[{"audio_id": "7q6oj3kWnbI", "text": {"7q6oj3kWnbI-00000-00001173-00001730": "hi I'm Lynn I'm Vanessa's mother she is", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00001-00001730-00002231": "my very special daughter yeah tell us a", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00002-00002232-00002621": "little bit about Vanessa", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00003-00002622-00003131": "nearly 30 years ago most beautiful baby", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00004-00003132-00003365": "I have ever seen but then every mother", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00005-00003365-00003806": "thinks that but she was and we thought", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00006-00003807-00003977": "everything was normal", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00007-00003978-00004379": "she was exceptionally good but she", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00008-00004380-00004679": "wasn't meeting her milestones and I", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00009-00004680-00005015": "relocated back to Port Elizabeth when", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00010-00005016-00005264": "she was nearly a year old and but the", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00011-00005265-00005468": "time she'd reach to her father and I", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00012-00005469-00005708": "decided to take her to the Red Cross", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00013-00005709-00005912": "Children's Hospital where she was", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00014-00005913-00006320": "diagnosed with autism and mental", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00015-00006321-00006814": "retardation she has now since due to all", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00016-00006815-00007027": "the medication she's also become", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00017-00007028-00007483": "epileptic and she's very very swollen", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00018-00007484-00007860": "due to the medications which cannot stop", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00019-00007861-00008131": "okay Leinster tell us where's your", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00020-00008132-00008827": "daughter at the moment and why what's", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00021-00008828-00010209": "Aurora is a special educators right and", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00022-00010210-00010438": "you've mentioned the problems with her", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00023-00010439-00010639": "as well but there's also financial", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00024-00010640-00013463": "challenge at the moment and he didn't so", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00025-00013463-00014269": "he passed away and this does it cost at", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00026-00014270-00014455": "the moment per month", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00027-00014456-00014858": "these are Aurora or 12,000 round that is", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00028-00014859-00015322": "including a carer I have to pay for", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00029-00015322-00015593": "nappies which are which is about a", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00030-00015594-00016013": "thousand ran the month okay and my", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00031-00016013-00016336": "pension goes to pay for her medical aid", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00032-00016337-00016580": "because she's got to stay on that", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00033-00016581-00016757": "medical aid because the medicines are so", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00034-00016758-00017005": "expensive so how far are you from", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00035-00017006-00017828": "reaching their 12,000 so what's your", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00036-00017829-00017996": "need what are you looking for I'm", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00037-00017997-00018169": "looking for a sponsor I'm looking for", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00038-00018170-00018850": "help so that I can keep my daughter I do", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00039-00018851-00019033": "not want her to go back into staircase", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00040-00019034-00019319": "she's happy it's at Aurora it's her home", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00041-00019320-00019652": "she comes to know it as a home I'll", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00042-00019653-00019868": "fetch her every weekend and I'll take", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00043-00019869-00020311": "her on outing little treats but she's", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00044-00020312-00020492": "quite happy to go back in and that gives", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00045-00020493-00020969": "me peace of mind as well okay I'm 70", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00046-00020970-00021040": "years old", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00047-00021041-00021328": "unbelievable my husband is 80 so we are", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00048-00021329-00021800": "unable to look after her really I really", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00049-00021801-00022701": "need thank you", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00050-00022702-00023716": "how can people donate all donors quite a", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00051-00023717-00024115": "far for section 18 a Becker buddy", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00052-00024116-00024460": "will manage all the funds and forward", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00053-00024461-00024664": "them to Vanessa Windsor can't", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00054-00024665-00024916": "that's Aurora so please put your as your", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00055-00024917-00025066": "reference for the new sir", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00056-00025067-00027732": "great so what do you want to say to", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00057-00027733-00028314": "visiting hey wow look at that smile", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00058-00028314-00029583": "Nissa Nissa look at that this is a big", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00059-00029585-00029652": "girl", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00060-00029653-00030021": "this is happy well I thank you my", "7q6oj3kWnbI-00061-00030022-00030283": "darling"}}, {"audio_id": "7qoTon6TlRu", "text": {"7qoTon6TlRu-00000-00000008-00000438": "i captain", "7qoTon6TlRu-00001-00000438-00001743": "[Music]", "7qoTon6TlRu-00002-00001744-00002623": "what's the point of going on", "7qoTon6TlRu-00003-00002624-00002847": "i'll just be tortured for the rest of my", "7qoTon6TlRu-00004-00002848-00003079": "life by that whale", "7qoTon6TlRu-00005-00003080-00003406": "that's it i'm done the 415 bus should be", "7qoTon6TlRu-00006-00003407-00003599": "along any time now", "7qoTon6TlRu-00007-00003600-00003815": "hi plankton what you doing laying in the", "7qoTon6TlRu-00008-00003815-00004086": "middle of the road oh wait he's head", "7qoTon6TlRu-00009-00004087-00004351": "can't you see i'm trying to get run over", "7qoTon6TlRu-00010-00004352-00004551": "in fact better yet just step on me as", "7qoTon6TlRu-00011-00004552-00004727": "hard as you can would you do that for me", "7qoTon6TlRu-00012-00004728-00004895": "i'm sorry plankton but that flies in the", "7qoTon6TlRu-00013-00004896-00005143": "face of my good nature forget it kid", "7qoTon6TlRu-00014-00005144-00005399": "i'll just wait for the next bus", "7qoTon6TlRu-00015-00005400-00005683": "go on back to the krusty krab and enjoy", "7qoTon6TlRu-00016-00005684-00006063": "yourself okay", "7qoTon6TlRu-00017-00006064-00007506": "[Music]", "7qoTon6TlRu-00018-00007506-00011017": "[Music]", "7qoTon6TlRu-00019-00011018-00011246": "[Music]", "7qoTon6TlRu-00020-00011247-00011535": "you better", "7qoTon6TlRu-00021-00011536-00011966": "bye", "7qoTon6TlRu-00022-00011967-00012737": "[Music]", "7qoTon6TlRu-00023-00012738-00013143": "[Music]", "7qoTon6TlRu-00024-00013144-00014771": "so", "7qoTon6TlRu-00025-00014772-00015599": "[Music]", "7qoTon6TlRu-00026-00015600-00015808": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7qsuiGHw1WQ", "text": {"7qsuiGHw1WQ-00000-00000396-00004142": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00001-00004143-00005349": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00002-00005350-00006413": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00003-00006414-00008620": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00004-00008621-00009292": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00005-00009293-00011028": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00006-00011029-00013380": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00007-00013381-00014438": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00008-00014438-00017030": "[Music]", "7qsuiGHw1WQ-00009-00017031-00017240": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7qurukhCbRU", "text": {"7qurukhCbRU-00000-00000006-00000310": "hello everybody my name is day and", "7qurukhCbRU-00001-00000311-00000682": "welcome to for a solid cheese pilot", "7qurukhCbRU-00002-00000683-00001490": "episode 8 what is the popular reason to", "7qurukhCbRU-00003-00001491-00001777": "learn English is to travel you know", "7qurukhCbRU-00004-00001778-00002077": "traveling as a non-native speaker is", "7qurukhCbRU-00005-00002078-00002326": "sometimes quite hard because of the", "7qurukhCbRU-00006-00002327-00002450": "language water", "7qurukhCbRU-00007-00002451-00002751": "so what is a language warrior a warrior", "7qurukhCbRU-00008-00002752-00003122": "is something that stops you going where", "7qurukhCbRU-00009-00003123-00003361": "you want to go or doing what you want to", "7qurukhCbRU-00010-00003363-00003797": "do a language wire is when you can't", "7qurukhCbRU-00011-00003797-00004126": "understand what people are saying to you", "7qurukhCbRU-00012-00004127-00004706": "here's an example", "7qurukhCbRU-00013-00004707-00005917": "[Music]", "7qurukhCbRU-00014-00005918-00006297": "welcome to Canada Skrill - temple please", "7qurukhCbRU-00015-00006298-00006709": "to your tables how many of you are there", "7qurukhCbRU-00016-00006709-00007202": "two persons oh just a dude here you mean", "7qurukhCbRU-00017-00007203-00007438": "you'd like a table for two", "7qurukhCbRU-00018-00007439-00007939": "yes two temples for us - okay", "7qurukhCbRU-00019-00007940-00008231": "a table for two this way please here's", "7qurukhCbRU-00020-00008232-00008408": "the menu what can I bring you", "7qurukhCbRU-00021-00008409-00008803": "I'm not like chicken are you have beef", "7qurukhCbRU-00022-00008804-00009251": "yes we have beef I won't pass that can", "7qurukhCbRU-00023-00009252-00009620": "you have a me pasta sure we have a", "7qurukhCbRU-00024-00009621-00009944": "choice of pasta dishes", "7qurukhCbRU-00025-00009945-00010813": "[Music]", "7qurukhCbRU-00026-00010814-00011034": "how many mistakes", "7qurukhCbRU-00027-00011035-00011505": "there's Alexa and Chris make when eating", "7qurukhCbRU-00028-00011506-00011769": "in a restaurant we need some phrases", "7qurukhCbRU-00029-00011770-00011981": "such as a table for two please", "7qurukhCbRU-00030-00011982-00012341": "and always remember to be polite saying", "7qurukhCbRU-00031-00012342-00012560": "please when asking for something and", "7qurukhCbRU-00032-00012561-00012908": "thank you when you get it shows respect", "7qurukhCbRU-00033-00012909-00013386": "in this dialogue just the two of us is a", "7qurukhCbRU-00034-00013387-00013677": "good way to say that only two people", "7qurukhCbRU-00035-00013678-00014190": "will be eating remember that and when we", "7qurukhCbRU-00036-00014191-00014496": "want to order food we can say things", "7qurukhCbRU-00037-00014497-00014805": "like I'd like to order the chicken or", "7qurukhCbRU-00038-00014806-00015191": "can I have the fish planes but if you", "7qurukhCbRU-00039-00015193-00015465": "want a certain type of food you can ask", "7qurukhCbRU-00040-00015466-00015978": "do you have pork let's hear how Alexa", "7qurukhCbRU-00041-00015979-00016661": "increase should have ordered your meal", "7qurukhCbRU-00042-00016662-00017015": "[Music]", "7qurukhCbRU-00043-00017016-00017369": "welcome to Candice grille Oh a table for", "7qurukhCbRU-00044-00017370-00017444": "two please", "7qurukhCbRU-00045-00017445-00017778": "a table for two certainly this way", "7qurukhCbRU-00046-00017779-00017834": "please", "7qurukhCbRU-00047-00017835-00018084": "what can I bring you I don't like", "7qurukhCbRU-00048-00018085-00018147": "chicken", "7qurukhCbRU-00049-00018148-00018506": "do you have beef yes we do we have beef", "7qurukhCbRU-00050-00018507-00019025": "I love pasta do have pasta certainly we", "7qurukhCbRU-00051-00019026-00019397": "have a choice of pasta dishes", "7qurukhCbRU-00052-00019398-00020282": "[Music]", "7qurukhCbRU-00053-00020283-00020574": "thank you so much for listening and I", "7qurukhCbRU-00054-00020575-00020802": "hope you learned something and enjoyed", "7qurukhCbRU-00055-00020803-00021057": "narrative for more owners don't forget", "7qurukhCbRU-00056-00021058-00021309": "to subscribe and also don't forget to", "7qurukhCbRU-00057-00021310-00021540": "click the thumbs up and share see you on", "7qurukhCbRU-00058-00021541-00021823": "our next episode", "7qurukhCbRU-00059-00021824-00021960": "[Music]", "7qurukhCbRU-00060-00021961-00022267": "[Applause]"}}, {"audio_id": "7qyz02qlrWU", "text": {"7qyz02qlrWU-00000-00000008-00002148": "foreign", "7qyz02qlrWU-00001-00002149-00002295": "[Music]", "7qyz02qlrWU-00002-00002296-00004753": "hello", "7qyz02qlrWU-00003-00004754-00005551": "[Music]", "7qyz02qlrWU-00004-00005552-00005839": "is"}}, {"audio_id": "7qITk-Kfb44", "text": {"7qITk-Kfb44-00000-00000104-00000521": "boy welcome back and I've just realized", "7qITk-Kfb44-00001-00000522-00000886": "I can't quite use the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00002-00000888-00001066": "level six suit", "7qITk-Kfb44-00003-00001067-00001265": "I don't know why", "7qITk-Kfb44-00004-00001266-00001667": "it's gone it's gone", "7qITk-Kfb44-00005-00001668-00001798": "um", "7qITk-Kfb44-00006-00001800-00002002": "that's bad", "7qITk-Kfb44-00007-00002003-00002249": "unless it's a hidden in my inventory oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00008-00002250-00002447": "gangster thing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00009-00002448-00002710": "statue", "7qITk-Kfb44-00010-00002711-00003041": "God", "7qITk-Kfb44-00011-00003042-00003335": "yeah no can't can't use the level 650", "7qITk-Kfb44-00012-00003336-00003611": "boy it's gone I'll put it away for the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00013-00003611-00003856": "Lone Survivor I'll put that thing on", "7qITk-Kfb44-00014-00003857-00004306": "which I'm just using", "7qITk-Kfb44-00015-00004307-00004504": "that's sorting", "7qITk-Kfb44-00016-00004505-00004852": "I'm already in that unequipped", "7qITk-Kfb44-00017-00004853-00005141": "ah let's just go Venture suit again", "7qITk-Kfb44-00018-00005142-00005429": "for the maybe final if I'm", "7qITk-Kfb44-00019-00005430-00005717": "um quick enough if I'm quick enough", "7qITk-Kfb44-00020-00005718-00006059": "oh I completed in one hour then it will", "7qITk-Kfb44-00021-00006060-00006460": "be an hour episode of the final", "7qITk-Kfb44-00022-00006461-00006701": "but that mostly depends on how much the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00023-00006702-00006941": "game stored us", "7qITk-Kfb44-00024-00006942-00007139": "oh yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00025-00007140-00007787": "the stutter that's what's important", "7qITk-Kfb44-00026-00007788-00008027": "sure it's not stuttering that much", "7qITk-Kfb44-00027-00008028-00008189": "okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00028-00008190-00008464": "let's get this party rolling", "7qITk-Kfb44-00029-00008465-00008795": "on the stones on the stones good English", "7qITk-Kfb44-00030-00008796-00009395": "German mix without stones", "7qITk-Kfb44-00031-00009396-00009610": "I'm not going back for that I need to", "7qITk-Kfb44-00032-00009611-00009827": "beat the game", "7qITk-Kfb44-00033-00009828-00010013": "I've made it this far", "7qITk-Kfb44-00034-00010014-00010145": "could be", "7qITk-Kfb44-00035-00010146-00010421": "[__] it's my brother on the monitor he's", "7qITk-Kfb44-00036-00010422-00010642": "right by the airlock", "7qITk-Kfb44-00037-00010643-00010895": "don't let this place get to you Kendra", "7qITk-Kfb44-00038-00010896-00011291": "we're out of time I", "7qITk-Kfb44-00039-00011292-00011471": "he's not there", "7qITk-Kfb44-00040-00011472-00012353": "I can make it if I run", "7qITk-Kfb44-00041-00012354-00012802": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00042-00012803-00013657": "me kind", "7qITk-Kfb44-00043-00013658-00013943": "I'm not sticking around", "7qITk-Kfb44-00044-00013944-00014261": "God damn it I am sticking around", "7qITk-Kfb44-00045-00014262-00014521": "I've got a choice", "7qITk-Kfb44-00046-00014522-00014885": "quarantine activated", "7qITk-Kfb44-00047-00014886-00015316": "I'm gonna full luggage at it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00048-00015318-00015560": "Joy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00049-00015561-00015988": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00050-00015990-00016338": "perfect", "7qITk-Kfb44-00051-00016340-00017507": "then you're fast still", "7qITk-Kfb44-00052-00017508-00017700": "come on", "7qITk-Kfb44-00053-00017701-00019763": "no spit up", "7qITk-Kfb44-00054-00019764-00020500": "what the hell is this", "7qITk-Kfb44-00055-00020501-00022889": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00056-00022890-00023153": "lifted", "7qITk-Kfb44-00057-00023154-00024719": "immediately", "7qITk-Kfb44-00058-00024720-00025163": "a small first gun Ripper we good", "7qITk-Kfb44-00059-00025164-00025385": "hey", "7qITk-Kfb44-00060-00025386-00025733": "man hunger Space Mr Clark your", "7qITk-Kfb44-00061-00025733-00025918": "colleagues safely on board my name is", "7qITk-Kfb44-00062-00025919-00026255": "Kendra Daniels stand by Isaac he's", "7qITk-Kfb44-00063-00026256-00026573": "bringing the shuttle in now", "7qITk-Kfb44-00064-00026574-00027420": "ah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00065-00027422-00027640": "I think we can't run the automated", "7qITk-Kfb44-00066-00027641-00027749": "loading control", "7qITk-Kfb44-00067-00027750-00027952": "s must be the damage to the ship we're", "7qITk-Kfb44-00068-00027954-00028187": "losing time the hive mind is down there", "7qITk-Kfb44-00069-00028188-00028505": "kind relax I'll turn off the gravity in", "7qITk-Kfb44-00070-00028506-00028702": "the hangar then I can load the marker by", "7qITk-Kfb44-00071-00028704-00028931": "hand all right", "7qITk-Kfb44-00072-00028932-00029243": "no don't worry Amelia they understand", "7qITk-Kfb44-00073-00029244-00029374": "Jesus", "7qITk-Kfb44-00074-00029375-00029740": "Jesus", "7qITk-Kfb44-00075-00029741-00030312": "uh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00076-00030313-00031846": "entering zero gravity", "7qITk-Kfb44-00077-00031847-00032099": "okay that's hurry up", "7qITk-Kfb44-00078-00032100-00032701": "we don't have all day I mean whoa", "7qITk-Kfb44-00079-00032702-00032945": "all night", "7qITk-Kfb44-00080-00032946-00033149": "of actually", "7qITk-Kfb44-00081-00033150-00033317": "didn't have", "7qITk-Kfb44-00082-00033318-00033646": "played this game at the daytime Dharma", "7qITk-Kfb44-00083-00033647-00034039": "struggled with that sentence", "7qITk-Kfb44-00084-00034040-00034379": "I didn't play the game during daytime", "7qITk-Kfb44-00085-00034380-00035573": "yeah that's better English", "7qITk-Kfb44-00086-00035574-00036659": "ah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00087-00036660-00036874": "just", "7qITk-Kfb44-00088-00036875-00037307": "perfect", "7qITk-Kfb44-00089-00037308-00037451": "oh no", "7qITk-Kfb44-00090-00037452-00038087": "no [__]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00091-00038088-00038387": "not perfect", "7qITk-Kfb44-00092-00038388-00038680": "on perfect", "7qITk-Kfb44-00093-00038681-00039527": "it's perfect", "7qITk-Kfb44-00094-00039528-00039899": "open up", "7qITk-Kfb44-00095-00039900-00040065": "thank you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00096-00040066-00040415": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00097-00040416-00041393": "false thoughts", "7qITk-Kfb44-00098-00041394-00043211": "really", "7qITk-Kfb44-00099-00043212-00045858": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00100-00045859-00047230": "at a time", "7qITk-Kfb44-00101-00047231-00050393": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00102-00050394-00050752": "I didn't get the spike to throw", "7qITk-Kfb44-00103-00050753-00053723": "a sad day", "7qITk-Kfb44-00104-00053724-00054059": "thank you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00105-00054060-00054292": "come on give me that Spike", "7qITk-Kfb44-00106-00054294-00054941": "where's the baby", "7qITk-Kfb44-00107-00054941-00055882": "oh it's so loud", "7qITk-Kfb44-00108-00055883-00056904": "exploded", "7qITk-Kfb44-00109-00056905-00057179": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00110-00057179-00057536": "anyway", "7qITk-Kfb44-00111-00057537-00057779": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00112-00057779-00058944": "s", "7qITk-Kfb44-00113-00058945-00059279": "all right still don't know quite what to", "7qITk-Kfb44-00114-00059279-00059537": "do here that's the part I got stuck last", "7qITk-Kfb44-00115-00059538-00060079": "time", "7qITk-Kfb44-00116-00060079-00060473": "I don't know what is the second battery", "7qITk-Kfb44-00117-00060474-00060863": "stand up just", "7qITk-Kfb44-00118-00060864-00061138": "no damn you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00119-00061139-00061242": "okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00120-00061244-00061871": "loot I want to lose", "7qITk-Kfb44-00121-00061872-00062116": "clearance confirmed", "7qITk-Kfb44-00122-00062117-00063407": "the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00123-00063408-00063592": "off more", "7qITk-Kfb44-00124-00063594-00063838": "stuff", "7qITk-Kfb44-00125-00063839-00064300": "more loot stuff", "7qITk-Kfb44-00126-00064301-00066088": "something to press on the marker", "7qITk-Kfb44-00127-00066089-00066347": "I feel like I'm have to press that one", "7qITk-Kfb44-00128-00066348-00066965": "more time that thing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00129-00066966-00067175": "it wasn't that complicated but just", "7qITk-Kfb44-00130-00067176-00067397": "other power lines so it's the power", "7qITk-Kfb44-00131-00067398-00067582": "lines for the safe room", "7qITk-Kfb44-00132-00067583-00068255": "oh yes okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00133-00068256-00068813": "does it load room", "7qITk-Kfb44-00134-00068814-00069047": "the safeties are still alive I need to", "7qITk-Kfb44-00135-00069048-00069209": "restore gravity before we can load it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00136-00069210-00069556": "hurry please", "7qITk-Kfb44-00137-00069557-00069869": "oh the two guys some good the two guys", "7qITk-Kfb44-00138-00069870-00070138": "the two people in years", "7qITk-Kfb44-00139-00070139-00070444": "fully turned on by the marker zero", "7qITk-Kfb44-00140-00070445-00071555": "gravity", "7qITk-Kfb44-00141-00071556-00071932": "I love the tone shift on campus vocals", "7qITk-Kfb44-00142-00071933-00072238": "here", "7qITk-Kfb44-00143-00072239-00074255": "Daniel's is waiting hurry", "7qITk-Kfb44-00144-00074256-00074921": "away", "7qITk-Kfb44-00145-00074922-00075221": "sorry Isaac I couldn't trust him with", "7qITk-Kfb44-00146-00075222-00075485": "the marker Kendra what are you doing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00147-00075486-00075685": "when my department sent me here to do", "7qITk-Kfb44-00148-00075686-00075917": "even if the Valor couldn't help me out", "7qITk-Kfb44-00149-00075918-00076355": "like I wanted", "7qITk-Kfb44-00150-00076356-00076600": "for Earth gov cleaning up a very very", "7qITk-Kfb44-00151-00076601-00076729": "old mess", "7qITk-Kfb44-00152-00076730-00076985": "I told you and him in the age of seven", "7qITk-Kfb44-00153-00076986-00077147": "was off limits", "7qITk-Kfb44-00154-00077148-00077303": "the planet was one big government", "7qITk-Kfb44-00155-00077304-00077519": "experiment", "7qITk-Kfb44-00156-00077520-00077921": "the marker this Divine artifact", "7qITk-Kfb44-00157-00077922-00078256": "it was built by human hands that's", "7qITk-Kfb44-00158-00078257-00078688": "that's an alien world", "7qITk-Kfb44-00159-00078689-00078869": "a few hundred years ago", "7qITk-Kfb44-00160-00078870-00079169": "even kind didn't pick up on that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00161-00079170-00079367": "they found the first marker in some", "7qITk-Kfb44-00162-00079368-00079529": "crater on Earth", "7qITk-Kfb44-00163-00079530-00079667": "that one", "7qITk-Kfb44-00164-00079668-00079943": "that was real", "7qITk-Kfb44-00165-00079944-00080279": "enough to inspire unitology", "7qITk-Kfb44-00166-00080280-00080506": "or people studied it they reverse", "7qITk-Kfb44-00167-00080507-00080747": "engineered this red marker", "7qITk-Kfb44-00168-00080748-00081232": "but they needed somewhere to test him", "7qITk-Kfb44-00169-00081233-00081485": "you've seen the result", "7qITk-Kfb44-00170-00081486-00081706": "of nightmares", "7qITk-Kfb44-00171-00081707-00081875": "I thought the old reports were just", "7qITk-Kfb44-00172-00081876-00082019": "Hysteria", "7qITk-Kfb44-00173-00082020-00082199": "until I saw", "7qITk-Kfb44-00174-00082200-00082438": "what I saw", "7qITk-Kfb44-00175-00082439-00082661": "they sealed off the whole system buried", "7qITk-Kfb44-00176-00082662-00082841": "the records nice and clean", "7qITk-Kfb44-00177-00082842-00083165": "until CEC got greedy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00178-00083166-00083399": "those idiots tore each of seven apart", "7qITk-Kfb44-00179-00083400-00083573": "and woke up with the old research team", "7qITk-Kfb44-00180-00083574-00084550": "left behind sorry", "7qITk-Kfb44-00181-00084551-00084773": "we can do it again", "7qITk-Kfb44-00182-00084774-00084953": "I've seen how the marker [__] with your", "7qITk-Kfb44-00183-00084954-00085043": "head", "7qITk-Kfb44-00184-00085044-00085732": "it must be content", "7qITk-Kfb44-00185-00085733-00085871": "it's worth", "7qITk-Kfb44-00186-00085872-00086129": "we made a great team", "7qITk-Kfb44-00187-00086130-00086387": "you'll find another way after ishimura", "7qITk-Kfb44-00188-00086388-00086567": "I mean", "7qITk-Kfb44-00189-00086568-00086788": "hell of an engineer your experiment's", "7qITk-Kfb44-00190-00086789-00088609": "gonna kill us off", "7qITk-Kfb44-00191-00088610-00089026": "no thanks", "7qITk-Kfb44-00192-00089027-00089387": "Isaac come in it's Nicole where are you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00193-00089388-00089626": "in the flight control room please you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00194-00089627-00089776": "have to come up here now", "7qITk-Kfb44-00195-00089777-00089950": "this still a way out for us but we don't", "7qITk-Kfb44-00196-00089951-00090312": "have much time", "7qITk-Kfb44-00197-00090313-00090659": "oh we got them talking parts of", "7qITk-Kfb44-00198-00090660-00091073": "cutscenes", "7qITk-Kfb44-00199-00091074-00091450": "hurry up oh Isaac good morning", "7qITk-Kfb44-00200-00091451-00091876": "structural Integrity compromised", "7qITk-Kfb44-00201-00091877-00092165": "also if you're wondering", "7qITk-Kfb44-00202-00092166-00092531": "there are actually pretty much no mods", "7qITk-Kfb44-00203-00092532-00092735": "coming out for this game at this time", "7qITk-Kfb44-00204-00092736-00092968": "which is also weird", "7qITk-Kfb44-00205-00092969-00093250": "I heard it's just hard to mod because of", "7qITk-Kfb44-00206-00093251-00093593": "the engine of course by the engine", "7qITk-Kfb44-00207-00093594-00094271": "but yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00208-00094272-00094409": "you made it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00209-00094410-00094565": "I tried to find you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00210-00094566-00094750": "that's the issue", "7qITk-Kfb44-00211-00094751-00094918": "and the other half swarming with those", "7qITk-Kfb44-00212-00094919-00095009": "things", "7qITk-Kfb44-00213-00095010-00095194": "how'd you get here", "7qITk-Kfb44-00214-00095195-00095494": "you cleared the way I can always count", "7qITk-Kfb44-00215-00095495-00095812": "on you not this time Daniel screwed me", "7qITk-Kfb44-00216-00095813-00095921": "over", "7qITk-Kfb44-00217-00095922-00096094": "you couldn't have known she would take", "7qITk-Kfb44-00218-00096095-00096221": "the marker", "7qITk-Kfb44-00219-00096222-00096418": "she left us to die", "7qITk-Kfb44-00220-00096419-00096576": "there's still hope", "7qITk-Kfb44-00221-00096577-00096797": "you can recall the shuttle and remote", "7qITk-Kfb44-00222-00096798-00097067": "pilot from here bring back the marker", "7qITk-Kfb44-00223-00097068-00097397": "and we can return it to each of seventh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00224-00097398-00097606": "can make us whole again I just don't", "7qITk-Kfb44-00225-00097607-00097817": "know what", "7qITk-Kfb44-00226-00097818-00098003": "it's okay Isaac", "7qITk-Kfb44-00227-00098004-00098471": "you'll know what to do", "7qITk-Kfb44-00228-00098472-00098687": "thank you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00229-00098688-00099005": "a little bit press the button", "7qITk-Kfb44-00230-00099006-00099341": "shuttle usg09", "7qITk-Kfb44-00231-00099342-00099661": "ripping remote docking procedures", "7qITk-Kfb44-00232-00099662-00099905": "damn it Isaacs you don't know what", "7qITk-Kfb44-00233-00099906-00100126": "you're doing I know someone's gonna", "7qITk-Kfb44-00234-00100127-00100482": "answer for this [__] kidding me [__]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00235-00100483-00100799": "warning Escape board launch detected", "7qITk-Kfb44-00236-00100800-00101393": "from shuttle usg09", "7qITk-Kfb44-00237-00101394-00101609": "damn", "7qITk-Kfb44-00238-00101610-00101873": "it doesn't matter", "7qITk-Kfb44-00239-00101874-00102244": "she can't escape her fate", "7qITk-Kfb44-00240-00102245-00103042": "but who can", "7qITk-Kfb44-00241-00103043-00103234": "we go now", "7qITk-Kfb44-00242-00103235-00103906": "mommy Nicole", "7qITk-Kfb44-00243-00103907-00104249": "orders Noah will not", "7qITk-Kfb44-00244-00104250-00104573": "so it's just looking badass here it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00245-00104574-00104777": "comes", "7qITk-Kfb44-00246-00104778-00105053": "Isaac I know", "7qITk-Kfb44-00247-00105054-00105221": "tomorrow's finished", "7qITk-Kfb44-00248-00105222-00105460": "if we get on that show there's no going", "7qITk-Kfb44-00249-00105461-00105760": "back leave no regrets", "7qITk-Kfb44-00250-00105761-00105893": "go", "7qITk-Kfb44-00251-00105894-00106536": "I'll reprogram the saddle with that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00252-00106538-00107275": "I'm gonna be watching my back", "7qITk-Kfb44-00253-00107276-00107578": "danger containment Fields approaching", "7qITk-Kfb44-00254-00107579-00108058": "maximum capacity oh I'm running", "7qITk-Kfb44-00255-00108059-00108340": "oh I've got time to fight", "7qITk-Kfb44-00256-00108341-00108683": "the fight on ages so what will be tough", "7qITk-Kfb44-00257-00108683-00108833": "enough as it is", "7qITk-Kfb44-00258-00108833-00109357": "and I don't wanna get into much", "7qITk-Kfb44-00259-00109358-00109883": "God I hope", "7qITk-Kfb44-00260-00109883-00110147": "start up", "7qITk-Kfb44-00261-00110148-00110278": "yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00262-00110279-00110434": "we're back with a PowerPoint", "7qITk-Kfb44-00263-00110435-00110597": "presentation", "7qITk-Kfb44-00264-00110598-00112013": "lovely", "7qITk-Kfb44-00265-00112014-00112373": "oh skip the cutscene I'm in here I'm", "7qITk-Kfb44-00266-00112374-00112601": "gonna get myself this fight", "7qITk-Kfb44-00267-00112602-00114515": "which is gonna happen right now", "7qITk-Kfb44-00268-00114516-00114773": "the marker signal", "7qITk-Kfb44-00269-00114774-00114971": "is that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00270-00114972-00115127": "and binds up", "7qITk-Kfb44-00271-00115128-00115415": "but there's a dead space in that signal", "7qITk-Kfb44-00272-00115416-00115690": "around", "7qITk-Kfb44-00273-00115691-00116428": "the eye of the star", "7qITk-Kfb44-00274-00116429-00116747": "what's this pedestal weather it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00275-00116748-00116975": "amplifies", "7qITk-Kfb44-00276-00116976-00117233": "the marker's pulse will be felt across", "7qITk-Kfb44-00277-00117233-00117569": "the planet the federal sleep", "7qITk-Kfb44-00278-00117570-00118069": "and the living will see what cats", "7qITk-Kfb44-00279-00118070-00118457": "oh what a fun loot put the skin to rest", "7qITk-Kfb44-00280-00118458-00118684": "without", "7qITk-Kfb44-00281-00118685-00119831": "so don't literally started 10 times", "7qITk-Kfb44-00282-00119832-00121415": "limit", "7qITk-Kfb44-00283-00121416-00121673": "I wanna open up this will be a tough", "7qITk-Kfb44-00284-00121674-00122051": "fight in here oh stocked up on medkits", "7qITk-Kfb44-00285-00122052-00122813": "uh stasis", "7qITk-Kfb44-00286-00122814-00123449": "I don't know I will need it all", "7qITk-Kfb44-00287-00123450-00125477": "warnings", "7qITk-Kfb44-00288-00125478-00126158": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00289-00126158-00128303": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00290-00128304-00129034": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00291-00129035-00132178": "um okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00292-00132179-00132654": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00293-00132655-00133576": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00294-00133577-00134704": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00295-00134705-00134813": "yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00296-00134814-00135143": "medical emptied day by day my friends", "7qITk-Kfb44-00297-00135144-00135269": "left", "7qITk-Kfb44-00298-00135270-00135502": "back in body bags", "7qITk-Kfb44-00299-00135503-00135689": "then came", "7qITk-Kfb44-00300-00135690-00136043": "back you wonder", "7qITk-Kfb44-00301-00136044-00136313": "is his insanity if everyone else sees", "7qITk-Kfb44-00302-00136314-00136535": "what you see I never have left you in", "7qITk-Kfb44-00303-00136536-00136666": "that place", "7qITk-Kfb44-00304-00136667-00137059": "you know that it was my one bright", "7qITk-Kfb44-00305-00137060-00137549": "shining star in that Darkness", "7qITk-Kfb44-00306-00137550-00138389": "Isaac will find me", "7qITk-Kfb44-00307-00138390-00138983": "yeah Captain swole over here oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00308-00138984-00139181": "Trail", "7qITk-Kfb44-00309-00139182-00139387": "although it is", "7qITk-Kfb44-00310-00139388-00139685": "midnight and the tooth Plate Place", "7qITk-Kfb44-00311-00139686-00139937": "hawkwood Legacy I don't know if you can", "7qITk-Kfb44-00312-00139938-00140189": "see that if somebody starts playing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00313-00140190-00140477": "starts to play a game on Steam I don't", "7qITk-Kfb44-00314-00140478-00140651": "know if you can see that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00315-00140652-00141233": "but Hogwarts Legacy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00316-00141234-00141677": "oh God I hate Harry Potter", "7qITk-Kfb44-00317-00141678-00142337": "the whole place High School dramas", "7qITk-Kfb44-00318-00142338-00142643": "exhausting", "7qITk-Kfb44-00319-00142644-00144725": "four", "7qITk-Kfb44-00320-00144726-00145211": "what's Legacy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00321-00145212-00145540": "oh it's stuttering a little bit ago", "7qITk-Kfb44-00322-00145541-00145709": "lovely", "7qITk-Kfb44-00323-00145710-00146321": "maybe Hogwarts Legacy doesn't stutter", "7qITk-Kfb44-00324-00146322-00146585": "the ugly thing is you realize that it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00325-00146586-00146793": "start us before I do", "7qITk-Kfb44-00326-00146794-00147449": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00327-00147450-00147725": "hit test connection what's it say power", "7qITk-Kfb44-00328-00147726-00147904": "failure detected", "7qITk-Kfb44-00329-00147905-00148531": "tether generator gravity control", "7qITk-Kfb44-00330-00148532-00149639": "I'm on it please hurry", "7qITk-Kfb44-00331-00149640-00149777": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00332-00149778-00150940": "really", "7qITk-Kfb44-00333-00150941-00151547": "actually that done", "7qITk-Kfb44-00334-00151548-00151721": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00335-00151722-00151883": "this Legacy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00336-00151884-00152381": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00337-00152382-00152771": "this part is out", "7qITk-Kfb44-00338-00152772-00153023": "Atomic hearts and wild hearts are", "7qITk-Kfb44-00339-00153024-00153323": "probably odds and I feel like", "7qITk-Kfb44-00340-00153324-00153533": "um don't play", "7qITk-Kfb44-00341-00153534-00153814": "Atomic Hearts if I am playing that game", "7qITk-Kfb44-00342-00153815-00154133": "or if I'm too busy playing other things", "7qITk-Kfb44-00343-00154134-00154661": "for YouTube for myself", "7qITk-Kfb44-00344-00154662-00154840": "be good", "7qITk-Kfb44-00345-00154841-00155339": "and everything", "7qITk-Kfb44-00346-00155340-00156149": "let's check first what's here", "7qITk-Kfb44-00347-00156150-00156485": "all right oh hello there talking", "7qITk-Kfb44-00348-00156486-00156652": "Security card", "7qITk-Kfb44-00349-00156653-00157007": "thank you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00350-00157008-00157337": "oh I feel like hi", "7qITk-Kfb44-00351-00157338-00157589": "I will play impossible when the next", "7qITk-Kfb44-00352-00157590-00157913": "Dead Space comes out", "7qITk-Kfb44-00353-00157914-00158278": "beforehands of mods", "7qITk-Kfb44-00354-00158279-00158597": "and it probably Dead Space it starts", "7qITk-Kfb44-00355-00158598-00158831": "with two the hardest difficulty hardcore", "7qITk-Kfb44-00356-00158832-00159095": "with the three saves", "7qITk-Kfb44-00357-00159096-00159349": "now entering tether control", "7qITk-Kfb44-00358-00159350-00159916": "cross-contamination seals engaged", "7qITk-Kfb44-00359-00159917-00160902": "oh Dead Space free", "7qITk-Kfb44-00360-00160903-00161249": "warning main power interrupted tether", "7qITk-Kfb44-00361-00161250-00161887": "generators are offline", "7qITk-Kfb44-00362-00161888-00162197": "let's rush through that that's just a", "7qITk-Kfb44-00363-00162198-00162545": "puzzle", "7qITk-Kfb44-00364-00162546-00162949": "it's just a personalize it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00365-00162950-00163775": "oh please don't stutter again please", "7qITk-Kfb44-00366-00163776-00164111": "emergency elevator offline notifying", "7qITk-Kfb44-00367-00164112-00164428": "maintenance", "7qITk-Kfb44-00368-00164429-00165695": "power restored to weapons generator", "7qITk-Kfb44-00369-00165696-00165995": "come on stick it in Isaac", "7qITk-Kfb44-00370-00165996-00167201": "I know it's been a long time", "7qITk-Kfb44-00371-00167202-00167843": "let's just stop it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00372-00167844-00168166": "rocket League let's see that again", "7qITk-Kfb44-00373-00168167-00168516": "everybody's midnight says or anything", "7qITk-Kfb44-00374-00168517-00168876": "generator yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00375-00168877-00169151": "power restored to tether generators", "7qITk-Kfb44-00376-00169152-00169613": "ready for restart restarting tether", "7qITk-Kfb44-00377-00169614-00170039": "now entering zero gravity", "7qITk-Kfb44-00378-00170040-00170333": "you've done it Isaac power is slowing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00379-00170334-00170525": "again come back to the marker quickly", "7qITk-Kfb44-00380-00170526-00170801": "the excavation saves just up ahead", "7qITk-Kfb44-00381-00170802-00172883": "make us whole", "7qITk-Kfb44-00382-00172884-00177787": "what oh okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00383-00177788-00178114": "please don't kill me like that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00384-00178115-00178597": "okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00385-00178598-00178876": "and the original", "7qITk-Kfb44-00386-00178877-00179207": "this part was way way way way we were", "7qITk-Kfb44-00387-00179208-00179476": "always", "7qITk-Kfb44-00388-00179477-00182221": "um", "7qITk-Kfb44-00389-00182222-00182602": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00390-00182603-00183274": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00391-00183275-00185897": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00392-00185898-00186352": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00393-00186353-00186802": "smoothly", "7qITk-Kfb44-00394-00186803-00188201": "I literally can't tell", "7qITk-Kfb44-00395-00188202-00188495": "no it's not running smoothly", "7qITk-Kfb44-00396-00188496-00189173": "not at all", "7qITk-Kfb44-00397-00189174-00191831": "damn it's running bad", "7qITk-Kfb44-00398-00191832-00192202": "yeah sorry", "7qITk-Kfb44-00399-00192203-00192383": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00400-00192384-00192487": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00401-00192488-00192887": "I'm gonna say and then exit and then", "7qITk-Kfb44-00402-00192888-00193283": "restart", "7qITk-Kfb44-00403-00193284-00194452": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00404-00194453-00194819": "damn game", "7qITk-Kfb44-00405-00194820-00195131": "why don't you just run like 15 FPS 30", "7qITk-Kfb44-00406-00195132-00195328": "FPS this is a PowerPoint presentation", "7qITk-Kfb44-00407-00195329-00195521": "ladies and", "7qITk-Kfb44-00408-00195522-00195809": "okay it's the middle of the day oh I", "7qITk-Kfb44-00409-00195810-00195995": "don't care anymore let's start this", "7qITk-Kfb44-00410-00195996-00196954": "trash and finish it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00411-00196955-00197225": "I'm probably need to take I will need to", "7qITk-Kfb44-00412-00197226-00197585": "take another startup break anyways", "7qITk-Kfb44-00413-00197586-00197926": "question if I even can finish that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00414-00197927-00198995": "this game is just running like trash", "7qITk-Kfb44-00415-00198996-00199283": "heated Isaac feed it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00416-00199284-00199895": "just Beat It", "7qITk-Kfb44-00417-00199896-00200243": "don't anything else staying around", "7qITk-Kfb44-00418-00200244-00200663": "damn it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00419-00200664-00202052": "um", "7qITk-Kfb44-00420-00202053-00202961": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00421-00202962-00203283": "what's the next [__] pimple", "7qITk-Kfb44-00422-00203284-00203447": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00423-00203448-00203704": "yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00424-00203705-00205234": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00425-00205235-00205564": "no oh that's not armor that's not ammo", "7qITk-Kfb44-00426-00205565-00205864": "at all", "7qITk-Kfb44-00427-00205865-00208510": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00428-00208511-00208816": "that was kind of funny", "7qITk-Kfb44-00429-00208817-00209681": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00430-00209682-00211313": "come on Dead Space", "7qITk-Kfb44-00431-00211314-00212573": "okay that's speeded I got", "7qITk-Kfb44-00432-00212573-00212975": "oh damn it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00433-00212976-00215182": "let's start", "7qITk-Kfb44-00434-00215183-00215692": "it's still alive", "7qITk-Kfb44-00435-00215694-00215904": "oh okay shut it down", "7qITk-Kfb44-00436-00215905-00216187": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00437-00216188-00216706": "you throw the sneeze back", "7qITk-Kfb44-00438-00216707-00217267": "God damn it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00439-00217267-00217696": "just needs almost one", "7qITk-Kfb44-00440-00217698-00217865": "bird off me", "7qITk-Kfb44-00441-00217866-00218663": "got still it's still coming", "7qITk-Kfb44-00442-00218664-00218837": "hmm", "7qITk-Kfb44-00443-00218838-00219215": "[__]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00444-00219216-00219925": "ah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00445-00219926-00220769": "come on move it move it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00446-00220769-00221615": "move it move it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00447-00221616-00221958": "six seven eight nine", "7qITk-Kfb44-00448-00221959-00222271": "two languages", "7qITk-Kfb44-00449-00222271-00222641": "Dr kind", "7qITk-Kfb44-00450-00222642-00222779": "ah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00451-00222780-00223055": "the figure is still good and old again", "7qITk-Kfb44-00452-00223056-00223348": "it was more fine", "7qITk-Kfb44-00453-00223350-00223601": "I don't know why it's definitely a", "7qITk-Kfb44-00454-00223602-00224539": "stupid rhyme", "7qITk-Kfb44-00455-00224540-00224794": "uh that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00456-00224796-00224992": "it's insane that this game just didn't", "7qITk-Kfb44-00457-00224994-00225313": "get any updates so the stutter is gone", "7qITk-Kfb44-00458-00225314-00225563": "I'm saying that the Kalisto protocol", "7qITk-Kfb44-00459-00225564-00225791": "actually runs mover but got more trash", "7qITk-Kfb44-00460-00225792-00226223": "for the starter", "7qITk-Kfb44-00461-00226223-00226439": "you're almost there Isaac get the market", "7qITk-Kfb44-00462-00226440-00227369": "to the pedestal hurry", "7qITk-Kfb44-00463-00227369-00228929": "oh boy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00464-00228930-00229175": "oh God I'm off", "7qITk-Kfb44-00465-00229176-00229505": "I need to switch out the post rifle", "7qITk-Kfb44-00466-00229506-00229948": "for the Ripper", "7qITk-Kfb44-00467-00229950-00230573": "and it pulls rough around Slater", "7qITk-Kfb44-00468-00230573-00231767": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00469-00231767-00235391": "thank you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00470-00235392-00238882": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00471-00238883-00239153": "there's another tentacle coming out", "7qITk-Kfb44-00472-00239154-00239506": "I know it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00473-00239507-00240173": "not yet weird", "7qITk-Kfb44-00474-00240173-00240365": "no no", "7qITk-Kfb44-00475-00240366-00240617": "don't know", "7qITk-Kfb44-00476-00240617-00241069": "so nothing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00477-00241069-00241408": "wait guys", "7qITk-Kfb44-00478-00241409-00242315": "make it fall", "7qITk-Kfb44-00479-00242316-00245831": "no I don't need that right now", "7qITk-Kfb44-00480-00245832-00246431": "okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00481-00246432-00246706": "that's one more big tentacle coming out", "7qITk-Kfb44-00482-00246707-00247042": "of here", "7qITk-Kfb44-00483-00247044-00247375": "that was looking good damn", "7qITk-Kfb44-00484-00247376-00248465": "oh behind me", "7qITk-Kfb44-00485-00248466-00248794": "hmm", "7qITk-Kfb44-00486-00248796-00248975": "I'm pretty sure there's one more wave", "7qITk-Kfb44-00487-00248976-00249215": "coming to you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00488-00249216-00251537": "that was looking good", "7qITk-Kfb44-00489-00251538-00255090": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00490-00255091-00256096": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00491-00256098-00256277": "hmm", "7qITk-Kfb44-00492-00256278-00256553": "I couldn't even see crap here I was just", "7qITk-Kfb44-00493-00256554-00256906": "shooting up fireballs", "7qITk-Kfb44-00494-00256907-00257165": "to not get infected with the neck remove", "7qITk-Kfb44-00495-00257166-00257789": "virus", "7qITk-Kfb44-00496-00257790-00258010": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00497-00258011-00258394": "come on game let yourself be beaten", "7qITk-Kfb44-00498-00258394-00259055": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00499-00259056-00260184": "ah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00500-00260185-00260655": "no no no no", "7qITk-Kfb44-00501-00260656-00261006": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00502-00261007-00261298": "thank you Isaac", "7qITk-Kfb44-00503-00261300-00261551": "I always believed in you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00504-00261552-00261869": "Nicole", "7qITk-Kfb44-00505-00261869-00262223": "we're home again", "7qITk-Kfb44-00506-00262224-00262705": "we are home", "7qITk-Kfb44-00507-00262706-00262963": "geo-orbital gravity tethers offline", "7qITk-Kfb44-00508-00262964-00263423": "tectonic mode released impact evidence", "7qITk-Kfb44-00509-00263424-00263903": "all Personnel evacuate immediately", "7qITk-Kfb44-00510-00263904-00264034": "payload", "7qITk-Kfb44-00511-00264035-00265182": "I'll restart the tether by his time", "7qITk-Kfb44-00512-00265183-00265939": "boom boom baby", "7qITk-Kfb44-00513-00265940-00266639": "come on come on", "7qITk-Kfb44-00514-00266640-00266897": "forget it Isaac there's no fixing this", "7qITk-Kfb44-00515-00266898-00267293": "let her go Daniels let who go can't you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00516-00267294-00267491": "see how delusional you are we've gotta", "7qITk-Kfb44-00517-00267492-00267689": "go the payload from the planet crack is", "7qITk-Kfb44-00518-00267690-00267863": "about to fall I gave you a chance to", "7qITk-Kfb44-00519-00267864-00268073": "come around Isaac but if you still won't", "7qITk-Kfb44-00520-00268074-00268315": "see it I'll help you one last time", "7qITk-Kfb44-00521-00268316-00268673": "wriggling override this time watch to", "7qITk-Kfb44-00522-00268674-00268853": "the end", "7qITk-Kfb44-00523-00268854-00269375": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00524-00269376-00269632": "I wish I could talk to you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00525-00269633-00269843": "I'm sorry", "7qITk-Kfb44-00526-00269844-00270197": "I'm sorry about everything I just wish I", "7qITk-Kfb44-00527-00270198-00270353": "could talk to someone", "7qITk-Kfb44-00528-00270354-00270527": "it's all", "7qITk-Kfb44-00529-00270528-00270784": "falling apart here", "7qITk-Kfb44-00530-00270785-00271223": "believe what's happening", "7qITk-Kfb44-00531-00271224-00271463": "strange", "7qITk-Kfb44-00532-00271464-00271901": "such a little thing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00533-00271902-00272158": "just how to talk", "7qITk-Kfb44-00534-00272159-00272651": "that's all this research was in the end", "7qITk-Kfb44-00535-00272652-00272945": "not much is it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00536-00272946-00273130": "just how to make it listen when he", "7qITk-Kfb44-00537-00273131-00273610": "begged for convergence", "7qITk-Kfb44-00538-00273611-00274060": "but I had a different prayer", "7qITk-Kfb44-00539-00274061-00274432": "and spoke", "7qITk-Kfb44-00540-00274433-00274787": "then it listened", "7qITk-Kfb44-00541-00274788-00275453": "make this stop I said", "7qITk-Kfb44-00542-00275454-00276906": "maybe it understood but", "7qITk-Kfb44-00543-00276907-00277529": "I never heard what was taken", "7qITk-Kfb44-00544-00277530-00278015": "why can't I see you again Isaac", "7qITk-Kfb44-00545-00278016-00278410": "I loved you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00546-00278411-00278587": "'ve left you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00547-00278588-00279236": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00548-00279237-00279403": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00549-00279404-00280104": "thank you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00550-00280105-00281275": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00551-00281276-00281663": "oh it's still running she said oh she", "7qITk-Kfb44-00552-00281664-00281939": "killed herself oopsie I didn't say", "7qITk-Kfb44-00553-00281940-00282239": "anything", "7qITk-Kfb44-00554-00282240-00282437": "Elizabeth cross", "7qITk-Kfb44-00555-00282438-00282737": "that scientist from Hydroponics", "7qITk-Kfb44-00556-00282738-00282917": "you both saw what the market wanted you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00557-00282918-00283001": "to see", "7qITk-Kfb44-00558-00283002-00283271": "Jacob's Temple for her and Nicole for", "7qITk-Kfb44-00559-00283272-00283847": "you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00560-00283848-00284501": "no", "7qITk-Kfb44-00561-00284502-00284758": "Cole's been dead this whole time and you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00562-00284759-00284945": "knew didn't you and there's something", "7qITk-Kfb44-00563-00284946-00285184": "listen right but she's", "7qITk-Kfb44-00564-00285185-00285587": "so much and", "7qITk-Kfb44-00565-00285588-00285839": "at least now it'll be in safe hands", "7qITk-Kfb44-00566-00285840-00286025": "the marker won't turn anyone else into", "7qITk-Kfb44-00567-00286026-00286234": "its puppet", "7qITk-Kfb44-00568-00286235-00286673": "give me the load of remote", "7qITk-Kfb44-00569-00286674-00286825": "no", "7qITk-Kfb44-00570-00286826-00287177": "it's over we're whole again Jacob I'm", "7qITk-Kfb44-00571-00287178-00287410": "not going to ask again cross no I know", "7qITk-Kfb44-00572-00287411-00287753": "people will die then just do it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00573-00287754-00288132": "I've got nothing left to lose", "7qITk-Kfb44-00574-00288133-00288371": "a little triple tap", "7qITk-Kfb44-00575-00288372-00288619": "it's better this way Isaac", "7qITk-Kfb44-00576-00288620-00288815": "you'll never recover from what the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00577-00288816-00289132": "Market's done to you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00578-00289133-00289330": "and when the tectonic wheel drops all", "7qITk-Kfb44-00579-00289331-00289589": "this will be buried just like earth goes", "7qITk-Kfb44-00580-00289590-00289691": "wanted", "7qITk-Kfb44-00581-00289692-00289984": "okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00582-00289985-00290177": "just", "7qITk-Kfb44-00583-00290178-00290508": "just don't start off", "7qITk-Kfb44-00584-00290509-00290753": "safe location", "7qITk-Kfb44-00585-00290754-00291184": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00586-00291185-00291430": "this all sound weird but I kind of have", "7qITk-Kfb44-00587-00291431-00291580": "wished for uh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00588-00291581-00291851": "I can still make it before she", "7qITk-Kfb44-00589-00291852-00292163": "but that's this spin-off series of DLC", "7qITk-Kfb44-00590-00292164-00292493": "with Kendra where she survives and you", "7qITk-Kfb44-00591-00292494-00292829": "play here", "7qITk-Kfb44-00592-00292830-00293087": "when she steps in Isaac's footsteps", "7qITk-Kfb44-00593-00293088-00293297": "footsteps", "7qITk-Kfb44-00594-00293298-00293567": "and Foods enemies to death", "7qITk-Kfb44-00595-00293568-00293921": "oh a bit fun I feel like", "7qITk-Kfb44-00596-00293922-00294173": "I feel like she's even though she's the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00597-00294174-00294551": "evil girl evil person in the let's play", "7qITk-Kfb44-00598-00294552-00295163": "I feel like people don't really hate her", "7qITk-Kfb44-00599-00295164-00295373": "like that's kind of missed opportunity", "7qITk-Kfb44-00600-00295374-00296032": "to have her as a second protagonist", "7qITk-Kfb44-00601-00296033-00296363": "yeah but I just used to Ripper for that", "7qITk-Kfb44-00602-00296364-00296513": "the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00603-00296514-00296999": "one more creep in here also", "7qITk-Kfb44-00604-00297000-00297384": "oh yeah not yet okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00605-00297385-00297682": "oh the final boss fight it will always", "7qITk-Kfb44-00606-00297683-00297845": "start off", "7qITk-Kfb44-00607-00297846-00298151": "it is not on stutterable", "7qITk-Kfb44-00608-00298152-00298560": "yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00609-00298561-00298810": "I've got almost everything fully", "7qITk-Kfb44-00610-00298811-00299260": "upgraded", "7qITk-Kfb44-00611-00299261-00299405": "the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00612-00299406-00299567": "sometime again", "7qITk-Kfb44-00613-00299568-00300760": "the lion gun", "7qITk-Kfb44-00614-00300761-00300971": "it's not like I need anything else here", "7qITk-Kfb44-00615-00300972-00301097": "anymore", "7qITk-Kfb44-00616-00301098-00301445": "God then let's just put the points in", "7qITk-Kfb44-00617-00301446-00301606": "even though I'm not using that gun", "7qITk-Kfb44-00618-00301607-00301885": "anyways", "7qITk-Kfb44-00619-00301886-00302158": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00620-00302159-00302410": "not gonna make everything fully upgraded", "7qITk-Kfb44-00621-00302411-00302675": "video since something is glitched there", "7qITk-Kfb44-00622-00302676-00302771": "too", "7qITk-Kfb44-00623-00302772-00303299": "oh no lovely", "7qITk-Kfb44-00624-00303300-00303767": "uh it's a lot of uh more here too", "7qITk-Kfb44-00625-00303768-00304332": "verified with", "7qITk-Kfb44-00626-00304333-00304775": "let's buy a little bit", "7qITk-Kfb44-00627-00304776-00305206": "oh my God money", "7qITk-Kfb44-00628-00305207-00307469": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00629-00307470-00307984": "yeah yeah yeah", "7qITk-Kfb44-00630-00307985-00308260": "oh", "7qITk-Kfb44-00631-00308261-00308675": "I just want to be to disappear my death", "7qITk-Kfb44-00632-00308676-00308873": "the new game blast wasn't that difficult", "7qITk-Kfb44-00633-00308874-00309280": "about it we'll definitely do okay", "7qITk-Kfb44-00634-00309281-00309610": "I haven't started too much please", "7qITk-Kfb44-00635-00309611-00310210": "oh boy oh boy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00636-00310211-00310573": "good morning Isaac I mean", "7qITk-Kfb44-00637-00310574-00310854": "how far it did", "7qITk-Kfb44-00638-00310855-00311182": "yeah it's stuttering but this will be a", "7qITk-Kfb44-00639-00311183-00311332": "PowerPoint presentation ladies and", "7qITk-Kfb44-00640-00311333-00311429": "gentlemen", "7qITk-Kfb44-00641-00311430-00311935": "this will be a PowerPoint presentation", "7qITk-Kfb44-00642-00311936-00312604": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00643-00312605-00312917": "I got my rock back it's this one I see", "7qITk-Kfb44-00644-00312918-00315023": "it right in front of me", "7qITk-Kfb44-00645-00315024-00316927": "attention", "7qITk-Kfb44-00646-00316928-00317273": "this is all I got left", "7qITk-Kfb44-00647-00317274-00317573": "well it's stuttering but", "7qITk-Kfb44-00648-00317574-00317825": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00649-00317826-00319324": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00650-00319325-00320537": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00651-00320538-00320860": "presentation", "7qITk-Kfb44-00652-00320861-00321653": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00653-00321654-00321893": "it's even stuttering for me badly so if", "7qITk-Kfb44-00654-00321894-00322084": "it's stuttering for me badly it will be", "7qITk-Kfb44-00655-00322085-00323777": "extra power pointy", "7qITk-Kfb44-00656-00323778-00323932": "but there ain't nothing to do with this", "7qITk-Kfb44-00657-00323933-00324119": "boss fight it's I tried it three times", "7qITk-Kfb44-00658-00324120-00324317": "the last time every time restarting my", "7qITk-Kfb44-00659-00324318-00325321": "PC2", "7qITk-Kfb44-00660-00325322-00325780": "damn that was bad", "7qITk-Kfb44-00661-00325781-00325997": "I barely see what's going on", "7qITk-Kfb44-00662-00325998-00327017": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00663-00327018-00327323": "second update of a probably test if the", "7qITk-Kfb44-00664-00327324-00327658": "stud has gone in this part", "7qITk-Kfb44-00665-00327659-00330180": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00666-00330181-00331030": "was already old", "7qITk-Kfb44-00667-00331031-00331263": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00668-00331264-00334054": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00669-00334055-00334499": "[Applause]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00670-00334500-00335056": "it's running so badly", "7qITk-Kfb44-00671-00335057-00336232": "it's not even fun to play", "7qITk-Kfb44-00672-00336233-00336847": "smooth sailing", "7qITk-Kfb44-00673-00336848-00337429": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00674-00337430-00338063": "so bad", "7qITk-Kfb44-00675-00338064-00338551": "that's surrounding so bad", "7qITk-Kfb44-00676-00338552-00339053": "oh okay damn", "7qITk-Kfb44-00677-00339054-00339263": "I wish you could see the way I see it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00678-00339264-00339730": "which is", "7qITk-Kfb44-00679-00339731-00339977": "just on", "7qITk-Kfb44-00680-00339978-00340260": "see the pictures of the throttled there", "7qITk-Kfb44-00681-00340261-00340501": "but it's just", "7qITk-Kfb44-00682-00340502-00341029": "it's a lot of fierce", "7qITk-Kfb44-00683-00341030-00342058": "it's running it's a lot of FPS", "7qITk-Kfb44-00684-00342059-00343489": "foreign", "7qITk-Kfb44-00685-00343490-00343771": "optimized everything later till the end", "7qITk-Kfb44-00686-00343772-00344280": "it's just not very optimized", "7qITk-Kfb44-00687-00344281-00344989": "that's about Aviation and he gets coming", "7qITk-Kfb44-00688-00344990-00345353": "because thermal tested and every media", "7qITk-Kfb44-00689-00345354-00345695": "tested only the middle of the game", "7qITk-Kfb44-00690-00345696-00345910": "and nobody quite knew how bad the end", "7qITk-Kfb44-00691-00345911-00346013": "was", "7qITk-Kfb44-00692-00346014-00347134": "kind of wise", "7qITk-Kfb44-00693-00347135-00347489": "and I did not have a single time where I", "7qITk-Kfb44-00694-00347490-00347891": "played this boss fight with food", "7qITk-Kfb44-00695-00347892-00348612": "actions", "7qITk-Kfb44-00696-00348613-00349091": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00697-00349092-00349313": "that's what it's just unplayable good", "7qITk-Kfb44-00698-00349314-00349565": "thing it's easy if it would be difficult", "7qITk-Kfb44-00699-00349566-00350008": "no chance no chance", "7qITk-Kfb44-00700-00350009-00350621": "damn we're almost over through it", "7qITk-Kfb44-00701-00350622-00350819": "one more red spot", "7qITk-Kfb44-00702-00350820-00351277": "in his chest", "7qITk-Kfb44-00703-00351278-00351527": "yes it would run a little bit smoother", "7qITk-Kfb44-00704-00351528-00352801": "if I were recording in the back", "7qITk-Kfb44-00705-00352802-00354384": "[Music]", "7qITk-Kfb44-00706-00354385-00354791": "yeah like grabs me no it grabs me I'm", "7qITk-Kfb44-00707-00354792-00355001": "gonna tell you what I see otherwise", "7qITk-Kfb44-00708-00355002-00355231": "still"}}, {"audio_id": "7qJS6DHmbj8", "text": {"7qJS6DHmbj8-00000-00000146-00002479": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00001-00002480-00002665": "do", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00002-00002666-00003647": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00003-00003647-00004221": "do", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00004-00004222-00009239": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00005-00009240-00009634": "do", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00006-00009635-00013383": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00007-00013384-00013941": "so", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00008-00013941-00014936": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00009-00014937-00016143": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00010-00016144-00016433": "so", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00011-00016434-00017895": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00012-00017896-00018814": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00013-00018815-00019247": "so", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00014-00019248-00020383": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00015-00020384-00021190": "so", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00016-00021191-00023713": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00017-00023714-00024229": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00018-00024230-00024376": "[Laughter]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00019-00024377-00030239": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00020-00030239-00031506": "so", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00021-00031507-00034396": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00022-00034397-00034923": "[Music]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00023-00034924-00035974": "[Laughter]", "7qJS6DHmbj8-00024-00035975-00036184": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7qaGtphJOek", "text": {"7qaGtphJOek-00000-00000382-00001116": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00001-00001117-00002155": "thank you", "7qaGtphJOek-00002-00002156-00002725": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00003-00002726-00002963": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00004-00002964-00003173": "rack out the most killed to achieve", "7qaGtphJOek-00005-00003174-00003479": "victory", "7qaGtphJOek-00006-00003479-00006297": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00007-00006298-00006472": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00008-00006473-00007483": "oh", "7qaGtphJOek-00009-00007484-00008355": "my God", "7qaGtphJOek-00010-00008356-00009839": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00011-00009840-00009995": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00012-00009996-00013205": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00013-00013206-00014963": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00014-00014963-00015659": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00015-00015660-00016499": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00016-00016500-00017135": "pulls down", "7qaGtphJOek-00017-00017136-00019262": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00018-00019263-00019522": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00019-00019523-00019933": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00020-00019934-00022524": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00021-00022525-00023111": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00022-00023112-00024358": "any sports", "7qaGtphJOek-00023-00024359-00026770": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00024-00026772-00026981": "weight of victory", "7qaGtphJOek-00025-00026982-00028343": "m41 spanker available", "7qaGtphJOek-00026-00028344-00029289": "in a microwave", "7qaGtphJOek-00027-00029291-00030196": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00028-00030197-00030705": "taking cover", "7qaGtphJOek-00029-00030706-00032074": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00030-00032075-00033671": "s", "7qaGtphJOek-00031-00033672-00033795": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00032-00033796-00036767": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00033-00036768-00039269": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00034-00039270-00039923": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00035-00039924-00041781": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00036-00041782-00042893": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00037-00042894-00044230": "foreign", "7qaGtphJOek-00038-00044231-00046180": "[Music]", "7qaGtphJOek-00039-00046181-00049187": "what's up", "7qaGtphJOek-00040-00049188-00049377": "jury", "7qaGtphJOek-00041-00049378-00050309": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7rlbnCr9yuy", "text": {"7rlbnCr9yuy-00000-00000003-00000275": "Pope John the 18th of Alexandria abba un", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00001-00000276-00000542": "tiss 107 Pope of Alexandria and", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00002-00000543-00000817": "patriarch of the sea of st. mark Pope", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00003-00000818-00001124": "John the 18th was born in Fame Egypt his", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00004-00001125-00001387": "lay name was Joseph he became a monk in", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00005-00001388-00001616": "the monastery of st. Anthony at the", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00006-00001617-00001787": "departure of pope mark 7", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00007-00001788-00001976": "he was humanimal each ozan to succeed", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00008-00001977-00002237": "him he was ordained at the Church of st.", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00009-00002238-00002465": "Mercurius church in coptic cairo on", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00010-00002466-00002875": "sunday 15 Papy 1486 a.m. the 23rd of", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00011-00002876-00003197": "october 1769 ad the seat of the Pope", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00012-00003198-00003388": "during his papacy remained in the st.", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00013-00003389-00003725": "Mary Church herod el room in cairo topic", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00014-00003726-00003920": "relations with Roma topic during his", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00015-00003921-00004129": "papacy Pope Pius the 6th of Rome", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00016-00004130-00004288": "attempted to attract the Eastern", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00017-00004289-00004475": "Churches to Roman Catholicism", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00018-00004476-00004727": "thus he published the Proceedings of the", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00019-00004728-00004949": "Council of Chalcedon and distributed it", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00020-00004950-00005186": "in all the countries of the East Pope", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00021-00005187-00005431": "Pius the 6th of Rome even sent an envoy", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00022-00005432-00005656": "to Pope John the 18th of Alexandria", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00023-00005657-00005825": "asking him to unite with the Roman", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00024-00005826-00006106": "Catholic Church the famous scholar and", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00025-00006107-00006365": "theologian Joseph L Abba Bishop of gurga", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00026-00006366-00006566": "responded to the message refuting its", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00027-00006567-00006863": "claims in defending orthodoxy topic", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00028-00006864-00007070": "persecution topic during the papacy of", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00029-00007070-00007273": "Pope John the 18th the cops were", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00030-00007275-00007564": "persecuted by the Ottoman rulers the Jie", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00031-00007565-00007699": "Jie was increased to unprecedented", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00032-00007700-00007913": "amounts of money and those who could not", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00033-00007914-00008114": "pay it had to convert to Islam or be", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00034-00008115-00008366": "executed the commander of the Ottoman", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00035-00008367-00008555": "army stationed in Egypt seized the", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00036-00008556-00008726": "Treasury of the Patriarchate and", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00037-00008727-00009017": "confiscated all its funds Pope John the", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00038-00009018-00009194": "eighteenth had to go into hiding for", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00039-00009195-00009491": "some time topic ibrahim el go Harry", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00040-00009492-00009710": "topic Pope John the 18th was a good", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00041-00009711-00009892": "friend of the famous Coptic layman", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00042-00009893-00010189": "ibrahim el go hari together they worked", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00043-00010190-00010358": "on restoring monasteries and churches", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00044-00010359-00010678": "they also prepared the holy Myron Pope", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00045-00010679-00010967": "John the 18th departed on to pay Oney 15", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00046-00010968-00011342": "12 a.m. the 7th of June 1796 ad he", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00047-00011343-00011534": "remained on the papal throne of st. mark", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00048-00011535-00011953": "for 26 years 7 months and 16 days he was", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00049-00011954-00012155": "buried in the tombs of the patriarchs at", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00050-00012156-00012414": "st. Mercurius church in coptic cairo the", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00051-00012415-00012667": "papal throne remained vacant after his", "7rlbnCr9yuy-00052-00012668-00013081": "departure for 3 months and 26 days"}}, {"audio_id": "7rnUbYYYGty", "text": {"7rnUbYYYGty-00000-00000372-00000672": "3996"}}, {"audio_id": "7rDEznwJ7wE", "text": {"7rDEznwJ7wE-00000-00000032-00000199": "usually any final fantasy game would", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00001-00000200-00000351": "take at least a thousand turns to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00002-00000352-00000511": "complete even if it was being played", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00003-00000512-00000630": "somewhat efficiently", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00004-00000631-00000847": "but if we try how low can we drive that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00005-00000848-00001054": "number at least for final fantasy 6.", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00006-00001055-00001335": "let's take a look first off what exactly", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00007-00001336-00001558": "are you defining a turn to be", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00008-00001559-00001734": "for the purposes of this challenge a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00009-00001735-00001895": "turn is simply any command that we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00010-00001896-00002014": "select in combat", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00011-00002016-00002255": "that can be fight item a special skill", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00012-00002256-00002423": "or even row or defend", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00013-00002424-00002558": "this excludes anything that's done", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00014-00002559-00002758": "outside of combat including magic and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00015-00002759-00002879": "item use", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00016-00002880-00003095": "second let's define the rules i'm going", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00017-00003096-00003295": "to say that all glitches are off limits", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00018-00003296-00003495": "no phasing through soldiers no sleep", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00019-00003496-00003686": "warping and no drawing ourselves to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00020-00003688-00003815": "another dimension", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00021-00003815-00003951": "otherwise this just becomes the any", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00022-00003952-00004191": "percent speed run with extra steps", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00023-00004192-00004431": "in addition ff6 has a feature where exp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00024-00004432-00004638": "is retained after the player dies", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00025-00004639-00004806": "we're allowed to abuse this if we want", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00026-00004807-00005006": "but any turns be taken before we die", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00027-00005007-00005167": "will count towards the total so we can't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00028-00005168-00005367": "just level to 99 and kill ourselves to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00029-00005368-00005527": "grind for free", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00030-00005528-00005718": "now should this rum be tool assisted or", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00031-00005719-00005918": "not in other words are we looking for an", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00032-00005919-00006070": "absolutely optimal strategy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00033-00006071-00006215": "or the best strategy that we can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00034-00006216-00006454": "realistically do in real time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00035-00006455-00006623": "well it turns out there's not a super", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00036-00006623-00006831": "huge difference so i'll just show both", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00037-00006831-00006967": "and you can consider whatever you want", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00038-00006968-00007103": "to be canon", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00039-00007104-00007342": "with that said let's get started as soon", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00040-00007343-00007503": "as the game loads we're immediately", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00041-00007504-00007734": "thrown into a series of battles in nars", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00042-00007736-00007903": "even in the first fight of the game we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00043-00007904-00008031": "shouldn't fall asleep at the wheel and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00044-00008031-00008199": "fire beam both of the guards", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00045-00008200-00008374": "that would cost two whole turns and is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00046-00008375-00008527": "totally unnecessary", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00047-00008528-00008735": "first off these guys are escapable so we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00048-00008736-00008895": "can just run away to avoid spending any", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00049-00008896-00009006": "turns at all", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00050-00009007-00009239": "however before we do that we need these", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00051-00009240-00009439": "guys to do some work for us", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00052-00009440-00009574": "in the near future we're going to be", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00053-00009575-00009742": "forced to fight some battles so we'll", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00054-00009743-00009959": "get some exp in the process", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00055-00009960-00010142": "giving this exp to bake some wedge would", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00056-00010143-00010303": "be a huge waste since they won't be", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00057-00010304-00010478": "sticking around very long", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00058-00010479-00010671": "under these restrictions the only way to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00059-00010672-00010919": "avoid wasting the cxp is to let them die", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00060-00010920-00011151": "and this is the best time to do it if we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00061-00011152-00011303": "put big some wedge in the front row and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00062-00011304-00011438": "tara in the back they'll take", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00063-00011439-00011631": "almost twice as much damage and probably", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00064-00011632-00011814": "kick the bucket before tara is in danger", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00065-00011815-00011951": "of dying herself", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00066-00011952-00012142": "after we run away we can heal tara", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00067-00012143-00012359": "outside of combat with cure spells", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00068-00012360-00012510": "the second set of fights can be avoided", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00069-00012511-00012670": "by walking around the tile that triggers", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00070-00012671-00012735": "the battle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00071-00012736-00012958": "saving a turn the third battle is where", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00072-00012959-00013127": "we're finally forced to spend a precious", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00073-00013128-00013207": "turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00074-00013208-00013375": "not only is this a pincer attack but the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00075-00013376-00013607": "lobo is also an inescapable enemy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00076-00013608-00013751": "both problems can be solved by hitting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00077-00013752-00013847": "the right side of the screen with a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00078-00013847-00013927": "bioblast", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00079-00013928-00014255": "allowing us to run away however it turns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00080-00014256-00014447": "out that's not the best option", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00081-00014447-00014630": "you see the exp from this fight happens", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00082-00014631-00014863": "to be enough to give tara an extra level", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00083-00014863-00015030": "as it turns out that level ended up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00084-00015031-00015238": "saving two turns later on and it only", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00085-00015240-00015375": "costs one turn to finish off the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00086-00015376-00015503": "remaining guard", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00087-00015504-00015711": "so in hearty blow to all guard 5 fans", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00088-00015712-00015927": "everywhere he gets toasted bringing tara", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00089-00015928-00016215": "to level 4 and our turn count to 2.", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00090-00016216-00016358": "the final encounter in this section", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00091-00016359-00016550": "contains some inescapable mammoths", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00092-00016551-00016727": "as this isn't a pincer attack one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00093-00016728-00016879": "bioblast finishes them all", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00094-00016880-00017150": "bringing tara to level 5. racing tara's", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00095-00017151-00017294": "level in this section is more important", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00096-00017295-00017407": "than it may seem", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00097-00017408-00017567": "you see the level that characters join", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00098-00017568-00017703": "at depends on the average level of the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00099-00017704-00017919": "characters that are already in the party", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00100-00017920-00018079": "since tara is the only party member", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00101-00018080-00018279": "right now raising her level by 2 also", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00102-00018280-00018399": "raises level average by", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00103-00018400-00018655": "2. therefore any level for tara right", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00104-00018656-00018830": "now translates into a level for every", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00105-00018831-00019022": "other character to join the party", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00106-00019023-00019286": "pretty sweet deal speaking of levels", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00107-00019287-00019471": "being at 5 instead of 4 reduces the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00108-00019472-00019607": "number of tech missiles that we need to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00109-00019608-00019783": "kill bulk from 4 to three", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00110-00019784-00019950": "this means that the extra term we spent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00111-00019951-00020094": "killing the guard has already paid for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00112-00020095-00020175": "itself", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00113-00020176-00020447": "the welk fight is otherwise unremarkable", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00114-00020448-00020614": "obviously we'll run from every random", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00115-00020615-00020814": "encounter that we can for now", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00116-00020815-00021014": "this effectively caps the amount of exp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00117-00021015-00021199": "and cash that we can get at this moment", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00118-00021200-00021478": "but we'll make do before we escape nars", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00119-00021479-00021583": "we still need to go through the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00120-00021584-00021775": "multi-party mughal battle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00121-00021776-00021943": "while we can avoid all the enemies with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00122-00021944-00022150": "careful movement we actually do want to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00123-00022151-00022327": "fight one battle in order to learn dusk", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00124-00022328-00022486": "requiem with mog", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00125-00022487-00022703": "bog can kill the mammoth in one hit and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00126-00022704-00022863": "any of the other muggles can finish off", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00127-00022864-00022975": "the dog", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00128-00022976-00023135": "mog doesn't need a spear or shield", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00129-00023136-00023375": "anymore so lux steals that gear like the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00130-00023376-00023447": "um", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00131-00023448-00023742": "treasure hunter that he is to finish off", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00132-00023743-00023799": "marshall", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00133-00023800-00024071": "we just need to tell mog to dance since", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00134-00024072-00024263": "monk acts on his own while dancing we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00135-00024264-00024455": "only need to spend one turn to win the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00136-00024456-00024575": "entire fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00137-00024576-00024711": "you'd think a strat like that would be", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00138-00024712-00024927": "useful going forward but it never comes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00139-00024928-00024991": "up again", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00140-00024992-00025399": "so yeah next we head down to figaro", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00141-00025400-00025591": "the atom shop guy's family can starve", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00142-00025592-00025743": "but we buy a noise blaster and bio", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00143-00025744-00025911": "blaster from the tool shop", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00144-00025912-00026078": "i expected the ladder to be as useless", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00145-00026079-00026270": "as it turned out to be but i bought it", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00146-00026272-00026495": "anyways out of an abundance of caution", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00147-00026495-00026679": "after a bunch of cutscenes we recruit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00148-00026680-00026918": "edgar and fight some magitek armors", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00149-00026919-00027102": "it takes two turns at best to take these", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00150-00027104-00027287": "guys out with the autocrossbow", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00151-00027288-00027558": "however we can do a bit better than that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00152-00027560-00027702": "these guys happen to be vulnerable to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00153-00027704-00027831": "confused status", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00154-00027832-00027983": "and when inflicted with confused there's", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00155-00027983-00028127": "a chance they'll use tech laser on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00156-00028127-00028279": "themselves repeatedly", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00157-00028280-00028439": "if they use it six times in a row", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00158-00028439-00028614": "they'll commit sudoku without wasting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00159-00028616-00028799": "more than a single turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00160-00028800-00028974": "i think the odds of attack laser on any", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00161-00028975-00029143": "given turn are 75", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00162-00029144-00029246": "so our odds of getting through the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00163-00029247-00029487": "battle aren't too bad in this run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00164-00029488-00029670": "i won the battle of my fourth try which", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00165-00029672-00029855": "is pretty decent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00166-00029856-00030023": "our next goal is to reach the returners", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00167-00030024-00030190": "hideout on the way there", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00168-00030191-00030367": "we pass through our first town south", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00169-00030368-00030590": "figure out our budget is pretty tight so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00170-00030591-00030783": "we need to spend carefully", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00171-00030783-00030927": "we first head into the basement of the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00172-00030927-00031127": "rich fans house early to snag ourselves", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00173-00031127-00031246": "some extra spending money and some", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00174-00031247-00031390": "useful relics", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00175-00031391-00031567": "we also grab all the other hidden items", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00176-00031568-00031783": "around town i know this turns into", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00177-00031783-00031927": "better stuff in the world of ruin", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00178-00031927-00032079": "but cash is tight enough that this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00179-00032080-00032239": "collection of bender trash is more", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00180-00032239-00032311": "useful now", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00181-00032312-00032479": "that a couple of explosions and elixirs", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00182-00032480-00032639": "would be later", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00183-00032639-00032807": "with that we have around three thousand", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00184-00032808-00033039": "gp to play with from the relic shop we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00185-00033040-00033190": "buy the true knight since protecting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00186-00033191-00033246": "party", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00187-00033247-00033446": "members will be mildly useful against", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00188-00033447-00033551": "vargas", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00189-00033552-00033735": "for once the regal cutlass is worth its", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00190-00033736-00033999": "hefty 800 gp price tag and we also buy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00191-00034000-00034183": "the best armor we can equip", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00192-00034184-00034367": "with our spare cash we buy a couple", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00193-00034368-00034535": "antidotes in case we get poisoned on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00194-00034536-00034679": "mount colts", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00195-00034680-00034871": "against vargas it's time to bust out a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00196-00034872-00035079": "strategy that the ff6 vets out there", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00197-00035080-00035343": "were probably just waiting for me to use", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00198-00035344-00035567": "in this game each character has a unique", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00199-00035568-00035743": "obnoxiously powerful attack that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00200-00035744-00035918": "occasionally replaces a normal fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00201-00035919-00036023": "command", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00202-00036024-00036223": "this is called a desperation attack or", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00203-00036224-00036399": "da for short", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00204-00036400-00036590": "for this to happen a bunch of conditions", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00205-00036591-00036751": "have to be met", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00206-00036752-00036959": "1. the character must be in near fatal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00207-00036960-00037159": "status in other words they got to be", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00208-00037160-00037295": "crouching because they have less than 1", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00209-00037296-00037511": "8th of their hp remaining", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00210-00037512-00037799": "2. at least 25.6 seconds must have", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00211-00037800-00038007": "passed in the current fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00212-00038008-00038159": "this makes the first condition a lot", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00213-00038160-00038343": "harder to achieve since we can't just", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00214-00038344-00038495": "walk into the fight at low hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00215-00038496-00038743": "and immediately have everyone attack we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00216-00038744-00038911": "need to time it so our characters end up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00217-00038912-00039135": "at low hp at the right time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00218-00039136-00039343": "3. the character can't have any of these", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00219-00039344-00039462": "status effects which", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00220-00039463-00039735": "isn't really a big deal four the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00221-00039736-00039862": "character can't have already used the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00222-00039863-00040046": "dna in the current fight so we can't da", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00223-00040047-00040167": "multiple times with our strongest", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00224-00040168-00040271": "character", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00225-00040272-00040511": "and five with all the above conditions", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00226-00040512-00040695": "met there's still only a one in 16", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00227-00040696-00040895": "chance that the attack is a da", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00228-00040896-00041046": "this is the part that makes it really", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00229-00041047-00041246": "painful to abuse these", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00230-00041247-00041439": "with all that in mind the optimal strat", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00231-00041440-00041623": "against vargas becomes clear", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00232-00041624-00041846": "just da 3 times to finish off the bears", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00233-00041847-00042030": "and provoke the cutscene where 7 enters", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00234-00042031-00042111": "the fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00235-00042112-00042295": "then we can use the obligatory pummel to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00236-00042296-00042518": "finish the fight in just 4 turns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00237-00042519-00042790": "however this is rather brutal to pull", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00238-00042791-00042951": "off in real time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00239-00042952-00043255": "remember that hda is a 1 in 16 chance", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00240-00043256-00043423": "the odds of pulling off 3 in a row is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00241-00043424-00043574": "1-16 cubed", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00242-00043575-00043702": "and that's not even counting the fact", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00243-00043703-00043855": "that all three characters have to get", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00244-00043856-00044015": "knocked to low hp at the right moment to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00245-00044016-00044215": "even use a da", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00246-00044216-00044423": "it's hard to calculate exactly but i'd", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00247-00044424-00044574": "guess the odds of that happening are", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00248-00044575-00044630": "about 1", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00249-00044631-00044895": "3 with the right strats overall this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00250-00044896-00045079": "gives us a whopping 1 in 12", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00251-00045080-00045390": "000 chance of victory here at 5 minutes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00252-00045391-00045574": "per reset this is expected to take", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00253-00045575-00045767": "around a thousand hours give or take a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00254-00045768-00045902": "couple hundred", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00255-00045903-00046079": "now this isn't as long as the heat death", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00256-00046080-00046262": "of the universe or anything", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00257-00046263-00046430": "it's certainly humanly doable at any", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00258-00046431-00046607": "rate people have done crazier things", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00259-00046608-00046727": "before", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00260-00046728-00047102": "but do i really want to do it not really", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00261-00047103-00047335": "so i'll just take the l here and move on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00262-00047336-00047511": "if you want to be the one to do it be my", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00263-00047512-00047567": "guest", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00264-00047568-00047743": "but i did test it to prove to myself", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00265-00047744-00047927": "this really does work", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00266-00047928-00048118": "so without tool assistance what can we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00267-00048119-00048230": "do instead", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00268-00048231-00048383": "well using the autocrossbow with the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00269-00048384-00048583": "hyper wrist and the atlas armor equipped", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00270-00048584-00048758": "we can reliably take out the bears in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00271-00048759-00048886": "three turns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00272-00048887-00049086": "then we finish vargas with a d a since", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00273-00049087-00049318": "getting just one isn't all that crazy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00274-00049319-00049462": "it's still expected to take a little", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00275-00049463-00049639": "over an hour but what do you know i", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00276-00049640-00049783": "happen to get it on my very first", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00277-00049784-00049871": "attempt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00278-00049872-00049990": "get used to that good luck because", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00279-00049991-00050118": "you'll be seeing a lot more where that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00280-00050119-00050215": "came from", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00281-00050216-00050430": "with that we're up to 14 turns with tool", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00282-00050431-00050702": "assists at 15 turns without", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00283-00050703-00050871": "after the vargas fight we use up the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00284-00050872-00051046": "warp stone obtained in south figaro to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00285-00051047-00051207": "prevent any chance of running into a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00286-00051208-00051399": "pincer attack on the way out", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00287-00051400-00051526": "this means that we need to run through", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00288-00051527-00051726": "mount colts again but it's a small price", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00289-00051727-00051919": "to pay for the safety", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00290-00051920-00052135": "at the returners hideout we say no to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00291-00052136-00052319": "bannon's request three times to acquire", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00292-00052320-00052542": "the genji glove instead of the gauntlet", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00293-00052544-00052711": "before the scenario split we have one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00294-00052712-00053015": "more obstacle in the first ultro's fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00295-00053016-00053223": "again the best strategy is obvious just", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00296-00053224-00053471": "da him twice using egg guard 7.", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00297-00053472-00053703": "however getting even two da's in a row", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00298-00053704-00053815": "is no small feat", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00299-00053816-00054023": "and even with two da's our odds of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00300-00054024-00054182": "dealing enough damage to kill are only", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00301-00054183-00054366": "about one and four", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00302-00054367-00054566": "at about two minutes per reset this is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00303-00054567-00054815": "expected to take about 33 hours", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00304-00054816-00055007": "truth be told if i didn't test vargas", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00305-00055008-00055166": "already i would have just bit the bullet", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00306-00055167-00055263": "and done this but", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00307-00055264-00055415": "it loses his appeal a bit when it", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00308-00055416-00055703": "doesn't actually result in a perfect run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00309-00055704-00055894": "as an aside this is the second place", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00310-00055895-00056079": "where the extra level on tara saves a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00311-00056079-00056135": "turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00312-00056136-00056319": "it's impossible to kill ultros in two", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00313-00056320-00056607": "hits if agar and sabin are level seven", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00314-00056608-00056775": "it only saves the term for the test rat", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00315-00056776-00056991": "but at least it's something", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00316-00056991-00057166": "the non-task strat is similar in this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00317-00057167-00057391": "case just attack three times and hope", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00318-00057391-00057623": "for two da's in those 3 attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00319-00057624-00057799": "the 3 hit kill is still a damage range", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00320-00057800-00057991": "but it'll almost always work out", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00321-00057991-00058142": "the only question is how we'll get down", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00322-00058144-00058407": "to low hp when the da timer expires", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00323-00058408-00058638": "well as it turns out ultra's weakness is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00324-00058639-00058807": "that he talks too much", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00325-00058808-00058975": "if we turn the message speed down to six", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00326-00058976-00059159": "so the text takes as long as possible to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00327-00059160-00059247": "disappear", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00328-00059248-00059423": "you'll run out the day timer after just", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00329-00059424-00059591": "two of his turns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00330-00059591-00059726": "this means we can enter the fight with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00331-00059727-00059950": "that guard and sabon at low hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00332-00059951-00060119": "the first attack will always be a normal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00333-00060120-00060294": "attack which tara can defend the guys", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00334-00060295-00060471": "from with a true knight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00335-00060472-00060679": "on a second turn ultras will always", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00336-00060679-00060879": "flatten terror with tentacle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00337-00060879-00061079": "at this point the da timers run out and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00338-00061079-00061238": "we can get off all three attacks before", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00339-00061239-00061494": "altis next turn for a smooth win", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00340-00061495-00061679": "the expected time for beating ultros was", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00341-00061679-00061815": "a little under three hours", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00342-00061816-00061982": "but my luck was above average and i got", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00343-00061983-00062175": "it a little over two", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00344-00062176-00062487": "this was a 16 turns when tassing and 18", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00345-00062488-00062726": "turns from playing legit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00346-00062727-00062991": "okay so full disclosure all the footage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00347-00062991-00063230": "from here on out is from a different run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00348-00063232-00063382": "i had to redo the earlier parts of the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00349-00063383-00063575": "game because of a mistake so you'll see", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00350-00063576-00063759": "some discrepancies like lock being level", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00351-00063760-00063871": "6 now", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00352-00063872-00064038": "i think it'll soon become clear why none", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00353-00064039-00064254": "of these discrepancies matter much but i", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00354-00064255-00064494": "felt i should point this out anyways", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00355-00064495-00064630": "with that said it's time for the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00356-00064632-00064871": "scenarios it's blindingly obvious that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00357-00064872-00065038": "we should do bannon scenario first", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00358-00065039-00065175": "since that group doesn't need to fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00359-00065176-00065350": "anything and it gives us a chance to nab", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00360-00065351-00065543": "edgar and tara's equipment", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00361-00065544-00065719": "we can also pick up the rune edge which", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00362-00065720-00065935": "will be important later", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00363-00065936-00066159": "the next choice is less obvious it turns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00364-00066160-00066350": "out that doing 7 scenario first saves", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00365-00066351-00066487": "exactly one turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00366-00066488-00066735": "i'll explain why in a bit picking up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00367-00066736-00066919": "shadow we immediately head down to the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00368-00066920-00067175": "imperial camp and switch focus to cyan", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00369-00067176-00067343": "he can finish off the leader in a single", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00370-00067344-00067511": "retort adding us the single most", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00371-00067512-00067647": "important item in this run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00372-00067648-00067887": "the black belt this relic allows", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00373-00067888-00068135": "characters to counter-attack when struck", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00374-00068136-00068294": "in other words we now have a way of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00375-00068295-00068535": "attacking without spending any turns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00376-00068536-00068735": "some sources including the usually", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00377-00068736-00068967": "reliable algorithms fact report the odds", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00378-00068968-00069167": "of a counter attack at 25", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00379-00069168-00069526": "but i'm convinced it's actually 75", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00380-00069527-00069655": "at this point the game changes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00381-00069656-00069855": "dramatically first off between", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00382-00069856-00070031": "interceptor the berserk inflicting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00383-00070032-00070206": "crasshoppers in the black belt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00384-00070207-00070350": "we now have several different ways to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00385-00070351-00070559": "grind without spending turns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00386-00070560-00070735": "second the focus of boss fights now", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00387-00070736-00070894": "shifts from what is our strongest", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00388-00070895-00070999": "possible attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00389-00071000-00071215": "to how can we realistically kill this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00390-00071216-00071423": "thing with only counter attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00391-00071424-00071575": "by playing it smart and understanding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00392-00071576-00071759": "exactly what we need to win we can save", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00393-00071760-00072006": "ourselves hours of grinding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00394-00072007-00072223": "speaking of grinding we waste no time in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00395-00072224-00072462": "grinding 7 to level 15 and shadow to 10", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00396-00072463-00072671": "in preparation for the train", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00397-00072672-00072838": "we want to grind on the overworld since", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00398-00072839-00073038": "the enemies and dungeons give low exp to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00399-00073039-00073311": "make up for the length of 7 scenario", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00400-00073312-00073462": "i should have gained 2 more levels with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00401-00073463-00073647": "sabon and one more level with shadow", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00402-00073648-00073799": "but as you'll see it didn't end up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00403-00073800-00074047": "mattering this took about an hour and 20", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00404-00074048-00074206": "minutes but it could have been maybe 20", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00405-00074207-00074382": "minutes faster if i actually remembered", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00406-00074383-00074550": "to set the battle speed to 1 so the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00407-00074551-00074782": "enemies would attack faster", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00408-00074783-00074975": "unfortunately we gained the black belt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00409-00074976-00075150": "just in time for the one location where", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00410-00075151-00075335": "it barely helps us at all", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00411-00075336-00075543": "inside the imperial camp we first need", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00412-00075544-00075750": "to fight two battles with kefka", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00413-00075751-00075935": "he just needs to be hit once each time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00414-00075936-00076094": "but he's technically a party member for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00415-00076095-00076231": "this fight so the black belt doesn't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00416-00076232-00076391": "allow us to hit him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00417-00076392-00076550": "while interceptor will occasionally", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00418-00076551-00076750": "block attacks he'll never counter-attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00419-00076751-00076879": "kefka either", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00420-00076880-00077159": "this costs us two turns we skipped", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00421-00077160-00077311": "telstar since the green beret isn't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00422-00077312-00077455": "nearly worth the grinding we'd need to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00423-00077456-00077559": "fight him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00424-00077560-00077703": "we're incredibly overleveled for the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00425-00077704-00077871": "templar and soldier fight so it's the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00426-00077872-00077982": "breeze", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00427-00077983-00078182": "next we fight a few battles where cyan", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00428-00078183-00078350": "will chop up all the soldiers of his own", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00429-00078351-00078487": "accord", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00430-00078488-00078815": "then we get to the magitek armor section", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00431-00078816-00078975": "unfortunately counter attacks and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00432-00078976-00079119": "interceptor don't work when we're in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00433-00079120-00079223": "magitek armor", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00434-00079224-00079462": "so our only options are magitek and item", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00435-00079463-00079638": "and since the bioblast skill is unique", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00436-00079639-00079719": "to terra", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00437-00079720-00079911": "we have to individually target every", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00438-00079912-00080047": "single enemy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00439-00080048-00080191": "well there is a thunder rod and lock", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00440-00080192-00080294": "scenario that we could break to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00441-00080295-00080447": "instantly wipe one encounter", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00442-00080448-00080631": "but this saves us two turns at best when", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00443-00080632-00080806": "the black belt saves us three in lock", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00444-00080807-00080919": "scenario", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00445-00080920-00081143": "so as inelegant as it is we just have to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00446-00081144-00081359": "accept spending a whopping six turns to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00447-00081360-00081399": "escape", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00448-00081400-00081719": "this camp anyways now we have to face", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00449-00081720-00081975": "the biggest challenge in the entire game", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00450-00081976-00082159": "we have to resist the urge to supplex", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00451-00082160-00082294": "the train", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00452-00082295-00082718": "no no oh come on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00453-00082719-00082894": "in all seriousness i was expecting some", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00454-00082895-00083047": "combination of counter attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00455-00083048-00083255": "berserk from evil 2 and interceptor to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00456-00083256-00083423": "get us through this fight with ease", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00457-00083424-00083575": "but i forgot just how often and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00458-00083576-00083871": "consistently he uses multi-target spells", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00459-00083872-00084015": "i was just starting to think i'd need to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00460-00084016-00084182": "do a bit more grinding when seven", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00461-00084183-00084375": "managed to pull off a freaking da as a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00462-00084376-00084623": "counter attack and one shot the train", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00463-00084624-00084831": "not only was i not trying to do that but", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00464-00084832-00085006": "this was literally my second attempt at", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00465-00085007-00085143": "the fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00466-00085144-00085343": "the last obstacle before finishing off", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00467-00085344-00085623": "7's scenario is barren falls we spend", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00468-00085624-00085862": "another 15 minutes to grind sabon to 17", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00469-00085863-00086055": "so we can reliably kill rhizopaz and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00470-00086056-00086182": "four heads", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00471-00086183-00086335": "we can't make use of the genji glove", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00472-00086336-00086535": "here since sabin and cyan only have one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00473-00086536-00086631": "weapon a piece", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00474-00086632-00086767": "which is pretty sad because it would", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00475-00086768-00086943": "make a huge difference", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00476-00086944-00087094": "saiyan is also healed right before the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00477-00087095-00087271": "fight which is unfortunate because we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00478-00087272-00087455": "actually want him dead", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00479-00087456-00087671": "ryzen passes the chance of using el nino", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00480-00087672-00087767": "every other turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00481-00087768-00087950": "and seeing it even once is basically an", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00482-00087951-00088103": "instant game over", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00483-00088104-00088271": "this means that we only want sabon on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00484-00088272-00088431": "the field so the finance as fast as", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00485-00088432-00088487": "possible", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00486-00088488-00088726": "one way or the other the best we can do", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00487-00088727-00088894": "is stick cyan in the front without any", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00488-00088895-00089047": "armor and hope the piranhas eat them", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00489-00089048-00089271": "before rhizopath shows up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00490-00089272-00089494": "the fight ended up taking two attempts", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00491-00089495-00089606": "on the winning run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00492-00089607-00089791": "seven got a lucky crit which was key to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00493-00089792-00089918": "our success", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00494-00089919-00090071": "and after spending one more turn to use", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00495-00090072-00090287": "a drag beat on gao sabin's scenario is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00496-00090288-00090431": "over", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00497-00090432-00090615": "at this point lock scenario is the only", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00498-00090616-00090775": "one left unfinished", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00499-00090776-00090935": "for clarity let's go through how the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00500-00090936-00091159": "scenario is supposed to work", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00501-00091160-00091318": "we'd normally steal this merchant's", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00502-00091319-00091487": "outfit to bypass this kid", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00503-00091488-00091711": "and exit his house through the back door", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00504-00091712-00091871": "then we seal the soldier's outfit to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00505-00091872-00092023": "tell a guard that a shift is up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00506-00092024-00092215": "and finally we steal the last merchant's", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00507-00092216-00092375": "clothes in a cider which will allow us", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00508-00092376-00092631": "to open the secret passageway and escape", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00509-00092632-00092838": "but what if i told you that we can beat", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00510-00092839-00092967": "lock's scenario with no stealing", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00511-00092968-00093094": "whatsoever", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00512-00093095-00093271": "well the only reason why we would need", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00513-00093272-00093431": "to get past this kid is because there's", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00514-00093432-00093591": "a heavy arm regarding the usual path", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00515-00093592-00093726": "through the town", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00516-00093727-00093862": "but there's nothing stopping us from", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00517-00093863-00094055": "just killing the heavy armor", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00518-00094056-00094318": "and walking through this guy is pretty", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00519-00094319-00094487": "dangerous even to a normal player", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00520-00094488-00094655": "so we won't win a fair fight with just", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00521-00094656-00094847": "the black belt instead", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00522-00094848-00095006": "we'll need to pull off another da as a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00523-00095007-00095247": "counter-attack to have a shot at winning", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00524-00095248-00095438": "luckily on battle speed six the heavy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00525-00095439-00095591": "armor's third attack happens right as", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00526-00095592-00095774": "the da timer runs out", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00527-00095775-00095959": "if he uses two regular attacks of one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00528-00095960-00096150": "metal hand he'll knock us right within", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00529-00096151-00096311": "range for a da", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00530-00096312-00096535": "anyways you know the drill by now odds", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00531-00096536-00096687": "of victory aren't even 1", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00532-00096688-00096871": "but i get it on my fourth attempt yada", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00533-00096872-00097031": "yada", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00534-00097032-00097191": "after beating the heavy armor we can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00535-00097192-00097367": "skip the soldier's uniform by simply", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00536-00097368-00097591": "walking behind a house across the river", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00537-00097592-00097726": "there's no clear evidence that this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00538-00097727-00097959": "hidden path is a bug so i decided not to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00539-00097960-00098094": "treat it as one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00540-00098095-00098231": "and we don't need to steal the third", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00541-00098232-00098471": "person's clothes it's the cider that we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00542-00098472-00098574": "actually need", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00543-00098575-00098735": "and we'll take that after the fight even", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00544-00098736-00098887": "if we don't steal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00545-00098888-00099055": "therefore we can just smack this guy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00546-00099056-00099271": "with the black belt and move on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00547-00099272-00099550": "there is one last problem before we can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00548-00099551-00099743": "give the kid the password to proceed we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00549-00099744-00099967": "need to talk to his father upstairs", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00550-00099968-00100159": "and to get back to the starting area it", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00551-00100160-00100303": "looks like we need to defeat the heavy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00552-00100304-00100406": "armor again", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00553-00100407-00100615": "but it turns out that dying in this area", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00554-00100616-00100815": "doesn't result in a game over", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00555-00100816-00100982": "in fact it takes us back to the start of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00556-00100983-00101182": "the scenario which happens to be exactly", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00557-00101183-00101343": "where we want to go", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00558-00101344-00101487": "so we just pick a fight with another", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00559-00101488-00101671": "heavy armor and get our butt whoop to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00560-00101672-00101767": "proceed", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00561-00101768-00101943": "from here the path to celestin out of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00562-00101944-00102079": "town is clear", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00563-00102080-00102279": "before the scenario is complete we still", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00564-00102280-00102391": "need to take out tunnel", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00565-00102392-00102606": "armor since he's meant to be a tutorial", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00566-00102607-00102742": "boss for a runic ability", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00567-00102743-00102910": "he tends to cast a lot of spells that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00568-00102911-00103063": "hit like a truck", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00569-00103064-00103254": "looking a bit farther ahead we also need", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00570-00103255-00103375": "to fight kefka soon", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00571-00103376-00103551": "and he also likes to cast a lot of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00572-00103552-00103815": "spells while having even more hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00573-00103816-00104039": "to take them on we need to do a fair", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00574-00104040-00104127": "amount of grinding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00575-00104128-00104310": "and celeste is the best candidate thanks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00576-00104311-00104478": "to the rune edge weapon", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00577-00104479-00104694": "this sword consumes mp to autocrit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00578-00104695-00104966": "effectively doubling its damage output", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00579-00104967-00105231": "this weapon also makes grinding faster", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00580-00105232-00105415": "mp isn't a concern while grinding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00581-00105416-00105566": "since we can use all the elixirs and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00582-00105567-00105790": "tinctures we want then less celeste die", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00583-00105791-00105983": "to respond with the rare items and the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00584-00105983-00106102": "exp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00585-00106103-00106286": "it takes about an hour and 15 minutes to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00586-00106288-00106431": "get celeste to level 19", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00587-00106432-00106590": "which is the point where she kills kefka", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00588-00106591-00106895": "in four hits and total armor in two", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00589-00106896-00107086": "with that tunnel armor ended up taking", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00590-00107088-00107231": "five or six tries", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00591-00107232-00107407": "not that that's a long time or anything", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00592-00107408-00107575": "but this is the only time in the entire", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00593-00107576-00107719": "playthrough where my luck in a boss", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00594-00107720-00107902": "fight was below average", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00595-00107903-00108095": "tunnel lumber hits slus reasonably often", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00596-00108096-00108223": "with physical attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00597-00108224-00108399": "but she refused to counter-attack over", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00598-00108400-00108558": "and over again", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00599-00108559-00108758": "kefka on the other hand gave me perfect", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00600-00108759-00108927": "luck on my first attempt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00601-00108928-00109078": "he smacked me with physical attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00602-00109079-00109286": "three times then used muddle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00603-00109288-00109478": "while confused we can start running to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00604-00109479-00109719": "prevent celeste from attacking herself", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00605-00109720-00109878": "then when she gets hit by the next", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00606-00109879-00110071": "physical attack she'll counter-attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00607-00110072-00110254": "and use whatever attack she queued up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00608-00110255-00110407": "while confused", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00609-00110408-00110615": "this is exactly what happened resulting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00610-00110616-00110807": "in our victory", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00611-00110808-00110966": "before heading to the southern continent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00612-00110967-00111239": "we need to take out dadaluma and ultros", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00613-00111240-00111399": "even though dedaluma uses mostly", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00614-00111400-00111551": "physical attacks and the flails we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00615-00111552-00111710": "bought in nars allow us to hit for full", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00616-00111711-00111863": "damage from the back row", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00617-00111864-00112007": "he's still dangerous because he has a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00618-00112008-00112199": "fair bit of hp and buffs himself was", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00619-00112200-00112286": "safe", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00620-00112288-00112463": "the minions he summons also trained a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00621-00112464-00112695": "lot of hp to get around safe", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00622-00112696-00112895": "we can hire shadow and culling chin and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00623-00112896-00113143": "hope for a sweet interceptor proc", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00624-00113144-00113310": "with two sets of earrings equipped", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00625-00113311-00113502": "shadow can demolish over half of the big", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00626-00113503-00113719": "guy's hp in a single head", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00627-00113720-00113878": "since we only have one black belt for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00628-00113879-00114071": "now all non-celes and non-shadow", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00629-00114072-00114310": "characters are useless here", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00630-00114311-00114495": "before we fight dadaluma we need to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00631-00114496-00114631": "fight some enemies since we'll need", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00632-00114632-00114799": "money to buy the most current armor and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00633-00114800-00114951": "a handful of items", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00634-00114952-00115095": "the best place to grind is in the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00635-00115096-00115254": "overworld