diff --git "a/data/en007/text/00000036.json" "b/data/en007/text/00000036.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en007/text/00000036.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"audio_id": "pKmiW73U2uE", "text": {"pKmiW73U2uE-00000-00000142-00000771": "As imagens visuais que sobrevivem dos séculos III e IV do cristianismo são verdadeiramente", "pKmiW73U2uE-00001-00000771-00001839": "deslumbrantes. Temos aqui Cristo Bom Pastor de uma representação do século III em catacumba", "pKmiW73U2uE-00002-00001839-00002700": "romana. A ovelha e o pastor aqui, uma das primeiras representações. Também a partir", "pKmiW73U2uE-00003-00002700-00003360": "do terceiro século aqui, temos, de Roma, uma das primeiras inscrições cristãs.", "pKmiW73U2uE-00004-00003360-00004426": "Mais tarde, a partir das catacumbas do século IV temos Cristo curando a mulher sangrenta", "pKmiW73U2uE-00005-00004426-00005451": "dos Evangelhos Sinóticos. A partir do final do século II, o filósofo pagão Celso, com", "pKmiW73U2uE-00006-00005451-00005935": "quem vamos encontrar mais tarde por escrito contra Orígenes, referiu-se à Grande Igreja.", "pKmiW73U2uE-00007-00005935-00006579": "A Grande Igreja era um corpo de cristãos espalhados pelo mundo, vivendo principalmente", "pKmiW73U2uE-00008-00006579-00007109": "em cidades, mas também em áreas rurais. Eles são resultado de muitas conversões", "pKmiW73U2uE-00009-00007109-00007734": "no Norte da África e Ásia Menor. Mas mais além, na Armênia e na Mesopotâmia, cristãos", "pKmiW73U2uE-00010-00007734-00008365": "permaneceram uma minoria em um mundo hostil. Mas as línguas que falaram no período de", "pKmiW73U2uE-00011-00008365-00009418": "200, variavam do latim, do grego, do siríaco e do copta. E suas formas de adoração variaram", "pKmiW73U2uE-00012-00009418-00010215": "enormemente. Em muitas áreas, estes cristãos foram organizados em igrejas com bispos e", "pKmiW73U2uE-00013-00010215-00010595": "presbíteros. E como diáconos, encontramos homens e mulheres.", "pKmiW73U2uE-00014-00010595-00011270": "Os novos membros da fé foram ensinados o essencial através dos catecismos antes de", "pKmiW73U2uE-00015-00011270-00012179": "serem batizados. E no terceiro século encontramos cristãos que cresceram na fé ao lado daqueles", "pKmiW73U2uE-00016-00012179-00013059": "que se converteram. A adoração da igreja no terceiro século tomou muitas formas. Hinos,", "pKmiW73U2uE-00017-00013059-00013922": "orações, leitura de textos sagrados e sua interpretação, mas também a refeição", "pKmiW73U2uE-00018-00013922-00015258": "eucarística. A refeição eucarística foi cada vez mais associada ao sacrifício de", "pKmiW73U2uE-00019-00015258-00015981": "Cristo na cruz. Tinha um senso de mistério. Era de natureza sagrada, separada de todas", "pKmiW73U2uE-00020-00015981-00016731": "as outras atividades. Formou o corpo de Cristo. No entanto, não devemos imaginar que existia", "pKmiW73U2uE-00021-00016731-00017483": "um conjunto uniforme de interpretações. Na refeição eucarística, havia uma variedade", "pKmiW73U2uE-00022-00017483-00018273": "de práticas na igreja. No entanto, no terceiro século, a igreja estava desenvolvendo através", "pKmiW73U2uE-00023-00018273-00019333": "de suas comunidades um sentido de unidade que estendia ao longo de seu alcance geográfico.", "pKmiW73U2uE-00024-00019333-00020440": "Havia crentes que tinham muitas interpretações da fé, incluindo quem era a figura de Jesus", "pKmiW73U2uE-00025-00020440-00020873": "Cristo. Mas este sentimento de comunidade crescente,", "pKmiW73U2uE-00026-00020873-00021626": "de que falei, não deve ser confundido com unidade completa da fé. A Grande Igreja do", "pKmiW73U2uE-00027-00021626-00022545": "terceiro século foi descrita por um historiador como uma rede de igrejas locais costuradas", "pKmiW73U2uE-00028-00022545-00023515": "em várias áreas culturais, por linhas de comunicação e relações pessoais. O bispo", "pKmiW73U2uE-00029-00023515-00024309": "de Roma era visto como a figura sênior na igreja, mas não havia uma hierarquia estabelecida", "pKmiW73U2uE-00030-00024309-00025122": "que iria emergir mais tarde. Além disso, não houve acordo sobre o cânone real da", "pKmiW73U2uE-00031-00025122-00025957": "Bíblia. É importante para nós lembrar que as figuras mais significativas do cristianismo", "pKmiW73U2uE-00032-00025957-00026594": "e da igreja neste período, foram os bispos que possuíam autoridade considerável. Mas", "pKmiW73U2uE-00033-00026594-00027108": "eles também poderiam diferir uns com os outros em questões significativas de doutrina e", "pKmiW73U2uE-00034-00027108-00027852": "prática. Na Grande Igreja do terceiro século havia", "pKmiW73U2uE-00035-00027852-00028637": "muitas divisões locais. E até mesmo separações, porque a linha entre ortodoxia e heresia não", "pKmiW73U2uE-00036-00028637-00029530": "era de todo clara. Um bom exemplo é a pessoa que devemos considerar mais tarde quando chegarmos", "pKmiW73U2uE-00037-00029530-00030239": "à igreja do Norte Africano. Foi Tertuliano de Cartago. Os bispos desempenharam um papel", "pKmiW73U2uE-00038-00030239-00030911": "crucial no desenvolvimento de suas comunidades. E com a ligação dessas comunidades com o", "pKmiW73U2uE-00039-00030911-00031786": "corpo mais amplo da igreja, esses líderes do segundo e terceiro século tiveram que", "pKmiW73U2uE-00040-00031786-00032411": "construir igrejas. Construir igrejas a partir do ensino da fé apostólica, interpretando", "pKmiW73U2uE-00041-00032411-00033149": "as palavras das escrituras. À medida que a igreja continuou a crescer, a fé teve que", "pKmiW73U2uE-00042-00033149-00033667": "se adaptar a diferentes culturas, línguas diferentes e até mesmo à filosofia, como", "pKmiW73U2uE-00043-00033667-00034470": "veremos, do mundo antigo. A amplitude da Grande Igreja é verdadeiramente", "pKmiW73U2uE-00044-00034470-00035363": "surpreendente. O Império Romano neste momento, se estendeu da Grã-Bretanha para o Dura-Europos", "pKmiW73U2uE-00045-00035363-00036088": "na Mesopotâmia. E no início do terceiro século, no entanto, ele tinha encontrado", "pKmiW73U2uE-00046-00036088-00037038": "dificuldades consideráveis e estava em declínio. Dentro do império, os cristãos sofreram", "pKmiW73U2uE-00047-00037038-00037731": "esporadicamente perseguição. O primeiro é que no início do terceiro século. Este", "pKmiW73U2uE-00048-00037731-00038684": "foi o tempo de Perpetua, que nos encontraremos, que morreu em Cartago em 203. Orígenes, que", "pKmiW73U2uE-00049-00038684-00039182": "também encontraremos, perdeu seu pai neste momento.", "pKmiW73U2uE-00050-00039182-00040012": "Foi aproximadamente 50 anos depois que o imperador Decimus concordaria que deveria haver mais", "pKmiW73U2uE-00051-00040012-00040874": "perseguição. Mas durou apenas um ano, até sua morte. Mas isso trouxe o fim para muitos", "pKmiW73U2uE-00052-00040874-00041669": "cristãos proeminentes que foram vítimas, incluindo o próprio Orígenes que foi torturado,", "pKmiW73U2uE-00053-00041669-00042667": "e morreu pouco depois. Cipriano, o grande bispo, de Cartago foi executado após a renovação", "pKmiW73U2uE-00054-00042667-00043682": "da perseguição em 258 sob Valerian. Sisto segundo, o bispo de Roma também morreu neste", "pKmiW73U2uE-00055-00043682-00044127": "momento. Mas o período mais conhecido de perseguição", "pKmiW73U2uE-00056-00044127-00044797": "que encontraremos foi sob Diocleciano. O fim do século. Foi nesse ponto que o império", "pKmiW73U2uE-00057-00044797-00045576": "estava em grave declínio econômico. E as reformas políticas do imperador, em que a", "pKmiW73U2uE-00058-00045576-00046575": "autoridade foi dividida em quatro governantes, não conseguiram parar a podridão. A perseguição", "pKmiW73U2uE-00059-00046575-00047648": "foi em grande parte no leste, onde os cristãos foram esperados para sacrificar aos deuses", "pKmiW73U2uE-00060-00047648-00048282": "e ao imperador. Igrejas foram destruídas, bens confiscados, e livros sagrados deveriam", "pKmiW73U2uE-00061-00048282-00048769": "ser entregues. Os próprios cristãos foram presos.", "pKmiW73U2uE-00062-00048769-00049633": "A gravidade da perseguição foi particular no Norte da África, e levou a uma cultura", "pKmiW73U2uE-00063-00049633-00050331": "cristã distinta. Vamos ter uma noção da propagação das igrejas cristãs no século", "pKmiW73U2uE-00064-00050331-00051082": "III. Precisamos lançar nossos olhos mais longe. Pois em grande parte do terceiro século,", "pKmiW73U2uE-00065-00051082-00052230": "por exemplo, cristãos persas puderam viver em relativa paz. Mas, no entanto, durante", "pKmiW73U2uE-00066-00052230-00052856": "este período, à medida que o número de cristãos cresceu, eles foram afetados pela", "pKmiW73U2uE-00067-00052856-00053241": "guerra contínua entre o império persa e Roma.", "pKmiW73U2uE-00068-00053241-00054297": "Os cristãos na Pérsia falavam siríaco, e essa era a linguagem de sua liturgia e de", "pKmiW73U2uE-00069-00054297-00055097": "sua doutrina. E foram os cristãos persas que enviaram missionários à Índia e à", "pKmiW73U2uE-00070-00055097-00056027": "China. Nossos registros nos dizem que o cristianismo entrou em o que hoje é o Afeganistão moderno", "pKmiW73U2uE-00071-00056027-00056654": "por volta do ano 200. E parece ter havido uma ligação entre as igrejas da Síria e", "pKmiW73U2uE-00072-00056654-00057648": "da Índia. É possível que os missionários tenham viajado pelas rotas comerciais da Mesopotâmia", "pKmiW73U2uE-00073-00057648-00058841": "para a Índia. Uma das histórias mais notáveis, no entanto, é a conversão do Reino da Armênia", "pKmiW73U2uE-00074-00058841-00060119": "no século III. Foi a primeira conversão de uma casa real, e de um rei. Um reino inteiro", "pKmiW73U2uE-00075-00060119-00061368": "tinha-se tornado cristão. A Bíblia foi traduzida para o arménio. A grande era da igreja, a", "pKmiW73U2uE-00076-00061368-00062022": "Grande Igreja, viu o extraordinário crescimento do cristianismo. Mas foi ao mesmo tempo uma", "pKmiW73U2uE-00077-00062022-00062377": "era de perseguição. Cristianismo, devemos lembrar, não era uma fé legal no Império", "pKmiW73U2uE-00078-00062377-00063189": "Persa ou Romano. Mas foi em Roma, e dentro do Império, que mudaria drasticamente dentro", "pKmiW73U2uE-00079-00063189-00063238": "de algumas décadas."}}, {"audio_id": "pKeG6ehyA7E", "text": {"pKeG6ehyA7E-00000-00000223-00000646": "your first time coming across my channel make sure you subscribe by hitting that", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00001-00000646-00000963": "notification bell hit that big red button below this video", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00002-00000963-00001417": "so today's top before this video is dropship this product and quarter four", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00003-00001417-00001980": "or you'll regret it as we in 2019 2019 is coming to a close we have seven days", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00004-00001980-00002497": "left till September and then in October quota for officially begins even though", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00005-00002497-00002997": "some have already started quarter four now quarter for officially begins next week", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00006-00002997-00003436": "but I want to give you a winning product that will get you ready for quarter four", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00007-00003436-00004153": "so this today's video is sponsored by the great website dropship hunter comm", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00008-00004153-00004603": "let me highlight that for you so you can see me here dropship hunted com this", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00009-00004603-00004840": "will be the first link in the description of this video", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00010-00004840-00005373": "it will also be pinned below in the comment section use code mr. da Vinci 20", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00011-00005373-00006072": "to get 20% off your first month as always I would not show you anything or", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00012-00006072-00006540": "endorse any website product service or company that I do not a hundred percent", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00013-00006540-00007042": "strongly believe in I've been using this website for the past two weeks now and", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00014-00007042-00007588": "I've seen great results I'm gonna show you a ecommerce series I'm gonna be", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00015-00007588-00008014": "creating long made a brand new store take one of these products from zero to", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00016-00008014-00008488": "a thousand plus dollars let's say in a week possibly a month who knows if you", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00017-00008488-00008863": "want to see that leave me a comment below but the product that I have for", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00018-00008863-00009468": "you today is this right here the rechargeable heat vest the reason why I", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00019-00009468-00010042": "chose this product one we're in far right now but in fall it's also hoodie", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00020-00010042-00010363": "season and depending on what state you live in", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00021-00010363-00011017": "it's a little chilly in others so some people are going to want to have a nice", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00022-00011017-00011532": "heat vest on especially people who were coated jobs who have to be more outside", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00023-00011532-00012465": "while the temperatures change this can also help for those who are elderly this", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00024-00012465-00013113": "could be a good product think of it more like I'm naughty like a dynamo but it's", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00025-00013113-00013831": "something similar to that but without me let me show you more of what I'm talking", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00026-00013831-00014670": "about so few reasons why I like dropship hunter calm is it gives us categories of", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00027-00014670-00015096": "which this product will be in but before we get into the categories take a look", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00028-00015096-00015831": "at some of these pictures very high quality very eye-catching non-flammable", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00029-00015831-00016504": "high temperature resistance will not break take a look at some more Oh Dan", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00030-00016504-00016993": "okay my LED button that's nice long pressed the LED button for three seconds", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00031-00016993-00017463": "to turn it on / off so I'll press the LED button to switch mode come in three", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00032-00017463-00017890": "different mode red highest temperature white medium temperature blue lowest", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00033-00017890-00018369": "temperature then as you can see on the eye I click on you can see the graph", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00034-00018369-00019121": "below shows suitable for camping skiing hunting mountain climbing snowmobile and", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00035-00019121-00019656": "motorcycle ride so they gave you five other different niches that you can", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00036-00019656-00020163": "target I just gave you an example off top of my head but now you have six", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00037-00020163-00020748": "different niches that you can target for this and I'm pretty sure worried that", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00038-00020748-00021222": "the hitam vest can't be washed no take off the power of machine slash hand", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00039-00021222-00021762": "washes up to you so it's okay for it to be washed vest must be placed in the", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00040-00021762-00022309": "laundry bag if machine washes cool so now we have our category you know what", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00041-00022309-00023062": "niches we know exactly what people we want to target now another great benefit", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00042-00023062-00023653": "of dropship hunter comm it comes with a nice winning Shopify product list in", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00043-00023653-00024234": "description for you over here looks like it's tackling a lot of pain point yes it", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00044-00024234-00024894": "also has benefits any yes so now I'm a little too fast", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00045-00024894-00025251": "y'all get excited when we talk about these kind of things let's talk about", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00046-00025251-00025815": "cost product cost is gonna hit you for twenty dollars sixty cent our selling", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00047-00025815-00026224": "price is forty seven ninety-nine I think we could get this to at least", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00048-00026224-00026721": "fifty dollars so let's say fifty dollars and sixty cent and I will give us a", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00049-00026721-00027222": "profit margin of at least thirty dollars even but if you want go for the selling", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00050-00027222-00027712": "price that dropship hunter calm recommends that's $47.99 product cost is", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00051-00027712-00028125": "$20 and 60 cent giving you a profit margin of twenty seven dollars and", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00052-00028125-00028725": "thirty nine cent per sale so the next thing we're going to look at is the", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00053-00028725-00029308": "Aliexpress supplier they do a good job of linking exactly to the supplier that", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00054-00029308-00029722": "we need for Aliexpress so while this is loading up I would appreciate if you", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00055-00029722-00030078": "could give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy these type of videos that creepy", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00056-00030078-00030868": "user on you winning products to sell for the month for quarter four for 2019 for", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00057-00030868-00031261": "twenty twenty top ten products I appreciate that appreciate all the views", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00058-00031261-00031653": "and feedbacks and comments that y'all be leaving on my video so show you what", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00059-00031653-00032344": "some love throw a thumbs up on the video right as we wait for this listening to", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00060-00032344-00033640": "load up I'm gonna take a sip from a sprite real fast don't get much better", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00061-00033640-00034215": "than this cool some listing has loaded up for our", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00062-00034215-00034987": "highly express supplier and what I'm seeing is it ships from different", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00063-00034987-00035419": "countries all across the world obviously we have China for a packet but let's", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00064-00035419-00035931": "check out this United States profess if they do ship from the United States and", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00065-00035931-00036280": "they're not sold out this is definitely going to give you the advantage over", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00066-00036280-00036946": "your competition because we'll have faster shipping times today is September", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00067-00036946-00037863": "23rd 2019 delivered by October 7th so that's about seven looking at 14 days", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00068-00037863-00038371": "but what you can do is phrase this so when you put on your Shopify listing you", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00069-00038371-00039171": "can put will arrive in 14 days so we'll say 5 to 10 business days and then you", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00070-00039171-00039586": "put a parenthesis excluding weekends that's something I've been testing in my", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00071-00039586-00040194": "listings and have been helping improving my conversion rates yeah that's good to", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00072-00040194-00040537": "know that the supplier ship from the nine states and then we're going to look", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00073-00040537-00041047": "at China this is Alex rest and shipping you don't allow them to do that you want", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00074-00041047-00041563": "to come here and find a package shipping if it is available yes it is and click", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00075-00041563-00042037": "on that remember for every product that you get on how Express you always want", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00076-00042037-00042394": "to do a package shipping so you have a tracking code to track your order with", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00077-00042394-00043339": "yada yada yada so now this product is not being utilized it has 793 orders", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00078-00043339-00043828": "right now 236 reviews so that's a good time I'm", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00079-00043828-00044152": "not done with this video so don't leave just yet because I want to show you", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00080-00044152-00044659": "something else that dropship hunter comm provides for us so if you want to sell", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00081-00044659-00045028": "this product on eBay they got you covered if you want to sell this product", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00082-00045028-00045448": "on Amazon they got you covered as well but we're gonna take a look at eBay", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00083-00045448-00045952": "because I'm thinking about retreating my eBay store and showing y'all some videos", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00084-00045952-00046465": "of what sells what didn't say how my promoted listings have been working for", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00085-00046465-00047032": "me senator etc something you want to see me tackle leave a comment below and I'll", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00086-00047032-00047971": "get to it so here we are eBay right now they're selling for seen", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00087-00047971-00048816": "$19.99 free ship in 1999 was $2 shipping yes so on eBay this on for about $20 a", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00088-00048816-00049578": "pop this is just a standard listing right here I know specifics descriptions", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00089-00049578-00050119": "seller some of our responsibilities for the listing so they're not really giving", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00090-00050119-00050725": "too much information on that but that's eBay they got the cover for eBay we're", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00091-00050725-00051127": "going to load back up to the page I'm not gonna open Amazon but what I will", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00092-00051127-00051607": "show you is this we can get quote-unquote but you can't see my", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00093-00051607-00052045": "fingers but you could you can see me do quote-unquote inspiration for other shop", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00094-00052045-00052510": "also already selling this product so that we can see what's working for them", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00095-00052510-00053079": "what kind of way they set up their Shopify product page and we can get some", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00096-00053079-00053734": "ideas from them and utilize that for our own Shopify product listing", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00097-00053734-00054463": "a sip some sprite was loaded up no I'm not a job computer right so here we are", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00098-00054463-00055182": "on the Shopify store they have a nice big guaranteed safe check out badge", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00099-00055182-00055684": "that's nice it's definitely gonna catch the attention looks like they have a", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00100-00055684-00056338": "jiff right there Emma's description image description", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00101-00056338-00057003": "another jiff keep on scrolling more information about how what it does", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00102-00057003-00057616": "shouldn't have feature right here should say benefit what this okay shows the", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00103-00057616-00058063": "level of temperatures that's nice picture of this so the customer gets a", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00104-00058063-00058783": "good idea on a USB interface now the only thing nope", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00105-00058783-00059275": "they do got reviews yes so we can save this soon that this product is making", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00106-00059275-00060010": "quite a lot of sales so we have a description we have our product link for", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00107-00060010-00060544": "our supplier we've checked out our Shopify competition now the next thing", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00108-00060544-00061147": "that dropship hundred column provides us is a starting point for targeting", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00109-00061147-00061711": "interests on Facebook ads so what they recommend is the country USA obviously", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00110-00061711-00062044": "that you seen from my supplier this is selling in multiple countries but just", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00111-00062044-00062476": "for the purpose of this video on do us a gender is all that's correct I will", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00112-00062476-00063061": "target both male and female age range 18 through 65 personally I recommend 21", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00113-00063061-00063541": "through 65 or 25 to 65 that is what has worked best for me though you always", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00114-00063541-00063992": "open the test whatever you feel special if you want to test 18 to 65 you can", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00115-00063992-00064486": "some interest that we can start off with is health and wellness gadget winter", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00116-00064486-00065122": "gloves arteritis awareness those are just some starting points and we have us", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00117-00065122-00065992": "a nice winning a nice winning video ad that's ready to go provided to provide", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00118-00065992-00066565": "it from dropship hunter comm this will work very well on the facebook and", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00119-00066565-00067087": "instagram newsfeed is a scroll stop it is engaging that's getting", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00120-00067087-00067654": "the customer viewers attention it displays the benefit it says right here", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00121-00067654-00068254": "is safe and rechargeable then we have a nice ready to go add text stay warm this", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00122-00068254-00068827": "winter with this heating vest if you was to run this through s grandma floor so I", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00123-00068827-00069681": "could see this come right in very well for you this could be something hello", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00124-00070733-00072058": "yeah making the video okay so we had this nice video right here you can sell", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00125-00072058-00072555": "this on Instagram you sell this on the Facebook newsfeed this would be very", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00126-00072555-00073429": "profitable for you yeah so again this was provided to you from dropship", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00127-00073429-00074047": "hundred comm product cost is $20 60 cents selling price is 47 99 oh I", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00128-00074047-00074596": "believe you could sell this for $49.99 or 50 dollars and sixty cents giving", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00129-00074596-00074968": "your profit margin 30 bucks of sale definitely let me know if you want to", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00130-00074968-00075343": "sell this product leave me any questions comments or concerns before you leave", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00131-00075343-00075814": "this video subscribe to the channel hit that notification bell so you notified", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00132-00075814-00076264": "when I release new videos on a daily basis and one last thing before you go", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00133-00076264-00076708": "I really need you guys to like this video not only to show me that you like", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00134-00076708-00077131": "this type of content but it also helps the YouTube algorithm knows what other", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00135-00077131-00077449": "type of people to show this video to let me explain", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00136-00077449-00078142": "so my customer avatar based on my youtube channel is men and women ages 18", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00137-00078142-00078598": "through 40 so if you were to like this video and you will friend my customer", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00138-00078598-00078967": "avatar YouTube would then go out and show this video to other men and women", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00139-00078967-00079501": "in the age range of 18 to 40 thus helping my videos right out to go across", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00140-00079501-00079987": "other YouTube viewers to see this video I would appreciate you all greatly cuz", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00141-00079987-00080470": "trying to hit that $4,000 watch time so that's all", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00142-00080470-00080752": "for you check out all of the content on the screen check out my ecommerce", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00143-00080752-00081214": "playlist again a link to dropship hundred calm will be the first link in", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00144-00081214-00081592": "the description also be pinned below in the comment section if you want to get", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00145-00081592-00082093": "notified aside from my youtube videos also click on my mailing list to sign up", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00146-00082093-00082510": "for my DaVinci mastermind and I'm about to start doing one-on-one consulting", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00147-00082510-00082878": "calls that help y'all with y'all drop shoot in the stores apply for that below", "pKeG6ehyA7E-00148-00082878-00083412": "it's missing DaVinci I'll see in the next video"}}, {"audio_id": "pL5657sTy9y", "text": {"pL5657sTy9y-00000-00000039-00000500": "I have looked at the Intel NUC as music server that was affordable, works fine but a bit", "pL5657sTy9y-00001-00000500-00001219": "fiddly to set up, as I showed in my 3 part video. I reviewed the Roon Nucleus+ server", "pL5657sTy9y-00002-00001219-00001798": "that needed only a drive full of music to get playing but came at a premium. This time", "pL5657sTy9y-00003-00001798-00002373": "a music server that is easy to set up, supports about any protocol used for audio servers", "pL5657sTy9y-00004-00002373-00003473": "and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.", "pL5657sTy9y-00005-00003473-00004010": "There is this thing in the audio world, and perhaps beyond that, where there is very low", "pL5657sTy9y-00006-00004010-00004825": "appreciation for good software. At least in the monetary sense. This is so unjust. For", "pL5657sTy9y-00007-00004825-00005390": "unless you are rather knowledgable you might encounter all kinds of small problems when", "pL5657sTy9y-00008-00005390-00006086": "setting up a music server yourself, as I notice from the questions asked to me. And I really", "pL5657sTy9y-00009-00006086-00006589": "can’t help you in those individual cases. I’m not clairvoyant and remote trouble shooting", "pL5657sTy9y-00010-00006589-00007264": "takes more time than I can afford. That’s why I came to love music server I’ll discus", "pL5657sTy9y-00011-00007264-00007911": "here. Only very basic computer skills are needed to set it up and it comes with a lifetime", "pL5657sTy9y-00012-00007911-00008507": "support.", "pL5657sTy9y-00013-00008507-00009089": "The sonicTransporter i5 has a black aluminium housing and is about the size of a Mac mini", "pL5657sTy9y-00014-00009089-00010048": "measuring 58 x 134 x 172mm. The front only holds the power button. Short presses switch", "pL5657sTy9y-00015-00010048-00010572": "the computer on or off while a long press forces it to switch off without waiting for", "pL5657sTy9y-00016-00010572-00011138": "the software to power down. Just as on any other normal computer. And, in fact it is", "pL5657sTy9y-00017-00011138-00012093": "a normal fanless computer made by Polywell that runs an Intel Core i5-5257U at 2.7 GHz,", "pL5657sTy9y-00018-00012093-00012936": "and has 8 Gigabytes of RAM and a 64 GB SSD inside for the server database. The rear Shows", "pL5657sTy9y-00019-00012936-00013770": "us two USB3 ports, an HDMI and VGA port for service purposes only - so there is no audio", "pL5657sTy9y-00020-00013770-00014672": "over HDMI, two USB 2 ports, a gigabit ethernet port and the 12 volt DC power input. Although", "pL5657sTy9y-00021-00014672-00015431": "there are four USB ports, only one USB drive can be mounted at one time.", "pL5657sTy9y-00022-00015431-00016073": "No, I’m not going to open the computer for the simple reason there is not much to learn", "pL5657sTy9y-00023-00016073-00016862": "audio wise. What is interesting audio wise is the server version of the sonicorbiterOS", "pL5657sTy9y-00024-00016862-00017299": "that you can see as a Linux based front end from which you select the server software", "pL5657sTy9y-00025-00017299-00017915": "you want to use. Just open an internet browser on another computer, tablet or smartphone", "pL5657sTy9y-00026-00017915-00018590": "and type sonictransport.local in the address field. The HTML interface includes a mobile", "pL5657sTy9y-00027-00018590-00019497": "version so even on a smartphone maintenance is done with ease. The Apps-menu lets you", "pL5657sTy9y-00028-00019497-00020234": "check if there is an update for the sonicTransporter OS, check on the installed software and lets", "pL5657sTy9y-00029-00020234-00020890": "you install other software. Since the software version was up to date, let’s go to the", "pL5657sTy9y-00030-00020890-00021490": "installed apps. Currently Drive mounter and Roon Server are installed. But installing", "pL5657sTy9y-00031-00021490-00022233": "another type server, like HQPlayer Server, MinimServer, Plex Media Server, BubbleUPnP", "pL5657sTy9y-00032-00022233-00022884": "Server, Subsonic media streamer or Squeezebox Server is a matter of a few clicks to stop", "pL5657sTy9y-00033-00022884-00023611": "or uninstall Roon Server and installing the alternative. I also ran Roon Server and Squeezebox", "pL5657sTy9y-00034-00023611-00024148": "Server simultaneously, although this is foolish, of course, since Roon is capable of driving", "pL5657sTy9y-00035-00024148-00024754": "Squeezeboxes as well. For payed software like HQPlayer and Roon, you do need to buy the", "pL5657sTy9y-00036-00024754-00025400": "licence separately. Also keep in mind that erasing a server software will also erase", "pL5657sTy9y-00037-00025400-00026086": "the library data. Instructions on how to save and backup this data can be found in the forum.", "pL5657sTy9y-00038-00026086-00026636": "Next to the server programs there are also some nice tools, like the Sonore UPnP Bridge", "pL5657sTy9y-00039-00026636-00027327": "that lets you use selected DLNA renderers as endpoint for Roon or Squeezebox. I didn’t", "pL5657sTy9y-00040-00027327-00027851": "try this since I didn’t have an appropriate DLNA renderer available during the testing.", "pL5657sTy9y-00041-00027851-00028739": "Judging by the forum information this is really something for the enthusiast.", "pL5657sTy9y-00042-00028739-00029211": "When you open the settings for Roon Server, there will be options that the Roon Rock server", "pL5657sTy9y-00043-00029211-00029824": "doesn’t offer: you can have the server acces the drive containing music in Read-only mode,", "pL5657sTy9y-00044-00029824-00030311": "so protecting your music collection. This also means that you can’t connect to the", "pL5657sTy9y-00045-00030311-00030839": "drives on the sonicTransporter using a file finder and thus need to connect the drive", "pL5657sTy9y-00046-00030839-00031512": "to another computer to add music. Or change the setting temporarily, of course. A second", "pL5657sTy9y-00047-00031512-00032201": "option lets you switch on or off local playback in Roon Server. I presume it saves resources", "pL5657sTy9y-00048-00032201-00032924": "when local playback is not used. Remarkable is that you have to mount a USB drive manually", "pL5657sTy9y-00049-00032924-00033539": "using the External Drive Mounter while Roon Rock offers auto-mounting. But it needs to", "pL5657sTy9y-00050-00033539-00034143": "be done only once, so it’s not really a problem. For the rest you use the Roon interface", "pL5657sTy9y-00051-00034143-00034662": "for all settings in Roon. The same goes for using other server programs. The Squeezebox", "pL5657sTy9y-00052-00034662-00035157": "server looked and functioned identical to the regular version and I presume the same", "pL5657sTy9y-00053-00035157-00035857": "goes for the other server programs. A feature I really like is the System status that shows", "pL5657sTy9y-00054-00035857-00036834": "the CPU load, it takes away uncertainty if there is something wrong in your system.", "pL5657sTy9y-00055-00036834-00037584": "According to Small Green Computer the sonicTransporter i5 is suited for music libraries up to 450.000", "pL5657sTy9y-00056-00037584-00038327": "tracks. I can’t imagine there are many people that have that amount of tracks. To show you", "pL5657sTy9y-00057-00038327-00038904": "how powerful the sonicTransporter i5 is, I started playback of eight streams while still", "pL5657sTy9y-00058-00038904-00039491": "importing more music. On the right the CPU load as indicated by the System Status. The", "pL5657sTy9y-00059-00039491-00040005": "top graph shows the cumulative load, ignore the lower graphs and certainly don’t think", "pL5657sTy9y-00060-00040005-00040597": "there are 4 cores. The Intel Hyperthreading technology simulates four cores as where there", "pL5657sTy9y-00061-00040597-00041285": "are just two. As you can see that’s probably all you need and it results in a 9 watts specified", "pL5657sTy9y-00062-00041285-00041900": "power consumption. Another thing on this test: most streams also needed DSP work since they", "pL5657sTy9y-00063-00041900-00042562": "were chosen for that. Look at the Zones panel: the top Apple TV played DSD and thus needed", "pL5657sTy9y-00064-00042562-00043279": "to be downsampled to 44.1 kHz, the second Apple TV was playing downsampled music from", "pL5657sTy9y-00065-00043279-00044042": "24/192 as was the Jabra Bluetooth headset, connected to my iMac 5K, and the Sonos. The", "pL5657sTy9y-00066-00044042-00044540": "other endpoints could handle the higher sampling rates. Please realise that these are eight", "pL5657sTy9y-00067-00044540-00045071": "separate signals and not one track sent to all endpoints. In the background there were", "pL5657sTy9y-00068-00045071-00045820": "also other DSP functions active: Headroom management -3 dB and three band stop filters", "pL5657sTy9y-00069-00045820-00046768": "at 32, 64 and 128 Hz with a q of 15. At no single moment did the CPU load exceed 85%.", "pL5657sTy9y-00070-00046768-00047499": "Where the sound is concerned, the following. If you use the sonicTransporter as intended", "pL5657sTy9y-00071-00047499-00048024": "using a networked audio interface like the Sonore and SOtM models or other endpoints", "pL5657sTy9y-00072-00048024-00048706": "connected over the network, the sonicTransporter doesn’t sound; meaning that there is no", "pL5657sTy9y-00073-00048706-00049394": "sound quality difference with other wel built audio server in the same situation. Only when", "pL5657sTy9y-00074-00049394-00049967": "you connect a DAC directly to it, the sound quality will be influenced. Don’t forget", "pL5657sTy9y-00075-00049967-00050584": "that the hardware is just a good fanless computer. It’s not better or worse than an Intel NUC", "pL5657sTy9y-00076-00050584-00051230": "running Rock or Roon Nucleus+. Only if you use a computer that is specially tweaked for", "pL5657sTy9y-00077-00051230-00051884": "audio or a streamer built to do the server part as well, you might get results equal", "pL5657sTy9y-00078-00051884-00052539": "to using a networked audio interface. A rather expensive way to go. I receive many questions", "pL5657sTy9y-00079-00052539-00053362": "on this topic and will dive deeper into this, next month.", "pL5657sTy9y-00080-00053362-00053941": "The US price is 795 dollars. European viewers keep in mind that prices in the States always", "pL5657sTy9y-00081-00053941-00054520": "are excluding sales tax as where in Europe vendors are obliged to publish prices including", "pL5657sTy9y-00082-00054520-00055246": "sales tax, called VAT. Also realise that the sonicTransporter i5 comes with an operating", "pL5657sTy9y-00083-00055246-00055905": "system. I know, if you’re computer savvy you could use Roon Rock or Linux and that’s", "pL5657sTy9y-00084-00055905-00056398": "free. But for those that are not, be aware that even mounting a drive on a Linux system", "pL5657sTy9y-00085-00056398-00056941": "can take you an hour or more if you don’t know anything about Linux. Been there, done", "pL5657sTy9y-00086-00056941-00057617": "it. I have been looking around and found a silent NUC and when configured identically", "pL5657sTy9y-00087-00057617-00058257": "it costed 1000 euros. If you want to save money, go for a NUC with forced cooling and", "pL5657sTy9y-00088-00058257-00058854": "step back to an Intel Core i3 processor if your music library is not too big and you", "pL5657sTy9y-00089-00058854-00059408": "don’t want to use DSP functions. What you can’t buy separately is the SonicOrbiter", "pL5657sTy9y-00090-00059408-00060129": "server version. And although I have installed Roon Rock many times now for my testing and", "pL5657sTy9y-00091-00060129-00060655": "for people in the trade that rather have me do it, I enjoyed the almost plug and play", "pL5657sTy9y-00092-00060655-00061229": "approach by Small Green Computer. For reference I will place links to the other reviews of", "pL5657sTy9y-00093-00061229-00061892": "servers and I keep a keen eye for other interesting servers. So if you’re interested in even", "pL5657sTy9y-00094-00061892-00062451": "more of these, subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.", "pL5657sTy9y-00095-00062451-00063020": "If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon or Paypal. Any", "pL5657sTy9y-00096-00063020-00063596": "financial support is much appreciated. The links are in the comments. Help me to help", "pL5657sTy9y-00097-00063596-00064128": "even more people enjoy music at home by telling your friends on the web about this channel.", "pL5657sTy9y-00098-00064128-00064754": "I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on theHBproject.com.", "pL5657sTy9y-00099-00064754-00065950": "And whatever you do, enjoy the music."}}, {"audio_id": "pLhtxa3Ewhy", "text": {"pLhtxa3Ewhy-00000-00001330-00001630": "( Traffic Noises)", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00001-00001660-00001960": "(Chanting Gayatari Mantra )", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00002-00003180-00003479": "(Bell Dong)", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00003-00003560-00003860": "(Continues Ringing of Bell)", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00004-00004328-00004628": "(Chanting of Gayatari Mantra )", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00005-00005850-00006150": "(Chanting Gayatari Mantra )", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00006-00006164-00006464": "(Cell Phone Ringing)", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00007-00006658-00006878": "I'm Doing My Daily Chores", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00008-00006892-00007036": "I Will Talk To You Later", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00009-00007206-00007434": "What!!!", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00010-00008016-00008316": "(Chanting Gayatari Mantra Continues )", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00011-00008484-00008572": "(Talking To each Other)", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00012-00009200-00009500": "Ok Bhabiji I Shall Leave Now - Take Care Of yourself", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00013-00009630-00009846": "Just A Second Brother", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00014-00010950-00011249": "Here is some cash please keep it Priest- no no there is no need of them", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00015-00011249-00011549": "Please take them it belongs to you only They Will come handy", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00016-00014196-00014468": "Ram Ram Panditji Ram Ram", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00017-00014468-00014608": "God Bless You", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00018-00014612-00014858": "Old Notes Re Still Being Used in the Temple", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00019-00014882-00014960": "Old Notes??", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00020-00015010-00015272": "Ji Ji Pnadtiji These Are Old Notes", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00021-00015272-00015616": "Child I Am Not Aware Of this News - One of my close relatives has give me these", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00022-00015634-00015904": "Ok Its Fine -Ram Ram", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00023-00017468-00017768": "Panditji You Have Droped Your Handkerchief", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00024-00017788-00017920": "No Son Its Not Mine", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00025-00017934-00018220": "Panditji Where Are You Taking These Old Notes", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00026-00018226-00018526": "They Have Been Dominatised Since Very Long", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00027-00018568-00018868": "When did it Happen ? - I Was Not Aware About This .", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00028-00018876-00019226": "Panditji Even The Gorvernment Is Not Accepting These Now", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00029-00019272-00019456": "You Don't Know", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00030-00019486-00019584": "No Son", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00031-00019656-00019792": "Oh Panditji", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00032-00019840-00019938": "Hey!! Hey!! Panditji", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00033-00020164-00020440": "Where Are You Going ??", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00034-00021981-00022281": "These Notes Are Totally Fine According To Me", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00035-00022347-00022647": "I Don't Think They Are Old", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00036-00024357-00024521": "Brother, what is happening with the currency?", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00037-00024634-00024934": "What happened? Priest : what happened to the notes?", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00038-00024970-00025270": "Show me", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00039-00025735-00026035": "Wow Panditji Priest - What Happened??", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00040-00026043-00026343": "Your are doing scam with these old notes Priest- No", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00041-00026401-00026701": "You are making everyone fool Priest: no no child", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00042-00026780-00027419": "Hey brothers, listen everyone. This priest is making everyone fool with fake notes", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00043-00027544-00027744": "These are fake notes Priest : no no my child", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00044-00027972-00028139": "calm down my child", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00045-00028195-00028495": "You keep these fake notes. I dont need them anymore", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00046-00028632-00028932": "come everyone and see", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00047-00031172-00031292": "Have it Priest - Thankyou", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00048-00031536-00031836": "Listen, am going to market", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00049-00031900-00032200": "What the hell are you doing ? Wife: What happened?", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00050-00032256-00032692": "These notes are old and fake. You wont get anything from it", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00051-00032722-00033022": "Just now i have thrown a bunch of these notes", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00052-00033116-00033513": "No no. These notes are totally original. Who said you that these notes are old?", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00053-00033557-00033974": "Are you sure? Wife: yes. the governemt has just introduced these notes", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00054-00034047-00034347": "Oh my god", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00055-00034352-00034574": "My lord, what happened?", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00056-00034612-00034912": "We have been cheated wife: meaning?", "pLhtxa3Ewhy-00057-00034970-00035270": "What happened?"