makes you happy about India?", "What makes you happy about India.?", "What makes Indians sad?", "What are the things that make India sad?", "What are some things that make Indians angry?", "What makes an Indian father happy?", "What is it that makes you proud of India?", "Which are some of the best pictures that make us proud as Indians?", "What are few things that Indians shouldn't be proud of?", "What makes you proud about India?", "What are the lame things some Indians do to appear cool?", "What makes us happy and why?", "What makes you an Indian?", "What makes you happy?", "What makes you happy?", "What are some 'fun facts' about Indians and Indian Mentality?", "What makes an Indian an Indian?", "What makes people happy the most?", "What things or people make Bihar proud?", "What does not make you sad about India?", "Which is the greatest line you have heard about India that makes every Indian proud?", "What are some mind-blowing facts about Indians?", "What things make you sad about people in India?", "What are the things that make you happy in your life?", "What makes you happy? Why?" ] }
{ "query": "Is there anyway to bypass iCloud activation?", "pos": [ "How do I Bypass icloud on stolen iphone?" ], "neg": [ "How do I unlock iCloud Activation Lock in iOS 9?", "How do I unlock iCloud Activation Lock in iOS 7?", "Can I jailbreak iPhone 6 if it is iCloud locked?", "How do I lock my screen on the iPhone 6 Plus to back it up to iCloud?", "Can you delete pictures from an iPhone and still have it saved in iCloud? If so, how?", "How do I remove an app from iCloud?", "Is the iCloud lock a big issue when using the iPhone?", "How do I recover deleted iCloud backup?", "Can the iCloud lock be broken?", "How do I delete photos from the icloud but still have them on my iPhone?", "How do I verify an iCloud account?", "My iPhone 6 was stolen. The phone was off. It is password protected. I can't find the location of the phone. 'Find the location/iCloud\" was not on. I logged in to iCloud online and it says the device is off and it cannot find the location. If I delete photos from iCloud online will the photos be deleted on the phone as well?", "What do iCloud backup from an app?", "How do you retrieve photos from iCloud?", "How do I find my iCloud security code?", "How do you verify your iCloud account?", "How do you sync iCloud with your iPhone?", "How do I backup exchange contacts from an iPhone to iCloud or another device or computer?", "If I backup my iPhone data to iCloud can I delete everything in my iTunes library?", "Can I delete photos off iPhone but not iCloud?", "How do I download videos from iCloud to my iPhone?", "I've lost all my precious contacts on my iPhone 6s, but they are all in iCloud now. How can I get them back onto my iPhone 6s?", "Data Recovery: I've lost all my contacts on my iPhone, however they are all there in iCloud. How can I get them back onto my iPhone?", "How do I restore pictures from iCloud?", "Can Android apps use iCloud?", "How do I get my pictures from iCloud?", "Do Android apps use iCloud?", "How do I extract messages from iCloud backup?", "How do I delete photos/videos from my iPhone 6s and not off my iCloud storage?", "How do you save pictures on iCloud from iPhone and make sure all pictures have saved from iPhone before deleting?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I understand new concepts quickly?", "pos": [ "What are some methods to help me understand concepts faster?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best way to explain an idea you have to someone so that they really understand it, and can implement it?", "What are some brief, working definitions of the concept of \"concept\" in various fields?", "What are conceptual skills?", "How can I create ideas for information products? Is there a reference?", "What are the conceptual skills?", "How do I introduce an idea or concept clearly? (read description)?", "How do I write a lay description of a concept?", "What are good ways to mentally grasp foreign mathematical concepts?", "How can I be a good communicator of concepts?", "How can I get practical knowledge in computers?", "What are some techniques, social tricks, hacks and psychology tricks useful to know?", "What is the best way to learn theory?", "How would you write a concept?", "Psychology: What are some of the most difficult concepts for psychologists to grasp?", "What is the easiest way to boost knowledge and intelligence?", "What are some of the sure shot ways of learning more in less time?", "What is the best way to manage tacit knowledge?", "What are some advanced concepts in mathematics that can easily be explained to young children?", "How do I design a theory?", "How can I sharpen my brain to recall/recollect learned or heard information precisely and in long term standards?", "What are some good resources for learning about operations?", "What are some sentence examples using \"theory\"?", "What should I do to master something like a technique?", "What are some of the best examples of phrases the expert in anything was once a beginner?", "What are some leading research hypotheses on how the human brain can rapidly understand categories?", "How do I develop common sense?", "Is there any methodology to identify the cognition patterns?", "What is the easiest way to learn something new with minimum effort and restrain from the brain?", "Does the human brain learn concepts in a hierarchical fashion, from elementary to complex?", "What are some concepts that were difficult for people to grasp in the past but are now common place?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I get better grades in mathematics?", "pos": [ "How can I get better grades in maths?" ], "neg": [ "How can I get better grades?", "What can I do to get better grades?", "How can one get better grades?", "How do you get better grades?", "How can I get better grades in school?", "What can I do to get better grades next quarter?", "How can I get good grades?", "How can I get good grades?", "How do I get good grades in college?", "Is it bad to have low grades (especially in math) in grade 10?", "How do I get good grades in my exams?", "How can we get the best grades in school?", "How can I get the best grades at school?", "How can I improve my grades?", "How do I improve my grades?", "How do I significantly improve my grades?", "Why is it good to get good grades?", "How do I get good grades when I hardly study?", "Why am I bad at maths?", "How do you get good grades in high school?", "Why am I so bad at Maths?", "Why can't I get good grades?", "Why should I major in math?", "What is the most effective way to study maths in high school?", "How do I get good grades on an exam?", "How important do you think it is to get good grades in college?", "Why is it important to get good grades?", "My maths have become extremely weak and I am in class 12th. How can I improve my maths so that I can clear my JEE exams next year?", "Do you have to be good at math to major in business?", "How can I improve grades in high school?" ] }
{ "query": "Is there something that Windows can do but Linux can't?", "pos": [ "Is there something which Windows can do, but Linux can not?" ], "neg": [ "What is the difference between Windows and Linux?", "What are the basic differences between Linux and Windows?", "Is it possible that Microsoft Windows will switch to Unix in the future? If not, will Windows eventually die out?", "What systems use linux?", "Operating Systems: What would you say is an equivalent of Linux's systemd on a Windows OS?", "Is it possible to run windows without its kernel?", "What type of operating system is windows?", "How is UNIX different from Windows?", "What is the difference between Unix and windows?", "How do I reinstall Windows from a full Linux laptop? I have a bootable USB.", "Can I write my own OS into a computer that's set for Windows?", "Can Linux become an everyday system like OSX or WIndows?", "If macOS and Linux are based on Unix, then what is Windows based on and why was it implemented like this by Bill Gates?", "What are the best ways to use windows?", "Can Windows work like Unix in terms of performance, complexity, efficiency etc?", "What's Linux?", "What is the use of Linux?", "Which is better, Windows+Linux or OSX?", "When will Microsoft finally admit Unix's superiority as Apple did, and completely switch Windows to a Unix-like kernel?", "Which computers are using Linux?", "Is Windows Phone OS also derived from UNIX?", "How can I use linux for making software or website?", "What is Linux?", "What is the uses of linux?", "What is an operating system in PC?", "What are features of windows operating system?", "Why is Windows using a hybrid kernel? What are some of the advantages of using it?", "What are the features of Windows NT operating system?", "What is Linux? What is its use?", "What's the difference between Mac OS, Windows, and Linux?" ] }
{ "query": "What qualifies me to get a green card?", "pos": [ "How can I get a green card to live and work in the USA?" ], "neg": [ "How easy is it to get a job in the US without a green card?", "Can you work in Canada if you have U.S. green card?", "How do I get a green card for a Mexican immigrant?", "I have an approved I-140 and hence an A-Number. I don't have a green card yet. Do I need to provide this during my entry into the US?", "What does a US green card holder need to travel to Canada?", "As a U.S. green card holder, would I be able to travel to and from Canada by land using just my green card?", "What are the U.K. Visa requirements for U.S. green card holders?", "If I come to US on visit visa and I marry a green card holder, can I stay with my spouse and work in the US?", "I am married and over 21 years old. Can I get the USA B1 visit visa, if my father is already a US green card holder?", "I am Ukrainian living in Canada for 10 years. Can I apply for green card and what is the chance of winning?", "Do green card holders have to pay US taxes when they work outside the US?", "Can I apply for a U.S. credit card while living outside of the U.S.?", "How much does US Green Card cost?", "Can a green card holder apply for spouse visa?", "Is there a way for my employer to apply for my green card before I graduate, provided I already signed the full time offer?", "What are the legal risks of temporarily marrying an immigrant to get them a US green card?", "Whether i should apply green card or switch company?", "Is it true that if you reside within the United States for 4 years legally, you are eligible to apply for a permanent residency (green card)?", "What kind of jobs can sponsor my visa or green card?", "I am at Manager designation and My company wants to file Green Card for me, I have total of 10 Years of experience. Do i qualify for filing in EB1 ?", "How long does it take for an Indian to get a green card via EB2?", "Can a Russian citizen with a U.S. Permanent Resident status (green card) live and work in Canada?", "I am 3.5 years into my H1B. My employer hasn't started my green card process. How late am I in the process? Should I look for other options? Do other companies file for a green card immediately?", "What are the advantages of having a Green Card over others while applying for an MBA in the US?", "How much does a green card cost?", "Can a green card holder apply for a non-immigrant visa for a kid?", "My green card process is taking too long, should I return to India?", "What are the laws of getting a green card due to marriage in US, how do they compare to the green card laws in Russia?", "What is your plan to help out hundred thousands of skilled non immigrants stucked in green card backlogs?", "What are the laws of getting a green card due to marriage in US, how do they compare to the green card laws in China?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I get fit as a teenager?", "pos": [ "How can I get fit as a teenager?" ], "neg": [ "How do I get fit?", "How can I make friends as a teenager?", "How do I make friends as a teenager?", "What makes a perfect teenager?", "As a teenager who is to turn 16 soon, do you have any advice for me?", "How do I get a fit body?", "How can I get very fit?", "What is the hardest part of being a teenager?", "How do I become fit?", "What should every teenager do during their teenage years?", "What are the benefits of being a teenager nowadays?", "What should I do to get a good height if I am 15?", "How can you be fit?", "How can you be fit?", "What is the most difficult part about being a teenager?", "What are the best ways to get fit?", "How do I stay fit?", "Is there any way to increase height at the age of 17?", "I just turned 17 but feel like I'm mentally a 12-year-old. What should I do to mature quickly?", "How can a teenager get money?", "What's the best way to get fit?", "Above Average Height: How does it feel to be a 6'2\" tall teen?", "What was the hardest part of being a teenager?", "How much should I sleep as a teenager?", "Can I increase my height at the age of 17?", "What one should do to be fit?", "Are there any tips for growing taller at 16?", "What advice do you have for current teenagers?", "How do I get fit at home?", "How does a teenager make friends?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Florida?", "pos": [ "What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Wisconsin?" ], "neg": [ "What are some safe ways to hunt with a tactical shotgun?", "What are some good tactical shotgun classes around NJ/NY area?", "Do gun-free zones increase or decrease safety?", "What are the best gun safes?", "What are the risks of using parts made for airsoft on real firearms?", "What is the significance of calling \"shotgun\"?", "Why are pump-action shotguns still in use?", "Do you need a safe for a long gun in California?", "How much can I expect to pay for a shotgun?", "What are the pros and cons of a semi-automatic shotgun vs pump action?", "Why can't civilians buy an AA-12 shotgun?", "Do guns make Americans safer?", "Is it safe that many people own guns in America?", "What are the pros and cons of gun control?", "What is it like hunting with a tactical shotgun?", "What is the spread on a police shotgun?", "Has there been a gun control initiative to take away guns people already own?", "What are the disadvantages of using silencers on firearms?", "What is the difference between a shotgun and a firearm?", "What special regulations do gun laws in Texas have in regards to silencers, and how do they compare to regulations in Rhode Island?", "Is there an objective statistical comparison between the reliability of semi-automatic pistols vs revolvers?", "How effective are gun control laws?", "What are the consequences of operating a legally owned gun under the influence of drugs and alcohol?", "What is the importance of having safety rules?", "Can gun control prevent assault?", "What is a Firearm Safety course, and in which cases are these courses recomended?", "Is there a loophole in the U.S. that makes it possible to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check?", "Do Americans believe owning a gun makes them safer?", "What special regulations do gun laws in Texas have in regards to silencers, and how do they compare to regulations in Idaho?", "What are some net beneficial and net detrimental effects of gun ownership?" ] }
{ "query": "What causes over consumption?", "pos": [ "What are the causes of over consumption?" ], "neg": [ "What are the causes of overpopulation?", "What is the cause for overpopulation?", "What happen if your allowance increase. would you change your taste and preference, or would you stick with your old consumption patterns?", "In economic terms, what is \"consumption\"?", "What is the psychology of consumption in consumer behavior?", "What would happen if your allowance increase? Would you change your taste and preference, or would you stick with your old consumption patterns?", "Is the consumption of alcohol over hyped - especially the cool quotient?", "How bad can excessive Hajmola consumption be?", "What are the negative effects of eating too much sugar?", "What are the effects of consuming too much sugar?", "How did you overcome your spending habit?", "Why the MRP of bottled beverages and even water is so high at McDonalds, Dominos, Subway, etc?", "What are the side effects of not eating enough?", "Why is eating too unhealthy?", "Why do we waste so much food?", "Why does wealth affect water consumption?", "What is the main cause of overheating of mobile phones and how to get rid of it?", "What are the negative effects, if any, of long-term caffeine consumption?", "What are the causes of overpopulation in Pakistan?", "Are we becoming underweight due to junk food if we eat it thrice in a week by replacing on meal of the day on it?", "What triggers people to buy products?", "Is drinking alchohol overrated?", "What are the effects of eating too much starch in our diets?", "Is drinking overrated?", "Why don't people drink, instead of eating, when heading out with friends, or something? Why is eating the entertaining cultural norm?", "What is the difference between overload and overcurrent? What are the effects of them?", "Are there any biological reasons for eating whilst sitting?", "What are the side effects of eating excessive Parle-G buiscuit?", "Why do we waste food?", "Is there any adverse effect of eating too much Hajmola?" ] }
{ "query": "Why does black people have big penis?", "pos": [ "Do black guys have big dicks?" ], "neg": [ "Do you like black men?", "Do women like black men?", "Do girls love big dicks?", "What do white women think about black guys?", "Why are black people so ugly?", "Do white guys date black men?", "What do white guys think of black girls?", "Do blond girls like black guys?", "Is black really a colour?", "Do pornstars have big penises?", "Why do black people call themselves nigga?", "Do black pants go with a black shirt?", "Why are black guys popular with girls in the UK?", "What do black guys think of white guys dating black girls?", "Why do some black guys like white girls?", "Do women really like big penises?", "Why did black people call themselves nigga?", "All gay guys teeth really big?", "Do male porn stars really have those huge penises as shown?", "Why do some kids wear ALL black?", "Do white women find black men attractive?", "Do latinas like black guys?", "Do Asian girls like black guys?", "Should black people use the N-word?", "Is black a color?", "How do male pornstars have such huge penises?", "Is it true that white guys don't like black girls?", "Why hair are black?", "If I use black guy's sperm and wrap it around my penis. will my dick becomes larger?", "Can black people be racist to other black people?" ] }
{ "query": "Will there ever be a time when the end of the universe will come? What might happen?", "pos": [ "How will the universe end? When will that happen?" ], "neg": [ "Will the universe end with the Big Freeze?", "Would a black hole be the exit of this universe?", "Will The Big Bang Theory end after season 10?", "How do you think human civilization will ultimately end?", "The Universe have a center, and is on expansion. Wouldn't be more precise to say The Universe could be infinite, but at a moment \"x\" he have an end?", "Why do you think the end of the world is near?", "What are the chances of a vacuum metastability event hitting the universe in the future?", "Why does God has gone to this length to create the whole universe and a planet only for humans when the end is so inevitable?", "Will \"The Big Bang Theory\" end in 2017, after Season 10?", "When did the universe begin?", "What if the mankind is moving towards its end, and the next civilization will be entirely of nonliving things? What if nonliving things, as we call them, are actually driving this universe?", "How do you think the Universe began?", "Is the universe expanding day by day?", "Did the universe have a beginning?", "Is our universe expanding?", "Is our Universe expanding?", "How did the universe begin?", "Will season 10 of Big Bang Theory be the final season?", "Can another Big Bang happen more than once in our Universe?", "Was there never a beginning to the universe?", "Can we see the Big Bang?", "Could we live in a universe where God died in the act of creation like in big bang?", "How did the Mayan Civilisation predict that the world will end in 2012?", "Will humanity exit the earths orbit in the next generation?", "Can we cross the border of our universe?", "When will Fairy Tail end?", "When will SpongeBob end?", "Will The Big Bang Theory continue after season 10?", "If the universe is \"all\" then is anything previous a part of the universe or not?", "Will the accelerating space expansion eventually reach lightspeed upon which everything snaps back into singularity and shoots through in another big bang?" ] }