forest since the enemies come", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00636-00115255-00115527": "in large groups and are very threatening", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00637-00115528-00115727": "we also build up an extra 10k for more", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00638-00115728-00115886": "black belts once we reach the southern", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00639-00115888-00115999": "continent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00640-00116000-00116223": "this took about one and a half hours", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00641-00116224-00116319": "during the process", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00642-00116320-00116551": "celeste got to level 22 and shadow got", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00643-00116552-00116710": "to level 16.", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00644-00116711-00116910": "at these levels dadaluma only took two", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00645-00116911-00117095": "attempts on the winning run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00646-00117096-00117254": "basically everything went wrong except", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00647-00117255-00117423": "that interceptor proc twice", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00648-00117424-00117583": "saving the day when shadow was one hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00649-00117583-00117807": "away from kicking the bucket", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00650-00117808-00118078": "as a reward we acquire our first espers", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00651-00118079-00118263": "you'd probably expect this to matter", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00652-00118264-00118510": "but it doesn't really we're not wasting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00653-00118511-00118702": "any turns casting spells in battle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00654-00118703-00118895": "so the only spells with any real use are", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00655-00118896-00119071": "cure float and imp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00656-00119072-00119278": "but what about the s for bonuses those", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00657-00119279-00119447": "are important right", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00658-00119448-00119654": "to be honest most desperate bonuses are", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00659-00119655-00119854": "overhyped and nearly useless", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00660-00119855-00120054": "magic bonuses otherwise known as the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00661-00120055-00120263": "only good ones are also questionable in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00662-00120264-00120399": "this playthrough since we're almost", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00663-00120400-00120623": "always relying on physical damage it's a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00664-00120624-00120823": "sad state of affairs", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00665-00120824-00121014": "anyways we need to bring celeste and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00666-00121015-00121175": "lock to the southern continent but who", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00667-00121176-00121327": "else should come with us", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00668-00121328-00121478": "it's not much of a choice since gao and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00669-00121479-00121695": "cyan are just mediocre beat sticks while", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00670-00121696-00121895": "sabin and edgar have elemental weapons", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00671-00121896-00121999": "most of which have spell", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00672-00122000-00122358": "procs seven of edgard is neither shadow", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00673-00122359-00122519": "nor celeste can be brought to the opera", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00674-00122520-00122599": "house battles", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00675-00122600-00122775": "so seven with his high level and fire", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00676-00122776-00122958": "claws that'll take their place", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00677-00122959-00123158": "the opera rats can be pretty nasty since", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00678-00123159-00123327": "the green rats will impale themselves on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00679-00123328-00123423": "seven's claws", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00680-00123424-00123566": "causing the yellow rats to waste their", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00681-00123567-00123790": "time summoning more because of this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00682-00123791-00124063": "we spend 20 minutes to level 7 to 19 so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00683-00124064-00124247": "that he can kill the yellow rats in one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00684-00124248-00124343": "hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00685-00124344-00124583": "against ultros we put sabin and edgar on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00686-00124583-00124734": "the same side of the screen since a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00687-00124735-00124799": "multi-target", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00688-00124800-00124975": "tentacle does half as much damage while", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00689-00124976-00125199": "still provoking a counter-attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00690-00125200-00125414": "i should have used the genji glove here", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00691-00125415-00125631": "but i didn't realize it would save a hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00692-00125632-00125814": "it took a while to get past the rats but", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00693-00125815-00125966": "ultros himself went down on the first", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00694-00125967-00126086": "try", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00695-00126088-00126254": "the southern continent marks another", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00696-00126255-00126478": "huge shift in the way we play the game", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00697-00126479-00126654": "we can buy more black belts now so the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00698-00126655-00126807": "entire party can contribute instead of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00699-00126808-00126975": "just using one or two characters for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00700-00126976-00127078": "everything", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00701-00127079-00127254": "this is just in time to offset the fact", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00702-00127255-00127423": "that nearly every enemy for the rest of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00703-00127424-00127614": "the game is significantly higher defense", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00704-00127615-00127790": "than what we've been fighting so far", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00705-00127791-00127958": "making it harder to fluke through bosses", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00706-00127959-00128183": "with a handful of lucky heads", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00707-00128183-00128383": "the magitek facility contains a series", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00708-00128383-00128583": "of four bosses to take down", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00709-00128583-00128766": "the first fight is against ifrit and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00710-00128767-00128966": "shiva who will immediately fight to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00711-00128967-00128999": "acquire", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00712-00129000-00129207": "their matches site yeah i know i'm", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00713-00129208-00129366": "pronouncing a lot of these names wrong", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00714-00129367-00129502": "but you probably shouldn't point too", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00715-00129503-00129623": "much because they'll start pronouncing", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00716-00129624-00129823": "them even worse if you do", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00717-00129824-00130023": "shiva never uses physical attacks and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00718-00130024-00130239": "either uses very few so it's not an easy", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00719-00130240-00130327": "fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00720-00130328-00130471": "combine that with their disgusting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00721-00130472-00130631": "defense stats and the fact that they hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00722-00130632-00130823": "like trucks if they use an unreflectable", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00723-00130824-00130871": "attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00724-00130872-00131007": "and we're not going to level our way out", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00725-00131008-00131183": "of this one easily", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00726-00131184-00131359": "however they are sitting right next to a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00727-00131360-00131559": "save point with no cutscene beforehand", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00728-00131560-00131735": "so ifrit is practically begging for a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00729-00131736-00131927": "counter da to the face", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00730-00131928-00132119": "we set celes up so his first attack will", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00731-00132120-00132343": "just barely knock her to low hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00732-00132344-00132495": "she can survive two more physical", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00733-00132496-00132687": "attacks at that point so she has several", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00734-00132688-00132911": "chances to pull off a counter da", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00735-00132912-00133143": "with her high magic statin level celeste", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00736-00133144-00133399": "can easily kill vibrate in one shot", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00737-00133400-00133735": "after about 40 minutes victory is ours", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00738-00133736-00133919": "now that we have the aspers and the make", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00739-00133920-00134143": "edgar useful starter set containing the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00740-00134144-00134351": "best armor and elemental swords", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00741-00134352-00134575": "it's time to grind again we start by", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00742-00134576-00134702": "fighting the flames in the garbage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00743-00134703-00134871": "disposal for 20 minutes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00744-00134872-00135014": "they have low defense and couldn't hurt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00745-00135015-00135207": "to fly but these battles are slow and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00746-00135208-00135399": "their rewards are mediocre", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00747-00135400-00135535": "once we have enough money for green", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00748-00135536-00135727": "berets and loch and edgar have graduated", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00749-00135728-00135911": "from the school of not sucking", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00750-00135912-00136143": "we can fight in the fields around zen", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00751-00136144-00136311": "these fights are better but we need to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00752-00136312-00136527": "run from 1-3 fights since double wyverns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00753-00136528-00136783": "are risky with their cyclonic attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00754-00136784-00137031": "after 35 minutes we learn float and we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00755-00137032-00137183": "can safely fight chicken lips in the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00756-00137184-00137302": "forest", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00757-00137303-00137502": "both battles in the forest are doable", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00758-00137503-00137702": "fast and offer some of the best rewards", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00759-00137703-00137775": "on the island", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00760-00137776-00137951": "so this will be a grind location of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00761-00137952-00138111": "choice from here on out", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00762-00138112-00138311": "after another 50 minutes celeste is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00763-00138312-00138527": "level 25 and has a bit more hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00764-00138528-00138790": "which will be useful for number 24. i", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00765-00138791-00138999": "want to fight number 24 now to get a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00766-00139000-00139159": "second blizzard which will help to kill", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00767-00139160-00139351": "the chicken lips and wyverns", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00768-00139352-00139511": "in hindsight i should have done this at", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00769-00139512-00139759": "level 24 26 since the trappers on the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00770-00139760-00139943": "staircase like to wipe us at level 5", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00771-00139944-00139999": "doom", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00772-00140000-00140214": "but it worked out in the end i was", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00773-00140215-00140375": "worried about number 24 since he'll", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00774-00140376-00140575": "never use any physical attacks again", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00775-00140576-00140751": "after he uses wall change for the first", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00776-00140752-00141023": "time fortunately there's a short period", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00777-00141024-00141183": "of time between when the da timer", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00778-00141184-00141359": "expires and when he uses wall change", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00779-00141360-00141511": "so we have a small window where we can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00780-00141512-00141678": "hit him with a da", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00781-00141679-00141895": "with battle speed 5 and message beef 1", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00782-00141896-00142087": "he'll literally always act within this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00783-00142088-00142190": "window", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00784-00142191-00142495": "even with his bulky 4700 hp a da is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00785-00142496-00142614": "enough to kill in one hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00786-00142615-00142847": "as long as we have earrings equipped", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00787-00142848-00142999": "other than that there's nothing new", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00788-00143000-00143175": "here and this fight took about an hour", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00789-00143176-00143311": "and 15 minutes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00790-00143312-00143478": "in a cruel test of fate we're given the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00791-00143479-00143639": "flame saver that's a rare drop instead", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00792-00143640-00143814": "of his comic blizzard drop", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00793-00143815-00144014": "i was a bit salty about this since half", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00794-00144015-00144135": "the reason behind fighting him in the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00795-00144136-00144311": "first place was to get the blizzard", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00796-00144312-00144463": "but i guess i can't complain given my", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00797-00144464-00144614": "other luck on the run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00798-00144615-00144775": "it certainly wasn't worth it to reset", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00799-00144776-00144935": "and spend another hour fighting him for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00800-00144936-00145151": "the blizzard at any rate", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00801-00145152-00145343": "after another hour and 45 minutes in the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00802-00145344-00145526": "forest with celeste dead this time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00803-00145527-00145743": "we hit the arbitrary benchmark of 1000", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00804-00145744-00145951": "hp on every character which i decided", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00805-00145952-00146126": "was probably just enough to finish the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00806-00146127-00146278": "magitek facility", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00807-00146279-00146423": "i guess turned out to be pretty much", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00808-00146424-00146702": "bang on during the minecart sequence we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00809-00146703-00146902": "get 7 and edgar reflect rings to deal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00810-00146903-00147047": "with the spells from the meg rotors so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00811-00147048-00147190": "they aren't half dead by the time they", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00812-00147191-00147319": "reach the boss", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00813-00147320-00147487": "lock takes the genji gloves since he can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00814-00147488-00147743": "deal full damage from the back row", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00815-00147744-00147943": "number 128 gets really dangerous when", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00816-00147944-00148119": "his arms are dead but there's nothing in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00817-00148120-00148263": "particular that's really worth talking", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00818-00148264-00148351": "about", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00819-00148352-00148519": "we get an extremely close win on the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00820-00148520-00148663": "second attempt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00821-00148664-00148871": "against the cranes edgar really shines", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00822-00148872-00149039": "thanks to his water elemental tridents", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00823-00149040-00149254": "that hit a weakness on both", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00824-00149255-00149478": "on the second try the left crane quickly", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00825-00149479-00149614": "eats a counter from both him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00826-00149615-00149887": "and sabon and gets 2 shot in return", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00827-00149888-00149959": "after that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00828-00149960-00150207": "victory is close to guaranteed and with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00829-00150208-00150375": "that we're finally free of the magitek", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00830-00150376-00150463": "facility", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00831-00150464-00150695": "time to look ahead to the next challenge", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00832-00150696-00150854": "the most notable fight on crescent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00833-00150855-00151031": "island is the battle between general leo", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00834-00151032-00151151": "and kafka", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00835-00151152-00151351": "since leo can't be equipped we can't win", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00836-00151352-00151526": "that fight by abusing the reflect ring", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00837-00151527-00151663": "or the black belt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00838-00151664-00151823": "that means that in order to minimize our", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00839-00151824-00152054": "turn count leo needs to kill kefka in a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00840-00152055-00152175": "single turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00841-00152176-00152487": "that's 5000 hp we need to deplete to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00842-00152488-00152647": "figure out exactly how much we need to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00843-00152648-00152695": "level", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00844-00152696-00152854": "i plugged the game's damage formulas", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00845-00152855-00152999": "into a spreadsheet and determined what", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00846-00153000-00153183": "the best means of offense is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00847-00153184-00153366": "thanks to his atlas armlet and offering", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00848-00153367-00153535": "lego's regular attack has a decent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00849-00153536-00153814": "chance to one shot kefka at level 42.", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00850-00153815-00154031": "in comparison the best means of magical", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00851-00154032-00154126": "damage available", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00852-00154127-00154295": "is summoning bahamut from a magicide", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00853-00154296-00154495": "crystal but this doesn't have any hope", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00854-00154496-00154751": "of killing until level 45.", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00855-00154752-00154959": "now if we could grind leo directly level", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00856-00154960-00155183": "42 wouldn't be a big deal at all", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00857-00155184-00155359": "however we can't find any randoms with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00858-00155360-00155535": "leo in the party so the level that he", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00859-00155536-00155711": "fights kafka at will be exactly five", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00860-00155712-00155887": "levels above the average level of our", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00861-00155888-00156087": "regular party members", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00862-00156088-00156254": "therefore we need to grind until our", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00863-00156255-00156551": "average party level is a whopping 37.", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00864-00156552-00156719": "we can shape a couple levels off by", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00865-00156720-00156887": "recruiting vog at the end of our power", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00866-00156888-00157087": "grind since mog also joins five levels", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00867-00157088-00157239": "above the average but will still be", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00868-00157240-00157478": "gaining a lot of levels regardless", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00869-00157479-00157647": "thankfully we now have access to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00870-00157648-00157831": "arguably the best grinding location in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00871-00157832-00157959": "the world of balance", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00872-00157960-00158126": "most of the cape to the sealed gate only", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00873-00158127-00158343": "contains inks and zombones", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00874-00158344-00158551": "these enemies give almost as much exp as", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00875-00158552-00158711": "most enemies on the floating continent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00876-00158712-00158887": "and they're dead easy to kill", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00877-00158888-00159063": "zombones can inflict zombie but they", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00878-00159064-00159263": "don't do it very often and can help too", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00879-00159264-00159431": "since zombies will sometimes attack the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00880-00159432-00159663": "enemies the only notable attack that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00881-00159664-00159854": "ings have is lifesaver which is earth", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00882-00159855-00160023": "elemental so it can be prevented by the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00883-00160024-00160223": "earth absorbing gaia gear", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00884-00160224-00160423": "we can obtain that early by stealing it", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00885-00160424-00160583": "from basket force using a thief knife", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00886-00160584-00160743": "and the black belt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00887-00160744-00160951": "it only takes 15 minutes to get four so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00888-00160952-00161151": "it's a worthy investment", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00889-00161152-00161326": "once we finish grinding for the grinding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00890-00161327-00161487": "we can start grinding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00891-00161488-00161654": "it took a whopping 6 hours and 10", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00892-00161655-00161807": "minutes in the cave before the levels", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00893-00161808-00161935": "fell into place", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00894-00161936-00162095": "kefka shows up again at the end of the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00895-00162096-00162319": "dungeon but unlike in the imperial camp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00896-00162320-00162495": "he doesn't waste any turns since we can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00897-00162496-00162671": "wear reflect rings to bounce his spells", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00898-00162672-00162847": "back at him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00899-00162848-00163007": "at these levels defeating all the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00900-00163008-00163175": "soldiers at the imperial banquet is a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00901-00163176-00163231": "breeze", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00902-00163232-00163431": "so we can claim every bankrupt reward", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00903-00163432-00163607": "and head to crescent island", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00904-00163608-00163799": "before the big kafka fight we need to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00905-00163800-00163999": "fight a couple other bosses", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00906-00164000-00164183": "flame eater is fairly unique in that he", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00907-00164184-00164359": "doesn't use any physical attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00908-00164360-00164487": "meaning that we can't leverage our", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00909-00164488-00164695": "trusty black belt against him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00910-00164696-00164887": "while his spells are reflectable they", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00911-00164888-00165023": "heal him obviously since", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00912-00165024-00165271": "they're fire and he eats fire however we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00913-00165272-00165447": "can counter attack against the balloons", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00914-00165448-00165647": "that he summons to kill those off", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00915-00165648-00165823": "but what use is that if we still can't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00916-00165824-00165990": "hit the boss itself", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00917-00165991-00166166": "well after killing a few waves of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00918-00166167-00166383": "balloons flaymeter eventually summons an", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00919-00166384-00166535": "enemy called a grenade", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00920-00166536-00166735": "conveniently enough the grenade has the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00921-00166736-00166911": "ability to berserk our characters", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00922-00166912-00167071": "allowing us to finish the boss fight in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00923-00167072-00167247": "zero turns in the most circuitous", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00924-00167248-00167454": "fashion possible", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00925-00167455-00167654": "at normal levels it's unlikely we'd last", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00926-00167655-00167814": "long enough for this plane to work", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00927-00167815-00168007": "but we're already at somewhat normal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00928-00168008-00168207": "levels for kefka's tower so this kill is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00929-00168208-00168351": "pretty consistent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00930-00168352-00168495": "i should have equipped q-rings on", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00931-00168496-00168663": "everyone but i was still testing whether", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00932-00168664-00168838": "key rings or reflect rings would be more", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00933-00168839-00168983": "effective and this succeeded on the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00934-00168984-00169111": "first attempt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00935-00169112-00169638": "the stretch against all troses", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00936-00169639-00169902": "and now we fight kefka after all that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00937-00169903-00169959": "grinding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00938-00169960-00170090": "the battle itself is almost", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00939-00170091-00170335": "anticlimactic just click the button to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00940-00170336-00170495": "win", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00941-00170496-00170663": "with that a floating continent is the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00942-00170664-00170807": "only hurdle left to clear in the world", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00943-00170808-00170902": "of balance", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00944-00170903-00171087": "before we can even reach the darn thing", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00945-00171088-00171263": "we have a series of tricky fights to go", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00946-00171264-00171351": "through", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00947-00171352-00171478": "at first i thought this would be a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00948-00171479-00171695": "cakewalk but that was before i realized", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00949-00171696-00171831": "that the sky armor enemies never", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00950-00171832-00171975": "physically attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00951-00171976-00172143": "there's no convenient grenade to berserk", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00952-00172144-00172302": "us so that means that we're adding", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00953-00172303-00172526": "another six turns to the total", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00954-00172527-00172838": "or not you see the spitfire is capable", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00955-00172839-00172983": "of hitting us physically", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00956-00172984-00173166": "and we can actually leverage this to hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00957-00173167-00173319": "all the enemies on the field using", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00958-00173320-00173495": "science unique tempest weapon", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00959-00173496-00173678": "which procs for windslash fifty percent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00960-00173679-00173799": "of the time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00961-00173800-00173959": "with that we have a means of killing the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00962-00173960-00174214": "sky armors unfortunately there's a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00963-00174215-00174326": "problem", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00964-00174327-00174647": "cyan is too strong at this level he", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00965-00174648-00174831": "nearly always one shots the spitfire", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00966-00174832-00174959": "with his regular attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00967-00174960-00175135": "meaning that in each fight we have a 50", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00968-00175136-00175375": "50 chance of entering a soft lock", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00969-00175376-00175599": "with 6 battles this means that we need", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00970-00175600-00175814": "64 attempts on average to win", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00971-00175815-00175951": "and that's not even counting the fact", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00972-00175952-00176151": "that cyan dies reasonably often if the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00973-00176152-00176399": "spitfire spams absolute zero", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00974-00176400-00176654": "unlike ultros 1 and vargas each attempt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00975-00176655-00176807": "takes 5 to 20 minutes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00976-00176808-00176959": "so we don't really want to gamble so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00977-00176960-00177135": "much if we revive", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00978-00177136-00177343": "lock and realm science less likely to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00979-00177344-00177519": "die but then each attempt can take up to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00980-00177520-00177678": "half an hour", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00981-00177679-00177831": "however with some outside the box", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00982-00177832-00178014": "thinking we can increase our chances of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00983-00178015-00178166": "winning dramatically", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00984-00178167-00178366": "you see we do have a way of making cyan", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00985-00178367-00178607": "weaker after the first fight we can open", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00986-00178608-00178807": "the menu and cast imp on cyan outside of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00987-00178808-00178902": "combat", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00988-00178903-00179071": "this makes his attacks weak enough that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00989-00179072-00179231": "he kills the spitfire in two", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00990-00179232-00179511": "sometimes three attacks winslash is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00991-00179512-00179678": "unaffected though so it still wipes the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00992-00179679-00179814": "entire field", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00993-00179815-00180031": "i hesitated to revive other characters", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00994-00180032-00180166": "earlier because it would make the battle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00995-00180167-00180254": "longer", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00996-00180255-00180431": "but we can make the realm do some work", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00997-00180432-00180559": "for us now", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00998-00180560-00180695": "by combining the black belt with the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-00999-00180696-00180871": "heal rod she has a chance to heal the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01000-00180872-00181063": "spitfire cyan already damaged it", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01001-00181064-00181231": "giving us extra chances to pull off a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01002-00181232-00181543": "wind slash black belt plus heel rod huh", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01003-00181544-00181695": "never thought i'd see the day where that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01004-00181696-00181871": "becomes useful", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01005-00181872-00182087": "with this strap we have a better 50", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01006-00182088-00182207": "chance to win the first fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01007-00182208-00182407": "and i'd estimate about a 40 percent", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01008-00182408-00182599": "chance to win the rest of the gauntlet", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01009-00182600-00182871": "i got it on the second try ultras is no", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01010-00182872-00183063": "less embarrassing than last time but air", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01011-00183064-00183214": "force is another boss that doesn't use", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01012-00183215-00183375": "any physical attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01013-00183376-00183526": "this time we have no tricks up our", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01014-00183527-00183678": "sleeves so we're forced to take another", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01015-00183679-00183766": "turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01016-00183767-00183926": "there's a dozen ways to win in one turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01017-00183927-00184102": "by now but the easiest is to break a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01018-00184103-00184238": "thunder rod on him for an instant", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01019-00184239-00184375": "victory", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01020-00184376-00184566": "at a weapon is actually challenging even", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01021-00184567-00184790": "despite all the overloveling we've done", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01022-00184791-00184951": "considering all the other bosses in this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01023-00184952-00185102": "part of the game have only been doing 1", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01024-00185103-00185254": "to 200 damage with their physical", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01025-00185255-00185335": "attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01026-00185336-00185614": "the 500 damage that atma does is no joke", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01027-00185615-00185766": "it's almost like the game expected you", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01028-00185767-00185943": "to heal an attack and climactic boss", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01029-00185944-00186175": "fights instead of just sitting there", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01030-00186176-00186366": "since we need one relic slot for black", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01031-00186367-00186559": "belts we only have one slot open for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01032-00186560-00186663": "defense", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01033-00186664-00186847": "reflect rigs deal with flare and fire", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01034-00186848-00187047": "too and also prevent a biospell from", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01035-00187048-00187214": "basically dooming the entire team with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01036-00187215-00187343": "poison status", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01037-00187344-00187526": "but the healing from curings is just too", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01038-00187527-00187702": "important to pass up", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01039-00187703-00187887": "again i was still testing reflect rings", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01040-00187888-00188095": "when i managed to hit a winning run", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01041-00188096-00188247": "one of the win conditions for this fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01042-00188248-00188399": "was getting a character berserked by", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01043-00188400-00188550": "mind blast and that's exactly what", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01044-00188551-00188743": "happened in the second attempt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01045-00188744-00188911": "not only that but lock happened to be", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01046-00188912-00189063": "the chosen one which is the best case", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01047-00189064-00189247": "scenario by far", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01048-00189248-00189454": "lok's unique weapon the hawkeye is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01049-00189455-00189607": "occasionally thrown at floating enemies", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01050-00189608-00189799": "to deal three times the damage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01051-00189800-00189983": "this easily makes up for atm's lack of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01052-00189984-00190150": "an elemental weakness", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01053-00190151-00190311": "stacking that with the damage bonus from", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01054-00190312-00190502": "berserk allows us to bring him down", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01055-00190503-00190799": "just a few heads time sections are a lot", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01056-00190800-00190950": "harder when we're so passive", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01057-00190951-00191111": "so the floating continent escape isn't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01058-00191112-00191359": "free at all naughties are inescapable in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01059-00191360-00191535": "the only encounter here so we have to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01060-00191536-00191678": "fight every battle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01061-00191679-00191823": "they also have cold dust which can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01062-00191824-00191999": "freeze characters so we can't leave lock", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01063-00192000-00192207": "by himself and let him wreck shop", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01064-00192208-00192343": "we can load up three characters such", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01065-00192344-00192502": "that they'll always kill in two hits and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01066-00192503-00192654": "off to kill in one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01067-00192655-00192807": "the naughties are weak to both fire and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01068-00192808-00192966": "lightning so we give celesten realm", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01069-00192967-00193175": "genji gloves and elemental weapons", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01070-00193176-00193359": "if they brock a spell they kill in one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01071-00193360-00193623": "attack locke has his trusty hawkeye", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01072-00193624-00193726": "which has a 50", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01073-00193727-00193887": "chance of being thrown for a one-hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01074-00193888-00194087": "kill however", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01075-00194088-00194319": "this didn't go according to plan at all", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01076-00194320-00194495": "first off i killed tara before the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01077-00194496-00194654": "escape sequence and i was expecting her", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01078-00194655-00194847": "to stay dead since i tested the same", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01079-00194848-00195031": "thing with a dead realm earlier", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01080-00195032-00195238": "for whatever reason tara was revived", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01081-00195239-00195423": "when raw wasn't so we have an extra", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01082-00195424-00195566": "target on the field that can't counter", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01083-00195567-00195671": "attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01084-00195672-00195838": "combine that with terrible menuing and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01085-00195839-00196023": "bad luck during several fights and this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01086-00196024-00196207": "isn't off to the greatest start", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01087-00196208-00196447": "we ignore the useless elixir against", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01088-00196448-00196654": "narapa we swap celeste's flame tongue", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01089-00196655-00196863": "for an ice brand in battle to save every", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01090-00196864-00197031": "second that we can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01091-00197032-00197214": "narapa isn't much of a boss despite the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01092-00197215-00197375": "hype he's given so he goes down in a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01093-00197376-00197471": "single hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01094-00197472-00197663": "this leaves us with just 6 seconds to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01095-00197664-00197799": "spare when we get to the end", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01096-00197800-00198007": "which means we have exactly 2 seconds to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01097-00198008-00198159": "select the option to wait and save", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01098-00198160-00198223": "shadow", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01099-00198224-00198471": "in theory at least i think this is the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01100-00198472-00198750": "closest escape sequence i've ever done", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01101-00198751-00198926": "despite being able to save him i", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01102-00198927-00199102": "actually let shadow die", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01103-00199103-00199263": "now you might thought i was kind of dumb", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01104-00199264-00199414": "and let shadow die accidentally because", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01105-00199415-00199511": "i panicked", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01106-00199512-00199726": "but actually i was being really dumb and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01107-00199727-00199902": "let shadow die deliberately because of a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01108-00199903-00199990": "mistake", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01109-00199991-00200190": "i don't want to go into it but suffice", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01110-00200191-00200343": "it to say i didn't catch this air for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01111-00200344-00200463": "quite a while", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01112-00200464-00200775": "so uh you won't be seeing him again and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01113-00200776-00200926": "with that the world of balance has been", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01114-00200927-00200990": "completed", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01115-00200991-00201223": "and in only 30 turns still lasts but", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01116-00201224-00201414": "things only get harder from here", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01117-00201415-00201607": "is what you might say if you're not", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01118-00201608-00201863": "paying attention to the video length", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01119-00201864-00202014": "in the world of ruin there's no", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01120-00202015-00202183": "obstacles to recruiting sabon since we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01121-00202184-00202326": "can just run from everything", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01122-00202327-00202487": "we also pick up the valuable drainer", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01123-00202488-00202631": "which will be useful in the tentacle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01124-00202632-00202735": "fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01125-00202736-00202887": "in this fight we're strapped for relic", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01126-00202888-00203111": "slot since the black belt is mandatory", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01127-00203112-00203311": "we want the q ring to heal the reflect", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01128-00203312-00203431": "ring since they have spells", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01129-00203432-00203678": "and the running shoes to prevent seas so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01130-00203679-00203790": "what do we pick", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01131-00203791-00204007": "well seize is annoying but it isn't much", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01132-00204008-00204166": "of a threat since his damage is low and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01133-00204167-00204383": "doesn't scale with our hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01134-00204384-00204583": "the curing won out over the reflect ring", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01135-00204584-00204775": "before but we have the drainer to heal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01136-00204776-00204894": "this time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01137-00204896-00205062": "to boot their spells are poisonous which", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01138-00205063-00205223": "means they're a slow death if they hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01139-00205223-00205246": "us", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01140-00205248-00205398": "and a slow victory if they poison the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01141-00205400-00205558": "tentacles instead", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01142-00205559-00205727": "we swap to the drainer whenever we want", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01143-00205728-00205910": "to heal and we swap in the apple weapon", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01144-00205911-00206071": "or the appropriate elemental blade when", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01145-00206071-00206158": "we want damage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01146-00206159-00206310": "and the tentacles will eventually go", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01147-00206311-00206462": "down", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01148-00206463-00206638": "dohan is yet another boss that doesn't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01149-00206639-00206798": "use any physical attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01150-00206800-00206951": "or at least he doesn't until we hit him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01151-00206952-00207151": "eight times so we can't do that either", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01152-00207152-00207327": "fortunately we do have an ace up our", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01153-00207328-00207455": "sleeve that i've been waiting to use for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01154-00207456-00207631": "a while and that's the zombie status", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01155-00207632-00207758": "which is conveniently everywhere in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01156-00207759-00207894": "daryl's tomb", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01157-00207896-00208119": "since there is no fire elemental weapons", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01158-00208119-00208303": "he's the designated survivor for this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01159-00208304-00208390": "fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01160-00208391-00208558": "everyone else is geared up with as much", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01161-00208559-00208751": "firepower as possible", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01162-00208752-00209031": "so delahan is easily incinerated we want", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01163-00209032-00209190": "to keep our zombie status for now so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01164-00209191-00209342": "let's avoid visiting any inns or", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01165-00209344-00209479": "changing our party", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01166-00209480-00209631": "there's a million options for what to do", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01167-00209632-00209806": "next but we go to mount zozo first to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01168-00209807-00209927": "pick up some great gear like the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01169-00209928-00210055": "elemental shields", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01170-00210056-00210367": "then we set our sights on nars try touch", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01171-00210367-00210510": "is the reason why we wanted to keep our", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01172-00210511-00210671": "zombie status around", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01173-00210671-00210839": "our team of zombies conveniently armed", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01174-00210840-00211006": "to the teeth with fire weapons", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01175-00211007-00211206": "are needed since try touch is another", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01176-00211207-00211391": "boss that only casts spells", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01177-00211392-00211542": "the weapons themselves barely tickle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01178-00211544-00211727": "tritoch through its massive defense but", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01179-00211728-00211855": "they all proc spells that'll do", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01180-00211856-00212015": "meaningful damage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01181-00212016-00212215": "setzer with an ice shield and ribbon is", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01182-00212216-00212406": "immune to all of tritoch's attacks and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01183-00212407-00212558": "the status effects that are occasionally", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01184-00212559-00212775": "inflicted by zombified party members so", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01185-00212776-00213006": "our victory is guaranteed", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01186-00213007-00213167": "by now you might see what the goal of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01187-00213167-00213415": "this trip is we nab mog from the narsh", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01188-00213416-00213606": "mines and hop down into umaro's lair to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01189-00213607-00213767": "fight the yeti himself", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01190-00213767-00213951": "umaro attacks multiple times in a turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01191-00213952-00214134": "and uses mainly weak physicals", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01192-00214135-00214367": "so he goes down with no effort and with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01193-00214367-00214623": "that the game is basically over", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01194-00214623-00214815": "in case he never bothered to use him to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01195-00214816-00215071": "be fair that's normally a wise decision", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01196-00215071-00215303": "umaro's gimmick is that he's a berserker", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01197-00215304-00215463": "in other words he'll attack on his own", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01198-00215464-00215606": "without having to select anything for", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01199-00215607-00215719": "the menu", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01200-00215719-00215958": "with umaro in tow we grind a core party", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01201-00215959-00216071": "of lock cyan", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01202-00216071-00216303": "umaro and mog to level 99 in the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01203-00216304-00216446": "dinosaur forest", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01204-00216448-00216598": "with the best grinding location in the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01205-00216600-00216823": "game in the exp egg it takes a mere", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01206-00216823-00217071": "seven hours to max at a party's level", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01207-00217071-00217310": "to be honest this is very excessive but", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01208-00217311-00217439": "i just wanted to know how long it would", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01209-00217440-00217582": "take and see how much the end game can", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01210-00217583-00217710": "be demolished even under these", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01211-00217711-00217855": "restrictions", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01212-00217856-00217991": "the rest of the world of ruin is a", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01213-00217992-00218206": "series of curb stop battles", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01214-00218207-00218342": "with a character that can actually", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01215-00218344-00218558": "attack an excessive power on our side", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01216-00218559-00218734": "most bosses go down in less than two", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01217-00218735-00218951": "minutes it's so easy that it's not", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01218-00218952-00219119": "really worth it to discuss any routing", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01219-00219119-00219287": "or most of the boss fights", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01220-00219288-00219455": "in fact i needed to write an extra", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01221-00219456-00219598": "sentence into this script to get the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01222-00219600-00219879": "basic on the boss montage right", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01223-00219880-00220103": "there are a few notable boss fights left", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01224-00220104-00220182": "though", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01225-00220183-00220319": "matchmaster is the only fight where", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01226-00220319-00220519": "umaro shouldn't be in the party", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01227-00220519-00220679": "instead just sit there with reflect", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01228-00220680-00220863": "rings on all of his spells are", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01229-00220864-00221023": "reflectible and he'll never use wall", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01230-00221023-00221182": "change if we never attack", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01231-00221183-00221398": "with max hp his ultimate death counter", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01232-00221400-00221542": "won't kill us either", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01233-00221544-00221727": "we get nothing useful for completing", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01234-00221728-00221887": "this fight but at least we can say we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01235-00221888-00222006": "did it", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01236-00222007-00222215": "rexella is a bit luck reliant his", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01237-00222216-00222375": "gimmick is that he'll possess a random", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01238-00222376-00222542": "character and won't reappear until that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01239-00222544-00222687": "character dies", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01240-00222688-00222806": "since we don't have the luxury of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01241-00222807-00222991": "killing people and reviving him we have", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01242-00222992-00223134": "to hope that he possesses the right", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01243-00223135-00223279": "characters and let him die at the hands", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01244-00223280-00223415": "of the soul savers", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01245-00223416-00223615": "we stagger our hp so lock will die", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01246-00223616-00223815": "immediately and mongol die quickly after", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01247-00223816-00224015": "we remove his paladin shield", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01248-00224016-00224191": "the hope is that he'll possess lock and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01249-00224192-00224406": "then mog to give us two chances to deal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01250-00224407-00224494": "damage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01251-00224496-00224639": "it turns out that we only needed one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01252-00224640-00224806": "though on the first attempt that he", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01253-00224807-00224894": "possessed locke", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01254-00224896-00225031": "he died before he got a chance to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01255-00225032-00225246": "possess anyone else", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01256-00225248-00225423": "goddess actually managed to kill me once", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01257-00225423-00225639": "which is relatively impressive", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01258-00225640-00225798": "she can use love token which causes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01259-00225800-00225967": "characters to defend her from physical", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01260-00225967-00226063": "attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01261-00226064-00226206": "while we can bypass this with the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01262-00226207-00226391": "offering umaro still managed to kill", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01263-00226392-00226534": "himself with this tackle attack on the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01264-00226535-00226646": "first attempt", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01265-00226648-00226951": "oh well anyways i think it's about time", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01266-00226952-00227119": "to head to the final battle", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01267-00227119-00227319": "thankfully this fight is not among the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01268-00227319-00227479": "world of ruined curb stop battles we've", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01269-00227480-00227591": "seen thus far", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01270-00227592-00227839": "so we can avoid a complete anti-climax", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01271-00227840-00228039": "the strat isn't exactly optimal but it's", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01272-00228040-00228142": "close enough", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01273-00228144-00228287": "umaro needs to last through the first", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01274-00228288-00228471": "three tiers and to that end we give him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01275-00228471-00228631": "the marvel shoes to get safe", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01276-00228632-00228910": "shell haste and region all at once he", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01277-00228911-00229055": "also needs a ribbon so that he doesn't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01278-00229056-00229294": "get gimped by zombie or petrify", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01279-00229296-00229479": "cyan and lock with the tempest in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01280-00229480-00229598": "offering respectively", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01281-00229600-00229775": "can hit multiple targets for maximum", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01282-00229776-00230015": "damage with their crafter attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01283-00230016-00230198": "perhaps surprisingly we can enter the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01284-00230200-00230446": "final battle with status effects applied", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01285-00230448-00230631": "because of this we can devote the last", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01286-00230632-00230863": "party slot to zombified characters", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01287-00230864-00231079": "these characters serve three purposes", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01288-00231080-00231246": "first they can attack the enemies", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01289-00231248-00231367": "obviously", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01290-00231367-00231575": "second by equipping the zombies with ice", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01291-00231576-00231734": "elemental weapons and giving glock and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01292-00231735-00231855": "cyan ice shields", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01293-00231856-00232031": "we can use the zombies to heal our party", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01294-00232032-00232319": "too finally the zombies are removed from", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01295-00232319-00232503": "the fight after every tear", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01296-00232504-00232671": "this allows us to guarantee that mog", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01297-00232671-00232871": "won't show up until tier three", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01298-00232871-00233031": "that way we don't need to waste his", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01299-00233032-00233175": "relics on on the ribbon", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01300-00233176-00233303": "and he still won't get gimped with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01301-00233304-00233534": "zombie or petrify", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01302-00233535-00233742": "with all that said here's how this plays", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01303-00233744-00233958": "out tier 1 is a slaughter fest because", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01304-00233959-00234134": "all the bosses like the physical attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01305-00234135-00234342": "and get punished heavily for that", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01306-00234344-00234615": "tier 2 is much more dangerous only hit", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01307-00234616-00234742": "uses physical attacks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01308-00234744-00234903": "so multi-target counter attacks from the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01309-00234904-00235167": "tempest and offering are important here", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01310-00235167-00235351": "the bosses can inflict a wide variety of", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01311-00235352-00235527": "status effects and use some gravity", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01312-00235528-00235703": "attacks that mostly negate the advantage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01313-00235704-00235823": "of our enormous hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01314-00235823-00236103": "pools we also keep our cursor ready to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01315-00236104-00236287": "swap lock's apple weapon to a blizzard", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01316-00236288-00236558": "in case tiger decides to zombify him", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01317-00236559-00236703": "zombie lock with an apple weapon would", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01318-00236704-00236806": "slaughter everyone", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01319-00236807-00237110": "friend orfo on the winning attempt locks", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01320-00237111-00237263": "it comes to poison just before the tier", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01321-00237264-00237431": "is defeated", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01322-00237432-00237655": "tier three was tense because w in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01323-00237656-00237846": "knocked you morrow and cyan to low hp", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01324-00237848-00238094": "just before sleep started spamming meteo", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01325-00238096-00238303": "umaro pulled off two clutch dodges and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01326-00238304-00238471": "barely tanked a third media with his", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01327-00238471-00238687": "region before taking sleep out", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01328-00238688-00238871": "not only that but sleep's instant death", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01329-00238871-00239071": "death counter happened to hit realm", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01330-00239071-00239255": "so umaro and mogg both made it to the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01331-00239256-00239415": "fight with kafka", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01332-00239416-00239710": "this is it the final battle i wasn't", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01333-00239711-00239871": "expecting umaro to be alive at this", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01334-00239871-00240023": "point but it's certainly nice that he's", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01335-00240023-00240175": "still around even if moga is the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01336-00240176-00240382": "designated survivor", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01337-00240383-00240575": "mug has the paladin shield to absorb all", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01338-00240576-00240758": "elements and attain perfect defense", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01339-00240759-00240846": "which reduces", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01340-00240848-00241134": "all incoming physical damage to one his", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01341-00241135-00241327": "magic defense is also so high", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01342-00241328-00241567": "that even kafka's ultimate skill goner", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01343-00241567-00241734": "does less damage than a region tech", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01344-00241735-00241846": "heals", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01345-00241848-00242023": "with those defenses in region from the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01346-00242023-00242279": "marvel shoes maka is very hard to kill", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01347-00242280-00242423": "even though he effectively starts the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01348-00242423-00242630": "fight with only one hp thanks to fallen", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01349-00242631-00242734": "one", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01350-00242735-00242967": "we also pick up sabon and gogo the final", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01351-00242967-00243079": "characters that were brought to the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01352-00243080-00243175": "tower", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01353-00243176-00243375": "seven's level is relatively low but with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01354-00243376-00243575": "his ultimate weapons the imp albert and", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01355-00243576-00243694": "the other impalbird", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01356-00243696-00243919": "he can still pull off some decent damage", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01357-00243919-00244103": "goku uses the same setup but we", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01358-00244104-00244271": "recruited him after grinding the other", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01359-00244271-00244510": "characters level 99 so that he'd be high", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01360-00244511-00244615": "level too", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01361-00244616-00244879": "so he hits like a truck my good luck", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01362-00244880-00245087": "decided to hold for the final fight", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01363-00245088-00245246": "the zombies home in on kafka like", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01364-00245248-00245423": "laser-guided missiles and never kill", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01365-00245423-00245542": "umaro", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01366-00245544-00245775": "kefka also never attacks umaro letting", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01367-00245776-00245951": "him wreak havoc", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01368-00245952-00246182": "once kefka begins charging for goner he", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01369-00246183-00246351": "loses the ability to counter attack with", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01370-00246352-00246519": "hyperdrive for a turn and that pretty", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01371-00246519-00246671": "much seals the deal", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01372-00246671-00246855": "this is about as fast and safe as the", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01373-00246856-00247063": "fight could have been", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01374-00247064-00247334": "so that's the ball game it turns out", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01375-00247335-00247479": "that it's possible to beat this game in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01376-00247480-00247694": "only 28 turns at the absolute best", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01377-00247696-00247855": "though this run only managed to do it in", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01378-00247856-00248094": "30. i'm not sure if it's possible to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01379-00248096-00248255": "improve up this at all", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01380-00248256-00248455": "if i missed anything it's probably an", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01381-00248456-00248639": "early game grinding location or a way to", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01382-00248640-00248879": "beat air force without spending a turn", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01383-00248880-00249094": "our in-game time clocked in at about 40", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01384-00249096-00249239": "hours which means that we didn't even", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01385-00249240-00249487": "spend a single turn per hour of gameplay", "7rDEznwJ7wE-01386-00249488-00249935": "anyways i hope you enjoyed watching"}}, {"audio_id": "7rGdZkkXTQI", "text": {"7rGdZkkXTQI-00000-00000074-00000409": "csa formerly cambridge scientific", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00001-00000411-00000647": "abstracts was a division of cambridge", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00002-00000648-00000872": "information group and provider of online", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00003-00000873-00001141": "databases based in Bethesda Maryland", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00004-00001142-00001403": "before merging with ProQuest of Ann", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00005-00001404-00001898": "Arbor Michigan in 2007 CSA hosted", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00006-00001898-00002152": "databases of abstracts and developed", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00007-00002153-00002482": "taxonomic indexing of scholarly articles", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00008-00002483-00002849": "these databases were hosted on the CSA", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00009-00002850-00003041": "Illumina platform and were available", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00010-00003042-00003344": "alongside add-on products like CSA", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00011-00003345-00003638": "illustrator deep indexing of tables and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00012-00003639-00003963": "figures the company produced numerous", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00013-00003964-00004217": "bibliographic databases in different", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00014-00004218-00004427": "fields of the arts and humanities", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00015-00004428-00004684": "natural and social sciences and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00016-00004685-00005084": "technology thus coverage included", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00017-00005085-00005402": "materials science environmental sciences", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00018-00005403-00005651": "and pollution management biological", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00019-00005652-00006009": "sciences aquatic Sciences and fisheries", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00020-00006010-00006286": "biotechnology engineering computer", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00021-00006287-00006634": "science sociology linguistics and other", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00022-00006636-00006891": "areas", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00023-00006892-00007253": "you", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00024-00007254-00007979": "topic aluminium industry abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00025-00007980-00008337": "aluminium industry abstracts AIA was", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00026-00008338-00008535": "formerly known as world aluminum", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00027-00008536-00008952": "abstracts waa topical coverage in the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00028-00008953-00009204": "technical literature includes aluminum", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00029-00009205-00009432": "production processes products", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00030-00009433-00009827": "applications and business applications", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00031-00009828-00010064": "coverage of the sources include", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00032-00010065-00010404": "periodicals technical reports conference", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00033-00010405-00010752": "proceedings patents trade journals press", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00034-00010753-00011193": "releases and books subject coverage in", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00035-00011194-00011484": "broad categories of this database is the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00036-00011485-00011778": "aluminum industry including end uses of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00037-00011779-00011976": "aluminum aluminum into metallics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00038-00011977-00012291": "Business Information engineering testing", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00039-00012292-00012536": "and properties extractive metallurgy", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00040-00012537-00012909": "melting casting and foundry metalworking", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00041-00012910-00013266": "ores extraction patents metallurgy", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00042-00013266-00013466": "engineering and quality control", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00043-00013468-00014155": "including testing", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00044-00014156-00014822": "topic ceramic abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00045-00014822-00015174": "csa publishes ceramic abstracts world", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00046-00015175-00015426": "ceramics abstracts in conjunction with", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00047-00015427-00015797": "saram research limited this is database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00048-00015798-00016113": "serves the ceramics industry coverage", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00049-00016113-00016377": "spans available global literature on the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00050-00016378-00016674": "manufacture processing applications", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00051-00016675-00016932": "properties and testing of traditional", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00052-00016933-00017300": "and advanced ceramics in addition this", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00053-00017301-00017619": "database is indexed for more than 3000", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00054-00017620-00017880": "published works of various formats such", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00055-00017881-00018105": "scientific and technical literature", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00056-00018106-00018480": "including man graphs temporal coverage", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00057-00018481-00018813": "is generally from 1975 to the present", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00058-00018814-00018864": "day", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00059-00018865-00019191": "the oldest record in the database has a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00060-00019192-00019668": "publication date of 1971 this database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00061-00019669-00019903": "is updated once per month and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00062-00019904-00020222": "approximately 15,000 new records are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00063-00020223-00020522": "added each year the size of the database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00064-00020523-00020817": "is more than four hundred and fifty four", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00065-00020818-00021174": "thousand records the print equivalent", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00066-00021175-00021417": "for this database is world ceramics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00067-00021418-00022215": "abstracts and ceramic abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00068-00022216-00022936": "topic civil engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00069-00022937-00023350": "CSA ASC civil engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00070-00023351-00023582": "encompasses global indexing and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00071-00023583-00023789": "abstracting coverage of civil", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00072-00023790-00024043": "engineering technical literature", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00073-00024044-00024353": "coverage also includes the complementary", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00074-00024354-00024544": "fields of forensic engineering", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00075-00024545-00024775": "engineering services management", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00076-00024776-00025016": "engineering services marketing", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00077-00025017-00025283": "engineering education theoretical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00078-00025284-00025564": "mechanics theoretical dynamics and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00079-00025565-00025937": "computational studies serial and non", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00080-00025938-00026189": "serial publications are part of this", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00081-00026189-00026561": "database more than 3000 abstracted", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00082-00026562-00026825": "titles encompass books conference", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00083-00026826-00027121": "proceedings trade journal scientific", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00084-00027122-00027421": "journals technical journals patents", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00085-00027422-00027674": "government reports dissertations", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00086-00027675-00027932": "monographs newsletters and press", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00087-00027933-00028264": "releases indexing with a controlled", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00088-00028266-00028733": "vocabulary 12500 terms also references", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00089-00028733-00028969": "items such as cited references", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00090-00028970-00029227": "corresponding authors email address and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00091-00029229-00029570": "publisher contact information with a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00092-00029570-00029855": "file size of 1 million three hundred and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00093-00029856-00030098": "seventy two thousand seven hundred and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00094-00030099-00030431": "eleven records July 2010 an update", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00095-00030432-00030719": "frequency of once per month about forty", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00096-00030720-00030958": "thousand records are added each year and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00097-00030960-00031289": "temporal coverage is from 1966 to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00098-00031289-00031904": "present day", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00099-00031905-00032280": "topic computer and information systems", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00100-00032281-00032744": "abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00101-00032745-00033035": "global coverage pertains to research an", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00102-00033036-00033260": "application which is updated on a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00103-00033261-00033415": "monthly basis", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00104-00033416-00033764": "this database accesses periodicals", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00105-00033765-00034082": "conference proceedings technical reports", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00106-00034083-00034340": "trade journals including newsletter", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00107-00034341-00034744": "items patents books and press releases", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00108-00034745-00035132": "non serial publications are also covered", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00109-00035133-00035414": "research and application pertains to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00110-00035415-00035672": "artificial intelligence computer", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00111-00035673-00035927": "applications computer programming", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00112-00035928-00036251": "computer systems organization computing", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00113-00036252-00036694": "Miglia hardware information systems", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00114-00036695-00036947": "mathematics of computing and software", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00115-00036948-00037230": "engineering", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00116-00037231-00037593": "you", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00117-00037594-00038329": "topic earthquake engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00118-00038330-00038563": "the primary focus of earthquake", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00119-00038564-00038893": "engineering abstracts IEA is coverage of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00120-00038894-00039109": "earthquake engineering and earthquake", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00121-00039110-00039528": "hazard mitigation this database contains", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00122-00039529-00040000": "180 1380 records which are full", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00123-00040001-00040390": "citations and abstracts 52,000 journal", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00124-00040391-00040690": "articles indexes and abstracts of major", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00125-00040691-00040948": "earthquake engineering research journals", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00126-00040949-00041218": "along with 40,000 abstracts of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00127-00041219-00041631": "Proceedings includes major meetings", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00128-00041632-00041950": "22,000 other records include abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00129-00041951-00042185": "of research monographs and technical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00130-00042186-00042553": "reports coverage of sources is for more", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00131-00042554-00042907": "than 300 oo periodicals conference", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00132-00042908-00043192": "proceedings technical reports trade", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00133-00043193-00043522": "journal newsletter items patents books", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00134-00043523-00043918": "and press releases temporal coverage is", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00135-00043919-00044714": "from 1971 until present day", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00136-00044715-00045067": "topic electronics and communications", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00137-00045068-00045532": "abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00138-00045533-00045845": "electronics and communications abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00139-00045846-00046064": "indexes the fields of electronic", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00140-00046065-00046325": "engineering and communications including", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00141-00046326-00046664": "theory experiments materials equipment", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00142-00046665-00047120": "and applications major subject areas of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00143-00047121-00047447": "theory circuits components and materials", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00144-00047448-00047815": "control and systems power systems", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00145-00047816-00048044": "telecommunications photonics and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00146-00048045-00048323": "subjects related to electronics or", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00147-00048324-00048716": "electronic communications temporal", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00148-00048717-00049031": "coverage is approximately from 1981 to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00149-00049032-00049279": "the present with the oldest record at", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00150-00049280-00049720": "1961 50% of the database indexes from", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00151-00049721-00050120": "1994 to the present literature coverage", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00152-00050121-00050438": "spans periodicals conference proceedings", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00153-00050439-00050702": "technical reports trade journal", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00154-00050703-00051065": "newsletter items patents books and press", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00155-00051066-00051565": "releases it is updated monthly in 25,000", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00156-00051566-00051899": "records are added annually as of June", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00157-00051900-00052258": "2013 this database contained more than 1", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00158-00052259-00052475": "million seven hundred and thirty three", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00159-00052476-00053169": "thousand records", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00160-00053170-00053899": "topic engineered materials abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00161-00053900-00054166": "engineered materials abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00162-00054166-00054529": "established in 1986 provides in-depth", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00163-00054529-00054778": "coverage of polymers ceramics and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00164-00054779-00055038": "composites including complex and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00165-00055039-00055368": "advanced materials the processes", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00166-00055369-00055566": "involving these materials such as", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00167-00055567-00055834": "research manufacturing practices", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00168-00055835-00056071": "properties and applications are also", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00169-00056072-00056300": "cited in this database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00170-00056301-00056659": "this electronic database also contains", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00171-00056660-00056929": "the sub files named ceramics composites", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00172-00056929-00057336": "and polymers in addition this database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00173-00057337-00057649": "is indexed for more than 3,000 relevant", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00174-00057650-00057886": "publications of various types or", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00175-00057887-00058099": "groupings which are related to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00176-00058100-00058453": "scientific journal content dates of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00177-00058454-00058816": "coverage span from approximately 1986 to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00178-00058816-00059136": "present day the oldest record in the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00179-00059137-00059598": "database has a publication date of 1953", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00180-00059599-00059955": "furthermore about 50% of its records", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00181-00059956-00060360": "have publication dates of 1993 or later", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00182-00060361-00060685": "this database is updated once per month", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00183-00060686-00061054": "and approximately 20,000 new records are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00184-00061054-00061453": "added each year as of June 2010 the size", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00185-00061454-00061678": "of the database is more than seven", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00186-00061679-00061909": "hundred and ninety six thousand three", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00187-00061910-00062654": "hundred and fifty-seven records", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00188-00062654-00063333": "topic advanced polymers abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00189-00063334-00063629": "as a sub file of engineered materials", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00190-00063630-00063897": "abstracts the focus of advanced polymers", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00191-00063898-00064152": "abstracts is technical information about", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00192-00064153-00064454": "the uses manufacturing and properties of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00193-00064455-00064851": "thermoset and thermoplastic resins these", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00194-00064852-00065115": "materials are competing with metals to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00195-00065116-00065457": "be the material for structures the broad", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00196-00065458-00065702": "topical coverage includes molding", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00197-00065703-00065976": "thermoplastic elastomers extrusion", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00198-00065977-00066252": "materials development polymer blends", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00199-00066253-00066684": "joining bonding synthesis PVC chain", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00200-00066685-00066906": "structure performance testing", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00201-00066907-00067344": "compounding and filled plastics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00202-00067345-00067611": "topic environmental sciences and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00203-00067612-00067845": "pollution management this database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00204-00067846-00068052": "provides abstracting and full", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00205-00068053-00068325": "bibliographic citation coverage of the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00206-00068326-00068535": "available global literature which", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00207-00068536-00068814": "pertains to environmental sciences and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00208-00068815-00069165": "pollution management this database can", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00209-00069166-00069423": "link to full-text electronic journal", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00210-00069424-00069768": "articles in addition this database is", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00211-00069769-00070038": "indexed for more than 10,000 relevant", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00212-00070039-00070281": "publications of various types or", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00213-00070282-00070482": "groupings which are related to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00214-00070483-00070848": "scientific journal content dates of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00215-00070849-00071193": "coverage spanned from 1967 to present", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00216-00071194-00071517": "day the update frequency is once a month", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00217-00071518-00071856": "and approximately 6,000 new records are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00218-00071857-00072243": "added each month as of June 2010 the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00219-00072244-00072489": "size of the database is more than three", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00220-00072490-00072711": "million three hundred and sixty-six", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00221-00072712-00072924": "thousand two hundred and sixty nine", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00222-00072925-00073422": "records temporal coverage is from 1967", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00223-00073423-00073728": "to the present day general topical or", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00224-00073729-00074007": "subject coverage includes air marine and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00225-00074008-00074237": "freshwater pollution detection", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00226-00074238-00074520": "monitoring and analysis of pollution", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00227-00074521-00074820": "effects of oil spills point and nonpoint", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00228-00074821-00075024": "pollution sewage and wastewater", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00229-00075025-00075266": "treatment industrial and municipal", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00230-00075267-00075579": "disposal of such hazardous wastes and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00231-00075580-00075909": "refuse toxicology of pesticides heavy", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00232-00075910-00076209": "metals agricultural chemicals risk", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00233-00076210-00076437": "assessment and Environmental Action", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00234-00076438-00076839": "among other topics coverage of sources", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00235-00076840-00077067": "spans journal articles conference", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00236-00077068-00077310": "proceedings books and government", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00237-00077311-00077598": "publications environmental sciences and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00238-00077599-00077853": "pollution management consists of twelve", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00239-00077854-00078138": "component or sub file bibliographic", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00240-00078139-00078332": "databases that can be accessed", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00241-00078333-00078731": "independently these are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00242-00078732-00078956": "aquatic pollution and Environmental", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00243-00078957-00079315": "Quality ASFA three", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00244-00079316-00079804": "bacteriology abstracts microbiology B", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00245-00079805-00080142": "biotechnology research abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00246-00080143-00080457": "ecology abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00247-00080458-00080823": "environmental engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00248-00080824-00081224": "health and safety science abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00249-00081225-00081523": "Industrial in applied microbiology", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00250-00081524-00082079": "microbiology a pollution abstracts risk", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00251-00082080-00082454": "abstracts sustainability science", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00252-00082455-00082997": "abstracts toxicology abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00253-00082998-00083642": "Water Resources abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00254-00083643-00083959": "topic environmental engineering", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00255-00083960-00084416": "abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00256-00084417-00084666": "environmental engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00257-00084667-00084858": "provides abstracting and full", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00258-00084859-00085128": "bibliographic citation coverage of the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00259-00085129-00085338": "available global literature which", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00260-00085339-00085536": "pertains to technological and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00261-00085537-00085755": "engineering aspects of air and water", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00262-00085756-00086079": "quality environmental safety and energy", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00263-00086080-00086400": "production general subject coverage", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00264-00086401-00086643": "spans relevant literature about mines", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00265-00086644-00086892": "and quarry equipment nuclear power", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00266-00086893-00087222": "plants thermoelectric energy tidal and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00267-00087223-00087447": "wind power treatment of sewage and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00268-00087448-00087735": "industrial wastes water analysis and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00269-00087736-00088125": "treatment techniques are included 500", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00270-00088126-00088338": "primary journals are indexed and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00271-00088339-00088644": "abstracted relevant literature is added", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00272-00088645-00088998": "from more than 2,500 other sources such", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00273-00088999-00089333": "as monographs and conference proceedings", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00274-00089334-00089667": "temporal coverage is from 1990 to the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00275-00089668-00089868": "present and the oldest record was", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00276-00089869-00090615": "published in 1973", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00277-00090616-00090968": "topic environmental periodicals", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00278-00090969-00091416": "bibliography", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00279-00091417-00091708": "environmental periodicals bibliography", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00280-00091709-00092097": "EP be established in 1972 by the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00281-00092098-00092353": "Environmental Studies Institute of the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00282-00092354-00092622": "International Academy at Santa Barbara", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00283-00092623-00093067": "this database contains more than 500,000", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00284-00093068-00093306": "indexed citations covering all", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00285-00093307-00093574": "environmental topics in scientific", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00286-00093575-00093973": "technical and popular journals compare a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00287-00093974-00094300": "hen Civ coverage of 500 journals is also", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00288-00094301-00094705": "included in this database citations are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00289-00094706-00094972": "arranged by journal title and publisher", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00290-00094973-00095125": "and when there are links to their", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00291-00095126-00095332": "respective sites these are made", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00292-00095333-00095755": "available CSA alumina is a web access", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00293-00095756-00096082": "point and this database is on cd-rom as", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00294-00096083-00096655": "well", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00295-00096656-00096968": "topic Health and Safety science", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00296-00096969-00097435": "abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00297-00097436-00097773": "authors are ProQuest CSA Illumina and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00298-00097774-00098042": "the University of Southern California", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00299-00098043-00098337": "this database covers the relevant", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00300-00098338-00098556": "literature pertaining to public health", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00301-00098557-00099010": "safety and industrial hygiene this also", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00302-00099011-00099282": "includes risks hazards and plausible", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00303-00099283-00099605": "solutions that affect individuals", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00304-00099606-00099891": "topical coverage includes aviation", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00305-00099892-00100212": "safety aerospace safety environmental", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00306-00100213-00100547": "safety nuclear safety medical safety", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00307-00100548-00100800": "occupational safety economic s--", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00308-00100801-00101118": "pollution waste disposal radiation", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00309-00101119-00101493": "pesticides epidemics and countless other", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00310-00101494-00101728": "phenomena having the potential to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00311-00101729-00101985": "threaten the public the environment or", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00312-00101986-00102369": "the workplace itself", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00313-00102370-00102728": "the equivalent printed form is health", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00314-00102729-00103177": "and safety science abstracts 1981 to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00315-00103178-00103538": "2003", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00316-00103539-00103869": "topics ESA high-technology research", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00317-00103870-00104172": "database with aerospace the CSA high", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00318-00104173-00104447": "technology research database is a major", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00319-00104448-00104711": "abstracting and indexing data space and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00320-00104713-00105033": "category in the CSA Illumina database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00321-00105033-00105327": "structure it is considered to be the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00322-00105328-00105546": "online equivalent of international", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00323-00105547-00105783": "aerospace abstracts IAA", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00324-00105783-00106071": "and scientific and technical aerospace", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00325-00106072-00106665": "reports star from 1962 to 1993 these are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00326-00106666-00106932": "also listed as the print counterparts it", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00327-00106933-00107285": "comprises forceable titles aerospace and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00328-00107286-00107553": "high-technology database computer and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00329-00107554-00107772": "information systems abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00330-00107773-00108039": "electronics and communications abstract", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00331-00108040-00108259": "solid state and superconductivity", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00332-00108260-00108602": "abstracts they database covers theory", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00333-00108603-00108882": "experimentation application emerging", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00334-00108883-00109101": "technologies and companies that are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00335-00109102-00109358": "involved in the space sciences including", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00336-00109358-00109661": "Aeronautics and Astronautics computer", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00337-00109663-00109934": "and information technology solid state", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00338-00109935-00110260": "materials including solid-state devices", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00339-00110261-00110556": "communications chemistry Geoscience and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00340-00110557-00110945": "finally electronics further research", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00341-00110946-00111195": "application and development coverage", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00342-00111196-00111423": "includes more than 40 countries", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00343-00111424-00111672": "including Japan and Eastern European", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00344-00111673-00112002": "nations more than ten point seven", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00345-00112003-00112269": "million records are available February", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00346-00112270-00112518": "2011 with a monthly update of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00347-00112519-00112815": "approximately 100,000 records and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00348-00112816-00113135": "temporal coverage from 1962 to the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00349-00113136-00113489": "present it is indexed by references", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00350-00113490-00113786": "abstracts and 40,000 controlled", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00351-00113788-00114139": "vocabulary terms", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00352-00114140-00114424": "topic aerospace and high-technology", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00353-00114425-00114634": "database the aerospace and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00354-00114635-00114863": "high-technology database is a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00355-00114864-00115102": "bibliographic database covering the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00356-00115103-00115360": "space sciences as well as Aeronautics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00357-00115361-00115715": "and Astronautics this database also", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00358-00115716-00115970": "provides access to complementary", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00359-00115971-00116185": "disciplines such as electronics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00360-00116186-00116506": "chemistry physics Jeon chants and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00361-00116507-00116864": "communications the print equivalent is", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00362-00116865-00117178": "international aerospace abstracts IAEA", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00363-00117179-00117470": "and scientific and technical aerospace", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00364-00117471-00118019": "reports star from 1986 to 1993 the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00365-00118020-00118298": "aerospace and high-technology database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00366-00118299-00118532": "began as to print publications", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00367-00118533-00118874": "international aerospace abstracts IAEA", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00368-00118875-00119152": "and scientific and technical reports", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00369-00119153-00119513": "star index these were then incorporated", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00370-00119514-00119860": "into the aerospace database produced by", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00371-00119861-00120074": "the American Institute of Aeronautics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00372-00120075-00120735": "and Astronautics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00373-00120736-00121463": "topic international aerospace abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00374-00121464-00121743": "international aerospace abstracts was", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00375-00121744-00121974": "published by the technical information", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00376-00121975-00122205": "service of the American Institute of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00377-00122206-00122445": "Aeronautics and Astronautics with an", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00378-00122446-00122979": "ISSN 0:02 o58 for two other previous", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00379-00122980-00123209": "authors was National Aeronautics and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00380-00123210-00123461": "Space Administration NASA and the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00381-00123463-00123738": "Institute of the aerospace sciences", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00382-00123739-00124034": "it was published alternately with the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00383-00124035-00124283": "scientific and technical aerospace", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00384-00124284-00124757": "reports in 1963 international aerospace", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00385-00124758-00125025": "abstracts was part of the International", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00386-00125026-00125261": "aeronautical abstracts section of the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00387-00125263-00125493": "publication entitled aerospace", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00388-00125494-00126150": "engineering is Sno o nine six six six 9x", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00389-00126151-00126406": "topics scientific and technical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00390-00126407-00126666": "aerospace reports according to the NASA", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00391-00126667-00127059": "website effective May 2011 scientific", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00392-00127060-00127369": "and technical aerospace reports star is", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00393-00127370-00127608": "being retired along with several other", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00394-00127609-00127822": "NASA scientific and technical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00395-00127823-00128113": "information products scientific and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00396-00128114-00128413": "technical aerospace reports star is an", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00397-00128414-00128679": "information resource listing citations", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00398-00128680-00128901": "and abstracts of NASA and worldwide", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00399-00128902-00129183": "aerospace related scientific and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00400-00129184-00129561": "technical information STI updated", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00401-00129563-00129813": "bi-weekly star highlights the most", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00402-00129814-00130057": "recent additions to the NASA Aeronautics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00403-00130058-00130461": "and Space database through this resource", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00404-00130463-00130785": "the NASA STI program provides timely", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00405-00130786-00131038": "access to the most current aerospace", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00406-00131039-00131313": "related research and development R&D", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00407-00131314-00131638": "results star subject coverage includes", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00408-00131639-00131857": "all aspects of aeronautics and space", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00409-00131858-00132138": "research and development supporting", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00410-00132139-00132351": "basic and applied research and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00411-00132352-00132670": "application as well as aerospace aspects", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00412-00132671-00132933": "of earth resources energy development", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00413-00132934-00133254": "conservation oceanography environmental", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00414-00133255-00133534": "protection open transportation and other", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00415-00133535-00133888": "topics of high national priority the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00416-00133889-00134158": "listing is arranged first by 11 broad", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00417-00134159-00134395": "subject divisions then within these", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00418-00134396-00134746": "divisions by 76 subject categories and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00419-00134747-00135571": "includes two indexes subject and author", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00420-00135572-00135981": "topic solid state and superconductivity", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00421-00135982-00136432": "abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00422-00136433-00136771": "csa solid state and superconductivity", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00423-00136772-00137156": "abstracts issn oh eight nine six five", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00424-00137157-00137440": "900 provides online international", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00425-00137441-00137714": "coverage encompassing all aspects of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00426-00137715-00137977": "theory production and application of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00427-00137978-00138362": "solid state materials and devices high", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00428-00138363-00138603": "and low temperature superconductivity", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00429-00138604-00138944": "technologies are included coverages from", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00430-00138945-00139256": "approximately 1981 to the present day", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00431-00139257-00139565": "the oldest record in the database has a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00432-00139566-00140087": "publication date of 1970 about 50% of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00433-00140088-00140329": "this database has records which were", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00434-00140330-00140759": "published since 1992 the database is", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00435-00140760-00141064": "updated once a month approximately", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00436-00141065-00141320": "40,000 new records are added each year", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00437-00141321-00141703": "as of June 2010 solid state and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00438-00141704-00141979": "superconductivity abstracts contains", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00439-00141980-00142214": "more than nine hundred and sixty-seven", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00440-00142215-00142552": "thousand records there is a print", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00441-00142553-00142862": "equivalent of the same name", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00442-00142863-00143179": "topic mechanical engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00443-00143180-00143423": "mechanical engineering abstracts is a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00444-00143424-00143737": "continuation of the formally named isme", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00445-00143738-00144091": "si bulletin vo point one number one July", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00446-00144092-00144304": "10th 1973", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00447-00144305-00144731": "issn o 306 zero three nine which appears", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00448-00144732-00144925": "to have ceased under this title in", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00449-00144926-00145595": "December 1987 V 20 number six is M EC", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00450-00145596-00145819": "bulletin was published by Cambridge", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00451-00145820-00146207": "scientific abstracts now mechanical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00452-00146208-00146491": "engineering abstracts is also known as", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00453-00146492-00146923": "is M EC mechanical engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00454-00146924-00147260": "another title is information service in", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00455-00147261-00147529": "mechanical engineering bulletin temporal", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00456-00147530-00147733": "coverage for mechanical engineering", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00457-00147734-00148283": "abstracts is from 1981 to 2002 current", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00458-00148284-00148549": "information beyond its temporal coverage", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00459-00148550-00148927": "is not part of this database current", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00460-00148928-00149218": "information is located in mechanical and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00461-00149219-00149512": "transportation engineering abstracts see", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00462-00149513-00149941": "next section below as of May 2010 this", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00463-00149942-00150187": "database contained more than two hundred", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00464-00150188-00150395": "and fifteen thousand seven hundred", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00465-00150396-00150700": "records engineering information is a co", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00466-00150701-00151054": "publisher of this database global in", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00467-00151055-00151349": "scope broad subject coverage comprises", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00468-00151350-00151576": "theory and application in mechanical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00469-00151577-00151813": "engineering engineering management and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00470-00151814-00152176": "Production Engineering format coverage", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00471-00152177-00152490": "consists of scientific journals articles", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00472-00152491-00152836": "conference papers methods developments", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00473-00152837-00153074": "and conclusions including research", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00474-00153075-00153490": "results the target audiences specialists", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00475-00153491-00153749": "researchers and engineers further", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00476-00153750-00154024": "subject coverage includes all aspects of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00477-00154025-00154378": "mechanical engineering other subjects", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00478-00154379-00154607": "which are covered in this database are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00479-00154608-00154859": "aerospace engineering automotive", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00480-00154860-00155099": "engineering naval architecture and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00481-00155100-00155353": "marine engineering railroad engineering", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00482-00155354-00155665": "and materials handling nuclear", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00483-00155666-00155957": "technology is also part of this database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00484-00155958-00156245": "covering fluid flow hydraulics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00485-00156246-00156611": "pneumatics and vacuum technology heat", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00486-00156612-00156878": "and thermodynamics covers industrial", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00487-00156879-00157193": "furnaces process heating space heating", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00488-00157194-00157462": "air conditioning refrigeration and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00489-00157463-00157775": "cryogenics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00490-00157776-00158072": "i SME see mechanical engineering", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00491-00158073-00158462": "abstracts is Sno eight nine six seven", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00492-00158463-00158822": "one one three OCLC seventy million two", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00493-00158823-00159065": "hundred and seventy four thousand four", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00494-00159066-00159389": "hundred and fifty lccn eight eight six", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00495-00159390-00159794": "four seven four four seven topic", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00496-00159795-00159998": "mechanical and transportation", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00497-00159999-00160324": "engineering abstract csa mechanical and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00498-00160325-00160574": "transportation engineering abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00499-00160575-00160850": "provides citations abstracts and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00500-00160851-00161126": "indexing of the literature in mechanical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00501-00161127-00161369": "and transportation engineering and other", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00502-00161370-00161717": "supporting engineering fields this", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00503-00161718-00161981": "database is indexed for more than three", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00504-00161982-00162206": "thousand relevant publications of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00505-00162207-00162418": "various types which are related to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00506-00162419-00162788": "scientific journal content dates of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00507-00162789-00163109": "coverage are from 1966 to the present", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00508-00163110-00163409": "the oldest record in the database has a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00509-00163410-00163865": "publication date of 1895 about 50% of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00510-00163866-00164128": "its records have publication dates of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00511-00164129-00164567": "1988 or later the update frequency is", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00512-00164568-00164882": "once a month and approximately 40,000", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00513-00164883-00165247": "new records are added per year", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00514-00165248-00165610": "you", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00515-00165611-00166294": "topic M ETA de X", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00516-00166295-00166650": "si si M ETA de X is the database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00517-00166651-00166945": "equivalent of metals abstracts metals", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00518-00166946-00167346": "abstracts index and alloys index it", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00519-00167347-00167589": "specializes in covering all topics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00520-00167590-00167833": "pertaining to metals and alloys which", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00521-00167834-00168113": "includes the properties manufacturing", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00522-00168114-00168579": "applications and development M ETA de X", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00523-00168580-00168978": "was established in 1966 and now contains", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00524-00168979-00169341": "more than 1 million 425 thousand", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00525-00169342-00169744": "references in addition this database is", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00526-00169745-00169962": "indexed for more than three thousand", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00527-00169963-00170211": "relevant publications of various types", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00528-00170212-00170451": "or groupings which are related to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00529-00170452-00170814": "scientific journal content dates of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00530-00170815-00171216": "coverage begin from approximately 1966", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00531-00171217-00171561": "to the present day the oldest record in", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00532-00171562-00171831": "the database has a publication date of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00533-00171832-00172365": "1939 however about 50% of its records", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00534-00172366-00172748": "have publication dates of 1986 or later", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00535-00172749-00173271": "M ETA de X is updated once a month", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00536-00173272-00173622": "approximately 45,000 new records are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00537-00173623-00173956": "added per year as of June 2010 this", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00538-00173957-00174260": "database contained more than 7 million", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00539-00174261-00175134": "58,000 162 records", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00540-00175135-00175572": "topic csa materials research database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00541-00175573-00176158": "with M ETA Dax", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00542-00176159-00176479": "notable material science databases are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00543-00176480-00176755": "combined under csa materials research", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00544-00176756-00177139": "database with M ETA de X contents up to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00545-00177140-00177358": "the level of specialists are accessible", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00546-00177359-00177541": "collected from the disciplines of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00547-00177542-00177868": "material science metallurgy ceramics", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00548-00177869-00178114": "polymers and composites used in", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00549-00178115-00178459": "engineering