[{"audio_id": "l66VR1YSySQ", "text": {"l66VR1YSySQ-00000-00000002-00000322": "Hi this video is how to take care of your trombone slide.", "l66VR1YSySQ-00001-00000328-00000500": "These are the three things I recommend:", "l66VR1YSySQ-00002-00000509-00000888": "First is Yamaha trombone slide lubricant which I", "l66VR1YSySQ-00003-00000896-00001138": "commonly buy off amazon or most local music shops. Next you'll need a water", "l66VR1YSySQ-00004-00001138-00001682": "spray bottle. I use superslick because I like it a lot. I put it next to this", "l66VR1YSySQ-00005-00001682-00002174": "chapstick so you can see how big it is. You can get this on Amazon or most music stores as well.", "l66VR1YSySQ-00006-00002192-00002532": "Lastly you'll need a rag which you can purchase just about", "l66VR1YSySQ-00007-00002532-00002925": "anywhere. Remove the outer slide completely from the inner slide. Now that", "l66VR1YSySQ-00008-00002925-00003671": "your outer slide is off, wipe the inner slide completely. Next, take your", "l66VR1YSySQ-00009-00003671-00004377": "Yamaha cream, and just put maybe a drop or two on each side. Then, take your water", "l66VR1YSySQ-00010-00004377-00004871": "spray bottle, and just spray a few squirts on both sides of the slide.", "l66VR1YSySQ-00011-00004871-00005294": "Lastly, put the slide back on the trombone. That completes our basic", "l66VR1YSySQ-00012-00005294-00005821": "trombone slide maintenance. I hope you found that easy and happy practicing!"}}, {"audio_id": "l6jA5JuBYMg", "text": {"l6jA5JuBYMg-00000-00001176-00001376": "[oh]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00001-00004150-00004863": "Hello, brothers and sisters in the body of Christ and to everyone else out there. That's [about] to become a Saint Lord Willing", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00002-00004915-00005627": "Another question coming to us off of [the] comments section on the ministry channel the question is can you show me?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00003-00005638-00006338": "Why the rapture isn't found in the old testament [or] in [the] four gospels or in the books of Hebrews through [revelation]?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00004-00006369-00007028": "that's a very good question and this is going to be a great study and a very important one too so stick around [and]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00005-00007093-00007577": "welcome now if you're unsure about why the rapture isn't in those books or", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00006-00007600-00008163": "If you can't answer those questions by [using] God's word on your own then I highly suggest you pay close attention", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00007-00008179-00008480": "To this study today, because we're going [to] go over everything", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00008-00008611-00009275": "First things first the only way you're ever going to understand the bible is if you rightly divide God's word", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00009-00009328-00009800": "Paul tells Timothy the importance of rightly dividing God's word in [2nd] [Timothy]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00010-00009865-00009979": "2:15", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00011-00009979-00010752": "Paul says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00012-00010795-00011010": "the word of truth and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00013-00011122-00011916": "Second when you learn how to rightly divide God's word you're going to discover that God designed the past six thousand years [in]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00014-00011980-00012518": "Two different administration's or time periods or what we call dispensations?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00015-00012613-00012813": "dispensations of time", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00016-00012819-00013019": "Now I've seen people lately", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00017-00013036-00013833": "trying to say that dispensations is a made-up word and the whole idea of right division and dispensation was created just recently and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00018-00013849-00013947": "if you notice", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00019-00013947-00014277": "It's the same attack that they use against the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00020-00014322-00014811": "They use the same lies the same deception the same strategy the same technique", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00021-00014881-00015081": "And let me tell you why?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00022-00015208-00015705": "These people think dispensations is new and why they're trying to hide it", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00023-00015705-00016184": "See they think it's new because they're using [the] corrupted version of the Bible", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00024-00016228-00016740": "So let's take a look at the real bible for a minute and see what dispensations are", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00025-00016756-00017033": "Paul tells us clearly what they are but you have", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00026-00017046-00017595": "To use the right bible you have to stick with the king James version Bible is very important it is", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00027-00017611-00018338": "Essential that you do that in 1st corinthians 9 17 for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00028-00018379-00018935": "But if against my will [a] dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00029-00019000-00019233": "Now compare [that] to the NIv", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00030-00019297-00019835": "If I preach voluntarily I have a reward if not voluntary", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00031-00019906-00020104": "Voluntarily I am simply", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00032-00020104-00020585": "Discharging the truth the trust committed to me you see how they remove the word", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00033-00020611-00021183": "Dispensation in ephesians 1:10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of times", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00034-00021259-00021789": "he might Gather together in one all [things] in Christ both which are in Heaven and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00035-00021856-00022095": "Which are on Earth even in him?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00036-00022195-00022330": "the NIv", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00037-00022330-00022808": "to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00038-00022864-00023210": "to bring unity to all things in Heaven and on", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00039-00023278-00023464": "Earth Under Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00040-00023464-00024233": "Ephesians 3 [2] if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which has given me to you were in?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00041-00024295-00024512": "IV surely you have heard about the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00042-00024607-00025368": "Administration of God's grace that was given to me for you now the word administration is interesting here because it actually does", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00043-00025399-00025594": "explain what the word", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00044-00025594-00025938": "Dispensation is and why they would remove the word", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00045-00025954-00026387": "Dispensation is Beyond me and the only reason I could think they would do that is to hide the word", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00046-00026502-00027011": "Right to make it a foreign word to those that may hear in the future", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00047-00027214-00027414": "administration is a dispensation and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00048-00027463-00028014": "if you think about the administration's of the government the Obama administration is", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00049-00028093-00028814": "Different than the bush administration was the [bush] administration was different than the Clinton", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00050-00028879-00029038": "administration", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00051-00029038-00029685": "Clinton's administration was very different than you know reagan's administration and so on", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00052-00029802-00030588": "Every President had their own administration or dispensation you see they created the government the way they wanted it to be", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00053-00030652-00031238": "They created the rules they created their laws. They created all these different things [they] set up their own", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00054-00031414-00031664": "administration they created their own", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00055-00031758-00031958": "dispensation of government all right", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00056-00032020-00032411": "Colossians 1 25 to 26 aware of I am made a minister according", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00057-00032467-00033194": "To the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of God even the mystery which has been?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00058-00033232-00033458": "Hid from ages and from generations", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00059-00033535-00033890": "But now is made manifest to his saints", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00060-00033979-00034724": "Niv I have become its servant. It's interesting they change the word minister to servant. Why would they do that?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00061-00034798-00035273": "Does the word servant [easy] is it easier to understand what a servant is compared to a minister?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00062-00035371-00035494": "you know", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00063-00035494-00035661": "by the commission", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00064-00035661-00036113": "God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00065-00036145-00036548": "The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00066-00036595-00037223": "But is now disclosed to the Lord's people alright. So we know dispensations is in the bible", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00067-00037224-00037572": "it is a discipline it is a biblical word and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00068-00037630-00037920": "We know that it is in its", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00069-00037972-00038316": "Context it means a different time period It means a different administration", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00070-00038350-00038879": "And we know that the people who are trying to hide the truth of God's word are doing it?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00071-00038911-00039191": "by creating corrupted versions of the Bible", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00072-00039301-00039923": "Whenever you catch people trying to hide something you [have] to ask a question. Why why are they trying to hide this?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00073-00040054-00040254": "[and] the answer is obvious", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00074-00040291-00040742": "Understanding what dispensations are is the key to understanding [God's] word?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00075-00040813-00041471": "Without understanding dispensations, you're wide open to deception you're wide [open] to receiving", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00076-00041472-00041885": "Whatever false doctrine they want you to believe you see", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00077-00041916-00042594": "Right division and dispensation protects you from being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine that's thrown at you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00078-00042638-00043288": "It's your shield to ward off the lies that are out there and these people trying to hide the truth are", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00079-00043313-00043977": "Well aware what they're doing. They know that once you understand right division and dispensations", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00080-00043978-00044197": "They've they've got control [over] you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00081-00044300-00044938": "You've lost control because you've lost the ability to understand. What God's word is actually saying", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00082-00045035-00045765": "they can't control you with false doctrine trying to put you you know back under the law [try] to manipulate you if you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00083-00045797-00046458": "understand right division and dispensation this is why you don't see the word dispensation in the new versions or the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00084-00046514-00046776": "Perversions of God's word, they're hiding the truth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00085-00046877-00047248": "simply once again let me show you the seven dispensations or", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00086-00047300-00048013": "Administration's or time periods throughout the Bible, and we've [just] discovered one of them with Paul the dispensation of grace", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00087-00048013-00048291": "So there's six other ones. There's the first one is innocent", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00088-00048344-00048682": "With Adam and Eve and mankind the second one is conscience again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00089-00048682-00049270": "Adam and Eve and mankind the third one is human government under Noah, and it involves the world", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00090-00049366-00049779": "The fourth one is promise. We see that with Abraham Isaac and Jacob", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00091-00049808-00050434": "God made a promise to them made a covenant with them that he would build the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00092-00050531-00050731": "The fifth one is law", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00093-00050741-00051352": "Under moses God hands over the laws to moses to run and rule the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00094-00051430-00051940": "In [A61] we went over his grace. That's today. We were given this dispensation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00095-00052001-00052572": "By Paul Paul received it directly [from] our lord, Jesus and then Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00096-00052628-00053055": "Started preaching the mystery gospel to the body of Christ and again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00097-00053055-00053464": "This is the dispensation of Grace and the seventh one is Kingdom", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00098-00053467-00053892": "It comes after the rapture it starts with the 70th week of Daniel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00099-00053892-00054439": "it involves the nation of Israel once again under the kingdom under the prophecy program and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00100-00054466-00055108": "The second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ now. I know that's a lot of information. That's okay. Don't worry", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00101-00055127-00055666": "I'm going to break this [down] for you with the remainder of the study now the very first thing", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00102-00055722-00055993": "You have to know in order to understand. Why the rapture?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00103-00056058-00056258": "isn't in the old testament or", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00104-00056298-00056596": "the four gospels or the end time books", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00105-00056654-00057223": "Is that there is a difference between prophecy and mystery and this is very important to understand", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00106-00057291-00058057": "the old testament the four gospels Hebrews through revelation are all about the nation of Israel under the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00107-00058134-00058334": "prophetic program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00108-00058347-00058582": "Which is the kingdom program?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00109-00058689-00059392": "Paul's books Romans through Philemon are all about the body of Christ under the mystery program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00110-00059478-00059806": "There is no prophecy involved with the body of Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00111-00059807-00060521": "[it] was a mystery revealed to paul by Jesus now in order to understand this even further we're going to use this chart", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00112-00060521-00060982": "That's in front of us right now notice something peculiar about this chart. There's something missing and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00113-00061079-00061504": "what's missing if you look closely you'll notice that we [are] missing the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00114-00061545-00062108": "gospel of Grace the mystery Program the Apostle Paul is not on this chart, so", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00115-00062223-00062723": "[what] we're looking at here is the prophetic program for the nation of Israel?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00116-00062811-00063442": "[the] prophetic program is everything that's been prophesied to happen to the nation of Israel in the old testament [in]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00117-00063465-00063718": "the four gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00118-00063786-00063963": "the books of Hebrews", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00119-00063963-00064661": "Through dude and even in revelation from the birth of the nation of Israel to the fulfillment of all the promises", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00120-00064686-00064886": "God made with them", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00121-00064926-00065386": "Notice how the Bible is written the old testament is to ford about the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00122-00065445-00065864": "Matthew Mark Luke and John the four Gospel again is about the nation of Israel and the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00123-00065907-00066317": "promise of the coming Kingdom and their coming Messiah in the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00124-00066369-00066452": "[book] of acts", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00125-00066452-00066929": "We see that there is a transition being made the book of acts is the actions or activities", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00126-00066954-00067270": "Of the apostles, and we see a transition", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00127-00067347-00067667": "From the Kingdom to the nation of Israel it", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00128-00067740-00068003": "Declines it goes down with the stoning of Stephen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00129-00068004-00068635": "And we see a rise of a new gospel under the apostle Paul. Which is the gospel of grace?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00130-00068715-00069399": "And paul writes all about the gospel of grace and his books romans through Philemon. It's all about the body of Christ Jesus today", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00131-00069490-00069690": "Hebrews through revelation is", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00132-00069694-00070203": "After the rapture again, it's to the tribulation saints it's for the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00133-00070222-00070905": "It's all about the daniels 70th week [the] prophecy of Daniel the second coming the prophecy of our Lord Jesus", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00134-00070966-00071089": "returning and the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00135-00071089-00071496": "[prophecy] that were made concerning the 1000 year reign", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00136-00071602-00072249": "So what you're seeing on this chart before you is what would have happened. That's key", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00137-00072265-00072857": "What would have happened if the nation of Israel would have repented when Stephen prophesied?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00138-00072895-00073368": "that the day of [the] lord was at hand that the Kingdom was being at hand and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00139-00073378-00073808": "their Lord Jesus Christ had come and he was the true [Messiah] and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00140-00073933-00074133": "John The Baptist was saying listen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00141-00074149-00074649": "The day of the Lord is at [hand] you remember what he was preaching in the wilderness and the Kingdom has been", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00142-00074671-00075372": "Prophesied from days of Old is about to begin because our messiah Jesus is here. Jesus was their messiah, but they couldn't see it", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00143-00075394-00075611": "they were blinded by the law if", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00144-00075709-00076031": "He notice where the [prophet] Stephen is on this chart", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00145-00076060-00076767": "Take note that the very next thing to take place is Daniels 70th week. [it] was the prophecy given to Daniel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00146-00076852-00077118": "the day of the Lord and the second coming and So on", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00147-00077203-00077507": "It's important to understand that Daniel was a prophet", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00148-00077596-00078180": "God revealed to Daniel all the things that we're going to take place [during] the end days even the book of revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00149-00078238-00078449": "Then later later on in the future", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00150-00078484-00079148": "God reveals to the apostle John a more detailed view of Daniels 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00151-00079255-00079994": "God shows John exactly. [what] was going to happen during the 70th week of Daniel, and this is our book of revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00152-00080050-00080185": "John's Revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00153-00080185-00080630": "Was not about something new it wasn't a mystery [that] never had been revealed before", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00154-00080689-00081086": "John's Revelation was a more detailed version of", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00155-00081136-00081494": "Daniels prophet his prophecy of the 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00156-00081538-00082209": "again for Daniels people for the jews for the nation of Israel [the] book of revelation is still a", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00157-00082252-00082509": "Prophecy it is a prophetic revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00158-00082510-00083068": "And it has nothing [to] do with [the] mystery program revealed to the Apostle Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00159-00083117-00083755": "When you rightly divide and you understand the different dispensations. [god's] different administration", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00160-00083764-00084405": "God using prophecy for the nation of Israel and then using the mystery given to the apostle paul [for] us today", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00161-00084427-00084601": "for the body of Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00162-00084601-00084801": "[then] you'll understand", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00163-00084836-00085317": "But since the nation of Israel didn't repent since they rejected Stephen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00164-00085318-00085563": "God puts a hold on the kingdom program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00165-00085563-00086262": "And he starts something new with a man named Paul now the more the most important thing to take away from this chart is this", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00166-00086302-00086958": "Notice that even without the body of Christ [even] [without] Paul, or the mystery gospel of grace", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00167-00087041-00087195": "What's important to understand here?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00168-00087195-00087810": "is that the prophecy of Daniel the book of revelation the the Scripture of Hebrew through jude and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00169-00087824-00088512": "So forth would have happened if the nation of Israel just would have repented and believed that Jesus was their [messiah]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00170-00088594-00088908": "They would have happened without us being involved", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00171-00088961-00089475": "You see so revelation the book of revelation the book of Hebrews through jude and revelation is", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00172-00089512-00090216": "Still part of the prophetic program for the nation of Israel it has nothing to do with us it was there before we", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00173-00090248-00090576": "Came into existence. It was there before", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00174-00090700-00091023": "Jesus Revealed the mystery to the Apostle Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00175-00091168-00091671": "So if we weren't invented yet, if we weren't if the mystery wasn't revealed yet", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00176-00091756-00091924": "and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00177-00091924-00092124": "Revelation and Hebrews and all this did", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00178-00092182-00092577": "Then how can we be part of that system? We can't you see?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00179-00092656-00093171": "So now in this next chart. We look at what would have happened if when", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00180-00093250-00093765": "If israel all israel rejected their messiah and we see what happened as a result of that", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00181-00093775-00094281": "God puts a hold on the prophetic program and he reveals the mystery program to Paul and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00182-00094363-00094692": "We see Paul here is the first person to receive the revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00183-00094750-00094950": "the mystery Gospel of Grace", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00184-00094951-00095568": "The mystery program and a couple things that are very important understand is that the mystery of the gospel of grace?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00185-00095579-00096265": "Had never been known before Paul, remember the mysteries revealed to Paul were not in the old testament", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00186-00096265-00096804": "They were not in the four gospels, and they are not in Hebrews through revelation those are prophecies", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00187-00096929-00097297": "You're only going to find the mysteries in Romans through Philemon", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00188-00097391-00097863": "Paul Salvation Began in Acts Chapter 9 but Luke was the author of acts", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00189-00097864-00098610": "Not Paul and within the mystery program or other mysteries like the rapture for an example is one of the mysteries", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00190-00098675-00099466": "Also, the judgment seat of Christ is a mystery the building of a body of members is a mystery making us fellow heirs", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00191-00099466-00100239": "With the son being another mystery making us fellow heirs with the jews it was another mystery because the gospel of grace", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00192-00100346-00100755": "Is Neither jew nor Greek? We're all one body we have equal", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00193-00100808-00101325": "Sonship in Christ, jesus in other words. There's a list of mysteries things that never were", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00194-00101384-00102024": "Revealed [before] into the nation of Israel things never mentioned by the prophecies that suddenly", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00195-00102077-00102369": "Jesus Christ reveals to the Apostle Paul A", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00196-00102467-00102641": "completely new Gospel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00197-00102641-00103417": "One separate from the Kingdom gospel and one designed to save everyone both jews and gentiles together in one body", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00198-00103523-00103906": "Under the prophetic program Israel is promised the earthly [kingdom]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00199-00104003-00104613": "Under the mystery program [the] body of Christ is promised the heavenly Kingdom not the kingdom of Heaven", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00200-00104614-00105115": "But [the] heavenly kingdom. There's a difference, and that's probably a good topic for a future study", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00201-00105239-00105945": "The rapture was something new that was revealed to Paul. It's one of the mysteries in the new Gospel of Grace", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00202-00106028-00106228": "Salvation without the Law", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00203-00106265-00106504": "but by [Grace] through Faith alone in", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00204-00106565-00107310": "[1st]. Corinthians 15 now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither death", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00205-00107327-00107513": "corruption inherit incorruption", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00206-00107513-00107713": "Behold I show you a", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00207-00107734-00108183": "Mystery something never known before we shall not all sleep", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00208-00108183-00108543": "But we we shall all be [changed] now notice", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00209-00108730-00109415": "the prophecies in the old testament in Hebrews and revelation and the four gospels they all speak about their", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00210-00109438-00109650": "resurrection of [the] Old testament Saints", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00211-00109771-00110250": "Right so that was a prophecy the resurrection is part of the prophetic program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00212-00110272-00110663": "But here Paul says I show you a mystery", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00213-00110764-00111402": "So it's not part of the resurrection program because it wouldn't have been a mystery to them. This is something [new]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00214-00111454-00112032": "verse 52 in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at [the] last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00215-00112054-00112436": "Dead will [be] raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00216-00112555-00113078": "The Trumpet will sound in heaven the Dead are raised the dead are taken from the grave", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00217-00113079-00113355": "they meet their souls in Heaven and then", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00218-00113385-00113633": "Jesus comes with those saints he comes down", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00219-00113633-00114077": "and he shouts with the trump of God and we are changed and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00220-00114127-00114509": "In a twinkling of an eye were taken up to meet them in the clouds", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00221-00114613-00115047": "Pay careful attention to verse 51 again Paul says I show you a mystery", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00222-00115123-00115820": "Something that was never known before something that had never been prophesied by the prophets. This is something different", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00223-00115821-00116303": "It's something new and it's outside of Israel's prophetic program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00224-00116413-00117126": "We know the prophets prophesied hundreds of times concerning the resurrection of the saints at the second coming?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00225-00117126-00117386": "So obviously the resurrection was in [a] mystery, right?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00226-00117478-00117959": "What paul mentions here is something different [something] [other] than the resurrection of the old testament saints?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00227-00117979-00118404": "This mystery Paul speaks about here concerns the body of Christ and it's not", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00228-00118438-00118797": "talking about the old testament Saints and their resurrection", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00229-00119117-00119255": "verse", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00230-00119255-00119700": "First thessalonians chapter 4 but I would not have you [to] be ignorant", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00231-00119744-00120534": "Brethren again an indication that Paul [is] revealing something new to them concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00232-00120599-00120794": "As others which [have] no hope", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00233-00120794-00121386": "For if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with them", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00234-00121424-00121713": "for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00235-00121727-00122160": "Which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00236-00122219-00122565": "for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00237-00122642-00122842": "Remember I said that [earlier]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00238-00122843-00123591": "First the trumpet sounds in heaven the dead are raised they meet the souls in Heaven Jesus brings", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00239-00123719-00124248": "Those that died in him in the saved people that died before are", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00240-00124268-00124846": "With Jesus those are the saints jesus brings them down to the clouds and then at?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00241-00124880-00125182": "the sound of his [voice] at the trump of God", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00242-00125240-00125460": "He that's when we're changed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00243-00125531-00126256": "That's when our bodies are changed in a twinkling of an eye in a moment, and we meet Jesus and the saints in the clouds", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00244-00126401-00126883": "So verse 16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00245-00126890-00127049": "That's that's our", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00246-00127049-00127339": "That's when we're changed with the voice of an Archangel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00247-00127346-00128010": "And with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00248-00128010-00128472": "Together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00249-00128504-00128743": "Wherefore comfort one another with these words", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00250-00128822-00129330": "Okay, so now now that you have some idea. What would have happened to", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00251-00129398-00130002": "[the] nation of Israel [if] they would have repented and believed that Jesus [was] our messiah as a nation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00252-00130067-00130807": "And and but because they didn't do that now you see how God revealed something new a secret a mystery", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00253-00130807-00131163": "It's called the mystery gospel revealed to the Apostle Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00254-00131164-00131794": "And it is written for us in Romans through Philemon the most important thing to understand before we move on here is that?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00255-00131828-00132011": "all throughout the Bible", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00256-00132011-00132541": "prophecy was for the nation of Israel from Genesis to revelation Paul's books [and]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00257-00132633-00133219": "The body of Christ is only found not in the prophetic program, but in the mystery program through Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00258-00133275-00133829": "Okay, so the prophecies are for Israel and the mysteries are for the body of Christ [I]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00259-00133932-00134573": "Hope I got that point across loud and clear because it's important to understand that if you're ever going to understand", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00260-00134573-00134854": "Why the rapture is not found outside of Paul's books?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00261-00134907-00135212": "How do we know Jesus revealed a mystery gospel to Paul?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00262-00135252-00135857": "Well Paul tells us clearly over and over again that the gospel of grace was a mystery revealed to him by", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00263-00135879-00136145": "Jesus [Christ] himself look at Romans 16 verse", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00264-00136233-00136661": "25 now [to] him that is of power to establish you according to", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00265-00136692-00137144": "My [gospel] and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00266-00137211-00137776": "Of the mystery [which] was kept secret since the world began", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00267-00137865-00138557": "[1st] Corinthians chapter 2, but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00268-00138669-00139180": "Which God ordained before the world unto our Glory which none?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00269-00139218-00139678": "No one none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00270-00139683-00140038": "they would have not have crucified the Lord of Glory [the]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00271-00140121-00140749": "[mystery] Gospel the secret hidden in the Lord since before the foundation and creation was so secret", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00272-00140769-00141166": "That not one of the sons of men knew it existed look here at ephesians", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00273-00141167-00141640": "Three verse five which in other ages was not made known", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00274-00141696-00141896": "What other ages?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00275-00141990-00142588": "Paul speaking about the other ages the prophetic program involved with the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00276-00142782-00143261": "Everything that is considered other ages is everything outside of the mystery gospel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00277-00143322-00144088": "Okay, so which in other ages was not made known the mystery was not made [known] to them unto the sons of men as it", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00278-00144089-00144216": "is now", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00279-00144216-00144625": "Revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00280-00144753-00144897": "Galatians 1", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00281-00144897-00145487": "verse 11, but I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of [me] is not a", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00282-00145553-00145909": "Man, it is not part of that prophecy program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00283-00145968-00146515": "For I neither received it of man neither was I taught it. No one taught it to Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00284-00146595-00146806": "but by the revelation of Jesus Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00285-00146811-00147086": "Jesus Christ revealed this mystery and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00286-00147120-00147746": "All the rest of the mysteries the rapture the judgment seat of Christ and so on he revealed these things to Paul alone", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00287-00147918-00148568": "So with that in mind everything outside of what was revealed to Paul was not part of this mystery", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00288-00148632-00148951": "Those were all part of the prophecies to Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00289-00149073-00149654": "The rapture was a mystery revealed to Paul the rapture was not a prophecy, but a mystery", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00290-00149781-00150277": "Israel knew nothing about the rapture the apostles knew nothing about the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00291-00150405-00150826": "John the Baptist and Stephen knew nothing about the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00292-00150933-00151603": "The promise of God's Earthly Kingdom goes all the way back to Adam and it continues with Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00293-00151608-00152396": "They knew everything about that because the earthly kingdom and their prophecies concerning it were revealed to the apostles were", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00294-00152427-00152616": "revealed to Daniel in", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00295-00152616-00152772": "Ezekiel and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00296-00152772-00153089": "[Zachariah] and all the Old testament Saints and they were", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00297-00153096-00153859": "Revealed to [John] the Baptist and to stephen. They knew all about those things they learned about all the prophecies in the synagogue's", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00298-00153942-00154690": "They were very well aware with the resurrection of the old testament saints they knew that the lord was coming back at the second coming", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00299-00154703-00155323": "They knew Daniels 70th week was upon them. Which is what we know today as [the] book of revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00300-00155355-00155555": "We they knew all these things", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00301-00155694-00156046": "They didn't know any part of the mystery you see the mystery was only revealed to Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00302-00156087-00156332": "So after they reject the prophet Stephen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00303-00156332-00157018": "and they kill him then we see God pausing the kingdom program pausing the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00304-00157059-00157242": "prophecy program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00305-00157242-00157757": "Then he reveals to Paul the mystery program the creation of the body of Christ Jesus", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00306-00157809-00158239": "Containing both jews and gentiles one body made up of many members", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00307-00158277-00158596": "Then when the body of Christ is removed at the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00308-00158628-00159305": "God restarts that king program once again with Daniels 70th week the prophecy you see and the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00309-00159342-00159589": "Seven-year tribulation period And God", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00310-00159624-00160243": "Gave John a more detailed view in the book of revelation hence the book of revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00311-00160245-00160712": "Which is a book of prophecy it is the prophecy that Daniel made", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00312-00160788-00160988": "the 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00313-00161025-00161618": "Why is revelation a book of prophecy because it's for the nation of Israel and not for the body of Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00314-00161736-00162113": "Will be long Gone before Daniels 70th week even begins", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00315-00162228-00162428": "God revealed to John A", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00316-00162441-00162946": "play-By-play of the prophecy revealed to Daniel back in Daniel 9 10 11 12", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00317-00162996-00163280": "So God goes from the prophetic program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00318-00163383-00163768": "over to the mystery program with Paul after the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00319-00163773-00164228": "He goes back to fulfilling the prophecy program once again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00320-00164394-00164744": "Why did God do it that way because God was dealing with Israel?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00321-00164817-00165511": "Then they rejected him so [God] starts a new program that he hid within himself since before the foundation of creation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00322-00165519-00166133": "This was a mystery the body of christ and when the rapture takes place and the body of Christ is gone", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00323-00166149-00166577": "God will go back to dealing [with] his covenant his", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00324-00166638-00166794": "promises his", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00325-00166794-00167069": "prophecies to the nation of Israel once again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00326-00167133-00167537": "We see prophecy. We see mystery then we see back to prophecy", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00327-00167658-00168185": "So from what you've just learned up to this point is the rapture found in the old testament", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00328-00168240-00168479": "Can it be found in Matthew's you know luke?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00329-00168513-00169108": "John and so on and the in Hebrews and through jude and revelation kent is the rapture in those books if", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00330-00169119-00169802": "you understand everything we've just studied you'll understand why the rapture is [not] in those books it cannot be if", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00331-00169890-00170156": "You understand all of what we just said you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00332-00170256-00170875": "[can] see clearly that the rapture cannot be outside of Paul's books it cannot be", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00333-00170922-00171122": "outside of the mystery program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00334-00171294-00171509": "You see that would be mixing to programs", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00335-00171612-00172255": "It would be mixing israel's prophetic program with Paul's mystery program and that always leads to confusion", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00336-00172257-00172499": "And that's being done today unfortunately", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00337-00172689-00172791": "and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00338-00172791-00173129": "We know God is not the author of confusion and when you mix", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00339-00173154-00173588": "Israel's program the prophetic program with the mystery program the only outcome is", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00340-00173646-00173781": "confusion", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00341-00173781-00174470": "And if that's still not [enough]. Let's start getting deeper into the meat level of this study", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00342-00174540-00174681": "deeper into God's word", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00343-00174681-00175220": "Let's take a peek at some of the scripture where [jesus] is talking about the events that [are] going to take place on the day", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00344-00175220-00175799": "Of the lord in Matthew 24 verse 36, but [of] that day and hour knoweth no man", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00345-00175836-00176416": "You speaking of the day of the lord in the second coming. No not the [angels] in Heaven, but my father only", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00346-00176502-00176918": "But as the days of Noah were [so] shall also the coming of the son of man be", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00347-00176973-00177532": "for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating drinking marrying giving in marriage until the day that noah entered into", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00348-00177533-00177989": "The ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00349-00178011-00178351": "so shall also the coming of the son of man be", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00350-00178401-00178714": "Then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken the other left", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00351-00178746-00179026": "Two women shall be grinding at the mill the [one] taking the other left", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00352-00179085-00179363": "It's extremely important to understand the context here", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00353-00179454-00179933": "Jesus is telling them the order of events at the second coming and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00354-00180060-00180469": "That it would be as a surprise for those on Earth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00355-00180549-00180829": "They won't know the exact hour when it happens", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00356-00180915-00181181": "Notice that there's people being taken away here", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00357-00181257-00181828": "Jesus doesn't he tells us. He doesn't tell them where these people are going in Matthew", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00358-00181829-00182393": "But if you look further into the book of Luke luke records more about what Jesus said", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00359-00182448-00183086": "Let's Read Luke Luke 17 24 for as the lightning that lightness out of one part of the under heaven", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00360-00183195-00183718": "Shine it under the other part [under] heaven so shall also the son of man be in his day", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00361-00183827-00184549": "But first must he suffer many things and be rejected to this generation [and] as it was in the days of Noah", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00362-00184550-00184783": "So shall it be also in the days of the son of man", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00363-00184827-00185050": "They did eat they drank they married wives", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00364-00185078-00185557": "They were given in [marriage] until the day that noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00365-00185615-00186109": "Them all likewise also as it was in the days of lot. They did eat they drank", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00366-00186110-00186364": "They bought they sold they planted they builded", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00367-00186414-00186967": "But the day of that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and Brimstone from Heaven and destroyed them all", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00368-00187008-00187306": "Even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00369-00187403-00187783": "and in that day he which shall be upon the housetop and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00370-00187865-00188131": "His stuff in the house let him not go down and take it away", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00371-00188132-00188602": "And he that is in the field let him likewise not return remember, lot's wife", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00372-00188613-00189409": "Whoever Shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever Shall lose his life shall preserve it. I tell you in that night", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00373-00189483-00189683": "There shall be two men in one [bed]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00374-00189683-00190339": "And one shall be taken any other shall [be] left two women shall be grinding at the mill again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00375-00190377-00190702": "Grinding together the one shall be taken any other left", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00376-00190724-00191185": "verse 36 two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken the other left and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00377-00191286-00191959": "They the little flock that was listening to him say these words they answered and said unto [him] they said Lord", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00378-00192017-00192274": "Where are these people being taken to and?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00379-00192389-00193072": "The Lord says and he said unto them wheresoever the body is tether well the Eagle's be gathered", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00380-00193139-00193807": "Again the context here is jesus explaining to the little flock that the order of event", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00381-00193851-00194497": "Of his second coming would be the same as the flood and like the days [of] lot", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00382-00194610-00195164": "now when you see that they were eating and drinking and marrying and so on it doesn't mean that they were doing that on the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00383-00195164-00195364": "day of the second coming", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00384-00195384-00195734": "You see we're looking at a two thousand year time span", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00385-00195825-00196246": "They were eating and drinking and marrying and things were going on and they were building and so forth yeah", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00386-00196247-00196447": "we've been doing that for [2,000] years and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00387-00196529-00196951": "Then suddenly the day of the lord is going to come upon [the] world as a surprise", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00388-00197022-00197645": "It's going to hit him hard they weren't expecting it you [see] the day of the lord in the second coming comes as a surprise", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00389-00197805-00198089": "So we need to look at it in context over a period of time", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00390-00198169-00198870": "Those taken away in the days of Noah's flood. We're those that drowned and were taken away by the water right and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00391-00198958-00199152": "Those taken away in Lots Day", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00392-00199152-00199655": "Were those that were killed by all the sulfur and the hailstones everything that came down to Sodom and gomorrah", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00393-00199827-00200075": "Those that will be taken away the second coming are", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00394-00200095-00200583": "Those that the angels will gather and they will move them to a place of death", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00395-00200688-00201161": "so here in Luke, Jesus tells tells them where the people are taken to", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00396-00201232-00201432": "They're not taken up to Heaven", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00397-00201441-00201641": "So this can't be the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00398-00201736-00201936": "But they're taken to death", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00399-00201942-00202331": "jesus tells them that these people are going to be taken by the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00400-00202353-00202637": "Angels the army of angels that he brings with them at the second coming", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00401-00202637-00203015": "We see that in revelation these angels are going to go get the unbelievers", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00402-00203023-00203220": "They're going to grab them by the back [of] the head", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00403-00203220-00203729": "And they're going to drag them over to the realm of death and there you're going to see vultures", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00404-00203729-00203996": "You're going to see birds that eat Flesh", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00405-00204054-00204464": "feasting on these people this is called the great supper of the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00406-00204511-00204866": "revelation great Supper in Revelation Rather in Revelation 19", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00407-00204981-00205181": "also known as the marriage supper of the lamb", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00408-00205263-00205619": "Where all the unbelievers are going to be taken by [Force] by the Army of Angels?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00409-00205723-00206273": "When jesus comes with the second coming and the angels are going to destroy them and the birds are going to feast on their flesh", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00410-00206305-00206738": "This is the supper of the lamb. I have a video all about the marriage supper of the lamb", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00411-00206742-00207014": "It's on my channel and you can find it in the upload section", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00412-00207069-00207440": "Also, I have several videos on my channel concerning", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00413-00207516-00207690": "these parables", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00414-00207690-00208025": "The ten versions the wheat and [tares] the parable of the dragnet", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00415-00208059-00208580": "The parable of to in the field one taken one left and so forth these are all on my channel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00416-00208581-00208877": "I suggest you take a look at those if you don't understand it if", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00417-00208884-00209159": "You think the rapture is found in the book of Matthew and Luke", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00418-00209208-00209852": "Then you really need to watch these videos [that] I have on the parables and on the rapture and so forth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00419-00209955-00210635": "These parables all have one thing in common. They're all about the second coming. They're all about the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00420-00210635-00210917": "They're all about the prophetic program you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00421-00210917-00211531": "don't see the body of Christ here in these passages at all first the body Christ is going to be gone at", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00422-00211605-00211746": "this point", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00423-00211746-00212363": "Second at the time Jesus spoke about these parables the body of Christ didn't even exist Paul wasn't even saved", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00424-00212535-00213287": "The Body Christ was still a secret mystery at this point when Jesus was talking about this it was revealed to Paul much later on", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00425-00213444-00214184": "so what we see here in the four gospels is all about the nation of Israel the tribulation Saint going through Daniels 70th week in", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00426-00214206-00214329": "the event", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00427-00214329-00215033": "Known [as] the second coming the day of the lord and so on this is this is all about [the] hour that no man knoweth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00428-00215067-00215642": "The hour that no man knoweth is the day of [the] lord it is Daniels 70th week the second coming and all that", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00429-00215748-00215931": "and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00430-00215931-00216131": "It's going to come by surprise", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00431-00216141-00216898": "It's going to come upon a world that is living normally giving in marriage eating building and so on then suddenly", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00432-00216942-00217307": "Daniels 70th week hits them like [they] never been hit before", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00433-00217383-00217883": "The day Lord is going to come when they least expect it as a thief in the night for those who don't believe", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00434-00217946-00218545": "God's wrath will come swiftly and suddenly on them, and this is the hour no man knoweth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00435-00218691-00219148": "Revelation chapter 3 verse 10 because thou has kept the word of my patience", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00436-00219148-00219554": "I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00437-00219623-00220214": "Which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the Earth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00438-00220298-00220498": "Here we see the hour of temptation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00439-00220539-00220739": "the Delusion", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00440-00220740-00221485": "The Lie that [will] be brought upon the world because they didn't believe when they had a chance to this is the apostasy", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00441-00221498-00221607": "The Lie the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00442-00221607-00222338": "Temptation the falling away of all those who will follow the antichrist [and] believe that the antichrist is [the] real Messiah", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00443-00222381-00222935": "He will cause them to fall away the apostasy that paul talks about in 2nd thessalonians 3", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00444-00222963-00223369": "Let no man, deceive you by any means for that day a here", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00445-00223369-00223631": "He's talking about the day [of] the Lord that [day] shall not come", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00446-00223701-00223901": "Except there come a falling away", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00447-00223973-00224309": "Okay, Paul was talking about at the end the second coming", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00448-00224396-00224957": "[the] worst of the worst Jacob's trouble the last three and a half years he's saying look at those", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00449-00224957-00225394": "It's not going to come that the end of Daniels 70th week will not come unless", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00450-00225435-00225965": "There are certain things that happen first you have to have the falling away and the man of sin [be] revealed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00451-00226002-00226394": "Okay, the man of sin is being revealed at the middle of Daniels 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00452-00226469-00226669": "the son of Perdition who", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00453-00226689-00227035": "Opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00454-00227036-00227084": "God", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00455-00227084-00227803": "And that is worshipped so that he as God [sitteth] in the temple of God showing himself that he is God", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00456-00227853-00228070": "Remember. Ye, not that when I was with you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00457-00228071-00228815": "I told you [these] [things] and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time [I]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00458-00228894-00229234": "also, have a video on my [channel] about [the] falling away and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00459-00229314-00229987": "I recommend you [watch] that if you don't understand what the following away is if you haven't been taught dispensation and [write] division", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00460-00229988-00230414": "[I] highly recommend you [watch] the [following] away video on my channel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00461-00230457-00231001": "Matthew Chapter 24 for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00462-00231051-00231101": "Okay", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00463-00231101-00231745": "speaking before Daniels 70th week here that's what he's saying that we're eating and drinking and building and marrying giving in marriage until", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00464-00231777-00231989": "the day Noah entered the ark", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00465-00232028-00232631": "until the day Daniels 70th week comes the day of the lord and knew not until the flood came until", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00466-00232650-00233012": "Daniels 70th week came the day of the Lord came and took them all away", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00467-00233013-00233414": "so shall also the coming of the son of man [be]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00468-00233432-00233885": "He's telling them that during during Daniels 70th week at the end at the second [coming]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00469-00233889-00234331": "They're going to be taken away in the same fashion that they were back in Noah's day", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00470-00234419-00234619": "Notice [the] order of events here", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00471-00234702-00235433": "It's the same as in the days of Noah the unbelievers were taken away and the believers were left in safety inside the boat", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00472-00235448-00235763": "Okay, and those that are left in safety inside the boat in", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00473-00235860-00236435": "During Daniels 70th week are going [to] be the little flock the remnant that God supernaturally", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00474-00236475-00236692": "protects from The Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00475-00236744-00237050": "it's not the church it is a group of", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00476-00237177-00237532": "believers that are of the nation of Israel the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00477-00237630-00238177": "144,000 Jewish Virgin men the two witnesses and so forth it's all about the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00478-00238211-00238552": "God is going to save a small remnant of Jews", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00479-00238653-00238955": "Because if he doesn't save them if he doesn't protect them himself", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00480-00239021-00239392": "Supernaturally the antichrist is going to destroy all flesh on the Earth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00481-00239430-00239650": "And that's what he wants to do", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00482-00239688-00240191": "Because you see the antichrist knows if he can destroy all the jews off the face of the Earth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00483-00240252-00240511": "Then God's covenant with the Jews can't be fulfilled", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00484-00240584-00241114": "God's promises with the nation of Israel can't come to fruition if they're all gone, [so]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00485-00241164-00241415": "God is going to supernaturally protect a group of", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00486-00241476-00241676": "Israel's israelites", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00487-00241719-00241901": "He's going to supernaturally protect them", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00488-00241901-00242323": "Just like he did back when he brought them out of egypt into the wilderness", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00489-00242364-00242957": "he fed them he clothed them he protected them night and day all throughout that time period", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00490-00243011-00243167": "and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00491-00243167-00243602": "Notice something else here, and this is important notice that the events at the second coming are", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00492-00243678-00243967": "directly opposite than the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00493-00244077-00244831": "You see the rapture the believers are taken away up to heaven caught up the harpazo [the] rapture the mystery revealed to Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00494-00244881-00245197": "We're going to be taken up to heaven with [Jesus] and the other saints", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00495-00245285-00245354": "All right", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00496-00245354-00245722": "and that's the opposite you see that the believers are taken and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00497-00245766-00246112": "The unbelievers are left at the rapture at the second coming", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00498-00246141-00246748": "The unbelievers are taken to death and the believers are left on Earth [to] go into the earthly kingdom", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00499-00246831-00247534": "So we've seen two very distinct reasons. Why the rapture and the second coming are different events [at] different times", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00500-00247605-00247756": "The Rapture was a mystery", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00501-00247756-00248239": "It wasn't part of the prophetic [program] the second coming is part of the prophetic program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00502-00248271-00248713": "That was known for thousands of years before Paul ever existed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00503-00248839-00249312": "The nation of Israel had prophets that told them all about the day of the lord in", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00504-00249369-00249542": "Fact they were told that one day", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00505-00249542-00250332": "They'd be resurrected in the flesh to rule and reign with the lord on Earth for a thousand years. This is prophecy", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00506-00250548-00251088": "Unlike the rapture the rapture was not prophecy the rapture was a mystery revealed to Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00507-00251137-00251816": "Only when the nation of Israel rejected Stephen their last prophet and their last chance to accept Jesus as their messiah", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00508-00251827-00252368": "And our last chance to usher in the earthly [kingdom] also known as the kingdom of heaven on Earth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00509-00252451-00252689": "We see the events are opposite in the way", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00510-00252690-00253392": "They take place the second coming again the unbelievers [are] taken away, and the believers are left on Earth to inherit. The earthly kingdom and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00511-00253494-00254171": "In the rapture, it's the opposite the believers are taken to heaven and the wicked are left to endure Daniels 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00512-00254271-00254996": "So the rapture wasn't talking about in the old testament [in] the four gospels or in the prophecy about", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00513-00255028-00255184": "Daniels week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00514-00255184-00255890": "Hebrews the revelation because it wasn't a prophecy it was a mystery only to be revealed later to the apostle Paul again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00515-00255891-00256592": "There's many videos on my channel covering the parables the rapture the trumpets the falling away and so on and so on", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00516-00256626-00256935": "So please take [advantage] of them while you can before", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00517-00256992-00257421": "You know the powers that be here on this wicked world decide to remove all?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00518-00257500-00257700": "truth from the Internet", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00519-00257788-00258105": "Now something else. I want to mention here that's extremely important", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00520-00258115-00258512": "There is a prophecy in the book of Micah chapter 5 but thou Bethlehem", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00521-00258513-00259119": "[Ephratah] thou though Thou be little among the thousands of judah [yet] out of thee", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00522-00259144-00259613": "[shall] he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00523-00259614-00259986": "Whose goings Forth have been from old from everlasting?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00524-00260050-00260655": "Verse 3 therefore will he give them up until the time that she which travaileth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00525-00260716-00260916": "hath brought forth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00526-00260944-00261477": "then the remnant of his Brethren Shall return unto the children of", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00527-00261517-00262023": "Israel notice in verse 3 he being God will give them", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00528-00262067-00262424": "being Israel give israel up until the time that she", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00529-00262460-00262975": "The woman the nation of Israel which travaileth hath brought Forth now", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00530-00262979-00263380": "We go to revelation 12 and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00531-00263397-00263917": "Clothed with the sun and the [moon] under her feet and upon her head a crown of Twelve stars", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00532-00263979-00264697": "That's the 12 tribes of Israel, and she being with child cried travailing in birth and [pained] to be delivered", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00533-00264779-00264997": "look at verse 2 and she", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00534-00265077-00265849": "the woman being with child travailing in birth and [pained] to be delivered notice the prophecy of Micah and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00535-00265941-00266453": "we know the [prophesies] are for who for the nation of Israel not the body of Christ the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00536-00266517-00266863": "Body of Christ, Jesus is the mystery of the gospel of Grace?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00537-00266900-00267493": "It was still a secret mystery when Micah made this prophetic statement, right?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00538-00267528-00268189": "So we see in the book of revelation John again is given further details of a past", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00539-00268215-00268555": "prophecy that Micah made also Daniels prophecies", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00540-00268607-00268963": "Just like he gave further details about Daniels 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00541-00269142-00269788": "[John] sees a sign in the [heavens] [and] this sign will [be] seen next year on a 23rd of September I", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00542-00269906-00270181": "Have a video all [about] this event on my channel called", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00543-00270216-00270926": "[9:23] the sign of [the] woman on 23 september 2017 if you haven't seen it. I highly suggest take a look at it", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00544-00271014-00271333": "So what is this sign and who is it for?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00545-00271385-00271924": "Well, we know it's for the nation of Israel because it's part of the prophecy program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00546-00272001-00272272": "Micah's prophecy spells it out clearly", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00547-00272427-00273053": "Second we know it's not part of the body of Christ because at the time Micah made this prophecy", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00548-00273083-00273712": "The body of Christ the Gospel of Grace the [2,000] Year span of time was still a secret to be revealed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00549-00273774-00273974": "later on to Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00550-00273993-00274778": "You see the sign is the warning that the nation of Israel is about to be born again. Spiritually finally", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00551-00274947-00275645": "You know that they were born physically when God took them out of egypt they were born physically they could have been born again spiritually", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00552-00275667-00276320": "When stephen prophesied but they killed Stephen and God put a hold on that birth the spiritual birth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00553-00276369-00276564": "So here 2,000 years later", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00554-00276564-00277274": "We see the sign of their coming spiritual birth the coming 70th week of Daniel where they're going to be baptized through fire", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00555-00277332-00277931": "Trials and tribulations Jacob's trouble the worst time in history or the future look at John 3 verse", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00556-00278016-00278630": "6 real quick that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the [spirit] [of] Spirit Marvel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00557-00278630-00278846": "not that I said unto thee ye must", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00558-00278907-00279107": "be born again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00559-00279333-00279863": "Verse 7 again Marvel not that I jesus said unto thee nicodemus", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00560-00280066-00280445": "Ye the nation of israel must be born again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00561-00280485-00280871": "The word ye, here is the key to understanding this verse", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00562-00280959-00281513": "Jesus was saying ye the entire nation of israel needs to be born again spiritually", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00563-00281652-00281844": "You see that", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00564-00281844-00282260": "So does this sign signify the day of the rapture absolutely not it?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00565-00282330-00282893": "has nothing to do with the mystery program and everything to do with the prophetic program if", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00566-00282996-00283763": "You look further down in revelation 12 verse 6 and the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00567-00283824-00283950": "of God", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00568-00283950-00284150": "That they should [be] fed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00569-00284178-00284579": "That they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00570-00284604-00285341": "This is clearly a [reference] to the remnant that I was talking about a while [ago] that will be protected supernaturally from the antichrist [on]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00571-00285372-00285495": "Earth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00572-00285495-00286145": "They will flee from israel from Jerusalem and God will provide for them there until the second coming", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00573-00286227-00286811": "Some say they're going to flee - to petra others say they're going to flee into the mountains of Jordan regardless", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00574-00286860-00287648": "God is going to supernaturally protect them in this place while the antichrist is trying to get Adam, and he's not going to be successful", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00575-00287722-00287976": "This is not the rapture of the church friends", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00576-00288160-00288722": "When we're taking we're taken and protected forever we're taken to heaven we're not just protected for", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00577-00288754-00289022": "1260 Days and God doesn't have to feed us", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00578-00289084-00289391": "You see we're giving glorified bodies that don't eat", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00579-00289486-00290072": "That neither marry nor are given in marriage that do not have birth do not require food", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00580-00290089-00290345": "To sustain ourselves or to stay alive", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00581-00290368-00291066": "We are given glorified bodies, so God doesn't have to feed us and we're protected forever at that point not just", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00582-00291118-00291429": "1260 Days We're going to be in Heaven not on Earth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00583-00291502-00292233": "The remnant of the nation of Israel will be on Earth and God's going to provide for them for 1260 days", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00584-00292233-00292785": "He's going to feed them and clothe them just like he did back in Egypt on the in the wilderness and so forth", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00585-00292870-00293516": "Our rapture that paul reveals one of the mysteries was the rapture it is imminent", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00586-00293542-00294087": "It could happen tonight. It can happen tomorrow. It will happen when the lord is ready", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00587-00294106-00294824": "It's not going to happen on a day meant for the nation of Israel, and we just studied out why?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00588-00294937-00295394": "There's a difference between us today in the prophetic program for the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00589-00295486-00296163": "Now could the rapture happen just prior [to] this sign or right after [it's] shore. It can happen whenever the lord is ready", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00590-00296338-00296613": "Only he will decide when it happens", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00591-00296800-00297000": "But it's going to be imminent", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00592-00297075-00297258": "But I want you to see here is that?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00593-00297258-00297788": "This sign is not for the body of Christ [the] woman is not giving birth to the body of Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00594-00297814-00298014": "We were born 2,000 years ago", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00595-00298048-00298364": "Don't let anyone tell [you] that they figured out when the rapture is going to take place", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00596-00298393-00299015": "You'll notice that these same people that do this have been doing this for the past ten years and when their date passes", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00597-00299085-00299288": "You don't see them for another ten months", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00598-00299289-00300042": "and then they [suddenly] pop back up just prior to the feast of trumpets to start date setting again all the", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00599-00300067-00300525": "sensationalism all of the excitement raking in the money and when the feast of trumpets", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00600-00300552-00301046": "Passes, you don't see them again for another nine. Ten months, and then they start up all over again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00601-00301209-00301517": "So moving on back to Israel's prophetic program", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00602-00301564-00302126": "Notice what the nation of Israel had to do in the four gospels to be born again spiritually?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00603-00302140-00302627": "They had to repent and believe that Jesus was their messiah. [that's] it", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00604-00302679-00303449": "Then God gives a nation of Israel one more year to repent believe if you've never seen where God gives them another year another chance", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00605-00303574-00303734": "Then being the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00606-00303734-00304238": "He gives the nation of Israel another chance to repent and believe that Jesus was the prophesied, Messiah", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00607-00304239-00304700": "If you've never seen that before look at Luke chapter 13 he spake", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00608-00304728-00304778": "also", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00609-00304778-00305108": "This parable a certain man had a fig tree planted", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00610-00305140-00305585": "In his [vineyard] and he came and sought fruit thereon and found none", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00611-00305614-00305943": "Then said he unto the dresser of the Vineyard Behold", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00612-00305952-00306644": "these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none cut it down why come birth it to the ground [a]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00613-00306735-00307121": "Nice answering said unto him Lord let it alone this year also", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00614-00307168-00307589": "Till I shall dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruit well", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00615-00307590-00308043": "And if not then after that thou Shall cut it down here", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00616-00308043-00308534": "We see a conversation between God the father and God the son God", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00617-00308650-00309164": "Comes looking for any spiritual fruit out of the nation of Israel and he finds none", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00618-00309225-00309956": "God the son pleads with God the father and he [ask] God the father to wait another year to give them one [more] chance", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00619-00310096-00310696": "So our lord God gives them an their chance by extending everything for another year, but keep in mind", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00620-00310696-00311050": "This is before Paul before the mystery gospel of grace, right?