{ "query": "What are some of the best places to visit for solo travel in India?", "pos": [ "What are the best places to visit for lone travelling in India?" ], "neg": [ "What is the safest place to visit in southern India for a girl travelling alone?", "Visiting and Travel in India: What are some of the best travel locations in India that most people have never heard of?", "Which are the cheapest places in India to travel?", "I'm from north india and want to travel solo. Is it safe for a girl to travel alone? If yes then suggest some places.", "How safe is it for a woman to travel alone in India?", "Which is the best place to reside in India and Why?", "Which is the best place for hiking in india?", "Where is the best place to live in india?", "Is it safe to travel Pakistan for a solo? If so which are the places I should not go?", "Which is the best place to live in India?", "Which are the 5 best places to visit in North-east India?", "What are the best peaceful locations in India for holiday?", "What are the best and cheap places to visit in south India?", "How can I travel and work in India?", "Which is the best place to roam in Mumbai other that marine drives and Gateway of India?", "Where are the best place to work in India?", "How can I travel across India as an Indian without money?", "Which are most undiscovered places in India to visit?", "What are the best places to visit in northern India?", "Which is the best place to visit in India during January with my best friend?", "How safe is it for girls to travel alone in India?", "Which is the best place to work in India?", "What are the best places to visit in Rajasthan, India?", "Which are the best places to visit on a one day trip from Mysore?", "Is it safe for a foreigner girl to travel alone in Mumbai? Any tips/advices?", "How safe is India for a lone young female traveller?", "What are good, safe, and cost effective places for a woman to travel alone?", "What is the best place in India to work?", "Where Indians can travel without visa?", "Which is best place in india to live peacefully and that is less crowded?" ] }
{ "query": "Why do the Sentinels in X-Men: Days of Future Past look so similar to the Destroyer in Thor?", "pos": [ "Why does The Destroyer in Thor look so much like the Sentinels in X-Men: Days of The Future Past?" ], "neg": [ "Could a Star Wars Star Destroyer have functioned near the surface, as depicted in Rogue One?", "Who is the \"destroyer\"?", "Is Thor stronger than Hulk?", "Why was Vision able to lift Thor's hammer in Avengers Age of Ultron?", "How does the Kolkata class destroyer compare to the Arleigh-Burke class destroyer?", "Are there any mutants capable of effectively opposing the Sentinels from X-Men: Days of Future Past?", "Why did Thor's hammer shake in the movie ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ when Captain America tried to lift it?", "Why is there a scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens that looks very similar to the Nazi army?", "Why does the U-Wing fighter from Rogue One have moving wings?", "Is Captain America worthy enough to use Thor's Hammer?", "Why is Hulk so important in the Thor: Ragnarok film and why did Marvel make it so that the two were absent in Civil War only to be together in this?", "Will Captain America ever wield Thor's hammer?", "Why was the Hetzer, a German World War II tank destroyer, so successful?", "What are some legitimate explanations for the Ewoks beating the Emperor's best stormtroopers?", "[Spoiler] Why did Luke go looking for the first Jedi temple?", "Star Wars (creative franchise): Why can't the Jedi detect that Palpatine is a Sith Lord? ", "What is the seagram's imperial blue men will be men ad about?", "Are Grey Jedi more powerful than Jedi?", "Will Luke Skywalker be more powerful than Yoda in Star Wars Episode VIII and the new canon?", "Will Death Stars continue to be mainstays of villainous weaponry in future Star Wars movies?", "Does Rex know that his old jedi leader is darth vader?", "Why would Ra's Al Ghul want to go to war with Batman's enemies?", "Why do so many characters lose their arms in Star Wars?", "Why aren’t Thor and Hulk in Civil War (the movie)? Are they absent in the movie for the same reasons they are missing in the comic?", "Why isn't Darth Vader's mask seated properly on his neck in the Star Wars Rogue One trailers?", "Has anyone fallen in Thor's Well? Can anyone survive once they're in the well?", "Why did Darth Bane die in \"Star Wars\" book?", "Why does the SS soldier let Norman go in the movie Fury?", "Is the Legion (Marvel character) the most powerful mutant?", "Why is Wolverine not in the Avengers?" ] }
{ "query": "How do some people become a terrorist?", "pos": [ "What makes people become terrorists?" ], "neg": [ "Who are terrorists?", "How do terrorists brainwash people to become one among them?", "What do terrorists want?", "Who is a terrorist?", "What is it exactly that the terrorists want?", "Why do intelligent young people with bright futures give up everything just to join terrorist groups like ISIS?", "Why are terrorists ready to die?", "Why are youth joining Islamist terrorist groups?", "What steps are the people of Pakistan taking to avoid their youth from getting brainwashed into becoming terrorists?", "How do terrorist organizations get most modern weapons?", "Why United States of America is creating terrorist in Middle East and spreading it to worldwide?", "Is terrorism born out of greed or need?", "Is the plitics responsible for terrorism?", "Why don't we capture terrorist and behead them?", "Why do terrorists not attack rich Arab countries?", "What does a terrorist look like?", "Why don't terrorist groups understand it's bad public relations to do evil as opposed to doing good?", "Why are naxals and terrorists anti-social?", "Does terrorism grow from a climate of poverty and despair?", "Does terrorism originate in religion?", "What percentage of terrorists are theists?", "Is terrorism a form of protest?", "Who are terrorists in India?", "Why do Islamist terrorists cover their faces?", "How did different terrorist organisations start? How did they come into existence aid how did they evolve over time into violent organisations?", "Were the founding fathers terrorists?", "Why is terrorism so frequently associated with Islam?", "Why terrorists mostly use Toyota vehicles?", "What is good terrorism and good Taliban?", "Why do muslims get radicalise easily and not other people?" ] }
{ "query": "Do men love harder than women?", "pos": [ "Who loves more intensely — men or women?" ], "neg": [ "Who enjoys sex more, men or women and why?", "What do women love most about men?", "Between men and women, who enjoys sex more?", "Who enjoys sex the most: men or women? And why?", "What do woman love about men?", "Is it true that women enjoy life more than men?", "Who have more pleasure during sex-men or women?", "Why do men love women?", "Is sex more pleasurable for men or for women?", "Are women stronger emotionally than men?", "Between men and women, who are more heartless when it comes to relationships?", "What traits do men love most about other men?", "Who will have more pleasure during sex, man or woman?", "Is it true that men can either admire a woman (for her intellect) or love her (the physical attraction) but can't do both at the same time?", "What are some things that women enjoy more than men?", "Why are so many men more interested in pleasing their controlling, rude, and nasty mothers than a woman they claim to love, who is none of those things?", "What do men like in women the most?", "Which makes men fall in love: the looks or personality of the woman?", "Which characteristics of men is attracted by women the most?", "Does women desire sex equally as much as men do?", "Who have a better orgasm: men or women?", "Do men sleep with many women but love only one?", "What does a man love in woman?", "Is it possible for a man to love two women sincerely?", "What is the one thing that makes men great lovers?", "Which quality of men attracts the women most?", "Who is the greatest man/woman that ever lived and why?", "What is the feeling when someone truly loves you?", "What do women think that men like the most about a women?", "What does a man do when he loves a woman?" ] }
{ "query": "What's the worst hotel in New Delhi?", "pos": [ "New Delhi, India: What's the worst hotel in New Delhi?" ], "neg": [ "Which is the worst five star hotel in India?", "What's the worst hotel in Singapore?", "What's the worst hotel in Madrid?", "What's the worst hotel in China?", "What's the worst hotel in Germany?", "What's the worst hotel in Dubai?", "What's the worst hotel in Amsterdam?", "What's the worst hotel in France?", "What's the worst hotel in Córdoba?", "What's the worst hotel in Australia?", "What are the best hotel management colleges in delhi?", "What is your worst hotel experience?", "What's the worst hotel in Concepción?", "What's the worst hotel in Rïga?", "What is the best hotel in New York City?", "What's the worst hotel in Búzios?", "What are the major problems faced by tourists in Delhi?", "I am coming to meet my girlfriend who lives in Delhi and we are planning to stay overnight in some hotel. How do I get some good hotels?", "What's the worst hotel in Istanbul?", "Best place in delhi to spend a day with girlfriend at a hotel etc", "Where can I find best hotel in Nawalgarh?", "What's the worst hotel in Málaga?", "Which is the best hotel in the world?", "I want to visit Delhi. Where in Delhi should I take a hotel room so that it is near a metro station and peaceful from Delhi traffic?", "Which is the first five star hotel in India?", "Where are the prostitutes in Delhi?", "What are the places that I should not miss while visiting Delhi?", "Which is the oldest hostel at IIT Delhi?", "What is the best budget hotels in Jaisalmer for accommodation of me and my friends in this coming New Year eve?", "Hostels in Delhi near madeeasy?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I get a job at Bain Capital, Blackrock or KKR?", "pos": [ "How can I get a job at Bain Capital?" ], "neg": [ "How is Bain & Company at Gurgaon?", "What's a good way to get in with a Venture Capital firm?", "How do I get into McKinsey, BCG, Bain, if I am not from a tier-I management institute?", "I am running a business. For that business I want venture capital. Can you tell me how can I get the venture capital?", "How do I access venture capital?", "I am a graduate or bout to in 2017 and I have 55% till now with some arrears will I get any job in goverment or private sector?", "How can I start a venture capital with no money?", "How do I start a Venture Capital firm?", "What tips will you give to college students who will be future Bain Associate consultants?", "Management Consulting: How much do partners at McKinsey, BCG, Bain make?", "How do I get a job in USA in the Finance/Investment Management Domain?", "How can I get a job in the IT sector?", "How do I get a job in Finland with an MBA from India?", "How can I become a trainee trader at a hedge fund?", "I hav capital of 20 lacs .Which business can I start?", "What type of individuals do top consulting firms like BCG, Bain and McKinsey hire?", "Where do venture capital firms get their money?", "How can I get a finance job in an oil and gas company?", "What are the best ways to find an internship at Venture Capital firms?", "Which is the most prestigious company to work for coming out of college: Goldman, Blackstone, Bain and Company, or McKinsey?", "What is a job in Private Equity like?", "What business can I start with $5000 capital in cash?", "What kind of jobs are the natural next steps after 2 years at a top management consulting firm such as McKinsey, Bain, or BCG?", "How much money do I need to start a career in venture capital?", "I own penny stock in a company from a private investment. How do I find a broker to sell them?", "How do I become a wealth manager?", "How do I get a job in IT sector without shifts?", "How can I get finance jobs in London?", "How do I make some money without a starting capital?", "How do I get a government job?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I prepare for 10 board exams?", "pos": [ "What are some ways to prepare for the 10 board exams?" ], "neg": [ "How should I prepare for the CBSE class 12 board exams?", "What should I do to prepare for my 12th boards and nata exam together?", "How do I prepare for computer science for my CBSE class 12 boards?", "How do I prepare for the 10th boards exam in 5 days at ICSE?", "How can I prepare for my 12th boards and nata exam together?", "How do I prepare for class 10 case boards? And which is a better option for studies in future? Engineering law or medical?", "How to prepare for my exams in a week?", "Is there is effect in future if I am giving school based board exam in class 10?", "How I prepare for the exam before a week?", "How many hours I should study if my class 10 board exam is starting from march?", "Which is the best way to prepare the exam?", "How do I study for NINE exams?", "How do I prepare for the competitive exams?", "What is the best way to prepare for 12th class?", "How do I prepare for an exam in a day?", "Are class 12 board exams tough?", "What are the best strategies for preparing for the bar exam?", "What are all the exams can try while preparing for bank exam?", "What is the best way to get 10 CGPA in the tenth board exams?", "What are some tips and tricks to prepare for SA2 CBSE BOARD class 10 to get 10cgpa?", "What should be my studying time table for class 10th board exam? I have performed poorly in first semester. Guide me for better CGPA.", "How do I prepare for high Court RO exam and what are books I should need to refer for the same?", "How do I study so that I can become topper in 12 boards?", "How do I prepare for competitive exams while working?", "How do l prepare for exams before 1 week?", "What are the differences between school board and board exams in class 10? I am opting for board is it good?", "Is there any difference in school based and board based exam for 10th?", "What is the best way to prepare for the 74-674 exam?", "How do I prepare for a bar exam?", "Is it possible to pass board exams by only studying for a week? (12th hsc science.)?" ] }
{ "query": "Where can I buy very incredible and most amazing cupcakes in Gold Coast?", "pos": [ "Where can I buy special flavor cupcake at Gold Coast?" ], "neg": [ "Where can I found best selection of cupcakes decorated with presents, flowers and hearts in Southport?", "What are some delicious cupcake recipes?", "What is the best way to store pancake batter?", "How should you store pancake batter?", "Where can I find the Arctic Zero / Halo Top creamery equivalents in Canada? Are there any?", "I m looking for custom made wedding chocolate gift providers in Dubai, recommend someone?", "Where is a good place to buy birthday cakes in Jaipur?", "How do I make chocolate bar wrappers like the ones on the store?", "How can I make a homemade chocolate business?", "Where in Hong Kong can I buy a cold brew coffee maker?", "How long do gluten-free cupcakes last?", "Confectionery: Where can I buy Callard & Boswer dessert nougat?", "Where I can get Japanese pancakes in NYC?", "Where did you get best ice cream in the world?", "Where can I buy custom made wedding gowns in Gold Coast?", "What is the most delicious chocolate?", "How do you make fluffy pancakes with Aunt Jemima pancake mix?", "What are some ways to make semi-sweet chocolate?", "Where can you use Fandango gift cards?", "What are some good dessert recipes?", "Where can I buy gourmet cheese online?", "How do I make simple chocolate lava cake?", "Where can I buy Bronze Goddess perfume online?", "What are the best ice cream cake sandwiches out there?", "How can I make a Chocolate at home?", "What is the cheapest reliable way to ship chocolates from the US to the UK?", "How do you make chocolate chip cookies?", "What is the best chocolate chip cookie recipe?", "What are some good recipes for Chocolate Chip cookies?", "What is the most delicious brand of chocolate?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the difference between loving someone and being in love with them?", "pos": [ "What's the difference between \"loving\" someone and being \"in love\"?" ], "neg": [ "What is it like to be loved by somebody?", "What is it like to be loved by someone?", "What's it like to love someone?", "How does it feel like to be loved by someone you are madly in love with?", "What is it like to be in love?", "Is it better to love or to be loved?", "How does it feels to be in love?", "What does being in love feel like?", "What's the difference between sex and making love?", "What is the difference between being in love and lust?", "What is the difference between love in human beings and love in animals?", "What does it like to be loved properly?", "Do you prefer to love or to be loved?", "What are the differences between love and not-love?", "What does it mean to love someone?", "How it is like not to be loved by someone you love?", "Why is it \"fall in love\" not \"rise in love\"?", "Do you actually love loving?", "What is the difference between love and sex?", "What does falling in/being in love feel like to an Aspie man/woman? Not looking for an answer that would be \"acceptable\"to an NT", "How does it feel to fall in love with someone?", "What's the difference between making love and sex?", "What is the true meaning of \"I love you\"?", "What does being loved feel like?", "Why do people love to be in a relationship?", "Is love all about sex? What is the difference between sex and love?", "What is the difference between true love and attachment?", "What does it feel like to be loved?", "What is it like to fall in love?", "What is it like to fall in love?" ] }
{ "query": "Which is the best book on Vipassana meditation?", "pos": [ "Which are the best books on vipassana meditation?" ], "neg": [ "What are the arguments against Goenka's Vipassana techniques? Is it better than mindfulness meditation?", "What are the best books on Zen Buddhism?", "What are the Best Meditation Apps?", "Which are the best books on Zen Buddhism?", "Which is best meditation app?", "Which meditation technique is the best, Sudarshan Kriya, vipassana, Isha Kriya or Trascendental Meditation?", "How do I perform meditation techniques such as the Sudarshan Kriya, Vipassana, Isha Kriya, and Transcendental meditation?", "What is the best app for mindfulness meditation?", "What are some good spirituality/meditation apps?", "Which guided meditation is the best?", "What is meditation?", "Is meditation useful?", "Is there anything as useful as meditation?", "What are the best guided meditations?", "But what is meditation?", "What meditation in space like?", "How meditation can benefit me?", "What are the best meditation for add?", "What should a person new to meditation concentrate on while meditating?", "What are examples of great meditation or mindfulness apps?", "What are the best iOS apps for mindfulness meditation, and where do I find them?", "What are Venkatesh Rao's views on meditation?", "What are the best Vedic astrology blogs?", "What are some of the best books about philosophy of buddhism?", "Is meditation bad for you?", "Which meditation technique did Swami Vivekananda use?", "How can I do meditation?", "What are the best tips for meditation as a beginner?", "How meditation is profitable?", "What is your review of Transcendental Meditation?" ] }
{ "query": "In engineering, which field has more scope in India?", "pos": [ "Currently, which field of engineering has more scope in India?" ], "neg": [ "Why is engineering more favoured in India?", "What is the scope of industrial engineering in India?", "What is the future of engineering in India?", "What is the scope of computer science engineering in India?", "What is the present best branch of engineering in India?", "Is there scope for aerospace engineering in India?", "What is the scope of aerospace engineering in India?", "Is there any scope for aeronautical engineering in india?", "What is the current engineering scenario in India?", "In India, what is the scope of environmental engineering?", "What is the electrical engineering scope in India?", "What is the scope of agricultural engineering in India?", "Which colleges in India offer Genetical Engineering? What is the scope in this field?", "Is there any scope for aeronautical engineers in india?", "Does mechanical engineering has scope in India?", "What is the Scope for Automobile Engineering in India?", "What is the scope for electrical and electronics engineering in India?", "What is the scope of automobile engineering in India?", "Does M.S. in electrical engineering from U.S. have good scope in India?", "Does mechanical engineering have scope in india?", "What is the scope of electronics engineering in India?", "What is the scope for biomedical engineering in india?", "What is the reality of Engineering in India?", "What is the scope of electric engineer in India?", "What scope in agriculture engineering in India?", "Does an M.S. in electrical engineering from U.S. have a good scope in India?", "For an Indian engineer which is the best place for better career, India or Foreign?", "Does chemical engineering have any scope in India?", "What is the future of instrumentation and control engineering in India?", "What are some of the best engineering job consultancies in India?" ] }