application for all metals", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00550-00178460-00178810": "alloys polymers ceramics and composites", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00551-00178811-00179023": "in-depth coverage of the industrial", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00552-00179024-00179383": "process is covered this means in-depth", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00553-00179384-00179602": "coverage of raw materials their", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00554-00179603-00179962": "processing and refining is included the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00555-00179963-00180184": "chain of processing continues with", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00556-00180185-00180430": "in-depth coverage also of welding and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00557-00180431-00180811": "fabrication developed for end-users this", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00558-00180812-00181102": "is followed by performance corrosion and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00559-00181103-00181375": "recycling as related to all metals", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00560-00181376-00181776": "alloys polymers ceramics and composites", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00561-00181777-00182158": "in addition this database is indexed for", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00562-00182159-00182458": "more than 3000 relevant publications of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00563-00182459-00182734": "various types or groupings which are", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00564-00182735-00183024": "related to scientific journal content", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00565-00183025-00183456": "this database comprises the following", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00566-00183457-00183897": "aluminium industry abstracts ceramic", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00567-00183898-00184340": "abstracts world ceramics abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00568-00184341-00184624": "the technical reference library", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00569-00184625-00184961": "corrosion abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00570-00184962-00185272": "engineered materials abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00571-00185273-00185593": "materials business file", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00572-00185594-00186232": "M ETA Dax", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00573-00186233-00187041": "topic csa sociological abstracts", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00574-00187042-00187418": "sociological abstracts socio abs is a", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00575-00187419-00187699": "reliable and authoritative bibliographic", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00576-00187700-00187919": "resource that provides citations", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00577-00187920-00188224": "abstracts and indexing of the literature", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00578-00188225-00188507": "in sociology and related disciplines in", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00579-00188508-00188775": "the social and behavioral sciences", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00580-00188776-00189082": "more specifically abstracts of journal", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00581-00189083-00189378": "articles books book chapters", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00582-00189379-00189658": "dissertations conference papers and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00583-00189659-00189932": "citations for book reviews are indexed", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00584-00189933-00190184": "in a serially classified database of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00585-00190185-00190607": "almost 2,000 publications the database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00586-00190608-00190847": "has been updated to include access to", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00587-00190848-00191060": "the complete back files of the print", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00588-00191061-00191338": "versions of sociological abstracts from", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00589-00191339-00191668": "its beginnings in 1952 through today", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00590-00191669-00192004": "this database is updated monthly with", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00591-00192005-00192299": "approximately 30,000 records per year", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00592-00192300-00192599": "and its total size exceeds nine hundred", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00593-00192600-00192778": "and thirteen thousand nine hundred", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00594-00192779-00193075": "records subjects covered a culture", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00595-00193076-00193370": "social structure demography human", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00596-00193371-00193595": "biology economic development", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00597-00193596-00193844": "environmental issues family life", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00598-00193845-00194125": "conditions social welfare health", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00599-00194126-00194510": "medicine and law other subjects across", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00600-00194511-00194737": "the sociological spectrum are also", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00601-00194738-00194986": "included such as development", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00602-00194987-00195319": "differentiation arts business education", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00603-00195320-00195635": "substance abuse addiction and Women's", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00604-00195636-00196251": "Studies", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00605-00196252-00197091": "topic csa technology research database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00606-00197092-00197433": "csa technology research databases", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00607-00197434-00197701": "bibliographic platform that is updated", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00608-00197702-00198016": "monthly with temporal coverage from 1962", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00609-00198017-00198376": "to the present it combines a number of", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00610-00198377-00198643": "secondary databases the Materials", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00611-00198644-00198997": "Research database with M ETA de X C", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00612-00198998-00199294": "above the CSA high technology research", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00613-00199295-00199618": "database with aerospace C above and the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00614-00199619-00199968": "CSA engineering research database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00615-00199969-00200314": "formats covered a periodicals conference", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00616-00200315-00200608": "proceedings technical reports trade", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00617-00200609-00200962": "journal items newsletter items patents", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00618-00200963-00201334": "books and press releases subject", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00619-00201335-00201595": "coverage ranges across scientific and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00620-00201596-00201820": "technology disciplines and includes the", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00621-00201821-00202035": "literature of materials science", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00622-00202036-00202345": "aerospace construction mechanical", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00623-00202346-00202585": "engineering Electrical Engineering and", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00624-00202586-00202987": "information science this database", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00625-00202988-00203329": "indexes more than seventeen five million", "7rGdZkkXTQI-00626-00203330-00203605": "records"}}, {"audio_id": "7rVrv26Otjc", "text": {"7rVrv26Otjc-00000-00000000-00000551": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00001-00000552-00000743": "ciao friends that's the thimble hux", "7rVrv26Otjc-00002-00000744-00000958": "thanks for stopping by today today's", "7rVrv26Otjc-00003-00000959-00001158": "little project i'm going to show you how", "7rVrv26Otjc-00004-00001159-00001478": "to do the classic interlock", "7rVrv26Otjc-00005-00001479-00001687": "not diagonally but in a straight line", "7rVrv26Otjc-00006-00001688-00001855": "like this one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00007-00001855-00002030": "and like this one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00008-00002032-00002279": "gives a really fun edge and this is my", "7rVrv26Otjc-00009-00002280-00002463": "favorite way to do it", "7rVrv26Otjc-00010-00002464-00002702": "as opposed to the cdc", "7rVrv26Otjc-00011-00002703-00003031": "but i showed you i think yesterday", "7rVrv26Otjc-00012-00003032-00003158": "this", "7rVrv26Otjc-00013-00003159-00003383": "you get to make long rows instead of", "7rVrv26Otjc-00014-00003384-00003543": "going diagonally", "7rVrv26Otjc-00015-00003544-00003727": "so this one is way more fun when you", "7rVrv26Otjc-00016-00003728-00003815": "have", "7rVrv26Otjc-00017-00003815-00003999": "a color that you really like and you", "7rVrv26Otjc-00018-00004000-00004191": "just want to have nice long stripes", "7rVrv26Otjc-00019-00004192-00004375": "instead of the starting in the corner", "7rVrv26Otjc-00020-00004376-00004567": "and making it tiny", "7rVrv26Otjc-00021-00004568-00004711": "we get to make this one big i thought", "7rVrv26Otjc-00022-00004712-00004847": "this one was really pretty for the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00023-00004848-00005070": "autumn i love the color scheme", "7rVrv26Otjc-00024-00005071-00005270": "this one is apple picking", "7rVrv26Otjc-00025-00005271-00005518": "from lion brand cupcake", "7rVrv26Otjc-00026-00005519-00005718": "and this one is", "7rVrv26Otjc-00027-00005719-00005918": "mandala", "7rVrv26Otjc-00028-00005919-00006079": "fairy", "7rVrv26Otjc-00029-00006080-00006286": "great color scheme so i'm going to use a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00030-00006287-00006534": "few pieces a few little remnants", "7rVrv26Otjc-00031-00006536-00006703": "that i have of", "7rVrv26Otjc-00032-00006704-00006863": "mandala", "7rVrv26Otjc-00033-00006864-00007063": "fairy yes this one i'm going to use a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00034-00007064-00007198": "few of these colors and just show you", "7rVrv26Otjc-00035-00007200-00007398": "how this works", "7rVrv26Otjc-00036-00007400-00007567": "i hope you're enjoying my video and my", "7rVrv26Otjc-00037-00007568-00007767": "channel if so please click that button", "7rVrv26Otjc-00038-00007768-00008031": "to subscribe thanks", "7rVrv26Otjc-00039-00008031-00008174": "have a little bit of curling on these", "7rVrv26Otjc-00040-00008175-00008414": "very first parts but don't worry it's", "7rVrv26Otjc-00041-00008415-00008623": "okay it's an easy fix once you put an", "7rVrv26Otjc-00042-00008624-00008791": "edging on it and everything gets a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00043-00008792-00009063": "little bit heavier like this one there's", "7rVrv26Otjc-00044-00009064-00009255": "not a whole lot going on for my curling", "7rVrv26Otjc-00045-00009256-00009399": "it's not down here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00046-00009400-00009535": "not here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00047-00009536-00009719": "it's a little bit right up here but", "7rVrv26Otjc-00048-00009720-00009951": "that's my working area anyway", "7rVrv26Otjc-00049-00009952-00010191": "so it's okay we're gonna fix that i'm", "7rVrv26Otjc-00050-00010192-00010351": "gonna show you in a different video how", "7rVrv26Otjc-00051-00010352-00010695": "to fix your curling one of the best ways", "7rVrv26Otjc-00052-00010696-00010910": "is to move up", "7rVrv26Otjc-00053-00010911-00011167": "at least one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00054-00011168-00011246": "full", "7rVrv26Otjc-00055-00011247-00011495": "hook size from what your recommendation", "7rVrv26Otjc-00056-00011496-00011574": "is", "7rVrv26Otjc-00057-00011575-00011767": "on your", "7rVrv26Otjc-00058-00011768-00011983": "sleeve so here they want me to use a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00059-00011984-00012070": "five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00060-00012071-00012246": "even though this is a three weight i", "7rVrv26Otjc-00061-00012247-00012406": "never use a five when i'm working with", "7rVrv26Otjc-00062-00012407-00012583": "this but they want me to use a five so i", "7rVrv26Otjc-00063-00012584-00012767": "moved up to a six you might want to work", "7rVrv26Otjc-00064-00012768-00013038": "up to a seven if you have a seven not", "7rVrv26Otjc-00065-00013039-00013279": "all hook sets come with a seven which is", "7rVrv26Otjc-00066-00013280-00013471": "kind of a bummer and i'm gonna leave", "7rVrv26Otjc-00067-00013472-00013727": "this color out", "7rVrv26Otjc-00068-00013728-00013951": "so you can see what i'm working on what", "7rVrv26Otjc-00069-00013952-00014247": "we do is we make one whole long row at a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00070-00014247-00014455": "time instead of one square and then move", "7rVrv26Otjc-00071-00014456-00014686": "up to two and then move up to three like", "7rVrv26Otjc-00072-00014687-00014847": "we did with the diagonal this one goes", "7rVrv26Otjc-00073-00014847-00014999": "in a straight line", "7rVrv26Otjc-00074-00015000-00015103": "so", "7rVrv26Otjc-00075-00015104-00015311": "we want to get a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00076-00015312-00015566": "slip knot on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00077-00015568-00015838": "so we want to chain in multiples of 11", "7rVrv26Otjc-00078-00015840-00016143": "plus one so i'm going to chain", "7rVrv26Otjc-00079-00016144-00016543": "four demonstration purposes here 22 plus", "7rVrv26Otjc-00080-00016544-00016822": "one so 23. it's one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00081-00016823-00017086": "two three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00082-00017087-00017262": "four five six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00083-00017263-00017399": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00084-00017400-00017727": "seven eight nine", "7rVrv26Otjc-00085-00017728-00017958": "ten eleven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00086-00017959-00018103": "there's eleven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00087-00018104-00018367": "one two three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00088-00018368-00018439": "four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00089-00018440-00018679": "five six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00090-00018680-00018975": "seven eight nine", "7rVrv26Otjc-00091-00018976-00019239": "ten eleven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00092-00019240-00019447": "plus one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00093-00019448-00019639": "so that's where we start", "7rVrv26Otjc-00094-00019640-00019807": "so there's our chain if you're making a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00095-00019808-00019950": "blanket", "7rVrv26Otjc-00096-00019951-00020199": "it would be way longer this is one two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00097-00020200-00020503": "three four five this one was 56", "7rVrv26Otjc-00098-00020504-00020743": "5 times 11 plus one so you can see", "7rVrv26Otjc-00099-00020744-00020935": "that's all the longer it is", "7rVrv26Otjc-00100-00020936-00021158": "so you want to do a little bit of math", "7rVrv26Otjc-00101-00021159-00021418": "and decide how long something should be", "7rVrv26Otjc-00102-00021419-00021622": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00103-00021623-00021799": "so here's our chain", "7rVrv26Otjc-00104-00021800-00022047": "we have a chain of 22. so in the very", "7rVrv26Otjc-00105-00022048-00022199": "first chain that's closest to your hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00106-00022200-00022519": "here that you can work into", "7rVrv26Otjc-00107-00022520-00022743": "go through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00108-00022744-00022975": "yarn over pull up a loop leave it on our", "7rVrv26Otjc-00109-00022976-00023150": "hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00110-00023151-00023383": "go through the next chain yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00111-00023384-00023647": "up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00112-00023648-00023967": "yarn over pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00113-00023968-00024319": "yarn over pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00114-00024320-00024527": "yarn over pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00115-00024528-00024871": "i have six on my hook i want seven yarn", "7rVrv26Otjc-00116-00024872-00025286": "over pull up one more loop on my hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00117-00025287-00025542": "so you're gonna have seven loops on your", "7rVrv26Otjc-00118-00025543-00025839": "hook to begin our first square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00119-00025839-00026094": "so you yarn over pull through two pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00120-00026095-00026318": "through those first two loops", "7rVrv26Otjc-00121-00026319-00026631": "yarn over pull through the next two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00122-00026632-00026846": "yarn over pull through the next two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00123-00026847-00027062": "repeat that sequence", "7rVrv26Otjc-00124-00027063-00027367": "all the way down", "7rVrv26Otjc-00125-00027368-00027511": "and i have two loops on my hook i'm", "7rVrv26Otjc-00126-00027512-00027655": "going to yarn over and pull through both", "7rVrv26Otjc-00127-00027656-00027839": "of them so i'm back to a single loop on", "7rVrv26Otjc-00128-00027839-00027943": "my hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00129-00027944-00028135": "that was row one hooray we're already", "7rVrv26Otjc-00130-00028136-00028318": "done with row run", "7rVrv26Otjc-00131-00028319-00028431": "so now we want to start working", "7rVrv26Otjc-00132-00028432-00028639": "underneath these little vertical bars", "7rVrv26Otjc-00133-00028639-00028967": "right in here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00134-00028968-00029135": "all the way down you see it's making one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00135-00029136-00029351": "of those every single time that's where", "7rVrv26Otjc-00136-00029352-00029574": "we're going to be working", "7rVrv26Otjc-00137-00029575-00029727": "so take our hook go underneath that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00138-00029727-00029967": "vertical bar yarn over pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00139-00029968-00030223": "leave it on your hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00140-00030224-00030446": "do that again yarn over and pull up a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00141-00030447-00030574": "loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00142-00030575-00030918": "yarn over pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00143-00030919-00031214": "yarn over and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00144-00031216-00031462": "and one more time that's our fifth", "7rVrv26Otjc-00145-00031463-00031607": "vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00146-00031608-00031902": "but i only have six loops on my hook and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00147-00031903-00032023": "i need seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00148-00032024-00032239": "so then go over to the next chain that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00149-00032239-00032479": "has not been worked all of these have", "7rVrv26Otjc-00150-00032480-00032662": "been worked this is the next one that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00151-00032663-00032911": "has no activity yet so we're going to go", "7rVrv26Otjc-00152-00032912-00032999": "through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00153-00033000-00033246": "yarn over pull up", "7rVrv26Otjc-00154-00033247-00033425": "and now i have seven loops on my hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00155-00033426-00033695": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00156-00033696-00033951": "so yarn over pull through the first two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00157-00033952-00034174": "yarn over pull through the next two yarn", "7rVrv26Otjc-00158-00034175-00034327": "over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00159-00034328-00034543": "yarn over pull through two yarn over", "7rVrv26Otjc-00160-00034544-00034807": "pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00161-00034808-00034999": "two loops on my hook yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00162-00035000-00035287": "through both it's back to one single", "7rVrv26Otjc-00163-00035288-00035527": "loop on my hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00164-00035528-00035735": "that was row two already of our first", "7rVrv26Otjc-00165-00035736-00036046": "square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00166-00036047-00036271": "do this repeat that same sequence under", "7rVrv26Otjc-00167-00036272-00036502": "the vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00168-00036503-00036687": "yarn over pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00169-00036688-00036879": "leave it on the hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00170-00036880-00037183": "and go through every vertical bar that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00171-00037184-00037407": "we have", "7rVrv26Otjc-00172-00037408-00037574": "which gives us six loops on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00173-00037575-00037839": "this is our beginning it was already", "7rVrv26Otjc-00174-00037840-00038071": "left on our hook underneath five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00175-00038072-00038367": "vertical bars plus we need one more so", "7rVrv26Otjc-00176-00038368-00038535": "we're going to jump to the next chain", "7rVrv26Otjc-00177-00038536-00038759": "that hasn't been worked", "7rVrv26Otjc-00178-00038760-00039007": "go through that chain yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00179-00039008-00039159": "through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00180-00039160-00039327": "and now i have seven loops on my hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00181-00039328-00039535": "again yay", "7rVrv26Otjc-00182-00039536-00039727": "yarn over pull through the first two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00183-00039728-00039951": "yarn over pull through the next two all", "7rVrv26Otjc-00184-00039952-00040655": "the way down", "7rVrv26Otjc-00185-00040656-00040839": "and now i have back to a single loop on", "7rVrv26Otjc-00186-00040840-00041095": "my hook and that was our third row", "7rVrv26Otjc-00187-00041096-00041223": "and you can tell it's already starting", "7rVrv26Otjc-00188-00041224-00041407": "to look into like a square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00189-00041408-00041583": "please remember that it really helps my", "7rVrv26Otjc-00190-00041584-00041727": "channel when you watch the video all the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00191-00041728-00041887": "way to the end", "7rVrv26Otjc-00192-00041888-00042039": "so let's do that one more time", "7rVrv26Otjc-00193-00042040-00042287": "underneath every vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00194-00042288-00042439": "with the yarn over and pull through and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00195-00042440-00042799": "leave it on your hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00196-00042800-00043079": "okay underneath all five vertical bars", "7rVrv26Otjc-00197-00043080-00043318": "gives us six loops on our hook we want", "7rVrv26Otjc-00198-00043319-00043543": "seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00199-00043544-00043702": "so we're going to the next chain that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00200-00043703-00043974": "hasn't been worked right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00201-00043975-00044311": "through yarn over pull up our loop and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00202-00044312-00044583": "now i have seven on my hook again", "7rVrv26Otjc-00203-00044584-00044783": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00204-00044784-00045102": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00205-00045103-00045511": "all the way down", "7rVrv26Otjc-00206-00045512-00045702": "and there's our last two yarn over and i", "7rVrv26Otjc-00207-00045703-00045999": "have one loop on my on my hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00208-00046000-00046287": "one two three and that was row four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00209-00046288-00046555": "we're going to repeat one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00210-00046556-00046671": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00211-00046672-00047023": "go under each vertical bar with the yarn", "7rVrv26Otjc-00212-00047024-00047230": "over and pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00213-00047231-00047430": "so there's all five of my vertical bars", "7rVrv26Otjc-00214-00047431-00047702": "gives me six loops on my hook i want", "7rVrv26Otjc-00215-00047703-00047943": "seven so we're going over to the next", "7rVrv26Otjc-00216-00047944-00048135": "chain we haven't worked go through the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00217-00048136-00048462": "chain yarn over pull up your loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00218-00048463-00048751": "there's seven hooray", "7rVrv26Otjc-00219-00048752-00049030": "yarn over full through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00220-00049031-00049271": "this is so addictive", "7rVrv26Otjc-00221-00049272-00049471": "so once you get the hang of this you can", "7rVrv26Otjc-00222-00049472-00049646": "just fly through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00223-00049647-00049807": "making a little throw or an afghan or", "7rVrv26Otjc-00224-00049808-00049951": "baby blanket you can make it huge you", "7rVrv26Otjc-00225-00049952-00050086": "can make it small you can do whatever", "7rVrv26Otjc-00226-00050087-00050239": "you want", "7rVrv26Otjc-00227-00050240-00050471": "it's fun and addictive and there's our", "7rVrv26Otjc-00228-00050472-00050862": "fifth row one two three four and five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00229-00050863-00051102": "but as you can see here this one at the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00230-00051103-00051375": "very top is not finished", "7rVrv26Otjc-00231-00051376-00051526": "like the other ones are", "7rVrv26Otjc-00232-00051527-00051670": "we have to do something with these", "7rVrv26Otjc-00233-00051671-00051807": "vertical bars", "7rVrv26Otjc-00234-00051808-00052038": "so what we do is we want to be nice and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00235-00052039-00052302": "loose and if you can't stitch loosely", "7rVrv26Otjc-00236-00052303-00052542": "then get a bigger hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00237-00052544-00052735": "we want to go underneath", "7rVrv26Otjc-00238-00052736-00052894": "that vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00239-00052895-00053071": "yarn over", "7rVrv26Otjc-00240-00053072-00053223": "and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00241-00053224-00053366": "slip stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00242-00053367-00053494": "just like that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00243-00053495-00053911": "underneath each one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00244-00053912-00054182": "go under the vertical bar yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00245-00054183-00054350": "through and pull through for a slip", "7rVrv26Otjc-00246-00054351-00054711": "stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00247-00054712-00054847": "and you want to do that loosely because", "7rVrv26Otjc-00248-00054848-00054982": "you have to work into these stitches", "7rVrv26Otjc-00249-00054983-00055126": "again and if they're tight they're", "7rVrv26Otjc-00250-00055127-00055294": "really hard to work", "7rVrv26Otjc-00251-00055295-00055542": "really hard to work pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00252-00055544-00055791": "now after we work our fifth vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00253-00055791-00055950": "there's always something else that needs", "7rVrv26Otjc-00254-00055951-00056150": "to happen", "7rVrv26Otjc-00255-00056151-00056350": "it's like when we were over here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00256-00056351-00056519": "we were grabbing another loop we're", "7rVrv26Otjc-00257-00056520-00056742": "going to do the exact same thing the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00258-00056744-00057054": "next chain that we haven't used", "7rVrv26Otjc-00259-00057055-00057350": "also will get a slip stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00260-00057351-00057615": "so we have an even stitch count for", "7rVrv26Otjc-00261-00057616-00057863": "every square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00262-00057864-00058103": "first square is done", "7rVrv26Otjc-00263-00058104-00058359": "isn't that nice and see how fast that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00264-00058360-00058638": "went it went super fast isn't it", "7rVrv26Otjc-00265-00058639-00058775": "so now we're going to start our second", "7rVrv26Otjc-00266-00058776-00058847": "one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00267-00058848-00059071": "so we have one loop on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00268-00059072-00059215": "we want to go in two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00269-00059216-00059375": "chains", "7rVrv26Otjc-00270-00059376-00059623": "just like we did at the very beginning", "7rVrv26Otjc-00271-00059624-00059863": "yarn over and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00272-00059864-00060166": "until we have seven loops", "7rVrv26Otjc-00273-00060167-00060991": "on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00274-00060991-00061238": "one two three four five six seven so now", "7rVrv26Otjc-00275-00061239-00061430": "we know we're at the right spot for", "7rVrv26Otjc-00276-00061432-00061682": "making our next", "7rVrv26Otjc-00277-00061683-00062023": "square yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00278-00062024-00062199": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00279-00062200-00062447": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00280-00062448-00062630": "all the way down again just like we did", "7rVrv26Otjc-00281-00062632-00062823": "on the first square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00282-00062824-00063335": "so we have one loop left on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00283-00063336-00063475": "easy peasy", "7rVrv26Otjc-00284-00063476-00063663": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00285-00063664-00063942": "and that is connected to our square over", "7rVrv26Otjc-00286-00063944-00064023": "here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00287-00064024-00064175": "so we do the same thing under every", "7rVrv26Otjc-00288-00064176-00064359": "vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00289-00064360-00064482": "one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00290-00064483-00064750": "two three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00291-00064751-00064926": "four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00292-00064927-00065126": "five vertical bars", "7rVrv26Otjc-00293-00065127-00065335": "there's six loops on our hook but i want", "7rVrv26Otjc-00294-00065336-00065591": "seven we need seven so we need to go", "7rVrv26Otjc-00295-00065592-00065743": "find our next chain that hasn't been", "7rVrv26Otjc-00296-00065744-00065887": "worked", "7rVrv26Otjc-00297-00065888-00066143": "which is right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00298-00066144-00066343": "yarn over pull up a loop there's your", "7rVrv26Otjc-00299-00066344-00066511": "seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00300-00066512-00066735": "yarn over pull through two pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00301-00066736-00066806": "two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00302-00066807-00067071": "pull through two pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00303-00067072-00067206": "pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00304-00067207-00067391": "there's our last two pull through one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00305-00067392-00067726": "loop on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00306-00067727-00068006": "so addictive just love working with", "7rVrv26Otjc-00307-00068007-00068287": "tunisian i haven't done a lot of this on", "7rVrv26Otjc-00308-00068288-00068463": "camera for people because when i get", "7rVrv26Otjc-00309-00068464-00068606": "into this mode", "7rVrv26Otjc-00310-00068607-00068767": "i start making too many things in", "7rVrv26Otjc-00311-00068768-00068959": "tunisian", "7rVrv26Otjc-00312-00068960-00069206": "that was row two let's do row three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00313-00069207-00069455": "exactly the same under every bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00314-00069456-00069561": "pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00315-00069562-00070038": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00316-00070039-00070311": "so we did all five of our bars but we", "7rVrv26Otjc-00317-00070312-00070550": "still only have six loops so we need to", "7rVrv26Otjc-00318-00070551-00070743": "find the next chain", "7rVrv26Otjc-00319-00070744-00070926": "go through the chain and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00320-00070927-00071191": "there's our seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00321-00071192-00071375": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00322-00071376-00071655": "pull through two pull through two pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00323-00071656-00071791": "through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00324-00071792-00071935": "pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00325-00071936-00072126": "and pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00326-00072127-00072311": "that was row three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00327-00072312-00072662": "and our chain is slowly disappearing", "7rVrv26Otjc-00328-00072663-00072879": "so that's row three let's start the next", "7rVrv26Otjc-00329-00072880-00073279": "row underneath the vertical bars", "7rVrv26Otjc-00330-00073280-00073494": "and pull up a loop all five of our", "7rVrv26Otjc-00331-00073495-00073837": "vertical bars", "7rVrv26Otjc-00332-00073838-00074006": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00333-00074007-00074199": "which gives us six loops on our hook we", "7rVrv26Otjc-00334-00074200-00074494": "want seven we need seven so to go find", "7rVrv26Otjc-00335-00074495-00074671": "our next chain that hasn't been worked", "7rVrv26Otjc-00336-00074672-00074975": "right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00337-00074976-00075175": "and there's our seven loops", "7rVrv26Otjc-00338-00075176-00075406": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00339-00075407-00075559": "through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00340-00075560-00075767": "through two through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00341-00075768-00076047": "through two and through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00342-00076048-00076638": "one loop left on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00343-00076639-00076806": "that was row four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00344-00076807-00076991": "all of our squares will have five so", "7rVrv26Otjc-00345-00076992-00077182": "we're gonna do that underneath every bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00346-00077183-00077277": "again", "7rVrv26Otjc-00347-00077278-00078055": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00348-00078056-00078255": "six loops on our hook so we have to go", "7rVrv26Otjc-00349-00078256-00078431": "find another chain that has not been", "7rVrv26Otjc-00350-00078432-00078782": "worked which is right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00351-00078783-00079094": "to give us our seven loops on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00352-00079095-00079353": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00353-00079354-00080175": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00354-00080176-00080455": "and pull through the last two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00355-00080456-00080711": "so there's our square one two three four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00356-00080712-00081015": "five rows but remember this one's not", "7rVrv26Otjc-00357-00081016-00081182": "finished yet until we do our slip", "7rVrv26Otjc-00358-00081183-00081575": "stitches you have to finish off that row", "7rVrv26Otjc-00359-00081576-00081711": "so we're going to go under the vertical", "7rVrv26Otjc-00360-00081712-00081791": "bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00361-00081792-00081887": "whoops", "7rVrv26Otjc-00362-00081888-00082038": "loosely", "7rVrv26Otjc-00363-00082039-00082206": "slip stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00364-00082207-00082399": "under the vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00365-00082400-00082518": "yarn over", "7rVrv26Otjc-00366-00082519-00082718": "pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00367-00082719-00082991": "yarn over pull through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00368-00082992-00083223": "yarn over", "7rVrv26Otjc-00369-00083224-00083438": "pull through everything here's our last", "7rVrv26Otjc-00370-00083439-00083599": "vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00371-00083600-00083918": "like i said before", "7rVrv26Otjc-00372-00083919-00084103": "that's never done there's always one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00373-00084104-00084255": "more thing that needs to happen after", "7rVrv26Otjc-00374-00084256-00084599": "you've found your last vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00375-00084600-00085015": "and that means our last chain right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00376-00085016-00085231": "also gets a slip stitch so we have", "7rVrv26Otjc-00377-00085232-00085423": "uniform stitches", "7rVrv26Otjc-00378-00085424-00085759": "in each square and there's our two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00379-00085760-00085950": "our two squares", "7rVrv26Otjc-00380-00085951-00086126": "just like this right here one two three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00381-00086127-00086238": "four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00382-00086239-00086526": "five i made two here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00383-00086527-00086687": "you can see with this", "7rVrv26Otjc-00384-00086688-00086918": "set here i actually used a five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00385-00086919-00087143": "millimeter hook made the squares a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00386-00087144-00087287": "little bit smaller and the stitches were", "7rVrv26Otjc-00387-00087288-00087479": "a little bit tighter but i've done so", "7rVrv26Otjc-00388-00087480-00087662": "many of these", "7rVrv26Otjc-00389-00087663-00087855": "that i know how to work my stitches and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00390-00087856-00088150": "my tension a little bit more than", "7rVrv26Otjc-00391-00088151-00088359": "some people may that's why these are", "7rVrv26Otjc-00392-00088360-00088518": "bigger because i am using my six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00393-00088519-00088694": "millimeter hook so you can see the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00394-00088695-00088791": "difference", "7rVrv26Otjc-00395-00088792-00089038": "just one hook size can make and that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00396-00089039-00089279": "helps with the curling", "7rVrv26Otjc-00397-00089280-00089423": "it helps you be able to grab your", "7rVrv26Otjc-00398-00089424-00089694": "stitches again it does a lot of things", "7rVrv26Otjc-00399-00089695-00089911": "to help you just use a big hook just use", "7rVrv26Otjc-00400-00089912-00090150": "a big hook so there's our first row now", "7rVrv26Otjc-00401-00090151-00090367": "we can finish off our pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00402-00090368-00090535": "because we're done with the pink for", "7rVrv26Otjc-00403-00090536-00090775": "right now now we're going to do the next", "7rVrv26Otjc-00404-00090776-00091094": "row which is offset a little bit", "7rVrv26Otjc-00405-00091095-00091343": "filling in the middle here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00406-00091344-00091550": "so grab a new color", "7rVrv26Otjc-00407-00091551-00091767": "we're going to go in our corner", "7rVrv26Otjc-00408-00091768-00092047": "right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00409-00092048-00092367": "fasten on our new yarn", "7rVrv26Otjc-00410-00092368-00092543": "and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00411-00092544-00092767": "chain six three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00412-00092768-00093047": "four five and six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00413-00093048-00093326": "now we're starting our next square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00414-00093327-00093494": "so just like we did before with", "7rVrv26Otjc-00415-00093495-00093662": "everything else we're going into these", "7rVrv26Otjc-00416-00093663-00093799": "chains", "7rVrv26Otjc-00417-00093800-00094231": "one at a time and bringing up a loop one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00418-00094232-00094415": "two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00419-00094416-00094655": "three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00420-00094656-00094759": "four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00421-00094760-00094926": "and there's our fifth", "7rVrv26Otjc-00422-00094927-00095047": "chain", "7rVrv26Otjc-00423-00095048-00095223": "but i still only have six loops on my", "7rVrv26Otjc-00424-00095224-00095535": "hook and i need seven at this point when", "7rVrv26Otjc-00425-00095536-00095782": "you just fastened on you want to go back", "7rVrv26Otjc-00426-00095783-00096023": "through that same stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00427-00096024-00096262": "where you fastened on your new color", "7rVrv26Otjc-00428-00096263-00096543": "and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00429-00096544-00096711": "now we have seven loops on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00430-00096712-00096855": "again", "7rVrv26Otjc-00431-00096856-00097038": "and repeat the drill yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00432-00097039-00097223": "through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00433-00097224-00097479": "see why this is so addictive", "7rVrv26Otjc-00434-00097480-00097638": "it's really easy", "7rVrv26Otjc-00435-00097639-00097806": "and it's so much fun", "7rVrv26Otjc-00436-00097807-00098031": "and it actually works pretty fast so i", "7rVrv26Otjc-00437-00098032-00098150": "think you'll like it i think you're", "7rVrv26Otjc-00438-00098151-00098391": "gonna love it", "7rVrv26Otjc-00439-00098392-00098574": "so that was row one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00440-00098575-00098782": "underneath every vertical bar with", "7rVrv26Otjc-00441-00098783-00098925": "pulling up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00442-00098926-00099335": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00443-00099336-00099567": "there's our fifth vertical bar which", "7rVrv26Otjc-00444-00099568-00099838": "gives us six loops but we want seven so", "7rVrv26Otjc-00445-00099839-00100159": "now here we work into", "7rVrv26Otjc-00446-00100160-00100294": "our next", "7rVrv26Otjc-00447-00100295-00100494": "stitch on our pink that hasn't been", "7rVrv26Otjc-00448-00100495-00100694": "worked yet so we worked into this corner", "7rVrv26Otjc-00449-00100695-00100806": "and we're going to go over to the next", "7rVrv26Otjc-00450-00100807-00100974": "stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00451-00100975-00101318": "and pull up a loop there's our seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00452-00101319-00101431": "one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00453-00101432-00101526": "two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00454-00101527-00101647": "three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00455-00101648-00101791": "four", "7rVrv26Otjc-00456-00101792-00101911": "five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00457-00101912-00102055": "and six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00458-00102056-00102238": "there we go that was row two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00459-00102239-00102510": "so again under every vertical bar and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00460-00102511-00102694": "pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00461-00102695-00102863": "we have five vertical bars in these", "7rVrv26Otjc-00462-00102864-00103278": "squares", "7rVrv26Otjc-00463-00103279-00103494": "that gives us our six loops on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00464-00103495-00103727": "but we need seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00465-00103728-00103927": "so go to the next stitch in the pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00466-00103928-00104166": "that hasn't been worked yet", "7rVrv26Otjc-00467-00104167-00104390": "and pull up a loop now we have seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00468-00104391-00104582": "yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00469-00104583-00104806": "pull through two pull through two pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00470-00104807-00104951": "through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00471-00104952-00105143": "through two and there's our last two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00472-00105144-00105247": "pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00473-00105248-00105407": "one loop left on my hook to start the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00474-00105408-00105590": "next row that was row three now we're", "7rVrv26Otjc-00475-00105591-00105902": "going to do row four same same same", "7rVrv26Otjc-00476-00105903-00106254": "underneath every vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00477-00106255-00106543": "and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00478-00106544-00106878": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00479-00106879-00107054": "which gives us six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00480-00107055-00107254": "but we want seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00481-00107255-00107478": "so we go to the next stitch in our pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00482-00107479-00107639": "and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00483-00107640-00107799": "boom seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00484-00107800-00107951": "one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00485-00107952-00108119": "and pull through two yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00486-00108120-00108278": "through two all the way back down", "7rVrv26Otjc-00487-00108279-00108607": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00488-00108608-00108807": "that was row four of our new square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00489-00108808-00108990": "already", "7rVrv26Otjc-00490-00108991-00109431": "do the same underneath every", "7rVrv26Otjc-00491-00109432-00109654": "vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00492-00109655-00109983": "which there are five of", "7rVrv26Otjc-00493-00109983-00110231": "gives us six loops on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00494-00110232-00110415": "but we can't stop there we have to jump", "7rVrv26Otjc-00495-00110416-00110686": "over here to our next unworked pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00496-00110688-00110902": "pull up another loop because we need", "7rVrv26Otjc-00497-00110903-00111199": "seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00498-00111200-00111486": "pull through two pull through two pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00499-00111488-00111592": "through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00500-00111593-00111766": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00501-00111767-00112031": "pull through two pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00502-00112032-00112254": "and pull through the last two that was", "7rVrv26Otjc-00503-00112255-00112519": "our fifth row one two three four five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00504-00112520-00112671": "it's easy to find by counting your", "7rVrv26Otjc-00505-00112672-00112863": "vertical bars but this one is not", "7rVrv26Otjc-00506-00112864-00113247": "complete we need to finish it off with", "7rVrv26Otjc-00507-00113248-00113519": "the slip stitches remember loosely slip", "7rVrv26Otjc-00508-00113520-00113766": "stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00509-00113767-00113886": "and through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00510-00113888-00114095": "go under the vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00511-00114096-00114695": "yarn over pull through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00512-00114696-00115007": "there's our fourth vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00513-00115008-00115351": "and our fifth vertical bar but remember", "7rVrv26Otjc-00514-00115352-00115599": "when i hit our fifth vertical bar we are", "7rVrv26Otjc-00515-00115600-00115799": "not done we need to do one more thing", "7rVrv26Otjc-00516-00115800-00115990": "after that bar every time there's", "7rVrv26Otjc-00517-00115991-00116351": "something so we need to jump over", "7rVrv26Otjc-00518-00116352-00116615": "to the next pink stitch that has not", "7rVrv26Otjc-00519-00116616-00116758": "been worked", "7rVrv26Otjc-00520-00116759-00117119": "and it also gets a slip stitch so that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00521-00117120-00117343": "we have uniform stitches", "7rVrv26Otjc-00522-00117344-00117590": "our stitch count stays correct", "7rVrv26Otjc-00523-00117591-00117719": "for each", "7rVrv26Otjc-00524-00117720-00117865": "square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00525-00117866-00118102": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00526-00118103-00118231": "there you go", "7rVrv26Otjc-00527-00118232-00118383": "and we're going to fill this in with", "7rVrv26Otjc-00528-00118383-00118508": "another square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00529-00118508-00118631": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00530-00118632-00118790": "and you're almost to everything you need", "7rVrv26Otjc-00531-00118791-00118951": "to know", "7rVrv26Otjc-00532-00118952-00119134": "in order to make this forever and ever", "7rVrv26Otjc-00533-00119135-00119423": "and ever you make it as big as you want", "7rVrv26Otjc-00534-00119424-00119647": "so we have one loop on our hook starting", "7rVrv26Otjc-00535-00119648-00119823": "again with the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00536-00119824-00119990": "new line", "7rVrv26Otjc-00537-00119991-00120807": "we need to yarn over and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00538-00120808-00121151": "until we have the magic number of seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00539-00121152-00121631": "on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00540-00121632-00122007": "one two three four five six and seven so", "7rVrv26Otjc-00541-00122008-00122254": "now we this is the basis for our next", "7rVrv26Otjc-00542-00122255-00122390": "square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00543-00122391-00122590": "so yarn over pull through two pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00544-00122591-00123519": "through two pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00545-00123520-00123710": "that was row one already so now we're", "7rVrv26Otjc-00546-00123711-00123943": "going to do row two under every vertical", "7rVrv26Otjc-00547-00123944-00124119": "bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00548-00124120-00124310": "you need to do a yarn over and pull up a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00549-00124311-00124534": "loop leave it on your hook there's our", "7rVrv26Otjc-00550-00124535-00124695": "last vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00551-00124696-00124919": "but that only gives us six loops", "7rVrv26Otjc-00552-00124920-00125151": "so we go into our next unworked pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00553-00125152-00125302": "stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00554-00125303-00125543": "pull up our seventh loop yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00555-00125544-00126454": "through two pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00556-00126455-00126927": "and there's row two bam so fast", "7rVrv26Otjc-00557-00126928-00127375": "repeat underneath every vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00558-00127376-00127607": "yarn over and pull up a loop leaving it", "7rVrv26Otjc-00559-00127608-00128014": "on your hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00560-00128015-00128183": "and get to the fifth one we only have", "7rVrv26Otjc-00561-00128183-00128414": "six loops and we need seven always need", "7rVrv26Otjc-00562-00128415-00128575": "seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00563-00128576-00128710": "so we're gonna go through the next pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00564-00128711-00128883": "stitch that hasn't been", "7rVrv26Otjc-00565-00128883-00129127": "worked and yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00566-00129128-00129310": "all the way across", "7rVrv26Otjc-00567-00129311-00129695": "let's see how fast you can go on this", "7rVrv26Otjc-00568-00129696-00130007": "that was row three let's do it again", "7rVrv26Otjc-00569-00130008-00130239": "so this is how you do", "7rVrv26Otjc-00570-00130240-00130510": "all of the middle squares", "7rVrv26Otjc-00571-00130511-00130734": "you have working yarn on both sides of", "7rVrv26Otjc-00572-00130735-00130878": "the with the pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00573-00130879-00131039": "there's our six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00574-00131040-00131247": "i'm gonna go over to this pink right", "7rVrv26Otjc-00575-00131248-00131383": "here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00576-00131384-00131583": "pull up our seventh loop now we yarn", "7rVrv26Otjc-00577-00131584-00132351": "over and go through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00578-00132352-00132599": "and that was row four we're gonna have", "7rVrv26Otjc-00579-00132600-00132927": "to make five because there are five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00580-00132928-00133159": "rows", "7rVrv26Otjc-00581-00133160-00133439": "in every square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00582-00133440-00133647": "there's our last vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00583-00133648-00133895": "six loops on our hook jump over here to", "7rVrv26Otjc-00584-00133896-00133999": "the pink", "7rVrv26Otjc-00585-00134000-00134254": "the next unwork stitch seven loops on", "7rVrv26Otjc-00586-00134255-00134495": "our hook yarn over pull through two see", "7rVrv26Otjc-00587-00134496-00134727": "how fast this works it's just fun it's", "7rVrv26Otjc-00588-00134728-00135007": "just a tunisian simple stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00589-00135008-00135247": "very very easy to pick up", "7rVrv26Otjc-00590-00135248-00135543": "don't even need a tunisian hook because", "7rVrv26Otjc-00591-00135544-00135839": "it's so few stitches i just love", "7rVrv26Otjc-00592-00135840-00136102": "interlock one two three four and five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00593-00136103-00136335": "this is our fifth row but it's not", "7rVrv26Otjc-00594-00136336-00136790": "complete we have to do our slip stitches", "7rVrv26Otjc-00595-00136791-00136983": "under a vertical bar yarn over pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00596-00136984-00137166": "through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00597-00137167-00137366": "under a vertical bar yarn over and pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00598-00137367-00137559": "through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00599-00137560-00137751": "do that all the way down", "7rVrv26Otjc-00600-00137752-00138135": "under every vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00601-00138136-00138327": "plus", "7rVrv26Otjc-00602-00138328-00138527": "the next pink stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00603-00138528-00138727": "so that we have uniform", "7rVrv26Otjc-00604-00138728-00138959": "stitch counts", "7rVrv26Otjc-00605-00138960-00139399": "yarn over and pull through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00606-00139400-00139559": "so that's how you do all of these middle", "7rVrv26Otjc-00607-00139560-00139671": "stitches", "7rVrv26Otjc-00608-00139672-00139895": "you're working off of both sides easy", "7rVrv26Otjc-00609-00139896-00140278": "peasy one more stitch right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00610-00140279-00140543": "this again i'm starting out the same", "7rVrv26Otjc-00611-00140544-00140751": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00612-00140752-00141031": "go under", "7rVrv26Otjc-00613-00141032-00141287": "go in every stitch and pull up a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00614-00141288-00141427": "until", "7rVrv26Otjc-00615-00141428-00142431": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00616-00142432-00142590": "the very beginning it always gets a", "7rVrv26Otjc-00617-00142591-00142783": "little bit wonky to me", "7rVrv26Otjc-00618-00142784-00142935": "so there's six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00619-00142936-00143071": "and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00620-00143072-00143366": "number seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00621-00143367-00143559": "seven loops on our hook so we can start", "7rVrv26Otjc-00622-00143560-00143839": "our process again however", "7rVrv26Otjc-00623-00143840-00144135": "when we're working at the very edge", "7rVrv26Otjc-00624-00144136-00144471": "we have to make an edge we have to", "7rVrv26Otjc-00625-00144472-00144743": "basically chain up one because we won't", "7rVrv26Otjc-00626-00144744-00144959": "have anywhere to work", "7rVrv26Otjc-00627-00144960-00145119": "so now that we have seven on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00628-00145120-00145263": "we're going to yarn over and pull", "7rVrv26Otjc-00629-00145264-00145511": "through the very first", "7rVrv26Otjc-00630-00145512-00145702": "loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00631-00145703-00145951": "what we did there was chain up and give", "7rVrv26Otjc-00632-00145952-00146214": "ourselves a little bit of edging", "7rVrv26Otjc-00633-00146215-00146639": "so we have somewhere to work", "7rVrv26Otjc-00634-00146640-00146847": "you can't just leave it flappy what", "7rVrv26Otjc-00635-00146848-00147031": "you're doing is making this part right", "7rVrv26Otjc-00636-00147032-00147166": "here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00637-00147167-00147375": "when it didn't exist", "7rVrv26Otjc-00638-00147376-00147559": "so there's our seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00639-00147560-00147711": "so yarn over pull through two all the", "7rVrv26Otjc-00640-00147712-00147867": "way across", "7rVrv26Otjc-00641-00147868-00148607": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00642-00148608-00148799": "and do that again under every vertical", "7rVrv26Otjc-00643-00148800-00148999": "bar we're going to pull up", "7rVrv26Otjc-00644-00149000-00149135": "a loop", "7rVrv26Otjc-00645-00149136-00149351": "under every vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00646-00149352-00149702": "[Music]", "7rVrv26Otjc-00647-00149703-00149943": "there's our last one i only have six", "7rVrv26Otjc-00648-00149944-00150231": "stitches on my hook we need seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00649-00150232-00150375": "so where we go", "7rVrv26Otjc-00650-00150376-00150543": "we turn this a little bit and you see", "7rVrv26Otjc-00651-00150544-00150902": "that stitch that we just made", "7rVrv26Otjc-00652-00150903-00151166": "we want to work into", "7rVrv26Otjc-00653-00151167-00151302": "under both", "7rVrv26Otjc-00654-00151303-00151543": "loops", "7rVrv26Otjc-00655-00151544-00151871": "right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00656-00151872-00152031": "you can see that", "7rVrv26Otjc-00657-00152032-00152239": "yarn over and pull through just those", "7rVrv26Otjc-00658-00152240-00152526": "two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00659-00152527-00152807": "and yarn over and pull through just this", "7rVrv26Otjc-00660-00152808-00154726": "one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00661-00154727-00154863": "and then we worked all the way down", "7rVrv26Otjc-00662-00154864-00155007": "again", "7rVrv26Otjc-00663-00155008-00155407": "until we have one loop on our hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00664-00155408-00155607": "one more time", "7rVrv26Otjc-00665-00155608-00156239": "under every vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00666-00156240-00156583": "and then turn we want to work under both", "7rVrv26Otjc-00667-00156584-00156775": "of these", "7rVrv26Otjc-00668-00156776-00156983": "bars of this stitch looks very", "7rVrv26Otjc-00669-00156984-00157263": "suspiciously like a single crochet", "7rVrv26Otjc-00670-00157264-00157471": "yarn over pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00671-00157472-00157751": "yarn over and pull through one again", "7rVrv26Otjc-00672-00157752-00157926": "yarn over pull through two all the way", "7rVrv26Otjc-00673-00157927-00158663": "down", "7rVrv26Otjc-00674-00158664-00158871": "so that's giving us a nice edge", "7rVrv26Otjc-00675-00158872-00159039": "so when we're all done with our project", "7rVrv26Otjc-00676-00159040-00159966": "we'll be able to put a border on it", "7rVrv26Otjc-00677-00159967-00160207": "under every vertical bar six loops on my", "7rVrv26Otjc-00678-00160208-00160423": "hook", "7rVrv26Otjc-00679-00160424-00160590": "right back here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00680-00160591-00160814": "under those two bars of the new stitch", "7rVrv26Otjc-00681-00160815-00161078": "that we made yarn over pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00682-00161079-00161335": "yarn over pull through one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00683-00161336-00161495": "now we chained up", "7rVrv26Otjc-00684-00161496-00161663": "boom boom", "7rVrv26Otjc-00685-00161664-00161831": "same as we've been doing all the other", "7rVrv26Otjc-00686-00161832-00162302": "times yarn over pull through two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00687-00162303-00162526": "that was row four we have one more to do", "7rVrv26Otjc-00688-00162527-00163095": "before we are done with this square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00689-00163096-00163326": "under every vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00690-00163327-00163519": "gives us six loops on our hook we need", "7rVrv26Otjc-00691-00163520-00163807": "seven so we're gonna go turn", "7rVrv26Otjc-00692-00163808-00164126": "and find the little stitch right here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00693-00164127-00164414": "that we made", "7rVrv26Otjc-00694-00164415-00164726": "yarn over pull through", "7rVrv26Otjc-00695-00164727-00164999": "and yarn over pull through one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00696-00165000-00165263": "and we have seven", "7rVrv26Otjc-00697-00165264-00166126": "do the same old same old easy peasy", "7rVrv26Otjc-00698-00166127-00166343": "one two three four and that's row five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00699-00166344-00166631": "whoopsie and that's row five", "7rVrv26Otjc-00700-00166632-00166911": "but it's not finished this one still", "7rVrv26Otjc-00701-00166912-00167183": "needs to have its", "7rVrv26Otjc-00702-00167184-00167390": "slip stitches so underneath every", "7rVrv26Otjc-00703-00167391-00167543": "vertical bar", "7rVrv26Otjc-00704-00167544-00167759": "yarn over pull through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00705-00167760-00168047": "yarn over pull through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00706-00168048-00168599": "yarn over pull through everything", "7rVrv26Otjc-00707-00168600-00168807": "and that was our fifth vertical bar but", "7rVrv26Otjc-00708-00168808-00168983": "we're not done yet there's always one", "7rVrv26Otjc-00709-00168984-00169223": "more thing to do after that fifth bar so", "7rVrv26Otjc-00710-00169224-00169351": "we're gonna go over and find these two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00711-00169352-00169711": "loops for the one we just made yarn over", "7rVrv26Otjc-00712-00169712-00169983": "and pull through everything for a slip", "7rVrv26Otjc-00713-00169984-00170359": "stitch and now we're done with that row", "7rVrv26Otjc-00714-00170360-00170526": "and that's everything that you need to", "7rVrv26Otjc-00715-00170527-00170831": "know in order to do", "7rVrv26Otjc-00716-00170832-00171183": "horizontal interlock", "7rVrv26Otjc-00717-00171184-00171383": "so you just keep repeating", "7rVrv26Otjc-00718-00171384-00171519": "at this point", "7rVrv26Otjc-00719-00171520-00171743": "i did", "7rVrv26Otjc-00720-00171744-00171975": "would start working here", "7rVrv26Otjc-00721-00171976-00172231": "with another two and then three so like", "7rVrv26Otjc-00722-00172232-00172623": "this two three two three two three two", "7rVrv26Otjc-00723-00172624-00172702": "three", "7rVrv26Otjc-00724-00172703-00172838": "that's how this one would work so this", "7rVrv26Otjc-00725-00172839-00172999": "would make a great scarf even just being", "7rVrv26Otjc-00726-00173000-00173143": "this narrow could still be something", "7rVrv26Otjc-00727-00173144-00173311": "really awesome and you can pick all", "7rVrv26Otjc-00728-00173312-00173487": "kinds of great colors everything's gonna", "7rVrv26Otjc-00729-00173488-00173702": "be wonderful about your color choices", "7rVrv26Otjc-00730-00173703-00173926": "you can make everything very unique", "7rVrv26Otjc-00731-00173927-00174095": "i think it's just beautiful it's", "7rVrv26Otjc-00732-00174096-00174343": "addictive you're gonna love this one and", "7rVrv26Otjc-00733-00174344-00174623": "i'll show you next time how to fill in", "7rVrv26Otjc-00734-00174624-00174814": "these triangles", "7rVrv26Otjc-00735-00174815-00175135": "so you can have a nice finished square", "7rVrv26Otjc-00736-00175136-00175366": "or rectangle piece stop back next time", "7rVrv26Otjc-00737-00175367-00175654": "to see that so thanks for stopping by", "7rVrv26Otjc-00738-00175655-00175783": "thank you for supporting my small", "7rVrv26Otjc-00739-00175784-00175935": "business please subscribe to", "7rVrv26Otjc-00740-00175936-00176102": "thimblehooks tell all your friends about", "7rVrv26Otjc-00741-00176103-00176423": "me and stop back very soon thanks", "7rVrv26Otjc-00742-00176424-00176662": "bye", "7rVrv26Otjc-00743-00176663-00177276": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7sh91phMsJQ", "text": {"7sh91phMsJQ-00000-00000105-00002408": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00001-00002409-00002883": "[Applause]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00002-00002884-00003176": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00003-00003177-00003750": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00004-00003751-00004283": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00005-00004284-00004582": "vegas", "7sh91phMsJQ-00006-00004583-00005683": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00007-00005684-00005794": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00008-00005795-00006142": "[Applause]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00009-00006143-00007083": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00010-00007084-00007705": "so", "7sh91phMsJQ-00011-00007706-00008483": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00012-00008484-00008886": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00013-00008887-00009388": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00014-00009389-00009794": "[Applause]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00015-00009795-00011283": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00016-00011284-00011553": "so", "7sh91phMsJQ-00017-00011554-00012772": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00018-00012773-00014083": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00019-00014084-00014472": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00020-00014472-00015494": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00021-00015496-00016883": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00022-00016884-00017008": "so", "7sh91phMsJQ-00023-00017009-00019683": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00024-00019684-00019985": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00025-00019986-00020466": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00026-00020467-00020950": "[Applause]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00027-00020951-00022483": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00028-00022484-00022586": "so", "7sh91phMsJQ-00029-00022587-00023850": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00030-00023851-00025283": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00031-00025284-00025504": "foreign", "7sh91phMsJQ-00032-00025505-00026683": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00033-00026683-00026856": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00034-00026857-00028083": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00035-00028083-00028339": "so", "7sh91phMsJQ-00036-00028339-00029483": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00037-00029483-00029652": "so", "7sh91phMsJQ-00038-00029654-00030883": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00039-00030883-00031064": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00040-00031064-00031543": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00041-00031544-00031947": "[Applause]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00042-00031948-00033683": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00043-00033684-00034116": "so", "7sh91phMsJQ-00044-00034117-00034925": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00045-00034926-00036483": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00046-00036484-00036991": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00047-00036992-00037650": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00048-00037651-00037883": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00049-00037884-00038341": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00050-00038342-00041533": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00051-00041534-00042083": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00052-00042084-00042624": "oh", "7sh91phMsJQ-00053-00042625-00043022": "[Applause]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00054-00043023-00044283": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00055-00044284-00044783": "[Applause]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00056-00044784-00046052": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00057-00046053-00047285": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00058-00047286-00047974": "[Music]", "7sh91phMsJQ-00059-00047975-00048184": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7smFCc2Blzu", "text": {"7smFCc2Blzu-00000-00000020-00001231": "[Music]", "7smFCc2Blzu-00001-00001232-00002338": "my heart", "7smFCc2Blzu-00002-00002339-00004003": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7svap67mJFk", "text": {"7svap67mJFk-00000-00000241-00001491": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00001-00001492-00004283": "foreign", "7svap67mJFk-00002-00004284-00005436": "do", "7svap67mJFk-00003-00005437-00011283": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00004-00011284-00012510": "so", "7svap67mJFk-00005-00012511-00013991": "hey you all right down there", "7svap67mJFk-00006-00013991-00014294": "stay we are don't move keep calm don't", "7svap67mJFk-00007-00014295-00014430": "get excited", "7svap67mJFk-00008-00014431-00014615": "i'll get you out of there right away", "7svap67mJFk-00009-00014616-00014911": "just keep calm", "7svap67mJFk-00010-00014912-00015271": "now wait a minute", "7svap67mJFk-00011-00015272-00015791": "i want to help", "7svap67mJFk-00012-00015791-00016143": "there you are what did we hit nothing", "7svap67mJFk-00013-00016144-00016415": "we had a blowout i don't understand it", "7svap67mJFk-00014-00016416-00016575": "either there was a brand new tire this", "7svap67mJFk-00015-00016576-00016758": "morning", "7svap67mJFk-00016-00016759-00016871": "what's that are you sure you're all", "7svap67mJFk-00017-00016872-00017191": "right oh a little shaky i guess", "7svap67mJFk-00018-00017192-00017647": "come on we can sit down over here", "7svap67mJFk-00019-00017648-00018119": "what am i an orphan", "7svap67mJFk-00020-00018120-00018455": "come on any man that drives as fast as", "7svap67mJFk-00021-00018456-00018558": "you do ought to be right out of this", "7svap67mJFk-00022-00018559-00018607": "country", "7svap67mJFk-00023-00018608-00018911": "you tell me all about it sometime", "7svap67mJFk-00024-00018912-00019255": "thanks for the lift buddy oh say i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00025-00019256-00019375": "awfully sorry about all this", "7svap67mJFk-00026-00019376-00019575": "you're sorry how about us we can't stay", "7svap67mJFk-00027-00019576-00019727": "here all night well you won't have to i", "7svap67mJFk-00028-00019728-00019863": "said i'll get you to carrington hall and", "7svap67mJFk-00029-00019864-00019903": "i will", "7svap67mJFk-00030-00019904-00020086": "how we're gonna fly us there on a brew", "7svap67mJFk-00031-00020087-00020263": "get help we passed the garage about two", "7svap67mJFk-00032-00020264-00020358": "miles back", "7svap67mJFk-00033-00020359-00020486": "now you take it easy and don't worry", "7svap67mJFk-00034-00020487-00020622": "about a thing i'll be back in a flash", "7svap67mJFk-00035-00020623-00020711": "with a tow car", "7svap67mJFk-00036-00020712-00020847": "why it's as simple as falling off the", "7svap67mJFk-00037-00020848-00021083": "log huh", "7svap67mJFk-00038-00021084-00021407": "comfortable", "7svap67mJFk-00039-00021408-00021897": "don't go away now", "7svap67mJFk-00040-00021898-00022207": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00041-00022208-00022746": "must have been his wife with him", "7svap67mJFk-00042-00022747-00023739": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00043-00023740-00024327": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00044-00024328-00024894": "oh danger ahead two of them", "7svap67mJFk-00045-00024895-00025071": "oh thanks it was awfully sweet of you to", "7svap67mJFk-00046-00025072-00025255": "stop porridge but diary you get the", "7svap67mJFk-00047-00025256-00025894": "backseat", "7svap67mJFk-00048-00025895-00026062": "mind if i sit on your lap oh well really", "7svap67mJFk-00049-00026063-00026214": "my dear young lady sorry to", "7svap67mJFk-00050-00026216-00026462": "inconvenience you but we had a blowout", "7svap67mJFk-00051-00026463-00026718": "ah this is comfortable well what are we", "7svap67mJFk-00052-00026719-00026967": "waiting for oh very well it is drive on", "7svap67mJFk-00053-00026968-00027279": "yes sir", "7svap67mJFk-00054-00027280-00027431": "would you mind telling me where you", "7svap67mJFk-00055-00027432-00027623": "ladies are taking me to the carrington", "7svap67mJFk-00056-00027624-00027687": "estate", "7svap67mJFk-00057-00027688-00027911": "oh is there anything wrong with the", "7svap67mJFk-00058-00027912-00028095": "carrington place yes ma'am if there", "7svap67mJFk-00059-00028095-00028199": "wasn't anybody living", "7svap67mJFk-00060-00028200-00028943": "there at the haunted house", "7svap67mJFk-00061-00028944-00029279": "my my cosmos late he's usually home by", "7svap67mJFk-00062-00029280-00029390": "now", "7svap67mJFk-00063-00029391-00029679": "oh nice chilly isn't it emily remind me", "7svap67mJFk-00064-00029680-00029790": "to send this coat back", "7svap67mJFk-00065-00029791-00030055": "doesn't keep me warm at all mrs topper", "7svap67mJFk-00066-00030056-00030207": "you haven't got it on", "7svap67mJFk-00067-00030208-00030518": "oh oh silly on me my strange how it's", "7svap67mJFk-00068-00030519-00030702": "usually cold in the winter and", "7svap67mJFk-00069-00030703-00030990": "warm in summer isn't it oh there's cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00070-00030991-00031102": "now", "7svap67mJFk-00071-00031102-00031423": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00072-00031424-00031662": "oh look someone's waving to us it's a", "7svap67mJFk-00073-00031663-00031783": "lady", "7svap67mJFk-00074-00031783-00032343": "it's worse than that boss is mrs topper", "7svap67mJFk-00075-00032344-00032767": "emily look he's got a car load of women", "7svap67mJFk-00076-00032768-00032990": "and one of them one of them sitting on", "7svap67mJFk-00077-00032991-00033830": "his lap", "7svap67mJFk-00078-00033831-00035479": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00079-00035480-00035783": "well here it is are you sure this is the", "7svap67mJFk-00080-00035784-00035887": "carrington place", "7svap67mJFk-00081-00035888-00036030": "yeah that's what they call it cheerful", "7svap67mJFk-00082-00036031-00036607": "little isn't it", "7svap67mJFk-00083-00036608-00036807": "thanks for the lift mr topper don't", "7svap67mJFk-00084-00036808-00036983": "mention it hurry up with those bags", "7svap67mJFk-00085-00036984-00037039": "eddie", "7svap67mJFk-00086-00037040-00037535": "yes sir i waste no time around here", "7svap67mJFk-00087-00037536-00037767": "i'd like to invite you in but oh no", "7svap67mJFk-00088-00037768-00037911": "thanks that's very much we've got to be", "7svap67mJFk-00089-00037912-00037974": "getting home", "7svap67mJFk-00090-00037975-00038390": "we sure do goodbye", "7svap67mJFk-00091-00038391-00038823": "goodbye", "7svap67mJFk-00092-00038824-00039127": "bye good evening", "7svap67mJFk-00093-00039128-00039367": "why don't you knock before you come out", "7svap67mJFk-00094-00039368-00039574": "i'm the bottler miss carrington", "7svap67mJFk-00095-00039575-00039823": "oh i'm not miss carrington there she is", "7svap67mJFk-00096-00039824-00039967": "how do you do", "7svap67mJFk-00097-00039968-00041081": "won't you please step in", "7svap67mJFk-00098-00041082-00043135": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00099-00043136-00043383": "miss carrington yes i'm lillian the", "7svap67mJFk-00100-00043384-00043495": "housekeeper", "7svap67mJFk-00101-00043496-00043711": "well how do you do this is my friend", "7svap67mJFk-00102-00043712-00043887": "miss richards howdy", "7svap67mJFk-00103-00043888-00044143": "your father's waiting miss thank you", "7svap67mJFk-00104-00044144-00044374": "would you mind waiting here", "7svap67mJFk-00105-00044375-00045190": "this way please", "7svap67mJFk-00106-00045191-00045799": "one moment please", "7svap67mJFk-00107-00045800-00045999": "miss carrington this is dr jerry's your", "7svap67mJFk-00108-00046000-00046207": "father's physician", "7svap67mJFk-00109-00046208-00046439": "how do you do dr jairus i'd like a few", "7svap67mJFk-00110-00046440-00046590": "words with you miss carrington before", "7svap67mJFk-00111-00046591-00046783": "you see your father", "7svap67mJFk-00112-00046784-00047239": "of course i'll be as brief as possible", "7svap67mJFk-00113-00047240-00047430": "your father's far from being a well man", "7svap67mJFk-00114-00047431-00047543": "was carrington", "7svap67mJFk-00115-00047544-00047846": "yes i know seeing you for the first time", "7svap67mJFk-00116-00047847-00048158": "may be something of a shock to him", "7svap67mJFk-00117-00048159-00048407": "i think i understand doctor he's been", "7svap67mJFk-00118-00048408-00048583": "looking forward to your arrival with", "7svap67mJFk-00119-00048584-00048879": "great eagerness", "7svap67mJFk-00120-00048880-00049023": "i hope there'll never be any occasion", "7svap67mJFk-00121-00049024-00049430": "for you to be separated from him again", "7svap67mJFk-00122-00049431-00051611": "come with me please", "7svap67mJFk-00123-00051612-00051990": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00124-00051991-00052566": "mr carrington mr carrington", "7svap67mJFk-00125-00052567-00053479": "hmm this is your daughter", "7svap67mJFk-00126-00053479-00054854": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00127-00054855-00055247": "and", "7svap67mJFk-00128-00055248-00055894": "i i don't know quite what to do or say", "7svap67mJFk-00129-00055895-00056415": "nor do i except to tell you", "7svap67mJFk-00130-00056416-00056703": "anne you're beautiful you're the image", "7svap67mJFk-00131-00056704-00056834": "of her mother when she was young", "7svap67mJFk-00132-00056835-00057254": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00133-00057255-00057911": "perhaps you better sit down yes", "7svap67mJFk-00134-00057912-00058342": "i i know you must think it very strange", "7svap67mJFk-00135-00058344-00058519": "seeing your own father for the first", "7svap67mJFk-00136-00058520-00058663": "time", "7svap67mJFk-00137-00058664-00058991": "on the eve of your 21st birthday well", "7svap67mJFk-00138-00058991-00059142": "naturally i've wondered why you never", "7svap67mJFk-00139-00059144-00059326": "said for me", "7svap67mJFk-00140-00059327-00059591": "your mother loved the far east hand her", "7svap67mJFk-00141-00059591-00059759": "last wish was that you'd be brought up", "7svap67mJFk-00142-00059760-00060015": "in the land she loved so well", "7svap67mJFk-00143-00060016-00060206": "i wanted to sing for you many times but", "7svap67mJFk-00144-00060207-00060471": "i had to respect your mother's wishes", "7svap67mJFk-00145-00060472-00060599": "and of course my own health wouldn't", "7svap67mJFk-00146-00060600-00060799": "permit me to visit you", "7svap67mJFk-00147-00060800-00061119": "i understand father i hope you had a", "7svap67mJFk-00148-00061120-00061230": "pleasant trip", "7svap67mJFk-00149-00061232-00061623": "yes we we had a wonderful trip we", "7svap67mJFk-00150-00061624-00061815": "oh i brought a friend along with me an", "7svap67mJFk-00151-00061816-00061926": "american girl named", "7svap67mJFk-00152-00061927-00062119": "gail richards her father's the head of", "7svap67mJFk-00153-00062120-00062326": "an exporting company in shanghai", "7svap67mJFk-00154-00062327-00062464": "richards you say", "7svap67mJFk-00155-00062465-00062671": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00156-00062672-00062959": "why i hope you don't mind my bringing", "7svap67mJFk-00157-00062960-00063030": "her", "7svap67mJFk-00158-00063032-00063350": "of course not besides the house belongs", "7svap67mJFk-00159-00063351-00063471": "to you now", "7svap67mJFk-00160-00063472-00063823": "no father to us now my dear", "7svap67mJFk-00161-00063824-00064054": "but the terms of your mother's will", "7svap67mJFk-00162-00064055-00064175": "everything belongs to you", "7svap67mJFk-00163-00064176-00064399": "after tomorrow what else do you do", "7svap67mJFk-00164-00064400-00064624": "around here besides wine clocks", "7svap67mJFk-00165-00064625-00064871": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00166-00064872-00065223": "been here long 20 years 20 years", "7svap67mJFk-00167-00065224-00065326": "looks like it might turn out to be a", "7svap67mJFk-00168-00065327-00065694": "steady job huh", "7svap67mJFk-00169-00065695-00065999": "ah your mother wanted you to have these", "7svap67mJFk-00170-00066000-00066263": "and they're exactly as she wore them 20", "7svap67mJFk-00171-00066264-00066494": "years ago", "7svap67mJFk-00172-00066495-00066847": "oh dad they're they're beautiful", "7svap67mJFk-00173-00066848-00067015": "they'll look every bit as beautiful for", "7svap67mJFk-00174-00067016-00067255": "you as they did upon your mother", "7svap67mJFk-00175-00067256-00067567": "that i i never did know just how mother", "7svap67mJFk-00176-00067568-00067687": "died", "7svap67mJFk-00177-00067688-00067967": "some sort of an accident wasn't it yes", "7svap67mJFk-00178-00067968-00068103": "dear", "7svap67mJFk-00179-00068104-00068310": "my mind came in", "7svap67mJFk-00180-00068311-00068535": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00181-00068536-00068838": "i met your mother in singapore after you", "7svap67mJFk-00182-00068839-00069135": "were born we decided to move to sumatra", "7svap67mJFk-00183-00069136-00069303": "where i had an interest in a tungsten", "7svap67mJFk-00184-00069304-00069550": "mine my partner was a man", "7svap67mJFk-00185-00069551-00069863": "named walter harberg", "7svap67mJFk-00186-00069864-00070006": "one day he was showing her mother", "7svap67mJFk-00187-00070007-00070303": "through the mine and", "7svap67mJFk-00188-00070304-00070591": "suddenly there was an earthquake the", "7svap67mJFk-00189-00070592-00070679": "tunnel collapsed", "7svap67mJFk-00190-00070680-00070999": "you've talked enough mr carrington i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00191-00071000-00071191": "sorry to interrupt but we mustn't tire", "7svap67mJFk-00192-00071192-00071382": "your father", "7svap67mJFk-00193-00071383-00071687": "oh of course not okay i hope you'll like", "7svap67mJFk-00194-00071688-00071767": "your room dear", "7svap67mJFk-00195-00071768-00071975": "well i'm sure i will lillian will show", "7svap67mJFk-00196-00071976-00072094": "you where it is", "7svap67mJFk-00197-00072095-00072431": "i i'm supposed to conserve my strength", "7svap67mJFk-00198-00072432-00072623": "it's quite all right father good night", "7svap67mJFk-00199-00072624-00072743": "darling", "7svap67mJFk-00200-00072744-00073015": "let's hear in the morning good night", "7svap67mJFk-00201-00073016-00073126": "goodnight doctor joes", "7svap67mJFk-00202-00073127-00073694": "good night miss carrington", "7svap67mJFk-00203-00073695-00075402": "where's miss richards here i am pal", "7svap67mJFk-00204-00075403-00075647": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00205-00075648-00076071": "oh no i'm all right um", "7svap67mJFk-00206-00076072-00076319": "what on earth happened well i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-00207-00076320-00076471": "that was rather a close call", "7svap67mJFk-00208-00076472-00076662": "close six more inches and we'd all be", "7svap67mJFk-00209-00076663-00076879": "singing annie doesn't live here anymore", "7svap67mJFk-00210-00076880-00077079": "how consciously happened please mr", "7svap67mJFk-00211-00077080-00077199": "carrington you mustn't excite", "7svap67mJFk-00212-00077200-00077567": "yourself i think you'd better show the", "7svap67mJFk-00213-00077568-00077767": "young ladies to their rooms", "7svap67mJFk-00214-00077768-00077871": "yeah pick us a couple without", "7svap67mJFk-00215-00077872-00079882": "chandeliers will you this way please", "7svap67mJFk-00216-00079883-00080279": "so", "7svap67mJFk-00217-00080280-00080647": "look the chinese room will be yours miss", "7svap67mJFk-00218-00080648-00080743": "richards", "7svap67mJFk-00219-00080744-00081167": "oh you're a doll", "7svap67mJFk-00220-00081168-00081415": "well this is just dandy i travel seven", "7svap67mJFk-00221-00081416-00081599": "thousand miles to get away from", "7svap67mJFk-00222-00081600-00081743": "and here i am with everything but a bowl", "7svap67mJFk-00223-00081744-00082191": "of rice", "7svap67mJFk-00224-00082192-00082503": "what's that sound it's the waves", "7svap67mJFk-00225-00082504-00082847": "angry waves day after day night after", "7svap67mJFk-00226-00082848-00082935": "night", "7svap67mJFk-00227-00082936-00083111": "they beat with savage fury against the", "7svap67mJFk-00228-00083112-00083262": "black rocks below", "7svap67mJFk-00229-00083263-00083494": "for 20 years they've been calling", "7svap67mJFk-00230-00083495-00083615": "calling", "7svap67mJFk-00231-00083616-00083926": "calling to someone who never answers", "7svap67mJFk-00232-00083927-00084223": "just like the pot of gold program will", "7svap67mJFk-00233-00084224-00084326": "that be all miss", "7svap67mJFk-00234-00084327-00084518": "no i'm starved you forgot we didn't have", "7svap67mJFk-00235-00084519-00084750": "any dinner rama will bring you a tray", "7svap67mJFk-00236-00084751-00084926": "oh any little thing i'll do lobster", "7svap67mJFk-00237-00084927-00085071": "salad and beer but nothing heavy", "7svap67mJFk-00238-00085072-00085255": "anything for you miss carrington no", "7svap67mJFk-00239-00085256-00085399": "thank you rama", "7svap67mJFk-00240-00085400-00085662": "i'm going to bed gale i'm all in i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00241-00085663-00086006": "kind of baggy myself", "7svap67mJFk-00242-00086007-00086199": "good night mr richards good night i hope", "7svap67mJFk-00243-00086200-00086438": "you rest in peace thank you", "7svap67mJFk-00244-00086439-00086615": "isn't that what they write on tombstones", "7svap67mJFk-00245-00086616-00086799": "oh don't be silly", "7svap67mJFk-00246-00086800-00087911": "go on to bed good night ellie", "7svap67mJFk-00247-00087912-00088038": "your father had this room done", "7svap67mJFk-00248-00088039-00088215": "especially for you", "7svap67mJFk-00249-00088216-00088511": "it's lovely very sorry miss but we have", "7svap67mJFk-00250-00088512-00088606": "no beard", "7svap67mJFk-00251-00088607-00088879": "i brought you some wine one why the", "7svap67mJFk-00252-00088880-00088950": "champagne", "7svap67mJFk-00253-00088951-00089238": "yes miss oh put it down buddy will there", "7svap67mJFk-00254-00089239-00089311": "be anything else", "7svap67mJFk-00255-00089312-00089726": "oh that's all thank you champagne", "7svap67mJFk-00256-00089727-00091287": "why hide it", "7svap67mJFk-00257-00091288-00091655": "and yeah is that you", "7svap67mJFk-00258-00091656-00092583": "yes it's me we'll open up let me in", "7svap67mJFk-00259-00092584-00092630": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00260-00092631-00093662": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00261-00093663-00093926": "gee where's the glass slipper that goes", "7svap67mJFk-00262-00093927-00094038": "with it", "7svap67mJFk-00263-00094039-00094359": "it is nice isn't it oh nice it's heaven", "7svap67mJFk-00264-00094360-00094550": "compared to that chinese torture chamber", "7svap67mJFk-00265-00094551-00094903": "i'm in she was a layoff", "7svap67mJFk-00266-00094904-00095279": "oh this is for me", "7svap67mJFk-00267-00095280-00095423": "i've always wanted to sleep in one of", "7svap67mJFk-00268-00095424-00095687": "these covered wagons", "7svap67mJFk-00269-00095688-00095903": "it's almost too nice to sleep in say", "7svap67mJFk-00270-00095904-00096047": "what do you have to do to get a bed like", "7svap67mJFk-00271-00096048-00096335": "this rub a magic lamp or something", "7svap67mJFk-00272-00096336-00096567": "you really like this room don't you ah", "7svap67mJFk-00273-00096568-00096750": "this is right up my alley", "7svap67mJFk-00274-00096751-00096982": "oh to catch measles and have to stay in", "7svap67mJFk-00275-00096983-00097099": "a bed like this", "7svap67mJFk-00276-00097100-00097679": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00277-00097680-00097926": "hey where you going i'm going to bed for", "7svap67mJFk-00278-00097927-00098031": "tonight darling", "7svap67mJFk-00279-00098032-00098335": "this room is yours oh no you don't", "7svap67mJFk-00280-00098336-00098471": "i wouldn't dream of letting you do", "7svap67mJFk-00281-00098472-00098703": "anything like that but it's a deal", "7svap67mJFk-00282-00098704-00098903": "anything to keep out of china good night", "7svap67mJFk-00283-00098904-00099079": "cinderella good night pal", "7svap67mJFk-00284-00099080-00099406": "and i do mean say uh lock your door in", "7svap67mJFk-00285-00099407-00099591": "case lady frankenstein walks in her", "7svap67mJFk-00286-00099592-00100326": "sleep", "7svap67mJFk-00287-00100327-00100767": "come in", "7svap67mJFk-00288-00100768-00100999": "did you wish anything doctor are the", "7svap67mJFk-00289-00101000-00101094": "young ladies", "7svap67mJFk-00290-00101095-00102486": "comfortable quite that will be all then", "7svap67mJFk-00291-00102488-00103854": "i don't mind if i do", "7svap67mJFk-00292-00103855-00105442": "china was never like this", "7svap67mJFk-00293-00105443-00109621": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00294-00109622-00109945": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00295-00109946-00112083": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00296-00112083-00112977": "wow", "7svap67mJFk-00297-00112978-00116283": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00298-00116283-00116867": "um", "7svap67mJFk-00299-00116868-00118121": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00300-00118122-00118442": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00301-00118443-00123283": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00302-00123283-00123392": "oh", "7svap67mJFk-00303-00123393-00124328": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00304-00124329-00124897": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00305-00124898-00125082": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00306-00125083-00125579": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00307-00125580-00125669": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00308-00125670-00126083": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00309-00126083-00126722": "oh", "7svap67mJFk-00310-00126723-00127314": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00311-00127315-00127483": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00312-00127483-00128116": "so", "7svap67mJFk-00313-00128117-00128458": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00314-00128458-00128625": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00315-00128626-00128859": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00316-00128860-00128916": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00317-00128917-00129358": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00318-00129359-00129527": "that kind of behavior is all right for a", "7svap67mJFk-00319-00129528-00129758": "school boy but cara i've told you", "7svap67mJFk-00320-00129759-00129934": "repeatedly and incessantly", "7svap67mJFk-00321-00129935-00130158": "well i could get a word in edgewise that", "7svap67mJFk-00322-00130159-00130399": "the whole thing was no fault of mine", "7svap67mJFk-00323-00130400-00130551": "i think it's ridiculous for a man of", "7svap67mJFk-00324-00130552-00130743": "your age to pursue young girls", "7svap67mJFk-00325-00130744-00130966": "what will the neighbors think i didn't", "7svap67mJFk-00326-00130967-00131199": "pursue them cara they forced themselves", "7svap67mJFk-00327-00131200-00131263": "on me", "7svap67mJFk-00328-00131264-00131502": "don't be absurd imagine girls pretty", "7svap67mJFk-00329-00131503-00131695": "girls forcing themselves on a paunchy", "7svap67mJFk-00330-00131696-00131807": "middle-aged man", "7svap67mJFk-00331-00131808-00132007": "well i don't think i'm porchy don't try", "7svap67mJFk-00332-00132008-00132151": "to change the subject", "7svap67mJFk-00333-00132152-00132327": "at least you might have waved to me when", "7svap67mJFk-00334-00132328-00132607": "you went by i've explained that darling", "7svap67mJFk-00335-00132608-00132823": "i couldn't that girl was sitting on my", "7svap67mJFk-00336-00132824-00132863": "lap", "7svap67mJFk-00337-00132864-00133199": "oh i know she was i warn you cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00338-00133200-00133463": "if ever you do a thing like this again", "7svap67mJFk-00339-00133464-00133719": "i'm going back to mama", "7svap67mJFk-00340-00133720-00133871": "tell of course i don't intend to do a", "7svap67mJFk-00341-00133872-00134047": "thing like that again", "7svap67mJFk-00342-00134048-00134295": "besides i i couldn't very well set on", "7svap67mJFk-00343-00134296-00134463": "her lap could i", "7svap67mJFk-00344-00134464-00135047": "cosmo this is hard at the time for jokes", "7svap67mJFk-00345-00135048-00135327": "that's peculiar i don't think it's so", "7svap67mJFk-00346-00135328-00135423": "peculiar", "7svap67mJFk-00347-00135424-00135575": "after all we've been married for 20", "7svap67mJFk-00348-00135576-00135759": "years and i have a pleasant ride to be", "7svap67mJFk-00349-00135760-00135887": "treated like a wife who", "7svap67mJFk-00350-00135888-00136175": "who has been married for 20 years that's", "7svap67mJFk-00351-00136176-00136407": "odd it's not hard at all", "7svap67mJFk-00352-00136408-00136639": "cosmo do you realize what you're saying", "7svap67mJFk-00353-00136640-00136719": "um", "7svap67mJFk-00354-00136720-00136902": "i make up on you what well that's all", "7svap67mJFk-00355-00136903-00137039": "the attention you're going to give me i", "7svap67mJFk-00356-00137040-00137159": "may as well go to bed", "7svap67mJFk-00357-00137160-00137639": "good night", "7svap67mJFk-00358-00137640-00137966": "well i might be a little overweight", "7svap67mJFk-00359-00137967-00138271": "but i'm certainly not punchy in fact i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00360-00138272-00138423": "in pretty good shape for the shape i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00361-00138424-00138511": "in", "7svap67mJFk-00362-00138512-00138908": "after all i'm a banker not a gamma boy", "7svap67mJFk-00363-00138909-00140523": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00364-00140524-00141483": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00365-00141484-00141685": "hey", "7svap67mJFk-00366-00141686-00141911": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00367-00141912-00142326": "get your cold feet off my back", "7svap67mJFk-00368-00142327-00143278": "you don't need all the covers do you", "7svap67mJFk-00369-00143279-00143566": "here i am remember me the girl that sat", "7svap67mJFk-00370-00143567-00143631": "on your lap", "7svap67mJFk-00371-00143632-00144014": "oh this is terrible what's terrible", "7svap67mJFk-00372-00144015-00144359": "you're a ghost you're dead no kid", "7svap67mJFk-00373-00144360-00144519": "okay you've got to get out of here i've", "7svap67mJFk-00374-00144520-00144647": "had enough trouble with your kind of", "7svap67mJFk-00375-00144648-00144702": "people", "7svap67mJFk-00376-00144703-00144966": "well it's strange i should be dead i was", "7svap67mJFk-00377-00144967-00145119": "young and healthy and i felt swell when", "7svap67mJFk-00378-00145120-00145214": "i went to bed", "7svap67mJFk-00379-00145215-00145423": "so why did i die i don't know but you", "7svap67mJFk-00380-00145424-00145551": "can't say hey you want to go back to the", "7svap67mJFk-00381-00145552-00145647": "caddington house", "7svap67mJFk-00382-00145648-00145966": "cosmo yeah you see cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00383-00145967-00146166": "quick do something vanish well all right", "7svap67mJFk-00384-00146167-00146304": "taffy here i go", "7svap67mJFk-00385-00146305-00146575": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00386-00146576-00146878": "oh oh julia cosmo who on earth were you", "7svap67mJFk-00387-00146879-00146959": "talking to", "7svap67mJFk-00388-00146960-00147351": "nobody dear nobody i was just", "7svap67mJFk-00389-00147352-00147551": "talking in my sleep you know talking in", "7svap67mJFk-00390-00147552-00147751": "your sleep but that's such a waste of", "7svap67mJFk-00391-00147752-00147814": "time", "7svap67mJFk-00392-00147815-00148039": "besides nobody can hear you oh well i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00393-00148040-00148278": "not so sure about that", "7svap67mJFk-00394-00148279-00148551": "cosmo i i'm sorry i was so mean i know", "7svap67mJFk-00395-00148552-00148671": "you'd tell me if there was anything", "7svap67mJFk-00396-00148672-00148854": "between you and that girl", "7svap67mJFk-00397-00148855-00149087": "let's forget all about her well i'd like", "7svap67mJFk-00398-00149088-00149183": "to dear but", "7svap67mJFk-00399-00149184-00149351": "under the circumstances i'm afraid i", "7svap67mJFk-00400-00149352-00149519": "can't well of course if that's the way", "7svap67mJFk-00401-00149520-00149614": "you feel about it", "7svap67mJFk-00402-00149615-00149831": "i'll talk to you in the morning when", "7svap67mJFk-00403-00149832-00150735": "you're sober", "7svap67mJFk-00404-00150736-00150887": "why don't you look where you're going", "7svap67mJFk-00405-00150888-00151063": "why don't you be where you are now see", "7svap67mJFk-00406-00151064-00151190": "what you've done", "7svap67mJFk-00407-00151191-00151326": "that's nothing compared to what i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00408-00151327-00151535": "going to do if you don't come with me", "7svap67mJFk-00409-00151536-00151719": "come with you where back to the", "7svap67mJFk-00410-00151720-00151919": "carrington house i'm curious to know", "7svap67mJFk-00411-00151920-00152054": "what happened to me", "7svap67mJFk-00412-00152055-00152366": "go ahead oh no no i couldn't go alone", "7svap67mJFk-00413-00152367-00152471": "i'm afraid", "7svap67mJFk-00414-00152472-00152719": "i don't like that house it's spooky i", "7svap67mJFk-00415-00152720-00152847": "won't go", "7svap67mJFk-00416-00152848-00152975": "all right if that's the way you feel", "7svap67mJFk-00417-00152976-00153302": "about it get out of my bed i won't not", "7svap67mJFk-00418-00153303-00153423": "unless you come with me", "7svap67mJFk-00419-00153424-00153583": "you get out of my bed or i'll tell mrs", "7svap67mJFk-00420-00153584-00153726": "topper what'd you tell her until you're", "7svap67mJFk-00421-00153727-00153959": "in my bed", "7svap67mJFk-00422-00153960-00154271": "i oh no i i can't be able to deal with", "7svap67mJFk-00423-00154272-00154302": "that", "7svap67mJFk-00424-00154303-00154543": "not very well but i can oh but you", "7svap67mJFk-00425-00154544-00154623": "wouldn't do that", "7svap67mJFk-00426-00154624-00154814": "mr top i wouldn't understand are you", "7svap67mJFk-00427-00154815-00154935": "coming with me or not", "7svap67mJFk-00428-00154936-00155183": "i can all right then i'll give you three", "7svap67mJFk-00429-00155184-00155319": "to make up your mind and then i'll", "7svap67mJFk-00430-00155320-00155383": "scream", "7svap67mJFk-00431-00155384-00155726": "oh one two oh hey no no please please", "7svap67mJFk-00432-00155727-00155831": "don't", "7svap67mJFk-00433-00155832-00156071": "all right you win oh what do you want me", "7svap67mJFk-00434-00156072-00156151": "to do now", "7svap67mJFk-00435-00156152-00156271": "call your chauffeur and tell them to", "7svap67mJFk-00436-00156272-00157502": "take us to the carrington house", "7svap67mJFk-00437-00157503-00158102": "hello yes boss", "7svap67mJFk-00438-00158103-00158414": "but it ain't daylight yet", "7svap67mJFk-00439-00158415-00158783": "oh you know that huh", "7svap67mJFk-00440-00158784-00160438": "yes sir right away", "7svap67mJFk-00441-00160439-00161807": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00442-00161808-00162359": "what are you gaping at i wish i knew", "7svap67mJFk-00443-00162360-00162671": "well come on get going", "7svap67mJFk-00444-00162672-00163902": "yes sir", "7svap67mJFk-00445-00163903-00164254": "where to mr thomas the carrington place", "7svap67mJFk-00446-00164255-00164438": "pardon me boss but could i sort of", "7svap67mJFk-00447-00164439-00164575": "inquire what are we going", "7svap67mJFk-00448-00164576-00164902": "to carry the place for to look for a", "7svap67mJFk-00449-00164903-00165087": "buddy", "7svap67mJFk-00450-00165088-00165247": "better look for one for me too because", "7svap67mJFk-00451-00165248-00166599": "the one i'm using now is numb", "7svap67mJFk-00452-00166600-00166790": "come on eddie want to help me you know", "7svap67mJFk-00453-00166791-00166959": "with what boss with the body", "7svap67mJFk-00454-00166960-00167319": "the but", "7svap67mJFk-00455-00167320-00167535": "okay i'll go with you but kind of keep", "7svap67mJFk-00456-00167536-00167726": "the one side cause i got a feeling some", "7svap67mJFk-00457-00167727-00168095": "runners gonna be done", "7svap67mJFk-00458-00168096-00168351": "toppy that's the bedroom i was in the", "7svap67mJFk-00459-00168352-00168454": "one with the balcony", "7svap67mJFk-00460-00168455-00169483": "how are we going to get in through the", "7svap67mJFk-00461-00169484-00169587": "window", "7svap67mJFk-00462-00169588-00170597": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00463-00170598-00172283": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00464-00172284-00172779": "hello", "7svap67mJFk-00465-00172780-00174495": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00466-00174496-00174654": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00467-00174655-00174790": "pardon me boss but could i get", "7svap67mJFk-00468-00174791-00175083": "confidential for a moment well what is", "7svap67mJFk-00469-00175084-00175366": "it do i look as pale as i feel", "7svap67mJFk-00470-00175367-00175631": "what's the matter with you i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-00471-00175632-00175775": "but there's somebody here i can't", "7svap67mJFk-00472-00175776-00175895": "account for", "7svap67mJFk-00473-00175896-00176471": "oh come on come on", "7svap67mJFk-00474-00176472-00176585": "give me your arm choppy", "7svap67mJFk-00475-00176586-00177399": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00476-00177400-00178377": "oh i mean rabbit tree", "7svap67mJFk-00477-00178378-00178511": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00478-00178512-00178695": "toppy here's a window let's see if we", "7svap67mJFk-00479-00178696-00178871": "can get in we can't do that we'll wake", "7svap67mJFk-00480-00178872-00178983": "up the house oh don't", "7svap67mJFk-00481-00178984-00179247": "argue here i'll give you a boost put", "7svap67mJFk-00482-00179248-00179687": "your foot up", "7svap67mJFk-00483-00179688-00180047": "ready yes oh see daisy oh", "7svap67mJFk-00484-00180048-00180431": "you want to go on a diet", "7svap67mJFk-00485-00180432-00180862": "try the window", "7svap67mJFk-00486-00180863-00181247": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00487-00181248-00181551": "now give me a hand where are you", "7svap67mJFk-00488-00181552-00182515": "right here", "7svap67mJFk-00489-00182516-00183343": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00490-00183344-00183904": "is this the room yes", "7svap67mJFk-00491-00183905-00184278": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00492-00184279-00184654": "where were you well let me see", "7svap67mJFk-00493-00184655-00185047": "oh yes i was sleeping in that bed", "7svap67mJFk-00494-00185048-00185254": "and then it seems i got up to close a", "7svap67mJFk-00495-00185255-00185471": "window there's the window", "7svap67mJFk-00496-00185472-00185726": "and then i started back to bed and and", "7svap67mJFk-00497-00185727-00185871": "that's all i remember", "7svap67mJFk-00498-00185872-00186283": "oh my gosh there i am look right by the", "7svap67mJFk-00499-00186284-00186943": "window", "7svap67mJFk-00500-00186944-00187271": "this is positively horrible you've been", "7svap67mJFk-00501-00187272-00187350": "stabbed", "7svap67mJFk-00502-00187351-00187687": "stabbed", "7svap67mJFk-00503-00187688-00188038": "this is no time for champagne oh but", "7svap67mJFk-00504-00188039-00188263": "it isn't every day a girl gets murdered", "7svap67mJFk-00505-00188264-00188478": "look at me", "7svap67mJFk-00506-00188479-00188743": "oh please please please because this is", "7svap67mJFk-00507-00188744-00188935": "serious we'd better call the police", "7svap67mJFk-00508-00188936-00189126": "yes i want to find out who did this to", "7svap67mJFk-00509-00189127-00190750": "me where's the telephone downstairs", "7svap67mJFk-00510-00190751-00191143": "hello operator", "7svap67mJFk-00511-00191144-00191447": "operator operator", "7svap67mJFk-00512-00191448-00191743": "this thing is dead hmm an epidemic where", "7svap67mJFk-00513-00191744-00191807": "are you", "7svap67mJFk-00514-00191808-00192111": "here i am sweetie i can't seem to get", "7svap67mJFk-00515-00192112-00192231": "anybody", "7svap67mJFk-00516-00192232-00192463": "maybe the wires have been cut i'll trace", "7svap67mJFk-00517-00192464-00192743": "them", "7svap67mJFk-00518-00192744-00193183": "operator operator", "7svap67mJFk-00519-00193184-00194207": "put down that phone", "7svap67mJFk-00520-00194208-00194775": "stay where you are", "7svap67mJFk-00521-00194776-00195078": "your phone's out of order who are you", "7svap67mJFk-00522-00195079-00195414": "oh me i'm i'm cosmo topper", "7svap67mJFk-00523-00195415-00195854": "i i'm your next-door neighbor", "7svap67mJFk-00524-00195855-00196175": "not a nice place you've got here very", "7svap67mJFk-00525-00196176-00196302": "nice", "7svap67mJFk-00526-00196303-00196590": "uh and i i just dropped in the user's", "7svap67mJFk-00527-00196591-00196695": "phone", "7svap67mJFk-00528-00196696-00196975": "at 12 30 in the morning oh it is really", "7svap67mJFk-00529-00196976-00197095": "as late as that one", "7svap67mJFk-00530-00197096-00197502": "well i must be going no", "7svap67mJFk-00531-00197503-00197863": "who are you calling the the police", "7svap67mJFk-00532-00197864-00198735": "there's been a murder here", "7svap67mJFk-00533-00198736-00198983": "don't look at me like that i i didn't", "7svap67mJFk-00534-00198984-00199087": "kill the girl", "7svap67mJFk-00535-00199088-00199271": "what on earth you people doing i found", "7svap67mJFk-00536-00199272-00199438": "this man trawling about the house but", "7svap67mJFk-00537-00199439-00199583": "this this gentleman says there's been a", "7svap67mJFk-00538-00199584-00199654": "murder", "7svap67mJFk-00539-00199655-00199847": "what are you talking about if you don't", "7svap67mJFk-00540-00199848-00199990": "believe me go and see if yourself it's", "7svap67mJFk-00541-00199991-00200126": "in that big room at the top of the", "7svap67mJFk-00542-00200127-00200283": "stairs", "7svap67mJFk-00543-00200284-00201024": "what why the chan's room come on", "7svap67mJFk-00544-00201025-00201575": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00545-00201576-00201919": "where is she right over there", "7svap67mJFk-00546-00201920-00202295": "by the window", "7svap67mJFk-00547-00202296-00203214": "well well there's no one here", "7svap67mJFk-00548-00203215-00203438": "i saw it here a few minutes ago in my", "7svap67mJFk-00549-00203439-00203711": "own eyes", "7svap67mJFk-00550-00203712-00204095": "father what's the matter um", "7svap67mJFk-00551-00204096-00204407": "you're safe you're all right well of", "7svap67mJFk-00552-00204408-00204519": "course i am oh", "7svap67mJFk-00553-00204520-00204695": "why well i'm just getting to this", "7svap67mJFk-00554-00204696-00204855": "gentleman has just been telling us that", "7svap67mJFk-00555-00204856-00204990": "you'd be murdered", "7svap67mJFk-00556-00204991-00205271": "well mr topper what whatever gave you", "7svap67mJFk-00557-00205271-00205334": "that idea", "7svap67mJFk-00558-00205335-00205623": "no it's not you it's the other girl i", "7svap67mJFk-00559-00205623-00205903": "saw her a moment ago now really i did", "7svap67mJFk-00560-00205904-00206086": "where is gail she wasn't downstairs was", "7svap67mJFk-00561-00206087-00206279": "she of course not how could you be", "7svap67mJFk-00562-00206280-00206503": "downstairs when she was murdered up here", "7svap67mJFk-00563-00206504-00207062": "now mr topper please control yourself", "7svap67mJFk-00564-00207063-00207223": "i think i found something that might", "7svap67mJFk-00565-00207223-00207406": "explain matters it's addressed miss", "7svap67mJFk-00566-00207407-00207951": "carrington", "7svap67mJFk-00567-00207952-00208142": "darling sorry to run out on you so", "7svap67mJFk-00568-00208144-00208303": "mysteriously we'll explain everything", "7svap67mJFk-00569-00208304-00208406": "when i get back", "7svap67mJFk-00570-00208407-00208623": "love gail mr topper is evidently", "7svap67mJFk-00571-00208623-00208798": "suffering from hallucinations", "7svap67mJFk-00572-00208800-00209255": "mr tupper how old a man are you", "7svap67mJFk-00573-00209256-00209655": "46.", "7svap67mJFk-00574-00209656-00209839": "just as i thought what do you mean just", "7svap67mJFk-00575-00209840-00210006": "as you thought schizophrenia", "7svap67mJFk-00576-00210007-00210319": "schizophrenia nothing i came here in my", "7svap67mJFk-00577-00210319-00210487": "car your car", "7svap67mJFk-00578-00210488-00211482": "yes it's right outside now waiting for", "7svap67mJFk-00579-00211483-00211975": "me", "7svap67mJFk-00580-00211976-00213635": "cosmo cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00581-00213636-00214327": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00582-00214328-00214551": "edward yes ma'am what in the world is", "7svap67mJFk-00583-00214552-00214710": "wrong with you it ain't me it's them", "7svap67mJFk-00584-00214711-00214775": "things", "7svap67mJFk-00585-00214776-00215015": "things doors closing by themselves", "7svap67mJFk-00586-00215016-00215167": "people talking to nothing getting", "7svap67mJFk-00587-00215167-00215231": "answers", "7svap67mJFk-00588-00215232-00215519": "i'm going back back where to mr benny", "7svap67mJFk-00589-00215519-00215615": "ain't nothing like this", "7svap67mJFk-00590-00215616-00215815": "ever happened there oh stop all this", "7svap67mJFk-00591-00215816-00216015": "fiddle paddle where's mr topper", "7svap67mJFk-00592-00216016-00216246": "he's over to that camden place oh that", "7svap67mJFk-00593-00216248-00216319": "girl again", "7svap67mJFk-00594-00216319-00216471": "you mean the one that sat in his lap i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00595-00216471-00216631": "afraid so emily get on your clothes", "7svap67mJFk-00596-00216632-00216767": "we're going right over there", "7svap67mJFk-00597-00216767-00216967": "excuse me ma'am but are you aiming to", "7svap67mJFk-00598-00216967-00217182": "walk well certainly not you're going to", "7svap67mJFk-00599-00217183-00217271": "drive us", "7svap67mJFk-00600-00217271-00217639": "my my that's what i was afraid of", "7svap67mJFk-00601-00217640-00217855": "normal as normal as you'd expect for", "7svap67mJFk-00602-00217856-00218006": "this type of man", "7svap67mJFk-00603-00218007-00218255": "i've lost the body i've lost my car if i", "7svap67mJFk-00604-00218256-00218406": "don't get out of here very soon i'll", "7svap67mJFk-00605-00218407-00218527": "lose my mind", "7svap67mJFk-00606-00218528-00218671": "what he needs more than anything else is", "7svap67mJFk-00607-00218671-00218815": "rest well when he feels better we'll", "7svap67mJFk-00608-00218816-00218967": "send him home in my car", "7svap67mJFk-00609-00218967-00219151": "and here you better go to bed good night", "7svap67mJFk-00610-00219152-00219510": "mr topper good night", "7svap67mJFk-00611-00219511-00219734": "mr topper gayle's disappearance has me", "7svap67mJFk-00612-00219735-00220006": "worried well look what he's done to me", "7svap67mJFk-00613-00220007-00220182": "where did you last see her she was", "7svap67mJFk-00614-00220183-00220334": "sitting on a table in the hall and she", "7svap67mJFk-00615-00220335-00220815": "hung my hat on a chinaman's foot", "7svap67mJFk-00616-00220816-00221039": "just take it easy mr topper and carl be", "7svap67mJFk-00617-00221040-00221501": "long in a few minutes", "7svap67mJFk-00618-00221502-00223158": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00619-00223159-00223479": "oh you remember me yes of course but", "7svap67mJFk-00620-00223480-00223646": "what are you doing here well i hate to", "7svap67mJFk-00621-00223648-00223839": "be commercial lady but somebody owes me", "7svap67mJFk-00622-00223840-00224006": "2680.", "7svap67mJFk-00623-00224007-00224334": "that's right i'm sorry i forgot you also", "7svap67mJFk-00624-00224335-00224487": "forgot to say goodbye", "7svap67mJFk-00625-00224488-00224646": "it was a cute disappearing act you and", "7svap67mJFk-00626-00224648-00224831": "your partner pulled you", "7svap67mJFk-00627-00224832-00225023": "you didn't by chance see her you didn't", "7svap67mJFk-00628-00225023-00225158": "pass her on the road", "7svap67mJFk-00629-00225159-00225463": "no what is she sleepwalker i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-00630-00225464-00225551": "but", "7svap67mJFk-00631-00225552-00225887": "she's gone oh disappeared again say she", "7svap67mJFk-00632-00225888-00226134": "must have been raised a magician's hat", "7svap67mJFk-00633-00226135-00227719": "i'll get your money for you", "7svap67mJFk-00634-00227719-00227842": "oh what's the matter", "7svap67mJFk-00635-00227844-00228198": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00636-00228200-00228542": "anything wrong i hate to go up those", "7svap67mJFk-00637-00228544-00228815": "stairs", "7svap67mJFk-00638-00228816-00229231": "would you mind coming with me", "7svap67mJFk-00639-00229232-00229646": "upstairs", "7svap67mJFk-00640-00229648-00230119": "with you", "7svap67mJFk-00641-00230119-00230327": "i better come back in the morning please", "7svap67mJFk-00642-00230328-00230575": "won't you come", "7svap67mJFk-00643-00230576-00230887": "say are you in a jam or something just", "7svap67mJFk-00644-00230888-00231006": "nervous i guess", "7svap67mJFk-00645-00231007-00231479": "nervous why well i can't explain but", "7svap67mJFk-00646-00231480-00231655": "well things have been happening and well", "7svap67mJFk-00647-00231656-00231815": "you can stop worrying honey nothing's", "7svap67mJFk-00648-00231816-00231934": "going to happen to you", "7svap67mJFk-00649-00231935-00232255": "come on i'd hate to pay the light build", "7svap67mJFk-00650-00232256-00232391": "a joint like this", "7svap67mJFk-00651-00232392-00232710": "oh this is my room well if you don't", "7svap67mJFk-00652-00232711-00232815": "mind", "7svap67mJFk-00653-00232816-00234707": "i'll just wait here", "7svap67mJFk-00654-00234708-00236682": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00655-00236683-00238335": "huh", "7svap67mJFk-00656-00238336-00239119": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00657-00239119-00239431": "miss carrington this gangton what's", "7svap67mJFk-00658-00239432-00239519": "going on here", "7svap67mJFk-00659-00239519-00239671": "who's that guy in the black coat what", "7svap67mJFk-00660-00239671-00239839": "happened to her who are you", "7svap67mJFk-00661-00239840-00239991": "i'm the housekeeper find a way to keep", "7svap67mJFk-00662-00239992-00240158": "house women screaming boogeymen jumping", "7svap67mJFk-00663-00240159-00240239": "out of windows", "7svap67mJFk-00664-00240240-00240351": "found a house like this i wouldn't want", "7svap67mJFk-00665-00240352-00240710": "to keep it i'm scared miss carrington", "7svap67mJFk-00666-00240711-00241015": "it's carrington what's going on here i", "7svap67mJFk-00667-00241016-00241094": "just said that", "7svap67mJFk-00668-00241096-00241255": "who are you and don't tell me you're", "7svap67mJFk-00669-00241256-00241406": "this girl's rich uncle oh don't be silly", "7svap67mJFk-00670-00241407-00241567": "i'm her father well that's close enough", "7svap67mJFk-00671-00241567-00241655": "um", "7svap67mJFk-00672-00241656-00241951": "and she spent it i'll bet you the first", "7svap67mJFk-00673-00241952-00242094": "thing she says when she opens her eyes", "7svap67mJFk-00674-00242096-00242351": "is where am i", "7svap67mJFk-00675-00242352-00242719": "what happened say what are you doing", "7svap67mJFk-00676-00242719-00242758": "here", "7svap67mJFk-00677-00242759-00242975": "all right so i'll explain it to you this", "7svap67mJFk-00678-00242976-00243215": "young lady owes me for a taxicab ride i", "7svap67mJFk-00679-00243216-00243375": "came here to collect it she asked me up", "7svap67mJFk-00680-00243376-00243558": "to this room i heard a scream and", "7svap67mJFk-00681-00243559-00243687": "walked into the middle of an orson", "7svap67mJFk-00682-00243688-00243879": "welles broadcast the man was standing", "7svap67mJFk-00683-00243880-00244094": "over me with a knife there it is there", "7svap67mJFk-00684-00244096-00244230": "where did you get that knife oh i found", "7svap67mJFk-00685-00244231-00244406": "another window in the next room perhaps", "7svap67mJFk-00686-00244407-00244687": "topper's story was right he said they'd", "7svap67mJFk-00687-00244688-00244942": "murdered the other girl", "7svap67mJFk-00688-00244944-00245215": "now they've tried to murder anne bronner", "7svap67mJFk-00689-00245216-00245415": "call the police", "7svap67mJFk-00690-00245416-00245534": "oh well now wait a minute you don't", "7svap67mJFk-00691-00245535-00245758": "think i had anything to do with this", "7svap67mJFk-00692-00245759-00246055": "well do you i certainly not andy you", "7svap67mJFk-00693-00246056-00246334": "better get your clothes on", "7svap67mJFk-00694-00246335-00246534": "i'm afraid you're going to remain here", "7svap67mJFk-00695-00246535-00246734": "young man", "7svap67mJFk-00696-00246735-00246887": "but good heavens why should anybody want", "7svap67mJFk-00697-00246888-00247055": "to kill miss calling well they killed me", "7svap67mJFk-00698-00247056-00247255": "didn't they yes i can understand that", "7svap67mJFk-00699-00247256-00247423": "but miss kennedy oh don't worry about", "7svap67mJFk-00700-00247423-00247639": "her anymore she's got a nice handsome", "7svap67mJFk-00701-00247640-00247710": "bodyguard", "7svap67mJFk-00702-00247711-00247903": "he's a taxi driver maybe he's the ones", "7svap67mJFk-00703-00247904-00248094": "doing all the killing nonsense", "7svap67mJFk-00704-00248096-00248223": "he didn't bring his cab in the house", "7svap67mJFk-00705-00248223-00248430": "with him hmm well then if she's safe", "7svap67mJFk-00706-00248431-00248558": "there's no reason for me to stay", "7svap67mJFk-00707-00248559-00248830": "good night i've had a lovely time oh", "7svap67mJFk-00708-00248831-00248991": "toppy don't run out now", "7svap67mJFk-00709-00248992-00249215": "we've got to find out who killed me then", "7svap67mJFk-00710-00249216-00249415": "we'll know who's threatening anne", "7svap67mJFk-00711-00249416-00249567": "but i don't want my wife threatening me", "7svap67mJFk-00712-00249567-00249758": "you see and she will if she finds out", "7svap67mJFk-00713-00249759-00250287": "no i'm going home oh", "7svap67mJFk-00714-00250288-00250542": "madam i'm quite sure you're mistaken i'm", "7svap67mJFk-00715-00250544-00250734": "not mistaken i know i'm not i'm mrs", "7svap67mJFk-00716-00250735-00250871": "tupper aren't i edward", "7svap67mJFk-00717-00250871-00251039": "yes ma'am but i don't think that's what", "7svap67mJFk-00718-00251040-00251223": "the gentleman means i certainly do know", "7svap67mJFk-00719-00251223-00251342": "what i mean don't i", "7svap67mJFk-00720-00251344-00251551": "frankly madame i don't know well who", "7svap67mJFk-00721-00251552-00251710": "does what do you say we start from the", "7svap67mJFk-00722-00251711-00251863": "beginning that's a good idea", "7svap67mJFk-00723-00251864-00252103": "where is my husband but madam i don't", "7svap67mJFk-00724-00252104-00252294": "know this is a private home", "7svap67mJFk-00725-00252296-00252463": "private it looks more like a parade", "7svap67mJFk-00726-00252464-00252679": "ground can i help you", "7svap67mJFk-00727-00252680-00253110": "you certainly can do you live here", "7svap67mJFk-00728-00253111-00253367": "yes i do hi mrs tuffa i'm looking for my", "7svap67mJFk-00729-00253367-00253527": "husband mr topper", "7svap67mJFk-00730-00253528-00253775": "oh where's that friend of yours the one", "7svap67mJFk-00731-00253776-00253919": "that goes around sitting on people's", "7svap67mJFk-00732-00253919-00254023": "laps well uh", "7svap67mJFk-00733-00254023-00254175": "she's been murdered according to your", "7svap67mJFk-00734-00254176-00254351": "husband don't change the subject if you", "7svap67mJFk-00735-00254352-00254487": "won't help us we'll find him ourselves", "7svap67mJFk-00736-00254488-00254646": "come along emily i think we'll find him", "7svap67mJFk-00737-00254648-00254798": "in the sitting room the city room maybe", "7svap67mJFk-00738-00254800-00254951": "she's still sitting on his lap", "7svap67mJFk-00739-00254952-00255142": "sitting on his lap good heavens you mean", "7svap67mJFk-00740-00255144-00255303": "you've got a room just for that", "7svap67mJFk-00741-00255304-00255615": "wait is it right this way come on", "7svap67mJFk-00742-00255616-00256015": "come on here she comes you've got to go", "7svap67mJFk-00743-00256016-00256230": "i don't trust you bunny you tried to run", "7svap67mJFk-00744-00256231-00256319": "out on me", "7svap67mJFk-00745-00256319-00256542": "how can i run out with her there and how", "7svap67mJFk-00746-00256544-00256734": "can i face her with you here", "7svap67mJFk-00747-00256735-00257191": "well sounds logical okay here we go", "7svap67mJFk-00748-00257192-00257360": "come on fella", "7svap67mJFk-00749-00257361-00257659": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00750-00257660-00258271": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00751-00258271-00258534": "he was here a few minutes ago rama what", "7svap67mJFk-00752-00258535-00258606": "happened to him", "7svap67mJFk-00753-00258607-00258798": "i don't know sir but i'm positive he", "7svap67mJFk-00754-00258800-00258942": "hasn't left the house and he won't", "7svap67mJFk-00755-00258944-00259094": "until i find him and give him a piece of", "7svap67mJFk-00756-00259096-00259303": "my mind do you mind not at all", "7svap67mJFk-00757-00259304-00259510": "where's the telephone right this way", "7svap67mJFk-00758-00259511-00259839": "come along emily", "7svap67mJFk-00759-00259840-00260663": "cosmo cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00760-00260664-00260894": "operator operator i want to report a", "7svap67mJFk-00761-00260896-00261039": "missing husband", "7svap67mJFk-00762-00261040-00261319": "edward you look for him down that way", "7svap67mJFk-00763-00261319-00261494": "it's awful dark down there", "7svap67mJFk-00764-00261496-00261734": "darkness never hurt anyone you think the", "7svap67mJFk-00765-00261735-00261942": "darkness miss toppers what's in it", "7svap67mJFk-00766-00261944-00262071": "don't be silly there's no difference", "7svap67mJFk-00767-00262071-00262255": "between light and dark except the lights", "7svap67mJFk-00768-00262256-00262406": "are out", "7svap67mJFk-00769-00262407-00262727": "run along i'll go but", "7svap67mJFk-00770-00262728-00263223": "every hair in my coat is standing on in", "7svap67mJFk-00771-00263224-00263534": "cosmo tapa well what's he look like", "7svap67mJFk-00772-00263535-00263727": "like a banker of course that's because", "7svap67mJFk-00773-00263728-00263999": "he is a banker", "7svap67mJFk-00774-00264000-00264255": "well can you describe him well he wears", "7svap67mJFk-00775-00264256-00264543": "a size 15 shirt with a 33 sleeve", "7svap67mJFk-00776-00264544-00264799": "a nine and a half sock liar and it's", "7svap67mJFk-00777-00264800-00264943": "slightly bald", "7svap67mJFk-00778-00264944-00265143": "oh yes there's something else let me see", "7svap67mJFk-00779-00265144-00265319": "i paid the milk man that luncheon's been", "7svap67mJFk-00780-00265320-00265495": "changed from thursday to friday", "7svap67mJFk-00781-00265496-00265855": "oh yes there's been a murder murder", "7svap67mJFk-00782-00265856-00266351": "yes murder capital m-u-r", "7svap67mJFk-00783-00266352-00266647": "murder trying to make these policemen", "7svap67mJFk-00784-00266648-00266775": "understand something is harder than", "7svap67mJFk-00785-00266776-00267109": "doing it yourself", "7svap67mJFk-00786-00267110-00267447": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00787-00267448-00268447": "mr tavern hey eddie got a cigarette", "7svap67mJFk-00788-00268448-00270709": "give me a match", "7svap67mJFk-00789-00270710-00271682": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00790-00271683-00271875": "uh", "7svap67mJFk-00791-00271876-00272647": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00792-00272648-00273167": "mr tower mr timer", "7svap67mJFk-00793-00273168-00274599": "mr tobin", "7svap67mJFk-00794-00274600-00275066": "all this time", "7svap67mJFk-00795-00275067-00275882": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00796-00275883-00276201": "oh", "7svap67mJFk-00797-00276202-00277292": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00798-00277293-00277585": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00799-00277586-00277825": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00800-00277826-00278663": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00801-00278664-00278745": "where are", "7svap67mJFk-00802-00278746-00279519": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00803-00279520-00279806": "what are you doing here oh where are you", "7svap67mJFk-00804-00279807-00279951": "behind the screen", "7svap67mJFk-00805-00279952-00280303": "getting dressed little sassy face didn't", "7svap67mJFk-00806-00280304-00280463": "your mama ever tell you to knock on a", "7svap67mJFk-00807-00280464-00280687": "lady's bedroom door before you barge in", "7svap67mJFk-00808-00280688-00280934": "this is most embarrassing why couldn't", "7svap67mJFk-00809-00280935-00281079": "you stay the way you were", "7svap67mJFk-00810-00281080-00281247": "a negligee is hardly appropriate for", "7svap67mJFk-00811-00281248-00281910": "solving crimes", "7svap67mJFk-00812-00281911-00282219": "come on tommy we've got things to do", "7svap67mJFk-00813-00282220-00282919": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00814-00282920-00283519": "cosmo gotta get out of here", "7svap67mJFk-00815-00283520-00283655": "i'm from headquarters what's the trouble", "7svap67mJFk-00816-00283656-00283903": "here troublesome now don't stand there", "7svap67mJFk-00817-00283904-00284054": "dumb i got a phone call about a half an", "7svap67mJFk-00818-00284055-00284206": "hour ago this has been a murder", "7svap67mJFk-00819-00284207-00284727": "and maybe you did it", "7svap67mJFk-00820-00284728-00285279": "in here quick", "7svap67mJFk-00821-00285280-00285663": "cosmo cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00822-00285664-00285903": "oh this must be the kitchen well it's", "7svap67mJFk-00823-00285904-00286087": "not the music room", "7svap67mJFk-00824-00286088-00286406": "well he's not here cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00825-00286407-00286608": "where on earth can he be", "7svap67mJFk-00826-00286609-00287082": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00827-00287083-00287367": "cosmo cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00828-00287368-00287727": "my it's drafty in here oh", "7svap67mJFk-00829-00287728-00287951": "look at the chocolate cake emily make", "7svap67mJFk-00830-00287952-00288079": "some tea", "7svap67mJFk-00831-00288080-00288423": "tea of course to go with our cake", "7svap67mJFk-00832-00288424-00288639": "but what about mr topper emily you know", "7svap67mJFk-00833-00288640-00288775": "he never drinks tea", "7svap67mJFk-00834-00288776-00290126": "yes i know", "7svap67mJFk-00835-00290127-00290415": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00836-00290416-00290654": "now then did you see the face of the man", "7svap67mJFk-00837-00290655-00290751": "who wore the cloak", "7svap67mJFk-00838-00290752-00290943": "no it it was covered up somebody's", "7svap67mJFk-00839-00290944-00291087": "covering up a lot of things around here", "7svap67mJFk-00840-00291088-00291215": "why don't you let her alone she's", "7svap67mJFk-00841-00291216-00291310": "nervous and upset", "7svap67mJFk-00842-00291311-00291582": "she is how do you think i feel a murder", "7svap67mJFk-00843-00291583-00291734": "and nobody", "7svap67mJFk-00844-00291735-00291999": "didn't anybody see a buddy didn't you", "7svap67mJFk-00845-00292000-00292158": "say topper said he saw the body crack a", "7svap67mJFk-00846-00292159-00292287": "double talk who's topper", "7svap67mJFk-00847-00292288-00292503": "these man said he saw the body where is", "7svap67mJFk-00848-00292504-00292654": "he he's gone", "7svap67mJFk-00849-00292655-00292958": "he's gone the body's gone", "7svap67mJFk-00850-00292959-00293110": "say what are you people trying to do to", "7svap67mJFk-00851-00293111-00293343": "me i'm sure sergeant it's nothing but a", "7svap67mJFk-00852-00293344-00293479": "tempest and a teapot", "7svap67mJFk-00853-00293480-00293606": "miss carrington had a note from the", "7svap67mJFk-00854-00293607-00293799": "supposedly dead girl that will clear it", "7svap67mJFk-00855-00293800-00294087": "all up where's the note it's gone the", "7svap67mJFk-00856-00294088-00294223": "note's gone", "7svap67mJFk-00857-00294224-00294471": "top is gone the body's gone now look", "7svap67mJFk-00858-00294472-00294575": "here", "7svap67mJFk-00859-00294576-00294710": "i don't have to come here to be better", "7svap67mJFk-00860-00294711-00295263": "for love", "7svap67mJFk-00861-00295264-00295471": "beg pardon sir but i believe miss", "7svap67mJFk-00862-00295472-00295630": "carrington left the note upstairs", "7svap67mJFk-00863-00295631-00295782": "jim take the boys upstairs search", "7svap67mJFk-00864-00295783-00295943": "everywhere don't miss anything", "7svap67mJFk-00865-00295944-00296327": "tear it apart now look here rebecca", "7svap67mJFk-00866-00296328-00296606": "quit stalling where is this guy topper i", "7svap67mJFk-00867-00296607-00296743": "don't know well what was he doing here", "7svap67mJFk-00868-00296744-00296910": "in the first place i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-00869-00296911-00297206": "say what do you think i am i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-00870-00297207-00297303": "who's this fresh guy", "7svap67mJFk-00871-00297304-00297503": "oh he's all right he's a taxi driver", "7svap67mJFk-00872-00297504-00297734": "yeah well where's your taxi now don't", "7svap67mJFk-00873-00297735-00297895": "tell me that's disappeared too", "7svap67mJFk-00874-00297896-00298079": "where do you think it is i'm not", "7svap67mJFk-00875-00298080-00298391": "supposed to think i'm from the city hall", "7svap67mJFk-00876-00298392-00298479": "now where was i", "7svap67mJFk-00877-00298480-00298895": "i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-00878-00298896-00299151": "emily this cake is simply delicious glad", "7svap67mJFk-00879-00299152-00299303": "you like it it's the best you've ever", "7svap67mJFk-00880-00299304-00299375": "made", "7svap67mJFk-00881-00299376-00299679": "this is not our cake oh i forgot some", "7svap67mJFk-00882-00299680-00299830": "cream emily please", "7svap67mJFk-00883-00299831-00300799": "frame yes", "7svap67mJFk-00884-00300800-00301943": "oh hello", "7svap67mJFk-00885-00301944-00302167": "what in the world are you doing in here", "7svap67mJFk-00886-00302168-00302367": "just sitting here", "7svap67mJFk-00887-00302368-00302687": "it's chilly outside but you", "7svap67mJFk-00888-00302688-00302943": "you never used to sit in our ice box", "7svap67mJFk-00889-00302944-00303119": "getting out of a nice warm bed to come", "7svap67mJFk-00890-00303120-00303287": "and sit in someone's icebox", "7svap67mJFk-00891-00303288-00303510": "i don't understand it oh but i do", "7svap67mJFk-00892-00303511-00303695": "understand it don't i emily", "7svap67mJFk-00893-00303696-00304079": "i hope so that screen came from in here", "7svap67mJFk-00894-00304080-00304167": "hey look", "7svap67mJFk-00895-00304168-00304510": "a problem who are you i'm mrs tupper who", "7svap67mJFk-00896-00304511-00304575": "are you", "7svap67mJFk-00897-00304576-00304863": "mrs tapper where's your husband in the", "7svap67mJFk-00898-00304864-00305030": "icebox has he got the body with him", "7svap67mJFk-00899-00305031-00305903": "certainly under his overcoat", "7svap67mJFk-00900-00305904-00306158": "so you're tapper huh would you mind", "7svap67mJFk-00901-00306159-00306367": "coming out of cold storage", "7svap67mJFk-00902-00306368-00306591": "i will not say what's the matter with", "7svap67mJFk-00903-00306592-00306767": "him is the icebox crazy you're suffering", "7svap67mJFk-00904-00306768-00306887": "from hallucinations", "7svap67mJFk-00905-00306888-00307151": "oh you wouldn't by any chance be", "7svap67mJFk-00906-00307152-00307310": "thinking you were a lamb chop", "7svap67mJFk-00907-00307311-00307495": "now then what do you mean by stealing", "7svap67mJFk-00908-00307496-00307623": "this house in the middle of the night", "7svap67mJFk-00909-00307624-00307734": "and what have you done with that girl", "7svap67mJFk-00910-00307735-00307982": "you had on your lap girl on his lap huh", "7svap67mJFk-00911-00307983-00308295": "oh a love triangle oh do you really", "7svap67mJFk-00912-00308296-00308399": "think so officer", "7svap67mJFk-00913-00308400-00308639": "i get it you sneaked into here to see", "7svap67mJFk-00914-00308640-00308710": "some gal", "7svap67mJFk-00915-00308711-00308919": "your wife followed you had to get rid of", "7svap67mJFk-00916-00308920-00309071": "the dane so you knocked her off yes or", "7svap67mJFk-00917-00309072-00309143": "no", "7svap67mJFk-00918-00309144-00309415": "i did not where's the body i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-00919-00309416-00309606": "so you admit there is a body", "7svap67mJFk-00920-00309607-00309910": "yes i came over here to look for it", "7svap67mJFk-00921-00309911-00310167": "well how'd you know was here she told me", "7svap67mJFk-00922-00310168-00310247": "she who", "7svap67mJFk-00923-00310248-00310663": "she the dead girl well now we get", "7svap67mJFk-00924-00310664-00310879": "wait a minute how could a dead person", "7svap67mJFk-00925-00310880-00310967": "talk", "7svap67mJFk-00926-00310968-00311271": "i don't know but this one does", "7svap67mJFk-00927-00311272-00311510": "oh i mean i know you won't believe what", "7svap67mJFk-00928-00311511-00311647": "i'm going to tell you but", "7svap67mJFk-00929-00311648-00311839": "well we certainly won't where were you", "7svap67mJFk-00930-00311840-00311927": "when the attempt was made of miss", "7svap67mJFk-00931-00311928-00312127": "carrington's life", "7svap67mJFk-00932-00312128-00312375": "in the library i think i don't know did", "7svap67mJFk-00933-00312376-00312519": "you or did you not try to stab this", "7svap67mJFk-00934-00312520-00312599": "young lady", "7svap67mJFk-00935-00312600-00312847": "oh don't be ridiculous officer cosmo", "7svap67mJFk-00936-00312848-00313023": "wouldn't stab anybody", "7svap67mJFk-00937-00313024-00313334": "he can't even carve a turkey now listen", "7svap67mJFk-00938-00313335-00313471": "lady", "7svap67mJFk-00939-00313472-00313719": "somebody kills her name who talks after", "7svap67mJFk-00940-00313720-00313863": "she's dead", "7svap67mJFk-00941-00313864-00314127": "and the body gets up and walks away", "7svap67mJFk-00942-00314128-00314279": "somebody tried to whittle on this young", "7svap67mJFk-00943-00314280-00314358": "lady", "7svap67mJFk-00944-00314359-00314847": "and i find him hiding in the ice box", "7svap67mJFk-00945-00314848-00315039": "you mean you're going to arrest him well", "7svap67mJFk-00946-00315040-00315519": "these ain't exactly charm bracelets lady", "7svap67mJFk-00947-00315520-00315830": "he's got a gun it's mine oh", "7svap67mJFk-00948-00315831-00316119": "god i'll give the man back his gun don't", "7svap67mJFk-00949-00316120-00316191": "do that", "7svap67mJFk-00950-00316192-00317767": "cosmo hold up somebody", "7svap67mJFk-00951-00317768-00318103": "come on they shouldn't do that they'll", "7svap67mJFk-00952-00318104-00318257": "go", "7svap67mJFk-00953-00318258-00319054": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00954-00319055-00319527": "they go on me they go of me", "7svap67mJFk-00955-00319528-00319663": "you shouldn't have made me do that do", "7svap67mJFk-00956-00319664-00319847": "you want to go to jail no but we can't", "7svap67mJFk-00957-00319848-00319999": "go on like this my wife's the police", "7svap67mJFk-00958-00320000-00320127": "what do you suppose they think they", "7svap67mJFk-00959-00320128-00320263": "think you're guilty of housebreaking and", "7svap67mJFk-00960-00320264-00320454": "murder yes come on let's find my body no", "7svap67mJFk-00961-00320455-00320606": "because after we do find it then i will", "7svap67mJFk-00962-00320607-00320743": "be accused of murdering but i've got", "7svap67mJFk-00963-00320744-00320895": "evidence to prove you're innocent", "7svap67mJFk-00964-00320896-00321054": "whatever this note i was supposed to", "7svap67mJFk-00965-00321055-00321230": "have written and but didn't", "7svap67mJFk-00966-00321231-00321543": "who did i'll tell you when we find me", "7svap67mJFk-00967-00321544-00322489": "come on", "7svap67mJFk-00968-00322490-00322615": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00969-00322616-00324113": "you're tired i think i feel", "7svap67mJFk-00970-00324114-00326835": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00971-00326836-00327467": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-00972-00327468-00329991": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-00973-00329992-00330191": "my goodness what makes it so cold in", "7svap67mJFk-00974-00330192-00330334": "here", "7svap67mJFk-00975-00330335-00330623": "bless you you and your husband when it", "7svap67mJFk-00976-00330624-00330806": "comes to picking out husbands mrs topper", "7svap67mJFk-00977-00330807-00330975": "you certainly take the cake", "7svap67mJFk-00978-00330976-00331143": "i only took a small piece in a little", "7svap67mJFk-00979-00331144-00331303": "cup of tea and that's no reason we", "7svap67mJFk-00980-00331304-00331519": "should be locked up in here look mrs tom", "7svap67mJFk-00981-00331520-00331727": "i'm not complaining but i'm a personal", "7svap67mJFk-00982-00331728-00331982": "mate and not admiral verse oh emily shut", "7svap67mJFk-00983-00331983-00332015": "up", "7svap67mJFk-00984-00332016-00332191": "we all got pneumonia can't you break", "7svap67mJFk-00985-00332192-00332487": "down the dog it's as solid as a rock", "7svap67mJFk-00986-00332488-00332775": "come on liar what's that funny noise", "7svap67mJFk-00987-00332776-00332951": "that's my teeth tattering well why don't", "7svap67mJFk-00988-00332952-00333127": "you put them in your pocket", "7svap67mJFk-00989-00333128-00333263": "oh that's a screwdriver you need a", "7svap67mJFk-00990-00333264-00333447": "screwdriver to get them out i've got a", "7svap67mJFk-00991-00333448-00333478": "butt", "7svap67mJFk-00992-00333479-00333815": "hook where is it home on my desk oh my", "7svap67mJFk-00993-00333816-00333943": "come on everybody look around there", "7svap67mJFk-00994-00333944-00334182": "ought to be something here we can use", "7svap67mJFk-00995-00334183-00334327": "well there's nothing in this joint but", "7svap67mJFk-00996-00334328-00334510": "frozen tomatoes and", "7svap67mJFk-00997-00334511-00334695": "dead chickens look can you do something", "7svap67mJFk-00998-00334696-00334854": "with this no i give up", "7svap67mJFk-00999-00334855-00335015": "may i suggest sarah that you break the", "7svap67mJFk-01000-00335016-00335215": "glass break the glass", "7svap67mJFk-01001-00335216-00335558": "okay you know i'm good at that he means", "7svap67mJFk-01002-00335559-00335743": "the glass in the door dummy", "7svap67mJFk-01003-00335744-00336082": "okay but i think you're taking a lot of", "7svap67mJFk-01004-00336083-00336191": "liberties", "7svap67mJFk-01005-00336192-00337254": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01006-00337255-00337430": "now wait a minute i'll take charge