}}, {"audio_id": "pLj1TvCcup8", "text": {"pLj1TvCcup8-00000-00000336-00000520": "hi I'm Logan Rath one of the instruction", "pLj1TvCcup8-00001-00000520-00000855": "librarians at SUNY Brockport in drake memorial library", "pLj1TvCcup8-00002-00000855-00001232": "I can help you find sources to complete your assignments. I can help you go from", "pLj1TvCcup8-00003-00001232-00001551": "a research question to a list of search results.", "pLj1TvCcup8-00004-00001551-00001864": "When I think about why you might want to work with a librarian, I think about how", "pLj1TvCcup8-00005-00001864-00002200": "librarians are like coaches. Now when you think of coaches you", "pLj1TvCcup8-00006-00002200-00002672": "probably think of sports. Even the best athletes have coaches that", "pLj1TvCcup8-00007-00002672-00003119": "help them get stronger, faster, and work on strategies. Many", "pLj1TvCcup8-00008-00003119-00003384": "activities use experts to help them get better:", "pLj1TvCcup8-00009-00003384-00003728": "like photography,", "pLj1TvCcup8-00010-00003944-00004232": "training your cat,", "pLj1TvCcup8-00011-00004284-00004584": "baking.", "pLj1TvCcup8-00012-00004696-00005048": "So if you're not happy with what you're finding in our collection or online", "pLj1TvCcup8-00013-00005048-00005423": "please reach out. I want to help. You can email me,", "pLj1TvCcup8-00014-00005423-00005807": "chat with me, message me on Microsoft Teams ,or schedule a one-on-one", "pLj1TvCcup8-00015-00005807-00007095": "appointment. I look forward to working with you"}}, {"audio_id": "pLtxILnMEvo", "text": {"pLtxILnMEvo-00000-00000000-00000293": "Hi there guys, with me again Radityo Pramono Adi", "pLtxILnMEvo-00001-00000293-00000470": "and today's special is...", "pLtxILnMEvo-00002-00000470-00000594": "SPG Fried Chicken/Ayam Goreng SPG", "pLtxILnMEvo-00003-00000594-00000766": "with it's sambal (chili sauce)", "pLtxILnMEvo-00004-00000766-00000998": "along with few condiments..", "pLtxILnMEvo-00005-00000998-00001100": "such as, fried tempe (tempe goreng)..", "pLtxILnMEvo-00006-00001100-00001178": "an omelette..", "pLtxILnMEvo-00007-00001178-00001246": "..and also 'kerupuk'.", "pLtxILnMEvo-00008-00001248-00001434": "Let's jump in!", "pLtxILnMEvo-00009-00001655-00001832": "*shocked*", "pLtxILnMEvo-00010-00001872-00001932": "*chimken falls...*", "pLtxILnMEvo-00037-00085890-00085974": "*don't think I could handle this...*", "pLtxILnMEvo-00038-00085994-00086146": "*but I finished it !*", "pLtxILnMEvo-00039-00086158-00086322": "this particular chili sauce is a little bit...", "pLtxILnMEvo-00040-00086352-00086492": "..overwhelming.", "pLtxILnMEvo-00041-00086508-00086602": "It's really hot!", "pLtxILnMEvo-00042-00086654-00086798": "thank you for watching this video", "pLtxILnMEvo-00043-00086822-00086956": "see you next time", "pLtxILnMEvo-00044-00087004-00087138": "in upcoming, other interesting contents!", "pLtxILnMEvo-00045-00087138-00087478": "don't forget to subscribe, like, and comment", "pLtxILnMEvo-00046-00087486-00087712": "at Cari_Tahu Official YT channel", "pLtxILnMEvo-00047-00087712-00087912": "Until next time !!"}}, {"audio_id": "pMBqwcGGqk4", "text": {"pMBqwcGGqk4-00000-00000000-00000481": "In this video, we will see how to configure the menu and site tools.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00001-00000500-00000953": "As usual, JSN Epic is used as an example.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00002-00000988-00001492": "In template setting page, you can see the Menu & Site tools parameter.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00003-00001511-00001809": "Here you can control Main menu Panel Width,", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00004-00001852-00002205": "Side menu Panel Width and Site Tools.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00005-00002219-00002635": "In the Main Menu Panel width, you can set the width of each submenu.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00006-00002704-00002984": "Now, the value is 200px.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00007-00003109-00003349": "I will change it to 85px.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00008-00003784-00004103": "We will continue to configure the side menu.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00009-00004182-00004683": "The submenu Panel width of side menu now is 200px.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00010-00004716-00004973": "I will change it to 85px.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00011-00006163-00006533": "With menu sticky, the menu will appear anytime.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00012-00006533-00006870": "This will help you control all menus easily.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00013-00006943-00007475": "You can enable this features on mobile, or desktop.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00014-00008037-00008301": "Now is the last part: the Site Tools.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00015-00008409-00008601": "There are 3 options for you to choose:", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00016-00008824-00009180": "No, it means that you don’t want to show the site tools", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00017-00009208-00009369": "As Menu", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00018-00009423-00009569": "Or Inline", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00019-00009690-00009929": "In parameter Colors in Selector,", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00020-00009968-00010336": "you can set up what color to include in the selector.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00021-00010356-00010887": "For example, I don’t want visitors to select the blue and red color,", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00022-00010916-00011185": "I unselect those colors.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00023-00011301-00011777": "Remember to save all changes before you check the changes in front end.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00024-00011941-00012272": "So we’ve finished menu and site tools configuration", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00025-00012285-00012791": "In the next video, I will introduce SEO & System configuration.", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00026-00012830-00013110": "Thank you for watching", "pMBqwcGGqk4-00027-00013122-00013543": "You can keep in touch on FB and twitter with the username Joomlashine."}}, {"audio_id": "pMJVfCn1j54", "text": {"pMJVfCn1j54-00000-00001538-00002180": "This is the first of four optional modules in which I'm going to share a demo", "pMJVfCn1j54-00001-00002180-00002535": "edit that I did of a students work from a previous course.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00002-00002535-00002739": "These modules are optional.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00003-00002739-00003090": "They're not essential for the course, but it will give", "pMJVfCn1j54-00004-00003090-00003534": "you a sense of how I approach editing an entire essay.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00005-00003534-00003676": "And this is something that you're going to have to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00006-00003676-00003854": "do in week five of the course when we do", "pMJVfCn1j54-00007-00003854-00004146": "peer editing, you're going to have to edit entire essays for", "pMJVfCn1j54-00008-00004146-00004348": "your peer, so this will be good practice for that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00009-00004482-00004761": "These demo edits will also synthesize a lot of", "pMJVfCn1j54-00010-00004761-00005040": "the individual lessons that I'll be reviewing in the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00011-00005040-00005165": "first four weeks of this course.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00012-00005274-00005801": "If you would like to volunteer to have your essay demo edited later", "pMJVfCn1j54-00013-00005801-00006214": "in the course, I will be demo editing students' works from this course.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00014-00006214-00006382": "when you submit your essay there will be a little", "pMJVfCn1j54-00015-00006382-00006676": "check box that you can check off to indicate that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00016-00006676-00007209": "Also, on these demo edits I will be providing the text of the original essay.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00017-00007209-00007563": "If you have enough time and you want to really challenge yourself, you could", "pMJVfCn1j54-00018-00007563-00007898": "try to edit the essay on your own before watching the demo edit.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00019-00008078-00008268": "The next think I would like you to do actually is to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00020-00008268-00008617": "pause the video and take a few minutes to read this first.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00021-00008617-00008716": "Paper.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00022-00008716-00008907": "If you've read it through once, it'll be easier", "pMJVfCn1j54-00023-00008907-00009161": "to sort of follow my thought process on the editing.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00024-00009844-00010020": "Now that you've had a change to read through the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00025-00010020-00010271": "paper, I'm going to walk you through how I would edit it.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00026-00010271-00010653": "It has a really, a lot of nice elements to the paper.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00027-00010653-00010779": "So, first of all.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00028-00010779-00011143": "The beginning starts out really well. It's a great hook for the reader.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00029-00011143-00011409": "It goes into this concept of uploading your brain", "pMJVfCn1j54-00030-00011409-00011658": "into a computer so that you can live forever.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00031-00011658-00011804": "That's a really cool concept.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00032-00011804-00012013": "It's a nice hook and hopefully that hooked you in", "pMJVfCn1j54-00033-00012013-00012382": "as, as the readers out there to reading the whole thing.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00034-00012382-00012388": "So", "pMJVfCn1j54-00035-00012388-00012569": "I'm actually not going to touch that first paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00036-00012690-00012947": "So there's two things I'm going to look at when I'm editing a paper like this.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00037-00012947-00013274": "I'm going to look at the structure in the organization, and I'm also", "pMJVfCn1j54-00038-00013274-00013611": "going to look at sort of the line by line type of editing.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00039-00013611-00013897": "making the prose clean and clear.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00040-00013897-00014328": "So, actually the writing in this paper is quite clean.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00041-00014328-00014631": "there are so minor line edits I'm going to do here and there, and there's a", "pMJVfCn1j54-00042-00014631-00014894": "few places where I'm going to point out to the author that it's a little bit", "pMJVfCn1j54-00043-00014894-00015241": "jarony and ask them to unpack some concepts for us.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00044-00015241-00015590": "But as a whole, this pretty, the writing in this paper is pretty clean.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00045-00015590-00015853": "There's a little bit of organization re,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00046-00015853-00016122": "reorganizing that I'm going to do here, though.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00047-00016249-00016444": "So, one thing that I'd like to see up a", "pMJVfCn1j54-00048-00016444-00016674": "little bit higher in this paper, we get this nice", "pMJVfCn1j54-00049-00016674-00016989": "hook in the first paragraph, but we don't get to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00050-00016989-00017322": "exactly what this paper is about until the third paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00051-00017322-00017395": "So this paper", "pMJVfCn1j54-00052-00017395-00017799": "is actually about a Recently published study by doctor Kevin Briggman.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00053-00017799-00018223": "But, we don't get to that main point of this paper until the third paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00054-00018223-00018353": "So, that's a little bit too late.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00055-00018353-00018568": "because, the reader doesn't exactly know what", "pMJVfCn1j54-00056-00018568-00018796": "this particular paper is going to be about.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00057-00018796-00019009": "The reader needs to know a little bit sooner on.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00058-00019009-00019365": "We know it's going to be something related to circuit, neural circuit mapping.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00059-00019365-00019568": "But we need to know exactly, specifically what", "pMJVfCn1j54-00060-00019568-00019897": "this, paper is about and what the significance", "pMJVfCn1j54-00061-00019897-00020258": "of the study is that they, that the author is talking about.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00062-00020258-00020389": "So, we don't get that until the third paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00063-00020389-00020533": "So I'm going to move up a little bit from the third", "pMJVfCn1j54-00064-00020533-00020773": "paragraph, and actually if you go all the way down to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00065-00020773-00021120": "the end of the paper, the last paragraph there's a really", "pMJVfCn1j54-00066-00021120-00021530": "nice statement in this of the significance of Dr, Brigman's work.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00067-00021530-00021925": "So, I'm going to move that out and make this, this first sentence", "pMJVfCn1j54-00068-00021925-00022351": "here The the basis of the actual second paragraph of the essay.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00069-00022351-00022398": "So I'm going to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00070-00022398-00022783": "delete this, and pop this right here, because this", "pMJVfCn1j54-00071-00022783-00023000": "is the essence of it, of the, of the study.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00072-00023000-00023302": "This is the significance of Doctor Brigman's study.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00073-00023302-00023401": "What did they do?", "pMJVfCn1j54-00074-00023401-00023582": "Well, it's their, the first example", "pMJVfCn1j54-00075-00023582-00023782": "of a relatively large neural circuit reconstruction.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00076-00023782-00023870": "Construction.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00077-00023870-00024224": "So, I want to make that point right up the front.This is the, why I'm", "pMJVfCn1j54-00078-00024224-00024415": "even bothering to write a paper about Doctor", "pMJVfCn1j54-00079-00024415-00024639": "Briggman's work because this is why it's important.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00080-00024639-00024875": "So let's make that statement right up front.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00081-00024875-00024925": "Don't wait", "pMJVfCn1j54-00082-00024925-00025413": "till the end and kind of keep the reader in the dark about what this paper's about.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00083-00025413-00025680": "State it right out front and then we're going to need the details", "pMJVfCn1j54-00084-00025680-00026005": "of course about the particular study So I'm going to copy this", "pMJVfCn1j54-00085-00026005-00026423": "whole bit about Dr Kevin Briggman and his team recently mapped the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00086-00026423-00026739": "connections between these dif-, different types of cells in the mouse retina.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00087-00026739-00026902": "So I'm going to just pull that up.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00088-00026902-00027517": "So I'm going to say in the first example of a relatively large", "pMJVfCn1j54-00089-00027517-00027908": "neural circuit reconstruction. Doctor Kevin Brigman and associates.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00090-00027908-00028211": "I'm actually going to change associates to colleagues.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00091-00028211-00028611": "associates sounds a little bit too much like a law firm, so colleagues.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00092-00028611-00028994": "Recently mapped the connections between these two types of cells", "pMJVfCn1j54-00093-00028994-00029226": "in the mouse retina, and I'm going to end the sentence there.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00094-00029400-00029533": "Now there is a little bit of jargon here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00095-00029533-00029748": "We've got these two types of cells.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00096-00029748-00030098": "The starburst amacrine cells and the bipolar ganglion cells.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00097-00030098-00030408": "So, I think the reader might need a little bit more clues as to what those are,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00098-00030408-00030608": "I, I'm guessing that those are neurons, so what", "pMJVfCn1j54-00099-00030608-00030963": "did we say key neurons in the mouse retina.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00100-00030963-00031239": "And we can put with a dash, we can put the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00101-00031239-00031648": "two types of cells, in between a dash, so something like that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00102-00031648-00031914": "So that gives us a nice statement of the significance", "pMJVfCn1j54-00103-00031914-00032091": "of the work we get early on with this paper.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00104-00032091-00032308": "Its going to be about, its going to be Dr., about Dr.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00105-00032308-00032616": "Briggmann study, where he map the connection in the mouse retina.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00106-00032616-00032666": "Can", "pMJVfCn1j54-00107-00032964-00033376": "we get the statement about how Dr. Bringman's work solved a", "pMJVfCn1j54-00108-00033376-00033910": "controversy about exactly how these cells are wired in a certain direction.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00109-00034033-00034205": "Well that's a really interesting fact.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00110-00034205-00034527": "So this paper's also, this study, Dr. Bringman's study", "pMJVfCn1j54-00111-00034527-00034872": "was also important because it solves a particular controversy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00112-00034872-00035078": "Now, one thing that's missing from the rest of this", "pMJVfCn1j54-00113-00035078-00035343": "paper is we never get any details about this controversy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00114-00035343-00035507": "The author, in the original draft,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00115-00035507-00035616": "just kind of dropped it in in the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00116-00035616-00035854": "last paragraph, oh, I didn't solve this controversy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00117-00035854-00036074": "But that's a really important point.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00118-00036074-00036389": "So we're going to tease the reader with that early on, say, hey, they solved", "pMJVfCn1j54-00119-00036389-00036744": "this controversy, and we can unpack that, we can give all the details of that later.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00120-00036744-00037004": "So, I'm going to ask the author of this paper to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00121-00037004-00037382": "add a paragraph as the second to the last paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00122-00037382-00037602": "[SOUND]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00123-00037602-00037985": "Where they give the specific details about how they solve this controversy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00124-00037985-00038198": "[SOUND]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00125-00038198-00038817": "So, let's kind of give a read, the reader a little hint about it.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00126-00038817-00039049": "In the second paragraph and then we'll go on to all the details", "pMJVfCn1j54-00127-00039049-00039402": "about it in the third paragraph, in the the second to last paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00128-00039402-00039694": "So, I'm going to make this a complete sentence.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00129-00039694-00039992": "The work solves, and I'm going to make this in the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00130-00039992-00040289": "present tense because we're talking about this is the first example.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00131-00040289-00040380": "And it solves something.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00132-00040380-00040516": "So I'm going to keep this all in the present tense", "pMJVfCn1j54-00133-00040516-00040709": "as we're giving kind of a big picture significance of", "pMJVfCn1j54-00134-00040709-00040782": "the work.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00135-00040782-00041105": "Solve a, I'm going to add long standing, maybe", "pMJVfCn1j54-00136-00041105-00041410": "that makes it sound a little bit more dramatic,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00137-00041410-00041767": "a long standing controversy, if that's correct, about exactly", "pMJVfCn1j54-00138-00041767-00042120": "how these cells are wired to be directionally selective.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00139-00042120-00042519": "Now I'm going to highlight something here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00140-00042519-00042823": "This are wired to be directionally selective, I", "pMJVfCn1j54-00141-00042823-00043124": "can kind of guess what the author means here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00142-00043124-00043220": "But I think this is", "pMJVfCn1j54-00143-00043220-00043514": "probably a place where a little bit", "pMJVfCn1j54-00144-00043514-00043937": "cleaner, clearer, direct prose might be helpful.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00145-00043937-00044087": "We can use a little bit more technical", "pMJVfCn1j54-00146-00044087-00044340": "prose down in this Paragraph that the author's going", "pMJVfCn1j54-00147-00044340-00044580": "to add about hte controversy later but if there's", "pMJVfCn1j54-00148-00044580-00044816": "a way to say it just slightly simpler here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00149-00044940-00045140": "If there's a way to make that prose just a little", "pMJVfCn1j54-00150-00045140-00045547": "bit simpler so directionally selective is a little jargony, a little technical.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00151-00045547-00045723": "If there's a way to simplify the language", "pMJVfCn1j54-00152-00045723-00045977": "here just a little bit, I'm going to leave that for the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00153-00045977-00046251": "author and ask the author to try and do that in their revision.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00154-00046547-00047055": "Now we ended up leaving a little bit down in this fourth paragraph", "pMJVfCn1j54-00155-00047055-00047471": "where I cut the details about Dr. Briggman's study and moved it up here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00156-00047471-00047713": "I'm actually going to cut off all of this because there really", "pMJVfCn1j54-00157-00047713-00048281": "isn't anything in this remaining material that we haven't already covered elsewhere.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00158-00048281-00048630": "So you know, they were trying to better understand the wiring.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00159-00048630-00049042": "We've already said it's about mapping the circuits so I, and, you know,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00160-00049042-00049198": "and elucidating cellular circuit.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00161-00049198-00049498": "We've already said that in this second paragraph here, and", "pMJVfCn1j54-00162-00049498-00049992": "this directional selectivity about the, the particular types of cells.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00163-00049992-00050278": "That's already mentioned here so actually I don't think any of this is adding", "pMJVfCn1j54-00164-00050278-00050705": "anything so I think we can delete all of that information, get rid of that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00165-00050705-00050822": "Third paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00166-00050822-00051189": "So now the the second paragraph gives an overview of the,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00167-00051189-00051536": "of the paper and states the signifance of Dr. Brigman's work.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00168-00051536-00051751": "This is sort of the big picture.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00169-00051751-00051895": "Then we get to now what is the third", "pMJVfCn1j54-00170-00051895-00052249": "paragraph which is this whole paragraph about electron microscopy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00171-00052249-00052699": "And now we get a, an awful lot of details about electron microscopy here", "pMJVfCn1j54-00172-00052699-00052954": "and so one of the things I might ask the author to think about.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00173-00052954-00053016": "[INAUDIBLE]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00174-00053016-00053164": "in their revision.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00175-00053164-00053562": "Is to say, well, do, do we really need all of these specific details?", "pMJVfCn1j54-00176-00053562-00053809": "So there's a particular type of electron microscopy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00177-00053809-00054123": "This serial block face scanning electron microscopy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00178-00054123-00054428": "And that's very important for being able to map these neural circuits.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00179-00054428-00054677": "If you didn't have that technology, you couldn't do it.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00180-00054677-00055116": "But the, Dr. Brigman and his colleagues, this paper that the author", "pMJVfCn1j54-00181-00055116-00055504": "is describing is not the one who invented this technology, so they're,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00182-00055504-00055692": "they're putting it to good use, but it we, we can", "pMJVfCn1j54-00183-00055692-00055879": "see here that it was invented by somebody else in 2004.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00184-00055879-00056120": "So we may not need Quite all of the details.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00185-00056120-00056461": "So I'm going to streamline this paragraph a little bit, cut a little", "pMJVfCn1j54-00186-00056461-00056766": "bit of the details, and I'll ask, would ask the author to,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00187-00056766-00056987": "in their revision, think about do we even need to give so", "pMJVfCn1j54-00188-00056987-00057461": "many details about why this type of electron microscopy versus other types.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00189-00057613-00058007": "So, I'm going to move a few things around. So, I'm going to state", "pMJVfCn1j54-00190-00058007-00058201": "right from the beginning because again,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00191-00058201-00058360": "this paper is about Doctor Briggman's study.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00192-00058360-00058561": "So, let's state exactly what happened.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00193-00058561-00058929": "Well, Doctor Briggman and his team used this type of", "pMJVfCn1j54-00194-00058929-00059396": "electron microscopy to visualize the synapses and map the neural circuitry.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00195-00059396-00059441": "Tree.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00196-00059441-00059651": "So we can state that right from the beginning.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00197-00059651-00060554": "So I'm going to say Brigman's team used this serial block.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00198-00060554-00061026": "Face scanning electron microscopy,I'm going to move this up to here,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00199-00061701-00062252": "and the author here did use an abbreviation an acronym SBEM I'm let", "pMJVfCn1j54-00200-00062252-00062598": "it go for this paper because it's the only acronym they used and it's", "pMJVfCn1j54-00201-00062598-00063048": "awfully long to write out Serial block face scanning electro microscopy but as", "pMJVfCn1j54-00202-00063048-00063405": "I mentioned before do watch acronyms to make sure you don't have too many.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00203-00063405-00063752": "So Briggman, Briggman's team your serial block face scanning", "pMJVfCn1j54-00204-00063752-00064178": "electron microscopy And then, what did they use it for?", "pMJVfCn1j54-00205-00064178-00064603": "Well they used it to visualize synapses and follow neural processes.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00206-00064603-00064871": "So I'm actually going to change that first sentence a little bit", "pMJVfCn1j54-00207-00064871-00065267": "to just go right into what Briggman's team used the electron microscopy for.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00208-00065267-00065461": "So, I've changed it a little bit, but I think it works.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00209-00065461-00065746": "So, they used it to visualize synapses and follow neural", "pMJVfCn1j54-00210-00065746-00066057": "processes, that was the goal of this type of microscopy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00211-00066057-00066453": "So I started specifically with what Brigham's team done, and then I", "pMJVfCn1j54-00212-00066453-00066783": "can go into some of the details about the different types of microscopy", "pMJVfCn1j54-00213-00066783-00066952": "if it's needed.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00214-00066952-00067188": "I'm also going to cut where it says volumetric", "pMJVfCn1j54-00215-00067188-00067478": "reconstruction, notice this very, you know, this kind of", "pMJVfCn1j54-00216-00067478-00067827": "jargony, of neural tissue using electron microsco, microsco,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00217-00067827-00068391": "mic, microscopic resolution as necessary to map neural circuitry.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00218-00068391-00068671": "Well, I think we can just say if we're getting into why we", "pMJVfCn1j54-00219-00068671-00068996": "used electron microscopy at all, electron microscopic", "pMJVfCn1j54-00220-00068996-00069187": "resolution is necessary to map neural circuitry.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00221-00069187-00069287": "I don't think we need any", "pMJVfCn1j54-00222-00069287-00069698": "of the other words there, so I can, we can cut a few words there.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00223-00069698-00070101": "Then we get the author introduces two types of electron microscopy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00224-00070101-00070467": "I think to say well, these types weren't used because", "pMJVfCn1j54-00225-00070467-00070785": "they have various problems if you're trying to map neural circuits.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00226-00070785-00071145": "So let's just point out why they don't work for mapping neural circuits.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00227-00071145-00071354": "And get rid of, for example, focused", "pMJVfCn1j54-00228-00071354-00071659": "i n beam scanning electron, electron microscopy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00229-00071659-00071802": "We don't need to say that it gives excellent", "pMJVfCn1j54-00230-00071802-00071881": "quality images.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00231-00071881-00072235": "Because it fails, in this case, to be sufficient for this particular problem.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00232-00072235-00072426": "So we could just say, it fails to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00233-00072426-00072715": "process tissue pieces larger than 40 microns in diameter.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00234-00072844-00073176": "and then I'm going to connect this to this next", "pMJVfCn1j54-00235-00073176-00073597": "type of mycroscopy that also doesnt' work for this situation.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00236-00073597-00074320": "and transmission electron mycroscopy, it's problematic because it requires thin", "pMJVfCn1j54-00237-00074320-00074514": "sections, thin samples.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00238-00074636-00074852": "That often succumbs to the damaging", "pMJVfCn1j54-00239-00074852-00075125": "effects of manually handling and section distortion.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00240-00075125-00075402": "So, this whole sentence then becomes the reasons that", "pMJVfCn1j54-00241-00075402-00075717": "we don't use these alternative types of electron microscopy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00242-00075717-00076152": "If, again, if this is determined to be important enough to put in the paper.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00243-00076152-00076380": "Thus it's most prudent to use a method that images", "pMJVfCn1j54-00244-00076380-00076813": "the block-face directly and is capable of imaging large block faces,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00245-00076813-00077009": "and of course this technique that the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00246-00077009-00077777": "Brigmann use SBEM. Provides both necessary components.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00247-00077777-00078180": "So it's arguing why Serial block face scanning, electron microscopy is so", "pMJVfCn1j54-00248-00078180-00078584": "important here, and telling you why other types of microscopy weren't used.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00249-00078691-00078833": "All right, so I think that works.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00250-00078833-00079072": "Of course, again, I would question whether we need even", "pMJVfCn1j54-00251-00079072-00079314": "all of these details about why oth, you know, one type", "pMJVfCn1j54-00252-00079314-00079557": "of microsocopy versus the other, but maybe that's very important.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00253-00079557-00079767": "I'll leave that to the author to judge and In their revision.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00254-00079767-00080283": "then we get to, kay, so this is what they used, the technology they used.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00255-00080283-00080685": "Then we get to the details of this particular study, so we're sort of giving", "pMJVfCn1j54-00256-00080685-00080998": "all the details of exactly how they reconstructed", "pMJVfCn1j54-00257-00080998-00081315": "this large nural circuit and solved this controversy.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00258-00081315-00081624": "The next two paragraphs actually are related to one another and what", "pMJVfCn1j54-00259-00081624-00081828": "I'm going to do is I'm going to shorten them a bit,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00260-00081828-00082140": "cut out a few pieces of words and things that were a", "pMJVfCn1j54-00261-00082140-00082313": "little repetitive and actually can bring", "pMJVfCn1j54-00262-00082313-00082480": "these two paragraphs into a single paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00263-00082480-00082875": "I think they're related enough that it really all belongs in one paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00264-00082875-00083115": "So it says by staining a 200-micron piece", "pMJVfCn1j54-00265-00083115-00083527": "of retina Which contain the entire arborization field.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00266-00083527-00083690": "that's a little jargon-y, right there.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00267-00083690-00083873": "I think that has to do with the branching of neurons.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00268-00083873-00083994": "I'm going to highlight that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00269-00083994-00084333": "And, in the revision, encourage the author to see if they can come up", "pMJVfCn1j54-00270-00084333-00084534": "with a simpler way to say that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00271-00084534-00084765": "I know that's a technical term in the field.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00272-00084765-00084973": "But remember, you're writing for the whole class.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00273-00084973-00085137": "So that has something to do with branching of", "pMJVfCn1j54-00274-00085137-00085392": "neurons, eh, maybe there's an easier way to say that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00275-00085562-00085924": "I'm also going to make a few edits to this sentence.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00276-00085924-00086148": "So, of a star burst cell with an extra-cellular", "pMJVfCn1j54-00277-00086148-00086432": "stain that could outline cells and neuro-processes in SBN.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00278-00086432-00086867": "Now this is kind of a long sentence. I'm going to just, and notice that the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00279-00086867-00087383": "author writes by staining with an extra cellular stain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00280-00087383-00087627": "I thought maybe we could change that to treating.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00281-00087627-00087801": "So I said Briggman's team", "pMJVfCn1j54-00282-00088323-00088600": "treated a 200 micron piece of retina.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00283-00088600-00088786": "I, to get rid of a word here instead", "pMJVfCn1j54-00284-00088786-00089041": "of which contained I'll put including the entire arborization", "pMJVfCn1j54-00285-00089041-00089054": "[INAUDIBLE]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00286-00089054-00089216": "field of this particular type of cell.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00287-00089216-00089651": "And I, I'm going to set that little extra detail off with, with commas here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00288-00089651-00089925": "Because we could actually, you don't need that whole detail.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00289-00089925-00089975": "We could just say,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00290-00089975-00089988": "[INAUDIBLE]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00291-00089988-00090380": "team treated a 200 micron piece of retina with an extracellular stain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00292-00090380-00090568": "So this is just an extra little detail.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00293-00090568-00090749": "So, it seems like an important detail, but we can", "pMJVfCn1j54-00294-00090749-00090981": "put it in with commas, set it off with commas.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00295-00090981-00091682": "With an extra-cellular stain that could outline cells and neuro-processes in SBEM.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00296-00091682-00092010": "I think neuro-processes probably needs a little bit of unpacking, too.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00297-00092010-00092214": "I'm going to highlight that for the others, a little jargon-eze", "pMJVfCn1j54-00298-00092214-00092507": "or something, could you pl-, explain it kind of quickly?", "pMJVfCn1j54-00299-00092507-00092940": "with some simpler terms there. And I'm going to end the sentence there.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00300-00093155-00093537": "So Brigmanns team treated the retina with this, they were able to outline", "pMJVfCn1j54-00301-00093537-00093713": "the cells and neural processes using this", "pMJVfCn1j54-00302-00093713-00094102": "extracellular stain and this Electron microscopy technique.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00303-00094270-00094476": "Next, we get to, we don't need to say", "pMJVfCn1j54-00304-00094476-00094798": "Briggman was then able to reconstruct neural processes, right?", "pMJVfCn1j54-00305-00094798-00095033": "That's repetitive, so we can just cut that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00306-00095033-00095299": "Then, we get the sentence, based on morphology, he assessed", "pMJVfCn1j54-00307-00095299-00095640": "the locations and sizes of putative synapses on these processes.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00308-00095835-00096448": "Alright, well Basically, the idea here is that he's inferring where the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00309-00096448-00096891": "synapses are, based on what he can see. He can't see the synapses.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00310-00096891-00097265": "But he can see, shapes that suggest where the synapses might be.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00311-00097265-00097412": "So I actually like better than assessed.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00312-00097412-00097708": "Here's an example of using a good verb.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00313-00097708-00097997": "I really like the word, inferred, here, rather than assessed.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00314-00097997-00098099": "They're, that's what he's doing, He's", "pMJVfCn1j54-00315-00098099-00098337": "inferring where those synapses are, based on", "pMJVfCn1j54-00316-00098337-00098745": "this morphological data. I don't think we need to say.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00317-00098745-00098805": "[UNKNOWN]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00318-00098805-00099069": "synapses on these processes.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00319-00099069-00099378": "I think we can delete that and we won't lose anything.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00320-00099378-00099818": "In the next sentence that's in the the next paragraph, here, it's talking about", "pMJVfCn1j54-00321-00099818-00100294": "why he has to infer, that is, why he can't directly see the synapses.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00322-00100294-00100601": "So basically the synapses have intracellular features.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00323-00100601-00100871": "And the stain is an extracellular stain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00324-00100871-00101017": "So I thought, actually, that this whole", "pMJVfCn1j54-00325-00101017-00101323": "concept is directly related to the, to this", "pMJVfCn1j54-00326-00101323-00101617": "sentence about inferring, where the synapses are.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00327-00101617-00101864": "So I thought we could kind of tie this all together.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00328-00101864-00102219": "I actually want to put the idea in first.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00329-00102219-00102441": "That so then, then the need to infer comes in first.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00330-00102441-00102978": "So we could add. Due to their many intracellular features.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00331-00102978-00103219": "I'm just bringing this concept up from below.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00332-00103219-00103925": "Biggman' s team Could", "pMJVfCn1j54-00333-00103925-00104427": "not directly visualize synapses. I think that's the idea.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00334-00104563-00104724": "So I'm trying to say it just slightly more", "pMJVfCn1j54-00335-00104724-00105006": "directly than the author had in the original version.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00336-00105006-00105271": "So, because of many inter cellular features and this", "pMJVfCn1j54-00337-00105271-00105488": "is extra cellular sting which we just said in the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00338-00105488-00105709": "previous sentence so we don't need to To repeat,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00339-00105709-00105941": "Brigham's teams could not directly see the, visualize the synapsis.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00340-00105941-00106386": "And I'm going to add here what a synpse is.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00341-00106386-00106425": "A neural", "pMJVfCn1j54-00342-00106425-00106776": "connection, maybe a little kind of simple explanation", "pMJVfCn1j54-00343-00106776-00107065": "in parentheses in case a reader doesn't know.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00344-00107065-00107236": "So now we've gotten rid of all of the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00345-00107236-00107495": "material and this, we don't need to repeat that.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00346-00107608-00107793": "and then this transition in an effort to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00347-00107793-00108017": "address this ambiguity, I don't think we need", "pMJVfCn1j54-00348-00108017-00108258": "that either, so due to their many inter-cellular", "pMJVfCn1j54-00349-00108258-00108594": "features, Brigman's team could not directly visualize synapses.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00350-00108594-00108988": "I'm going to add the word 'but' here, but, so they can't directly", "pMJVfCn1j54-00351-00108988-00109111": "visualize them so they're going to infer them.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00352-00109111-00109680": "But based on morphology he inferred the locations and sizes of punitive synapses.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00353-00109680-00110105": "I'm actually going to change that to they because it's not one person that was", "pMJVfCn1j54-00354-00110105-00110458": "working on this study, it was a team, so let's keep it to team and they.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00355-00110458-00110780": "They inferred the location and. And sizes of the putative synapses.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00356-00110903-00111542": "And then, I'm going to just wrap this around, and again include it in this", "pMJVfCn1j54-00357-00111542-00112088": "paragraph, here. They also", "pMJVfCn1j54-00358-00112088-00112547": "stained a second piece of tissue. We have, and I'm going to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00359-00112547-00113068": "add they stay in the second piece of tissue with an intracellular stain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00360-00113068-00113255": "I'm inferring this.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00361-00113255-00113679": "I'm guessing that they must've used an intraellular", "pMJVfCn1j54-00362-00113679-00114065": "stain because they were able to stain those", "pMJVfCn1j54-00363-00114065-00114184": "intracellular features.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00364-00114289-00114469": "So, they also stained a second piece", "pMJVfCn1j54-00365-00114469-00114843": "of tissue with an intracellular stain that revealed.