{ "query": "Which is the best laptop I can buy in india for Rs.25000-30000?", "pos": [ "which laptop will be best under Rs 30,000?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best phone to buy under 30000 in India?", "Which is the best phone under 30k?", "What is best phone to buy in the range of Rs.25000-30000?", "Which is the best smartphone under ₹30000?", "Which are the best smartphones under 30k?", "Which is the best smartphone Rs30000 till date?", "Which is the best smartphone under 3000 INR?", "What is the best DSLR under 30k?", "Which is the best earphone under Rs 3000?", "I want to invest 300000 rupee what is the best business for me?", "What is best 30\" monitor?", "What are the best assets to invest in as a beginner with only $3000?", "What are some good earphones under Rs 3000?", "Which is the best phone to buy under rs25000?", "What are the best earphones within Rs 3000?", "What are the best earphones under $30?", "What business should I start with capital of RS. 3000000?", "What is the best LED TV under 30k in India?", "I have Rs 30000, what is a good small business that I can start with it?", "Which is the best earphone with mic under ₹300?", "What is the best way to invest 3000 rupees in India?", "Which type of business can be started with a little investment of just 30000 rs?", "What business can I start with 30000 RS in Hyderabad?", "How do I earn 30000 in a month?", "How can ı earn money with 30000£?", "How can I make 3000 $ fast online?", "Which is the best action game for pc under 3000?", "IN WHAT Time will rs 3000 amounts to rs 5184 at compounded interest of 20%?", "What are the best 30\" monitors?", "How can I earn from my 3000 INR per month savings?" ] }
{ "query": "If Western Europe want more labour, why don't they open more immigration quota to people from the Far East?", "pos": [ "If Western Europe wants more labour, why don't they open more immigration quota to people from the Far East?" ], "neg": [ "Why isn't the U.S. accepting refugees and helping out with the migrant crisis in Europe?", "Why are European countries trying to compensate their low birth rates by immigration rather than incentivizing higher birth rates in local population?", "Are some Europeans fearful that they will become a minority in thier homeland from immigration?", "Liberlization: Globalisation and liberalisation are followed by maximum countries but why are people from other countries not able to get jobs in the U.S.A?", "Why do some West Europeans dislike Eastern European immigrants?", "Why does Britain want to leave the European Union?", "Why some people didn't want to leave EU?", "Why does UK want to leave European Union?", "Why do countries not want to join the EU?", "Why did people want to leave the eu so desperately?", "Why are so many people migrating from Africa especially Libya to European countries and what is the reaction of Europe regarding this migration?", "Why is the US allowing in so many immigrants when there is high unemployment in the nation?", "Which EU country is most against accepting refugees?", "Why is there a sudden influx of migrants into Europe in recent months, given that the wars in Africa/the Middle East started years ago?", "How do you apply for immigration to Europe?", "Should Germany welcome more refugees?", "Why did some ethnic minorities support Brexit?", "Why does Britain wish to leave European union?", "Why are more minorities on welfare (percentage-wise) than whites?", "If 6% is normal transitional unemployment and we are now below 5%, won’t we have to increase immigration if we expand manufacturing significantly?", "Why are Europeans in general more liberal than Americans?", "Why should the UK leave the European Union?", "Why was hard labor phased out as a punishment in the West?", "Why should the US allow more H1B visas?", "Why are so many people risking their lives to enter Europe from Africa?", "Why are Europeans/Brits immigrating to the US? I hear that they're unhappy about immigration in their home countries but don't they know?", "Why are Europeans more intelligent and more organized than others?", "Why did European countries colonise the world and not other countries?", "Why does Saudi-Arabia not import unqualified cheap labor from North-East Africa in stead of India?", "Is the refugee crisis in Europe resulting in the rise of the extreme right wing?" ] }
{ "query": "Is it a good choice to buy a MacBook pro 2015 instead of the 2016 version?", "pos": [ "Is a MacBook Pro 2015 still worth buying in 2016?" ], "neg": [ "What is your review of the 2016 MacBook Pro?", "Shall we expect any new MacBook or MacBook Pro in 2016?", "Is the new version of MacBook Pro coming out anytime this year?", "Should I get the new MacBook? Is it worth it?", "Should I get the new Macbook Pro?", "Is the MacBook Pro (2012) with only the Intel HD graphics card worth buying now over other laptops?", "What is the price for a new MacBook Pro?", "As of May 2013, when is the next Macbook Pro rumored to come out?", "I am very much obsessed with Macbook pro 2016 release. What should I do?", "Should I buy the new MacBook?", "Where can you buy a refurbished MacBook Pro 2010?", "What do developers think about the new MacBook Pro?", "When I buy a new MacBook Pro what software comes with it?", "Should I buy a MacBook Pro on March 18th, 2010 or wait for updates?", "Should I buy the new MacBook 12inch?", "What are the new features of the pre-2016 MacBook Pro?", "How do I know which Macbook pro I should get?", "I recently bought a MacBook Pro mid-2014 in an Apple Store. Recently, Apple launched the new MacBook Pro 2015. I think it is not fair - is there anything I can do to get the new one?", "Store price of Apple MacBook pro mid 2012 in India?", "Which MacBook Pro Configuration should I buy?", "Does Apple secretly regret the 2016 MacBook Pro?", "Should I buy a MacBook Air now (January 2016), or wait for a new one?", "What are the new features in the 2016 MacBook Pro?", "What is the production cost of a MacBook Pro?", "Does the current MacBook Pro have 4K display?", "I am going to buy a 2016 MacBook Pro 2016 with 256 GB storage. What problems would I face when I switch to MacBook from a Windows PC?", "How much did a Macbook cost in 2007?", "When will the market price of Mac Pro Late 2013 edition decrease?", "When will the market price of Mac Pro Late 2013 edition decrease?", "What do you think of the new MacBook Pro (2016) USB-C ports?" ] }
{ "query": "Which is one current theory on the reason for the decline of the Indus Valley civilization?", "pos": [ "Who were responsible for the collapse of Indus Valley Civilization?" ], "neg": [ "How did the Indus Valley Civilization get started?", "How was the Indus Valley civilization different from or similar to other contemporary civilizations?", "Which is the largest site of Indus valley Civilization?", "Which period come after Indus valley civilization?", "Which is the largest site of Indus Civilization?", "What are the distinctive features of an Indus Valley civilization?", "When Indus Valley civilization will be declared the oldest, as per the new evidence?", "Are Indus Valley civilization and \"Aryan\" civilization different names of the same civilization?", "What type of art work did the Indus Valley civilization make?", "Which one is oldest; Mesopotamia or Indus Valley Civilization ?", "What are some good books about the Indus Valley Civilization?", "Is there a movie based on the Indus valley civilization?", "Are there any novels based on Indus valley civilization? If yes, then please mention their names.", "Which is the oldest civilization: Chinese, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Mayan, Indus Valley, Other civilization?", "Ancient History: Which civilization is older - Indus Valley or Chinese Bronze Age?", "Was Ashoka responsible for the decline and eventual fall of Maurya empire?", "Why were River Valley Civilizations important? Where were they located?", "Why were River Valley Civilizations important?", "What was the fall of the Islamic empire?", "How was the first civilization developed?", "How are civilizations developed?", "What are the achievements of western civilization?", "Which is oldest and first civilization developed?", "How did Islam influence the rule of the Arab empire?", "What was the most successful civilization in history and why?", "What caused the end of the Islamic Golden Age?", "What caused the fall of the Akkadian Empire?", "Why the oldest civilization were only in Indian Subcontinent (modern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka)?", "Why is Nehru criticized for Indus Water Treaty?", "Why did the native North Americans fail to develop the civilizations that the Mesoamericans did?" ] }
{ "query": "What are some torrent downloading sites?", "pos": [ "What are torrent download sites?" ], "neg": [ "What are torrents?", "How do I download any torrent?", "What are some website where I can download movies other than torrent?", "Can I still Download from Torrents?", "What are the alternatives of torrent?", "How do I download content from a kickass torrent?", "How do I download any file via torrent?", "What are the alternatives to Torrent?", "What is the best torrent?", "How do new movies become available on torrent sites?", "How do torrents work?", "How do torrents work?", "What is the alternate of torrent?", "What are the best torrent websites for Telugu movie downloading?", "What is the alternate for torrent?", "What is a torrent tracker?", "Why can't I download files using torrents?", "How do I find if the fake torrent download running in torrent app?", "What are the top 5 best torrent sites for eBooks?", "Is it legal to download from Torrents?", "What are the ways to stream torrents without downloading them completely?", "Which torrent sites are still working in India?", "What is the best torrent site for soundtracks?", "What is the best torrent site for comics?", "What is the best site for downloading Kannada films in torrent form?", "How do I download movies while all torrent sites are down?", "What is the best music torrent?", "How do I download movies that are not on torrent?", "What's the best torrent search engine that also searches extratorrent?", "What is the best torrent sites for sports?" ] }
{ "query": "Where can I learn basic number theory?", "pos": [ "How can I get started to learn number theory?" ], "neg": [ "How do I learn theories?", "Is there a simple way to visualise the concept of the imaginary number?", "What is the best way to learn Galois theory?", "What is number theory and cryptography?", "How does one learn math from the very beginning?", "How do I learn mathematics for machine learning?", "Can one earn a good living in computer security without a good understanding of number theory?", "How can I learn math?", "What is the best way to learn Mathematics?", "What do I learn in math for astrophysics or cosmology?", "Application of number theory in cryptography?", "How do I learn math?", "How could I learn to love math?", "What concepts from Statistics and Mathematics should one understand to learn AI Programming?", "What is the best way to understand and learn maths?", "How do I learn to love Math?", "Is there any machine learning algorithm that can learn how to add any two numbers?", "How do I learn maths properly?", "How do I learn real analysis in mathematics?", "How can I learn maths online?", "What are creative ways to start teaching a three-year-old numbers and basic math?", "Is it okay to learn statistics without knowing the mathematical derivation of the formulas?", "What is the best way to learn linear algebra for physics?", "How can I manually number theorems in Latex?", "What is a good way to learn discrete mathematics?", "What can I learn/know in 10 minutes in mathematics that is useful for the rest of my life?", "How can I better learn math from scratch?", "What math and stat courses and/or topics one should learn to be a star AI/ML researcher?", "Where can I learn business math for free?", "How do I learn math online?" ] }
{ "query": "What should I do to get into MIT (undergrad)?", "pos": [ "How to get admissions in MIT?" ], "neg": [ "What is an MIT admissions interview like?", "How can I get MIT lectures?", "What is an MIT admission interview like?", "How is it like to be a student at MIT?", "What are the fees for MIT?", "What is the fee of MIT?", "Is a degree from MIT worth it?", "How does the admissions process for MIT compare to the process for being admitted to Brown University?", "What is it like to be a graduate student at MIT?", "What is it like to go through Course 14 at MIT?", "How many transfer applicants from India get accepted to MIT per year?", "What is it like to go through Course 12 at MIT?", "What is it like to go through Course 16 at MIT?", "Which high schools did the MIT Class of 2012 attend?", "Is being a male applicant a disadvantage in admission to MIT?", "I am a sophomore in High school in Virginia and I love engineering and want to go to MIT. Are there any steps I should take to prepare?", "What is it like to go through Course 11 at MIT?", "What is it like to go through Course 15 at MIT?", "What are my chances of getting into MIT for a grad program if I have great results in my uni, but my high school grades were bad?", "What is student life like at MIT?", "What is the hardest major at MIT?", "What is it like to go through Course 5 at MIT?", "What is it like to go through Course 13 at MIT?", "How good is MIT?", "Is there any courses related to travel in MIT( Massachusetts Institute of Technology )?", "What is it like to go through Course 17 at MIT?", "What are the best MIT classes for a Harvard student to take?", "If I got rejected by MIT what are my chances at Harvard?", "Similar to varsity sports in MIT, is there any quiz club in MIT?", "What is it like to go through Course 4 at MIT?" ] }
{ "query": "What is Six Sigma? Who forms the part of Six Sigma implementation team?", "pos": [ "What is Six Sigma? Who forms the Six Sigma implementation team?" ], "neg": [ "How important is the Six Sigma certification for MBA students?", "What is the Sigma Pi complex?", "I am going to join Mu Sigma next week. What are some do's and dont's that I must know?", "What is Phi Sigma Pi?", "Which books are a good place to start learning about Six Sigma methods and philosophies?", "What is your review of Mu Sigma (company)?", "What universities does Sigma Designs recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for?", "What is it like to work at Mu Sigma?", "What is your experience at Mu Sigma company?", "What careers are there for lean six sigma black belts?", "How can I join Mu Sigma?", "How should I prepare for Mu Sigma?", "When will Mu sigma pay the joining bonus of 5L? I am joining in Aug 2016!", "What is the corporate culture like at Sigma Designs? How is the culture different than other companies?", "Which is the best institute for Six Sigma Black Belt in bangalore?", "What is the most recognized/useful Six Sigma green Belt certification?", "Is Six Sigma certification useful for a Chartered Accountant in India? If yes from where you should pursue it", "What is the best way to prepare for Mu Sigma?", "What are some examples of Six Sigma Green Belt projects?", "How does the Mu Sigma experience help me get in an IIM A, B, and C?", "How do you count sigma and pi bonds?", "What is the fraternal word of Phi Sigma Pi?", "How do pi and sigma bonds form?", "How do I prepare for the Mu-Sigma?", "How do you pass Six Sigma Green Belt exam?", "Which is the best training institute for Six Sigma Black Belt certification in Chennai?", "What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Sigma Designs?", "What are the requirements for a Six Sigma Green Belt certification?", "Why sigma n = n(n+1) /2 not n^2?", "What are the best \"lean six sigma/six sigma black belt\" jokes?" ] }
{ "query": "Are we near World War 3?", "pos": [ "Given the situation in Ukraine and Southeast Asia, how close are we from World War 3?" ], "neg": [ "How did World War 1 come to an end?", "What is the future of war?", "Was World War II Inevitable?", "What war is next?", "When did world war 2 end?", "What do you think is the chance that sometime in the 21st century there will be another major war (similar in scope to World War I and II)?", "When 2nd world war came to end?", "When did the World War end?", "How did the World War II end?", "Did the U.S. enter World War II too late?", "Is the war in Afghanistan nearly over?", "Is war the only solution for a conflict?", "How likely is a war between the U.S and Russia?", "Is Ukraine losing the war against Russia?", "Why is the Seven Years War not considered a world war?", "How many Islamic countries are facing war?", "What will be India's role in World War III?" ] }
{ "query": "How do you permantley delete a Yahoo e-mail account?", "pos": [ "How can you delete your Yahoo mail account?" ], "neg": [ "Why did Yahoo deactivate my account?", "How can I access my Yahoo mail account?", "How do I unlock my Yahoo Mail account?", "How do you update your Yahoo mail account?", "How do I access my yahoo account?", "How do I delete my Line account?", "What is the best way to delete your HMV account?", "How do I deactivate my account?", "How do I delete my Gmail account from other sites?", "How do you delete an Amazon account?", "How do I delete my account?", "How do I delete my Amazon account?", "Can I delete someones IG account?", "Why did Quora delete my account?", "How do you delete a blogger account? How do you create one?", "How do I deactivate my account on Ubuntu?", "How do I delete my Quora account which has been banned?", "Why doesn't Quora just delete my account?", "How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number1?", "How can I delete my jet privilege account?", "How do I delete my jet privilege account?", "How do you log into a Yahoo email account?", "How can I delete my Celtx account?", "How can I delete my account which has been banned on Quora?", "Why is the \"delete account\" button on TrulyMadly not working?", "What's the difference between deactivating and deleting my account?", "I have 10,102 items in my Yahoo mail inbox, how can I delete them all at once?", "How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number?", "How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number?", "How do you delete a Imagekind account?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I improve my communication and verbal skills?", "pos": [ "How do I improve my communication skills.?" ], "neg": [ "How good are you in communication?", "How do I improve communication with my wife?", "How can I improve social and conversational skills so I can always have something to talk about and almost never have an \"awkward moment\"?", "What are some common barriers to effective communication?", "How do I improve my communications and writing skills?", "What are some common barriers to effective communication in a workplace?", "What's the best definition of communication?", "What are the books I must read to improve my communication skills?", "What have you learned from your experiences in communicating?", "How do I improve customer experience over a chat?", "How can I improve my communication skills and writing skills?", "What can companies do to improve the cross-cultural communication skills of their employees?", "What are the pros and cons of verbal communication?", "What is the importance of communication?", "How does non-verbal communication affect verbal communication?", "I am a avid listener. But i fail to talk effectively. Are there any practical tips to follow to make a conversation more effective and attractive?", "What are some examples of interpersonal communication?", "What are the pros of verbal communication? What are its cons?", "How can I improve my skills in understanding human behavior?", "What are the most common barriers that affect the effective communication of a relationship?" ] }
{ "query": "What is meant by Rice puller?", "pos": [ "What is rice puller? Are its properties real? Is it radioactive?" ], "neg": [ "Is there really something called a rice puller made of copper iridium metal that is claimed to cost thousands of dollars per gram and bought by NASA?", "What should I do if I found a rice puller?", "What is rice?", "What is known as the “Operation Rice Bowl”?", "What is SORTEX rice?", "How is Boton Rice Candy made?", "Could Rice Krispies become explosive if exposed to milk in a ideally pressurized container?", "What does rice paper taste like? How can you tell if it has gone bad?", "What is tomato rice?", "What is the boiling point of rice?", "I ate rice that heated with melted plastic (PET) in ricecooker, is it dangerous?", "Could someone tell me how to manufacture rice husk based products?", "What is brown rice syrup?", "How is rice vermicelli used in cooking?", "What is the atomic structure of a banana?", "Why is it that when I fill a pot of rice with water, some of the rice floats at first but readily sinks when I push it down?", "What is a pumice stone and how are they made? What are they used for?", "Is it good to eat rice cooked in an electric rice cooker?", "What is the difference between boiled rice and raw rice? Which is healthier?", "What do different types and sizes of rice grains taste like comparatively?", "How are Hanes t-shirts made?", "Why is brown rice healthier than white rice? ", "What is the Iron Chain deck in Yu-Gi-Oh?", "Which state is called the “Rice Bowl of India”?", "What is a banana bond, and how do they form?", "I have a packet of rice around 2-3 kg. And it has cocroaches in it. They are alive. I want to know If it is okay to consume the rice?", "What is a healthier alternative to white rice?", "What happens if hot milk is mixed with curd rice?", "What is called gold allergy?", "How is a pulley made?" ] }