of", "7svap67mJFk-01007-00337431-00337647": "this rather you take the upstairs and", "7svap67mJFk-01008-00337648-00337830": "you take the downstairs you take this", "7svap67mJFk-01009-00337831-00337999": "personally i think someone should call", "7svap67mJFk-01010-00338000-00338239": "the police well i'll take care of that", "7svap67mJFk-01011-00338240-00339575": "check that for fingerprints", "7svap67mJFk-01012-00339576-00341666": "hear that", "7svap67mJFk-01013-00341667-00342527": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01014-00342528-00344143": "quiet toppy you'll be nervous", "7svap67mJFk-01015-00344144-00344495": "give me that eddie", "7svap67mJFk-01016-00344496-00344703": "where have you been boss that's", "7svap67mJFk-01017-00344704-00344863": "something i'll never know", "7svap67mJFk-01018-00344864-00345127": "you still looking for a body yeah it was", "7svap67mJFk-01019-00345128-00345215": "down there", "7svap67mJFk-01020-00345216-00345543": "but it just left it left", "7svap67mJFk-01021-00345544-00345782": "it just put out the sea that's the truth", "7svap67mJFk-01022-00345783-00346015": "boys but i ain't going back to prove it", "7svap67mJFk-01023-00346016-00346391": "oh yes you are yes", "7svap67mJFk-01024-00346392-00346727": "my my the things i get myself into", "7svap67mJFk-01025-00346728-00347604": "come on", "7svap67mJFk-01026-00347605-00348682": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01027-00348683-00349104": "right", "7svap67mJFk-01028-00349105-00350999": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01029-00351000-00351254": "eddie you're going to stay right here", "7svap67mJFk-01030-00351255-00351482": "until we get back", "7svap67mJFk-01031-00351483-00351775": "yes but don't matter unless you get all", "7svap67mJFk-01032-00351776-00353119": "the good odds", "7svap67mJFk-01033-00353120-00353327": "oh top you're terrible at rolling the", "7svap67mJFk-01034-00353328-00353423": "boat", "7svap67mJFk-01035-00353424-00353595": "get up front and let me do the rowing", "7svap67mJFk-01036-00353596-00353911": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01037-00353912-00354158": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01038-00354159-00354590": "here we go hold high", "7svap67mJFk-01039-00354591-00356230": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01040-00356231-00356567": "yes it is if you go out", "7svap67mJFk-01041-00356568-00356951": "i'm going with you hurry", "7svap67mJFk-01042-00356952-00357215": "help me up give me your hand why do it", "7svap67mJFk-01043-00357216-00357343": "the hard way", "7svap67mJFk-01044-00357344-00357495": "there's the orders i got from the boss", "7svap67mJFk-01045-00357496-00357647": "and them's the orders i'm passing on to", "7svap67mJFk-01046-00357648-00357687": "you", "7svap67mJFk-01047-00357688-00357958": "i'm gonna do it my way see can a guy ask", "7svap67mJFk-01048-00357959-00358054": "questions", "7svap67mJFk-01049-00358055-00358310": "no i say we don't we're here right where", "7svap67mJFk-01050-00358311-00358454": "we dump butch and liver lift", "7svap67mJFk-01051-00358455-00358727": "it's out ten miles and kenny d oh why", "7svap67mJFk-01052-00358728-00358967": "not wrap her up in a concrete mud pack", "7svap67mJFk-01053-00358968-00359119": "and drop her right here", "7svap67mJFk-01054-00359120-00359334": "that tide will take her out that's the", "7svap67mJFk-01055-00359335-00359591": "boss's orders and don't argue with me", "7svap67mJFk-01056-00359592-00359882": "go below and get that engine started", "7svap67mJFk-01057-00359883-00360131": "okay", "7svap67mJFk-01058-00360132-00361103": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01059-00361104-00361478": "gail come here quick", "7svap67mJFk-01060-00361479-00362682": "here you are in here oh dear i look so", "7svap67mJFk-01061-00362683-00362857": "uncomfortable", "7svap67mJFk-01062-00362858-00363167": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01063-00363168-00363399": "stop the engine we've got to get off no", "7svap67mJFk-01064-00363400-00363510": "you lower the boat", "7svap67mJFk-01065-00363511-00364467": "and i'll take care of them", "7svap67mJFk-01066-00364468-00364977": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01067-00364978-00366030": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01068-00366031-00366254": "keep that engine running i haven't run", "7svap67mJFk-01069-00366255-00366382": "let's stop", "7svap67mJFk-01070-00366383-00366967": "what's stopping i don't know", "7svap67mJFk-01071-00366968-00367199": "yeah dummy i expect that engine to run", "7svap67mJFk-01072-00367200-00367582": "with the juice turned off", "7svap67mJFk-01073-00367583-00369682": "give me that bond get out of the way", "7svap67mJFk-01074-00369683-00369839": "me", "7svap67mJFk-01075-00369840-00371082": "tighten it on and leave it", "7svap67mJFk-01076-00371083-00372482": "on", "7svap67mJFk-01077-00372483-00372863": "so", "7svap67mJFk-01078-00372864-00374718": "i didn't do it honest i didn't", "7svap67mJFk-01079-00374719-00375226": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01080-00375227-00375349": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01081-00375350-00376247": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01082-00376248-00377671": "come on taffy", "7svap67mJFk-01083-00377672-00377863": "what are you doing here if you'd asked", "7svap67mJFk-01084-00377864-00377999": "me that a second later you'd have been", "7svap67mJFk-01085-00378000-00378388": "talking to yourself", "7svap67mJFk-01086-00378389-00378483": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01087-00378484-00378940": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01088-00378941-00379111": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01089-00379112-00380782": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01090-00380783-00381015": "what have you got in that boat the body", "7svap67mJFk-01091-00381016-00381110": "that does it", "7svap67mJFk-01092-00381111-00381415": "no you don't trying to hide it huh no no", "7svap67mJFk-01093-00381416-00381582": "i'm bringing it back", "7svap67mJFk-01094-00381583-00381830": "bringing it back well brother you've got", "7svap67mJFk-01095-00381831-00382006": "a lot of questions to answer", "7svap67mJFk-01096-00382007-00382175": "i got a hunch it ain't gonna be no quiz", "7svap67mJFk-01097-00382176-00382399": "program don't take them upstairs", "7svap67mJFk-01098-00382400-00383095": "sorry", "7svap67mJFk-01099-00383096-00383319": "everybody here yes they're all here all", "7svap67mJFk-01100-00383320-00383454": "right", "7svap67mJFk-01101-00383455-00383775": "now get this and get it straight", "7svap67mJFk-01102-00383776-00384191": "nobody leaves this room unless i say so", "7svap67mJFk-01103-00384192-00384519": "then you stop chewing that gum julian", "7svap67mJFk-01104-00384520-00385110": "i ain't even breathing not you her", "7svap67mJFk-01105-00385111-00385295": "i'm sorry miss carrington i know this is", "7svap67mJFk-01106-00385296-00385510": "going to be a bit unpleasant for you but", "7svap67mJFk-01107-00385511-00385647": "would you mind stepping in the next room", "7svap67mJFk-01108-00385648-00387206": "with me", "7svap67mJFk-01109-00387207-00387543": "miss carrington i'm going to raise this", "7svap67mJFk-01110-00387544-00387727": "sheet", "7svap67mJFk-01111-00387728-00388969": "see if you can identify this young lady", "7svap67mJFk-01112-00388970-00389751": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01113-00389752-00389887": "how long has she been living here she", "7svap67mJFk-01114-00389888-00390415": "came here tonight with miss carrington", "7svap67mJFk-01115-00390416-00390743": "nice looking girl too bad she had to go", "7svap67mJFk-01116-00390744-00391030": "so young", "7svap67mJFk-01117-00391031-00391487": "she's got awful big feet though", "7svap67mJFk-01118-00391488-00391791": "who did that who did that", "7svap67mJFk-01119-00391792-00392095": "who hit me when i wasn't looking was you", "7svap67mJFk-01120-00392096-00392295": "in that room just now", "7svap67mJFk-01121-00392296-00392606": "not now then or ever", "7svap67mJFk-01122-00392607-00392863": "well don't tell me the joint's haunted", "7svap67mJFk-01123-00392864-00392991": "now look", "7svap67mJFk-01124-00392992-00393191": "i was standing in that room minding my", "7svap67mJFk-01125-00393192-00393310": "own business", "7svap67mJFk-01126-00393311-00393558": "just as i say what big feet she's got i", "7svap67mJFk-01127-00393559-00393704": "get slapped in the kisser", "7svap67mJFk-01128-00393705-00393927": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01129-00393928-00394249": "who did that", "7svap67mJFk-01130-00394250-00394815": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01131-00394816-00395015": "without that dog nobody now wait a", "7svap67mJFk-01132-00395016-00395182": "minute doors just don't open and shut", "7svap67mJFk-01133-00395183-00395558": "themselves yeah but that one did", "7svap67mJFk-01134-00395559-00395791": "hey who went out that door your hoodie", "7svap67mJFk-01135-00395792-00395975": "oh you feel better dear well she'd be", "7svap67mJFk-01136-00395976-00396119": "all right if charlie chan had let her", "7svap67mJFk-01137-00396120-00396230": "alone", "7svap67mJFk-01138-00396231-00396375": "sergeant roberts i don't like to", "7svap67mJFk-01139-00396376-00396630": "interfere but is it necessary to subject", "7svap67mJFk-01140-00396631-00396775": "my daughter to all this", "7svap67mJFk-01141-00396776-00397030": "she's terribly nervous won't you would", "7svap67mJFk-01142-00397031-00397215": "you please let her go to her room", "7svap67mJFk-01143-00397216-00397510": "nobody leaves this room not even me and", "7svap67mJFk-01144-00397511-00397866": "that goes for the both of us", "7svap67mJFk-01145-00397867-00398287": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01146-00398288-00398527": "big feet huh i'll match mine with yours", "7svap67mJFk-01147-00398528-00399302": "any day", "7svap67mJFk-01148-00399303-00399710": "have another don't mind if i do", "7svap67mJFk-01149-00399711-00399871": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01150-00399872-00400071": "innocent men stay home nights they don't", "7svap67mJFk-01151-00400072-00400206": "hide in ice boxes", "7svap67mJFk-01152-00400207-00400391": "and they don't take dead bodies on boat", "7svap67mJFk-01153-00400392-00400510": "rides", "7svap67mJFk-01154-00400511-00400799": "why did you kill her i didn't that's", "7svap67mJFk-01155-00400800-00401039": "only one man's opinion", "7svap67mJFk-01156-00401040-00401351": "i can prove it oh", "7svap67mJFk-01157-00401352-00401639": "leave me alone in that room for a minute", "7svap67mJFk-01158-00401640-00401751": "oh", "7svap67mJFk-01159-00401752-00402006": "i'm not that dumb well that's only one", "7svap67mJFk-01160-00402007-00402191": "man's opinion too", "7svap67mJFk-01161-00402192-00402375": "obviously let him have his way there are", "7svap67mJFk-01162-00402376-00402527": "no windows in the trophy room", "7svap67mJFk-01163-00402528-00402839": "any ice boxes no all right", "7svap67mJFk-01164-00402840-00403030": "i'll give you three minutes if you're", "7svap67mJFk-01165-00403031-00403215": "not back in this room with a 14-carat", "7svap67mJFk-01166-00403216-00403287": "alibi", "7svap67mJFk-01167-00403288-00403406": "this lady's going to make one of the", "7svap67mJFk-01168-00403407-00403615": "most charming widows i've ever met", "7svap67mJFk-01169-00403616-00404454": "oh thank you officer", "7svap67mJFk-01170-00404455-00404845": "gail dale where are you", "7svap67mJFk-01171-00404846-00405167": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01172-00405168-00405343": "just getting another bottle toppy be", "7svap67mJFk-01173-00405344-00405471": "right with you", "7svap67mJFk-01174-00405472-00405654": "and you and i'll have a little drink", "7svap67mJFk-01175-00405655-00405934": "together", "7svap67mJFk-01176-00405935-00406351": "whoops catch me", "7svap67mJFk-01177-00406352-00406686": "good boy don't help me", "7svap67mJFk-01178-00406687-00406895": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01179-00406896-00407102": "now you stand up and behave yourself", "7svap67mJFk-01180-00407103-00407399": "sweetie let me mush your hair", "7svap67mJFk-01181-00407400-00407591": "stop it will you stop it this is no time", "7svap67mJFk-01182-00407592-00407791": "to be playful", "7svap67mJFk-01183-00407792-00408175": "where's that note what note", "7svap67mJFk-01184-00408176-00408478": "the proof you said you had tommy", "7svap67mJFk-01185-00408479-00408839": "i want to lie down i'm sleepy", "7svap67mJFk-01186-00408840-00409030": "you can't get sleepy now you got me into", "7svap67mJFk-01187-00409031-00409199": "this and you've got to get me out of it", "7svap67mJFk-01188-00409200-00409695": "give me a hand oh dear here's one", "7svap67mJFk-01189-00409696-00410182": "tommy i feel so silly", "7svap67mJFk-01190-00410183-00410353": "it's like being a little", "7svap67mJFk-01191-00410354-00411487": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01192-00411488-00412017": "this feels so good put my feet up", "7svap67mJFk-01193-00412018-00412439": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01194-00412439-00412743": "gail this is serious where is that note", "7svap67mJFk-01195-00412743-00412999": "oh no try to think what you did with it", "7svap67mJFk-01196-00413000-00413166": "or i'll be arrested", "7svap67mJFk-01197-00413167-00413414": "put a cold towel on my head sweetie and", "7svap67mJFk-01198-00413415-00413822": "i'll try and think", "7svap67mJFk-01199-00413823-00414159": "when i do please try to pull yourself", "7svap67mJFk-01200-00414160-00414787": "together will you", "7svap67mJFk-01201-00414788-00415343": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01202-00415345-00415400": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01203-00415401-00415882": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01204-00415883-00416159": "uh", "7svap67mJFk-01205-00416160-00416430": "they got a little headache you know have", "7svap67mJFk-01206-00416431-00416518": "you", "7svap67mJFk-01207-00416519-00416855": "got an aspirin on you", "7svap67mJFk-01208-00416856-00417639": "no but i'll get you one", "7svap67mJFk-01209-00417639-00417926": "well that settles it that guy's as nutty", "7svap67mJFk-01210-00417927-00418087": "as a candy bar", "7svap67mJFk-01211-00418088-00418382": "sent for a straitjacket make it two one", "7svap67mJFk-01212-00418383-00419047": "for me", "7svap67mJFk-01213-00419047-00419631": "now where's that note", "7svap67mJFk-01214-00419632-00420375": "there it is down there", "7svap67mJFk-01215-00420376-00420622": "what does this prove i didn't write it", "7svap67mJFk-01216-00420623-00420703": "who did", "7svap67mJFk-01217-00420704-00421007": "lillian the housekeeper here's a sample", "7svap67mJFk-01218-00421008-00421155": "of her handwriting", "7svap67mJFk-01219-00421156-00421455": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01220-00421456-00421807": "they're identical then she must be in on", "7svap67mJFk-01221-00421808-00421951": "it", "7svap67mJFk-01222-00421952-00422414": "sit down", "7svap67mJFk-01223-00422415-00422559": "you admit you wrote that letter don't", "7svap67mJFk-01224-00422560-00422735": "you", "7svap67mJFk-01225-00422735-00422943": "yes and this is the note you found in", "7svap67mJFk-01226-00422943-00423151": "the reddit girls room", "7svap67mJFk-01227-00423152-00423383": "yes then how do you account for that", "7svap67mJFk-01228-00423384-00423647": "both being in the same handwriting", "7svap67mJFk-01229-00423647-00423951": "i don't know listen sister it looks like", "7svap67mJFk-01230-00423952-00424135": "you're all set for a first-degree murder", "7svap67mJFk-01231-00424135-00424239": "wrap", "7svap67mJFk-01232-00424239-00424431": "of course if you come clean we could go", "7svap67mJFk-01233-00424432-00424543": "a little easier on you", "7svap67mJFk-01234-00424543-00424775": "i wasn't alone in this i wrote the note", "7svap67mJFk-01235-00424776-00424910": "but i didn't kill her", "7svap67mJFk-01236-00424912-00425695": "who did", "7svap67mJFk-01237-00425696-00426318": "come on who did it it was", "7svap67mJFk-01238-00426319-00426695": "turn on the lights quick come on now", "7svap67mJFk-01239-00426696-00426887": "there's a pickpocket in the joint", "7svap67mJFk-01240-00426888-00427087": "whoever stole that witness put her back", "7svap67mJFk-01241-00427088-00427303": "jim such a seller says the icebox says", "7svap67mJFk-01242-00427304-00427479": "the attic where's the attic that's me", "7svap67mJFk-01243-00427480-00427735": "i've been in politics 10 years and i've", "7svap67mJFk-01244-00427735-00427943": "never seen anything as balled up as this", "7svap67mJFk-01245-00427943-00428214": "is", "7svap67mJFk-01246-00428215-00428422": "daryl got that front door don't let", "7svap67mJFk-01247-00428423-00428591": "anybody in around what's down there", "7svap67mJFk-01248-00428592-00428718": "that's the kitchen", "7svap67mJFk-01249-00428719-00428910": "if i find that dame in the ice box i'll", "7svap67mJFk-01250-00428912-00429031": "resign", "7svap67mJFk-01251-00429032-00429375": "and i'll drop dead oh come come now", "7svap67mJFk-01252-00429376-00429599": "brace up brace up", "7svap67mJFk-01253-00429600-00429775": "i'd appreciate it so much if you'd stay", "7svap67mJFk-01254-00429776-00429918": "here with my daughter", "7svap67mJFk-01255-00429919-00430110": "i want to talk to science robert that'll", "7svap67mJFk-01256-00430112-00430247": "be a pleasure sir come", "7svap67mJFk-01257-00430247-00431055": "come", "7svap67mJFk-01258-00431056-00431359": "now i got oh you're a horrible man i see", "7svap67mJFk-01259-00431360-00431510": "no reason for us to stay in this awful", "7svap67mJFk-01260-00431512-00431655": "house while you go around opening and", "7svap67mJFk-01261-00431656-00431743": "shutting doors", "7svap67mJFk-01262-00431743-00432007": "quietly i will not be quiet i'm so", "7svap67mJFk-01263-00432008-00432127": "nervous i could scream", "7svap67mJFk-01264-00432128-00432663": "because i think i will", "7svap67mJFk-01265-00432664-00433047": "that's fun isn't it", "7svap67mJFk-01266-00433047-00433407": "come on let's do it together", "7svap67mJFk-01267-00433408-00433807": "stay here", "7svap67mJFk-01268-00433808-00434722": "that sounds like my wife", "7svap67mJFk-01269-00434722-00435483": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01270-00435484-00436079": "uh", "7svap67mJFk-01271-00436080-00437799": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01272-00437800-00438166": "miss carrington miss carrington", "7svap67mJFk-01273-00438167-00438718": "miss carrington miss carrington", "7svap67mJFk-01274-00438719-00438903": "or where is she she was here a second", "7svap67mJFk-01275-00438904-00439087": "ago now what's happened now", "7svap67mJFk-01276-00439088-00439310": "his canyon disappeared well i left her", "7svap67mJFk-01277-00439312-00439535": "with him say what is this the fun house", "7svap67mJFk-01278-00439535-00439647": "of the beach", "7svap67mJFk-01279-00439647-00439870": "everybody that talks to you disappears", "7svap67mJFk-01280-00439871-00440031": "now i'm talking to you", "7svap67mJFk-01281-00440032-00440263": "i suppose i'll turn up missing that is", "7svap67mJFk-01282-00440264-00440447": "the best suggestion you've made tonight", "7svap67mJFk-01283-00440447-00440670": "well that's all right", "7svap67mJFk-01284-00440671-00440910": "don't you ever park me a fire plug", "7svap67mJFk-01285-00440912-00440991": "that's for you", "7svap67mJFk-01286-00440992-00441295": "officer i i want to go home", "7svap67mJFk-01287-00441296-00441543": "i'll tell you when to go and i'll tell", "7svap67mJFk-01288-00441543-00441743": "you where to go", "7svap67mJFk-01289-00441743-00442824": "sit down", "7svap67mJFk-01290-00442825-00442966": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01291-00442967-00443263": "gail anne's disappeared disappeared", "7svap67mJFk-01292-00443264-00443375": "entirely", "7svap67mJFk-01293-00443376-00443535": "well we've got to find her police won't", "7svap67mJFk-01294-00443535-00443703": "let me out of their sight", "7svap67mJFk-01295-00443704-00444127": "well they can't stop me", "7svap67mJFk-01296-00444128-00444318": "don't go out there mrs thomas just", "7svap67mJFk-01297-00444319-00445439": "outside i'll fix that", "7svap67mJFk-01298-00445439-00445791": "well where is she where where where is", "7svap67mJFk-01299-00445792-00446014": "julia you know perfectly well who i mean", "7svap67mJFk-01300-00446015-00446279": "that that girl but there wasn't any oh", "7svap67mJFk-01301-00446280-00446479": "yes there was i heard you both in that", "7svap67mJFk-01302-00446480-00446543": "room", "7svap67mJFk-01303-00446543-00446735": "pardon me miss topper but it's getting", "7svap67mJFk-01304-00446735-00446935": "kind of late uh can we settle this at", "7svap67mJFk-01305-00446935-00446966": "home", "7svap67mJFk-01306-00446967-00447263": "edward don't interrupt yes cosmo i", "7svap67mJFk-01307-00447264-00447422": "should think after 20 years of married", "7svap67mJFk-01308-00447423-00447607": "life you wouldn't try to deceive me", "7svap67mJFk-01309-00447608-00447807": "why i remember our honeymoon in atlantic", "7svap67mJFk-01310-00447808-00448022": "city you promised me you never look at", "7svap67mJFk-01311-00448023-00448289": "another woman", "7svap67mJFk-01312-00448289-00449207": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01313-00449208-00449366": "you better keep away from me oh you'll", "7svap67mJFk-01314-00449367-00451393": "be a coat", "7svap67mJFk-01315-00451395-00452283": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01316-00452284-00452384": "me", "7svap67mJFk-01317-00452385-00455083": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01318-00455084-00455238": "foreign", "7svap67mJFk-01319-00455239-00456287": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01320-00456288-00456483": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01321-00456484-00457883": "hmm", "7svap67mJFk-01322-00457884-00458622": "so", "7svap67mJFk-01323-00458623-00459422": "hey taxi", "7svap67mJFk-01324-00459424-00460566": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01325-00460567-00460814": "clara please i've had a frightful night", "7svap67mJFk-01326-00460815-00460903": "boss wait", "7svap67mJFk-01327-00460904-00461175": "don't sit in that chair whatever you do", "7svap67mJFk-01328-00461176-00461318": "don't sit in that chair", "7svap67mJFk-01329-00461319-00461583": "edward will you stop interrupting well", "7svap67mJFk-01330-00461584-00461718": "you're all wet", "7svap67mJFk-01331-00461719-00461903": "is it raining out oh but you haven't", "7svap67mJFk-01332-00461904-00462143": "been out can't be raining in", "7svap67mJFk-01333-00462143-00462366": "well if it has it's all cleared up kill", "7svap67mJFk-01334-00462367-00462518": "i can't stand much more", "7svap67mJFk-01335-00462519-00462695": "oh boss that chair's deceptive", "7svap67mJFk-01336-00462696-00462927": "destructible distrustworthy and this is", "7svap67mJFk-01337-00462928-00463079": "the voice of experience what", "7svap67mJFk-01338-00463080-00463279": "are you talking about boss you sit in", "7svap67mJFk-01339-00463280-00463431": "that chair and things happen", "7svap67mJFk-01340-00463432-00463655": "quick oh don't talk nonsense it ain't", "7svap67mJFk-01341-00463656-00463831": "nonsense it's serious", "7svap67mJFk-01342-00463832-00464166": "look boys i sat in that chair just like", "7svap67mJFk-01343-00464167-00464255": "this", "7svap67mJFk-01344-00464256-00464599": "cross my leg just like this lean back", "7svap67mJFk-01345-00464600-00464975": "here i go again but that's a silly way", "7svap67mJFk-01346-00464976-00465143": "to leave the room why didn't he use the", "7svap67mJFk-01347-00465143-00465207": "door", "7svap67mJFk-01348-00465208-00465566": "mr topper", "7svap67mJFk-01349-00465567-00465791": "well as i was saying i'll always stand", "7svap67mJFk-01350-00465792-00465966": "by you no matter what happens yeah", "7svap67mJFk-01351-00465967-00466159": "they'll just be quiet will you be", "7svap67mJFk-01352-00466160-00466303": "well if that's the way you feel about it", "7svap67mJFk-01353-00466304-00468366": "i won't say another word", "7svap67mJFk-01354-00468367-00468591": "cosmo what a charming idea we should", "7svap67mJFk-01355-00468592-00468735": "have one of these in our house for", "7svap67mJFk-01356-00468735-00469287": "weekend guests can't have a heaven's", "7svap67mJFk-01357-00469288-00470375": "sake get out of there", "7svap67mJFk-01358-00470376-00470551": "okay you take it down this way and you", "7svap67mJFk-01359-00470552-00470727": "go upstairs if you find anything i'll be", "7svap67mJFk-01360-00470728-00470863": "right here", "7svap67mJFk-01361-00470864-00471127": "boy what a night i've never been on such", "7svap67mJFk-01362-00471128-00471735": "a medical run in my life", "7svap67mJFk-01363-00471735-00471983": "oh i sure needed that one toppy i just", "7svap67mJFk-01364-00471984-00472159": "saw the murderer in the cellar who is he", "7svap67mJFk-01365-00472160-00472303": "i don't know i couldn't see his face but", "7svap67mJFk-01366-00472304-00472447": "he was all muffled up in a big black", "7svap67mJFk-01367-00472447-00472503": "cloak", "7svap67mJFk-01368-00472504-00472695": "well whoever he is he was in that room", "7svap67mJFk-01369-00472696-00472847": "when the housekeeper disappeared", "7svap67mJFk-01370-00472847-00472975": "because i found a contraption in the", "7svap67mJFk-01371-00472976-00473110": "fireplace that operates the chair she", "7svap67mJFk-01372-00473112-00473231": "was sitting on", "7svap67mJFk-01373-00473232-00473422": "top what we've got to make him convict", "7svap67mJFk-01374-00473423-00473535": "himself", "7svap67mJFk-01375-00473535-00473814": "oh you sit in that chair and tell them", "7svap67mJFk-01376-00473815-00474031": "that you know who the murderer is", "7svap67mJFk-01377-00474032-00474303": "me sitting in that chair but i'll", "7svap67mJFk-01378-00474304-00474495": "disappear too oh no not if you keep your", "7svap67mJFk-01379-00474496-00474599": "eye on the fireplace", "7svap67mJFk-01380-00474600-00474743": "and the first one that makes a move", "7svap67mJFk-01381-00474743-00475007": "toward it that's the one we're after", "7svap67mJFk-01382-00475008-00475327": "oh", "7svap67mJFk-01383-00475328-00475614": "you're not afraid what makes you think", "7svap67mJFk-01384-00475615-00475775": "i'm not", "7svap67mJFk-01385-00475776-00476007": "i simply want to tell all i know well", "7svap67mJFk-01386-00476008-00476175": "that shouldn't take very long", "7svap67mJFk-01387-00476176-00476510": "sit down now cut out the stalling", "7svap67mJFk-01388-00476512-00477207": "who killed gail richards pick them out", "7svap67mJFk-01389-00477208-00477359": "in the first place the one they wanted", "7svap67mJFk-01390-00477360-00477559": "to kill was miss carrington", "7svap67mJFk-01391-00477560-00477775": "well never mind who they were after who", "7svap67mJFk-01392-00477776-00477863": "done it", "7svap67mJFk-01393-00477864-00478335": "the murderer", "7svap67mJFk-01394-00478335-00478535": "didn't know he'd kill the wrong girl", "7svap67mJFk-01395-00478535-00478703": "when he found out he was panicky and hid", "7svap67mJFk-01396-00478704-00478822": "the body", "7svap67mJFk-01397-00478823-00478983": "you see doctor i did not have", "7svap67mJFk-01398-00478984-00479151": "hallucinations", "7svap67mJFk-01399-00479152-00479470": "very interesting", "7svap67mJFk-01400-00479471-00479614": "say what are you watching that fireplace", "7svap67mJFk-01401-00479615-00479879": "for who do you expect santa claus", "7svap67mJFk-01402-00479880-00480270": "come on who done it the housekeeper knew", "7svap67mJFk-01403-00480271-00480710": "she knew too much but she wasn't the one", "7svap67mJFk-01404-00480712-00481039": "when she was about to confess", "7svap67mJFk-01405-00481039-00481407": "she disappeared from this very chair", "7svap67mJFk-01406-00481408-00481559": "and the person who calls her", "7svap67mJFk-01407-00481560-00481735": "disappearance was standing right beside", "7svap67mJFk-01408-00481735-00482007": "this fireplace when it happened", "7svap67mJFk-01409-00482008-00482239": "what do you say doc he's looking right", "7svap67mJFk-01410-00482239-00482366": "straight at you", "7svap67mJFk-01411-00482367-00482543": "the man's mad i was nowhere near the", "7svap67mJFk-01412-00482543-00482766": "fireplace when it happened", "7svap67mJFk-01413-00482767-00483095": "i was over there", "7svap67mJFk-01414-00483096-00483359": "rama you were standing here by the", "7svap67mJFk-01415-00483360-00483447": "fireplace", "7svap67mJFk-01416-00483447-00483670": "you're mistaken dr jairus i was standing", "7svap67mJFk-01417-00483671-00483822": "by the library door", "7svap67mJFk-01418-00483823-00484135": "oh wait a minute who was standing by the", "7svap67mJFk-01419-00484135-00484262": "fireplace when the housekeeper", "7svap67mJFk-01420-00484263-00484366": "disappeared", "7svap67mJFk-01421-00484367-00484735": "my father you were there", "7svap67mJFk-01422-00484735-00485191": "why yes come to think of it i was", "7svap67mJFk-01423-00485192-00485462": "mr carrington would you mind sitting in", "7svap67mJFk-01424-00485463-00485679": "that chair", "7svap67mJFk-01425-00485680-00487529": "of course not", "7svap67mJFk-01426-00487530-00487935": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01427-00487935-00488903": "get him up oliver cut him up", "7svap67mJFk-01428-00488904-00489214": "father never mind that put your hands up", "7svap67mJFk-01429-00489215-00489327": "toe", "7svap67mJFk-01430-00489328-00489518": "and if you've got any sense you won't", "7svap67mJFk-01431-00489519-00489647": "move a muscle", "7svap67mJFk-01432-00489647-00490022": "you see i told you it was him", "7svap67mJFk-01433-00490023-00490222": "sergeant roberts it's been a pleasure to", "7svap67mJFk-01434-00490223-00490535": "do business with the man of your", "7svap67mJFk-01435-00490537-00491483": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01436-00491484-00492837": "intelligence", "7svap67mJFk-01437-00492838-00496113": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01438-00496114-00496263": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01439-00496264-00497083": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01440-00497084-00497543": "so", "7svap67mJFk-01441-00497543-00498127": "take your hands off that wheel", "7svap67mJFk-01442-00498128-00498859": "don't be a back seat driver sit down", "7svap67mJFk-01443-00498860-00499314": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01444-00499316-00499396": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01445-00499397-00499966": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01446-00499967-00501455": "that was a close one", "7svap67mJFk-01447-00501456-00503463": "oh tight here we go again", "7svap67mJFk-01448-00503464-00504231": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01449-00504232-00505474": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01450-00505475-00506188": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01451-00506189-00506477": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01452-00506478-00506975": "[Laughter]", "7svap67mJFk-01453-00506976-00507382": "you", "7svap67mJFk-01454-00507383-00509935": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01455-00509935-00510166": "well it serves you right oh i'd hate to", "7svap67mJFk-01456-00510167-00510295": "be in your shoes", "7svap67mJFk-01457-00510296-00510543": "first murder and now reckless driving", "7svap67mJFk-01458-00510543-00510751": "the recording angel will certainly throw", "7svap67mJFk-01459-00510752-00510895": "the book at you", "7svap67mJFk-01460-00510896-00511191": "so what are you doing here steady old", "7svap67mJFk-01461-00511192-00511262": "boy", "7svap67mJFk-01462-00511263-00511543": "a big pun now why did you try to kill", "7svap67mJFk-01463-00511543-00511614": "your daughter", "7svap67mJFk-01464-00511615-00511918": "oh don't be silly i'm not ann's father", "7svap67mJFk-01465-00511919-00512183": "who are you i'm walder harburg", "7svap67mJFk-01466-00512184-00512366": "carrington's partner", "7svap67mJFk-01467-00512367-00512559": "carrington was killed in the mine caving", "7svap67mJFk-01468-00512560-00512710": "so that's it", "7svap67mJFk-01469-00512712-00512895": "why are you ghost of a double cross and", "7svap67mJFk-01470-00512896-00513127": "crook and must know about this", "7svap67mJFk-01471-00513128-00513343": "too late now oh no we're stuck here till", "7svap67mJFk-01472-00513343-00513431": "she finds out", "7svap67mJFk-01473-00513432-00513655": "and when she knows the truth i can go to", "7svap67mJFk-01474-00513656-00513735": "heaven", "7svap67mJFk-01475-00513735-00513951": "and you can go to give me a pencil quick", "7svap67mJFk-01476-00513952-00514039": "and a piece of paper", "7svap67mJFk-01477-00514039-00514391": "wait a minute wait a minute", "7svap67mJFk-01478-00514392-00514695": "take a letter dear anne", "7svap67mJFk-01479-00514696-00516399": "i am not your father period", "7svap67mJFk-01480-00516400-00516566": "well if he was looking for an accident", "7svap67mJFk-01481-00516567-00516735": "he sure found it", "7svap67mJFk-01482-00516735-00516855": "this is gonna cost him his driver's", "7svap67mJFk-01483-00516856-00517131": "license you know that don't you come on", "7svap67mJFk-01484-00517132-00517295": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01485-00517296-00518079": "here toppy give this to him", "7svap67mJFk-01486-00518080-00518207": "i'm sorry about your father miss", "7svap67mJFk-01487-00518208-00518351": "carrington wait a minute he wasn't her", "7svap67mJFk-01488-00518352-00519110": "father miss kanger this is for you", "7svap67mJFk-01489-00519112-00519310": "well what's this all about oh here read", "7svap67mJFk-01490-00519312-00519631": "it or am i expecting too much", "7svap67mJFk-01491-00519632-00519935": "where did you get this note it flew into", "7svap67mJFk-01492-00519935-00520135": "my hand", "7svap67mJFk-01493-00520135-00520470": "notes the fly fathers of eight fathers", "7svap67mJFk-01494-00520471-00520710": "leaping chairs come on let's get out of", "7svap67mJFk-01495-00520712-00521022": "here before the trees start talking", "7svap67mJFk-01496-00521023-00521335": "edward edward where are you", "7svap67mJFk-01497-00521335-00521670": "here i am", "7svap67mJFk-01498-00521671-00521951": "and here i go edwin come back here not", "7svap67mJFk-01499-00521952-00521991": "me", "7svap67mJFk-01500-00521992-00522191": "from now on i used to be your shoulder", "7svap67mJFk-01501-00522192-00522351": "if you were to drive us home", "7svap67mJFk-01502-00522352-00522575": "not in that car enough is enough and", "7svap67mJFk-01503-00522576-00522775": "that's what i've had a abundancy", "7svap67mJFk-01504-00522776-00523070": "of very well if that's the way you feel", "7svap67mJFk-01505-00523071-00523295": "about it emily will drive us", "7svap67mJFk-01506-00523296-00523575": "and cosmo this time i'll sit on your lap", "7svap67mJFk-01507-00523576-00523775": "all right donnie", "7svap67mJFk-01508-00523776-00524087": "emily do you know how to drive no ma'am", "7svap67mJFk-01509-00524088-00524563": "isn't it exciting", "7svap67mJFk-01510-00524564-00524951": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01511-00524952-00525343": "thanks eddie you've been a great help", "7svap67mJFk-01512-00525344-00526483": "sorry i had to dump you in the water old", "7svap67mJFk-01513-00526484-00526737": "boy", "7svap67mJFk-01514-00526738-00527224": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01515-00527225-00528522": "[Music]", "7svap67mJFk-01516-00528523-00530111": "[Applause]", "7svap67mJFk-01517-00530112-00530319": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7sJE-8Wmncc", "text": {"7sJE-8Wmncc-00000-00000102-00001604": "[Music]", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00001-00001605-00002247": "[Music]", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00002-00002248-00002452": "so", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00003-00002453-00003703": "[Music]", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00004-00003704-00004053": "so", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00005-00004054-00004847": "[Music]", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00006-00004848-00005042": "so", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00007-00005043-00007014": "[Music]", "7sJE-8Wmncc-00008-00007015-00007223": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7t_idFnvxUU", "text": {"7t_idFnvxUU-00000-00000053-00000380": "this is a timeline of solar system", "7t_idFnvxUU-00001-00000381-00000621": "exploration ordered by date of", "7t_idFnvxUU-00002-00000622-00001157": "spacecraft launch it includes all", "7t_idFnvxUU-00003-00001158-00001472": "spacecraft that have left Earth orbit", "7t_idFnvxUU-00004-00001473-00001727": "for the purposes of solar system", "7t_idFnvxUU-00005-00001728-00001997": "exploration or were launched with that", "7t_idFnvxUU-00006-00001998-00002315": "intention but failed including lunar", "7t_idFnvxUU-00007-00002316-00002519": "probes", "7t_idFnvxUU-00008-00002520-00002876": "a small number of pioneering or notable", "7t_idFnvxUU-00009-00002877-00003322": "earth-orbiting craft it does not include", "7t_idFnvxUU-00010-00003322-00003658": "centuries of terrestrial telescopic", "7t_idFnvxUU-00011-00003659-00003906": "observation", "7t_idFnvxUU-00012-00003907-00004186": "the great majority of Earth orbiting", "7t_idFnvxUU-00013-00004187-00004426": "satellites", "7t_idFnvxUU-00014-00004427-00004735": "space probes leaving Earth orbit that", "7t_idFnvxUU-00015-00004736-00005008": "are not concerned with solar system", "7t_idFnvxUU-00016-00005009-00005326": "exploration such as Space Telescope's", "7t_idFnvxUU-00017-00005327-00005659": "targeted at distant galaxies cosmic", "7t_idFnvxUU-00018-00005660-00005974": "background radiation observatories and", "7t_idFnvxUU-00019-00005975-00006186": "so on", "7t_idFnvxUU-00020-00006187-00006507": "probes that failed at launch the dates", "7t_idFnvxUU-00021-00006508-00006759": "listed are launched dates but the", "7t_idFnvxUU-00022-00006761-00006994": "achievements noted may have occurred", "7t_idFnvxUU-00023-00006995-00007364": "sometime later in some cases a", "7t_idFnvxUU-00024-00007365-00007662": "considerable time later for example", "7t_idFnvxUU-00025-00007663-00008120": "Voyager 2 launched the 20th of August", "7t_idFnvxUU-00026-00008122-00009216": "1977 did not reach Neptune until 1989", "7t_idFnvxUU-00027-00009217-00010260": "topic nineteen Fifty's", "7t_idFnvxUU-00028-00010261-00011318": "topic 1960s", "7t_idFnvxUU-00029-00011319-00012381": "topic nineteen seventy's", "7t_idFnvxUU-00030-00012382-00013408": "topic 1980s", "7t_idFnvxUU-00031-00013409-00014453": "topic 1990s", "7t_idFnvxUU-00032-00014454-00015453": "topic two thousands", "7t_idFnvxUU-00033-00015454-00016457": "topic 2010", "7t_idFnvxUU-00034-00016458-00017501": "topic planned or scheduled", "7t_idFnvxUU-00035-00017502-00018125": "topic see also", "7t_idFnvxUU-00036-00018126-00018433": "discovery and exploration of the solar", "7t_idFnvxUU-00037-00018434-00019069": "system list of missions to the moon list", "7t_idFnvxUU-00038-00019070-00019533": "of solar system probes list of Space", "7t_idFnvxUU-00039-00019534-00020149": "Telescope's new frontiers program out of", "7t_idFnvxUU-00040-00020150-00020449": "the cradle book scientific speculation", "7t_idFnvxUU-00041-00020450-00020846": "on future missions", "7t_idFnvxUU-00042-00020847-00021342": "space race timeline of artificial", "7t_idFnvxUU-00043-00021343-00021699": "satellites and space probes", "7t_idFnvxUU-00044-00021700-00022017": "timeline of discovery of solar system", "7t_idFnvxUU-00045-00022018-00022339": "planets and their moons", "7t_idFnvxUU-00046-00022340-00022633": "timeline of first orbital launches by", "7t_idFnvxUU-00047-00022634-00023089": "country timeline of space travel by", "7t_idFnvxUU-00048-00023090-00023365": "nationality"}}, {"audio_id": "7t_RCoif0q4", "text": {"7t_RCoif0q4-00000-00000012-00000299": "PJ humps presents a new vision for", "7t_RCoif0q4-00001-00000300-00000526": "society and research Association", "7t_RCoif0q4-00002-00000527-00000797": "publishing with tangible benefits for", "7t_RCoif0q4-00003-00000798-00001073": "your organization and its members grow", "7t_RCoif0q4-00004-00001074-00001312": "and develop your community and make Open", "7t_RCoif0q4-00005-00001313-00001582": "Access a more attainable and Equitable", "7t_RCoif0q4-00006-00001583-00001841": "option for your members built on top of", "7t_RCoif0q4-00007-00001842-00002099": "phase technology infrastructure and", "7t_RCoif0q4-00008-00002100-00002399": "journal portfolio your Hub will showcase", "7t_RCoif0q4-00009-00002400-00002599": "research articles from your members", "7t_RCoif0q4-00010-00002600-00002818": "co-branded with your organization's", "7t_RCoif0q4-00011-00002819-00003089": "brand and provide tools to support and", "7t_RCoif0q4-00012-00003090-00003454": "grow a Vibrant Community publication PJ", "7t_RCoif0q4-00013-00003455-00003761": "Hubbs provide meaningful benefits for", "7t_RCoif0q4-00014-00003761-00003988": "your members with discounted article", "7t_RCoif0q4-00015-00003989-00004229": "processing charges and the opportunity", "7t_RCoif0q4-00016-00004230-00004481": "to create a hub Cooperative publishing", "7t_RCoif0q4-00017-00004482-00004756": "fund a unique way for your organization", "7t_RCoif0q4-00018-00004757-00005051": "to cooperatively support members without", "7t_RCoif0q4-00019-00005052-00005302": "the means of funding to publish open", "7t_RCoif0q4-00020-00005303-00005435": "access", "7t_RCoif0q4-00021-00005436-00005795": "pumps provide immediate access to high", "7t_RCoif0q4-00022-00005796-00006106": "quality index journals PHA journals are", "7t_RCoif0q4-00023-00006107-00006341": "open access and fully compliant with", "7t_RCoif0q4-00024-00006342-00006587": "your members OA requirements our", "7t_RCoif0q4-00025-00006588-00006805": "journals are indexed in web of Science", "7t_RCoif0q4-00026-00006806-00007145": "scopus and more with competitive metrics", "7t_RCoif0q4-00027-00007145-00007355": "and established reputations and", "7t_RCoif0q4-00028-00007356-00007696": "readership pubs provide a choice of", "7t_RCoif0q4-00029-00007697-00007960": "editorial models designed for every size", "7t_RCoif0q4-00030-00007961-00008296": "of society and research association with", "7t_RCoif0q4-00031-00008297-00008489": "editorial guidance and oversight", "7t_RCoif0q4-00032-00008490-00008746": "provided by your members you can ensure", "7t_RCoif0q4-00033-00008747-00008987": "articles published in the hub reflect", "7t_RCoif0q4-00034-00008988-00009185": "the interests and aims of your", "7t_RCoif0q4-00035-00009186-00009556": "organization pumps provide Hub metrics", "7t_RCoif0q4-00036-00009557-00009773": "to measure the impact and success of", "7t_RCoif0q4-00037-00009774-00010001": "your Hub your community and their", "7t_RCoif0q4-00038-00010002-00010228": "research download reports and", "7t_RCoif0q4-00039-00010229-00010469": "visualizations of your hub's progress", "7t_RCoif0q4-00040-00010470-00010787": "and development hubs Provide support", "7t_RCoif0q4-00041-00010788-00011045": "from PJ's industry-leading customer", "7t_RCoif0q4-00042-00011046-00011351": "service highly experienced editorial and", "7t_RCoif0q4-00043-00011352-00011585": "Publishing teams and a dedicated", "7t_RCoif0q4-00044-00011586-00011914": "editorial Community manager contact page", "7t_RCoif0q4-00045-00011915-00012191": "a today to discuss launching your own PJ", "7t_RCoif0q4-00046-00012192-00012353": "Hub and join the International", "7t_RCoif0q4-00047-00012354-00012683": "Association for biological oceanography", "7t_RCoif0q4-00048-00012684-00012952": "as one of our first Hub Partners working", "7t_RCoif0q4-00049-00012953-00013193": "with BJ was in a was actually an", "7t_RCoif0q4-00050-00013194-00013444": "excellent collaboration on the onset of", "7t_RCoif0q4-00051-00013445-00013577": "this project there was a clear plan", "7t_RCoif0q4-00052-00013578-00013786": "toward what we wanted to achieve", "7t_RCoif0q4-00053-00013787-00014022": "together", "7t_RCoif0q4-00054-00014023-00014347": "thank you"}}, {"audio_id": "7tCXcbR3QgE", "text": {"7tCXcbR3QgE-00000-00000000-00000109": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00001-00000110-00000547": "this is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00002-00000548-00001108": "oh say can you see", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00003-00001109-00001433": "John's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00004-00001434-00002383": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00005-00002384-00002963": "last believe me", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00006-00002964-00003313": "right and bright stars", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00007-00003314-00003547": "eyes", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00008-00003547-00004042": "through the mirror on despite", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00009-00004043-00004670": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00010-00004671-00006583": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00011-00006584-00007219": "through the night", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00012-00007220-00007744": "was still there", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00013-00007745-00009040": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00014-00009041-00009613": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00015-00009614-00009877": "I know", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00016-00009878-00010187": "love three", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00017-00010188-00010963": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00018-00010964-00011267": "of breaking news at 4 30 drivers stuck", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00019-00011268-00011519": "in an absolute mess on Interstate 75", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00020-00011520-00011717": "overnight after a wrong way driver", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00021-00011718-00012046": "causes a deadly crash in just hours from", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00022-00012047-00012269": "now Atlanta Medical Center Begins full", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00023-00012270-00012460": "diversion what this means for you if", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00024-00012461-00012695": "there's an emergency the death toll", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00025-00012696-00012952": "Rises and Recovery efforts continue in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00026-00012953-00013169": "the wake of hurricane Ian new details", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00027-00013169-00013444": "overnight plus how local organizations", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00028-00013445-00013705": "are helping families", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00029-00013706-00013979": "Joe Atlanta on breaking down warmer", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00030-00013980-00014236": "temperatures coming up", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00031-00014237-00014651": "Atlanta news first starts now with", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00032-00014652-00014963": "breaking news", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00033-00014963-00015215": "well that crash on I-75 still causing", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00034-00015216-00015401": "extreme delays early this morning as", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00035-00015402-00015586": "drivers begin to head to work thanks for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00036-00015587-00015772": "joining us on this Monday for Atlanta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00037-00015773-00015988": "news first at 4 30 I'm Rob Hughes good", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00038-00015990-00016108": "morning I'm group here Denzel we're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00039-00016109-00016199": "going to get to your first alert", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00040-00016200-00016349": "forecast coming up in a minute first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00041-00016350-00016541": "though we do have to get to that traffic", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00042-00016542-00016715": "alert here's meteorologist Courtney", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00043-00016716-00016955": "jakobazzi thanks so much guys yeah", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00044-00016956-00017153": "definitely a mess to start the morning", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00045-00017154-00017380": "this crash has had all lanes blocked for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00046-00017381-00017579": "quite some time there is some good news", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00047-00017580-00017717": "it might be a little difficult for you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00048-00017718-00017939": "to see but they are finally starting to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00049-00017940-00018179": "pick up the last vehicle tow trucks are", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00050-00018180-00018425": "on scene right now traffic is getting", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00051-00018426-00018683": "diverted off at the Georgia Tech and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00052-00018684-00018941": "North Ave exit so you could see some", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00053-00018942-00019199": "cars Crawling by but let me tell you you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00054-00019200-00019421": "are going to run into some very heavy", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00055-00019422-00019667": "delays on my way to work in this morning", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00056-00019668-00019936": "the 17th Street exit which is just", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00057-00019937-00020117": "before this also closed right now", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00058-00020118-00020339": "because of construction so you will want", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00059-00020340-00020705": "to take 285 as an alternate also on the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00060-00020706-00020903": "top end of the perimeter 285 westbound", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00061-00020904-00021113": "heading towards Roswell Road or near", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00062-00021114-00021358": "Roswell Road in Fulton County there is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00063-00021359-00021527": "one lane of traffic being reported", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00064-00021528-00021736": "getting by but definitely a parking lot", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00065-00021737-00022019": "on 285 so you are going to want to avoid", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00066-00022020-00022222": "that area as well you can use Mount", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00067-00022223-00022517": "Vernon Highway as an alternate a busy", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00068-00022518-00022780": "busy morning on the roads already so", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00069-00022781-00022991": "just be be sure that you're taking those", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00070-00022992-00023267": "alternate routes", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00071-00023268-00023428": "all right Courtney as we take a look at", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00072-00023429-00023603": "your forecast that's looking much better", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00073-00023604-00023800": "good morning to you as you get this week", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00074-00023801-00023980": "started it's currently 59 degrees in the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00075-00023981-00024172": "city of Atlanta so obviously a little", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00076-00024173-00024335": "bit cooler in the suburbs we're going to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00077-00024336-00024491": "take a look at those temperatures across", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00078-00024492-00024641": "the rest of metro Atlanta coming up the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00079-00024642-00024778": "winds are out of the north at eight", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00080-00024779-00024935": "miles per hour that's important because", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00081-00024936-00025127": "that Northerly wind it's what's helping", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00082-00025128-00025336": "to keep us cool and crisp and that's the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00083-00025337-00025505": "forecast going to stick around for the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00084-00025506-00025631": "rest of the day at six o'clock this", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00085-00025632-00025822": "morning 55 degrees in Atlanta a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00086-00025823-00026033": "Northwest Northeast wind rather at four", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00087-00026033-00026237": "miles per hour by 8 o'clock we'll see", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00088-00026238-00026470": "plenty of sunshine 55 degrees will be", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00089-00026472-00026608": "your temperature and then as we get", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00090-00026610-00026855": "closer and closer to lunchtime at 11", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00091-00026856-00027124": "o'clock 67 degrees will be your", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00092-00027125-00027305": "temperature so no complaints as you get", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00093-00027306-00027485": "your Monday started and believe it or", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00094-00027486-00027689": "not I'm tracking the 80s which are back", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00095-00027689-00027868": "in your forecast here as we go into", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00096-00027869-00028031": "October so don't go anywhere we're going", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00097-00028032-00028168": "to break down your complete forecast", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00098-00028169-00028385": "coming up a little bit later we'll see", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00099-00028386-00028540": "you shortly Rodney thanks if you need", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00100-00028541-00028751": "emergency care this morning you will not", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00101-00028752-00028907": "be able to count on Atlanta Medical", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00102-00028908-00029081": "Center yeah in about two hours the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00103-00029082-00029314": "hospital is ending its ambulance calls", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00104-00029316-00029567": "all emergency vehicles will no longer be", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00105-00029568-00029717": "diverted directly to Atlanta Medical", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00106-00029718-00029908": "Center beginning at seven o'clock this", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00107-00029910-00030155": "morning now this comes ahead of AMC's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00108-00030156-00030461": "closure which is November 1st today's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00109-00030462-00030743": "change means all EMS Partners will need", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00110-00030744-00030946": "to take patients to other area hospitals", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00111-00030947-00031283": "before bringing them to AMC AMC says it", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00112-00031283-00031420": "will still accept patients through", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00113-00031422-00031589": "October 14th", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00114-00031589-00031883": "well an emotional rollercoaster shine", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00115-00031883-00032123": "state is people deal with this complete", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00116-00032124-00032302": "destruction this area of flattened you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00117-00032303-00032446": "can see the beach there neighborhoods", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00118-00032447-00032681": "are full of debris and roads are now", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00119-00032682-00032849": "Rivers across Southwest Florida", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00120-00032850-00033190": "following hurricane Ian the death", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00121-00033191-00033449": "80 as Rescuers search for survivors", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00122-00033450-00033677": "Governor Ron DeSantis said Sunday more", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00123-00033678-00033977": "than 1600 people have been rescued from", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00124-00033978-00034145": "Hurricane Ian's path in parts of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00125-00034146-00034379": "Southwest in Central Florida since last", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00126-00034380-00034589": "week and as cleanup efforts continue", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00127-00034590-00034924": "more than 800 thousand customers are", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00128-00034925-00035177": "still without power President Joe Biden", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00129-00035178-00035345": "and first lady Jill Biden will travel to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00130-00035346-00035518": "Florida Wednesday to survey the damage", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00131-00035519-00035729": "but not before they tour Puerto Rico", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00132-00035730-00036101": "today following hurricane Fiona at 4 35", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00133-00036102-00036293": "here at home a lot of you have not", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00134-00036294-00036455": "hesitated to step in and help those who", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00135-00036456-00036583": "are impacted by the hurricane", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00136-00036584-00036785": "organizations are collecting donations", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00137-00036786-00036929": "and getting them to Florida just as", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00138-00036930-00037115": "quickly as they possibly can hurricane", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00139-00037116-00037324": "Ian forced families out of their homes", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00140-00037325-00037481": "causing them to lose just about", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00141-00037482-00037781": "everything their clothing Food daily", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00142-00037782-00038117": "Essentials one local organization caring", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00143-00038118-00038279": "for others has been working non-stop", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00144-00038280-00038489": "over the past few days to get trucks", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00145-00038490-00038662": "full of supplies to families in Florida", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00146-00038663-00038951": "food cleaning items and water are all", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00147-00038952-00039196": "headed south but the organization says", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00148-00039197-00039412": "it can use more donations to reach more", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00149-00039413-00039874": "victims when you have been affected in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00150-00039875-00040224": "life by some form or fashion of poverty", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00151-00040225-00040612": "you understand what it is when people", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00152-00040613-00040883": "have lost everything you're asking", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00153-00040884-00041224": "people to dig deep inside of their", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00154-00041225-00041573": "hearts and look around them and see how", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00155-00041574-00041833": "best they can contribute to this effort", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00156-00041834-00042101": "volunteers are hoping to head down to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00157-00042102-00042323": "Florida on Wednesday if you'd like to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00158-00042324-00042461": "donate you can contact them through", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00159-00042462-00042790": "their website caring for others.org well", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00160-00042791-00043109": "the countdown is on we are just 36 days", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00161-00043110-00043301": "away from Georgia's midterm election and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00162-00043302-00043462": "a battle is brewing on some high-stake", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00163-00043463-00043649": "races and Atlanta news first is here to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00164-00043650-00043865": "get you ready early voting starts two", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00165-00043866-00044051": "weeks from today and a new poll shows a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00166-00044052-00044224": "lot of Georgians are still very divided", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00167-00044225-00044452": "over two races including who's going to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00168-00044453-00044657": "be George's new governor a new Fox News", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00169-00044658-00044902": "poll shows Governor Kemp has a seven", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00170-00044903-00045137": "point lead over Stacy Abrams while the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00171-00045138-00045358": "U.S Senate race between Democratic", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00172-00045359-00045593": "incumbent Senator Rafael Warnock and his", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00173-00045594-00045845": "Republican Challenger Herschel Walker is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00174-00045846-00046096": "within the polls margin of error Warnock", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00175-00046097-00046523": "47 percent Walker 43 percent meanwhile", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00176-00046524-00046702": "election officials in Fulton and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00177-00046703-00046871": "Gwinnett counties are working to ensure", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00178-00046872-00047111": "polling places are well staffed ahead at", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00179-00047112-00047279": "the start of early voting which begins", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00180-00047280-00047507": "on October 17th Gwinnett is holding", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00181-00047508-00047662": "hiring events this week with the goal of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00182-00047663-00047962": "filling nearly 2 500 positions the last", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00183-00047963-00048130": "day to register to vote in the November", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00184-00048131-00048401": "election is October 11th you can find a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00185-00048402-00048587": "full list of early voting locations on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00186-00048588-00048839": "the Atlanta news first app", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00187-00048840-00049037": "losing your child to gun violence is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00188-00049038-00049246": "really a tough pill to swallow and one", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00189-00049247-00049408": "local family is left to plan funeral", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00190-00049409-00049601": "arrangements for a young boy found dead", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00191-00049602-00049762": "in the middle of the afternoon a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00192-00049763-00049907": "Lawrenceville family learned that their", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00193-00049908-00050129": "17 year old boy was shot to death on a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00194-00050130-00050368": "subdivision's basketball court Gwinnett", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00195-00050369-00050549": "County Police say it happened on Mary", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00196-00050550-00050830": "Court around 4 pm Sunday right now", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00197-00050831-00050980": "officers are talking to possible", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00198-00050981-00051214": "Witnesses including kids in that area to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00199-00051215-00051346": "figure out what led up to the shooting", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00200-00051347-00051676": "no arrests have been made University of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00201-00051677-00051869": "Georgia students are getting back their", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00202-00051870-00052030": "peace of mind after some disturbing", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00203-00052032-00052264": "threats made on social media police", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00204-00052265-00052541": "arrested a freshman after he or they", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00205-00052541-00052721": "allegedly made terroristic threats on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00206-00052722-00053026": "the Yik Yak app the app was actually", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00207-00053027-00053266": "shut down after a series of threats", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00208-00053267-00053435": "involving other college campuses but the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00209-00053436-00053638": "company relaunched that app last year", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00210-00053639-00053807": "all right let's get it over to First", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00211-00053808-00053992": "Alert meteorologist Rodney Harris look", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00212-00053994-00054130": "at your forecast and kind of the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00213-00054132-00054299": "remnants here it looks like of Ian", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00214-00054300-00054473": "Rodney yeah that's exactly right Rob so", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00215-00054474-00054616": "this is a lot of rain that actually", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00216-00054617-00054880": "continues across the Northeast as in has", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00217-00054882-00055066": "now pushed off the coast but if you have", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00218-00055067-00055216": "any travel plans to the Northeast", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00219-00055217-00055480": "specifically a New York Philly DC just", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00220-00055482-00055654": "know that they are still getting some", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00221-00055655-00055865": "rain from again what's left of Ian e and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00222-00055866-00055991": "there's no more but that's something", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00223-00055991-00056111": "we're going to keep you up to date on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00224-00056112-00056266": "outside of that as we take a little bit", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00225-00056267-00056459": "further toward the South it is crystal", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00226-00056460-00056650": "clear right now across North Georgia", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00227-00056651-00056854": "such a great start to your week here in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00228-00056855-00057047": "metro Atlanta it's 59 degrees in the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00229-00057048-00057275": "city right now 55 in Marietta good", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00230-00057276-00057466": "morning to you in Cobb County as we take", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00231-00057467-00057676": "you up to Roswell 59 53 in Lawrenceville", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00232-00057677-00057869": "how about Kent and Cherokee County Rob", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00233-00057870-00058199": "where are you at 49 degrees as you start", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00234-00058200-00058403": "your money that's cold I think we can", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00235-00058404-00058649": "all agree 50 in Dallas and 55 is your", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00236-00058650-00058792": "current temperature in Fairburn so let's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00237-00058794-00058954": "take you hour by hour throughout the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00238-00058955-00059044": "course of your morning you're getting", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00239-00059045-00059242": "out the door at seven o'clock 55 degrees", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00240-00059244-00059525": "63 degrees at 10 o'clock this morning", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00241-00059526-00059692": "notice those bars starting to turn", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00242-00059694-00059879": "yellow as we get into the afternoon by 1", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00243-00059879-00060107": "o'clock 72 degrees as you were coming", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00244-00060108-00060335": "home from work 76 at five o'clock and if", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00245-00060336-00060503": "you're going to have dinner tonight at", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00246-00060504-00060707": "seven o'clock 71 degrees really no", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00247-00060708-00060959": "complaints whatsoever today it will be", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00248-00060960-00061180": "mostly sunny highs in the 70s and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00249-00061182-00061325": "believe it or not I'm actually tracking", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00250-00061326-00061553": "80s in your forecast now it will get", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00251-00061554-00061769": "cold again and I'll talk about that as", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00252-00061770-00061973": "well but before it gets cold again we", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00253-00061974-00062129": "will see those 80s return to Metro", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00254-00062129-00062291": "Atlanta so don't go anywhere we'll have", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00255-00062291-00062416": "more in your forecast to come but for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00256-00062417-00062542": "now here is First Alert meteorologist", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00257-00062544-00062747": "Courtney jacobassy with another breaking", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00258-00062748-00062950": "traffic alert thanks so much Rodney yeah", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00259-00062951-00063125": "definitely a mess already on the roads", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00260-00063126-00063335": "this crash believe it or not started", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00261-00063336-00063587": "late last night just before midnight and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00262-00063588-00063863": "it does look like the last car involved", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00263-00063864-00064097": "getting loaded up onto a tow truck in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00264-00064098-00064307": "the meantime though traffic is getting", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00265-00064308-00064494": "diverted this is on the connector", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00266-00064495-00064804": "i-75-85 traveling southbound near North", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00267-00064805-00065021": "Avenue this is the North Avenue in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00268-00065022-00065249": "Georgia Tech exit that traffic is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00269-00065250-00065573": "getting diverted to but do expect some", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00270-00065574-00065831": "very very heavy delays a lot more people", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00271-00065832-00065993": "starting to head out the door now", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00272-00065994-00066149": "getting ready to kick off a new work", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00273-00066150-00066311": "week so you are going to want to try and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00274-00066312-00066550": "take the perimeter so 285 to get around", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00275-00066551-00066785": "that now taking you to the top end of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00276-00066786-00066917": "the perimeter though if you were", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00277-00066918-00067150": "traveling 285 trying to go westbound", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00278-00067151-00067432": "this is near Roswell Road there are", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00279-00067433-00067588": "three or four lanes blocked so traffic", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00280-00067589-00067865": "is Crawling by for the most part looking", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00281-00067866-00068069": "more like a parking lot now the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00282-00068070-00068273": "anticipated clear time around 5 a.m so", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00283-00068274-00068488": "another 20 minutes you can take Mount", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00284-00068489-00068741": "Vernon Highway as an alternate but even", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00285-00068742-00068879": "if you take that alternate route do", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00286-00068880-00069119": "expect delays this morning as you get", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00287-00069120-00069281": "ready to head out the door so again the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00288-00069282-00069479": "connector's southbound near North Avenue", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00289-00069480-00069713": "and then 285 westbound near Roswell Road", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00290-00069714-00069844": "you're really going to run into some", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00291-00069845-00070037": "trouble this morning so try to avoid", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00292-00070038-00070205": "those areas we'll have another check of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00293-00070206-00070313": "the roads and your first alert forecast", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00294-00070314-00070547": "coming up in just a few minutes a mess", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00295-00070548-00070723": "on a Monday morning", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00296-00070724-00071021": "yeah that's terrible it's full 40. who", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00297-00071022-00071219": "is responsible for sending dozens of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00298-00071220-00071423": "migrants to Martha's Vineyard the person", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00299-00071424-00071717": "behind the hoax is being identified how", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00300-00071718-00071903": "migrants say she lured them on the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00301-00071904-00072100": "planes in the first place efforts", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00302-00072101-00072275": "continue to keep families afloat during", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00303-00072276-00072503": "this inflation crisis a much needed", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00304-00072504-00072719": "boost in SNAP benefits helps feed", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00305-00072720-00072893": "struggling families", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00306-00072894-00073169": "and Atlanta news first puts you first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00307-00073170-00073373": "and we aren't just focused on the city", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00308-00073374-00073559": "of Atlanta we're invested in communities", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00309-00073560-00073769": "across the Metro including our viewers", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00310-00073770-00074032": "in Marietta and Cobb County in today's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00311-00074033-00074219": "Community Spotlight we're highlighting", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00312-00074220-00074494": "the historic Marietta Square we'll be", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00313-00074495-00074663": "back on Atlanta news first right after", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00314-00074664-00074855": "the break", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00315-00074856-00076306": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00316-00076307-00076938": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00317-00076939-00077159": "thank you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00318-00077160-00077387": "is your local news team actually making", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00319-00077388-00077759": "Atlanta better we are we are we are one", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00320-00077760-00078047": "investigation at a time we are Atlanta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00321-00078048-00078394": "news first back again huh You Must Love", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00322-00078395-00078623": "Lucy you're buying the next you've got", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00323-00078624-00078829": "to win one first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00324-00078830-00079126": "okay makes the match your two favorites", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00325-00079127-00079373": "for 329 at any size softening for a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00326-00079374-00079687": "dollar", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00327-00079688-00079949": "positively Georgia Atlanta news first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00328-00079950-00080159": "salutes Montlick Associates with", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00329-00080160-00080326": "hard-working attorneys who know what it", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00330-00080327-00080555": "takes to win and nearly four Decades of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00331-00080556-00080800": "giving back to our communities it's no", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00332-00080801-00081011": "surprise that Montlick and Associates is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00333-00081012-00081181": "positively Georgia", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00334-00081182-00081425": "Integrity is doing the right thing for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00335-00081426-00081641": "the right reasons if you've been injured", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00336-00081642-00081893": "will handle your case with integrity and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00337-00081894-00082061": "treat you with the dignity and respect", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00338-00082062-00082343": "you deserve we are Montlick Associates", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00339-00082344-00082771": "trusted by families for over 35 years", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00340-00082772-00083050": "Sometimes the best made plans are the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00341-00083051-00083338": "ones we make ourselves so why not have a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00342-00083339-00083626": "plan that captures the special moments", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00343-00083627-00083855": "the Treasured Memories shared with those", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00344-00083856-00084149": "you love that reflect a life well lived", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00345-00084150-00084365": "highlights your passions and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00346-00084366-00084659": "accomplishments we can help you create a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00347-00084660-00084797": "tribute that honors your life", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00348-00084798-00085025": "pre-planning will help your final wishes", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00349-00085026-00085282": "come true Gregory B Levitt and Sons", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00350-00085283-00085499": "Funeral Homes and Crematory a family", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00351-00085500-00085793": "serving families worldwide Grandma knows", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00352-00085794-00086021": "you can really say Pinnacle even though", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00353-00086022-00086297": "you pretend you can't I can say it", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00354-00086298-00086366": "grandma", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00355-00086367-00086885": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00356-00086886-00087155": "Home Improvements says no no no that's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00357-00087156-00087394": "no down payment no interest and make no", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00358-00087395-00087617": "payments for 12 months get a new roof", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00359-00087618-00087797": "installed Windows for your entire house", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00360-00087798-00088194": "or new siding now with no no no", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00361-00088195-00088468": "honey no matter how you say it Grandma", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00362-00088469-00088615": "loves you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00363-00088616-00088918": "I would describe myself as a fighter I'm", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00364-00088919-00089141": "John Morgan of Morgan and Morgan I fight", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00365-00089142-00089344": "the powerful for the powerless and our", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00366-00089345-00089549": "results speak for themselves we have", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00367-00089550-00089741": "recovered billions of dollars for our", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00368-00089742-00089944": "clients if you want a fighter you can", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00369-00089945-00090125": "count on me there's only one Morgan", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00370-00090126-00090400": "Morgan you're too busy to be sick that's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00371-00090401-00090587": "why Peachtree Immediate Care is here for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00372-00090588-00090923": "you from 8 AM to 8 PM 7 days a week so", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00373-00090924-00091097": "whether it's a nasty cold that won't go", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00374-00091098-00091331": "away a painful sore throat or an", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00375-00091332-00091559": "unexpected injury with over 40 Atlanta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00376-00091560-00091762": "area locations there's a peach tree", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00377-00091763-00091937": "immediate care just around the corner", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00378-00091938-00092147": "you never need an appointment and you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00379-00092148-00092309": "can save time when you check in online", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00380-00092310-00092525": "and as the Urgent Care partner of the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00381-00092526-00092723": "Emory Healthcare Network you know you're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00382-00092724-00092944": "in good hands Peachtree Immediate Care", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00383-00092945-00093250": "get in get out get better a police", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00384-00093251-00093443": "tasing leaves a woman without a body", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00385-00093444-00093688": "part but lawyers are justifying the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00386-00093689-00093917": "officer's actions they deliberately did", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00387-00093918-00094218": "this and there is no excuse", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00388-00094219-00094468": "the exclusive body camera footage right", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00389-00094469-00094726": "now on the Atlanta news first app back", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00390-00094727-00094991": "again huh You Must Love Lucy you're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00391-00094992-00095194": "buying the next you've got to win one", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00392-00095195-00095411": "first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00393-00095412-00095638": "okay makes the match your two favorites", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00394-00095639-00095891": "for 329 at any size soft drink for a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00395-00095892-00095981": "dollar", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00396-00095982-00096085": "Papa", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00397-00096086-00096475": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00398-00096476-00096737": "welcome back it's 15 minutes till five", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00399-00096738-00096911": "this morning we know who allegedly", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00400-00096912-00097175": "rounded up migrants from Texas to fly", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00401-00097176-00097331": "them to Martha's Vineyard last month", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00402-00097332-00097655": "Perla Huerta reportedly lured 50", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00403-00097656-00097865": "Venezuelan migrants on flights to the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00404-00097866-00098129": "Massachusetts Resort Community using", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00405-00098130-00098411": "Florida taxpayer money Huerta is a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00406-00098412-00098550": "former combat medic and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00407-00098551-00098759": "counterintelligence agent recently", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00408-00098760-00098981": "discharged after two decades in the U.S", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00409-00098982-00099155": "army according to the New York Times", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00410-00099156-00099347": "migrants say Huerta offered them food", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00411-00099348-00099550": "clothing and money in exchange to find", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00412-00099551-00099744": "others willing to fly to Massachusetts", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00413-00099745-00099953": "Huerta has not commented on the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00414-00099954-00100223": "allegations today will be historic as", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00415-00100224-00100397": "the new term of the U.S Supreme Court", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00416-00100398-00100643": "begins always on the first Monday of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00417-00100644-00100805": "October the court is going to feature", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00418-00100806-00101021": "the first black woman on the bench after", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00419-00101022-00101338": "Justice katanji Brown Jackson was sworn", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00420-00101339-00101543": "in she is more than just the first black", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00421-00101544-00101729": "woman on the high court the Court's also", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00422-00101730-00101891": "setting a record for the most women on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00423-00101892-00102155": "the bench at one time of the 115", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00424-00102156-00102353": "justices in the history of the Supreme", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00425-00102354-00102451": "Court", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00426-00102452-00102821": "108 have been white men only three have", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00427-00102822-00103030": "been people of color and only five have", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00428-00103031-00103294": "been women before kataji Brown Jackson", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00429-00103295-00103577": "was sworn in inflation is impacting many", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00430-00103578-00103786": "of us but for some families it's the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00431-00103788-00103973": "main reason they don't even have food to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00432-00103974-00104134": "put on their dinner tables that's why", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00433-00104135-00104339": "the U.S department of Agriculture is now", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00434-00104340-00104597": "increasing monthly benefits for food", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00435-00104598-00104830": "stamp recipients it's a 12.5 percent", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00436-00104831-00105071": "increase to buy groceries that amounts", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00437-00105072-00105227": "to an additional four hundred dollars", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00438-00105228-00105425": "for the average family of four each", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00439-00105426-00105665": "month now the maximum benefit will be", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00440-00105666-00105940": "939 dollars a month instead of 8.35", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00441-00105941-00106199": "nearly 41 million Americans count on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00442-00106200-00106528": "food stamps to buy groceries every month", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00443-00106529-00106745": "it is kind of a mess to start your", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00444-00106746-00106984": "Monday morning at 4 46 let's get over to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00445-00106985-00107104": "First Alert meteorologist Courtney", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00446-00107105-00107284": "jacobazi thanks so much guys yeah", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00447-00107285-00107447": "definitely where we're seeing the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00448-00107448-00107669": "biggest issue for the start of the day", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00449-00107670-00108089": "is the connector southbound so I-75 I-85", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00450-00108090-00108352": "if you're traveling through Midtown it", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00451-00108353-00108677": "does seem like all lanes are blocked and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00452-00108678-00108833": "I believe they're starting to open the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00453-00108833-00108971": "lanes if there's any way we can get the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00454-00108972-00109139": "GDOT camera behind me that would be", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00455-00109140-00109415": "awesome because uh my Max computer that", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00456-00109416-00109589": "shows you the graphics decided to freeze", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00457-00109590-00109834": "right before we came on camera but there", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00458-00109835-00110039": "are starting to be there are", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00459-00110040-00110273": "improvements are starting to occur this", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00460-00110274-00110507": "morning 285 there we go thank you guys", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00461-00110508-00110710": "so much all right so we'll get on uh", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00462-00110711-00110897": "trying to get my Max to unfreeze for me", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00463-00110898-00111034": "but in the meantime this is going to be", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00464-00111035-00111184": "some welcome news for those of you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00465-00111185-00111425": "traveling along the connector southbound", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00466-00111426-00111739": "I-75 I-85 this is near North Avenue", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00467-00111740-00112090": "starting around midnight all lanes were", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00468-00112091-00112366": "blocked due to a wrong way crash and now", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00469-00112367-00112583": "lanes are just opening so do will expect", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00470-00112583-00112781": "some delays as traffic starts to move", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00471-00112782-00113027": "again but gosh was this a mess traffic", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00472-00113028-00113213": "was getting diverted in one lane off to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00473-00113214-00113345": "Georgia Tech so this is going to be some", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00474-00113346-00113513": "welcome news for those of you starting", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00475-00113514-00113716": "to head out the door on this Monday", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00476-00113717-00113866": "morning now on the top end of the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00477-00113867-00114058": "perimeter we were watching a crash on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00478-00114059-00114358": "285 Westbound at Roswell Road that has", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00479-00114359-00114658": "since cleared as well so now all of our", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00480-00114659-00114910": "big incidents to start the morning very", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00481-00114911-00115169": "very early are cleared for you so you're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00482-00115170-00115289": "not going to have to worry about any", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00483-00115290-00115486": "crashes blocking all Lanes but do still", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00484-00115488-00115649": "expect delays traveling through Midtown", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00485-00115650-00115828": "southbound as traffic starts to pick", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00486-00115829-00116033": "back up to speed and on the top end of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00487-00116033-00116195": "the perimeter as well now here's a check", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00488-00116196-00116308": "of your forecast the First Alert", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00489-00116309-00116465": "meteorologist Rodney Harris all right", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00490-00116466-00116602": "Courtney we are still in hurricane", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00491-00116603-00116740": "season so I want to give you an update", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00492-00116741-00116945": "on the tropics because even though Ian", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00493-00116946-00117173": "is moving away from us and no longer", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00494-00117174-00117377": "impacting really Us in North Georgia", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00495-00117378-00117593": "especially we are watching two separate", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00496-00117594-00117754": "systems right now in the tropics the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00497-00117755-00117940": "first you just saw which is way out", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00498-00117941-00118115": "there near Africa that actually has a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00499-00118116-00118331": "high risk of development that tropical", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00500-00118332-00118516": "wave but that's not going to impact", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00501-00118517-00118715": "anybody it's basically going to turn up", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00502-00118716-00118907": "into the open Atlantic so no issues", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00503-00118908-00119086": "there the second wave I'm watching is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00504-00119088-00119404": "actually just east of the Caribbean so", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00505-00119405-00119584": "that gives us a little bit of concern", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00506-00119585-00119819": "because Ian started just east of the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00507-00119820-00120004": "Caribbean this has a medium risk of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00508-00120005-00120263": "developing this second tropical wave as", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00509-00120264-00120413": "it travels through the southern sections", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00510-00120414-00120563": "of the Caribbean one thing I will say", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00511-00120564-00120778": "unlike Ian the models are not really", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00512-00120779-00120947": "showing this developing that much it's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00513-00120948-00121139": "struggling to develop as it moves toward", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00514-00121140-00121307": "the west that's certainly good news but", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00515-00121308-00121433": "certainly something we're going to have", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00516-00121433-00121577": "to watch for you very carefully here", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00517-00121578-00121739": "over the next week because again it's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00518-00121740-00121973": "taking a very similar track to what Ian", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00519-00121974-00122189": "did here is a look at the season so far", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00520-00122190-00122477": "nine name storms for perspective we", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00521-00122478-00122704": "typically get 14 named storms every", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00522-00122705-00122927": "season so we're still a little bit below", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00523-00122928-00123173": "that four hurricanes so far this season", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00524-00123174-00123445": "and two major hurricanes as a reminder", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00525-00123446-00123713": "October is a month where we start to see", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00526-00123714-00123904": "our number of tropical storms and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00527-00123905-00124133": "hurricanes drop but it is still", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00528-00124133-00124390": "hurricane season until November 30th so", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00529-00124391-00124510": "we'll continue to keep you up to date", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00530-00124511-00124727": "and give you these tropical updates as", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00531-00124728-00124960": "we see more stuff out there develop for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00532-00124961-00125134": "us here closer to home a great day today", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00533-00125135-00125345": "77 degrees that's your high temperature", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00534-00125346-00125645": "no rain completely sunny as we take a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00535-00125646-00125783": "look at your seven-day forecast you're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00536-00125783-00125975": "going to really like this 77 today", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00537-00125976-00126251": "mostly sunny on Tuesday 78 degrees", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00538-00126252-00126569": "Wednesday 79 how about 82 degrees the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00539-00126570-00126784": "80s are back on Thursdays if you like", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00540-00126785-00127025": "the 80s Thursday is definitely your day", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00541-00127026-00127265": "still completely Sunny now as we go into", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00542-00127266-00127475": "Friday there's a dry cold front moving", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00543-00127476-00127649": "through so we won't get any rain with", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00544-00127650-00127828": "this front but what it will do is after", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00545-00127829-00128039": "that 82 degrees on Friday our", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00546-00128040-00128177": "temperatures are going to drop over the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00547-00128178-00128423": "weekend so how about 50 degrees when you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00548-00128424-00128669": "start your day on Saturday that 50", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00549-00128670-00128831": "is in Atlanta so if you're in the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00550-00128832-00129034": "suburbs Cobb County Cherokee County", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00551-00129035-00129340": "Gwinnett County Forsyth County 40s for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00552-00129341-00129569": "sure on Saturday morning so make sure", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00553-00129570-00129736": "and plan for that and then 72 degrees", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00554-00129738-00129934": "Saturday afternoon and then sunny on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00555-00129935-00130163": "Sunday and 73 so great weekend before we", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00556-00130164-00130331": "get to that cooler weekend we'll see", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00557-00130332-00130475": "those temperatures back in the 80s by", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00558-00130476-00130601": "the end of the week we'll keep you up to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00559-00130602-00130823": "date on this outstanding seven-day", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00560-00130824-00130997": "forecast I think we'll have more fresh", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00561-00130998-00131171": "alert weather and traffic to come give", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00562-00131172-00131381": "here I think we concur yeah we'll back", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00563-00131382-00131561": "you up on that I think that's right you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00564-00131562-00131747": "know what else is great the Braves on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00565-00131748-00131957": "the road to another Victory uh get out", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00566-00131958-00132149": "the brooms on this Monday morning what's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00567-00132150-00132352": "next for the Braves after sweeping the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00568-00132353-00132527": "Mets and what needs to be done to take", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00569-00132528-00132833": "home another title in Atlanta news first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00570-00132834-00133066": "putting you first and we aren't just", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00571-00133067-00133223": "focused on the city of Atlanta we're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00572-00133224-00133433": "invested in communities across the Metro", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00573-00133434-00133661": "including our viewers in Duluth and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00574-00133662-00133852": "Gwinnett County so in today's Community", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00575-00133853-00134002": "Spotlight we're highlighting the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00576-00134003-00134278": "historic Southeastern Railway Museum in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00577-00134279-00134519": "Duluth we'll be right back on Atlanta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00578-00134520-00135121": "news first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00579-00135122-00135793": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00580-00135794-00136771": "thank you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00581-00136772-00137152": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00582-00137153-00137363": "another station in town decided to do", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00583-00137364-00137609": "news at 3 just to make more money we're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00584-00137610-00137795": "committed to keeping you informed even", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00585-00137796-00138107": "after the elections Atlanta's first 3pm", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00586-00138108-00138425": "news cancer it's a word no one wants to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00587-00138426-00138659": "hear but at Cancer Treatment Centers of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00588-00138660-00138935": "America we hear it every day it's a word", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00589-00138936-00139175": "we've dedicated Our Lives to Overcoming", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00590-00139176-00139378": "By changing the way patients are treated", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00591-00139379-00139607": "and now we're part of City of Hope which", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00592-00139608-00139781": "is one of the nation's top 10 cancer", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00593-00139782-00140045": "hospitals together we'll combine Leading", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00594-00140046-00140219": "Edge clinical research with Precision", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00595-00140220-00140428": "cancer treatment so we can be there when", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00596-00140429-00140639": "you need us most so when you hear the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00597-00140640-00140854": "word cancer there's another word that", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00598-00140855-00141337": "should come to mind hope call now to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00599-00141338-00141652": "three show time let's go the way my", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00600-00141653-00141797": "house is decorated is almost like an", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00601-00141798-00142025": "engineer you know it's all blank walls", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00602-00142026-00142271": "couches and Furniture are against the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00603-00142272-00142373": "wall straight", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00604-00142374-00142793": "I have no plants but I do plan on uh", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00605-00142794-00143014": "upgrading at some point and when that", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00606-00143015-00143285": "point comes it will be Delta Community", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00607-00143286-00143573": "hands down I've been through this home", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00608-00143574-00143849": "buying process three times and Delta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00609-00143850-00144077": "Community by far has been the easiest", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00610-00144078-00144371": "and smoothest reading a book can change", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00611-00144372-00144587": "a child's life opening their world to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00612-00144588-00144814": "new possibilities but not every child is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00613-00144815-00144971": "a book of their own and a lot are not", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00614-00144972-00145114": "reading at their grade level together", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00615-00145115-00145343": "with Atlanta news first we've handed out", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00616-00145344-00145613": "over 65 000 books to kids across Metro", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00617-00145614-00145828": "Atlanta we are devoted to empowering", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00618-00145829-00146033": "kids to discover a love of reading and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00619-00146034-00146164": "help them make a difference in their", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00620-00146165-00146411": "lives that's why Ken Nugent attorneys at", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00621-00146412-00146633": "law are a proud sponsor of Atlanta news", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00622-00146634-00146779": "first books to kids", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00623-00146780-00148069": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00624-00148070-00148478": "thank you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00625-00148479-00148643": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00626-00148644-00148961": "turn hard-working days into Happy nights", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00627-00148962-00149254": "our battery AK homeowner system starts", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00628-00149255-00149533": "at just 199.99", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00629-00149534-00149914": "Real Steel find yours at over 10 000", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00630-00149915-00150166": "local steel dealers", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00631-00150167-00150419": "every child deserves the opportunity to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00632-00150420-00150616": "attend college no matter their family's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00633-00150617-00150814": "income that's why Atlanta news first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00634-00150815-00151013": "supports the mayor's 5K on the fifth", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00635-00151014-00151204": "Runway happening this Saturday at", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00636-00151205-00151397": "Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00637-00151398-00151649": "Airport we're closing down the runway", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00638-00151650-00151804": "early in the morning to raise", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00639-00151805-00152009": "scholarship money for students who face", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00640-00152010-00152375": "Financial barriers visit atl.com 5K for", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00641-00152376-00152633": "more information and we'll see you on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00642-00152634-00152771": "the runway", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00643-00152772-00153004": "scan the QR code now to register", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00644-00153005-00153209": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00645-00153210-00153473": "Atlanta weather is a hot mess there's", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00646-00153474-00153749": "always something to watch out for we all", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00647-00153750-00153916": "know what a drop of rain does to your", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00648-00153917-00154090": "drive that's why you need a weather team", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00649-00154091-00154331": "that puts you first with First Alert", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00650-00154332-00154552": "weather your first alert minutes before", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00651-00154553-00154793": "you go to your house hours before it", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00652-00154794-00155009": "hits the highways days before it", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00653-00155010-00155302": "threatens we are the most accurate team", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00654-00155303-00155566": "with the most weather experts so you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00655-00155567-00155843": "have more time to prepare we are Atlanta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00656-00155844-00156107": "news first and this is why we First", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00657-00156108-00156523": "Alert", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00658-00156524-00156790": "man is it a great time to be a sports", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00659-00156791-00156935": "fan in the state of Georgia from", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00660-00156936-00157121": "football to baseball teams taking home", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00661-00157122-00157366": "the W Sunday the Atlanta Braves inching", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00662-00157367-00157583": "closer to that National League East", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00663-00157584-00157876": "title the Braves finish off the Mets 5-3", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00664-00157877-00158128": "last night to complete the sweep of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00665-00158129-00158266": "their division Rivals now they have a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00666-00158267-00158495": "two-game lead in the NL East with three", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00667-00158496-00158639": "games to play the Braves will head to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00668-00158640-00158873": "Miami to wrap up the regular season just", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00669-00158874-00159107": "need to win one game out of those three", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00670-00159108-00159437": "in Miami to take the nle's title for the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00671-00159438-00159683": "fifth season in a row and after a couple", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00672-00159684-00159887": "games on the west coast the Falcons back", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00673-00159888-00160109": "at home yesterday at the bins against", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00674-00160110-00160325": "the Cleveland Browns it was back and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00675-00160326-00160445": "forth throughout but the Dirty Bird", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00676-00160446-00160825": "scored 13 in the fourth quarter to win", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00677-00160826-00161176": "23-20 next up Tom Brady in the Bucks and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00678-00161177-00161459": "believe it or not Sunday's game this", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00679-00161460-00161723": "weekend in Tampa for the NFC South lead", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00680-00161724-00161914": "both the Bucks and the Falcons are two", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00681-00161915-00162149": "and two and are currently tied Atop The", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00682-00162150-00162635": "Division", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00683-00162636-00162793": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00684-00162794-00163085": "a little taste of Nigeria families", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00685-00163086-00163421": "celebrated Nigeria's 62nd Independence", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00686-00163422-00163583": "Day over the weekend with a cultural and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00687-00163584-00163787": "business Festival it was right outside", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00688-00163788-00163949": "Atlantic Station a lot of people got to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00689-00163950-00164159": "enjoy live performances some great food", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00690-00164160-00164375": "and they got to do a bit of shopping as", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00691-00164376-00164543": "well the weather was fantastic I", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00692-00164544-00164659": "couldn't have been better", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00693-00164660-00164951": "4 56 this morning Atlanta Medical Center", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00694-00164952-00165221": "making major steps ahead of its official", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00695-00165222-00165431": "closure what the facility is doing this", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00696-00165432-00165640": "morning that may cause you to have to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00697-00165641-00165947": "divert to another local emergency room", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00698-00165948-00166216": "and Atlanta news puts you first we're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00699-00166217-00166361": "not just focused on the city of Atlanta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00700-00166362-00166516": "we're also invested in communities", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00701-00166517-00166787": "across the metro area including viewers", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00702-00166788-00167021": "in Decatur and DeKalb County and in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00703-00167022-00167176": "today's Community Spotlight we're", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00704-00167177-00167440": "highlighting a staple of the South the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00705-00167441-00167813": "ever popular Waffle House Museum we'll", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00706-00167814-00168495": "be back on Atlanta news first at 5.", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00707-00168496-00170040": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00708-00170041-00170569": "foreign", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00709-00170570-00170861": "Athens to Atlanta your first alert is on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00710-00170862-00171064": "Atlanta news first we are the local news", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00711-00171065-00171359": "team that puts you first The Big Bang", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00712-00171360-00171569": "Theory weeknights at 7 30 on Atlanta", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00713-00171570-00171675": "news first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00714-00171676-00171904": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00715-00171905-00172157": "you can get your smile back today at", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00716-00172158-00172378": "Affordable Dentures and implants we make", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00717-00172379-00172493": "high quality tooth replacement", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00718-00172494-00172733": "affordable for everyone", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00719-00172734-00172943": "so whether it's a single tooth full", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00720-00172944-00173135": "dentures or life-changing dental", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00721-00173136-00173411": "implants we have an experienced dentist", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00722-00173412-00173671": "who can help you go ahead and smile", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00723-00173672-00173945": "click or call to schedule your new smile", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00724-00173946-00174107": "consultation today", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00725-00174108-00174295": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00726-00174296-00174745": "go ahead and smile", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00727-00174746-00175007": "positively Georgia Atlanta news first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00728-00175008-00175216": "salutes Montlick Associates with", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00729-00175217-00175390": "hard-working attorneys who know what it", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00730-00175391-00175619": "takes to win and nearly four Decades of", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00731-00175620-00175859": "giving back to our communities it's no", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00732-00175860-00176075": "surprise that Montlick and Associates is", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00733-00176076-00176269": "positively Georgia", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00734-00176270-00176687": "have a car a title you can get up to ten", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00735-00176688-00176909": "thousand dollars with TitleMax go to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00736-00176910-00177131": "titlemax.com and enter your car year", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00737-00177132-00177376": "make and model see how much you could", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00738-00177377-00177466": "get", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00739-00177467-00177683": "check out titlemax.com for the most cash", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00740-00177684-00177778": "you need", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00741-00177779-00178054": "check out titlemax.com and shop us free", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00742-00178055-00178313": "check out titlemax.com all credit types", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00743-00178314-00178499": "accepted find out why so many people say", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00744-00178500-00178769": "I got my title back with TitleMax I got", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00745-00178770-00179178": "my title back with Title Max", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00746-00179179-00179435": "I'm consumer investigator Dale Cardwell", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00747-00179436-00179657": "I've done the research honest Plumbing", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00748-00179658-00179878": "Service begins with Superior Plumbing", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00749-00179879-00180119": "come on in Superior Plumbing delivers", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00750-00180120-00180395": "reliable service at a fair price", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00751-00180396-00180685": "[Music]", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00752-00180686-00181019": "at Aura with one medical we know this", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00753-00181020-00181247": "system can make anyone on Medicare Feel", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00754-00181248-00181511": "Again the doctor is running a new system", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00755-00181512-00181723": "in place", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00756-00181724-00182021": "we believe it's time to break free from", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00757-00182022-00182207": "how it's always been", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00758-00182208-00182566": "it's time to be seen heard and", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00759-00182567-00182897": "surrounded by a doctor-led care team we", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00760-00182898-00183178": "are transforming primary care for adults", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00761-00183179-00183437": "65 Plus on Medicare", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00762-00183438-00183725": "join us and Break Free", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00763-00183726-00184013": "in the race to be first getting to", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00764-00184014-00184288": "stories fast Atlanta news made it more", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00765-00184289-00184649": "about spectacle than substance now who", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00766-00184650-00184943": "would do that that's why when we break", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00767-00184944-00185309": "news you get more context about how news", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00768-00185310-00185626": "affects you more perspectives so that", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00769-00185627-00185825": "you have the complete picture and more", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00770-00185826-00186061": "first alerts to help you plan", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00771-00186062-00186413": "we are the local news team that puts you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00772-00186414-00186973": "first we are Atlanta news first", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00773-00186974-00187193": "breaking news right now at five on", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00774-00187194-00187402": "Atlanta news first a deadly wrong way", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00775-00187403-00187559": "crash overnight shutting down the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00776-00187560-00187775": "southbound connector right in the middle", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00777-00187776-00188045": "of Atlanta we're live with new details", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00778-00188046-00188285": "and thankfully that crash now clearing", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00779-00188286-00188488": "for you so traffic is starting to move", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00780-00188489-00188723": "along nicely on the latest on the roads", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00781-00188724-00188951": "across Metro Atlanta just ahead", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00782-00188952-00189119": "and there's now less than two hours", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00783-00189120-00189335": "until Atlanta Medical Center stops", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00784-00189336-00189599": "accepting emergency patients but the", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00785-00189600-00189761": "change means for the Atlanta Community", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00786-00189762-00190001": "ahead of the full closure still to come", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00787-00190002-00190163": "and Rob it's a cool starts here Monday", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00788-00190164-00190414": "but the 80s are back and you're forecast", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00789-00190415-00190571": "this week I'll break it down for you", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00790-00190572-00190757": "coming up the death toll from Hurricane", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00791-00190758-00191104": "Ian has risen to a shocking 82 just in", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00792-00191105-00191273": "Florida we're taking a look at where", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00793-00191274-00191513": "people here in our area are offering a", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00794-00191514-00191719": "hand to those hit by the devastation", "7tCXcbR3QgE-00795-00191720-00192103": "Atlanta news first"}}, {"audio_id": "7tJcje1xkIg", "text": {"7tJcje1xkIg-00000-00000183-00000430": "do you know what i hear right now i hear", "7tJcje1xkIg-00001-00000431-00000671": "the time ticking i hear the seconds", "7tJcje1xkIg-00002-00000672-00000919": "running by and i know i'm wasting my", "7tJcje1xkIg-00003-00000919-00001199": "time thinking about what i have to do", "7tJcje1xkIg-00004-00001200-00001495": "instead of doing it time we all have", "7tJcje1xkIg-00005-00001496-00001759": "been given the gift called time you may", "7tJcje1xkIg-00006-00001760-00001991": "have more or you may have less than me", "7tJcje1xkIg-00007-00001992-00002255": "but we all have been given time it", "7tJcje1xkIg-00008-00002256-00002479": "doesn't matter how much we have it", "7tJcje1xkIg-00009-00002480-00002695": "matters how we use it you can have a", "7tJcje1xkIg-00010-00002696-00002926": "week to do a job but wouldn't you be", "7tJcje1xkIg-00011-00002927-00003215": "more efficient if you only had an hour", "7tJcje1xkIg-00012-00003215-00003431": "time it's the most valuable thing on", "7tJcje1xkIg-00013-00003432-00003686": "earth even if you were to pay a million", "7tJcje1xkIg-00014-00003688-00003943": "dollars you wouldn't be able to buy a", "7tJcje1xkIg-00015-00003944-00004206": "single second of your life back", "7tJcje1xkIg-00016-00004207-00004470": "all of us can reach the stars all of us", "7tJcje1xkIg-00017-00004471-00004767": "can reach success all of us can do it", "7tJcje1xkIg-00018-00004768-00004983": "all of us have the capability to do", "7tJcje1xkIg-00019-00004984-00005279": "something great in our own ways we just", "7tJcje1xkIg-00020-00005280-00005583": "need to stop wasting our time and do it", "7tJcje1xkIg-00021-00005584-00005791": "we just need to get off where we are", "7tJcje1xkIg-00022-00005792-00006031": "sitting from right now and do something", "7tJcje1xkIg-00023-00006032-00006279": "which will actually put value into our", "7tJcje1xkIg-00024-00006280-00006606": "lives each one of us has been given time", "7tJcje1xkIg-00025-00006608-00006870": "utilizes smartly and efficiently and", "7tJcje1xkIg-00026-00006872-00007127": "that's how you will become successful", "7tJcje1xkIg-00027-00007128-00007295": "you think you may not be moving", "7tJcje1xkIg-00028-00007295-00007567": "backwards but guess what the world is", "7tJcje1xkIg-00029-00007568-00007783": "moving forward and if you're not moving", "7tJcje1xkIg-00030-00007784-00007983": "forward with the world you end up", "7tJcje1xkIg-00031-00007984-00008199": "staying backwards", "7tJcje1xkIg-00032-00008200-00008414": "you want the world to remember you then", "7tJcje1xkIg-00033-00008415-00008671": "now is the time to do something great", "7tJcje1xkIg-00034-00008672-00008846": "now is the time to do something", "7tJcje1xkIg-00035-00008847-00009142": "productive now is the time to get up and", "7tJcje1xkIg-00036-00009143-00009327": "work on your dreams", "7tJcje1xkIg-00037-00009328-00009559": "time is like a river flowing through our", "7tJcje1xkIg-00038-00009560-00009791": "lives we can either harvest fruits of", "7tJcje1xkIg-00039-00009792-00010078": "success or let it drown us into its", "7tJcje1xkIg-00040-00010079-00010303": "depths we often blame time for", "7tJcje1xkIg-00041-00010304-00010535": "everything which happens in our lives", "7tJcje1xkIg-00042-00010536-00010823": "but we fail to realize it's us who is in", "7tJcje1xkIg-00043-00010824-00011095": "control it's us who decides to swim or", "7tJcje1xkIg-00044-00011096-00011367": "drown it's us who decides what to do", "7tJcje1xkIg-00045-00011368-00011631": "when to do and how to do it no one can", "7tJcje1xkIg-00046-00011632-00011878": "force you to do anything but yourself", "7tJcje1xkIg-00047-00011879-00012119": "you are in control it's your choice to", "7tJcje1xkIg-00048-00012120-00012351": "either waste your time or do something", "7tJcje1xkIg-00049-00012352-00012735": "with it no one is responsible except you", "7tJcje1xkIg-00050-00012736-00012958": "how many of us find it hard to get out", "7tJcje1xkIg-00051-00012959-00013175": "of our beds in the morning how many of", "7tJcje1xkIg-00052-00013176-00013455": "us are too lazy to study or work how", "7tJcje1xkIg-00053-00013456-00013727": "many of us just want to stay home and do", "7tJcje1xkIg-00054-00013728-00013951": "something which will entertain us how", "7tJcje1xkIg-00055-00013952-00014286": "many of us are just wasting our time", "7tJcje1xkIg-00056-00014287-00014486": "so are you telling me you will start", "7tJcje1xkIg-00057-00014487-00014751": "tomorrow if that's the case tomorrow you", "7tJcje1xkIg-00058-00014752-00014951": "will tell me you will start from next", "7tJcje1xkIg-00059-00014952-00015183": "week and then you tell me you will start", "7tJcje1xkIg-00060-00015184-00015407": "from the first of next month and then", "7tJcje1xkIg-00061-00015408-00015607": "you will tell me you will start from", "7tJcje1xkIg-00062-00015608-00015871": "next year saying i want to start fresh", "7tJcje1xkIg-00063-00015872-00016191": "on the new years but guess what that day", "7tJcje1xkIg-00064-00016191-00016422": "will never come when you start unless", "7tJcje1xkIg-00065-00016423-00016727": "you decide to do it today keep all your", "7tJcje1xkIg-00066-00016728-00016950": "excuses behind it's not going to get you", "7tJcje1xkIg-00067-00016951-00017215": "anywhere the world is moving forward and", "7tJcje1xkIg-00068-00017216-00017407": "if you are not moving with it then you", "7tJcje1xkIg-00069-00017408-00017607": "are moving backwards if you want", "7tJcje1xkIg-00070-00017608-00017863": "something in your life just do it just", "7tJcje1xkIg-00071-00017864-00018127": "take it no one can stop you except", "7tJcje1xkIg-00072-00018128-00018247": "yourself", "7tJcje1xkIg-00073-00018248-00018511": "there is no tomorrow we don't even know", "7tJcje1xkIg-00074-00018512-00018743": "if we will have a tomorrow there is only", "7tJcje1xkIg-00075-00018744-00018967": "today there is only tonight there is", "7tJcje1xkIg-00076-00018968-00019199": "only now", "7tJcje1xkIg-00077-00019200-00019422": "you are responsible for everything which", "7tJcje1xkIg-00078-00019423-00019743": "happens to you not time every action has", "7tJcje1xkIg-00079-00019744-00019975": "an equal and opposite reaction", "7tJcje1xkIg-00080-00019976-00020214": "everything you do now will come back to", "7tJcje1xkIg-00081-00020215-00020478": "you tomorrow you put in efforts today to", "7tJcje1xkIg-00082-00020479-00020703": "do something you will surely see the", "7tJcje1xkIg-00083-00020704-00020975": "results tomorrow and if you don't it's", "7tJcje1xkIg-00084-00020976-00021239": "because you didn't put enough action to", "7tJcje1xkIg-00085-00021240-00021422": "see the reaction", "7tJcje1xkIg-00086-00021423-00021647": "do something now that your future self", "7tJcje1xkIg-00087-00021648-00021863": "would thank you for it today do", "7tJcje1xkIg-00088-00021864-00022071": "something now to make your dreams come", "7tJcje1xkIg-00089-00022072-00022303": "true do something now and mold your", "7tJcje1xkIg-00090-00022304-00022550": "future to the shape of your dreams do", "7tJcje1xkIg-00091-00022551-00022830": "what you want now there is no tomorrow", "7tJcje1xkIg-00092-00022831-00023078": "that day will never come stop wasting", "7tJcje1xkIg-00093-00023079-00023391": "your time it's now or never forget who", "7tJcje1xkIg-00094-00023392-00023655": "you are yesterday and focus on who you", "7tJcje1xkIg-00095-00023656-00023919": "will be today it's your time to shine", "7tJcje1xkIg-00096-00023920-00024167": "it's your time to rise it's your time to", "7tJcje1xkIg-00097-00024168-00024430": "lose weight it's your time to get bigger", "7tJcje1xkIg-00098-00024431-00024758": "stronger smarter wiser you have to do it", "7tJcje1xkIg-00099-00024759-00025071": "and you have to do it now it's your life", "7tJcje1xkIg-00100-00025072-00025407": "it's your time", "7tJcje1xkIg-00101-00025408-00025631": "thank you for watching if you want to", "7tJcje1xkIg-00102-00025632-00025943": "know who you are click here", "7tJcje1xkIg-00103-00025944-00026150": "and if you want to know what is your", "7tJcje1xkIg-00104-00026151-00026318": "true potential", "7tJcje1xkIg-00105-00026319-00026558": "click here and remember to share to", "7tJcje1xkIg-00106-00026560-00026862": "others so you may spread motivation", "7tJcje1xkIg-00107-00026863-00027112": "thank you"}}, {"audio_id": "7tKC1Lmyh8y", "text": {"7tKC1Lmyh8y-00000-00000096-00000191": "the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00001-00000192-00000551": "we've been doing the um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00002-00000552-00000743": "contradictions in the gospels well i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00003-00000744-00001039": "want to take a just brief uh tonight's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00004-00001040-00001158": "lesson is going to be very brief we're", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00005-00001159-00001278": "going to look at not so much a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00006-00001279-00001591": "contradiction as something that is just", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00007-00001592-00001671": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00008-00001672-00001910": "well i didn't understand it um for a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00009-00001911-00002071": "long time and that's what i call the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00010-00002072-00002263": "mystery of christmas", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00011-00002264-00002542": "um in luke chapter 2 it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00012-00002543-00002710": "it's the famous thing that the angels", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00013-00002711-00002910": "say glory to god in the highest", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00014-00002911-00003118": "and on earth peace among", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00015-00003119-00003367": "uh people who who's god's favor is upon", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00016-00003368-00003631": "whatever okay so it's that part", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00017-00003632-00003799": "that never made sense to me everybody", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00018-00003800-00003927": "quotes it around christmas time it's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00019-00003928-00004070": "like oh it's a magical time here it's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00020-00004071-00004295": "like what does that what does it mean", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00021-00004296-00004431": "you know so that's we're going to look", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00022-00004432-00004527": "real", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00023-00004528-00004822": "real