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00366-00114843-00115123": "SOUND]. Synapse associated features.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00367-00115341-00115554": "in the original sentence, there was,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00368-00115554-00115631": "[INAUDIBLE],", "pMJVfCn1j54-00369-00115631-00115954": "there was, they stained. And then, synapse features were stained.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00370-00115954-00116151": "So there was a repetition of stained there.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00371-00116151-00116418": "So I think this works just a little bit more.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00372-00116418-00116470": "Smoothly.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00373-00116470-00116752": "So they also stained a second piece of tissue with", "pMJVfCn1j54-00374-00116954-00117267": "an intercellular stain that reveals synapse associated features.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00375-00117267-00117421": "And then there's this last thought here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00376-00117421-00117684": "Okay, I'm actually going to pull this in to make this a complex sentence,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00377-00117684-00118032": "so they state, they did this experiment with the second piece of tissue to.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00378-00118032-00118235": "Reveal the synapse-associated features, and I think", "pMJVfCn1j54-00379-00118235-00118395": "the idea is here to then, to try", "pMJVfCn1j54-00380-00118395-00118655": "to use that information to confirm what they", "pMJVfCn1j54-00381-00118655-00118952": "found with the first stain, based on morphology.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00382-00118952-00119127": "So I think we can tie these two", "pMJVfCn1j54-00383-00119127-00119549": "ideas together with a semicolon, and they correlated, and", "pMJVfCn1j54-00384-00119549-00119874": "I'm just going to say They correlated the synapse maps.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00385-00120135-00120630": "Because we're getting a synapse map that we guessed at using morphology with", "pMJVfCn1j54-00386-00120630-00121134": "the first stain and we have a synapse map based on actual intracellular staining", "pMJVfCn1j54-00387-00121134-00121660": "with the The second piece of tissue, so we can say something like", "pMJVfCn1j54-00388-00121660-00121883": "and they correlated the synapse maps between", "pMJVfCn1j54-00389-00121883-00122001": "the first and second piece of tissue.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00390-00122001-00122145": "We can get kind of get rid of a", "pMJVfCn1j54-00391-00122145-00122509": "few extra words there and synapse maps is, is sufficient.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00392-00122509-00122642": "Again I'm going to ask the author", "pMJVfCn1j54-00393-00122642-00122932": "to then Add in a paragraph here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00394-00122932-00123147": "That goes into that controversy that they", "pMJVfCn1j54-00395-00123147-00123645": "solved about the directionality of, the particular cells.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00396-00123645-00123967": "So explain that a little bit more for the reader.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00397-00123967-00124274": "that seems like a really important part of, Dr Briggman's study.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00398-00124274-00124610": "So let's get some details on that. And then we get to the last paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00399-00124610-00124880": "This is the, the last paragraph has a nice thought.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00400-00124880-00125143": "It's tieing up, kind of, where we started.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00401-00125143-00125167": "Right.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00402-00125167-00125569": "So we started on this whole idea of uploading a whole brain onto a computer.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00403-00125569-00125745": "And we're getting back to that in that last paragraph.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00404-00125745-00126206": "So I'm just going to tweak it a little bit to even bring out that connection to", "pMJVfCn1j54-00405-00126206-00126413": "kind of wrap back to the beginning even a", "pMJVfCn1j54-00406-00126413-00126718": "little bit more strongly to have a nice finish.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00407-00126718-00127005": "And I'm going to just tweak a few things in the language here.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00408-00127005-00127338": "So you notice that there, there's a few, you know the", "pMJVfCn1j54-00409-00127338-00127664": "last sentence has a little, it sounds a little bit academic", "pMJVfCn1j54-00410-00127664-00127756": "because we're getting a lot of", "pMJVfCn1j54-00411-00127756-00128105": "nouns like reconstruction, preparation, imaging, mapping.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00412-00128105-00128349": "Those are all nouns that could be verbs.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00413-00128349-00128575": "So I thought we could streamline this a little", "pMJVfCn1j54-00414-00128575-00128854": "bit by turning some of those nouns back into verbs.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00415-00128956-00129229": "So the next step in whole brain circuit reconstruction, I'm going to leave", "pMJVfCn1j54-00416-00129229-00129528": "the reconstruction will be, and then", "pMJVfCn1j54-00417-00129528-00129840": "let's instead of saying large sample preparation.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00418-00129840-00129990": "We don't need to say large sample because we're", "pMJVfCn1j54-00419-00129990-00130251": "talking about whole brain so that's sort of implied", "pMJVfCn1j54-00420-00130251-00130653": "so we'll be to prepare, so not separation but prepare.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00421-00130653-00131123": "Be to prepare to image, rather than imaging to image.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00422-00131123-00131783": "And, map to prepare image and map. The first", "pMJVfCn1j54-00423-00131965-00132509": "or to enmap the whole mouse brain using SBEM.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00424-00132791-00133260": "That type of microscopy. So I think we can condense all of this.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00425-00133260-00133673": "And imaging, and mapping on a whole brain SBEM for mapping the whole mouse brain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00426-00133673-00134121": "I think we can get rid of all of that, and just say the next step in", "pMJVfCn1j54-00427-00134121-00134431": "whole brain circuit reconstruction will be to prepare,", "pMJVfCn1j54-00428-00134431-00134777": "image, and map the whole mouse brain using SBEM.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00429-00134777-00134905": "So I think that's a lot cleaner and", "pMJVfCn1j54-00430-00134905-00135089": "faster and you're using the Those good ferbs there.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00431-00135089-00135391": "You can get the whole idea across much more quickly.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00432-00135391-00135630": "And then we want to say that this is the first", "pMJVfCn1j54-00433-00135630-00135674": "[INAUDIBLE]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00434-00135674-00135701": "complete", "pMJVfCn1j54-00435-00135701-00135746": "[INAUDIBLE].", "pMJVfCn1j54-00436-00135746-00135897": "And I'll leave that term", "pMJVfCn1j54-00437-00135897-00135927": "[INAUDIBLE]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00438-00135927-00136106": "in there. It's like a buzz word these days.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00439-00136106-00136227": "So even though it's a little technical I", "pMJVfCn1j54-00440-00136227-00136428": "think most people are familiar with the buzz word.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00441-00136428-00136757": "So we can say this would represent the first", "pMJVfCn1j54-00442-00136757-00136925": "[INAUDIBLE]", "pMJVfCn1j54-00443-00136925-00137028": "complete", "pMJVfCn1j54-00444-00137028-00137196": "[INAUDIBLE].", "pMJVfCn1j54-00445-00137196-00137507": "So that's, Is getting to the idea of the whole brain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00446-00137507-00137713": "All the connections in the brain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00447-00137713-00138084": "I am going to add that little last thought that ties us back to the beginning.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00448-00138084-00138789": "And would be the closest anyone has ever come to immortalizing so I'm.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00449-00138789-00139148": "Tying back to that idea of immortalization a mammalian brain.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00450-00139148-00139308": "So I think that's probably a fair thing to say, and it", "pMJVfCn1j54-00451-00139308-00139581": "just kind of is a nice ending that ties us back to the beginning.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00452-00139718-00139742": "So", "pMJVfCn1j54-00453-00139742-00139986": "I think this paper was reading really well.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00454-00139986-00140214": "I've done a few little things to streamline", "pMJVfCn1j54-00455-00140214-00140490": "the writing here and there, condense a few things.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00456-00140490-00140714": "I've changed the organization just slightly.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00457-00140714-00141036": "I'd go back to the author and say for the revision you", "pMJVfCn1j54-00458-00141036-00141402": "know, all those words that I have highlighted probably see if you", "pMJVfCn1j54-00459-00141402-00141698": "can say it a little bit more simply or in passing give", "pMJVfCn1j54-00460-00141698-00141881": "a little definition for the readers", "pMJVfCn1j54-00461-00141881-00142100": "especially who aren't coming from neurology.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00462-00142100-00142262": "Add a paragraph about the controversy", "pMJVfCn1j54-00463-00142262-00142472": "that was solved and other than that there's not", "pMJVfCn1j54-00464-00142472-00142642": "too much else to do on this one Maybe", "pMJVfCn1j54-00465-00142642-00142901": "go back to that electron microscopy paragraph, and see", "pMJVfCn1j54-00466-00142901-00143140": "there, if there's any details that could be cut there.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00467-00143140-00143290": "But I think it's reading really well.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00468-00143290-00143624": "It was a really good paper to start with, and hopefully going through", "pMJVfCn1j54-00469-00143624-00144090": "the editing process like this has been helpful for your own approach to papers.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00470-00144090-00144776": ">> The proceeding program", "pMJVfCn1j54-00471-00144776-00145312": "is copyrighted by the Board of Trustees of Of the Leland Stanford Junior University.", "pMJVfCn1j54-00472-00145312-00145732": "Please visit us at ned.stanford.edu."}}, {"audio_id": "pN_9iYqer8M", "text": {"pN_9iYqer8M-00000-00000000-00006198": "Freestyle Type Beat \"Insane\" , Hard Hip-Hop Beat 2022"}}, {"audio_id": "pNFtyvwkonY", "text": {"pNFtyvwkonY-00000-00000000-00000200": "BEST FEELING!!! | The Muscle Minds - Best Workout Shorts #shorts"}}, {"audio_id": "pp2RCN_p4kU", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "ppi5woatSHM", "text": {"ppi5woatSHM-00000-00000488-00000801": "599 33", "ppi5woatSHM-00001-00001642-00001945": "599 38", "ppi5woatSHM-00002-00002818-00003102": "599 10", "ppi5woatSHM-00003-00003967-00004278": "599 15", "ppi5woatSHM-00004-00005138-00005443": "599 11", "ppi5woatSHM-00005-00006321-00006618": "599 12", "ppi5woatSHM-00006-00007423-00007713": "599 3", "ppi5woatSHM-00007-00008513-00008833": "599 13", "ppi5woatSHM-00008-00009699-00009996": "599 12", "ppi5woatSHM-00009-00010806-00011075": "599 2", 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"ppi5woatSHM-00490-00555488-00555822": "599 21", "ppi5woatSHM-00491-00556682-00556984": "599 38", "ppi5woatSHM-00492-00557826-00558136": "599 15", "ppi5woatSHM-00493-00558941-00559231": "599 0", "ppi5woatSHM-00494-00560036-00560349": "599 33", "ppi5woatSHM-00495-00561191-00561493": "599 38", "ppi5woatSHM-00496-00562330-00562647": "599 36", "ppi5woatSHM-00497-00563424-00563716": "599 6", "ppi5woatSHM-00498-00564451-00564742": "599 7", "ppi5woatSHM-00499-00565529-00565842": "599 33"}}, {"audio_id": "ppilf0IaYvA", "text": {"ppilf0IaYvA-00000-00000010-00000416": "MACD a king of the bottom catch indicator", "ppilf0IaYvA-00001-00000426-00000606": "hi I'm Trader Alex", "ppilf0IaYvA-00002-00000616-00000803": "today I would like to share you how to use", "ppilf0IaYvA-00003-00000803-00000909": "only one indicator", "ppilf0IaYvA-00004-00000910-00001019": "to find out the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00005-00001036-00001183": "right entry position", "ppilf0IaYvA-00006-00001206-00001363": "on the bottom catch", "ppilf0IaYvA-00007-00001363-00001543": "we taking the symptoms", "ppilf0IaYvA-00008-00001546-00001786": "we taking the examples from the KLCI", "ppilf0IaYvA-00009-00001786-00001946": "on the past history", "ppilf0IaYvA-00010-00001956-00002219": "when there is a breaking down for the previous high", "ppilf0IaYvA-00011-00002226-00002409": "but then there is the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00012-00002430-00002543": "entry positions", "ppilf0IaYvA-00013-00002576-00002743": "remember to like this video", "ppilf0IaYvA-00014-00002783-00002906": "subscribe for the this channel", "ppilf0IaYvA-00015-00002906-00003076": "we look into the details on the next", "ppilf0IaYvA-00016-00003100-00003543": "alright guys we refer into the previous classes", "ppilf0IaYvA-00017-00003543-00003659": "we are mentioned", "ppilf0IaYvA-00018-00003690-00003860": "when there is the breaking down", "ppilf0IaYvA-00019-00003863-00004003": "but then there is about it", "ppilf0IaYvA-00020-00004006-00004163": "correction period over here", "ppilf0IaYvA-00021-00004163-00004279": "how to find out", "ppilf0IaYvA-00022-00004280-00004523": "the right entry positoin for the bottom catch", "ppilf0IaYvA-00023-00004523-00004746": "every time they broken the new low", "ppilf0IaYvA-00024-00004760-00004996": "alright so a lot of the friends always mentions", "ppilf0IaYvA-00025-00005000-00005166": "all the those candlestick", "ppilf0IaYvA-00026-00005166-00005279": "the green color candlestick", "ppilf0IaYvA-00027-00005280-00005476": "are considering the bottom catch", "ppilf0IaYvA-00028-00005476-00005579": "but remembers guys", "ppilf0IaYvA-00029-00005620-00005806": "the momentums will be", "ppilf0IaYvA-00030-00005806-00006056": "recovers not only from the price", "ppilf0IaYvA-00031-00006056-00006276": "we need a lot of the recoverings", "ppilf0IaYvA-00032-00006283-00006346": "by the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00033-00006360-00006400": "trend", "ppilf0IaYvA-00034-00006403-00006603": "so for the trend reversal you have to make sure", "ppilf0IaYvA-00035-00006606-00006739": "that is about the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00036-00006746-00006846": "collection period", "ppilf0IaYvA-00037-00006856-00006946": "you have to make sure", "ppilf0IaYvA-00038-00006959-00007106": "even that is broken for the support line", "ppilf0IaYvA-00039-00007106-00007236": "a lot of people throw it", "ppilf0IaYvA-00040-00007236-00007316": "maybe", "ppilf0IaYvA-00041-00007346-00007603": "throwing down from here but then supporting it here", "ppilf0IaYvA-00042-00007603-00007763": "is the entry positions", "ppilf0IaYvA-00043-00007763-00008099": "alright so how do find the entry positions over here", "ppilf0IaYvA-00044-00008103-00008399": "we can look over here we are mentioning about the MACD", "ppilf0IaYvA-00045-00008430-00008580": "MACD is the king of the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00046-00008580-00008616": "trend", "ppilf0IaYvA-00047-00008616-00008676": "analysis", "ppilf0IaYvA-00048-00008676-00008749": "indicators", "ppilf0IaYvA-00049-00008750-00009050": "alright so from here you can notice when this is the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00050-00009080-00009460": "red color zone turn it into the small area", "ppilf0IaYvA-00051-00009490-00009620": "yes which mean", "ppilf0IaYvA-00052-00009640-00010026": "the downtrending energy is ready to turn much more", "ppilf0IaYvA-00053-00010046-00010119": "weakers", "ppilf0IaYvA-00054-00010120-00010466": "alright so you can see from here that is the rebounding", "ppilf0IaYvA-00055-00010483-00010586": "opportunities", "ppilf0IaYvA-00056-00010596-00010863": "alright so of course when then is the up trending", "ppilf0IaYvA-00057-00010863-00011123": "stand into the weak zones and then there is a big area", "ppilf0IaYvA-00058-00011150-00011330": "and then change into the smaller area", "ppilf0IaYvA-00059-00011340-00011466": "and then smaller the area", "ppilf0IaYvA-00060-00011466-00011663": "so that's why this round there is the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00061-00011663-00011776": "retracement", "ppilf0IaYvA-00062-00011790-00011896": "possibilities over there", "ppilf0IaYvA-00063-00011903-00012123": "how to making for the this break down", "ppilf0IaYvA-00064-00012140-00012360": "and hunting is about the line", "ppilf0IaYvA-00065-00012363-00012609": "we are referring from line over here", "ppilf0IaYvA-00066-00012610-00012856": "alright so when this is the bottoms on the line", "ppilf0IaYvA-00067-00012856-00012959": "for the fast line", "ppilf0IaYvA-00068-00012960-00013060": "is that MACD", "ppilf0IaYvA-00069-00013060-00013250": "is trying to move it up", "ppilf0IaYvA-00070-00013283-00013506": "and then double confirm with the red area", "ppilf0IaYvA-00071-00013519-00013710": "decreasing from the fast line here", "ppilf0IaYvA-00072-00013710-00013969": "alright so this is about the methods to hunting the", "ppilf0IaYvA-00073-00013969-00014236": "bottom catch even this is the price breaking down", "ppilf0IaYvA-00074-00014236-00014323": "but then this is", "ppilf0IaYvA-00075-00014323-00014386": "means that there is", "ppilf0IaYvA-00076-00014386-00014529": "some people is collecting at the bottom", "ppilf0IaYvA-00077-00014530-00014760": "so this one is about the deviations", "ppilf0IaYvA-00078-00014796-00014886": "opportunities", "ppilf0IaYvA-00079-00014890-00015126": "alright so of course if you want to find out", "ppilf0IaYvA-00080-00015140-00015243": "when is the bottom", "ppilf0IaYvA-00081-00015243-00015466": "so at this moment I can say that it's too early", "ppilf0IaYvA-00082-00015483-00015849": "over here too early over here is also too early", "ppilf0IaYvA-00083-00015860-00016066": "alright so every time remember that", "ppilf0IaYvA-00084-00016106-00016419": "do not just the bottom by its price", "ppilf0IaYvA-00085-00016426-00016723": "alright so this is all the tips I share you by today", "ppilf0IaYvA-00086-00016723-00016929": "so if you want to learn it more please", "ppilf0IaYvA-00087-00016966-00017216": "subscribe for the this channel like this video", "ppilf0IaYvA-00088-00017216-00017589": "I will teach you more the tips in the next video", "ppilf0IaYvA-00089-00017590-00017730": "see you again bye bye"}}, {"audio_id": "ppzkun3cu34", "text": {"ppzkun3cu34-00000-00000031-00000200": "- Hello. - Hello.", "ppzkun3cu34-00001-00000200-00000365": "- I'm OnlyOneOf's... - I'm OnlyOneOf's...", "ppzkun3cu34-00002-00000365-00000629": "Junji.", "ppzkun3cu34-00003-00000629-00001000": "[\"I called it yOu but it was actually me.\"]", "ppzkun3cu34-00004-00001000-00001200": "[Today's interview is with the two Junjis.]", "ppzkun3cu34-00005-00001300-00001473": "[According to others, what was the first impression of you (Junji)?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00006-00001473-00001593": "Uh...", "ppzkun3cu34-00007-00001593-00001748": "[Thinking hard]", "ppzkun3cu34-00008-00001748-00001917": "I don't think people really talk about it.", "ppzkun3cu34-00009-00001917-00002147": "Well, I've never asked them about it.", "ppzkun3cu34-00010-00002147-00002353": "Hmm. This is a tough one!", "ppzkun3cu34-00011-00002353-00002550": "There isn't one that comes to my mind.", "ppzkun3cu34-00012-00002550-00002666": "[First impression of Rie]", "ppzkun3cu34-00013-00002666-00002905": "I can't remember very well but...", "ppzkun3cu34-00014-00002905-00003119": "He seemed like a nice person.", "ppzkun3cu34-00015-00003119-00003204": "Oh!", "ppzkun3cu34-00016-00003204-00003353": "I remember his bowl cut hairstyle!", "ppzkun3cu34-00017-00003353-00003530": "[Did you sense you'd be on the same team with Rie?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00018-00003530-00003750": "I...knew it.", "ppzkun3cu34-00019-00003750-00004015": "I had no idea who my teammates would be.", "ppzkun3cu34-00020-00004015-00004243": "I would've gotten along well with anyone.", "ppzkun3cu34-00021-00004243-00004421": "I sensed it.", "ppzkun3cu34-00022-00004421-00004520": "Ah, about that...", "ppzkun3cu34-00023-00004520-00004640": "I'm actually not good at sensing things.", "ppzkun3cu34-00024-00004640-00004823": "[When do you feel supported and cheered up by Rie?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00025-00004823-00004885": "It's quite often.", "ppzkun3cu34-00026-00004885-00005417": "When he gets serious and great advice... he's been very supportive of me.", "ppzkun3cu34-00027-00005417-00005547": "When we eat together!", "ppzkun3cu34-00028-00005547-00005683": "When we watch something funny together.", "ppzkun3cu34-00029-00005683-00005821": "When we watch the show \"Midnight Horror Story\" together!", "ppzkun3cu34-00030-00005821-00006158": "It really cheers me up when we chillax like that.", "ppzkun3cu34-00031-00006158-00006613": "It's not just Rie. I always feel supported by all members.", "ppzkun3cu34-00032-00006613-00006777": "[When did you feel like Rie was being unfair?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00033-00006777-00006956": "Being unfair?", "ppzkun3cu34-00034-00006956-00007091": "Hmm...", "ppzkun3cu34-00035-00007091-00007183": "Never.", "ppzkun3cu34-00036-00007183-00007324": "Never. Never. Never.", "ppzkun3cu34-00037-00007324-00007396": "Nope. Never.", "ppzkun3cu34-00038-00007396-00007598": "If I start mentioning one, I won't be able to stop. So...\"never.\"", "ppzkun3cu34-00039-00007598-00007780": "[Your (Junji's) strengths and weaknesses?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00040-00007780-00007877": "Strengths...", "ppzkun3cu34-00041-00007877-00008027": "I practice singing a lot.", "ppzkun3cu34-00042-00008027-00008108": "I'm a good singer.", "ppzkun3cu34-00043-00008108-00008208": "I've got nice physique.", "ppzkun3cu34-00044-00008208-00008321": "I'm a good dancer.", "ppzkun3cu34-00045-00008321-00008428": "I'm also quite tall.", "ppzkun3cu34-00046-00008428-00008583": "And I've got my sexy side too.", "ppzkun3cu34-00047-00008583-00008843": "I work hard all the time.", "ppzkun3cu34-00048-00008843-00009016": "When you ask me to do something, I get it done well.", "ppzkun3cu34-00049-00009016-00009200": "I'm not good at playing ball games but...", "ppzkun3cu34-00050-00009200-00009315": "But I learn fast so...", "ppzkun3cu34-00051-00009315-00009461": "I've got lots of strengths.", "ppzkun3cu34-00052-00009461-00009593": "I don't have any weakness.", "ppzkun3cu34-00053-00009593-00009776": "But I don't work as hard these days.", "ppzkun3cu34-00054-00009776-00009946": "[Difference between Junji and Junhyung Kim?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00055-00009946-00010153": "I think I'm the same.", "ppzkun3cu34-00056-00010153-00010348": "Junji himself is Junhyung Kim.", "ppzkun3cu34-00057-00010348-00010533": "And Junhyung himself is Junji.", "ppzkun3cu34-00058-00010533-00010739": "Junji's the one with makeup and hair done?", "ppzkun3cu34-00059-00010739-00010918": "[How much alcohol can you(Junji) handle?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00060-00010918-00011119": "I thought I can drink quite a lot.", "ppzkun3cu34-00061-00011119-00011327": "But it turns out I can't handle that much.", "ppzkun3cu34-00062-00011327-00011546": "I used to be able to handle up to 3 bottles, but I think it's less than that now.", "ppzkun3cu34-00063-00011546-00011725": "But still, compared to other members...", "ppzkun3cu34-00064-00011725-00011959": "I can handle more alcohol than some other members.", "ppzkun3cu34-00065-00011959-00012097": "I enjoy drinking in moderation.", "ppzkun3cu34-00066-00012170-00012343": "As for Rie...lol", "ppzkun3cu34-00067-00012343-00012434": "Oh please... lol", "ppzkun3cu34-00068-00012434-00012635": "Don't even try to compare us.", "ppzkun3cu34-00069-00012635-00012766": "He's not even close to being a competition.", "ppzkun3cu34-00070-00012766-00012950": "[What's the main type you(Junji) enjoy?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00071-00012950-00013060": "All of them.", "ppzkun3cu34-00072-00013060-00013232": "I drink all kinds unless it's spoiled.", "ppzkun3cu34-00073-00013232-00013382": "What do you mean \"main type\"?", "ppzkun3cu34-00074-00013382-00013477": "As in ball games?", "ppzkun3cu34-00075-00013477-00013712": "Oh! You mean in terms of alcoholic drinks!", "ppzkun3cu34-00076-00013712-00013894": "Alcohol types!", "ppzkun3cu34-00077-00013894-00014117": "I only drink soju. Jinro soju!", "ppzkun3cu34-00078-00014117-00014283": "[Your (Junji's) drinking habit]", "ppzkun3cu34-00079-00014283-00014400": "I get more excited.", "ppzkun3cu34-00080-00014400-00014560": "I get hyper.", "ppzkun3cu34-00081-00014560-00014683": "I just lie down.", "ppzkun3cu34-00082-00014683-00014863": "I get become more energetic.", "ppzkun3cu34-00083-00014863-00015419": "It's like I unleash the excitement I've been holding within.", "ppzkun3cu34-00084-00015419-00015600": "I take these chairs and...", "ppzkun3cu34-00085-00015600-00015743": "I skate...with those chairs!", "ppzkun3cu34-00086-00015743-00015913": "[What's your(Junji's) favorite movie genre?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00087-00015913-00016178": "I like romantic comedies.", "ppzkun3cu34-00088-00016178-00016511": "I love Marvel. I also like romantic movies.", "ppzkun3cu34-00089-00016511-00016813": "As for action movies... I recently watched Top Gun.", "ppzkun3cu34-00090-00016813-00016917": "And... I don't know...", "ppzkun3cu34-00091-00016917-00017048": "I enjoyed watching Top Gun.", "ppzkun3cu34-00092-00017048-00017233": "[If you had to choose just one food to eat, what would you choose?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00093-00017233-00017421": "This is a very tough question...", "ppzkun3cu34-00094-00017421-00017613": "[Thinking hard]", "ppzkun3cu34-00095-00017613-00017720": "Jjajangmyeon?", "ppzkun3cu34-00096-00017720-00017845": "Jjajangmyeon is...", "ppzkun3cu34-00097-00017845-00018109": "I think it'll make me feel sick if I eat it every day...", "ppzkun3cu34-00098-00018109-00018283": "I don't eat it as much as before.", "ppzkun3cu34-00099-00018283-00018438": "But if someone asked me if I want to eat jjajangmyeon,", "ppzkun3cu34-00100-00018438-00018739": "then I'd say okay unless I really don't want it.", "ppzkun3cu34-00101-00018739-00018900": "I'll go with beef.", "ppzkun3cu34-00102-00018900-00019080": "[What's one word that describes you(Junji)?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00103-00019080-00019173": "Cat.", "ppzkun3cu34-00104-00019173-00019334": "It's hard to figure him(Junji) out.", "ppzkun3cu34-00105-00019334-00019432": "You think you know him, but you don't.", "ppzkun3cu34-00106-00019432-00019667": "You think you've gotten close to him, but then sometimes you don't feel that way.", "ppzkun3cu34-00107-00019667-00019841": "But then again, you think you are close to him again.", "ppzkun3cu34-00108-00019920-00019996": "Just Junji.", "ppzkun3cu34-00109-00019996-00020173": "[What's your(Junji's) secret?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00110-00020173-00020300": "- Secret? - Secret?", "ppzkun3cu34-00111-00020300-00020412": "Heh...", "ppzkun3cu34-00112-00020412-00020582": "Since it's a secret, I'm not gonna say anything.", "ppzkun3cu34-00113-00020612-00020693": "None.", "ppzkun3cu34-00114-00020693-00020862": "[What would you do if someone just stares at you (Junji)?]", "ppzkun3cu34-00115-00020862-00021014": "I'll stare back.", "ppzkun3cu34-00116-00021014-00021102": "Whatchu lookin' at?", "ppzkun3cu34-00117-00021102-00021227": "[Falls in love quickly vs. Falls out of love quickly]", "ppzkun3cu34-00118-00021227-00021390": "Neither.", "ppzkun3cu34-00119-00021390-00021520": "But if I had to choose...", "ppzkun3cu34-00120-00021520-00021678": "Falls in love quickly.", "ppzkun3cu34-00121-00021678-00021779": "What's \"geum-sa-shik\"?", "ppzkun3cu34-00122-00021779-00021993": "Oh~ it means \"falling out of love quickly\"!", "ppzkun3cu34-00123-00022099-00022191": "Falls in love quickly.", "ppzkun3cu34-00124-00022191-00022357": "I don't fall out of love quickly.", "ppzkun3cu34-00125-00022357-00022515": "[Tail of a dragon vs. Head of a snake] (Tail of a lion vs. Head of a dog)]", "ppzkun3cu34-00126-00022515-00022637": "Head of a dragon.", "ppzkun3cu34-00127-00022637-00022897": "I'm gonna make it to Billboard. I'm gonna be the head.", "ppzkun3cu34-00128-00022897-00023001": "Tail of a dragon.", "ppzkun3cu34-00129-00023001-00023144": "Because I still have a lot to learn.", "ppzkun3cu34-00130-00023144-00023267": "I still have a lot I need to learn.", "ppzkun3cu34-00131-00023267-00023383": "[New food vs. familiar food] I eat everything well so...", "ppzkun3cu34-00132-00023383-00023726": "I like trying new food and also enjoying familiar food so... Both.", "ppzkun3cu34-00133-00023726-00023953": "But! Familiar food seems a bit better.", "ppzkun3cu34-00134-00023953-00024077": "New food.", "ppzkun3cu34-00135-00024077-00024252": "I always want to try new food.", "ppzkun3cu34-00136-00024252-00024743": "So I used to try different restaurants near the practice room every day.", "ppzkun3cu34-00137-00024743-00024942": "And I discovered some very delicious places.", "ppzkun3cu34-00138-00024942-00025238": "So I remember visiting those restaurants with other members.", "ppzkun3cu34-00139-00025238-00025387": "[Summer vs. winter] Summer!", "ppzkun3cu34-00140-00025387-00025457": "Winter.", "ppzkun3cu34-00141-00025457-00025687": "You can enjoy going to a beach.", "ppzkun3cu34-00142-00025687-00025814": "And it's cold in the winter!", "ppzkun3cu34-00143-00025814-00026051": "I like winter because you can freely wear long padded coat!", "ppzkun3cu34-00144-00026051-00026195": "[Left on read vs. left on unread] Left on unread.", "ppzkun3cu34-00145-00026195-00026386": "Junji really leaves me on unread. (Feeling sad and disappointed)", "ppzkun3cu34-00146-00026386-00026628": "He prefers phone call if there's something I need to say.", "ppzkun3cu34-00147-00026628-00026873": "I tend to leave someone on unread.", "ppzkun3cu34-00148-00026873-00027054": "I know I shouldn't do that but...", "ppzkun3cu34-00149-00027267-00027533": "But I end up doing that sometimes...", "ppzkun3cu34-00150-00027706-00027842": "[Raining when wearing new clothes vs. spilling coffee on new shoes]", "ppzkun3cu34-00151-00027842-00028042": "Raining when wearing new shoes.", "ppzkun3cu34-00152-00028043-00028206": "There's nothing you can do with coffee stains.", "ppzkun3cu34-00153-00028206-00028302": "[Raining when wearing new clothes vs. spilling coffee on new shoes]", "ppzkun3cu34-00154-00028302-00028428": "Spilling coffee on new shoes.", "ppzkun3cu34-00155-00028428-00028595": "Coffee leaves stains.", "ppzkun3cu34-00156-00028595-00028814": "Oh wait. Which one do I prefer?", "ppzkun3cu34-00157-00028814-00028934": "Spilled coffee is worse!", "ppzkun3cu34-00158-00028934-00029106": "[[One thing you'd like to say to yourself (Junji)]", "ppzkun3cu34-00159-00029106-00029360": "My song's recently released. I hope many people would like it.", "ppzkun3cu34-00160-00029360-00029763": "Let's stay healthy and happy and continue working with music.", "ppzkun3cu34-00161-00029763-00029914": "Let's go!", "ppzkun3cu34-00162-00029914-00030020": "Junji.", "ppzkun3cu34-00163-00030020-00030148": "Keep working hard.", "ppzkun3cu34-00164-00030148-00030306": "That's all."}}, {"audio_id": "ppVLmYs5k2u", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "pOrhGIX04eU", "text": {"pOrhGIX04eU-00000-00000028-00000554": "Welcome back to day two of the Middle East! Today we will deep dive into the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00001-00000554-00001005": "Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Please note that I understand this is a sensitive", "pOrhGIX04eU-00002-00001005-00001557": "subject and I will not be taking a side. What I do hope to accomplish is to give", "pOrhGIX04eU-00003-00001557-00002559": "you the facts as I know them as unbiased as humanly possible. So, it is a conflict", "pOrhGIX04eU-00004-00002559-00003048": "over land, religion, human rights, self-governance and most of all dignity,", "pOrhGIX04eU-00005-00003048-00003585": "each side wanting all of these things and more. It is easy for Americans to say", "pOrhGIX04eU-00006-00003585-00004055": "\"two-state solution\", but if it was that easy it would have been solved in 1948", "pOrhGIX04eU-00007-00004055-00004512": "and the countless lives would have been saved. It is not easy.", "pOrhGIX04eU-00008-00004512-00005073": "This map shows us the area known as Israel / Palestine and the changing", "pOrhGIX04eU-00009-00005073-00005694": "borders from 1945 till now. The inset map shows where it is located on the map of", "pOrhGIX04eU-00010-00005694-00006191": "the world. It is an extremely small parcel of land but extremely important", "pOrhGIX04eU-00011-00006191-00006945": "to all three monotheistic religions; Christianity, Judaism and Islam. So let's", "pOrhGIX04eU-00012-00006945-00007520": "go over some background. In ancient times, the land was indeed the land of the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00013-00007520-00007950": "Hebrews. As different empires came to rule these lands, the Jews were either a", "pOrhGIX04eU-00014-00007950-00008418": "religious minority or exiled from the land. During the Middle Ages, Christians", "pOrhGIX04eU-00015-00008418-00008711": "and Muslims fought over control of the Holy Land,", "pOrhGIX04eU-00016-00008711-00009117": "particularly Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Jewish people had scattered to Europe, Africa,", "pOrhGIX04eU-00017-00009117-00009600": "Asia and even India. They found themselves as a religious minority and", "pOrhGIX04eU-00018-00009600-00010214": "they were often persecuted for it. In the 20th century, two things would set the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00019-00010214-00010667": "Israeli-Palestinian conflict in motion. They were the end of World War one and", "pOrhGIX04eU-00020-00010667-00011124": "Zionism. We'll start with Zionism. Zionism is a", "pOrhGIX04eU-00021-00011124-00011577": "movement to establish a nation-state for Jewish people. Started in the 1890s by", "pOrhGIX04eU-00022-00011577-00012182": "Theodor Herzl, the idea was that as a people the Jews have long suffered in", "pOrhGIX04eU-00023-00012182-00012627": "the various communities they lived in. They wanted a place to be a safe and", "pOrhGIX04eU-00024-00012627-00013047": "self-governing. Herzl didn't necessarily specify where the place would be,", "pOrhGIX04eU-00025-00013047-00013593": "although Jerusalem was the great hope. During World War I, the British and the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00026-00013593-00014037": "French encouraged Arabs to rise up against their Ottoman overlords,", "pOrhGIX04eU-00027-00014037-00014712": "including those living in Palestine. In 1917, Lord Balfour of Britain suggested", "pOrhGIX04eU-00028-00014712-00015132": "that Jews establish a homeland in Palestine. This is known as the Balfour", "pOrhGIX04eU-00029-00015132-00015591": "Declaration. This encouraged many Jews to migrate there. When the Ottomans were", "pOrhGIX04eU-00030-00015591-00016011": "defeated, Britain established themselves as the colonial power by the British", "pOrhGIX04eU-00031-00016011-00016638": "mandate in Palestine . Thus in the 1920s in the 1930s, many Jews migrated to", "pOrhGIX04eU-00032-00016638-00017088": "Palestine. During World War II, Hitler encouraged Arabs to rise up", "pOrhGIX04eU-00033-00017088-00017364": "against Great Britain and France in the Middle East.", "pOrhGIX04eU-00034-00017364-00018132": "This included Palestinian Arabs. At the end of World War II, the population of", "pOrhGIX04eU-00035-00018132-00018555": "Palestine was 2/3 Arab and the Arabs owned 80% of the land. As", "pOrhGIX04eU-00036-00018555-00019038": "the world was now sympathetic to the Zionist cause, (in major part due to the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00037-00019038-00019389": "devastation of the Holocaust), Israel looked like it would become a reality.", "pOrhGIX04eU-00038-00019389-00019857": "However, when the British ended their mandate in Palestine, they gave this", "pOrhGIX04eU-00039-00019857-00020448": "problem to the United Nations. The United Nations recommended a two-state solution;", "pOrhGIX04eU-00040-00020448-00021093": "an Arab state, a Jewish state and an international zone around Jerusalem. The", "pOrhGIX04eU-00041-00021093-00021774": "Jews accepted the deal. The Arabs did not. They believed that getting 50% of the land", "pOrhGIX04eU-00042-00021774-00022523": "when they owned 80% was unfair. So in 1948, the Arab League met and unanimously", "pOrhGIX04eU-00043-00022523-00022986": "rejected the deal. The Arab armies attacked Israeli and the Israelis fought", "pOrhGIX04eU-00044-00022986-00023592": "back. The loss was triumphant for the Israelis and devastating for the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00045-00023592-00024297": "Palestinians. It left 1 million Palestinians homeless. They flooded into", "pOrhGIX04eU-00046-00024297-00024876": "neighboring Arab countries like Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, and although they", "pOrhGIX04eU-00047-00024876-00025326": "took their Arab brothers and sisters in, they did not fully integrate them into", "pOrhGIX04eU-00048-00025326-00026070": "their societies. In most cases, they were set up in refugee camps. Most of the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00049-00026070-00026456": "leaders of the Arab countries that fought against Israel in 1948 were", "pOrhGIX04eU-00050-00026456-00026995": "assassinated or overthrown. In 1952, Jamal Abdul Nasser comes to power", "pOrhGIX04eU-00051-00026995-00027541": "in Egypt. He was extremely popular throughout the Arab world. So much so", "pOrhGIX04eU-00052-00027541-00027991": "that the Israelis feared him. They believed he could unite the Arab world against", "pOrhGIX04eU-00053-00027991-00028651": "them. In 1956, they attack and rout the Egyptian army. The Israelis occupy the", "pOrhGIX04eU-00054-00028651-00029836": "Sinai Peninsula and Nasser becomes even more popular. Again in 1967, the Israelis", "pOrhGIX04eU-00055-00029836-00030424": "attack Egypt and in six hours they defeat them. They will occupy the West Bank and the Gaza Strip,", "pOrhGIX04eU-00056-00030424-00031045": "or the Palestinian territories, and start the 20-year occupation. The Palestinians", "pOrhGIX04eU-00057-00031045-00031495": "decide they can no longer rely on other Arabs to fight for them, so they organize", "pOrhGIX04eU-00058-00031495-00031866": "themselves under an umbrella group called the Palestinian Liberation", "pOrhGIX04eU-00059-00031866-00032358": "Organization or PLO. Yasser Arafat who was the head of Fatah,", "pOrhGIX04eU-00060-00032358-00032911": "which was the largest of these groups, became the head of the PLO. Arafat was an", "pOrhGIX04eU-00061-00032911-00033382": "extremely controversial figure; a freedom fighter to Palestinians, a terrorist to", "pOrhGIX04eU-00062-00033382-00033952": "Israelis. Next you will watch scenes five and six from the Road to 911 movie. The first scene", "pOrhGIX04eU-00063-00033952-00034566": "discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the second discusses Nasser."}}, {"audio_id": "pP5V2RBlXLA", "text": {"pP5V2RBlXLA-00000-00000080-00000697": "This is the 205. It's essentially the 105, but with a few more extra features and better picturequality.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00001-00000697-00001138": "Since the cameras are relatively the same, the setup process is nearly identical:", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00002-00001138-00001704": "Just insert the battery, open up the card slot — the switchto open the slot is located on the slot itself", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00003-00001704-00002215": "instead of the side, so keep that in mind. Audio setup is pretty much identical too, just plug into", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00004-00002215-00002792": "one of the inputs, adjust the external and internal microphone switches to your liking.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00005-00002792-00003454": "Putting the camera on the tripod is identical to the process for the 105, so just repeat that and you're all setto start.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00006-00003454-00004015": "One last thing to mention: the 205s have a lens cover which can be taken off by pushing that", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00007-00004015-00004463": "slider down right there. Once you're done filming, just slide it back up to keep the lens safe.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00008-00004632-00005093": "Once that's done, turn the camera on the same way you would for a 105, and you're good to start recording.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00009-00005368-00005880": "The record button and remote plugin are located in essentially the same spot as they are in the 105.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00010-00006048-00006528": "The only real difference is instead of focus, iris, and zoom sharing one ring on the camera,", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00011-00006528-00007008": "there are now three individual rings for each setting. The outer ring is for focus, the middle", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00012-00007008-00007388": "ring is for zoom, and the smaller inner ring is for iris.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00013-00007464-00007608": "You'll notice next to the rings,", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00014-00007608-00008072": "there are manual and automatic switches for focus and iris. You can adjust these as you see fit", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00015-00008256-00008672": "That's pretty much it for the 205. Everything's pretty much the same as the 105, so as long", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00016-00008672-00009089": "as you have that under control, you're fine to operate a 205 without any issues.", "pP5V2RBlXLA-00017-00009089-00009421": "RCTV Studios rctv.org"}}, {"audio_id": "pPp0FU107Vg", "text": {"pPp0FU107Vg-00000-00000003-00000452": "Hello, I'm Rebecca McFauld - and I'm Brittany Allen - and we are certified", "pPp0FU107Vg-00001-00000452-00000774": "genetic counselors with the cancer genetics program at MidMichigan Health.", "pPp0FU107Vg-00002-00000774-00001194": "Today we are here to provide an overview of the role genetic counseling can play", "pPp0FU107Vg-00003-00001194-00001668": "in helping you understand inherited cancer risk. An inherited cancer risk", "pPp0FU107Vg-00004-00001668-00002076": "refers to when a person has a change which we call a mutation in one of those", "pPp0FU107Vg-00005-00002076-00002517": "genes that places them at high risk for cancer. These mutations are hereditary,", "pPp0FU107Vg-00006-00002517-00002880": "meaning that they can be passed through families. Approximately five to ten", "pPp0FU107Vg-00007-00002880-00003288": "percent of cancers are thought to be hereditary. In families with hereditary", "pPp0FU107Vg-00008-00003288-00003704": "cancer, it is common for people to be diagnosed at an earlier than typical age,", "pPp0FU107Vg-00009-00003704-00004212": "have multiple primary cancers, and/or for multiple family members to have the same", "pPp0FU107Vg-00010-00004212-00004635": "type of cancer or a pattern of different cancers that are linked to the same gene.", "pPp0FU107Vg-00011-00004635-00005073": "The most common hereditary cancers usually involve breast, ovarian, colon and", "pPp0FU107Vg-00012-00005073-00005630": "uterine but almost any type of cancer can be hereditary. A genetic counselor is", "pPp0FU107Vg-00013-00005630-00005978": "a health care provider who has graduate training in medical genetics and", "pPp0FU107Vg-00014-00005978-00006440": "counseling. Genetic counselors educate and inform people about how genetic", "pPp0FU107Vg-00015-00006440-00006888": "information can impact their cancer risks and management. We can help you", "pPp0FU107Vg-00016-00006888-00007311": "make an informed personalized decision about your health by providing you with", "pPp0FU107Vg-00017-00007311-00007775": "information related to your genetic risk for cancer. You would typically be", "pPp0FU107Vg-00018-00007775-00008145": "referred to see a genetic counselor in the cancer genetics clinic if something", "pPp0FU107Vg-00019-00008145-00008454": "about your personal and/or family history is concerning for the", "pPp0FU107Vg-00020-00008454-00008886": "possibility of a hereditary cancer syndrome. A genetic counselor can provide", "pPp0FU107Vg-00021-00008886-00009297": "you with information about hereditary cancers, personalized genetic counseling", "pPp0FU107Vg-00022-00009297-00009777": "and coordination of genetic testing, if desired. At MidMichigan Health's cancer", "pPp0FU107Vg-00023-00009777-00010197": "genetics clinic, our goal is to identify people who have a hereditary risk to", "pPp0FU107Vg-00024-00010197-00010629": "develop cancer and provide information for our patients, their families and", "pPp0FU107Vg-00025-00010629-00010977": "their health care team about their specific cancer risks and how to best", "pPp0FU107Vg-00026-00010977-00011390": "manage them. Genetic counseling and testing are often very important first", "pPp0FU107Vg-00027-00011390-00011799": "steps towards implementing vital screening and cancer prevention. The", "pPp0FU107Vg-00028-00011799-00012174": "first thing we will do when meeting with a new patient is discuss what questions,", "pPp0FU107Vg-00029-00012174-00012611": "concerns and goals you have for the appointment. We will review your personal", "pPp0FU107Vg-00030-00012611-00013017": "and family history information and help you understand more about heredity", "pPp0FU107Vg-00031-00013017-00013486": "cancers in general. We will then have a discussion about specific gene mutations", "pPp0FU107Vg-00032-00013486-00013903": "that could be present in the family, along with associated cancer risks and", "pPp0FU107Vg-00033-00013903-00014215": "management. If genetic testing is appropriate, we", "pPp0FU107Vg-00034-00014215-00014568": "provide more information to help you make an informed choice about your tests.", "pPp0FU107Vg-00035-00014568-00015090": "This conversation includes potential benefits and limitations, possible test", "pPp0FU107Vg-00036-00015090-00015550": "results and implications, costs and insurance coverage. The entire", "pPp0FU107Vg-00037-00015550-00015954": "appointment usually takes about an hour. It is helpful to know if you have a", "pPp0FU107Vg-00038-00015954-00016306": "hereditary cancer gene to ensure you are getting the most appropriate medical", "pPp0FU107Vg-00039-00016306-00016623": "management. If you are found to be at high risk for cancer,", "pPp0FU107Vg-00040-00016623-00017073": "enhanced cancer screening is usually recommended, so if cancer develops it may", "pPp0FU107Vg-00041-00017073-00017512": "be found at an earlier stage and result in better outcomes. For many hereditary", "pPp0FU107Vg-00042-00017512-00017917": "cancer conditions there are also options you can pursue to reduce your risk of", "pPp0FU107Vg-00043-00017917-00018331": "developing cancer. For some cancers, genetic testing can be useful for your", "pPp0FU107Vg-00044-00018331-00018693": "doctors to determine what cancer treatment options are best for you.", "pPp0FU107Vg-00045-00018693-00019179": "Genetic testing may also provide risk information for your family members. Most", "pPp0FU107Vg-00046-00019179-00019662": "insurance companies, including Medicare and Medicaid, do cover genetic testing", "pPp0FU107Vg-00047-00019662-00020068": "for hereditary cancers when testing is appropriate for a person based on their", "pPp0FU107Vg-00048-00020068-00020509": "personal or family history. It is often difficult to check with insurance prior", "pPp0FU107Vg-00049-00020509-00020884": "to your appointment since we usually don't determine what specific testing", "pPp0FU107Vg-00050-00020884-00021306": "will be most appropriate until the genetic counseling session occurs. The", "pPp0FU107Vg-00051-00021306-00021669": "genetic testing labs often check with your insurance to determine if the", "pPp0FU107Vg-00052-00021669-00022081": "testing is covered before any testing is run. This will be discussed in more", "pPp0FU107Vg-00053-00022081-00022504": "detail at your appointment. Genetic counseling can be helpful for anyone who", "pPp0FU107Vg-00054-00022504-00022848": "has a personal or family history of cancer that may be due to a hereditary", "pPp0FU107Vg-00055-00022848-00023254": "cancer gene. The goal of the genetic counseling session is to provide", "pPp0FU107Vg-00056-00023254-00023725": "information regarding hereditary cancer risk and options available. If a patient", "pPp0FU107Vg-00057-00023725-00024025": "knows they want genetic testing, this can usually be done right after your", "pPp0FU107Vg-00058-00024025-00024387": "appointment; however we encourage everyone that has been referred to come", "pPp0FU107Vg-00059-00024387-00024762": "to your genetic counseling appointment even if you have not made any decisions", "pPp0FU107Vg-00060-00024762-00025156": "regarding genetic testing. Genetic counseling can be very helpful for", "pPp0FU107Vg-00061-00025156-00025525": "people who aren't sure if they want to have genetic testing, but want to learn", "pPp0FU107Vg-00062-00025525-00025959": "more about hereditary cancers and the benefits and limitations of testing,", "pPp0FU107Vg-00063-00025959-00026338": "which may help them decide what they would like to do. Sometimes,", "pPp0FU107Vg-00064-00026338-00026708": "medical management changes may be considered based on family history alone", "pPp0FU107Vg-00065-00026708-00027281": "for people who decide not to have genetic testing. In 2008, Congress passed", "pPp0FU107Vg-00066-00027281-00027674": "the genetic information non-discrimination Act, called Gina for", "pPp0FU107Vg-00067-00027674-00028108": "short, which aims to protect individuals from discrimination by employers and", "pPp0FU107Vg-00068-00028108-00028562": "health insurance companies on the basis of their genetic test results. A positive", "pPp0FU107Vg-00069-00028562-00029059": "genetic test result cannot be considered a pre-existing condition. Undergoing", "pPp0FU107Vg-00070-00029059-00029413": "genetic counseling allows you to take a proactive approach to better health.", "pPp0FU107Vg-00071-00029413-00029764": "Those would like to know more about genetic counseling and testing, ask your", "pPp0FU107Vg-00072-00029764-00030187": "physician or contact Brittany Allen at (989) 794-2996", "pPp0FU107Vg-00073-00030187-00030787": "or myself at (989) 794-2992."