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00621-00311209-00311335": "[and]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00622-00311335-00311781": "At the end of the year we see Stephen Stephen finally for the last time", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00623-00311846-00312468": "Prophesized before the nation of Israel. They don't want anything to do with Stephen, or Jesus Christ, and they kill Stephen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00624-00312469-00312726": "That's the end of the year so he reveals to Paul", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00625-00312726-00313218": "God reveals to Paul at this point that not only did he extend Israel's chance by another year", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00626-00313220-00313696": "He was going to extend it by yet again, and now we know that he extended it for 2,000 years", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00627-00313868-00314166": "Our lord. God is more than fair. He's loving", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00628-00314167-00314508": "He's long-suffering and he's giving mankind plenty of time", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00629-00314546-00315132": "More than enough time to come to him through his son our Lord and savior Jesus Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00630-00315164-00315619": "So back in the prophetic program the dispensation of the kingdom", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00631-00315628-00316380": "We see God giving them another year by using the prophet stephen to warn them that the time has come their year is up", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00632-00316415-00316806": "And in the meantime [our] lord pays for the world sins on the cross", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00633-00316876-00317475": "Something that even the [apostles] were baffled over they couldn't understand what just took [place] until it was finished", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00634-00317498-00317946": "But after the crucifixion the burial and seeing jesus in the flesh after the resurrection", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00635-00317980-00318405": "Their blindness was lifted and finally they understood what just happened", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00636-00318457-00318897": "Not only did jesus come to be their messiah and Usher [in] the earthly [kingdom]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00637-00318898-00319278": "But he also dies and resurrects and pays for the world sins also", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00638-00319486-00319600": "even with everything", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00639-00319600-00320271": "Jesus did for them and with the last witness of Stephen the nation of israel still", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00640-00320315-00320625": "Refused for the last time they kill Stephen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00641-00320625-00321189": "They stone him and God then puts the kingdom program the prophetic program on pause", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00642-00321293-00321820": "And keep in mind. This is a very powerful demonstration of how forgiving our Lord", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00643-00321820-00322329": "God really is keep in mind that Paul was he was there helping them stone Stephen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00644-00322370-00322629": "Paul's hands were dirty with the blood of Stephen", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00645-00322739-00323232": "God is so forgiving and loving that he chooses someone who helped kill the last prophet", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00646-00323321-00323602": "He chooses Paul to change the world", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00647-00323717-00324357": "God confronts Paul [on] his way to Damascus, and this is where Paul is converted from unbelief to belief [in] Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00648-00324357-00324996": "Jesus as being God in the flesh in acts chapter 9 it is the birth of the body of Christ [the] gospel of grace", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00649-00325030-00325647": "Everything before that was still under the gospel of the kingdom the prophetic program for the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00650-00325703-00325816": "ActS chapter 9", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00651-00325816-00326320": "God reveals a new program to Paul the body of Christ the mystery gospel of grace", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00652-00326366-00326998": "Containing the mystery of the Rapture the Judgment seat of Christ the fellowshipping with the Jews the fellowshiping with Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00653-00327089-00327400": "Making us sons under God and of course Jesus", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00654-00327400-00328080": "He didn't reveal all the mysteries to Paul all at once Jesus revealed Step-By-step the new program over Paul's", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00655-00328111-00328311": "[30-Plus] years in the Ministry", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00656-00328427-00328619": "Now we see a different program now", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00657-00328619-00329055": "We have to believe that Jesus [was] God in the flesh that he died was buried and Rose again", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00658-00329096-00329631": "For our sins in order for us to be saved. It's a new plan a new system. It's different than the prophetic", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00659-00329720-00330006": "Kingdom system for Israel and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00660-00330098-00330529": "When our system ends the dispensation of grace when this ends?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00661-00330623-00330823": "with the rapture the Kingdom", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00662-00330869-00331455": "dispensation will once again be in the picture and God is going to pick up where he left off with Stephen and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00663-00331577-00332199": "Because the nation of Israel still hasn't repented as a nation they're going to be brought [through] Daniels 70th week the book of revelation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00664-00332200-00332607": "God [is] going to purify them like feingold through trials and tribulation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00665-00332607-00333354": "He's going to baptize the nation of Israel through fire. Okay. That's where the the phrase baptized through fire. That's where it comes from", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00666-00333527-00333729": "That it's going to be Daniels 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00667-00333856-00334025": "Jacob's trouble and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00668-00334025-00334659": "Everything will stop when they cry out as a nation and repent and believe that Jesus Christ is their Messiah", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00669-00334721-00335286": "Finally then Jesus will [come] back at the second coming and so on to Establish the earthly [kingdom]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00670-00335345-00335896": "Promised to them through prophecies and by the covenants since the beginning of time", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00671-00335935-00336444": "Now in closing. I've shown [you] why the rapture was never mentioned in the old testament in", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00672-00336508-00337068": "Matthew Mark and John in Hebrews through revelation or in Daniels week of tribulation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00673-00337069-00337621": "And why the rapture can only be seen in the books that paul wrote Romans through finally men?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00674-00337621-00338029": "it's all about the body of christ today and the mysteries that pertain to us and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00675-00338093-00338602": "Also, something very interesting that happens on the september 23rd of next year", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00676-00338602-00338953": "We've gone [over] that too, and why it's a sign for the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00677-00339143-00339670": "And I believe I sincerely believe something huge is coming soon", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00678-00339709-00340146": "And I sincerely believe that our rapture is imminent", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00679-00340354-00341037": "And if that something happens to be the beginning of the spiritual rebirth of Israel, then we know Daniels week is", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00680-00341090-00341290": "very close", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00681-00341327-00341527": "And that tells us the body of Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00682-00341573-00341979": "That are catching up our rapture is at hand it could happen [at] any minute folks", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00683-00341983-00342300": "So the key is to always be ready you need to be ready now", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00684-00342347-00342993": "Get your spiritual affairs in order make sure you're saved according to the gospel first corinthians 15 [one] through [four]", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00685-00343159-00343359": "Whatever you do. Do not", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00686-00343418-00343558": "Put off", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00687-00343558-00344025": "Salvation until next year when the sign of the woman takes place that would be foolish", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00688-00344150-00344554": "Because that sign is not for you. It's for the nation of Israel", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00689-00344720-00345315": "It's the prophetic program and we know that all the prophecies are for Israel not for the body of Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00690-00345476-00346035": "be ready now friends today is high time for salvation in Christ, Jesus not tomorrow if", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00691-00346118-00346318": "You're not sure if you're saved", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00692-00346388-00346836": "Then hang around in just a couple seconds the rest of the video is going to be all about salvation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00693-00346836-00347286": "I want you to read it. It's seven eight minutes long read it if you're not sure", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00694-00347423-00347685": "And what you have to do in order to receive salvation", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00695-00347690-00347926": "Make sure your saves in Eternity in Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00696-00347926-00348301": "Jesus our Lord today [is] the day of salvation the worst thing you could ever do is", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00697-00348323-00348786": "Tell yourself that you're going to wait until you start seeing these signs of Daniels 70th week", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00698-00348803-00349236": "To get serious because at that point. It's going to be impossible for you to get saved", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00699-00349295-00349425": "impossible", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00700-00349425-00350084": "In fact my [next] study the next video is going to be all about what happens to those [who] miss the rapture", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00701-00350239-00350898": "I'm going to answer the question is there a second chance to be saved after the rapture so stay tuned for [that] study because", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00702-00350926-00351260": "You'll be surprised. What the answer [is] and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00703-00351322-00351493": "the very last thing", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00704-00351493-00351846": "You've seen why it's so important to use the king James version Bible", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00705-00351898-00352054": "only and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00706-00352054-00352610": "not the newer perversions those corrupted versions will confuse you more and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00707-00352639-00353040": "More throughout time, and that's exactly what they're designed to do", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00708-00353098-00353799": "Think about why the new versions are even created in the first place you see number one. God gives us his word for free", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00709-00353809-00353998": "It's a free gift", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00710-00353998-00354750": "Number two man charges you a fee to have the free gift of God by copywriting his word", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00711-00354799-00354979": "and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00712-00354979-00355629": "Along with that man creates a middleman to profit off of something that God gives us for free", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00713-00355729-00356321": "They change all the words they add to it. They twist it they removed the real meaning of the context and so on", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00714-00356383-00356628": "Can you imagine when it's going to be like for these men?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00715-00356701-00357158": "Who are behind doing this to God's word and making his people suffer like this?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00716-00357214-00357714": "What it's going to be like for them when they stand before the throne of God at their judgment?", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00717-00357889-00358176": "Not only are men responsible for this", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00718-00358201-00358889": "but there are fallen entities directly connected to the new versions of the Bible Evil entities are the ones behind this and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00719-00358939-00359162": "It's obvious. This is a spiritual war", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00720-00359290-00359933": "when you use the corrupted versions of the bible, you're using the enemy's words not God's words think about that and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00721-00360064-00360342": "if you want to see all the perversions in the new versions", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00722-00360418-00360900": "Specifically the nIv I have a video on my channel [called] busted caught red-handed", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00723-00360907-00361644": "[it's] all about the scripture that's been changed removed added it compares the King James to the NIv", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00724-00361720-00362411": "So take a look at the video if you want more information all right so with that dear Saints Peace Grace loving Christ", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00725-00362412-00362610": "jesus be with all of you and", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00726-00362610-00362880": "I'm going to see you on the next video. Lord Jesus Willing", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00727-00364119-00364319": "oh", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00728-00368150-00368460": "you you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00729-00369345-00369545": "you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00730-00378149-00378349": "oh", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00731-00383088-00383288": "you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00732-00383624-00383824": "oh", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00733-00385531-00385731": "you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00734-00389243-00389443": "you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00735-00393945-00394145": "you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00736-00397648-00397848": "oh", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00737-00403157-00403357": "oh", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00738-00405313-00405784": "I you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00739-00408145-00408486": "you you", "l6jA5JuBYMg-00740-00414457-00414657": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "l6lsY-WEkO0", "text": {"l6lsY-WEkO0-00000-00000078-00000476": "Hello and welcome to this tutorial on S&P Capital IQ.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00001-00000642-00001162": "This brief tutorial will show you how to screen for people using S&P Capital IQ.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00002-00001246-00001360": "Let’s get started.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00003-00001414-00002388": "Visit the Parrish Library homepage at lib.purdue.edu/libraries/mgmt for management.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00004-00002516-00002968": "When you get to the Parrish Library homepage, access the List of Business Databases.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00005-00003028-00003302": "S&P Capital IQ is on this list.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00006-00003376-00003815": "Please note that an account is required to access S&P Capital IQ.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00007-00003904-00004530": "S&P Capital IQ is an in-depth financial/valuation data resource that includes information on", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00008-00004530-00004846": "equities, credit ratings, transactions, and more.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00009-00004926-00005190": "This is the homepage for S&P Capital IQ.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00010-00005286-00005694": "You’ll find screening options by hovering over “Screening” at the top of the page.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00011-00005736-00006044": "From here you can see that there are many screening types available.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00012-00006118-00006430": "For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll select “People.”", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00013-00006602-00006936": "Next, we need to select the criteria by which we want to screen.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00014-00007008-00007342": "As you can see, there is a wide range of criteria to choose from.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00015-00007422-00007878": "Let’s screen for people in the health care industry in the Midwest, specifically those", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00016-00007878-00008036": "that have graduated from Purdue.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00017-00008109-00008610": "To set up our screen, we’ll select “Industry Classifications” under Company Details.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00018-00008718-00009152": "Here we can search for industries using the search box, or select from the list.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00019-00009236-00009730": "You’re able to expand each industry to be more specific, or select the industry overall.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00020-00009868-00010388": "Let’s expand “Health Care” and select “Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences.\"", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00021-00010436-00010594": "Then click “Add Criteria.”", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00022-00010694-00011058": "You should see that the criteria has been added at the top of the page.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00023-00011156-00011622": "Next, select “Geographic Locations” also located under Company Details.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00024-00011718-00012144": "From here we can search by city, postal code, or select from the list.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00025-00012190-00012650": "Let’s expand \"United States and Canada\" and drill down to select “Midwest.”", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00026-00012813-00012972": "Then click “Add Criteria.”", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00027-00013078-00013438": "Finally, we’ll select “Colleges and Universities” under Education.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00028-00013519-00013791": "Type “Purdue University” into the search box.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00029-00014206-00014663": "Our search results will show all of the Purdue University campuses and some schools.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00030-00014708-00015126": "Select the ones you’re interested in, or click on the double arrows to select them all.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00031-00015169-00015306": "Then “Add Criteria.”", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00032-00015368-00015776": "At the top of the page, you’ll see the list of criteria added to this screen.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00033-00015840-00016154": "From here you are able to reorder or edit these filters.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00034-00016191-00016674": "Our screen indicates that there are over 150,000 records in the pharmaceutical industry,", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00035-00016722-00017038": "just under 2000 of those are located in the Midwest,", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00036-00017064-00017316": "but less than 20 are Purdue graduates.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00037-00017342-00017566": "To view the results, click on “View Results.”", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00038-00017634-00017890": "Results will be listed alphabetically by last name.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00039-00017932-00018446": "You’ll also find the company name, email address (if known), and professional titles.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00040-00018500-00018890": "You can click on the information icon for more information on the person and their role", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00041-00018904-00019342": "with the company or click on the company name for details about that company.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00042-00019444-00020024": "For more information on screening in S&P Capital IQ, click on the help link at the top of the page.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00043-00020182-00020532": "Now you know how to screen for people using S&P Capital IQ.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00044-00020684-00021190": "If you have any questions, please contact us at parrlib@purdue.edu.", "l6lsY-WEkO0-00045-00021232-00021280": "Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "l6nmNUU8o-I", "text": {"l6nmNUU8o-I-00000-00000000-00000200": "Bribery from Pakistan can be greatly reduced. If these women play their role mother, daughter, sister, and wife", "l6nmNUU8o-I-00001-00000200-00000400": "Muhammad Muzammil Sidiqui"}}, {"audio_id": "l6o7ZqW5yS8", "text": {"l6o7ZqW5yS8-00000-00000010-00000063": "FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW NAME.", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00001-00000063-00000070": "FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW NAME.", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00002-00000070-00000126": "FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW NAME.  OVER TIME YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00003-00000126-00000133": "FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW NAME.  OVER TIME YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00004-00000133-00000200": "FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW NAME.  OVER TIME YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE  THE LAKELAND PBS NAME AND LOGO", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00005-00000200-00000206": "OVER TIME YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE  THE LAKELAND PBS NAME AND LOGO", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00006-00000206-00000270": "OVER TIME YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE  THE LAKELAND PBS NAME AND LOGO  USED MORE OFTEN. >>> THE OPEN", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00007-00000270-00000276": "THE LAKELAND PBS NAME AND LOGO  USED MORE OFTEN. >>> THE OPEN", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00008-00000276-00000443": "THE LAKELAND PBS NAME AND LOGO  USED MORE OFTEN. >>> THE OPEN RACE FOR MINNESOTA'S STATE AUDI", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00009-00000443-00000450": "USED MORE OFTEN. >>> THE OPEN RACE FOR MINNESOTA'S STATE AUDI", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00010-00000450-00000810": "USED MORE OFTEN. >>> THE OPEN RACE FOR MINNESOTA'S STATE AUDI  FINALLY HAS A REPUBLICAN CANDID", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00011-00000810-00000817": "RACE FOR MINNESOTA'S STATE AUDI  FINALLY HAS A REPUBLICAN CANDID", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00012-00000817-00001074": "RACE FOR MINNESOTA'S STATE AUDI  FINALLY HAS A REPUBLICAN CANDID  FORMER REPRESENTATIVE PAM MYHRA", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00013-00001074-00001081": "FINALLY HAS A REPUBLICAN CANDID  FORMER REPRESENTATIVE PAM MYHRA", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00014-00001081-00001147": "FINALLY HAS A REPUBLICAN CANDID  FORMER REPRESENTATIVE PAM MYHRA  REGISTERED TO RUN LAST WEEK FOR", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00015-00001147-00001154": "FORMER REPRESENTATIVE PAM MYHRA  REGISTERED TO RUN LAST WEEK FOR", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00016-00001154-00001304": "FORMER REPRESENTATIVE PAM MYHRA  REGISTERED TO RUN LAST WEEK FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE IS BEING", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00017-00001304-00001311": "REGISTERED TO RUN LAST WEEK FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE IS BEING", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00018-00001311-00001548": "REGISTERED TO RUN LAST WEEK FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE IS BEING VACATED BY CURRENT STATE AUDITO", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00019-00001548-00001554": "THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE IS BEING VACATED BY CURRENT STATE AUDITO", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00020-00001554-00001658": "THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE IS BEING VACATED BY CURRENT STATE AUDITO  OTTO, WHO IS RUNNING FOR THE", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00021-00001658-00001664": "VACATED BY CURRENT STATE AUDITO  OTTO, WHO IS RUNNING FOR THE", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00022-00001664-00001915": "VACATED BY CURRENT STATE AUDITO  OTTO, WHO IS RUNNING FOR THE  DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVER", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00023-00001915-00001921": "OTTO, WHO IS RUNNING FOR THE  DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVER", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00024-00001921-00002021": "OTTO, WHO IS RUNNING FOR THE  DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVER  THE STATE AUDITOR OVERSEES LOCA", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00025-00002021-00002028": "DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVER  THE STATE AUDITOR OVERSEES LOCA", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00026-00002028-00002278": "DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVER  THE STATE AUDITOR OVERSEES LOCA  GOVERNMENT SPENDING. ALSO --", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00027-00002278-00002285": "THE STATE AUDITOR OVERSEES LOCA  GOVERNMENT SPENDING. ALSO --", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00028-00002285-00002539": "THE STATE AUDITOR OVERSEES LOCA  GOVERNMENT SPENDING. ALSO -- REPUBLICAN DAVID OSMEK SAYS HE'S", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00029-00002539-00002545": "GOVERNMENT SPENDING. ALSO -- REPUBLICAN DAVID OSMEK SAYS HE'S", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00030-00002545-00002756": "GOVERNMENT SPENDING. ALSO -- REPUBLICAN DAVID OSMEK SAYS HE'S ENDING HIS CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNO", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00031-00002756-00002762": "REPUBLICAN DAVID OSMEK SAYS HE'S ENDING HIS CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNO", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00032-00002762-00002952": "REPUBLICAN DAVID OSMEK SAYS HE'S ENDING HIS CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNO  OSMEK, A STATE SENATOR FROM", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00033-00002952-00002959": "ENDING HIS CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNO  OSMEK, A STATE SENATOR FROM", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00034-00002959-00003136": "ENDING HIS CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNO  OSMEK, A STATE SENATOR FROM  MOUND, SAYS HE DECIDED TO DROP", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00035-00003136-00003143": "OSMEK, A STATE SENATOR FROM  MOUND, SAYS HE DECIDED TO DROP", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00036-00003143-00003286": "OSMEK, A STATE SENATOR FROM  MOUND, SAYS HE DECIDED TO DROP  OUT AFTER DISCUSSING PROSPECTS", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00037-00003286-00003293": "MOUND, SAYS HE DECIDED TO DROP  OUT AFTER DISCUSSING PROSPECTS", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00038-00003293-00003363": "MOUND, SAYS HE DECIDED TO DROP  OUT AFTER DISCUSSING PROSPECTS  WITH FAMILY AND SUPPORTERS OVER", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00039-00003363-00003370": "OUT AFTER DISCUSSING PROSPECTS  WITH FAMILY AND SUPPORTERS OVER", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00040-00003370-00003510": "OUT AFTER DISCUSSING PROSPECTS  WITH FAMILY AND SUPPORTERS OVER  THE HOLIDAYS. OSMEK FINISHED", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00041-00003510-00003516": "WITH FAMILY AND SUPPORTERS OVER  THE HOLIDAYS. OSMEK FINISHED", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00042-00003516-00003710": "WITH FAMILY AND SUPPORTERS OVER  THE HOLIDAYS. OSMEK FINISHED FIFTH OF SEVEN CANDIDATES IN A", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00043-00003710-00003717": "THE HOLIDAYS. OSMEK FINISHED FIFTH OF SEVEN CANDIDATES IN A", "l6o7ZqW5yS8-00044-00003717-00003943": "THE HOLIDAYS. OSMEK FINISHED FIFTH OF SEVEN CANDIDATES IN A STRAW POLL AT THE PARTY'S STATE"}}, {"audio_id": "l6odswgqUsA", "text": {"l6odswgqUsA-00000-00001957-00002466": "One of the final stages of PCB production is electrical testing.", "l6odswgqUsA-00001-00002622-00003012": "For fast prototypes and small series-production", "l6odswgqUsA-00002-00003013-00003894": "the most effective method of electrical testing is the fly probe method.", "l6odswgqUsA-00003-00003894-00004479": "Using the program put together at the PCBs preparation stage the machine", "l6odswgqUsA-00004-00004479-00005016": "verifies all nets for integrity continuously touching the contact pads.", "l6odswgqUsA-00005-00005016-00005686": "At the second stage the adjacent nets are checked for reciprocal contact.", "l6odswgqUsA-00006-00006132-00006612": "This test ensures that during the production process all nets were replicated correctly."}}, {"audio_id": "l6ru25vMuuU", "text": {"l6ru25vMuuU-00000-00000000-00000602": "\"How to Develop a Healthy Gut Ecosystem\"", "l6ru25vMuuU-00001-00000602-00000944": "As I’ve explored before, whether you’re young or old,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00002-00000944-00001292": "male or female, smoker or non, high blood pressure, low blood pressure,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00003-00001292-00001668": "high cholesterol or low, having high levels of a toxic compound", "l6ru25vMuuU-00004-00001668-00001909": "called TMAO--trimethylamine oxide—", "l6ru25vMuuU-00005-00001909-00002249": "in one’s blood stream is associated with a significantly higher risk", "l6ru25vMuuU-00006-00002249-00002722": "of having a heart attack, stroke, or dying over a 3 year period.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00007-00002722-00002991": "Where does TMAO come from?", "l6ru25vMuuU-00008-00002991-00003547": "The choline in foods like eggs can be turned by gut bacteria into TMAO,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00009-00003547-00003811": "which is then absorbed back into our system,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00010-00003812-00004442": "and the more eggs we eat the higher the levels climb.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00011-00004442-00004762": "Given the similarity in structure between carnitine and choline,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00012-00004762-00004998": "the same group of Cleveland Clinic researchers wondered", "l6ru25vMuuU-00013-00004998-00005336": "if carnitine, found in red meat, energy drinks, and supplements,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00014-00005336-00005580": "might also lead to  TMAO production,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00015-00005580-00005805": "so they put it to the test.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00016-00005805-00006271": "If you feed someone a steak their TMAO levels shoot up.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00017-00006271-00006627": "Now this was someone who regularly ate meat.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00018-00006627-00006864": "Those who eat strictly  plant-based", "l6ru25vMuuU-00019-00006864-00007165": "may start out with almost no TMAO in their system,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00020-00007165-00007439": "presumably because they’re not eating any meat, eggs, or dairy,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00021-00007439-00008091": "but even if the vegan eats a sirloin almost no TMAO is made.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00022-00008106-00008226": "Why?", "l6ru25vMuuU-00023-00008227-00008589": "Presumably, they don’t have steak-eating bacteria in their guts.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00024-00008589-00009099": "No TMAO is produced if you don’t have TMAO producing bacteria in your gut.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00025-00009099-00009509": "If you don’t regularly eat meat, then you’re not fostering the growth", "l6ru25vMuuU-00026-00009509-00009850": "of the meat-eating microbes that produce TMAO.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00027-00009850-00010264": "This suggests that once we develop a plant-based gut ecosystem,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00028-00010264-00010511": "our bacteria will not produce TMAO", "l6ru25vMuuU-00029-00010511-00010785": "even if we eat meat every once in awhile.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00030-00010785-00011243": "However, we still don’t know how rapidly gut bacteria shifts", "l6ru25vMuuU-00031-00011243-00011396": "after a shift in our diet,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00032-00011396-00011675": "but it does not appear to be all or nothing.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00033-00011675-00011952": "If you take men eating the standard American diet", "l6ru25vMuuU-00034-00011952-00012215": "and have them eat two sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits", "l6ru25vMuuU-00035-00012215-00012635": "before and after just 5 days of eating lots of high fat meals like that", "l6ru25vMuuU-00036-00012636-00012971": "you can boost TMAO production even higher.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00037-00012971-00013315": "So it’s not just, do you have the bad bugs or not,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00038-00013315-00013803": "you can apparently breed more of them the more you feed them.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00039-00013804-00014213": "On the other hand, meat-free diets  have been demonstrated", "l6ru25vMuuU-00040-00014215-00014468": "to have a profound influence on human metabolism.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00041-00014468-00014901": "You can analyze a urine sample and tell what kind of diet people eat", "l6ru25vMuuU-00042-00014901-00015312": "based on measurements like how low their TMAO levels are", "l6ru25vMuuU-00043-00015312-00015701": "in the urine of those eating egg-free vegetarian diets.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00044-00015701-00016161": "You can even take the same people  and rotate them through 3 different diets", "l6ru25vMuuU-00045-00016161-00016361": "and you can tell who is who.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00046-00016361-00016709": "Who is on a high meat,  low meat, or no meat diet,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00047-00016709-00016904": "in part based on the different compounds", "l6ru25vMuuU-00048-00016904-00017262": "churned out by the different gut flora or different flora activity", "l6ru25vMuuU-00049-00017262-00017570": "after just about two weeks on the different diets.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00050-00017570-00017940": "It’s possible that some of the beneficial effects of whole plant foods", "l6ru25vMuuU-00051-00017940-00018459": "may be mediated by the effects they have on our gut bacteria.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00052-00018459-00018865": "At the same time,  the standard American diet", "l6ru25vMuuU-00053-00018865-00019248": "may increase the relative abundance of undesirables", "l6ru25vMuuU-00054-00019248-00019946": "that produce toxic compounds including the cardiotoxicant TMAO.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00055-00019946-00020372": "Strictly plant-based diets have gained acceptance as a dietary strategy", "l6ru25vMuuU-00056-00020372-00020666": "for preventing and  managing disease;", "l6ru25vMuuU-00057-00020666-00021181": "perhaps in part because of their rather unique gut flora,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00058-00021181-00021662": "less of the disease-causing bacteria and more of the protective species.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00059-00021662-00021961": "So all along we thought the reason those eating plant-based", "l6ru25vMuuU-00060-00021961-00022078": "had lower heart disease rates", "l6ru25vMuuU-00061-00022078-00022359": "was because they were eating less saturated fat and cholesterol,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00062-00022359-00022577": "but maybe their lower TMAO levels", "l6ru25vMuuU-00063-00022577-00022882": "may also be contributing to their benefits", "l6ru25vMuuU-00064-00022882-00023339": "thanks to the reduction of ingestion of carnitine and choline.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00065-00023339-00023841": "I talked about the egg industry response to the choline revelation.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00066-00023841-00024184": "How has the carnitine supplement industry reacted?", "l6ru25vMuuU-00067-00024184-00024559": "The former VP of Advocare, a multilevel marketing company", "l6ru25vMuuU-00068-00024559-00024900": "that sells carnitine supplements like “Slam”", "l6ru25vMuuU-00069-00024900-00025234": "while getting slammed with lawsuits, finding them for example", "l6ru25vMuuU-00070-00025234-00025472": "guilty of false, misleading  or deceptive practices,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00071-00025473-00025687": "forced to pay over  a million dollars", "l6ru25vMuuU-00072-00025687-00026226": "in response to the research implicating  carnitine in TMAO production", "l6ru25vMuuU-00073-00026227-00026777": "he questioned whether there was a secret  vegan conspiracy at the Cleveland Clinic.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00074-00026777-00027118": "Restricting our intake of meat or carnitine supplements", "l6ru25vMuuU-00075-00027118-00027500": "to prevent our gut bacteria from making TMAO, he argues,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00076-00027500-00028038": "\"is like trying to prevent car accidents by restricting the sale of fuel.\"", "l6ru25vMuuU-00077-00028038-00028602": "Uh, OK, but there are benefits to transportation.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00078-00028602-00028820": "We’re talking about TMAO,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00079-00028820-00029152": "which may be fueling our epidemic of heart disease,", "l6ru25vMuuU-00080-00029152-00029412": "the #1 killer of men and women in this country.", "l6ru25vMuuU-00081-00029412-00029770": "As far as I’m concerned, the more  we can cut the fuel for that...", "l6ru25vMuuU-00082-00029776-00030183": "the better."}}, {"audio_id": "l74w2wsKRs4", "text": {"l74w2wsKRs4-00000-00000000-00000370": "Get started in real estate investing and who is the most important person you need on your real estate investing team."}}, {"audio_id": "l78-fQPqLMk", "text": {"l78-fQPqLMk-00000-00000000-00000200": "Egg rice", "l78-fQPqLMk-00001-00000200-00000400": "Street food"}}, {"audio_id": "l7vIDq_pSwY", "text": {"l7vIDq_pSwY-00000-00000312-00000704": "the teacher will plan a common launch and we'll check homework and do", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00001-00000704-00001119": "attendance while students are attending to the launch the teacher will also", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00002-00001119-00001512": "debrief that launch and it's often to be done to help build non-cognitive", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00003-00001512-00001991": "skills such as growth mindset or any types of other skills that are currently", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00004-00001991-00002454": "being worked on by the class this is because students, regardless of where", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00005-00002454-00002925": "they happen to be in the curriculum can all access non-cognitive skills so this", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00006-00002925-00003680": "makes an ideal topic for teachers to use as a launch. Notice the difference", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00007-00003680-00004028": "however when students are working through the launch, they do have their", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00008-00004028-00004469": "homework out like they did in the first two units except now when they're done", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00009-00004469-00004803": "they also have to look at their weekly goals and make sure they set their work", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00010-00004803-00005139": "up for that specific class so they can stay on track", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00011-00005139-00005544": "weekly goals something to be discussed in another screencast can include a", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00012-00005544-00005915": "specific number of assessments they intend to complete certain ways they", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00013-00005915-00006269": "tend to work, for example, how many times they plan to help another person on", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00014-00006269-00006720": "their team, whether they want to work on taking notes from a new type of resource,", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00015-00006720-00007206": "things such as that, and having the moment to get organized and look at", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00016-00007206-00007706": "their data at the start of every class is an essential part of the class period to", "l7vIDq_pSwY-00017-00007706-00007893": "make it happen with fidelity"}}, {"audio_id": "l7SqthfuAnU", "text": {"l7SqthfuAnU-00000-00000036-00000876": "Hi everybody I am going to give you an update on my Kanto shiny dex.", "l7SqthfuAnU-00001-00001056-00002130": "I'm gonna go through here real quick and show you the only ones that are missing Starmie,", "l7SqthfuAnU-00002-00002418-00003420": "and Snorlax so I have the first 149 of 151.", "l7SqthfuAnU-00003-00003624-00004014": "on my main account not bad huh", "l7SqthfuAnU-00004-00004236-00004938": "alrighty just a little Flex have a great day everybody peace."}}, {"audio_id": "l8swQznVfz0", "text": {"l8swQznVfz0-00000-00000797-00001180": "Your Africa wadis up welcome to another video on the Jesus name", "l8swQznVfz0-00001-00001180-00001759": "If you are new to this channel, please subscribe a nd hit the bell to tell the notification on in today's video", "l8swQznVfz0-00002-00001760-00001960": "We are going to be looking at the late former", "l8swQznVfz0-00003-00001989-00002659": "was in bothering President Robert Mugabe who passed on in the wee hours of the morning at a hospital in Singapore where he was", "l8swQznVfz0-00004-00002673-00003347": "Admitted as his health was deteriorating as a result of being an elderly person. It is true. Africa is lost and leader", "l8swQznVfz0-00005-00003365-00004027": "Robert Mugabe was removed as a party leader from by the OPF on the 19th of November", "l8swQznVfz0-00006-00004077-00004483": "2017 the late Robert Mugabe was president from 1987 to", "l8swQznVfz0-00007-00004536-00005020": "2017 when he passed on at the age of 91 if you are new to this channel, please subscribe", "l8swQznVfz0-00008-00005076-00005428": "Click the bell to tell the notification on and thank you for watching"}}, {"audio_id": "l8t52eur0d8", "text": {"l8t52eur0d8-00000-00000000-00000418": "Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park.", "l8t52eur0d8-00001-00000700-00001092": "President Abraham Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation on January 1, 1863", "l8t52eur0d8-00002-00001092-00001664": "with the stroke of a pen the presidential proclamation executive", "l8t52eur0d8-00003-00001664-00002096": "order changed the legal status of 3 million slaves in designated areas of", "l8t52eur0d8-00004-00002096-00002588": "the American South. Specifically it proclaimed the freedom of those slaves held in", "l8t52eur0d8-00005-00002588-00002922": "bondage in the 11 states that were in rebellion against the United States", "l8t52eur0d8-00006-00002922-00003332": "government. Since the proclamation was based on Lincoln's constitutional", "l8t52eur0d8-00007-00003332-00003779": "authority as commander-in-chief, the  executive order did not provide for the", "l8t52eur0d8-00008-00003779-00004242": "freedom of those slaves held in areas not in rebellion, such as the border states of", "l8t52eur0d8-00009-00004242-00004801": "Missouri,  Kentucky,  Maryland, and Delaware. The Emancipation Proclamation outraged", "l8t52eur0d8-00010-00004801-00005359": "white southerners and northern Democrats,  it energized anti-slavery forces,", "l8t52eur0d8-00011-00005359-00005743": "it inspired slaves to self-emancipate by running away from their Confederate", "l8t52eur0d8-00012-00005743-00006209": "masters, and it announced the recruitment of these very freedmen into the United", "l8t52eur0d8-00013-00006209-00006742": "States Army. In the Natchez district, therefore, freedom to tens of thousands", "l8t52eur0d8-00014-00006742-00007159": "of the enslaved would come with the arrival of Federal troops in the summer of 1863.", "l8t52eur0d8-00015-00007450-00008156": "This is Jim Wiggins, retired history  instructor at Copiah-Lincoln Community College, and  this has been your Natchez History Minute."}}, {"audio_id": "l8xFD1x3L-g", "text": {"l8xFD1x3L-g-00000-00000454-00001002": "During a thoracotomy, after reflecting thymic remnants,", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00001-00001002-00001459": "a large venous structure can be noted crossing the midline from the left and", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00002-00001459-00002107": "emptying into the superior vena cava. This vessel is most likely which of the following?", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00003-00002107-00002635": "So it is clear from the description that this structure is located in", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00004-00002635-00002935": "the superior mediastinum just behind the thymus.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00005-00002935-00003475": "It's a vein draining into the superior vena cava crossing from left to right.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00006-00003475-00003661": "Is it the azygos vein?", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00007-00003661-00004228": "No, the azygos vein is located on the right side and crosses from posterior to anterior", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00008-00004228-00004738": "above the root of the right lung and then if it drains into the superior vena cava.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00009-00004738-00004939": "So it does not cross from left to right.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00010-00004939-00005482": "The hemizygous vein crosses from left to right but it crosses behind the esophagus", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00011-00005482-00005812": "it's very deep and located in the inferior mediastinum.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00012-00005812-00006199": "The left brachiocephalic vein is the correct option.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00013-00006199-00006684": "This is the left brachiocephalic vein, it is formed by the union of the left", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00014-00006684-00007351": "internal jugular and left subclavian vein behind the left sternoclavicular joint and", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00015-00007351-00007972": "then crosses from left to right to join the right brachiocephalic vein behind", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00016-00007972-00008410": "the first right costal cartilage and form the superior vena cava.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00017-00008410-00008656": "The left internal jugular vein.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00018-00008656-00009139": "No, as we said that the left internal jugular vein joins the left subclavian", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00019-00009139-00009475": "to form the left brachiocephalic and it is the left brachiocephalic", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00020-00009475-00010000": "that empties into the superior vena cava, not the left internal jugular.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00021-00010000-00010366": "The left subclavian vein. Again, this is the wrong", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00022-00010366-00010891": "answer for the same reasons that I have just mentioned about the left internal jugular.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00023-00010891-00011461": "The left subclavian vein drains into the left brachiocephalic and then the", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00024-00011461-00011824": "left brachiocephalic at drains into the superior vena cava and", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00025-00011824-00012616": "the left subclavian vein is not crossing the midline it's not located behind the thymus.", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00026-00012616-00012904": "The subclavian vein is located behind the", "l8xFD1x3L-g-00027-00012904-00013369": "clavicle and is related to the upper border of the first rib."}}, {"audio_id": "l8K5IW_UBro", "text": {"l8K5IW_UBro-00000-00000060-00000130": "Hey ! Guys", "l8K5IW_UBro-00001-00000130-00000218": "this is MAJID", "l8K5IW_UBro-00002-00000218-00000268": "and you are watching Howtomajid", "l8K5IW_UBro-00004-00000365-00000670": "Youtube Channel and I am Your Host MAJID So   Today", "l8K5IW_UBro-00005-00000670-00000720": "today's video", "l8K5IW_UBro-00006-00000720-00000803": "in this video, i will tell you about youtube new update", "l8K5IW_UBro-00007-00000845-00000994": "a very sweet update", "l8K5IW_UBro-00009-00001201-00001290": "Paid membership", "l8K5IW_UBro-00011-00001422-00001555": "you can use", "l8K5IW_UBro-00012-00001555-00001630": "in this feature", "l8K5IW_UBro-00014-00001875-00002019": "WE WILL PAY to youtube", "l8K5IW_UBro-00015-00002019-00002138": "for no ads", "l8K5IW_UBro-00018-00002403-00002522": "when we mostly watch the video", "l8K5IW_UBro-00019-00002522-00002572": "an add will play before the video", "l8K5IW_UBro-00020-00002664-00002880": "mostly videos are start with ads", "l8K5IW_UBro-00022-00003073-00003180": "for saving our time from ads", "l8K5IW_UBro-00023-00003180-00003332": "youtube make another feature for us", "l8K5IW_UBro-00025-00003385-00003489": "Launched for us", "l8K5IW_UBro-00027-00003675-00003792": "called Paid membership", "l8K5IW_UBro-00028-00003792-00003842": "mean you will pay some money for the video and", "l8K5IW_UBro-00029-00003842-00003892": "then no ads will play before the video", "l8K5IW_UBro-00032-00004221-00004373": "you can watch any video", "l8K5IW_UBro-00036-00004524-00004732": "without ad", "l8K5IW_UBro-00038-00004851-00005027": "you can save any video from", "l8K5IW_UBro-00042-00005213-00005263": "Any Channel from youtube", "l8K5IW_UBro-00045-00005714-00005834": "other features and Facility", "l8K5IW_UBro-00050-00006074-00006124": "and Payment method update", "l8K5IW_UBro-00052-00006345-00006395": "Soon they will update", "l8K5IW_UBro-00053-00006395-00006489": "now i show", "l8K5IW_UBro-00055-00006642-00006706": "now i show", "l8K5IW_UBro-00056-00006706-00006866": "you on our mobile screen", "l8K5IW_UBro-00058-00006923-00007023": "i will show you", "l8K5IW_UBro-00063-00008655-00008718": "let's look at this", "l8K5IW_UBro-00065-00008950-00009000": "You can see that a feature of paid membership", "l8K5IW_UBro-00070-00009454-00009504": "this feature also show on your device like my device is showing", "l8K5IW_UBro-00074-00009794-00010109": "it's really a nice update from Youtube", "l8K5IW_UBro-00075-00010110-00010330": "like Red Youtube has also this feature", "l8K5IW_UBro-00077-00010410-00010486": "and simple youtube has no feature like this", "l8K5IW_UBro-00079-00010907-00011215": "now the paid membership is availabe in simple youtube", "l8K5IW_UBro-00080-00011215-00011315": "you can watch any video without any advertisement", "l8K5IW_UBro-00081-00011415-00011682": "Now we will go on Computer Screen", "l8K5IW_UBro-00083-00011847-00011897": "Let's Go and Stay tuned", "l8K5IW_UBro-00084-00011997-00012158": "now Guys we are at our Comptur screen", "l8K5IW_UBro-00086-00012280-00012468": "now i will show you where is this feature is arrive now and showing", "l8K5IW_UBro-00088-00012557-00012656": "now we simpley open youtube.com", "l8K5IW_UBro-00089-00012720-00012978": "now we are at youtube.com", "l8K5IW_UBro-00090-00012989-00013309": "now click on our profle button on", "l8K5IW_UBro-00091-00013317-00013373": "YOutube", "l8K5IW_UBro-00093-00013423-00013473": "here is showing many options", "l8K5IW_UBro-00094-00013473-00013582": "but", "l8K5IW_UBro-00095-00013582-00013632": "2nd option is paid membership you can see", "l8K5IW_UBro-00098-00014056-00014132": "now i will open", "l8K5IW_UBro-00100-00014182-00014334": "now this section is empty", "l8K5IW_UBro-00101-00014334-00014615": "because i never buy any video till now so that's why this tab is empty", "l8K5IW_UBro-00103-00014678-00015016": "because this feature is recently added in youtube", "l8K5IW_UBro-00104-00015016-00015324": "it's some other facilty and Payment method will update soon", "l8K5IW_UBro-00106-00015606-00015940": "sO THIS THE till now feature i tell you in this video", "l8K5IW_UBro-00108-00016218-00016445": "you can watch any video withou any advertisemnet now in youtube", "l8K5IW_UBro-00111-00016959-00017062": "so we will meet again in next video", "l8K5IW_UBro-00112-00017437-00017770": "i hope you like this video and it's really informative for You", "l8K5IW_UBro-00113-00017798-00017848": "if i make good work then", "l8K5IW_UBro-00114-00017848-00017963": "hit the Like button", "l8K5IW_UBro-00116-00018044-00018369": "if you too like my video then share this video with your friends", "l8K5IW_UBro-00118-00018644-00018694": "and if you never subscribe our channel", "l8K5IW_UBro-00119-00018694-00018750": "till now", "l8K5IW_UBro-00120-00018785-00019113": "then SUBSCRIBE And Press the bell ICon", "l8K5IW_UBro-00121-00019153-00019394": "bcz all updates you can check immedetly"}}, {"audio_id": "l93HaozL9dQ", "text": {"l93HaozL9dQ-00000-00000190-00000675": "hi everyone we are about to make hello world chatbot of", "l93HaozL9dQ-00001-00000675-00001248": "Dialogflow to start you simply have to go Dialogflow.com", "l93HaozL9dQ-00002-00001248-00001967": "and make an account here if you simply have an account you can go to console", "l93HaozL9dQ-00003-00002011-00003318": "okay sign in with Google okay here I already have some bots simply we have to create a new agent", "l93HaozL9dQ-00004-00003318-00004026": "to create a new agent you have to name you agent like hello agent", "l93HaozL9dQ-00005-00004026-00004571": "and simply create here, here are a few more options like language and default timezone", "l93HaozL9dQ-00006-00004571-00005412": "leave it as it is and simply create leave it as it is because we", "l93HaozL9dQ-00007-00005412-00005798": "want to make a bare minimum hello world chatbot", "l93HaozL9dQ-00008-00005962-00006536": "okay here we have hello world agent simply we have to create an intent, new intent", "l93HaozL9dQ-00009-00006536-00007284": "and name our intern like the \"first agent\" okay", "l93HaozL9dQ-00010-00007284-00008358": "user simply user will say hi, hello, hey here is context and some other things we are", "l93HaozL9dQ-00011-00008358-00008781": "not touching these things at this moment we are going to make a bare minimum hello", "l93HaozL9dQ-00012-00008781-00009497": "world chatbot okay then simply go to response and say", "l93HaozL9dQ-00013-00013063-00014350": "Hi I'm your hello world chatbot simply save it okay here's a moving gear indicates that training is", "l93HaozL9dQ-00014-00014350-00015290": "started wait to stop the gear it usually take 3-4 seconds, ok simply you can", "l93HaozL9dQ-00015-00015290-00015947": "try the bot here you just made, simply say hi because we expect here to say", "l93HaozL9dQ-00016-00015947-00016579": "user to hi, okay it responded Hi I'm your hello world chatbot I'm up and running", "l93HaozL9dQ-00017-00016579-00017303": "simply say hi again to get another response here we have given two or three", "l93HaozL9dQ-00018-00017303-00018044": "responses and it will pick randomly so it will more like human okay then here", "l93HaozL9dQ-00019-00018044-00018764": "here was our first chatbot I'm simply going to export it export it as zip", "l93HaozL9dQ-00020-00018764-00019268": "and I will upload it here here is my repository I will upload all", "l93HaozL9dQ-00021-00019268-00019913": "the code here each folder for each video alright okay I will share this link in", "l93HaozL9dQ-00022-00019913-00020504": "description ok it's time to do it yourself let's try self okay see you", "l93HaozL9dQ-00023-00020504-00020776": "next video bye bye"}}, {"audio_id": "lq4E5ApSXjk", "text": {"lq4E5ApSXjk-00000-00000027-00000135": "Welcome", "lq4E5ApSXjk-00508-00205355-00205405": "Click SUBSCRIBE", "lq4E5ApSXjk-00509-00205405-00205455": "THANKS"}}, {"audio_id": "lq8j0npSPPY", "text": {"lq8j0npSPPY-00000-00000000-00001592": "confirmed kanyaman and demet azdemir will be in disney plus", "lq8j0npSPPY-00001-00002160-00002560": "as announced in the title this is the long list of turkish actor who will be", "lq8j0npSPPY-00002-00002560-00002984": "part of the new projects that disney plus plans to carry out in turkey", "lq8j0npSPPY-00003-00003168-00003560": "today its official social networks with a promotion of video the arrival of", "lq8j0npSPPY-00004-00003560-00004008": "disney plus in turkey was announced and these actors shared it on their stories", "lq8j0npSPPY-00005-00004168-00004776": "demet who should already be on the set of his dz for disney plus bjork dennis already in disney", "lq8j0npSPPY-00006-00004776-00005344": "plus with ferzin ospatek and a confirmation arrives on kanyaman who's project already known", "lq8j0npSPPY-00007-00005608-00006048": "in short these are the actors who will play in disney plus and well known in italy", "lq8j0npSPPY-00008-00006256-00006856": "thanks to the dz for exporting it from turkey such as ken yaman to met osdemere burek danis", "lq8j0npSPPY-00009-00006856-00007448": "and handers are you excited to watch kanyaman and demet azdimir together again", "lq8j0npSPPY-00010-00007448-00007928": "can't wait to see this series in disney plus please stay tuned for more updates", "lq8j0npSPPY-00011-00008264-00009152": "thank you for watching please stay tuned for more updates thank you"}}, {"audio_id": "lq9EgIIosiy", "text": {"lq9EgIIosiy-00000-00000000-00000386": "Vinyl Windows Company Salt Lake City", "lq9EgIIosiy-00001-00000386-00000888": "BestSaltLakeCityWindows.Com", "lq9EgIIosiy-00002-00000888-00001480": "Our vinyl windows company Salt Lake City based is Utah's best choice for premium energy saving windows!", "lq9EgIIosiy-00003-00001480-00002026": "Call: 801-447-1972 www.BestSaltLakeCityWindows.com"}}, {"audio_id": "lqeas9DCMuy", "text": {"lqeas9DCMuy-00000-00000858-00001168": "Many store-bought lip balms like Blistex and Chapstick", "lqeas9DCMuy-00001-00001168-00001560": "contain ingredients like phenol, saccharin, parabens,", "lqeas9DCMuy-00002-00001560-00001883": "fragrance, oxybenzone (which is the chemical usedin", "lqeas9DCMuy-00003-00001883-00002152": "sunscreens and has been found to be a hormone disruptor", "lqeas9DCMuy-00004-00002152-00002610": "in the body), mineral oil, paraffin and even petrolatum", "lqeas9DCMuy-00005-00002610-00002742": "which are very toxic to us.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00006-00002862-00003147": "Because of this lip balms were oneof the first things", "lqeas9DCMuy-00007-00003147-00003364": "I swapped outat the very beginning when I started", "lqeas9DCMuy-00008-00003364-00003594": "living a more natural low-waste lifestyle.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00009-00003822-00004177": "Now I'm a compulsive lip biter so whenever I'munsure,", "lqeas9DCMuy-00010-00004177-00004446": "anxious or bored I bite and pick at my lips", "lqeas9DCMuy-00011-00004485-00004741": "so having this lip balm handy has helpedheal my lips", "lqeas9DCMuy-00012-00004741-00005030": "right up as it contains nourishing ingredients that sit on my lips", "lqeas9DCMuy-00013-00005030-00005392": "for hourshelping them stay soft, smooth and hydrated.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00014-00005538-00005842": "Having this cream on also helpsme to break the habit of biting", "lqeas9DCMuy-00015-00005842-00006133": "my lips as it's too slipperyon my skin for me to pick at.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00016-00006366-00006499": "When making this lip balm", "lqeas9DCMuy-00017-00006499-00006718": "to make a thickerlonger lasting balm", "lqeas9DCMuy-00018-00006718-00006965": "use one to two extra teaspoons of wax", "lqeas9DCMuy-00019-00006965-00007366": "or for a smoother softer lip balm use slightly less wax.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00020-00007745-00008036": "As there are no water-based ingredients inthis recipe", "lqeas9DCMuy-00021-00008036-00008287": "you can re-melt and add more of each ingredient during", "lqeas9DCMuy-00022-00008287-00008530": "the melting process untilyou get the exact", "lqeas9DCMuy-00023-00008530-00008689": "consistency and texture you want.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00024-00008808-00009162": "I don't recommend using soy waxas it's very challenging to find", "lqeas9DCMuy-00025-00009162-00009387": "a completely clean soy wax that'sbeen made", "lqeas9DCMuy-00026-00009387-00009562": "from 100% organic soy.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00027-00009608-00009848": "They often add chemicals like paraffinto the wax", "lqeas9DCMuy-00028-00009848-00010000": "or it comes from GMO soy.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00029-00010092-00010418": "I found candelilla wax to be a great veganalternative", "lqeas9DCMuy-00030-00010418-00010607": "to beeswax and it works just as well.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00031-00011016-00011264": "If you want to make it a healing lip balm add in", "lqeas9DCMuy-00032-00011264-00011544": "two teaspoons of calendula-infused oil instead of", "lqeas9DCMuy-00033-00011544-00011804": "coconut oil to enhance the balm's healingproperties.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00034-00011945-00012200": "To make this all-natural homemade lip balm", "lqeas9DCMuy-00035-00012200-00012517": "begin by making a double boiler byplacing a small saucepan", "lqeas9DCMuy-00036-00012517-00012791": "filled with a couple of inches of water over medium heat", "lqeas9DCMuy-00037-00012837-00012969": "and bring thewater to a boil.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00038-00013079-00013327": "Next place a heat safe bowl that fits on top", "lqeas9DCMuy-00039-00013327-00013469": "of the saucepan on top.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00040-00013590-00013830": "The bottom ofthe bowl should not be touching the water below.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00041-00013908-00014164": "Then add in two teaspoons of coconutoil", "lqeas9DCMuy-00042-00014164-00014385": "two teaspoons of shea butter andtwo teaspoons", "lqeas9DCMuy-00043-00014385-00014655": "of candelilla wax or beeswaxto the bowl", "lqeas9DCMuy-00044-00014655-00014820": "and stir regularly until melted.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00045-00015606-00015856": "Remove the saucepan from heat but keepthe bowl", "lqeas9DCMuy-00046-00015856-00016114": "over the still hot water to keep the mixture melted.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00047-00016146-00016365": "Then allow the mixture tocool slightly before adding", "lqeas9DCMuy-00048-00016365-00016714": "in the 5 drops of vitamin E oil and 20 drops of essential oil", "lqeas9DCMuy-00049-00016714-00016767": "of choice.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00050-00016808-00016892": "I use lavender", "lqeas9DCMuy-00051-00016921-00017000": "and stir that through.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00052-00017214-00017499": "From there immediately begintransferring the hot mixture", "lqeas9DCMuy-00053-00017499-00017782": "into your empty lip balm containers usinga teaspoon.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00054-00017836-00018098": "This must be done quickly asthe mixture will start to harden", "lqeas9DCMuy-00055-00018098-00018239": "as soon as it's removed from heat.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00056-00018480-00018751": "Once filled let the containers sit at roomtemperature", "lqeas9DCMuy-00057-00018751-00018968": "for several hours until completely cool.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00058-00019020-00019228": "Then place the lids on and store in places", "lqeas9DCMuy-00059-00019228-00019400": "where they'll be on hand to use when needed.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00060-00019482-00019763": "I keep one in my backpack, one in my handbag", "lqeas9DCMuy-00061-00019763-00019979": "onein my purse and one in my bathroom.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00062-00020112-00020415": "Glass or tin containers are a preferred option to store this", "lqeas9DCMuy-00063-00020415-00020685": "lip balm in as plastic containers leach chemicals", "lqeas9DCMuy-00064-00020685-00020831": "into whatever's stored inside.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00065-00020872-00021119": "Particularlyif stored for long periods of time", "lqeas9DCMuy-00066-00021119-00021288": "or if the contents are fatty or hot.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00067-00021454-00021674": "I hope you enjoyed thissimple DIY tutorial", "lqeas9DCMuy-00068-00021674-00021893": "for making an all-natural lip balm recipe", "lqeas9DCMuy-00069-00021893-00022053": "for silky soft smooth lips.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00070-00022122-00022359": "Let meknow if you try this recipe yourself or if you", "lqeas9DCMuy-00071-00022359-00022587": "have another favourite recipe for a homemade lipbalm", "lqeas9DCMuy-00072-00022587-00022691": "I'd love to hear about it.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00073-00022738-00023029": "Thank you so soso much for watching.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00074-00023070-00023303": "I'm sending you big hugs andso much love.", "lqeas9DCMuy-00075-00023388-00023564": "Take care and I'll see you soon again."}}, {"audio_id": "lqF8sfDwEFg", "text": {"lqF8sfDwEFg-00000-00008031-00008332": "As we travelled  north,  it got wilder and more desert-like.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00001-00008384-00008570": "And barely inhabited.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00002-00008704-00008904": "Watch out for the cactus...", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00003-00009088-00009282": "We reached the Atacama region", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00004-00009368-00009688": "It is the driest desert on the planet", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00005-00009936-00010348": "First, the only vegetation were cacti,  but then they, too, disappeared.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00006-00012962-00013354": "These ample beaches are also are nice playground  for an offroad truck", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00007-00014624-00015008": "Finding a camping spot is not really difficult here,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00008-00015096-00015296": "you can just park anywhere.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00009-00015512-00015658": "Not bad here.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00010-00015782-00015908": "Simply a lot of space.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00011-00017550-00017864": "For us Europeans it is almost inconceivable", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00012-00017878-00018206": "to have beaches of these dimensions  completely to oneself, for days.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00013-00018342-00018626": "When at this 5 km beach there is nobody,  nor at the next,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00014-00018862-00019188": "and at the next beach you might run  into two fishermen maybe, at 7 AM,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00015-00019288-00019512": "and that was it for the next three days.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00016-00019936-00020142": "Awesome.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00017-00020970-00021146": "And finally mild temperatures.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00018-00021146-00021308": "We enjoyed that very much.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00019-00021376-00021536": "Back off a little, Emil.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00020-00021578-00021702": "One, two,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00021-00021720-00021966": "three! Pull, pull!", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00022-00022276-00022476": "Look at the kite.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00023-00022520-00022796": "You have to keep the lines under tension, ok?", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00024-00023070-00023284": "Let go, Mama!", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00025-00025950-00026366": "Here, Chile‘s coastline is not a pretty,  Caribbean-style seashore,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00026-00026452-00026818": "but rather wild, Pacific beaches,  very rocky, with massive waves,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00027-00027048-00027370": "but it has its own charm, just so... untamed.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00028-00027727-00028122": "Not really good for bathing, because temperatures are around 15 degrees,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00029-00028308-00028672": "and the Pacific swells get quite big.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00030-00029592-00030076": "Along the Pacific coast runs the cold Humbodt current.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00031-00030122-00030439": "It makes the ocean very rich in marine life.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00032-00030466-00030818": "From the beach, we noticed that mostly  because we saw such a variety of seabirds.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00033-00031268-00031512": "In the early morning, a multitude of birds arrived.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00034-00031577-00031832": "Seagulls, terns, waders, vultures,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00035-00031848-00032130": "to go mussel picking, bathing, fishing, chattering...", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00036-00032776-00033194": "As a biologist, I loved watching all these busy birds.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00037-00035760-00036060": "At noon, the vultures arrived to take their bath.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00038-00036098-00036318": "Always something going on.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00039-00036726-00036986": "The Humboldt current has a nice side effect:", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00040-00037084-00037424": "Above the cold water, air condenses and forms mist.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00041-00037582-00037858": "This drifts towards the coastal mountains and  brings moisture into the desert.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00042-00037990-00038266": "Thus, cacti and small animals can survive.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00043-00039472-00039812": "Further inland, the Atacama is nearly devoid of live,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00044-00039920-00040332": "but this misty coastline is quite diverse -  at least for a desert.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00045-00042478-00042878": "The sun was setting into the mist,  but sometimes the clouds opened", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00046-00043016-00043296": "and we could see the blue ocean with the dark red dusk,", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00047-00043686-00044034": "then the fog closed in again  and set a whole different scene -", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00048-00044148-00044360": "it was really beautiful.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00049-00047814-00048066": "Tino, here come our two teas!", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00050-00048184-00048490": "Let me see if you have the right cup.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00051-00048536-00048788": "Here, this one‘s mine. No, this one.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00052-00049210-00049384": "Put the marshmallow on, dad.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00053-00049664-00049794": "Right then, into the fire.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00054-00050134-00050378": "I am making my marshmallow!", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00055-00050464-00050904": "Mama, I have an idea: can we prop it up like this  and put a stone here on top?", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00056-00051316-00051516": "Careful, it is still hot.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00057-00052190-00052541": "Tino, is this the first Marshmallow in your entire life?", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00058-00052584-00052741": "Yes. So?", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00059-00053898-00054062": "Go on, Mama.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00060-00054174-00054694": "Ever since then, humans love to sit by the fire, because it not only warms us, but also cooks our food...", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00061-00056498-00056708": "Yesterday, we landed on the west side of the moon.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00062-00057040-00057200": "The air is so dry.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00063-00057472-00057584": "I am so hot!", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00064-00057624-00057796": "Eyes are burning, nose, too.", "lqF8sfDwEFg-00065-00057878-00058096": "The water evaporates almost while drinking."}}, {"audio_id": "lqbEiYYElEY", "text": {"lqbEiYYElEY-00000-00000150-00001765": "Hello everyone today i'll show you what the jaw means to fall The jaw falls means that the cheeks fall very delicious in the ape", "lqbEiYYElEY-00001-00001770-00002820": "Let's get started. you eat delicious and reputable cake as cheeks fall", "lqbEiYYElEY-00002-00002820-00003529": "you say delicious and as the jaw falls."}}, {"audio_id": "lr3oysoVFT8", "text": {"lr3oysoVFT8-00000-00000003-00000705": "welcome to my porch I'm on my front porch because today I'm gonna try to clean my cast-iron skillet", "lr3oysoVFT8-00001-00000705-00001314": "it's got junk on there that I just can't get off and it's driving me nuts I'm thinking it", "lr3oysoVFT8-00002-00001314-00002064": "should be like a smoother surface and there's been such dried on stuff here that why not I'm", "lr3oysoVFT8-00003-00002064-00002823": "gonna try so I'm gonna try it easy off why not I'm gonna spray easy off in this pan I", "lr3oysoVFT8-00004-00002823-00003519": "saw a video and I've been talking to a simple life with Christian care now they have a lot of", "lr3oysoVFT8-00005-00003519-00004170": "cast iron in fact he collects cast iron and I'll post their channel below go check this", "lr3oysoVFT8-00006-00004170-00005097": "out but he said yellow LED easy off spray the pan really good and put it in a plastic bag a", "lr3oysoVFT8-00007-00005097-00005823": "black plastic black bag that can talk for three days so that's what I'm gonna do I'm", "lr3oysoVFT8-00008-00005823-00006372": "gonna try it and then after that we'll season it and see how it comes up or comes out okay so", "lr3oysoVFT8-00009-00006372-00007445": "so I've got my cast iron skillet here all right yeah oh can you see it's like cruddy in there", "lr3oysoVFT8-00010-00007445-00008496": "and nasty and I've got gloves because he told me I needed to work love so I'm listening listening", "lr3oysoVFT8-00011-00008496-00009135": "to that because I just feel I need to so I've got nice yellow gloves here maybe I'll clean", "lr3oysoVFT8-00012-00009135-00009744": "layout in real time does have a self cleaner though I don't see so what we're gonna do is", "lr3oysoVFT8-00013-00009744-00010626": "we're going to spray this paint really really good I'm doing it outside I have animals and", "lr3oysoVFT8-00014-00010626-00011448": "kids in there so even the handle we're just gonna spray it good we're gonna coat this baby", "lr3oysoVFT8-00015-00011527-00012835": "bubbling I'm even gonna do the underneath because the other needs a little bit nasty too so why", "lr3oysoVFT8-00016-00012835-00013630": "not but he said coat it really really do I could see black look at the handle you see the handles", "lr3oysoVFT8-00017-00013630-00015997": "turning brown already now the bottom I just pan I'm not it does smell not real sure how much the", "lr3oysoVFT8-00018-00015997-00016618": "do I have another pan inside if this works I'm gonna do it to the other pan also the other pan", "lr3oysoVFT8-00019-00016618-00017485": "is a little bit bigger oh I probably should have worn mask oh I can see Brown coming there's brown", "lr3oysoVFT8-00020-00017485-00017977": "coming off of this already probably should have had a mask on I have plenty of those now that", "lr3oysoVFT8-00021-00017977-00019165": "I'm making I really didn't want my mask to think like this right oh look at there it's bubbling and", "lr3oysoVFT8-00022-00019165-00020326": "turning round that is cool all right so that's oh look at this dirt look it's working right I have", "lr3oysoVFT8-00023-00020326-00021516": "gloves on oh I sprayed the lid it is what it is right so we're gonna just spray this really super", "lr3oysoVFT8-00024-00021516-00022581": "right here give it another Oh you know what it's working already I can see that it's working I can", "lr3oysoVFT8-00025-00022581-00023331": "actually see that it's working because there's like brown nasties in there all right I'm gonna", "lr3oysoVFT8-00026-00023331-00023940": "give the bottom another coat and then we're gonna put it in like that it's working we're gonna coat", "lr3oysoVFT8-00027-00023940-00025035": "the bottom again now I can't hold the freakin can because my hand is all slippery wow wow wow", "lr3oysoVFT8-00028-00025035-00027486": "wow that's all I can't hold the cam can't keep slipping out of my hand and then I'm gonna stick", "lr3oysoVFT8-00029-00027486-00028149": "it in this bag that's problem I imagine that's enough so if I can't hold the can anymore so I've", "lr3oysoVFT8-00030-00028149-00029110": "got a big black garbage bag he said put it in the garbage bag pry it up real good leave it there for", "lr3oysoVFT8-00031-00029110-00030835": "three days I believe I will look that up to make sure but there it is there it is so let me know", "lr3oysoVFT8-00032-00030835-00031702": "this isn't this let's see I don't want to root I don't want to turn these gloves inside out because", "lr3oysoVFT8-00033-00031702-00032569": "I want to be able to wash them so now I'll be back in three days and we'll see what this looks like", "lr3oysoVFT8-00034-00033504-00033554": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "lr4LmR0m3eM", "text": {"lr4LmR0m3eM-00000-00000000-00004090": "🌟 🇺🇸 Costume Skate-Hunchback Children's — Shop GrandStart.ru 🌟"}}, {"audio_id": "lrKxmwyon6A", "text": {"lrKxmwyon6A-00000-00001103-00001429": "Item #: SCP-2740", "lrKxmwyon6A-00001-00001429-00001566": "Object Class: Euclid", "lrKxmwyon6A-00002-00001566-00002265": "Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-2740, any means of direct containment", "lrKxmwyon6A-00003-00002265-00002493": "are currently unfeasible.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00004-00002493-00003289": "Access to ████ █. ██ St, █████, IN is forbidden, and is to be enforced by Foundation", "lrKxmwyon6A-00005-00003289-00003483": "security personnel.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00006-00003483-00004206": "Cover story Delta-4B \"Gas Leak\" is to be disseminated in █████, IN.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00007-00004206-00004701": "Standard cognitohazardous object amnestic treatment is available to all personnel assigned", "lrKxmwyon6A-00008-00004701-00004801": "to SCP-2740.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00009-00004801-00005574": "Description: The nature, appearance, and potential existence of SCP-2740 is uncertain.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00010-00005574-00006085": "SCP-2740 is believed to possibly exist in the northwest corner of the attic in the home", "lrKxmwyon6A-00011-00006085-00006920": "of the Lee family at ████ █. ██ St, █████, IN, a location roughly 6m", "lrKxmwyon6A-00012-00006920-00007161": "from the ladder leading to it.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00013-00007161-00007520": "Individuals attempting to approach the ladder leading to the attic will find themselves", "lrKxmwyon6A-00014-00007520-00008064": "unable to do so; while individuals can approach the ladder and, in certain cases, even begin", "lrKxmwyon6A-00015-00008064-00008565": "to climb it, upon further inspection it will always be discovered that these individuals", "lrKxmwyon6A-00016-00008565-00008903": "did not in actuality do so.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00017-00008903-00009350": "The reason for this is currently unknown; additionally, it is uncertain if this effect", "lrKxmwyon6A-00018-00009350-00009499": "exists at all.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00019-00009499-00009778": "Research into this phenomenon is ongoing.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00020-00009778-00010445": "The only information gathered regarding SCP-2740 has been done so through interviews with affected", "lrKxmwyon6A-00021-00010445-00010584": "individuals.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00022-00010584-00011264": "SCP-2740 appears to instill a sense of intense dread in any individual cognizant of it, although", "lrKxmwyon6A-00023-00011264-00011497": "the reason for this is unknown.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00024-00011497-00012057": "This effect begins upon entering the house at ████ █. ██ St, or by becoming", "lrKxmwyon6A-00025-00012057-00012710": "cognizant of SCP-2740 through discussion with other individuals affected by its anomalous", "lrKxmwyon6A-00026-00012710-00012810": "nature.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00027-00012810-00013127": "Interview 2740-A: Franklin Lee", "lrKxmwyon6A-00028-00013127-00013760": "The following interview was conducted after the discovery of SCP-2740 with Franklin Lee,", "lrKxmwyon6A-00029-00013760-00014345": "the owner of the home at ████ █. ██ St and patriarch of the Lee family.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00030-00014345-00014595": "Interviewer: Dr. K. Dorsett", "lrKxmwyon6A-00031-00014595-00014886": "Interviewee: Franklin Lee", "lrKxmwyon6A-00032-00014886-00014986": "[BEGIN LOG]", "lrKxmwyon6A-00033-00014986-00015366": "Dr. Dorsett: When did you begin to notice something was wrong?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00034-00015366-00015487": "Franklin Lee: Maybe…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00035-00015487-00015661": "I don't know, it was years ago.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00036-00015661-00015815": "It wasn't always like this, though.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00037-00015815-00016256": "In the beginning it was just something, you know, you could ignore it.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00038-00016256-00016720": "I remember there would be times I would walk down the hall upstairs and just- just glance", "lrKxmwyon6A-00039-00016720-00016892": "at it, and get this feeling.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00040-00016892-00017112": "Dr. Dorsett: Can you describe the feeling?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00041-00017112-00017370": "Franklin Lee: Like there was something up there.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00042-00017370-00017712": "Not that I could see it or anything, and we didn't hear anything either.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00043-00017712-00018133": "The mood in the house changed, and we thought it was because she- I…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00044-00018133-00018272": "no, it wasn't that.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00045-00018272-00018381": "Dr. Dorsett: Mr. Lee?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00046-00018381-00018565": "Who do you mean, she?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00047-00018565-00018831": "Franklin Lee: Our oldest daughter, Olivia.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00048-00018831-00019293": "She left when she was seventeen, and… there were some other things going on then, we were", "lrKxmwyon6A-00049-00019293-00019478": "going through some hard times.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00050-00019478-00019973": "Olivia left to go live with my wife's sister, we haven't talked to her in years.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00051-00019973-00020073": "I think…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00052-00020073-00020262": "I don't know, maybe we did start to notice it then.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00053-00020262-00020506": "Dr. Dorsett: What did you originally notice?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00054-00020506-00020927": "Franklin Lee: The quiet, everything was real quiet.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00055-00020927-00021243": "Didn't sound like a house with three other kids, you know, but…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00056-00021243-00021562": "I don't know, it just built up over time, right?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00057-00021562-00022044": "And after a while I decided I needed to know, I needed to find out what was up there, what", "lrKxmwyon6A-00058-00022044-00022144": "she had left-", "lrKxmwyon6A-00059-00022144-00022255": "Dr. Dorsett: Mr. Lee?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00060-00022255-00022618": "Franklin Lee: …I tried, I can't tell you how many times I've tried.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00061-00022618-00023051": "I'll begin climbing, and open my eyes, and I'll be back in bed, or in the living room", "lrKxmwyon6A-00062-00023051-00023365": "by the tv, and the feeling never goes away.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00063-00023365-00023651": "I quit my job, I couldn't handle the stress.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00064-00023651-00024123": "I couldn't explain it to anyone, everybody thought I was crazy, but… there were a few", "lrKxmwyon6A-00065-00024123-00024650": "times I contemplated knocking the whole house down, I even signed the papers once, but then", "lrKxmwyon6A-00066-00024650-00024895": "I called back and the company didn't exist anymore.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00067-00024895-00025073": "Dr. Dorsett: Why didn't you move?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00068-00025073-00025297": "Franklin Lee: …You don't think we didn't try?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00069-00025297-00025751": "It was like climbing that ladder; you get halfway up, you push open the door, and you", "lrKxmwyon6A-00070-00025751-00026269": "can feel it, but then… then you're sitting at the kitchen table.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00071-00026269-00026527": "[END LOG]", "lrKxmwyon6A-00072-00026527-00026997": "Following this interview, Mr. Lee and his family were moved to Site-81 for holding and", "lrKxmwyon6A-00073-00026997-00027452": "examination, with release pending further study of their mental condition The Lee family", "lrKxmwyon6A-00074-00027452-00027708": "has not been moved to Site-81.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00075-00027708-00027977": "Information claiming otherwise has been proven inaccurate.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00076-00027977-00028233": "Research into this is ongoing.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00077-00028233-00028522": "Interview 2740-B: Yvette Lee", "lrKxmwyon6A-00078-00028522-00029212": "The following interview was conducted after the discovery of SCP-2740 with Yvette Lee,", "lrKxmwyon6A-00079-00029212-00029803": "the co-owner of the home at ████ █. ██ St and matriarch of the Lee family.