quickly here", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00024-00004823-00004943": "there we go", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00025-00004944-00005135": "uh starting here suddenly a great", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00026-00005136-00005279": "company of the heavenly host appeared", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00027-00005280-00005463": "with the angel praising god and saying", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00028-00005464-00005686": "glory to god in the highest heaven and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00029-00005687-00005934": "on earth peace to those on whom his", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00030-00005935-00006086": "favor rests", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00031-00006087-00006295": "so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00032-00006296-00006463": "let's start with the basic problem of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00033-00006464-00006583": "this passage", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00034-00006584-00006831": "jesus didn't bring peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00035-00006831-00006975": "at his birth", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00036-00006976-00007183": "there was still you know crap going on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00037-00007184-00007334": "in his birth he didn't bring peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00038-00007336-00007487": "during his life", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00039-00007488-00007639": "there was still wars and crap going on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00040-00007640-00007791": "during his life and he didn't bring", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00041-00007792-00008095": "peace at his after his death in fact", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00042-00008095-00008303": "jesus death actually ushered in what's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00043-00008304-00008542": "called the birth pains in old testament", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00044-00008543-00008639": "prophecy", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00045-00008640-00008823": "and new testament prophecy too and what", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00046-00008824-00009055": "the birth pains are is the beginning of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00047-00009056-00009399": "the end so there's global wars uh global", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00048-00009400-00009735": "disease global famine uh persecution and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00049-00009736-00009878": "those things will only get worse i mean", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00050-00009879-00009999": "we've seen some of those things in the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00051-00010000-00010159": "past couple years we've seen if you go", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00052-00010160-00010310": "over history over the past two thousand", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00053-00010311-00010519": "years you've seen them as there too", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00054-00010520-00010606": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00055-00010607-00010831": "and uh things obviously seem to be uh", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00056-00010832-00010999": "mounting a little bit", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00057-00011000-00011159": "covet for instance regardless of how", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00058-00011160-00011319": "serious you think it was it did shut", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00059-00011320-00011535": "down the entire world's economy", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00060-00011536-00011638": "it's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00061-00011639-00011806": "kind of a kind of a big thing there you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00062-00011807-00011887": "know and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00063-00011888-00011999": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00064-00012000-00012142": "so whereas you didn't see a whole lot of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00065-00012143-00012303": "people actually die", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00066-00012304-00012663": "from covid you did see a lot of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00067-00012664-00012927": "impact of the virus regardless and so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00068-00012928-00013135": "when you look in revelation and it's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00069-00013136-00013286": "talking about you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00070-00013287-00013455": "the mark of the beast and about you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00071-00013456-00013591": "the global economy and all this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00072-00013591-00013807": "different stuff you saw a little bit of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00073-00013808-00014175": "a four glimpse of it with copen i think", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00074-00014176-00014375": "or foreshadowing i guess you could say", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00075-00014376-00014583": "and so we're left with the problem that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00076-00014584-00014775": "jesus didn't bring peace so what does", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00077-00014776-00014903": "this mean glory to god in the highest", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00078-00014904-00015119": "heaven on earth peace to those on whom", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00079-00015119-00015247": "his favor rests", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00080-00015247-00015527": "so in order to answer what this verse is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00081-00015528-00015679": "actually saying we have to ask a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00082-00015680-00015775": "question", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00083-00015776-00015975": "what is being said", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00084-00015976-00016063": "so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00085-00016063-00016430": "the most commonly quoted uh", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00086-00016431-00016743": "way this is said is in from the kjv", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00087-00016744-00016894": "which is very vague", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00088-00016895-00017135": "insanely vague it says this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00089-00017136-00017494": "peace good will toward men", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00090-00017495-00017758": "what does that mean like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00091-00017759-00017886": "and not that but what does that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00092-00017887-00018079": "statement actually have to do with jesus", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00093-00018080-00018263": "birth", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00094-00018264-00018422": "good will toward men what does it have", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00095-00018423-00018639": "anything to do with jesus coming like or", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00096-00018640-00018783": "is it just simply a pronouncement like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00097-00018784-00019014": "hey i'm feeling good today so good will", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00098-00019015-00019183": "towards men i'm just offering this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00099-00019184-00019391": "statement this this one time blessing", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00100-00019392-00019494": "for everybody because i'm just feeling", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00101-00019495-00019679": "so good it's like no i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00102-00019680-00019839": "that's not what's happening here this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00103-00019840-00019975": "this statement does have something to do", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00104-00019976-00020103": "with jesus", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00105-00020104-00020207": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00106-00020208-00020358": "and the thing is people say this every", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00107-00020359-00020543": "single christmas time like it's a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00108-00020544-00020750": "magical time of peace just by saying it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00109-00020751-00020919": "you're gonna you know there's not gonna", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00110-00020920-00021119": "be problems during christmas well if", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00111-00021120-00021286": "you've lived for any amount of time you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00112-00021287-00021447": "know people do still die at christmas", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00113-00021448-00021671": "time people do still lose their homes at", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00114-00021672-00021878": "christmas time christmas time isn't like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00115-00021879-00022030": "nothing bad can happen because we've", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00116-00022031-00022214": "just declared peace it's just that's not", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00117-00022215-00022327": "how it works", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00118-00022328-00022494": "um and so it seems more or less like a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00119-00022495-00022647": "pointless statement so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00120-00022648-00022878": "the second uh thing that this could", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00121-00022879-00023007": "possibly mean", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00122-00023008-00023183": "is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00123-00023184-00023407": "peace to all people", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00124-00023408-00023647": "god is pleased with all of them so let", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00125-00023648-00023767": "me kind of emphasize what that would", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00126-00023768-00023903": "look like glory to god in the highest", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00127-00023904-00024039": "heaven and on earth", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00128-00024040-00024367": "peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00129-00024368-00024535": "peace to those on whom his favorites in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00130-00024536-00024775": "other words peace among all my favors on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00131-00024776-00024894": "all of you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00132-00024895-00025071": "that's the second way it could be could", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00133-00025072-00025278": "be translated so um the problem with", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00134-00025279-00025439": "that is really", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00135-00025440-00025678": "god's favor is on everybody even evil", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00136-00025679-00025822": "people like he's like yeah you're", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00137-00025823-00026046": "killing babies it's cool it's fine my", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00138-00026047-00026231": "favor is on you i don't really see god", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00139-00026232-00026343": "doing that and then all of that but it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00140-00026344-00026623": "kind of kind of begs the question", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00141-00026624-00026831": "his favor is on people for all time or", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00142-00026832-00027102": "just for this one once one moment in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00143-00027104-00027358": "time like what are you getting at here", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00144-00027360-00027470": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00145-00027472-00027662": "and then it also kind of conjures the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00146-00027663-00027951": "question of why is god's favor on them", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00147-00027952-00028214": "and what did they do to earn this favor", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00148-00028216-00028479": "like what what's going on here so that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00149-00028480-00028718": "takes us to the third which i see is the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00150-00028719-00028951": "most realistic translation of this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00151-00028952-00029214": "section which i think this translation i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00152-00029216-00029351": "believe it's niv", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00153-00029352-00029655": "um i think it kind of emphasizes it um a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00154-00029656-00029862": "lot more than the kgv did", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00155-00029863-00030087": "so it's peace to those specific people", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00156-00030088-00030311": "that god's favor rests upon let me read", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00157-00030312-00030487": "it like that and i'll emphasize that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00158-00030488-00030646": "glory to god in the highest heaven on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00159-00030647-00030807": "earth peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00160-00030808-00031102": "to only those on whom his favor rests", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00161-00031103-00031287": "that makes more sense but then it kind", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00162-00031288-00031423": "of seems a little bit circular because", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00163-00031424-00031670": "what you're saying is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00164-00031672-00031862": "peace which seems like favor on those", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00165-00031863-00032102": "who have his peace or his favor and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00166-00032103-00032287": "that's not real you have to kind of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00167-00032288-00032446": "separate those two thoughts so his favor", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00168-00032447-00032574": "is not his peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00169-00032575-00032807": "peace on those who have his favor so who", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00170-00032808-00033046": "are these specific people who have", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00171-00033047-00033215": "his favor would be the next question you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00172-00033216-00033399": "have to ask any quite any ideas about", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00173-00033400-00033487": "that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00174-00033488-00033646": "who are these specific people who have", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00175-00033647-00034039": "his favor", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00176-00034040-00034399": "anybody", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00177-00034400-00035087": "so you're about to say something now", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00178-00035088-00035462": "yes so uh most broadly the people who is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00179-00035463-00035646": "being who are being discussed here would", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00180-00035647-00035807": "be israel because you know israel would", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00181-00035808-00036023": "be god's people so they were carrying", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00182-00036024-00036207": "the law as the forerunner of the promise", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00183-00036208-00036430": "so they finally get to see the promise", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00184-00036431-00036751": "so there's that um you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00185-00036752-00036871": "they would be that that would be the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00186-00036872-00037095": "specific people but um if you're gonna", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00187-00037096-00037295": "mention israel you have to mention the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00188-00037296-00037495": "new israel that would come which you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00189-00037496-00037711": "could easily just say god's people those", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00190-00037712-00037883": "people who love and serve him", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00191-00037884-00038199": "um so glory to god and on earth peace to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00192-00038200-00038407": "those on whom his favorite and peace to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00193-00038408-00038718": "those on on who who are his people", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00194-00038719-00038983": "um so this isn't a global declaration", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00195-00038984-00039190": "then it was it was this very pointed", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00196-00039191-00039415": "declaration but it also has what's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00197-00039416-00039623": "called global implications you guys say", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00198-00039624-00039759": "what the heck are you talking about hold", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00199-00039760-00039902": "on hold on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00200-00039903-00039983": "okay", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00201-00039984-00040118": "first off", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00202-00040119-00040383": "what is god's favor any ideas", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00203-00040384-00040974": "in this context what is god's favor", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00204-00040975-00041215": "it says peace to those on whom his favor", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00205-00041216-00041407": "rests so what is his favor that it would", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00206-00041408-00041743": "rest on us isn't it you know like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00207-00041744-00042151": "jesus", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00208-00042152-00042383": "yes i think you're on the right track", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00209-00042384-00042551": "i think that's part of the answer does", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00210-00042552-00042630": "anybody else have anything else that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00211-00042631-00042758": "they'd like to throw in before i plow", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00212-00042759-00042871": "ahead", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00213-00042872-00043039": "no no", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00214-00043040-00043287": "everything okay so his favor is a little", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00215-00043288-00043527": "bit two-part so first off god's favor is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00216-00043528-00043799": "like his unwarranted grace and mercy to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00217-00043800-00043935": "you okay", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00218-00043936-00044055": "which is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00219-00044056-00044407": "culminated or climaxed in jesus coming", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00220-00044408-00044615": "jesus coming is the ultimate expression", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00221-00044616-00044895": "of god's favor to us okay so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00222-00044896-00045087": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00223-00045088-00045367": "jesus coming is god's favor resting on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00224-00045368-00045518": "us that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00225-00045519-00045807": "that is the great sign of favor so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00226-00045808-00045951": "remember this when you're going through", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00227-00045952-00046151": "hard times you say god why are you not", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00228-00046152-00046311": "listening to my prayers why are you not", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00229-00046312-00046462": "you know doing you know all these", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00230-00046463-00046599": "different things i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00231-00046600-00046855": "remember in all of those wonderings that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00232-00046856-00047086": "jesus is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00233-00047087-00047230": "the prize", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00234-00047231-00047551": "remember that so now let's play through", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00235-00047552-00047639": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00236-00047640-00047846": "so those who accept jesus have gained", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00237-00047847-00048207": "god's favor and peace has come to them", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00238-00048208-00048374": "so what is this peace because you might", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00239-00048375-00048543": "be thinking okay i've accepted jesus i'm", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00240-00048544-00048799": "not having peace right now", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00241-00048800-00048999": "and we've talked about that in part", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00242-00049000-00049118": "we've talked about that in different", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00243-00049119-00049255": "ways about how", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00244-00049256-00049390": "you know you can't have peace if you're", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00245-00049391-00049574": "living in sin or if you're you know not", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00246-00049575-00049727": "reading the bible those kinds of things", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00247-00049728-00049823": "we've talked about those things i don't", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00248-00049824-00049918": "really want to talk about those things", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00249-00049919-00050158": "again but here i want to emphasize the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00250-00050159-00050407": "idea of what is this peace that we get", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00251-00050408-00050583": "this peace to those on whom his", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00252-00050584-00050767": "favorites what is that peace well", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00253-00050768-00051046": "jesus clarifies um in his ministry that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00254-00051047-00051246": "that this peace is not the peace as the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00255-00051247-00051502": "world gives now what that means is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00256-00051503-00051702": "how does the world give peace well the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00257-00051703-00052007": "world gives peace in a way like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00258-00052008-00052158": "maybe you don't have trouble for a few", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00259-00052159-00052358": "days just a few days of not having to do", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00260-00052359-00052615": "it with some kind of nonsense or maybe", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00261-00052616-00052838": "you conquer your enemies and you you you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00262-00052839-00052991": "subjugate them and they haha now they", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00263-00052991-00053150": "can't rise up against me", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00264-00053151-00053263": "you know things like that are the things", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00265-00053264-00053487": "that people typically call peace you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00266-00053488-00053663": "know hey we have peace as a nation", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00267-00053664-00053830": "because we've out bullied all the other", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00268-00053832-00054054": "nations you know things like that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00269-00054055-00054319": "um it's things outer things that's how", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00270-00054320-00054526": "the world gives peace outer things", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00271-00054527-00054663": "you want peace in your life you need to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00272-00054664-00054807": "get rid of all the people who bother you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00273-00054808-00054991": "you need to get rid of the job that's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00274-00054991-00055159": "how the world gives peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00275-00055160-00055350": "well god doesn't give peace like that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00276-00055351-00055566": "god gives peace like this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00277-00055567-00056103": "he gives peace in the midst of things so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00278-00056104-00056271": "peace from the struggle of the law and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00279-00056272-00056415": "endless works you don't have to earn", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00280-00056416-00056599": "your salvation anymore", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00281-00056600-00056759": "that's peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00282-00056760-00056950": "peace in your innermost part being peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00283-00056951-00057087": "of identity there's another thing that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00284-00057088-00057319": "jesus gives peace with so you don't have", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00285-00057320-00057654": "to say oh i'm worthless or you know uh i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00286-00057655-00057838": "i'm just a waste of space nobody likes", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00287-00057839-00057950": "me all these different you don't have to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00288-00057951-00058126": "have it because now we have peace in the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00289-00058127-00058326": "identity of christ so long as we accept", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00290-00058327-00058566": "it we can obviously you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00291-00058567-00058766": "decide not to listen to that we can", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00292-00058767-00058911": "decide you know i don't need the bible i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00293-00058912-00059054": "don't need to listen to this truth i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00294-00059055-00059199": "just come with my own truth in which", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00295-00059200-00059335": "case we come up with our own idea of our", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00296-00059336-00059542": "identity i am a useless person i there's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00297-00059544-00059750": "there's no point in me existing you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00298-00059751-00059959": "we can go that route but", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00299-00059960-00060175": "if we allow god to he gives us that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00300-00060176-00060391": "sense that peace and our identity that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00301-00060391-00060638": "you know hey i am a child of god i'm", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00302-00060639-00060863": "loved i'm forgiven i'm accepted", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00303-00060864-00061038": "those kinds of things so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00304-00061039-00061166": "another thing that we have is peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00305-00061167-00061382": "against sin before we were saved we were", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00306-00061383-00061719": "slaves to sin unfortunately what happens", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00307-00061720-00061919": "is as we distance ourselves from the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00308-00061920-00062119": "church from the bible from prayer from", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00309-00062120-00062359": "all those different good things for us", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00310-00062360-00062606": "we allow sin to have another place in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00311-00062607-00062847": "our life and it we don't experience that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00312-00062848-00062991": "same joy anymore because we aren't", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00313-00062991-00063182": "really set free from sin because we're", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00314-00063183-00063382": "bound again we allow ourselves to get", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00315-00063383-00063526": "caught up in the world and the cares of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00316-00063527-00063694": "the world and the and the temporary", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00317-00063695-00063854": "things that seem so looming and it's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00318-00063855-00064063": "like well they're not they're not i mean", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00319-00064064-00064254": "anything we face in life is definitely", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00320-00064255-00064375": "you know limited", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00321-00064376-00064471": "anything", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00322-00064472-00064750": "and that is the hope of christians", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00323-00064751-00064966": "um actually that's one of the big hopes", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00324-00064967-00065247": "that that paul talked about quite a bit", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00325-00065248-00065430": "was the hope that we have that this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00326-00065432-00065671": "isn't it it doesn't matter how bad or", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00327-00065672-00065911": "unfair this life is because it is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00328-00065912-00066038": "temporary", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00329-00066039-00066431": "and so that gives us hope", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00330-00066432-00066559": "another thing that we have is we have", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00331-00066560-00066726": "the peace of heaven that is coming we", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00332-00066727-00066863": "have the peace of knowing that we will", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00333-00066864-00067087": "live with god in his presence his very", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00334-00067088-00067182": "presence", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00335-00067183-00067463": "and as i as a in a sermon i mentioned a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00336-00067464-00067743": "couple of weeks ago we also have the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00337-00067744-00067855": "thing that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00338-00067856-00067999": "what we accomplish in this life is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00339-00068000-00068271": "building up treasure for us in heaven", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00340-00068272-00068519": "so i mean these are things that that are", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00341-00068520-00068623": "you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00342-00068624-00068750": "noteworthy", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00343-00068751-00069047": "um we also have peace of our inner being", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00344-00069048-00069350": "so what that looks like is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00345-00069351-00069575": "we can have we can go to go to go to bed", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00346-00069576-00069719": "at night with peace and lay our head", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00347-00069720-00069879": "down in peace and go to sleep in peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00348-00069880-00070055": "and not have to worry about things that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00349-00070056-00070199": "we used to worry about when we're living", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00350-00070200-00070303": "in sin", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00351-00070304-00070599": "we don't have to um you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00352-00070600-00070799": "in here we don't have to have a storm", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00353-00070800-00070935": "even though there's a storm going on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00354-00070936-00071047": "here", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00355-00071048-00071287": "and we can have the peace of purpose", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00356-00071288-00071455": "so knowing", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00357-00071456-00071711": "why we're going where we're going and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00358-00071712-00071935": "you know maybe you maybe as i'm", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00359-00071936-00072038": "listening to these things you might say", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00360-00072039-00072223": "well i don't have those now", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00361-00072224-00072447": "you might not but you will", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00362-00072448-00072679": "christianity is is for assured because", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00363-00072680-00072855": "we know who god is you keep seeking god", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00364-00072856-00072967": "and even if you don't have these kinds", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00365-00072968-00073206": "of pieces now you keep seeking god and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00366-00073207-00073343": "you will it's one of those things it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00367-00073344-00073494": "just promised to us", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00368-00073495-00073694": "and uh now keep in mind though having", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00369-00073695-00073855": "peace doesn't mean that you are no", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00370-00073856-00074103": "longer going through a hard time", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00371-00074104-00074231": "it is something that people kind of get", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00372-00074232-00074455": "a little bit confused on so here's some", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00373-00074456-00074855": "ways that we could reword luke 2 14. the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00374-00074856-00074999": "first way is glory to god in the highest", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00375-00075000-00075231": "and on earth peace can now be found", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00376-00075232-00075399": "among people with whom his favor has", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00377-00075400-00075487": "come", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00378-00075488-00075687": "this is this is a valid way of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00379-00075688-00075838": "understanding this and i'll say what i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00380-00075839-00075982": "mean by this", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00381-00075983-00076343": "jesus coming is god's favor so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00382-00076344-00076567": "peace can now be found because anybody", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00383-00076568-00076735": "can accept jesus", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00384-00076736-00076894": "so you could say", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00385-00076895-00077062": "and on earth peace can now be found", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00386-00077063-00077247": "among people with whom his favor has", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00387-00077248-00077494": "come god's favor is now currently on the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00388-00077495-00077638": "whole world", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00389-00077639-00077894": "by his revealing jesus to us so even if", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00390-00077895-00078126": "we don't accept it god's favor is still", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00391-00078127-00078319": "resting because he has not", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00392-00078320-00078503": "destroyed the earth he has not the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00393-00078504-00078631": "rapture hasn't happened and that's if", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00394-00078632-00078823": "this happened so his his favor is still", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00395-00078824-00079038": "resting on the earth because he's given", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00396-00079039-00079247": "given jesus and he still is offering", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00397-00079248-00079415": "that to all of us", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00398-00079416-00079638": "and the second way that we could", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00399-00079639-00079855": "re-translate this and i guess you could", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00400-00079856-00080062": "say in conclusion", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00401-00080063-00080255": "would be glory to god in the highest and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00402-00080256-00080455": "on earth peace is given to those on whom", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00403-00080456-00080750": "his favor has come or favor rests either", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00404-00080751-00080838": "or", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00405-00080839-00081062": "so the way is now open for god's people", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00406-00081063-00081247": "to have peace god's people before didn't", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00407-00081248-00081367": "have peace because they were looking", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00408-00081368-00081559": "forward to the coming christ", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00409-00081560-00081703": "they didn't have access to the holy", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00410-00081704-00081871": "spirit like we do now", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00411-00081872-00082182": "we can seek and find comfort back then", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00412-00082183-00082431": "only select few leadership was was", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00413-00082432-00082606": "blessed with the empowerment of the holy", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00414-00082607-00082791": "spirit in the new testament age we have", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00415-00082792-00082999": "a whole new thing going on because of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00416-00083000-00083223": "what jesus did the way is open also to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00417-00083224-00083455": "receive of the holy spirit so that's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00418-00083456-00083671": "extra comfort that we can have if we", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00419-00083672-00083903": "seek it the problem is today is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00420-00083904-00084023": "christians who just don't pray about", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00421-00084024-00084175": "stuff christians who don't believe", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00422-00084176-00084318": "anymore they don't they don't seek it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00423-00084319-00084406": "anymore they're just kind of like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00424-00084407-00084615": "christian entitlement whenever you find", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00425-00084616-00084775": "yourself getting into that place you're", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00426-00084776-00084967": "gonna have an idea like this oh it's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00427-00084968-00085118": "i'll never be able to get back don't", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00428-00085119-00085238": "worry about it here's the thing just", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00429-00085239-00085423": "start reading your bible start praying", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00430-00085424-00085591": "and you're not going to even realize", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00431-00085592-00085718": "that it's doing something and then if", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00432-00085719-00085823": "you just stick with it it will do", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00433-00085824-00085967": "something it's just like that is that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00434-00085968-00086191": "easy you're never it's never been too", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00435-00086192-00086326": "long for you to get back into the bible", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00436-00086327-00086567": "so the way is not open for for god's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00437-00086568-00086759": "people to have peace in in the works of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00438-00086760-00086982": "the law and life that kind of stuff so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00439-00086983-00087167": "peace is a promise given to god's people", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00440-00087168-00087294": "which is us", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00441-00087295-00087462": "like the promise that god turns things", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00442-00087463-00087638": "to our good from romans chapter 8 verse", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00443-00087639-00087815": "28 that's not that's not a promise that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00444-00087816-00087999": "extends to all mankind that's a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00445-00088000-00088271": "prominent extent to us for christians", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00446-00088272-00088582": "god god turns things around towards good", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00447-00088583-00088871": "for christians peace is a promise so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00448-00088872-00089038": "without christ that means that no there", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00449-00089039-00089206": "is in fact not", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00450-00089207-00089511": "the promise of peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00451-00089512-00089679": "but remember that that doesn't mean the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00452-00089680-00089831": "absence of problems we will still go", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00453-00089832-00090071": "through problems", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00454-00090072-00090167": "so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00455-00090168-00090423": "luke chapter 2 verse 13 through 14 is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00456-00090424-00090623": "the fulfillment of the jewish law", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00457-00090624-00090871": "they looked forward to it's it's this is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00458-00090872-00091055": "the fulfillment of it there is now peace", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00459-00091056-00091247": "accessible", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00460-00091248-00091359": "and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00461-00091360-00091615": "this is what brought us who are non-jews", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00462-00091616-00091726": "in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00463-00091727-00091903": "is that god showed us", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00464-00091904-00092079": "gave us peace and that god's favor did", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00465-00092080-00092238": "in fact rest", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00466-00092239-00092479": "and it is hope that all can be saved so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00467-00092480-00092703": "it's not just our hope it's the hope of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00468-00092704-00093015": "what can be accomplished um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00469-00093016-00093150": "in the future of other people being", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00470-00093151-00093391": "saved so uh before we cl before we end", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00471-00093392-00093567": "this i wanted to ask a question to see", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00472-00093568-00093671": "if you guys had anything you wanted to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00473-00093672-00093871": "share what is something that god has", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00474-00093872-00094406": "given you peace over in your life life", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00475-00094407-00094703": "so just something in your life um be it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00476-00094704-00094831": "you're something you're going through", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00477-00094832-00095015": "something you're in your thoughts just", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00478-00095016-00095118": "anything you don't have to be as", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00479-00095119-00095335": "descriptive as you want to that god has", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00480-00095336-00095550": "given you peace in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00481-00095551-00095759": "that i'll fail that i will fail in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00482-00095760-00095991": "school but it's not the end", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00483-00095992-00096191": "okay", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00484-00096192-00096374": "there will be failures", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00485-00096375-00096550": "but i just gotta keep getting back up", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00486-00096551-00096694": "and keep trying", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00487-00096695-00096838": "so am i right in understanding that you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00488-00096839-00097031": "were you're saying that you were afraid", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00489-00097032-00097126": "of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00490-00097127-00097535": "having fun of failing", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00491-00097536-00097838": "when i first started failing classes", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00492-00097839-00097999": "that you know i was just gonna walk out", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00493-00098000-00098182": "that was gonna be the end", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00494-00098183-00098326": "and then", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00495-00098327-00098615": "i got a random email from my advisor", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00496-00098616-00098815": "because she had noticed my gpa was", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00497-00098816-00098943": "dropping", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00498-00098944-00099126": "and she's like you know this isn't the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00499-00099127-00099206": "end", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00500-00099207-00099471": "we just have to drop you down", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00501-00099472-00099574": "she said", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00502-00099575-00099735": "you'll go back up to two classes when", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00503-00099736-00099911": "you start doing better again", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00504-00099912-00100071": "should it's not the end of the world", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00505-00100072-00100182": "well good", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00506-00100183-00100494": "she's like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00507-00100495-00100838": "we have a fail here you know unless you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00508-00100839-00100982": "know something happens and i lose my", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00509-00100983-00101143": "federal aid", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00510-00101144-00101206": "i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00511-00101207-00101455": "i won't get kicked out of school", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00512-00101456-00101759": "like they have that failsafe", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00513-00101760-00101911": "and how did that make you feel when that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00514-00101912-00102055": "a lot better yeah", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00515-00102056-00102854": "i'm not so stressed out about school", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00516-00102855-00102951": "oh no", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00517-00102952-00103102": "at least it's not math", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00518-00103103-00103494": "oh why do we take math again", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00519-00103495-00103727": "did you have something", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00520-00103728-00104039": "no yes jimmy come back to you yeah okay", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00521-00104040-00104263": "eli is there anything that's something", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00522-00104264-00104382": "that god has given you peace over in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00523-00104383-00107631": "your life anything at all", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00524-00107632-00107743": "oh good", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00525-00107744-00108375": "it's good to hear", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00526-00108376-00108519": "well good", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00527-00108520-00108663": "that's great", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00528-00108664-00109054": "i know for me um i started uh praying a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00529-00109055-00109343": "lot more than i was and something that i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00530-00109344-00109502": "have felt like i'm supposed to do for", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00531-00109503-00109623": "years but i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00532-00109624-00109815": "always found excuses and kept putting it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00533-00109816-00109895": "off", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00534-00109896-00110175": "and that's um writing i always felt like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00535-00110176-00110375": "i was supposed to be a writer but i was", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00536-00110376-00110615": "afraid to do it and i thought that my", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00537-00110616-00110807": "books wouldn't be good and so i just", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00538-00110808-00110919": "didn't try", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00539-00110920-00111095": "and uh you know found excuses and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00540-00111096-00111295": "reasons and stuff and got caught up in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00541-00111296-00111358": "in", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00542-00111359-00111583": "my job and stuff like that and i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00543-00111583-00111823": "um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00544-00111824-00111966": "recently just made the decision that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00545-00111967-00112183": "well hey you know if i fell i fell but i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00546-00112183-00112319": "gotta try", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00547-00112320-00112486": "and say something oh i'm sorry i didn't", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00548-00112488-00112910": "mean to cut you off you guys", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00549-00112911-00113343": "i haven't had anxiety", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00550-00113344-00115295": "every day", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00551-00115296-00115423": "so what you're saying is you're ready to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00552-00115424-00115719": "go back to a high stress shop", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00553-00115720-00115902": "i'm just kidding with you", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00554-00115903-00116190": "gracie um probably", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00555-00116191-00116375": "that um", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00556-00116376-00116527": "he'll always provide", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00557-00116528-00116783": "any any time that symptoms happen where", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00558-00116783-00116895": "like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00559-00116896-00117078": "i i feel like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00560-00117079-00117319": "i might be in the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00561-00117320-00117510": "negative and something", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00562-00117511-00118063": "he always provides with something else", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00563-00118064-00118271": "one thing i've noticed though", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00564-00118272-00118471": "is i've noticed that sometimes", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00565-00118472-00118599": "especially with the things that god", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00566-00118600-00118815": "gives me peace over if i get my eyes off", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00567-00118816-00118943": "of god again", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00568-00118944-00119127": "it comes back again i start getting real", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00569-00119128-00119247": "panicky again", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00570-00119248-00119495": "and i i started this bible study", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00571-00119496-00119702": "and i'm gonna bring it ready so i think", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00572-00119703-00119902": "it'd be really good for women's group i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00573-00119903-00120047": "haven't written in the book i'm running", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00574-00120048-00120199": "on separate pieces of people for that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00575-00120200-00120327": "purpose what's it though what's it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00576-00120328-00120502": "called it's called get out of your head", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00577-00120503-00120814": "by who uh i don't remember the author", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00578-00120815-00121071": "but it's strictly about", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00579-00121072-00121223": "getting your mind off of like your", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00580-00121224-00121551": "anxiety and like more focusing on god", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00581-00121552-00121814": "inside of philippians", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00582-00121815-00122078": "and it talks specifically about you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00583-00122079-00122302": "focusing more shifting your focus more", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00584-00122303-00122607": "onto god and less unlike your anxiety", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00585-00122608-00122783": "it's successions", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00586-00122783-00122999": "but i'm like okay yeah i'll get done", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00587-00123000-00123158": "with this in like a week", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00588-00123159-00123375": "it's taken me like two three days per", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00589-00123376-00123486": "session", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00590-00123488-00123719": "because it really makes you stop and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00591-00123720-00123847": "think uh", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00592-00123848-00124095": "it's really detailed well i really like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00593-00124096-00124175": "it", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00594-00124176-00124343": "but and then i started going back to the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00595-00124344-00124575": "five level languages oh yeah yeah i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00596-00124576-00124743": "really like it but", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00597-00124744-00124934": "i'm starting to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00598-00124935-00125134": "shift my focus", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00599-00125135-00125431": "back to trying to make my own life great", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00600-00125432-00125614": "great like since we've been out of the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00601-00125615-00125831": "house like jamie i've noticed since", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00602-00125832-00126007": "we've been out of the house", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00603-00126008-00126295": "we don't like going back there it is so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00604-00126296-00126390": "dark", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00605-00126391-00126583": "in that house", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00606-00126583-00126734": "which reminds me of you tried turning on", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00607-00126735-00127007": "the light it's just okay i'm joking", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00608-00127008-00127334": "so there's a lot of like coca-cola", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00609-00127335-00127483": "we don't like being in there at the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00610-00127483-00127719": "moment when we go to move we're going to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00611-00127720-00128007": "need some manpower oh that's definitely", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00612-00128008-00128263": "going to be uh gracie", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00613-00128264-00128366": "we're going to need a lot of people to", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00614-00128367-00128583": "help us", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00615-00128583-00128743": "would it be appropriate to have pastor", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00616-00128744-00128966": "make an announcement um we'd have to ask", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00617-00128967-00129158": "him for sure but i should i just wanted", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00618-00129159-00129439": "to tell you right now um if i don't come", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00619-00129440-00129623": "there's a reason for that i can't lift a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00620-00129624-00129751": "lot anymore", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00621-00129752-00129975": "so just so you understand", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00622-00129976-00130143": "i don't want i don't know what you think", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00623-00130144-00130278": "john", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00624-00130279-00130439": "like maybe damian", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00625-00130440-00130631": "because my parents jamie and i are", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00626-00130632-00130790": "taking my parents bed", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00627-00130791-00130943": "and that thing takes like five or six", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00628-00130944-00131127": "people oh yeah", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00629-00131128-00131295": "you've been broken down do you remember", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00630-00131296-00131439": "even our bed took", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00631-00131440-00131775": "like that's huge", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00632-00131776-00132014": "so i would definitely ask ask uh ask", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00633-00132015-00132135": "pastor you know", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00634-00132136-00132271": "i was like do you think", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00635-00132272-00132375": "that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00636-00132376-00132519": "because we", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00637-00132520-00132702": "the more people we have the quicker", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00638-00132703-00132887": "right and the quicker we can get out", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00639-00132888-00133135": "right yeah i don't know we don't have a", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00640-00133136-00133271": "date yet that's kind of what i'm kind of", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00641-00133272-00133439": "holding off my asking", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00642-00133440-00133607": "because we don't know because we're i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00643-00133608-00133814": "think we're going to take like a weekend", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00644-00133815-00134231": "and just relax yeah like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00645-00134232-00134431": "it's all happening", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00646-00134432-00134559": "yeah", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00647-00134560-00134702": "do you notice how you you plan for", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00648-00134703-00134919": "something for a long time and plan for", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00649-00134920-00135031": "and then when it actually happens you're", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00650-00135032-00135151": "not prepared", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00651-00135152-00135351": "i mean think about working on it for so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00652-00135352-00135519": "long and it just yeah it feels like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00653-00135520-00135702": "we're treading water i mean think about", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00654-00135703-00135783": "like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00655-00135784-00135951": "your grandma i mean we knew that she was", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00656-00135952-00136078": "going for like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00657-00136079-00136190": "forever", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00658-00136191-00136351": "like we thought she was going to pass", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00659-00136352-00136535": "like eight years ago right like she's", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00660-00136536-00136775": "been holding like even the day she", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00661-00136776-00137039": "passed when we went slow in the hospital", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00662-00137040-00137295": "i'm like she still has days long yeah", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00663-00137296-00137695": "because that's just how she was she just", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00664-00137696-00137902": "kept surprising this we thought she was", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00665-00137903-00138111": "a loser and then it happened", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00666-00138112-00138263": "and then it happened and you were just", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00667-00138264-00138351": "so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00668-00138352-00138599": "yeah it caught me so off-guard it set me", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00669-00138600-00138783": "in the drive", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00670-00138784-00139023": "like it it felt like a smack to the", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00671-00139024-00139166": "chest yeah", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00672-00139167-00139247": "and", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00673-00139248-00139439": "my brother didn't really shock me that", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00674-00139440-00139519": "much", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00675-00139520-00139695": "because i was there i saw it i", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00676-00139696-00139911": "experienced it i seen how bad a shape he", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00677-00139912-00140007": "was like", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00678-00140008-00140247": "with my grandma i it i kind of expected", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00679-00140248-00140375": "it to happen", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00680-00140376-00140671": "you know but it's still kind of caught", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00681-00140672-00140854": "how fast it is", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00682-00140855-00140935": "so", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00683-00140936-00141254": "uh next week we will be watching uh why", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00684-00141255-00141454": "i trust the bible the 10th", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00685-00141455-00141527": "uh", "7tKC1Lmyh8y-00686-00141528-00142024": "video on the on those mount series"}}, {"audio_id": "7tPdzsB2nFg", "text": {"7tPdzsB2nFg-00000-00000012-00000340": "you're smart you may disagree with this", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00001-00000341-00000886": "statement but I am indeed smart", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00002-00000888-00001120": "I mean I have no mathematician or", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00003-00001121-00001319": "anything like that but", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00004-00001320-00002117": "I'm a smart-ass", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00005-00002118-00002537": "look at all this rolling and for what oh", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00006-00002538-00002733": "[Music]", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00007-00002734-00003056": "[Applause]", "7tPdzsB2nFg-00008-00003057-00003367": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7tPjDLHG53g", "text": {"7tPjDLHG53g-00000-00000384-00000759": "all right guys", "7tPjDLHG53g-00001-00000760-00000902": "welcome", "7tPjDLHG53g-00002-00000903-00001054": "to", "7tPjDLHG53g-00003-00001055-00001158": "uh", "7tPjDLHG53g-00004-00001159-00001639": "discussion on the best meal plan", "7tPjDLHG53g-00005-00001639-00001982": "it's actually basically one meal that", "7tPjDLHG53g-00006-00001984-00002095": "gets", "7tPjDLHG53g-00007-00002096-00002407": "tweaked with little variations and it's", "7tPjDLHG53g-00008-00002408-00002615": "basically always the same there's no", "7tPjDLHG53g-00009-00002616-00002799": "need to have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00010-00002800-00002918": "a different", "7tPjDLHG53g-00011-00002919-00003158": "meal every day and actually it's healthy", "7tPjDLHG53g-00012-00003159-00003535": "for the body if the meal is good to have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00013-00003536-00003838": "very similar meal every day", "7tPjDLHG53g-00014-00003839-00004063": "the body becomes more efficient and then", "7tPjDLHG53g-00015-00004064-00004327": "there are of course a few tricks to it", "7tPjDLHG53g-00016-00004328-00004647": "so let's dive into it", "7tPjDLHG53g-00017-00004648-00005079": "this meal is based on the 4", "7tPjDLHG53g-00018-00005080-00005175": "5", "7tPjDLHG53g-00019-00005176-00005527": "5 4 1 ratio of the human", "7tPjDLHG53g-00020-00005528-00005934": "mature human breast milk and it has", "7tPjDLHG53g-00021-00005935-00006167": "several advantages and also i have to", "7tPjDLHG53g-00022-00006168-00006399": "say that this meal is", "7tPjDLHG53g-00023-00006400-00006759": "designed to", "7tPjDLHG53g-00024-00006759-00007119": "serve people who are quite active", "7tPjDLHG53g-00025-00007120-00007342": "if instead", "7tPjDLHG53g-00026-00007343-00007510": "you want to", "7tPjDLHG53g-00027-00007511-00007655": "lose weight", "7tPjDLHG53g-00028-00007656-00007751": "then", "7tPjDLHG53g-00029-00007752-00007998": "the meal would have to be adjusted and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00030-00008000-00008246": "maybe i will address that", "7tPjDLHG53g-00031-00008247-00008559": "in the end of the video", "7tPjDLHG53g-00032-00008560-00008823": "so let me just quickly scroll down to", "7tPjDLHG53g-00033-00008824-00009078": "show you here is this very nice function", "7tPjDLHG53g-00034-00009079-00009351": "if i go over it it has 39", "7tPjDLHG53g-00035-00009352-00009551": "percent carbs", "7tPjDLHG53g-00036-00009552-00009671": "51", "7tPjDLHG53g-00037-00009672-00009871": "fat and 10", "7tPjDLHG53g-00038-00009872-00010214": "protein that's almost exactly as the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00039-00010215-00010471": "human milk ratio but we will go into", "7tPjDLHG53g-00040-00010472-00010663": "these", "7tPjDLHG53g-00041-00010664-00010806": "things later", "7tPjDLHG53g-00042-00010807-00011023": "now", "7tPjDLHG53g-00043-00011024-00011214": "first of all there is a drink some tea", "7tPjDLHG53g-00044-00011215-00011471": "in the morning maybe some kombucha", "7tPjDLHG53g-00045-00011472-00011583": "for the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00046-00011584-00011878": "you know fermented", "7tPjDLHG53g-00047-00011879-00011999": "um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00048-00012000-00012295": "micronutrients and so on and uh", "7tPjDLHG53g-00049-00012296-00012510": "shilajit capsule actually i'm not using", "7tPjDLHG53g-00050-00012511-00012879": "the capsule i have the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00051-00012880-00013102": "thick liquid form which i mix with", "7tPjDLHG53g-00052-00013103-00013399": "himalaya salt but since", "7tPjDLHG53g-00053-00013400-00013679": "that's not so easy to", "7tPjDLHG53g-00054-00013680-00013879": "express here i", "7tPjDLHG53g-00055-00013880-00014303": "chose to put the capsule shilajit is", "7tPjDLHG53g-00056-00014304-00014503": "natural", "7tPjDLHG53g-00057-00014504-00014830": "organic minerals from the earth", "7tPjDLHG53g-00058-00014831-00015079": "you can research that please yourself it", "7tPjDLHG53g-00059-00015080-00015479": "is completely amazing substitute because", "7tPjDLHG53g-00060-00015480-00015791": "all the soils are depleted and even the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00061-00015791-00015958": "organic foods", "7tPjDLHG53g-00062-00015959-00016158": "if you can get organic foods which is", "7tPjDLHG53g-00063-00016159-00016263": "not", "7tPjDLHG53g-00064-00016263-00016567": "really possible everywhere for everyone", "7tPjDLHG53g-00065-00016568-00016855": "are not always full of the nutrients as", "7tPjDLHG53g-00066-00016856-00017111": "they should be", "7tPjDLHG53g-00067-00017112-00017255": "then", "7tPjDLHG53g-00068-00017256-00017494": "here are six olives and three leaves", "7tPjDLHG53g-00069-00017495-00017758": "sell before each main meal", "7tPjDLHG53g-00070-00017759-00017855": "and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00071-00017856-00018079": "that comes also", "7tPjDLHG53g-00072-00018080-00018183": "with", "7tPjDLHG53g-00073-00018184-00018558": "some kelp powder himalayan pink salt and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00074-00018559-00018839": "black salt which all have some special", "7tPjDLHG53g-00075-00018840-00019079": "nutrients and i make a mix of these", "7tPjDLHG53g-00076-00019080-00019255": "three ingredients and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00077-00019256-00019527": "put a little bit of that on the salad if", "7tPjDLHG53g-00078-00019528-00019807": "possible try to get olives without any", "7tPjDLHG53g-00079-00019808-00020039": "salt because usually the salt that is", "7tPjDLHG53g-00080-00020040-00020230": "used is not so good", "7tPjDLHG53g-00081-00020231-00020486": "so here we have 12 olives but we divide", "7tPjDLHG53g-00082-00020487-00021007": "them as an appetizer before each meal", "7tPjDLHG53g-00083-00021008-00021263": "then we come to the main meal i have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00084-00021264-00021358": "here", "7tPjDLHG53g-00085-00021359-00021630": "bee pollen which i actually after the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00086-00021631-00021999": "preparation sprinkle over the meal", "7tPjDLHG53g-00087-00022000-00022071": "um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00088-00022072-00022230": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00089-00022231-00022439": "yeah and then the actual preparation of", "7tPjDLHG53g-00090-00022440-00022767": "the meal starts with the spring water", "7tPjDLHG53g-00091-00022768-00023007": "and lemon juice which may be a little", "7tPjDLHG53g-00092-00023008-00023158": "bit more", "7tPjDLHG53g-00093-00023159-00023327": "juice of one lemon you know it's", "7tPjDLHG53g-00094-00023328-00023511": "something between 50 and 100 gram", "7tPjDLHG53g-00095-00023512-00023767": "depending on the size and juiciness", "7tPjDLHG53g-00096-00023768-00023883": "then i have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00097-00023884-00024391": "here cocobella coconut yogurt natural", "7tPjDLHG53g-00098-00024392-00024519": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00099-00024520-00024742": "10 gram", "7tPjDLHG53g-00100-00024743-00024975": "maybe it's 20 gram i don't care um it's", "7tPjDLHG53g-00101-00024976-00025278": "just to activate the mix which is going", "7tPjDLHG53g-00102-00025279-00025486": "to soak overnight", "7tPjDLHG53g-00103-00025487-00025718": "then after that i add black pepper", "7tPjDLHG53g-00104-00025719-00025927": "turmeric", "7tPjDLHG53g-00105-00025927-00026231": "ginger powder and also some", "7tPjDLHG53g-00106-00026232-00026374": "cinnamon", "7tPjDLHG53g-00107-00026375-00026590": "make sure you take the good cinnamon the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00108-00026591-00026846": "i think it's the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00109-00026847-00027031": "cylon cinnamon", "7tPjDLHG53g-00110-00027032-00027223": "the one with the same", "7tPjDLHG53g-00111-00027224-00027631": "scent fibers not the thick pork one", "7tPjDLHG53g-00112-00027632-00027839": "yeah and then i have a mix", "7tPjDLHG53g-00113-00027839-00028039": "that i already pre-mixed so i don't have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00114-00028039-00028279": "to measure all these parts here every", "7tPjDLHG53g-00115-00028280-00028799": "day so it's a mix of spirulina chlorella", "7tPjDLHG53g-00116-00028800-00029079": "ashwagandha or maca", "7tPjDLHG53g-00117-00029080-00029270": "something of that sort", "7tPjDLHG53g-00118-00029272-00029470": "for the tissue building there's also a", "7tPjDLHG53g-00119-00029472-00029711": "nice ayurvedic mix it's called", "7tPjDLHG53g-00120-00029712-00030023": "datu postic", "7tPjDLHG53g-00121-00030024-00030183": "mix which", "7tPjDLHG53g-00122-00030183-00030487": "contains several of these powders", "7tPjDLHG53g-00123-00030488-00030767": "then barley grass powder nutritional", "7tPjDLHG53g-00124-00030768-00030935": "yeast which has", "7tPjDLHG53g-00125-00030936-00031167": "several vitamin b's", "7tPjDLHG53g-00126-00031168-00031511": "and also a lot of proteins", "7tPjDLHG53g-00127-00031512-00031648": "so yeah the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00128-00031649-00031846": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00129-00031847-00032127": "hemp seeds which contain", "7tPjDLHG53g-00130-00032127-00032207": "all", "7tPjDLHG53g-00131-00032208-00032551": "important amino acids as well as um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00132-00032552-00032767": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00133-00032768-00032983": "what to say uh", "7tPjDLHG53g-00134-00032984-00033207": "omega-3s", "7tPjDLHG53g-00135-00033208-00033477": "etc then flaxseed again um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00136-00033478-00033679": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00137-00033680-00034143": "you know these", "7tPjDLHG53g-00138-00034144-00034178": "um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00139-00034179-00034311": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00140-00034312-00034535": "slimy substances which are really good", "7tPjDLHG53g-00141-00034536-00034695": "for the intestine", "7tPjDLHG53g-00142-00034696-00034911": "intestinal movement and also again", "7tPjDLHG53g-00143-00034912-00035087": "omega-3s", "7tPjDLHG53g-00144-00035088-00035318": "even though they are not the dha but the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00145-00035319-00035503": "ala", "7tPjDLHG53g-00146-00035504-00035759": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00147-00035760-00035943": "so that's another subject to the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00148-00035944-00036199": "conversion of the omegas which we will", "7tPjDLHG53g-00149-00036200-00036367": "address maybe a little bit later i have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00150-00036368-00036511": "to switch off this", "7tPjDLHG53g-00151-00036512-00036935": "screen program it's a bit annoying to me", "7tPjDLHG53g-00152-00036936-00037183": "okay", "7tPjDLHG53g-00153-00037184-00037679": "so and i can also close this messenger", "7tPjDLHG53g-00154-00037680-00037759": "so", "7tPjDLHG53g-00155-00037760-00037902": "then", "7tPjDLHG53g-00156-00037903-00038111": "it's it all gets soaked and the chia", "7tPjDLHG53g-00157-00038112-00038407": "seeds which have a lot of nutrients", "7tPjDLHG53g-00158-00038408-00038751": "good carbohydrates again omega-3s", "7tPjDLHG53g-00159-00038752-00038935": "oat flakes a lot of", "7tPjDLHG53g-00160-00038936-00039246": "amino acids some", "7tPjDLHG53g-00161-00039247-00039646": "proteins and also carbohydrates", "7tPjDLHG53g-00162-00039647-00039946": "hazelnuts which are a good source of", "7tPjDLHG53g-00163-00039947-00040174": "monounsaturated fat", "7tPjDLHG53g-00164-00040175-00040483": "um that is um important because", "7tPjDLHG53g-00165-00040484-00040671": "monoundersaturated fats are important", "7tPjDLHG53g-00166-00040672-00040967": "for energy we will address this later on", "7tPjDLHG53g-00167-00040968-00041207": "in the discussion of the micronutrients", "7tPjDLHG53g-00168-00041208-00041551": "which i will put in video part two and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00169-00041552-00041758": "then again in the soaking there will be", "7tPjDLHG53g-00170-00041759-00041871": "prunes", "7tPjDLHG53g-00171-00041872-00042127": "which have a lot of good nutrients as", "7tPjDLHG53g-00172-00042128-00042390": "well as good for the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00173-00042391-00042623": "movement of the bowels", "7tPjDLHG53g-00174-00042624-00042767": "so this", "7tPjDLHG53g-00175-00042768-00043055": "will be soaked overnight and then in the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00176-00043056-00043271": "next morning", "7tPjDLHG53g-00177-00043272-00043502": "before actually preparing the meal", "7tPjDLHG53g-00178-00043503-00043702": "completely", "7tPjDLHG53g-00179-00043703-00043999": "the fresh ingredients will be added", "7tPjDLHG53g-00180-00044000-00044399": "100 gram fresh apple with skin chopped", "7tPjDLHG53g-00181-00044400-00044599": "banana 100 gram", "7tPjDLHG53g-00182-00044600-00044895": "carrots 50 grams celery root", "7tPjDLHG53g-00183-00044896-00045046": "50 gram", "7tPjDLHG53g-00184-00045047-00045271": "pasta um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00185-00045272-00045502": "i'm not 100 sure what's the english name", "7tPjDLHG53g-00186-00045503-00045607": "for it", "7tPjDLHG53g-00187-00045608-00045846": "and pickled beets", "7tPjDLHG53g-00188-00045847-00046015": "each 50 gram", "7tPjDLHG53g-00189-00046016-00046279": "then 20 gram ginger root", "7tPjDLHG53g-00190-00046280-00046695": "3 tbsp of olive oil which is again", "7tPjDLHG53g-00191-00046696-00046811": "rich in", "7tPjDLHG53g-00192-00046812-00047095": "antioxidants and monounsaturated fat", "7tPjDLHG53g-00193-00047096-00047311": "which is good for energy", "7tPjDLHG53g-00194-00047312-00047531": "and coconut oil which has", "7tPjDLHG53g-00195-00047532-00047683": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00196-00047684-00047918": "monotriglycerates for energy and also", "7tPjDLHG53g-00197-00047919-00048127": "has um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00198-00048128-00048383": "saturated fats which are again important", "7tPjDLHG53g-00199-00048384-00048511": "for", "7tPjDLHG53g-00200-00048512-00048935": "many building blocks of hormones etc", "7tPjDLHG53g-00201-00048936-00049151": "then we have again", "7tPjDLHG53g-00202-00049152-00049423": "four half walnuts", "7tPjDLHG53g-00203-00049424-00049646": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00204-00049647-00050030": "for many things good for the brain", "7tPjDLHG53g-00205-00050031-00050335": "more omega-3s and actually the macadamia", "7tPjDLHG53g-00206-00050336-00050686": "nuts um i don't put them in the mix now", "7tPjDLHG53g-00207-00050687-00050943": "i take them with the dessert", "7tPjDLHG53g-00208-00050944-00051135": "down here", "7tPjDLHG53g-00209-00051136-00051423": "quick adjustment i didn't do that yet", "7tPjDLHG53g-00210-00051424-00051575": "um and uh", "7tPjDLHG53g-00211-00051576-00051911": "one brazil nut every day has many good", "7tPjDLHG53g-00212-00051912-00052414": "ingredients and especially selenium", "7tPjDLHG53g-00213-00052415-00052623": "i don't remember exactly from the top of", "7tPjDLHG53g-00214-00052624-00052766": "my head what it's", "7tPjDLHG53g-00215-00052767-00053047": "useful for", "7tPjDLHG53g-00216-00053048-00053335": "but it's very essential", "7tPjDLHG53g-00217-00053336-00053615": "you know this this meal plan um is", "7tPjDLHG53g-00218-00053616-00053838": "completely designed to have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00219-00053839-00054079": "as much of", "7tPjDLHG53g-00220-00054079-00054219": "um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00221-00054220-00054430": "micronutrients and micronutrients of", "7tPjDLHG53g-00222-00054432-00054542": "course", "7tPjDLHG53g-00223-00054544-00054926": "from natural sources as possible so it's", "7tPjDLHG53g-00224-00054927-00055159": "it's near to perfect", "7tPjDLHG53g-00225-00055160-00055335": "there is no perfection in the material", "7tPjDLHG53g-00226-00055336-00055454": "world but", "7tPjDLHG53g-00227-00055455-00055630": "especially kali yuga but it's really", "7tPjDLHG53g-00228-00055632-00055863": "really awesome", "7tPjDLHG53g-00229-00055864-00056047": "but i don't remember everything from the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00230-00056048-00056494": "top of my head so yeah this", "7tPjDLHG53g-00231-00056495-00056766": "all of these ingredients then get", "7tPjDLHG53g-00232-00056767-00056950": "mixed with the blender stick i don't", "7tPjDLHG53g-00233-00056951-00057103": "know what's the proper", "7tPjDLHG53g-00234-00057104-00057279": "english word for that", "7tPjDLHG53g-00235-00057279-00057423": "and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00236-00057424-00057775": "heat it up to", "7tPjDLHG53g-00237-00057776-00058023": "maybe 40 or 50 degrees", "7tPjDLHG53g-00238-00058024-00058238": "so that the ingredients stay intact but", "7tPjDLHG53g-00239-00058239-00058550": "you have a nice warm easily digestible", "7tPjDLHG53g-00240-00058551-00058654": "meal", "7tPjDLHG53g-00241-00058655-00058999": "and after that we have the desserts", "7tPjDLHG53g-00242-00059000-00059294": "trapper in tensor 80 noir chocolate it's", "7tPjDLHG53g-00243-00059295-00059519": "a spanish brand of chocolate of course", "7tPjDLHG53g-00244-00059520-00059775": "you can take any other brand as well but", "7tPjDLHG53g-00245-00059776-00059974": "this is really tasty and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00246-00059975-00060103": "[Music]", "7tPjDLHG53g-00247-00060104-00060294": "they also have", "7tPjDLHG53g-00248-00060295-00060599": "variations with natural sweet smells", "7tPjDLHG53g-00249-00060600-00060887": "like stevia", "7tPjDLHG53g-00250-00060888-00061079": "um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00251-00061079-00061271": "macadamia nuts", "7tPjDLHG53g-00252-00061272-00061479": "so one for each meal", "7tPjDLHG53g-00253-00061479-00061687": "so yeah this is for two two meals so you", "7tPjDLHG53g-00254-00061688-00061887": "divide it into two and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00255-00061888-00062175": "cranberries um which are", "7tPjDLHG53g-00256-00062176-00062479": "good for many things especially the", "7tPjDLHG53g-00257-00062479-00062726": "urogenital tract and", "7tPjDLHG53g-00258-00062727-00063015": "anti-infectionists", "7tPjDLHG53g-00259-00063016-00063238": "etc etc", "7tPjDLHG53g-00260-00063239-00063463": "and then again", "7tPjDLHG53g-00261-00063464-00063599": "um", "7tPjDLHG53g-00262-00063600-00063687": "q", "7tPjDLHG53g-00263-00063688-00063911": "celery leaves which have so many good", "7tPjDLHG53g-00264-00063912-00064087": "properties", "7tPjDLHG53g-00265-00064088-00064311": "also", "7tPjDLHG53g-00266-00064312-00064638": "for the ph and for detoxification", "7tPjDLHG53g-00267-00064639-00064838": "and you know", "7tPjDLHG53g-00268-00064839-00065038": "we do that every day and it's just", "7tPjDLHG53g-00269-00065039-00065182": "amazing", "7tPjDLHG53g-00270-00065183-00065406": "so yeah that's that's the quick overview", "7tPjDLHG53g-00271-00065407-00065663": "and i think i have to do another video", "7tPjDLHG53g-00272-00065664-00065882": "for the micronutrients", "7tPjDLHG53g-00273-00065883-00066119": "discussion see you there your comments", "7tPjDLHG53g-00274-00066120-00066724": "and questions are as always most welcome"}}, {"audio_id": "7tamkXQhHmg", "text": {"7tamkXQhHmg-00000-00000040-00000295": "hello and welcome back today we have", "7tamkXQhHmg-00001-00000296-00000726": "another easy answer random order video", "7tamkXQhHmg-00002-00000727-00001047": "for the 100 questions of the us", "7tamkXQhHmg-00003-00001048-00001223": "citizenship test", "7tamkXQhHmg-00004-00001224-00001503": "these are the 100 official civics", "7tamkXQhHmg-00005-00001504-00001751": "questions from uscis", "7tamkXQhHmg-00006-00001752-00001998": "and for this video we chose answers that", "7tamkXQhHmg-00007-00002000-00002263": "we felt were easy to learn however", "7tamkXQhHmg-00008-00002264-00002542": "please remember you are free to choose", "7tamkXQhHmg-00009-00002543-00002942": "your own answers from the list provided", "7tamkXQhHmg-00010-00002943-00003095": "let's get started with a few", "7tamkXQhHmg-00011-00003096-00003406": "instructions again these are the 100", "7tamkXQhHmg-00012-00003407-00003775": "official civics questions from uscis", "7tamkXQhHmg-00013-00003776-00004015": "you will be asked 10", "7tamkXQhHmg-00014-00004015-00004335": "randomly chosen questions you must get", "7tamkXQhHmg-00015-00004336-00004615": "six of those ten correct in order to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00016-00004616-00004735": "pass", "7tamkXQhHmg-00017-00004736-00005127": "please know that this is an oral test", "7tamkXQhHmg-00018-00005128-00005406": "no multiple choice here okay and", "7tamkXQhHmg-00019-00005407-00005686": "remember you only need to provide one", "7tamkXQhHmg-00020-00005687-00006047": "answer unless the question specifically", "7tamkXQhHmg-00021-00006048-00006302": "asks for more than one", "7tamkXQhHmg-00022-00006303-00006655": "okay my friends 100 questions in random", "7tamkXQhHmg-00023-00006656-00006759": "order", "7tamkXQhHmg-00024-00006759-00007246": "here we go", "7tamkXQhHmg-00025-00007247-00007591": "what is the name of the national anthem", "7tamkXQhHmg-00026-00007592-00008031": "what is the name of the national anthem", "7tamkXQhHmg-00027-00008031-00008351": "the star-spangled banner", "7tamkXQhHmg-00028-00008352-00008727": "the star-spangled banner", "7tamkXQhHmg-00029-00008728-00009014": "how many justices are on the supreme", "7tamkXQhHmg-00030-00009015-00009119": "court", "7tamkXQhHmg-00031-00009120-00009406": "how many justices are on the supreme", "7tamkXQhHmg-00032-00009407-00009623": "court", "7tamkXQhHmg-00033-00009624-00009791": "nine", "7tamkXQhHmg-00034-00009792-00009999": "nine", "7tamkXQhHmg-00035-00010000-00010271": "what movement tried to end racial", "7tamkXQhHmg-00036-00010272-00010478": "discrimination", "7tamkXQhHmg-00037-00010479-00010751": "what movement tried to end racial", "7tamkXQhHmg-00038-00010752-00011071": "discrimination", "7tamkXQhHmg-00039-00011072-00011359": "the civil rights movement", "7tamkXQhHmg-00040-00011360-00011487": "or just", "7tamkXQhHmg-00041-00011488-00011678": "civil rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00042-00011679-00011991": "civil rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00043-00011992-00012295": "we elect a u.s representative for how", "7tamkXQhHmg-00044-00012296-00012470": "many years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00045-00012471-00012791": "we elect a u.s representative for how", "7tamkXQhHmg-00046-00012792-00013127": "many years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00047-00013128-00013215": "two", "7tamkXQhHmg-00048-00013216-00013471": "two years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00049-00013472-00013791": "name one u.s territory", "7tamkXQhHmg-00050-00013791-00014083": "name one u.s", "7tamkXQhHmg-00051-00014084-00014415": "territory here i chose puerto rico", "7tamkXQhHmg-00052-00014416-00014727": "puerto rico but if you have a hard time", "7tamkXQhHmg-00053-00014728-00015038": "saying that like i do uh you can also", "7tamkXQhHmg-00054-00015040-00015191": "just say guam", "7tamkXQhHmg-00055-00015191-00015527": "guam is another us territory and that", "7tamkXQhHmg-00056-00015528-00015775": "might be an easier one to say or to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00057-00015776-00016047": "pronounce", "7tamkXQhHmg-00058-00016047-00016311": "if both the president and the vice", "7tamkXQhHmg-00059-00016312-00016567": "president can no longer serve who", "7tamkXQhHmg-00060-00016568-00016767": "becomes president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00061-00016768-00016943": "if both the president and the vice", "7tamkXQhHmg-00062-00016944-00017215": "president can no longer serve who", "7tamkXQhHmg-00063-00017216-00017550": "becomes president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00064-00017551-00017758": "the speaker of the house", "7tamkXQhHmg-00065-00017759-00018119": "the speaker of the house", "7tamkXQhHmg-00066-00018120-00018350": "what is the name of the speaker of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00067-00018351-00018614": "house of representatives now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00068-00018615-00018814": "what is the name of the speaker of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00069-00018815-00019214": "house of representatives now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00070-00019215-00019422": "what group of people was taken to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00071-00019423-00019758": "america and sold as slaves", "7tamkXQhHmg-00072-00019759-00019958": "what group of people was taken to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00073-00019959-00020430": "america and sold as slaves", "7tamkXQhHmg-00074-00020431-00020607": "africans", "7tamkXQhHmg-00075-00020608-00020879": "africans", "7tamkXQhHmg-00076-00020880-00021127": "what territory did the united states buy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00077-00021128-00021463": "from france in 1803", "7tamkXQhHmg-00078-00021464-00021719": "what territory did the united states buy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00079-00021720-00022255": "from france in 1803", "7tamkXQhHmg-00080-00022256-00022463": "louisiana", "7tamkXQhHmg-00081-00022464-00022758": "louisiana", "7tamkXQhHmg-00082-00022759-00023158": "we elect a president for how many years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00083-00023159-00023727": "we elect a president for how many years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00084-00023728-00023822": "four", "7tamkXQhHmg-00085-00023823-00024135": "four years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00086-00024136-00024439": "what did the emancipation proclamation", "7tamkXQhHmg-00087-00024440-00024567": "do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00088-00024568-00024903": "what did the emancipation proclamation", "7tamkXQhHmg-00089-00024904-00025150": "do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00090-00025151-00025375": "freed the slaves", "7tamkXQhHmg-00091-00025376-00025743": "freed the slaves", "7tamkXQhHmg-00092-00025744-00026039": "what is an amendment", "7tamkXQhHmg-00093-00026039-00026583": "what is an amendment", "7tamkXQhHmg-00094-00026583-00026751": "it's a change", "7tamkXQhHmg-00095-00026752-00027007": "a change to the constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00096-00027008-00027262": "you can just say though you can just say", "7tamkXQhHmg-00097-00027263-00027423": "a change", "7tamkXQhHmg-00098-00027424-00027718": "it's a change", "7tamkXQhHmg-00099-00027719-00027983": "what is the highest court in the united", "7tamkXQhHmg-00100-00027983-00028095": "states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00101-00028095-00028367": "what is the highest court in the united", "7tamkXQhHmg-00102-00028368-00028599": "states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00103-00028600-00028790": "the supreme court", "7tamkXQhHmg-00104-00028791-00029102": "the supreme court", "7tamkXQhHmg-00105-00029104-00029470": "what does the judicial branch do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00106-00029472-00029974": "what does the judicial branch do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00107-00029975-00030231": "it reviews laws", "7tamkXQhHmg-00108-00030232-00030655": "reviews laws", "7tamkXQhHmg-00109-00030656-00030879": "what was one important thing that", "7tamkXQhHmg-00110-00030880-00031111": "abraham lincoln did", "7tamkXQhHmg-00111-00031112-00031327": "what was one important thing that", "7tamkXQhHmg-00112-00031327-00031711": "abraham lincoln did", "7tamkXQhHmg-00113-00031712-00031943": "freed the slaves", "7tamkXQhHmg-00114-00031944-00032343": "freed the slaves", "7tamkXQhHmg-00115-00032344-00032574": "what are the two parts of the u.s", "7tamkXQhHmg-00116-00032575-00032711": "congress", "7tamkXQhHmg-00117-00032712-00032935": "what are the two parts of the u.s", "7tamkXQhHmg-00118-00032936-00033287": "congress", "7tamkXQhHmg-00119-00033288-00033583": "the senate and house", "7tamkXQhHmg-00120-00033584-00034055": "the senate and house", "7tamkXQhHmg-00121-00034056-00034431": "when do we celebrate independence day", "7tamkXQhHmg-00122-00034432-00034983": "when do we celebrate independence day", "7tamkXQhHmg-00123-00034984-00035083": "july", "7tamkXQhHmg-00124-00035084-00035551": "4th july 4th", "7tamkXQhHmg-00125-00035552-00035871": "who makes federal laws", "7tamkXQhHmg-00126-00035872-00036311": "who makes federal laws", "7tamkXQhHmg-00127-00036312-00036487": "congress", "7tamkXQhHmg-00128-00036488-00036783": "congress", "7tamkXQhHmg-00129-00036784-00037015": "what is the name of the president of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00130-00037016-00037239": "united states now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00131-00037240-00037462": "what is the name of the president of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00132-00037463-00037871": "united states now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00133-00037872-00038079": "that's joe biden", "7tamkXQhHmg-00134-00038080-00038318": "or just biden", "7tamkXQhHmg-00135-00038319-00038567": "biden", "7tamkXQhHmg-00136-00038568-00038918": "why does the flag have 50 stars", "7tamkXQhHmg-00137-00038919-00039446": "why does the flag have 50 stars", "7tamkXQhHmg-00138-00039447-00039718": "because there are 50 states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00139-00039719-00040174": "because there are 50 states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00140-00040175-00040630": "who was president during world war one", "7tamkXQhHmg-00141-00040631-00041199": "who was president during world war one", "7tamkXQhHmg-00142-00041200-00041367": "wilson", "7tamkXQhHmg-00143-00041368-00041671": "or woodrow wilson", "7tamkXQhHmg-00144-00041672-00041958": "world war one wilson", "7tamkXQhHmg-00145-00041959-00042230": "okay", "7tamkXQhHmg-00146-00042231-00042502": "what major event happened on september", "7tamkXQhHmg-00147-00042503-00042911": "11 2001 in the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00148-00042912-00043158": "what major event happened on september", "7tamkXQhHmg-00149-00043159-00043743": "11 2001 in the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00150-00043744-00044127": "terrorists attacked the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00151-00044128-00044671": "terrorists attacked the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00152-00044672-00044967": "name one right only for united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00153-00044968-00045143": "citizens", "7tamkXQhHmg-00154-00045144-00045295": "name one right", "7tamkXQhHmg-00155-00045296-00045790": "only for united states citizens", "7tamkXQhHmg-00156-00045791-00046118": "to vote in a federal election", "7tamkXQhHmg-00157-00046119-00046623": "vote in a federal election", "7tamkXQhHmg-00158-00046624-00046943": "who is the father of our country", "7tamkXQhHmg-00159-00046944-00047479": "who is the father of our country", "7tamkXQhHmg-00160-00047480-00047671": "george washington", "7tamkXQhHmg-00161-00047672-00047911": "or just washington", "7tamkXQhHmg-00162-00047912-00048207": "washington", "7tamkXQhHmg-00163-00048208-00048551": "name one state that borders canada", "7tamkXQhHmg-00164-00048552-00049062": "name one state that borders canada", "7tamkXQhHmg-00165-00049063-00049246": "new york", "7tamkXQhHmg-00166-00049247-00049527": "new york", "7tamkXQhHmg-00167-00049528-00049790": "what are two ways that americans can", "7tamkXQhHmg-00168-00049791-00050143": "participate in their democracy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00169-00050144-00050430": "what are two ways that americans can", "7tamkXQhHmg-00170-00050431-00050990": "participate in their democracy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00171-00050991-00051102": "vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00172-00051103-00051470": "and join a political party", "7tamkXQhHmg-00173-00051471-00051575": "vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00174-00051576-00052038": "and join a political party", "7tamkXQhHmg-00175-00052039-00052263": "what happened at the constitutional", "7tamkXQhHmg-00176-00052264-00052487": "convention", "7tamkXQhHmg-00177-00052488-00052735": "what happened at the constitutional", "7tamkXQhHmg-00178-00052736-00053087": "convention", "7tamkXQhHmg-00179-00053088-00053359": "the constitution was written", "7tamkXQhHmg-00180-00053360-00053894": "the constitution was written", "7tamkXQhHmg-00181-00053895-00054103": "there are four amendments to the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00182-00054104-00054430": "constitution about who can vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00183-00054432-00054663": "describe one of them", "7tamkXQhHmg-00184-00054664-00054830": "there are four amendments to the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00185-00054832-00055103": "constitution about who can vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00186-00055104-00055526": "describe one of them", "7tamkXQhHmg-00187-00055527-00055975": "citizens 18 and older can vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00188-00055976-00056599": "citizens 18 and older can vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00189-00056600-00056830": "what is the political party of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00190-00056832-00057087": "president now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00191-00057088-00057326": "what is the political party of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00192-00057327-00057663": "president now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00193-00057664-00057807": "democratic", "7tamkXQhHmg-00194-00057808-00058223": "the democratic party", "7tamkXQhHmg-00195-00058224-00058471": "what is the name of the vice president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00196-00058472-00058750": "of the united states now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00197-00058751-00058991": "what is the name of the vice president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00198-00058991-00059494": "of the united states now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00199-00059495-00059759": "kamala harris", "7tamkXQhHmg-00200-00059760-00059942": "kamala harris", "7tamkXQhHmg-00201-00059944-00060103": "or you can just say", "7tamkXQhHmg-00202-00060104-00060230": "harris", "7tamkXQhHmg-00203-00060232-00060463": "harris", "7tamkXQhHmg-00204-00060464-00060719": "name the u.s war between the north and", "7tamkXQhHmg-00205-00060720-00060911": "the south", "7tamkXQhHmg-00206-00060912-00061150": "name the u.s war between the north and", "7tamkXQhHmg-00207-00061151-00061454": "the south", "7tamkXQhHmg-00208-00061455-00061647": "the civil war", "7tamkXQhHmg-00209-00061648-00061982": "the civil war", "7tamkXQhHmg-00210-00061983-00062366": "who does a u.s senator represent", "7tamkXQhHmg-00211-00062367-00062815": "who does a u.s senator represent", "7tamkXQhHmg-00212-00062816-00063094": "all people of the state", "7tamkXQhHmg-00213-00063095-00063575": "all people of the state", "7tamkXQhHmg-00214-00063576-00063838": "name one american indian tribe in the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00215-00063839-00064054": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00216-00064055-00064335": "name one american indian tribe in the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00217-00064336-00064806": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00218-00064807-00064982": "crow", "7tamkXQhHmg-00219-00064983-00065335": "crow", "7tamkXQhHmg-00220-00065336-00065638": "there were 13 original states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00221-00065639-00065847": "name three", "7tamkXQhHmg-00222-00065848-00066238": "there were 13 original states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00223-00066239-00066806": "name three", "7tamkXQhHmg-00224-00066807-00067015": "new hampshire", "7tamkXQhHmg-00225-00067016-00067191": "new york", "7tamkXQhHmg-00226-00067192-00067282": "new", "7tamkXQhHmg-00227-00067283-00067575": "jersey new hampshire", "7tamkXQhHmg-00228-00067576-00067743": "new york", "7tamkXQhHmg-00229-00067744-00068103": "new jersey", "7tamkXQhHmg-00230-00068104-00068423": "how many u.s senators are there", "7tamkXQhHmg-00231-00068424-00068871": "how many u.s senators are there", "7tamkXQhHmg-00232-00068872-00069047": "one hundred", "7tamkXQhHmg-00233-00069048-00069343": "one hundred", "7tamkXQhHmg-00234-00069344-00069679": "in what month do we vote for president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00235-00069680-00070294": "in what month do we vote for president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00236-00070295-00070455": "november", "7tamkXQhHmg-00237-00070456-00070775": "november", "7tamkXQhHmg-00238-00070776-00071023": "under our constitution some powers", "7tamkXQhHmg-00239-00071024-00071215": "belong to the states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00240-00071216-00071615": "what is one power of the states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00241-00071616-00071871": "under our constitution some powers", "7tamkXQhHmg-00242-00071872-00072063": "belong to the states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00243-00072064-00072543": "what is one power of the states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00244-00072544-00072879": "to provide schooling and education", "7tamkXQhHmg-00245-00072880-00073494": "to provide schooling and education", "7tamkXQhHmg-00246-00073495-00073879": "why did the colonists fight the british", "7tamkXQhHmg-00247-00073880-00074282": "why did the colonists fight the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00248-00074283-00074662": "british because of high taxes", "7tamkXQhHmg-00249-00074663-00075182": "because of high taxes", "7tamkXQhHmg-00250-00075183-00075447": "who is the chief justice of the united", "7tamkXQhHmg-00251-00075448-00075662": "states now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00252-00075663-00075959": "who is the chief justice of the united", "7tamkXQhHmg-00253-00075960-00076294": "states now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00254-00076295-00076550": "john roberts", "7tamkXQhHmg-00255-00076551-00077006": "john roberts", "7tamkXQhHmg-00256-00077007-00077375": "name your u.s representative", "7tamkXQhHmg-00257-00077376-00077750": "name your u.s representative", "7tamkXQhHmg-00258-00077751-00078062": "of course answers here will vary you'll", "7tamkXQhHmg-00259-00078063-00078211": "need to go to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00260-00078212-00078631": "house.gov and type in your zip code and", "7tamkXQhHmg-00261-00078632-00078871": "possibly your address", "7tamkXQhHmg-00262-00078872-00079135": "that's how you will find your us", "7tamkXQhHmg-00263-00079136-00079279": "representative", "7tamkXQhHmg-00264-00079280-00079567": "okay", "7tamkXQhHmg-00265-00079568-00079919": "what are the two major political parties", "7tamkXQhHmg-00266-00079920-00080119": "in the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00267-00080120-00080415": "what are the two major political parties", "7tamkXQhHmg-00268-00080416-00080799": "in the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00269-00080800-00081071": "democratic and republican", "7tamkXQhHmg-00270-00081072-00081526": "democratic and republican", "7tamkXQhHmg-00271-00081527-00081823": "what did the declaration of independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00272-00081824-00081959": "do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00273-00081960-00082326": "what did the declaration of independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00274-00082327-00082582": "do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00275-00082583-00082967": "it's said that the united states is free", "7tamkXQhHmg-00276-00082968-00083559": "it's said that the united states is free", "7tamkXQhHmg-00277-00083560-00083831": "when was the declaration of independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00278-00083832-00084038": "adopted", "7tamkXQhHmg-00279-00084039-00084326": "when was the declaration of independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00280-00084327-00084726": "adopted", "7tamkXQhHmg-00281-00084727-00084887": "july 4th", "7tamkXQhHmg-00282-00084888-00085238": "1776", "7tamkXQhHmg-00283-00085239-00085406": "july 4th", "7tamkXQhHmg-00284-00085407-00085911": "1776", "7tamkXQhHmg-00285-00085912-00086167": "the federalist papers supported the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00286-00086168-00086462": "passage of the u.s constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00287-00086463-00086767": "name one of the writers", "7tamkXQhHmg-00288-00086768-00087023": "the federalist papers supported the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00289-00087024-00087343": "passage of the u.s constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00290-00087344-00087871": "name one of the writers", "7tamkXQhHmg-00291-00087872-00088111": "john jay", "7tamkXQhHmg-00292-00088112-00088335": "john jay or just", "7tamkXQhHmg-00293-00088336-00088726": "j", "7tamkXQhHmg-00294-00088727-00088999": "during the cold war what was the main", "7tamkXQhHmg-00295-00089000-00089335": "concern of the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00296-00089336-00089599": "during the cold war what was the main", "7tamkXQhHmg-00297-00089600-00090023": "concern of the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00298-00090024-00090175": "communism", "7tamkXQhHmg-00299-00090176-00090455": "communism", "7tamkXQhHmg-00300-00090456-00090735": "what is freedom of religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00301-00090736-00091175": "what is freedom of religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00302-00091176-00091423": "you can practice any religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00303-00091424-00091694": "or not practice a religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00304-00091695-00091935": "you can practice any religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00305-00091936-00092367": "or not practice a religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00306-00092368-00092631": "what stops one branch of government from", "7tamkXQhHmg-00307-00092632-00092903": "becoming too powerful", "7tamkXQhHmg-00308-00092904-00093175": "what stops one branch of government from", "7tamkXQhHmg-00309-00093176-00093615": "becoming too powerful", "7tamkXQhHmg-00310-00093616-00093887": "checks and balances", "7tamkXQhHmg-00311-00093888-00094350": "checks and balances", "7tamkXQhHmg-00312-00094351-00094615": "when must all men register for the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00313-00094616-00094903": "selective service", "7tamkXQhHmg-00314-00094904-00095143": "when must all men register for the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00315-00095144-00095550": "selective service", "7tamkXQhHmg-00316-00095551-00095774": "at age 18", "7tamkXQhHmg-00317-00095775-00096150": "at age 18.", "7tamkXQhHmg-00318-00096151-00096503": "who is in charge of the executive branch", "7tamkXQhHmg-00319-00096504-00097031": "who is in charge of the executive branch", "7tamkXQhHmg-00320-00097032-00097231": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00321-00097232-00097582": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00322-00097583-00097838": "what is one right or freedom from the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00323-00097839-00098103": "first amendment", "7tamkXQhHmg-00324-00098104-00098382": "what is one right or freedom from the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00325-00098383-00098799": "first amendment", "7tamkXQhHmg-00326-00098800-00099023": "speech", "7tamkXQhHmg-00327-00099024-00099350": "speech", "7tamkXQhHmg-00328-00099351-00099679": "who was the first president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00329-00099680-00100103": "who was the first president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00330-00100104-00100399": "george washington", "7tamkXQhHmg-00331-00100400-00100871": "or just washington", "7tamkXQhHmg-00332-00100872-00101206": "what does the constitution do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00333-00101207-00101679": "what does the constitution do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00334-00101680-00101943": "it sets up the government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00335-00101944-00102350": "sets up the government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00336-00102351-00102615": "the idea of self-government is in the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00337-00102616-00102942": "first three words of the constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00338-00102943-00103206": "what are these words", "7tamkXQhHmg-00339-00103207-00103447": "the idea of self-government is in the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00340-00103448-00103758": "first three words of the constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00341-00103759-00104151": "what are these words", "7tamkXQhHmg-00342-00104152-00104366": "we the people", "7tamkXQhHmg-00343-00104367-00104758": "we the people", "7tamkXQhHmg-00344-00104759-00105023": "what is one promise you make when you", "7tamkXQhHmg-00345-00105024-00105375": "become a united states citizen", "7tamkXQhHmg-00346-00105376-00105631": "what is one promise you make when you", "7tamkXQhHmg-00347-00105632-00106190": "become a united states citizen", "7tamkXQhHmg-00348-00106191-00106615": "to obey the laws of the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00349-00106616-00107175": "obey the laws of the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00350-00107176-00107431": "name one branch or part of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00351-00107432-00107590": "government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00352-00107591-00107775": "name one branch", "7tamkXQhHmg-00353-00107776-00108247": "or part of the government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00354-00108248-00108454": "congress", "7tamkXQhHmg-00355-00108455-00108783": "congress", "7tamkXQhHmg-00356-00108783-00109054": "how old do citizens have to be to vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00357-00109055-00109286": "for president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00358-00109288-00109575": "how old do citizens have to be to vote", "7tamkXQhHmg-00359-00109576-00109943": "for president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00360-00109944-00110199": "18 and older", "7tamkXQhHmg-00361-00110200-00110575": "18 and older", "7tamkXQhHmg-00362-00110576-00110878": "name one war fought by the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00363-00110879-00111158": "in the 1800s", "7tamkXQhHmg-00364-00111159-00111415": "name one war fought by the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00365-00111416-00111863": "in the 1800s", "7tamkXQhHmg-00366-00111864-00112063": "the civil war", "7tamkXQhHmg-00367-00112064-00112423": "the civil war", "7tamkXQhHmg-00368-00112424-00112695": "when is the last day you can send in", "7tamkXQhHmg-00369-00112696-00113007": "federal income tax forms", "7tamkXQhHmg-00370-00113008-00113343": "when is the last day you can send in", "7tamkXQhHmg-00371-00113344-00113799": "federal income tax forms", "7tamkXQhHmg-00372-00113800-00114015": "april 15th", "7tamkXQhHmg-00373-00114016-00114383": "april 15th", "7tamkXQhHmg-00374-00114383-00114695": "who is one of your state's u.s senators", "7tamkXQhHmg-00375-00114696-00114871": "now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00376-00114872-00115247": "who is one of your state's u.s senators", "7tamkXQhHmg-00377-00115248-00115527": "now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00378-00115528-00115823": "answers here will vary depending where", "7tamkXQhHmg-00379-00115824-00116134": "you live to find your senators please go", "7tamkXQhHmg-00380-00116135-00116234": "to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00381-00116235-00116631": "senate.gov and then choose your state to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00382-00116632-00117071": "show your senators", "7tamkXQhHmg-00383-00117072-00117263": "who was president during the great", "7tamkXQhHmg-00384-00117264-00117623": "depression and world war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00385-00117624-00117847": "who was president during the great", "7tamkXQhHmg-00386-00117848-00118343": "depression and world war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00387-00118344-00118478": "roosevelt", "7tamkXQhHmg-00388-00118479-00118710": "franklin roosevelt", "7tamkXQhHmg-00389-00118711-00118831": "or just", "7tamkXQhHmg-00390-00118832-00119183": "roosevelt", "7tamkXQhHmg-00391-00119183-00119478": "what is one reason colonists came to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00392-00119479-00119678": "america", "7tamkXQhHmg-00393-00119679-00119966": "what is one reason colonists came to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00394-00119967-00120286": "america", "7tamkXQhHmg-00395-00120288-00120471": "for freedom", "7tamkXQhHmg-00396-00120472-00120766": "freedom", "7tamkXQhHmg-00397-00120767-00120999": "who is the commander-in-chief of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00398-00121000-00121151": "military", "7tamkXQhHmg-00399-00121152-00121407": "who is the commander-in-chief of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00400-00121408-00121686": "military", "7tamkXQhHmg-00401-00121688-00121863": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00402-00121864-00122175": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00403-00122176-00122566": "when was the constitution written", "7tamkXQhHmg-00404-00122567-00123143": "when was the constitution written", "7tamkXQhHmg-00405-00123144-00123454": "1787", "7tamkXQhHmg-00406-00123455-00123983": "1787", "7tamkXQhHmg-00407-00123983-00124223": "before he was president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00408-00124224-00124463": "eisenhower was a general", "7tamkXQhHmg-00409-00124464-00124727": "what war was he in", "7tamkXQhHmg-00410-00124728-00125039": "before he was president eisenhower was a", "7tamkXQhHmg-00411-00125040-00125143": "general", "7tamkXQhHmg-00412-00125144-00125527": "what war was he in", "7tamkXQhHmg-00413-00125528-00125766": "world war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00414-00125767-00126239": "world war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00415-00126240-00126543": "name one problem that led to the civil", "7tamkXQhHmg-00416-00126544-00126671": "war", "7tamkXQhHmg-00417-00126672-00126983": "name one problem that led to the civil", "7tamkXQhHmg-00418-00126983-00127343": "war", "7tamkXQhHmg-00419-00127344-00127871": "slavery", "7tamkXQhHmg-00420-00127872-00128134": "what ocean is on the east coast of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00421-00128135-00128390": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00422-00128391-00128678": "what ocean is on the east coast of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00423-00128679-00129014": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00424-00129015-00129286": "the atlantic ocean", "7tamkXQhHmg-00425-00129288-00129719": "atlantic ocean", "7tamkXQhHmg-00426-00129720-00130127": "name two national u.s holidays", "7tamkXQhHmg-00427-00130128-00130775": "name two national u.s holidays", "7tamkXQhHmg-00428-00130776-00131014": "new year's day", "7tamkXQhHmg-00429-00131015-00131247": "president's day", "7tamkXQhHmg-00430-00131248-00131502": "new year's day", "7tamkXQhHmg-00431-00131503-00131878": "and president's day", "7tamkXQhHmg-00432-00131879-00132063": "how many amendments does the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00433-00132064-00132311": "constitution have", "7tamkXQhHmg-00434-00132312-00132502": "how many amendments does the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00435-00132503-00132919": "constitution have", "7tamkXQhHmg-00436-00132920-00133111": "27", "7tamkXQhHmg-00437-00133112-00133439": "27", "7tamkXQhHmg-00438-00133440-00133814": "name one state that borders mexico", "7tamkXQhHmg-00439-00133815-00134375": "name one state that borders mexico", "7tamkXQhHmg-00440-00134376-00134566": "california", "7tamkXQhHmg-00441-00134567-00134895": "california", "7tamkXQhHmg-00442-00134896-00135190": "under our constitution some powers", "7tamkXQhHmg-00443-00135191-00135471": "belong to the federal government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00444-00135472-00135735": "what is one power of the federal", "7tamkXQhHmg-00445-00135736-00135919": "government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00446-00135920-00136143": "under our constitution some powers", "7tamkXQhHmg-00447-00136144-00136407": "belong to the federal government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00448-00136408-00136639": "what is one power of the federal", "7tamkXQhHmg-00449-00136640-00136943": "government", "7tamkXQhHmg-00450-00136944-00137151": "to print money", "7tamkXQhHmg-00451-00137152-00137551": "to print money", "7tamkXQhHmg-00452-00137552-00137854": "if the president can no longer serve who", "7tamkXQhHmg-00453-00137855-00138095": "becomes president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00454-00138096-00138399": "if the president can no longer serve who", "7tamkXQhHmg-00455-00138400-00138735": "becomes president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00456-00138736-00138943": "the vice president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00457-00138944-00139302": "the vice president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00458-00139303-00139711": "who is the governor of your state now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00459-00139712-00140295": "who is the governor of your state now", "7tamkXQhHmg-00460-00140296-00140647": "of course answers will vary here as well", "7tamkXQhHmg-00461-00140648-00140919": "you can go to usa.gov", "7tamkXQhHmg-00462-00140920-00141311": "slash state dash governor to choose your", "7tamkXQhHmg-00463-00141312-00141919": "state to find the name of your governor", "7tamkXQhHmg-00464-00141920-00142254": "where is the statue of liberty", "7tamkXQhHmg-00465-00142255-00142759": "where is the statue of liberty", "7tamkXQhHmg-00466-00142760-00142951": "new york", "7tamkXQhHmg-00467-00142952-00143351": "new york", "7tamkXQhHmg-00468-00143352-00143695": "name one of the two longest rivers in", "7tamkXQhHmg-00469-00143696-00143943": "the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00470-00143944-00144254": "name one of the two longest rivers in", "7tamkXQhHmg-00471-00144255-00144654": "the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00472-00144655-00144943": "here we have the missouri river", "7tamkXQhHmg-00473-00144944-00145478": "missouri river", "7tamkXQhHmg-00474-00145479-00145790": "what are two rights in the declaration", "7tamkXQhHmg-00475-00145791-00145975": "of independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00476-00145976-00146287": "what are two rights in the declaration", "7tamkXQhHmg-00477-00146288-00146654": "of independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00478-00146655-00146783": "life", "7tamkXQhHmg-00479-00146784-00147014": "and liberty", "7tamkXQhHmg-00480-00147015-00147126": "life", "7tamkXQhHmg-00481-00147127-00147478": "and liberty", "7tamkXQhHmg-00482-00147479-00147799": "we elect a u.s senator for how many", "7tamkXQhHmg-00483-00147800-00147943": "years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00484-00147944-00148231": "we elect a u.s senator for how many", "7tamkXQhHmg-00485-00148232-00148502": "years", "7tamkXQhHmg-00486-00148503-00148926": "six six years for a senator", "7tamkXQhHmg-00487-00148927-00149135": "six", "7tamkXQhHmg-00488-00149136-00149399": "what are two rights of everyone living", "7tamkXQhHmg-00489-00149400-00149639": "in the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00490-00149640-00150014": "what are two rights of everyone living", "7tamkXQhHmg-00491-00150015-00150439": "in the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00492-00150440-00150663": "freedom of speech", "7tamkXQhHmg-00493-00150664-00150919": "freedom of religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00494-00150920-00151119": "freedom of speech", "7tamkXQhHmg-00495-00151120-00151511": "freedom of religion", "7tamkXQhHmg-00496-00151512-00151775": "what do we show loyalty to when we say", "7tamkXQhHmg-00497-00151776-00152031": "the pledge of allegiance", "7tamkXQhHmg-00498-00152032-00152311": "what do we show loyalty to when we say", "7tamkXQhHmg-00499-00152312-00152735": "the pledge of allegiance", "7tamkXQhHmg-00500-00152736-00152966": "the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00501-00152967-00153366": "the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00502-00153367-00153735": "what is the capital of your state", "7tamkXQhHmg-00503-00153736-00154207": "what is the capital of your state", "7tamkXQhHmg-00504-00154208-00154511": "the answers will vary here so please", "7tamkXQhHmg-00505-00154512-00154735": "find the capital of your state if you", "7tamkXQhHmg-00506-00154736-00154863": "need help", "7tamkXQhHmg-00507-00154864-00155159": "ask below", "7tamkXQhHmg-00508-00155160-00155447": "what is one thing benjamin franklin is", "7tamkXQhHmg-00509-00155448-00155639": "famous for", "7tamkXQhHmg-00510-00155640-00155831": "what is one thing", "7tamkXQhHmg-00511-00155832-00156366": "benjamin franklin is famous for", "7tamkXQhHmg-00512-00156367-00156639": "he was a us diplomat", "7tamkXQhHmg-00513-00156640-00157095": "a u.s diplomat", "7tamkXQhHmg-00514-00157096-00157511": "what did susan b anthony do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00515-00157512-00158047": "what did susan b anthony do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00516-00158048-00158375": "she fought for civil rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00517-00158376-00158902": "she fought for civil rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00518-00158903-00159102": "why do some states have more", "7tamkXQhHmg-00519-00159103-00159478": "representatives than other states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00520-00159479-00159678": "why do some states have more", "7tamkXQhHmg-00521-00159679-00160223": "representatives than other states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00522-00160224-00160575": "because of the state's population", "7tamkXQhHmg-00523-00160576-00161135": "because of the state's population", "7tamkXQhHmg-00524-00161136-00161375": "the house of representatives has how", "7tamkXQhHmg-00525-00161376-00161647": "many voting members", "7tamkXQhHmg-00526-00161648-00161911": "the house of representatives has how", "7tamkXQhHmg-00527-00161912-00162483": "many voting members", "7tamkXQhHmg-00528-00162484-00163087": "435 435", "7tamkXQhHmg-00529-00163088-00163431": "what is the rule of law", "7tamkXQhHmg-00530-00163432-00163902": "what is the rule of law", "7tamkXQhHmg-00531-00163903-00164214": "everyone must follow the law", "7tamkXQhHmg-00532-00164215-00164687": "everyone must follow the law", "7tamkXQhHmg-00533-00164688-00165014": "what is one responsibility that is only", "7tamkXQhHmg-00534-00165015-00165359": "for united states citizens", "7tamkXQhHmg-00535-00165360-00165583": "what is one responsibility", "7tamkXQhHmg-00536-00165584-00166214": "that is only for united states citizens", "7tamkXQhHmg-00537-00166215-00166543": "to vote in a federal election", "7tamkXQhHmg-00538-00166544-00167031": "vote in a federal election", "7tamkXQhHmg-00539-00167032-00167438": "why does the flag have 13 stripes", "7tamkXQhHmg-00540-00167439-00167966": "why does the flag have 13 stripes", "7tamkXQhHmg-00541-00167967-00168375": "because there were 13 original colonies", "7tamkXQhHmg-00542-00168376-00169031": "because there were 13 original colonies", "7tamkXQhHmg-00543-00169032-00169351": "name one war fought by the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00544-00169352-00169654": "in the 1900s", "7tamkXQhHmg-00545-00169655-00169943": "name one war fought by the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00546-00169944-00170359": "in the 1900s", "7tamkXQhHmg-00547-00170360-00170599": "world war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00548-00170600-00170983": "world war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00549-00170984-00171223": "what is the economic system in the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00550-00171224-00171471": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00551-00171472-00171759": "what is the economic system in the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00552-00171760-00172175": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00553-00172176-00172463": "a capitalist economy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00554-00172464-00172943": "a capitalist economy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00555-00172944-00173254": "what ocean is on the west coast of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00556-00173255-00173495": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00557-00173496-00173783": "what ocean is on the west coast of the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00558-00173784-00174159": "united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00559-00174160-00174326": "the pacific", "7tamkXQhHmg-00560-00174327-00174735": "the pacific ocean", "7tamkXQhHmg-00561-00174736-00175071": "what does the president's cabinet do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00562-00175072-00175575": "what does the president's cabinet do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00563-00175576-00175895": "advises the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00564-00175896-00176526": "they advise the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00565-00176527-00176895": "what is the supreme law of the land", "7tamkXQhHmg-00566-00176896-00177383": "what is the supreme law of the land", "7tamkXQhHmg-00567-00177384-00177614": "the constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00568-00177615-00178014": "the constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00569-00178015-00178399": "what are two cabinet level positions", "7tamkXQhHmg-00570-00178400-00178943": "what are two cabinet level positions", "7tamkXQhHmg-00571-00178944-00179214": "secretary of defense", "7tamkXQhHmg-00572-00179215-00179511": "secretary of education", "7tamkXQhHmg-00573-00179512-00179751": "secretary of defense", "7tamkXQhHmg-00574-00179752-00180254": "and secretary of education", "7tamkXQhHmg-00575-00180255-00180559": "what do we call the first 10 amendments", "7tamkXQhHmg-00576-00180560-00180799": "to the constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00577-00180800-00181111": "what do we call the first 10 amendments", "7tamkXQhHmg-00578-00181112-00181423": "to the constitution", "7tamkXQhHmg-00579-00181424-00181671": "the bill of rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00580-00181672-00182063": "the bill of rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00581-00182064-00182471": "what did martin luther king jr do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00582-00182472-00182999": "what did martin luther king jr do", "7tamkXQhHmg-00583-00183000-00183278": "he fought for civil rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00584-00183279-00183735": "he fought for civil rights", "7tamkXQhHmg-00585-00183736-00184031": "who vetoes bills", "7tamkXQhHmg-00586-00184032-00184471": "who vetoes bills", "7tamkXQhHmg-00587-00184472-00184671": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00588-00184672-00184999": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00589-00185000-00185271": "who lived in america before the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00590-00185272-00185551": "europeans arrived", "7tamkXQhHmg-00591-00185552-00185814": "who lived in america before the", "7tamkXQhHmg-00592-00185815-00186263": "europeans arrived", "7tamkXQhHmg-00593-00186264-00186511": "american indians", "7tamkXQhHmg-00594-00186512-00186911": "american indians", "7tamkXQhHmg-00595-00186912-00187319": "what is the capital of the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00596-00187320-00187926": "what is the capital of the united states", "7tamkXQhHmg-00597-00187927-00188223": "washington d.c", "7tamkXQhHmg-00598-00188224-00188711": "washington d.c", "7tamkXQhHmg-00599-00188712-00189135": "who signs bills to become laws", "7tamkXQhHmg-00600-00189136-00189711": "who signs bills to become laws", "7tamkXQhHmg-00601-00189712-00189911": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00602-00189912-00190263": "the president", "7tamkXQhHmg-00603-00190264-00190559": "who did the united states fight in world", "7tamkXQhHmg-00604-00190560-00190783": "war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00605-00190784-00191095": "who did the united states fight in world", "7tamkXQhHmg-00606-00191096-00191454": "war ii", "7tamkXQhHmg-00607-00191455-00191583": "japan", "7tamkXQhHmg-00608-00191584-00191883": "germany and italy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00609-00191884-00192119": "japan germany", "7tamkXQhHmg-00610-00192120-00192487": "and italy", "7tamkXQhHmg-00611-00192488-00192671": "who wrote the declaration of", "7tamkXQhHmg-00612-00192672-00192919": "independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00613-00192920-00193135": "who wrote the declaration of", "7tamkXQhHmg-00614-00193136-00193487": "independence", "7tamkXQhHmg-00615-00193488-00193743": "thomas jefferson", "7tamkXQhHmg-00616-00193744-00193935": "thomas jefferson", "7tamkXQhHmg-00617-00193936-00194071": "or just", "7tamkXQhHmg-00618-00194072-00194199": "jefferson", "7tamkXQhHmg-00619-00194200-00194543": "jefferson and there you have it all 100", "7tamkXQhHmg-00620-00194544-00194775": "civics questions thank you for joining", "7tamkXQhHmg-00621-00194776-00195047": "me today if you like this video please", "7tamkXQhHmg-00622-00195048-00195326": "subscribe we appreciate your support", "7tamkXQhHmg-00623-00195327-00195535": "totally please leave questions and", "7tamkXQhHmg-00624-00195536-00195823": "comments below we will do what we can to", "7tamkXQhHmg-00625-00195824-00196111": "help you find the answers you need as", "7tamkXQhHmg-00626-00196112-00196343": "always please remember that as a group", "7tamkXQhHmg-00627-00196344-00196623": "is not a law firm but we do have", "7tamkXQhHmg-00628-00196624-00196895": "resources for you thanks again for", "7tamkXQhHmg-00629-00196896-00197007": "watching", "7tamkXQhHmg-00630-00197008-00197396": "and have a wonderful day"}}, {"audio_id": "7ugzntCyQ8Q", "text": {"7ugzntCyQ8Q-00000-00000006-00000155": "these days I am going to give an", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00001-00000156-00000340": "explanation for a Sci-Fi and romance", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00002-00000341-00000563": "movie launched within the year 2010", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00003-00000564-00000761": "permit skit commenced Rebecca one and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00004-00000762-00001012": "all our protagonists talks to her child", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00005-00001013-00001175": "even as", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00006-00001176-00001361": "caressing her stomach and starts to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00007-00001362-00001547": "consider her early life as a child she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00008-00001548-00001732": "visited her grandfather's Residence at", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00009-00001734-00001901": "the shores of the seashore and met a boy", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00010-00001902-00002141": "named Thomas for whom she became very", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00011-00002142-00002345": "curious in the future he got here to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00012-00002346-00002507": "pick her up at her residence and that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00013-00002508-00002663": "they each went out", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00014-00002664-00002873": "cycling from that second on they became", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00015-00002874-00003065": "very close and started out to spend each", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00016-00003066-00003233": "day collectively there was even a day", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00017-00003234-00003431": "when Rebecca pretended to be asleep so", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00018-00003432-00003653": "she may want a sleepover at Tommy's", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00019-00003654-00003851": "residents by way of the cease of their", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00020-00003852-00004054": "vacation Rebecca informed Tommy that she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00021-00004055-00004222": "turned into going to live in Japan and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00022-00004223-00004379": "he kissed her goodbye which caused the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00023-00004380-00004553": "lady to leave the area with a blush on", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00024-00004554-00004625": "her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00025-00004626-00004811": "face that identical night whilst taking", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00026-00004812-00005015": "a bath Rebecca receives a telephone call", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00027-00005016-00005195": "from Tommy who tells her that he goes to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00028-00005196-00005369": "the port to say goodbye to her Rebecca", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00029-00005370-00005543": "waits for him very excitedly however", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00030-00005544-00005735": "Tommy in no way arrives so her journey", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00031-00005736-00005938": "at the boat is very sad 12 years later", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00032-00005939-00006167": "Rebecca returns to the harbor", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00033-00006168-00006359": "town and visits her grandfather's house", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00034-00006360-00006545": "wherein she notices the passage of time", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00035-00006545-00006701": "greater than ever she then goes to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00036-00006702-00006892": "Thomas's residence to fulfill him but", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00037-00006893-00007042": "his mother tells her that the boy not", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00038-00007043-00007163": "lives there she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00039-00007164-00007373": "asks him if he nonetheless recollects", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00040-00007373-00007541": "her and the girl replies the tummy", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00041-00007542-00007709": "insisted them for years to go to Japan", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00042-00007709-00007877": "she then gives her the deal with of the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00043-00007878-00008074": "boy's new domestic upon arriving Rebecca", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00044-00008075-00008237": "enters and sees a woman lying on the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00045-00008238-00008410": "floor studying an e-book and as she is", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00046-00008411-00008585": "ready to depart Thomas scenes and the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00047-00008586-00008663": "two", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00048-00008664-00008831": "recognize each other nearly straight", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00049-00008832-00008981": "away later the three of them have", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00050-00008982-00009155": "breakfast together and the female who", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00051-00009156-00009328": "had appeared earlier reveals that she is", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00052-00009329-00009521": "Tommy's girlfriend as she leaves in a", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00053-00009522-00009635": "jealous rage", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00054-00009636-00009863": "day after today Tommy calls Rebecca from", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00055-00009864-00010073": "outside but she surprises him by means", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00056-00010074-00010217": "of arriving from at the back of they", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00057-00010218-00010360": "spend some time speaking at the beach", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00058-00010361-00010546": "and Tommy tells her that he is broken up", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00059-00010547-00010727": "with his lady friend now that Rebecca is", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00060-00010728-00010919": "lower back in Metropolis later they go", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00061-00010920-00011183": "to dinner at Rebecca's residents she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00062-00011184-00011374": "asks him approximately the wonder he had", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00063-00011375-00011549": "prepared the day before she travels to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00064-00011550-00011728": "Japan and Tommy shows her a matchbox", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00065-00011729-00011903": "with the snail they'd amassed when they", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00066-00011904-00012028": "had been little then", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00067-00012029-00012245": "Rebecca asks him why he didn't visit see", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00068-00012246-00012449": "her off to which Tommy only replies that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00069-00012450-00012635": "his experience turned into too early and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00070-00012636-00012815": "he overslept the next day they both have", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00071-00012816-00013072": "amusing going for walks at the beach end", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00072-00013073-00013241": "Tommy tells her that he may have an", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00073-00013241-00013433": "experience in some days Rebecca replies", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00074-00013434-00013643": "that she desires to go too however Tommy", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00075-00013644-00013793": "doesn't need to present her too many", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00076-00013794-00013961": "information about a little later at", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00077-00013962-00014057": "Tommy's", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00078-00014058-00014291": "residency explains that he has plans to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00079-00014291-00014453": "sabotage a polluting organization", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00080-00014454-00014657": "together with his group of environmental", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00081-00014658-00014866": "activists when Rebecca asks him what the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00082-00014868-00015035": "plan is Tommy takes her to a room", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00083-00015036-00015322": "wherein he has a big cockroach farm and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00084-00015323-00015472": "tells her that they will convey all", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00085-00015473-00015635": "these insects in backpacks to release", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00086-00015636-00015821": "them within the factory Tommy says", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00087-00015822-00015971": "goodbye to his mother and father and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00088-00015972-00016150": "then sets off at the lengthy", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00089-00016151-00016366": "a weighted experience with Rebecca as", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00090-00016368-00016511": "they journey to their vacation spot", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00091-00016512-00016763": "Rebecca asks Tommy to stop the car for a", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00092-00016764-00016936": "few moments to pee when Rebecca gets out", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00093-00016937-00017111": "to do her Enterprise she hears the sound", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00094-00017112-00017207": "of a", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00095-00017208-00017405": "crash and is confused when she turns", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00096-00017406-00017567": "around she gets returned inside the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00097-00017568-00017741": "automobile and stairs at the useless", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00098-00017742-00017915": "body of her brilliant love a few days", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00099-00017916-00018125": "later Rebecca finds a word inside the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00100-00018126-00018371": "matchbook Tommy had left her the word", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00101-00018372-00018521": "stated that he would wait all his", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00102-00018522-00018707": "existence for her to go back afterwards", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00103-00018708-00018886": "Rebecca wakes up looking at snapshots", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00104-00018887-00019091": "and movies of Tommy on her laptop day", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00105-00019092-00019283": "after today she goes to his", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00106-00019284-00019486": "funeral and upon seeing a flower she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00107-00019487-00019667": "receives in concept Rebecca reveals", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00108-00019668-00019841": "Tommy's father crying and is going over", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00109-00019842-00020027": "to comfort him later he and his wife go", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00110-00020028-00020194": "to Rebecca's residence Tommy's mother", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00111-00020195-00020458": "asks the protagonist to give an", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00112-00020459-00020608": "explanation for the motive for her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00113-00020609-00020800": "invitation and she suggests her a shape", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00114-00020801-00020986": "for genetic cloning by being pregnant as", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00115-00020987-00021167": "properly as explaining that it might be", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00116-00021168-00021341": "she herself who could give birth to the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00117-00021342-00021533": "baby Tommy Tommy's mom explains to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00118-00021534-00021700": "Rebecca that they're atheists and that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00119-00021701-00021821": "in addition", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00120-00021822-00021994": "they raised their son that manner", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00121-00021995-00022150": "however that even they consider that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00122-00022151-00022307": "this is immoral and that they need to be", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00123-00022308-00022469": "given the religion that has been dealt", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00124-00022470-00022643": "to them Rebecca replies that it's far", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00125-00022644-00022775": "that equal luck", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00126-00022776-00022978": "that gives them the possibility to bring", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00127-00022979-00023164": "Tommy returned and leaves the woman and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00128-00023165-00023350": "take a look at and her husband starts to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00129-00023351-00023500": "think so too they both depart the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00130-00023501-00023686": "vicinity and depart Rebecca by myself", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00131-00023687-00023872": "the next day Rebecca meets with Ralph", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00132-00023873-00024028": "Tommy's father he accepts her thought", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00133-00024029-00024257": "and tells her to elevate Tommy in", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00134-00024258-00024461": "that town due to the fact he cherished", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00135-00024462-00024635": "the ocean and will truly adore it once", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00136-00024636-00024803": "more when he's born once more further he", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00137-00024804-00024935": "tells her that they are going to leave", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00138-00024936-00025097": "the town and tells her that she still", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00139-00025098-00025217": "has time to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00140-00025218-00025439": "change her mind however Rebecca does not", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00141-00025440-00025618": "suppose two times and undergoes the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00142-00025619-00025793": "medical method to provide start to the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00143-00025794-00025961": "love of her lifestyles on her way out", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00144-00025962-00026105": "she is spotted with the aid of the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00145-00026106-00026212": "female who", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00146-00026213-00026429": "was once Tommy's lady friend after a", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00147-00026430-00026608": "while her stomach grows and she is only", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00148-00026610-00026770": "a few days far from", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00149-00026772-00026962": "Tommy's beginning so she goes to go to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00150-00026963-00027112": "his grave and smiles knowing that he", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00151-00027113-00027287": "could have a second Hazard to live once", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00152-00027288-00027490": "more days later Rebecca is hospitalized", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00153-00027491-00027658": "to present beginning to Tommy by using", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00154-00027660-00027845": "Caesarean phase then she walks with the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00155-00027845-00028018": "baby at the beach and by using the time", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00156-00028019-00028151": "she found out it", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00157-00028152-00028361": "Tommy turned into already the equal age", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00158-00028362-00028535": "he become when they met whilst gambling", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00159-00028536-00028739": "with a few blankets Tommy asks his mom", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00160-00028739-00028912": "about his father but Rebecca does not", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00161-00028913-00029099": "recognize how to tell him that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00162-00029100-00029314": "whole fact it truly is why after some", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00163-00029316-00029489": "seconds of Silence she tells him that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00164-00029489-00029668": "his father died in a vehicle coincidence", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00165-00029669-00029831": "someday she under its Tommy together", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00166-00029832-00030011": "with his buddy Eric and a bit woman", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00167-00030012-00030137": "named Dima", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00168-00030138-00030323": "she behaves a little surprisingly and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00169-00030324-00030520": "Rebecca invites her to her residence so", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00170-00030522-00030701": "she can play with Tommy however the girl", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00171-00030702-00030893": "refuses while Dima leaves the region", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00172-00030894-00031079": "Tommy and Eric begin making fun of her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00173-00031080-00031181": "for being", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00174-00031182-00031390": "a replica the next day Rebecca is", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00175-00031391-00031577": "invited to a assembly with dima's mom", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00176-00031577-00031762": "and her teacher the ladies ask Rebecca", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00177-00031763-00031924": "not to confuse her daughter with her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00178-00031925-00032105": "invitations and to try to keep her son", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00179-00032106-00032273": "far away from Dima as she has been", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00180-00032274-00032405": "bullied a lot through all of the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00181-00032406-00032573": "youngsters in the magnificence Rebecca", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00182-00032574-00032735": "may be very stressed through all this", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00183-00032736-00032890": "and the ladies observed so the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00184-00032891-00033059": "instructor intervenes and begins to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00185-00033060-00033287": "provide an explanation for that Dima is", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00186-00033288-00033502": "the end result of synthetic insemination", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00187-00033503-00033707": "her case is similar", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00188-00033708-00034043": "to his as the woman did beginning to her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00189-00034044-00034205": "very own mom Rebecca attempts to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00190-00034206-00034385": "procedure all this Statistics and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00191-00034386-00034589": "apologizes to the girls they receive her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00192-00034590-00034787": "apology as they understand Rebecca she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00193-00034788-00034907": "then leaves the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00194-00034908-00035093": "following day she organizes a birthday", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00195-00035094-00035285": "party for Tommy so she decorates the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00196-00035286-00035465": "entire house and waits for the opposite", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00197-00035466-00035633": "children collectively but they by no", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00198-00035634-00035818": "means arrive which reasons Rebecca to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00199-00035819-00035968": "burst into tears", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00200-00035969-00036167": "due to the fact she cannot tell her son", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00201-00036168-00036352": "the fact days later they both go to the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00202-00036353-00036527": "beach and Tommy falls in love with the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00203-00036528-00036695": "ocean as he used to do when the Beyonce", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00204-00036696-00036887": "Rebecca is moved again domestic she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00205-00036888-00037001": "offers him a", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00206-00037002-00037193": "toy dinosaur and he names a booboo", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00207-00037194-00037367": "sooner or later at the same time as", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00208-00037368-00037552": "looking to see from the show Rebecca and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00209-00037553-00037727": "Tommy are interrupted by using a boy", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00210-00037728-00037912": "named Mark who introduces himself as", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00211-00037913-00037996": "there", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00212-00037997-00038177": "neighbor he and Tommy end up fast", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00213-00038178-00038345": "friends even going to play with him at", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00214-00038346-00038549": "his residence whilst Rebecca", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00215-00038550-00038771": "works on her PC that same night Tommy", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00216-00038772-00038951": "asks his mother if she changed into gift", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00217-00038952-00039137": "on the time of his father's dying and he", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00218-00039138-00039268": "or she tells him the tale to touch", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00219-00039269-00039449": "nervously and emits records stay after", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00220-00039450-00039617": "today they both play wrestling on the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00221-00039618-00039802": "beach and Tommy manages to beat her so", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00222-00039803-00039971": "he innocently tells her that now he may", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00223-00039972-00040121": "want to do something he wishes with her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00224-00040122-00040330": "to which Rebecca offers into his wishes", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00225-00040331-00040462": "and encourages", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00226-00040463-00040643": "him to do something he needs at that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00227-00040644-00040835": "second Mark seems and Tommy leaves in", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00228-00040836-00041002": "the nighttime Rebecca enters her son's", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00229-00041003-00041171": "room and sends him off to Mattress time", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00230-00041172-00041446": "flies by means of and via the subsequent", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00231-00041447-00041662": "seeing Tommy is in person once more and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00232-00041663-00041849": "is already romantically concerned with", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00233-00041850-00042029": "Monica his female", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00234-00042030-00042215": "friend this hurts Rebecca who cannot", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00235-00042216-00042401": "give an explanation for her feelings to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00236-00042402-00042593": "her son he even asks his mother for", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00237-00042594-00042767": "permission for Monica to stay with them", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00238-00042768-00042977": "Rebecca accepts in spite of the entirety", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00239-00042978-00043085": "and the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00240-00043086-00043283": "woman actions into the house the first", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00241-00043284-00043480": "few days are a chunk ordinary as the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00242-00043481-00043624": "woman attempts to get her mother in", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00243-00043625-00043805": "regulation to like her however notices", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00244-00043806-00043996": "that she maintains a ways within the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00245-00043997-00044129": "relationship she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00246-00044130-00044339": "even bakes a cake to try to make things", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00247-00044340-00044512": "higher but Rebecca doesn't eat it one", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00248-00044513-00044662": "night time whilst pretending to be", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00249-00044663-00044843": "asleep she overhears Monica telling", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00250-00044844-00044987": "Tommy that she need to speak to his", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00251-00044988-00045130": "mother and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00252-00045131-00045293": "ought to provide an explanation for that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00253-00045294-00045449": "he only loves her as his mother so", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00254-00045450-00045640": "Rebecca notices that her emotions for", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00255-00045641-00045833": "her son are getting increasingly obvious", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00256-00045834-00046018": "tomorrow Tommy comes over with Annette", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00257-00046019-00046102": "too", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00258-00046103-00046307": "Shaggy Dog story along with his mother", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00259-00046308-00046499": "but the Shaggy Dog story gets a touch", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00260-00046500-00046649": "bizarre and that they are each very", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00261-00046650-00046846": "embarrassed plus all this was visible by", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00262-00046847-00047045": "means of Monica upon coming into the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00263-00047046-00047140": "residence", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00264-00047141-00047380": "Monica attempts to confront Rebecca but", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00265-00047381-00047561": "she just evades the scenario because the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00266-00047562-00047740": "day's Cross by means of things become", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00267-00047741-00047902": "untenable inside the family and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00268-00047903-00048040": "relationships turn out to be", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00269-00048041-00048215": "increasingly more strained", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00270-00048216-00048401": "between all of us the high factor of", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00271-00048402-00048562": "this comes while Tommy's actual mother", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00272-00048563-00048761": "shows up at the scene and is perplexed", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00273-00048762-00048940": "to see the exact reproduction of her son", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00274-00048941-00049115": "however deep down she knows it is not", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00275-00049116-00049223": "sincerely", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00276-00049224-00049480": "imtami begins to Melancholy and needs an", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00277-00049481-00049667": "explanation however no one utters a", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00278-00049668-00049817": "phrase and the girl", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00279-00049818-00050033": "leaves with Rebecca at night Tommy wakes", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00280-00050034-00050218": "up and goes to his mom's room so that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00281-00050219-00050362": "she will explain what is taking place", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00282-00050363-00050549": "however Rebecca does now not give him", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00283-00050550-00050752": "any clarification and Monica begins", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00284-00050753-00050855": "calling him", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00285-00050856-00051095": "to move again to his room so Tommy comes", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00286-00051096-00051269": "to a decision to visit the bathroom to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00287-00051270-00051449": "be on my own for some time the following", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00288-00051450-00051599": "day the three of them are having the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00289-00051600-00051730": "tensest breakfast in the international", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00290-00051732-00051844": "and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00291-00051845-00052073": "Rebecca can see that her son may be very", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00292-00052074-00052235": "dissatisfied as he starts to get", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00293-00052236-00052426": "irritated seeking to Salt his meals and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00294-00052427-00052582": "hits all of the matters before leaving", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00295-00052583-00052780": "the two ladies are left on my own in the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00296-00052782-00052913": "room and study", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00297-00052914-00053099": "each different in confusion later the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00298-00053100-00053279": "two women start knocking on the toilet", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00299-00053279-00053435": "door due to the fact Tommy locked", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00300-00053436-00053615": "himself in for a bath hours ago and", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00301-00053616-00053825": "nonetheless hasn't pop out Monica tells", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00302-00053826-00053932": "him that she", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00303-00053933-00054130": "can depart the region and he does not", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00304-00054132-00054275": "even answer while leaving the bathroom", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00305-00054276-00054461": "Tommy and Monica have a look at each", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00306-00054462-00054641": "different for a few moments and Monica", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00307-00054641-00054803": "leaves with all her things at that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00308-00054804-00054892": "second", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00309-00054894-00055121": "Tommy goes to Rebecca's room and once", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00310-00055122-00055288": "more asks her to explain what goes on", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00311-00055289-00055475": "Rebecca gets out of bed and attempts to", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00312-00055476-00055625": "inform him the whole lot from the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00313-00055626-00055859": "beginning however Tommy begins to get", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00314-00055860-00056032": "desperate and asks her to get to the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00315-00056033-00056213": "point Rebecca gets up and goes to get", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00316-00056214-00056399": "the computer that Tommy used in his past", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00317-00056400-00056542": "Lifestyles he sees all of the", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00318-00056544-00056759": "photographs and videos and begins tying", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00319-00056760-00056903": "matters together", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00320-00056904-00057125": "very quickly he begins to rage at his", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00321-00057126-00057299": "mother and asks her who she honestly is", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00322-00057300-00057466": "then despairs at now not understanding", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00323-00057467-00057665": "who he clearly is and realizes that his", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00324-00057666-00057832": "complete life has been a lie and that", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00325-00057833-00057929": "his mother", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00326-00057929-00058138": "was actually the love of his existence", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00327-00058139-00058300": "in his past life he climbs into", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00328-00058301-00058535": "Rebecca's bed and that they unload", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00329-00058536-00058721": "all of the love and anxiety that they", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00330-00058722-00058876": "had given that he was little once they", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00331-00058877-00059057": "finished Tommy gathers all his matters", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00332-00059058-00059237": "and says goodbye to Rebecca calling her", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00333-00059238-00059387": "with the aid of call for the primary", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00334-00059388-00059542": "time the cease thanks for watching", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00335-00059544-00059716": "please like subscribe and click the Bell", "7ugzntCyQ8Q-00336-00059717-00060091": "icon to get new movie Recaps"}}, {"audio_id": "7us6LheZY-k", "text": {"7us6LheZY-k-00000-00000107-00000362": "foreign"}}, {"audio_id": "7uCKwYFe56u", "text": {"7uCKwYFe56u-00000-00000150-00000388": "after what we've seen so far many fans", "7uCKwYFe56u-00001-00000389-00000587": "think that Elizabeth podcast and Andre", "7uCKwYFe56u-00002-00000588-00000862": "castrovat have more story to tell and", "7uCKwYFe56u-00003-00000863-00001108": "they are right this spring 90 fiance", "7uCKwYFe56u-00004-00001109-00001312": "fans learned that Libby and Andre were", "7uCKwYFe56u-00005-00001313-00001565": "expecting their second child now they do", "7uCKwYFe56u-00006-00001566-00001751": "have welcomed their baby boy", "7uCKwYFe56u-00007-00001752-00001984": "he's here Elizabeth podcast wrote on", "7uCKwYFe56u-00008-00001985-00002213": "Facebook and Instagram on Friday October", "7uCKwYFe56u-00009-00002214-00002489": "7th we welcome sweet precious baby boy", "7uCKwYFe56u-00010-00002490-00002692": "Winston level Castroville into the world", "7uCKwYFe56u-00011-00002693-00002950": "she announced Libby detailed that she", "7uCKwYFe56u-00012-00002951-00003173": "gave birth to their son on October 4th", "7uCKwYFe56u-00013-00003174-00003527": "2022 Winston she detailed Android the", "7uCKwYFe56u-00014-00003528-00003767": "world weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces 20", "7uCKwYFe56u-00015-00003768-00004067": "inches long our hearts are so filled", "7uCKwYFe56u-00016-00004068-00004247": "with our joy right now and we are", "7uCKwYFe56u-00017-00004248-00004420": "already loving being a family of four", "7uCKwYFe56u-00018-00004421-00004685": "Ali is a proud big sister and all about", "7uCKwYFe56u-00019-00004686-00004865": "her baby brother win", "7uCKwYFe56u-00020-00004866-00005099": "maybe share that having a baby boy is", "7uCKwYFe56u-00021-00005100-00005327": "totally different energy and I'm loving", "7uCKwYFe56u-00022-00005328-00005645": "it so much Elizabeth and Andre also gave", "7uCKwYFe56u-00023-00005646-00005849": "a statement to US Weekly and even let", "7uCKwYFe56u-00024-00005850-00006041": "them snap some pigs we're sure that", "7uCKwYFe56u-00025-00006042-00006317": "we'll get many more soon our hearts are", "7uCKwYFe56u-00026-00006318-00006514": "so filled with joy right now and Ellie", "7uCKwYFe56u-00027-00006515-00006689": "is all about her baby brother the couple", "7uCKwYFe56u-00028-00006690-00006910": "shared we are so excited to be a family", "7uCKwYFe56u-00029-00006911-00007205": "of four and cannot wait to grow together", "7uCKwYFe56u-00030-00007206-00007445": "back in March Lydia and Andre announced", "7uCKwYFe56u-00031-00007445-00007595": "that their small family was in the", "7uCKwYFe56u-00032-00007595-00007834": "process of expanding we are so extremely", "7uCKwYFe56u-00033-00007836-00007984": "excited to announce that we are", "7uCKwYFe56u-00034-00007986-00008164": "expecting baby Castro at number two", "7uCKwYFe56u-00035-00008165-00008435": "Elizabeth shared at the time she then", "7uCKwYFe56u-00036-00008436-00008717": "added Ellie is so ecstatic to be a big", "7uCKwYFe56u-00037-00008718-00008974": "sister and help Mama we appreciate all", "7uCKwYFe56u-00038-00008975-00009178": "of your love and support and cannot wait", "7uCKwYFe56u-00039-00009179-00009413": "to have you on this journey with us", "7uCKwYFe56u-00040-00009414-00009623": "we are clearly still on that same", "7uCKwYFe56u-00041-00009624-00009821": "Journey with their family now a family", "7uCKwYFe56u-00042-00009822-00010085": "of four as The Hollywood Gossip recently", "7uCKwYFe56u-00043-00010086-00010289": "reported Lily and Andre's newborn love", "7uCKwYFe56u-00044-00010290-00010469": "joy may be part of their reality TV", "7uCKwYFe56u-00045-00010470-00010714": "future on season 7 this couple has", "7uCKwYFe56u-00046-00010715-00010942": "received an unusually favorable added to", "7uCKwYFe56u-00047-00010943-00011105": "the point where it's almost suspicious", "7uCKwYFe56u-00048-00011106-00011321": "sometimes production will change things", "7uCKwYFe56u-00049-00011322-00011531": "up to keep storylines fresh with gentle", "7uCKwYFe56u-00050-00011532-00011788": "edits but this feels different this", "7uCKwYFe56u-00051-00011789-00011963": "feels to many fans like production is", "7uCKwYFe56u-00052-00011964-00012137": "gearing up to give Elizabeth and Andre", "7uCKwYFe56u-00053-00012138-00012401": "and her family their own spin-off think", "7uCKwYFe56u-00054-00012402-00012628": "of how the family Chantal works we see", "7uCKwYFe56u-00055-00012629-00012827": "not only that now former couple but", "7uCKwYFe56u-00056-00012828-00013060": "their parents and siblings some sort of", "7uCKwYFe56u-00057-00013061-00013247": "the family's protest spin-off could work", "7uCKwYFe56u-00058-00013247-00013469": "very similarly season 7 is already", "7uCKwYFe56u-00059-00013469-00013643": "showing Libby's siblings with their own", "7uCKwYFe56u-00060-00013644-00013936": "storylines if such a spin-off exists and", "7uCKwYFe56u-00061-00013937-00014093": "if it was already in the works this", "7uCKwYFe56u-00062-00014094-00014266": "summer perhaps cameras followed their", "7uCKwYFe56u-00063-00014268-00014501": "pregnancy Journey having a kid is a", "7uCKwYFe56u-00064-00014502-00014680": "recurring storyline in this franchise", "7uCKwYFe56u-00065-00014681-00014866": "and might sell the network bigwigs on", "7uCKwYFe56u-00066-00014868-00015113": "improving the spin-off some people love", "7uCKwYFe56u-00067-00015113-00015347": "this Cast of Clowns others load them", "7uCKwYFe56u-00068-00015347-00015580": "some go back and forth that is the", "7uCKwYFe56u-00069-00015581-00015766": "perfect receipt potentially for enduring", "7uCKwYFe56u-00070-00015768-00015893": "viewership", "7uCKwYFe56u-00071-00015894-00016097": "thanks for tuning in folks subscribe and", "7uCKwYFe56u-00072-00016097-00016161": "stay tuned", "7uCKwYFe56u-00073-00016162-00016468": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7uIWpMpJOUY", "text": {"7uIWpMpJOUY-00000-00000042-00000299": "six months pregnant babies can be", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00001-00000300-00000509": "interacted", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00002-00000509-00003803": "[Music]", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00003-00003804-00003970": "when you are six months pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00004-00003971-00004241": "pregnant women can already interact with", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00005-00004242-00004391": "their little one in the womb through", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00006-00004392-00004565": "touch and sound", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00007-00004566-00004817": "your little one can also respond to", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00008-00004818-00005002": "pregnant women with movements from the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00009-00005003-00005086": "stomach", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00010-00005087-00005393": "not only makes pregnancy enjoyable this", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00011-00005394-00005627": "is also a sign that the fetus is in good", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00012-00005628-00005722": "health", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00013-00005723-00005897": "when you are five months pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00014-00005898-00006143": "pregnant women may not be sure whether", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00015-00006144-00006425": "the fetus can hear or feel touch", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00016-00006426-00006664": "however when you are six months pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00017-00006665-00006946": "the fetus in the womb usually starts to", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00018-00006947-00007192": "move very actively and can respond to", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00019-00007193-00007355": "sound and touch", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00020-00007356-00007637": "sounds such as shouting or The Sound of", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00021-00007638-00007846": "Music can cause him to make small", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00022-00007847-00008039": "movements or kicks", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00023-00008040-00008339": "fetal growth during six months pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00024-00008340-00008560": "when entering six months of gestation", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00025-00008561-00008821": "the fetus usually weighs approximately", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00026-00008822-00009149": "660 grams with a length of about 34", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00027-00009150-00009335": "centimeters", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00028-00009336-00009514": "this weight and length will increase", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00029-00009515-00009755": "every week as well as the growth and", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00030-00009756-00010001": "development of the organs of the body", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00031-00010002-00010223": "the following is the development of the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00032-00010224-00010492": "fetus from the 25th week to the 28th", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00033-00010493-00010674": "week of pregnancy", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00034-00010675-00010901": "25th week pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00035-00010902-00011171": "in this week the fetus will often move", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00036-00011172-00011387": "and even pregnant women can feel the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00037-00011388-00011578": "movement when he hiccups", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00038-00011579-00011783": "in addition there are various", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00039-00011784-00011999": "developments and changes when the fetus", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00040-00012000-00012383": "enters 25 weeks of gestation including", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00041-00012384-00012701": "the body of the fetus will look fatter", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00042-00012702-00012965": "skin that was previously wrinkled will", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00043-00012966-00013138": "begin to look smooth", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00044-00013140-00013385": "there is hair growth on the head", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00045-00013386-00013649": "the fetus will regularly excrete urine", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00046-00013650-00013865": "into the amniotic fluid", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00047-00013866-00014147": "the eyelids begin to separate", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00048-00014147-00014363": "26th week pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00049-00014363-00014765": "at this week the fetus is about 35.6", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00050-00014766-00015077": "centimeters long and weighs about 760", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00051-00015078-00015203": "grams", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00052-00015204-00015479": "as the brain develops the fetal response", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00053-00015480-00015701": "also becomes more active", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00054-00015702-00016025": "at 26 weeks of gestation the fetus will", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00055-00016026-00016294": "experience the following developments", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00056-00016295-00016505": "the eyes are fully open and are", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00057-00016506-00016661": "beginning to Blink", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00058-00016662-00016907": "the lungs are continuing to develop but", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00059-00016908-00017141": "are not yet ready to breathe air", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00060-00017142-00017411": "earring begins to activate and is able", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00061-00017412-00017633": "to hear sounds more clearly", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00062-00017634-00017855": "Descent of the testicles into the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00063-00017856-00018115": "scrotal sack in a male fetus", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00064-00018116-00018365": "27th week pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00065-00018366-00018635": "fetal weight at 27 weeks of gestation", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00066-00018636-00018929": "will increase by more than 100 grams to", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00067-00018930-00019193": "around 880 grams with a length of", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00068-00019194-00019303": "approximately", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00069-00019304-00019577": "36.6 centimeters", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00070-00019578-00019817": "changes to the organs and movements of", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00071-00019818-00020027": "the fetus that pregnant women can feel", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00072-00020028-00020213": "this week include", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00073-00020214-00020536": "the fetal heart rate slows down to 140", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00074-00020537-00020777": "beats per minute but this frequency is", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00075-00020778-00020927": "still higher than that of a pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00076-00020928-00021035": "woman", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00077-00021036-00021371": "the fetus can open and close its eyes", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00078-00021372-00021611": "his visual nerves start to work and", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00079-00021612-00021761": "respond to light", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00080-00021762-00022067": "the fetal brain digestive system and", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00081-00022068-00022300": "lungs have formed but are not yet fully", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00082-00022301-00022480": "mature and functional", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00083-00022481-00022721": "the fetus has regular sleep and wake", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00084-00022722-00022841": "phases", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00085-00022842-00023105": "the fetus also actively breathes during", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00086-00023106-00023357": "sleep so that its lungs can expand at", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00087-00023358-00023455": "Birth", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00088-00023456-00023693": "28th week pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00089-00023694-00023939": "in this week the weight of the fetus has", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00090-00023940-00024143": "reached a weight of about one kilogram", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00091-00024144-00024599": "with a length of about 37.5 centimeters", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00092-00024600-00024827": "the weight of the fetus will continue to", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00093-00024828-00025097": "increase because more and more fat has", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00094-00025098-00025307": "accumulated under the skin", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00095-00025308-00025541": "in addition the development of other", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00096-00025542-00025864": "body parts is also progressing rapidly", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00097-00025866-00026117": "these developments include", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00098-00026118-00026320": "eyelashes have grown", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00099-00026322-00026543": "the fetal heartbeat can be heard through", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00100-00026544-00026687": "a stethoscope", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00101-00026688-00026914": "occurs the development of a fetal eye", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00102-00026916-00027017": "color", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00103-00027018-00027262": "layers of fat and bones are growing", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00104-00027263-00027455": "although the bones will not really", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00105-00027456-00027707": "Harden after he is born later", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00106-00027708-00027983": "various changes that can occur in six", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00107-00027983-00028162": "months pregnant women", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00108-00028163-00028390": "when the gestational Aid enters the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00109-00028391-00028601": "third trimester many pregnant women", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00110-00028602-00028870": "experience swelling of the face hands or", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00111-00028872-00028955": "feet", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00112-00028956-00029237": "in addition pregnant women will also", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00113-00029238-00029452": "often feel back pain because the body", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00114-00029454-00029681": "begins to adjust itself to face the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00115-00029682-00029927": "birth process when the time comes", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00116-00029927-00030185": "at this gestational age some pregnant", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00117-00030186-00030473": "women will experience nosebleeds", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00118-00030474-00030712": "this condition normally occurs due to", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00119-00030713-00030940": "hormonal changes during pregnancy and", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00120-00030941-00031151": "can go away on its own with proper", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00121-00031152-00031252": "treatment", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00122-00031254-00031529": "hormonal changes during pregnancy and", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00123-00031530-00031751": "increased blood flow to the skin can", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00124-00031752-00031967": "make you sweat more often", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00125-00031968-00032243": "in addition the skin will also be read", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00126-00032244-00032507": "with pimples around the face neck and", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00127-00032508-00032596": "chest", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00128-00032597-00032849": "therefore pregnant women should wear", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00129-00032850-00033101": "clothes that absorb sweat such as cotton", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00130-00033102-00033215": "or linen", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00131-00033216-00033389": "the importance of checking the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00132-00033390-00033718": "Gynecology at six months of pregnancy", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00133-00033719-00034001": "in routine monthly pregnancy checks the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00134-00034002-00034235": "obstetrician or Midwife will check blood", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00135-00034236-00034349": "pressure", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00136-00034350-00034679": "sometimes urine sample examination is", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00137-00034680-00034889": "also needed to detect certain conditions", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00138-00034890-00035212": "such as preeclampsia and diabetes", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00139-00035213-00035489": "in addition blood tests are also", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00140-00035490-00035681": "important to do to prevent recess", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00141-00035682-00036005": "incompatibility between mother and fetus", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00142-00036006-00036185": "when the blood of the mother and the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00143-00036186-00036389": "fetus whose recess does not match mix", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00144-00036390-00036617": "the body of the pregnant woman will form", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00145-00036618-00036857": "antibodies which can cause damage to the", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00146-00036858-00037073": "red blood cells of the fetus", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00147-00037074-00037318": "this can cause the fetus to experience", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00148-00037319-00037601": "anemia or other health problems", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00149-00037602-00037823": "at the age of six months of pregnancy", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00150-00037824-00038068": "pregnant women will also often", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00151-00038069-00038285": "experience pain and aches", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00152-00038286-00038518": "if the pain and aches really interfere", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00153-00038519-00038765": "with activities consult a doctor to get", "7uIWpMpJOUY-00154-00038766-00038996": "treatment"}}, {"audio_id": "7vgTb8KVc98", "text": {"7vgTb8KVc98-00000-00000012-00000221": "looking down those sight lines tping", "7vgTb8KVc98-00001-00000222-00000359": "forwards they need to deal with him", "7vgTb8KVc98-00002-00000360-00000787": "still pushing down Dash four words", "7vgTb8KVc98-00003-00000788-00001043": "with the sheriff", "7vgTb8KVc98-00004-00001044-00001211": "oh my goodness", "7vgTb8KVc98-00005-00001212-00001462": "looking like the wild west side here and", "7vgTb8KVc98-00006-00001463-00001655": "look at the Rifts he's taking he was", "7vgTb8KVc98-00007-00001655-00001830": "hoping for an easy one", "7vgTb8KVc98-00008-00001832-00002134": "timing smoke now dropped off it is three", "7vgTb8KVc98-00009-00002135-00002291": "on three with a spike in a post plans", "7vgTb8KVc98-00010-00002292-00002471": "and an operator reclaimed as well so", "7vgTb8KVc98-00011-00002472-00002597": "Zappa's gonna be able to watch that lane", "7vgTb8KVc98-00012-00002598-00003052": "angle how to NRG navigate this", "7vgTb8KVc98-00013-00003053-00003281": "they're gonna get Recon back online in a", "7vgTb8KVc98-00014-00003282-00003588": "moment they still have a paranoia", "7vgTb8KVc98-00015-00003589-00003772": "with the Flash", "7vgTb8KVc98-00016-00003773-00003988": "Recon sponsor any spamford awards we'll", "7vgTb8KVc98-00017-00003989-00004156": "do it but it's cloud nine", "7vgTb8KVc98-00018-00004157-00004433": "1v3 dropping up has to be the race sweet", "7vgTb8KVc98-00019-00004434-00004786": "Jake the links four for it Thrifty", "7vgTb8KVc98-00020-00004787-00005285": "rounds and a dangerous one of that", "7vgTb8KVc98-00021-00005286-00005441": "and there's that statistic we were", "7vgTb8KVc98-00022-00005442-00005693": "talking about Cloud9 on easy go rounds", "7vgTb8KVc98-00023-00005694-00005861": "they have so much more success compared", "7vgTb8KVc98-00024-00005862-00005986": "to any other team", "7vgTb8KVc98-00025-00005987-00006299": "it's Bonkers it really is I've got a", "7vgTb8KVc98-00026-00006300-00006496": "question what on Earth Victor was up to", "7vgTb8KVc98-00027-00006497-00006623": "there though can you bring at the back", "7vgTb8KVc98-00028-00006623-00006839": "he's yeah he's trying to dash forwards", "7vgTb8KVc98-00029-00006840-00007064": "and get"}}, {"audio_id": "7vh9gtL731E", "text": {"7vh9gtL731E-00000-00000048-00000254": "crazy", "7vh9gtL731E-00001-00000256-00000790": "ba streets daily [__]", "7vh9gtL731E-00002-00000791-00001007": "yeah", "7vh9gtL731E-00003-00001008-00001254": "oh", "7vh9gtL731E-00004-00001255-00001497": "this [__] crazy", "7vh9gtL731E-00005-00001498-00001547": "[Applause]", "7vh9gtL731E-00006-00001548-00001679": "[Music]", "7vh9gtL731E-00007-00001680-00001871": "[__] this up", "7vh9gtL731E-00008-00001872-00002142": "hey yo", "7vh9gtL731E-00009-00002143-00002350": "back in the days we used to sell dope to", "7vh9gtL731E-00010-00002351-00002542": "crack heads to get paid but not a dope", "7vh9gtL731E-00011-00002543-00002710": "game in disarray and the coat got more", "7vh9gtL731E-00012-00002711-00002926": "ice at all in it than cocaine but in my", "7vh9gtL731E-00013-00002927-00003134": "days we used to break a 28 down in four", "7vh9gtL731E-00014-00003135-00003319": "ways and be the mayor we paid for the", "7vh9gtL731E-00015-00003320-00003519": "weight off the shake before the next day", "7vh9gtL731E-00016-00003520-00003686": "so i ain't gonna fuss and argue with you", "7vh9gtL731E-00017-00003688-00003870": "i'll count how much money you make imma", "7vh9gtL731E-00018-00003871-00004038": "just play the number games and fluctuate", "7vh9gtL731E-00019-00004039-00004215": "the points on the measuring plate that", "7vh9gtL731E-00020-00004216-00004375": "way the customers get to decide where", "7vh9gtL731E-00021-00004376-00004622": "they buy my job is to just advertise and", "7vh9gtL731E-00022-00004623-00004815": "supply them eighty dollar eights and if", "7vh9gtL731E-00023-00004816-00004975": "you can't make yours a few points bigger", "7vh9gtL731E-00024-00004976-00005111": "than what you're talking about [__] and", "7vh9gtL731E-00025-00005112-00005302": "who are you anyway i ain't never seen", "7vh9gtL731E-00026-00005303-00005486": "your face and i don't recall you coming", "7vh9gtL731E-00027-00005487-00005670": "to ba to buy no weight matter of fact", "7vh9gtL731E-00028-00005671-00005879": "next time you're down my way now i ain't", "7vh9gtL731E-00029-00005880-00006086": "gonna say just know i got important", "7vh9gtL731E-00030-00006087-00006254": "people already set up in place just in", "7vh9gtL731E-00031-00006255-00006414": "case so i advise you [__] not to act", "7vh9gtL731E-00032-00006415-00006598": "tough and comfort jay just know that", "7vh9gtL731E-00033-00006600-00006806": "[__] can go both ways i can jump off", "7vh9gtL731E-00034-00006808-00006934": "sides and come glitching from the", "7vh9gtL731E-00035-00006936-00007151": "corners whenever you free and safe but", "7vh9gtL731E-00036-00007152-00007342": "we rather get rich and [__] a different", "7vh9gtL731E-00037-00007343-00007527": "[__] every day that's when you really", "7vh9gtL731E-00038-00007528-00007727": "win y'all [__] really [__] warmers", "7vh9gtL731E-00039-00007728-00007919": "and disgruntled six men and i was just", "7vh9gtL731E-00040-00007920-00008134": "voted all-star again and i let that [__]", "7vh9gtL731E-00041-00008136-00008319": "sink in and i've been doing the same", "7vh9gtL731E-00042-00008320-00008551": "[__] since i was 16 on the curb selling", "7vh9gtL731E-00043-00008552-00008751": "white girl by the 16th every third and", "7vh9gtL731E-00044-00008752-00009031": "15 yeah making sure my business order is", "7vh9gtL731E-00045-00009032-00009239": "snitch free and your [__] love when i", "7vh9gtL731E-00046-00009240-00009406": "bend it over i can see your public and", "7vh9gtL731E-00047-00009407-00009574": "she'll tune it up for me and when i'm", "7vh9gtL731E-00048-00009575-00009710": "[__] i tell her how lucky your", "7vh9gtL731E-00049-00009711-00009999": "husband must be if i shoot you i'm", "7vh9gtL731E-00050-00010000-00010246": "brainless but if you shoot me then you", "7vh9gtL731E-00051-00010247-00010606": "famous what's a [__] to do huh", "7vh9gtL731E-00052-00010607-00011169": "crazy", "7vh9gtL731E-00053-00011170-00011478": "[Music]", "7vh9gtL731E-00054-00011479-00011688": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7vyrwyvb990", "text": {"7vyrwyvb990-00000-00000040-00000576": "[Music]", "7vyrwyvb990-00001-00000577-00000827": "Prince Philip looked as fit as ever", "7vyrwyvb990-00002-00000827-00000994": "today as he walked to and from church", "7vyrwyvb990-00003-00000996-00001139": "with other members of the royal family", "7vyrwyvb990-00004-00001140-00001358": "of Sandringham and cracked jokes with", "7vyrwyvb990-00005-00001359-00001927": "well-wishers Philip 96 appeared in high", "7vyrwyvb990-00006-00001928-00002147": "spirits as he spotted American mother of", "7vyrwyvb990-00007-00002148-00002339": "two Heather Hudgens in the crowd holding", "7vyrwyvb990-00008-00002340-00002551": "her three-month-old daughter Abby who", "7vyrwyvb990-00009-00002552-00002956": "had a decorative green bow on her head", "7vyrwyvb990-00010-00002957-00003160": "members of the crowd burst out laughing", "7vyrwyvb990-00011-00003161-00003503": "as Philip quipped is it a baby I thought", "7vyrwyvb990-00012-00003504-00003970": "it was a bunch of flowers mrs. Hutchins", "7vyrwyvb990-00013-00003971-00004136": "from Florida who is with her u.s.", "7vyrwyvb990-00014-00004137-00004352": "serviceman husband Stephen and his based", "7vyrwyvb990-00015-00004353-00004658": "at RAF Lakenheath Suffolk said it was", "7vyrwyvb990-00016-00004659-00005120": "nice that he picked us out he obviously", "7vyrwyvb990-00017-00005121-00005406": "has a sense of humor a crowd of around", "7vyrwyvb990-00018-00005407-00005660": "350 people were delighted to see Philip", "7vyrwyvb990-00019-00005661-00005920": "briskly walking 400 yards to see Mary", "7vyrwyvb990-00020-00005921-00006101": "Magdalene church while the Queen was", "7vyrwyvb990-00021-00006102-00006302": "driven in her maroon colored Bentley", "7vyrwyvb990-00022-00006303-00006733": "accompanied by Sophie Countess of Wessex", "7vyrwyvb990-00023-00006734-00006959": "scroll down for video wearing his", "7vyrwyvb990-00024-00006959-00007208": "trademark brown overcoat Philip led a", "7vyrwyvb990-00025-00007209-00007384": "procession of Royals on the walk from", "7vyrwyvb990-00026-00007386-00007577": "Sandringham house as he chatted to", "7vyrwyvb990-00027-00007578-00008051": "Prince Andrew Andrews daughters Beatrice", "7vyrwyvb990-00028-00008052-00008231": "and Eugenie followed behind with Prince", "7vyrwyvb990-00029-00008232-00008459": "Edward and his daughter Lady Louise the", "7vyrwyvb990-00030-00008460-00008653": "Princess Royal and her husband certain", "7vyrwyvb990-00031-00008654-00008852": "Lawrence and Peter Phillips and wife", "7vyrwyvb990-00032-00008853-00009458": "autumn Beatrice 29 opted for a seasonal", "7vyrwyvb990-00033-00009459-00009674": "color wearing a plum colored knee length", "7vyrwyvb990-00034-00009675-00010153": "coat with platform heeled sandals the", "7vyrwyvb990-00035-00010154-00010337": "young royal smart wrap overcoat was", "7vyrwyvb990-00036-00010338-00010513": "perfect for the festive event and came", "7vyrwyvb990-00037-00010514-00010867": "with an occasion where price tag 1995", "7vyrwyvb990-00038-00010868-00011119": "pounds", "7vyrwyvb990-00039-00011120-00011416": "the 29 year old royal finished the look", "7vyrwyvb990-00040-00011417-00011627": "with a crocodile skin black clutch bag", "7vyrwyvb990-00041-00011628-00012101": "with gold clasp on her head was a black", "7vyrwyvb990-00042-00012102-00012284": "velvet cocktail hat by london-based", "7vyrwyvb990-00043-00012285-00012773": "milliner Juliet bow drill meanwhile", "7vyrwyvb990-00044-00012774-00012997": "younger sister Princess Eugenie wore", "7vyrwyvb990-00045-00012998-00013225": "navy bow headpiece by milling her Sara", "7vyrwyvb990-00046-00013226-00013730": "can't the 27 year old looked chic in a", "7vyrwyvb990-00047-00013731-00014216": "steel gray coat and heels the service", "7vyrwyvb990-00048-00014216-00014435": "included traditional carols such as once", "7vyrwyvb990-00049-00014436-00014663": "in royal David City o little town of", "7vyrwyvb990-00050-00014663-00014840": "Bethlehem away in the manger", "7vyrwyvb990-00051-00014841-00015005": "when Shepherds watch their flocks by", "7vyrwyvb990-00052-00015006-00015394": "night in hark the herald angels sing'", "7vyrwyvb990-00053-00015394-00015686": "the queen who wearing an ice blue outfit", "7vyrwyvb990-00054-00015687-00015830": "with matching head in black gloves", "7vyrwyvb990-00055-00015831-00016028": "walked down the church steps after the", "7vyrwyvb990-00056-00016029-00016228": "service with Sandringham rector the", "7vyrwyvb990-00057-00016229-00016640": "reverend jonathan river ii her", "7vyrwyvb990-00058-00016641-00016841": "daughter-in-law sophie pause to collect", "7vyrwyvb990-00059-00016842-00017033": "flowers from a small girl and handed", "7vyrwyvb990-00060-00017034-00017200": "them to the queen before they got back", "7vyrwyvb990-00061-00017201-00017495": "into the car", "7vyrwyvb990-00062-00017496-00017772": "Susy Allen of nearby nursing him who was", "7vyrwyvb990-00063-00017773-00017985": "in the crowd said I think Prince Philip", "7vyrwyvb990-00064-00017986-00018450": "looked extremely well he appeared to be", "7vyrwyvb990-00065-00018451-00018627": "in excellent health it is remarkable", "7vyrwyvb990-00066-00018628-00019098": "when you think of his age some members", "7vyrwyvb990-00067-00019099-00019257": "of the crowd expressed disappointment", "7vyrwyvb990-00068-00019258-00019428": "that they did not get to see Prince", "7vyrwyvb990-00069-00019429-00019880": "Harry's us actress fiance Megan Marco", "7vyrwyvb990-00070-00019881-00020187": "but Megan and Harry along with the Duke", "7vyrwyvb990-00071-00020188-00020334": "and Duchess of Cambridge in their", "7vyrwyvb990-00072-00020335-00020466": "children Prince George and Princess", "7vyrwyvb990-00073-00020467-00020664": "Charlotte are expected to walk to", "7vyrwyvb990-00074-00020665-00020853": "Sandringham church tomorrow morning for", "7vyrwyvb990-00075-00020854-00021348": "the Christmas Day service royal watcher", "7vyrwyvb990-00076-00021349-00021612": "Alan Mouton 58 who has been in the crowd", "7vyrwyvb990-00077-00021613-00021804": "at Sandringham church services every", "7vyrwyvb990-00078-00021805-00022041": "Christmas for 40 years said I was", "7vyrwyvb990-00079-00022042-00022518": "surprised to see Philip walking he went", "7vyrwyvb990-00080-00022519-00022710": "in the car with the Queen last year when", "7vyrwyvb990-00081-00022711-00022860": "they were both recovering from heavy", "7vyrwyvb990-00082-00022861-00023313": "colds but this year he looks more", "7vyrwyvb990-00083-00023314-00023784": "sprightly than ever Prince William and", "7vyrwyvb990-00084-00023785-00023979": "Prince Harry did not turn up to play in", "7vyrwyvb990-00085-00023980-00024122": "an annual football match between", "7vyrwyvb990-00086-00024123-00024354": "Sandringham Estate staff and locals at", "7vyrwyvb990-00087-00024355-00024834": "nearby castle rising the brothers had", "7vyrwyvb990-00088-00024835-00025008": "played in the match many times in the", "7vyrwyvb990-00089-00025009-00025527": "last ten years the 11 aside match which", "7vyrwyvb990-00090-00025528-00025733": "was watched by a crowd of around 50", "7vyrwyvb990-00091-00025735-00026108": "locals went ahead in their absence", "7vyrwyvb990-00092-00026108-00026358": "the brothers last played in the match", "7vyrwyvb990-00093-00026358-00026544": "two years ago leading to speculation", "7vyrwyvb990-00094-00026545-00026742": "that they had decided to hang up their", "7vyrwyvb990-00095-00026743-00027207": "football boots while the festive cheer", "7vyrwyvb990-00096-00027208-00027447": "may be in full swing security was still", "7vyrwyvb990-00097-00027448-00027963": "exceptionally tight at st mary magdalene", "7vyrwyvb990-00098-00027964-00028236": "church a line of police officers were", "7vyrwyvb990-00099-00028237-00028449": "seen giving full-body checks to members", "7vyrwyvb990-00100-00028450-00028593": "of the public in the grounds of the", "7vyrwyvb990-00101-00028594-00028800": "royal Sandringham Estate with one young", "7vyrwyvb990-00102-00028801-00029010": "girl being subjected to airport style", "7vyrwyvb990-00103-00029011-00029095": "juan say", "7vyrwyvb990-00104-00029095-00030374": "[Music]", "7vyrwyvb990-00105-00030375-00030614": "[Applause]", "7vyrwyvb990-00106-00030614-00031245": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7v-6oPd5dwY", "text": {"7v-6oPd5dwY-00000-00000078-00000559": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00001-00000560-00000694": "there we go", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00002-00000695-00002070": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00003-00002071-00002987": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00004-00002988-00003166": "what's up", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00005-00003167-00003336": "wow", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00006-00003338-00003668": "[Applause]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00007-00003669-00004068": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00008-00004069-00004356": "[Applause]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00009-00004357-00006277": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00010-00006278-00007084": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00011-00007084-00009281": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00012-00009282-00009667": "[Applause]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00013-00009668-00010681": "[Music]", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00014-00010682-00010824": "here we go", "7v-6oPd5dwY-00015-00010825-00011322": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7v-dbXzWWGy", "text": {"7v-dbXzWWGy-00000-00000003-00000481": "I'm Hans Wenzel from Austria and", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00001-00000482-00000892": "this year I climb to show you a summit", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00002-00000893-00001120": "the service was very good very good", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00003-00001121-00001351": "stuff they were very good kitchen", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00004-00001352-00001516": "I think his the kitchen is very", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00005-00001517-00001977": "important for crime 8000 - Lu was the", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00006-00001978-00002596": "same good stuff good cook and very good", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00007-00002597-00002850": "stuff I will come again to the", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00008-00002851-00002925": "Harriman's", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00009-00002926-00003135": "there are many mountains high mountains", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00010-00003136-00003409": "here in apparent divot I will come again", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00011-00003410-00003804": "so my name is Lauren Rita I'm French I", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00012-00003805-00004111": "just come from show you and it was a", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00013-00004112-00004366": "success I really yeah enjoy you a", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00014-00004367-00004618": "Montero sadistic logistical transporter", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00015-00004619-00004795": "just taking them off for cooking also", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00016-00004796-00005002": "because it's very important so you know", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00017-00005003-00005331": "when you climb in very high altitude so", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00018-00005332-00005584": "it was a great success thanks to month", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00019-00005585-00005968": "also by 11 United States I would like to", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00020-00005969-00006186": "highly recommend monterossa", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00021-00006187-00006598": "as the organization company of of the", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00022-00006598-00006850": "Tauri trip they've done an excellent job", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00023-00006851-00007164": "excellent cook food was delicious", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00024-00007165-00007542": "superb absolutely I would highly", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00025-00007543-00007821": "recommend Montrose's organization", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00026-00007822-00008196": "company for any expedition name is Tory", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00027-00008197-00008844": "Samana I'm from Japan in capacity and 60", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00028-00008845-00009412": "63 years old oh I'm very satisfied the", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00029-00009413-00009960": "six perishable I'm cannot stomach but I", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00030-00009961-00010364": "have a many good friend and", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00031-00010365-00011053": "the climber and couple cook and Dassey", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00032-00011054-00011394": "kitchen boy there are many many good", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00033-00011395-00011937": "friends this expedition is my pleasure", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00034-00011938-00012344": "whoever thank you Kali arigatou", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00035-00012345-00012538": "gozaimashita", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00036-00012539-00012875": "hey Mario Monica from Italy from the", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00037-00012876-00013097": "absurd from the Northwest from the", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00038-00013098-00013469": "Montaigne was a very good service good", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00039-00013469-00014115": "good and stronger Sherpa it-dasu and I", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00040-00014116-00014616": "do a very nice good addition to ski from", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00041-00014616-00015005": "disarm it thank you for Adele monterossa", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00042-00015006-00015741": "and the shepherds yes sure if maybe in", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00043-00015741-00016355": "the future next edition for maybe shisha", "7v-dbXzWWGy-00044-00016356-00016875": "or mountain and here in Napa"}}, {"audio_id": "7vZg9koPbxg", "text": {"7vZg9koPbxg-00000-00000047-00000322": "[Music]", "7vZg9koPbxg-00001-00000323-00000614": "I'm London Westie I'm Lehrer class and", "7vZg9koPbxg-00002-00000615-00000850": "this is cash Canada if you haven't been", "7vZg9koPbxg-00003-00000851-00001058": "with us before please remember to Like", "7vZg9koPbxg-00004-00001059-00001364": "share and subscribe and ring the bell", "7vZg9koPbxg-00005-00001365-00001676": "and check out our patreon page hey let's", "7vZg9koPbxg-00006-00001677-00001795": "go get a cash", "7vZg9koPbxg-00007-00001796-00003440": "[Music]", "7vZg9koPbxg-00008-00003440-00003756": "which way do we go well let's try this", "7vZg9koPbxg-00009-00003757-00003799": "way", "7vZg9koPbxg-00010-00003800-00004438": "[Music]", "7vZg9koPbxg-00011-00004439-00004679": "we're getting closer", "7vZg9koPbxg-00012-00004680-00004872": "and then now we started going away from", "7vZg9koPbxg-00013-00004873-00004988": "it because we're getting closer to the", "7vZg9koPbxg-00014-00004989-00005463": "falls or the top of the Falls it is a", "7vZg9koPbxg-00015-00005464-00005775": "very tall outcropping that we're going", "7vZg9koPbxg-00016-00005776-00006045": "around so now we got to make a bit of a", "7vZg9koPbxg-00017-00006046-00006227": "turn we found a tiny little bit of a", "7vZg9koPbxg-00018-00006228-00006618": "trail and we got to go pretty far up", "7vZg9koPbxg-00019-00006619-00007083": "this is a a24 in Reigate Falls", "7vZg9koPbxg-00020-00007084-00007581": "Provincial Park we circled around found", "7vZg9koPbxg-00021-00007581-00007941": "a little side path halfway up the large", "7vZg9koPbxg-00022-00007942-00008226": "outcropping but we're about 25 meters", "7vZg9koPbxg-00023-00008227-00008493": "away and we still got to go up so their", "7vZg9koPbxg-00024-00008494-00008699": "glasses headed up Blake and I are gonna", "7vZg9koPbxg-00025-00008700-00009543": "go next she was close within four meters", "7vZg9koPbxg-00026-00009544-00009912": "and I looked over to the right", "7vZg9koPbxg-00027-00009913-00010194": "and I saw a glimpse of it looked like an", "7vZg9koPbxg-00028-00010195-00010571": "animal can but that's a Tupperware like", "7vZg9koPbxg-00029-00010572-00011109": "retractable down here yep it's a bunny", "7vZg9koPbxg-00030-00011110-00011898": "rabbit that was a pretty cool fine yeah", "7vZg9koPbxg-00031-00011899-00012201": "and no bugs yeah and but no waterfall", "7vZg9koPbxg-00032-00012202-00012420": "it's got a name of ragged falls well I", "7vZg9koPbxg-00033-00012421-00012660": "can hear them yeah but let's go take a", "7vZg9koPbxg-00034-00012661-00014230": "look that's why we're here", "7vZg9koPbxg-00035-00014231-00014488": "and this is just the beginning yeah", "7vZg9koPbxg-00036-00014490-00015158": "there's a lot more to this", "7vZg9koPbxg-00037-00015159-00015430": "you don't eat geocaching to take you to", "7vZg9koPbxg-00038-00015431-00015647": "a waterfalls but searching for", "7vZg9koPbxg-00039-00015647-00015869": "waterfalls and the geocaching search", "7vZg9koPbxg-00040-00015869-00016229": "feature does help find them and can", "7vZg9koPbxg-00041-00016230-00016490": "bring it to some cool water foes just", "7vZg9koPbxg-00042-00016491-00016894": "like these", "7vZg9koPbxg-00043-00016895-00017114": "if you want to use the search feature in", "7vZg9koPbxg-00044-00017115-00017444": "geocaching just go to the main page type", "7vZg9koPbxg-00045-00017445-00017806": "in either your state or your province or", "7vZg9koPbxg-00046-00017807-00018014": "even the city that you're near once", "7vZg9koPbxg-00047-00018015-00018247": "you've got the results click on the", "7vZg9koPbxg-00048-00018248-00018625": "filter then go to the space where it", "7vZg9koPbxg-00049-00018626-00019012": "says geocaching contains and then you", "7vZg9koPbxg-00050-00019013-00019345": "type in the word Falls click search", "7vZg9koPbxg-00051-00019346-00019652": "again and you'll find all the geocaches", "7vZg9koPbxg-00052-00019653-00019936": "that are near waterfalls it's that", "7vZg9koPbxg-00053-00019937-00020425": "simple and that's what lyric lasts what", "7vZg9koPbxg-00054-00020426-00020750": "I do for Cash Canada to take you to", "7vZg9koPbxg-00055-00020751-00022005": "spots like this", "7vZg9koPbxg-00056-00022006-00022205": "like London Weston said you don't need", "7vZg9koPbxg-00057-00022206-00022264": "you", "7vZg9koPbxg-00058-00022265-00022572": "like waterfalls but searching for water", "7vZg9koPbxg-00059-00022573-00022830": "falls through geocaching sure can help", "7vZg9koPbxg-00060-00022831-00023227": "you find places like this yeah let's go", "7vZg9koPbxg-00061-00023228-00023364": "find one more cache", "7vZg9koPbxg-00062-00023365-00023850": "there's always one more not all", "7vZg9koPbxg-00063-00023851-00024241": "geocaches have to be hard or at awesome", "7vZg9koPbxg-00064-00024242-00024466": "waterfalls they can be part of just a", "7vZg9koPbxg-00065-00024467-00024708": "parking grab at a park sign or a", "7vZg9koPbxg-00066-00024709-00024952": "roadside or near a lake or on a trail", "7vZg9koPbxg-00067-00024953-00025194": "just get out there and geocache keep", "7vZg9koPbxg-00068-00025195-00025372": "watching there's more caches to be found", "7vZg9koPbxg-00069-00025373-00025624": "and check out some more of the videos", "7vZg9koPbxg-00070-00025625-00025855": "see where we've been and keep with us", "7vZg9koPbxg-00071-00025856-00026002": "you never know where we're gonna go", "7vZg9koPbxg-00072-00026002-00026407": "because we're will geocaching take you", "7vZg9koPbxg-00073-00026408-00026819": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7wl7rU2zU90", "text": {"7wl7rU2zU90-00000-00000143-00000394": "what's up what's up Capricorn this is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00001-00000395-00000587": "the tarot to Diva welcome to my channel", "7wl7rU2zU90-00002-00000588-00000793": "if you haven't been to my channel before", "7wl7rU2zU90-00003-00000794-00001133": "welcome we go in about Chelsea and or", "7wl7rU2zU90-00004-00001134-00001319": "somebody else's okay we don't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00005-00001320-00001601": "discriminate on here we get to the facts", "7wl7rU2zU90-00006-00001602-00001757": "so we're going to talk about what Spirit", "7wl7rU2zU90-00007-00001757-00002032": "wants you to know for the month of April", "7wl7rU2zU90-00008-00002034-00002375": "Capricorn now this also applies to those", "7wl7rU2zU90-00009-00002376-00002567": "of you who are single and not in a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00010-00002568-00002765": "relationship there may be a message for", "7wl7rU2zU90-00011-00002766-00002968": "you okay now just so you know I will be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00012-00002969-00003221": "doing single reading so make sure you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00013-00003222-00003419": "um subscribe make sure you like the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00014-00003420-00003563": "video make sure you shout out where", "7wl7rU2zU90-00015-00003564-00003820": "you're from are you the Capricorn are", "7wl7rU2zU90-00016-00003821-00003953": "you the crosswatcher we don't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00017-00003954-00004204": "discriminate here either way because", "7wl7rU2zU90-00018-00004205-00004420": "sometimes it could be happening to the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00019-00004421-00004570": "Cross Watcher or sometimes it's the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00020-00004571-00004829": "cross washer that's doing the damage but", "7wl7rU2zU90-00021-00004830-00005002": "in any event this is informational", "7wl7rU2zU90-00022-00005003-00005297": "purposes only", "7wl7rU2zU90-00023-00005298-00005561": "um these tarot is a guide all right so", "7wl7rU2zU90-00024-00005562-00005813": "let's clear the energy and welcome in", "7wl7rU2zU90-00025-00005814-00006106": "the angels", "7wl7rU2zU90-00026-00006107-00006431": "[Music]", "7wl7rU2zU90-00027-00006431-00006677": "kind what are the messages for the side", "7wl7rU2zU90-00028-00006678-00006869": "of Capricorn all right Capricorn we're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00029-00006870-00007145": "going to go in", "7wl7rU2zU90-00030-00007145-00007319": "um I've already prayed over your um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00031-00007320-00007570": "cards I've already mixed them up and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00032-00007572-00007817": "also if any reversals come out get ready", "7wl7rU2zU90-00033-00007818-00007937": "okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00034-00007938-00008249": "the first car that you have oh your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00035-00008250-00008410": "overall energy is king of pencils this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00036-00008411-00008614": "is great some of you that's your card", "7wl7rU2zU90-00037-00008615-00008807": "you may be dealing with your own element", "7wl7rU2zU90-00038-00008808-00009107": "uh another uh Capricorn Taurus or a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00039-00009108-00009178": "Virgo", "7wl7rU2zU90-00040-00009179-00009581": "but this is about abundance wealth", "7wl7rU2zU90-00041-00009582-00009737": "I hope you can see you don't want to get", "7wl7rU2zU90-00042-00009738-00010024": "them too close Prosperity growth okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00043-00010025-00010301": "you may be establishing rules you could", "7wl7rU2zU90-00044-00010302-00010624": "be the boss okay but right now I feel", "7wl7rU2zU90-00045-00010625-00010774": "like you're being practical especially", "7wl7rU2zU90-00046-00010775-00010931": "if you're a male this could be a woman", "7wl7rU2zU90-00047-00010932-00011045": "with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00048-00011046-00011296": "um masculine energies as well", "7wl7rU2zU90-00049-00011297-00011399": "but", "7wl7rU2zU90-00050-00011400-00011603": "um this is all about profitability and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00051-00011604-00012017": "having a good sense of business okay but", "7wl7rU2zU90-00052-00012018-00012124": "you are", "7wl7rU2zU90-00053-00012125-00012323": "um this is somebody that you know they", "7wl7rU2zU90-00054-00012324-00012683": "love animals they follow their instinct", "7wl7rU2zU90-00055-00012684-00012958": "um very powerful person", "7wl7rU2zU90-00056-00012959-00013205": "and this person acts as a protector now", "7wl7rU2zU90-00057-00013206-00013372": "this could be again somebody you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00058-00013373-00013475": "dealing with you could be dealing with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00059-00013476-00013685": "your same element or this could be an", "7wl7rU2zU90-00060-00013686-00013991": "older person like a father or you know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00061-00013991-00014344": "something that gives you solid", "7wl7rU2zU90-00062-00014345-00014466": "um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00063-00014468-00014758": "Foundation a lot of success", "7wl7rU2zU90-00064-00014759-00014975": "this is an individual's very respected", "7wl7rU2zU90-00065-00014976-00015244": "you know a provider okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00066-00015245-00015515": "but it could also be very stubborn Okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00067-00015516-00015629": "so", "7wl7rU2zU90-00068-00015630-00015803": "whatever the situation is this could be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00069-00015804-00016055": "your business doing well it is upright", "7wl7rU2zU90-00070-00016056-00016361": "okay this could be a benefactor of yours", "7wl7rU2zU90-00071-00016362-00016750": "Capricorn what's your past energy", "7wl7rU2zU90-00072-00016751-00017069": "the moles so somebody's Secrets is out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00073-00017070-00017243": "um Capricorn this could be somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00074-00017244-00017494": "you're married to but", "7wl7rU2zU90-00075-00017495-00017807": "someone may work night shift", "7wl7rU2zU90-00076-00017808-00017861": "um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00077-00017862-00018227": "but this is emotional or spiritual", "7wl7rU2zU90-00078-00018228-00018736": "distancing you know someone is not", "7wl7rU2zU90-00079-00018737-00018911": "um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00080-00018912-00019091": "like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00081-00019092-00019319": "someone needing some light in times of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00082-00019320-00019577": "Darkness you know somebody may have some", "7wl7rU2zU90-00083-00019578-00019811": "latent Talent you know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00084-00019812-00020014": "that there's an idea you may need to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00085-00020015-00020164": "bring to life but this is spiritual", "7wl7rU2zU90-00086-00020165-00020386": "physical and emotional drought for", "7wl7rU2zU90-00087-00020387-00020639": "somebody okay this could be a Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00088-00020640-00020891": "tourism a cancer scorpio Pisces but it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00089-00020892-00021125": "doesn't necessarily have to be the moon", "7wl7rU2zU90-00090-00021126-00021377": "whatever this is the Secret's out about", "7wl7rU2zU90-00091-00021378-00021535": "somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00092-00021536-00021808": "and somebody obscured the truth about", "7wl7rU2zU90-00093-00021809-00021911": "something", "7wl7rU2zU90-00094-00021912-00022150": "there was a lot of uncertainty a lot of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00095-00022151-00022378": "concealment I'm seeing here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00096-00022379-00022583": "this could be a friend", "7wl7rU2zU90-00097-00022584-00022714": "um that you have that should not be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00098-00022715-00022972": "trusted for some of you whatever this is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00099-00022973-00023285": "in your past you have suspicion of it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00100-00023286-00023507": "all right in the future you have the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00101-00023508-00023693": "Knight of Cups so", "7wl7rU2zU90-00102-00023694-00023927": "some kind of offer this could be a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00103-00023928-00024119": "loving kind cancer scorpio Pisces", "7wl7rU2zU90-00104-00024120-00024335": "possibly doesn't have to be this isn't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00105-00024336-00024544": "something coming or someone is very", "7wl7rU2zU90-00106-00024545-00024778": "passionate very loving", "7wl7rU2zU90-00107-00024779-00025007": "somebody bringing you love it doesn't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00108-00025008-00025289": "have to be against Scorpio Pisces", "7wl7rU2zU90-00109-00025290-00025463": "um or you just have a desire if you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00110-00025464-00025727": "single to meet a romantic partner", "7wl7rU2zU90-00111-00025727-00025889": "maybe somebody you're in a relationship", "7wl7rU2zU90-00112-00025889-00026002": "right now", "7wl7rU2zU90-00113-00026004-00026339": "um and this relationship has potential", "7wl7rU2zU90-00114-00026339-00026651": "to grow you may be getting serious there", "7wl7rU2zU90-00115-00026652-00026818": "may be a proposal", "7wl7rU2zU90-00116-00026819-00027005": "um don't shoot the messenger", "7wl7rU2zU90-00117-00027006-00027185": "or some of you this is help being", "7wl7rU2zU90-00118-00027186-00027496": "offered to you Capricorn okay I had to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00119-00027497-00027695": "put rocks on here because you know the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00120-00027695-00027827": "wind is pretty strong and it's supposed", "7wl7rU2zU90-00121-00027827-00028061": "to rain all right in your challenge you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00122-00028062-00028223": "have the Page of Cups you could be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00123-00028224-00028481": "dealing with a grown person a gymnastic", "7wl7rU2zU90-00124-00028482-00028612": "recorder is he could be dealing with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00125-00028613-00028817": "your own child it could be somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00126-00028818-00029081": "that's immature or somebody young or it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00127-00029082-00029237": "could be a grown adult that's immature", "7wl7rU2zU90-00128-00029238-00029470": "but they're very Sinister sometimes on", "7wl7rU2zU90-00129-00029472-00029639": "how they speak this is kind of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00130-00029639-00029831": "individual that you know you sign them", "7wl7rU2zU90-00131-00029832-00030085": "any job they Master it really quick okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00132-00030086-00030461": "but this could be if you're waiting on a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00133-00030462-00030646": "contract", "7wl7rU2zU90-00134-00030647-00030989": "um Capricorn I feel like your challenge", "7wl7rU2zU90-00135-00030989-00031312": "is being brave You know despite", "7wl7rU2zU90-00136-00031313-00031558": "some of you this person is being brave", "7wl7rU2zU90-00137-00031560-00031696": "it could be a young person like I said", "7wl7rU2zU90-00138-00031697-00031955": "despite their experience they're very", "7wl7rU2zU90-00139-00031956-00032296": "eager", "7wl7rU2zU90-00140-00032297-00032537": "like somebody that is eager to conquer", "7wl7rU2zU90-00141-00032538-00032645": "something they don't have to be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00142-00032645-00032873": "gymnastic they could be any sign but the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00143-00032874-00033112": "very self-assured daring person", "7wl7rU2zU90-00144-00033113-00033329": "again some of you that's not the case", "7wl7rU2zU90-00145-00033330-00033562": "this is something to go back somebody's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00146-00033563-00033737": "very immature", "7wl7rU2zU90-00147-00033738-00033940": "you know like I said they could be very", "7wl7rU2zU90-00148-00033941-00034151": "bold and Brash and how they speak they", "7wl7rU2zU90-00149-00034152-00034523": "could be very a liar Reckless okay they", "7wl7rU2zU90-00150-00034524-00034901": "could be very dishonest", "7wl7rU2zU90-00151-00034902-00035062": "this person could have a lot of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00152-00035063-00035243": "thoughtlessness and this could be again", "7wl7rU2zU90-00153-00035244-00035512": "a Gemini book whereas somebody very", "7wl7rU2zU90-00154-00035513-00035729": "self-centered and it could be a grown", "7wl7rU2zU90-00155-00035730-00035968": "person that's like this you know that is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00156-00035969-00036161": "very immature", "7wl7rU2zU90-00157-00036162-00036401": "like a self-serving behavior that you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00158-00036402-00036983": "may be dealing with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00159-00036984-00037181": "there's something about a home here this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00160-00037182-00037337": "is great though you may be thinking", "7wl7rU2zU90-00161-00037338-00037612": "about a home", "7wl7rU2zU90-00162-00037613-00037943": "um in your future this is marriage", "7wl7rU2zU90-00163-00037944-00038230": "you could be married to somebody or it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00164-00038231-00038393": "could be a Leo Aries sag what I'm", "7wl7rU2zU90-00165-00038394-00038939": "hearing is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00166-00038940-00039245": "somebody's Desiring for marriage or are", "7wl7rU2zU90-00167-00039246-00039461": "married like this is like a happy", "7wl7rU2zU90-00168-00039462-00039743": "relationship happens Good Times", "7wl7rU2zU90-00169-00039744-00039917": "some of you may be thinking about a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00170-00039918-00040174": "party or setting up some sort of event", "7wl7rU2zU90-00171-00040175-00040312": "but this could be an engagement", "7wl7rU2zU90-00172-00040313-00040649": "Capricorn as some of you are in", "7wl7rU2zU90-00173-00040650-00040889": "you know and it's going to be very", "7wl7rU2zU90-00174-00040890-00041135": "extravagant if you throw in a party you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00175-00041136-00041296": "may be planning some sort of Celebration", "7wl7rU2zU90-00176-00041297-00041446": "a shower", "7wl7rU2zU90-00177-00041447-00041777": "for some but this is a show of wealth", "7wl7rU2zU90-00178-00041778-00041945": "you know somebody's parading your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00179-00041946-00042118": "happiness around", "7wl7rU2zU90-00180-00042119-00042262": "wow", "7wl7rU2zU90-00181-00042263-00042599": "for some now your overall energy was the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00182-00042600-00042785": "Six of Pentacles", "7wl7rU2zU90-00183-00042786-00043067": "in the reverse somebody could be in jail", "7wl7rU2zU90-00184-00043068-00043252": "but there's some delays here there's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00185-00043253-00043451": "somebody shit not coming in here with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00186-00043452-00043757": "this Three of Wands could be a Leo for", "7wl7rU2zU90-00187-00043758-00043990": "some of you somebody could be ill as", "7wl7rU2zU90-00188-00043991-00044339": "well but I see Like Somebody went to put", "7wl7rU2zU90-00189-00044340-00044585": "the work into something here it could be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00190-00044586-00044771": "a Libra there it is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00191-00044772-00044999": "you know somebody you felt defeated by", "7wl7rU2zU90-00192-00045000-00045143": "look at this somebody could have been a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00193-00045144-00045287": "bully", "7wl7rU2zU90-00194-00045288-00045629": "okay somebody could have also", "7wl7rU2zU90-00195-00045630-00045857": "um won a new beginning but it didn't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00196-00045858-00045971": "happen", "7wl7rU2zU90-00197-00045972-00046229": "and either you stressed out or someone", "7wl7rU2zU90-00198-00046230-00046373": "else is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00199-00046374-00046607": "with this gemininity Aquarius now again", "7wl7rU2zU90-00200-00046608-00046901": "somebody is not walking away though from", "7wl7rU2zU90-00201-00046902-00047002": "something", "7wl7rU2zU90-00202-00047003-00047230": "the tempers in Reverse okay somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00203-00047231-00047458": "definitely ill well somebody's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00204-00047459-00047801": "definitely not not patient also and all", "7wl7rU2zU90-00205-00047802-00047980": "of that was I didn't mean to go that far", "7wl7rU2zU90-00206-00047981-00048293": "it was under the overall energy so", "7wl7rU2zU90-00207-00048294-00048587": "that's interesting to me that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00208-00048588-00048737": "somebody could be suffering in the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00209-00048738-00048989": "bedroom area too with this Ace of Wands", "7wl7rU2zU90-00210-00048990-00049301": "in reverse and again Justice is here you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00211-00049302-00049601": "could be getting a divorce I'm hearing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00212-00049602-00049957": "um and I feel like if you are in the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00213-00049958-00050285": "religious community like everybody knows", "7wl7rU2zU90-00214-00050286-00050608": "about this it's like um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00215-00050609-00050801": "somebody can know that somebody's going", "7wl7rU2zU90-00216-00050802-00051029": "to jail too you know that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00217-00051030-00051388": "you know a lot of delays somebody you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00218-00051389-00051719": "know is not juggling anymore not in two", "7wl7rU2zU90-00219-00051720-00051929": "lines but I feel like your luck is going", "7wl7rU2zU90-00220-00051929-00052025": "to change", "7wl7rU2zU90-00221-00052026-00052301": "um Capricorn in that The Wheel of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00222-00052302-00052511": "Fortune is here your luck will change", "7wl7rU2zU90-00223-00052512-00052780": "but what's the strength about", "7wl7rU2zU90-00224-00052782-00053116": "you could be very weak at this time for", "7wl7rU2zU90-00225-00053117-00053375": "some of you now", "7wl7rU2zU90-00226-00053376-00053525": "see it there's someone has somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00227-00053526-00053830": "immature in their life if it's not", "7wl7rU2zU90-00228-00053832-00054059": "but in your future you have some sort of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00229-00054060-00054304": "offer coming so let's talk about that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00230-00054305-00055013": "and I feel like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00231-00055014-00055475": "somebody doing too much daydreaming here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00232-00055476-00055661": "like somebody needs to live more in the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00233-00055662-00056129": "moment I'm hearing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00234-00056129-00056291": "I feel like for some of y'all the return", "7wl7rU2zU90-00235-00056291-00056573": "of somebody is going to be delayed", "7wl7rU2zU90-00236-00056574-00056765": "if you're waiting on somebody to return", "7wl7rU2zU90-00237-00056766-00057154": "to you there's a delay here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00238-00057155-00057892": "for sure", "7wl7rU2zU90-00239-00057894-00058541": "somebody made a sacrifice", "7wl7rU2zU90-00240-00058541-00058847": "like somebody made a sacrifice to get", "7wl7rU2zU90-00241-00058848-00059026": "something that they like somebody they", "7wl7rU2zU90-00242-00059027-00059315": "greatly love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00243-00059316-00059453": "there could have been somebody that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00244-00059454-00059861": "crossed over as well", "7wl7rU2zU90-00245-00059862-00060053": "and somebody rest didn't bring any", "7wl7rU2zU90-00246-00060054-00060371": "rewards I'm hearing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00247-00060372-00060599": "like again we talked about spiritual", "7wl7rU2zU90-00248-00060600-00060766": "somebody could be crossing over to a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00249-00060767-00060947": "spiritual journey", "7wl7rU2zU90-00250-00060948-00061391": "if somebody needs to I'm hearing process", "7wl7rU2zU90-00251-00061391-00061787": "past traumas in a life you know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00252-00061788-00061979": "like somebody may be trying to escape", "7wl7rU2zU90-00253-00061979-00062399": "the situation or Escape jail or Escape", "7wl7rU2zU90-00254-00062400-00062626": "you know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00255-00062627-00062765": "I feel like you need to check to make", "7wl7rU2zU90-00256-00062766-00062891": "sure you're going in the right direction", "7wl7rU2zU90-00257-00062891-00063053": "Capricorn because somebody feeling", "7wl7rU2zU90-00258-00063054-00063659": "trapped", "7wl7rU2zU90-00259-00063660-00063959": "and some of you if you're ill there's a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00260-00063960-00064192": "slow healing process and somebody feel", "7wl7rU2zU90-00261-00064194-00064415": "like they have no way to run like they", "7wl7rU2zU90-00262-00064416-00064571": "may be on the Run", "7wl7rU2zU90-00263-00064572-00064841": "I feel like you some of y'all Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00264-00064841-00065015": "may have some instability it could have", "7wl7rU2zU90-00265-00065016-00065159": "came from this king of Pentacles you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00266-00065160-00065615": "could have been married to this person", "7wl7rU2zU90-00267-00065616-00065800": "but I feel like you stand in your ground", "7wl7rU2zU90-00268-00065801-00066023": "with somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00269-00066024-00066323": "may have experienced a drowning I'm", "7wl7rU2zU90-00270-00066324-00066515": "hearing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00271-00066516-00066737": "and some of you you have somebody even", "7wl7rU2zU90-00272-00066738-00066893": "though it's a delay they're returning", "7wl7rU2zU90-00273-00066894-00067025": "from travel", "7wl7rU2zU90-00274-00067026-00067163": "okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00275-00067164-00067349": "but be careful with this drowning it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00276-00067350-00067594": "could be a drowning as well there's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00277-00067595-00067738": "somebody experience so let's go in", "7wl7rU2zU90-00278-00067739-00067900": "because we're going to clarify with my", "7wl7rU2zU90-00279-00067901-00068003": "cards", "7wl7rU2zU90-00280-00068004-00068387": "this is my deck", "7wl7rU2zU90-00281-00068388-00068626": "class and session Mama them", "7wl7rU2zU90-00282-00068627-00068909": "and company Oracle volume", "7wl7rU2zU90-00283-00068910-00069100": "this is volume three okay I have a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00284-00069101-00069365": "number I'm looking my um some of you all", "7wl7rU2zU90-00285-00069366-00069593": "were with somebody very detached it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00286-00069594-00069773": "could have been your own element again I", "7wl7rU2zU90-00287-00069774-00069911": "named them all you know who you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00288-00069912-00070237": "dealing with but um what is the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00289-00070238-00070469": "clarifier for I don't want to be here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00290-00070470-00070750": "too long clarifier for", "7wl7rU2zU90-00291-00070751-00071219": "um the king of Pentacles please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00292-00071220-00071471": "Bodywork I'm hearing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00293-00071472-00071687": "somebody's saying buy next like these", "7wl7rU2zU90-00294-00071688-00071975": "pop down and I gotta take them", "7wl7rU2zU90-00295-00071976-00072275": "by next", "7wl7rU2zU90-00296-00072276-00072556": "and when I think of the head games you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00297-00072557-00072767": "play I realize I have a solution and I", "7wl7rU2zU90-00298-00072768-00073006": "choose me so somebody was dealing like I", "7wl7rU2zU90-00299-00073007-00073138": "said with somebody that played a lot of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00300-00073139-00073426": "games with this page of swords", "7wl7rU2zU90-00301-00073427-00073805": "um could be immature I don't know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00302-00073806-00074026": "press the like button for me please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00303-00074027-00074225": "we're gonna go in what is the king of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00304-00074226-00074482": "Pentacles please battle", "7wl7rU2zU90-00305-00074483-00074717": "it's about love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00306-00074718-00074956": "like you may love someone or could be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00307-00074957-00075149": "married to someone that you love it says", "7wl7rU2zU90-00308-00075150-00075275": "love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00309-00075276-00075443": "Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00310-00075444-00075635": "so", "7wl7rU2zU90-00311-00075636-00075887": "again this could be a benefactor what is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00312-00075888-00076049": "the moon please where the Seekers are", "7wl7rU2zU90-00313-00076050-00076259": "out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00314-00076260-00076937": "somebody has some sort of shock", "7wl7rU2zU90-00315-00076938-00077711": "corn what the hell", "7wl7rU2zU90-00316-00077712-00077855": "somebody's learning to be a good", "7wl7rU2zU90-00317-00077856-00078029": "listener and somebody's saying do you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00318-00078030-00078335": "boo like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00319-00078336-00078544": "and a lot of you all that makes sense", "7wl7rU2zU90-00320-00078545-00078767": "with the religious factors affecting", "7wl7rU2zU90-00321-00078768-00078982": "relationship and somebody's saying if", "7wl7rU2zU90-00322-00078983-00079144": "you knew about my dark past and the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00323-00079145-00079276": "things that happened to me would you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00324-00079277-00079594": "understand why I don't trust and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00325-00079595-00079871": "somebody was a home in here so", "7wl7rU2zU90-00326-00079872-00080093": "what is the Moon", "7wl7rU2zU90-00327-00080094-00080261": "before I get real windy it's supposed to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00328-00080262-00081238": "rain here in Florida", "7wl7rU2zU90-00329-00081239-00081526": "they have a family of grounded men", "7wl7rU2zU90-00330-00081527-00081875": "but somebody's secret is out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00331-00081876-00082462": "that's interesting to me it's in reverse", "7wl7rU2zU90-00332-00082463-00083038": "that could be in the image", "7wl7rU2zU90-00333-00083039-00083200": "what's the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00334-00083201-00083506": "um Knight of Cups", "7wl7rU2zU90-00335-00083507-00083723": "there it is bish", "7wl7rU2zU90-00336-00083724-00084011": "I will protect my family at all costs so", "7wl7rU2zU90-00337-00084012-00084305": "here it is somebody wants to make offer", "7wl7rU2zU90-00338-00084306-00084571": "but somebody protecting their family", "7wl7rU2zU90-00339-00084572-00084947": "wow so you could be a female protecting", "7wl7rU2zU90-00340-00084948-00085055": "your family", "7wl7rU2zU90-00341-00085056-00085126": "um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00342-00085127-00085421": "Capricorn what is the page of Swords it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00343-00085422-00085535": "could be a mistress in the house", "7wl7rU2zU90-00344-00085536-00085715": "somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00345-00085716-00085985": "this king of Pentacles may be seeing yes", "7wl7rU2zU90-00346-00085986-00086219": "somebody's a cop or it could be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00347-00086220-00086506": "insecurity whatever they are it says", "7wl7rU2zU90-00348-00086507-00086759": "being watched by the law didn't I say", "7wl7rU2zU90-00349-00086760-00087011": "that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00350-00087012-00087269": "somebody being watched by the law", "7wl7rU2zU90-00351-00087270-00087799": "somebody is either in jail or going", "7wl7rU2zU90-00352-00087800-00088103": "what's the four pins because be engaged", "7wl7rU2zU90-00353-00088104-00088403": "to this person four cut uh the four ones", "7wl7rU2zU90-00354-00088404-00088588": "please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00355-00088589-00088805": "yeah this is you having strength Kabir", "7wl7rU2zU90-00356-00088806-00088900": "Leo", "7wl7rU2zU90-00357-00088901-00089099": "you're having strength and you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00358-00089100-00089309": "getting strength from all from all", "7wl7rU2zU90-00359-00089310-00089482": "places here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00360-00089483-00089626": "let's go around one more time and then", "7wl7rU2zU90-00361-00089627-00090161": "we'll pick my other day", "7wl7rU2zU90-00362-00090162-00090406": "yeah see somebody like strict and it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00363-00090407-00090605": "came under this this this king of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00364-00090606-00090821": "Pentacles", "7wl7rU2zU90-00365-00090822-00091037": "you know they like strippers okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00366-00091038-00091211": "somebody's definitely going to see", "7wl7rU2zU90-00367-00091212-00091432": "strippers hand strippers", "7wl7rU2zU90-00368-00091433-00091637": "the moon yeah you're doing a lot of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00369-00091638-00091738": "praying", "7wl7rU2zU90-00370-00091739-00091985": "but there's a need to Capricorn I feel", "7wl7rU2zU90-00371-00091986-00092135": "like yeah that's the celebration coming", "7wl7rU2zU90-00372-00092136-00092273": "your way because somebody definitely got", "7wl7rU2zU90-00373-00092274-00092447": "an offer for you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00374-00092448-00092632": "yeah that's coming", "7wl7rU2zU90-00375-00092633-00093023": "yeah let's create somebody has a child", "7wl7rU2zU90-00376-00093024-00093641": "somebody wants a child by somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00377-00093642-00093929": "listen to this loss over death I said", "7wl7rU2zU90-00378-00093930-00094205": "that somebody could have had a drowning", "7wl7rU2zU90-00379-00094206-00094391": "miss you every day there'll never be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00380-00094392-00094588": "another like you I still see you in my", "7wl7rU2zU90-00381-00094589-00094799": "dreams so I feel like you could be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00382-00094800-00095003": "thinking about somebody that passed on", "7wl7rU2zU90-00383-00095004-00095147": "or somebody could have been engaged to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00384-00095148-00095332": "someone that passed on", "7wl7rU2zU90-00385-00095333-00095500": "wow", "7wl7rU2zU90-00386-00095501-00095825": "let's move on", "7wl7rU2zU90-00387-00095826-00096023": "all right so what other message does", "7wl7rU2zU90-00388-00096024-00096226": "Spirit have for Capricorn let's get this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00389-00096227-00096359": "straight because I don't like it when", "7wl7rU2zU90-00390-00096360-00096887": "it's just any kind of way", "7wl7rU2zU90-00391-00096888-00097168": "a lot going on here Capricorn I feel", "7wl7rU2zU90-00392-00097169-00097379": "like somebody definitely want to bring", "7wl7rU2zU90-00393-00097380-00097612": "an offer to you but your challenge some", "7wl7rU2zU90-00394-00097613-00097841": "of you may be challenged to create okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00395-00097842-00098050": "but you got to immature person you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00396-00098051-00098171": "dealing with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00397-00098172-00098321": "some of y'all's a cop you're dealing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00398-00098322-00098417": "with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00399-00098418-00099041": "mm-hmm or somebody that's in law", "7wl7rU2zU90-00400-00099042-00099161": "yeah", "7wl7rU2zU90-00401-00099162-00099461": "it says trust the feeling", "7wl7rU2zU90-00402-00099462-00099700": "your tuition is strong right now if", "7wl7rU2zU90-00403-00099701-00099988": "something doesn't feel right trusted no", "7wl7rU2zU90-00404-00099989-00100144": "one else can tell you what's right or", "7wl7rU2zU90-00405-00100145-00100361": "wrong for you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00406-00100362-00100511": "um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00407-00100512-00100643": "yeah", "7wl7rU2zU90-00408-00100644-00100835": "trust your intuition", "7wl7rU2zU90-00409-00100836-00101093": "Capricorn because I feel like it's about", "7wl7rU2zU90-00410-00101094-00101243": "to get heated now because I'm gonna", "7wl7rU2zU90-00411-00101244-00101449": "bring out my other cards", "7wl7rU2zU90-00412-00101450-00101626": "and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00413-00101627-00101849": "we're gonna see", "7wl7rU2zU90-00414-00101850-00102082": "what exactly is going on and then we're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00415-00102083-00102244": "going to get your angel messages how far", "7wl7rU2zU90-00416-00102245-00102784": "am I in 17 grade that's awesome", "7wl7rU2zU90-00417-00102785-00103180": "what's the king princess's game please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00418-00103181-00103427": "yes somebody don't trust somebody's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00419-00103428-00103625": "honesty", "7wl7rU2zU90-00420-00103626-00103780": "and I feel like that could be you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00421-00103781-00104068": "Capricorn you you don't trust somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00422-00104069-00104428": "what's the moon energy here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00423-00104429-00104680": "yeah somebody may be getting sick or Eli", "7wl7rU2zU90-00424-00104681-00104806": "said that somebody could be losing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00425-00104807-00104963": "weight a lot of weight", "7wl7rU2zU90-00426-00104964-00105233": "or already like had an illness", "7wl7rU2zU90-00427-00105233-00105502": "the Knight of Cups", "7wl7rU2zU90-00428-00105503-00105713": "yeah somebody just can't get the pass", "7wl7rU2zU90-00429-00105714-00105923": "off they man", "7wl7rU2zU90-00430-00105924-00106073": "and they definitely want to make an", "7wl7rU2zU90-00431-00106074-00106186": "offer", "7wl7rU2zU90-00432-00106188-00106402": "you may know about this I'm telling you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00433-00106403-00106625": "why because this is somebody's own", "7wl7rU2zU90-00434-00106626-00106781": "defense", "7wl7rU2zU90-00435-00106782-00106949": "like it could be your person that can't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00436-00106950-00107219": "get somebody out there man", "7wl7rU2zU90-00437-00107220-00107345": "mm-hmm", "7wl7rU2zU90-00438-00107346-00107681": "page of Swords please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00439-00107682-00107951": "yup somebody you dealing with wearing a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00440-00107952-00108143": "mask", "7wl7rU2zU90-00441-00108144-00108466": "Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00442-00108467-00108677": "yeah somebody angry they did something", "7wl7rU2zU90-00443-00108678-00108899": "it could be a female or a male they're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00444-00108900-00109049": "angry at their ego", "7wl7rU2zU90-00445-00109050-00109373": "why you do this to us like somebody made", "7wl7rU2zU90-00446-00109374-00109534": "a bad decision because somebody wants to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00447-00109535-00109763": "go down to the road to somebody else and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00448-00109764-00109997": "someone is just not feeling the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00449-00109998-00110219": "didn't I say the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00450-00110220-00110549": "like you not even talking to somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00451-00110550-00110723": "somebody's definitely not feeling a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00452-00110724-00110933": "relationship in the bedroom area", "7wl7rU2zU90-00453-00110933-00111173": "somebody has demonic sex on their mind", "7wl7rU2zU90-00454-00111174-00111299": "and the other person just wants to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00455-00111300-00111419": "escape", "7wl7rU2zU90-00456-00111420-00111736": "okay look at it real good", "7wl7rU2zU90-00457-00111738-00111886": "yeah", "7wl7rU2zU90-00458-00111888-00112060": "and somebody feel like they can't please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00459-00112061-00112283": "somebody and again I said earlier", "7wl7rU2zU90-00460-00112283-00112589": "someone is suffering in the bedroom", "7wl7rU2zU90-00461-00112590-00113008": "with um inadequacies okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00462-00113009-00113369": "it's here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00463-00113370-00113608": "somebody's definitely suffering and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00464-00113609-00113819": "I feel like that could be affecting the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00465-00113820-00113969": "relationship as well", "7wl7rU2zU90-00466-00113970-00114257": "damn rubber band you don't worry I", "7wl7rU2zU90-00467-00114258-00114563": "didn't worry about that right now", "7wl7rU2zU90-00468-00114564-00114683": "yeah", "7wl7rU2zU90-00469-00114683-00114851": "this is my other deck I'm going to say", "7wl7rU2zU90-00470-00114852-00114977": "use this one and then we're going to go", "7wl7rU2zU90-00471-00114978-00115277": "into your angel messages", "7wl7rU2zU90-00472-00115278-00115571": "what's the tea dish what's the T look at", "7wl7rU2zU90-00473-00115572-00115828": "my Etsy shop it's called tarot with the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00474-00115829-00115925": "tea", "7wl7rU2zU90-00475-00115926-00116152": "okay I have a number of hot sellers", "7wl7rU2zU90-00476-00116153-00116333": "especially if you're readers you don't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00477-00116333-00116434": "have to be though because this is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00478-00116435-00116639": "self-explained", "7wl7rU2zU90-00479-00116640-00116825": "I even seen you spreads on how to use", "7wl7rU2zU90-00480-00116826-00117004": "them some of y'all this is the same sex", "7wl7rU2zU90-00481-00117005-00117197": "situation you dealing with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00482-00117198-00117527": "same-sex cheater", "7wl7rU2zU90-00483-00117528-00117701": "or the person you're dealing with like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00484-00117702-00117916": "the same sex okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00485-00117917-00118102": "what's the message with Capricorn again", "7wl7rU2zU90-00486-00118103-00118540": "for the yeah why this come out twice", "7wl7rU2zU90-00487-00118541-00118708": "and why does it come under the king of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00488-00118709-00118960": "pencils", "7wl7rU2zU90-00489-00118961-00119177": "that like strippers like the stripper he", "7wl7rU2zU90-00490-00119178-00119434": "like made like same-sex somebody in love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00491-00119435-00119573": "with somebody though I'm telling you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00492-00119574-00120215": "right now", "7wl7rU2zU90-00493-00120216-00120515": "come on yeah I feel like this is you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00494-00120516-00120689": "deciding to be single just because I'm", "7wl7rU2zU90-00495-00120690-00120899": "alone doesn't mean I'm lonely", "7wl7rU2zU90-00496-00120900-00121084": "and you might be losing weight somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00497-00121085-00121325": "is doing a lot of praying", "7wl7rU2zU90-00498-00121326-00121504": "because you know somebody's Secrets is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00499-00121505-00121601": "out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00500-00121602-00121763": "about somebody that you thought was", "7wl7rU2zU90-00501-00121764-00121925": "grounded", "7wl7rU2zU90-00502-00121926-00122116": "page of cups", "7wl7rU2zU90-00503-00122117-00122519": "yeah somebody doing magic", "7wl7rU2zU90-00504-00122520-00122831": "what magical you careful", "7wl7rU2zU90-00505-00122832-00123119": "what's the page of Swords again", "7wl7rU2zU90-00506-00123120-00123334": "yeah I like girls and boys you could be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00507-00123335-00123431": "dealing with somebody in your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00508-00123432-00123557": "relationship you don't even know they", "7wl7rU2zU90-00509-00123558-00123731": "like girls and boys", "7wl7rU2zU90-00510-00123732-00123989": "they wearing a mask", "7wl7rU2zU90-00511-00123990-00124186": "or this the same sex relationship I'm", "7wl7rU2zU90-00512-00124188-00124366": "telling you right now somebody and then", "7wl7rU2zU90-00513-00124367-00124583": "somebody won a pregnancy", "7wl7rU2zU90-00514-00124583-00124816": "it could be two this could be this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00515-00124817-00125069": "person this officer this cop this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00516-00125070-00125302": "security guy that won a child by", "7wl7rU2zU90-00517-00125303-00125560": "somebody you know somebody may want a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00518-00125561-00125758": "child for their lover okay I'm just", "7wl7rU2zU90-00519-00125759-00125897": "letting you know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00520-00125898-00126101": "it's out here because somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00521-00126102-00126395": "definitely lost someone it could be a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00522-00126396-00126736": "love loss or an actual loss", "7wl7rU2zU90-00523-00126738-00126923": "because you they got strength now it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00524-00126924-00127228": "could be a lost allele okay let's see", "7wl7rU2zU90-00525-00127229-00127558": "what the four wands represent here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00526-00127559-00127751": "yeah I feel like yeah somebody was a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00527-00127752-00128465": "swinger come on", "7wl7rU2zU90-00528-00128466-00128758": "yeah some of you all you're considering", "7wl7rU2zU90-00529-00128759-00129052": "the relationship I'm praying for us", "7wl7rU2zU90-00530-00129053-00129233": "I'm praying for you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00531-00129233-00129425": "yeah strength again could be a Leo", "7wl7rU2zU90-00532-00129426-00129569": "doesn't have to be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00533-00129570-00129749": "and some of y'all it's an older woman", "7wl7rU2zU90-00534-00129750-00129952": "younger man relationship but somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00535-00129953-00130145": "got cancer and they're getting a lot of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00536-00130146-00130307": "support", "7wl7rU2zU90-00537-00130308-00130534": "but then you got somebody he she will be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00538-00130535-00130745": "Mass interfering in your relationship", "7wl7rU2zU90-00539-00130746-00131021": "and digging dirt on you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00540-00131022-00131297": "it's a sad sheet", "7wl7rU2zU90-00541-00131298-00131489": "sad chick drama you can have them", "7wl7rU2zU90-00542-00131490-00131621": "through the week I'll take them on the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00543-00131622-00131866": "weekend like somebody did not say", "7wl7rU2zU90-00544-00131867-00132011": "somebody could be a sex offender", "7wl7rU2zU90-00545-00132012-00132214": "somebody going to jail", "7wl7rU2zU90-00546-00132215-00132695": "or NGO that you already seen", "7wl7rU2zU90-00547-00132696-00132989": "somebody is really unfazed I'm unfazed", "7wl7rU2zU90-00548-00132990-00133169": "by separation some of y'all in a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00549-00133170-00133283": "separation", "7wl7rU2zU90-00550-00133284-00133595": "since I wasn't emotionally invested", "7wl7rU2zU90-00551-00133596-00133901": "wow but you protected from harm some of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00552-00133902-00134039": "you are it's an interracial relationship", "7wl7rU2zU90-00553-00134040-00134321": "but somebody's betrayals I didn't see it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00554-00134322-00134525": "coming he was in the closet like you may", "7wl7rU2zU90-00555-00134526-00134657": "have found out somebody was in the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00556-00134658-00134933": "closet all the time", "7wl7rU2zU90-00557-00134934-00135197": "and that they bankrupt", "7wl7rU2zU90-00558-00135198-00135437": "others of you you got somebody that is a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00559-00135438-00135695": "pay-to-play relationship paying for the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00560-00135696-00135869": "affections of a man", "7wl7rU2zU90-00561-00135870-00136102": "and some of y'all it's long distance", "7wl7rU2zU90-00562-00136103-00136301": "somebody got a living situation but I", "7wl7rU2zU90-00563-00136302-00136409": "feel like you're going to reject", "7wl7rU2zU90-00564-00136410-00136649": "somebody even your child is saying Dad", "7wl7rU2zU90-00565-00136650-00136823": "or Mom before you combine families can", "7wl7rU2zU90-00566-00136824-00137021": "you acknowledge my feelings in your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00567-00137022-00137159": "decision", "7wl7rU2zU90-00568-00137160-00137369": "you got a hairstylist telling all your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00569-00137370-00137452": "business", "7wl7rU2zU90-00570-00137453-00137627": "they may even be sleeping with your man", "7wl7rU2zU90-00571-00137628-00137843": "I feel like you don't need to trade", "7wl7rU2zU90-00572-00137844-00138064": "authenticity for approval because you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00573-00138065-00138227": "dealing with a narcissist look how he", "7wl7rU2zU90-00574-00138228-00138352": "tell her", "7wl7rU2zU90-00575-00138353-00138707": "she's on a diet he eating all the pizza", "7wl7rU2zU90-00576-00138708-00138935": "a lot of shady room action but somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00577-00138936-00139097": "can't get the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00578-00139098-00139301": "somebody can't get the pass out there", "7wl7rU2zU90-00579-00139302-00139469": "man not only that somebody got a work", "7wl7rU2zU90-00580-00139470-00139714": "Affair here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00581-00139715-00139901": "and someone got body work and somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00582-00139902-00140321": "jealous as hell and cannot take it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00583-00140322-00141043": "last ones", "7wl7rU2zU90-00584-00141044-00141245": "30 minutes", "7wl7rU2zU90-00585-00141246-00141545": "about to be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00586-00141546-00141863": "king of pencils", "7wl7rU2zU90-00587-00141864-00142043": "somebody holding these over your head", "7wl7rU2zU90-00588-00142044-00142211": "Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00589-00142212-00142493": "maybe it's this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00590-00142494-00142666": "Capricorn Taurus Virgo but it doesn't", "7wl7rU2zU90-00591-00142667-00142852": "have to be that person doesn't have to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00592-00142853-00143087": "be that son he's the benefactor whoever", "7wl7rU2zU90-00593-00143088-00143321": "he is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00594-00143322-00143957": "more energy please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00595-00143958-00144340": "it's not love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00596-00144341-00144714": "wow", "7wl7rU2zU90-00597-00144715-00145007": "sand is not love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00598-00145008-00145409": "oh it's getting windy now", "7wl7rU2zU90-00599-00145410-00145637": "it's not love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00600-00145638-00146051": "that's past energy", "7wl7rU2zU90-00601-00146052-00146231": "yeah", "7wl7rU2zU90-00602-00146232-00146477": "it could be this this this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00603-00146478-00146752": "mistress saying that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00604-00146753-00146969": "somebody doing a lot of like I said", "7wl7rU2zU90-00605-00146970-00147875": "could be sick", "7wl7rU2zU90-00606-00147876-00148009": "yeah somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00607-00148010-00148259": "add that cake and eat it two type of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00608-00148260-00148535": "relationship", "7wl7rU2zU90-00609-00148536-00148816": "yeah what is the Knight of Cups coming", "7wl7rU2zU90-00610-00148817-00149302": "forward for you Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00611-00149303-00149695": "you over it's a stalemate", "7wl7rU2zU90-00612-00149696-00149939": "whatever it is whoever it is they saying", "7wl7rU2zU90-00613-00149940-00150263": "let me abrade you okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00614-00150264-00150509": "yeah you may already have answered that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00615-00150510-00150749": "in a separation with somebody else but I", "7wl7rU2zU90-00616-00150750-00150928": "feel like somebody tried to put my teeth", "7wl7rU2zU90-00617-00150929-00151223": "I want you as here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00618-00151224-00151397": "some of y'all flirting with the eyes", "7wl7rU2zU90-00619-00151398-00151643": "okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00620-00151644-00152051": "you looking good for somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00621-00152052-00152285": "but somebody got a mentality of bros", "7wl7rU2zU90-00622-00152286-00152416": "before hoes and I tell you they was", "7wl7rU2zU90-00623-00152417-00152683": "immature", "7wl7rU2zU90-00624-00152684-00152861": "benefits", "7wl7rU2zU90-00625-00152862-00153047": "and I feel like you had a fighting with", "7wl7rU2zU90-00626-00153048-00153185": "this person", "7wl7rU2zU90-00627-00153186-00153364": "what's the page of Swords real quickly", "7wl7rU2zU90-00628-00153365-00153593": "with these cards", "7wl7rU2zU90-00629-00153594-00153839": "oh shit careful what the hell is going", "7wl7rU2zU90-00630-00153840-00154085": "on everything jumping out yeah somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00631-00154086-00154313": "look at him like who you trying to look", "7wl7rU2zU90-00632-00154314-00154528": "good for for who", "7wl7rU2zU90-00633-00154529-00154849": "the same sex", "7wl7rU2zU90-00634-00154850-00155147": "that could be his love of War somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00635-00155148-00155333": "falling for anything", "7wl7rU2zU90-00636-00155334-00155639": "and somebody got kinky fetishes like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00637-00155640-00155873": "like I said some of you all", "7wl7rU2zU90-00638-00155874-00156173": "they checking your cell phones", "7wl7rU2zU90-00639-00156174-00156359": "and somebody may be meeting somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00640-00156360-00156671": "else okay it's all here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00641-00156672-00156826": "and somebody's saying it's all your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00642-00156827-00157145": "fault in the relationship sector", "7wl7rU2zU90-00643-00157146-00157331": "what the hell is going on people going", "7wl7rU2zU90-00644-00157332-00157481": "to drop", "7wl7rU2zU90-00645-00157482-00157721": "again", "7wl7rU2zU90-00646-00157722-00158164": "cars are flying everywhere for you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00647-00158165-00158633": "wait I just dropped my flip-flop hold on", "7wl7rU2zU90-00648-00158634-00159178": "okay we done", "7wl7rU2zU90-00649-00159179-00159395": "yeah somebody's spending time family and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00650-00159396-00159707": "DNA flip", "7wl7rU2zU90-00651-00159708-00159923": "because somebody in a hot seat that's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00652-00159924-00160121": "why", "7wl7rU2zU90-00653-00160122-00160366": "like I feel like somebody messed up and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00654-00160367-00160685": "trying to make up", "7wl7rU2zU90-00655-00160686-00160883": "this could have been a recurring pattern", "7wl7rU2zU90-00656-00160884-00161140": "that I'm hearing for somebody you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00657-00161141-00161351": "dealing with Capricorn or it's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00658-00161352-00161495": "it could be you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00659-00161496-00161693": "but I'm feeling if it is it's a lot of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00660-00161694-00161885": "male energy", "7wl7rU2zU90-00661-00161886-00162154": "all right let's get your angel messes", "7wl7rU2zU90-00662-00162155-00162383": "and see what's going on here", "7wl7rU2zU90-00663-00162384-00162599": "we're almost to 30 minutes", "7wl7rU2zU90-00664-00162600-00162881": "gotta get your angel messages", "7wl7rU2zU90-00665-00162882-00163163": "it's a beautiful day feels so good even", "7wl7rU2zU90-00666-00163164-00163402": "though I know it's gonna rain", "7wl7rU2zU90-00667-00163403-00163828": "yeah in the past it wasn't love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00668-00163829-00164051": "for you or someone else", "7wl7rU2zU90-00669-00164052-00164843": "um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00670-00164844-00165383": "okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00671-00165384-00165521": "what do you need to surrender to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00672-00165522-00165881": "Capricorn what is it is to know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00673-00165882-00166073": "press the like button shout out on where", "7wl7rU2zU90-00674-00166074-00166259": "you're from are you the cross Watcher", "7wl7rU2zU90-00675-00166260-00166504": "are you the person going through this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00676-00166505-00166702": "are you the Capricorn one for this", "7wl7rU2zU90-00677-00166703-00166811": "because", "7wl7rU2zU90-00678-00166812-00167099": "uh somebody's really hurting from", "7wl7rU2zU90-00679-00167100-00167375": "infidelity but somebody else is hurting", "7wl7rU2zU90-00680-00167376-00167554": "because they found out some okay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00681-00167555-00167826": "somebody a Serial cheater too though", "7wl7rU2zU90-00682-00167827-00168239": "than to what a lot", "7wl7rU2zU90-00683-00168240-00168743": "and and their secrets is out you know it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00684-00168744-00168904": "um someone could even think you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00685-00168905-00169073": "immature or you could think especially", "7wl7rU2zU90-00686-00169074-00169343": "females who your writ is immature", "7wl7rU2zU90-00687-00169344-00169607": "all right here you go", "7wl7rU2zU90-00688-00169608-00169921": "surrender defensiveness it says", "7wl7rU2zU90-00689-00169922-00170147": "deficit is a sign of weakness to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00690-00170148-00170357": "communicate in a more empowered way stay", "7wl7rU2zU90-00691-00170358-00170602": "centered and hear somebody out then", "7wl7rU2zU90-00692-00170603-00170807": "offer a clear", "7wl7rU2zU90-00693-00170808-00171107": "um non-defensive response so you could", "7wl7rU2zU90-00694-00171108-00171359": "be not trying to hear somebody the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00695-00171360-00171647": "spirit is saying at least hear them out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00696-00171648-00171785": "right", "7wl7rU2zU90-00697-00171786-00171971": "and you need to submit it to silence", "7wl7rU2zU90-00698-00171972-00172121": "some of you another get hurt more", "7wl7rU2zU90-00699-00172122-00172337": "inquire meditation contemplation let go", "7wl7rU2zU90-00700-00172338-00172576": "into the Stillness within silence can", "7wl7rU2zU90-00701-00172577-00172757": "hear and replenish you and some of you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00702-00172758-00173057": "all need to meditate go within get", "7wl7rU2zU90-00703-00173058-00173278": "answers like somebody could be coming to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00704-00173279-00173435": "you with some sort of proposal it could", "7wl7rU2zU90-00705-00173436-00173578": "be work", "7wl7rU2zU90-00706-00173579-00173801": "um whatever the proposal is whatever the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00707-00173802-00174178": "situation Capricorn pray about it first", "7wl7rU2zU90-00708-00174179-00174478": "whatever you hear is does it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00709-00174479-00174707": "do you think follow your intuition is it", "7wl7rU2zU90-00710-00174708-00174995": "going to benefit careful", "7wl7rU2zU90-00711-00174996-00175163": "is it going to benefit me is the", "7wl7rU2zU90-00712-00175164-00175309": "question", "7wl7rU2zU90-00713-00175310-00175625": "message for Capricorn please Spirit", "7wl7rU2zU90-00714-00175626-00175847": "what's the message the like button", "7wl7rU2zU90-00715-00175848-00176081": "please help me out storm this is like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00716-00176082-00176404": "the Tower every hurricane comes to an", "7wl7rU2zU90-00717-00176405-00176557": "end", "7wl7rU2zU90-00718-00176558-00177016": "wow let's read that one", "7wl7rU2zU90-00719-00177017-00177352": "this is new but I don't jacked up though", "7wl7rU2zU90-00720-00177353-00177575": "that's number 44. let's see what it's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00721-00177576-00177916": "saying", "7wl7rU2zU90-00722-00177917-00178133": "every hurricane comes 20 and just when", "7wl7rU2zU90-00723-00178134-00178252": "you thought things were taking a turn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00724-00178253-00178445": "for the better in came a hurricane of", "7wl7rU2zU90-00725-00178446-00178654": "hurt now you find yourself utterly", "7wl7rU2zU90-00726-00178655-00178811": "exhausted from trying to survive it all", "7wl7rU2zU90-00727-00178812-00179009": "rest assured the claws are finally", "7wl7rU2zU90-00728-00179010-00179231": "starting to part making room for much", "7wl7rU2zU90-00729-00179232-00179488": "needed Sun like the clouds you should", "7wl7rU2zU90-00730-00179489-00179873": "also let go of past or present pain in", "7wl7rU2zU90-00731-00179874-00180047": "order to make room for something better", "7wl7rU2zU90-00732-00180048-00180383": "you got to forgive you got to let go you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00733-00180384-00180616": "gotta Capricorn know what's best for you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00734-00180617-00180814": "at the end of the day", "7wl7rU2zU90-00735-00180815-00181090": "one more", "7wl7rU2zU90-00736-00181091-00181433": "Evil Queen Somebody pissed you off", "7wl7rU2zU90-00737-00181434-00181716": "you deserve sugar not salt", "7wl7rU2zU90-00738-00181717-00182171": "number two", "7wl7rU2zU90-00739-00182172-00182381": "someone in your life is mistreating you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00740-00182382-00182585": "they keep trying to see the good you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00741-00182586-00182735": "keep trying to see the good in them but", "7wl7rU2zU90-00742-00182736-00182957": "they just keep disappointing you again", "7wl7rU2zU90-00743-00182958-00183340": "and