}}, {"audio_id": "pPpCE7YUaGA", "text": {"pPpCE7YUaGA-00000-00000000-00000849": "Welcome to our YouTube channel! Today, we're going to be talking about the importance of eating healthy.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00001-00000849-00001549": "Eating a healthy diet is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00002-00001549-00002949": "A healthy diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, provide you with the energy you need to get through your day, and support the proper functioning of your body's systems.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00003-00002949-00004099": "A healthy diet should include a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00004-00004099-00005699": "It's also important to limit your intake of processed and sugary foods, as these can contribute to weight gain and increase your risk of certain health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00005-00005699-00006699": "Eating a healthy diet can also help boost your immune system, which is especially important during cold and flu season.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00006-00006699-00007699": "It can also help improve your mood and cognitive function, and may even help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00007-00007699-00008199": "So, how can you start eating healthier? Here are a few tips:", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00008-00008199-00008699": "Make sure to include a variety of foods in your diet.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00009-00008699-00009799": "Don't be afraid to try new fruits and vegetables, and consider incorporating more whole grains and plant-based proteins into your meals.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00010-00009799-00010298": "Plan ahead and prepare healthy meals and snacks in advance.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00011-00010298-00011148": "This can help you avoid the temptation to reach for unhealthy options when you're short on time or hungry.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00012-00011148-00011648": "Be mindful of portion sizes.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00013-00011648-00012498": "It's important to pay attention to how much you're eating, as well as the types of foods you're consuming.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00014-00012498-00012998": "Stay hydrated.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00015-00012998-00013848": "Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day to help keep your body hydrated and functioning properly.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00016-00013848-00014448": "Eating healthy is an important part of overall health and well-being.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00017-00014448-00015848": "So, make sure to incorporate a variety of healthy foods into your diet, and be mindful of portion sizes to help maintain a healthy weight and support your body's systems.", "pPpCE7YUaGA-00018-00015848-00016348": "Thanks for watching."}}, {"audio_id": "pPGY4gt2vjg", "text": {"pPGY4gt2vjg-00000-00000506-00000632": "C'ase you got that Потому что ты понял это", "pPGY4gt2vjg-00001-00000920-00001028": "C'ase you got that Потому что ты понял это", "pPGY4gt2vjg-00002-00001306-00001425": "C'ase you got that Потому что ты понял это", "pPGY4gt2vjg-00003-00001685-00001839": "C'ase you got that Потому что ты понял это", "pPGY4gt2vjg-00004-00001980-00002462": "Then I became too lazy to finish writing :_) Дальше не стало лень дописывать :_)"}}, {"audio_id": "pPZFHr3YkYo", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "pPcgkdj9zzk", "text": {"pPcgkdj9zzk-00000-00000861-00000966": "turn the microphone on", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00001-00000966-00001042": "it already is", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00002-00001050-00001130": "really?", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00003-00001130-00001182": "yes", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00004-00001182-00001240": "*mumbling*", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00005-00001240-00001354": "I can't", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00006-00003326-00003376": "yes", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00007-00003388-00003529": "well, I'm here", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00008-00003529-00003692": "at YCS Bochum day 1", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00009-00003692-00003884": "just arrived together with Card Journalist", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00010-00003934-00004230": "and I'm playing \"well, that's a good deck\"", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00011-00004230-00004310": "metalfoes", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00012-00004328-00004482": "let's see how things will go", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00013-00004862-00005030": "*Matze intensifies*", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00014-00005030-00005128": "oh, hi", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00015-00005128-00005464": "as long as everybody has fun with it", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00016-00005520-00005764": "even if it's trash, even then", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00017-00005776-00005976": "Youtubers are, right now at least,", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00018-00005980-00006096": "limiting themselves", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00019-00006096-00006458": "ok, we're satisfied with duels and that other stuff", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00020-00006458-00006572": "but nothing else", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00021-00006572-00006926": "being able to accept criticism", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00022-00006978-00007414": "*Matze time*", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00023-00007481-00007690": "I'll come from down here", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00024-00007798-00007912": "what did you play?", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00025-00007930-00008031": "Domain Monarchs", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00026-00008064-00008238": "I know everyone hates me for that, but", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00027-00008306-00008364": "uhm, the end sounds good", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00028-00008678-00008916": "Metalfoes, that's a good deck", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00029-00008948-00009104": "and that's why I'll play it", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00030-00009116-00009464": "1st round vs Tzolkien Heroes 2:0", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00031-00009538-00009630": "sticks to the gameplan", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00032-00009630-00009850": "2nd round vs Shiranui", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00033-00009850-00010102": "without Monerva, so I", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00034-00010112-00010244": "won, 2:0", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00035-00010256-00010560": "announcer announces the final round", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00036-00010730-00010854": "did Joshua lose?", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00037-00011061-00011334": "round 4 was against ABC,", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00038-00011334-00011556": "Anti-Spell -> GG", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00039-00011560-00011852": "round 5 again against ABC", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00040-00011852-00012052": "and this time I at least had a draw", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00041-00012099-00012222": "unfortunately no win", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00042-00012222-00012644": "I'm standing 4:2:1, no chances of toping, so I'll just drop", "pPcgkdj9zzk-00043-00012832-00013124": "R.I.P. headphone users"}}, {"audio_id": "pQdOU3_g0ME", "text": {"pQdOU3_g0ME-00000-00002568-00002798": "Hi, this is Patsy from Mountain View Dodge.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00001-00002808-00003146": "I am very excited about what is happening.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00002-00003158-00003394": "We have a lot of vehicles on sale,", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00003-00003429-00003692": "so I think, you need to come in and check out what we have.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00004-00003756-00004038": "This truck has power windows, air, cruise,", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00005-00004068-00004332": "and a 5.0 Uconnect screen with Bluetooth.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00006-00004350-00004728": "It also has 8 speed automatic transmission, with heavy duty shock absorbers", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00007-00004736-00004870": "in the front and the back.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00008-00004886-00005074": "Therefore you will get a very smooth ride.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00009-00005294-00005696": "There is plenty of room in this Quad cab, we have Crew cabs available for sale too.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00010-00005700-00006040": "The heavy duty cloth seats are extremely durable, with MasterShield,", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00011-00006064-00006208": "it is easy to keep clean.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00012-00006218-00006598": "The Outdoorsman comes with heavy duty rubber mats in the back and front.", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00013-00006830-00007076": "So come on down to Mountain View Dodge and check out", "pQdOU3_g0ME-00014-00007080-00007609": "our Massive inventory of 2017 RAM trucks at 25% off."}}, {"audio_id": "pQfdFPW_7QE", "text": {"pQfdFPW_7QE-00000-00000672-00000946": "Do you want to shape media and communications", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00001-00000946-00001066": "in the future?", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00002-00001106-00001346": "You can experiment with brand new technologies", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00003-00001346-00001664": "and design new innovative prototypes", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00004-00001664-00001878": "that we might see", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00005-00001878-00002078": "being used in the business in the future.", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00006-00003276-00003446": "During my studies I have been involved", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00007-00003446-00003610": "in many different projects", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00008-00003611-00003864": "Everything from eye tracking", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00009-00003864-00004082": "and the use of behavioral research", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00010-00004082-00004388": "to building intelligent user faces with chatbots", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00011-00004388-00004572": "smart glasses or", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00012-00004573-00004773": "extended reality", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00013-00004828-00005150": "Join our master's program in Media City Bergen", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00014-00005150-00005346": "and make a real influence on the way", "pQfdFPW_7QE-00015-00005346-00005622": "people will communicate with each other in the future"}}, {"audio_id": "pQgK8YQ8gS4", "text": {"pQgK8YQ8gS4-00000-00002142-00027936": "Good morning, mr, master, maestro or simply", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00001-00027936-00028036": "or", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00002-00028036-00029008": "simply David, yes David, why not David, David Lynch?", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00003-00029008-00030120": "It's June 30th, so already the last day of June, 2022 and it's a Thursday.", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00004-00030120-00030752": "Here in Naples a clear, clear afternoon very still right now, 86 fahrenheit around 30 celsius", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00005-00030752-00031788": "and this means that it's that day really, really, really, really hot like in these days", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00006-00031788-00032539": "and in this", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00007-00032539-00035899": "period, not like the hell of two days ago with 98.6 fahrenheit but however a really,", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00008-00035899-00036007": "really hot day.", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00009-00036007-00036933": "Then, in this moment it's already afternoon, so the degrees are these, as I said a moment", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00010-00036933-00037851": "ago I repeat 86 fahrenheit 30 celsius and so I think we'll mantain with these degree", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00011-00037851-00037951": "until", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00012-00037951-00038051": "this evening.", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00013-00038051-00038416": "So, said this:", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00014-00038416-00040346": "so from the mythical window with", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00015-00040346-00042422": "the orange, red, blue, green water courtain and its green", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00016-00042422-00042655": "roller shooter.", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00017-00042655-00044652": "And finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640, YPG, YPG-625", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00018-00044652-00048110": "have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the Weather, yes really a", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00019-00048110-00049794": "greeting to everyone and also to my brother, and finally I hope you all have a great breakfast.", "pQgK8YQ8gS4-00020-00049794-00050061": "I'll see you tomorrow!"}}, {"audio_id": "pQN9dJMQLdY", "text": {"pQN9dJMQLdY-00000-00000136-00000652": "The more I think of it now, it's a little disturbing, really.", "pQN9dJMQLdY-00001-00000652-00000844": "It has been for years, I never forgot it", "pQN9dJMQLdY-00002-00002714-00003761": "My name is William Fitzpatrick. I was in the Marine Corps for six years, from 1942 to 1948.", "pQN9dJMQLdY-00003-00003984-00004954": "I don't remember too much about Tarawa except that we went in on old Higgins boats", "pQN9dJMQLdY-00004-00005088-00006224": "and as we went in, got posted ashore, the Higgins boats, quite a number of them were hung up on a coral reef,", "pQN9dJMQLdY-00005-00006224-00006892": "because the tide was low and many Marines drowned", "pQN9dJMQLdY-00006-00006984-00007900": "because they sank immediately to the bottom of the body of water.", "pQN9dJMQLdY-00007-00007900-00008638": "Because they couldn't get rid of their steel helmets, and packs, and rifle and everything in time"}}, {"audio_id": "pR-d8YuzN18", "text": {"pR-d8YuzN18-00000-00000000-00001607": "This channel only", "pR-d8YuzN18-00001-00001607-00002940": "No copyright music", "pR-d8YuzN18-00002-00006060-00006160": "Free", "pR-d8YuzN18-00003-00007962-00008268": "using"}}, {"audio_id": "pRTSWXsLetQ", "text": {"pRTSWXsLetQ-00000-00000032-00000488": "Uber Technologies Inc (NYSE: UBER) has made its New York Stock Exchange debut at an initial", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00001-00000488-00000846": "public offering price of $45 on Friday.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00002-00000846-00001164": "But as you can see in this chart, it didn’t do so well.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00003-00001164-00001644": "It fell by 7.62% to $41.57.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00004-00001644-00002144": "By some estimates, this is one of the worst performing IPOs in the last few decades.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00005-00002144-00002700": "Jay R. Ritter, a professor at the University of Florida who is known as “Mr. IPO”,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00006-00002700-00002794": "noted that,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00007-00002794-00003284": "“On a dollar basis, investors who purchased the 180 million shares offered through the", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00008-00003284-00004011": "IPO at $45 per share collectively logged $618 million in paper losses on Friday.”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00009-00004011-00004603": "This is the worst dollar loss for a US IPO since 1975, excluding foreign companies listed", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00010-00004603-00004833": "via American Depositary Shares.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00011-00004833-00005439": "According to data provided by UK company Dealogic, Uber’s IPO ranks as the ninth worst first", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00012-00005439-00005836": "day performer of all time in terms of the share price drop.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00013-00005836-00006114": "But this might not be so bad for many investors.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00014-00006114-00006613": "Those who bought into the initial public offering at $45 are under the condition of a lock-up", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00015-00006613-00006776": "period of six months.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00016-00006776-00007198": "That is, they cannot sell their initial stock until November 2019.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00017-00007198-00007558": "So the losses for these investors are completely theoretical.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00018-00007558-00007945": "However, this doesn’t stop new investors from selling short and watching the price", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00019-00007945-00008126": "plummet in the process.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00020-00008126-00008354": "So what are the reasons for Uber’s price fall?", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00021-00008354-00008828": "Well, some are arguing that Uber’s troubles had little to do with Uber themselves and", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00022-00008828-00009066": "more to do with the state of the stock market.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00023-00009066-00009572": "Due to recent tensions between China and the US around trade tariffs and the like, many", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00024-00009572-00009729": "stocks have been falling.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00025-00009730-00010440": "However, looking at the Friday results for the S&P500, we can see that it rose by 0.37%.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00026-00010440-00010616": "So, maybe it is Uber.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00027-00010616-00010896": "But ultimately, one day is too soon to tell.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00028-00010896-00011303": "Uber’s value will be determined by things like whether it can keep growing in market", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00029-00011303-00011772": "share in its ride-sharing business, or in its other business ventures involving food", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00030-00011772-00011912": "delivery, and freight.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00031-00011912-00012362": "There’s also the big question plaguing every investor’s mind — Will Uber ever become", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00032-00012362-00012482": "profitable?", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00033-00012482-00012788": "You see, Uber is not currently a profitable business.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00034-00012788-00013506": "In 2018, it made a loss of about $1.8 billion, and in 2017, it had a reported loss of about", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00035-00013506-00013734": "$2.2 billion.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00036-00013734-00014268": "What a world we live in where the most famous ride-sharing business is not even profitable!", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00037-00014268-00014780": "Uber’s chief executive, Dara Khosrowshahi, was on the trading floor to mark the stock’s", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00038-00014780-00014878": "debut.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00039-00014878-00015346": "He tried to calm investors by speaking of the company's growth prospects and expansion", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00040-00015346-00015426": "plans.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00041-00015426-00015500": "He said,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00042-00015500-00015912": "“My reaction [to the share price] is if we build and build well, shareholders will", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00043-00015912-00016028": "be rewarded.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00044-00016028-00016500": "We're certainly not measuring our success over a day, it really is over the years.”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00045-00016500-00017009": "Uber’s main ride-sharing competitor (in the US market at least), Lyft, hasn’t been", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00046-00017009-00017494": "doing so well either since pricing its initial public offering at $72 a share.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00047-00017494-00018180": "It closed at $51.09 on Friday for a total loss of about 29% if you bought at the IPO", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00048-00018180-00018268": "price.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00049-00018268-00018418": "Not good at all.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00050-00018418-00018802": "Back to Uber, there’s also news coming out saying that drivers are not happy with the", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00051-00018802-00019040": "pay and conditions that Uber offer.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00052-00019040-00019580": "Drivers staged a global protest last week, massing outside the company's Melbourne headquarters", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00053-00019581-00019724": "here in Australia.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00054-00019724-00020223": "Uber driver Deb, who has worked for Uber for the last two years, is not legally classified", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00055-00020223-00020614": "as an employee, but instead as an independent contractor.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00056-00020614-00021092": "She says she maintains her own vehicle, pays for her own petrol, pays for registration", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00057-00021092-00021342": "and insurance, as well as other costs.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00058-00021342-00021416": "She said,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00059-00021416-00021744": "“Uber started here with the myth of being a tech innovator.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00060-00021744-00022008": "Globally there's 3 million cars on the road.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00061-00022008-00022558": "Globally that represents a conservatively valued investment of $50 billion [by drivers].", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00062-00022558-00022922": "Driver investment is a huge part of Uber's operating capital.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00063-00022922-00023348": "Uber couldn't afford to buy our cars, they couldn't afford to run our cars.”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00064-00023348-00023856": "Driver Andrew, who wished to remain anonymous, talked about the long working hours and poor", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00065-00023856-00024066": "pay working as an Uber driver.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00066-00024066-00024528": "He said that he works for 60 to 70 hours a week, but after four years with the company,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00067-00024529-00025187": "finds himself earning about $700 a week, less than the minimum Australian wage of $719.20", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00068-00025187-00025266": "a week.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00069-00025266-00025332": "He said,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00070-00025332-00025422": "“It's a struggle.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00071-00025422-00025733": "It's getting worse, it's getting harder to make a dollar.”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00072-00025733-00026170": "Of course, Uber have defended themselves and said that they are helping out the unemployed.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00073-00026170-00026591": "“10 suburbs in Melbourne with the highest number of resident Uber drivers were suburbs", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00074-00026592-00027120": "with a mean unemployment rate of approximately 9%, above the national average of 5%.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00075-00027120-00027532": "We do not believe the solution can be found in restricting how people choose to work,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00076-00027532-00027883": "or pushing them into traditional modes or definitions of work.”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00077-00027883-00028395": "In other words, Uber want people to work for them, but not to be classified as legal employees", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00078-00028397-00028816": "who receive costly insurance, superannuation, or sick leave.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00079-00028816-00029114": "Uber’s business model is inherently exploitative.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00080-00029114-00029348": "It’s funny how they still can’t turn a profit.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00081-00029348-00029866": "The Victorian Government have launched an inquiry into the workforce of on-demand employees.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00082-00029866-00030419": "Former Fair Work commissioner, Natalie James who heads the inquiry, spoke of the vulnerability", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00083-00030420-00030880": "of these workers and how the relationship between them and the platforms was not transparent.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00084-00030880-00030962": "She said,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00085-00030962-00031280": "“People often feel they don't understand how the platforms work.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00086-00031280-00031682": "They feel sometimes that there is unilateral and unexplained conduct.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00087-00031682-00032130": "One worker who made a submission to the inquiry talked about wanting to raise some issues", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00088-00032130-00032508": "with their platform and said, 'It was like dealing with a ghost'.”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00089-00032508-00033010": "An employee by the name of Samantha who has worked on multiple on-demand platforms, has", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00090-00033010-00033216": "not many good things to say about them.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00091-00033216-00033294": "She said,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00092-00033294-00033786": "“I am somewhat hostile to this new form of work because it clearly and unfairly advantages", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00093-00033787-00034300": "one side [business] over the other [the people who perform the labour] in new and perverse", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00094-00034300-00034378": "ways.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00095-00034378-00034870": "I made a complaint about being paid monthly and ended up with my shifts being cancelled.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00096-00034870-00035220": "The job was re-advertised on the same platform shortly after.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00097-00035220-00035544": "Basically, I was punished for asserting my rights.”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00098-00035544-00036012": "Robin, another Uber driver who attended the Melbourne protests, said that he drives 12", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00099-00036012-00036374": "hours every day in split shifts for fairly meagre pay.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00100-00036374-00036746": "He spoke of the lack of ability to access any grievance processes.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00101-00036746-00036816": "He said,", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00102-00036816-00036958": "“We are powerless really.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00103-00036958-00037459": "When we make a complaint we get an automated response — it's not a human, it's a machine.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00104-00037460-00037898": "The moment a rider gives a complaint, that's it — we are deactivated with no further", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00105-00037898-00037976": "notice.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00106-00037976-00038164": "The next morning when we go out to work?", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00107-00038164-00038310": "We are deactivated.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00108-00038310-00038420": "This protest?", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00109-00038420-00038640": "Let it be the beginning of everything!”", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00110-00038640-00038858": "And that’s the state of Uber in a nutshell.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00111-00038858-00039244": "It’s stock price fell by 7.62% on its opening day.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00112-00039244-00039574": "It’s business model requires workers to forgo their rights.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00113-00039574-00039884": "It’s not profitable and is making year-on-year losses.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00114-00039884-00040112": "Where will this industry ultimately end up?", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00115-00040112-00040687": "My guess — an automated fleet of cars that require no drivers, and therefore no complaints", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00116-00040687-00040881": "and no additional costs.", "pRTSWXsLetQ-00117-00040882-00041174": "Exactly what big business want."}}, {"audio_id": "pRX9nToV5bE", "text": {"pRX9nToV5bE-00000-00000024-00000990": "okay, our views suddenly went down to around 25 views per hour because of a few small things", "pRX9nToV5bE-00001-00000990-00001488": "that happened. now the Links that we left are still getting traction, we're still getting views,", "pRX9nToV5bE-00002-00001620-00002010": "and I'm thinking of changing the font family on my", "pRX9nToV5bE-00003-00002010-00002424": "website, because time's new Rober because it's just kind of boring."}}, {"audio_id": "pS2tIAUcQzy", "text": {"pS2tIAUcQzy-00000-00000152-00000458": "We’re somewhere about in the middle of nowhere", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00001-00000458-00000959": "on that side, and nowhere on that side, in between Bundi and Windhoek.", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00002-00000959-00001326": "We’re just stopping for lunch at the moment.", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00003-00001326-00001902": "We had some rain earlier – rain in Namibia is not a very common thing.", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00004-00001902-00002341": "We’re just checking if there is still mud on the fish here, from the kids’ interaction", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00005-00002341-00002441": "yesterday.", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00006-00002441-00003021": "They’re still there, they’re still functioning pretty well – a couple of cracks but it’s", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00007-00003021-00003151": "holding up pretty well.", "pS2tIAUcQzy-00008-00003151-00003521": "The rain came with the fish so it could swim through the desert."}}, {"audio_id": "pSD8MB82xHQ", "text": {"pSD8MB82xHQ-00000-00002748-00003006": "(upbeat music)", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00001-00003302-00003568": "♪ Shatter squad ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00002-00003968-00004226": "(upbeat music)", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00003-00004582-00004730": "- It has to be the most difficult language", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00004-00004730-00004842": "I've ever learned!", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00005-00004842-00004975": "- English Can't be that bad?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00006-00004975-00005230": "- Present tense of read is read,", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00007-00005230-00005457": "past tense of read is read.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00008-00005457-00005671": "Why are they spelled exactly the same?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00009-00005671-00005808": "That's just lazy.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00010-00005808-00006029": "Oh, there's red, the color.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00011-00006029-00006224": "- It is all types of jacked up.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00012-00006224-00006513": "- French is so much easier, so much.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00013-00006513-00006669": "And sexier too.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00014-00006669-00007012": "In French, we say, rrrrrouge.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00015-00007012-00007139": "(sighs) Why Axe?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00016-00007139-00007416": "Why can't the English language Just be sexy?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00017-00007416-00007629": "Like a Snyder movie without slow motion.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00018-00007629-00007781": "It ain't happening.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00019-00007781-00007892": "- Hey, I'm no expert.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00020-00007892-00008293": "I made C's English class and it's the only language I know.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00021-00008293-00008526": "- Oh and there's live and live.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00022-00008683-00009169": "So Phase lives here now?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00023-00009169-00009346": "- I guess you could call it that.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00024-00009346-00009475": "We set her up with a room.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00025-00009475-00009615": "But now that I think about it,", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00026-00009615-00009828": "I rarely see her around the base.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00027-00009828-00009921": "- Yeah, I know right?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00028-00009921-00010133": "I'ma say hi.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00029-00010133-00010375": "Hey Phase! Phase, what's up?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00030-00010635-00010767": "Love you too.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00031-00010767-00011059": "- (laughs) How do the kids say it again? Besties?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00032-00011059-00011313": "- Mm-hm! Please don't.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00033-00011313-00011708": "But seriously, has anyone ever seen Phase outside of Work?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00034-00011708-00011927": "- [Axel] Please Don't start rumors.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00035-00011927-00012117": "- Look, look! Scissors!", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00036-00012117-00012315": "- And she's cutting something.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00037-00012315-00012579": "- Or someone.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00038-00012579-00012916": "A friend told me that Phase defended Viper base", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00039-00012916-00013147": "against an elite class of Shinobi.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00040-00013147-00013554": "She can cut off your limb with a pair of safety scissors,", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00041-00013554-00013725": "no survivors.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00042-00013725-00013936": "- And yet your friend found out.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00043-00013936-00014143": "♪ Sometimes when you feeling low ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00044-00014143-00014504": "- Ow! Excuse me, princess.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00045-00014504-00014757": "- Hey Ray. Ray, come here.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00046-00014757-00014861": "- Did you see that?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00047-00014861-00014944": "- Besties?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00048-00014944-00015027": "- Stop it.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00049-00015027-00015263": "Ray, listen, we're trying to figure out what Phase-", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00050-00015263-00015432": "- Oh we talking about phase? Yes.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00051-00015432-00015819": "- We're trying to figure out what she does in her free time.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00052-00015819-00016029": "- Well, a friend's cousin told me", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00053-00016029-00016178": "that Phase has trained in all", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00054-00016178-00016404": "the deadliest martial arts known to man.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00055-00016404-00016510": "- [One] Which ones?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00056-00016510-00016736": "- The ones that Kill.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00057-00016736-00016886": "- Say what?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00058-00016886-00016969": "- Mm-hm! Yep.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00059-00016969-00017184": "- Whoa, whoa, whoa, pump the brakes kids.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00060-00017184-00017297": "Let's Stop.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00061-00017297-00017418": "- What's going on here?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00062-00017418-00017754": "- West, thank you. Finally a voice of reason.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00063-00017754-00018022": "Can you put some sense into Bebop and Rocksteady here?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00064-00018022-00018210": "These two numbskulls are speculating what-", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00065-00018210-00018376": "- What Danyell does in her free time", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00066-00018376-00018481": "since she's introverted", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00067-00018481-00018672": "and no one ever sees her outside of work?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00068-00018672-00018799": "- Exactly.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00069-00018959-00019113": "- Well- - Crap Grass.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00070-00019113-00019411": "- A friend's cousin's chiropractor told me", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00071-00019411-00019811": "that ever since Danyell escaped from Starlight laboratories,", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00072-00019811-00020188": "no one has ever seen the fullest extent of her true power.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00073-00020188-00020613": "Her final form isn't even her final form.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00074-00020719-00020802": "- [Axel] What?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00075-00020802-00020960": "- [West] That with a flick of a wrist", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00076-00020960-00021375": "she can move mountains and reshape the tectonic plates.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00077-00021375-00021526": "- Guess we'll never find out.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00078-00021526-00021779": "Apparently the only ones who know are Diesel,", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00079-00021779-00022079": "who currently needs to pull himself together, or Zero.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00080-00022079-00022185": "- Well, a friend's.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00081-00022185-00022460": "(crowd cheering)", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00082-00022827-00023048": "Well a friend's cousin's chiropractor's", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00083-00023048-00023187": "golf ball diver told me,", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00084-00023187-00023464": "Phase is the legendary Beast Master,", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00085-00023464-00023725": "taming the Wildest and fiercest creatures", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00086-00023725-00023858": "on every continent.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00087-00023858-00024139": "None can resist her charms.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00088-00024139-00024372": "- No more rumors!", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00089-00024372-00024568": "We need to stop before Phase get-", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00090-00024568-00024861": "- I can hear you all talking about me.", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00091-00024861-00025017": "None of it is true!", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00092-00025017-00025129": "None of it!", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00093-00025129-00025259": "Got it?", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00094-00025259-00025400": "- [Group] Got it!", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00095-00026104-00026410": "(Phase humming)", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00096-00026410-00026743": "(ninja crashes)", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00097-00026743-00027061": "(Phase humming)", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00098-00027061-00027192": "♪ Learn what it means ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00099-00027192-00027367": "♪ To be true team ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00100-00027367-00027520": "♪ I won't let you down ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00101-00027520-00027731": "♪ I'll follow your leading ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00102-00027731-00027902": "♪ We'll face any problem ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00103-00027902-00028075": "♪ That come our way ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00104-00028075-00028465": "♪ We're stronger together, we'll never retreat ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00105-00028465-00028807": "♪ Shatter squad, we'll be BFF's forever ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00106-00028807-00029161": "♪ Shatter squad, ready for our next endeavor ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00107-00029161-00029345": "♪ You got met, you got me ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00108-00029345-00029501": "♪ I've got you, I've got you ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00109-00029501-00029692": "♪ And together we are better here ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00110-00029692-00029906": "♪ With red versus blue ♪", "pSD8MB82xHQ-00111-00029906-00030173": "♪ Shatter squad ♪"}}, {"audio_id": "pSFLPRxdbeU", "text": {"pSFLPRxdbeU-00000-00000064-00000568": "when i found that one of his videos had 12 million views, i immediately thought", "pSFLPRxdbeU-00001-00000568-00001000": "the video went viral for something, but i didn't tell you what the causes were.", "pSFLPRxdbeU-00002-00001080-00001744": "i don't know how the video had even managed to accumulate so many views in the first place.", "pSFLPRxdbeU-00003-00001744-00002208": "i wonder, it's because you've made the same type of content over and over again,", "pSFLPRxdbeU-00004-00002208-00002824": "which is what this guy did and made over 40 000 subscribers. maybe most of it come from the last", "pSFLPRxdbeU-00005-00002824-00003784": "few days, but didn't stop after that. i'm not sure who or when it's gonna stop getting views."}}, {"audio_id": "pSGhWYA7u6M", "text": {"pSGhWYA7u6M-00000-00000000-00000306": "MINI-EPISODE 5", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00001-00000344-00000544": "[shower]", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00002-00000544-00000660": "♪music begins♪", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00003-00000660-00000803": "- ♪Hakuna matata♪...", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00004-00000866-00001144": "- ♪What a wonderful phrase... ♪", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00005-00001184-00001306": "- ♪Hakuna matata...♪", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00006-00001390-00001590": "- ♪Ain't no passing craze...♪", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00007-00001654-00001812": "BOTH OF THEM: - ♪It means no worries...♪", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00008-00001884-00002084": "BOTH OF THEM: - ♪For the rest of your days...♪", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00009-00002234-00002344": "- Can you two leave mealone?", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00010-00002730-00002816": "[Magic sound]", "pSGhWYA7u6M-00011-00002840-00003892": "[hums Hakuna Matata]"}}, {"audio_id": "pSP9TVvLwx8", "text": {"pSP9TVvLwx8-00000-00005142-00005508": "Cliff Lynch: Thanks for joining us, we'll get started in about a minute and a half.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00001-00008586-00008883": "Cliff Lynch: Glad you could join us. We'll get started in about a minute.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00002-00011922-00012366": "Cliff Lynch: Thanks for joining us, we'll get started in about half a minute.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00003-00014874-00016779": "Cliff Lynch: All right, why don't we go ahead and get started. Welcome, everybody. I'm Cliff Lynch. I'm the director of the Coalition for network information and I'll be introducing the session today you have reached one of the project briefing sessions. That's part of week three of the", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00004-00016890-00018519": "Cliff Lynch: Fall virtual CNI membership meeting. And just to remind you, week three is themed around technology standards and infrastructure and all three of those are quite relevant here, I think.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00005-00018636-00020010": "Cliff Lynch: This session is being recorded the recording will be available. Subsequently, there is closed captioning available there is chat available and please feel free to use that throughout the session.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00006-00020175-00020433": "Cliff Lynch: We also have a Q AMP a tool.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00007-00020538-00021357": "Cliff Lynch: After we hear all the presentations at the session. Diane golden Burkhardt from CNI will", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00008-00021477-00022713": "Cliff Lynch: Moderate a Q AMP a session, please feel free to put questions in at any point during the presentation and we'll try and address as many as possible at the end.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00009-00022824-00023433": "Cliff Lynch: I want to note that we have had a change in speakers here.