{ "query": "Is the Donald Trump phenomenon a failure of American democracy?", "pos": [ "Is Donald Trump's election as POTUS a failure of democracy?" ], "neg": [ "How will Donald Trump cope with failure if he loses the presidential challenge?", "What are some examples of democracy failing?", "What are the flaws of representative democracy?", "What's the big deal about Trump's refusal to accept the election results?", "If so many people hate Donald Trump, and so many protest against him, how did he manage to win the elections inspite of all this?", "What are some flaws of Democracy?", "If Donald Trump loses the general election, will he attempt to seize power by force claiming the election was fraudulent?", "History: What are the biggest historical failures of democracy?", "Is Barack Obama a failure?", "How would Donald Trump react to losing the general election?", "Is the regressive left partly responsible for Donald Trump's victory?", "Did all of Donald Trump’s lies in the debate hurt his chance of becoming President?", "Realistically, what would happen if Donald Trump refused to concede the election?", "If Donald Trump loses the presidential election, how will he handle it?", "Ideology: What are weaknesses of democracy system?", "Can Trump be impeded from taking office?", "Is Trump's apparent stupidity part of some clever strategy?", "Will Barack Obama be scorned as a failure in the presidential history?", "Does Trump want to lose the election? Is it possible / is there evidence? Is he doing stuff to cause him to lose?", "What is the reason behind Donald Trump's win, If people hate him then how come he got so many votes?", "How can we work to make sure Donald Trump loses the election for president of the United States?", "Do you think it is okay to blame \"political correctness\" for Trump being elected?", "Were any major party candidates as problematic as Donald Trump?", "Would it be possible, in theory: that The Electoral College does not nominate Trump as POTUS?", "How does Trump's victory affect the survival of Neoliberal model?", "The United States of America: Is democracy in USA perfect if not what are the flaws?", "What would happen if Donald Trump lost and refused to concede the election?", "How can democracy be bad?", "What will Donald Trump's response be if he doesn't win the 2016 presidential election?", "How likely is a landslide Trump defeat, given the polls?" ] }
{ "query": "Who was your favorite teacher, and why?", "pos": [ "Who was your favorite teacher and why?" ], "neg": [ "Who's your least favorite teacher? Why?", "Who was your worst teacher and why?", "Who was your worst teacher at school?", "What is the best teacher student story you know?", "What makes a student a teacher's favorite?", "Visakha Valley School: Who is all time favorite teacher and why?", "Students: what is the best experience you've had because of a teacher?", "Why did you choose to be a teacher?", "Who was the worst teacher or professor you've come across?", "What was your worst experience of being a teacher?", "Since each of us has been a student first, what is the harshest thing a teacher taught you?", "Who are the best teachers of life?", "Who is the strictest teacher you have ever met?", "Which is the worst teacher that you have meet?", "What's the creepiest/scariest teacher experience you've had?", "What has been your most embarrassing moment as a teacher?", "What's the most embarrassing moment of your teacher?", "What is the best advice your teachers ever gave you?", "Have you ever had sex with your teacher?", "What was your favourite subject at school and why?", "I like my teacher. What should I do?", "Teachers: What is the best lesson you've ever taught?", "I think I like my teacher. What do I do?", "Have you, or your parent, ever told off a teacher?", "What is the best teacher and student relationship story you know?", "Who is worst teacher in PESIT?", "Who is the best teacher in India?", "Why are school teachers the best?", "What is the best compliment that a teacher gave you?", "What is the best thing about being a teacher?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the scope of making career in Import Export Management?", "pos": [ "Is there any scope in Import Export Management Career?" ], "neg": [ "How did you start your import export business?", "Is exporting a difficult business to enter?", "What is import export documentation?", "How do I get a job in an import export company in India?", "What is import and export?", "How hard is it to start an import/export business?", "What is most lucrative import/export business?", "What is an 'export'?", "What should be the importance of import and export?", "What is the Export-Import Bank?", "What are some of the most lucrative import/export businesses?", "Wanted to start import export business, what's the best commodity to deal in?", "What are export-import banks?", "How do I select the best names for an import export business?", "Where can I find import export mentor to guide and help in the field?", "Is importing and exporting easier than doing business in the local market?", "Anyone interested in Imports and exports business investment?", "Where can I find free export import data of shipping for international trade business?", "How do I do export?", "Which should be the first product to export from India as an export/import startup business?", "Process of import?", "How is the career in supply chain management and logistics as a fresher?", "How do I start an import export business of spices?", "How do I do a business of export and import in New Zealand?", "How do I export?", "I want to start an export business from India to USA. What products should I begin with?", "What are the best things to export from india to different countries and what is the procedure?", "Which is the best import and export business in Tamil?", "I want to set up an export business from India. What is the suitable product that I can start within a low budget?", "Where can I find free exporter importer data of shipping for international trade business?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the best programming resources on the web?", "pos": [ "What are some of the best website to learn programming from being a total beginner?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best (and fastest) way to learn how to code (web development)?", "I am a complete beginner in programming, can I use as my first learning tool?", "How did you learn computer programming? Any advice for a beginner?", "Can I learn programming from doing tutorials? Or are reading books/articles better?", "I am a complete beginner in programming, can I use as my first learning tool?", "What do I need to learn before learning programming?", "What's the easiest program to learn how to create a website?", "What do I need to learn programming?", "How do I self-learn programming?", "What should my first step towards learning programming be?", "What are best programming courses?", "What can a self-taught programmer to be, learn other than web development?", "What is the best way for a beginner to learn a codebase?", "What platform is the best for a beginner to learn C or C++ programming?", "How do I start learning to code? Also,which programming language is recommended for beginners?", "What do you think I should learn first as a beginner programmer?", "How can I teach myself programming?", "What Programming books I must read If I started learning programming?", "I want to learn how to start programming. What programming language should I start to learn?", "What's the fastest, most efficient way to learn programming/coding?", "What are the simplest ways to learn coding easily? Where can I start and which topics should I learn first?", "What are the best and easiest ways to learn web development and JavaScript quickly?", "I want to start programming, what language should I learn?", "Should I learn programming? I am a college drop out", "What is the best and most efficient way to start learning to code?", "What are the things I should know before I start learning programming?", "I want to learn to code. Where do I start?", "What is the best website to learn object oriented programming through C++?", "What is the best beginner coding language?", "What is a best way for a beginner to start coding?" ] }
{ "query": "Where will we go after our death?", "pos": [ "Where we go after death?" ], "neg": [ "Is there death after death?", "Where do you want to die?", "If there is life after death, why do I live?", "Do we live to die?", "If we die and come back to life how will we know?", "Is life after death possible?", "Is there a heaven after death?", "Can we survive death?", "Can we bring life into a dead body?", "If death is inevitable, is it fate?", "What happens to the soul after death by suicide?", "What's the point of living, when eventually we are going to die?", "If we are all going to die eventually. What's the point?", "Can we get a dead person back to life?", "Have you ever come back from death?", "Why do we want to be remembered after death?", "Where are dead people right now?", "Why do we live if we are going to die?", "When am I going to die?", "Why is death inevitable?", "How do people die?", "If we are going to die, then why should we live?", "If we're going to die anyway, why don't we just kill ourselves and bypass life?", "Can a dead person be brought back to life?", "When will the last human on Earth die?", "How does death occur?", "Has anyone died and come back to life?", "Is death a new end or begining?", "What is death? Why we die?", "What is the closest you have been to death?" ] }
{ "query": "When will Pakistan and India become friendly again?", "pos": [ "What happen when India and Pakistan become friendly nations?" ], "neg": [ "Why are India and Pakistan enemies?", "Why are Pakistan and India enemies?", "What would happen if India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were to reconcile with each other and unite into a single Indian state?", "Which country is more developed: India or Pakistan?", "Is India failing to get Pakistan isolated internationally?", "What are the similarities between India and Pakistan?", "Are Pakistan and America allies?", "Why is Pakistan in fight with India? Why can't we remain in peace?", "Why can't India, Pakistan, and Kashmir be together?", "Why is Pakistan such an important strategic ally to the United States?", "Is Bangladesh a friendly country to Pakistan?", "Had India & Pakistan not separated in 1947 would India be better off in terms of economy, presence in world stage and every other aspect than what it is today?", "What will happen if Kashmir becomes independent of India & Pakistan?", "Why the US supported Pakistan after independence of India and Pakistan?", "Which is more developed, India or Pakistan?", "Why can't India, Pakistan and Bangladesh reunite?", "Why China and Pakistan friendship is so strong?", "What will happen if Pakistan and Bangladesh reunite?", "Can Pakistan be a developed country?", "Why has US begun to favor India over Pakistan?", "Is there a possibility that Pakistan and Bangladesh joining India again?", "How different would it have been for both India and Pakistan, if they hadn't separated during independence?", "What is new trends in Pakistan's foreign policy?", "Can India, Pakistan and Bangladesh unite?", "What would happen to India purely from an economic point of view incase we do go to war with Pakistan?", "What is it like to be a Pakistani and watch India thriving in 2016?", "If Pakistan and China together wage a war against India, which country would be the first to come forward as India’s ally and why?", "India-Pakistan Rivalry: Why do Pakistanis and Indians hate each other?", "Should India break diplomatic ties with Pakistan?", "Why there is always war between India and Pakistan?" ] }
{ "query": "Is declartion statement reuired in a resume?", "pos": [ "Is declartion statement required in a resume?" ], "neg": [ "Is it common to lie on a resume?", "Can specific words be highlighted in a resume?", "What is the best resume format?", "Should a fresher resume have a declaration?", "Can you please review my resume?", "How do I prepare the resume?", "How do I put this on a resume?", "What are the best formats for a resume?", "What is the best objectives for a resume of fresher?", "How common is it for people to lie on their resume?", "What should be the resume format for an experienced candidate (1-2 year experience)?", "What are the important things that HR sees in a resume of a college fresher?", "What corrections should I make in my resume to make it a best fit for Software engineer (fresher) role?", "How does one write a high-quality résumé or CV?", "What I should I do to improve my Resume?", "Which is more important: resume or cover letter?", "Can I get a report of my resume?", "Can I mention Quora in my resume?", "Is there anything I can do to improve my resume?", "What is title in resume?", "What we should write in resume for your carrier objective?", "What are the most impressive things on a resume?", "What points should I put on my resume for a B.E. (CS) resume?", "What are some of the best Resumes that you have come across?", "From where can I get my resume reviewed?", "What are some of the best resumes?", "If I needed to quit my previous job due to stress and the desire to have time to change life trajectory, how do I explain to future employers this gap, and will they ignore my resume because of it?", "As a recruiter or hiring manager, do you revise, re-write or reformat your candidate's resumes? How involved could you get with pampering a candidate’s CV?", "What happens if I don't submit certificates of any training that I have mentioned in my resume after clearing the interview for a company?", "How can I build and improve my resume?" ] }
{ "query": "How did you first find porn?", "pos": [ "How did you first come across porn?" ], "neg": [ "When was the first porn movie shot?", "Who is the first porn star?", "Who was the first porn movie actor?", "Who is the first pornstar?", "What is it like to be caught watching porn?", "How do I get back into normal porn?", "What was your first sexual experience?", "What are some of the misconceptions you have which you got from watching porn?", "What was your first sexual experience like?", "Where can I find the best 'first time' porn videos websites?", "What is your first sexual experience?", "Porn addiction: Can it confuse your sexuality?", "How did you overcome porn addiction?", "How do I have sex for the first time as a guy? Should I do it like in porn?", "How do I get started as a male porn star?", "How is your first sex experience?", "What was your first sex experience?", "What is it like to have sex with a pornstar?", "When did you first start masturbating?", "What was your first sexual experience like for you?", "How was your first masturbation experience?", "Have you ever seen people you personally know in a porn movie?", "When was your first sex experience?", "Have you ever been caught watching porn by your parents?", "When first porn vedio was made?", "Do you watch porn?", "What was your first encounter with sex?", "How was your first masturbation experience? When was it?", "What is it like to be a porn star?", "How old were you when you had your first sexual experience?" ] }
{ "query": "Why World War III are inevitable?", "pos": [ "How soon is world war III?" ], "neg": [ "Did the U.S. enter World War II too late?", "Is the war in Afghanistan nearly over?", "Will there be a Star Wars 10, 11 and 12? Or will it stop with the 9th?", "Is the war on terror slowly turning into a crusade?", "Is the United States on the verge of a race war?", "When did world war 2 end?", "How long would India last in a war against the US?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in New Hampshire?", "pos": [ "What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Arkansas?" ], "neg": [ "What are some safe ways to hunt with a tactical shotgun?", "Do gun-free zones increase or decrease safety?", "What are some good tactical shotgun classes around NJ/NY area?", "What are the risks of using parts made for airsoft on real firearms?", "What are the best gun safes?", "Why are pump-action shotguns still in use?", "What is the significance of calling \"shotgun\"?", "Do you need a safe for a long gun in California?", "Why can't civilians buy an AA-12 shotgun?", "What are the pros and cons of a semi-automatic shotgun vs pump action?", "Is it safe that many people own guns in America?", "How much can I expect to pay for a shotgun?", "Do guns make Americans safer?", "What is the spread on a police shotgun?", "What is it like hunting with a tactical shotgun?", "What are the pros and cons of gun control?", "Has there been a gun control initiative to take away guns people already own?", "What is the difference between a shotgun and a firearm?", "What special regulations do gun laws in Texas have in regards to silencers, and how do they compare to regulations in Rhode Island?", "Can gun control prevent assault?", "What are the disadvantages of using silencers on firearms?", "What are the consequences of operating a legally owned gun under the influence of drugs and alcohol?", "How effective are gun control laws?", "Is there a loophole in the U.S. that makes it possible to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check?", "Is there an objective statistical comparison between the reliability of semi-automatic pistols vs revolvers?", "Do Americans believe owning a gun makes them safer?", "What's the most frustrating thing that gun owners say?", "What is a Firearm Safety course, and in which cases are these courses recomended?", "Can you rent a gun at a shooting range?", "Why aren't cartridges regulated instead of firearms?" ] }
{ "query": "Which Bluetooth speakers are the best for under Rs 5k?", "pos": [ "What is the best bluetooth speaker under 5k (india)?" ], "neg": [ "Which is the cheapest and best bluetooth speaker?", "What's the best bluetooth speaker?", "What are some of the best Bluetooth speakers?", "Who make the best Bluetooth speaker?", "Which is the best Bluetooth headphone available in India?", "Which is the best in-ear Bluetooth headset for my iPhone 5?", "What is the best bluetooth headsets for the iPhone 5?", "Which is the best bluetooth speakers of 2016?", "Which is best bluetooth headset?", "Are there any good quality wireless or Bluetooth headphones available in India within a reasonable budget?", "Are there any Bluetooth 4.0 speakers on the market?", "What is the best Bluetooth receiver?", "What's the best Bluetooth headset for the iPhone?", "Which one is the best over-the-ear or on-the-ear bluetooth headphone under $100?", "What Bluetooth headset should I buy?", "What is the range of Bluetooth?", "What are some good bluetooth headsets?", "Can a portable bluetooth speaker be connected with a mic?", "What is the best bluetooth receiver for cars?", "How do I install Bluetooth on my laptop and connect it to a speaker?", "What is the difference between Bluetooth 4.0 and 4.1 in headphones?", "How can i connect byte Bluetooth headset with iPhone 5S?", "What devices are using Smart Bluetooth (4.0)?", "Bluetooth speaker is pairing with PC as keyboad. Anything I can do to make it read as a headphone?", "How can I use Bluetooth audio with Imo?", "Which are the best portable speakers in India?", "Is there any good AM FM Radio Set with Bluetooth available in India?", "How do I connect my bluetooth headphones with my laptop?", "What are the best wireless headphones available in India?", "Why do Bluetooth headsets have lower audio quality when used for VoIP calls than when they are used to listen to music?" ] }