again", "7wl7rU2zU90-00744-00183341-00183575": "as difficult as may be this is your sign", "7wl7rU2zU90-00745-00183576-00183887": "that you need to cut them loose unfollow", "7wl7rU2zU90-00746-00183888-00184138": "them and block their number it's time to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00747-00184139-00184301": "move on do whatever it takes to find", "7wl7rU2zU90-00748-00184302-00184516": "some inner peace for it's just as", "7wl7rU2zU90-00749-00184517-00184726": "precious as gold and that is what you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00750-00184727-00184978": "looking for Capricorn I feel like you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00751-00184979-00185147": "you dealt with a lot with some of you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00752-00185148-00185314": "all you dealt with somebody in and out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00753-00185315-00185543": "of prison jail", "7wl7rU2zU90-00754-00185544-00185735": "you're dealing with a cop some of y'all", "7wl7rU2zU90-00755-00185736-00185878": "dealing with somebody may have had a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00756-00185879-00186088": "security firm whatever", "7wl7rU2zU90-00757-00186089-00186431": "um the situation is hurting you what is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00758-00186432-00186599": "um", "7wl7rU2zU90-00759-00186600-00187031": "the Angels want you to know", "7wl7rU2zU90-00760-00187032-00187438": "Angel prayers Spirit what's the message", "7wl7rU2zU90-00761-00187439-00187799": "message for Capricorn please", "7wl7rU2zU90-00762-00187800-00187997": "make sure you press that like button", "7wl7rU2zU90-00763-00187998-00188387": "comment speak your truth thank Gabrielle", "7wl7rU2zU90-00764-00188388-00188651": "for helping me to speak with integrity", "7wl7rU2zU90-00765-00188652-00188819": "so I feel like somebody coming around", "7wl7rU2zU90-00766-00188820-00189040": "for you all and you gonna be prepared", "7wl7rU2zU90-00767-00189041-00189352": "put it's in hear them out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00768-00189353-00189502": "you need to love and accept yourself", "7wl7rU2zU90-00769-00189503-00189749": "thank you angels for lovingly guiding me", "7wl7rU2zU90-00770-00189750-00189947": "to self-acceptance", "7wl7rU2zU90-00771-00189948-00190121": "you need to trust your intuition though", "7wl7rU2zU90-00772-00190122-00190487": "here I keep seeing that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00773-00190488-00190781": "trust your Vibes came out twice thank", "7wl7rU2zU90-00774-00190782-00190966": "you Angels today I choose to trust my", "7wl7rU2zU90-00775-00190967-00191213": "intuition and your guidance then I say", "7wl7rU2zU90-00776-00191214-00191549": "that but that comes with meditation some", "7wl7rU2zU90-00777-00191550-00191759": "of you are studying and learning thank", "7wl7rU2zU90-00778-00191760-00191926": "you angels for allowing me to see every", "7wl7rU2zU90-00779-00191927-00192209": "day is a learning day so this was a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00780-00192210-00192401": "learning day for you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00781-00192402-00192587": "um I know Capricorns are very strong", "7wl7rU2zU90-00782-00192588-00192838": "people you all they can't fool you no", "7wl7rU2zU90-00783-00192839-00193078": "matter what I don't care which way they", "7wl7rU2zU90-00784-00193079-00193295": "trying to come at you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00785-00193296-00193535": "um you already know good morning", "7wl7rU2zU90-00786-00193536-00194087": "let's look at the romance angels", "7wl7rU2zU90-00787-00194088-00194338": "for giving and learning", "7wl7rU2zU90-00788-00194339-00194525": "is at the bottom", "7wl7rU2zU90-00789-00194526-00194837": "as you release the heal the past you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00790-00194838-00194975": "experience more love in the present", "7wl7rU2zU90-00791-00194976-00195304": "moment I feel like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00792-00195305-00195473": "when you raise your vibration you're", "7wl7rU2zU90-00793-00195474-00195743": "going to meet somebody else like that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00794-00195744-00195959": "you're walking around still hurting", "7wl7rU2zU90-00795-00195960-00196193": "still worried about how people treated", "7wl7rU2zU90-00796-00196194-00196385": "you from the past you bringing that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00797-00196386-00196859": "vibration into your new relationship", "7wl7rU2zU90-00798-00196860-00197188": "past life relationship you have known", "7wl7rU2zU90-00799-00197189-00197369": "each other so somebody coming from your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00800-00197370-00197663": "past love yourself first", "7wl7rU2zU90-00801-00197664-00197987": "okay this means your self-respects make", "7wl7rU2zU90-00802-00197988-00198190": "you more romantically attractive when I", "7wl7rU2zU90-00803-00198191-00198395": "see this this is somebody that's seeing", "7wl7rU2zU90-00804-00198396-00198581": "somebody marry is saying it's all about", "7wl7rU2zU90-00805-00198582-00198707": "self-love", "7wl7rU2zU90-00806-00198708-00199007": "love you and Free Yourself", "7wl7rU2zU90-00807-00199008-00199228": "it's time to take back control of your", "7wl7rU2zU90-00808-00199229-00199337": "life", "7wl7rU2zU90-00809-00199338-00199535": "somebody is a soul mate", "7wl7rU2zU90-00810-00199536-00199840": "yes this is your soul mate", "7wl7rU2zU90-00811-00199841-00200111": "and they are worth waiting for divine", "7wl7rU2zU90-00812-00200112-00200416": "timing is at work in your life but be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00813-00200417-00200740": "cautious love first", "7wl7rU2zU90-00814-00200741-00201004": "don't let somebody walk in", "7wl7rU2zU90-00815-00201005-00201238": "that's part of your past and they still", "7wl7rU2zU90-00816-00201239-00201419": "with a situation", "7wl7rU2zU90-00817-00201420-00201604": "because you are calling in your soulmate", "7wl7rU2zU90-00818-00201605-00201833": "your prayers affirmations and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00819-00201834-00201995": "visualizations helps bring you together", "7wl7rU2zU90-00820-00201996-00202319": "but you got to stand your ground because", "7wl7rU2zU90-00821-00202320-00202738": "that came out", "7wl7rU2zU90-00822-00202739-00202895": "stand your Grand Capricorn because you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00823-00202896-00203213": "know what you want", "7wl7rU2zU90-00824-00203214-00203435": "but meditate if it how does your body", "7wl7rU2zU90-00825-00203436-00203687": "feel when you think about somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00826-00203688-00203945": "and I don't mean sexually", "7wl7rU2zU90-00827-00203946-00204226": "how does it feel like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00828-00204227-00204490": "this is another deck of mine it's about", "7wl7rU2zU90-00829-00204491-00204593": "health", "7wl7rU2zU90-00830-00204594-00205031": "since we did get I think I saw", "7wl7rU2zU90-00831-00205032-00205223": "um the strength card in Reverse when", "7wl7rU2zU90-00832-00205223-00205462": "somebody was weak losing weight let's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00833-00205463-00205684": "see this is my health deck for you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00834-00205685-00205966": "readers this is Terrell health and the T", "7wl7rU2zU90-00835-00205967-00206225": "this is not a two for self-diagnosis if", "7wl7rU2zU90-00836-00206226-00206381": "you believe you have a problem see a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00837-00206382-00206566": "doctor okay it's a lot of information", "7wl7rU2zU90-00838-00206567-00206782": "there all based on the right-of-way and", "7wl7rU2zU90-00839-00206783-00207010": "they mean something totally different in", "7wl7rU2zU90-00840-00207011-00207208": "health what's the message spirit that", "7wl7rU2zU90-00841-00207209-00207323": "you want to give us", "7wl7rU2zU90-00842-00207323-00207544": "for Capital form regarding their health", "7wl7rU2zU90-00843-00207546-00207790": "what's the message spirit", "7wl7rU2zU90-00844-00207791-00208031": "for Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00845-00208032-00208607": "Health message", "7wl7rU2zU90-00846-00208608-00208979": "Knight of Wands over indulging in sugars", "7wl7rU2zU90-00847-00208980-00209194": "alcohol and fatty foods injuries due to", "7wl7rU2zU90-00848-00209196-00209369": "clumsiness uncoordination or", "7wl7rU2zU90-00849-00209369-00209734": "carelessness so be careful uh Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00850-00209735-00210005": "some of you are overindulgent in sugars", "7wl7rU2zU90-00851-00210006-00210203": "and fatty foods", "7wl7rU2zU90-00852-00210204-00210382": "let's do one more", "7wl7rU2zU90-00853-00210383-00210569": "the sun again definitely somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00854-00210569-00210839": "dealing with a Leo but this is some be", "7wl7rU2zU90-00855-00210840-00211132": "careful you got sunstroke here you may", "7wl7rU2zU90-00856-00211133-00211384": "have eyesight problems again see a", "7wl7rU2zU90-00857-00211385-00211553": "doctor I'm not a doctor this is", "7wl7rU2zU90-00858-00211554-00211769": "infotainment purposes only somebody", "7wl7rU2zU90-00859-00211769-00211942": "could be suffering with vitamin D", "7wl7rU2zU90-00860-00211944-00212201": "deficiency if you're in the Sun and like", "7wl7rU2zU90-00861-00212202-00212423": "get your vitamin D", "7wl7rU2zU90-00862-00212423-00212591": "some of you may be suffering right eye", "7wl7rU2zU90-00863-00212592-00212765": "problems fatigue", "7wl7rU2zU90-00864-00212766-00213125": "this is too much exposure to the Sun", "7wl7rU2zU90-00865-00213126-00213394": "may have high blood pressure heart", "7wl7rU2zU90-00866-00213396-00213532": "conditions", "7wl7rU2zU90-00867-00213533-00213755": "inflammations", "7wl7rU2zU90-00868-00213756-00214013": "but in general this is a good card it's", "7wl7rU2zU90-00869-00214014-00214289": "good psychophysical condition but you", "7wl7rU2zU90-00870-00214290-00214439": "need to stay hydrated and spend much", "7wl7rU2zU90-00871-00214440-00214727": "more time ex and spend um don't spend", "7wl7rU2zU90-00872-00214728-00215032": "too much time in the sun Capricorn", "7wl7rU2zU90-00873-00215033-00215105": "foreign", "7wl7rU2zU90-00874-00215106-00215291": "all right that's all I have for you guys", "7wl7rU2zU90-00875-00215292-00215513": "for one brother sister to another I see", "7wl7rU2zU90-00876-00215514-00215767": "you loving like"}}, {"audio_id": "7wmVb0N4qn4", "text": {"7wmVb0N4qn4-00000-00000107-00000269": "so", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00001-00000270-00000443": "um I have my computer on the Facebook", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00002-00000444-00000773": "messenger and a company that specializes", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00003-00000774-00001019": "in very expensive marketing contacted me", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00004-00001019-00001223": "which is kind of fun because I'm in", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00005-00001224-00001331": "marketing", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00006-00001332-00001565": "I teach marketing the gut sales kiss", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00007-00001566-00001829": "method marketing so anyway we're on", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00008-00001830-00002141": "Facebook messenger and they contact me", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00009-00002142-00002441": "hi Claude how are you and blah blah blah", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00010-00002442-00002639": "and I said uh well tell me about your", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00011-00002640-00002867": "program and let's talk right now and you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00012-00002868-00003100": "know Facebook Messenger you can do uh", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00013-00003101-00003340": "audio video besides texting it's a", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00014-00003342-00003545": "wonderful system by the way I said call", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00015-00003546-00003797": "me now nobody calls so then they text me", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00016-00003797-00003995": "some more and I said I'm ready to speak", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00017-00003996-00004211": "somebody right now", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00018-00004212-00004367": "okay and all you gotta do is hit that", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00019-00004368-00004486": "little button", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00020-00004487-00004756": "nothing so then they contact me again", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00021-00004757-00004943": "this evening this is over a period of", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00022-00004944-00005272": "hours okay and they say well you can", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00023-00005273-00005554": "speak to one of our assistants on either", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00024-00005555-00005879": "uh Thursday or Friday today is uh", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00025-00005880-00006263": "Tuesday by the way okay I can't stand it", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00026-00006264-00006587": "they're so friggin stupid can you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00027-00006588-00006898": "imagine you've got a hot Prospect okay", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00028-00006900-00007198": "and um if they're willing to talk to you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00029-00007200-00007469": "right now and there's not one person in", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00030-00007470-00007691": "this organization this is the this is", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00031-00007692-00007853": "the horror story", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00032-00007854-00008059": "of what they're selling people about", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00033-00008059-00008387": "scalability and click funnels and all", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00034-00008388-00008657": "this other part of my language okay", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00035-00008658-00008885": "you get a prospect who wants to speak to", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00036-00008886-00008999": "somebody", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00037-00009000-00009209": "don't play The Big Shot there's nobody", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00038-00009210-00009551": "in this see they just wanna they just", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00039-00009552-00009731": "want to hand you off to somebody else", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00040-00009732-00009995": "and the one person who you want to find", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00041-00009996-00010264": "Solutions and value from they won't", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00042-00010265-00010595": "speak to you and then even they're hired", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00043-00010596-00010792": "twenty dollar an hour coaches and stuff", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00044-00010793-00011056": "they won't speak to you now either it's", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00045-00011057-00011417": "so damn dumb I'm a hot Prospect I'm", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00046-00011418-00011578": "willing to talk to somebody right now", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00047-00011579-00011806": "nobody wants to speak to me", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00048-00011807-00012017": "okay and I just like to see what other", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00049-00012018-00012310": "people are doing and so then I told them", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00050-00012311-00012527": "uh I can speak to you tomorrow morning", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00051-00012528-00012724": "at nine o'clock and here's my Skype", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00052-00012725-00012994": "number oh no we need your cell phone", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00053-00012995-00013288": "number and everything else and I said no", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00054-00013290-00013594": "let's talk on Zoom face to face honestly", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00055-00013595-00013835": "oh we can't do that that's not in our", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00056-00013836-00013972": "policy", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00057-00013973-00014261": "it's like", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00058-00014262-00014483": "you guys know what I'm thinking", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00059-00014484-00014686": "if you're going to be in business as a", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00060-00014687-00014908": "coach consultant Mentor real estate", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00061-00014909-00015197": "investor whatever you do when should you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00062-00015197-00015508": "speak to a warm Prospect you know the", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00063-00015509-00015721": "answer right now", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00064-00015722-00015994": "don't waste a good Prospect a good", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00065-00015995-00016247": "Prospect is too expensive to waste how", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00066-00016247-00016457": "many thousands of dollars have you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00067-00016458-00016661": "wasted trying to get that great Prospect", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00068-00016662-00016972": "here I am responding to their text", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00069-00016973-00017249": "messaging ready to speak to somebody", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00070-00017250-00017561": "right now or tomorrow morning and I even", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00071-00017562-00017843": "give them my direct Zoom number and they", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00072-00017844-00018035": "don't want to talk to me how dumb is the", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00073-00018036-00018269": "marketing in some companies it's", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00074-00018270-00018563": "astounding it's incredulous isn't it my", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00075-00018564-00018767": "name is Claude Diamond I just take from", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00076-00018768-00018947": "my day-to-day experiences want to share", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00077-00018948-00019121": "with you I've run a very successful", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00078-00019122-00019336": "business talking to people I have a", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00079-00019337-00019577": "system called guts it's a marketing and", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00080-00019578-00019822": "sales system and it makes it real simple", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00081-00019823-00020105": "real linear direct to the prospect you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00082-00020106-00020267": "get it you learn how to ask questions", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00083-00020268-00020507": "like a doctor you diagnose the situation", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00084-00020508-00020764": "and you offer many solutions and people", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00085-00020765-00020950": "buy your products they want to talk to", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00086-00020951-00021107": "you they want to learn what you do", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00087-00021108-00021299": "successfully so they can replicate it", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00088-00021300-00021611": "and all they're asking for is honesty", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00089-00021612-00021803": "and accountability", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00090-00021804-00022033": "this is Claude diamond and nobody", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00091-00022034-00022319": "deserves success more than you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00092-00022320-00022522": "thank you", "7wmVb0N4qn4-00093-00022523-00022808": "foreign"}}, {"audio_id": "7wYB-fM7Pxg", "text": {"7wYB-fM7Pxg-00000-00000003-00000548": "lÃvia tiki-tiki today we are going to", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00001-00000549-00001106": "Oktoberfest with MGM and gencode hi", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00002-00001107-00001408": "Oktoberfest is something we go every", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00003-00001409-00001466": "year", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00004-00001467-00001946": "it's beer festival and they have to some", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00005-00001947-00002511": "hello", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00006-00002512-00002689": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00007-00002690-00002904": "Hey", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00008-00002905-00003152": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00009-00003153-00007037": "I just miss oh this is giraffe", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00010-00007038-00009151": "would there be", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00011-00009152-00012334": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00012-00012335-00014430": "come on man", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00013-00014431-00015884": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00014-00015885-00016133": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00015-00016134-00016312": "smash it", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00016-00016313-00017458": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00017-00017459-00017543": "[Applause]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00018-00017544-00018839": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00019-00018840-00020102": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00020-00020103-00020693": "so again", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00021-00020694-00021409": "all right", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00022-00021410-00021881": "[Laughter]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00023-00021882-00024295": "[Applause]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00024-00024296-00026036": "[Applause]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00025-00026037-00026181": "yeah", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00026-00026182-00026836": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00027-00026837-00027277": "[Applause]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00028-00027277-00027562": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00029-00027563-00031557": "in sciency", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00030-00031558-00033369": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00031-00033370-00033640": "one minute 37 seconds later", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00032-00033641-00034615": "[Music]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00033-00034616-00035736": "[Applause]", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00034-00035737-00036213": "as you kiss wait", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00035-00036214-00036775": "as you can see how lovely watch it was", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00036-00036776-00037063": "fun this is the best festival in Macao", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00037-00037064-00037426": "if he Macao in October join the", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00038-00037427-00037951": "Oktoberfest nay oh my how they sing the", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00039-00037952-00038103": "song together", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00040-00038104-00038599": "October bet forever hey ho oh oh yeah", "7wYB-fM7Pxg-00041-00038600-00038839": "boy"}}, {"audio_id": "7wcg3NQMYCU", "text": {"7wcg3NQMYCU-00000-00000092-00001423": "[Music]", "7wcg3NQMYCU-00001-00001424-00004206": "hey", "7wcg3NQMYCU-00002-00004207-00004578": "oh", "7wcg3NQMYCU-00003-00004579-00006583": "[Music]", "7wcg3NQMYCU-00004-00006584-00006902": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "7x1gqrbAd60", "text": {"7x1gqrbAd60-00000-00000246-00000447": "you", "7x1gqrbAd60-00001-00000448-00000715": "thank you very much Steve really", "7x1gqrbAd60-00002-00000716-00000852": "appreciate all three of the producers", "7x1gqrbAd60-00003-00000853-00001189": "joining us today and sharing your your", "7x1gqrbAd60-00004-00001190-00001735": "experiences and insights next I'd like", "7x1gqrbAd60-00005-00001736-00002005": "to turn it over to saket mukhtar is", "7x1gqrbAd60-00006-00002005-00002167": "going to talk about some additional", "7x1gqrbAd60-00007-00002168-00002433": "sources of information that you can use", "7x1gqrbAd60-00008-00002434-00002782": "second all right good afternoon", "7x1gqrbAd60-00009-00002783-00003070": "everybody it's raining in Texas and what", "7x1gqrbAd60-00010-00003071-00003279": "a good day to be talking about", "7x1gqrbAd60-00011-00003279-00003556": "inspection and inspection checklists to", "7x1gqrbAd60-00012-00003557-00003946": "keep our run off where it belongs I'm", "7x1gqrbAd60-00013-00003947-00004111": "just going to quickly go over some of", "7x1gqrbAd60-00014-00004112-00004393": "the resources that may be of help to the", "7x1gqrbAd60-00015-00004394-00004660": "folks who are looking for extra extra", "7x1gqrbAd60-00016-00004661-00004876": "information although I think our", "7x1gqrbAd60-00017-00004877-00005083": "producers and our inspectors and others", "7x1gqrbAd60-00018-00005084-00005299": "have done a tremendous job of explaining", "7x1gqrbAd60-00019-00005300-00005593": "what record-keeping and inspection means", "7x1gqrbAd60-00020-00005594-00005931": "in the context of having a better", "7x1gqrbAd60-00021-00005932-00006184": "environment both for capitals and and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00022-00006185-00006570": "the and the people around us so with", "7x1gqrbAd60-00023-00006572-00006778": "that first of all let's look at our", "7x1gqrbAd60-00024-00006779-00006976": "inspectors now our inspectors are also", "7x1gqrbAd60-00025-00006977-00007323": "state inspectors who have seen the very", "7x1gqrbAd60-00026-00007324-00007530": "good and not so very good and also we", "7x1gqrbAd60-00027-00007531-00007705": "have federal inspectors who have seen", "7x1gqrbAd60-00028-00007706-00007935": "different systems at the in different", "7x1gqrbAd60-00029-00007936-00008266": "states so we should count on the", "7x1gqrbAd60-00030-00008267-00008580": "experienced inspectors experience and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00031-00008581-00008902": "get some input from them and take it as", "7x1gqrbAd60-00032-00008903-00009324": "a guide in in in in most cases they are", "7x1gqrbAd60-00033-00009325-00009519": "very helpful and you've heard that from", "7x1gqrbAd60-00034-00009520-00009841": "from three of our producers we also have", "7x1gqrbAd60-00035-00009842-00010144": "different states and different federal", "7x1gqrbAd60-00036-00010145-00010419": "government agencies have inspection", "7x1gqrbAd60-00037-00010420-00010630": "checklists that may be pertinent to just", "7x1gqrbAd60-00038-00010631-00010908": "your state or your area or a certain", "7x1gqrbAd60-00039-00010909-00011194": "type of operation and then we have of", "7x1gqrbAd60-00040-00011195-00011421": "course our University Extension services", "7x1gqrbAd60-00041-00011422-00011853": "which aren't part of also that have fact", "7x1gqrbAd60-00042-00011854-00012039": "sheets and other information available", "7x1gqrbAd60-00043-00012040-00012465": "online offline on in popular press and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00044-00012466-00012726": "whatnot we also have the USDA Natural", "7x1gqrbAd60-00045-00012727-00013033": "Resource Conservation Service folks who", "7x1gqrbAd60-00046-00013034-00013329": "have guidance on mortality management", "7x1gqrbAd60-00047-00013330-00013677": "on proper management of lagoon proper", "7x1gqrbAd60-00048-00013678-00014004": "design of lagoon using other bmps that", "7x1gqrbAd60-00049-00014005-00014313": "may help us reduce pollution of our air", "7x1gqrbAd60-00050-00014313-00014559": "and also our waters of the state and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00051-00014560-00014811": "then of course the technical service", "7x1gqrbAd60-00052-00014812-00015016": "providers they are a great resource", "7x1gqrbAd60-00053-00015018-00015393": "because they have also not only been to", "7x1gqrbAd60-00054-00015394-00015582": "many many different forms but also have", "7x1gqrbAd60-00055-00015583-00015819": "gotten the training that they need on", "7x1gqrbAd60-00056-00015819-00016008": "comprehensive nutrient management that", "7x1gqrbAd60-00057-00016009-00016395": "involves keeping keeping runoff where it", "7x1gqrbAd60-00058-00016396-00016641": "belongs and also keeping our air and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00059-00016642-00016938": "water clean in fact we did some training", "7x1gqrbAd60-00060-00016939-00017172": "at a national level just two weeks ago", "7x1gqrbAd60-00061-00017173-00017400": "for technical service providers and they", "7x1gqrbAd60-00062-00017401-00017673": "also get that training through through", "7x1gqrbAd60-00063-00017674-00017988": "their own state consultants also of", "7x1gqrbAd60-00064-00017989-00018339": "course EPA has several web links that", "7x1gqrbAd60-00065-00018340-00018705": "have information on on these checklists", "7x1gqrbAd60-00066-00018706-00019305": "and inspection information so first of", "7x1gqrbAd60-00067-00019306-00019506": "all let's look at some of the University", "7x1gqrbAd60-00068-00019507-00019764": "Extension type information that we have", "7x1gqrbAd60-00069-00019765-00019992": "if you look at the the one that i have", "7x1gqrbAd60-00070-00019993-00020402": "already sort of bracketed up usda", "7x1gqrbAd60-00071-00020403-00020676": "cooperative extension office's you can", "7x1gqrbAd60-00072-00020677-00020850": "go to this website and it will actually", "7x1gqrbAd60-00073-00020851-00021312": "show you this entire interactive map of", "7x1gqrbAd60-00074-00021313-00021600": "the US and you can just click on any one", "7x1gqrbAd60-00075-00021601-00021906": "of those states and for example in my", "7x1gqrbAd60-00076-00021907-00022218": "case when i clicked on texas it took me", "7x1gqrbAd60-00077-00022219-00022521": "to our AgriLife Extension Service and it", "7x1gqrbAd60-00078-00022522-00022791": "has information on each and every county", "7x1gqrbAd60-00079-00022792-00023100": "where we have extension office's and we", "7x1gqrbAd60-00080-00023101-00023297": "can reach a specialist there and ask", "7x1gqrbAd60-00081-00023298-00023561": "specific questions related to", "7x1gqrbAd60-00082-00023562-00024038": "inspections and checklists or any other", "7x1gqrbAd60-00083-00024039-00024369": "popular extension material that is", "7x1gqrbAd60-00084-00024370-00024821": "available for our benefit now also", "7x1gqrbAd60-00085-00024822-00025038": "somebody did bring up the Heartland", "7x1gqrbAd60-00086-00025039-00025325": "Regional Water Quality Program and they", "7x1gqrbAd60-00087-00025326-00025625": "also help us with different types of", "7x1gqrbAd60-00088-00025626-00025889": "publications and one of the publications", "7x1gqrbAd60-00089-00025891-00026130": "was put together by dr. Rick kelch up in", "7x1gqrbAd60-00090-00026131-00026367": "Nebraska and that publication if you go", "7x1gqrbAd60-00091-00026368-00026639": "on to this website looks like this", "7x1gqrbAd60-00092-00026639-00026942": "and again this is a detailed publication", "7x1gqrbAd60-00093-00026943-00027121": "it's a general publication it's not", "7x1gqrbAd60-00094-00027122-00027383": "state specific but it serves the purpose", "7x1gqrbAd60-00095-00027383-00027643": "it gives you why is this publication put", "7x1gqrbAd60-00096-00027644-00027836": "together what's in it and gives you", "7x1gqrbAd60-00097-00027837-00028012": "several tips on some of the things that", "7x1gqrbAd60-00098-00028013-00028214": "were talked about earlier this afternoon", "7x1gqrbAd60-00099-00028214-00028696": "by inspectors and our producers there is", "7x1gqrbAd60-00100-00028697-00028883": "also the animal feeding operations", "7x1gqrbAd60-00101-00028883-00029162": "virtual Information Center and this is", "7x1gqrbAd60-00102-00029163-00029417": "if you wanted to know where is your", "7x1gqrbAd60-00103-00029418-00029831": "state regulatory office and their other", "7x1gqrbAd60-00104-00029832-00030068": "sub offices or regional offices within", "7x1gqrbAd60-00105-00030069-00030320": "your state you could go to this side and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00106-00030320-00030670": "this is an EP a website that takes you", "7x1gqrbAd60-00107-00030672-00031004": "to each and every state's regulatory", "7x1gqrbAd60-00108-00031005-00031277": "agencies website so you can click on it", "7x1gqrbAd60-00109-00031277-00031468": "and go to the state that you want it to", "7x1gqrbAd60-00110-00031469-00031808": "and again as I mentioned earlier we have", "7x1gqrbAd60-00111-00031808-00032036": "extension specialists who are putting", "7x1gqrbAd60-00112-00032037-00032314": "articles on this popular press and this", "7x1gqrbAd60-00113-00032316-00032624": "is the one from dr by dr d n mire it", "7x1gqrbAd60-00114-00032625-00032882": "dearie specialist up in UC davis and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00115-00032883-00033104": "she's put together this information on", "7x1gqrbAd60-00116-00033105-00033365": "how to survive an EPA inspection so", "7x1gqrbAd60-00117-00033366-00033548": "there are some some good pieces of", "7x1gqrbAd60-00118-00033549-00033764": "information for example in this fact", "7x1gqrbAd60-00119-00033765-00034205": "sheet also that may be of help and last", "7x1gqrbAd60-00120-00034206-00034598": "but not the least we also be a livestock", "7x1gqrbAd60-00121-00034599-00034987": "poultry education center that has", "7x1gqrbAd60-00122-00034988-00035270": "provided this webinar today the who's", "7x1gqrbAd60-00123-00035271-00035504": "hosting the webinar today they have", "7x1gqrbAd60-00124-00035505-00035815": "excellent information to e extension and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00125-00035816-00036161": "the website address is given here and at", "7x1gqrbAd60-00126-00036162-00036312": "the bottom you lecture the green arrow", "7x1gqrbAd60-00127-00036313-00036635": "you can go to this particular example", "7x1gqrbAd60-00128-00036636-00036932": "for records and inspections and pull", "7x1gqrbAd60-00129-00036933-00037124": "that information out there are many", "7x1gqrbAd60-00130-00037125-00037396": "other excellent pieces of information on", "7x1gqrbAd60-00131-00037397-00037649": "this website on the extension that", "7x1gqrbAd60-00132-00037650-00038020": "discusses record-keeping checklists and", "7x1gqrbAd60-00133-00038021-00038330": "keeping our waters clean and keeping the", "7x1gqrbAd60-00134-00038331-00038633": "runoff where it belongs and proper waste", "7x1gqrbAd60-00135-00038634-00039110": "management and nutrient management", "7x1gqrbAd60-00136-00039111-00039429": "but with that"}}, {"audio_id": "7xgmXsBE8QE", "text": {"7xgmXsBE8QE-00000-00000000-00000142": "you want clout and you're not getting", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00001-00000143-00000802": "cloud off the failure or get out hey", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00002-00000803-00000947": "guys welcome to my channel it's a few", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00003-00000948-00001127": "hours ago I asked you guys to text me", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00004-00001128-00001307": "questions you had about me or my", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00005-00001308-00001520": "personal life because I'm very arrogant", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00006-00001521-00001826": "and so self-conceited so today we're", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00007-00001827-00003404": "gonna dive into this question alright", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00008-00003404-00003547": "David thank you for that question so", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00009-00003548-00003701": "what I'm hearing is you want Klout I do", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00010-00003702-00003899": "not get in cloud and it's driving you", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00011-00003900-00004061": "insane and I've been there I'm gonna", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00012-00004061-00004277": "quit my boy here you be on this one so", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00013-00004278-00004486": "Gary Vee is a fellow entrepreneur and he", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00014-00004487-00004661": "is obsessed with tech talk and at the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00015-00004662-00004844": "time I thought it was super lame like", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00016-00004845-00005033": "what does this old geezer trying to act", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00017-00005034-00005234": "young but I really do think that like", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00018-00005235-00005384": "he's onto something with tick tock I'm", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00019-00005385-00005501": "the reason why it's because it's", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00020-00005502-00005770": "underpriced attention the top 20% of", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00021-00005771-00005951": "Instagram established influencers are", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00022-00005952-00006136": "overpriced now what I'm hear from David", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00023-00006137-00006356": "is currently on Instagram it's very", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00024-00006357-00006556": "competitive and if the landscape is like", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00025-00006558-00006835": "fully taken go to a platform with", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00026-00006836-00007058": "underpriced attention where it's a newer", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00027-00007059-00007306": "where it's less populated so you could", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00028-00007308-00007456": "actually take that awareness onto", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00029-00007458-00007676": "Instagram I'll use my Tech Talk as an", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00030-00007677-00007828": "example if you guys want to follow me", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00031-00007829-00008009": "and Tech Talk I have one here I only", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00032-00008009-00008237": "have like 20,000 followers but some of", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00033-00008238-00008476": "the reach on my videos hit millions of", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00034-00008477-00008705": "views and the reason why I'm saying this", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00035-00008706-00008846": "is because I actually be able to drive", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00036-00008847-00008978": "that traffic to instigate like that", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00037-00008979-00009146": "video with a million views took me five", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00038-00009147-00009364": "minutes to make and I didn't even expect", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00039-00009365-00009553": "it you guys know how hard it is to grow", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00040-00009554-00009737": "on YouTube or Instagram so I would", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00041-00009738-00009938": "recommend driving Tech Talk awareness to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00042-00009939-00010117": "Instagram just to get that initial", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00043-00010118-00010231": "traction if you're looking for", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00044-00010232-00010970": "engagement hey Lexie thanks for this", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00045-00010971-00011192": "question I love this is so cool by the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00046-00011193-00011369": "way like this text message family is", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00047-00011370-00011417": "everything", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00048-00011418-00011678": "I can't even tell you when I wanted to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00049-00011679-00011878": "be one because I was like eight or nine", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00050-00011879-00012158": "years old making videos on a frickin", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00051-00012159-00012335": "ugly webcam I didn't necessarily want to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00052-00012336-00012503": "start a business because I was like so", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00053-00012504-00012649": "young I didn't know what that meant so I", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00054-00012650-00012818": "think my genuine passion comes from", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00055-00012819-00013019": "building products and experiences that", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00056-00013019-00013102": "help people", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00057-00013103-00013301": "I love seeing people's reaction and I'm", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00058-00013302-00013421": "kind of attention [__] at the end of", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00059-00013422-00013583": "the day truly like I find so much", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00060-00013584-00013718": "enjoyment just talking to you guys", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00061-00013719-00013894": "seeing customer reaction and building", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00062-00013896-00014030": "stuff that really changes people's lives", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00063-00014031-00014354": "so yeah also guys if you haven't already", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00064-00014355-00014537": "make sure you text my phone number it's", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00065-00014538-00014774": "gonna be in the description box a lot of", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00066-00014775-00014987": "people were like is shade hag like why", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00067-00014988-00015143": "would she leak it is this a robot and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00068-00015144-00015293": "it's completely me like this", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00069-00015294-00015466": "conversation these voice memos are", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00070-00015468-00015728": "things that you guys texted me so it's a", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00071-00015729-00015857": "hundred percent legit just text me and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00072-00015858-00018305": "you hygiene oh my gosh first of all your", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00073-00018306-00018506": "you're so sweet it's just cool to hear a", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00074-00018507-00018686": "story in regards to your question about", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00075-00018687-00018935": "like if youtube's worth it it really", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00076-00018936-00019166": "depends why you're making content when I", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00077-00019167-00019367": "was like nine or ten it was solely the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00078-00019368-00019532": "art okay so this is book I'm gonna quote", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00079-00019533-00019751": "called the war of art and one of these", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00080-00019752-00019943": "points really stuck out to me so", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00081-00019944-00020234": "basically a true successful artist", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00082-00020235-00020390": "someone who makes videos or like a", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00083-00020391-00020537": "youtuber that makes money full-time", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00084-00020538-00020840": "needs to have the capability of loving", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00085-00020841-00021023": "to be miserable need to learn how to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00086-00021024-00021244": "love being miserable and this book kind", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00087-00021245-00021469": "of like changed my opinion on failure", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00088-00021470-00021665": "like I'm from Portland Oregon and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00089-00021666-00021848": "sometimes the wind is super cold and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00090-00021849-00022013": "it's rainy and I like have to walk like", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00091-00022014-00022187": "five million blocks to the next coffee", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00092-00022188-00022436": "shop to realize that I have literally no", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00093-00022437-00022625": "clothes I'm a hoe and I don't wear the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00094-00022626-00022823": "right like jackets and I realize I'm I'm", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00095-00022824-00022973": "walking like I have no choice I don't", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00096-00022974-00023138": "can't turn back I just need to keep", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00097-00023139-00023363": "walking forward in this freezing weather", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00098-00023364-00023555": "the reason why I bring up this analogy", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00099-00023556-00023789": "is it's just like making content or art", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00100-00023790-00024062": "you have to be able to just shut up and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00101-00024063-00024314": "keep walking even if it sucks even if", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00102-00024315-00024551": "it's not perfect I would recommend if it", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00103-00024552-00024740": "really truly means a lot to you to keep", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00104-00024741-00024899": "pursuing of this book kind of goes into", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00105-00024900-00025064": "like the details of what you need to be", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00106-00025065-00025229": "miserable about but you need to be able", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00107-00025230-00025475": "to handle rejection isolation and for", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00108-00025476-00025594": "you cure it sounds like you need to be", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00109-00025595-00025799": "able to handle more self-doubt like yeah", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00110-00025800-00025969": "I might suck you might you might not get", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00111-00025970-00026180": "any views but if you just stay long", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00112-00026181-00026381": "enough in the game you're gonna get one", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00113-00026382-00026480": "subscriber a day", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00114-00026481-00026516": "there's no", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00115-00026517-00026683": "down in like a year two years you're", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00116-00026685-00026849": "gonna see so much more growth you just", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00117-00026850-00027058": "have to stay consistent on it if it", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00118-00027060-00027289": "means a lot so check out the war of art", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00119-00027291-00027479": "if you guys would like to read more it's", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00120-00027480-00027632": "kind of really depressing honestly", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00121-00027633-00027755": "because you just have to love being", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00122-00027756-00027923": "miserable and if you don't like it then", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00123-00027924-00028085": "get out of the game there's no point to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00124-00028086-00028331": "be here off the failure or get out we", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00125-00028332-00028580": "love you you guys I'm like obsessed with", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00126-00028581-00028760": "this text message thing like I got to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00127-00028761-00028910": "hear your voices and now we're texting", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00128-00028911-00029114": "and over I see are these common down", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00129-00029114-00029233": "below if you guys would like me to do", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00130-00029235-00029456": "like these monthly q and A's I can't", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00131-00029457-00030914": "believe I haven't done like an O I like", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00132-00030914-00031070": "I love you are straight to the point", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00133-00031070-00031235": "thank you for your question Mike the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00134-00031236-00031457": "advice I would give you is make all this", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00135-00031458-00031670": "variety of content and make a mixture", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00136-00031670-00031850": "video if you ever search any growth", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00137-00031851-00032002": "YouTube channel the reason why they're", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00138-00032004-00032233": "giving you like a niche advice is just", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00139-00032235-00032462": "to make your life less creative I think", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00140-00032463-00032606": "that's the goal is to make it easier and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00141-00032607-00032758": "simplify but it sounds like Mike your", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00142-00032760-00032906": "goal is to make art that's more", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00143-00032907-00033140": "complicated to tell stories and by doing", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00144-00033141-00033338": "that do not listen to the niche advice I", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00145-00033339-00033638": "genuinely believe it's BS to like listen", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00146-00033639-00033782": "to that - earlier on when you're trying", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00147-00033783-00033950": "to experiment like what if I was nine", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00148-00033951-00034124": "listening to like pick a niche I will", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00149-00034125-00034277": "probably quit three months down the road", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00150-00034278-00034472": "you know so I can have so much empathy", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00151-00034473-00034628": "for people feeling really confused I", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00152-00034629-00034841": "recommend the top ten hacks which is", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00153-00034842-00035048": "create your top ten craters favorite", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00154-00035049-00035243": "videos it's like take expiration and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00155-00035244-00035435": "make stuff that you love I mean over", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00156-00035436-00035675": "time you're gonna narrow down just by", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00157-00035676-00035897": "trial and error so do you boo high", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00158-00035898-00036104": "change um but we have two quick", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00159-00036105-00036368": "questions to ask you you ever be", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00160-00036369-00036665": "dropping on March do you think you and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00161-00036666-00037348": "Hayley might one day like visit nature", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00162-00037349-00037591": "we got the sweetest message from hazel", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00163-00037592-00037880": "you're so sweet I am working on merch", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00164-00037881-00038063": "soon it's just been crazy working with", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00165-00038064-00038267": "my other clients with their store the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00166-00038268-00038462": "second question is will you and Hayley", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00167-00038463-00038666": "you be in New Jersey and I'm pretty sure", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00168-00038667-00038846": "would love to make a travel out there if", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00169-00038847-00038930": "you guys don't know Hayley's like my", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00170-00038931-00039131": "best internet friend ever she's just", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00171-00039132-00039344": "amazing so yeah Hayley well we go to New", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00172-00039345-00039770": "Jersey", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00173-00039771-00040104": "stupid I must say because it's a bit", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00174-00040105-00040410": "waste my friends Tibet is the person", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00175-00040411-00040533": "that gets the most ticked our followers", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00176-00040534-00040740": "till after Christmas wins like a free", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00177-00040741-00040863": "meal from all the people in a friend", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00178-00040864-00041109": "group and I need that food so the worst", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00179-00041110-00041259": "news every time I make you take that", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00180-00041260-00041691": "account like the first two days almost", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00181-00041692-00042141": "get like a lot of use do you know why", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00182-00042142-00042321": "this happens because I'm so confused", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00183-00042322-00042477": "well I'm trying to do is get myself some", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00184-00042478-00042843": "food okay god I want you to get some", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00185-00042844-00043023": "more food too so to answer this question", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00186-00043024-00043182": "I really believe the way tick tock", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00187-00043183-00043407": "algorithm is built in my experience is", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00188-00043408-00043641": "how can we make sure people do not stop", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00189-00043642-00043788": "scrolling tick tock is an app where you", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00190-00043789-00043962": "probably will watch of creative like 10", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00191-00043963-00044166": "seconds versus a YouTube where you watch", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00192-00044167-00044331": "them for like 10 minutes of a day if Y", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00193-00044332-00044388": "crater-like", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00194-00044389-00044592": "screws up and just has boring content", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00195-00044593-00044847": "and it's not as cool they basically find", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00196-00044848-00045015": "out the user will like hop off the app", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00197-00045016-00045150": "so their goal is to make sure they push", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00198-00045151-00045333": "relevant content and trendy stuff to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00199-00045334-00045468": "make sure people do not stop scrolling", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00200-00045469-00045609": "it's kind of manipulative and crazy but", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00201-00045610-00045774": "very very smart so sometimes with is", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00202-00045775-00045945": "your tick tock could have like a song or", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00203-00045946-00046092": "hash tag that's super trendy and the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00204-00046093-00046233": "minute it's less trying to decipher that", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00205-00046234-00046371": "user they are just going to stop showing", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00206-00046372-00046581": "it so the real key is either to become", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00207-00046582-00046788": "super early on a trend or hash tag or", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00208-00046789-00046998": "try to make content that's not reliant", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00209-00046999-00047190": "on it example I meet like a Starbucks", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00210-00047191-00047400": "video and it hit a million views and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00211-00047401-00047574": "till this day it still keeps growing", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00212-00047575-00047727": "because Starbucks is kind of like a", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00213-00047728-00047871": "year-round trend okay guys I'm gonna", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00214-00047872-00048033": "take one last question this question is", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00215-00048034-00048156": "gonna be a banger so make sure you guys", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00216-00048157-00049560": "say - oh my gosh thank you so much for", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00217-00049561-00049821": "asking this question so yeah I mean when", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00218-00049822-00049986": "I told my friend okay hold up let me", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00219-00049987-00050175": "backtrack my story if you are new to my", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00220-00050176-00050430": "channel so basically I am eighteen years", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00221-00050431-00050712": "old two years ago I left high school to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00222-00050713-00050982": "pursue YouTube and marketing full-time", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00223-00050983-00051192": "basically my job has been consulting", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00224-00051193-00051435": "brands how to grow their business using", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00225-00051436-00051675": "social media so I'm kind of like this I", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00226-00051676-00051840": "don't know self taught marketing girl", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00227-00051841-00051990": "just because of doing YouTube videos for", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00228-00051991-00052320": "so long so I knew deep down that I could", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00229-00052321-00052587": "not go to school for like much longer", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00230-00052588-00052817": "because I was not learning anything", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00231-00052819-00052967": "valuable to what I wanted to do YouTube", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00232-00052969-00053030": "I learned", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00233-00053032-00053208": "myself marketing was something I did", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00234-00053209-00053382": "because a YouTube so school didn't teach", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00235-00053383-00053709": "me that and I really did not give a crap", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00236-00053710-00053841": "about what people thought because I'm", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00237-00053841-00054066": "not like I'm sorry but I do not cover", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00238-00054066-00054276": "most super like wealthy family I'm not", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00239-00054277-00054462": "gonna pay money for student loans to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00240-00054463-00054690": "learn something I don't like and not get", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00241-00054691-00054842": "a payoff I want no I'm being really", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00242-00054844-00055055": "harsh but that's just for my left school", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00243-00055057-00055278": "with the confidence that I love what I'm", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00244-00055279-00055560": "doing online and there's no like other", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00245-00055561-00055749": "other than money the most important", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00246-00055750-00055929": "precious thing is time and I want to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00247-00055929-00056100": "send my time with amazing people things", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00248-00056101-00056397": "I love my passion and I didn't just", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00249-00056398-00056604": "blindly like jump out of school I did", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00250-00056604-00056784": "have to make some money I remember like", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00251-00056785-00057060": "my first like gig was like this Shopify", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00252-00057061-00057219": "consulting gig for like twenty five", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00253-00057220-00057462": "hundred dollars a month and I started to", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00254-00057463-00057687": "grow that and then I'm here currently", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00255-00057688-00057876": "I'm working on a software company the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00256-00057877-00058044": "text message platform you saw here yeah", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00257-00058045-00058266": "I have a text message company I consult", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00258-00058266-00058524": "here and there and I do YouTube because", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00259-00058525-00058730": "I freaking love it I can't thank you", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00260-00058732-00058908": "enough for watching my journey it", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00261-00058909-00059070": "couldn't be done without you guys I'm", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00262-00059071-00059328": "not joking all the success I've built is", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00263-00059329-00059511": "thanks to you guys which is why I built", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00264-00059512-00059697": "this SMS platform because I genuinely", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00265-00059698-00059891": "believe I just want to talk to one of", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00266-00059892-00060024": "you guys to just why don't want say", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00267-00060025-00060246": "thank you one but to let me know how I", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00268-00060247-00060354": "can help you if you're starting an", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00269-00060354-00060582": "online business you want to I don't know", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00270-00060583-00060810": "be a youtuber I would love to just", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00271-00060811-00060990": "contribute to your life and I'll give", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00272-00060991-00061161": "you advice over my like eight years on", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00273-00061162-00061383": "YouTube I'm here to help and just give", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00274-00061384-00061602": "you the family of a lifetime so yeah", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00275-00061603-00061776": "subscribe to the domination I like this", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00276-00061777-00061953": "video if you have it already let me know", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00277-00061954-00062091": "if you guys like these q and A's and", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00278-00062091-00062529": "shout out to the comet winner", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00279-00062530-00062746": "comment on the supposed to be beach for", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00280-00062747-00063061": "the next at fest you guys want to be the", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00281-00063062-00063312": "next comma winner put it below your", "7xgmXsBE8QE-00282-00063313-00063699": "thoughts I love you guys so much peace"}}, {"audio_id": "7xjkbEZl_lu", "text": {"7xjkbEZl_lu-00000-00000000-00000206": "erin clearly a pretty scary moment for", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00001-00000208-00000390": "jordan montgomery there early in the", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00002-00000391-00000591": "game just how", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00003-00000592-00000823": "just how concerned were you and and", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00004-00000824-00000991": "how relieved are you that he was able to", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00005-00000992-00001319": "stay in the game yeah um", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00006-00001320-00001591": "yeah i mean obviously to see him rolling", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00007-00001592-00001823": "around like that in pain", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00008-00001823-00002183": "was certainly a concerning um", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00009-00002184-00002518": "you know", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00010-00002519-00002791": "pretty pretty gutsy effort to", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00011-00002792-00003110": "kind of walk it off and shake it off and", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00012-00003111-00003311": "you know felt like um", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00013-00003311-00003447": "you know the tests he was able to kind", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00014-00003447-00003638": "of get through", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00015-00003639-00003815": "kind of suggested that", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00016-00003815-00003967": "as long as he could tolerate it he was", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00017-00003968-00004143": "going to be okay felt like the stuff was", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00018-00004144-00004591": "okay moving forward um", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00019-00004592-00004815": "you know so glad we're able to get", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00020-00004816-00005086": "x-rays and negative and everything so", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00021-00005087-00005254": "we'll see in the morning i'm sure he's", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00022-00005255-00005431": "going to be pretty stiff he's pretty", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00023-00005432-00005663": "stiff already right now but uh gutsy", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00024-00005664-00005838": "effort by him he's gonna ask you often a", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00025-00005839-00006015": "lot of adrenaline taking over when", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00026-00006016-00006159": "you're on the mound in those situations", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00027-00006160-00006334": "but do you think there could be residual", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00028-00006335-00006534": "effects yeah we'll see we'll see how he", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00029-00006536-00006870": "is tomorrow um you know obviously", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00030-00006872-00007023": "he didn't really sit down much after", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00031-00007023-00007214": "that he just kind of kept moving and and", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00032-00007215-00007406": "gave us all he could so", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00033-00007408-00007551": "um you know", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00034-00007552-00007759": "we'll see how he is tomorrow but", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00035-00007759-00007991": "you know i think the preliminary looks", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00036-00007992-00008127": "at least a little bit encouraging we'll", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00037-00008128-00008483": "see", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00038-00008484-00008655": "dan", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00039-00008656-00008863": "aaron given how potent your offense is", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00040-00008864-00009127": "to see them leave as many guys on it was", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00041-00009128-00009414": "that just frustrating to watch", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00042-00009415-00009551": "um", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00043-00009552-00009710": "i mean you know kind of just looking at", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00044-00009711-00009935": "the at-bats as a whole you know this", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00045-00009936-00010103": "series i feel like we put a lot of good", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00046-00010104-00010263": "at bats on", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00047-00010264-00010446": "even hit some balls on the screws today", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00048-00010447-00010783": "for out so", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00049-00010784-00010910": "you know we want to create those", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00050-00010911-00011135": "opportunities you know we're", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00051-00011136-00011327": "we couldn't get that big one to really", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00052-00011328-00011567": "break anything open today and", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00053-00011568-00011838": "you know that's part of it so um but", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00054-00011839-00011983": "overall i like the way we're swinging", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00055-00011984-00012191": "the bats and and the in the at-bats the", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00056-00012192-00012478": "guys are having um you know", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00057-00012479-00012678": "and just keep giving ourselves that", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00058-00012679-00012846": "opportunity and given the struggle that", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00059-00012847-00013079": "joey had after he got here last year to", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00060-00013080-00013327": "get off to this kind of start is that is", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00061-00013328-00013486": "there i mean", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00062-00013487-00013575": "you know", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00063-00013576-00013830": "i would suggest he's off to", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00064-00013831-00014127": "at bat wise a good start i mean", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00065-00014128-00014294": "controlling the zone getting on base has", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00066-00014295-00014503": "smoked a couple balls tonight i thought", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00067-00014504-00014630": "had", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00068-00014631-00014807": "um really good at bats where he just", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00069-00014808-00014958": "missed the ball he's getting the pitches", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00070-00014959-00015143": "that he wasn't getting to last year just", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00071-00015144-00015350": "missed the ball to center hit a ball the", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00072-00015351-00015527": "other way hard to left smoked the ball", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00073-00015528-00015758": "to right another walk", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00074-00015759-00015886": "i mean", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00075-00015887-00016055": "look at", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00076-00016056-00016255": "look at what he's doing and i think", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00077-00016256-00016447": "we're seeing a lot of good at bats and a", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00078-00016448-00016679": "guy that for me has a lot more coverage", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00079-00016680-00017015": "right now", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00080-00017016-00017167": "else", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00081-00017168-00017494": "you're in the middle yeah", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00082-00017495-00017711": "aaron when you say joey's getting to to", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00083-00017712-00017855": "pitches that he wasn't last year what", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00084-00017856-00018030": "what's maybe some examples of that or is", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00085-00018031-00018191": "there anything he's changed that's led", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00086-00018192-00018358": "to that i think he i think he's just", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00087-00018359-00018511": "getting on playing with pitches a lot", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00088-00018512-00018630": "more you know", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00089-00018631-00018783": "that pitch up that he probably wouldn't", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00090-00018784-00018927": "have got to last year that he just", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00091-00018928-00019143": "missed the center field i thought he did", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00092-00019144-00019311": "a good job against the lefty hitting the", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00093-00019312-00019519": "ball hard to left the other way", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00094-00019520-00019686": "obviously smoked the ball to right for", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00095-00019687-00019863": "the out so", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00096-00019864-00020222": "i just feel like he's uh", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00097-00020223-00020407": "i feel like he's putting good swings and", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00098-00020408-00020655": "and good at bats together right now", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00099-00020656-00020886": "clap to the right aaron right here way", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00100-00020887-00021055": "to the right just that ninth inning i'm", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00101-00021056-00021230": "sure going into it you must have felt", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00102-00021231-00021358": "something good was going to happen you", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00103-00021359-00021630": "got judge and standing back to back yeah", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00104-00021631-00021839": "yeah i mean", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00105-00021840-00022039": "you know", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00106-00022040-00022119": "those", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00107-00022120-00022319": "those guys the other guys are good too", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00108-00022320-00022519": "you know and judgey puts a really really", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00109-00022520-00022655": "good bat", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00110-00022656-00022839": "probably got maybe a pitch in that at", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00111-00022840-00023103": "bat that you know he just misses", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00112-00023104-00023350": "you know that happens sometimes but and", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00113-00023351-00023567": "then i thought he really really executed", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00114-00023568-00023791": "well against giancarlo there and then", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00115-00023792-00024222": "and then made some tough pitches on joey", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00116-00024223-00024422": "laura to the left", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00117-00024423-00024542": "just what'd you see on the doll back", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00118-00024543-00024742": "home run just a mistake pitch or just", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00119-00024743-00024894": "first pitch trying to get ahead with the", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00120-00024895-00025175": "fastball and and right up and out over", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00121-00025176-00025335": "the plate and dahl back", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00122-00025336-00025583": "obviously a ton of power and", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00123-00025584-00025783": "a good fastball hitter and he didn't", "7xjkbEZl_lu-00124-00025783-00026032": "miss it"}}, {"audio_id": "7xmxLTn_FBI", "text": {"7xmxLTn_FBI-00000-00000272-00000767": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00001-00000768-00001644": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00002-00001645-00002063": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00003-00002064-00002427": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00004-00002428-00003527": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00005-00003528-00003647": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00006-00003649-00007967": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00007-00007968-00009127": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00008-00009128-00009463": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00009-00009464-00011951": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00010-00011952-00012056": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00011-00012057-00013335": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00012-00013336-00013544": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00013-00013544-00014934": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00014-00014935-00015247": "[Applause]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00015-00015247-00016810": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00016-00016811-00020271": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00017-00020272-00020510": "do", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00018-00020511-00020736": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00019-00020737-00021154": "[Applause]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00020-00021155-00023150": "[Music]", "7xmxLTn_FBI-00021-00023151-00023359": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "7xoABCcSgrQ", "text": {"7xoABCcSgrQ-00000-00000143-00000342": "hi everyone i know the course doesn't", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00001-00000343-00000543": "officially open for a couple of days but", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00002-00000544-00000743": "i just wanted to pop in and say hi", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00003-00000744-00000999": "and introduce myself uh for those of you", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00004-00001000-00001183": "who were not at jenny's synchronous", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00005-00001184-00001343": "session last week and", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00006-00001344-00001543": "had a chance to meet me i'll be the", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00007-00001544-00001734": "facilitator for the next course in your", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00008-00001735-00001998": "mallet journey lrnt 528", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00009-00002000-00002255": "digital facilitation in learning", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00010-00002256-00002367": "environments", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00011-00002368-00002510": "my name is clint lalonde this is the", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00012-00002511-00002663": "fifth year that i have taught this", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00013-00002664-00002879": "particular course at royal roads", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00014-00002880-00003095": "and i'm also a graduate of this program", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00015-00003096-00003215": "i graduated", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00016-00003215-00003615": "in 2011. i did the thesis route and i", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00017-00003615-00003751": "wrote my master's thesis", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00018-00003752-00004022": "on uh how educators use twitter as a", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00019-00004023-00004103": "tool", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00020-00004104-00004383": "uh for professional learning within", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00021-00004384-00004502": "personal learning and", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00022-00004503-00004838": "personal learning network pln i live in", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00023-00004839-00005054": "victoria i work for an organization", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00024-00005055-00005295": "called bc campus we're funded by the", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00025-00005296-00005486": "ministry of advanced education and we", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00026-00005487-00005583": "provide", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00027-00005584-00005727": "support around teaching learning", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00028-00005728-00005943": "educational technology online learning", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00029-00005944-00006102": "and open education", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00030-00006103-00006318": "for all of the public post-secondary", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00031-00006319-00006518": "institutions in the province so we do a", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00032-00006519-00006742": "lot of collaborative projects", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00033-00006743-00006998": "bringing institutions together and a lot", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00034-00007000-00007087": "of my work", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00035-00007088-00007278": "in recent years has been around open", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00036-00007279-00007455": "education", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00037-00007456-00007710": "uh i love living in victoria take", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00038-00007711-00007903": "advantage of living in victoria", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00039-00007904-00008223": "i'm a huge mountain biker my son and i", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00040-00008224-00008271": "are both", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00041-00008272-00008599": "uh often found on the weekends at uh", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00042-00008600-00008846": "heartland or some of the the local hills", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00043-00008847-00009142": "uh around vancouver island uh and i'm", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00044-00009143-00009335": "also a massive soccer fan and i was so", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00045-00009336-00009471": "happy last year when", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00046-00009472-00009774": "victoria was awarded a franchise in the", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00047-00009775-00009959": "new canadian premier league because i", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00048-00009960-00010223": "now have a local team that i can support", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00049-00010224-00010519": "in pacific fc so that's a little bit", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00050-00010520-00010638": "about me", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00051-00010639-00010814": "i'm really looking forward to finding", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00052-00010815-00010967": "out more about you", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00053-00010968-00011151": "in a couple of days when the course", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00054-00011152-00011287": "officially opens", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00055-00011288-00011467": "thanks take care and i'll talk to you", "7xoABCcSgrQ-00056-00011468-00011768": "soon"}}, {"audio_id": "7xs3TTMbL-u", "text": {"7xs3TTMbL-u-00000-00000535-00000850": "welcome back at Obama stock investing", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00001-00000851-00001127": "yesterday a user told us that there is", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00002-00001128-00001382": "an old stock in our Obama's top ten", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00003-00001383-00001732": "stocklist and I looked at it and I found", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00004-00001734-00001946": "that actually this stock is there", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00005-00001947-00002258": "because of an old rank we used all data", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00006-00002259-00002465": "for this company and that's why it made", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00007-00002466-00002752": "it to the top 10 list I fixed the bug it", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00008-00002753-00002963": "shouldn't happen again now the big", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00009-00002964-00003229": "question is is it a problem if you base", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00010-00003230-00003574": "your investment decision on old analysis", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00011-00003575-00003856": "it is a problem if you believe you can", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00012-00003857-00004120": "beat the market it is not a problem if", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00013-00004121-00004381": "you want to move with the market at the", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00014-00004382-00004709": "same time when you buy the stock based", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00015-00004710-00004940": "on the wrong information many other", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00016-00004941-00005270": "professionals by two they certainly have", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00017-00005271-00005518": "better information than you but they", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00018-00005519-00005781": "also certainly have wrong assumption", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00019-00005782-00006088": "assumptions just like you have to but it", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00020-00006089-00006242": "means that if professionals buy the", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00021-00006243-00006464": "stock at the same time as you buy it you", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00022-00006465-00006709": "don't have to worry as a matter of fact", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00023-00006711-00006998": "if you use wrong information you're not", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00024-00006998-00007210": "going to get their births price you're", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00025-00007211-00007391": "not going to pay more for stock just", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00026-00007392-00007613": "because you have wrong information it", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00027-00007614-00007909": "means you have no damage this is really", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00028-00007911-00008134": "good news for everybody who wants to be", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00029-00008136-00008278": "a passive investor in the stock market", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00030-00008279-00008596": "because even if your stock analysis has", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00031-00008597-00008960": "flaws it still gives you a good basis to", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00032-00008961-00009194": "make a stock investment decision because", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00033-00009195-00009614": "you're not damaged by you're not getting", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00034-00009615-00009983": "any disadvantage by buying the stock at", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00035-00009984-00010274": "that time good luck with your own stock", "7xs3TTMbL-u-00036-00010275-00010522": "investing"}}, {"audio_id": "7xuTzKIrhdM", "text": {"7xuTzKIrhdM-00000-00000003-00000397": "we play and see how difficult rip is no", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00001-00000398-00000641": "Chrissy will try to survive five and", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00002-00000642-00000724": "r.i.p okay", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00003-00000725-00000925": "these are guy five we'll call it a win", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00004-00000926-00001349": "please no don't go the last one still be", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00005-00001350-00001639": "my mine so I don't really care it's just", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00006-00001641-00003461": "staring he's getting come when he give", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00007-00003461-00003569": "me your lunch money give me your lunch", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00008-00003570-00004640": "money was helpful and since you're", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00009-00004641-00004945": "helpful really helpful we're just", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00010-00004946-00005225": "killing zombies with a gun in Minecraft", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00011-00005226-00006251": "one two more rounds cuz you know he's a", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00012-00006252-00006664": "he's an N world either", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00013-00006665-00007334": "ent dynamite Wow", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00014-00007335-00010481": "I'm not going to thank you it's the last", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00015-00010482-00010691": "round is the last round guys it's the", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00016-00010692-00012821": "last round we can do it that was good", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00017-00012822-00014065": "does it", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00018-00014066-00014453": "this is gonna foreshadow difficulty this", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00019-00014454-00016578": "is", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00020-00016579-00021609": "[Music]", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00021-00021610-00022755": "[Music]", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00022-00022756-00023105": "guys we won we're on five I revived five", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00023-00023106-00024521": "players arrived there I revived eleven", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00024-00024522-00025547": "we do alien arcadian with two random", "7xuTzKIrhdM-00025-00025548-00026327": "okay I trust you die a new"}}, {"audio_id": "7xw7BAmSqf0", "text": {"7xw7BAmSqf0-00000-00000068-00000361": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00001-00000362-00000611": "we will uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00002-00000612-00000778": "start the meeting in a couple minutes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00003-00000779-00000994": "we'll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00004-00000996-00003886": "wait for another couple people to join", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00005-00003888-00007678": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00006-00007679-00010578": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00007-00010579-00010810": "and welcome to this community meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00008-00010811-00011188": "for the Hopper Avenue Corridor fire", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00009-00011189-00011364": "recovery", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00010-00011365-00011663": "improvements between Coffee Lane and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00011-00011664-00012010": "Highway 101. I'm Chris bellinisi capital", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00012-00012011-00012323": "projects engineering assistant engineer", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00013-00012324-00012556": "with the city of Santa Rosa and I want", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00014-00012557-00012827": "to thank you for joining us tonight", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00015-00012828-00013037": "live interpretation of this meeting can", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00016-00013038-00013241": "be heard on the Spanish Channel you can", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00017-00013241-00013535": "join the Spanish Channel by clicking on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00018-00013536-00013733": "the interpretation icon", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00019-00013734-00013985": "that resembles a globe in the zoom", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00020-00013986-00014261": "toolbar on your screen", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00021-00014262-00014525": "before we begin the presentation our", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00022-00014526-00014801": "translator Roberto will translate what", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00023-00014802-00015094": "I've just said and then our host Steve", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00024-00015095-00015305": "Brown with the city of Santa Rosa will", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00025-00015306-00020829": "explain how the meeting will work", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00026-00020830-00021463": "[Music]", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00027-00021464-00022817": "Don gracias", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00028-00022818-00023171": "thank you Roberto", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00029-00023172-00023357": "give just a moment to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00030-00023358-00024725": "move Roberto into the Spanish room", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00031-00024726-00024899": "okay", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00032-00024900-00025091": "as community members join the meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00033-00025092-00025421": "you will be participating as an attendee", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00034-00025422-00025662": "your microphone and camera will be muted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00035-00025663-00025931": "only today's panelists will be viewed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00036-00025932-00026087": "during the meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00037-00026088-00026339": "please know the city of Santa Rosa is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00038-00026339-00026555": "committed to creating a safe and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00039-00026556-00026740": "inclusive environment free from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00040-00026741-00026873": "disruption", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00041-00026874-00027137": "we will not tolerate any hateful speech", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00042-00027138-00027364": "or actions and will monitor that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00043-00027366-00027607": "everyone is participating respectfully", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00044-00027608-00027917": "or they will be removed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00045-00027918-00028205": "if necessary we will also immediately", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00046-00028206-00028373": "end the meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00047-00028374-00028685": "this meeting is being recorded and will", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00048-00028686-00028927": "be placed on the project website", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00049-00028927-00029327": "envisionhopper.com following the meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00050-00029327-00029585": "at the end of the presentation Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00051-00029586-00029735": "will open up the meeting for public", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00052-00029736-00030401": "questions and comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00053-00030402-00030712": "thank you Steve", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00054-00030713-00030862": "once again", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00055-00030863-00031037": "I want to thank all of you for joining", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00056-00031038-00031289": "us tonight your participation and input", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00057-00031289-00031523": "are important to us as we discuss", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00058-00031524-00031757": "improved features and functionality", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00059-00031758-00032014": "along the Hopper Avenue corridor", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00060-00032016-00032243": "we will start tonight's meeting with an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00061-00032244-00032483": "overview of the agenda and topics we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00062-00032483-00032687": "plan to cover in the presentation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00063-00032688-00032957": "the project description the time frame", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00064-00032958-00033149": "the presentation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00065-00033150-00033461": "public comment and the next steps", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00066-00033462-00033701": "for tonight's discussion we'll focus on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00067-00033702-00033935": "the road the roadway Corridor along", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00068-00033936-00034151": "Hopper Avenue from Coffee Lane to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00069-00034152-00034439": "Highway 101 and your vision for its", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00070-00034440-00034559": "future use", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00071-00034560-00034840": "we want to hear from you your ideas for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00072-00034841-00035074": "improvements your vision for the future", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00073-00035075-00035281": "of Hopper Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00074-00035282-00035561": "some options you may want to consider", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00075-00035562-00035723": "may include", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00076-00035724-00035995": "the types of bike Lanes Lane reductions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00077-00035996-00036371": "beautification options landscaping and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00078-00036372-00036635": "potential pedestrian enhancements", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00079-00036636-00036911": "our intent tonight is to gain input from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00080-00036912-00037301": "you on how you envision Opera Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00081-00037302-00037499": "in addition to feedback provided tonight", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00082-00037500-00037765": "an online survey will be available", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00083-00037766-00037996": "following this meeting to capture", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00084-00037997-00038261": "additional Community input", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00085-00038262-00038489": "a link to the survey will be placed on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00086-00038490-00038873": "the project website envisionhopper.com", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00087-00038874-00039118": "Community input received tonight and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00088-00039119-00039305": "through the online survey will be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00089-00039306-00039509": "compiled and reviewed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00090-00039510-00039790": "to draft into initial concept designs", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00091-00039791-00040012": "that we will review and discuss during", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00092-00040013-00040349": "the second community meeting in February", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00093-00040350-00040637": "the location and date have not yet been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00094-00040638-00040780": "determined for the second community", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00095-00040781-00041111": "meeting however we will send another", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00096-00041112-00041368": "postcard mailer and update the project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00097-00041369-00041579": "website once the meeting details are", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00098-00041580-00041812": "confirmed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00099-00041813-00042112": "now I would like to introduce Brian", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00100-00042113-00042305": "Fletcher", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00101-00042306-00042557": "with calendar Associates", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00102-00042558-00042802": "Brian and his team will be listening", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00103-00042803-00043018": "intently to your comments as they will", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00104-00043019-00043252": "be developing and refining your vision", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00105-00043253-00043583": "for this vital Community roadway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00106-00043584-00043859": "Brian will present various options for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00107-00043860-00044129": "your consideration when envisioning the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00108-00044130-00044411": "new Hopper Avenue corridor", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00109-00044412-00044657": "following his presentation we will open", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00110-00044658-00044879": "up the meeting for comments and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00111-00044880-00045143": "questions so we can hear your ideas for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00112-00045144-00045358": "improvements and any concerns you may", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00113-00045359-00045574": "have for this project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00114-00045575-00045851": "as we move through the presentation if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00115-00045852-00045983": "there is a slide you would like to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00116-00045984-00046265": "comment on or ask a question please try", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00117-00046266-00046451": "to note the page number so we can return", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00118-00046452-00046733": "to that slide for reference", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00119-00046734-00047057": "Brian you now have before", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00120-00047058-00047255": "fantastic thank you Chris I really", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00121-00047256-00047495": "appreciate that good evening everyone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00122-00047496-00047740": "hello my name is Brian Fletcher", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00123-00047741-00047885": "and I'm a principal with calendar", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00124-00047886-00048112": "Associates landscape architecture or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00125-00048113-00048502": "Cala for short a bit on myself my", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00126-00048503-00048755": "parents have called Santa Rosa home now", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00127-00048756-00049096": "for over 25 years so I'm really excited", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00128-00049097-00049324": "to be a part of this project and looking", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00129-00049325-00049624": "forward to the process with all of you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00130-00049625-00049835": "so with that can we bring up the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00131-00049836-00050333": "PowerPoint presentation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00132-00050334-00050905": "fantastic yeah next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00133-00050906-00051161": "the purpose of tonight's meeting is to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00134-00051162-00051370": "provide an introduction", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00135-00051371-00051664": "to the project and to provide ample", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00136-00051665-00051899": "opportunities for you to provide", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00137-00051900-00052151": "feedback that will help guide the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00138-00052152-00052361": "designs moving forward", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00139-00052362-00052601": "for the meeting tonight I'll provide an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00140-00052602-00052882": "orientation to the site and our initial", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00141-00052883-00053057": "observations", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00142-00053058-00053303": "I'll provide an overview of the timeline", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00143-00053304-00053573": "and opportunities for input", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00144-00053574-00053842": "and I'll share images of potential", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00145-00053844-00054091": "improvements to hopefully generate", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00146-00054091-00054442": "comments that we can then utilize to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00147-00054444-00054754": "generate responsive design options to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00148-00054755-00055061": "present back to you at our next meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00149-00055062-00055588": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00150-00055589-00055942": "so to begin we have a few Icebreaker", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00151-00055944-00056153": "live polling questions that we'd like", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00152-00056154-00056344": "you to answer", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00153-00056345-00056566": "this will give us a little insight on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00154-00056567-00056807": "who is on the call and how you use", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00155-00056808-00057071": "Hopper Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00156-00057072-00057257": "Shelly would you bring up this the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00157-00057258-00057466": "questions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00158-00057467-00057665": "here are the questions and you can use", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00159-00057666-00057923": "your mouse to scroll through them and to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00160-00057924-00058229": "answer uh user Mouse to click on the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00161-00058229-00058391": "response", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00162-00058391-00058619": "so we'd like to know how you currently", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00163-00058620-00058907": "use Hopper Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00164-00058908-00059165": "as a business owner as a resident as a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00165-00059166-00059441": "worker at a nearby business a visitor or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00166-00059441-00059580": "something else", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00167-00059582-00059929": "the second question we'd like to know", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00168-00059929-00060292": "where where you reside where in Santa", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00169-00060294-00060688": "Rosa do you currently live", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00170-00060689-00060899": "or if you're outside of Santa Rosa city", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00171-00060900-00061109": "limits obviously would be the last one", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00172-00061110-00061373": "to click", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00173-00061374-00061654": "and then finally we want to understand", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00174-00061655-00062038": "how you currently use Hopper Avenue how", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00175-00062039-00062237": "often you use Hopper Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00176-00062238-00062500": "do you use it multiple times a week only", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00177-00062501-00062776": "a few times per month or or not very", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00178-00062777-00062891": "often", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00179-00062891-00063137": "so we'll give just a moment to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00180-00063138-00063347": "for you to answer those questions and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00181-00063348-00063563": "then we'll bring up the live poll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00182-00063564-00065416": "results", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00183-00065417-00065603": "and Shelley when you think there's been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00184-00065604-00065813": "enough time and enough results you can", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00185-00065814-00065963": "go ahead and bring up the live poll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00186-00065964-00066143": "results", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00187-00066144-00066553": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00188-00066554-00066791": "thank you we'll give everybody about 30", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00189-00066792-00069221": "more seconds", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00190-00069222-00069532": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00191-00069533-00070906": "thank you we're going to end the poll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00192-00070907-00071267": "this is great this is great feedback as", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00193-00071268-00071488": "you can see the majority of people on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00194-00071489-00071759": "the call tonight are residents using the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00195-00071760-00072119": "using Hopper as a resident", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00196-00072120-00072394": "you can see the distribution of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00197-00072395-00072671": "attendees by ZIP code", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00198-00072672-00073367": "vast majority at 95403", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00199-00073368-00073631": "and then finally it's good to see that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00200-00073632-00073973": "we have attendees that are using uh the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00201-00073974-00074225": "roadway multiple times per week", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00202-00074226-00074675": "which will help provide feedback on on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00203-00074676-00074903": "issues and opportunities that you see on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00204-00074904-00075131": "site so this is great to hear great to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00205-00075132-00075532": "see", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00206-00075533-00075761": "so with that we'll close the live poll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00207-00075762-00075899": "and move forward", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00208-00075900-00076732": "the next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00209-00076733-00077021": "so I just want to give a bit more on the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00210-00077022-00077309": "project background and goals", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00211-00077310-00077549": "funding for the project comes from the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00212-00077550-00077915": "pgme settlement and it is tended it is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00213-00077916-00078203": "intended to repair the damage to Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00214-00078204-00078491": "Avenue caused not only by the fire but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00215-00078492-00078791": "also the Reconstruction efforts it also", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00216-00078792-00079043": "allows for the community input to be an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00217-00079044-00079456": "integral part of the design process", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00218-00079457-00079756": "project goals include working with the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00219-00079757-00080015": "community and stakeholders to develop a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00220-00080016-00080159": "collective vision", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00221-00080160-00080393": "a vision that accommodates multiple", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00222-00080394-00080731": "modes of travel including pedestrians", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00223-00080732-00081076": "bicyclists and vehicles", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00224-00081077-00081406": "while at the same time providing traffic", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00225-00081407-00081688": "calming measures to slow cars down", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00226-00081689-00082000": "without impacting emergency evacuation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00227-00082001-00082211": "routes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00228-00082212-00082426": "we are also open to hearing your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00229-00082427-00082721": "thoughts on other project goals that we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00230-00082722-00083021": "may not have indicated", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00231-00083022-00083237": "thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00232-00083238-00083656": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00233-00083657-00083897": "there are also other projects currently", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00234-00083898-00084094": "happening in the area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00235-00084095-00084425": "that our project will coordinate with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00236-00084426-00084755": "these include gas main improvements", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00237-00084756-00084976": "additional road work", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00238-00084977-00085300": "and roadway Landscaping repair that is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00239-00085301-00085561": "already underway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00240-00085562-00085906": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00241-00085907-00086141": "the project limits as Chris had", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00242-00086142-00086423": "mentioned we are focusing on are from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00243-00086424-00086555": "Coffee Lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00244-00086556-00086855": "on the left side of the page", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00245-00086856-00087191": "to Highway 101.", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00246-00087192-00087400": "there are generally three distinct", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00247-00087401-00087749": "segments with unique characteristics", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00248-00087750-00088061": "including a residential Zone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00249-00088062-00088247": "a commercial Zone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00250-00088248-00088553": "and a transitional segment in between", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00251-00088554-00088894": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00252-00088895-00089171": "now I'm going to walk you through some", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00253-00089172-00089399": "of our initial perceptions about the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00254-00089400-00089597": "project insight", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00255-00089598-00089926": "these Graphics help us document existing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00256-00089927-00090094": "conditions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00257-00090095-00090323": "this first section is the residential", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00258-00090324-00090437": "Zone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00259-00090438-00090755": "with renovated sound walls", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00260-00090756-00090994": "it is characterized by a single Lane of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00261-00090995-00091205": "traffic in either direction", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00262-00091206-00091505": "with a consistent Center turn lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00263-00091506-00091781": "there are sidewalks on both sides", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00264-00091782-00092003": "along with consistent buffered bike", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00265-00092004-00092405": "Lanes remaining Street trees are sparse", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00266-00092406-00092699": "and many have been damaged by the fire", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00267-00092700-00092975": "there is also a small public park and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00268-00092976-00093155": "neighborhood sign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00269-00093156-00093647": "at Coffee Lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00270-00093648-00094009": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00271-00094010-00094349": "so here is a couple pictures of that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00272-00094350-00094553": "specific section", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00273-00094554-00094805": "in the image on the left", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00274-00094806-00095015": "you can see the configuration of the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00275-00095016-00095273": "travel Lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00276-00095274-00095531": "buffered bike Lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00277-00095532-00095837": "and Center turn lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00278-00095838-00096137": "the image on the right shows the damaged", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00279-00096138-00096262": "sidewalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00280-00096263-00096461": "and planter strips", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00281-00096462-00097129": "where trees used to be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00282-00097130-00097594": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00283-00097595-00097835": "this is the middle section where the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00284-00097836-00098093": "roadway transitions from the residential", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00285-00098094-00098494": "Zone to commercial Zone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00286-00098495-00098759": "this is also the segment where the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00287-00098760-00098956": "Pioneer Creek Trail is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00288-00098957-00099317": "although Trail visibility is limited and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00289-00099318-00099599": "there is no immediate crosswalk to help", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00290-00099600-00099874": "with connectivity", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00291-00099875-00100097": "there are also changes in sidewalk", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00292-00100098-00100235": "configuration", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00293-00100236-00100474": "and Street tree patterns within this", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00294-00100475-00101135": "Zone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00295-00101136-00101538": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00296-00101539-00101759": "here's a couple pictures of that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00297-00101760-00102035": "specific section", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00298-00102036-00102293": "the image on the left is at Piner Creek", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00299-00102294-00102418": "Trail", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00300-00102419-00102682": "and shows a very similar roadway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00301-00102683-00102886": "configuration to that of the previous", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00302-00102888-00103103": "Zone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00303-00103104-00103336": "however you can see that the sidewalk", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00304-00103338-00103480": "configuration", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00305-00103481-00103697": "is different", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00306-00103698-00104003": "and remains inconsistent through this", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00307-00104004-00104099": "Zone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00308-00104100-00104458": "as shown on the Right image", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00309-00104459-00104728": "both images do show a greater number of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00310-00104729-00105107": "trees but not necessarily at the back of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00311-00105108-00105736": "curb", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00312-00105738-00106066": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00313-00106067-00106415": "this is the final section characterized", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00314-00106416-00106697": "by the commercial land uses and modified", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00315-00106698-00107039": "roadway configuration", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00316-00107040-00107393": "you can see there are now two lanes of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00317-00107394-00107740": "traffic in both directions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00318-00107741-00107981": "and the buffered bike lane has been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00319-00107982-00108439": "dropped on the south side of the street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00320-00108440-00108815": "there are consistent sidewalks and more", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00321-00108816-00109043": "Street trees within this segment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00322-00109044-00109757": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00323-00109758-00110057": "lastly here's a couple pictures of the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00324-00110058-00110257": "commercial section", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00325-00110258-00110531": "the image on the left", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00326-00110532-00110789": "is the new roadway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00327-00110790-00110963": "configuration", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00328-00110964-00111173": "again with two lanes of traffic in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00329-00111174-00111340": "either direction", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00330-00111341-00111581": "and you can see the lack of the buffered", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00331-00111582-00112001": "bike lane on this side of the street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00332-00112002-00112258": "you can also see the sidewalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00333-00112259-00112619": "and greater number of Street trees", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00334-00112620-00112858": "the image on the right", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00335-00112859-00113099": "shows a wonderful mural", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00336-00113100-00113899": "on the back side of the storage facility", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00337-00113900-00114407": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00338-00114408-00114658": "so this slide illustrates the project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00339-00114659-00114881": "timeline and process that we will be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00340-00114882-00115049": "going through", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00341-00115050-00115240": "as you can see", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00342-00115241-00115547": "we are in the upper left hand corner of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00343-00115548-00115834": "this slide that we are here", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00344-00115835-00116099": "and we're at the very very beginning of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00345-00116100-00116297": "the process", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00346-00116298-00116525": "we will use the feedback we received", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00347-00116526-00116651": "tonight", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00348-00116652-00116939": "and the surveys that follow", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00349-00116940-00117281": "to develop preliminary design", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00350-00117282-00117490": "alternatives", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00351-00117491-00117671": "which we'll present at the next", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00352-00117672-00118193": "Community open house in February", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00353-00118194-00118427": "we will use input received at that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00354-00118428-00118666": "meeting to develop a preferred", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00355-00118667-00118866": "alternative", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00356-00118867-00119171": "if we did not achieve General consensus", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00357-00119172-00119452": "on the Alternatives we will present the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00358-00119453-00119639": "preferred alternative at a final", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00359-00119640-00119999": "Community open house in May", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00360-00120000-00120221": "at that point we hope to have Bill", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00361-00120222-00120431": "consensus", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00362-00120432-00120784": "and can conclude phase one of the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00363-00120785-00121102": "process", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00364-00121103-00121516": "in the summer we hope to begin phase two", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00365-00121517-00121828": "which will include a more detailed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00366-00121829-00121984": "design", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00367-00121985-00122339": "and construction of the project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00368-00122340-00122693": "which is estimated to be complete in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00369-00122694-00123616": "fall of 2025.", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00370-00123617-00124054": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00371-00124055-00124366": "for the next few slides we want to show", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00372-00124367-00124702": "images of potential improvements that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00373-00124703-00124973": "could happen along the corridor", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00374-00124974-00125104": "first", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00375-00125105-00125345": "beginning with pedestrian circulation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00376-00125346-00125669": "improvements these include", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00377-00125670-00125890": "wider sidewalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00378-00125891-00126119": "accessible curd ramps", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00379-00126120-00126365": "and increased visibility", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00380-00126366-00126869": "of the crosswalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00381-00126870-00127121": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00382-00127122-00127451": "for bicycle infrastructure", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00383-00127452-00127733": "there are options to continue or enhance", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00384-00127733-00128134": "the existing buffered bike Lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00385-00128135-00128434": "protected bike Lanes include a physical", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00386-00128435-00128752": "barrier between cars and bikes which", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00387-00128753-00129052": "could be a planter strip as shown a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00388-00129053-00129208": "vertical curve", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00389-00129209-00129869": "or other element", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00390-00129870-00130225": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00391-00130226-00130631": "the last category of enhancements", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00392-00130632-00130997": "is Street beautification", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00393-00130998-00131285": "median Islands can provide pedestrian", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00394-00131286-00131651": "safety as in the first image", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00395-00131652-00132064": "as well as opportunities for landscaping", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00396-00132065-00132527": "as shown in the third image", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00397-00132528-00132833": "the second image shows Street trees", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00398-00132834-00133097": "which also can help with traffic calming", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00399-00133098-00133516": "and pedestrian comfort", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00400-00133517-00133852": "finally Gateway signs and decorative", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00401-00133853-00134201": "Pavements also can enhance neighborhood", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00402-00134202-00134357": "identity", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00403-00134358-00134543": "if that is something that the community", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00404-00134544-00135197": "desires", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00405-00135198-00135625": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00406-00135626-00135995": "the next few slides show before and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00407-00135996-00136211": "after project images", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00408-00136212-00136469": "to give you an idea of how these", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00409-00136470-00136775": "improvements could be applied to an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00410-00136776-00137057": "actual project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00411-00137058-00137333": "this is a project in Campbell that had", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00412-00137334-00137723": "an extremely wide residential roadway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00413-00137724-00138011": "with only a single Lane of traffic in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00414-00138012-00138221": "either direction", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00415-00138222-00138319": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00416-00138320-00138623": "this neighborhood really struggled with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00417-00138624-00139007": "speeding traffic and pedestrian safety", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00418-00139008-00139145": "much", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00419-00139146-00139613": "slide", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00420-00139614-00139889": "this slide shows the after", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00421-00139890-00140177": "image where we are able to reduce the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00422-00140178-00140425": "amount of roadway asphalt", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00423-00140426-00140735": "we reduce the traveling width to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00424-00140736-00141004": "standard dimensions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00425-00141005-00141263": "retained parking", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00426-00141264-00141616": "while also adding bike Lanes Street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00427-00141617-00141754": "trees", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00428-00141755-00142104": "and large planting strips", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00429-00142105-00142390": "these planting strips also work to treat", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00430-00142391-00142714": "100 of the storm water leaving the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00431-00142715-00143243": "roadway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00432-00143244-00143627": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00433-00143628-00143975": "the second project we wanted to show you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00434-00143976-00144389": "was a commercial District in Burlingame", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00435-00144390-00144754": "existing conditions included two lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00436-00144755-00145001": "of traffic in either direction", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00437-00145002-00145354": "with a center turn lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00438-00145355-00145714": "the roadway also lacked bike Lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00439-00145715-00145907": "Street trees", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00440-00145908-00146152": "pedestrian lighting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00441-00146153-00146428": "and bus and bus stops", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00442-00146429-00147340": "were existing but subpar", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00443-00147341-00147778": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00444-00147779-00148157": "this image shows proposed