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00080-00029803-00030033": "Interviewer: Dr. K. Dorsett", "lrKxmwyon6A-00081-00030033-00030252": "Interviewee: Yvette Lee", "lrKxmwyon6A-00082-00030252-00030380": "[BEGIN LOG]", "lrKxmwyon6A-00083-00030380-00030925": "Dr. Dorsett: Mrs. Lee, can you tell me anything about why your husband wasn't able to articulate", "lrKxmwyon6A-00084-00030925-00031097": "any details about SCP-2740?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00085-00031097-00031500": "Yvette Lee: …Have you not been in the house, Dr. Dorsett?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00086-00031500-00031855": "Dr. Dorsett: I have not, my station has been here in our mobile facili-", "lrKxmwyon6A-00087-00031855-00032097": "Yvette Lee: Then you can't understand.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00088-00032097-00032572": "We've lived there for twenty years, and we can't even… we can't do anything about it", "lrKxmwyon6A-00089-00032572-00032672": "either.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00090-00032672-00032821": "We've tried everything, but nothing works.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00091-00032821-00033416": "Dr. Dorsett: We have reason to believe that you have entered the attic on ██/██/████. Can", "lrKxmwyon6A-00092-00033416-00033588": "you confirm this?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00093-00033588-00034030": "Foot note 1: This information was gathered after discussions with the three young Lee", "lrKxmwyon6A-00094-00034030-00034478": "children, each of whom referred to an event where their mother entered the attic, stayed", "lrKxmwyon6A-00095-00034478-00034725": "for several minutes, and then descended.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00096-00034725-00034948": "No other information was recovered regarding this event.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00097-00034948-00035183": "Yvette Lee: I- no, of course not, I-", "lrKxmwyon6A-00098-00035183-00035576": "Dr. Dorsett: Mrs. Lee, this will be much easier if you can be honest with us.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00099-00035576-00036028": "Yvette Lee: …My husband and I, we've been good parents, but we fought with Olivia over", "lrKxmwyon6A-00100-00036028-00036663": "so many things, things that seem inconsequential now, but… it drove a wedge between us, and", "lrKxmwyon6A-00101-00036663-00036956": "we all knew there was something festering in that space.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00102-00036956-00037180": "She couldn't admit the mistakes that she had made.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00103-00037180-00037593": "When she left, I could still feel the wedge, like it never went away.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00104-00037593-00038090": "One night I woke up and heard her, and went to the ladder and climbed up into it, and…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00105-00038090-00038190": "Dr. Dorsett: And?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00106-00038190-00038356": "Yvette Lee: …I don't know.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00107-00038356-00038519": "It wasn't Olivia.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00108-00038519-00038652": "[END LOG]", "lrKxmwyon6A-00109-00038652-00039235": "Incident Log 2740-A: After interviews with Mr. and Mrs. Lee and their children, and with", "lrKxmwyon6A-00110-00039235-00039941": "neighbors also affected by SCP-2740, all of whom were certain of the existence of SCP-2740", "lrKxmwyon6A-00111-00039941-00040425": "but uncertain of any other details, several attempts were made to penetrate the attic,", "lrKxmwyon6A-00112-00040425-00040557": "both manned and unmanned.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00113-00040557-00041103": "In all cases, further investigation revealed that no attempts were actually made, regardless", "lrKxmwyon6A-00114-00041103-00041494": "of the claims made by involved personnel stating otherwise.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00115-00041494-00041949": "These attempts may have included direct access through the second floor attic ladder, shaped", "lrKxmwyon6A-00116-00041949-00042394": "charges situated at various points on the second floor ceiling, drone access through", "lrKxmwyon6A-00117-00042394-00042878": "the ladder opening, manned and unmanned access by cutting through the roof, and complete", "lrKxmwyon6A-00118-00042878-00042997": "leveling of the home.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00119-00042997-00043579": "As stated above, no records exist that any of these methods were actually attempted.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00120-00043579-00043950": "Interview Log 2740-C: Olivia Lee", "lrKxmwyon6A-00121-00043950-00044382": "The following interview was taken after the eldest daughter of the Lee family, Olivia,", "lrKxmwyon6A-00122-00044382-00044934": "was located in █████████, ██, working as a landscape contractor after changing her", "lrKxmwyon6A-00123-00044934-00045155": "name to Rebecca Feldman.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00124-00045155-00045416": "Interviewer: Dr. H. Garrett", "lrKxmwyon6A-00125-00045416-00045744": "Interviewee: Rebecca Feldman (a.k.a.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00126-00045744-00045844": "Olivia Lee)", "lrKxmwyon6A-00127-00045844-00045944": "[BEGIN LOG]", "lrKxmwyon6A-00128-00045944-00046381": "Dr. Garrett: Ms. Feldman, what I want to discuss with you is a phenomenon associated with your", "lrKxmwyon6A-00129-00046381-00046652": "parents home, likely located in the upstairs-", "lrKxmwyon6A-00130-00046652-00046850": "Ms. Feldman: The attic, I know.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00131-00046850-00047272": "I thought somebody would come after me about that, I just didn't think it would be so soon.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00132-00047272-00047550": "Dr. Garrett: Are you saying you're aware of this phenomenon?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00133-00047550-00047944": "Ms. Feldman: I left my parents when I was a kid, Dr. Garrett.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00134-00047944-00048044": "We…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00135-00048044-00048144": "we had always fought.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00136-00048144-00048541": "They weren't happy with the choices I had made, the things I believed in, the people", "lrKxmwyon6A-00137-00048541-00048700": "I spent time with.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00138-00048700-00049071": "There was anger there, so much anger I thought it might suffocate me.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00139-00049071-00049340": "When I left, I felt like I could breathe again.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00140-00049340-00049736": "I never went back after that, but… sometimes, I can still feel it.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00141-00049736-00050115": "You know how you feel when you're dreaming, and you're trying to run from something but", "lrKxmwyon6A-00142-00050115-00050550": "you can't see it and you don't know if it's really there, but you run anyway?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00143-00050550-00050656": "That's how it feels.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00144-00050656-00050903": "Dr. Garrett: What prompted you to leave your parents?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00145-00050903-00051336": "Ms. Feldman: There was one night, we had a fight, and my dad was drinking and mom was", "lrKxmwyon6A-00146-00051336-00051565": "even worse off at that point, and…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00147-00051565-00052015": "I had kept a knife under my pillow for a long time, in case something would happen, and", "lrKxmwyon6A-00148-00052015-00052451": "they came into my room that night, I don't know what their intentions were, but I drew", "lrKxmwyon6A-00149-00052451-00052650": "it and backed them into the wall.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00150-00052650-00053117": "The whole thing felt like I was being choked, and that was the first time I heard it, something", "lrKxmwyon6A-00151-00053117-00053261": "moving above me.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00152-00053261-00053558": "I dropped the knife and ran, and I didn't look back.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00153-00053558-00053944": "Dr. Garrett: Do you… do you know anything about what is in the attic, Ms. Feldman?", "lrKxmwyon6A-00154-00053944-00054241": "Ms. Feldman: There are always secrets, doctor.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00155-00054241-00054753": "There's only so much that hate can build up in a place before it starts hating you back…", "lrKxmwyon6A-00156-00054753-00055148": "I don't know what's in the attic, or if there's anything up there at all, and I don't think", "lrKxmwyon6A-00157-00055148-00055270": "I want to.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00158-00055270-00055432": "[END LOG]", "lrKxmwyon6A-00159-00055432-00055869": "At the conclusion of this interview, Ms. Feldman was detained by Foundation personnel, pending", "lrKxmwyon6A-00160-00055869-00056097": "further investigation of her claims.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00161-00056097-00056594": "Currently, it is believed that Olivia Lee does not exist, nor has ever existed.", "lrKxmwyon6A-00162-00056594-00057078": "The information in Interview Log 2740-C is undergoing further examination."}}, {"audio_id": "lrb4jgrLiWY", "text": {"lrb4jgrLiWY-00000-00000000-00000200": "여러분  오늘 어떤점심을 드셨나요?", "lrb4jgrLiWY-00001-00000200-00000400": "알려주세요", "lrb4jgrLiWY-00002-00000400-00000600": "돼지고기 불고기 백반", "lrb4jgrLiWY-00003-00000600-00000800": "맛있게 먹었습니다."}}, {"audio_id": "ls7ACZUbEK0", "text": {"ls7ACZUbEK0-00000-00000000-00001000": "Download link in the description"}}, {"audio_id": "lsP-gyPrzIu", "text": {"lsP-gyPrzIu-00000-00001199-00001851": "\"My concerns in retirement basically are based on money I've already had invested", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00001-00001851-00002528": "didn't seem to grow very much. Sspecially over the last few years. Recently, my", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00002-00002528-00003090": "company has recently closed the facility i was at so so I'm out of a job right", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00003-00003090-00004014": "now, and basically I need to look at what i can do with what i have right now,", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00004-00004014-00004422": "and not just in an investment forum but in a long-term forum.\"", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00005-00004422-00004935": "\"At my age why do i come to a financial planning program i do believe this is when you", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00006-00004935-00005378": "start playing I've really been thinking about this since i graduated college 32", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00007-00005378-00005834": "years ago that this is something that is not something you do spur of the moment.\"", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00008-00005834-00006351": "\"Everything in our life kind of gets in the way and it's a matter of time and", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00009-00006351-00006651": "priorities, and that's what we need to address when we're looking at retirement.\"", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00010-00006651-00007170": "\"A lot of us had made lots of money in various avenues over the years but we", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00011-00007170-00007511": "also realized that those avenues including the likes of the stock market", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00012-00007511-00007847": "bonds and things like that we can't trust him the same way that we may have", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00013-00007847-00008243": "trusted with 20 or 30 years ago with the advent of so many different things I do", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00014-00008243-00008679": "believe that things have gotten so bad that we are looking for other avenues to", "lsP-gyPrzIu-00015-00008679-00008950": "take our money.\""}}, {"audio_id": "lsYkLGb4AhE", "text": {"lsYkLGb4AhE-00000-00000012-00000300": "How much does a funeral cost in the U.S?", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00001-00000300-00000599": "The range is six to ten thousand dollars.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00002-00000599-00000975": "It all depends on the exact products and services you choose.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00003-00000975-00001444": "All customers must pay the \"basic services fee\", which is around one to two thousand dollars.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00004-00001544-00002132": "It covers things like the professional services of the funeral director and staff, planning,", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00005-00002132-00002761": "permits, death certificate copies, storage of the body, and coordination with the cemetery or crematory.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00006-00002911-00003344": "You really don't have to go with the funeral home's suggestion on the hospital or nursing home's list.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00007-00003482-00003809": "You can compare prices from other funeral homes.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00008-00003809-00004387": "When you speak to a funeral director, remember, they are not clergy but a business owner.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00009-00004387-00004796": "You have the final say on the services and products you choose.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00010-00004796-00005230": "For instance, the choice of casket or urn is entirely yours.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00011-00005230-00005448": "Choose one within your budget.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00012-00005448-00005955": "If you're not satisfied with the caskets or urns available at the funeral home, you can even buy your own and ship it in.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00013-00006310-00006611": "The funeral home shouldn't charge extra for this.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00014-00006611-00007084": "Funeral directors are required to provide a written, itemized price list for all their", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00015-00007084-00007400": "products and services under FTC rules.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00016-00007400-00008087": "To get in touch with funeral homes in your local area, please type in your browser call.funeral.centre", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00017-00008087-00008472": "Or just tap or click the link on or under this video.", "lsYkLGb4AhE-00018-00008472-00008553": "Thanks for watching."}}, {"audio_id": "lsYKAKKtDaQ", "text": {"lsYKAKKtDaQ-00000-00000027-00000372": "God Almighty says in Surat An-Naml", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00001-00000869-00001345": "The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, from his purified sun", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00002-00001347-00001593": "That he used to start all his actions with the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00003-00001677-00002067": "We see on the introduction of the books in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00004-00002091-00002370": "In most areas, In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00005-00002400-00002483": "And it became a tradition", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00006-00002538-00002844": "The book may be talking about Darwin's theory", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00007-00002880-00002992": "And it begins with the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00008-00003107-00003440": "The subject is in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00009-00003479-00003549": "This ba is a preposition", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00010-00003600-00004020": "In the name of God and the names of God are all good", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00011-00004020-00004302": "Most Merciful Most Compassionate As If Speech Is Deficient", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00012-00004302-00004677": "There is a verb related to this Baa", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00013-00004677-00004851": "I mean, I start my work in the name of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00014-00004851-00004852": "I eat in the name of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00015-00004852-00005265": "I am writing this book in the name of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00016-00005370-00005583": "He issued this judgment as a judge in the name of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00017-00005583-00005676": "What is the meaning of Bismillah Allah", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00018-00005733-00006042": "If you want to eat and say In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00019-00006078-00006339": "Two meanings for this basmalah", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00020-00006339-00006900": "The first: that this food that you eat is from the grace of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00021-00006906-00007143": "Eat this food in the name of Razak", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00022-00007502-00007631": "In the name of the abhorrent", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00023-00007677-00007737": "In the name of the respondent", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00024-00007773-00007898": "In the name of Al-Wahhab", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00025-00008006-00008066": "In the name of Latif", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00026-00008103-00008166": "Means in the name of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00027-00008214-00008592": "God, as I said a while ago, is a comprehensive name for all names", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00028-00008592-00008861": "If you say in the name of God according to the subject", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00029-00008895-00009231": "If you ate and said in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00030-00009294-00009639": "Have you thought that what you eat is made by God?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00031-00009675-00009981": "{وَلَمَ يَرَوْا َّنَّ خَلَقْنَا لَهُم مِّمَّا عَمِلَتْ ْدِينَا ْنْعامَا فَهُمْ لَهَا مَالِكُونَ}", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00032-00009981-00010515": "{وَذَلَّلْنَاهَا لَهُمْ فَمِنْهَا رَكُوبُهُمْ وَمِنْهَا يَأْكُلُونَ}", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00033-00010611-00010965": "If you drink a cup of water and say In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00034-00010989-00011565": "Have you ever thought that this water originated in the sun that dominated vast seas?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00035-00011601-00011922": "Its water evaporated and its water was distilled", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00036-00011922-00012117": "And it became steam suspended in the air", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00037-00012159-00012471": "Wind clouds gathered to a thirsty land", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00038-00012471-00012755": "God sent him cold water.", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00039-00012828-00012972": "It sprouted seedlings and olives", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00040-00013015-00013144": "Deposit it in the mountains", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00041-00013185-00013658": "Blew springs", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00042-00013658-00013659": "I ask him rivers", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00043-00013659-00013810": "The sun is included in this cup and the galaxies", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00044-00013854-00014400": "Wall Street", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00045-00014436-00014607": "If I say in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00046-00014607-00015210": "Have you thought in the name of Razzaq and in the name of the rich", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00047-00015255-00015957": "The second meaning is that God has a Sunnah in His creation for drinking water", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00048-00015993-00016169": "If I say in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00049-00016169-00016410": "You should not drink water other than the Sunnah", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00050-00016473-00016800": "To drink it sucks and not tire it as toys", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00051-00016801-00016962": "To drink it in three stages", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00052-00016992-00017191": "To drink it and praise God Almighty", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00053-00017238-00017487": "To keep the bowl away from you, not to breathe in the bowl", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00054-00017487-00017745": "This is the purified Sunnah of the Prophet", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00055-00017832-00018141": "Forbid us to breathe in the bowl", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00056-00018141-00018402": "And now it has been proven that there are diseases that are transmissible", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00057-00018402-00018759": "By exhalation, which mixes with water", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00058-00018816-00018927": "He said, peace and blessings be upon him:", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00059-00018927-00019275": "Remove the mug from you between the sherbetin", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00060-00019464-00019737": "So that the breath does not mix with water", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00061-00019785-00019983": "And upon him be blessings and peace he said:", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00062-00019983-00020475": "Suck up the water sucked, and do not tire it as a game, for a citron is a play", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00063-00020532-00020742": "Liver disease comes from a burden of water", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00064-00020820-00021131": "It was blessings and peace be upon him if he drank the praise of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00065-00021195-00021368": "All this is from his purified Sunnah", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00066-00021399-00021675": "If it is said in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, it has two meanings", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00067-00021723-00021931": "First, did you think about these blessings", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00068-00021972-00022281": "And the second: Are you applying the law of God?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00069-00022282-00022299": "This is for drinking", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00070-00022341-00022426": "As for food", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00071-00022488-00022619": "{Killeva Vَshْrَbُva Vَlva Tُsِrfeva}", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00072-00022620-00022830": "{Eat of the good things that He has bestowed upon you, and thank God.}", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00073-00022866-00023381": "Praise be to God who fed me and fed me and watered me so I was fed", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00074-00023382-00023790": "God is pleased with the servant, if he eats the food, to thank God for it", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00075-00023817-00024204": "And if he drank a drink, to praise God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00076-00024213-00024684": "Meaning, if a person says, Praise be to God, he will think about these blessings", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00077-00024729-00024896": "And implement the command of God in food", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00078-00024942-00025275": "If you entered the house and said in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00079-00025275-00025575": "God Almighty said: {And make good friends with them.}", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00080-00025625-00025739": "This is Allah's command", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00081-00025739-00025980": "If I said in the name of God and opened the door to the house", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00082-00026007-00026119": "Praise be to God who dwelled", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00083-00026269-00026277": "How many homeless people?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00084-00026364-00026688": "Did you feel that this blessing (the blessing of shelter) was too great?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00085-00026688-00026891": "How many homeless people?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00086-00026943-00027187": "In most East Asian countries people sleep on the floor.", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00087-00027276-00027492": "They make boat houses in rivers", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00088-00027545-00027642": "In some states", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00089-00027642-00028439": "Watching thousands sleep with their wives and children on the sidewalk is a familiar sight", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00090-00028439-00028817": "If you were in a house and opened the door of the house", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00091-00028851-00029030": "And I said in the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00092-00029055-00029235": "The meaning of that, praise be to God, who dwelt", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00093-00029364-00029516": "How many homeless people?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00094-00029708-00029917": "If you open the water to perform ablution and say In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00095-00030067-00030292": "Did you know that this blessing is priceless?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00096-00030364-00030772": "Now if you enter the house, let it be in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00097-00030829-00030888": "I mean, befriend them", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00098-00030997-00031083": "Honor women", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00099-00031100-00031318": "I swear to God I did not honor them but generous", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00100-00031318-00031485": "No one insulted them except the mean", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00101-00031517-00031614": "They prevail over every cream", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00102-00031663-00031757": ".لبَّ.", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00103-00031839-00032092": "And I like being generous defeated.", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00104-00032127-00032272": "Than being mean often", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00105-00032419-00032704": "If I drove the car and said in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00106-00032704-00033148": "Are you going to a place that does not please God?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00107-00033154-00033472": "A contradiction between Basmalah and this place", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00108-00033481-00033787": "Do you thank God for the blessing of the vehicle?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00109-00033826-00033982": "Do you make fun of God’s servants?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00110-00034033-00034116": "Are you helping the weak?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00111-00034192-00034378": "Do you save the patient with it?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00112-00034468-00034702": "The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00113-00034702-00035092": "\"Any matter that does not begin with the name of God is amputated.\"", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00114-00035137-00035209": "Lump goodness", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00115-00035269-00035350": "I wrote a book", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00116-00035389-00035607": "Do you remember anything false in the book?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00117-00035653-00035865": "In the name of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00118-00035878-00036105": "Is your goal in this composition purely for the sake of God?", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00119-00036154-00036283": "Or do you seek reputation and prestige", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00120-00036283-00036439": "In the name of God", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00121-00036478-00036667": "This basmalah puts you in front of two things", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00122-00036721-00036934": "Reminds you of the blessings of God Almighty", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00123-00036958-00037471": "And remind you of God’s command in this matter", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00124-00037498-00037756": "This basmalah puts you in front of two things", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00125-00037756-00037957": "Reminds you of the blessings of God Almighty", "lsYKAKKtDaQ-00126-00037987-00038131": "And that this is from the grace of God"}}, {"audio_id": "lt0kdY8HIcU", "text": {"lt0kdY8HIcU-00000-00000010-00000253": "THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00001-00000253-00000260": "THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00002-00000260-00000326": "THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THAT THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00003-00000326-00000333": "THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THAT THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00004-00000333-00000393": "THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THAT THE FIRE APPEARS ACCIDENTAL IN", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00005-00000393-00000400": "FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THAT THE FIRE APPEARS ACCIDENTAL IN", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00006-00000400-00000426": "FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THAT THE FIRE APPEARS ACCIDENTAL IN NATURE.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00007-00000426-00000433": "FIRE APPEARS ACCIDENTAL IN NATURE.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00008-00000433-00000503": "FIRE APPEARS ACCIDENTAL IN NATURE. EARLIER TODAY BEMIDJI AND SOLWAY", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00009-00000503-00000510": "NATURE. EARLIER TODAY BEMIDJI AND SOLWAY", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00010-00000510-00000570": "NATURE. EARLIER TODAY BEMIDJI AND SOLWAY FIREFIGHTERS RESPONDED TO A", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00011-00000570-00000577": "EARLIER TODAY BEMIDJI AND SOLWAY FIREFIGHTERS RESPONDED TO A", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00012-00000577-00000780": "EARLIER TODAY BEMIDJI AND SOLWAY FIREFIGHTERS RESPONDED TO A HOUSE FIRE IN ECKLES TOWNSHIP.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00013-00000780-00000787": "FIREFIGHTERS RESPONDED TO A HOUSE FIRE IN ECKLES TOWNSHIP.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00014-00000787-00000854": "FIREFIGHTERS RESPONDED TO A HOUSE FIRE IN ECKLES TOWNSHIP. UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE, THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00015-00000854-00000860": "HOUSE FIRE IN ECKLES TOWNSHIP. UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE, THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00016-00000860-00000924": "HOUSE FIRE IN ECKLES TOWNSHIP. UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE, THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT FOUND", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00017-00000924-00000930": "UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE, THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT FOUND", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00018-00000930-00001091": "UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE, THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT FOUND HEAVY SMOKE AND FIRE EXITING THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00019-00001091-00001097": "BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT FOUND HEAVY SMOKE AND FIRE EXITING THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00020-00001097-00001331": "BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT FOUND HEAVY SMOKE AND FIRE EXITING THE HOME.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00021-00001331-00001337": "HEAVY SMOKE AND FIRE EXITING THE HOME.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00022-00001337-00001801": "HEAVY SMOKE AND FIRE EXITING THE HOME. ALL OF THE HOMES OCCUPANTS HAD", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00023-00001801-00001808": "HOME. ALL OF THE HOMES OCCUPANTS HAD", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00024-00001808-00001951": "HOME. ALL OF THE HOMES OCCUPANTS HAD ESCAPED SAFELY PRIOR TO THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00025-00001951-00001958": "ALL OF THE HOMES OCCUPANTS HAD ESCAPED SAFELY PRIOR TO THE", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00026-00001958-00002015": "ALL OF THE HOMES OCCUPANTS HAD ESCAPED SAFELY PRIOR TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENTS ARRIVAL.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00027-00002015-00002022": "ESCAPED SAFELY PRIOR TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENTS ARRIVAL.", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00028-00002022-00002082": "ESCAPED SAFELY PRIOR TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENTS ARRIVAL. THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00029-00002082-00002088": "FIRE DEPARTMENTS ARRIVAL. THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT", "lt0kdY8HIcU-00030-00002088-00002142": "FIRE DEPARTMENTS ARRIVAL. THE BEMIDJI FIRE DEPARTMENT SPENT APPROXIMATELY SIX HOURS ON"}}, {"audio_id": "lt2LltVoKvo", "text": {"lt2LltVoKvo-00000-00000610-00001083": "The cash payment budget, often refer to as the cash disbursement budget,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00001-00001083-00001309": "is a component of the cash  budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00002-00001310-00001696": "It is based off data from the direct materials budget,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00003-00001696-00002149": "the direct labor budget, the manufacturing overhead budget,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00004-00002150-00002673": "the operating expenses budget, and the capital expenditures budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00005-00002673-00003189": "you can see that the cash payment budget, which again is part of the cash budget,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00006-00003190-00003490": "is the ninth budget completed in the master budget process.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00007-00003490-00003810": "This budget can be done separately, like I'm doing,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00008-00003810-00004033": "or as part of the larger cash budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00009-00004033-00004476": "Either way, we're going to use the results in the cash budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00010-00004476-00004846": "Here you can see a common format for the cash payments budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00011-00004846-00005389": "Often it just lists the items that will have cash disbursements.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00012-00005390-00006003": "Using the direct materials budget we can see the cost of materials purchased.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00013-00006003-00006746": "Let's assume for simplicity's sake that purchases are paid for in the quarter following the purchase.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00014-00006746-00007493": "So we would enter Q1 purchases of material into Q2 payment of material.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00015-00007493-00007836": "Using the direct labor budget we can see the cost of our labor.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00016-00007836-00008246": "It is unlikely employees will wait a quarter to be paid,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00017-00008246-00008823": "So let's assume that the amount owed is paid in the same quarter the costs are incurred.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00018-00008823-00009589": "So we enter Q1 costs for direct labor into Q1 payment for labor.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00019-00009590-00010110": "The amount paid for manufacturing overhead is a little more complicated than materials and labor,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00020-00010110-00010453": "because not all overhead costs are cash expenditures.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00021-00010453-00010726": "Additionally, using the matching principle, we spread prepaid taxes and insurance evenly through the year.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00022-00010726-00011219": "we spread prepaid taxes and insurance evenly through the year.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00023-00011220-00011706": "But for cash disbursement purposes we need to know in which quarter the payments will be made", "lt2LltVoKvo-00024-00011706-00012486": "So we start with a total cost of manufacturing overhead from the manufacturing overhead budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00025-00012486-00012893": "Then I've added back the amount of depreciation expense,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00026-00012893-00013273": "since this is not a cash expenditure.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00027-00013273-00013816": "Additionally I've added back the quarterly taxes and insurance expense", "lt2LltVoKvo-00028-00013816-00014359": "since that doesn't match hte timing of when these amounts will be paid.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00029-00014360-00014830": "Finally, I've shown the cash payments for prepaid taxes and insurance,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00030-00014830-00015043": "which I've assumed happened as follows:", "lt2LltVoKvo-00031-00015043-00015986": "Prepaid taxes $18,000 in Q1. Prepaid insurance $6,000 in Q3.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00032-00015986-00016753": "Then we can total the cash payments for manufacturing overhead and list that on the cash payment budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00033-00016753-00017246": "In my example let's assume that all payments are made in the quarter incurred.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00034-00017246-00017966": "The amount paid for operating expenses are calculations similar to what we just did", "lt2LltVoKvo-00035-00017966-00018229": "for the manufacturing overhead.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00036-00018230-00018800": "We start with the total cost of operating expenses from the operating expenses budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00037-00018800-00019353": "Then I've added back the amounts for bad debt expense and for depreciation expense,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00038-00019353-00019699": "since they're not cash expenditures.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00039-00019700-00019986": "Additionally I've added back the quarterly rent expense,", "lt2LltVoKvo-00040-00019986-00020543": "since that doesn't match that timing for when those amounts will be paid.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00041-00020543-00021173": "Finally, I've shown the cash payment for prepaid rent. Which I've assumed happens as follows:", "lt2LltVoKvo-00042-00021173-00021869": "prepaid rent $10,000 in Q1, and $10,000 in Q3.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00043-00021870-00022140": "We total the cash payments for operating expenses", "lt2LltVoKvo-00044-00022140-00022493": "and we'll list that on the cash payments budget. In my example let's assume that all the payments are made in the quarter and current", "lt2LltVoKvo-00045-00022493-00023109": "In my example let's assume that all the payments are made in the quarter incurred.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00046-00023110-00023623": "Finally, the timing of capital expenditures are listed in the quarter they incur.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00047-00023623-00024049": "This information comes directly from the capital expenditure budget.", "lt2LltVoKvo-00048-00024050-00024443": "Of course we would look to build this budget in Excel", "lt2LltVoKvo-00049-00024443-00025169": "and link the cells with the related cells from the appropriate budgets."}}, {"audio_id": "ltlyF7tbb_0", "text": {"ltlyF7tbb_0-00000-00000008-00000688": "to dr zahi hawas an award-winning world-renowned archaeologist his life's work has been dedicated", "ltlyF7tbb_0-00001-00000688-00001400": "to the discovery and research of ancient egyptian antiquities not surprisingly his office is full", "ltlyF7tbb_0-00002-00001400-00002064": "of books on the topic some of which depict dark-skinned ancient egyptians but he says", "ltlyF7tbb_0-00003-00002064-00002648": "there's an explanation no they were dark skinned but they were not black but they are not legal", "ltlyF7tbb_0-00004-00002744-00003215": "because look at the length of the the negroes like that and the nose", "ltlyF7tbb_0-00005-00003215-00003728": "like this is not really the egyptian origin at all it's different completely different", "ltlyF7tbb_0-00006-00003864-00004520": "and that's why we have you cannot connect the egyptian civilization with the african", "ltlyF7tbb_0-00007-00004520-00005056": "at all it's different all from syria palestine it's different completely"}}, {"audio_id": "lt-3Krg-y0M", "text": {"lt-3Krg-y0M-00000-00000576-00000944": "welcome back what is death", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00001-00001264-00001776": "in the very simplest terms death is the opposite of life", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00002-00002112-00002984": "so what happens at death should be reversed of what happened when adam was created", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00003-00003504-00004128": "that is the elements that make up the body return to the earth according to genesis 3 19", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00004-00004320-00005064": "and the breath of life returns to god according to ecclesiastes 12 7.", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00005-00005304-00005984": "again we have no indication from scripture that this breath", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00006-00006176-00006656": "that returns to god is some kind of conscious being floating up to heaven", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00007-00006816-00007728": "instead it is simply to define divine life-giving energy that god gives to all living things", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00008-00008224-00009040": "in the new testament the greek word posh is sometimes translated as soul", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00009-00009256-00009984": "notice how the following passages use the word life and soul jesus said", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00010-00010104-00010936": "whoever desires to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00011-00011264-00011384": "will find it", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00012-00011608-00012384": "for what profit it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00013-00012584-00013391": "or what will a man give in exchange for a soul that's matthew 16 25 emphasis added", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00014-00013719-00014728": "did you know that both uses both uses of the word life and both uses of the word soul", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00015-00014816-00015616": "come from the same greek word uh poshy", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00016-00015616-00016312": "isn't that funny funny that greek would uh factor into that since it's supposed to be from you know", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00017-00016896-00016984": "uh palestine", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00018-00017112-00018384": "in this one passage life and soul are used interchangeably ah i understand now thank you", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00019-00018488-00018600": "i'm learning so much", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00020-00019536-00020168": "this is important as it clarifies what jesus said was", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00021-00020280-00021032": "jesus what jesus was actually saying though many believe we have an immortal soul that cannot be", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00022-00021032-00021912": "lost or destroyed christ clearly said we can lose our souls like isn't the term soul destroying wow", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00023-00022184-00022584": "not so tough now huh", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00024-00022656-00022968": "the good news is that our souls can also be saved", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00025-00023248-00023864": "the word souls is used in a similar way in a passage written by the apostle peter", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00026-00023920-00024544": "he wrote that in the end of in the days of noah while the ark was being", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00027-00024768-00024824": "prepared", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00028-00025088-00025695": "in which a few that is eight souls were saved through water", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00029-00025960-00026768": "yeah yeah yeah yeah anyway one peter 3 20. and that the same one that says you know", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00030-00026768-00027272": "people that disagree with me and are all smirky ought to be hunted and killed like fruit beasts", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00031-00027512-00027608": "sounds like pd", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00032-00027976-00028488": "he clearly meant eight living breathing persons were saved from the flood", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00033-00028488-00028927": "which is how many translations convey this passage all right", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00034-00029160-00029304": "what is death well um", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00035-00029544-00030288": "okay do you feel that's was that satisfactory i know there's what's next uh are we immortal", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00036-00030288-00030895": "is next and how long is that uh i don't want to read two million one day", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00037-00031376-00031944": "all righty anyway chime in let me know if you learned something and want to point anything out", "lt-3Krg-y0M-00038-00031944-00032928": "that's awesome you know um peace [__] out have a wonderful whatever the [__] it is you're having"}}, {"audio_id": "ltNPAe_q6BI", "text": {"ltNPAe_q6BI-00000-00000062-00000126": "Welcome All", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00001-00000150-00000732": "I will show you today, about how to add photo on google map, using mobile map app.", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00002-00000869-00001014": "Open Google Map App", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00003-00001014-00001216": "You have to download the updated map", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00004-00001288-00001639": "Locate the place you want to add photo", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00005-00001694-00001918": "Example: I want to add photo to 'Rajshahi College'", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00006-00001970-00002306": "Will search Rajshahi College on Google Map", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00007-00002524-00002754": "Here is our 'Rajshahi College'", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00008-00002810-00003114": "You can see a white bar after selecting the place", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00009-00003136-00003672": "After Clicking you can see information. You can add new photo here.", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00010-00003788-00003860": "Already there are some photo there", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00011-00003934-00004362": "We just want to add new photos with new looks", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00012-00004386-00004530": "Clicked on add photos", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00013-00004614-00004674": "After Clicking", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00014-00004720-00005068": "We will add newly captured photos from gallery", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00015-00005158-00005448": "For now one, I just want to add these two photo", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00016-00005508-00006176": "Select and then click the triangular button above to send", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00017-00006276-00006326": "What will happen?", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00018-00006378-00006670": "They will thank you and upload process will start", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00019-00006778-00006842": "Thank You", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00020-00006944-00007158": "Add more photos from your nearer place", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00021-00007168-00007416": "and say no to spamming", "ltNPAe_q6BI-00022-00007480-00007781": "Because you spamming can mislead someone"}}, {"audio_id": "ltTcpiTNU10", "text": {"ltTcpiTNU10-00000-00000036-00000639": "[Music]", "ltTcpiTNU10-00001-00000639-00000959": "razny also known as acharya raznis and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00002-00000959-00001232": "later as uso was an indian spiritual", "ltTcpiTNU10-00003-00001232-00001528": "leader mystic and founder of razni's", "ltTcpiTNU10-00004-00001528-00001655": "movement", "ltTcpiTNU10-00005-00001655-00001927": "his birth name was chandra mohan jain", "ltTcpiTNU10-00006-00001927-00002256": "he was born on 11th december 1931 in a", "ltTcpiTNU10-00007-00002256-00002488": "small village of madhya pradesh state in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00008-00002488-00002768": "india to parents babulal and sarasota", "ltTcpiTNU10-00009-00002768-00002880": "jain", "ltTcpiTNU10-00010-00002880-00003176": "raznas was the eldest of 11 children", "ltTcpiTNU10-00011-00003176-00003296": "born", "ltTcpiTNU10-00012-00003296-00003536": "raznas lived with his maternal", "ltTcpiTNU10-00013-00003536-00003896": "grandparents until he was 8 years old", "ltTcpiTNU10-00014-00003896-00004168": "when he was 8 years old his grandfather", "ltTcpiTNU10-00015-00004168-00004264": "died", "ltTcpiTNU10-00016-00004264-00004503": "and he went to gadarwara to live with", "ltTcpiTNU10-00017-00004503-00004655": "his parents", "ltTcpiTNU10-00018-00004655-00004936": "raznas was profoundly affected by his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00019-00004936-00005207": "grandfather's death and again by the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00020-00005207-00005400": "death of his childhood girlfriend and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00021-00005400-00005712": "cousin sassy from typhoid when he was", "ltTcpiTNU10-00022-00005712-00005903": "just 15.", "ltTcpiTNU10-00023-00005903-00006128": "he was an intelligent but rebellious", "ltTcpiTNU10-00024-00006128-00006239": "child", "ltTcpiTNU10-00025-00006239-00006423": "in his school years he gained a", "ltTcpiTNU10-00026-00006423-00006736": "reputation as a formidable debater", "ltTcpiTNU10-00027-00006736-00006976": "he questions the existing religious", "ltTcpiTNU10-00028-00006976-00007336": "cultural and social norms in the society", "ltTcpiTNU10-00029-00007336-00007608": "rasness became critical of traditional", "ltTcpiTNU10-00030-00007608-00007711": "religion", "ltTcpiTNU10-00031-00007711-00007911": "took an interest in many methods to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00032-00007911-00008168": "expand consciousness including bread", "ltTcpiTNU10-00033-00008168-00008432": "control yogic exercise", "ltTcpiTNU10-00034-00008432-00008552": "meditation", "ltTcpiTNU10-00035-00008552-00008911": "fasting the occult and hypnosis", "ltTcpiTNU10-00036-00008911-00009224": "he was fond of learning he read all of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00037-00009224-00009456": "the books in the library", "ltTcpiTNU10-00038-00009456-00009872": "in 1951 is 19th razness began his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00039-00009872-00010136": "studies at gate karini college in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00040-00010136-00010304": "jabalappur", "ltTcpiTNU10-00041-00010304-00010504": "asked to leave after conflicts with an", "ltTcpiTNU10-00042-00010504-00010768": "instructor he transferred to dng in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00043-00010768-00011072": "college which was also in zabalpur", "ltTcpiTNU10-00044-00011072-00011247": "having proved himself to be", "ltTcpiTNU10-00045-00011247-00011552": "destructively argumentative he was not", "ltTcpiTNU10-00046-00011552-00011784": "required to attend college classes at", "ltTcpiTNU10-00047-00011784-00012000": "the engineering college except for", "ltTcpiTNU10-00048-00012000-00012247": "examination and use his free time to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00049-00012247-00012415": "work for a few months", "ltTcpiTNU10-00050-00012415-00012684": "as an assistant editor at a local", "ltTcpiTNU10-00051-00012684-00013095": "newspaper in 1953 when he was 21 years", "ltTcpiTNU10-00052-00013095-00013352": "old after taking a year off from his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00053-00013352-00013600": "studies to soul search and meditate", "ltTcpiTNU10-00054-00013600-00013831": "razness claimed that he had achieved", "ltTcpiTNU10-00055-00013831-00013968": "enlightenment", "ltTcpiTNU10-00056-00013968-00014247": "he returned to school however and after", "ltTcpiTNU10-00057-00014247-00014416": "graduating with a bachelor degree in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00058-00014416-00014672": "philosophy he went on to pursue a", "ltTcpiTNU10-00059-00014672-00014912": "master's in philosophy at saga", "ltTcpiTNU10-00060-00014912-00015087": "university", "ltTcpiTNU10-00061-00015087-00015447": "following his graduation in 1957 raznis", "ltTcpiTNU10-00062-00015447-00015680": "accepted a position as an assistant", "ltTcpiTNU10-00063-00015680-00015944": "professor of philosophy at raipur", "ltTcpiTNU10-00064-00015944-00016263": "sanskrit college but his radical ideas", "ltTcpiTNU10-00065-00016263-00016440": "soon put him at odds with the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00066-00016440-00016664": "institution administration and he was", "ltTcpiTNU10-00067-00016664-00016944": "forced to find work elsewhere eventually", "ltTcpiTNU10-00068-00016944-00017200": "becoming a professor at the university", "ltTcpiTNU10-00069-00017200-00017408": "of jabalpur", "ltTcpiTNU10-00070-00017408-00017608": "concurrent with his teaching at the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00071-00017608-00017880": "university of jabalpur raznas traveled", "ltTcpiTNU10-00072-00017880-00018104": "throughout india spreading his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00073-00018104-00018368": "unconventional and controversial ideas", "ltTcpiTNU10-00074-00018368-00018436": "about", "ltTcpiTNU10-00075-00018436-00018631": "spirituality", "ltTcpiTNU10-00076-00018631-00018784": "among his teachings", "ltTcpiTNU10-00077-00018784-00018968": "was the notion that sex was the first", "ltTcpiTNU10-00078-00018968-00019144": "step toward achieving super", "ltTcpiTNU10-00079-00019144-00019312": "consciousness", "ltTcpiTNU10-00080-00019312-00019656": "by 1964 he started conducting meditation", "ltTcpiTNU10-00081-00019656-00019948": "camps and recreating followers and in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00082-00019948-00020295": "1966 he resigned from his professorship", "ltTcpiTNU10-00083-00020295-00020512": "to focus more fully on spreading his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00084-00020512-00020736": "spiritual teachings", "ltTcpiTNU10-00085-00020736-00021023": "he criticized orthodox indian religious", "ltTcpiTNU10-00086-00021023-00021144": "as death", "ltTcpiTNU10-00087-00021144-00021400": "filled with empty ritual operasing their", "ltTcpiTNU10-00088-00021400-00021584": "followers with fears of divine", "ltTcpiTNU10-00089-00021584-00021912": "punishment and promises of blessing", "ltTcpiTNU10-00090-00021912-00022200": "such statements made him controversial", "ltTcpiTNU10-00091-00022200-00022487": "but also gave him a loyal following that", "ltTcpiTNU10-00092-00022487-00022672": "included a number of wealthy merchants", "ltTcpiTNU10-00093-00022672-00023008": "and businessmen and paid him donations", "ltTcpiTNU10-00094-00023008-00023304": "according to him religion is an art that", "ltTcpiTNU10-00095-00023304-00023536": "shows how to enjoy life wasn't his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00096-00023536-00023864": "secretary laxmi takarsi kuruwa who was", "ltTcpiTNU10-00097-00023864-00024079": "the daughter of one of his followers a", "ltTcpiTNU10-00098-00024079-00024368": "wealthy gene who was oso's razny's first", "ltTcpiTNU10-00099-00024368-00024568": "disciple was named", "ltTcpiTNU10-00100-00024568-00024803": "ma yoga lakshmi by raznis", "ltTcpiTNU10-00101-00024803-00024920": "[Applause]", "ltTcpiTNU10-00102-00024920-00025256": "in 1970 rasnis introduced the practice", "ltTcpiTNU10-00103-00025256-00025456": "of dynamic meditation", "ltTcpiTNU10-00104-00025456-00025695": "which he claimed enables people to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00105-00025695-00025919": "experience divinity", "ltTcpiTNU10-00106-00025919-00026207": "the prospect enticed young westerners to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00107-00026207-00026488": "come recite at his ashram in pune india", "ltTcpiTNU10-00108-00026488-00026775": "and become razna's devout disciples", "ltTcpiTNU10-00109-00026775-00027016": "called sannyasins", "ltTcpiTNU10-00110-00027016-00027191": "in their quest for spiritual", "ltTcpiTNU10-00111-00027191-00027480": "enlightenment rosne's followers took new", "ltTcpiTNU10-00112-00027480-00027752": "indian names dressed in orange and red", "ltTcpiTNU10-00113-00027752-00028032": "cloths and participated in group session", "ltTcpiTNU10-00114-00028032-00028319": "that sometimes involve both violence and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00115-00028319-00028512": "sexual activities", "ltTcpiTNU10-00116-00028512-00028752": "by the late 1970s", "ltTcpiTNU10-00117-00028752-00029088": "the sixth acre ashram was so overcrowded", "ltTcpiTNU10-00118-00029088-00029319": "that grosness sold a new site to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00119-00029319-00029495": "relocate it", "ltTcpiTNU10-00120-00029495-00029719": "while rosness was revered by his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00121-00029719-00030008": "followers he was considered immoral and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00122-00030008-00030247": "controversial by the more conservative", "ltTcpiTNU10-00123-00030247-00030447": "faction of the society", "ltTcpiTNU10-00124-00030447-00030656": "his major talks and preaching into", "ltTcpiTNU10-00125-00030656-00030800": "sexuality", "ltTcpiTNU10-00126-00030800-00031127": "he advocated an open free and straight", "ltTcpiTNU10-00127-00031127-00031327": "attitude towards sex", "ltTcpiTNU10-00128-00031327-00031568": "for this he was criticized by the indian", "ltTcpiTNU10-00129-00031568-00031688": "press", "ltTcpiTNU10-00130-00031688-00031895": "in the process he earned himself the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00131-00031895-00032144": "nickname the sex guru", "ltTcpiTNU10-00132-00032144-00032336": "he mostly spoke about his original", "ltTcpiTNU10-00133-00032336-00032536": "analysis and the views on the writings", "ltTcpiTNU10-00134-00032536-00032744": "of religious traditions", "ltTcpiTNU10-00135-00032744-00032984": "mystics and philosophers from around the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00136-00032984-00033088": "world", "ltTcpiTNU10-00137-00033088-00033319": "due to which he soon started attracting", "ltTcpiTNU10-00138-00033319-00033472": "westerners", "ltTcpiTNU10-00139-00033472-00033775": "while oso had been gaining momentum with", "ltTcpiTNU10-00140-00033775-00034056": "the indian masses the government under", "ltTcpiTNU10-00141-00034056-00034272": "the rule of former prime minister indira", "ltTcpiTNU10-00142-00034272-00034552": "gandhi was not fond of the guru his cult", "ltTcpiTNU10-00143-00034552-00034856": "or his ashram the government of india", "ltTcpiTNU10-00144-00034856-00035152": "had opened investigation into multiple", "ltTcpiTNU10-00145-00035152-00035384": "allegations of criminal behavior in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00146-00035384-00035575": "connection to oso", "ltTcpiTNU10-00147-00035575-00035824": "these include charges related to also", "ltTcpiTNU10-00148-00035824-00036008": "sanctioned prosecution", "ltTcpiTNU10-00149-00036008-00036247": "international drug trafficking gold", "ltTcpiTNU10-00150-00036247-00036528": "smuggling money laundering and tax", "ltTcpiTNU10-00151-00036528-00036656": "evasion", "ltTcpiTNU10-00152-00036656-00036888": "as ordered by the government he had to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00153-00036888-00037168": "pay back his taxes a major blow to his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00154-00037168-00037447": "reputation that greatly angered uso and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00155-00037447-00037647": "his followers", "ltTcpiTNU10-00156-00037647-00037912": "during this time razny's right hand", "ltTcpiTNU10-00157-00037912-00038184": "person and secretary was sila", "ltTcpiTNU10-00158-00038184-00038528": "sila instantly became devoted to razny's", "ltTcpiTNU10-00159-00038528-00038760": "after meeting him when she was just 16", "ltTcpiTNU10-00160-00038760-00038903": "years old", "ltTcpiTNU10-00161-00038903-00039152": "sila soon became a favorite of the guru", "ltTcpiTNU10-00162-00039152-00039391": "and raznas began to relay some of his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00163-00039391-00039568": "most trusted advice", "ltTcpiTNU10-00164-00039568-00039800": "instruction and responsibilities in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00165-00039800-00039968": "silas direction", "ltTcpiTNU10-00166-00039968-00040288": "sila helped convince rasness to come to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00167-00040288-00040544": "america and manage the commune while", "ltTcpiTNU10-00168-00040544-00040752": "also being the president of the razny's", "ltTcpiTNU10-00169-00040752-00040975": "foundation international", "ltTcpiTNU10-00170-00040975-00041263": "soon after making this decision raznis", "ltTcpiTNU10-00171-00041263-00041496": "took an oath of silence", "ltTcpiTNU10-00172-00041496-00041768": "it was left to sila to procure passport", "ltTcpiTNU10-00173-00041768-00042072": "for the guru herself as well as some of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00174-00042072-00042288": "their most trusted and important", "ltTcpiTNU10-00175-00042288-00042456": "disciples", "ltTcpiTNU10-00176-00042456-00042640": "successfully managing to arrange for", "ltTcpiTNU10-00177-00042640-00042719": "these", "ltTcpiTNU10-00178-00042719-00043096": "sila oso and a few others left india for", "ltTcpiTNU10-00179-00043096-00043519": "oregon united states in june 1981", "ltTcpiTNU10-00180-00043519-00043719": "facing ongoing pressure from indian", "ltTcpiTNU10-00181-00043719-00043919": "government authorities and traditional", "ltTcpiTNU10-00182-00043919-00044280": "religious groups in 1981 raznis played", "ltTcpiTNU10-00183-00044280-00044503": "to united states with two thousand of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00184-00044503-00044759": "his disciples settling on a 100 square", "ltTcpiTNU10-00185-00044759-00045024": "mile ranch in central oregon which he", "ltTcpiTNU10-00186-00045024-00045288": "named rancho raznis", "ltTcpiTNU10-00187-00045288-00045552": "there raznis and the sannyasins started", "ltTcpiTNU10-00188-00045552-00045752": "building their own city called razni", "ltTcpiTNU10-00189-00045752-00045896": "spuram", "ltTcpiTNU10-00190-00045896-00046152": "thousands of homeless people were being", "ltTcpiTNU10-00191-00046152-00046359": "joined into rajneesh purim to live and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00192-00046359-00046559": "work in the commune", "ltTcpiTNU10-00193-00046559-00046808": "followers claimed this was a massive new", "ltTcpiTNU10-00194-00046808-00047031": "charity being performed by the group to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00195-00047031-00047247": "give homeless people honourable chance", "ltTcpiTNU10-00196-00047247-00047391": "at life", "ltTcpiTNU10-00197-00047391-00047568": "critics of the group claimed the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00198-00047568-00047791": "homeless were being shipped to the area", "ltTcpiTNU10-00199-00047791-00048016": "to boost voting for the members of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00200-00048016-00048152": "religious group", "ltTcpiTNU10-00201-00048152-00048416": "the leaders of the razi's purim wanted", "ltTcpiTNU10-00202-00048416-00048600": "to start getting members elected in the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00203-00048600-00048816": "government position to give the group", "ltTcpiTNU10-00204-00048816-00049056": "help with certain things but they would", "ltTcpiTNU10-00205-00049056-00049231": "need more people to vote for their", "ltTcpiTNU10-00206-00049231-00049519": "members in order to get elected", "ltTcpiTNU10-00207-00049519-00049775": "this was the reason homeless people were", "ltTcpiTNU10-00208-00049775-00049936": "being moved to the location and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00209-00049936-00050144": "registering to vote", "ltTcpiTNU10-00210-00050144-00050384": "the people of rajneespuram wanted to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00211-00050384-00050640": "take over the local government", "ltTcpiTNU10-00212-00050640-00050800": "around this area", "ltTcpiTNU10-00213-00050800-00050975": "there were people who belonged to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00214-00050975-00051215": "conservative christian families", "ltTcpiTNU10-00215-00051215-00051527": "so when raznisis began to pour into what", "ltTcpiTNU10-00216-00051527-00051727": "they considered their land", "ltTcpiTNU10-00217-00051727-00051991": "with their free sex open marriages and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00218-00051991-00052288": "alien concepts the local began to turn", "ltTcpiTNU10-00219-00052288-00052455": "hostile", "ltTcpiTNU10-00220-00052455-00052736": "in the mid 1980s relation between the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00221-00052736-00052895": "commune and the local government", "ltTcpiTNU10-00222-00052895-00053160": "community became tense and it was", "ltTcpiTNU10-00223-00053160-00053408": "revealed that the commune members had", "ltTcpiTNU10-00224-00053408-00053632": "been engaging in variety of serious", "ltTcpiTNU10-00225-00053632-00053976": "crime ranging from wiretapping to voter", "ltTcpiTNU10-00226-00053976-00054088": "fraud", "ltTcpiTNU10-00227-00054088-00054391": "razny's right hand sila was a fearless", "ltTcpiTNU10-00228-00054391-00054632": "and ruthless leader in razny's purum and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00229-00054632-00054920": "made many media appearance to troll the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00230-00054920-00055127": "neighboring towns and those who hated", "ltTcpiTNU10-00231-00055127-00055320": "the razny's people", "ltTcpiTNU10-00232-00055320-00055576": "she was looked by many as someone who", "ltTcpiTNU10-00233-00055576-00055800": "shouldn't be crossed but her crime", "ltTcpiTNU10-00234-00055800-00056000": "started catching up with her", "ltTcpiTNU10-00235-00056000-00056312": "unknown to those in the commune sila had", "ltTcpiTNU10-00236-00056312-00056520": "established a sacred listening post near", "ltTcpiTNU10-00237-00056520-00056744": "the commune's telephone center and all", "ltTcpiTNU10-00238-00056744-00057048": "calls into and out of razi's purum were", "ltTcpiTNU10-00239-00057048-00057176": "taped", "ltTcpiTNU10-00240-00057176-00057351": "in 1984", "ltTcpiTNU10-00241-00057351-00057608": "sila attempted to influence a local", "ltTcpiTNU10-00242-00057608-00057879": "election by using hundreds of homeless", "ltTcpiTNU10-00243-00057879-00058183": "people and registering them to vote", "ltTcpiTNU10-00244-00058183-00058400": "after the plan failed she arranged for", "ltTcpiTNU10-00245-00058400-00058624": "russian scientists to contaminate food", "ltTcpiTNU10-00246-00058624-00058879": "at local restaurant to make people sick", "ltTcpiTNU10-00247-00058879-00059079": "before the election", "ltTcpiTNU10-00248-00059079-00059408": "salsa bars vegetable and salad bars", "ltTcpiTNU10-00249-00059408-00059664": "table top creamers and other food at a", "ltTcpiTNU10-00250-00059664-00059920": "dozen local restaurants and supermarkets", "ltTcpiTNU10-00251-00059920-00060216": "were contaminated with salmonella", "ltTcpiTNU10-00252-00060216-00060527": "salmonella a kind of bacteria if", "ltTcpiTNU10-00253-00060527-00060800": "contacted with food can cause one of the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00254-00060800-00061055": "worst form of food poisoning", "ltTcpiTNU10-00255-00061055-00061400": "nobody died but more than 750 people", "ltTcpiTNU10-00256-00061400-00061664": "were seeking due to this accident", "ltTcpiTNU10-00257-00061664-00061967": "sila was also accused of wire taping an", "ltTcpiTNU10-00258-00061967-00062160": "attempted murder", "ltTcpiTNU10-00259-00062160-00062400": "they had hoped that if enough people", "ltTcpiTNU10-00260-00062400-00062624": "were sick during the election they could", "ltTcpiTNU10-00261-00062624-00062888": "throw it to get their leaders in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00262-00062888-00063167": "this was done as a part of a ploy to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00263-00063167-00063391": "unfairly win election against the local", "ltTcpiTNU10-00264-00063391-00063648": "government by ensuring that a majority", "ltTcpiTNU10-00265-00063648-00063895": "of voters wouldn't be able to turn up to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00266-00063895-00063991": "vote", "ltTcpiTNU10-00267-00063991-00064183": "the plot didn't work", "ltTcpiTNU10-00268-00064183-00064416": "though because the locals were angry", "ltTcpiTNU10-00269-00064416-00064591": "turned out to vote against the russians", "ltTcpiTNU10-00270-00064591-00064879": "people after suspecting it was them who", "ltTcpiTNU10-00271-00064879-00065088": "caused the illness", "ltTcpiTNU10-00272-00065088-00065360": "the russians people are responsible for", "ltTcpiTNU10-00273-00065360-00065551": "one of the largest recorded marriage", "ltTcpiTNU10-00274-00065551-00065839": "fraud cases in the united states it is", "ltTcpiTNU10-00275-00065839-00066104": "said that there were more than 400 false", "ltTcpiTNU10-00276-00066104-00066464": "marriages perpetrated by the raznesses", "ltTcpiTNU10-00277-00066464-00066680": "the immigration fraud was believed to be", "ltTcpiTNU10-00278-00066680-00067000": "hated by sila when they moved to america", "ltTcpiTNU10-00279-00067000-00067248": "the marriages were between u.s citizens", "ltTcpiTNU10-00280-00067248-00067439": "and visiting foreigners", "ltTcpiTNU10-00281-00067439-00067672": "they were created to give the foreigners", "ltTcpiTNU10-00282-00067672-00067920": "permanent resident in the united states", "ltTcpiTNU10-00283-00067920-00068192": "and bypass american laws", "ltTcpiTNU10-00284-00068192-00068432": "united states authorities were aware of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00285-00068432-00068695": "the possible illegal marriages though", "ltTcpiTNU10-00286-00068695-00068912": "and the razni's people could feel the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00287-00068912-00069056": "pressure", "ltTcpiTNU10-00288-00069056-00069312": "after razny's purum fell apart", "ltTcpiTNU10-00289-00069312-00069456": "u.s police", "ltTcpiTNU10-00290-00069456-00069744": "allegedly discovered an armory of over", "ltTcpiTNU10-00291-00069744-00069944": "100 weapons", "ltTcpiTNU10-00292-00069944-00070120": "tensions had begun to mount between", "ltTcpiTNU10-00293-00070120-00070407": "razny sansila who up until then was", "ltTcpiTNU10-00294-00070407-00070624": "still widely considered the public face", "ltTcpiTNU10-00295-00070624-00070807": "after razny's campaign", "ltTcpiTNU10-00296-00070807-00071024": "following an assassination attempt on", "ltTcpiTNU10-00297-00071024-00071232": "osu's personal physician", "ltTcpiTNU10-00298-00071232-00071504": "sila and a small group of her followers", "ltTcpiTNU10-00299-00071504-00071824": "quickly left razni spuram this greatly", "ltTcpiTNU10-00300-00071824-00072151": "angered osu and turned him against her", "ltTcpiTNU10-00301-00072151-00072488": "while sila took refuse in germany oso", "ltTcpiTNU10-00302-00072488-00072816": "broke his vow of silence in 1984 and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00303-00072816-00073063": "laid the blame for all the charges voted", "ltTcpiTNU10-00304-00073063-00073416": "his way on sila and a group of fascists", "ltTcpiTNU10-00305-00073416-00073639": "the authorities meanwhile were waiting", "ltTcpiTNU10-00306-00073639-00073895": "for the perfect moment to capture both", "ltTcpiTNU10-00307-00073895-00074072": "oso and sila", "ltTcpiTNU10-00308-00074072-00074320": "following the sensational revelation", "ltTcpiTNU10-00309-00074320-00074527": "several of the commune leaders fled to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00310-00074527-00074727": "escape the police", "ltTcpiTNU10-00311-00074727-00074960": "opportunity struck went", "ltTcpiTNU10-00312-00074960-00075224": "in an abrupt move also and a few of his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00313-00075224-00075551": "disciples took off from rajnas purim", "ltTcpiTNU10-00314-00075551-00075880": "according to a upi article from 1985", "ltTcpiTNU10-00315-00075880-00076072": "when the plane stopped to refuel at", "ltTcpiTNU10-00316-00076072-00076424": "charlotte's well at 2 am on 28th october", "ltTcpiTNU10-00317-00076424-00076672": "oso and 13 orders traveling with him", "ltTcpiTNU10-00318-00076672-00076895": "were instantly arrested", "ltTcpiTNU10-00319-00076895-00077168": "sila and the two others were arrested in", "ltTcpiTNU10-00320-00077168-00077336": "west germany", "ltTcpiTNU10-00321-00077336-00077536": "the religious cult stayed in a legal", "ltTcpiTNU10-00322-00077536-00077768": "battle with the u.s over the immigration", "ltTcpiTNU10-00323-00077768-00078120": "fraud but they eventually lost the fight", "ltTcpiTNU10-00324-00078120-00078304": "several people were arrested for", "ltTcpiTNU10-00325-00078304-00078512": "immigration fraud admitting that the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00326-00078512-00078680": "marriages were a trick to allow", "ltTcpiTNU10-00327-00078680-00078888": "followers to settle in oregon with", "ltTcpiTNU10-00328-00078888-00079016": "razness", "ltTcpiTNU10-00329-00079016-00079232": "pleaded guilty of immigration trust and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00330-00079232-00079495": "agreed to leave the united states rasnis", "ltTcpiTNU10-00331-00079495-00079824": "was ordered to pay a 400 000 fine and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00332-00079824-00080032": "was not allowed to re-enter the united", "ltTcpiTNU10-00333-00080032-00080207": "states", "ltTcpiTNU10-00334-00080207-00080583": "in 1986 sila pleaded guilty to attempted", "ltTcpiTNU10-00335-00080583-00080888": "murder while taping immigration fraud", "ltTcpiTNU10-00336-00080888-00081168": "and engineering a salmonella outbreak", "ltTcpiTNU10-00337-00081168-00081416": "she was released from treason early for", "ltTcpiTNU10-00338-00081416-00081616": "good behavior", "ltTcpiTNU10-00339-00081616-00081832": "the controversial guru was accused of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00340-00081832-00082039": "brainwashing his followers", "ltTcpiTNU10-00341-00082039-00082392": "also on 90th rolls royce all of which", "ltTcpiTNU10-00342-00082392-00082624": "were donated by his disciples", "ltTcpiTNU10-00343-00082624-00082848": "when people ask them why he didn't", "ltTcpiTNU10-00344-00082848-00083095": "donate them to the poor he said", "ltTcpiTNU10-00345-00083095-00083304": "every religion in the world is taking", "ltTcpiTNU10-00346-00083304-00083463": "care of the poor", "ltTcpiTNU10-00347-00083463-00083639": "why can't they just let me take care of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00348-00083639-00083792": "the rich", "ltTcpiTNU10-00349-00083792-00084112": "a man fond of luxuries yet famously", "ltTcpiTNU10-00350-00084112-00084351": "drive around the area and his favorite", "ltTcpiTNU10-00351-00084351-00084592": "car while his devotees would stand on", "ltTcpiTNU10-00352-00084592-00084832": "the road in a massive queues waiting to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00353-00084832-00085095": "catch a glimpse of the guru", "ltTcpiTNU10-00354-00085095-00085327": "over the next several months he traveled", "ltTcpiTNU10-00355-00085327-00085536": "to several countries around the world", "ltTcpiTNU10-00356-00085536-00085888": "including nepal island uruguay and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00357-00085888-00086144": "jamaica but he was not allowed to stay", "ltTcpiTNU10-00358-00086144-00086392": "in any of the countries for long", "ltTcpiTNU10-00359-00086392-00086632": "he was denied entry into numerous", "ltTcpiTNU10-00360-00086632-00086856": "countries before returning again to", "ltTcpiTNU10-00361-00086856-00087168": "india in 1986", "ltTcpiTNU10-00362-00087168-00087400": "during the next few years he continued", "ltTcpiTNU10-00363-00087400-00087695": "to teach and rename himself also but his", "ltTcpiTNU10-00364-00087695-00087936": "health began to decline", "ltTcpiTNU10-00365-00087936-00088200": "also continued his teaching and died on", "ltTcpiTNU10-00366-00088200-00088551": "january 9 1990 in pune from a heart", "ltTcpiTNU10-00367-00088551-00088672": "attack", "ltTcpiTNU10-00368-00088672-00088912": "some sources say he was killed by the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00369-00088912-00089127": "government of america", "ltTcpiTNU10-00370-00089127-00089456": "his asram and pune is today known as oso", "ltTcpiTNU10-00371-00089456-00089695": "international meditation resort", "ltTcpiTNU10-00372-00089695-00089888": "it is one of the india's main tourist", "ltTcpiTNU10-00373-00089888-00090192": "attraction and is visited by about 200", "ltTcpiTNU10-00374-00090192-00090392": "000 people from around the world each", "ltTcpiTNU10-00375-00090392-00090560": "year", "ltTcpiTNU10-00376-00090560-00090872": "also raznas was an indian domestic guru", "ltTcpiTNU10-00377-00090872-00091112": "and spiritual leader who created the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00378-00091112-00091424": "spiritual practice of dynamic meditation", "ltTcpiTNU10-00379-00091424-00091680": "a controversial leader he had millions", "ltTcpiTNU10-00380-00091680-00091895": "of followers worldwide", "ltTcpiTNU10-00381-00091895-00092176": "confident and outspoken he was a gifted", "ltTcpiTNU10-00382-00092176-00092432": "speaker who never sighed away from", "ltTcpiTNU10-00383-00092432-00092719": "expressing his views on various topics", "ltTcpiTNU10-00384-00092719-00092951": "even those considered to be taboo by the", "ltTcpiTNU10-00385-00092951-00093168": "conservative society", "ltTcpiTNU10-00386-00093168-00093392": "as per also there is nothing more", "ltTcpiTNU10-00387-00093392-00093616": "valuable or precious in the world than", "ltTcpiTNU10-00388-00093616-00093904": "love meditation and laughter", "ltTcpiTNU10-00389-00093904-00094127": "he though never believed in any one", "ltTcpiTNU10-00390-00094127-00094375": "religion but combined elements of many", "ltTcpiTNU10-00391-00094375-00094712": "religions such as buddhism hinduism and", "ltTcpiTNU10-00392-00094712-00094872": "christianity", "ltTcpiTNU10-00393-00094872-00095119": "however he also added new types of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00394-00095119-00095327": "meditation practice", "ltTcpiTNU10-00395-00095327-00095448": "his philosophy", "ltTcpiTNU10-00396-00095448-00095800": "was a type of that god wasn't everything", "ltTcpiTNU10-00397-00095800-00096024": "he prays that people should basically", "ltTcpiTNU10-00398-00096024-00096256": "just do whatever feels good that", "ltTcpiTNU10-00399-00096256-00096456": "attachment to the material object was", "ltTcpiTNU10-00400-00096456-00096751": "okay and that sex was an expression of", "ltTcpiTNU10-00401-00096751-00097032": "love that should be explored freely", "ltTcpiTNU10-00402-00097032-00097284": "thank you", "ltTcpiTNU10-00403-00097284-00097597": "[Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "lufEk9Xjaly", "text": {"lufEk9Xjaly-00000-00000000-00003200": "All text is on the screen. Enjoy!"}}, {"audio_id": "lugsJHeisHy", "text": {"lugsJHeisHy-00000-00000357-00001057": "I'm from a small town called Lester Prairie, just outside of the cities. I am a psychology and criminology double major.", "lugsJHeisHy-00001-00001150-00001607": "I am from the north woods, Spooner Wisconsin. So, not too far from Duluth.", "lugsJHeisHy-00002-00001607-00002308": "I am a non-traditional student, I am a postback _______????", "lugsJHeisHy-00003-00002428-00003128": "My junior year I had to work, as well as going to school,  as well as preparing to apply to graduate school, so that was a lot.", "lugsJHeisHy-00004-00003256-00003956": "Being a postback ______ student you don't qualify for grants.  So I do not get a teachers grant or a pel grant.", "lugsJHeisHy-00005-00004323-00005023": "So I am basically paying all of the money out of my pocket.", "lugsJHeisHy-00006-00005489-00006189": "I am a facuilty member here in the Psych. Department. I have been here for 7-8 years now."}}, {"audio_id": "luj4Txbzb8Q", "text": {"luj4Txbzb8Q-00000-00000290-00000550": "They came from a common background.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00001-00000550-00000830": "They served for a common purpose.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00002-00000830-00001038": "One hundred and fifty years ago,", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00003-00001038-00001272": "the storied African American regiments", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00004-00001272-00001522": "of the U.S. Army, commonly known as", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00005-00001522-00001766": "the Buffalo Soldiers, were born.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00006-00001780-00002046": "The National Park Service invites you to be a part of", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00007-00002046-00002240": "a nationwide effort to share a", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00008-00002240-00002470": "lesser-known piece of U.S. history.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00009-00002470-00002612": "♪♪ flute music plays ♪♪", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00010-00002612-00002818": "Not many people know that some of our", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00011-00002818-00003024": "National Parks' first guardians were", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00012-00003024-00003264": "African American soldiers charged with", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00013-00003264-00003600": "safeguarding the west after the Civil War.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00014-00003600-00003811": "They helped to protect settlers,", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00015-00003811-00004000": "build forts and roads,", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00016-00004000-00004274": "and steward our first national parks.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00017-00004274-00004602": "As some of the first rangers, they patrolled,", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00018-00004602-00004790": "maintained and protected parks", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00019-00004790-00005018": "like Sequoia and Yosemite before the creation", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00020-00005018-00005218": "of the National Park Service.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00021-00005250-00005504": "Their contributions at military sites like", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00022-00005505-00005807": "Fort Laramie, Fort Leavenworth and others", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00023-00005807-00006011": "helped make the sites significant for", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00024-00006011-00006273": "inclusion in the national park system.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00025-00006273-00006570": "In honor of these men, the National Park Service", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00026-00006570-00006814": "is conducting a study to evaluate ways to", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00027-00006814-00007014": "commemorate and interpret the role of the", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00028-00007014-00007420": "Buffalo Soldiers as stewards of our first national parks.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00029-00007420-00007681": "Now, we need your help.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00030-00007681-00007958": "We want to know how this epic story of", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00031-00007959-00008148": "these incredible men should be", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00032-00008148-00008349": "commemorated and told.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00033-00010194-00010434": "Don't miss this opportunity to help us", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00034-00010434-00010654": "bring this story to life by sharing your", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00035-00010654-00010868": "ideas and comments through the website", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00036-00010868-00011068": "at the end of this video.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00037-00011068-00011274": "They joined for a better life and", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00038-00011274-00011466": "to help rebuild the nation.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00039-00011466-00011684": "In doing so, they created the foundation", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00040-00011684-00011884": "of so much more.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00041-00011924-00012074": "Celebrate these men.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00042-00012074-00012246": "Celebrate their story.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00043-00012246-00012444": "Celebrate their legacy.", "luj4Txbzb8Q-00044-00012444-00012694": "Join the Buffalo Soldiers study!"}}, {"audio_id": "lutX2xwBJEY", "text": {"lutX2xwBJEY-00000-00012001-00016502": "Typical nature-based soundtracks include chirping birds, ocean waves , steady rain, and other rhythmic soundscapes. 