{ "query": "Relation between phase & line voltage?", "pos": [ "What is the difference between phase and line voltage?" ], "neg": [ "What is the difference between voltage and current?", "What is the difference between voltage and current?", "What is voltage?", "What exactly is voltage?", "What is the difference between voltage and field?", "What is the relationship between voltage and power?", "What is the relationship between power and voltage?", "What is difference between line to line voltage and line to neutral voltage?", "What's the difference between voltage drop and terminal voltage?", "What is the difference between current and voltage harmonics?", "What is the relation between voltage and frequency in power system?", "What key differences exist between two and three phase electric power?", "What is the relation between voltage and frequency in electrical power system?", "What is the relationship between frequency and voltage in power systems?", "What is the rated voltage?", "What is operating voltage?", "What do you mean by voltage regulation?", "How can we differentiate voltage and current?", "What is voltage regulation?", "What is meant by voltage regulation?", "What's the difference between voltage, current, and watts?", "What will be the phase difference between input and output in a Common Base Amplifier?", "How do I calculate phase to phase voltage on 1000 volts?", "What is breakdown voltage?", "The terminal rated voltage in alternator is phase voltage or line voltage?", "What is voltage regulation formula?", "What is volt & voltage?", "What is the reason that 33/11kv is a line voltage?", "What's the mean of current move against voltage?", "What is the value of voltage V1 in the circuit ?" ] }
{ "query": "What are some books all entrepreneurs must read?", "pos": [ "What are the best books for entrepreneurs to read?" ], "neg": [ "Which are the best books on Indian entrepreneurs?", "What are the best websites for entrepreneurs?", "What are the best books on business execution?", "What are the best books on business management?", "What are the best websites for entrepreneur?", "What are the best businesses for entrepreneurs?", "What are the best productivity tools for entrepreneurs?", "Which are the best books for product management?", "What are the best books on marketing ever written?", "What are the things an entrepreneur must know?", "What is the best book on product strategy?", "What are some good books in economics for beginners?", "Anyone heard of Business Blocks - courses and coaching for entrepreneurs?", "What are the most frequent websites that entrepreneurs visit?", "I'm a 17 year old extremely interested in investing, finance, business management, and marketing. Are there any must-read or suggested books to read?", "What are some of the best books on investment?", "What Makes a best-selling Business Book Author?", "What is the best entrepreneurship education model you know of?", "What are the best books on investing and finance?", "What are some good books on economics for beginners?", "What are some great books on economics for beginners?", "What are the movies that entrepreneurs must watch?", "What entrepreneurs have you learnt the most from?", "What is the best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?", "What are good movies for entrepreneurs to watch, and why?", "What are the best podcasts for entrepreneurs?", "What are the best books on business storytelling?", "What is the best advice for struggling entrepreneurs?", "What are the best books to understand economics?", "How does one teach entrepreneurship?" ] }
{ "query": "How is the prostate affected by estrogen hormone therapy?", "pos": [ "Will the prostate still be sensitive for a trans woman on estrogen hormone therapy?" ], "neg": [ "Why do transsexual women have a low risk for prostate hyperplasia rather than natural men? Doesn't oestrogen trigger hyperlasia of prostate?", "Can doses of estrogen turn a man into a woman?", "What happens when a girl takes estrogen?", "What are some changes that would happen if a man took estrogen (and if a woman took testosterone?)", "How long does it take for a transgender woman who is taking female hormones to make her really \"feel like a woman”?", "Why is hormone replacement therapy a risk?", "Is it okay to masturbate when you’re on female-to-male hormone therapy?", "Is it more medically helpful for a trans woman in hormonal transition to abstain from or engage in masturbation?", "What are the risks of hormone replacement therapy?", "How would hormone therapy change a transsexual woman's brain?", "Are women attracted to testosterone?", "Do transgender women take progesterone?", "Does masturbating cause prostate cancer in men?", "Does masturbation cause prostate cancer?", "Can ingesting phytoestrogens affect the hormonal transition of a trans woman (replacing or changing the effects of hormone therapy)?", "Prostate Cancer: What happens physically if men don't take or can't get testosterone hormones after an orchiectomy?", "Will castration prevent prostate cancer?", "Is a high level of testosterone a problem in medicals of SSB?", "Can out of balanced hormones make any man feel like he is transgender?", "How might estrogen be affected by Zoloft (Sertraline)?", "Can a transgender male get a woman pregnant?", "Do post-op transgender people worry about hereditary baldness or do the hormone replacements and gender reassignment surgery take care of that?", "What is the treatment for Prostate Enlargement?", "What are natural ways to decrease elevated testostreone and androgen levels in female pcod patients?", "Can a transgender woman achieve multiple orgasms like a cisgender woman?", "What's the difference between androgen and testosterone?", "Can a transgender woman orgasm?", "How can a young male prevent himself from getting prostate cancer?", "Are most trans women sexually attracted to men?", "How can a trans woman be a woman if she has the body chemistry typically associated with men?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the beginning salary of architects in India?", "pos": [ "What is the starting salary for an architect in India?" ], "neg": [ "What is the average salary of an architect?", "What is the salary of architects?", "What would be the salary of an architect?", "What is the average salary of a business architect?", "What is the average income of an engineer in India?", "How many architects do we have in India?", "How many architects does India have?", "What are the pay scales of an architect?", "What is the pay scale of an architect?", "What IS the average salary of A JUNIOR ARCHITECT in Mumbai?", "How much money an Interior Designer make per month in India?", "How much does an Indian architect charge on an average for a house plan of 30x60? What is included?", "What is the highest salary a cad designer can get in India?", "What is the starting salary of a IAS officer in 7th revised pay scale in India?", "What is the average salary of front-end developer in India?", "What is the average salary of a UI/UX designer and a front-end developer in India?", "How much salary does a graphic designer in India get?", "Seriously, what is the salary for Software Engineers in India?", "Fresher How much salary does a graphic designer in India get?", "What is the average first salary a computer engineer could have in India?", "What is the starting ‘Take Home Salary’ of Engineers at PSU Companies in India after ‘7th pay commision hike’?", "What is the salary of software engineer in India per month?", "Who are the highest paid engineers in India?", "I have 10 years of IT exp as Architect, got an offer from EY India for the senior manager role. How much salary can I expect?", "What is the starting salary for an IFS officer, working in India or recruited abroad?", "What is the average salary of business development executive in India?", "What is the average salary of computer engineer in india?", "What is the salary for engineer?", "How much does a construction worker earn per month in India?", "What is the salary of an engineer?" ] }
{ "query": "How can one do for good handwriting?", "pos": [ "How can I have good handwriting?" ], "neg": [ "What's the best handwriting font?", "Which handwriting font is the best?", "Which handwriting font looks the best?", "What makes a handwriting cute?", "Which is the best solution for handwriting to the desktop? Should I buy a drawing tablet or a stylus pen for that?", "Can you figure out if someone's handwriting is good by looking at their written words, even if the script / language is unknown to you?", "Do all doctors have bad handwriting?", "Handwriting: Why is penmanship important?", "Why does my handwriting keep changing?", "How would an open source handwriting recognition resource be built?", "I am in 12 commerce. I can't complete my question paper on time because my writing speed is very slow. How can I improve my handwriting speed?", "Why is my handwriting better in Arabic, than in English?", "What causes a slanted handwriting?", "Why are doctors' handwriting so bad?", "Why do kids in America hold pens and pencils with a stab grip that often results in horrible handwriting?", "What is the best stylus pen for handwriting (not drawing) on an iPad?", "Is there any handwriting recognition library for JS?", "What are the best mechanical pencils for writing?", "Is there any prize for competing in the World Handwriting Contest?", "Why might women have better handwriting (more readable, neater) than men in general?", "How do you start writing under a pen name?", "Is there a specific type of pen that is best to use when writing Chinese characters?", "Is Graphology widely accepted in China? Does handwriting analysis of Chinese characters exist?", "What if someone can no longer write their signature?", "I have handpain while writing. Which type of pen shall I use?", "How do you make homemade permanent ink?", "What is the way to use different kinds of pencils, such as 1h to 9b?", "Does most of the ink contained in pens never get used up?", "Pens: What makes blue ink better for memorization as opposed to black ink?", "I want to start writing under a pen name. What are some things I will need to know in order to do so?" ] }
{ "query": "Who are the best publishers and self publishing houses in India?", "pos": [ "What is the best company to self publish your book in India? And what are its chances?" ], "neg": [ "Where can I self publish a book?", "How do you self publish a book?", "How do I self publish a book?", "How much does it costs to publish a book in India?", "How can I self-publish a book in the USA?", "How can one self-publish a book?", "How can I Self Publish Book in Pakistan?", "I've written a mystery novel which I want to get published. Are there any publishers in Karnataka who would do free publishing not self-publishing?", "How can I publish my own book?", "How can I self publish books online?", "Can I have a list of good journal publishing houses in India (preferably cheap/unpaid) …my paper is management related?", "What's the best way to self publish an e-book?", "How can I self publish a book in Yemen?", "How can one publish a book?", "How can I Self Publish Book in Qatar?", "How can I Self Publish Book in Russia?", "How can I self-publish a book in Korea?", "How should I self publish my eBooks?", "What is the cost per book to publish one with 1000 pages in Gujarat, India?", "How can I publish books with publishers?", "How can I self publish book in Italy?", "I am a writer and I want to publish a book, how do I go about it?", "How much it cost to publish a 250 pages book in india?", "From where do I get publishers in India?", "How can I self-publish a book in Kuwait?", "I am a research scholar at one of the IIT. I want to publish my research work as a book. Where & How should I publish it in India or abroad?", "How can I self-publish a book in South Korea?", "I don't have money how can I publish my book can someone invest on my book?", "What are the good ways to write and publish a book?", "What is the procedure of publishing the book self written?" ] }
{ "query": "Is there any possibility that the aliens are also living on Earth like humans?", "pos": [ "Are aliens already living on Earth and influencing or controlling human affairs?" ], "neg": [ "Are we human beings aliens to planet earth? And if not, then are we acting so?", "Are the existence of aliens RATIONALLY justified?", "What are aliens?", "Where are aliens?", "Is it true we were really brought to earth by aliens?", "Will we ever communicate with aliens?", "Have aliens not contacted Earth because they've fulfilled life's meaning, and become one with pre-universe?", "Is it true that aliens built the earth, as well as put humans on it, as an experiment? Did they? Or not?", "How do you think the world would react to the existence of aliens if proved, as of now?", "Could aliens be our descendents travelling back into the time with the help of time travel?", "Where are all the aliens?", "Assuming Aliens do exist and humans have been in contact, what value is this to us today?", "What form of religion would aliens in other planets have?", "Are any of the ideas proposed on Ancient aliens credible?", "Why are aliens presumed to be more evolved than us?", "If aliens do exist, will the government try to hide it? Why?", "Do people believe in the theory of 'ancient aliens' being our creators?", "Why should we talk about aliens existence?", "Don't we alienate aliens by calling them alien?", "How would the world react to the discovery of aliens?", "Were aliens ever mentioned in the Bible?", "If aliens plead for asylum on Earth in return for sharing information, tech, weapons, etc. would the nations of Earth agree?", "What religions would aliens have?", "Did you know aliens are not our friends - they have no sentiment or emotions, no understanding of feeling - they are not our friends?", "What is the best argument for aliens visiting earth?", "Why should I believe in aliens?", "Do you believe in what they say in Ancient Aliens?", "There is show on history TV alien ancestor is it possible our gods are aliens?", "Why shouldn't we believe in aliens?", "Do you think aliens have been discovered but the government is keeping it from us because it might cause a panic?" ] }
{ "query": "Is world war 3 likely?", "pos": [ "Do you think we are on the verge of World War III?" ], "neg": [ "What is the future of war?", "Is the United States on the verge of a race war?", "Is the war on terror slowly turning into a crusade?", "Is the war in Afghanistan nearly over?", "Did the U.S. enter World War II too late?" ] }
{ "query": "Who is the most powerful man?", "pos": [ "Who is the most powerful man on earth?" ], "neg": [ "Who is the most powerful man in India? And why?", "Why is the US president called the most powerful person on Earth?", "Who is the most powerful person in India?", "Who are the top 10 most powerful men in India?", "Who are the most powerful fighters in the world?", "Who is the most famous person on Earth?", "What are the most powerful armies of the world?", "Who is the most powerful man in Nepal?", "Who is the most famous man in the history of the world?", "Who is the most powerful superhero?", "Who is the most powerful hero in Marvel?", "Who is the most powerful Sith Lord?", "Who is the world's tallest man?", "Who is the greatest person in the world?", "Why is the US President considered the most powerful man on Earth if he can't do much without Congress' approval?", "Which is the most powerful army in the world?", "Who is the most powerful Marvel superhero?", "Who was the most famous man in the world?", "Who is the most powerful superhero and why?", "Who has more power, the masses or the power elite?", "Who is the most admired leader of all times?", "Which is the most powerful military unit in the world?", "Who is the most powerful prime minister in India?", "Who's the most powerful in the Lord of the Rings?", "Who is the most beautiful man in the world?", "Who is more powerful in India, president or prime minister?", "Who is the most famous person to ever live in the history of man?", "Who's the richest man in the world?", "Who is the most powerful mutant in the X-Men universe?", "What are the most powerful countries in the world?" ] }
{ "query": "What is some advantages and disadvantages of a monarchy?", "pos": [ "What is a monarchy? What are the advantages and disadvantages?" ], "neg": [ "What is democratic monarchy?", "What is the function of the monarchy in the United Kingdom?", "What is the monarchy in the United Kingdom?", "What is the role of the monarchy in the United Kingdom?", "What does the British monarchy do?", "Why does the UK have a monarchy and the US does not?", "What are the arguments for pro or anti monarchy in Britain?", "Is monarchy in the UK against the democratic principals?", "Is monarchy possible without any tie to religion?", "Why do the British tolerate / support having a monarchy?", "Why has the UK retained the monarchy?", "Is it easy for people of the UK to accept a monarchy?", "Can dictatorships be better than democracy? Please name some advantages.", "What are the advantages and drawbacks of democracy?", "What is the Uk monarchy? What role do the Royal Family play in politics? What powers do the Royal Family have in the administration?", "How much power does the British monarch have in comparison to other monarchs?", "Do you support the monarchic system of government?", "What are the differences between dictatorship and a democracy?", "What are the characteristics of an authoritarian government?", "Why are Thai Monarchy unknown in America?", "Is it possible to abolish the constitution of a country to reinstall a monarchy?", "What is a monarchy government like in Oman?", "Who or What caused India to switch from a monarchy to a democracy?", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of federalism for democracy?", "What is the difference between an authoritarian government and a dictatorship?", "What factors turn a democracy into dictatorship?", "What is socialism? What are the advantages and disadvantages?", "What are the functions of democracy? What are examples of a democracy?", "Why is a Queen currently ruling England and not a King?", "What is the political economy of feudalism?" ] }
{ "query": "What do you do with your free time?", "pos": [ "What do you do when you got free time?" ], "neg": [ "How do I earn money in my free time?", "What do people who work 70-100 hour weeks do in their free time?", "What are some fun ways to pass time?", "How can I save time?", "How do I spend time?", "What are the tips to manage time?", "What is the perfect way to manage time?", "How do people waste time?", "What do you do to pass the time online?", "If you have free time as a Computer Programmer and Computer scientist, what is your leisure activities and how much you spend time on it?", "Why does nobody have time?", "Where do women in their 20s spend their free time?", "If everything was free for 10 minutes, what would you take?", "What are some good ways to pass time?", "Is anyone really free?", "How can I get a job with Free People?", "How do you pass time off the Internet?", "How do you work on music when you have loads of free time to do it?", "How do I pass time?", "What is the best way to pass time?", "What will you do if you get a time machine for real?", "How do I spend time alone?", "How do you not waste time on the internet?", "How do you pass time while waiting?", "Is it good to waste time?", "Why do I waste time?", "Where/how are people wasting their time?", "How do I make the full use of my time at noon?", "What does is mean to be free?", "What did you do to optimize time?" ] }
{ "query": "What will be the impact of the step taken to ban the 500 & 1000 rupee note on Indian economy?", "pos": [ "How will ban on 500 and 1000 rupees note affect economy of India in different sectors?" ], "neg": [ "How does the American economy affects Indian economy?", "What are the top risks (positive and negative) that could disrupt world economy in next 3, 5 and 10 years?", "What could the negative effects of \"Make in India\" be on our economy?", "How soon would India's GDP cross 10 Trillion USD and India's Per Capita Income cross the 10,000 USD respectively?" ] }