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00010-00023562-00024621": "Cliff Lynch: Jessica Myerson is not with us today. But you and cochran from Yale is joining his colleagues Seth Anderson and Ethan gates.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00011-00024750-00026097": "Cliff Lynch: Both also from Yale. A little background on this project. This is one of these really deeply strategic projects that's trying to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00012-00026214-00027833": "Cliff Lynch: Really build out a robust service for emulating software in all the in in obsolete environments. So it's a it's a fundamental cornerstone of", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00013-00027933-00030498": "Cliff Lynch: Of software preservation strategy, it's been going on for a while it's received funding from melanin Sloan foundations both and it has very close connections to the wonderful work of the software preservation network. Although the the Yale library has been the sort of technological", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00014-00030645-00031413": "Cliff Lynch: nexus of the work I do want to note also for those of you who were with us earlier this week.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00015-00031542-00032226": "Cliff Lynch: Natalie Myers and her colleagues at the University of Notre Dame.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00016-00032397-00032694": "Cliff Lynch: Have been doing some very interesting", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00017-00032901-00033348": "Cliff Lynch: Inter linkage integration between the work that's being", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00018-00033456-00033972": "Cliff Lynch: Reported here and their work on press que te so", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00019-00034137-00034902": "Cliff Lynch: If you're interested in what you're you're here, you may want to go back and look at the video of the presentation from that session.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00020-00034974-00036102": "Cliff Lynch: And with that, I just want to thank our speakers from Yale for coming to update us on this really important project and alternative to Seth to start the presentations.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00021-00036225-00036351": "Seth Anderson: All right. Thank you.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00022-00036357-00036810": "Seth Anderson: Cliff and good afternoon. And greetings from New Haven, Connecticut.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00023-00036915-00037203": "Seth Anderson: My Home Office here.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00024-00037332-00037926": "Seth Anderson: It's a shame we can't meet in person. I always enjoy the opportunity to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00025-00038049-00038916": "Seth Anderson: See, folks, face to face, and talk about our project, but we are thrilled to be here, virtually to provide an update on the easy program of work.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00026-00039003-00040836": "Seth Anderson: So as Cliff mentioned, I am set the Anderson, the software preservation program manager at Yale University Library and the KPI on the easy program and I'm joined today by you and Cochran, who is the digital preservation manager at Yale, and my my KPI", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00027-00040944-00042042": "Seth Anderson: who's joining us from New Zealand, and I'm also joined by Ethan gates or software preservation analyst and user support lead for easy", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00028-00042180-00042588": "Seth Anderson: So in July of this year, easy entered its second phase.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00029-00042690-00042786": "Seth Anderson: Of the program.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00030-00042894-00043359": "Seth Anderson: Thanks to the continued funding from the Sloan and Mellon foundations.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00031-00043464-00044526": "Seth Anderson: And we are excited to share an update on where we've come since our last presentation on easy it CNI which was in the spring of 2019", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00032-00044577-00045924": "Seth Anderson: And then we're going to look ahead at our plans for this next two year round of funding and then demonstrate some of the work that we have completed over the last", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00033-00046017-00047334": "Seth Anderson: Couple of years and some new functionality that we're hoping to incorporate into the system in the coming year and a half. So let me just, okay, there we go.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00034-00047442-00048822": "Seth Anderson: So Cliff gave a pretty good summary of what easy is, but I will just venture to give a little more detail before diving into our project timeline, so", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00035-00048951-00050187": "Seth Anderson: We like to think of easy as the combination of the emulation as a service technology and additional sort of user oriented functionality and we've been developing", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00036-00050391-00051072": "Seth Anderson: Combine a combination of that technology, the services that we provide to our users.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00037-00051195-00052932": "Seth Anderson: To support their use of the system. And then also, that community of users that are aiding us in determining a roadmap for easy, you know, helping us figure out what new features, we need to prioritize, but also just generally", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00038-00053145-00053751": "Seth Anderson: Helping us chart a path through what is the still developing.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00039-00053930-00054045": "Seth Anderson: maturing", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00040-00054147-00054570": "Seth Anderson: Practice of software preservation and access through emulation.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00041-00054816-00055134": "Seth Anderson: So for those of you who aren't aware", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00042-00055241-00056891": "Seth Anderson: Easy is built on the emulation as a service framework which was originally developed at the University of Freiburg and continues to be developed by open selects, which is a company of developers from that original team in Freiburg", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00043-00057000-00058116": "Seth Anderson: And the service allows users to create manage and access emulation environments through a web based interface so that they can then", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00044-00058221-00058587": "Seth Anderson: Load their own digital collections materials into", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00045-00058698-00059979": "Seth Anderson: emulated computer systems that contain sort of underlying software required to render and manipulate those digital materials. So for instance, you have", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00046-00060099-00060692": "Seth Anderson: Old word processing documents in a collection. You can then", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00047-00060798-00061959": "Seth Anderson: Load those into a computer environment that contains the compatible software and provide sort of authentic or as close to authentic access to those materials.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00048-00062079-00062613": "Seth Anderson: As as can as as possible using the emulation service.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00049-00062853-00065226": "Seth Anderson: Our team is made up of three of us from Yale plus the developers from openness selects and we also received support from Jessica Myerson at copia and cap Jordan, who is the leader of the wiki data for digital preservation program and serves as our semantic architect and helping us", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00050-00065391-00066348": "Seth Anderson: Utilize and distribute the metadata that we have been creating as part of our ongoing work on easy", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00051-00066654-00068235": "Seth Anderson: So just give a quick update from where where we've come since spring of 2019 I believe at that time we were still in the early days of having just put out our first beta release.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00052-00068337-00069891": "Seth Anderson: Of the easy software and that included the easy network software which I forgot to mention, which allows the users of easy to exchange and reuse.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00053-00069981-00070779": "Seth Anderson: software installation materials and pre configured emulation environments from other organizations to provide access to their materials.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00054-00070854-00072126": "Seth Anderson: So if you have need of a software title that you don't have locally, either at your institution or even within your own easy system you can copy that to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00055-00072240-00072792": "Seth Anderson: Your infrastructure and run it and reuse it as however you need", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00056-00073098-00075006": "Seth Anderson: So in we worked on the beta release of easy with the network and we provided that to our initial set of network institutions or nodes which included Notre Dame who are here today.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00057-00075132-00075426": "Seth Anderson: Stanford UC San Diego.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00058-00075564-00076713": "Seth Anderson: See if I can get them all. Carnegie Mellon and University of Virginia plus Yale acting as its own node i think i don't think i left anyone out of that first group.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00059-00076989-00077295": "Seth Anderson: Over the summer after shortly after the meeting.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00060-00077481-00078447": "Seth Anderson: In spring of 2019 we released a public version of the easy system which contains sort of just example versions of open source.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00061-00078567-00078747": "Seth Anderson: Operating systems and software.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00062-00078879-00079602": "Seth Anderson: That anyone on the web can access and poke around in just to give an idea of the kinds of", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00063-00079707-00081801": "Seth Anderson: Legacy software you can interact with and through emulation and that'll come up in a moment when looking forward in the next one and a half years and then throughout 2019 we continue to work on an updated interface for easy. And so that was released in early", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00064-00081978-00083301": "Seth Anderson: around March or April, and this was a huge undertaking that we were able to complete with the aid of the software development company portal media out of Wisconsin.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00065-00083403-00084669": "Seth Anderson: And it provides a more intuitive and user friendly interface to search and discover the environments and software that would be available in an easy system.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00066-00084780-00085518": "Seth Anderson: It will have additional features for documentation that we helped implement sometime soon. And then also just has", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00067-00085713-00085980": "Seth Anderson: additional administrative fee.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00068-00086100-00086277": "Seth Anderson: So for instance, you can create", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00069-00086382-00087480": "Seth Anderson: user accounts. Now we have roles specifications that control the actions that certain user types are permitted to perform", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00070-00087615-00088416": "Seth Anderson: And, you know, it just generally looks and feels a little bit better than previous versions of the system.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00071-00088683-00089013": "Seth Anderson: So that has been in the hands of our users.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00072-00089160-00089445": "Seth Anderson: Since April and we continue to tinker with it.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00073-00089613-00089739": "Seth Anderson: And it is, you know,", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00074-00089877-00090330": "Seth Anderson: Part of the focus of this next two years, which started in July.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00075-00090432-00092199": "Seth Anderson: Is to see what happens when users have access to this version of the system and to learn from that and and continue to improve the system. So we have a number of targets that we've set for ourselves. During this next two years.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00076-00092304-00092634": "Seth Anderson: There are some more Rd focus development.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00077-00092946-00094257": "Seth Anderson: Features that will be working on, including incorporation of emulation of mobile systems, in particular the Android operating system that is open source and Google developed", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00078-00094479-00094827": "Seth Anderson: Will be incorporating support for emulating computer networks.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00079-00095253-00095913": "Seth Anderson: And we're going to continue to improve on a number of automation features that we've started prototyping.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00080-00096078-00097245": "Seth Anderson: And will incorporate into the interface to further simplify the process of creating and manipulating or or customizing your", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00081-00097350-00097464": "Seth Anderson: emulation environments.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00082-00097620-00098136": "Seth Anderson: But I would say our real focus over the next two years is establishing easy as", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00083-00098253-00098607": "Seth Anderson: A service, even though it's there in the title.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00084-00098733-00099390": "Seth Anderson: One of the things that we've learned over the first two and a half years of the project is just how difficult it is", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00085-00099492-00100608": "Seth Anderson: To support a growing number of users. And as we continue to scale up the system. We want to make sure that we have a", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00086-00100710-00101772": "Seth Anderson: Mature and well thought out. And so with that, we have the capacity to support a growing number of institutions that will hopefully be using easy", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00087-00101895-00103164": "Seth Anderson: So with that in mind we're putting a lot of emphasis on ensuring the stability of the software and the code that underlies the easy interface and the back end.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00088-00103269-00104280": "Seth Anderson: And we're taking a real look at the support services we provide. So making sure that we have, you know, the mechanisms to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00089-00104553-00105780": "Seth Anderson: Allow users to report bugs or ask questions or seek advice on the use of the system and then use the expertise that we as a team have developed over a number of years to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00090-00105957-00106470": "Seth Anderson: enable and empower the users of the system to implement it effectively.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00091-00106586-00107655": "Seth Anderson: And then finally, we are really, really, really, really, really emphasizing sustainability, both from an organizational standpoint and from a technological standpoint. So like I said, we're looking at", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00092-00107751-00109542": "Seth Anderson: Making sure we have a stable system, but also we want by the end of this funding period to in some way and we don't exactly know the scope of this yet, but start providing an easy service.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00093-00109650-00110649": "Seth Anderson: You know, with a service model and and sort of payment mechanisms so that we can continue to sustain the work that goes into easy", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00094-00110856-00111588": "Seth Anderson: And continue to expand its functionality and expand the community of users that are", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00095-00111741-00111978": "Seth Anderson: Participating in using the system.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00096-00112254-00112338": "Seth Anderson: So,", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00097-00112557-00114228": "Seth Anderson: Just a few other highlights from our timeline and just to give you a sense of where we are headed. So for the past six months, we've been working on a new edition of the system which will be the hosted edition. So currently, all the", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00098-00114402-00116247": "Seth Anderson: Users have it installed on their local infrastructure, but we've seen a need, certainly over the last year for a version of this that is supported and has infrastructure provided by the easy program so that institutions that maybe don't have", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00099-00116382-00118200": "Seth Anderson: The funds or sufficient IT support can still use easy and they will then just use the hosted edition of that and to test that out we have arranged with the software preservation network to do a pilot program through most of 2021", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00100-00118308-00118511": "Seth Anderson: Where in the current membership.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00101-00118626-00119781": "Seth Anderson: Of spin will have the option to elect to use this hosted edition and we'll be monitoring and guiding activities with them to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00102-00119922-00120357": "Seth Anderson: Again, learn what it looks like when we add more users into the system.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00103-00120468-00121053": "Seth Anderson: And what it looks like from to the team and our capacity to manage", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00104-00121275-00121551": "Seth Anderson: A larger scale of a larger user base.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00105-00121656-00123519": "Seth Anderson: So then towards the end of sorry I can't my screens, a little too crowded towards the end of this funding period. We also hope to turn that public sandbox version of easy into a functional node so that individuals who may be", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00106-00123627-00123975": "Seth Anderson: Are unable to use, easy at, you know, through an institutional", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00107-00124203-00125046": "Seth Anderson: Through their institution or just members of communities outside of sort of institutional frameworks, who want to use emulation.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00108-00125121-00127263": "Seth Anderson: Will have an opportunity to do so through the the public node, then that will again only include open source software, but we are. We anticipate, given the the breadth of software available from the open source community that that would be a valuable.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00109-00127368-00127506": "Seth Anderson: Platform for", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00110-00127632-00128451": "Seth Anderson: You know, both exploring the history of open source software but also using it as a tool to access, you know, order collections.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00111-00128682-00129966": "Seth Anderson: So those are our plans. And as I mentioned, we wanted to spend most of our time today, demonstrating some of the work we're doing so I will first be giving a demo of", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00112-00130053-00131022": "Seth Anderson: An upcoming service that we're going to be releasing at the library. The Yale University Library emulation viewer and then Ethan is going to give a", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00113-00131073-00132954": "Seth Anderson: demo of the universal virtual interact or which is the sort of engine of our automation functionality and then you and is going to show off our ability to emulate computer networks and talk about how that will be a powerful feature in the system coming up in the next couple of years.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00114-00133062-00133281": "Seth Anderson: So let me just take a breath.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00115-00133422-00133641": "Seth Anderson: Before I dive into demo mode.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00116-00133815-00134313": "Seth Anderson: And of course, certainly, please feel free to post any questions that you have in the Q AMP a", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00117-00134442-00134652": "Seth Anderson: And we'll get to them in a second.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00118-00134802-00134958": "Seth Anderson: Alright, so", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00119-00135198-00135300": "Seth Anderson: That is okay.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00120-00135477-00137151": "Seth Anderson: The emulation viewer is a service that will be released to the yell community starting next year and it is based on some work. I'm going to pause that before it gets ahead of me.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00121-00137244-00139626": "Seth Anderson: That was started by you and when he, when he started at Yale, to create digital copies of the CD ROM in the library circulating collection with an eye towards using emulation to provide access in the future. So when I started in 2017 we were taking our first steps towards configuring", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00122-00139920-00141549": "Seth Anderson: emulation environments, featuring the CD ROM titles from from the library. And what I'm trying to demonstrate here is just how many we have. There are thousands of discs that are in the circulating collection, which are rarely access because of the obsolescence.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00123-00141684-00143145": "Seth Anderson: General obsolescence of the CD ROM format. And a lot of these are very interesting and we hope that will be it will be helpful to researchers. And so the idea. I'm going to take you walk you through the workflow that we've received", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00124-00143382-00143961": "Seth Anderson: Even though it's still in the works. In some cases, but the idea is that", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00125-00144099-00144588": "Seth Anderson: The emulation environment and the viewer that that users will access", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00126-00144711-00147069": "Seth Anderson: Exists in the same way as you would say like an E book reader in in the libraries infrastructure users will, you know, search through emails various catalog formats and there will be a link as I'm circling here where now you have this option to request the physical copy", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00127-00147192-00147834": "Seth Anderson: But instead, you would have a link that says view the emulation or don't recall exactly what the texts would be", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00128-00147900-00148668": "Seth Anderson: And then when you click through that link, you'll be taken to this viewer that's displaying right now and users have, you know, a limited set of functionality.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00129-00148728-00150312": "Seth Anderson: We're not offering them the ability to like save changes or or print or do any sort of robust manipulation of the contents of these discs, but these environments which have been set up by student workers and we thank them for their service.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00130-00150534-00151065": "Seth Anderson: Have been set up to quickly get the user to the contents of the disk. So as you saw there.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00131-00151242-00152079": "Seth Anderson: The environment brought up this viewer, which then goes to an HTM HTML page.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00132-00152193-00153153": "Seth Anderson: And from there you can click through the materials in this title on neuro chemistry. We also are setting certain restrictions.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00133-00153246-00154611": "Seth Anderson: On the service. So you do have to sign in through yells authentication service. So if you don't have a yellow account, you will not have access to these materials and then we've also limited access to one environment at a time so", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00134-00154803-00155382": "Seth Anderson: If a user tries to login while someone else is accessing it. They will not be able to and will have to return later.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00135-00155496-00155559": "Seth Anderson: When they", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00136-00155697-00156042": "Seth Anderson: When the person is no longer taking their seat.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00137-00156219-00156666": "Seth Anderson: So like I said, that will be made available in January and we're very excited to see", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00138-00156780-00156921": "Seth Anderson: What the response looks like.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00139-00157116-00157869": "Seth Anderson: But I will now just quickly, no change lines because I'm already over time.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00140-00158010-00158766": "Seth Anderson: One other thing I just want to point out is that we're using this work as well to serve as the basis of a separate service that we're going to make available to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00141-00158940-00159114": "Seth Anderson: The, you know, other institutions.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00142-00159327-00160647": "Seth Anderson: Were in all of these CD ROM environments that we've configured will be available for institutions to say match up with their own collections and then they'll be provided a link to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00143-00160782-00162246": "Seth Anderson: A separate type of access page. It's not exactly the same as the one that yellow is using now but there'll be able to scan it, and you know, align the sort of header and information to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00144-00162414-00163410": "Seth Anderson: Their look and feel for their institution. I really I'm glossing over this, so please feel free to ask questions about that when", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00145-00163524-00164043": "Seth Anderson: We enter into the Q AMP a. So, this is what the access page would eventually look like", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00146-00164229-00165417": "Seth Anderson: So that was very quick, I realized. So as I said, please. If you have questions, we'll discuss a little later. But I'll now turn it over to Ethan to talk about the UV I", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00147-00165471-00165813": "Ethan Gates: Thank you. And can you hold off on a second before you start playing the video.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00148-00165942-00166923": "Ethan Gates: I'll give you a heads up. Seth But um yeah I'm really excited to share with you all are advances in over the past year or so. And what we call", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00149-00167049-00169380": "Ethan Gates: Our easy API, the universal virtual interact or the VDI, and the what the FBI does is it basically allows users to query that emulated environments that are available in the easy network based on an input file or files and once those files are are uploaded are provided to the VI.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00150-00169572-00170415": "Ethan Gates: VI Vi is automatic file characterization matches those input files with software that can render that file the API can either", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00151-00170460-00171444": "Ethan Gates: Return that metadata. So just providing the user with some useful information about what computing systems or applications could open interact with that file.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00152-00171525-00172362": "Ethan Gates: And it can even or can even return the emulated environment itself with the file mounted in it for interaction via emulation via the browser.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00153-00172449-00173439": "Ethan Gates: So it's a good start up our demo video here says going to show exactly what that means if I upload into our demonstration UV interface an older spreadsheet file.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00154-00173490-00174621": "Ethan Gates: We can see that the UV I will return to results based on that automatic characterization. That concludes this is in fact an Excel version 3.0 file format file.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00155-00174684-00176409": "Ethan Gates: One environment runs windows 95 and corral word perfect suite which is what we're loading up first and the other return results returned a Windows 98 plus Microsoft Office 97 both of them capable of opening this file in theory. So if I click render as I just did in the demo video here.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00156-00176550-00177594": "Ethan Gates: On the on the first suggestion. We received a running Windows 95 emulation and even automatically mount and open the provided spreadsheet in the specified application were perfect Quatro", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00157-00177648-00178716": "Ethan Gates: And at that point, you're free to interact and view your given file, but you also have the option to compare with the UV is other suggested results. So again, in the video just showed. I clicked on alternative results.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00158-00178758-00179874": "Ethan Gates: Click on alternative environment and switch over to the windows 98 plus office 97 environment. And after a minute we'll get the exact same file. This time just running in a different application.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00159-00179946-00180855": "Ethan Gates: So you can see in this case also that there is some content in this spreadsheet that was not properly rendered in the word perfect application.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00160-00180885-00181830": "Ethan Gates: A minute ago. So this ability to compare different emulation different applications. Different renderings even if they they are there are multiple environments multiple", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00161-00181860-00183162": "Ethan Gates: multiple applications technically capable of reading the same file format is really critical for assessment evaluation and proper access of legacy digital content moving the future. And finally, at the tail end of the video there you're", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00162-00183297-00184146": "Ethan Gates: See that because we allow data export at the beginning of this process. We can even use Office 97 as a conversion or a migration tool.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00163-00184206-00185766": "Ethan Gates: Saving out the Excel 3.0 file to a new reformat something that would be legible, perhaps in office 365 and receive that converted file as output. So again, we can use it, both as an assessment as an access and a migration tool.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00164-00185868-00185964": "Ethan Gates: Next slide please.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00165-00186132-00186849": "Ethan Gates: The UV is also capable of working with more complex multi file sets as we are demonstrating here.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00166-00186888-00187500": "Ethan Gates: By this data set from the Yale Institute for Social and Policy Studies is Data Archive. Here we've selected.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00167-00187530-00188262": "Ethan Gates: A legacy status script from the archive, along with a number of additional data files that the script is intended to be run against", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00168-00188325-00189093": "Ethan Gates: The automatic file characterization again identifies an appropriate rendering application environment. In this case, Windows XP with state of 10", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00169-00189153-00190671": "Ethan Gates: And renders that input element that these videos are slightly sped up just for the sake of presentation but at the tail end of this video, you should glimpse the state of script again just automatically starting to run", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00170-00190773-00191781": "Ethan Gates: mounted in in the Windows XP environment and automatically run by state of 10 the state of script just takes a little while to actually crunch the data and actually produce any output.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00171-00191883-00192690": "Ethan Gates: But by doing so that's just not why we're showing you right here to you today. But by doing so you can verifiably go back and verify the results of", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00172-00192741-00193881": "Ethan Gates: The associated study that this dataset was a part of that was originally published, and I believe about 2006 so really important for data reproducibility moving to the future.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00173-00194004-00194262": "Ethan Gates: And. Next slide please.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00174-00194643-00195951": "Ethan Gates: These videos have shown off what you've been seeing is our demo interface for testing and demonstrating UVA functionality, but it is also important to emphasize that the UVA is an API is ultimately meant to be.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00175-00195987-00197163": "Ethan Gates: Used with and integrated into broader preservation and data curation tools workflows. So that end we have been working with the University of Notre Dame on their analyst funded press que te", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00176-00197229-00198324": "Ethan Gates: File Transfer web application as Jeff mentioned earlier and Natalie is, I believe, actually, here in the call and the Notre Dame team spoke more about the press Qt project earlier.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00177-00198354-00199041": "Ethan Gates: At CNI earlier this week, so do go check that out and and Natalie do call me out in the chat if I mischaracterize anything here.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00178-00199104-00199671": "Ethan Gates: But the press cutie platform is intended to enhance reproducibility and open sharing of resource data.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00179-00199746-00201084": "Ethan Gates: And their initial work does involve an easy service integration via the API. So let's say you have a set of files stored in OSF like perhaps a set of research about what it would take to build a universal virtual interactive", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00180-00201141-00201948": "Ethan Gates: And once you've transferred those files into pres duty, you'll have the option of selecting the easy service as this button shows and. Next slide please.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00181-00202008-00202620": "Ethan Gates: If you click on that button it submits the contents of that OSF project or GitHub, whatever the source.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00182-00202701-00203451": "Ethan Gates: Project is submits that data to the VI for the exact same process of characterization that we just demonstrated", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00183-00203487-00204921": "Ethan Gates: And returning information about what software and environments could render those files and get them all packaged up and deposited that metadata package up in positive along with the files for the long term stability and characterization of that data.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00184-00205146-00205686": "Ethan Gates: Perfect last slide please. And since so much of the VI work is dependent on that whole process of", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00185-00205740-00206466": "Ethan Gates: Automatic file characterization and matching of file formats, with the software that created it, or, or, or that can open them.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00186-00206517-00208046": "Ethan Gates: Also note that Yale has been working with independent developer Ross Spencer to create a version of the file characterization tools Siegfried that integrates wiki data identifiers and wiki data is really important because wiki data already associates.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00187-00208152-00208617": "Ethan Gates: Hundreds. I mean, thousands of file formats with compatible software applications.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00188-00208779-00209369": "Ethan Gates: And there are no more such associations by the day. Thanks to our colleague cat Thornton, and the wiki DP project.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00189-00209417-00210264": "Ethan Gates: So by piggybacking on that wicked data work via the six free development even more of the process that I've been describing with the VI can be automated.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00190-00210351-00211032": "Ethan Gates: Cutting down on the amount of redundant documentation of re associating file formats with software applications.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00191-00211067-00212496": "Ethan Gates: And between that and the just the growing number of environments and legacy software applications that we have in the easy network, the UV is recommendations and functionality are just going to get better and better and better over time as more people join and upload to the network.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00192-00212640-00212996": "Ethan Gates: That's all for me. So I'll hand it off to you and to talk about networks.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00193-00213312-00213362": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): Okay.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00194-00213473-00213981": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): Good afternoon, all I just want to say in relation to what", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00195-00214098-00215625": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): He was just talking about Ross has donated this time to do that work. Integrating wiki data with secrete and I want to thank him very much for that. It's been a lot of a lot of this. A lot of Alex from him and he's going to release a report at some point, I think, which I'll share", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00196-00215744-00216612": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): It has a lot of information in there about how much time you spent and just the amount of work that's gone into this but I'm really excited about what he's been up to.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00197-00216735-00217994": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): So I just wanted to briefly talk about what we've got coming up around adding the ability to emulate in time networks in easy this is come from some work that openness Alex have done and", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00198-00218154-00218673": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): Some other work I've been doing with the developers there on a kind of commercial offshoot", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00199-00218727-00219552": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): And so what you're seeing here is a screenshot from some of that work. We're at the bottom. You probably can't make it up very easily. But you can see there are two environments.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00200-00219585-00219927": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): This is a configuration page for what we're calling it an emulator network.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00201-00219998-00220839": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): You can see there, you can actually add as many environments as you want. And then if you click on it on one of those as pop up appears and you can change the settings for those environments.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00202-00220908-00222030": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): As and set things up. Like if you want to map a port and access the environment from your local machine using a secure proxy, we can enable that. And you can also set the", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00203-00222132-00223110": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): The network name or the URL for the machine within that network. So then if you say browse to that in the browser, and it's running a web server. It'll map to that exact address", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00204-00223182-00224316": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): So the basic idea is you can bind. Some machines together you maybe even add some network services like the HTTP server or a file sharing server or an Active Directory Server.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00205-00224417-00226167": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): And then you save that as a configured thing. It's a new type of presentable things. So, and a network of environments and that network can then be started at any one time. Or it can be run permanently and accessed on demand. So if you go to the next slide, please. Here's an example.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00206-00226298-00227421": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): This what you'll see is Windows Server 2003 opening up. So this is the start of a network we're logging in there and this particular machine. It's running SharePoint 2007", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00207-00227541-00228414": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): With sequel server. It's all a bit of the money machine. Yes, equals 50,005 with SharePoint 2007 I think I made this 2003", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00208-00228687-00229428": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): And in a minute. You'll see or move up to the top right there where you'll be able to, you can see you can switch between the two machines that are in this network. So there's an XP machine.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00209-00229434-00230550": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): Running Internet Explorer six which is the one that was compatible with this version of SharePoint at the time, and it is networks, just to that other machine. So it's isolated from the internet, making it much more secure.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00210-00230664-00231348": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): And only those two machines can now communicate with each other. But as you can see it's able to access the server and you're able to interact with", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00211-00231450-00232104": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): Everything as you would have normally and this opens up a whole world of new options for preserving the content that we all have to deal with.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00212-00232148-00232898": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): I think one of the most exciting ones is simply being able to preserve these large scale databases and have meaningful ways to access them.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00213-00232983-00233817": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): So I mentioned briefly that you're able to access these remotely. If you want to throw a secure proxy service. And so it's possible to say run sequel server or", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00214-00233942-00234648": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): Any other large scale database and access it remotely on your local machine from the emulator version.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00215-00234837-00235619": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): And then if you have custom clients, you can add the client into the network as well so that the users can just use that client maybe running a desktop machine.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00216-00235721-00236148": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): As we've seen here with Internet Explorer six to access, whatever it is you've got and this machine and", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00217-00236246-00237348": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): There's also all sorts of opportunities here for any sort of web based content and complex websites where if you're able to capture the servers and you'll be able to keep an available in a very similar way to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00218-00237387-00238248": "Euan Cochrane (he/him): How they were available originally. Um, so it's just kind of a teaser for what we're will be working on with them networks of the, the next phase of the grunts", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00219-00238800-00239178": "Seth Anderson: Right. Okay. So I hope that", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00220-00239328-00240473": "Seth Anderson: Got you all excited for the future of easy. We have a lot more planned, obviously, and we hope to continue to expand and improve the", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00221-00240519-00242205": "Seth Anderson: Functionality. But I would have I would be remiss if I didn't point out, of course, that none of this would be possible without the support of our funders. I also want to make sure to thank Yale University Library for continuing to serve as the host and main", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00222-00242307-00242642": "Seth Anderson: The host of easy as a program", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00223-00242796-00242967": "Seth Anderson: And with that.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00224-00243092-00243219": "Seth Anderson: Will say thanks and", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00225-00243342-00243513": "Seth Anderson: Open it up for Q AMP a", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00226-00243717-00244073": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Excellent. Thank you. Yeah, that was very exciting.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00227-00244223-00244389": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Just tremendous", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00228-00244500-00245625": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Examples of what this really powerful emulator can do. Thank you. Thanks so much for that presentation to all of you. And thank you to our attendees for joining us here today.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00229-00245717-00246846": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): And as Seth said we have reserved some time here for for questions. So I hope folks will jump in and share some questions with us. Now, let us know what you're thinking.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00230-00246896-00248292": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): If you have comments as well. Pop them right there into the Q AMP a box and we'll be happy to address those. A quick probably very minor question that I have. I was just wondering, you said that you're", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00231-00248502-00249006": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Restricting access to one user at a time. Is that right, so", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00232-00249066-00249309": "Seth Anderson: The in the yellow emulation viewer.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00233-00249342-00250128": "Seth Anderson: So that is its own separate service from It's powered by easy but it's not the easy service. So the easy", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00234-00250248-00251396": "Seth Anderson: Service so that the interface and the back end functionality of that that serves as you know essentially like a management system for your emulation environments.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00235-00251469-00253464": "Seth Anderson: That you create and provide access to. So for instance, our students go use, easy to find compatible environments for the CD ROM that they're figuring they load the CDS into the emulator. And then they save that as an access environment.