😴  🛌", "lutX2xwBJEY-00001-00030002-00032501": "- try to SLEEP - RAIN NOISE for relaxing - quickly hit play - PINK NOISE meditation positive - RHW -", "lutX2xwBJEY-00002-00060001-00062500": "- try to SLEEP - RAIN NOISE for relaxing - quickly hit play - PINK NOISE meditation positive - RHW -", "lutX2xwBJEY-00003-00084000-00086503": "- try to SLEEP - RAIN NOISE for relaxing - quickly hit play - PINK NOISE meditation positive - RHW -"}}, {"audio_id": "luN9i-rgHL0", "text": {"luN9i-rgHL0-00000-00000160-00000840": "in the last message i spoke about five ministries of the holy spirit in which", "luN9i-rgHL0-00001-00000840-00001816": "he continues the ministry of jesus in our lives i spoke about him as teacher remembrancer guide", "luN9i-rgHL0-00002-00002080-00002360": "revelator and administrator", "luN9i-rgHL0-00003-00002576-00003184": "now i want to focus on that particular ministry of the holy spirit as guide", "luN9i-rgHL0-00004-00003279-00003688": "i'll turn back to john 16 13 again", "luN9i-rgHL0-00005-00003920-00004872": "however when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth so there's the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00006-00004872-00005784": "clear statement the holy spirit comes to be our guide and then in romans chapter 8 and verse 14", "luN9i-rgHL0-00007-00005920-00007000": "paul speaks about how we can be fulfilled and complete christians romans 8 verse 14", "luN9i-rgHL0-00008-00007144-00008200": "a very important verse for as many as are led by the spirit of god these are sons of god the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00009-00008200-00008896": "tense there is a continuing present tense as many as are regularly led by the spirit of god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00010-00008984-00009696": "these are sons of god the word sun there speaks of maturity it's not the word for", "luN9i-rgHL0-00011-00009696-00010496": "a little baby but the word for a grown-up son in order to become god's children we have to be", "luN9i-rgHL0-00012-00010496-00010984": "born again of the spirit of god jesus spoke about that very clearly in john chapter 3", "luN9i-rgHL0-00013-00011104-00011784": "but once we've been born again in order to grow up and become mature and complete", "luN9i-rgHL0-00014-00011920-00012648": "we need to be regularly led by the holy spirit now the sad truth is that many christians", "luN9i-rgHL0-00015-00012728-00013488": "who've been born again have never really gone on to be led by the holy spirit consequently they", "luN9i-rgHL0-00016-00013488-00014088": "don't achieve maturity they don't become the kind of complete full-lord christian", "luN9i-rgHL0-00017-00014088-00014952": "that god intends so i'm going to try to deal with this theme of being led by the holy spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00018-00015240-00015952": "there are two alternative ways revealed in the bible to achieve righteousness with god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00019-00016096-00016512": "they're extremely important and they're a major theme of the new testament", "luN9i-rgHL0-00020-00016608-00017184": "but according to my observation very little attention is paid to this particular question", "luN9i-rgHL0-00021-00017352-00017864": "the two ways by which we may seek to achieve righteousness with god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00022-00017976-00018976": "are either law or grace and the bible reveals very clearly that they're mutually exclusive", "luN9i-rgHL0-00023-00019096-00019784": "if you seek to achieve righteousness by law you cannot achieve righteousness by grace", "luN9i-rgHL0-00024-00019848-00020608": "on the other hand if you seek to achieve righteousness by grace then you can't do it by", "luN9i-rgHL0-00025-00020608-00021520": "keeping law this is tremendously important because again i may be just speaking about a limited", "luN9i-rgHL0-00026-00021608-00022368": "area of the christian church that i'm familiar with but i see most christians trying to mix law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00027-00022368-00023152": "and grace partly by law partly by grace the truth of the matter is they don't really understand", "luN9i-rgHL0-00028-00023152-00024088": "either now i think we all know basically what law is law is a set of rules which you have to keep", "luN9i-rgHL0-00029-00024160-00024712": "and if you keep all the rules all the time then you're made righteous", "luN9i-rgHL0-00030-00024888-00025744": "that is righteousness grace on the other hand is something that we cannot earn and we cannot", "luN9i-rgHL0-00031-00025744-00026783": "achieve by working for it if you are working for anything or seeking to earn it it is not grace", "luN9i-rgHL0-00032-00026880-00028088": "cannot be earned grace is received from god only by one way uh ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 says", "luN9i-rgHL0-00033-00028088-00029095": "this for by grace you have been saved through what faith that's right grace comes only through faith", "luN9i-rgHL0-00034-00029208-00029680": "and if you want to achieve righteousness if you want to come into the maturity of god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00035-00029783-00030504": "you've got to decide are you going to do it by law or by grace and if you follow my advice and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00036-00030504-00031248": "the advice of the bible you won't try to do it by law because the bible says no one will ever", "luN9i-rgHL0-00037-00031248-00031983": "achieve righteousness with god by keeping law let's look at some of the requirements of law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00038-00032144-00032727": "the basic principle you've got to understand is this to be righteous by keeping law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00039-00032824-00033616": "you've got to keep the whole law all the time it's not enough to keep the whole law some of the time", "luN9i-rgHL0-00040-00033704-00034336": "and it's not enough to keep some of the law all the time but you have to keep the whole", "luN9i-rgHL0-00041-00034336-00035192": "law all the time or else you are not righteous by keeping the law we look at a few passages of", "luN9i-rgHL0-00042-00035192-00036320": "scripture deuteronomy chapter 27 and verse 26 this is the last verse of the chapter and it's", "luN9i-rgHL0-00043-00036320-00037000": "the end of a list of 12 curses which israel were required to pronounce upon themselves", "luN9i-rgHL0-00044-00037136-00037864": "after they came into the land of promise if they failed to keep the whole law all the time and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00045-00037864-00038896": "this is what this particular curse says cursed is the one who does not confirm confirm all the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00046-00038896-00039632": "words of this law cursed is the one who does not abide by and keep all the words of this law in", "luN9i-rgHL0-00047-00039632-00040352": "other words if you start to keep the law and then you deviate from it you come under a curse and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00048-00040352-00041120": "paul resumes this theme in the new testament in the epistle to the galatians chapter 3", "luN9i-rgHL0-00049-00041384-00041624": "he says and he quotes this verse", "luN9i-rgHL0-00050-00041888-00042624": "the one we've quoted from deuteronomy chapter 3 verse 10 for as many as out of the works of", "luN9i-rgHL0-00051-00042624-00043248": "the law are under the curse for it is written and now he's quoting the verse we looked at", "luN9i-rgHL0-00052-00043328-00043984": "but he amplifies it a little bit cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which", "luN9i-rgHL0-00053-00043984-00044672": "are written in the book of the law to do them so if you want to receive the blessing and avoid the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00054-00044672-00045672": "curse you have to continue in all things all the time to do them otherwise the law is of no benefit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00055-00045672-00046560": "to you from the point of view of righteousness and then the epistle of james chapter 2", "luN9i-rgHL0-00056-00046856-00047056": "verse 10 and 11", "luN9i-rgHL0-00057-00047264-00047912": "james speaking about the same question he says for whoever shall keep the whole law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00058-00048024-00048968": "and yet stumble or fail in one point he is guilty of all for the one who said do not commit adultery", "luN9i-rgHL0-00059-00049032-00049736": "also said do not murder now if you do not commit adultery but you do murder you have become a", "luN9i-rgHL0-00060-00049736-00050408": "transgressor of the law you cannot single out the commandments which you think are important and say", "luN9i-rgHL0-00061-00050408-00051304": "i'll keep those and the others i won't you've got to keep every commandment all the time or the law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00062-00051304-00052120": "is of no benefit to you as a means of achieving righteousness see my experience is most people", "luN9i-rgHL0-00063-00052208-00052552": "think it'll be all right if they keep most of the law some of the time", "luN9i-rgHL0-00064-00052679-00053279": "in fact the natural mind of man can only think of one way of achieving righteousness", "luN9i-rgHL0-00065-00053336-00053936": "which is keeping a law when i was a soldier in the british army and had become a christian", "luN9i-rgHL0-00066-00054040-00054472": "i used to witness to my fellow soldiers who were not christians and talk about being", "luN9i-rgHL0-00067-00054472-00055152": "saved and so on and i noticed almost invariably every one of them responded", "luN9i-rgHL0-00068-00055152-00055776": "in something like this he would come up with a little list of the rules he kept each one had his", "luN9i-rgHL0-00069-00055776-00056304": "own set of rules and he was trying to convince me that he was all right because he kept some rules", "luN9i-rgHL0-00070-00056391-00057040": "and each one made a list of the rules he kept and omitted the rules he didn't keep i don't", "luN9i-rgHL0-00071-00057184-00057791": "commit adultery i don't get drunk i don't there were not many i don't really in the british army", "luN9i-rgHL0-00072-00057791-00058472": "but they would seek out a few and then they would kind of hold this up as if this was all right that", "luN9i-rgHL0-00073-00058472-00058848": "that justified them there were other things they weren't doing but that wasn't important", "luN9i-rgHL0-00074-00058928-00059591": "and i learned that that's how the natural mind of man thinks when we think about being righteous", "luN9i-rgHL0-00075-00059679-00060272": "each of us turns to some sort of list of rules and we think well i've got to keep", "luN9i-rgHL0-00076-00060272-00060912": "this and i've got to keep that now the bible says there's nothing wrong with keeping the law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00077-00060912-00061576": "if you keep the hold all the time fine if you can do it praise god but then the bible goes", "luN9i-rgHL0-00078-00061576-00062248": "on to say that in actual fact nobody ever succeeds and this is very clearly stated", "luN9i-rgHL0-00079-00062344-00063184": "in many passages we'll look at only just two of them in romans chapter 3 and verse 20.", "luN9i-rgHL0-00080-00063384-00064048": "romans 3 20 therefore by the deeds of the law or by the keeping of the law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00081-00064160-00065024": "no flesh will be justified in god's sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin so paul says no", "luN9i-rgHL0-00082-00065024-00065664": "flesh that's no human being will ever achieve righteousness in god's sight by keeping a law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00083-00065776-00066360": "then you might argue well why did god give the law of moses and paul says one of the results of the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00084-00066360-00067032": "law is it shows us we're sinners it doesn't make us righteous but it shows us we need to be saved", "luN9i-rgHL0-00085-00067096-00067832": "the law was actually never given by god to make anybody righteous one of its main purposes was to", "luN9i-rgHL0-00086-00067832-00068304": "show us we need to be saved another main purpose was to show us that we can't save ourselves", "luN9i-rgHL0-00087-00068368-00069032": "and another purpose was to foreshow and predict the savior who would be able to save", "luN9i-rgHL0-00088-00069032-00069888": "us but returning to what paul says he says by the deeds of the law no flesh no human being will ever", "luN9i-rgHL0-00089-00069888-00070984": "achieve righteousness with god and if we go back to galatians chapter 2 and verse 16 paul says", "luN9i-rgHL0-00090-00071232-00071696": "and it's in the middle of a sentence but we won't give the whole sentence knowing that a", "luN9i-rgHL0-00091-00071696-00072472": "man is not justified by the works of the law the question is dear friends do you know it", "luN9i-rgHL0-00092-00072624-00072984": "knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00093-00073104-00073800": "but by faith in jesus christ even we have believed in christ jesus that we might be", "luN9i-rgHL0-00094-00073800-00074536": "justified by faith in christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law no flesh", "luN9i-rgHL0-00095-00074536-00075256": "shall be justified so again very emphatic no one will ever achieve righteousness by keeping a law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00096-00075328-00075936": "we have believed in christ that we might be made righteous by faith not by keeping the works of", "luN9i-rgHL0-00097-00075936-00076504": "the law and then going back to the passage in the next chapter of galatians chapter 3", "luN9i-rgHL0-00098-00076688-00077520": "verse 11 paul says but that no one is justified by the law in the sight of god is evident for", "luN9i-rgHL0-00099-00077592-00078360": "the just shall live by faith that he's quoting the prophet habakkuk and then he says yet the law is", "luN9i-rgHL0-00100-00078360-00078968": "not of faith but the man who does them shall live by them if you can keep all the law all", "luN9i-rgHL0-00101-00078968-00079688": "the time you live that way you'll be righteous in the sight of god but the alternative is by faith", "luN9i-rgHL0-00102-00079688-00080680": "which is not observing a law these are mutually exclusive alternatives now i think only god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00103-00080848-00081376": "has conceived the method of achieving righteousness by faith i think left to", "luN9i-rgHL0-00104-00081376-00082088": "himself natural man would never conceive such a such a way of righteousness as far as i know", "luN9i-rgHL0-00105-00082176-00082864": "every other religion has some way of achieving righteousness which is doing something", "luN9i-rgHL0-00106-00083008-00083632": "different religions have different things that you have to do but in essence all of them think along", "luN9i-rgHL0-00107-00083632-00084320": "this line i'll be righteous if i do this this and this and don't do that that and that that", "luN9i-rgHL0-00108-00084320-00085064": "means that the christian faith if we understand it rightly is absolutely unique there is no other", "luN9i-rgHL0-00109-00085064-00085904": "religion that even tries to offer faith on the same basis that the christian faith opposite the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00110-00085960-00086616": "question is does it work if it works then we are of all people the most privileged because we've", "luN9i-rgHL0-00111-00086616-00087336": "discovered the only way to achieve righteousness because god in his mercy has shown it to us", "luN9i-rgHL0-00112-00087544-00088344": "now i want to look at some passages in romans and this is where you need to tie a towel", "luN9i-rgHL0-00113-00088344-00089168": "around your forehead and really concentrate i know this is not the ideal climate in which", "luN9i-rgHL0-00114-00089168-00089632": "to concentrate but i have great expectations of you people i believe you're going to achieve it", "luN9i-rgHL0-00115-00089768-00090152": "uh we're going to read from romans chapter 7. i didn't know", "luN9i-rgHL0-00116-00090152-00090648": "what the climate or situation be like when i arranged this i think god must have intended it", "luN9i-rgHL0-00117-00091072-00091832": "all right we're going to begin with the first six verses of romans now this is a rather elaborate", "luN9i-rgHL0-00118-00091832-00092800": "comparison uh taking an analogy from marriage the principle being if a woman marries a man", "luN9i-rgHL0-00119-00092888-00093472": "as long as the man remains alive she's not free to marry another man without being called", "luN9i-rgHL0-00120-00093472-00094120": "an adulteress but if the man she's married dies then she's free to marry another man", "luN9i-rgHL0-00121-00094120-00094960": "without being called an adulteress and then paul applies this to the relationship of the christian", "luN9i-rgHL0-00122-00094960-00095592": "to the law this is where it becomes a little difficult but i'll try and illuminate for you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00123-00095592-00096264": "the thing is this is so important because my observation is most christians are living in a", "luN9i-rgHL0-00124-00096264-00096968": "twilight neither law on the one hand nor grace on the other but halfway in between the two and they", "luN9i-rgHL0-00125-00096968-00097752": "would usually get the worst of both worlds so now i'm going to read do you not know brethren", "luN9i-rgHL0-00126-00097808-00098344": "for i speak to those who know the law that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives", "luN9i-rgHL0-00127-00098344-00098832": "once you come under the law there's no escape from the law except by death", "luN9i-rgHL0-00128-00098920-00099584": "the law continues to rule over you but once the laws put you to death it has no more dominion", "luN9i-rgHL0-00129-00099584-00100136": "over you have escaped from the dominion of the law the message is i'll say it in advance we", "luN9i-rgHL0-00130-00100136-00100784": "have escaped from the dominion of the law through the death of jesus now we'll show you how it works", "luN9i-rgHL0-00131-00100952-00101360": "for the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives", "luN9i-rgHL0-00132-00101432-00101824": "but if the husband dies she is released from the law of her husband", "luN9i-rgHL0-00133-00102016-00102600": "so then if while her husband lives she marries another man she will be called an adulteress but", "luN9i-rgHL0-00134-00102600-00103135": "if her husband dies she is free from that law so that she is no adulteress though she has married", "luN9i-rgHL0-00135-00103135-00104016": "another man now this is the application to us as believers in jesus therefore my brethren you also", "luN9i-rgHL0-00136-00104016-00104728": "have become dead to the law through the body of christ that you may be married to another even to", "luN9i-rgHL0-00137-00104728-00105696": "him who was raised from the dead that we should bear fruit to god let's let's consider that one", "luN9i-rgHL0-00138-00105888-00106583": "and here is where you just have to grasp paul's thinking the jews are very", "luN9i-rgHL0-00139-00106688-00107232": "analytically minded people uh it's it's in the background of their religion", "luN9i-rgHL0-00140-00107328-00107752": "and that's why you find they're probably more successful jewish physicists", "luN9i-rgHL0-00141-00107752-00108559": "proportionately than any other nation and if you can work through this you'll have a sharp mind", "luN9i-rgHL0-00142-00108616-00109383": "it'll make you sharp now i'll put it in my words paul's saying when you come under the law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00143-00109520-00110032": "you that's a marriage contract by which you are married to your fleshly nature", "luN9i-rgHL0-00144-00110088-00110783": "all right because your law the law works on your fleshly nature and says do this don't do that", "luN9i-rgHL0-00145-00110880-00111424": "it's kind of held up there as a set of rules speaking to you and saying now do this don't do", "luN9i-rgHL0-00146-00111424-00112183": "that and once you're under the law you're married to this fleshly nature of yours which is a rebel", "luN9i-rgHL0-00147-00112248-00112808": "and no matter how hard you try to keep the law you don't succeed because the rebel in", "luN9i-rgHL0-00148-00112808-00113320": "you won't do the right thing see how many of you would be honest enough to admit that's your", "luN9i-rgHL0-00149-00113320-00114000": "experience you really tried to do the right thing and keep the rules and somehow you didn't succeed", "luN9i-rgHL0-00150-00114176-00114488": "all right i don't ask for any hands if you don't want to put them up but", "luN9i-rgHL0-00151-00114648-00115248": "you'll lose nothing by raising your hand so paul says as long as this", "luN9i-rgHL0-00152-00115248-00115648": "fleshly nature of ours remains alive we're not free to marry another man", "luN9i-rgHL0-00153-00115776-00116456": "but the good news is that when jesus died on the cross our fleshly nature was put to death in him", "luN9i-rgHL0-00154-00116544-00116944": "that's he said that in the sixth chapter of romans our old man was crucified", "luN9i-rgHL0-00155-00117016-00117856": "with him jesus so now the flesh having been put to death executed paul says we're free to marry", "luN9i-rgHL0-00156-00117856-00118640": "somebody else whom should we marry the one who was raised from the dead so we're married now", "luN9i-rgHL0-00157-00118744-00119576": "by the holy spirit we're united to the resurrected christ we're not married to the flesh we're not", "luN9i-rgHL0-00158-00119576-00120016": "under the law when the law put us to death that's the last it could", "luN9i-rgHL0-00159-00120016-00120624": "do to us death has released us from the law we're free now for a different kind of union", "luN9i-rgHL0-00160-00120688-00121480": "a union through the spirit with the resurrected christ and he goes on to say that verse now in", "luN9i-rgHL0-00161-00121480-00122168": "chapter 7 verse 6 for when we were in the flesh when we were controlled by our fleshly nature", "luN9i-rgHL0-00162-00122272-00122904": "the passions of sin which were aroused by the law were not work in our members to bear fruit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00163-00122904-00123496": "to death now that's an astonishing statement for most religious people but it says the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00164-00123496-00124400": "passions of sin were aroused by the law the law didn't stop us sinning it stirred up sin in us", "luN9i-rgHL0-00165-00124528-00125224": "and paul comes to an example in a little while so hold that in a pending file going on verse 6 but", "luN9i-rgHL0-00166-00125224-00125840": "now we have been delivered from the law having died to what we were held by that's our fleshly", "luN9i-rgHL0-00167-00125840-00126488": "nature so that we should serve in the newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter", "luN9i-rgHL0-00168-00126568-00127128": "so we've been delivered from keeping the law as a means of achieving righteousness because", "luN9i-rgHL0-00169-00127216-00127720": "the thing that the law dominated our fleshly nature has been put to death", "luN9i-rgHL0-00170-00127816-00128488": "now we can be married to another person the resurrected christ and what paul says is through", "luN9i-rgHL0-00171-00128488-00129272": "marriage you bring forth offspring when we were married to the flesh we brought off the offspring", "luN9i-rgHL0-00172-00129272-00129880": "of the flesh and in galatians 5 he lists the works of the flesh there's not one good thing in them", "luN9i-rgHL0-00173-00130008-00130600": "you see if you're married to a bad man you're going to have bad children that's the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00174-00130720-00131536": "that's the message now we're free from that union by the holy spirit we can be united to the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00175-00131536-00132256": "resurrected christ and we bring forth the fruit of his righteousness in us which is the fruit of", "luN9i-rgHL0-00176-00132256-00133064": "the spirit so you understand in a way it's not what we try to do it's what we're united with", "luN9i-rgHL0-00177-00133128-00133664": "that determines the way we live this is really the essence of the christian message", "luN9i-rgHL0-00178-00133664-00134288": "see as long as you are just trying to be good and do the right thing you haven't grasped", "luN9i-rgHL0-00179-00134288-00135040": "the message the message messages get united to the right person and it'll work out naturally", "luN9i-rgHL0-00180-00135448-00136328": "maybe i should i think i'll say this now no i won't i'll come to it later all right so", "luN9i-rgHL0-00181-00136328-00137008": "now we're going to go on in romans chapter 7 and paul's going to share his own personal experience", "luN9i-rgHL0-00182-00137224-00137624": "and it's it's encouraging because if it could happen to paul it could happen to you and me", "luN9i-rgHL0-00183-00137840-00138576": "he says what shall we say then is the law sin was the law bad was it wrong certainly not on the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00184-00138576-00139384": "contrary i would not have known sin unless through the law for i would not have known covetousness", "luN9i-rgHL0-00185-00139456-00140128": "unless the lord said you shall not covet so it was the commandment you shall not covet that", "luN9i-rgHL0-00186-00140128-00140840": "made me aware of covetousness see before that i wasn't aware of it but sin taking opportunity by", "luN9i-rgHL0-00187-00140840-00141584": "the commandment produced in me all manner of evil desires for from apart from the law sin was dead", "luN9i-rgHL0-00188-00141688-00142304": "i was alive once without the law but when the commandment came sin came to life and i died", "luN9i-rgHL0-00189-00142416-00142984": "now you can ponder about that but let me suggest you it's true to experience", "luN9i-rgHL0-00190-00143136-00143536": "i'll share my own experience i think i shared it previously one other session but", "luN9i-rgHL0-00191-00143680-00144280": "when i was confirmed in the anglican church at the age of 15 for the first time i realized i was i", "luN9i-rgHL0-00192-00144280-00145248": "needed to be a lot better than i was so i learned all the questions memorized all the answers and i", "luN9i-rgHL0-00193-00145248-00146080": "said no i'm confirmed i'm going to be better and i was quite sincere the problem was the harder", "luN9i-rgHL0-00194-00146080-00146808": "i tried to be good the quicker i got banned i was not nearly so bad until i tried to be good", "luN9i-rgHL0-00195-00147152-00147504": "because i stirred up something in me i didn't know what it was", "luN9i-rgHL0-00196-00147600-00148288": "it's what paul calls the old man the rebel the flesh and he would not do the right thing", "luN9i-rgHL0-00197-00148400-00149000": "well my solution after about six months was it doesn't work for me i said maybe it works for some", "luN9i-rgHL0-00198-00149000-00149568": "people but it doesn't work for me and in those days in the anglican church we say prayed the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00199-00149680-00150040": "the general confession every sunday morning and amongst other things we", "luN9i-rgHL0-00200-00150040-00150456": "said i don't know whether they still say it pardon us miserable offenders", "luN9i-rgHL0-00201-00150600-00151224": "so in my rebellious teen attitude i say well if all religion can do is make me a miserable", "luN9i-rgHL0-00202-00151224-00151872": "offender i can be an offender without religion and not nearly so miserable so that was my", "luN9i-rgHL0-00203-00151872-00152576": "personal decision uh i'm not justifying what i'm doing but i am pointing out to you that", "luN9i-rgHL0-00204-00152632-00153232": "it's when you really tried to do the right thing in your own strength that you realize you can't", "luN9i-rgHL0-00205-00153232-00153992": "do it the harder you try the less you succeed that was paul's experience it happened to him", "luN9i-rgHL0-00206-00154088-00154624": "it happens to millions of people as a matter of fact the people who don't know how bad they are", "luN9i-rgHL0-00207-00154624-00155200": "that ones who've never tried to be good see until you try to be good you don't know what you're", "luN9i-rgHL0-00208-00155200-00156032": "struggling with this is universal see the old man is the old man he's not the old chinese man or the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00209-00156032-00156584": "old russian man or the old british man because it all goes way back to our first forefather", "luN9i-rgHL0-00210-00156584-00157312": "adam who was a rebel he never begat any children until he was a rebel and every descendant of adam", "luN9i-rgHL0-00211-00157400-00158096": "has the nature of a rebel in him which paul calls the flesh the old man and until the law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00212-00158096-00158720": "comes we can be quite happy and contended well i'm as good as the rest i'm not so bad after all", "luN9i-rgHL0-00213-00158832-00159312": "but when we see the law and say that's right that's what i need to do that's how i need to live", "luN9i-rgHL0-00214-00159416-00159992": "that's when we discover what's really inside of us you see so the purpose of the law the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00215-00159992-00160648": "primary purpose is to bring sin to life because otherwise we can be deceived all through our", "luN9i-rgHL0-00216-00160648-00161416": "lives not knowing what we're really like inside let me go on reading paul says the commandment", "luN9i-rgHL0-00217-00161416-00162288": "verse 10 which was to bring life i found to bring death for sin taking occasion by the commandment", "luN9i-rgHL0-00218-00162360-00163096": "deceived me and by it killed me it's like sin is a sort of assassin it's almost like", "luN9i-rgHL0-00219-00163096-00163704": "sin is personalized and it was just waiting for an opportunity to get at me so when i was faced", "luN9i-rgHL0-00220-00163704-00164264": "with the commandment said that's what i'm going to do sin deceived me and through it killed me", "luN9i-rgHL0-00221-00164360-00164928": "now paul says therefore the law is holy the commandment holy and just and good paul is saying", "luN9i-rgHL0-00222-00164928-00165464": "there's nothing wrong with the law that's not where the problem is the problem is in you and me", "luN9i-rgHL0-00223-00165664-00166208": "then he raises this question was then what is good has then what is good become death to me", "luN9i-rgHL0-00224-00166336-00167128": "certainly not but sin that it might appear sin was producing death in me through what is good", "luN9i-rgHL0-00225-00167128-00167672": "so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful in other words", "luN9i-rgHL0-00226-00167776-00168344": "the result of the commandment is to bring sin out into the open and show us just how wicked", "luN9i-rgHL0-00227-00168480-00168912": "and how how wicked it is and how powerless we are to deal with it that's", "luN9i-rgHL0-00228-00168912-00169328": "the purpose of the commandment there are other purposes but that's the primary one", "luN9i-rgHL0-00229-00169504-00170160": "paul goes on for we know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal sold under sin", "luN9i-rgHL0-00230-00170328-00170984": "that's a very vivid picture if i may pause for a moment because in the culture of the roman empire", "luN9i-rgHL0-00231-00171136-00171792": "when an army captured prisoners from another nation very frequently they were sold as slaves", "luN9i-rgHL0-00232-00171792-00172544": "in the slave market and the soldiers took the price and when a person was being sold as a slave", "luN9i-rgHL0-00233-00172760-00172920": "they would stand on a block", "luN9i-rgHL0-00234-00173064-00173936": "with a post behind them and a spear was thrust out from the post over their head so to be sold", "luN9i-rgHL0-00235-00173936-00174904": "as a slave was to be sold under a spear that was the phrase so paul says i am carnal sold under", "luN9i-rgHL0-00236-00174904-00175688": "sin my sin is the spear that stretched out over my head that causes me to be sold as a slave", "luN9i-rgHL0-00237-00175816-00176576": "and something we need to bear in mind when a when a slave owner buys a slave the slave doesn't", "luN9i-rgHL0-00238-00176576-00177320": "decide what he's going to do the owner does and so you see satan has some respectable slaves", "luN9i-rgHL0-00239-00177424-00178000": "and some less respectable slaves but if you and i are one of the respectable slaves let's not", "luN9i-rgHL0-00240-00178000-00178840": "despise the others because it's not their choice it's satan's choice one woman that", "luN9i-rgHL0-00241-00178840-00179384": "becomes a slave may become a cook another may become a prostitute but it's not her decision", "luN9i-rgHL0-00242-00179480-00180080": "it's the decision of the slaver and so you see some of us that are respectable good living", "luN9i-rgHL0-00243-00180176-00180616": "slaves we can point the finger at the prostitute or the drug addict", "luN9i-rgHL0-00244-00180616-00181120": "or whoever it may be and say there you are the truth of the matter is we're all slaves", "luN9i-rgHL0-00245-00181224-00181760": "what kind of slaves we are it's not our decision it's the slave master that makes the decision", "luN9i-rgHL0-00246-00181872-00182448": "the good news which i might as well interrupt with now and then i'll go back to my theme is one day", "luN9i-rgHL0-00247-00182552-00183464": "jesus walked into the slave market and he said i'll buy him i'll buy her he's mine she's mine", "luN9i-rgHL0-00248-00183520-00184240": "here's the price my precious blood how would you feel if you were standing there on the slave block", "luN9i-rgHL0-00249-00184352-00184984": "waiting to be sold naked shivering with fear people were walking up to you prodding your", "luN9i-rgHL0-00250-00184984-00185584": "skin to see how young you were or what health condition you were in and then this wonderful", "luN9i-rgHL0-00251-00185672-00186504": "prince of a man walks in says i'll buy her and when he's bought you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00252-00186584-00187280": "he gives you your liberty you'd be excited wouldn't you see the problem with us as christians", "luN9i-rgHL0-00253-00187280-00187872": "is we're not nearly excited enough because we don't really see what god has done for us", "luN9i-rgHL0-00254-00188096-00188768": "so going on all right verse 14 we know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal", "luN9i-rgHL0-00255-00188768-00189520": "soul under sin now this is only paul ever had this problem i'm sure you'll agree for what i am doing", "luN9i-rgHL0-00256-00189520-00190272": "i do not understand for what i will to do that i do not practice but what i hate", "luN9i-rgHL0-00257-00190344-00190768": "that i do how many of you would be honest enough to say i know from experience what that means", "luN9i-rgHL0-00258-00190768-00191352": "would you put your hand up and say that's true certainly true in my life all right and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00259-00191352-00191792": "and paul says i don't understand it here i am i'm really wanting to do the right thing", "luN9i-rgHL0-00260-00191896-00192528": "i can remember months when i struggled with this problem i don't understand why these", "luN9i-rgHL0-00261-00192528-00193136": "things enslave me in the end i decided to be a good slave that's all i decided i won't fight", "luN9i-rgHL0-00262-00193224-00194216": "i'll just give way. but god and his mercy decreed otherwise all right verse 16", "luN9i-rgHL0-00263-00194304-00194952": "if then i do what i will not to do i agree with the law that is good now i'm saying the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00264-00194952-00195640": "law is right that's what i should be doing i'm not criticizing the law but now it's the crux of them", "luN9i-rgHL0-00265-00195640-00196368": "but now it is no longer i who do it but sin that dwells in me when i make up my mind to do the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00266-00196368-00196888": "right thing i agree it's the right thing i agree with what the lord says i say i'm going to do it", "luN9i-rgHL0-00267-00196952-00197648": "and i do the exact opposite then i discover it isn't really me that's doing it it's sin", "luN9i-rgHL0-00268-00197648-00198264": "that's dwelling in me and so you can say if you like that the law is god's diagnostic", "luN9i-rgHL0-00269-00198320-00199024": "you know what a diagnostic is diagnoses your problem you see you go to any doctor and say", "luN9i-rgHL0-00270-00199024-00199568": "doctor i got a pain in my stomach he doesn't just reach up and take a bottle of pills", "luN9i-rgHL0-00271-00199672-00200384": "he tries to diagnose the cause of the pain because when he knows the cause then he can find the cure", "luN9i-rgHL0-00272-00200440-00201136": "and god has provided this diagnosis for us here is how we can find out the real problem", "luN9i-rgHL0-00273-00201200-00201896": "it's sin dwelling in me in a certain sense it's isolated sin i'm certainly no pharmacologist but", "luN9i-rgHL0-00274-00201992-00202256": "one of the business jobs of a pharmacologist", "luN9i-rgHL0-00275-00202352-00202848": "in taking a specimen is to isolate the particular thing that causes the sickness", "luN9i-rgHL0-00276-00202928-00203600": "and god has done that by the law he's diagnosed the root of the problem it's sin", "luN9i-rgHL0-00277-00203680-00204584": "dwelling in me it's not me it's something else i'm responsible but it isn't i that's doing it", "luN9i-rgHL0-00278-00205008-00205567": "all right now let's go back let's go on to the other way", "luN9i-rgHL0-00279-00205767-00206144": "we've said that we can't achieve righteousness with god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00280-00206280-00206864": "by keeping a law not because there's anything wrong with the law but because of this problem", "luN9i-rgHL0-00281-00206864-00207576": "in us basically you have to come to that point if you're really going to accept god's way of", "luN9i-rgHL0-00282-00207576-00208456": "righteousness now god's way is grace not law grace is god's goodness that we don't deserve", "luN9i-rgHL0-00283-00208640-00209376": "i find religious people find it hard to receive the grace of god because their thinking is i've", "luN9i-rgHL0-00284-00209376-00210000": "got to do something to earn it now when i got saved i'd cease to be religious so i just plunged", "luN9i-rgHL0-00285-00210000-00210552": "in and got everything saved baptized in the holy spirit got gifts of the holy spirit within a week", "luN9i-rgHL0-00286-00210640-00211152": "at the same time the other soldier that went with me to the same meaning was a very earnest", "luN9i-rgHL0-00287-00211152-00211832": "religious type and it took him weeks to get what i got in a few days because he kept trying to", "luN9i-rgHL0-00288-00211832-00212440": "earn it see he thought he had to be good enough to get it i've talked with scores of people who", "luN9i-rgHL0-00289-00212440-00212840": "don't receive the baptism in the holy spirit because they think they've got to be good enough", "luN9i-rgHL0-00290-00212840-00213448": "to earn it you will never be good enough to earn the bats in the holy spirit nothing you can do", "luN9i-rgHL0-00291-00213448-00213896": "will ever make you good enough for god the third person to come and dwell in your physical body", "luN9i-rgHL0-00292-00213984-00214680": "it's grace let's say this together grace cannot be earned will you say that grace", "luN9i-rgHL0-00293-00214680-00215271": "cannot be earned that's right turn around to the person next to you and say grace cannot be earned", "luN9i-rgHL0-00294-00215528-00215992": "all right so we're talking about something if god hadn't chosen to do it it would never", "luN9i-rgHL0-00295-00215992-00216456": "have happened we will never understand the grace of god but we can receive it", "luN9i-rgHL0-00296-00216600-00217080": "all right now we're coming to the crux of this matter which is", "luN9i-rgHL0-00297-00217080-00218096": "it's either law or grace but you can't have it both ways romans 6 14.", "luN9i-rgHL0-00298-00218408-00218760": "now paul is speaking to people who've received the grace of god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00299-00218848-00219600": "and he says for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under law but under grace", "luN9i-rgHL0-00300-00219671-00220423": "notice they're mutually exclusive if you're under law you're not under grace if you're under grace", "luN9i-rgHL0-00301-00220423-00221064": "you're not under law you cannot be under both and notice also he says sin will not have dominion", "luN9i-rgHL0-00302-00221064-00221632": "over you because you are not under the law what's the implication if you are under the law sin will", "luN9i-rgHL0-00303-00221632-00222288": "have dominion over you see that that's a very important verse teaches us two things if we try", "luN9i-rgHL0-00304-00222288-00222832": "to achieve righteousness by law sin will have dominion over us secondly if we want to achieve", "luN9i-rgHL0-00305-00222832-00223448": "righteousness by grace we cannot achieve it by law we've got to make up our minds one or the other", "luN9i-rgHL0-00306-00223680-00224184": "and then if you look on in romans chapter 8 to verse 14 we've looked at already", "luN9i-rgHL0-00307-00224360-00225280": "for as many as are led by the spirit of god these are sons of god how do we live a sons of god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00308-00225360-00226256": "by keeping a set of rules no by what by being led by the holy spirit that's the only way", "luN9i-rgHL0-00309-00226256-00227104": "we can live as god's mature grown-up children now turning on to galatians and you find there's a lot", "luN9i-rgHL0-00310-00227104-00227976": "of correspondence between romans and galatians galatians chapter 5 galatians 5 and verse 18", "luN9i-rgHL0-00311-00228336-00228960": "but if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law see that", "luN9i-rgHL0-00312-00229064-00229704": "how can you become a son of god by being led by the spirit but if you're led by the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00313-00229704-00230344": "spirit you are not under the law you cannot have it both ways you have to make a choice", "luN9i-rgHL0-00314-00230519-00231232": "actually for most professing christians law or a set of rules is like a crutch", "luN9i-rgHL0-00315-00231384-00232232": "they limp around supporting themselves on the crutch god says throw the crotch away and trust me", "luN9i-rgHL0-00316-00232416-00232623": "and we say but what'll i do without the crutch", "luN9i-rgHL0-00317-00232848-00233560": "i mean i have discovered that it frightens people to trust god's grace really to commit themselves", "luN9i-rgHL0-00318-00233560-00234367": "to that we all want to hang on to a little set of rules that we keep that's our crutch doesn't work", "luN9i-rgHL0-00319-00234864-00235592": "let's look in second corinthians chapter three for a moment i'd like to read the first three verses", "luN9i-rgHL0-00320-00235744-00236392": "these verses always bless me and they always challenge me do we begin again", "luN9i-rgHL0-00321-00236392-00237064": "to commend ourselves or we do we need us some others letters of commendation to you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00322-00237128-00237744": "or letters of commendation from you paul says do we need to get somebody to write and tell you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00323-00237832-00238184": "that our ministry is to be accepted he said no that's not necessary", "luN9i-rgHL0-00324-00238256-00238640": "do we need you to write and tell other people to accept our ministry he said that's", "luN9i-rgHL0-00325-00238640-00239448": "not necessary and then he makes this tremendous statement you are our letter written in our hearts", "luN9i-rgHL0-00326-00239448-00240080": "known and read by all men what paul is saying is if anybody wants to know my theology", "luN9i-rgHL0-00327-00240167-00241040": "go to corinth because it's written there not on paper but in the lives of men and women because", "luN9i-rgHL0-00328-00241040-00241623": "when i went to corinth no one had ever heard the gospel of jesus it was a city full of pimps and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00329-00241623-00242167": "prostitutes and homosexuals and drunkards and extortioners and all sorts of wicked people", "luN9i-rgHL0-00330-00242256-00242888": "and now there are thousands of those people living pure godly lives that's my letter", "luN9i-rgHL0-00331-00242967-00243519": "that's the recommendation that i offer of my ministry see wood to god brothers and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00332-00243519-00243976": "sisters that we could say the same you want to know what i believe go and look at the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00333-00243976-00244519": "people i've ministered to they're my letter there you'll find out what i really believe", "luN9i-rgHL0-00334-00244784-00245304": "and then paul goes on verse 3 you are manifestly a letter of christ", "luN9i-rgHL0-00335-00245392-00246144": "ministered by us written not with ink but by the spirit of the living god not on tablets of stone", "luN9i-rgHL0-00336-00246216-00246944": "but on tablets of flesh that is of the heart paul says the law was written on tablets of stone", "luN9i-rgHL0-00337-00247016-00247792": "it was external and it didn't do any good because the problem was inside the people but he says", "luN9i-rgHL0-00338-00247792-00248623": "by the spirit i can write god's laws on your heart and what's on your heart will determine the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00339-00248623-00249328": "way you live when god's law is on your heart you live god's way i quoted earlier yesterday i think", "luN9i-rgHL0-00340-00249328-00250080": "proverbs 4 23 keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life you see i'm", "luN9i-rgHL0-00341-00250080-00250871": "a preacher and i'll tell you preaching is a waste of time unless the holy spirit is there because i", "luN9i-rgHL0-00342-00250871-00251536": "can't write on your hearts there's no way i can make access to your hearts but if i preach and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00343-00251536-00252208": "the holy spirit honors what i say heal right on your heart and that's what will change you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00344-00252367-00252767": "you could go out of this meeting this afternoon totally changed some of you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00345-00252880-00253200": "if the holy spirit has written the message on your heart", "luN9i-rgHL0-00346-00253423-00253608": "what a blessed ministry", "luN9i-rgHL0-00347-00253832-00254464": "being able to change people's lives i'm not interested in religion myself i i could care", "luN9i-rgHL0-00348-00254464-00255176": "less about religion the only thing that interests me is seeing people changed by the power of god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00349-00255280-00256000": "people who were miserable and depressed and hopeless suddenly filled with peace and joy", "luN9i-rgHL0-00350-00256056-00256784": "and finding something to live for that's what keeps me going i'm 73 i'm not contemplating", "luN9i-rgHL0-00351-00256784-00257480": "retiring because i enjoy what i do it's not a religious drudgery for me it's exciting", "luN9i-rgHL0-00352-00257696-00258144": "it's exciting only because of the holy spirit every time i preach i say to the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00353-00258144-00258536": "holy spirit if you're not there and you don't annoy this is all going to be a waste of time", "luN9i-rgHL0-00354-00258648-00259288": "just as well close the meeting before it begins but where the holy spirit is anything can happen", "luN9i-rgHL0-00355-00259456-00260008": "you probably heard of ct stud a famous university graduate from my university cambridge", "luN9i-rgHL0-00356-00260136-00260423": "was played cricket for england and so on became a missionary", "luN9i-rgHL0-00357-00260496-00260960": "and one time he prayed this he said lord give us seasons of glorious disorder", "luN9i-rgHL0-00358-00261104-00261671": "i say amen lord i'm tired of just religious order that keeps on doing the same thing week after week", "luN9i-rgHL0-00359-00261671-00262200": "and never changes anything or anyone i don't mind if people stand on their heads if they get changed", "luN9i-rgHL0-00360-00262368-00262552": "mind you it might change people too", "luN9i-rgHL0-00361-00262880-00263656": "all right so let's try and sort of make it clear what we're talking about", "luN9i-rgHL0-00362-00263912-00264784": "um god's way of righteousness in holiness is not struggling but yielding", "luN9i-rgHL0-00363-00264880-00265712": "can you get that i'll say it again not struggling but yielding yielding to the holy spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00364-00265824-00266448": "come to the end of your efforts and say holy spirit take over i can't handle this situation", "luN9i-rgHL0-00365-00266584-00267216": "but you can it doesn't mean you don't need willpower what it means is you've got to use", "luN9i-rgHL0-00366-00267216-00267648": "your willpower differently you've got to use your willpower not to try and do it yourself", "luN9i-rgHL0-00367-00267800-00268408": "now i'm a very independent strong-minded person my natural instinct is anytime i have a problem", "luN9i-rgHL0-00368-00268408-00269152": "i'll think of the solution it's taken me years to come to the place where i don't do that i say lord", "luN9i-rgHL0-00369-00269152-00269688": "what is your solution and very often it's very different from anything i would ever thought of", "luN9i-rgHL0-00370-00269968-00270840": "the christian life is not a life a struggle it's a life of yielding to the holy spirit within us", "luN9i-rgHL0-00371-00271168-00271888": "and then it's not effort but union you see what we talked about from romans", "luN9i-rgHL0-00372-00271888-00272208": "chapter seven at the beginning the question is what are you married to", "luN9i-rgHL0-00373-00272344-00272728": "if you're married to your fleshly nature you'll bring forth the works of the flesh", "luN9i-rgHL0-00374-00272728-00273184": "you can struggle as much as you like but this is a biological law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00375-00273368-00273872": "but if through the holy spirit you're united with the resurrected christ", "luN9i-rgHL0-00376-00273984-00274360": "through that union you'll bring forth the fruit of the spirit you understand", "luN9i-rgHL0-00377-00274480-00275048": "let me say that again not struggling but yielding would you say that not struggling", "luN9i-rgHL0-00378-00275048-00275984": "but yielding not effort but union not effort but union let's look in john 15 for a moment", "luN9i-rgHL0-00379-00276200-00276792": "this is the parable of the vine and the branches jesus is speaking we just look at", "luN9i-rgHL0-00380-00277376-00278168": "three verses first one verse one i am the true vine my father is the vine dresser", "luN9i-rgHL0-00381-00278224-00278680": "i don't suppose you have do you have vines in this part of the world probably not but anyhow", "luN9i-rgHL0-00382-00278680-00279208": "they they're a fruit bearing tree that needs very careful pruning if you don't", "luN9i-rgHL0-00383-00279208-00279688": "prune a vine at the right time of the year and the right way it ceases to bring forth grapes", "luN9i-rgHL0-00384-00279816-00280272": "and so jesus said i'm the vine my father is the one who does the pruning", "luN9i-rgHL0-00385-00280392-00281168": "and then he goes on to say in verses 4 and 5 to his disciples abide in me and i in you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00386-00281360-00281824": "as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine", "luN9i-rgHL0-00387-00281896-00282736": "neither can you unless you abide in me i am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me", "luN9i-rgHL0-00388-00282736-00283568": "and i in him bears much fruit for without me you can do nothing now a vine does not bear grapes", "luN9i-rgHL0-00389-00283624-00284384": "with a lot of effort it doesn't make resolutions and say no i'm going to bring forth grapes", "luN9i-rgHL0-00390-00284472-00285216": "that's not the way it happens how does it happen it's united to the trunk to the stock of the vine", "luN9i-rgHL0-00391-00285328-00286136": "and the same life that's in the trunk flows through the branches in the sand and the life", "luN9i-rgHL0-00392-00286136-00287000": "in the branches brings forth the appropriate kind of fruit so jesus said i am the vine you are the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00393-00287000-00287904": "branches if you will remain related to me in me joined to me you bring forth much fruit and then", "luN9i-rgHL0-00394-00287904-00288312": "he gave us a warning which is very important he said but you've got to expect to be pruned", "luN9i-rgHL0-00395-00288536-00289088": "you see there's some christians who have problems because they're not bearing much fruit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00396-00289200-00289584": "there are other christians who have problems because they're bearing fruit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00397-00289688-00290208": "and jesus said every branch in me that bears fruit my father is going to prune it", "luN9i-rgHL0-00398-00290336-00290888": "if you've ever seen a vine pruned it's ruthless they cut back the branches right to the stem", "luN9i-rgHL0-00399-00290888-00291328": "you think that thing is never going to bear fruit again but next year it's more", "luN9i-rgHL0-00400-00291328-00291960": "fruitful some of you are struggling with things that your fault but many of you are", "luN9i-rgHL0-00401-00291960-00292464": "struggling with things that are the results of bearing fruit the father is pruning you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00402-00292632-00293224": "don't give up don't say well why should this happen to me i've sincerely tried to serve", "luN9i-rgHL0-00403-00293224-00293776": "the lord i'm really doing my best and i've done this this and this that's the why it's happened", "luN9i-rgHL0-00404-00293776-00294448": "you've borne fruit now you're going to be purged can you take a sigh of relief and say praise god", "luN9i-rgHL0-00405-00294608-00295400": "praise god it's a good sign see but the the message i want to bring out is it's not effort", "luN9i-rgHL0-00406-00295544-00296352": "all your effort won't do it no effort will produce one grape in a thousand years it's what it's union", "luN9i-rgHL0-00407-00296640-00296992": "see there's a beautiful parable there i've been talking about the godhead the father", "luN9i-rgHL0-00408-00296992-00297288": "the son and the spirit all three persons of the godhead are in there", "luN9i-rgHL0-00409-00297352-00298152": "the father is the vine dresser jesus is the vine and the holy spirit is the sap that flows up", "luN9i-rgHL0-00410-00298152-00298672": "through the vine and into the branches and that's what brings forth fruit the fruit of the spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00411-00298792-00299240": "not the fruit of our best efforts not the fruit of religion but the fruit of the spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00412-00299392-00300152": "now let me give you just a little parable which i've used to try and make this vivid to people", "luN9i-rgHL0-00413-00300232-00300672": "and i want to say i mean i'm sharing out of my experience these things are real to", "luN9i-rgHL0-00414-00300672-00301232": "me because i've been through them i've struggled i've tried i've tried to be", "luN9i-rgHL0-00415-00301232-00301696": "more religious i've worked harder at it i felt so frustrated i didn't know what to do", "luN9i-rgHL0-00416-00301864-00302216": "but i learned that this is part of the process that makes a christian", "luN9i-rgHL0-00417-00302328-00302904": "so i want to give you this little parable the parable is this you're in a certain place and you", "luN9i-rgHL0-00418-00302904-00303672": "need to find the way to a distant destination over country that you've never traveled", "luN9i-rgHL0-00419-00303800-00304480": "and you have two options you can have a map or you can have a personal guide", "luN9i-rgHL0-00420-00304752-00305016": "you understand the parable the map is the law", "luN9i-rgHL0-00421-00305088-00305968": "it's perfect every detail is exactly right every single item in the geography is correctly marked", "luN9i-rgHL0-00422-00306112-00306880": "or you can say i won't take the man i'll take a personal guide who is the personal guide", "luN9i-rgHL0-00423-00306992-00307576": "the holy spirit that's right so what happens you've got this young man", "luN9i-rgHL0-00424-00307696-00308456": "graduated from university he's strong he's clever he's pretty self-reliant god says", "luN9i-rgHL0-00425-00308456-00308952": "what do you want the map of the guard when he says i'm good at reading maps i'll take the map", "luN9i-rgHL0-00426-00309104-00309512": "and he sets off down the road knowing the right direction to go the sun is shining", "luN9i-rgHL0-00427-00309512-00309976": "the birds are singing feels happy he said this is a piece of cake he says", "luN9i-rgHL0-00428-00310152-00310544": "about three days later he's in the middle of a jungle", "luN9i-rgHL0-00429-00310704-00311392": "it's midnight it's raining hard and he's on the edge of a precipice and he doesn't know whether", "luN9i-rgHL0-00430-00311392-00312448": "he's facing north south east or west and a gentle voice says to him can i help you and he says oh", "luN9i-rgHL0-00431-00312448-00313232": "holy spirit i need you i need you the holy spirit says give me your hand and i'll get you out of", "luN9i-rgHL0-00432-00313232-00313784": "this and a little while later they're out in the road again and walking along side by side", "luN9i-rgHL0-00433-00313848-00314320": "and then it occurs to him i was pretty silly to get so panicky just about being in", "luN9i-rgHL0-00434-00314376-00315184": "that jungle i could have made it on my own so he turns around the guide isn't there any longer", "luN9i-rgHL0-00435-00315304-00316128": "so he said well now i can make it on my own off he sets about two days later he's in the middle", "luN9i-rgHL0-00436-00316128-00316808": "of a bog and every step he takes he sinks a little deeper and he doesn't know what", "luN9i-rgHL0-00437-00316808-00317352": "to do he said i can't ask for help again last time i got it and i didn't do the right thing", "luN9i-rgHL0-00438-00317432-00318104": "the holy spirit says let me help you and out he comes under the road again setting off", "luN9i-rgHL0-00439-00318264-00318640": "and they're making fine progress and then he thinks well i still got the map", "luN9i-rgHL0-00440-00318824-00319560": "and he pulls the map out and he says the holy spirit maybe you'd like the man and the holy", "luN9i-rgHL0-00441-00319560-00320184": "spirit says thanks i know the way i don't need the man he said as a matter of fact i made the man", "luN9i-rgHL0-00442-00320416-00321096": "so my question to you and me is how often does that have to happen see how many times will we", "luN9i-rgHL0-00443-00321096-00321824": "go back to trusting our own wisdom and our own cleverness and snubbing the holy spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00444-00321992-00322504": "there's one other picture which is taken from the 24th chapter of genesis it's very very", "luN9i-rgHL0-00445-00322648-00323096": "uh simple it's the story of how abraham got a bride for his son isaac", "luN9i-rgHL0-00446-00323288-00324120": "you remember the story he sent his steward back to the land of mesopotamia to find", "luN9i-rgHL0-00447-00324120-00324664": "a relative of his own family this is a parable he understands history but it's a parable", "luN9i-rgHL0-00448-00324784-00325480": "abraham is a type of god the father isaac is a type of jesus christ the only son", "luN9i-rgHL0-00449-00325664-00326336": "the bride the chosen bride whose name was rebecca is a type of one the church that's", "luN9i-rgHL0-00450-00326336-00327072": "right there's one other main character who's nameless and that's the steward he's never named", "luN9i-rgHL0-00451-00327176-00327912": "what's the steward a typo the holy spirit you see that this is the holy spirit's self-portrait in", "luN9i-rgHL0-00452-00327912-00328408": "genesis chapter 24 and the characteristic thing is he doesn't even name himself", "luN9i-rgHL0-00453-00328592-00329288": "so out goes the steward and he takes ten camels with him with all sorts of equipment and", "luN9i-rgHL0-00454-00329288-00330056": "laden with gifts because he's going to choose a brine and in the east whenever you make a", "luN9i-rgHL0-00455-00330056-00330696": "significant choice and build a relationship i mean in the middle east you always give a gift", "luN9i-rgHL0-00456-00330696-00331200": "and if you receive the gift you receive the person if you refuse the gift you've refused the person", "luN9i-rgHL0-00457-00331256-00331632": "it's absolutely a critical moment now i have lived in", "luN9i-rgHL0-00458-00331632-00332232": "that part of the world and i'll tell you camels carry a lot i mean they can carry an immense", "luN9i-rgHL0-00459-00332232-00332784": "amount of luggage so there's ten camels he arrives at the place where the well is", "luN9i-rgHL0-00460-00332840-00333248": "and he prays and now he said i'm going to ask one of the young women that come out for water", "luN9i-rgHL0-00461-00333344-00334088": "and that the one that's the chosen woman say to me i'll draw water for you and for your camels", "luN9i-rgHL0-00462-00334240-00334920": "and bear in mind a camel can drink 40 gallons of water so 10 camels is 400 gallons of water well", "luN9i-rgHL0-00463-00334920-00335568": "along comes rebecca and the steward says give me some drink and certainly and i'll draw for", "luN9i-rgHL0-00464-00335568-00336328": "your camels and he says this is the girl and let me tell you that that's faith with works", "luN9i-rgHL0-00465-00336496-00337136": "it takes a lot of strength to draw water for 40 camel for 10 camels and then he pulls out", "luN9i-rgHL0-00466-00337136-00338120": "this beautiful jewel places it on her forehead and what happens the moment she wears the jewel", "luN9i-rgHL0-00467-00338240-00338928": "it marks her out as the appointed brown what would have happened if she'd refused the jewel she would", "luN9i-rgHL0-00468-00338928-00339560": "never have become the bride what will happen to a church that refuses the gifts of the holy spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00469-00339648-00340304": "cannot be the bride and then you know the rest of the story but what i want to point out to you is", "luN9i-rgHL0-00470-00340304-00341304": "rebecca never had a map she'd never been where she was going but she had a guy she'd never seen the", "luN9i-rgHL0-00471-00341304-00341952": "man she was to marry she'd never seen his father she only had one source of information the steward", "luN9i-rgHL0-00472-00342008-00342760": "that's like you and me we can't make it with the man but we can have a guide we'll never see heaven", "luN9i-rgHL0-00473-00342760-00343448": "we'll never see the lord in person we'll never see god the father in this life but the holy spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00474-00343448-00343976": "will tell us what to expect can you say thank you god for the holy spirit", "luN9i-rgHL0-00475-00344200-00344512": "amen bless you"}}, {"audio_id": "luXzLexeCv8", "text": {"luXzLexeCv8-00000-00000050-00001098": "[ Music ]", "luXzLexeCv8-00001-00001148-00001345": "Hello students, this is non flowering plants", "luXzLexeCv8-00002-00001345-00001602": "and today we're going to go over the Pine Life Cycle.", "luXzLexeCv8-00003-00001676-00001988": "The pine life cycle is different from the psyche at life cycle", "luXzLexeCv8-00004-00001988-00002359": "because it has siphonogamy which means sex through a tube.", "luXzLexeCv8-00005-00002359-00002731": "There are no swimming sperm in the pine life cycle.", "luXzLexeCv8-00006-00002817-00003039": "Let's go over the overview.", "luXzLexeCv8-00007-00003071-00003198": "So, we'll start with a seed.", "luXzLexeCv8-00008-00003224-00003714": "That seed then disperses, it grows up to be the trees that we all know and love.", "luXzLexeCv8-00009-00003760-00004024": "They make female cones and male cones.", "luXzLexeCv8-00010-00004075-00004286": "On the female cones there are ovules.", "luXzLexeCv8-00011-00004323-00004555": "The male cones make pollen grains.", "luXzLexeCv8-00012-00004560-00004763": "The pollen grains get dumped in the air.", "luXzLexeCv8-00013-00004780-00004979": "They walked around a great deal.", "luXzLexeCv8-00014-00004979-00005760": "A very lucky pollen grain then lands next to an ovule and that's called pollination.", "luXzLexeCv8-00015-00005817-00006040": "And eventually you get fertilization", "luXzLexeCv8-00016-00006068-00006550": "where the sperm nuclei are deposited next to the egg and they fuse.", "luXzLexeCv8-00017-00006583-00007031": "But pollination is separate from fertilization, and then of course that goes on", "luXzLexeCv8-00018-00007055-00007464": "and makes a seed which takes some more time.", "luXzLexeCv8-00019-00007481-00007764": "Okay. So, let's go in more detail, here we have a seed.", "luXzLexeCv8-00020-00007857-00007962": "That seed disperses.", "luXzLexeCv8-00021-00007962-00008565": "It grows up to be a young sporophyte and then years and years go by", "luXzLexeCv8-00022-00008565-00008817": "and it makes a tree, which is also sporophyte.", "luXzLexeCv8-00023-00008984-00009899": "And it makes female strobili and on that female strobilus there will be lots of ovules.", "luXzLexeCv8-00024-00009970-00010357": "If we look at one of those ovules in detail, it's on a scale.", "luXzLexeCv8-00025-00010394-00010606": "That scale is subtended by a bract.", "luXzLexeCv8-00026-00010681-00010940": "The ovule consists of an integument.", "luXzLexeCv8-00027-00010970-00011353": "And inside the integument is the nucellus, that's nutritive tissue.", "luXzLexeCv8-00028-00011385-00011579": "And inside of the nucellus is a sporocyte.", "luXzLexeCv8-00029-00011579-00012444": "The ovule has a hole at one end called the micropyle and the nucellus secretes a fluid", "luXzLexeCv8-00030-00012479-00013156": "through the micropyle, that pollination drop which picks up pollen grains and then", "luXzLexeCv8-00031-00013156-00013691": "and as it shrinks it pulls the pollen grains in through the micropyle.", "luXzLexeCv8-00032-00013742-00014527": "Let's go back to a tree, and this time we'll focus on the male strobili.", "luXzLexeCv8-00033-00014558-00015002": "The male strobili consist of a series of microsporophylls", "luXzLexeCv8-00034-00015002-00015377": "and those microsporophylls have microsporangia on them.", "luXzLexeCv8-00035-00015419-00015857": "Each microsporangium has lots and likes of microsporocytes in them", "luXzLexeCv8-00036-00015857-00016326": "and those microsporocytes undergo meiosis and make microspores.", "luXzLexeCv8-00037-00016459-00016818": "The microspores of course grow up to be microgametophytes", "luXzLexeCv8-00038-00016818-00017109": "and the microgametophytes we call pollen grains,", "luXzLexeCv8-00039-00017122-00017370": "so pollen grain is the same as a microgametophyte.", "luXzLexeCv8-00040-00017483-00017869": "If we look at it more carefully, it has a couple prothallial cells.", "luXzLexeCv8-00041-00017902-00018242": "Those are the last vestiges of the vegetative gametophyte.", "luXzLexeCv8-00042-00018299-00018670": "There's a generative cell and a tube cell.", "luXzLexeCv8-00043-00018774-00019261": "These pollen grains blow around in the wind and some of them end", "luXzLexeCv8-00044-00019261-00019671": "up on pollination drops and that's called pollination.", "luXzLexeCv8-00045-00019847-00020616": "After the pollen grains are inside the micropylar chamber then they grow pollen tubes.", "luXzLexeCv8-00046-00020616-00021027": "Here's a pollen tube and then there's two sperm nuclei that are coming", "luXzLexeCv8-00047-00021027-00021411": "down that pollen tube and they don't have flagella.", "luXzLexeCv8-00048-00021518-00022129": "Now, this whole process takes quite a bit of time and the sporocyte,", "luXzLexeCv8-00049-00022136-00022685": "the megasporocyte has not yet undergone meiosis so that's the next thing that will happen.", "luXzLexeCv8-00050-00022685-00022948": "It will make four megaspores.", "luXzLexeCv8-00051-00022948-00023572": "Those megaspores will fade except for one leaving a functional megaspore.", "luXzLexeCv8-00052-00023627-00024360": "That functional megaspore will then undergo lots of mitotic divisions and make a megagametophyte.", "luXzLexeCv8-00053-00024412-00024812": "The megagametophyte is the tissue of the pine nut.", "luXzLexeCv8-00054-00024927-00025239": "So, here's an egg inside of a megagametophyte.", "luXzLexeCv8-00055-00025277-00025702": "There's also some neck cells and then the pollen tubes are growing", "luXzLexeCv8-00056-00025702-00025959": "through the nucellus towards that egg.", "luXzLexeCv8-00057-00026100-00026612": "They will then release the sperm nuclei, and the sperm nuclei will fuse with the egg", "luXzLexeCv8-00058-00026612-00027005": "at fertilization, which happens sometime after pollination.", "luXzLexeCv8-00059-00027181-00027493": "That makes a zygote and then they still have to grow a while.", "luXzLexeCv8-00060-00027541-00028050": "So, the zygote is growing and growing and it makes an embryo,", "luXzLexeCv8-00061-00028094-00028720": "and that embryo is inside a megagametophyte and the megagametophyte is inside", "luXzLexeCv8-00062-00028720-00029571": "of the mother sporophytes seed coat which has a wing in many pine trees.", "luXzLexeCv8-00063-00029669-00030399": "So, it's a two end structure inside of a one end structure inside of a two end structure.", "luXzLexeCv8-00064-00030490-00030761": "And that is all that I have to say about that.", "luXzLexeCv8-00065-00030851-00031051": "[ Applause ]", "luXzLexeCv8-00066-00031101-00031400": "[ Music ]"}}, {"audio_id": "lvJGP7cKpvk", "text": {"lvJGP7cKpvk-00000-00000000-00000200": "Youtube: Click, Subscribe, Listen, Like, and Share.   JESUS ONLY IS OUR MESSAGE   Please join our online prayer meeting on Thursday.   USA: 6.00pm - 7.00pm 712 775 7035 Access Code 344823#   Nigeria; 10.00 pm - 11.00 midnight From Nigeria +234 1 440 5221 Access Code 344823#   United Arab Emirates +971 600 521269 344823#   KINDLY PRAY FOR US FOR SOULS THAT ARE THIRSTY FOR WORDS OF GOD AND COMMITTED WORKERS @ DLBC CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, USA.   We need devoted Christian workers @ DLBC, Charlottesville. Please come and join us. ( molufemi2001@yahoo.co.uk;009 1 434 9626622) Always Fellowship with us @ Deeperlife Chalottesville 4656 Briarwood Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22911.    Sunday Worship: 8.50am- 11.30am,  Monday Bible Study 6.50pm- 8.30pm , Thursday Conference Payer Meetings :6.00pm-7.00pm. (Sub. Prayer Request @ http://www.deeperlifecharlottesville.org.,   USA: 6.00pm - 7.00pm 712 775 7035 Access Code 344823#   Nigeria; 11.00 pm - 12.00 midnight From Nigeria +234 1 440 5221 Access Code 344823#   United Arab Emirates +971 600 521269 344823#   DLBC CHARLOTTESVILLE PRAYER REQUEST 1) PROVISION OF PLACE OF WORSHIP MIRACULOUSLY 2)PROVISION OF CHURCH VAN 3)CHURCH'S WORKERS   I am using this medium to encourage whosoever loves to serve God and want to settle down in or visit USA ( either from Africa, any part of the world or within the USA) to come to Charlottesville. ( LEGAL DOCUMENTS IS NEEDED)   Apply to below school for associate degree nursing program in USA https://www.pvcc.edu/programs/nursing Apply to below school for degree nursing program in USA https://www.nursing.virginia.edu/? Apply @ below website to practice as a Registered Nurse in USA. 1) https://brilliantnurse.com/foreign-in... 2) https://avanthealthcare.com/contact-us/   What I request from you is to come one come all to join us in Deeper Life Bible Church, Charlottesville, VA, USA to work for God together.   Pas. Matthew Akanmu (Eph.6:9)//www.deeperlifecharlottesville.org"}}, {"audio_id": "lvLz7ipykg0", "text": {"lvLz7ipykg0-00000-00001720-00002848": "oh nice shots"}}, {"audio_id": "lvRz0EfVbYU", "text": {"lvRz0EfVbYU-00000-00001815-00003379": "Tazro Ohta: we are using here. And but it's really really long because they're the local ones. They have many, many output files, and I think there we can improve this", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00001-00003385-00004633": "Tazro Ohta: structure of the oral grade here with the with, the From the description of the walk around great working group. And but basically we're", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00002-00004678-00005684": "Tazro Ohta: recording the the attributes of the outfits from rock one, as we, as I explained the", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00003-00005720-00006993": "Tazro Ohta: So yeah, So this is. This is very, very long, but let's say here, So there is a file", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00004-00007004-00007518": "Tazro Ohta: produced by obstacle, the Walker, and the", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00005-00007543-00008357": "Tazro Ohta: so these are the other. We need to compare the different vocal ones, like like the size of the contents or the.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00006-00008358-00009779": "Tazro Ohta: This is a very to the computational environment that the workplans they use, and also the harsh, the the output files.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00007-00009786-00010012": "Tazro Ohta: And", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00008-00010013-00010116": "Tazro Ohta: yeah,", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00009-00010379-00012061": "Tazro Ohta: you're yeah. So I think this is too long to read. I think you can check what is missing, and what you can reuse from from the from the walk within here.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00010-00012098-00012968": "Simone Leo: So if I understand correctly, Don't, it is the tool to prepare the autocracy, but the era creates themselves are being generated by supporters. Right?", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00011-00012969-00014938": "Simone Leo: Yes, right? Ok. So the actual support for the Arab critics in support of one thing is that it's worth discussing", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00012-00014939-00017882": "Simone Leo: and future meetings is your approach to which is um quite different from what we're trying to do in the profiles where we're trying as much as possible to reuse existing. Ah! Terms from the upgrade, from the base ar great profile, and similar, or by your schemas and the other additions, and whether your in your case, you", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00013-00017883-00018658": "Simone Leo: and for a full-blown set of additional terms, and you define right you", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00014-00018659-00018908": "Simone Leo: quite a lot of custom terms.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00015-00018909-00019200": "Simone Leo: Yeah, good. So that is something you", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00016-00019201-00021483": "Simone Leo: that we're discussing in the future we should find some convergence point, I think, in the middle of these two approaches. So we also discussed, adding some extra terms to the our returns repository. But we're trying to do that", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00017-00021484-00022016": "Simone Leo: as apparently as possible, in order to to keep", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00018-00022026-00023428": "Simone Leo: most of the profit compatible with existing schema dot org by schemas and stuff. So this is something that that's worth discussing. And also", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00019-00023441-00026343": "Simone Leo: one another thing I i'm curious about is ah with with systems like supporters, and maybe West implementation in general. I'm curious about what? Ah which part of the with a nested system with the because my understanding is that supporter Ah prevents the West Api, but under the hood has a ah r that calls", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00020-00026344-00027440": "Simone Leo: a specific workflow engine like snake, main or right. And so i'm curious about what would be", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00021-00027464-00029161": "Simone Leo: needed to from the various parts of the system. What would be the responsibility of what would be the responsibility of snake make? And if any of the of the workflow itself for recording the various bits", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00022-00029162-00030442": "Simone Leo: of provenance, I think maybe we should also, since also Alex is going to talk about possible West support. Maybe we should hear from Alex first,", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00023-00030443-00031358": "Simone Leo: and then we see how much time we have to discuss this because it's something that i'm trying to also trying to understand.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00024-00031538-00031905": "Tazro Ohta: Yeah, Um, yeah, thanks. Thanks. And you.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00025-00031906-00034638": "Tazro Ohta: So in terms of the first in terms of the reusing of the terms or creators. So it's so. So we uh have a long list of the custom defined. It turns. But so This is just a beginning, I mean basic baseline of the terms that we need to have. And then we we we want to, you know, uh replace these terms with the existing", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00026-00034639-00034718": "Simone Leo: I have to.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00027-00034719-00034796": "Simone Leo: No,", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00028-00034797-00035778": "Simone Leo: yeah. I think it's a good approach to move forward quickly. You just everything, and then that that's a zero point, one version. And then you think about right.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00029-00035779-00036908": "Simone Leo: Yeah, because we have many, you know, experience in the in a database.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00030-00036909-00038548": "Tazro Ohta: And so and another thing interesting It's It's very interesting to hear that you know the responsibility of the the West layer and the local engine where you and also the tool may have out with the the provenance of the the course itself, or something.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00031-00038549-00038816": "Tazro Ohta: So um! And", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00032-00038818-00041728": "Tazro Ohta: this is my opinion. But if we we we cannot, we can out first. Uh we'll throw in in developers to have a specific uh outbreaks like, let's say this make make in the next floor, and it can't work long you should have should output it the same, or will create format or something. We we can mask, but we we cannot expect. You know everyone will follow that so probably the worst can be a help, for", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00033-00041729-00042466": "Tazro Ohta: these engines have the same output format like like this, or all great things.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00034-00042472-00042797": "Tazro Ohta: But they, you know. I think", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00035-00042852-00043230": "Tazro Ohta: Well, it does this. This is there. You know", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00036-00043263-00044321": "Tazro Ohta: um something that the community needs to welcome to, you know, agree with the who is responsible for the you know.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00037-00044340-00044969": "Tazro Ohta: A specific information like you like here.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00038-00044970-00045504": "Tazro Ohta: Probably West Layer can only handle the", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00039-00045515-00045988": "Tazro Ohta: the information of their their socks of the data, or something", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00040-00045989-00046688": "Tazro Ohta: like a like a data staging or something, or maybe the also application, or something like that.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00041-00046689-00047378": "Tazro Ohta: So uh, yeah, I think I think we need. We need to discuss about this.", "lvRz0EfVbYU-00042-00047379-00047926": "Tazro Ohta: You know the the separation of the of the layers of the vocal verification."}}, {"audio_id": "lw0Lza6TMcE", "text": {"lw0Lza6TMcE-00000-00000038-00001242": "WOW: Former First Lady Laura Bush Has Some Unexpected Words for Melania Trump", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00001-00001242-00001600": "While liberal pundits and late night hosts have led an endless assault against First", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00002-00001600-00002076": "Lady Melania Trump for no reason at all, one former first lady has something to say about", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00003-00002076-00002176": "that.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00004-00002176-00002642": "During an interview Wednesday on Fox Business, former First Lady Laura Bush told host Maria", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00005-00002642-00003038": "Bartiromo that she believes Trump will do “very well” as first lady of the United", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00006-00003038-00003138": "States.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00007-00003138-00003668": "“Mrs. Bush, you remain one of the most popular and loved first ladies of all time,” Bartiromo", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00008-00003668-00003768": "said.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00009-00003768-00004150": "“All right!” said former President George W. Bush with a grin.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00010-00004150-00004467": "“And you have your own incredible leadership style.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00011-00004467-00004894": "Do you want to pass on any words of advice to our current first lady Melania Trump?”", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00012-00004894-00005033": "Bartiromo asked.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00013-00005033-00005337": "Here’s what Bush said about our first lady:", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00014-00005337-00005824": "“Well, no, I wouldn’t give her advice, but I have met Melania – she invited me", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00015-00005824-00005948": "to tea at White House.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00016-00005948-00006265": "She’s a beautiful woman, and very, very lovely.”", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00017-00006265-00006579": "“I think she will do really very well.”", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00018-00006579-00006958": "Bush went on to explain in the interview that she didn’t want to give Trump advice because", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00019-00006958-00007411": "she knows how much pressure is already associated with being a first lady.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00020-00007411-00007806": "She said Trump is a very smart woman and that she has full confidence that she will continue", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00021-00007806-00008200": "to pursue and promote issues she believes are important for the country.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00022-00008200-00008603": "While leftists like comedian Jimmy Kimmel and others spend every day trashing and insulting", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00023-00008603-00008996": "Trump, it’s nice to see a former first lady speak so highly of Trump.", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00024-00008996-00009803": "It’s very refreshing to see our first lady actually complimented rather than insulted,", "lw0Lza6TMcE-00025-00009803-00010584": "isn’t it?"