{ "query": "Why do Scottish men wear kilts?", "pos": [ "Why do Scots wear kilts?" ], "neg": [ "Why are Scottish accents so charming?", "Is it weird or offensive to be English and hate and renounce your own to be fully Scottish?", "When is it socially acceptable for a man to wear a kilt?", "Do Scots still hate English for their brutality?", "Do the Scottish like the Irish?", "Are there any Scottish soldiers/regiments still required to fight in a kilt? If not, when was this last done?", "Do the Scottish and Irish like each other?", "Scotland: What are some common stereotypes about Scottish people that are largely untrue?", "What do Scots think of the English?", "Why do the Scottish hate the Irish?", "Scotland: What dialects of North American English have a strong Scottish English/Scots influence?", "How can I learn a Scottish accent?", "Do Americans understand Welsh, Scottish and Irish English accents?", "I'm going to learn English in Glasgow this summer. Is a Scottish accent a problem?", "What do Canadians think of the British accents?", "How can I learn how to speak with a Scottish accent?", "What do the people from England, Wales and Scotland think about the Irish accent?", "Why do most people in the United Kingdom have a strong British accent?", "Do the Irish, English, and Scottish greet with hugging?", "Why are some of the North Indians dark skinned (not brown)?", "Why is the Scottish flag blue and white? What does it represent?", "People from the UK/US wear clothes and underwear which has their flag printed on them. Is that not an insult to their country?", "Is Scotland a country?", "What are the differences between an Aussie accent and a Kiwi accent?", "Why is Scotland part of Great Britain?", "Why did British people abandon their beautiful Victorian culture? Why didn't British preserve it as traditional clothes, like a Kimono or Hanbok?", "What do Russians think of Scottish People and Scottish Independence?", "Why do many Indian men (other than Sikh) wear a kada (a steel bangle)?", "Why does Ne-Yo often wear a hat?", "Could Brittany unite with Wales, Scotland and Ireland to form a united Celtic country?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the Lewis Dot Structure for Pregnenolone?", "pos": [ "What is the Lewis dot structure for Pregnenolone (C21H32O2)?" ], "neg": [ "What is the Lewis Dot Structure XEOF4?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for H2CO3?", "What is the Lewis Dot Structure for BeCI2?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for fluorine?", "How do you determine the Lewis dot structure of OF2?", "How is the Lewis dot structure determined?", "How is the Lewis dot structure for HNO3 determined?", "How can you determine the Lewis dot structure for c2h5oh?", "How is the Lewis dot structure for Mg determined?", "What is the Lewis dot structure of C2H3Cl?", "What is the Lewis Dot Structure of CH2Cl2?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for SiH4?", "What is the Lewis Structure for N2O3?", "How can you determine the Lewis structure for MnO4?", "How can you determine the Lewis dot structure of SO3?", "How can you determine the Lewis structure for n2o4?", "What is the Lewis Structure for C2H4O?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for Fe?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for carbon disulfide? How is this determined?", "What is the Lewis structure for C4H8? How is this determined?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for acetone? How is this determined?", "What is the Lewis structure for N2F4? How is this determined?", "How is the Lewis dot structure for ammonium determined?", "What is the Lewis dot structure of CH3NH2?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for Ne?", "How is the Lewis Dot structure for Co determined?", "How can you determine the Lewis dot structure for cl2co?", "How do you determine the Lewis structure for H2C2O4?", "How can you determine the Lewis structure for SF5?", "How do you determine the Lewis Dot Structure for calcium oxide?" ] }
{ "query": "What are websites that are similar to eBay?", "pos": [ "What websites are similar to eBay?" ], "neg": [ "How is eBay?", "What are the best ebay businesses?", "Is there an eBay for completely online services and businesses (besides Craigslist)?", "What are the best luxurious e-commerce websites?", "Is eBay search relevance oriented?", "What are the best luxury e-commerce websites?", "What are the best products to sell on eBay?", "Is eBay still relevant?", "How many sellers are on eBay?", "Is it good to shop from ebay?", "How many sellers are on", "What is the most affordable way to sell a few items on eBay?", "Can anyone open an eBay store?", "Can a website be listed on for auction?", "What kind of items are cheapest to buy on eBay?", "Which is better: Amazon or eBay?", "How do you open an eBay store?", "How/where do e-commerce websites like Amazon get product images?", "How do I find a profitable niche on eBay?", "Which are the best e-commerce website vendors?", "How is auction site doing?", "Is it good to buy from ebay?", "What are the Technologies needed for E-commerce websites?", "Which platform build E-commerce websites?", "How can eBay be innovated?", "Ebay email marketing jobs?", "Why is eBay not so popular as Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon?", "Can you make money on ebay?", "Where do I go to track an Ebay purchase?", "I have been banned from PayPal and cannot use eBay. Are there any other good examples of online auctions available to me in the UK?" ] }
{ "query": "What do Clinton supporters say when confronted with her scandals such as the emails and 'Clinton Cash'?", "pos": [ "What do Hillary Clinton's supporters say when confronted with all her lies and scandals?" ], "neg": [ "Which are the scandals around Hillary Clinton for which a lot won't vote for her?", "How many major issues has Hillary Clinton publicly lied about in her political life?", "Why do Democrats overlook Hillary Clinton’s scandals?", "How many scandals has Hillary Clinton been part of?", "Why is Hillary Clinton labeled as a \"liar\" by her opposition? Does she have a history in scandal outside of the recent e-mail scandal?", "What did Hillary Clinton lie about?", "In what major ways has Hillary Clinton lied to the public?", "Why does Hillary Clinton lie sometimes?", "How are people voting for Hillary despite her bad reputation?", "Has Hillary Clinton ever blatantly lied to the American people?", "What would Hillary Clinton’s criticisms of the press be?", "What hard evidence is there that supports the claims that Hillary is corrupt?", "Why do republicans call Hillary Clinton 'crooked Hillary'? What is she alleged to have done?", "Why does Hillary Clinton lie so often?", "What evidence is there to suggest that Hillary Clinton is corrupt?", "What does Hilary Clinton have to say to voters from any party who have become disillusioned by this presidential race?", "Aren't Hillary supporters disturbed by her spending on her campaign, her excessive contributions from shady characters and her relationship to money?", "Before the 2008 election, was Hillary Clinton (not Bill) ever revealed or accused for corruption, by people on the left or right?", "Is Hillary Clinton worried about the email scandals?", "If Hillary Clinton wins the election, how will she address Trump supporters' major concerns?", "What do Democrats think of the Hillary Clinton email scandal?", "How do hillary supporters ignore what they read when they put the words Clinton slush fund, Clinton body count, Clinton integrity in their browser?", "What factors contribute to Hillary Clinton’s Alt-Right animosity?", "What are the biggest flaws in Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?", "Do Donald Trump's or Bill Clinton's accusers of sexual misconduct have more credibility?", "Why is Hilary Clinton corrupt?", "Shouldn't Hillary address her ignorant rioting supporters and call them off?", "Are the Clintons corrupt?", "How much credibility do the women that accuse Bill Clinton of being a sexual predator have?", "How did Hillary Clinton react when she found out Bill cheated on her?" ] }
{ "query": "What would be the best way to prepare for BITSAT?", "pos": [ "How do I prepare for the BITSAT?" ], "neg": [ "How do I prepare for chemistry in BITSAT?", "How do I prepare for the BITSAT and JEE Advanced simultaneously?", "How do I prepare for a score of 300+ in the BITSAT?", "Which books are the best for BITSAT preparation?", "How do I prepare for bitsat in 2 months? I haven't done any preparation jee. I want bitsat score above 340.", "Can I prepare for JEE advanced and BITSAT simultaneously?", "How is the difficulty level of BITSAT?", "What is the best way to prepare for BITSAT and JEE with only 2 to 4 weeks remaining?", "BITSAT: Is the time span of 2 months after JEE Mains enough to master yourself for BITSAT if I have not prepared for Advanced?", "What is the cutoff of 3rd iteration in BITSAT 2016?", "Which book should I refer for Bitsat (aptitude) part?", "How do I prepare for the CLAT?", "What is the cutoff for BITSAT 2016, and the expected cutoff for 2017?", "How can one prepare for CLAT?", "How can I score 400+ in BITSAT by 50 days of prep?", "How can I prepare for jipmer?", "How should I prepare for CLAT?", "What is the procedure of the waiting list in the BITS?", "What should a partial dropper prepare for BITS or JEE?", "How should I prepare for JEE and BITS as a partial dropper?", "How do I prepare for ecet?", "How is BITSian welcomed/treated in IIT?", "What is the expected cse cut off for BITSAT 2016?", "How do I score 350 in BITSAT 2017?", "How can I prepare for Tessolve technical round?", "How do I prepare for AIPMT?", "What is the minimum marks required to get into BITS, Pilani?", "What is the fees structure of BITS?", "What are advantages of BITS over IIT and vice versa?", "How can I score >350 In BITSAT 2017(read details)?" ] }
{ "query": "What are your favorite songs in which the lyrics are in a language you don't speak?", "pos": [ "What is your favorite song sung in a language you don't understand?" ], "neg": [ "What are some must hear songs in your language?", "What's your favorite song and why?", "What's your favorite song?", "What are some of your favorite song lyrics?", "What is your favorite song?", "What's your favorite rendition of your favorite song?", "What is your favorite song and why?", "What are some of your favorite misheard song lyrics?", "What is your favorite poem in your language?", "What is your favorite song of all time and why?", "What is your favorite song at the moment?", "What is your all-time favorite song?", "What's your favorite song now?", "What is the best non English song you've ever heard?", "What's your favorite song? Why do you like it best? Share it with us", "How would you describe your language to someone who doesn't speak it?", "What is your all time favorite song?", "Which is your favorite song?", "What's your favorite song right now?", "What is your favorite song or artist?", "What's your favorite soothing English songs?", "What song do you like to sing along to most?", "What does it feel like to understand a language you don't know how to speak?", "What is your favorite song, and what feeling does it give you?", "What is your favorite song or what song do you recommend?", "What are some must-listen popular songs in your language?", "What are your favorite songs that are not about love?", "What is your favorite song in Spanish?", "Music: What is your favorite song right now?", "My favorite song?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I recover data on a broken iPhone?", "pos": [ "How can I recover data from my broken iPhone?" ], "neg": [ "How do I recover data from a water damaged iPhone?", "What do I do if I accidentally erased my iPhone?", "How do I restore this iPhone?", "What is the best iPhone data recovery tool in 2016?", "How do I recover the lost contacts from an iPhone 6?", "How can I recover Android data of a broken phone?", "How do I recover my passcode for an iPhone 4?", "How do you restore a locked iPhone?", "How can I recover iPhone 6 text messages?", "How do I recover my lost iPhone 4s, using the IMEI number?", "How can I recover the deleted messages from my iPhone 5?", "Is there a way to retrieve a note you accidentally deleted on an iPhone 4s?", "By using an IMEI number, can we recover a stolen iPhone?", "What do you do if your iPhone will not restore from backup?", "Data Recovery: I've lost all my contacts on my iPhone, however they are all there in iCloud. How can I get them back onto my iPhone?", "How do I take back up from iPhone and restore it to Android?", "Where is the best place to sell a broken iPhone?", "How can I recover deleted text message in iPhone?", "What should I do immediately after realising my iPhone is lost or stolen? How can I track it?", "How do you find a lost iphone?", "How do I recover a forgotten password for iPhone?", "How do you track a lost disconnected iPhone?", "How do you recover a forgotten password for an iPhone 5?", "How do I recover deleted text messages on my iPhone?", "Apple Products and Services: How do you get an iPhone that is stuck in recovery mode to restore?", "How can I transfer data from my old iPhone to the new one?", "I accidentally formatted my jail broke iPhone 5 and the power button is not working how can I repair it?", "Can I recover photos that I had on a picture safe app for my iPhone?", "What is the best way to find a lost iPhone 6?", "How do you track a lost iPhone?" ] }
{ "query": "Why is the Huffington Post taking so long to publish posts?", "pos": [ "Why are my posts on Huffington Post taking so long to publish?" ], "neg": [ "Why Huffington Post technology articles do not get conversation?", "Why did you stop writing your blog for a long time?", "Why does not Quora let you bookmark blog posts?", "Why is the Facebook page post reach decreasing even though the posts per week and post engagements have increased?", "Why is the cover photo of many Wikipedia articles not updated?", "Why is my Facebook post reach decreasing even though the posts per week and post engagements has increased?", "Why is it so hard to get your comments published on Cricinfo commentry page?", "What content management system does Huffington Post use?", "Why do people write answers way too long, way too often in this website?", "On Hacker News, how long should I wait to avoid this message - \"You're submitting too fast. Please slow down.\"?", "How I publish my article on Yahoo?", "Would it be safe to post some of my short stories in my blog if I intend to publish them later? If not then what should I do?", "How do I Write More Blog Post in Less Time?", "How do you connect to Huffington Post bloggers?", "Why are today's articles are written so long with junk info, when I could’ve glean the important info only within a few words?", "Why does allow so many spam/fake job postings on the website?", "Why did you stop writing at blog?", "Why isn’t the post headline showing up on my Blogger homepage when I have clearly given it one?", "Do content marketers post all their posts on same blog?", "How long does it take you to write an article with a 400-500 word count?", "Why does the page reload every time I try to comment?", "How big a problem is people mischievously editing Wikipedia articles?", "How does Wikipedia maintain its content quality? How does it ensure troll posts are deleted soon?", "How do I publish articles?", "How do I Get Instant Traffic For my recently publish Article?", "Why do people not allow comments on their posts?", "Why does Facebook's timeline not show all posts?", "Are controversial posts about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook automatically demoted rapidly on Hacker News?", "Why am I suddenly unable to post comments or answers on Quora?", "How long does it take to make a responsive website of around 500 pages?" ] }
{ "query": "What are Hillary Clinton's views on immigration?", "pos": [ "What will be Hillary Clinton's immigration policies be like?" ], "neg": [ "How can any legal immigrant to the US vote for Hillary Clinton?", "If selected, will Hillary Clinton issue any policy that favored the STEM major foreign students?", "What are Hillary Clinton's views on economic policy?", "What will be the Hillary Clinton's education policies for foreigner students? Will there be any aid (scholarship, waive of tuition fees etc) for them?", "Will Hillary Clinton sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership?", "What would Hillary Clinton’s policy be regarding Ukraine?", "Does Hillary Clinton have any specific proposals to help the economy?", "What is Hillary Clinton's overall economic agenda?", "What are Hillary Clinton's policies on education?", "Where does Hillary Clinton stand on the Trans Pacific Partnership?", "How would Hillary Clinton help the economy as President?", "Is Hillary Clinton in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?", "What would be Hillary Clinton's policy for North Korea?", "Under trump immigration plan, should Melania be the first to be deported being her an immigrant from slovania?", "What does Hillary Clinton think of free trade?", "Hillary Clinton, what will be your first priority for Americans?", "What is Hillary Clinton's strategy in Iraq, Russia, Iran, etc. (foreign policy)?", "If you are an engineer and a US citizen, will you vote for Hillary Clinton?", "Will Hillary Clinton sign the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement?", "What would be Hillary Clinton's first priority as President of the United States?", "How is Hillary Clinton’s health, and will it affect the Democratic Party and the US Presidential elections?", "What are Bernie Sanders' immigration policy views?", "What will happen if Hillary Clinton gets arrested?", "What does Hillary Clinton plan to do with Russian foreign policy?", "What would be the advantages and disadvantages of Hillary Clinton becoming president?", "What will Hillary Clinton's Chinese policy be, if she is elected?", "What is Hillary Clinton's plan to tackle climate change?", "What will be Hillary Clinton's foreign policy towards China if she is elected?", "What does Hillary Clinton see as the future jobs of the middle class and how will she reform education to prepare people for these jobs?", "Can you share merits and demerits of MS international students in USA after election result, as Hillary Clinton's Green card or Trump's job offers?" ] }
{ "query": "I have seen ads for a digital profit course. Are these real or fake?", "pos": [ "Are digital profit courses real or fake?" ], "neg": [ "Have you ever heard of Digital Profit Course?", "What does \"digital profit course\" mean?", "What's your Digital Profit Course reviews?", "What can a student buy and sell online for profit?", "What are the top paid courses on digital marketing?", "Has someone paid the fees to Digital Profit Course? Can someone share his/her user experience after joining this course? As most of the people claiming it to be fake have not paid any amount to join.", "Is digital marketing course necessary to find a Job in digital marketing?", "Is there any free certification courses in digital marketing?", "How do I learn Digital Marketing effectively than as a short-term course?", "Is digital important to non-profits?", "How can I learn Digital Marketing effectively than as a short term course?", "Where can I do digital marketing certification courses for free?", "Will a certificate course in digital marketing help me earn good money as well as a good position in a company/organisation in the future?", "Will virtual reality play a role in sales or marketing in 3 years? How?", "How is non-digital marketing ROI measured?", "Are college or high school sex parties and orgies a real thing or a fantasy created by the porn industry?", "How do you sell digital products?", "Is it true that online shopping websites deliver bricks, fake items or cheap quality products and cheat the customers?", "What are some good online sales training courses?", "What are typical revenue share terms if one party promotes, and the other provides digital products for sale?", "What are the best courses on making money online?", "What are good online courses for Real Analysis?", "Is there any reputable online Product Management course?", "How genuine is online profit guru?", "What is the revenue generation model of online learning sites or e-education sites?", "Is it worth doing virtual reality course from sp Jain hitech institute which is 4 months course and costs around 10 lakhs?", "How do I make a digital marketing plan for an educational institution?", "Where can I learn (Study) digital marketing?", "What are the best fake websites that were mentioned in a TV show or movie that became real?", "Are there any good e-course about selling and creating ebooks online?" ] }
{ "query": "Where I can watch English movies with subtitles online?", "pos": [ "On what sites can I watch movies with English subtitles for free?" ], "neg": [ "Can I get the movie 2 States with English subtitles?", "Where can I find French movies and TV shows with English subtitles?", "Which streaming Tamil movies with English subtitles websites are available?", "Where can I find English subtitles for Indian dramas?", "Where can I find Malayalam movies with English subtitles?", "Should I watch with or without subtitles when I am trying to learn a new language?", "Where can I get subtitles for the 2 States movie?", "Where can I find English subtitles for Oshin drama?", "Which is the best site to watch Turkish dramas in English subtitles?", "Where can I watch sukimasuki with English subtitles?", "Where can I watch velvet S 3 with English subtitles?", "Where can I find English subtitles for Japanese dramas?", "Where can I watch House M.D with English subtitles or Camelot?", "Where can I find English subtitles for Korean shows and movies?", "Where can I get English subtitles for Sarrainodu?", "Why do movies/shows have subtitles?", "How can I watch French TV with French subtitles on the Web?", "How do I download TV shows with subtitles?", "Where can I find the movie “Thani Oruvan” with English subtitles?", "How can I get subtitles for Marathi movies?", "Is there any way to watch Turkish TV Show with English subtitles?", "Where can I find English subtitles for Korean movies?", "How do I download movies without torrents with subtitles?", "What are some good websites for watching English TV shows for free?", "Where can I find subtitles for Tamil movies?", "Where can I find English subtitles for Malayalam movie 'Oppam'?", "Where can I watch sarrainodu with subtitles?", "What are the sites to watch English TV series?", "Where can I watch Galerias Velvet with English subtitles?", "Where can I watch Dragon Ball Z in Spanish with English subtitles?" ] }