improvements", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00445-00148158-00148481": "including reducing the travelings from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00446-00148482-00148709": "two lanes in either direction to one", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00447-00148710-00149045": "lane because of the low traffic traffic", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00448-00149046-00149333": "volumes on the street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00449-00149334-00149633": "retaining the center turn lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00450-00149634-00149939": "but providing pedestrian Refuge islands", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00451-00149940-00150347": "and Landscape medians where possible", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00452-00150348-00150619": "buffered bike lanes were added along", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00453-00150620-00151066": "with enhanced bus stops", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00454-00151067-00151361": "finally a consistent planter strip", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00455-00151362-00151675": "provides a buffer to The Wider sidewalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00456-00151676-00151990": "and creates space for consistent Street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00457-00151991-00152116": "trees", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00458-00152117-00152687": "and additional lighting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00459-00152688-00153028": "this image is also helpful for you to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00460-00153029-00153239": "better understand the types of Graphics", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00461-00153240-00153521": "that we're going to be presenting as we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00462-00153522-00153839": "develop the preliminary Concepts to help", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00463-00153840-00154066": "you understand the proposals and better", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00464-00154067-00154631": "react to them", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00465-00154632-00154973": "next slide please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00466-00154974-00155285": "so now that we have shown you some", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00467-00155286-00155554": "potential improvements we wanted to do", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00468-00155555-00155885": "one more final quick poll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00469-00155886-00156389": "y if you could bring that up", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00470-00156390-00156647": "based upon what you heard", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00471-00156648-00156952": "which which aspect of the Hopper Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00472-00156953-00157199": "Corridor would you like to see improved", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00473-00157200-00157876": "the most", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00474-00157877-00158321": "give you a couple minutes to answer", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00475-00158322-00160252": "much", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00476-00160253-00160439": "and Shelley whenever you think is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00477-00160440-00161333": "appropriate you can bring up the results", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00478-00161334-00161597": "thank you we still have a couple people", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00479-00161598-00161776": "working on the survey give me a couple", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00480-00161777-00163157": "more seconds", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00481-00163158-00164321": "thank you we'll end the poll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00482-00164322-00164590": "great", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00483-00164591-00164969": "this is great so from top beautification", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00484-00164970-00165395": "to Second pedestrian sidewalks and then", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00485-00165396-00165616": "it looks like we're about evenly split", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00486-00165617-00165995": "between vehicular and bicycle Lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00487-00165996-00166319": "so I really appreciate the input and and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00488-00166320-00166540": "uh can't wait to see the feedback", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00489-00166541-00166871": "tonight from you as well as our survey", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00490-00166872-00167183": "so with that that concludes my", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00491-00167184-00167416": "presentation I'll now turn the meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00492-00167417-00167849": "back over to Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00493-00167850-00168119": "thank you Brian", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00494-00168120-00168383": "at this time we would like to hear from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00495-00168384-00168725": "you our community so we'll now move to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00496-00168726-00168887": "the question and answer portion of the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00497-00168888-00169001": "meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00498-00169002-00169343": "however before we begin I will ask Steve", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00499-00169344-00169649": "to review how you can participate by", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00500-00169650-00169997": "asking live questions and comments", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00501-00169998-00170207": "all right thank you Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00502-00170208-00170428": "once Chris calls for public questions or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00503-00170429-00170626": "comments we will announce for anyone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00504-00170627-00170933": "wishing to ask a question or comment to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00505-00170934-00171149": "raise their hand in Zoom", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00506-00171150-00171389": "for individuals participating in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00507-00171390-00171545": "meeting by telephone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00508-00171546-00171952": "you can dial Star 9 to raise your hand", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00509-00171953-00172204": "we will then call on the public one by", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00510-00172205-00172523": "one who have their Zoom hand raised", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00511-00172524-00172787": "your microphone will be unmuted so you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00512-00172788-00172954": "may ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00513-00172955-00173159": "once you've raised your hand and asked", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00514-00173160-00173459": "your question or shared your input your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00515-00173460-00173663": "ham will be lowered and your microphone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00516-00173664-00173969": "muted so our panelists May respond to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00517-00173970-00174461": "your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00518-00174462-00174635": "Steve", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00519-00174636-00174814": "are we ready for the first meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00520-00174815-00175066": "attendee to ask their question or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00521-00175067-00175343": "provide a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00522-00175344-00175709": "uh yes we are thank you Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00523-00175710-00175847": "um again if you need to have your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00524-00175848-00176033": "question translated", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00525-00176034-00176261": "please let us know once you've been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00526-00176262-00176519": "called on and then please allow us a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00527-00176520-00176681": "moment to confirm the translator is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00528-00176682-00176788": "ready", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00529-00176789-00177040": "please remember to speak slowly so our", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00530-00177041-00177340": "translation team can relay your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00531-00177341-00177538": "again anyone wishing to ask a question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00532-00177539-00177737": "or make a comment may do so at this time", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00533-00177738-00177995": "by raising your hand using the zoom", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00534-00177996-00178169": "raise hand feature", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00535-00178170-00178463": "if you're calling in please dial Star 9", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00536-00178464-00178699": "to raise your hand", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00537-00178700-00179123": "the first person in the queue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00538-00179124-00179590": "is uh Jeff okrepke", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00539-00179591-00179866": "uh Jeff your microphone has been unmuted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00540-00179867-00180011": "you may state your name for the record", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00541-00180012-00180214": "if you so choose and then ask your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00542-00180215-00180587": "question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00543-00180588-00180785": "yeah thank you um my name is Jeff", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00544-00180786-00181025": "o'krepke my questions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00545-00181026-00181187": "um or my comments real quick um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00546-00181188-00181523": "obviously uh beautification is very", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00547-00181524-00181895": "important to everybody but as relates to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00548-00181896-00182045": "um traffic calming", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00549-00182046-00182213": "um I've heard before and I don't know if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00550-00182214-00182513": "this is a question for a planner or a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00551-00182514-00182764": "traffic engineer or a landscape", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00552-00182765-00182957": "architect but I've heard that with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00553-00182958-00183352": "medians and Street trees there's a a an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00554-00183353-00183611": "ability that an unconscious ability", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00555-00183612-00183821": "that slows down traffic with those sorts", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00556-00183822-00184049": "of things is that sort of is that a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00557-00184050-00184223": "possibility because I know a lot of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00558-00184224-00184366": "people are concerned about Hopper Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00559-00184367-00184516": "basically because straight away and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00560-00184517-00184690": "people flying through there I'm just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00561-00184691-00184895": "wondering if by doing things like you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00562-00184896-00185075": "know protected bike Lanes Street trees", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00563-00185076-00185302": "medians if traffic will naturally calm", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00564-00185303-00185873": "itself", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00565-00185874-00186047": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00566-00186048-00186275": "thank you Jeff", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00567-00186276-00186497": "so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00568-00186498-00186737": "my understanding of your question is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00569-00186738-00186976": "that you're asking if some of these", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00570-00186977-00187325": "elements will will calm traffic", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00571-00187326-00187763": "just by their installation and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00572-00187764-00187871": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00573-00187872-00188176": "I'm wondering if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00574-00188177-00188519": "if Rob might have a good if Rob sprinkle", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00575-00188520-00188759": "might have a good response to that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00576-00188760-00188921": "question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00577-00188922-00189214": "absolutely thanks Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00578-00189215-00189538": "um hi Jeff yes absolutely that is um a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00579-00189539-00189671": "technique that we use throughout the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00580-00189672-00189899": "city to help reduce speeds uh narrowing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00581-00189900-00190097": "the traffic Lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00582-00190098-00190378": "um constricting them somewhat having uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00583-00190379-00190685": "shade canopies that help make have a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00584-00190686-00190925": "tunnel effect with trees and mediums", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00585-00190926-00191190": "those all do help", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00586-00191191-00191423": "subconsciously people drive slower", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00587-00191424-00191638": "through through those more constricted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00588-00191639-00191825": "areas than when it's a wide open Street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00589-00191826-00192076": "by copper is today", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00590-00192077-00192238": "thank you very much", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00591-00192239-00192466": "I can maybe add just a little bit if we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00592-00192467-00192773": "could go to slide number 18.", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00593-00192774-00193078": "this was the exact reason why we wanted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00594-00193079-00193288": "to show this project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00595-00193289-00193493": "um down in Campbell", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00596-00193494-00193564": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00597-00193565-00193840": "because existing conditions had a very", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00598-00193841-00194213": "wide open large area of asphalt that was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00599-00194214-00194554": "contributing to the speeding problem in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00600-00194555-00194843": "in that there was you know a straight", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00601-00194844-00195125": "shot with no obstructions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00602-00195126-00195419": "um so what you want to do is is reduce", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00603-00195420-00195751": "the perceived width of the asphalt", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00604-00195752-00196025": "obviously narrowing the lanes only to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00605-00196026-00196276": "standard practices", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00606-00196277-00196504": "um adding bike lanes and buffered even", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00607-00196505-00196835": "if it's just striping can help reduce", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00608-00196836-00197111": "the perceived width of the traveling and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00609-00197112-00197237": "slow traffic", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00610-00197238-00197476": "and then you can see we've added the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00611-00197477-00197878": "street trees within the parking Lane and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00612-00197879-00198083": "that you want to have your street trees", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00613-00198084-00198304": "as close to the travel Lane as possible", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00614-00198305-00198683": "to get the most impact of not only the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00615-00198684-00198971": "visible vertical trunk that helps reduce", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00616-00198972-00199331": "the perception of the wide roadway but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00617-00199332-00199852": "also the tree canopy that helps as well", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00618-00199853-00200002": "thank you very much with that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00619-00200003-00200219": "information I think my my official", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00620-00200220-00200393": "comment would be using the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00621-00200394-00200585": "beautification measures as you described", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00622-00200586-00200843": "to help calm the traffic while also", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00623-00200844-00201016": "using you know the decorative pavement", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00624-00201017-00201245": "and the the high visibility crosswalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00625-00201246-00201419": "and stuff like that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00626-00201420-00201587": "um just to make it more appealing and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00627-00201588-00201833": "safer at the same time would be my", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00628-00201834-00202313": "highest priority", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00629-00202314-00202535": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00630-00202536-00203014": "thank you Jeff", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00631-00203015-00203285": "do we have another raised hand we do the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00632-00203286-00203464": "next person in our queue is Alexa", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00633-00203465-00203614": "Forrester", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00634-00203615-00203866": "Alexa your microphone has been unmuted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00635-00203867-00204011": "you may state your name for the record", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00636-00204012-00204233": "if you so choose then ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00637-00204234-00204461": "or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00638-00204462-00204688": "hi thanks so much my name is Alexa", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00639-00204689-00204953": "Forster and first off I'll start by", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00640-00204954-00205132": "congratulating Jeff o'krepke in his", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00641-00205133-00205301": "recent win", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00642-00205302-00205655": "um to the city council and I also want", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00643-00205656-00205864": "to echo part of what he said which was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00644-00205865-00206086": "about trying to make many of these", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00645-00206087-00206321": "features work together so having", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00646-00206321-00206512": "beautification efforts be part of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00647-00206513-00206812": "traffic calming I teach at the junior", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00648-00206813-00207040": "college and we recently painted a mural", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00649-00207041-00207310": "in on a street right in front of my", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00650-00207311-00207623": "where my building and cars have gone", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00651-00207623-00207892": "much slower through there just based on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00652-00207894-00208186": "my own perceptions since we painted that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00653-00208187-00208325": "mural", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00654-00208326-00208516": "um and so especially like at", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00655-00208517-00208727": "intersections in particular I really", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00656-00208728-00208979": "liked that one picture you had of this", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00657-00208980-00209255": "the pavement I was also wondering if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00658-00209256-00209458": "some of the pavement that was used for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00659-00209459-00209710": "that could include", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00660-00209711-00209927": "um like I know there are cooling paints", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00661-00209928-00210137": "and stuff so that on really hot days it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00662-00210138-00210329": "helps keep the temperature down I don't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00663-00210330-00210544": "know if that could be a very big effect", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00664-00210546-00210796": "but especially for any bicyclists or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00665-00210798-00211187": "pedestrians using the infrastructure on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00666-00211188-00211517": "really hot days having it be sort of a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00667-00211517-00211673": "little you know in addition to Street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00668-00211673-00212015": "trees a couple other things I I said I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00669-00212016-00212155": "wanted to mention", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00670-00212156-00212471": "I primarily travel either as a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00671-00212471-00212844": "pedestrian a bus user or a cyclist", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00672-00212846-00213148": "and so all of those infrastructure", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00673-00213150-00213431": "improvements are very attractive to me I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00674-00213432-00213713": "did want to point out that if you make", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00675-00213714-00214121": "the sidewalks wider with really nice Ada", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00676-00214121-00214332": "ramps which I do believe you should do", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00677-00214333-00214603": "but you don't include", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00678-00214604-00214991": "safe feeling bike Lanes you will have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00679-00214992-00215219": "the bicyclists that came out of the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00680-00215219-00215537": "buffered Lane to into the portion where", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00681-00215538-00215717": "there is no bike lane you will have them", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00682-00215717-00215939": "just up on the sidewalk and I think", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00683-00215940-00216184": "that's a non-ideal solution you know for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00684-00216185-00216394": "both the pedestrians and the cyclists it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00685-00216396-00216677": "increases the rate risk so I would urge", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00686-00216678-00217048": "uh protected ideally or at least", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00687-00217050-00217282": "buffered bike Lanes along the whole", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00688-00217283-00217571": "stretch if it's compatible with traffic", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00689-00217571-00218279": "flow patterns thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00690-00218280-00218567": "thank you Alexa", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00691-00218567-00218687": "so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00692-00218688-00218873": "I think", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00693-00218873-00219034": "paint", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00694-00219035-00219377": "used for cooling the asphalt can", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00695-00219378-00219623": "definitely be something we look into", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00696-00219623-00219682": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00697-00219683-00219875": "As We Know", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00698-00219876-00220091": "different colors do radiate heat", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00699-00220092-00220277": "differently so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00700-00220278-00220451": "um that's definitely something if we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00701-00220452-00220667": "move towards that direction of the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00702-00220667-00221069": "decorative pavement and bicycles on the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00703-00221069-00221405": "sidewalk are something we definitely", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00704-00221406-00221939": "don't want so we do intend to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00705-00221940-00222148": "to create", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00706-00222150-00222532": "um either a similar bike lane to what we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00707-00222533-00222955": "have now or something improved", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00708-00222956-00223279": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00709-00223280-00223582": "we do the next person in the queue is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00710-00223583-00223696": "Kelly", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00711-00223698-00223955": "your microphone has been unmuted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00712-00223956-00224110": "uh you can state your name for the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00713-00224111-00224279": "record if you so choose and then ask", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00714-00224280-00224729": "your question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00715-00224730-00225106": "yeah we have uh a couple people here so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00716-00225107-00225389": "we have a couple questions uh the first", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00717-00225390-00225569": "question is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00718-00225569-00225898": "um what is the amount of money that is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00719-00225900-00226181": "going to be spent on this project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00720-00226182-00226655": "the second question is the property uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00721-00226656-00227110": "just past the storage area that has not", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00722-00227111-00227341": "been widened is that a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00723-00227342-00227656": "planned widening of that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00724-00227657-00227782": "um area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00725-00227783-00228305": "uh it's just uh east of the hopper Lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00726-00228306-00228551": "the uh I think there should be a medium", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00727-00228552-00228982": "strip down the middle of Hopper there", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00728-00228983-00229284": "um but don't use bark please", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00729-00229285-00229846": "and uh and the way Harper is now is you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00730-00229848-00229973": "have the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00731-00229973-00230363": "the old parking area that it you can't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00732-00230364-00230579": "park on so that's just a wasted area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00733-00230580-00230908": "then you got the bike lane and then the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00734-00230909-00231082": "street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00735-00231083-00231173": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00736-00231173-00231551": "so if we widen the the sidewalk we're", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00737-00231552-00231791": "going to take that part out of the uh of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00738-00231792-00232027": "the road is that correct", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00739-00232028-00232319": "and um do you have any other questions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00740-00232319-00232613": "yeah I'm I'm also on this one uh some of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00741-00232614-00232948": "those uh projects you have uh are pretty", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00742-00232950-00233273": "ambitious is there enough money that we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00743-00233273-00233525": "have available to do that uh extensive", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00744-00233526-00233784": "Landscaping", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00745-00233785-00234706": "we're done with our questions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00746-00234707-00235181": "thank you thank you Kelly", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00747-00235182-00235673": "so this project we are still scoping", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00748-00235673-00236123": "what we are going to be implementing so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00749-00236123-00236471": "um it's kind of hard to say what amount", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00750-00236471-00236663": "of money is going to be spent on the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00751-00236664-00236867": "project at this point in time", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00752-00236867-00236998": "but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00753-00237000-00237131": "uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00754-00237132-00237389": "the project was allocated approximately", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00755-00237390-00237665": "six million dollars from the PG e", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00756-00237666-00237971": "settlement", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00757-00237971-00238123": "so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00758-00238123-00238487": "once we conduct our community engagement", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00759-00238488-00238906": "meetings and we fine-tune our project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00760-00238907-00239063": "scope we will have a better", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00761-00239064-00239351": "understanding of how much we are how", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00762-00239352-00239515": "much it's going to cost", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00763-00239516-00239921": "that also kind of correlates with the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00764-00239921-00240155": "with the last question having to do with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00765-00240156-00240448": "the Landscaping", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00766-00240450-00240653": "so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00767-00240654-00240946": "moving down the question list", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00768-00240948-00241253": "I I don't think that there was any", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00769-00241254-00241744": "intent on widening uh Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00770-00241746-00242069": "at this point in time I think it was the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00771-00242069-00242363": "intent was to maintain the existing road", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00772-00242364-00242663": "with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00773-00242664-00243094": "a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00774-00243096-00243427": "there was the question about", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00775-00243428-00243887": "eliminating the parking to widen the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00776-00243888-00244060": "sidewalk", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00777-00244061-00244210": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00778-00244211-00244553": "based on based on the existing sidewalk", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00779-00244554-00244819": "width and the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00780-00244819-00245244": "landscaped areas within the sidewalk", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00781-00245246-00245537": "there appears to be some space to where", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00782-00245538-00245741": "we wouldn't need to push it out any", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00783-00245742-00246089": "further but this is still", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00784-00246090-00247055": "in the works", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00785-00247056-00247348": "okay very good our next person in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00786-00247350-00247823": "queue is Mike Mike your microphone has", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00787-00247823-00248044": "been unmuted you can state your name for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00788-00248046-00248260": "the record if you so choose and then ask", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00789-00248261-00248506": "your question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00790-00248507-00248837": "yeah thank you this is Mike uh I live in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00791-00248838-00249023": "the coffee Park area like many of us do", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00792-00249023-00249179": "and I was curious as to why we're", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00793-00249180-00249437": "stopping at coffee and not going all the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00794-00249438-00249706": "way to Barnes and I realized that the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00795-00249707-00249982": "the context and the and the the road", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00796-00249983-00250253": "changes to Purity residential but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00797-00250254-00250481": "there's significant damage to the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00798-00250482-00250817": "roadway from the fire as well as some", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00799-00250817-00251117": "there was some uh um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00800-00251117-00251339": "some things that would help delineate", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00801-00251340-00251596": "the area well whether it's uh like the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00802-00251598-00251719": "uh a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00803-00251719-00251939": "marker of the location like that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00804-00251940-00252221": "Washington thing sign you had for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00805-00252221-00252431": "example certainly over at Barnes that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00806-00252432-00252556": "would be something like that as well as", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00807-00252557-00252701": "just sort of looking at the whole area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00808-00252702-00252910": "not just dropping dead at copies what I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00809-00252911-00253006": "was thinking", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00810-00253007-00253451": "and on on traffic calming I I saw used", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00811-00253452-00253763": "uh in essence a rumble strip but it was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00812-00253764-00253967": "very pretty because it uses some small", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00813-00253967-00254315": "cobblestones which you know are easy to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00814-00254316-00254489": "walk on it's not like kind of walk on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00815-00254490-00254723": "rocks or something but if if somebody", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00816-00254723-00254927": "drives over it with any speed at all", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00817-00254928-00255221": "it's not pleasant but it's not unsafe at", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00818-00255221-00255437": "least and just just an idea I just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00819-00255438-00255629": "wanted to talks out there on that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00820-00255630-00256175": "that's all", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00821-00256176-00256684": "thank you Mike the the rumble strip is a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00822-00256685-00257141": "is a good suggestion and um from emails", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00823-00257142-00257405": "I've received from other residents in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00824-00257406-00257573": "the area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00825-00257573-00257932": "um that that's definitely something that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00826-00257933-00258113": "can be considered", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00827-00258114-00258448": "in terms Chris this is Rob real quick I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00828-00258450-00258598": "just want to jump in on that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00829-00258600-00258803": "um sorry to interrupt but so our", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00830-00258804-00258989": "experience with rumble strips in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00831-00258990-00259360": "past and specifically from Resident com", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00832-00259361-00259715": "comments is that they're extremely noisy", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00833-00259716-00259894": "um so every time we've put them in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00834-00259896-00260075": "throughout the city", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00835-00260076-00260237": "um we've actually had to take them out", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00836-00260238-00260506": "within a few days of the installation so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00837-00260507-00260741": "although they are a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00838-00260742-00260819": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00839-00260819-00261010": "they they can be a deterrent for people", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00840-00261011-00261280": "to help slow them down it's also", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00841-00261281-00261496": "um have been shown to be extremely", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00842-00261498-00261796": "annoying to the residents so we've we've", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00843-00261798-00261994": "held back on installing those if best", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00844-00261996-00262306": "traffic calming measures and then I did", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00845-00262307-00262451": "want to also Circle back to something", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00846-00262452-00262619": "that Kelly mentioned", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00847-00262620-00262697": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00848-00262698-00262930": "than the previous caller about the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00849-00262931-00263237": "narrow section of roadway I believe it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00850-00263238-00263530": "was between Banyan and Airway where", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00851-00263531-00263699": "they're discussing whether that segment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00852-00263700-00263975": "would be widened and that that's right", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00853-00263976-00264184": "near pointer through Trail I believe and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00854-00264185-00264382": "that is up for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00855-00264383-00264677": "um discussion so it it could be a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00856-00264678-00264869": "potential that that is widened or it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00857-00264870-00265030": "could be a potential that that remains a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00858-00265031-00265379": "constriction and and and is used as a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00859-00265380-00265489": "point to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00860-00265490-00265751": "triggering people that you're moving", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00861-00265752-00265908": "from a more commercial area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00862-00265909-00266230": "transitioning to a residential area so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00863-00266231-00266441": "that's definitely up for discussion and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00864-00266442-00266597": "we'd love to hear the Public's comments", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00865-00266598-00266830": "on that thanks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00866-00266831-00267023": "and if I could just add to design", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00867-00267024-00267203": "elements I think", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00868-00267204-00267503": "you know we're going to take all your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00869-00267504-00267779": "input tonight but we're going to work", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00870-00267780-00268151": "with take our experience of projects and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00871-00268152-00268349": "what's worked and what hasn't combined", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00872-00268350-00268649": "it with the city's experience on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00873-00268650-00268955": "projects on elements that work and don't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00874-00268956-00269182": "work and then bring you back some", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00875-00269183-00269380": "proposals so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00876-00269381-00269567": "um you know rumble strips may not be the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00877-00269568-00269782": "solution but but I've got a few ideas", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00878-00269783-00269969": "that I would love to talk to the city", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00879-00269970-00270205": "about other things that could also", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00880-00270206-00270551": "possibly help and also want to learn", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00881-00270552-00270743": "from City staff on on what other", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00882-00270744-00270995": "elements have worked within the city to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00883-00270996-00271189": "achieve a similar", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00884-00271190-00271517": "response of slowing traffic as as you've", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00885-00271518-00271708": "indicated but without the accompanying", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00886-00271709-00271906": "noise", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00887-00271907-00272741": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00888-00272742-00273077": "your microphone has been unmuted and you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00889-00273078-00273203": "may state your name for the record if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00890-00273204-00273389": "you so choose and then ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00891-00273390-00273695": "or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00892-00273696-00273910": "hi so we worked with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00893-00273911-00274145": "um security Public Storage that the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00894-00274146-00274373": "storage facility on Hopper and we just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00895-00274374-00274619": "wanted to make a comment here that if we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00896-00274620-00274841": "put a median inside of the business", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00897-00274842-00275051": "section on Hopper that we think that it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00898-00275052-00275237": "would be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00899-00275238-00275447": "um kind of slowing down the traffic as", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00900-00275448-00275627": "it would make it harder for trucks to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00901-00275628-00276415": "enter businesses in that area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00902-00276416-00276929": "that's it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00903-00276930-00277127": "thank you Terry", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00904-00277128-00277360": "if I could just answer make a response", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00905-00277361-00277637": "to that one I think that's you know one", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00906-00277638-00277865": "thing that one reason why we kind of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00907-00277866-00278075": "broke this up into different segments is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00908-00278076-00278413": "that each segment has a unique", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00909-00278414-00278753": "characteristic unique land uses and and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00910-00278754-00279005": "specific challenges associated with it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00911-00279006-00279184": "so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00912-00279185-00279430": "we're also going to be evaluating the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00913-00279431-00279658": "design Solutions", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00914-00279659-00279880": "within each one of those and it there's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00915-00279881-00280063": "there's not going to be a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00916-00280064-00280337": "one-size-fits-all solution from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00917-00280338-00280553": "you know one side of of the project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00918-00280554-00280732": "limits to the other side of the project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00919-00280733-00280937": "limit so you know you're absolutely", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00920-00280938-00281201": "right maybe a median is appropriate in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00921-00281202-00281410": "one area maybe it's not in the in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00922-00281411-00281645": "other areas so we certainly will be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00923-00281646-00281921": "looking at turning movements", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00924-00281922-00282299": "um and and uh all things associated with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00925-00282300-00282875": "with traffic uh flow", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00926-00282876-00283156": "okay great the next person in our queue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00927-00283157-00283547": "is Lisa Mast Lisa your microphone has", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00928-00283548-00283732": "been unmuted you may state your name for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00929-00283733-00283955": "the record if you so choose and then ask", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00930-00283956-00284315": "your question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00931-00284316-00284441": "okay", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00932-00284442-00284717": "um Lisa masked and I'm I'm a resident of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00933-00284718-00284945": "coffee Park and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00934-00284946-00285106": "um just for clarification you might have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00935-00285107-00285287": "announced this initially but I'm just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00936-00285288-00285389": "wondering", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00937-00285390-00285610": "um what the breakdown was from the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00938-00285611-00285863": "responses you had I'm wondering how many", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00939-00285864-00286169": "people participating in this call are um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00940-00286170-00286810": "our residents", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00941-00286811-00287119": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00942-00287120-00287537": "I did not see a single person that was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00943-00287538-00287771": "outside of City Limits they were all", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00944-00287772-00288058": "within the zip codes identified", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00945-00288059-00288227": "oh and I'm sorry", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00946-00288228-00288503": "um I I think more specifically I guess", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00947-00288504-00288755": "it wasn't broken down to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00948-00288756-00288923": "um who might be residents of the coffee", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00949-00288924-00289247": "Park area itself", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00950-00289248-00289565": "okay so and correct me if I'm wrong", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00951-00289566-00289906": "staff but this will this will a video of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00952-00289907-00290195": "this will be posted to the website which", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00953-00290196-00290525": "will also include those uh those poll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00954-00290526-00290663": "responses", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00955-00290664-00291287": "after this okay thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00956-00291288-00291808": "Thank you Lisa", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00957-00291809-00292091": "thank you the poll the poll uh indicated", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00958-00292092-00292403": "by ZIP code where the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00959-00292404-00292577": "um attendees were from so that will", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00960-00292578-00292877": "narrow that for a little bit for you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00961-00292878-00293003": "okay", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00962-00293004-00293332": "the next person in our queue is Deborah", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00963-00293333-00293465": "bratberg", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00964-00293466-00293765": "Deborah your Mike has been unmuted you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00965-00293766-00293884": "can state your name for the record if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00966-00293885-00294053": "you so choose and then ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00967-00294054-00294334": "or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00968-00294335-00294665": "hi yes my name is Debbie bratberg and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00969-00294666-00294917": "I'm a resident of coffee Park and I have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00970-00294918-00295079": "two", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00971-00295080-00295397": "um one comment and one question my first", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00972-00295398-00295871": "is a comment about the traffic calming", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00973-00295872-00296237": "just to make note that that area not", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00974-00296238-00296525": "only is just traffic in general can be a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00975-00296526-00296873": "concern specifically street racing has", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00976-00296874-00297167": "has been occurring on that particular", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00977-00297168-00297287": "stretch", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00978-00297288-00297593": "and I just happened to look at a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00979-00297594-00297767": "something that popped in while I was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00980-00297768-00297887": "waiting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00981-00297888-00298169": "the city just posted where street racing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00982-00298170-00298421": "they're talking about not necessarily in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00983-00298422-00298649": "Hopper but one that just occurred speeds", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00984-00298650-00298903": "of a hundred miles per hour", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00985-00298904-00299177": "when this happens it's usually in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00986-00299178-00299560": "early hours this one was at 12 45 I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00987-00299561-00299839": "don't know if there's any way to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00988-00299840-00300227": "help with with you know not choosing to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00989-00300228-00300653": "do street racing down Hopper and then my", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00990-00300654-00300808": "question is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00991-00300809-00301097": "regarding the beautification so I live", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00992-00301098-00301415": "on a house that is near the park I look", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00993-00301416-00301679": "into the park and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00994-00301680-00302003": "um so sad to me that we had a beautiful", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00995-00302004-00302387": "sod lawn and it has significantly", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00996-00302388-00302830": "deteriorated because the land the drip", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00997-00302831-00303034": "in irrigation system was either", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00998-00303035-00303317": "improperly installed or not watered", "7xw7BAmSqf0-00999-00303318-00303569": "sufficiently", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01000-00303570-00303869": "so my question is in regards to the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01001-00303870-00304260": "beautification will that come with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01002-00304261-00304571": "irrigation and maintenance as part of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01003-00304572-00304979": "the budget", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01004-00304980-00305506": "I'm done thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01005-00305507-00306001": "thank you Debbie", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01006-00306002-00306382": "so from the from your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01007-00306383-00306695": "will irrigation be included with any", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01008-00306696-00307013": "prospective Landscaping", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01009-00307014-00307084": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01010-00307085-00307451": "Brian would you like to I see it on your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01011-00307452-00307763": "head yeah absolutely thank you Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01012-00307764-00307925": "yes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01013-00307926-00308171": "um water maintenance", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01014-00308172-00308651": "are uh incredibly large topics and every", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01015-00308652-00308873": "single project that we work on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01016-00308874-00309004": "um these days", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01017-00309005-00309382": "so right now I'm just looking to get", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01018-00309383-00309695": "input on what features people want so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01019-00309696-00309934": "not sure yet whether there's going to be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01020-00309935-00310132": "a landscape median or anything I'm just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01021-00310133-00310415": "open to feedback if if there are", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01022-00310416-00310673": "landscape areas it is important that we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01023-00310674-00310882": "include uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01024-00310883-00311195": "irrigation as part of that and make that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01025-00311196-00311429": "irrigation as low maintenance and as", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01026-00311430-00311843": "water uh to use as little water as", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01027-00311844-00311999": "possible", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01028-00312000-00312256": "um for that so it's carefully selecting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01029-00312257-00312532": "the plant materials and then carefully", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01030-00312533-00312773": "designing the irrigation system so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01031-00312774-00313013": "although I can't respond to what's going", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01032-00313014-00313415": "on with the coffee Park itself I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01033-00313416-00313637": "certainly can respond to any future any", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01034-00313638-00313865": "Landscaping that we propose as part of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01035-00313866-00314699": "this must have some form of irrigation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01036-00314700-00315187": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01037-00315188-00315484": "Dave your mic has been unmuted you may", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01038-00315485-00315610": "state your name for the record if you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01039-00315611-00315791": "choose and then ask your question or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01040-00315792-00316710": "make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01041-00316711-00317075": "my question for Steve or for Rob would", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01042-00317076-00317356": "be um what's the 85th percentile speeds", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01043-00317357-00317554": "up and down Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01044-00317555-00317741": "um probably two different sections the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01045-00317742-00317884": "commercial area and then the residential", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01046-00317885-00318049": "area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01047-00318050-00318353": "my comments would be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01048-00318354-00318521": "um I would not put a median Island down", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01049-00318522-00318767": "the street at all", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01050-00318768-00318845": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01051-00318846-00319054": "the city can't maintain the existing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01052-00319055-00319301": "Islands they already have so they become", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01053-00319302-00319475": "just big weed patches and I think they", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01054-00319476-00319699": "look absolutely terrible", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01055-00319700-00319954": "I don't think this project is going to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01056-00319955-00320315": "be able to afford a separated set of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01057-00320316-00320545": "bike Lanes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01058-00320546-00320927": "I think the Ava ramps are a given Pro", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01059-00320928-00321160": "given as part of the project due to the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01060-00321161-00321401": "amount of asphalt work that's going to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01061-00321402-00321629": "have to be done on the street to get it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01062-00321630-00321827": "up to uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01063-00321828-00322427": "some kind of reasonable driving surface", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01064-00322428-00322553": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01065-00322554-00322882": "I'm really hoping that we don't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01066-00322883-00323129": "or the city does not put in a mid-block", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01067-00323130-00323423": "crosswalk at the Colgan Creek Trail or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01068-00323424-00323651": "the Coffee Creek", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01069-00323652-00323873": "um Crossing there", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01070-00323874-00323951": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01071-00323952-00324160": "I don't think the creek trail actually", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01072-00324161-00324341": "goes anywhere to the north I think it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01073-00324342-00324556": "dies and goes underground before it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01074-00324557-00324775": "actually gets to another Street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01075-00324776-00325108": "and South I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01076-00325109-00325295": "don't actually know where that would", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01077-00325296-00325480": "come out either", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01078-00325481-00325649": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01079-00325650-00325895": "so I don't see a lot of people using", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01080-00325896-00326406": "that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01081-00326407-00327137": "and I think that's it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01082-00327138-00327421": "thanks Dave", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01083-00327422-00327701": "would uh Rob would you be willing to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01084-00327702-00327880": "answer Dave's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01085-00327881-00328204": "questions about the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01086-00328205-00328571": "about the roads absolutely", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01087-00328572-00328871": "thanks Chris so the 85th percentile on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01088-00328872-00329147": "popper from it's the segments from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01089-00329148-00329429": "coffee to Cleveland is what we surveyed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01090-00329430-00329869": "uh we did that in 2020 and it came to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01091-00329870-00330149": "37.3 which allowed us to lowest speed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01092-00330150-00330334": "limit which was previously 40 miles an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01093-00330335-00330610": "hour to the current close to 35 miles an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01094-00330611-00331015": "hour on that studying", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01095-00331016-00331225": "did you want me to address any other", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01096-00331226-00331547": "comments Chris or Brian were you going", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01097-00331548-00331830": "to take those", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01098-00331831-00332087": "I'm sorry I think those were just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01099-00332088-00332315": "comments I don't know if there were I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01100-00332316-00332489": "didn't notice any other questions in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01101-00332490-00332693": "there so we're writing feverishly the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01102-00332694-00332897": "comments and and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01103-00332898-00333058": "um going to be including it as we move", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01104-00333059-00333545": "forward in the design", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01105-00333546-00333760": "okay the next person in the queue is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01106-00333761-00333934": "Annie Barber", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01107-00333935-00334139": "Annie your microphone's been unmuted you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01108-00334140-00334277": "may state your name for the record if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01109-00334278-00334499": "you choose and then ask your question or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01110-00334500-00334987": "make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01111-00334988-00335279": "yes my name is Annie Barber", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01112-00335280-00335591": "um I'm a resident of coffee Park and I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01113-00335592-00335699": "would", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01114-00335700-00335951": "so I'd like to address the Creek area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01115-00335952-00336275": "first I totally agree that by opening", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01116-00336276-00336532": "that up and making that a wider area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01117-00336533-00336743": "that that would just make it more of a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01118-00336744-00336989": "Speedway down Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01119-00336990-00337306": "um my number one priority really is as", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01120-00337307-00337577": "much as it would be wonderful to make it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01121-00337578-00337829": "look like you're entering Disneyland I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01122-00337830-00338099": "think the reality is that we want a low", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01123-00338100-00338225": "maintenance", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01124-00338226-00338710": "area that's safe for our children and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01125-00338711-00338945": "our residents to walk in so the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01126-00338946-00339203": "sidewalks need to be improved upon we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01127-00339204-00339287": "have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01128-00339288-00339497": "disabled people who I see going up and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01129-00339498-00339839": "down upper Avenue on those sidewalks and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01130-00339840-00340139": "it's scary with the zigzagging", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01131-00340140-00340210": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01132-00340211-00340529": "if we could bring it back to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01133-00340530-00340603": "to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01134-00340604-00341065": "a good sidewalk disability", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01135-00341066-00341639": "ramps with a clear concise bike lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01136-00341640-00341860": "and some trees I think that would be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01137-00341861-00342034": "amazing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01138-00342035-00342508": "thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01139-00342509-00343243": "thank you Annie great feedback", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01140-00343244-00343606": "okay the next uh the next people in our", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01141-00343607-00343997": "our queue are Doug and Becky uh uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01142-00343998-00344110": "salady", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01143-00344111-00344303": "uh Doug and Becky your microphone has", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01144-00344304-00344537": "been unmuted and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01145-00344538-00344669": "um you can state your name for the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01146-00344670-00344903": "record if you so choose then ask your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01147-00344904-00346258": "question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01148-00346259-00346456": "sorry Doug and Becky uh it appears that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01149-00346457-00346625": "you're still muted if you'd like to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01150-00346626-00346853": "unmute and ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01151-00346854-00347080": "okay sorry", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01152-00347081-00347363": "um I'm Doug salady and beings our", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01153-00347364-00347693": "backyard is on Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01154-00347694-00347956": "um I would like to see and because of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01155-00347957-00348167": "the noise and the speed and which people", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01156-00348168-00348377": "are traveling I'd like to see a stop", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01157-00348378-00348658": "sign and a crosswalk", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01158-00348659-00348989": "um possibly put it at um Skyview", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01159-00348990-00349217": "or Crest you probably Skyview would be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01160-00349218-00349384": "the better spot", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01161-00349385-00349667": "um just to allow people it depending on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01162-00349668-00349810": "the time of day it's very difficult to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01163-00349811-00350206": "get out of the out of the housing track", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01164-00350207-00350645": "and it's a safety kind of a thing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01165-00350646-00350860": "um anyway that that's all I really have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01166-00350861-00351347": "to say", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01167-00351348-00351934": "thank you for the feedback", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01168-00351935-00352253": "okay the next person in our queue is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01169-00352254-00352625": "Steve Ramen uh Steve you Mike has been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01170-00352626-00352780": "unmuted you can state your name for the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01171-00352781-00352973": "record if you so choose and then ask", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01172-00352974-00353201": "your question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01173-00353202-00353734": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01174-00353735-00354010": "this is Steve ROM I'm a resident of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01175-00354011-00354232": "coffee Park", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01176-00354233-00354406": "um I'll just run through a lot of the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01177-00354407-00354604": "things that people said I agree with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01178-00354605-00354869": "I'll just run through my list sorry if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01179-00354870-00355163": "it sounds long so first of all I'll say", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01180-00355164-00355493": "uh just something small on slide 11 you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01181-00355494-00355793": "have a um you show a bus stop in Santa", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01182-00355794-00356075": "Rosa not all bus stops are equal we used", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01183-00356076-00356291": "to have a bus stop on the corner of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01184-00356292-00356477": "coffee and Airway or Hopper and Airway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01185-00356478-00356837": "at a bench a garbage can now now the bus", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01186-00356838-00357001": "Stop's been moved there's no bench", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01187-00357002-00357251": "ideally that that bus stop you show", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01188-00357252-00357443": "there that's on the corner of Airway and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01189-00357444-00357803": "Hopper my office is right here that's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01190-00357804-00358043": "ideally would be great to have a bus", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01191-00358044-00358210": "stop down there because people are now", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01192-00358211-00358571": "walking all the way to that bus stop", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01193-00358572-00358745": "um so that was that was my one comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01194-00358746-00358949": "there straightening all the sidewalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01195-00358950-00359267": "and not having them uh go back and forth", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01196-00359268-00359675": "like they are now uh would be a big plus", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01197-00359676-00359860": "um there's some existing Landscaping one", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01198-00359861-00360184": "of the homeowners has put on their site", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01199-00360185-00360575": "or on their property on the wall", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01200-00360576-00360749": "um seeing that this project wouldn't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01201-00360750-00360965": "happen for three years I mean they're", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01202-00360966-00361151": "investing money and time in that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01203-00361152-00361415": "Landscaping I'm hoping that there's some", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01204-00361416-00361678": "communication with them to let them know", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01205-00361679-00361889": "that maybe that landscape's not going to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01206-00361890-00362032": "be there or something's going to happen", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01207-00362033-00362141": "there", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01208-00362142-00362213": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01209-00362214-00362473": "also the uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01210-00362474-00362795": "uh as far as the bridge at Hopper that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01211-00362796-00363010": "might be a good way to choke down the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01212-00363011-00363227": "traffic but I feel like it would be nice", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01213-00363228-00363515": "if that sidewalk continued", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01214-00363516-00363863": "um on the North side at the Coffee Creek", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01215-00363864-00364132": "um sidewalks there's not or crosswalks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01216-00364133-00364399": "there's not a crosswalk between Airway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01217-00364400-00364732": "and copy Lane that's a long way to go", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01218-00364733-00364978": "for safety there needs to be some sort", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01219-00364979-00365291": "of crosswalk that's uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01220-00365292-00365501": "uh you know there's a lot of elderly", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01221-00365502-00365669": "people that walk down that street and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01222-00365670-00365843": "they they try to cross that street it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01223-00365844-00366058": "gets crazy", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01224-00366059-00366178": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01225-00366179-00366556": "and then as far as the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01226-00366557-00366995": "maintenance during our recovery we met", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01227-00366996-00367145": "with the city quite a bit and there was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01228-00367146-00367319": "always a talk of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01229-00367320-00367582": "the ongoing maintenance and what this", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01230-00367583-00367787": "development would look like and I'm", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01231-00367788-00367943": "hoping that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01232-00367944-00368141": "um this team is working with centers of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01233-00368142-00368375": "parks to make sure that whatever we all", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01234-00368376-00368771": "talk about are not Big Dreams but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01235-00368772-00369106": "actually can be maintained", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01236-00369107-00369275": "um whether it's tree Wells and just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01237-00369276-00369545": "trees or some sort of maintenance and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01238-00369546-00370127": "that's all I got for right now", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01239-00370128-00370313": "thank you Steve", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01240-00370314-00370541": "Chris if you don't mind I'd like to just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01241-00370542-00370877": "ask a clarification question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01242-00370878-00371165": "um Steve I'm not sure I perfectly", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01243-00371166-00371506": "understood your first comment about the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01244-00371507-00371878": "bus stop shown on Slide 11. it's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01245-00371879-00372449": "currently shown existing at Airway Drive", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01246-00372450-00372706": "correct there used to be a bus stop on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01247-00372707-00373037": "the corner of Airway I'm sorry Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01248-00373038-00373282": "and copy Lane on the south side of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01249-00373283-00373480": "coffee Lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01250-00373481-00373901": "um and now it's been moved down to on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01251-00373902-00374080": "copy Lane in front of the residences", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01252-00374081-00374393": "that are live on Coffee Lane and it's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01253-00374394-00374723": "just a sign it used to have a a bench", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01254-00374724-00374951": "and people would use it regularly now", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01255-00374952-00375215": "because that bus Stop's been moved and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01256-00375216-00375377": "it's inadequate", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01257-00375378-00375580": "to sit there especially like today in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01258-00375581-00375773": "the rain or yesterday in the rain people", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01259-00375774-00375917": "don't use that bus stop so now they're", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01260-00375918-00376139": "forced to walk all the way up to the bus", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01261-00376140-00376289": "stop you have in that picture on the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01262-00376290-00376475": "corner of Airway and Hopper and it would", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01263-00376476-00376619": "be good to get that bus stop back and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01264-00376620-00376925": "actually have a bench back", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01265-00376926-00377158": "okay so there's two points there looking", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01266-00377159-00377441": "to move it back onto Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01267-00377442-00377765": "and looking to ensure", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01268-00377766-00378053": "the bus stop has similar enhancements", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01269-00378054-00378378": "shelter bench sign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01270-00378379-00378803": "similar to what was at Airway did I hear", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01271-00378804-00379091": "that correctly absolutely oh thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01272-00379092-00379799": "Steve thanks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01273-00379800-00380003": "okay the next person in our queue is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01274-00380004-00380182": "Todd Anderson", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01275-00380183-00380458": "Todd your mic has been unmuted um if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01276-00380459-00380578": "you'd like to state your name for the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01277-00380579-00380789": "record and then ask your question or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01278-00380790-00380921": "make your comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01279-00380922-00381013": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01280-00381014-00381317": "go ahead uh thank you how many Todd", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01281-00381318-00381647": "Anderson I managed the Best Western", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01282-00381648-00381767": "um Hopper there I just had a couple", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01283-00381768-00381953": "comments one", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01284-00381954-00382175": "um it's extremely difficult to make a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01285-00382176-00382295": "left turn", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01286-00382296-00382523": "out of any of the businesses on the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01287-00382524-00382678": "leader's side of the street", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01288-00382679-00382999": "um especially during Peak traffic", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01289-00383000-00383393": "the other comment I had was I don't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01290-00383394-00383584": "understand why there's the turnway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01291-00383585-00383860": "between Banyan and Crestview", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01292-00383861-00384203": "as you can't make any turns", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01293-00384204-00384551": "it's the solid fence I think we could uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01294-00384552-00384754": "some sort of the median or something in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01295-00384755-00384899": "there I think that would be a good idea", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01296-00384900-00385163": "and then the other thing is I think the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01297-00385164-00385510": "left turn lane from Hopper onto coffee", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01298-00385511-00385799": "needs to be extended", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01299-00385800-00385858": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01300-00385859-00386027": "I mean everyone just goes in the center", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01301-00386028-00386225": "median anyways but I mean if there was a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01302-00386226-00386471": "legitimate left turn lane I think that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01303-00386472-00386639": "would be a good idea", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01304-00386640-00387328": "and that's all I have thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01305-00387329-00387899": "thank you Todd", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01306-00387900-00388078": "okay the next person in our queue is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01307-00388079-00388277": "Chris shear", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01308-00388278-00388475": "Chris your microphone has been unmuted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01309-00388476-00388637": "you state your name for the record if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01310-00388638-00388853": "you so choose and then ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01311-00388854-00389477": "or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01312-00389478-00389758": "yes my name is Chris Shear I live in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01313-00389759-00389963": "Coffee Park", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01314-00389964-00390256": "um first three things first I would like", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01315-00390257-00390587": "to Echo what Steve said earlier", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01316-00390588-00390773": "um to see", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01317-00390774-00391187": "decent bus stops and sheltered bus stops", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01318-00391188-00391349": "complete with trash cans so that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01319-00391350-00391606": "whatever we do", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01320-00391607-00391943": "um it looks nice and it promotes using", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01321-00391944-00392182": "public transportation to and from this", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01322-00392183-00392387": "area", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01323-00392388-00392789": "um second recently there was some tree", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01324-00392790-00393125": "and Bush removal done on Hopper Avenue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01325-00393126-00393491": "in the first Zone that you described", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01326-00393492-00393749": "didn't seem to make a lot of sense What", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01327-00393750-00394030": "was decided to be removed and what was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01328-00394031-00394295": "decided to be left some of the crepe", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01329-00394296-00394469": "myrtles that looked like they had", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01330-00394470-00394823": "potential were removed and others that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01331-00394824-00395003": "look like they're struggling a little", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01332-00395004-00395375": "although they did survive the fire", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01333-00395376-00395656": "um remain with orange webbing around", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01334-00395657-00395758": "them", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01335-00395759-00395965": "if it's going to take till", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01336-00395966-00396310": "2025 to do this work", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01337-00396311-00396580": "just kind of wondering why you removed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01338-00396581-00396778": "some of the things that were growing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01339-00396779-00397025": "there they could have stayed there for a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01340-00397026-00397258": "year now we just have dirt and we just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01341-00397259-00397480": "got the weeds under control because you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01342-00397481-00397673": "removed them all", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01343-00397674-00397828": "um but they're going to come back with", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01344-00397829-00398051": "all this rain so I hope there's a plan", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01345-00398052-00398345": "there for the next three years and then", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01346-00398346-00398501": "third", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01347-00398502-00398560": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01348-00398561-00398915": "because you said all the way to 101 I'm", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01349-00398916-00399197": "going to include these areas when we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01350-00399198-00399463": "talk about safety", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01351-00399464-00399899": "these uncontrolled left turns on and off", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01352-00399900-00400127": "Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01353-00400128-00400415": "um the Starbucks and Company businesses", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01354-00400416-00400882": "I was amazed when those went in and they", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01355-00400883-00401128": "allow left turns out of those driveways", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01356-00401129-00401339": "as people are coming off the freeway", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01357-00401340-00401530": "it's just a question of time until", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01358-00401531-00401819": "somebody gets creamed there and now", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01359-00401820-00402058": "we've added Dutch Brothers on the North", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01360-00402059-00402430": "part of Hopper and so you have two like", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01361-00402431-00402706": "businesses with very acute service", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01362-00402707-00403180": "Cycles in the day and the cars are like", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01363-00403181-00403495": "coming at each other on Hoppers so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01364-00403496-00403954": "that's probably outside the scope of I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01365-00403955-00404225": "think it was Brian who's with the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01366-00404226-00404567": "Landscaping firm and design firm but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01367-00404568-00404752": "these traffic issues if you're looking", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01368-00404753-00405041": "at traffic into our area and stuff we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01369-00405042-00405395": "also need to look at that part", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01370-00405396-00405641": "um there with that freeway on and off", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01371-00405642-00405941": "ramp because it gets really hairy there", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01372-00405942-00406487": "that's the end of my comments", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01373-00406488-00406984": "thank you Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01374-00406985-00407315": "um referring to the uh tree and brush", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01375-00407316-00407482": "removal", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01376-00407483-00407921": "um some some remains some was removed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01377-00407922-00408313": "um we currently have a landscape project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01378-00408314-00408697": "going on right now that is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01379-00408698-00409139": "working to rehabilitate some of the fire", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01380-00409140-00409517": "damage Landscaping some in Coffee Park I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01381-00409518-00409763": "think some in Fountain Grove", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01382-00409764-00409876": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01383-00409877-00410003": "all right", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01384-00410004-00410255": "Brian are you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01385-00410256-00410603": "um are you aware of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01386-00410604-00410693": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01387-00410693-00411005": "of that project at all yes I better be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01388-00411006-00411172": "aware of it because we also are working", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01389-00411173-00411364": "on that project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01390-00411366-00411532": "um so I can answer a little bit about", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01391-00411533-00411809": "that when when we evaluated", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01392-00411810-00412049": "those trees when we had our arborist", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01393-00412050-00412324": "walk uh the entire properties that we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01394-00412325-00412697": "were looking at this was", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01395-00412697-00412978": "um probably about two years ago", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01396-00412979-00413314": "um and made the decisions on which had", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01397-00413316-00413549": "damaged which were", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01398-00413550-00413830": "um needing to be removed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01399-00413831-00414203": "um now two years have kind of passed I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01400-00414204-00414509": "think we've had some sucker growth", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01401-00414510-00414713": "um that certainly was not there two", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01402-00414714-00414899": "years ago", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01403-00414900-00415253": "um so we'll have to evaluate the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01404-00415254-00415493": "remaining trees as part of this project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01405-00415493-00415768": "and and see what what should", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01406-00415769-00416034": "additionally be removed or continue to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01407-00416035-00416434": "remain a lot of times a tree may look", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01408-00416435-00416668": "good this has been my experience of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01409-00416669-00416860": "working with arborist the tree may look", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01410-00416862-00417184": "good but there is some structural damage", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01411-00417185-00417420": "that has been occur that has occurred", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01412-00417421-00417874": "that although it's not an immediate uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01413-00417875-00418157": "safety issue can become a safety issue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01414-00418158-00418468": "in the future so I don't remember each", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01415-00418469-00418697": "tree and the specifics on each ones but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01416-00418697-00418960": "that could be a possibility", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01417-00418962-00419189": "finally the one thing I'll just say is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01418-00419189-00419332": "that crepe myrtles although they're", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01419-00419333-00419507": "beautiful", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01420-00419508-00419735": "um when we're looking at trees that will", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01421-00419735-00419975": "provide a canopy for the roadway and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01422-00419976-00420179": "look for traffic calming I would be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01423-00420180-00420335": "looking for trees that have a much", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01424-00420335-00420635": "larger canopy than a crepe myrtle we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01425-00420635-00420797": "typically would use the crepe myrtles", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01426-00420797-00421139": "more for accent opportunities gateways", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01427-00421139-00421307": "and such", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01428-00421308-00421601": "so Chris I I hope that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01429-00421602-00421816": "I I hope that answered your question a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01430-00421817-00422231": "bit", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01431-00422232-00422560": "I think that was great thanks Brian", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01432-00422562-00422807": "okay the next person in the queue is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01433-00422808-00423125": "Tracy text committee Tracy your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01434-00423126-00423455": "microphone has been unmuted and you may", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01435-00423456-00423587": "state your name for the record if you so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01436-00423588-00423766": "choose and then ask your question or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01437-00423767-00423955": "make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01438-00423956-00424313": "good evening my name is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01439-00424314-00424553": "take that one's off", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01440-00424554-00424883": "sorry we have two things going on here", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01441-00424884-00425129": "we have feedback you have to turn it off", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01442-00425130-00425320": "there thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01443-00425321-00425681": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01444-00425682-00426359": "sorry about that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01445-00426360-00426677": "I one of the things that is going on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01446-00426678-00427114": "about the slowing down the traffic", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01447-00427115-00427216": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01448-00427217-00427391": "I think I'm gonna get some eyes that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01449-00427392-00427516": "will roll", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01450-00427517-00427739": "but has anybody thought about a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01451-00427739-00427925": "roundabout", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01452-00427926-00428183": "um that's people down and there's some", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01453-00428184-00428470": "beautification that's that's assigned", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01454-00428471-00428818": "with that also I agree with the comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01455-00428819-00429077": "about there's been no crosswalks from", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01456-00429078-00429287": "Airway all the way to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01457-00429288-00429407": "coffee", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01458-00429408-00429659": "dangerous", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01459-00429660-00429779": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01460-00429780-00430013": "so something at Skyview probably and I'm", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01461-00430014-00430199": "sorry I do live in Coffee Park as well", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01462-00430200-00430493": "that I live on Skyview", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01463-00430493-00430589": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01464-00430589-00430799": "but it is Skyview and Crestview are hard", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01465-00430800-00430943": "to get in and out of and there has been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01466-00430943-00431255": "a lot of wrecks so crosswalk stop sign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01467-00431256-00431470": "roundabout", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01468-00431471-00431807": "kind of thinking something like that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01469-00431808-00432053": "um would also probably deter", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01470-00432054-00432251": "well I don't know a sideshow I don't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01471-00432252-00432383": "know maybe they would just go round and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01472-00432384-00432587": "round I don't know", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01473-00432588-00432779": "um that's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01474-00432780-00432995": "about all I have to say about that just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01475-00432996-00433372": "crosswalks and a stop sign or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01476-00433373-00433601": "roundabout or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01477-00433602-00434051": "or or light uh street lights", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01478-00434052-00434543": "and that's it", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01479-00434543-00434741": "thank you Tracy", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01480-00434742-00435029": "uh Rob do you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01481-00435030-00435359": "have any feedback", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01482-00435360-00435575": "well I think roundabout is a possibility", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01483-00435576-00435760": "to put on the table I don't think that's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01484-00435762-00435995": "something that we would not look at", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01485-00435996-00436157": "um if that's something that the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01486-00436158-00436355": "neighborhood would would like us to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01487-00436356-00436829": "evaluate", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01488-00436830-00437075": "thanks Rob", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01489-00437076-00437368": "okay the next uh next person in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01490-00437369-00437579": "queue is good", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01491-00437580-00437770": "good your microphone has been unmuted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01492-00437771-00437909": "you can state your name for the record", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01493-00437910-00438101": "if you so choose then ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01494-00438102-00438563": "or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01495-00438564-00438707": "oh thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01496-00438708-00439477": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01497-00439478-00439799": "probably what a good idea I still see", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01498-00439800-00439997": "people riding their bicycles on the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01499-00439997-00440272": "sidewalk so I like the idea of having a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01500-00440273-00440651": "more protective bicycle lane with a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01501-00440652-00441037": "bicycles you've been used", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01502-00441038-00441257": "and then", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01503-00441258-00441364": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01504-00441365-00441593": "and here's all of the images that have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01505-00441593-00441868": "been taken I've taken during the daytime", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01506-00441869-00442175": "I'm curious about if any images have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01507-00442176-00442516": "been taken at night and the inclusion of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01508-00442517-00442931": "nighttime safety along this corridor", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01509-00442932-00443807": "thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01510-00443808-00444143": "um I'll I'll just name you as good", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01511-00444143-00444347": "um good um well I appreciate that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01512-00444347-00444641": "comment yes all the images right now are", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01513-00444642-00444893": "are during the daytime", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01514-00444893-00445001": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01515-00445002-00445264": "I will I will absolutely", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01516-00445265-00445577": "um get out there at night so I can", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01517-00445578-00445805": "um certainly appreciate that before we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01518-00445806-00446479": "prepare the concepts", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01519-00446480-00446801": "okay Chris at this point I see no more", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01520-00446802-00447209": "hands raised in the queue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01521-00447210-00447316": "oh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01522-00447317-00447659": "pardon a couple of them shut up", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01523-00447660-00447989": "um so the next person our cue is Tom", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01524-00447989-00448157": "krabowski", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01525-00448158-00448372": "Tom your microphone has been unmuted you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01526-00448373-00448499": "can state your name for the record if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01527-00448500-00448691": "you so choose and then ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01528-00448692-00448883": "or make your comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01529-00448884-00449207": "yes I have Tom krabowski and my wife and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01530-00449208-00449620": "I live on Starview Court in Coffee Park", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01531-00449621-00449981": "and I had previously emailed Chris about", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01532-00449982-00450533": "some uh issues that I had uh and one of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01533-00450534-00450803": "them is the which is a kind of a general", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01534-00450804-00451164": "thing for all Santa Rosa is the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01535-00451165-00451381": "automobiles that make so much noise", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01536-00451382-00451703": "because they're catalytic converter are", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01537-00451704-00451810": "removed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01538-00451812-00452255": "uh we've lived here for 30 40 years and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01539-00452256-00452560": "it's been just the last few years that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01540-00452562-00452710": "we've heard this and you hear it all", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01541-00452712-00452933": "over it's horrible", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01542-00452934-00453083": "um and I don't know what can be done", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01543-00453084-00453491": "about it but it's extremely irritating", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01544-00453492-00453851": "it's not limited to our area of course", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01545-00453852-00454081": "the other thing that I have brought up", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01546-00454082-00454510": "is Starview Court", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01547-00454512-00455039": "west of that is is Coffee Lane and we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01548-00455039-00455197": "have speed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01549-00455197-00455416": "Speeders going up and down that thing", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01550-00455417-00455772": "all 24 hours", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01551-00455773-00456179": "traveling you know 40 30 40 50 miles an", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01552-00456180-00456466": "hour at the worst and I was suggesting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01553-00456467-00456779": "speed bumps if they could be put in on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01554-00456780-00457072": "Coffee Lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01555-00457073-00457325": "and the only other", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01556-00457326-00457570": "comment I'll make is which has been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01557-00457571-00457691": "talked about", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01558-00457692-00458009": "where the road", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01559-00458010-00458207": "at uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01560-00458208-00458603": "Henry and hopper in front of that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01561-00458604-00458920": "at Airway Drive and where it Narrows", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01562-00458921-00459149": "down I've heard the storage units yeah", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01563-00459150-00459377": "in front of the storage unit", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01564-00459378-00459731": "what happens is your car is coming up on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01565-00459732-00459977": "the right side of you try to going west", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01566-00459978-00460313": "try to pass you uh and that's kind of a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01567-00460314-00460727": "race but in Fountain Grove I know that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01568-00460728-00460931": "uh where you get off to go by Centennial", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01569-00460932-00461272": "way they had some striped lines painted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01570-00461273-00461557": "there that it makes it appear like", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01571-00461558-00461988": "the road it Narrows and people's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01572-00461989-00462127": "[Music]", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01573-00462128-00462377": "yeah don't go in that lane so I'm just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01574-00462378-00462503": "thinking something like that could be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01575-00462504-00462809": "done and that's pretty much all I have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01576-00462810-00463972": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01577-00463973-00464237": "Rob do you uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01578-00464238-00464513": "do you have any comment regarding", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01579-00464514-00464627": "um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01580-00464628-00464855": "speed bumps", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01581-00464856-00465059": "I do thanks Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01582-00465060-00465335": "um unfortunately we do not install speed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01583-00465335-00465707": "bumps on um streets arterial streets and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01584-00465708-00465887": "our special arterial streets that have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01585-00465888-00466079": "bus routes", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01586-00466080-00466349": "um bus routes and speed humps don't", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01587-00466350-00466697": "typically go well together", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01588-00466697-00466889": "um with the buses trying to to navigate", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01589-00466889-00467159": "those so unfortunately on Coffee Lane", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01590-00467160-00467453": "that's and on Hopper those would not be", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01591-00467454-00467668": "traffic coming measures that we would", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01592-00467669-00468395": "install", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01593-00468396-00468677": "okay the uh the next person in the queue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01594-00468678-00468820": "is Kelly Moore", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01595-00468821-00469018": "Kelly your microphone has been unmuted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01596-00469019-00469163": "you can state your name for the record", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01597-00469164-00469337": "if you so choose and then ask your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01598-00469338-00470260": "question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01599-00470262-00470447": "thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01600-00470447-00470970": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01601-00470971-00471239": "your microphone is unmuted you could", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01602-00471239-00473555": "make a comment if you wish", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01603-00473556-00473837": "okay Kelly we'll uh raise your hand", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01604-00473838-00473993": "again if you wish to make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01605-00473993-00474209": "we'll go ahead and move on to the the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01606-00474210-00474466": "next person in the queue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01607-00474467-00474701": "um the next person in the queue is Kurt", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01608-00474702-00474839": "Nichols", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01609-00474839-00475055": "Kurt your microphone has been unmuted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01610-00475056-00475229": "you state your name for the record if", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01611-00475230-00475391": "you so choose and then ask your question", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01612-00475392-00476233": "or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01613-00476234-00476507": "having difficulty on muting sorry yeah", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01614-00476508-00476722": "this is Kurt Nichols another coffee Park", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01615-00476723-00476849": "resident", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01616-00476850-00477059": "um I just want to say I'm I'm really", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01617-00477060-00477360": "excited about this project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01618-00477362-00477881": "ever since all the uh you know the the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01619-00477882-00478241": "folks that put a lot of effort I don't I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01620-00478242-00478391": "don't know everybody I know that that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01621-00478392-00478601": "involved in that but it was to get the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01622-00478602-00478733": "walls done", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01623-00478734-00478960": "um redone along Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01624-00478962-00479129": "um that was awesome and then my next", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01625-00479130-00479339": "thought was well now what you know we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01626-00479339-00479579": "got this big expansive asphalt and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01627-00479580-00479675": "hopefully", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01628-00479676-00479885": "um that can be improved so it's really", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01629-00479885-00480203": "exciting to see this this project moving", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01630-00480204-00480533": "forward so I'd like to Second some of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01631-00480534-00480718": "the other comments that have been made", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01632-00480719-00481133": "and add my vision to the mix and that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01633-00481134-00481343": "would be to have a uh to really", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01634-00481343-00481570": "transform Hopper Avenue into a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01635-00481571-00481805": "tree-lined Boulevard", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01636-00481806-00482033": "um you know not just Street trees you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01637-00482034-00482213": "know on the sides perhaps perhaps in the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01638-00482214-00482429": "median as has been discussed there's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01639-00482430-00482749": "different situations I think", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01640-00482750-00482999": "one comment that was made that there's a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01641-00483000-00483197": "section where there's Center left turn", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01642-00483197-00483491": "lane that there's no opportunities to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01643-00483492-00483677": "turn left so that there might be some", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01644-00483678-00483918": "some opportunity for trees there but", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01645-00483919-00484277": "just leave it to the designers to uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01646-00484278-00484637": "kind of see what might be done to run", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01647-00484638-00484789": "with that", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01648-00484789-00484991": "tree-lined uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01649-00484992-00485155": "Boulevard", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01650-00485156-00485435": "idea and I think that would go toward", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01651-00485435-00485633": "some of the other comments I know Rob", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01652-00485634-00485813": "made earlier about traffic and others", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01653-00485814-00486160": "about traffic calming and and uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01654-00486162-00486437": "how uh getting kind of a canopy over", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01655-00486438-00486635": "that street would would help with that I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01656-00486635-00486833": "think it would also help with a number", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01657-00486834-00487007": "of other things and would just be a", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01658-00487008-00487205": "fabulous uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01659-00487206-00487543": "new entry to our our Revitalize uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01660-00487543-00487807": "renewed neighborhood so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01661-00487808-00488045": "excited about the project and thanks", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01662-00488046-00488472": "again for the opportunity to comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01663-00488473-00489251": "thank you Kurt", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01664-00489252-00489389": "okay", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01665-00489389-00489653": "um Kelly Moore is uh back in the queue", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01666-00489654-00489845": "so Kelly your microphone has been", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01667-00489846-00490018": "unmuted you can state your name for the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01668-00490019-00490318": "record if you so choose and then ask", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01669-00490319-00490679": "your question or make a comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01670-00490680-00491003": "hi there can you hear me this time I can", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01671-00491004-00491285": "perfect sorry about that this is Kelly", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01672-00491285-00491597": "Moore I'm a resident of coffee Park and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01673-00491597-00491818": "I apologize I missed the first half of", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01674-00491819-00491968": "the presentation so this may have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01675-00491969-00492259": "already been covered but I wanted to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01676-00492260-00492539": "appreciate the fact that everyone is", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01677-00492539-00492785": "interested in lowering speeds on Hopper", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01678-00492785-00493018": "Avenue but I also wanted to make sure", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01679-00493019-00493295": "we're aware of that being a major", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01680-00493296-00493577": "evacuation route in the event we have", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01681-00493578-00494051": "another fire with the center medians or", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01682-00494052-00494243": "possibly putting in roundabouts and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01683-00494243-00494501": "things like that you know if we had to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01684-00494502-00494903": "use that Avenue as a major evacuation we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01685-00494904-00495113": "need to have you know a lot of vehicles", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01686-00495114-00495395": "access it at one time so I just wanted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01687-00495396-00495493": "to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01688-00495493-00495737": "reiterate that hopefully they're keeping", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01689-00495738-00495868": "that in mind", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01690-00495869-00496253": "my next comment would be I do like the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01691-00496254-00496481": "idea of a crosswalk somewhere between", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01692-00496482-00496841": "coffee and Airway and maybe they can", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01693-00496842-00497033": "install one of those flashing lights", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01694-00497034-00497314": "with a button that can be pressed for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01695-00497315-00497525": "people to alert the cars that someone's", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01696-00497526-00497770": "in the crosswalk so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01697-00497771-00497995": "um I think that that is a good idea", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01698-00497996-00498257": "especially at night on that road", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01699-00498258-00498587": "and then the other comment was just", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01700-00498588-00498881": "um for nighttime lighting along the", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01701-00498882-00499049": "sidewalks I think", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01702-00499050-00499307": "um having that be a well-lit area would", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01703-00499308-00499451": "look really nice", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01704-00499452-00500122": "and that was it for me thank you so much", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01705-00500123-00500572": "thank you Kelly the uh evacuation route", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01706-00500573-00500975": "a comment was uh is really great we we", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01707-00500976-00501622": "have been talking about this", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01708-00501623-00501797": "okay Chris", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01709-00501797-00502091": "um we there are no more hands raised at", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01710-00502092-00502409": "this point", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01711-00502410-00502787": "okay so with no further questions I", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01712-00502788-00502937": "would like to express my appreciation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01713-00502938-00503043": "and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01714-00503043-00503218": "[Music]", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01715-00503219-00503416": "I think the members of the public The", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01716-00503417-00503687": "panelists Interpreter", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01717-00503688-00504059": "and hosts for participating tonight", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01718-00504060-00504287": "we appreciate you taking the time to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01719-00504288-00504520": "listen to us and provide your input on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01720-00504521-00504829": "the Hopper Avenue fire", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01721-00504830-00505103": "Corridor fire recovery improvements", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01722-00505104-00505205": "project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01723-00505206-00505379": "as I mentioned earlier", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01724-00505380-00505529": "in addition to your participation", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01725-00505530-00505799": "tonight we would also like you to visit", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01726-00505800-00506033": "the project website listed on the screen", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01727-00506034-00506518": "and take our online survey", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01728-00506519-00506705": "we appreciate we appreciate your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01729-00506706-00506879": "participation in tonight's meeting and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01730-00506880-00507016": "we hope you can join us again in", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01731-00507017-00507233": "February when we will review and discuss", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01732-00507234-00507491": "Improvement Concept Designs based on", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01733-00507492-00507670": "your feedback", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01734-00507671-00507899": "we will send another postcard mailer", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01735-00507900-00508151": "with the meeting date and location once", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01736-00508152-00508270": "it's confirmed", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01737-00508271-00508481": "updates will be posted on the project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01738-00508482-00508775": "website envisionhopper.com", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01739-00508776-00509003": "on the website you can also subscribe to", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01740-00509004-00509399": "receive email updates on this project", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01741-00509400-00509566": "thank you again for participating", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01742-00509567-00509860": "tonight and good night", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01743-00509862-00510083": "um just a moment Chris I'm so sorry I'm", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01744-00510084-00510313": "I had a hard time accessing that screen", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01745-00510314-00510647": "and it's uh it's at the end of here so", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01746-00510647-00511109": "let me get a moment to go to the correct", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01747-00511110-00511307": "screen where we have those QR codes and", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01748-00511308-00511529": "that access information", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01749-00511530-00512041": "oops", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01750-00512042-00512314": "there we go and we'll leave that up for", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01751-00512315-00512453": "a moment or two", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01752-00512454-00513072": "so that everybody can um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01753-00513073-00514945": "get those access", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01754-00514946-00515309": "can we just confirm how long those", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01755-00515310-00516672": "surveys will be active", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01756-00516673-00517001": "this is Nate um counter Associates um", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01757-00517002-00517187": "yeah they're going to be active until", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01758-00517188-00517781": "the 28th I believe so after Thanksgiving", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01759-00517782-00518927": "thank you Nate", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01760-00518928-00519172": "we have a couple of raised hands perhaps", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01761-00519173-00519305": "people are", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01762-00519306-00520289": "have questions about the survey itself", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01763-00520289-00520529": "yeah", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01764-00520530-00520787": "um Kelly Moore I see your hand is raised", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01765-00520788-00520937": "did you have a comment that you wanted", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01766-00520938-00522127": "to make", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01767-00522128-00522485": "Tom kabowski I see your hand is raised", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01768-00522485-00522641": "you have a question about these surveys", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01769-00522642-00522970": "or the website how do you get it to uh", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01770-00522971-00523451": "open to be able to do the survey", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01771-00523452-00523764": "I mean I'm looking at the screen", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01772-00523765-00524153": "colorways how do I open it to uh comment", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01773-00524154-00524387": "on the survey so there's there's two", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01774-00524388-00524705": "ways you can do it most phones their", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01775-00524706-00524957": "video their camera if you put your", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01776-00524958-00525275": "camera up to the QR code It'll recognize", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01777-00525276-00525568": "it as a QR code and bring up a link", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01778-00525569-00525868": "the other way to access it is directly", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01779-00525869-00526037": "through the website", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01780-00526038-00526487": "if you go to Envision Hopper okay if you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01781-00526488-00526697": "go to visionhopper.com there'll be links", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01782-00526698-00526955": "to the surveys okay that that's good", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01783-00526956-00527189": "that's all I need thanks yeah thank you", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01784-00527190-00527272": "Tom", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01785-00527273-00529939": "foreign", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01786-00529940-00530129": "all right thank you everybody we're", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01787-00530130-00530243": "going to go ahead and end our meeting", "7xw7BAmSqf0-01788-00530244-00530563": "now have a great night"}}]