}}, {"audio_id": "lwoAatsycFU", "text": {"lwoAatsycFU-00000-00000008-00000288": "This is the number one question that i received since i got back", "lwoAatsycFU-00001-00000288-00001592": "from my one month long trip in the beautiful country of Tanzania", "lwoAatsycFU-00002-00002072-00002448": "so today i will answer this question and i will share with you the budget to climb mount", "lwoAatsycFU-00003-00002448-00002968": "kilimanjaro the budget for a safari in tanzania and the budget for one week long of a relaxing", "lwoAatsycFU-00004-00002968-00003167": "vacation in the beautiful island of zanzibar", "lwoAatsycFU-00005-00003167-00003815": "ido have time stamps on this video so if there is any adventure that you're not interested in you can skip ahead to the next segment so", "lwoAatsycFU-00006-00003815-00004248": "we'll start with climbing mount kilimanjaro this is the most asked questions how much do i have to", "lwoAatsycFU-00007-00004248-00004824": "budget for to climb mount kilimanjaro the average cost to climb mount kilimanjaro range from 2 000", "lwoAatsycFU-00008-00004824-00005368": "us dollars to 6 000 us dollars i know there's a huge gap i know the numbers sound outrageous", "lwoAatsycFU-00009-00005368-00005800": "but let's start from the beginning and try to understand why these numbers look the way they", "lwoAatsycFU-00010-00005800-00006248": "do first off if you're not familiar with mount kilimanjaro mount kilimanjaro is the highest peak", "lwoAatsycFU-00011-00006248-00006800": "in africa one of the seven summits and the highest or the tallest freestanding mountain in the world", "lwoAatsycFU-00012-00006800-00007328": "which drives a lot of tourism to tanzania and is on the bucket list of a lot of hikers and", "lwoAatsycFU-00013-00007328-00007823": "adventure travelers from all over the world now you might ask why do i have to pay to climb a", "lwoAatsycFU-00014-00007823-00008240": "mountain mount kilimanjaro is one of these mountains that you can't climb by yourself", "lwoAatsycFU-00015-00008240-00008680": "it's no longer possible it is even illegal to attempt to climb mountain without a guide and", "lwoAatsycFU-00016-00008680-00009096": "without a permit so in order for you to climb mount kilimanjaro and make it to the summit of", "lwoAatsycFU-00017-00009096-00009584": "mount kulimanjaro you have to go with the tour operator and that is the largest cost that you", "lwoAatsycFU-00018-00009584-00010016": "will have to pay for to climb the mountain now this cost like i said ranges from two thousand", "lwoAatsycFU-00019-00010016-00010480": "dollars to six thousand dollars and there are a lot of factors that make up for this price", "lwoAatsycFU-00020-00010480-00010976": "a lot of people will say i was able to climb the mountain with less than two thousand dollars sure", "lwoAatsycFU-00021-00010976-00011576": "many people would wait travel to tanzania first go to arusha or moshi and then they negotiate", "lwoAatsycFU-00022-00011576-00012080": "to take the price down to lower than two thousand dollars but i do not recommend that and i'm going", "lwoAatsycFU-00023-00012080-00012592": "to explain why so two thousand us dollars to six thousand dollars why there is a huge gap", "lwoAatsycFU-00024-00012592-00013096": "the main reason is there are two different type of tour operators and i did make a live stream", "lwoAatsycFU-00025-00013096-00013576": "that you can check up here before i climb mount kilimanjaro so you can refer back to that video to", "lwoAatsycFU-00026-00013576-00014032": "just hear what we have to say about what things you should be paying attention to to pick a", "lwoAatsycFU-00027-00014032-00014536": "company to climb the mountain with and then why we chose the company that we choose but usually there", "lwoAatsycFU-00028-00014536-00015080": "are two type of tour operators to climb mountain majora there are tour operators that are operating", "lwoAatsycFU-00029-00015080-00015744": "in tanzania and there are other tour operators with admin teams sales teams and operation teams", "lwoAatsycFU-00030-00015744-00016360": "in a western country so usually these local tour operators not only they have porters and", "lwoAatsycFU-00031-00016360-00016928": "guys who are local to tanzania which is actually the case for both companies but even their admin", "lwoAatsycFU-00032-00016928-00017552": "team and sales team they are based in tanzania while the other big names like g adventures can", "lwoAatsycFU-00033-00017552-00018096": "do adventures kili warriors most of their teams their sales teams their admin teams they are in", "lwoAatsycFU-00034-00018096-00018656": "western countries like the uk australia and the us and that is one of the reasons why their pricing", "lwoAatsycFU-00035-00018656-00019328": "is usually higher so a high price doesn't always mean that it's better quality because in the past", "lwoAatsycFU-00036-00019328-00019848": "we have traveled when we hiked the inca trail in machu picchu we have traveled with a local", "lwoAatsycFU-00037-00019848-00020472": "company and they had a great service so a western company does not mean a better service because a", "lwoAatsycFU-00038-00020472-00021024": "lot of local companies to tanzania still have great service but for the company that we chose", "lwoAatsycFU-00039-00021024-00021504": "we were climbing during the pandemic and there were a lot of uncertainties around a lot of things", "lwoAatsycFU-00040-00021504-00021976": "we wanted to have better assurances and that is the reason we went with the western company", "lwoAatsycFU-00041-00021976-00022456": "so when you're going to start your research you will notice that usually local companies will have", "lwoAatsycFU-00042-00022456-00023008": "lower prices now there is a big important thing that you have to pay attention to and i said", "lwoAatsycFU-00043-00023008-00023520": "earlier that you don't want to pay less than two thousand dollars the reason being they will be", "lwoAatsycFU-00044-00023520-00024032": "companies in tanzania who are willing to take you up the mountain for less than two thousand dollars", "lwoAatsycFU-00045-00024032-00024576": "but your safety might be compromised not only that but usually the lower price means that", "lwoAatsycFU-00046-00024576-00025064": "they are compromising on how much they are paying their porters on the mountain their guides their", "lwoAatsycFU-00047-00025064-00025528": "assistant guys and their chefs and the last thing that you want is to get to the top of the mountain", "lwoAatsycFU-00048-00025528-00025992": "knowing that you took advantage of people who helped you to get there the other thing that you", "lwoAatsycFU-00049-00025992-00026464": "want to pay attention to when you are choosing a tour operator to climb with is that they are part", "lwoAatsycFU-00050-00026464-00027095": "of k-pac kilimanjaro porter association program this is a non-profit organization with the program", "lwoAatsycFU-00051-00027095-00027672": "to enhance the quality of life of porters so usually k-pop make sure that these porters on", "lwoAatsycFU-00052-00027672-00028176": "the mountain they have the right gear they are not carrying more weight than they are expected", "lwoAatsycFU-00053-00028176-00028808": "they are being paid fairly from the companies that they are working with and their overall conditions", "lwoAatsycFU-00054-00028808-00029400": "on the mountain are to a good standard so you want to make sure that the company is part of kpat", "lwoAatsycFU-00055-00029400-00029864": "and usually when you go to their website or their about me page you will it will states a", "lwoAatsycFU-00056-00029864-00030304": "lot of companies will state that they are part of kpap program so that is a very important thing to", "lwoAatsycFU-00057-00030304-00030776": "pay attention to this is not going to be the only cost but it is going to be the biggest chunk of", "lwoAatsycFU-00058-00030776-00031216": "your cost the amount of money that you are paying to the tour operator but the other thing that you", "lwoAatsycFU-00059-00031216-00031712": "should be budgeting for is tipping when you are on the mountain there will be a lot of porters", "lwoAatsycFU-00060-00031712-00032232": "that will help you and support you and carry your supply and provisions to make sure that you have", "lwoAatsycFU-00061-00032232-00032720": "a successful climb to the summit with our team we were eight people and between the porters", "lwoAatsycFU-00062-00032720-00033296": "guys assistant guys and chefs on the mountain we were around 30 people so it takes a village", "lwoAatsycFU-00063-00033296-00033696": "to make it happen you will need a lot of support from these supporters who are doing a tremendous", "lwoAatsycFU-00064-00033696-00034264": "job on the mountain so for you are expected to pay every single day for the porters on the mountain", "lwoAatsycFU-00065-00034264-00034736": "the guides assistant guides and chefs you don't have to pay every single day usually the way it", "lwoAatsycFU-00066-00034736-00035264": "works towards the end of the climb there will be a tip-in ceremony either on the mountain or at the", "lwoAatsycFU-00067-00035264-00035784": "hotel where they will be dropping you off and then you will be getting together with the team or the", "lwoAatsycFU-00068-00035784-00036288": "people that you climb the mountain with to split that money and put it in envelopes for guides", "lwoAatsycFU-00069-00036288-00036888": "assistant guys chefs and porters the company that we climbed with they gave us a document with some", "lwoAatsycFU-00070-00036888-00037368": "guideline about how much you should be paying these porters on the mountain so you can follow", "lwoAatsycFU-00071-00037368-00037888": "that guideline and you can pay more than what's suggested by the company the majority of these", "lwoAatsycFU-00072-00037888-00038504": "guides and porters on the mountain they do rely heavily on tips this is how they make their living", "lwoAatsycFU-00073-00038504-00038880": "whether they work with local companies or with western companies they're not getting", "lwoAatsycFU-00074-00038880-00039456": "paid a huge amount of money so the majority of their income is coming from tips so you have", "lwoAatsycFU-00075-00039456-00039904": "to be considerate and you have to put a lot of thoughts into making sure that you are being fair", "lwoAatsycFU-00076-00039904-00040352": "and you are paying these porters and these guys on the mountains what they really deserve", "lwoAatsycFU-00077-00040352-00040672": "make sure that you budget for that and make sure that you sit with yourself you look at the", "lwoAatsycFU-00078-00040672-00041128": "guideline ahead of time and you plan accordingly on top of how much you're paying the tour operator", "lwoAatsycFU-00079-00041128-00041752": "for and how much you are budgeting for tipping you will obviously have to plan for your flight to get", "lwoAatsycFU-00080-00041752-00042288": "to tanzania or to get to kilimanjaro international airport this is going to be variable depending on", "lwoAatsycFU-00081-00042288-00042624": "where you are flying from and usually the company that you're going to be climbing", "lwoAatsycFU-00082-00042624-00043112": "the mountain with they would accommodate you the day before the climb and the day after the climb", "lwoAatsycFU-00083-00043112-00043456": "but it's a good idea to ask and check and make sure that you are going to be covered", "lwoAatsycFU-00084-00043456-00043848": "otherwise you will have to budget for a day before the climb and the day after the climb", "lwoAatsycFU-00085-00043848-00044416": "so this is generally speaking the budget to climb mount kilimanjaro you also have to consider gear", "lwoAatsycFU-00086-00044416-00044808": "that you will need for the mountain whether it's gear that you are renting from the company or", "lwoAatsycFU-00087-00044808-00045232": "gear that you have to buy for yourself and again this is going to be different from one person to", "lwoAatsycFU-00088-00045232-00045664": "the other but this is generally the budget that you will have to think about in order to climb", "lwoAatsycFU-00089-00045664-00046024": "mount kilimanjaro if you have any questions about mount kilimanjaro do let me know in a", "lwoAatsycFU-00090-00046024-00046440": "comment and i will have a lot of videos coming in the future to talk about the gear that you", "lwoAatsycFU-00091-00046440-00046840": "will need to climb kilimanjaro with tips for a successful climb on mount kilimanjaro so make", "lwoAatsycFU-00092-00046840-00047272": "sure that you are subscribed to the channel to get a notification once these videos are out and with", "lwoAatsycFU-00093-00047272-00047784": "that we move to the next step and talk about the budget for a beautiful safari in tanzania", "lwoAatsycFU-00094-00048992-00049576": "a trip to tanzania is not complete if you don't go for a safari to at least one or some of the", "lwoAatsycFU-00095-00049576-00050264": "beautiful national parks in tanzania now what is the average cost for safari in tanzania on average", "lwoAatsycFU-00096-00050264-00051024": "a tanzania safari costs 200 us dollars per person per day mid-range prices from 350 us dollars per", "lwoAatsycFU-00097-00051024-00051696": "person per day and a luxury safari price is from 600 us dollars per person per day there are so", "lwoAatsycFU-00098-00051696-00052272": "many factors that can make this price either a lot more expensive or a lot cheaper starting with how", "lwoAatsycFU-00099-00052272-00052688": "many days do you want to spend on this safari usually for someone who is going for a safari", "lwoAatsycFU-00100-00052688-00053360": "for the first time you don't have a lot of time to spare you would go for three four days safari or", "lwoAatsycFU-00101-00053360-00053912": "even five days during these four days you can see a lot of beautiful national parks usually people", "lwoAatsycFU-00102-00053912-00054536": "would go for central serengeti national park the senegal national park is a huge national park", "lwoAatsycFU-00103-00054536-00055104": "the wildlife is so very diverse we spend time in the north serengeti the north serengeti is where", "lwoAatsycFU-00104-00055104-00055632": "you can see and witness the great will the beast migration when it's the right season and then you", "lwoAatsycFU-00105-00055632-00056112": "would be able to see the water crossing of the wildebeest just crossing the mara river it is", "lwoAatsycFU-00106-00056112-00056728": "a wonderful experience but it's a lot further out if you are going for a short safari so instead you", "lwoAatsycFU-00107-00056728-00057352": "could go and enjoy the central serengeti with that you can also go to gorongoro crater conservation", "lwoAatsycFU-00108-00057352-00057855": "area you can see lake maniara this is the famous lake where you can see a lot of flamingo", "lwoAatsycFU-00109-00057855-00058424": "and tarangire national park all of these national parks they have a lot of wildlife you will be able", "lwoAatsycFU-00110-00058424-00059176": "to see lions you will be able to see giraffes elephants crocodiles and so many more animals", "lwoAatsycFU-00111-00059176-00059720": "so you don't really have to go and visit every single national park in order for you to see", "lwoAatsycFU-00112-00059720-00060152": "all of the animals and by the end of the day there is no guarantee that you will see all of", "lwoAatsycFU-00113-00060152-00060744": "the animals because it's not a zoo it is the wild plains of the serengeti or whatever national park", "lwoAatsycFU-00114-00060744-00061224": "that you are going to we were hoping that we can see all of the big five the big five are the big", "lwoAatsycFU-00115-00061224-00061720": "five games that you want to see when you are going for safari for the first time and that includes", "lwoAatsycFU-00116-00061720-00062376": "lion leopard buffalo elephant and rhino we saw four of them we were not able to see the rhino", "lwoAatsycFU-00117-00062376-00062840": "because the population of rhino is reducing year after year and we were told that we'll probably", "lwoAatsycFU-00118-00062840-00063312": "have higher chances to see a rhino in gorongoro crater but we didn't see it and then the second", "lwoAatsycFU-00119-00063312-00063728": "thing that will determine how much money you will be spending on this safari is the type of safari", "lwoAatsycFU-00120-00063728-00064272": "you are going for which i did not know before traveling to tanzania apparently there are a lot", "lwoAatsycFU-00121-00064272-00064776": "of different types of safaris there is the vehicle safaris and even within the category of vehicle", "lwoAatsycFU-00122-00064776-00065279": "safaris there are different types of vehicles so a vehicle safari is what we went for and that is", "lwoAatsycFU-00123-00065279-00065768": "usually you sitting in a vehicle with your guide who is also your driver and then they drive you", "lwoAatsycFU-00124-00065768-00066312": "around from one national park to the other and they usually have an open roof in some national", "lwoAatsycFU-00125-00066312-00066712": "parks because some national park will allow you to open the roof and some of them won't so you", "lwoAatsycFU-00126-00066712-00067120": "will have an open roof the majority of the time where you can see the wildlife around you take", "lwoAatsycFU-00127-00067120-00067592": "pictures and take videos and that is a vehicle type of safari there are other type of vehicles", "lwoAatsycFU-00128-00067592-00068168": "where the whole vehicle is open again these open vehicles are not load in all of the national parks", "lwoAatsycFU-00129-00068168-00068648": "and conservation areas but that's a different pricing there are walk-in safaris and usually", "lwoAatsycFU-00130-00068648-00069192": "with walk-in safaris you can walk outside with a park ranger which with the vehicle safari you are", "lwoAatsycFU-00131-00069192-00069728": "not allowed to walk outside unless you want to use the bathroom then you go just behind the vehicle", "lwoAatsycFU-00132-00069728-00070176": "with the walk-in safaris it's a whole different experience and it's a whole different pricing", "lwoAatsycFU-00133-00070176-00070744": "and then there are hunting safaris for people who are into hunting and tracking animals it's a great", "lwoAatsycFU-00134-00070744-00071104": "experience i know that i have a lot of people who are passionate about hunting on this youtube", "lwoAatsycFU-00135-00071104-00071600": "channel so it's something to consider if you are planning a trip to tanzania i know that there are", "lwoAatsycFU-00136-00071600-00072032": "a lot of rules and regulations when it comes to what animals you can hunt and how many of them", "lwoAatsycFU-00137-00072032-00072528": "you can hunt i know for example that the maasai giraffe is not an animal that you can hunt in", "lwoAatsycFU-00138-00072528-00073144": "tanzania at all because it is the national animal of the country but that is a conversation for a", "lwoAatsycFU-00139-00073144-00073544": "different time the third thing that will determine how much money you're spending on your safari is", "lwoAatsycFU-00140-00073544-00074024": "accommodation and the type of accommodation that you want to go for there are a lot of people who", "lwoAatsycFU-00141-00074024-00074608": "join group safaris where you are just joining a group of people random people in the vehicle", "lwoAatsycFU-00142-00074608-00075176": "and that will make the price a lot more cheaper there are a lot of people who choose their type", "lwoAatsycFU-00143-00075176-00075800": "of accommodation to be tense where you are kind of backcountry camping it's primitive camping", "lwoAatsycFU-00144-00075800-00076264": "you are sleeping in a tent and a lot of people enjoy it and it's usually a lot cheaper there are", "lwoAatsycFU-00145-00076264-00076776": "luxurious lodges and hotels there are bush camps and usually the company that you are going to", "lwoAatsycFU-00146-00076776-00077352": "to talk to or to choose to go on this safari with they will give you a range of choices to pick from", "lwoAatsycFU-00147-00077352-00077864": "ranging from the lowest price to the highest price and then based on what you choose from that is", "lwoAatsycFU-00148-00077864-00078504": "going to make the sum of your pricing towards the end so it's up to you i love how the industry of", "lwoAatsycFU-00149-00078504-00078952": "safaris in tanzania they can accommodate all type of travelers if you're traveling on a", "lwoAatsycFU-00150-00078952-00079520": "budget you can still go for a safari if you are a luxurious traveler you can still do that and then", "lwoAatsycFU-00151-00079520-00080032": "obviously if you are going on a private safari the price is going to be a little bit higher but", "lwoAatsycFU-00152-00080032-00080664": "that is going to allow you to customize the whole experience you can even add things to your safari", "lwoAatsycFU-00153-00080664-00081160": "if you are spending an extended amount of time you can say i want to go and see this tribe i", "lwoAatsycFU-00154-00081160-00081536": "want to go and hang out with this tribe there is a particular thing that i want to learn about or", "lwoAatsycFU-00155-00081536-00081856": "there are particular cooking classes that i want to go for or something like that i'm just throwing", "lwoAatsycFU-00156-00081856-00082296": "random examples but if you go with the private safari that is going to open the world for you", "lwoAatsycFU-00157-00082296-00082904": "to be more flexible and probably experience things that you know are not just open and accessible for", "lwoAatsycFU-00158-00082904-00083432": "everyone and i will be making a lot of videos in the future to talk about how to prepare for safari", "lwoAatsycFU-00159-00083432-00083792": "what to wear for a safari what are some of the things that you need to pay attention to", "lwoAatsycFU-00160-00083792-00084200": "so be sure to subscribe to the channel to get a notification once these videos are", "lwoAatsycFU-00161-00084200-00084672": "up with that let's move on to talk about the beautiful island of danny zivar", "lwoAatsycFU-00162-00085488-00086152": "the average price of a seven-day trip to zanzibar is 2386 us dollars for a solo traveler", "lwoAatsycFU-00163-00086152-00086896": "4 285 us dollars for a couple and 8 000 34 us dollars for a family of four zandy bar hotels", "lwoAatsycFU-00164-00086896-00087664": "range from 38 us dollars to 217 us dollars per night with an average of 64 us dollars and i", "lwoAatsycFU-00165-00087664-00088192": "totally agree with these numbers because they are aligned with how much money we spend in zanzibar", "lwoAatsycFU-00166-00088192-00088640": "now if you choose hotels that are off the beaten path you stay away from stone town you stay away", "lwoAatsycFU-00167-00088640-00089304": "from nungwi you can find very good deals we ended up staying in kigomani and the hotel was 130 us", "lwoAatsycFU-00168-00089304-00089936": "dollars per night with direct access to the beach which made our experience a lot more enjoyable but", "lwoAatsycFU-00169-00089936-00090464": "we ended up paying zero dollars for seven days stay in zanzibar and if it's something that you", "lwoAatsycFU-00170-00090464-00090936": "want to learn about you can check this video up here in which i talk about how you can travel", "lwoAatsycFU-00171-00090936-00091424": "for cheap and sometimes for free other than accommodation in zanzibar for seven days", "lwoAatsycFU-00172-00091424-00092072": "we ended up spending 1 500 us dollars for two people and that included transportation getting", "lwoAatsycFU-00173-00092072-00092608": "to and from places in the island including a scooter rental we rented a scooter for", "lwoAatsycFU-00174-00092608-00093112": "two days just to explore the island on our own that also included food sometimes eating", "lwoAatsycFU-00175-00093112-00093608": "in the hotel sometimes eating outside of the hotel knowing that all of the breakfasts were", "lwoAatsycFU-00176-00093608-00094152": "included and usually the breakfasts are open until 11am so sometimes we would even snack from there", "lwoAatsycFU-00177-00094152-00094816": "so that covered a lot of food that we ate in in zanzibar that also included snorkeling it included", "lwoAatsycFU-00178-00094816-00095536": "a sunset cruise on a sailboat just for the two of us it included a day trip to stone town a tour in", "lwoAatsycFU-00179-00095536-00096152": "stone town and a trip to prison island as well as tipping all of the people who either helped", "lwoAatsycFU-00180-00096152-00096776": "us with the tours or helped us get to and from places so 1 500 us dollars for two people seven", "lwoAatsycFU-00181-00096776-00097240": "days on the beautiful island of zanzibar now there are so many things that you can do in zanzibar if", "lwoAatsycFU-00182-00097240-00097688": "you add more activities to the list then you will be spending more money but for us we spend the", "lwoAatsycFU-00183-00097688-00098288": "majority of the time relaxing by the beach or in the pool hanging out at the hotel the hotel was", "lwoAatsycFU-00184-00098288-00098832": "really nice so we love spending time in the hotel itself so this is the budget for the beautiful", "lwoAatsycFU-00185-00098832-00099328": "island of zanzibar and that is the full budget for one month of travel in the beautiful country", "lwoAatsycFU-00186-00099328-00099768": "of tanzania if you guys found this to be useful please give this video a thumbs up subscribe", "lwoAatsycFU-00187-00099768-00100312": "to our channel for more videos about tanzania safari climbing mount kalimanjaro and a lot more", "lwoAatsycFU-00188-00100312-00100736": "my name is habiba this is trekking pals and i will see you very soon on a new adventure"}}, {"audio_id": "lw_1Fh5_ZBU", "text": {"lw_1Fh5_ZBU-00000-00000000-00000852": "psychologist and lover of a \"big hunt\" But how often must he say despairingly to himself: \"A", "lw_1Fh5_ZBU-00001-00000852-00001686": "single individual! alas, only a single individual! and this great forest, this virgin forest!\"", "lw_1Fh5_ZBU-00002-00001914-00002496": "So he would like to have some hundreds of hunting assistants, and fine trained hounds,", "lw_1Fh5_ZBU-00003-00002496-00003078": "that he could send into the history of the human soul, to drive HIS game together.", "lw_1Fh5_ZBU-00004-00003222-00004020": "In vain: again and again he experiences, profoundly and bitterly, how difficult it is", "lw_1Fh5_ZBU-00005-00004020-00004638": "to find assistants and dogs for all the things that directly excite his curiosity."}}, {"audio_id": "lwSfMrtTEBg", "text": {"lwSfMrtTEBg-00000-00000008-00000636": "Tyler McVicker: You said a trailer was out...  there's no trailer out. What are you fucking talking about? On the store page...", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00001-00000766-00000848": "Tyler McVicker: Okay", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00002-00000856-00001052": "Me: Haha, we're being swindled!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00003-00001588-00001738": "Me: Holy shit!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00004-00003832-00003979": "Russell: Alyx? Alyx! Me: Oooooo", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00005-00003990-00004250": "Alyx: I'm here. So, what's the plan?", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00006-00004320-00004440": "Russell: If we can get this weapon,", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00007-00004466-00004654": "Russell: What we're doing here could change things forever. Me: Holy fuck. Holy fuck!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00008-00004856-00005056": "Alyx: There's no straight shot to the vault", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00009-00005224-00005424": "Alyx: I'm gonna head inside, find way out", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00010-00005504-00005564": "Alyx: Got it!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00011-00005684-00005850": "Russell: I'm with you every step of the way.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00012-00005954-00006202": "Russell: You're gonna need a gun! Don't worry, it's unloaded.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00013-00006370-00006570": "Russell: ...It's unloaded now!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00014-00007188-00007320": "Me: It looks so fuckin' GOOD DUDE!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00015-00007320-00007384": "Me: It looks so fuckin' GOOD DUDE! Russell: Combine chatter's really picking up.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00016-00007384-00007458": "Russell: Combine chatter's really picking up.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00017-00007459-00007718": "Russell: They know you're coming. You need to get out of here, now.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00018-00007795-00007916": "Combine: Approaching target.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00019-00007916-00008256": "Combine: Exposing hostile in 3... 2... [static]...", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00020-00008436-00008532": "Russell: Oh god...", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00021-00008538-00008700": "Alyx: They've got dad...", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00022-00008700-00009088": "Russell: They're gonna find out what he knows and then they're gonna kill him.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00023-00009116-00009590": "Eli: All this is my fault... I never told you... I couldn't I'm so sorry baby.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00024-00009600-00010052": "Vortigaunt: You will not save him. Alyx Vance alone cannot prevent his fate.", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00025-00010156-00010300": "Eli: Close your eyes honey!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00026-00011564-00011648": "Me: Is there a date?", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00027-00011654-00011802": "Me: Oh.... OOOOH!", "lwSfMrtTEBg-00028-00012052-00012214": "Me: He looks so GOOD!"}}, {"audio_id": "lwSt428BIBQ", "text": {"lwSt428BIBQ-00000-00000640-00000926": "Devikulam lake (also known as Sita devi lake) is located in Munnar,Kerala", "lwSt428BIBQ-00001-00000926-00001045": "It can be reached by travelling 18 kms from Munnar town", "lwSt428BIBQ-00002-00001088-00001303": "towards Chinnakanal direction via Lockheart gap", "lwSt428BIBQ-00003-00001434-00001768": "You can see textured tea plantations on either side of the road", "lwSt428BIBQ-00006-00002366-00002469": "The lake itself is very beautiful with serene settings", "lwSt428BIBQ-00009-00003142-00003438": "This lake is situated in a place called Devikulam which literally means pond of godess", "lwSt428BIBQ-00012-00004131-00004437": "It is believed that Sita Devi of Ramayana", "lwSt428BIBQ-00013-00004437-00004531": "used to take bath in this lake..", "lwSt428BIBQ-00015-00004894-00005168": "This lake lies in a  property owned by tata tea plantations", "lwSt428BIBQ-00017-00005508-00005748": "So special permssion from them is necessary", "lwSt428BIBQ-00018-00005748-00005946": "to visit this lake", "lwSt428BIBQ-00019-00006159-00006421": "It is a bit difficult to obtain permssion", "lwSt428BIBQ-00020-00006434-00006653": "but if you manage to get one,", "lwSt428BIBQ-00021-00006730-00007006": "it will be a day etched in your memory..", "lwSt428BIBQ-00024-00007570-00007889": "it could be visited as a one day picnic", "lwSt428BIBQ-00025-00007952-00008296": "ther lies a beautiful cottage in the banks", "lwSt428BIBQ-00026-00008296-00008642": "this is normally used to prepare food", "lwSt428BIBQ-00027-00008647-00008747": "when officials from tata tea visits this place", "lwSt428BIBQ-00032-00009581-00009734": "one could spend full day just digesting the cool breeze", "lwSt428BIBQ-00033-00009806-00009984": "and calm surroundings..", "lwSt428BIBQ-00036-00011080-00011220": "if you are lucky,", "lwSt428BIBQ-00037-00011261-00011564": "you can see elephants coming to", "lwSt428BIBQ-00038-00011564-00011754": "drink water on the other side", "lwSt428BIBQ-00039-00011929-00012229": "a popular bollywood film", "lwSt428BIBQ-00040-00012229-00012490": "named chennai express of actor shahrukh khan", "lwSt428BIBQ-00041-00012506-00012759": "was shot here", "lwSt428BIBQ-00043-00013001-00013251": "one needs to travel about half a km inside forest", "lwSt428BIBQ-00044-00013251-00013553": "to reach here", "lwSt428BIBQ-00046-00013694-00013945": "even if you are not able to get permission,dont worry", "lwSt428BIBQ-00047-00013984-00014296": "you could enjoy the nearby quaint old devikulam", "lwSt428BIBQ-00048-00014296-00014581": "which has colourful houses of plantation workers", "lwSt428BIBQ-00049-00014581-00014868": "and beautiful meadows.."}}, {"audio_id": "lwXE-Xaquxk", "text": {"lwXE-Xaquxk-00000-00001276-00002063": "So have a seat.", "lwXE-Xaquxk-00001-00002063-00005336": "Mine is a perfect rectangle,"}}, {"audio_id": "lxgmoMb-pfI", "text": {"lxgmoMb-pfI-00000-00000125-00000861": "The \"alpha male\" and \"beta male\" roles in society and family are worlds apart.", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00001-00000861-00001346": "Alpha males and alpha females need each other.", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00002-00001346-00002026": "In the past, women were expected to take a \"beta female\" role; today, it's men's turn—probably", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00003-00002026-00002638": "something like bad karma or the sowing and reaping of weeds come back to haunt them.The", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00004-00002638-00003404": "\"alpha\" doesn't need to oppress others, only to stand his or her own ground.", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00005-00003404-00004035": "Laying down, playing the slave—men and women who allow themselves to be crammed into the", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00006-00004035-00004628": "\"beta\" role become concerned with the opinions of others.", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00007-00004628-00004977": "Don't join them, be alpha.", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00008-00004977-00005207": "And, that is The Point.", "lxgmoMb-pfI-00009-00005207-00005487": "I'm Jesse Steele, jessesteele.com."}}, {"audio_id": "lxlnEpbGMDM", "text": {"lxlnEpbGMDM-00000-00000112-00000584": "how much one dollar? each of you, did you make them? yes. with the small knife, i'm an artist. i stopped", "lxlnEpbGMDM-00001-00000584-00000903": "because i was looking for a bracelet. do you have bracelets over there, too? did you make these?", "lxlnEpbGMDM-00002-00000903-00001360": "yeah. very nice. how much for all the bracelets? let me count how much you got. no. nobody asked", "lxlnEpbGMDM-00003-00001360-00001904": "me something like that before. how much? 30 000.  that's a lot of money. i can do 10 000 pesos", "lxlnEpbGMDM-00004-00002016-00002592": "before you give it to me. okay, keep them. i just want this, and that, that's for you okay for you", "lxlnEpbGMDM-00005-00002592-00003032": "guys for you because you guys work your butt off i don't even know what it's like really", "lxlnEpbGMDM-00006-00003032-00003600": "really oh my god i love you thank you my friend i don't know what what can i say you know how", "lxlnEpbGMDM-00007-00003600-00004160": "he's the pandemic the government every day we're working nobody do something like that thanks a lot"}}, {"audio_id": "lxnVTDuhiwU", "text": {"lxnVTDuhiwU-00000-00000003-00000498": "Hey guys. Welcome back to my channel and if you new here karibu sana. My name is", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00001-00000498-00000957": "Doris and today I am sharing with you my bullet journal journal set up for the year 2020.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00002-00000957-00001378": "So stick around to the end like comment and maybe subscribe.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00003-00001378-00001491": "I start off with", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00004-00001491-00001947": "writing in 2020 on my first page checking if the pen bleeds through the", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00005-00001947-00002386": "book and yeah I'm sold. No ink on the other side.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00006-00002386-00002499": "Next are my", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00007-00002499-00003063": "index pages which are pretty simple with page on one side of the line with eight", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00008-00003063-00003489": "complete boxes and description on the other side of the line with 17 complete", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00009-00003489-00003844": "boxes and this goes for another four pages.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00010-00003952-00004154": "Here I'm setting up my calendars", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00011-00004155-00004871": "for the year 2020 to the year 2021. I tried to maximize on the pages by having three", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00012-00004871-00005405": "months across and four months along the page. This time around I decided to have", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00013-00005405-00005975": "two calendars for both years because I just thought it would be a good idea and", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00014-00005975-00006438": "yeah. This is tedious but it's got to be done.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00015-00007090-00007726": "The next three pages hold the future log and this goes by having four months", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00016-00007726-00008512": "spread out through the page where I have January to April, May to August and then", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00017-00008512-00009076": "September all the way to December and yeah. After this I'll just place in the", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00018-00009076-00009572": "headers. I have mini-calendars on the side keep track of all the months.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00019-00011434-00011884": "I am going to attempt the year in pixels spread again this year. I really failed on last", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00020-00011884-00012295": "year's one but I'm hoping to have a complete spread at the end of this year.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00021-00012295-00012764": "It's just a rectangle of twelve boxes for every month across and thirty one boxes", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00022-00012766-00013332": "along the page for each date on the side, shading out the months that have twenty nine and thirty", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00023-00013332-00013697": "days in the month. Then definitely a key with all the sentiments", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00024-00013697-00013884": "of the day in different color.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00025-00013916-00014226": "Then how my 2020 goals page and the next one to", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00026-00014226-00014624": "track progress on things achieved within the quarters. Super-simple.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00027-00014756-00015228": "I have changed up my key and I drew my inspiration from an Instagram page", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00028-00015228-00015897": "called Dingbatsnotebooks yeah I thought it was pretty cool and I thought I would give it a try.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00029-00015940-00016390": "Finally the year theme or quote. I thought it was a really good quote to", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00030-00016390-00016806": "reflect on throughout the year. Then of course I'll go ahead and number all my", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00031-00016806-00017345": "pages now that that's how you can find all the pages and yeah.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00032-00017345-00017491": "So here's the final", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00033-00017491-00018184": "flip through of my first pages of the year 2020. I kept it really simple and", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00034-00018184-00018760": "straightforward. I hope you drew some inspiration for setting up the bullet journal.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00035-00018796-00019286": "Remember to Like Share Comment down in the box below and maybe Subscribe .", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00036-00019330-00019782": "Until the next video Happy New Year. Bissou.", "lxnVTDuhiwU-00037-00019782-00019892": "Bye"}}, {"audio_id": "lxEkHvRRyIM", "text": {"lxEkHvRRyIM-00000-00000000-00000700": "OLYMPIA FIELDS, Ill. (AP) - From a young age, Danielle Kang's parents instilled in her the belief that anything was possible.   Even major championships.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00001-00000700-00001400": "Kang birdied the final hole to win the KPMG Women's PGA Championship on Sunday for her first LPGA Tour title, edging defending champion Brooke Henderson.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00002-00001400-00002100": "Kang bogeyed the tricky par-3 17th, and Henderson closed with two birdies to move into a tie for the lead, coming up just short on a 30-foot eagle putt on the par-5 18th. But Kang responded with two solid shots to get to the green in two, and then two-putted for the victory.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00003-00002100-00002484": "\"I just told myself it was my week. It was my day,\" Kang said", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00004-00002484-00003184": "Kang lost her father, K.S., to cancer in 2013, but her mother, Grace Lee, was one of the first people to congratulate her on the victory. She also face-timed with brother Alex, an instrumental figure in her performance at Olympia Fields, after the trophy presentation.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00005-00003184-00003884": "Kang's father caddied for her when she won the U.S. Women's Amateur in 2010 and 2011. She keeps a journal where she writes messages to her father.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00006-00003884-00004584": "If I could wish anything, I would wish that my dad saw me won,\" said Kang, wiping tears from her eyes. \"I think that it's been a really difficult road for me the past four or five years. It's life, though, you pick", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00007-00004584-00005284": "yourself up and you have to keep working hard at it, and then believe in what you're doing, and not letting yourself down.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00008-00005284-00005984": "\"I just know that he's here for it. What are the odds that my first win is a major? Pretty sure he had something to do with it. It's just incredible. But I know that he was there, because I felt - I felt him with me every day, and I still do.\"", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00009-00005984-00006684": "It was another great finish for the LPGA Tour's second major of the season. Henderson beat Lydia Ko in a playoff last year at Sahalee in Washington.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00010-00006684-00007384": "The 24-year-old Kang trailed Henderson and Chella Choi by one after she bogeyed the par-4 10th. But Kang moved in front with four straight birdies on Nos. 11-14, getting hot with her putter at the right time.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00011-00007384-00008084": "Kang also had a clutch 21-foot par putt at 16 on her way to a 4-under 68 and the winner's check of $525,000. Her previous best finish in a major was a tie for 14th in the 2012 U.S. Women's Open.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00012-00008084-00008784": "Henderson closed with a 66 to finish a stroke back. Choi, who was tied with Kang for the lead coming into the day, was third at 10 under after a 71.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00013-00008784-00009484": "Really, she won this, and I was just trying to make it a little bit closer and maybe force a playoff but like I said, I played great and I wouldn't really take anything back,\" Henderson said.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00014-00009484-00010184": "Mi Hyang Lee (67), Amy Yang (68) and Sei Young Kim (68) tied for fourth at 9 under, and Lexi Thompson (69) and Inbee Park (68) were another two strokes back.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00015-00010184-00010884": "Kang's first victory in her 144th LPGA start was a popular one in some high-profile circles. Michelle Wie, one of Kang's closest friends on tour, followed her around right after the win. Dustin Johnson texted \"That's", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00016-00010884-00011584": "how you're supposed to play, congrats,\" and Wayne Gretzky and Caitlyn Jenner - two buddies from her days at Sherwood Country Club in California - also reached out.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00017-00011584-00012284": "While she got some great support from her friends this weekend, it was some sage advice from brother that set the tone for her", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00018-00012284-00012984": "breakthrough win. Feeling overwhelmed after her last practice round, Kang called Alex, who plays on the Web.com Tour, to help formulate a game plan. He told her to \"just blast it down.\"", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00019-00012984-00013684": "\"Alex is the one that I called to map out the golf course. He's one of the people that I lean on for everything,\" Kang said.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00020-00013684-00014384": "Worked out quite well. Kang posted four rounds in the 60s. She had just five bogeys, with each of them coming in the final two rounds.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00021-00014384-00015084": "Thompson looked ready to make a charge, beginning with three birdies and no bogeys on her front nine. But she sputtered down the stretch.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00022-00015084-00015784": "Thompson contended for the first major title of the year, but was penalized for a controversial rules violation and lost to So Yeon Ryu in a playoff in the ANA Inspiration.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00023-00015784-00016328": "The top-ranked Ryu shot a 72 in the final round at Olympia Fields and tied for 14th.", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00024-00016328-00016984": "The back nine, I think I honestly got really tired,\" Thompson said. \"I don't really know what hit me", "lxEkHvRRyIM-00025-00016984-00017684": "Overall the whole week, I played very well. Just missed a few putts that I needed to make, and kind of my wedges let me down a little bit."}}, {"audio_id": "lxNgO22O5_Y", "text": {"lxNgO22O5_Y-00000-00000072-00000451": "PRESENTER: This is a schematic of the climate system.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00001-00000451-00001056": "We can think of the climate as representing essentially four", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00002-00001056-00001557": "subsystems that are coupled together.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00003-00001557-00001948": "Among those subsystems are the atmosphere--", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00004-00001948-00002133": "so that's one of the spheres.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00005-00002133-00002550": "And that, of course, represents the chemistry", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00006-00002550-00002811": "and the dynamics of that component", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00007-00002811-00003060": "of the system, the atmosphere.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00008-00003060-00003246": "Then we have the hydrosphere, which", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00009-00003246-00003528": "is all the water that exists on the face", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00010-00003528-00003665": "of the earth in liquid form.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00011-00003665-00004254": "So that would be the oceans and seas, rivers, lakes, et cetera.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00012-00004254-00004596": "Water that exists in vapor form-- water vapor--", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00013-00004596-00004983": "is part of the atmosphere.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00014-00004983-00005316": "Then we have the cryosphere, which", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00015-00005316-00005796": "is all of the water that exists in the form of snow and ice.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00016-00005796-00006045": "That would include mountain glaciers, that", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00017-00006045-00006264": "would include the major ice sheets,", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00018-00006264-00006900": "and that would include snow that falls in the extra tropics", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00019-00006900-00007041": "during the winter.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00020-00007041-00007329": "Finally then we have the biosphere,", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00021-00007329-00007608": "and that represents all living things", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00022-00007608-00007713": "on the face of the earth.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00023-00007713-00008061": "And as we'll see in this course, the biosphere", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00024-00008061-00008445": "does indeed play a key role.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00025-00008445-00008742": "It influences the composition of the atmosphere", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00026-00008742-00008979": "through the global carbon cycle, it", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00027-00008979-00009228": "influences the surface characteristics", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00028-00009228-00009579": "of the land, which has implications for climate.", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00029-00009579-00009948": "So ultimately what we have are these four systems--", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00030-00009948-00010416": "the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the cryosphere,", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00031-00010416-00010602": "and the biosphere--", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00032-00010602-00010860": "interacting with each other to form what", "lxNgO22O5_Y-00033-00010860-00011129": "we call the climate system."}}, {"audio_id": "lxV9DNcU5gI", "text": {"lxV9DNcU5gI-00000-00000056-00000496": "I have set a custom url for my channel."}}, {"audio_id": "lyimy3MwHgk", "text": {"lyimy3MwHgk-00000-00000002-00000202": "Hi, I’m Jiwon.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00001-00000240-00000532": "Today I’m going on a day trip in a city nearby.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00002-00000538-00000876": "This city isn’t actually the place where the most tourists go in Germany.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00003-00000882-00001172": "So I can say that it’s kinda rare trip for a Korean tourist.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00004-00001204-00001440": "It’s called Quedlinburg.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00005-00001873-00002005": "In German,", "lyimy3MwHgk-00006-00002150-00002320": "Yeah, it's the name of the city.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00007-00002348-00002548": "This is known for its half-timber houses.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00008-00002548-00002666": "Oh, just like this!", "lyimy3MwHgk-00009-00002850-00002946": "We’ve just passed by.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00010-00003032-00003452": "‘Fachwerk’ is the traditional way of building houses in Germany.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00011-00003486-00003779": "There’s a national park on the way there,  which is called ‘Harz’.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00012-00003786-00003926": "We’re gonna stop by there", "lyimy3MwHgk-00013-00003929-00004504": "to see the biggest dam and the longest bridge in the whole of Germany.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00014-00008988-00009204": "This one is the way too old.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00015-00016568-00016660": "I’m just so happy now.", "lyimy3MwHgk-00016-00019032-00019626": "(Please subscribe my channel for more videos.)"}}, {"audio_id": "lyOa45UzY_Y", "text": {"lyOa45UzY_Y-00000-00000197-00000863": "Hello everyone, this is Dr. C and this is", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00001-00000549-00001158": "a look at browser basics. Okay, here we're", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00002-00000863-00001428": "looking at the Firefox browser and we're", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00003-00001158-00001671": "looking at a Google search page. Let's", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00004-00001428-00001898": "look at the web address for just a", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00005-00001671-00002068": "moment. I'm going to enlarge it, so I'm", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00006-00001898-00002289": "going to hit the control and plus sign.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00007-00002068-00002613": "It's not going to really affect the", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00008-00002289-00002790": "address bar. So let me copy that down in", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00009-00002613-00002882": "here so you can see it a little easier.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00010-00002790-00003386": "Okay.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00011-00002882-00003564": "The domain name is google.com, the sub", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00012-00003386-00003955": "domain name, and you'll notice on some", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00013-00003564-00004266": "sites it's not www for the world wide web.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00014-00003955-00004553": "Sometimes there's a different sub domain", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00015-00004266-00005034": "name. You can have many subdomains within", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00016-00004553-00005442": "a single domain. This stuff here, is the", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00017-00005034-00005796": "protocol, the HTTPS and then colon, slash,", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00018-00005442-00006039": "slash. The S means that it's secure. Let's", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00019-00005796-00006404": "take a look. When you hover over the", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00020-00006039-00006623": "green secure symbol, up, up to the left of", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00021-00006404-00006918": "the address, you'll notice it's verified", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00022-00006623-00007215": "by Google Trust services. If you click on", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00023-00006918-00007413": "the eye to the left of it, you'll see", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00024-00007215-00007631": "that it says you have a secure", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00025-00007413-00007953": "connection and that you, we're not logged", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00026-00007631-00008421": "in to any of their special permissions.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00027-00007953-00008814": "Okay? Now, let's take a look at our course.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00028-00008421-00009107": "In Desire2Learn, you'll notice the domain", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00029-00008814-00009300": "name, once again, and let me bring up a", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00030-00009107-00009440": "little notepad so that we can see this a", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00031-00009300-00009714": "little easier, right.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00032-00009440-00010070": "Okay, so I'll grab this and we'll dissect", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00033-00009714-00010070": "it for just a moment.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00034-00010401-00011154": "Our domain name is desire2learn.com,", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00035-00010713-00011277": "right. The sub domain is opencourses. So", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00036-00011154-00011463": "you notice we can have a lot of", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00037-00011277-00011619": "different courses, that's just the way", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00038-00011463-00011832": "this one looks.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00039-00011619-00012111": "And then of course, the protocol it's", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00040-00011832-00012534": "secure again. So, when we login we know", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00041-00012111-00012869": "it's encrypted, it's safer, okay, and then", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00042-00012534-00013137": "the folder name. You see this slash d2l.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00043-00012869-00013466": "That's their folder and then a slash", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00044-00013137-00013743": "login. The login is actually a file. Let's", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00045-00013466-00014046": "take a look what kind it is. When you", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00046-00013743-00014265": "right-click on the webpage, preferably", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00047-00014046-00014553": "not in a place where you can click and", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00048-00014265-00014910": "load a link, right. If you select view", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00049-00014553-00015303": "page info, you'll notice that it tells", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00050-00014910-00015422": "you it's a text file and of type HTML. So,", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00051-00015303-00015683": "that means it's going to load a webpage", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00052-00015422-00016038": "that has hypertext markup language", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00053-00015683-00016401": "symbol formatting, the way it looks right", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00054-00016038-00016539": "now. You can see other kinds of content", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00055-00016401-00016782": "here, like if you wanted to know about", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00056-00016539-00016980": "the media you were looking at, or any of", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00057-00016782-00017286": "your permissions you had to give to be", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00058-00016980-00017516": "able to see this site, and then the", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00059-00017286-00017742": "security if you're interested in that.", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00060-00017516-00018093": "Well this has been a quick look at", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00061-00017742-00018365": "browser basics. Have a great one and I'll", "lyOa45UzY_Y-00062-00018093-00018365": "see you next time."}}, {"audio_id": "lzZDLkZHTfY", "text": {"lzZDLkZHTfY-00000-00000000-00010200": "free old og playboi carti type beat,free old playboi carti type beat 2022,free og playboi carti type beat 2022,free old playboi carti type beat,free og playboi carti type beat,old playboi carti type beat 2022,old playboi carti type beat,og playboi carti type beat 2022,og playboi carti type beat,die lit playboi carti type beat 2022,free die lit plaboi carti type beat,die lit playboi carti type beat,free old playboi cari die lit type beat"}}, {"audio_id": "l-3-P3UEUR4", "text": {"l-3-P3UEUR4-00000-00000000-00000088": "Potato Salad"}}, {"audio_id": "l-6NCUNN9vM", "text": {"l-6NCUNN9vM-00000-00000054-00000786": ">> Hello and welcome to our week on Urban and Agricultural revolutions in Europe in the 17th,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00001-00000794-00001178": "18th, and stretching even a little bit into the 19th century here this week.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00002-00001237-00001389": ">> And stretching back into the 16th.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00003-00001512-00001697": ">> Important point, actually.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00004-00001745-00001980": "We're looking at the Atlantic world.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00005-00001980-00002419": "We're looking at, well, we will be looking at colonization in the Atlantic world", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00006-00002419-00002660": "and the Caribbean and North America and South America in later weeks.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00007-00002678-00003017": "But of course, this is the -- the backdrop to all of this is an expanding, developing,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00008-00003041-00003413": "and empowering Europe in this time period and we've looked at some political changes", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00009-00003413-00003573": "that are taking place in Europe in this time period.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00010-00003592-00003823": "We're going to be looking at some economic changes", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00011-00003823-00003983": "that are taking place in this time period as well.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00012-00004050-00004539": "Behind me, you see a map of London from the 16th century.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00013-00004544-00004588": ">> 16th.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00014-00004597-00004901": ">> And London's one of the biggest cities in the world", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00015-00004901-00005148": "and it's growing dramatically in this time period.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00016-00005148-00005474": "Several European cities are growing dramatically in this time period, but London certainly stands", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00017-00005474-00005708": "out as a particularly impressively growing city.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00018-00005835-00006059": "Of course, to have a growing city, you need food.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00019-00006078-00006292": "You need to be able to feed those people and that means", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00020-00006292-00006484": "that they need to be able to produce more food.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00021-00006520-00006943": "Urban people do not produce their own food, they, you know, some small amounts", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00022-00006943-00007107": "of it, but really not very much at all.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00023-00007163-00007497": "So, you need a strong countryside behind all of that, an improving,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00024-00007497-00007671": "developing agriculture behind all of that.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00025-00007671-00007847": "And that's going to be one of the basic questions we're going", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00026-00007847-00008019": "to be looking at today, how did this happen?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00027-00008045-00008130": "Why did this happen?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00028-00008163-00008687": "And, interestingly, even when did this happen, because as we'll see, there's some debate", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00029-00008687-00009166": "on exactly when this revolution actually happened, which of course begs the question,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00030-00009166-00009477": "how revolutionary was it if we can't even spot it in time?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00031-00009506-00009949": "But certainly, there was a massive increase in agricultural productivity in this time period,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00032-00009970-00010208": "and that enables this urban growth.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00033-00010238-00010649": "So, a big question this week is going to be to look at a secondary consideration,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00034-00010662-00011014": "secondary literature consideration this week, we're going to look at two authors", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00035-00011048-00011451": "who have different interpretations of when that Agricultural Revolution took place.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00036-00011451-00011587": ">> In the British Isles.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00037-00011587-00011723": ">> In the British Isles, exactly.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00038-00011723-00011853": "They're both looking at Great Britain.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00039-00011884-00012624": "They're both examining basic agricultural economic data and they're trying to determine", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00040-00012624-00012841": "when the big changes actually took place.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00041-00012841-00013025": "And they arrive at quite different answers.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00042-00013025-00013426": "In fact, they're off by almost 200 years, so that's a pretty big difference", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00043-00013426-00013627": "in an understanding of basic story.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00044-00013642-00014297": "And we sort of look at Eric Kerridge, who emphasizes the 17th century and Mark Overton,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00045-00014297-00014613": "who represents, who emphasizes the late 18th and early 19th century,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00046-00014627-00015037": "and we'll look at the arguments they make but also the kinds of evidence", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00047-00015037-00015307": "that they bring forward to answer those questions.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00048-00015307-00015765": "And so, you're going to talk for a few minutes here about how we can approach", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00049-00015765-00016130": "that basic question, how we can think about that, as we study these basic questions,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00050-00016151-00016396": "basic questions of evidence that these guys bring forward", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00051-00016396-00016566": "and then the interpretation of that evidence.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00052-00016566-00016814": ">> Yeah. So far, you're right, Danny.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00053-00016839-00017395": "Well, so far, of course you're right, but so far in the course, we've been getting everyone", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00054-00017395-00018108": "to examine what historians for shorthand call primary sources, sources that are,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00055-00018184-00018872": "that give as direct, as direct as possible kinds of evidence for the questions we're trying", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00056-00018872-00019604": "to answer, but for -- our focus this week we're going to be looking at secondary sources,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00057-00019604-00019934": "sources that aren't from the English early modern era.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00058-00019934-00020325": "They're not from the period from the 16th through the 19th century,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00059-00020340-00020637": "which is the period we're trying to understand in this lesson.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00060-00020683-00021357": "We're looking from, looking at sources from the late 20th", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00061-00021399-00021729": "and early 21st century by two historians.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00062-00021853-00022398": "The secondary literature is what we might call historiographical literature.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00063-00022398-00022951": "It's a term that historians use to talk about literature that interprets", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00064-00022951-00023253": "or gives accounts of evidence from the past.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00065-00023320-00024018": "Eric Kerridge and Mark Overton are two quite well-known economic and social historians", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00066-00024043-00024694": "who have, as you outlined already, provided very different answers to the same basic questions.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00067-00024708-00025337": "When did the English agricultural economy transform in a fundamental way?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00068-00025382-00025949": "They provide different answers, not because one of them is necessarily wrong", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00069-00025949-00026097": "and the other is necessarily right.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00070-00026120-00026570": "They argue about that in other writings, not writing that we have provided with --", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00071-00026601-00027154": "for you, but rather writing that is part of a larger discussion,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00072-00027154-00027379": "a larger historiographical discussion.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00073-00027436-00028084": "A basic thing for everyone to understand is that it's normal for historians", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00074-00028084-00028298": "to disagree and why might that be the case?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00075-00028341-00028771": "As you said, the evidence for big questions and even", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00076-00028771-00029115": "for very specific questions is often not clear.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00077-00029135-00029904": "It's fragmentary, often, so we have to try to draw the best conclusions we can as historians,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00078-00029934-00030277": "students of history, from the available evidence.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00079-00030287-00030707": "That's what we're going to be doing in every week of this course in our lessons", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00080-00030707-00031152": "and forum discussions and that's what historians always do on a bigger scale.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00081-00031244-00031974": "So for this week, the historical thinking challenge is to understand secondary sources,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00082-00031980-00032349": "sources about the past, sources", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00083-00032349-00032703": "about the English Agricultural Revolution and when it happened.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00084-00032802-00033379": "And so, don't -- we don't have to think about one historian being more biased than the other.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00085-00033379-00033676": "They have different perspectives and different biases.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00086-00033676-00034093": "We might say we're trying to understand these different perspectives", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00087-00034093-00034471": "and these different interpretations on the complex evidence from the past.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00088-00034489-00034709": "And one of the questions that everyone could examine is,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00089-00034733-00035154": "what kinds of evidence do Kerridge and Overton point to?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00090-00035163-00035240": "Is it the same?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00091-00035313-00035928": "Or, do they point to different kinds of evidence to answer a basic question about change", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00092-00035928-00036179": "and continuity in English agriculture?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00093-00036222-00036530": "So, that's one point about secondary sources,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00094-00036597-00036984": "with particular reference to the lesson this week.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00095-00037005-00037741": "It's good to keep in mind for every week that we have a, and for any historical question,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00096-00037786-00038506": "it's good to look at interpretations of evidence from the past, secondary sources, and then also,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00097-00038528-00039119": "primary sources, evidence from the past societies, peoples, and events that we're trying", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00098-00039119-00039694": "to understand, a basic question of historical method.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00099-00039734-00040085": "That's about the English Agricultural Revolution.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00100-00040124-00040648": "You also, Danny, pointed to change in cities, the growth of cities.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00101-00040671-00041384": "So, thinking about another basic historical interpretation,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00102-00041455-00041997": "our question of historical interpretation, we've got the question of continuity and change.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00103-00042018-00042949": "We can see that with regard to this interpretive issue about the English Agricultural", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00104-00042949-00043155": "and the British Agricultural Revolutions.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00105-00043155-00043712": "But we can also see it in change in maps of the city of London.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00106-00043735-00044271": "One of the bits of evidence that we highlight in our introduction are two maps,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00107-00044271-00044878": "not just the one behind us right now, but another map from a couple of centuries later,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00108-00044878-00045523": "from the 18th century that shows just how rapidly London expanded.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00109-00045551-00046015": "It's not the only bit of evidence about the growth of London, but it's primary evidence", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00110-00046015-00046796": "that all of us can look at to try to think about and understand and make sense", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00111-00046796-00047139": "of the rapid growth of London over many generations.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00112-00047212-00048026": "And so, continuity and change, different types of sources, primary and secondary,", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00113-00048082-00048574": "how do we make sense of these changes with these- using these different types of sources?", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00114-00048574-00048944": "A challenge for any topic, and in particular for this lesson.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00115-00048996-00049305": "A good point to wrap up, perhaps.", "l-6NCUNN9vM-00116-00049312-00049359": ">> I think so."}}, {"audio_id": "l-hZIkh4q7A", "text": {"l-hZIkh4q7A-00000-00000953-00001232": "I have to make a holster for my GPD Pocket.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00001-00001232-00001668": "You guys have seen me take some measurements before this time it will be the same.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00002-00001668-00001857": "Let's get started.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00003-00002340-00002944": "First I am just going to draw a rough shape of the GPD Pocket to get a feel for it.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00004-00003758-00004712": "Okay and I'm going to use the caliper to measure the GPD size.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00005-00005888-00006662": "109.2 - let's make it 110. So the side is 110.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00006-00007126-00007764": "At the bottom there are some rubber feet here. We also need to measure the distance between them.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00007-00009428-00010288": "65.3 and the edge to the other edge distance is actually the same as the center to center", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00008-00010288-00010502": "so you can do it that way also.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00009-00011138-00011386": "Also the other side for their distance.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00010-00012292-00012969": "133.6 let's make it 134", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00011-00013940-00014234": "Now let's measure the diameter of the rubber feet.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00012-00014469-00014876": "9.7 let's make it 10", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00013-00015863-00016018": "Let's measure the height.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00014-00016319-00016938": "My caliper is not long enough for the height.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00015-00016938-00017554": "So I think I'm going to use the square until I buy another caliper.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00016-00019202-00020256": "Okay 182. And for the corner let's use the radius gauge to measure it.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00017-00020282-00020870": "Let's use the small one and it kind of looks like a three to me I think. That's my guess.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00018-00021398-00021988": "Nope. How about 3.5?", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00019-00022474-00022548": "Almost.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00020-00023764-00024198": "Yeah it's 5. So corner is 5.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00021-00024414-00024636": "Oh and I have to measure the thickness.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00022-00025364-00025900": "Between 18 and 19 I'm going to go for 20.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00023-00025900-00026324": "I'm going to print some test print anyway.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00024-00026814-00027594": "I forget to measure the distance from the rubber feet to the side so I'm going to measure it now.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00025-00029089-00029204": "All right that's it.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00026-00038282-00038818": "I think it fits well as you guys can see last time when I showed the test fitting", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00027-00038844-00039308": "I didn't print the whole thing. I just print a slice of it so that it doesn't", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00028-00039308-00039478": "waste material and time.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00029-00039496-00040114": "This time I did the same thing but look it fits pretty well.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00030-00040114-00040572": "It's a bit tight. Of course I don't want when I'm running", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00031-00040572-00041008": "my laptop will fly around or it slips, it's a holster.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00032-00041784-00042120": "I'm happy with it. So now I'm going to print the whole thing.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00033-00050202-00050624": "So this is the final result, let's slide it in.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00034-00051158-00051782": "It takes about 16 hours, I thought it would be quicker, but it takes about 16 hours.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00035-00051782-00052817": "I guess for TPU it prints a bit slower but I'm happy with the result and I'm going to my friend's bar tonight.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00036-00052838-00053594": "She has a grand opening. It will be kind of dorky to wear it on the belt.", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00037-00053654-00054340": "But I like it and people know I combine tech with my thing together", "l-hZIkh4q7A-00038-00054340-00054790": "So I'm going to wear it out and see how it goes"}}, {"audio_id": "l-lX05l5THg", "text": {"l-lX05l5THg-00000-00001400-00001728": "What if when we look around,", "l-lX05l5THg-00001-00001728-00002083": "We'd see the world crashing down?", "l-lX05l5THg-00002-00002083-00002439": "It's what I feel every day,", "l-lX05l5THg-00003-00002439-00002800": "But when I'm with you, it's all okay.", "l-lX05l5THg-00004-00002800-00003472": "The shadows of my past are just following me so fast;", "l-lX05l5THg-00005-00003472-00004153": "I can barely even breathe with my anxiety.", "l-lX05l5THg-00006-00004271-00004830": "I feel calm when I am by your side -", "l-lX05l5THg-00007-00004848-00005589": "It's like you're singing me a vinyl lullaby.", "l-lX05l5THg-00008-00007092-00007600": "It feels like waves are rushing through my veins,", "l-lX05l5THg-00009-00007613-00008135": "Yet I am hushing all the feelings that I fear", "l-lX05l5THg-00010-00008146-00008481": "and the words that you will never hear.", "l-lX05l5THg-00011-00008481-00009224": "Yet you come around, and you say to me:", "l-lX05l5THg-00012-00009231-00009929": "\"You are my perfect melody.\"", "l-lX05l5THg-00013-00009956-00010511": "I feel calm when I am by your side -", "l-lX05l5THg-00014-00010511-00011362": "It's like you're singing me a vinyl lullaby.", "l-lX05l5THg-00015-00012683-00013501": "My lullaby!", "l-lX05l5THg-00016-00013518-00015010": "Yeah, oo, my lullaby.", "l-lX05l5THg-00017-00015890-00016807": "(sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh)"}}, {"audio_id": "l-_iPr3pz9y", "text": {"l-_iPr3pz9y-00000-00000744-00001430": "El arte puede ser esa plataforma en la que debatamos sobre grandes temas sin guerras ni pistolas.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00001-00001454-00001905": "Igual podemos encontrar otra solución para ser quien queramos ser.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00002-00001942-00002462": "Art is not only a tool to produce, to sell or to communicate the work of artists...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00003-00002484-00002916": "Is a social transformation tool. Is more useful than we think.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00004-00002934-00003382": "It reclaims places, it binds neighborhoods together, it moves people...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00005-00003774-00004236": "Estamos intentando revivir la escena del arte en Libia de este momento...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00006-00004258-00004646": "Hay un malentendido sobre lo que ocurre ahora en Libia porque los medios de comunicación...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00007-00004670-00005198": "Solo enseñan la guerra, pero no enseñan el otro lado cultural...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00008-00005714-00006450": "The capitalist system isolates us, and they set out this complaint side as Pac-Art...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00009-00006466-00006666": "Specially the reflection side.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00010-00006695-00007366": "Es muy popular hacer retiros, y como artista yo hago retiros públicos en varias ciudades.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00011-00007698-00008040": "We've decided to do a program in which everyday we'll change the exhibition...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00012-00008072-00008544": "A vocal audio which is a relaxation and where you can lie down and be relaxed.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00013-00008586-00008804": "An artist that works with marble...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00014-00008834-00008964": "We are launching it now.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00015-00009224-00009548": "What is happening here is a reflection of what is happening in the rest of the world.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00016-00009592-00009896": "They are opting for a transgressor art...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00017-00009920-00010292": "Here you can breath the serenity that you need to be able to appreciate art.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00018-00010702-00010964": "Me gusta su diversidad, la calidad de su trabajo...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00019-00010992-00011482": "It has progressed in a really positive way, and it goes straight on every year...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00020-00011504-00011810": "It's getting increasingly stronger and with more quality.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00021-00011868-00012484": "The team has made a great work from the beginning, and I think that they have more power than ever...", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00022-00012506-00013110": "Because they trust theirselves, because they know their position and they want to celebrate it with everyone.", "l-_iPr3pz9y-00023-00013144-00013526": "Congratulations for this 10 years and many happy returns!"}}, {"audio_id": "l-CXrFWjNyg", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "l-bXTHDADWU", "text": {"l-bXTHDADWU-00000-00000026-00000696": "Hello and welcome to the instructions for Module 14. Module 14 we'll be", "l-bXTHDADWU-00001-00000696-00001341": "covering Chapter 13 of your textbook and we'll focus on the topics of prejudice", "l-bXTHDADWU-00002-00001341-00001896": "and intergroup relations. Please be sure to carefully read through that chapter", "l-bXTHDADWU-00003-00001896-00002428": "and also to carefully review the power points associated with this module. You", "l-bXTHDADWU-00004-00002428-00003188": "will be completing a discussion board, peer responses, and a quiz for Module 14.", "l-bXTHDADWU-00005-00003188-00003971": "You will also be completing the last of your video responses for the course. The", "l-bXTHDADWU-00006-00003971-00004611": "video response will focus on racism inn terms of the definitions that are", "l-bXTHDADWU-00007-00004611-00005184": "important to understanding this topic. And then I've added a second video which", "l-bXTHDADWU-00008-00005184-00005946": "shows racial bias amongst children. Be sure to watch both of the videos for", "l-bXTHDADWU-00009-00005946-00006588": "Unit 4 and to respond to the questions that I have drafted in the prompt of", "l-bXTHDADWU-00010-00006588-00007598": "video response #5. Okay, before I leave I'd like to talk to you a little", "l-bXTHDADWU-00011-00007598-00008520": "bit about prejudice and how it maps on to discrimination and racism. This is a", "l-bXTHDADWU-00012-00008520-00009300": "really hot topic and the way we see racism addressed in the media and daily", "l-bXTHDADWU-00013-00009300-00010142": "life often times brings up contentious ideas and even behavior. We even have", "l-bXTHDADWU-00014-00010142-00010979": "important influencers in Hollywood and other media encouraging us to step away", "l-bXTHDADWU-00015-00010979-00011804": "from the idea of race. And although we cannot scientifically understand or", "l-bXTHDADWU-00016-00011804-00012725": "evaluate race in terms of a biological sense we do see major social", "l-bXTHDADWU-00017-00012725-00013306": "implications of race in modern society. Because of", "l-bXTHDADWU-00018-00013306-00013865": "racism that we see across the globe, it's very important for social psychologists", "l-bXTHDADWU-00019-00013865-00014684": "to continue to examine the formation of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and", "l-bXTHDADWU-00020-00014684-00015207": "racism. So, that we can continue to build on our understanding of these concepts", "l-bXTHDADWU-00021-00015207-00015715": "this is also important so that we can continue to develop intervention", "l-bXTHDADWU-00022-00015715-00016700": "strategies to help reduce the idea of in-group bias over out-group. Some of", "l-bXTHDADWU-00023-00016700-00017215": "these constructs might be new to you so please review them carefully. As a matter", "l-bXTHDADWU-00024-00017215-00017596": "of fact sometimes students have a hard time understanding the definition of", "l-bXTHDADWU-00025-00017596-00018668": "racism because the old model looked at racial biases. New model has to look not", "l-bXTHDADWU-00026-00018668-00019357": "only at race but power. This is really well explained in the video, so if you do", "l-bXTHDADWU-00027-00019357-00019885": "not understand the full definition of racism please go back and re-watch the", "l-bXTHDADWU-00028-00019885-00020640": "video so again.  I want to encourage you to continue to think critically about", "l-bXTHDADWU-00029-00020640-00021559": "the idea that we form biases and we prefer people who are like us. We also", "l-bXTHDADWU-00030-00021559-00022109": "form stereotypes very quickly because we have to organize a lot of information", "l-bXTHDADWU-00031-00022109-00022732": "into schemas. It's a natural human process to form a stereotype but we", "l-bXTHDADWU-00032-00022732-00023690": "socialize children to turn stereotypes into discrimination and racism. Okay, I will", "l-bXTHDADWU-00033-00023690-00024215": "see you back in Module 15 which will contain the instructions for the last", "l-bXTHDADWU-00034-00024215-00024594": "chapter of this course."}}, {"audio_id": "l-cOdvP4V50", "text": {"l-cOdvP4V50-00000-00001888-00002459": "Narrator: The St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River, also known as the Huron-Erie", "l-cOdvP4V50-00001-00002459-00003077": "Corridor, are the international waters that connect Lake Huron to Lake Erie.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00002-00003077-00003632": "Environmental changes in the Corridor over time have resulted in a loss of habitat for", "l-cOdvP4V50-00003-00003632-00003901": "fish and other organisms.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00004-00003901-00004431": "This video is focusing on the successful St. Clair River fish habitat restoration project", "l-cOdvP4V50-00005-00004431-00004839": "and the science and collaboration that made it a success!", "l-cOdvP4V50-00006-00004839-00005465": "Dr. Bruce Manny: We were so surprised that lake sturgeon found the habitat and were spawning", "l-cOdvP4V50-00007-00005465-00005751": "on it even though it wasn't completely constructed.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00008-00005751-00006240": "We wanted to make sure that the materials we used were suitable for fish spawning.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00009-00006240-00006715": "We have been perfecting the habitat materials and determined that a certain size and shape", "l-cOdvP4V50-00010-00006715-00007234": "of rock was important to maximize the space between the rocks.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00011-00007234-00007706": "If there is too much space, the eggs could be washed out by the water; but if the spaces", "l-cOdvP4V50-00012-00007706-00008437": "are too small, the eggs would not be adequately protected from fish and other organisms.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00013-00008437-00008990": "The Project Team developed a plan and methods to build new spawning habitat to increase", "l-cOdvP4V50-00014-00008990-00009667": "lake sturgeon, lake whitefish, walleye, and other native fish populations.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00015-00009667-00010270": "We learned that water flow, water depth, and water temperature were all important in the", "l-cOdvP4V50-00016-00010270-00010563": "placement of a spawning reef.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00017-00010563-00011031": "Another important factor is the available nursery habitat downstream that is crucial", "l-cOdvP4V50-00018-00011031-00011467": "for the survival of young fish produced on the spawning reefs.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00019-00011467-00011961": "One of the most important components of these habitat restoration projects is the monitoring", "l-cOdvP4V50-00020-00011961-00012378": "that we do before and after the reef is constructed.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00021-00012378-00012955": "In this way, we know whether any fish were there using the area before we construct the", "l-cOdvP4V50-00022-00012955-00013584": "reef, and we can document the success of our spawning habitat projects.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00023-00013584-00014066": "This video shows that there were lake sturgeon eggs among the rocks and adult lake sturgeon", "l-cOdvP4V50-00024-00014066-00014453": "in the area – before the construction was even complete!", "l-cOdvP4V50-00025-00014453-00015101": "Dr. Jennifer Read: Human alterations in the system in the late 19th and early 20th century", "l-cOdvP4V50-00026-00015101-00015296": "resulted in many changes.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00027-00015296-00015857": "One of the largest was the result of widening and deepening for commercial navigation.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00028-00015857-00016389": "In the Detroit River alone, a major modification in the lower river resulted in the removal", "l-cOdvP4V50-00029-00016389-00017057": "of over 300 million cubic meters of limestone rock and other material from the bottom of", "l-cOdvP4V50-00030-00017057-00017161": "the river.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00031-00017161-00017844": "The result was a dramatic reduction of fish populations throughout the entire Huron-to-Erie", "l-cOdvP4V50-00032-00017844-00018017": "corridor.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00033-00018017-00018648": "In 2004, a collaborative group of University, Government, Industry, and non-governmental", "l-cOdvP4V50-00034-00018648-00019163": "organizations established the Huron-Erie Corridor initiative.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00035-00019163-00019620": "The first two projects, one at Belle Isle in the Detroit River, the other at Fighting", "l-cOdvP4V50-00036-00019620-00020132": "Island, also in the Detroit River, but in the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge", "l-cOdvP4V50-00037-00020132-00020498": "have significantly improved fish habitat.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00038-00020498-00020888": "And we have seen fish responding to our latest project in the St. Claire delta while it was", "l-cOdvP4V50-00039-00020888-00021067": "under construction.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00040-00021067-00021630": "Fish habitat restoration is a key part of U.S. EPA's Strategy to restore impaired, beneficial", "l-cOdvP4V50-00041-00021630-00021846": "uses in the system.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00042-00021846-00022363": "These restoration efforts will provide cultural and economic benefits, bolster commercial", "l-cOdvP4V50-00043-00022363-00022899": "and sport fishing and contribute to a higher quality of life for the people living in the", "l-cOdvP4V50-00044-00022899-00023063": "corridor.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00045-00023063-00023473": "All of these projects are part of our long-term goal to replace some of the habitat that was", "l-cOdvP4V50-00046-00023473-00023960": "removed 100 years ago to support commercial navigation.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00047-00023960-00024376": "The next steps for the partnership are to choose the restoration sites base on this", "l-cOdvP4V50-00048-00024376-00024794": "model and build on our past successes.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00049-00024794-00025180": "This is science in action, and this is the kind of research project where we're not just", "l-cOdvP4V50-00050-00025180-00025663": "performing research to learn about new things, but we're applying the results for the benefit", "l-cOdvP4V50-00051-00025663-00025895": "of the larger community.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00052-00025895-00026445": "Our approach in the Huron-Erie Corridor is a potential model for success for other locations.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00053-00026445-00027070": "We are making sure that our work builds on the science that has gone before, so we are", "l-cOdvP4V50-00054-00027070-00027350": "learning and adapting as we move forward.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00055-00027350-00028058": "Narrator: The Huron-Erie Corridor is the epicenter of fish populations and fish habitat restoration", "l-cOdvP4V50-00056-00028058-00028304": "in the Central Great Lakes.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00057-00028304-00028844": "The fish spawning habitat restoration successes in these connecting channels can have positive", "l-cOdvP4V50-00058-00028844-00029544": "impacts on Lakes Erie and Huron as well as the entire Great Lakes basin.", "l-cOdvP4V50-00059-00029544-00030120": "The Huron-Erie Corridor Initiative partners will continue to work together to manage,", "l-cOdvP4V50-00060-00030120-00036997": "restore, enhance, and protect the living resources and their habitats in these connecting waterways."