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00236-00253569-00254454": "Seth Anderson: With that access environment. We then we then put the link, you know, through the magic of the web, you know, the web page viewer.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00237-00254610-00255783": "Seth Anderson: When the US when the researcher clicks through the catalog, it's calling the easy service and saying, I need to access this single environment. And that's what renders in the viewer page.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00238-00255915-00257454": "Seth Anderson: And since it's it's a little. I mean, we have the controls, just like let's say if y'all had two copies of the CD, we could set it up to allow users to access it simultaneously. We wanted to make sure we had some constraint on this, you know, from a", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00239-00257661-00258885": "Seth Anderson: While and speaking to lawyers and and and also in considering the fair use arguments for this because these were purchased items at some point in the libraries past", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00240-00259032-00259584": "Seth Anderson: We, we use kind of adopted the one one copy one", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00241-00259800-00259911": "Seth Anderson: To generation.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00242-00260094-00260166": "Seth Anderson: Policy.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00243-00260292-00261315": "Seth Anderson: So while we have the option to just, you know, the technology would allow us to open it up to as many people as we once as we wanted", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00244-00261450-00261523": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): To Seth Anderson: Put some", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00245-00261681-00262164": "Seth Anderson: Constraints around it. It is. It's, you know, one seat for one license essentially guy.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00246-00262200-00262407": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Okay, thank you. I appreciate that.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00247-00262560-00262620": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Very good.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00248-00262725-00264282": "Ethan Gates: And effective like clever. I mean, the easy platform provides the scaffolding for whoever is implementing the service at their institution to make those decisions and constrain in any number of ways. So it could be a simultaneous sessions. It could be IP restriction", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00249-00264399-00264981": "Ethan Gates: That, again, easy to the platform sort of provides the administrative interface, by which", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00250-00265128-00265887": "Ethan Gates: Any individual institution can come to their own conclusion based on their analysis of with their materials of what they want to do with us.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00251-00265986-00267408": "Seth Anderson: And I should say as well. We are planning to provide more granular permissions within easy for for end user access. So instead of having a service outside of easy that calls to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00252-00267528-00267981": "Seth Anderson: The back end to the API. The emulation service API.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00253-00268092-00268695": "Seth Anderson: We are looking to have settings within the easy interface. So within that system.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00254-00268878-00269163": "Seth Anderson: You can see how it gets exciting all the different", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00255-00269274-00270507": "Seth Anderson: Versions and components of the system, but within the easy system, you would you would hopefully have the capability as you would with, you know, most access oriented systems like", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00256-00270681-00271242": "Seth Anderson: Like whatever your video streaming. So if you use aviary it's something similar, where you can say", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00257-00271482-00272706": "Seth Anderson: You know, only a specific user has access. So for like special collections and reading room purposes, you could say this user account can access this in this specific environment for a week.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00258-00272901-00273627": "Seth Anderson: And there we were looking into potentially also restricting it to specific IP addresses. So if needed to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00259-00273687-00275193": "Seth Anderson: Have it only available at a term like a single terminal and you're reading room or if you needed to restrict it to a range of IP addresses, you know, within say your university network, you could do that as well. But we're, you know, we, you know,", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00260-00275319-00275700": "Seth Anderson: Since everybody went remote. We had hoped to", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00261-00275808-00276006": "Seth Anderson: Get a little further along than we are now.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00262-00276132-00276438": "Seth Anderson: But we obviously foresee a future where", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00263-00276603-00277257": "Seth Anderson: It will be highly beneficial to researchers to be able to access digital collections without having to travel.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00264-00277362-00277470": "Seth Anderson: To the University", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00265-00277596-00278334": "Seth Anderson: And so we we are excited and like I'm, I, I want us to be able to get there sooner but", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00266-00278472-00278523": "Seth Anderson: I can't", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00267-00278631-00278955": "Seth Anderson: kill our developers. So yeah, that's what you and tells me", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00268-00279240-00279297": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Very good.", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00269-00279438-00280827": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Well, I don't see any questions in the chat right now so I'm, I'm just going to take one last opportunity to thank our presenters for bringing this to see an eye and sharing it with our community. It's really", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00270-00280890-00282009": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): A fascinating project and we look forward to continuing to watch its development. So thank you again for being here and thank you to our attendees for", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00271-00282102-00282843": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Joining us today. I'm going to go ahead and turn off the recording portion of the presentation, but any attendees who are", "pSP9TVvLwx8-00272-00282897-00284514": "Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Still with us. I think our presenters will hang out with us a little bit longer for a chat. So if you want to join us, just raise your hand. I'll be happy to turn on your microphone and you can join the conversation. So thanks, everybody, and take care bye bye"}}, {"audio_id": "pT9YCtKkRRo", "text": {"pT9YCtKkRRo-00000-00001635-00002068": "Hello again! Welcome to Class 4 of More Data Mining with Weka.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00001-00002068-00002453": "We're going to talk about attribute selection in the first four lessons of this class.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00002-00002453-00002909": "Then we're going to talk about cost sensitive evaluation and classification in the last", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00003-00002909-00003014": "two.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00004-00003014-00003585": "In this lesson we are going to talk about attribute selection using the wrapper method.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00005-00003585-00004285": "D'you remember way back in Data Mining with Weka, in the first class, you looked at glass.arff,", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00006-00004350-00004944": "you ran J48, you removed some attributes and--much to your surprise--you sometimes got better", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00007-00004944-00005644": "results with fewer attributes? Well, that was a laborious manual process, where you", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00008-00005644-00006204": "started with all the full attribute set and removed the best attribute by selectively", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00009-00006204-00006500": "trying all possibilities; then you carried on doing that.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00010-00006500-00006654": "You probably remember the pain involved.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00011-00006654-00007204": "Well, of course there's a better way, and that's what the Select Attributes panel does.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00012-00007204-00007828": "We're going to go to Weka, and I've opened the glass data set--there it is: 214 instances.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00013-00007828-00008254": "I'm going to go to the Select Attributes panel.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00014-00008254-00008745": "We're talking here about the wrapper method of attribute selection, and that involves", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00015-00008745-00008875": "wrapping up a classifier.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00016-00008875-00009514": "We're going to wrap up J48, which is exactly what you did back then all those weeks ago.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00017-00009514-00009978": "I'm going to use 10-fold cross-validation, which actually is what you did--although in", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00018-00009978-00010457": "Class 1 of Data Mining with Weka you'd never heard of cross-validation.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00019-00010457-00010665": "That looks pretty good to me.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00020-00010665-00011202": "I'm going to select a threshold of -1: I'll explain that later on.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00021-00011202-00011468": "Then we have a search method.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00022-00011468-00011940": "We're going to use the BestFirst search, but we're going to search backwards--I'll talk", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00023-00011940-00012131": "about that later on.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00024-00012131-00012438": "And we're going to have a search termination...", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00025-00012438-00012621": "yes, we're going to leave it at that.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00026-00012621-00012638": "OK.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00027-00012638-00012646": "Let's just run it. OK.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00028-00012646-00012736": "Let's just run it.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00029-00012736-00012997": "Now it's running, doing all those cross-validations.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00030-00012997-00013697": "And, lo and behold, it's got the same attribute subset as you got before, and it's got a \"Merit", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00031-00013945-00014361": "of best subset\" of 74%.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00032-00014361-00015058": "Going back to the slide here, that's really the same kind of thing as we got before.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00033-00015058-00015363": "Same subset, and the \"merit\" is the same as the accuracy.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00034-00015363-00015979": "It is a little bit of a coincidence that we got the same results, because Weka doesn't", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00035-00015979-00016525": "do exactly the same thing, you know, the setting of the random number generator and so on.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00036-00016525-00016918": "But anyway, we did get the same results here in this situation.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00037-00016918-00017378": "A good question is: how many subsets we had to evaluate? How many attributes we had to", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00038-00017378-00017793": "evaluate? How much experimentation we had to do? So, I'm going to go back here, and", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00039-00017793-00018402": "I'm going to set the searchTermination to 1--and again I will explain that in a minute--and", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00040-00018402-00018506": "run it again.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00041-00018506-00019173": "And here it tells me that it's evaluated 36 subsets.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00042-00019173-00019437": "Back on the slide, you can count these subsets.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00043-00019437-00020059": "It took the complete attribute set and then it tried removing all of the 9 attributes,", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00044-00020059-00020142": "one by one.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00045-00020142-00020355": "That's 9 more evaluations.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00046-00020355-00020820": "Then it removed another attribute, 8 evaluations, and another one and another one, which gave", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00047-00020820-00020983": "it the final attribute subset.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00048-00020983-00021343": "But to check that it was the final attribute subset and you couldn't do better by removing", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00049-00021343-00021666": "another attribute, it had to do a further five evaluations.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00050-00021666-00022348": "And if you add up all of those, you get 36 subsets evaluated.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00051-00022348-00022912": "The wrapper method involves an evaluation method and a search method.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00052-00022912-00023198": "Let's talk about search.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00053-00023198-00023440": "We were doing backwards searching.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00054-00023440-00024076": "We started with all 9 attributes, and selected one to remove, and so on and so forth until", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00055-00024076-00024409": "we decided to stop; the searchTermination criteria.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00056-00024409-00025012": "It would be equally viable to do forwards search, starting with a 0-attribute subset", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00057-00025012-00025570": "and adding the best attribute each time until you decided to stop.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00058-00025570-00025859": "Or you could do bi-directional search.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00059-00025859-00026381": "You could start with some random attribute subset--actually, Weka allows you to specify", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00060-00026381-00026872": "what attribute subset to start with--and then either add or subtract an attribute depending", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00061-00026872-00027311": "on which gives the most performance improvement.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00062-00027311-00027855": "Or you could do exhaustive search: in this case there are 512 possible subsets of 9 attributes", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00063-00027855-00028218": "and you could simply try them all.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00064-00028218-00028524": "The searchTermination criterion is interesting.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00065-00028524-00029224": "When we did this manually, we stopped as soon as the results started to get worse: we got", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00066-00029241-00029518": "a local maximum in the search space.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00067-00029518-00030184": "But you might do better by plowing on through that minimum that you get, going a little", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00068-00030184-00030614": "bit further to see if perhaps you might reach an even higher peak further on.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00069-00030614-00031058": "If you set the searchTermination criterion to something greater than 1, then Weka will", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00070-00031058-00031758": "try a little bit harder, go a little bit further, before deciding to abandon the search.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00071-00031761-00032461": "Now, I'm not going to show you all these different searches, but here are some results.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00072-00032744-00032958": "It's a pretty complex process.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00073-00032958-00033658": "I showed you Backwards search, and we got that first subset at a 0.72 evaluation.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00074-00033855-00034555": "And then we set the searchTermination up to 5 which gives us a chance of powering on past", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00075-00034665-00035139": "a local maximum, finding an even bigger maximum in the search space, and that gives us a better", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00076-00035139-00035261": "evaluation.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00077-00035261-00035961": "Or with Forwards search, you get that 3-attribute subset RI, AL and CA if you search on a little", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00078-00036058-00036663": "bit further--instead of terminating the search prematurely you can get a better subset with", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00079-00036663-00036918": "better accuracy.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00080-00036918-00037618": "And Bi-directional search will give that 3-attribute subset, and again you can improve that by", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00081-00037759-00038153": "setting the searchTermination criterion to search a little bit further.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00082-00038153-00038853": "Note that we are always finding a local optimum, but setting the searchTermination criterion", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00083-00038856-00039346": "to more than 1 gives you a chance of traversing a valley in the search space to find a better", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00084-00039346-00039474": "local optimum.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00085-00039474-00040024": "It turns out that, on this dataset, AL is the single best attribute to use.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00086-00040024-00040653": "(OneR will confirm that for you.) All Forward search results will include AL.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00087-00040653-00041152": "Curiously, AL is the best single attribute to drop.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00088-00041152-00041596": "So if you start with a full set, the best one to drop is AL.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00089-00041596-00041919": "This sounds pretty strange, and I must admit it is pretty unusual.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00090-00041919-00042619": "But nevertheless its true, and it's certainly not impossible.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00091-00042731-00042981": "Let's just go back to Weka here.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00092-00042981-00043571": "I'm going to set cross-validation and see what happens.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00093-00043571-00044193": "What it's doing now is it's doing the attribute evaluation 10 separate times.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00094-00044193-00044893": "It's showing us here how many times this attribute, RI, appeared in the final attribute subset.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00095-00045083-00045587": "In this case, it appeared in 9 out of the 10 attribute subsets.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00096-00045587-00045849": "Coming back to the slide.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00097-00045849-00046474": "in how many folds does this attribute appear in the final subset? You can see that RI and", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00098-00046474-00047768": "Mg and Ba appear in all 10 of the folds, and AL, Si, K and Fe appear in not too many, 2", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00099-00047768-00048074": "or 3 of the folds.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00100-00048074-00048553": "This gives you an indication of the stability of the attribute selection method.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00101-00048553-00048983": "For this data set it's not really very stable, as we've seen by getting all those different", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00102-00048983-00049683": "subsets when we try different parameters of the wrapper method.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00103-00049692-00050243": "If we do forward search, of course, we will definitely choose AL, so this was done with", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00104-00050243-00050771": "Backwards search.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00105-00050771-00050990": "The gory details of the Wrapper method.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00106-00050990-00051520": "In general, Weka implementations follow descriptions in the research literature, so these parameters", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00107-00051520-00051751": "came from the research literature.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00108-00051751-00052364": "It tries to do a 5-fold cross-validation by default, not a 10-fold cross-validation, but", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00109-00052364-00052607": "it doesn't necessarily do all 5 folds.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00110-00052607-00053138": "It does at least 2 and up to 5 runs, and stops when the standard deviation is less than a", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00111-00053138-00053514": "user-specified threshold.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00112-00053514-00053927": "Setting a negative threshold, which is what we did, forces a single cross-validation each", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00113-00053927-00054244": "time.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00114-00054244-00054838": "The BestFirst search method is the default, and the searchTermination defaults to 5 for", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00115-00054838-00055237": "traversing valleys.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00116-00055237-00055812": "The Wrapper method uses cross-validation to select the best attribute to add or drop at", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00117-00055812-00055879": "each stage.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00118-00055879-00056463": "If we go back to Weka, there's another attribute evaluator which is called the ClassifierSubsetEvaluator.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00119-00056463-00057235": "That allows us to specify a classifier and also a HoldOutFile, so here we would use the", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00120-00057235-00057935": "HoldOutFile to evaluate each subset in turn.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00121-00058039-00058406": "That's attribute selection using the Wrapper method.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00122-00058406-00058985": "We use a classifier to find a good attribute set: we used J48.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00123-00058985-00059350": "We wrap the classifier in a cross-validation loop.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00124-00059350-00059779": "There are two components here: the attribute evaluator, which evaluates a subset of attributes;", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00125-00059779-00060301": "and the search method, which searches through the attribute space.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00126-00060301-00061001": "Searching can be forwards, backwards, or bidirectional starting from any subset.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00127-00061108-00061775": "It's computationally intensive: m^2 subsets need to be evaluated for m attributes, and", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00128-00061775-00062223": "there's an exhaustive method which evaluates 2^m subsets, which you're going to use in", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00129-00062223-00062398": "the activity.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00130-00062398-00062862": "Greedy search always finds a local optimum in the search space, and you can traverse", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00131-00062862-00063241": "valleys by increasing the searchTermination parameter.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00132-00063241-00063608": "You can read the section in the course text about attribute selection; and off you go", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00133-00063608-00064158": "and do the activity, which will let you think about the Wrapper method and give you some", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00134-00064158-00064383": "experience using it.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00135-00064383-00064660": "Good luck and we'll see you in the next lesson.", "pT9YCtKkRRo-00136-00064660-00064800": "Bye for now."}}, {"audio_id": "pTr7JkwzZrc", "text": {"pTr7JkwzZrc-00000-00000029-00000450": "Hi, this video will show you how to find country reports in the Passport database.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00001-00000450-00000635": "There are different ways to search.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00002-00000635-00000872": "I will show you two of them.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00003-00000872-00001509": "If you just need reports on one topic and one country, use either the Economies tab", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00004-00001509-00001784": "or the Search Analysis.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00005-00001784-00002301": "Both tools allow you to identify the topic you are interested in, select your country,", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00006-00002301-00002506": "and present you with the same results.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00007-00002506-00002821": "Let’s use the Search Analysis tool.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00008-00002821-00003118": "Select Economies and Consumers.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00009-00003118-00003265": "Click on Choose Topic.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00010-00003265-00003600": "We will choose Business Dynamics, then choose geography.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00011-00003600-00004453": "The results include multiple types of analysis.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00012-00004453-00005025": "To get the full country report, scroll down and select Country Report under By Analysis", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00013-00005025-00005264": "on the left navigation menu.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00014-00005264-00005724": "The Business Dynamics report provides in-depth analysis on the business environment in a", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00015-00005724-00006401": "particular country, including a SWOT analysis, information on the regulatory environment,", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00016-00006401-00006791": "communication and innovation, education and labor, and more.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00017-00006791-00007455": "What if you want to get reports on multiple topics and/or multiple countries?", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00018-00007455-00007719": "You will then need to use the full search tool.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00019-00007719-00008225": "On the homepage, click go next to the main search tool.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00020-00008225-00008504": "Click the minus sign to fold the industry section.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00021-00008504-00008985": "Pick the topics you want.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00022-00008985-00009711": "Next, choose geography.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00023-00009711-00010838": "Select, we will use both USA and India, select again, then search.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00024-00010838-00011370": "Now you see country reports and related content on multiple topics that you have chosen on", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00025-00011370-00011538": "both countries.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00026-00011538-00012268": "You can download the report in PDF, and check out related content such as statistics, reports,", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00027-00012268-00012368": "and articles.", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00028-00012368-00012561": "I hope this video helps!", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00029-00012561-00012800": "If you have any questions, feel free to ask us!", "pTr7JkwzZrc-00030-00012800-00012886": "Thanks for watching!"}}, {"audio_id": "pTyNXtA56fM", "text": {"pTyNXtA56fM-00000-00000296-00001036": "Good afternoon. Thanks for being here. Appreciate it.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00001-00001036-00001768": "Before I turn to my statement on the subject about which I’d like to speak to you, I’d", "pTyNXtA56fM-00002-00001768-00002316": "first like to offer my condolences to the families of those who were killed yesterday", "pTyNXtA56fM-00003-00002316-00002577": "in San Bernardino, California.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00004-00002577-00003086": "President Obama just spoke about this tragedy. We’re monitoring this situation closely,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00005-00003086-00003553": "in coordination with the rest of the President’s national security team.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00006-00003553-00004007": "Our highest priority, of course, is the protection of our people.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00007-00004007-00004451": "The law enforcement community is taking the lead on this, and they’ll be able to provide", "pTyNXtA56fM-00008-00004451-00004719": "more information as it becomes available.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00009-00004719-00005194": "I’m confident they’ll have more answers in the days ahead.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00010-00005194-00005573": "Let me now turn to my statement.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00011-00005573-00006101": "When I became Secretary of Defense, I made a commitment to building America’s force", "pTyNXtA56fM-00012-00006101-00006673": "of the future – the all-volunteer military that will defend our nation for generations", "pTyNXtA56fM-00013-00006673-00007467": "to come. Like our outstanding force of today, our force of the future must continue to benefit", "pTyNXtA56fM-00014-00007467-00008136": "from the best people America has to offer. In the 21st century, that requires drawing", "pTyNXtA56fM-00015-00008136-00008827": "strength from the broadest possible pool of talent. This includes women, because they", "pTyNXtA56fM-00016-00008827-00009663": "make up over 50 percent of the American population. To succeed in our mission of national defense,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00017-00009663-00010196": "we cannot afford to cut ourselves off from half the country’s talents and skills. We", "pTyNXtA56fM-00018-00010196-00010809": "have to take full advantage of every individual who can meet our standards.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00019-00010809-00011529": "The Defense Department has increasingly done this in recent decades – in 1975, for example,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00020-00011529-00012156": "opening up the military service academies to women, and in 1993, allowing women to fly", "pTyNXtA56fM-00021-00012156-00012886": "fighter jets and serve on combat ships at sea. About the same time, though, DoD also", "pTyNXtA56fM-00022-00012886-00013493": "issued the Direct Ground Combat Definition and Assignment Rule, which still prohibited", "pTyNXtA56fM-00023-00013493-00014290": "women from being assigned to units whose primary mission was engaging in direct ground combat.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00024-00014290-00015011": "That rule was in turn rescinded in January 2013, when then-Secretary Panetta directed", "pTyNXtA56fM-00025-00015011-00016016": "that all positions be opened to qualified women by January 1st, 2016 – that is, less", "pTyNXtA56fM-00026-00016016-00016617": "than one month from today – while also giving the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of", "pTyNXtA56fM-00027-00016617-00017090": "the Navy, the Secretary of the Air Force, and the commander of U.S. Special Operations", "pTyNXtA56fM-00028-00017090-00017851": "Command, three years to request any exceptions, which would have to be reviewed first by the", "pTyNXtA56fM-00029-00017851-00018484": "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and then approved by the Secretary of Defense.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00030-00018484-00019040": "As many of you know, I was Deputy Secretary of Defense at the time. That decision reflected", "pTyNXtA56fM-00031-00019040-00019584": "among other things the fact that, by that time, the issue of women in combat per se", "pTyNXtA56fM-00032-00019584-00020134": "was no longer a question. It was a reality, because women had seen combat throughout the", "pTyNXtA56fM-00033-00020134-00020743": "wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – serving, fighting, and in some cases making the ultimate", "pTyNXtA56fM-00034-00020743-00021069": "sacrifice alongside their fellow comrades-in-arms.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00035-00021069-00021720": "We’ve made important strides over the last three years since then. We’ve seen women", "pTyNXtA56fM-00036-00021720-00022351": "soldiers graduate from the Army’s Ranger School. We have women serving on submarines.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00037-00022351-00023029": "And we’ve opened up over 111,000 positions to women across the services.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00038-00023029-00023608": "While that represents real progress, it also means that approximately 10 percent of positions", "pTyNXtA56fM-00039-00023608-00024439": "in the military – that is, nearly 220,000 – currently remain closed to women…including", "pTyNXtA56fM-00040-00024439-00025075": "infantry, armor, reconnaissance, and some special operations units.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00041-00025075-00025675": "Over the last three years, the senior civilian and military leaders across the Army, Navy,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00042-00025675-00026158": "Air Force, Marine Corps, and Special Operations Command have been studying the integration", "pTyNXtA56fM-00043-00026158-00026802": "of women into these positions, and last month I received their recommendations – as well", "pTyNXtA56fM-00044-00026802-00027389": "as the data, studies, and surveys on which they were based – regarding whether any", "pTyNXtA56fM-00045-00027389-00028140": "of those remaining positions warrant a continued exemption from being opened to women.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00046-00028140-00028900": "I reviewed these inputs carefully, and today I’m announcing my decision not to make continued", "pTyNXtA56fM-00047-00028900-00029652": "exceptions – that is, to proceed with opening all these remaining occupations and positions", "pTyNXtA56fM-00048-00029652-00030181": "to women. There will be no exceptions.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00049-00030181-00030744": "This means that as long as they qualify and meet the standards, women will now be able", "pTyNXtA56fM-00050-00030744-00031233": "to contribute to our mission in ways they could not before. They’ll be allowed to", "pTyNXtA56fM-00051-00031233-00031802": "drive tanks, fire mortars, and lead infantry soldiers into combat. They’ll be able to", "pTyNXtA56fM-00052-00031802-00032452": "serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps infantry, Air Force parajumpers,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00053-00032452-00033065": "and everything else that previously was open only to men. And even more importantly, our", "pTyNXtA56fM-00054-00033065-00033593": "military will be better able to harness the skills and perspectives that talented women", "pTyNXtA56fM-00055-00033593-00033756": "have to offer.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00056-00033756-00034347": "‘No exceptions’ was the recommendation of the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary", "pTyNXtA56fM-00057-00034347-00034761": "of the Air Force, and the Secretary of the Navy, as well as the Chief of Staff of the", "pTyNXtA56fM-00058-00034761-00035208": "Army, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the commander", "pTyNXtA56fM-00059-00035208-00035890": "of U.S. Special Operations Command. While the Marine Corps asked for a partial exception", "pTyNXtA56fM-00060-00035890-00036491": "in some areas such as infantry, machine gunner, fire support, reconnaissance, and others,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00061-00036491-00037024": "we are a joint force, and I have decided to make a decision which applies to the entire", "pTyNXtA56fM-00062-00037024-00037209": "force.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00063-00037209-00037458": "Let me explain how I came to this decision.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00064-00037458-00038105": "First, I’ve been mindful of several key principles throughout this process.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00065-00038105-00038762": "One is that mission effectiveness is most important. Defending this country is our primary", "pTyNXtA56fM-00066-00038762-00039302": "responsibility, and it cannot be compromised. That means everyone who serves in uniform", "pTyNXtA56fM-00067-00039302-00039825": "– men and women alike – has to be able to meet the high standards for whatever job", "pTyNXtA56fM-00068-00039825-00040309": "they’re in. To be sure, fairness is also important – because everyone who’s able", "pTyNXtA56fM-00069-00040309-00040743": "and willing to serve their country, who can meet those standards, should have the full", "pTyNXtA56fM-00070-00040743-00041390": "and equal opportunity to do so. But the important factor in making my decision was to have access", "pTyNXtA56fM-00071-00041390-00041953": "to every American who could add strength to the joint force. Now more than ever, we cannot", "pTyNXtA56fM-00072-00041953-00042540": "afford to have barriers limiting our access to talent.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00073-00042540-00043099": "The past three years of extensive studies and reviews leading up to this decision – all", "pTyNXtA56fM-00074-00043099-00043705": "of which we’re going to post online, by the way – have led to genuine insights and", "pTyNXtA56fM-00075-00043705-00044411": "real progress. Where we found that some standards previously were either outdated or didn’t", "pTyNXtA56fM-00076-00044411-00044930": "reflect the tasks actually required in combat, important work has been done to ensure each", "pTyNXtA56fM-00077-00044930-00045500": "position now has standards that are grounded in real-world operational requirements, both", "pTyNXtA56fM-00078-00045500-00046002": "physical and otherwise – so we’re positioned to be better at finding not only the most", "pTyNXtA56fM-00079-00046002-00046703": "qualified women, but also the most qualified men, for military specialties.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00080-00046703-00047265": "Another principle is that the careful implementation of integrating women into combat positions", "pTyNXtA56fM-00081-00047265-00047861": "would be a key to success – implementation – and also that any decision to do so or", "pTyNXtA56fM-00082-00047861-00048468": "not would have to be based on rigorous analysis of factual data. And that’s exactly how", "pTyNXtA56fM-00083-00048468-00048952": "we’ve conducted this review. It’s been evidence-based and iterative.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00084-00048952-00049456": "I’m confident the Defense Department can implement this successfully, because throughout", "pTyNXtA56fM-00085-00049456-00050113": "our history, we’ve consistently proven ourselves to be a learning organization. Just look at", "pTyNXtA56fM-00086-00050113-00050863": "the last decade and a half. We’ve seen this in war, when we adapted to counterinsurgency", "pTyNXtA56fM-00087-00050863-00051436": "and counterterrorism missions in the wake of 9/11 and in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00088-00051436-00052053": "We’ve seen it technically, as new capabilities like unmanned systems and cyber capabilities", "pTyNXtA56fM-00089-00052053-00052576": "have entered our inventory. And we’ve also seen it institutionally, when we repealed", "pTyNXtA56fM-00090-00052576-00053117": "“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” In every case, our people have mastered change excellently", "pTyNXtA56fM-00091-00053117-00053565": "– and they’ve been able to do so because their leaders have taken care to implement", "pTyNXtA56fM-00092-00053565-00054123": "change thoughtfully, always putting the mission and our people first.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00093-00054123-00054655": "We will do the same today. As we integrate women into the remaining combat positions,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00094-00054655-00055357": "we must keep in mind the welfare and total readiness of our entire force. And as we focus", "pTyNXtA56fM-00095-00055357-00055769": "on the individual contributions that each servicemember makes, we also have to remember", "pTyNXtA56fM-00096-00055769-00056339": "that in military operations, teams matter. That’s why it’s important that the services", "pTyNXtA56fM-00097-00056339-00056862": "chose to study both individual performance and team performance. And they not only made", "pTyNXtA56fM-00098-00056862-00057509": "comparisons to other elite units, like NASA long-duration flight crews and police SWAT", "pTyNXtA56fM-00099-00057509-00058104": "teams – they also worked with our international partners to examine how they have integrated", "pTyNXtA56fM-00100-00058104-00058451": "women into ground combat roles.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00101-00058451-00059313": "Again, how we implement this is key. As Chairman Dunford has noted, “simply declaring all", "pTyNXtA56fM-00102-00059313-00060002": "career fields open is not successful integration.” We must not only continue to implement change", "pTyNXtA56fM-00103-00060002-00060524": "thoughtfully, but also track and monitor our progress to ensure we’re doing it right", "pTyNXtA56fM-00104-00060524-00061141": "– leveraging the skills and strengths of our entire population. And all of us have", "pTyNXtA56fM-00105-00061141-00061289": "a role to play.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00106-00061289-00061833": "As we proceed with full integration of women into combat roles in a deliberate and methodical", "pTyNXtA56fM-00107-00061833-00062657": "manner, I am directing that seven guidelines be used to steer this implementation.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00108-00062657-00063438": "First, implementation must be pursued with the clear objective of improved force effectiveness.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00109-00063438-00064024": "Leaders must emphasize that objective to all servicemembers, men and women alike.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00110-00064024-00064646": "Second, leaders must assign tasks and jobs throughout the force based on ability, not", "pTyNXtA56fM-00111-00064646-00065322": "gender. Advancement must be based on objective and validated standards. A good example of", "pTyNXtA56fM-00112-00065322-00065945": "this is SOCOM’s selection processes, which combine objective and subjective criteria", "pTyNXtA56fM-00113-00065945-00066763": "in, I quote, a “whole person” concept that includes rigorous physical standards", "pTyNXtA56fM-00114-00066763-00067352": "and also “strong moral character, leadership skills, mental agility, problem-solving skills,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00115-00067352-00067770": "selflessness, maturity, and humility.”", "pTyNXtA56fM-00116-00067770-00068311": "The third guideline is that for a variety of reasons, equal opportunity likely will", "pTyNXtA56fM-00117-00068311-00069164": "not mean equal participation by men and women in all specialties. There must be no quotas", "pTyNXtA56fM-00118-00069164-00069906": "or perception thereof. So we will work as a joint force to expertly manage the impacts", "pTyNXtA56fM-00119-00069906-00070797": "of what the studies that have been done suggest may be smaller numbers of women in these fields", "pTyNXtA56fM-00120-00070797-00071060": "that were previously closed.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00121-00071060-00071648": "Fourth, the studies conducted by the services and SOCOM indicate that there are physical", "pTyNXtA56fM-00122-00071648-00072254": "and other differences, on average, between men and women. While this cannot be applied", "pTyNXtA56fM-00123-00072254-00072919": "to every man or woman, it is real and must be taken into account in implementation. Thus", "pTyNXtA56fM-00124-00072919-00073398": "far, we’ve only seen small numbers of women qualify to meet our high physical standards", "pTyNXtA56fM-00125-00073398-00073903": "in some of our most physically demanding combat occupational specialties…and going forward,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00126-00073903-00074334": "we shouldn’t be surprised if these small numbers are also reflected in areas like recruitment,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00127-00074334-00075037": "voluntary assignment, retention, and advancement in some of these specific specialties.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00128-00075037-00075712": "Fifth, we will have to address the fact that some surveys suggest that some servicemembers,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00129-00075712-00076295": "both men and women, have a perception that integration would be pursued at the cost of", "pTyNXtA56fM-00130-00076295-00076863": "combat effectiveness. Survey data also suggests that women servicemembers emphatically do", "pTyNXtA56fM-00131-00076863-00077553": "not want integration to be based on any considerations other than the ability to perform, and combat", "pTyNXtA56fM-00132-00077553-00078429": "effectiveness. In both cases, leaders have to be clear that mission effectiveness comes", "pTyNXtA56fM-00133-00078429-00078998": "first…and I’m confident that given the strength of our leaders throughout the ranks,", "pTyNXtA56fM-00134-00078998-00079453": "over time these concerns will no longer be an issue.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00135-00079453-00080037": "Sixth, as I noted, both survey data and the judgment of the services’ leadership strongly", "pTyNXtA56fM-00136-00080037-00080581": "indicate that, particularly in the specialties that will be opened, the performance of small", "pTyNXtA56fM-00137-00080581-00081316": "teams is important, even as individual performance is important.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00138-00081316-00081804": "The seventh guideline has to do with international realities. While we know the United States", "pTyNXtA56fM-00139-00081804-00082295": "is a nation committed to using our entire population to the fullest – as are some", "pTyNXtA56fM-00140-00082295-00083036": "of our closest friends and allies – we also know that not all nations share this perspective.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00141-00083036-00083663": "Our military has long dealt with this reality, notably over the last 15 years in Iraq and", "pTyNXtA56fM-00142-00083663-00084156": "also Afghanistan, and we’ll need to be prepared to do so going forward, as it bears on the", "pTyNXtA56fM-00143-00084156-00084688": "specialties that will be opened by this decision.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00144-00084688-00085158": "With all these factors in mind, Chairman Dunford recommended that if we were to integrate women", "pTyNXtA56fM-00145-00085158-00085700": "into combat positions, then implementation should be done in a combined manner, by all", "pTyNXtA56fM-00146-00085700-00086245": "the services working together. And I agree, and that will be my direction.