{ "query": "How do you choose what to wear on a given day?", "pos": [ "How do you decide what to wear each day?" ], "neg": [ "What kind of clothes do you like to wear?", "What kind of clothes should I wear for a home date?", "What are \"ready-to-wear\" clothes?", "How often do you change clothes?", "What are your favorite clothes?", "What are the best gender-neutral/agender clothing options?", "What are your favorite things to do on your day off?", "What is something comfortable and casual yet can be worn everyday in a professional environment?", "How common is it to wear the same jeans every day?", "What clothes do women wear to work?", "How I spend my day?", "What are the most important three things a person should do daily?", "What kind of clothes do Mexicans wear on a daily basis?", "What kind of dress should I wear?", "Is it okay to wear underwear all day? (Male)", "What percentage of women feel obligated to wear make-up day-to-day?", "Which is your favorite workout wear?", "Should I wear a bra everyday?", "How many steps do I need to walk in a day to keep healthy?", "What should I wear on honeymoon night?", "What are things which engage you in a day, working day?", "What is the best time of day to go on a walk?", "Is there a difference between every day and everyday?", "What kind of clothes do you wear at home?", "What is your favorite article of clothing?", "Is it okay to wear the same outfits over and over again? Does it matter that a person has only two or three outfits?", "What is the best way to start your day?", "What is it like wearing a suit everyday?", "What is your favourite fashion trend of all time?", "Why do you wear clothes?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I Bypass icloud on stolen iphone?", "pos": [ "How do I unlock iCloud lock in iPhone?" ], "neg": [ "How do I lock my screen on the iPhone 6 Plus to back it up to iCloud?", "How do I lock the apps on an iPhone?", "Why won't my iPhone unlock?", "How do I lock apps on my iPhone 4?", "What should I do if my iPhone won't unlock?", "My iPhone 6 plus is blacklisted on T-Mobile. Is there a way to unlock?", "Is there any option to lock my iPhone's apps?", "Is there any way to unlock the iPhone 4/4s free?", "How do I unlock my iPhone with another carrier?", "My iPhone 6 is locked to AT&T, how can i unlock it?", "How can I unlock a pre-owned iPhone 5 locked on AT&T?", "What is the best and easiest way to unlock an iPhone 4?", "How can an iPhone be carrier unlocked?", "Is there a way to lock/unlock iPhone (iOS 10.1.1) using it's proximity sensor? I use a flip case for my iPhone hence I would love if it's possible.", "How do you sync iCloud with your iPhone?", "How do I app lock on iOS 9 for free without jailbreak?", "How do I find my iCloud security code?", "How do I unlock a lock without the key?", "I have a factory locked iPhone 6 to at&t. How do I get it unlocked?", "How do I unofficially unlock an iPhone 6 Plus which is on AT&T?", "How can I download \"unlock iPhone tool\"?", "How do I remove an app from iCloud?", "Can an iPhone 6s be unlocked?", "How do I approve iCloud Keychain from another device?", "I reset my iPhone 6s Plus and have to put info in but cannot due to not knowing Apple ID with activation lock?", "My icloud id is block and recovery email is also the same and I don't remember my security question how can I open it?", "Can Android apps use iCloud?", "I have a HTC 8s with broken LCD and screen got locked. Can I know some way or app to unlock the phone without resetting the phone?", "How do I unlock an iPhone on my own without paying any money?", "I forget my iPhone 4 passcode, how to unlock it?" ] }
{ "query": "How do delete Quora quesitons?", "pos": [ "Why can’t I delete my own Quora question?" ], "neg": [ "What happens to my Gmail account when I delete Quora?", "How do I remove old questions so I do not have to view them repeatedly?", "Why won't Instagram let me delete my comment?", "Can you delete a Twitter post?", "Why can't I delete my messages on Snapchat?", "How can i delete a chat permanently so that no one (including me) can recover it back?", "How did someone delete my comments from YouTube?", "? (To be deleted)", "Why did you delete your emails?", "How do I delete my Snapchat?", "How can you delete your Yahoo Mail ID?", "How do I delete someone from Snapchat that has deleted me?", "How can I delete a video on YouTube?", "If you delete someone off snapchat how do you add them back?", "What happens if you call delete on an object that has already been deleted in C++?", "How can I delete yesterday's saved conversation on Snapchat?" ] }
{ "query": "What do you hate about teaching?", "pos": [ "What do you hate the most about teaching?" ], "neg": [ "Why do you like teaching?", "Why do you love teaching?", "What are the worst things about being a teacher that you didn't anticipate?", "U.S. Elementary Ed Teachers: What is your biggest annoyance or pet-peeve about your job?", "What is teaching really like?", "Why do you choose to be a teacher?", "Why do many people dislike school?", "What was your worst experience of being a teacher?", "What do you hate the most about management?", "How many of you hate to study?", "Why do most teachers hate Wikipedia?", "Why did you choose to be a teacher?", "Why Most of the professors or lecturers dont attend teaching in universities?", "How can some people not like learning?", "How do I deal with the teacher who really sucks in teaching?", "Which is the worst teacher that you have meet?", "Why do I dislike School?", "Since each of us has been a student first, what is the harshest thing a teacher taught you?", "Why do you hate to study?", "Why do teachers hate Wikipedia?", "What is it like to teach a college class where most students consistently skip class?", "Have you ever disliked a class because it was too easy?", "Why do some teachers hate Wikipedia?", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher?", "Why do some schools ban cursive writing?", "Who is worst teacher in PESIT?", "Who's your least favorite teacher? Why?", "Can a teacher refuse to teach a student?", "Why is teaching profession underrated in India nowadays?", "Why do engineering students hate their professors?" ] }
{ "query": "What is best strategy for study?", "pos": [ "How should I study?" ], "neg": [ "Why should I study hard?", "How long should I study for?", "How do I conduct a national research study?", "Why should I study hard and more?", "Why can't I study efficiently?", "How it feels to study hard?", "How do I study without studying?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the difference between Xanax and Zoloft?", "pos": [ "What is the difference between Zoloft and Xanax?" ], "neg": [ "Is it okay to take Xanax and Zoloft together?", "What's the difference between citalopram vs. xanax?", "What is the different between the Prozac and Zoloft?", "What are the differences between Effexor and Xanax? Is it safe to take them together?", "What is Xanax prescribed for?", "Which is stronger Temazepam or xanax? What is the difference between them?", "Why is Zoloft considered a narcotic?", "What is the main difference between ZBrush and maya?", "What are the benefits of taking Xanax?", "What is a zygote?", "What are the pros and cons of using ZzzQuil?", "What is Zzzquil used for? Does it have addictive properties?", "What are your experiences with Zoloft?", "What is a zygote made of?", "Is ZzzQuil generic?", "What are the effects of taking Zoloft and antibiotics simultaneously?", "What's the difference between Zopim and intercom?", "Is 3mg of Xanax a high dose?", "What is a XEROX?", "Why does Xanax cause birth defects?", "What is xerox?", "Is 4mg Xanax enough to get high or does it take more?", "What is Zorpia? How safe/legit is it?", "Does Xanax treat social anxiety?", "What are the benefits on taking Diazepam over Xanax?", "What are the negative affects of ZMA (Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate)?", "Is Xanax good for social anxiety?", "What are hacker zines?", "What are Nintex forma and how are they used?", "How many ZZZquil pills should you take?" ] }
{ "query": "What is your favorite song of all time and why?", "pos": [ "What's your favorite song right now?" ], "neg": [ "What are your favorite song lyrics and why?", "What are some of your favorite song lyrics?", "What's your favorite love song?", "What is currently your favorite love song of all time?", "What is currently your favorite rock song? And why?", "What is your favorite love song?", "What is your favorite rock song?", "What is your all-time favorite music album?", "What's your favorite music album of all time?", "What is your favorite rock song? Why?", "What are your favorite lyrics of all time and why?", "What are your favorite few lyrics?", "What is your favorite album ever?", "What are some of your favorite lines from a song?", "What's your favorite band?", "What is your favorite album, and why?", "What is your favorite song in July?", "What are your favourite lyrics?", "What's your favorite thing to do?", "What is your favorite song for workouts?", "What's your favorite thing in this world?", "What's your favorite word and why?", "What's your favorite Pink Floyd song?", "What is your favorite song from the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\"?", "What are your favorite rock songs?", "What's your favorite thing to do? Why?", "What was your favorite song in La La Land?", "What is your theme song?", "What is your favorite R&B song of all time?", "What is your favorite song from 1980s?" ] }
{ "query": "Which PSUs visit IIM campus for placements?", "pos": [ "Which PSUs visit campuses for placements in India?" ], "neg": [ "Which are some of the best school campuses in India?", "Anyone who recently graduated from SRM University Ramapuram who can share his/her experience of placement with graduation in IT/CS or SE ? And what all problems you encounter with placement in Ramapuram campus? For which you have to go main campus right?", "How is the placement at SRM University, Chennai?", "What are the Non-IIM management colleges in India that have good placements?", "What are the placements and packages offered at the Ramapuram campus of SRM like? Are they as good as that of the main campus?", "Is Chandigarh university good for placement?", "What are the best colleges in India to study pschology for post-graduate?", "Which is preferred, campus placement or higher studies?", "Which are the places in India to visit?", "Which are the best student campus ambassador programs in India?", "How is placements going in BITS Pilani Goa Campus?", "What's the future scope of PSU in India?", "Which is better in terms of placements: Manipal University (Jaipur), SRM (Ghaziabad), KIIT University, Amity University (Noida) or the IPU colleges?", "Which PSU will come in NIT Nagpur in 2016-17?", "How are the placements at Manipal University Jaipur?", "Placements in ece from srm university ktr?", "What are the top colleges for UG in Archeology in Tamil Nadu?", "What are the top distance learning universities or institutes in India?", "Which branches in SRM University have 100% placement records ?", "Do Indian universities prefer IB or CBSE?", "What are the best colleges and universities over India for a student having 70% in PCM?", "Which places should I visit in India?", "Tressury office Bhubaneswar No II OLA Campus which one?", "What is the gpa eligibility criteria of flipkart on campus and off campus placements?", "Is the placement at the Manipal University (Jaipur) in EEE good?", "How are placements at Sibm Hyderabad?", "How are the placements at shiv nadar university?", "Do CS SRM Ramapuram students get good placements offer like KTR?", "What are the best universities for studying Public Policy and Government in India?", "How are the placements of KR Mangalam University?" ] }
{ "query": "How do you effectively insert a British pound symbol in Microsoft Word?", "pos": [ "How do you insert the pound symbol in Microsoft Word?" ], "neg": [ "How do you insert the arrow symbol in Microsoft Word?", "How can you insert the square root symbol in Microsoft Word?", "How do you create the Beta symbol in Microsoft Word?", "How do you put a cube symbol in Microsoft Word?", "How do you type the symbol x-bar in Microsoft Word?", "In Microsoft Word, how do you insert the pi symbol?", "How do you insert the \"therefore\" symbol in Microsoft Word?", "How do you put a squared symbol in Microsoft Word?", "How do I type exclusive or symbol in MS word?", "How do you type or get the standard deviation symbol in MS Word?", "How can I insert a superscript in Microsoft Word?", "How do I type Indian Rupee symbol from keyboard in Windows 10?", "How do I use MS word?", "How do I insert a sigma symbol into a word document?", "How can you circle a word in Microsoft word?", "How can I insert a word count in Microsoft Word?", "How do you type the integration symbol on a keyboard?", "In Excel, how to you type the Delta symbol?", "How do you circle a number in Microsoft Word?", "What is a serif font in Microsoft Word?", "How can I create a plus/minus sign in Word?", "How was Microsoft word coded?", "How do I make symbols on a Mac?", "What are the keyboard symbols that are used for Excel formulas?", "How do I put an arrow above the letter “o” when typing on a Mac?", "How do you make a menu using Microsoft Word?", "What is the symbol for it?", "What are the best ways to use MS word?", "How do I get a spiral or coil type text in MS Word?", "How do I find the symbol for Pearson's Chi-square in Word?" ] }
{ "query": "Is China a developed country?", "pos": [ "Do you think China is a developed country?" ], "neg": [ "Will China become a democracy?", "Will China ever become a democracy?", "Will China ever become a true democracy?", "Is China a poor country?", "Is China really a backward country?", "Can China emerge as a world superpower?", "Should China be the most powerful country in the world?", "How do the people in your country think of China?", "Is China a true communist state?", "How can China be Communist and still have an ultra-rich class?", "Why is India more developed than China?", "Has China really surpassed the USA economy?", "Why is China not a first world country?", "Can China \"really \"lead the world?", "How did China grow so fast?", "Can China lead the world?", "Will India ever beat China in terms of development?", "Can China become a superpower?", "Why didn't China's develop like the west?", "What do the Chinese think of the current state of the Chinese economy?", "Should China conquer India?", "Is China more diverse than the USA?", "Are the Chinese now the new global superpower, not the USA?", "Why is Asia not a developed country?", "How did China grow from a 2.7 trillion USD economy in 2006 to 15.4 trillion USD economy in 2016?", "How China become a buddiest country?", "Will China become a Muslim country?", "Is China a totalitarian state?", "Will China finally be an Islamic state?", "What do people think about China?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the limitations of human right?", "pos": [ "What are limitations in human rights?" ], "neg": [ "What are human rights?", "What are human rights?", "What are some of the human rights issues?", "What are some fundamental human rights?", "Are human rights natural?", "What do we mean by human rights?", "What are unalienable rights and what are some examples of them?", "Which is more important: human rights or human responsibilities?", "Should there be statutes of limitations?", "What are the benefits of human rights?", "What rights are not stated in the Bill of Rights?", "What are the limitations of customary law?", "What is examples of unalienable rights?", "Why is there a statute of limitations?", "How are property rights a prerequisite to human rights?", "What is the rights theory?", "Why are rights called 'rights'?", "Should violators of human rights get their human rights?", "What is humanity? What is human rights?", "Is it impossible for everyone to have their human rights?", "Can the value of two different human rights differ 100 million times or even more?", "Why do Human Rights sound like something supreme in our society nowadays? He who disobeys is doomed.", "Are the Western ideas of human rights not suitable for developing countries like India?", "What limitations are there on the power of the legislative branch?", "How can I join in human rights?", "If gods do not exist, what gives humans \"natural rights\"?", "What are your human rights, when using health and social care services?", "What rights do you have if you have been accused of a crime in the United States? How are these rights different in Norway?", "What does negative degree of freedom mean in the context of mechanisms and links?", "What fundamental human rights are considered less important than right to privacy in Germany?" ] }
{ "query": "Is it worth staying in OYO Rooms?", "pos": [ "How good and reliable are OYO rooms?" ], "neg": [ "What is OYO Rooms?", "Does OYO Rooms reserve all rooms in a hotel?", "How can I partner with OYO rooms?", "Which is a better budget hotel chain: OYO Rooms or Zo Rooms QiK Stay?", "Which are the best oyo room properties that are available for non married couples in delhi ncr?", "How do I get more and more room nights to achieve the targets in OYO ROOMS as a demand manager?", "Is Oyo rooms safe for unmarried couples in kolkata?", "Are the rooms at NLSIU and NALSAR good?", "Is Oyo Rooms safe for unmarried couple in Bhubaneshwar?", "How QiK Stay is diffrent from other Budget hotel chain Like OYO Rooms, Zo Rooms?", "How oyo room is formed?", "What are good budget hotels in Ooty for families?", "Who has used the OYO hotel service to stay with their girlfriend? Is it safe?", "Do Oyo rooms allow unmarried couples in Chennai?", "Do IIMs have co-ed dorm rooms?", "If I book a room for me and my girlfriend in Oyo at Bangalore is it safe there?", "Which are the best hotels in ooty, Tamilnadu,India?", "What are the best decorated hostel rooms?", "Where is the best place to buy a Roomba?", "What's the best Roomba for a small house with wood floors?", "Do Oyo rooms allow an unmarried couple in Goa?", "How are the beds in hotel rooms so comfortable, how to make our home beds that comfortable?", "Are the boys hostel in MAMC good?", "Do OYO rooms allow an unmarried adult couple in Mumbai?", "How is the nri hostel for girls in NIT Warangal?", "Which is a cheap and good hotel to stay in goa? Like some oyo rooms or any other?", "Where can I buy a good quality bed?", "What is the reason OYO Room Hotels may deny check-in to single guest (not couple) providing ID proof of the same city as the hotel itself?", "Who stay in ASU's dormitory?", "Which bed is better in a bunk bed?" ] }
{ "query": "Is my life is really adventurous?", "pos": [ "Is life really adventurous?" ], "neg": [ "What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done in your life?", "How can I prepare to live an adventurous life?", "What is the most adventurous thing you have done ever?", "Which is the most adventurous trip you have done in your life?", "Which is the most adventurous thing to do?", "What is an adventure?", "What is the most adventurous momemt of your life?", "What is an adventure recreationalist?", "What adventurous, exceptional things can I do this summer to really make me feel alive?", "Which is the most adventurous thing you have done?", "Is life a journey?", "What does adventure mean to you?", "What is adventure travel for you?", "Is life really complicated or is it just a randomness? I am little distracted by these thoughts help me.", "Is it possible to not travel without being considered crazy?", "What are daring or adventurous things to do for fun?", "Is the wandering life a good life to live?", "Is life easy?", "Is life a dream or reality?", "Is life complicated?", "What makes us feel curious about our life in our everyday life?", "Is life an illusion?", "How and where do I do adventurous activities in India?", "How easy is life?", "What types of adventure travel have people not heard of?", "What is it like to go on an Antarctica cruise?", "Is life really that hard?", "Can you survive an unplanned freefall without a parachute?", "What is it like to travel around the world alone really?", "Is life a dream?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the scientific explanation for ghosts?", "pos": [ "Is there a real scientific explanation behind ghosts?" ], "neg": [ "How would modern society react and change if the existence of ghosts was somehow scientifically proven?", "Scariest ghost evidence to date with proof?", "What does the Bible say about ghosts?", "Why do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?", "Who invented ghosts?", "Is it possible the ghosts are living in the other dimension?", "Why do you not believe in Ghosts?", "What are some true ghost stories?", "Do ghosts exist or are they a hallucination?", "Why do some people see \"ghosts\" or believe that they have seen a ghost?", "Is it justified for an atheist to believe in ghosts?", "What are some of the ghost stories?", "Do ghosts and spirits really exist?", "Who invented the ghost?", "How do two atheists explain seeing a ghost at the same time?", "What are some real life ghost stories?", "What is the difference between ghosts and spirits?", "Ghost is true or not?", "Do atheists believe in ghosts?", "What is ghosting?", "Do atheist believe in ghosts?", "Supernatural Phenomena: Do atheists believe in ghosts and spirits?", "Can animals see ghosts or spirits?", "Do animals see ghosts, spirits or other phenomena unseen by humans?", "Do ghosts or gods really exist?", "Does an atheist believe in ghosts?", "Why are children more inclined to see ghosts?", "Where is Ghost?", "What do ghosts look like?", "Have you ever encountered a ghost? Do they really exist?" ] }