}}, {"audio_id": "l_2gi8dfKF8", "text": {"l_2gi8dfKF8-00000-00000006-00000165": "Good morning everybody", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00001-00000165-00000668": "So we're starting day 3 in, California yesterday", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00002-00000679-00001308": "There was a wildfire nearby so we really didn't get to go out, and it looked kind of apocalyptic outside", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00003-00001308-00001832": "This is orange it got orange all of a sudden, so we really didn't do too much", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00004-00001832-00002294": "We want Gabriel and I wander around a little bit this hair has been going to a conference so anyway", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00005-00002323-00002669": "Today's our last full day, so hopefully maybe we'll get to do something fun this evening", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00006-00002725-00002925": "while stairs of the conference, I'm", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00007-00002947-00003420": "Gabriel and I are gonna wander around for a little while see what see what kind of trouble we get into fine ray liotta", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00008-00003489-00003689": "Cuz we're still looking for him", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00009-00003921-00004121": "Have fun at your conference", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00010-00004878-00005189": "So this convention is literally right across the street from Disney", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00011-00005271-00005570": "And uh like he'll been asking", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00012-00005650-00005993": "You guys gonna go to Disney and the answer to that is", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00013-00006076-00006276": "Unanimously no every time we're asked", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00014-00006339-00006468": "because", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00015-00006468-00006731": "He's only nine months old, so he's not gonna remember it", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00016-00006802-00007002": "And it's expensive", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00017-00007015-00007271": "And it takes a lot out of you I mean", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00018-00007336-00007509": "Seriously, it's a it's", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00019-00007509-00008297": "There's a lot to Disney so we didn't go he enjoyed walking around the outside of it as did. I it was nice I", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00020-00008377-00008640": "Was gonna walk down to a Downtown Disney?", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00021-00008767-00009401": "Just to see it. You know just to look at it, but uh I just looked at Google Maps. I've been walking for like", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00022-00009460-00009773": "20 minutes already, and it says it's 20 more minutes away and", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00023-00009897-00010097": "You can see the sweat", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00024-00010099-00010682": "It's officially hot and I don't want to do that anymore and Gabriel doesn't care. You're having a good time aren't you?", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00025-00010944-00011275": "He's just enjoying seeing something new something we're gonna head back", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00026-00012079-00012642": "Well people I came to a crossroads like a literal crossroads I", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00027-00012710-00013158": "Could go right and go back to the hotel or I could go left and go to", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00028-00013256-00013456": "Downtown Disney", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00029-00013459-00013659": "The figure y'all I live once so", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00030-00013891-00014226": "We're gonna go wander around and see we can see I'm so hot", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00031-00021051-00021376": "OK, we've officially done Downtown Disney. It's time to get back to the hotel", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00032-00022526-00022726": "Okay, I'll admit that was enjoyable", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00033-00022814-00023197": "But now we got to get back. It's time for Gabriel to eat and maybe even take a nap", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00034-00023318-00023851": "That was fun. Well. We made it back from our adventure, but we got a little lost Gabriel and I did", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00035-00023924-00024291": "But we made it back in time from mama to feed him", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00036-00024347-00024910": "And now we're on we're escorting mama back to the conference and then I'm gonna find some lunch", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00037-00024965-00025264": "Okay, Gabriel, and I walked Sara to her next conference", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00038-00025264-00025723": "And then I walked him around the Convention Center area just to kind of Drowsy him up a little bit", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00039-00025757-00026323": "then we stopped at the food court to grab my lunch and now he's back in the room taking a nap and", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00040-00026432-00026640": "Yes, I am in the bathroom", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00041-00026845-00027044": "Having my lunch", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00042-00027044-00027445": "so the naps are pivotal and even a little bit of light to eat and I", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00043-00027500-00027885": "Can record this in here, and he won't make any noise. It'll wake him up so", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00044-00027952-00028076": "I'll", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00045-00028076-00028542": "Hang out in the bathroom for a little while I'll eat my lunch and then maybe I'll go out there and try to join him", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00046-00028543-00028743": "in a naps for a few minutes", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00047-00029700-00029944": "My last session got out a little early", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00048-00030006-00030713": "So we use this time to nurse the baby Jacob right over to me, and it's really cool the Anaheim Convention Center", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00049-00030768-00030891": "has a", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00050-00030891-00031654": "nursing mother in room it's got two changing tables bunch of rocking chairs a fridge for your brewskis and", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00051-00031766-00031966": "this nice comfy chair", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00052-00032016-00032266": "It doesn't have a sink, which that's okay", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00053-00032266-00032788": "I didn't bring my pump stuff, but I think that's really cool that they offered that I haven't seen too many other", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00054-00032859-00033442": "Nursing mothers I've seen I think two other women with babies here, but it's always been available every time", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00055-00033443-00033976": "We've come in so I think that's really cool props to the Anaheim Convention Center", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00056-00034041-00034324": "For having this go breastfeeding", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00057-00034509-00034709": "Mm-hmm", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00058-00034994-00035584": "Gabriel started crawling on his knees oh, it's opens it terms of, California", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00059-00035888-00036160": "So that's my fired on pace at this moment hey", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00060-00036228-00036360": "Gabriel", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00061-00036360-00036776": "Hey look. It's a small space moment. I have to go into the small space", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00062-00037131-00037331": "Gabriel", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00063-00042212-00042414": "All right you can chew on it, that's yours", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00064-00043910-00044226": "Sarah's done with all her conferences for today, so we're time", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00065-00044227-00044881": "It's a it's time to go to dinner, and we have tried to go out to dinner. You know to see", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00066-00044960-00045714": "Anaheim while we're here and her co-workers want to go to downtown business actually it was your idea", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00067-00045941-00046503": "Well Michael wanted to go to Downtown Disney - so I walked down to this place this morning because", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00068-00046550-00046810": "You know I was like what am I ever gonna have another chance to do this?", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00069-00046895-00047214": "Well if I've waited a few hours, I would have a chance to do it tonight", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00070-00047288-00047368": "That's all right", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00071-00047368-00047832": "I said it'll the Sun will be down and all the Disney magic will be out because the lights will be on sir", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00072-00047906-00048279": "That's what video you get twice as much Disney footie", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00073-00049001-00049626": "All right, we're back the kid fell asleep on the way here", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00074-00055354-00055554": "Two bridges", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00075-00055624-00055824": "So the hip we just did this whole thing", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00076-00055969-00056169": "Talking to a screen it wasn't recording", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00077-00056251-00056451": "so anyway", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00078-00056462-00056913": "We're we're in the Disney Store in Downtown Disney. It's chaotic. It's crowded", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00079-00057664-00057864": "He's loving", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00080-00059184-00059384": "This place is huge", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00081-00061172-00061372": "Somebody is way faster", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00082-00061802-00062002": "So we did, Downtown Disney", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00083-00062072-00062632": "And this guy was a trooper the whole time and enjoyed himself and now that we're back here", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00084-00062692-00062982": "And there are any flashing lights and lots of children", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00085-00063965-00064165": "Okay, we're done", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00086-00064301-00064873": "So if you like this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel to see more click the bell so you get the", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00087-00064891-00065253": "Notifications and leave us a comment about your family disney experience", "l_2gi8dfKF8-00088-00065708-00066193": "Anyway go for watching he needs to go to bed CEO Lee"}}, {"audio_id": "l_2_VMrF0tc", "text": {"l_2_VMrF0tc-00000-00003883-00004104": "Hi, everyone :)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00001-00004104-00004341": "I made some summer food this week.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00002-00004441-00004637": "First, smoked duck with cold vegetables(Naengchae)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00003-00004729-00005005": "Prepare colorful vegetables.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00004-00005146-00005380": "Slice pepper into this long pieces.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00005-00005889-00006122": "Place it on a plate", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00006-00006218-00006406": "Next, red pepper", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00007-00006539-00006719": "Cut off the top and bottom,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00008-00006969-00007190": "and remove the seeds.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00009-00007219-00007453": "Slice it into this long pieces, too.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00010-00007453-00007661": "I feel really good", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00011-00007661-00007841": "when I cut all the vegetables into the same size", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00012-00008049-00008241": "For green color, I’ll put a cucumber.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00013-00008454-00008692": "I can make a traffic light", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00014-00008692-00008929": "just with this peppers and cucumber.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00015-00009200-00009476": "Again, slice it into long pieces.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00016-00009934-00010139": "yes, I know this is white.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00017-00010139-00010326": "But I just wanted to put it into this dish.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00018-00010523-00010660": "Cut it in half", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00019-00010660-00010856": "Remove the green part in the center", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00020-00010994-00011190": "Slice it thinly.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00021-00011319-00011574": "My hands are suffering by not buying a ‘Chaekal’", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00022-00011711-00011970": "Well,, but I won’t buy it forever I guess", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00023-00012053-00012224": "Vegetables done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00024-00012224-00012420": "Sauce for ‘Naengchae’", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00025-00012504-00012641": "1tsp of mustard", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00026-00012641-00012808": "1tsp of soy sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00027-00012808-00013029": "2tsp of vinegar", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00028-00013029-00013246": "1tsp of sugar syrup", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00029-00013246-00013380": "1tsp of sugar", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00030-00013380-00013596": "Mix it well", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00031-00013659-00013901": "Kind people won’t see any mustard lump lol..", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00032-00014030-00014168": "It’s time", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00033-00014168-00014368": "to grill", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00034-00014456-00014635": "I got this new cooking tweezers!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00035-00014635-00014914": "Mrs.macaron made me want it for a long time", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00036-00014914-00015148": "I’m really satisfied with it!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00037-00015202-00015440": "(Sizzle)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00038-00015724-00015961": "Grill smoked duck as much as you want", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00039-00015961-00016216": "But I like it crispy, so I grilled it for a long time", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00040-00016445-00016700": "Put it onto a round-shaped plate", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00041-00016750-00016900": "Yellow pepper", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00042-00017096-00017271": "Green cucumber", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00043-00017525-00017709": "White leak", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00044-00017784-00018047": "I can just put it the way I want,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00045-00018047-00018259": "but I feel good when the dish is beautiful!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00046-00018414-00018626": "That makes me feel as a chef.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00047-00018781-00018993": "and it’s good to upload on Instagram!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00048-00019235-00019427": "Put smoked duck in the center", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00049-00019573-00019836": "You can make it with ‘Jokbal’", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00050-00019903-00020145": "A lot of sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00051-00020466-00020666": "Smoked duck with chilled vegetables done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00052-00020666-00020866": "Let’s go eat!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00053-00020900-00021062": "With Heineken", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00054-00021204-00021367": "Wow", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00055-00021396-00021609": "Bon appetite!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00056-00021709-00021921": "Put some vegetables on the spoon", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00057-00022409-00022614": "and a piece of smoked duck", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00058-00022839-00023043": "Crunchy, greasy, spicy, and sour!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00059-00023152-00023365": "There are not that many delicious and healthy food,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00060-00023365-00023561": "but this is it!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00061-00023773-00023969": "I really don’t eat raw vegatables", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00062-00023969-00024165": "but I like this because I can eat it in a plate!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00063-00024165-00024361": "a sip of Heineken", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00064-00024945-00025129": "well… way more than a sip…", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00065-00025129-00025538": "To make a balance, I need to drink some beer with healthy food (lol", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00066-00025538-00026021": "This ‘Naengchae’ is a well-known summer food in Korea.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00067-00026021-00026530": "If you can get smoked duck easily, try this :)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00068-00026530-00026960": "The most important thing is colorful vegetables!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00069-00026960-00027352": "Thanks for today’s meal :)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00070-00027652-00027882": "I’ll make some desert with this peach", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00071-00027882-00028111": "Cut it in half", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00072-00028169-00028399": "Twist it like trimming an avocado.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00073-00028607-00028778": "It’s a bit hard", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00074-00028778-00029008": "when you cut it in half by twisting it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00075-00029029-00029258": "You can skip it if you think it’s hard for you", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00076-00029391-00029546": "But if you do this,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00077-00029546-00029775": "it becomes a cute and round stewed peach", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00078-00029821-00030050": "Peel it off", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00079-00030409-00030705": "You can get pink color by boiling the peel,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00080-00030705-00031001": "But I don’t like the fuzz… so I just peel it off", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00081-00031001-00031289": "I’ll make it pinky by using Hibiscus tea", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00082-00031689-00032006": "I’ll make it pinky by using Hibiscus tea", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00083-00032140-00032353": "Ahmad rosehip hibiscus and cherry", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00084-00032565-00032778": "soak it out a little bit to make it pink", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00085-00032999-00033212": "Put peaches in it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00086-00033362-00033591": "I prepared three peaches", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00087-00033591-00033821": "But since there’s not enough room in the pot, I ate one haha", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00088-00034054-00034225": "sugar", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00089-00034426-00034680": "Boil it for 30~40 mins, and it’s done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00090-00034680-00034893": "It takes a while,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00091-00034893-00035155": "but it’s worth it!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00092-00035189-00035397": "When the peaches get softer, put 1tsp of lemon juice", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00093-00035443-00035693": "and let it cool.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00094-00035693-00035890": "Stewed Peach is done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00095-00035944-00036131": "Put it in a sterilized glass bottle", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00096-00036252-00036440": "I like this pink color!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00097-00036603-00036820": "It’s easy to eat when you want something sweet", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00098-00036916-00037074": "Put some juice together", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00099-00037237-00037433": "I tried a spoon of juice", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00100-00037433-00037658": "and it’s just so good, so sweet!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00101-00037796-00037962": "Close it tight", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00102-00037962-00038188": "and let it cool in the fridge", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00103-00038484-00038709": "But I can’t wait it,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00104-00038867-00039093": "so I’ll try one!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00105-00039168-00039360": "Because it’s so soft,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00106-00039360-00039552": "I don’t have to put that much effort on this", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00107-00039806-00039902": "Yum-yum!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00108-00039902-00040052": "Wow…. it’s just so delicious", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00109-00040240-00040423": "It’s similar to Canned peach", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00110-00040423-00040636": "But this has non-artificial taste!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00111-00040899-00041070": "A shot of juice", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00112-00041195-00041303": "Yay, so nice!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00113-00041303-00041604": "Today is pollack-roe day!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00114-00041604-00041937": "I’ll make a pollack roe egg roll and Ochazuke", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00115-00042129-00042375": "Chop a leak into small pieces.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00116-00042667-00042821": "chop-chop-chop", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00117-00043218-00043422": "Put it in a wooden bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00118-00043422-00043589": "Next, salted pollack roe!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00119-00043651-00043885": "I bought this from Market Kurly", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00120-00043885-00044098": "It’s 3 times bigger than normal salted pollack roe!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00121-00044144-00044294": "I love it!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00122-00044294-00044465": "Get one", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00123-00044494-00044665": "Cut it in half", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00124-00044811-00044982": "and remove the peel", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00125-00045120-00045320": "I’ll buy this again!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00126-00045320-00045516": "Even though it’s expensive, I think it’s worth it!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00127-00045633-00045829": "Let’s make an egg roll than", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00128-00045862-00045979": "(plop)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00129-00046091-00046233": "(plop again)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00130-00046275-00046504": "Because pollack roe is salty, I’ll put 3 eggs", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00131-00046550-00046688": "Grind the pepper", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00132-00046901-00047130": "and mix the egg well", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00133-00047576-00047806": "Put some oil in the pan", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00134-00047822-00048002": "and spread it evenly", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00135-00048131-00048335": "Put some egg mixture", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00136-00048406-00048611": "Put the pollack roe at the edge", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00137-00048903-00049107": "I’m so happy that I can put pollack roe this much", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00138-00049245-00049449": "Fold the edge and roll it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00139-00049858-00050024": "mission complete!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00140-00050024-00050179": "add more oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00141-00050212-00050412": "Put egg mixture again,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00142-00050412-00050613": "and do this again.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00143-00050692-00050892": "Rolling", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00144-00051196-00051380": "It’s 2 times bigger than I usually made", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00145-00051643-00051826": "Let it cool on the wooden board", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00146-00051935-00052118": "Next is grilled pollack roe!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00147-00052160-00052398": "It’s better if you grill it with sesame oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00148-00052502-00052723": "pollack roe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00149-00052723-00052994": "Because it’s popping everywhere, be careful!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00150-00053103-00053290": "For grilled pollack roe, use less salty one", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00151-00053290-00053470": "or remove seasoning on it.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00152-00053570-00053778": "I really want a cup of beer…", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00153-00053778-00053987": "cut the egg rolls then!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00154-00054070-00054279": "Wow…", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00155-00054316-00054491": "Can’t you see the pollack roe…?", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00156-00054692-00055004": "Cut it a bit thickly not to lose pollack roe.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00157-00055146-00055321": "I can eat 2 bowls of rice with this", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00158-00055321-00055530": "Put it on the plate", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00159-00055951-00056085": "and place it on the table.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00160-00056085-00056293": "Let’s make a Ochazuke", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00161-00056414-00056660": "Ochazuke is a dish pouring green tea on rice.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00162-00056660-00056906": "You might be surprised if you don’t know, but it’s good!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00163-00057111-00057373": "Infuse the green tea", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00164-00057444-00057653": "Cut the pollack roe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00165-00057703-00057874": "CAREFULLY", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00166-00058062-00058258": "It’s better to grill it in a short time.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00167-00058258-00058445": "Because it gets crispy outside", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00168-00058445-00058633": "and soft inside.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00169-00058683-00058846": "Perfect!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00170-00058846-00059021": "Put some rice in the bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00171-00059213-00059388": "I usually eat a bowl of rice,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00172-00059388-00059563": "but today, I’ll eat more..!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00173-00059801-00060005": "Furikake", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00174-00060139-00060351": "Top the pollack roe this much", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00175-00060489-00060702": "It’s simple", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00176-00060731-00060944": "because all you need is green tea and pollack roe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00177-00061035-00061248": "Pour the green tea at the edge", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00178-00061457-00061594": "Pollack roe Ochazuke is done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00179-00061594-00061761": "Let’s go eat!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00180-00061811-00062003": "Bon appetite :)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00181-00062095-00062262": "Put the pollack roe on the rice", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00182-00062420-00062587": "Yum yum!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00183-00062695-00062916": "It you like pollack roe, you’ll definitely like this!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00184-00063037-00063259": "Green tea goes well with salty pollack roe.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00185-00063384-00063609": "Let’s try some pollack roe egg roll.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00186-00063809-00063997": "As you may know, it’s so delicious!!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00187-00064064-00064222": "It’s soft and delicious", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00188-00064222-00064539": "It was so nice dinner with this pollack roe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00189-00064539-00064877": "Ochazuke makes me warm and comfortable", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00190-00064877-00065106": "Thanks for today’s meal!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00191-00065106-00065407": "For today’s dinner, let’s make summer pasta.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00192-00065444-00065665": "I saw this recipe a lot on Instagram!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00193-00065673-00065894": "Chop the half of onion into really small pieces", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00194-00065894-00066091": "Make cuts vertically", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00195-00066224-00066420": "and horizontally", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00196-00066666-00066862": "and then chop it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00197-00067317-00067513": "into tiny small pieces.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00198-00067842-00068038": "Put it in a bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00199-00068084-00068280": "and pour water to remove some spicy taste", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00200-00068389-00068585": "For perfect cold pasta, cherry tomatoes!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00201-00068706-00068889": "Remove the stalk", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00202-00068889-00069023": "Cut it in half", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00203-00069569-00069719": "Put it in a bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00204-00069828-00069978": "3 pieces of garlic", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00205-00070082-00070261": "Chop-chop-chop", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00206-00070420-00070599": "Let’s make minced garlic!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00207-00071041-00071296": "Olive", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00208-00071367-00071513": "I’ll just use 3 pieces of it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00209-00071513-00071725": "Slice them thinly", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00210-00072430-00072630": "Pasta sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00211-00072630-00073168": "5tsp of olive oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00212-00073168-00073348": "1tsp of honey", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00213-00073348-00073510": "1/2tsp of minced garlic", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00214-00073510-00073765": "1tsp of lemon juice", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00215-00073765-00073982": "a pinch of salt", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00216-00073982-00074165": "Mix it well", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00217-00074207-00074445": "cast iron pan which I haven’t used for a year.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00218-00074516-00074737": "Stir-fry minced garlic with olive oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00219-00074920-00075141": "Make the garlic go into the oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00220-00075229-00075417": "Shrimp", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00221-00075571-00075767": "I actually wanted to put more shrimps", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00222-00075767-00076017": "but 5 is enough to make it pretty.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00223-00076088-00076280": "grind the pepper", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00224-00076334-00076526": "When it’s cooked enough, flip it over", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00225-00076814-00077031": "No no don’t be burned, garlic!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00226-00077227-00077427": "Put the shrimps on the plate", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00227-00077427-00077627": "and let’s boil pasta.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00228-00077756-00077957": "I’ll use thin pasta, spaghettini.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00229-00078073-00078261": "Please just put pasta for one…", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00230-00078407-00078616": "Boil it for 6 to 7 mins", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00231-00078678-00078887": "and rinse it into cold water", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00232-00079095-00079304": "Put the pasta in the plate", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00233-00079333-00079516": "cherry tomato", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00234-00079717-00079900": "chopped onion", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00235-00080109-00080292": "Pasta sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00236-00080505-00080688": "Let’s clean it…", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00237-00080764-00080947": "My love, shrimps", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00238-00081122-00081306": "Olive", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00239-00081456-00081639": "Burrata cheese", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00240-00081769-00081952": "I thought that I won’t be full enough with pasta", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00241-00081952-00082136": "but with this cheese, I was full!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00242-00082248-00082432": "Put it on the pasta", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00243-00082432-00082603": "Basil pesto", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00244-00082603-00082799": "from Fattorie Umbre", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00245-00082941-00083137": "Mix the solids with olive oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00246-00083316-00083512": "and I’ll use just one spoon", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00247-00083641-00083837": "Lastly, grind the pepper", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00248-00083929-00084142": "Cold pasta is done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00249-00084292-00084505": "I really love this moment I cut Burrata in half", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00250-00084505-00084713": "Soft and lumpy….!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00251-00084805-00085072": "It’s perfect dish for instagram", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00252-00085164-00085435": "I’ll drink passion fruit ade with this", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00253-00085848-00086115": "Mix the pasta carefully", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00254-00086227-00086436": "I actually am not familiar with this green dish", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00255-00086469-00086644": "I was worrying about this dish at that moment,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00256-00086644-00086832": "but right after a bite, my thoughts totally changed!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00257-00086941-00087116": "With cheese", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00258-00087153-00087328": "and plump shrimp", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00259-00087558-00087733": "and cherry tomato.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00260-00087733-00087862": "Let’s eat it!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00261-00087967-00088188": "I thought this is just for Instagram,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00262-00088188-00088371": "but it’s way more delicious than I expected!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00263-00088409-00088592": "I think it’s good for home-party", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00264-00088959-00089143": "This time, with this tiny little olive", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00265-00089305-00089418": "Yum-yum", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00266-00089418-00089660": "It’s fresh like summer!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00267-00089752-00090269": "Don’t forget lemon juice!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00268-00090269-00090799": "With grilled shrimps, the texture and the taste gets better!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00269-00090799-00091253": "With many solids, any pasta can be delicious actually :)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00270-00091253-00091779": "I highly recommend this to all of you!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00271-00091779-00092087": "For today, I’ll just make a peach Greek yogurt salad", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00272-00092208-00092438": "leftover cherry tomatoes from pasta", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00273-00092592-00092901": "Cut it in half", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00274-00092976-00093238": "Peach", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00275-00093485-00094152": "Make cuts vertically", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00276-00094152-00094477": "and horizontally", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00277-00094894-00095182": "then you can get this", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00278-00095307-00095633": "a pack of salad", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00279-00095945-00096166": "wash it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00280-00096166-00096508": "and put it in a bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00281-00096508-00096775": "cherry tomatoes", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00282-00096846-00097113": "balsamic sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00283-00097180-00097447": "peach", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00284-00097760-00098006": "a scoop of Greek yogurt", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00285-00098152-00098435": "For sweeter taste, I’ll add stewed peach.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00286-00098598-00098844": "Put it on the yogurt", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00287-00098844-00099086": "and of course, add syrup of it, too.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00288-00099086-00099311": "Peach Greek yogurt salad is done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00289-00099386-00099628": "Let’s cut it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00290-00099749-00100066": "You can see that I cut it smoothly", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00291-00100216-00100533": "With Greek yogurt and peach,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00292-00100650-00100971": "you can feel the taste of summer", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00293-00100971-00101272": "For today’s dinner, tribe rice", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00294-00101272-00101618": "Because I ate salad and made myself clean,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00295-00101680-00102026": "I’ll eat a greasy dish today!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00296-00102081-00102427": "Slice the onion thinly", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00297-00102598-00102827": "because it’s this thin, it’s not that spicy.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00298-00102898-00103119": "Put it in a bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00299-00103198-00103503": "and pour some water to remove the spicy taste", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00300-00103503-00103807": "chives go well with today’s dish", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00301-00104012-00104304": "I’ll make a seasoned chives", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00302-00104441-00104633": "Put it in a bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00303-00104633-00104804": "A little bit of soy sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00304-00104804-00104992": "A little bit of vinegar", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00305-00104992-00105146": "A little bit of chili powder", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00306-00105146-00105301": "A little bit of sugar syrup", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00307-00105301-00105492": "A little bit of sesame oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00308-00105492-00105684": "Mix it well", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00309-00105909-00106101": "Now, I’ll grill the tribe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00310-00106264-00106502": "Why it gets smaller after it’s cooked", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00311-00106502-00106781": "even though it was really big tribe!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00312-00106915-00107107": "Grill it until it’s golden brown", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00313-00107369-00107607": "It’s… just…. greasy", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00314-00107715-00107953": "When it’s cooked enough, cut it into a bite-sized pieces", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00315-00108412-00108737": "Wow.. I can’t believe that I can eat it in home", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00316-00108871-00109108": "(Sizzle)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00317-00109129-00109367": "Remove all the oil from the tribe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00318-00109509-00109747": "It’s essential because if you don’t do this, it gets more greasy!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00319-00110001-00110239": "When it’s cooked enough, add white wine", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00320-00110514-00110960": "and put 2tsp of teriyaki sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00321-00110960-00111227": "Stir-fry them", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00322-00111519-00111740": "Wow it just looks so delicious", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00323-00111740-00111920": "Put the rice in the bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00324-00112312-00112491": "and put seasoned chives a lot", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00325-00112587-00112775": "It’s greasy when you eat tribe,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00326-00112775-00112979": "but the chives make me refresh", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00327-00112979-00113113": "Put some onions", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00328-00113429-00113684": "and a lot of tribe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00329-00113934-00114126": "wipe the sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00330-00114247-00114355": "plop", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00331-00114451-00114672": "Egg yolk is essential for this dish!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00332-00114672-00114889": "Tribe rice is done", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00333-00115060-00115273": "I’ll drink blanc with this", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00334-00115548-00115761": "Let’s drink some beer first", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00335-00115986-00116178": "Bon appetite!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00336-00116291-00116520": "Mix the egg yolk with tribe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00337-00116649-00116879": "Start with the rice", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00338-00116966-00117104": "and put onion", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00339-00117104-00117333": "and a piece of tribe", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00340-00117454-00117680": "It just remove the whole stress from work", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00341-00117680-00117834": "so delicious", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00342-00118092-00118318": "It’s good if you add wasabi,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00343-00118318-00118543": "but I forgot this because I was so hungry", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00344-00118660-00118885": "I love it when the oil comes out of tribe…!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00345-00119106-00119269": "I can’t stop eating them", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00346-00119561-00119790": "I’ll eat it again….!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00347-00119890-00120049": "When you think it’s too greasy, drink some beer", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00348-00120265-00120441": "Then you can start again!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00349-00120441-00120904": "It’s simple but delicious!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00350-00120904-00121429": "I think of this when I got stress from work,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00351-00121429-00121809": "so I think I’ll make this often", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00352-00121809-00122067": "Thanks for the meal :)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00353-00122067-00122326": "It’s rainy today.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00354-00122443-00122701": "I really miss the sun in the sky…", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00355-00122701-00123002": "Because it’s rainy, I’ll make shrimp chives pan cakes and tofu-kimchi", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00356-00123002-00123256": "slice the onion", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00357-00123852-00124107": "Long time no see, red pepper", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00358-00124174-00124461": "Actually I don’t buy this red pepper usually", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00359-00124461-00124707": "but I bought this for decoration", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00360-00124749-00124995": "It’s easy to use if you slice them and put it in the freezer", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00361-00125125-00125262": "chives", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00362-00125262-00125508": "Cut it into 5cm sized pieces", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00363-00125971-00126217": "I’ll make fried tofu, too.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00364-00126347-00126593": "Cut it in half", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00365-00126859-00127106": "Cut it into this size", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00366-00127690-00127906": "Put the chives in the bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00367-00128069-00128232": "Onion", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00368-00128232-00128394": "Little bit of minced shrimp", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00369-00128470-00128661": "pancake powder", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00370-00128761-00128953": "water", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00371-00129070-00129262": "Mix it well", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00372-00129425-00129642": "I usually make this quickly,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00373-00129642-00129858": "so I don’t know the exact recipe…!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00374-00130109-00130326": "Put some oil in the pan", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00375-00130392-00130609": "and grill the tofu", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00376-00130822-00130980": "Be careful when you use oil!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00377-00130980-00131197": "I usually think of this on rainy day!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00378-00131331-00131548": "When it’s golden brown, flip it over", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00379-00131694-00131910": "I’ll use two spatulas", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00380-00131977-00132194": "to flip it over easily", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00381-00132432-00132649": "Put the fried kimchi in the bowl", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00382-00132782-00132891": "( A LOT )", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00383-00133037-00133253": "Place the tofu next to it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00384-00133587-00133804": "It just goes well with kimchi", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00385-00134188-00134367": "Tofu-Kimchi is done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00386-00134367-00134580": "Let’s make chives pan cake!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00387-00134730-00134943": "Make it round with spoon", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00388-00135239-00135451": "Add more oil", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00389-00135639-00135852": "Put the shrimp on the chive-pancake like this", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00390-00135956-00136169": "Push it like this", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00391-00136169-00136382": "then the shrimp sticks to the pancake", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00392-00136457-00136636": "top the red pepper on it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00393-00136832-00137070": "It’s better with red color!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00394-00137095-00137287": "(Sizzle)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00395-00137399-00137654": "I actually am not good at flipping over", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00396-00137654-00137908": "but it’s easy with this small pancakes", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00397-00137962-00138167": "The whole shrimp makes it more delicious!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00398-00138258-00138463": "Put it in the plate", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00399-00138855-00139059": "Today’s dinner is ready!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00400-00139209-00139414": "Ta-dah… food is gone…!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00401-00139414-00139618": "Because I realized that mic was turned off while I’m eating it", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00402-00139727-00139968": "Dip the pancake into the soy sauce", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00403-00139968-00140210": "I love the texture with shrimp", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00404-00140348-00140590": "Let’s try some tofu-kimchi", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00405-00140849-00141090": "Crunchy and greasy!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00406-00141224-00141441": "Today’s drink is sparkling water :)", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00407-00141578-00141837": "I didn’t understand that sparkling water is delicious,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00408-00141837-00142112": "but I do… these days… haha", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00409-00142112-00142542": "It’s a perfect menu on rainy day!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00410-00142542-00142934": "BTW, I want to know when the rain is over…", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00411-00142934-00143293": "I wish I could see the sun soon", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00412-00143293-00143589": "Today’s desert – Einspanner and cheesecake", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00413-00143589-00143868": "Pour some whipped cream in the cup", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00414-00144348-00144561": "Turn on the mini whipping machine", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00415-00144802-00145040": "Until it doubles", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00416-00145391-00145628": "Put a lot of ice in the cup", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00417-00145883-00146120": "omg,,", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00418-00146254-00146421": "Coffee", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00419-00146488-00146654": "Water", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00420-00146746-00146971": "and mix them", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00421-00147213-00147476": "Put whipped cream on the top", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00422-00147593-00147810": "cinnamon powder", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00423-00147960-00148152": "Einspanner is done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00424-00148277-00148548": "I bought this from Market Kurly because it’s on promotion.", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00425-00148548-00148731": "It’s $7 normally, but it’s too expensive", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00426-00148731-00148952": "because it’s too small…..", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00427-00149290-00149511": "blueberry compote", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00428-00149511-00149774": "Like blueberry cheesecake in Starbucks!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00429-00150170-00150400": "Today's video is done!", "l_2_VMrF0tc-00430-00150400-00150846": "Thanks for watching :)"}}, {"audio_id": "l_7L4ssFl8E", "text": {"l_7L4ssFl8E-00000-00000053-00000153": "Well, hello there!", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00001-00000153-00000958": "It’s Matt from Kenhub, and today, we will be talking about what exactly is a ligament.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00002-00000958-00001473": "If you have any involvement in athletics or if you know people over the age of forty,", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00003-00001473-00001982": "it's pretty much a guarantee that you've heard someone talking about their ACL or some other", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00004-00001982-00002156": "torn ligament in their knee.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00005-00002156-00002741": "Maybe, you've gasped in surprise or sighed in sympathy, but didn't really understand", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00006-00002741-00002980": "what exactly they were talking about.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00007-00002980-00003446": "After watching this short video tutorial, you will be able to identify what a ligament", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00008-00003446-00003851": "is and what it does.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00009-00003851-00004128": "Ligaments are often confused with tendons.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00010-00004128-00004678": "The purpose of a tendon is to secure bone to muscle but a ligament has the role of binding", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00011-00004678-00004939": "one bone to another bone.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00012-00004939-00005390": "Ligaments are made of a fibrous connective tissue and are found throughout the anatomy.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00013-00005390-00005991": "The following are a few of these structures.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00014-00005991-00006715": "The ACL or anterior cruciate ligament – shown here in green – bonds the femur to the tibia", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00015-00006715-00007608": "along with the PCL or posterior cruciate ligament which is now highlighted.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00016-00007608-00008143": "Here we see the iliofemoral ligament and the ischiofemoral ligament which connect the hip", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00017-00008143-00008476": "bone to the femur.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00018-00008476-00009229": "Here, the medial collateral deltoid ligament is highlighted but you can see that here are", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00019-00009229-00009608": "many, many ligaments connecting the bony structures.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00020-00009608-00010351": "They are the glue that holds our bag of bones together.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00021-00010351-00010645": "This video is more fun than reading a textbook, right?", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00022-00010645-00011309": "If you want more videos, interactive quizzes, articles, and an atlas of human anatomy, click", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00023-00011309-00011588": "on the “Take me to Kenhub” button.", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00024-00011588-00012062": "It is time to say goodbye to your old textbooks and say hello to your new anatomy learning", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00025-00012062-00012246": "partner, Kenhub!", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00026-00012246-00012346": "See you there!", "l_7L4ssFl8E-00027-00012346-00012346": "https://www.kenhub.com"}}, {"audio_id": "l_juqNvkfgE", "text": {"l_juqNvkfgE-00000-00000494-00001026": "This Thursday, April 30th from 11am to 4pm, the City of Santa Rosa is teaming up with", "l_juqNvkfgE-00001-00001026-00001462": "Redwood Empire Food Bank for a Drive-Thru Food and Funds Drive at Santa Rosa’s City", "l_juqNvkfgE-00002-00001462-00001587": "Hall.", "l_juqNvkfgE-00003-00001587-00002122": "In Sonoma County alone, roughly 164,000 children, seniors, and adults are projected", "l_juqNvkfgE-00004-00002122-00002555": "to need food, groceries, and meals during this public health emergency.", "l_juqNvkfgE-00005-00002555-00002978": "The non-perishable food you donate during the Drive-Thru Food and Funds Drive will help", "l_juqNvkfgE-00006-00002978-00003236": "keep our neighbors from going hungry.", "l_juqNvkfgE-00007-00003236-00003729": "How does a “Drive-Thru Food and Funds Drive” actually work? It’s an easy, contact-free", "l_juqNvkfgE-00008-00003729-00004098": "way to help your community in three easy steps:", "l_juqNvkfgE-00009-00004098-00004682": "Step 1: Select non-perishable goods you would like to donate from your pantry or the grocery", "l_juqNvkfgE-00010-00004682-00005298": "store. Items like canned tuna, peanut butter, and canned soups and stews are always a good", "l_juqNvkfgE-00011-00005298-00005580": "choice. Place these items in a grocery bag.", "l_juqNvkfgE-00012-00005580-00006069": "Step 2: Before heading to the Food Drive, empty your trunk of items you do NOT want", "l_juqNvkfgE-00013-00006069-00006598": "to donate. Then place the bag or bags of non-perishable food in your trunk.", "l_juqNvkfgE-00014-00006598-00007141": "Step 3: Drive to Santa Rosa’s City Hall parking lot which can be accessed from D Street", "l_juqNvkfgE-00015-00007141-00007780": "in downtown Santa Rosa between 11am and 4pm to drop off your food. Simply pull into the", "l_juqNvkfgE-00016-00007780-00008241": "parking lot, pop the trunk, and a friendly volunteer will take your donation – directly", "l_juqNvkfgE-00017-00008241-00008605": "from your trunk – no need for you to get out of the car!", "l_juqNvkfgE-00018-00008605-00009086": "If you wish to donate monetary funds in person. Please wear your face covering, roll down", "l_juqNvkfgE-00019-00009086-00009523": "your window, and drop it in the Redwood Empire Food Bank’s collection jar.", "l_juqNvkfgE-00020-00009523-00010314": "Or even easier still, make a donation online at SRCity.org/FoodDrive", "l_juqNvkfgE-00021-00010314-00010666": "Thank you for helping your neighbors during this difficult time. We look forward to seeing", "l_juqNvkfgE-00022-00010666-00011116": "you at the Drive-Thru Food and Funds Drive. With your help, we will get through this together!", "l_juqNvkfgE-00023-00011116-00011852": "For more information about the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Food Drive visit at S R City dot", "l_juqNvkfgE-00024-00011852-00012049": "org slash Food Drive.", "l_juqNvkfgE-00025-00012049-00012468": "For local Coronavirus updates from the City of Santa Rosa", "l_juqNvkfgE-00026-00012488-00013050": "Visit SRCity.org/PreventTheSpread", "l_juqNvkfgE-00027-00013050-00013168": "Call 2-1-1", "l_juqNvkfgE-00028-00013168-00013766": "Or watch On Comcast Channel 28 and ATT-U-Verse Channel 99"}}, {"audio_id": "l_nb7o53vSc", "text": {"l_nb7o53vSc-00000-00000864-00001206": "Welcome to the assembly video of the modicap Black Edition", "l_nb7o53vSc-00001-00001258-00001646": "First you have to remove the original headstrap of the Oculus Quest", "l_nb7o53vSc-00002-00001864-00002158": "we remove the face pad", "l_nb7o53vSc-00003-00002931-00003171": "Now we remove the middle strap", "l_nb7o53vSc-00004-00004094-00004232": "just pull", "l_nb7o53vSc-00005-00004520-00004964": "The end of the strap is a little more difficult to pull", "l_nb7o53vSc-00006-00005702-00006074": "Next we have to remove this Velcro", "l_nb7o53vSc-00007-00006234-00006600": "I use a standard knife for this", "l_nb7o53vSc-00008-00006654-00007120": "you can use a scalpel or a normal knife", "l_nb7o53vSc-00009-00007394-00007800": "now you go with the knife under the Velcro", "l_nb7o53vSc-00010-00007868-00008126": "and try to pull it off", "l_nb7o53vSc-00011-00008194-00008518": "as you can see, it loosens a little", "l_nb7o53vSc-00012-00008716-00009014": "and you do that across the entire surface", "l_nb7o53vSc-00013-00011608-00011882": "We do the same on the other side", "l_nb7o53vSc-00014-00013726-00013990": "to remove the original headstrap of the quest...", "l_nb7o53vSc-00015-00014022-00014434": "we have to push this lock in", "l_nb7o53vSc-00016-00014650-00014884": "for this we use a slotted screwdriver", "l_nb7o53vSc-00017-00014927-00015065": "push that down", "l_nb7o53vSc-00018-00015118-00015336": "and I'm pulling the belt at the same time", "l_nb7o53vSc-00019-00015612-00016034": "and you can remove the whole thing", "l_nb7o53vSc-00020-00016294-00016596": "We do the same on the other side", "l_nb7o53vSc-00021-00016640-00016852": "here we have the point to press", "l_nb7o53vSc-00022-00017010-00017454": "we pull the lock until the end", "l_nb7o53vSc-00023-00017612-00017924": "and push the lock, down again with the screwdriver", "l_nb7o53vSc-00024-00017994-00018104": "and pull...", "l_nb7o53vSc-00025-00018338-00018576": "it is not always easy ;)", "l_nb7o53vSc-00026-00019150-00019364": "now we can pull the strap again", "l_nb7o53vSc-00027-00019386-00019652": "until we removed the whole thing", "l_nb7o53vSc-00028-00020174-00020422": "now we have removed the original headstrap", "l_nb7o53vSc-00029-00020500-00020733": "next we have to remove this sticker...", "l_nb7o53vSc-00030-00020734-00021138": "underneath are the screws to loosen the whole part", "l_nb7o53vSc-00031-00021380-00021602": "I'm now trying to loosen that with the knife", "l_nb7o53vSc-00032-00022647-00022782": "removed the first sticker", "l_nb7o53vSc-00033-00023005-00023242": "the whole thing on the other side again", "l_nb7o53vSc-00034-00024543-00024652": "that was the second sticker", "l_nb7o53vSc-00035-00024776-00025058": "next we have to remove this bracket...", "l_nb7o53vSc-00036-00025058-00025366": "We do that with the included 5 Torx screwdriver from Wiha", "l_nb7o53vSc-00037-00025644-00025814": "here are the 2 torx screws", "l_nb7o53vSc-00038-00025836-00026580": "If you can't see them exactly, move the holder until the screws are visible", "l_nb7o53vSc-00039-00026610-00026783": "and then you can remove the screws", "l_nb7o53vSc-00040-00027436-00027741": "keep the screws, because they are still needed", "l_nb7o53vSc-00041-00028493-00028628": "and we have already removed the first bracket", "l_nb7o53vSc-00042-00028785-00029132": "the whole thing on the other side again", "l_nb7o53vSc-00043-00030159-00030441": "and we have already removed the bracket", "l_nb7o53vSc-00044-00030662-00030957": "next we mount the face pad", "l_nb7o53vSc-00045-00031321-00031486": "just press on it...", "l_nb7o53vSc-00046-00031624-00031732": "and done", "l_nb7o53vSc-00047-00031788-00032300": "next we mount the modicap Black Edition on the quest", "l_nb7o53vSc-00048-00032332-00032708": "for this we first lay this cable here", "l_nb7o53vSc-00049-00033404-00033756": "we lay this cable here", "l_nb7o53vSc-00050-00033872-00034460": "and now we can attach the bracket here", "l_nb7o53vSc-00051-00034760-00034972": "it can only be applied in one direction", "l_nb7o53vSc-00052-00035097-00035269": "it is also no longer rotatable", "l_nb7o53vSc-00053-00035304-00035652": "the rotating mechanism was in the original bracket", "l_nb7o53vSc-00054-00035928-00036260": "now we put the original screws on", "l_nb7o53vSc-00055-00036948-00037280": "and turn this hand tight", "l_nb7o53vSc-00056-00038232-00038520": "Hand tight only !!!", "l_nb7o53vSc-00057-00038684-00038784": "Second Screw", "l_nb7o53vSc-00058-00039324-00039732": "now insert the jack plug", "l_nb7o53vSc-00059-00039784-00040060": "we also do the whole thing on the other side", "l_nb7o53vSc-00060-00040200-00040580": "then we put the bracket on", "l_nb7o53vSc-00061-00040668-00040800": "hold this tight", "l_nb7o53vSc-00062-00041025-00041224": "and put on the original screws", "l_nb7o53vSc-00063-00041781-00041914": "and turn it hand tight", "l_nb7o53vSc-00064-00043527-00043711": "and the assembly is done", "l_nb7o53vSc-00065-00043753-00044073": "Have fun with the modicap Black Edition"}}, {"audio_id": "l__byFoOLwo", "text": {"l__byFoOLwo-00000-00001470-00001709": "I find it very helpful when talking", "l__byFoOLwo-00001-00001709-00002054": "about any sound  system or any sign system", "l__byFoOLwo-00002-00002054-00002282": "or any communication system to think", "l__byFoOLwo-00003-00002282-00002732": "in terms of 4 S's: sound, sight, sense and", "l__byFoOLwo-00004-00002732-00002918": "structure. It's a mnemonic, it's easy to", "l__byFoOLwo-00005-00002918-00003539": "remember and so if you take language which is  our", "l__byFoOLwo-00006-00003539-00003875": "main thing here I'm emitting sounds at", "l__byFoOLwo-00007-00003875-00003959": "the moment", "l__byFoOLwo-00008-00003959-00004262": "ok so there's phonemes in what I'm doing", "l__byFoOLwo-00009-00004262-00004496": "but there's also intonation curves and", "l__byFoOLwo-00010-00004496-00004625": "stuff like that but it's all to do with", "l__byFoOLwo-00011-00004625-00004988": "sound. Sound is really important, it's one aspect", "l__byFoOLwo-00012-00004988-00005285": "of language. Sight,  of course, you can see", "l__byFoOLwo-00013-00005285-00005507": "me too, there's that dimension to what's going on", "l__byFoOLwo-00014-00005507-00005723": "here. We use sight principally, of course,", "l__byFoOLwo-00015-00005723-00006007": "linguistically for reading - the graphology", "l__byFoOLwo-00016-00006007-00006278": "and all the rest of it. So this is part", "l__byFoOLwo-00017-00006278-00006539": "of the kind of medium transferability of", "l__byFoOLwo-00018-00006539-00006763": "language, of course, it does this as sound", "l__byFoOLwo-00019-00006763-00007021": "and sight and gets around in the world", "l__byFoOLwo-00020-00007021-00007240": "in those ways. Crucial,", "l__byFoOLwo-00021-00007240-00007531": "absolutely crucial. Quite a lot of people", "l__byFoOLwo-00022-00007531-00007693": "when they approach language just approach", "l__byFoOLwo-00023-00007693-00008023": "it in terms of meaning. No! That's a quarter", "l__byFoOLwo-00024-00008023-00008503": "of the effect if you like. Sound and", "l__byFoOLwo-00025-00008503-00008599": "sight", "l__byFoOLwo-00026-00008599-00008942": "what you hear what you see. And the", "l__byFoOLwo-00027-00008942-00009185": "final one: structure,  how the things hold", "l__byFoOLwo-00028-00009185-00009527": "together gramatically, syntax in terms of", "l__byFoOLwo-00029-00009527-00009871": "a text, its cohesion, bigger frames, its", "l__byFoOLwo-00030-00009871-00010124": "genre, its discourse but anyway how", "l__byFoOLwo-00031-00010124-00010378": "things hold together. Helpful - any and", "l__byFoOLwo-00032-00010378-00010615": "every text and ultimately virtually most", "l__byFoOLwo-00033-00010615-00010882": "sign systems can be approached in terms", "l__byFoOLwo-00034-00010882-00011206": "of those things: sound and sight and", "l__byFoOLwo-00035-00011206-00011479": "Sense and structure. To cover the bases", "l__byFoOLwo-00036-00011479-00011650": "differently -  in the middle of that page", "l__byFoOLwo-00037-00011650-00011771": "there's a series of steps", "l__byFoOLwo-00038-00011771-00011972": "which you can regard as a", "l__byFoOLwo-00039-00011972-00012335": "kind of escalator going up or down", "l__byFoOLwo-00040-00012335-00012565": "as you wish. At the bottom there", "l__byFoOLwo-00041-00012565-00012941": "'Stair', 'steps', 'stages', levels' you'll see it's", "l__byFoOLwo-00042-00012941-00013286": "got word as sound - are we all on the same page", "l__byFoOLwo-00043-00013286-00013531": "literally, yes? - and then word as sight", "l__byFoOLwo-00044-00013531-00013784": "word as sound - phonology and prosody -", "l__byFoOLwo-00045-00013784-00014047": "what I was just talking about, word as sight and", "l__byFoOLwo-00046-00014047-00014258": "graphology and layout, then we come up to", "l__byFoOLwo-00047-00014258-00014852": "structure of individual words - morphology", "l__byFoOLwo-00048-00014852-00015191": "and then we come up to word choice -", "l__byFoOLwo-00049-00015191-00015416": "lexis, vocabulary, diction. Then we come up to", "l__byFoOLwo-00050-00015416-00015653": "words together combined - phrasing,", "l__byFoOLwo-00051-00015653-00015935": "collocation, chunking (bits that you break", "l__byFoOLwo-00052-00015935-00016163": "things down into). Go up another level,", "l__byFoOLwo-00053-00016163-00016412": "if you like, in the written form", "l__byFoOLwo-00054-00016412-00016670": "formal written form, sentences in the spoken form", "l__byFoOLwo-00055-00016670-00017000": "utterances. They relate but, of course, are", "l__byFoOLwo-00056-00017000-00017195": "not the same. We go up again to text", "l__byFoOLwo-00057-00017195-00017447": "structure - cohesion, the wholes and you", "l__byFoOLwo-00058-00017447-00017663": "could regard this whole lecture as, iif", "l__byFoOLwo-00059-00017663-00018266": "you like, a text. Then kind of text - genre,", "l__byFoOLwo-00060-00018266-00018491": "intertextuality, well this is variously", "l__byFoOLwo-00061-00018491-00018863": "describable as lecture, a workshop, an", "l__byFoOLwo-00062-00018863-00019057": "education session whatever, and those are", "l__byFoOLwo-00063-00019057-00019295": "ways of describing it. Go up again,", "l__byFoOLwo-00064-00019295-00019568": "language variety in context - this is part of", "l__byFoOLwo-00065-00019568-00019945": "broadly educational, academic discourse if", "l__byFoOLwo-00066-00019945-00020210": "you like, language variety in context is", "l__byFoOLwo-00067-00020210-00020366": "quite a nice way of seeing discourse.", "l__byFoOLwo-00068-00020366-00020554": "You can add the power dimensions as you", "l__byFoOLwo-00069-00020554-00020845": "wish. Then we've got language and culture as", "l__byFoOLwo-00070-00020845-00021416": "a whole. I put 'w/hole' because i like", "l__byFoOLwo-00071-00021416-00021725": "doing that kind of things but also it's", "l__byFoOLwo-00072-00021725-00021878": "a way of demonstrating that actually", "l__byFoOLwo-00073-00021878-00022100": "while the language appears to be a whole", "l__byFoOLwo-00074-00022100-00022423": "a notional totality, it is actually full of", "l__byFoOLwo-00075-00022423-00022568": "holes and it's moving all over the place.", "l__byFoOLwo-00076-00022568-00022889": "I'll give you an instance of a hole, the big OED, Oxford", "l__byFoOLwo-00077-00022889-00023051": "English Dictionary contains about a million", "l__byFoOLwo-00078-00023051-00023255": "words. There's probably another million", "l__byFoOLwo-00079-00023255-00023669": "not in it. Ok, that's a hole. You know the", "l__byFoOLwo-00080-00023669-00023849": "whole language really when it's actually", "l__byFoOLwo-00081-00023849-00024080": "full of holes, full of gaps. Just as there are gaps", "l__byFoOLwo-00082-00024080-00024278": "between my words at the moment and so", "l__byFoOLwo-00083-00024278-00024449": "forth so that's the language, if you like,", "l__byFoOLwo-00084-00024449-00024898": "English broadly conceived.", "l__byFoOLwo-00085-00024898-00025333": "It is not creation from nothing, it is", "l__byFoOLwo-00086-00025333-00025554": "creating from something.", "l__byFoOLwo-00087-00025554-00026091": "Ok? Recreated as something else. We never", "l__byFoOLwo-00088-00026091-00026287": "start with a tabula rasa -", "l__byFoOLwo-00089-00026287-00026338": "with nothing -", "l__byFoOLwo-00090-00026338-00026547": "we always start with languages as it exists and texts.", "l__byFoOLwo-00091-00026547-00027094": "No creativity without constraint.", "l__byFoOLwo-00092-00027094-00027358": "The idea of limitless creativity is nonsense.", "l__byFoOLwo-00093-00027358-00027649": "There have to be constraints to give", "l__byFoOLwo-00094-00027649-00027988": "things form, to do times, places, persons", "l__byFoOLwo-00095-00027988-00028158": "and so on and you'll be getting a few", "l__byFoOLwo-00096-00028158-00028327": "constraints as we move.", "l__byFoOLwo-00097-00028327-00028695": "Creativity is not sloppy-goes-anywhere", "l__byFoOLwo-00098-00028695-00028791": "freedom,", "l__byFoOLwo-00099-00028791-00029224": "ok, it's actually about measured, freedom,", "l__byFoOLwo-00100-00029224-00029644": "response to circumstance. A deadline as", "l__byFoOLwo-00101-00029644-00029922": "you know, is wonderful at focusing the mind.", "l__byFoOLwo-00102-00029922-00030274": "In that respect it's a lifeline.", "l__byFoOLwo-00104-00030610-00030838": "Your first engagement with a", "l__byFoOLwo-00105-00030838-00031168": "verbal text should be to read it out loud -", "l__byFoOLwo-00106-00031168-00031602": "viva voce - and then it's not only a", "l__byFoOLwo-00107-00031602-00031747": "series of ideas: 'Oh that's an", "l__byFoOLwo-00108-00031747-00031897": "interesting idea... Oh that's an interesting idea...", "l__byFoOLwo-00110-00031960-00032638": "It's a word, 'word' comes from the", "l__byFoOLwo-00111-00032638-00032899": "German 'wordam' and it means a becoming", "l__byFoOLwo-00112-00032899-00033436": "a word is a becoming, as in 'weird'", "l__byFoOLwo-00113-00033436-00033814": "weird sisters, and so on,  it's", "l__byFoOLwo-00114-00033814-00034210": "something that becomes and it only fully", "l__byFoOLwo-00115-00034210-00034567": "becomes if it's activated, articulated", "l__byFoOLwo-00116-00034567-00034870": "and exchanged. If it doesn't do all those", "l__byFoOLwo-00117-00034870-00035029": "things it's not a word,", "l__byFoOLwo-00118-00035029-00035290": "it does not, it's not a full becoming.", "l__byFoOLwo-00119-00035290-00035608": "i'm just going to do a reading of this", "l__byFoOLwo-00120-00035608-00036007": "text which clearly doesn't primarily exist", "l__byFoOLwo-00121-00036007-00036382": "as you'll see and you may know already as", "l__byFoOLwo-00122-00036382-00036829": "a spoken text but I've got to put it into", "l__byFoOLwo-00123-00036829-00037027": "speech because you sees it's obviously", "l__byFoOLwo-00124-00037027-00037318": "primarily written, it's  a note. Here we go.", "l__byFoOLwo-00125-00037318-00037567": "So this will be one realization or", "l__byFoOLwo-00126-00037567-00037870": "interpretation. Somebody else - and you'll", "l__byFoOLwo-00127-00037870-00038011": "do it in your groups - would read it", "l__byFoOLwo-00128-00038011-00038194": "differently but this is how I'm going to", "l__byFoOLwo-00129-00038194-00038422": "do it, this is how its realized for the", "l__byFoOLwo-00130-00038422-00039058": "nonce, for now . 'This is just to say I have", "l__byFoOLwo-00131-00039058-00039316": "eaten the plums that were in the icebox", "l__byFoOLwo-00132-00039316-00039736": "and which you were probably saving for", "l__byFoOLwo-00133-00039736-00039829": "breakfast.", "l__byFoOLwo-00134-00039829-00040342": "Forgive me they were delicious,", "l__byFoOLwo-00135-00040342-00040756": "so sweet and so cold.'", "l__byFoOLwo-00136-00040756-00041074": "Ok, now that was a realization.", "l__byFoOLwo-00137-00041074-00041197": "People could do it differently they", "l__byFoOLwo-00138-00041197-00041377": "could mutter that, hey could mumble it,", "l__byFoOLwo-00139-00041377-00041486": "they could shout it.", "l__byFoOLwo-00140-00041486-00042149": "[Shouts] 'This is just to say'. No. [Whispers]", "l__byFoOLwo-00141-00042149-00042505": "Volumes, intonations, attitudes can be", "l__byFoOLwo-00142-00042505-00042755": "very offhand, 'This is just to say I've eaten the", "l__byFoOLwo-00143-00042755-00043183": "plums that were in the icebox'. Ok.", "l__byFoOLwo-00144-00043183-00043375": "It can be realized and each one of those", "l__byFoOLwo-00145-00043375-00043597": "articulations is a re-reading and an", "l__byFoOLwo-00146-00043597-00043930": "interpretation. Notice, interpretation has", "l__byFoOLwo-00147-00043930-00044183": "an anlytical sense:  if  you're", "l__byFoOLwo-00148-00044183-00044395": "talking about musicians or actors how do", "l__byFoOLwo-00149-00044395-00044734": "they interpret work? They interpret it", "l__byFoOLwo-00150-00044734-00044849": "by playing it.", "l__byFoOLwo-00151-00044849-00045184": "Yeah? You interpret a symphony, a chamber", "l__byFoOLwo-00152-00045184-00045449": "orchestra, the latest cover or whatever", "l__byFoOLwo-00153-00045449-00045775": "it is, a Bowie, you interpret it by doing", "l__byFoOLwo-00154-00045775-00046159": "it and that's what we also do as well as", "l__byFoOLwo-00155-00046159-00046393": "the analytical stuff. Interpretation is", "l__byFoOLwo-00156-00046393-00046651": "both if you like active and passive,", "l__byFoOLwo-00157-00046651-00046993": "critical and creative. Now you're going to do", "l__byFoOLwo-00158-00046993-00047365": "something, you're going to do them separately.", "l__byFoOLwo-00159-00047365-00047653": "All the groups to my left here", "l__byFoOLwo-00160-00047653-00048025": "decide how you want to play it.", "l__byFoOLwo-00161-00048025-00048802": "What I would like you to do is...", "l__byFoOLwo-00162-00048802-00049213": "I want you to write a note back to the", "l__byFoOLwo-00163-00049213-00049655": "person who left this note, to the person", "l__byFoOLwo-00164-00049655-00050203": "who pilfered your plums. Ok, you guys to my", "l__byFoOLwo-00165-00050203-00050749": "right you're going to add a different", "l__byFoOLwo-00166-00050749-00050950": "kind of response - you'll see that they relate -", "l__byFoOLwo-00167-00050950-00051256": "and I want you to analyze this text but", "l__byFoOLwo-00168-00051256-00051478": "I want you to do it in a particular way and", "l__byFoOLwo-00169-00051478-00051664": "it is recorded under the", "l__byFoOLwo-00170-00051664-00051910": "tips, under those stairs earlier.", "l__byFoOLwo-00171-00051910-00052171": "What I want you to do is talk about the thing", "l__byFoOLwo-00172-00052171-00052491": "you first noticed, the second thing you noticed,", "l__byFoOLwo-00173-00052491-00052798": "and then the third thing. tIf you've done it before", "l__byFoOLwo-00174-00052798-00053004": "alright it's kind of familiar territory already", "l__byFoOLwo-00175-00053004-00053308": "but focus on the first thing that stikes", "l__byFoOLwo-00176-00053308-00053575": "you about this analytically, and", "l__byFoOLwo-00177-00053575-00053701": "then the second and the third until you're", "l__byFoOLwo-00178-00053701-00054469": "finished. You've got six minutes", "l__byFoOLwo-00179-00054469-00055200": "to produce a note back", "l__byFoOLwo-00180-00055200-00057070": "[Discussion]", "l__byFoOLwo-00181-00058079-00058374": "Ok now i want you just be aware of the", "l__byFoOLwo-00182-00058374-00058659": "two things that are happening, in very various", "l__byFoOLwo-00183-00058659-00058979": "heterogeneous ways from you as your", "l__byFoOLwo-00184-00058979-00059346": "responses to this one text. A text", "l__byFoOLwo-00185-00059346-00059673": "which I'm now going to realize again and", "l__byFoOLwo-00186-00059673-00059916": "another kind of performance, deliberately different", "l__byFoOLwo-00187-00059916-00060102": "But think, just think that", "l__byFoOLwo-00188-00060102-00060273": "you're responding with the text", "l__byFoOLwo-00189-00060273-00060447": "that you produced, you're responding with", "l__byFoOLwo-00190-00060447-00060888": "your analyses, it has transformed. However", "l__byFoOLwo-00191-00060888-00060992": "you put tit, whether it be critical or", "l__byFoOLwo-00192-00060992-00061344": "creatively, it's transformed and it's done so", "l__byFoOLwo-00193-00061344-00061578": "not just through a process of just", "l__byFoOLwo-00194-00061578-00061761": "stimulus and response from me,", "l__byFoOLwo-00195-00061761-00062030": "it's happened through", "l__byFoOLwo-00196-00062030-00062364": "exchanges here, change and exhange mixed up.", "l__byFoOLwo-00198-00062409-00062907": "So this plenitude, this plethora of responses,", "l__byFoOLwo-00199-00062907-00063171": "which we're gonna get into in a bit, are", "l__byFoOLwo-00200-00063171-00063564": "from this iit is one that has become many.", "l__byFoOLwo-00201-00063564-00063747": "Although it is itself many because I'm", "l__byFoOLwo-00202-00063747-00063945": "going to do it again. 'This is just to say", "l__byFoOLwo-00203-00063945-00064197": "I've eaten the plums that were in the", "l__byFoOLwo-00204-00064197-00064491": "icebox and which you were probably saving", "l__byFoOLwo-00205-00064491-00064960": "for breakfast. Forgive me,  they were delicious", "l__byFoOLwo-00206-00064960-00065160": "so sweet and so cold.'", "l__byFoOLwo-00207-00065251-00065917": "Okay, can we have some of the texts that", "l__byFoOLwo-00208-00065917-00066274": "were notes back. Can we have one from here?", "l__byFoOLwo-00210-00066385-00066691": "'Well this is just to say back that I'm", "l__byFoOLwo-00211-00066691-00066967": "glad you've eaten them. If only it was", "l__byFoOLwo-00212-00066967-00067180": "just about the plums.", "l__byFoOLwo-00213-00067180-00067486": "You've done it again, thinking everything", "l__byFoOLwo-00214-00067486-00067696": "in this office belongs to you and you", "l__byFoOLwo-00215-00067696-00068266": "can just take it.'  Great! And context", "l__byFoOLwo-00216-00068266-00068416": "filled out, a whole set of attitudes.", "l__byFoOLwo-00217-00068416-00068599": "And I'll be interested to know", "l__byFoOLwo-00218-00068599-00068791": "how it's set out on the page, is it", "l__byFoOLwo-00219-00068791-00069121": "continuous or is it actually lineated. It's", "l__byFoOLwo-00220-00069121-00069355": "lineated? Ok, so you picked up a formal", "l__byFoOLwo-00221-00069355-00069811": "constraint, or cue, from the text. You", "l__byFoOLwo-00222-00069811-00069958": "come back with a response, you filled out", "l__byFoOLwo-00223-00069958-00070156": "your own particular context and all the", "l__byFoOLwo-00224-00070156-00070303": "attitude and so on. Now you could", "l__byFoOLwo-00225-00070303-00070642": "analyze that, of course, but it is a", "l__byFoOLwo-00226-00070642-00070903": "response. if you like for the sake of a word,", "l__byFoOLwo-00227-00070903-00071119": "it is a creative response, but clearly", "l__byFoOLwo-00228-00071119-00071272": "it's also critical.", "l__byFoOLwo-00229-00071272-00071431": "It's critical because you've been", "l__byFoOLwo-00230-00071431-00071620": "weighing up what's being said in this", "l__byFoOLwo-00231-00071620-00071878": "text and how it's being said so it's not", "l__byFoOLwo-00232-00071878-00072025": "that it's separate from the critical", "l__byFoOLwo-00233-00072025-00072217": "faculty you didn't suddenly go, 'bleah' and", "l__byFoOLwo-00234-00072217-00072511": "create, you thought it and you", "l__byFoOLwo-00235-00072511-00072871": "talked and processed it so that is", "l__byFoOLwo-00236-00072871-00073285": "a creative critical activity with the", "l__byFoOLwo-00237-00073285-00073450": "emphasis on the creative. Can we have another", "l__byFoOLwo-00238-00073450-00073747": "one from here. 'Don't care they were", "l__byFoOLwo-00239-00073747-00074311": "out of date anyway. Diarrhoea possibility. ' [Laughter]", "l__byFoOLwo-00240-00074311-00074533": "How is that set out on the page? You've done it like that.", "l__byFoOLwo-00241-00074533-00074980": "Okay, so a different line , no mention", "l__byFoOLwo-00242-00074980-00075331": "of diarrhoea in this text that we've got,", "l__byFoOLwo-00243-00075331-00075700": "but there it is, you've introduced it as a", "l__byFoOLwo-00244-00075700-00075883": "kind of consequence, a punishment ,if you like,", "l__byFoOLwo-00245-00075883-00076141": "a very moral text, you always a kind of", "l__byFoOLwo-00246-00076141-00076408": "complaining thing and yours is a sort of", "l__byFoOLwo-00247-00076408-00076705": "'you will be stricken in your bowels'.", "l__byFoOLwo-00248-00076705-00077494": "Can we have another, loud and clear.", "l__byFoOLwo-00249-00077494-00077749": "'I knew you'd eat them. They were for breakfast but not mine.", "l__byFoOLwo-00250-00077749-00078088": "I regret I cannot forgive, my sweet,", "l__byFoOLwo-00251-00078088-00078460": "who is now so cold. '", "l__byFoOLwo-00252-00078510-00078960": "'Sweet.' You've taken that word", "l__byFoOLwo-00253-00079006-00079339": "and turned it in to a kind of screw.", "l__byFoOLwo-00254-00079339-00079960": "You pushed it in so cold. 'You bastard'.", "l__byFoOLwo-00255-00079960-00080182": "'My love for you is cold, Everything associated with you.'", "l__byFoOLwo-00256-00080182-00080476": "So what you do is reinvested those", "l__byFoOLwo-00257-00080476-00080689": "words, you've put them across to your", "l__byFoOLwo-00258-00080689-00080905": "centres. You had a particular attitude", "l__byFoOLwo-00259-00080905-00081220": "and kind of a morality and this was", "l__byFoOLwo-00260-00081220-00081505": "a complaint and this was a kind of", "l__byFoOLwo-00261-00081505-00081664": "well, you know, 'we're done', maybe.", "l__byFoOLwo-00262-00081664-00082012": "Can we have another one from the back?", "l__byFoOLwo-00263-00082012-00082377": "'I just have to say, I cannot forgive you", "l__byFoOLwo-00264-00082377-00082660": "for taking what's not yours. i'm glad you  enjoyed", "l__byFoOLwo-00265-00082660-00082948": "my sweet fruit. My morning is also cold,", "l__byFoOLwo-00266-00082948-00083139": "and broken.' Sad, pathos!", "l__byFoOLwo-00267-00083139-00083991": "See? Some people get very agitated and", "l__byFoOLwo-00268-00083991-00084846": "you're just a 'hmph'  a plumless whimper.", "l__byFoOLwo-00269-00084846-00085221": "You see what you've done there,", "l__byFoOLwo-00270-00085221-00085374": "you change the attitudes and the feelings.", "l__byFoOLwo-00271-00085374-00085680": "Again, is yours written down in linear form?", "l__byFoOLwo-00272-00085680-00085926": "Almost certainly people do because they", "l__byFoOLwo-00273-00085926-00086202": "pick up the cue here you know this is", "l__byFoOLwo-00274-00086202-00086421": "obviously continuous, just two sentences", "l__byFoOLwo-00275-00086421-00086661": "in the Carlos Williams, first two verses", "l__byFoOLwo-00276-00086661-00086940": "are one sentence and then the third verse", "l__byFoOLwo-00277-00086940-00087300": "is another. But regardless of sentence", "l__byFoOLwo-00278-00087300-00087504": "structure, or overriding it, you've gone", "l__byFoOLwo-00279-00087504-00087828": "for lineation. You've gone four lines and", "l__byFoOLwo-00280-00087828-00088032": "if verset means nothing else it means", "l__byFoOLwo-00281-00088032-00088374": "changing line. Verse just means turn, it means", "l__byFoOLwo-00282-00088374-00088773": "a turn, as in revert or whatever. All the", "l__byFoOLwo-00283-00088773-00089040": "'verse' words. It's a turn and it means you", "l__byFoOLwo-00284-00089040-00089289": "introduce a turn over and above or", "l__byFoOLwo-00285-00089289-00089772": "under and beneath syntax. So the line is", "l__byFoOLwo-00286-00089772-00089952": "crucial in verse, rhymes maybe,", "l__byFoOLwo-00287-00089952-00090231": "alliteration maybe, but the line is", "l__byFoOLwo-00288-00090231-00090470": "absolutely crucial.", "l__byFoOLwo-00289-00090770-00090987": "So we'll start with you. Could you give us", "l__byFoOLwo-00290-00090987-00091428": "2, 3, 4 critical hits, rewrites in their", "l__byFoOLwo-00291-00091428-00091611": "own way but now the critical idiom of", "l__byFoOLwo-00292-00091611-00092496": "the Carlos Williams. 'We got as far as 5 points.", "l__byFoOLwo-00293-00092496-00092886": "It was shaped like a poem.' So you started with shape,", "l__byFoOLwo-00294-00092886-00093129": "Looked like a poem, compact space and stuff. 'That helped us", "l__byFoOLwo-00295-00093129-00093400": "identify what kind of text it was.", "l__byFoOLwo-00296-00093400-00093650": "Then we started looking at the word choice.", "l__byFoOLwo-00297-00093690-00094281": "any particular words crop up? 