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00147-00086245-00086812": "Accordingly, I am directing all the military services to proceed to open all military occupational", "pTyNXtA56fM-00148-00086812-00087595": "specialties to women 30 days from today – that is, after a 30-day waiting period required", "pTyNXtA56fM-00149-00087595-00088286": "by law – and to provide their updated implementation plans for integrating women into these positions", "pTyNXtA56fM-00150-00088286-00088859": "by that date. Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs", "pTyNXtA56fM-00151-00088859-00089515": "of Staff General Paul Selva, will work with the services to oversee the short-term implementation", "pTyNXtA56fM-00152-00089515-00090092": "of this decision, ensure there are no unintended consequences on the joint force, and periodically", "pTyNXtA56fM-00153-00090092-00090568": "update me and Chairman Dunford.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00154-00090568-00091021": "Before I conclude, it’s important to keep all of this in perspective. Implementation", "pTyNXtA56fM-00155-00091021-00091515": "won’t happen overnight, and while at the end of the day, this will make us a better", "pTyNXtA56fM-00156-00091515-00092053": "and stronger force, there still will be problems to fix and challenges to overcome. We shouldn’t", "pTyNXtA56fM-00157-00092053-00092157": "diminish that.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00158-00092157-00092702": "At the same time, we should also remember that the military has long prided itself on", "pTyNXtA56fM-00159-00092702-00093257": "being a meritocracy, where those who serve are judged not based on who they are or where", "pTyNXtA56fM-00160-00093257-00093854": "they come from, but rather what they have to offer to help defend this country. That’s", "pTyNXtA56fM-00161-00093854-00094441": "why we have the finest fighting force the world has ever known. And it’s one other", "pTyNXtA56fM-00162-00094441-00095149": "way we will strive to ensure that the force of the future remains so, long into the future.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00163-00095149-00095600": "Today, we take another step toward that continued excellence.", "pTyNXtA56fM-00164-00095600-00095804": "Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "pTKV6LK9DpU", "text": {"pTKV6LK9DpU-00000-00000000-00000200": "Hello and Salam UiTM dihatiku", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00001-00000200-00001050": "Today, group 4 will be presenting a video presentation for AGR363 for Herbs Farming Himachal: high Hopes", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00002-00001050-00001550": "Our teammates are consists of Cempaka, Adib, Nurani and Zafirah.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00003-00001550-00002150": "These are our table of contents that we will further discuss and explain in the video", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00004-00002150-00002660": "Now, I will be explaining 5 strengths in herbal farm to ensure good production and quality in Herbal Products.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00005-00002660-00003060": "Which are Implementation of Organic and Natural Farming,", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00006-00003060-00003260": "100% Chemical-Free Crops and Products,", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00007-00003260-00003560": "Vast Land for Herbal Cultivation,", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00008-00003560-00003760": "High Demand of Herbal Plants", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00009-00003760-00003960": "and lastly, Increase in Manpower and Labor.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00010-00003960-00004380": "For the first point, Implementation of Organic and Natural Farming", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00011-00004380-00004730": "Through these practices the total phenolic content value increases within the herb.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00012-00004730-00006080": "For example, the farmers in Jwalamukhi areas that implements those practices on Tulsi plants, produces Tulsi leaves that are of a very high nutrient content and medicinal value. Therefore, securing the herbal quality.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00013-00006080-00006753": "Other than that, Chemical free crops and products are often sought out because it is high quality and safe usage.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00014-00006753-00007253": "The use of chemical applications pesticide may dramatically deteriorate the soil health overtime.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00015-00007253-00007803": "When that occurs, the quality of the harvests will decrease due to poor soil health.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00016-00007803-00008403": "For the third point, available land can be utilized to grow multiple variety of herbal plants in order to increase production.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00017-00008403-00008703": "For example, just like in the article, herbs such as Ashwagandha.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00018-00008803-00009203": "The demand of herbal plants that has been increasing over the past few years due to its medicinal properties.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00019-00009203-00009903": "Needed by many industries for example FMCG and pharmaceutical companies for the supply materials.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00020-00009903-00010603": "Therefore, the number of farmers that has picked up herbal farming increased thus increasing the quantity of herb production.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00021-00010603-00011023": "Due to high demand it has causes spurt in herb cultivation.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00022-00011023-00011823": "Herb production has been increasing due to the increase in labour where farmers are starting to cultivate more and more herbal plants over the past few years.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00023-00011823-00012423": "Hi my name is Zafirah and I will discuss about the weaknesses that lead to loss in business.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00024-00012423-00012923": "First of all, most of farms are located near wildlife habitats.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00025-00012923-00013923": "Hence the crops usually destructed by monkeys, wild boars and many more. Not only destroying the crops, they also eat the yield.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00026-00013923-00014823": "Next, lack of market avenue. Mostly, small towns have low number of market and cannot be found easily by consumers.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00027-00014923-00015503": "Other than that, transporting yield may cost very high based on the delivery location.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00028-00015503-00016423": "Cities and countries also charged a very pricy legal implication during transit which also cost higher than their income.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00029-00016523-00017323": "Moreover, the farmers faced loss due to stunted growth of seeds which is caused by lack of quality.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00030-00017323-00018423": "Last but not least, most farmers experiencing hassles in seeking license from various department for setting up processing unit.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00031-00018423-00019706": "This is causing slow process despite not having any license which will lead to lack of trust from the production factory and would not buy from them.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00032-00019803-00019976": "Hello, My name is Adib.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00033-00019976-00020430": "One of the 3 strategies to protect herbal farm from risk in business failure is joint venture.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00034-00020430-00021330": "The majority of growers work individually rather than in groups. The cooperatives can entice larger buyers to buy and brought grower products to larger markets.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00035-00021330-00021910": "Advantage of joint venture to boost profitability to achieve greater scale economies.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00036-00021910-00023110": "Several farmers disappointed at the lack of a good market rate and problems including poor infrastructure and high transportation costs.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00037-00023110-00023903": "Point number 2 is push Herb cultivation. Over 33,000 heeng plants have been supplied to the Agriculture Department.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00038-00023903-00024553": "The benefit is Increased productivity of agriculture and income, increases food supply, and reduces food prices.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00039-00024553-00024853": "Point number 3, government initiatives.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00040-00024853-00025260": "Farmers' clusters have been informed to take advantage of the financial benefits.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00041-00025260-00026153": "1. To provide insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers. 2. To encourage farmers to adopt innovative and modern agricultural practices.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00042-00026153-00027153": "Mortgaged land can also be used for the cultivation of medicinal plants, enable farmers to obtain more credit funds, which is conducive to agricultural development,", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00043-00027153-00027853": "government has established herbal gardens to promote production of medicinal plants. That's all.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00044-00027853-00028486": "Okey, so what is the solutions to overcome the weakness in herbal farm?", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00045-00028486-00028936": "First point is smoke and newly-cut leaves can help reducing the presence of monkey.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00046-00028936-00030336": "For your information, a farmer in Qunan recommended burning something to produce smoke and another farmer in Pairu stated that cut down some leaves of nearby tree when we see monkeys visiting the field can scare the monkey for period of time.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00047-00030336-00031746": "Next to overcome lack of marketing avenue and supply chain, we could encourage the organisation of wild plant harverster into associations, cooperatives, and development groups.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00048-00031746-00032446": "Okey, so move to cost of transportation. We can reduce the cost by sharing or rent the transport.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00049-00032446-00033146": "After that, to overcome the lack quality of seeds, we can creating demand for quality seed.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00050-00033146-00033946": "Lastly, to overcome the hussles in seeking license, we can making loan from bank.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00051-00034046-00035136": "In summary, the strength and the weaknesses of farm business and remedy to those weaknesses has been properly learned and understood by the student.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00052-00035136-00035553": "These are the refences that we used.", "pTKV6LK9DpU-00053-00035553-00035820": "That's all from us, thank you~."}}, {"audio_id": "pU2q4-R04Tc", "text": {"pU2q4-R04Tc-00000-00000296-00000606": "MÌNH THÍCH DƯA", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00001-00001036-00001412": "mì ống", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00002-00001412-00001804": "bánh mì", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00003-00001804-00002220": "ngũ cốc", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00004-00002220-00002632": "thịt", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00005-00002632-00003012": "dưa", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00006-00003026-00003415": "Trái dưa leo", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00007-00003432-00003794": "củ hành", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00008-00003794-00004474": "Trái Chanh", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00009-00004474-00005044": "Trái chanh", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00010-00005044-00005612": "Bánh mì", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00011-00005612-00006218": "Dưa", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00012-00006218-00006858": "ngũ cốc", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00013-00006858-00007430": "Trái dưa leo", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00014-00007430-00007954": "thịt", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00015-00007954-00008522": "củ hành", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00016-00008522-00009168": "mì ống", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00017-00009430-00009784": "mì ống", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00018-00009784-00010162": "bánh mì", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00019-00010162-00010554": "ngũ cốc", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00020-00010554-00010990": "thịt", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00021-00010990-00011348": "Củ hành", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00022-00011348-00011774": "Dưa leo", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00023-00011774-00012160": "Củ hành", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00024-00012160-00012444": "Trái chanh", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00025-00014197-00014722": "Wow! Đây là một siêu thị lớn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00026-00014722-00015062": "Tôi thích mua sắm ở siêu thị.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00027-00015062-00015410": "Mẹ và tôi đến đây mỗi tuần.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00028-00015410-00015680": "Hôm nay chúng ta cần rất nhiều thứ.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00029-00015680-00015874": "Con có thể giup mẹ không?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00030-00015874-00016060": "Chắc chắn là được.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00031-00016336-00016744": "Chúng ta cũng cần một ít mì ống và một ít bánh mì.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00032-00016754-00016990": "Bánh mì ở đằng kia.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00033-00016990-00017406": "Con có thể lấy cho tôi một ít hành tây và dưa leo không?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00034-00017406-00017584": "Được ạ.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00035-00017866-00018128": "Ồ! Có cả dưa nữa.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00036-00018128-00018402": "Tôi muốn 1 quả dưa.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00037-00018632-00019036": "Không Amy ơi, đừng lấy quả dưa đó.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00038-00019036-00019304": "Lấy quả trên cùng ấy.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00039-00019304-00019438": "Ồ không được rồi.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00040-00019438-00019692": "Tiếc quá.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00041-00020426-00020700": "Ở SIÊU THỊ", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00042-00021658-00021870": "Tôi muốn một ít chanh.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00043-00021870-00022052": "Tôi muốn một ít thịt.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00044-00022052-00022324": "Tôi muốn một trái dưa.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00045-00022324-00022548": "Chúng tươi và ngọt.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00046-00022548-00022780": "Ở siêu thị.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00047-00022780-00023016": "Chúng tôi mua đồ để ăn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00048-00023016-00023228": "Táo, bánh mì và bánh quy.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00049-00023228-00023428": "Mì, gạo và thịt.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00050-00023428-00023708": "Tôi muốn một ít hành tây", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00051-00023708-00023918": "Tôi muốn ít gạo.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00052-00023918-00024118": "Tôi muốn một ít táo.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00053-00024118-00024398": "Chúng tốt cho sức khỏe và ngon.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00054-00024398-00024610": "Ở siêu thị.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00055-00024610-00024828": "Chúng tôi mua đồ ăn", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00056-00024828-00025066": "Táo, bánh mì và bánh quy.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00057-00025078-00025308": "mì ống, gạo và thịt.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00058-00026206-00026802": "Id - Đứa trẻ", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00059-00026802-00027282": "Lá chắn/Cái khiên", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00060-00027282-00027632": "Cánh đồng", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00061-00027632-00028177": "Lt - Thắt lưng", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00062-00028177-00028602": "Cái chăn", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00063-00028602-00029277": "Người lớn", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00064-00029514-00030068": "Ld - Đứa trẻ", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00065-00030068-00030480": "Lá chắn/Cái khiên", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00066-00030480-00030908": "Cánh đồng", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00067-00030908-00031516": "Lt - dây nịt", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00068-00031520-00031877": "Cái chăn", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00069-00031877-00032388": "Người lớn", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00070-00033236-00033484": "Một đứa trẻ và một người lớn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00071-00033488-00033780": "Đang đứng trên một cánh đồng.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00072-00033780-00034020": "Người lớn có một cái chăn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00073-00034020-00034304": "Đứa trẻ có một cái khiên.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00074-00034304-00034526": "Chiếc chăn màu đỏ.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00075-00034526-00034826": "Lá chắn màu xám.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00076-00034826-00035114": "Người lớn ngồi xuống.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00077-00035122-00035588": "Nhưng đứa trẻ muốn chơi.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00078-00036408-00036836": "Khoai tây", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00079-00036836-00037208": "Bơ", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00080-00037208-00037628": "Phô mai", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00081-00037628-00038010": "Muối", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00082-00038010-00038398": "Tiêu", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00083-00038398-00039086": "Đậu Hà Lan", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00084-00039086-00039666": "Muối", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00085-00039666-00040242": "Phô mai", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00086-00040242-00040884": "Đậu Hà Lan", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00087-00040898-00041440": "Bơ", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00088-00041440-00042042": "Tiêu", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00089-00042042-00042618": "Khoai tây", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00090-00042944-00043334": "Khoai tây", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00091-00043334-00043704": "Bơ", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00092-00043704-00044118": "Phô mai", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00093-00044126-00044524": "Muối", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00094-00044524-00044906": "Tiêu", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00095-00044906-00045236": "Đậu Hà Lan", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00096-00045976-00046254": "Hôm nay tôi muốn nói với bạn,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00097-00046254-00046548": "Cách làm món ăn yêu thích của tôi.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00098-00046548-00046844": "Bạn cần hai củ khoai tây lớn,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00099-00046844-00047178": "Và bạn cần một miếng cá.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00100-00047178-00047474": "Bạn cần một ít sữa và bơ ,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00101-00047474-00047784": "Và bạn cần rất nhiều phô mai.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00102-00047784-00048086": "Bạn cần một ít muối và hạt tiêu,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00103-00048086-00048456": "Và bạn cần một ít đậu tươi ngon.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00104-00048456-00048734": "Bạn luộc hai củ khoai tây,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00105-00048734-00049022": "Và bạn nghiền chúng trong nồi.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00106-00049022-00049284": "Bạn luộc đậu Hà Lan trong nước,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00107-00049284-00049604": "Và bạn làm cho chúng ngon và nóng", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00108-00049604-00049918": "Bây giờ bạn nấu cá với sữa,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00109-00049918-00050190": "Và bạn đặt nó vào một cái dĩa.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00110-00050190-00050440": "Bạn lấy đậu Hà Lan và bơ,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00111-00050440-00050764": "Và bạn trộn chúng với cá.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00112-00050764-00051028": "Bạn thêm một ít khoai tây nghiền,", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00113-00051028-00051341": "Và bạn đặt phô mai lên trên.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00114-00051341-00051541": "Bạn nấu trong lò nướng.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00115-00051574-00052010": "Khi nó có màu nâu bên trên đầu, bạn hãy dừng lại.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00116-00052332-00052638": "Nghe và viết A hay B", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00117-00052767-00053212": "1. Hello. Can I help you? 1. Xin chào. Tôi có thể giúp bạn?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00118-00053212-00053355": "Yes, please. Vâng làm ơn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00119-00053355-00053667": "I'd like some potatoes. Tôi muốn một ít khoai tây.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00120-00053667-00053944": "Okay. Here you are. Đuợc. Của chị đây.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00121-00053944-00054264": "Thank you. Cảm ơn anh nha", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00122-00054272-00054704": "2. Hello. Can i help you? 2. Xin chào. Tôi có thể giúp gì?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00123-00054704-00054894": "Yes, please. Vâng làm ơn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00124-00054902-00055134": "I'd like some meat. Tôi muốn một ít thịt.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00125-00055152-00055364": "Is this meat ok? Thịt này dược không?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00126-00055372-00055566": "Yes. That's fine. Vâng. Tốt rồi.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00127-00055572-00055790": "Thank you. Cảm ơn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00128-00055790-00056322": "3.Hello. What would you like? 3. Xin chào. Bạn muốn gì?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00129-00056332-00056629": "I'd like a melon, please. Làm ơn cho tôi một trái dưa.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00130-00056636-00056872": "Would you like this one? Bạn có muốn trái này không?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00131-00056879-00056984": "Yes., please. Vâng làm ơn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00132-00057000-00057240": "It looks very nice. Nó trông rất ngon.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00133-00057317-00057848": "4. Hello. What would you like? 4. Xin chào. Bạn muốn gì?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00134-00057864-00058176": "I'd like some onions please. Tôi muốn một ít hành tây.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00135-00058188-00058474": "Okay. Here you are. Đuợc. Của bạn đây.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00136-00058474-00058732": "Thank you.Cảm ơn bạn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00137-00058754-00059266": "5. Hello. Can i help you? 5. Xin chào. Tôi có thể giúp bạn?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00138-00059267-00059712": "Oh, yes. I'd like a lemon please. Ồ, vâng. Tôi muốn một trái chanh.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00139-00059722-00060078": "Okay. Here you are. Đuợc. Của bạn đây.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00140-00060082-00060379": "Thank you. Cảm ơn bạn.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00141-00060390-00060758": "6. What would you like? 6. Bạn muốn gì?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00142-00060758-00061132": "I'd like some bread, please. Tôi muốn một ít bánh mì.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00143-00061138-00061367": "This bread is very nice. Bánh mì này rất ngon.", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00144-00061367-00061552": "Would you like it? Bạn có muốn nó không?", "pU2q4-R04Tc-00145-00061562-00062020": "Yes.thank you very much. Vâng cám ơn bạn rất nhiều."}}, {"audio_id": "pUglI0nzwmQ", "text": {"pUglI0nzwmQ-00000-00000002-00000157": "[music plays]", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00001-00000812-00000968": "[music fades out]", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00002-00001011-00001312": "Welcome to video number one for the eighth module", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00003-00001316-00001675": "of Assessment for Adult Learning in a Digital Context", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00004-00001680-00001992": "for the UOIT AEDT program.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00005-00002075-00002250": "In this video we will –", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00006-00002345-00002662": "examine the items you see before you on the screen.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00007-00002765-00003155": "So before we begin, take a few moments, pause the video,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00008-00003157-00003408": "and consider the following questions.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00009-00003544-00003799": "Take moment to consider these guiding questions,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00010-00003824-00004099": "what is a CAT, what is it's purpose,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00011-00004101-00004460": "when is one implemented, and what are some examples?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00012-00004481-00004811": "Even though we will look at examples in the next video,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00013-00004813-00004976": "try to come up with examples", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00014-00004978-00005234": "as we go through the first three questions.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00015-00005237-00005433": "Keep a list and we'll discuss.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00016-00005435-00005635": "Let's look at what we mean by CATs.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00017-00005638-00005942": "No, we don't mean the feline type,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00018-00005944-00006371": "but rather, classroom assessment techniques.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00019-00006441-00006754": "So a CAT, or classroom assessment technique,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00020-00006756-00007065": "is a strategy to collect evidence of student learning", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00021-00007101-00007503": "not just at the end of a period of instructional time", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00022-00007506-00007681": "or a summative assessment,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00023-00007683-00008127": "but rather, CATs are examples of formative assessments.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00024-00008129-00008308": "As we go through this, however,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00025-00008311-00008660": "consider whether you might use CATs for summative purposes", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00026-00008662-00008914": "but implement on a more frequent basis.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00027-00008916-00009118": "We'll discuss during the tutorial.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00028-00009252-00009592": "And we incorporate CATs into our instructional practice", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00029-00009594-00010033": "so that information and feedback is provided to students and instructors", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00030-00010035-00010430": "for the purpose of enhancing learning in an ongoing manner,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00031-00010433-00010722": "rather than waiting until a summative assessment.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00032-00010857-00011012": "When to implement.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00033-00011014-00011341": "Again, as we discussed in our formative assessment discussion,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00034-00011344-00011606": "classroom assessment techniques occur often", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00035-00011608-00011763": "and throughout the course,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00036-00011765-00012069": "and at various stages of the instructional experience,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00037-00012072-00012393": "before, or during, or after the class.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00038-00012565-00012771": "So, what are some examples?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00039-00012787-00013211": "As we progress through this video and look at characteristics of CATs,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00040-00013213-00013613": "please consider what this might look like or sound like", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00041-00013615-00014023": "and jot down examples or ideas of how to practically implement", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00042-00014026-00014249": "throughout your instructional practice.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00043-00014308-00014522": "The next video will go through some examples", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00044-00014524-00015028": "but please pause, review this slide, and jot down ways to implement.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00045-00015178-00015553": "A frequently cited resource for instructors within higher education", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00046-00015555-00015737": "comes from Angelo and Cross.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00047-00015770-00016080": "The next few slides will reference their work.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00048-00016141-00016507": "Angelo and Cross's notion of classroom assessment techniques", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00049-00016509-00016721": "are based on seven assumptions.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00050-00016753-00017103": "Please pause and review these first four assumptions.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00051-00017134-00017432": "Do these reflect your current notions of assessment?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00052-00017459-00017765": "Are these in alignment with what we have addressed thus far?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00053-00017803-00017985": "Why or why not?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00054-00018078-00018359": "Now pause to examine these last three assumption.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00055-00018361-00018672": "Again, does anything surprise you?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00056-00018737-00019044": "So what are some of the defining features of CATs?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00057-00019117-00019348": "Take a moment to consider this list", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00058-00019351-00019584": "and try to determine how they may reflect", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00059-00019586-00019754": "a classroom assessment technique.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00060-00019756-00019910": "When you are ready,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00061-00019912-00020170": "go ahead to the next slides for an explanation", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00062-00020172-00020395": "and to see if you were on the right track.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00063-00020459-00020885": "Okay, so let's look at the first three characteristics of CATs", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00064-00020887-00021204": "as described by Thomas Angelo and Patricia Cross.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00065-00021253-00021649": "Do you agree or disagree with these characteristics and why?", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00066-00021722-00022011": "So, assessments should be learner-centred", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00067-00022013-00022464": "and, again, ultimately so that student learning can be enhanced.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00068-00022489-00022756": "Classroom assessments focus on the learner,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00069-00022758-00022930": "not the instructor.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00070-00023078-00023353": "Teacher-directed means, that the instructor's autonomy,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00071-00023355-00023601": "and academic freedom, and professional judgment", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00072-00023603-00023763": "should be maintained.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00073-00023765-00024172": "Mutually beneficial refers to the active participation of students", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00074-00024174-00024365": "in the instructional experiences.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00075-00024368-00024661": "By participating in classroom assessments,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00076-00024663-00025091": "students have opportunities to apply and reinforce learning.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00077-00025094-00025532": "By engaging in assessment activities that encourage student self-assessment,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00078-00025563-00025819": "learner's have opportunities to become more aware", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00079-00025821-00026196": "of their own areas of strength and areas for improvement.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00080-00026198-00026425": "CATs are also beneficial for instructors", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00081-00026428-00026773": "because they can then gauge how their students are progressing", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00082-00026776-00027097": "and they can then adjust for the instructional experiences", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00083-00027099-00027276": "based on student learning.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00084-00027314-00027751": "By implements CATs on a regular basis, the big three questions –", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00085-00027753-00028058": "what is it that students will learn or be able to do,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00086-00028061-00028289": "what is the evidence of their learning,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00087-00028291-00028540": "and what instructional experiences are needed,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00088-00028542-00028800": "are continually revisited.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00089-00028816-00029098": "Another characteristic of classroom assessment techniques", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00090-00029100-00029257": "is their formative nature.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00091-00029259-00029410": "As previously mentioned,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00092-00029413-00029682": "the purpose of CATs is to improve student learning", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00093-00029684-00029981": "or for students to enhance their learning", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00094-00029984-00030211": "by getting feedback in an ongoing manner", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00095-00030213-00030435": "before a summative type of assessment.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00096-00030526-00030935": "CATs are also based on the needs of students, instructors and discipline.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00097-00030937-00031206": "The assessment may be based on a particular topic", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00098-00031208-00031360": "addressed during a class,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00099-00031362-00031755": "so it is extremely specific to the situation and students.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00100-00031768-00031996": "The instructor then needs to also ensure", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00101-00031998-00032284": "that the assessment is in alignment with the learning objectives", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00102-00032286-00032467": "and the instructional experience.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00103-00032469-00032837": "The instructors role is to ensure that the assessment is in alignment", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00104-00032840-00033076": "with the guiding principles of assessment.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00105-00033085-00033457": "Another feature of CATs is that classroom assessments are ongoing", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00106-00033459-00033789": "and provide regular feedback about student learning,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00107-00033791-00034072": "and are just a part of the instructional process.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00108-00034074-00034535": "Which leads us to Angelo and Cross's final characteristics of CATs,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00109-00034537-00034972": "classroom assessment techniques are just part of how things are done.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00110-00034974-00035324": "The big three questions are consistently implemented", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00111-00035326-00035674": "and assessment is embedded within the instructional experience,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00112-00035676-00036046": "again, to enhance student learning.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00113-00036487-00036703": "So here are some questions to consider.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00114-00036777-00036938": "Pause and read.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00115-00037045-00037203": "So to recap,", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00116-00037205-00037491": "this video addressed the following items on the screen.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00117-00037540-00037882": "We will next look at examples that are hopefully on the list", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00118-00037886-00038133": "you have developed as you watched this video.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00119-00038191-00038349": "Thanks for watching.", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00120-00038353-00038506": "[music plays]", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00121-00038933-00039089": "[music fades out]", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00122-00039091-00039252": "[music plays]", "pUglI0nzwmQ-00123-00039446-00039615": "[music fades out]"}}, {"audio_id": "pUsSe2s3oUE", "text": {"pUsSe2s3oUE-00000-00001734-00001920": "Been a while since I was in movies,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00001-00001920-00001970": "AH.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00002-00001970-00002170": "Been broke, unemployed, a floozy,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00003-00002170-00002220": "AH.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00004-00002220-00002476": "Couldn't afford fancy food I ate poop,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00005-00002488-00002680": "had less money than my troopers.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00006-00002680-00002760": "Aaaaaaaah.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00007-00002760-00002950": "Force wasn't with me anymore,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00008-00002974-00003218": "had no job I was always bored.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00009-00003238-00003446": "Lost the power to start a war,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00010-00003494-00003718": "couldn't accept being this poor.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00011-00003786-00004032": "But then I got an opportunity,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00012-00004032-00004290": "a job opened up that was really,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00013-00004290-00004528": "similar to what I've done before..", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00014-00004528-00004764": "It's a prequel, to episode four.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00015-00004800-00005016": "I asked how much will I be getting paid,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00016-00005016-00005074": "AH.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00017-00005074-00005268": "They said enough to be getting me laid,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00018-00005268-00005346": "Aaaauuuuuuuhhhh.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00019-00005346-00005562": "I said that sounds pretty great,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00020-00005562-00005656": "let me practice making", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00021-00005656-00005826": "Darth Vader breath sound.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00022-00009642-00009818": "Ay why is it so dark in here?", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00023-00009858-00009966": "AH, there we are.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00024-00009966-00010016": "Heheheh", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00025-00010032-00010194": "You guys are some spooky f*** heads huh?", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00026-00010262-00010362": "I like that shit.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00027-00010380-00010452": "Anyways..", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00028-00010486-00010734": "The reason I came up here was because,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00029-00010734-00010902": "someone killed my boyfriend..", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00030-00011122-00011260": "I'm not sure exactly who it was,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00031-00011260-00011370": "but I'm going to assume it was", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00032-00011370-00011494": "anyone and everyone.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00033-00011514-00011570": "And now..", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00034-00011646-00011782": "One of you are going to suck my balls.", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00035-00011856-00011920": "Go ahead,", "pUsSe2s3oUE-00036-00011934-00012006": "just do it."}}, {"audio_id": "pUSbyOe-r5I", "text": {"pUSbyOe-r5I-00000-00000014-00000107": "- I'm EJ King.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00001-00000107-00000244": "I'm from Grove Hill, Alabama.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00002-00000244-00000441": "I was in the Rural Health Scholars.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00003-00000441-00000737": "It takes students from rural areas who have shown", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00004-00000737-00000960": "an interest in the medical field.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00005-00000960-00001168": "And it was a pretty big deal for me", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00006-00001168-00001417": "because I come from a smaller high school,", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00007-00001417-00001719": "and so we didn't have AP classes or some of the things", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00008-00001719-00001962": "that some of the bigger schools might have.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00009-00001962-00002073": "It's a great thing, and I love how", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00010-00002073-00002308": "the university is really reaching out to try", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00011-00002308-00002571": "to help some of these students who may not have had", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00012-00002571-00002869": "the opportunities that other people had.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00013-00002869-00003054": "So I always love meeting new people", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00014-00003054-00003211": "and interacting with people,", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00015-00003211-00003404": "and I think that's one of the great things", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00016-00003404-00003753": "about this campus because there's so many people", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00017-00003753-00004114": "from out of state and different parts of the world", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00018-00004114-00004449": "who all come here, and we're all just mixed together,", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00019-00004449-00004546": "and it's just, you're learning", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00020-00004546-00004703": "about different people's cultures", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00021-00004703-00004946": "and experiences different than your own.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00022-00004946-00005095": "It's just, it's great.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00023-00005095-00005375": "I grew up in Alabama, so my interest in stuff", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00024-00005375-00005574": "just kind of line up with the way that this school feels.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00025-00005574-00005804": "I mean I honestly just fell in love with it.", "pUSbyOe-r5I-00026-00005804-00005987": "It's kind of like love at first sight."}}, {"audio_id": "pUV_J4MCpYQ", "text": {"pUV_J4MCpYQ-00000-00000633-00002438": "A divorce...a truth...reaping & sowing"}}, {"audio_id": "pVnZDh69r8c", "text": {"pVnZDh69r8c-00000-00000000-00000413": "As Salamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you) السلام عليكم Today we will be learning how to write the letter", "pVnZDh69r8c-00001-00000413-00000990": "Meem م in all its forms. To write Meem م in its original form: you make a small loop,", "pVnZDh69r8c-00002-00000990-00001506": "and you come across over and down, and that's how you write Meem م in its original form.", "pVnZDh69r8c-00003-00001506-00001980": "To write Meem م in the beginning, you make a loop. and then you have the", "pVnZDh69r8c-00004-00001980-00002514": "loop come down and on to the line. To write Meem م in its middle form:", "pVnZDh69r8c-00005-00002514-00003420": "you have the connector, and you have it so that the loop begins up and comes down opposite from", "pVnZDh69r8c-00006-00003420-00003900": "how you write the loop of the Faa and the Qaaf so that you can distinguish these letters.", "pVnZDh69r8c-00007-00003900-00004398": "To write Meem م at the end you have the connector, you make its loop", "pVnZDh69r8c-00008-00004542-00005238": "and then you make a short line and you come straight down, somewhat like its original form.", "pVnZDh69r8c-00009-00005352-00005888": "And that is how you write the letter Meem م. Ilal Liqaa! (See you later!) إلى اللقاء"}}, {"audio_id": "pVsVaEGTBVI", "text": {"pVsVaEGTBVI-00000-00000350-00000863": "This Library video will help you with In-text citation using the APA style 7th Edition.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00001-00001073-00001626": "When you refer to another person’s ideas in your work, you can either paraphrase or quote it.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00002-00001626-00001993": "Paraphrasing involves putting the idea in your own words.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00003-00001993-00002543": "It is best to paraphrase sources rather than directly quoting as it shows you understand the content", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00004-00002543-00002979": "and allows you to fit material to the context of your paper and writing style.