{ "query": "How does a gas changes into solid?", "pos": [ "How does a gas change to a solid?" ], "neg": [ "How does an ideal gas differ from a real gas?", "What is solid liquid and solid gas, and what are some examples?", "How does iron change from solid to liquid and gas?", "What is the difference between an ideal gas and a real gas?", "What are some examples of gas to liquid?", "What is the difference between real gas and ideal gas?", "What is an ideal gas?", "Why do some elements exist as a solid whereas some exist as a gas?", "How do we separate low density gas from high density gas?", "Can ground state and noble gas configuration be used interchangeably?", "How can we separate low density gas from high density gas?", "How is ground state and noble gas configuration used interchangeably?", "What is the difference between gas and air?", "How does gold change from solid to liquid and gas?", "We have a mole of gas at pressure p0/2. We increase the pressure through a reversible process, transforming the whole gas into a liquid.Question Down?", "What are the gas elements at room temperature?", "What is shell gas?", "What is a perfect gas?", "What is the compressibility of solid liquid and gas?", "Is gas flammable?", "What are some examples of solids turning into liquid?", "What are the ways to increase the pressure of gas?", "Why is Shell gas better?", "When will pressure and volume of an ideal gas both increase? Please give an example.", "How does a gas stove work?", "How does petroleum and natural gas form?", "Is it theoretically possible to have a gas that's lighter than hydrogen?", "What is the difference between a wet gas and a condensate gas reservoirs?", "How is gas dissolved in water?", "Is air considered a fluid or a gas? Why?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the best method to learn coding?", "pos": [ "Which is the best method to learn coding?" ], "neg": [ "How do I learn esql coding?", "How did you learn to code?", "How did you self learn to code?", "How can I learn coding online for free?", "How do I learn coding online for free?", "What is the best website to learn coding for free?", "Should everybody learn coding?", "Where can I learn coding for free online?", "Why do you think it is necessary for me to learn coding?", "Is it necessary to learn to code?", "Should everyone learn how to code?", "I am a commerce graduate and want to learn coding so where do I start and what are all the languages and any other applications should I learn?", "What are the good books I have to read to learn coding from the basics?", "What are best ways to improve logic for coding?", "What are the best practices to become excellent at coding competitions?", "What are the best coding sites for practices as a beginner?", "What is the best way to practice c++ coding?", "What is the easy way to learn Java coding?", "What should I learn first, coding or logic?", "How can I use Codecademy to learn programming?", "What is the best way for a beginner to learn a codebase?", "What is the best place in Lucknow to learn coding?", "What are the benefits of learning the core elements of coding?", "How can I master coding in a year?", "What is the best beginner coding language?", "Should everyone learn to code?", "What does learning how to learn how to code mean?", "How do I self-learn programming?", "I have an app idea, but I don't have coding skills required. Where can I learn to code? Or what can I do?", "Test for coding?" ] }
{ "query": "What are some lesser known facts about Indian culture?", "pos": [ "What are some unknown facts about Indian culture?" ], "neg": [ "What are some mind-blowing facts about Indian Folk-tribes?", "What are some 'fun facts' about Indians and Indian Mentality?", "What are some of the most unknown facts about Indian politics?", "What are some aspects of India and Indian culture that have been adopted by non-Indians?", "What are some of the important misinterpreted, distorted or twisted facts of Indian history?", "What is the impact of Indian culture on other cultures?", "What are some mind blowing facts about Indian personality?", "What are some of the little known facts about Indian independence movement?", "What are some Indian culture/traditions that has been adopted by the west?", "Culture of India: What is a short description about India?", "What are some mind-blowing facts about Indian Temples?", "What are some unknown facts about Indian politicians?", "What are the amazing facts about India?", "What are some mind-blowing facts about Indian Folk-songs?", "What are the facts that we Indians are unaware of but coincides daily?", "What are the top 10 things that Indians do not know about India?", "What are some unknown facts about Bollywood?", "What are some quintessential Indian stories?", "What are some amazing facts about Indian cricket?", "What are some lesser known facts about Indian cricketers?", "What are some interesting facts about Bengalis?", "What are the stereotypes about Indians everywhere?", "What are three similarities, and three differences between Indian culture and American culture?", "What are some of the strangest facts about famous Indian movies?", "Why are Indians following western culture?", "What are unknown facts related to the independence of India?", "What are some shocking facts about the Indian Independence Movement?", "What are the most awesome facts about India?", "What are some lesser known facts about Kerala?", "What are some mind-blowing facts or incidents about the Indian cricket players that most Indians don't know about?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I get into Stanford with a poor GPA? E", "pos": [ "How do I get into Stanford with a poor GPA?" ], "neg": [ "Can I get in Stanford with a 3.9 gpa and 32 act?", "How do I get into Harvard with a bad GPA?", "I currently have a 4.29 GPA, what are my chances of getting into Stanford?", "How do I get into UCLA with a 4.3 GPA?", "How difficult is it to get into UCLA with a 4.0 GPA?", "College and University Admissions: What do your high school GPA and SAT score need to be to get into Stanford?", "What is a bad college GPA?", "How do I get into an Ivy League College with a GPA of 3.6?", "Can someone get into UCSD with a 3.5 UC GPA?", "What is the maximum GPA for Stanford undergraduate students? Is it 4.3 or 4.0?", "Can I get into an Ivy League med school with a 3.6 high school GPA but a 4.0 college GPA?", "How can one get into Stanford for M.S?", "How do I get a 4.0 GPA in my community college?", "Can I get into an Ivy League with 3.6 GPA? help!", "How do I get a 4.0 GPA in community college?", "Is it possible to get acceptance into an Ivy League college with a GPA lower than 3.0?", "How do some people get near-4.0 GPAs in college?", "Can I get into an ivy league with average GPA but good SAT scores?", "Can I get a 3.5 GPA with a 2.4 GPA in highschool?", "I am halfway through sophomore year in high school and have a GPA of 2.8. Is it possible to get that GPA to a 3.73 by the end of junior year?", "I want to do MS in top universities, but my GPA is 2.3/4.0. Is there any chance of getting in?", "I got a 3.8 GPA. Is it enough to get into top universities like Harvard?", "Will a 2.4 GPA get me into college?", "CS masters schools accepting low GPA?", "Is there any hope for someone to get into a low or mid-tier UC with a 3.5 UC GPA and an upward trend in grades?", "How difficult is it to get into Stanford or Harvard?", "Is a 3.8 GPA sufficient to get into a top school?", "Can I graduate college with 1.8 GPA?", "What is a way to go to Stanford for graduate school?", "Is a 3.79 GPA good enough to get into USC?" ] }
{ "query": "Can I use Jio sim in my 3G mobile?", "pos": [ "Can I use Jio in 3G phone?" ], "neg": [ "Can we use more than one Jio sim in a 4G mobile?", "Can I use 4g jio in Nokia Lumia 535?", "How can I use Jio 4G sim in my laptop?", "Can I use jio in samsung E7?", "Can I use jio 4g sim in my mi 4i?", "How can I use the Jio 4G SIM in XOLO Q800 X-Edition mobile?", "Can I use Jio SIM in Mi4?", "Can I use Jio in iPhone 6S?", "Can we use Jio sim in Samsung Galaxy S6?", "Can I use jio sim in my Samsung galaxy s4 i9500?", "Does Jio SIM works in Motorola?", "Can we use the Jio SIM that came along with LYF mobile in other 4G mobiles?", "Can we use LTE handset for JIO?", "Does Jio sim work for Moto G2 (2nd generation)?", "It is possible to use Jio 4G sim in Gionee p5w mobile?", "Can I use Jio 4G in HTC desire 526 Gplus pleace?", "How can I use Jio 4G data on iPhone 5s?", "Is Jio4Gvoice app required on Redmi Note 3 to make Jio calls?", "Will Jio sim work for Moto E2?", "Can we use a Jio SIM on other mobiles except the mobile in which the bar code was generated?", "How do I make calls from a windows phone with no VOLTE support using jio 4G sim?", "Does Reliance Jio 4G requires a LTE SIM Cards or VOLTE compatible Handset? Can we use data on current phone over a WiFi?", "I am not getting any signal in Moto G3 for Jio. The sim is active and I have put it in first slot. Can someone help?", "Can I use Reliance Jio sim card (to make voice calls and send/receive sms only) in a 2G mobile handset?", "Does Jio 4G support international roaming for data and calls?", "How do I use LYF phone activated Jio SIM on another 4G phone with the free internet offer?", "Will Jio 4G work on an imported, unlocked Samsung S7 Edge?", "Can I make video call on moto g4 plus using jio 4g?", "Does JioFi 2 device support only Jio SIM or any network can be used in it?", "Will Jio-Fi support any other SIM than Jio?" ] }
{ "query": "What is your favorite vodka?", "pos": [ "What is your favorite vodka drink and why?" ], "neg": [ "What goes good with vodka?", "What mixes well with vodka?", "What is the best Russian vodka and why?", "What are good sodas to mix with vodka?", "What's the best vodka to mix with coke?", "What are some good vodka and tonic recipes?", "What do you mix with grapefruit vodka?", "What is a good high-end vodka to give as a gift?", "What is the difference between Vodka and a regular beer except for the alcohol percentage?", "What is your favorite wine?", "Why do women prefer vodka to any other alcohol?", "What are the best Russian vodka brands?", "What mixes well with peach vodka?", "What happen when you drink too much vodka?", "What is the best drink? Why?", "What are the ingredients used to make vodka?", "What's the difference among whiskey, rum, vodka, tequila, etc?", "Is it ok to mix vodka and rum?", "What do alcoholic drinks, like whisky, wine, beer, taste like?", "What is the difference between gin, vodka, whiskey and rum?", "If I'm lost in the desert and have no water for a full day and find a bottle of vodka, should I drink it? What about wine or beer?", "How do you prefer to drink whisky?", "What is the best whiskey and why?", "What is your favorite craft beer in a can?", "What is the best whiskey you've ever had?", "What is the difference between scotch, whiskey, vodka, rum, beer and wine?", "What are some great citrus vodka mixers?", "How much can be served with a liter bottle of vodka?", "What is the difference between wine, vodka, breezer, beer, alcohol, and rum?", "Which is the most dangerous among these vodka, whiskey, rum or brandy?" ] }
{ "query": "How did Buddhism spread to all the world?", "pos": [ "How did Buddhism became worldwide?" ], "neg": [ "Who was the founder of Buddhism?", "Who are the founder(s) of Buddhism?", "What caused the decline of Buddhism in India while it attained so much popularity outside of India?", "What is Buddhism?", "What were the reasons for the decline of Buddhism in India?", "Is Buddhism a religion?", "Where is Zen Buddhism most practiced?", "Was Buddhism ever a militant sect like Medieval Islam/Christianity?", "How is Zen Buddhism practiced?", "How has religion developed globally?", "How have religions evolved in India?", "What effect did Alexander the Great have on Buddhism?", "What is meant by early Buddhism?", "What are your thoughts on Buddhism?", "Has religion developed globally?", "What are the primary tenets of Buddhism?", "What are the main tenets of Buddhism?", "Can you tell me what you know about Buddhism?", "Why is Buddhism not the most popular religion in India?", "What is Zen Buddhism?", "How were all major religions born (Christian, Hindu, Islam, and Buddhism)?", "What is the reason for the decline of Buddhism in India and were the Hindus (Brahmins) responsible for the elimination of Buddhists from India?", "How did religions evolve?", "What are Zen Buddhism beliefs?", "Is Buddhism nihilistic?", "What website explains buddhism and its various strands in a more sensible way?", "What is Tibetan Buddhism?", "How did the Buddhist Tripitaka originate?", "Why are people in India not very aware of Buddhism even though Buddha was born in India?", "What are Zen Buddhism beliefs and practices?" ] }
{ "query": "Which is better between xbox or ps4?", "pos": [ "Which has better exclusives, PS4 or Xbox One?" ], "neg": [ "Which one is better, PS3 or Xbox 360?", "Which is better, PS3 or Xbox 360?", "Should I buy a PS4 for a few games?", "Which are the best PS3 games?", "What are the best Xbox One exclusives?", "What are the best PS3 games?", "Which is the top 5 ps3 games?", "I have a PS2. Should I buy a PS4? Why?", "What are the differences between the XBOX One and PS4 version of Elder Scrolls Online?", "Which game should I buy for my PS3, Assassin's Creed 2 or 4?", "Why must PlayStation 4 and Xbox One games be installed on the console?", "What are the best PlayStation 4 games?", "Why doesn't the PS4 have backwards compatibility for PS3 games?", "Should I buy an original PS4 or Slim?", "What PS4 model should I buy ?", "Which PS4 games are similair to GTA 5?", "Should I order a PS4 online?", "Can the Playstation 4 play older PS3 games?", "What are the best couch co-op games for PS4?", "What are some PS3 games that are backwards compatible?", "Can you turn your PS3 into a PS4?", "What is best playstations for gaming?", "How do I get PS4 games for free?", "What are the best local/couch co-op games for PS4?", "Should I buy the Xbox One S?", "What are the best PlayStation games?", "Which games on PS4 support 2 player split-screen?", "How do you get full PS3 games for free?", "Does the PS4 have free internet?", "How can I play pre-ps4 games on PS4?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the tips to grow taller?", "pos": [ "How can I grow taller at 18?" ], "neg": [ "Can I grow taller at 16?", "Can you grow taller at the age of 17?", "Is there a possibility to grow taller at 17?", "How can I become taller at 19?", "Does a 4′10″ height 19-year old girl have any chance to grow taller? If yes, what are the ways to grow taller?", "I'm a 16yo girl. My height is 5 feet 6.5 inches. How can I grow 2-3 inches taller within a month or two naturally?", "I'm 19 and I'm from Bangalore. All that bothers me is I'm 5'6\". Is there a chance I can still grow taller? Or is it done?", "I am 20 yo and my height is 177 cm,but I want to be 180 cm tall. Is it possible for me to grow 1.5 to 3 cm taller?", "Will I grow taller at 15?", "I am 5 feet 4 inches at the age of 14. How tall will I grow?", "Will I grow any taller at 15?", "How do I grow tall as a teenager?", "How tall can I grow? I'm a 15 years old boy and turning 16 this year. I'm 175 cm tall.", "I'm 16 year old and I haven't grown since I was 11. I know girls stop growing after their first period but can someone tell me how to grow taller?", "I'm only 23 years old and I'm growing taller. Is this normal?", "I'm 17, and I am only 170 cm short. Could I get taller by 6-7 inches this year?", "How much could I still grow if I am a 16 year old girl and 5 foot tall?", "Why am I not growing taller?", "I think I had an early puberty and my growth stopped at around 17. Now I am 20. If I do some required stretches, would it help me grow taller?", "I'm an 18 year old male and my height is 160cm. My dad is 170 cm and my mom is 155 cm. Will I have a chance to grow taller?", "How can you make yourself grow taller with a surgery?", "I'm 13.5 years old. My height is 180cm. How tall am I going to be when I grow up?", "Can I grow shorter?", "How do I grow shorter?", "When will I stop growing taller?", "I'm a 16 years old girl. My height is 4.10 ft and my period started when I was 11. can I still grow my height to 5.2?", "I'm 17 years and 3 months old, I'm 176.5 cm, my dad is 175 cm and my mum is 165 cm, can I grow to 179 or 180 cm in 4 years?" ] }
{ "query": "When and how did the tradition start of men having short hair and women having long hair?", "pos": [ "When did the custom of men keeping their hair short while women keeping theirs long came?" ], "neg": [ "Why do women's long hair turn men on?", "Why did men grow long hair in Colonial Era?", "Why do females have the custom of having long hair in nearly all cultures?", "How does a man keep his hair long?", "Why does the majority of the male population prefer women with long hair over women with short hair?", "Are men with short hair less attractive than men with long hair?", "Why do most black men shave their heads or cut their hair so short nowadays?", "Do you think men with long hair are more attractive than short hair?", "When did men start shaving their facial hair?", "Why does the army force soldiers to keep their hair very short? Is it the case in all countries and when did it start?", "What is the history of hair removal?", "Why and when did humans start to place so much importance on associating hairstyles with gender?", "Why are men more attracted to women with long hair than short hair? What is the psychology behind the majority of men preferring long hair on women?", "Is it ok for a man to have a long hair?", "What are the best hairstyles for men with long hair?", "Attractive men: Is long hair on men a sign of fertility, beauty and health in the same way it's for women?", "What might it indicate when a girl changes her hair style from long to short?", "Why do so many girls, especially older white ones, have short hair?", "From an evolutionary perspective, is there a reason for why men have more and coarser body hair than women?", "Who and how were hair ties invented?", "Questions that Contain Assumptions: Why do men hate women with short hair?", "What is the reason hair loss in the sides for men?", "Do men prefer women without makeup and with long hair?", "What is the oldest preserved human hair?", "Why is pubic hair braiding now a popular trend?", "Do women let men wear their knickers?", "Why do most women remove the hair from their arm pits?", "Why men shave their pubic hairs?", "If god gave us hair on our head to grow why are men getting haircuts and cutting it off?", "Why is it that, once women turn 40, they cut their hair to their shoulders?" ] }
{ "query": "How does Demonetisation of 1000 and 500 rupees notes affect real estate industry?", "pos": [ "Will abolishing 1000 and 500 currency note affect property prices?" ], "neg": [ "Are property prices finally going down?", "What affects a currency's value?", "What effect will rising interest rates have on the commercial real estate market?", "Does issuing of larger denomination currency note reflect decreasing value of money in terms of Dollar?", "What will happen if a jewelry shop accepts old 500 and 1000 notes?", "What will happen to the value of money of excess notes of 1000's which will not be deposited, due to being black money.?", "Would using the 1031 exchange make me a bad real estate investor?", "Will the demonetization of 500 and 100 rupee notes affect restaurants?", "Are real estate prices going down in 2014?", "Should we give property to those buyers who are in cyclic debt?", "Will the U.S. ever see an asset backed currency?", "How will the demonetization affect the value of rupee against dollar?", "What are the serious disadvantages of demonetization of currency notes in India?", "Would you dispose the old 500 INR and 1000 INR currency notes as a notaphilist (currency collector)?", "Do the demonetisation of high value currency effect Indian economical growth?", "What area or city in the US is likely to increase most in real estate values in the next, say, 5 years?", "Are governments of countries with tear-away real estate speculation irresponsible, by not imposing substantial levies on foreign purchasers?", "What is the good time to sell a property in India after the recent Demonetization of currency?", "How does banning 500 currency notes, guarantee that the black marketers will be caught and punished?", "How do I price real estate products?", "What will be the impacts on gold price in future when scraping large currencies in India?" ] }