'Yeah, plums, icebox..'", "l__byFoOLwo-00298-00094281-00094551": "Ok, icebox, where in the world is this if it's", "l__byFoOLwo-00299-00094551-00094809": "an icebox? Has to be America as we tend", "l__byFoOLwo-00300-00094809-00094923": "to say freezer.", "l__byFoOLwo-00301-00094923-00095334": "Ok, that's a kind of cue for context.", "l__byFoOLwo-00302-00095334-00095544": "Anything else after that?", "l__byFoOLwo-00303-00095544-00095901": "We looked at text structure and", "l__byFoOLwo-00304-00095901-00096012": "then the word combinations.", "l__byFoOLwo-00305-00096012-00096864": "Ok, what do you say about text structure?", "l__byFoOLwo-00306-00096864-00097200": "'That it's poetic'. Hmm, a bit feeble!", "l__byFoOLwo-00307-00097220-00097400": "It's actually not poetic in lots of ways.", "l__byFoOLwo-00308-00097420-00097650": "As far as the languages goes.", "l__byFoOLwo-00309-00097650-00097850": "'It's the way the lines are broken.'", "l__byFoOLwo-00310-00097857-00098361": "Yeah, so the words are very ordinary", "l__byFoOLwo-00311-00098361-00098562": "actually, they're not what anybody by any", "l__byFoOLwo-00312-00098562-00098778": "stretch of imagination would call poetic", "l__byFoOLwo-00313-00098778-00099030": "in an archaic sense but you read it as", "l__byFoOLwo-00314-00099030-00099291": "poem, you're prompted to read as poem", "l__byFoOLwo-00315-00099291-00099417": "as you said because of the earlier", "l__byFoOLwo-00316-00099417-00099624": "instructions on space and stanzas and stuff", "l__byFoOLwo-00317-00099624-00100116": "but the syntax, as I say, it's just two", "l__byFoOLwo-00318-00100116-00100443": "sentences and all the words are quite short,", "l__byFoOLwo-00319-00100443-00100662": "there aren't are complicated words there.", "l__byFoOLwo-00320-00100662-00100755": "Thank you!", "l__byFoOLwo-00321-00100755-00101037": "Another one? Your hits in order?", "l__byFoOLwo-00322-00101037-00101961": "The first thing that struck us was the capital letters.", "l__byFoOLwo-00323-00101961-00102579": "That foregrounded the structure. Gap before the 'and'.", "l__byFoOLwo-00324-00102579-00103056": "Lack of punctuation.'", "l__byFoOLwo-00325-00103056-00103356": "Ok ,so it's interesting, what what you're", "l__byFoOLwo-00326-00103356-00103674": "playing against is, oh yest this is a title", "l__byFoOLwo-00327-00103674-00103776": "that stands out, as you say it's", "l__byFoOLwo-00328-00103776-00103934": "foregrounded because it's capitalized and", "l__byFoOLwo-00329-00103934-00104127": "yet it's part of the text of the poem", "l__byFoOLwo-00330-00104127-00104517": "syntactically, and 'And' at the beginning", "l__byFoOLwo-00331-00104517-00104904": "of the verse as it were,  we're used to", "l__byFoOLwo-00332-00104904-00105180": "having strictures on sentence not", "l__byFoOLwo-00333-00105180-00105432": "beginning with 'and' say and then you've", "l__byFoOLwo-00334-00105432-00105666": "got an idea of what punctuation could or should be", "l__byFoOLwo-00335-00105666-00105858": "and it's not there. So you're", "l__byFoOLwo-00336-00105858-00106044": "reading against potential alternatives.", "l__byFoOLwo-00337-00106044-00106409": "You know it is indeed foregrounded", "l__byFoOLwo-00338-00106409-00106629": "against the background and you", "l__byFoOLwo-00339-00106629-00106830": "can be explicit about your background  -", "l__byFoOLwo-00340-00106830-00107111": "what makes a title, how the sentences begin,", "l__byFoOLwo-00341-00107111-00107529": "and yes, the punctuation. So you're doing", "l__byFoOLwo-00342-00107529-00107832": "background-foreground and the background", "l__byFoOLwo-00343-00107832-00108273": "is insistent for you in defining your", "l__byFoOLwo-00344-00108273-00108559": "foreground. Could we have some more?", "l__byFoOLwo-00345-00108559-00108776": "'It struck us what kind of text it was.", "l__byFoOLwo-00346-00108776-00109007": "[Unintelligible]", "l__byFoOLwo-00347-00109007-00109234": "After we'd gone through the other things,", "l__byFoOLwo-00348-00109234-00109486": "we mentioned other languages", "l__byFoOLwo-00349-00109486-00109739": "and cultures with reference to 'icebox' which", "l__byFoOLwo-00350-00109739-00110024": "defined it as being American rather than UK", "l__byFoOLwo-00351-00110024-00110254": "And the last thing we had was intertextuality,", "l__byFoOLwo-00352-00110254-00110584": "never come up with no statements and", "l__byFoOLwo-00353-00110584-00110801": "And we came up with the reference to", "l__byFoOLwo-00354-00110801-00111200": "revenge is sweet and revenge is cold", "l__byFoOLwo-00355-00111200-00111539": "and that made us read the poem as an act of revenge.'", "l__byFoOLwo-00356-00111539-00111770": "Which is actually something that you guys picked up.", "l__byFoOLwo-00357-00111770-00112279": "The sweet, cold in that was the revenge.", "l__byFoOLwo-00358-00112279-00112561": "You enacted what you analysed.", "l__byFoOLwo-00360-00112622-00113035": "They were both interpretations and", "l__byFoOLwo-00361-00113035-00113215": "they're both performances as far as you", "l__byFoOLwo-00362-00113215-00113444": "say them but they are as it were two sides", "l__byFoOLwo-00363-00113444-00113732": "of the same coin. Can we have another 3 from here?", "l__byFoOLwo-00364-00113732-00114304": "Whatever you've got. 'Well we noticed the last stanza", "l__byFoOLwo-00365-00114304-00114899": "is the only one that's emotive with adjectives, alliteration", "l__byFoOLwo-00366-00114899-00115400": "and repetition.' Yes, so that's picking up other", "l__byFoOLwo-00367-00115400-00115658": "aspects of structure, word choice and kinds", "l__byFoOLwo-00368-00115658-00115976": "of words as you say, adjectives, and", "l__byFoOLwo-00369-00115976-00116273": "interestingly, analytically in terms of", "l__byFoOLwo-00370-00116273-00116609": "grammar (adjectives) but also in terms of", "l__byFoOLwo-00371-00116609-00116774": "attitude, sense of revenge, that's", "l__byFoOLwo-00372-00116774-00117020": "collocation really sweet and cold revenge,", "l__byFoOLwo-00373-00117020-00117431": "and enactment. You're all circling", "l__byFoOLwo-00374-00117431-00117659": "around the same kinds of things.", "l__byFoOLwo-00375-00117659-00117824": "They're all responses but they're all", "l__byFoOLwo-00376-00117824-00118121": "similar and yet different and that's", "l__byFoOLwo-00377-00118121-00118430": "what we're after. You'll see that if we", "l__byFoOLwo-00378-00118430-00118721": "wanted to do a comprehensive,", "l__byFoOLwo-00379-00118721-00118967": "blow-by-blow account, we could just dance", "l__byFoOLwo-00380-00118967-00119240": "up and down all those steps with this", "l__byFoOLwo-00381-00119240-00119552": "text, across sound and graphology", "l__byFoOLwo-00382-00119552-00120149": "remember, 'sweet' and 'delicious' wallowing  in the", "l__byFoOLwo-00383-00120149-00120413": "sibilants there you know, because they", "l__byFoOLwo-00384-00120413-00120896": "get them lips moving and it kind of", "l__byFoOLwo-00385-00120896-00121079": "invites you to do that and notice", "l__byFoOLwo-00386-00121079-00121418": "delicious, 'shh' although it's written 'i c i'", "l__byFoOLwo-00387-00121418-00121616": "it is, of course, another big sibilant.", "l__byFoOLwo-00388-00121616-00121835": "'Delishhh-ous'", "l__byFoOLwo-00389-00121835-00122171": "Sound is important here as is graphology and layout,", "l__byFoOLwo-00390-00122171-00122393": "and that's where we quite often come in.", "l__byFoOLwo-00391-00122393-00122582": "But you can work off", "l__byFoOLwo-00392-00122582-00122882": "through morphology, icebox is an", "l__byFoOLwo-00393-00122882-00123074": "interesting one, icebox is not a box", "l__byFoOLwo-00394-00123074-00123164": "made of ice", "l__byFoOLwo-00395-00123164-00123554": "it's a cold box and, as you said, it's", "l__byFoOLwo-00396-00123554-00123764": "culturally specific to the States and so on.", "l__byFoOLwo-00397-00123764-00124001": "So that leads morphologically into", "l__byFoOLwo-00398-00124001-00124142": "words there and you come up through word", "l__byFoOLwo-00399-00124142-00124298": "choice and then you come up to", "l__byFoOLwo-00400-00124298-00124583": "sentences and suprasentential", "l__byFoOLwo-00401-00124583-00124964": "structures beyond verse in verse form", "l__byFoOLwo-00402-00124964-00125222": "or the text as a whole - this", "l__byFoOLwo-00403-00125222-00125492": "Williams text is two sentences but", "l__byFoOLwo-00404-00125492-00125954": "spread over three verse units and as", "l__byFoOLwo-00405-00125954-00126146": "was pointed out the second one begins", "l__byFoOLwo-00406-00126146-00126494": "with an 'and' which would be taboo in", "l__byFoOLwo-00407-00126494-00126686": "certain types of formal writing, but it's", "l__byFoOLwo-00408-00126686-00126845": "actually part of the same ongoing", "l__byFoOLwo-00409-00126845-00127010": "sentence, yet it has prominence because", "l__byFoOLwo-00410-00127010-00127487": "it's the beginning of the verse and so on.", "l__byFoOLwo-00411-00127487-00127664": "Those steps arenot there for you to do a kind of", "l__byFoOLwo-00412-00127664-00128045": "route march up and down: start with", "l__byFoOLwo-00413-00128045-00128723": "word, vision, sound. What's next? Oh, morphology.", "l__byFoOLwo-00414-00128723-00129444": "Have we got to sentences yet? Boring, boring, boring.", "l__byFoOLwo-00415-00129444-00129962": "Very thorough, may get you a high 'B'.", "l__byFoOLwo-00416-00129962-00130265": "But the interesting one is , 'this is what hit me'.", "l__byFoOLwo-00417-00130265-00130652": "'Yes, that one and then this. Then that.", "l__byFoOLwo-00418-00130652-00130910": "And hey, I hadn't noticed but the one I thought was", "l__byFoOLwo-00419-00130910-00131210": "kind of number six in the list is really important,", "l__byFoOLwo-00420-00131210-00131360": "that's the big thing, isn't it.", "l__byFoOLwo-00421-00131360-00131627": "So in your writing up, in your essay,", "l__byFoOLwo-00422-00131627-00131789": "you move it forward.", "l__byFoOLwo-00423-00131789-00132089": "Ok, but any and every text can be", "l__byFoOLwo-00424-00132089-00132314": "subjected to those manoeuvres and they", "l__byFoOLwo-00425-00132314-00132497": "can be subjected to those manoeuvres", "l__byFoOLwo-00426-00132497-00132630": "critically and creatively.", "l__byFoOLwo-00428-00133694-00134512": "and"}}, {"audio_id": "l_VhtjV9-wA", "text": {"l_VhtjV9-wA-00000-00048137-00049769": "see you later"}}, {"audio_id": "lA-UTF1gVlE", "text": {"lA-UTF1gVlE-00000-00000000-00000130": "hello everyone", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00001-00000130-00000384": "This is Maco, the modern Princess Mononoke.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00002-00000459-00000662": "Since it's a collaboration video,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00003-00000662-00000950": "I'm currently in Nagoya,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00004-00000950-00001331": "and I'm collaborating with Yumi Sano.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00005-00001331-00001514": "Thank you for today", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00006-00001807-00002067": "I'm so nervous", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00007-00002067-00002263": "Nice to meet you, I'm Yumi Sano.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00008-00002263-00002472": "thank you", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00009-00002816-00003315": "I made a collaboration request to Yumi-chan.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00010-00003550-00003840": "After that, do you know this person", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00011-00003840-00003952": "from those who are watching my YouTube?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00012-00003952-00004235": "Yumi-chan's YouTube", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00013-00004235-00004553": "has been sent and I'm worried about raising a child", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00014-00004553-00004785": "There are people out there who are out on parenting YouTube", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00015-00004785-00005188": "because they are missing limbs and are talking about love talks on YouTube.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00016-00005274-00005673": "How about collaborating? Some people come and watch", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00017-00005673-00005862": "Yumi-chan's channel", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00018-00005871-00006231": "I want more people to know about you,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00019-00006231-00006601": "so can I ask you to introduce yourself?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00020-00006695-00006975": "My name is Yumi Sano and I live in Aichi prefecture.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00021-00006975-00007203": "congenital limb defect", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00022-00007203-00007495": "It's a name of a disorder that bites", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00023-00007495-00007790": "Both arms are not clean", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00024-00007790-00007906": "from the shoulders,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00025-00007906-00008115": "the only thing is the short left leg", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00026-00008115-00008534": "and the three fingers on the left leg", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00027-00008534-00008724": "I do most of my daily activities", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00028-00008724-00009230": "with these three fingers.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00029-00009230-00009758": "Eating, writing, makeup,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00030-00009758-00009979": "raising children", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00031-00009979-00010190": "like a bath", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00032-00010262-00010525": "Like a toilet on the go", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00033-00010525-00011041": "I borrow someone's hand to help me with the restroom", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00034-00011041-00011423": "Because you are married and have children", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00035-00011423-00012031": "Today I have my husband and children.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00036-00012031-00012497": "We will have fun shooting!", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00037-00012770-00012907": "Yumi-chan's YouTube", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00038-00012907-00013336": "is mainly about parenting,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00039-00013336-00013588": "but other than that,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00040-00013588-00013771": "what do you do with this kind of thing?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00041-00013771-00014056": "how was this time? I'd like to hear about it,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00042-00014056-00014413": "so I think I'll go and ask.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00043-00014712-00014941": "because i'm disabled", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00044-00014941-00015078": "because i'm 26", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00045-00015078-00015338": "Four years ago,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00046-00015338-00015461": "I became in a wheelchair.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00047-00015461-00015933": "Until then, I was healthy and energetic", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00048-00015933-00016168": "Since Yumi-chan was born, it's hard to do things on her own,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00049-00016168-00016502": "so I'm really curious about where", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00050-00016502-00016931": "she went to kindergarten", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00051-00016931-00017394": "Mothers and children attend kindergarten", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00052-00017394-00017701": "at the first facility for physically handicapped children,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00053-00017701-00018186": "and it feels like a nursery school with children with disabilities.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00054-00018186-00018368": "Most of what you do", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00055-00018368-00018460": "from morning to evening", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00056-00018460-00018797": "is the same as at nursery school.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00057-00018797-00019308": "I wonder if I went until about 4 or 5 years old? From that point onwards,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00058-00019308-00019426": "the people around me gradually", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00059-00019426-00019714": "suggested that I should go to a normal nursery school.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00060-00019714-00020057": "It seems that there were a lot of positive mothers,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00061-00020057-00020261": "so I decided to have my own child.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00062-00020261-00020862": "Mother go to the local nursery school to ask", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00063-00020862-00021321": "I went to a regular nursery school for only one year.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00064-00021321-00021685": "I didn't have a disability for the first time there.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00065-00021685-00022163": "It was my first time", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00066-00022163-00022476": "spending time with ordinary children,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00067-00022476-00022767": "and it was only for a year,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00068-00022767-00022948": "but I think it was quite fulfilling as I remember it.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00069-00022948-00023121": "Was that the first time you felt that", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00070-00023121-00023694": "you were physically different from other people?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00071-00023694-00024101": "Didn't you know you had a disability?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00072-00024101-00024660": "Because I entered kindergarten on the way", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00073-00024951-00025281": "The children around me are so small,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00074-00025281-00025417": "why can't I do anything about it?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00075-00025417-00025601": "Why are you not enough? And", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00076-00025601-00026039": "I was told a lot of words like scary", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00077-00026039-00026082": "But until now,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00078-00026082-00026324": "it was all children with disabilities.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00079-00026324-00026600": "Is it the first time", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00080-00026600-00026880": "you've been told that way? am i different", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00081-00026880-00027170": "I think it was the first time", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00082-00027170-00027411": "I realized that my body was different from everyone else.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00083-00027622-00027964": "Even if you first wonder about small children,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00084-00027964-00028252": "there are children with this kind of body.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00085-00028252-00028395": "I can do many things with my feet", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00086-00028395-00028536": "If I say that I'm with everyone,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00087-00028536-00028831": "is that right?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00088-00028831-00029074": "You became my friend right away", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00089-00029101-00029648": "No one can teach you how to use your legs", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00090-00029648-00029756": "surely", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00091-00030012-00030242": "Both healthy people and teachers", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00092-00030242-00030305": "can't teach if they're clumsy", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00093-00030305-00030660": "like this", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00094-00030660-00031016": "After all, teachers teach with their hands", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00095-00031016-00031513": "Is it time for me to go to a physical disability facility?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00096-00031513-00031729": "When I was a baby,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00097-00031729-00032136": "I touched the ball that was in front of me,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00098-00032136-00032399": "and when my mother saw it,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00099-00032399-00032636": "I thought it would be cool with my feet.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00100-00032918-00033109": "My mother was always the first to hold pens", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00101-00033109-00033415": "and things like that.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00102-00033415-00033778": "I think the biggest thing is that I trained", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00103-00033778-00034097": "as if I was going to do it as a hand.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00104-00034162-00034706": "Don't you get tired", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00105-00034706-00034946": "of learning 5 subjects in class?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00106-00034946-00035227": "Do I have to put my foot up to write?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00107-00035432-00035823": "Please lower the desk", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00108-00035823-00035910": "Then I thought it would be cool", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00109-00035910-00036356": "because it was exactly the same height", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00110-00036356-00036616": "as the seat of the wheelchair.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00111-00036616-00036912": "So I was writing with my feet,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00112-00036912-00037006": "but surprisingly", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00113-00037006-00037261": "After all, thanks to the special training I received from a young age,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00114-00037261-00037671": "my speed of writing a house is the same as everyone else's.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00115-00037975-00038342": "I feel like I'm starting to feel like I'm in my hands", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00116-00038342-00038446": "Haven't you had", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00117-00038446-00039110": "a hard time with your feet? They say", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00118-00039110-00039413": "I've lived 32 years and have never had a problem in my life", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00119-00039556-00039796": "Because there is no such thing as being tired", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00120-00039928-00040511": "I know you're using these three legs,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00121-00040511-00040670": "but can you use them?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00122-00040670-00040898": "You can use this one too", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00123-00041204-00041483": "Isn't it the little finger of five fingers?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00124-00041512-00041867": "Middle finger? this is probably", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00125-00041867-00042092": "your thumb", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00126-00042092-00042363": "Most people with five fingers have dead little fingers.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00127-00042401-00042694": "Many people cannot use", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00128-00042694-00042884": "It looks like a great deal if you can use it", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00129-00043066-00043491": "I use my thumb and two middle fingers,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00130-00043491-00043942": "and I use only these two chopsticks.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00131-00043942-00044352": "Doesn't it look like you can have more", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00132-00044352-00044503": "if you can use this? surely", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00133-00044600-00044956": "That's what I thought,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00134-00044956-00045181": "but I'm not using it.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00135-00045181-00045243": "yes", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00136-00045324-00045520": "teeth especially use", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00137-00045520-00045607": "teeth", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00138-00045607-00045918": "Have you ever cracked open", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00139-00045918-00046065": "a can of juice with your teeth?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00140-00046065-00046111": "do not have", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00141-00046260-00046470": "something to carry", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00142-00046470-00046832": "I hold it on my shoulder like this,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00143-00046832-00046979": "but it's more tiring that way.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00144-00046979-00047293": "If you can do anything with your teeth, you can do it with your teeth", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00145-00047293-00047545": "Since I've been in a wheelchair,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00146-00047545-00047963": "I can't hold things because my hands are blocked", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00147-00047963-00048218": "because I need to pedal the tires.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00148-00048218-00048320": "That's why I clenched my teeth", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00149-00048320-00048720": "more often", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00150-00048720-00049128": "I'm drooling", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00151-00049128-00049261": "like a third hand", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00152-00050761-00050861": "After Corona", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00153-00051057-00051301": "There are times when I get a shopping bag", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00154-00051301-00051517": "and hold it in my mouth,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00155-00051517-00051837": "but if I worry about that, I can't carry anything.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00156-00051837-00051937": "People say that you should be", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00157-00051937-00052207": "a little more hygienic", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00158-00052207-00052382": "because you use your mouth,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00159-00052382-00052688": "but I certainly think so,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00160-00052688-00052888": "but I can't say that.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00161-00052888-00053116": "sterilize later", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00162-00053829-00054307": "Is the final educational background", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00163-00054307-00054453": "a high school and a company employee?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00164-00054453-00054741": "about a year and a half", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00165-00054741-00054925": "like a party", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00166-00054925-00055310": "Actually, I was a contract employee of disabled people", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00167-00055310-00055565": "for 2 years,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00168-00055565-00056116": "but halfway through, I started to receive requests for lectures,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00169-00056116-00056758": "and the office also told me that I would produce it,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00170-00056758-00057049": "so I thought I'd ask that person.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00171-00057049-00057299": "Because it was my dream to use", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00172-00057299-00057603": "my voice to work", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00173-00057603-00057757": "Song", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00174-00058192-00058760": "When I saw Mako-chan's singing ability on YouTube,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00175-00058760-00058946": "I thought I had to practice", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00176-00058946-00059200": "until I thought it was impossible.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00177-00059329-00059778": "My title is a singer on Wikipedia,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00178-00059778-00059977": "but it's not enough to call myself", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00179-00059977-00060348": "Well, now I'm quitting the agency", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00180-00060348-00060441": "and going solo", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00181-00060441-00060680": "Two or three years ago, I became an individual", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00182-00060680-00061259": "and now work at a private office called Yumi Sano Office.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00183-00061259-00061711": "Have you ever been in love with someone other than your husband?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00184-00061711-00062088": "I've done it before,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00185-00062088-00062705": "but I don't feel like I'm really dating", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00186-00062787-00062991": "There was an exchange of asking me", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00187-00062991-00063296": "to go out with you,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00188-00063296-00063551": "and even if we did hang out,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00189-00063551-00063829": "we were still students.", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00190-00063919-00064537": "You mean you didn't have a proper relationship?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00191-00065279-00065507": "The current husband is the first experience", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00192-00065707-00065907": "Isn't that what students do?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00193-00066107-00066375": "I didn't date for a year or anything like that,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00194-00066375-00066527": "and I liked him,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00195-00066527-00066886": "but I don't want to break up anymore! there was no", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00196-00066969-00067159": "From my point of view, Yuu", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00197-00067228-00067494": "Thank you for accepting me", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00198-00067494-00067791": "Maybe we're dating like", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00199-00067791-00068063": "Do you want to appeal yourself a little?", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00200-00068524-00068751": "You may only have one", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00201-00068751-00069080": "fruitful relationship with the person you loved", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00202-00069080-00069457": "If you get to like him and look at him,", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00203-00069457-00069635": "he's a good person", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00204-00069635-00069729": "to look at, isn't he? Like", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00205-00070022-00070272": "If you like me, I will like you", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00206-00070682-00070923": "Feeling like you can't have a boyfriend", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00207-00070923-00071223": "If you say something kind right away", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00208-00071280-00071466": "oh kind", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00209-00071466-00071640": "It's like I'm falling in love with you", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00210-00071840-00072202": "be deceived", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00211-00072202-00072692": "After becoming paralyzed, you won't fall in", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00212-00072692-00073046": "love with me", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00213-00073146-00073282": "I'm getting timid", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00214-00073282-00073644": "Until now, I might have tried not to take myself seriously", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00215-00073644-00073918": "Even if I fall in love with you, someday", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00216-00073918-00074294": "it will definitely be impossible", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00217-00074294-00074632": "Somehow it's negative", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00218-00074632-00074915": "Maybe it's because I thought", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00219-00074915-00075192": "I wouldn't be serious", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00220-00075192-00075315": "because I had negative thoughts about love", "lA-UTF1gVlE-00221-00075315-00075764": "Maybe you don't feel like you're dating"}}, {"audio_id": "lBEcXt9S3_g", "text": {"lBEcXt9S3_g-00000-00002382-00003123": "Let us introduce you to the quick and accurate single plan scm solution Encke-suite from Dreamize.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00001-00003238-00003811": "All the people in charge share a single goal and desire to manage information flow, organically.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00002-00003823-00004568": "The purchasing departmentwants to be able to checkand manage purchase unit pricesand inventory status with ease.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00003-00004602-00005334": "In addition, the producing department must manage production goals and schedules to input materials.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00004-00005352-00006093": "And the selling department also needs to check and manage sale performancesand delivery schedule information.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00005-00006101-00006576": "This sharing of information between purchasing-producing-selling departments", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00006-00006576-00007325": "allows the company to deliver products to as possible at theminimum time and the minimum cost.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00007-00007546-00008100": "Advanced planning and scheduling APS isan automated supply production planning solution", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00008-00008100-00008803": "that enables you to achieve maximum sales in minimum time and at minimum cost.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00009-00008803-00009600": "APS also allows supply chain members to organically share a single goal and manage information flows.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00010-00009684-00010363": "Supply chain management SCM solution Encke-suite of dreamize consists of functionalmodules to support", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00011-00010368-00011240": "sales operation plans, demandmanagement, supply plans, execution plans, workinstructions, and delivery", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00012-00011240-00011944": "commitments to supportkey decision-making on the entire supply chainfrom customer to material purchase.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00013-00012000-00012684": "Enckesuite hasmaximized advantages such as processing speed, extended function, and  post supports", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00014-00012684-00013398": "which can be expected to secure supply chain visibility, maximizing of fulfillment, optimal stock level,", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00015-00013398-00013657": "and high-level production efficiency.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00016-00013698-00014212": "In a comparative experiment conducted by a global electronics manufacturer,", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00017-00014212-00015005": "EnckeSuite showed that the same level of planning results was achieved dozens of times faster than their competitors.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00018-00015231-00015670": "Super fast Enckesuite offers customers the followingbenefits :", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00019-00015670-00016254": "Build a unified, single-plan system without concerns about performance declining", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00020-00016263-00016660": "Scenario-based real-time supply chain simulation.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00021-00016667-00017058": "Accurate supply chain management with shorter planning cycles.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00022-00017066-00017455": "Gain visibility into future issues with longerplanning periods.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00023-00017463-00018257": "Enable effective planning,reflecting a variety of constraintswithout concerns about performance.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00024-00018324-00018816": "Provides scientific demand forecasting methods based on various statistical", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00025-00018816-00019275": "algorithms by product or group based onpast sales history.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00026-00019282-00019745": "This helps companiespredict demand more accurately and faster.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00027-00019751-00020293": "This production plan which reflects variousconstraints provides accurate work contents", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00028-00020293-00021027": "to minimize the idle time of the facility to ensure the best productivity in limited workers or production facilities.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00029-00021040-00021501": "Establish an optimal production plan considering the shortage of materials.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00030-00021501-00021907": "Furthermore, it supports the efficient purchase and management of materials", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00031-00021907-00022354": "by providing the time and purchase schedules of materials.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00032-00022446-00023083": "If the delivery date is disrupted due to variousconstraints(material, capacity, etc)", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00033-00023088-00023705": "the cause of the demand disruption is provided in detail and the countermeasure can be established.", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00034-00023910-00024348": "The establishment of the single plan SCM operating system through dreamize", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00035-00024348-00024768": "supply chain Innovation will bring various qualitative and quantitative", "lBEcXt9S3_g-00036-00024768-00025362": "effects by dramatically improving speed and operational efficiency."}}, {"audio_id": "lBLJ73ywosI", "text": {"lBLJ73ywosI-00000-00000122-00000563": "If an auto replacement is not showing or transforming correctly,", "lBLJ73ywosI-00001-00000664-00001009": "Resmarting the smart layer may fix the problem.", "lBLJ73ywosI-00002-00001110-00001619": "After temporarily moving any masks, rasterize the smart layer.", "lBLJ73ywosI-00003-00001619-00001911": "And convert it to a smart layer again.", "lBLJ73ywosI-00004-00001972-00002252": "Return any masks applied before.", "lBLJ73ywosI-00005-00002428-00002699": "Let's test if the re-smart works."}}, {"audio_id": "lBXYHZTPrdo", "text": {"lBXYHZTPrdo-00000-00001778-00001960": "Well, well! Howdy, Sheriff!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00001-00002106-00002346": "What are you tryin' to do here? Cause some trouble?", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00002-00002348-00002722": "No trouble at all, Sheriff. If you wouldn't duel, that is.", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00003-00002788-00003302": "Here, hear me out. I do not want any trouble in this town!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00004-00003344-00003834": "It's either you go to jail, or you leave this town and never come back.", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00005-00003834-00004072": "Well, I guess there WILL be trouble, Sheriff.", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00006-00004072-00004206": "What's this trouble, then?", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00007-00004310-00004390": "You'll see.", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00008-00004542-00004648": "12:00pm?", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00009-00004702-00004752": ":30.", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00010-00005532-00005634": "You all ready?", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00011-00005678-00005786": "I am ready.", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00012-00005870-00005978": "Well, good luck.", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00013-00006248-00006330": "HEY!!! OW!!!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00014-00006394-00006522": "THAT AIN'T FAIR!!!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00015-00006586-00006730": "AWW, FORGET THIS!!!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00016-00007016-00007066": "BOO!!!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00017-00007088-00007198": "DO IT RIGHT!!!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00018-00007254-00007604": "If I'm gonna protect my town, I gotta do it a better way!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00019-00007604-00007820": "WUSS!!!", "lBXYHZTPrdo-00020-00009050-00009256": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "lC8YCyRjGu4", "text": {"lC8YCyRjGu4-00000-00000579-00001008": "papa... pupaaaa"}}, {"audio_id": "lCz4TJcL07E", "text": {"lCz4TJcL07E-00000-00000090-00001400": "Carolina what can you tell us about the warning that appears at the beginning of movies, which reads that piracy is comparable", "lCz4TJcL07E-00001-00001400-00002120": "to robbery or murder? There are a lot of people that are shocked by this, and some people might think", "lCz4TJcL07E-00002-00002120-00002830": "that both are felonies, but to go as far as comparing them in the same way...? No I definetely don't agree with this; it is just", "lCz4TJcL07E-00003-00002830-00003592": "impossible to compare the two of them, because their mechanics of circulation are different.You can't compare the", "lCz4TJcL07E-00004-00003592-00004172": "spread of knowledge, to the idea of robbery or murder. It definitely can't be compared to murder,", "lCz4TJcL07E-00005-00004172-00005301": "I think we have to discard this idea, we don't even need to explain further. In the case of robbery, which it is a very common felony, it is just not the same", "lCz4TJcL07E-00006-00005301-00006206": "because it is about belongings or tangible property. On one hand,  It is like when I take something from you. if I", "lCz4TJcL07E-00007-00006206-00006703": "take a chair from you, then you don't own the chair anymore. On the other hand, when we talk about intangible", "lCz4TJcL07E-00008-00006703-00007288": "property, the ability to re-produce is part of its nature; it is not the same because", "lCz4TJcL07E-00009-00007288-00007799": "it means that  when I take a verse from you, you still have it. Even if I share a verse", "lCz4TJcL07E-00010-00007799-00008969": "[from a poem] with others - it isn't like I know too many-  it is not the same. There is a verse from a Colombian poet that died not long", "lCz4TJcL07E-00011-00008969-00009257": "ago who worked on children's poems and he had a really easy verse, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, yes my", "lCz4TJcL07E-00012-00009257-00009833": "sun yes. He shared it with me, I wrote it down and after that I shared it with you, now the three of us have it,", "lCz4TJcL07E-00013-00009833-00010637": "and now all of us have it, you learned it too, and that's it.  It is not like I am going to steal the", "lCz4TJcL07E-00014-00010637-00011296": "verse from him, we can't make that comparison. Piracy is a felony, and there is a legitimate property", "lCz4TJcL07E-00015-00011296-00012007": "right behind it, it is true, but it is not comparable and I think we need a more profund discussion", "lCz4TJcL07E-00016-00012007-00012694": "about economic and social issues, so we can keep supporting a mechanism of criminalization of this", "lCz4TJcL07E-00017-00012694-00013957": "kind of behaviour, that I am sure,  when it reaches these lenghths, affects, not only the authors, but also their relationship with the public.", "lCz4TJcL07E-00018-00013957-35999900": "Ok, thanks Carolina", "lCz4TJcL07E-00019-00014100-00014400": "Subtitles by the Amara.org community"}}, {"audio_id": "lCBt2Zcb6XU", "text": {"lCBt2Zcb6XU-00000-00000032-00000104": "Hi, everyone", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00001-00000104-00000428": "and welcome back to the GetWellBe show and podcast.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00002-00000496-00001216": "I am your host, Adrienne Nolan Smith, and I am thrilled to have Donna Jackson Nakazawa.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00003-00001216-00001716": "A science writer exploring the intersection of neurobiology and emotion,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00004-00001716-00002168": "and the author of seven books, including a new book called, Girls On The Brink.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00005-00002168-00002392": "Donna, welcome. Thank you for being here.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00006-00002392-00002608": "Pleasure to be here with you.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00007-00002608-00003288": "Okay, so I asked Donna to come on the show with me because I have been fascinated", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00008-00003288-00003828": "by the concept of neuroimmunology, which she's going to talk more about.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00009-00003828-00004472": "And just, really, the ways in which the immune system and our brains", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00010-00004472-00005036": "and emotions and mental health and brain science all, kind of, affect one another.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00011-00005036-00005340": "And she's going to tell us a lot more about that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00012-00005340-00005808": "So first of all, can you introduce the concept of neurobiology", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00013-00005808-00006120": "and also neuroimmunology, since it's, I think, a little bit different,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00014-00006120-00006428": "to the WellBe community and how your work ended up", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00015-00006428-00006759": "focusing on this very specific but fascinating topic.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00016-00006795-00007052": "Really, what it's of interest to me", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00017-00007052-00007559": "as a science writer is exploring and finding a way", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00018-00007559-00007968": "to take what's really happening in scientist’s labs and shorten", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00019-00007968-00008344": "that time span between what they know and what we know, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00020-00008344-00008904": "Where, you know, in our lived experience, how can we more quickly assimilate", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00021-00008904-00009244": "what's coming out of the top labs and the top researchers", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00022-00009244-00009552": "around the world, so that we can live healthier lives.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00023-00009552-00009732": "And certainly", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00024-00009824-00009960": "over the past", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00025-00009960-00010272": "10 to 15 years, the world of neurobiology", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00026-00010272-00010596": "has just expanded exponentially", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00027-00010596-00011076": "with an understanding of how these things are connected.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00028-00011104-00011460": "Our thoughts, our stress response,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00029-00011540-00011988": "our immune system kicking in for good or for ill,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00030-00012116-00012396": "and how that, in turn,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00031-00012396-00012720": "affects our physical and mental health.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00032-00012744-00013300": "So the word for that, the fancy word, is psycho neuroimmunology.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00033-00013300-00013460": "And if you break it down, it makes sense.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00034-00013460-00014091": "Psych: our thoughts, neuro: brain activity, immunology: your immune system.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00035-00014091-00014519": "What we could also think of of our stress response like", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00036-00014519-00014852": "how much are we, like, getting ready to fight our environment.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00037-00014880-00015180": "And so, all those things are connected.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00038-00015180-00015619": "And the last decade has just been mind-blowing in terms", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00039-00015619-00015947": "of our understanding of how the body and the brain are talking to each other,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00040-00015980-00016356": "what they're chatting about and how that affects our health.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00041-00016388-00016820": "So, I’m a science journalists, as my agent and editor like to say,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00042-00016820-00017424": "you like a gnarly problem, and I do like to explain gnarly problems.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00043-00017424-00017680": "And I think that's probably why I do focus", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00044-00017728-00018028": "on neurobiology and emotion the way that I do.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00045-00018028-00018352": "Because if you can explain it to people", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00046-00018352-00018736": "in the right way with the right stories, the right images,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00047-00018784-00019728": "and with the right depth, it changes their ability to do the work.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00048-00019728-00020148": "To be better able to respond to the nonstop stressors", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00049-00020148-00020556": "that are especially coming at us in today's world.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00050-00020616-00020736": "- I really agree with that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00051-00020736-00021332": "I'm a patient advocate, apart from this content side of my work, and", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00052-00021332-00021824": "you have such a different experience with human beings when you explain the why.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00053-00021876-00022204": "Like, once they get the concept of something,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00054-00022204-00022572": "they'll want to do it more than just being told to do it", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00055-00022572-00022720": "and not understanding why they're doing it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00056-00022720-00023072": "I think it's really empowering and important", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00057-00023072-00023360": "and really the key to any sort of behavior change, I think.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00058-00023360-00023744": "But as I said, you know, not only do I do that,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00059-00023744-00024212": "but WellBe, on the content side, have been highlighting experts like yourself,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00060-00024212-00024552": "but also successful healing journeys", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00061-00024552-00024780": "through a more holistic approach.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00062-00024780-00024984": "And I think you've had one yourself.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00063-00024984-00025396": "So, could you share a little bit about your autoimmune disorder and how", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00064-00025396-00025908": "your healing journey led you to your work, but also to", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00065-00025908-00026268": "the discovery of Adverse Childhood Experiences,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00066-00026268-00026856": "also known as the acronym ACE’s, and this link between difficult", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00067-00026856-00027239": "childhood experiences and chronic illness in adulthood.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00068-00027272-00027676": "So, it's weird because I've been a journalist for so long,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00069-00027676-00028056": "and so it's really weird how sometimes", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00070-00028056-00028444": "my personal experience will dovetail with something that I'm reporting.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00071-00028444-00028752": "So, for instance, case in study, I wrote a book called", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00072-00028752-00029064": "The Autoimmune Epidemic, which some of your listeners might know.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00073-00029064-00029439": "It came out, quite a... maybe 15 years ago,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00074-00029439-00029972": "and while I was writing that book, I knew that I already had Thyroiditis,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00075-00029972-00030348": "which is an autoimmune disease, and I had small fiber sensory neuropathy,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00076-00030348-00030595": "which is a neurological autoimmune disease.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00077-00030616-00030983": "But as I was writing it, I also developed", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00078-00030983-00031468": "a very rare autoimmune disease similar to M.S., but", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00079-00031468-00031624": "a little bit different", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00080-00031624-00032052": "in its trajectory and recovery, called Guillain-Barre syndrome.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00081-00032083-00032404": "And during that time, I was actually writing the book", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00082-00032404-00032788": "about autoimmune disease and I thought, okay, I really have to double down here,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00083-00032788-00033228": "because for me, that experience,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00084-00033228-00033804": "even as I recovered, I then had a relapse and while I was raising really young children,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00085-00033804-00034176": "I was disappearing into the hospital for four or five weeks at a time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00086-00034176-00034656": "And anyone with autoimmune disease who knows how unexpectedly things", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00087-00034656-00035160": "can flare and completely erase life as you know it, so to speak,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00088-00035160-00035496": "and land you in the hospital for long periods of time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00089-00035496-00035988": "I really felt, especially writing from a feminist perspective,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00090-00035988-00036276": "with the growing knowledge", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00091-00036276-00036720": "at that time, that these diseases affected primarily women", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00092-00036792-00037464": "and that there were differences in how the immune system was responding to stress,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00093-00037464-00037728": "and particularly differences", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00094-00037728-00038252": "in how female autoimmune disease... patients with autoimmune disease,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00095-00038252-00038580": "how seriously they were being taken by their physicians.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00096-00038580-00038640": "Right.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00097-00038640-00038940": "Like, the gaslighting that was going on", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00098-00039024-00039344": "around autoimmune disease a little more than a decade ago", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00099-00039344-00039804": "would totally floor a listener listening today.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00100-00039804-00040236": "So, we still know gaslighting, medical gaslighting, is, like, all the rage.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00101-00040236-00040564": "But at that time,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00102-00040628-00040956": "the average woman that I was interviewing with autoimmune", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00103-00040956-00041492": "disease had been written off by so many doctors that her fight", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00104-00041492-00041860": "to find answers and to find validation", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00105-00041860-00042220": "and healing in the medical community", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00106-00042220-00042592": "was enraging to witness as I interviewed people.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00107-00042632-00043008": "And I was very lucky at that time to...", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00108-00043008-00043376": "I have a neurologist who I absolutely adore at Hopkins,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00109-00043376-00043820": "we're very close, and I was getting good treatment.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00110-00043820-00044444": "But even with good treatment, people around me treated me like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00111-00044444-00044564": "“Well, what do you mean?”", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00112-00044564-00044856": "“You know, you were paralyzed.”", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00113-00044856-00045060": "You know, like, “Well, how did that happen?”", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00114-00045060-00045528": "I even had one guy say to me, a very famous researcher,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00115-00045528-00045896": "say to me, “Well, nobody gets Guillain-Barre twice.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00116-00045896-00046068": "“That couldn't have happened.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00117-00046068-00046240": "“Maybe something else is going on.”", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00118-00046240-00046492": "And of course, you know, you talk to any neurologist,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00119-00046492-00046896": "and they will tell you there are patients who do have the disease the second time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00120-00046896-00047184": "So, that left me", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00121-00047184-00047564": "really at a disadvantage raising my beautiful son and daughter.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00122-00047604-00048240": "I spent six months in a wheelchair the second time I had Guillain-Barre,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00123-00048240-00048468": "and it changed their lives dramatically.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00124-00048468-00048820": "And they would witness me like just trying to get, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00125-00048820-00049124": "I couldn't go up and down steps for a very long time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00126-00049124-00049508": "And even when I could, again, the exhaustion level would be like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00127-00049508-00049996": "get up to sit down for half an hour, get up to sit down for half an hour.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00128-00049996-00050268": "And I just didn't want that life", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00129-00050268-00050544": "for us or for them.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00130-00050544-00050800": "My own father had died when I was 12", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00131-00050800-00051144": "and I just wanted to find out everything", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00132-00051144-00051476": "that I could after I'd written The Autoimmune Epidemic.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00133-00051476-00051879": "And I went on this year long journey to try to figure out", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00134-00051879-00052152": "everything I could about psycho neuroimmunology", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00135-00052152-00052460": "to bring down my own stress response", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00136-00052508-00052912": "and, kind of, shift my brain out of that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00137-00052912-00053172": "sympathetic nervous system fight or flight freeze", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00138-00053172-00053512": "and into a different aspect of that autonomic", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00139-00053512-00053852": "nervous system, which I'm sure your audience is well aware of.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00140-00053852-00054120": "Out of fight/flight/freeze back into that rest.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00141-00054120-00054691": "I just, savoring sensation to be the parent and the human and live", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00142-00054691-00055176": "the life that I felt that was there if I could figure out a way to do it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00143-00055176-00055479": "And in that process, to answer your question,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00144-00055479-00055876": "I came across ACE study and it had already been out for a while,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00145-00055876-00056408": "but nobody was reporting on it, and I just couldn't wrap my head around, again,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00146-00056408-00056640": "how such a major trend", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00147-00056640-00057000": "was not known to the average person.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00148-00057000-00057804": "So, I reported that book The Last Best Cure in 2010,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00149-00057804-00058032": "and it was just unheard of.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00150-00058032-00058367": "Nobody knew what we were talking about when we talked about ACEs.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00151-00058440-00058964": "But as your listeners know, and I'm sure you're aware, we've since discovered", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00152-00058964-00059244": "2000 more studies have been done since then", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00153-00059244-00059724": "based on the original study which came out in 1998, and 2000", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00154-00059724-00060152": "studies show that there is a dose dependent relationship", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00155-00060152-00060648": "between the number of categories of adversity that you face", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00156-00060648-00061100": "before the age of 18 and your later mental and physical health.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00157-00061100-00061488": "And that takes us back to your first question, which is", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00158-00061488-00061884": "how is it that your fight flight", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00159-00061884-00062384": "response, your stress response, jacks up your immune system", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00160-00062384-00062764": "in ways that predict disease across the lifespan?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00161-00062808-00063136": "- Wow. So, okay, so now that we know, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00162-00063136-00063372": "from all these studies confirming it,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00163-00063448-00063908": "that there's this connection, did you have, I mean, you don't have to detail them,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00164-00063908-00064220": "but did you have ACEs that you could then relate", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00165-00064220-00064667": "to your own autoimmune disorder or was that - Sure.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00166-00064667-00064867": "- Unrelated? - No.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00167-00064867-00065191": "I think that we generally find and we know", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00168-00065191-00065700": "that for women in particular, for every category", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00169-00065700-00066236": "of Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs you experience growing up", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00170-00066236-00066736": "your chance of later being hospitalized with an autoimmune disease.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00171-00066736-00066852": "So, that's pretty serious.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00172-00066852-00067292": "You don't just have an autoimmune disease, you are hospitalized with it,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00173-00067292-00067784": "rises by 20% for every category of adversities.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00174-00067784-00068232": "So, that work is done by Delisa Fairweather, who was at Hopkins, who's now", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00175-00068232-00068772": "at Mayo, and also Vincent Felitte, the original founder of the ACE research.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00176-00068828-00069368": "So, that relationship, when I saw this research again, I was like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00177-00069368-00069820": "okay, why aren’t we talking about this and why aren’t we doing something about it?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00178-00069820-00070068": "For me, yes, my father died", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00179-00070068-00070500": "from a medical accident when I was very young, changed family life", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00180-00070500-00070920": "dramatically for all of us, so my ACEs were pretty high.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00181-00070920-00071184": "But I also felt that that,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00182-00071184-00071652": "to go back to something we said earlier, that that information was gold, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00183-00071652-00071976": "Like, okay, if I know", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00184-00071976-00072452": "and if the research shows that our stress response, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00185-00072452-00072724": "how much of a state of emergency are we in all the time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00186-00072724-00073340": "Like, how much are we revving up like a background hum across our lives.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00187-00073340-00073412": "You know, that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00188-00073576-00073792": "background hum that's going.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00189-00073792-00074092": "If that's really determined", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00190-00074092-00074660": "by our experiences early in life, if that stress machinery", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00191-00074660-00074976": "gets activated and it kind of stays on,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00192-00074976-00075432": "so that, the way I explain it, it's kind of like a garden hose, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00193-00075432-00075828": "The stress response should turn on and off like a faucet.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00194-00075828-00076224": "It's on when it's appropriate, turns off when you no longer need it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00195-00076224-00076648": "But in people with ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00196-00076648-00076904": "particularly three or more,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00197-00076904-00077412": "that stress response in childhood gets turned on like a garden hose", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00198-00077412-00078024": "and the genes that oversee how it turns on and off shift.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00199-00078024-00078420": "Epigenetic shifts happen so that that stress response", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00200-00078420-00079000": "stays geared on high because as a child, that's what you needed.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00201-00079000-00079376": "You needed to keep in that state of chronic vigilance.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00202-00079376-00079792": "And over time it shifts the genes", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00203-00079792-00080180": "that oversee your stress response,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00204-00080180-00080536": "setting it on high across the lifespan.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00205-00080536-00081240": "So, it makes sense that we see more disease, more mental health issues in relationship to ACEs.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00206-00081240-00081612": "My question was, how do I turn the garden hose off?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00207-00081612-00081912": "What are some ways I could do that?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00208-00081912-00082120": "And let me do them.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00209-00082120-00082512": "- Yeah, you mentioned the number three because,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00210-00082512-00083100": "or, I’m asking another question about that, because I took it online myself,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00211-00083100-00083440": "I had some aces growing up, too.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00212-00083440-00083724": "And I also have a mild case", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00213-00083724-00084048": "of Hashimoto's that I've had for as long as I can remember.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00214-00084048-00084480": "And I read about this far before I ever read about your work.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00215-00084480-00084940": "And I think people can take this test freely, online.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00216-00084940-00085080": "I think it was, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00217-00085080-00085412": "what, maybe 15 questions, something like that?  - Ten questions.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00218-00085412-00085908": "Although, it's since expanded to include many other types of childhood stressors", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00219-00085908-00086208": "because the original ten questions really talk", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00220-00086208-00086624": "about household dysfunction and things going on within the home.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00221-00086624-00087104": "But we now have a very clear understanding that ACEs also includes stressors", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00222-00087104-00087488": "in the community like poverty and racism, sexism,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00223-00087488-00087712": "community violence and so on.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00224-00087760-00088092": "Those are also things that create chronic,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00225-00088092-00088572": "unpredictable stress in a child's life, which sets that garden host on high.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00226-00088572-00088816": "But anyway, you were telling your story.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00227-00088816-00089196": "- No, no, I'm glad to hear that because I did take it quite a long time ago.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00228-00089196-00089484": "So, I think it's good to know it's been updated.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00229-00089484-00089792": "But yes, I remember that I had two.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00230-00089792-00090144": "And so I was like, oh, I'm right below the limit.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00231-00090144-00090488": "But certainly, I can't help but think that they are,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00232-00090488-00090832": "you know, the two things are connected. My, you know, my own health.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00233-00090832-00090948": "And like you,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00234-00090948-00091416": "I sort of learned enough to know that it's not a life sentence, that there's a very...", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00235-00091452-00091800": "that there are very different ways that you can reverse", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00236-00091800-00092372": "and, or even manage or bring down your body's", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00237-00092372-00092808": "level of autoimmunity, should you have one or more autoimmune conditions,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00238-00092808-00093184": "that you can have it be almost subclinical even,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00239-00093184-00093540": "or completely gone, or be something that makes you completely", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00240-00093540-00093824": "disabled and takes over your life. So it's very different.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00241-00093824-00094344": "And a lot of that work is, you know, diet and lifestyle related, but also this work", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00242-00094344-00094644": "that we're going to talk about later that that you've come up with,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00243-00094644-00095068": "that is more so around the mental emotional side of it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00244-00095068-00095440": "So before we do, I wanted to ask you, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00245-00095440-00095728": "are there types of adversity that children face", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00246-00095728-00096220": "that you found to be most detrimental when it comes to predisposing children", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00247-00096220-00096716": "to autoimmune diseases, specifically, but just adult disease?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00248-00096716-00097124": "Because I know now that there's many in the community and in the home,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00249-00097124-00097528": "but were there any found in these studies that were even more specific", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00250-00097528-00097796": "or just the ones that are generally on the ACE exam?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00251-00097796-00098128": "- So, you would be probably surprised by this.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00252-00098128-00098444": "The earliest researchers found a correlation", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00253-00098444-00098940": "that was slightly more significant in terms of later developing,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00254-00098940-00099496": "not autoimmune disease, specifically, but adult physical health problems.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00255-00099496-00099924": "And, later, came a study out of the University of Texas at Austin,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00256-00099924-00100352": "which looked at was there any type of early adversity,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00257-00100352-00100836": "specifically more related to the likelihood of developing mental health disorders.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00258-00100836-00101280": "So, physical and mental health. These studies took place 15 years apart,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00259-00101280-00101668": "but they both came up with the following answer, which is that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00260-00101668-00102140": "the type of childhood adversity most likely", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00261-00102140-00102544": "to predict that higher state of vigilance", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00262-00102544-00102883": "and therefore mental and physical", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00263-00102883-00103416": "health issues in adulthood is being chronically put down, humiliated,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00264-00103416-00103820": "or criticized by your parents or caregivers.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00265-00103872-00103976": "- Wow. Wow.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00266-00103976-00104564": "That's so incredible, because I think many people, before you just said that,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00267-00104564-00104944": "who didn't have a traumatic childhood by", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00268-00104944-00105456": "maybe the media’s definition, like, gunshots and death,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00269-00105456-00105908": "and divorce or being physically abused", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00270-00105908-00106156": "or sexually abused or something like that, are thinking,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00271-00106156-00106488": "okay, this is an interesting topic, but like, I'm not, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00272-00106488-00106683": "it’s not something that I went through.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00273-00106683-00106968": "But many people have had", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00274-00106968-00107500": "that kind of relationship with one or both, usually just one parent who,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00275-00107500-00107832": "you know, really puts them down", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00276-00107832-00108128": "in a way that's not even a parent sometimes", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00277-00108128-00108559": "until you leave the home to see that you were", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00278-00108559-00108956": "being categorically, kind of, put down in a way", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00279-00108956-00109344": "where your self-esteem is not what it should be and all that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00280-00109344-00109616": "So very, very interesting. - Very interesting.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00281-00109616-00110068": "Also a strong correlation with emotional neglect,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00282-00110068-00110244": "feeling that your family doesn't have your back.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00283-00110244-00110440": "So those two go together, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00284-00110440-00110652": "Like, if you grow up,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00285-00110652-00110892": "kind of, being thrown under the bus or", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00286-00110892-00111156": "belittled or humiliated by a parent", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00287-00111156-00111548": "or told whatever, you’re stupid or you'll never amount to anything", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00288-00111548-00111952": "or just made fun of, you know, in those micro aggressive ways", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00289-00111952-00112332": "then and emotional neglect is feeling like, okay,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00290-00112332-00112872": "if I tell somebody I broke my toe, they might not take me to the doctor or,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00291-00112872-00113220": "you know, maybe I need new clothes,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00292-00113220-00113564": "but nobody really cares enough about me to do that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00293-00113564-00114044": "And then, of course, sexual abuse is also highly correlated", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00294-00114044-00114383": "to later mental and physical health problems.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00295-00114383-00114748": "But really, the one that researchers keep coming back to is this idea", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00296-00114748-00115364": "of being really betrayed by a caregiver with these small moments", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00297-00115364-00115735": "of humiliations, ridicule, put downs.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00298-00115796-00116124": "And so that really gives us attention as parents, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00299-00116124-00116604": "Like, whoa, this is a big piece of information.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00300-00116604-00116816": "- Yeah. That's so fascinating.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00301-00116816-00117244": "And if you think about it, sexual abuse in childhood", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00302-00117244-00117580": "is really... parental role is to protect.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00303-00117580-00117911": "And so, even if the abuse came from", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00304-00117911-00118056": "somebody that your parents didn't know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00305-00118056-00118244": "or they had nothing to do with it happening,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00306-00118244-00118632": "you still, in a way, would feel betrayed by your parents for not protecting you.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00307-00118632-00119024": "So, it comes back to the same idea, I think of, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00308-00119024-00119459": "not feeling protected by the people who are supposed to protect you", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00309-00119459-00119880": "at this very vulnerable point in life where you can't really protect yourself.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00310-00119880-00119988": "Childhood.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00311-00119988-00120156": "So, that is so interesting.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00312-00120183-00120464": "Can you explain the science behind", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00313-00120464-00120876": "how traumatic events can change the architecture of a child's brain?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00314-00120876-00121188": "You just mentioned the expression of genes", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00315-00121188-00121632": "actually changing that controlled stress hormone output", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00316-00121632-00121959": "because of these traumatic events, which then does something.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00317-00121959-00122392": "So can you talk a little bit about that? I believe it...  - Sure. Sure, sure.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00318-00122392-00122516": "So, one of my books,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00319-00122516-00122859": "which came out in 2020, it’s called The Angel and the Assassin.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00320-00122859-00123144": "And it's really about... - Great, great name for a book,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00321-00123144-00123259": "no matter what the topic.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00322-00123283-00123404": "- Yeah, right.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00323-00123404-00123528": "Well, then I've said enough.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00324-00123528-00123720": "No, I'm kidding.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00325-00123796-00124111": "So the Angel and the Assassin was really", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00326-00124111-00124644": "the two years that I spent reporting on this very new,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00327-00124644-00125135": "so new, area in neuroscience, which", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00328-00125135-00125632": "it was only in 2011 that researchers discovered and by the way, it was two kick-butt", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00329-00125632-00125904": "female neuroscientists at Harvard, by the way,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00330-00125904-00126224": "discovered that in the brain,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00331-00126224-00126600": "not only do we have a functioning immune system,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00332-00126600-00127124": "which is the sister to the immune system that functions in the body,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00333-00127124-00127488": "that little immune cells called microglia, which researchers", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00334-00127488-00127608": "have largely overlooked", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00335-00127608-00128088": "for a hundred year, and thought these little microglial cells", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00336-00128088-00128552": "were just like these boring housekeeper cells that carted away dead neurons.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00337-00128552-00128844": "And they started a series of experiments", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00338-00128844-00129196": "under the hunch that, well, maybe they were doing more than that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00339-00129196-00129596": "And it turns out that these little microglial cells", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00340-00129596-00129972": "are white blood cells that during gestation on about the seventh", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00341-00129972-00130332": "or eighth day of gestation, they break off in utero.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00342-00130332-00130368": "Right.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00343-00130368-00130872": "As an embryo is developing in utero, they break off from our white blood cells,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00344-00130872-00131284": "they rise to the brain and there, they are the resident", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00345-00131284-00131812": "immune cells in the brain that oversee, get this,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00346-00131812-00132276": "how healthy your synaptic neural connections", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00347-00132276-00132532": "will be for life.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00348-00132604-00132840": "And just like your immune system,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00349-00132840-00133144": "so let's think about your immune system in your body.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00350-00133144-00133512": "Your immune system is dancing with your environment 24/7, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00351-00133512-00133800": "That's its job. It's like, are you safe? You're not safe.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00352-00133800-00134060": "I've got to react to this. Oh, my God. You stubbed your toe.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00353-00134060-00134168": "Got to go there.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00354-00134168-00134316": "Oh, my God. You breathed in,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00355-00134316-00134776": "you know, something while you were gardening and spraying the roses.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00356-00134776-00135004": "Got to go there and defend you from that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00357-00135004-00135548": "You know, obviously, things like COVID, whatever it might be, you hit your finger", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00358-00135548-00135736": "or your thumb while you're hanging a picture.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00359-00135736-00135976": "Got to go there and take care of that thumb.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00360-00136044-00136488": "Well, it turns out that our body, as we said earlier", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00361-00136488-00136804": "is also responding to social and emotional threats.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00362-00136852-00137136": "Take the Adverse Childhood Experiences.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00363-00137136-00137364": "Your body is becoming more vigilant,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00364-00137364-00137612": "your body is going to prepare", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00365-00137612-00138112": "for the possibility of harm when you are emotionally stressed,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00366-00138112-00138508": "because across evolutionary time, and I'm getting a little deep in the weeds here,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00367-00138508-00138680": "but I promise I'll close the loop.