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00005-00003226-00003729": "Here is part of a journal article. To paraphrase this text, I would put it in my own words.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00006-00003936-00004479": "Like this. \"Successful students actively participate in class.\"", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00007-00004480-00005006": "See how my version uses different words but keeps the idea I want to use.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00008-00005006-00005726": "You also need to link from the paraphrased idea to the original source using what is called an “in- text citation”.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00009-00005963-00006906": "In APA Style, an in-text citation using the parenthetical format begins with the authors’ name and then the date of publication.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00010-00007076-00007599": "When there are 2 authors, we give the name of both authors with an ampersand between them.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00011-00007836-00008723": "When there are 3 or more authors, give the name of the first author and abbreviate the others to et al. meaning (“and others”).", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00012-00008806-00009943": "For more information, see Section 8.17 Number of Authors To Include in In-Text Citations in the APA Publication manual 7th edition.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00013-00010116-00011223": "This journal article was written by: JoAnn Yaworski, Rose-Marie Weber and Nabil Ibrahim. It was published in the year 2000.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00014-00011393-00012059": "The in-text citation is written with the authors names, and the date of publication, as shown.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00015-00012396-00012883": "A quote uses the same words as the original text, within double quotation marks.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00016-00012883-00013526": "Enclosing quotes using double quotation marks applies for direct quotes of fewer than 40 words.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00017-00013623-00014756": "For more information see Sections 8.26 Short Quotations and 8.27 Block Quotations of the APA Publication Manual 7th edition", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00018-00014876-00015043": "Here's how to quote this text.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00019-00015146-00015666": "And the in-text citation for a quotation would look like this.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00020-00015793-00016689": "When quoting, include the authors, date of publication and the page number.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00021-00016813-00017113": "In Summary A paraphrase is in your own words.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00022-00017113-00017686": "An in-text citation for a paraphrase includes the authors’ and date of publication.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00023-00017833-00018253": "A quotation has the same words as the original source.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00024-00018306-00019079": "An in-text citation for a quotation includes authors’ and date of publication, and also includes the page number", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00025-00019080-00019373": "and the quote in double quotation marks", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00026-00019550-00020350": "When quoting or paraphrasing, you can also use the narrative format, this where you mention the author’s as part of your sentence,", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00027-00020350-00020896": "Here you do not need to include them inside the brackets of the in-text citation, as shown.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00028-00020970-00021213": "Place the date directly after the author's", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00029-00021313-00021853": "If you use a direct quotation you need to include the page number at the end of the quote.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00030-00022003-00023173": "For more information see Paraphrases and Quotations, spanning Sections 8.23-8.36 of the APA Publication manual 7th edition.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00031-00023423-00024146": "Your reference list should be headed References, capitalised, in bold and centred.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00032-00024246-00024976": "For each source you have referred to in your writing with an in-text citation you need a matching entry in your reference list.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00033-00025183-00025626": "Yaworski, Kuh, Monash University,", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00034-00025716-00026209": "Your references should be in alphabetical order of the first author in your reference list", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00035-00026353-00026593": "Double-space all reference list entries", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00036-00026693-00027563": "Use a hanging indent for all references, meaning that the first line of each reference is flush left and subsequent lines are indented.", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00037-00027610-00028363": "For more information on how to format your reference list see Section 9 of the APA publication manual 7th edition", "pVsVaEGTBVI-00038-00028553-00029453": "The APA Referencing Style Guide is available on the Library website. For more information please contact the Library."}}, {"audio_id": "pVV1GHUH-_c", "text": {"pVV1GHUH-_c-00000-00000003-00000513": "Hey there my name's Brad Smith investor, coach and business owner of AutomationLinks.com", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00001-00000513-00000917": "and today I want to talk about a survey that we just finished up", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00002-00000917-00001392": "with with over 3000 business owners like yourself now what the survey was all", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00003-00001392-00001811": "about was asking business owners their most preferred way to communicate with", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00004-00001811-00002292": "their clients and customers now what amazed me was that 62% of business", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00005-00002292-00002927": "owners still like to communicate with their clients through email 24 percent", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00006-00002927-00003296": "want to communicate with their clients through text messages and then the rest", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00007-00003296-00003726": "were calls and messenger now messenger was actually the last one that they", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00008-00003726-00004232": "chose now this stat is really important because I'm trying to get in the mindset", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00009-00004232-00004716": "of what the business owner is thinking are you thinking about yourself or are", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00010-00004716-00005153": "you thinking about what your clients want now let me throw them one more stat", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00011-00005153-00005535": "your way eighty percent of clients would prefer", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00012-00005535-00006044": "to communicate with the business through text message now only 24 percent of", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00013-00006044-00006371": "business owners want to communicate with text message so are you thinking about", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00014-00006371-00006864": "yourself or are you thinking about your clients and what they want now think", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00015-00006864-00007229": "about it if you focus your business about what your clients want instead of", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00016-00007229-00007878": "what you want think about how much think about how successful you'll be now I", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00017-00007878-00008225": "want to encourage you guys to get in the mindset of your clients what are they", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00018-00008225-00008652": "looking for what's gonna help them the most and what's gonna benefit them now", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00019-00008652-00009125": "as communication an important role in your company that's one of the most", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00020-00009125-00009678": "important things in our company is communication we use live chat on our", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00021-00009678-00010122": "website we text our clients we follow up through email and we always use", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00022-00010122-00010518": "messenger to continue the relationship now if you're not using any of these", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00023-00010518-00010854": "channels you need to catch up you need to get on the same page with your", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00024-00010854-00011286": "clients and continue the communication now one of the most important ways and", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00025-00011286-00011732": "reasons why you need to communicate with your clients is upsells if you can", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00026-00011732-00012161": "continue building relationships with your clients you can start selling them", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00027-00012161-00012546": "any service you think would benefit them so you start out with your base package", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00028-00012546-00012936": "that you offer a couple months later once they're comfortable and they trust", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00029-00012936-00013365": "you you can sell them the next package up and now that you've really", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00030-00013365-00013740": "help them you've gotten testimonials and reviews from them and they want to keep", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00031-00013740-00014162": "working with you you can bring them up to the top tier of your business and", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00032-00014162-00014679": "that's how businesses grow by up to three times just by continuing the", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00033-00014679-00015072": "relationship and communicating better with their clients so I really hope this", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00034-00015072-00015548": "video helped you we have the full blog where you can see all the stats surveys", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00035-00015548-00015984": "and responses from business owners just like you and please leave a comment with", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00036-00015984-00016451": "your feedback on what you would prefer for client communication and then what", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00037-00016451-00016869": "you think your clients would prefer are you sick of all the information being", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00038-00016869-00017301": "thrown at you by all the hype gurus online hey there my name's Brad Smith", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00039-00017301-00017840": "Automation links com six days a week I answer user questions with the exact", "pVV1GHUH-_c-00040-00017840-00018401": "tips and strategies and insights we use to grow our business"}}, {"audio_id": "pW3slj44tLQ", "text": {"pW3slj44tLQ-00000-00000126-00000373": "(male narrator) So we wanna find an Euler path on this graph.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00001-00000376-00000697": "Now an Euler path is a path--", "pW3slj44tLQ-00002-00000700-00001044": "and remember a path means that it, uh...goes", "pW3slj44tLQ-00003-00001047-00001217": "from one point to another,", "pW3slj44tLQ-00004-00001221-00001531": "uh...not necessarily returning to the same point.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00005-00001534-00001851": "So it's a path, uh...that uses...", "pW3slj44tLQ-00006-00002082-00002766": "uses every...edge...once and only once.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00007-00002769-00002999": "So no repeats.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00008-00003002-00003159": "Now we're allowed to visit", "pW3slj44tLQ-00009-00003163-00003500": "the same vertex multiple times with Euler paths,", "pW3slj44tLQ-00010-00003503-00003740": "but not the same edge.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00011-00003743-00004027": "So for example, if I started here,", "pW3slj44tLQ-00012-00004030-00004260": "I could visit... go this way.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00013-00004264-00004501": "And we'll say... let's say that's Step 1.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00014-00004504-00004758": "And then I could go here... that's 2.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00015-00004761-00005061": "And I could go here, and that's 3.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00016-00005064-00005311": "And I could go here, and that's 4.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00017-00005315-00005602": "But now I'm stuck, because I can't go anywhere.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00018-00005605-00005952": "And I haven't visited every...every edge yet.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00019-00005955-00006336": "And so this was not a particularly good, uh...", "pW3slj44tLQ-00020-00006339-00006603": "this was not a particularly good, uh...attempt", "pW3slj44tLQ-00021-00006606-00006770": "at finding an Euler path.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00022-00006773-00007070": "This is not an Euler path, so let's try again.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00023-00007073-00007380": "Maybe I will start instead over here,", "pW3slj44tLQ-00024-00007383-00008224": "and then I could go 1...2...3...4...5.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00025-00008228-00008681": "And notice now, I have covered every single edge of the graph", "pW3slj44tLQ-00026-00008685-00008898": "without repeating any of them.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00027-00008902-00009362": "Notice, though, I started here, and I ended over here.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00028-00009365-00009672": "So I have not returned to my starting point.", "pW3slj44tLQ-00029-00009676-00009943": "This would be an Euler path."}}, {"audio_id": "pWkmDBet3kQ", "text": {"pWkmDBet3kQ-00000-00000106-00000405": "Hello everyone and welcome back to Jesse's World!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00001-00000405-00000682": "We got our first couple of packages as fanmail", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00002-00000682-00000976": "and I'm going to opening them up and show you what we got", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00003-00000976-00001248": "So the first one we're gonna start off with.....", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00004-00001326-00001598": "Can you move please? .... your big head is in the way", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00005-00001605-00001798": "Little Jesse: Oh.... my bad!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00006-00001952-00002230": "Guys so this is from Coolbret 12345", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00007-00002230-00002602": "he has a YouTube channel and he's been active on my channel", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00008-00002650-00002930": "The first thing is this mascot from Aarons", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00009-00003016-00003066": "Wow!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00010-00003112-00003192": "Look at that", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00011-00003192-00003452": "Maybe we'll use this on the channel, I'm not sure", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00012-00003465-00003515": "Yea!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00013-00003596-00003761": "This is grandpa, the grandpa from Smurfs", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00014-00003794-00003890": "He looks dope!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00015-00003902-00003997": "I love this one", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00016-00004010-00004060": "Like me", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00017-00004068-00004340": "He's gonna appear on Sugarville for sure", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00018-00004340-00004522": "he's gonna be telling you \"No more cookies!\"", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00019-00004776-00004884": "something like that, I dunno", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00020-00004884-00005140": "Now don't be eating this! This is not for you to eat", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00021-00005168-00005360": "That happened only one time!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00022-00005406-00005456": "Yeah", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00023-00005588-00005700": "We got a ball here", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00024-00005736-00005992": "a mario toy, this will go good with toad", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00025-00006008-00006080": "yeah yeah!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00026-00006192-00006360": "Yeah so everytime he hops", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00027-00006626-00006698": "Little Jesse: I like that", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00028-00006722-00006858": "That's pretty cool!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00029-00006959-00007112": "got a batman figurine.", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00030-00007152-00007345": "Or no no no, this is some kind of action figure", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00031-00007395-00007536": "that's pretty cool, look at that!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00032-00007592-00007704": "I'm Batman!....", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00033-00007881-00007970": "A soccer ball", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00034-00008123-00008312": "Oh oh oh.... Spongebob! Spongebob!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00035-00008464-00008564": "Don't you like Spongebob?", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00036-00008564-00008752": "Little Jesse: Yeah, the evil Plankton is my favorite!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00037-00008752-00008916": "Yeah, this is your favorite cartoon show", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00038-00008958-00009222": "Ohh look at this..... this is Pinocchio", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00039-00009222-00009472": "Little Jesse: What happened to his nose?", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00040-00009548-00010044": "Now the story with Pinocchio is that every time he lied, his nose would grow", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00041-00010044-00010558": "Just like your nose is gonna grow if you don't stop lying to me saying that you stopped eating cookies", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00042-00010558-00010690": "You know what these are for?", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00043-00010704-00010788": "Little Jesse: No?", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00044-00010788-00011042": "You put these in your fingers and you spin it", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00045-00011050-00011162": "Pretty neat huh?", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00046-00011164-00011214": "Yeah!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00047-00011324-00011588": "Oh nice! look at that a little hot wheels", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00048-00011598-00011926": "what you guys think of this out there to my UK fans?", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00049-00011926-00012130": "and we got another little racer, sonic!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00050-00012144-00012224": "I like Sonic", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00051-00012224-00012654": "We gotta start..... you know Little Jesse we have to do some kind of episode where they're racing", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00052-00012896-00013184": "maybe the cars that we have in SugarVille are gonna race each other", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00053-00013184-00013312": "Little Jesse: That's a good idea", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00054-00013312-00013434": "this is pretty cool, I like that", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00055-00013547-00013930": "You know who this reminds me of, this kinda reminds me of my uncle in east Los Angeles", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00056-00014034-00014241": "he was always all.... slump and", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00057-00014241-00014647": "hey whats up yeah.... alright I'm gonna go get drunk over here", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00058-00014808-00014912": "Oh look at that!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00059-00014966-00015094": "some M&M's lip balm", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00060-00015306-00015513": "let me see if this smells..... does that smell chocolate to you?", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00061-00015513-00015666": "Little Jesse: Yeah it does!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00062-00015919-00016108": "This is a cow... oh that's the Disney character", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00063-00016116-00016252": "I forgot her name but", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00064-00016252-00016564": "it's a .... I think this is from Disney. I'm not sure", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00065-00016646-00016806": "This one came from China", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00066-00016888-00017104": "and it says Happy Birthday Jesse", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00067-00017158-00017222": "How nice!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00068-00017222-00017604": "I don't want to say the name of it because it's kinda hard to pronounce", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00069-00017604-00017734": "I'll just put it on screen", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00070-00017734-00017844": "You might say it wrong", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00071-00017850-00018010": "These are Oreo cookies!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00072-00018010-00018222": "Little Jesse: Ohhh! Oreo's Oreos! I want them I want them!!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00073-00018222-00018424": "Wait... calm down....calm down.", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00074-00018486-00018622": "Your gonna have them", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00075-00018818-00019010": "Wait, let me see this next one", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00076-00019100-00019300": "I have never.... I'm guessing", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00077-00019300-00019492": "wait let me look at this real quick for you guys", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00078-00019796-00019996": "it doesn't say the flavor of it", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00079-00020078-00020198": "any where on there", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00080-00020198-00020456": "Little Jesse: Well let me just eat them and I'll find out for you", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00081-00020674-00020816": "Ok you know what Little Jesse", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00082-00020860-00021178": "We're gonna have to do a taste test, we're gonna compare these two", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00083-00021210-00021418": "with the original Oreo cookies", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00084-00021418-00021690": "and you will be the one to decide which one is the best", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00085-00021690-00021812": "that's a sweet deal", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00086-00021828-00021878": "yeah!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00087-00021878-00022260": "Thank you guys so much for sending this stuff, we really love it", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00088-00022260-00022570": "and to anyone out there who wants to send us anything", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00089-00022570-00022662": "it doesnt have to be a package", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00090-00022662-00022980": "it could be a letter, it could be a drawing, anything you send", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00091-00022996-00023102": "we will appreciate it with much love", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00092-00023134-00023646": "until next time, subscribe to our channel, watch our videos..... peace out!", "pWkmDBet3kQ-00093-00023646-00023806": "Little Jesse: byeeeeeeeeeeee!"}}, {"audio_id": "pWovxW7AqGk", "text": {"pWovxW7AqGk-00000-00000003-00000434": "hi my name's Chris and I'm a recovering drug addict and alcoholic and I'm here", "pWovxW7AqGk-00001-00000434-00002199": "in this video to tell all of you enabling Bobby burns but focus on the", "pWovxW7AqGk-00002-00002199-00002803": "solution to help you to improve your mental health", "pWovxW7AqGk-00003-00004067-00006180": "my beautiful girlfriend though let me make this Bobby burns video until this", "pWovxW7AqGk-00004-00006180-00006504": "weekend because we saw what was going on Instagram which I will share with you in", "pWovxW7AqGk-00005-00006504-00007350": "a second just now I was just finishing up a different project for and while", "pWovxW7AqGk-00006-00007350-00007683": "this video was wandering I'm just scrolling through the comments on", "pWovxW7AqGk-00007-00007683-00008493": "Bobby's new Instagram post oh no people don't understand what enabling is so", "pWovxW7AqGk-00008-00008493-00008877": "let's talk about this and again who knows the Bobby burns will ever see this", "pWovxW7AqGk-00009-00008877-00009129": "video who knows if a bunch of Bobby burns fans", "pWovxW7AqGk-00010-00009129-00009554": "will ever see this video but if you have somebody in your life whether they are a", "pWovxW7AqGk-00011-00009554-00010068": "drug addict or not this is a good thing to kind of learn about when it comes to", "pWovxW7AqGk-00012-00010068-00010575": "enabling because I don't think a lot of people understand what is so before I", "pWovxW7AqGk-00013-00010575-00011057": "get started here is a disclaimer that a lot of people are going to disregard and", "pWovxW7AqGk-00014-00011057-00012425": "leave angry comments anyways do it anyways so first thing is I'm not saying", "pWovxW7AqGk-00015-00012425-00012717": "the Bobby is a drug addict drop the holic I'm going to talk a little bit", "pWovxW7AqGk-00016-00012717-00013014": "about self-medicating though alright so anyways", "pWovxW7AqGk-00017-00013014-00013437": "for those of you who don't know Bobby burns you know he got a lot of YouTube", "pWovxW7AqGk-00018-00013437-00013828": "stardom from you know shame his collaboration with Shane Dawson well be", "pWovxW7AqGk-00019-00013828-00014272": "purged made a hate video shannon dawson made a series called confronting my", "pWovxW7AqGk-00020-00014272-00014565": "hater they came together became good friends", "pWovxW7AqGk-00021-00014565-00015312": "Bobby's channel blew up some videos in the past about his mental health and its", "pWovxW7AqGk-00022-00015312-00016347": "mental breakdown and so anyways most recently he posted a picture of him", "pWovxW7AqGk-00023-00016347-00016948": "like kind of bruised up and he said that now one of the things that happened was", "pWovxW7AqGk-00024-00016948-00017725": "Shane moved Bobby out to Los Angeles and Shane Bobby og okay so Bobby got into a", "pWovxW7AqGk-00025-00017725-00018132": "wreck in this Jeep he was all bruised up apparently there was a bunch of comments", "pWovxW7AqGk-00026-00018132-00018484": "saying like oh my god you ruined Shane's Jeep like Bobby's already been getting a", "pWovxW7AqGk-00027-00018484-00018837": "lot of flack for kind of like ruining the opportunity that Shane Dawson gave", "pWovxW7AqGk-00028-00018837-00019906": "them I don't know if I can necessarily disagree with that but creativity but", "pWovxW7AqGk-00029-00019906-00020266": "like from an outsider's perspective and I might do a whole nother video on this", "pWovxW7AqGk-00030-00020266-00020657": "like his mental health is deteriorating", "pWovxW7AqGk-00031-00021341-00021843": "okay with all the better help who blog going on here's my thoughts on it either", "pWovxW7AqGk-00032-00021843-00022393": "he's not really using better help and working with a therapist or be he is but", "pWovxW7AqGk-00033-00022393-00022915": "he's just not listening to his therapist that's like just surely my opinion I", "pWovxW7AqGk-00034-00022915-00023343": "might be totally wrong healing your mental health takes a while but", "pWovxW7AqGk-00035-00023343-00023781": "following his journey it doesn't seem like it well anyways happy Bobby post", "pWovxW7AqGk-00036-00023781-00024229": "said he got a lot of hate and who just made a new video which I'll show you", "pWovxW7AqGk-00037-00024229-00024643": "right now yo so it's one two hop on here and say shout out to all the people who", "pWovxW7AqGk-00038-00024643-00025372": "are so angry at me for breaking Shane's Jeep I got a car wreck your guys are", "pWovxW7AqGk-00039-00025372-00026125": "acting childish is like seriously I got a car wreck it's", "pWovxW7AqGk-00040-00026125-00026485": "the first car I've ever been in my entire life I was completely sober go", "pWovxW7AqGk-00041-00026485-00026739": "look at the comments on my last picture you guys all understand what I'm saying", "pWovxW7AqGk-00042-00026739-00027283": "most of the comments are like 500 600 likes Wow you destroyed the last thing", "pWovxW7AqGk-00043-00027283-00027945": "you had from Shane I got in a car wreck I I was close to dying today and all", "pWovxW7AqGk-00044-00027945-00028591": "anyone can read about is the fact that a car that another youtuber bought me was", "pWovxW7AqGk-00045-00028591-00029605": "damaged that's that's pretty I'm okay I'm okay", "pWovxW7AqGk-00046-00029605-00031158": "but that's like that's okay like is Bobby playing a victim here yes so I'll", "pWovxW7AqGk-00047-00031158-00031738": "say this working in addiction recovery and I've been clean for six years my", "pWovxW7AqGk-00048-00031738-00032785": "substance of choice was opiate over 72,000 people in the United States alone", "pWovxW7AqGk-00049-00032785-00033262": "died of overdose right like I know plenty of people who have overdosed and", "pWovxW7AqGk-00050-00033262-00033784": "survived I am somebody who almost died from my addiction right but here's how", "pWovxW7AqGk-00051-00033784-00034279": "you talk to somebody who is screwing up like this right it says hey this is what", "pWovxW7AqGk-00052-00034279-00034816": "I would say hey I'm glad you're alive but you need to straighten up all right", "pWovxW7AqGk-00053-00034816-00035311": "it's both of those things like I work I work in a field where life and death is", "pWovxW7AqGk-00054-00035311-00035770": "real right like I have had over 70 people die in the last three years alone", "pWovxW7AqGk-00055-00035770-00036214": "I don't play with okay so like when somebody overdoses I'm not just like", "pWovxW7AqGk-00056-00036214-00036666": "well glad you're alive let's just forget about the behaviors so one of the things", "pWovxW7AqGk-00057-00036666-00037144": "about he mentioned in his video was that he was sober and I call bull on that I", "pWovxW7AqGk-00058-00037144-00037812": "call so much bull like are you serious in the fact that people are going to", "pWovxW7AqGk-00059-00037812-00038343": "pretend like he was okay so in case you don't follow Bobby burns on", "pWovxW7AqGk-00060-00038343-00038895": "the only thing he's been posting about for a while now is getting high that's", "pWovxW7AqGk-00061-00038895-00039361": "all he's posted about and let's not forget his Instagram story showing us", "pWovxW7AqGk-00062-00039361-00039761": "what happened before his accident", "pWovxW7AqGk-00063-00040308-00040513": "you", "pWovxW7AqGk-00064-00041103-00041550": "yo so it's one to hop on here and say shout out to all the people who are so", "pWovxW7AqGk-00065-00041550-00042243": "angry at me for breaking Shane's Jeep I got a car wreck y'all guys are acting", "pWovxW7AqGk-00066-00042243-00044724": "childish is like seriously this is somebody under the influence and we're", "pWovxW7AqGk-00067-00044724-00045384": "supposed to believe that when he got in a car accident this was the one time the", "pWovxW7AqGk-00068-00045384-00046191": "one time he was sober like that is being willfully ignorant okay this is how you", "pWovxW7AqGk-00069-00046191-00046455": "might be enabling somebody in your life all right", "pWovxW7AqGk-00070-00046455-00046893": "oh well they were sober when they did that like come on you guys you're better", "pWovxW7AqGk-00071-00046893-00047302": "than that you're better than that there are there are so many people who die", "pWovxW7AqGk-00072-00047302-00047836": "from not just addiction but accidents while being under the influence that a", "pWovxW7AqGk-00073-00047836-00048372": "lot of it was because people lived in a state of denial the people in their", "pWovxW7AqGk-00074-00048372-00048793": "lives lived in a state of get out I don't know I don't know what everybody's", "pWovxW7AqGk-00075-00048793-00049371": "been but look Matt Miller just passed away okay we had people like little peep", "pWovxW7AqGk-00076-00049371-00049947": "pass away we have people like Michael Jackson Prince we had celebrities commit", "pWovxW7AqGk-00077-00049947-00050455": "suicide you know like just so many things so many things and one of the", "pWovxW7AqGk-00078-00050455-00050737": "reasons for this and one of the reasons I'm a mental health trainer or trying to", "pWovxW7AqGk-00079-00050737-00051144": "increase awareness and decrease the stigma is like everybody just normalizes", "pWovxW7AqGk-00080-00051144-00051609": "it like when I'm looking at those comments of people defending Bobby all I", "pWovxW7AqGk-00081-00051609-00052069": "see is positive reinforcement why is Bobby going to slow down or change his", "pWovxW7AqGk-00082-00052069-00052654": "behavior when people are co-signing his BS you know like something that breaks", "pWovxW7AqGk-00083-00052654-00052954": "my heart something that breaks my heart is when I", "pWovxW7AqGk-00084-00052954-00053560": "see people pass away and everybody is surprised except for people like me who", "pWovxW7AqGk-00085-00053560-00053969": "see this stuff coming from a mile away", "pWovxW7AqGk-00086-00054077-00054417": "because we keep these blinders on you know what I mean", "pWovxW7AqGk-00087-00054417-00054946": "but Bobby has been self-destructing for a while now and something that you know", "pWovxW7AqGk-00088-00054946-00055533": "we just found out was that him and his longtime girlfriend Jordan just split up", "pWovxW7AqGk-00089-00055533-00056117": "alright so it seems to me from an outside perspective that Bobby is", "pWovxW7AqGk-00090-00056117-00056655": "self-medicating with weed okay he is somebody who wasn't messing around with", "pWovxW7AqGk-00091-00056655-00057258": "the stuff a little bit I wonder by the way this can be a whole", "pWovxW7AqGk-00092-00057258-00057489": "nother video I wonder if Jordan feels any guilt about", "pWovxW7AqGk-00093-00057489-00058014": "that because it seemed like from what I saw it seemed like Jordan smoked she got", "pWovxW7AqGk-00094-00058014-00058399": "him into it and Bobby just kind of ran with it right but if you go through his", "pWovxW7AqGk-00095-00058399-00058816": "Instagram you go through his videos all of them were about rolling blood like", "pWovxW7AqGk-00096-00058816-00059158": "people have been messing what Bobby like saying like all right dude we get it you", "pWovxW7AqGk-00097-00059158-00059367": "smoke weed like that's all he talks about", "pWovxW7AqGk-00098-00059367-00059848": "that's all he talks about but I kind of more like on a serious note like again", "pWovxW7AqGk-00099-00059848-00060310": "like I'm extremely empathetic like I've been there I've been there I feel like", "pWovxW7AqGk-00100-00060310-00061545": "he is self-medicating with so I know some people might think I'm making like", "pWovxW7AqGk-00101-00061545-00061983": "this false equivalent talking about people have passed away like listen I", "pWovxW7AqGk-00102-00061983-00062440": "live in Las Vegas I voted to legalize weed I do not care about weed I don't", "pWovxW7AqGk-00103-00062440-00062958": "think Bobby's gonna overdose on weed but but although you can't overdose on weed", "pWovxW7AqGk-00104-00062958-00063472": "if he is getting drunk and high and driving like that can kill him so that", "pWovxW7AqGk-00105-00063472-00063772": "we won't kill him but driving under the influence can and I hope that makes", "pWovxW7AqGk-00106-00063772-00064302": "sense but like again again like okay I'm telling you from one like as a", "pWovxW7AqGk-00107-00064302-00064711": "recovering drug addict you know many times I told people I was sober you know", "pWovxW7AqGk-00108-00064711-00065266": "many times I snuck into the bathroom and snorted pills and messed something up at", "pWovxW7AqGk-00109-00065266-00066136": "work and told people I was sober like you guys some people why it's I know", "pWovxW7AqGk-00110-00066136-00066547": "it's hard to believe but some people like and especially when they're abusing", "pWovxW7AqGk-00111-00066547-00067256": "substances but what I would hope and this man this us um", "pWovxW7AqGk-00112-00067256-00067910": "I'll end with this you know I made a video about my passive the way and she", "pWovxW7AqGk-00113-00067910-00068324": "got into a car accident she got into a near-death car accident maybe about a", "pWovxW7AqGk-00114-00068324-00068723": "year two years before she passed away all right and she was driving drunk and", "pWovxW7AqGk-00115-00068723-00069205": "then she died at 24 years from alcoholism all right so like you guys", "pWovxW7AqGk-00116-00069205-00069572": "like we can't just keep minimizing this stuff like I'm legitimately making this", "pWovxW7AqGk-00117-00069572-00070112": "video because I care yes I give tough love but all of you out there need to", "pWovxW7AqGk-00118-00070112-00070618": "quit enabling this behavior sorry like that's just the way it is do not be", "pWovxW7AqGk-00119-00070618-00071024": "surprised if he continues to spiral downhill because people are defending", "pWovxW7AqGk-00120-00071024-00072542": "his behaviors I don't care thanks for watching and thank you so much to", "pWovxW7AqGk-00121-00072542-00072842": "everybody on patreon who is helping support the channel and if you're new", "pWovxW7AqGk-00122-00072842-00073168": "make sure you subscribe and bring that notification though because I make a ton", "pWovxW7AqGk-00123-00073168-00073693": "a ton of these tough love videos if you would like to help support the channel", "pWovxW7AqGk-00124-00073693-00073933": "and support what I'm doing here make sure you click the top of that icon", "pWovxW7AqGk-00125-00073933-00074463": "right there thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time"}}, {"audio_id": "pWBWQyu9BzM", "text": {"pWBWQyu9BzM-00000-00000517-00000973": "This may not look like much but it's just enough to start an unwanted wildfire.", "pWBWQyu9BzM-00001-00000973-00001407": "Please, before you leave your campsite", "pWBWQyu9BzM-00002-00001407-00001914": "make sure your fire is cold and dead out. Know the risk.", "pWBWQyu9BzM-00003-00001914-00002234": "Use water. If you don't have water, look around ...", "pWBWQyu9BzM-00004-00002234-00002775": "Is there a creek or river nearby? If you don't have a creek or river, is there ice in your cooler?", "pWBWQyu9BzM-00005-00002775-00003528": "Use dirt. Stir the fire. Touch the coals. Make sure your fire is cold", "pWBWQyu9BzM-00006-00003528-00004330": "and dead out. Remember: only you can prevent unwanted wildfires.", "pWBWQyu9BzM-00007-00004330-00004605": "Know the risk. Put your fires out."}}, {"audio_id": "pWeBONXRPdA", "text": {"pWeBONXRPdA-00000-00000000-00000200": "How to draw Peppa Pig's Family", "pWeBONXRPdA-00002-00000250-00000400": "#howtodraw, #YouTubeKids", "pWeBONXRPdA-00003-00000400-00000600": "how to draw peppa pig and his family"}}, {"audio_id": "pWYhEc8_HGA", "text": {"pWYhEc8_HGA-00000-00000000-00000200": "Time lapse."}}, {"audio_id": "pX0mLCGQeYk", "text": {"pX0mLCGQeYk-00000-00000452-00000604": "this extended", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00001-00000604-00000706": "all right", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00002-00000706-00001160": "so you want to vote for happiness right? The fastest way to do that is to", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00003-00001160-00001511": "encourage happiness among your brothers and sisters", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00004-00001511-00001708": "This is what I'm encouraging", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00005-00001708-00002030": "... if you want to be a part of the Ugly is Beautiful thing, go ahead and send me", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00006-00002030-00002230": "pictures, if you want to send me a Personal Exorcism Poetry", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00007-00002230-00002481": "and you want to be a part of this movement", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00008-00002481-00002951": "this is what's the deal is. We are here to spread happiness to other human beings", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00009-00002951-00003289": "we are here to love them we're here to show them that they can be anything that", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00010-00003289-00003611": "they want. Lets go spread some positivity let's give this world", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00011-00003611-00003973": "a little bit of light because there's too many people out there that think you should", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00012-00003973-00004391": "be one thing and one thing only and I disagree", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00013-00004391-00004504": "So get on it", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00014-00004504-00004699": "got to Ugly is Beautiful", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00015-00004699-00005075": "give me some pictures or set up your own blog if you want to, encouraging and", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00016-00005075-00005422": "advocating the human race, encouraging advocating good", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00017-00005422-00005549": "in other people", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00018-00005549-00005683": "I love you very much", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00019-00005683-00006054": "and... I'll be here to help in any way i can and I'm going keep spreading this", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00020-00006054-00006151": "message", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00021-00006151-00006501": "We're out hiking up here at Shucksan ... me and my friend Casey and it's totally rad...", "pX0mLCGQeYk-00022-00006501-00007025": "go out and get some sunshine and enjoy yourselves people"}}, {"audio_id": "pX2jogdiJOQ", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "pXsEJ-RcqmQ", "text": {"pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00000-00000692-00001125": "Can you believe that a recent study by the United States National Science Foundation", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00001-00001125-00001593": "showed that one in four people still believes the Sun revolves around the Earth?", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00002-00001593-00002005": "Those of us in the know understand that this is a misconception.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00003-00002005-00002582": "People holding such misconceptions about major concepts in science is not a recent phenomenon.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00004-00002582-00003059": "Science has always evolved based on what humans know about the observable universe.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00005-00003059-00003485": "Throughout history we have lived happily while holding complete misconceptions about the", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00006-00003485-00003633": "world around us.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00007-00003633-00004187": "In fact it is not unusual to form a misconception, like the example of the Sun revolving around", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00008-00004187-00004512": "the Earth, in order to explain the world we live in.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00009-00004512-00004958": "Misconceptions formed as a result of having insufficient knowledge on a subject could", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00010-00004958-00005376": "be better described as original or alternative ideas.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00011-00005376-00005811": "For the most part, these misconceptions are unavoidable and although they are probably", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00012-00005811-00006433": "better described as pre-conceptions or pre-concepts they are misconceptions none the less.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00013-00006433-00006668": "We all have misconceptions.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00014-00006668-00007278": "Part of the importance of learning science is to understand the true explanation.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00015-00007278-00007854": "When ancient philosophers and scientists shaped their ideas without the benefit of experimentation,", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00016-00007854-00008214": "it often resulted in misconceptions about the natural world.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00017-00008214-00008752": "2000 years ago Ptolemy imagined the Earth at centre of everything and therefore that", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00018-00008752-00009000": "the Sun revolves around the Earth.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00019-00009000-00009347": "This is called the Geocentric model.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00020-00009347-00009942": "Without the benefit of a telescope or space travel, he based his theory on his observations.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00021-00009942-00010482": "And so for many centuries this misconception was the theory present in the minds of people.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00022-00010482-00010939": "It was not until the 16th century that Copernicus, after many hours of observing the heavens", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00023-00010939-00011468": "systematically with a telescope, came up with the theory that the Sun was at the centre of the solar", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00024-00011468-00011603": "system.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00025-00011603-00012089": "Unlike the Geocentric theory of Ptolemy, the Heliocentric theory had the Earth revolving", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00026-00012089-00012289": "around the Sun.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00027-00012289-00012596": "This theory could explain the motion of the planets.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00028-00012596-00013078": "Without the benefit of knowledge on the movement of planets, it is little wonder that people,", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00029-00013078-00013578": "often through their own observations, come up with a similar concept to Ptolemy - why", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00030-00013578-00013716": "wouldn't they?", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00031-00013716-00014331": "Ask yourself this - which concept might children in a third world country with no formal education", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00032-00014331-00014598": "and through observation alone come to conclude?", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00033-00014598-00015143": "And how could we change this pre-concept to a more acceptable concept?", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00034-00015143-00015648": "It is through the use of models that we convince students to move on from their pre-conception", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00035-00015648-00015981": "and accept the earth revolving around the Sun.", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00036-00015981-00016493": "In this unit we will investigate a common misconception held by many about the forces", "pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00037-00016493-00016651": "involved in circular motion."}}, {"audio_id": "pXBmISKA5q8", "text": {"pXBmISKA5q8-00000-00000000-00000050": "After 4 of hard work", "pXBmISKA5q8-00001-00000050-00000122": "Suhana wants to become an actress"}}, {"audio_id": "pXJ8cVh5mVQ", "text": {"pXJ8cVh5mVQ-00000-00000637-00038923": "قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم \" مررت ليلة أسري بي", "pXJ8cVh5mVQ-00001-00038923-00077208": "على قوم تقرض شفاههم بمقاريض من نار، قال: قلت: من هؤلاء؟", "pXJ8cVh5mVQ-00002-00077208-00108533": "قالوا: خطباء أمتك من أهل الدنيا، ممن كانوا يأمرون", "pXJ8cVh5mVQ-00003-00108533-00136378": "الناس بالبر، وينسون أنفسهم، وهم يتلون الكتاب، أفلا", "pXJ8cVh5mVQ-00004-00136378-00139859": "يعقلون"}}]