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00368-00138712-00139152": "For us as humans, getting along together required a lot of", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00369-00139152-00139436": "collaboration and cooperation, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00370-00139464-00139752": "So to be clear, I just talked about like physical harms", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00371-00139752-00139932": "that would make your immune system rev up.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00372-00139932-00140468": "Now I'm talking about social harm that would also make your immune system rev up.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00373-00140520-00140824": "The reason your immune system starts to rev up", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00374-00140824-00141312": "in the face of social threats is because across evolutionary time,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00375-00141312-00141756": "if you were not in social harmony, as part of your tribe,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00376-00141756-00142048": "you would be sort of set to the outside of the tribe.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00377-00142048-00142464": "You would be the last person to get the meat or the fresh tubers or the fruit.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00378-00142464-00143040": "You would be the first person to get picked off by marauding tribes or predators.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00379-00143040-00143452": "So would your children, there goes your gene pool, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00380-00143452-00143804": "If you're fully ostracized, guess what?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00381-00143804-00143880": "It's over.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00382-00143880-00144144": "There's starvation, predators, marauding tribes.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00383-00144144-00144364": "You're definitely going to be wounded at some point.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00384-00144364-00144828": "So are your children. So our immune systems are so wicked smart that--", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00385-00144828-00145172": "- And I would imagine nobody else in the tribe then wants to mate with you.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00386-00145172-00145440": "So there goes your gene pool, too, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00387-00145476-00145548": "- Right. Yeah.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00388-00145548-00145936": "No, you are... and at that very first sign, like, somebody rolling their eyes,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00389-00145936-00146136": "dissing you over the fire.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00390-00146136-00146368": "Your immune system", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00391-00146368-00146708": "would rev up and prepare for physical danger,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00392-00146708-00146940": "because that's where that led.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00393-00146940-00147168": "That is where that train was going.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00394-00147168-00147308": "They had no trains back then,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00395-00147452-00147668": "but that's where the train was going.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00396-00147668-00148200": "Social emotional threats cause our immune system", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00397-00148200-00148580": "to rev up as if it is physical harm.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00398-00148580-00149064": "And we have such good evidence of this in terms of measuring people's", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00399-00149064-00149412": "immune response through biomarkers like CRP", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00400-00149412-00149688": "or IL6 or a whole host of them.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00401-00149720-00150152": "When stressors arise, and we could see our immune system goes:", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00402-00150152-00150644": "Woosh, boom, I'm ready, I'm ready for that hit over the head.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00403-00150644-00151092": "I'm ready for that, whatever physical danger.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00404-00151092-00151560": "So to our bodies, social, emotional threats, actually", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00405-00151560-00151920": "have a higher, more long lasting", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00406-00152004-00152212": "expense", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00407-00152212-00152604": "to our immune systems than do physical threats.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00408-00152604-00152832": "I know it's hard to wrap your head around.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00409-00152832-00153380": "And so what you were asking me is, how is that tied to our mental health?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00410-00153380-00153796": "And I talked about microglia, now I’ll tie them all together, like I promised.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00411-00153828-00154280": "So, when our body and our brain, which are talking all the time, guess what?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00412-00154280-00154436": "Those immune cells in your body,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00413-00154436-00154824": "that white blood cells, those macrophages, which oversee them,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00414-00154824-00155232": "T cells and the microglia in your brain, they're all chatting.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00415-00155232-00155464": "We thought that they didn't talk, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00416-00155464-00155920": "We thought mind/body were somehow separate, but they're talking all the time,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00417-00155920-00156480": "and they're talking about one thing, are you safe or are you not safe?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00418-00156480-00156696": "When that answer is not safe,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00419-00156696-00157260": "whether it is physical harm or emotional threats,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00420-00157260-00157656": "those microglial cells clock threat", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00421-00157656-00157932": "and they can begin to morph,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00422-00157932-00158456": "and I've watched them on researcher’s screens in the lab.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00423-00158456-00159056": "They morph from these lovely, little angel dancers that run around the brain", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00424-00159056-00159552": "and they pour, like, growth nutrient into neuronal connections", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00425-00159552-00159912": "and they run around like good doctors. too, going, “Are you okay over here?”", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00426-00159912-00160312": "Like, “How can we help this neural connection make it?”", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00427-00160416-00160668": "They morph from those elegant dancers", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00428-00160668-00161044": "to become these big, like, hairy Pacman like cells,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00429-00161044-00161256": "and you can watch them do it,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00430-00161256-00161604": "and they go, Oh, man, time to change from the Angel to the Assassin.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00431-00161604-00161784": "Got a threat coming in.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00432-00161784-00162172": "And they make the same mistakes that are made in the body", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00433-00162216-00162508": "in response to unrelenting stress.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00434-00162508-00162848": "Whereas in the body we can see the body begin to turn on itself", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00435-00162848-00163016": "in autoimmune disease, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00436-00163016-00163480": "As an overreaction to incoming stressors.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00437-00163480-00163940": "In the brain, what that looks like is these elegant,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00438-00163940-00164320": "beautiful microglial cells become big,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00439-00164320-00164772": "fat, hairy Pacman like cells, and they over respond", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00440-00164772-00165124": "and they start eating up neural synapses", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00441-00165124-00165404": "and later, we can see this on brain scans,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00442-00165404-00166000": "it looks like depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00443-00166000-00166292": "And by the way, we're seeing this writ large when people talk about", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00444-00166292-00166624": "the neurobiological aspects of COVID.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00445-00166624-00167004": "Guess what cell is responsible? Microglial cells.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00446-00167004-00167244": "So how is it all related?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00447-00167244-00167428": "It turns out it's science.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00448-00167552-00167708": "- That's incredible.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00449-00167708-00168096": "A topic that is very, very high on the interest", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00450-00168096-00168496": "list of the WellBe community and has been since I started this back in", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00451-00168496-00168916": "mid 2017, is gut health and the gut microbiome.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00452-00168916-00169316": "And so, I know from past research I've read that about", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00453-00169316-00169672": "70% of our immune cells are in the lining of our gut.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00454-00169712-00170248": "And I was thinking about that as you were talking about our immune cells", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00455-00170248-00170772": "and how they're always communicating with our brains and the rest of our body,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00456-00170772-00171132": "and I wondered if you could just connect those dots", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00457-00171132-00171772": "for me, the traumatic event with the gut and, you know, the immune response.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00458-00171772-00172080": "- So, if you think of our immune system as, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00459-00172080-00172560": "I don't like to use war metaphors, but it is easy for people to think of them", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00460-00172560-00172976": "as all these little armies, like, stationed in different countries.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00461-00172976-00173256": "But those countries are all in a treaty", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00462-00173256-00173692": "and they all work together for basic harmony.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00463-00173692-00173916": "You could think of, you've got, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00464-00173916-00174456": "one army in the brain, one army in the gut, another army in the heart,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00465-00174456-00174780": "like, our heart has a huge immune response,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00466-00174832-00175152": "and then another army like populate it all over your body.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00467-00175152-00175308": "Think of it like a board game.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00468-00175308-00175500": "They're all talking, they're sending.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00469-00175500-00175820": "They have sentinels, they're sending, like, people", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00470-00175820-00176304": "on reconnaissance all the time, from the gut to the brain.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00471-00176304-00176736": "And this is why we're starting to see, and I've done a lot of reporting on", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00472-00176736-00177120": "how shifts in diet can, kind of, reboot.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00473-00177200-00177448": "From working with the gut,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00474-00177448-00177912": "actually, can help reboot and cleanse out", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00475-00177912-00178200": "the microglia in the brain.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00476-00178200-00178428": "So, it's all connected.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00477-00178428-00178840": "You know that, if you're listening, you know that or you wouldn't be listening", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00478-00178840-00179340": "to this great podcast with Adrienne, and you, it's", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00479-00179340-00179640": "why you're here and it's real.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00480-00179712-00179940": "- Yeah, that's incredible.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00481-00179940-00180100": "The vagus nerve, I believe, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00482-00180100-00180444": "Is the connection between the brain and the and the gut.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00483-00180444-00181012": "And I feel like I can't stress to people enough, but it's still hard to understand.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00484-00181012-00181264": "Most people understand the one direction,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00485-00181264-00181552": "you know, the brain sending the gut messages", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00486-00181608-00182052": "because they've had that nervous stomach before they give a speech, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00487-00182052-00182532": "Or even like a distended stomach during a time of great nervousness.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00488-00182532-00183024": "But it's very hard to get people to understand the other direction", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00489-00183024-00183548": "of, like, these bad microbes in the gut going up and, you know, causing", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00490-00183548-00183916": "bad moods and poor mental health and,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00491-00183916-00184228": "you know, an out of whack stress response.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00492-00184228-00184600": "And then throw on top of that, how how someone would fight disease", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00493-00184600-00184932": "and they're like, whoa, you know, it's almost too... - It’s a lot.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00494-00184932-00185364": "And I think the way to simplify it is just that if the country of", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00495-00185364-00185820": "your gut is having a problem,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00496-00185904-00186372": "your brain, it's the cousins in your brain,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00497-00186372-00186788": "that immune response in your brain will be affected.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00498-00186788-00187260": "So again, these are like different countries", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00499-00187260-00187752": "working together for overall NATO health.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00500-00187752-00187972": "Let's put it that way.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00501-00187972-00188032": "Got it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00502-00188124-00188768": "So, I want to talk a little bit about your latest book, because it's tied together,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00503-00188768-00189012": "everything that you've already told us about,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00504-00189012-00189372": "but in a specific population, which is adolescent girls", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00505-00189448-00189748": "called Girls on the Brink, and", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00506-00189748-00190104": "can you explain what motivated you to write this book,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00507-00190104-00190568": "and, of course, what were your findings about the neuroimmunology of", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00508-00190568-00190812": "this group specifically? - Sure.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00509-00190812-00191232": "So, obviously, I do like a gnarly problem.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00510-00191232-00191604": "If you've been listening to this podcast for this long, then you know that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00511-00191604-00192124": "And I keep what I call backburner files, like, things that are interesting me", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00512-00192124-00192448": "as I'm reading the research, reading medical journals, kind of, looking", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00513-00192448-00192996": "at trends in neurobiology or I'm out there like talking to neuroscientists,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00514-00192996-00193332": "I know, and staying in touch with what's happening.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00515-00193332-00193720": "And about ten years ago, I was already starting", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00516-00193720-00194104": "to be very disturbed by the rising rates of depression and anxiety in girls.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00517-00194104-00194568": "And around 2019, before the pandemic, a big study came out", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00518-00194568-00195004": "which flew under the radar and it showed that one in three adolescent girls", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00519-00195004-00195580": "today in the United States were reporting periods of major depressive disorder.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00520-00195580-00196132": "We're not talking about, like, upset over a breakup, but they were six weeks or", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00521-00196132-00196436": "more of a period of time of hopelessness,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00522-00196436-00196964": "worthlessness, guilt, shame and not wanting to partake", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00523-00196964-00197172": "in their regular activities.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00524-00197172-00197712": "And it was so different from what we were seeing ten years before.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00525-00197712-00198128": "So, this file really grew until,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00526-00198128-00198412": "after I finished my book tour for The Angel and the Assassin,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00527-00198412-00198612": "I told my editor and my agent,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00528-00198612-00198988": "I have to dig into this, and they were super supportive.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00529-00198988-00199260": "And then, of course, the numbers just kept getting worse.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00530-00199260-00199692": "And if you read newspapers, you know that the CDC came out", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00531-00199692-00200316": "with their biannual report, just four weeks ago, and showed that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00532-00200316-00200644": "now that number is 57% of girls", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00533-00200644-00200956": "reporting periods of major depression.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00534-00200956-00201284": "And the CDC report is really, really mind blowing.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00535-00201284-00201664": "And the mental health arm of the CDC came out and said American", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00536-00201664-00202040": "girls are engulfed in trauma", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00537-00202040-00202344": "and worthlessness and hopelessness.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00538-00202344-00202840": "So, I didn't know they were working on that report while I was writing my book,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00539-00202840-00203256": "but certainly it backs up what I was seeing as I went around the country", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00540-00203256-00203604": "and followed girls for two years and interviewed them", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00541-00203604-00203908": "and talked to the leading neurobiologists.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00542-00203908-00204216": "And again, because I write from a feminist perspective,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00543-00204216-00204384": "I just want to be clear about that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00544-00204384-00204840": "because women have been so undermined by science and ignored by it at the same time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00545-00204840-00205160": "I did a little more digging, and", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00546-00205160-00205704": "now that you've heard my bailiwick, as a researcher and writer,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00547-00205704-00206284": "imagine my surprise when I found that all of the research that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00548-00206284-00206844": "I'd been reporting on across my career was based on a male research model.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00549-00206844-00207164": "So, I also have a heart issue,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00550-00207164-00207656": "I had a pacemaker for about 40 years having to do with my own immune stuff,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00551-00207656-00207948": "and all of the work done in heart,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00552-00207948-00208308": "in heart disease had been done on men", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00553-00208308-00208740": "until the early 2000s, right? When the NIH went,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00554-00208740-00209280": "Hmm, women are dying in droves from heart disease, but it looks different", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00555-00209280-00209604": "from what it looks like in the men we studied.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00556-00209604-00209796": "Go figure. We didn't study any women.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00557-00209796-00209948": "Maybe we ought to do that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00558-00209948-00210176": "Everything that we talked about, about stress", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00559-00210176-00210716": "and adversity across health and development into adolescence.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00560-00210716-00211092": "How it shifts genes, sets the stage for the stress", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00561-00211092-00211532": "response and mental health across adulthood", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00562-00211532-00211864": "had been done on male research models.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00563-00211888-00211948": "Okay?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00564-00212032-00212288": "So, that just pissed me off.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00565-00212471-00213060": "And, meanwhile, I am raising a son and a daughter, and I was seeing in my daughter’s cohort", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00566-00213060-00213488": "that things were different than they were for boys of the same ages.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00567-00213488-00214028": "So, I spent a lot of time with, again, amazing, kick-butt", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00568-00214028-00214567": "female neuroscientists, who were themselves, kicking this,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00569-00214567-00214984": "kicking over our assumptions that the female brain", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00570-00214984-00215423": "would respond to unrelenting stress in the same way as the male brain.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00571-00215423-00215652": "And what they found was really amazing.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00572-00215652-00215976": "So, to step back for a minute, we've long known that girls", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00573-00215976-00216340": "at puberty, for reasons unknown,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00574-00216340-00216812": "have a 2 to 3 times higher rate of depression and anxiety than boys.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00575-00216812-00217092": "But we haven't really known why.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00576-00217092-00217440": "And part of the reason for this", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00577-00217440-00217732": "obviously has to do with sexism and misogyny.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00578-00217732-00217956": "As girls get older, they're going into a world", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00579-00217956-00218336": "that's inherently more stressful because of the way that women", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00580-00218336-00218488": "have always been undervalued.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00581-00218488-00218740": "We don't need a scientist to tell us that, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00582-00218740-00219228": "If you’re female, if you're listening right now, you can look around in your private life.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00583-00219228-00219408": "You can look at your worklife,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00584-00219408-00219704": "and you can see plenty of examples for yourself", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00585-00219704-00220088": "of how you have been treated differently or maybe been more susceptible", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00586-00220088-00220412": "to everything from date rape", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00587-00220412-00220916": "to sexual harassment at work to not being paid the same wage.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00588-00220916-00221352": "Every woman's experience is different, but I know if I get a group of women together", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00589-00221352-00221619": "at a dinner table, we all have our stories.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00590-00221619-00221784": "Let's just leave it at that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00591-00221784-00221992": "So, part of it's that, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00592-00221992-00222371": "That's not rocket science, but part of it is something else that when we talk", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00593-00222371-00222828": "about these unrelenting stressors in children's lives,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00594-00222828-00223008": "girls face more of them.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00595-00223008-00223419": "They have higher scores of ACEs, probably having to do", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00596-00223419-00223823": "with being more vulnerable in society's eyes,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00597-00223823-00224112": "growing up with being smaller", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00598-00224112-00224508": "and less able to, quote unquote fight back or whatever", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00599-00224508-00224844": "it is, and being diminished in a misogynistic culture.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00600-00224844-00225036": "But something else is going on, as well.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00601-00225036-00225344": "And that brings us back to the neurobiology,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00602-00225344-00225708": "and that is that as estrogen comes in,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00603-00225708-00225948": "it is a stress amplifier.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00604-00225948-00226144": "Now, estrogen is not the problem.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00605-00226144-00226380": "It's a wonderful superpower hormone.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00606-00226380-00226740": "Anybody who's ever been around an adolescent girl or knows", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00607-00226740-00227276": "one, knows that the adolescent female brain is an absolute frickin superpower,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00608-00227276-00227676": "like that Spidey sense is unparalleled.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00609-00227676-00227988": "That corpus callosum, which connects the left and right", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00610-00227988-00228300": "sides of the brain, is bigger, richer,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00611-00228300-00228560": "girls just see everything, you know.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00612-00228560-00229056": "And estrogen is also a superpower in the way that it's the reason", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00613-00229056-00229640": "why women can stay awake as long as men, sometimes longer, or run as fast.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00614-00229640-00229932": "But do it all with smaller organs in a smaller body", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00615-00229932-00230304": "while making room for a uterus and carrying another life.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00616-00230304-00230608": "How is it that we can do all of that?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00617-00230608-00231200": "Estrogen is a boost in a way that testosterone is not.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00618-00231200-00231360": "It's you know, I use the example", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00619-00231360-00231484": "of, like, Ginger Rogers", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00620-00231484-00231992": "doing everything that Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00621-00231992-00232300": "That's just, we have this ability", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00622-00232300-00232716": "to do more on less and carry another life as humans.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00623-00232716-00233008": "But estrogen can flip from this", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00624-00233008-00233456": "evolutionary advantage to an evolutionary disadvantage.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00625-00233456-00233964": "So, it amps up this response, immune response.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00626-00233964-00234216": "It's also the reason that women", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00627-00234216-00234684": "have a more robust response to vaccines, right, than men do.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00628-00234684-00235008": "Jacked up immune response. Yay for us.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00629-00235008-00235308": "But when stressors in the environment are unrelenting,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00630-00235308-00235732": "when they don't stop, when we don't have a good locus of control", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00631-00235732-00236236": "over the stressors in our lives, whether they are physical or emotional,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00632-00236236-00236784": "estrogen can flip from an evolutionary advantage to an evolutionary disadvantage.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00633-00236784-00237167": "And at no time is this more true than at puberty", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00634-00237167-00237428": "where it jacks up the stress response,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00635-00237428-00237771": "turning that hose on that we talked about earlier, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00636-00237844-00238084": "In a way that sets", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00637-00238084-00238388": "that stage for that chronic", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00638-00238388-00238767": "overactivation of the stress response.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00639-00238767-00239176": "So, when that happens, and puberty is now happening", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00640-00239176-00239528": "several years earlier than it used to.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00641-00239567-00239956": "That surge that is coming in that is normally protective,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00642-00239956-00240344": "because estrogen is so much more than a sex hormone.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00643-00240344-00240636": "We associate it with that thrum of sexual excitement.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00644-00240636-00240880": "It's a master regulator in the brain.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00645-00240880-00241464": "It regulates the body, it regulates the organs, and at puberty, the brain,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00646-00241464-00241980": "male, female, anywhere on the gender spectrum is a detective machine.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00647-00241980-00242364": "It is taking into account every stressor", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00648-00242364-00242860": "you have ever faced up until that moment and including at that time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00649-00242860-00243164": "And it is going to remodel the brain", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00650-00243164-00243656": "based on that information, and if the environment,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00651-00243656-00243956": "and bring in social media and the world we've created", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00652-00243956-00244192": "that kids are living in today.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00653-00244192-00244600": "If that environment is sending you stress messages 24/7,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00654-00244600-00245023": "whether on your phone, on your screen, in the world you live in,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00655-00245023-00245532": "school competition, competition on the sports field, whatever it is.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00656-00245604-00246132": "That brain is going to remodel based on the idea", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00657-00246132-00246596": "that the world is inherently super, super, super stressful,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00658-00246596-00246952": "you are going to grow up and go out into that world as a girl,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00659-00246952-00247092": "you are going to grow up,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00660-00247092-00247419": "you're going to have children maybe one day and your body", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00661-00247419-00247723": "is now going to gear up for a world", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00662-00247723-00248112": "in which you got to fight and be prepared for really bad things.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00663-00248112-00248308": "And we don't want that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00664-00248308-00248708": "We don't want that because that brain", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00665-00248708-00249144": "is a brain that's also geared up for anxiety and depression.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00666-00249144-00249412": "So, if you want to simplify this,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00667-00249412-00249664": "because that is so deep in the weeds, but", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00668-00249760-00250080": "there you go, if you want to simplify it,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00669-00250080-00250380": "you could think of it this way that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00670-00250452-00250823": "kids are going through puberty earlier than they should.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00671-00250932-00251180": "Stressors have increased", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00672-00251180-00251496": "jacking up their stress machinery for girls.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00673-00251496-00252132": "Estrogen comes piling in, which jacks up the stress machinery even more.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00674-00252132-00252564": "The brain is getting remodeled, re-fired,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00675-00252564-00253023": "newly wired based on the idea that the world is inherently", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00676-00253023-00253367": "stressful, traumatic and overwhelming.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00677-00253440-00253664": "Before", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00678-00253676-00253892": "before, girls", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00679-00253892-00254267": "have had a chance to go through the experiences", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00680-00254267-00254808": "of adolescence to wire and fire up the brain in healthy ways.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00681-00254808-00255384": "So, this is what researchers call an evolutionary mismatch", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00682-00255384-00255732": "between the world we've created, especially for girls,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00683-00255732-00256032": "and social media, of course, plays a role,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00684-00256032-00256360": "and across evolutionary time,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00685-00256360-00256836": "this idea that childhood develops, we have the kids backs,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00686-00256836-00257132": "they have this free period of time to develop,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00687-00257132-00257448": "figure out how to respond to social stressors.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00688-00257448-00257840": "Oh, does that friend like me or not like me, I'll figure it out.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00689-00257840-00258236": "You know, is a problem something so stressful", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00690-00258236-00258632": "that it's the end of the world or is a problem something that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00691-00258632-00258796": "will get better with time?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00692-00258796-00258976": "How do I ask for help?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00693-00258976-00259460": "How do I even articulate the feelings that I'm having that are confusing?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00694-00259523-00259823": "When puberty comes in early", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00695-00259823-00260096": "and the world is highly stressful, the brain hasn’t", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00696-00260096-00260436": "wired and fired up yet for resilience", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00697-00260436-00260723": "and it's being reshaped and remodeled", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00698-00260723-00261012": "by the wrong things at the wrong time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00699-00261092-00261408": "- So, well, that was all incredibly interesting.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00700-00261408-00261700": "And something you just said made me think of a topic", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00701-00261700-00262071": "which is also very interesting and talked about a lot at WellBe", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00702-00262071-00262404": "besides gut health, and that is environmental health", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00703-00262404-00262864": "and toxicity in our environment and I've had experts on and shared a lot", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00704-00262864-00263448": "about how plastics and these other hormone disrupting chemicals", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00705-00263448-00263900": "can often come into a woman's body or to any body, you know, male or female", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00706-00263900-00264280": "and be what they call, you know, xenoestrogens", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00707-00264280-00264816": "or they're fake estrogens, and your body interprets it as the hormone estrogen.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00708-00264816-00264936": "Meanwhile, it's not at all.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00709-00264936-00265352": "It's a chemical that's in a plastic water bottle or whatever it is.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00710-00265352-00265584": "And how too much estrogen", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00711-00265584-00266012": "can then cause so much hormonal imbalance with these other hormones.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00712-00266012-00266288": "And you're seeing so many of these diseases in young women,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00713-00266288-00266712": "the PCOS, the, you know, estrogen dominance, all of that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00714-00266712-00267168": "So, when you were saying we're going through puberty before we should,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00715-00267168-00267756": "I've learned that a lot of that has to do with these xenoestrogens and drinking,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00716-00267756-00267868": "you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00717-00267868-00268192": "milk from factory farmed cows at a young age and just having", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00718-00268192-00268608": "too much hormone in your body that's unhealthy", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00719-00268608-00268900": "creating a younger age for going through puberty.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00720-00268900-00269228": "I believe that's kind of some of the some of the reasons I've heard.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00721-00269228-00269420": "So, it's not just a normal amount.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00722-00269420-00269820": "It's now, you know, the stressors of our environment are, yes,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00723-00269820-00270228": "social media and this digital world that at any moment", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00724-00270228-00270656": "a horrible email, text or direct message on Instagram", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00725-00270656-00271064": "could come in or a picture of all of your friends at a birthday party", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00726-00271064-00271432": "that everybody's in the picture", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00727-00271432-00271812": "and you are not there -- instant, you know, your whole body,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00728-00271812-00272156": "your physical response, you would feel it right.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00729-00272156-00272280": "It's just like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00730-00272280-00272704": "you know, shock and all of that is over here, what you were talking about,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00731-00272704-00273104": "but then, like, in addition, you're dealing with all these chemical toxicities,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00732-00273104-00273240": "creating hormonal imbalance.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00733-00273240-00273580": "So, it is just a perfect storm", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00734-00273580-00273852": "of terrible news for adolescent girls.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00735-00273896-00274304": "- Let me just pile on there for a second and say that,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00736-00274304-00274600": "yes, estrogen disruptors, I’ve reported a lot about them,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00737-00274600-00275068": "but there's also something else that we haven't really taken into account", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00738-00275068-00275448": "that may be even more powerful and powerful in,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00739-00275448-00276036": "unfortunately, a negative way is that  we have pretty good research", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00740-00276036-00276452": "that shifts in diet are also very, very related to early puberty.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00741-00276452-00276556": "We can't leave that out.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00742-00276556-00276988": "But in addition, we have good research that the higher", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00743-00276988-00277324": "the degree of early stress in kids lives, the quicker", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00744-00277324-00277856": "the body wants to go through puberty to, again, prepare to defend, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00745-00277856-00278160": "Like, if I grow up faster, I can defend myself better", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00746-00278160-00278496": "in this crazy f-d up world that somehow is, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00747-00278496-00278816": "coming at me hot, fast and constantly.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00748-00278816-00279008": "So just saying.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00749-00279008-00279164": "Yeah, it's worrisome.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00750-00279164-00279280": "It's all very worrisome.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00751-00279280-00279652": "But the good news is that, again, when we understand the science,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00752-00279652-00280008": "it gets us very motivated to do things a little bit differently.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00753-00280008-00280208": "And I think our girls deserve that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00754-00280256-00280380": "- Definitely.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00755-00280380-00280652": "So, that was my next question for you.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00756-00280652-00281212": "You know, what can parents, societies, schools", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00757-00281212-00281448": "do to support the adolescent", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00758-00281448-00281756": "female brain and hormone balance", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00759-00281756-00282276": "and the immune response during this critical development period?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00760-00282276-00282540": "And inversely, what should they not do?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00761-00282596-00282640": "- Sure.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00762-00282640-00282908": "So, I think that obviously we don't have time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00763-00282908-00283332": "My book, Girls on the Brink, has 15 super well researched", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00764-00283332-00283704": "antidotes that took me two years to put together and write.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00765-00283704-00283916": "So, I'm going to try to run through some of them,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00766-00283916-00284160": "but I won't be able to do all of it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00767-00284160-00284452": "- Yeah, yeah, so people who are interested in this topic", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00768-00284452-00284748": "should absolutely get Donna's book to go further.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00769-00284748-00284880": "- Get the book, or borrow", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00770-00284880-00285192": "it from a friend or get it from the library or listen to it on Audible.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00771-00285192-00285404": "I'm not I'm not one to be hawking my books.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00772-00285404-00285612": "But I will say that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00773-00285612-00285772": "that, you know, the parent groups", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00774-00285772-00286296": "we have going it can be very empowering to have a guide on your bed stand, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00775-00286296-00286628": "Like, something to dig into and go through these strategies.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00776-00286628-00287032": "I see parents with them underlined and flagged and some have, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00777-00287032-00287356": "made posters for their insides of their kitchen cabinets", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00778-00287356-00287696": "to remind them things in those hot kitchen moments.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00779-00287696-00287832": "But anyway,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00780-00287832-00288348": "so I think that really the way to tie it all together is that we want to remember", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00781-00288348-00288936": "that all of these unwanted changes happen when stress is unrelenting", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00782-00288936-00289324": "and, that the more psychological", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00783-00289324-00289660": "stressors rise in girls lives as they have.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00784-00289660-00290008": "When we talk about misogyny, it's like been dialed up", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00785-00290008-00290192": "all the way by social media.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00786-00290192-00290340": "It's just unbelievable.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00787-00290340-00290640": "It's always been there, but now it's just like, Whoa,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00788-00290640-00290976": "what girls tell me they see on social media,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00789-00290976-00291444": "you know, to be popular at school, they have to be hot on social media.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00790-00291444-00291780": "To be hot in social media, they have to be like an adult", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00791-00291780-00292096": "sexualized female at a very early age.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00792-00292096-00292428": "And then if they are, then they might not be popular", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00793-00292428-00292836": "or liked or have friends because they're", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00794-00292916-00293232": "seen as, like, being too sexual.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00795-00293232-00293356": "And they also have to worry", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00796-00293356-00293756": "about being stalked by, like, older creepy men who reach out to them.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00797-00293756-00294224": "So, like, there's no moment girls tell me in their lives", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00798-00294224-00294704": "where they can find a footing, where they feel like they can find", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00799-00294704-00295252": "that space and place for them, where their identity can be developed.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00800-00295252-00295608": "with self agency. It's always a response", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00801-00295608-00295872": "to what the environment around them is asking for.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00802-00295872-00296284": "So if all of those stressors are rising and we've named a lot of them,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00803-00296284-00296400": "we didn't even get to school", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00804-00296400-00296808": "shootings and climate change and this crazy political, stupid discourse", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00805-00296808-00297292": "and whatever you want to say about that, all those stressors are rising.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00806-00297292-00297584": "We've got to bring down their stress machinery.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00807-00297584-00297840": "That's the bottom line. So how can we do that?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00808-00297840-00298196": "Well, the number one factor is, of course, and it goes back to the beginning", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00809-00298196-00298736": "of our conversation, is really strong connection and parent child attunement.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00810-00298736-00299208": "And kids who grow up with parents", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00811-00299208-00299500": "who can answer yes to one question", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00812-00299500-00299812": "are 12 times more likely to thrive.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00813-00299812-00300152": "And that one question is how well can you", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00814-00300152-00300496": "and your child talk about anything?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00815-00300496-00300908": "Can they come to you to tell you about anything?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00816-00300908-00301440": "And what would prevent a child from being able to do that?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00817-00301440-00301728": "Well, we've got to look at ourselves.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00818-00301728-00302076": "We've got to look at how we manage our own stress,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00819-00302076-00302520": "how we manage our own trauma, how we manage our own stuff,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00820-00302520-00303092": "so that in those moments which are high stakes, high octane parenting moments,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00821-00303092-00303504": "we are able to regulate ourselves in record time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00822-00303504-00303804": "It's work. I have a whole", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00823-00303804-00304252": "two and a half hour online program to help parents do this.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00824-00304252-00304444": "We have to develop the skills,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00825-00304444-00304948": "if you love your child, you must develop the skills to manage your own", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00826-00304948-00305512": "stress, your own trauma, your own history, so that you can be regulated,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00827-00305512-00305912": "because every single thing that is happening in", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00828-00305912-00306432": "your body will be mirrored in your child's body and brain.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00829-00306432-00306856": "If they're going to come to you with hard things, they have to know that you are", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00830-00306856-00307460": "that safe, attuned, listening parent who can hear them", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00831-00307460-00307984": "for as long as it takes without your own emotional reactivity getting in the way.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00832-00307984-00308304": "And there are really clear steps to help you do that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00833-00308304-00308572": "But it is the single most important thing that we can do.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00834-00308572-00308976": "And it's not to throw a flame or blame on parents.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00835-00308976-00309120": "We all grew up with our stuff.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00836-00309120-00309544": "You and I have admitted here we have our own Adverse Childhood Experiences", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00837-00309544-00309948": "and we know that individuals with a history of adversity and stress", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00838-00309948-00310416": "have more trouble regulating as parents in family life.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00839-00310416-00310608": "We just know that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00840-00310608-00311060": "And we know when we go in and teach parents some of these skills", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00841-00311060-00311612": "to understand their own trauma, see the connections in family life", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00842-00311612-00312044": "or what makes me really, what are those white hot moments for me?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00843-00312084-00312548": "And when we get it, when we go, oh my God, this is this is happening.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00844-00312548-00312832": "This is a white hot moment for me, but it's not about me,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00845-00312832-00313400": "here's how I regulate myself and here's how I become that attuned parent,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00846-00313400-00313844": "who is absolutely, cellularly, safe.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00847-00313936-00314308": "For a child to turn to no matter what is happening,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00848-00314308-00314720": "that is the relationship goal that we're looking and it is work.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00849-00314720-00314916": "The work starts with you, you can't get around it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00850-00314916-00315024": "That's how it is.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00851-00315024-00315324": "But it's the biggest gift you will ever give your child.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00852-00315324-00315800": "And from there you can move on to the other 15, 14 antidotes.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00853-00315856-00316084": "- As soon as you said the question,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00854-00316084-00316384": "can they come to you with anything?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00855-00316384-00316708": "I immediately started thinking about, you know, my own parents,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00856-00316708-00317120": "my husband's parents, my friend's parents,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00857-00317120-00317464": "and how so much of what", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00858-00317464-00317808": "my, you know, myself, my husband,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00859-00317808-00318216": "my friends felt they could or could not go to their parents with", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00860-00318216-00318752": "had to do with their parent's own trauma and how they were raised.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00861-00318752-00318844": "And, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00862-00318844-00319268": "even if they didn't love it, but they had a father who was very, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00863-00319268-00319368": "we talk like men.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00864-00319368-00319668": "We don't talk about, you know, sissy things.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00865-00319668-00319968": "Then, they, one part of their brain", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00866-00319968-00320340": "knew that they didn't like that and that it wasn't a great way to grow up.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00867-00320340-00320632": "The other part of the brain sort of overrides it,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00868-00320632-00320936": "and then they find themselves more or less having the same, like,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00869-00320936-00321272": "but we're still going to be manly men with their son.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00870-00321272-00321676": "And the son's like, but didn’t you just tell me you hated that your dad", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00871-00321676-00321976": "and yet you can't help but do this with me, you know?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00872-00321976-00322344": "And so you just also realize how much of this is conditioning", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00873-00322344-00322828": "and what a great lift it is, and and a very hard lift it is,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00874-00322828-00323012": "to undo this.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00875-00323040-00323184": "- But it is doable.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00876-00323184-00323484": "And I taught this program, again, I'm not hawking this,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00877-00323484-00323796": "you know, whatever you want to do with, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00878-00323796-00323944": "if it's helpful, yay,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00879-00323944-00324204": "if not, there are so many helpful things out there.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00880-00324204-00324612": "But I've taught this three hour program at universities across the country,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00881-00324612-00324972": "from medical schools to behavioral health teams,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00882-00324972-00325532": "from Rutgers to Columbia to whatever.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00883-00325532-00325816": "And it's just, we have the ability now", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00884-00325816-00326244": "to use narrative writing prompts, some drawing.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00885-00326244-00326512": "I teach some drawing, you know.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00886-00326512-00327116": "And to actually use discrete fast exercises", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00887-00327116-00327624": "to help you get that trauma out and on to the page in very simple ways.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00888-00327624-00328156": "Let me tell you, this is very simple, and to create a fact pattern out of it.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00889-00328192-00329032": "That, while learning how to have self-compassion for that and for what happened, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00890-00329032-00329412": "Because it isn't just about what happened, it's about turning the way,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00891-00329412-00329712": "flipping the way that you see it with self-compassion.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00892-00329712-00330120": "And when you understand those connections, when you understand that fact pattern,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00893-00330120-00330396": "it changes everything because you can be in the moment", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00894-00330396-00330664": "with your family, you can be in the moment with your child,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00895-00330664-00330960": "and you go, there it is, there is my vortex.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00896-00330960-00331516": "I got it and I know how to view it with a self-compassion", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00897-00331516-00331900": "that is shifting inside of me", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00898-00331900-00332196": "because I'm developing the tools to do that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00899-00332196-00332736": "And when I do that, I can flip my story", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00900-00332736-00333128": "to make meaning out of it and be that person", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00901-00333128-00333460": "for this young person who I love more than anything on the planet.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00902-00333460-00333744": "And it's not as heavy a lift.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00903-00333744-00334180": "Most people find it so liberating.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00904-00334180-00334656": "It's like the answers of a lifetime are there and available.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00905-00334656-00334872": "I feel like I'm being salesy or something.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00906-00334872-00335128": "I don't mean to be sounding that way.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00907-00335128-00335504": "It's just so beautiful to watch people go through this process", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00908-00335504-00335824": "and it's a heavy lift,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00909-00335824-00336296": "but we have ways to make it, make the connections, connect", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00910-00336296-00336684": "the dots more quickly and more easily", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00911-00336684-00336980": "with self-compassion, with self-love,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00912-00336980-00337368": "than I think people realize, and we have really great research that", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00913-00337368-00337800": "narrative writing programs really reduce stress and anxiety for parents.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00914-00337800-00338296": "And, anyway, I think it's an underutilized tool I report on", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00915-00338296-00338656": "and teach a lot of different tools for bringing down our stress response.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00916-00338656-00338868": "But I guess as a writer I’m biased. What can I say?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00917-00338868-00339144": "I think narrative writing is vastly underutilized.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00918-00339144-00339576": "Especially given that during the pandemic, the research on it", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00919-00339576-00340004": "was really grew and we understand that it brings down", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00920-00340004-00340320": "our own neurobiological,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00921-00340320-00340708": "easily measurable biomarkers for stress and inflammation.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00922-00340708-00341196": "- I read about your narrative writing program, and I did want to ask,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00923-00341196-00341512": "maybe this is a stupid question, but how is narrative", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00924-00341512-00341820": "writing different from just journal writing?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00925-00341820-00341884": "- Oh sure.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00926-00341884-00342336": "So, narrative writing uses specific, science-based,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00927-00342336-00342872": "these are neuroscience based prompts that are designed to help", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00928-00342872-00343380": "you get past your own resistance to answer your questions about yourself, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00929-00343444-00343580": "It helps you take that leap.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00930-00343580-00343940": "Like, if you're sitting down to journal by yourself, where do you start?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00931-00343940-00344132": "Like, what are you asking yourself?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00932-00344132-00344396": "You might be really hard on yourself.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00933-00344396-00344652": "You might think, Well, so what I'm writing about what Dad said", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00934-00344652-00345032": "when I was ten or Mom did when I was 14, well, where do I take it?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00935-00345032-00345128": "Well, what does that mean?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00936-00345128-00345552": "Well, how do I even begin to break it down", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00937-00345552-00345960": "into small, discernible, understandable bits", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00938-00345960-00346500": "so that I can use it for self revelation, for self-discovery, for understanding,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00939-00346500-00346812": "rewriting not just my story,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00940-00346812-00347184": "but my neural responses to stress.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00941-00347184-00347608": "So, we put together all of these", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00942-00347608-00348236": "different neuroscience based tools to both do a deep dive,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00943-00348236-00348384": "in a safe way,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00944-00348384-00348716": "to get the answers that are elusive,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00945-00348716-00349164": "create a fact pattern around them that's emotionally felt,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00946-00349164-00349692": "while creating safety in that exploration, and then being able", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00947-00349692-00350160": "to take that information and use it to shift", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00948-00350160-00350412": "how you respond in the moment right now.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00949-00350448-00350640": "- Yeah, that's that seems like an", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00950-00350640-00350988": "extremely good process for what you need to do.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00951-00350988-00351276": "And I want to make sure since a lot of people listen to this,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00952-00351276-00351924": "who may not be parents or may be thinking more about the chronic illness connection,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00953-00351924-00352260": "that the the narrative writing programs that you've developed", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00954-00352260-00352584": "that you're talking about are for both.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00955-00352584-00352764": "It's not just about-- - It’s for anyone.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00956-00352764-00353064": "I have plenty of people who don’t do it for parenting.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00957-00353064-00353372": "It's just we ended up talking about my latest book, so", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00958-00353372-00353700": "I sort of naturally connected them for that reason.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00959-00353700-00354332": "But no, of course, whether... look, we are doing this for us", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00960-00354332-00354684": "and sure, if your motivation is your child, that's great.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00961-00354684-00355004": "But I actually think it's better if your motivation is yourself.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00962-00355044-00355364": "- Yeah, it's amazing how many people", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00963-00355364-00355804": "change something in their lives that would greatly increase", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00964-00355804-00356232": "their happiness and reduce their suffering if they would have done it years ago.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00965-00356232-00356508": "But they don't do it until they're parents", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00966-00356508-00356772": "and they say they're doing it for their children.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00967-00356772-00357184": "And I even, you know, became a mother 2021.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00968-00357184-00357772": "And when I got pregnant, I had been reading about different trauma", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00969-00357772-00358212": "release type therapies and knew I had some and,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00970-00358212-00358460": "mostly related to my parents,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00971-00358460-00358856": "of course, as I would think almost all childhood traumas are.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00972-00358920-00359148": "And decided to start doing", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00973-00359148-00359480": "EMDR therapy when I was pregnant.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00974-00359480-00359904": "I did it throughout my first pregnancy, but how long would it have taken me", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00975-00359904-00360204": "to do it if I hadn't gotten pregnant?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00976-00360204-00360480": "Like, it was the catalyst because I knew I had a deadline", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00977-00360480-00360836": "and I was like, all right, get these sessions in.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00978-00360868-00361356": "Get this trauma out before, you know, he's here.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00979-00361356-00361672": "So, of course you don't get it all out at all.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00980-00361712-00361944": "- It's a journey, it’s a lifelong journey.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00981-00361944-00362156": "- It's a journey, definitely.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00982-00362196-00362536": "Well, we have, you know, spent", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00983-00362536-00362812": "more time than I thought we would together.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00984-00362812-00363248": "And I am so deeply grateful for you sharing your work", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00985-00363248-00363432": "and for the work that you do.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00986-00363432-00363912": "I think there are so many people struggling to understand the connection", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00987-00363912-00364220": "between why they have illness to begin with,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00988-00364220-00364556": "but specifically autoimmune, because it feels so,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00989-00364556-00364752": "it feels like such betrayal, right?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00990-00364752-00365004": "Your own body is attacking itself.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00991-00365004-00365144": "Like, why would it do that?", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00992-00365144-00365612": "It's so wrong, you know, and whether it leads to infertility", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00993-00365612-00366036": "and miscarriage and or just disability or, you know,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00994-00366036-00366440": "just suffering in these skin conditions and all kinds of things", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00995-00366440-00366708": "or plenty of other illnesses,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00996-00366708-00366996": "you tend to blame yourself.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00997-00367028-00367196": "- Yes. You don’t want that.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00998-00367220-00367404": "- Right. Blame your physical body, right.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-00999-00367404-00367704": "Like, I wish my body would stop doing this to me,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01000-00367704-00367944": "I just want to live a normal life.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01001-00367944-00368424": "And in the end, you know, the blame is so hurtful.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01002-00368424-00368760": "And so when you can understand scientifically", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01003-00368760-00369324": "where these diseases come from and how it's not hopeless,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01004-00369324-00369768": "that you can change your stress response and potentially reverse illness", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01005-00369768-00370068": "or even just calm it down", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01006-00370068-00370432": "to make it something that's a lot easier to manage and", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01007-00370432-00370784": "bonus also feel happier and have less suffering", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01008-00370784-00371208": "about the things that you've experienced is just so empowering.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01009-00371208-00371680": "And I talk about WellBe’s mission being to empower people all the time.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01010-00371680-00371936": "You know, being a patient advocate,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01011-00371936-00372472": "I teach anybody I work with privately that or I say by the time we're done", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01012-00372472-00372912": "working together, my goal is that you are your own advocate, completely,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01013-00372912-00373272": "and you never feel the need to have an advocate, because not only are", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01014-00373272-00373596": "you equipped with so much knowledge, but you have the,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01015-00373596-00373932": "you know, emotional tools to advocate for yourself.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01016-00373932-00374344": "So this was all really helpful all along, that mission statement.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01017-00374344-00374724": "So please, anybody listening to this that wants to go further,", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01018-00374724-00375152": "especially on the adolescent girl topic, check out", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01019-00375152-00375440": "Donna’s book, Girls on the Brink, or just her work.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01020-00375440-00375832": "I believe your website is just-- - Donna Jackson Nakazawa.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01021-00375832-00376168": "- Well, thank you very much again and have a wonderful day.", "lCBt2Zcb6XU-01022-00376168-00376388": "- Pleasure. Thanks for inviting me."}}, {"audio_id": "lCTBiwLwEoU", "text": {"lCTBiwLwEoU-00000-00000801-00001110": "There are currently eight planets in the solar system.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00001-00001110-00001576": "The rocky terrestrial inner planets, and the gas giants and ice giants that make up the", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00002-00001576-00001676": "outer planets.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00003-00001676-00002210": "Have you ever wondered how the planets were created and why they look so different?", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00004-00002210-00002698": "To find out, you must first go back to the formation of the solar system, to a time even", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00005-00002698-00002974": "before our Sun was born.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00006-00002974-00003507": "This is a molecular cloud, a cold and dense collection of gas and dust floating in space.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00007-00003507-00003908": "It is the birthplace for stars such as our Sun.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00008-00003908-00004415": "Due to higher density in this region of space, the gas and dust slowly contract due to their", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00009-00004415-00004673": "mutual gravitational attraction.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00010-00004673-00005243": "Such a collapse can be triggered by many events; for example, an explosion from a nearby star.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00011-00005243-00005753": "As the gas cloud contracts and falls inward towards the centre, it heats up and start", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00012-00005753-00005986": "spinning faster and faster.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00013-00005986-00006554": "Over time, the gas cloud flattens into a thin disk with a high density of compressed matter", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00014-00006554-00006761": "concentrated in the centre.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00015-00006761-00007291": "A protostar forms at the centre of this disk, which will eventually become our Sun, while", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00016-00007291-00007933": "the seeds of the planets, called planetesimals, start to form in the disk.The gas cloud consists", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00017-00007933-00008483": "of many microscopic dust particles; over time they collide and ‘stick’ together due", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00018-00008483-00008754": "to mutual gravitational attraction.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00019-00008754-00009225": "They become larger and heavier, attracting more and more particles.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00020-00009225-00009506": "This process is known as Accretion.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00021-00009506-00010095": "Over time, these clumps grow large enough to become planetesimals, and eventually planets.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00022-00010095-00010577": "Near the centre of the spinning disk, the gas cloud spins faster, causing the region", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00023-00010577-00010728": "to become hotter.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00024-00010728-00011335": "Here, it is too hot for substances with low melting points such as water and methane to", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00025-00011335-00011942": "form solid ice, so the terrestrial planets that formed near the sun are smaller and denser", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00026-00011942-00012224": "and mainly made of metals and rocks instead.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00027-00012224-00013004": "Due to their small masses, they gravitationally attract less gas and hence form thin atmospheres.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00028-00013004-00013559": "Further away from the protostar, the temperature is cool enough for ice crystals to form.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00029-00013559-00013998": "These ice crystals are more abundant, thus the planetesimals can grow massive enough", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00030-00013998-00014574": "for their gravity to attract large amounts of gases such as hydrogen and helium,", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00031-00014574-00014731": "forming a thick atmosphere.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00032-00014731-00015396": "As a result, the gas giants are larger than terrestrial planets.Meanwhile, as the protostar", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00033-00015396-00015938": "contracts due to gravity, its temperature and pressure increases until a point where", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00034-00015938-00016276": "hydrogen can start fusing to become helium.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00035-00016276-00016781": "This process is known as Nuclear Fusion, which releases large amounts of heat and light.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00036-00016781-00017137": "The protostar has evolved into the Sun.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00037-00017137-00017707": "Radiation from the Sun starts to push the lighter gases such as Hydrogen and Helium", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00038-00017707-00018340": "out of the Solar System.According to current planetary models, Neptune and Uranus formed", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00039-00018340-00018822": "after most of the gas in the solar system is gone; as a result, they are mainly composed", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00040-00018822-00019212": "of heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00041-00019212-00019726": "Neptune and Uranus are also thought to have formed nearer to the Sun in the order of Neptune", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00042-00019726-00019912": "and Uranus.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00043-00019912-00020509": "Eventually, the combined gravitational influence of Jupiter and Saturn pushed Neptune and Uranus", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00044-00020509-00020740": "further out into their orbits.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00045-00020740-00021262": "This caused gravitational disturbances that flung much debris into the inner solar system,", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00046-00021262-00021512": "resulting in the Late Heavy Bombardment.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00047-00021512-00021956": "The Late Heavy Bombardment is a period in the Solar System’s history when the inner", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00048-00021956-00022559": "planets suffered a lot of asteroid impacts.As Uranus and Neptune were pushed further away", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00049-00022559-00023098": "from the Sun, they entered a region of dense rocky debris left over from the early formation", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00050-00023098-00023268": "of the Solar System.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00051-00023268-00023832": "Their gravity ended up flinging most of the debris out of the solar system or into large", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00052-00023832-00024318": "inclined orbits around the sun, forming the Oort cloud we know today.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00053-00024318-00024792": "This also accounts for why the ring of debris surrounding the solar system today, known", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00054-00024792-00025479": "as the Kuiper belt, contains less material than expected.Throughout the past 4.6 billion", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00055-00025479-00026064": "years, our Solar System has changed a lot, and we expect it to continue changing in the future.", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00056-00026166-00026600": "So the next time you look up at the planets, take a moment to appreciate the long process", "lCTBiwLwEoU-00057-00026600-00026694": "that went into its making. :)"}}]